HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK D PARCEL A RED SANDSTONE BUILDING PERMITS LEGALlTASarr&rrnzCncL fltlttflY tElEl(np{t Design Review Boad ACTIOI{ FORIII Department of Communit!, Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%cgm Project llame: RED SANDSTONE CREEK \MLDUFE Project Description: DRBNumber: DR8070620 Location: RNAL APPROVAL FOR THE RED SANDSTONE CREEK WILDUFE RESISTANT ENCLOSURE Pafticipants: OWNER RED SANDSIONE CREEK HOA 1012912007 Phone:970-926-1827 PO BOX 1688 EDWARDS @ 81632 APPUCANT RED SANDSTONE CREEK HOA L012912007 Phone: 925-1827 PO BOX 1588 EDWARDS co 81632 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL Project Address: RED SANDSTONE CREEK Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: LoE Block: Subdivislon: Red Sandstone Creek 2103{14-2000-1 See Conditions Motion By: Second Byr Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Apprcvall. LIl07l20O7 @nd:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009566 The applicant shall match all materials and colors to those odsting on the trash enclosure currently. The only approved change is to the doors and latching mechanism. The new doors shall have the appearance of the existing doors, with the exception that they will fill the complete openning. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO 0c t-22-07 o47083571 03:42pn Fron-T0lfl{ 0F VAIL C0nlJillTY DEVEL0PIEiIT bdf Rrv\r Water & Sa I I 9t04782452 t-l42 P.00t/001 F-l68 \ 1 Wildlile Resistant Enclosure I nppttcatton for Design Review Depanlent of Cornmultty Ds€bPrncJ1t- -z frffi r6tGs. nord, Veii, cdorarb 6165'- - -iAi gzo.qzs.zlz8 far: 9m'471''2152 I rt"o: tlv{r r'valgov'cdn a wildllfe{e6lstEnt contalrer bY APril conSdlct a all srpplenrental received bY $e @ntalr€r. Owners I DeEiSil rEvietil r-ocidon of tte Frarne(e) of Owro(r): \r ia"ri"e Addt+Es: - e) ilame of APPfl€anE I l'lalllng Addres: E-mell AddreEE: (Conbct @. Assessor at 970'328€e40 for parcd no') sDD +33 \VntuCo"\\ - ffiGL\539 i2o I YI w o 6Gi N o I I -.---r I rl G./r \ f\\ | -'^l \ I --'\.t '..'--,irfdrl frr l'lll I '-t Ivfttl la lJrsrF t Genelal This apflicatbn ls sf 2005, lequlrel trre++<- t\ cfuoijt'ae-ftkFl.\LocAls*1\TenpUtFSrFwisc\ivIdlifu ttsls€trt ct*losule tum -J /r! rF D --:--. r.v, L€ li \\,/ tr Fage 1 or4 4f6lZW acT u2001 faroi , ctFd( Ng-:-:EY: N^^fI n*it;a.' ,r(,'.. -.l*ojryrvp5]4a11 *****+*++++t+****t****t+****************+************++*++***+*+************+f*********l'i*t* TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statemetrt Stagenent. Nr:mber: RO7OO02352 Amount: S50.00 LO/29/2OO702:30 PM Palment Method: Check fnit: iIS Nolalion: T77L/P-ED SATiIDSTONE CREEK ASSOC. Permit No: DRBo70520 q/pe: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Multi ' Parcel No: 2103 -014 -2000 - 1 SiEe Addrees: 955 RED SATiIDSTONE RD \rAIL I,OCAIiON: RED SA}iIDSTONE CREEK TotsaI Fees: $50.00 This Payment: $50.00 rotal AIIJ PnEs: $50.00 Balance: $0.00 ***ft****f++++++++*****ttt**if*****t**+l*+t*f+ta**tf************{.'}**********+*'}+'f+l*****t*ta ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3T:.22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES WILDLIFE RESISTANT ENCLOSURES SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Ordinance No. 20, Series of 2006, requires that all residential customers with curbside Fash removal service within the Town of Vail utilize a wildlife-resistant container and that all commercial and multi-family customers utilize a wildlife-resistant container by April 15, 2007. If these requirements are not met, residential and commercial customers shall construct a wildlife-resistant enclosure by August L,2007. The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review Wildlife Resistant Enclosure Design Review applications and approve, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is available by contacting Joe Suther at 97 0.479.2L28 or jsulher@yailgoy.cam. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS O Site Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or larger . Prope0 and setback lines . Existing easements o Existing layout of buildings and other structures . Location of landscaped areas . Location of proposed wildlife resistant enclosure tr Architectural elevations of trash enclosure tr Floor plans of trash enclosure D Title report, including Schedules A & B to veriry ownership and easements p. Photos ofthe existing site and adjacent structures tr written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable tr Exterior color and material samples, with specifications of materials and colors, including manufacture/s name, @lor name and number, specified below: Woada WALL MATERI,ALS/SIDING: LArcH DESIGN: YrVLa.\ la?l CRITERIA FOR TRASH ENCLOSURES Enclosures less than 120 square feet do not require a building permit. Materials and design are compatible with existing structure(s) Enclosure is screened from view of adjacent properties Enclosure has four sides Door or cover has a latching device of sufficient strength and design to prevent access by wildlife Ventilation openings are kept to a minimum and are covered with a metal mesh or other material of sufRcient strength to prevent access by wildlife Gap between door and ground is 3/8" or less Enclosure not located in the TOV right-of-way I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Na Contractor Signature R q E 4 E F tr tr C:\DOCUME-l\kfriel\LoCAtS-1\Temp\XPgrpwise\wildlife resistant enclosure form 041007.doc Page 3 of 4 41612007 I -o qq o- { frl d5 l x ?.-?-tt I ( a- ql L o J- -tn -r t-3 c $ C) - CN (u l-F f:. rO (o \i- @ o C) j (U 2 E t (l)c o +t @ o c $a E o t l() rO o) JFi }#'39 \) sH[s! FH;O-5 E trJ .< '\-' ni.. o *.F L o I .+ ,ol )/l OrJ t p t|r q) g g d 'c X & e e- ) \-v "E V 'N p T \.-r*-l ,0 4- s, p o F-i ol OI 0^i ^l il V cfi,iL,r$rY ElElop*l€hl Design Review Board ACTION FORII Department of Cornmunity Derelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Prcject Name: RED SANDSTONE DREEK DEAD TREE Project Description: Participants: 955 RED SANDSTONE ROAD AB VAIL co 815s7 Project Address: 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL RED SANDSTONE CREEK CONDOS Legal Descriptionr Lot! Block: Subdivision: Parcel Numben 2103-014-2000-1 Commentsr DRB Number: DR8070300 Locationi FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FOR THE RED SANDSTONE CREEK CONDOS DEAD TREE REMOVAL OWNER MOUNTAIN VALLEY DEV SERVICESOTIO3IaOOT PO BOX 338 GLENWOOD SPRINGS co 81502 APPUCANT SEAN KOENIG 07 | 03 I 2007 Phone; 970-477 -L494 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACI.ON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 07 I 03/2007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Warren Camobell DRB Fee Paid: $250,00 Planner: Minor Exterior Alterations trs APPlication for Desisn Review (l To*ffid "+Hff"Ti;];3#E#H;itb"i,{,T:" frt web: www.railgor.com General Information: t\t? Alf projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please n- refer to tne submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review l/ cannotbeaccepteduntiia||requiredinformationisreceivedbytheCommunityDeVe|opmentDepartment.The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. \,beiign rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within onevearof theapproval' t-., Q- ^^ . I I N- - .t\ e Description of the Request: rrf - Location of the Proposat: Lot:-Block:- Subdivision: R€o 5AsDstlnra (_Dl.roo5 A C'l .- .- c /)PhvsicalAddress: "1S5 (rs srrr'rssnrria Rc'rrs n parcel No.: 2toS O,q Zo oOfe t (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86,10 for parcel no.) V zon.ns: \bvff ( >UU+sf) Name(s) of owner(s): Mailing Address: Pn &x [t^r.E Mailing Address: "l?7 l1'l{ E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 Flr construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenual or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' such as' re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and $20 $20 For minor changes to buildings and such as, re-roofing, painting, window retaining walls, etc. For rsr'isions to plans already Design Review Board. Type of Review and Fee: D Signs O Conceptual Review E New Construction O Addition 0 Minor Alteration (m ulti-tumily/commercial ) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request D tr No Fee [.'" Fee- retaining walls, etc. 'r-* (e,*r*l \Lu'n S,J^ olP JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Additionally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: V I understand that minor modifrcations may be made to the plans over the aurse of the t 'r'^-,.-,^ -^^t:--at^ -^,.t^? )^?.1 F ^'ttrfi^n.,rocess to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. D I request that atl modifications, minor or otherwise, which are made to the plans over the cource of the review process, be brought to my attention by the applicant for additional approval before undergoing further review by the Town, (Initial here) - 1a !"!;'ll{ -: $i : l: lll 'iv.tt:Y..! d1i !1ii : t a! _:d{i c E q o c a t;!-€= ll U q) d ,:l li 'll I I I 'ri" ,l ri I I /'7 ) V rz /o? s,'i .7 -+' /- .l *-a. I J;'-. \t-[o7 ,;-,f. .. 3 W* rz /o? .. ' . :\,r\t.,^ i (-r!' I U -'{ l \ tr-' J:f.-_ffiH \r \ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0359 Iob Address.: 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: RED SANDSTONE CREEK, B-4 Applied...: lll21l20f.5 Parcel No....: 2lO3Ol42Wl3 Issued...: 12/07/2005 lrgal Description: -p r. 165 O-)5 I Expires...: 06l05l2OM Project No...: OWNER KELIJER, DEBRA A. LL/2L/2O05 PO BOX 1736 VAIL co 81658 APPLICANT ROB I{ALL'S KITCHENS pr,US, LLLL/2L/2OO5 phone: 970-845-0945 P. O. BOX 5020 AVON co 4L620 License: 615 -B CoNTRACTOR ROB HAI-.,I 'S KTTCHENS PLUS, fi-,LL/2L/2OO5 Phone1. 97O-845-O945 P. O. BOX s020 AVON co 8L620 I-,icense: 615 -B Desciption: RED SANDSTONE CREEK B-4-ADDITION OF A 3/4 BATH Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: V N Type VNon-Rated Ty'pe Occupancy: ?? TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 Valuation: $9,900.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Building---> S181- 25 Restuamnt Plan Review-> Plan Check--> 911?.81 Recreation Fee--------> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT i^-..,i,.,a-<-rAq \t /\\J Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY {.+*:t:f:r.+*'****+:a*:}'t*'*:}**'*d.*'1.'1.**'1..t'i"1.+'t*:t*'i**'r:*:t,r'*:t'*)t:t,r*'*:t**,*,}** SO. O0 Total Calculated Fees- > $302 . 05 S0.00 Additional Fees----- >s?s.00 $302.06 Total Permit Fee----- > 5377 . 06 Payments----------------- > 537'l .06 BALANCE DUE--------- >s0.00 Investigation- > Will Call----- > $o. oo TOTAL FEES------------- > s3.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEIflI L2/O6/2OO5 JEM Action: AP ITEMI O55OO FIRE DEPARTfiEI{T L1-/3o/2oo5 mcgee Action: AP Building is sprinklered and detected. Subnit statement of complance from registered fire alarm and fire sprinkler contractors or su.bmit permit application and plans to address changes. PAGE 2 **,F**.******c(*1.*,****:x*i.**********.***:t****{.******,&*****************,t'}****{.+*********t!*t!************{.:t***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0359 as of l2-07-2N5 Status: ISSUED ************i(******************i.*******{.*****,r*****:i,F*****:**,r***********{.**r( *********!************{<ti**{.** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: ll/21/2Cfr5 Applicant: RoB HALL'S KITCHENS PLUS, LLC Issued: I2l07l2W5 970-845-0945 To Exoire: 061051200,6 Job Address: 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL Location: RED SANDSTONE CREEK, B-4 Parcel No: 21030142W13 Descripion: RED SANDSTONE CREEK B-4-ADDITION OF A 3/4 BATH Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALTS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BB STARTED. Cond: 40 (BLDG): (MFRiCOMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. l{.!l*|****:i{.*:*+t+**'i't**,*:t****:i*'i*+*++,i,}*+*,t:*,t*'***'}t+1.*+*+***+***+*+**l|.:t:t,f:t:fir,********* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ***{r * + ++*** * * * * * + **'t** * **** * * * * * * * * ******'} * * * * *** * t**** * * * * + + * * * * * * * * * + * + * * * * * * + + * * * * ***** + * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * ++*** * * ** * *++**** * * ** * * ** * *+t** ********+* * * *** * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statement Number: RO50002108 Amount | $377.06 L2/O7/2OO5O8:44 AM Payment Method: Check Init: IrT Notation: Rob Ha1l Kitchen'sPlus / ck #3 295 $377.06 * * * + * ***** * * ** * +***** * * * * * * * * *** ** * ********+* * * *** * * * * * *:I:t * * * '* * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + ++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code current Pmts Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: BP 0 010 00031r-110 0 cL 001-00003L23000 PF 00L000031_r_2300 wc 001-00003r-1_2800 B0s - 0359 Type: 21"03-0L4-2001-3 955 RED SANDSTONE RD RED SANDSTONE CREEK, Descript ion ADD/AI.,T MF BUITD PERMIT VAII, B-4 Total Fees: $377.06 Total ALL Pmts: $37? ,05 Balance: 90.00 181 .2s 75.00 l_17.81 3 .00 BUfLDING PERMIT FEES CON|RACTOR LICENSES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTTON FEE .: a I0Vl:l0F 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF TNCOMPLETE OR UNSIG droscr/Project #: Bu Permit #: CATION mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS 8L{rO 7q6- o,^3? oz / 6 t. + BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ SOOO4 _@-ELECTRICAL:$ SOA .OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$ (o@ lEL MECHANICAL,$ 9OO *ToTAL: $ 7 7 oo.* For # ffiFOROFFICEUSEONLYffi Parcel # Contact Eagle Countv Assessors Office at 970-32A-A640 or visit .com Paicbl #*--*a lc)5 o t.l 2oo ts So^Ash- (2lLtA Job Name: K"" t t Job Address: Tg€R.Jsa u J"du * fd\y Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Name: [16o brll4r.ooot" g?s<,?r d"a*otd&r,<- R).{rsrl ll tnon"gy.g. o ? <{s- ArchitecVDesigner:Addrr ss:t'fteffVED-I Phone: Engineer: ll Addr 'tt' Arnl, t -, ", Phone: Detailed descriplion of work:A"ld s/q b"dh TOV-cnrr.r-,, WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) nemoOert4-Tdiirttdero( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior QO Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family t4 Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 6 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes Q') No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (y) No ( ) Document2 uL4* 2nP,r4 pgsssuJg F,?'9 flerttffi,ttol 36 a F- Flt ,"p"A ti' f"K I trxo S:se+- &o*[.V^u le--[ " ro rZ\N Q,l.i , A I toF 'vuo3-Aor ,.]l]Z B I AON 3At3C3H Town of Vail f,}$:ml '.' raflPY (o.'-"J AT - o ss1 ') tr'.^-h^I {'^ s[''t l'o..lR^,o-tt'.t p/o{lt e.- G6o Code TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL l,ocation.....: RED SANDSTONE CREEK, B-4 ParcelNo...: 2l030l42Dl3 kgal_Description: ?RfOf _o.r5 |Prolect No : Permit Status , . Applied. Issued. Expires . #: P06-0003 'Bo'; -o s',-1 .: ISSUED . : 0lll7l2ffi6 . i 0l/20120[6 .: O7/191200,6 OWNER KEIJIJER, DEBRA A. PO BOX 1735 VAII-, co 81658 APPLICANT OUT WEST MECIIANICAL INC PO BOX 521 MINTURN co 8L645 License: 300-M COMTRACTOR OI}T WEST MECIIANICAIJ INC PO BOX 521 MT}frR'RN co 81545 I-,icense:300-M Desciption: PLUMBING FOR A 3/4 BATH Valuation: $1.800.00 Fireplacc Information: Restricted: ?2 0L/L7 /2005 01/L7/2005 Phone: 827-5702 o:I/Tr /2006 Phone z 827-5702 # of Gas Appliances: ??# of Gas Logs: ??# of Wood Pallet: ?? FEE SUMMARY So. oo Total Calculated Fees--> S4o.50 Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fe€----- > Palanents----------- > BALANCE DUE-------- > ;.J'-T;J.T#$;iJ-#;[fli:ii('i'|.*,ilt*,*,****+++:t++*:|.,}:f*li:t:t,t,t.*'tr,l.:F*,i(,t.'*:tlt*'i,.**r.i<****,*,td<*1(**)l.,t*,t:t****** 0L/L7/2OO6 JS Actionr AP Item: 05600 FIRE pEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 l"*Pf;1.;,-.1TII*..I,.Tf .t*9II9I?,..I-i*PJI*t*1.J:-.-".T-.,".T-J-?*.S?3.T.f.?y-:*lH:*";.+:,,*:,(+{.:,:,+,r:,.:*,,.',:},i:,:i:,,,r,,:**,,*,*{r:, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances,and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR PM. Plumbing-- > Plan Check--- > Investigation- > Will Call----- > $3 0 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review- > $7 . so TOTAL FEES---------> 90.00 93.00 $40. s0 $ss.0o $9s. s0 $95.50 $0.00 NTY-FOL'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 ******** **+************ * *** ** * * * *****++* ** **'t,*'|*****d.****:r** * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + * * t * * * * * * * * * * **** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **** **********ri +++**,i***'*******+***** ********* **** **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + +:! * * * + * * * + Statement Nrlmber: R050000054 Amount: $95.50 OL/20/2006]-2:.52 Pt4 Pa)ment Met.hod: Check Kitchen Plux ,Ln1t : L l' Notation: Rob Hall's +* * * *{.*{.'1.:}* * ***:*++++**** ******* ******'} * * + *:1.***** * + * * ******** ** **,}*+*** * *** ** * * * * **** **'}++:}** Permit No: Parcel- No: Site Address : Location: This Pa)ment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code cL 00100003r.23000 PF 00100003112300 PP 0 010 0 0 0311110 0 wc 00100003112800 P06-0003 TlT)e: 2103 -014-2001-3 955 RED SANDSTONE RD RED SANDSTONE CREEK, $9s .50 Deacription PLU},,IBING PERMIT VAII., B-4 Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance : $9s. s0 $0.00 Current Pmts COIiERACTOR I.,ICENSES PI,,AN CHECK FEES PI.,I]MBING PERMIT FEES WILI, CA],I, INSPECTION FEE 55.00 7.50 30.00 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #:oi.o.ss1 llill9'il,lfJiffi "f,"gcra+3 ro6-oooj TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Building Permit #: TVWTIOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81557 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION COMPTETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Plumbing Contractor: A'l Lr"Vsl- t/r, Contact and Phone #'s: Contractor Signature: PLUMBING: $ / Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit o<o oo Phone: g'fq6,i qg-Address: Fl Erx lJ 3L t,'^,1 BtL ',r l bnJh.uonl, (n^ WorkClass: New( ) Addition(X) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (2Q Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: (" Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (X ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**,t***********!t********************** O,ther Fees:Date Received: DRB Fees:Accepted Bv: Planner Siqn-off: RECEIV EB RECEIt,EO \\vail\data\cdev\FoR\,1s\PER 'JAN 1 i 2006 IJAil ITIM ,,a -,tl t ..l t HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonesl Director, (970) 479-213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you coniact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB t'tru Was your initial contact wiih our staff immediate_ siow _or no one avaiiable ? 4.Was your prolect revierved on a timely basis? Yes / No lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit _ N/A Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 5 4 3 21Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness oi he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would ailow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking tire lime to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. 8. t l.t 02-26-2008 Inspection Request Reporting Page 33 4:18 em Vail- CO'- Cit-v Ol - ReguesqBd Insp_.ect Pate: Ilgdnesday, February 27, 2008 ' lnsoection Area: CG Site Addrcss: 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL RED SANDSTONE CREEK, 84 A/P/D lnformatlon Activitv: 805-0359 Tvoe: A-MF Consl Typ6: Occuoah'cv:Owiier: KELLER. DEBRAA. Contraclor: ROB HALL'S KITCHENS PLUS. LLC ./h u lr D SubTvoe: AMF Ube: V N Phone: 97G84$0945 Stalus: ISSUED Insp Area: CG B-4-ADDITION OF A 3/4 BATH v SIDE OF WALL AND CALL FOR Requested Time: 03:00 PM ' Phone: 390-8567 Entered By: DGOLDEN K TED IN THE GARAGE, MOVE TO OTHER SIDE OF MOVE TO OTHER n: pu tt|.u('-Ftnal rr: ROB HALL'S KITCHEI rs: will call 39&8567 unit o: JMONDRAGON l n: / REPT131 Run Id: 7724 a.! TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT \ 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES R- .( S*^tJ--^'=C.,*"\q Ccrr..A-a s A-1 ,I l-',rt--t',--[.tr' 4qf { \^o{ s' s78.00 s0.00 s78.00 s78.00 s0.00 MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO4-0294 Job Address: 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: RED SANDSTONE CREEK CONDOS, LINIT A-7 Applied. . : 11/ll/2004 ParcelNo...: 21030142000'7 Issued. .: 12103/2004 ProjectNo t i/n Expires. .: 0610112005 CONTRACTOR THE FIREPI-,ACE L1,/LL/2004 Plrone: 970-453-2272 P.O. Box 2133 Breckenridge, CO 80424 Li-cense: 2 51-M APPLICANT THE FIREPLACE Lt/tI/2004 Phone: 9'7Q-453-22I2 P.O. Box 2133 Breckenridge, CO 80424 License:251-M OWNER BYUS, CAROLfNE 1,I/LI/2004 Phone:4'76-4049 PO BOX 3411 VAIL co 81658 License; Desciption: INSTALL ONE DIRECT VENT GAS STOVE WITH DIRECT VENT FLUE SYSTEM (VERTICAL VENTILATION), GAS LINE IS PRE EXISTING Valuation: $2,700.00 Fireolace Information: Restsicted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas lrss; 0 # of wood Pelleg 0 ti* *t,t a,t 't*,t *,|,t*.itri Mechanical--> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> $50 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S15.00 DRBFee------------> s0.00 ToTALFEES------------> s3.00 $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> S0 . 00 Additional Fees------> S78.00 Total Pemit Fee-----> Payments-----------------> BALANCE DUE--------> ITeN: O51OO BU]LDING DEPARTME}JT 11,/23/2004 cCD Action: AP Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 22 (BIDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE I991 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : TNSTALLATfON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 ]MC. Cond:25 (BI,DG. ) : GAS APPL]ANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CTIAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. nnrA. ?Q (BIDG.): ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUrpMElir MUST COMpLy WrrH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 0F THE T997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOII-rERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.)3 PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond:30 (BLDG. ): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ BOILERS SHAI..,I, BE EQU]PPED WITH sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE 1997 rMC. NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNLESS POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR ROOMS CONTA]NING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY A FI-IOOR DRAIN PER SEC, 1.022 OF THE 1997 T'MC, OR ** +*,r* **,la lt trl t:l **'t *:l:l**:l* ****a,l** *r *tr *,* r* a'r,l *,1:r*t,r ** r* a,*****r.a DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOTJR HOURS IN ADV SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER ORCONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************+*******+++****++**********+********************************,t {r***:t {.{.****** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *+** * * * *+*** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * ***,|,F,!* * * * *f :f *,t ,t *:l*'t *d.:tt *******{.***** * * * + *+{r + +:t:t + t,l. +,1.:lr:1. * * Statement. Number: R040007219 Anount: 578.00 12/03/2004L2:08 PM Pal'ment Method : #6508 Check Inlt: LT Notation: The Fireplace / ck Total l\LL Pmts: Balance: ++ + * ***** * * * 'l * * * * ***1.*** *****:1.******* * * {.{.*****+ * * * * * *,t,F** * * * * * * * * * * * t * * *****+*********** ***+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Des cript ion ar r rrari l- Dmf c Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address : Locatron: This Payment: MP 001-00003111_100 PF 001000031_12300 wc 00100003r-12800 YI04-0294 Type: MECHANTCAL PERMIT 2LO30742000'7 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL RED SANDSTONE CREEK CONDOS, UNIT A-7 Total Fees: $78.00 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL TNSPECTION FEE $78.00 $78.00 $0.00 60.00 15.00 3.00 l:R[:r'l . -.1 'P , - t --,r, ^.^.-, ,r_,- i 1r\c:r-LiiLL:FAX i..if. :97Z4532'244 Nov, 1A 2AZ4 AttAePN P2 Apr,LIeArTOru [lrut-L t{t}Y BE ACCEp't?b rF ri{COMpLFfd OR Ulusu6rffD Project,tS: tsuilding Permit #: Mechanlcal Permat #! 970-479-4149 (Xnepettlons) 'j1Dl g. :jildi'iCarEe ttai,''lali, coloraelo EItiST lrvloq .","nc'ude! I rtHGrtVEn 1 ,"u-.nu'o,'u' Fermit will not bo a@pted without the followtng: p_QI{TRACTOR INtr'OR.MAt'rON ,+/A ,tr) Town ofVail Reg. No.:Conbct and Phone #'sl i"rECiAirJICAL: i; 23 06,oe ES t tJE"t c.g JobAddress: €gg &.€D S:tqta'srzrve l!"":: 'r7 b 4o D.eiailed description oi wcrk; -DJ,Q&cf ulL^pr Fn 'E- a;€7?'-rt-a. Ct!E_ Err2ec--_{ IF_rsJfrj*z / v E-art a,+L TE;.e,ot, u&,,.tJ",,- ar+S +i J-e 9"":::i=:-,.!3r.lp Adlig( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) orher( ) BoilerLuation: Inkrior( ) ArrBriorJ-)- OtirJ{ )-Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) fy;iecfBltig:single-farnirv( ) Duprex( ) Murtlfamilya)t=c"rr*.i"r( ) R.rtrrant( )orher( ) iilo. of Exisrjng Dwelling Uniis in this building:No. of Accommodation Units ln this building: ffi fireplace bo an EPA phase Offrce at I 328-86tl0 or visii forFarcel # < ltL> L-u?^t6' t St -^tAi.-r-t^r.- ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 801.-0257 Job Address: 955 RED SANDSTONE RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: BOTH A AND B BUILDINGS 18 UNITS EMPLOYEEAppIied . . : 10/31,/2001, Parcel No...: 21,030L4M001 Issued . . : 11/06/2001 Project No : Expires . .: 11'/27 /2001 owNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAN DTSTLO/3L/2OOT Phone:. 476-7480 845 FOREST RD VAIL, CO 87657 License: CoNTRACTOR BRAD'S ELECTRTCAL SERVTCE, rL}/3L/2OO1 Phone: 970-984-3508 P.O. BOX 707 NEWCASTLE, CO 84647 License: L20-E APPL,ICANT BRjAD' S EIJECTRICAIT SERVICE, ILO/3L/2001 Phone: 970-984-3508 P.O. BOX 707 NEWCASTT_,E, CO 845 47 I-,icense: L20-E Desciption: ELECTRIC POWER FOR HEAT TAPE(ROOF) Valuation: $5.000.00 FEE SUMMARY TOI^,N OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Y'tt' i:Q>tttt- \kxj-At ft1 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES \ O O Electrical----> DRB Fee-----> Investigation---> Will Call----> TOTAL FEES-> $90 - 00 90.00 $93.00 $93.00 $0.00 $93.00 $93 - oo $0 - 00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee--> Payments----'-2 BALANCE DUE-_----> Approvals:IEdm: 05000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 10131,/2001 JRM Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 i:-:":.:.1.:".:-1"".".:-..::::-".:-T-"-1:..::*.:."":::::.?...::.":::::...1l"l-.:::."-..""-3-I1-"--.T.i.l; DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accuraie plot plan, a.rd rtate that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninf and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. S]GNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 6 tt+.APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED TOWNOPYAIL Eol , ov-lftsluffi 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor: Bt*os Etecr. *v?u,t*: Town of Vail Reg. No.: l2o E, Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: S #roaF Or(Oo t Conbct Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) -., ;lo 3A14 ?&t Job Name: fr,o 5Ar^ttls^,r,f{ cerJtws Job Address: 7ss E.,rl s/tl}gh^/E w) Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Deuiled description of work: Pulez ru 6_tg-svrc sr*., -tuet-r (*_ *n) WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( 1 Otner0\) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (14 Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex( j Vutti-famllV (-{ Com"tcial ( ) Restaurant ( ) O$er ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation UniG in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (rrro (x) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes QQ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) ***************************i***********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* F:/everyone/forms/elecperm .G\ o f D tr ! Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail.o Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panei. s The main disconnect switch shail be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another, Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES o All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. r if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. lc'31-,p/ Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. .rr HOW DID I'VE RATE WTH YOU? Torm of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Director, (970) 47s.213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental_ Housing Admin Planning DRB PEC Was your initial contact wiih our stafi immediaie no one available_? siow df lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? n 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? Was this your firsttime to file a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A Please rate the performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 54321Nams (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall effectiveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 What is the best time of dav for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time b complete this survey. We are commited b irnproving our service. lfgigs g$EEgg Ht€s€E t\r+ G|-r € Or ca € !+(\-i &o\ € ra Y € G s6 gY \J ht az :l(e !{tr x ^4.) 4 .; o d lti (-) c, .>' E g & F \o a o (J I 'qi il 9. E E E ut in F F € (J J (lt I t (l ntt g ,\ \o t 00 .E q.r o E B o ! () 5 6 (t) € o RI o & 0) bo .9q t\ a t-.U Fr g e .t) z t-o z a & ii u 0) o a {)E t i, E z oo E: €fi >,E tE FN .!.= ii n a.H {.E E I"EE flEe € du F 3..E r{gc) EE H 5;.E .eFE bHE sEe gEs .9eE t!=ss6 € HE EE il Elq)s EEF aE.:B€€ :i$E g hoH fiFE EEF ,g=.F FS I H U 7, tr D U U o F{o FI H d U H fs{H H fr frl U F :E* E$s * $E$t $AES R.$F;qE A $s i! g tr)tsa u; at !) att € E (t = Li a B a (I)'g (+r rrt vt I !Iq o r !:nfl,rr+,# DE'ARTMENT oF coMMUNrry DE'EL.'MENT Zt/ lf rtlail s^b/ntevJ. RED SANDSTONE EMPi-,OYEE 2L03-0L4-04-001 St.atus...: ISSIJED HOApplied. . : 08/28/L998 Issued.. . : 09/1,7/a998 E>cpires. . : 03/1-6/1,999 Phone: 970-984-2196 r'uWr$ OF' VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD .- r,C, gL6S7 97 0 -479 -2L38 NOTE: .fob Address: Locat.ion. . . : Parcel No..: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED NEW MIILTI-FAM BUILD PERM ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: 898-0246 APPLICA}IT CONTRACTOR OWNER Building-----> Pl.an check- - - > Invest igaLion> Will cal.I----> PARTAIN CONSTRUCTION, INC.P. O. BOX 615, 2450 COITNTY ROAD 314, NEW cAsrLE, co 81647 BOX Y, AVON CO 8L620 DescripLion: CONSTRUCT 9 NEW MI'LTI-FAMII-,,Y IJNITS BLDG IIAI' Occupancy ApartmenE Houses Private Garages 2 V-1HR & V-N 2 V-N USER VALUATION: 9?S, O00 #of cas Appliances: approved amount date Factor Sq. FeeE 67 .44 L0,57'7 25.56 2,388 SubEotaI:L2 ,965 Total Valuation: *of Gae Logs: 7l.3,3L2.88 6L,037 .28 774,350.L6 774,350.L6 *of wood/Pal]eL: rype Zote Zone Table DaLe: 05 /L7 /1-996 Fir:ptaee Infonation: Reetricted: Y FEE SUI.,IMARY 4,24o.oo R€sEuarants Plan R.vicw- - > 2.'136.OO DRB Fcc- ----- -- - ToEaL calculated Fee€---> AddiEional. Fees- -- -- - --- > Total Pennit Fee-- --- --- > Paymentd-------- BAI,ANCE DUE.. - - .O0 Rccrcation Pcc----------> 7,4O3.9O 3 .00 Clcan-Up Dapogi!--------> 750.00 TOTAI, FBES.. -. - .00 400-00 15, 552 . 90 .00 .oo PARTATN CONSTRUSTTON, rNC. TOV/P. O. BOX 615, 2450 COUNTY ROAD 3l,Ar NEW CA LION,S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT UICAN.UP ffi ItSDrqgff -27e6 rosit Refund Valuation IEEM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI'IT DEPb: BUILDING 08/28/L998 GGOODELL ACTiON: APPR PLAN REVIEW COMPLETE ITbM:. O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT DCPE: PI,ANNING 08/28/1998 GGOODELL AcT,iON: APPR FOR DOMINIC FROM 898-186 ITbM:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{T DEPT: FIRE 08/28/L998 GGOODELL AcEion: APPR FOR GI,LICK FROM B98-0186 rE.bm:'05500 PUBLIC woRKs Dept: PIIB WORK 09/1,7/L998 TPARTCH AcEJ-on: APPR TP-SEE CONDITIONS ITbM: O57OO ENVIRONMEI.ITAL HEALTH DEPT: HEALTH o9/1,7/L998 .fRM Act.ion: APPR N/A ITbM:' 05550 ENGINEERING DEPE: ENGINEER 09/L7/L998 TPARTCH AcE,ion: AppR TP-SEE coNDrTroNs Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of E.his Document for any condit,ions thaE may apply to this permit. DECIARATIONS I hereby acknouledge thaC I have read thir .pptic.tion, fi1led out i.n futl th. information required, complehed an accurate PloL plan, and €tate lhah all Ehe informaEion provided a6 raquired i6 corlect. I agre6 to cotnply tiEh the information ar|d plot plan, to comply with alt Torn ordinanceg and 6Eate 1a{6, and to buil.d Ehi6 Ellucture according Co the Tosn'6 zoning and eubdivision codee, deeign review approved, Uniform Building cod€ end othcr orainadces of tshc T Iicable Lhereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIAI]IJ BE MADE 1'WENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE AT OUR OFFICE FROM S€nd Clcan-Up Dcposie To: n*tOrt **"t*ft STGNATTJRE *lR oR co![TRAsroR FoR HTMSBLF AND owNER : ':. t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS Permit #z 898-0246 as of 09/L7/98 Stat,us: rssIlED ******************************************************************************** Permit T\pe: NEW MIILTI-FA!! BUILD PERM AppLicanE. : PARTAIN CONSTRI'STION, INC. 970 -984-2796 ilob Address: LocatsioN: RED SANDSTONE EMPLOYEE HOUSING Parcel No: 21-03-014-04-001 Applied: 08/28/1,998 Issued: 09/1-7/a998 To Elq)ire : o3/1,6/1999 Description: CONSTRU T 9 NE9I MI'LTI-FAI{ILY I]NITS BLNG IIAN Conditions:1. CHIMNEY CAPS PROVIDED AS PRESEMTED.2. CHTMNEYS SHALL BE STUCCO. 3 . PROVIDE WOODEN COI-,T'MN BASES AS DETAILED BY THE DRB. 4. COMPI,ETE CIVIL PLANS FSQUIRED PRIOR TO BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE. 5. FIRE DEPT. APPROVAL REQUIRED PRIOR TO COMMENEING CONSTRUCTION. 6. ST'BMIT SPRINKLER SYSTEM PLANS FOR FIRE DEPT. REVIEW ASAP. 7. SEE PIAN REVIEW FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS. 8. DRIVEWAY CEI{TERI,INE GRADE CANNOT EXCEED 9I 9. AREA FROM THE MAILBOXES SOUTH TO APPROXIMATELY CONTOI'R 94 MA Y REQUIRE GUARDRAIIJ IF FIEI'D CONDITIONS UIARRAIiIIT L0. AI\IY BOIII-,DER WAIL OVER 4' IN HEIGHT WILL REQUIRE A PE STAMP TOWN OF VAIIJ, COITORADO -,iirerra*rrtt** SEatsamn! statctutE Nuolccr I REC-0{51 AdounE: Paymcnc lilcthod i cK NoteEion: 15,5s2.90 09/L7 /9e LI:.SS 5496 IniE | .tRM PermiE Nor 893-02{6 \C)c: HF BUILD NEw Mu!TI-FAu BUILD Parcef No: 21o3-01,4-04-o01 Locati.onr RED S.ANDSTONE EMPLoYEE HousING ToEal Fe€€: 15,552.90 This PaymenE 15,552.90 ToEal ALL t,trr!6: Eal.ance: AccounE Code Deecripcion 15, 552 . 90 .00 BP OO1OOO03l11TOO BUII,DING PERMIT FBES DR OO1OOO031122OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES PF 00100003112300 PLIN CHECK FEES AD D2 -DEPO B Amount 4,240,00 400,00 2,756.OO 750.00 ?,4O3.90 3.00 CLE.ANUP DEPOSITA ' i r .o]3]12?00 RECREATION PEES WC OO1OOOO3112BOO WITJIJ CI],IJ INSPECIION FEE I DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEN:| qrt,\ tz,"t:o4 9,,. NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES l.r,':,_,t- ADD/ALT MF BUTLD PERMIT PermiI #: B98-O]-95 .r) , ,/\ a ,-' /&k/ 7 l'aa''e4z'X-a-., o'/'/"<-J /{-ou.,-/o - ---1 TO$IN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROI{|AGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81,657 970-479-2L38 ilob Address:Location...: Parcel No..: Project, No.: 2r_03 -01_4-04-00r_ PR,l98 - 0178 Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued. . ..: E><pires : . : ISSIJED 07 /20 /L9eB 07'/ 22 / L99B oI/Le /L999 APPLICAI\IT ASPEN EARTHMOVING, I-,LC P. O. BOX l_090, 818 TNDUSTRY COI{TRACTOR ASPEN EARTHMOVING, LLC P. O. BOX L090, 818 TNDUSTRY OhINER LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 8l_520 Description: GRADING PERMIT FOR RED SANDSTONE HOUSING Phone: CARBONDALE, CO Phone; CARBONDALE, CO TOV/Comm' Clean-uP De efund approved amount date PLACE, PLACE, 970 -963-"0377 8162 3 97 0 -963 -0377 8L523' ''! f' ' Dev. Occupancy: T)pe ConsLruction: Type Occupancy: J varuacr-on: eircplace Infordation: RestricE.cd: 50, 000 #of cas Appliances: FEE SUMMARY Add Sq Ft: *of Gas Log6: *Of wood/Pallets: /res t'Jfi/ ToLal calculaEed Feee---3 Additional FeEs------ --- > ToLal PenniE Fee--------> PaynenEs-------- BAIANCE DUE---- Building-----> Plan Check- - - > Inve€t igation> wi I1 call- - - -> .00 ,00 ,00 250.O0 1, 061.S0 ,00 1,061,50 I,051.50 ' .00 490.00 .00 3.OO Restuarant PIah R€view- - > DRB Fee--------- Rccreation Fec- ------- --> CIcan-Up Dcposi.t- ----- --> TOTAL FEES. -. - - o7 /20 /L998 'CHAB.I{E Action:TMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:: APPR CIARLIE DAVIS ftem: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMEN-I irbm:' 05460 -DLeNNrNq Ds It,bm:'05400 PLANNING DEpARTMEM Dept: PLANNING Divisio.6ll2ottgga. csanl,rn A--ion; Noie pLANS To DoNf " I 07/20'/\99,g DOI IDIIC AcEion: APPR Div4sion: Divisi-on:Divisioh:':IE.em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT -,'.,'."."..:.'..-:"...'.'."":-'.-'-",..-" .,'"".'."..'.- ".."":..:-.'t'.":.:" .. See Page 2 of this DocumenE. for any conditions that may apply.to.tshis permit.. DECIARATIONS r hcleby acknor.l.edgc lhaE I havc read thie application, filled ouE in fuII thc information lequired, completscd an accurate plot p1an, and sLatc !ha! all thc information provj,dcd a5 t:equilcd i6 colrccE. I agr€e to comply lriEh the informalion and alot Plan, to conply r.ith atl Town ordinanccE and stsatc lawe, and to buiLd this sbru;tu:c accordi.ng to Eh. Torn'6 zoning and aubaivision cod66, de.ign revi€l. rpprov€d, Uniform Buil.ding cod€ anil ot.he! ordinanceB of the Toi.n applicable Eheletso. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}IAI,L BE I.4ADE TT{EMIY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVENCE BY scnd cLcan-Up Dcposit To: ASPEN EARTH MovrNG rLem:'05500 puBl-,rc woRKs .\ Debt: PIJB woRK Divisioh:':07/20/L998 C}IARLIE ACC1ON: NOTE GREG H APPROVED Dept: FIRE Debt: PIJB PM S:00 AM 5:00 HII'SE LF AND OI4NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit. #: 898-0195 as of 07 /22/98 SE.atsus: ISSIJED ******************************************************************************** Permit Tfrlge: ADD/AIJT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant: ASPEN EARTHMOVING, LLC 970-963-0377 ilob Address: tocation: Parcel No: 2103 -01_4-04-001_ Applied: 07/20/L998 Issued: 07/22/L998 To Elcplre1. oL/t8/L999 Description: GRADING PERMIT FOR RED SANDSTONE HOUSING Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. THIS PERMTT IS FOR GRADING, AND IJNDERGROI]ND UTILITY WORK ONLY TOWN OF VATL, COLOR,ADO Sta!arlnE Nunibcr: REC-0425 AmounE : Pal.ftcnt. Mcthods CK NoEaEionr S{92 SEetc6nE 1, 051.50 o7 /22/9a Lot23 Inir: i{Aw PermiE No: B9g-0195 Typc: A-MF Parccl No: 2I03 - 014 - 04 - 001. Tolal Fcc€: ThiE PaymenE L r 061 . 50 Tota1 M. PmtE : Balance: AccounE code D!6criprion ADD,/AI,T llF BUILD PER rr**,, * t** a * r ta r*1i 1, O51.50 L,06L.50 .00 Atnount 490.00 318.50 250.00 3.00 BP OO].OOOO31I11OO BUILDINC PERMIT FEES Pa 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES .AD00100002403r.00 CLEANUPDEPOSITS WC OO1OOO0311280O T,II],IJ CAI'IJ INSPECTION FEE 3onEac JT Y/U \RCEL l ,\ r -J Eag1c councv n""o""or$rr"" 28-8640 for Parcel //. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: PEfu\IIT /I -----uetq t -a n6 I APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLE?ELY OR IT MAY }IOT BE ACCEPTED * * * * * * * * * * t< * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATTON **************rt******* [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical t l -Mechani'caL / t -Other L fob Name:Job Address: Legal' DescriPtion: Lot Block l2 Filing SugDIVISION: l.-/2^/ t FtpcrE lwners Uame :Address : 75 -z- Ffu,*i f e FOp|n. 4-n. Z1+l 5&^, /yWN ."T frZZO ph.W trchitectz €='TEVE-N+ eKr-;l tNc Address: leneral DescriPtion: lork Class: [r(] -New I I -Alteration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other tumber of Dwelling Unitsl. l*Number of Accohnodation Units: .fmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet i * * )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * rrr )t * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * iurtor*", *EI,ECTRICAL: $ MEcFrANfcAlt $ -'_ -?LUMBING: $ iddresst ,)ih lNDatri-F-'l EL,+.',e:, ZzrFettxttza,uE <;,c> phone Nunber: *-Z C,?11 llectrical Contractor: Town of VaiI Reg. No.,,ddress i phone Nunber: )]umbing Contractor: Town of VaiI Reg. No.rddress Iechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. No..----=-- Phone Nurnber:\ddress: _ . * *** * * * *** ** **** * )k* *** *'t* * * **** 1 * 'k * * * >k >\ * * * r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR r NFOtlfllO'^4Q11 tp,$ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *feneral cojrtlractg. 4ry'\!_hFfttzyVvrrtet_hr'/J)(',rb-wn of VaiI Reg. No. /;1E X FOR OFFTCE USE BUILDING **** **** ******** * xrt* tt *rkrk*)t **** x PI,AN CHECK FEE. - }UILDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: 1ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: |LECTRICAL FEE: \.NrJE D |-FVDF NI' FFF. ]DN FE F. PLWBING PI,AN CHECK -FEE'MECHANTCAL PI.,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT F.EES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: G !(U U.H lomnents: VALUATION , CLEAN IJP DEP.OSIT REFI]ND TO: ,'hHn OI '.'ll 'lrl A;ll ?5 ?os!h*.o'rt gc?u,J '', !ri:.'tolu: dD 8155i . : .. lzszi 47 I -2i:i .rr:: -A;/-g_-Zl3 9 --.elll:rric.oinrrr':::.':fudDp nr e n I FRO}1: DATE: :i{'BIECT: '', . :..rAli;. i,COttr[R*EtTRS.,,gatgRDtrlY.fr.JeiFctstEai_!._.t,ItgH TEE .TDI{N D5 :I/AI:. rolrN OF VA.IL,_PuBLIC WoRKS/Co aruNITy DEVELOPITENT EARCH 16, 19Be , ,. i cOi{gEt$CTlcON jgllBts-rtic ..e..-1lAiEEfj3ii ."SttD]L]Et: 6-',i n ..f"dU.!... ,:ii- 9a.9e o+-'q,p ,bv, t.he .Iown of to .obtain g copy. Thank you fer. your : , ;S.rt .'rsllt?rrB.ar]'. ."Erdile,.rrC€..r."blc)_,,.6r.:s!ates .that j t."il.=.:nr,1.gr,-fu1 -for .zn4z "r'I"'erson'to 'litte=, -.,t:rac): ,nr'f';:d€@osit ,.ani'-=.ii:l==,.x.,-san:ci; :_d.e-!a,i;' iD' "o'ater-:ar " '.inc"'1ud!-rrg ,trasht.derruS:srers, ".porc.!a)rle.taifets .a-i ''d'tprk$en ve h icL€.s i :\r4Fon : ianv,'r strce t,,,.sia" i-aiil Er er,- . or. prrlr-l ir . ',pla.ce ro!..,,?rr.,"uerLlon,.tb*ieot- ;,Ebe..aigh._.oi_r,,ay orr aLl ,Tbr.rD .xd,. ..:vail =tr,..il ina- roaa=lrii.,'aJpr;""ina1:eJ-y ..5 . Ji- orr .pav,emerrt-.' t{tiris rcroi.rrance r'ri-l;l . ..Jee *=r="-riJv...e.'for.c-c .l,5r t}rc..Torn.of ,aJaiL .' -.:llicllio:::_":piTrmenr. -pu*o"=. found viilaring .this c,r:,Jj-nance rve' a 2ri hour writtcn notice to remove saio lrateriar.'.r the event the persor., =o :.,o!if iecl does -r-rot"'.o*pIy with the notice r+ithin the 24 nour time specifieci, the pubric Horks Departnent vri1l remove saia mateli"i "t-tr,J'^J*p.r,=p of person notified. .Ihe provisicns of tnrs ord:.nance shall- not be appricable to construction, maintenan"" "i-r"pair projects of any street or atley or any'utiliti;; i; ti,"-iignt_a_way. R Y ead and q^-{e"'-^- osition/Rel@1i.e 7-t tb acknovrl edged Date contraitor, owner) lnwn n llfll 75 3oulh ,ronlsge road va ll, colo16do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 of llco of communlly devolopmerrt EUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TII,tE FMI,IE ll^tli:-fr?jt.lgeui"es a Tovrn of Vait Fire oepartmenr Approval ,tnglneer"s (.Publ ic l,lorks) reyiew and approva'l ,'a planning'Oepartrnent review or Hea'l th Deoartmint.review, unb u review by the Builbing - - Department, the estimatea iime i"r'"-iot"r review may take as rong as three weeks, A] l commercial (large or sma'H ) and ail murti-famiry permits wilr have to follow tne iuove menti6neJ-mu*irrr requiremenii. Residentia.l :19.,:T:1]^prgjegts.shou'ld take a lesser amount of tjme. However, if resroentrar or snraller projects impact the various above mentioned departmcnts r'rith regard'to necessai-y review, tneie pro:u.ti ,n.v also take ilie three week peiioO, Every attcmpt vrii I be made by th.i s clcparLnrent to expedi te this pet'rnit.aS s.qon as possible. - I' th. undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame, Communi ty Development Departrnent. .bAND€3TANE r MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PERMIT'' IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: FI E: --FD <zAN?.-PTOAJE'Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need lor a "Public Way Permit': YES NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of lhe right ol way, easemenls or public property? ls any utilily work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed 1o sile olher than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done af{ecling the right of rvay, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Fight Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or {encing? B. lf no 1o BA, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? e\ 4) 5) ,( o, 8) r /- x lf you answered yes 1o any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's olfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Conslruction lnspeclor, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Date Job Name Contraclo/s Signalure o EVELO TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81,657 970-479-2L38 1'C'/i Comm. Dev*otr. Clean-up De,it Refund approved amount COI{TRACTOR OVINER Occupancy ApartmenE, Houses Prlvat.e Garages Table Date: 05/L7/L996 FircDlacc InfoiraLion: ReBtricted: Y date f, tr€E_ -Uft/ry_APPLICAIiilT PARTAIN CONSTRUCTION, INC. DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMIJNITY D PMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-O247 NEW MT]LTI-FAM BUII-,D PERM Address r StaEus...: ISSUED E,ion. . . : RED SANDSTONE EMPLOYEE HOApplied. . : 08/28/1'998 Parcel No. . : 2l-03-014-04-001 Issued...: 09/L7/L998 Expires..: 03/L6/L999 Phone: 970-984-2796 CASTLE' CO 8L647 Phone: 970-984-2796 cAsTLE, CO 81547 P. O. BOX 615, 2450 COU}ITY ROAD 3L4, PARTAIN CONSTRUCTION, INC,P. O. BOX 6L5, 2450 COIJNTY ROAD 314, LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 8L620 Type Zorre2V-1HR&V-N Zone 2 V-N Factor Sq. Feet Valuat.ion 67 -44 LO,577 71-3,3L2.88 25 -55 2 ,388 6L, O37 .28 SubtoEal A2,965 774,350.16 Total- Valuation: 774,350.16 #of Ga6 Logs:#of 9{ood/PalleL: NEW NEW DescripLion: CONSTRUCT 9 NEW MT]I-,TI-FAMII-,Y UNITS BUII.,,DING ''BII USERVALUATIoN: 9?5,000 *of oas Appliancc6: FEE SWMARY Plan Check- - - > Inveatigation > 4,240.00 2,'ts6 -oo .00 ,00 400.00 7, 403 , 90 Re6luaranE Plen Ravi,cw- - > DRB Fee-- -- -- -- - Recreation Fee- --- -- --- -> Total Calculatsed Feee- - _> 15,552.90 Addi.tional Fees---------> .oo Total Pennit Fee-- -- --- -> 15,S52.90 Pal.ments------- a5,552.90 will call----> 3-oo clcan-up DcposiE-- -- --- -> 750.0o ........:31*.:lii;;;;::".;;;;;.i.-.-...i?:il1;::...."..::fl:l.?Y3;;;.;;::;;:;;;.""'."'.'.:::.'. IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:08/28/L998 GGOODELL ACT,iON: APPR PI,AN REVIEW EOMPLETE iEbm;'o54oo-Fr,auttrNc DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division: 08/28/L998 c'eooDELL Act,ion: APPR FoR DoMrNrc FRoM E}98-185 itbm;'o5eoo-Fins-DEpARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: 08/28/L998 C'GOODEI-,I-, Act.ion: APPR FOR GIJL,ICK FROM B98-01-86 iEbm;'o55oo-Fuslre wonxS Dept: PllB woRK Division: 09/L7/1,998 TPARTCH ACTiON: APPR TP-SEE CONDITIONS ita1n;'.o57oo-rlffrnom,1E-ntAt--ttsALrH Dept: HEALTH Division: o9/L7/L998 'JRM Act.ion: APPR N/A rtbm:'05550 ENGTNEERTNG DePE: ENGTNEER Division: 09/L7/L998 TPARTCH ACEiON: APPR TP-SEE CONDITIONS See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any condj-tions thaE may apply t.o this permit I hereby acknoel.dge Chat f havc read this application, fillcd ouE in full Ehe inforhaeion lcquircd, coFpletcd atr plan, and state lhats all Che infohlation plovidod ae raquircd i€ correct. I aglee to couply wj-th the informaEion to comply wiLh .11 Town oldinances and slat.c Lerrs, and tso buil.d this Btructurc Town's zoning and acculaEe ploL and plot p1an, Bubdivision codcs, dcsign rcvicw approved, Uniform Builaing codc and othc! ordinanc€e of thc Tosn REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWE}ITY.FOT'R HOT'RS IN ADI.ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT :211I oUR OFFICE FRoM g:00 AM 5:00 PM sortd c:oaniup D6po.t r ro3 prRTArlt crcNgrRc{STGNATuRE * O oR coMrRAcroR FoR HrrrsELp AND owNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit, #: 898-024'7 as of 09/17/98 SEaLus: fSSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: NEW MIILTI-FAI{ BUILD PERM Applicant : PARTAIN CONSTRUCTfON, INC. 970-984-2796 Job Address: Locat,ion: RED SANDSTONE EMPLOYEE HOUSING Parcel No: 21-03-014-04-00L Applied: 08/28/L998 rssued: 09/17/L998 To Erqgire : 03 /1.6/1,999 Description: EONSTRUCT 9 NEW MT'I-,TT-FAMII.,Y I'NITS BUILDING IIBII CondiE.ions:1. CITIMNEY CAPS PROVIDED AS PRESEI\ITED 2. C-ITIMNEYS SHALL BE STUCCO. 3 . PROVIDE WOODEN COI,I]MN BASES AS DETAILED BY THE DRB. 4. COMPLETE CTVIL DRAWINGS REQUIRED PRTOR TO BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAIiICE.5. FIRE DEPT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. 6 . SI'BMIT SPRTNKI,ER PI,ANS TO FIRE DEPT FOR REVIEW ASAP. 7. SEE PI,N.T REVIEW FOR SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTION PJQUIREMENTS. 8. DRIVEWAY CENTERLINE GRADE CANNOT EXCEED 9T 9. AREA FROM THE MAILBOXES SOIIrH TO APPROXIMATEI-,Y CONTOI]R 94 MA Y REQUIRE GUARDRAIL IF THE CONDITIONS WARRANT 10. ANY BOITLDER WAIJL OVER 4' IN HEIGHT WILL REQUTRE A PE STAMP * ************************l*************************l******** -.vh^r UF' VAIL, COLORADO Stsatemnt *******************************************************:l******** StaternnE Number: REC-0451 Amount:t5,552.90 09/L7 /98 11:55 Init: iIRM Pa)ment Method: CK Not.ation: 5485 Permit No: 898-0247 I)pe: MF BUrLD NEW MWTI-FAM BUrL.,D Parcel No: 2103-014-04-001 LOCAEiON: RED SAT'IDSTONE EMPI-,OYEE HOUSING This Payment **************************************************************** Total Fees: L5,552.90 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Account Code Description BP OO1OOO03l.].1.].OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR 00100003r-1-2200 DESTGN REVTEW FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CIIECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS RF 111OOOO31127OO RECFSATION FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL EAI,L INSPECTION FEE L5,552.90 15, 552 . 90 .00 AmounL 4,240 .OO 400.00 2,'756.00 750.00 7,403 . 90 3.00 DEPARTMETflT OF COMMI]NITY PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M99-0021 I DEVELO Job Address...: I,OCATION : 945 RED SANDSTONE RD Parcel No... . . : 2l_03-014-04-001-Project Number: PRiI98-01-78 Status - . (BLDG A Applied. Issued. . E><pires. ISSI]ED 03 /1,7 /Leeg 03 /17 /L999 09 /L3 /t999 Phone: 970-963-LL42 Phone: 970-963-L142 r_1 ,000.00 #of wood/Pal,l€t: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIflTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L6s7 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI T EAGLE AIR SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. BOX 28399, EL ,IEBEL, CO CONTRACTOR EAGLE AIR SYSTEMS, INC. P.O. BOX 28399, EL, 'JEBEL, CO OI^INER LION, S RIDGE V{ATER DISTRISI BOx Y, AVON CO 8r_520 Descri.ption: BATTI FANS,COMB AIR,BOII.,ER FLUES ONLY!! fircplace InformaEion: Restsrictsedi y *of ca6 Appiiances: 81,628 81624 Valuation: +of cias LogE; FEE STJUMARY ilechanical_ -- > Plan check- - - > Investj.gation> will call----> Regtuarant Plan Review- - > DRB Fee- - - TotaL Calculated Fee6--- > Additional Fees- --'- - -- -> Total Per:mit Fee-------_> Payment.s-------- 220 . O0 55.00 . o0 - oo 21A.00 .00 roTAL I'EES----- 3.00 215 -OA .00 278 -OO 27e -OO BAI,ANCE DUE-... .OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:JRM Action: APPR APPROVED .fRM-FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPI: FIRE DiWiSiON:.JRM AcEion: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION.A,IR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701. OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR SEETION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFAETURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 1-O OF TTIE ]-997 IJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1.997 IMC.4. GAS APPIJIANCES SIIAI'L BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER B AND SIIATL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE ]-997 IMC.ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.].O].7 OF THE 1997 I]MC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. BOILERS SHALL BE MOT]NTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. PERMIT,PL.A.NS .A,ND CODE ANA,LYS]S MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION R-EOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI,I, BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 1-022 0F THE 1997 tMC, OR gEgrrON 1004.5 0F THE l-997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** Item:05L00 03 /L7 /L999 Item:05500 03 /L7 /]-999 5. 7. 8. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoYledg€ that I have read Ehis applicat.ion, filled out in fu]l the inforhat.ion required. conpleted an accuratse plot Plan, and Btate Ehat all tshc inforlation provided as requiled is corfect.- r agree tso comply with che infot!0ation and ploc plan, !o cohply eitsh all ToHn ordinances and state lar6, and Eo build t.hi,s structurc aecordihg to Ehe To{n,s zoning and subdivj.sion codes, design revj.€r applovcd, Uniforn Euilding Code and oEh6r ordinances of ehe Toen applicable lheleto. OR AT OIIR OFFICE FROM S:00 AM s:00 Pl,t o TOI'IN OF VAIL, COLORA.DO 272. oa 03/23/99 L5t03 scacellmE fni E : ,rN gtaEennE Number: REC-0497 Anounu: Payuene M6thod: c'K Notation: gO22 Pereic No: M99-0021 Type: B-MACH MECITANICAL PER-| IT Parcel No: 21o3 - 014- 04 -o01 I,oeat,ion: 945 RED SANDSToNE RD (BI.DG A UNITS 1.9) 2?8,00 274. OO Balancc: .0o Tolal Feea: Thia Palrment 27A.OA Total .tLL PnEs: Account Codc DeacripEion ItP 0010oo0311L3oo MECHANICAL PERI,IIT FEES PF 001.000031.12300 PLAN.CHECI<FEES WC OO1OOOO3],12800 WILIJ CALIJ INSPECTION FEA AltrounE 220.OO 55. 00 3 .00 6fr-oz-y'h 4 f r 'PtLk(l' I/ APPlrcATroN I'fusr BE FTLLED OUT colIpLETELy oR rr l[Ay Nor BE AccEprED X****i * * * * * 't * x * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * pERMfT f HfOrutaf fON :r * * *:r * * * * * * * * )r * )+ * * r rr * * )r )r ** **,' f 1-Etrril'l.ix^L r-D\rJ'rLrrrrg [ ]-Pl-umbing [ ]-Electrical [aJ-Mechani-cal I J-other Job Narne: ilZS St^rlSAi-Y -i-:H Job Address: .jLlS-/)' t- Legal Description: f_,ot Block Fi'1 i n., owners Nahe: 1-Crrrsh6 114_6.; Ar..'rf{-ar.t-;;;;.";;,,.:,,,Llc l=;1"1,'5 '--- - R.z liork class:- [{-New t j-Xte!#. Nunber of Dwerliie'units, lE Number of Accomh"u..r";";;r.- #*:: and Type of Firep3.aces: Gas AppLiances_ Gas Loss_ ,r";;;.;".- fr***tr'i*xx*rt******:t*rt*!t************* vALUArroNg :rr Jr Jc :r i, :k :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t * 2 * * * )r *** 7 BUTiDTNG: $r.tr,.,h,hYr,^ _-_ ELECTP.TCAL: $ Address: El.ectrical Contractor: Atidress: Address: Town of Va:I Req- NO.Phone Nunber: l/ Town of VaiI Fen N^ Phone Number: ., T9*r of Vail Reg. NO.LLPhone Nunber: BUII,DTNG PI,AN CHECX FEE: Mecha:rical Cont.raccor.: Addre: s: ilc l1:)x .25 ErKt /] l/i -$9rc r\t [7;c ?own of vair Reg. Ncr}3J-zr/ rr-l\-# oFFr cE u5g n *wl * :t )k * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t,r ;;r_aj ?.a Fr|D ***rk:tt * ** *** * *rt ***if *,l:,.:k * * * )t * * * * x BUILDTNc pnRtIIT FEE: PI,TIMB NG PERMTT FEEI ME ]}IA1 ICAL PERMIT FEE:EL'C?I TCAL IEE: O?:IER IYPE OF FEE: T'ID P Fl: E' . PLWBING PLAN CHECi( Ti;;MECHANTCAL PLAN CUrC?_rrN: .-------.-- ?<*rf*** R-ECR-EATTON FEE: CI,EAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATTJRE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Contractor: var,uartoH DF:P,OSIT II*!?I]XD TC : - tr 75 soulh fronlage road va ll, colorado B 1S5Z (3o3) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 rF.l . FROM: ltlTtr. qtIElYFr'.n. o lrlce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH THE TOIfN OP VAIL TotDl oF VAIL puBLIc lloRKs/colnruNIfy DEtrELOpi.rEN" ILARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUC TION PARKING & }TATTRIAL STOzu.GE In surunary, ordinance No. 6 states !!3t i!_ is unlawful for any pe'son to Litter, track "r-a"pJJr:,ily soi1, rocl:, sand, Cebris ;:, ffi:;.+lil"il!r"c1ins trisr.,-5u^p=t"r,, poriobre toilers .nd pI; ce "',;;;-;;;.!i::.f,iI.3fi"'fi"=ii;Hi15l;li;:";irill:*-",Va I, stre,:ts ind. roads is approiimateiy-u-it. -iri por.m.r,t.Th ; ordinance r.ri'' be ;r.i;ii;^enforced by the To*n of VaiI Pui'ric ' I?orks oeoartment- -^n".=ins founcl ri'.r.iir,g this orcrinance wirr be siven a^24 hour r.it.t;;";otice-to*;;;;;"=said mai.rial.rn the event rhe person so notit:_ea-Jo.J-";i,:;;pry with the notice within an:^3,1 hour.ti*.