HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B5 BROOKTREE UNIT 216DLEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES D t€ AtC" MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0358 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BROOKTREE TH, UNIT 216D Applied . . : 12102/2W4 Parcel No...: 7103014f,604l Issued. . : l2/2lDA04 ProjectNo I N/4 Expires. .: 06119/20[5 I owNER SUr,trvAN, TTMOTI{Y E. L2/02/2OO4 Phone: PO BOX 928 GI-,EN NH 03838 License: coNrRAcToR ROD HALL COMPANY L2/O2/2004 Phone t 303-777-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M APPIJICAN:r ROD IIAITIJ COMPAIIY L2/02/2004 Phone: 303-7'77-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 I-,icense: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT WOOD TO GAS INSERT. NAPOLEAN GDI20-N Valuation: $2,500.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 t:t:t:t(**:t**+i<:i,t :t*i.r(t+**!*,t*:********,f*:lr'l****+t(**,*!t*,*,**f *:a*:i:t*1.'1.,1.*:ti<**:t**,i FEE suMI\[AltY so. oo Total Calculated Fees-->$78.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I.,$ BC . I L-^,ar--z6it\1L \)I rt O 6loo\tr-<-r--r-- Mechanical-- > Plan Check--> Invesdgation- > will cdl--- > 60 - oo Restuarant Plan ReYiew- > ls.00 DRB Fee--------------------> so - 00 TOTAL FEES--------> s3.00 So. o0 Additional Fees------> ($7s.00) o.oo s0. oo 0.00 8 . o0 Total Permit Fee-----> Payments-------:-- > BALANCE DUE....-.-- > Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L2/07/2oo4 JHM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 BI_,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 Br,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 UMe, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 SI,DE.): INSTAI,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER L0 oF THE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER L0 OF TIIE 1-99? rMC. Cond: 25 BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SIIALL BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAI-,IJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE T997 IMC. Cond: 29 BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CTIAPTER 3 AI{D SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 t]MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE T997 IYIC. Cond: 31 BLDG.): BOILERS SIIAIJIT BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. INITESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING. Cond: 32 BLDG.): PERMTT,PITANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING BOIIJERS S}IAIJI-' BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRATN PER sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. POSTED TN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRTOR HEJATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY sF,c. Lo22 OF TI{E 1"997 UMC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. PJQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,'RS IN PM. BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 5A? PAI DEC A2 '84 11111 rPruc nor wtrr flot !! rcctFTED lF tficofi?tlTl oR utlslctllD Prot d l: luiUlng Pcnnit #:- trcoranut Prrmn r]@f, 9tO-479- 2138 (tnrpcctlonr) mwwvrb 75 S. Froatrgc Rd.Permit will not be accepted without Room loom Calct. F-, t t/r"'-D|e. SubdvBion: Wort Clc: ierw ( )Mdluon ( )Af,teratlon R€palr( ) OUto(X) Ooes arr EHU exbt at this laatbn:Yes( ) No( ) ti'rcial( ) Rctt'ur'nt( ) Otttg 4 flo. of%tttodauon units ln tfiis bulldlttg: rcnvpa of ffcpgc Prcposcd: Gas Appllrnccs ( coi|PLETEvAtuATlof!FoFlr|Ec}|A'{IcTLPERilIT(labori}tater|a|c) coirTRACTOn t til FoRttlATlOtl 1 "? 1',\ r...ata...... or..r.......-........r rFfOR, O?4Gt USE OllLVt rrtrrrr rrt'ro rr r' rt r trr"rt) trrrrr' ' DE'ARTMENT.F..MMT.JNTT'DE'EL.'MENT t""*""!ft $ [^oL sQ - NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES -5 - t' \ K MECIIAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M0+0133 JobAddress: 9T0VAILVIEWDRVAIL Status. .. : FINAL Incation-....: 970 VAIL VIEW DRW$ LINIT D'118 Applied . . : 07/201200/. ParcelNo...: 210301406036 Issued. .: O7/22|2OM ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/3012004. OUINER ALBERT, LEE A. & EIJISABETH A07/20/2004 Phone: 970-479-5263 1-05 ,IORDAI\I RD Wf I,I,IAMSVT LI-,E NY L422L License: CONIRACTOR ROD HALL, COMPAIW 07/20/2004 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 !'TYAATDOT STREET DEIiIVER, CO 80223 License:150-M APPLICAI\IT ROD HALL COMPANY 07/20/2004 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYA$TDOT STREET DBIVER, CO 80223 L,icense:150-M Desciption: CONVERT WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE TO GAS INSERT, NAPOLEAN GBOI 6, 3OOOO BTU, WARNOCK.HERSEY Valuation: $2,500.00 Ffueplace hformarioa R€stsicc& Y # ofGc Applioces: 0 #ofGaslogs: 0 #of WoodPell4 0 FEESTJMMARY TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAI) VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Mechmical-> 560 , 00 R€strdel Plan Revi€*-> Plsn check-.> S15 . 00 DRB F€g'--.----> 07 /20/2004 JS Itsen: 05500 FIRE DEPART!4ENT 50.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-+ 578.00 50.00 Additionat Fees__--_> ( g?9.00 ) -%<.,uuts^'r-- Investigdion> Will Call----> SO,OO TOTAL FEE|-------> 9?9.00 Toal Permit Fee----> S0.00 s3.00 Psymsnts--_> S0. 00 BAI ANCE DI.'E - SO. OO 'tl'aaallaalallrlal ften: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTITIENT Action: AP CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ): COMBUSTION ArR IS REQUIRm PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IrMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORI4 TO MANUTACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE L997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TTIE L997 TMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPLIAIiTCES SHAL,L BE VEnflIm ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 Ar{D SHALL TF,RMINATE AS SPEC]FIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 199? T]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 A\]D SEC.1O17 OF TTIE 1997 T'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cona,' Sf (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHAI,I-, BE MOT]TMED ON FLOORS OF NONCOI4BUSTIBLE CONST. UNIJESS I,ISTED FOR MOUIVTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORTNG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PITANS AND CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN IIECHANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTTON REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI-'DG.): DRAIIIAGE OF I{ECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATR SUPPLY BOlr,m.S STIALT_, BE EQUIPPm WrTIr A FTJOOR DRAIN pER SEC. 1,022 O TIIE 1997 UMC,. OR sEcTroN L004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information require{ completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances md state laws, and to buildthis structure according to the torms zoning and suMivision codes, desiprwiew approved, Uniform Building Code md other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQI,JES'TE FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTT.FOTJR HOI,RS IN ADVA}ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2 I49 OR AT OTJR OFFICE FROM 8fO AM . 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNER Wj, ruL J|-n- 2A 'A4 L4=n' rtruarttor wnlilof sEIGGEPTED lF lilGoilruE'rEoR UilsSGllED Flotd *: Bufldlng Pennlt f; ttledunlral Permlt #: 97G479-213€ (Incpercdons) RECETVEO JUL 2 O zOUq Pennlt wlll not be accepted wltltout the followlng: ooes an EIU €xtst at tftb locatbn:vrs( ) !lo( ) Tyle ol Bdg: Seteblbrrqt ( ) OuPhs ( ) lluE lbttdlv (I ConnrsAat ) ncsbunnt( ) oth€r}{ ffisuon unfts ln dtb bulftllqg: Los( ) wd/mti ) wd arahg (NOIATLOWED) rob r{amq BBook.fre,ee D //g 'a/a , rc./<, - {er WorkCts$: il€w( ) AdHon( ) Alstlon aoncrtmum: neelor( ) Erbtlor( ) ous( ) No. ot Erlsilng Dnwl&rgUnlts In thls btlldl4: COtrtpLEtE YALUAIION FOR ttlECHAillCAt PERIIIIT (ltbor I t'iaerlatsl MEotAt{lc f.! I e{.AO' AA COTTRACf,OR INFORilArIOil TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO E1657 970479-2138 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL lncafion.....: 980 Vail View DR ParcelNo...: 214301406040 Project No : OWMR SEfDEIT' .IEFFRY B. 28 E 1OTTI ST I{EW YORK NY 10 033 Li.cense: COI{TRACTOR ROD IIAIJT COMPA}IY 255 WCANDOT STREET DENVER, CO fJo223 Iricense: 150-M APPI,ICAI{:T ROD IIAI-,L COMPA}TY 255 V YAI{DOT STREET DEIV\IER, CO a0223 I-,icense: L50-M Desciption: convert wood to gas insert Valuation: $2,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricled: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 Meshanical-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will ca[-> E40.00 Restuarmt Plan R€vieqr-> 910.00 DRBFee--""""'-"'- 9o. oo TOTAL FEES---> 93 .00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TT{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:M03-0263 LoI sc , r . tt-l^opy^&X^- \f4,\- t1 -Ba@U;'-c- U4,;l-b rzz .: ISSUED .: l2/23f2003 .: O1/Q7n004 .: 07/05D044 L2/23/2oo3 Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires. Phone: L2/23/2OO3 Phone: 303-777-7700 L2/23/2OO3 Phone: 3O3-'777-77OO # ofGas llgs: 0 #of Wood Pe[et: 0 FEE SUMMARY rt|$rt$*tttttNaf,t*.rt*tl'.:at:i.rt*sttrtt.tt*rt{.t{a*r.*.*t.t*'..tt. s0. 0o Total Calculated Fees->953.00 ($53.00) 90. o0 90.00 s0. 00 at*ttaata{.ii*tt***t****t*{,tsNtstst Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARIII{ENT L2/23/20o3 DF Action: AP IICM: 05600 FIR.E DEPAR${MfT $0.00 AdditionalFees---------> $53.00 Total Pemit Fee-> PaYmenn---> BAI/{{CE DUE-> CONDITION OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIEIiD INSPECTIONS ARE Condz 22 (Br_,De.): CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTIOIiI 701 0F TIIE L997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG. ) : INSTAILATION MttST CONFORI{ TO 10 oF TIS 1997 IlMe, CII;AI{rER 10 oF THE Cond: 25 I4AIiTT'FACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AI{ID TO CIIAPTER 1997 IMC. (Br,D;. ) : GAS ApprJrANcEs srrA.rJ., BE vENTm AccoRDrlre ro crraprER 8 AlirD sIreLL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC, OR CMPTER 8 OF TITE L997 TMC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPIJY WITII CIIAPTER 3 AtiID SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I]MC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3l- (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIAIJIT BE MOIIMIED ON FIJOORS OF IIOIICOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IINITESS LISTm FOR MOI'IiITING ON COMBUSTIBIJE EIJOORMG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLAIIS AI\ID CODE AIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECITA]TICAI RooM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIAI{ICAL ROOMS COI{TAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOILERS STIAI.,IJ BE EQUIPPED WIrIT A FIJ@R DRAIN PER, SEC. LO22 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F TrrE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have r€ad this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plaL and state that all the information as required is correcL I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECT]ON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY fiLEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEI APPUCATIOil UITLL '{OT E€ 958 PAl DEC 19 '43 16137 oR urslclrtED MVNWVAE ProJect #: Permlt #: l,ledunlcaf Permlt #J 9zo'47s-213s (rnspecu6iF 75 S. Frontag€ Rd. Vall, coloradb gl6s:t Permit wilt not b€ accepteo wtnout'iEffiiffii Room Di Duct Duct drawn to s€ale to Include; .lob Address: Work Clsss: Ne[{ ( )Reparr( ) other( ) EollerLocadon: InErbr(@ Does an EllU qist at this l@uon: yes ( ) No ( )Er-llr Typeof tsdg: Sngb,hmfi( ) OuCs( t MrtU-f;rrily( ) Cornneraal( ) Restaurant( ) Oth€r No. of E<kffirgll$Elllng UnlB fn 0rC but6ttS No. of AccommodaUon UnlB tn tib buttdlng: No/Typeof EreplacesP.poscd ffi colrlP{-ETE vALuATtofl FoR MEc!{/lflrcAl pERHrr (rabor & Matertats) COIITRACTOR IN FOR,}IATIO N .f .aral.rarr. a..f a.f .tr.r-l........f r..rrFOR OFfICE 0{-At20e4 krs@lon Rquest Re+ortlng Pagp 10 7:09am 'UAIL-CO-TOWHbF - AFfi) l|l|brmaton R*c.tu*Hl5#Hiffi: 5Htr *, Jatu8ry ffi, 20$4- $lteAtldrose: 970 vAlL\flE1fl DR vAlL A I ZZ sgov8l!VlewDR RrBa Llrez A.ttults CorEt Typ6: frniar: ApPllfant CdhadoN: M(':}urc3 Type:occueqi*f SEIDEL,.EFFRY B. ROD FNLI COIfPAAIY ROD FtAtr COlrfiPlS{Y ssTffi: AftfF Pllonq flF-777-7fi!PtwF: 3OS?Z-nU! .//, / - i6 -D / /f,=!.a RecLreeted Tlme: 08:@ Affi " -.-'f - Plrona: :uu+_T?7-77U (J Entar€.1 By: DGOLDEN K M.e: ISSI ED &@Ar€€: JRM Ebcrlsdon: convstmod bgEs bEert InF!€cdonHlstoe Reouesbd Inspeodon(sl Item! 390 ffiCH+lnal Rosuosior RODI'HILC$'PAITIY Cosrimarbr l(ovudsrrr|sl ,/l '\ASnFdTo: .monnnnoolt y'tj-j - Acflqr: _-1_ \l Itom: tlam: llem: lt€m:bm: nmr: nom: 200 310 316 320 3:p 340 3gl TlreErp: /3 REPT13I.Run rd: 1,5V9 T?9 W, FttrR 15 'E4 r6t5 !4iucw t.uttr.tufm vr tFrl lvttrrr, r'. i'r.rrter '-"' OFVAIL DEFARTMENT OF CI}MMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT ROAD 81657 \ilM79-2138 I I Norc, THIsrERMrrMusrBEFosrEDoNJoBsITB I l, MECIIAITIICALPERMIT r I I mAddres: 9ToVAILYIEWDRVAIL ', Iocation----: 9S0VAILVIEWORIVEIJNIT220D ' I PscelNo...: 2ltl30l/m6045 >7>o u"*^?'t&t AT AII. TIIdES Permit #: M0440:19 2-,..,\ f l Ev:o\-t-'-l-'c-,'--- ISSUED $nf,n0rn 03tL52,0|M 09/118004 l@ieuds'.t witrc8[.+ I $60 . o0 9a5 -O0 $e-o0 s3. oo FrojeoNo : m!fir:Z. toDtrl 38 IVNDSOIT gr 8@ErTB Nlf 1460s Llcesse: r@ gelir. co'IFAIrg 255 WrANDdr srBtm ES!l/ER, @ so223 LicF.neg: 150-!l RlE ml,f, COIFANY "55 $YlillDqf, STREFT DUNI'ER, CO tt0223 rieeo6e: 150-M CO}.IVERT S'OOD TIO GAS IT{SERT g2"50o.oo hfun$da!: Rcsrcgd: Y It d(bAmf@: 0 RgostrrrHN nwi!cr-) ORE ltcF--..-...} T(IIJ{LFtsEjH oalosf2so4 pbone: otl08/2OO4 wIa8l2OO4 Plrone: 303'777-77OO 67s.Do TtrtdPcmirFcr-"- I|qd3'Is__..-+ DALA!'TCEDlrB---> * of&31r85 0 tr6f Woqt Pdf* 0 rm nnrueif otrlia'***ertltrstttg i're'ttr'ctttr''.{'9t'r"rt"""-''-'- '- ib.oo l'.Et colstlod lrlE-> 8?r"0o S0.0O AddttunulFcc+ (gz! - ool so.sa 50. OD 30-oo L2 .l : FI3LD IIWPECTIOIIS 22 . ) : S!{gIIsTIo!8 af. Ls ?oil oF rrrn 1997 rttlc. eond: 23 Act:lon: lP CONDITION OF APPROVAL ARE REAgfiED TO CECK F(4. CODE CO!{FI'IEIICE' [rausED sR sc- 701 oF me 1997 ttltc' oR sEqD[olv ueNurActtrnns NssBgcf,IclNs els' !!o c@P|rm' L997 tMC. OSLOO BIIIIjDING I}E9NRIIAffi 03loal2ooa Ja 05600 IIIRE DEPARSTTEM (Er,D6-): rrrsEA&I,BSION ltssT CoNFOIIM TO io or Es 1992 tt!'tc, @ptgn, LO OF tm' Crrrlrt: 2 5 !ond: 39 iffi.t; sccEgs [o #D}:use Eolrrpr@lll trl{rs:! colEur I(ITE cErplrER 3 enD sEc-1oa? rw L997 UMC .ar[o CBpllER 3 ()r EgE 1997 rldc' lod: 3l' (sjDc,): BOILERS SmIL EE MOWIT.ED (x[ FI|OOBS OF IIONCOMBUSI:IBLE coErST' IINLEES irerm FoB ![cluNflIuo gN cauEugcrBr'E Etoonrrc' lond: 32 (EIOG.):PEFMrrrHrri[TtSaIIDCODERIB&YgtrslmElrBEgos:l$Ilclecgatwres]ir@MPSIOR !O .eN INSPECnION RNiffiST' Coa{: 30 (BLDtr.):I}aA[]$AGEoFMEcmsrIeerrnml'.gcoNBINIIsEEEAcNGoasgT-lGEBSITPP6T SBE[, BE EQUIPPED $I:fS e ffrOOR DBAIIV P)ER' SEC' tO22 I T@ t99'l ID!C' (IR DECI.ARAiTIONS w9w MtrR 15 '44 16275 src, OF FSFaa:;rt,F .at?,tt QUR oFFlcE rnona 8f0 AM - 4 PIVL FOR AI{DOWNES 1004.5 0F [llE 199? IMC. acknowledge drAt I h$rc rgad fiis applidiouo fllted our il ftU fre lrfrrnsliw IBqufue4 complsd ar sDslzle plot pl6o' | 'h,r all tbe infttmedsn as rquired k conc* r ser* i ;pV-"nt Oe iqy!"9a"t 3P:H**;3L1$,$ffiaTl#;ffi il?Tffd?;;il;?"'*d["c A-il gyq zof ne oa "'bdtursio codo, desip revieur Ut ifoo. Soilding Corle sd otltd orrdioaoses offte Town 4plisable fhercto' FIOB r'wPBgnohl ![I,ttLtrts MADSTWENTy+OURIr)ItnSD'J !' ?13 FAl MRR @ '@4 L4:4? APPLICArtOil WILI TIOT 8g ACCEPTED IF TTICOHPTETE OR U]€IGilED REEE IVE D MAR 0 d AE0rl ProJect *: Buildlng Permlt #:_ 97G4r9 -ZXiB (lnryerdons) Medanlcal Perrnlt,F: MMIO?YilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Coloredo g1657 Permit wlll not be accepted without the followlng: o o c o rltt lvtqt,Dr. I Vls€.t/-f , NQFt<s-rt .ty e- 9na,3eq cdAa Workorc: New() Addltton( ) Alte'auonf) Repalr( ) other( ) Bollertaatlon; Intedor( ) Exterlor( ) Othe( )Does an EHU exist at thb locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Tpeof Bdg: Slngbhmlty( ) Dudex( ) Mrdu-family Corrnedal( ) Reltaurant( )Otha !lo. of Accomrnodatbr Unlts ln tfits bulldilng:No, of Extsthg Dtfl€nhg Unrc |n thls bulldlrg: Noflypeof Flr4lacesProposed:6656pfllances(k) casLo$( ) Wood/Pelht( ) WoodBum|ng(,!OTALLOVTED) COHPTETE VALUATION FOR IIECHA]IICAL PERJIIIT (bbOT & MAtETIAIS) ;co,oc COI{TRACrOR IlT FORT{ATIO'II .. r....r....FIOR OFFIGE (ltllYrr rr r r r rt t r r t t r t ea t I 1..,r.t. tt l. a * I I I r r#ff tn"ryffi,[3uPtr*os re" Ree.Esterl lffirect D"H W*yt ?day Z4zM ""ffiimml HVrufVlroffi*,,*o AFDlnfenft!8m \d A0flon: APAPPROI/ED Acdoo: APAFPR@ED &hrhfi tftS4{Xl6g CorgTltri:Gtkrr A'DbET Cohbador: Deserlplbn: RequesBd lnsE€clbrd8l Tvpe: O€ctlI€-trcf *W. *$tsIIls: FN$'ED lFpAraa: @ eAs hlsERr 98777-7ru gxh777-77m FEqtlesilsdTIme:' Phom: lbm: 3S Af,ECHflnd RErSrffi RODFIALLCOIFAIW lnsFscdon Hl€tsrv lbm: 3tO !t€n: 316 Eem: filO 0r$1ffi {3OOSoF!?W! or- FO3l ma.trf8 kfl€st{b6&c6Aua TfrneExp: rFffi lbm lbm a@ 3{t} 390 REPTl31 Run Id: 3?,2L tt TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 n0479-2138 CONTRACTOR ROD HALIJ COMPAITY 255 Wyandot gereet Denver co 40223 L,icense: 150-M APPITICAIIT ROD IIAITL COMPANS 255 Wyandot Street Denver co 40223 Licease: 150-M Desciption: FIREPLACE CONVERSION WOOD TO GAS Valuation: $2,m0.00 Fireplare hformation: Resriced: Y Mechnical-> Plan Check- > Investiguion- > wi|l ca[-_ > S40.00 R€snarant Plan Review-> 910.00 rrRF Fe€-> 90.00 T0TALFEE9------> s3. O0 S0.00 Totsl Crlcr ated Fe€s-> $0.00 AddilionalFees-> 953 .00 Total Pemit Fee-> Payn€nts--> BAIr {CE DttE..-_> $53. oo ($s3.00) s0.00 so.oo $0.00 ,trld{t s{*{.*{.si**rt#.'l*:t t*.N.{.$,1.***a!al*tifr*taal6a'F|{{.r8il6a{d.{.t1.'t't*{.t tl*tN*18 Item: 05100 BIIIIJDING DEPARII'IEI'VI o3/3o/2oos @ Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII,IEI{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEED INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. Con.d. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 U!|C, OR SEC{ION 701 0F rrIE L997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): IIISTA].TLATION MUST COIIFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CIIAPTER L0 oF THE 1997 I,MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DGI.): GAS APPITINiICES SIIAL'IJ BE \IEl[Tm ACCORDMG TO CHAPTER I AIID SHAIII TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC' OR CITAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQTIIPMET{T MTIST COMPI.Y WITII CIIAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.1.O17 OF DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMEM, ( , \{-*\^-^gt.-A-,\'\ Sqoo\t- {A rt-l-r->NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT PErMit #: MO5{042 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Statrs . . . : ISSUED Iocation.....: BROOKTREE,IJMT 117D Applied. . : 03/18/20f,s Parcel No...: 2103014W35 Issued . . : 0313U2ffJl5 hojectNo , pa_ Expires. .: Wl26l2ms oltlNER ITEITIJA,,JOSEPIIII{E 03/]-8/2005 Phone: 156 COI'NTRY CIJTB DRTVE ITAMIIJTON, ONTARIO CJ{I{ADA IJSK 5W2 IJicense : 03/L8/2005 Phone: 303-777-77OO 03/L8/2O05 Pbooe: 303-777-7700 # of Gas Appliancesr 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 fof Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY TITE 1997 I]ME A}ID CMPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AI.ID CODE AIIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IIT MECHANICAL, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. H.ti*ati**4*atatFFFSaa{*a8ta{d}t*'Ft'{.a{.{.***i*{.tt{.:t'tt*'tatl.*ttiattari{.t 8x DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttn information reqrrired, cornpleted an accurate plot plan, ard sate that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and sate laws, and to build this structure according to the towDs zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tovm apptcable thereto. REQIIESTS FOR INSPECIfON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HoIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0 AM - 4 PM.D.*- SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF Flar 1a 2oo5 9:38RM HP LRSERJET FRX TPETCATIOI{ wlLL iOT IE ICCTPTED tF trICOHFIETE Oi UTISGIIED Prot€ct f : Bulldlng Permlt #: l{eclpnbl Pcrrnit tr: 970-479-2138 (In p.1 75 S. Frfitage Rd. Vall, Cdorado 91657 Ventand l.cgCelcr. Equlpment Cut/Spec She€ils Permlt wlll not be accepted without Fre fullowtng: Parcel # (Requl@ to**?Y.a( lrze- Uni* I J 1-b :ooruoressqgo U@-,1 t[<d DR-, Legal D€scrlpdm I toE I Etoctr: I mhst SubdhriSn: \fg"ot4r*J nhone: fae 5%-bgAq Englne€r: I ACEis:Phone: Ilelafbdde+stptlonofrcdcConu<rf (I)t)oo rc ap23 rn€'af-F pa.potz,On Grgboo oourn occ l+{*\1 frl)s t z }l..sD r- c s A>.+A ag, ocjo antg Wclrclro.: nerf ( ) Adffin( ) AEarbn(.K Rcpats( ) Otrts( ) BoilsLocathn: Inubr( ) ExHor( ) O$er( )De an EHU e$t at thh lmdon: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypcofEdg: Sfrgbfartfy( ) Durlex( ) t.adt}ttn$yx} Gonmsdrl( t Rcnsunntt ) OUcrl[ No. of Ertsung Dxdllrlg tFrfrs In thts bulldlqg:tb. of Arcrmodslbn UnlB ln thb bulldlrtg: ttb/TYEd Flrdr* Erhtho: Ges Aoollances ( ! c* Lms | ) Wood/Pdl€t( ) lir@d Burntna (l() Nofiype of FrcCaces Ptofsed: Gr Apfltarcae C$ Caa llgs ( ) l/lrood/Pdlet ( ) Wood Arrnhg (NOr AIOWED) Isthfsaaimnsslon asalid€vlce? YeqW No(') COiIPLEIE VALUATION FOR I|BCHANICAL PERiIIT (labor & Mabrlals) GOI{TRACf,OR tnFOR,rAttO t{ .r..m.rr...r....a.....e.rr...r.rrrrrrrFOR OFFICE USE OllLYrrtttrrrt't. rt t........t.ltt R-eeelvcp MAR i I il05 T',OV-C0M.EEV. Mar 18 aOOS 9:38HM HP LRSERJET FRX p.3 An orvoff swltch has basn indudad and can b€ located ar th€ right sidg trim. For aaae of accEsslblllty. this switch may bs replaced wilh a wall srihh or substitutad wllh s millivolt ih€rmostat that rray be hstalled in a convenlent locstlon on any wall. Roule a 2 strand solld core nllllvott wlrs through the electrical hole tocEted at the bottom ,ight Bide of the unft. The recommendBd maxlmurn lead bnlth d€pends on wlre slze:WIREStrE MAX.LENGTH l4gauge 100 feet 169aug€ l SgEuge 60 t€€t 40 feet Attach the fwo leads to t€nninals 1 and 3 located on th€gas valve. FIGIIRE4 -- FIGI,JRE2 OFF FIGI]RE3 (I- fibccK f nstaff rigld blact( pfp€, a llox connector, lf loaat cades Fr mlt, o? 1n" Vpe L, copp€r tubing whh a 3/8" to 1l? adaplel and a shut off valye to ths ffreplace. Seal and.t|ghten se- curely, Ths sdapl$ wfl b€ requlred b€tweon thg gas vah/e and lhe oopFor &bing or llex connactor. Oo tpt hln* ller- fbla connactar! Check for gas leaks by bruslrlnE on a soap and rArater cohdon. E o noc use opea tlatte! Remove tfte securlng screw hom the fiont of the dludon plate, Push th€ diludon dralt hood out of Ote sscudng dlps and attach tho lbler using 3 screws equally spac,ed- ktk insulalion erlund the llner at the darnper area b p€vent alr tlow trcm entgrtr|g the chlrnney. Move the insErt into lhe cenfe of tte woodbumins tfeplaca maklng sure that the dilution draft hood hs€rts back lnb iE securlng cllps. Level uslng the four le\rellng 6cr€ws located front and back oh olther sld€ ot lhe ffr€pbce bass. L€v€ling the insErt wlll sliminate rocklng or er@sslv€ nolae rrhen the fan ls ln operation. RedEc€ the 8€cudng acrdv to the hdni of th€ dflution plate. Do nat connact tle gas ualve toetecdclgt ftlO wtts or 24wn6). TIE inssrt can be equlpped wttfi a Reshlng klt to ctoee off moatllr€place op€nlngs, wbunt th€ flashhg Inslde the unifs outer sh6ll uslng 4 securlng screy!|. The flashirE and blm 6re- available in msny flnishes to accent any room decor.O99"tu plated in front of the firedace shoutd ba kept a minimum of 48' away from thE konl face. FIG[NES li€{rt{r aaoa.o INSTALTATION Clean out ashes fi.om the inside of tie hr@dburnino ffrs-place. Make sure that the chlmney and woodburdrlg fire_placs arE In a ciean and sound condl on. Do not reinove brlcko or mortar from th€ masonry flreplaco. tf necessary havo any repair riork done by e qualiffed p€nson befoe installlng the Insert. RemovE fl6 edsting fir€place dsmpar or lock inb an oo€n positlon- Llne the chimney with a 3. or 4. dlameter 6p.proved llner. Wlth a 4" liner, an incr€asff must be con- necled batlre€n the dilution draft hood and the liner. Chim- ney installation must conform to borh natlonal and local coda roqulr€m€nts. The llnot rnust be continuous trom the fireplace to the chirnn€y cep. A'AP trITTINC " - sEcuRtNc scnEws -; PlEto IKNOE SY'ITCH l'lar 18 2OOS 9:3AFM HP LRSERJET FAX p." GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS rH,S GAgF'REPI-ACE SHOUTD BE INSTALLED AND SERVICED 8Y A QUALtFtED,NSfAtLffi b coniorm u,ith local codes. In absenca of local cod€€, installto tfie clnefit Nalional Fuol Gas Code, ANSI 2223.1, or the arrrent CAN/ CGA 8149, Installatlon Codes. Purge alt gas lines with the gldss doorof the stove removed. Assure that a contt'nuous gas flow is at the burnerbefore installlng lhe doon Under extreme vent cottflgueUona, allow sevetal minutes (5-15) for the llame to slablllze afEr igni- tlon. Altitud* grealer than 4000ft reguire a minimum vent run of 74L The fireplace and its individual shutoff valve must b€ dls- connected from the gas supply piping system during any pnessure lesting ot thal sysle|n at t€gt preallures in excess of 1/2 peig (3.5 kPa). The f,r€place must b€ lsolsted ftonl the gas supply piping system by ctosing lts individual manusl shutoff valve durlng any preasur€ testing of the gas supply plping syslern al test pressures equal io of less than 'll2 peig (3.5 kPa). A 118 inch NPT plug, accdslbla lo? test gauge connecdon. must bE instra[ed immgdiately upstroam of th6 gas supply connecfon to the stov6. This llreplsce must be connectsd to any accepted llned chinney system lbiled to ULC€E3SM (ln Canacta) or UL-17n In USA). Th6 v€ntlng connecton mEt bs in compil- anc€ wlth the ver manuf;acturere Instadla$on anstructons- The draft hood rnust be instslled so it fe ln lhs carns atnt- sphsic prassure zona a8 th€ combusuon atr Inl6t to lho fireplace. Proyida adequata vaotllallon atd combueuon aita pro- uide adequete acesaiblfrty claaranca for sot ctng atd opaathg the tlrepteca. Never obstrud AE f.ont opan- ing of lhe flreplaca This hsert must be recel|sod Into a vented noncombus- ,lible woodbuming fireplace (prefabricsted or mssonry) only. The minimum llreptace slze in whlch lhe hoater li to Ue installed is: llElGl{T1?%HE3 WDtfl Zfrhcfic DEFTHid/rbrdrs Th€ mlnlmlm dlstBnco, fnom tho bottom ot a combue{ble mande projecdng 6' rnaximum from the wall to the top of tha unit, ls E . The llreplace, wlren installed, rnu6t b€ €l€.trlcally connecteo and groun.lgd In accordance with local codes. ln the ab. sence of local codes. use the cunent CSA C2Zt CAMDIA'/ ETECTRICAL COOE in Canada or th€ ANSI/NFPA Z0-l SO NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE in the UnIIed StgGs. The blower power oord must be connect€d tnto a properly grounded leceptade. The groundlng prong must not bs removed fiom the cord plug. GENERAL INFORMATIO]T FI!!9UR &4 TTSFA Cn ON, rvrs FtREptAcE HAS aEE /TEST.FTRED T0 rssuRE D:S OpEF(AnoN AiO- O-iat_ flL!:lgyr_rntrr tr 24,000 Bru/hr for naturtl;and 22,000 BTU/hr for propan€. Whsn the flreptsce is i;sbllsrt at eleyatons abovg 4,000ft, and in the aOioase of speciFc recommendalbns from tha local authonly havlng jurisdlc_ tion, the cerdfied frigh aRitude input natingrshalt bE ioauceo Et lh€ rate of 4% for each addl0onal 1,(XDf! Marimum our_nd for natunal gas is 15,900 BTU/h I and i6,000 BTU/hrfor pnopane. Mlnlmurn inl€t gas supply plessure ls 4.S Inchoa wat6r column bt natur?l gas and i 1 Inchss water @lumn tor proFane. fhis fireptace is c€rtmed for bedroom and badsitting room lnstallation, MEximum inlet gag pressure is 7 inches water column for nalural gas and 13 inches rrater column for propane. Manifold pr€ssure under flow condhlong is 3.5 inches wster column for nalural gas and 10 inches wat€r column tor prcpgna. No extarnaleleedcfu (1 lO vdts or 24 yons) b requbd fordta gas sysbm opetadon Exp€nslon / contradon no iees dudrE heatqg up and coot_ lng down cyclee ar€ noflial end O be axpeaeO, Change in flame appearance ftom 'Hl" to ,LO" is npre Evldeni In n-atu- ral gas than in propane. GARE OF GLASS, AND PLATED PARTS Do not uss abrasive cl€ane|€ !o claan platod parts. Bufi llghtly with a ctean dry cloih. The glass''rs S/i 6r cerantc gfsss avallabta ftom your Napoteon /Wolf Sbel Ltd. rtealer. G Do ttot suhau&tE oeterrab. clAilrths glaes afrer tho irst f .10 houn of opordion wlth g recommended Oas flr€place pbse cleaner. Ther€fi€r d€an as requirsd. Da ,pt cben glass when tpt! lf tha gl'ass ls not keFt ctsan psrmangnt dlscolouratlon and I Or bl€mbtr€s may result 16-3/4' SUPPLY uBart€t ,G.0a.6 FIq,NEl ffiHrw-- tneryf,[B:E#r$eruns kg,l? o*."ff"*ffiffil *,Hsy?3,2@5 stb Aslressl gl0 vA,lL 1trtr DR vAlL BMOKTREE UNUTI'7D AfrDlnfsrmalisr 0ff!${X}.8 Rgaussbd]n!@gdel *.'-Iffi &'[fEcH *1H: * Fhone: 3O$77-7?{D Plrore: SF777-Z[D GAS IiFTRIJCTfrOiIS FOR ISSFECNON, . GDEI{CIGA Requestsd Tlne:' Phone: EbtBdry Stafir$ ElgtEO InspAra: GCD Com[Nsn!$: As|ilqnadTo:- AdlDrr Itfin: @ MECtI+lml R€ql6!$: rcDlnLL@ttFA$JY hByBd&str coAvRs f l::ltlAfl ffiiffi* 4'- G0Fr) DGOLD€N K Ttne Exp: InsE€ofion Hlsbrr ftem: 3(xl i6Ecl+Ro'udl lbm: 9!S Fi.!@groFre€ftsn: 390 MEcl+FUlol ' J TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DE.ARTMENT oF coMMUNrry DB'EL.'MENT f;;$^ t * 2osA NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLLIMBING PERMIT Permit #: P04-0045 J6q-co-tL Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DRIVE, UNIT 205-A Applied . . : O5l0BnO04 ParcelNo...: 210301406012 Issued. . : 05104n0A4 hojectNo : ?R5oq-ottl Expires. .: l0/3lD0A4 owNR SHIILA&I, {TACOB E. O,/O3/20O4 phone: 1OO CORPORAIE PIJ STE3O3 PEABODY MA 01960 Lricense: cot{TRAeroR AVATJANCIIE PrJItMBrNG & IIEATT}IG05/03/2O04 Phone: 97O42A-442a P.O. BOX 428 EAGITE, CO 8L531 I-,icense:236-P APPTTTCANT AVATJANCHE PrirMBrNG & HEATINGOS{03/2004 Phone: 97042A-442]- P.O. BOX 428 EjAGI-'E, CO 81631 I-,icerase z 236-P Descffion: MOVE KITCHEN WASTE AND SETNEWFXTURES Valuation: $1,600.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofcas Logs: ?? #of WoodPausl ?? FEE SIJMMARY atN*r{ratir{rrrN..**t'.trt!i.r.*tttrttrrrrttrri.r.r.*trt.*t,ltr S0.00 Tofil Calculaled F€€s-> 940.50 S0.00 Additional Fees > S0. oo Ph:mbing-> $30.00 R€stuarant Plan Reyie$/-> Plsn Check-+$7 .50 DRB Fee-> Investigation> $O . OO TOTAL FEES - 940 . 50 Tobl Permit Fee-> S40 . s0 will calr----> 93 . O0 Paym€r s----"----------- $4 0 . 50 BAl,r!\l{CE DUE-> S0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIITDIIIG DEPART!4EiIT o5/o3/2oo4 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{EIiIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 .::3"-""";].:,"*:H".fl:"":::,:"T:."ffi,.X:SH",T:".:ff-""",:-J""-1":::.:""::,y.,:*H:*;"."*.*"r,,,,,.*.*,,,aa,,,,,,,i DECI-ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorU filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the infonnafion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 49 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSETT AIO OMMT i.*****,e*****f t*****{.r**'t'8***'r****'f **'r**'N{.**t*:N*******,t***'tr'1.***'r'!***{.**t****f ,N*,t ***r,!r*,r*i.** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Starement *a*******'t****'F*'*************************'8rN'**t'8***t******************'t***'8*:8****,r******t,!,t** Statement Nunber: R040005740 Amount: $40.50 05/O4/2O04O9226 AtI Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDc Notation: Avalanch P &E 5257 PermLt No: P04-0045 Tl4)e 3 PIjIMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3OL4O6OL2 Site Addleaa: 970 \tAfIJ \rIEW DR \tAIIr Location: 980 VI\IL \rIEW DRfVE, IrllIT 205-A Tocal Fees: $40.50 ThLE Palment: S40.50 Tocal Ar,r, hts: $40.50 Balance: $0,00 ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 7.50 PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 3O.OO hJC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO I'tay_Ot O4 12:43P . *lf Cr€ig-. APPIJC.ATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPIED IF INCOMPLETE OR ProJect #: Building Permlt #l Plumbing Pemft#: (s?o) ?2a-+42L p.2 v'o tl? ,A.Erm, Nry) &|art|'f tlt fttff al,t tvrlN vr 7ab9a ?5 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 INFORIIATIOil COIIPLETE lruerron FoR PLUI'IBrNG PERlirT Gabor & Mabrlals) permlt# b Job Name: ShnL*, d. nc..) P"Uet WbrkCbss: Llew() Mdlgon( ) Alcmuon(X) Rerylr( ) ouer( ) No. of Accommodatton Units ln thls bullding:@building: ? a @nverslon fiom a 6Enan ePn Phase II dede? r**tr*********i***************.*c,******FIOR OFFICE USE ***********!t*i*** *******************- REEEIVED lii" ii J ilri! F/er€ryonelturts/dmbF.n tv'40.9 MEs,Ol O4 12:43p Jeff Craig (970) 32A-4+21 p.1 t, Avalanche Phrmbing & Heating, Inc' P.O. Box428 Eagle, Co. 81.63L I ,' ,;r X'axForm Phone (97A)328442I Fax (97o)32ffi272 'ro,. -/outn ,tr L)oiy' -ftom'(:d# 4rqiJ Fl4x# 47?9tS,L Date # Phone # -r.' Total Pags' a Message TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 974479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMT Permit #: E04-0057 3o1-cs "2- Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSI-JED Iocation.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DRryE, UNIT# 205-A Applied. . : 04/29/2004 ParcelNo...: 210301406012 Issued. . : 05/Ml20M ProjectNo ' 3itso.1 -6 111 Expires. .: lo/3lDoM ovilNER sHIlIrAIq, ,JACOB E. O4/29/2OA4 Phone: 10O CORPORATE PL STE303 PEABODY MA 0L960 Lricense: CoNTRACTOR BOSTON ETJECTRTC O4/29/2OO4 Phonez 970-748-698O P.O. B'OX 2472 AVOIT, CO 4L620 L.,icense: 155-E APPr.,rCAl[t BOSTOII ErrEerRIC 04/29/2004 Phone: 970-748-6980 P.O. BOX 2472 AVON, CO 8]-620 Iricense: 155-E Desciption: INTERIORREMODEL Valuation: S3,200.00 Elecf ical----> 572.00 FEE SITMMARY r*a*asltt:l{trtr**i*t:r*a'r*att!aaartiaa*alt8*rittrt,rttt!a!ia**ot Tobl Calculated Fees-> $75.00 Additional Fees--> 90.00 Total Pe|nit Fee------> 975.00 Payments---------------> 975.00 BAL$\ICE DUE ---.---> S0. oo DRBFe---> Inv€stigalion-> will cdl---> 90. 00 s0. 00 93.00 TOTALFEES-> S?5. OO 'it*a't*|ti*t{l.t{a'1ata,tt*|.t|'.*|*..t.,il.||*.||i|3|||'|t|tf|'.t't'|t..|||*t|t*|l||i Approvals:If.6nr: 06O00 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMEIflT 04/29/2004 JS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENT a|tAltllAAtlta*tt**t**ta*t*tllraaltil*l3tl*tallltat|lttllllalatlartllt*l|,!|latllll!tl*18**ltN|lttt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI.,DG.): FIEI;D IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJI,ANCE. ataNtt.ttttttttitt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Action: AP REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOTJRS IN OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF I t APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNEB." ;;;;,tt';;'-'""'FAd t/' o tt) Building Permit #: Bf'{- ctl)A Electrical Permit #: AV - OOS*T 97 O- 47 9 -2149 (I nspectfons)\ ?A I _ ets-4t9-2149 (InsDections) MWT|ilFVAILW 1ffi-.r- C-t -.-,\_ --. 4r b. '- ----REtEttlEg 15 s. F_ro_ntaee Ro. r-I Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: i -S6tV^ &*-\.-Town of Vail Reg. No.: \55_€ Contact and Phone #'s: >------ h.*=\ 1o1-r7s-L E-Mail Address: COMPLETE FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FoR ALL oTHERs (tabor & Materials) AMOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: g a2-OS. - ir Contad Aswsorc Offie at 97O-328-864O or visit for ParceI t Parcel# A\O5Or{OGo Job Name: ).._o\-> L"r\*,..c JobAddress: 1?su-.\ Fo.- \r .,}r_o LegalDescription ll tor ll alock: ll riling:Subdivision: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed.description of work: ./workclass; New() Addiuon() Remodelf) Repair() Temppower() other() Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No $7f Typeof Bldg.: single-faAily( ) orpter( ) u@rant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in tnis UuiUing: l No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: rs thj,g permit for a hot s ( r ruo O{ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( rd l n//t\ ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*******************************r!***** APR zg zooq 07t26DO02 \Wail\data\cder'\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM. DOC 1-*, &plz6 FI tr tr D tr o Aniendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the sfucture easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In mufti-fiamily dwelling units, no electical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of e><terior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval ftom planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. If this permit is for installaUon of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated plafform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriff that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a mulU-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of shmped drawings are required. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additlonal questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at9VO-479-21,47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings behareen the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. Date Signed Town of Vall tr{ay 13,2004 Buitding Inspection TownofVail Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Jacobshulam 205 Brooktree Condominiums Vail, CO 81657 To Whomit May Cons€rn,ln4 The fullowing sketches are drawn of existing floor material and to comply with state code for a one-hour fre-rated ceiling-floor system. Sketch A is existing with aYz- cDXsubfloor with l-lfZ' gyptete ontop making it dfficuh to install a solid wood floor, Mormtain Construction & N{amgement would like to propose the following Sketch B. Remove the gytrrrete, keeping tfuYzn CDX plywood zub'floor and installing anextra laye of !/i CDX plywood subfloor on top of the existing t/"' sub -floor, before adding 5/b. maple on top for the finish product making the floor a total thickness of l-1lE". Please ftel free to oontact me with any Questions regarding this letter. OFFFrc#OPY ( BoLt-ootu ., \:-- .-"'' RtcD MAY L'J 2004 CA I D ft1 >r' ei G t I r n b f{v \t\ + tr lf, i$ TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 t^.1" ^ f& tt* Lot -BG Fireolace Information: Restdcted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 M€chanical-> Sx00.00 Reshlarant PIe Rsview-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES---.--; 9!.28 . 00 To&l Pennil Fe€----------> Paymenb----> BALAT{CE DUE-> ort*t**, oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL.P*T Action: AP NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIIAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M04-0067 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSIJED Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DRM, LJNIT 205A Applied . . : 04129D0M ParcelNo...: 210301.406012 Issued. . : M/30120M ProjectNo : Expires. .: 10127/2004 OWNER SIIUITA!!, ,IACOB E. O4/29/2OO4 Phone: L00 CORPORATE PIr STE303 PEABODY MA 01960 I-ricense: cor,iITRAcToR HE,ARTH EXCmNGE, rNC. (rEE, 04/29/2004 Pbone: 970-A27-9623 P.O BOX 670 MINTT'RN, CO 81645 License: t74-YI Appr.,rcewr HEARTTT ExcrrAArGE, rNc. (aL'F'] 04/29/2004 Phone: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MrMruRN, CO 8L64s I-ricense: L74*Yt Descipion: FIREPLACE CONVERSION Valuation: M,175.00 $3. 00 Item: 05L00 BITILDING DEPARX'!{ENI Plan Check-> Investigation-> will cbll-> 04/29/2oo4 Js Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTME\II CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI_rD INSPECTIONS ARE R.EQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BIJDG.): COMBUSTfON AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF TI{E 199? I]MC' OR SECTION 701- OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : IIISTAJ.,LATION MU9T CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AllD TO CHAPTER 1.0 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC, SITAPTER ].0 OF TIIE 1997 TMC. Cond: 25 aos-A # ofGas [ngs: 0 #of WoodPellec 0 FEE SIjMMARY lllrttaa**t*tai{*tr**.**t******a*aataaa*'tatat**a**:}*a*a$raN*:}a 90. 00 Tohl Calculated F€es_> 912S. O0 $0. 00 AdLlitionat Fe€s---> (912s, oo) 90.00 90. 00 90.00 (Br-,Dc.): GAS APPrJrAr.rcEs sm[ts vENTm AccoRDrlirg .o "*lI A]ID sgArrrr TERMII{ATE AS SPEEIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE L997 wIC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CffiPTER 3 AIiID S8C.L017 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC AI{ID CHAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILTERS SIIALT BE MOITNTED Olf EITOORS OF NONCOI{BUSTfBIJE CONST. ITNITESS IrrSTm FOR MOITNTMG OII COMBUSTTBIJE EIJOORII{IG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJAITS AND CODE AIiIAIJYSIS MUST BE TO A}T INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAII.IAGE OF I{ECIIASIICAIT ROOMS COIITAINTNG BOILERS SHAIJT BE EQUIPPED WITII A FIJ@R DRAIII PER SECTION 1004.6 OF TFIE 1997 IMC. POSTED IN MECITANICAT ROOM PRTOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI'PPIJY sEc. r.022 0F TrrE 1997 IIMC, OR DECLARA'TIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio& filled out in full the information require4 completed an ,rccuraie plot plan, arrd state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI.JR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2149 OR AT OUR OFNCE FROM 8:OO AM .4 PM. WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI 'NVt{wwn 75 S, Frontage Rd.Veil,blotado 8165z Permit will not be acceptE wtthout the fullominE dffi *"tt*r r&Irtatertats) I ** rrrF**!r**,f, {r!t**,t,t*,t****d.{lFC,R F:/erafm/fiortg/rrndrpann . IF YOU SMELL GAS: r Do not light any appllance * Extingulsh any open flame 'Do not touch any electrlcal swltch or plug or unplug anythlng ' Open wlndows and vacate bullding ' Call gas supplier from neighbo/s house, if not reached, call flre d ep a rtment This unit musl be installed by a qualified installer to prevenl the possibility of an explosion. Your dealer will know the rquirements in your area and can inform you of those people considered qualified. The room heater should be inspected before use and at least annually by a qualifled service person. More frequent cleaning may be required due to excesive lint from carpeting, bedding material, etc. The instructions in lhis manual must be stic'tly adhered to. Do nol use makeshift methods or compromise in the installation. lmproper installation will void lhe wananty and safety listing. . Contact your local building offcials to obtain a permit and information on any installation restdctions or inspection requirements in your area. Not'fy your insurance company of this heater as well. . lt is imperative that conFol comparlments, screens, or circulaling air passageways of the healer be kept clean and ftee of obstructions. These areas provide the air necesary for safe operation. . Do not slore or use gasoline or olher flammable liquids in the vicinity of this heater. This heater is either approved for natural gas (NG) or for propane (LP). Buming the inconect fuel will void the wananty and saiaty listing and may cause an extreme safety hazard. Direc't questions about lhe gpe of fuel used to your dealer. Check the label and flame adjust knob on the gas confol valve. . lf the flame be@mes sooty, dark orange in color, or extremely tall, do not operato the heater. Call your dealer and anange for proper servicing. . Do not operate the heater if it is not operating properly in any fashion or if you are uncertain. Call your dealer for a full explanation of your healer and what to exoect. - Do not operate if any portion of the heater was submerged in water or if any conoslon o@urs. Look for lhls label: lf the label ls present, the heater is equipped for LP (propane). lf the label b absent, lhe heater is equipped for NG (natural gas). Travis Industries 41 s0903 1 00-01 151 . Do nol place clothing or other flammable items on or near the hqter. Because this heater can be conlrolled by a thermostat there is a possibility of the heater turning on and igniting any items placed on or near it . The viewing glass should be opened only for lighting the pilol or conducting service. . Any safety screen or guard removed for servicing must be replaced prior to operating the heater. Operate the heater according to the instruclions included in this manual. lf the main bumers do not start @nectly fum the gas off at the gas control valve and call your dealer for service. This unit is not for use wilh solid fuel Do nol place anything inside the firebox (except the included fiber logs). lf the fiber logs become damaged, replace with Travis Industries log set. Do not touch the hot surfaces of the healer. Educate all children of the danger of a high- temperature heater. Young children should be supervised when lhey are in lhe same r@m as the heater. Instruct everyone in the house how to shut gas off to the appliance and at the gas main shutoff valve. The gas main shutoff valve is usually next to the gas meler or propane tank and requirs a wrench to shut off. Light the heater using the built-in piezo igniter. Do not use malches or any other extemal device to light your heater. Never remove, replace, modiry or substitute any part of the heater unless instructions are given in this manual. All other work must be done by a trained technician. Donl modiff or replace orifices. Allow the heater to cool before carrying out any maintenance or cleaning. The pilot flame musl contacl the lhermopile and thermomuple (see the illusbation to the left). lf it does not, tum the gas control valve to 'OFF" and call your deals. Do not throw this manual away. This manual has important operating and maintenance insbuctions that you will ned at a later time. Always follow the insbuclions in this manual. Keep all furnilure or other mmbustible items al least 36" away fiom the front of the heater (this includes drapes or doors thal may swing wilhin 36' of ths front of the heater). Travls Industrles, lnc. grants no waranty, implied or stated, for the installation or malntenance of your heater, and assumes no responsibility of any co nseq ue ntial dam age(s). Travis lndustriEs 41s0903 100-01151 Fgatures:- Works During Power Outages (millivolt system)- High Efficiency - Optional Thermostat or Remote Control - Ember Fyreru Bumer for'Wood Fire' Look - Quiet Blower for Effective Heat Distribution - Convenient Operating Controls - Variable-Rate Heat Output - Low Maintenance Installation Options: - Residentialor Mobile Home - Fireplace lnsert - Masonry or Zero Clearance (Metal) Fireplace Approximate Heating Capacity (in square feet)" BTU lnput Per Hour (on high) BTU Output on Low Efficiency"* (with blowers on) AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) Fuel: Compliance: Natural Gas 600 to 2,000 40,000 20,700 78.9 o/o 71.0 Vo Propane 600 to 2,000 40,000 17,900 81.0 o/o 73.7 Yo " Heating capacity will vary with floor plan, insulation, use of power heat vent, and outside lemperature. " Effciency rating is a product thermal efficienry rating determined under continuous operation independent of installed syslem. S€e th6 s€dion "V€nt Requir€ments" for v€nt location. 3$318" 8x1 0 Arch/Rect. Panels 3G318* 10x13 Rect. Panels \rr-,10" I 23-314"N |.- 4+3fl6* 8x10 Arch/Rect. Pan€ls 4&3/16* 10x13 RecL Panels " lncludos Mm & standofis This heater is designed either for nalural gas or for propane. Check the sticker on top of the gas conlrol valve or check with the installer to verify gas use. This unit has passed theANS| 21.88- 1998, CSA2.33 M9SVenld Gas Fireplace Heater Standard as tested by OMN|-Test Laboratories, Inc. Beaverton, Oregon. \ .<"z> Travis Industries 41 50903 100-01 151 lnstal lation Warnings : I Failure to follow all of the requirements may result in property damage, bodlly lnJury, or even death. I Thls heater must be Installed by a qualified lnstaller who has gone through a tralning program for the installation of dlrect Yent gas appliances. I Thls appliance must be installed in accordance wlth all local codes, lf any; lf not, foflow ANSI Z:223.1 and NFPA 54(88) in the USA and 8-149 ln Ganada. I ln Manufactured or Moblle Homes must conflrm with: In USA, Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard, Title 24 CFR, Part 3280; ]n Ganada, CSA 2240.4 and Gas-Equipped Recreatlonal Vehlcles and Moblle Housing. This appliance may be lnstalled In Manufactured Houslng only after the home ls slte located. I The DVL Insert ls designed to operate on natural gas (NG) or propane (LP). t All exhaust gases must be vented outslde the structure of the llvlng-srss. Combustlon air is drawn from outside the llvlng-area structure. t Notlfy your insurance company before hooking up thls heater. I The requlrements llsled below are dlvlded lnto sectlons. All requlromonts must b€ met simultaneously. The order of Installatlon is not rlgld - the quallfled Installer should follow the procedure best sulted for the lnstallatlon. Additional ltems Required for lnstallation . G5/8" to 3" & 4' Co-Linear Adapter - W Flashing (Travis Part # 98900124) . Face . Gas Hookup Equipment . Sunound Panels (Optional - see "lnstallation without Surround Panels') . 3" and 4" Diameter Gas Liner . Dir6t Vent Cap (Simpson Duravent Part # 991) Packins List '8" Pipe Inlet (3/8'dia.) . Door Latch Tool . Block Off Plate . (2) Lower Brick Relainers & (4) Screws (for alum. firebacks) . (2) Fireback Clips (for ceramic firebacks only) . DVL Insert . Log Set (Log Set, Coals, and Embers) . Owne/s Manual . Two Leveling Bolts . Propane Gonversion Kit Items Packed with the Face . Face (with atliachment hardware) Order of Installation . Face lnstallation lnstruclions 1 lf the heater is to use propane, install the propane conversion kit (see page 31) 2 Install gas line into the fireplace (do not connect to unit) 3 Position the heater (see "lnsert Placemenf) 4 Conn@t the gas line and gas vent to the appliance. 5 lnstall the optional sunound panels and bim. Atbch the on/off srt/itch. 6 Follow the inshuctions under 'Finalizing the Installation'on pages 17 through 20. Travis lndustries 41s0903 100-01151 lnsert Placement Insert must be placd within a mde-conforming masonry flreplace or tested and listed zero-clearance (melal) fireplace. Fix any fireplace damage prior to installation. Because the insert uses a circulation blower, clean the fireplace, smoke shelf, and chimney prior to installation. We recommend painting the interior surface of the firsplace wilh latex paint lo further eliminate dust. This heater may be placed in a bedroom. Please be aware of the large amount of heat this appliance produces when determining a location. Fot dgm ffb (under 28"), t'or may lgmove lha ''|atrtrDld. See tho s€r{ton "Rsrn@hg ths danlfDld' 3&.114" - Indud6 6'for ga llna insbllElion tr'hr.*!14.' Thg gas ling and struM valve should b€ indalled prior io inssrl placamsnL Ths DVL lnsart8 lC' Irio th€ flr€placo. Uso ths lov€llng bolls lor llreplaces wlffl r€cesg€d foors. E e Run the powqr cod to slthsr side oflhe irNssrt along lie faca, Run the on/of, gwilch wir€s to the right bohind the surround paneb. Zero-Clearance (Metal) Fireplace Requiremenfs; . The damper ("A') and grate (with log set) ('8") must be removed (see the illustration below) . The smoke shetf ("c"), internal baffles ("D'), screen ('E"), masonry lining or reftactory ('G' & "1"), and metral or glass doors CF") may be removed (if applicable) NOTE: lf any internal baffle is cut, bent, or removed, the fireplace must be permanenlly marked to indicate that it has been allered and is no longer suitable for buming solid fuel (wood). . The insulation ('H"), and any structured rigid fame members (metal sides, floor, door ftame, face of the fireplace, etc.) must not be removed or altered. Travis lndustries 41 50903 100-01151 lnsert Clearances . No mmbustibles may be wilhin, or swing within, 36' of the ftont of the insert The non-combustible hearth must be as wide as the fBce and od€nd to both sid6. Faca Sldng Dlsco\rery, Rosarlo Hedtage Bay Salish Bay Cambridg€ FPX Arched or Rect. wtdrh 3*3t4" 3S,3/r 33-1n" 374tq 3+3lq Helgtd 2C 2*5n" 2G112" 2t7ts" 26112" Mantel Clearances The mantel must be a minimum 10" above the face and a maximum 8" deep. NOTE: The mmbustible area above lhe facing must not prolrude more than 314" Irom the facing. lf il does, it is considered a mantel and must meet the mantel requirements listed in this manual. Hearth Requirements . The hsater must be installed on a non-combustible hearth extending a minimum 12" ftom the fireplace opening (local codes may rquire a larger hearth). The hearth musl also extend to both sides of the face (see the table above for the exact width of the face). (drapes, doors) h l.*l l- )! 6- 12" Min. (from ilreplace opening) Tiavis lndustries 4150903 100-01 l sl Gas Line lnstallation I This appliance must be installed in accordance with all local codes, if any; if not, follow ANSIZ223.1 and NFPA 54(88) in the USA and 8-149 in Canada. t The heater and gas control valve must be disconnectd ftom the gas supply piping during any pressure testing of that system at test pressures in excess of l/2 psig (3.45 kPA). For pressures under'll2 psig (3.45 kPA), isolate the gas supply piping by closing the manual shutoff valve. . Leak test all gas line joints and the gas contol valve prior to and affer starting the heater. Gas Line Gonnection . The location of the gas inlet is shown below . A manual shutoff valve is required within 3 ' of the fireplace. It should be placed upsream of the flex line (if used) and may be installed behind the access door inside the heater. ). T- Handle gas cocks are required in Massachusetts in compliance with code 248CMR A 6" wid6 opening is provided on the leff side, 3' behind the fireplacs opening. lt is 3" tall. Tho gas inlet on the gas confol valv€ is locat€d 35/8" bohind the fir€place opsning, 7-314" to tho l€ft of the c€nt€r, and 1-718" abov€ the bas€ of th€ applianco. Apply thread sealant to bolh ends of the pipe prior to installation. Gas Conhol Valve Fuel . This heater is designed for natural gas but can be converted to proFane. Check the sticker on the top of the gas control valve to make sure the mnect fuel is used. Gas Inlet Pressure Standard Inpul Pressure Natural Gas 7'W.C. (1.74 kPA) Propane 13" W.C. (2.73 kPA) . lf the pressure is not sufficient, make sure the piping used is large enough and the total gas load for the residence does not exceed the amount supplied. . The supply regulator (the regulator that attaches directly to lhe residence inlet or lo the propane tank) should supply gas at the suggested input pressure listed above. Contact the local gas supplier if the regulator is at an improper pressure. Shutofi Valve \ @ffi With the 8" pipe nrpple installed, 1\. tho intet is approximately 1f \ \/'7 from th€ center of th€ \ /apprianco. D? J D /f /r ffiF@ Y 8' Gas lnlet pipe (shipped with the shutoff valv€ insert in lhe accessory pack) Travis lndustries 4150903 100-01 151 Vent Requirements I The gas appliance and vent system must be vented direclly to the outside of the building, and never be attached to a chimney serving a separate solid fuel or gas-buming appliance. Each dirct vent gas appliance must use it's own separate vent system. Maks sure lhe exhaust pipe on lhe heater connects to the exhaust portion of the cap. The illustrations below show how the flex liners should be attached. The exhaust vent must reline the entire length of the chimney and ierminale above the chimney lop Be careful not to crimp or rupture lhe liner when bending it into chimney ofFets When installed, the vent must meet all of the vent manufacture/s requirements Make sure to order the followingl - 4' UL 441 Gas Liner for Exhaust, 3' UL zf41 Gas Liner for Air Inlet - &5/8" to 3" & 4" Co-Linear Adapter & Flashing Oravis Part# 989@124). - Vertical Termination Cap (Dura-Vent pt # 991) (4' dia.) Altitude Considerations This heater has been tesled at altitudes ranging ftom sea level to 8,000 feet (2,400 M). ln this testing we have found thal the heater, with its standard orifice, burns conec,tly ririth jusl an air shutter adjustment. lf local codes require rsizing the orifice, in the U.S.A refer to ANSI 223.1, Appendix P, in Canada B-149.1 ot B-149.2 ! Failure to adjust the air shutter properly may lead to improp€r combuslion which can create a safety ha-ard. Consult your dealer or instraller if you susp6t an improperly adjusted air shutter. Vent Restrictor I Hr.35' (3 dia.) WARNING: Resbiclor adjuslment should only be done by a qualified inslaller. Only lhose installations determined to be over-drafting require this adjustment. The best indication of overdrafting is a hyper-active flame paltern (flames that move too quickly). lf the air shutter is consficled, lhe flames become short and yellow, yet slill very ac'tive. Overdrafling may affect the pilot, but this is not the besl way to determine overdrafting. Over- drafting is most likely in tall venling configurations (especially if using an 'Exhaust Only Re-Line"). Do not over-restricl the vent (lhis leads to ghosting or lifting flames - reduce restric{or setting). E z T lndor Hol@ P6lrbn #1 lB th€ rurry op€fi @Bon TrriF EStd.no*|8 In f7 e---/ NOIE hob b b€loe tho plvd poldL To Adllrst tho Rostrlcton -Travis lndustries 4150903 1 00-01 1 5{ Vent lnstallation F'hdl6{ {4') Vent Location Vent Configurations Inlet&Exhaust R6-Llne I Inlet (3'Dia.) ExhauEt Only R€-Llns (recommended) FireDlsc6 Oponing Erhalot q dia, UL 17n Gas Llnet <.