HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 1 TO 5 TIMBER RIDGE PERMITS INSPECTIONS FILE 1 LEGALt! RHPT 131 RHpT131 TOWN OF VAILi COL0RnD0 tI/?.4/97 0t7r33 REAUESTS FOR INSFECTION IIORK SHEET R INSFECTION IIORK SHEETS FORrll/ 4/97 :-=EE ---:-Activity: E97-IIE87 LL/ 4/97 Typer B-ELEC Staf,us.'ISSUED Conrtr: AffF'T AddrE!g I IEBI? N FRONTAEE. RD I^,EST Locationr le80 N. FRONTAEE RD (TIMBER RIDCE BLDG l{) Desariptionr REFLACE ELEC METERS THAT BURNED BLDF K Applicantr EXOF{0/TImBER RIDGE RSSOCIATF-S L FhaneI Onnerr EXOHO/TIMBFR RIDGE ASSTTCIATES L Fhone; Contr'act or'; $HRl,l F:I-ECTRIC Fhe:ne: 97t2t9363354 PAGE EE RREA: E6 Inspect i.on Request Reqt-restor: DAVID Req Time: O8:EE Items i'eqt-test ed ts OrZll9gr EL-E[*F: inaI I n f ormat i on. . . , SHAI^I_SHAh' ELEC. f,om m ent s: ELD[5, be Insrrpcted.,. F'hone:IIKN - hIILL CALL _ -- .tl Hc&r on L-ofinwt 5 /'/f )t N.c-4t'/ / /- ,{?n r, \'c.tt'Tine Exp 9e6-3358 949*8711 Iternr gAlltA HL-EC*Temp, Ftrwer ltem : tZtOl*O ELEC*Rough Item : m€tlJA ELHC*llonclt-tit ,. I't en : rZtr7tl4rZr FLEC-Mi se. I t e rn ; orZr l9rZr ELtirl-F i na I ItCrr : OO;:F,:4 FIRH-ALARM FIOUGFI Item: tlt05tr8 F IRE-FINAL C/0 ffi .'...'-, TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8165? 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permitr #| E'97-0287 ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOb AddrESS: 1280 N FROMIAGE RD WEST SLATUS...: ISSIJED Locaeion. . . : 1280 N. FROI{TAGE RD (TIMBApplied. . :L1-0/3L/I997 Parce1 No..: 2l-03-121--05-008 fssued...| LL/03/L997 Project No. : PRit97-0237 E>cpires. . : 05/a2/L998 APPLICANT EXOHO/TIMBER RIDGE ASSOCIATES I,* GMAC COMMERCIAL MTG, 8360 OI,D YORK RD OWNER EXOHO/T]MBER RIDGE ASSOCTATES I-, ? GMAC COMMERCIAI., MTG, 8360 OI-,D YORK RD CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRTC P o Box 7.45L, AVON CO 81620 BLDG 1. #240, ELKTNS PARK BLDG 1. #24O, ELKINS PARK Phone: 9709263358 DescripEion: REPLACE ELEC METERS THAT BURNED BLDG K Valuation:4, 000. 00 rrr*lrrrr*r*r*rrrit**rr*rrtr{r* FEE sllllMARY r t * * | i * r I t t t * i r r Elcctslical- - - >72 -OO DRB Fee .oo . o0 3 .00 75-00 total calculated !'ce€- - - > Addihional Fecs--- ------> Total Pernit. Fee------'-> Pa'4rlenb6-------- BAIANCE DUE- -. -. Inveatigation> Will call----> TOTAL FEES- - _> 75.O0 .00 7S .00 ?5 .00 .00 IIEM: O6OOO EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUITDING DJ.ViS1ON:LO/3T/1997 'JF'!I ACtiON: APPR APPROVED .JR}'T Iterr:'05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IEI{I Dept: FIRE Division: r*irr*iiit*rrr** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY hIORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECR FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARAT]ONS I hereby .cknowledge thats I have r€ad this applicalion, filleil out in full the infornagion tequited, conpleted an accurace p1ots plan, and stace lhaL all the inforrnation provided a6 requited i6 corlcct. I agrec lo conply lrich ehs infor(gtion end ploc plan, to comply rrith all, Town ordinanceB and 6Eate law6, and fo build this st.lucture according to che Tolrd'€ roning and Eubdivl6iob codea, deeign tevie$ approved, Uniform BuiLding Code end otha! oldinanccs of Eh€ Tolrn applicablc lhetcto. 479-2134 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM g:o0 AM 5:00 REQUESTS FoR INSPSCTIONS SttALIr BE MADE TI|ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN BDVANCE BY TEI,EPHONE OWNER OR CONTRACfOR FOR HTMSSI,F AND OT{NEP TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO gEaBcmn! gEalcmnt Numb6!: REC-035{ Amounc t PaymcnE M€thod: CK Noc.ation: 7335 75.oo 7I/03/97 lo t49 IniE ! l4AW PermiE No: 897-0297 Typo: B-ELEC ELECTRICA! PERMIT Parc61 No: 21o3 -121-05-00S sit€ Addic6.: 12S0 N FRONTAGE RD VIEST LocaEion: 12s0 N. FRoNTAGE RD (TIMBER RIDGE BlDe K) ToEaI Feea; ?5.00 Payrnenc ?5.00 ToEaI ALL Pmt.a:75. 00 . o0 rr*rtirtri*tl,rr Balancc: Accounc Codc DeacripEion lnounE 't2.oo 3.O0 EP OO1OOO031114OO ELECTRICAI PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOO031128OO WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 E Iectr i ca [---> DRB FEE Invest i gat ion> t,i l. L Ca t l.----> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMgNT /li - '//l i'f (/' .. // L.L', U 7,i/s,f17 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit # I E97-028; Job Address Location.., ParceL No.,Project No. APPLICANT EXOHO/TTMBER RIDGE 8 GMAC COMMERCIAL owNER EXOHO/TTMBER RrDGE T GMAC COMMERCIAL CONTRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON 1280 N FRONTAGE RD WEST STaTus...: APPROVED 1280 N. FRoNTAGE RD (TIMBApplied. ..LIO/3I/I99j 2IO3-t21-05-008 Issued...: I0/3L/I99j PRJ97-0237 Expj-res..: 04/29/199p ASSOCIATES L MTG, 8360 OLD YORK ASSOCIATES L MTG, 8360 OLD YORK co 81620 RD BLDG I #240, ELKTNS PARK RD BLDG I #240, ELKINS PARI. Phone: 9709263358 Description: REPLACE ELEC METERS THAT BURNED BLDG K VaLuation:4, 000 . 0o ***ffi****t*************ffi***f,***************'t***iffii FEE SUilllARY ffi*********i**********i*********ff******************r 72.N .00 .00 5.00 75 .00 TotaI Catcutated tees---> Additional, Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE.____ 75 .00 .00 75.OO .00 75 .00 *********t***Jr**************t*t*****************************************#***********#**ff******i******i********************* Ile{ti ,gqqQ0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:IO/3I/I997 JRIrt Action: AppR APPROVED JRM--- --Itbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT -bejpt: FrRE Division: *****************************************i****************************************t********************************************x,t* CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****iffi*t******ffi**********ffi****ffi******t*************#****t***************ffi************************************i*** DECLARATIONS I - hereby .acknow tedge that t have rcad-this aPPl'ication, fiLted out in fuLl, the information required, conpteted an accurate ptot pl'an, and state that al'[ the infornation provided as requifed. is correct. I agree to compl,y rJith tire information and ptot pl,an,to compty with al'l' Town ordinances_and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io'the Town's zonin! and subdivision codes, design reviel, approved, uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appLicabl.e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI'ENTY_FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII E:OO AI,I 5:OO PIt ifur, corsrRuclroN NOE BE ACCEPTED ceneral oeacrlPtt'on: trorlc claEss I I-New I J-Al.teratlon g ]-Addltlonal v,htt l -Repatr FEE: CIJEJIN-UP DEPOSI!3 IDOTAL PEBI{IT FEBE: EI'II,DTNC3 SIGXITT,REs zoNrNq: 8IGNAI'T'BE: Nuniber of nweuLng untts:TWbqn:b Nunber of AcconnoOatton Units: Mrnbdr and 1rlTn of, ftreplaceg: cas Appliances- Gas rpga.- I{ood/Perle Et******rrt!rr**t**t***t**t****l*rr* vArtAbroNs **r****t**'***ltirl*************r \Ur-r*n, Er',EerRrcAL ' L(6m'-- crrEER: tlffi:--*t***TfrH: -l':""H:*iit:- Address: Blectrical Conlractoq: . -,---- le.l (t t .- /t\4tgcltt'(. JAc- Town o{ valr neg'llb'#" Pbone lflrnbex: qlI ra#- Plunbtng contractor. . .. c- t'-' -== ;;rtlone Nunber:Addressl ueclranical contractors town of vall Reg. No.-- Mdress:Phone Nrrnber: **ttt**rtf **tl*****t!;.fq8.:oFFtrCE . usn !l I "-* !11::** * * * * rr i* I * * * * * * r * * .HIrI,DING PERI(IT ]4rrLDINc PIAN cFEcK I!I!t PII'UBtrNG PEAI{IA FE8 DIAI{ CIIECK FEE cAIr PIAN cItBCK EEB3 IECHNNICAL PERI.IIT BISCIBICtrIT EEEt O:IBER lryPE OF EEE: DRB FEE: T0.WN OFVAIL NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT permit *: 895-0240 APPLICAN" PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81520 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION .'lob Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 2L03-t2t-05-008 DRAWER 5920t AVON CO 81620 EXOHO/TTMBER RIDGE ASSOCIATES t GREYSTONE SERVICING CORP I, Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 L 98 ALEXANDRIA, WARRENTON VA 22186 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 OWNER Fi reptace Information: Rest ri cted: D ep artment of Community Status... App1ied.. fssued. . . Expires. . Development ISSUED 08/08/ree5 o8/0e /tees 02/05 /lee6 Description: REROOF 16 UNITS TIMBERRIDGE occupancy: R1 Multi-Fanily Type Construction: V 1HR Not in tabl-e!Type Occupancyi valuat'ion : 2,23 ,097 **#*!hi*****ffi*ffi**********rr***t**lr*****#*Jdc:H**1t*, FEE SUI'll'lARy #**********)r**Jrtlc******ffitt**tttt***rr**#i#** Bui tding-----> 1,?36-@ Restuarant P[an Reviev--) .OO Total. Catculated Fecs---> 2,74A.10 Pl,an Chcck---> EO3.4O DRB ;ec--------Investigation> -(x) Recreation Fee----------> .OO TotaL pefmit Fee-_---> ZrZ4A,lO t.,it|.ca|'t---->3.ooc|'een-UPDePosit-------->5oo.ooPaynents.