-!pu"ified, the puti.ic works Dep?lln.ent vrirr remove said rnareiili^ii-.1,.:":_:::notiri.a. rn.-p.ovisions ;r'.niiil:"i:"::: :f;lil';":to!..=.,appricabr'e to ctnstructior'r, muint-nu."" or repair projects of any stre't or a11ey ". ;;t'"liiitr.. rn. the righi_a_way. To revievr..Ordinance No-. e in fuII, please stop by the To!/n of ::; ":lii3i"g,.,":f;i:'il:ii"::"";;;in a copv- ri,u,'i. vou ror your tr . C Orrti,(.to Project ;-.3-9J ( i . e. contractor, oi+ner) 75 30ulh lronla ge road v8ll, colorado g165z (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olllce ol communlty devolopmerr I BUILOING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI,IE If' thi.s perml:t requjres a Tov/n of vai'r [i re Department Approvar , ..Ensineep''s (Publ t" I:if I ;;;;;'uni:upp.ouul ,,a p.lannine,Depart$r nt review or Herrth Departmint.ieview,-unl ,u.revievr by the 6uirding Department, ;he estinated time tor'a-iotat ..ui.n-i,uv"iuii'r, ion.as three wee:ls. All cornmerci;r1 '(lurg:^:l:.Tull) and a.lt nrutti_family permirs wiil have to foll< vr ihe abov-e .rnentioneJ ri"irrr requ.i rements. Residentia'r and small prr jects should tJt"-u-i"ti"r uround ot-iir".' However, if res'identiar < r snrarter.projectr-i;;;;i' the various above mentioned departments r. ith reqa.rd' $";;;;r;;ii-r.utu", these projects may a'l so take the three-week period. !y"ry,attempt vrijl t -. made by this permTt.aS s.qon as pcssi bl e. I, th" unders igned, r.rnderstand the I I olllg .- departnrent to expedite this. plan check piocedure and time :dL n Prr r1traf Date Work Sheet was tuined-fiTo -t 'Commun'i ty Development Departnrent. FROM: DATE: IIEIIORANDiJM 'ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'' DEPAHTMENT IS REQUIRED SzfruDsz-.e M D? questionnaire regariJing lhe need for a .public Way permit": NO B) A. ls the right of vray, easernents or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to tA, is a parking, staging or {encing'plan required by Communily Development? I you answered yes to an.'of lhese questions, a'Public Way permit' muslbe obtained. "ublic Way Permit' applicaiions may be obtained al the public Wo/x's ofiice or al c omlnulily Deve.lopm:nl. . ll you have'any questions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Tor,rn of Vaii Construction lnspeclor, at 479-215g. { { ( { K K I have read at l\l too uaneJ!$-ftfr Date: qllelc.4< Please answe r th e.followino ls this a ne w residence? ls demoliti,rn work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public frope;ty? ls rny'utility rvork needed? ls .he criveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site otl'er than existing dnveway? ls ;rny cirainage wor'x being done aff':cling the ritrht of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revor:able Right Of Way permit" required? I B y1{'Ds+uDS,ttxs6 1Q Contractor's Signalure O N 6'tTL : LJ c1lY 1) 2\ 3) l\ q\ 6) 7) X answ, rred all the above questions. hlarn e \ c1 ttl/4(.q? TO$IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8]-6s7 970-479-21,38 DEPARTMEI\TT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT o DEVELO Status...: ISSUED (BLDG B UApplied. . : ) 03/1.7 /L999 rssued. . . : 03/'t-7 /L999 Expires. . : 09/L3/L999 PMENT .}OBSITE Perm1t AT ALL TIMES vr99 -oo22 Job Address-..: LOCATiON : 945 REDSANDSTONE RD Parcel No..... : 2L03-014-04-001 Project Number: PRJ98-0178 .APPLICAIiM EAGLE AIR SYSTEMS, INC, P.O, BOX 28399, EL JEBEL. CO CONTRACTOR EAGLE AIR SYSTEMS, INC. OWNER P.O. BOX 28399, 8r.., JEBEL, CO LTON'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 81,520 Descript.ion: BATH FANS,COMB AIR,BOILER FLUES ONLY!!! Fi.replace Infofittacion: RestricEed: Y fof caE Applj,anceB: Phone: 970-963-L142 Phone: 970-953-LL42 1l_, 000 . 00 #of Wood/Pa]let: aocal calculatsed Pees_ ->27e . OO 274.00 81,628 8L628 .00 . oo Valuati-on: #of caa Logs I FEE S!'MMARY McchaDical---> Plan check- - - > Invcstigacidr> Will call----> 220 -OO 55.00 .00 3,00 Reotuarant PIan Reviera-- > DRB Fee------Addicional. FecB--.------> .00 TOTAL FEES----- 278.00 ToEal Permit Fee---- ----> Payments-- -- --- 274.00 .;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;#H;;;;';;;;'***';::'O3/I7/L999 JWII ACTION: APPR APPROVED JMR: I!gmt.055Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FrRE Division:o3/L7/L999 JRr( Act.ion: APPR N,/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1.. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COTTBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED pER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 rJMC, OR SECTION 701. OF TTIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALI..ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FASIT'RES INSTRUCTTONS AND TO CTIAPTER 10 OF THE 1-997 TJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE ].997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES S1IALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF TIIE 1997 UMC AND CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOT]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I'NLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PBRMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM PRTOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATTNG OR HOT-WATER ST]PPLY BOILERS STIALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON 1-004.6 0F THE L997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h6r€by acloowl€dge that I h.ve read fhis application, fi1led ouL id full t.he inforhation r€quired, compl€ted an accuraLc pLo! plan, and Ecate tha! all the infonacion provided aE tequir€d ig correct, r agree to comply rrith the informagion and pLot p1an, Lo couPly wifh all To||n ordinances and stat'e 1ae6, and to build chiB Etructure aceording to lhe Tor,r'B zoning and subdivi,Eion codes, dcsign revies approved, Unifonr Building Code and oth€! ordinances of Ehe Tor,n applicable thereco. REQI'ESTS FOR INSPECT]ONS SITAI,I, BE I.iA.DE TWENTY-FOUR HOI'RS I!' ADI/ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM s:oo AM S:oo PM SIGNATURE OF OTiNER OR CONTRAfOR FOR HTMSE].F A.IID OI{NER "".,.J_ SEatennt TOVIN OP VATL, COLORADO StaiaunE Nuuber: RBC-O497 Amount : PayDenc Methodi (X< Noration: a022 21e.ao 03/23/99 r5t04 InrE: arN P6firdE No I Parcel No: Localion: ThiB Pal.Eents U99-oo22 Type: B-MtscH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-o14-04-001 945 REDSTIIDSTONE RD (BLIX; B UNITS ].O-1S) ToEal Feea | 274.00 27s.oo aoEal llLL PmEe: 21e.oo Balanee: . oo Accoung Code Deacripcion MP OOlOOOO3].].].3OO MECH}NICAI] PERMTT PEES PF 00L00003Ll2300 pLAIt otEg< FaEs WC OO1OOOO3].].2SOO VIILIJ CAIJJ INSPECTION FEE ,luroun! 220.OO 55. 00 3.00 TOWN OF VA]L 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT COI.TTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTME}TT OF COMMI]NITY DEVEI,OPMENT JOBSlTE Permit, AT ALL TIMES M98 -024S ISSI'ED LL/2s /),998 t2 /23 / 199A 06/21-/1-e9s Phone: 3032883901 Phone: 3032883901 44, 000. 00 *of wood/Pa]let: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIANICAL PERMIT Job Address.--: status.. LocaEion : RED SANDSTONE AFFORDABLE HOUSrAppIied. Parce1 No. - - -.: 2l-03-014-04-001 rssued. - Project Number: PR,f98-0178 Exprres. ALL STATE FIRE PROTESIION, INC 6045 E 76TH #1.2, COMMERCE CITY ALL STATE FIRE PROTESIION, INC 5045 E 76TE #12, COMMERCE CrTY LION'S R]DGE WATER DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 8L620 *of cas Aplrlianco€: 80022 80022 Valuation: *Of Gaa Logs: co DescripLion: FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM BLDG A Fi-eDlace Inforoatsion: ReeiricEed: FEE SOI''.'ARY Mechanical-_-> Plan Check-- - > Invest'rgat iod> ',{i1,1 call----> Resluarant Plan Rovi€r-- > DRB Fee-------- TOT}'L FEES.. -.. :fota1 Calculaced Pees_ - _ > AddiEional F€es -- -- -----> Total PermiL Pee--------> PafttIenl s - - - _ _ - - 380. CO 220 -ao . oo 3.OO -00 r.,1o3 . o0 1, 10f, . OO . oo 1, 103 - OO 1,t03-0o SAIANCE DUE--.. > .OO ITCM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARTIT4ENT - -!-El)T: BUILDING L2/23l1998 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .JRM rtbm:'0s600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept.i-!'IRE L1-/25/L998 iINOLEN ACI,ION: NOTE PI,ANS TO FIRE DEPT L2'/A8./1998 .]OHI''TG ACLiON: APPR APPR SEE CONDITIONS ,-. FrELD rNspEcrroNs ARE *;:YJ:':: H'H':::loDE coMpLrANsE-7. eoMetrsti6N-AiR rS iuOurnED PER sEc. 701 oF THE 1997 uMc' oR SECTION 7O]- OF TI{E 1997 IMC.: . TI.TStAT.,i,Ati OW - MTST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTTIRES INSTRUC"TI ONS AryD - TO-CraFtER 1.0 OF THE 1997 UMC. CITA.PTER 10 OF TEE 1997 riqc-+. EAS APPLIANEUS-SHET-,T-, BE VENTED ACCORNING TO CHAPTER 8 A.T{D,-- Ssad trmuiNAru-[S SpncrriED ru sEc.806 oF THE 1997 uMc' oR C}IAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. ACcnSS td irsATiNG EourPMEr{T Musr coMpLY wrrH cIIAPTER 3 AND sne.lorz-oF THE 1997 ilMc AND CIIAPTER 3 oF THE 1997 rMc- eoil-,EnS SHAIL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOIVIBUSTIELE CONST. UII'T-,NSS-ITSIND T'ON MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. FCRMIr.pr"ANS-AND coDs awar,vsrs Mrusr BE PosrED rN MEcrIANrcAr, ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST Dnarlqaer oF MEcIaNTcAL RooMs cOMrArNrNG I{EATTNG oR Hor-wATER BupFtv-eoir-,sRs SIIALL BE EQUTeeED wrrH A FLooR DRAIN PER sEc.i6zz op rI{E t-997 uMc, oR Snctron t-004-6 oF THE l-99? rMc. Division: Di-vision: 6. 1 6- *************J.*************************************************************JrJ.*** DECLARATTONS I hereby acknowledge Ebat I hawe !6ad this aFplication, fiLled out in ful} Ehe information required, coEpletcd an accurate plot plan, and state rh.E a]1 the infornation provid€d ae requiled is correct. I agree Lo cotlpl.y -rith th€ inford.ation aDd plot plan, to comply i.ith all Torn ordinancEs and stat€ 1a$s, alld to build Ehis Ec-uc:ure according to Che Tocrn, s zoning and sub<iivision coaeB, dcsigrr rewiew apploved, gniforn Buitding code and othcr ordinances of the To$n applicabl6 th6r6to- REQUEST€ FOR INSPECTIONS S}IAI,I, BE MADE TWElflI]' FOSR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY T9LEPHONE 479-2!3A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:00 AM 5:OO PM SIGIqfIJRE OP OWI{ER OR COIITRA(TOR FOR HIMSEI,P.E.ND OWNER TOW}I OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81,657 970-479-2]38 DEPART'IVIENT OF COI'O4UNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECIANICAL PERMIT ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pefm1C fi: llly 6 -VzL4 A]VITIIVIE PLUMBING & I{EATII'iG 1.6275 CR 350, BIIENA VISTA, CO 81211 ANYTIIVIE PLUMB]NG & }IEATING L6275 CR 350, BITENA VTSTA, CO 8121-l- LTON'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 8]-520 Valuation:63,0oo. oo FOR 9 UNITS (B) Firepjace rnforr.alion: Restsricied: Y *of GaE APPliancesr Sof Gas Logs: #of wcod/Pai]e:t FEE SUMFTqRY Job Address. . : LOCAIION......: 954 RED SANDSTONE RD Parcel No..... : 2l-03-014-04-001 Proi ect Number: PR,f9B-0178 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: MECH SYSTEM Mechanicar---> Pfan check---> Investigation> Status...: ISSIJED App1ied..: t0/26/L998 T c.-:'nrl . 11/'>-) /1Ooo Expires..: 06/2L/r999 Phone z 7L9-395-29e9 Phone z 71-9 -395-2989 1,250.00 Restsuatan!PlanReviett-->.00 To:al calculaEed Fees---> 1,578.o0 315.00 DRB Fee-------- .0o Additsional Fees---------> 'oo .00 ToTAL FEES----- 1,5?e.00 ToLal Permil Fee--------> 1,5?8 o0 Will call----> 3.oo 1,573.00 BAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO Irem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIiI| Dept: BUILDING Diwision: L2/23/L998 .'lRM Action: APPR APPR PER GARY iEbA;'o5eoo-r'iRE DEPARTMENIT -__ Dept: FrRE Diwision: L2/23/1998 JRM Act.ion: APPR N,rA CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. Fr-ELD riisr:ECTIONS ARt; KuqU-LRt;U .rv \-rrqu!\ qwr. CODE COi'i-r-,1*riiCE .2. eoMeusrrou Arn rs REQUTRED PER sEc. 507 oF THE 1991 uMC,--l: iNSiAti,AirOw r'iUSf COfrFoR.l.t TO MANUFACTTIRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.a. eAs- ADpllancEs sHALL "s rrr'\IrED AccoRDrNG To cIIAPTER 9 AND SttAl,l tuRMrNarn AS sPEcrFrED rN sEC.905 oF THE 1991 ulvl-c.-E. E-cde5s-to ttEArrNG EQUTPMEITT MUsr coMPLY wrrH sEc-sos ANT) 703 0F THE 1991- UMC. e . gOILERS-SHAII-BE-MOUNTED ON FLOORS ''r? NoTTcoMRUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE !'LOOR]NG.7. FERr\,trT,FI,ANS-AND coDE ANALYSTS Mrusr BE PosrED rN MECHANTCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.E. D-RAINAEE-OT'_MECFiANiCAT, ROOIUIS CONTAINING HEAT]NG OR HOT WATER -' SuppLV-eoiLuRS stral,r, BE EQUTPPED wrrn A FLooR DRArN PER snc. 2LL9 0F THE 1991 UMC. **************************tr***************************************************** DECI-'ARATIONS plan, and state that al1 the information F.:o'/ided as !€quired iE correct. I agree to conply lrith the informaEion to conply wiEh all Town olainances and e:ate laws. and to build lhie B::\rcLu!e accoraing to the T3'ln's zoning and codes, deBign review approved, Uniform Euilding code and oEhe! ordj.nances of tshe Town appllcable !heletso. -v I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicat.ion, filled out in ful1 the infonnaEion requir.,:, cor,pleted an REQUESTS FOP INSPECTIONS SHALI, BE MADE TWENIY- FOT'R HOT'RS SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR COI.ITRACTOR FOR HIMSEI]F AND OWNER r^^' r-?r 6 F1^F and plot. plan, 6ubdiwi sion 8: O0 Alrl 5rO0 PM TOVIN OF VArr,, COLORA-DO scaEemnl Scatse.iilE N,:._..cer: REC- 0495 Amount: Paynef,E l,leEhod: CK Nota!ion: 2255 1,57s,00 1-2/23/9a 12 tor rniE: JN P€niE No: M9S-0214 Type: B-MECH MECIIANICAI, PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 - 014 -04- 001. LocaEion: 954 RED SANDSTONE RD This PaymenE l. ,57a. 00 I , 578. 00 .00 TotaL Fees: 1,578,00 ToEal- Aj,L Pnts: Balance: AccounE Code DeecripEion MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERIIIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES WC 0010O003112e00 WILL CAI,I, INSPECIION FEE Amount r,260.0o 31S.00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY LOPME}fiT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permit #:P98-0152 o DEVE SLatus...3 ISSUED RD (HOUSApplied. . : 1'0/26/1998 Issued. . .: 1-2/23/L99e Ex;rires. . : 05/2a/l'999 Phone:. 7L9-395-2989 cA 81211 81241 cA 81211- 81,21,a .00 Phone: 719-395 -2989 DESCTIPTiON: PLI]MBING FOR NEW 9 HOUSING I]NITS (VAIUAEj-ON:52,500.00 FEE SUT4MARY TOi{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}TIAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICA.IfT CONTRAETOR OWNER ilob Address: LOCATiON.. . : 945 REDSANDSTONE Parcel No.. : 2103-014-04-001 ProjecL No. : PR,J9B-0178 ANYTIME PI-,IJMBTNG & HEATTNG L6275 CR 350, BUENA VrS'lA, ANYTTME PLT]I!,IBING & HEATfNG !6275 CR 350, BUENA VTSTA, LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 81,620 Plumbing-----> Plan check- - -> Investsigation> will call----> Restsuarant Plan Revi ew- - >ToLal calculatsed Fees_- -> Additional Feee- ----- --_> Total PermiE Fee------__> PaytnenEs----___ BAI,ANCE DUE.--- ?95. O0 .00 3.00 996.75 . o0 996.75 996 -'tS . o0 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepE: RILII'DING Division: L2/23l1998 ,JRI4 AcLion; APPR APPR PER GARY It.bm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: F']RE Dr-vLsaonr 12/23/1,998 'JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowlealge lhats I have read tshiB application, fil1ed outs in full the informalion required, conPLetsed an plan, and Etate that all Ch€ information provided a6 required ia correct. I agree Lo cohply wibh lhe information to complv with at1 Town olainances and stace lalre, and to buiLd lhie BtrucLure according to Lhe Town's zoning and accuraEe PIo!, and ploL plan, eubdiwieion REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIII' BE MADE TWENTY.FOI]R HOURS IN ADVA.IICE BY TEI,EPHONEA 4 8 OR AT OIJR ofFICE FRoM g:00 AIvl 5:00 ,z .-----.',,! uttl\iER OI4NER OP TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO stat emn! Number.: REc-04e7 Anount I PaunenE Melhod: CK }localion: 2255 S !atennE. 996-75 a2/23/9a 12 t03 Ini.E:,TN Permi! No: P9s-0152 Tl?e: B-PLMB PLUI1tsING Parcel No. 2ao3 - 074- 04- oo1 Localioni 945 REDSANDSToNE RD (IIoUSING) ToEal Fees: This Payment 996.'15 Tolal ALL PmEa: Balance: AccounE code Des cr ipE ion PERMIT 996.75 - o0 795. OO 3.00 PP OOlOOO03].112O0 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES wc oo10oo03t128oo wrl,t cAl,r, rNsPEcTroN FEE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRON'IA-GE RO.r,r-' vArL, co 81557 97 0 -479 -21_78 APPL]CANT CONIRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES P98-0153 PLI]MBING PERMIT ilob Address: LOCATiON...: 954 REDSANDSTONE RD ParceI No. . : 21-03-01-4-04-001- Drni a4f. Ivr\ PRJ98 - 0178 SLatus. . AppIiec. rssued.. Expires. ISST]ED LO/26t i9y,- 12/23/Lee'- 06/2r/1,99t ANYTIME PLI]MBING & HEATING 1,6275 CR 350, ;-,i;i;A ;_.3;;, C; ANYTIME PLI]MBING & HEATING a6275 CR 350, BUENA VTSTA, CA I-,ION'S RIDGE WATER DTSTRICT BO: ./. "_YCN CO 81,620 Restuarant Plan Review- - > TOTAL FEES - - -.. <) )- z, J-J- Q -LZ/ J-J- 8L2LL 6t)-- Pho:r:r: 7L9-395-2989 Phone,: 7L9-395-2989 oescription: PLUMBING FOR NEW HOUSTNG (gIINITS BValuation:52,500.00 FEE 5UMi,:ARY Plunbing-----> 795.00 T tr:al Calcufated Fees- - - > Additional Fees------- --> Total Permit. F.e-----_--> Pa)mente------- InveeLigation> hti1l calI----> 193.75 -00 3.O0 fTEM: O5].OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT n?\ l-11 14^^6 'rr.'nr lnf .inn- n* -. lppD iEbm;' o 56 o o " r'rnp oepARTrvrEn-T 1,2/23/L998 JRM Action: APPR N,/A .00 996.75 995 -15 .00 996.15 BATNCE DUE---- .oo Derrt: BUILDING Division: IE-D. GARY Dept: FIRE Diwisi-on: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acKnoerledge EhaE I l.:'.e r:e"!d Ehl.s applica:i:n, fili-.r out in fuI1 the infonnation required, compleled an accurate ploE plan, and state Chats alL the information provided aa required is corrects. I agree Eo conPl,y \,/ith lhe informaelon and plot plan, to colnpl, 'ts all Town oldinances and staLe 1al.l8, and to build this sLructure according to the To\dn'6 zoning and Eubdivision FRoM e:00 AM S:0O PM a P1,., s/crt&tuRE oF owNER oR coNTRAcroR FoR HIMSE],F AND OWNER TOIIN OF VAII,, COLORADO S !,a ts ernn! ScaEemnE Number: REC- 044 ? Amolrnc: Pa.,'inenE Method: CK NoLaEion: 2256 996.'lS 12 /23 / 9e 12:O2 !erm: E No; ParceI No: LocaEion: This PaI.denE P98-0153 ft?e: B-PLMB PLUI.IBING PERMIT 2103-014-04-001 954 REDSANDSTONE RD Tocal Fees: .996,'15 Total Alt Pmts: BaLance: 996.75 996.75 .00 .A,ccoun! Code Deecript-ion PP 001C00031I1200 PLJrlAIii: PeRi,liT FEES PF OOIOOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES WC O01OOO03T128OO WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE Amouni tt:-n) 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2t38 APPIJICANT CCNTRACTOR OI^INER Phone: 7a9-395-2989 Phone: 7L9-395-2989 53,000.00 #of wood/Pallet: ANYTIME PLUMBING & HEATING T6275 CR 350, BUENA VISTA, CO .ANYTTME PLiJMBING & HEATING L6275 CR 350, BUENA VISTA, CO LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 81_520 Resbuarant Plan Revier-- > DRB Fee--------- TOTAL FEES------ 1,578,00 DEPARTMEMT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit. #: M98-021-3 Job Address...: LOCAEiON : 954 RED SANDSTONE RD Parcel No.. . . . : 2L03-0L4-n4-001- ProjecL Number: PRJ9B-0178 SLAIUS...: ISSIJED Applied. .z L0/26/L998 rssued. . .. L2/07 /t998 E>qgires. . : 06/05/]-999 8L21a 8L2LA Description: MECH SYSTEM FOR 9 HOUSING UNITS (A) Fireolace InfoldaEion: Reolliched: Y #of cas Appliances: Valuation: +Of GaE Logs r Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > Investsigation> rtill caIl----> Total caLculated FeeB---> Addicional Fees------ --- > Totsal Pemit Fee----___-> 1,57S.00 .00 1, s7g . 0o .."'. "..;.;;'.;;;;;';;;;;;.;;;;..".."...." ;#';;::':.;;;;..;::...L2/07/L998 .rRM Act,ion: APPR APPRoVED ,rRlvl-Irbm: "05600 FIRE DEpARTMEN"T DepL: FIRE Division:L2/07/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIP.ED PEP. StrC. 5'7 Ci TIIX 1iI' l,'T.lC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX C}IAPTER 21- OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEIf|ED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENI MUST COMPLY I'IITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 199]- UMC.6. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOUN'IED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING,7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTA]N]NG HEAT]NG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. 2r_r-9 0F THE r-991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** 1,250.0O 315.0O ,00 3.OO DECI,ARATIONS accurate p1ots and p1ots plan, subdivi s ion I :-.erebl.f acknowledge !hat. I hawe lead this applicaEion, fiLled out in full the inforrnaEion lequired, compleEed an plan, and B:rLe t.haL all the infordaEion provided as regui!€d is correcc, I agree to comPly with the information bo conply with all Town grdinances and 6tate la s, and fo build thj.s Et-ructure accoldj.ng Eo the Tolrn's zoning and codes, design review apploved, Uniform Building code and other ordi:lancee of the Town applicable tbeleto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENIY-POUR HOURS IN ADVAI'ICE AT 4?9-21.38 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OI^INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER TOI4N OF VAIL, COLORADO S Ea teru1! SEateinnE Nunicer: REC- 04g7 Amount.: PaymenE UeEhod r CK NocaEion: 2255 1a /.1lee 1..^1 fnir: JN Permit No: M98-0213 Tl?e: B-MECH MECHANICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2Lo3-014-04-001 I,ocaI.ion: 954 RED SANDSTONE RD This Pal'rnen'. 1,5?S.0O 1,5?4,C0 ,00 1,260.00 315. 00 ToEaL Fees: 1,57 B .0 c ToEal ALL Pr',i.Es: Balance: Lccount Ccide MP OO1OOOO3111]OO MECHANICAL PERI4IT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES wc 00100003112800 WILL cAI,l, TNSPECTION FEE "'*,* co: i ia gtl-til;:1;;d?;";:; X*:; X#h;:ili3fi",q3i? pEp"\rr i,- _f' 6- onx: lo/ec /?.t // 3]in 8'ill"i:::; "I .ll;;i l/ APPLT.ATT.N }rusr BE FTLLED our coMp'erEly oR. rr ?.Lriy l{or BE AccEp?ED A****t * * * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERl,Iff INFOR.,\A?fON ,r-r )r .r * * * x * :r * * * * * x * * * * * * * * * , )r * _ [ ]-Building ffi-plumbing [ ]-Electrical l)Cl -].fer:hen i r-:' r r "t -o!1,o*t,Job Name:S)*^!'st Legal Descrjpt.ion: Lot. Block-- Filing srranti.rsto:r,-'71 . <l ./t _._1 c i ^, ? . ' r, r, r/ r ! .L J ! u .\ : owners ""rur@ddress, fgo /yain >1: p|:zon. ar/- rrf 6^l-Ar'idrocc ceneraL De scrj.ption: I{ork Class:- Qql-New I nif l-Alteration [ ]-Additional t :1n"lui. ;,-"."",Number of Dwelr_ing Units; lK Nunber of Acconmodation Units: +- #*:: a1a tvre of Fireplaces: Gas.Appliun""r36 Gas i,oss-.- i{oodlpe11".- ru'k * * x * x x lt * * )f x x * * * * * * * * "r x * * * )t :i * * * * )rr VALUATToNg * x x rr J: * * * ; * * * *,: x;, * x * * * * * * * r1 * * * * * * * El.ectrical Contractor:A(.dress: fu> Town of vail Reg. No. Dl ,,*r-i , ,/r ^ ./,1^ a -l)l 5 Plunbing contracton AN,l TtqL p t *0Sl -ot s' ^^-.*.P^ociress: lt z19 <,R 3fi 3:T ": tei.I R.es.-Nc.2-tI-,? Mecha:rical contractor: firutTfnle F.+ i r-ztr Phone N"*b;;, ^.itz&t#.- Addre: s: iL;27{ CR . T."t" of VaiL Reg. No.\3i..n "iru, *____.1L jlgpl,jg-lrry carcx ire,EltcrrrcAl r,EE.. ^"- . ;ZFtq_.Jy . rllglllrcAi, pLaN cuecil_Fer: ----.-- -'- -.,* E-'.Jvr.-''..v/ tir2,(,aL trt 2 !t phone l.lunber: j_t7:3-7--2n,1 *x*;*t d. * * x * * rt * * x rt * + + + + + ., .! t BUTLDj NG pnRllrr r;;:.**..**,r**** FoR oFFrcE us' ... *. {.Zyrtg,rT$o,p1,rhrE NG pERr.rrr FEE: :y:::!l; nr;i" [r&rer&i5itq**"-*i<***''i or:rER rypE oF rEE: rtftts-tf4*\ "rT::::al--toN F.EE:;rJ-il;::' \-,-c r'-LL, \ l#_+__+;_{ gtf- -cr_,raH_un nreos6r, ,-__ __ Jft:cruarrox iiE, f', CLEAN-UP DEPOSI */t\rh}-U SIGNATURE: ZONI}iG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION ) -.1- r'_ J: at lr? ll:POSIit !.S!*II),I) TC: 75 soulh lronlag c road vall, colorado Bl6Sz (303) 1179-2I.38 or 479-2L39 FEr n]!f . nArn: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlty developmcnl ALL CONfRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED HITFI THE TO;fN OF VAIL To?rN oF VAIL puBLIc I.toRKS/coln,ruNITy DE\rELOpi.rEN? I'tARcH 16 , 198 B CONSTRUC TIOI{ PARKING & }I.ITNRIAL STOR.,.GE fn sufirnary, ordinance No. 6 states that. it is unlawful for any pel'son to litter, track or aeposit, unv-="iri"rl.r,, sand, c.rebris ;:, ffi:;.i,]ii"i::t"c1ins trisn-5u,np=t.r=, portubre toil_ers a nd I1, :"_:: ;i;";;;.1::'.f,:I":l:""16""ii;;llIi;:i":";:r*:il-",va L sEreets and . roacls is approximul"iy -s -itl -r"rr pavement -Th i ordinance 11ll.'!.,;r.i;ii;^enforced by the Town of Vail PuL';l-ic'I'Iorks Deoartment. pers-ons founcl .'iiroiing this orcrinance vrilr be gi-ven a'24 hour rritl"n"r,otice t"-rli;"" said nateriar.fn the event the person so notifiecl .aour-nll"'J"ipry with the notice r+ithin the 24 hour tinre specified, ttre puLric llorks Department vrilr remove said rnateli"i-"t-t',""I"iln=e of persc n :;;ii::ii" I:".:'ovisions-"r''t''I= orc'rinance srrarr nor bL any srre:r or "il:;'::.];;,"[iilii::"i; :f",:iail_i:;];;l= ", To revier'r-'ordinance Nii. 6 in furL, please stop'by the Tovrn of Xl; ,"?]iili"g.";f;i:.n:ll.::""iii,.. a copy. rhanl, you ror your R Y )L_ .Pos X-.. ..'tl acknovrledg ionTnElatlonEffi Frn'i on,|-(i.e. contractor, oaner) 'i"r 75 3 oulh lronlagc road vall, colo rodo B 1657 (3r3) 479-2138 or t,7g_2139 olllce ol communlly d evolopm e rr I BUiLDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMIIE If' thi.s permi.t reau,ires a To!./n of Vail Fr.re Department Approva.l ,Ensineer''s (publ ii uopksi i;; j'.;'unl'upprouur ,.i'pi.-i...in!"b.pu.tr, nt revier,r or He.rlth Dep.-artmint revler,:uii.u.revievr by the dritaing Department, ;he estimated time toi'u-iotur i.uiu'iuv"iui.l'u, ton.as thrgc wee.is. w | | I:v rtryi l.ldy LdKe All commcrcii,l (1u.?:^:i -smal.l) and a.il rirultj_famjly permits ujll have to follr ''r the ibov-e rnenti6neJ rori"r" require,rents. Res,identiar and smal) prr jects shourd t;k;-;-i.;;er amount of tjme. However, .if residentfal < r snrar t er.projecit-i;;;;;'the varjous above rnentioned departmcnts r.ith regard' to-;;;;r;;ii-r.uiu", these projccts may also take the three-wuut pufiojl Every attcmpt lri'l I t I nrade bv thi q dnnrrt.nronf in a-.^^r.: +^ rt l po,'.i.t.ur.-i.ilr';; i;r!'if:.bv this departnrent to expedite this 1:_l!. unders igned, understancl the p1 an checlt piocedure and time t rame .. :/Wfr,t =PF ,1o.l' 'Commun'i ty Devel opment Department. llElvloRANDiJhl o TO: FROM: DATE: 'ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC f,4AY 9, 1Sg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY DEPARTI/IENT IS REQUIRED WORKS PERMIT'' 6) 7) ls a "Flevor;able Right requireci? B) A. ls the right of public property lo be pa/xing or lencing? I have read and answ rred k"tS,..- /;76.te_Job Name: z- lJct(('./a ?{ -...1i........-_ Please answel the f6llovrino questionnaire regarijing the need ior a . YES ls this a ne y; residence? ls demolili,rn vrork being perlormed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easements or public fropefi? ls rny i.Jttltty tvork needed? ,ls .he crivervay being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site otl'er than existing drivervay? ls ;rny crrainage work being done aff,:cting the ri(tht of way, easements, or public property? "PublicWay Permit': NO r) 2\ r) c\ B. lf no to 64, is a parking, staging or {encing'plan required by Communitv . F)orrolnnlrronl?evfetvYtttettr.: I you answered yes to an.'of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' muslba obiained. " rublic Way Permii" applicalions may be oblained at the Public Wor','1's ofiice or at C;ommuriV Deve.lopment. . lf you have any questions please.call Charlie Davis, the Toyrn of Vail Construciion Inspeclor, at 479-21Sg. ,/ 5*"- Of \//ay Permit" viay, easements or used for staging, the above questions. Date i'lame zf* Contracior's TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICSIVT CONTRAgTOR OI{NER Elcctrical---> DRB Fee Inv6Btigation> will call----> TOTAI, FEES---> ELECTRICAI PERMIT ilob Address: LOCATiON...: RE SANDSTONE RD Parcel No. . : 2103 -01-4-04-001-Project No. : PRJ98-0178 iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0240 Status...: FINAL BLDG B Applied. -: 09/23/L998 Issued.. -: 09/28/L998 Expires..: 03/27/L999 Phone: 9709253358 Phone z 9709253358 Totsaf calculated Fccs- - - >669 . OO DEPARTI"IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1451_, AVON CO 81620 SHAW ELEETRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 8L620 I-,ION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRIET BOX Y, AVON CO 8L620 Descriptsion: ELECTRTCAL FOR EMPLOYEE HOUSTNG "Brr ValuaEi-on:36,500 . 