HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK C LOT 1 TO 5 TIMBER RIDGE RESIDENT LISTS LEGAL75 south lrontage road Yall, colorado 81657 ' (303) 476-7000 VALLI HI FACT SHEET Lots C-1 - C-5 Lionsridge lst Filing 3 Building Types Size 10.08 acres TYPE A TYPE B TYPE C stor i es ) stories) stori es ) (2 (3 (2 # Buildings 7 4 # Units per Building t2 18 6 # Total Units 84 90 24 1E6 16 All units are identical - 744 square feet 2 bedroom l bath Recreation Building: 2 bedroom, 1100 square foot managers unit two laundry rooms, total 17 washers 17 dryers 437 square foot recreation room with pool , ping-pong and foosball tables 1150 square feet of storage/office space Parki ng: Total parking 308 spaces 1.55 spaces per unit Previous Zoning:Resi denti a'l C'l uster Residential Cluster allows 6 dwelling units per acre Allowable development through zoning; 60 dwelling units GRFA al'lowable is 25% of buildable site area D -r-fLtL' F{t-, &u7,/i Hong Gong Cafe Dest,inat,ion Resorts Safeway Christy Sports Marriott Mark Resort, Marriott, Mark Resort Iv1arriot,t. ltark Resort Enzian Lodge Eye Pieces Tyrolen Inn tlcDonalds Lodge at Vail RainTree Inn Lodge at VaiI Land lvlark Far East, The Cheese Shop Charlirrs T Shirt Vail Assoc.vail AsSoC. Colrado Insights Vail Assoc. Marriott Mark Resort Marriott Mark Resort lrlarriot,t Mark Resort Marriott Mark Resort Lodge aL Vail todge at VAil November 23r A-1 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-3 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-7 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-IO A-ll A-1I A-L2 A-L2 A-12 A-12 B-1 B-l iB-I B-l B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 476-6759 valIi Hi Apartments Employment LisE 1988 Greg llannino Jin Tulberg l'laureen Bolivar Mat,thew Sharpe Eric Ungar Katharine Haines Marriott Employees Marriott Enployees llike Savage Sean O I Keeffe Joann Hoder Timothy Bean McDonalds Employees St,ephane Sequin Kerry Haverkaurp Darlene Argueyes Juan Argueyes Irlayne Guienny Willian Aylward Sheryl DoIl Marc Collins Kristi Lucas Jeffrey Stiles Neal OrDonnell, Bob Helsaveck Marriott Ernployees I{arriott Enployees Marriott Employees Marriott Employees Lodge Enployees Lodge Employees Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? 476-6759 B-8 B-9 B-10 B-10 B-10 B-lo B-11 B-12 B-T2 B-I3 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-I7 B-18 c-I c-2 c-3 c-3 c-4 c-4 c-5 c-6 D-l D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 D-8 D-9 D-IO D-11 D-12 D-13 D-14 D-15 D-16 D-17 P-18 E-L E-2 E-Z E-2 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-4 E-4 Lodge Enployees Lodge Employees Mark Hayford Marc Brooks Bryan Frain Platt Noto McDonalds Employees Janene Sperry Michael Pharris Lodge Employees Lodge Employees Lodge Employees Lodge Employees Lodge Employees Lodge Enployees Skiers Connect,ion Employees Citat,ion Employees Silke Tobey Philip Glasser Melinda Reginald David Reginald John Knight Helga .carret,t. John Bernhardt Marriot,t, Employees Marriott Employees l"larriott, Employees Marriott Employees Tim Dondelinger Salvador Garcia Marriott Enployees Marriott Employees llarriot,t Enployees Marriott Employees Marriott Employees WEndyrs Employees Marriott, Enployees Wendyrs Employees Wendyrs Employees Marriott Employees Wendyrs Employees Laurence Schultz Jenel Harris Veronica Peck Shawn Kinney Edmund Post Hanish McPherson Magnus Englund Per Sundberg Mats Brannare todgeat vail Lodge aL Vail Hasn I t taken occupancy McDonaId MarriotL Mark Resort Rain Tree Inn Lodge At Vail Lodge at Vail Lodge at Vail Lodge at VaiL Lodge aE Vail Lodge at VaiI Skiers Connection Citat,ion Inc.Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc. Dr. Sastros OId E1ec.Sport Stalker ViaI Drug Store Valli Hi Apartnent,s Marriott Mark Resort Marriott l,lark Resort Marriott Mark Resort Marriot.t Mark Resort t'ianor Vail Vail Athlete CIub Marriott Mark Resort,Itlarriott lrlark Resort Itlarriott t'lark Resort Marriott Mark Resort Marriott, Mark Resort Wendy I s Marriott Mark Resort Wendy I s Wendy I s Marriott llark Resort Wendy I s Sitzmark Lodge Marriott Mark Resort KB Ranch VaiI assoc.Vail assoc .Vail Assoc.Bully IIf Bully III yeE Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 476-67s9 E-5 E-5 E-6 E-6 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 E-9 E-9 E-9 E-10 E-IO E-IO E-lo E-11 E-11 E-1I E-11 E-12 E-12 F-1 F-l E-2 F-3 F-3 F-4 F-4 F-5 F-5 F-5 F-6 F-6 E-7 E-7 F-8 F-8 F-9 F-9 F-10 F-11 F-l1 F-11 F-11 F-12 F-12 G-1 c-1 c-2 G-2 Michele Norman Hol1y Bowling Sandra Bell Stephen Collins Fred Eisenhower Corina Feuerstein Air Systems Employees Eileen Zinmerman Sarah Stackhouse Jeanne Kuzmic Linda Marks Monica Brandon Lisa Brandon Sandra Horowit,z Ginger Nixon Andres Brody Alyson Brody Tara Mckenna John Ridgeway Gregorio Gomez SaLvador Gomez Shawnna Mathens Stephanie Johnson Rucksack Eurployees Darrin llanor Mark McNight Jacqui Gleeson Carol lilorely Mary Schroeder Ji11 Schroeder Gena Buerman Mary Younce Janet Millin Mark Coniray Scott Richardson Patricio Venzor Antonio Venzor Soledad Quintana Icnacio Quintana McDonaIds Employees John Duby Christopher Stricklane Chantal Hoban Scoet Davis Anoinette Roach Jake Sirnoine Efrin Cano Oscar Bencono John Norling Jonas St. John Hasn't taken occupancy yet Los Amigos Los Amigos Beaver Creek Air Systems Inc.Hi Ho Hot Dog VaiL Assoc.Vail Assoc. Red Lion Inn Hasnr t taken occupancy yeC Sonnenalp American Ski Exchange Vail Assoc. American Ski Exchange Clock Tower Cafe Clock Toner Cafe Vail Spa Avon Ceneer Rucksack Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc.chilli Willys chilli Willys T-Shirts Unlimted Ctazy Shirts Crazy Shirts CoIo. Mountain Express Vail Assoc. Lodge at VaiI Lodge At Vail Sonnenalp Sonnenalp ticDonalds Breeze Rental" Mataam Fez Performance Sports Colorado Ski Service Westin Hotel Westin tlotel Sweet Basil Sweet Basil VaiI Assoc.VaiI Assoc. Valli Hi Apartments f280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? 476-6759 G-2 G-3 c-3 G-4 G-4 c-5 c-6 G-6 H-l E-2 n-2 H-2 H-3 B-3 H-4 H-4 H-5 H-5 H-5 H-6 r-1 r.-2 r-2 r-3 t-4 t-4 t-4 r-5 r-6 r-7 r-7 r-7 r-7 r-8 r-9 r-lo I-II r-11 r-11 T-I2 r-12 J-1 J-1 J-2 J-2 J-2 J-3 J-4 J-4 J-4 J-5 Robert Israel Joann Sanchez JuIie ELm Otis Northington Cayce Awe James Rochester Karen Broderick Clarin llervas Jim McDaniel l{artin Chavez cilbert,o Chavez Alfonso Chavez Rick Inrin John Holm Teresa Arana Fidal Arana Donna Long Michael Arrigo Scott Moises Ben l,ledina Patrick Barrett Rit,a First Thomas First Westin Ernployees Jay Oswald Darren Thomson Jason Ralph Eric Lamert,on James Kerr Patricia Faureau Julie Hopper Lorett,a Hopper l,largaret McMenamin Laura Heston Rick Michal Janice Beaty Alfre bEnitez Linda Benitez Alfonso Benitez Jennifer Brodt,nan Nancy Howe Steve Griffin Craig Rittler David Riedell Tom Marcussen Dana England RafaeI Fernandez Sara Richard Chad CLeaves Tineka Penniman Kel lv Ni eho l VaiI Assoc.Vail Assoc. VaiI Assoc.Christy Sports Christy Sports Cafe Arlberg Westin Hotel Charlies T Shirt. Los Amigos Up The Creek Corona Cafe Lodge at Vail VAil Assoc. Lodge at Vail Double Tree Banner Banner Sport Crazy Shirt llarriott Mark Resort Sonnenalp Westin Hotel Westin Bot,eL West,in Hotel Wendy's Vail Assoc. Christv Sports Wren C6nd-.Bully Pub P.ainTree Hotel RainTree Hoeel Marriot,t Mark Resore Enzian Lodqe Va i I assoc-. Corona Cafe Westin Hotel. Westin Hotel Westin Hotel Double Tree Clock Tower Cafe Los Amigos Marriott Mark Resort Vail Assoc. Breeze Ski Rental Sandstone Creek CLub Vail Assoc. Colorado