-----=-- Adapter & Fhshiq < tF (Tfavls P6ri # 98900124) Inl€{t dla" VL 1777 Gas Llnsr Dhecl Vent Cap (padd99t) &5/8' to 3' & 4" Colidear Rscommend€d Bloc&€fr Plats (non-aombltstlbl€ m€lal snd/or inBul€tlonl. Protgnls odors from chlmnoy €ntEring rcorn. Sugqeadon: Pajnt tho llsDlaco Any cracks or d8rragE ircidgtho chlmney mud b€ tep€l€{. The bbrk-ofi plate muEt seal the intake to th€ chlmnsy sp€.s. Thi8 way alr b drsi{n dor/n th€ chlmnoy for comb(alion air, rvith latgr osint tg glimind€ lhs pos8ibilily of odola trcm tho firgplaco cirailating inb tis room- Block€tr Plsb (oon-combuslible matsrials) NOIE: Yotl may us€ oittpt ]B-ling configuraton rsjth a masonty or zerod@rancs fi@plscs. ZC. (t$stal) f,rebor Ha8onry Flreplaco Travis lndustries 4150903 100-01 151 lnstallation Without Surround Panels Th6 Insert may b3 Install€d without eunound pan€b Ita 3[tr gap b allow€d betlson thE sldss and top ot lho iace and tho ttsplaca (for venfllatlon). Mre mesh scr€€n may bs plac€d over ihls gap.FPX | 2t1tX *3t4' Heritags Bay | 2t5l$ 3S38' Saflsh Bav | 2$11/ 3r1l? Uso a knlte to cut out ths on/off swltch hola (tho hbsl covers a squaro hol6 h tho brackst), Mh. 318' Surround Panel lnstallation Follow the inslructions to the right for installing the side panels. Dlsconnoci the on/off slvnch tom slo r€d and bmwn Mrca. Insart ths s*fitch lnlo tr€ hols untl lt locks In phce. Re€tbch ths tsd and brown wlr6 (orlEntdbn do6 not rnalGr). ,-s.*-' -----r'--- n-"'"''v ffi% Uso a lock fe or other d6vho b bundloth€ €xcesa wll€. Then tuck lt b€low the pl€zo lgnltsr b keep it ftom comlng br contaci with the bumar pan.\ Keap iho Jumpsr whs In placs whlla lnsbllng. Pre-thread the hol€s on the sunound panels wih the screws Includsd In th€ sunound panel kiL Run fte wires from the on/off switch and fle pouEr cord behind the sunound panel (cut the lock- de holdlng the on/ofi s\riritch In place). Lins uo each side sunound panel and insert tilo screws from lhe inside lo secure in place. PANEL SIZE WIDTH HEIGHT PART # 8" x 10" R€c{anoular 4+3fi6"33-3/8"98500614 Arched (8" x 101 44-3l/16"33-3tS'98500616 10" x 13" Roctanoular 4&3i16'3G3/8'9850061s Travis Industries 4t 50903 100-01151 Surround Panel lnstallation (continued) 2 Follow the instructions below for installing the top panel, insulation, and trim. /-1 Tuck thg Included Insuldon b€firen WARNING: Th€ hrsuldg| must be Mll€d -_ ",- tb, the bp panel €nd the facing below i6ilTitop a te inserl and shoutd cov€r or - lhe deostat (nol along the dd€s). be bebwtho rheGtd (to prot€ct it tom heat). NOTE: On archsd pangls nEke sure th€as shnd-oft €Ie p€Fendlcular and nd bont orer or flatrsned. Cut off excess irEulaffon. Dbconnecl th6 on/dff swibh from the red and brom wfes lBadhg from lha hsatar- lnesttths s'rrlbh lnto lh6 hol6 In ths upp€r dgli ottho pan6l Hm undl it locks In placs. Re-atiach ths rBd and brown wlreg (orl€ntaton doos not mator). Faibr€ to irEtallth€ hrsuladon yvdl in\,alidate facing and rnanbl dsaranaes, crealing a fue tt@.d. Insbl the top panel so Itle t$ro tab insort into ttte sbb @r the sido panols. 3 Install the on/off switch follolving the directions b€low. Upper Rlght ofTrlm Ksep ths ,umpar wlre In place whlls Installlng. 'Iighion thg s€l scrEvr€ frorn the back side r#lth a srnao sHard scrc vdnver Constucl tre panslttm. h6€rt one leg sf each "L' braclct inio the top and ddo tim pisca. Albn the tim to form a prBsb comer, then tlghten thE two sef screv€ with a Brnall sndard Bcrswddver, Sllde the tlm over the pansls. Aib.fi a piecs ot indudad doublG back tap€ to the bqthn of each sHe lrim b keep it fromfadng at the b&n. Travis lndustries 41s0903 100-01 151 Manifold Removal and lnstallation 1 2 3 4 The manifold is shipped attached to the insert, but may be removed to facilitate especially tight installations. See the directions below for installation. Remove the manifold and place it wilhin the fireplace (see the instructions on the follofling page). Route the flex vent through the chimney from above (leave an extra 3' (914 mm) at the top). Attach the flex vent to the manifold (seal wilh silicone and attach with screws). Place the manifold in an upright position (so it rests on the manifold legs) and have a partner pull on the excess flex vent. Temporarily attach the flex vent to the top of the chimney (leave extra slack). Slide the insert into place, guiding the convec{ion top over lhe insert until fully in place. Afier removing any slack fiom the flex vent, attach the manifold to the appliance. Remove any excess slack in the flex line then attlach the vent terminalion. 5 6 7 Travis lndustries 4150903 100-01 151 Manifold Removal and lnstallation (Continued) Remove the glass (see the instructions on page 17). Follow the directions below to remove the manifold. NOTE:When replacing the manifold, use the convection top to guide the manifold. You mayalso reach through the exhaust ducts to guide the manifold fonrrtard to the appropriate location. Convection Top Manifold Removo tho thr6e screws holding the conveclion top to the ins€rt. nb l.: tg l:]t! =Hz l|ll ?o Wd Shim the manifold legs if installing inb a fireplaco with a rais€d h6arh. NOTE: when installing the manifold. make sure fie gaskets sealing the inlet and exhaust ducts are in place. lf a gask€t is loos€, use high- temoeralure silicono to securs it to the manifold. Electrical Connection . Plug the power cord into a grounded 120 Volt outlet (do not remove the grounding pin). 1 Remove the glass following the directions below. Warning: The appliance must be completely cool before removing the glass. Note: lf using an FPX archd face, attach lhe arch covers after installing the glass. lnsert the included qlass latch tool into the hole on the glas-s frame latch. Pull the latcfr out then uo to detach it fiom the glass ftame. Hold the glass in place and repeat bteps "a" and 'b' for the op@te side labh- Hold th€ bouom of the glass while swinging he toD oulwards. Al approximably 45' the glass, wfi trame, can be pulled up and aalay. Set th€ glass aside b prevent darnags. Glass ReElac€m€nt Make sure both botbm lat<ftes are facing upwards Poslton the glass at a 45' angle and lay it on the two tabsb€low the fireboxl \0hen coneclv oositond, the tabs on the ftame should l'niert inio ths botbm latcfies. NOTE: Fh6E-ls orovided here to sbre die glass lat*t tool. Swing the glass into place (rnake sure the bofiom latches arB engageo. Re.attach the top latctes (s@ sleps'a" and 'b' above). 2 lf converting lhis unit to propane, do so now (see the instructions on page 31). lnstall the log set, kibbles (optional), and embers (if using the decorative fireback, inslall it prior to the log set - page 35). Placs ths rear log on ihs t!r! platform8 at ihe rBsr of th€ ffrebox. These ph8 bEert inb th€ holss in tts @. Placs th6 l€ft and dght logs. Th€ plns on the bumer lnsert hb th€ hol€a on tfi€ logs. Placa ihg ta,ig ovBr th€ r€ar log. Ths dns on th3 log inssrt hto th€ hol€8 on the tlvlg. On n€ltrgr untia. an €mber drunk le hcluded lifth the hsabr (hstead of cast hrto thg bumer). Place itlnlh€ locattrrn ehcnm fit shouh not cover arry burnsr hok). Plac€ ths embers over the ffi and dde edges ot the bumer (do nol placg them ovsr ItB blrn€r hol€s). Placa them br a rardom p€lbm. Travis lndustries 4150903 100-01 151 I We recommend you purge the gas lins at this time (with the glass removed). This allows gas lo be detected once it enters the firebox, ensuring gas does not build up. 3 Turn on gas to the heater. Leak test all gas joints prior to starting the appliance. Start the pilot (see page 22). Warnlng: Wh€n llghtlng or re-lightlng the pllot, the glass must be removed (see page 22 for the full set of Instructlons on starting the pilot). 4 Replace the glass (see page 17). Start the main burner. Leak lest all gas joinb again. 5 Install the fiaceplate following the inslructions included with the face (shut ofr the insert if necessary). I ACID fltASH ITYARNING: Before installing the faceplate, make sure any masonry that has been treatd with acid wash has been properly neubalized (this is used primarily with brick faces). Acid wash (muriatic acid) is used to remove ex@ss mortar. lf not properly neuhlized with an ammonia solution, the gold or nickel face may develop a permanent tiamish when the acid evaporates over time. Contact your dealer fi uncerlain your facing has been properly neubalized. 6 Check the pilot flame to make sure it looks like the illusfation below. Adjust lhe pilot flame if necessary. The pilol flame must conlacl tte ftenn@ouple and To adlust the pllot flams, tum this screw. Oockwlse low€rs the flame $,hlle counler-clod$/ise raises lt,thermopile (seo the illusb€lion below). Adjust the pllot up or down as necessary.Sbndard Screurdriver Travis Industries 41 509 03 100-01{51 Let the heater bum for ffieen minutes. Adjust the air shutter, if necessary, to achieve the conecl looking flame (see lhe illustration below). The air shutter adjusts the amount of air that mixes with the gas before it exib the bumer holes. lt is ussd to fine-lune the flame for differences in altifude and venl configuration. Th€'e are lvfr ah shut eE on thls Arepk.c€ - aqus' both atr shut qs b ohlaln lhe @fiect flams. RedAlr Frori Alr Shuttor shutrer conlrol @nrol Move ifis contrDls l€t or riqm undl the tlsms looka conecl The r€ar alf8hutler qllectg thg roarDorlbn d thg blmer. tho trom alr ahuttoa tltg raom rFrtbn ol th€ Dumgl. ft 8Ml [:S#8#,*5." p,rJfl Eilffi ?h gi,r€s u9nam8 rrora alr' ma(mg 4 mor€ I{OTE: It tho alr cDnlrol 13 dll tltg $t€g op€o, I€l lro flam9a remaln 8ody, sn4 oI gag ro u0 lrop_I]acg gno conrEct a quaMBo gas Conect Flames should be bluo at the h3€, y€llolr-oiang€ on tllg toP. *8;E,If 3 ffi JllFfi.b?Jlffin#ffi T#t,H",. T@ Much Air It tho flan€a aro a[ bluo and 6horl clco lho ar ahutlsr. lfthe flamos ars llfflng, yot tho lftheiemes aro ghostlng, yst ths vent conligurallon 18 coneci, venl conigur€don l8 cotroct contact your dggIor. conbd your dealor. lf the air shutter is in its fully open position, yet the flames remain sooty, shut off gas to the heater and contact the Travis Dealer for instructions. lf the vent configuration is installed inconectly the venl may cause the flames inside the heater to lift or "ghosf - a dangorous situation. lnspec't lhe flames after installation to insure proper performance. lf the vent configuration is con@t, yet the flames are lifting or ghosting, shut off gas to lhe heater and conlact the dealer for infiormation on remedying lhe problem. This heater has been tested at altitudes up to 8,000 f6et. In this testing we have found that the hater, with its standard orifice, bums conetly with just an air shutter adjustmsnt. Failure to properly adJust the air shutter may lead to lmproper combustlon and a safety hazard. Consult your dealer lf you suspect an lmproperly adJusted alr sh u tte r. Bumar Pan 5#* lhe top ot tho bumor poto (ltthey are bo bluq adlust the alr contol). Tum the flame adjust knob to its highest position - the flames should be approximately 12 tall. Chek the flame on low position. The flames should bum off of each burner hole. lf lhe heater does nol work conectly, contact lhe Travis Dealer for instsuctions. Give this manual lo the home owner and lully explain the operation of this heater. Not Enough Air lflhe flam€ dre owr 14' tall or tooly on lhs erds, oFn the aF thutlor. Travis lndustries 41s0903 100-01 151 Read this entire manual before you use your new heater (cpecially the section "Safety Precautions" on page 4 & 5). Failure to follow the inslruc.lions may resull in property damage, bodily injury, or even death. Location of Controls - See exptanation below 'ffi ONTOFF Srltoh Th€ orvoffswitrh b l6at€d on lhe upp€r right comE ot tho gunolnd p9ngls. Gas Contlol Valvo Gas Control Knob Fhme Adlust K[ob Pllot lgnllat Blouer Knob This knob conlrols the speed of ths internal convetion blower that pushes the heated air into the room. This control is used to tum the healer on and ofi. The pilot igniter is usd only to start the pilot. When pressed, it sends an elecbical charge to the pilot assembly. This creates a blue spark directly nexl to the pilot, igniting the pilot flame. This knob is used lo control gas to the heater and for starting the pilot. There are three positions, ON, OFF, & PILOT. The poinler directly below the knob indicales the posilion this knob is in. This knob conlrols lhe llame height from low ('LO') to high ('Hl'). The pointer to the upper leff of the knob points to the position this knob is in. . lf using a remole control or thermostat, the On/Off Switch must be left'ON". Tuming the On/Off Switch 'OFF' will keep the heater off always. An lnstrudjon card for opdr€ting lhs firsplscE is atlachgd !o the insidg oflhs fireplsc€ hera Repl€c€ lt for q€sy rsbtqn@. \-IiI:f:-I!:-:\ ,'- -t''..,. -t' Blower Knob On/Off Switch Pllot lgn iter Gas Control Knob Flame Adjust Knob Travis lndustries 4{ 50903 100-01151 Starting The Pilat Flame The pilot flame is required to ignite the main bumers (it also plays a safety role). lt should be left on once lit. lt will stay lit unless lhe gas control valve is tumed to "OFF'. However, lhe pilot will go out if the gas is shut off, the propane lank runs out (or low) or if the stove maffunctions. lf the pilot tums off ftequently, call your dealer for informalion. To start the pilot follow lhe direclions below: @ a b !UAB-N.IN.g: When lightlng or re-lightlng the pilot, the glass must be removed {see page 17). Remove the glass (see page 17 for details). Push lhe gas control knob in slightly and tum it to the "OFF" oosition. The knob will not turn from "ON' lo 'OFF" unless lhe knob is depressed slightly. Wait five minutes to let any gas that may have accumulated inside the firebox escape. lfyou smell leaking gas, follow the directions on the cover "lF YOU SMELL GAS". Turn the gas control knob to the 'PILOT" position and press the knob in, this will allow gas to flow to the pilot light. Press lhe button on the pilot igniler repeatedly until you see the pilot light. WARNING: lf the pilot does not llght after 15 seconds, release the knob and call your dealer for servlce. Do not attempt to light pilot untll servlce has be€n performed. NOTE: You may wish to remove the log set to gain a better view of the pilot (s€e page 18). Keep the gas control knob depressed for 30 seconds once it is lit. Release the gas control knob. lf the pilot 906 out, repeat step C. lf the pilot retuses to slay lit, call your dealer for service. With the pilot lit, proceed to step "f . Replace the glass. Tum the gas control knob counter-clockwise to 'ON". The oilot is now lit and the heater can be turned on and off. @ ffilffiq? @ @ d'fi@u aa\ .{Fr= ffi .osecor @ lH@@w rqh@ rw0 @ @$eu f s @ @ @ Travis Industries 4150903 I 00-01 { 51 Starting the Heater for the First Time + Bum the heater al a medium sefting for approximately one hour the first time. This will cure the painted surfaces. Fumc ftom the paint curing and oil buming off the steel may occur. This is normal. We recommend you open the window to vent the room. + Condensatlon may appear on the glass each time you starl the Heater - this is normal. + Blue Flames will occur on the healer when it first comes on. Afler fifteen minutes the flames will turn a more realistic yellow and orange color. . Certain installations use a remote \ryall switch" to tum the heater on and ofi. lf this is the case, leave the ON/OFF switch "ON". Turning the Heater On and Off After the Dilot has been slarted... s6e thg in!foucdona inchd€d rrilh tig,6mot! for detallg on op6raijon. For slrtrrs v,th wall thonrEdats, uqe thi8 apttah lD colltrol tho te(np€mfurc (rlght b hotter, lefi cool{). Sdno oyd€ms agqui€ tho onrofl B,ritch to be on. Uao til8 a$itch Io ll.4n lho mah butner on snd of manually 56€ ho instruciong hcbdod v/ith tio ,emob fd chsnging tha baltBrt. EXTINCTION POPS- lt is not un@mmon to have a small 'pop" momenls aft€r shutting th€ heater off (and in some case, on). This is more common on LP heaters. lf you are concemed, contact your dealer for evaluation. I Do not place any combustible items on top of or direclly in front of the heater, even temporarily. The optional thermostat may start the healer causing a combustible item to ignite. . lf the heater tums on and off frequently while using the thermostat, you may want to adjust the flame height do$m until it produces just enough heat needed. Adjusting the Flame Height + Your heater has an adjustiable flame to tailor the look and heat output to your specific needs. lt is adjusted by tuming the "Hl - LO'dial on the gas control valve. Tum counlertlockwise b adjust the flam€ highet, clockwise to low€r. Travis lndustries 4150903 1 00-01 1 51 Adiustins the Blower Speed The internal blower helps transfer the heat fom the heater into the room. lt will not tum on until the heater is up to lemperature (approximately 10 minutes affer starting). See the illusbation below for instruclions on adjusting the blower speed. Normal Operating Sounds oFFc LO BLOWER CONTROL Blowor Knob Tum the knob alllhe v,ay couderclockvvls€ to tum the blowor off. Ons dlck clockwlss tums lha bloworto hlgh sp€sd. Tumlng tho knob clockwlso lrom the hlgh positon deseas€a the Bpsod of lho blower. Pllot Flam€ The pilot tlame, whlch remains on, makes a very slight 'whispef sound. Blowsr This hoat€r uses a blower b push hoatd alr irdo the room. You will hear th€ sound of air mov€mont that incr€as€s as th6 sDe€d is incr€ased. Tho appliance wlll cr€ak with change of t€mp€ratur€. Extlnsllon Pops It is not unusual, esp€cially on Propane (LP) appllances, to experience a "pop" when the bumer is shut ofi. Blower Snap Dl6k This part can produce a clicldng sound as lt tums th€ blower on and ofi. Gas Contsol Valve As th€ gas control valv€ is tumed on and ofi you will hear a dull cllcking sound. This is th€ valve op€nlng up and shuting down. Normal Operating Odors This appliance has several areas that reach high temperatures. Dust or other particles on these areas may burn and cr€te an odor. This is normal during start-up. You may notice the smell is more acute if the appliance was left idle for a long period. Travis lndustries 4 t 50903 100-01 15{ Maintainin I Fingerprints or other marks left on the optional gold or nickel surface may become etched in place if they are not wiped clean prior to tuming the stove on. Clean the gold or nickel with denatured alcohol and a soft cloth (make sure the heater is cool). Other cleaners may leave a film lhat may become etched into the gold or nickel. Seruice Procedure Failure to inspecl and maintain the heater may lead to improper combustion and a potentially dangerous situation. We rmmmend the following procedures be done by a qualified technician. Check lhe pilot flame. lt should touch approximately 3/8' of the top of the thermopile and touch the top of the thermocouple (see illustration below). lf it does not, contact your dealer for service. Shut off gas to the healer by turning the gas control knob to "OFF' (see step A under "Starling the Pilot" on page 22). Let the heater cool for 15 minutes. Remove lhe faceplate (see insfuctions included with face) and glass (see page 'l7). Remove the log set (NOTE: the logs are very fraglle - see page 18). lf severely deteriorated, replace. Chek the logs for sooting. A small amount of soot along the bottom of the logs is normal. lf excessive sooting is found, the heater will require adjustment. Contact your dealer. Clean the burner (especially the bumer holes) and inspect the following: ' Check the burner for cracks, deterioralion, or rr/arping ' Check the firebox and area around the pilot to make sure there is no warping or damage. lf any problem is found, discontinue use and contact your deal€r for ssrvice. Chec.l lho yralls and cotring ottfto frsbor fot delE Dralioo. B€tlro Dloa8sonblt. Ched lho pilotfliame. ll stould louoh tha th€rmocoupl6 and thomop[0, Tllermoone '\.O Pibl Hood K VHA\ Thenn@llple Replace the log set. Replace the glass. Make sure ths gasket along the perimeter of the glass contacts lhe face of the firebox and forms an air-tight seal. If il does not, re-align. lf the glass or glass frame is damagd, replace iL Inspeci behind ihe access door. Clean if necessary. Check the gas control valve and gas lines. lf damage is found, discontinue use and contacl dealer for service. Clean the air channels and ducts. Start the pilot and tum on the main bumer. The flames should be orange/yellow and nol touch the top of the firebox. lf the pilot or main bumers do not bum conectly, contact your dealer br service. Monitor the blower ooeration. Remove any debris or vegetation near the vent termination. Contact your d€ler if any sooting or deterioration is found near the vent termination. Travis lndustriEs 41s0903 100-01 1sl o Troubleshooting Table Problem: Possible Cause: Don't Call for Service Until You: Pllot Wlll Not Llght A gas shut off valve is tumed off---_------. The gas control knob isn't tumed to "PILOT" The valv€ conlrol knob isnt pushed in._.--., The igniter wagn't pressed repoatedly.-.---, No Propan€ in Tank___-- _ _-- ____ __ Ch€ck all gas shut off valves Seo'Starting the Pilot Lighf Step C S€€'Starting the Pilot Lighf Step C s€€ 'Starting the Pilol Lighf Stop C Check Tank Level Main Burners Start Ths pilot light has gone out __--. _-- Th€ gas contol valve is tumed to "PILOT" or "oFP The OIVOFF slr,itch is tumed to "OFF _ The remote control is not working con€ctly- . - - - - - The thermostat i9 disconnoctod or set too low Se€ "Starting the Pilot Lighl" Se€ "Starting lhe Pilot Light" Tum the ON/OFF switch to "OlS 56€ the r€mote control instructions See "Thormostat ODeralion" Not will Remote Control Not Work Does The pilot light has gone out -------- The gas control valve is tum€d to "PILOT or "OFFI The Ol,l/OFF switch is tJmed to'OFF ---.--___.-- The remote is loo far away from the healer -. - -.. _ The remote control receiver is tumed 'Off -. - -.. . One of the two remoto control batlerios is dead See "Slarling the Pilot Lighf S€a "Starting the Pilot Light" Tum the OIVOFF switch to'OM Use th€ remote closer to th€ heater See the remote control instructions Se€ the remote control instructions Thermostat Do€s Not Work Th€ pilot lighl has gon6 out The gas confol valve is tumed to "PILOT or'OFF The O[\,|/OFF st /itch is tumed lo "OFF" The thermostat is set too low S6e 'Strarting the Pilot Lighf See 'Starting th6 Pilot Lighf Tum ihe OIVOFF switch lo "oM See'Thermostat ODoralion" Heater Will Not Dlstribute H€at Th€ heat€r is not getting eleclricity. - - The h€ater is not uo to t€mperature Check lhe br€aker sf itch See 'Op€ratinq Your Heatef Pilot Goqs Out Once A The gas supply has beon shut ofi.---- K€€p tho gas supply tumed on Month Or More Flames Are Too Blue The heater has just be€n strarted- - -This is nonnal - s€e'Starting the Heat€r fur the First Time" Adjust Air Shutter - conlact your dealer lmproper air shutler adjuslmenl__ _ _ Flames Are Too Short {Under 6") Th€ flame height may be tumed too low. --Tum the flame height to 'Hl" - See 'Adjusting the Flame Heighf S€€ 'Log S€t Installation and R€moval" Adiust Air Shutter - contacl your dealer Thln Layer Covers Soot Glass of the The logs or coals are plac€d inconecfly- - _ - lmpropor air shuttor adlustrnent- _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ Travis Industries 4150903 100-01 151 How this Heater Works I This healer was designed with safety as the primary concem. Many of the componenb inside this heater are for safety purposes. Therefore, only certified gas service tehnicians should service this heater. What Turns the Main Bumers On and Off This heter uses a millivolt system to @ntrol its operalion (a millivolt is a very small amount of electricity). The thermopile and thermocouple generate eletricity when heated by the pilot flame. This electicity is used to operale lhe gas valve. Without enough electricity, the gas valve will not tum on. That is why when starting the pilot the gas conlrol knob has to be pressed in long enough for the thermocouple to heat up and generate enough eleclricity. The thermopile provides power for the ON/OFF switch, remote control, or thermostat (see the illustration below). Because ths thermopile generates the electricity needed to turn the heater on and off, this heater can be operatd when the power is out (although the blower will not run). Wh€n heated, th€ thermopile This el€ctricity is generates electricity (a very small used to operate the amount measur€d in "Millivolts"). main bumers.The rnain bumers are switcfr€d on and ofi using the electricity gonorst€d by the lhsrmopile. Th€ Oltl/OFF svyitch, remot€ confol, or thermostjat confol the circuil to the main bumer. What Prevents Gas Buildup + This appliance ulilizes a hightechnology gas valve in conjunction with a pilot flame to ensure no gas builds up inside the firebox. + The thermocouple (next to the pilot) sense when the pilot flame is lit. lf the pilot flame goes out, lhis thermocouple no longer generates electricity, causing the gas valve to automatically shut off all gas to the heater, preventing the pilot from spilling gas into the flrebox. Pllot Flame The pilot flame is a time-proven component thal eliminates th€ possibility of gas inside lh€ firebox. Ga8 Valve This high-technology valve automatically shuts offall gas if it does not r€ceiv€ a signal fom the thermocouple. lf any compon€nt is damag€d or sensing a malfunclion, or if th€ wiring is damaged, it will shut off all gas. Thormocouple Csramlc Glass % ffi Effi Extemal Shut Off Valve This valv6 is placod on the gas line to shut off gas to the appliance during maintonance procedures. The th€rmGouple generat€s a small amounl of €lecficity. lf the pilot flame goos oul, the gas valve automatically shuts off all gas. The glass in your healer is th€ most durable glass availablo. ll has b€en t6ted to be €xtrem€ly resistant to breakage from t€mperalure changes, Travis lndustries 4150903 f 00-01 l sl Theranocoupla Th€rttroplle Plszo lqnllEr @ triliil w f o,*n" spark Etecrode -!ettotnooo -{.I ? f'.d 31"1fi1",-.\9 "'""'5-*l l-"-" .= | ,^uo,, I J= . F':HH*';=\J l+J ,,ou Bro*er F ,,ol*"' Blower Thermodisk Rh€ostat CifCUit Replacement Parts List Travis lndustries 41s0903 100-01 151 o o The safety (listing) label is on a plate chained lo the gas control valve. A copy of the safety label is shown below. gE€€€€EgiffEggEgu gfiEr*IEg€gage FE EgE iEEEff EI EdE F -5..8 g EI Fd'g. 5EE : El6 :FF iEs : :€.i:s ::5 ::E' ii: tqs g.E8 lFg E E. FE FE IIT BBA III FJts,FFF ITI F€€ CA E E g EH E{a gg Et €g E-€ trF E'A EF' FN ag PF EE E5 -Et €3 *E a H F HEgg€EE gg€ FeEc FHf;iiii 3E F aeeE ffi Hsaes $F ESFF €EEEE E Fi'I I o tttl F illi .$. .:+d4 F -o -o \ lt'i h I 00-01 1s1 41s0903 Travis lndustries To reqlster \/our TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. 7 Year Warranv, cornplde the enclooed wananty card and mail it wihln nsn (t0) d4/8 of 0le appl'En@ Durch-as€ dirte to: TRAVIS lNDt -STRIES, lNC., 10850 117th Place N.E., Ki*land, W6hinglon 98033. TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. rvarlanb thh gas bpp[ance (app[ancs b defined 6 ha equipment manufadured by Travis lndustiG, hE ) b b€ dsisd-fi€e h matsial and wofunanship to tle original purchas€r fiom fta date of purdlas€ as fullows: Years 1 & 2 - COVERAGE: PARTS Bumer Asgemblv: Bunor, Air sllld€r Assombly, [.laii Bitn€t Orfrc€ Firobox Ass€mblv: M.6tabb Ah Rdtrialor, Pr6l'e Fldief M€alrlrlgms, Gla$ FlElr€ srd Ldh Eleclrical Assemblv: w'tE lEnEAs,s'lap ds.s, go1.€r, Bbear F*lo@E! Ercftrgtotts: Paint,Gasketing & LABOR Gas Control Agsemblv ldustaue cand t€ha d.livo! wiino ard aornaafds (ocdod vrittin lhd apdano). th€nncpils, ttEflrEcol.bls, Crd hood, dfii4s, Fid gts Fq C@ U'ild Ceramic Glags Gl6 (br€€k46 fiom lhsrllialsbdk) C€ramic Loos L€ S€d, Coals, E nb€r Srip (Sl€al Fib.) Acc€ssories C€st F ebdr Ft|rrBle, Fa.EddE (eeo'Cddlbos ard Convection Heat Exchanoar R+.lnstallation Allowancs On+.Wav Frsioht Allowance Years3THROUGH5- Firebox Ass€mblv: COVERAGE: PARTS & LABOR conv€ction H€at Exchanoer Fg#gfrflff.oiiot' P'€58us R€lid M€cf,nbo€' Gls on+.wav Freioht Allowance Exc-L,sbnsi. Pain! Gasketing, Bumer Assembly, Elec{rical Assembly, Gas Control Assombly, C€ramic Gl6, Ceramb Logs, Acces$ti€s (Flrebadq Panels, Faceplats), Re lnsEllaton Allowancs Years 6 & 7 - COVERAGE: PARTS ONLY Firebox Assemblv: Afd€bb At Rsdrid6, Pr@ng Rolid ltsclBnbtq Gbss FrstD ard Lalch ExctuF'lons: Palnt, Gaskedng, Bum€r Assembly, Ebofical Ass€mbly, Gas Control A8sembly, Ceramic Glass, Ceramb Lqs, Conv€c{on Heat Exchanger, Accessories (Fir€back, Panels, Faceplate), Relnsblladon Allowance, Oneway FrBightAlbwancs, lrbor coNDlTtoNs & ExcLusloNs '1. This new gs9 apprhnce musi be inslall€d by a qualifred gas Eppliarcq techniclan. lt must bg lnsialled, oper9led, and mainlarned at ell lim€s In accordance with the Inst uctrons In the Own€ls luanual, Any altoraton, willtul abuse, accldsnt, negled, or mlsuse ot lhs product 8hall nulltfy thls 2. 3. warranry. This wa'nanty rs nonlrartslerablq and is m€de to tho ORIGINAL purchaser, provid8d lhst lhe purchase was made lhrough an auhoriad TRAVIS dealo.. Discoloradoi and somo minor etpansion, contracton, oa movgmgnl of csrhin partS and rg€ulling nols€, is normal and nol a deled and, lhstafor€. nci covorod under v,aranty. Ths lrEt€Uor must ensurs Ihe app'lanca ls buming as pgr the €ting tag al lh€ tims ot installaton. Oaot-finng (operallon abovs ths llsted BTU rato) of thls appl,snco can @use sgrious damage and 'n'll rJlliry trls wsrranty. Th€ wsrranty, as oirllin€d cdthln lhis docrlmer , doss nol apply to th6 chimney compon€nts or othor Non-Travia scca€sories us6d In (bnjuncton wllh lhe Installalion of lhts product lt In doud as lo lhg gxlenl ot lhb warranty. conlacl your aulhodzod TFaAVIS €tallgr bdor€ lnsialldion. Travis Induslnes wrll not bo rosponsiblo for inad€quals Ferformanca causod by environmental cordfions such as ne€rby Le€s, bulldlngs, roof tops, wind. hills or mounl,arns or negalive pr€ssurs or olher influencE from mechanical s]€torns such as fumac€8, fans, clolh€s dryels, etc. This Wananty is void rt:a. Th€ unff hag bs€n oporstBd In etmosphgrss contamlnated by qhlodne, lluodns or othsr damaglng chgmlcals.b. Thg unil is subl6c1 to submgtsion in wator or prolonosd periods ot dampne€s or @ndsnsstion.c. Any damags to the unit, combtrstion chamber, heat dxchbnger or othor componori! dus lo watgr, or westhgr damags which i3 thg ,€sult ot, bul not limlted to. imomDgr chimnEv/ventino installalion. F:xclusions to tib 7 Ybar Warranfo inc'ud;: Injury, lcs of uss, damagg, fgiluro io funclron due to accident, negligencg, mrsusg, jmpIoper rnslatlalion, alteration or adjLsbnsnl of tFe nanufEclure/s sEttings of componenb, lack of propsr and rggular malnlgnance, damage IncunBd whllg ths appll€nc€ l8 in hansit. alleratlon. or ad ot God. Thb 7 Yosr warraniy €rcludes d9mage c€used by nolmel n'sar and tg€r, such as parnl dFcoloralon or chrpping. wom or lom gasketng, conod€d or cracked logs, ernbsrs, etc- Also excluded is damEgo lo lhe unil caused by abuse, impEp€r Installdioh. rnodficaton ot tho unit ddlling of the otfllcss, or tho uso of fuel olhE lhan lhat for whlch lhe unil is contigur€d. Unils are shipped for natursl gas and must b€ @nverted to propang uslng thg lnduded corflerslon kil Confirm fuel @ntiouElion with vour irElaller. Damage to gold or nickel surfscas'c€tlsed by fingerprtnb, scralchss, mslled ilems. or othgr €xlgmal sourcag lsff on the gotd or nlckel flom lhg use ot clgqngrs olher than denatured alcohol 19 not cover€d In lhrs wErranty. TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. b tr€s ot liability ior any damagc causod by tho applisncs, as well as in@nvenion@ 6rpons6s and malerials, Inciderfal or conssquenliai damages arg nol @wred by this $.arranty. In some sial€s, lh€ €rclusion of Incidgntal or cons€quenlial damage may nc! apply. This wananty doos not covor any loss or damagg incunEd by thg use or refirova! of any componsrt or apparatus b or ftom lhe TRAVIS gaa €pptanco wilbod the exprBs writton psrmbsion ot TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. and bsarlns a TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. l€b€l ol approval, Any staterneni or reprsssrGtiol of TRAMS producis and therr pertormance conl,alngd In TRAVIS advgrtslng, packaglng litdrdurg, or printed materlal Is no{ part ot ihls 7 ysrir wananty. This warranv b autonalically voided it lho appliance's serial numbor ha3 b€an removgd or allergd in any way, lf the appllanca i9 ussd tor comrngrcial purpces, it i9 €xclud€d from lhis wananty. No dsalar, disFibubr, or eimilar porson has ths authoriiy to repr@nt o darani TRAVIS producb boFnd lhe lerms conlained wilhin lib nir.anty. TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. assurnes no llablllty for sucir vrarranlies or reprGenlatone. Trayls Industries wlll not cowr lhe cosl ol lhe €moval or |g-lnstallaUon ot hearllls. vsnling or olhsr componenb, lf for arry rsason any ssdion ot tiis v€rrdnq is decla.€d invalld, $e balanc€ o, thg warranty remains in Elfecl and all othsr clawes shall rsmain in sfpcL This 7 year warrarty ls lhe only warranty supplied by Trsvis Indusbios, Inc., Ths rnanufactur€r d ths appllance. All other yrarranti€8, whsfr€r exprgss or impll€d. a,s hereby expr€sry digclaim€d €nd purchaser's lg@urso ts exptossly limilsd to lhs $,arranlies s6l fotlh hEreln. 4. o. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 18. IF WARRANW SERVICE IS NEEDED: 1. 2. lf t'ou dlscover € problem that you bell€vo is cover€d by this wanarty, you MUST REPORT it to your TRAVIS dealer WITHIN 30 DAYS, gMng them proot of Durchass. lhs putchas€ dab, gnd the nrodgl namo and serisl numbsr. Travis lndustri€s hss lhg oDlion d sithgr rgDalr|no or rogtacinq lhe dsiBdv€ com@nerlL ll your dealer b unaole lo bparr your appllrince's-OefEcf. he riay pr@s e warranty claim lhough TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC., lncludlng the name ot tho dealorship whsr€ you purchased lh€ spplance, I copy ot your rBceid showing the date ol lhs appllancs's purchass, and lhe serial numb€r on your applhnca. Al thal time, you may be asked to shlp your applisnce, tr€rghl chargG prepald, !o TMVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC., at itr oplion, will rspalr or rsplace, fiss of chErge, your TRAVIS app[anca rf it is found lo bo dslEclivo In material or workmanship w hin lhe lims fame stEt€d vrithin this 7 year wananty. TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC. '.rill relum !,our appliance, freight cttarges (yeaE 1 to 5) prepald by TRAVIS INDUSTRIES, lNC., to yqrr r€gional dist ibutor, o. d€alsrshjp.4. Check w h your dgaler in advancg tor any c€19 to you, when arranglng € warl?nty c€ll. Dsalgrr may ,€qul.e yolr lo pey s seMca or lrip ciarg€ for any warEnly wo|k. This chargs can vary ftorr slors b siore. Travis lndustries 4150903 100-01151 ffisdS$S$strq$ffis8ffi LP Conversion Instructions lnstall the convorslon kit prlor to Installlng the gas llne to ensure proper gas use. Remove lhe glass (see page 17). Remove the logs, coals, and ember strips (if installd - page 18) Remove the bumer (see illusfation below). Removs lho smber sholfs. Note: when bl placo, thgre ls a gap between the Bhelf and the bumer, Liff 8[ghdy on tfiE bumer €nd Blids it to ths lsft so the mbdng tub€s slde off the orifioes. ,fl't,"' Maka sure thb pln Inserb lnto the hole In the botlom of ths bum€rwhen rRlnstalllng. 3 Follow the diredions below to install the LP (propane) orifices. Sllde th€ alr shutlers lo provlde betbr acc€ss to the orlfices. to The LP ortflces have "55" slamped on thom. r-1 ^ Applv thread sealanl to i{h{ thonoworificsand \q@ lnstall. /a>>.\ f%,, The NG ortflces have t$(((/ zs stamped on them. Use a 1/Z open end wr€ncfi unscrew the bumer ortf,ces. ffi1'A -----as * 1/2" Wrench Screw tre LP orifice in so the ortf,ce shoulder profudes 5/16- (indicatng full inserlion). -Travis lnduStries 4150903 100-01151 wffisffisffiffiffi 4 Remove the pilot orifice follorrving the inshuctions below. Replace with the propane pilot orifice @ & @ L1-o'sldhood ,?\ RGnEva oaodlcs E d rECac€ wnh uo tP di!E. sdor lhs V odlca an fi6 isy h ard rsdes fis Cal hood. E @- \., Gtica ld€'|fflletlon: @ffiffi:# at?g us rr€|@Dldtu tr#* M!lg: Lt€fl rcdnrd ng, fi! ph &lo3 up wl|h nta nobh htn€ Clolho.t 5 Install the logs and embers. 6 Replace glass and face. 7 Remove the regulator from the front of the gas @ntrol valve. Replace with the propane regulator, using the new gasket and screws included with the regulalor. NOTE: Leak test this area after the heater ie installed, gas ls connected, and the main burner is llt. 8 Make the gas line connection, bleed the gas line (if applicable), stiart the heater and thoroughly leak-tst all gas connections and the gas control valve. Check the pilot. Adjusl if necessary. WARNING: When lighting or re'lighting the pilot, the glass must be removed (see page 28). To adlust ths ilol flsmo, tum this scrow. Clockwiso lorcers thE iamo while counlordockwisa rais€s it. Ttp pilol nama musi contad thg lhormocouple €rld thsrmopllo (sge lhe illuslration below). Adjusi ths pilot up or down sE nscaaaary. 6\\:,, Rcrrr.N6 6r!t ds6ad o€ tu€a €trd8 lalE a €lo!€d !terd!t\'6 \:,,, hsra! lte LP €!dsq. u6€ fls G{reia hdnd€d *h |n€ LF lEgllldr. Ibtd$ to 6F6nrddy 25 t tu, t rqu€. o ReriEr€ €rd @{.rd thE r€€tildd. dqtra|! qt€ @ @ Sl€ndard Scret!dnver -- TEvis Intlustries 41s0903 I 00-0 r 151 ffiffiffiffiffiffi CaSt AIUminUm FifebaCkS (Ertck pdttern s85oo7s7, ctasatc Patte'? s8500743) I Tum the gas conbol valve to 'OFF" prior to onducting any service. 1 Attach the lower brick retainers following the directions below. Remw€ tlls €mbsr shsl6. Afi8cn the lo$Er brlck rglainsrg to tl€ Embg| shelt with llte included scrEws. Remove the baffle at the top of the firebox following the directions below. Baffle Looesn lhe lw! bolts at the back otlho flr€box. Un ths bsflls up to rsmove it tr€ Travis lndustries 41s0903 100-01 151 3 Install the firebacks following the directions below. w6r'*$ssJffi&ffiggffi#st$r Searro lh6 uppor r€€r fireb€ck by installing thg uppsr rsar lir€back clip o\€r ths bolb (do nol tigt en lhe bo[s ur il lhe bdle F Eplaced). R€t lh€ upper .€ar firsbeqk on lop of lhg resr ffr€back brace. Slldg ihe rear fireback bra@ over the lorer rgar froback (nob hsn the joggle 0lte torward). Plac€ fi6m agairEl ths back wall ot the tiGbc0( and E[acfi with tho gcrew r€moved In sbp a @ (E) o.*.,* "".*, on the beck rel dlhe fitoboL 5116. N'ndd€r Th€ rear fr€back rs6{8 on lhE l€dge d lie rqar otlhe firebox. l Sids Fireback Clip \ !,rako gure the nobh€s on lh€ side firobacb ft i'lb lhs groryBa on lhs firEbox lloor. So@re lhe sid€ tlrebscke by €iaching tle fir€bac,k clips to lhE fiEbor with th€ sc(qrs r€rnov€d in stsD "8". Reolace the baffle removed in step 2. Travis lndustries 4150903 100-01 151 w*$wsffi Ceramic Firebacks part * eB5@638) I Turn the gas control valve to 'OFF' prior to conducting any service. 1 Remove the baffle at the top of the firebox following the direclions below. Looson the lwo bolts al lhs back otth€ llrebox. Liff lhe baf,la up to r6movE it 11 t'2 H'$lfll b Travis Industries 4150903 100-01 151 ffiffiffiw,PJ*Sffijffiffiffiffi 2 tnstall the flrebacks following lhe directions below. Rernove the sciews on both side walls of lhe trsbox Place lhe lower rear ffrcback on he ledge on the rear wall of the firebor Rest the uppsr rear ffreback on bp of the lorrer rear fireback and hold ln place. The rear fireback resb on $is ledge at the rear of lho flrebox. Attach the clips (lncluded trdh ins€rt) tc secure the side flrebacks (us€ the scrert/s rernoved In siep "a") . Slide the side firebacks into place, pinnlng lhe rear fireback in place. I Ember Shelf Place the floor ircbad< on the ember shelb. 3 Reolace the baffle removed in step 't. ffiss$Wffi Travis lndustries 4150903 1 00-01 151 ta. Travis lndustries 4150903 100-01 151 a a a G Travis Incfii*ries, Inc. Featuring the ,I \\2 =*iu€ry*'cAs cErs rii,r .T:7s';:,: Burner Direct Vent Fireplace Insert Masonry or Factory Built (Metal) Fireplace Residential or Mobile Home eds88* ffiListed AI{H21381SCSAzSrt/B cANrGAz17[A1,ULCrb DVL lnsert EF Owner's Manual RNING: lmproper injury or property damage. Refer to this manual.For assistance or additional information consult a qualified installer, service - Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. - Instrallation must be performed by a qualified instialler, service agency or the gas supplier IF YOU SMELL GAS . Do not try to light any appliance.. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.. lmmediately call gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.. lf vou cannot reach Vour Oas supplier, call the fire Install€r: Afler installation give this manual to the home. owner and explain operation of this fireplace. $10.00 @ Copyright 2003, T.l. Part # 100{1151 4030207 @==-=+e##=E:€-.: 10850 llTth Place N.E Ktrkland WA 981133 lntroduction We welcome you as a new owner of a Travis DVL Insert. In purchasing a Travis DVL Insert you have joined the growing ranks of concemed individuals whose selection of an energy system reflects both a concem for the environment and aesthetics. The Travis DVL lnsert is one of the finest home heaters the world over. This manual will explain the installation, operation, and maintenance of this heater. Plese familiarize yourself with the Orne/s Manual before operating your heater and save the manual ior future reference. Included are helpful hints and suggestions that will make the operation and maintenance of your new heater an easier and more enjoyable experience. We offer our continual support and guldance to help you achieve the maximum benefil and enjoyment ftom your heater. Important lnformation No other Travis DVL lnsert has the same serial number as yours. The serial number is below and to the left of the gas control valve. This serial numberwill be needed in case you require service of any type. Model: Serial Number; Purchase Date: Purchased From: Travis DVL Insert EF arl your warran Today, and Save Your Bill of SalE. To receive full warranty coverage, you will need to show evidence of the date you purchased your heater. Do not mail your Bill of Sale to us. We suggest that you attach your Bill of Sale to this page so that you will have all the information you need in one place should the need for service or information occur. Travis Industries 4150903 100-01 151 Finalizing the lnstallation Glass Removal... .....,............,,.......17 Log, Twig, and Emb€r Insta||ation.............................18 Purge and L6ak Test sto Gas Line....................,.......19 Pilot Flame Insp€c1ion.......... ...........19 Air Shutl€r Adjustment...........................................20 Flam€ Inspection ............;.....................................20 Explain Heater op€ralion to G&ner.......,,..,...,...........20 Travls Industries 4t 50903 100-01151 t TOWNOFVAIL ,75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970479-2138 NorE: THIS *ERMIT MUsr BE posrED oN J.BSITE AT ALL TIME' -Btootg\"^-'-^ ei 7oS-,{ ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Pemrit #: Job Address.: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 980 VAIL VIEW DRM, IJNIT 205-A Applied...: 0412112004 Parcel No....: 210301406012 Issued ...: Q4n9/2004 hojectNo...: ?T€:o{-otr? Expires...: l0n6/2004 oglNER SHIILAIT{, ,'ACOB E. O4/2L/2004 Phone: 1-00 CORPORATE PIr STE303 PE.ABODY MA 01960 License: CONTRACTOR MOIniITAII{ CONSTRUCTION ItAl[AGEo /2L/2OO4 Phone: 97 O-748-955L License:269-8 ,APPI,ICANT MOI'IiTTAIN EONSTRUETION MANAGEO4/2L/2O04 PbONE: 97O-74A-955L License:269-9 Desciption: INTERIORREMODEL Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Conshrction: V A Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $21,000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace Information: RestrisEd: Y # ofcas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of WoodPetlet 0 aaaa||t|tiat'|!i''tt}tt'tt|i{t|l.'aa|*'N,ttt|'i||'a'*.'|{tit.t..tl.|l|*t*t|FEEsUMMARY*t|t'i**.*'t.|'o't'8t||ift8.*||***| Buildingi-.-.-> 9335.25 R€stuarant Plan Review-> $o,oo Total Cslculaled Fees'> i891.41 Plan Check -> l2L7.9L DRB Fec----> 90.00 Additional Fe€s-----------> 90.00 Investigation> 9335,25 Recr€ation Fes.--...-..---> 9O.OO Toal Pennit Fee--..-.--> $891.41 Will Cbll-> 53 . OO Clean-up Deposit-> S0 . 0O Paymen8--------> S89X.41 TOTAL FEES--> 98e1.41 BAII{{CE DUE-----.-> 90, oo ***|||.|.'i.'..|.s'l.|t||a|t|||'i.'.|lat|..*|t|**N|.t||||t|!*.*.||.| Approvals:Item: O5100 BUILDING DEPARIT{EIIIT 04/28/2004 JRll Action: AP Item: O54OO PIJA}INING DEPAR,IS{EI{T ITeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENT Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS '..t.'.s.|atta.lct.*|.|..|'a||t'tf{*t|lt'''||*...i.|l|$|1i|'|t...' See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plarL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT Ltot-a^*A1.- 1!:' Lo+ -ts)* 8044072 Bdt and state that all the infomrafion as required is correct I agree to comply with the informafion and plot plan, to comply with all . Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structurc according to tlre towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOTJR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 Plvl AND OWNEF PAGE2 ttrltt*tl.***'Nrl.*'r*{.,f ***'f *{.*{r,1.'*,1,1'F***rt*'t*rt't'trti CONDMONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 804-0072 asof04-29-2004 Status: ISSUED **{t*{.**'r*{.*'l.,|t*tI.*'&'l,l**,r***'l.**'l't,l*'8****t|,|.*':.*ti{.a*'F*{.*{.,l************ Permit Type: ADDiALT MF BLIILD PERMT Applied: 04Dlf2OM Applicanfl MOUNTAIN CONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENT Issued: 04/29/2004 970-748-9551 To Expire: 10126f2004 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: 980 VAIL VIEW DRIVE, UNIT 205-4 ParcelNo: 210301406012 Description: INTERIORREMODEL Conditions: Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELDINSPECTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CI{ECK FORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS To BE SEALED WTTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERTAL. Cond: l6 @LDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC, Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CANBE STARTED. TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Stsatement ltumber: Payment Method: RO4OO0570S Arnount: Check Statement 9891.41 04/29 /2OO4O9 :38 AIrt Inits: DDG Notatlon! GLenKuLik Perrn:i.t No3 Parcel No: Site Address: L,ocation: Thie Payment: BO4-OO72 2LO30L4060L2 970 I/AII, VIEIiI 980 \TAIL .\rIEW Descri pti on Tlpe: ADD/AIJT MF BSIIID PERMIT DR VAIIJ DRIVE, rrN-rT 205-A Total FeeE: $891.41 TotaL Att Hnts: $891.41 Balance: $0.00 $891.4X ** ***'N.*** ***rt{.'l**tN'l'l ***!N.*'&*******!N.*'N'**r.***rr*'*'&***'llNrlNr*A* *****{.** *'*{.'N.*** ** ***{.4**'8{.,1**'8***'**a* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Curnent Pmts BP PF PN ltL 00100003111100 00100003112300 00100003153000 00100003112800 BUILDING PER}4IT FEES PLAN CHICK FEES INVEST]GATION FEE (BLDG) tllLL CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 335.25 2r7 .9L JJ5 . Z5 3.00 FU +L APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #: Building Permit #: g| 0 47 I :21 49 | lnspectir LICATION mechanical, etc.! ll -0{t7 IVWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 req ui coNTRAqTOR TNFORMATTON CoMPLETEJALUATIONS FOR BUILD|NG pERM|T Labor & Materials BUtLptNG: $ 12r CC',..ELECTRICAL: $ 3//OO OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$ 3fi?l MECHANICAL:$ q2CA rorAl:g Jl, @,e For Parcel # Contact Assessors Olf ce at g70-328-8640 or visit Ito:o /jo6crl Job Name:-Jr.< C V_, Legal Description Subdivision: Y\auJ- Aq.^, hc"cc\ wotkcl".r, N"*( I A R"rodgt H) Repair( )Demo() other( ) Work Type: lnteriorpq) Exterior ( ) Sotn ( j Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singre-famiry ( ) Two-famiry ( ) Murti-famiry(X c"r,n"-"( ) R""raurant ( ) orher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: No/Type of Fireplace ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/peltet ( ) Wood Burni Noffype of Fireplaces proposed: Gas Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Peilet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED a Fire Alarm Exist: yes a Fire Sprinkler System ***********************b**n********FOR OFFICE USE ONL \VAiIUATA\CdEV\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC ;po!,+ 07 /26n002 lr ruftNm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Address: This Checklist must be amoleted before a Building Permit appliation i€ acepEd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans tr B o o o B o tr tr o o B o B o o Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: \\VailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 4_t,l-cl 0/.lo2n003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval/ a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to oy: GQvr" Project Name: Date: 1- lq -c,tl F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 + 9 F e Tg t$Jr ,o* g H\,F8 H il 0 fi iT' _Fi FP t\F 3Est 3id_r = 6 '=.6 FlD O ^ o =:a€g1f,: 8e'rK -E O - g 1'+ g6 T o m-. 9fr m -u o -{ (, .,/ s Q----i_7-.') ^l- oo o (^t N N iEE i 9$EE AF;aix q;r 3dg =.9 6 -9; o m (fn m -t o -l o!rt{o-: x J. E Fgg F s-'H "8 ila,a gE,g H5:eE;g'6 ,t (..) ./ >o---/-oJ T----- (r'o (, NJ N gFE i $Ffid ega 6SF d;F a ='fr =9€FY OT 6=7 -o m. q7f; m -u o -l oort-.{as g j eFfg EF'HE ilqa gEg e5:9E; E" -a tl Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 T0ttl\r Department of Community Development o D !1 f f o Il' f f 3 o D o o o o Ne(<- o.,re- TrsD $f<wrj tlrc\.{E-\ R\.q: o- C^\ 6 Lr*.,...^- Date of submittal: yo- sAc- - : t/ \ al \Project Name: JftKc*tr >hu\6.w\ Project Address: This Chelclist must be amoleted before a Building Permit aoplication is arcpEd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown /raui?ln Co.,firu{f,oZ $ Applicant's Signature: qbt*" \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: ul02n003 4^/ 0 uJr BROOI'MREE OOilI'OMNruMS 980 Vail View Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 t t I //2, l,l /r1 lit aA VUL '. U / ? $rrolc/ruz- fo/r^rn'r,,rr.4 /*u l*o r^drr-{ 9 'T^<r^ll',t(o,^(Az0{) ,,{ L^ u/tonru1 tox!,(rod,oa,ftw/{, 4 loy aA ^r/*%y"oi v*/ uil-u' */--'(-^/lr^w r\tulaj [,ru *4, tuLwt^ prvlft^% 'ft^',- fa-,^otfu[, {,^r*/r,, /1 , lJ il h/'<jru ?rc 310 to{( RPR 19 ?OO4 1O:23Pll BOULDER ENvIRONI'IENTfiL I r8G6) 693-4121 P.? I Boulder *-*Magenenr, rnc. "r",,'ffi iH#!'"""r*l,fldi'*rr,' Apr[ f9, Ztf0l l'fr. GlennKulik Mountain Consbuction & Mlrrageatertt P.O. Box 5814 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Pllk_*ptiog ofsuspected asbesros-contaioiag materials 9fl1 Va|| Vicw Drlvg VatL Colondo Dear Mr. Kulik: 1-ry-11 ir_th" report for sampritrg of ttlc suspected arbe'tos-conbining rmeriars at 9t0 Vdl Vien,IHve, Vrll, Colorado. This inveetigation was condrcEd on beharf of and for thc exclusive use of Mountrrn construction & Management (9fieoq, sorery for'se in a rimited *b"#;;;y of the qTopert_y. This report urd the findirys herein sball noq in *ofe or in p"q ;'-dissemiDetcd or- conveypd to any otf,er party, nor used.iy any ,** **r,:;-*tote - in part' without priorrrritEn conscnt of Boukier envimmrentai d;G-;;.' "* TT. r*$ of this wrvey are rimited to matcrials that were ass€ssabrc asd foreseeabre,Additional materials may ocist bahind hrrd surfaces. pcrsonncl t""*r"ag*ti" "r asbgtls lnai'li"g mabials should always ovcnee dernolition agdvities] oernotitlon wo* shorld be haltd ed sarnpling pldormed by a stae of colonado Ucenecd-brrilding incpector if additional materials, r+hich ae suspe&ed of conaioing a"t"stoa ;'crtoounErcd" Ifyou bave any queetions regarding the conteots ofthis rcporg preasc do not hesitate to contact us. Sincelely, C^//"^ Chrls lfamn Project Mmager *Acb6tos*Lad*Inductdal Eygleue*SefctyrFitrNl Alr Tectingr tEeelth end SafetyTrefulng* BPR 19 ?OA4 l0zZSPI', BOULDER EtMRONt'lEflTPL I ta66) 699-/+121 p.3 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 5 DEer Trail Road Bouldcr, @-E0302 Ptuc:g03)44;9-tt7i Fa:c r (3606994121 BIJLK SAMPTINGRDFORT 1335 Eldcr Stred, Boulder, Colorado. trtroductiou: undcrthe direction ofour client On Aprll 15,201t4, Bouldq.Envimnmeirtal Managernan('rc,,s building inspcctor,MT*,SyTp*b "o4*g *n *o,tU orJ*ilfu rro*o**o* -u*n", Srmpllng3 Duing the sarnpling proccss, suryect ACM was separated into three EpA catecorics.Thcse caregories arc tb€mnt "y*tim i*ulati- Osb, ;"rh;,nc ;c[4 ;;Alaneous ACM- TSI includes arl matedars used to prwenr rn*t to* o, &rn *io"t", "-iltor"tioo on mechmical rystens. Examplcs of rslare pipe coveri"g,Lil* ir*r"ti"", a"rt vrap' and mud packcd fitting :em€nr suredi AcM includes ail ACMihat is-spraye4 howellcd' or o'therwise appried ro a surface. Thic apptications ar" mori"orrmonry ur.o ia fire0roofing dccorative and apoustical ryplicationl. Miscellaneous materials insludc dl ACM not listcd in thc themal rystem lnsutation or su&cing *t"go,i*, -*rn ",linoleum, vinyl asbetos flooring ad ceiling tile. Boulder Envhoumeotar Mruaganer4 krc. folrowed EpA recommcnded sampring cuid€lines for idontificatioo of asbestos io b,rk narices. A set of three tjl, i*isl, *seven (7) smrple wero collected for cach rnaterial tlpc and analped uyilrr*i""d r,igbt Mioroscopy (PLM) Each pqde-sef *es systematicaily dp"a- up"" jr#L"ri* that a sanrple in a set sontain€d asbestos, analysis of the rcmaining ea;pr* irrthe s€t was discoDtinued. If no asbestos was dctectcd d'ring the aoalyses, rtJsusfri -"t"ria o*dstefinined to bc ncgativo for asbestoc contsnt. *Asb$tor*Lead*Inducfidrl Hyglene*Sefetlr*tr5"1 Alr Tcrdng**Eealtb aud Safcty Tralnlngt RPR 1S 2O04 I O: 23Pl'l BOULDER ENV I RONI'lEl{TRL NON-ASBESTOS COI{TAINING Boulder Elyironmental Management, Inc. **,,LTi_ffiif '*Tnr;:?10i,,.,,, Rerulk: The follorving matcriars wcrrc analped and d*ernnin€d mt b be .sb€stos-containiog trtilizing polmized liefu microscopy (pLM). 1(465) 699-4r21 P. /r : Discusslon: Sample analyecs rcsnlts ue repolted in perceDtages of asbcgtos and uon-asbeslos contponcn*. The EpA defines any rrateriar that-conains g*,* tu* .r, pr*lit tr zo astes.tos,-utilizitrg PLM, asbeing an asb€stoe contaifu matcrial. Materials that are identified as 'hon detected', are ipecified a, oot *otnioing asbestos. Condudoa: Tbenarerials sanrpled for this renrovation impacr study do rrot contain asbestos,. Tbe results of tbis survevpertain only ro materiars te$ca. -'r''he rauor;t;;;Jippo.rre ftese findings above are aftachcd. Please coatact Boutdcr Envircmrentar lvfaoagem€r[, hs. with ay qlrcstions or e',,cen*regardingthis reporr Sincercly, 0/,,^/U ChisMaron hojcct Manager *A.cbertos*Lcadrlndrrfilrl Eyghne*Sefety*Flral Atr tortng**HcaltL and Safety Trainhg. MATERIAL MAIERIALS SAMPLELOCATION SAMPLEID (,|rdrrgE Peer tcxtur.qo dr5mall nnd joint compo,ud Uvingrcomwall, Kitdrenceiling, lYater heatcr walt +t5-MSA-I 4-15-MSA_2 4-r5-MSA-3 BOULDER E'tVIRON}'ENTRL STATE OF COLORADO ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION* Colorado Deparment of public Hcahh and Environnrnt . Air Pollution Contot Dvisiou This ocrtifies that Mark Symmank Certlficrfion No: l0f7l ss *"|tt: requinrncnts of 2S-7-SO7,C.RS. md Air euality Contol Commission Regutation No. e, parr i, ;;1, tluy c€rtified b!, fte statc of Colorado in fte followiagdisciplinc: Buildfug Inspector* Icrucd: U23fM Erplrcr on:. 2t33fi00i &c \tr t TrbEWbr.lt nb nttl*e oo,*** tta ao*t Dr;-l,-- __*,gitet&- h tlc 3dfine Mr:W of t cud rb -fuqpo* o*xs ente 11466) 699-4121 HPR 1S 2OO4 1O: e4Plt BOULDER EHV I RONl'lEllTRL (866t 699-4121 RPR 19 2OO4 lo:zaPil BOULDER EHVIRON}IENTRL I (A66t 6S9-4r21 P.a i F,o*a3t414!a CI.TFil! CIJXDITTPBOJECT ':fIO'EtrTHAME: rDElEl/llfrtOXBt DdiLrrEfuloNuSl{TAI4 Drc' SDBX I?fiI.IOAD rotLDaB'coto0t ttovall,uElvDn gEXl[OJECltr DAIEOFIICEIPTT DATE OFN{iilf!tr8: SAilPTsDBT: ?46}8I: gH 04-tfaa oa.L.lla cr.4ntr rotrl $il'IrTnE Yl-ttbdnocfnG IttsllcotS.eI Ac.lt#datgfrtoo creilr|tlh Ddll.Dryrrd Jihtl|d S?-SrllPhrr ([AN-Orrnlr rmrsnrryrF cnlGffi AMO*AoS? Clocctoidoln ftil.TtrOIr' N D.ilo l-b.D.i..!d laatBcltrEn T'AIETITLIflI! flr| r -c.lhha. 3&Flbturcb ao{LApqrl frF,l{on ?brc EIlil.Birt}r SYI{€yd}.do Ht!.trot$ f,rh MEI|ITO} DtriCnOHLll|}T' ^illLr8T: Aotlo{*dSldus Irdrfo.a I4l fist E t' t|;|-Utdn/l;lilt. i.i..W",4qTt.-, jrdFrr -T-tgr.acc -itffi -ttor G'ooD o(xp xo tp --.{FiliA"l t7a,-TffiDffiriDril'rE-c[s!-XAD -.rffiLt ----T71,-ffimtfa-ultr'llil, ''----rc EITBGrI{ '--ffiarcc l{o ---..rma"l tratt TAIlrIlDEr i.&urx[. trglTScrr'l , .r!if .-t tr--.+ t- -Ea tf- nFt a rLrf H -'+'r{rilFu'- J ilt tIrtnc}Ldl'fiCfl''i-F .r= d.rdh,'|vtt.l r rrrFq-lcgdG**-rririrtrqr;r t[t;..r...:DF -rrr.gaL] D&i!f :-L d*tE tf;l-.Gr.-r a:6]f,-6fr tlp*-. --fu *:5E "4i-' -a G-E q.:ir -- !rr=> rtr frrre.rd-rf qfro.i111+tiic-ilusryrern E-r-'iF1*F r31.dra RPR 19 2OO4 1O: 27Pll BOULOER ENVIRONIIEI{TRL r {s66) 699-rtt21 p.7 ! i I Strtim Envirouuental fnc. -# o9+{-tl'l ?100 N- Bffdrny, 'Nrc c $"@t'{s3 fts(t0t)$t45:}l u*-!{ olr^t t'SDry ,\ 't p alqlo4 cEAIN oFcusroDYREcoRI) l nlo'*l WM , n"*Nc- I lt,arorr?K? .lth'ttn vQt* 'wtvV: ruilc-- Trrnarorod Tlmc Colmttlr: RUSHSSmTDTI)- :acuc|it'sfuplt#kbf::Yi,'Aliltttr-Sir+Fr |(:*.j4 -4 noVttrWe-[ ' alul tl*tfffi<-4-i?l A-t(t*A-2-/t '- ), ' - Yr}2u<-1i Aifllc Dt 14 4-tc,it * - j t, '.t .-'at$-la<lefl' 1n/y-Pt fu't I ll:34^ E )0f TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 Mechanical---> Plan Check--> Investigation-> willcdl----> S40.00 Resbarant Plan Revie\r--> $10 . 00 DRB Fee---------> so . 00 ToTAL FEES-----> s3 .00 50.00 Additional Fees-------> (S53.00) 50.00 s0. 00 90.00 553.00 Total Pqrnit Fee-----> Payments-----------> BALANCE DUE------> ,i1 , ,5k \"-,\(tl\-A K-4d-1L \ - \J 5fl-ook+-l4{ Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/09/2004 Js Accion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE- Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSIIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC' OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM rO MANUFACTIJRES INSTRUCTIONS AND lO CIIAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 t'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPI-,IANCES SHAI,L BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALI, TERMINATE As SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 uMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1.997 ftIC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O1.7 OF THE ]-997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ].997 ]MC, Cond: 31 oetn"*Nr oF coMMUNrry DEVEL.T* G\K-B NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M04-0096 JobAddress: 9T0VAILVIEWDRVAIL Location.....: BROOKTREE CONDOS (NIT 8-209 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06/09/2004 Iszued. . : 08/31/2004 Expires. .; 02/27/2005 ParcelNo...: 210301406021 projectNo I ppJo4- qgl OWNER EREMIA, SORTN 4440 BROCKTON AVE 2OO RT\/ERSTDE cA 9250L License: CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT STREET DEI\TVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M APPLICANT ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M Desciption: FIREPLACE CONVERSION Valuation: $2,000.00 06/09/2004 Phone: 06/ 09 /2004 Phone: 303-'177 -7'700 06 / 09 /2004 Phone: 303-7'17 -7'7 00 Firenlace Informalion: Re$icred: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas logs: 0 #of Wood Peuel 0 *i,lt't**,}*i'i3:|lt'{.