----_---.-----> TOTAL FEES-----ld***ftt*ffiffi**ffi*****ffi**********rffi*frtffi*tr*****r******l*****f**ffi***!*td***ffiffrffirt**rhffir*lnt**rH#**t*** Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB !{ORK Division: ffi*f,****i**f,trrtfr**f,rrtr**ffi*ffi*'Hffi*ffiir**lr****ffi*rr*ffi**t*Jrffi**ffi***t**ffiffi*ffffit*lr*** See Page 2 of this DocumeDt for any conditions that may apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS r. hcreby .acknoutedge that t h.vc rlad.this application, fil,ted out in futt th! intornation rcquircd, conpteted an accurate ptot pl'an, and st.tc that atl thc inforn€tion prolidcd as requircd. i.s corrlct. t agrce to conp ty riitrr iirc inio"*ti"n lhd ptot pl,an, ::::'pl|.:il_:.!!-P:1:f1ip":::_:11 stata.tavs, .and io buil^d this sructure-accord.ins io'tr'.-io*;.'i;;iil'iiJ "ijiai"ii.i5i codes' drsign raview approved, unitofn Euitding cod€ and oth?F ordinancss o1_glqJ';vn "ipii"ili" ii.""ti. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-IOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE Send Ctean-up Deposit To: #0f Gas App Ii ances: Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs:fof Uood/P8l,tet: 98/08/1995 DAN Actsion: APPR Ite.m:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 08/08/1995 DAN Action: AppR Item:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ------ 99/08/1995 DAN Acrion: AppR ItQm:. O55OO PUBLIC WORKS 08/08/1995 DAN Acrion: AppR tp **uo'u* 4?F2138 0R OUR OFTICE AND OI.INER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0054 Anount: 2,722.40 08/09/95 12:31 Palrment Method: cHEcK Notation: *!5926 rnit: LRD Permit No: Parcel No: This Payment ADD/ALT MF **************************************************************** 895-0240 Type: A-MF 2L03-L2L-05-008 Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 Total Fees:2,722.40 rotal T:r:f::: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PI-,AN CHECK FEES CI-,EANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE BUILD PER 2 t7 42 .40 2 ,7 42 .40 .00 Anount 1,236.00 180.00 803 .40 500. 00 3.00 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COL0RADO Statennt **************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0054 Amountz 20.00 08/08/95 08t29 Payment Method: CK Notation: PRE-PAID DRB Init: DS Pernit No: 895-0240 TYPe: A-MF Parcel No: 2103-121-05-008 ADD/ALT MF BUII.,D PER 2 ,7 42 .40 20.00 2 ,722 .40 Amount 20.00 **************************{.************************************* This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 Total FeeE: 20.00 TotaL ALI-, PntE: Balance: Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES (i n(tw ft, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TII'{ES ADD/Ar.,T MF BUrLD PERMTT Permit, #t 895-0240 APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER s920, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 L 98 ALEXANDRTA, WARRENTON VA 22186 DRAWER 5920, AVoN co 81620 EXOHO/TTMBER RIDGE ASSOCTATES T GREYSTONE SERVICING CORP I, Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. Status...: APPRO\IED Applied. .. o8/.o8/rses risued. .. z o8/08/L995 Expires .., 02/04/L996 210 3- 121-05-0 08 .00 200.00 .00 500. m 2,742.t+O Description: REROOF 16 UNITS TIMBERRIDGE OccuPancY: Type Construction: Type OccuPancy! Valuation: R1 Multi-FamilY V lHR Not in table! 223,097 Add Sq Ft: OWNER Bui tding----) P[an check---> Invcst igation> l,li Ll, catt----> 1,236.N 803.40 .00 3.