00 FEE SUMI.{ARY 665.00 .00 .00 3-00 659 .00 569 . OO 669 . OO Additional Fees---------> .o0 Totsa1 P€rmit Fee---- ---> Paynentss-------- BALANCE DUB---- .OO ITEM: O5OOO ELECTRICAJ., DEPARTT"TENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: 09/2311998 'JRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED ,JRIVI-rtam;'.oseoo-r'rRE DEPARTMENi Dept: FrRE Division:o9/23/L998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I heleby acknowledge tshat I have read this appl.icatj.on, filled out in full fhe infornation lequired, complcCed an accuratG plo! p1an, and stats€ tshaL aLl tshe infortlalion provided as required ie correct. I aglee to comPly titsh Ehe inforuatsion and PloC plan, to collply eith all Torrn ordinanccs and sLaEe lar|6, and to build tshis structure accolding !o the Toen'6 zoning and 6ubdivi6ion code6, dedign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanceB of the To$n apPlicable EhcreEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECaIONS SHAIJIT BE MA.DE T1{EMIy-FOUR HOTRS IN AD\}aNCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:00 A.tl 5:0O PU SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA(NOR FOR HIMgE'JF A}TD O}JNBR **t**ll*l**t****l**l}****l+*t*rl**t*********t*t****t*A****:t**+t+t** TOWN OF VAIL, COTORADO Reprinted: 0?/13/00 13 r4S gt atemnt ***ttirlttt**t***tt*iltaa*:r*****t*t**ttai*****ltt**********i**i*r*t gEatemnt Number: REC-0455 Amount:669.OO 09/25/98 r]-t37 Init : LC Paynent lilethod: CK Notati-on: I058 Permi-t No: 898-O240 1lrt)e: B-EIBC ELBSTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2103-014-O4-001 Location: RE SANDSTONE RD BLDG B Thj-6 Pa)ments Total- Feee: 659.00 Total ALL PmtB: Balance r !r***til*****i****i***t*l******!t*l**********llt*aa*****'}ll*****all Account Code Deacription 669.OO 559.00 .oo Amount 655 . O0 3 . O0 EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELBETRICAI, PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO3].12800 WILL CAIL INSPBtrION FEE TOWN OF VAII. 75 S. FROTiITAGE ROAD vArL, eo 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Elcctrical---> DRB F€e InwesCigaLion> will calI----> TOTAI, PEES. - - > ilob Address: LOCATiON. . .: R-ED SANDSTONE RD Parce1 No. . : 2103-014-04-001 Project No. : PR,J98-0178 SHAW ELEETRIC P O BOX 145r-, AVON CO 8A620 SHAW ELE TRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 8L620 LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRIET BOX Y, AVON CO 81620 SEatus...: FINAL BLDG A Applied..: 09/23/L998 Issued...: 09/25/L998 E>rpires. . : 03/24/L999 Phone : 97 09263358 Phone z 9709263358 DEPARTIdIENT OF CS{MIJNITY DEVELOPMEI T NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ETEETRIEAL PERMIT Permit #: 898-0239 Description: ELECTRTCAL FOR EMPLOYEE HOUSTNG 'rArl Va]uation:36, 500 . 00 FEE SUIiIMARY 556-00 . o0 .oo 3.OO 559 . O0 659. O0 . o0 669.OO 659. OO . o0 TotaL Calculatsed Fees- - - > Additional Fccs---- -- ---> Total PeEtit Pcc--------> Pal "denta------- BA1ANCE DUB-. -. ITEM: OSOOO EI,ECTRICAI., DEPARTT4EIVT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: o9/23/L998 'JRM Action: APPR APPRoVED 'J8:Dr iEbm;'o5e oo-FTnE DEpART't'tENi Dept: FrRE Division: 09/23 1t998 JRM Action: APPR N,/A r*jrt r****il* *r** +t*rrttiri**r'ri CONDITION OF APPROVAL t t**tt il**a**i t'*+*tt****** r*!, +ttrr*******ra * ttt*t rtt.l**,1** * a a .} * * * r r r * !r * * t * a *t***** *** t * ** *.rr ***.rt** r a t*******t ****t t t 'l * t J * * t t * t * i t t DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknorlcdge ChaL I havc rcid thi€ application, fi.llcd out in full the information rcquircd, comPl€tsrd an accur.t. plot p1an, and sbatc that al.I thc informatsion providcd a6 rcquircd i6 corrcct. I aglcc to conply rilh the inforh.lion And plob Plan, Eo conply rlth alL Town ordlnancGs and gta!€ 1aws, and Eo butld this EtrucCu].e accoldihg Lo the Town'6 zonlng rnd subdl'vlElon code6, dcsigrl revier approvcd, Uniform. Building code and other ordinance6 of lhe Town applicabl€ thereto. RBOUEST6 FOR INSPECTIONS ,9HAIJL BB MADE T!iENW-FoI,R HOTRS IN ADIIAI'CE By TET BPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT OIJR OFFICB FROI{ 8:00 Ali 5100 PU SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONIRACTOR POR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER **l*******l***t*********t*!t**tltt******l!lii*****++***i*t**t***t* TO!{N OF VArL, CoLORADO Reprinted: o'7 / Ll / oo f3 ..4'I statemnt **t*tt**t***ll****tt**li**t**a+**t*rt**t*1f, ***l*l}***********Al*+* SEatenmt Number: REC-O455 Arnount:659 . OO 09/28,/98 l-1 :36 Init: Kw Pa).ment Method I CK Notation: I059 Permit No: 898-0239 Type: B-ELBC ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Parcel No: 2l-03 - 014 -04- O01 IJocation: RED SANDSTONE RD BLDG A This Pa)nnent Total Fee6: 659.0O Total ALL Pmts: Balance : 559.00 569.00 ' 00 Amount 665.00 3 .00 **'l*trlta******t**i**t***'t+**i***ltt**l l**at*tt* l*f, +t***ttJ..l*ti*t Account Code DeecriDtion BP OO1OOOO311].400 ELE TRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE o DEVELO ilob Address: SE.aEus...: ISSUED Location. . .: RED SANDSTONE EMPLOYEE HOApplied. -:ELO/1-2/1998 Parcel No..: 2103-014-04-001 rssued...: 10/L3/L998 ProjecE, No.: PR'J98-0178 Expires..: o4/L1,/L999 SHAW ETECTRIC P O BOX 1451, AVON CO 8L520 SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX L45L, AVON CO 8a620 LION'S RIDGE IIATER DISTRICT BOX Y, AVON CO 8L620 TO9T\T OF VATL 75 S. FRO}ilIAGE ROAD I/AIL, CO 8L657 :ll'C, -.t'19-21-38 APPLICAITT CONTRACTOR OIINER DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMIJNITY PERMIT MUST BE POSTED OII ELECTRICAL PERMIT PMENT TOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9B -0252 NOTE: THIS Phone: 9709253358 Phone t 9709253358 Description: TEMP POWER ValuaEion:1, 000 . 00 FEE SUMMARY Blectrical---> DRB Fee Inv.stigation> will call-- - - > TOTAI, FEES-.. > Total calculaled Fe€s---> Addicional Fees-- ------> Tota1 PErmit Fee-'-----> Paymente-------- 50 .00 .oo .00 3.00 53.00 53 .00 .00 53 .00 53 .00 BAI.ANCE DUE---- .OO Item:06000 LO /12 / L998 '-t 'n: 05600 L0 / 1,2 /L998 ELECTRIEAL DEPARTIVIE}TT DCpT:CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR CIIARLIE DAVIS FIRE DEPARTIIEI{I Depts:CIIARI,IE ACTiON: APPR N/A BUILDING Division: FIRE Di-vision: CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, I':. INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *rrrlrta*rrr*r* DECI,ARATIONS I l::reb:/ acknowlcdge thac I havc lead lhia application, fill€d ouE -;r ruli Ehe informatsion rcquired, compl€Ecd en acculatse Plots plan, and €Late tshats all the informatsion p?ovidca a6 icquired iE correct. I agr€! co comply i/iEh rhe j.nformabi.on and plot Plan, Eo comply sith alI Tol,'n oldinanceB and state Laws, and to build thiB structule accolding bo thc To!.n'6 zoning qnd subdiviaion co<les, design rcvi€w apploved, Uniform Buildi.ng code and other: orornn:: ,- Ene .ien., -;piticable thereEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECITONS SHALI '^9 Ttl;:::-- TOWN OF VAIIJ, CO'JO&}DO 9EaEamnE Slat€tlnc Nu$ber I REC-O{63 Amount ! P.)r[cnE M€thod: CK Not.aEion ! 8084 53 .0o 1Ol13/98 11 :41 Pc):rnic No: E9e-o262 Tl?e: B-ELEC Et ECTRICAL PERMIf ParceL Noi 2103-014-04-001 I]ocaIJ.on: RBD S}NDSTONE EMPI]OYEE HOUSING PROTTECT Tol.al FGCB: 53.00 Paynenc 53,00 ToEal ALL RnEE: Balanc!:.00 AmounE 50. 00 3.00 AccounL Code DcscripE ion EP OO],OOO0311,.,IOO ELECTRICAI PERMI? FEES '.IC OOlOOOO3lI2SOO I{ILL CLLL INSPECTION FEE FROI'1 : SHRIJ ELECTRIC PHO.rE NO. : 9?A9263358 trcT. 12 1998 83:41PM P1 ..:l///#/#itfr' t O )rc3- ot'/-o/-oo ('99il"?i X3lf-:1ili3$"ff*fl r\o_' --*"iir3-:'"i#"#3#'* Pry6-o t Z,g TPPTTCATION MUS! BE Frr.T,ED OUT COI,IPI,EITEI,Y OR IT I.IAY NOT BE ACCEETED ****!r**:lt!t******************* /enorrr rNFoRr'IATroN ***!r**r* ***!r*******-**!3rl*r*** I J-Bullallng. -[ ]-Plurnbtng /;-rtectrlcat [ ]-l{echanlcat I J-ot]rer Ahnas rob Narre3 1fu W:g1refu"_ irob Addres ",resal Desc rtpeUY?of 5tt 'Block l-l ( =PuetEGrdlt-t, $;t*ownels xur"t,. -="iioiiEo- \r#i Address: ArchLtect: pak4/{'dL)n ,ilf*,u.lx , ,.Ag---- pv,t ?a^--> rl^-..- , s- -.Addressr rrunslb^i Nur$er of, Accomraodatlon Unl,tE: frmber and T)pe of Firepraces: cas Appriances_ Gas Logs_ wood/peuet_ It**t*****************************:r VALUATIONS *************.*********** ****r****li VJl :;t1,"3:I9: ElEerRrcurr. {l@-- orirsR=PLIIUBING: . urelm,ncli, : ;#ff; -- ,.f =--_-. t::l*l:*:*********!t*****it*** coNTRAcrDoR rHFoRr,rATroN ***************r***********EeneraL contractotr_g - _|'ar|a;n &l'_i u. t^- ay"._- ,nrrrrn ^p rrr{r D^_tddress: ";*;rfly4,,\ f:?.?f:c4ay_ r:: .- Lorn of Val,l ReE. NO. lhofe lrl\rmber: qW- W- i#:::*:"t cont'"actort M offt.:_v.air neg. No-/gG-e Phone Number! - azL -ffi, General DescrLptioni Work Class: I J-New (.]-Alteratlon Number of, Dtlelil.ng Unlts: }UTIJDTNG PENIIT FEE:III,MBING PERI{IT TEE: rcCHENTCAIJ PERIfIT !'EE: ILECTRIEAI, FEE: ITTIER TYPE OF FEE: 'RB FEE: Plunbing Contractor; Address: l{echanical contractor :f,ddress: r****************************,1** CA4SflUe|ia>e t l-Addittonal [ ]]nepal.r 7,r{-otnr"p-[*r- Tonn of Vail Reg, No.Phone Nuuber: Town of Vail neg. WO.Pbone Nunber: FOR OFFfCE USE *rr***************************** BUU.,DfNC PLAN CIIECK FEE: PLI'!'TBING PI.A}I CIIECK FEE; MECflANTCAI, PI,AN CIIEEK FEE! RECREATION FEE: EI,ELT{-UP DEPOSXIT: TOTAIJ PERUIT FEES: BUILDXNG: STGNATURE; ZONING: SIGNATIIRE: I.EAN I'P DEPOSII NEITND TO: -/,' :Jn.o"c Eagrc counc, n""o".olorrr""tirllt?ffi'39l"?;Xl;l,EiIi3ft"F3ff- t!' ( -- "'t - oou ii'ri'*S=SA - - - ,R{n' Ot'7 I . APPLICATION MI'ST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I r ,. :r * * {t ir * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * r( * tr * * * * '. * * * * * * * * * tr rt * * * * *r./,./-tyf-nuifaing [ ]-PJ.umbing [ ]-ElectrLcal [ ]-Mechaniba] [ ]-other fob Name:Job Address: Legal DescriPtion: Lot D ritinvl.-4 lPl ,uuorurrrou. L,ou" =,oO- )wners Name:Address:Ph.47?-z+rc (qto) \rchitect: BAKER /FAl-Ll Fr Address: Block Pil.lzaSzbL ;eneral DescriPtion: ,/lork Class: [Yf-New I €.ou4T.Ruc+roLr oF lb -a)t J-Alterat,ion [ ]-Additional !' l-Repair [ ]-other tumber of Dwelling units: tB ;tectricaL Contractor :+T3 tAter<- __ Town of Vail Reg. No.-LLL:-a @..6,f i rPhon" Nunber' ffi'z1ka*'- ZLL-E iddress: Z )Iumbing contractort -fTlA techanical contracto t, Th* rddress: rddress: i * * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR }UILDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: 'LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: ELEcrRrcAr,: s 9 O,ooo MEcFIANrcAt $38_epo_orHER: + 9o,@o TOTAL:+W ictd re s s z rcte,o v Ats r x eut cA<i.e, a . 8 L-ffi = o fiblhon" Number : 1 1D - 1 A4 - 21 ? 1" Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. No Reg. NO. OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt )t tt * * * * * * BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT TEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Nunber of Acconmodation Units: l8 fmber and Type of FirepJ.aces: Gas Appliances cas Logs_ Wood/Pellet k * t( * )t * rt ?t rt rt * * * * tr rl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATf ONS * * * * * * * * )t it tr * * * * * * * * * rt t( * * * 't * * * * * * * |ur"or*", $ l ]LUMBING:I i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?eneral Contractor:4ougT, truc- - Town of vail Reg. No.IOZ-A. Vail VALUATION lomments: CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFDITD TO: ifAR-23-9e I l, tB FROM,TOV-COM-DEV-OEpT, tr,,9704"32452 PAGE 2/A - a -'":: ' ti.l:"3,0;-J28-8540 for parcel il - "or.?N oF vArL coNsrRucrroN pERryrr # t APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FIL,LED oUf Col(Pl,tfEl..y OR Ia HAy NoT BE AccEp?ED rf Itt*'t***:r******:ttt***tt:r:r****** PERUr? INFORITfa?roN **t**:rtr*t***rr**:r*r****+*****r I SQp-r^rLt?R.[ ]-Buirding t l-pruDbing [ ]-Elecrrical I J-uecl,,a.ptba1 [3-otrr"r;rxic-- - - n ^ .- - l-l:A ^ r- - l'Job Name: W Job Address: 74<-A Prnsnnrcr\tri,..,... Rncgr r.-:OSflitt Koti! Lega1 Dessription: Lot Block_ Filing sueprvrsroN, Owners Name: Architect: Address: Address: Ph. Dh ^-General Descriptio* ep*t" and \pe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances- Gas r,ogs lrood/pellet fr * * * * " * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * *' * * vArrtATroNs . 2;ffi;** * * *** ** * * * * *; if**:: ;- #,:x:2*!AJ d' /'b"/"i *. 4,4, aoo. oo'!h\l,hllt,.- X#il*H::::xli.*;ffi;$ I l{ork crass: [ ]-Nen [ ]-Alteration I J-Add,itional [ ]-Repair I J-other_ Nunber of Dnelling Units:Nunber of, Accouuuodat ion Units: Contractor: l\ tt Sr eTf, Fr ION **!t************t*t***+r:l*** Eleetrical Cor|tractor: +,,L I .rrr(JI.E I\. uEIr€rf : 5() J .rf*\L - ?rn I 9u(). J l Address: .^H ?osn of VaiI Reg. NO- l{echanical Contractor :Adclress: .-_L_ I v _ fouh of Vail Reg. NO. - phone Nu.ober: r**************l**t**** **!t*t*t**gurrorxc peRuir F€e,PLWBING PERMIT FEE: I4?CIIANTCAL PERHTT FEE: SLSCTRTCAI FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DRB FEE: OFFICE USE ******:t*r jl****** ***,1*****rrr*** BUTI,DTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: FOR P.IIIMBING PI,AN CIIECK FEEI ITECHANICAL PIAN CT{ECK FEE!.RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: ?OTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTM;: STGNATURE! ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 6045 E.76rH AVE, UNIT #12 COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 TEL Gqil 288-3901 FAX G03, 288-1.936 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ATTN: JOB NAME: WE ARE SENDING: I l attached I lblue lincs | ) mylars I I product submittal | ) plan registration form { I sampler I l chan8e orders { }propocal { lsign contract {}siteplan DATE:l/ a{ qK JOB #:?s oK7 I l copy of letter I l flow test | ] approved prinlli | |elevation water and sizc { } other - SETS OF PLANS WITH - PAGES. DATED DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS CHECKED BELOW: . I (, { }for approval I ffor your u6e | } as requested | } for review and conlment ",. L t[ , l/ /t' PLEASE RETURN COPIES. h I Il c It COMMENTS: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION. INC. o 0 BUILD 7/L3/oo PBRMIT TOWN OF VAI L, Id: ACTP185 Keyword: UAqf User: ifNOLEN ActivitLes Associ.ated to PRO.tBqf : PRJ98-O178 ADD/ALT MF Permit No: 898-0195 Applicant: ASPEN EARTHIIOVING, LLC status : FIlilAl Location : GRADING Llne Activity ifype Seq Statur 1-+9€-4136 . MF BUIIJD -reIE- 2 -89&=01151 B - ELBC --TOID- 3 898-0195y' A-MF FINAI 4 PW9A-OO54 / PI,B!fAY FrNAL 5 898-0246/ MF BUI I,D FINAL 6 F/98-0247/ MF BUI I,D FINAI, 7 898-ONTV B-BI,EC FINAL 8 898 - 024 O / e-ernC FrNAL 9 E,A-O262/ B-BI,EC FINAI,/LO P9S-OL52I/ B- PLIIB FINAL ,a 11 P98-O153 / B - PLI{B FINAIJ 12 vtgs - o21,3r./ B - IIECH FINAT, 13 vrsa-o21,4/ B-MBCH FrNAL ,/L4 VL9A.OZ4AV B-MBCH FINAL Enter Line Number: Locatj-on RED SAIIDSTONE AFFORDABLE HOUSING RED SANDSTONE AFFORDABLE HOUSING GRADING LION'S RIDGE FILING ]- BLK D RBD SANDSTONE EMPLOYBE }IOUSING BLDG A RED SAIiIDSTONE EMPLOYEE HOUSING BI,DG B RED SANDSTONB RD BLDG A RE SANDSTONE RD BLDG B RBD SANDSTONB EIIPLOYSE HOUSING TEMP POWER 945 REDSAIiIDSTONE RD (HOUSING) BLDG A 954 REDSANDSTONE RD BLDG B 954 RED SA}IDSTONE RD SYSTEM BI,DG A 954 RED SANDSTONE RD SYSTEM BI,DG B RBD SANDSTONE HOUSING SPRINKTBRS BI,DG A F1=gummary Screen. F2=Nexts 15, F3=First 15, BSC=Exit List Department of Community Developnte nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Building Safety & Inspection Services Team July 17,2000 Red Sandstone Creek Association Trinan Verwys, President Post Office Box 5072 Vail. CO 81658 Re: Fire Rating(s) of the Eighteen (18) Red Sandstone Creek Housing Units, Town of Vail Building Permit #s 898-0246 and 898-0247 Dear Association Members: Tom Moorhead, Town Attomey for theTown of Vail, has asked me to address the "fire ratings" issues raised in the Building Inspection Services, Inc. report dated June 14,2000. These concems are noted in the third paragraph under item 2) ofthe report, and are found in the middle ofpage 4 ofthe report. First of all, it should be noted that the "decision tree" in designing a relatively small multiple-family structure under the requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code ("UBC") can be relatively complex. The existence or non-existence of property lines makes a big difference, and automatic fire sprinkler systems or other devices can be used to substitute for or satisfy various other code requirements. Some of the applicable requirements and design choices for this project are listed and described as follows: L A building containing 3 or more dwelling units is defined as an "Rl," or multiple-family residential occupancy. A building containing one or two dwelling units is classified as an "R3" occupancy, with generally less restrictive requirements. "R 1" occupancies are considered a higher risk to occupants because there are more people in them, thus there are higher odds that a dangerous incident may occur; and occupants of individual units have no control over what their neighbors might do, i.e., consuming too much alcohol or drugs and becoming unconscious while smoking in bed, using flammable or combustible liquids in an unsafe manner in their garages, etc., etc. Thus, Rl occupancies are generally subjected to more stringent life safety requirements under the UBC and other model building codes. 2. Dwelling units that share property lines, that is, where each unit has an exterior wall built right on the property line, are each required to have a separate one-hour fire-resistive wall (Section 503 and Table 5-A). Thus, theoretically, such a unit could burn down or be torn down without adversely affecting the adjacent unit. 3. Where property lines do not exist between units, only a total of one-hour fire-resistive construction is required between the units, and this particular requirement does not require any opening protection for any openings located in the 1-hour wall between the units (Section 310.2.2). {P *n"''""''' 'o'"' -Red Sandstone Creek Association, 7ll7/00,p.2 4.From early on in the process, the Town of Vail Fire Department intended to require that the entire I 8-unit, 2-building complex be equipped with automatic fire sprinklers throughout, as it was not felt that emergency access to the site or staging areas for large pieces of fire apparatus were available due to the configuration of the site. Installing automatic fire sprinkler systems and remote-monitored fire alarm systems in both buildings completely satisfied the fue department's concems regarding emergency equipment access and staging areas. The UBC also requires that any "Rl" buildings with 3 or more stories be sprinklered (Sec. 904.2.9). This was unfortunate, as only two units per building were 3-story units, but this would require the entire building to be sprinklered. Another UBC requirement is that "Rl" buildings containing more than 3,000 square feet of floor area above the first story be constructed as l-hour fire-resistive construction throughout (Sec.310.2.2, 2"o paragrapb). Table 5-B provides that "Rl" occupancies built of the lowest type of construction, Type V-N (type frve non- rated) be no more than 2 stories high. Rl occupancies built as Type V l-hour construction may be 3 stories high. Sections 506 and 508 provide that, under certain circumstances, the installation of a sprinkler system may be used to add one more story to the number of stories that are normally permitted OR substitute for required l-hour fire-resistive construction, respectively. However, the sprinkler system may not be used for both of these benefits at once. Only one may be selected in the design process. Section 504.6.1 provides for area separation walls. For the purposes of the UBC, such walls may be used to divide buildings into separate buildings, allowing the designer to "start over again" with a "new building" on the other side of the area separation wall. For type V buildings, area separation walls maybe of 2-hour fire-resistive construction, but must extend from the top ofthe footing to the underside ofthe roofsheathing, with various fire-resistive treatments of the areas beside the area separation walls required, depending on the circumstances. In this case, the architect chose to separate the 2 three-story units in each building from the remaining eight units with a 2-hour area separation wall on each side of the two 3-story units. Thus, each of the two buildings in the complex became three separate buildings for the purposes of the UBC. The "buildings" becarne a 6-unit,2- story "R1" building, a 3-story, trvo-family-dwelling'iR3" building and a third 2-story single-unit "R3" building. There are a number of advantages to choosing this design and code compliance alternative: l) The building is effectively divided into 3 smaller buildings by the 2-hour fire-resistive area separation wall, thus reducing the risk and providing greaterprotection against the spread offire throughout the building. 2) Even though the 6-unit Rl portion contains more than 3,000 sq. ft. of floor area above the first story, it is not required to be constructed of l-hour fire-resistive construction throughout. Section 508 permits the automatic fire sprinkler system to be substituted for the normally required I -hr. fire-resistive construction. In a similar fashion, the 3-story units are permitted to be Type V-N construction because the area separation walls have left them classified as an "R3" duplex, which Table 5-B permits to be Tlpe V-N construction. The same is true of the single units in each building that are located on the other side of the 3-story units. Note that Section 310.2.2 still applies, requiring I -hour fire-resistive construction at the walls dividing units and in the floor-ceiling assemblies separating the two "stacked" units located on one end of both buildings. In addition, the UBC requires, in Sections 708.3.1.1 and708.3.1.2, that draft stops be provided in floor-ceiling assemblies and in attic spaces, respectively. Draft stops may be constructed of materials such as %"-tlnck glpsum drywall or 3/S"-thick ply'wood or particle board and are designed to prevent the rapid spread of fire through such spaces due to an associated "draft" spreading a fire very quickly through the space. Section 5. 6. 8. 9. Red Sandstone Creek Association, 7l17/00,p.3 708. requires that draft stops be installed in floor-ceiling assemblies between units and Section 708. requires that draft stops be installed in the attics between units. Of course, the 2-hour area separation wall extending into the attics separating the 3-bedroom units from the other units would more than satisfy the draft stopping requirements for those two instances. The exception to Section 708. permitting less frequent draft stops in the attic would not apply, since, as I understand it, the attics themselves are not equipped with sprinkler heads. SUMMARY e There are no property lines between the units, so only a total of l-hour fire-resistive construction is required between units. Each building is equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system and a remote-monitored fire alarm system and is divided into three "buildings" by t',vo 2-hour fire-resistive area separation walls. In addition, Class "A" roof coverings were used, which exceeds the UBC minimum requirement for Class "C" roofs. To the best of my knowledge, the buildings met or exceeded the minimum life safety requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC), as adopted by the Town of Vail, at the time they received their final building inspection approvals. Unit owners should be extremely careful about making alterations to the buildings, especially where it concerns cutting openings in existing partitions. Many of these partitions were designed and constructed to meet the minimum life safety requirements of the building code and prevent the spread of life-threatening fire and smoke through the buildings. In a similar vein, smoke detectors, sprinkler heads, fire alarm panels, sprinkler valves and other features of life safety systems should not be painted, tampered with or altered in anv wav. If the association or individual owners have any questions about what may or may not be safely done with partitions or life safety systems, please call me or the fire department (Mike McGee or Mike Vaughan at 479- 2135) and we would be happy to come out to the site and assist you in any way possible. If you should have questions or need additional information, please feel free to call me at 479-2321. Chief Building Official GRG:grg cc: ,tDennis Gelvin, Eagle River Water & Sanitation District aeharles Lanci, Building Inspection Services, Inc. -Tom Moorhead, Town Attomey "r\4ike McGee, Fire Marshal -Mike Vaughan, Fire Prevention Officer ,,Nina Timm, Housing Coordinator rzFiles, Permit #s 898-0246 and898-0247 Very truly Yours, GarV R. Goodell. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Building Safety & Inspection Services Team July 17,2000 Red Sandstone Creek Association Trinan Verwys, President Post Office Box 5072 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Fire Rating(s) of the Eighteen (18) Red Sandstone Creek Housing Units, Town of Vail Building Permit #s 898-0246 and 898-0247 Dear Association Members: Tom Moorhead, Town Attomey for theTown of Vail, has asked me to address the "fire ratings" issues raised in the Building Inspection Services, Inc. report dated June 14, 2000. These concerns are noted in the third paragraph under item 2) ofthe report, and are found in the middle ofpage 4 ofthe report. First of all, it should be noted that the "decision tree" in desigrring a relatively small multiple-family structure under the requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code ("UBC") can be relatively complex. The existence or non-existence of property lines makes a big difference, and automatic fire sprinkler systems or other devices can be used to substitute for or satisfy various other code requirements. Some of the applicable requirements and design choices for this project are listed and described as follows: L A building containing 3 or more dwelling units is defined as an "RI," or multiple-family residential occupancy. A building containing one or two dwelling units is classified as an "R3" occupancy, with generally less restrictive requirements. "Rl " occupancies aro considered a higher risk to occupants because there are more people in them, thus there are higher odds that a dangerous incident may occur; and occupants of individual units have no control over what their neighbors might do, i.e., consuming too much alcohol or drugs and becoming unconscious while smoking in bed, using flammable or combustible liquids in an unsafe manner in 1heir garages, etc., etc, Thus, R1 occupancies are generally subjected to more stringent life safety requirements under the UBC and other model building codes. 2. Dwelling units that share property lines, that is, where each unit has an extsrior wall buiit right on the property line, are each required to have a separate one-hour fire-resistive wall (Section 503 and Table 5-A). Thus, theoretically, such a unit could burn down or be tom down without adversely affecting the adjacent unit. 3. Where property lines do not exist between units, only a total of one-hour fire-resistive construction is required between the units, and this particular requirement does not require any opening protection for any openings located in the l-hour wall befween the units (Section 310.2.2). {p'"n"*o'n"o ')o 117/00,p.2 A 'i- Red Sandstone Creek Association. 