HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 24A-B GRAND TRAVERSE DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY LEGALTOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75'S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 '-( \.,.,.- 970479-2t38 U t: NorE: THISPERMITMUSTBEposTEDoNIOBSITEATALLTIMES ra-a':-r-lt-)-t-'tc\r1 c r r a-i ,K.\\( ,z l.,.rr \ ,'' ' ( ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 801-0193 Job Address: 1844 GLACIER CT VAIL Location.....: EASTHALF ParcelNo...: 210312204024 project No : ftc^_ owNER DAUPHTNATS-MOSELEY CONST LNCOT/L2/20OL 1404 MORAINE DR VAII-' CO 816 5? License: Status...: Applied.. : Issued . .. : Expires. ..: Phone: O'7 /L2/2OOL Phone : 97O-476-8O55 07 /12/2001 Phone: 970-476-8055 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 ISSUED 07/12/2001. 07 /13/2001. 0r/09/2002 COMTRACTOR DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST P. O. BOX l_515 VAIIJ, CO 815 58 I-,icense : 105 -B APPLICANT DAUPHINAIS-MOSEI.,EY CONST P.O. BOX 1515 VAIL, CO 8L658 License: 105 -B Descripti.on: .oecK aool-Eaon Valuation: $5,000.00 Add Sq Ft:0 # of Gas Appliances:Fireplace Information: Restricted: Wood PeIIet: **** FEE SUMMARY Occupancv: R3 Tvoe Construction:V N Building----> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call---> Single Familv Residence Type V Non-Rated #of 995 - oo Restuarant Plan Review--> 561. ?s DRB Fee--------------> 90.00 RecreationFee-----------> $3 . oo Clean-up Deposit------> TOTAL FEE$-----------> $0.00 $0.00 Total Calculated FeeF> Additional Fee"------> Total Permit Fee-------> Payments-------------> BALANCE DUE----> s0.00 s0. 00 fg"o;:"flt r o BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT o7/12/2ooL JRjM Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEMT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{Ir Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS OK PER ANN See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot pla+ and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plarL to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR PAGE 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 07-13-200].Permit #: 801-0193 Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant DAUPHINAI$MOSELEYCONST 970-47G8055 fob Address: 1844 GLACIER CT VAIL Location: EAST HALF ParcelNo: 270372204024 Description: deck addition Status: ISSUED Applied: 07/12/200L Issued: 07/13/2001. To Expire; 01./09/2002 ************'h|*lH'***********************#****** COnditiOnS **#tr***************** Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PERSEC.31O.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC, APPLICATION WtrLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNI:D Project #: Building Permit ,f : 97 O- 479-2749 (Inspections) TVWNOFYATT TOWN OF YAIL Scl):t r:t le l'crrrrils;tlt tr(luircll CAT] 75 S. l,'ron llqe llrl.Vail, Colorado 81657 2001 iontact Eaole [-nqirre er: .Assessors Office at 970-3 for Parcel # 6 - SoYy -zl Y:':_J-L3z | )ctaik:d rlescriirlion of'wc,rli;Qeek aJJ.t,in t 15t F Work Clas:;: New ( )Renrodel ( ) Repair( ) Denio ( ) Other ( ) r,\/,..l, r.,,,-lvtrl '\ I ylrti. llllt:l IUI ( )Exletiur l!) tSr,rth ( )I)r-rrs.r't IHU eirst ,i[ [lriS location: lypt of B|19.: Singlc-farnily ( ) lwo farrrily )Q plrrltr tarrril;,( ) C()mrlrcr.(.tat ( ) R ar)t ( )Otl)(i ( ) Parcef # Z1OZ- \2_".O r]rrua1e gotitL f,l. eeeltnltft;^ lr r"nnaa'""' rb4+ Ln(a"te. a"rl(6o* t'iling; -J -t Sr-rbciivisron: Lp ntrtAc,e l-egal De -;crrption Ar ctt itcct/ Dc: ig ncr: Actct':ss 1944 c\oc,z" &o Addrass?c,?ox 1-> , No, ()f Exi5ting Dwelling lJnits in tlris buil(lincl: ttJo/ I ypt: oi Firt:pl.tr-e:; [:xistirrcl: Gas Attpli.ltccs t lrtrts 111tlrir lrrriklrrrq: inq (NOl ALiOV/tD lype of l'ircpl.-rces Prnposed: (las Appliances i ) Cas L,ocrs ( ) W Does a firc Alarnr Exist: Yes ( ) trlo ( )Exisi: Ycs ( ) No ( t'tc t() COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materi:rls) BUfi DtN(j: $ {O@ -O l-llER: g f ()l\1.: \ S-OOO-Pl tlMBlNG: $ (n CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Genelal Cclntractor:/) -+L.&,tr l. ,\ Tu.t2hl'nLa-.tt - YV\ose Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contacl and Phone #'s: N e 15 l+1b - tu{{ Cont ractor Signatr rre: Public Way Permit Fee: F :/everyone/frlt ms/bldqperm Date Received: 6 Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Buildins Permit Submittal Checklist Department of Comnrun ity Development Thie Checklist must be completed beforea Auilding Pernrit a accepted. All pages of application is complete W llas DR8 approval obtained (if reqrrired) Provide a copy of approval forrn u Condrlnrinirlm Assoctation lcttcr oI a;lproval .ittiich(](l if project is; a l"lrrlti-Fanrily conrplc:< t/ Conrplete site plarr sLrbrrriltecl I Public Way Permit applicrtion includcd if applicablc (refer to Ptrblic Works checklist) I Staqittg plan includerl (rt:fi-.r to Ptrblic Works chr:cklist) No du1npste!',parkinqstn!aterlal storaqe Allowed a!1 lAedylays a4g[s[oulders.wi![qut VCIitlA! approva! J Asbestos test and results subrnitte.d if dernolition is occurr ing J Archrtect stanrp and signatrrre (All Conrntercial and Multr farnrly) I Ftill floor plarts includirrg building scctions arrd elevations(4 sets of plans for Mrilti-Family and (-onrnrercial) !r Window and door schedule \r- Frrll structural plans, including desrgn criteria (ie.loads) r/ Structrrral Fnginee'r stamp arrd signature on stnrctrrral ;rl.tns (All Cornnrercial ancl Multi Family) J Soils Report ntust be submitled prior to Footing inspection J Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated u Smoke detectors shown on plans u Types and quantity of fireplaces slrown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittali F:/everyone/torrns/bldperm2 Received By: WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PI EASE READ AND CHFCK OFF FACIJ OF Ti IE FOLLOWII.IG OIJESTIOIJS REGARDING THE IIEED FOR A "PI.JBLIC WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence?YE5 rox rJ U ,J IJ Is any utility work needed? YES ls the driveway being repavcd? Does dernr.rlition work being perfbrmed require the use of the Right-of -lVay, casem3nts or public property?YES NO,X NOX YES NOK Is a different access needed to the site olher than the existinq driveway? Is any drainage work being done [hat affects [he Right.-of-Way, easements, YES No \( or publir: property? YES NOX J I ts a "flevocable Right-of-Way Pernrit" required? YES Is the Right-of-W,ry, easenrents or public property to be uscci for staginq, parking ol fencing? YES NO-K- If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES NO If you answerecl YES to any of thcse qrresiions, a "Public Way Pernlit" must be oblairred. "Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's olfice or at Community Developmertt (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandov;.I in Public Works at 479-2198. I I-IAVE READ AND ANSWERED At I.. TI,IE ABOVE OTJEST]ONS. NOK Contractor Sig natu re. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 - ts;{a: Li vz L-#* u s5i ii+ pa6 i,ltsi | 6 lao ""/q ' '+ d'ia 4"ufa wpes Ft-* l,-ir ;'r.;'^i,;6{sfr ,,1 - llr lo qy+ +-. ?tg4"-* w\( wnuLr ""fiii B*.Sgg, eV{ere e?g Vunt+q @,ut|fl,5 :$ o 9 s u onJ ,W I 4+LO rln I F *\l L:J Erlgf-r$q E * lsl t*c. J* ff crzVt)iltl fur-.* Town of Vail 6),Y .si {c t^ to9 .;I{JJ o 5 'lrl fflt'..-' bogl. -rgln 1169, lnc- ll-l t rirgdas *.qe..?o.a. WPiE c'n- wall, @lo?tAo ;13>1 a10t11c -2110 5C4fi' ?a, a-za-ol 9+IEET !-1 gaLE v1'. GRAND TR,AVERgE LOl 24D,.FILII.1G 3 |844 GLACIER COURT VAIL, COLORADO , tl Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developmert 75 South fuontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB ilumber: DR8010177 Prcject Name: Fite Residence Project Description: Deck addition Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot: 24 Block: 2 Subdivision: UON'S RIDGE FILING 3 2t0312204024 OWNER David & Irmak Fite 6415 E. Prentice Place Greenwood Village, CO 80111 License: 0612812001 Phone: 303-804-5372 APPUCANT DAUPHINAIS-MOSEIEY CONST INCO6/28/2Q07 Phone: 1404 MOMINE DR VAIL CO 816s7 License: 18.14 GLACIER CT VAIL L.ocation: East side -A Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 071061200L Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CONffiffi856 Colors and materials to match existing. Planner: Ann Kjerulf DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 Questions? Cutt FPtunning Stalf at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAI INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and./or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST:: l.A I <o f *o t.istr:^t g rltcL r-t TO!,{/N OF VAIL B. C. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: JT{ BLOCK: Z FPING: - (A) 3 PHYSICALADDRESS: I PARCEL #:3t LLog ZONING: 'R,esiJ.-**i '. \ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Offrce at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAMEOFOWNER(S): .D$v, J l /Lrr'..rk -'+r MAILING ADDRESS: b{c-- Lo' Bottr Vtt. PHONE: 3og Soq - 531L F. G. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: ltto \url PHONE: H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: E New Construction - $200 Constnrction ofa new buildins. tr Addition - (Minor Alteration - $50 Includes any addition where square tbotage is added to any residential or commercial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust tbe fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. JUN ? t ;t:j!t! 13:16 F.A"I g/OL FRI 3o37es2so csc sYsrEus @ooz Questions? Calt U?laEling slllT al479'2126 APPLICATIOII{ ['OR DESIGN REVIE\T/ APPROVAL TOWN OFV|.TL .G_ENER.qI,. TNFoFVATIOT t This applicatiorr is for any pr {ect requiriug DcsiEn Rcview approval Frny project rrqrtring desip rwiese mrEt Fceiw Desigr Revieqr aplrr wl Fiq to nrbitting for a buildilg pcrmit For rpesific jpford4ioo, ssc tbc srbeittd rdrircmcnre for rh: puticulrr rpproval tbar is requected The applicuioo carhstbc scccPted uutil dl the rcqubd hforuatios is gshm incd. TbE Fojcst urey also nadd to bc revicwed by the Toi vn Csuncil rnd/or tbe Plaaniag a54 Eaviroursaoral Cmmieeion Dertgn Reyierw Boerd approvrl explrar otrr yElr rfter fuel {pprovEl unlcrs r billdtug perolt lr ir*cd rad construcdaD fu ct|rrcd, A. DESCTIPTION OF THEREQTJEST: tr-t na rip a+.t{-l,, L- . _l".o."sa *_ .