****'}**'l.t*..***|l*'t|*,l.*.|.***|*..*.*******1*****+i* S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-->s53.00 (BLDG. ) : BoTLERS srtar,r-, "" to.t"o oN FLooRs oF NoNCoMBur*r"? coNsr. uNLEss I-,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSUBI-,E FLOORING. Cond:32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSIED INMECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BI,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOITERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1022 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR sEcrroN l_004.5 0F THE l_997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in flrll the information required, completed an accurate plot pla4 and state that all the infomration as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2 I 49 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER Appttc^Trot.,. r{or rE AccEprEo rr r".o"r.i oR u,.$qlrEl ?,oF+ 1-ealas.edg-- 597 PAZ JUN Ag 'el A9:31 Euildlng Pcnnit #:. Mechan|cal Pcrmit *: /10 970-4t9-2138 (lnrFacrloru) calil Include: R ECE I\lED JUN U g 200It 7p/VrIOPYAIL 75 5. Frontegc Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 mo Equlpment Cut/Spec Sheets Permit will nof b€ accepted without the following: &(noc?c3fr Work Class: f,leur, (fCdtbn ( ) AlteraUon Repalr( ) Othcr( l Does an EHU arist at this locatlon: Yes (No( ) rypcof Stdg: gnglrrhm*yt I orpro( ) Mut!-famity( ) commcrcial( ) Rcstaunnt( ) othcrK) llo. of Accomrnodatlon Units ln this bufldlng: No/Typc of ftWlaces Proposcd: Gas Apdlanccs Gas togs ( ) Wood/Pelht () Wood Bumlng (I{OTALLOWED) COHPLETE VALUATIOTT FOR MECIIAI{ICAL PERMIT (rabor & }iaterlalrr) CONTFACTOR INFOR,i{ATTOiI '7 -1qO 0 a a. a.aa aaa. aaaaaaaaaf a.aaaa aaa a.. ra. rrrF(0R USE OflLY.rr rrrt lr't r trl"'t"' rf "r't"t "'t r -/-Jr-J JUN AB '44 @8247 Rod lkrll(ompong 255 WVANDOT ST.. OEIWEF, coLo' lm23 Fax traneulEcal TO: AlrTT: FAJ( NTII{BER:'/q - r**r, Lli,rrtrt- ,r l lLt - pAcEs rltct.uDrNe rRAttsMrttAL IF tttEBE AnA ANI QUESTIONS OB PROBLEIIIi nECIgttlNC TttIS FN(' PLTASE CALL (303) 777-3234. 584 o (oDtr4w e n*tL ll 2 ffiA PA? JUN Ag '94 @t47 ^-1A([f,LIEON gas fvepkces ate manufacturef, unter tfre strkt Sunf,arf, of {u worfi recognized I S OgM2 QnEtY As samrue Cettft4te. fiA(rcLEON produc* an tesignct witfi superior contponents atd mawia[s, assenhbt 67 traircf, oaftmwn who tafo grcat pri;" i" tfieit worft qfre 6rnw anf, aabc assemity are [za{ant ust-fnd at a CtufitJ test statbn tfre conpbte frrpkce is tfutrough$ bupecud 6y a quhfu[ ncfuician hcfore pacfoging to edsure tfrat you, tfu cus- toite/, receieet tfu qa6ty gotuct tfrat yu e.ryectfron NA(rcLEgl'{. Ar!, ttp€ctFtc^ttot{tiA}tDoEgc|(s^RE 3ugJ€CrrocH G€llnTlrorjl PROR NOTIC€ Olr6TO ON.{|oJ 0 FRoouct luPRovEuEITS. llAFOLEO^a lgA Rliclttl€nEo rRAogfiex or unr,p EIEEL Lm safExTS u.3.sib3.aB.&t .Clr{.l.Ota.l1.2!&3r6.ctltotF 3iEELtTO. wgar5at ro.oa.00 ( ( NAPOLEON GAS FIREPLACE PRESIDEI{T'S LIFETIilIE LIMITED WARRAIITY (fre fottoaing mctteriats an[ worfuaansfrip in )roul ncw NAtTLIEON gds fieptace 4r: w!/- ,ontrt cgainsi deJ'ects for as tong as Jou own tfie fieptace. tftis coaers: com|ustion cframher, fteat e4ch,onger, sttintess steet *uflet, pftaz27rw fogs and cm6ers, ceramic ghss (tfietmat 6tee?; age on$), gitt ptate[ pdrts dgoinst tarnisfring, porcetaiflize[ enamethd componenti ant atumi' num e.4trusioft trifts, lEhctricat (tloil anf, mi[tittott) cotttpofleruts anf, wearaSte pails sucfi as 6towers, gas e.rtees, tfrermaf saitcfi, srvitcfres, wiring, remote cont/ots, ignitor, gasftgting, ant pitot assemil.y ate coaere[ and I|AQOLEON wiff prooite repkcemenc parts ifree of cfruge turitg tfie first lcu of tfre fimited warrai'.ti. Laiour retatet to waftdntl lePail is covetef, free of cfrarge [uring t6e first year. frfpair worfu froweoer, raquircs t6e prior approvat of an autLorizct company officiot Eaiout co!'ts to t6e account of fiteocnoN are 6auf, oa a pretetcrminet rate scfretute ant any repair wor( must 5e done tfrrougt an autfrorizet !'InQotr.oN deiler- NAPoLEoNwr,'mtsxrp'qnJcLqrr.i'ul'naf.rui.lcd.ci'lq6.qidnrprrcrorrorr|y-|...hc|nd|r,tdu|d.|ts|City(rttq|dC{tqi.'|slto|.|'l.6fm 1|ra*ynC!uaUatrrd ljf uio fufbleOf -prquacOirr ue ArCr4rarngrgire.dr$er[usd MPOtEO doLt lt t | rrbl!d 6 h.Idorfr! a!ndllcni mC ln!allllona: th! laElcry wtmnty 6 tErfrtdaatblc at|d t yodba fftf,rCdttlilttotllrlyaryclorl rlfflaaflaltr,ca. Th.gg|trPbG..nulb.h.t.||.{byrfcrrrd.rU0r'ir.d!.'r.c.i.c|dd.no.c.'!l'.c|o..lnrsbn'nutlb.d(t!.in.Edd.^c.'4fr|hrhd.l.tb.lri.|'iJd|cri|$h. trgduC .nd Cl bc4 a|d n tlci.l blilrhg and li.acodr. rrknt.d,{.'.nt'dg.cNco|trd.'n.e.|c..|..dbylt{.ut.,t!dtoli!hl4c,.cc&r.|tG.d|cir..*gr.a|tE€r'^dFlt|h{/t.dfqtto|h''n||r|,rcf'|d|rW t)tF wnflly. ThE||rrl.dw.f$tylt,.'l.ls..|1otcov||'.lv|oi.kn-.c.nrr'c.odqro'c.cobU(ngc.|,.cdby.*!.9Y.bt.u|.|v..nd.i6{c.|GtliG'.rtold{9Pin9o|rdn p.rt!, mchroiai* va;bee o, Pltl,lER r logt ;nd fibr.r. no. r$/ vdrtrg Gotr!9d!'it! u3td in t||c iiddh{dl 0t ft' fit'9hc'' ilArt,LEoNw1txttE'|.if|t|.ctbum.f|Fh$6thGtth',Yo.ki.rEiFr6Dlt'|.||6r|{..sUb|cctb8rtblr|ttcddlbEio!fe|hrf'!t|0r.Gt{AFolEoN.Y{|Gs o. ..odir tha dctacfv. pr.B a o,r. qlon r.".c or atirg.. rronr t o vrc.r o mr, irpolEoN wlll Fordor .aglclrncnr ltrnt6 at 507r ol ti. ofi]rl 'c(|il p.ic!. |ntngfstturqy.0|st{.''ltyGrE'drtol|r.'!P.o.rr9hcr'n4lotxomd!dp.nrwhct|.|!ccr.dv€hit.|.tl.|or{6lt[FhtP.ot,5cdth.t|hca.odJdh.lb..ro9F "t accsdrr3a willr lhcd,anllcl Stlrucliona an. udarnoflru {ondllb|rs. A'..t't.ii'rty.r.9,|hr..pGd|oh|.Fr€janrEutIt9dL|'.dmkrdy,t.APoLEoN'n.,dir.dirrc0on.fxydh.h8'!..||o!||!.ton.r||t|rlt|pCd|on|1|l |ottrctlhtlrlaafir .d pl,td|!!!rlmEioaaaL gtcaolrnywrm !dbutdqtcdhapu{s}. A'ducn'dr'€!r,NAPCI-€oNwi,no|b..!.!oid!|G1o'hrtd|.|ion.|.!oll.6'ott3odtoraro.ntI'ddrd|oth.rd.dr|btiono'.tgi$lcdp|d'rt!|J.nm.r| EoGrcd by tl| $/grtrtt. fo|ti.|h'.ndIErrp'oitdntc('runrr'hth.Pir.|drnt!Lhf!dtjlNdntvl,|my.t{APotEo$ttraFoi!5lt'qrdJ$irwmy:c.nn.da.booand||[d|.yl rrlc.rat lo rrl,larciaLnLl coiaaqrcmlal oa ndrtd drtaact. 1hi'ri,r$iycjn6hofe.bD]td|.b||t'dt{^Fo!Eot'|t'|l.|9.ctrodt.M',o|.Eotl$o.rF|.d..I'{yodr..u€.E.|[.|-0.B..dq|'p{dwfr3p.(,|qu|r9|!6| it! corruonarfi or accrsaiatrtr I td!da.l. NA9or€oi|n.ith.'a.u.'lEr.!IEdl...ny0{rdp.rtyto.ra[f,ot!|bbcr,f..nydh.'|i*{l|ig|h.c|o.dtoh.!,]eo.fr|9.o4e(.Mpor€ofwl|nclb!r.69*.(of:o,'t.limg.dO,'1fd||,rpi[.Gc.u*d'';vii.rncrirrebnouncr.rtrarrut.to9r.uritcr9r.nm6,t|t9'Nll.:1!u].'.ht,|nrc€+d|vm€or{ili$'ql!|vu@ confrlntoni, irunacnr nri*rb nf, or ncgi$rra.lt prarsr,,.s {hldr nxy or rry nU iq cru$O-ly m.dl|Jlicrl r}irf a rdl |t.rtl|l hrr, tnrc-. 'lolhsrtFi' aa' Anydr lG3 to facact, cllrlh.lllldl tt!!mDf, hlal lrclilneq' taaa dtn c dhtr cofponad du! lo mtal, tnoltu dltr'€t ch.n||.ab o, cl-nar! will trot br drs t.lpo.LlDllty oa AFOLEOI{. rh.b[o's.lao.ooy*!.[e$'!dlog.dr.rwiit..qtr|nutrb'rnc.d!ddnu'i!..'4t[.||'t|&ig.nyw.'rxtyd|*tt..myo!.9uhqizCdd.d!r.'h.!,.'.r nrl r b. rcoltrft wfilvfr,o||nrrt dal| totleb|iflla wrmv. ttAPO(EOt{ raaan ar Ua,iC b;lrrva lttrt!'dt.il|ilvallrlcctlntFoltult fipLlltltflolFl(l'loho|rq|rfire rry*anantycld.n' 5B4 Pa3 JUN 68 '44 68:48 3 TABLE of CONTENTS PO 2-4 5 6-7 TNTRODUCTtOtI Wananilr General Instruclions General Information Care of Glass, & Plated Parts INSTALLATIOItI lnstallatlon FtiltsHtltc Erick panels Log Plar;emenUCharcoal Emb€rs Opiional Louvro lnstallalion OPERATIOI{ / Ii'AINTENAilGE Spill Switch V€nting dction Check PG E OPERAnOil/l[AlITEl{AifGtEconr's Operating Instructions Malnt€nanc€ 9 SLOWER SYSTEM Blower Replacement InstructionE 9 ADJUSTMENTS Pilot Eumer Adiustment Venturi Adiustm€nts IO-.ItREPLACEiIENTS Ordering Replacement Parts R€placement Parts Accassori6s / Options {2.I3TROUBLE SHOOTIilG GUIDE 14 SERVIGE HISTORY PLEASE RETAITI THIA ilA}IUAL FOF FUTURE REFEREHCE WAR]IING . Do nof burn wood or olher mobriols In fhis fireploce. o Adu{fsondespeciollychildrenshouldbeolerledlothehozordsof highsurfocetemperotrresondshouldsloyorroy to ovoid bums or rlolhing ignilion. Supewise young children whenlhey ore in lhe some room os the fire1illce. ' r Duetohighfempr':rotures, lhefireploceshoJdbelocoledoufoftrofficondowoyfromfurnifureonddroperies.. Clolhing or other flommoble moleriol should not be ploced on or neor lhe flreploce. ' Any sofely screen or guord removed for servicing musl be reploced prtor lo operof ing fhe fireploce.r lf is imPerotit€ lhot lhe conhol comportmenls, burners ond circuloling blower ond its possogenrrroy in lhe lireploce ond venling.syslem ore kepl cleon, the fireploce ond its rcnting syslem should be inspectld belore us,l ond ot leost onnuollyby,o quolifled sorvice person. More frequenl cleoning moy be required due lo excessive :inl from corpe.lr€. beddirLg-moteriol etc. Ihe fireploce oreo musl be kept cleoi ond free from combuslible moleriols, gosoline ond ofher flommoblevopours ond liquids.r Under no circumstonces should this fireploce be modified. e lhis fireploce must nof be connecled io o chimney flue pipe seruing o seporole solid fuel burning oppliolce. ' Do nol use lhis fireploce il ony porl hos been under wqter. lmmediotely coll o guolified seMce technkion tc inspect ihe lireploce ond lo reploce ony porf of lhe conhol syslem ond ony g6s contril which hos been unOei*orer. ' -- ' oo notoPerole lhetrepkrce-with the gloss door removed. crocked or broken. Replocemenl of lhe gloss should be done by o licensed or quolified seruiie person.. Oo nol slrike or slom shut lhe fireploce gloss door. l,!6.1 l5{l r6.0a 0O GEI{ E RAL I ilSTRUGTIOI{S rH,S 645 FIREPLACE EHOULD BE INSIALLED AND SERyTCED A v A QU ALI F lE D rNS fAtLER to confo.m with local codes. ln absence of local codes. install to the cu?rent National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223.1, or the cuffent CAN/ CGA B 14S, lnstallation Codes. Purge all gas lines with the glass door of the stove removed. Assure that a continuous gas flow is et the burner befora inttalling tha dooc under extreme vent configuratlons, allow sevarat minutes (5-15) for the flame to stabilke after ignl' tion. Altitudes greater than 4OAOft require a minlmum vant run of l2ft, The fireplac€ and its individuat shutoff valve must be dis- conn€cted from the gas supply Piping sysiem durlng any pressure testing of that systom at test plessufes in exc€86 of 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa). The fireplace muet be isolat€d hom the gas supply plping system by closin0 its individual manual shutoff valvo during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping syst€m al test pressur€s equal to or less than 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa). A 118 inch NPT plug, acclssible for t€st gauge oonnectlon' must be insiaued imrncdiat€ty uPstr€am of the gas supPly connection l0 the stove. This fir€place must be connected lo any accopted llned chimney eystem list€d kr ULGS635M (in Canada) or UL' 1777 lin USA). The venllng connEclion must be in cornDli- ance with th€ vcnt manufacture6 lffitallation instrucllons' The drafl hood must bc installed so it is in th€ same dmo' spheric pressu.€ zone as the combuotion air inlet to lhe tireplace. Prcvide adaquate ventitation and combustlon tln Pro' vida adequeaa eccessihillay claartnce lor sarviclag end operating thc ftnplaca,. Neuor obabuct tha ftont qcn' lng of tlE frrcplace. This lNert must be fece,ssed into a vented noncombus' tible woodbuming fiteplac€ (prefabriceled or mssonry) only' The minimum fireplace size in which the heater is to b€ installed is: HElcllTlT%hch€. YtllDTH2!7rlmrflr DEPTH l6%lncfio3 Th6 minlmum distanc€, lrom the bottom of a Gombustibl€ mantle projsctlng I' maxlmum from the wall to tho top ol tho unlt. is E'. The firaplace, when installed, mu8t ba gloctrically connected and grounded in accordance with local codes. In th€ ab' sence of localcodas, use the cun€nt CSAC22.1 CANADIAN ELECTRTCAL CODE in Canada or *te ANSI/NFPA 7G19s6 NATTONAL ELECTRICAL CODE in the United Stales. Th€ blowef pow€r cord must be connectsd into a proporly grounded receptacl€. The grounding prong must not b€ removed from th€ cord plug. 584 PE4 JUN AB '@4 E.8t49 GEI{ERAL INFORMATIOII FOR YOUR SAT'SFACT'ON, THIS F'REPLACE HIIS 8EE/V TEST.F'REO TO ASSURE ITS OPERATION AND QUAL. ,Iyt Maximum input is 24.000 BTU/hr for natural gas and 22,000 BTU/hr for propane. When the fireplace is installed at el€vauofft above 4.500ft, and in the absensg ot' specific recomm€ndathns from the local authority having jurisdic' tion, the certified high altitude inpul rating shall be raduced at th€ rate of 4% for each addttlonal 1,000ft' Marinrum out- put {or natural gas is 15,900 6TU/hr and 16,000 B'lU/hr for propsne. Minimum inlot gss supply pressure is 4.5 inchets water column for natural gas and 11 inches wat€r column for propane. This flrcplace is certlfled for bedroom and bedsitting room installatlon. Marimum inlet gas l)ftrssure ii ? inches water column for netural gas and 1:t inches water column for proPane. Manifold pressure undar flow conditions is 3.5 ineh€s wator column ior natura, gas and 10 inch€s watgr column tor Propana' No extcrnal clectriclu (r l0 YolE or 24 wlb) is required for lha gas systom oPeraUon' Expansion / conlraction noleas during hoating up and cool- Ing down cycles are normal and b be €xp€cted. Cltange in ftarn€ app€erance from "Hl" to 'LO" ls more evidenl in nafu- ral gas than in Propane. GARE OF GLAS8, AND PTATED PARTS Do not ucs abrasive claenars to clean plat€d parts. Butf lightly with a clean dry cloth' The glass is Vle" c€ramic glass available from your Napoleon / Wolf Steel Ltd' deal€r. bo not cubetttute ,rabriek. OQ€-n the gla96 aftor tho first i0 hours of operatlon with a recommended gas tit€dac€ gless cl6aner. Ther€after clean as requirsd. oo not ctaan glest when hot! lf the glass b mt k€pt clesn p€rmanent discolouration and I ot blemishes mal result' 16- 3/ 4' -1/4 I I I i_ SUPPLY rFar6€t r60a.@ NGUREl INSTALI.ATIO 584 o N Clean out ashes from the inside of the woodbuming tire- place. Mako sur€ lhat the chimney and wooclbuming fire- place ere in a clean end sound condition. Do not rerpve bricks or mortar from the masonry fireplace. lf nacessary have any repair work done by a qualified pe6on b6for€ installing the inserl. Remov€ th€ eristing fir€plac€ demper or lock inb an open position. Line th6 chimney with a 3" oI 4' dlamet€r ap- proved liner. With a 4' liner, an incr€aser mugt be con- nected betw€en the dilution draft hood and the liner. Chim. n6y installation must conform to both national and local code requirements. Th€ liner must be continuou3 from the fir€place to the chirnney cap. FIGTJRE2 Remove ths securing screw from tho ftont of the dllution plate. Push the clilutlon draft hood out of the securing clips and attach the lioer uslng 3 scrBws equally spaced. Prck insulation around tho llner at the damper area to pr€vent air flow from cntcring th€ chirnney, Move the inscrt into the centre of th€ woodburning 8|aplgea making sut€ lhal lhe dllutlon draft hood inserts back into lts securlng clips. Lowl using tfi6 four leveling screws located front and beck on either side of the fireFlece base. Leveling the insert will eliminate rocking or excessive noise when lh€ fan is in op€ration. Roplace the securing Ecrow to tho front of the dilution plate. FTGI.JNE3 n- .ELACK FITL lnstall rigid btack pipe. E Rex @nnector,lf l@al codes per- mit, or 112" type L, copper tubing wllh a 3/8" to 1/2" sdagtor and a shut off valve to the fireplaca. Seal and llghten se- curely. The adaptsr will b€ roquirod between the gar valve and the copper tubing or fl€x connector. Oo tpt kink f,cx- lble connector! Check for gas l€aks by bruehing on a soap and wat€r solulion. Oo not usa apen llema! F65 JIJN EE '84 BE:5qI 5 g An on/off switch has been included and can be located at the right side trim. For ease of accessibility, this switch may be replac€d witi a wall switch or substituled with a mlllivolt thormoslat thst mey be install€d in a (onveniont location on any wall. Route a 2 strand solid cor€ millivoll wire through the alactrical hofe located al the b(rtlom righl side of the unii. The recomm€nded maximum ktad lenglh depends on wire size: IVIRE S]ZE MAJC TENGTI{ l4gauge 100 feet 16gaug€ 60 feet lSgauge 40 feet Attach the two l€ads to terminals 1 and 3 local€d on the gas valve. FtGUnE4 Oo not corrncct tho ges velve b elecbleltlr (l tO volts or 24 volts), The insort can be equipped wlth a flashirE kit kt clo6e off mosl firoplace openings. lliounl the flashing insidtr th€ unif s ouler shell uslng 4 securlng screws. The flashing and ttim are available in many finishes to acc€nt any room decor. ObJects placed in tronl of the firoplace should b€ kopt a mlnimum of 48' away fiom the front face. FIGUREs DILU TION AOAP FITTING '. - sEcuRrNG scREws -> lY3. l5{! rE.o1S 584 o YOT.| IIAY FIND tr EASIER ?O PTACE sOf'E CHARCOAL EfIIBERS BENEATH THE FROiIT LOG NOW. 2, Plac€ the back log onto the step locat€d at ihe back of the combustion chamber. The notch situst€d at the lower right of the beck log should be centered ev(nly above the pilot assembly. 3, While supporting the back log, to prev'rnt it fmm fdling toward, set the three smelter logs inlo the pockels and groov€s of the front and beck logs, r€3pecth,ely. Log colours may vary. During the initial use of the fireplace, th€ colou|s wlll bocome more uniform as colour pigments burn in during th€ heat activat€d curlng proce$. FI{I]T,RE6 POSITIOT{IiilG THE LOGS IMPROPERLY WILL GAUSE FLAME IISPII{GE. TTIENT AIiID CARBONINC. CHARCOAL EIIBERS: Randomly pfaca the embere be- neath the front log, co\r,Bdng all of the burner ar€a beneath the hollowoct out seciion of th6 &cg. Plac€ lhe remainlng emb€rs along the front. X6€p ember dust away from bumer ports to avoid plugging them. Fln€ duat found In bottom of brg notlo be ur.d. PHAZERT logs and charcoal €mbers glow whon exposed to direct flame. Use only cerilfiod Pt AZERil logs and char- co.l emb€rs available trom your Napoleon / Wolf St6el Ltd.dealer' FIGLJRE? JLhl 68 '44 gg:51 o F INISHING FIBRE FIREBRICK PANELS To give your insert thal authentic masonry fircplace look, optionaf fibre flrebrick panels are availahle at your Napo. leon / Wolf Steel Ltd. d$aler. Complete inslallation and main- tanance instructions are included with the kit. LOC PLACEMEI{T IN3?RUCTIOilS / CHARCOAL ENilBERS PHAZEFFM logs and charcoal embers, exclrrsive to Napo- leon Fireplaces. provide a unique and realislic glowing eF lect that is differont in every installataon. Tak€ the time to caretully position lhe charcoal embers for a maximum glow- ing efiect. t. Place the ftonl. log onto ths main burner, pushlng it as close as possible lo the burner ports wilhout blocking/covering them. The lett and right spaclng b€tween the log ends and the burner poris should be equal. i--.--- -.-- "-\:-.::-- 3f-:=-e..s $rs-{r54r r0t.0.,6 OPTIONAL LOUVRE IilSTALLATI ON ln ord6r to access thd interior of the firebox, rgmov€ two screws holding th€ upp€r glass bracket covsr, and ths up- per glass brackel in place and the two scr€ws holding the lower glass bracket. The louvre assembllos are installed as illustrated in FIGURE 8. Th€ upp€r glass bracket cover is form6d with tabs tO create a gap for air flow and must not be adjusted. PW JUN AB '94 69151 BRACKET COVER BRACKET FIGTJRET GLASS It applicable, remove the protacuve ptesllc ywep prio. to opertting the fireplace. 584 o VENTING AGTION CHEGK A CHECK FoF, CORRE,CI IGNNNA ACT,ON I'U$T BE MADE BEFORE THE IHSTALLED INSERT IS LEFI UITTH THE CUSrAmER. Test efrer lnstatling lhe unit into a vcnted non-c.rfibuslibla fireplace in the following manner t, Close aU doors and windows In the room; 6tart exhaust fans in the hom€; tutn fkeplace blower off. 2. Set controls to "high" and light the unit. 3. Wait 5 minutes. Light a match and hold it to th', spill tube opBning. 4. Venting action is satisfactory if smoke is drarsn into the spill tube. VBnling actlon is unsatisfactory if th€ flam€ and Snroke are not drawn into the tube. 5. lf ventlng aclion b unsatisfactory, turn th6 unit r)tf, wait 10 minut€s and lry again. tf the smoke or flame is ttill not drawn into the spill tube, turn lhe unlt otf and ch6:k for vent blockage or restfiction. lf necessary, consult wih a quali- fied air quality specialist. F'IGTJRS9 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS SPILL SWITGI{ This iB a thermally activated switch, attached to the bad( of th€ unit and ext€nding up inb the dilution d.afl hood, which senses the change In temporaturo and shut6 dotvfl lhe gas valve in th6 svent of a severe downdraft of air or a blocked or d iaconn€ctBd vent. It acls as a safety shut-off to pr€v€nt a build up of cerbon monoxide or an sxploslon of unburnl g€ses dufing starl up. lf the flue is blocked or ha6 no 'draw", the spill switch will aulomatically shut off the supply of ges wilhin sbout $10 minutes. TAMPER'NC W7'1 THE Sl,,/,7c'] CAN RESULT IN CAR. BON UONOX,DE Gq po,soutMo ANo possrat.E DEAIH. SAIISFACTORY UNS^IEFACIORY G v$t-r1rtalOa.oa.(n 584 o P68 JUt'l AB '44 A€:52 I Whon llt for the flrtl tlmo, the tlropl.co wlll .mlt I sllght odour for a few hourr, Thlr ia ! normal tamponry condl' tion cauied by the curln! otthe logr and lhe "bum'ln" of lnt€rnal painta and lubrtcants uscd ln thc mlnuf.Gtutlng proceor and wlll not oc{:ur agaln. Slmply opsn a dndow to sufficlontly ventilato tho room. Attor oxtrnded Pcriodt of non'oporatlon ruch er follow' InO a vacatlon ot t warm wolther gelton, the fl:'eplace m-y emlt r 3llght odour lor a few houre. Thlr lc caused by dust pertlcler In ttrr heat cxch.ng.r bumlne oll. Opcn e rvlndow lo tufflchntly vcntllate thc room, lot MAINTENANGE TURTI OFF THI GAs AND ELEGTRIGAL POWER BEFORE SERVIG' IHG TI{E FIREPLAQE. CAUTION: Label alt wires prior to disconnection when ser- vicing controls. Wiring €rors can caus€ improper and dan- gerous operation, Verily prope. operation after s€rvicing. This insert and its v€nting system should be inspected before us6 and at least onnually by a qualmod sarvice p€r- son. The fireplace area must be kept cl€ar and free of com' bustible haterials, gasollne or oth6r flammabla vapours anct liquids. The flow of cornbustion and ventilation air must not be obstructed. t. In order to properly clean the bumer and pilot assembly' r€move the logs to exp(rse both assemblies. ?, Keep the control comparttnent, logs, burner, air shutler opcning snd the area surrounding the logs cl6an by vscu' uming or brushing. at lersl onCE a year. 3. Check to see that ell burner ports are burning. Clean out any of the ports which may not be burning or are not bum- In0 properly. r,t?sa r 54r /c.oa.oo 4. Check to see that the pilot flame is large ellough to engutf the thermopile on one leg and reaches torttard lhe bumor on the other 169. 5. Replace the cleaned logs. 5. Check to see that tha nrain burner ignites comf'l€tely on all openings when the gas knob for the burner E lumed on. A 5 to 1O s€cond totel light-up period is satislactory. lf ignition takes longer, @nEult your Napoleon deeler / dis' tributor. ?, Check that the door gasketing is not broken of missing. Roplace it necessary, A This fireplace ha8 e Pilot which must be lit by hand while followlng th€Be Insttuctlons exac{ly. B Before lighung, smett all around th€ fireplaca erea for gas and next to lhe floor because some gas ls heavi6r than air and will settle on the floor. c Use onty vour hand to push in or tum th€ ge6 (ontrol knob. Nevar use toole. f th€ knob will not pu8lr in or turn by hand, do not try lo repair it. Call a quallfled ser' vice technlcian. Fotc€ or aitBmpted r€Palr may r€ sult in a fire or exPlosion' D Do not use thi6 fireplace if any patt has been under water. lmm€diately call a quallfied servic€ technician lo insFect the unit and replace any part of the <ontml and any oas contro( touch€d by water. . Do not try to light any aPPlisnce.. Oo nol touch any electrical $iftch; do not us€ any Phone ln your building. WHAI TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAs:lmmodiately call your gas supplier from a neigtbour's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, Gall the tire de- partment. UG}MNGNSTRUCIIOTTS: l.Stopl Read all iho safBty inlormation above. When lighi- ing and re-lighting, the 98s knob cannol be lurngd from "pilot" to'off unless the knob is dBpressed. 2.Tum off ell electrical power to the stove. 3.Tum the gas knob ,/-\ clocl(wise lo ofi. 4.Wail 5 mlnules fol any gas in the combuction chamber to B6cape. Continue to th€ next step It you do NOT sme[ any gas. tf W smell gas, SrOP, and follow th€ instruc' tions in 'What to do if You Smcll Gas' list€d ebove. s.lf the unlt is squiPPed wlth a flame adlustment valve' turn .^\ clockwlse to otf. 6.Locat€ the pllot situat€d in front of the rsar log. ?.Turn the gas knob /F\. count€r'clockwbe to "pilot" position. S.Bepross end hold the gas knob whlle lighting tf e pilot with the push button ignitor. Keep the knob tully dep?ss€d lor one (1) minul€, then rel6asg. lf lhe piloi does nr)t con- linue to burn, t€P€at stepe 3 through 7. g.With the pilot llt, turn the gas knob counter-clock' wiee/r1r to 'on' Position. l0.lfyour insert is equipped with a flame adiustment: valvo' push and tum tho knob b 'high"- i l,lf l/our in6srt i6 equipped with a nbmot€ "on{ff' '3witch' lh€ maln bumer may not come on whon you lum the gas velve to "on' ot "high". 7he t€r?tolo swrtctt trlusf bt ln lhe 'on' positton t 8 welt to tgnlb ahe maln burner. 12,Tum on all ffi.:"'+ml:::-- IIISTRUCTIONS TO ruRN OFF GAS: 1 .Turn off all electaical Fower to ths unit lf s€rvice is to be 2.Pu8h in gas control lmob slighdy and tum -\ (Iock- wise to oft. DO NOT FORCE. BLOWER SYST 5e4 o EM i0 ThE Napoleon gas lireplac€ ins€rt com€s standard with a blower, a heat s6nsor, variabte on/off sp€ed control and a power cord. Because th6 blower is th6rmalfy actlvated, wh€n turnod on, it will sutomatically start approximatoly 15 minutes after lighting the fireplace and will tun for approxi' mately 30 minutes after the fireplace has been tumed o{f. Us€ of the fan increages the output of heat. Air, drawn in through the lower louvrB access door, i6 drivon up lhe bacl( ot the tirebox, and exhausted as hot air between the upper louvr€s. FIGIJRETO BLOWER REPI.ACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FIGURE 1 O: . Turn off the gas and electric power to the unit. - Remove th6 upper glass brackot. Loos€n the lower glass bracket and removo the glass. . Remov€ the log8. . Remove the bumer assernbly. . Remove the eieht screws holding the access door in place on the aonhol assembly (located at the b ack of the burner support).. Remove tho bur screws holdlng the blow€r duct and stid€ it foMard from benoath the burner support. . Disconnect the electrical connectots at the blower. . Remove the blowef . e ADJUSTMENTS PILOT BURNER ADJUETMEilT t, Remove the pilot adju8tFtont cap.2. Adjust the pilot scr€w to provide ptoperly siz€d flam€.3. Replac€ the adjustment cap, PILOT SCREW T.IGIJRE12 VENTURI AD.'USTINENT Natural gas models have air shuttorB eet at 1/16 (.063') inch open. ProPane gas models have air shutte.lr sst at 3/ 16 (.188) inch open. Closing he air shuttor will ceuse a more yellow flam6, but can lead to carbonlng' Ot€ning th€ alr shutter wlll cause a more blu€ flam€, but can causo flame llfting from th€ burner ports. The flam€ m.ly not ap- pear yellow imm€diately; allow 15 to 30 minut(t$ for the final flame colour to be established, AIR SHU?TER AD'USTIIEI{T I'IT'ST Or{LY BE DOI{E BY A ItN AA 'A4 @:53 I FICIJR]El.I (o IIGTJRE13 FLAti{E MUST ENV€LOP UPPE 3/6" lO t/2' OF TFIERMo- ?tt F lrttl.al6al fl.0a.O 10 DESCRIPTIOfl LOG SET ASSI:M8LY OIW CHARCOAL EMBERS BACK LOG FRONT LOG RIGFIT LOG LEFT LOG CENTER LOG CHARCOAL E|t'tsERS NAPO{-EO LOGO ws-690-02 584 P1A JUN AB '84 A8:54 Wh€n orderhg roplacement parts always give the tollow' ing information: 1 . Uodel & Serlal Numb€r of fireplace 2. Installatlon dat€ of flreplac€ 3. Part Numb€r 4. Deccription of part ti. Finish l'/s-660- ws- 100 -056,/ -'ro0-057 455- 05 455- PANT f, GL.610 GA Gr 135.07 GA Gr r35.05 GA Gr r35.r 5 GA Gr 135.16 GA Gt 135.09 GA Gr-550.01 ws-365.3:l ws-725.0036 ws-725{037 ws-'r 00{5lt ws-100{57 ws{55,05 ws{5546 ws-357.1 ws.6EG04 GAGI{110.364 ws-45a17 WS-+56-0s ws-30$r6 GA.Gr-562.012 GA€t€62.0r I ws6!10{2 GZ-5s2 KB35 NATURAL GAS PTLOT ^SSEIiBLY * fI6 NATUML GAS PILOT ONIFCE f,10 PROPANE GAS PILOT ORIFICE PIEZO IGNFER . CHANNEL THERMOPILE BURNERASSEMBLY i42 DMS NATT'RAL GAS AURNER ORI '54 OMS PROPANE GAS BURNER ORIFICE DOOR GIASS GLASS GASXT,T (2 F€ - stDE) GllSS GASKet (tot) IHERUAL SEI{SING SWITCH REPI-ACEMET{:T BLOWER VARIAgLE SPEEO SW|TCH C/W KNOB GA.GI48O 2 UPPER GI.ASS BRACKET GA.O4SO,'g LOT^'ER GLAS6 ERACKET WS.O8O49 SURNER ON'OFF SWTTCH ws-660-06 SPILL SvVlTCfl r pilot assemblies como complete with thermopile and pllot tube tt9.tsalrSOa.$ WS WS _l ws-66fl-04 u lt- WS WS 133:11/.-e'\ -da8ffis' REPI.ACEMENTS ORDERI NG REPIAGE]TENT PARTS Contact your dealer or th€ factory fur question8 conoem- ing prices and poticies on replacem€nt parts. Notmally all perts can be orderad through your Napoleon d€aler or distributor. REPLACEMENT PARTS GA-Gt-562.O12 ws-725-0037 584 o PLL JUN g8 '84 @At34 11 C ACGESSORIES / OPTIOIIS FART T DESCRIPTIOII FOR OPENII{GS SIIALLFR IHAN 17" X '2":DELUXE 8" FLASIING KIT - ForBlGo ba,^sa DELUXE 6" FLASHING KIT - ^NiorJE ta^rs DELUXF. 6. FLASHING KIT - !r^c( DELUX$ C' FLASftlNG KIT . sf^[{|.rss stls! DEI,.UXE d FORCELAIN FLASIIING KIT ' n-noro O€LUXE 6' PORCELAIN FLAST{NG KIT . 'T^CX DELUXE 6' PORC€LAIN FLASHING KIT - oiGC.l FOR OFEiIII{GS SMAITER TXAN !O'X 4I": DELUXE S FLASHING KtT . .oulHED 8i 3t o€Luxe 9" FLASHING KIT - e|.'ros€ tia36 DELUXe 9' FLASHING KIT - !t^cK OELUXe 9" FtASHING KIT - sr^Nl!1s lrEEr DELUXe 9' PORC€LAIN FLASI'IING KIT - ^!|rot€DELUX( 9' PORCELATN FLASHING KIT ' rucx DELUXE 9" PORCELAIN FLASHING KIT. Gf,EETI FOR OPENINGS SMALLER THAT Z|. X a7'l SASIC FLASI{ING KIT . Errcl< BASTC FLASHING KIT - PousHlo sF^ss 2" TRIM FOR GI.93K FOR OPENTNGS SIIALLEFI 'HAT{ 23'X 42-: oASIC FIASHING KIT - 8lrcl( BASIC FLASHING KIT - PousH€o tR^3s r TRIM FOR GI63K GOLD ACRYUC TRlil ENAMEL TOUCH UP AitO SRUSH (rPEqFY co!o!R) MILLIVOLT THER,'/OSTAT HANDHIiLO REMQTE CONTROL HANDHIiIO REMOTE wflr oror^L ne^oor.tr HAN DHSLD REITOTE rvtrx ololr^r Ru€oul / tl{:lt€Gr nc WALL SIIVITCH T 2OFT WIRE V.S.S. MOUNTING PLATE FOR WAL! SWITCH WEBBEO D@R FACIA OECORATIVE ERICK PANAS DECORATIVE BRICI( PANEL FOR BAY OOOR BAY SCITEEN BAY GI.ASS BAY DOOR ASSETiBLY BAY WNOOW LOUVRES . GO(o BAY Wlt{OOW LOWRES - Pou$Go !ia3s BAY WTHDOW TOWRES . ^xftouc .R^rss BAY wlFIDc^w LOWRES , uro( BAY WllllDo\i/ LOWRES - 6rAfrLE33 EtllL 6OLD PTATED LOWRES t F ri & LowER FLUSH LOUVRES & DOOR TRIM ' rucx FLUSH IO|.JVRES e DOOR lR{M - tou&tce lnAst FLUSH L.OUVRES I DOOR TRIM - axrEuc sr^l! FLUSH L.OWRES A OOOR TRIM . 3r^t{'€ss stlEl NG TO IP CONVERSION KIT cl-90088 Gr-900A80 Gr-900K6 g'600ss6 Gr.909S6 Gr-90sK6 Gr.gosF6 Gi.90089 Gr-900A89 Gr.900K9 Gl-900ss9 Gr-90959 Gr.9{tSK9 Gt-sosF9 Gr-93K Gt€3P g GI€Pg GI43K GI.E3PB GI.2PB PER.TRM ws470-?_ ws89o.r ws66G2 ws6604r0 ws0@{11 GDO60 ws too-3t GO2,rc.K Gr77t.tfi Gr767.t(T GIBS GIBG Gt3@B-t$ Gt{936G GI{.BsGPB 6|{936AA Gr-La38f( GH-B3655 Gt.t-G Gr.r-K GI.LPB GI.LAB GT.LSS GA.t75.Or0 ct-L836G/GI-LB36PB / G|-LB36K/G|-LS36SS rlll{1'il.Oa"oa.O 584 P12 JLltl EB '44 @B:55 aL TROUB O LE SHOOTING UIDE o G Berone lrrevrrnuo ro tnouBlEsHoot, ptIR<lE voui urur aNg nftrALry LtoHI IHE pllor Alro txE ri,tll{ EuRir€R rryrtx rxE Grlss DooR , rErrovED, SYMPTOIti PROBLEM TEST SOLUTION _ Pilot goes out when System is nol cor€ctjy purged. - purge th€ gas linE with th€ glass door removed. the gas knob is re- leased.oullFropang!E!$.ftll the tank. Pilol flame is not largs enough - turn up the pilot flam6. Pilot flame is not engulfing th6 - gently twist the pilot head lo improve th€ flame oatlern thermopil€, around the Thermopil6 shorling.- clean theflriopile end valve connectlon.- check that thermopile insulation is not frayed and oround- ing oul on ths houEiaig o. the bumer suprxrrt.- rsplace thermoplle. - replace valve. Faulty thermopile.replace. Faulty valve.raplace. Pilot wlll not light.No spark at pilot bumer . check that the wire i8 connected to th6 push button ignitor.. check lf th6 push button ignitor needs tlghtening-- r€place pilot assembly if tho wlre insulation is bro <en or trayed.- replace pilot assembty if the ceramb Insulator is craoked or broken.. replac€ tha pueh butlon ignibr. Spark gsp is Incorrect - Epark gap shDuld be 1118" lo 118" ttofir lhe elaclroCe tlp and the pilot bumer. Light the pilot wlth a match and adjust the el€ctrode tlp to the required spsrk gap and propor loca- tion, No gas tt tfie pilot bum6t - check lhat lhe manua, valve ls lumed on.- check the pilot orlfic€ for blocl€96. . roplace th€ valv€. - call tha gas distibutor. Oui of propane gas lill th6 tank. Pllot goes out whil€standing: Main burfler is in 'OFF' pe silion. Gas piplng i6 undersizod.- lurn on all gas appllances and s€e if pllot fiam€ fhrttors, diminishes or oxtlnguishes, especially when main burners ignit€. l"0onitor eupply pressur6. - check if aupply plping size b to cod6. Correct all under- Pilot buming: no gas to main burner; gas knob is on; wall switch iE on. Wall switch is detective . conh€ct a jumper wlre across the u/all switch termiDals; if the main bumer lights, r€placo th€ wall switch. \rvall switch wiring is defective. - diEconnect the swilch wires from the v6lve & connect a jumpor wlre across termlnals 1 and 3; it th€ main l)umer , llghts, check lhe wlres for def€cls end/or replac€ wirerr. Main burher orifhe is plugg6d,r€mov€ stoppege in orilice. Romota gas valv€ opeEtor is - connect a jumper wi.€ ac|oss t€minals 1 and 3; ii main defective. burner does not light, feplsc€ gas valva. Main burn6. flam6 is a bkl€, lazy, lranspef- ent flam6. ln3uftici6nt secondary air.- increa!6 fr€sh alr supply (open door, window, add make-up Eir supply)F-. ch€ck that chimney is installed to building codes (3ft ilbove highcsl roof lin€ or zft hlgh€r than any portion ot a brllding wlthin a horizontal 6dlus of 1ofr of [|e chhn€y.) !r,$,lrlal rc!4.o noy' 584 o JLIN EE '44 08:56 13 SYilIPTOITI Main burner goes out; pilot goes out. Refer to 'Main bumer goes out; pilot strays on', Chimney down-drafting - wait ten minutes. Shut off all exhaust fans in the house (ie: kitchen and bathrooms), fumace, and elothos dry er. Open windows and/or doors. Strart llreplace and monitor its opera- tion. Close doors and windows and start applianc€s as before; room is in negativc pr€ssure; increass fre8h air slrpply. Chimney Liner digconn€cted from inGrt.re-attach lln€r. Faulty sFtll $^ritch.- replac€. Main bumer goos out; Pilot flame is not large enough pilot stays on. or not engulfing lhe thermopile. - turn on pllot tlame. Gently twist the pilot head t0 improve the flame pattem aroung the themopilo. Thermopilo shorting.- clean thermopils and thermopile connection lo valve. Carbon ie being de. posited on glase , logs or combustion chamber sudaces. Air shutter has become blocked - ensufe air shutter opening is free of lint or other obshuc- tions. Flam6 is impinging on ths logs or combustion chamber. - ch€ck that the logs ar€ con€cuy positioned. - open air shutter to increase th6 primary air.- check the input rate: check the manifold pressure and orifice size as specffied by the rating plete vatues. - ch€ck that the door gask€llng ls not brok€n or nrissing and that lh€ s€el is tlght. - check thet both 4' and 7" vent lineB are fre€ of holas and well sealed at all joints. . chsck th€l minimum rise per bor hae b€en adhered !o for any hodzontel v€nting, Wall switch is mounted upslde down. navers€.Remote wall switch is in off position; main burner comos on when gas knob is turned to 'ON" posi- tion. Remote wall swltch ic replaco. - check for chimney blockage,- check that chimn€y ls irctalted to building cod€. Exhaust fumes smellod In room. h€adaches. Fireplace is spilling. Remote wall switch wi.o is . checkforground (short); repair ground or replace wire. Ioom is in ; increase fresh air s Carbon is being de- posited on glass, logs or combuition cham- bsr surfaces. Flame is implnging on the logg or combustion chamber. - check that th€ logs er€ coffoctly positioned.. open air shutter lo increase th€ pdmary air.- check lhe input ral€: check the manifold pre$iura and oritice siz€ as specifi€d by the rating plate value$, White / grey film forms. Sulphur from fuel is being depos- ited on glass, logs or combus- tion chamber gurfaces. - clean the glass wilh a recornmendsd gas firepla:e glass cleanof , OO NOT CLEAN GLASS WHEN HOT. lf deposits ar6 not clean6d off regularly, the glass may be- come peamanenuy marked. tr}s.lllt€lr8.0{.O TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 oo DEPARTMENT OF COMM{.INITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M04-0097 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: BROOKTREE CONDOS PmcelNo...: 210301406029 ProjectNo : pAJr+-of ?? Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 OWNER EREI{IA, SORIN 06/09/2004 Phone: 4440 BROCKTON AVE 2OO RTVERSTDE cA 9250r License: CONTRACTOR ROD HALL COMPANy 06/09/2004 Phone: 303-777-'1700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 1-50-M APPLICANT ROD HAL,L COMPAIIY 06/09/2004 Phone|. 303*777-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DU\rVER, CO 80223 I-,i-cense: l-50-M Desciption: FIREPLACE CONVERSION Valuation: $2,000.00 c2// $0. 00 s0.00 Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FTEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701- oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORU TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IIMC, CHAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:25 (BI-,DG. ) : GAS APPI".,IANCES SHAIJL BE VEIflIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHAI,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE ]-997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI{T MUST COMPI.,Y WfTH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF rHE 1997 ITMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:31 Paynents------------> BALANCE DUE-----..> ftern: 051-00 BUU,DING DEPARTME{T Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06/09/2004 Issued. . : 08/31/200+ Expires. .: OZl27/2005 # ofCas togs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY *****a***;**********+t';*:!r**'|**la:a*t*t**t:t.t.|*a:rr*,tt***'ta*'|** 50.00 Total Calculated Fees---> S53.00 30.00 Additioual Fees--------> ($53.00) S53 . 00 Total P€nnit Fee-------> S0 . 00 Mechanical--> Plan Check---> lovestigation-> Will Call----> S40.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> s10.00 $0. oo ToTAL FEES--------> s3 .00 06/09/2004 Js Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T (BLDG. ) : BOTI-,ERS SHAI,I-, ee Moileo oN FI-,ooRs oF I-,TSTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FI-,OORTNG. Cond:32 NONCOMBUSTT CONST. UNLESS o BL,E (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIr{ INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC, 1,022 OF THE ]-997 I'I4C, OR sEcrroN 1-004.6 0F THE 1997 rMc. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the ioformation required completed an accurate plot plan, and state tbat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOLTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2 149 OR AT Ot R OFFICE FROM 8 :00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI,JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER -ApPLICATIOI{ WILL -f. l-\ -\It. I t -\|Ellll ,I'f,/vltd-?Vdy .,,\..,r. -,. f{or tE ^ccEPrEo IF tt{coHPbstFs$i1$b. v - 6 ,g? Euildlng Permit *:--.....- ueclranlcaf P"r^i{Tt@ 97 O- 1, 9 - 2138 ( InsFcdonr) 59? PE1 JUN A9 '84 A9:38 drawn to scale to include: RECEIVEO JUN tl g 2OO4 75 S. Frontagc Rd. Vall, Colorado 61657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: # @-csr-uob-o+a Job Namerl] r@[ftee- C aJ 4 Legal Descrlptlon I t.ou I Elock: I Filitlg:SuMlvision: Phone:Engineer:Address: n G+-36@ 7#ooctar t,J(rr,oc-L ltts;z>-t Aa)c t z)|'D I 45 w a'2)- --E-|'--'- " - t workctass: lrew( l Addltlon( ) Arcragon$() Repalr( ) Other( ) r- EHU €xist at ttris tocatbn: Yes ( ) No ( )'|- Typcof6ldg: Slogl+hmiry( ) npt*( ) Mulu+amity( ) Coftlmcrcial( ) Rcsburant( ) OtherK) lrc ttS, I no' ot lccomnrodatlon UtI l" dtlt b'odhg: Horrveolnreoracesrxruno: easmorrances(,,r c'asr-oos! I [,4/,1!lFt! I H:@1!urnt:l!^o No/Type of Fkeplaccs P Wood Eurning (NoT ALLOWED) - coMPtETE VALUATIOi{ FOR i'lEC}lAt{IcAL PERI',IIT (labor & ilaterltllt) coNTR cT('n inromrerror @ntad and aa.raaa.taaa aaa.la.oaa.arrr rlt rl r rrtr l*FOR Ol{LYr ror rrr rt.r t... a l. a l. r ' l ll'.t't't-l' r - 584 o JUN Bg '64 B8t4? Rod lloll(ompor\l 255 WYANDOT ST., OEIWER, COLO. 80223 Fax Translittal to: ATTN: SROM: vJ I- | _ PAGES rtlct.uDlnc rnaNsurrral tF THEEE ARE A}{',tf QUESTIoNS OR PROBLEMIi RECIEVINC TIIIS FN(, PLEASE CALL (303) 777-32t4. PbE4Yze in3+6Lll PEz JUN Eg '44 ?,8:.47 NA(NLEON gas firephces ale nunufdctuftt unf,er tfu strftt Sufltrdrf of tfu worff ncognizef I S O 9 N 2 Qu titl As nrarue Cettfrco te. NA(rcLEOIf producu are f,eigwd witfr sulterior componmts an/ nateriab, assemh[et 6y ttainet crafxnnn wfro taf,g grcat pri[e in tfrcir wor{,Ifu 6uner anl vatoe assemStl are fzaNant tut-fired at a qua[it1 ust stdttot:- l[fre compbte frep[ace is tfrorougiltl iwpecud 6y a qutifizt tecfinician Sefore paclggng to ensure tfiat you, tfre cus' tometi recEiees tfu ry"tttl prof,utt tfrat yu ryectfmm NA(NLEON' ALr SpECFtCAflO S AND OESIG}.S ARE 3UAJECT TO C|{ANGE Wrrout PRIOR NOTIC€ DtJ€ TO Ot+OOtt{O FROOUCT IMPROVEMENTS NApOLEOttO tS A Rli66TEneD iilolurii-or rnor,r s'eg. tro. petEr|rs u3. 5.cra6st&t ' crrl. 2.073..1 t. 2 a2 .1 t o\'lDtF sfEEL LTD w9a15€1/d-oa.6 584 o 2 f ( ( NAPOLEON GAS FIREPLACE PRESIDENT'S LIFETIME LIMITED WARRAIITY tfre fottouing muteriofs ant worfunansfrip in lour flew NAAOLEON gas fireptace 4/e war- rante[ against f,eJects for os tong ds Jou olrn tfre fireptace. tftk coaers: com|ustion cham6er, freot egcnaflger, sttintess steet Sunter, pftazerru fogs and emSers, ceramic g[ass (tfterma[ ireafr; age onQ), gotd ptated pdrts agaiflst tarnisfiing, porcetainize[ enameffed cotnPoneflti an[ atumi' nufi extrusion tfims. lEtecticat (110,/ anf, mittioott) conpofleflts ant anaraS[e parts sucft as bfoaners, gas nttrtes, therma( switcfr, staitcfies, anring, /emote controts, ignitor, gasfutting, ant pitot assemtl.y are covered ant NA7OLEON wil[ prooif,e reptacement parts free oJ cfrarge duing tfie first yar of tfte timited wdrrart). La|our retatef, to warrantJ repair is coveref, free of charge turing tfre firit yeat. frPpair raor*o froweeer, requires tfre prior approvaf of an autfrorizef, company officiot La|our co!'ts to tfre account of NAAO UEON are 6ased on a preteterminef, rate scfiedute anf, an1 rcpair worfr must 5e doae tfrrougfi an autfr,orizzf, NtqeotnoM deater- CONDITIONS AND MPoLEoNw|,..ntsitg9roduc!'.i.!aintlrg|uf.ctulngdGH|to|h!o.le|ndA'd1.!.rdl|y-i.o''thehdivU{|g.lrrccr{'t,Incistt'.dCulCE4*ll6an!'iF...!6h *"*ntv,rci!u"r-o'dneo*rrrulpbteox-o.oviacoi'rtocp.,,ctnrc'orrrlrhioqehroa,[gg!dNAFoLEoNdq.|rr.rrdir$blcd|ohc'bIo*i!g.!'|d|0dlt6d.||nNb|i: Thia tactoryu/Ernnty B noitfltidirlb5 Bnd r y not b! ertarldd wlrah{tatu bya.ty c{ ow rapaa.tnaalir'!3. Th.qa|tr9|x!iD.tbtifr.c|.r,by.|'ct'€.d,!t|6diz..|{^,|c.t.dt!ici.no.co.rt'.c|6..|,!rtsil.!orr.nudb.do[|in'cco.d.rrc.sit.|l|bid|| Droiird lfit Ct bcC and ndori blildlog a.xt fta Cod!. m6}m.dti..fnlydoG.nctcot.roxn.eE|cl|l!dby.|tqr..|.Gko|6r.intGnnc.,!Gddnl,!t|€.!tio'E,.b!..orn.ehc|.ndF.'1rlt.t.ld'rutr.dd! lhi6 \rarciy. thit tiicrlwa,t-an{y(t attcr doaa rorcrwlraavrcralcjr!6. danBc.n6lqi ord*rcd ttng caulad bY arclalrv. haa( abrariva ric dl.tnt parrs. mcctrmlcat trciraga ot PHA;:eRt b{E ind rrnDt6' nd.'ly vrntngco'npcrttrt! !4d in t'|c in6l6lb qt o'Utr ltt@Lct NAPoLEoNw!.'ft!nrd!f|$J.GtD!rr.rae|h5rdd.cBh$6rki'|..|!hP.n.'.tGrb|b.f.'gs|.cttoutcbtb*in9Gdld|ionslDu?'rel'|€fi|oya6 o,.,.pu;r ne OAeifi"a es.tiai orr. qliqn fr"c * iftirg.. F o.n 10 yr|r3 lo llfc, n|AFOLEON will ptovlda r€Dbcatncnt buml's alsot ot lha c!tr. t tct il ptic.. hth€f.rty..ron|y.thitwe.r.rrty.rtud'lothGltp.|.olrr,|.c!''grlo|far'sntedpE'livJhGba.GdrGqivc|nmt.'i.|orr$.tm.n|htp(ovf.dl}1!t|hrp( ln acca.dancc ryrlh thr opa€ oi lrllnrcthn! and urd€, noftnal condllcrE. A'6thglirslyc.r'w|hr.'pGdlolh|sPr€l{bil5L|mi|dLil!t|[rkr.'t9,MPoLEoNir.y.atit|''i!.Jc['n,f||ydhd|.,!.8||ou|9.tbntrinn.!t9c<tloth|l ro thc ori{i^d s;.rant.d purcr!3tt fhs !!,f|obral! F.kl oa any'rnrrir{ad bul dcfuc{v! p|'l(s). An.'0rctt'dyur'MPoLEoN|$'notb.rG.Fniibt.''htE||.li6.lrboU.d.ryolh€.co!bolGtpen36rblGdto|hG..inc'||.lbrto'.w.'|".nt.dp.i|..,'td!|.ldlp1orl .ort .aad by O||| rt/a|rady. Not.l|htt.ndiq$y9rorittn'c6nl.in.dhlt|tFY!tid.nr'!in|trdLifdidft|rmdy.MPotEo{sG$o.t!5t!yu|td.'f!!Y!6twbd.nnCr'ag$qv.an(|!helnol|.yt artcod to lny incitfiaA co|raa4l.rx|!l oa irdrud dtliaC.t Tha $adrdy daf,taa fr oofF$onr -d frb*,ly d iIAFO!€ON *tr raapacl 1o !h. LfAt OI-EON !ta faltbca atld dy odt.. wrrran{aa atD.6!.d o. fnFliad its coa|lOoof,rt! or acraGo.ic ara aidudart. NAPoL€oNn.i{h3..5u|1i6'no..utho.it.!!!nylhi'dp.]iytoa.6ui..q|!b.|d..anyo|h..|i.biIl|..gfn.goGdtothr-!sl!o|thi''ot'll,N^rL€ ro.io'"'.rr'r"e,a"-a.rrr,"pinie"c",gcooyr'r"irm,nrir*ionoIto.'r!.Jcl.ar,*'toF'.6uitdtr9r'ncrrtytrccs'h||l..t'lour|l|h..|n!('" conr,n,raimi,l'rm"icnt'ni[il-clli,o.'r.dv..|!'GruEw|ridrn.yo'rryncbGG||6!dbyttl.d!.f*,|y|tcE$,ci.!q|$'|'|6,.frn.6*do|h6' Anydrf!G3|of.cc.cc.c6|'lbul{ond!.nt.'.h.atgtclr9noGr,ks|dmalo$crGonpon.ntdu.|owal..,w€l|t.'d.fag.'|q|gp.'iodro'dirm'E!i.e6o('.lrt!'d! dramEa|t or clce^aG rdl nol oa ttlrl, tQsPonliblllty of NAPOLEOI{, Th.b||c,!.l.of@Fy*i|b!rrq$Gdtoegrrruth.scmlnunbdand.nod.tfmbGlwhr.|fr|dngany..rarr'|'ck'nur'ooyo|i..utho'iz.dd.c.r'lh€9anri€!iElbd flrJ ba ruruflrcd Nltlrn lqrn!f,r dtF lo .!grd.r lha ||rtmty NAPOIEO..fqvdrh.,ighttahar,.iLr.9.c!a.ftvatltF..rfiyp'oduiclqgatlllr]tcdgalorlol'€.noutlre'|yv'i'ttntcbim' 584 o JUN AB '84 BB:48 3 TABLE of CONTENTS PG 2.4 3 6-7 INTRODUCTIOIiI Warranttl General Instructions General Informaton Care of Glass, & Plated Parts INSTALLATIOl{ Installatlon FII{ISHTNG Brick panels Log PlacemenUCharcoal Embers Optional Louvr€ lnstallation OPERATION / ITIIAINTENANCE Spill Switch Venting ,{ction Check PG E OPERATIOI{/lflAlNTEilANGliconrro Operating Instructions Malntenance 9 BLOWER SYSTEM Blower Replacement Instructions 9 ADJUSTMEl{TS Pilot Burner Adiuslment Venturi Adjustments IO.{'REPLAGEMENTS Ordering Replacement Parts R€placement Parts Accessories / Options {2-I3TROUBLE S}IOOTING GUIDE 14 SERVIGE HISTORY PLEASE RETAIN THIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE WARNING . Do nol burn wood or olher moleriols in tNs fireploce.. AduHs ond especiolly children should be olerted to fhe hozords of high surfoce temperotures ond should sloy owoy fo ovoid bums or ,rlolhing ignition. Supewise loung children when they ore in the some room os lhe lireliloce. r Due to high temptrolures, lhe fireploce should be locoled oul of lroffic ond owoy fiom furnifure ond drop eries. r ClofhirE or other flommoble rnoteriol should not be ploced on or neor lhe fireploce. . Any sofety screen or guord remorred for servicing musl be reploced prior to operoting fhe fireploce. . ll is imperotive thof lhe conlrol comportmenls, buners ond ci.culoling blower ond its possogewoy in lhe lireploce ond venling syslem ore kepf cleon. the fireploce ond its venling syslem should be inspected before usr: ond ol leost onnuolly by 'o quolified service person. More frequenl cleoning moy be required due lo excessive :int from corpeting, bedding moferiol, etc. The fireploce qreo must be kept cleor ond free lrom combusfible moferiols, gosoline ond other flommoble vopours ond liquids. o Under no circumslqnces should fhis lireploce be rnodilied. o lhis fireploce musl nol be connected to o chimney ffue pipe serving o seporole solid fuel burning opplionce. r 0o nof use lhis fireploce if ony porl hos been under wsler. lmmediolely coll o quolilied seMce lechnicion tc inspect lhe fireploce ond lo reploce ony port of the conlro{ syslem ond ony gos confrol which hos been under woler. . DonoloperolefhefireploceWthfheglossdoorremoved.crockedorbroken.Replocemenloflheglossshouldbe done by o licensed or quolified service person. o Do nof strike or slom shul fhe fireploce gloss door. trYs-a ls€l Oe.O. 0O GEl{ERAL I1{STRUCTIONS rHIS GAS FIREPLACE SHOULD BE INSTALLED AND SERVTCED BY A QUALPIED /ITSIALLER to conform with local codes. In absence of local codes, install to the curront National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223j , or the cuffent CAN/ CGA 8149, lnstiallation 0od€s. Purge all gas lines with the glass door of the stovc removed. Assure that a conunuous gas flow is at the burner before installing the door Under extreme vent Gonfiguretions, allow several minutes (&15) for thrz flame to stabilize after igni- tion. Altitudes greater than 40O0fL reguire a minimum vent run of | 2ft, The fireplace and its individual shutoff valve must be dis- connect€d from the gas supply piping system during any pressure testing of that system at test pressures in excess ot 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa). The fireplace must be isolated from the gas supply piping syslem by closing its individual manual shutofi valve during any pressure testing of the gas supply piping syst€m at tesl pressurgs equal to or less than 1/2 psig (3.5 kPa). A 1/8 inch NPT plug, accessible for tesl gauge connection, must be installed immediately upstream of the gas supply connection to the stove. This fireplace must be connected to any accepted lined chimney system list€d tcr ULC-S635M (in Canada) or UL- '1777 lin USA). The v€nting connsction must be in compli- ance with the vent manLrfacturers installation instructlons, The drafl hood must be installed so it is in the same atmo- spheric pressure zone as the combustion air inl€t to the fireplace. Provide adaquatc vent attbn and combustlon ah Pm- vide adequale accessihtTlly clearance lor servicing and opereting the fireplece, Neve? obstruct the lrcnt opcn- ing of the firaplace. This insert must be recessed into a vented noncombus- tible woodburning fireplace (prefabricated or masonry) only. The minimum fireplace size in which the heater is to be installed is: HElGlfTlT%hch€ Vl,lDTH25%lncfi6 ll€FTH l6%lnch€t The minimum distanca, {rom the bottom of a c-ombustibl€ mantl€ projeciing 6" maximum from the wall to th€ top of the unit, is 6". The fireplace, when installed. must be electrically connecled and grounded in accordance with local codes. In the ab' sence of localcodes. use the current CSA C22.1 CA'IIAOIAN ELECTRICAL COOE in Canada or th€ ANSI/NFPA 70-1996 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE in the United Stat6s. The biower power cord mugt be conneclad into a propedy grounded receptacle. The grounding prong must not b€ removed ffom lh€ cord plug. JUN @8 '44 AB:49 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR YOUR SATISFAC',ON, THIS FIREPLACEHIIS SESN TEST.F'REO TO ^SSURE ITS OPERATION AND QUAL. ,fY, Maximum input is 24,000 BTU/hr for natural gas and 22,000 BTU/hr for propane. When the fireplace is installed at elevations above 4,500ft, and in the absensa oi'specific reco.nmendalions ftom th€ local authority having furisdic- tion, the certified high altitude input rating shall be roduced al th€ rate of 4% for each additional 1 ,000ft. Maxinrum out- put for natural gas i6 15,900 BTU/hr and '16,000 B'iU/hr for propan€. Minimum inlet gas supply pressure is 4.5 inchos water column for natural gas and 11 inches wat€r column for propane. This flreplace is certified for bedroom and bedsitting room installation. Maximum inlet gas llressure is 7 inches water column tor natural gas and 1:l inches water column for propane. Manifold pressure under flow conditions is 3.5 inches water column for natural gas and l0 inchos wat€r column for propane. No exlernal electrie ity (1 I O volE or 24 volts) is r equired for the gas system operaMon. Expansion / contraction noisos during healing up and cool- ing down cycles are normal and to be exp€cied. Cltange in tlame app€aranco from -Hl" to 'LO" is more evidenl in natu- ral gas than in propane. GARE OF GLASS, AND PLATED PARTS Do not use abrasive cleaners to clean plat€d parts. Buff lightly with a clean dry cloth, The glass is 3/16" ceramic glass available from your Napoleon / Wolf Steel Ltd. daal6r. Qo not substltuta materials. Clean the glass after the first 10 hours of operation with a recommended gas lir€place glass clean€r. Thereafter clean as requir€d, Do not cleen gless whon hot! lf lhe glass is not kept clean permanent discolouration and / or blemish€s ma! result. v 17 -1/4" 'ry3{50r t6.orgl IIGTJREl PEs JUN BE '44 A8:54 Clean out ashes from the inside of the woodbuming fire. place. Make sur€ lhat the chimney and woodburning fire. place are in a clean and sound condition. Do not r€move bricks or mortar from the masonry fireplace. lf necessary have any repair work done by a qualified person before installing the insert. Remove the existing fireplace damper or lock into an op€n position. Line the chirnney with a 3" or 4'diametsr ap- proved liner. With a 4" liner, an increaser must be con- nected between the dilulion drafl hood and the liner. Chim- ney installation must conform io both national and local code requiremenls. The liner must be continuous from the fireplace to the chimftry cap. FIGI.JRE2 Remove lhe securing screw from the front of tho dilulion plate. Push the dilution draft hood out of the securing clips and attach the liner uslng 3 screws equally spaced. Pack ins$lation around the liner at the damper area to prevent air flow from entering the chimney. Mov€ the insert into the c€ntre of the woodburning fireplace making sure that th€ dilution draft hood ins€rts back into lts securing clips. L€vel using th€ four leveling screws locatBd front and back on either side of the fireplace base. Leveling the inseri will eliminato rocking or excessive noise when the fan is in operation. Replace the securing 6cr€w to the front of the dilution plate. il-- .HLACK YITL INSTALIATIO 169auge -lSgauge IIGIJRE3 Instalf rigid btack pipe, E flex connectot, if lcrr,l cod6s per- mit, or 112' lype L, copper tsbing wlth a 3/8' to 1/2' edapter and a shut off valve to the fireplace. Seal and lighten se- curely. The adapler will be required beiween th€ gas valve and the copper tubing or fl€x connector. Oo not kin* flex. ible connector! Check for gas l€aks by brushing on a soap and water solutiort. Oo not usc opan flame! 584 o N An on/ofi swilch has been included and can be located at the righl side trim. For ease of accessibility, this switch may be replaced with a wall switch or substituled with a millivolt thermoslat lhal may be inslalled in a (;onvenient location on any wall. Route a 2 strand solid core millivott lvire through the el€ctrical hole located at the bottom right sid€ of the unit. The recomm€nd€d maximum ktad length depends on wire sizei WIRE SIZE MA)C LENGTH l4gauge 100 teet 60 feel 40 feei Attach the two laads to terminals 1 and 3 localed on the gas valve. HGURD4 Do not connect tha gas valve to elcctricigr (1 f 0 volts or 24 yolts). The ins€rt can be equippect wlth a flashing kit k) close off mosl fireplace openings. Mount the flashing insido the units outer shell using 4 secudng screlvs. The flashing and trim ale available in many finishes to accent any room d€cor. Objects placed in fiont of the fir€place should be kept a minimum of 48" away from the front face. FIGURES VtC.uSe I n0.04.00 I DILU TION ' -. s€cuRrNG scREws -- PIEZO IKNOB SI,VITCH 584 o 6 o F INISHING FIBRE FIREBRICK PANELS To give your insert thpl authenUc masonry fireplace look, oplional fibre firebrick panels are available at your Napo. leon / Wolf Steel Ltd. d€laler. Complele installation and main- tenance instructions al'e included with tre kit. LOG PLAGEMENT INSTRUCTION!} / CHARCOAL EMBERS PHAZENM logs and charcoal embers, exclusive to Napo- leon Fireplaces, provide a unique and realistic glowing ef- fect that is different in every installation. Take the time to carefully position the cl.rarcoal embers for a maxirnum glow- ing efiect.t. Place the fronl log onto th€ main burner, pushing it as close as possibte lo the burner ports without blocking/covering them. The left and right spacing b€tween the log ends and the burner ports should be equal. JUH 68 '44 A8:51 YOU MAY FIND IT EASIERTO PI-ACE SOUE CHARCOAL EMB€RS BENEATH THE FRONT LOG NOW. 2. Place the back log onto the step located at the back of the combustion chamber. The notch situitted at the lower right of the back log should be centered evonly above the pilot assembly. 