7 From early on in the process, the Town of Vail Fire Department intended to require that the entire 18-unit, 2-building complex be equipped with automatic fire sprinklers throughout, as it was not felt that emergency access to the site or staging areas for iarge pieces of fire apparatus were available due to the configuration of the site. Installing automatic fire sprinkier systems and remote-monitored fire alarm systems in both buildings completely satisfied the fire department's concoms regarding emergency equipment access and staging areas. The UBC also requires that any "Rl" buildings with 3 or more stories be sprinklered (Sec. 904.2.9). This was unfortunate, as only two units per building were 3-story units, but this would require the entire building to be sprinklered. Another UBC requirement is that "Rl" buildings containing more than 3,000 square feet of floor area above the first story be constructed as 1-hour fire-resistive construction throughout (Sec.310.2.2, 2"" paragmph). Table 5-B provides that "Rl" occupancies built of the lowest tlpe of construction, Type V-N (type hve non- rated) be no more than 2 stories high. Rl occupancies built as Type V l-hour construction may be 3 stories high. Sections 506 and 508 provide that, under certain circumstances, the installation of a sprinkler system may be used to add one more story to the number of stories that are normally permitted OR substitute for required 1-hour fire-resistive construction, respectively. However, the sprinkler system may not be used for both of these benefits at once. Only one may be selected in the design process. Section 504.6.1 provides lbr area separation walls. For the purposes of the UBC, such walls may be used to divide buildings into separate buildings, allowing the designer to "start over again" with a "new building" on the other side of the area separation wall. For type V buildings, area separation walls may be of 2-hour fire-resistive construction, but must extend from the top of the footing to the underside of the roof sheathing, with various fire-resistive treatments of the areas beside the area separation walls required, depending on the circumstances. In this case, the architect chose to separate the 2 three-story units in each building from the remaining eight units with a 2-hour area separation wall on each side of the two 3-story units. Thus, each of the two buildings in the complex became three separate buildings for the purposes of the UBC. The "buildings" became a 6-wit,2- story "R1" building, a 3-story, two-family-dwelling'1R3" building and a third 2-story single-unit "R3" building. There are a number of advantages to choosing this design and code compliance altemative: 1) The building is effectively divided into 3 smaller buildings by the 2-hour fire-resistive area separation wall, thus reducing the risk and providing greater protection against the spread of fire throughout the building. 2) Even though the 6-unit Rl portion contains more than 3,000 sq. ft. of floor area above the first story, it is not required to be constructed of I -hour fire-resistive construction throughout. Section 508 permits the automatic fire sprinkler system to be substituted for the normally required l -hr. fire-resistive construction. In a similar fashion, the 3-story units are permitted to be Type V-N construction because the area separation walls have left them classified as an "R3" duplex, which Table 5-B permits to be Type V-N construction. The same is true of the single units in each building that are located on the other side of the 3-story units. Note that Section 310.2.2 still applies, requiring I -hour fire-resistive construction at the walls dividing units and in the floor-ceiling assembiies separating the two "stacked" units located on one end of both buildings. In addition, the IIBC requires, in Sections 708.3.1.1 and 708.3.1.2, that draft stops be provided in floor-ceiling assemblies and in attic spaces, respectively. Draft stops may be constructed of materials such as %"-thick gypsum drywall or 3i8"-thick plyrvood or particle board and are designed to prevent the rapid spread offire through such spaces due to an associated "draft" spreading a fire very quickly through the space. Section 5 6. 7. 8. 9. a t Red Sandstone Creek Association, 7i t7100. p.3 708. requires that draft stops be installed in floor-ceiling assemblies between units and Section 708.3.i.2.1 requires that draft stops be installed in the attics between units. Of course, the 2-hour area separation wall extending into the attics separating the 3-bedroom units from the other units wouid more than satisfy the draft stopping requirements for those two instances. The exception to Sectio:r 708. permitting less frequent draft stops in the atti.c would not apply, since, as I understand it, the attics themselves are not equipped with sprinkler heads. SUMMARY o There arc no proped,v lines between the units, so only a total of l-hour fire-resistive construction is requireC befween units. Each buiiding is equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system and a remote-monitored fire alarm system and is divided into three "buildings" by two 2-hour f,ue-resistive area separation walls. In addition, Class "A" roof coveings were used, which excerds the UBC minimum requirement for Class "C" roofs. To the best of my knowledge, the buiidings met or exceeded the minimum iife safety requirements of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC), as adopted by the Town of Vail, at the time they received their final building inspection approvals. Unit owners should be extremely careful about making alterations to the buildings, especially where it concerns cutting openings in existing partitions. Many of these partitions were designed and constructed to meet the minimum life safety requirements of the building code and prevent the spread of life-threatening fire and smoke through the buildings. In a similar vein, smoke detectors, sprinkler heads, fire alarm panels. sprinkler valves and other features of life safety systems should not be painted, tampered with or altered in anv wav. If the association or individual owners have any questions about what may or may not be safely done with partitions or life safety systems, please call me or the fne department (Mike McGee or Mike Vaughan at 479- 2135) and we would be happy to come out to the site and assist you in any way possible. If you should have questions or need additional information, please feel free to cail me at 479-2321 . Very truly Yours, Chief Building Official GRG:grg cc: Charles Lanci, Building Inspection Services, Inc. Tom Moorhead, Town Attomey Mike McGee, Fire Marshal Mike Vaughan, Fire Prevention Officer Nina Timm, Housing Coordinator Files, Permit #s B98-0246 andB98-0247 S Drs* To: From: Date: Subject: Memorandum Gary Goodell Chief Building Official Tom Moorheaa f/)/ I Town Attorney fL l/"\ July 3,2000 Red Sandstone Creek Employee Housing Units On June 14,2000 the HomeOwner's Association at Red Sandstone Creek hired Building lnspection Services, Inc. to conduct an inspection of all 1 8 units. It appears that the inspection did not find any issues outside ofthe acceptable range. The concem that I would like to see the Town address is the inspector's concern about the fire rating of the buildings. I would like to have a letter sent from the Town of Vail Building Department outlining the fire standards that the buildings meet as well as verification of the appropriate inspections. Being proactive in this situation will hopefully alleviate homeowner concems. Please address this letter to: Red Sandstone Creek Association Trinan Verwys, President Post Office Box 5072 Vail, CO 81658 Also, please send a copy to me and Dennis Gelvin, General Manager of Eagle River Water and Sanitation District. The address there is 846 Forest Rd. Vail. CO 81657. l,|.J .lat tzE zt lr5; .r.+tr:.+J rJbt u !ta-t J lNSt-EU | :tiv:t t A|*, EZ ao :,ii4ffiu+;.ggt1jgfu, ., i, :, II i,i'',' 'i,,;l*,"-r+*i;ru;;i*ii :o.ffilffir^*,.'..:..i..t:..l;':',:.-:..:'6rfiffijshiii#t lffilll :i:'-' i',,:.:l.';iiffi ' :.' , .'l. -." j,::. ; ,,SEffi!$, 1ltci,, ..,,,',',,:'., Sffi 'lH-rr ;:l+itiiffii:r t, jffi:,i:"-i- ;-r,lo;',*,^r]'f-;il:*I* ';",{1i; :.,+,li+iiiil ii, i lT , . ..:! i;.1r:Fra i . j.rii,i, -. . j ; ": ttoriC/rGe evrym ; r!i.,i,r:.T"{. triilii:lr,i:,"i ." 'll;-mf.l-f 1f*'i"' r., ' , ,:,,':. : : .,::'.,,. it.,.:;',91op1sfrrolet$lf,,,i ...,. :. ,;.. .: ,:r . ..-i.-i,.i.:. .i. .1. ., ): .i !r.r.;[ irii iffiryfturne 'orrl 1em. INSPECTrcN REPO :t' lN June 19,2000 :' .i' June 19' 2000 rnspectionFor: :ffi"HlTL'"r"?T;rljto'"owner'sAseociation i'P.O: Box4363 ',:Vail, GO 8fSS8 "477477t 47747fi1ax 'l:'Vail' Co ' .:. . Inspcction Date: June, Lt 20t10 '', ''t. O Cooyrlsht 1$8 bv Hdn€ Ovlriers lkl'nEnanc€ Evaluation, lnc., P.O. Box 311, Gbfi'/rmd Spritro+ Cq 81602. Thh aport nrry not be rcprsduceO witnordba;ryitbn consenl of Home Oilrerg llainbnance EYaluatbn, Ina - I- obt Ltttvov 03:4q 5 ttl545 /JbEU BUILDING i ftsPEgTtoll IJLIX' IIbFEU I 5|(V5 I t l{Jts uJ SERMCES. ruc. \ ayt*tno,nwt We thank you for calling Builrtltg lnspec{-ron- Se_rvices, Inc. to irrspect these tulq mulg family sFuctures. We've been sellifrg{peace of mirxf when it comes to ocanpying a home for mbrB than ten yeara. We tnout hoUrlmpo.rtant your responsibilities to your horn€ ort ners are and yse hope this reporl will help yot{to'make a rnore educabd decisions. Our service to you ls ongoing. Additional defucb rqi{i Ue found hr many hornes. Calt us if this occurs. You can count on us lo adYise you of-he impoftane of the dsfect and giye recornmendations conceming what conective nlgCgures, if any, should be taken. Please rernember, .all sdlir{ures require reguhr rnaintenanoe, occasionel repak anO up grades as they age. The inteqtiof th'rs rapoft is ta prsvrde information aboutthe rerdily aCcessible and operable com#glFnts within a structure lhat are included in the In$p€ction psrameterg. Thesc parametB&:incldCe a visual, nondesbrJctivr inspection of the Exterirrre sf Ewlt tllctt, lE lhazar'de, possible sysFm darn4e and for lisbility the,ce two buildings,and sttrtureufiete visible, the roofs, waterard gas phlng this report will be dehils of and eafety inbrmation. The report will atso lbt many, but not all, minor concems. fit,thc end of each teciion there will tle a sununary that will brielv indicale if lhere are defects oabnec{ir.e actio}r6 that strould be tak€n. Additional information- (rocomnrendatiorc and maht{*iance} will be contained in lhe body of thb report and 1n the brocftures found at tfte end ofifre report Plsace ead the rnport end the brochurer found at . : tre end of tlra rbport in theii,:t'ftrr y to avoid misunderstrndlngs. Unlcss othanpise specfliFar, thb inspection has been performed to mlnlmrrm ASl.ll (A.r'i*; a;;t;iHil;(Amedcan Society of Horne hppectom) siandards wfiich dlreas [s membens and candi<Jates to r6_p9l "n visual observatlrcns'lliS$e during the counse of thc inspectlon. No permanent podon of this struc'ture has been Evlrry?q in a1 9ffort to bcete concealed def€cts or deficienciis. Only readily accesble, rnajor cornppents of th'rs occupancy are included hereln. hbrior fumbhhgs and stored ilernsrifrgi nol be morred and may coneal sorne componenB and defects. The presenoe of inseHt'(including lefinites), rodents or otrer pests has not lieen delermined. No analysis has,H*n made tro delermine local code or engineering cornplianoe. No tests have been made to d*Frmine tfie pregenoe of ]=ad based paints, ca*6n monoxille, or agbestos. Radon testing uesi44 completed unless othennrise noted. No porlbn of this inspection report is intended ttilitfir construed as a guarentee or $raflanty a6 to th€ tuturB performanoe or the seruiee- abre'ifh of any component. The inspection and report is baeecl r.pon the obselation of the conditiciii*,that existed at the tinre of lnspection only. Any 6ystems, indivldualcomponents or apFdihces wtrich wem hactive at th; time of ttrls eyaluaiion vreie not activated in an efbrt to .concerns. These items evaluated and are noi pail of this report Mdi[onal evaluation by other qualifed may be needed to oornpleile thce portions of thb inspedion- No portion is inlended to reflect tha value of the premises, nor to make .any representation as bility or inadvisability of the purcfiaee. Tfre inspeciion agreernent that rvas to the perbrmanca of the inspec-tion ie part of this report and ldurned to Building Inspec{ion Servioes, lnc,and should have been read, -2- uc,t Lat zvata) t t,{r+ tat >+JaJo(,u DLlrt:r lt'rtrE U | .:t\va rH|.E g.+ 'Yi$I8,* l'' ' ,_ SERV'CES, IMC- - ,.- I Ai lloztE OtrrFdr'llrhFnfltce Ewt]drn, tft. Agc of Slruc{ure: 1999 (ap.pml) 1) FOUNDATION ,.:a) Formed conciete f0orilations that appeared to be in generally satisfaclory condition. The foundations were inspegtix!,where visible ih the crawl spaoes and amund the ex6rior. Portions of the foundations wdrs covered by buiHing insulation materials and uere not readily accessible for close inspectitifr '. The moist soils and indbitjons of past standing water condithns fiHy have been caused by the need for bettet dnainaga around tre perimeter of the building (see section lb for additional details). Horarcvnr, the locatidi bf sorne of the mo'rsture as r,rell as the obsenred irdications of movement of the asphalt dA:qq4tsl/s and the reports of underground water in the area may 'indicste that a h'tgh wabrtabk,pr underground gtrearn condition$ may exist conhibuting tothese moi$ture conc€rDs. lt is reoom;nerded that the soib reports and engineered foundation plans be obtained from the builder or building departmeni to determine il allthe moisture mitigation rcquirements ncrc properly cglfpl6t6d- Additional soils tcsting may be needed to determine ff additional mitiqation is needbd , ' b) Drainage: Keeping,r,lqQr away from the foundation is important in maintaining structural ' stability. The earlh should nolffiHy slope.away from the foundation at a rate of at bast one inctr per foot. The area around thClfoundation was gencrally f,at to negative grade. Dnainage improvements are needed to'lcigp moishrre from pooting nearthe foundatbn- Restoping the driver,raays aramy from the home+ as r,rlcll as rucontouring th6 €oil€ near the sides of B-1 and A-9 . into drain ways thai thould dirsS airy exoess moisture past the horrres tot'rard the creek is . rqcommended. lnstalling rogftg4i.tbrs would also be beneficial h direcfitg moisture army from the foundations. Install splash bb618 or downapout extensions where therc 'a concenbaeA roof rurr ' off. Propefi installing and ordi$ting ncof ard gufier heal tape would aftJ the effeciive meting of ' ..'. snow and flow of water offthd:ipdf, thus helping to prerrent winter ice damming. The lavsn . silrinkler heads should bc chabted and adjusted reguhrly to ensure that thoy are directing moisture away from the foundifibns. Thc openings in the bacfi foundation uratls stroutO be sealed to help prevent moistqre from'bittering the buildings. $one of these openingi urere large enough to allow to enler- 2)STRUCruRE ", ,; . a) Typials,ood frarnebohitruction that appeered to be in generally satisf;actory conditlon. Horeyer, specrfic improvemenb:rnay be needed to correct oertain deficiensles. Floor-fram'ng vlsible from the cralul gace qpp?ared to be of nonnal size and was found to be installed per standads that are common irithis area, except forthe method of installation of the back decks. Whib the engineered floor joidg rinder these hsnes appeared to be sized and installed.prop€rly. ffre pressure teated beams lfiE€ltect to supporl the back decks may neecl addlfronal support. A few of these beems appeare{,ti have settled causing ttre sbping of the floors in somc of tfte -s at)t J.1t l{aa gr>;.{.+E t-!.rq rt.tJ-E-\, I i\IE UU >ava+?tJoltut 8y frone Orrmca x'irimac Ev&t etba r|c t 2) STRUCTURE continued living rooms. The hanging {+t ?*. beame off th6 floor joists in the crawl space€ may not be in?t gl. Bupport. The units tharhave not settled at this time rnay b€ tiound io setfle il the trture.. Releveling the flqors-and instal.$ng cement pads and wood poels under the ends of thcsl beams rnay be necessary. A qualifie4.sJructural engineer shorrld be contacted fur further evaluatbn of thiq condition. The "crcaking'l.floors and nail pops obserued in a few units and reportiJ in others appeared to be !h" T:u|".g fg'or wo.rkmanshi.p. lf tne floor deckinf ;"r *t ilpetti;!r,,"6 *c attactpd to the floor joists tlle strengttr of each oJ the joisis may be diminbned,. negliJi-llg o,gcre,rirE the decking may bo rr€eded to correcd thb condftim. Headers shouH be frsbllecl rrnder the unsupported lloor.dec*iJrg att$ro sides of eech of tk crawl space ecoess openinga. Roof framing visible fr'om'the attic access opening appeared to be of norinal size and uras found to be installed per stanilarils that are common in this area- Most of the strusture rffag covered by building linbh rna$dqls and was not readily accessible tor cloee inspeclion. Fire rating concerns rnay need to be addressed at the ualls betr,veen theire units. lt was reported to thie evalualor by tiiResociation's reprerentative lhat there ls belbved to be e legal propefi line between cach of,tfieee living units. lf thb is found to be true then the fire DroFgtton bettireen each of these u4'rts hsfar from adequate. Table 5-A in the 1997 Unilorrir Bullding Code shorrys ihat when a Grotp R-3 ttructure (single liamily residence, which these rivould each be if there is a property line bet'arcen,them) is closer than three feel from tfie properfy line, then lt must . be probcbd with a one hour.f,re.wall- This wa[ must be constructed of 5/8" fire rated drywall on each skje from the foundatioD nratl to the under slde of the roof sheathing. Therefore, il ir,ro such residenoes are placed sidq b,y-fiiie eactr must haw a one hour fire wall. Fire resbtive probctiorr required due to this proximity'tOfie property lirn cannot be waiired with the installation of an . interior sprinkler sysbm per gqttion 5OB of the 1997 UBC, lt appeared lrorn the ant army areas of drywall under the ttaire of a fqy'.units that the two shd rrvalls vrrere installed but fire rated -dryrmll . was nst, Also, drpuall was omi$ful between the units In all but a few of the att'tc. Bnrrood barriers were installed beheed most but not all of the attics. The large openinga in the concr€te fpundation walls bet'rrcen the:Ufils should also be closed off to me€t the requlrementg of the UBC. lf it is found that there ne.no legal propefiy linos betrrrreen these unlts and they are thought of as apartments or as many eeltrthem "condominiums'then they could be constuctad with one I hour separation (walb and floOr,f.and ceilings) and have draft stops instatled in th€ attlc ar€as. This is allowed in section 31O 7.2 of tle 1997 UBC. Also, the draff slops (must be at least !4' drywall or 3l8" wood panel) can,bb spread wlth up to 9000 squsre feet of area betureen them il the buibing has an approred lprlnkl€r syst€rn, as this on€ does. lf these unib harc 5/8'fire rated drywail installed thrcughqlttheir interbrs (thls could not be confirmed dwing this inspection) th6n they appeared to futfill the;reguirements of this code under these circumslances. Houcner,. those who have c-tJt away the dbrutell to make additional storage space under the stairs ha\re ' negnbd the fire rating in their r.riite. Tlre under sHe of Sre stairs and the wall bet\Fen the units should allbe properly covered;inltli ffre rated dryrarall, One point that should be.addressed if this second soenario holds true is the lack of securiiy bett een som6 of lhese units. lf a fire or smoke barrier is not needed between lhe unlb in lhe {- rJot Lat lztav tlf ; q+ r, Erf+iJ t Jol,u DLrrrJ rtl:tt-c-rJ I r..tEE UO I : 2) STRUCTURE conlinued .. ,. attic afeas, then access to anqtfier unit can be gainod thrpugh th€ attic accessgs. A few units in building B had no solid barrierqbetween the aftic spaaes. Barriers should be instatled bEtlyeen each unit for security purpoiqg; Section 1505.1 of tle.$ECstrates that allattic accesses shall be not less than 22" by 30" and shall be locdted in a coi-rHd.i, haltway or olher reedily accessible locailon. This opening is to be "unobstrucled.' The attie iccesses in all of these units should be morled out of tlre nanln doeets for eaae of entry. Al.so, the attic acress.opening in A-s has a plumbing vent pipe partially ' bkicking lhe acess. This pipg ihoutd be rerouted around the opening. The iccess co$r in B-.t was unable to be opened withont damaging the drywall. This cover should be made removable. .Ihe "hump'in the hahrtay floor in unitA-8 appeared to be caused by poor workrnanship where the floor assembly passba over the foundation rrrall below. This did not appear to be a strudural conoern. d) Garage door(s): Ncrtrtpitted as parl of thb inspection. e) Aspnat dnverays: nre epparent movement or ggttling of tfie driveways may be .'associated widt poor cunpacffirof the soils below, underground water, or pffn material mixor hstallation pracli:es. Contad.€.soils engineer for further evaluatlon by rvay of a core sarnple to 3) EXTERIOR : ." a) ExErior Gover: Wse.$tap siding that appeared to be in generatly satisfactory condllon. There appears to have been g{pqgate past exterior mainlenarrce. The rrertical lap siding may become a moisture banier coli$ern if the rrrrabr vapor sheeting was not properly iristraUaO. n ib tmportant to keep this titpg of$adirrg properly sealed against tFe inbusion oi moisture. Wood siding and rim-hgw a tendenry to shrinli, split and warp uvfien subjeded to drying qveatfer condt'tions, espacially if;r the south snd west sides due to sun exposure. Afl e*erior wood surfaoes may need to be iesealed or repainted every lwo to five years to maintain their seMceable lib. '. ,..,r' -5- f-,EtbE 6 I 5|<\f5 rt IJLIjU TN5FLU I vbr lv twuv oai q4 5 /tl!45 /JbgU gy ffmre Oraer* ritibc'tarraa E rt joi. ,ra 3) EXTERI.OR continued SUIIIUARY: Further evalutfoR oJlhe condttions beneath and within tre asphalt driveway b leSg ed. tg!!?gt a q ualifi ed tqlls eng ineer for further testing. 4) Roo.t b) Flashings: 411 roof prrtrations appeared from the ground and upper level de*s to be pto..ngrV prolccted by flashinge; o(c€pt the roof fleshing at the transition trdrir tne rorf t" th" - - PYlpins w_aflvisible fmtn the ,qpper deck at the back of unit B-1 uas in need of be1er attachment tro the roof- Also, the water bdks reported.in th-egarages in unlb A-g and e-a may Ue associi'teU with fre use of a trenied flashirg.maledal that did not ippear to be neoar6ary, Solkl fleahins is recommended in thege.areas,:ebo, the use of roof mounted heat tape on these nbrfn.in"'' '- e){Posursl maybe needed tot[1$ maintain the fkar of moisture ott the roofs, prerrpnting the bui6 :uP 5) FLUMBTNG l.': a) Supply and dlstrlbutifipiprrB,A % inch coppsr water servbe and main vahe are locabd in the garage in each unft, Ttese main valves nrere not tested for func{ion or effediveness. Water appeare,lo,be carried throughout this sl/stem in mpper pipe. Most of this system was conoealed w-ttlin $.,!l spaqef and WaS no( readily accessible for close inspection. Water guality can be variable'h lhe fiourdain areae. Building Inspection Seryioes, lni. does not evaluate the buried water pliriftior uabr quatity. Overall, tfte workmanshlP:gf the plumber was poor. The soldereO joints rrere amataurish and the genenal lack.of attentiffirto delail makes thb evatuator question whether this uork uas compleEd bya properly licendiftiiptumber. Distribrnion and hot$rater heat piping should be supPorbd to the undeGideof.{tgrflo.ot joisrs at lea6t every 6 feet Additional supportof ttre pitr€ in the crawl sPaogs is recortlnkft\ded- Abo, coppef piping next to each Of the boiiere in thc ' ' garages were suspended wjtltgflvanlzed hangers. This mix of metals can calls6 a c{remical 4' vl't Lat zgw o:: q$ in this area. DLt ril .lNJrcu I I rHUE EU EwMaw[ltr :'i' . 5) PLUMBING continued .',, . reaction coroding the pipe qnd potentialty creating a leak. lt is Bcommended that theae plpes be supported with plastic or oopppr"hangens or that a rubber barrier be installed betvyeen the two metafs. : ' An active water leak'qdJJound at a pipe joint in fie main water line entering fhe butldlng under unit A€. This leak agrbiirld to be assoeiated with the lack of adequate support of the b) Orain syelern: Thir,a$pears to be a plastic pipe drain system that was found to be in generally satisfactory.condiiion:,,There was satisfaclory functional drainage at all plumbing Jiriures- The floor drans wqre not tested as part of this inspeclion- Most of this syslem was led within urall not aocessibb for close insoection. c) Fixturcs and f;auce}i:'r;l iTbc faucets and fixturcs utere not evaluated as part of lhis inspection. tlowever, e full eviluation of the fixtures is rbcommended. The interior and extedrr splinkler oyeterrc .vuere nol G{Ndluetbd ffi psrt of this inspection- Hswever, actiye rrvahr leakage was obsenred at the back flqr valves on servicas- ,.:,. d) Functional flS{rr: Whfcfie water pressure and flow vrere not evaluated as part of ;thie inspeclion, it was'noled that #rcal of these units had.lower than nofinel flqw at their sinks, Thls may be associated wih irnpclperly iized or adjusted pressure reducing valveq orvalve ngeded at lfie rd*trvalve or the valve at the individual fixfuree. .;'.,'., e) Plumbing "air gap" (*6Ss connec{ion} concems: Not evaluated as part of this report Q Water heater: Wnifp iilC,uater heaters appeared to be installed prop€rly, the function 'and efficierrcy of these fir.turei s"S not e\raluabd as part of this report $UUilARY: lrnporiant plunibing conoerns noted. Contact a quatified plumber for further erraluation and to make rBpqtlg as ne€ded. -7- should be replaed wih herd plpe wfrere it gj6t Ltl IEEE u5: .r$ :J r rr5.+3 rSbutl tfLt r rl\ErrEL I t'Ar.*, u:,t 6) HEATING continued ' .,,.' passes through the side of th! Sheet metal material at the side of the boilerc. This is a precaution designed to limit damage t'o lfie gas piping. The gas pping observed in ihe crawt space was h need of addilionelsupport .Thb pipirtg should be supported at least every 4 to 6 feet The boiler cloeet was.not accessible in unit B-2 due lo the location of a fteezer in front of th€ door. All boilers should bsltept acocssibl€ for satety and conveniencc. Tte gas pipe ''drip fegl.rrrps used to feed gas tothe clothes dryer wfiich has been instafled in the garage in unit A€. Thb,fri ah improper inetallation and the drip leg should be reinstalled. Also, the vent from this clottpS:dryer was routed up the co.tbustion air duct in this unil, This condition will decrease the grfip$rrt of combuttion air allored into the unit and may allovy the . combustion by products ftomr0le clothes d4rer to be direcil€d back down the plpe into the garage. A more direc-t loute out of th€. heme is recommended for the cloftes dryer vent. The extensicn ppes coriiected to the temperature/pressure relief vatues on the boilere in unrts A-E and B-4 were too bib, tf the drip pan drain trrcre lo cbg and the pan were to fill the water would block the free flo$:of water frsm these extension pipes. Shoriening these pipes eo theJ terminab at a pdnt 8" 'ili Ain from lhe top odge of the drip ian is recomrnJnOeO to aitorv not : and high pressure water and pfiaam to flow with eme from the pipe in the case of the wabr heaters overpressurizing. . . The gas meters at the sfiile of unit A-9 shoukl be properly supported on the building to help breaks in the pipe ioiFb: grounding systarn. This condl5on can bc corrcctad easily by having an elecirjcian install an 7) ELECTRTCAL . . a) Servicc: Nst evaluat€d as part of thb lmpection. b) Service equipmentl,filc,levabated as part of thb inspectinn ..i: c) Devicee and equipntent, While lhese urere not evaluabd as parl of thb inspedion, it was noticed that no electricaltorlding wes installed around the water meters in each of thase units. Typically a solid coppei':qonduc'tor is sttadred to eilher side of the meter on a metallh water s)6tem. Bonding of tho utgbr $yslern ensuf€$ th€ continuity of the grounding patlr and probcls service personnet ftdh accidenbl electric shock caused by possible stray cunenb in the -& Ytdt Lat taav pf; 99 f arrr+3lJou€ BUILDII{G rr{sPEcTtoN 3 8) INTERIOR continued '. environments. After this lumbEf ;is installed, it will dry out to equalize with the generaltydry cpndition of this area res.llti4giiil minor wood ahrinkage- The and resull cen be ee€n as minor d.rywall cracks and bumps oni.tte drywall. These bumps are commonly knovun as "nail popan, These and other minor surfacebroblems are normal and can be repaired. The cracks observed intiit tOing room in A-5 appearrad to be more extensive than nonnal 9) |NSU|.AIION a) lnsulation visibla toElrhe attic accesses appeared to bc adequate and within typlcal industry standards (R-30 or'greabr). No insulation has been installed over ttre acoess cogers in qny of the units except A€, A!i8,,,and A-5. Tha* areas will be ooH spots ln the ceiling. Adding a section qf rolbd fiberglass tol$egq arem is recomrnended.. Insulation bac{ing wit-ma*O under the stairurays where the dryr,nall has bcen rcntgvcd. . There b a warnhg pos{ed on.'alinost every type of paper backed insulstion tfiat states "The facing. on fiberglass insulalion will buni:'The facing musf !e instsllad in contac't gfh a_ceiling, wall or. gLurit ll\irE U I t-H{lE t o 6€RvtcEs, tllc. "\ Eytbt".o,",n,tx Fr.ld|ab,r. ha shrinkage crad<s. Wlrile therebre no irrdications of iel0-emgnlobsen ed in the crawl space under this should be contacted forfurther evaluation. b) Floors: Not analuatedrAs part d thie inapection. c) Wndorvs and doors::i,Not evaluatcd eB Part of this inspection. d) Stairways and Railrrqs: Hot evaluated a$ part of thb inspection' e) Appliancec: Not evalibted as part of this inspection. f) Fireplaoe/raroodstovgl ,t{ot evaluated as pstt of this inspec'tion. ffmtfinish material. Protect:*ldng fronr arry open flame or heat sourccn. Thb insulation shouH fhmmable -$ '"'x"": @'$t::i*,:*; d Er.,,e,i.,,,t q-u(f Il\JrC,rr I '-l{qE t l't 10) VENTIIATION continued .. condensing on building r.ompOr*nts. See the iniormation at the back of this report for more r{aiailc . Respectfully, Charbs Lanci lnspedor : Thank you for oelecting Buitding lnspecibn Services, Inc- lo perfiorm the inspection of this property. Please call our officbif there are any questions concarning this report. Also, wo are avzilable to answer gny of yorii.f,Jture building maintenance questions or to perform a reinspection of this property ahr work may have been completed. HEPWORI - PAWLAK GEOTECQICAT-, lNc. Report of Nuclear Density Testing To: The Stevens Group Attn: Tom Stevens 58O Main St.. Ste. 220 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Job No.: 196 607-1 Date: 12-2-94 Page 1 of 1 Proiect: Red Sandstone Creek Housi Red Sandstone Road, Vail, Colorado General Type & Type & Method Contractor: Partain Construction # of Earthmoving Units: trackhoe, # of Compaction Units: vibratory loader Makasa walk-behind Contractor: Aspen Earthmoving of Lif ts: 12" Passes: as needed Earthwork Thickness Number ot of Addinq Moisture: none added clton 5ra Test l\o. LOCaITOn garage under slab Building A Depth or E lev. LaDOrarory F ield ok Comp Mir-r. % Comp Req. Soil Type lvl a x. Drv Dens. pct lvTorst Dry Dens. pcf l,4o st ],c 1 Unit #9 below top of wall 125.1 9.6 125.2 aq 100 95 poorly graded sand with silt and gravel Unit #8 below top of wall 125.1 9.6 124.2 8.1 99 95 poorly graded sand with silt and gravel J Unit #7 below top of wall 125.1 9.6 123.6 9.1 99 otr poorly graded sand with silt and gravel Unit #6 .5 " below top of wall 125-r 9.6 124.O 11.O 99 95 poorly graded sand with silt and gravel tl PART TIME Observation rlrE r!lr(:itAr::!NsatvLtaA MtI!r)D (rF TESTTNG vvAS rStO !rtisIAfrlAL ACCiltr0ArraE', rH Ajr['0292 ,iND 0-]0r I Preliminarv Observations andior Test Results Verbally Reported To: Trgn!