Insights Vail Assoc .vail Athletic CIub Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 476-6759 J-5 J-5 J-6 J-6 J-6 J-7 J-8 J-9 J-9 J-10 J-10 J-11 J-11 J.12 J-L2 K-1 K-2 K-2 K-3 K-3 K-4 K-4 K-5 K-6 K-7 K-7 K-8 K-9 K-10 K-10 K-10 K-11 K-l-2 K-12 K-12 K-13 K-L4 K-15 K_I6 K-17 K-18 K-18 L-1 L-1 L-1 L-2 L-2 L-2 L-3 L-3 L-4 r-5 L-6 Jimmy Waldal Tim Young Kameron Wash Wayne Mastin Robert Perkins Gray Ferguson John Lancaster Diane McMurphy tllart i Worcester Amy Gol1er Jennifer Hatch Kevin Bouldin Robert Roe Cynthia Manhart Mary BristoII 9l L West.ern Employees Andrew anagtasi Bert Jacobs Robert Peerless David Lee tlikael Kjellander TranchantLuc Nichole BoLveIl Rosa Ronero Robert, Gai Christ,opher SaIa Tom Pendergast Szechwan Lion Employees Rod HaII A1len KitcheL Randal Cresswe 11 Joe Mertes St,eve Heuer Debra Morell Wanda Falcon Lion Square Lodge EmploYees Lion Square Lodge Employees Lion Square Lodge Employees Brad Thue ttlcDonalds Ernployees Don ODell Dave ODell l'lark Busyn Diane MacDonald Slephen Olsen Kevin OrSullivan Joesph Kemarek Michael Thyssen Scott Sneath WiIIiam Piersol tlarriott Enployees Marriott Employees Thomas Sheehan Cook Shack Bart and Yettirs Chart House Chart House CharE House Lodge at Vail Vail Assoc. Rick Bolduc Patti Cogswell Cabbaqe and Kinqs Duddy:viele con6truction Duddy-VieIe Corstruction Ace Harderare RainTree Inn W L Western CLock Tower Cafe AIphie Pochers Gast of Gramshamer Vail At,heletic Club Colo. Ski School Colo. Ski School Vail Assoc. Sonnenalp Hotel Trails End Trails End Rocky Rococo I s Szechwan Lion Vail Assoc. Lodge Tower Vail Assoc. E-Z Way Rentals VaiI Assoc. Rocky Rococo I s Rocky Rococo I s Lion Square Lodge Lion Square Lodge Lion Square Lodge Vail Assoc.McDonalds Wendy t s Ace Hardware Commerical Guard Inc. Red Lion Simba Run Breeze Ski Rental The Athleters Choice VaiI Assoc. Vail Assoc. Bag and Pack Shop Marriott Mark resort Marriott Mark Resort VaiI Assoc. Valli Hi Apartments f280 N. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 476-6759 L-6 L-6 L-6 L7 L:B L-9 L-9 L-9 L-Lo r-10 L-II L-L2 L-12 L-13 L-L4 L-L4 L-15 L-15 r-15 L-L6 L-T7 L-L7 L-17 L-18 L-18 !1-l t4-2 M-3 M-3 M-4 t1-4 M-5 Irl-5 tl-5 M-6 M-6 M-6 Vt-7 vt-7 M-8 r'1-8 l,t-9 M-e M-9 t{-9 M-10 M-L0 M-11 tl-12 M-13 M.I4 M-15 Erik Bakken Jonathan Efraimson Kirk Galloway Roost Employees John Lain Seth Okeson Philip Harris Andrew tileLls Brian Haage Michael Terrillion Robert, Riviello John Gabriel Emily lloore Amanda Chesley Robert Savary Donald Mugford Belinda Rathbone Rebbeca Rose Steve Larson t'lcDonalds Enployees ilames Tange Todd RainviIle Christopher Fisher Steven Hansen Alan Sidwell Deanne Evans Andrew Goldberg David Broughton Megan Mccotran Kelly Reavis ceorge Moody Claiborne Gallagher Leif Youngberg Paul Savoie Lee Moore John Cosgrove John Burnett Steven Evans Mark Gladding James Mixner t'lichaeL DeFeo Karim KamaL Peter Katz Jonathan May Andrea Tawater Kevin Biele Octavio Ruiz Rucksack Enployees Maria Heredia Lorenzo Grani 11o Pat.rick Scott Vail Assoc. Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc. Roost Lodge Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc. American Ski Exchange VaiI Assoc.Vail Assoc.Col.o. Insit es Vail Villiage Inn Vail Village Inn Gold Peak Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc.Bishop and Company Bishop and Company Vail Assoc. Mcdonald rs Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc. Westin HoEel Westin Hotel Westin Botel Vail Assocr Vail Assoc. VaiI Ski rentals Cyranos VaiL Assoc. John Golt Engereing Polo Shop Klite Radio Hudson Pai.nting Seirra Sgructuers VaiI Assoc.VaiI Assoc.Vail Assoc. Red Lion The Ore House Vendetta I s Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Lodge at Vail Rucksack Mountain Haus Lionhead Bar and crill Vail Assoc. Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 476-6759 r,1-15 M-15 M-15 M-I6 M-16 M-17 !r-L7 M-I8 N-t N-1 N-2 N-3 N-4 N-5 N-6 N-6 o-1 o-1 o-2 o-2 o-3 o-3 o-4 o-5 o-6 o-6 o-6 o-7 o-7 o8 o=9 o-9 o-9 o-10 o-10 o-10 o-10 o-ll o-12 P-1 P-1 P-2 P3 P=4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-7 P-8 P-9 David Thrun KarI Spaeth John Butsch Barbara SiIIa Kimberly David Kevin Minder Brian Flanangan tllcDonalds Enployees .I in Yates Rita Yat,es Stephen Stetson Deberah Ransey Dennis Mclaughlin Roost Enployees Joan Crosley Jane Bedford Patricia Dever Patricia Lorenz Andres Levin ilohn Mart,in Sean Clifford PeE,er Rosenberg Miduest Management Employees TayJ.or Ricketts Jin Carlisle Ben Shelley Chris Carlisle Pat,rick Ford Christ,ain Shugrue Leon Wilkinson Joesph Cusimano Kurt Brandt Karen Andexrson Darek Beyer Cam Hor^tie d . i.' r\:-soc. Chris Mac Dermaid Stephen White MaDonaIds Employees HaroLd Logan Jackie Blatt Ann Grinder Roost Enployees Roost rm,rloves Roost, Employees Armando Garcia Kriss Winthers Diane lleier Jeff Snyder Areuro Romo Danny LaFever Tirnber Bouse VaiI Assoc. Vail Assoc. VaiI Vally liledical Center VAil Assot. Vail Assoc. llcDonalds safeway VAil Assoc. VaiI Assoc.Vail Asgoc. Westin Hotel Roost Lodge Memories of Vail Memories of Vail Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc.Vail Assoc. Ant,lers of Vail Vail Assoc. Midvest Management Co. Hasnrt taken occupancy yet, Domino I s Pizza Domino I s Pi-zza Domino I s .Pi"zza Vail Ski Rental Vail Ski RentaL vail assoc.Vail Assoc. wes t, in Hotel Vail Assoc.VaiI Assoc. Vail Ski School t'lcDonalds Vail Assoc. Vendetta I s Chart House Roost Lodge Roost Lodge Roost Lodge Blurs VaiI Assoc. Lodge at Vail Vail Assoc- Westin Hotel VaiI Athlete Club Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 476-67s9 P-9 P-lo P-11 P-11 P-11 P=L2 P-I2 CaroLyn Hetland Michael Kelly Eddie Weiss Judith Hashagen Elizabeth Ebherst Ronald Bentein Wayne llurdoch Lodge at VaiI Vogelmans Vans to Vai I Vail Assoc.Vair Assoc.VaiI Assoc. Vail Assoc. Apt* A-2 A-3 A-8i A-10 A-11 B-3 B-6 B-7 c-1 c-2 c-3 D-1 D-6 D-7 D-13 D-I5 D-16 D-18 E-7 E-12 F-1 F-3 E-4 F-5 Nane Maureen Bol ivar Connie Mertes Employees Ron Bolinger Bonnie Bolinger Donald llartinez Hector ferandez Chris Coleman James Flet,cher Laurie Neidich Harvey GiLmore Employees Employees John Bernhardt Employees Salvador Garcia Employees Eurployees Employees Employees Austin lllcClintock Bridget Keller Salvador gomez Joanne McNamara Rhonda Lueb Troy Hager Susanne lvlyhre alli Hi Ap 1280 N. Frontage Road 81657 Valli Hi Apartnents Tenant Enployrnent List, Rtc'DJUN - 61988 May 31 ,t"" r/rp Place of Employnent Lance Lot Raintree Inn McDonalds The Printery of Vail Kiandra Lodge Cyranos Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Westin Hotel Vans to Vail Mountain High Painting Mountain High Painting Valli Hi Apts. Vogelmans Vail Athletic Club Wendys lilendys Wendys Wendys Westin Hotel Westin Hotel Clock Tower Cafe Hole in the Wall Marriott Wendys Vail Athletic Club F-6 Bret,t Johnson Tim reese E-7 Michael LeBeau Sandra Runs after F-8 Patricio venzor Antonio Venzor F-10 Employees G-6 Juan Navarro Kathy Navarro H-l Michael Roberts H-3 H-4 H-6 r-5 r-6 r-7 r-8 r-9 T-L2 J-2 J-4 J-7 j-8 J-12 K-3 K-6 K-7 Teresa arana Gasper toya Joe Maet,as Paul Harden James Kerr Christine Staab Teresa Tewell Cynthia Janssen Katie Kunert Ernployees Tracy Gardner Thomas Reyes Lisa Steinmetz Gary Ferguson Gina Eckert lviary Bristol iloseph Keyser tee markowski rosa Romero ilaun Romero Anita Eggers Moved in 6/7/88 seeking employment Westin ltotel Westin HoteL todge at Vail todge at Vail McDonaIds Double Tree Inn Vail Glo todge v. A. Lodge at Vail Raquit Resturant Marriott, WesLin V[ren ASSOC. Moved in 6/I/8A seeking