3, While supporting the back log. to prevrrnt it from falling fonvard, sel the thrae smaller logs into tho pockets and grooves of the front and back logs, respecth,ely. Log colours may vary. During the initial use of the fiieplace. the colours will bscome more unitorm as cobur pigments burn in during the heat activated crring process. FIGI,JRE6 POSITIOI{II{G THE LOGS IMPROPERLY WILL CAUSE FLAME IMPINGE. MENTAHD CARBONING. CHARCOAL EMBERS: Randomly place the embers be- neath lhe front log, covrering all of the btrrner ar€a ben€ath th€ hollowed out section of the log. Place the romaining embers along the front. Keep ember dust away from burner ports lo avoid plugging them. Fin€ dust found in bottom ot bag not to b€ ur.d. PHAZENM logs and chatcoal embers glow when exposed to direct flame. Use only cedlfied PHAZERN logs and char- coal emb€rs availabls from your Napoleon / Wolf Steel Ltd.dealet' flGuRE7 t:g-:e.E:l $a.ar54r /6.0.,@ JiJI+I v BRACKET (,LA5> lf applicable, remove the protective plaslic wrap prior to operating the fireplace. PE?JUN EE '44 A8:51 OPTIONAL LOUVRE INSTALLATION ln order to access tho int€rior of the fir€box, remove two screws holding the upper glass bracket cov€r, and th€ up- per glass bracket in piace and the two scr€ws holding the lower glass bracket, 'Ihe louvre assembliss are installed as illustrated in FIGURE 8. Th€ upp€r glass bracket cover is form€d with labs to create a gap for air flow and must not be adjusted. BRACKET COVER FIGUNEI VENTING AGTION CHECK A CHECK FOR CORRECT VENTING ACT'AN NUST BE MADE AEFORETHE INSTALLED INSERT 'S LEFTWTH THE CUSTOMER. Test after instatling ahe unit into a vented non-combustibte fireplace in tha following manner: t. Close all doors and windows in th€ room: sta rt exheuEt fans in the hom€; turn fireplace blower off. 2. Set controls to "high" and light the unit. 3. Wait 5 minutes. Light a match and hold it to ttx) spill tube openrng. 4. Venling action is satislactory if smoke is dtatvn into the spill tube. Venting action is unsatisfactory if the flame and smokc are not drawn into the tube. 5. lf ventlng action is unsatisfactory, fum th€ unit r)ff, wait 10 minutes and try again. lf lhe smoke or flame is still not drawn into the spill tube, turn the unlt oft and che:k for vent blockage or restriction. lf necessary, consult wiih a quali- fied air quality specialist. F'IGUNE9 UPPER GLASS BFACKET OPERAilNG INSTRUCTIONS SPILL SWITCH This is a thermally activated switch, attached to the back of the unit and extending up into the dilution draft hood, which senses the change in temperature and shuts down th€ gas valv€ in lhe event ol a severE downdraft of air or a blocked or disconn€cted vent. It acts as a safety shul-off to prevent a build up ot carbon monoxide or an explosion of unburnt gases during stan up. lf the flue is block€d or has no "draw", the spill switch will automatically shut off the supply of gas within about 5-10 minules. TAMPER'NG WITH THE SWICH CAN RESULT IN CAR. BON ''ONOX|DE (CO) POiSON NG AND POSSTSLE DEA7H. SAIISFACTORY UNSAIEFACTORT G t^Srr!3al At.oa.q, I When lit tor tho flr3t tlme, tho fireplace wlll emlt a ellght odour for a f€w hourc. Thlr i! a normal temporary condl' tion Gaused bythe curing ofthe logs and the "burn'ln" of lnternal paintt and lub.l€ants used ln ths m.nufacturing procesE and will not ocour agaln. Slmply open a window lo sufficlgntly v€ntilato tho room. 5&l PAE JUN EB '44 @B:52 After extended p.riods of non.oPotatlon .uch as follow' Ing a vacatlon or a warm woather 3€aron' the fl:'eplace mly emll a sllght odour lor e few houc. Thls lr cau:ed by du3f pattlclo3 In the hsat cxchangcr burnlng oll' Open a wlndow lo sufflclently vontllato tho room' f,t MAINTENANGE TUNX OFF THE GAA AND ELECTRIGAL POWER BEFORE SERVIG. INGTHE FIREPLAGE. CAUTION: Labet all wires prior to disconnection when ser' vicing controls. Wiring elrors can cause improper and dan- gerous operation, Verifl' proper operation after servicing' ihis insert and its venling system should be inspected before use and ai least annually by a qualified service pgr' son. The fireplace area must be kept clear and free of com' bustible matetials, gasoline or oth€r flammable vapours and liquids. The flow of combustion and ventilation air must not be obstructed. t. ln order to properly clean the burner and pilot assembly' remove the logs to expose both assemblies' 2. Keep ihe control cornpartment' logs. burner. air shutter op€ning and the area surrounding the logs clean by vacu- uminq or brushing, al le'st once a yeaL 3. Cieck to see that all burn€r ports are burning' clean out any of lhe ports which may not be burning or are not bum- ing propefly. : ws4r561/6.04.6 i d. Check to see that the pilot llame is large slrough to engulf lhe thermopile on one leg and reaches toward the burner on lhe other leg. 5. Replace th€ cleaned logs. 6. Check tro see thal the main burner ignites comtrlet€ly on all openings when the gas knob for the burner is tumed on. A S to tO second total light-up period is satislactory. lf ignition takes longer, consult your Napoleon de:ler / dis- tributor. 7. Check that the door gasketing is not broken or missing' Replace if necessary' A This fiteDlace has a pikst which must be lit by hand while following these instruclions exsctly' B Before lighting, smett all atound lhe fireplace area tor gas and next to the floor b€cause some gas ls heavier than air and will settk, on lhe floor- C Use only your hand to push in or lurn lh6 ga8 (ontrol knob. Never use tools. lf the knob wilt not pusll in or turn by hand, do not try to repair it. Call a quallfied ser- vicetechnician. Force or atte pt€d repalr may resultin a fire or explosion. D Do not use this lireplace if any parl has been uncler water. lmmediately call a qualifi€d service technioian to inspact the unit and rsplaca any part of the (:ontrol and any gas control touched by water. WHATTO DO lF YOU SlrlELL GAS:lmmBdiately call your gas supplier from a neiglbouds phone. Follow the gas supplie/s instructions. ll you cannot reach your gas suppliEr, Gall the tire de- partment. . Do not try to light any appliance.. Oo not louch any electrical swltch; do not use any phone in your building. 12.Turn on all S.Oepress and hotct the gas knob while lighting tf e pilot with the push button ignito.. Keep the knob fully dep'ess€d lor one (1) minute, lhen lelease. It the pilot does nr)t con' linue to bum, repeat st'sps 3 through 7- 9.With the pitot lit, turn the gas knob counler'clock' wise/Ar to "on- Position. l0.lf your insert is equipped with a flame adiustrnenl:v8lve. push and tum the knob to .high'. I l,lf your insert i6 equippad with a romote "on'olf'';wllch, th6 main burner may not come on whon you turn the gas vafve io'on" or "high-. 7he tstDote su,rtch ,rust &t ln the 'on' posilion as w.tl ao lgnlle the maln burner. UGHNNGNSTRUCIONS: l.Stopl Read all th€ satety intormation above. When light- ing and re-lighting, the gas knob cannot be tutned from "pilot'to'off unless the knob i8 d€pressed' 2.Tum off all elec-trical powor to tho stove. 3.Tum the gas knob /\ clockwise to off. {.Wait 5 minutes for any gas in th€ combustion chamber to escape. Continue to the next step if you do NOT smell any gas. lf you smell gfls, S fOP, and follow th€ instruc' tions in 'What to do if You Smell Gas" listed abovo. s.lf the unit is equipped wilh a frams adiustment valvo' turn ^\ clockwise to off' 6.Loiate the pilot situat€d in front of the rear log. ?.Turn the gas knob /r\ counter'clockwise to 'pilot" position, ".^qq4ffi'"'I I +CttFo x a*gJF tvq INSTRUCTIONS TO TURN OFF GAS: 1 .Turn off all electrical power to the unit it service is to be 2.Push in gas control knob slighdy and turn -\ (Iock- wise to oft. OO NOT FORCE. I BLOWER SYST qo,4 o EM The Napoleon gas fireplac€ inserl com€s standard with a blower, a heat sensor, variabl€ on/off speed control and a power cord. Because the blower is thermally activated, wh€n lurned on, it will automatically start approximately 15 minules after tighting tl"€ fireplace and will run for approxF mately 30 minutes alter the fireplace has been tumed off. Use of the fan increas+,ts the output of heat. Air, drawn in through the lowor louvr6 access door, is driven up the back of the tirebox, and exhau3ted as hot air between the upper louvres. t. 6 .----l ll TIGIIREIO PILOT BURNER. ADJUSTMENT t. Remove the pilot adjusim€nt cap. 2. Adiust ihe pilot scr€w to provida properly sized flame' 3. R€plac€ the adju$tment cap' PTLOTSCREW FIGTJRE12 ALOWER REPLACEMENTINSTRUGTIONS FIGURE 1O: . Turn off the gas and elsctric power to the unit. . Remove the upper glass bracket. Loosen the lower glass bracket and remove the glass. . Remove the log8. . Remove the bumer assembly. . Remove the eight screws holding the access door in place on the control assembly (located at the brck o{ the burner support).. Remove ths four screws holding the blow€r duct and slide it forward from beneath the burner support. . Disconnect th€ electrical conneclors at the blower. . Remove the blower. VENTURI ADJUSTMENT Natural gas models have air shutters set at 1i'16 (.063") inch open. Propans gas rnodels have air shutter$ setat 3/ 16 (.18S) inch open. Closing the air shufr€r will cause a more yellow flame, but can lead to carboning. Ol€ning the air shutter will cause a more blue flame' but can cause flame lifting from lhe burner ports. The flame mfly nol ap- pear yellow immediaiely; allow 15 to 30 minuti,'s tor ihe tinal fiame colour to b€ established. AIR SHUTTERADJUSTMENT MUST ONLY BE DONE BY A FICI,'R]D14 PAg JUN AB '44 68:53 I il I ADJUSTMENTS ncuRs13 FLAIIE MUST ENVELOP UPPE r/E" 10 1/2" OF THERMo-glr F t..____l l'Ah^ '\ -'-_=a.- .i \/ \a+---+kEAr VARIAILE'SO'EED SVITCHZI\ \C 't s,fill'El,o.0..o 10 I54 DUS PROIIAM€ GAS BURNER ORIFICE oooR Gr-Ass GLASS GASKFJ (2 Pc - s|DE) GI.ASS Cr/qSKeT (te) IH€RMAL SEIISI}IG SwlTCH REPUCEMENT BLOWER VARIAELE SPEED SWIrcH C/w KNOS IJPPER GLASS A RACKET LO\'{ER GIASfi BRACXET BURNER OiI'OFF SW]TCH SPILL SWTCH 584 P16 JLlt'l EB '84 EB:54 When ordering replacement partrs always give the lollow- ing information: 1 . ltlodel & Serial Number of fireplace 2. Installatlon date of flreplace 3. Part Number 4. Oescription of part 5. Finish ws-660- ws- 100 -058/ - 100-057 WS WS 455-05 +55- 0 PART f GL.610 GA Gr r35.07 GA Gt r35.06 GA Gr 135.15 GA Gr 135.16 GA Gr 135.09 GA Gt-550 0t ws-3E5-33 ws-725{038 ws-72$0037 ws-100{5{l ws-t00{57 ws455.05 WS-45$06 ws-357.1 ws.680-04 GA Gt4rO.364 WS-{st17 ws{5+o3 ws-30G18 GA€r-5A2.012 GA-Gl€az.ol I ws.590{2 GZ-552 K835 C'A-G1480.62 GA-GI{EO.7e ws660.{19 ws{6{N)6 DE$CRIPTIOTI LOG SET ASSEMELY .,w SACK LOG FRONT LOG RIGHT LOG LEFT LOG CENTER LOG CHARCOAL EIT,|BERS NAPOLEON LOGO CHARCOAL EMEERS GZ-ab? NATURAL GAS PILOT ASSEMBLY * f16 NATURA GAS PILOT ORIFICE *10 PROPANE GAS PILOT ORIFICE PIEZO IGNIER - CHANNEL THERMOPILE EURNERASS$MALY '42 DMS NATURAL GAS BURT.IER I I I --'ilj'c WS lYS _t 133-13/.-e \ GA-Gt-0 r 0.J64 6. *q8#'-Gr- 135_0 i ' pilot assemblies come complete with thermopile and pilot tube lr,S..l5al r6,Oa.O REPI.ACEMENTS ORDERING REPLACEISENT PARTS Contact your dealer or the factory for questions @ncsm- ing prices and policies on replacement parls. Normally all parts can be ordered lhrough your Napoleon deal€r or distributor. REPLACEMENT PARTS GA-Gt-562.012 GA-GI- (GASKET ws-725-00J7 584 o P11 JUN AE '84 6g:54 11 ACCESSORTES / OPTTONS PANT * DESGruPTIOT FON OFENINGS SMALLq.R THAN 2i' X '2'::%] GL900a0 Gr-900486 Gr-900K6 Gr-000ss6 Gr-909s6 Gt-90sK6 Gt-909F6 OELUXE 6' FLASHING KIT - FousHEo Bnass DELUXE 6" FLASHIiIG KIT - lrrtroue aness DELUXE 6' FLASHING KIT - sracx OELUXe 6' FLASHING KIT - sr^|rilss srEEr DELUXE 6" PORCELAIN FLASHING KIT - ^urorf OELUXE 6" PORCELAIN FLASHING KIT - lrrcK DELUXE 6'PORCELAIN FLASHING KIT- 9FEEN FOR OPENINGS SI'ALLEf, THAN 30'X 4'": Gl.900Be Gr-900AB0 Gr.900K9 Gt-900sse Gl-90959 Gr-909KS Gr-909F9 OELUXE: S' FLASHING KIT - Fousr.o Bi sg OELUXe 9" FLASHI'IG KIT - ^|rrour r8^ss OELUXE| 9" FLASHING KIT - r{^cr OELUxg 9" FLASHING KIT - sra.rlEss sre€r DELUXE 9" PORCELAIN FLASHING KIT - Au.oNo DETUXE 9' PORCELAIN FI.ASHING KlT. rucx OELUXE 9'PORCELAIN FLASHING KIT - GREE FOR OPENINGS SMALLEN THAT 2T'X '7';Gt-g3K GI.93PB Gr-3P8 GI63X GI€3PB Gt-2P8 PER.TRM ws470-2_ ws6so.r ws660-2 ws6604r0 ws6@411 GD660 ws 5{xt-33 GO240-K Gr777.KT G1767-KT GIBS GIBG GI360BJfi Gl-r_836G GI.LB36PB GI.LB36AB GI.LB36K Gr-LB36SS GI-LG GI.LK GI{PB GI.LA8 Gt-LSS GA-175.019 BASIC ':LASHING KIT - ELAC{ BASIC FLASHING KIT - por.GraED F^ss 2" TRIM FOR GI-g3K FOR OPENII.IGS STiALLER THAN 26'X 4Z': SASIC F.LASHING XIT - EucE BASIC ILASHING KIT - poustrEo rR ss 2" TRIM FOR GI€3K GOLO ACRYLIC TRIM ENAMEI, TOUCH UP ANO SRUSH (sFEo.y coLorn) MI LLIVOT-T THERIdOSTAT HANOHSLD REMOTE CONTROL HANOHIiLO REMOTE wn o|6|r^L FEAoour HANDH$U) REiTOTE fffi o|Gr^L REroou? / nrc dGraflc WALL SWITCH E ?OFT WIRE V.S.S. MOUNTING PLATE FOR WAL! SWITCH WEBBED DOOR FACIA OECOR/ITTIVE ERICK PANELS OECORATIVE BRICX PANEL FOR BAY OOOR BAY SCSIEEN BAY GI,,ASS SAY OOOR ASSEMBLY 8AY WINDOW LOWRES - 60(D 8AY wlNOOw LOUVRES - Fou3'rEo arass BAY WINOOW LOWRES - ^rrrouE .russ BAY wliIDOW LOUVRES - sucr BAY wll'IDOW LOWRES - sr^rxLess 3tr!L GOLO PLATEO LOWRES LpPrR & Low.R FLUSH TOUVRES & DOOR TRIM - rucx FLUSH I..OUVRES & OooR TRIM - touErco eeass FLUSH IOUVRES & DOOR TRIM - ^r{TKluE ara53 FLUSH LOUVRES A DOOR tRlM - sr$rrss stEEL NG TO LP CONVERSION KIT Gt-t-s36G/G|-LB36PB /GI-LB36K /G|-LB36SS vl?l{1sl lEoa.m 544 P12 JUN E8 '84 oo AB:55 tz - Beror. ottet "t'n6 totior".est oor, "racE ,orr;;;;ffi rrGH, tHE prlol ANo ,"a *^ *ffi@| SYMPTOM PROBLEM TEST SOLUTION System is not correctty purged.purge th€ gas lino with the glass door removsd.Pilot goes oul when the gas knob is re- l€ased.Out of fill the tank. Plto!_lgtg is not targe enough tum up the pilot flam€. Pilol flams is not engutfing th€ thormooile. Thermopil€ shorting. - genfly twist the pilot head to improve the flame patiern around the lhermooile_ clean thermopile and valve conn€ction.- check that thermopile insulation is not frayed and $round_ing out on the houaing or the bumer support.- r€place thermopile. No spark al pilol burner - check that the wire is connected to the push button ignitor,. check if the push bution ignitor ne6ds iight€ning_- replace pilot assembly if lhe wire insulation is bro {en or trayed.- replace pilot assembly if the ceramic insulator is cracked or broken.- replace ths push button ignitor. Spark gap is Inconect - 6park gap shoutd be 1/16' b 1/9. from ttre etectrofEp and th6 pilot bumer. Light the pitot witi a match and 0djust lhe elecirode tip to the required spark gap and proper loca- tion. filo gas at the gilot bumer - check that the manual valve is turned on.- check lhe pilot orifice for blockage.- r€plac€ th€ valv€.- call the gas distributor. Out of propane gas fill ihe tank. Pilot goes out while standing: Main burner is in 'OFF' po- sition. Gas piplng is un<tersized.- turn on all gas appliances and s6e if pilot flame fll*ters, diminishes or extinguish€s, especially when main burners ignita. Monitor guppty pressu.e.- check if supply piping size is to code. Correct alt under_ Pilot bumingi no gas to main burner; gas knob is on: wall switch is on. sized Wall swltch is de{ective - connect a jumper wire acrosg the wall swftch termhEls; if the main burner laca tho wall switch. trVall switch wiring is defective.- disconnect th€ switch wires fiom the valve & conltect a iumper wire across terminals 1 and g; if tho main bumer lights, check lhe wires for defects and/or replace w,res. Main bum€r orifice is plugged.remove etoppage in orifice. Remote gas valve operator is - connect a jumper wire across t€rminals 1 and 3: il main d€fecliv€.burner does not light, replace gas valve. lnsutticient secondary air.- increase fresh al. supply (open door, window, add make.Up air supply) Main bumer flame is a blue, lazy, transpar- ent flame.Dbwndraft or blockage in cfiim-- r€move blockag€.- ch€ck that chimney is installgd to building codes (3ft itbov€ high$t roof line or Zft higher than any portion of a bLllding within a horizontal radlus of 1Oft of Fre chlmney.) r 3.ar5a1/coa.o rury. P13 JUN 68 '84 A8:56 SYMPTOII'I PROBLEM TEST SOLUTION Main burner go€s out; pilot goes out. Refer to 'Main bum€r goes out; pilot stays on" 584 o 13 Chimn€y down-drafting - wait ten minutes, Shut off all exhaust fans in the lrouse (ie: kitchen and bathrooms), furnace, and cloth€s dry er. Open windows and/or doors. Start fireplace and monilor ts opcrEr- tion. Close doors and windows and start appliances as before; room is in negative pr8ssure: increase fresh air sr.rpply. Chimney is blocked - check for chimney blockage. Liner disconnected trom insert.re-attach liner. Faulty spill switch.replace. Main burner goes out; Pilot flame is not large enough pilot stays on.or not engulfing the thermopilo. - tum on pilot flame. Genlly twist the pilot head ftr improve the tlame pattern aroung the thermopil€. Thermopil€ shorting.clean thermopile and lhermopil€ connection lo valve. Carbon is being de- posited on glass, logs o. combustion chamb€r surfaces. Air shutler has become blocked - ensure air shutter opening is free of lint or other obstruc- tions. Flame is impinging on tha logs or combustion chamber. - ch6ck that the logs are correc(y positioned. - open air shutter to increase the primary air.. check the input rale: check the manilold pressure and orifice size as specffied by the rating plate values. - check lhat the door gasketing ls not broken or nrissing and that the seal is tight. - check that both 4" and 7" vent liners are lre€ of holes and well ssalBd at all joints. - check that minimum ris€ p€r foor has b€en adhered to for any horlzontal venting. Wall switch is mounted upside down. reverse.Remote wall switch is in off posilioni main bumer comos on when gas knob is lurned to 'ON" posi- tion. Remote wall switch is grounding. - replaco. Remote wall switch wia€ is . check for ground (short); repair ground or replace wire. Exhaust smelled in h€adach€s. tumes Fireplace is spilling. toom, - ch€ck for chimney blockage. - check that chimney is installed to building code. Carbon is being de. po8ited on glass, logs or combu3tion cham- ber surtaces. Flame .is impinging on the logs or combustion chamber. room is in : increaso fresh air s - check that the logs are corrootly positioned.. open air shutter to increase the ptimary air. - check the input rate: check the manifold presriurB and orifice size as speciti€d by the tating pl6te values. Whiie / grey film Sulphurfrom fuel is being depos- - cl€an the glass with a recommended gas firepla:e glass forms. ited on glass, logs or combus- cleaner. DO NOT CLEAN GLASS WHEN HOT. lion chamber surfaces. lf deposits ar6 not cleaned off regularly, the glass may be- come germanentiy marked. - vrs,tt3€1,f .oa.O Requesbd Inspcct Date: Inrpcction Area: Slta Addr$r: AIPrD lnfo'rm.fiorr Actlvttv: llo4-00€6 Tvoe: &MECH CenstTvpi: Qccup€ity: orrrier: EREMIA. SORIN Appllcani: ROO I{ALL COi,{PAMi Co'riEactor: ROO I{ALL COMPANY Dosc|lplbn: RREPLACE COI-IVERSIoiI iiondry, tlay 2:1, ?005 JRH 970 VAILVIEW DR VAIL EROOKTREE COI{DOS UNIT B.2Og sublg: AriF $aap: |SSUED lmpAre!: JRlil $CSUSCqE$seecggGi Iten: 390 l$ECH.Flntl R€grrslor: ROO IrALL COMPANY Commsriti: koYs al dosk Asslon€d To: COAVIS - Atllon: Phonc: 3O$777-770O R€(ruertEd Tlme: ll:00 Altf ' PlFrL: ffjffi*, .of- {36) Enb.ed By: DGOLDEN K Fhons: 3(}3-777-77fi) ^t TY V t I Thno Exp: A tt \, CI) fl Ai r/\ ,'\//l ,t \/\ ,r'./ ^(v i) lFsrecton Hl$torv \ ril\I\\t-\ \)\J ftemr 20O Item: 310 tlstr|: 315 hem: 320 Item: 3iX$ Arm: 3.lO Itsm: 39O lrlECl.tFlna! REPT131 Rnn Id: 3221 t - W --@2t 4:?2pm Uall, CO :Clry Of RequertEd Inip€ct tlab: ilofflry, tay 23, 2005 - lnsredtlon Arer: JRU Sltc Addr$3: 070 VAIL VIEW DR VA]L EROOKTREE CONDOS A/PrO lilbrmrtltrl Acltulty: ttfili{-Coo7 T}'pe: SMECH concTyFE: Occupsncy:Ortbr EREMiA, SORIN Apolkant ROD l'lAtl COMPAI-IY Cohhac{or: ROD F|ALL COMPAIIY C,e$cflptfon: FIREPI-ACE COiWERSIO+{ ReEg€rt€d tn6pec{ards} SubTpc: AMF Us'a: Phone: 30$777-7700 Phofle: 30+77?-7700 !t / i '/ Statp: l$Sl,JEO Insp&eo: Jftlrl Iteml Reg$€$or: 390 MECH+lnd ROD FIALL COIIPANY RequeeEd Tlme: 10:30 Alf ' Plnno: G03)$&7952 €r- {3G)sa#ng EnbredBy: DGOLtrN K A II ,,AtV I ll r" Ce'r|mcnb: hels at d.st o*,sH#; cDAvls tseEec.delulrEflf liem: ?ftl MECFtRounh ltem: 310 [ffiCH-Heallru llsm: 315 PLM&GasP|'|nq fiem: 3?0 iEcl"lExhoclt rloods !tem: 33O MECI-l-SupolvAlr It6m: 34O MECI-l-Ml*r. - Itam: 3S MECH-Ffral Thr€ Exp: FEpr131 Run Id: 322L TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES D t€ AtC" MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M04-0358 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BROOKTREE TH, UNIT 216D Applied . . : 12102/2W4 Parcel No...: 7103014f,604l Issued. . : l2/2lDA04 ProjectNo I N/4 Expires. .: 06119/20[5 I owNER SUr,trvAN, TTMOTI{Y E. L2/02/2OO4 Phone: PO BOX 928 GI-,EN NH 03838 License: coNrRAcToR ROD HALL COMPANY L2/O2/2004 Phone t 303-777-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M APPIJICAN:r ROD IIAITIJ COMPAIIY L2/02/2004 Phone: 303-7'77-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 I-,icense: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT WOOD TO GAS INSERT. NAPOLEAN GDI20-N Valuation: $2,500.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted: Y # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 :t:t:t:t(**:t**+i<:i,t :t*i.r(t+**!*,t*:********,f*:lr'l****+t(**,*!t*,*,**f *:a*:i:t*1.'1.,1.*:ti<**:t**,i FEE suMI\[AltY so. oo Total Calculated Fees-->$78.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I.,$ BC . I L-^,ar--z6it\1L \)I rt O 6loo\tr-<-r--r-- Mechanical-- > Plan Check--> Invesdgation- > will cdl--- > $60 - oo Restuarant Plan ReYiew- > $ls.00 DRB Fee--------------------> so - 00 TOTAL FEES--------> s3.00 So. o0 Additional Fees------> ($7s.00) $o.oo s0. oo $0.00 $?8 . o0 Total Permit Fee-----> Payments-------:-- > BALANCE DUE....-.-- > Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L2/07/2oo4 JHM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BI_,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (Br,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 UMe, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (SI,DE.): INSTAI,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER L0 oF THE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER L0 OF TIIE 1-99? rMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SIIALL BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHAI-,IJ TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE T997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CTIAPTER 3 AI{D SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 t]MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE T997 IYIC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIAIJIT BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. INITESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMTT,PITANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING BOIIJERS S}IAIJI-' BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRATN PER sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. POSTED TN MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRTOR HEJATTNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY sF,c. Lo22 OF TI{E 1"997 UMC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. PJQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,'RS IN PM. BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 5A? PAI DEC A2 '84 11111 rPruc nor wtrr flot !! rcctFTED lF tficofi?tlTl oR utlslctllD Prot d l: luiUlng Pcnnit #:- trcoranut Prrmn r]@f, 9tO-479- 2138 (tnrpcctlonr) mwwvrb 75 S. Froatrgc Rd.Permit will not be accepted without Room loom Calct. F-, t t/r"'-D|e. SubdvBion: Wort Clc: ierw ( )Mdluon ( )Af,teratlon R€palr( ) OUto(X) Ooes arr EHU exbt at this laatbn:Yes( ) No( ) ti'rcial( ) Rctt'ur'nt( ) Otttg 4 flo. of%tttodauon units ln tfiis bulldlttg: rcnvpa of ffcpgc Prcposcd: Gas Appllrnccs ( coi|PLETEvAtuATlof!FoFlr|Ec}|A'{IcTLPERilIT(labori}tater|a|c) coirTRACTOn t til FoRttlATlOtl -']"1 "? 1',\ ...r...ata...... or..r.......-........r rFfOR, O?4Gt USE OllLVt rrtrrrr rrt'ro rr r' rt r trr"rt) trrrrr' ' w2 PAz DEC A2 '44 11:11 Ol{)l)l:l (,trl ,tr Heater (H) or decorative (D) rated PHAZEF.o logs Ceramic Glass 100% safety shut-off NJo hearlh extension reouired Se,tled cot"tbrrstton char.r'ber ,n- ".*,Bedric':m approved Bedsittrng room approved Bathroom .ipproved t H]| Hr Hr H{ ora ssSss 5ssss SSSSS Sssss YYY YYYYY YYYYY YVw s o (J oo ; -ooo oooo oooo oooo oooo (J -ooo J I t Ivlonlr- CI.iOl6 Door size Blower Limrted Lrt'etime \A/arranty 14 r l8i/r 21r/s x 16 r/a 16 x 23r/,, |] r 1r!. t )J1...1g]t, S S L,,,,'.cu Lrcrrrrq vvdrranry 5 5 S S ' (-ertrfied to Lhe\tnred Gas Frepta.e Heater Standnrd in Canada & Uided States: CSA l.ll ,.nd ANSI Z?l 88.! " C!''-t,lied Lo i-.rnJdia^ & Amer;..n Standdds, C5A 1.22-Wg and ANSI 22 .50_ l99E for vented Bas ti€pta(eE 1l Teited to borh 12l 46.22i.88 and CSA 2 32, CSA Zjl ro Canadi.n .nd Arne.i.an Standards Gt3600 Flush glJss door Eay wir daw gfass doo. Bay frort wnn Sa,bty s61sgn Bay freme assembly Bay glass asser,rbly Bay screen assearbly Decorative door kits in gold plated or black availaHe n webbed rrched or arched Wet'bed. blar,k arched door facia r.y,rh iL6h !s5r dir,i Decof"tive brick oanels 2' polishe<t brass trim kit Lower ouvres in black PB. AB or brushed starnles steel Gold plated louvres Golcl plated door trirn Go;d plated or blacft o.nameltal inset Cast 'ron surrounds avajiable in painted black and 8reen. brown, biue al.d black porcelain enamel Andirons Advantage hand heid rernote control (.isnar dsohy) Advantage Plus hand held remote control fihclhoiri co ud)\r'Vall thernostat ZerO CleafanCe kit rfor cornbustrUrc coirrru.ren rppl(,&ons) Delurc flarhing ldt3 0,<r..,,..qq r,-)t 6" & 9' blk, polished brass, antique brass, brushed st.steel w(n blk rrim. porcelarn aln ond. blk or greer Cxtrudcd aluminum trim kitr 3 or 4 srded, polished black or- brass, textured black Eacker pletet lt 6D;c) {fir cDr4.)I or.4 sded. rnatte blk incl gold acry',c accent rim Saric 3D 0eshing 5' & 9" black or oolished brass : L -d:t::..[Ghlnf tl-.r opcdntr up ro 2r" r ,|l- .nd t,, lr$tnr ft. cF|cnint, up ro jO,, r 4!,,, t oco fttcrcr ptrac -tr!-99a{1ry g to ttr2a Jta't , 11U1') (ttttJ t,,t,, r J2'.) ftd 1 ,1d.4 d..openints up to (tt t6 tr2" r {a ya") (tft at tta,, r j2..) -r\al \'./ \-/' (J i#ry';r ffid_..'iL-**ll a o o at o o f-6--1-r /L-J\|tr4 l-t--31 lvllastintr-(i Fon Youn INsrRr STANDARD: S '(for baf front orlyi OPTIONAL O YES:Y NiA. lll(n.)rr. GDI++ I{Lrr-ri:r- (ii-tlZe MoDEL GIf 600 OisLnco lrcn Frrebor to Mait€l ITU lnput 8ru Oueut AFUE Hlnlmum Fh:phc. Opcnln! l.lrr. StGrdf Strte CDl30 Naturdt Gas Propane GDl44 Natural Gas Proflaoe GDIZC Narural Gas Propane Gi30l6 Natural Gas Propanc Gl36@ Narural Ga!pfopanc r 5,000 . 24.500 19,000 - 24.5@ | 3,000 - 4q@0 ro000 - 40.000 r4.0@ - 2dm0 15,@0 . 24,000 20.m0 . 30,@0 18,500 - 21,000 16,@0 . 2{000 17.000 . 2z0@ r2"750 - 2 t,000 r2,750 - 2 r,0@ 9,000 - 27,500 5,900 - 27,600 10,200 . 20.400 I tpm - 20J@ r5,200 . 21800 t4,t00 - t8,2S 10,600 - t5.9@ 11300 - | 5.900 85% 85% 69% 69x 6); 85x 76% 76x 6796 72* 82% 82% 7 79% 61X 61% 2fWx21 3/4'Hx 18" D 28"Wx?l3/fHx 18' O 32Wx2l"Hx l6'D 3Z'W x 2l"H x 15" D 25"W x l,l l/2'H x ll" D 25'W x 14 t/7'H x l l'O 25 l/TW x 21" H x l7 12' D 16 ll2'w x 2l'H x 17 12.D 25 ll2'W x 17 t/2'H x t6 t2, D ?5 l/2'W x t7 ln' H x 16 t/2' O t"'.r:: '.-. j -j: \j -.. .li:':,j :j*. G..oo(G^^ NOTE: TT{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: rtt**t*tatattt*atattatl*tttttttttiataatatttt!tta|ttttttttllatlalaltll*illlattlta*i+ltlalaltl,ittltalaall*llaltll*ltllilla*tllallaltlltlitlgttaila*Item: 05100 BIIILDMG DEPARIT{EIiIT o9/t5/2OO3 df Action: AP Iten: 056O0 FIRE DEPARISIE{T TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479.2t38 Mechanical-> Plm Check-> lnvestigation-> Will Call--> L.a?./ -A.{/- \$ L.f-Bqo DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR #202 ParcelNo...: 210301406009 ProjectNo : OWNER DARIJAK, iTOSEPH iI. 422 IJOWERIJINE ST NEW ORIJEANS IJA 70118 IJicense: CONTRACIOR ROD I{AlIr COMPANC 255 WyA$IDOT STREm DENVER, CO fJo223 Lriceuse: 150-M APPLICAIIT ROD IAI.L COMPAIiIY 255 WYA}IDOT STREET DEN\IER, CO 80223 Licenge:150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: S2,500.00 Fireplace lnfomatioa Reslrictsd: Y # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 M03-0rs8 Status.. . : ISSLJED Applied.. : 08/2912003 Issued. . : 091152A03 Expires. .: 03/131200/ 08/29/2003 Phone: os/29/2OO3 Phone: 303-777-77OO asl29/2OO3 Phoue: 3O3-777-170O # ofGas tngs: 0 # of wmd Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY tltl*ta'|trtatrrt..rr.r.rr.r*rratr'rrttarrrarl|ar$.rar*.ra*rr'lt $60.00 Restuarant Plsn Review-> Sls. 0O DRB Fes---------------> s0. 00 ToTAL FEES--> s3.00 So.o0 Tobl Calculated Fees-> S0.00 AdditiotrslFs€s'--------> $?8 .00 Totol Pemit F€€--> PaYm€nts-'> BAt {{CE DUE---.----.-> $?8. 00 ($78.00) $0.00 90.00 $0. 00 Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : Cordz 22 (BIIDG.): COMBIISTION AIR IS REQIERED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTIOII 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAJ.,LATIOII MUST CONFOR!! TO 10 oF THE 1997 ttMC, CmPTER 10 OF TIIE Cond: 25 CONDMON OF APPROVAL FIEITD IIISPECTIOI{S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI'IPLIA\ICE. MANT'FACTURES INSTRI]CTIONS AIID TO CIIAPTER 1997 rMC. (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIIIAIICES SHAIIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AtiID SmIJr TERI'INiNTE AS SPECIFIM IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR CIIAPIER B OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEjATIIIG EQITIPMENT MUST COMPITY WrTII CHAPTER 3 NiID S8C.1017 OF TIE 1997 I]MC ATiTD CIiAPTER 3 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 3L (BIJDG.): BOILERf! SIIAIJIT BE MOIINTED ON FI'OORS OF IIONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NITESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FL,@RIUG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLIII{S ASID CODE AIiBITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHA}TICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO A}I IIiISPEqTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAIIiBGE OF MECHAIiIICAL R@MS COIITAIIIII{G HEATING OR HOI-WATER SITPPLY BOIITERS SIIAITIJ BE EQITIPPED WITII A FIOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OE THE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F XsE L997 turc. DECI.A,RA'TIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requir€d, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informafion as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plarL to comply with all Town ordinances and scate laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HO(ru IN ADV AT47$2149 ORATOUROFF|CE FROM 8:@ AM -4 PM. ANDOWNEF "F.1. PAt RUE A '43 tz.ffi APPUCATIOfi IYIIL iloT BE AGGEPTED tF II{G0IIIPIETE oR UIISIGNED ProJed#: Bulldlng Pennft #:lldanlcal Permlt #: 97 G 47 9 -lt3a Gnepecdons) Alr Flue, Caks. Cut/ Permit wtft nor be accepted wittrout neEiloilii6l Parce to *B rooKft<a t lr,r'rt zaz LqalDescrtpuon I Loh [Uct, fl nlng,SubdMsbn: Ar{r|fers Englneer: re Phone: tletalH &scrlptton of no*:a6 aoa Tl,tS - t 0arrrocL ttrsp-+ niZt z-a l , tttt g-t4-i ' Boflerlocatlon; tnterlor( I exbbrt l Onert I DoesanEHLlerlstatthlslocatbn: yes( ) No( ) TypeofBHg:SklgFhmtV( ) erphxl 1 l,luU-lemrtyt I Con'rmiart tR".t"r,t( ) Othffi - -\l,lo. olEnlsflrE Durclllq Unlts ln ttrfs bulldlrq:No. of Ammmodatlon Unfrs ln thls bulldlrg: -NqEvDedFfreDtaces nsum: C'asAoBthnces( I c6lms( ) wood/peltd( ) WoodBumhs(r() No/Type of Flrcplaces Proposed: cas Apgltarrc fi1 Gas Logs t t ALLoutED) ls thls a convcfu COIIPLETE VALUATIOT{ FOR MACHANICAL pERittT (labor & Matertats) GONTRACTOR IT'IFORHAIIOil ,o MFflianlcal c (crl +son lCo 'T#lRpl*''Fontact and Phone #t:LkTl< .*4')q74a20d Contractor SlgnaE al.t.tta*alatatalttltaatt.lal*atttt.trFOR OFFICE USE OIILY*rr"r**rr'rrrl.rr..r**lrr..trr**rrr. ,'Ti[fr"8B$"e P'PG lEq€dTlmo: @@All Pltqle: 3S'.?7'-7'0O Enh€dBS tCffBElJ. K A v W Yi \i flr e i,.: ReEuGstEd l]l3FestPab: UEdn€sdly, S€ptembcrz4, @t ' lnsffiitlonAr€o: CD SiteAddrcsc; 970 vALlf,EW mVAL @VAR.1IEUUDRSaz Ststrs lSSrt.ED SppArsa: CD sDrlffi s# PfFru 3e7n77m mfDm: 3&m-200 AF,Dlntbnns!4s ArGrltf, lffBol@ nDs; SkIECH ComiTvl6: Grumfpv O$ilfl: DARIIK,.GEPHJ. ASdh€NE rcD}nttOOMPA$[Y Cr*tu&n RODI{Att@fi,FAhfY Dwlpdon: @l{UEiRT FROftI W@ TO GAS IhSSERT eus&sumsuedel lEflri Rqlsr @limsnh AsshrudTo:- AGdail tmficailgrtu88lrx Arflon: APAPPRd/ED e00 3to 316 s0 so 3ln 3S bn: &rn:bn: Estu bn:&rfi bn: Run Id: L3t0 REPS131 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DEPARTMENT oF coMMUNrrY **tJi{T" e M*rv* I i g 3.J(r- J.--r--r- .J O 3\&x c- Cl-^^{ 3oA(b NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI/TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL location.....: 970 VALLEY VIEW DR #302 C ParcelNo...: 210301406032 ProjectNo , ?R'_O5 o2O6 oI{NER HoovEN, Roti[A],D M. & KATHTJEEN0T/30/2003 phone: 980 \rArL VrEW DR C-302 VAIIr CO 81557 License: CONIRACTOR DOITBLE Q EIJECTRIC 07/30/2003 Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. B,OX 242 EDWARDS CO 4L632 License:190-E APPITICAIqI DOITBLE Q EfTECTRIC O7/30/2OO3 Phone: 970-74a-97AO P.O. B,OX 242 EDWARDS CO 8L632 Licenge: 19O-E Desciption: INTERIORREMODEL Valuation: $3,000.00 t*tttttttt*tstttittttittaN*rtitaattttttttttttiattttttltttttttlittllaia FEE ST MMARY ll*ttlllalt!|lt!tlaa*t*lllialaaltlt*||ara'rraatr*t*rtralarlaaat ss4 - o0 s0. 0o $0.00 93.oo $57.00 Permit #: E03-0116 T[43-ot2t Status... : ISSUED Applied.. : 07R0/2003 Issued. . : 07RO/2003 Expires. .: 01n6l2004 Etectical--> DRB Fee-------> Investigation--> will cbll------> TOTALFMS->BAtAltcE DUE---------> ..|.|t|t|||*||'||.t||t'*ltt||t|.i.|l.t..*t.'.|.l|g|t|t|:l||ll|'.t|.*|*lt||||*.'{.|a..! Apnrovals:I€,6m: 06000 EI-,ECIRICAIJ DEPARTMENT 07/3O/2O03 DF Action: AP It,em: 05500 FIRE DEPARI'I{ENT |.|t|t'|tt||t|||:||'.'tlt*|'*t|||'|l.tt|a|i|f|1||''|t$|''|l*|l|t||'|| CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAI{CE. tt|'||.t.|..*'|..|..|.t.||t|t|||'1|'|..*.|tt||lt.t|'|'|'.....|.||*ttt|1||.l.i...,tt|tt||.|..|.|*t|||||!| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thaf I have read this applicationo filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan' and state that all the information as required is conecl I agree to comply with the information and plot plarU to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. Toral Calcul&d Fe€s> Additional Fess-----------> Total Pennit F€e-------> ss?.00 $0. 00 957.00 $57 ,0o 90. oo REQTJESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIjR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATUREOF 47v2149 0R OmCE FROM 8:004M-4 PM. FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF ****'f *****{.*'}******t'tr**'N'****'l*{.***t,N******'l***'f {.*,i**'N*****'N****'i't***t***'l******{.***,1{.***'N"N,'i* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staternent ******aA****A**tl't'&**************'Ftt****t*'8******ti.,l.*****A**{r{.'1.***{.***{'tt*'}**'r****tt'l'tr*******{.* Statement Nurnber: R030004411 Anount: 95?.00 07/30/2OO3L2:37 PN! Palment Method: check Irdt: LC Noeatlon: #11348/Double Q Permit No: E03-0116 Tlpe: ELECIRICAIT PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3OL4O5O32 Sile Address: 970 \IAIL 1rIEW DR VAIt Location: 970 \n$TIJEY \rIEW DR #302 C Total Fees: 957.00 ThLs Palmertt: $57.00 Tota1 ALL, Pmts: $57.00 Balance: $0.00 't**,i*'N.{.'|.**'t'N.{.******'N'tl.'8**'ttl,l*!*'*t|''&'&*'Nt**'&,it'.,.*********'l*!t'lt|.''****,i*'N',.***'t't'l*'r******a*'l*'l{.*{.***8 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEMPOMRY POWER PERMITS tJC 00100003112800 l,iILL CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 54. 00 3. 00 87/2gl2sa3 ag:6a g7a-74a-978a DUUEN-E 0 ELEGTRIC APPI.ICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF IT{COIIFLETE OR ProJect *t Building Permlt # Electrlcal Permit #: 97M79-2L49 (Insp*Uom) mwvwwE PAG .62 75 S. tr'rontags Rd. Yall, Golorado E1657 COI{PIETE SQ. FEET FOR NEw BUILDS and VALUATIoNS FOR ALL oT}IERS (t"ahr & Mada|g) ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ \uta cc MOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCIURE: Parcal# r******ii*t*rr*a*rf***rr**r *******t*.*fFOR OFrICE USE ONLY*f*t*rf**t*t.ri*{l*.********t*ttl**f*l Other Fes:tate Recebvedr Fes!n'! Planner $qn-off! Office at97O.328-864O or vlslt for 'oo N"t?o a c- AteL*+e t9,ff'fftnrvtqt oo%e aafl Lggal DsslpUon Lotl Blodr:Flllng:Subdtvislon: ffi,qtFvt*n*ru Eig'r-lr W'.tt lPhT"' Pal,y.,''Jo L- l(,d,nl.a.u- lt-q q. <u t h)r s L llq t+f t WorkChss: Ne$r( ) Addltion( )' Rernottel$ Repalr( ) TemPPorver( ) Otrer(') work Type: Interior 84 Frterlor ( ) Both ( ' )Does an EHU erdst at thls loetlon: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypofBldi.r slngrle.hmlly( ) oupler( ) Multl.hmlly;lf commerslal( ) Resburant( ) oher( ) No. of Existlng tlwelllng Unfts In this buildlng: _ LZ No. of Accommdation Units in thls bulldlng: tL Is thls Fermlt for a hot tub: Ye ( ) No (1|, F/svwygn€flonnvde@erm *&'t"6 TOWNOF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMTINITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8t657 970-4.79.2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M03{125 Eo3-ot\a Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR #302C Applied . . : 07121t2003 Parcel No...: 2103014A6$2 Issued . . : O8/05n003 ProjectNo : ?(AS-63- or.q Expires. .: o2l0l?00r'. oI{NER H@VEN, ROt{Ar,D M. & KAIErrEEN0T/2L/2OO3 pbone: 980 VAIIr \,lItW DR C-302 \n\IIr CO 4L657 IJicense: coNTRAeIOR ROD mIJJ COMPANy O7/2L/2O0} Phone: g0?-777-77OO 255 WYAI\TDOT STREET DEMTER, CO 4o223 Iricense:150-M APPIJICAIiIT RoD IIAITIT COMPANS 07/21,/2003 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYAIIDOtr STREET DEtiMR, CO 40223 Lricense:150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM W@D TO GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $3,000.00 Fireplace lnfonnation: Rsstricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Cas Lgr: 0 f of W@d Peuet 0 |||||N|i||.||..||t.*'|*||'|||'.i.|......|!i|...|{...'t.|.|.|..d|.||'..FEEsUMMARY|'||.|'|...'.'l|.'..|.i|'.|..|.||i|{|l|'.'.'.....|tll.|.....*t.i lnvestigation-> Will Ca[--> S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES--------------> S78 , 00 Total Permit Fe-->90. 00 s3.00 Pcymenb------.-------- 50.00 BALAT\,ICE DUE---------> Iten: 05100 BUIIJDTIIG DEPARTMEI$I I7/2L/2OO3 DF Action: AP ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARII{EIIT CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQITIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cotd: 22 (BLDG.): COMBIISTION AIR IS REQIIIRU) PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): MSTA.LLTAIIION MUST COIIFORM TO MAI\IITFACTORES IISSTRUCIIONS AI\ID TO CEAPTER 10 OF TTTE 1997 I'ME, EIIAHTER 10 OF TI.I3 1997 IME. Cond: 25 Mechanical--> 550.00 ReJtuarsnt Plan Review--> PIen Check-> 515.00 DRB F€s.---------*---> S0.00 Total Calsulated Fe€s-> 978. oo 50.00 Additional Fees.-----+ ($78.00) $0. 0o (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SIIAIIIT BE VEIITED ACCORDTIIG TO CEAPIER I A]rD SIIAIIJ TERI,TIIIAIE AS SPECIFIED III SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 199? I,MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IME. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQI'IPMENT MI,ST coMP',Y WIITT CHAPTER 3 AIiID sEc.1O1.7 oF TIIE 1997 I]MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE L997 TTTIC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHAITIJ BE MOITNTED OII FIOORfI OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IINITESS ITISTEI) FOR MOI]!{TIIIG OII COMBIISTIBITE EIJ@RING. Coud: 32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PLAIIIS AlfD CODE ASIAIJYSTS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIADIICA].r ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAINAGE OF IIIECHASIIC3IJ ROOMI! COIITAINING EEATING OR I|OT-WATER SITPPLY BOIIJERS SIIAIJJ BE EQUIPPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAI}I PER SEC. LO22 OE Tffi L997 I'MC, OR sEerIoN 1004.6 0F TrrE 1997 IMC. DECLARA'TIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informafion as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this smcfire according to the towns zoning and suMivision codeg design review approve4 Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVA}ICE BY TELEPHONE AT OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER HIMSELFANDOWNET 4A? PAVBT JUL 1€ ',43 13:S APPUCATION WITL TTOT BE ACCEFTEO IF II{COilPLETE OR UTISIGilEO ProJect #: Bulldlng Permlt * mvflW iledtankaf pernrftE rnl'cl|antcat PSfrnlt f ; 97 o-479-Zt:t8 (Impecfi ill- Permitwlf notoe@ ifedrankal Loss Caks. '<E- 3oa g Wbrk Cfass; t{esr ( )AddlEon( ) AttdnUon(o Repafr( ) Otrer( )Boller Loca0on,Does an Eru exisr atttrls loeton: -Rf*ffiT t fype d 8ld9: SlrElehnil No,olErrttrqDre@ No. of Accommodafl@ Unib m tnfs tuftalng ruo/fyp" of nt"pt"oes Wood/Pdtet( ) wod&nninglNor@ a lvood bumlng flreptace to an collPLETE vAtuATrolr Fon MEcHAilTcAL pEnHr(rabr a Maeaar; COT{TRACTOR IIIFORI|ATIO ItI 3o3 nl11 - 1 '/o o ffi rrrr-!+l9R gFEICE USE olIlVrr**rr*r*rrr*..*.*rr..rr.rrrrr*r* h6p$_on Rer$r8stg l IneF€of Qab: ftucdry, Argud2l,2@l - lnffidEonAreq OF Slb Addregs: C70 VA[- t lEUt DR VAL ffiDfieffiflufi AcfifAfi lffil+lzs e@Tp6: @\fALtEWDRfrbAC TypG erfficN{otw *S&n:lmpAru: FhorE 3tFl-?77-270o Fho$f 3fi1?7?-77m FSUED DF oufthn IEOIJEN,ROSIAIDM.& Ocsmitm t.&KAfiLEENR. rrT Affi8calr RODI{ALLeOfitPAilf cd&ffi R@t{At"tcortPArw ( IHffii: CO[rfdERT FROM $rcD TO GAB F&EPL€E \)UO Cfi"rrrerfpatu'q.ea^ /Dau* / P4"a- fu,'.^- .a r,, .,, t , -z t R n s flffi€r v L/ /)l:- L t-()3 Ja.lbflil 380 8tBcH-Flnal RearcstedTtmc: os@Afi 7-{A+Rqueor L"M Pi|ors qiTn-Timq-Wn- tuhdTo: CDAIflS i N - Acrhru W TtnsEry: /2 Enbt€'lB!fi lffit * (\ InsFcdfnlss&Er bn: ?0O flEcf$R€x$ll [en: 3t0 MECH*|ffi bm: 315 rudB€sPlfu lb|'r: filo RIECFI-Edunit[bqie Emr: 35 i|ECl+SuDolvAS h: 34O llECl{ilfde.-bn: m ftEc|{-Ftrrt '-."----_-/ REFT131.Rtur Id: L25{ Reaue€fie.|InsleotDab; !ff *fty, July30, @Gl *#ffi,ffivfiLwffiffi A|FDlI6m6ffdl Acfiilr m.Ot26 TyB: BIilECH SDTyDG AMF S0afiEt AFFRWED CorueTrn6: Ocqpaitu tEe hsptrca: DF Siisn H(nEN.Rth!filDll.&f;AEfl.EENR. *rT Aea8cant RODF|ALLCOIFAfrV Fhm: SfiFn Ztm Cd&acbn RetDH LLOOIFA'$I Fhffi 9tFl-777.??m Bscrlpd@n OO|in ERTFRCT WOODTOOASFFEPI#€ MsEercHMb! l, . ^. n rt )Itlil eoo tsEctt{llsa AtVYltl*Rerye RODIiAIIeOMP ]r]- I ' #kfr?u3A*o-' Pfun: ffi-trn4-ntz?1 ComrEnls pr€csrsEBooffisaSfilc - /'Adhn: fr--T- ltne Ep: tJ lnsdonHhbrlt fieflf, tCIo nHn: 3.|O hn 3lS bm: Str Not'E fiD hn: 3O fisrr 30 En0afqlqf &PLOEN K b.\LAlLuV-- ,ffi I ./1 t,p,M* w,,You(,*^ "l(w t' l'e lr-'^'Yt'u"'*/w| tJ Mfr'%,tr Mr,il-*I 4^r-K'[\1"1 f rfiJl b' IJ'i AP I NEFT131 Rgn Id3 LzLa ^"&3. r.$ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0266 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: BROOKTREE UNIT C-l 13 ParcelNo...: 210301406025 Project No : omvER ARNOLD, IJORRaINE C. L2/23/20O2 Phone: 1507 I(EEI-,E CIR CARPENTERSVIIJIJE IL 60110-3105 Iricense : CONTRACTOR ROD IIAI,,IJ COMPAIIY 255 WYATiTDOT STREET DETTVER, EO 80223 L,ieense:150-M APPI-,ICAIfrT ROD ITAI.I. COMPA}IY 255 IVYATIDOT STREET DEEWER, CO fJo223 Iricense: 15O-M Descipion: CONVERT TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $1,500.00 L2/23/20o2 Phone: 303-777-7700 t2/23/2002 Phone: 303-777-77O0 Fireplacc lnbrmation: Restrigted: Y # ofGes Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 #of Wmd Peuet: 0 {.**|.'|..**.*.''t'...**.i!!..*.'|.t|t|.||t..a.'N*.*|ltt|tiN'Nt'|t'|.|.t|tt.i.1.FEEsUMY 50.00 Total Calculaled Fees-->$s3 . o0 Status. .. : ISSLJED Applied.. : 1U2312002 Issued. . : 0l/07n003 Expires. .: 07/0612003 S0.00 Additional Fees__---_> (gs3 . 00) E53 . o0 Total Permit Fee--> BAI-ANCE DIJE----.-.> rlitt{.*a1.i*lll**t TICm: O51OO BUILDING DEPARIII{ENT L2/23/2OO2 DF ItEN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTT{BIT $4o. oo Restrlaranl Plan RevierY-> $10.00 DRBFee-.------.-.--.- E0 . o0 TOTAL FEES---.*-.> $3.00 Action: AP M€chanical-> PIan Check-> hvestigation-> Will Call---> 9(@tcl-"-^-'-- 90.00 $0.00 s0. 00 CONDINON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,,DG.): FIELTD IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cor.dz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIR$ PtR SEC. ?01 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI,DG.): INSTAJ.TLTATIOIT MUST CONFOR!{ TO MANUFaCTITRES INSTRUC"TIONS e}rD TO CIIAPTER ].0 OF TITE 1997 ITMC, CHAPTER 10 OF TITE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIAITCES SIIAIrIT BE VEIIITED ACCORDING TO CI{APTER I AIIID SIIA]..IT TERI,IINATE AS SPECIFIM IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I'I{C, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQIIIPMBIT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID S8e.1017 OF TI{E 1997 t'MC A}ID CHAPfER 3 OF IIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,,DG. ) : BOILERS SHAITI-' BE MOIlliITm ON FIJOORS OF NOIICO!4BUSTIBLE CONST. ITNITESS IJISTED FOR MOIINIING OII COMBUSTIBI-,B FL@RI\IG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAI{S AIID CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECITAIIICAIT R@M PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTIO}T RTQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAI ROOMS CONTAINIIIIG HEATING OR IIOT-WATER SITPPLY BOIIJERS SIIAIIJ BE EQIrIPPED WIIIT A FI-IOOR DRATN PER SEC. LO22 OF TIIE 1997 I'trItC, OR sEcTroN L004.5 0F THE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read tlis application, filled out in full the infomration required completed an accurafe plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approve{ Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Tovm applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TIVENTY.FOIJR HOI.JRS IN TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. r</-7- FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF U' Iru/Vtlwulfr. 75 S. Frromtags Rd. Vall, Colotado 81657 I AFPllc ltollwllt ?LE rut DEC U '@, LAtz. ORUT{SilGIIED Permit #: P€tmlt *z 'iz a+tg -ztzg (rnspediottf) %outtheforlorrving:Pernilt wlll not be aacepte( Prqrld€ lldtanhal Roo-m lay.out dqstn to sGaS to lndude: i6inoimenilonc Alr Dttct Alr Duct Gsg t*uanrc,fu,nyt 1u, ( ) otts( ) WorkOass: Nev( ) Addluon ( ) - AlEnuqn(ffi()No()( ) -odt"t!l ffis"gI*e''dvtt ffiffi-"uo"-u"rs ln tlds bufldlng: N". d Unltr In thts bttlldw: @tEAmll"*GasLqsa ) wood/Pdlet( '/70 ooNTRACTOn inronulrron r*....ttt*trl*|t|.t.t.ti*r.rtr**""W*r**tlttr**rrtt*&l*'*tt'i'.ll*l$tt 4.,^ F+*\ G| {50 Dv l(ATA}lDlIrl SEOFICATIONS ?LB @, raasuElE'tts at(rsoE FfOI'lTGSll AID ^lEI TIOSCATE L@rB DEC N '@ ') 34 rtn6' I rBor|luafl - , I ) r.xtT $DE vrEuf TOPv|E T\BPW DECfr'@ LA.23 Welcome t9 Jof,Il.--Listing Standards U C.ongrarulations on the purchase of your new GtdlSO DV Kanhdin Dlrefl Venr Gas Flreplace lnserL n We atjotul are happv lou've mede th€ d€clsion to sannvour heanh $,ith alotul producr' Your new Kalahdln beneflts from our experlence at rhe uodd's larglest manufacrurer of solld fuel buming appliances for oner | 4O years' We'vc been rnaklng fine qualtty cast iron rapod and coa! stove: and flreplacel cootlnuouJtt slnce r ES3' tn dre Kauhdin. wc"re combinedadvanced gras terhnology wlrh the warm, tradigional chmcnts of c.$ iron. wilh pTopet clre and ure. vourjctul flreplace will prwldc you wi(h manyyears of safe. dependable and satlsfulng servke' TheJaul Gl45o Dv Kauhdin i5 a dircd venEed gas hearer designed and approred for inflallation into an existing masonry flreplace Please take a fqr rnlnut€s ro farnillarlze yourself with tttiS manual and the features of your KataMln FirePlace lnsert lftgu Ratcs Tlre input nlte on the KaEhcran gas aFsett l5 33,OOO ETU/* maxrmum Inpur on the hlgh sening r9r-b-{! n""irat gr and propane. adjusted d{rA'n 19 26.000 EIt /hr minimum on the low sening. for both natural gas urd Propanc. Thlg aDpllanse comPlies with Natbnal sahly.$an' ;fiffi;l;red;aina nrteo bv ns' Intetiek io.ii cs"-tos of Mkidleton. Witconsin- tn addidon dre KcaMtn gras insencompthsl|th atd ilffi;.&tJana rstdas " alrecvem gas fiedace heater and lirtcd to: ANst z2l.EE r ggE (NFPA t4l CSA2.33'M96 forCanada DO NOT AITEilPTTO AtrB on uoDtFY!1E -CoiisrnrlcnoN oF THls ^PPLIANcE oR rT5- - coMPo;cins -arwuooncanoN oRALTEBAlloN -diir-t crD THEwARRANTY' csnFKArPN AND USNNCOFTH6APN.IANCE. Genenl Requitements TI{8IIEATEN M' TE|ISTA|'I.ED A}ID [iAfiTANP BY A (UALIFIED SENVICE ACE}ICY- rhe incallrdon urd rcpair of thls epDfience nusr iJ aoii dv i cuallllcd-servicc eortoit' rdstc 19 oroocrlv lnstalt and meintein tDit lre'tct. cculo ;;;tri; ia *soe or hazatdout- insnlletion' w-ilctr may tcrult in a fne' cxPlosiot' F oDery oan"g., isrso,t l inJury or loss of lffe' fhb.FDllilla shoultl !c insFrtrcd hfora.rse end * lcast mooelly. llorr ficqscrt de'ulllg mry bc requircd duc roercesivG-linl tron carDcflrrgL reaal-ns neterbl' Gte lt is inperetive- uler contrd-lornparrrmnts, burner ild clltrrrmng ;iil;ag.J"!r" of rhe apstianre bc kepr <hrn 5'e33rsr que le bruleur ct le couparrimelr-de: corrnandcs so|tr PtoDnea v"ir les l Sgllrcoolls Clnsralrrion 9t dudli5etbn qui accoopagncnt frtparciL Nat{ral g}as 33.ooo ETU/hr. m6)(trnum hPUt 26.000 8TUAr. tnlnlttrun intr,rt Propane 33,OoO ETU/hr. marimunr inprn 26.000 8TU/hr' rnanimum in[nrt 4 The incta llatott mus* confa,n to lacrl Gcdcr' vqrr tacrl rgtul dealer csn as3itt ltou ln dcterninlngwfat ir rccuired In Your arca fior e cafe rnd legl inrtatlatt'ot' Some araes-requlre a P€tmitto infill a gsr bomlng appliance- Aviilrs consuBpur local hrllditrS iBPGCtor ot euihori| having;uaididion to &trrmine what rquh- tiom apply inyourare& RTMEMBER Yeur locrl offi cials hawfl nal autlurity in dsterrlining if a ProPoscd initettatbn ls ac'Ptzlh' Any roqulrernerrt thrt is rcquested by thc locrl autfioriy hainr i,.rrirdistiotrthtti! nstspsctfi cdlyddrosrcd in Txlg ianual dcfaulB to local codq. In the abconcc of l*d ode. the irutaltation reqr.dranrotr m$t comCy with dre current Ndonal coder Inthe U& th€te reoulremctrtt rre establtshed in dre irlarisal fud Code, ar,ig Zzzf .r.NFPA t4l. In Caneda,lhc edes h:cr bcdl estabtished in CANTCGA B:49 F r€l lnstdhlett Co&' lllitrllcr l'.PParell s.lon le9 cod€6 ou rcglerrentr locrux,q+en l'a brcnce de tdl reglsnentr' eclon 16 Codesd instdlatlon CAN/CGAS149. DO t|('T OP€RATE TI{I5 INSENT IF AHY PART HIII BEENUNDERWAI& lrnrrediebly calt a grralified srrv{ce t€rhnidan to anspe(t thc hetter any' to rcplace any part oft{re coltrcl rystem and anygat @lfttol ivhlch ha: beeo undd rtt*r' hle per ce rervir de cet aPParcit sll a ete' ptongc drns t'eau. coh/ctemcnt ou eoParte. Appchr untcclmichn qu.lafie pour insPecter lbPPateil et renplacertoutc drrtie du sfrtgmc de controle et toutc commande qui ont ets dongeg darrs l'eau. Oo not oPerrte the ltatahdin gar imert pi6t tts qta$ front tenoved, cracled or bmken Rcy'ecunort ol fhc el ass should be donc by a licenrad or qudilled ssvi(G panin- Only rarnove gters for rorrtine :crvice Alwayr ha rdle glass cr relfu lly. Pour utillsrtion avec les portrs en vcrrc cerifrerr avod I'appareil redemend ou Nc par utili*rnrcc der Portes on vqrre. ?LB PA4 tds{Yl{o|!cet Ttrc Kataldn g83 ilrrert rcill. durlng normal operadon. O reatfr hlghsurface temp€tirtures $rcrcfotc: I Ducro thc hhilr opcrerirp tenPcnturgt thit esptiensc shor6 bc lo'Entd ow ot $afflc rnd eliry ftorn furnlrure rnd dtrDetics r Gmdno illd rtrdg should bc dcnd rc tln lrrzerds of hlgh sutfeGe tGtllpcfirtgr-csstld JtrouU srer ryry to avoid burnl ot dosl*U igohron I Y@ng chlldr.tr shottld h supervlsed qhllc drcy;re la tte silno room a3 the lgrahfin gl.J il|'crG I Chthlng orodrqrflarnnreUc nrGtrd3 3hculd not lG furcdl Ot{ or NEAR rhe K*rhdh ges lmcrc I Srxvolltcr tcs cnfents- f'erder hs Ycts'n€nts. bs nenBog l'6sgrre ou artacs ftulder a vrpcur inflalune0lee ldn do l'eDFrell' I llEfrEl :stote or use gescline or .Dy oriot flunmeblc rregore or tiquidr in tbt vicinlry of dre l(erehdln gar inrcrt I llcvnr burn any oiher fnat€ridr In yo-ur rratehdin ms inrcrb it ir srrkdv dcrigncd for uscdtb mtunlges or proPerE tuelgl[J' I Any setety screort glais or guerd ranovcd forecryicilg $€ ep/ience nrr t bG rcplaced prlcr to openrlne dre aPPllence' Blqrer/Bectrlal Harard Yhe rcrbhdh glr inrqttBtOWER nru$ bt chctricafi sqndcd aa rccordenee wnh kl GoCcS q, in tie ibrenc of losl codca,wlth thecurrcnt NFPA 7G lwiorBl Eleeid Codeot CSa C3a.1{arudbn Cods' ftG ret Hin Blow€r il alrcrdy sup/id witfi a thrce prsn8 h.oudltld plugfc potectior agrinsttltoc&- 'rozrraina *t"utO -b iluggd afoc<tt into e ptoptdy gro*lrdd thrs€.F ocgteePt dc' ootttotcuTOR REiiTOVEIHE CROUNIIIIII(I ?roi6 FrotrfiEPalr6. atq;: unplugtlu Ebncr rden Pcrforming rurlfir t€wi<ctothc l(abhdln gas inrcrt" Wc n '@, L4.24 .-rq o I Feq,!€sted In6?e6"t Dsbi ' Asslorted To: InsFcfibfl TyFe: lnsirec8on Al6a: SlfFAfflress: ThursdaY. Jorrusnr c3. 2003 cDAUtS-' tHECll CD g7O VASLVIEW ER VAIL BR(PKTREE UMI E-I,|3 AEplgrsomaldg .Ac$tdhc !l0?{l2CB Two: B-fifficH coffiflTy"6: oEttrF@fft],: Osfri6n ARfiil3LB. IORRA${E C. AFpScan[ RoD I'SALL CO*P NY Requesed |ngedss{sl StnfrrE: FSI,JED hWAr@: CD Uero: 3g! HEgH-Final R€ffI€dDT FOD}KLLCOMPAN/ cofiirnsd8: rc'!ft 'l {3 Asslg@To: cDA!,rS Hon: h$@cfsijkfu'rv lbm: ?fi) Aam: 3to &em: 315 ThE Esp: Actbn: gao 3g) 34t) 380 ttgfir: ndr: flsm:ffin: subrffi: AMF Phoft€: ffi.n7.770o Flequested Tlme: (F:|n AIH - Ph.ffie: T+777-ng) E'|tared BF DGcH.I)€N K nilaY Agton: AFAFFRA\€D APAPPROUED REprl31 Run Id; 754 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 I ( (JJ-\^-^Ct'Yq.qa (_) B-ooG--^-"--^- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIIANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO2-0256 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSIJED Location.....: 980 Vail view Dr Applied . . : 12103D002 Parcel No...: 210301406038 Issued . . : lUOslzOOz ProjectNo : Expires. .: 06rc3f2003 owlIER Itr.,RIeH, L.A. & E. KAy t2/O3/2002 phone: 3621 E GEDDES PIJ ITITTTTETOII CO 80L22 License: coNrRAcToR ROD HA]JIJ COMPAT{Y L2/O3/2OA2 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 $TYENDOT STREET DE\T\IER, CO 80223 Iricense:150-M APPrrrCAltT ROD HAtr., COMPAITy L2/O3/2002 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 IVYAIIDOT STREIET DErIVm., CO 80223 License: 15O-M Desciption: convert wood to gas fueplace Valuation: $2,500.00 Fireplace lnformation: R€stristed: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellef 0 *$*ataN.}|'.io$,tl.s||tN|a'!|t||s||*li|i|i+t|'{.|t|t|t*'t*'9*,.|**.i.||t'.|i|FEEsUMMARY|.''|l1t|$!*.|*i Mechanical--> 560. OO Restufiunt Plan Review-> $0.00 Tolal Calculared Fee$-> 978.00 Plan Check-> Sls.oo DRB Fe€"....-----..--.. $0.00 Additional Fees-> (978.00) Investimtion-> 90 . oo TOTAL FEES > $?8 . oo Totol Permit Fee-> 50 . 00 will call-----> $3 . OO Paymenrs--> 90.00 BAI d\lcE DUE-> 90. O0 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARII4ENT L2/o3/2oo2 DF Action: AP Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARII|ENT CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELO ITTSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIANCE. Condz 22 (BL,,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR rS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 70L oF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTALTLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AI{D TO CIIAPIER 10 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, CmPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (EI,Dfi : CTAS APPIIIANCES SIIAIJJ BE VENTM ACCORDII{TG TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED I1{ SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI,DG. ) : ACCESS To HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MusT coMPI,Y WITH TTE 1997 IruC AT{ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,,DG.): BOfLERS SIIAITIT BE MOITNTED ON FL@RS OF ITOITCOMBIISTIBLE CONST. I]I{L'ESS ITISTD FOR MOI]NIING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIiID CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAI{ICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BIJDG.): DRAIIIAGE OF MECBNICAIT ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR I{OT-WATER SI]PPIJY BOIITERS SIIALIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTrolt 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accumte plot plan, and stafe thaf all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomution and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and sate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY+OIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:([ AM - 4 Plvl CIIAPTER 8 A}ID SMIJL CHAPTER, 8 OF TITE 1997 IMC. EIIAPTER 3 AI\ID SEC.1.O17 OF SIGNATT,JRE OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF APPIJCA 56S PA1 DEC W'@. Ltz& ORUf,SIGTIED lolect s! Bulldlng Permtt f :__-_- Medranlel Permlt#: ' 97 G 47 9-2UtA (Inspedom) mWWYIU 75 3. FrcffigoRd. Vall, Cclotado Ot6St Permlt wlll not be udthout the follorfng: Pnovlde lldunlcat Roon tayout dravn to scale to hdude:o Medunlcal Room Dlmen$ons r . SleendLocadon S|16and Uns Slze SED coifPl.ETE VATUATION FOR UECHANICAL pERirrT (tabor & trtrbrb|3) Job Name €cooLtr \- rrD -3 trJa;rnCoE Har Wqk Clhss: N€ltr ( ) Addtnon ( ) Atbtauon (n Repah( ) our€r( EollsLmtlon: Inebr( ) ExHor( ) OUrs( )banEHue(Kattdslocatlon: yes( ) No( ) Tvpd8@: sfi.gle'hmllv( ) truils( ) &rn€rrdrr0rl conrr"tdat( ) Reste,mrr( ) ooter( ) No. dE{stlng DudXrE Unns In thts hrlldlqg: j 3{o. of Accomnodauon Unlts ln thls buMng: No/fype of FreCs Propced: Ges Applhnces D{ cas tos= a ) wood/pettet ( i -wWl .oo COIUTRACTON, IilFONilArIOII Mecnrr@l @ntracbr: R.od' AJ e fn Trnrn ofVall ReS. No.:/64- N Contadard Phone #s: ,4& 7"2_ q?AC \a^te- A"0l il!tr Slgnaafi€: *attlttt$lattttlta*t*r*tll..t*l.lt*trr*FiOR OFFIGE USE ONLY**rl***br****r.r.ra*r*..!e*1.rtrl*ll, 1?"18.2002 |ltspestlon Request Reporelng - -"=Wruf-e Q.:-[S]ldH. O-f- -- Page25 , H:ffig ffii iFffffJffffi;:'-- Lf6Fn - - s8ovallvie*rDr A rp lnr'nnsgon tJ' IA | re Ac{tultu h102.t}256 Trrna: &MECI-i Consi, Tm6: Gccuosiwv: PaicBt: 21Bro14o€034 Owfier: ULREH, L"A. & E. f.AY Appllceat RAD HALL COMFANY FbsuesqN lllEpeqganfsl Item: R€{tlJ6tor ConimenE: Asslsnsd To:* Acton: 39ffs$E9l-l$lnal ROD\HALL COtfPAl'JY blecj(lsx ReD cDAVTS subTg: amF PhorlB: 3tlS777-n60 nequesedffil @r08AlS fibv77.77W Sffiu$: lnEptuc€: tssN..ED JRM Enbred Bts D6OLDEru K Tima Exp: fi* Actlrn: AFAFPRO\E6 w hEnecdon Hlsbry rtieffl' ?till MECFI-RG'Jgh * Apgovea - 1A{6/01- lnsF€ctor: JRF"{ -' fi6in: 31O ntEcl-l-Hedna flam: 315 PLMB€osPiiinq *Fapisvd* tl/086'2 lnsiedor: "JRM cornmGffi: 2oAAFTEST ll€m 3?0 MEGFI-,Exhausl Flosd$ flffm: 33O MECH-Supdv Alr ttom: 340 ftrtECFl-MS- - liBrn: 390 hffi,eH'Find REPTl31 ,a- Rul'r Icl; 606 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 COI{TRACTOR ROD HAIIL COMPAIiIY 255 WYANDOT STREET DEI{IIER, CO 80223 Lricense: 150-M APPI,ICA}TT ROD IIAIJ., COMPAITY 255 TTYAIIDOT STREHT DETWER, CO 40223 Lricense: 150-M M024230 ISSI.JED ro/2u2002 t0/28/2002 04/2612003 L0/22/2oo2 Phonez 3O3-777-7700 to/22/2002 Phone: 303-777 -7700 # ofcas [ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY rrt'.