(n Fi Peptacc Informtion: Restri cted:#of Gas Apptiances:#Of Gas Logs:fof tlood/Pa t tct : tdn**r***rttitn* FEE SUI'lllARY Restuarant P[an Revier,--> Recreation FeF---------> C tcan-Up DePosi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- Total Catculatrd Fcca---> Addition.l, Fees---------> Tota I Pefmit FcF-------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 2,7Q.Q .00 2'7+2.m 20.m 7?2.40 Iten: -05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEN!-08/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR IT6m:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR Itbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,{ENT 087-06/1995 DAN Action: APPR It'em:' 05500 PUBLIC woRKS 06/0e/rsss oax Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DeDt: PUB WORK Division: see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thiE pernit. DECLARATIONS I hefcby acknwtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted.out in fult the information rcqgi1cd, comptctcd an .oourate ptot ptan, and stat! that "tt tttu"inio.*iion prouiO"a as riquired is 6orrcct. I agree to conpty riith thc inforDtion and Ptot Pten, io llnpty vitn att Torn o"Jin"n""" ind state [aus, and io buiLd this structure according to thr Torrnts. zming tnd suHivision iodesr'disign reviev approved, Uniform BuiLding code and othep ordinances of the Toun aPplicabte thereto- REaUEsTs FoR tNs?EcTtoNs SHALL BE IIAOE TI{ENW-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOI{E AI 1?9-213A OR AT OUR OFFICE fROII 8:d) AII 5:d) P}I Scnd C Lcan-up Deposit To:SIGNATIJRE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OIIIER ******t *** * ** ****** * ******* **** * ** ****** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **************** ** CONDITIONS permit #: 895-0240 as of 08/08/95 Status: APPROVED ******************************************************************************** permir rype: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT Apptied: 91/,0^9/,!222 apprici-nt: PLAbH coNsrRucrroN rssued: 0^9/,0^1/,!227 3039491905 To ExPirez o2/04/L996 Job Address: I-,ocation: Parcel No: 2103-121-05-008 Deecription: REROOF 15 UNITS TIMBERRIDGE Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. '. riJ{,,N 'uF vHtL Lur.-uLO . //b 5- /z / -a,t-ptr -b\-s-(t$t^ fffal nesarlpt F/fta/fftft Ovnbxs Nhnet Il trchltecBr A{drepr Generll Feeorlptlont l|orh Clar-r [ ]-Ner tl t l-ncprtr -Orthrr tllebcr of Dwelllng unltar .\ [o nunber ol loeorutodetl,on un:lts: \ |}O* rnd ?ltr. of Fl,rcplleef! oar ttrrplleneu- Gae lags- wood/PEllet- ,t***a****n***r+***r***r**r**r***** Vtil,trlollg **i******t***t*t*rrr***t***ii*t iurr,nrncr lA% .(g*-ifr sr.rcuuctrr: t ottttBBr I BUII,DIHG' a-l-B .gVfi lI;EGlBIctIr: L__ OlillBBt r_ _lUnurtrca ffi- ttlcEttilcrB,m Tcrrf,&i- U l** r{ r+ ir. r*.r.r**tt}r*S+} * ** qR!|Iglchon INFOfllli[ION ***.* tt t ]* * it ** a ta tr * rtr r TEenerri lhntractori l/ ldl- f'-6.r-ffi'do'*-} [o$n ol VaLl Rggr No.-{5I! Blectf lcal contraoEor r ?f-az7a T(ntn of vall &gg. No. -"-_Phone Hubberr cosrtraetorr Beg. Ho. lilcsbanl,sal Ccntrector I neg. llo. lddnaar: *lrt**rrarrr*atit*.ta*ttttlrattt roR oFrIcB ugt **.. f .rr*i**r**r***l*lrrrr** t HTTIDINg PEFHIT PEE' PUmrurG EE$|IT FtSr ltEcHrurtcttl lnilIr FEB: ELEdIRICAI, tEt OftlE *TDE Ol fllEr T}NE FEE: Ir*i r i trrrf tttrittai* a*t ttl*t ** r l'_,- apPrrof,rloll ilua Kl-lutldlng t ]-pluniblng I -+.J uob tlailcr l, llJ:$u3-4/9-i452 r4b ds.uLrb P.u1 IOD|I| OF VATI, PEAliIT #hyaxefsas D OU,! Oolipl.Emrfl OR U*60+1{t f I Fttf f fff * r* * r * *r'.PFBxnn ilFomlAl\l J-Elrctrlaal t f-ilechantoet I J -otlrer aob Addrue: llock-_ FlHns - suBt|rvT.qloil: -..- AdCrcsr: ToHh of VafI FIToDG lftrabcr! trqtn of vql.l Fhone lfirnberr FUIIDIila PLrr cflEcft FEEI III[lBIxfO PLill cfitcf FEE$ HECtliltICII, PI..Af C|fBEft PEE' gEEs DtPtlgTTr EOIU}INFS $IGfrATfl88: EqItr$Cl glGilATT'REI tl Aiulftrr! PlulnblnE AddreFts: tra'd z9vz6lv 01 .]SNOJtsCNIJOOE HIUId NOUI l,ldBtr reT S66I-?A-84 -o fis ?41 s?76 P.gL gr ri ih $fr '-N G 'll-1 H ffiII I E$HHH q dl'r lt i t{ A Jt r d si i; F $ II HI lFn :r ,i H iltit $ **HHH J n.tnon fl 8x,(ort6u d fl,,i :!.[ ll I EII II < ruil 'tI Ltr 1..