-. B LOCATIONOPFR FIIYSICAL ADDR PARCEL #z ato' f,POSAL:LOT: jLH BLOCK Z ]SS: L ZONNGT Re-Sitr.*.t't \ ,,. -. NAtr4EOFOWNEI IVIAILING.6.DDRE owNEn(s)srGN NAT,IEOF A9PLIC [4Atr-NG ADDRE c, D. E, (CoDhct E48le co. AsBrsbol3 Ofrct trt t70-32&E640 for prrccl f) 3oi': l3o!t:-,a5]2- PIIONB t)c T1TE OFREVIE$'ANDFEE; tr New Consfust or - $200 Constnrction of a new building- tr Addldon- RlllinorAlteratlon - A,ND THE FEE TO THEDEP 75 SOUTH FXONTAGE RO AIL, CO&ORADo 8r CKft Date: DRB feee are to bc paid et tle tirse of zubnittal. Leter, whco applyrag forabtfldiag perrri! please idcnri& tle sg€ugate vduati m cf the project. Tt€ Tolpa of Vail will adjmr tbe fec arcr ,rding to the proj est valuation. PLEASE SUEMIT THIS APPIICATION, AIL SUBndITfAL REQ|,UIREMENTS 550 hcludce uny addition whErt squrre footage is added to ary tcsidcdiel or mrcmarciol buildiug' 920 heludes ninor cbaagas to buildings a+d site improvemertr, Eush sq rcroofng, paiatiag, vindow additions' landecrpbg, feoces rod retaining walls, etc. OF COMMTTNITV DEI ELOP}MNT, Jt,'l{ f 3 fl',,11-r1 FAx 405 848o1 TlW,lDFIrAIL D.Ntt snt of Comsnntry Dgvclop*xnt 6/27 /0L 00:58 sARrirs'DEv rNc P€l]F Fax Note o 7671 Eor 75 Sodh Fllattaig noad ttatl, Colotdo 81657 970479-2rsE Fl4X 970-179'21t2 wwr*cl.v&ct.-uc 'OINTPROPERTY OVAIER ViRTTTEN .A.PPROVAL LETTER , 4rr, 4 ,rffi' : ^:.,:::::* OrhIniEe) locgted at 6 /ac;.)*provide this letlar Ns .t I wriaco rpprovat ofthcplanc arrla 6,/+2,/O I which rro Fut'Eittcd to thc Towu of vail com:uuaity Developmed for tbe proposed imprvaarme rc be completed at tle eddrc3g above. tuorlcsanudthettheproposedippspvenafitiaafunde d dezk I firrther uUdcrgtit$d lhet rninor modificrdms na5fre ruade b the plals ovtr thc cor:rsc of rht titicw process to ensurc conplit'rcc l.itl te Town's applicable ccder rod regU.[ations. Qcr*ae"4rp)zt4 t/> zl (sipltur,e)(di!?) (addreadl4lt desodgtim) $''oot-"ra BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other I usror pnbpobeb urrenres O TYPE OF MATERIAL: Lt) r- COLOR: 1c-r-L NS tttt*t1 eiEr:-l-r.zc--Da!F-' 5FZ E-F-,d-,4r, |l-r-,,J,r, lr {tvr tl /9.,pr,,-ry l.\) * Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a snall color chip ** All o<terior lighting must rneet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-5J. If o<terior lighting b prcpmed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifo each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtu res. PROPOSED lANDSCAPING Botanical Name:Common Name:Ouantiwi sld: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EOSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscaping:deciduous trees - 2 inch caliPer coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify, Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 5 feet. lloic o o Hais: Ltve t#* U r# lhl pf6tq N t4a IccF { 4 rl * uiv +?#a w7l ft" rii-i' 6ot'*Aiioti9fr . u, I lo +y*+-. ?L{P-:' €lhtp& ?8U- B*s;E{, e?Lu? *?* Vusnt+q Gailfl$,5 'tr"#r+tfrW,',1'l#fr,tU&a, ot+ ?-t vzt r$o WP 4 e*rvlJ. + l4tr+Doilru [i L:J fuc-g DECK EXTEN9IOI\I GRAND TRAVERgE LOl 24D..FILIT.IG 3 la44 GLACIER COURT VAIL, COLOR,ADO ,q, ta I' o4 \ts _{ o x s \.c 5 *\J Jt $$ Exlg;{tt*{,q,ylt4t4 V(tsTtrfq f,.$:j fr.;i"''Effi J-{.' 4..( S.' .-(F^^ , +e os *irn o b€fL -Eh-lngt Ir|G llt q tt..&,Jr *- aoatoada WhE c'tl',. valL alo?ado ''5]a1 410A16-2nO .'.i0-4i:},l' ?t .-fl1 €;Yalp.?LE 4 WU- alb r'flZ:N 0/o ,C"ert:t 2/ {kt,qid/€ sKd TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTME}TI OF COIVIMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT TOV/Comm. NOTE: Dev. JOBSITE AT LOT 24 Permit ALL TTMES #: 898-0329 TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO'JECT TITLE: GRAND TRAVERSE AddrESS: L844 GLACIER CT Location...: l-844 GLACIER CT eI No.. : 2103-122-04-024 ect No.: PR,f98-0251- Clean-uP De approved amount date Status. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. Phone: 970 Phone: 970 .: ISSUED . : L0/27 /L998 . : 1.1,/L9 /1998 . ntr, /1a /1 ooo 328-5499 328-5499 APPLICA}ff| DIDTER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1s95. EAGLE CO 81531 CONTRACTOR DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY P O BOX 1595, EAGLE CO 81631 OWNER DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR, VAIL CO 8A657 Description:NEW P/S RESIDENCE Occupancy Type Dwellings Zone 2 V-N Dwellings zone 2 V-N BasemenE Private Garages Zone 2 V-N Number of Dwelling Factor Sq. Feet 97 .80 3,744 2L .24 L,024 25.55 924 uniEs. 002 Valuation 355,]-53 .20 21 ,749.'76 23,6L7 .44 41,1 ,530 .40 411 , 530 .40 508, 000 . 000 Table Dare: 05/L7/L996 Fileplace Information; Reatsrictsed: Y Subt.otal:5 ,592 Tot.al ValuaLion: Town of Vail Adiusted Valuatlon: Sof cas Appliances:*of cas Logs: *of wood/Pallets: FEE SUI4MARY .oo TotsaI calculated Fees---> 4oo-oo Additsional Fees---------> 77a.2a Toeal Permit Fee_-_--_-_> euil,ding-----> 2,372.ao ReBtsuatant. PLan Revieet--> Plan Check---> 1,s41.40 DRB Fee--------- g,1e2.oo .00 5,7e2.Oo rnves!igation > will call----> ,00 Recreation Fee-- -- --- ---> 3.0O CLean-UpDepoEit-------->?50.00 TOTAL FEES- -- -- - 5,?82.00 PaymenLe------- S,1a2.OA BAI,ANCE DUE.-.. .OO rLem: 051-00 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMEITT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division: L0/27/1-998 'JRM AcEion: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE 1"L/]-L/1998 CIIARLTE AcEion: APPR CIIARLTE DAVIS IEEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTIVIEI{T DCPT: PLANNING DiViSiON: 1,0/27/L998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO GEORGE 1,O/29/L998 GEORGE Action: APPR IECM: 05600 FIRE DEPART'IVIENT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON: 10/27/1-998 iIRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO FTRE LL/Lg/L998 crrARLrE Acrion: AppR N/A rtem: 05500 PUBLTC woRKs Dept: PUB WORK Division: L0/27/L998 JRM Action: NOTE PL,ANS TO TERRr tr/18/L998 CIIARLTE Action: APPR APPROVED ILem: 05550 ENGINEERING Depl-: ENGINEER Division: L0/27/1998 .lRM AcE.ion: NOTE PLANS TO TERRr a0/29/1998 TPARTCH AcEion: APPR SEE CONDITIONS AND NOTIC . ,. -,: . "... - ",, Refund NEW (sFR'P/s'DUP) PERMTT Proj see Page 2 of this oo"ftn, for any conditions tnJ*-y apply to this permit.. DECI,ARATIONS I her€by acknowledge Eha! I have read this agplication, fj.lled cu: in full lhe info:rmabion r.equired, completsed an accuratse PloE plan/ arld sta:e that all tshe informatj.on provided as required iE correcE. I agree to cor.ply viEh the informaEion ana plots plan, to co(llply wich aLl Torrn ordinanceo and €tat'e lavrs, and Eo build lhis Etlucture according to tshe To!r.'s zoning and aubdivision codes, desj.gn review approved, Uniforn Buj.1ding Code and oEher ordinances of Lhe Town applicable tshereto, RAQUESTS Send Clean-Up Deposj.ts To: DIDIER CONST SIGNATURE OF OI,JNER OR COIiTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWN-ER PAGE 2 ****************************************L*************************************** Permit. #: B98 -0329 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of LL/L9/98 ********************************************************************************SLatus: ISSUED Applied: LO/27/L998 Issued: 1-r/]-9/1-998 PETMiI TYPE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant. : DIDIER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Job Address: L844 GLACIER CT Location: 1844 GLACIER CT Parcel No: 2103-L22-04-024 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS ******************************************************************************** l-. THIS PRO.'IECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SIIRVEY' SUCH SI]RVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQIIEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SIIALL }IAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASI]RED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FTOOR TO THE IJNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCIURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. DETATL FOR CONCRETE BLOCK WAI-,L SUPPORTING THE STAIR MUST BE SI]BMITTED BEFORE TCO 1*Co,rgat t K;;.3JTi D l;tiiri j: :if il:u o I'iffi o,2103lLLO'l OZq TOWN OF VAII CONSTRUCT PERMIT APPLICATTON FO PERI-IIT /I . APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR ITJAY NOT BE ACCEPTED (".. .,....,************* DFpMrr t,oo.,o,nort^* **K&{?I;.o-3k{*********,F * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORIIATION lrfl-nuirainS Q4-Plurnbing l[-Electrical S-l-Mechanical [ ]-other IP"veAtD wrr.r. EZt Job Ad.dress :lgq'{ 6 Lt",ea (r rob Name: 'turTpunaru)Legat Description: r,otZ!- nrocx .J- riting F3 susoltston, [-2Ot,S,(/bG€ owners Name: M Address . kt( (tr{,(l^tL,CO glLEgpr,.ltt(, gos( General Description:e(op ?(t tnt (< work class: Qfu-r"r [ ]-Alteration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair I J-other 2 Nurnber of Dwelling Un5-ts,. 4 Number of Accommodation Units: -'L ou" Logs- wood/Perret-^ IIFmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances 9z' cas Logs_ wood/pelret_v It*************:t******************* VALUATfONS ********************************* ' I ( f-r t-Jurtor*", {Bf, oc o ELEcrRrcAL. $ 20 ()()OTHER: TOTAL: l- Itrcrnwtcu,: $ <-.C.ln ---+ deE (e_ NTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PLUMBING: $00a Contractor:vtE Address: Contractor:+ Electrical Contractor: Address: . Plunbing Address: Town of Vait Req. No./L)-l\ai phone Number: gH-SF47oT -Odf;rn of vail nes. No. /K(-E Phone Number: tlLt ^AL*? -AF*" of vail Res. No. //-/- c1t Pbone Number: BUILDING PLAI{ CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI"AN CHECK FEE: MEC}IANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB gEE: 'h4opcl,f;'Xl or vair ."