employnent Vail Bike Rentals Vail Bike Rentals G.E. ilohnson Westin Hotel Itlount,ain Haus McDonalds Lodge at Vail Streamside Iloliday Inn llountain Be1l Mountain BelI Sonnenalp Pepis Sonnenalp K-9 Sally Bluhm K-11 Joe Mertes K-l3 David Haywood James Zielinski K-14 Eric Bruckner M-4 Employees Vt-7 David Gies CurLis Hanm M-8 Mark Howarth K-18 Donald Odell V-A- Dave Odell V-A- t-I Evan tyons &larriott t-6 Helga Garrett Manor Vail L-8 llichael Keyser Westin hotel John Lain V-A- Vail Medical Center EZ Way RentaLs Single Lree Inn Vail Val1y Builders EL Paso Floor Inc v. A. V.A. v.A. !t-10 Chan Yan Chee llarriott M-lL Vict.or lvlariscal Lodge at vail N-l Rita Yates V.A- N-3 Jim Bates Vogelmans N-4 lan Perry Bown of Vail Kent Briggg Town of Vail N-5 Eubert Peer lvlarriott N-6 Penny Hirnebaugh Marriott O-11 Employees McDonalds O-I2 tlarold togan V.A- P-3 Gerald Green Sonnenalp P-5 Aramando Garica Blus Resturant p-7 Robert Brazil Marriott P-8 ilesus Romo Sonnenalp A11 Apartments not list,ed are vacant. t. nf r7 A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 Stephenf,aiaconc A-7 Gerald Gurman John Young A-8 Enployees A-9 A-10 Ron Bolinger Printery B-9 Shop LODGE v. A. VALLI HI APARTI4ENTS TENANT EI,IPLOYMENT tIST A-12 Ken Olfer ColLen Ol1er B-I B-2 B-3 Samuel Bernandez B-4 B-5 Alfonzo Chavez 8-6 Todd Vevang Robert Robens B-7 Laurie Neidich Rainey Straus B-8 LODGE V. A. V. A. McVail B-lo c-3 Donald tayton NAME ARE VACANT Wendy I s Marriot,t . Cyrano I s RED IION Pizza Hut Burger King WESTIN LODGE A-11 Darlene DonaId Gonzales Gonzales Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 476-6759 B-1I APARTMENTS WITHOUT ANY Mountain House VaIH Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 47G.6759 B-12 B-13 B-14 B-15 B-16 B-17 D-3 B-18 D-4 C-I Harvey Gilmore VAn TO VAII D-5 c-2 D-6 D-7 Salvador Garcia v. A. c.D-t7 D-8 D-9 c-4 sage Diane C-5 Nancy Wheeler Leach Pennell C-6 Kent, Fuessley Paula Fuessley D-l John Bernhardt D-2 D-18 E-l David Ingall Crossroads Cinema Crossroads Cinena. v. A. Bus Driver Safeway VALLI HI Doublet,ree Vatli Hi Aparhnents 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 47G6759 D-10 D-11 D_L2 D-13 Richard Sudell Scot,t, Whit,ten .Tudy St,ellingwerf D-L4 D:15 D-16 Jeff Griffin E-9 Employees E-to E-11 E-12 Gregorio Gomez F-1 F-2 Enployees v. A. v.A. Chart House v.A. Lodge Clock Tohter E-2 E-3Tim Turner C. H. Gordon P MarshalllEE E-4 !i- 3 E-6 E-7 Jeff tindsey E-8 Enployees F-7 eric Andrews F-8 Antonio Venzor F-9Kenneth Ambach F-IO Enployees v. A. v.A. v. A. Vail Custom Lodge v. A. LODGE Holiday INN McVaiI Chart House v. A. aleve 1€ F-11 Micheal Lyuch F-12 Lisa Murphy LODGE Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? 47G5759 c-1 F-3 Gregg Batts F-4 ilohn Potter F-5 Edward Newton F-6Phi1ip Shettig c-sJames Stone v. A. v. A. v. A. Amer.ski Ex. Doub1e TREE Raouet, Club Richard Bartlett G-6 Kathy Navarro I-3 KIM r-4 Fletcher I-5 Pau] Harden I-6 james Kerr I-7 James Nikoden Simba Run VAIL GLO. v. A. WESTIN Wren ASS. Holiday INN Vail Ski Rental Itlarriott c-2 c-3 G-4 H-l Gaspar toya H-2 B-3 Teresa Arana TODGE H-4 H-5 H-6 Ben Medina r-1 r-2 Marriott Collins I-8 Kathryn r-9 f-10 Trevor Kunert. I-11 Mark Colvell v.A.I-12 Tracy Gardner Wegtin Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 iI-4 llonica Schwanbeck J-5 tY Ngoc Kiet .t-1 Troy Brand iI-2 Thonas Reyes J-3 Todd Dedinsky Burger King Mountain Haus v.A. 476-6759 J-11 J-12 Mary BrisEoll K-l Holiday INN v. A. pepis Irlarriott Szchwan tion Mcvai I Schzvan K-2 Phillip Judd K-3 J-6 Ray Boucher J-7 Gray Ferguson J-8 cina EckerL J-9 Eelen waldren J-10 Torelli tivio K-9 K-10 Mountain High K-11 K-12 Dale Gaglio K-13 james Zielinski K-14 Keith Bernard Painting Vail Ski Rent Vail Val1y Buil. L-5 L-2 L-3 t{irian Edwards t-4 David tan tionshead Lodge Streamside Marriott v.A. K-4 K-5 K-6 Juan K-7 K-8 L-1 Romero Percells L-6 Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 8165? K-15 st,eve Goodman K-16 ,Jack Hansen K-T7 K-18 Don ode1l v.A. L-11 L-12 Robert Tei.telbaum v,A. L-T4 L-15 Christopher Mclean L-l6 William Hair L-L7 t-I8 iit-1 yt-2 M-3 47G.6759 sonnenalp L-7 .Tohn Lancaster Lodge r-8 L-9 Frederic De Vivie L-10 Nt-4 r{-5 M-7 M-8 Mark Howarth 14-9 11- 10 itl-lI Victor Marshall vL-12 M-I3 Employees M-14 v. A. Christi Sp. v.A. lvlegan Cafe v. A. TODGE llcvai1 Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 476-,6759 l'1-15 LiseLott,e Larsson IYI-16 M-l7 Brad Carter Ir{-18 N-I .liut Yates N-2 N-3 N-4 Jennifer Baird N-5 Grven Hoberg N-6 Penny Himebaugh O-11 Enployees O-12 Harold Logan P-l iloe Maestes P-2 Darla Lackey P-3 P-5 Armando Garcia Doubletree American Ski Ex. Saf e$ray v. A. Ivledical Center I'larriotL McVail v.A. Alpine Glass Lodge BLuIs o-1 o-2 o-3 o-4 o-5 o-6 o-7 o-8 Vit,oline McCabe O-9 Joe Vitanza o-10 P-9 llari Edleruan P-10 tee tindQuist P-l1 Employees P-12 Enployees P-4 Wade RoberEs P-6 Vail Ski Rent. v. A. v.A. Ilong Kong Lodge Lodge Lodge P-7 Any Flening Holiday Inn P-8 Luis Bencomo Ambrosia _L__- ( MARIA AI.,RTKSSON GRSG RODHI 4-jo-87 GORSUSE I,TD 5LD-Y1! ?r 1288 rF:l ,lotv VW ZI 1299 'r_4 -- )-, ARMANDO GARGTA P.A3I,O GARCIA SABADOR GARCIA RJffON GARCIA +-7O-87 VA BtrflifuEuFBsB RED PONTIAC 1'O8 ICEY-IN ALLBI JIM FIIIILER EOI,IDAT INN BI]IIE cEET':r 1tt6 l"t- EIJKE NAIiL 4-ro-87 VAIL SKI SCEOO], BiIICK SKI.IARD Rm L2r8 Red /P Subura I24V ARTI}RO ROT4O JffiUS ROMO IUIS BENCOMO ARTEURO MARITINEZ 8-7L-87 HOI,IDAY INN Black /f Datsun L2V5 81 Chevy pU Bror,in Ug7 ICEN FUJIOKA 4-ro-8? MMICAT CB{TM toYATA 4 RTINNER #1429 9-Vo-87 Kvt.tiT GREEIT volvo 0,622 - I tP-9 t THOMAS r,F.R BOT{IOM -J-Lj , ^r-9 D.firID RooT TII.1 LUECI{ER JOEL CARTER 4-ro_87 Volvo 1980 Red Sranada /l Grey SHADES OF VAIL ROCiff ROCCOCOS UPTOI.II\ GRII,L a23o t2v7 F-- ToYota 4x4Greenl?17 CanarY rlhite L2'2 i'lAY P-l,rCE -f o-10 HENRY I/OO g CONSTIN BRANADYR BRANDON COIE 9-70-87 SI]NBIRD IODGE CEARTIES T SHIRT CONNIE gL,INT BRUCE EAWKINS 9-to-87 TORINOS RAlNTREE TAN & BIACK VAIARIE TVV' f-so -sb 4-Jo-87 VA SKI SCHOO], -2 -l ?-,GIINNAR MOBER.G J_u_-1 I{ST Todd Everett 4/ro/E? iia.rri otts V.t''i . \-?9)-2 Ciroco GreY 1419 - I I o-t o-4 ERICA BEUtiTFr. IAUBA SMISCHNEY BETHDESOUSA ANNE HO'rilfl.,L +-to-87 MARRTOTT SIIVA ZAIDIVAR JUDT CROi{HTT NICHOTAS PDARO KB{ CRICK 4-to-87 MARRIOTI IVIARK SHERJ,TAN STPENN FUCES I'IILLTAI'{S CoLL,Il\S KENNTHE YOIING 4-7O-87 I'IARRIOTT I lo-7 I REI{M READE GRETCEIX{ ]NMAN KIRSTA{ THOMAS ANNE I'IAHONEY DORIS DAIR1TY 4-7o-87 MARRIOTT HOLIDAY INN .HO],IDAY INN HOLIDAY INN I{HrrE FORD 1199 GREI CAI\mRO # 1101 rAFfoom+N - I I o-€ LO/ )Lr J'7 .East Yail ?aquet Club louies Casual_ Cabs 11 4 ri- | Candace Cobb Ro;er 3artizal- v-2 JII,I STWEART 4-VO-87 !,IESTIN HOTil, RED CEErr NovA #1188 I lN-, PAI{ & DON RTNDELETSCH 1O-tt-87 Tovota Land Cruiser l"l ne6, & rlhite Tan VW Bug IVrz STEIN GARDHI RMCI' 5-Vr-87 I\ERCURY IYNX RED L794 v.A. Lord Gore Rest. Eonda Grey 1444 I-* TRASY SANDHS Scott Snith Donald Degnan 1{-5 GI''ENN HOBERG 6-VL-87 VAII V.AII,EY MEDICAJ., CENTIR IAIFE T.EF: KATE AI.,TAZAI{ BII'L BETIACH STE\TE BARTER STE.