- I II -n d q -i Town ofVail OFFICE COPY 'J-SN0f,?9NIIO0U HIUId NoUl l^1d6tr:2tr S66I-'A-86 0t za'd z9Fz6LP @E-e.4-t995 tztztPl't FRoH PLRTH RooFING&CoNST.4?9245.2 P.A4 g Zm oFt ru E -n UI gE-e,4-T995 L2:2LPI1 FROI4 PLATH ROOFING&CONST. EH 7p FO =n f r r z trl 'Jlg t9'ql 3l Fl zl o e, I t-E l* lr lr I I I *o.) $6 | ,tt o '*F ror /!"rdr F= i- st'E -t,E E6 2.. t_ I I lx** Q l\ \ ---'l II t, lL_ *1> Town ot vatt OFFICT Cr)PY I I I t(*t/r6 I -t I I +l I I I I ---l I I i lu-t/ l6 I I I I "') 1 I I .__l olo t-m cr lrl z tr,a3E =8=:qnz rrr { !') '.F r 2 rn n tl 'trl Tl T r D z (t) F1 I trl n (Jl Town of Var OFFICI'COP} A8-A4-1995 12:22PM FROM PLRTH ROOFINC&CONST, Town of Vail t^o iarE ;x.;t?tr) :*E H;F r s s \- f t I I l I U 1, I I I L- n f3 ,o t 3 D z. \ r-- I I I f1 --'/l T_ I I I I -lt,- i i L-,-1 t -- .-J c) $o g H H F OFFICECOPY ^.44 hlco for wor* er rpccillcd lbovc: rl Dddlng#l blBufilq#2 cl Duillhg#i dl BuiHlng *t{ el Rcc.Ccntcr Totrl Barc bkl priee: 0 9t37.00 s r3,76t oo s rsto7.00 s 434.00 $ t62U.00 r 4crch r ?erch r Sech r Ecrch r I crch Prge 3 ofS 0 36p4E00 i 110p76.00 $ 76,t 55.00 s 3/7e00 - - Qudifi crtionr rnd Erclurkrur lJ Sornc iutts spooiffcd have not been included in tre brs€ bid, These itcms are priced below undr {'Opdo@t fortho purporo of providing unit pricing, 2l The fbstening of loose rlding not assosiailed with the roo'f is not inclutlprl if, t€ bt$€ bid, Thi$ wor*, if needed, thall be done at a time and rnaterial rde. ** ScG Gcnc*rl Nob #7 for lrbor nrtl+ 3l ftfcr ad downsporrg are not included in the base bid. *.rSGa optlon # 3 for lhcrl foot pricing. 4l No painting or puttying of flashings, siding or trim is iacluded in this proporal. 5l A saftty tic{aek system is not ioaludcd in thir ptopocat as pcr addendum #l - 3.d. 6l At Duildirut L, N and P a cnane tlas b€Gn figur€d fur the stocking sf mflarials. Also labor has bccn included for doublc handling the tear-off materials. GTITIDRALNOtrTS: ll Please be advicod that matcrials for this propossl hrye been bid at ctrrent markct priccc. Duc to vol*tility of tho mrlket, mrterirl pricoe crnnot be gu.r.ntced pr*t 30 deF.r Plcc tr*c rote &at | 'Ieficr of h&trtfi rcccivcd by Plrfr Cmrtilcfiotr, Inc. wthin thc 30 day perlod rlll dlow ur tu "lock in" qrrcot materid prlcer evcn lf estrlll ;rtrnlrrrtg arr nrrlc swcril monfrs hten 2llccandmonrcmo*Ldailycoveringanduncoveringoftheroofdec*withplastiq anddryingout of ftc roof doclc, if necersary, will bc sn odra cbaryp oyer and aborre the confact prioe and will be ottqgnd ccdt's at thc mte of S 30.fit pet man hour. Matcrinls futnstic, propans, etc.) at Plafh's cost. f l nimhg tttny bc rcquircd for Polykoa 6aO, dcpcoding o'a d& coaditigns Cd oueidc tcmpcmnrcr dunng application. If priming is require4 dris work will be oharged fftra d the ratc of 0 f450 pr IU, squaretet aJ Wintet wottc is not figrred in this popcal. If rooftrg vnft b &lls b€turosr fuob€r t 5th and April 3O, edditionel chaqgrrs will apply to covir our addcd expe;rfcs fot wodring under edverse wintcr cottditions. Aay suoh oharges shall not exceed th9 arnounts lict€d bdow arc and in addition to any cnow rcmovd md priming ohargss that may tpply. rl DulHht#r bt EulUhgtr2 clBrlldlngffi dl BuiHing*a cl Rcc. Cmtcr S ?13.00 por bulldlng $ ffln 00 per tlttrditrg $ I,lt{1.00 pcr building $ 15.00 rrbuilding s 6l0.UtrheFffilins 0FFlcE cOp\ 8A'd Z9FZ6LF E1 ' ISN0385N I l00U HIU'ld tl08l l,ldeZ : ZT s55l-PA-B@ o Page 5 of5 6J Rcmwo and rcplac'a ln x 2r ccdar frsoia (painting not included). Prftcfor optton tl6: Add $ 3.15 pcr lbcal foot fl Prwido a performance / paymurt bond for enntractcd wotk It{cr fa optim #7: Add zJS% of trc contrectrd rnourt Et Install M xl2'louvcr varts as ehown in drawing "ff.Pdcrforoptlcr#9: Add 360-00 Erch AI,TETNATES; U Substitut€ 30 )'car, lsminated asphah shinglcs for tbe 3-tab *hingl€s spccified in the base bid. HBE fff Altc|rltc # lr Add to fi3 b|tc bid rl BuildlnS#l bl DulHhg#2 cl BulldtngfE dl Bdldtrytd cl RcoCatcr Totrl prioc for eliemtc #lr o Ir. s 1,35&00 82,58.00 $ 2.5{5.00 i 49.00 . 