* *c--l W , Phone Nrrrntrpr: Qltct -,.tr'titt VALUATION BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAT$ I'P DEP.OSIT REI'UND TO:Df4C-- tpc--/ T3at, tt'ii, )Atu , C.0. XtcSg 75 soulh lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 ottlce ol communlly developmenl TO: FROM: DATE: su&TECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VArL EOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT }IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE edg by: rn surnmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unrawfur for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , ,otX, sand, aeUii"or material , including trash iurnpsteri, pori.abre ioir.ets "rra---workmen vehicles- upon any streetl siaewaitcl -;ii"y or public pll:" or any portion theieof. The righr;;_;t-on art Town of Vail streets and.I?"9= is approximateiy s it.-ltt pu*r.ment.This ordinance wirr be strilily enforcld by the Town of Vail Pubric works Department. pers3ns found vi6tating this ordinance wilr be given a 24 hour writien- notice to rernovl said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with the notice within the 24 hour time specified,- irt"-p"ulic works Department wirl remove said natei.i"i-"i-[rr"'-""iI"=e of person notified. The provisions oe irri= ordinance shalr not be applicabre to c6nstruction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alrey or any utirities in trre-i-ig[t-i-riy:-- -- To review ordinance No- e in fulr, prease stop by the Town of YliJ B"rlding Departmenr to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on ttris matter. R Y ""0dndl ""*,{ffi/t, (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south tronlage road vall, cslorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otflce ot communlly devolopmetrl BUILOING PERIiIT ISsUANCE TIME FRANE lf lti. permi.t requires a Town of vair Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s. (.Public |.lorks) reyiew and approvar,' a ptinnini'oepartment review'or Health Department review, and'a revfew uy-lne'duilbing --- Department, the estimated time for a tota'r ."ui"n-iluv iale as t6ng as three weeks. All commercial (]arge or smail) and ail murti-famiiy permits wirl have to follow the above mentioned maximum requireminls. Residential 119*:Tl] grgjects.shoutd take a tesser amount of time. However, if resloentrar or smailer projects impact the various above mentioned departments wr'th regard to necessary review, these proje"i, rnuy also take the three week period Every attempt will be rlgge by this departrnent to expedite this pet'mit as s.oon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Oevel ooment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED .lour.,",n", 4f Dadc€I' # ZY Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a'Public Way Permit': YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2l ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditlerent access needed lo site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications rnay be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or al Communitlt Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe abo +z Job NamE L€ Contractor's Signature COMMT]NITY OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI]MBING PERMIT Permlt #: P98-0155 t DEVEL Job Address:Location...: 1844 GLACIER CT Parcel No. . : 2103-a22-04-024 Project No. : PRJ98-026L TOI^IN OF VAII-, DEPARTMEN| OF 75 S. FRO}fTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8l_657 970 -47 9 -2a38 SLaLus. . Applied. Issued.. E>pires. ISSIIED 1A /27 /]e98 Lr/L9 /a998 os /t8 /Lege DescripLion: PLUMBING FOR NEW DUPTEX ******r***rr** F,EE APPTICA}flT COMTRACTOR OhINER Plumbing-----> Plan check- - - > Invescigatsion> Will call----> Reetuarant Plar R€vielr-- > TOTAL PEES.. ---- Total caLculated Feea---> Additsional Pees- -- - --- --> ToEal Pernit Fee_-------> Pa].RenLe------- BAI.ANCS DUE---- MOI'}flTAIN HIGH PLI'MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81520 MOI]NTAIN HIGH PLIJMBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 8l-620 DAI]PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONST INC 1404 MORA]NE DR, VAIL CO 81,657 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 Valuation:45, 000.00 sulrlMjtRY a'i,r** 675.00 .00 3 .00 .00 s46.75 .oo 446.'t5 845.75 .00 Item: 05100 aL/L8/L998 Ttem:05600 1,L/L8 /L998 BUILDTNG DEPARTI4ENT CHARLIE ACEION: APPR CHARI,IE FIRE DEPAR1T{E}i:|C}IARLIE ACTiON: APPR N/A : BUILDING Division: : FIRE Division: Dept D.AVIS Dept CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno!,Ledge that I have lead Ehis applica:ion, filled out. in fulI Ehe informabion lequired, comPlctsed an acculace plot p1an, and sta;e Ehat all Lhe informat.ion provided ae reqr.rired is correcc. I agree to comply with the infoftraEj.on and plots planr to conply with all Tolrn ordinances and state 1aws, anil fo build this etructure according t,o Ehe Tolrn's zoning and Eubdivision coaes, design review approved, Unifofi! Bui.lding Code and other ordinances of the 1'own applj.cabl€ there:o. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOLR, HOURS IN AD141.]CE BY TELEPHONE 8:00 AM 5:00 PM o DEVELO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970-479-21,38 APPLICA}II CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT PMEITT .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98 -0279 ilob Address:Location...: 1844 GLACIER CT Parcel No. . : 2IO3-L22-04-024 Proiect No. : PRir98-026'1, Status. . Applied. Issued.. E>pires. ISSIIED ao /27 /3-998 LT/L9 /L998 os/1,8/199e AVAI-,ANCHE ELECTRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, D]LLON CO AVAI,ANCHE ELESIRIC CORP P O BOX 27L5, DILLON CO DAUPHTNAIS -MOSELEY CONST ]-404 MORAINE DR, VAIL CO 80435 8043s INC 8L657 Totsal Permit Fee--------> Paymentss---'---- Phone:. 9704680249 Phone: 9704680249 240. O0 240. O0 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW DUPLEX Valuation:20, 000.00 F'EE SUI']MARY El ecLrical - - - > DRts Fee InveBEigatsion> ?,li I1 call----> TOTAI, FEES-.. > 23't.AO -00 .00 3,00 240,00 ToLal calculated Feea--->240.00 AdditioDal Fees---------> -O0 BAI.ANCE DUE.-.- .OO Item:05000 LL/L8/1998 Item:05500 LL/L8/L998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTTIENT DepE: BUILDING Division:CIIARLIE ACt,iON: APPR C}IARLIE DAVTS FIRE DEpARTMENI| Dept: FIRE Division:CHARLIE AcLion: APPR N,/A CONDTTION FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowl€dge tha! I have lead Chi.6 application, filled outs in fult the infornation required, completed an accurate PIot Ii1an, and sEatse tshat a1I the infornation provided ae required is colrec:, I agree to coriply with the informalion and plot P1a:1, to conply !.i.th afl Torrn ordinances and state ]a'.rs, and tso bui.ld this st'ructur€ according !o the Toi,n's zoning and subdiwisj.on codes, design rewie* approved, Uniform Building code and othe! oldinances of the Town applicable theleto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLR HOURS IN ADtrANCE BY TET,EPHONE AT 4.79.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRCI,I 8:OO ATTI 5:OC PM o DEVELO PMEIiIT ON ,JOBSITE AT Al,L TIMES Permit M98-02L7 SEAEUS...: ISST'ED Applied..: L0/27/L998 Issued...: B/3a/]-999 Extrrires.. : 09/27 /L999 Phone: 3039494500 Phone: 3039494500 I, 000 - 00 +of wood/Pall,et: FEE STJUMARY *'**;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;"*".;i,,i"i.,,O3/31/L999 iIRM ACTION: APPR APPROVED JRM-IEeLn:'.05500 FIRE DEPARTI\'1BI.E Dept: FIRE Division:o3/3L/L999 JRM Acrion: APPR N/A COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTTON 701 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALI.ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTIFACTTJRES TNSTRU TIONS AIiID TO EHAPTER 10 OF TTIE 1997 I]MC. CHA,PTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 A}ID STIAI,I, TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED IN SEC.8O6 OF TTIE 1997 T]MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE ]-997 ]MC.5. ACCESS TO IIEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WTTH CTIAPTER 3 AIiID SEC.1O17 OF THE ].997 I'MC AND Cf,APTER 3 OF TTIE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SIIATL BE MOT'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT, PI,AI\TS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECTIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANIEAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-V,IATER SUPPLY BOITERS SHALI, BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRATN PER SEC.1022 OF TIIE 1997 lMC. OR SECTION 1004.6 OF T'IIE 1997 llttc. ******************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAII.,, CO 8t557 970-479-2a38 APPLICA}IT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: MECH FOR DI]PLEX Fireplac€ Infornation: Restricted: y DEPART!,IET{T OF COMMUNTTY NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT .Tob Address...: Locat,i-on : L844 GLACIER CT Parcel No.. . . . : 2103-122-04-024 ProjecE Number: PRJ98-0261 MOUI\TTAIN IIIGH PLI]MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 81620 MOI]NTATN HIGH PI,I]MBING P O BOX 547, AVON CO 8A620 DAI'PHINAIS-MOSEI-,EY CONST INC 1404 MORAINE DR, VATL CO 8L557 *of gas Appliances I Valuation: #of cas r,oga: M€chanicaL- - -> Plan check- - - > InveFtigation> will calL----> Restuarant Plan R€view--> DRB Fee-------- Tocal Calculat'6d Fees_ _ _ > Additional Fee6---------> Total Pernits Fec--------> gayment s - - - - - - - - EAI,INCE DUE- - -. 150.00 40.oo ,00 - 00 203 ,00 203 .00 ,00 203.00 203 .00 .00 .OO TOTAI FEES..... 3.O0 o DECLARA'fIONS I hereby acknorl"odg€ tshat f hav€ r€ad thig applicatsion, filled out in fult che infonnation r€quir6d, collpleted an eccurag€ plot plan, and EEaEe that all Ehe infonnatsion provided a6 required is corrcct. I agiee to cooply tith the j.nfgrEaLj.on and pLot plan, co couply wiLh all Toirn ordinancEE and Egaco lar|6, and to build Ehis ehruchrle according to the To*n's zoninE a$d eubdivieion codeF, deEign revierf approvcd, Uniforn Building codc and oche! ordinances of the ?oi.n aPpJ.icable thoreEo. 