-v{11!h 'As Earthmo Standard: ASTM D-698 (Standard) Progress Report: The contractor was placing fill in the garage areas of Building #A. tents and heaters were to be used to thaw the soil before any placement. ln units We did not observe the native soils f or f rost before placement. Units 1 -5 were f rozen. Theref ore 6-9, f ill had already been Placed. Copies: Partain Construction - Dave Partain Aspen Earthmoving - Rick Pickard Town o{ Vail - Gary Goodell i ^ i""1 i ,:l,a' - -r ",:-,,' \,1 i" .. ! r nFc 1 10cn ULtJ I,) lrJ\ru Field Technician Brent Cole Tom Westhoff Reviewed By HEpwoRlil - eAWLAK GEorecOrcAL. tNc. Report of Nuclear Density Testing To: The Stevens Group Attn: Tom Stevens 580 Main St., Ste. 220 Carbondale, Colorado A1623 Job No.: 196 607-1 Date: 124-94 Page 1 of 1 Project: Red Sandstone Creek Housing Project, Red Sandstone Road, Vail, Colorado General Contractor: Partain Construction Earthwork Thickness Number of Contractor: Aspen Earthmoving of Lifts: 6-1 2" Passes: as needed Type & # of Earthmoving Units: trackhoe, loader Type & # of Compaction Units: vibratory Makasa walk-behind Method of Addino Moisture: none added ction Standard: ASTM D-698 (Standardl PART TIME Observation IHE NUCL€AR 'ENSOM€TER \,!ETAOO OF TESTING WAS USED IN SUSSTANTIAL ACCORDANCE WITI ASTM 0292 ANO O30I7 Preliminarv Observations and/or Test Results Verballv Reported To: Trent with As Earthmovi Progress Report: The contractor had placed the final lifts of fill in Units #8 & #9 of the wet soils from Unit #2 after they were heated and thawed. building #A.They also removed Cooies: Partain Construction - Dave Partain Aspen Earthmoving - Rick Pickard Town of Vail - Gary Goodell Brent Cole Tom Westhoff om n aro: Test No. LOCa!On Building A garages under slab Depth or Elev. Laboratory Field % Comp Min. o/o Comp Soil Type Max. DrY Dens. opt, Moist "/o Drv Dens. Mo ist Yo 1 Unit #8 subgrade 125.1 9.6 122.6 10.4 98 95 poorly graded sand with silt and gravel 2 Unit #9 subgrade 125.1 9.6 123.1 10.7 98 95 poorly graded sand with silt and gravel Field Technician Reviewed By HEPWOR] - PAWLAK GEOTECSTCAL, rNC. Report of Nuclear Density Testing To: The Stevens Group Attn: Tom Stevens 58O Main St., Ste. 22O Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Job No.: 196 607-1 Date: 12-4-94 Page 1 of 1 Project: Red Sandstone Creek Housing Project, Red Sandstone Road, Vail, Colorado General Type & Type & Method Contractor: Partain Construction # of Earthmoving Units: trackhoe, loader Earthwork T h ickness Number of Contractor: Aspen Earthmoving of Lifts: 6-12" Passes: as needed # of Compaction Units: vibratory Makasa walk-behind of Addino Moisture: none added action Standard: ASTM D-698 (Standardl PART TIME Observation r!E NUCIEAR 0ENSOMETER METHO0 oF TESTING WAS LJSEO lN SITBSTANITAL ACC0FoANCE wlTH ASTM D292 ANO D3017 Preliminary Observations and/or Test Results Verbally Reported To: Kent with Aspen Earthmoving Progress Report: The contractor placed the final lift of fill in the garage areas for Units #6 & #7. Copies: Partain Construction - Dave Partain Aspen Earthmoving - Rick Pickard Town of Vail - Gary Goodell Tom Westhffi Brent Cole om on STanoaro: Test No. Location Building A garages under slab Depth or Elev. Laboratory Field o/o Comp Min. % Comp Soil Type Max. Dry Dens. Moist vo Dry Dens. lvlo ist "/o 1 Unit #6 subgrade 125.1 9.6 124.3 1 1.0 99 95 poorly graded sand with silt and gravel 2 Unit #7 subgrade 125.1 9.6 125.6 10.3 100 95 poorly graded sand with silt and gravel Field Technician HEPWOnlr| - PAWLAK GEOTECa{|CAL, rNC. Report of Construction Activities To: The Stevens Group Job No. 196 607-1 Date: 12-7-98 Attn: Tom Stevens 580 Main St., Ste. 22O Sheet 1 of 1 Carbondale, Colorado 81623 Project: Red Sandstone Creek Housing Project, Red Sandstone Road. Vail, Colorado Weather Conditions and Temperature: cold, 27' Contractor's Construction Activities: Aspen Earthmoving - placing and bedding the drainage culvert across the entrance. Major Equipment: H-P Geotech's Site Activities: We visited the site to monitor the fill that was to be placed in the garage areas of Units 1-5, Building A. Due to frost in the ground. no fill was being placed. Units 2 & 5 were tented and heated at this time. The contractor expected to be placing fill on 12-A-94. Verbal Communication With: Kent with Aspen Earthmoving Cooies: Partain Construction - Dave Partain Aspen Earthmoving - Rick Pickard Town of Vail - Gary Goodell Brent Cole Tom Westhoff Field Observer Reviewed By Gasttte fUrCo4cstt alx'lOs-|8lttfltt4l oltl rd.al+zD&l Fr.l$?*ltE Technical Bulletin #T897003 Rrg$Sfr rtd Vo'tt Lirr:thg Dryloh' G.dlb Flilble Go Plping sydrttl July 12, tg00 f,ftt.htur|t]rarruhr|l|Ct H||bfi.}r0. FIII dil lr| r|dil-lt bit !S hl rts rf aF ill!. lnl t|| r'ti d m0 gr Plif ' plrdrrf rd trdrt pri*,.blfl ln I lrr|l|t illllll Lil|| ill0r ntwb|Fdl.Hn| t|n 1lf ilrrl tsilyurr tllrd 0i0f {rat}{lrrprrrr drg" A rll rrrn erFtsrg rpn bFt onrum fr 5rrrrfiFrddnoldt dq.b. ol| drrhtowoilrrhr td pril fmLt! F||dr$sr"snr*$i slyldru l|tp|rrr [i rtr nd 6rr b 135j1 rr g|, fl r|||rtr h tlr 116 rff m hr+or- | ril trli{ tffi, th |rt mft l a tl - ffr il fuDcrlbf I lj l|!f L il trftb F tf h -l[ilr|l |b[ fi Alqnr dt| nna ogaabr ln lb ily|.frttrtddr ildrrm n*il, !r uf hltg rnb ||llt grrrymdb 1.0 CFll tilrl pt 2 Ptl c Ofi CR{ !P d I Ftl. lofi frrc llbr h lllU -fii d 2's cFH d db r||f|rtr|cf m mrln 5.0 cRt A i|f rkl#t b h fi rlrb rtrtr b c+r 5 tr n*urrrrf drtl S|.sott ! hrbfgdrl b ]rf t ttlt f$d ls#l|.r n*lrf rilr nrn n5lrb4 nrrTdrf,r tlh *tlFh fth d Fftrttrn bUDr rtFd sth sr[ ilt|tt rornr FtFrotrGn |b'$rb?J!ilb i!||15 h rffi '+tf{ p*tt' In Gqrub[ trcll-tr rodrd ilr. l|'r l"li|I flb - o{nrd b Fb t rr -tdr b ndc d il|E b !r rriqr;t Faii So{e Mode lI'llel!}'XI1C!J, t.t r tl0lC eo. Cl 38-Zt -'ltlF Ncrmoi L'lorjrt t/z 33l'd t9t EglaE I t. q I MBING CODE rd at six (6) to re outlet of the ry be sized for res (279.4 mm) rdths (1.52). delivered, the 'ity conversion g tables in this outlet shall be -'cified by the I to each such reen definitely quirements of t, divide input foot (L) of the re area of the Lance shall not rome shall be hundred fiftY gth of piPing hundred fiftY system of gas /stems within means of the ;ystem within ocation to the €, or the next 11 column jusi of demand is nn. e left in Table FUEL PIPING 1217.2 - 1218.4 (5) Using this same vertical column, proceed in a similar manner for each section of pipe serving this outlet. For each section of pipe, determine the total gas demand supplied by that section. Where gas piping sections serve both heating and cooling equipment and the installation prevents both units from operating simultaneously, only the larger of the two demand loads need be used in sizing these sections. (6) Size each section of branch piping not previously sized by measuring the distance from the tas meter location to the most remote outlet in that branch and follow the procedures of steps 2,3,4, and,5 above. Note: Size branch piping in the order of their distance from the meter location., beginning with the most distant outlet not previously sized. 1217.3 For conditions other than those covered by Section 1217.1, such as longer runs or greater gas demands, the size of each gas piping system shall be determined by standard engineering methods acceptable to the Administrative Authority and each such system shall be so designed that the total pressure drop between the meter or other point of supply and any outlet when full demand is being supplied to all outlets, will at no time exceed five-tenths (0.5) inches (12.7 mm) water column pressure. 1217.4 Where the gas pressure may be higher than fourteen (14) inches (355.6 mm) or lower than six (5) inches (152.4 mm) of water column, or when diversity demand factors are used, the design, pipe, sizing, materials, Iocation, and use of such systems first shall be approved by the Administrative Authority. Piping systems designed for-pressures higher uuln- the serving gas supplier's standard delivery pressure shall have prior venhcation from the gas supplier of the availability of the design pressure. Dystems I'sing undiluted liquified petroleum gas may be sized using Table 1a-l tor eleven (11) inches (279.4 mm) water column and in accordance with ttre ptovisions of Sections ^tZ-17.1, and 1277.2. 1218'0 Medium pressure Gas piping Systems 148.1 Medium Pressure - Pressure over fourteen (14) inches (355.6 mm)ot water column but not to exceed five (5) psig (34.5 ipa). Second stage l,T::ut: - used in liqui{ied petroleum gas sy-steirs. Pressure over fourteen )ili T:!"t (355.6 mrn) of water column but not to exceed twenry (20) psig (l37.8kPaj.' E^LEE\. '!vcr'!t |l!1 enp-ual of the Administrative Authoriry and verification from the fli"S Sii supplier of the availability of the desired pressure shalt be totaured before any medium pressure g;s piping system is installed. afj:f ..Tlt" following shall apply to medium pressure gas piping systems ;..''*uruott ,o *" other requiremerLts of this chapter. Approved regulators shall be installed on medium pressure gas systems, in approved locations and shall be accessible for servicing.re8trlator shall hlve a separate vent to the outside. 131 li ii Exceptions: Pounds.fl1ll:1:1,(-.Tl yo,., column ."*u,u,orl equipped rvith limiting -res capabt{j ot releaslng norlr()re than ii.,_.(5) cubic t'eet of gas per hour (0.04 L,zsec.), when suppiied *t,f, 1n..,f ,,,"*t prcssure, need not be vented to an.utsidc lo.iation _h",'' r;:i,J regulators havc bcen approved bv the Administrative Authoritr."l',il serving gas supplier. These regulators shall: (1) Be connected to the samc piping material used to pipe the structur,,A listed gas connector may be used to attach the low, pres.ur" ;,;:downstream of the regulator b the appliance manrfohl. r'r" E (2) Have an apprt>ved gas valve in the supplv linc. upstrcarn of ths pounds (kg) to inches (mm) w,ater column regulator. (3) Be accessible. (4) Llave the upstream prcssure identified. such idcntificati.n shall be a metal tag permanently attached to the regulator and statc: .,Warni.,_. 1/2 to 5 pounds (3.4-34.5 kpa) natural gas prcssure. Dtj N;?REMOVE". (5) Be installed in a location that communicates with a 'entiratctr area. 1218.5 An approved gas valr,,c shall be installed immcdiately procedina each. rcgulaior. Ali regulators that may be subjected to m.ch.:nic;l da;;;:shall be substantially protected to the satisfaction of the .r,dm i nist.a t,i.Authority. 12'f 8.6 Tables 12-5 and 12-6 may be used to size natural gas piping svstem carrving three (3) or five (5) psig (20.2 or 34.5 kpa) gur. th. p..r.i.jr." to dctermine the size of cach section .f the system is simi.lar to that contained in Section 1217.0 using the pipc length from the metcr to the most rcmote regulator on the medium pressure systcm and sizing the downstrcam lorv pressure piping from Table 12-3. 1218.7 Table 12-ll may be usgf - to size und iluted liquif ied petrgle um gas piping.systems carrving ten (10) psig (6g.9 kpa) gas. The procedure"to determinc the size of each section of the systcm is simirar to section r217.t)using the pipe length from thc first stagc or tank regu la tor to thc most remote regulator in thc second statr. svstcm. l.()$, pressu;c piping to bc, sized from Table t2-7. 1218.8 Buried mcdium pressure gas piping shall be protected trom corrosion as requircd bv Chapter 12 and shall have a minimum earth cover of eightecn (18) inches (0.5 m). Such piping shall be covercd with at icast six (6) inche's (152.4 mm) of hand placed sciected backfil dcvoid of r.cks,building materials, or other matter that mav damage the pipe or rvr.rpprng. rb tUef. Bt e)FtttTEt) ff Ar. fsr,\q5rr..,rrrS rc,fFf EyCaXt,tt-l v)e LitLL ALuo'u Crt-'ur81c'at*fL' NL.ry 1o B'.,rcr)r,lko €*wcCrcA- 1a tG -'lt (t-i.\L.,,i.f,. , tJz k/, Sole{ N'f 9^-'/'AO U.-l- Oe.,t, O loom t.Ao',-*'u ]lf'-'*( k *. scdt t) /1 qY'oLts .. Lt la &r,( Acce s s s ide- 5, ,1le ut a-/,( oornb u s/aa'' +; oo* s;d< .-C B'v ear io ovt;iAz 5ubm,7/",! t A vr7-r mE & /b 27t (* 3so B uor',o (/, s/a- , do- I + ,4rO, Srzu 3" D've.rtf ]o oulsit(< at{,| o rt Burnka-- po; le ( HA ltJ fl HA H 10-28-1998 rr*YTIfi|5 PLUMBING 161E',,"€-AN O STO NE CA E E K y'AIL, CO {ea tloss i fhe BTU'S per foot of radiation is 0ifference of 62@ 9A :NTRY :EILING HEIGHT IS 8.@@ FEET. VOLUITI E IS 1 E x p 0 s E D 0 p E N r N G S , r 0 r A L r N G ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) > ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )l EXP0SED f.,ALLS, not !ncluding openinge,T0TAtINc ))) l00M SIZE IS 1@.@A L0NG by L4.@@ tJI0E, T0TALING )) ^lIN00t^l TYPE IS: U-Value = @, No openings 1n this room ^JALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .@5, Frame Insulated :EILING TYPE IS: U-Value = @, Conditioned space above :L00R TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .21, Concrete Floore fhe Total BTU H for the outside uaIIe are l'he TotaI BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are fhe total BTUH for the ceilings lhe total BTUH for the floors fhe BTUH infiltration for the ooeninos is rHE TOTA L BTUH FOR THIS ROOI't IS fhe tol:al feet of radial:ion required for this room t LtzA.@@ CUErC 2L.@@ $QUARE $9.O@ SQUARE I40.@@ SQUARE FEET FEET FEET FEET / HEATLOSS 'AA 359 @ 294 I 2a?r t vvlJ 2,25L//3A (ITCH/LIVIN6 :ElLING HEIGHT 1S 8.A@ FEET, V0LUt'rE rS 3t92.@@ CUBrC FEET 4 EXposED 0pENrNGs,r0rALrNG ))))))))))))))>))))))))) 82.@@ SQUARE FEEr 3 EXPoSED tlALLS, not including openinge,T0TALINC ))) 278.@@ SQUARE FEET l00l't SIZE IS L9.@@ L0NG by 2t.@O HI0E, T0TALING )) 399.@@ SQUARE FEET .,IND0t^J TYPE IS: U-Value = .551. 0oubIe Pane, Clea r GIass ,IALL TYPE IS; U-Value = .@5, Frame Insulated :EILING TYPE IS: U-Value = @, Conditioned space above rL00R TYPE IS: U*Value * .2L, Concrote FIoors l'he TotaI BTUH for the out6ide waIIs are fhe Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are l'he total ETUH for the ceilings fhe total BTUH for the floors I'he BTUH infiltration for the openings ls rHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THlS ROOT'I IS l'he total feet of rad ia tion r e qui red for this room HEAT LOSS L ) tJ t 4,067 @ 838 5,2@4 tt,369 t8./3 t( Page ? i € Eh o.oh :ErLfNc uEleHr is. B.oo. FEE| . voLUilE rs 2 EXP0sE0 0PENrNGs,r0rALrNG >)))))))))))))))))))))))2 EXP0SEb t^lALLS, not including openinge,T0TALINC ))) z6 1RR .o@ @@ @@ @@ CUBIC FEET SQUARE ':EET SQUARE FEET qNIIAPtr FFFT 10011 SIZE IS L3.o@ L0NG by I4.O@ tllDE, T0TALING )> t3z ,JIN00t^J TYpE IS; U-Value = .551, 0oubIe Pane, CIea r GIass -,IALL TYPE IS:U*vaIue = .@5. Frame Insulated :EILING TYPE IS: U*VaIue =.@33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above = L00R TYPE IS: U-Value = @, Floo r over any Conditioned Space fhe Total BTUH for the outside waIIs are I'he TotaI BTUH for the Exposed 0peni ngs are fhe total BTU H for l:he ceilings Ihe total BTUH f o r the f l.oo rs fhe BTU H infiltration for the openings ie THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THTS ROOM IS fhe total feet of radiation required for this room HEATLOSS 846 I ?r?o l.lo 4,558 7.4 {A L L :EIIING HEIGHT IS 8.@@ FEET, VOLUI1E IS A8@.@@ CUBTC FEET 2 EXp0SE0 0PENrNGs,r0rALrNG ))))))>))))))))))))))))) 24.@@ SQUARE FEEr l EXP0SED HALLS, not including openings,T0TALING )>) 96.@@ SQUARE FEET l00r'1 SIZE IS L5.A@ L0NG by 4.O@ UIIDE, T0TALINc )> 6@.O@ SQUARE FEET JIN00t^l TYpE 1S: U-VaIue =.551, 0ouble Pane, CIear G.l-ass .IALL TYPE f $: U-VaIue = .@5, Frame Ine ulated ;EILING TYPE IS::LOOR TYPE IS: U-Value = .@33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above U-Value = @r FIoo r ove r any Conditioned Space fhe Total BTUH for 'l:he outside walls are fhe Tota I BTUH for the E xposed 0pen i ngs are fhe total BTUH for the ceilings fhe total BTUH for the floors fhe BTUH infiltration for the openings is rHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS Ihe total feet of radiation required for 1:his room HEATLOSS 432 t,t9@ L8@ @ 1 Ct2 ttJbr ,/3,32r/ +,{q 3ATH :EILING HETGHT IS 8.@O FEET, VOLUF1E IS 576,@@ CUBIC FEET @ EXp0sE0 0pENrNGs,r0rALrNc )>))>)))))))))>))>)>)))) @.@@ SQUARE FEEr @ EXP0SE0 t^lALLS, not including openings,T0TALING >>) O.@@ SQUARE FEET iOOI'I SIZF IS 9.4@ LONG by 8.O@ ITIDE, TOTALING )> 72,@@ SQUARE FEET ^fIN0Ohf TYPE IS: U-Value * @, No openings in this room ^IA L L TYPE TS :U*Vai"ue = . @5, Frame Ineulated :EILING TYPE IS: U*Value = .A33, Uncondltioned Attic Space Above : L00R TYPE IS: U-VaIue = @, Floo r over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS l-he Total BTUH for the outside walls are l'he Total BTUH for the E xposed 0pen inge are fhe total BTUH for the ceilings fhe totaL BTUH for the floors @ @ llo @ Page D./rhE +ruH lnfll rHE TOTAL BTUH fh6 total fee t ':il.ilrl.n:Hl,,.::';"1'.n, " ...** 2 EXP0SED 0PENrNGs,r0rALrNG )))))))>)))))))))))>)3 EXP0SED tJA L tS, not including openings, T0TA LING l00f'l SIZE IS L3.@@ L0NG by L3.@@ LJr0E, T0TALING iASTER EEOROO!I }EILING HEIGHT IS 8.AO FEET, ,lIN00W TYPE IS: U-VaIue ^IALL TYPE I$: U-VaIue IEI LING TYPE IS: U-VaLue 3100R TYPE IS: U-VaIue VOLUI'IE = .551, 0ouble Pane, CIea * .05, Frame Insulated .@33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above @, FIoo r ove r any Conditioned Space IS T352.@@ CUBIC FEET i ) ) 58 .AA SQUARE FEET ))) 2l"4.@@ SQUARE FEEr )) 169.O@ SQUARE FEEr r GIass l'he TotaI ETUH for the outside waIIs are Ihe TotaI BTUH for the E xpos ed O peni ngs are fhe total BTUH for the ceilinge Ihe total BTUH for the floors fhe BTUH infiltration for the openings is rilE TOTAL BTUH FOR THTS ROOM IS fhe total feet of radiation required for this HEATLOSS 963 2,877 5@7 @ 3,681 8,@28 room L2.9 I3 TOTALS i * * * * * * * * tr * r. * * * * * t * t * * * * * * * t *************tt r. * * i r. r. * r. * L * * rr t t t r.r.* * *t *t r.Lr.LL* * r.**L*r. r'oLUI'1E Is ))))))))))))))))))))))))) :xP0sE0 0PENTNGS,T0TALTNG ))))))))))) :Xp0SEB HALLS,above grade not including f0TAL SqUARE FEET, of waIIs below grade :LOOR ANO CEIL]N6 SIZE IS Ihe TotaI BTUH for the Ihe Total ETUH for the fhe TotaI BTUH for the lhe totaL BTUH for the I'he total BTUH for the fhe BTUH inflltration r O T A L B T U H. walls above grade are walls below g rade are Exposed 0penings are ceilings floors fo r the r.rindor,"rs THIS BUI aL76.@@ CUBrC > 2r3.Cr@ SQUARE 835.O@ SQUARE @.@@ SQUARE t@22. @@ SQUARE HEATLOSS 3,758 @ 9,882 ! ,449 1 1 a') 1e q.17 )))))))))))) ))))))))))))openings FEET FEET T C.C I FEET T IL I l"he total feet of radiation requi red I N G 29,734 44.@ 5tP+ ** *rk* *'r *,.'.* *** **;;;*:;";:;;:;---- 3 t, 6 lo yy, .f:til' ; { *n*,,31,te5 KP'tuirPa( 7 s;,r)r '6-1.ut,'1 ry ft,Lh(*, ytse $n r,, A^,n fJ as /{s- T€'Ts 1@-28-1998 qNYTIlnE PLUI'lBING j; i, :ltt;; i it cxrral,,,-./ {eatloss is bgsed on a fhe BTU'S per foot of Design Temp . 0ifference radiation is 62@ 9@ af SEDROOh }EILING HEI6HT IS 8.@@ FEET, VOLUI{E TS 1568.@@ CUBIC FEET 2 EXP0sE0 0PENrNGS,r0rALrNG ))>>)))>)))))))))))>)))) 24.@@ SQUARE FEEr 3 EXP0SE0 ilALLS, not including openings,T0TALINc ))) 312.O@ SQUARE FEET l00l'f SIZE IS tq.a@ L0NG by L4.@@ t"JIDE, T0TALING )) 196.@@ SQUARE FEET ^JIN00W TYPE 1S: U-VaIue = .551. 0oubIe Pane. Clear 6lass ^IALL TYPE fS: U-VaIue = .O5, Frame Insulated ]EILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue *.@33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above : L00R TYpE IS: U-VaIue = @, FIoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS fhe TotaI BTUH for the outside waIIs are t,A@4 Ihe TotaI BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are L,!9@ Ihe total ETUH for the ceilinge 588 fhe total BTUH fo r the floo rs @ fhe BTUH infiltration for the openings ie ?,3A8 /rHE ToTAL BTUH FoR THIS R00H IS 5,53)/ I-he total feet of radiation required for this room {e 3ATH )EILING HEIGHT IS 8.AO FEET, VOLUFI E IS 576.@@ CUBIC FEET @ Exp0sE0 0PENrNGs,r0rALrNG )))))))))))))))))))))))) @.o@ SQUARE FEEr @ EXp0SE0 WALLS, not including openings,T0TALINC )>) @.@@ SQUARE FEET l00M SIZE IS t2.@@ t0NG by 6.@@ tJI0E, T0TALING )> 72.o@ SQUARE FEET ^,IN0Oi^J TYPE IS: U*Value = @, No openings in this room ^IALL TYPE IS: :EI LING TYPE IS ::LOOR TYPE TS: U-Value = .@5 , Frame Insulated U-VaIue = .@33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above U-Value = @, Floor ove r any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS l'he TotaI BTUH for the outside walle are Ihe TotaI BTUH for the Exposed 0pe nings are l'he total BTUH for the ceilings l-he total BTUH for the floors fhe BTUH infiltration for 'l:he openings is rHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS fhe total feet of radiation requi red for this roonr @ @ 2t6 @ @ 216-/ lllilfrnt"r.ioxr rs ,.r, or.f v'LUr'lE rs 2 EXp0sED 0pENrNGS, r0rALrNG- ) ) ) > ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )l EXP0sEo wRits, not including openings,T0TALING ))) t00t{ SIZE 1S t6,a@ L0NG by L6.@@ l"JIDE, T0TALING }> Page 2 IEILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .O33, Unconditioned Attic :L00R TYPE IS: U-Value = @, FIoor over any Conditi l'he TotaI BTUH for the outside waIls are fhe Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are fhe total BTUH for the ceilings fhe total BTUH fo r the floo rs fhe ETUH infiltration for th€ openings is rHE TOTAL ETUH FOR THIS ROO!1 IS fhe total feet of radiation requi red for this room t@4 8.@@ CUBIC FEET .@O SQUARE FEET .@O SQUARE FEET .@@ SQUARE FETT iIINU0LJ TYpE 1S r U-Val-ue = .551, 0oubIe Pane, CIear GIass ^IALL TYPE IS:U-VaIue =.@5, Frame Insulated S p a c e A b ove oned Space HEATLOSS 468 L,t9@ / ou @ 2,348 4,775 7 )INING/KITCHEN CETLING HEIGHT IS 8.OA FEET, 3 EXPOSEB OPENINGS,TOTALING ) )3 EXP0SED hJALLS, not including l00l'{ SIzE IS 20.@@ L0Nc by 14 ,JIN00W TYPE IS ! U-VaLue = .551 ,JALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .@5, IEI LING TYPE IS: U-Val"ue :L00R TYPE IS r U-Value VOLUME IS 2240.@@ CUBIC FEET )))))))))))))))))))))) 62.o@ SQUARE FEEr openings,T0TALING )>) 274.@@ SQUARE FEET . @@ r^JrDE , T0TA LING ) > 28@. O@ SQUARE FEET . 0ouble Pane, Cl,ear Glass Frame Insulated .@33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above A, Floor ove r any Condit:ioned Space fhe TotaI BTUH for the ou ts ide waIls are fhe TotaI BTUH for the Expoeed 0peni ngs a fhe total BTUH for the ceilings fhe total ETUH fo r the floo rs fhe BTUH infiltration for the openings is rHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS l'he total feet of radiation required for HEATLOSS ! ,233 re 3,@75 8A@ @ 6,@66 tt,2t)/ thiE room t% 1"t lg' qASTER BATH :EItING HEIGHT IS 8.A@ FEET,VO LUME 1 E x P 0 s E 0 0 P E N r N G s , r 0 r A L r N G ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )1 EXP0SE0 NALLS, not including openings,T0TALING l00l't SIZE IS 8.O@ L0NG by t@.@O tJI0E, T0TALfNG ^lIN00l", TYPE f S: U-Value = .551, 0oubIe Pane, Clea ^IALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .O5, Frame Insulated :EILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .@33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above :L00R TYPE IS: U-Value = Q, FIoor over any Conditioned Space HEATLOSS fhe TotaI BTUH for the outside waIIs are 252 l'he TotaI BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are 397 l"he total BTUH f o r the ceilings 24A fhe total BTUH for the floors O IS 644.@@ CUBIC FEET ))) 8.@@ SQUARE FEET )>> 56.@@ SQUARE FEEr )) 8@.@@ SQUARE FEEr r Gl.ass Page 3 ilL?;Yil';lii';;:'?1,1";.5npenins6 i6 fhe to tal fee t of radiation required for this room 'IASTER BEOROOFI :EILING HEIGHT TS 8.@O FEET. VOLU!1E IS 1568.O@ CUBIC FEET 2 EXp0sE0 0PENrNGS,r0rALrNG >))>>>)))>>>))>))))))))) 28.oa SQUARE FEEr 2 EXP0SE0 t^JALLS, not including openings,T0TALINC ))) L96.@@ SQUARE FEET 100f1 SIZE IS t4.A@ L0NG by L4.OO t"ll0E, T0TAtINC )) L96.@@ SQUARE FEET ^lIND0W TYPE IS: U-Value = .551, 0oubIe Pane, Clear Gfass .JALL TYPE IS: :EILING TYPE IS::LOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .A5, F rame Insulated U-VaIue =.@33, Unconditioned Attic Space Above U*Value = O, FIoor ove r any Conditioned Space Fhe TotaI BTUH for the outEide waIIs are fhe Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are the total BTUH for the ceilings fhs total BTUH for the ffoors fhe BTUH infiltration for the openings is rHE TOTA L BTUH FOR THIS ROOI{ IS fhe total feet of radiation required for this room HEATLOSS 882 1 ?ao 3at6 @ 2,739 er-Jv/, .A TOTALS t***tr******l*t rf * * * * t? * * * * * * * * * ti * * * * !t tr rt rt * rt * rt * rt * * *:t rt !* tr * rr * t t *r+ *r**** t **t t rt****rt****** CUBIC FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET 4q r'oLUME IS ))))>>))))))))))))))))))))))>))>))))> 464@.@@ Exp0sED opENrNGs,r0rALrNG ))))))))))))))))))))))>) r46.@@ :XP0SED t^lALLS, above grade not including openings 9q2.@@ [0TAL SQUARE FEET, of walls befow grade @.@@ iLOOR AND CETLING SIZE IS L@8@.@A HEATLOSS l-he TotaI BTUH for the waIIs above grade are 4,239 l-he TotaI BTUH for the waIIs bel.ou grade are @ lhe Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are 7,242 fhe total BTUH for the ceillnga 3,24@ Ihe total BTUH for the floors @ I'he BTUH infiltration for the windows is 14.285 r O T A L B T U H, T H I S B U I L O I N 6 29,@@5 Il:-:::il"l:::-:l-:i:l::i:1":::ll::1-,.,.:,.,.,(*,.,,*,.,,,.r,*,,-,.11;l**,.**************,.,.*** 3o r3y ^6+'^ fr'nlf 'Ar"')','po, cie rc1 3i,Tl: ffi:,'lii, fr.- ftt.t-;k/"jS, 85 o H%4tret t p2oj Ns -T€trs fise B^," ko'-' l:" -, '',; ;:',- tT .J.-"5,,1ir 6ilT nftrt, ddGar' E ledu4,trion L@-28-199e lt;liffi#:r::i:.,-, tur /AIL, C0 lea tl o ss ie based on a 0esig- Temp . Difference of fhe tsTU'S per'foot of radiation is 62@ o 90 IIVING/OINING :EILlNG HEIGHT IS 8.A@ FEET, VOLUI'18 IS L344.