$.a.at$rtt*rt*****,Nt*r**..{tristt*tt*rrart*t.t..irrtttarat DEpARTMENT oF coMMLTNTTy DEVELoPMENT,,^^.44a1+Aer -8"--d^J OWNER NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR #8211 BR@KTREE CONDO Applied. . : Parcel No...: 2rc301406023 Issued . . : ProjectNo: Expires..: CoNtrToR, irA!{IE STOCKBRIDGE Lo/22/20o2 Phone: 980 VAIIr VIEW DR 8211 \rAIL CO 4L657 License: Desciption: CONVERTING FROM WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $2,000.00 Fireolace lnform*ion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Mechanical*> Plan Check-> InvestigEtion-> Will Call-----> $0.00 so. 00 s53 .00 s53 . oo ( $s3 . 00) $0.00 $0.00 90. oo $40. o0 Restuarant Plan Revierr*> $10. O0 DRB Fee-> s0.00 ToTAL FEES--> $3. oo Toul Calculated Fees-> Additional F€€s-> Total Permit Fee--> Paynents-------------> BAI,A}ICE DUIE-> a*tt*rt:istatttiia Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARITI{ENI to/22/2OO2 DE Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOIiIS ARE Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, oR SEqtrON 70L oF TrIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAI-,LATIOII MUST CONFORI'! TO MANUFACIURES ITiISTRUCTIONS AllD TO CHAPTER 10 oF Tr{E 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL REQINRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. (Br,De.): GAS ApprJrAsIcEs SIIAIJT BE vEl{Tm AccoRDrNe ro cIrAprER I AtilD sgAtrr TERFII]IATE AS SPECIFIED IIit SEC.8O6 OF TITE 1997 I'MC, OR SIIAPTER 8 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BIrDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI{T MUST COMPL,Y WrTH CIIAPTER 3 AllD S8C.1017 OF TIIE 1997 I]IIIC A]SD CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3L (BL,DG.): BOILERS SI{AlIr BE MOItNTD OII FIOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. ITIUIJESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NIITiIG OI{ COMBUSTIBLE FIOORI}IG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE AIIAIJYSIS MIIST BE POSTED I]T MECIIANICAL, ROOM PRIOR TO ASI INSPECTION R3QUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAIIIAGE OF MECIIAIIICAIr ROOMS CONTAINING HEATII{G OR HOT-WAIER SITPPLY BOIIIERS SHAIJJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJ@R DRAIN PER SEC. tO22 OF TIIE 1.997 IN4C, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F TI{E 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarU to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S}I,{LL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479'2149 OR AT OTJR OFF|CE FROM 8:OO AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR LS4 WL WT 21. '@. L6.W APPUCAIIO{I WU.T I{T'T BE AOCEPTED tF TIICOIIPI.ETE OR UT'E'{ED ProJect #:qqiqmepffi lifedranlcal pe;mil #: 97A- 4r g -zt:ln trn"p..Uorr"J- 75 I Frqtago RrL vall, coloradb gt6s7 permtt wfll not be accepted w@ PA no rcmeiffg$fe€_ trrr,i+ B a t I roaaa'..''98O UA\! UjfD-EPf- Legal pestpuon fl Lofi fl eocf: fl rnng;Subdlvlsbn:y*w Englneen Arttres:Phorc; D€talfed descrlpfion d wrk6 l tna -l< ,k-'r*z C &A P, g,l-YgG ?s/ooo 8tl.3s Workdas: Ne,u( ) Add6m( ) AtteratbnK) Rryb( ) Other( ) Bollerlocathn: Intertor( ) E<Horf I -Otrert t tEan EHUerGatthb loatlon: Yes( ) No ( ) Tlpeof B&: Snsbhmttv( ) DuFs( ) MulBtuly( I Omm No. of Arorumdaen Un[s In thts bulldlng: XqmredErshcs-EGUnq: GasAoplhnces( I Gaslrc( l Sosd/pellet( ) woodBumlnq(td Is thls a @nver$on fronr a urood CO!rPLErE VATUATION FOR mBCI|AIUICAL pERtrtlT (rEbor & MsHEts) cofl TnAGTOn iI| rOnHlrron cRoooluod! rt.*a.t**tlarraat.Ttar."tttJtra*trt.r*rFOR OFICE USE OIILY*rrrrt*i,**rr**sr*.***r***.e*r*lr.o LV PW2 trCf 21. '@. L6.AE r ri\-r rr\l\-I1L L)fIlLfifLAf IUNS Mdrhh/8ry0/ffi5h0p @fu,m^ : - Dlmensiors mill^ .'fo," ffi**rffi, |$ffit-ffi,F *rlqqdSE q 3l'(/€rm0 l ranr..'-r. a sfizorffi) -._ lriondolry ond $ohmo Boy 3l'CiETnmr)wrru.(gzl .nrn) h I ltr({oomlDD . bD b@hlvEGsnuy . @(ffi @tdhscbof tfn . bttrk boflom0[86 l!p@ pltedhrreGsruv #ffHEdr*cnl,sr6o b&dr biom gges bothngddtfn@ E fohadde L Uf tN trlrnl A 2r(/Strm)A 4a'oll8orir) iioonrffi A Sf OF rlm)I ac0ttgmr) . bp golt&dh!1€osen'e . gddpkfBdhotld'tdona raAbo . gof, pkiled bofldn gr8s . bdfqngou ttnstt . lophlo.vocsantfy . trBwpscnd hE doort tn . bld.bdttrn grfiss flr 3l' 18I l/U D. E F. J s02tllrrn) 3l'Cr8t nnt l8l0'(it9 trrn) l43dGAlmn) l73r(40rrlrt AgG2lnrD ?28Fnffirt s0210 0l'Q8' r tEf4'(A l/UdG6 l73r(4 209(s2 zAtt6t e!|totE *to 4 ?e.(tg,rr0 8.4rolurr;t) lErt!bc6ee A g(El3 mn) B. 4il'0 [8rrn) c. 3l'Apt|rn) D. l8lflimninl e lf cllflm) - E lf (&mi E rutrGAl mm! Elr Etf e 4!r(5Bt dfn)r 4ar0([mD-J. z.ryFnl.f,,in . @ tiod<hlo cssrntfv . do$Wperqd b',!E dodttn . blod bctiom grile3 . @got|pebd h.rvrecarllv . gotspktadhohdoOrcmco (bdttrl r bckulqn gfle . htungou tin@ . lago6ptdOUlvlecsestlv . gdd ptrd tlrbnt/ qrO ncth cho fttn .op6C&dbottcngl8as . bofun gobffirgrb ..lpbcchr{€cNanBy . @wpercld brcrcbotrtn . bbc& bottilngdq Pelfonncnce c(!trr mJfFd lrdodrum Uffi!mDorrn Cgp-*'qt 35(m E&orct Fn of ton on 77% l\fr 7& n% CIfARANCE 8 U2'el7,ryn) 9 3/4'@19rnrn) ll114'(n7mn) 12lU 819ffn) l4'(357rftn) lrutrnmE|L q{ril Fcnofr Fcn orl 6m 20fi0 w 2Tffi Woot Sllro yFc6ce! trlt, diqlF r&ht r-__ fui 0llolo [|€,aBot!r e€ i-;'=. ccdqrhbhF.GFce, -E=lt- bospFrdqbqdrpE (; I--il | l.! trottairtrrr*rroddcbq,-- btoboor.amgrni ra^fry out tot 68al$t o| tglllg 'ffifitil co|trdd,3 dni&, As $F lSCt fiO r d d&tEoldErr.8.b O'CAI{AOA nrdrt|,6M!$El ;tffi*ffi MontleClmrorm Cboryrea cre nmned ftom fF tF of the grfls cEsemuy MANNE BCS\SION ZOtrnm) 4'o{Urwt) 6'oerrm) 8'(axmnr) lrC2SAnm) gl$E$PR _ffi1 __-----Tffi - FasP'o FtesueEbd lnspEc't Dsb: FrldaT. N8vernbet 0l, m0?' tnsg€idon,srea: JRflf slb AddreEs: S70 UIULWEW DR UNL g& \'AILVIEW DRffi*II BROO}ffREE EOM}S Aru-hennstbn Ae$ri$,r Mtt?-{t?30 Tffi: PilECl4 ecrrst Tm6: 6ccunah'crr: Paidel: t1ilG014060'28 O{un6r: CONNOfr. JAfb'llE STm}qBRFGE Apdleant RODl.lALLCOhFnruV lriss€cflqLHHtsn AhlF SHus: lSgtiED hepAr@' JRM wv7T7-TIT/J SubTvEo: Oba: Phono: Eequ€sEd Tlme: 08:fi1 AiS - Phcn€: 3{&777-ft00 EniercdI BF LIJA',FEELL fr tbnr ?ff}bm: elo ,bm: 316 llsrn: 3Al fbm: @ n6m: 34s n€m: S0 REPTl31 t-^cr-N4-.^*t \ -B-"-tctL..- 928 .00 (s28.00) $0.00 $0.00 90. 00 Item: 05100 BUII'DING DEPARTMEMI LO/L7/2OO2 DE Acrion: AP ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARIIIE{IT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIEL,D II\ISPECTIONS ARE REQUIR$ TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COII{PIJIAME. Cond: 22 (Br,Dc. ) : coMBusrroll ArR rs REQIITRm pER sEc. 701 oF TIIE 1997 IrMc, oR sEcrroN 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BI.,DG.): INSTA].TI,]ATION MT'ST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES ITTSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CHAI{TER 10 oF THE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF rHE 199? rMC. Cond: 25 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT PErMit #: MO2-0224 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR Parcel No...: 210301406036 Project No : F_rrg owNER GAROFALO, LISA L0/t7/2002 Phone: 980 VAfIJ VIEW DR D118 VAIIJ CO 8L657 Licenge: CO\ITRACTOR SERVICE MO}TKEY c/o Eiastein Eateryrises PO Box 2112 Silverthorne, Co 80498 Lricense: 265-Yl APPLICATiIT SERVICE MOIIKEY clo Einstein Eaterprises PO Box 21-L2 Silwerthor.oe, Co 80498 License: 265-Vl Desciption: CONVERTING FROM WOOD TO STOVE Valuation: $485.00 L0/17/2002 Phone: (9701 262-L257 L0/L7/2oo2 Phone: (97o) 252-1,257 Fireplore Infomalion: R€stsicted: Y # ofcos Applirnces: 0 # of Gas Logs: . 0 # of Wmd Pellet 0 :}|l.t*|*.t|.'t.**|.a|.t|N*.|.!*l.*tg|t'|'|**|t|{||t*|}|t'tita{t|i||'ii.*iFEESUMMARY|'it'!.ii|**{*.*. Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 10117/2002 Issued. . : l0n7f2$02 Expires. .: 04115f2003 Me€hanical-> Plan Check-> Inveslisation-> Will Call.----.> 920. oo R€stuarant Plan Refiew-> $s.00 DRB Fe-----> $0. oo TOTAL FEES---> s3 .00 So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> $0.00 AdditionslFe€s-> $2S . 00 Total Permit F€e-> PaYnents----1 BAl",r\\lCE DUE-> (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPITIANCES SIIAIIJ BE IIEMIED ACCORDING TO CBPTER I AIID SIIAJ.rL TERMIIIATE AS SPECIFIED I$r SEC.806 OF TrrE 1997 nMC, OR CTTAPTER I Cond: 29 (BIrDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQIIPMENT MUST COMPLY IIIITII CHAPTER 3 TTIE 1997 I'MC A}ID CITAPTER 3 OF TITE 1997 TYIC. Cond: 3L (BLDG-): BOfLERS SIIAIrIJ BE MOItt{Tm ON EIJ@RS OF IIIONCOI{BUSTIBLE CONST. IINIJESS IIISTED FOR MOI'TiTTING ON COMBUSTIBLE F'IJ@RING. Cond: 32 (BI'DG.): PERMIT,PLAIiIS AIID CODE AIIALYSIS MITST BE POSTED IN MECIIAIiIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI\T IT{ISPECTTON REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIIDG.): DRAIITIAGE OF MECIIANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPIJV BOIIJERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITII A FI'OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OE THE ].997 I]MC, OR sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE L997 fMC. DECLARANONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in full the informafion required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlnt all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the infomrafion and ptot plarq to comply with all Town ordinances and stflte laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, desigr review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION ST{ATL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOURS IN OF TIIE L997 TME. AIID SEC.101? OF AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET NF!ofz Fernft#:Ferrilf;gl!a,/};'rat GocDC@rs) tEgFronlage fteil, Olomrlo -*;r*rlffi *rF**** * tr** f, +#!F:}+tFoR \\W.oOC or 6E MFCsfAf{rcAE t qt, 0 turtr AloA ttloboSL tobtsfs b-l/g bfu.lto Ud Uqbri,ng_ ragrlDesiiliarlrrE lre lfifu sHiti'fqg i' t l .-- rrrt\Ta<6ar/ 443 ahue- Ur<.gan&r* \ ( cailq+Qf lt* UM P/ 't' - tYoth New( ) ldddt( ) Sobloautirr kffir( ) ffi( ) OUs( )DoesarBilred*dtldsbcdon: Yes( ) No( ) ttm"* ( ) Dd€!( ) l'ldt-hdrytS Counsttht( ) Ghr&( ) onEr( ) ffi r+saorttaecs( ) toc( | Anang(NOiAIOU@) rrr r ! r.d B I S9Z9ZOa6 sd3)u Nug dOS:IO ZO 9I xoo t I Fl€que6bd lnssect DatE:' InspeE:fion &rca:glte Addiess: AlPfi)lnfaffi.a0on AdtuAtr h4@-t1224 Two: SMECH *onstTvr6: oJ.'cr.lpai*!c C}liri€r: GAFIOFALO. l-lSA Applifa'it SERMDE MONqEY Cdtihsctc SERUCE MOtlt{"EY kfl lptlon: COsJlfERTlf{G FRGM WeOD To STOtfE R€{x4asffi kissecde${g lFmr 990 0fiEgH.Flnal Requador: SERVICE filpltEEYiSse Coilimenb: cD1lB; WLL Cdn.t LISA 39t]65s H,ednesdav. OBiBber gS. 2002 JRtr g7O lr'FdL VIEW BR UAIL gSOVALWF$ER $frte: tgSUED heprq'sar Jfr* *ry*H: * |ns@caBHlsbry brn: l0O Ronu 310 |tsm: 315 fiem: 340 ftBm: 380 twn: 34O ilB|n: 3gO REPT131 i Ftequested Tlmei 08:&l Anfl ' Phene: l970r?62-1ffi7 Enb!6dBV: LCAi*PBELL K t,47 Tlma Exp: \\o 'iL n lrr'Y ,J* ,ro ,g ,0r* Q ) f,ar {p #q (a, subffi: *ntr Fhon€: G}70)ege-1?57 Phon€: {P70}2@-1297 TOWI.IOF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNTTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 974479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02{136 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Locafion.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR ParcelNo...: 214301406034 hojectNo : owllm. cARRor.,L, ctAnDra A. 06/28/2002 Phone: 439 GII.PITT ST DENvm. CO 80218 Iricense: COI{TRACTOR ROD TIAIJJ COMPA}IY 255 WYATiIDOT STREET DB\TVER, CO 4o223 L,icense: 150-M APPIJICENT ROD IIAIJIJ COMPAIVY 255 WYAI{DOT SMEET DET{T\TER, CO 80223 License:150-M Desciption: COI.IVERT W@D TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $3,000.00 06/28/2002 Plrone: 303-777-77AO 06/2gl2OO2 Phone: 3A3-777-77OO FireDlace Infonaalion: Resbict€d: Y # ofGas Appliarces: 0 Mechanical-> Plan Ch€ck-> Investigation-> will chll-> 560. oo R€stuarant Plan Rgvisw-> s15 . 00 DRB Fee*-_--*-> s0. 00 ToTAL FEES-> s3 .00 $78 . oo Total P€rmit Fee----> Paymens-------------> BALAIICE DUE--------.-.> *tt{trttlttatt$t.tttttttttltttttttta Ieem: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTII{ENI 06/28/2002 DF Actsion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{EIIT CONDITION OFAPPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAITCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQIIIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 199? U!{C, OR SECTION 701 0F TI{E 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): MSTAIL'A:IION MUST CO\IFORM TO MANIIFACTIIRES II{SIRUCTIONS AI{D TO CIIAPTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 I]MC, CIIAPTER 1-0 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 L.-.+ -B(" L.t.*r.-,,.t& t * -$...a'" (.(-.-rr-- -Dt\0 Status.. . : FINAL Applied. . : 06f28/2002 Issued. . : 07/43/2042 Expires. .: 09f2012002 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood PeUe! 0 FEE SUMMARY tlitt'iaatiitttt'rat**,a***at*ra*a*'itt*tlit'ltlllllata*ttrlaar'tia{ $0.00 Total Calculated Fees->978.00 90. oo Additional Fees--> ($78.00) t0.00 t0. 0o $0.00 (Br,DG- ) : GA"9 APPrrrAr\TcEs SIIAIJ., BE vEr{TED AccoR.DrNG To cHAprER 8 AtiID sHArJrr fERMTI\IATE As spEcrFrED rN sge.go5 oF TIIE 1997 uMc, oR crrAsrm. I oF TrrE !997 ruc. Cond: 29 (Bl.,re.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPME\TT MUST CoMPIJY WITIT CIIA TER 3 AIID sEc.1O17 oF TIIE ]-997 TJMC E}ID CHAI{TER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3L (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAJ.,L, BE MOI]NTED ON FIr@RS OF ITONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. IINI'ESS ITISTED FOR MOI]ti|lfING ON CO!{BUSTIBI-,E I'L@RING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERIIIIT,PLANS AIiID CODE AIIAJ.,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICA! R@M PRIOR TO Alr rlrsPEcTlorr REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BT-,DG. ) : DRAIIIAGE OF MECEANICAIT R@MS COIfIAIITING IIB,ATIIIG OR IIOT-WATER SIIPPIJY BOIIJERS SIIAIL BE EQUIPPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TI+E L997 I'MC, OR sEcTrolT 1004.5 0F TIIE L997 It{.C. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicafion, filled out in full the information requird completsd an accurate plot plan, and statc thal all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot pla4 to comply with all Town ordinances and stafe laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 4ffi1-n 47%2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OFOWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNEF Kl|}f \l\\t t I m.t^r.l'rtr|allt 7sS. Froffigs]td, vsll, ColorNdo 81657 APPUCATIOTI WLTIIOT Permlt wlll not be Affi PA1. Jt]fl 27 '@. L4239 OR UI{IIIGNED @ect#l BulldW Pemlt #:- Hedtanlel Psrmlt #: 9m-479-2138 (In+dong) fe followlrg:pgg E {V E D JUN 2 7 m02 *-.t*|'l- R ECEIV E Pruylds Medranlcal Room lawutdrawn b stabts hqt6 2 7 r. ttedanldoom Dlmendonc DudS&l€and UUN27 llSE Ol{LYrr**t***rbt*rt*r.*.tt*ttie*t**'ltt&t* * -. -l lSFn ,r ''" ttvrsm IiEGEiUi J ( ) odrs( )WorkClsss: Ner( ) Addt$dt( ) Altera&n OoesanAtUoGtat0rlslocatlqr: Yes( ) No( )EolterrLocatbn: Inter.br( ) Ecerlor( ) Ofter( ) Typ""fdds skubr","tlya-l urptot ) !,luN-hmily( ) conrmeru( ) R€shriart( ) ctret No. of Asmnpdatton Unlts ln thb bulldlng:No. dEdtrE ltsEl|ng t nlts ln tfib bdElrE: Wood Brnnlng (NOT AI'LOWED) =-ltEr a wrbd burnlng flrePbe b an GoIIPLEIE VAIUATION FOR MEC}IAI{IGAL PERIrIT (labor & Materlab) Saoo,oo coNTRACTOn inronnnrron -711--72 oo ltaralttttllatlaatt$tol*ltr*a*ta w.a6a JlJtl 77 '@. L4t4A lQr[tlFob6|onmddhil'{c!.!d 04lrtrrilbnuboalmd sdloEh$Ftu!@adt&!irFth@rltbr$$ht Dtltl@rua r@l freer-r flotb @ &frhF h q0d[t, ldfrEutl d ndr !D @d $|qhls&mf esrhE0 @ tfud h no otshr ot b@ frr0Els fi!6ru [Db th !!d d dtF blo tuFu drerou. h co&[nfudfttE@0t'hlEtoW!IOFG dq@d$ffi@E! F!@, b lryc$fi [E[! @rrd 8 &osreldB d$dd@ tqb, lb @Md oE8rdm d ad r fttr lodhn$! b t@qEU @-t ffi b6a lb @ b irt|| rN sad r 6aadb. dnclffi rfrfroeilrh!trrd, i Yott €lclriia iLadds &dar! L 1,. IOHIiSO Gtll A9PLI !,CE C0. Ga! Srealrr* Satcd iqrl .r2t, [. Arrn|f flW (/.1;o |r!rrP. .A'l.Jrli ,. .1 Itlsora rc|lrH dursloil JIIIlrl, tI lf tI I H'ph M@tn2'.a tuqro.,T Irl .rll..tl.tr.tl. I rt;,(l t. Avpflro Atw !F t''rn n4&h. ra .r,.ilott d e l.-1. ., r,!tr,.rt,Lrlr.lll|||/n O8/27/2OOZ 74:32 FAX 0?04708018 PEA'K LAND CoNSIIL PEAK I.AND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK LAND SURVFNNG. INC PEAK CML ENGINEERING, INC 9?O{r0{8i44 FAlr Fro4a}slE 1@ UONS RIO@ LOOP YAIL @ Er05l MEMORANDTJM @or TO: TOV/N OFVAIL-PLAIiINING DBT. ll'lllf: AllisoaOclrs c{7q - z q 5 z E-Mail: Fax coplr Robert Sdby DAIE:(W27n2 FROM:GeorgeK.Mmm /L IO8NO.9I4 *7 RE: PROCDDIInEANIT REQIIIREMEhITSETORACCESS DRn/E CONSIRUCTION LOT t, tr'ILTNG 4, LrONS RrItGE, TOWN OF VAII, Ih. Selby hns ask€d that P€ak Lmd CorsultmB detemine the gocedtre md reqrdrcmmrr ofthc Town rqarding aonstnrction of the aooess ddve for the refercrced 1trop€rty' I understdd that Everyoae ftsm confracton ibru pta'r.ers hwe cura@d you rr4gdiry Ote procedurc necessuy. Peak Laad ConsultasB should be yoru point ofcontact We rmderstmd the pactical procedure to omplefsthe &ivsway b bs as follows: l. Pioaeer a mad (10.) wide almg tbe acess aliment to allos &e IocL. ftll turcs conuactor and the geoter,hical eflgiD€€r access to theoutcropping reas; L Consurrcnt withthepimecring; psfomrock ftll fearce con$nrcd@ md geotecMcal iwestigatiou sffcicnt to rlcternine tls nsurs ofthe outuroppings, the feasibility of rnility irrstallcion arrd the ndre ad extat of retaining watls necessary; 3' At this poinl eitalude md re6ne 6e nlignmeot ofthe apcess rcadbascd m ths $eotechiel finrfings; 4. Finalize the alignment of tho ,r'.'.ss, d€sigrl of utilitie aad desigl ofthe lecssslll rtraining valls; 5. Sulmit ttre abovo to tbe Towa ofVail ftr rwiew and appval; 6. Perforur the nffissry constuuction to qoluPlete ths access &iva The owner would lfte ro proceed with steps 1. md 2. abow as soou as lnrsible" Would you pleas let us L"nv whd the Town requires to ar,hiwe steps l. ard 2. so thd wo oo bcglo the piorccring, mck fill fencc, ud gcotcfuical investigatim- lfyou have any questionq plese do uot hesitate o call- PtS0999lOdcglnrudG27{tu|c TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAtL, co 81657 970479-2138 V^a.^-*L.lr. -4.Un.(q (_\- Saook*-&o,- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0136 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [ocafion.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR rD ltr U Applied . . : 06D8n002 Parcel No...: 210301406034 Issued . . : 07103n002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: l2B0nO02 ovlNER CARRoIJIT, CITAI'DIA A. 06/28/2002 Phone: 439 GIIJPIN ST DENVER CO 80218 Licenge: CoNTRACTOR ROD I{AIJr COMPANy 06/28/2002 Phone: 3,3-777-7700 255 WYAI{DOT STREET DE\IVER, CO 4o223 Licenge:150-M APPITICAIIT ROD HALIr COMPANy 06128/2002 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYAI{DOT STREET DEMZER, CO 4o223 Licenge 3 150-M Desciption: CONVERTW@DTOGAS NSERT Valuation: $3,000.00 Firsplace Information: Restricled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wmd Pellet 0 .|t|i||.l*.!t.|:t.|.t.t|*|i.|l||l||.t|t..'.t|.t|.}.'.|*t|'{t|'t'|tt'i.||.|FEEsUMY 50.00 Total Calculded Fees->$7s.00 Mechonicat-> Plan Check-> Investigotion-> Will Call------.> 960.00 R€stuarant Plan Review-> $xs.00 DRBFe€-------> 90. OO TOTAL FEES--> s3. OO Action: AP $0. oo Additional Fees-> ($78.00) ?A . 00 Total permit F€€_> 90.0(S?A . 00 Total permit F€€_> 90.00 Pavnr€n1s-----------.---. 10.00 r 4JrrEI6- BAt ANTCE DUE-> S0.00 '|||l{+t1t|t1t|'{||tt|'.|..|..|||l.|t|''|ai|..||*t*t*|tNt|t||t.|.i....'|i||t|||||.|.''i.|*|1'itt|.'.|tt''l|.|i'|.'t|||||.|..'.|t|'||ti.|.|.Item: 05L00 BIIII.rDING DEPARII{ENT 06/2A/2002 DF ITeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARINdENT CONDITION OFAPPROVAL Cond: L2 (BIoG.): FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE CO!4PLIAITCE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOIT AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TIIE 1997 I C, OR SEgrIOll 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cotld: 23 (BLDG.): IIISTALI,ATION MUST CO}IFORM TO MADIT'FACTI'RES II{STRUETIONS AIiID TO CIiAPTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 I,MC, CmPTER 10 OF fiIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPITIN{CES SltAIrIr BE VEIIIED ACCORDTNG TO CIIAPTER 8 AIiID SHA]-IIT TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFID I}I SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR CTTAI{TER 8 OF ITIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQITIPMEIVT MUST COMPLY WITII CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.I-017 OF TTIE 1-997 I]MC AIiID EIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIA].IIJ BE MOIII{TED ON FTJOORS OF NONCOIdBUSTIBLE CO}IST. UNIJESS ITISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUSTIBITE IrIr@RIlTG. Cond: 32 (BIiDe.): PERMIT,PIJAITS AllD CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED M MECHANICSL, R@M PRIOR IlO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DR.,AIIiIAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONTAIIIIIIG HEATING OR HOT-WATER STPPIJY BOTIJEREi SHAIJJ BE EQI'IPPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF ITIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucfure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF I : "9- :'E ].-'!'.:'T4t lmsPectiom Fvquest fi eportireg . L(+XL,gS,TAWNSF Tf,.rEib02- 6:5.4 .sirt Ecsu€€Bd lnsF*cl DetF: Frl'Jstr" SeFle(riber 10, illJl - lnsoeci$on Aree: ;4!d - she Eeidress: BTtj UAIL WEW UR gAiL 8&U VAJL ''IFtfd OR AJF,E!Ff.'m,nsEaIr Acttutg: si02-1t13$ TyDs: P-MECH tlorwt Tw:a '""'a:t.Fqlt}c!'Csiii*r C'FF.OLL aISUDAA Applicanr RoEr l-iaiL c$MPA$v Conh8cl$: ROI) P,PLL CGS4PF}'Y Fa€si&$3n CONVEFT TSCAD T(} E&3 F.JSEFT .gtEtua: ln:p Aree: $uhfg: ArrrfF ISSUED .FM Bs$geCl€f ..!g;igq!rq:tu trem: e0d HECHfisugpl Rq$r6*.)r: RC'8 I'IAIL Cg$ltFAl.lV Co{ri'rEnb: ufill eALL LEROY 3$]5€0-i[l i:O116 *W,ff,'*t:y:TAF nrneEEF: .r'' I |nss4di6n l'tl5Et$ ttorrl: 2c€, r$€ct-r Rouo#A lldnr: 3lO $Scfri-ht+6tirtS- . N iFr4' 315 FLtS6-Gs Pisiltc rl4) tft'|.,1. 32O MECt'FEctEuirt lldd{k tefl:. s-ro h*EC F{-S uFFty 6ir S€rri: 34i, hfEe H.Mi${. -ii6il; 5s{, il;ieai+Fh;tAb Itv Pfdfis' -a$3.7"7-770o Ffpli6: 3&3-?77-7700 ng. 2o - OZ Fzuri-esisii Tirne; 08:00 AiS ' Pnon€: 38$/77-rum Enbt€dBv: LCAMPSELL I I '. i 'rt I Rr-rn Id: 52 'i-l TO\TN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMT]NIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAtL, co 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: T}IIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0120 9took\,^-.---rH Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR LJNIT # C-114 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 06106/2002 Issued. . : 06106f2402 Expires. .: IABDOiZ ParcelNo...: 210301406426 Project No : OWNER MfTCHEIJJ' ROGER T. PO BOX 839 AVON CO 8L520 I-,icenge: CONTRACTOR ROD HAITIT COMPAITC 255 WYAIiIDOT STREET DBIVER, CO 40223 Lricenge: 150-M APPIJICAI{T ROD HAIJJ COMPANC 255 WYA}IDOT STREET DENIIER, CO 80223 License: 1-50-M 06/06/2002 Phone: 06/06/2OO2 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 06/06/2Oo2 Phone: 3o3-777-77OO Desciption: COI.MRTFROM W@DTO GAS Valuation: $1,800.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restsicted: Y # ofGas Appliancts: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellel 0 s'.tt|'t*||s.tt|tt{'a|t$tt|.*||...*'|*|.at'|tt'i+ai|||$t|..'!.'|.i..t''|.FEEsuMMARYt|||.li...tit*|*...|ia.*||.*...l|*|'g|..|.|'||||t||i. Mecholical.--> S4o. o0 Restuarant Plan Review-> $o, oo Total Calculaled Fe€s-> 953 .00 Plan Check-> S1O. Oo DRB F€e-----> $0. o0 Addilional Fees--> ($53 .00) lnvestigation-> S0. O0 TOTAL FEES-> S53 . OO Toral Permit F€e--> $0. o0 Will Call-> 53 . OO PaymenF--> 90 - 00 QAI.AI{CE DUE--> 90 . 00 }ittitttltt,rattaatraf {rrar*rrita*t ICem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI{ENT 06/06/2002 DE Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARIIIEI.IT CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IITISPECTIONS ARE REoUIRm TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOII AIR IS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTIOIT 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Coad: 23 (BIrDc.): INSTAhLATIOAT MUST CONFORM TO I{A}IUFACTIRES INSTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CHAPIR 10 OF TIIE 199? UMe, CITAPTER 10 OF THE L99? rMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG.):.GAS APPITIAIICES SffiIJIJ BE VB{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SIIAIJIT TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TTIE L997 TJ[[{C, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Coad: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HEilTING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPL,Y WIIIH CIIAPTR 3 eND SEe.1017 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC AIiID CHAE{TER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOI]NTD OIT FITOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]IIITESS ITISTED FOR MOITNTIIIG Ol{ COMBVSTIBIJE FITOORI}TG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERI4IT,PLANS AIID CODE AIIAIJYSTS MUST BE POSTED III MECHANTCAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AIV I}ISPECTION REQI'EST. Coud: 30 (BIJDG.): DRAINAGE OF MBCHAIIICAIT R@MS CONTAINIIIG IIEATI]IG OR HOT-WATER SIIPPITY BOII,ERS SHAI.,L BE EQUIPPM WITIT A SIJ@R DRAIN PER SEC. IO22 OF TIIE 1997 IN{C, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thaf I have read this application, filled out in full the information requireq completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OmCE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. 3g*.#?o Protst s: __ Eulldlng Perrilt#:__ lrlschanlef Permft #:gro.a;rt-zuta trrrye".tilil- APPlrCA TWTTWYAN 755. F?qfiage Rd. Vell,Cotorado Bl6St Permlt wlll accepted widrout the folfowtrq: Proulds i{edranlcal Roqn trfout drawn b scale to lnslude:1 liecfianlceil Room Dlmeniilonc ' --. Alr Ah Brd CotlPtSl.E VALUATIOII FOR HBCHAtlIgtt PERI|IT (labor & lNaterlals) &bNa'ne! BrcDf+rr€4- U.rrtt Ctl JobMdrcss;.Vci^! V"^) WortCls$: ihsu() AddUgn( ) Altera0qt$d Repatr( ) Odrs(') BollerlocaUon: Interbr( ) Edetur( ) Other( )Do6mEHUexKetthisbcatlon: Yes( ) No( ) TypedBldgr S[ndFhm0y( ) erder( ) !4utd-famt]y( ] Canrn€dd( ) nesaunnt( l Ora6(1 $lo. otEdff1g Dusllrg Un[s InOrb hrNHtrg:!0o. of &nmodatbn Unlts In thls buf,dlng: No/rypeofFrcplacePro@:ciasAppthEes(t eobgs( ) wbodiPellet( ) u/bod&rmm(nnTA[owED) oo COT{TRACTOR ITIFORT{ATIO'T afirtllalll.ttttattrat.*ll *l*ltlralr.tFllR OFFIGE US'E OtlLY". *rlrl*!..r**r**.- r. i. *r r.r. r*** r*i r.i * Il I Torn of Vall Rea. t{o.:1+- ll Tffirc,T'rn't?oo Ficfia|rr led EAr rlo|llnrcton lk t(p ,.. Cofltractor Slgnafure: EetgT 4lr EZt Mlf IAd IE€ A3L PW Jl-[-l zFl 'EP L6.24 Woo, $nroo& ftqrs, "ElHr"l[rn|Proouct!ffi HE $t{ oru*ff^" fim off Fon on Sod- F@qbE|'q dEroo amate O Aaorqn*l;coErrqbhEfdrEtE!. oqi|o Edobpqlorlqtd !!rdt rbr4tdftd,bEb@.fbrnodbar iq Ey |@!O at tEtE cq4'.6.!. OaU ard o d g|Jtb €d,8 . &t o r@!,&Er@r hellt! c! c'ECr d h,!frooOr,eo6g/ldr!o! CUsd.qbr!,tFaEt-ri. I T,UtsINICAL SPECIFICATIONS ItotddoyFL$0rm35hDp $ecfihdbr$ l*----..__-' McndobyBoy(tuS35flrl)p , =._--t_ tllguoYa&5ruP., F-B lF'^-ffiJ' @ $-fi1"ffif Mlnlrnum Hreploce 0pennrg$ ==--- 'il.#- Lx€€r]rr l$mOdoycnUsotrcrpgush ltcnddovcmd 'g't*ql; I r/rnr{nha,^,r ',-,,Hff9.9*lmH,D ffiF+EFEE ffi'' ffi, imro,* ;#,,##Hsff'bruH ffii#ffi/ffiiffi F,ffi lf rgfitP,_ rffi ' Fbbcf hffeosernuy . ms,ma.ruhs&h . o@(bollon Closs . top god pbtedbrde 6snw . gDr' fefird bhrfd oO,,erttiU Bqy(s815figp , . lop sdd doied hJ'/re osenrffv . gett pbt€d hcr@,tc cro wrn::ot . topb6 b/reNmblv . tr6s tPper md h€rdbr ttn . om(bdion gb 122,ry'6t2naiD gel pbtsd bottdn srts bftdn gob fiin Sh . F bbd( llrvrE csndv . mWperag UnrCor rn . E(bth'm gnes . l@gob pbbd h/,ro osanHu . gM phbd hrbrsd ordwrtf:O . gpb p&d€d bodtofi, oes . botlUn g€E lrtm db- ..bpbGh4p(NEntiy . ausrperorf har*itim . llqd(tdton g|1e3 fqlok'dobd h,nre eenuv ffiffi"*.*ousaio Uoct blton gl6s Dnsn gd ttm $[) Perfonrunce qU[Fd i/tdrtJn 3@ {mnmDorflil Cqpqrmy eery 7m rft 7& T7% ttltrdfimBru otut fuiof, Fon on m w)6 w z16E ;:-MontbCfeormces.--l-tsqarEet Oe rrlsG.sed fiom hs lop o, tre grb cs6rnuy lr l.lltE EfiSEilO{ 2'(5tnrn) 4-(t@rffn) tr(15:Lnn) 8'(204nrn) l(res$yrn) CIIARAf{CE gln'el7flm, I314'Q4grwn, 11 ll4'(?fttrIrl' l2 l/fGlgmrn) l4'(3$/mn) -ntrrffi"j-------: G:54 arn Peqsehtr4jtue*liEu:1 |nqF€cil&ln Ullsll8ry R€Sre€ted lfispect D6ter ' lfts@l*Eni p,rea. Slb.AddreEs; Friila$, SeFteffber 30. ?oiri ..rFtu 970 ICAIL rI,IE& SR SAIL 96* UAJL Vl€W BR ljrurT#f,.114 5r&11ff: Pru{F .stdEcl-r FSIJED ,,RM gbtu8: lhsF &ft'-a: Fhsrier -i0FZ77-?Pl8 Fh$t'e: 30..97t?-?7DE oq ?o'oz lrtpr RequesiedTliri@: 0fi:00 Affd / | F'irono: 3O97i7-?7mLJ Entsr6dgy: tCd&f,PB€LL K ?80 3r0 3i E"l J3$ 3:{O 's4g '1&fr ttqm: lkrfr: ft€frr: lk'ff: tlam: trrsfl: It€m: ,i Atr REPTl31 Run Id: 5t TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 974479-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address: 970 VAILVIEWDR VAIL Location....: LINIT # D119 ParcelNo...: 27030L40687 Project No : OI{NER V?IIJKO ROBERT M L636 MOI{ACO PKWY DENIIER CO 80220 Lricense: COIITRACTOR ROD IIAIJJ COMPAI.IY 255 WYAI{IDOT STREET DEIWER, CO 80223 License: 150-M SPPI,ICAI\TT ROD HAI,I. COMPAI{TC 255 WYAT{DOT STR3ET DEI{MER, CO 40223 License: 150-M Desciption: convert wood to gas insert. Valuation: $2000.00 Fireplace Infcmatiolr Reshicte* Y Wood Pelleb FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> $40 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> g1o . oo DRB Fee-> Investigation-> will call-> So . O0 TOTAL FEES-> Ss3 . 00 Total Permit Fee--> 93.00 Pa)rytgts-----> BAI.AIJCE DIJE-> Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI 05/23/2002 DE Action: AP Item: 056O0 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEIiD INSPECTIOI{S ARE REQUIRm TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR 1S REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE L997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BI,DG.): INSTAI,I.ATIOII MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT,RES INSTRUCTIOIE A}ID TO CITAPTER 10 oF TI{E L997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. t^""iR^t.u.-{.Ln<t '-----...'' .d (\ E\o\L\-^-!-a- NOTE: THISPERMITMUSTBE POSTEDONIOBSITE AT ALLTIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Perurit #: M02-0115 Status...: ISSIIED Applied. .: 05/23/200,2 Issued. .: 05/23/2OOz Expires. .: 1U19/2002 05/2312002 Phone: osl23/2oo2 Phone: 303-777-77oo 05/23/2oA2 Phone: 3A3-777-7'7oo #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGaslogs:0#of 90.00 Tobl Calculated Feee-'> ts3.00 SO . 00 Additional Fees__> (S53 .00) $0.00 90.00 90. 00 Cond: 25 (BIiDG. ) : GAS APPITIANCES SHAIJIJ BE VEIiIID ACCORDIIIG TO CHAPTER I AND SHAIJT TBRMIIIATE AS SPECIFIED II{ SEC.8O6 OF TIIE T997 UI{iC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE L99'7 TYIC. Cond: 29 (BIJDC.): ACCESS TO HEATIIIG EQUIPMEIIT MttST COMPIJY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.1OL? OF TTTE 1997 I]MC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIIiERS SHAIJ, BE MOI]IIITD ON FIJ@RS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. ITNIJESS IJISTED FOR MOII}ITING ON COMBI]STIBIJE E"IJOORIITG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PL'AIIS AI{D CODE AI{AIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICA]-r R@M PRIOR TO ATT INSPECTIOhT REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAIIiIAGE OF MECHANICA! ROOMS CONTAIIIIIIG HEATIT{G OR IIOT-WATER SITPPIJY BOIIJERS SIiAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITIT A FIJOOR DR,AIN PER SEC. LO22 OE TIIE 199? UI{C, OR sEcTrolT 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby adcnowledge that I have read this applicatiorL filled out in fuIl the information requtue4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is correcl I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zuHivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordirumces of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUI(SIN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT {I79N38 OR AT OUR OEFICE FROM 8:(n AM-5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET r-l \.. 75S. Frontage VdlrCdondo ' t.rrJo"*un- anrucrTon wrLLl{or BE ACCEPTED tFtt{crotql .\ttlffiffi'Tffi*'/G}r r I '##lfffi sdl MvltffiMy i,,,.. r* 'rE .,arr rerclrarure,al pEnllrr ApducAIIO[ Cqulplnqrt Cut/SPec Sh@ts col|P|'.ETEVALUATIoI{FoRfiBCI|ANIGALPERF|IT(tsbor&'ltiater|alc) coltrnAcroR iHronuarron WorkCtass: Nesv( ) Mdrmn( I rusart$O nepatr( t l ottEr( ) f l nestaun*1 lone1(@o( )_xrlu-6rllYl_-] ffid Edsfltlg Dt udtttE Untb In thls bt'dldltg: -'774c, 6btZI &, & ),WJ Tl&d 9EL I TEcTsIIc M@BrdtMssnl)P lrqrr I lr l' r--B-----1 l_--l-r ffilir |li ml . loDao6 dedkrt!,t€osg|try . duloeo tuana crd r€tfrcd, cFtln ,. bkE! bottwn gt!6 l . bdfdn€o6ttnsnb I A. u g c D. & E l J, tr 3l' l8r il3' Mcrdoilw ond SolunoBoY fr' (lfl t-l * t Ais' (gl nm) H r f d ({b rfm) D . io bH<laa,D cseNrw . tsbts€tcd brretdd$fn r Uockbotlsn gfiee . l@thLh.ltacs€fi{dy . bfoiLFP€, dldlolgettrn . berf bdwt gtEG .l@brd . b(E tpp€r . bbdr bolblt gtflss . tobrcsnare<ssnUY . UriswPold nas ao Perbrnrorre /' dorurces- n $e top cr fte gfflg cEsemUV I crcAnAttcg e@rYpe guhqtt Modntn WmnsnDsfil cq.ffiy MANmf ffSAOf-l f (slflrn) 4'0@rrn) 6'oglrl) r@4mn) l(re56tffn) slrrfrzr-'l 9 3/4'(249run) 1'l ll4'(76lrtn) 12ln' Glgmm) ]4'Ps7rnm) Fqn d Fctn g! 7M 7ru Tt% 7.n ularfillngru adtr' Fm ofi Fsl on 259m 2tt60 ?trI)affi Wooz lt r|t!o& f|srEq rrt C ltil tts flEANH rtoDtElg aFoctAnol SCAIiIADA trffir""BEtZI &, & S@ rclrttu! lit dsap &dn Urg b fnaot Othm dnB cotlElt'bl|FE BFrdl b(lrtEFrdobquljldlt ihdr|lrfftdrqd*gq lt 16 !o c.tt?. Ect€ Poffi! tut FY dFfU ol loff€ cotfsdot 6s,o' !d lYPe or q! d fis odlfitlt. EBho rdolddnrbt€dffiftl lllrrctd! atid ch€d. ad bcd bftE codtt gGEg'rtraq! 5s -: _ '' ?:! :'ii !.: r : AUI^I AA W- -ffiunlwmcrunnoo oarc arn c'dceiilorctrlqteq-.vF4?$ cql$ rretsf,iiir.eniiirgcom' r*no hfoctuntntg'cdrt Ar.lrtllf,uooEAn <h&ftrb coetnorb4lr. ztt v[/tddot $. Ib€, oO gE23 (.?oJ\m-32U /l Mlnknum FlrePhce OPenlngs Mcrd@ondSonmoftSt 3l'On rtn)wr zis- (@l rm) H x t7'f,(@rm)D :&sffi#* dqttn . rc(bl|om gfiil€s . botfsn gold ftim sFP C'AS&\ mD llrrrrH StsT t B-ldE!:l'l Bes!teri&dlrcg€ggsf*ii l&!f?l: 200 lgEgF{-Reusn FEqsGdDr: E _Ot' LIALL CSEAFi}-{Y D-I114tI llprn: 300 fdEcH-Reush coriirnEflrc uitit c-nr.l t Etiov-atirg€st o r r #fS Eestcnocto: eDAYIS - lcson. Eequest4d lrrspect DEtr: tn€E€cdflr Ar€a:, SinEddnsse: s'IbTffi: rydF Ptrrw'. FfF'€: SbdJ$: |$$LED }n€Faleg: JFtl[ S&?77.?7tF 383.r7?-7700 i Tlwre Erp: lnspeg[sn HlFbni lbrn: t86 tiqm: 3i0 lbtc 3t5 fla{a: '3eO hm: il$llorn: 34O lbr!|: 39O tp RSPTl31 -'t -. - -- Run nd: 5? . '( V-ro-t..t>^'47'- ----l , .-+tLi naq \--:> .V XcoL*--r-r-u NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0110 JobAddress: 9T0VAILVIEWDRVAIL Status.. .: ISSUED Location....: 9SOVAILVIEWDR #D-121 Applied..: 05/22/2002 Parcel No...: 27030740ffi39 Issued . . : A5/23/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 77/19/2002 owNER HARSHMAN, RrC O5/22/2OO2 Phone: 1300 s rNcA sT DEITVER CO 80223 L,icease: CONTRACTOR ROD HAIJJ COMPAI\TY 05/22/2002 Phone: 303-777-1700 255 VIYATTDOT STPJEET DEN\IER, CO 80223 Licerxse: 150-M APPITICANT ROD HAIJ-' COMPASTY 05/22/2002 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYAI{DOT STRXET DE![\IER, CO 4o223 Lricense: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS Valuation: $1"500.00 Fireplace lnfomration: R€stricd Y Wood Pellet FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> S4o.oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $53-00 Plan Check-> 910. oo DRB Fee--> 90.00 Addiuonal Fees--> (953 . 00) hvestigation-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES > $53.00 Total Pstrtit Fe€-> $0.00 iot&Nor ven DEpARTMENT oF coMMrrNrry DEVELopMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAIt, co 81657 974479-2138 #ofGasAppliancw0#ofGaslogs:0#of wflcall->s3.00 PaJtments-> BAL\\JCE DIJE-> Item: 051-00 BUIL,DIIiIG DEPART!{ENT osl22/2oo2 DE Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARItIENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.. ) : FIEI'D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IAIiICE. Con:dz 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQIIIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 UMC, OR SECIION 70L oF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (Br_,Dc. ) : INSTAITJATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACTITRES TNSTRUCTTONS AIiID TO CHAPTER 10 oF TIIE L997 rrMC, CmPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. 90.00 90. 00 Condl:- 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPIJIANCES SHAITIT BE VBITED ACCORDIIIG TO CIIAPTER I AIID SIIALIT IRMISIATE AS SPECIFIED nI SBC.806 OF TtrE 1997 Vr4C, OR CHAPTER I OF TttE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HELTING EQUIPMB{T MUST COMPLY WITI{ CmPTm.3 AriID SEC.1017 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC AIjID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BIDG.): BOIL,R,S SHAIJJ BE MOITNTED ON FITOORS OF NONCOIIBITSTIBLE CONST. IrIIITESS ITISTED FOR MOIT}iIIING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FII@RING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITAIIS AIID CODE $AIJYS]S MUST BE POSTED IN MECmNreel ROOM PRIOR TO A}T INSPECTIO}T REOI'EST. Coad: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAIIiLAGE OF MECIIAIiIICAL ROOMS COIITAIITII{G HEjATING OR IIOT-WATR, SUPPITY BOIIJERS StlALIr BE EQUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAI\I PER SEC. LO22 OE TIIE 1997 UMC, OR sEerroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC- DECLARATIONS I hereby adcnowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information require4 completed an accruate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correcl I agree to comply with the infolrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approve4 Unifornr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLJESISFOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BYTELmHONE AT479-2138 OR AT OLJROFFICE FROM 8:(n AM -5 SIGNATURE OF OWNIR OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI 769 rut Wff !'7 '@ 12:55 APPIJCATTOII WIIL NOTEE ACCEPTEDIF ITGOilPLETE OR UNSIGIIED Proiect #: ,;-$ 75 3. Ftqttlg€Rd. Vall'Colondo 816!7 Buildlng Pe{nn f:-, , Ffetranbf Permlt #z 97 A-4?g-2lgl (rnrPe.fons) Room tryout dnwn b scalg to Includel Room Alr Duct Ah Duct and I coupt-grE vAurATloN FoR ItlBcHANrcAL PEru'lrr (labor & ltiabrlals) I F ffioutthefollowlng: /a,-! ln rdfl*Rv'crrL*rr<C ffives() No()bs an EHU erlst at thts lc ffitlot*r() It ' R€saurdtE I r oa':a ffii*htt'lly() Dupte(()M{yfrtiv()q ,ffi;uo untt' lnthls bufldlng:ffing Dselltng Unlls ln ttds buldkq: 0f FrepFc gN"1!:Eq:"*f,8. ', (NoTArLowED).-*34.Ga^d^@( ll @l#( : '-'W{jvll-'7'/o o collrRAgroR inronralrro|{ *ltff..ttl f r*FOR Omcr usE Oltw-..1*ctl*lt*lt*ttt**f 't'*t***t*r lllt* & REI'D trltAY 17 2002 ffiIm0:-- --__.- tns-pecuomiqequepr- ffi 6:!3_e.q _ __\fSUl-" {:fi; r-SUUR,bE _ - - ,3 F€qussted Inspe:t Date, Frlda!, SdFrernber 3il. ?tdl ' in$Hectsn sf,edl ,:f' Slto Adilre$si iri0 SAIL dtEdj E'R \rAlr- s8c uArL utEw BR #.ler AJFtr lnfofmsusq p,ftftrttv gd0a411G Trps F-rnECH Corr$ TrtS' t^-n .:cufairc q (f,6'rier: 4f,rR$Flii,tqF.u. F?lC Fpplicant non HALL CONFA!'D' corifaciar; Rrf,D l-t{LL COMPAFIY trussrtF{!4}, cotsGRT FROM WCOtr TO E,C3 HsesEdJqie:,qllglrrjil l'em: ?06 ruia:hi-RauBtl R6qr,€6tat: RgIr l-iAlt COMFFNY :oilimsnb: UJILL iIALL LER$'' 3S subrffi: 1*tF Phrr€i 3J3"77?-?7C{ Phons 303-777-?7fX) 9lntus; ISSUFE tnqr Area' ca cDrflnsnb:C LL LERqIT 3S&$5{+'iC1 l:Dltt Ss$lon€d To: Cr!,P\M,s - Artbn: Inspeefrofl hlistorE Ent€r€d By: L(:AMPBELL I ,:I Run I'1: 52 &em; l0f, l,lECH€guslr/' '[em: 310 MEcl"l+lEollng - tD hBm 3tg PLM+Ga6Filflnnt ltem: lZ0 AffiCh+'ERtr6$S Hoods ttem: 336 kJIECH-Suppty Alr fiem: 34{l MECH-idl5t.;iaii: i-e,S 6iEei{Fidyt/ fu,,,14S_-,,X-mau-- R.EipT131 \ (-td5.'i---- royii!opVarl 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 w0479-n38 DEPARTMENTOFCOMMTINITYDEVELOPMFI\I'f I . I I^-^OY*^K- -a-t\- r'.qY (\ c- .(.-J E^<-lD\5--<--!--'- # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of will call->93. OO Pa)mpnts-> BALANCE DUE-> IteM: O51OO BIITIJDING DEPART!{ENT os/22/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond r 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOII AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701- OF TIIE 1997 IrMC, OR SECTIOIT 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG. ) : INSTALTLTATION Mt ST CONFORM TO !{ANUFACTURES INSIRUCTIONS A}ID TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TTIE 1997 I]IIIC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECFIANICALPERMIT Perrrit #: M02-0109 fob Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 9S0VAILVIEWDR #227-D Applied.. : 05/?2/2002 Parcel No...: 2't0301406M6 Issued. . : 05/8/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 77/79/2002 owNER KRUSE, CY,rinsrrrA R. Os/22/2002 Phone: 980 VAIIJ VIEW DR API 22LD \IAIIT CO 81557 License: coNTRAeTOR ROD IAr.,& COMPAI\TY 05/22/2A02 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYAIIDOT STREET DEI\rVm., CO 80223 I-,icense:150-M APPIJICAIiIT ROD IIAIJIT COMPAISy O5/22/2OO2 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYASTDOT STREET DEI{I\IER, CO 40223 License: L50-M Desciption: COVERT WOOD TO GASINSERT Valuation: $2000.00 Fireplace Information- Reshicted: Y Wood Pelleb FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> 94o.oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Feer-> t53.00 Plan Check-> 91O.OO DRB Fee-> $O.OO Additiqnal F6--> (953.00) kweetigation-> $o,oo ToTAL FEES---> 553.00 Total Permit Fee-> 90.00 $0. 00 90. 00 Cond: 25' (BL,DG.): GAS APPITIANCES SIIATL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO TER!,IIIIATE AS SPECIFIED rN SEC.806 OF TIIE 1997 I!MC, OR Cond: 29 (BL,DG. ) : ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPITY WITII THE 1997 I]MC .AIID CTIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 TMC. Cond: 31 (BI.,DG. ) : BOII,ERS SIIAIJJ BE MOTNSTED OI{ FIJOORS OF NONCO!{BIISTIBIJE COITST. I'NIJESS TISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIOORI}IG. Coad: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AIiID CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI$I\IICAI' ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION PEQT'EST. Cond: 3O (BLDG. ) : DRAIIIAGE OF MECIIA]IICAIr ROOMS COIITAMI]IG HEATIIIG OR IIOT-WATER SITPPLY BOIIJERS SHAIJIJ BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJ@R DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TTTE ].997 I'MC, OR SECTION L004.6 0F TrrE L997 I,C, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio& filled out in full the inforrration required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infomration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plao to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approve4 Uniforsr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CIIAPTER 8 AIID SIIAIJT CI{ASTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1.O17 OF REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOT]R HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8OO AM .5 SIGNATURE OFOWNER ORCONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 44A ru1, ffiR 18 '@ @).8 APPUQATION WILL 'TOT EE ACCEPTED tF IilCOMPT^EIE OR I'flSIGTIED Prclect#: Bulldlng Permlt #: Hdtanbl Permtt#:g7|H,'rg-ttin (Il|3eecdotE) wlll not be R Mtde: AIrD Alr Hue, Vant and Oes Uno Sitzq snd lffiUon HeatL6celca EqulprndttCuVSFslte€b on3 end and WorkQassP 1,1s,{( ) Addluott( ) AMaUon@ Ye( ) No( )Does an EHU qlst at$b Bollert@Uon: Intartor( )' ErHor( ) Oher( ) Ty'paotBdSt SltSt*hmHy1 1 ouptut ) ltulU'hndlv( ) ConnerAd( ) Retmnt( ) Aher !lo. of AmnnPdatlm UntBln No, of E:dsdrg Dwd[nS t nfrs ln thls bulldhg: No/rype6@-c€ p@ ( ) wood/Pellet!_) tttooa a rimd burnlng flrepla@ ban coFlPLElt vAluAltolt FOR MEC]|AI{ICAL PERlltT (l'abo collrRAcToR lNFOnff ATloll ** relrart*t*r*tlt**t.&taaa"a "a**""@ lgf Fr6l tsk: E-:F-re6?**-Inspesfrerfi R@uest Eepsft isxg _ - H.&t{-"-eo.:T#sry-N sF- ..E:tr-en - --V.6t{."-c0."f,O$S-ffi Requ8st€d inspaat ii€ie: Fri4lav, s€Flemoer'20. !00? lflsrtecd<:n Ar'ee: JR6fi ' Srie Addrcss; SIS VAIL UIEW trR dAlL seovAlt vlEwtlR #?1-D AiFfO l[grn1aq€n Activfr. tutol-Fr09 TVE€ B{LreCH *s{rs TvpA: 13a4ops"1i:'r: Cr,"ri€r. KFUgf . r: vtJr#rA F App{l€nt: F.QFI r-tALL COMPA}Jv- Certireclot: HCS i'tAlt COSfP|$EY Edsc*rllon: cOlER"i S',/'JODTO rgAS gSERT Es.aslsd-liEffilisair o?' 2a'oz tt s]ffi. AldF Pllo$B. g3'717-7?nf Pfinn€: 3$lT?7.77ft1 Stqtu$. lgStlED hr*p 4aae: JR&f ';:. t:. Itesai RBqusstDf: f,sfiircrant$: Asslgned 7l.- Anik n: ln8FBctan i-{lgtlIf lbm: lBm' &snt: fl€m: hsm: lbm: lftem: 100 FflECH{teusfi ROD FIALL COfifFAH'i wtLt t.ALL LEROY iS$5SS101 1 Bl?1 Y& rirnsErp: - ReoueBttd nmei 0&gl Atr Fhcns: 30$7t-rix! €h!€reo 8t' LCFSdFBE|-L K ,. .....i,:-i..". I r{EFT]-3J,Run I.5l: 5?'*.;*r TOWN OF VAIL DMARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT I,ii.HTIA?ER.AD t^,Ya?, g7g7g-zlgg tr\,.1t1 \ -ll- \J, NorE: THIS eERMIT MUST BE posrED oN JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES 5to\c!-r-'--t- MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0111 |ob Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Shtus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR # D-304 Applied . . : 05/22/2002 ParcelNo...: 27030L4Offi48 Iszued. . : A5/?3/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 77/79/2@2 owNER STAIIMER, AIBERT H., itR os/22/2002 phone: 1560 TAMARAC DR GOI,DEN CO 804 01 Iricense: coNfRAcToR ROD IIALL COMPANY 05/22/2002 Phone:.3O3-777-77OO 255 IITYATiIDOT STREET DETiI\IER, CO 80223 Lricense: 150-M APPIJTCANT ROD HAIJr COMPAITy O5/22/2OO2 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYAI{DOT STREET DSIVER, CO 4o223 I-,icense: 150-M Desciption: CONVERTFROM W@D TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $2000.00 Fireolace I orrutioru Restricd Y #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGaslogs:0#oI Wood Pell€t FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> S40.00 RBtuarant Plan Review-> Plan check_> s10 . 00 DRB Fee--> 90. oo Total Calculabd Fees-> S53.oo $0. o0 Additional Fees"_> ($s3.ool Investigaticr-> willcall-> 9O . 00 TOTAL FEES---> $s3 . 00 Total Pemrit Fee--> $3 .00 Paymenb-> BAIr{\ICE DUIE-> ITEN: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMENT o5/22/2oo2 DE Action: AP IteM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTTT{EIiIT CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE RSQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IA}!CE. Cond: 22 (BI-'DG.): CoMBUSTIOIT AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF TIIE L997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 0F TtrE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): IIiISTALLATION MUST CONFORMO MANUFACTTRES TNSTRUCTTONS AI{D TO CIIAPIER 10 oF THE 1997 UMC, CmPIER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC- $0.00 s0.00 $0. oo Cond: 25 (BIJDG. ) : GAS APPITIANCES SHAI:IJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AIiID SHAITIT TERMr\IATE AS SPECTFTm rN SEe.806 OF TIIE L997 TJniIe, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TI{E L997 IMC. Coad: 29 (BIrDG.): ACCESS TO HEjATING EQIIIPII|ENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTffi. 3 AI{D S8C.1017 OF THE L997 IN4C ATiTD CMPTER 3 OT TIIE 1997 IMC. Coud: 31 (BL,DG.): BOII-,ERS SHALIJ BE MOITNfED OII FLOORS OF }IOIICO!{BUSTIBI'E CONST. I]NL,ESS I-,ISTM FOR MOI'IiTTIITG OTi[ COMBUSTIBIJE FIIOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PRMIT,PITANS AND CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE POSTED rN MECITAN'ICAI-, R@M PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDC.): DRArIIAGE OF MECHAI{ICAIT ROOMS COIITAI]TI]IG IIEATIIIG OR SOT-WATER SI]PPITY BOIITERS SHAI'IJ BE EQUfPPED WITII A FTJ@R DR./AI]{ PER SEC. tO22 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR sEetroN 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARAUONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomtation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLIESIS FORINSPECflONSHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOIJRHOUttS IN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT4792138 OR ATOUROFFICEFROM 8:(tr AM - 5 SIGNATURE OFOWNEROR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 4.M PAA APR 18 '@ @2X APPUGATIOfl WILL T{OT E ACCEPTED IF INC.OI'IPT.ETE OR UT{$GNED ^-.,trfltD Ir--\t -/ I r,!/Lfrtt,||o',/.,|ttt - vr... -- r--v. 75 6. Frontega Rd. Vallo Colorado 81657 Ftotsd#: # Buildlng Permlt#i- Hedrenicaf Pormit *z - '7|&4.r9-tuta (lnspecUott4 be accepted layout Stlzeand V€rfr ottd Gc Une Slze and tJcsdon Hestl.6Cal6. Equlpn$tGrt/s[acShss WOrk Class: tl€w ( ) Addldofl (Repalr( ) Odnr( ) Yes( ) No( )tbs an EtlU otlst at tl'tls AdlerLmton: Int€rlor( ) Efierlor( ) O$er( ) fvp"CEtdg, $rgtefiEtdtvt ) crupfq( ) t'lti6-hmlly( ) Onms n( ) Reurant( ) 6ter lb. dAccornrnodadon tlnlb ln O1b No. of ErlSrg Dfld[ng Unlts In tils bufldlng: s( ) WoodlPellet( ) Wood ,OO 1'l-1)oo cor{PL^ETE YAIUATTON FOR HECHAI{ICIL PERttlrT (tabor & @T{TRACTOR, IN FIORHA'IION r** srrrr*..rt**t*rc*r.rrr.*.*t**.*****FOR OfEtCllSE-Ott!&"tr*l**r*sr*t TBT6::fn:* -_--lnsmeci'ton m-edGsi. tdspsmrrm Pogo 36 09-:0-:0i: lnepec,tion Request Reportlng e,54 +m ._._HSiL_fe -.TQWH *F. . - Fequesfi4d inss€€t Dai€j Frrrjay, leF,tefrtt€f, ac. i00; !ftspecttsrfl &rer; -lRM Si3ts.qddre€5i 078 dAL $Fr"d trFl vAiL 880 taAl'i- UIES' ErF # 0-etrrl AIPJO lnfon$iaFon Adlrtliy: ftltL€-SJt'i CorrstTiffi' C)ar€r: Appllr6nt: e{dfr"cta't: trG'iFtrin: Eq.i{dsr[es l!$F:S3Lq$$ itern: R€tlucnict: C$mnsrr&: Aslqn€d To:- Adlon- E-ME|H silb T#e AFdF PfEne: 3N3-77?.7tBo Pflone: &777-17U0 $ldn: IS3UED lnsp,qre6: JFM 70?p'az iJB:0t! &ffi t.3S3"777-7700 ,n- , _ Enbf€TJ Bv: LCAMPEELL F tn5Fe6.titrn Hisnar{ *--'* *.Fn"uchA0 tt'Jn. 3ltj t lEckLt"l"lzdnfi [t€m: 315 Plful8€ss PrFfn#l\P ileftl. 340 ftECt i-Eal auh t lor. dl tism: S3S MEf hi-."uFFfd Ah hem: 34fl MEC{+}Jli6i. -. .- Henr: 3SO F"{ECt+Rnat p([ 'REgf131 Rrxn 16.: 52 a' :. I TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 974479-2138 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR #C-l 15 Parcel No...: 2lO3Ol4M027 ProjectNo: owNER CONSTAT{CE B. KNrGrrr REVOCABITo5 IOL/2OO2 385 GORE CREEK DR 201 VAIIJ CO 8L557 L,icense: DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINIry DEVELOPMENT NOTE: T}IIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #:MO2-0W4 ,(k;crLAl-^}<L J r, Y -l-1\,." 3\-<f \ $t Eit@K.l-r-4-r-- APPIIIESNT ROD IIAI.JL COMPANY 255 WYAtitDOT STREET DEIWER, CO 4o223 Li-cense:150-M COI{TRACTOR ROD IIAI']J COMPAITY 255 IVYAI\IDOT STREET DEMIER, CO 4o223 Lricense: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS Valuation: $1.700.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Restricted: Y f of Gas Applianc€: 05/oL/2002 Phone: 303-777-77OO 05/0L/2002 Phone: 3o3-777-77OO 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 Status. .. Applied. . Issued . Expires . . Phone: : ISSUED : 05/0lDO02 : O5/2ll2OO2 : Ll/1712002 #of wood PeUer: 0 FEE SUMMARY r!rlAt|!t{.*tt'ttt*rr*i**tt*r..**ra*r'l*ttartrirrrttrrarrNtaairtr M€chanical---> Plan Ch€ck-> lnvestigation-> wiu chlt-> t40.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> SX0. O0 DRB Fe€-> $0.00 TOTALFEES > 93.00 $0. o0 s0. 00 953 .00 ToEl Calculated Fe€s.--> Additiongl Fess-----> Total Permil Fe€-> Payments# BAL{{CE DUE--------> s53 . oo (ss3 .00) 90.00 s0. 00 $0.00 Ittttaitaatttatrlaata*ll*{tttat*t.i Item: 05100 BUIIJDfNG DEPARTMBCI o5/ot/2oo2 DF Action: AP Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARII,IBCI Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE Cond: 22 (BL,,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQI]-IRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTIOII 701 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): MSTALTLATION MUST CONFORM TO 10 OF fiIE 1997 t'MC, C}IAPTER 10 OF TIIE Cond: 25 CONDMON OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIiICE. MANIIFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AIiTD TO CIIAPTER l_997 rMC. 554 PE1 APR 3A '@ L4zEL APPUCTTIOII WIII.'{OT IE ACCEFIGD IF IT{COiIPI'ETE G UTUilGN@ Profett #l Euildlng Petmft *2- liedranlcal Fennlt *z -. g?O-179-Xtit8 (f ncPecdons)t l mw{00raIL 75 S, Vall,Rom Room ArDsct @ Catcc.o Equlgrcntqc/speshests Permlt wfll not be accqted wlthout thq CONTSACTOR, II{FORIIATIOII lx I , I t I I pbMdress:g fu Uctlviz.l cils WbrkChsg: Ns(,) Addl0on( )' Aleaflonxl q?par( ) oss( ) ffin, Yes( ) No( )&lbr Locadon:t I enernrt ) OttEr( ) otAcomrnoOatton t nb In tlrts buldlng:moffins-Dwdnng unlg In tfib buildlqg: Ittg (NOTAI.LOLTI'ED) of Fhedaaes Pmposd: u* @T{PLETEVALUAfl'T{ FOR PERmtT (bbr&!{abrlets) fda-303 7-??oQ t@. L4t@. topbbckhMe6embf/ bros uFper ond k'we'r dofr tim Wbdorngil6 topbbcklumecsemg bosr-pperodb,vodwttn hlockbo$om gtil6 . bp btcEi occsnfecl \/blodon c6sar|ltty . b'Grppercndblflsdodhirn . Usckbotlomgue c8silbly lopgpHGc€rfrdgfileqrd top gdd ploied b.n 9 Nentbv gld, Colod ho'iufd & \€dbol dodtln ffibottomg!fles gold plot€dbdfom tln $rip C€o[Ed orhide goqt) tAgd@dBdgflecrd lop gpkl ploted louvTe @riXV gdd doied h@ntd & vdflcd doc[ t'tn bbck boftom gdhs gDUpb|dboltonttnslrF Coot edcrlcod) t@bosoocotedWl"qgl"Gembly \ bcssupperodbrcrdoolfrn blod( botiorn gda Gsfirbly $pecificolioru Cr2S 6sht $rlt@@ A 26'{660mm) 8. 38'(96rm) gegriLrFqeile A, U'0ll nm) B 41' o(Il n!n) C. 26' (66 mrn) D. l6i (4bmm) E. lr ($omn) F. l6'(4bftn) G, 18' {45t mm) J. 20'(608mm) Ce2,S lBoy) Srnoubc€Cflo A 26'(6dl mm) B. 38- oat rtrn) feg,|dlsE3de A qCrll rvn) B 4l' 0041 nrn) C.6'(60mm). D. lf (46rnrn) E. ll,Zf e9 nrn) J,--ffir LEHED!]I_LI ffi t'ftfnunE€SoooOesftlF CdorroEdlCfiUS A 0llrm)wrlf (67mn) trrld({bnr0 D r. l4Fr (373 rrn) G. l8l (457 mn)[ 3'fr6 ntm)I J. 20[ (50 trgn) Chrolcs-chocne I of 3 Cq&voBoyCRsl fi 0ll mrDwr 18' (457nnt Hr ltrE C353rrf,i) o Sdne 3pry('!.tg drJes !fi|tra b lcru'.6oo,rn tuct'slb todrt ote tr Fd|lli b csr? tar.do bqdy F(rr H td ffib ddt q'd €ficbrdt b. ve6 l! csra I ; tt[rpF.tt@6 ir'r w] @ertsrE m ertp cueuOo'l qOa [d mea d grtEc4d|torf I 8€tds ndCa'ro.!, d€cle rsodidddg| iedsl3 * r1r* n *" cojeq g @g!.&f! qiE cbd.Ed cad€! t,lB€ (Fptc{de. Wbooz \AIOOD stsTEus { 66t0 Hteb Sel ffrEm.al HetEqt rlt C ]&rUs N.IRNMAMJFAC]UENC ctEccEnil, Soe&trloo B.c- VolU 2e8 Condo ,.o6uJrHrfg6sn . F|td[ lrt'o@Obum-rfOcc AI'IHONUED DIAIR AIP,D lnftJffrqttan Reuu€sterl lns!€et Edte, Frl.isv, g€ilFfi'rb€r 20, Stta ' lfiss€cti,on dJea: .jFlM - Sise Ad€Fass: I7i3 VALHEA DR vAlL 9S VArLllFd ORm-t?5 t; Sblus: lgrcLED erryArw' JFM P,cthritv': MS3.oOBa Tw€: F}.{ECH Conrr Tvg6: fkflrD3'rtr"l: T}$ii3r. CONSTAT.ICE E. KNIGHT RE\TOCFELE TRL,ST Ccn$?ci(,r: FQD HALL CGldPAirY AFE{ic€nl: FOD HALL eC&4FA}lY g'mcri&n: €Of.t\tFRT FR0*1 l6@D TO gAg &Aleg.tedl ir s.r+c.!h!g s ! Itefi r 300 tUECI'l-Rouglt Fwuedor: ROtr t'l&LL CO{'iPAN\ conirnenb: $VLL eALL T EROY g!$5S&101J:cll lg Assfi:nsd To. .fiEOftlBRf;GOSlrr s.- Actkrn: -Ff Tfi1-€ E'dp 't. InsEecSBn Fltstorv Hr'm: ?00 MECI't-EouSlAP tt8m; 310 MEQt+Ftua[ng iten,. Sr5 PLrug€aa PlFhgAO ttffil. 32D RTECH'Effrar.FlHords nern: 33S MECi FSUFpT AII ham: 348 iJECl.&Mi6c. tt$m: 390 MgCH-Ftsrst.AS> sub,T\Fs: r\ltiF Uba' Phena: 303-7?7-?700 FHqne: 3{:3-n7-17U$ ng 20 -d-z R€1r$c!-sEdTlme: 08100 AH ' Phons: il}ll.777-?7tX) €nt€I€d BV: LCAiIIPEEIL RSFTl-31 Run Id: 52 I ".1 .rl nt TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: BROOKTREE#>219 ParcelNo...: 210301406044 Project No : OWNER HEATH, .tOEIr UI. 980 \TAIL VIEW DR D219 VAIL CO 8t657 License: APPIJICANT ROD HALIr COMPAIIY 255 WYAI{DOT STREET DEM/ER, CO 80223 License: L50-M CONTRACTOR ROD HAIJJ COMPAM 255 ViNTASIDOT STREET DEIWER, CO 80223 License:150-M DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0092 04/26/2OO2 Pbone: ffi;tr -B'.o-(3-^.,^-- Status.. . : ISSUED Applied. . : 04f26/2002 Issued. . : 05UnN2 Expires . .: llll7t2002 04/26/2002 Phone: 303-777-7700 04/26/2OO2 Phone : 3Q3-777-77OO Desciption: CONVERTFROM WOOD TO GAS NSERT Valuation: $2,000.00 Fheplace Infonnation: Resu'ided: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 '|...*.t|'|.t.|t|*|.4'||*|'{|:|.t'f:t!tt|t{|'.'t|*.|...t''.{|.|*''t|'|.'lt|t'.tFEEsUMY Mechanical-> S4o. oo Restuarant Plan Rwiew*> $o . oo Tobl Calculsled Fees-'> $53 . oo plan Check-> S1O. OO DRB Fee---..-> 90. oO Additional Fees-----> (9s3.00) Investigalion> $0. oo TOTAL FEES-------------> S53 . oo To&l Pennit Fee--> $0 . oo will call.--.+ s3 . Oo Payments--------------- 90. 00 BAI-ANICE DUE-----.----> so. oo i|.t|i||t|.*||.{..t'l||.||l'|'t*N.t*t||t|t.'|||i8st*it|t*t.*|||*'*t|| Itsem: 05L00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMBfrT 04/26/2002 DE Action: AP IIEN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ET{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIAT.ICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I,MC, OR SECTIOII 70L oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAI-,LATTON MUST CONFORM TO UANIFACTI'RES INSIRUCTIONS AllD To CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1-997 I'MC, CIIAPTER 1.0 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPITIAI{CES SIIAIJIT BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 Al{D SItAlIr TERMI}IATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 IfiE, OR CITAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQIIIPMBIT MIIST COMPLY WITII CIIAPTER 3 AIiID S8C.1017 OF TIIE ]-997 ITMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHAL,E BE MOITNFED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNITESS ITISTED FOR MOUIITIIIG Ot{ COI{BUSTIBLE FI-'OORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLAIIS AIID CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN l4ECHAliIIeA].r R@M PRIOR TO AIS INSPEqTIOII REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAII.IAGE OF I{ECIIANICA].I RooMS CO!