\rE SLUTTER DANE PAIII"SEI I'IONTE VAI,LI TO HT MONTE 4-ro-87 MARRIOTT --L"- JEFF RTCE I{ORRTS l,ImINA, JR. 7-r1-87 I.IARRIOTT 77 alds Ye11ow ].'22A Rob Hegenann Steve Dlgel 4/ro/87 "itHE"truai1, Black 82 M-14 Celica 1099 t-14 Ken Griffin Eric Kubby Rick Mousaw 4/Va/87 IUOIINTATN TEES \ Silver Mazd.a 1486 Blue Dod,ge Dart l48lrWestin hBSTIN Claire Lavelle John Bourke Orla OrRiordain JOE I{Ef,,SO TAB T'RESNEDO NINI ESCOBEDO V.A. v..1. V.A. ORANGE Vw HOI,IDAY INN vr,{ r7r9 scrRRocco #118:- v-1: HOT,IDAY INN l',-) CURT CEIANESE DAVID GOTTA BERIION TOURTOUT DEA}I ROSEIIBIUI'I 4-ro-87 I'iARRIOTT 4-to-87 'fl couger yelIow 1112 IUARRIOTT ANDREA I.THTPPIE BRNDA DOI{AID I{ATHY MANNII.IG SUZANNE VONDRE-,I, r4-7 Claire iielson Robert Ferguson Tin Schr:-hrke Paula Inhoff 4-7o-87 VA RUCKSACK CAARLIES GONDOLA SKI SEOP 1A17 CITAION MARK HOI.TARTE EEI{RY STEAMSIDE MEADOI'I VAIL II'ACE 86 Canero l'224 VW Van I+96 729e JA$E BRASEEAR PATTT IANDERS HOITDAY TNN BIUE I{ONTE CARDO 4-7O-87 AJ{ERICAN SKI EtrCEANGE VA ;-- Shan Hurophries Brad Carter -al!I F{-10 I L-I6 L-17 NIIS FORSSBERG SONNT SPMRINGER 4-1o-87 OREHOUSE voLvo 1421 L-14 Ramon Monge Oscar Modge Ernesto Monge r-vo-47 lodge @ Vai1. Yellow ITD I2O1 Const. Avon Const. Avon DON DREWETT JIM MOREITA BOB DONNE[,T-,Y .IH\TNIFER NOBE, 4-7O-87 I\TARRIOTT 198' NTSSAN PITT,SAR #1098 J-l5 -MTCHELLE SPTVET CHRISTA DAHLIG MARTANNA RANCHICE IAURTE SEH{E +-7O-87 IUARRIOTT EE,EN COX PAUI, IANDY SUE }IONRO PAT JIT,T,F:r, MARRIOTT +-to-87 MARRTOTT SIIE KViAN SUE MIAS METISSA BOIERS DORTA KTII,EKOWSLA E I tvt-!- I lL-9 JACK PXNNDORF PAT DAI,tr'T BRENT BENSON 4-1c-87 CLOCI( TOI.JER BRXEZE SI(I SHOP tsLUE BLAZER L27L .T ANTI,ERS CONDO tl-3o'11 --L-10 IIAUS JOKINN TOI{Y }UCAS WII,T,TAM GARBATI RON FIRMIN KRISTINE GOTTSCH Jean Copeland 4-VO-B? SIT,VXR. MAZDA PU PONTIAC IAANS AI{ VA l_.240 tztg JON zuGBURG I{ARK PURTEAR TODD KEbITNOR 4-VO-87 v.A. MANUffi BORVONO IODGE AT VAII HOI,IDAY INN 4-7o-87 CI{EV. InPala GreY VA VA BANiVER SPORTS IIIICHAEL C. LYONS JOHN E. STII,tr; JOHN C. ADAMS' L229 - I IIl- | gO;:N ttUNDnLI, SCOTT Gril,iOUR +-ta-E7 votvo B, r'mrm #14t1 CHE\TST PU TRUCK #14VO 4-ro-87 EAGI,E NEST EAGI,E I{EST EAGIE I{E,ST L-Z - L-t RAXiR*n33i'* IAN KENNEDY tt:,Y.tI VA VA REGIILA HANDSCHIN DORIS GRAF PAIII, KNAUSLET BARBARA PASSI, +-7o-87 v.A. ROCKf ROCCOS _.-- I I L-'t'greg arce SCOTT BEIfDICKSON AI{DY l.ffM4ER CHRIS FORTZ 1rbtm8B.q,cr WNfIN BIIRGER KING l,iAZDA PU I'JHIfE L77F DOIiBI,ETRffi Effiff"ry{ffiilANDERS ANDREW MTIET,IXR 4-7O-8? CA3BAGE & KINGS irnBaflu BooKSET,ARS it T.;;i" cororla i,'t'hite 1oo5 BREI{T PA],MB JOHN HASTIE Stefan Proohf Bircher 2l->o-ti -r' DOGDE ASPEI{ RED 1414 1979 Neb Holiday Inn Restauraat Forrntain 2-S,2468 o 'i-11 .STEVEI{ TUCKNR l%l $8?ff*o' JAi\ffi POOT-,E JOHN SEEERIN 4-ro-87 TORRII{OS DOUBLETREE r-^JUrD @ Pontiac L296 Dod.ge Dart 1218 4-VO-87 VA CHE\':EY GREY1O1' cJ 7 1014 liEsKri{AN 0:rvril88tH TIi'i HAUGEN - K-1' qLAUDE GAVARI) ANNE iVIARTE PAIMT \-to-87 VA SKl SCHOOT-, SONNE,AI,P K-1C. KETTE HAR}ION DAN Tf,.'DRTDGE STETE I.,EDUE CERTS SI^IMT 4-7O-87 vA. SORD GREENI GAI,AXIE 4-7O-87 LOS AI,trGOS ROCKI ROCCOCO CHEVT CA]'IARO I.,{HI B-7O-87 vA. 79 CETRSI,ER NEWPO 4-7O-87 I,ODGE AT VAIT L242 LI-tl l.270 DON JIIJI oDr:rr, GAIIM MTCEEAf, DMRE -E1 IqXSJ IINA CANMA ROSA VACA 10-t1-87 SONENAIP ORANGE FORD BROiiN FIAT 1'1O 4-7O-87 CAtrE C'oRSUCH 4/70/87 CHEVT MONZA SILVER?!$@d 1426 4-7A-87 I.IESTIN EOTnf,-, 4/70/87 V.A. V.A. Doubletree vL li-6 lr-a l4tAlTER COTUTSCA lena Andersson Annica lnlallberg Karyn OusleY Chris Knowles i K-9 I JOHN I,ATN CARIJA TEOMAS JIM ROSE L,ORI ANN MURPEY TRAGY ITNN NICH,Y K-1 K-1 K-7 AI,ICIA K-1 Fl,rRrcr DortE B,?il$[*"t*ls.* PEIER BARES TEORNTON J. JOEN KEYES 4-to-87 BREEZE SIil BREEZE SKI CNOSSNAOI SIIPERI,IARKET +91 Lr62 3 I I J-11 J-12 K-1 K-' ,I'!APRICE 7f 1491 tt. Y .-I CUff,UAS SUPRE}M IfEITE ANDNRSON 4-VO-87 \T A 82 Toyota Celica Datsaa i'laxima 1 IV;ARKET MAIGRS RII,EY EENSEL-PHELPS I{RS. I'{l]R]IL I If,R JAi,TEs IIEIR I'JRAY PI,UMBING & PAUI PHIFM MTCHAfl-, KIICAEN I{EATING /z lt-* (r.vrt f;q. I 1-71-87 1-tt-87 BLUE FORD 4&4 P.U. 1980 FORD P.U. 1 110+ 05 4-70-87 /4 Plynouth Trail K-SBlazer4x4 Dodge W Eed, L179 ter EINSET PEETPS IOOT 1008 I ^-'"' ' J-+ Dan D^!rqu Strsnd. I'lahoney MARIA RETDS JOSE RTYES JAVIER RETES JSSUS REYES GRAY ImcusoN GINA ECKERT JIII-,IE BONNH, MARK MCNAI,I'Y KERRT PROCTOR +/10/87 Bart& Yettirs TOYOTA I,AND CO ,-t1-87 IODGE OF VAII, BITIE FORD 086'Silver Ford. 1t26 9-to-87 I,ODGE OF VAl! 8-7t-87 80 ford. liust Alpine GoId Safeway // Buick Gray #14a' t+95 768 J-7 J-' t I J-g 4-Vo-87 Nova 77 1t VA, Kemi Lodge @ Vail,errL JOIIN i{. SINNAI\ION BARRY PRICE JOHN HffiI\BRSCII RICK SSEUI,TZ FRANK BEAT!Ir, JR. DARREL SI}IPTE Daniel Duln Jr. SACHIKO DOUGT,AS SHOI',IAS 3TY6 JESUS QUINTARA RA.I,AEL FERN1NDEZ GTIBMTO FE"RNANDEZ GILBERTO PENA 4-)O-87 AAB 9OO TURBO P-dPSIS TOYATO I'JIIITE '82 1106 1108 8' 12+5 'loot Ii LI r-'10 r-11 .-J T-12 J-1 2-28-87 & 77olds omega TODGE OF V d T1,B7, +-74-87 VTESTIN EOTI VAIL ASSOC. RED DATSI]N 76 GRAY TRANS AM hrestin Motel 4-to-87 FORD VAN B]-,4 122' AMC JEEF ORAN the lodge at 4-1O-87 HOUNTAIN HOUSE flOUBLETRM Torena Black 1V66 Oldrs Yellow 1V67 1226 ail I !;-z 4-7o-87 FEE6H fiT?ETO CtUB CITEIIT MALIBU w #1+11 BIue IbrU Granacla +m CHRTS ERDAHL GARY BRATTHi.JAITE 4-7O-87 RAINTREE INN RM\IA T42L t-2 z-- T-e b, I4 T-7 GLH\IN RIVARD PAT RAICHART ANDROS GONZAI'ES James Miernyl Paul Spletzer PAIIL EARDAI RAY SHAFM. JOE McMANAI"IAN $tffi ff"S*u GREG TAGGERT ED SAFIPSON JON JUENEMAN T'FS HAff'IEI,D 4-to-87 VAIL ATIII,ETIC VAII, AIHLETIC v\.t BUG#14A2 MARRTOTT 4/Vo/87 Westin Hotel T,ions Square 4-7O-87 V. W. Rabbit Rd. 1 Bronco II BIue 85 1 9-to-87 WROM ASSO. BIUE 9-t1-87 SAtr'EWAY \A ASSOCIATE,S VA $-to-78 TOYOTA BLLCK 1t6 COUNSY IIIRE REST. lodge wn Pontiac Pheonix 1096 SSON 1445 WSc rocco Blue 1+98 TRANS AllEEfig+N JACOB TRAUB L-t* ri-1 JOSE VH.,ASCO LARRY hIANG ARTURO V]ANG JAVIM. RETES TMESA ARANA CT,AXA ARANA IfJAGDI,H{A ARANA JESU VH,ASCO PEDRO VILASCO LUZ VtrASCO AIEZANDRO GARCIA GERARDO DIM PATROCIMIO GARCIA OI,IVJA DIAZ Blon Peter Blon Louise DahI Anders Magnell Per 7-71-87 SO}IENAIP HOTEf,, SZECIIIJAN IION SZECHI,JAN IJON BIUE RD 179' 6_11_87 I,ODGE AT I[ANDRA KIANDRA 9-ro-87 TEA ROOM ATIILETIC SLUB BE,ST WESTERN Qentury 1)ll . / 'c"'- 1 'l t i; ,'-' x'o P.U. 1217 OLDS 1V97 WHITE FORD P.U. 0842 YEI,IOhr 0889 'H-7 E-5 Buick {y"- H-2 110' EEE le-. t'-'i 2 PETER DAVIDSON KXV]N ROTH JUAN ARGIIEIIL$ SOIOI"E ARGIIHJ,ES PORT'IRIO ARGUtr,T'ES GREG BATTS DONNT BRICE KATET NAVARRO JUAN NAVARRO 4-1O-87 COLORiDO INSIGHT RED RABBIT 1'78 COIORADO INSIGHT G-1 9-to-87 PEFIS PEPIS LAi'iARIi BLUE Bl,iJE FORD PU BUICK 1tr8 SZECHT{AN LION cREr NrssaN 1278 GREEN OIDS CUIIAS 1411 4-ro-87 SUZKI GREEN TR7 GREEN VA 488 v89 L" l\. g.'. *. --G-(4-to-87 VAIL GIO I'ODGE DOUB],ETRM ANI'IE PERSSON I,IAGNUS AINBECTT LEIF ADAI\|ISSON ARTHUR G. BRE{NE 4-io-87 NOVA BEIGE 1' IIO}ISOUARE IODGE CLEAN ]'IACzuII{E 4-to-8? Ford lairroorrnt 4-ro-87 coloRAlo 4-ro-87 SWEET BASIT-, I.ODGE AT VAIT, RED MONIE CARLO 1 r( ! -'2 410 cHsrrrl499 r-7 BNRNARD I'ONIAINE PATRICIO VENZER VH{TURA VENZOR ANTONIO VENZOR JACKIE gRAi{ER I{ARY HINES ROBERT IO.IrE IL ,REN COURTNEY 4-to-87 TOYOTA PONTIAC VA 1280 1281 TERCF, CO SUNBIRI) WEBB BRANDON JIiLIE WEtsSTER TJIARK PRESS DAN BEST X*rre PACKERS 4-10-B? NBAT, TSNNTE AGn{T i'll,zn.a, BRONZE 121 AMMICAN AIRTJNES BI,IIE HONDA 128' 9-70-87 MONTI CARTO BROIdN Ti-o F-1 I- F-1 1 ASST. CI{IEF V64 A INN VRA ROHifN COOTS CHRTS FOSTER. SCOTT I.ICDONAID GREE.oRIO GOMEZ JOHN KAISER STEPHEN GRANT Scott Coulter R]CIIARD PIKN 4-VA-87 CT'OCK TOWER. 