'a. l. ,-. . ..O Didier Conslructidn Co.. Inc. P.O. BOX 1595. EAGLE, CO 81631 . PHONE (970) 328-5499 ?ri^ary S,)d,e ?lease incl,lo, i,n llu {,h $, 1841 Gloohr Ct., Bq7-nzT \ Go.r6u , PoffO ,1 , | \" 4rrl hne ,I f under {luor yoistS V I,o^ tr,t 'i WlA,1 I t_ I,t l-----------11 g" {lu, ]ro ,u^htiion qir o(nm5s z.- I t> fl, th, each t71 eO s? tD rc-7u au_r Ilil tl,Hc Aofrt^' ( l,,do03-qlido ilsl e0lt1 l'a t'l &urnhq^ -2lo B\^/N &11,wo BTU ;"*1 'Didier Construcrifi Co., Inc.o P.O. BOX 1595 r EAGLE, CO 81631 e PHONE (970) 328-1199 \ u* e,?dyn, I Se*^1"*,7 Sdp ;TwtnotVail - nHFInF f '1t3io 1'{lr" Ih,*f ro* It" t.( lw six urlor {I*, 1o;4s fro^ fraa! "t bu.Uut I ,__j Furnhqn Aoi g'"..[ | 70,oo BTu t,,,7t )A /t:/ rr-- I \\J / -1,It)o cotn?u'llovt q1r oyenlht5 5O s2, th. (.qch^ 4r'i'' uxlrqrj#,1 lrl i: Eti )^,,, El f;F;|:. IJJ ?:i E:I f iii E E:: i;iE At{O F iis EitH Etifi >fiR E iiH H:tfi r liF EriE EiiE Efg Hitg E;i: e iiF HqiiE .'.! .q r! -nQsr q9r!a O-A\Fr F=EgEEE**g*E*E H HEE'H H H U ?i t. ral (, E"rtl E3 EE tr A Efi E (, EII Els EEE FEH de d= eI EEF sEH \o a8e8E3S F--i-i e88fi88Ses ;.JJ ooFooEI€"-foilH$€ s !i*ts 3333$3rrr33ffi3 .olllgtoo!!l!,o,o I i- | l-...- ! l", l'r,.f,ler RF=9E9RESF!gSEE $fi3$siEcFFIEfigEgE FSEiEX*R;=sf;E$Ff; in I ienn i i BF gEEHHEEE*EEXHEEEE ,GI tal ltttl t>l lil ttl tEl lll i .| b!il HE >E -z F< E! 8E o I q 5 H EE dF F l{t E I 2 I ?,t ;fr f I if U'tt at F s rai v't tar \O S F t\{ 6t 6l snr I CIISTOHF'K M(rITIYI'AIII |IIGH P&lI J-OBNAME GR NFTRAYnRSE DATr.: rF/Qq Rf,Vf$nLr4Voo SNOWr'fFl T CA | f, Ut.+TrOttIS SQFT BTUH BOILER Ti.IPUT BTUH FEET OF TUBE LOOPLENCTH # oF LOOPS TOTi{LCPM CPMPER LOOP FT ltD(LOOP) FTI{D (MANIFOLD) TOTAL FT HD PIPE SIZE TO AREAMANTFOLD AREATTJBE SPACTNG AREA I r ARFA I 500 5?500 106481 600 200 3 3.8 t.3 7 l2 l9 314" l0u ---1 l!!!Mrx!ltrnlr 9a FEI 'rz t_r El 99 11-:(a E r-l e g -5n*t r? or IE R 'E iq .E FH ,sss*ssEErFEii I EuegegtaggH Ei HFHHHFHFFEHHHg ic|I<Fq co(f -l J o IrI & A>6R d>>x BB IL Fl c€€EEE*z t....A o o {.4 I 7 a *o u)z Ir o o E tr t- E 4 tr F E EI E ti l- UI ta F U'3 x EI 2 F]J F u,z o Fr (t)z t-l * z H * trl AI z )r Cr.C./ rd z L)x l.l F Td * A v & z rl ,t t<vt z o F aa z J A. z EI I F{F o Fe trl i,i A &7 E HF 5 ;E E 5H I ri i HE F 6E 3 g5 H ;h !g EF, tHeEe';ftdFF *2Fee E:HHP E4EHH EEsbb EtrAZZ Eoqoo 2 AAAA SppFE Fl ---o F I ES >a 8fi EE ee 3e E>()t- tr 2 P2 4>z IEE E<r'1 EHE tr(]v oo lrJ tll ratr FI FI Ii -H i3 laC)cd ttr g1 FF v1 v, o o &lt lq 56 PS FI z N \OF EI /oi iu, I l>t t&l tgl Idl I.AJ (\a E lll irl & 5 /F 'a z 4 lJ- zzz.zzz =ffi 'Ffi F()F(J}. \-oR,() tr d! o 3 () o LlJ c F IU I t o o ) IJ- !o 5 at, o F 3 - 6 o (f, t- o muJ =;H R R s s R I ooooooooo FF<bJH @q<ooooo trtPFcDo)cDocDcD ooRXooooo @ CD v E pEoRRoFi\RoEps : F$e ER:$HNPb r-E HP o N : o a o C) o o t- o o o : o o o : o ! o s o o o o o o o o o o LU t 1 TU t o J () t o o o F rL c, 2 F II C' U, oo oo SEHHHP: s r F tr.o 3 {L v,o z =o o v J = t F z o =z o z lu I o =o o 0E l- o F a ) ^l I F. F ut U)o J (J x =o o z N N e{ Gl .o $- tJ -- t -t=-: o 8s ;r =F I LrJ (L F tr o o J lr lJ.l o ,'' E 6o s3 6g 6H 8lb I I uJ o- F to 5 (t r'--l ol at, I >l trl <t =l EI ril/-v- C\ o- ilF p; luJ O >+ dz F<dF ?z =-t do o= Feb-O4-99 1-Z2G7p BARRY O.ENGLEMAN P-06 H tr E6 EX t, V,hx EE dH 2E a< fi,zs EEI *it EIa Frb Ffe f;Hg HiF >94 s:3 HEE E His EEi FEH ggEH $18 E I r'l e a\l rR i i {tFF ; ,ei Vi !' \O r.t c; ;r. 3j s$ F t\l F o i I Fia E Ei gEe I FgHBsssBssrr$B IeE,EEEgE'E'c F *r SFEEEEtE!ss Fd EE"$.g.frRoo l- Hn*!cr,oEE=xihR g$;*FAr5;H!ifit fisgDgEf;Rgr'$t sa EI 8: El6 3 ii3 F V) \t ql nEiEr"E EE^.$-EE.= E 33HE6HSE F --Fr...F,r..,r.tr -, a Efi E 9F gt): n ni E (! ril E 0 -l f P ,o.oIISA,ooIli I !fl!r l-l.rl--l[.r.r!ria;l da cg ct =3 -t Frd n|r ^F E$ FI !H Td EH f3 EH vl 7.,4 ,f,{g EA mr tel lol t> |Itsl t!l t2l lEl ltJ /lqt ca it HE >E aa F<et 8f .i cl && 9a Fll t? :td E tr(.)11-dq rlt.A ?^ F Ets iE EEE;Is-o-J*EE 'tr i Bf (J E8 >z 8il 49 33 SP EE o H RaREfr* FFE-EEE3E=E-E &,o > g d rll QO z<D(<<io |'t \o E><d 6a EHx: aE d lnIQ S &d E 5$axn FI z R -HGr..{..r 2 .\.a o o hl I z E g o v)z h E o o &ZE t->,; sZ t:(fiE 9A ?H Ftr !/o i.l =Ffd *5 E>av,El-?9 o<FIE *x (1 I zz | << ' JJ I't FF U, .A zz PP ct| q)zz 'q{ &tr )r>z2 hl trl &&fd I.) FF FF tn v2 gErsr;ssgHgirEFii E HF gHE 3EE ; Fg Es en eE 2' tFf;Ef HHEHE E trzae SFFEE Fl-^.'o F lHl l6l l>l :l ol zl 9l t{,u)l s b -l tq 2,I E a d € z tn 5 o F F o z F z C) z l- z F o z q o (\. 3 o J IJJ UJ o- F ul A E o UJ F u.l I E o o J !.L co cn lz ; F 3 =o o o o $l : (o (f, v (f, (f)$ o) C) @ AI t o $(o o o o (D o v @ o ro (o o cf,(r) (f)r ol o in @ r () o o @ N co (\ o) o o lf) F o o o o o Ot o r\o o o o @ c\ $ o) o o o o o o o c\s ct) o (f) (v) c\I tr u : IU E, IrJ g. L!E =s h UJ E. ;ut t v 2 o () t o o o 0 @ 5 o F x UJ o 6 F I z f, =o o v, o r(f o N N i.- o) i.- v t z o o r.r)(o o @ C\N l!o c)c\@ t- ol ro (f) ctt to t u.o z 6 lu o E.o U) cf,(r)OF o o o c> ro ol o Q u, 3ct Gl c4t (o c o 3 o- E o z :) -J c! F J = (\I o UJ :E F (D E o UJ 6 E uJ F + F oH 9urE rJJ<;F? =Fo I I UJ o- F E o o lr F q;t3 H;e o:i EHi I UI o- F o J a lrJ iUJI F /o I Llj t lel F lEl 2 lol lf.i/ d tfri p N= 3*E ."P6=1T. c)dza :F8 z<i BgF btf' ,,*- 0rt l,w u* 5PECIFICATIOH5 5ER|E5 e RATil.t€s Natural ca6 or Lp Gas IElrrnhanl Atf-ilc^t loAttt Coirt^ny s@@@ ry '.i.',' '. .'"'it,.;"' .;'!:,.:: -t.1j,1,., t.troonEr.; I '.;,'ri{UMlEi'r: . . ::'(l)12):'.. ' rulDwN(\')(5) 202BXwlt1r'1151 2gJB\rN&l(sr' 20{E}Ni!'}asi r05B14N61iS) 206Bl}N(11(s) z0'ButN(r')(31 zl)EBlrti(vl(sl 3t8B$iltilgi 37.3 50 62 96 130 t04 t9E tDz 266 2.19 ft ,J tL- 1l {t (t 80 r08 136 r6J l9l 21t 244 w al 37 '{5 94 llB t42 166 t90 212 80.1 80,t 80.0 E0.t 80.2 80.J 80.4 80.0 E0.0 80.0 $2.r Et"t d2.6 82-1 8t.0 Et,7 81.{ 8r.: 60.9 60,6 222 271, 2?2 3r6 364 124 {68 52{ s00 618 4xlS lt t( 15 4xrs 5x l$ 6x13 -r, 5fi 15 JV tx tt<-,^--r 7 x 15 .Ir ExlS 8xlte zr{tBn$Bs 20{6h\l?.F 2058hr41\S 2068h111r5 +__ W?tcr orlv . 3i 62 96 lJ0 16rl 5Z EO 108 136 45 70 9{ ll8 N/A N/A N/A N/A 8{,0 E t,0 u,0 8{.0 T?4.-_ Jt9 t68 125 {xl5 SxtI 6x15 6x t5 : ,_-.i.j. I, j. -:. ,' '.' ;..,11i;., 11 1: and Fonn No, {t200.#97-60Mfir printed tn thc U.S.A.O 1997 Burnhanr Corpodtion - tancasfer. pA phone: Zl Z_!91-,{ZOI hrtoroc[,t htlp;//wwVr,burrthg0t.sofi UElurnhant A.,iC.tO^'a aO .aA CGMT.N v E |'rinarn Gorporotion It.ll El< -i"l ll'1 Ll'l'J.i'HtrL ls€ L{ eq t^ +k i, b i'^ I2i 81i I':':tt) .1.I: [l[:,!70-'J49-'JJ3! Sincerell; INTER-IyIOLNTAIN Date Receivec DEC 15 1998 6ein$ I pWA>e. l lE+t Glc,c,er Ct, Bq6- o32q Daie heceived oEC 15 19s8 Jrun C. fiorensc4 P'8. c:Hli.\.ofi 'Wruc'otl€iDt 8392 Coniinentrtl DMd€ Road,+ f)hontsi 303/948-6220 o Fal:303/948-6526 f; -*"-Ii[ountaln l*q!,neerin,sLrd- Docembcc 9, 1998 Durphimi, l'Moectcy Consttuctioo P.O. Box l5l5 Vail, Colc nado E1658 Fac.rimilo: 4'16-9422 SubiectopcrrHoleFomdatiouExcalationobacnmion,|-d,zt,Block2,Lion'eRidgo v'v''w'! iiting No' 3' Eaglc Cq$$y' Colorsdo Project No' 9E'0284C ffi.*" with your requost, a reprcaontative of Inlor'Mouffiin Enginccring Ltd' visited thc subject rito oo D€cembsr il f6g, il "b;. Ib"rd"d; oo"rlt*" fsr thc ttr"(fitrE currcdly unden oonstrudion at tbc girc. At tbo timc or on "irililo"ui*r ro. dq *4 pad fodhs bad bccn excsv8tod b r"cing 'fiarirs;;"s,tio;. Bq.8; -ir g"*lEtty -comirt4.ot ailty to clayey sard. Thixc soils werc g*o|fii" a donse to c€mcutcd coodition' l'oosc soils atrd snow werc obsarved in some areos of tho foundadon excavffions' InordertoPropf,rgthislEttcr,wehaverovicwedcilrAPrillgg3.SoilsatdFourfutlon h*vsttgattonfo, r*posea iiii*rces, Lo* 20 - 25: BtNk zi Lton's hdge Ftltng Na 3, bgte counry, (otorado. B"r"d;; til;;rri* *a q' ourfr|ions at ihc eite, it is orr opinicnr tbat the roito oxsned io trre foundltiil;;;; u.e si*i:d1o tfoao doscriUot in thc r4ort ard src suitsble t') support tlte f".dt;;.- It should Uc n6ea-Urat ttre refercnced rcpod recunmondcd a Bulximun, atlorrnblc b*rtffi#;:ilft9q pti.lf" *' -"4"t*"ttOogthat tbc foctingr fm rhe suuc.urc rve"e desipj r*itl * allowable bearing pressurc.of 2,000,psf Basod on urr obse^ari,rng * ,ti, ,it", I i" *. .pri* th"r thc -;;;;un allowable beati"S prcsaure for fodings ,€8riDg oo oo "*fri ,oii, *ltr,i" tne fouo&on o<cavations at thie eitc mey be incrmsad to 2,000 Psf' Iosummrry,itisqlropiojonrhqr,-8trb.sosrert.tothorcrnovaloflooeeeoilotrdsnow'the fqrodation e*,cavations rre rcody for theplacemt oro*crgr. Tbc €'(poded soils sre congidered suitsble for support ;' f;d"g* abigoed..*A--**truaul iti a""ota""* with the rpcomm€cdations of tb"^#;;;A projit *ilt tupott' The rnuimum sllowablc bearing prcssur€ rnay be increesed to 2,000 pcf' If yur l|s,ve any quettions regading rhis lcfter' or if we rnay bc of frrrthcr servioo' pleaee contact tlrc under:signed at )pur convcru€oce' iv,clu 77 M€tcalf Roac, #200 ' Box 978 r Avorr' Colorado B1B2o . Phone: 970/94-9-5072 'From Denvor Direct: 903-1531 o n o boyle engineering, Inc. 143 e. meodof drive sulte 590 wil, colorodo 81657 476-2170 476-4383 fox * =t o I + Keystone Stondord Un its Concrete Slob Gro vel Levelin g trnrl ENTRY RETAINING WALL SECTION 1844 GLACIER COURT DUPLEX EAST HALF -ltl Te,rmrt* 6q8-o3zq ffi'"t:'m F: 74968 :in \G.onr,o,.Bockfill \o-o-a-o-o /_L Two LoVers Geoeridl -e-o-o-o-o / +-o 4" dio. Perforoted PVC Droin In I'X1 ' Grovel & Filter Fobric io Doylight PusqB- ozbt S*Pn..