3 rl0o.00 r 4orctr r 7oaetr r 5crcb r tcech r leeeh $ 5/|3400 $ lTFerJXl $ l2,73OJn 3 392.00 - I Zl Sufgtitgtc +O yarJaminnted asphalt chinglos for6e 3-tab fiingle spacified in thc hsa bid PriccforAltqnrtc#2: Add !o 6c Dise bid rl Buildirs#f blhildhg#2 cl &dtdirytrt dlhiHins#a cl Rtc. C;cntcr Totrt pricc for eltcnrrt #2: s IrE02.00 s3J:iT00 s 3str.00 $ .64,00 3 rp79.00 r4eecl = $ 7r0ul0 r Tach E $23F66.00 rSach' = $16p0t.00 rtcach = $ 51e00 rlcrci .r 3l^gnm s {99t0.00 @ by us hteo, for ttrc 3-ub shingles s.pecified in tbc basc bid,.i Plcuc note ftrt thh pruduct coms wilh e l0 yerr materhl rnd lr[or bodd brclrnd by frc nrirrirl menrfectrrer. Iticc for Altcmtc #3: Add to frc bsco btd rl Etitding#l blBulEhS#2 cl Br[ding# dl BuiHing#.0 clRcc. Cciltef Totrl price for rltemric #.it S2r47&00 r 4cech = 341505.00 r Tcrcb N464?00 r Sach ir S 93.00 x tGrcl = S 4701.00 r I ach = s 9p12.oo 03416&00 s23r23s.00 $ 7{.L00 slg0r'00 $6E737.00 fown or Vaif CFFICE C0PY 6A'd ZSFA5LF 0.t_'J_sNof,tCNrrOOU HIU"ld t^lUur UdVZtel s66\-p@-AA aI'd'-rHrbr rF,^; Pagc 4 ofS 5J Phft Counrction crni* property dauge lisbility insumoc in lhc anqunt o'f S2,00O,00O.00 pcr oasuflEnce. Plath Construction canies arto insuarcG in the rrnount qf $4000,000.00. PlBth Cqnstruction carriee apprvpriute WorkmEnb Composldon ingurancc througn Colondo Statc Conpamrtion. No firther insurence concrags ir inslud€d in oru prica 6l Upon rwcipt sfthG contmcf pdce, Plsth Cmltruction will issuc a *rratrty ccrtiffcatc iuarad€sing roofmg agdnct leaks due to flaws in wodrmrnship for a pcriod of flve yars ftom the &te of rooffng aompletion. Leakc queli&ing undcr the bnns of said qrerrinty will he rcp*iral promptly nt ro eoet to d$ oq,n€il. Thir wamnry does not corer any suhequant intcrior danage thet may occtr. .**Nottr The p*rrrnty poriod ic condngcnt npon dhc occoptruec of option #t bclorr. fl Addfuion rwrk os and abow thc oriS,ild coutrasl. will bG billsd fur rinre und ruferials. il{aterials will be chtrgod at the contractss cst plus tor, The tabot ratee for ocra wort irc: 31 ftis tropoeal hrs ban cornpriscd from bid documene dmod June 13, 1995 inoluding addodums #1 ilid #2. Fidd measurmenG have been mlon of the projoot 9l A gejob conftrcnce bettm the projee supcdntendent atrd t repres€otttivc of The Timter Ridge Vilhge Apartn€nts will be necessary to mordinate the sa up for each building and d€temine $ftaf pulsing arcar must be ol*red oPfrons: I I lfftall Pofykeil 640, ioc and rrrater grrard o.,rer the entire pitched rnof area in lieu nf the #30 arphalt inprcgmrcd ftlt in the base bid. $ 2,5t{.00 S IrS,lE.0O s qers.oo s ttl.00 slt92t.oo Pricr for opdoo #l: Forunrn: Journcyman Roofcn: Ilborwr: rl Bulldhg#r blh[ding#? cl Bulldhg#3 dl Buildftrs#f $ 5.65 psrlineal foot town of vail 1l. ol Rcc,Ccntcr Total pricc for option #l: $.|{J.lXt pcr hour 935.00 pcrhonr S2&00 pcrhour Add to thc berc bid 0 6{5.00 r {acl S lJ64'00 r 7 erel - $ l'?t3.00 r 5 elcl = NUA s EEr.00 r leml -e 2l Rcmovc ori*ing endwall flashing and instrll new 26 gege grlunizod endwrll flashinp. It f ^ fricc for optioo #2: Add $ 3.4{t pcr lhcrl fbot 100f41 ln$all p,nmd 26 gpgc '-K- style seamtess gutter and downcpoub at lootiona to bo ddenninod. hlccforoDdon #3: Add 't.6.7t pcrlinirdfoot fi 4t E:cead plunbing soil vent pipec rnd instrll new pipc flrrhirUr.. [halal*roropiion n4: .Add s12.00 pcr pipc -51 Removt and rylacs I " x 8" oedar fascia ( painting not included). to'J'rkrroroPtronn.r Aill JFFICE COPY 6t'd e9Fe6LF nl 'ISNBJtsSNIJ00d Hluld l^1081 btdFT,te\ si661.-P@-Ae, t JoB NAME ," 'i'/' READY FOR INSPECTION:MON .'l -'r:tlc PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER "Tl ltrq /i: - --. t..t- WED THUR FRI it ( / :'// BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLvwooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ,tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR REF,T 131 TOI.JN OF VAIL,, COLORADO PAEE 3 ARtrA: CF tu\/L7/96 OE r5Et REtrLJESTS FOR INSF'ECTION tl0Rt( SHEETS FOR: 9/17/9fi Act i v i t y : 895-OP4B 9/17/96 Type: A-l'lF Stat us r I55UED Constt': AltlF Oec': LIse: U ll]R Fhone: 312,3949 1?O5 Fhone: Phone: ltZt3949 19O5 Addt'e E e l i-o,:aticn: Farce I : Descri.ption: Appl ieant : Own er': Conti-artor': elq,J_141_Ob_OrztB REROOF t6 UNITS TIMBERRIDEE PLNTH CONSTRUCTION EXtrH0"TIMBER RIDGE FISSOCIATES L PLATH CONSTRUCTION o o Inspeet i on Reqr-teEt Request oi': trLATH Req Timer O8:$O It e,nE I'eqr-rest ed t o E$iil* BLIG-Fina1 Inf oi'mat i. on. . CONSTRUc'T I ON Comment s: he Inspected. Fhone: 9ri9-19O5 Tirne Exp Comment o i'o o I n;pect i cln Hl story..... Item: UtO510 di'iveway gi'.lrie final Item r B,ZIOlA BLDG-Foot inqsr'5teel I b,:ru : EOOIO BLDG-For-rndat ion/5teel Itein: OOSIO FLAN-ILC Site Flan Item : Ptta030 BLDG-Framinq; Iteru: AAE|4O * * Not 0n File * + Itpa: ftOOSO BLDG-Insulat ion iten: tA0O5O BLD6*Sheetrock Nail Iten: A|/TOBA * * Not On File '* '* Item: AOTATO BLD6-Mi rc. Iten : *OrztgO BLDG-FinaI It en : IaBS3ta BLD6-Temp. tr/0 ILen: tlE54O BLDG-Final C/O V-72-:i7 o o rl o o o z Q {n o _+o z 'o ]n n =-{ It E -- + m -'r D4 A4 ]Lr LJlXlIXl = o Ef;F I; E 3 T''1 - l"'-i O EMR s z iQo lr i 9 ';= ttr P o - l^J il O ' 13 -r r l=P =flt lt l < c +__-.r LJ L-_l I =6 Av O <o Y'- T o-z z< o E oql ; 9 = >= (i o E}6 S E =2 3 E .ff= i4 _n \J 'I1 m , -.1 R<z'A -{ \, ;>OZ -i^9X \JE zt--.{ c 3=.)=A= t z;-.{ x 3: -l c)o> nz >m -r> o - =m --l =n (Y z 3 lt |J H E F 3 ts Rf,aA o>'f- r- H,I -l I I I I 'Tl l-z H F m l-m ld l€z I t> ; m z o I F E lo lI l= lB l= l u €z o 11 :- m z I 3 5 I 5 td l€ lz to l-n l<t> [- R 2 :-. I 'n F z € ii a'. trl 5 I l-r lo l€ lz lo l-tl l<t> l- lm lo z 9 f.J I I = >F' F4 tE, z F. Fl H -t I 4 = P FI l- .E I s.{o\ I o\._t =E >t>Fl<>l-0 ll 0 a t!t/t ll I,tsl Nli @ll 1(zll 't. "l lr zli H,! I FI ('l {-f r, -.1 f n 9z lq mi m I I ! Ir lr--{tzo lz<l(- r\t>Y 'z r-m s. ll "= P-t \o s6 t! m x m -l o z (D I -t m z E F \JZ (lcn c'l N)\o i9 9 r oof:Y - OE di 3iF:o6:6 o:=x :.<oj o{3- + 3 il ,oo ;.-6(D co o:af cl 3.= = fX=-\i;6 o;- < ^,i9)'"=^f- ct: o, -l -o i.(o9+@ -E ArE ! o, -x''' -r +ii o'd I. o <^fl Ic4s i':9 P I1E:r g .:.L , it b'= R5 0,6 <o-f 0 aP o' r 6 =.:s i si 8#a;J'g8Q =*i -):q,o=. (D s.o { o o t f 3 q. =' o \o D o A - q, 4 f o ")l o ,a =t =c) o o f o o r z r-l <Fd?l FOFd HF Fh,rd - Otd XEq o(,rd @o z Or V)urH @ q) z I c It m m o _n I =a m t-al z I m €z m lm t<l" I F I t-IX l- i I I I 2 1o I l l l I i I I +- 1-- @ J z o t't =z l- ! m i (r, z m m m o z 2 t:It t- 2 o q l I I i l r-L- x fro<>-n! > to i i €o -l I I I a lr E t>]F 1a -T-- : I I -'1--r 'I -i- i II l! I I T- z a c - --l o z --{ m --l I o z ll c m I 'l i i I I IO tr€9;I -z z :i z,o!rci *=:s >o o>mj @a z c 4 .t L I I I z m t --{ m i z J z : n in .It F x v4, F -l _o m c ! f) t c -.t z c) g g z ts ts loF x!c "' >'n 2o 22 O vt. An ^z n< = z z N !'! m \tz >m FP rO :_1rn td-l-p PO =z Q )'n !!€ crx F:' zl >l F z u, I tJ X s' c) E r z c) 14 rtl r H z FI c) H z a) o =z o F 7 =z I m a =z =z 6 I I m ;l 3=l c)l 3e:>.iil Zol z;l I I I I I l ol ml I I I I IE E tr 3 ts z z C-r z .F- N --{ "'1 r m = =-n m m (t o m J x o t-m 2 c m L I m 2 z m m { m m --t z rn m m c)I z ! c 3 (! z m m o -.t o z o m .)x (D c o z m =-r m t -n m m a VALUATION m n =I z F.rr m z |- c 3 g z m l-m --l o t- c t- = s N l.J o o o $-t! f.J (-rl o \|Ol t tho cr6bazl c)o z U'{E c c, =o z 'lt trl n 3 { ,f rf s-1 |n; Es* l* gTi H;Fi lf te:E f,;8 15 il=! igE 6-€t -l- d *F ge€ fisE 9*!v)$> =F I rtl =FF oxF Iio t4.2 =oo YF t- D!D 8P cC z=o@ ==6o z x x .x .x o =q x6 _jE 8=zA ;> 9l 9p 8F g6 cll!9F =8 5i d9 :Dr- o 9"-{m 7z >m o!-.t >Or-t C)- =m o -{ o €2 m - t-o @ z 3 IT r: H. R' rI P' E -o|.mm 6C)c)>.l- il 3 t =*E H If,EF ltel ll<l Fl= El' I'l tl ll 'Fr IEF }EFq o lF# .x \ tr!tr 'cr o - Eg$699 ,g $l !.; 3 ,1 8{:,= x . = !i ,X .: =;oY= s'9 I 6'p. - :.s g i- st o 3aR D:ao- o==sli gde E3E -:+l,;a!6 Oo- ;36-€30 =19 g odr =:.a FH;t!)@ o1;' o.x o iE.i <:6 q a=' A a'i i3E l,|o=. o)-O 0t t !" D f C\ o cr I o. -or' v, c o c (D A)o o ,o r t I 9 H 'o { o- o o { D !t t o o .9 c =o 3 @ E. c\ 5'to ?l o\c\o D t! CI o o o, AI b D o o I o o -{o { ol Y =o j g or o.l Ot 9i tt o =g, m t-n -C,E{9F =6 Ji f a tl tl tl z>!E dT ;o et EE 2 2 at,I z o c ? -t o 7 -l !