4gz4 evc rRUcK o 4-to-87 ,''O*1gg TEES ROOST LODGE ( Brown Duster 1424 OF [HEI"]) c,E 1770 74 6oEt9sn N/ 1475 *cucZ3 pepn, .'E-10 I I ' I E-11 E-12 F-1 F-2 '- t F- Stefan Evers James Ollare Eric Williams KATMRINX PRT],T,AMON DAVID BONUS 75 3ORD Wf,rTf/. I 72 +-7O-87 Toyota Black 1 v.A. v.A 1983 Eorizon Goldl 1984 Renault Blue II1ARRIOTT 4-to-87 covered bridge RED I,ION RED ],ION DOUBLSIRM 4-VO-87 COVERED BRIGDE STO VAIL RACqUET CI,UB JAN EIJIASSON AII,AN }'ICKINN T DAUrD I'IEITIHOUSE DIDIER IITALI'E op Jif !r lt-t E-6 I "-, t'1ark trlild-i-ng A. Bakti ROi{ YODrR c,lr.r,Ecos JoEsPH ,omr'r i --- ( - 4-7o-87 HOLIDAY INN 7' FORD WAGON#1184 4-40-87 T,E PETTT CAFE ROOST LODGE rt A UJ1 VA Ifc,--. c : :. I n-r NII"S PXTERS PETER RONNMARK I \-zo gv VRA VRA BRETT KRAABE.' JEF'F STARTZAI K.,ITIIERTNE JOHNSON MICHAEI, FORRXST JUAN ROI{O AIXN DESJARDING MONTKA IINDBI,OM PERTER OI]EI,CE 4-7O-37 Recreational Liquip. I'iay I alace /rud.i 1194 iionda 1 OZ D-14 D-1t D-16 D-1" D-1t JEISE BOBIXR BRAD GUSI'Atr'SON JORG MACEATZT'E CERTS SASS OI'D VA AM T,OBSTER BAR 4-7O-87 MARRTOTT 4-40-A7 TORINOS Ford l"iustang Pllmouth Dust *rg<uc*.VA VA -CJ;r. (... l,' "76 Chev Lrragon 1' 4 +,'-10vED+ tl /'to 187 r 11Oz g-to-87 rub cnicw rIcAr,A I.MITE CHEVT P.U. anD ciiEVEY PU r I(EN GRAVENHORST JOil, I'IETDNER DOUG VAN ES r,oDGE pF .{Arq, aMY uL i-r'-'--r-rt :- - ,l -:ilji :-Lt'-.rr'l .-- L,---.r ^ ,.CC,--lr':lCri -i.--,i"',. ^Oii;jjr'1.,-,nLli.'l i J-1,',: .: -i i 'il-: I i-l -:L-.-.lt-,. :' i..,.].' - - .- ,i;r - r J "-, SAIVADOR GARCIA RUBY I'REAQUEZ PETER EARDIEY BO JORSSON PS SI]NDSTRIOM MICIIEAI SUNDSTR]OM B-11-87 ATHLETIC CLIIB 7t BUICK BROi',rt{ 128' DODGE ASPEN GRXY 1' VAIL ATIJLETIC CI,UB 4-7O-87 I'iARRIOTT 4-7O-87 BlU BNANERY D-7 -- D-8 D-g FRANK CHAPI{AN .Katherine ;tl(lnson VA Covered f?88r.1{neer 1985 479 JAIVIES STOTT MICHANL I4ERVIS ANDREW FAIK GARY QUrCK BRIAN RS]AUD o$F"?[Pu'dill\"" NTA],I VJATSON Bridge Sto 4-70-87 VA vlrNErAg #1277 TIVOII T-,ODGE TIVOII IODGE 4-to-87 sAsB 9OO Pffi 1222 D-1 KENT FUESSIEY PAU].,A F.IESSIEY 9-to-87 IAND DESIGN SAFEi{AY GREY SUNBIRD BROI,IN DATSON Dr\l,IMT 120' o-6 E-l I I D-1 SUSAN DA\I-SY I.iARK JENNINGS KH;LY KHJ,ffiER I\IJI-RIA GU],IJOI.] SEAUN I{AITX RAMONA SANCHEZ cErr,z,o l-,opEz GILBER.TO CHA\ISZ ROBERTO ASITIA FILMOHIO EmRERA CRISTOBA], RAI{IREZ +-7c-87 PETT CAFE COOi(IE CO SUBURUA # 1097 4-7O-87 SAMS SKI SHOP TOYOTA CORROII-,A vvl ft189 scRcco 4-7o-87 4-1O-87 IODGE OF VAII VAIL RUN RED I,ION 1976 FORD PU TR 4979 ereen for K #1109 P.tJ. #1+77 4-to-87 CIOCK TOII'ER VAII A. CLUB 4-ro-8? VA JB rs W'STIN D-2 D-4 TED l,rJLr'lR DAVID NORDSTROM JAMES AIGUIRE JEF'F BOIHOUS 2t+1 --d I "-' LISA I'IAJOR PAIILA HOI,IISTER JOHN CHASE DAVID BAKER CHARIES UTTER +-70-87 +-ro-87 (HARI,IES GONDOIA SKI VA IIONSHEAD EONDA ACCORD BI,UE EONDA ACCORD GRMN 178O ln-tz - B-18 c-1 GREGG OIDONNET, DAVID MCCORMICK }I-ALIN JONSDOTTM KINA I{ARNK 4-to-87 vArl sKr scHooT, SUBARU 198' 1 VA cEErE'r IIAC'oN f1417 4-7O-87 VAIL SKI SCHOO], VAII, SKI SCHOOI, DONAID IAYTON NANOY PENNEI.'IJ BRAIN CO},IBS GREICHHI KUSIR RICHARD FROXI-,ICE JEFF C.oON +-to-87 RETIRED RU,IANT 198' I{ESTIN #141' 4-1o-87 DATSUN #119A VA VA |lOYE'trT; 3ORD VAN #+46 1186 4-ro-87 VA VA DATSIIN 21O hIHfTE -t L'- SCOTT COPPTN GR;UII'JAJ{ II,OORE 4-to-87 VAII, SP:\ AFIS. 4-VO-8? IS.EAN MACEINS INS AMGIOS ii-10 I B-12 B-1r KEN HALI,GRI]N HAUAN PERSSON EVA OBERG YI,RA POOSTROUM DH{I{IS MOS NANCY }1OS SUE SIIURTLEFF DA\[D McCIIIJOUGE SEAN MCCONNOI ?t'$;f,h'* r?1 64 BUG L,IC.ET BIUE 776 .2@ Vail Charlies T shirts 4-7O-46 JW ft192 RED RsBBrr #1191 ROCKr ROCCOCOS re-7O-81 SUEARU hIIIITE 1V65 BANNER SPORTS llr llll MARRIOT 4-VO-8?Menories of Va1I HONDA #1107 BMt'/ RED #1111 JEF'X' PINT I4ARK JOIINSON SVIK KOVIMAN JEAN PAUI BAUMANN JAY TOBIN FRED WOOD aa- L"- Li .t i., tJdL n'-dR].liiDXZ SANDRA FERTANDEZ HECTOR I'ERTANDEZ. JEC'E LUIS HJ*EEE' JOHI\INY AUSTIN JAi"rES CARTER JOHN MURPIIY NEAI }IACI(OSSAN ABRAHAM FERERNANDEZ O['MA MORALES ISRAtr, MORAIES FRANK VIJII }III(3 CASEY KATHRYN SNAVE,Y MARLA I{EADOWS DANA COX GARY TOIfiINSON JIM KIEPER I1'1ATT L,ION d-j l-,i7 CYRANOS II crL{lios SANDSTO}IE CREEK CSIIB rffi CUTLASS SI]PREI\re BLA #111O CUTLASS SiIPRXI{E #149 4/i-/67 V..'r. v,i. 8-r1-87 GRAND TORINO \ li 7 . B_, B-? \ B-8 rlr B-9 BIJUE TTROI,EAN TEE LODGE A[ V 4-70-87 VA DCD0E CHARGER #1481 4-to-87 VAII AS. NISSAN 1412 RED LION ;IPHA BUCIiERS "\l',olfix,r, 4-ro-87 VA 171 +,ta VA 478 Its - JIIIIE KEIWTSOI{ JACKIE SCHUI.,]ARLKEII PAi,i PAUI, A.. CHEIISIRI DAVID STHJLIN TOM I.ICDERMOTT 4-7O-87 I.IARRTOTT 4-7O-87 I{ARRIOTT 7-)1-87 SELF EIPIOTED 81 MAZDA BI,UE I{IFE 4-ro-87 CO.OKIE CO. 'r';..-, C'' Y.,il trUIi , --I- J'-,(r-i.i,t UO. YAa-'o-az V.A.AIPEN ROSE oa94 COUGAR 069' VAII IODGE 1792 A-10 DONAID ITIARTINEZ DARLENE GONZAI,ES KHI OLIER COII,EN O]-,]-,ER I,EifIS GAINES Ian Pemy TONY GREENBERG R , \ l*r' PAUI I-,EINSMAN BERNHARD ZUBA DAYE IJIVING PETER RICE r,-9 12-71-86 flA.I'EiUAY GREtr'I IODGE AT VAI! lI- | SERGIO SANDOUA], ARTET SANDOUAI A]-,E.IANDO SANOUAI ROBERTO SANDOUAI, JACINTA GIBNEY JOIIN IEAR DANA EI{GI-,AND A}INA GIBNHT !r2 4-7O-87 SIttsA RIIN ntDS VAII, RUN BI,IIE VAII RUN BUI IODGE AT VAII 4-ro-87 ANN- I\IARTES I{ASSAGE PI-,AZA LODGE BRXEZE SKIS ROCKr ROCOCO it 0884 n-'1 RD 1106 SKTLARK H{IJ"4 1r21 A-7 a _t i.-( SAUI, }IARSTUI{N. A. BERRY I{ICIlA-I[, I(ENT LUCY HAI!]ER LOUISE I,ITKI{E,SM{ 4-to-87 .1rt^_..a n T,'l{LJ \r1!-..1'\,,A VA IQUllTriIii REST. VA VA +-to-87 DJ I.iCCADOI.iS DXAT I'iAND]CK @ I I A-1 Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Boad Vail, Colorado 81657 476-67s9 The Apts. that are not on here are vacant. A-4 Serigo Sandoval Siroba Run Ariel Sandoval Vail Rriln Alejand.o Sandoval VAil Run Roberto Sandoval Lod"ge A-8 ,foseph Gentile Todd Epperson A-12 Kenneth OLler Collen O11er McDonalds McDonal-ds Self Enployed Marriott A-11 Darlerne Gonzales Lodge Donald Martinez Safeways B-t Eector Fernandez C;rranos Samue1 X'ernadez C;rranos Sandra Fernend.ez C-5 Richard Veintimilla Carrie I'in1ey Popcorn Machine C-6 Kent tr\ressley land Design Paula Fuessley Safeway D-7 Salvador Garica V.A.C. Ruby tr'resquex Vail Athtelic Club E-2 Employes of Duckells Construction E-12 Jin Marnell State Patro1 RickRonines State Patrol F-8 Ventr:ra Venzor Patricio Venzor lod.ge Antonio Venzor Sweet Basil F-9 Mo11ie Miller Mamiott Kevin Hawkins Marriott 'Jin Minosh Maniott Eric Rasnussen Marriott G-1 Juan Arguelles lanark Salone Arguelles Pepis Porfirio Arguelles Pepis G-6 Kathy Navano Vail Glo Juan Navaro Doublo Tree H-V Teresa Arpna Kiandra JUm 1 6 1987 Valli Hi Apartnrents 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? 476.6759 b, PAUL HARDEN WESTIN Paul Spletzer l6ons Square lodge I-6 Janes Kerr Wren J-2 Thoroas Reyes Jesus Quintura Double Tree J-7 Gray tr'erguson lodge Rich Dunhan J-8 Gi-na Eckert First National Bank Julie Bonnel Alpine Go1d. J-12 Tho::nton Anderson V.A. K-2 Hensel Phelps Constustion K-V Michele Steinnetz McDonald.s Diane Eessler Michael Johnson tl|l tt tl K-4 Wray Plunbing & Eeatiag K-, Hensels Phelps Construction K-6 Rosa Vaca lina Canela Sonnenalp K-10 James & Rose Parker Valli Hi K-18 Donald Ode1l V.A. IJ-1 Michael Deere Janet Giles Appoll Park L-1J RauI Ronero Eoliday fnn ManueL Borvodo I,t-Z Tim Hiler lodge Don Grillot trrr HenrSr Dennis tttr M-4 Melissa Bowers Peter Molena Crazy Shirts M-8 Mark Howarth Streansid_e YI-1+ Katie Carnes Lodge Karen Parkening Manor Vall Valli Hi Apartments 1280 N. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? 