* -, {o Laonarci-Yrzlcl- coP\ed Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303147 6-2t70 F AX 303t47 6-4383 January 6, 2000 0q8' 0321 Pat Dauphinais DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION P.O. Box l515 Vail, Colorado 81658 Subject: Duplex for Lot24, 1844 Glacier Court Lions Ridge Subdivision Vail. Colorado Dear Pat: This is to confirm that I have I have made an inspection ofthe retaining wall adjacent to the entry walk and stairs at the above noted duplex. Furthermore, I have reviewed the structural design of this wall. The wall is constructed of Keystone Standard Units. One layer ofgeogrid fabric is present in walls between 3'-4" tall and 6'-8" tall. Two layers ofgeogrid fabric have been used where the height ofthe wall exceeds 6'-8". The wall has been backfilled with 3/a" screened rock, and a 4" diameter perforated drain is present at the base, which drains the backfill to daylight. The surface ofthe soil immediately behind the wall is concrete slab and stairs. The roofofthe adjacent residence is drained into a heated gutter system all along this side of the residence. ln short, a minimal amount of moisture will actually penetrate the soil behind the wall. I have determined that the design and construction of this retaining wall meets all applicable and local code requirements. I hereby approve this wall as constructed. Please sive me a call if anv ouestions or comments on this matter. BOYLE Timothy President Date Received JAN 12 2000 fl}LTlR Post-it. Fax Note To ' .. ... ---: _^,\\tLl ,, Job Truss 5842 A i 1i Truslab Inc., NEW CASTLE, Truss Type otv R1458242 HALFHTPcoMMo Page 1 co,81647 Inc. Wed May 05 12:10:40 1999 ,:2-G.0 I 2-0-0 G10-7 6-1G7 't 3-5-4 6-&12 20-G.0 23-'t0-8 3-10-8 pbuse tltq.{a&- tn *l,u {t, {- tE*l Glr,qe( Lt, 810- o3z1 '.F Ttrrr-,oil/ \na7/tn,*a --a !|ate offseq6JJ; LOADING (psq TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10,0 6.00 12 3x6 E ^ l. 'lli' I i r"\\ ll i \ll ; \\,i li '\'., I 'i\ lil ,,\'i \i \i 'lJ ! T:: IH a cv r,-f *l I \- .rl vl 3r a1 e,tll . iil .FI 6x8KJ 4x6 l 20-1-12 4x6. 23-10-8 3-8-12 l'' 0- 1- 13 10- 1-'t 3 9-'l 1-15 lB:0-0-0-9-1 -91, [F:0-5-8,0-3-81 SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL (in) (loc) Uden PLATES GRIP Pfates Increase 1.00 TC 0.87 Vert(LL) -0.11 K >999 M2O 169/123 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.59 | Vert(TL) -0.18 l-K >999 i Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.79 Hoe(TL) 0.05 H n/a Code UBC/ANS|95 1st LC LL Min Ydefl = 240 Weioht: 152lb l LUMBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF.S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 16s0F 1.5E VVEBS 2 X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E'Exc€pt' C-K2X4WWStud WEOGE Left2X4lryWStud REACTIONS(lb/size) B=2763/0-5-8, H=2358t/0-tA Max Hoz B=536(load case 5) Max UpliflB=-4sg(load case 5), H=-578(load case 5) FORCES (b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-3406, C-D=-2597. D-E=-2597, E-F:779, F-c:o, G-H=-336 BOT CHORD B-K=2970. J-K=1909, l-J=1909, H-l=716 WEBS Fl=1410, C-K:945, E-K=981, El=-'I759, F-H=-21'12 NOTES BRACING TOPCHORD Sheathed or 3-10-9 on c€nterpurlin spacing, exc€pt end verticats. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-7-9 on center bracing.WEBS 2x4 T-gta@ G-H. E-1. F-H Faslen T and I bEces to narrow edge ot web with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 90% of web length. 1) This tuss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf lop chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll. condiion I enclosed building. with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 It end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wand. lf porches exisl, they are exposed lo wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1 .33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequale drainage to prevent water ponding. 3)All plates are M20 plales unless otheMise jndicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chotd live load nonconcunent with any other live loads per Table No. 1GB, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical conneclion (by others) of truss lo bearing plate capabl€ of wilhstanding 459 lb uplifr at joint B and 578 lb upliff at joint H. 6) This truss has been designed with AN Sl/TPl 1- 1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Ply 58/.2 li.o.o. o. ro,*t* tnouitries, ryh f,'$ Design val d tor use only wilh MiTek conneclors I his des gn s basLr4 on y Lrpor pnfirrclers shov/n ar. rs lnr an ndrvrdtrrl bL ld ng conrponent to ba insta led and loaCed vcrtrcal y. App cair [(y Di (irsign paran crc.s rnc proper n.orl]!'al Dn Di cornponont rs'esporsibilily ol cuilding des gner not truss designei tsrac nq shown s for lalera sLrport of rr).lv dua ,veb menbers only Additcral lemporary brac ng lo rs!'eslabrh:ydurinli.c1strLcl.n,sIhr,resp.rsrbrlrly.fr.er'11({ Al'irJ.rfril p€rmanent bracing ol the overa I slruclure rs lhe respons bilily ol lhe ourldrng des !ner For qenefal Qrrdanco 'ega'd rg labr calon. quality conlrol. slofage delivery. erecl on, and brac ng ccns! I OST"88 Ouality Standard, DSB-89 Bracing Specilicslion, and Hlg-91 Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation ava able iron Truss Plate Institule.583 D Onotrio Drive, I\lladison, Wl 53719 t! r+ 6o--o !oooa .!_46; : o 6 o!irirrll-x6ba"t Y=ofo ooY{ xro; o;lrh=.\O:1 C Y'(trm= I*-:.ir Y;9 o.<- ,t* iiPf, Eio ic c,, o*s 6;= o Lx x r'\ \ ''9ob :%a -n: 1- o +6 x)if tqj *=X Rro';Y; !1 0=':t {Eq ::^ -q= 9 *o t1 J Qo J (O \u o <rQ =\ i s 3 =d \= x ; e{-* s F bg t 3q qa; rqEJ ?E :1 3HEA its es Qle =;ia ;E1 s3 r-e Fl 39 3ee =e qq ,26o 86'8F ii; 5r ,BF HBa g .i =l + O - oo- { {i oo' I ('(oo r:. o oo oo :t a: 8s o q 2 .!o ia ;< OJ ICr eg lur 0 o B z =2l tl ffi* =i#-tHl itrrl Ti ol zl 9l DI r3, TOP CHOFO TOP CHORD z C 3 o o -r. (o U' U, o 3 A t;!o'z r =9F 6 eiza E = gIE 5 I igg s i :!r I is i =EF 9; :*7 o o :)o o U'o o z o o v, @ d ; ; S - 6 P 9D :r q q' 5 !' N - 84 : gA € ai f a g;i rfq 3i #*t gq 3{a qEr Fa* -:-d si! ,3 a +3 ' E E 3H *Fi ii aiE sq$$3BF* *F 3si i$a ++i+i $iE 'qiEg ii + en :q e3 ?;* :giE; *€g 5: iFi $E; il: cs'q; s ?Ea ns ; iq $r t3 =4+-4F i$ $f, 3g iai f# gi $; ;f E $9a si -i E+;r ea ,E3 ee 9!i g- H+3 -q& fF;* *e : ggs E'o ni a; -e E5 EF Eg iFge Ffl$ =$g iF qi iF EFE; 5s 'F aH + q si. dissqEi sd {qqg if qt;* , €s o -9"qai --a3ilqqes- q Plv oty R1458243 -2-0-0 6-2-7 12-14 1&G0 23-10-8 6-2-7 $10-12 .; l 6.00 12 4x6 3x6 nl . \:. KJ 4xO ,lx6 2x4 'dl B i-t'FT 6x8 9-1-13 91-13 23-10-8 5-8-12 LOADING (ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 1O,O SPACING 2-0-o Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 LUi,|AER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1,5E WEBS 2 X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E'Except' C-K 2 X 4 \rJW Slud. E-K 2 X 4 VVW Stud WEDGE Lett: 2X4WWStud REACTIONS (lb/size) B=2763/G5€, H=2358/0-5-8 Mar Hoz B=488(load case 5) Max UpliftB=47g(load case 5), H=-558(load c€se 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 4-8=62, B-C=-35'16, C-D=-2802, DE=-2802, E-F=-12O3, F€=0, c-H=-516 BOTCHORD B-K=30s6, J-K=2150, l-J=2150, Hl=1095 WEBS F-l=1281, C-K=-807, E-K=849, El:'l563. F-H=-2096 NOTES PLATES GRIP M20 1691123 Weight: 146 lb Sheathed or 4-0-5 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-7-5 on cenler bracing- 2x4 T-gtace G-H, E-I, F-H Fasten T and I braces to na.row edge of web with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end disiance. Bra@ must cover 90% of web length. o.47 0.64 0.78 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS csl TC BC WB OEFL (in) (loc) YdeR Vert(LL) -0.12 K >999 Vert(TL) -0.16 l-K >999 Hoz(TL) 005 H nla 1st LC LL Min UdeR = 240 1) This Uuss has been designed tor th€ wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top ciord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, wilh exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 It end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exisl. they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 'l .33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevenl water ponding. 3)All plates are M20 plates unless otheMise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconqJnent with any other live loads per Table No. '16 8, uBc-94. 5) Ptovide mechanical connection (by olhers) ot truss lo bearing plate capable otwithstanding 479 lb uplift at joint B and 558 lb uplin atjoint H. 6) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI '1-1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard lj.o-r, . ,"n ,o , rr#* ,;or"u'"s, Inc. wedMay05 12:10:42'lees pasei 5-10- 12 5-1G8 I 4x6 I \. F 'i1' I ..\\ i .\\ lr: 4rG 1a-1-12 8-11-15 ryt.t-\ Uesrlfva dloruseonywih MiTek connectors fh i des gr rs hi:x,a dr y lpor pinr.,rl,,,:. s1o{n nrr r'1 :r) .a!,dL , bLildirg componeni lo be inslalled anC loaded vcrlrca y App rcahrll1y ri' dcs gn pir.nrri.f\ .ri.l pr.r,'r n.r I' r,rl ) r .r' ccmlonont s rescons 5r ty of bJrding des qner n(n lftrss des qner -qrac n, shov, r rs l,)r ,rl.ri1l sr,t{r)rl rr' r1l! c-ra 0rl. iner.rlr.';.nl; A. d ronal lenpor ary b.a pernanerl !'acfrg c' lhe overa I slruclL'e s thc responsrbrl y r'the b|]r 1''g les !r.r F.]' !l.nefa cL. :1.!ni. rL.qarl nll labrcalon.qrallyconl-ol.sl.iaqe deh;e./..reclor anc bracrnQ .onsu l OST-88 Oualily Slanda.d. DSB-89 Bracrng Specilicalion. and Hl8'91 Hendling Installing and Bracing Recommendation 3v:r l.lr r lr.rn Truss Plale Inslitule, 5a3 D' Onolrio Drive, Madison, lVl 53719 5,1999 -t (t,--<o{ IO 9o , ct, o o =tn z ; =o z ,t q9go oooa (,lro o o -D at ) I r'\- =o - o s.- ==Xr O'6 (/'lm= = i;: ,_ ?:ic !: e o-<- t+*Rdi =sx -! @ - c @ . *,s'6;= o i..i x ^\v I ob :-=q r-r i: Ci = rr''=ru -'t - a\ =.!OF =:J ;=X R r o'i 5 ii =9 i ^i €=;YU og--L= qHo a 'u Q o r (5o o o (c =\$s*=d \= x '; sE -* s F FE t 3s qa; ssEr ?+it 9qH= -,6 < ; "4^1? g0 ;; ir-+ 3i *i t1s Fl a3 #ge iq qq ,lei- 8a gB i;d :t ,6= ^qH= a H '-5= o * oo- { {r oo' --o (oo ^o o c C 9 9 b' $>ft v @ n!l tHl br >,7 o o f o g (t, o o z o o </t [a{ ;a 9;g 'i iee .Hi =?g*933[ $ag-€ 3e eH:ffi54- -?.da Bg x;:a ":8 s i q$ s$ ;* c *ta 3g f*Er 53 a *rc € F iSgg a; a ;g; l -a3il Eq + €- g a a45 ?# E;g EEd frn* +r ltl+iit 'ig ql.qEi R;; Fflisiarai; =){ =o XVg * !!,qa,Bt -*nd. :,ff 1FeE*fl3 3i o e 5 -' di l * o olIX t \r -*!'a -----=-X !l .r'ot = ?::35 *:]i q aX o ,4, < o a;i q d e*l 6s-; F'=Rj"i:s O-= -(,0d q 3f,oO oX o;i {a 5d;Q 9;5X -; o=; i 3p o,; ri =on 6 o= Ar (r5(,rN $ fiq.H;q sT:q5 -:1 tu -o: -x xff = q i F E: 3: :3 e E 4R =:i rE iq€_ 6u Ya \= Ed d Ts -s; d.3 q;9 * d'u !