@O CUBIC FEET 3 EXp0sED 0pENrNGS,r0rArrNG )))))))))))))))))))))))) 6e.@@ SQUARE FEEr 2 EXP0SED WALLS, not including openings,T0TALING ))> L55.@O SQUARE FEET t00t{ SrZE IS t2.Q@ L0NG by t4.OO WIDE, T0TALING )) 168.@@ SQUARE FEET ^lIN00N TYpE 1S! U-VaLue * .551, 0oubIe Pane, Clear Glaes ^IALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frame Insulated :EILING TYPE IS: U-VaIue - @, Conditioned space above :L00R TYPE IS: U-VaIue + .2I , Concrete FIoore Ihe Total BTUH for the outslde walls are fhe Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are fhe total BTUH for the cellings l'he total BTUH for the f ]oors fhe BTUH infiltration fo r the openings is rHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOIl IS fhe total feet of radiation reouired for this room HEATLOSS 698 2,7 4@ @ 353 4,455 8,245 1e ? IC SEDROOM :ErLrNG HETGHT IS 8.@@ FEE'!, VoLUtiE 15 96@.@@ CUBrC FEET 1 EXp0SE0 0pENrNGS,r0rALrNC )))))))))))))))))))))))) t2.A@ SQUARE FEEr x ExP0SE0 tJALLS, not including opening6,T0TALINC ))) 84.O4 SQUARE FEET l00M SIZE IS L2.@6 L0NG by t@.@O l^lIDE, T0TALING )) 12@.@@ SQUARE FEET ^,IND0N TYPE ISr U-VaIue = .551, DoubIe Pane, Clear GIass ^IALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .05, Frome Insulated :EILIt{G TYPE IS: U-Value - @r Conditioned space above iL00R TYPE IS: U-VaIue * .?L, Concrete FIoors lhe Total BTUH for the outside walls are l-he Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are l-he total BTUH for the cellings f he total BTUH f o r the f loor.e fhe BTUH infiltration for the openings is rHE TOTA L BTUH FOR THIS ROOil IS l-hE total feet of radiation reoui red for this room HEATLOSS 378 595 o 252 2,@@@ 4t Page 3ATH.: :ETLING HEIGHT TS 8.@A FEE VOLU!1E IS @ EXp0$E0 L^jALLS, not including openings,T0TALING ))) l00M SIZE IS 8.4@ L0NG by t@.@@ blrDE, T0TALING )) ^,IN00l^J TYPE IS: U-Value = @, No openings in this room ^IALL TYPE IS: U-Value = .@5, Frame fnsulated :EILING TYPE IS r U-VaIue * O, Conditioned space above r LOOR TYPE IS: U-Value * .27, Concrete FIoors I!.A.@A CUBIC FEET @.@@ SQUARE FEET @.O@ SQUARE FEET 8A.AA SQUARE FEET lhe TotaI BTUH for the outside r"ralls are fhe TotaI BTUH fo r the Exposed 0penings a re lhe total BTUH for the ceillngs fhe total BTUH for the floors l-he BTUH infiltration for the openings is rHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOM IS fhe total feet of radiation requi red for this room HEATLOSS @ h @ 168 a !6e / @/{ TIASTER BEOROOI'1 :EILIN6 HEIGHT IS 8.@@ FEET, VOLUIIE IS 968.@@ CUBIC FEET 2 EXP0sE0 0PENrNGs,r0rALrNG )))>)>>)>>)>)>>)))>>)))> 5t.6@ SQUARE FEEr 1 EXP0SE0 NALLS, not including openings,T0TALING ))) 37.@@ SQUARE FEET l00tq SIZE IS :-L.@@ L0N0 by IL.@A l.lI0E, T0TALING )) LzI .@@ SQUARE FEET ^lIN00t^, TYPE I$r U-VaIue =.551, 0oubIe Pane, CIear Glass ^IALL TYPE IS: ;EILING TYPE IS::LOOR TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .@5, Frame Insulated U-VaIue = @, C ondi tio ned space above U-VaLue = .2L, Concret€ FIoors Ihe TotaI BTUH for the outslde walls are l'he Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are fhe total BTUH for the ceilings fhe total BTUH for the f loors fhe BTUH infiltration for the openings i6 rHE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROON IS fhe total feet of radiation requi rod for thiE room HEATLOSS r67 ?,53@ @ 254 ? ,oe 6,243 I@.L l3' (ITCHEN :EILING HEIGHT IS 8.@A FEET.VO LUME IS o ExposE0 0PENrNcs,r0rALrNG )>)>))>>>)))>>>)>>))>))> @ EXP0SE0 l.,lALLS. not including openings,T0TALING >)) tO0ltl SIZE IS 8.O@ L0NG by 6.o@ LJIDE, T0TALING )) ^,INDOhi TYPE IS r U*Value = @, No openings in thi6 room ^fALL TYPE IS: U-VaIue = .@5. Frame Insulated :EILING TYPE IS: U-Value = O, Conditioned space above " L00R TYpE IS: U*Value = .2t, Concrete FIoors 3AA.O@ @.@@ @.@@ 44.@@ CUtsIC FEET qNIIAPF trFFT SQUARE FEET SQUARE FEET fhe Total BTUH for the outside ',raIIs are the Total BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are Ihe total BTUH for the ceilings l'he totaL BTUH f o r the f Ioo rs HEATLOSS a o a taL Page 3 fhe tota! feet of radiation requi red for this room iH"+;Yi';'ill I T ; ;' i;, {" ;,Slop e n iffi-r6 ;f ;;;;;;-;;-"----;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;"-;;;;:;--;;;;;-;;;;--***** :xP0sE0 0PEf'rlNGs,r0rALrNG >))>))))))>))))))))>)))) t3?.@@ SQUARE FEEr :XP0SED WALLS,above grade not including openings 276.@@ SQUARE FEET fOTAL SQUARE FEET, of walls below grade @.@@ SQUARE FEET :LOOR AND CEILING SIZE IS 537.@0 SQUARE FEET HEATLOSS @ @ t ,728 n qrq B T U H, T H I S B U I L D I N G fhe tota I feet of radiation required t * * tr * * * !t * * * tr * * * r+ * * * * rt lr tr * tr t r* t r* * L lr ir lr rl tr * lr * ir * ir t L tr ir tr * rr * ir tr r* * End of report fhe Total Ihe Total fhe Total fhe total I'h e to ta I rhe BTUH rOTAL ETUH for the waIIs above grade are ETUH for the walle below grade are BTUH for the Exposed 0penings are BTUH fo r the ceilinge. BTUH for the floors infiltration for the windows is 4(t/ 4,''lrur"i: @ A{,8'oD 6y K7"i'e/, 3i1 d-Ds Bt"^"n$"'/ f,. (rt'',^^. kkt^t""rl4 "no o Bl- K'fl'- \a*r^'^"f" c ' t,ku $u 'nl'o-''^^ Pao3 Al s -T€Ts I Rd&one ftyufr/rr/rr fl-ft, # +d,Mz, ^g c&-(&o^,G/."%- #* frj-,;o./ c,JLzfu t&rZ. /rr, -rt#* ; tgoo- 66-z -.oaog - ,/t/trdzp/* ry@ u tu F otv;/z aao taed*-, *J 77 fu(H- yr,,,z ffi /.Jtu e* #*,*r#,-. &o--_ /Jl;"'u/%/u/z.z-rr/u-t/ aal /,b)". q J* /4 ?A"/-;*ffi fu* Hfu# eaa Da41 K4"rt td n6ou< .n#< aI'-Ls 'AM Qu's fixrt- PrinLed by r.,ynne Campbell 2/!4/99 From: Dominic Maurietlo To: COIIDEV GROUP SubJect: Redsandstone housing ===!fQff,=========-=====12 / !4 / 99==l 3 f !p11= CO was denied for this project as the improvementg are not complete, i.e., the duml)ster enclosure. Page: 1 ;Eil;il"re o7: so REouEsrst?[goEErl^ibi-'3hEE?Boro*'O 1Br reee pA6E '7 AREA: GRG Description: CUNSTRUCT I NEtl I'IULTI-FF|II|ILY UNITS Applicant r PARTAIN. CUNSTRUCTI[IN, INC. Owner: LION'S RIDGE tlflTER DISTRICT Contractor: PARTAIN CONSTRUCTIUN. INC. Activity: 898-O247 8/L3/L9 Type: irlF EUILD Address: Locationr RED SANDSTONE EMFLUYEE HOUSINB BLDG FarceI : P1O3-O14-O4-O01 Status: ISSUED Constr: NAFT B Occ: OOOI Use: I N BUILDING ''8" Fhone: 97O-984-€796 Fhone: Fhone: 97O-984-?796 Locks, Holdst ACTIVITY Not ice: and Notices..,. CIUIL DRflI.IINGS DATED 9/I5/gA APPROVED T.J/ CONDlTIONS fnforration.,...lnspection Request Requestor: TUltl Req Tire: 61:O6 Iters requested to OOO9S BLDG-Final O8537 PLAN-FINAL Clg oo539 pH-FIi{AL C./tr Corrent s: l.lILL be Inspected. .. A CffLL Aet i on {u,n Action: PA APFR UNITS f4-14 JRll Action: AtrtrR AFtrRBuED UNITS 10-13 one: 379-6O74 ll -'-. / 'u,D Eo,lPtilGrfi ,,.o -FINAL C/ __ls* '"'oi;l::Lffi1";[*;f5*ty,=F,!#.n* I : /n' *'Amnrp rc) - it :! : ffi:is trpiiil :l?*,"*iii?*Q^:ffiWH,iffi yz rter : Z2?'"?,3\"?;:;:$l::'83."' o.*6(K.il#b^'6jHg@onfiIr a rter: sooeo BLDE-Foundation/steet _ lS _e 6iI1.B{TE-^_O3.FUIi,O er+t.S fr9/??./99 Inspeetor: CD Actionr trA BLDG B UNIT lO-11 NOTES: FODTING PADS AREAPPHOVED A C|]UNT / I.JSIT4CC'O ADJUST CLEAKANCES BETT,JI,EN FORHS AND STEEL O9/e9l9S Inspector: CD Action: FA units ler13r14t15 lO/O2/98 Inspeetor: JRF! Action: AtrtrR appr 15' L6r17r lE} units Iter: OgSeO PLAN-ILtr Site Plan A4/3Q/99 Inspector: Dfrl Actiorrr AtrPR ApPROVED pER DUFI Iter: OOO3O BLDG-Fraring o,3/3L/99 Inspector: CD Action: DN DENIED Notes: AN ILC FTUST BE SUBMITTED AND AFFROVED TTRIOR TU ff FRAFIING INStrECTION OtrUUKING. CONTRACTOR HAS BEEN T.IOTIFIED (TT]}I} E4/Ol/99 Inspector : CD Action: trA UNITS 14' 15r 161 17r 1$ Notes: FIREBLOCKING REIIUIRED Af ALL UNITS AT THt STAIR STRINGERS THIS FRAT'IING APPROVAL IS PENDING THE AF'trRRVAL OF AN ILC UNI t' 14 STRAPS I{EOUIRED AT TOP PLRTES AT NOTCHES FtrI{ PLUPIBING AND FIECH VENTS UNIT 15 TJLULAM AT ENTRANUE I5 REOUIRED FIURE SUTJPURT CI]IIIPLETE THE PROPOSED I.IALL UNIT 16 STRAP TT]P PLATE RT UPPER STAIR LAHDING UNIT 17 STRAP GLU LAI{ TO PLATE OR ADD KIN6 5TUD5 UNIT IA STRAP TOP PLATE AT PLUHBING NOTCHES ALL UNITS CtltttFLETE NAIL OFF OF BCIS Tu TtlP PLATE U4/L4/99 Inspector: CD Action: AFrPR UNITS 1O,r 11r l2r 13 Iter: g0g50 BLD6-Insulat ion tD4/o3/99 Inspector: JRltl O4l19.199 Inspector: JRltl ?,/r - ( ttc-5,8 REtrTl31 06l13/1999 O7:5O ' \ . :(.. a'\,\.t r\' _r) TOl.lN OF VAIL, tjULORADtJ REUUESTS - INSPEtrTN !,IORK SHEETS FOR: 8/13./1999 PAGE B AREA: GRG It er: Iter: 1t er r Oo,fr6'O BlDG-Sheetrock Nai I A4/lS/99 Inspeetor: JRltl fi4l39/99 Inspector: JRltl O$679 BLDG-ltlisc.{ttel./9B lrrspector: CD Aetion: APl"rR GARflCiE SLr'lt{ UNIT *16 NOTES: I HAUE GIVEN UERBAL APPROVAL TO THE CONTRIItrTOR THAT FUTUR GARACE SLAB AftE NOT REUUIRED TO BE INSPECTED STEil I.IALL BETI.'EEN UNITS TP-T3 ARE PtrRTlVEtI g0690 BL.DG-Final A7/o,6/i9 fnspectorr CD Notes: ELEC FINAL REtrUIRED Act i on r DN SEE I'IOTES BLDG B PLUFIBING FINAL REOUI RED FIECHANICAL FINAL REUUIRED PUBLIC I.IURKS APtrRTIVAL REOUIRED PLANNIG AtrtrROUAL REUUIRED FIRE trROTECTION (FIRE DEPT) AtrtrROVAL REUUIRED ALRRIII FINAL REUUIRED NU [iAS SERUICE SO NO HOT T.JATE]T OR HEAT UR COOKTOP FUNCTIO DRIVEI.TAY ACCESS iIUST BE CL]'IPLETED SITE GRADINGi MUST BE COI'ITJLETET} FRBNT STEP CAN NOT BE GREATER THAN 8" HEFIOVE ALL CONSTRUCT ION FIATERIALb FROFI LjARAGES INS'l-fiLL tjUARD RAIL UN LOt"fER DECK OVER 30" UN,IJS-1'.*rr-n INSTRLL J.ILL SREENS ON CRAI.ILSPfTCE VENTS \ YI<'-+JV\ \ q-''\'/ rAct i on : FA APPR IJN I TS I 4* 18 JRfrl Action: APPR APPR UNITS 10-13 rNsrnLL Lr]trKrNG HARDT.TARE AT SNrtttS0l_tFI{II qqPRtOUbO bVrrZ ssl66lelNi:!!lii!r::FFB::::lli:mksg-S":Rttr'G-F.ss*rtq Notes : HAS ELECTRICAL' f{EuHANlcqFl}6ryuryq1qs 1fPQ$Jn qT\p€-\ NEiFq- F r RE ( ALARFI & Splr NKLEfr FtNntS)-x-lPuBt r r,a:lltjtlt€i i ELANNT NE --FrRE (ALf{RH & qP8Jl|rbqtT$f{n FTNALS RPpRUVAIIS, DEfiEWe/ & DRruEllAy BAsE rs ru-Uoiil-iqiP#6&tfiiArNAcE ffitsO' EP(pLL-> AND DRIUEI.JAY/PARKING AREAS. DRIUET.'AY }IUST BE_HT 6RADE ENTX-;' P{t|p e$x LFNDsI-ry ryg.$ r t/-t }.\J I \r I [d] ff;r%',q"$m* "r :*f,,, :f, ?l l ffi q;i#Iiri jlr^,*,*"a'd#ffi ,ffi F-F?::#'I"H*#&* b!/0i6/sq Inspector: LSq| | C ASt ion6 pfl1 I >N(JT filEABy Notes: NO FENCE BETIdEEN REQ bAlbS;rUNE RIr ANDlHtIJFIlilE COITIPLEX FOR SRFTY OF PED. AND UEFTICLE$.-{44-t,., ':z'' \ COiIPACTED FOR AStrHALT. ANY CUNSTRUCTION H0LES I4UST BE IIF{R I.JITH CONES AND LIEHTS. ENTRAHCE TO UNITS IIUST BE WIDE FO FIRE TRUCK. Iter: 60533 PLAN-TEMP. Cltr Iterr OgE37 PLAN-FINAL C/lJ Iter: 66534 FIRE-FINAL U/O Iter: 04539 trtl-FINAL C/O Iter: o'o.5'40 BLDG-Final C/O [Eil3il"e o7:so REr]uESrJ?HI"E[rl^ibi-'3hEE?3uro*,O,3/,eee PAGE 9 flREA: ERE Aetivity: Address: Loeat i on : Parcel: Description: Appl icant : Ownert Contraetor: B9B-OP46 gl13/ 19 Type: ftlF BUILD Status: ISSUED tronstr: NAPT RED SANDSTONE EiIPLOYEE HTIUSING BLDG A e1O3-914-O4-OOl Occ: CONSTRUCT 9 NEI.J IIIULTI-FA}IILY UNITS BLDG PARTAIN CONSTRUCTIBN, INC. Fhone: LION'S RIDFE ttATER DISTRICT Phone: PARTAIN trONSTRUtrTION, INC. Fhone; R1/R3/Fll Use: V N 970-9A4-a796 97o-9B4-?796 Locks, Holds, ACTIVITY Not ice: Inspeetion Request Inforration.. -.. Requestor: TLlltl and Not iees.. . . CIVIL DRAI.JINGS DATED 9/I3/gB APPRUVED UII Phone z 379'6674 CUNDITIONS Req lire: O1 :6O Corre rs requested to be 'da:'" )ry fnspect i on Iter:Itet:Iter:Iter:JIG=FI6otings/SteeI lg/?2/99 Inspector: CD ll/16/98 Inspector: CD Notes: REIIIOVE ilUD FROM STEEL It er : O9,O?0 BLDG-Fsundat ion/Steel 1l /O?/98 Inspeetor': JRII Notes: "4" BLDG 1l/lA/94 Inspector: CD ll /?O/99 Inspectorl GRG Iter: O65eO PLfiN-tLC Site Plan U4/36/99 Inspector: Dltl Iter : Otdg3t| BLDG-Fraring U4/14/99 Inspector: CD 0+/39/99 Inspector: JRt{ Notes: PROUIDE ATTIC ACtrESS E5/O7/99 Inspector: CD Notes: IT IS O.K. TO REhIOUE THE LIUING ROOM (HEAD {n5/L3/99 Inspector: GRG Iter: 00056 BLDG-Insulat ion 05/9i5/99 Inspeetor: GRG O5/11/99 Inspector: JRltl g3/17/99 fnspector: JRltl Iter: OOO5rt BLDG-Sheetrrock Nail g5/ L4/99 Inspector: GRG ONJ{lL IAI PA UNITS 1_5 BLDG A APtrR UNITS 6-9 CONCI{ETE PLACEIIENT pA Appk FoR uNrTS lrer3, Act i on: Action: PRIOR TO Actionr Notes: STILL NEEDS BOILER AREA LID IN ITITJT CO}IPLE.TE. PLEASE CALL FOR uNrrs 4,5,6 uNrTsTrE&9 BLDG A, UNITS 6_9 AtrPR UNITS 4 AND 5 AppR uNrTs Irer3 *6, f7 DONE = OKr g & 9 RE-INSPECTION ].JHEN COFIPLET Action: APPR APPKUVED trEI{ DOM Action: PA ALL SOFFITS APPI{TIVED Action: PA AFPR UNITS 6-9 WHEKE REO'D Action: APtrR UNITS 4 & 5 JITTIC ACCESS IN THE THE SPACE ABOUE HEIGHT IS LESS THANS 3O'') Aetion: PA UNITS 1-3' BLD&i A Act i on: l-rA Aetion: PA Action: PA Action: PA Aetion: PA Aet i on : NR NOT COITIPLETE. . . tb=/ 17 /99 Inspector: JRltl Action: PA AFF'R UNITS 61 71 9t Notes: UNIT A DONE EXCEFT FOR GAFABE -RE INSFECT I .r. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL/ co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2r38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO, OF PART,/ALL BUDG. Job Address Location. , . Parcel No. , Project No. ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: D96-0009 Status. . REDSAND STONE AND SANDSTOApplied. 2103-014-00-002 Issued. . ExDrres . I S SUED 07 /rt/19e6 07 /18/7ee6 or /r4 /reel lla c r.r i nt- i nn DEMO OF EXSISTING WATER PLANT HP ENVTRONMENTAL SERVICES L.L.C. 4304 EAST 6OTH AVENUE, PO BOX 1156, HP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES L.L.C. 4304 EAST 6OTH AVENUE, PO BOX 1156, LION'S RIDGE WATER DISTRICT 81657 Phone: ( 303 )287-2225 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 Phone: (303)2Bl-2225 CoMMERCE CrTY, CO. 80022 _ TOV/Corj-rin- [)ev. Clean-up Deposit Refund Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Val-uation: Fi reptace lnformation: Restfi cted: 32',1.75 DRB DZ DZ V NR Not in table! 50,500 dof cas App I iances: approved amount date Add Sq Ft: dof Gas Logs: L.C-,. Lio, - ***********ffi***tr*#ffi#r*ffi*i.*-f************* tEE SUtatlARY Bui ld i ng-----> PLan check---> Investigation> l,litL CatL----> /i95.00 Restuafant P lan Revier,]--> .00 Recreation tee----------> 3.0O c Lean-UD DeDos i t--------> .00 .00 .00 250.00 Paynent s > 1,069.75 Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07 /II/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR It'em:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 07/II/T996 CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE 07'/78'/19 9 6 ANDY Action: APPR o'l'/r8'/19 9 6 ANDY Acrion: NorE It'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DePt CHARLIE DAVIS nanl. PLANNERS? ? - andy f)aY'\ t nant RUSS BUILDING PLANNING Division: Division FIRE Division PUB WORK Divi-sion tltsAl,1ti IJlv.l s _l-on CLERK Division 07/LI/I996 CHARLIE Actionl APPR N/A It'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS O7/IT/I996 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR N/A IT,em:, 057OO ENVIRONMSNTAL HEALTH 0l/Il/I996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO 07'/I2'/1996 CHARLIE Actj-on: APPR PER RUSS Itbm:' 05900 LIOUOR 01/II/I996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A **********irtr**t *t<******'H**JrH*ir***ffir***t i*********************trH************************trtLir*#***rr***ffi******* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this apptication, fiLled out in fuLI the inforrnation required, completed an accurate ptot ptan. and state that a[[ the information provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compLy with the information and pLot ptan, to comply vith alt Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision rlt1 ^, dV t,\,,lrl f I tct/) o tfulor #0f lood/Pa t let: TotaL ca Icutated Fees---> Addi tionaI Fees---------> Tota t Permi t Fee--------> 1 ,069.75 .00 1 ,069 .75 o rm Bui REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I'1ADE TI,JENTY-FOUR HOURS send clean-up Depdsit To: HP ENvIRNI4ENTAL sER. INc **********************************************************tr********************* CONDITIONS as of 09/09/96 HP ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES L.L,C. (303 )287 -222s REDSAND STONE AND SANDSTONE DR 210 3-014-0 0- 0 0 2 codes, design review appnoved/ Unifo o other ordinances of the Town apPIicabl.e Lding code and the reto. Status 3 ISSUED ********************************************************************************Permi-t #: D96-0009 Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. AppJ.icant Applied: 07 /LL/L996 Issued: 07 /L8/1996 To Expirez fi1la/L997 Job Address Location Parcel No Description DEMO OF EXSISTING WATER PLANT Condi-tions: 1. PER ENVIR. HBALTH, A S]LT FENCE IS REO'D TO CONTROL EROSION THIS FENCE MUST BE LOCATED BETWEEN STREAM AND DEMO AREA 2. Water District must maintai-n a fence bet\deen the excavation site and the creek for the purposes of keeping all construction activity east, of the existing service driveway.3. As stated in the District's applicati-on, excavated areas will be filled, compacted, and graded to match exlsting grades. FRol't 8:00 At'l ITlSELF AND OIJNER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL/ COLORADO Statemnt *****tr********************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0196 Anount:1t069 .'1s 09/09/96 77l.47 Init: DS Pavnent Method: CK Notation: #1571 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Location l This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4t336 D96-0009 Typer A-DEMO DEMO. 210 3 -014 -0 0-0 0 2 LION'S RIDGE FII.,ING 1 BLK D TotaI Fees: 1,069.75 Total ALL Pmts: Ba.Lance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE OF PART/ALL BU 7t069.75 1/069.75 .00 Amount 49s.00 32L.75 250.00 3.00 L*Jonlrrcc Eagle Counttr::::i? V ff ilt r ?' E i'i; t:;t+ #; ?,iI : ; 0ffIce . Totfl{ oF vArL CONSTRU S PERI'ITT APPLTCATTON DATE: 1\\q\e I _.5 5 lra \-Ja J, rvl\. !1U5'1. IJ.E FIIJ.|E U I** ****** !: * *******!r ***** * ******n Job Naue: \\..n\ \.,-. o P8R!!IT rlrFoRMArroN * r********* ****** * ** ********, [ ]-Building [ ]-pl rrnxing I J-Electrical [ ]-uechanibal g$-other D^o Job Address: tegal Description: I_,ot Block-[- Flling owners Name : f^qL?.*.r rJrt..rlo.n.L ddress : \&!\h_Goc.r+ (L\--.a\ ei gti Architect: Nli Address: ceneral Description: ,I*". and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances o Gas Logs o l{oodr/pelletg_ lF**** **** * ***** ** **^*** ******* ***** vAluATroNs * ********** **********!r** *********l__ _ D?G- ooo?- iffi?|iilS; Er.EC-rRrcAL: $ orHER:.-u.'ttEJ-tru'. r uEcHANrcAt, $l- il;AL; fu ]* * ************ *1 Eeneral contractr*****.*1*1*'t* cot'llrRAqlqR rNFORlrATroN ***.**r****!r***r*r**.******;;e;;;,-" .-.I;:1"RH::,;$-1?,#"_ Electrical Contractor: l{ork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Aarditional [ ]-Repair txl_other]zv o_ Nurober of Dvelling Unlts: o Nr"nler of Acconnodation Units: c) Address:Phone Nuuber: Plunbing contractor: Address:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor:Address:Reg. NO. Town of Vail Phone Nunlrer: lown of Vail. Pbone Number: *** ********** ****** ****** ******* BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE:oFFrcE usE ** * ***** ******* * * ******t*r*!r*** BUTLDTNG PIAN CIIECK FEE: lLUl'lBINc PLAI,I CEECK FEE:I'IECHANICAI PI4T CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: FOR PTUMBTNG PERMTT FEE:{ECHANICAL PERMTT FEE:T.LECTRICAL FEE: )?HER TYPE OF FEE:)RB FEE:TOTAL PERMIT BUTLDTNG: STGNATTTRE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: :I.EAT IP DEPOSIT REPT'f,I' TO:lj P L=n ,/th,-tnctl+/ ge*va.tt, L LC 75 soulh tronlaEc rord Ya,l. colorsdo 81652 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: ER,OM: DATE: SU&TECT: ottlc. ol communlly deyclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED IfITIT TIIE TOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL puBLIc WoRKS/COMMITNITY DE\IELOPMENT IrlARcH 15, 1988 CONSTRU TION PARKING & I,IATERIAI STORAGE rn su'mary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to litrer, track or aeposia ;;-r;iri-"Jii, sand, debris or materiar, includingr trasn-tunpsters, portable toilets and worknen vehictes. lpon-any streetl siaewaik;-;ti;y or pubtie place or anv oorti-on tireieoil--irre rigrrt-of-way tn arr. Town of Vail streeti ina.t""a=-'i"-iiptoiir.tery 5 rt. ott pavement.Ttris ordinance wirr ue ;t"i:il;^enforced by the Tovn of Vail Pubric '{orks oenartnentl--p"illns found .'iir"ti'e this ordinance wirr be sriven a'24 houi ".ii!;;';otice-ti-;;;;=said mareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with the notice within an:^31 nour-tirne-lpecified., the puitic Works Department will renove said nateli"i-"i-irrJ'!*iIi=e of person notified' The rrovi"ions-or-tirs orainance shirr not be applicable to clnstruction, ,ii'i.r,.r,9e 9r repair projects of any street or alley or any riiiiir"= in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No- s in furr, prease stop by the Town of :::i"::ii:i"9"":li**:*"::"d;i" a copv. rirani you ror your Read ositionTneliEiETp- 7r*? (i.e. cont,ractor, owner) lnttn ||al 75 routh tronllge ?oad u!ll, color!do 81657 (3031 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlcc ot communlty dovclopmGtrl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,|E FMilE If this permit requi.res a Town of vail Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer''s (pub'ttr p:fl-l"vi"r ."1'approva'r, a pranning' uepartment review or Hea'rth Department review, rni'.-""uiJ ;y-;il;";ritarng SSri[HE"j;"ll: ""ir.teo time.fo"'"-tot"r ;.;i;*-;"i"L[!,u, rons A'll commercial ('Iarge or smail ) and a'r'r murti-family perrnits will have to foilow the ibove;";ii6n!j-;ximum requirements. Residentiar and small projects shourd t"i;-"-i";6r'amount of time. However, if residential or smal'ler.projects impiii the various above mentioned departments with regard' to-n...tiii!-r"vr"n, these projects may also take the three-week period. lvery attempt will be Tgge bV this departrnent to expedite this permi't as soon as poss i bl e . - E'\vEu I Ltr Ll I'.-Il" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time t rame . '--l2.n.l/.. Sheet was tuineilliT6-T Date t,loil Devel oomont Departfient. JUL !'CG l4rtc li0r FROIT OITE; REr IIF ENUITiOt.INENTAL SRUC frccE. BEi irErgfrArrpu,r tu.ooflTnrcroFS TOWTT OF YTL PUIUC Y'OfiI(s DEFIRTffiNT il YI,tggf WI{EN A "PUEUC WAV PEilfir ts FEOUNED I tr$n mrd'''trl ansmndct thc {Dcntr r--.**,r,ccs l-LC 1) trthbr ntr nskjsacr? 2l h dcmo&ion lrsdr bding prtumred thd rc+fi'frr ure use st-Ute dgt[ or wEy. aalefiHntsorpuDlfiE ptEpcr|y? 3, b rny utlfty worf( nrsdad? dl b lhe drlrnrmy b.trE rEFarEd? S) lattrtterrr*aoo.$frw*dFEil€ ollr€r tlrrlt rddlrt dtrrrsy? 6l h |'ry drfrrraga rsfi b6irE dono dfaciltB fis dglt otrysy, eesemerds. orpuHia Dnpary? n b e'llrrrsceUf HgfilolWry pemtF F$,rfrd? 6) 4".,- i*fh" rlgtn oilnay. etsrrrrceic or psDEc prop.tty to b. l$|d br cstno.p.rldrtr orfrr|cneE i;'.'*l1H"*.f-1ffiS"ffi Devrh$rrecil? ll yur ansnnmdy,s b lg oilfierr qrnaions, e ,RDtc wry Flrrf flrrEt 0e otmtrd.ffie ot vait Connrugion ftaFdor, * +zg€t6a:-- IE lEl X x X x Y y- X x X G .tob Ddt .1^. I Al.|.t. 'ltr t?.1 AC Ci.t I'14 6,OnirOJFCflC:fiT t7s:)A]n FINAL REPORT January 4rl99S PIIASE I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Tbact C, Vail Village Fiting No.7 Gore Creek Water Theatrnent Plant Vail. Colorado prepared by: En llra anvlronrnanlol Ffolcarlo|tolr Con!ull|ng eroup for: Upper Eagle VaIIey Water and Sanitation Distict PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Tract C, Vail Village Filing No. 7 Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant 967 Vaj,l Valley Drive Vail. Colorado TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PROPERTY USE INVESTIGATION ..............2 1.1 Property Description.. ...................2 L.2 Ownership and Land Use.............. .....................2 1.2.1 Review of Title Information ..........2 1.2.2 Review of Building Records........ ........................3 1.2.3 Review of Aerial Photography. ...........................3 I.2.4 Review of Street Directories and Historical Records.................................3 1.2.5 Interview...... ..............3 1.2.6 Review of Planning and Zoning Information.. ........................3 1.3 Summary of Propeny Use Investigation............... ..................3 2.0 EIWIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW..... .....................4 2.1 Pollution Sources at the Subject Property .............,................4 2.1.1 Inspection, Compliance, and Monitoring History.... ...............4 2.1.2 Potentially Responsible Parties at Superfund Sites...................................5 2.2 Potential Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property.........................5 2.2.1 Wetlands .................5 2.3 Assessment of Environmental Risk from On-Site SourcesAlazards........5 2.4 Pollution Sources in the Surrounding Area... ..........................7 2.4.1 Sutionary Air Pollution Sources........ ..........-.-..7 2.4.2 Stream Pollution Sources......... .....-.....................7 2.4.3 Hazardous Waste Facilities..... ........................7 2-4A Underground Storage Tank Sites... ....................8 2.4.5 Landfills .....-...............9 2.4.6 Polychlorinatcd Biphenyl.s (PCBs)-Sourccs............... ............9 2.4.7 Chemical Radiation Sources........ ......-...............9 2.4.8 Spills and Complaints ....................9 2-5 Environmental Hazards in the Surrounding Area.. ...............10 2.5.1 Floodplain Locations..... .................10 2.5.2 Wetlands.... ...............10 2.5.3 Registered Mining Sites........-.... ...................-...10 2.6 Potential Pathways for Contaminant Migration to the Subject Property...l0 2.6.1 Utility Corridors........-....... .............10 2.6.2 Groundwater ..............10 2.7 Assessment of Environmental Risk from Off-Site Pollution Sources/Ha2ards.............. ............l1 3.0 3.1 J.Z 5.J 3.4 4.0 5.0 6.0 PROPERTY INSPECTION ..-...-....I1 Building Inspection..... ...................1I Property Grounds....... ...................12 Surrounding Properties .................12 Assessment Summary of Property Inspection.... ..................12 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT ......,12 RECOMMENDATIONS....... ........13 LIMITATrONS................... ...........13 I.O PROPERTY USE INVESTIGATION 1.1 Property Description The subject property is described as Tract C of Vail Village Filing No. 7, lying in the NBI of Section 8 and the NW4 of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Prime Meridian. The property is addressed as 967 Vail Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado. The roughly triangular-shaped lot is approximately 19,602 square feet in sizc and contains the Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant, a one-story concrete block building which has been unused since December 1985. 1.2 Ownership and Land Use The historical uses of the subject property were established by review of assessment and title records from the Eagle County assessor's and clerk and recorder's offices, review of the Town of Vail's building and inspection rccords, an intervicw with a foremar/water treatment plant operator of the Upper Eagle Valley Saniration District, and review of the Town of Vail's planning and zoning records. 1.2.1 Review of Title Information The subject property is currendy owned by Vail Valley Consoiidated Water District, which acquired the property in May 1989. The previous owners were traced back through 1938. The current and previous owners and the approximate dates of ownership are listed in Table t: TAI}LE 1 HISTORICAL OWNERSHIP Tract C, Vail Village Filing No. 7 Gore Creek Water Treatment Plant 967 Varl Valley Drive Vail, CO Owners Dates of Ownership nt Vail water and Sanitation Disuict June 1969-May 1989 Vail Associates, Inc./Vail Associates, Ltd. September 1964-June 1969 Peter W. Scibert June 1963-Sepember 1964 Henry W. & Leona E. Antholz .,\ugust 1958-June 1963 Henry W. Antholz August l93E-August 1958 Iowa Investrrent Company prior to August 1938 The review of past and present owners does not reveal any obvious or known cnvironmentally significant land use at fie subject property. Peter Seibert was a principal founder of Vail. ENPRO Consuiting Group, Inc.Page 2 1.2.2 Review of Building Records No buiiding records for the subject property address are on file at either the Town of Vail or Eagle County government offices. First building records for the Vail Valley and Eagle County date from the early 1970's. 1.2.3 Review of Aerial Photography Historical acrial photographs are not available for the Vail area from the Colorado School of Mines Library or the Colorado Aerial Photography service, the only two known resources which would have photographs of a suitable scale. 