476-6759 Iq-17 Joe Kelso Holiday Inn Paula Johnson rr rr N-5 Gwen Hoberg VailValley Medical Center N-V Don & Pan Rind.fleisch Stein Garden 0-'10 Henry Woo May Palace O-11 Jamet Eolnes McDonalds Paul Booth rr tt P-1 Clint Berg Joe Mertes Doulbe [ree P-2 Darla lackey lodge Angie Ja:nes 'rr P-, Aenando Garica Pablo Garica Vail Athletic Club Sabador Garica Ramon Garica P-8 Iruis Bencoroo Mountian Haus Arturo Rono Bul1y Inn Jesus Rono Sonnenalp Arturo Martinez Blus hest. P-10 Thornas Bottom KVivlT 4 Va1li Hi Jrrne Occupied Units - Apartments 1, 7986 tenant/Employer T,ist - A-1 Hugo Parra Christobal Ranirez, A-3 Tin Fitz:-Gerald Chuck Fitz-Gerald A-4 Sergio Sandoval Ariel Sandoval Alejando Sandoval Roberto Sandoval A-5 Paige Babor A-6 Jone' Vanela Gabril Ceniceros A-B Don Creedy Joe l,Iebb A-9 Todd Ziebko A-10 I-,i-sa Paschal A-11 Donald Martenez Darlene Gonzales A-Lz Ken 011er Collene 011er B-) Samuel Fernandez Hector '' rt Sandra 'ir " B-7 Jirn Parker Rose Parker 2 Children B-10 Scott Lev5r Tim Sneriglio B-11 Tom Korjenek C-5 Paul llleyer Bill Gardner C-0 Jon Ryan Joen Ryan I chiltl C-6 Kent H;,essley Paula , n D-) Jason Grammer Glenda '' n L,a Petit Cafe Sandstone Vail Hospital Self Employed (handY Simba Run VaiI Run Vail Run Lodge at Yail Banner Sports I(3 Raneh Potato Patch Mountain Hous Soru:enalp v.A. Chart House Safeway T,oclge @ Vail Self Dnployed \tife Clrrano s II 6]rrano s Sandstone Creek Club Valti Hi Valli Hi Dependants Erre's Print Shop Kennedy's Self tupl-oyed Account triesten Pepi Sports Self Ernployed'(Handy llife Dependant Ia.nd Design Safeway City Market i,Iife Lage r r'age . D-7 Ton Curtis Julie Bonnell D-Is Michael Forrest Jrian Romo Alen Desjarding D-77 Ed Sampson Greg Taggart D-18 Jenrry Hil1ier Debbie Mac Dougall Ame Faherty E-) Lodge @ Vail E-4 Lodge @ Vail E-5 Danella Construction E-],? Salvador Gomez Gregorio Rables Consuele r n I.-6 Raul Martinez Arther Sandoval F-8 Ventura Venzor Patirico tr ''AntOniO rt '' G-l Juan Arguell-es Solome tt I' ?orfi-rio " ' G-5 't'.'ord Pratt Jin l'Iallace [{ark Folsorn G-6 Kathy Navarro Juan r! rt H-Z Larry iTang Arturo H-3 Hector Granados Jeresa Arana Clara tr tl $agdalena' ' H-4 Ecluardo Ruiz Rosana Aroujo Adolfo Ruiz Double Tree Double Tree Far East Shelter Mountain Hous v.A. v.A. Safeway Lion Head Bar & Grill [Iet. IHerchant Health ShoP The l,Iren E)nployee Housing Enployee Housing Hnployee Housing Black Tower Black Tower YIife Ii'estin 1','estin Lodge @ Vail Lodge @ Vail Sweet 3azi1 Iendnark Pepi.' s Pepi's Lodge @ Vail Lodge @ Yail Holiday fnn Vail G1o Doub1e Tree Szechwan trion Szechwan lion l,odge @ Vail l,odge @ Vail Kiandra Kiandra Chart House Lodge @ Vail Chart House rdSe ) H-5 Jesus Velasco Pedro Velasco Luz Velasco H-6 Alezandro Garcia Gererdo Diaz Patrocimio Garcia O1ivia Diaz b6 James Kerr James l\icCorkle I-10 Rick Schultz J-3 Jerry Glissrnan Jamie Brehmer Vicki Brehmer J-5 Maria Reyes Jose Reyes Javier Reyes Jesus Reyes J-? Gray Ferguson J-B Gina Eckert J-10 Kevin Hopper David Turner K-6 Rosa Vaca Lina Conela Bostick K-9 I'{arc Tri-rnmel' Sabine Trinnmel- Joe Ylagner K-LZ Alicia Joya K-13 ldark Fleener Stephon Tucker 'L-3 Mol1y Godfrey L-5 Greg Arce Andy l'/inere L-7 Humberto Chavez Ramon Medina Kiandra Dependant Mountain House Tea Room Athletic Club Best lfestern lYren American Title Lodge @ Vail v. A.v. A. IJInt. T's Lodge @ Vail Dependant Dependant Dependant Lodge @ Vail V. A. Gondola Restaurant I{arriott Mai.son Creole Sonnenalp Sonnenalp Jerry Sibley plunbing & heating Vail T-Shirt Co. Poste Montain Val1i IIi Vail Boot & Shoe Double Tree Boselli of Vail Burger King Burger King Pepies Restaurant Lodge Hotel rage ry L-13 l'Ianuel Borvodo RauI Romero Armando Rornero L-16 l}ic Anderberg Ian Goff L-18 Oscer $onge M-7 Nemias Morales Jose CastilLo Dario Fernartdez Llbado Chavez M-B ldark Howarth Hen:ar 11-9 I'1-14 $-u I,1-18 N-1 N-3 N-4 N-5 N-6 0-B o-9 0-11 o-12 Jane Brashear Patti Ianders tlike Tyrrell Clint Tlrrrell Gary Lightfoot Holiday Irut Hollday fnn Stacey Rodriquez Randy Hubler Charles Lucker Don Rinclfleisch Pam Rindfleisch Dan Bellefleur Tracey L. Standen Gr.Jenn Hoberg Victor C. Bridges Doris Dairty Tara O'3rian Don Lemcke I{cVail Jesse D, Debord Constintin Branuadlm Lodge @ Vail Holiday Inn Holiday Inrt McDonalds McDonalds Valli Hi Sandstone Greek Sandstone Creek Eagle Valley Landscaping Iliatt's Cafe Meadow Vail Place I\iarriotts Holiday Inn Holiday Inn Safeway Dependant Safervay Employee Housing Employee Housi-ng Simba Run Double Tree Summer Constructor Vail Vill-age Inn Yail Chocolate Factory Dependant Lodge @ Vail Vail Valley Medical Center Valli Hi Holiday fnrr Holiday Inn Illarriotts E)npl-oyees of McDonalds SIcDonalds Sunbird Lodge ?' P:I Connie Berg Torinos Clint Berg Raintree P-5 Pablo Garcia Vail Athletic Club Sabador Garcia Vail Athletic Club Armand Garcia Blu's Restaurant Rarnon Garcia AlPine Rose P-6 Holiday fnn Employee Housing P-8 Victor Villalobos Holiday fnn Luis Bencomo Mountain Hous Arturo Romo 3u11Y lII P-9 Greg Deurl Tori-::os P-10 Thonas L. Bottorn KVMI P-I? Loclge @ Vail Bnployee HousS-ng B-13 Gregg Lanier Double Tree 75 south trontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 16, 1985 Lois Teeter Valli Hi 1280 N. Frontage Rd.Vail, Co. 81657 Dear Ms. Teeter: I am writing you for your assistance'i n meeting a requirement of the Va1 li Hi property that was set forth during a rezoning process in 1977. At that time, a requirement of the owners of the property was to provlde to the Town of Vail on December l and June 1of each year a list of al1 tenants, including their names and places of employment. [l|hjle thjs has not been done for some time, the Town is reguesting this informatjon be prov.i ded.I would a'lso appreciate information concerning your present rental rates as h,el1 as occupancy levels. Page two of the enclosed ordinance outlines the information that is to be provided to the Town by Valli Hi. I would appreciate a response from you concerning this request at your earliest convenjence. Thank you for your cooperation and please do not hesitate to cal l wjth any questions you may have. Si ncerel y, Thomas A. Braun Town Planner cc: Bill Post t l|tl 75 soulh frontage road Ell, colorado 81657 ' (303) 476-7000 December 16, 1985 Mr. Bill Post Otto, Peterson and Post Box 3149 Vai I , Col orado 8'l 658 Re: Valli Hi Dear Bill: As the attorney representing valli Hi, I would like to ask your assistance in a couple of matters. The first would be for the operatois of valli Hi to provide the Town a'l ist of all tenants including their names and places of employment who are occupying valli Hi as of Dec6mber l, .l9g5. while I am not certain if this has been done jn previous years, ii is a requirement of the original sDD ordinance when this property was rezoned (see encl osure ) . I would. also .appreciate information concerning the present rental rates being charged as well as the exj sting occupaniy of lhe development. lnwn o Thank you for your cooperation in thjs response at your earliest convenjence. w'i th any questions you may have. Si ncerely, Thomas A. Braun Town P'l anner TAB: bpr Encl osure matter. I would appreciate a Please do not hesitate to call me T0: Ron Phillips FR0M: Tom Braun DATE: December 13, 1985 SUBJECT: . Val'li H'i As per your request, I have researched the requirements pertaining to information the operators of Val'l i Hi are to provide the Toum. According to the SOD ordinance approved with this rezoning, the owner of the property shal 1 provide to the Town of Vail on December lst and June lst of each subsequent year, a list of all tenants including their names and p1 aces of employment. This is the only requirement specified within the ordinance pertaining to renta'l information A'l so'included jn the ordinance is reference to an agreement between the Town and the app'l jcant that was to have been recorded prior to second reading agreeing to "the terms hereof." Said agreement was to have been filed of record in Eagle County. I have not been able to find a copy of this agreement, nor does Eag'le County have any record of it being recorded. It may be that thjs agreement included more specific jnformation to be provided to the Town by the developer. I have drafted a letter to Bill Post request'i ng the information required in the ordinance as well as the rental rates and the present occupancy. Larry may have addit'iona'l information concerning these neguirements and we'll talk to him next week about this issue. I have enciosed a copy of the ordinance as well as a copy of the'l etter to Bill Post for your i nformati on. '\8" . .