{TAINMG HEATI}TG OR HOT-WATER SIIPPITY BOIIJERS SIIAIJIJ BE EQIIIPPED WITH A I'IJOOR DRAI}I PER SEC. IO22 OF TIIE 1997 I]!'C, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F TIIE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accuraf€ plot plart and state that all the information as required is conect I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to compty with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanc€s ofthe Tovm applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC'TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213t OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF V7 mL HR E '@ t6t4, APP|JCATION WIII- lIOf 8E ACCFTCD IP TTICO'IIPLEtT OR UT{SIGIIED Proj€ot #! &rildlng Permlt #i Hdranbl PermE#: 97M79-2138 (tncpecdons) TOVTIWYAfr'' 73 9. FionbgsRd. vall, colotado 810!t7 I roluH oF-vArt MEsHANTcAt PER$JI APPUCATToN Permlt wlll not be accepted wtbout the tullowlng: Prolrld€ ltldrenl€l noom lgyout dralm b scah to Includs: o llectrqrlcal Rom Dlmendons COTNACTOR\INFORTIIATIOTI I Ercf# Gqult"df__;to qo | 40b )L :ou nran,":pn'ootlree- \ :t I roncarefp)W LegalDccrlp0on ll tou ll Blod<r nlrE:Sutdtolsbn: Engfneer:Adfi€ss:PlEre: @cD@ot Qf -to W tuL16 f.) WorkChs: !!@ L RsPalr( ) ffi""8{red*iturlsUeUon: Yes( ) No( )b-|Frtocauon: lntetbr( ) prEdfl( ) O$ter( ) No, of E6dng Dudltllg UnB In tfils btddng:tlo. CeronflEda0st Unlts In Brls bulldtlg: ffi . I w""d/f["tr t tlv""d BJ,'"tt!,A =No/IypedRrepr"*e. Brlmlng (Ndf Aurou'ED) FOR HEdTAI{rcAt PER!'lrT Glbor & l'iatertatsl .do I i APR 2'S 2002 rovc@ n****rl*tFOR OFFICE USE ONLYrrer ftFR?5'@ I6.LA fuE ssh0P Mhrirnum lvlcrddoymdSdunoHtdl 3l'(r0 tnmlu r A6'@l rmr)a x 173'(t8e rIrDD ondSoluno rnlr r 16' l.mu fu1" Hrep@ hlun-oBoy(X815 l- u --.1 I ro-1 |lffi;l _.w- F=h flml]^ @r'M N|)P , rh .Efil"ffi .lpFblloetuy . borpdd trg clstln . tB Wngftl Dfnerdors Bq (enrnl I [ffivcnd sdrruHrdr tt&hc$A 21 oipflfl0 g 44'Cngmn) llrert# A Sf OBruD e ffoll8mnu ' bpg*ldtrdh.i@cssiltt ,geeffiffidcrdv*d dsun , ? glt'pftBd Atrn gb i.bghttsddttn@ Mcrebydd StunqBoy LtJI'tGrDlae A 2r Cit drd L tll'(l llSFrn) rE6@ A &l'Oltrmt tr tlf0ll6mr0 lqo@ A Sf OFrcO e flf (unfisrf c 3rou'rm) D. lur(o9rrn)E l4lu@Bm)E l7.f(40rin)e 2!Sr@l nrD J 28(@2n'f,il lllD'l-flt A 3El'@l3flrD B S0ItDFro c 3l'(,amd)D nlE (tlCrnrD E ltr@rnrD f; lf(trDmD e 2o$Gil mr)t tulr CO nt|D J Z?g@zdm) . b(bdErl . hpgd|p@bsesdty .trEpkiledffiod€b1 (btlrl \ . bp t{-fi lrJ€@ilfy r. b tmsod b€tdEttn .llod.bMnffi 't@gSpt$dblreoanDf .goEdedhs.toEodrdd (bffirl . bbdbo rrngb . boiltt ngodftndrp Perfunrrne HC Mcnlleffiom . tp gd Sd hr@cstrq \. gouCdsd|ffidcrdw&d t&En r trECotsdUEnglG r blEttg*,Atn@ Oe6rc€s@ lrBmd i(rntro lFdfie €m ossgt|t*t Elubtt|f [ddn.sfi l|flrlldDarl lrANIllE0ESOtl ,I. (5'lrnm) c (l(zrfrft 6.06Bmt) 8'@{trm) ldestum) ctEANANcC SlzeurmD 93rf@rrtD ll lrf(zgront) t2rlzro9m ) tWodz ebFc6!qfrta E!6rbthrtQll!t astEttb!F. b !Eda, lGlcrsf tcnd hof l.tr? [.,lf.du-;tru;,inspe€fl Eft ft equest Repaltirry _-. yaiL.c.6...ro${!\r 0F . i .1 .i-,,1 Fi:-54 am eecuEsted hlrFe3t DatF. lttsp€ctis..r AFsa. Sil"-4Cdfas3; Ar.Prolnfiolredqn Aclfvitv: ffi2-{X}9? TYF€. +FJE']|-, l.onst r, veg : tlctinahty: tlrotier: HE,rrTl'|. JCEL W Crff&'sctor: ROD FICLI COMPAhfY AEpihgnt ReD I'tALt COMFA&IY EcEcrip6cfl: CO$TVEFT FFfOirt WOCD Tf) €Ag stgERT E#rsEicllllEe€il&4 &] Ilenr; I00 MeCH-Rouoh Rcqu€Gr::fi ROf, HALL ColuiFAhl't C*mmanE: bSILL CALL tERSy -n03-55trn0ti:8119 CsnirnantE: btl|-l C4LL tERQy -+03-55Sf O{i: Asslerred To: JMOf{DRAGOH T$.F - &cllori. ---- t]l Thn€ Erfr: !ffir' seotembereo' ?oo2 C?i' V,AJL vlEW trn {A|L EPoGKTREE # I].?1! AMF \ ),,| gI3-777-nog 3{ts?7?.7?00 6HuS: FSI.ED Insp 68"', ,*O 6q'2o - OZ Recueslad Tlme; 08:00 Aff ' Pftcno: J0}7i7-7fm Entef8d sr' tr:AfclF(3ELL K lnsB€cffon Fllsttrr* &m. e06 lbm: 310 ttem: 315 ttor$: ttG tern: 330 f3@sr!; 3,{tl As!n: 3gQ ,,,..! .'l I I ,l .,1 I EEFTl31 :Run .Id.: 52 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 a-! "^&6-J (' : -Y1 \-.f, N<{ \ -Br.r.d,^-.-= DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO2-0066 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: BROOK TREE D2l8 Applied. . : A4/2512002 Parcel No...: 210301406M3 Issued. . : 0512112002 hojectNo : Expires. .: llll7/2002 owNER. IIARRTSON, ROIIATD A. & IiIAI\ICY 04/25/2002 Phone: 2OOO MATECUMBE KEY RD PIINIA CIORDA FIr 33 955 Licenge: APPTICAIIT RoD HALL, COMPANY 04/25/2002 Phonez 303-777-770O 25.5 WYA}iIDOT STREET DEhI\TER, CO 80223 Iricense: 150-M colwRAcToR RoD IIAIJ., COMPAI{':| O4/25/2OO2 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 ! YAIIDOT STREET DEIIVER, CO 80223 Iricense:15O-M Desciption: COIWERT FROM WOOD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $2,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of0as lngs: 0 #of Wood Pellet 0 ig''*t.'liil||.|tti|t'.'||tt|''t|atf.|+.*..*t.t.t..i|:|**'lit'Nt'|t.il.FEEsUMI!'4AItY||**.*...***d*.a*****'t*.'*.'.{t|' Mechanical--> S4o.0o Restuarant Plsn Review-> $0.00 Toral Calculated Feeg-> 953 .00 Plan Checft--> $XO.0O DRB F€o--_---> $0.00 Addirional Fess > (553.00) lnrcstig0tion-> $0. OO TOTAL FEES > Ss3 . 00 Total Permit Fee-> $0. o0 Wi[ Call-> 53 . OO Pa]'menls------> $0.00 BALANTCE DUE------> 50.00 ttt*aaa8:!titiAat{.Item: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPART!{miIT 04/25/2002 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMET{II CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (B!,D@.): FIEL,D INSPECTIOI{S ARE RBQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIANCE. Cond:. 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIO\T AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALJ,AjIION MUST CONFORM TO !{ASTUFACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAE{IER 10 oF Trfi t997 IIMC, CmI{lER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. )': eaS APPIJIAITCES SHALIT BE VEN:ID ACCOR.DING TO C$PTER 8 IERMINA:rE AS SPECIFIED II{I SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 7997 UI,Irc, OR CIIAPTHR Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQIIIPMENI MUST COMPITY WITI{ CHAPTER TITE 1997 I'MC AI{D CHA TER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BIJDG. ) : BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUNfED Ol[ FITOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE IJISTM FOR MOI]NTING ON COI4BUSTIBIJE EIJOORINE. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJANS Al.lD CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHAI{ICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AI\T I}ISPECTION REQT]EST. Coud: 30 (BI-,DG. ) : DRAITiBGE OF MBCIIAIIICAL ROOMS CONTAIIiIING HEAT]NG OR HOT-]IATER SITPPIJY BOIIJERS SHALIJ BE EQI'IPPM WITTI A FI.'OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TTIE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 I}LC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information require4 completed an accurate plot plarq and state that all the information as required is correcl I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approve4 Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOTJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM. 5 PM. A}ID SIIAIJIJ 8 0F TIIE 1997 TVLC. 3 ArirD s8c.1017 0F CONST. ITNLESS OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET & \ mwnffirfrlY 75S. Fontq€Rd. Vd[ Qloredo 814i? Prurd#: Bulldftrg Pennlt #:_ Mechanlcal Pcrmtr #: 9tG47P-2138 (&upedonc) be acceptd wlthout tle follodng: !ry1lry.o_l!_dmyn to scale to Indrde: Room Atr Alr ildCas r lE1 , .-"d* ,t Parcef # (Rqufred, &t03 0 110b043 rob N'*fu"r.f:jr,ez-}l)a r I -nlna,s,ffi 1/A;!UD fu , t Fgal lhscdptbn I tob ll Block fl rilttS, , ll Subdlvtebn;mneffi llAfJfiqaJ"c..$l- v': pd nP*"Qttt-Iaz-aqtL Englne€n ry -flPhone:,frn*f*ffi"WhW Repab( ) g@L) Eollerl@tbn: dcrtdt( ) EGrlor( ) OttEr( )D6anEflt edstatttrlsbcatton: Ye( ) No( ) t{o. of E.lsdrlg Ddllrqltlnfrs In thls bulldlnO:ilo. of nsnrrcaauon urS tn thts bu8dlttg: Utsrf r w@dlFe|Hf ) w;&"ntno(/t . ng(FIOTAU.oU'ED) I,C thlsa carivorslon from a umd hmlng nt€pb@ to an EPA P collPl€TE PERIIIIT (labor & Materlals) CONTNACTOR INFORi{ATION ^t\ |OU\ '$!)1't?-??oo APR 2 4 ?002 TOV-COM.DEV. '&funoHt$SeShDP F-o---i D ItI I lhnt lffil llLu_l. $rftfnumFhpbce W WE HPR 24 '@ @t46 DMons ,)Mcrddqycrd$funofr.dl 3l'g8t mOwr205'(el rfiDx r l7,tr({9.t!n) D (r 'Mcrdorysd&ilrnnoBq 3l'(rglrm)wr2oq(dil nnr)H r ltr({5mtUD .l@bFd(lrn@cmry . trcN rmssd bs &cttn . bBbottorngrk t-_:_ ilrmil |. Aenlngs . . @gddFhHhrmcsgflfy .opudd€dffi([d\Eb llrP@ A 3r0Bt|m)& Sfc2nrflD c Sr0gnd D. ruf (O9m0 e lulrctgrrn)E |7.f(ADnrn) C.209@l'mt) J. 22.nr@2flm) Mcrxltrvcnd Sdunobv b!|/tsbF A 2Fcrt|m)B 4f 0l l8rn) EmbF A 3rGl3.m0 e tlfoll8nnD tq|pES A gcltntd B ry0mnrnl C fl'(nf flrn)o tEglo90trD E |tr6lt'mr)E ld(tfbdn$e a5r@tmil t /Ulr(Ot!d,t Zg@?nmi dmffin McmfleCMonces Cle<rtncd cEo rrBrod frrn tF te d tlb grb (Esileat MANIITEflB\NO{ CIEAOAJTCE f (nnun) f(l@nn) 6'0@flur) 8'@4nnt) lo'@&rn) . HprcnuecErt*r .brfqdhs&qttn o hrdtangfu 8ltt@l7lrm) 9U'rP0mrD lllldr(?4ihtrl,itt 12lrf Orfin) . bH( bgtqn gil€3 . boltrr g$ttfl@ . fgdCdsdbresr$t . gdC phld t!.tiltCordrsbd &tttn r gdCpttedffinglEs .ffirtgoEfrm@ Cot Bllrttut Ttttmlwr eFdmt t[chlsa I {rbr rtrq Wobt 'ilo 3SD 96 9d@rrE ctlE9 biE6@,o(h!|d6[ 71? n% ffi 7& 7& 77%ao irbdnrn l I 6?- f(rrqr ftn ot fion ql UrxnqBry($B15lDP . tegdpffi hil€osrnuy . gDupbbdlgEtblddEr[d &('ttn ' g$Ied€ddbm gd6 . btungdltn slF ,t t. I i 0s-2tri0CI2 6;:54 sm Reau€stBd trtsEect Ddte:' lrrsneition Area: $tnE Aedr€€a: AJF D tnfqnnstkrn Ac{ylh'. Mrj:-UCq6 TvE€: F'HfEi't''' Cons, T*n6: Cceuoai'b*' O$itor: HnsrFtSOt{. Rgr'tALD A. A'MNCY.i Coffissior: RoD HALL Ce{t$PA$l} AFPiitt'rlj RGD I'J,6LL C6{dFA'IY Descilptjan: rxlNlrcFm FTlgm WCSD'rO'345 lhl$EFT EqlE'tg.Lirtsgsq!"nhl loern: &]0 $fitrH-Rausn Fesus'slor: F.gB HAIL COMFAMT Cs im€flts: Wit-L C&LL LEROY 3&:3-t5$10i l: f'!'t6 ffii, Seftantaer ECt' ?003 870 VSLVTFKT DF liAil- tu:saK'fFEE Cr-?r6 !'.rb TY.Fa' LEA' Fil{}ne; Phonel Slstug: kl3p Ar€a: lsst ED JFIRf, I *nH,lff: y:ryP lrlndEr$ lns&estori l'list*rv 300 318 :115 329 330 34t} 39& &sn: fleat: hrdn; Item: ftora: Iteml h6ln: to3-7?7"77m 3AS7?n??{n *Q" ;,P*P^& Plrooo: enl€rgd B'u: 30rn7-ncfr LCAWSELL K REprl.3L Run Ic: 52 TOWN OF VATL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 o-r-4-.r Lc4* ftu*1o( -B.--B--^-,-{- $O.OO Additional Fees__> (953. O0) NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT PCrMit #: MO2-0067 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BROOK TREE #C-303 Applied. . : M25/2002 Parcel No...: 210301406033 ksued . . : 05f2112002 ProjectNo: Expires..: ll/1712002 or{NER AKAMATSU, T. & S. - COTJPTTTSO4/2'/2OO2 Phone: RDDY, P & H - MEYER, K. - ENG, DAVID 2727 FATRVIEW AVE E ].8 SEiA,TIITE WA 9AtO2 Lricense: APPI-,ICaN:I ROD IIAIJT COMPANY 04/25/2002 Phone: 3o3-777-77OO 255 WYATiIDOT STREET DET{T\ZER, CO 4o223 License: l-50-M coNTRAeroR ROD l'AJJr, COMPAIIY 04/25/2A02 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WCAT{DOT STREET DEAIVER, CO fJo223 Iricense:150-M Desciption: COTrIVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $1,700.00 Fireplac€ Information: Restristsd: Y # ofGss Appliatrcss: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 t||l|t|*!.i!t!.'.t'|tlt*.*..{.''t.lt.,''t't'.a.lt|t'||*|t**|$l.|'|.|.!|*..i*.*. 90. oo Total Calculalsd Fe€s--->$s3. oo 04/2s/2OO2 DF Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARIT{EMI S4o. oo Resnmrard Plan Revievr--> $10.00 DRBFee--------------.- $o. oo ToTAL FEES-> $3.00 Action: AP Mechanical--> Plan Check -> Investigation> Will Call-> s0.00 90.00 $0. 00 s53 . O0 Total Permit Fee-> RAI ANCEDUE > Nl{|i|*||l|t|?'||+a||t|'t|t|||.*|:|.it||gt|tta'Ni|:l|'t||'!tt'||..*'*Item: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPARTI{EI{:I CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOIIS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPL,IA]ICE. Con.d: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF T:IfiL997 I'MC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BI-,DG.): IIIISTAL,LATION MUST COITFORU TO I,IASIUFACTIIRES INSTRIICTIONS AlfD TO CHAPTER 1-O OF TIIE 1997 UMC, CI{APTER 10 OF TIIE 199? rMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. )': GAS APPLJIANCES SIIAIL BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SHAIJJ TERMII{N,TE AS SPECIFTED TN SEC.8O6 OF TI{E L997 tJ[,i/IC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF T}IE L997 Tt4C. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATIIIG EQUIPMBiIT MUST COMPIJY WITH CIIAPTm. 3 AIiID S8C.1017 OF TIIE 1997 ITMC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF THE T997 TYIC. Cond.: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIALL BE MOIINTD ON EIJOORS OF NONCOI,IBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNIJESS I.IISTED FOR MOUTVTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE I'LOORING. Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PLAITS AND CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO At[ TNSPECITON REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAIIiTAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS COIfrTAINING IIEATING OR IIOT-WATER SI]PPITY BOIITB,S SIIAITIJ BE EQIIIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF Ttfi 1997 UMC' OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47C2I38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM .5 PM. OF OWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF 5@ WB gR 24 '@ gtsz4B APPlrCATIOfl WIII. ]IOT BE ACICEPTED tF II{O0I'IPI.ETE oR uIIs[GtrED @d#: Building Psmlt#: ttle.$ilLal Pennlt#: 97@479-2t:t8 (InEpdoE) Permltwlll not be ildradcal Ar Alr Gs ls-eSlaand lm6on Calcs. G4/SpecShetg L crc3 WorkCls: Nery( ) Addftlon( ) 'Atsndonfi,) R+alr( ) OtEr( ) tEanEHuo$tatttGlocatlon; Y€( ) No( )Bollerlocatlor: Infierbr( ) E<brlor( ) Otrr€r( ) Typdd@:3&gt|€-ftnlly( ) Dtpkf( ) MUE-fandly( ) Commetchl( ) Resraurant( )(Xls lb. of Awtunodatbn t nF h thls bttlldlngr No. of B(Hng Efidfing Unlts lp thb ) GpsIogF( ) W@d/Pdlet( ) li,edBurning(MlTAL"LowED)No/llroe of FFeplre Prcpo6ed: cas Applbrs COIIPLETE YALUATIOn FOR HEctlAtlICAL PERFUT (labor & UatBrlsls) ,dQ '17 7 -7 7oO Itt**.*r*.*.lilrr*.r***llrl*...1r.**aFOR (FFICE USE OIILYrI******rbrr*tt*til*'rt*ttt.tr.l*t$lr.* UFEF: iF6oc APR l4 ?o!iz rovjg$g* dockYslues C6senblY I trs(FpoordbrdldGttn . bbckbothmg&o*)r$ty tcpbbdh.vre 6en{Jy bs upper cnd brct doct ttim . twbosocoonH\0ctdcn \4cdmgtib ?opgon@@tl€dglue@d t@gddphdedh.Ntecseffiil d pbtsd hotMd & \,stlcol & ttn Uock bdbmgriles gotd plqt€d bottont tttn dtlp Gedrod('rlEbeg€'d) legoldoaconbd€l|hcndffirt tcp goE Coled bune csrldY g*t ddod ho||b[fd & trslbsl d$tin dockbotongrfls gelCdedborhtnttn$iP fedr€d('|cod) fe Uock lonto csssmbly br6Wp€r(rd hrqdoothtn bhckbottorngfles I I I Cfinfi'dr)SmdldbDub A" ?tr(660 mrn) e 3f (s5 mtn) Fg!66c4@ A 20'OlI fnn) E 4l' (1041 rm) C. 26'(e0 rffo) D. lf (4brTsn) cBafl(3cly) Smo[ lscadob A 26'(&0nm) B. 38' (965 rrm) feguq@hle I A A'Clll t!n) | B.4l'O(Xlnm) C. S'(660rnn) D. l6'(4ltnrn) Cl25l E" il.70'(297 E lY C3$'fin)F. lf (errIn) G. lr(457rtm) J. 2f (6ff rtm) F. 14.7U[373m G. l8' (/Sl rttn)l. 3' 06 fnn) corbf,ndrCFS| l8'(.Frrn) Hr lf (tl[rn) D ('d6ffi6rbla@losl!. CordovoBsv C82ff wr l8' (t$l rmt Hr l3Etr @ mrD D I J.20'(Smn) Setrq.dl'&!' otq|OEOVp.ddrhd cc,lagndstl c{Euts. idlrte q c ddlt i 'u9902t t ti@noc* H6r6ry GAI& lrt r C lttr lls r;J snnN C€sc8t$, So l "Y I r. b.crpp?rord lqsslrtin l. bhcibottongrileNm$y 2G& Cordo TS:Gffi?- 1nsffidn s.gqcr+st66ffirt!6s-- -Q 5,t._cj.n_. ' tgjut, Cg_i fAU,lm.-Of __ : _ R4quz€te-d t8-tpec'f Oate: l:riday. $eFlerfiber Ic. ?0rl?' ln$Freclc,ri Ar6s: Jfrld - giF d,rldfe3s: 97t ll&ll vlEsu DF I'AiL Bn6€H tFfEE#S*C3 AqUlmqT|Egon /+rtivitv' frdffl&S7 TvE+: Ff|ltE.:H Corrs! fvrA Cre!pshb,.: Cidri€r' AJCAMqTSL!. T &.0.-CCttFffTS. eA. & Y - Cr'flfadc{: ROE} (,iAtl- COMFA$}Y Agehtcant: RCD,-IPIL CC&,IPPNY DE€*iF$on: CgMfgRT FFCM &&JD T{r G.iS l}lSEiTT Eequcegllrgr#sllui fter$: Itsm: flsm: {lem: f{€fit:ffitr: fteml Fage 3] Sufr Tr{pe: AMF ll&o: phafiE: :.rC_3.??7.?:0O Fhane: 303-7??-77&0 Slatus:. FgLED Fs.Arsa: JFM /-2q 8">i:lequ*sbb fifue: 08:00 A:lUl ' Fhone: 3O$777-l Entered By: LCPMFEIELL K 4lgffictun Htst8nd 100 310 a{q 3eo JJ'U 34,0 3S0 As Aa :'''.i I I i I ,:| J Itemr 20! frf,Ecti-Rsuci'i Rwuesior: ROIr I{ALL COI$PANT'eo$in€nb: UnLL eALL LEROY l{$$5tr rar : . e30'r @H*ll: YY**-4YJ rrmeEdP: * Rrrn .f,d: 52 REFT].31 .-- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4.79-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0056 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR C-301 ParcelNo...: 210301406031 Project No : oI{NER KOST.,OFF, ArAr\l W. 04/L7/2O02 Phone: 416 FORREST RD VAIII CO 4t657 License: APPIJICENT ROD II,A]JI.I COMPAIIY 255 WYAI{DOT STREET DEtrIVER, CO 80223 License:150-M CONTRACTOR ROD HAI.,L COMPRIIY 04/L7/2002 Phone: 303-777-77O0 04/!7/20A2 Phone: 303-777-77O0 4.U1.,\-B-..:Gi-'^- Status. .. : ISSUED Applied. . : 04/17/2002 Issued. . : 05121f2002 Expires. .: lUl7n$02 255 I{TYAIiIDOT STREET DEIiIVER, CO 4o223 License: 150-M Descipion: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $1,900.00 Firepface fnformation: ResFict€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellst: 0 '.|t...*||.|t.|''|*.|:i.|.|*.|+.{|j!t*'|'|tt|'|*.l...'|t|.*.*.l...t|:|.:i''tFEEsUMl\Y Mechanical--> 540.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S0.00 Toral Calculated Fe€e-> 953.00 Plan Check-> 510 . OO DRB Fee------------> 90 . oo A<lditional Fees--> ( $53 . 00) lnvestigation-> $0. Oo TOTAL FEES--> S53 .00 Total Permit Fee-> $0.00 Will Call-> $3 . OO Palments-----> $0. 00 BAITdTNCE DUE_> S0.00 tttt*ttatat'ta*att Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENr o4/17/2oo2 DF Action: AP ITeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEICI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Con:d,z 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRm PER SEe. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IrMe, OR SECTIOII 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAL'LATIONI Mt ST CONFORM TO MaNUFACTI'RES IAISTRUCTIOI{S AIID TO CIIAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 I]MC, CHiAr|rm, 10 OF TIIE 1-997 rMc. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SIIAITIT BE VEIITED ACCORDIIIG TO CIIAPTER I AI{D SIIAIJJ TERMr^IATE AS SPECIFID IN SEC.806 OF THE 1997 UY!C, OR CHAIIIER 8 OF TIIE L997 Il,Ic. Cond: 29 (BL,DC.): ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMEMT MUST COI,IPLY WITH CI'APTER 3 AllD S8c.10L7 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC AIVD CHAPTER 3 OF TITE ].997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOInflrm ON ELOORS OE NONCOMBITSTIBIJE COIIST. I]TVIJESS IJISTED FOR MOI]MTI}IG ON COI4BUSTIBIJE F'IJ@RI}TG. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AIID CODE AT.IALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond.:30 (BL,DG.): DRAIIIIAGE OF MECHANICAT ROOMS CONTAINING HEiATING oR HOT-WATER SIIPPITY BOILERS SIIAI.'L BE EQUIPPM WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF TIIE 1997 UII{C, OR sEcTIOll 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurde plot plan, and sate that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792I3E OR AT OIJR OFNCE FROM 8:OO AM. 5 PM. OF OWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 4L3 W/W RFR 16 r@ gg,Lg BE ACCEPTED IF TTIGOIIPI.ETE OR UTSIGNED koject#: Bulldlng Pqmlt#:_Hedu;blpernrnE 97||.479-21:n (r@ons) Otrir€r mt: DR3 ml Planns!f,sn-ofn Permlt wlll not be accpted $$out Orc follorlng: Provlds Mdunlcal Roorn lsvout drawn to scalg to Indude:o Mechanlcal Room Dlmsulone ArDuctSE€ rnd Ahttud and Gc llne 7s 3. FrondeRd. Vall,colomdo 8165t Vd^! Viu) Pt, c&A p,q.F nq6 WorkQlsss: " l*fg!y( ) Addldon( ) AlEndon(.(l Repts( ) Oths( ) Does an Etlt etdst at $13 locatbn: t Ye ( ) No ( )Bollerl-caUon: Int€rlor( ) Ededor( ) OUrs( ) TypeofBldg: Slngle'.hndty( ) elphx( ) Muffiftntly( ) Cdnmetclal( ) Reratt( ) qlnrK) flo. of AffinmodaBm Unfts [t thHbtildm:No. of Eds8ng Dilelllng unfE ln thls htlElng: ) c6to$(. ) W@d/Pelbt( ) Ul6d Noffym of Flreplas Propsed: Gas Am[8nes ( a @nversbn a $pod bumlnq nredae to an COI.IPLETE VATUATION FOR UECHA]|ICAI. PERTIIIT (T5bT & MATETIA]S) ,o COIITRACTOR IN FOR}IATION -3o-a -10^7-7?o o Contractor .r*.1.r***r***6i*r*&r*lr*r**.**lll**rFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*.*r..**tbtt*ro*..te*rrt..t!..rt****.* JA'tt's' t. Tg:E:68?' - ineFssorrR-eqraesCfl6Fft-Nng----_------=-]%ceffi- .-6-'.54-_qlr_ ._ _'-WtrLE6.IFWid,.QF--. 1 , .1, :i.' I", .'Jt" r I PeqrJFstsd lnsFcd D6te. ls6peijti{}n Ate€3 *ita Adrires,r; I'PP tnegagss aatirrti'r Hifr2-8016 1w4.. BFdEIH Gonql'tlFE, tlolr$s'rcy O'!'rier: KOSLIIFF. ALAN W. iafitrtscisr: ROf,r tlruL eOif,PAlJY ADpllcant RAD htcll. COMFASjY Dor,criptisrr: Cff\ffERT FRond'!finf,D TtJ GA-e iFISERT qa&Cntg4..!!sg{$$etij.il ttrem: l0O ftiECH-RE.ttEh Roeuastor' RAD FrALl" BOhIIFA}JY i:oFirn€n&: wrlt c LL LER€Y 3d,155$'|0'l1 I C3S1 *ETffii "*:44_ Ph+nE: S??77-?700 Phone: 3J$777-77tF o?- za-az Rq{rsest€{i lihrel @:06 Aitt " Pilon&: 3tlS7?7-770i3 Enbred Efu: LCAWSELL { ' jjr I !ffif, ;eftemher t0' 2$'13 s70 vAfi-vli:FJ BR \'8dL sB8 VAIL UlEr?O€ C.3Sl s{rbTrK: Ap,PT €ffiu$; lgSUEtr htP,&rg1: ffiM TlmB E.rF' lrlsFecilon Hister{ hm. ?S0 ltrCt-Fn,:uerr4F 8€rn' 3rU bEtl{-Fteofta ^ r\Itsm 3'i5 FLfdE*3os FtidnEfrf] It6ft. .};O FdECFl€rteusl.ld*is ttenr 33fi h6.Ctl-5uDr!u ffr rttm. ]49 tt€C}}Frltir, -- iilifi : $FE ffiEEi+Fiilifi\p :r, -i REF,T].:{1 Rt:n Id: 52 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4.79-2138 OVINER TONGISII, ROSEMARY 'JO PO BOX 1651 VAIL CO 816s8 IJicense: APPITICAI{T ROD HAIJr COMPAIVY 255 WYAIiIDOT STREET DETiTVER, CO 80223 License: L50-M COIITRACTOR ROD BIJL, COMPAIIY 255 ITCANDOT STREET DEI\TVSR, CO 4o223 Iricense:150-M DEPARTMENT OF COMMLIMry DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:MO2-0057 V-rcr1'a"^LX,L -4.uq \ .----._\ \) r 5<sok-\-'t-o-"'*-- MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: UNIT # C-215 980 VAIL VIEW DR BROOK TRE ParcelNo...: 210301406030 ProjectNo: Status. . . Applied. . Issued . Expires. . : ISSUED : 04/1712002 : 05/2lDA02 : l1ll7/2W2 04/L7/2002 Phone: 04/L7 /2OO2 Phone: 3O3-771-77OO 04/L7/2002 Phone: 303-777-77oo Desciption: COIWERT WOOD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $1,500.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Restricted: Y # of0as Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 #of WoodPellet 0 t|l'||tl.||.'||*|.||.||||*l|i|.|'tt|.*ir'|t'*|ti|'|.tt{|i.t.'s*'|*|'t|iFEEsUMMARY||t1.i|ili|l|*{:|st|t|'t*..*'i.+{|.i Mechanical---> Plan ChE k--> lnvestigation-> will csll-> S4o. oo Res0arant Plan Review-> $10.00 DRB F€e---> s0.00 TOTAL FEES-> $3. OO 50.00 90.00 ss3 . oo ToEI Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees--> Total Permit F€r-> Palments----> BAIANCE DUIE-> $s3.00 (9s3 .00) 90.00 90.00 s0.00 ti:8*l*tl*t!ltlali Item: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPARTMENT 04/t7/2OO2 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBSr Cond: 12 (BL'DG.) : FIEUD II{SPECTIONS Cor.d: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRD PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 701 OF TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : DISTA],LATION MUST COIIFORM TO r.0 oF THE L997 IIMC, CITAPTER ]-0 OF gHE Cond: 25 CONDITION OF APPROVAL ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIANCE. MAI$TTFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AT{ID TO CHAPTER 1997 rMC. (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJIANCES SI{AIJIJ BE VBfiTED ACCORDING TO TERIIII}IATE AS SPECIT'IED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): A.CCESS TO HEATIITG EQII-IPMEM MUST COMPITY WITH TIIE 1997 I]MC AIiID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BL,DG.): BOILTERS SIIAIJIJ BE MOIIMIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE COIIST. ITNLESS IJISTED FOR MOI]NrING ON COMBUSTIBIJE SIJ@RIISG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITANS AlrD CODE AIIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IriI MECIIAI\TICAI ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION FAQI'EST. Cond: 3O (BLDG.): DRAIIiBGE OF MECHA]{"ICS]., ROOMS COMIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BOIIJERS SIIAJ-'I-' BE EQINPPED UIITII A ET.,OOR DRATN PER SEC. LO22 OE TTIE 1997 I]MC, OR sEetlolitr 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plar1 and state that all the information as required is correcl I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47q2I38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:OO AM. 5 PM. CBPTER I AllD SIIAITIJ CHAPjrER 8 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. CIIAPTER 3 AI{ID SEC.1O17 OF OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 75 5. Fmntage Rd. Vall, Coloredo 81657 4I3 PA4/W RPR 16 '@ W.2. AFPIJCANON WIlt IOTBEACCEPTED IFINCOMPI.ETE OR U'{$OIIED Prdd#! _ Enlld|ng Permlt#:- lledunlol Pennlt#: 97 @ 479 -2118 (lngtecdom) TowN OF vAIt MFFflANICALPERJTIIT APPTICATION Permlt wlll not be ac@ptd wlttout the bllowlng: e ncflilrnd! @!tadtut I J d.rko' hrHe Mchanlel Room tsyout dmrn !o Parcel# (Rqultedl 9tOZ n t A 6 bO 70 to*'ogocytV-ke-a- Cals robudr€5$'q7.a Va'! \/^'d P-t LegalD€crlptlon ll Lot: ll Blc*: ll FillnS:Subdlvlsbn: orners Nffiet-s-n-, -rb.c r's/rJfActors: 0 o,b*. I hlol Vh()Pt'n'' Engheer:Addres:Phone: Detaifeldes@oe(r' -Tcr 3L(5 js.r$b 6.fA3 (Da.vnoc? IWsnu CGh tr\>Lru, cf5w.L{ r, P,q ,f - t11b c.'Ol-OlO vLL (:l-!..s WorkClass: New() AddlUon() AlteraHon(y) Repalr() Omer() Eotlstocatbn: Intalor( ) Arbrlor( ) Ottrer( tllOosanEmrerdsfatthbloGtton: Ye( ) l,to( ) TlpofBHg:gngte-famlly( ) Duple)(( ) Mue+ffmtly( ) Coffnsdsl( ) Rstaurant( )cll€ro4) No. of Elddlrg Brclllng Unfrs ln thls bulHlrlg:No. of AcsnmodaUon Unlts ln thts bulldlng: lt{o/T\me of Ffrcolace Er.lsilno: cas Amfianre ( ) cas Lms ( ) Wood/Petlet ( ) Wood AurntftS (X) *tce? Yes ( f ) No (' ) GoHPLETE YALUATTON FOR UECHATrGAL PERIIIT G"abor & l"lEbrlde) 'oo. o COT{TRACTOR, XI{FORIIATION iip--:Ao-zT-?.??o o Contmctor Slgnature: 4L3 WE/W frn '16 '@ W|23 fop block lame csembf btos upper crd lower door ttn bl@k boltorngdss top b{ocl buvre csembly bro$ Wper ond ts$€r docr frtn blocL bofiom gd!€s . brcs r4gpef crd buer doorttn . brlock bottcn g$e osemtrty . top bros occented \4cforlcrr osenrbly . brcsslppercrd blrsdoottn , bbckbottornglbcnembly @goHdoftodbuyre@nuy geld doied htrnld & tglicd dos ttn Uock botidn g[fl6 gdddol€d bctlomltn *"'*T top bcs ccerted Uctoion glib ' topgddrelltsdgrfigcrd .!$ettbtt iopgffiocceded crd tim lsgobCcbd (Esofitsy goldCcded &rdlboJddtfrl bbckbofqngrfs6 goldCqiledbotldn (t€drgd mcaE) Specificoflons Cfil5lm$,h) $I0[ hbaplnb s A 26' (6@ nsn) B. 38' (lt6 mm) Pogulo tdcslcde A. A'0llmm) 8. 4l' 0041 mm) C. 26'(660mi) D. 16' (4tb mm) E. l3' CJ30 mn) F. 16'(406mm) C. l8' (4t rr!n) J. Zr (s$mm) C8251{Bry)Sna0lb€dib A 26'(660 nrrt B. 38'(9bg mm) Regior hcselob A ?8'Ol I mm)E al' 00{l rrn) C. 26" (6& rvn) D. 16' (406 rm) E. I l.7U (?97 rnrn)t 1470' (373 mrn) G. l8' (457 nrn)l. 3' 06 nm) J.20(508nrn) r.-8---t--Tl ffil H- iffi-t i cDzS - c- .f ii-:ri J lfr$rT" ,' HiTl- l -€9- H:-L' 28' 0l I rm) w r l8' (457 scrrE sD€efrdc'lr rtoy changs toan in€ to tiar€, os oah.ln &iv€acorM, to arp@rB b Froot.G!, ro Nrg tqj c o top4dy padJd thd d ing6t 6a@ty fknE ElbrulrEy rotd6s6ndr€ (', €dnlg cs&rrCar!, o[lCq Adffeo oi j"Ca OUl"n"rt - 8d€.e hdolorgB dec6e eod tEoldln !!b.cti(.! sd cna dhcd hd&oc!d6 F;deIA!('ld€Fc@ dd€srdE€{oiqc.nr.. sguturt MANU[ACltnme d670 BL{b Cresc€d. Soonlchtoo B.C" l/SM 2Gg. Cqnqdo W6b Slto: wriw.dqn-mtgcon tdnn|L @s xlr l&S G53rm) o Wboo, t{bhaok H€rBs?r-t C ]-il US AI'I}IO@D D€AIN I' i 1,, t .+- t.: _i.. .. { =- - EF-zm]-.--___-_-tn$ffi on fl ssue$t Re ,S'-54en- - - -'-waru*es.iT*$vj{ &FrDlnfofmdqr *e*Env: wZ-otf,Y Tvtre: sldEcl't ConSTrnE: - Oc*oaibr. SBiiar: TCIfl3ISH. RO$EHAFY Jd Cor{ra€br: ROD fsAtt COnfiPAilfY F.Fr,{icsIi,I ROD HALL COII#PA}JY Da$@Uon: CGI{IEFI WOOD TO AF.E I}ISEHT REquesH In$Fc4't O€t6-: Frlt dV, $eptemb€r 20, !&?' lnsoedt}onArea: JRffi - .SlteSdrees: S?0 VldL VE1tr BR liAlL LrrdT#c-z1s gs0 uAtL vlEuu BR mos(lK suFffi: eAFr Ptrure: 303'?7?-77tX, Phone: St$7?7-7?$l o?za - oz FlaruAsiEd fims: 08:00 Flqra: Em$EdBy: lbnr: Req^legar: i)o,ni|rr€nb: A$sltr|€d To:' Actlcdr'- lnsFsdon HlEbn &*m; t&rn: thrh: frw: nsm: nsn: ngtn: 3(P,560.1O1 'i: c313 11me€ryr: 2m 310 3rB 3?0 330 340 gJ Rgprl31 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Lo-*o,^^ta^ 4.Ut^r( \ -B-Loo(S-^--&- DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0058 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DRVAIL Stratus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: UNIT# C-213 BR@K TREE Applied. . : 04117D002 ParcelNo...: 210301406028 Issued. . : 05121f2002 hojectNo : Expires. .: ll/1712002 owNER ZTEGL,ER, LORI 04/17/2002 Phone: L29 W 8TH ST IJEADVIIJJE EO 80461 Licenge: APPIJICAIIT ROD IIAIJIJ COMPANr 04/17 /2OO2 Phone: 303-777 -77OO 255 I{YANDOT STREET DBIVER, CO 80223 License: L50-M coNrRAcToR RoD HAr,r. COMPAIIY o4/L7/20o2 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYA}IDOT STREET DEN\IER, CO 80223 T.iceage: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT WooD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $1,900.00 Fireplace Infornntion: Resricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 f of Wood Pellet 0 tN|itt|!t|j'ii|||t||t{.''(.*|.t||*t||*|tl.f'|tt*|'i+as'.t*'t.it||t*.ta*'|':}|FEEsUMY M€chntical-> S4o. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> S0.00 Tobl Calculaf€d Fees---> $53.00 plan Check-> St O. OO DRB Fee-----------> S0. 0O Arlditional Fees--> ($53 .00) lnvestigation-> gO. OO TOTAL FEES--> 953 .00 Total Permit Fee-> 50.00 Will Catl-> $3 . OO Paynents-> 90.00 qAr.AfIcE DUE--> $0. 00 ttatiat*latit+*tla Item: 05100 BUII;DING DEPARTIIIENT o4/L7/20O2 DF Action: AP ITen: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT{BIf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIEL,D IIIISPECTIOIIS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIN{CE. Cond.z 22 (BIrDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC' 701 OF TIIE L997 tMC, OR SECTIOIV 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Corld: 23 (BI,DG.): INSTA].rI.rATIOI{ MT'ST CONFORM TO MANT'FACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS A$ID TO CIIAPIER 10 oF TIIE 1997 I'MC, CmPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (Bl,DG. ) :" eaS APPLIANCES S$LIJ BE Vm(r@ ACCORDING TO CHAE{rER I AND SHAIIJ TEru4TNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC..8O6 OF THE T997 VYIC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS To HEATTNG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY wITl{ CIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF TIIE 199? I]MC AIVD CHAPIER 3 OF THE ].997 I!.IC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIAIJJ BE MOITMIED ON FITOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINLESS IJISTED FOR MOI]IVTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORII{G. Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PRMIT,PIJANS AIID CODE AIIIAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IIT MECHANICAI.r ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BIDG.): DRAIIIAGE OF MECIIAIIICAL R@MS CONIAINING HEATING OR I{OT-WATER SIIPPITY BOII,ERS SITA],IJ BE EQUIPPED WITIT A FTOOR DRAIN PM SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR sEcTrolr 1004.6 0F THE 1997 Il4C. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan" and state that all the information as required is correcl I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build ttris strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECflON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 6n ar OUn OnnCr FROM 8:fl) AM - 5 PM. OF OWNEROR CONTRACTOR FORHIMSELFAND OWNEF 4L3 fr1/6 APR 16 '@ ZIgILB APPUGATIO]I WNT. ffOT BE ACCEPTED IF IIICOHPLET OR UNSIGNED Protsct#: Bulldlng Fermlt #:_Stedrrilcalps'nm, Tttwlw 75 s. Frmtage hd. vafl, Cobredo 816F7 Permlt wlll not be acceptd wlthout the fullowlng: q7O- 47 9 -2ljta (Inef €cdonc) tct Ftito!Fffi ;iannsrlllgndt eRmlwdt iffiln Parcd# (Required, AIO-PI YtllsPJK ib | 2M :ob Na'ne'P*tL1-{<K" c,+ I 3 irm*&,.qty V.ail Vlan &. nI|ltlI Lqal Ostpdon ll LoC ll 8[ock ll Flling:Suuhrisbn:ffi." * L"i C16A,r.Jl [*opizt qtgi'O+ _LeqdilWM*,fl1- ffu- W>q Englneer:Address:Phonel 4 tD 3as lvts-rL lO$lpUr-u1 t\ l-3SzN ?{ano 6.T)^:s ,ffin^rn-t-t.draorr a:Ct ft P ,4 ,l -119l. i - - workctass: Nep( ) morusr( ) Altsauon(k Repalr( ) other( ) sOstatnsbaen: Yes( ) No( ) t\,to. of Erls[ng D^€[fE Unfrs In thls bultdlng!No. of Acaommdatlon UnlB ln thts bupdlng: No/TvDe of FlreDlec€s Edsdno: Gas AoDEanes ( ) Gas LoGF ( ), COIIPLETE YALUATION FOR'TTECHAHICAL PERSIIT (LAbOT & o. I{echanlcal Cor*rdon Zn tFtat\ Ca Tsvn ofVall Reg. No.: t-<b- 14 f,ffiffiiYtr'qt't"7?oo ContrBcbr ggnfire: **&*.11*6*.gr*.**r6*rtel**:ll*t*r6*FOR OFFIGE llSE OtfLY**tat*t*'trtt**rtttf,.a*rt.ll*rltt*t.a* {,rnu' SdLqno H.$($35 h0P & fu1. SdrnrqErySnS I-F;TI @f;' MlnfnumFireplore Dfinersisrs fa_l , ilmil^ OpeninCI h0P l-'-1 ml^fur. ll|crdOoyonOUuruRSl 3l'O87 mn)srUIs'G2l fisn)H r U3'(rt99rnrn)D lvlcruhbyd SdumHLdl btbb.C@ A 2f, 03tra')B lfolloflrd l|hcnrbfl5b A 32'(813 nm)& 4roll8rrm) lq.bsFEo A gGlSBnD E ry0@m|D G 3l'(r@ flrrD D. ltlS'(4!tm)E l/qy663mn)E lTlf(8Dmno c.a.ry@lIrI|D e 22$(mnnD Mcnddo/ond eirnoBoy be'eE+@ A 2fOJt dm)8.4f(|ltEmr) f,tc'IbF A g(glllflrD 8, 1fqn||rt|) I tfgeSoF A tr6t3tmlt e Etroanrn) C srotrzilr) O Blfl.g9trr0 E If @rrt0 F. !6'(/ErmD A 20SGn nnD I 4tc(@rmt J Z$@z.nn, Msd@cnd$qturuBry 3l'(l0 rrn) wr!I5-(Ell rm)fl r l6'Gn6 nm)D . l@ffifil'trB'r.sFd$y . b(Eupps(rdbr,er(bortlf| " b{ock botlr(ngrk . bp gdd Cd€d hJr/re qsedq . goHperedhah.ffiodwmd 6olfn . bbctbotbr gr!6 . bo{rrgobffn$ . @gddplfEdhrYE(ssfdCy . gddphfEdtffiftlsdr,gbd &dttrl . g$rcdu|dn086 . bllun gptlffn solp . bpB br6 Gsrttt . @ rmsod hrrdoattn .bb*uffitgB . hp tbd. br,pcsrnnt . bnssrppssdbEddttn r tb(bdlomgrh Cqsh gn b|pt Moels.[n U|lhtumDorl Coed|Et . @pEpbbdbr$c€n$f .#mry(rd€rcd . h&!.q [E{bn g e3 . bfitsn gddfrn Sh . bpepr'pffldbflBosilry .g.ltDtfrdlEffi('d€b &ffr : gffiptsfeddbn gle . bolbngdftneb IvlonllsClwcnc€s GEc@rces c[g lfEoEn€d trrn fie tp of fr@ csernby Ferforncrrce ltc 35m Fonof 74* tm Fctf or TN 79S IP 36m Efiolcnct MANI1EEOR$!O{ zl,G|'nrD {-0(Enrn) 6-0grYn) r@4lrn) to(e|rn) qrAnAlrcG 0lr?elTinrn)9qrefun, ll l/r(aimrD .l2lFO9trO lldnmBtu O'tr'Fon ofi Fon'd,t m n&8$ 23F0 gE !€ce@fl m, d!!o bntDbfnEoG,tffi o.'dq b hgqsbFCr[,!-tF'rCobqdtFd.t Utlrt|oe H-rry 0s-t0-:s8; 6:54 am 6JP,L|rrfsrm+3o4 Ag|l.,,Il,j:c+nH,Hi: 6orltIec'k'r: i,PF'llcanl: tre*rtptlon: lMlgEE"dg{sj Itemr 900 trlFcH.Rouuh Rsqustrs'r: RCD 4all CqfiPFllY lmsp*aton ffi €que$t Regsorting _-_ -$JAtL*f;S r-TfrffiNQF._ __ EequesiBd Inq?€ct _DaE. Friday, September;0, i00l lois@ctlan Arqei JRII;I $ltr Address: 9t|! VA|L-dlEUU Efi VAIL UNIT#C.?,'3 SRC6KTREE Fago 30 I i l' 1,, b Sub Tgpe: .a,EtlJP TJE€: Ph4n6: :10$T77-7700 Fhsns: 38!-777-?700 ReOueuFrJ Tlnls: Itrhonsi Enbr6c By: 07' 20 -oz 08:00 4tS{$Fr?-7?!0, LcATilPBELX. K Co$imsnto: WLt- CALL L Aoch|EdTo: C.FAb19 3O$SESittl'l: Ct't3 Tln6 ExF: lneFeqfl+n tlSw ttgn: Fan: n€rn: tlBm;, lism: ItEm: Rem: ?oo e10 315 3ee 3:F 344 3SS a' \,lRJn r?EpT3.3l,fd: 52 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMIJNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO2-0A52 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DRVAIL ' Location.....: BROOKTREECONDOS#>217 ParcelNo...: 210301406042 hojectNo : OWNER WARD, ,JAI{ET C. 984 \IAII, VIEW DR 2L7-D \TAII-. CO 4L657 IJicease 3 APPIJICANT ROD FIALTT COMPAM 255 $TYA}IDOT STREET DII\T\TER,, CO fJo223 License: 150-M CONTRACTOR ROD IIA].IJ COMPAITY 255 WYAIiIDOT STREET DBTVER, CO 40223 Lricense:150-M 04/tL/2002 Phone: o4/L!/2oo2 Phone: 303-777-77ao o4/tL/2OO2 Phone: 303-777-77OO t"^aru^^tZ- aU5' 3^o.t?'.-'^- t Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : O4/ll/2002 Issued. . : 05/212002 Expires. .: 1l/172,002 Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $2,200.00 Fireplace lnformation: Resfided: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas togs: 0 # of Wood Penef 0 {.ttt|.*|tat||i'$||i|.t|'tttt||tt|*.t'tt||.|a*|ta|'||'t|tt!i.:|.t||.t|.,|.FEEsI'-IMMARY|||{t|,t.'.g!i||* Mechanical--> $60. oo Restmrant Plan Review-> 90. oo Tobl Calsulated Fees-> $78 - 00 Plon Check-> S1s. Oo DRB Fe€--_-> $0. OO Additional Fees--> (978.00) lnvestigdion-> $0. oo TOTAL FEES---> 9?8. 0o Toral Permit Fee*------> $0. 00 will call--> 93 . oo Pa),rn€nts------> so . oo BAL{I{CE DUE-> S0 . o0 |.*|8||t|t|l||t't|itltt|*t|st'|||*:l|*||i|tN|lt|'ti'|t|,t'|{'t'8|'|{| ILem: 05100 BIEIJDIIIG DEPARTMENT o4/LL/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: O56O0 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIERED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOIT AIR IS REQITIRED PER SEC. 701 oF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALTLTATION MIIST COI{FORM TO MANUFACTURES II{STRUCTIONS A}ID To CIIAPTER 10 oF TtrE 1997 I'MC, CH;APTER L0 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPITIAITCES SI{AIJ, BE \IENTED ACCORDING TO CBPTER I A}ID SIIAIIJ TERMTITATE AS SPECIFIm rN SEC.806 OE TIIE L997 VMC, OR CIIAPTER 8 Ot'THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 29 (BI..DG.): ACCESS TO I{EATING EQUIPMEMT MUST COMPIJY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AIID SEC.1O17 OF TIIE ]-99? I]MC AIiTD CHAPTER 3 OF fHE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BT,DG.): BOII-,ERS SI|ALIJ BE MOIINTED ON F"I.'@RS OF NO}ICOI'{BUSTIBLE COIIST. I'}[JESS LISTED FOR MOI]MfING ON COMBUSTIBIJE X'IJ@RING. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AriID CODE AI{AL,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO Ar[ INSPECTIOII REQTTEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAII{AGE OF MECHAIIIICAL ROOMS COMIAI}III\IG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPIJY BOIIJSRS SIIALIJ BE EQIIIPPED WITII A FI.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF T:HE L997 I]MC, OR SECTION 1004,6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plarL and state that all the information as required is conect I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wittt all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigt review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUES]S FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:(x) AM . 5 PM. OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF 349 WL frFR W ',@, 13:13 L APPIICATIoN ctnu NoT BE AGCEPTED lF tt{cOl"PLEriSSry AuiHins Psmlt#: . trfeclrankaf Permlt #2 -----iTiit g'ztss gmPeGilon') nlcel Foom I R@n nd Gac iHlfls %thefotiowirp:Permlt tA,|ll not be ilcepteo :oonaot*o, Qfut.t/n i l \/f.et^.f D-JI AddlUon ( ) Alter-"Ho{Repalr( ) oher( ) 3 f n".t",r.ttt 1 ottut){ @nthisbuiHlne:ffih$bbulldrq: i ffiid[.t()wod oo too 1"7'? o o ApR 0 I 2002 TOV-COM.DEV. aot{TRAgnrR rilroRniAuoil ta*&lg*g u9 PW,HR W '@, 13!14 ful.m^r-- c ------t lr:1 |t#fi--r /Iffi"'l 'l Dimerdors McndeyondSofuno HuSr tl'Cr87rtl'n) wralt'(521 d[n)H r U.f(tt39rflO D MondolqycrdSohrno Boy 3l'(/s/ rtn)$ r 205'(521Jnm) n r w(4brffn)o . top bhk hjrf€ cssrftfy . h tpp€tad b\r,€r dodttfn . M;kboltE ngte top bbc{ fure..G'rtfy bN Wpdc]dkhFdoortlrn dock bdtsn grfiB ' . . topgoB Cd hMa(sfiSy . lop trU peil€d hr\,oc€fidty . gdpk&dffidd!€rffcd dtrtrn r gots pkftd bofrcfir ge3 . boilnngd ffindrh t4DhrrpB A g€r3 lfm)& Cf02mirm) C 3r(rlrdm) E litg@tmr0 I l7,S(40rfi) C. Alaf(al nrd J 22.ry(f,2mrD M@od Sdrnp@ r.!|etcrlb A. 2r GYnIr0 L tl4'0ll8m) EtDb.FTD !q.b.F A ETG|SflID B ryCaum0 c,3l'Gaito D leff('tg,rrn)E l$Cigltrr|!)E ld@tin|}e &tr€tt firf t 4jy(l|'t|td J, 2z.g@Znnf $qfixnoH$fr(5F35 [|) P $qlu'rqry(sSr\DP A I rol i tfi l-Tt @tr E[E]. lffill I FheploceOpenlng Mcrdohycnd SdnEftdl bt&tErdd A f friyrmD L /t4'0 0.rm) Httrb19E A SrOB'1!O & rlcontrnD . gdpEilsdlsbfdcrdsdcd dddm . Ud.Ulunge r bcflcn g*lftn$F . bpbhr€@ilft .Flfcldbs&affin o 8ffingG . hpbdih'crpclln{tY .brmdqdhs&dlrtn Elfeeltftn) 93/41@m) ll lrf(STinrrD t2tr?ol9rlm) . topeHptteOUms**y .gcf'@dhob{d(!d\€r[cd ddtff|. W bfiom gtb . botlulr gdd tin @ . bbd.botbngb ' Cl€arcn6 qo fiEssredtomtto lop dlte greGsctdy rr/rANnEp0E,ls[oN f (6ln8n) 'r(l@rfli)6'oe|rn) 8'@qnnt lrg68nn) qFiFAlC Fedonrrcnce 6cB ttpo gU f|trn lvlqhruun R[h ltm Down Cdp.ildffy $m EfrcbrFy Fon ctr Fcm on 7n Tfi 7& Tt% tr luf (tOCilrt uffi 2769t 6eu) 26tr0 {1 per e ilufrun llll crHrl fron off fun on w ,o02' UrlTIiEEBltc Z bte Oee! rut dEEo bn trio b tne a Ohmd a ffitt!trlnobrdlt bc,'FrdoqqrryFdd is j:i.l Ttr'6T86:_*- 6:54 am R€f,&e5b{i lnop€$i Fate: FddrU,seFlmrner 20. 100?' lnsE€tittgrr Ate€: JFI[4 - SibAsdres€: STtVAlL./ilEW fiF fAlL Bq€oH rREE COI{BO5 #f,Lz17 AJPJO Infio.mlat{en Acflvitv: iSII?4fi62 T!D6: Fi,{Er)H (:$nS. TlDb: rf ctc,frgifv rlorrier. WAFD JAFJET C frNEEfIOf: ROTJ HruL EOMPANY AsEk€nt ROS t-lAlt CgSlPAttr/ f,q0*criptu:n: q'offUERT Flttrtut WISOD TO GPe FiRFFLFf,E Eeslri-stcl-i l-cLe6gs3i.E] lnsFe€flefl filgtard sr.rt Tg:e: AMF Fh6se: 80S77?-??m Phone: 3tl&777-?7ffi Sbhts: Ersp Area: t I l i 67-zp-02 BequestE-r, nme: 0Bl0g ASf ' Pfrcne: N&777-nAA . erl1er€d6y: LeMFEELL Acfron: $'|.fNOT?F€D DALE i'tALL SAIL1 TI{EY HAi}tr"I FFGUESIEE p.i,,i l}isF€cTFNoru THi$t er{E l?t. Air a Fem- !m t!em: 318 netlr:3i5 tt€m. 3?O . liem: 34 I nern: 34o f!em: 3€n \ imnpecalerf, ft equesr Eeportin€ .--l,fAlr, gO-, T'3!idN {}F .- -. REFTI31.Run Id.: 5? JOI,VIJOFVATL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Mechanicaf-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> will call-> Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DRIVE #147-A ParcelNo...: 270307N6007 ProjectNo : Status. . Applied. Issued. Expires. Plrone:OWIIER MASTA.ITIR' M. ir. 5752 S iIASMINE EEIGL,EWOOD CO I0111 Lricense: CONTRACTOR ROD HAIIJ COMPAIIY 255 WYAIIDOT STREET DENI\TER, CO 40223 License:150-M APPIJICAI\II ROD IIA].,,IJ COMPAI\TY 255 WYA}IDOT STREET DE!|MER, CO 40223 License:150-M Desciptioru CONVERT WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $2000.00 Fircplace Infornution: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: wood Pelleb FEE SIJMMARY #of $40.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S1o. 00 DRB Fee--> so. oo ToTAL FEES---> s3.00 $0.00 90.00 9s3, oo Total C-alculated Fees-> Additional Fees--> Total Perrrit Fee-> Pa'.nents--.-> BAI.AIICE DUIE-> s53. oo ($s3.oo) $0.00 90. 00 90.00 Iten: 05100 BUILDING DEPART{IIH)IT o4/03/2oo2 DF Action: AP ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARITI{ENT Cond: 12 (BL,DG. ) : FIEL,D INSPECIIONS ARE Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIOII AIR IS REQIIIRD PER SEC. 701 OF TEE L997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): IIISTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI'RES INSTRUCTIONS A]iID TO CHAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 IIMC, CITAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. CONDITION OF APPROVAL REQUIRM TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. Lr"a.^^f.?G1\ I Sr.K-B O b\$ lct-,t-n--r-- .: ISSLIED .: M/03/2002 .: M/05/2o02 .: 70/02/2002 04/ 03 / 2oo2 04/03/2OO2 Phone: 303-777-7700 04/B/2A02 Phone: 303-777-7700 0 # of Gas l-ogs: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI,JNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Pernit #:M02{045 Cond: 25 ' (stDe. ) : GAS AppLrAI{cEs sIrAIJr BE vENTm AccoRDrNG To cHAprsR I ArilD SHAITL TERMIIIATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE T997 UI[C, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 TMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITII CIIAE{Im. 3 AIiID SEC.1017 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC AI\ID CHAPTER, 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SIIAITIJ BE MOIINTED ON I"LOORS OF ITOITCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. ITNIJESS IJIST$ FOR MOITIiITING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PI-^ANS AIID CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICA! ROOM PRIOR TO A}1 INSPECTIOT\T REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF IIECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HE,ATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BOIIJERS SIIAIJJ BE EQUIPPED WITIT A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE ]-997 ['MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TITE L997 TMC, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorL filled out in full the inforrration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninS and zubdivision codes, design review approve4 Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OTJR OFFICE FROM 6O0 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNERORCONTRACTORFOR HIIvISELF AND OWNEF I APPIJCA /tr mv[w 75 S. Frqntags Rd. Vall,Colorado 81657 TgllyN or v4lr ltEcHANr,qAL PER$rI AppucATroru Permlt wil not be accepted wlthout the follevlng: # **t*,Ro.ODV_*,(zeCo,dO I 01 fr nbeddrw:Qfu,Va^-( V/a,.-J P1 ' t-qloes*hon I r-ott I stock llnlfut Subdlvl$on: 6offifnnel Englneer:Address:i fl Phone: i Degdleddegfptfurduprk: UOwqT LJclrfl "1() qAS tn*'yt-OSb*rn faQhQa-lawy F{$5S/N J5-noo Fr"S $ arvreL l{€rs?.,f ' LGA P. L+, t- t1 9 b tr 'EollsL@Uon: Interlor() Extsrlor() O$s(fImesanEtluexbtattltlslmtbn: YT1_) X:!] Tve"@ mnn*rttvt ) corrnerclal( I wtrlW No. of Erbtbrg threlllng Un[s In ttds bufdlng:l,to. of Acconnnodatbn Unlts tn thlg hutldrq: Yes( fl No( collPtETE VALUATION FoR MECHAI|ICAL PERMIT (labr & Habrhls) AD GOlf TRACTOR II{ FORI'ATIOII IXSE OI|LY*l*.*c*r*t*tttsls,r0 t***.t*tr ***i * ** st J/v V{.,\d,* I iaa- io3-1)'7 "1'7 o o rt trr*r l rr* art rlrt*e rgriarr r** r * * rtr rr* F.toR Fe$lertad lnsFc'tDsler F-!l4gyr S€ptetttbff 20. torll tns[eadonAc.l Jttffi elG6 A;arl?a€G. O?n \SlteAddtBsgl 970 Y;dLyrEUU DF VAIL $E0 u$L HEw DnrVE #1076 ,*"nt'ffi. *t AXPDfformatlon Acffirr. CoadTyp6: &enar : ca$&,atbr: ApplEant D€#ptbn: IrEs€cflanHlsgE Flro{rts' 30St77- Pt}oE: 3O&77n 7700 77@ tol {: AtOl rfme.rP: ffi'r tn a@ 310 31F 3AO 330 349 3gt1 ff6m;th: ftem: tresa:bm: hgn: n8|rr t'- i: .' h,:' i ''md'rt F€qu€&r l Csrimeld$ il AsBhRad To: .- kbh: ,. REPB1,31 Rrrn Id: 52 -.D TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 DnooLF-"!l--\- NOTE: THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES B\{.{A ('Js o go . oo TOTAL FEES---> S57g . oo Total Perrnit Fee-> $5?8 . 00 DEPARTMENT oF CoMMUNITY DEVELOPN4EM \/-.o.r.a+^t" l"\ \ B\\t-B MECHAMCALPERMT Pemrit #: M02-0038 fob Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location-....: BLDGSC&D Applied. .: 8/74/2002 Parcel No...: 2103m4m6000 Issued. . : M/05/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 10/02/2002 ow\ItR BROOICTREE COIIDO ASSOCTA,TTON 03/L4/2OO2 Phone: 970-476-3041- 980 \TAIIJ VIEW DR VAfI-, CO 8L657 License: coNrRAcToR ROD IIA]JIT COMPAISy 03/14/2002 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 !{YAITDOT STRSET DENVER, CO 40223 Lricease: 150-M APPr-,IcAr{:r RoD IIALL CoMPAITY 03/L4/2oo2 Phone: 3o3-777-77oo 255 WYAIIDOT STREET DB{VER, CO 4o223 L,icense: 150-M Desciption: INSTALLTIONOF GASLINES FROM INDIVIDUAL METERS TO 24 FIRUPLACES Valuation: $23,000.00 Fireplace Inforrution: Restriched: Y #ofcasAppliances:0#ofGaslogs:0#of Wood Peller FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> 5460.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Ctreck-> $1.15.00 DRB Fee-> So. oo Total CalcuJabd Fees-> 9578.00 9o . oo Additional Fees-->$0.00 lnvestigatior-> will call->s3 .00 Pa!.nrents-*--> 9578.00 BAIdI\CE DUiE_>so. o0 Item: 05100 BUILDII{G DEPARITIIENT o4/03/2oo2 ,JRNL Actiorx: AP ILem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTTI{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS R.EQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SEqTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : IIISTALTLAIIIO\I MIIST CONFORM TO MANTTFACTURES I\ISTRUCTIOTiIS AI{ID TO CHAPTER :10 0F TIIE r.997 Ill{C, CTIAPTER 10 OF TrrE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPITf,AIICES SHAIJJ BE \IEIITED ACCORDTNG TO CIIAPTER I AI{D SHALI-, TERMIIIIATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQIIIPMENT MUST COMPITY WITH CHAPTER 3 AtiID SEe.1017 OF TIIE 1997 T'MC A$TD CIIAPTM, 3 OF THE L997 TNTC. Cond: 3L (BL,DG.): BOILERS SIIAIJJ BE MOI]NfED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOIIBIISTIBITE CO]TST. ITNITESS IJISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBIjE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJAI{S AI\ID CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIA$IICAIr ROOM PRIOR TO AI\T INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAIIIAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS COIITATNING IIEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPITY BOIIJERS SIIAIJIJ BE EQUIPPD WITH A FLOOR DRAIII PER SEC. LO22 OE TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION L004.6 0F THE L997 rvtc. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application/ filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that dl the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and shte laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT,JESISFORINSPECNON SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOTJRHOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT4792138 OR ATOUROFFICEFROM &M AM - 5 SIGNATI.]RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET a**,|*******'N.,r,N.*****th*'ld.*,*'l'1.'{.*'*'rt"***'N.******t**{.*****'*{.***,lt'*****,8{.'1.**'&**********,r*****t **'N'},f** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement '8 a*'**{.**:t *{.{.t|.**,1* * **,N'}'}**'F{.'1.'l *,['8 *",S* * * ***{.* * ******'1,}a'{.* Staeemeng Number: R000002050 Amount: 9578.00 03lt4/2OO2L1 :32 ASI Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DF Notsation: CIIECK # 2A46 COLa COMFORT PRODUCTS Permit No: M02-0038 rype: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parce1 No: 21030L|106000 Site Address: 970 VAIL IrIEW DR llA.IL Location: BI-,DGS C&D Thie Palment: $578 - 00 Total Fees: t578.00 Total AIJIJ PmLE : $578 . 0 0 Balance: 50.00 *x,l*{.!t ,l*****'f 't 'l'l*'t 'l***'i'*'t *,8rl..l.,t*'t*,tr**,Nt'{.*****t******!*1.**:N*****tN*'}**,*'!.'{.*****************'14.'l**'t,l'i 'l*'l * * *'l'l * *'f 'l'l '1. *'N* * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Cument Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO I4ECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 460.00 pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 115.00 |.lC 00100003112800 l^llLl CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 - ti APPUCATION WILL N Project #: Buildlng Permlt #: Mechanlcal Permlt #: 97 O- 47 9 -213,8 (InsPectl ons) 75 S. Frqntage Rd. Vall, Golorado 81657 Permlt wlll not be accepted wlthout the followlng: tr tr tr o tr tr H.ffi 3y Hest Lo85 Calcs. Lqrip'.nt-Criisp""sheets $td.E D', lO3olq? 9OS! ; 48 cEPrED rr *.otr.r/o$ltt" zeC ovv)o'. lu[ Vu) \re, WorkClass: New() AddlUon( ) alteratton( ) Repal:r(-) Other( ) ffi t" EHU "-l.t at this locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( )eollerLocaU;n: Interlor( ) Exterlor( ) other( ) al ( ) Restaurant( )other()d 4-iF Qondo lrfo. * eccommodauon Unlts In thls bulldlng: lrlc. of ExlsHng Drelllng Unfts In thls bulldlng: N"/fyp" of Flreplaces Proposd: Gas Appllances J eas togs ( -) wood/Pellet (I WooO Burnlng (NOT ALLOWED) ffiaseliTevice? Yes(" ; No co!|PtETEvALuATIoNFoRMEGHANICALPERMIT(Labor&Mater|a|s) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION T,ffid"lff.5':tt't-l1o " ******r*******l**t*********r******l****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****'****i*****{*s* lr**&**&******!&***** {t :il . 0S-?0-;002 rn$eldion fiequest F,epaffJng '' A1t-em--- u,A!i*-#s.:.Tews'{.QF..-. -. - -- Ft€que€te{t InsFe(Ji D€te; Friday. Sel}taft1tt&t -fr. uag?' lnsEecHEn Area: iFffi SrtoAddress: 3tlr#b}l,s*o trs vsrt- ATPID |nfomedsn Sdiviw: hf024038 TiEe g}ME;F SubTtIt* 4MF $ialu6: fjonst T1116' Octlrssixb'/ U$€' ItrrP pr€8' Cr,tiier: BFtGfr(rpEF |SNFO AgSCr,JlATiOtJ Ffione ?70-47€.3114-l ' Csfifoeb'r: RODH!-trLCOMFF}{Ii Phona: 3{8'77?'77tN AoDlicgrjg F@$qLi.CE4fiPAtdY Fhc*e: S3"r?-??tlD OadcllF*m: htgT,trLISJgF GAgtttJES FRgs,t liJDL/lL{JAL e.lElERs T&i4 FtREFLAgEg Cominent: FOUTEB TO JBM Fcfi FF$$VAL .f,#LORES *"ouu*** {a;,#r# - Ftona: J4&?77-7?S) EBgqsEE{J lEsFgllageJ Iterni R@quorlor: csmmBnl$: Aesloned Ts:' Aethln: - ltsm Cl(qyrm€nb' 200 ffiecF RCf,' HALL ss&E+$101{ Elltalsl fiy: LCAITPEELL K TlmpEEn. PFRNSTS F(IR l"'r / Rlrn fd.; 52 'l I I 8Epr1s1 Gr.tc,o(ctr-^-"* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE IIOSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Pennit #: M024020 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIETV DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location....: BROOKTREE@20&A Applied..: 02/05/2A02 Parcel No...: 2703074060[0 Issued . . : 02/72/2002 ProjectNo | \& Expires. .: 08/77/2002 ovitt{m, iIosEPH, iIENNTFER o2/o5/2OO2 Pb.one: 980 \TAII. VIEW DR APT 203 VAIIJ CO 8L657-458L License: CONTRACTOR ROD HAITIJ COMPAIIY 255 V YATiIDOT STREET DBV\IER, CO 4o223 I-'icense: 150-M APPITfCASIT ROD HAIJI-, COMPAIIY 255 V YANDOT STREET DE\TVTR, EO a0223 License:150-M TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 ?u*r** oF coMMrJNrrv on#opvmrvr t\^t a^ .\6. $ B\\(-ts 02/0s/2002 Phone: 303-777-7700 02/05/2002 Phone: 3o3-777-77oo Desciption: CONVERTING FROM WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE Valuatioru $2,000.00 Fireptace Infornration Restricd Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gaslog: 0 #of Wood Pelet FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> S4o. o0 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. oO Total Calculad Fees--> $s3 - 00 Ptan Check-> S1O. Oo DRB Fee-> $0. oO Additional Fees---> ($53 .00) bxvestigation-> So . oo TOTAL FEES---> Ss3 . oo Total Perrnit Fee-> i0 . 00 Will CaIl-> 93. oo Pa)'ments-> 90.00 BAT.AN E DIIE-> 90.00 Item: 05L00 BUIIJDfNG DEPARTMmqf o2/os/2oo2 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMmflt CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BriDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Condz 22 (Br,DG.): COMBUSTION e,IR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E 1997 UMC, OR SECTIO}I 70L 0F THE L997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): IIiISTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFASn'RES INSIRUCTIO}TS AlfD TO CTAPTER L0 oF TIIE 1997 UMC, CITAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BI-,DG.) : CIi\S APPI.,IA$ICES TERI4IIiRTE AS SPECIFIED BE VS{TD ACCORDI}TG TO .805 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR 8 AND SIIA]-IIJ 8 OF TIIE L997 TVIC. o CHAPTER CHAPTER Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEjATIIiIG EQUIPMBIT MUST COMPLY WITH CBPTER 3 AIID SEC.1017 OF TITE 1997 I'MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIALL BE MOITNTD ON FIJOORS OF ITOIICOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. UNITESS I-,ISTED FOR MOINTTING ObT COMBUSTTBIJE FIJ@RING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PTTANS AND CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POST$ IN MECIiAIIICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQI'EST, Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAIIiBGE OF MECHANICAL RoouS COMIAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPLY BOIIJERS SIIAIJL BE EQIIIPPED WITH A FIJ@R DRAI}T PER SEC. TO22 AF TTTE L997 IIMC, OR sEcTrorit L004.5 0F TIIE L997 rytc. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowledge that I have read this applicatio& filled out in full the inforrration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforaution and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zorrin€ and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable tlrereto. REQIJESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry.FOUR HOTJRS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 Plvl" SIGNATURE FORHIMSELFANDOWNEF a SHALL IIV SEC 74 ffiL Ffi U '@. W.49 'oo *'iJ,oi.nr+L"r- I r^i#aos fr robAddre$:qfu ,uail yiqalk_ ,"s"rp"*b*" ll*' llt* lnrr,'g' Ildrbdrrr.ron, Englnu:EilFess: \mne: I Fr-T -O}teryn F{l- 55 /N a{;;;*- ;i;'a. unvmek il(rbz, t-On P,'l 'l-fl1b" - tsollerloca8on: Intertor( ) Exbrlor( ) OBs( )ffint Yes( ) No( ) rVpecf gdg: SlrC*tunltyti ) erpt"nl ) rytufatq( ) Cttttotd,l( ) R"d"*nt( ) otl-(R , 'No/Trw of FlreofaesBrl*l F (hloT AILOWED) r'!rt GoMPIITEVAIUATIO]I| FOR llEG]UttfIGAt PERI{IT (ltbor & }labrlals} COT{TRACIOR INFORHI|IION 3'117 -77o a, I ! ; tt?E r.C llGE aftll V..-- t t!3&.1{*&{a***.aa**1..a.i.r.***.**".*t3r.tlr*lrtrrFOR OFHGE USE q!I'o!t-f t* trt*l**tl**l***lt**t***t' &l*er , o,( I-/l/, w.FEB A4 '@. @zSE Hdr0,ffi5n0P SqMruHt$$35IN)p ' ' Mlnhnum HiedoceO Mcnddoy ond Ssfurno Fh"Sl 3l'O87|rm)wrA,O'(gZl nm) r r t7,tr (4tgmrD D m, i Dmerdons a/o&toyodfufLrnoBoy 3l'C/Bf .rfiDlyr 20S.@l rr!n) H r t6-(6Frn) o . hp bbchbr,rEcssoflfty . Ers $percrd kA|ddoor tdm . bhe b.tbrnordB . |Qbbcfh.M€brbty . sos rpp€rad bDr&trim o obd< bdlongde3 . top goup&#d h.il€ c[sertar'. gou p&td lutbrfdqdwrtit clco ttn . g$pkdeddtom grilog . botuDgd ttmdb . tagd @ed h^/ra@ruv .gddp@dlM{dqd'sd;d cbottit . gddpttedffin gh . bdtun gddfin$b SqfrrnoBoy f,liffii hffi* x%.?ffi rygg!"d6g B (I(ztDrn) A 2r(i37 mrr0 B 4f 0llErDn) lqlr bcsdob A 3Z(013 rmD B 4rolErm) . top hhr@ffiy .6t$ergldbcfutfil . bbddbngr8es . bp Eoss h.*r€ osemu/.b(frcndb6dirttn r trlodr lrotbn gfle g 4r C 3l'(r@ n)D lalf (Ognvn)E l4q(la rmi g lruY(@rmi G. alff (el rnnt J 22ry(5l2.