+;6 ;:o * de :q l: :-;6 dq Y= o='6 :fr:F *a o_E -t 3P - Yg ^(,' rY n"r r!! 9: i ..1 Yo o ou ni u_ 6- o=" Y o X +O T1 .I ;Y J1 E7 Xo o= o4 H5 FQ oF dq ig ae. E €-I O- (,' O(o e :x 1 a !a= = r-oJ= = tl ffi* = iru irrll f tflrl 3: I I @ TOP CHOFO TOP CHORD z c 3 o o =.f,(o q, UI o 3 I S;3b z 3=g=B H 3:i ;Elil s i *! d i ia E 5 6n :; Co Co - :: r.lo > _! q () o HIXY @.6 Ed-(,a)--!Icotr,-P 4GIJ;Y _\)o*.-J (, \r N. :-8;s e _--tJ (, € l\).-O@ 5 c)@ O z otv 2 iptv sa4z rt/ R1458244 16-S.0 7-1G3 6.00 12 E I tf I. \ ':1 r'l l,l 6x8 -. t, I K 2x4 I 4x6 5x8 . !:l H 4x6 8-1-13 8-'t -'t 3 16-1-1? 7-11-'t5 23-10-8 7-V12 l.*rr. rrn,o,rrtk Industries, Inc. wed May 05 t2:to:a5 r999 paser l 19.11-4 3-11-4 r.l 23-10-8 y114 2x4 ill LOADING (psr) TCLL 80.0 TCDL 1O O BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPACING 2-O-O Plales Increase 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 LUl[BER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 5 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E'Except' E-l 2 X 4 VVW Slud. C-K 2 X 4 VVW Stud WEOGE Len: 2X4VVWStud REACTIONS (lUsize) B=2763/0-18, H=2358/0-5-8 Max Horz B=440(load case 5) Max UpliftB=-4g7(load case 5), H=-540(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-3229, C-D=-1626, D-E=-1626, E-F=-i448, F-G=o. c-H=-341 BOT CHORD B-K=2829, J-K=2829, lJ=2829. Hl=881 WEBS El=-336, Cl=-l571, C-K=160, F1=1373, F-H=-2132 NOTES PLATES GRIP M20 1691123 Weight: 144 lb Sheathed or 1+0 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. Rigid ceiling direc{ly applied or 10-0-0 on center b|acing. 2x4 T-Brace G-H, E-t, C-t, F-H csl TC 0.99 BC 0.47 wB 0.58 DEFL (n) (loc) l/detl Vert(LL) -0.11 K >999 Verlfrl) -0.14 l-K >999 HozOL) 0.05 H nla lst LC LL Min l/defl = 240 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS Fasten T and I braces to narow edge ofweb with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 90% of web length. 1) This truss has been designed tor the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupanry category ll, c4ndition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end veiic€ls or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1 .33, and the plate gdp increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevenl water ponding. 3) All plales are M20 plates unless otheMise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed tor a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonmncunent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Pmvide mechanical conneclion (by others) of lruss to bearing plate capable ofwithstanding 497 lb uplift atFint B and 540 lb uplift atjoint H. 6) This truss has been designed with ANSUTPI 11995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) S[andard #$'m Dirirg. ',a dlorosec.liwrlh MiTek c.lnecll),-\ -rsde.<!f slr\, ll]rr'rpo. ti,, ! r'lis\rrr&i,,r' , T,, tr, r:1 ..r., I f'r. d rJ comporerr r. be Insla e'J af l 1();'J,rd r.nicaly Afp.nlr rlJ ndes!f r,!:ri_-.'::!'r .pr.;r,, r! rt .r',,1 )n I' ..nrponeri is ,espo.srbrirry ol curlding des qner not lrlss d{'s(lna A'acrqih.,!,i ,il(,Lrtcr. sr.il,rl iif(|!Jril \letl n]embcrson|yA.ld(c.alemporarybracnqt(rns!rejldbi1|ly(rurtl(,cc|5tr.l pcrmanenl bracing ol lhe overa I slrlc1ure s lhe respcnsrb lrly ol lhe building des rtncr FDr qcnara !u dnr.r, roqarornq labrcalion, qualrly conlro slorage. delivory {-.r.cl:on and bracrnq consu t OST-88 OLrality Standard. DSB-89 Bracing Specification, and HIB-91 Handling Installing and Bfacing Recommendation it!. .r) e lrcT Tr!ss Plate Instilule. 5a3 D' Onolrio Orive. Madison. Wl 53719 5,1999 .g ; CJI ;< iu 2g Uq,o o D z =o z * Soriro !oooa Xrrtl-XXo@".-Y+oro - o +Y d:qb (,fo- ^O:a ? zzs !x F' o.<-- ** X O l :9^ ac - o ^ a o == o X x ar \'Y Qod :cs o a - a io .-6; =Y );=X !ro'U Y X eo ='J= zaA yii _2= VXO r (o \v o o H (\a ! '! \i sf ={e \= X. fi 6g t "' Ie-'o qdH g3-Ed ?3 ig *9Ea Eg Pt 3*+ {;3F- 3ea Fi ef *iq ln [; :r; 9*.68 HHs g ,i =t = o * ooJ { {5 fo r:. o CJ oo oo t= c 9 9 tl 0 D 2 =is 1l!il|iE|l Fi \t)D r @ t $o t i @ TOP CHOFD TOP CHORO z c 3 cr o ;-.f (o U, q, o 3 2 fi!:I 3::l iElis s i:!: S rE E 3 iB i 5qF b*1^ oo@-=co "'r ! (,'r () G oN)o;'- -a-r-E5-(,-\I o <,., .- 99 =cN 6Y'! (, '-l .b 8;S e (, <) N) 2o @ I O o @ O z :,7 o o f o o U,o o z o o U, 9 6 E ;" N o '- P )'' c q' 5 P N - 8d i$gtii [i geisEiF}E;a ia qai ssg 3**,:-6 q3fr a; iF# frF F l$'!i 13 lii iEFg*BEq 4g $gi [[3,iiEi uEa F ;cq ii d =3 3*el-fiflfilg.g3 3i=gg3iq+.s fi.gr* .=e q rtd =5[ eSii q '3i !s $g ;; -,$$ 5A Ag e+;s* rrr ?a+; af s a+f, gi Na s3"h s3 E3lg frg.;aHHe-3s f?-34 i; gE"E.g' 5g d aE i e= *a eE *F €3fta+ 3i AegE if 6;E; -g " € '*o '3d gB-i 43fi se = E E q'--€+ E z m - rry 'l Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE, CO,4.0-32 s Jan 20 '1999 4-114 7-1-13 7-1-13 +1'14 st l-15 LOADING(psfl TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCOL 10.0 SPACING Plabs Increase 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1-5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X4 WW Strd'Except' G-H 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, F-H 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F t.8E WEOGE Lelt2X4lryWStud REACTIO S(b/size) 8=2763/0-$.8, H=2358/0-5-8 Max Horz B=392(load case 5) Max UpliflB=-513(oad case 5), H=-524(load case 5) FORCES (b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-3403, C-D:20s4, DE=-20s4, E-F=-1836, F-c=0, G-H=-431 BOT CHORD B-J=2972. l-J=2972, H-l=1191 WEBS E1=-144, Gl=-1308, C-J=138, Fl=1156, F-H=-2183 NOTES PLATES GRIP M20 169t123 Weight: 136 lb Sheathed or 3-9-2 on center purlin spacing, orcept end ver cals. Rigid ceiling directly appiied or 9.10-13 on center bracing. 2x4 T-Brace G-H, C-t, F-H Faslen T and I braces to nano\,v edge ot v€b with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c, with 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 90% of v/eb length. csl TC 0.91 BC 0.53 wB 0.89 DEFL (in) (loc) udefl Vert(LL) 4.12 J >999 VedCrL) -0.15 H.l >999 HoE(TL) 0.05 H n/a lst LC LL Min Udeff = 240 BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 'l) This truss has been designed lor the wind loads generat€d by 80 rnph winds at 25 R above gro|tnd leyel, using 5.0 pst top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roofzone on an o@upancy category lt, condition I encbsed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 It end verticals or canlilevers exist, they are expooed to wind. lf porches exist, they are exposed to wind, The lumber DOL inseas€ is 1.33, and the ptate gdp increase is i.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) All plates are ir20 plates unless otherwise indicaGd. 4) This truss has been d$igned for a 10.0 Psf bottom chord live load noncondJ[ent with any other li\€ loads per Tabte No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Ptovide mechanicalconnection (by othe6) ot truss tr bearing plate capabla of rniihstanding 513 lb uplifl at ioint B and 524 lb uplin at jctnt H. 6) This lruss has been designed with ANS/TPI 1-'1995 critena. LOAD CASE(S) Standard f*spte\ Des 9n valid lor use only with MiTok connectors. This desagn is based only upon parameters shown, and is lor an indiv dual buiding componenl lo be insta led and loaded verlically Applicabiity ol design paramelers and pfopef incorporation ol componenr rs respo4srD*ry o ourrcrng oeggne'- nol rr rss oesrgner. Bracrng srowr rs ro'rarerar sJppol or r o',/,oLar weo ||1|f t me rbe.s or ly. Additrona ren oora ry bracing io ins Jre stability du r r q conslrJctior s rl^e re sponsib lily of l ie e recto Add trona EEE pemanenl bracirg ol tre ovcral slrJclure is lhe respons br ,tu ol lhe buildirg des€rer. For gereral guidalce regard rg l|lllf fabficaton, qualily control, storage, delivery, ereclion, and brac ng, consult QST-88 Quality Standard, DSa-89 Brscing I specification, s;d HIB-91 Han;ling Inst;l ng and Brucing Re;ommendation availabl;from Truss Plale Inslitute,-583 D' lllTek ldduglrlca, lnc' Onotrio Drive, Madiaon, wl 53719 .q tu,;t< OJ lo e9. 2u, F z =o z )t !o(D(D1 mo:fl(D Fi.rrl- Y=o - o xJo;u - a'=9Llol ? zz'*!He' o.<-' t+ {, X O:r :9^ iC(,r (]' * -F,.6;: o U x n \'v 9od :'.a rr: I O +n'xx: lQ5 t=X I J b-it 5 o =9 i ^ * t 1:au o 9 --q= u!+o r\J Qo J (O,u o o (,a =\Eb=={\P x = 9l -* s H ig qi; r3Ed ?g +n 9eH= =,6 <; "*2? gd'2i; YFS 15 ait ;,1) id q3 ;qE 3i 39 *ss :e qq ,l 6" 8a qE ;'g :i ,6= 9H= t X s5= o * oo' { {r o6' IU a:. \J oo oo o E !: !l tl ffiH iFi#, >'7 o o J o g q, o o z o o </, !,r fo .- OI 'rO :-E;3p ?sr =e ^1.;* -r=> ar :r iq* et dgi dg od* 5 SgX oct q3il flRF€ e6r .|oi.| o =(O O !=ja j - o:i OO "tP i i.rs a{cX O g(D+ O...:9 Q;.=; 5f):= I *i5* o9 _23 (o_ x66 =+9o '=V-2 to.f'r o '< o F X' 7't o oia =:)d- € eEe <9 d3 = g<-* d oo e d6o O d;' P 1:: !rR I X- d qj f i a dao ?+ @ gEiiilsiiFguFiti iEi+;iFFi; *igi$;g,+si1gi €A \-7(J'.L(,NJO iittiil*fl$f+FiFH sif!+i3?*3igfsi ? 3a i! :i =fiq ri* ?a ':: i3gi ;e Fr;d na #"F s; Ag .e-A 'd aa" I A EE';€-n TOP CHOFO TOP CHORD z C 3 cr o =.f,(o (t, Cr, o 3 I S;to'Z ;=9;I 3 ::l 9- E :Ii = a igg s i?!r i iE "6 = ;R --{ '<E;z ?tl @@-=(!> ^-..J cl () G HXY @.o Ed-()a_] - .'J -! @ (, /- !1/ZqNd6Y'\\Jr_(/r '.J \ :- OON:' --N)(ro\) 5 O o ?z Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE. CO, 81647 i J 1 IJ ld 12-1-'12 11-A-12 LOADTNG (psD TCIL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPACING 2-0.0 Plates lncroase 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep StEss IncI YES Code UBC/ANS|95 DEFL (in) (loc) Ydell Ven(LL) -0.16 &l >999 VertCIt) -0.32 &l >894 Hoz(TL) 0.05 G rva lst LC LL Min Udefl = 240 PLATES GRIP 4,t2.0 1agt123 Weighl 129 lb LUiIBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2x4wwstud'Except' F-G 2 X 4 SPF-S 2t00F 1.8E. E-c 2 X4 SPF-S 2100F t_8E WEDGE Len:2X4rryWStud REACTIONS (b/size) B:276310-s-8, G=23s{tl0-5-8 Max Horz B=344(load case 5) Max UplinB=-527(load casa 5), G=-51o(load case 5) FORCES (b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, &C=-3473, C -D:2437, D-e=-2178, E-F=o, F.c=-521 BOT CHORD Bl=3016. H-l=l568, G-H.1568 WEBS Dl=s, C-l=-947, El=907, E-G=-2328 NOTES BRACING TOPCHORO Sheathed or4-0-13 on cenler pudin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORO Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-10-10 on centsr bracing.WEBS 2x4 T.Brace F-G, C-1, E-G Fasten T and I braces to nanow edge otweb with 10d common wire nails 8in o,c., with 3in minimum end dislance. Brace must cover 90% ot $€b lengli. 