|ll { 6 x z |n U, t t r F c Ilt E'I =o 2 r !trl t =3t z |n tn 0 |ll I lz F @ :{o c { o s 6 2 o ! t x 2 o 2 in € l: m ! =o = c,0 f o z .l -l rl >l ;l xl S x' l-{l<!tm o -o c ! o P tl 6 z D:. gF Et ig *e iE; E E r,o6 6 i3 - z t,nt oi'lt x - !l P P= Jl Gr - - il ' :6 1E 0 nr o f,r gl ;l :l - 9l , 3l 'l IN hrg NE \"r NF 0 \a Iz !,1 o --- ;h n .N\ lls zu rll rFl :)i o t- !m =n m m u, c o m x o -tn 7 c ! llr !o c'tn 2 2 t tn tn { @ o t tll o t an I z m m E tn o z ? ! c 3 o 2 o tn -m o , - !? 2 (')-tn o T o E =o tn t 3 !m E =.tt m m U' VALUATION 3 tn o 2 o 7- !? 3 I z o In |-tn o t o E o z o. t?l INJ l- -n I (D(>atr+- lfD r+ l-l.+ (D O l!,-E lE -ri =a l.t -t 6! o3-o tt =c)EOZ J= rrl .D o-m i-t O O @ rri g'O o. r,-a (/r -l qJ=o €.. F 5 ^-l (o HF.v| alr t9 >=x Ec, -rr-t O, t<m 5 -)F 9,:>=.t@>r -r. t- {O Fl .. z X z x z P I N.) x *D P NJ l I [Nr I i t s LJ g'r q c) a q $ $ \o a >j s s D\ q U (l N ,N I El -r I I z o m I o o T..* _ti o:.lr -T- m t =-l o @ ]T x m t { o z c o @ I -{m N u N orn =,v 5A?J il PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t )r4> READY FOR INSP LOCATION: JOB NAME MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLEB BUILOING: El FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL pweenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED lf I INSPECTOB PERMTT NUM,BER Ot PROJECT | /n t l4-t ---DArE tlr'l l-1" JoB NAME I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUE ,0 THUR TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS. CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL frneeaovto f7 CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /- 22 72 INSPECTOR PEBMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR IN ECT LOCATION: dN l{,e SPECTION TOI /N OF FRI REQUEST VAIL MON CALLER TUES WED BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr n tr tr UMBING: tr tr E tr tr wl I o FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H- TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr 0 o ROUGH tr 0 D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED hREcrrorus, D DISAPPROVED... tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED '!. . '' --: t,')t INSPEC TION REQUEST N OF VAIL l)-vr 0r- l. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo-, (- 3d-7+- - JoB NAME QALLEF- READY FOR LOCATION: INS trLJ I t\J BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: fI TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL TUES ,4 WED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \{ i t J l ,or, /- / /-r'?Z iruspecron ffiEo". Lr ^5NAL INSPSCTION'S COIPLETEX)v The ltens below need to be couplete before giving a pernlt a flnal C of O. Please check off 1o the box provlded. FINAI PLI'MBING DATE!tl FINAL UECHANICAL DATE !I IUPROVE}GNT SURVEY RESID. NA}TE! DATE: l,/\ FINAL ELEcrRrcAr DATE: FINAI. BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DArE: / - 3/ -? Z- TEMPOMRY C OF O t-- I I DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: t--- I LANDSCA?ING DI'E DATE: FILE NAilE:\\\qs / I o o z (n {F c o _{o z T m n ={ --I I + m Iq LO t.-'. h E l<x f t!: I lm: 6 l9s 7 l.oi g lr; I l< -r I l=E i i5 o.<1o-dP ;9 (;o CE >l 7Q ff=o 'n m -{ q]z lq tn --'l m lHl lzl lz \J 11,lrd < l@ '!,/I-n '-l T -m io< -'!o t! m x m n ..1 o z o U' J m I NNtFfl L_r r_J g4 UUD <tr8 t=7 ;F r f.J ,-i :o 7t- " 2=z wv)*. z=# io 9>Fl F z H F'OA s- --t t_.\ O r m --{t t- z i i o a zA uz >m --{ > u - =m -t =z m t!z =m --l lo lP |-\lo l- @ t- -n =z tl H lz | (/) I IF IH lrd I ttr tr t>l=I IF t>a t>rt)F tr It rt p F) I o m 5 z E P z x r z c) H F F !- H H B rtl F H H Fi E- 6)t'rl I F m lrl aA c)>'t- zO an =m o _t z o z --t n o -l 9p ic P=<(It 1z oo n l_l l{ lz lo lI t> lF tm lF,lz l-r lo l€ lz lo t:l> lF II lm lp lz t-l l= lz lo t:t> lF lf,tm lo f lz tu H z ld l€ lz lo t:l>l-lI IM lo lz le I I lp ls !l l- I I o\o\ @ I ul (-tt N -l l-a mlO Flt t9 l<t> la lm to lz I' I I #E3a - O! ni :dgs ;g ii e'q; e :.'< R {o€:o 73*s' qrO:aJ c.J+- 5i.sg --aolo i Q 3.a Y 0r:1 0-c!: Dl *5 *o f (og+o de43 d.3-F Ja95'{o1-r loo+(,/'3l= !38 e i=g3 0r^,^l = =< =,;t= Es ilq <o-f E AP d 3;E i 3d8x 8u a':-'3gQ *ol:::orO=. o s. { qt -c l 3 (! 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