|rn) q $'o87rm)D lo8r(/'grfi1 e l3'CB0rr|0 - e tC(O6mni G. elgXet rm)14:U00nrn)t 2.8@2m C Mofnrn Fefurncnce 3sull McntleCboronm Cleocrrcer oe rwrrad fun tts top dfns €rne asrddy mcbnct Fon oll Fcn dl tTm 'nft ' ftlANItIE(|ElE[Otl 2i(5lmn) 4tt@rm) 6'05AI'n) E @4rrn) l(rcsenm) CGAOqNCE E lrf C2lTmm) 9il4'Q4oftn) ll ll((a,7rull,) 12 l/2'Gl9tnn) l{'C3ltrrn) UmrunlltJ. I q&d Fol of Fatqt i Mr affi l-'----.1 m mJ^ penlngs @ftftr,ffi. Mcrddo/ktl0!E$tN0 p ( sryry(sos[\|tp * |--B----1 [F;il ll @tr Em] lffiili ffi#mm, l{'ebcrdob I A ?Y037mrd & 44'0ll0nm) l,b.tutlrir.FrC. . lop gdd pkfed b.ure o$€flittv . gffiF&d trrffi cnd'Etbd cbttn . nbckboilon griH . bof|or|gdd trin$b . EpSoU Ccfed bJl€ srdJy o|cr,trtiO . bhdbo'bn gldB . dtorn gpu tffrr sfiO GgrDDe srutlnd I lns pe*tlon Reque*t Reporting _ tfArL. elQ_:-Tgrfgeq_gE \_,, /tuFm-lnf6rmatl6n ArtlvHv: eonst Tyfe: Fgiial: grv"t''€f: ABolfcsr* Con'facto{: &wd@on; M0240As 21031114)e01(l EeguF- s$+d lnsFeet Eat?: InsEec-don Are€: Sita Address: Tvca: &MECI{ ,Ctcsup.airry T esd6y, ruru,silt 'lg, ?0Ol dF#varr-urervsmffiL--r EROOKTRq.E@A(X}4 . \ SubTm: AlriF $bt1ts: ISSUED lntptu€; JRM WGSDTO GAI, FhqEPI.ACE Phonsr 3SS777.770O Phewa: #$,777-776! ttrequestcd 1'lrn€: 08:00 AH ' Ffro$s: ffi3-V77-7VcfJ Enterd By: LCAMFFEII! K $tfisu$Led lEsfegseE{g.l lbrn: 390 nf,Echl-Flnsl Rqu€tdor ROD FIALL eoMFAtllitlruFA Coninrsntr: w/c l[)g-5€it!io11 l-ERoY - fiffi Asshnsd To: JMOI{DnAG{]$J - Adlan: Tlrnn Eap,: ilEoec$os-l'0gta$ An MEqi-lFo$sh 310 MECt{.Hedno 3?5 PLIUE€E5 Ptfinu "* ADpr'|ad'- Q?nsrWZ lndFector' ' 'JRM Comrnan{s: AFFR.?fr S.qtR TEST 380 MECS{"8$6ustHGsds $0 SrEeFFSuer*vAif 340 h{Ect-hhqbi.' 3W mECFf'FFlBl 4sTI9n: AP AFPROVED il0 REFrl"3L Run trd: 1345 TOWIfOF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI.INITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970179-2138 #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGaslogs:0#of otl3o/2oo2 DF IIEIII: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BIJD@.): FIELiD INSPECTIOITS ARB REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJINiICE. Colaldz 22 (BI'DG.): COMBUSTIOMIR IS REQUIRD PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 I!MC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLD6.): INSTALLATION MUST COITFORI.{ TO I4ANIIFACTIIRES IIISTRUCTIONS AI.ID TO CHAPTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 UMC, CITAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. tDq6 L-....'c-$lx,- -li(in n \ - -B*SJt"\-"--*- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TIOSTED ONJOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Perrrit #: M02-0m9 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location....: BROOKTREE#109-B Applied..: 07/30/2002 ParcelNo...: 270307406076 Issued. .: 07/31./2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/30/20O2 owNER CHAVEZ, MArA & VAtt RrirN, E\[AOL/3O/2OO2 Phone: PO BOX 2405 AVON CO 81"620 Licenge: col[TRAcToR ROD HALrr COMPANC OL/3O/2002 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 VIYA}IDOT STPEET DEI\T\TER, CO 80223 L,icense: 150-M APPIJICAISr ROD IIt\tIr COMPA$IY OL/3O/2OO2 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 STCANDOT STREET DE}MER, CO 40223 I-,icense: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS Valuation: $1500.00 Fireplace Inforrratiorr Restricted: Y Wood PeII€I FEE SUMMARY Mecfranical-> S4o. oo Restuarant Flan Review-> 90. oo Total Calculated Fees.-> S53.00 plan Check-> S1O.OO DRB Fee--> 90.00 Additional Fees--> (S53.00) Investigatiur-> $o . oo TOTAL FEES--> 953 . OO Total Permit Fee--> S0 . O0 wilcall->$3,00 Pavments-->$0. 00 $0.00 BAIr{IVCE DUE-> Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTI,IENT Cond:. 25 (BI-,DG. ) : GAS APPITLANCES SHAIiL BE VEIITED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 A]lD SIIAIJT TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFID IN SEC.8O6 OF THE L997 VMC, OR CMPTER 8 OF TIIE 1.997 IMC. Cond.: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HE,ATING EQITIPME\rT MUST COMPIJY WITII CHAPTER 3 At{D S8C.1017 oF TIIE 1997 T,MC A$ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE L997 TVIC. Cond: 31 (BI-,DG.): BOII-,ERS SHAtt BE MOIINTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOI'{BIISTIBITE CONST. IINITESS IJISTED FOR MOI]IITING O]T COMBUSTIBITE FITOORIITG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITAIIS AIID CODE AI\fAIrYSIS MIIST BE POSIED III MECIIAI\ECAL R@M PRIOR TO AIV INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAIT{AGE OF MECHAT.IICAI ROOMS CONTAII\II}IG HEATIIIG OR IIOT-WATER SIIPPITY BOII,ERS SIIAI,I, BE EQUIPPED WITII A HT.oOR DRAIN PER SEC. TO22 OE l:Ifi, L997 I]MC, OR SECTION T004.6 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby adcnowledge that I have read this applicatioru filled out in fulI the inforrnation rcquire4 completed an accuate plot plan, and state that all the information as requfued is correct. I agree to comply with the infomntion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town appLcable thereto. REQTJESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELTPHOUE AT 47*2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM - 5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET ?il/lfiI{WYttIL tg 5. Frof6ga Rd.vallrcdod 81057 wlll not be accepted urtthout the follodng: tayout cut/sFsh€stF coMPLEltYAtUATxot{FoRilEGHAIIGALPER]'IT(rabor&l|ater|a|s) D.hF#vsd:. . -.lccorH Bur 7W Wt JAN 29 '@ L6232. APP1ICATION WILL f*OT EE ACCEPTED IF II{CO}IPLETE ON UN3IGHED Prorect #: Bulldlng Permlt #: lifedranlcaf Permlt St - 9tH79-2138 (f nsp$dont) Job Addrs:T- tr', -. A- ,[Ci.{ Vt-ul lyU ii, ai, isoooA rr^ do(noc'f WokClsss: NstP() eddEbn() AFadon ffin, Yes( ) No( )tfrI'ffin tntenurt I Exterlor( ) orter( ) ( ) Rtyalt{ )an'tr rl ffi;ffiiuon untu ln thb btdldlrg: No, of E&tbtg ouenh€ Unfs |n thls bulHh€: ruoffypea nrcnace ftopoeedl Gas Af,dlances colf rRActoR lt{FoRItrATrOl{ R-ecmwmn JAN ? 9 2OOZ Tov-eot|n.DE\l: .rr.rlr**r..trr*r*.rr.r**r*rr*rrr**rrrrFOB.-OiFIcE utiE (x!LYrr*rlr*firrrt':Dllll:::l*o9a &* l* t 1-"3-{|,::_ -::- t.:i,, !.' !! w :jiil R€qu€oted lnsf€ctgsb: msF€Guon Aft*r: Slte Affiecs: trmlUdbma6en Ach,ltlfi Mm$rg Type: BMECH e-onstTl66: etr+cfrrcf htradl 2'tiffi14$Ol6 Olrrsr cHAWaitAlA&VAi'lRiJlN,EVA -JT AFdIcenT RODHALLCOTPANY Csriffir: R@I{ALLCOMPAfrJY Merl$on: CONn ERTFROMW0ODTOGflS Feoue€Gd |nsseadsri{sl !tsn: 280 fr{ECHeo.wh Raueslor ROOlfftt COII,IPAMY CoflinEffi: Dres rs bsfl hAe SPEnA{xlm AsdflrelTo: CDAVIS - Af,.tlo{r: Thle Exp: ilW((ffi- {r |n8pec6anHls{a{ bm: AX) UEclfFlouqh ndfl: alo MScFt-t-ldE E6'n: 315 Pl-MB€asPlfuis [Bm: GrD MEctshExhautt Hoods nem: SiHt MECI-{-SupSyFUr tftrnl 34D 0tECFl-Mlia.' Sann: 3€0 iffiCH-Fhsl UrrqJmesday, F6bru6ry 06, 200? JRTfl STOVAILSEW Df, UAIL ffi@KTREESIOCA Pfron€: Ptlodl€: 30$'777-?700 sls777-770{r €H,r: ISSUED InspAr6: ..mil Reasegmd TIme: O8:@ Affi ' Phom: &?/n-7790 EnierdBF DfLffiES K Q,l# fhPvst- 6tt /t/t ^r(- frppB^ffi s{bTm: AMF Run Id: L318 REPTl3I. 4t, -,-iJ 't I TOWNOFYATL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81,657 970H79-2738 /as8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT # of Gas Appltance: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TTOSTED ON JOBSME AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Pernit #: M02-0018 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: BROOKTREE #1088 Applied. . : 01./30/200,2 ParcelNo...: 270tsl01.406015 Issued. . : 0U3L/2W? ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/3O/2002 o!{NER SCIIMTDT, HUGH M. OA/3O/2OO2 Phone: PO BOX 1455 VAIIJ CO 81558 Lricense: CONTRACTOR ROD HAIJ., COMPAIIY 255 WYA}TDOT STREET DB[\rm., co 4o223 L,icense: 150-M APPIJICA$IT ROD HAIJJ COMPAITY 255 WYA}IDOT STREET DEIT\IER, CO 4o223 License:150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $2,000.00 Fireplace Inforrration: Restricted: Y 0t/30/2oo2 Phone: 303-777-77O0 ot/3012002 Phone: 303-777-77OO Wood Pellef; FEE SUMMARY Meclranical-> g4o.oo Restuarant Plan Reuiew-> $o.oo Total Calculated Feec.-> 953.00 plan Check-> S1o.oO DRB Fee---> go.oo Additioml Fe6-> (9s3.00) tnvestigation-> go. oo TOTAL FEES-> $53 . oo Total Pernrit Fee-> 90. 00 will call->$3-00 Pa).ments-> BALAIVCE DUfE-> Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI'IEil{T ot/3L/20o2 dt Action: AP It,em: 05500 FIRE DEPARIIIENT CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEIiD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRm TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE. Condz 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTIOIII AIR IS REQI]IRM PER SEC. 701 OF TITE 199? UMC, OR SEC?IO}T 701 0F TIIE L997 rMC. Coud: 23 (BI,DG. ) : INSTAI.,I,ATIOIT MUST CONFORI,! TO MANUFACTTTRES I}ISTRUCTIONS A}ID TO CIAPTER' L0 oF TIIE 1997 I,MC, CHAPTER L0 OF TIIE L997 rMC. $0.00 $0.00 \ Cond: 25 (BIiDG.): GAS APPI-,rA$ICES SHAIJIT BE VBIIED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SIIA],I-' TERMIIIATE AS SPECIFIED I]I SEC.806 OF Tr{E L997 VN[C, OR CTTAPTER I OF TrrE L997 tytc. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQITIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WIm CHAPTR.3 AliID SEC.L017 OF TIIE 199? I'MC AIID CMPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BIJDG.): BOII-,ERS SffiITIJ BE MOIDITED ON FITOORS OF NONCOMBIISTIBIJE COIIST. ITNITESS ITISTED FOR MOIINIING ON COMBUSTIBI,B FIOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIiID CODE AIIALYSIS MUST BE POSTED fi{ MECHAI\IICAI] ROOM PRIOR TO EN INSPECTION REOI]EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAIIiIAGE OF MECBNICAIT ROOMS COI{TAII{-ING HEATIITG OR IIOT-WATER SITPPLY BOII.,ERS SHA],I. BE EQUIPPED WITIT A FIOOR DRATN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UME, OR sEerroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio& filled out in full the in-forrration required, completed an acsurate plot plan, and state that atl the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordirumces and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and suHivision codes, design review approved Unifomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESISFORINSPECIION SIIALL BE MADETWENTY+OURHOURS IN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT 4792138 ORATOUROFFICEFROM 8:(x) AM -5 SIGNATURE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTORFORHIMSET-F AND OWNET m/VNWYAE tg 3. Fronbgs Rd. Vall, Golorado t1657 ?W W JAl.l 29 '@ 16!Si D tF ITIICOMPI,"ETE OR T'IISIGNED Proi€ct #: Brildlng Psmlt #:- llechonkal Permlt #: Ito-479-213a (lnsPctbnel Permll wlll not b€ accepted ntthout the followlng: + tot WorkCtes: NesY( ) Addltbt( ) n ffiuon' Ys( l No( )gottert-ocatton:.hterlor( ) Exterlor( ) Ofier( ) rU+nrfvt -l Ontrnsaatt ) Reeburott( l OtnrK) tto. otlconrmUadon UnEs h thls bufldlrq: No. of Bd$ng Duelllng Unb In thls hrlldlttg: lOffype C Rrephces ProFsd: easApdlane SJ ffie,'nry(l'tollLtowED) Gol|PLEtEvALuATtol{FoRlt|EcHAt{IcALPEnmxT(labor&MaEr|a|s) D, o0 COTITRACTOB It{FORttlATtoil -1-n-1 oo Ff-eruen JAN 2'9 2002 TOV€oM.DEV. rrrrrrtFOR OFFICE USE Ol{LY*r**r**t**Lt9*l Fe$lsgbd InspeEt Datal |nsF€atlan Areoi StbAdrlres3i W€dnesday, F€brua|y 06, 200? ato vAtLum,uD€vAf- ffi@KTREEfiTFB SlsTuoe: AMF flee: AFIOlnfiomafl€n Arffrlh'i M{2.t101€ Tyns: FIdECH ConslTypb: Occry@hkl Faicol: 21mO1!t{FO1S ftffi!: SCFn DT,}{' CHIT'.Aedlcdlt RAD|-iAIICOWAT.JY CfuI: RC'DFIALLCOMPANY D6€rwhn: COI{\ERT FROM TO GAS IHIIEFT Sffirsr b@Area: rs$uE .,RM Reil|esHlnsH8sdsl ttem: ?Oil ffECHfiouEh R6sHor: RCD HAtt COfiilPAhtY Caflim€|6: sr6qr€@E&Xl-W{}3m AslsdTo; c - Acdur: DAI'}S Fhorp: 3(P7n-7fln Ptlons: @27-Zt@ Resr@6bd Tlrno:' Phone: Entared ry 08100 6St &gTn-77@ DFLffiEE I( Tlille Erp: 9s# ftieusr lnqoedgfi Hlsbn nmE bm: hfir:bn:hff Mr|: ttsct!: aJ{t 3to 315 &a $m 34D 3gl rcH$il vtfr- Ftn)tAt- I ,i,L .: ,il ' . ;!1 J j |: '.: I MECI-SFlDd Fr, ,i I'j. .ld' t I REPT1.31 Rt:n Td,: 13L8 TPWIq,PFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT VAIL CO 81657 970479-2738 AD [*-t +4'"\ar- -{'t^n'n t - NorE: THrspERMrrMUSTBEposrED oNloBsrrE ATALLTrMES -B*9r.-S-^''-- 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: ]v{:024m7 |ob Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location....: Brooktree #A7A4,980 Vail View Dr Applied. . : 07/29/2002 ParcelNo...: 2703m405ffi4 Iszued..: 01./31./2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/30/2002 OWNER MCMA}iAMON, DORIS K. & PETER OL/29/2OO2 PITONE: 290 INCA PKWY BOI'I,DER CO 803 03 Lricense: CoNTRACTOR ROD IrAlrJ COMPAIIY OL/29/2OO2 Phoae: 303-777-7700 255 TYAIiIDOT STREET DEIiMER, CO eo223 License: 150-M ,APPIJICAIIT ROD HAI-'L coMPAlIv OL/29/20o2 Phone: 3o3-77'7-77oo 255 I'TVAIIDOT STREET DE\MER, CO 4o223 L,icense: l-50-M Desciptioru convert wood to gas, insert Osbum SF-3$IN; 35,000 btu's; Wamock Hersey AN21-221 4B-19Y3 Valuation: $2,200.00 Fireplace Infomration: Restricd: # of Gas Appltances: 0 # of Gas togs: 0 # oI wood PelleL FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> 960.00 Restuarant Plan Reriew-> 90.00 Tobl Calculad Feec-> 978.00 Plan Check-> S1s . 0O DRB Fe€-> $O . Oo Additional Fees--> ($78 . 0o) Irrvestigation-> g0 . OO TOTAL FEES--> $78 . 0O Total Pernrit Fee--> S0 . 00 Will Cdl-> S3 . oo Paymmts-> 90 . oo ,."-*.-........."."...."".**.*"-*.."...""..".--**.*...*-."---,-,"."...,...",--..,*,","...--.-".--,...-.-"-*""*HT*"-S,;l s0'00 IteM: O51OO BIIILDIIiIG DEPARTMENT }L/3O/2OO2 df Action: AP Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{B{T CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. Col:d.z 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION ArR IS REQITIRD PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 lr!{c, OR SECTION 701 0F TrrE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTATLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUerIONS A\lD TO CIIAPTER L0 oF T$E L997 IrMq, CI|APTER 10 OF TIIE L997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDC. ) : GAS APPITIANCES SITAIIJ BE Vmqrm ACCORDIIIG TO CIIAPTER I At{D SIIAIJr TERMIIN,TE AS SPECTFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TI{E L997 UI4C, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQITIPMENT MUST COMPI.IY WITIT CHAPTB. 3 AI\ID S8C.1017 OF TTIE 1997 I]MC AIiID CIIAPTER 3 OF TIiIE 1997 TMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SIIAIJIJ BE MOITNTED ON FIr@RS OF NONCOIIBUSTIBL,E COIIST. U]IIJESS I,ISTM FOR MOI]NTI}IG ON COMBUSTIBI-,E FI-'@RIT{G. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PL,ANS AI{D CODE ANAITYSIS MUST BE POSTm IN MECIIASIICA]-r ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTIO}T REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI.,DC. ) : DRAII{AGE OF MECIIA}TTCAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPIJY BOIIJSRS SIIAIJIJ BE EQUIPPM WISH A F'IJ@R DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requtued, completed an accuate plot p1an, and state that all the infor:mation as required is correct I agree to comply with the inforuration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision code6, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUSSTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OTJR OFFICE FROM 8:fi) AM -5 SIGI{ATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEI 75 g. Fronteg€ Rd. Vall, Golorado 81657 7A4W JFN 29 '@ LA.g APFLICJIIIOII WN.I. M'TBE ACCEPTED tF TNCOI{PI."EIE OR UNIIIGNED Prclect #r Bulldlng Permit #! lledranlcal Psrnlt #: 97 0-4;V9-2l,il8 (InePccdono) Permft wffl not be accepted vdthout the followlng: ., ^ ,r'9 proufde iiranfef Room.F[TIi-drwn to scaleto hdrd€!fV\ f1 ;0'U f'o lfec,trsntcal Rour! Dlm€r*lorc I t\\l I (I/ o Gombuedon JUr Duct S|le and Lotethar I J u \t - o ComlrusilonAlrDuctslreendlocotlon r' o Fltrq Vent end Gto Une !3lz€ ond Locatlon o HesttossGdca.o Equlpnantcut/SP€csh@t8 matrhil B ! -ze-l ,4116._11 WorftChss: l{$r( ) Adddon( ) Alten0onM 'nepatrt I Ong(. ) ffin: YE() No()EUertcatton: InHlor( ) Exhrlor( ) Otter( ) J Comrneraat ) Resraurat( ) (Itter ffilotnaom.tno.t"tlon Untts ln thls hrlldlttg:ib. A Edstlns tlrelllru Unns h thls bufldqg: ffiu4ns(NorArrourED)noffype of Fhepbcs FWed: Gas App[at'lcs coMP|lTEvALuATIol{FoRIt|BcHAI{IclLPERmr(bboraMatedab) GoNTRACTOR $lFoR!{ATtOR *i{:ttt'1? o o JAN 2 9 ?OOZ rovcgryi'Dflt' **r.r.rr.t..t.rtltlr.*rt*rrrrrrn*r**F10R OFFTCE USE OILVrt FleCrffi t'at! lnspeet DBte:- lnepedfren A,r@: SltsAddrcEsl fTednesday, Fe&ruary 0S, AH,:! AF/Dlnfqrmafsri &rt[]er ADpllcgnt Cffioa Dmcrb{lon: Comtnmt TVE€:ooe+af*sf Sbhrs: lnep Araa: FST'ED JRM IT.&PETER M,]J'4c.-rn-7v6t &n7-77AO @ RoulodtoJRM- Rstrrasbd Ingsedd{El lbn: 200 IUECHSoUEh Reflr€Ebr: RoD F&ALL COUFAMf CddnerH Fc€rs,rs tdw 38902€09 AsSndTo: BDA!/|$}- AffiN: TIM8ETF: 23++ ft@rr=r InF@Hlstotl, Eam 20O Mn: 3lO Mfi: 3tB hsm: 320 M:ffi br: 3r$0 lhncw n u(?k- Ftt)ftL /ilpp'-Lc fiem; str) ffi,Cl.t-Find *l r rdF i .il :r !,, 1,, I '$[;I * L nIE - II' :,aii-- 1 O7O VAILTflEW DR VAIL Elroo$tres#A104, g&0 Vd uew ttr *lml * SF€SIN;35,&tr bhje;HerseyASt2t-d1-4HE.l9& Reque8t€rl Tlfine: 09:00 ASf ' Phono: ;f{xg.*Tn-77|,J EnIMBF DFLCf,ES K Rtul Iil; 1318 TO\{NOFVAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M7%2738 oL/24/2002 Phone: 303-777-77OO 0L/24/2AO2 Phonez 303-777-7700 V^o--U'-:'t^.\7' € \L"'* sJ -B.*@^'^- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TJOSTED ONIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECFIANICAL PERMIT Pernit #: M02-0014 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BROOKTREE #702-A Applied. . : m/24/2O02 Parcel No...: 270307NffiO2 Issued. . : 01./31./n02 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/30/2002 owlIER sTottE, CITARJ.,ES H. FAIvIrr,Y T.P OL/24/2OO2 Phone: PO BOX L392 VAIL CO 81658 License: CONTRAETOR ROD IIATI-, COMPAIIY 255 IIYAIiIDOT STREET DE}IVER, CO 4o223 L,icense: 150-M APPIJICAIIT ROD HAlrlr COMPAI\TY 255 ! YAIiIDOT STREET DEl\tvgR, CO 80223 L,icense:150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD BLIRNING FIREPLACE TO GAS INSERT Valuation $2,200.00 Fireplace Infonnation: Restriebd: Y # of Gas Appliames: 0 # of Gas Ings: 0 # of Wood Pellet FEE SUMMARY Mectranical-> $60 . 00 Retuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S]-s . 00 DRB F*-> Investigation-> willca[-> go. oo Total Calculated Fees--> S78. oo So. oo Additional Fees__> (S28.00) So . oO TOTAL FEES---> S?8 . 00 Total Permit Fee-> 93 .00 PaJrmmb--> BALANCE DIJE > $o.oo $0.00 s0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI oL/2412oo2 DF Action: AP IteM: 05600 FIFE DEPARTMETiI| CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIjDG.): FIELD I}TSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,LNiICE. Condt 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOI{ AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IrMC, OR SECTIOIT 701 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): INSTAITLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, CIIAPTSR 1.0 OF TIIE ].997 TMC. g6nli: 28, (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SIIAIL BE VBiITED ACCORDII{G TO CIIAPIER I AIiID SHALIJ IERII{II{ATE AS SPECIFIED I}T SEC.8O6 OF THE ].997 I,MC, OR CITAPIER 8 OF IT{E 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO I{EjATIITG EQUTPMEMI MIIST COMPIJY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF TIIE 1.997 I'MC ATID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI,DG.): BOILERS SHAIJ, BE MOT'NTED ON FI.,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBIJE CONST. I'IIIJESS I,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AI{D CODE ANAL,YSTS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIATiITCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIiI INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAIITTAGE OF MECBNICAIT ROOMS CONTAIIffi{G HEATING OR IIOT-WATER SI]PPITY BOII-,ERS SHAT,I, BE EQUIPPED WITIT A FIJOOR DRJLIN PER SEC. LA22 OS TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read tlis application, filled out in fulI the infor:mation rcquire4 completd an accurate plot plan" and state that all the iniormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state liaws, and to build this sh'ucture according to the towns zonin5 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FORINSPECTION SHALLBE MADETWENTY-FOURHOURSIN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONEAT4p2I3S OR ATOUROEFICEFROM 8:(n AM-5 SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 6L3 tu1. Jff'l 23 '@ L2=$ APPI.ICATION WIII TIOT BE ACCEPTED tF IIICOIIIPIETE Of, Ui{SIGT{ED ProF #: Buildlng Permlt #: lledmn|cal Permit f: 97 o- 47lt -213€ (lmpecdons) TWltWYttL 75 S. Fro.ntaga Rd. van, @btado 81657 Psmit wltl not be accepted without the follodqg: COIITRACTON Ifl FORTf ATION Ill.ll.r.t..rr.*t...t.1***rr*r"rr.*rFOR OF|IGE USE 9{LJ*-*rr*r**lrrr*t&tlt*ltl*rt****re*eee fr - oG' sMdr.o't(LQr), Vrti I \/t<to Dfz ,Jor nare:3 y&yTt, n 5P3s7 , ^ Stut tr$ts. Loarnr-k ''{ n"g"l.t I out.-t t Work classr Ne*v ( ) Addbn ( ) arcrdon Ll ffiit*tstattrbtocauon: Yes( ) No( )eo|hrLcdon: hted,ort I Extslor( ) ofter( ) f""-fffi"utt unlb In thh bufldlng:G. of E bdtts Dtrdllrq UnE ln ttG hdldlttg: ncesgQ ql=_U ( ) ttbod Burntq (NOr AroltED) col,|P|..ETEVALUATIoI{FoR!|ECHANIcALPERMIT(]abor&Mater|a|s) -'iJs:tn'7re I t'?S200:l Inspffion filequest Reporffng Page6 6:saam 'vfft.eo jTGH'NOF - Reql€€hrl brsF€ot qate: W#|esday. Febnt8ry 05, ?ma - hsEe.lfion AreE: JRffi StbAtftlreeE: 8?0 VAI!- HEW BR VAli- KOOK TREE*{O?.A AFrPIn|b11nsSQ'{1 Acbrits td0edrr4 T\D€: F$f€CH gubTtFa: AMF-ConsrTvrr6: OccuF€i*fi (Es: Patiot fioa{nffi Onns STO|,18, C}{ARLES H. FAS{ILYLP A$DScant RODHATLCOMPAIfY Fte*e: &F77-77(D eatfuadsN: RODI'|ALLCOSdPA}$f FhsilE: @77t-7iln hrlptlon: COMTERT FRCTM W@D B[rRNlh&l f{REPL3CE TO GAs S&SERT Feauested Inenedlsn{s} RequeHTlme: Ptrori€: Enbrdg}1 Astlonr _ Thfio Ery: lEm: 200 [tEEH-Roush ResEgon RODI{AI,IC,OMPAI{Y Cordm€|tlE: p{6sl6gtssiwffig}!-&X!ts Asslg@-To: CDA\ttS vnTcr+trt(frL *^t g&tJs; hFptr@: tsst-E Jmi 06s0AM 30e7fr-7700 DF!-ORES K AsF Ptw=T lnsHfion Hlataru &m AXI ifficFl-Rwflh ftqn; 310 h cF}+teaftl{bn: 3{5 Pt-ldeGseP$hfi kn: &0 DrECI'i'EEhaui{ Fho{b Eenn: 330 MECFI-SuFFfvAh tiem: 340 MECI+Mlic. - lbm 390 MECISFInEI i:t, .;+'!Si liSe REFFT131.Run Id; L318 '"9 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81657 974479-2738 OWNER \rAIIJ GEAR CORP 641 IJIOIISIIEAD !4Al:Ir 'VAIIJ CO 4L657 I-'.icense: CONTRACTOR ROD IIALL COMPaNY 255 WYA1TDOT STREET DENI/ER,, CO 80223 L,icense: 150-M APPLICANI ROD HALIr COMPAI{IY 255 WYAIIDOT STREET DB\T\IER, CO 4o223 License: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS Valuation: $2,200.00 Fireolace Informati<rn: ReshicH: Y Meclunicaf-> Plan Check-> Irreestigation-> will call-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT MECFIANICALPERMT ]obAddress: 9T0VAILVIEWDRVAIL Location.....: BROOK TREE # 10$A ParcelNo...: 210F,0140ffi8 ProjectNo : Permit #: Status. . Applied. Iszued. Expires. ot/24/2oo2 Phone: \-ro'rzR;t7r- -{-.t^rya t" }}o(ct-^-'^-NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES M02-0015 ISSLIED 07/24/20,02 07/31./20,02 07/30/2002 # of Gas Ap'pliance; Wood PeIIeT FEE STJMMARY ot/24/2002 Phone: 303-777-77OO O1"/24/2oa2 Phone: 3o3-777-77Oo 0 # ofGaslogs: 90. oo Total Calculabd Fees-'> S0 . 00 Additional Feeg--> 9?8 . oo Tobl Perrrrit Fee-> PaYmenrs-> BALANCE DUE-> tot 560. oo Restuatant Plan R€view-> $X5.00 DRB Fee-> 90. oo TOTALFEES. > $3 .00 $78.00 ($?8.00) $0. 0o s0.00 $0.00 tr{.afarr*aarar*a*artrr.*.t*f**.r.....**,tr*r*a*ai***fr*ra*a.aHa**}***!r*titt**Er*****a***rairt*rata*atatla.**r*tr**ri*ta*****at*la.rttraa*a Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPART!{ENI oL/24/2oo2 DE Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENI Cond: 12 (BIiDG. ) : FIEI-rD IITSPECTIONS Cotdz 22 (BL,DG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS 701 0F THE 1997 rMC- Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTAL,LAirION MUST CONFORM TO ilANI'FACTITRES IIISTRUCTIONS AND TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1.997 T'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. CONDITION OF APPROVAL ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. REQI'TRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE L997 IIMC, OR SEqrrON Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPITIANCES SHAIJJ BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER I AIID SIIAIJJ TERMINATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.805 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR CIAPTER I OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMEMI MUST COMPITY WITII CHAPTER 3 AIID S8C.1017 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC A}lD CITAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC, Cond: 31 (BI-'DG.): BOILERS SHAIJIT BE MOITNTED ON FTTOORS OF ITO\TCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. UNLESS ITISTED FOR MOUNfING ON COMBUSTIBIJE I'IJ@RING. Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PER.IvIIT,PL,ANS AI\ID CODE AI{ALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN IIECIIANICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ r}TSPECTTON REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAIIIAGE OF MECHANICAIT ROOMS CONTAI]I$iIG IIEATING OR IIOT-WATR SITPPITY BOIIJERS SIIAIJJ BE EQUIPPD WITII A FIJOOR DRAfN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR sEerroN 1004.6 0F THE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforrration requtue4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that atl the infomution as required is correcl I agree to comply with the infor:rration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build ttris structure according to the towns zonin6 and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniforur Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FoIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-438 OR AT oUR OEFICE FROM 8:(n AM-5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OIVI{EI 6L3 W. JA{ 23 '@ L2.37 ^PPuGAlloNwluroTDEAccEPlEDtFINCoI|PLETEoRUI|SIGNED Proldtr: Butldng Pemlt#i trlechankel Permlt *: 970-479.2il18 (ftrPscdml TIIWil$YI 75S. Fronttg|G Rd. UrdlGolorado 81657 DebRFdrcd!lcffiB"! ' permit wn not b€ accepted wlthout the 'o--OO3 .ElccflF(Reqtlia) 3 I 93: Ot]_V,- O. rob lfame:iA v.v\L-l {ee llnit I O 34 "r*?rq rqEt D@rPkr I l4E a&Fnng:Subdvlsbr: W E@ileen-_l li1 . tSt;; EiastX- aE,o.r,Sr"S. ur-t-t " 1Vef4-rt4 Tz, x*: :hs( )WorltChss: Nff( ) Add$ar( ) Aksathn rtd R epalr( ) O - I BollsLmtbn:tnterbrt I Eftetur( ) \Otter( )l ---J---J Ty?edg@: SndFturly( I Eder( ] FlttE'8nru v()co rsnerclal ( ) R€slaurdnt ( D% ffir". oterctt"nctaUqr tfntts tn thb btdEltg: No. of Eetg Biemng Ulds [r t|rls bddf€: uon-"otn*t"*re,a*frEt-i*t t ettl*(,) wdloF! ! H ${easlogs( ) wooqPelet( r= , - wro DuIlII,llg lrtrrr ' *v"w, ffiEFFFFn de.lrer ve I|O I ) PB!{IT (fadr & Hatedalsl .oo MECTIAMCAL: I CONTRACTOR INFORMAIION '-' iii:tn '7? o-o 0h.l ftirr ftrartlr.l lrtfifitrrrrrrrrfir.rrFOR gFFlcE usE OtlLYrl*rr**..rllt'*..*'l'lItt e'rt*t*&l*le Woo, h.HF!ry lrt C ]'f;il uS #ffi- iltm- Sdru Fedc6! nE ctslB tqD ntD b tnD. o! Obd| &i€ ctltott lo iYrre b ddr bNEFrdorqdtl6.n H|air&r@(t|d€ftfft b !€a8 b crna Roll Ddtu! dlr, tort eFfrp d! tslhg cor{gd.! .6qi!, tll W q cf ertor q$Eli.8db l!b6t!,FsDEdl*@r !!fire! srt cttat d brl bt]l|lgae,eoEqSGad €Sico(briF@adb. -. rJ \r- IJ t f\r.G gsm ------ffi- hgeffiB A. l9'(r37nm) B 40'0u8rm) lH!|t_iHr A e'G|3'[rt & itf otl0]I'D) . lop gddpktted blvta cEseflIdy . gdlddad hokddcrdE(ftd 6atrtn . gs pktod bdffii g116 . t!fisngdd tin$b \-.aI A 2r@7mD &.!4'0llgrrft l.ElE3h.'r.5 A. gol3r|m) 8.40'0ll8nn) . bpENlclMg(lsErrrt$t . tlosc|.Fp€rdfbsdodfifn . b(bolbn g[€8 t lQ bcsh.irro osdruy . hrFcrdbmrdoattn r t{dr bcflqngfiEr JRI.I \D 0w36s0,f tr E[Il-'lml^ SoirttrBryS$lhDP , r-s-_r fFiTl l-h i-+@ Em] ilrmill McrdobycrdBs[mofr.sl 3l'Cr87 nfii) wr Ag@l nm)H rl?3(40nm)D lvlcnddoycrdSunoBry 3I'(187 nnr)w r Zl5'@l nrd x r ltr(& mn)D . top bbd(bflts Gembay . bc |4F6drdbl|sdoditn ' bd botlcfir gre Msddoyod SdurnFhdt C 3l'CrgflrD D lEi0'(t09n''l)E l4lf G63rm)E lTJU(€9mm)e A.trG2l rrrt J ,zglwftrl c D. E E a t J. 3l'(rO rm) l0l8'(t{n m'rt l3'(3glmd ld(4!rm)4.0@llIId 42f0OrnrD zfi(snfirt . lopgddp&fedhfro . gdd pl0lsd hl[!or$d cbdt{m . bE{ bottrrngdos . bottm€ddtln $ip csernuy od!g[cd . toP t'l.dt hMo c*€trfXf . trGLppssrd bsd@rttn . Uod botbngils C@llFe Perfonruae Enllr|trt inodnirn $mlmDof,l Coeoffif qIANANCE S lFZ eunun) 9 3/1'e.4nrn) ll l/4'( ATtrrm) 12l2'(3l9mm) 14'(35-/mm) iMnmBlU fon of qdF|| Fon on 7N 7tft 7& TNL For on 269Ct ut8 sfin M HEACTTf S'SIGMS og.mruerunrcnmrueo ) Dfnersbns l4r@ A g(olgrm) E Cro2to n)ffi%P ftL?lr*$lwloBo/ rEGEfi,qarye*it l aqa'-D ,@, 12:S . lopgp&|@Edhlm6€mbu . 906 pkded |Ettdthdddverfbd Ocmn . gdCdedbffiln@s i. &n Soklttn $lO dsldm . @gSpkt€d h.ntrecssdCy .gdd@dffi('dlg&d . bbcLbondngb . bc[10n gc6 frhr$ir Mont|eClwonces Ge.'srcea o€ nEoE sd tqn ttg tcp d |hs €tlb cEeinbty i,ANMEflE\AON 2'(5lrrn) 4'o(atrn) 6'0sArrn) i8.(A4nn) treSsmrn) 66ru &tbr Cr@ent Sadicftfoo BC.lrBU 268, Cordo Web Srts: tan /r,.oshrFrfg.com . E.rnr& b{ti@uhm<nfucun ' Requestd lnsE€at Daiei ' l|tsoecfon Aresl StEAd{rass: trF'Dlnfrmaftn Feeueebd In$F€c{sn(el . lbsni eog MEcH.Rdralr Req|Esbf; ROD HAI-LC#PA$IY ConimenG: ?rc SdX}.Sm-04m s$ws AslanedTo: CD 1/1S - A.rbn: Wn€6day, February 08. r00t JRM STOVAILVIEWDR VAIL GRSOK TTdEE S 103.,4 ,qubTlE€: Ai,tr Stahrs: ESIJED ISc: ItEpAr€o: JRM Pb?o: S!"m-?70H'Ptsrs: ffi?7-26! ReaEeEEd Tlme: 08:(F AH ' Plwls: SIS777.770O Enffi€rlgp DFLCREA K Tlm€Erry: ^5#frtrcl l$sMonH|36rfl an 310 315 34t, 330 340 3gD trrc*{*''ffiwry. ffi* rW REPT].31 '-: $l.- r "llrt '' -i'r fr TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: LINIT # 204-4 ParcelNo...: 21030140601I Project No : OWNER WHITI{AN, SIIEIIJA 980 VAfr., VrEW DR A-204 VAILr CO 8t657 License: CONTRACTOR ROD IIAIJI' COMPAITY 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 44223 I-,icense: 150-M APPIT]CAI{I]I ROD IIAITL COMPAM 255 WYAT{TDOT STREET DENVER, CO 4o223 License:150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: 52.500.00 FireDlace Informalion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 #o*rrr*r oF coMMUNrrv oevert^*r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0012 Mechanical-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> wi[ cal-> $60. 00 Restuarant Plsn ReYiew-> 915.00 DRB Fee-> 9o. oo TOTAL FEES---> s3.00 '*.n-ao"\q'. dt^= to $0.00 Additional Fees--> ($78.00) $78.00 Total Permit Fee-> Pa!'ments----> BAL{IICE DUE-> $...\t\-^-,.--- 90. 00 s0.00 90.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT 0l/23/2oo2 JRvt Actsion: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQITIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 tMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAJ.,LATTON MUST CONFORM TO !4AI{IIFACTI'RES INSIR.UCTIOIIS A}lD TO CIIAPTER 1"0 oF TIIE 1997 UMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 0l/23/2002 lssued..: 0112412002 Expires. .: 07123/2002 oL/23/2002 Phone: oL/23/2002 Phone t 3O3-777-77OO oL/23/2OO2 Phone: 3O3-'777-77OO # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wmd Pellel 0 FEE SUMMARY aar****aaari'ar*aa*r.t*8**tr.*a**ra*artaaa',4**at*t'.*ri**.rtt** $0.00 Total Calculated Fees->f,78. O0 "(BLD;.): GAS AppLrANcEs srrL BE \IED{TED AccoRDrNc ro cr{atrER I AnD srrArJr TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE L997 VI[C, OR CITAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WrTTI CBPTER 3 AIID S8C.1017 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC AND CTIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 4997 T,MC, Cond: 31 (BIJDG.): BOILTERS SIIAI,IT BE MOIINTD ON FL,@RS OF I{ONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. TNIJESS LISTED FOR MOITNTING ON CO!4BUSTIBIJE FIJ@RING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIiID CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE POgTm IN MECIIAI{ICAL R@M PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTIO}T REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAIIIAGE OF MECIIAI{IICA.L, R@MS CONTAI]IING HEATII{IG OR IIOT-WATER SITPPLY BOTIJERS SIIAT'IJ BE EQUIPPM WITH A EI-,@R DRAIN PER SEE. TO22 OE THE ]-997 I'MC, OR SECTION 1004.6 OF TIIE L997 TMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state thal all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnafion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codeso design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE T 479-2138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SICNATURE OF O OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF W W Jfrl 2 '@ L4.@ s AGGEPIED tF rllcot{PloF UESIGiTED D r-rad tl: Butldlrq Permlt #: t{€dranlcnl Permlt #l g, o-1?g-zt:N (lmpscilont) Vall, colqado ;ffi accepted wlttto{tt the followlng: Rooil Dlnend AlrDuc-tSlze Ventand Gae tlne 3l ]l€et LosB Calce TTVTINYAL tg S. Fro.trtag! Rd. Equlprnent CutrSFc 5h€8ts collTRACroR rNF[lRtlAlloN Uarl ie (<< urni+ eo4n ( ) ottls( ) rrExt|ueE I ' --_-@*'rt @d, rddlt€'ffiffiurrclnttt=hildrts: @r-"t"sNTjl.oltl rxFPhste s3: 1 -1'77-?-7oo '3 $Fr11*rrxrrt* JAN z ? 2002 rov.eg$$.w rt.l.il.t.t......!M:'rg:l:tttt w*tl JFN 2, 'EP l4.LA tonao clS lPPLl/lltcg arl 6er Spocdr6 t'Eo fpl 6il0 E atuo l|w Ccdrt Rddtb. tA glt|o5 UEIDTA HEltl|a UUBOII WWrw@ 610 E AElre tlu n& 6lrtL,'at Fr*fat CcdrFrC&,|A 54400 lttd ct s!& & rrEdcbt!.rti.d! dal Pffit!lrs -)t-a ApFlhant RODI{ALLCBMPANY Phone: &$-1?-ffi}o Codbarlor: RODH,qLtCOMPA''fY Phono: a{te7n-77t}0 Decrhtltru COiI\IERT FROfrt W@F TO &qS INgEnT Comrnent; R0UTED TO JR|lt? FgR RE'gIEW/APFROVALS - DFLORES R@sesbd InsF€€en{s} rryPrD Infomna$68 Ac#vllv: M&2S12 TyFs: FMEeH eonstTlrp6: (kqpairbV; Faac€l: 2{OS}{4{EO1t &vnar: W|4|TMAN, SI{EILA ItEm: 390 l|{EcH#lnal R€$I€AbI: ROEI }IALL C€E'IFANIY'LII{DA Conimorlh: W/e G&?56{F10tl LEROY- d1ffi AsshrnedTo: Jlltoi.lErRAGolri G-- Asllon: Tlrna Exp: R€quesiFj Inspesl Date: Tuecday" Februsrg 19, ?ooa lncpedffcn Ared: JRhf; -----Slte Address: cToXAlL VIEW DR VAIL u*(1r*3J subTffi: AE'IJP 'J Actio,n: AF A|:PROvED Ae'fiotr: AP AFtrRt?lEE, fr?-18'20CI2 S;tr 1 prn tBsB@an Hlstgd ?i!0 MECt+RGuf,h " ,qr,erovsri " 01/2flt)?- Ins€dor: -.,RM " 3tO WCISI'.leaSftf, 315 Plfrd&GasPlilng ""Appoued " 0XtZd{tZ lnsD,edBr: JRAd comnEnts: 256 alr fes 320 SffieF{-EEhsust l'lGrd$ 33O MECH-SuFpilV Alr 340 S,ECI+MI5€. 3gn SfECI+Flnsl truspecfron fteEuest Regrurffntg Fage 11 -- wANL*qg:l@SH8{-SF $labrs: I*9UED lnsp6o, ,"tt ibfti: f€m: it$Tr: Itsn: brn: €cm:bm: (p 't; t1 i F.EPTI"31"Run Id; 1345 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 8t657 970479-2138 oil*rrr"T oF coMMr,N,t" ouuurot^, l*\Cr1\At-..\.+,1 {^t*3 t .l NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0011 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR #106-4. Applied . . : OID3DO02 Parcel No...: 210301406006 Issued . . : 01n4f2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/23/2002 owNER SCAIIL,AN, MOITIJY A. ot/23/2o02 Phone: PO BOX s74 VAIIJ CO 81658 Lri.cense: COICfRACTOR ROD IIAIJIT COMPAI{y OL/23/2O02 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYAIVDOT STREET DBVVER, CO fJo223 I-,icense: 150-M APPTTTCANT ROD I{AI,L COMPATVC 0t/23/2OO2 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYA}IDOT STREET DE\TVER, CO 4o223 License:150-M Desciption: CONVERT WOOD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $2,200.00 FireDlac€ lnformatio[: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas [ngs: 0 # of Wood Pellel 0 it,t{.N8$t{i$tN*t*tt,!!ttt*N*,at18aat*a Mechanical-> Plan Check*> lnvestigation-> wilt call-> So. o0 Total Cslculated Fees->s78 . 00 S0.00 Addilional Fees__> ($29.00) Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIAEMI oL/23/2oo2 JR!4 Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIII CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELTD II{ISPECTIO}TS ARE REQIIIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): CoMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUIRD PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 199? It!l!C, OR SECTION 701 0F TI{E 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTAI-,I-,A:IION MUST CONFORM TO I4ANIJFACTURES IIISTRUCTIO\IS AI\ID TO CI|APTER 10 oF TIIE 1997 IIMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 960.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $15.00 DRB Fee---> $0.00 TOTAL FEES*--> 93 .0o s78.00 Total Permit Fee-> PaYments-> BAI ANCE DUE . > lr-t k\,*- $0. oo s0. 00 $0.00 .."-N.): Gi]\S APPIIIASTCES "*O"" VNWTM ACCORDING TO CTIAPH, 8 TERMIIiTATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR CIIAPTER Cond: 29 (BIJDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPITY WITH CHAPTER TIIE 1997 I]MC AI{D CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IVIC. Condr 31 (BLDG. ) : BOIL,ERS SHAIJIJ BE MOINfED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING OIit COMBUSTIBLE FI-'OORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PL.,ANS AIID CODE ANALYSIS MITST BE POSTED IN MECHANICA! ROOM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond:30 (BLDG. ) : DRAII{AGE OF MECIIA}TICAI ROOMS COr{IAINING IIEATING OR HOT-WATER SITPPLY BOrr,ERS SHAr.,L BE EQUrppm WrTII A mrOOR DRAr\T PER SEC. tO22 OF TIIE 1997 Irl4C, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requird, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR NSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFRCE FROM 8:OO AM .5 PM. ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF A}ID SIIAI,IJ 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. 3 ArirD sEc.L0L7 0F CONST. IINIJESS oO* @3 PW Jfil & '@. L4tL? Bulldlng lbfnit #: f4ocftanlcal Pcrnlt *'. Ito-47g-tl!A Pn$*done) TOMIW ts s. kontBg€ Rd. Vall, Colondo 81857 ffidthoutthefollowlng: JobAdtEssqDfrt@ :ouHamQ66y_Tc<<- tfn,t tO bA Work Ctass: NsYr ( ) iis ffiry - Type d Bdg: gbtgte.hfltW (@urbttlldlru:ilffi;ffiunrslntldsh,tury: @:GaApd:a':ses ) G6ttgt( ) 11166 1r4H(tffiEn,'n1'q(Nnilsm) -ffitrW ng@-gP' JAN ? 2 ?oo2 Tov-soM'DEv' colfPLETE VALUAnOT FoR' t'lEcHAllrcAt PERlltT (lrbor o matgda:] 3oT{TRACTOR IIIFORUATTOII aatttltt* @3 W Jfr1 2 '@. L42t3 t\D MoxbrloyordSoilmoRdt 3l'(t0 ryln)sras'GAl FgD H r l7g(tlprfr'UD tvlcndoloycndh[mo 8oy $'fr6rrm)wrtrl5'(gl mn)H r lf (/btlm)D Dfrpn$orn tiffidoymd Solunofi.Sr h!!EeF A g(I3'lr.''i, A 4foll8rr]f irFr@ A ggl$rrnD 8. ltroll8mfll) Irgeac$&b A qOBrnD B ef ozmftn) C.3rfnpnri)D lur('o9n[|l. |/UrG63 rd F. rrSr(8tmll a AS(gl rflr)I DSr$P.fii> Moddsy Hrdr crd Sdum frsh $ffig Cholces-clpm I of 4 ffi . @t ockhire(lss@ . btsumetcnd l4lgdoortlm . lH( bdiom grflo8 t@906 Cded hr'/'oGorilfy gold@fEbfilddtdr€dbl cbtrn @(dFngle3 dlomgddltrnsF ' @bbd( hjvrB ossmbty . bcqcrgsd lor*s(krgtln . e ffingfls . lopgoHCdsdx,|xto6efltuy .gdd@sdhffi(!dr'gftd dorttn . &( bdidngFTa . bdfungoE ttn$h .@gddpHbrrtocg|lb.y . gdCffiludnd(rdwi[cd cborttn . gdd pbt€d bolhn g.f€.. bddng#ldn$b , top gd dcilBd hflra cNsltiy . goHCcdBdffi$dqdr€rtbd duldm .lp@hxre6srtdt . b rF qd brerdos tln 'Uodbd|angrb . t@ h6 t$J'oocfluy .btmersdbsdrtln . M.Stung@ ) e gdCdBdbdtdn@ . boltrn goldfm@ Perbrmorrce Gorn|F mJr|trt Mofnrn lwrnmDGn CceoHny 3{Xm CIIARANG I l2'C2l7nn) 9 3/4'(249rm)ll l/4-(A7mrn) l2 l/2'Ol9fln) l4'(JSrrrrD fidsEa Rn of Fcn on 77% 7% 7& 7n MdnmgIU ost F6r otr tcldl mfl) 276fo 269(D 26050 Wbro, wrtEokHo.8sf lrt C lfil US tortrt nd$c|8 labqAlorr @c flADA HTAMI trcrDucts lsctAnotl bE o€oncado! rrty dsgg tdn ir€to frE'@ OfuDdi'd €ddq b fiFoc bpdrt b6roErdobqrayldd tltldtrdgt$qdlddst to yac b c''D. brs ooE!,rsfr.y(tFdtro|'grt0 ccs|.!rd!n oa&|dq id qF o.oUftjla4&rdB&ldlEEeffc5dt!!r&l ffitEficl qd dEcL d Ed lloOcodq,lEoteholt 6hda6rrE'dc.!h. q4S&\nm HEAiTH SISTEUS Os8.mr.l irAtuJEACrunNG@ 6670elFCr6ccnt,Soo&hforlBc.,\&l zGOconodo WS SE: |,|^r,(Bbnr}ttfg.con . E rnot fib@&rrHrfsctan iturebvBil0\AiSh|)P '' ' '-':'-;-, .-, t- --- -',;. tr,-r I t[ ffil jffi_alfnE,m^ ShryBo4@5h|)P , I rD-1 | t[ l--Tl ffitr Emt"ffmil |^ Minirnum Hrepboe Opening In:::uI n||gI$YUrrr'uvf ffiir ffii,fffil i $urpm$SFSa|)P _:_ ==-ffi iml.ffffilll' Monfb Clecronces CedEe6 cte lt€cBrd fdn ttglop c|' lfb gilg ossE|nbv MANIUEXIB\EON f (5lrrTn) il'(l(urfii) 6'o5Atrm) 8.e04rrn) lo'C5trnm) AIJIIIOTflO DEAM tnsncsfion ffieaueet 5:11 Em ',I I Flequested InsF*c4 Da$e: Tuesday, February i g, E002 tnsEeeiton Area: JFIN Slts Ad{iress: d7s vAiL vtEw BR.Atfih. sSG LfAIL MEW ts8.rfl.99:4) SP'D lnfonnsfldr Aclhritv: MtXS-o{'ll TvB€: FMECF{ SubTkpe: AMF eonet T!t',i: Sccupailcrt [h:Raiid: 2{0st4{F008 O!m6r: ScAfdLAFl, hfG{trYA" ABo{eafit ROD |.!ALL COtslPAsRf Phe.ttB: 3O3-7?7-n0O Gffiadcr: RSDHALLCOMPA!.'Y Phone: 308'77?.77t8 &mdo$on: COM,EFT UdOOD TO GBS I$tSEtrT Ca*rrinenf NOUTEDTO,JRM FAE RE\REI,V/APPROVAL - &FIORES .\ ii Re€uegtF{i lnsE€da${s I $tahn: ISSUEB lnsPAr@: JFM Itsm: 3gO ltlECH#lnal Rdu€stor: ROD HALL e@MPAHV/LifrBA Coniments: WlC3(F65SlOr1 LEReiY- @ RequesiedThTle: 08i00 Atr ' Fhofte: 'ffi?|7-Tlw *bwilfi: JBrotFf,AGoN Tima Exp: '- F,BFrov€d - lflfE€sdsnllle@ asrn: zc{t ijEglttsSr$h Itern: 31D |!srn; 3ts l&amt Itsn: Rsm, ItEm: 3A0 sa 340 &c0 O1/?S0A- hsodsr: JRRn *AFprobd - hr: ' JFIM IRTEST' Run rd: 1345 I I I 1 REpTI-31 ---- l,rd SttooLt^-o-,-- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO2.OOI3 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BROOK TREE I-INIT# 105-.4 Applied . . : Oll23/2002 Parcel No...: 210301406005 Issued. . : 01n4n002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 07n3n002 owlrER scHwARTz, RTCHARD A. OL/23/2OO2 Pbone: 1350 I,AV|IRENCE 8A DENI/ER CO 80204 L,,icense: CONTRACToR RoD IIAIJL COMPAIIy OL/23/20O2 Phone: 303'777-7700 255 WYANDOT STR.EET DENVER, CO 80223 License: L50-M APPTTICAIf,T ROD HALI-, COMPANT OL/23/2OO2 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYATiTDOT STREET DE\MER, CO 4o223 License: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT FROM WOOD TO GAS INSERT Valuation: $2.000.00 Fieplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas L,ocs: 0 # of Wood Pellec 0 *rtttt!N*Ntta***r'rarr.**aar*r*raa*ar*rr***,N.iat*tt4'it{rtttsttt{tar'rt{*tr FEE SUMMARY $0. 00 Toial Calculated Fees-> TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 Mechanical---.> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> will csll-> $40 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S10. 00 DRB Fee-----------> SO. OO TOTAL FEES > 93 .00 9s3.00 90. oo Additional Fees-> (953 .00) #o*tr^r oF coMM.rNrrv n'vsr.t,nNr t-^oa4^^9- -+{ \ BtK 3 s53 . 00 Tolal Permit Fee-> PaYnents-_---> BAl,rAllCE DUE--------.> s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 It,em: 05100 BUIL,DIIIG DEPARTMEII"I oL/23/2oo2 JRltl Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMI CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-'DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIR$ TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAITCE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIOIT AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 70L OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTIOII 701 0F rHE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAI-,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTIFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS A$ID TO CIIAPTER 1-0 oF THE 1997 rMC, CIAPTER L0 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BI,DG.): GAS APPIJIA}ICES "'; BE VM{TED ACCORDING TO CHAFIER,8 AND SIIAII.' TERMINATE AS SPEEIFIM IN SEC.8O6 OF THE L997 VME, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CIIAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.].017 OF TIIE ].997 I'MC A1ID CTIAPTER 3 OF TITE 7.997 TYTC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOII-rERS SITAI-,L BE MOIIIiIIED ON FIJ@RS OF NOIICOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. I]III,ESS IJISTM FOR MOI'MTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI-'@RING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): FERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE POST$ IN MECHANICALT ROOM PRIOR TO A}] INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG. ) : DRATNAGE OF MECIIAIIICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR IIOT-WATER SI]PPITY BOIr_,ERS SHAr_,L BE EQUrppD WITH A Fr-,OOR DRAItrT PER SEC. lO22 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR sEcTroN L004.5 0F THE L997 rMe. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informafion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codeso design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATUREOF WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE}, wB wt Jft.l E ',@. t4.w trTr Esla I \s\\t , I I -\r--flI t I lET ' tvff ll VE Tarrt tT ?5 S. Frontaga Rd. Va[rcdqrado 81657 Bultdlrtt Permlt #: Uedraittal Perrnlt #: 97Gf?9213S (lncPecdone) tsIout UnellEe He.tt-oo3celc$ Erylpm8nt Cut/S€c SNI€ots i ) qls( ) @tffibu[dng:ffi-u,wmtq unEs br tfds buffiu: @,G""APPIaes ffin''4trNoruowED) ooo,oo CottlPLETE VALUATToN FoR ilEcflArlcAL PERFIIT Gabor 3 !'labrltls) gffi n?7 ryto\. lst$ ? ?' ?S0? 6W W.I\D i.:f,"i:..ri.-: McrdolryodSdurnFh.cfl 3l'087 rr0wrOS'@l rrn)r t U3'(4tpnm) D tvkndtrYcdSotumBoY 3l'Otr/rfir0nra6'Gz'l t|m),{ r W(&dm)D . l@Uodh^{eosertu . boss r#aotdbsdsttn I btock boltorn grh ME rn | ,gdredhoffi | 6ltlll | . bbd( bollutt gtfl6 I . dtdngobttn $F Ferfonrrcnce Il3 EglEbqn A. 2rcgmn)B {/f 0llEmflt) lbenbrgltb A gZ(013 rrr)I4f(lll6nm) t.t8eSlF A 3tr@lilnm)B S02t0nm) C. Sf ofrrnnD D l8g(/tplrm)E |r(3E}nflt I l6'(t$rfln)A Atr(el iln)t lrooolffiD t ??3r6?2n ri . topgd pkfed kuts 6€Edty . @ g&pliod hr\[e NnUy . gddfef€d lEffidqd r€thl . gddpbbd tMrbtqtd lrEficd . @ 6 hxn osssnilSt . tsossuppsrod bFddttn . ffiblsn gflss . lw gdd ptftd b^te (tsefltfy .g06p@dhdd|'dsrd€tcd dodttn . gdd gcfed bdbm 9r[6 . boficrngdd tin 6tb . @ hoshltro6E fdt . tscrst.F qdkriAt &qtun . bbc*dtqn gd€3 8ru eFd lroffnrn lffii nrn Dqvn cqffit 3flm Monlle Clecrcnpes georonc83 ce tn6[ed tldn the @ of fe OllE cnsnbf CTIARANCF 8UT (2U.tnn) 9s/4'€ertrn) ll U4'(A'rrm) 12l2'(3l9mm) l4'(367nm) MANITE EXIEIISON 2'(5lnnn) 4'00nm) 6'052rrn) E'(20&nm) ltressfltn) Edenct Fcn d Fon m TH 7% 7& 7fr ltdfnnn glu Fcn cfi Odtr, Fon dl 269S1 21df,, 250m 49fl) Woo, Sdtb s9.!bdn3 ,t!y duEB EflgEbfiEcOhmtu uryF|lry codrtrb r'!F,t E Fdrr.,fftt D@@FrcoD.rllrEE cliilus f#ffiffi tE, sY d@L'e al r€t6tg ffi*ffi"ffis OtC f^DA ls!&n, Fqatd |ddel @&\^paE Hf,ARTH STSI!XS --ffi;ffi- 66m 8tdler Cr€scstf. Ssoriclttdr BC. tOM 2G8, C(rndo Ut€b gto: wwdunfitg.con. t{ndt t'ffihll}nd$crxrl lft.l 2 '@, L4.gE Softxnom.$$35f\0P rFlTt h-- Hh ffistr' ='-.-'--iffi;r jilI.ffi]^ €HF ful.ml^ IWnimum trephce@rhBs dooffitt . bbd bot ngif,ei . boilungdttn sldp Dfnerdor$ tqrboFe A g(ol3rm) & G|rozIrnrtt c troE/rm) D. Dtf(,F9irrD E l4lrG(l3 1[r0 n lT,If (4orfli)e 20gf@l tfii)I 22.gr$rzrrn) lvtcnddoycmd SdrnnoBoy S$kbodgb A 29'O:t rm)A 4/f olt8mr) lle.nnEil5b A q(013 irn) E 4{'0ll8nrf0 ) AUNOMED DEAIR 5ll-Btu- inspea4lon Requeet Resuested t r'spe t f,r1?; I Hfrr*" b, Febru s r! t e. 20 0E Slte Address: 970 VAll--BqE$U DR VAIh ER6cK?REE undq{tffiJ AFF |nformg8On F.elhriiv: eon$ Tlrr*r: Fdcel: C4gn€r: ApFS6Rt Corihactor: B6s|Ellsn: comhtgtt ReqlssErl_lnEs+e$d€l liBml Roquosfor: Cofiimaflb: A8slfinad 7o:- r4cllon: 38{t MECHIFCTd ROD F[[LL COSIPAFIYAINDA wc a0$5€s'1011 LERoY' #Erffi Tlms ExF: M0?-SO13 Type: eccupeney: 21oifi408$ffi SCI.M'ARIZ. FICHARFA RODI.{ALL COT!fiPA$TY ROD I.{AI-L COSdPRJ{V COS{VERT FROficl W€OA TO GAS l$.lSERT ROI'TEE TO JRM FgR REVIEWAPPROVALS . DFLOfiEC subffi: AMF ln€p Area: JRM Fliors: 3O3-777-7700 Ptrsfl€: SSTn-7704 Fldues@d Tlrne:' Phone: Erderd By: Acfhri:neceenot4,L APAPFROIfrD E"MEEH Skb$: fSSUED Affi @:0$gF7 SeOhlDRrsGON _-EF- lnsEg:frenHl@nr Ilsm: It€m: hern: Itann: ftom: ftam: ?00 MEelhRouf,h *Appresod- OiES/Q?- !nEE6ft$: JRM'' 31O MEci'&hl6r.tlng ' 315 PLMB-GF" Piptrn * Ae&{oc(El -- ATEilQZ lnsFectctr: - 'JRM corrEri€rrtr: GAS UNE Mftru AT256! 320 MECII-Exnsudt{.s@ &?0 itEcH-supstv Alt 34] ntECH-Mi4i. - bm: S MECIf-Flnal REPTl31 Run I,J; 1345 /) lo 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD at'TOWNOFVAIL vAIt" co 81557 970479-?f38 kwestigation-> will cjll-> DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT MECFIAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M02-0005 Job Address: 9T0VAILVIEWDRVAIL Status. . . : ISSLIED Location.....: BROOK TREE UNIT # 1118 Applied . . : 07/77/2002 Parcel No...: 210307N6m8 Issued . . : 01./37/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/30/2402 om[ER FLEMKE, MARY F. OL/L7/2OO2 Phone: 4455 GOVER\TORS PT COIJORADO SPRIMS CO 80906 I-,icense: cot{TRAcToR ROD HAIJr COMPAM 0L/L7/20O2 Phone: 303-777-770O 255 I'|.YATiIDOT STREET DEIMER, CO 40223 I-,icense: L50-M APPITICAIVT RoD HAI,L COMPANS 0t/L7/2oo2 Phone: 3o3-777-77oo 255 WYAI{IDOT STREET Dm[\rER, CO 40223 License: 150-M Desciption: CONVERTFROM WOOD TO GASINSERT Valuation: $2,000.00 Iircplace Information: Restric-ted: Y #ofGaeAppliances:0#ofGaslogs:0#of Wood Pelleh FEE SUMMARY Me&anical-> $40.00 Restuarant Plan Revierv-> PIan Check-> $1o. oo DRB Fee--> so . oo Total Calculated Fees--> S53 . 0o so . 00 Additional Fees->s0.00 AD L-l.cza,a^i<-\^q-{ulr\ - NorE: THIS pERMIT MUST BE p6TED oN ToBSITE AT ALL TrMEs =BYcok!-,,'-',-- $0 . OO TOTAL FEES--> 953 . o0 Total Permit Fee--> 953 . 00 S3 . oo Payme'xts-> S53 . oo BAI,{NJCE DUE-> Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT oL/23/2oo2 JFjNl Action: AP ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI_rD Ir{SPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPIJIAIICE. Corrdt 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION AIR IS RSQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 VNIC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): INSTAJ.LTATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIObIS A$ID TO CBPTER 10 OF l:I{E L997 I'MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 IMC. $0. 00 codd: ;5 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SHALIJ BE \'ENIED ACCORDING TO TERMIIiIATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC,8O6 OF TTIE 1997 I'MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI,DG. ) : ACCESS To I{EATIIIG EQUIPMBTT MusT coMPLY WIjrH TEE L997 I,I,IC ATID CIIA,PTER 3 OT. TITE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDC.): BOfLERft SIIAIJIJ BE MOITNTED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE COITST. INITESS ITISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FITOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PITANS AIiID CODE AIiIAITYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAIT ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECITANICAL ROOMS CONTAIIIIITG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIIPPITY BOIIJERS SHAI']' BE EQUIPPED WITTI A FI'OOR DRAI}I PER SEC. TO22 OF TITE 1997 ITI4C, OR sEcrroN t004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio& filled out in full the inforuration require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to compty w'ith all Town ordinances and shte laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approve4 Unilomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CHAPTER 8 At{D SIIAI-,IJ CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. CI{APTER 3 AIID SEC.1O17 OF REQUESTS FOR INSPECT]ON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OIJR OmCE FROM 6:@ AM -5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF * ***tt **** * ***'l*******'&,1******* * * * ***a{.**'8,tr.***'t'8.'N.*'&**,*'r***,&A**'*,4**r&** **{.'N.a**'tt *** ****'t,i**A** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * r. 'l *,!.,1* *,{. t ,f *'8'i***,1.'i'F******'l'}**'***********8**,}*Ata*t *********'1.*!*,1*****4.,1**8***'N.*rl.*****,i*'l**** Statement Nuniber: R000001932 Amount: S53.00 OL/3L/2OO2L2:27 YM Palment Method: Check InLt: L,C Notsation: #4367 /Flod HaLL Co Permit No: IU02-0005 Tlpe: MECHAII'ICAL PERI4IT Parcel No: 2103 014 06 018 Site Address: 970 VAIL, VIEW DR r/AIL I,ocaLI.on: BR@K TREE I'NIT # 1118 Total Fees: $53.00 Thi.s Palment: $53 .00 Total ALIr EIntE: $53 .00 Balance: $0.00 *'N.'i'**'8,|.,.**'*'},'.*'8****'ia,&{t*,&*'&*t|.,.a**,.'8*****''**,N'a*a,}**t***t{.'|.'**,|'|.,t'i*'N'l*,|.a*'8a,|.a**** ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 53. 00 APP fi4 Wt JRN 15 '@ L1.52 ACCEPTED tF INGOTTIPLETE OR I,T{SIGNED -I ProJect *: Insfude: eesiUne Slze and Loceson I -Att*t6'r FAx* q10 -Zzg -gto71 *ffi 75 3. Frqttage Rd. Vatl, Colorado 81657 Builrllng Pemlt#: - tfedranlcal Permft #t ---9tO-479'2138 (lnspectlonc) Le's Celca. Pemtit wlll not be accepted wlthout the Equlpnent Cd/SPec Sheete '*tlV e"t atns'c|eL- lxisl .il'gt'l ^-lh6 2-1,or>o ETU [r[.(noet- w""'d*" Net ( ) oOOU*t l'A**l@ ffiY"u() No()t t osrcr( ) ffiBtd$ si,st*htfly1 1 urUut ) Mulufamllv(ffi( ) Rdawant( )ots(X Untts tn thb bulldlttg: No of]ffilts urdts ln thls buildlng: ) Wood/Pe[et(@t@sAPPhreT),Ga ,.,, =---E:== ffitd Bt-lls tl'loT o!'owE? cot{tRACTOR ttl FoRllATlOl{ '\ri:'lz_noe *llil*ll r*rltalrtrrrrllrrt**rrrtrltltt"*t"@' t'H .rlu r 5 2002 TOv€oM'DE\',' " 6:58 am 'vAtL, cq j'-fowH hF - : _ R€qussted lnsp€st Da3er blHrlesday, F€Druary 06, ?o02 ' hcse€doflArea: JRSI stoAdrese: ffiHtt#ffitWt* AiPfil$fromdon 8ub TYT€: AS,F S&lhrs: tSgUED (Ee: hrcpArea: JRM Ftu€: glS7?7"ft{X} Pihcna: S&777.?7@ Reeue6tsdTlmer 0E3mAnl ' Fho*e: *U777-TV6| EderedBV: DFLffiES K a+6Pvax^1 frPpo*W,nrlt,,w DegctlF8on: COM,ERT F.ROM WOOO TO GAS II\EERT CordnenE ROIJIED TO Jml FOE REVlEltr/APPRS\rAt - EFL0RE9 Re{usqEdlrred8gdsl ffi6mi AO0 MEcH+tenfih Requ${: RODHALLCCSFANTY CsflinEflt: Fressurs bs* nc Al}SS{tsoS &sMTo: CDA\f,S - Adfion: TtmeExp: 3oa tutff5T G,n'P/Pt^rG fr nJn L I'EK{@Hl$S!y &afl: E@ fkm: 3{O lbtn: 316 nllrn* 3?0 &em: 3gO Mn: 340 Mrr: S efl_ REprl31 Rur Id: 1318 ,' ' .'\:..*|!: '1 2 r=B TOVII\i OFVAIL DtrARTMENTOF COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD t*^.rla."^4.+^-vArL,co81,657 ,, (\s747s-n38 -4-rt^ttY NorE: THIS rERMT MUST BE posrED oN IoBSITE AT ALL TIMES -9")Y L\-^--"--- MECHAMCALPERMT Permit #: M02-0004 Job Address: 970 VAILVIEWDR VAIL Sbtus. . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 980 VAIL VIEW DR #2128 Applied . . : 01./17/2002 Parcel No...: 2703074A5024 Issued . . : 07/3U2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 07/30/2002 OWI{TER RJL!IDAI.'I,, A}IN OL/L1 /2002 P}TONC: 520 SA\T CLAMB{TE WAY CA!{ARIIJITO CA 93 0L0 License: COIqTRACTOR ROD IIAIJJ COMPANY OL/L7/2OO2 Phone: 3O3-777-77OA 255 WYAI{DOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License: 150-M APPITICANT ROD HAITIJ CoMPAIT:r otlLT/2OO2 Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 IVYAIiIDOT STREET DEIiTVER, CO ao223 License: 150-M Desciption: CONVERT WOOD TO GASINSERT Valuatioru $2,000.00 Firepl,ace Info:nration Restricted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofc"as Iogs: 0 #of WoodPellet FtrSUMMARY Mechanical-> S4o . o0 Retuarant PIan Reriew-> SO . OO Total Calculated Fee-> 953 . 00 plan Check_> S1o . O0 DRB Fee--> go. oo Additional Fees"-> 90.00 Investigation-> SO . o0 TOTAL FEES-> $s3 . o0 Total Permit Fee-> S53 . 00 wfll ca[->93.00 Payments-> S53. O0 BALA|ICE DUE_> 90.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT ,L/23/2OO2 JRII Action: AP ITeM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BI,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTIoN AIR IS REQIIIRED PER gEC. 701 OF rEE L997 UMC, OR SECTIoN 70r. oF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI,DG. ) : INSTAI,I,ATION MI'ST COIiIFORM TO I4ANI'FACTI'RES INSTRUCTIONS AIiTD TO CIIAPTER 10 OF TEt. L991 I]UE, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Coad: ?5 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPhIANCES SHAITIJ BE VEMrm ACCORDIIIG TO CHAPTER 8 AIID SmIrIr TERMII{ATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.805 OF TIIE L997 wIC, OR CIIAPTER. E OF TIm 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPIJY WITII CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 OF TIIE 1997 I'II{C AIID CHAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3L (BL,DG. ) : BOII-,ERS SHAI;L BE MOIIiITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. IIIIL'ESS IJfSTED FOR MOITNTING OIT COI',IBUSTIBITE ELOORIIIG. Cond: 32 (BI.DG.): PERMIT,PLAI\TS A$ID CODE AIIAIJYSIS MT'ST BE POSTM IN MECHA}TIEAI' ROOM PRIOR TO A}T ITISPECTIO}I REOI'EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG. ) : DRAII{AGE OF MECHANICAL, ROOMS CONTA]NING HEATI}IG OR HOT-WATffi. SUPPIJY BOII,ERS SIIAI-,1, BE EQUIPPED WITII A FI-'OOR DRAT\I PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 T'MC, OR sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the inforrration required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifornt Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIISTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI R HOLJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:@ AM -5 SIGNATI,JRE OF OVfNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OVVNEF TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statemetrt * **'l '!'r** * 'l** **'l** * **'8* * t** a * *'&r.at*** a t * * * rl,l. '1. *'r * 'N. '1. * ***{.'l'l*** a,}** * * *a**a ***r.**'N'a'& *** ***'8'l'l **** Stat.enent. Number: ROOOOO1933 Amouxt: $53.00 0L/3L/2OO2L2:28 P|NI Payment Method: Check Ini!: Lc Notation: S4367lRod HaIl Co Penn:it No: M02-0004 Tlpe: IIIECHANICAIT PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO3OL4O6O24 Site Address: 970 \rAIIJ \IIEW DR \'AIL Irocation: 980 .\TAIL \rIEW DR #2128 Tot,aL Fees: $53 .00 This Payment: $53.00 Total }l-,L Pmts: $53.00 Balance: $0.00 '1.,1. *,* '1. * **,1'i.**'N. * **'&*t **{.{.'1. *'&,t{.'r**A *'r**'&***** A*********'&{.'}'N.***'1.'a***'tat***,1*8 * ACCOT,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PER}1IT FEES Current Pmts 53.00 ;-ffi t5 s. Frcl|taga Rd. Vall, Golorado 81657 565 Pa1 JAN 16 '@ L5:.24 Bullding Permlt #: ' lfedtonl@f Fermlt #z -- g, o47 9 -2'.i3/8 (trcPsdlon8) @ wlthout the followlng: CONTRACTOR IT{FORiIATION gE UsE o!.ryE t*i'* *rr * I **'* *e *ret t*r * t * r * & **s unxaff.ffi{a,l.u<": M,+gtlB ' i Reoair( ) osts( )Work Clsss: Ne$v ( ) Adddon ( ) Altentlon (Xl , - ffint Yes( ) No( ) BohLocaUon: tntefur( ) aftrlor( ) ffiof A"c"ffi;tlon udts ln thls hdkdlq: rlo. ot er<ttilng Er*elllrE Un( ln tNs bulldltg: COIIFLETEVALUATIOT{liEcHAllIcAL PERHIT (t5br & Flaterlals) rtlrcnnmcart I *, OOO , O6 ':-tlt-llPe -F;- r!,. 