-I \t, ORDI}IANCE NO.(Series of 1 AN ORDINANCE REZOI{ING A PARCEL orn pRoprRTY DESCBTBED AS LOTS Cl TI{ROUGH C5, LIONSRIDGE, FTLTNG NO. I, TOIfN OF VArL, COLORADO, FROT1 RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER TO SPECIAL DEVELOPIIENT DISTRICT, APPROVING THE APPNOVED DENSITY THEREFORE; SPECIT'YING THAT THE PROPERTY SHALL BE USED FOR LONG TERM RENTALS; INDICATING THE INITIAL DEVELOP}IENT STANDARDS; DIRECTING APPROVAL PROCESS, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS RELATINC THERETO. IIIIEREAS, Lots Cl through C 5, Lionsridge Filing No. 1, Town of Vai-l, Colorado; have been zoned Residential Cluster; and II'HEREAS, the use of the property has been under study for some Period of time; and i!'HEREAS, in accordance with Section 18.66. 110 of tbe Vail llunicipal Code, a rezoning has been j-nj.tiated by the purchasers of the above specified property to rezone the property from Residential Cluster to a Special Developrnent District; and 'II'HEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commlssj.on of the Torvn of Vail has considereci the same and recomn:ended approval of the rezoni-ng, a density for -uhe property, a projected use for the properiy, initial development standards' and the process for approval of further development plans; and II'I{EREAS, the Torvn Council consj.ders that it is in the public interest to rezone said property i-n accordance witb the provisions of this ordinancei NOIY, THEBEFORE, BE ORDATNED BY THE TOiIN COINCTL OI. THE TO1l']{ OF VAIL,, COLORADO, THAT: (1) The Council specifically finds that tlre procedures for the amendment of the offj-cj-al zoning map and rezoning of properties within the Torvn of Vail as prescribed in Title 18 of the Vail llunicipal Code have been fulfil1ed, and the Council hcreblr receives the report and recor,r-nen da t i on of the Pl:.lnnirig and Environlnental Comnission recommendi.ng the approval of the rczoning 97 9, .i' -t \ Ord. No. \i r-\ 18.66, 160 of the Vail Lionsriclge Filing No. 1' from Residential Cluster accordance rvith the terms Page 2 (2) Pursuant to Section Municipal Code Lots Cl through C5, Torvn of Vail, Colorado, are rezoned 'to Special- Development District in and conditions of this ordinance' (3) The follorving densities' parking requirements' userequirementsrlengt'hofcommitment'develop;oentstandards' andapprovalprocedures'shallbeapplicabletothispropertjr' and,theapplicantshallenterintoanagreementrvittltheTogn priortosecond'readingofthisordinanceagreeingtothete:rms herecf. A. Density - A roaximum number of I98'drvelling uni sha1l be allowed wj-tb a maximr:rn gross residential floor area of 1{8,500 square feet may be constructed on the parcel' B. Parking - There shall be provided no less than 297 parking spaces for'the project' C. Use - Tbe use ot th71'98y'we11ing units t_-:: . 4 shal1 be restricted as forl0rvs, - ^'L L i. Units sha1l be used for long-tern rentals with a rninimun lease of thirty days' ii. A11 occupants shall be full-time employeesintheUpperEagleValleyrvhichingludestheGoreValley, lr,linturn, Red cliff , Gilman and Eagle/Vail. "I'u1l-time employment" shallbedeemedtomeanemploymentofrqorethan30hoursperweek. lrlembers of the family of an employee shall be exempted from this requiremen t. T;" owner of the property sha1l provide ro tbe Tolvn of vail on Decebber 1 and June 1 of each subsequent year a list of all tenants, iriclud.ing their names and places. of employnell iii. 'A -u€n day period fron the tine of initial occupancy sbaIl be given in order for an occupant to fii:d employnent in tbe Upper Eagle \raI1ey as required hr-'rein' Ord, No.Page iv. A1l occupAnts' rvith exception of' members of the farnily of an employee rvbo are not employed in the upper Eagle \talley for a period in excess of ten days (except in the recognized off-seasons) will be required to terminaie their occupancy. v. A11 signators of leases rrust be occupants of tbe units. vi. Oceupation of each unit shall be limited to a family as defined by Title 18 of the Vail lfunicipal Codd. D. Length of Commitment - The terms of these conditions shall be in effect for - " n""ro. or affi the date bf eompletion of the project. No unit' buj-1ding' or portion of the project shall be condonniniumized during the restricted trventY Year Period. E. Approvals Required - The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review and recommend to the Torvn council a final developrnent plan in accordance with secilons l-8.40.040 and 18.40.050 of the vail }lunicipal code. The Torvn Council sha11 have the fi-nal revj.ew of the development plan after receiving ttre recommendation of the Planning and Environmental Conmission. Tbe Desig! Review Board shatl review each-.phase of the development plan prior to the conmencement of construclion. The appLicant sha1l obtain from the Town of Vail, a .Building Permit for Phase I on or before June 1, 1979 and sbal1 conmence construction by July 1, 1979. If a Building Permit is not acquired and construction has not commenced by the above-referenced dates, the Town Council may direct that this Specj.al "Development Distri.ct zoning sha11 be returned to tbe Planning & Environmental Commission and the. To*rr Council for thei-r revi-erv. Upon said revi el', the re- zoning may be reversed, re-approved, altered or changed as the Planning & Environmental Commission and Tot'n Council shalI d6em appropriate. ^I !t 3 ,-( C. No.Page 4 f. Development StanCards - The follorving rni.nirnrun .development standards sha11 be followed: (i) Required setbacks on the projects shall be a ininimum of 20 feer fron any site 1ine. (ii) Tlre maximum height of all buildings shal1 be 35 feet. (iii) No more than 452 of the total site area sha1l be covered by buildi.ngs. (iv) A minimum of 3O% of the total site area. sha11 be landscaped. (v) Recreational facilities shaLl be provided, sufflcient to meet the needs of the residents of the project including as suggestions: volleyball courts, bashetball court, and an inside recreation room with ping pong and foosball tables. (vi) No fireplaces shal1 be permitted within any of any of the 198 dwelling units. One fireplace may be installed in a corffnon recreation or meeting area. (4) As provided in Section 18.08.030 the Vai-l .,Uunicipal Code, the Zoning Adminisi,raror is bereby directed. ro ptomprly modify and anend the offi.cial zoning rxap -Lo indicate the rezoni,ng specified in Paragraph (2) above. (5) If any part, sectj-on, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason beld to be invalid, such decision sha1l not affect the validity of tbe remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Torvn council hereby declares it rvould have passed this orCinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrjse thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or nore parts, sections, subs.'ctions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. (6) The Torvn Council hereby fi.nds tbat this ordinance is necessary for protection of 'the public health, saf L-ty eird rvelfare. t- ( No.D.r rr INTRODUCED' READ ON FIRST READING' .