1.2.4 Review of Steet Directories and Historical Reconls Denver Public Library historical records (including Sanborn fire insurance rate maps and historical streer directories) are unavailable for public use until March 1995. There are no other sources of historical records known for the Vail area. 1.2.5 Interview Mr. Lanny Carlson, a plant operator and foreman for the *'ater district for l3 years, indicated that the water treatment plant operated at the subject property from approximately 1972- 1986. There have not been any petroleum storage facilities at the property. It is his understanding that the property was part of a ranch prior to the development of Vail. 1.2-6 Review of Planning and hning htfornntion The subject property is zoncd as a general use district. The neighborhood to the east is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential District, and the nearby Gerald Ford Park, the Vail Golf Course and the soccer fields are zoned Agricultural and Open Space. 1.3 Summary of Property Use Investigation The subject property contains an inactive water treatment plant that operated from the early 1970's to the-mid 1980's. The property is believed to have been in ranching use prior to the development of the Vail Valley. Nearby properties includc the Vail Golf Course and the Gerald R. Ford Park, as well as several single family rcsidences and duplexes. No environmenrally significant land uses were uncovered in the vicinity of the subject property. ENPRO Consuiting Group, lnc.Page 3 , 2.0 2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS R"EVIEW Pollution Sources at the Subject Property TABLE 2A Environmental Licenses, Permits, and Notilications at the Subject ProPertY CDPHI] CDPHI] CDPHD/OIS2 CDPHI' WRE3 CDPIIE Type of Permit/Notification Agency, Permit APEN/Air Pollutant Emission Permit CDPHET none NPDES Permit (stream discharge) Hazardous waste notification/permit Tank registration Radiation Source License Water Well Drinking Water System Permit Spills and Complaints Kev for Table 2,4 I CDPHE=Color"do Deparurent of Public Health & Environment 2 Ols=colorado's office of Oil Inspection 3 Wnf= Colorado Division of Water Resources a Ep.l=US Environrnental Protection Agency 5 V"il=v"il Envirorunental Health officer none none none none none YES EPA4/CDPHENaL|S none 2.L.2 Inspection, Compliance, and Monitoring History CDPHE Drinking Water filcs wcrc rcviewcd for thc Upper Eagle Valley and Vail Consolidatcd Witcr District. The most rcccnt compliancc inspcction of the Vail Consolidated District watcr trcatment facilitics was pcrformed in Dcccmber 1993 and the inspcction report indicates the inactive sratus of the Core Creek Plant. Historical inspection and monitoring records for the Gore Creek Plant were also reviewed and appear to indicate that the last compliance inspection occurred in July 1983. The use of alum and polymer, tiltration, and chlorination processes were confirmed from the inspection report. There were no major problems noted at that time, but recommendations were madc to improve routine maintenance items (e.g. flushing the filtration tanks) and to refine the treatment operations by optimizing chemical dosages. The last sclf-monitoring repons were from January 1985. Mr. Jim Chubrilo, District Engineer for the CDPHE Water Quality Control Division, could not recall any ongoing chemicals management problems at the plant during its previous operation. There are no other records of inspections by the above listed agencies for environmentally related matters at the subject property, and no other rcgulatory agency environmental compliance or monitoring reports were available for the subject property. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc,Page 4 t 2.1.2 Potentially Responsible Parties at Superfund Sites EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) records of potentiaily responsible parties ("PRPs") for investigation and cleanup of CERCLA/Superfund Sites were also compared with known owners of the subject property. The property's current owner (VaiL/Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District) is not presently identified as a PRP in the State of Colorado. 2.2 Potential Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property TABLE 28 Potential Environmental Hazards at the Subject Property Hazard Agency/Record Location Result Wetlands Floodplain U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service No wetlands maps exist for area FEMA (Federal Emergency Zone C (area of minimal flooding Management Agency)Panel #080054 0038 - 1983) 2.2.I Wetlands The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has not mapped the Vail Valley for potentiai wetlands. The Grand Junction offrce of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has indicated that numerous potential wetlands existed in the Vail Valley prior to its dcvelopment; this is the subject of a recommendation in $5.0. 2.3 Assessment of Environmental Risk from On-Site Sources/llazards The subject property was a permitted water treatment plant until 1986, without any history of significant noncompliance with Colorado drinking water rcgulations. There are no other documented environmental hazards or registered cnvironnrental pollution sources located at the property. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 5 5-: *E g E =,, E=: s 51 fr r €"'-i F fl E., ! r 3 :-;F.tgsE;Eo iEiEiBlAss I I FE i $; s E f 3,jkO-tr+rr){ q A )0 I rt c o a o &A z <'i rq n\I o rP t6 N t) /-l ) ",4 ,ll=*l: ct2 H U A D ra z F H )J Fl F1 I zh r-2 z -r l-i r: F YZ F\J u)4 .<a f;*d HA ,z t{ta fEl &I E{U 14 r- -l )ra 2.4 Pollution Sources in the Surrounding Area 2.4.1 Stationary Air Pollution Sources The Air Quality Control Division (AQCD) of tbe Colorado Department of Public Healtb & Envionment is the primary enforcer of air pollution control requirements in Colorado. Tbese inciude requircments and pennitting for asbestos abatcment during remodeling and demolition of buildings, and rcquirements for notification and permitting of facilities tbat produce hazardous air pol.lutants (including asbestos). Hazardous lir pollutants wbich are not controued can producc liability for the lender or buyer of a property as a result of worker/tenant elposure and health-rclated lawsuits. In some cases. significant air pollution sources can also conta-minate soils and water on the subject property as well as . surrounding properties. Selected AQCD files are reviewsd for a 112 mile radius from the subject property, based on UTM address information and strect address information available frorr database records. There are no registered air pollutant emission sources located within 1/2 mile of the subject property. 2.4.2 Stream Pollution Sources Local, state, and the federal government arc involved in protecting water quaiity. Permits are required for the discbarge of pollulants to streams. These are known as NPDES perrrits, after the National Pollutant Discharge E[Frination System. Discharge of pollutants into municipal sewer systems ultimalely rcaches our streams and rivers. Tbese types of pollution discbarges are regulaled under lie Indusrial Pretreaunent Program, wbcreby local sewcr districts rcquire permits for mlny kirrds of industries. There is oversiBht of tbis program by both CDPHIi and EPA. Selected CDPHE cnd EPA NPDES records are reviewed based on discharge location information orovided in database records. CDPHE records were consulted for facilities which potentially discharge into Gore Creek. There are no upgradient stream discharge sources locatcd in the nearby vicinity of the subject property. 2.4.3 Hazardous Waste Facilities RCRA refers to the federal Resource Conservation and Recovcry Ac:t, the law that provides for regutation of companies or businesses that produce hazardous cbenisal wastes ("generators"). This law also regulates transporters of hazardous waste, and those tbat receive hazardous waste for tleatment. storaBe, or disposal ("TSD facilities"). In Colorado. this program is managed by the Colorado Dcpartment of Public Hcaltb & Environment, Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division. CERCLA refers to the federal Comprehensive Environmcntal Rcspouse, Compensation. and Liability Act. tbe primary law that provides for goveromcnt response to major chemical spills and cleanup of abandoned hazardous chemical dump sites. Under tbis law "Superfund" was created. a nultibillion dollar federal fund used to finance site studies and clean-ups until costs can bc recovered from Potentially Rcsponsible Parties (PRPs). ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 7 I Although EPA is usually tbe lead agency for malaging Superfund clean-ups. state agencies can also be assigned lead status for clean-up management and oversight. Selected EPA and CDPHE records are reviewed based upon address information provided in database records maintained by EPA. RCRA Hazardous Waste Handlers There are no registered hazardous waste handlers located within l/2 mile of the subject propcrty, and thcre are no hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal faciiities located within one mile of the subject property. CERCLA Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites EPA records of inactive or abandoned hazardous wilste sites or facilities (CERCLA/Superfund) were reviewed for the Town of Vail and Eagle County. There are no CERCLA study sites located within i/2 mile of the subject property, and there are no National Priorities List sites located within one mile of thc subject property. 2.4.4 Underground Storage Tank Sites Underground petroleun or hazardous matsrial storage tanks must be registered witi the Colorado Oil Inspection Section (OIS), part of the Colorado Deprrtment of Labor. OIS inspects tank installations for safety. Howcver, Leaks from underground storage tanks are regulated by CDPHE. Underground storage tsnks located at or near tbe subject property are signilicant due to their propensit;r to leak causing soil and groundwater contamination. Tbis is especially lrue of steel tants, which cormde in soil arrd groundwater, unless specially protected. Old gasoline stations. auto repair facilities, and businesses that bad fl€ets of vehiclcs arc prime candidates for having underground tanks. TABLE 3A Underground Storage Tank Sites Located lYithin 1/2 Mile of the Sulrject Property Facilitv Name and Address AIL COLFCLUB MAINTENANCE SHOP 1278 VAIL VALLEY DRWE AIL ASSOCI,ATES INC. I3O9 VAILVALLEYDRIVE There are no reported leaking installations located within l/2 mile of the subject property. CDPHE records do not include any assessment of possible soils or groundwater contamination of the two installations listed above: however. the listed tank installations are not within a likely zone of influence to the subject property, based upon distances of the sources to the subject property and thc lack of potential pathways lor disper.sion of contaminanrs to the subject propeny. TANK l:GASOLINETANKIN USE:22 YRS OLD/STEEL 2: DIESELTANKIN USE: lOYRS TANK3: WASTE OILTANKIN USE:6 YRS OLD/STEEL STEEL TAN K PERMANENTLY CT-OSED IN ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 8 2.4.5 LandfiIls Disposal of solid waste is regulated by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment under the Colorado Solid Waste Disposai Sites and Facilities Act. Landfills locatcd at or near the subject property are significant because of the possibility of hazardous wastes having been disposed in tbe landfill and subsequently crusing groundwater contamination. Croundwater degradation of the non-hazardous variety may also occur, making nearby drinking water wells unusable. Methane is also produced during the breakdown of organic wastes disposed in landfills, Methane gas can accumulate in nearby structures and cause an explosion bazard. CDPHE database records are reviewed and the Eagle County sanitarian and the Town of Vail's Environmental Healtb representativc are interviewed for information on landfills and dump sites believed to be located within l/2 mile of the subject property. Selected {ilcs are reviewed for sources considered to be potentially significant to the subject property, Address information for landfills is imperfect. There are no records in Eagle County, the Town of Vail, and CDPHE files of open or closed landlills or dump sites located within 1/2 mile of the subject property. 2.4.6 PolychlorinatedBiphenyls(PCBs)-Sources Polychlorinated bipbenyls (PCBs) and certain forms of asbestos are regulated under the Toric Srrbstances Control Act (TSCA) which is enforced by the U.S. EPA. PCBs arc uscd in the dielectric fluid found in transformers, capacitors, and othcr electrical equipmcnt. PCBs cause serious reproductive effects and are thought to be carcirtogenic. EPA databasc reconls of inspcctions arc rcviswed and filcs sclcctcd for rcvicw, bascd upon proximity to the subject propcrty. There are no facilities located within 1/4 mile of the subject property which have been inspected or found out of compliance with applicable TSCI\ regulations. 2..+. I Chemical Radiatiort Sourc es CDPHE Radiation Controi Division database records of facilities located within l/4 mile of tbe subject property ale reviewed, and file records are reviewed for sele€ted facilities, as discussed below. There are no nearby facilities licensed by the CDPHE Radiation Control Division for chemicai radiation sources. 2.4.8 Spills and Complaints Spills of hazardous materials that have occurred on or nea! the subject property may affect the property by causing soil and/or groundwater conta.sdnation. The prevalence of spills and complaints at tbe subject property may also indicate general business practiccs that present a potential environmenta-l thrcat. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 9 EPA database records. CDPHE database records and CDPHE file rccords are reviewed and representativss of the Vail Fire Department are interviewed for complaints and spills in the vicinity of the subject property. The nearest reported spill incident occurred north of the subject propeny along I-70 when approximately 50 gallons of diesel fuel was spilled after a truck's fuel tank ruptured in March 1991. This incident is not believed to be environmentally significant to the subject property. Thcrc are no additional reported spills or incidents within the irnmediate vicinity of the subject property. 2,5 Environmental Hazards in the Surrounding Area 2.5.L Floodplain Incations Surrounding properties to the north are located within the rnapped 100-year floodplain of Gore Creek, according to the 1983 Federal Emergency Managernent Agency flood insurance rate maps. Residences to the east of the subject property are not mapped within the floodplain. 2.5.2 Wetlands Wetlsnds. babitats for waterfowl. are also protected by federal la*', whicb is administered by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. They are important from a liability standPoint, in that there sre restrictions that are intended to prevent wetlands dcstruction, regardless of property ownership. Some local governrnenrc also regulated wetland development. These programs can limit the development and usc of a propcrty. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service maps of potcntial wctlands arc rcviervcd for a l/2 mile rrdius of the subject propcrty. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has not prepared any rvetlands maps for the Vail area. 2.5.3 Registered Mining Sites There are no mining sites permitted by the Colorado Mined Land Reclamation Division which are located within 1/2 mile of the subject property. 2.6 Potential Pathways for Contaminant Migration to the Subject Property 2.6.1 Utiliry Corridors Underground utility corridors and bedding materials can provide pathways for subsurface contaminant migration; however there are no known nearby poilution sources for which the utility corridors would provide a likely pathway for contaminant migration to the subject property. 2.6.2 Groundwoter Groundwater can also provide a pathway for contaminant migration, but again there are no nearbv sources of conEmination. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page l0 2.7 Assessment of Environmental Risk from Off-Site Pollution Sources/Hazards There are no government records which indicate that subsurface contamination in the immediate vicinity of the subject property has occurred. lt is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination from the nearest potential pollution sources, underground petroleum storage tank installations iocated more than l/4 mile from the property. 3.0 PROPERTY INSPECTION The property was inspected on December 28, L994. Mr. Lanny Carlson, water plant operator/foreman accompanied the inspector and some of the observations given below are based upon Mr. Carlson's knowledge of the plant. Mr. Carlson has been associated with the water and./or sanitation district for approximately 13 years. The inspection included a complete visual survey of the subject property (including evidence of chemical or waste storage or disposal, and a physicai inspection of the buiiding zurd property grounds for visible signs of contamination or contamination sources), as well as a driveby survey of the nearby area. 3.1 Building Inspection The property subject to audit includes a water treatment plant which was brought on-linc in approximately 1912 and ceased operation in approximately 1986. The estimated capacity of the plant was l-1.2 million gallons per day and the plant obtained surface water directly from the adjaccnt Gore Creek. The building housing the plant i.s masonry block construction set on a concrete foundation slab. Heat was formerly providcd by gas-fircd hcatcrs suspcndcd from the cciling. There were no observed building materials of construction, insulations, or coverings which are suspicious for asbcstos content. The water treatment plant consists of an approximately 60.000 gallon "clear well" located in a concrete vault beneath the structure and two steel multimcdia filter tanks which were used for primary treatment. Piping which could be observed within the building is iron and./or stcel without coverings or linings observed on exposed interior surfaces; no evidence of transite (asbestos containing) piping was observed and Mr. Carlson is only aware of PVC or ductile piping in subgrade components of the plant. Water treatmcnt chemicais used for clarification included alum or polymcr and were stored within the building. Some minor residuals of these chemicals were noted on the floor surface. Disinfection was accomplished by chlorine and a small segregated room for chlorine storage is located near thc northeast corner of the building. The chlorine storage room was empty at the timc of inspection. All sludges and wastcs from the water treatment process were discharged to the municipal sanitary sewer system and no on-site disposai took place. Electrical service and plant operating components include several transformers, but no liquid filled transformers were observed within the stmcture. Liquid filled transformers might otherwise pose a concem for PCB content. In summary there were no adverse observations of the building and thc water treatment facility contained inside. ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page I I o 3.2 Property Grounds The property grounds, snow-covered at the time of inspection, consist of landscaped areas sunounded by residential streets and the adjacent Gore Creek. Raw (untreated) water was collected from the Creek in two different faciliries, one of which is now tied to the golf course. Wetlands vegetation was not observed on the property; however, the snow cover precluded any definitive judgement regarding potential wetlands, particularly in the Gore Creek floodplain. 3,3 Surrounding Properties Gore Creek is located to the north and Gerald R. Ford Park is located to the west of the subject property. Duplex and single family homes are located to the east and south and the Vail Golf Course is located to the northeast of the subject property. 3.4 Assessment Summary of Property Inspection ENPRO's inspection included an evaluation of the subject property for visible sources of contamination and environmental hazards. There were no chemicals in storagc and there was no evidence of chemical mishandling within the water treatment plant. It is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination to the subject property. Potential wetlands areas could not be completely evaluat,ed due to the snow cover and dormant vegetation, but no obvious wetlands outside the Gore Creck floodplain were obscrved. 4.0 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONIVIENTAL ASSESSMENT The subjcct property, an inactive watcr trcatment plant, was evaluated for potcntially significant on-site environmental contamination through a review of historical propcrty uses, a review of environmental records available liom government agencies, and a propcrty inspection. The subject property contains an inactive water treatment plant that operated from the early 1970's to the mid 1980's. The property is believed to have been in ranching use prior to the development of the Vail Valley. Nearby propenies includc the Vail Golf Course and the Gerald R. Ford Park, as well as several single family residences and duplexes. No environmentally significant land uses were uncovered in the vicinity of the subject property. Records of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, the Colorado Ofhce of Oil Inspection, the Town of Vail Fire Department, the Vail Environmental Heaith office, and thc Eagle County Saniurian were also evaluated for information on air pollutanu, water pollutants, hazardous materials, and land sources of pollutantVhazards of potential concern, including known complaints and spills. The subject property was a permitted water treatment plant until 1986, without any history of significant noncompliance with Colorado drinking watcr rcgulations. There arc no other documented environmental hazards or registcred environmental pollution sources located at the property. There are no government records which indicate that subsurface contamination in the immediate vicinity of thc subjcct property has occurred. It is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface con[amination from the ncarest potential pollution sources, ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 12 underground petroleum storage tank installations located more than 1/4 mile from the property. ENPRO's inspection included an evaluation of the subject propefty for visible sources of contamination and environmental hazards. There were no chemicals in storage and there was no evidence of chemical mishandling within the water treatment piant. It is our assessment that there is minimal risk of subsurface contamination to the subject property. Potential wetlands areas could not be completely evaluated due to the snow cover and dormant vegetation, but no obvious wetlands outside the Gore Creck floodplain were observcd. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS A complete wetlands evaluation may be appropriate prior to the redevelopment of the propeny. The demolition of structures is subject to pre-notilication and asbestos inspection requiremenr of the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Air Quality Control Division. The inspcction must be performed by a state certified inspector and should includc an evaluarion of piping exposcd during dismantjing of the piant to verify the absence of transite (asbestos type). 6.0 LIMITATIONS The ENPRO Phase I Environmental Audit is a practical screening approach for the identification of serious environmental problems. The information obtained from this approach should provide an initial assessment of the environmenhl condition of the property. The records summary i.s based on information available at thc time of the investigation and information obtained during the propcrty inspection is bascd on the condition of the property at thc time of the inspection. Thcsc may not bc indicativc of sitc conditions at othcr timcs. While it is not possible to guarantec that the Phase I Audit, or for that matter any approach. will idenrify all possible source.s of contamination, wc believc that the process describcd in our checklist and proposal represenLs a reasonablc and rcsponsibie investigation. "Zk'#O/'"n^'Randy Jones President Environmental Soecialist ENPRO Consulting Group, Inc.Page 13 UEUC SD I D : 3034764089 t ro: /h.rati /r.) ,, ,is Vl-lq - J\|t'r)-. IUL 10'96 13:44 N0,019 P.01 t qF "'li.lsTnHlr:fffflll'-' 'F isSt .ta.t.60 ' f^x iJl'.!) t7!n.slt Drte: l"FRoM, lunn lAVlrr) I R.E: I Alre it .l 'thr ry' "llul arRs Num For aon{irmetion and/or probleme with this transmiggion. plcer" cell Kathy at (970) 476-748A. OAr t.>c/t JpP/' c;/ r orJ. 4vL f I rtrlorr rcl ?rlE FOLlowlxo watlt DlllilGtrl aFROVtHtAg l,l! rO WAr En . o:AVIrl ctrErt( MetRo Wr'Ytfi.BELlYAgllE RIOqE MtrtnC ttAtEn. BCiBY 9ncEK MFIn9 W^tli gMLE,VA|L rittlto WArEn . ED\IARD$ MEIhD WATEF . ta'(E CI|EEX MEADOTNS WATER . S4UAlt CnEE ( l'lErio Ml€ll UPFEh tA6LE hEGIONAI WATTR AUTITQFIIY I VAIL VALLE1 CONSOLIOATED I{'AftN N jD:3034764189 .JJr Lv '- ,rracll JLvrwY ",.1.,ilil[,:ff-iliitXlt'ii"i$f'[f"JFacnittes Denrolltlon 0f llatst rrF't"'Y"- - ffi#],t#:.s# ?th Filing. *','ll:tff "'l'g?li,'rtY*ilj:"::t:Tll3nT;;1$'Jl*'$:sl#l;3:fl'"Ti*:t'$"te' Dcacrlptlon of Proposeil Demolldqn . Demor i ti.r yl.. :l gtfi iffi :'63,lr;tffim,Ulili*'Jltt;,i"'t'XT'ii'i'Hl'"' ornentlY locateo ot I dgnmr'*,r'rup$lf"lH**'*'$*"T{YS' '-{t'srffi ;;i'lHf; '#fi [H*X$';?'l'x$'$ii$f 'si;'H#i'#df ** :H.T.f ?ffi,-$:,iffi 1'$:l',1'H;?,1#,lffiT$#iu*ercavatodercasirt az .o c; .; az O;E Fl "z 40 tU FiF QUl 20 qj o.ea lr o) >U orO tr oo a o oo (,)!l q o a L q il o U k E }] I eFl zz EO Fl : h tsrF zz to F,t a2 ro EiE (l|o FFI AZ 00 AE F ;(o t( z o F, EIE trU zk!o tld o oor F EA ut) F. IJ ril Fr A z : .i ;b 5> Ei E ,,.l('{O ao c oro!trtro STREET ADDRESS ERROR FORNI This form is to be used for addressing enors. If Eagle County has an incorrect address on any of the official documents regarding your property, please complete this form. Planning Staff will veriff the coffect address and notify the appropriate organizations. Please return this form to the Deparhnent of Community Development at 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 Property OwnerName: Mailing Address: Property Owner Signature: Action Requested: Legal Description: Current Address: 2tbldw D|tf 00|tl 0o 11 0b ln 00lo 0bll 0o lt+ 0o t1 000? 0o oq o0o I tt0? Dn4 uvol (loo tt ltoo I Coordinator oolL futartdou [,nV{l TnwA*,a. Thefollowing agencies may be notified of the change: Eagle County Ambulance District Eagle County Assessors Office Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Holy Cross Electric, Engineering Dept. Public Service Company Public Service High Pressure Gas Town of Vail requires the appropriate address be conspicuously posted on the premises. Multi-family dwellings shall be assigned a single numeric address. Apartments, suites, duplex units, etc. shall have an alpha, alpha-numeric or directional designation in addition to the single numeric address. For Use The Community Development Department has verified the correct address for the above listed property. The address displayed on the building corresponds with the address the Community Development: Phone 479-2138 Fax 479-2452 Town of Vail Fire Department Town of Vail Police Department U.S. Postal Service US West Johnson, Kunkel & Assoc., E9l I TCI Cablevision nnteroff fnee mnemn@renGiunn Subject: Va11ey JanuarY .|44 Max Number Units 30 un'i ts 10 a ( 1370) 1o b (l o4o)7 c (1305) 3 d ('1487 ) ,"-')oo , ^ -loo o t4)lt r r-1rr 6 | 30 37.696 = Phase I 8a t4 b 4c 2d 30 28 3 ('r370) 8 0 (2200) tl n rcvc) tu,] utlL,i,ll. ro @ (2,ooo) 3 G (t i4oo)r @ (600) '17.600 = Phase V 20,000 4,200 600 zT;800 Primary SecondarY Ca retaker uare ft. = Phase IV l4 Fo ccl5 Jt 1,l;cutc.L, ?tac<"', feUtctr.r Remai ni ng Promised to Phase Promised to Phase 82,090 72 ,000 .l 0 ,090 VI III tt oo co tl Bu-,rs - rQ__B_-u*tJj -l 11 / C u^/rTS --7_-c-__v,rv.-, 3 3->---.1'-cs ---)- .r r n- s -- t' y**ol---Zl- r-F.i/zt*s*-JLo-o.--t1,8*. 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