't' i ffdl;**' *ffir'rHffifuR.gp*t *"*u F€quested In€e€dt Date: Blednestlay, FebrutrV fiI, 200?- InsEed6onAreE: JFlfffl SlbA#rcssr S70 VAIL VIEW DF VAL SSO VALWEWDRffiIAA AffPD Infwmo$Br . CE h,fitfl CoilsiTw6:P/lird,l OTm€r: ADdkant Codmdon . InsaesdfiH|gbry frgrrU lbml lbm; Itsml Item: sdn; fiffir: 3@ 310 315 3AO 3KXI &r0 3SD :. MI?{n04 21ffHlr4Xn84 RAIiIDAIL.ATSI RrlD !'IALLCOSfPA$r R@l-wJ.C(arPAlifY cOll\ERT WOOD TO CaAS S|$ERT ROIJTEDT OJR FOR RFdIEWiAPPRSVAIS. Df{.MES *"ffi;suhm: FtSl.'ED tn€p Ar€a: JRM Ft€queshl lE$qg€Sotrs! Item: 2O0 ffiEcH-Rounh nseu# RoDHAII-CGfrp$Y Coflim€nb: Dr€ssrs€ tsrlrE 3@$efiruO Anotrlqd.To: eDAvl9 Ad$qr:ThErg: Q1 # YYftrr{ fiAY( llWWcffL lrilrr; [hP'4 subrm: mFfd/| Ffiorr€: a{X}f7-7700 Ffrrs 3O&777-77@ R€quesbd nme: Phona: En!6r6d BF 0&{0AtH &777-T|U' DFLORES K I' 8,, h;, &ii- RSPTI-3L RlJs! Id: 13LE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES -Bt @Lf-^"-"-- MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO2-OOO3 Job Address:97o VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....:980 VAIL VIEW DR l8 BROOKTREE CONDOS Applied. . : 01110/2002 ParcelNo...: 210301406000 Issued..: 0111712002 ProjectNo: Expires..: 07116/2002 owNER BROOKTREE CONDO ASSOCTATTOT{ O!/t0/2O02 Phone: 970-476-304! 980 VAII, VIEW DR VAII. CO aL657 License: CoMIRACTOR ROD HAI-,L COMPAIIY 0L/LO/2002 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License:150-M APPITICAIIT ROD I{AI-'L CoMPANy OtltO/2O}2 Phone: 303-777-7700 255 $TYAIIDOT STREET DE{VER, CO fJo223 I-,icense: 15O-M Desciption: NEW GAS LINE TO BLDG A & B IE LJNITS TOTAL Valuafion: $18,000.00 Fireplace Information:Resticted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas tngs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 }**1$tl9*'**..**'a*'**|a*'.*'li.*.*'ttd**aa|$*at{it{.a1*|*{'*.'s|tl*att:lttFEEsUMMARY*t{t|***{*..!..*| Mechanic€l*> 93 60.ooRestuarsnt Plsn Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fe€s-> S453.00 plan Check-> $90.0ODRB Fee----------> 50.00 Additional Fees--> 90.00 Investigation-> 90. ooTOTAL FEES-_-> 9453 . 00 Total Permit Fee-> 1453 . 00 Will Call------.> $3 . 00 Pa!.ments----------> $453 . 00 BALANCE DUE_-..+ 90. 00 Item: O5100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT oL/t4/2oo2 JRII Action: AP Item: 056O0 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDINON OF APPROVAL qond: L2 (BLDG.): F.rELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF IIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F TI{E 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAJ,ITATION MIIST COIIFORI4 TO IIIANUFACTI]RES IIiISTRUCTIONS AI{D TO CIIAPTER 1.0 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, CHAPTER ]-O OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 oto*t"^roF coMMrNrrv onvs'o;ENr k,.t1 /"^tt xn[ I Sttca (Br,DG.l, *" AppLrANcEs "rtBE vmffrgD AccoRDrNc to a*"Q I Ar{D slrArrr.' TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TTIE L997 TMC. Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO IIEATING EQUIPMNT MUST COMPI-'Y WITH CIIAPTER 3 A}{TD SEC.].017 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BI.,DG.): BOII.,ERS SHAIJI-' BE MOI'NTED OTiI FI.@RS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. I'NLESS LfSTm FOR MOIINIING ON COMBUSTIBI'E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BI-'DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE TO AII INSPECTION REQI'EST, Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAIIiIAGE OF I'{ECI{ANICA! ROOMS COIiTTAINING BOII,ERS SIIAI-'I, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI.,@R DRAIII PER sEcrro\T 1004.5 0F THE L997 rMC. POSTED IN MECITASIICA]-, ROOM PRIOR HEATII{G OR HOT-WATER SI'PPLY sEc. 1022 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicafion, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUES'IS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-ft138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. F\r;A s"A\ SIGNATURE OF OR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ****,1******'l*'l*****t,t,t **f ** *** * * a**4.'trt**** a **f {'**{.*******,t'N.**t*{.'t *t,N.'t * ** 'N. 'N. 'N. * * r3 **** *'!.**'t't **{.{. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprhted on 0+l%2002 at 14:40222 0/'ll9l2ffi2 Stat€,ment *{"&***{.'&******'Nt*,ltN*******'l***{.{r*{'1.'8'r*r****rl.**tl.ri{.'8*'&'8*at**!N.{.******'t**'1.**,N'****tr '&,r*** **tlt{.*'i**** Statement Number:' R000001905 Amount: $453.00 OL/L7/2002L2243 Ptt! Pa)ment Method: Cash Init: DF Notatlon: Permit No: M02-0003 114)e: MECHAMCAL PERl4tT Parcel No: 2103 01405000 Site AddreEE: 970 VAfL \rIEW DR \rAIt LocatLon: 980 VAIL \IIEW DR 18 BROOICIREE CONDOS Total Fees: $453.00 This Palment: $453-00 Total Al,L Pmt,s: $453.00 Balance: 90-00 'N.**'l't**'N***t*r.rl.*t**f *t r.,l. *'N,l.,lt,l * * * * r. *'* r. t * *** *,1.,1***'N.tt*'tt* * * *t* t * *'8*r.'8**'l * *****{t*****f **,1.**i'&*** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 360.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 90.00 !\iC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.00 527 Wt JRN 19 '@ 15:43 t68. Fr!.ntrgrRd. Yall, Goffio e1657 Permltwlll nd be accepted wlUtout the folloMng: swt cot{PIITE vALuATIOtl FOR i|BCIIANIGAL PERIfIT (t tbor & liatsdalgl mrcdf (Rqufrdl2toS-otq-obw Drl - t W Addre$ -6ba)s-o23 rob N"n*R?b 0r <z Gnrl os Job tlal. Yrc,,r bf . trylesdPuon I Lot: ll abcki lt!ll1g!SIMMdon: Ery|nc€tr:E-iffisr - ffi* E - tt unils tatd! workCloss; Nern( ) Mdtudr( ) amauonlXl n@{ ) eqg{-l Bd€rL@thn! lntcrlor( ) Extertr( ) Ods( ) [ito. of Accornmrttiuon unlts In thls brxldlry: ll , tat-Er@ Irntfirftr ",l f&arrtr:ar Frtcttnnr Gac Annllancel f I Gaslds( ) WoodlPetlet ( I Wmd8Umlnqtl | * (NorAIoWED)ilqfiyp6otHrep|8cc3|'lopomdtcasAPpfl8rce( )@ " .." . , , EFA FIlare tl den'lce? Yes ( ) No ( ) F ! ' _ -" ! ' -' COflTNACTOR ITIFOruIAflON LinAa- - fr3-77?-779 - 3o3 9oZ 7t0o tralltttllt.ralrlftrl..rrllr*rtfirtl.lrFOR OFFICE US! OllLYrfirlrltrllr3rlrl*.l*rttl fill *rr*t* rr o Av?V44y7N5 3"o"L'[ce€- gt,**l.s /qJ' flt u ^-n r, *t [o'.+. I RcduestEd lmEoset Pate: Frldeu. Janudn ias. ?S,0?' ,4s{;lqned Ts; $d$fqhFAe3fil IneoeedfoiTwe! &IECH lnspedonAras: JRffl Slb Address; s70 VAIL ViEw D6 gAJL ggi VAIL T1EW DF 18 EROOKTREE CONDOS $Ftus: ISS|JED |n6pAre€: .tRUl Item: Rzurcrslor: e a{rirflanB' A*elanad Ts: Ardlsn:TmaErp: glcqu'rshd nme: 08:00 Aflf Ffione: 3{X}F77-i7@ tP tA lr,l01 hr+ b K h ln4Eee8on His$Eni ft€m: nern: tlem: EgT: tiern: n€m: lbm: / It 3GO 310 3't5 3e0 330 34t) 3go 01-25-2S02 lnspffi{car Request mcpsrtme Page 1 8;15 arn.__ _ _---__'_UNL-glg_=j0!trN.fiF----- o A/PID hfsrmaflnn qqg@*iG{t {EsF€flflepi€l sts FLfHB€as Plpltrfi RBp r-iAtt cor#Annr Fr€ssure ied TftfSIDRAAON HECFI-Firwl Run lcl: L286 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970l79-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT t-,,t-J .nF \Sf o B".od^_.r__ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POS]ED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: lllf:07-0272 Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: UNTT # 8210 Applied. . : 10/78/2007 Parcel No...: 21$A1,N6A22 Issued . . : 10/25/2001. ProjectNo : Expires. .: 04/23/2002 owI[ER WIITIJIAMSON, RICIIARD C., irR LO/T!/2OO! Pbone: PO BOX 4784 VAIIr CO 81658 I-,icense: COIqTRACTOR ROD IIAIJJ COMPAITY to/LB/2,Ot Phone: 3O3-777-77OO 255 WYANDOT STREET DEIiMER, CO 80223 ficense: L50-M APPLICaNT RoD IIAITIJ COMPAITY LO.L8/2OOL Phone: 3O3-777-77oO 255 WYAIIDOT STREET DEIWER, CO 80223 Lricense: 150-M Desciption: CONMERT FROM WOOD TO GAS FIREPLACE Valuation: $3,000.00 Fireplace lnfomration: Regtricted Y #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGaslogr:0#of WOOd PEIIET O*T**r*ffi@ FEE SUMMARY Mecianical-> 960. OO Restuarant Plan Review-> SO.0O Total Calculated Fees"-> 978. O0 Plan Check-> g1s.O0 DRB Fee-> $0.00 Additional Fees-> (S78.00) Inv6tigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-----> S78.00 Total Perrnit Fee-> $0.00 WilI Call-> S3 . 00 Pa).m€nts-> $0 - 00 BAI.ANCE DUE->$0.00 It,en: 05100 BUIIjDI\IG DEPARITT{ENT LO/LS/2OOL DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENf CONDMON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIrDG.): FIELTD II{SPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPIJIA}ICE. Cord.z 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SBC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTIOI{I 701 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAL,LATIOTiI MUST CONFORM TO MANITFACTT RES INSTRUCTIOITS AIID TO CHAPTER L0 oF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER L0 OF TIfi 1997 rMC. corid: z5 (BI;DG. ) : GAS apPltanCEs SHAIJIJ BE IIBiITED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIM IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1.997 I'MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI-,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI{T MUST COMPI-'Y WITH TIIE ].997 I'MC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3l- (BLDG.): BOfLERS SHAIrIJ BE MOIt!{Tm O}T FITOORS OF NONCOMBUSTfBITE CONST. ITNIJESS L,ISTED FOR I,IOIINTING OAT COMBUSTIBI-,E EITOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE AIIIAITYSIS MUST BE POSTD IN MECIIANICAIJ R@M PRIOR TO AliI nitsPEcTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAIITIAGE OF MECI{ANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER SI]PPITY BOIIJERS SHAIJ. BE EQUIPPED WITH A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SBC. LO22 OF TITE 1997 I'MC, OR sEcTrol{ 1004.6 0F TtrE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fiIled out in full the infor:nation requird, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlorcration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build ttris structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIIESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOLiRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0 AM - 5 SIGNATURE OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNET CMPTER 8 AT{TD SHALL CTIAPTER 8 OF TITE L997 TVIC. CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF 7.39 WL trcT 18 'Al lAsS l 1.. ,:. ;' ;; "';1"' u*PrED rF rlrc'|o"ffig gtrsun- ButftfingpennF llffibrffiffi rwnoF ix,i*THff!f;,,wirnott".@ **d*toscatetornd&dg: Eqrhrncttt !Yg'/o r/ai! ,J,P4. 8ci||lr,*tesaneHUixi@ Type of BtdS: StnU*rarffi)3g( t urttr-n.ryfr A"r"gtidlf R"*.r",rt( t@ ;Vo.otAcg,g@ \dr':@mmodaGnffi ru",rrvf"rnffi c€stos( I w,*oDffii I uuooa sumrns (NdTIm :117-770O and cr*prirrJ"?ffi8ff; o{lnrra.orrq"_* o.f0tstAOorrpOd'. *flts m n*t rua A",'g,rr, *.*rr;m; M"#gossr4DsienerTrim .oxrrr,! !s: ^t,r r uJ rr,t.f, :;tttr,!th :irL.. ,,t,r, r,! | 4rlnF taw -rtk raailt, :4 .r.{a t lf l,\'l x tl. \ i,r.##;::::ry", ,,at!, tu@e1 ra ir&r,, ( uLrn.lo | '.rq|arr'a pfth. 255 Wr.odnt St. lranrrr (J0J) t7-'.J2J.l ffiffiffimil l'&aft,|c|raful B9W BCT 1B '91 1E:59 ot*rr^T oF c oMMr.JNr* or*rot* L.-ror.aRAq> 1.r^3 (TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER IIOUDIS, I'EONARD A. 2309 S CLAYTON ST DENVSR CO I0210 L:-cense: CONTRACTOR ROD ITAtt COMPANY 255 WYA}IDOT STREET Dm[vER, CO s0223 License: l-50-M IIPPL,ICAM ROD IIALIJ COMPAM 255 WYA\IDOT SIREET DEtf\rER, CO BUZ23 L,icease: 150-M Desciption: CON-VERT WOOD FIREPLACE TO GAS INSERT. Valuation: $2.500.00 # ofGas Appliances: 0 FEE STIMMARY NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT P€nnit #: 970 VAILVIEWDRVAIL TINIT #BI 12 Project No :(\e- 09/10/200L Phone: 9r.-Llt'"* M0l-0146 ISSTJED 09not200l 09n3t200r 03tr2t2002 09/LOl2OOt Phoner 303-777-7700 09 /LO/2OoL Phone: 303-777 -77OO #ofcaaLogE: O # of Wood Pellet 0 Mechanical-> PIao Check-> lnvestigation-> wilt cb[-> 96o. oo Restuaram Plan Review-> S15 .00 DRB Fee-> 90 .00 TOTAL rEES-> s3.00 90.Oo s0.00 s?8 .00 s78 . 0o (978 .00) 90.00 90.00 90.0o Total Cahulal€d Fe€s-> Additional Fseo--> Tolal Psmit Fee-> Payrnenlr-> Br{IAI\ICE DUE-> ...:r'i.tl'.''iltN*,s,***aa,!lA''*'a|Nx.litl!..*....tt:t**t...*.'''..'tt|'|||*'$|''''l..|.|!'t|'..tt||...t.|||t....'.Item: 05100 BT-TILDING DEPARIMnfiI 09/L0/2o0L df Item: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENrf Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIOITS ARE Con.dz 22 (BL,DG.): COITIBUSTIO}T AIR IS REQERED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IIMC, OR SECIION 701 0F THE 1997 TMC. Cond: 23 (BL,,DG.): MSTA]-,.TJAIION MUST CONFORM TO llANttFAgrURES TNSTRUCIIONS lI[D TO CmPTER 10 oF TIIE 199? UMC, CmPTER L0 OF TIIE L997 rMC. Cond: 25 Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL REQITTRm TO CEECK FOR CODE COMPr.IAI{CE. (Br,DGi.): GAS APPLTAIIcEs st0 BE vncrED AccoRDrlrG ro s{aptlR I ArvD srrAri TERMIIIAIE AS SPECIFIED Il[ SEC.S06 OF THE ].997 I,MC, OR CmPTER I OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI-IDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMBCI MUST COMPIJY WIIE CIIAPTER 3 ASID S8C.10L7 OF TITE L991 I'MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOII-,ERS SHAL,L BE MOUNTED O\T FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE COIIST. ITNLESS LISTM FOR MOUTqTI}TG ON CO!4BUSTTBIJE MJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHAIIICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI\I INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRjLII$AGE OF IVIEC:{ANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINII1IG EEATING OR HOT-VIATER SIIPPIJY BOTLERS SHAr,r_, BE EQUrppm Vtrrrr A r"r-,OOR DRArll PER SEC. LO22 OF TIIE 1997 Ir!|C, OR sEerrolf 1004.6 0F TIIE L997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information require4 completed sr acqrats plot plm, md stale that all the inlbrmation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Toum ordinances and state laws. and to build this sfiucture according 0o the lowns zoning and subdivision codos, desip roview approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Tovm applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC'NON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT oFFIcE FRoM t:00 AM - 5 PII/L .L OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF'AND OWNE AppucAuotru- ilor BE AccEprEo * *-n**t uflsrcnED Prot€G #: Building Permit fiz-- ttledunfcaf Permlt #! -..-_ 97O.47!r-2tJtA GnspecUons) flmtwYffi tS S, Flonttgs Rd, Vsll, Colorado 01657 lldranlcal ccaleb lnclude: R AI A|a V€ntand GB Uns $zeand Locatron HegtLoegCU€. Equlpmgltftt/$€cs||@B COUPLETE VALUATIOT FOR ilEC}TANICAI PERI|IIT G"abO' & IIA T&T]T) GONTRACTOtr INFORI'|ATION itraolitl.t6.lr.r1r.*6*1rt*****r***FOR OFFIGE llSE OIILY***r*ee tt*t.t*e *&tttti**tt**tt.***t*t UL P@,SEP A6 '41 Wtg a Permit urfll not be accepted r{thgut the tullowlqg: RECEIVED sEP 0 7 2001 Ua^-( //""D Pl ,a 6ttz &:1u7ei{Vc,.* r,}arnec W=€' fNz I Cll. {4 6-l?f3 s6,ooo, B,Tt<. WorhClass: lte{fl( ) Addlffii( ) AlterattmK) R€palr( ) odts( ) Do6 an EHIJ erdst at $ls locadon: Yes ( ) No ( )Bollerlmuon: IrMor( ) E(Hor( ) oBter( ) Twdffig: fuFtunly( ) Duplex( ) muH-famlly( ) ofnrncrdal( ) Rsut€tt( ) otftor( J l{o. of Acconrroffilon Un|B ln ttls bulldlng:No. d EGthg Dtdllry Unltr In thls bulldlngl tEs(,Q Gaslogs( ) wod/Pellet( ) WoodBumhrg(NoTAtlo"ED) MEcHnNrcAr-: $ VASOO,Oa - h3"711-'77a c> gL WB SEP A6 'Al AE33t brS t.ll(hPti,cE jIIISERIS 1' KA25&JF3() cffi6 |:l-t_i ffi iml"|ttEJtl]^ m^ ffil^ cA,s fur" MlnFnurn Fhqbce 0pening JD30&CA36 3l'o3r 0wr:o"tt'(et r.10 Hr lf,({tr'|ti) D rttb.Fi A 6'(ffinm) B 38'fts0mt mbb€ A A'Oll rm) B al'Co{I fin) c a'(glrfi' D. lf (df ||!r0 g l|. @grm) F. l$f 6$ltfrD O. |tr({gtfiro t t'06rm,J lf ({83fir) F frb.Cdr A.28'(/tlflrrD f, 4l'001t ntn) hc|rb.F A ttroltrrfl0 E arrollofin0 llrtEdO A. g €l3flrrt e Sr 02t0itrt c' 3l'08rm) D. lettr(/Ul nrr)e ltr oorrn)f. l6'({[rrn) G. tltr(el Ffi)1 4.0 OU'|n0 J.2ff@2ltntt tircb.dCr A. f Oll'I|n) B {f (l&l nr ) li.rrttC*b A g ol3rTm) B 4tf 0l l8rtm) lq.b.C- A g Gl3nno e Cf O2rDilD) C gf O6?rrn) 0. l7J6'('5lilrt E 15. (Ol rnr)f. lor (i?4rrrt0 e 2f (Srrrr0 @&vlpaa H6AlrH 9t9lBLg rAMGT flIIG'llt l:=-ro tffi ;ffi* KA25 2f Ol I nrn)wr lf (4'rtt0 Hr lf (rl5.|t!t, D m5 2f0ll'|ul)rr lf (.9trm) Hr ltlS'@tfm) D JF$&CBS 3l. oprrn)srtl,' @l r r) HrU,f ({9fin) o 1fi25 m5 hs!bF A a'(oomrl0 B. 3f tr.rm)Olctrb*b A 2r0ll |rttr) A 4'0011 t|tn) C Zt'(6rn,o lf (tDrf|0 e l3.(sl''r0 F. td (tlbrm) O. ltr({gmt J lf (403rm) &nrdett|lr6otrlq!nEblbr.co|l'l6ttsc@bitwtlEdli.ha|,rFrdobq8Fdrt|td{irEbrdyq!CtclnryOra6cas. 8C@rffllr,F6adld&rt$ut'|q,rddctd hcd hlll ecqbrEq|frrqddctdcedsdoqft5. StrEbdlf A A(nl rrrt A rlr004lfi|o l5rrtry A g0lSrflit O {tr(lll8rt|0 lrybrF. A. i!! (ol3lr|n)I So2ro|rm, c. Ef OU lrrrt D 17.t6'(€l rm)e 123 6l2rm'F. lf Gll flm) G. ZI(S0nfiO l, 3trOo.mi) Dffnerdors JFS b$elE?[ A 28i Oll nn0 8, 41 0041 |rm) HtDb* A golSnn0 I 4f0ll8mr) l!!tlFF A. g Ol3in) 8. gf 02t0nm) C 3l'Cronrn) D' l88f (tf9nrrD E ltltf (16t661 F. lTgf (r89{mr) 6. 2ogf (521flm! J,22ttr(g2ltfn) F[De!ttqrE 4d!.lteqrrrtlgcli,Quer,{atub.i.dliFaof |hJtbcl|trstt Rod lftollCornoqru zgt urYANDor sr.. DENvER, doLo. d lax transEiBtsl 3 8AGE8 IUCUIDITC TNAilSMITTAL Ir IEEBE ArS a8? quEstloxs oB pSot[.Brs GALL (303) 177-3234. DA1E: gL ru1" W @6 'gt @,9 FAT MI}{EE8: ?- 6- ot rnrE: 7.'30 (frrn -- nEcrgvtNc rBts FAx,PLEATIB luAnK totr o eiP.AlE@megqfl Bzro r4'9lHW: R#$t-i)l.{B Typq. &lt'lECl'l $ubTlpe' gan€.r T$Fle: $€l. un$lnf,v' [.,!F€:raiier: tt0l0laceorg $A.fler: LOUBIS, LSONp.FE} A F&grfcsnt; EOD HALL WftnPFi]fY P]16fi6: Cqrit'sctor: R6D I-IALL CffiPAS,IY Fhons: hserlFlli$l: ['tsFIdERT nrArSD FIREFL"c^CE TQ G.A{r INSEFT, eryriiirani; ROLITED Tt} JRM FOR RE1'/lE"clJl AFPR4IUAL - LCAJdPBELL Requ,qtbd-!x€pe{*l€4{Ej fteFl: Racuastor: Conin*mis: .Aitkniid To.' Ae$on lEgeg@en-t{se$ MEc.i{€{hsust Hsods MEci+gup#.fv FSr [4ECH-is!$rc. SsECl{-Final HeBuec !*d lreEFect Sate; In$ts€c'Uon Area: 5l@A#iress: Tuesda$, fd@treff&,rer i0. 3D01 ..cRG'l Itt! V,{tL VlEw DRrriAll uMTF''BtlT \+.- fiKer', TKaE FaN ,q$AF tairn': lnsp .4oca' do'a-Tn.7'/w e0$777.77C8' IggUEtJ JRhd 390 ffEeH-Flnsl FED F{ALL COMPA',IV db t 1? ,:€d€ i{n ,€? 1 t} .f+flsr,rffi.ffi6ilJ frBqriected Tirne: 0&00 AM - Fhona: fi3-V77-77ftt0 Enleraei Ei,: FTFLORES K Wvw6qr**ErB; fl/sa L/ltr E?ro ttem. ?t€ li:€m: 3XO nem: 315 Agnr: 3;,iO it€fil; 33S l{.efin; 340 It€m: 3S TTeffiEEl-- @ -i.,€_aru- - -, -reqtL c-e-i-Tfiwf{-*F- --:- F.EpTX31 Rlf,n Id: l-CI6?- v' TOIdN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 OWNER MochanlcaL---> 60.00 Flan ch6ck---> 15'oo lnvestLgaLl.oB> .oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY NOTE: lgIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MES{ANICAIJ PERMIT o DEVELO .Iob Address. . . : 980 vAIr, vIEw DR L,ocatsion. . . .. . : 980 VAIL VTEW DR( Parcel No. .... : 2103-0L4-06-oL7 Project Number: APPI-,ICAI$T ROD IIALL COMPANY 255 WYAI\IDOT ST, DENVER CO CONTRACIOR ROD HALIJ C9MPANY 255 WYANDCTT ST, DENVER CO PARKER TIMCITHT AND MARGRE1T PO BOX 4564, VAIIr CO 31658 statrus..-: ISSITED BROOKTREE BlApplied. - : 03/t3/2000 Issued. . -: 03/23/2000 Erqrires. . : 09/L9|2OOO 80223 80223 Descri.ption: FIREPLACE GAS CONVERSION Fl,r9plac€ Info!tsatl'on: ReEirlctsed: I lfof, Gad Alttr llance6: Valuation: *Of, ('as t ogo: R€atuaralt Platt Raviera--> 'o0 Togal call'ulaC€d Peos- - -> Mditlolral FoeE----- --- ->-7a.00 .00 7S.Ol: will call---->3.00 .!tJir*'rti tr.t t!rt*r,tt a*"!rttttJ**'lt"trrtttt'*ttrtttt'ri'*lf rtrrrl,*trtt*tilt"!ra' To!a1 P€ridic FEe--------> '00 PEyB€nbs------- 'oo o0 BAISI{CE DI'E-- -- rr.*artt**tittrr*tr. 1.2- 3. *Si*irg36oorur'DrNc DE:dUWE. AppRovED :::: Burr,DrNG Diwision: Itbm: 05600 FIRE DEP&ffi ---- --,:--* DepE: FIRE Division: 617Ti/2660-,tRM Actj-on: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVE]., EEFP',4ISR'ffI"Y8 ffiEuiFffii$ER Eg"Stf 58*'"ffiot't9*8ftff*ffi ' 5E-cri6$-70r or rHE 19e? rrqc. -----+dFffi i6t,.gFqffi .Tgry_&..w8_i$ffi =l8t'*ffi ffi E:frffin6,;fffiffi,tu&:$8ffi d+'[^'ff "ffi 3E*rB ffi"$ffint 3Bftit#r-r-ouqsr-g9yply^Erg-caPrER 3 ArirD gsffi F;ffi l:fr ffi ffig-i-.HH:ffi8*#;L 5$*R$*d$;'fu H^*YERE-S5€il;t8ffiil**s sarrNs- eB rror - lqr=-R rffiiHn?frr"tT Fffitl8;88#l8R-T6ffi e F"ffilTalry ?fit -'""' 4. 6. 7. 8- 6aoo7(,da*zo af la "*/tV,rtsfrVtE iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrn:Lt #: M00-0013 Phone: 303 -777-7700 Phone z 303-7'77-7700 3, 000 . 0o Sof wood/PaLlec: ttrrrttt!|t+tJt"'"tt*trtttt!tttt*t9ttt''trttrt *****************************************************************:l**!r*********** DES.,ARATIONS ? r heleby aclrrroslodge chat r hav6 read thig appl,icagion, fLllsd out ln full rho inforEaElorr requilEd, co!trtleEed an accutate P''ou p1ara, alld suate EbBts all €h6 lnf,oroabloB prowld6d ae raqulred LE correc!. I agloo eo coEply ltigh cbo infornstloD arrd Plot plan' go co'ply cith alL rgwn ordi:rEnces and sgac6 lav6, and to hritd Ehls ot-qcguro accordl,ng to che Toltn's zoning and oubdlwl'slon code6, a€slgrr !6vigs a!4Eovad, uaifotB Bullditg cod6 and oeh6r oldlnalrcgE of gb€ To{rt apltllcable tharsto' REeuEgaE FoR rNspEcrroNlr SHAIL BE IDDE ri{ENTt-FoDR HouRn rN AD\rANqs BY TELEPHoM AT 4?9-213s oR AT ot'R oFFrcE FRoM sloo Alit s:oo PM - | rl tll srGlrATnRE oF olrNER oR colsrRAcroR poR HrnsELF ArD oliNER &/ olwt \ L\g*-l/ SAT T0:62 FAI 9 Co. Confort Proalucts @oo2 o3/LL/00 I o*.r*tftru r{or BE A..FTGD rF *c*pH*r#ry hfttbrg FermS #:; ueoanicat pernx@t3 9ilo-479-2!s (!ru@ona) IlWtl@Yt 7E5. F'ontEg€ Va[, cdora&ffi8*"' ^*kJ*{'Y p& TOru.4 OF V4rt lfEclt4NrcAr pERffrT Appuc/[TJ_oN Pennlt wlll not be acepH wlthout the fulowlng: Pruvlde lledu{cal Roon Lqout drawn b ecate b Indude!o Meclranlcal Roorn Dlmenilone o Gomhlgdon/$rDuct$aandtoctdon B &|tblEdqtdrttuttsf,padto€don u HrcrlhrtandGmUns$rsandLodon s lleatleGale.s Equlpmortftt/SpeShe6 h (tff'*l" hh/, PE Eef # (Requlrd) JrO Z. Olq.Mdn ***':8r:6o Lttee-+Blto rob aoor.ot qo /ar.^l lttttr tu t qd Hrpdon I roe ll Brodc ll nfirls:SuMhlslon: urnerc rfarn PAfyef lledr pA Engftmr:eddrs!Phone: Debnddcalsurof uorkcon\r€l'+ tDooLt [)urnlrY -61-<,f.J(qa lo lF.a Inu4r-(li &huvn 0n16l- 2 arnErrrk. rrVtrrrv'r.[ t-kr<a^;- ANz^lzAl.448-ffi3 WorkCtm: 1{g'T( ) AddHon( } AenuonbA Repalr( il orjot I Bollerlocdon: Interfor() Elbrh(I Otler()ll ooeanEmJodstattibJoedon:.Yes() No() Typeoftsdg: S[Ete+mBy( ) Brdq( 1 mdt+amllrQ{ Corrmerdaf ( ) Resburad( ) OUF( ) No. d Edsthg Dr€llr€ unlts In tfls buildlrq:Nq. of Ao@rnfipdauon Unns h thts bulldlng: No/TVoeof HrsleaacBdsdno: GgsAoallancr )'casbml I Wd/Pdtd( f W"bBumlm(X /T Is@@I{tE6arpAPhaseucknder Ye(X) No( ) COIiPIEIE VATUATION FOR i{ECIIANICAI PER!4IT(tEbor & Flabdals) col{TR tfion rNF(nilATIOl{ sfficftff!. 3-?77-770 0 titr*trtl*lt.*ttri**.*i.*fr.*rlr*lrrr*FOR OffiCE USE OI{LV***.*er!r*rr**rlrorl*r*ris*rr.r{*rr o,/tL/Oo SAT 10158 FAI I co. Confort hoducf,s @oo8 r G,{t FTREPLACE II{iEnrs' IG6&JFS l@5&J030 fffitl l^ f-'-l , fiml I r- c -.--r J,&htru,m^t-c-l I r?-i I @-;r cBs ITiTI LffiF;I hJFr, cAs r ,_E__________.,r- c--i t3l | |&Emr ffil fur. Mffium FlreploceOpenlng JFil&Cffi6 0l'@/r|towrZlS'(el||l1t $r lzf (69flr0 D JD3O&CAtr 3l'o8r0!rDrvxuls'(el mrD Hr w(frnn0 D JFS JDM cBs A 26'(mnm) B. !0'(l6rm) A e'(ffinnD E ttr (966rn0 OrebhE@o A A'Oll nnt B. 4l'(1041 r|m) Orueabqll& A 2f Oll,mr) B 4l'0041nu0 c: 26.(mrn0 D l6'(t5m0 E lf @9mm)t lair6dtmr0 e, lf (1t fiilr0 t 3'O6t|nr)I lf({03m0 lsarebae#s A A'Oll rm) E 4r0(Xl mO Me4!nh@e A Sf Ol3iYrt B 4rt'(l I 18 mr) lsgElECde A tr OlSrm) B Ef (1270 mn) G 8r O87 rro D, l8.6'(Ognrn) E Uilr(36snr0 F. l75f (/B9rnm) O, ZIf,f (El tnrt J zfif 6nftn, t3|ll!'E8Cdo A, 2f Oll mr.!) B. 4l'(l(xl rm) filscfn@ A 3f Gl3nrn) E 4l'0l18md lqebaeddt A gGl3rm0 & gf otDmflD C. Sl'oS/mD D, l8jfl6nrrn) E 13, CiKlmrt F. ltr (rl!mm) G. Zl8I'(621 nnD t 4,|r o()'rrD J 2zm'(mnm) LgtcFrsF[tc A 2trOllnm) B t!t'0 |nm) Hrnb.odda A golsird B 4rl'0l18rrn) lr[gab.Ce A g (8l3nnD E Ef 0270nm) C. Ef Oerm) D. l7,7dr(451rrD)E l$ (351 flrD F, l6?'(@4nrn)e Ur (Ogl]m) c.6'(rr0mn) O. ld (rIbrmD E lf(mrrrD t l6'('u|rr'0 G. l8'(/s.rmn)I lg'(r8grm) tt ts{ocr flEreY l-t It'ro #ffi,;m- Wo*c"{$-&\,\()@ HEAR'II SYSTEIIS KA25 A'0ll rrn)wrlf(5trno rx16. (&rfl0 D wzl a oll lT'orer lr(€rrn) Hr l3t8'(350 rrm) D Km5 ksnr!br@ Fgll[@ S'|tFdcd.t!ilydsrlotd|&ntbkrAoofi'ndd|EqdyhlrF€bFodd,locrJotq|olohpqtdrFeddEr'tltrrtqrl6f('dsMtblF.6to@E 8tu !!0@baFGd ld!ffirlludGortrfEldbcdbr&E.!@,0GEgidoEo{€bdbdc6r.lE6#h, cA36 EeglrEcd&4.8'Ollnm) B. 4'l'O(ll mflo Usdlmtsc€# A. Sf Cl3mrn)f, 44'Oll8|m0 togehodde A 3Ai GlSrIm)L Er 0z0mm) C 8o'Oemd D, 17J6',(t6l rrd E I23'GIzmrU F. 16' C5l rml)e lf (El8.tm) l.3lr(ftFnD tbrupo[taarrrtrIrydefifigdrr/E0rgcodeJer..fr&,tdlDoddfiJorq.drErl' 6&M MAIIJFACTIJf,NG FAGE 3O AREAr JRl4 CULtrRADO K SHEETS FORr /'e3/?a B-MECH Statui: ISSUED Constr.' AHtrT UEe: Lr FR AIL tttr BI.'N E I NSF.E 3/'e'il R R( BR NNVER TBI.'N INS F=== -{]3/'e DR DR( 7 coNv NY RND NY if -4. --.Jl €. EI,I D EI^' D -aL7 fl$c IYIF'AN .T I{Y lYIPAN i IZIE I I6 REOUE =::========== y : ffa0*€t{tl3 s: 9$O UAIL n: 9SE ViIIL 1r EltI:;-O14- n: FIREtrLAt-:E t r RCID t'{ffLt- r': trflRKER TI n r ROD I'IALL Et.- -'t . Itner,r ret [,':g5,rP3lg0th|a I ----.------*- | 'Rcf,trit I Addre s I Loca'b i o I Fart:e I De scri pt io I Flppl ican | Owne I Con]ract o BRONKTREE Bl lrA) HNRGRET F'h nne :30t3--777 *"77 A0 F,tr an e : Fhone z 3A3'777-776o. 6ee: 5r VI VI o6 G CO t40 co V I EI,I V I EI^' o6-0 6fl$ COlYlF, t40 T t{ COIYlP Inspecb i on Reqt-tes L Requestor': LINDA Req Tine: ff8rUtO I'b ems requested ttr AraSggr lilHf,H*F i na I Information... Ccnment s: UNIT' [:e Inspected,, Fhane z 3tft3*777*7776 *81 l|A*IALL MT.IGEIE 97U'-476-594S Aet i orr Comment s 'fime Exp Inspect ion Histony.. , , . Item: ABgraA HECH-fionqh Itern: rAUP4rA F,LlYtH-Gas triping A4/ t9/A$ InspectorI JRlvl Nates: TEST , SUFFORT t'lUgT Item: etOJl€t MECH-Heating It em : taqtSeB MECI{*Exhaust Floods Item: OO3SrZr MECH-Supply Air It en : rztra34B FIECH-.lv,li sc. Item : Ut03g€t MECH-Fina1 ir l! i t I I iarrr AFCR AFFR FRESSURE BeE #AIR BE ADDED THROUGHOUT GAs LINE 4FT INTER .: TCYIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970-479-2a38 Job Address... Location Parcel No.....Proiect Nurber APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMIJNITY DEVEL NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECIIANTCAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT 970 VAIL VIEW DR BROOK TREB TH #20].A 2103-014-06-008 RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 310 EAGLE ST PO BOX 4037, GYPSI]M R]CH COOLEY GAS LINES 310 EAGLE ST PO BOX 4037, GYPSI]M LEWIN KATE & .fEFFREY 4820 YORK AVE SO, MINNEAPOLIS MN Sof oas Applianc€s: status...: IssItED Applied. . z aO/22/L997 Issued. . .: tO/23/L997 Expires..: 04/21/L998 Phone:co. 8a637 Phone:co. 8a63'7 5 5410 Valuation:Description: RUN GAS LINE TO CONVERT FIREPLACE FirepLace Informatsion: RestsricE€d:#Of eas Logs: 97 0 -524-7 527 970 -524-7527 800.00 *of wood/Pallet: FEE SIJUMARY Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > Inve sts igat i on> Iti 1l call----> Restualant Plan RevieB- - > DRB Fee--------- TOTAIJ FEES----- Total Calculated Feea---> Additsional Feea---------> Totsa1 Permit Fae--------> Pa)menEB-------- BAIANCE DUE- --- 20.o0 5,OO ,oo 3.OO .00 .00 2S.00 29.00 -29.00 . oo .00 .00 [o\ -Se , L.,l.al-ft. t] 3r.o- L-f-^-.'- *\ AotA JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES M97 -0216 It,EM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/22/1,997 JRM Action: APPRJRM Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept.: BUILDING Divj-sion: Dent: FfRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknorleage that I have lead tshis applicatj.on, filled out in full the information required, compleEed an accurale pfot p1an, and etatse thats all Ehe information provided as required i.s correcc. I agree to comply vitsh the informatsion and PloE plan, Eo comply with aLI Tonn ordinances and BtsaEe Lalrs, and to build this sEructure according Lo lhe Town's zoning and BubdiviBion codes, design revicw approved, Uniforn Building code and othcr ordinanccs of lhc Town applicable thcretso, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STIAL], BE MA-DE TWENTY.FOTJR HOURS IN AD\IA.} CE BY TEI,EPHONS AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM A:OO AM 5:OO PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER @ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE Permit MECHANICAL PERMIT Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . AT ALL TIMES M9 7 -0 216 Job Address...: 970 VAIL VIEW DR Location : BROOK TREE TH #201A ParceI No..... : 2103-014-06-008 Project Number: ISSUED 1o /22 /Lee7 r0 /22 /tee7 o4 /20 / Lee8 Description: RUN GAS LINE TO CONVERT FIREPLACE RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 310 EAGLE ST PO BOX 4037, cYPSttM RICH COOLEY GAS LINES 310 EAGLE ST PO BOX 4037, cYPStM LE$IIN KATE & JEFFREY 4820 YORK A\rE SO, MINNEAPOLIS MN 20.00 Restuarant Plan Reviel,-->2E.00 -2E.00 .00 Payments------- Phone:co. 81637 Phone:co. 816 3 7 55410 Val-uation: #0f Gas Logs: 970-524-7527 970-524-7527 800.00 #0f t,oodlPa l. Let:Fireplace Information: Restficted:#Of Gas Appt i ances: echani ca [---> Ptan check---> lnvestigat ion> 5. OO DRB .00 .00 28.00 Tota I Catcutated Fees---> Additional, tees--------> TotaI Pernit FeF------->.OO TOTAL FEES----_ uiLL caL l.---> 3.00 IIem: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT L0/22/I997 JPJM Action: APPR JRM Itbm:, 055OO FTRE DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ********************J.*********************************************************** DECLARATIONS r.hereby €cknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, fil,l,ed out in futl, the inforration required/ completed an accurate ptot ptan' and state that att the informtion provided as required is correct. r agpee to conpl,y ritttr the iniormation and ptot ptan,to conPty Yith a!l' Tolrn ordinances -and state [aHs, and to buil,d this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdjvisibn codes, design reviev approved, Uniforrn Buitding code and other ofdinanccs of the To,rn a[pticabl,e thcreto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE Ti,ENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 479-213E oR AT OUR OFFICE FROIi 8:OO A 5:00 p SIG}IATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELT AND OIIT{ER 1*Contact Eagl.e Coutrty 'L4€-970-328-8640 for Assessors Office TOVIN OF ERMTT Pfh4-,.^ vArL coNsrRucrroN (612111 APPLTCATION FORM t'I i€-Q7O-328-8640 for Parcel /l . TO )iglD #' 7 | o3 - o,{-o L - &&PER}IIT # , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILI,ED (f, n****************************Il [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing t Job Namer k, .,t) ,?r t OUT COUPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERI|IT INFOR}!,ATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !r * * ** * * * * l-Electrical D>+-Mechanibal [ ]-Other Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing ovrners Name: Jt!4 /p*ru Address: Address:Architect: Job Addre"". ?FOl',)r/ //,e1 , 11t,V<nl _Ph. Ph. DArEt /D-22-F7 ceneral Description; Work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration I l-Additional I Nurnber of l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Accommodation Units: Nlmber and Tvne of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances X Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet_v {******************'{'************** VALUATTONS *************,******************** s W INFORMATTON Town of Vai]. Rsg. lfo.Phone Number: BUILDING: EI,ECTRTCAL: PLWBING: S MECTiANICAL: J fi * *** *********************** CoNTRACTOR ' EeneraL Contractor: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: __ * * **,**r..* ****** ** ****** * * * ** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor:.r,r: Town of Va,il Reg. NO._-.-...-AOOf€SS: Dr-^-^ rrrr-r-^-- 4/ - a?6 -,42//*************-******************* FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: - PLUI,TBTNG PI,AN cHEcK FEEs MEcHANTcAL pERMrr FEE: -- r.IEcHANrcAL pr,AN cHEcK FEE: - ELECTRICAL FEE: orHER rypE oF FEE: - _ Eisffi:Ti"il";33ir,DRB FEE : m.i'rr^ r ?rE r':'rrrtrl TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDINT;S STGNATURS; ZONING: SIGNATTIRE:Conments: CLEA}I UP I}EPOSIT REFTIND !O: 75 roulh lrontege road v!ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlco of crommunlty dcuclopmG||t BUILDING PERI.|IT IssuANcE TII,IE FMI,IE If this permi.t requi.res a Town of vail fiire Departnent Approvar,Engineer'.s (.publ ic works) review,nJ app"onai,'i piiijiin!'b"pu"*"nt review or Hea'rth Deoartm6nt review, ani'"-review uy tne 6uTtoing liol[il!',1;"the estinated aiil.f;r'.-totar ;.;i;n ;"i"Lie'as r6ng All commerc-ial ('rarge or smat ) and at murti-famiry permits wilr have to fo'llow dhe iuove mentioneJ-miiirrr requirements. Residentiar and smal'l projects shou'r d take a lesser amount of time. However, if residenti'al or smailer.projecis impiii the various above mentioned departments with reoard' to-necessiiv-""ur"*, these projects may also take the three-weet peiioO. Every.attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permi.t as s.qon as possible. - vv s^rLv ' .,q sl i:-i!. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time T rame . Ff#t{N#ft' , Comnuni ty Devel ooment Departrnent. 75 soulh fronlaEe rosd wll, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT3 ottlce of communlly dcurlopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTSRED WITH gHE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N oF VAIL pUBLIc woRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOP!.IENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawfur for any person to ritter, track or deposit anv-""irl-rJ"k, =una, debris or naterial, i":f:g1l9 trasfr iunpsters, portabte toitets and workmen vehicles upon any streetl =ie;;uik;;ii;y or public place or any porti-on theieof- --*!. right-of-way on all Town of vair streets and.Ig"g, is approxir"l"iy-s-it.-iri pavenent.This ordinance $rlrl be. =tti'"Liv--enforced by the Town of Vair PubJ'ic r{orks DeDartment. persans found .,ri6r.[in6 this ordiDance wilr be given a 24 hour writlen--noii".-to-;;;;;;t""id nrareriar.rn the event the person so notified.ao"=-nil-J"ip:.y with the noti-ce within the- 24 trour tirne-=p"":.ii"I, "ii."iilf,ti" wortc=Department will remove said. nate;i;i-;r-ih;";d#=e of person notified' The provisions-or-'trri= orotnance sharr not be appricabre to c-onstruction, riini.r,unce or repair projects of any street or atley or any utitities -i; 6"-;iJii_"_r"v. To-review ordinance No. 6 in fullr please stop by the Town of ::#"::ii3*"3"";f,if*:ll":i-'"tI"i" a copy. rianft you ror your Read and acknowledged by: f ffi/:Elz-a? (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PEBMIT'IS FEOUIBED I Job Name:1!4!fu1,a,t 4fu! NO x X X r 1) 2) 7) 8) Darci 1a -2 2 -? 7 Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Publfc Way Permit,: YES 3) 4) 5) 6) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use ol the right ol way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent a@ess needed to sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Flevocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. tf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !l_V9u- a19wer9d yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained.'Pubfic Way Permit" appfications may be obtained al the Pubtic Work's olfice or at Commurity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at.47g-Z1Sg. I have read and answered allthe above questions. PUBLIC'WORKS PERMIT PROCESS 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then t"public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Developmeni, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 VailValley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utitities must field verify (tocate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct. iSth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. sketch- of wo$ being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic controt ptan oi a lite plan for the lob. Submit completed application to the Public Works's otfice for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houls to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai may needed. Most permits are released within 4g hours of being received, uut pteasil allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the'Building permit" to be released. please do not confuse the "Public way Permit" with a "Building permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above process ls for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are vatid only until ttovember iSttr.'A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not comptete. 7) cdlWay 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. D e partne nt of Comnuniry D eve lopme nt IrIFORIIATION NEEDED IIITET| APPLIIIG FOR A }TECHATICAL PERMIT HEAT LOSS CAICULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF I4ECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WTTH PHYSTCAL DTMENSTONS AND B1PU RATTNGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAI ROOM. sHow sIzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT }JILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAIIJURE TO PROVIDE THIS IIIFONUATIOII WILL DEI.TY YOUR PERI,IIX. 3. 4. lnwn 75 rcuth lrontlge rcad vrll, color'do 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) '07'$2139 oflice of communlty d€velopmenl . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OI{NER BUILDERS Effective June 20, L99Lt the Town of Vai.l Buirding Department has deveroped the following procedures to ensure that new tonstruction sites have adeguately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of vail pubric vrorks DeparEment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points fron the road or street on to the construction site.such approval must be obtaineci prior to any request for inspection by the Town of vail Buirding Department. for footings or telnporary erecLrical or any other inspection. please call 4i9-zi6o ta request an inspection from the pubric works Department. AlLow a minirnum of 24 hour notice. Arso, the Town of vail public works Department wiLL be approving arl- final drainage and culvert instaLfation with resurting roa6 pacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior to Fj.nal CertificaLe of Occupancy issuance. THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT O b"".ot.t*-- JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0041 TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Job Address: e70 vArL vrEw DR Depart't'*8{gei:g::t?rD?8tgfi:#ff' Location.. .: UNIT A-101 Applied. .: 04/O4/.L995 Parcel No. .: 2103-014-06-001 Is'sued.. .: 04/06/L995 Expires. . : Lo/03/L995 APPI.,ICANT EAGLE RIVER PLUMBING & HEATING PO BOX 498L, VArL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR EAGLE RTVER PLT]MBING & HEATING PO BOX 4981, VArL, CO 81658 OWNER LAYTON DONALD & GERMAINE 2166 DONNELLY DR N W, BUFFALO MN 55313 Description r CONVERT WOOD FIREPLACE TO GAS Phone: 3033901897 Phone: 3033901897 valuation , 70 o' #0f Gas Logs:#of l,ood/Pa I tet: c<2 Fifeplace tnfornation: Restricted: fof Gas Apptiancas: ffi*tih}lihrdr*JdrffiH FEE SUI'lllARY llechani ca t---> Ptan Check---> lnvesti gat ion> Pi lt cal,l----> ?0.00 5.00 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi e|,--> DR8 TOTAL FEES-__ .00 .00 28.00 Total catcuLatcd f ecs--> 28'0C Additiona[ Fees--------> .00 TotaI Pcrmit Fcc-------> Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: 28.00 2E.00 .00 ffiffffi **rrfffifrffitHrrrtr:ttr*ffi***fffi*rrt./r*ff**tt****ffi* Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04106/1995 DAN Action: APPR It'em:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/06/]-995 DA\I Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ffi ffi*ffirrrffirrlr**ffi(ffi't|tfitirrrrc** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I havc read this application, fil,Led out in futt the infofmation. required, conPtctcd-rn ptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I I eYe r. 5Y, Ly uith the i nfornation to conpLy uith atl. Toyn ordinances 6nd state [avs, and to buitd this structui6 accordingrlto the Toun's zoning and REOJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E IIADE SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI'NER NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANTCAL ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M95-0041 BE POSTED PERMIT 75 South Frontage Road VaiI,ColoradoS165T Job Address: 970 VAIL VIEW DR 303-479-2138/47g-213g Location' ' ': ItNrr A-101 FAX 303-4Z9-2452 ' Parcel No. . : 2103-014-06-001 APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER PLI}MBING & HEATING PO BOX 4981 , VArL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR EAGLE RIVER PLI'MBING & HEATING PO BOX 4987t VArL, CO 81658 OWNER LAYTON DONALD & GERMAINE 2166 DONNELLY DR N W, BUFFALO MN 55313 Description: CONVERT WOOD FIREPLACE TO GAS Fireptace Infofration: Restricte{: iot Gas APptiances: rikrdrffi( FEE SUI'II'IARY Restuarant P lrn Revi c]r-->llechani cat--) P tan Check-> 20. 00 5.00 .00 .00 28.00 .00 26.00 28.00 .@ Investigation> .0O i,, i tt catt---> 3.0O TOTAL IEES__- Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/06/1995 DAN Action: APPR rTEm:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/66/L995 DAN Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ,rffiirffiffifitffiffi*'|1* DECLARATIONS I hereby .cknou L.dge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in ful,t the infoPmation required, conptlted_an pl.ot ptan, and state that atI the infornation provided as required is correct. I ty rri th the infornation lot p[an, vision to conpty vith al,L Toun ordinances End stEte taws, and to buil.d this stfuctuia according thc ToHn's zoning and codes, design revicv approved, Uniforn Buil,ding code and other ordinanceJ'of the ToHn ,' /- EouEsrs FoR rnspEcrrol{s SHALL BE nAoE TuENTy-FouR HouRs In ADvAtcE By''tELt exone rt4t Ii cabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIO S SHALL 179-2134 SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OI.I}IER Deoartment of Comntunim Develoornent ' Status. . .': ISSUED Applied. . : 04/04/.L995 rs'sued... : O4/06/L995 Expires..: lO/03/L995 Phone: 3033901897 Phone: 3033901897 vaLuation | ?C/Q "E- #0f Gas Logs:fof t,rood/Pa I tet: Total catcutatcd Fce3--> 28.00 Addi ti ons I tees------> Tots I Permit f ee-----> Payments----- BALA CE DUE--_ Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: tffit**'rt o *** Itp-tt#'l-oz-014-0 6-0 01 pta. 970 VAIL VIEW DR on: IJIIIT A-101 Total Fees 28.00 Total AL,,L Pmtg Balance ********************************************** ******* TOWN. OF ******* s ******* * * * * * * * ************** {r****J.***** Statemnt ********************************************* REC-0012 Amount:28.00 04/06/9s L4245 M95-0041 TlPe: B-MECH LteDarulnent of LommuntN ueve loDment MECHANICAI, PERMIT o **J. : 28.00 : 28.00 ; .00 ****************** Anount 28.00 Vail,ttrt This Payment Account Code **wArvED FEES** Deecription WAIVED FEES [ ]-Building t l-Pr Job Name: Legal Description: Lot Block tl -Electrical.-Uechanical [ ]-Other Job Address: Filing ' ll t ,/7 ohrners Nane: f r &+. Address: 2?<r:- pa.tta_4-t(r Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: !Ptl.. and gpe of Fireplaces: cas /f** * * * * * * ***** * *** ******** ** * ***** BUTLDING: $ PLIIMBTNG: I***************************t Eeneral Contractor3 VALUATTONS ** * * ******* * ******** ** ** ********* MECHANTCAUt@ CONTRACTOR INFORI'fATJON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. OTEER: TOTAL: Address: Electrical Address: Contractor: Plunbing Contractor: Address: work ctass: [ ]-New t/-erterarion t]f-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nuuber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomnodation Units: Appliances eas fogs / I{oodlpellet ELECTRICAL: $ Mechanical Address:actor:NO. OTHER TYPE OF FEE:CI,EAN-UP DEPosrT.:_.DRB FEE: ;^,-.; ^l^ 1J--'2!2 .-7 rorAr, pERrrtiffi .4 - ****************************r*** FoR oFFrcE usE ************** *******&Alf***BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLIIMBING PERMTT FEE: .T PLWBING PI-.AN cHEcK FEE:MECIIANfCAL PERI.|IT fnn: l-- I,TESHAN1qAIJ pLAN cHEcK FEE:ELEcTRTcAL FEE: .l REcREATToN ree, l l aurr,orwe t ,' /6,ffit, . -/--f -f -r-f -f srcNA.r'rrD".l-l-l-l-l zotlrNc:t-r-l-l-l srcNArttRE:conments: ' CIJAN I'P DEPOSIT REPI'trD TO: MEMORANDUM r 7O: ALL COITITRACTORS FROM: TOWN OF VA|L pUBLtC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: MAy 9,.1994 RE: WHEN A -pUBLtC WAy pERMtT'tS REQU|RED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questronnaire regarding the need for a 'public Way permit': YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different a@ess needed to site other lhan existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easemsnts, or pubtic property? 7) ls a "Revocable Righl CI Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right ol way, easements or public property to be used tor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f-v9u- algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way Permit' applicationg may be obtained a tt"'protic work,s ofiice or at cg.TTlt ttv Development lf you. hlve.any questions pl;ase calr cnarrie Davis, the Town of VailConsrruction InspeAoi at 429-21*. I have read and answered allthe above questions. ' Job Name Contracto/s Signature Date l puauc wav penur pnoceO How it relates to BuiHing permit: 1)Fill out tha our check list provided ff yeg u,,as answered tg 3ny of the above questions then a "pubric way permit- is required. You can_pick !p r apprication at either community Deveropment,rocared at 7s s. Frontage Road or piruric wo*s, tocaeJa iioi'v"ir vailey Ddve. Notice sign offs tol utifity. companies. Ail utirities must fierd verify (rocate)respective utirities priorto signing apprication. so'" mi,tv-iriplnies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule i tddate). A construction traffic_co_ntror pran must-_be prgp"l+ on a separate sheet of paper.This ptan will show locations of atltratfic &nirof oevfes-(r-igr;;rrs, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.; sketch of work being performed must be subrnitted indi,cating dimensions (rength,width & depth of rvork). ftis may be orawn on the tramc bniror phn or a site plan for the job. submit compreted apprication to th€ public.[g*t otfice for review. rf required,rocares wiil be schedured torthe Town of var erectriJ;;;';&ion crew. The locates are take prace in the morning, uut ray require up to 4g hburs to perrorm. The Pubric work's corslru.ction tnspector wi,!lleviey the appfication and approve ordisapprcve the permit. you wiil de contactea asro the sitr.lio any changes that may be needed. Most permits ". r"r""r"o within ag r,oui, JLing received,but p,€ase allow up to one week to pr"e.s. As soon as permit is processed, a "opy wifl be faxed to community Devefopment allowing the 'Buirdins p.grmit' to or i!6"r"j. n.".. do nor contuse the ,pubric way Permit'with a'-Buirding eermit;io o" i"rt on a project sire itseff. Note: *The above process ts for work In a rlght_of-way only. 'Public Way permlt'" "* 'A new publlc Way Fermlt ls requlred each year. 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) hwn a 75 3or$h lrontlgc rolrl nil, colondo 8165t (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflcc ot communlly drv.topnatt BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAME If this perylt requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineer'.s (pubt ic tilorks) review ana ipprorail-i' iiiliiiii'b"p."t .nt review or Health Departnint review, an['r-""nid Li-il;"E"itain9 l3rilH:k.lL: "'.i'. iJJ irme' ro"'u-i"t"r ;;il,-;,ay"L[I'as r 6ns All conmerc'iar ('rarge or small ) and alr mu]ti-family permits will have to follow the ibove menti6nec-maximum reguirements. Residential and small projects shourd take t-re;;lr'amount of time. However, if residential or sma'iler.projecis-impiii the various above mentioned departments with resard' to-necessiii-""ui"n,-ih;;; ;;;j."i!' *y a'l so take the three-weef perioJ. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite this perri't as soon as possible. - vY s^',sq' es t'l l:-i!" undersigned, understand the plan. check procedure and time Trame - (A r Corrnuni tv Devel opment Department. 75 loulh t?onleg! rold uril, colorldo 81657 (3oq 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: rROM: DATE: SU&TECI: Read Y and acknowledged by: gftlca of conmunlty dcvrlopmant ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED ITTR THE TOWN OF VAIL TOIglg OT VArL PUBLIC I'ORKS/COIIIMT'NITY DEVELOPUENT }|ARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & MATERIAI, STORAGE rn suunar)r, ordinance No. G states that it is unrawful for any person to ritter, track or deposit ini-sJir;-t;i, sand, debris or material, including trasrr iunpste"l, -f"#.iif''toif"ts and workmen vehicres. upon any streetl siaewait<, ;ri;y or public ptace or any porri-on trreieoi. -E"-;i;;;:;i;;y=In arr rown or Vail streets lnd.fg"g= is approiiuately s fr. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be s*i;iit--enforced b; the Town of vair.Pubric works DeDartment. --p"i=lns round ,ri.ir"ri'i this ordinance rrirr be given a 24 hour writien--n"ti""-ti-;;;;;"".id naterial.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice within .n:_31 rroui-tirue-Sieciried, rhe puEtic r{orks Department will remove said nateii"i-ii-[rr;';d;"" of person notified' The orovisions or iiis orainance shilr. not be applicable to cinstruction, *ir,i"."rr?e 9f repair projects of any street or alley or any utiiiires in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full , please stop by the Tohrn of :::i"::tl:i"B"T;?**:*"::-'"iEli" a copv- riani vou ror your Date 75 routh hontrgc ro d vdl, colo..do 81657 {303) {r}2138 (3rxr) {792130 olfice ol communlty d€u€lopmenl IIOTTCE TO CONTRACIORS/OIINER BUILDERS Effective June 20, t99]- , the Tohrn of Vair Buirding Department has developed the forrowing procedures to ensure that iew construction sites have adeguately estabrished,proper drainage frorn buirdinf sites along and adjacent to Town of vail roads of streets. The Town of vail public works Department will be reguired to inspect and approve drainage adjacLnt to Tos:r of vail -roads or stleets and the instarlation of temporary or permanent surverts at access poiats from the road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must _be obtaineti prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail- Buirding Department ror fobtings or ternporary electrlcal or any ot.her inspection. please call 4-lg-zi6o t;request an inspection from the public works Department. Alrow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Al-so, the Town of vail pubric works Department will be approvi.ng al-l- final drainage and cul-vert instariation with resutting roa6 pacching as necessa_ry. such approval must be obtained prlor to Fjnal- Certificate of Occupancy ilsuance. TOWIOFVAIL t 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303479-2452 1 2. De pa mne nt of C omnun iry De ve lop nte nr TTPORITAEIOI ITEEDED NHElt AFPLIITG FOR A MBCSAIIICAL PERITII 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF I-{ECITANTCAL ROOI{ WITH EQUTPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITII PHYSICAI, DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF AI-,L EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow SIZE AliD LOCATION OF CO!,IBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLttES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER EI./EVATOR EOUIPMENT WU.,L ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM. FATLIIRE lco PnovrDE rHrs rtrFonuarrox wrr,rJ DELA! tottR pEnurt. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: LAYTON GAS FIREPLACE ADDRESS: 970 VAIL VIEW A-l0l VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-l TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE: 4-6-95 CONTRACTOR: EAGLE RIVER P&H ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS BXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQINRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections ofthe codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval ofany violation ofany of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. l. CoMBUSTTON ArR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2I OF THE I99I UMC. 3, GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC. 1206 OF THE I99I UMC. 4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE I99I UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991UMC. 5. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE I99I UMC. 8. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. Town of Vlil OFFICE CCPY /-6 9{- \ I --- d @ m l4 t- o _,h E <x f !>l e m: 6 e8 7 != :!i s -m=-l :T' o<1o.d9 n*ctt >t =r-, E ii: _n !m !3 J =FF j,L,i m =ii= FF"t- !!! n!6 o o z a -{F o =o z E FI F 3 { -r'r !Or- z= 22 oo z 0z lq mt l-l lzo loo lza t<lEo lC) Tl \q "=G-\ol FO (D rT x m !I o z (-o (D I -{m z tr' ^F l)z r--, u) O .'- 4o '- --{,-? 4 R<>A fi4 ;>6z --t=9> 2p -tc 3=<@ de il 4; ;: -to o>nr 2,-tm FZ >m -t> n u T =m €z m (I,z =IT F l.J @ v, 14 H FE c- F>a) gf, @O o>'r- o -..1 I I E E n H d,x e q 1 I I I t- 2 o rn r m t^ €z lo l:t> lF l!lm le, I E t€ lz lo t:l> = s z o 'n 3 \o 5 \o I 5 (, \J I l-r b E lz lo t:l> u- ln l.o t! r IB t=l> 12 I t-r lo lir tFd t<lu,lFr tz td l€ lz lo ll t> lF m 0 z I I =€z o 'tt . m z .Tl = - == F H F o\ I r!la a,E PE trrn pl E t- kn tc Kn t- t(,q tc ou XF IF Fltr t42 \ I I I I I gg$sd ssSE.9 SogKc d6'icta <-;-f o Y:!, o _o =..< R {co!.i F 3*l*e P5l;: E5:3{ '"n ief;P9q'96. 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I .rl l.) |t'r I -l !trtr !ll m n ={ o o z (n {u o {o z z i m ,I "o 1' 'n n ,ffl r! =-.1 J I m H F I K)1V. tv ! rt @ m ,x m !I o z (-o TD 2 -l m .J. f- '-l !/ ,1 (J x;E3d ;- o9ro ;3699 E lq it 5 sei B .o :..< R {coisp r = + ai ,;i i.;.; d6 :ur(Dg:t HE 1o -iii9; = o;- <6 q *g 1 oii = oR o !+X ==^. a -(D J 3,69+, /'\ O - =1J =-!orlt d a.3-; il 9"ia1.5 !l € o l. .r ? r-o o *<(,3l=guelg e,::g 3 JE r d = = =< f iI e'fi =:35 0,5 f;=o:5' 9.0. d P o" c,YfC= *s i s* a$U a 5 E.,EPd 9+ai€o)l@o=' >(/)l =al "zl ,<>l I {J.mcl- ;3f g-l €l zl .ml'>T-olt ar- gl].. 4l';l >I qt el if ol rl rl ;l ;il r-l 'nl o rn a z o :z =z t- _o m =-l gt z m m o m o lz l=l=- ..t o c -l €o 6@ "l I I z (t c l- =o z -! m -t I 6 z m -c m r o ,-l € IA IA T€otr rF zB 'z = z>pR rci P<+< >0 ol m:f c1 0 z c z I z € 3 m --l z F4 =z m _0 I c P -r1 i l-c --t z 7. 6)N!;o--{; Q;Ilri F Eo aDn =z()iijQo o'<2 vc)<4 Io 6 f 6s E b ZU'o6 o 'n2z €g x N@ g;I --{ = &,l x '-t A -l :' ) I - lr.7 .rl ll ll tl z. ftl H 2 ts r. l' H H It t:; z, H o z z F F t-l 2 z + m o z z =z al, i m F .=, 2 '! n !> :-:;22 .4 a.l 0 --ll l' !-t F P i l- m = =-n m m U) m i x o t-m 7 m L m q z m =m € m o m _i z 'n m m c)I 2 t- _9 l-c g z o m m -.t o _0 l- z I m I z m m n ='Tl m m U) VALUATION !m = =z 9 I' I lr =m z t- t-c @ z trl t-m --t = t- z F at> UJ UJ E =e ur A u,F o E o E F .2 ==o I I I I N r\- lE \l I I -{i -ll lt J l!o =i -oc Eilc EE8€.=6-6 ftr:o gEE=. ;:E i E! ot: gis: €EiE ;eje* E;eJ gE€s iEgg agg,E €= sf ;eEE g;E s EgiE tt o 5 C' @ c I 6 E o .=4 o s I s )o E g c ,9 o g o, CL o !,c tt 6 o o o : 6 E o o !g 'o c J () G It o o U' ITJ uJ l! 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IIJ C' I 6* EE vro 9()9Z E<(oq H6 -t j a!' ts 4;9z d6 }E OI $[t sl ul9 I -> ,\ l"t- n.E p'ilE ;al H o'L I ol -J z oP z4 trro =z t3 JO lLr! hnr J .,,i6 ==, =-<(JYC)a;3 E =e uJ o. l!o IJJ o- F U trO I 5l z o F c ul Y u,lo o F F E ul A lt o o-o o I llJ F o z 0- 3l ral rl aol uJ F o ts =E lrJ o-z I F () E F CT'z o (J F .E uJ o.lr o Eg E3 €8 39 !ir '9 EI 9'J =ur FE od !6 E9 Ei eq €= uJ o o F ffi \{tE .t= ^/ ct z ci ul E J lt o 2 3 o F o z d lu G J o z =o F I I I ol zl ol utl 1t <l >l tl|ol d il o z ct rJ lr J lt o z 3 o F r\(J cr co ni =z o o -i| N \) -s r.-J- -r J * i () d ol fl r-l ul -f 2 3 I a !r sl t-v a &!o (,z ao =J d gir =+E Fr-o2 o J C) E F o UJ uJ !tr! 75 3outh trontage .o.d Yrll, colortdo 81657 (3o3, 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otllcc of oommunlty d.uclopmenl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval , Eng'inee1 ''s (Pub1 ic Works) reyiew and approval , a Plann'i ng DeparUnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the Build'ing Department, the estinated tine for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and aIl multi-family permits will have to fo'l low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However,'if fesidentia'l or smal'l er projects inpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every atternpt wil'l be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. BnocFTQ-€a G*1f.,..* * zot' Project Name f-ra- 1' Date l,lorF Sheet was turned into the Communi ty Development Department. \ I 75 3oulh ftonlage road uail. colorrdo 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEcr: oftlc€ of communlty developmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT }IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or naterial , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pubtic place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of VaiI streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off paveraent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Department will remove said naterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 5 in fu1I, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/ReLationship to Project (i.e. l-Lu -ar Date contractor, ohrner) PERMIT NUMBER OFP tJJEtJ I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL -\JOB NAME DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL fineenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -. CORRECTIONS:+\. -\\\ INSPECTOR Pniiisrop 5D {6 ..fls :!- ilF: INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT DATE PROJECT TOWN Of VA|L -'- fu4"*q,4kY JOB NAME MON CALLER l.\s READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH o ,"*o'iisi-tooo, O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL Yeeppouto CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t,,.L '?t Ol DArE /- ? | !/ tNspEcToR