{PPROVED' AND oRDERED PI'BT,ISHED ONCE IN FULL this 6th day of February, 1979' and a public hearing on this o1'dinance shal1 be held at the regular -- meeting of the Torvn Council.of the Torvn of vai1, Colorado' on the 2othdayofFebruary,lgTg,atT:3OP'lU',iiltheltlunicipal Building of the Torvn- Uayor ATTEST: PUBLISHED BY TITLE o e5 ? ) ./ INTRODUCED, READ ON 0NLY THIS 20th day SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED Of FEBRUARY,1979. (ATTEST) v I UWtl MEMORANDUM T0: Tom Braun FR0M: Ron Philljps DATE: December 10. 1985 SUBJECT: Val'ley Hi The Town's agreement with Valley Hi requires that the oh,ners provide certain information to the Town on an annual basis. The requirements include information on occupancy rates and rental rates. Would you please research the exact requirements of the agreement and wrjte a letter to Bill Post, Attorney for Valley Hi, requesting that the informatjon be provided within the terms of the agreement. Thank you. RVP/bsc - rl"t\ Apt. # nft I |,, Ar2 'l A*3 A-4 a_5 ', , A-5 I Ar7 A-8 A-9 I A_1o ' A-11 , .A_L2 I i ll Va1Il Hi Apts. (Grr\r,r?t,q, t,.. ))-aut/a/)'; '1t ' May 81 L984 Nane Place of fuplolrnent Mlke Klr{c 0.0.V.'MarLa Kt.rk Oltff .4'.1bro Lancl Deslsns Jesse Uademood t.O.V. ry"m{" l*{qv"l V.A. a.nd Llons Square Lodge ,Anmeda Sanddval Ant]-ers Javler [ioeno illan Kelly_ &odtge at VaiI Elorencia Ke1ly Lodf,e at Vati Jane Chanbal The Slope Mlchael DeMar{a Loclge a1-Vatt Mike Halt Paula Kelly Kerr;r Dnrsoh Lori Dnrsch lI. o, v. Safeway Westln Vail Natlonal Banlr Deneen DeFabbo L,orlge at VaiI Janes Buckley Westln Glorla Buckley Colorado Instgbt Apt, . B-1 I B-2 B-3 'I B-4 I 'r ' B-5 I 8-6 L7 li I I t ,l I I l B-8 tB9 I Llo I B-11 FI2 B-13 L14 | B_15 I I n-rs . , B-1? B-18 I l I I I I I I l_ Nane Walter Sheets iloan Sbeets Llada SbeetE Irouls Atenolo Mary Atenci.o Jeff ilorker Bom KorJiaek Wa3ne Meyer Brlan Ably Davltl Wertz Place of EhTployuent VallL Ht Apte. Auther Blshpp Safeway lst Bank of Mlntuno Richard Gal,laway self Loilge at Val1 * ll; I I I rl I '11,. 1.,--.-.-..,-- L--.. Name Place of r.tqp1-oyuent Beofl.lo Quezada Vall hst Anita Quezatla She Anewering 9ervlce Irupe Chaves Klanilra ii,,tl:' ,, 'l' il t, ii, ,' lApt.# rll , l'D-l I '','Fo r, IL5 'r' t irr,. ,1$a' D=9 D-10 I D'tl1 ILl.2 l'lIL13 . [L14 D-l5 Ua IL3 D-l6 i D-l? it|lS I Nana place of &plo;meat Pan Bellefleur SteLn Garden KEvIn Bronn Ko Buper Doug PLstole lr.o.v.ValL Guliles Wll-l-lan Awe Suea.a Iryaeh Jue.n Romo IliaBthews &. Assoc-Cbicago Conneoti.on I'..l|*--..-' I I ri ,,ii'l rl Apt. # r6 B-7 'i FBi il'l,rl E.9 l I lE-+o r ' $-U ', I r1Ai ,i I I I I l':' i Sa,ne r John C'qpbell I Flace of Brrploynent I Ebbert &rterbaugh Aliola, Joya &eusdeE Joia Oboer Usnge Db"t{l Eobbs Westl.n yelIl Ht Apte.rrodge at Vatl Charlle House VaLl Oulilee VaLJ. Datly i t_l I I ll I I rl I I I' I ,l I 'l ,&rt. # i , D,-1 .I F-z ,11 ,'tl F-3 ll F-4,, i q-5 ,i l'-5 F-? F-8 F-9 I F-l0 8-11 F-l2 r..l o Nane PLace of EnPlotrrnent Sa].ly Darllr.gton ' VaiL Ageoc' ldry" -Anne Swasrson .Westin Che4yl Baurnavn fhe Wren Cel{.a Bowe],]. Rat & Wtllies Carltgafe n n rl Noel Owens lhe tlttLe Shop (Westln) DavLil l|ebor Loe Amlgoro ' Cralg Strother V.A. Paul Bel}egantle Westln Ranon, Marlal i;i;'Peianiez Vai'l Food servLoe Wenily Andereon Vall- Food ServIce t;ii"uuu"ry n n n 1,,1'l'l'l ti t, 'iri,i'i ,,,i rl 't ,,1 I ,, I I i i I i I l 1 i i, I I I i rl Apt. G-1 q,r.2 i 1-Lrlll , (L4 (L5 G;-6 I Name Dorothy ilara.nillo DLane Rlvers Kathy Romero iluan Afguelles Rober'l Montes Paul Dempsey hrssel Aalan Rleharrl Bantaza JeanrrlB Battrg.za plaoe of ltryrloJrnent c. o. v.Tlvoll Dorlge Vall OIo Lodge loilge at VaLl Vatl Athletlo Cl.ub Rerl Llon Inn Irotlge at Vall Cbart llouee I I '. I I ,i li I I ll Apt. n-5 lL Nane Place Daw Armon Blders. of Brp1oynent Sane H- trL2 L, H-3 li il I 'l rl 1 L I H:4 I EI-5 Magdolena Araua Eeresa Araua Ranrl Ronero Delores Davenport .fesus Velasco Iruis Velasoo Pcdro Ve]-asco Ranon Garcia RoJi.Lto Garcla Pablo Garcla Pedro luevano Ioclge at Val-L tt al tl Iraurar e tr\rdge Shop Bl-ur s Beanery troclge at ValL Alpenrose Rest. Clock Tower Inn Vail AthLetic CIub r patri Vappy Constr. Apt. # I-L T-2 I-3 I-4 L5 r-5 r-7 r-8 I-9 r-10 r-11- r-Lz Na"ne Ventura Venzor Patricio Venzor Antonio Venzor Rafe"e1 Fenne"radez Beatrice Ferna.nclez Jares Kerr Chris Clemente Mark Leiningen ?Iace of Empl-oynent loclge at VaiL L,odge at ValI loclge at ValI Pepit s Sports Inn at YJest Vai]. Self Suncll.::.ce Saloon-T. 0,. V. Vail Gui-des Apt. #Name P1ace of Dmpl-oynent J:1 J-2 J-3 J-4' Mike Chamberlain self- Vail Trail Duane Bentley Plainters of VaiJ. L5 I-6 Brail Arrdre!,.sen frresti.n Kdthy findreasen I-7 Matt Y{il-son l{arrict M;'rk Nancy Leasck Marriot lliark J-8 I-9 J-lO Kevin Hopper i'hrriot Llark Rick Abig iYestin J-11 J-l-z Jay Meyer I'odge at Vail Glenn Mac Isaac Climax Sports Apt. # Na:ne Place of DnPloyment K-I . K-2 K-3 K-4 Baud.elia Torres Ed-onsquare T'oclge Jenevoba Gonsales Lionsquare lrotlge .K-g K-6 LYnn Carter lriarriot Mark K-7 Andrerv Stinson T-'odge at Vai]- Brian Blackburn Sunbird l-,odge tr-8 K-9 K-lO Carol Anne HbPemann VVIIiC IJarY PePPel VVMC _E-f:- Sortin Pa-1acio }liaaiott llia.rku - -id.a Palaeio Lion Stluare Loige Ruth Romero K-12 BeckY ftsfl3ir uez Val-l'i Hi Gayl--e fiill-iams V:I1i Hi '' K-13 E'Itlon Schroeder Pu'b1ic t{orks- T'O'V Jay Snith K-]-4 K-L5 K-I6 K-1? Isabel Pena KVItlT Monique Soxd Torinots K,18 E].Len HaPeman Safen'aY laurel. Flynn The General Store Apt. it L-1 L-2 . Ir-3 l'-4 T''5 !-o I'-7 Ir-8 Ir-9 Na.me Kevin Finer Jacob l{orton Richa# Srrmr6l-1 Rotert Shrine Terry Evans Don Styles Kathy Bennett Pamela l.lujen Livin Asavei [iark Gaisford Romona l\{ontez Jim A]-bert Diane Puchar:ne CLiff Sneecl Tod.tl I'Io].es Bret Mo].es Place of EroPlolrment .A..v ^' 1, t^-t<51 t:A, I lctlge at V:i} 'l{estin -tvala,nche Efectric Denver [uitar Institute /\ al\ Yr|estin V. A. Vai]. Socd and Deli Svriss IIot Dog ConPanY V.P.D. Dispatch Strea:aside ;r.t Va.il Lodge at V'ri1 Vail Vi11.-'ge fru: 7ht 7/rL Rusty Bpikes L-1A L-11 I,-j.2 L,-13 L'-L4 t-].5 t-r-6 Xr-17 !-18 Apt. # Name Place of Enployment M-2. M-2 Szechwan Lrion Rest. Szechwan Lion Rest' N-3 M-4 M-5 . David Alicia li-6 M-? I{-8 linda Merzke V'A' Ross l{lerzks Self Is-9 I'{-1O m-11- l'lary L.;.ndreth V.A. V,A. Peter Holgren Self Kathleen Ca].].ahan Itr-l2 I{-l-3 Cassanclra Sjocien V'Jestin Kim Swarrson .trTestin Sreni.a Villorreal Westin m-14 Kat .gYn Eough SafewaY friicirl"ef GreEory Sireamside at Ve'i1 I[-]5 David ftise V'A' Kendon"post V.A. K-16 Steve Hi]-l V';i.' l.tlilIlam Grahn V. A. H-1? ?a.uI Knedeisen Yrestin Paul Jeppson V.A. M-LB Robert Harding Ytiestin Doug Johnston Vrtestin o Ivr. it' Name ?1ace of Employment N-I . Diane Rodriquez The Littl-e Shop Staceli Rodriquez The iittLe Shop N-2 N-3 S.riie CadcLIe SafewaY Oatiy Lengteau Vall-i Hi N-4 N-5 N-6 Yvonne tilo.t"" SafewaY Rich.'-rd Glovetr self Danny Glover Student Apt. # o-1. o-2 o-3 o-4 oL5 o-5 o-7 o-8 0-9 0-10 o-11 Name JiIl- Glasser Rory fa.bnase Telrnase Ton Clinton Rznd.;' Arnol.tl i{ike Green Place of Entplotrrment Clocktovrer Inn Vail Ski RentaLs Pizza P;:ine Red Liom lodge at Vail- Apt. # ?-1". t-2 P-3 P-4 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 P-10 P-t]. F-l-2 Narne E].Len Guillot Rrndy iiickinstry I'like Sirrpson iTestin Unit Tiestin Unit Pat H,11 gK,4y'"e/ ne\f'!f'r{" o!.r/ f- & -.tt' Ked/'A!"On Place of Employrnent Safeway Ho]-e in the 'tlall Yiestin D