'l) This tuss has been designed lor the wind loads ganerated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf iop chord deed load and 5.0 pst boltom chord dead load, in th6 gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, cordition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end verticals or cantilavers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches sxist,lh€y are exposed lo wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequato drainage to prevent ryater ponding. 3) All plates are M20 dates unless othonvise indicated. 4) This fuss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunentwith any other live loads per Table No. t6-8, uBc-94. 5) Pmvide mechanical conneclion (by otheB) of tuss to beaing plate capable of withstanding 527 lb uplin atjoint B and 510 lb upln at jctnt G. 6) This lruss has be€n designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard fr"s#% Design va id lor use only with MiTek connectors. Thls des gn is based only upon parameters shown and is for an ind vidlal building component to be installed and loaded vertica ly. Applicabilily oi desrgn parameters and proper Incorporalron of cornponent is responsibility ol building designer - nol lruss designer. Bfacing shown is lor laleral s!pport oi indiv dual web members only Additional tempoary bracing to insure stability dLrring conslructon is lhe responsibllly ol the erector Additional pefman€nt bracing of the overall slruclr.re is lhe responsibility oJ the buiding des gner. For general gLridance regarding labicalion, quality conlrol, storage, delNery, erection, and bracing, consull QST-88 Quality Standa.d, DSB€g Brdcing Speciltc€tioo, and HIB-91 Handllng Inst€lling dnd Brecing Recommendalion availab e lrom Truss Plate Instltute, 583 D' Onofrlo Drlve. Madison. wl53719 ! S, CN ;.r< OJ iu eg 2cn o o xt tn z _-a o z {* 6o--o !oooa o1;;q : o 6 6o ;irrlln xxo(,=Y+o - o :9 6''3 Hlqo olm-r\A:-- = +L =41):*!s :n 6 o€' l+ -;'s I -.. O T .h' oJ^' €:: ft Lr ^- QO tl r+ XOI 6;X ddg o;--ii; =;!4 ooo !,:]o oo' 5' (.4 P 1 \ d s = ={\= x '; eE -! s F Dg t 9q',,-9 *o!= 4g qd6 ts;-qn A3 iF leH= =6 < il "-22? go l,i Y+!r 1i >;-- - i, :l ;H 334 Fl a'= dl* i'g o-i o33 =9 qq ,to- 8a Fa" -+n-i {;EE Eff: 1'H s5= o * ooJ { {i do' 16o ::' o !l oo o ,,1 o a a 9 9 ffi* =ls itrll itf,rr i' \t)D t-/ v !9 t $ 0 t i @ >r 7 o o J o e. U,o o z o o U' 96;dF=-PP:qc'r'!'N-8q *+At.e*at ga**liEgE;a ig *sa gar iggi*ssu 'i ;+s frf g i3*e: sa ae€ die taEEe +e [Ei 3q# gad [d EqF * a.fi€ o= $ 4n E+i3 iF* gqfr E* 'fq gs 3;i F6i i3 q3 egE *Ff i Fi g afi i4 1i =[H *ig 3fr if ;$ 3;F +:g ss E8 :3 I ;q3 eg iil 5q qt if 9B:f, ;Ei=:E;+;= :'ds 5H eiie'E,:E gi ;g *; $q Esfls' aq ;+[;i-*e tr;3 +i Feng Ea i eB 3 4' *E *5 *$ E3ell 3E aigE i[ 6;g;'3 €q '-6 '3d *&3 q3fi se = g g TOP CHORD TOP CHORO z c 3 o o =.f,(o v, (/, o 3 2 FiE:6 * 3:: ;Elae s i*! - ..{ {lt d s Ea < o oo ; = ;8 <x E; o@-=co \ \ (I f) cf Ed -(, -!@(,r-\!t .ZqN6Y !\JJ (r-!a:-8;S e ?p x z";-O Oo C z E z m - Truss Type L -2-G0 ' 6-1-13 , 1240 17-',tc.3 23-lG8 2+0-O -l--n 2-G0 &1-13 6.{t-5 S't-E 5-tG3 $.1G3 1 iq l5 , a-1-4 , 1$1G12 , 2&1G8 2+VO S1-4 7-9-9 7-'l t-12 G1-8 Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE, CO, 81647 SPACTNG 2-o-o CSI Plabs Increase 1.00 TC 0.87 Lumber Increas€ 1.OO I BC 0.64 ReD Stress Incr YES I WB 0.,10 DEFL (in) (loc) l/defl Verl(LL) 4.12 | >999 VenfTL) -0.17 GJ >999 HozCrL) 0.06 F n/a 1st LC LL Min defl=240 LoADI G (psD TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O,O BCDL 10.0 LUiIBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X4 WW Stud'E)cept' D-l2 X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, D-G 2 X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEDGE Left: 2 X 4 WW Stud, Right 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E REACTIONS 0l/size) B=2763/0-s8, F=2358/0-5-8 Max Hoz B=1 4s(load case 5) Max UplinB=-505(load case 5), F=.336(load case 5) FORCES Cb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 4-8=62. B-C=-3538, C-D+2985, O-E=-2961, E-F=3506 BOT CHORD g-l=3075, H-l=2172, G-H=2172, F-G=3O31 WEBS Cl--788, O-l=951, D-G=909, E-G=-727 NOTES PLATES GRIP M20 169/123 Weight 119lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheafied or 4.0-5 on center purlin spacing. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dicc{y applied or 10-G0 on center bracing. 1) This tuss has been checked for unbalancad loading conditons. 2) This tuss has been de6igned tor the wind loads geneEted by 80 mph winds at 25 n aboye ground tevel, using 5.0 pst top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom €fiord dead load, in the gable end roofzone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBCi/ANS|95 It end verticals or cantilevers exist lhey are axposed to wind. lf porches €xist, they are expoced to wind. The lumber DOL increass is L33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 3) All plaGs ar6 Ll20 plates unless olierwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord li\€ load nonconcurenl with any other live loads per Table No. | 6-8, UBG94. 5) Provide mecfianical conneclion (by olhers) of truss to bearing plate capable of witislanding 505 lb uplifr at joint I and 335 lb uplift aljoinl F. 6) This truss has b€en designed wilh ANSUTPI 1.1995 criteria, LOAD CASE(S) Standard fstsh Design valid lor use only with MiTek conneclors. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is lor an indivrdual building component to be inslaled and oaded vErticalt Applicabiity ol design paramelers and pfopef incorporalion ol - -==''component is responsibility of building designer - not truss designer. Bracing showf is fof lateral suppon ol individua web ,- --membe€ only. Additiona temporary bracing io insure stability during construclion s the rcsponsibilily oi the ereclor. Addilional E El permanent bracing ol the overall strlclure is the responsibilrty ol the building designef. For general guidance regarding lYllf fabrication, quality cortrol, storage, delivery, ereclion, and bracing, consult OST-88 Ouality Standard, DS8'89 Bracing Specifica o;, r;d HtB€1 Haniting Inst;ltin9 and gracing Re;ommendation availabl; trom T.uss Plale Inslitute, ;83 D lllTek lndu3trles' ln c' Onolrio Drive. Medison. Wl 53719 !;cn #< TC'9o lur 0 o D z =o z {,r Soiio ;uqx,i : o 6 oo xrrl:l-xF,t,'9,"-"*:o5c)q o f Y xJo; lulr ?rll;H;R * -;'5 I -.. o =rh oJx zCLJ aT Lt ^- QO o o tl ,f )t u1 6 ^== Q ob o;=^-x:a a-l!t O.|O e-o o o=- ;.u 5' r\.a =\E F: =T \= X ; 9E ' = E F Dg t 9q o qaH ssEa ?++R 9eH= =6 < i "-24? s6'Pt 3H+ ii Fi 3sE *l 69 #.9e =e F: a=*= ig 9,8 irs ;d ,6= qH= 1 X "-j= o * oo- { {i o6' j'o (oo oo :t ai On o C J a ,'. 9 b'D t-/ v @ gl i :,7 o o o o (t, o o z o o U, - Pt : ,Xo )i oct ii Orr p. qo o !=: oo s a{ = 9o - tP 3 '-d 1! co € ag u,oo tr o o o -?E3 +P ?g O aO .n * I ^r'o o : f q + =:!- I o16 HXa 1lo ciStD b:9 a'se 1 =E 1'd-i o i0 ri5 g d:<j Q =d > -' .= o-- !a 53 E D9 o^ < frr"ci .s i15 a7 Y OO ai : s?9e ? dq ;H 8 : OY ? @6E6F-6Ptr:',q!,'l I +a ;ii ai g;i Agq Rl a;a ie +f; EEF aas ;d I iF=Ei 4$ *s€ aii [qiEe +[ 3E I*ffr atgE? + 4[ €+ i3 qr* sqE ! F 'i q i3 3:i Fa; r5' 93 s1 en *d :l =gg slE g$ 3f, iF 131 t=8 f;e ae A*i;d*a q= qA=3 3E;3;3d-*t; i:as fl 8333 tI ro;F 8861 9-$aHCA i,F:^-hi ilgFd ;a:s:6 d;,i3e;; s,s s;dx e- <ia r sd a:sg 4iEfl[a$ q; JsEi :' dF = A A:1; +.6=;qqi q4 q9p'g ' = '*= -:; i5qs q1F q * -d qnd ffi* =i#!l$ll Elxrl Ti t $o I t @ N TOP CHORD TOP CHORD z c 3 o o ;-.f (o (t, (t, o 3 2 Fi!:B * _s:l ;Elig s i;!r I rE d 3 Eg i =f;g -{- E; CDO-=Llo .-r r-J (, () G oN){);'-a- a-) -E5-(,a-)-!i /Y .. _ co =CN 6Y'-,.1 (, '-J S 8-S e (, € r.\) 6 c)o o z Job Truss lTruss Type 5842 A6 GIRDER t' Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE, CO, 8'1647 otv 1 Ply 5a42 L -2-0-0 12-0-0 5-E-7 6.00 12 q .A Ir .'B A ,:a' :J 7x10 6-39 e}9 3x6 I 12-0-0 5-8-7 17-8-7 5-tt- / 241c-0 0-1-8 I LOADING (pst)TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 6-0-0 Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress lncr NO Code UBC/ANS|95 csl TC 1.00 BC 0.37 WB 0,96 DEFL (in) (loc) l/defl Vert(LL) -0.15 J >999 VertOL) -0.20 J >999 HotzOL) 0.08 G nla lst LC LL Min l/defl = 240 PLAIES GRIP M20 169/123 Weight 277 lb LUMBER TOP CHORO BOT CHORD WEBS WEDGE SLIDER 2 X 6 SPF-S t650F 1.5E 2 X 8 SPF-S 1950F 1.5E 2 X 4 VVW Stud 'Except' D-t 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E Len: 2X4VVWStud Right 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 3-1'l BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 1-6-0 on c€nter purlin spacing. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direclly applied or l0-G0 on center bracing. ?o ,, "" u^ ,0, nnt"* ,nou.o,"s, Inc. wed May os , r,,.,rr-*:':;:: 17-A-7 ll 3x6 23-1q8 6-2-1 23-'tG8 G2-1 ?cfi-0 G't-8 I 10x10 Prate oiE49 (x,Y): lBto-o-o,o-1-71, [G:o-zizp1 -t1,lG:0-1 -1 5,0-3-31, l:0-5-0,0-q:q T i l L REACTIONS (lb/size) B=8289/0-6-8 (input: 0-5-8), c=7075/0-5-9 (input: 0-5-8) Max Hotz B=443(load case 5) Max UpliftB=-1517(load case 5), G=-1007(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B=202, B-C=-10790, C-D=-7450. D-E=-7450. E-F=-10756. F-G=-10756 BOT CHORD B-J=9439. l-J=9439, H-l=9313. G-H=9313 WEBS C-J=356. DJ=3585. E-H=352. Cl=-3233. E-l=-3087 NOTES 1) 2-ply truss to be connected together with 0.131'13'Nails as follows: Top chords connected with 2 row(s)at 0-6-0 on cenler. Eottom chords connected with 2 rod(s) at G9-0 on center. Webs connecled as follo$/s: 2 X 4 - I row(s) at 0-9-0 on center. 2) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. 3) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf botlom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, wilh exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 ff end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to t rind. lf porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, andtheplategrip jncrease is 1.33 4) All plates are M20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads per Table No. lsB, uBc-94. 6) WARNING: Required bearing size at joint(s) B, G greater than input bearing size. 7) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of fuss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 1517 lb uplin at joint B and 1007 lb uplift at joint G. 8) This truss has been desagned with ANSI/TPI 1-'l995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard ry'&f,.$ D:srg. vr d tor use.1lr',' h MiTek c.lneclr:,. -rsdes!n s|.1..:1 .., rtr I i,ara-cl-ar:j:rr1tr',r ar, L, 1)r nn .1.,r r bL c nt compore,ll t. t,e Ins:a er ar,l loaled v€r:rcdl/ AFp ;rt, rri.)id, sL.rrr p.rrr_: c s.lnrr lrrrpcr rr )rt ri'.rlrcrr f componerl rs responsrbr||ly of ourldrnq dcsrgn€r- nollruss deirqne.. 8€c nq rlro,vn skxlalcrir s!cpirr t r.lrv ijual ,v.l memberson|yAddilona|temporalyb.acrgton5|]rslabi|ily.|l||l!canSh]Ll{)nslh.rc:1nn.!b|]ilyLJlll'l,ll)l)tolAj'jljil pe.mananr bracrng ol the overa slturclirre s ll^e respcnsrb lrly Dl Ihe !urldrnll dcs !ner :.r l,rircra q.r d,u,:rr, .egatrnii labrcalron. cual:yconlro s1!rage der!ery er€.1.n arl brac,r! .:'lsr t OST-88 Ouality Standard, DSa-89 Bracing Specificalion. and HIA-91 Handling Inslalling and Bracing Recommendataon r'ra 3:,,. trir Tfuss Plale Inslilule. 583 O' Onolrio Orive, Madison, Wl 53719 !;. q,#< tu e9. 2q,o o D z o z {* 6o-io !ooo:a(,--ll)'!,a;G,='< .l i ^F ;ir'tlJ-xEoh="..=o-o ." o +Y i = r, -tr:qb olm= ?z=a g:s o<' +* XO:r : !l^' iC<a ('*a 6;= o lx x r: \'v .1 ^ Y *Co .\ = *!l < =: xi5: +9j ;=X !ro'i5b !.9= o o' :;5 3i !.,oP 5 ro* o o a (,a =\is==d \P x ; eE -h s F Dg t 9u o qdH s3-E# ag it 9qH= =6 F i "lA? ge'Pi 3Hg ii Fi ;:l *i sj o3j =9 sq .Ao"- Ba Ql -+d= E=:3 ir9 ;6 ,F= ^si= a X g5= o * oo- { {i fQ do' g o=' f'o a.O CJ oo c 9 9 tl ffi* =ls itxll itrrt F. I $o t i @ b,. $>rt v (9 .r!l =PI -FI H : ;,7 o o o o_ q, o o z o o v) Fl at d-q. =c -eo od O-r 'ro !=oo a{9o 69 5d cO JO -c UI o ! d !o R45 ?F a;e EEq ;6{;d E?i ?? gF[ $rr qE iEi [fg u;a Ei $$$ !,c;.gii$ $ei ;;; qg s*';; a *ei iigi[ii'$silgF3ie$i.g ?3{ c't ,A \-2(rs(rtJO iiEtsi[*g*F3giFE i 3r !+ ;F a33 idr Ei g =3 3;e'l 'fi;frtEa.q =5( e": 11 ei-i*Cq nii:sqa 3s =;:d 9V X6 d= o4 (o: Yo n4 4i"E €; agge a d$ + 4 &'n=t <- G TOP CHOFO TOP CHORO z c 3 o o =. =(o U' (t, o 3 2 Fi!:6 *::: iEii;si*!: I rE d s ia i =[F E* coo--co > : !r' () q HXY @b -: zq196Y'.\] (r.!.N 8;S e -l-N)(, o t\) 2a @ o O O o z 0 D z P >l '31 HALFHTPcoMMo Truss A7 -2-0-0 2-0-0 Truss Type 5-1-13 5-1-13 10-0-0 4- 10-3 l5-11-4 F1 1-4 lov 1 R1458249 i.o,a, ; *" to trrrtt"k lndustries, Inc. wed May os 'r2:10:s9 reeg page I 2x4 600,2 i\ Ll r'i;2x4 '\ i il]C c- i \:. I I fl', \ i'rt'l I ., B ll 4 r'-,1 ' 'l':l -- i-l l'l t i ol F; ' r' 3x4 4x6 6xl0 10_1-12 t6-114 , 23-10-8 10-1-12 S.g-E S.t.t-4 Plate Offsets (X.!ilB:O-1 {,0-2-41, [D G54,G3-81 LOADTNG (psf) j SPICNA 24-o cst DEFL (in) (toc) t/defl ] elares cnre TCLL 80.0 Plates Increase 1.00 I TC 0.86 I Vert(LL) -0.12 J >999 I MzO 1691123 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.71 | Vertgl) -0.'17 B-J >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.97 Hotz(TL) o.o5 G n/a ]BCDL l1i Code UBC/ANS|95 I 1st LC LL Min l/detl = 240 i weight 130 lb LOADING (psf) SPACING 24-o CSt DEFL (in) (oc) t/defl I PLATES GRlp LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.58 BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1 5E WEBS 2 X 4 VVW Stud 'Excepl' F-G 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E. F-H 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.88 WEOGE Lefl: 2X4WWStud REACTIONS (lUsize) B=2763|/0-5-8, G=2358/0-5-8 Max Hotz B=296(load case 5) Max UpliftB=-s3g(load case 5), G=-498(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - Firsl Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-3624, C-O=-2A20, D-E:2128, E-F=-212a, F-G=-2290 BOT CHORD &J=3128, l-J=2533, Hl=2533, c-H=0 WEBS D-J=491, C-J=-689, E-H=-1231, D-H=-s11. F-H=271'1 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed icr lhe wind loads generaled by 80 mph winds at 25 fr above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end root zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UaC/ANS|95 lf end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip inc.ease is 1.33 2) Povide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) All plates are M20 plates unless otheMise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load non@ncunent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 539 lb uplift at ioint B and 498 lb uplifi atjoint G. 6) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 cnteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard l.too 5442 Yty 5842 23-10-8 6x8 G11-4 D 6x8 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-1G1 1 on center purlin spacing, except end verticars. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direclly applied or 6-0-0 on center bracing.WEBS 2x4 f -g?c€ F-G. D-H Fasten T and I brac€s to narrgw edge ofweb with 10d common wire naits 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 90% ofweb length. ryttr-\f'.Fl Dlsianvaldforuse.nl!wrlhMiTekcDnnc:l.,rs Thrs des gn ; 3as! I : I, Lrt(. t .'inrererj jh.iri .1, l ,1,,,.r, r.1f,: b! 1.0 conpo.cnl 1o te ins:a L€d and oaded,'er.ali Apl).af r',.1 (ll .!rp:rrrm.l.rsarlfr)o,,1.)r ',rili,r t crmpononl rs respo.srbilily !'burldrng desqnar.nollrJssoesigrer 8r.rD.r.r_.,vf j'.,rlaler? s.rDIr( r',n r(rv\ltr. ,{el] fr€nlt]r).so||vAdd|1ona|1emp3rary.rac|ngi.i!]'!U|1]slab|lilylLll|r.]|:liU,jl)l| permancrl bracrng ol :heovera slr!clrre isll,erosp.nsb tyollhc burl.irog d.rs,gner For gefF . l :JLril.r"r, r..."drng labrcalron qJalily cortrc. slorage delivljy (n.cl on. and brac ng c!ns!r OST-8a Ouality Standard, DSB_89 Bracing Specificalion. and HIB-91 Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation ava able from Truss Plale Instilute.583 O' Onolrio Drive. lltadison, Wl 53719 utr lvllr lllTek Ind ustrlea, Inc. !-> (t n< !o oa\ 26 o o - z ; o z >t 5oretl !ooo=(Doll(D : o o oo hi.rl:,-xx6b=a1o-o .- o !49 =-or *ro., ol)fli= 9'-i o : = i; :'- ?zaa L,lv.'f ! o o-<-- + =rl - @ m-s oi.ix I5r..: o-*ah zCU .TLI^_ oo (o*o o tl ,+ Q ob -6X 1*!a m-.) oo j tla =\is==d \= x ; eE -I s * EF qa* isEr EE +n 9eB= -,6 F[ "q+4 t9 ie- ;E)Bq ;3s al o9 #9s =e F: 4s= 8a etc iqa :t 3^E Hflx a X 35= o - oo- { {i 5' 6' 9(D I rr (oo cr 1,o oo o c 9 9 b' V @ rr!l MI LI : >r 7 o o =o o (n o o z o o a - P8 ; ,Xo I 6a 6 O-r p. -o o !=: oo Y at j^ 9o d 1P 2 =a a co € e8 oo tr o E o a N qE = s9 9 S b f,H il: 5 =-oo 53 Q=:x!l Y o(o U ral -l r ^n^a = lr!dSrP b:9 a'ss 1 =q 1di g +s -o x o ^.<i I =Q >o^ ,= o-Y <6 -- ^-o 9-o = i; )o^ { ;'-s1 .P ii€-F Y t,O ;E = Si oo 4;a :: o ij;5 :H I : E frq.H=q sq:qi:;qEFEis adE+88!= $5= ss ; +3 Ei* a* t43 qEq 6i F;#=3 fr6il gEr q$g ta $ ii-E3 {g Ae€ ia3 etEta +; Fgq A$E'+g *l +afl :+ag ?;*:d;Ei-rgi3 3=i Fa; t5 s:s =H 3;it-q;At5?[ 3r=ig:i?+e fisrg =58 e3 11 ed-XodB Er5_r:aiAt= I:aq ';i €3gi rf 3a:d gHEs$gqn[f xa;*ga frEFfi ;a:*e,* q6Fa;q* s€ ;3uul ,d s* s s' r.ac= i$es[a+ ai i?3E =a t g ei " ff'JH *as d3s q ** Q'sd ffiH =is il5l irflrl T. t $o I i @ TOP CHORO TOP CHOED z C 3 ct o =.f,(o c,r, U, o 3 2 Fi!:6 H -e:i g =:IE 5 I 5l9 s i*!d i i3 i, = ;F .{^ b;2'n @@-=')> : q () q 55: @9 bo-i, I co <,, .-' P ZON);Y' !(, .-r .b' :-8;S e __N.)?P H 9 o O @ ?z Job 58r'2 Truss A8 f{ALFHtPcoMMo Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE, CO, 81647 otr Pty i satz t 'i.o.rr, .,"n ,o ,nr#u*rnor"u,"., ,n". 18-5-11 5-2-13 3x4 D 't' t-i I 4xo 15-10-4 7-104 R1458250 Wed May 05 12:'11:02 1999 Fagel Truss Type +1-13 4-1-13 8-0-0 3-'10-3 13-2-13 5-2-13 8-0-0 8-0-0 23-10-8 5-4-13 2x1 F r 23-10-8 l &G..4 l I PLATES GR|P M20 169t123 Weighr: 123 lb 6.00 12 .? t_ r,i* J 3x4j 4x6 E I H 4xG \ ! + oB .; id^f.- l'i.l 6x8:: Plale Oflsets (X,!: LOADING (psD TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 LUi'AER lB:0-0-0,0-1-91 SPACING Plales lncrease 1.00 Lumber Inqease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 csl TC 0.93 BC 0.50 wB 0.78 DEFL (in) (loc) udefl Vert(LL) -0.11 J >999 VertCrL) -0.16 H-J >999 HozOL) 006 G n/a 1st LC LL Min l/defl = 240 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-9-12 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 on center bracing.WEBS 2x4 T-Brace E-G Fasten T and I braces to narow edge of web with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 90yo of web length. TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2'100F 1.8E 'Except' c-F2X6SPF-S1650F1.5E BOTCHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1,5F WEBS 2X4WWStud'Except' F-G 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, E-G 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEDGE Left: 2X4WWStud REACTIONS (lb/size) G=2358/0-5-8, B=2763/0-!8 Max Hoz 8=248(load case 5) Max Upliftc=-488(load case 5), 8=-549(toad c€se 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORO A-8=62, B-C=-3246, C-D=-2853, D-E=-2696, E-F=0. F-c=-473 BOT CHORD B-J=2840, l-J=3120, Hl=3120, c-H=2178 WEBS C-J=s86, D-J=-352, D-H=-824, E-H=1006. E-G=-2830 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 fl above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure CASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end verticals or cantilevers exist, theyare exposed to wind. lf porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL inqease is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1 .33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) All plales are M20 plates unless otherwis€ indicaled. 4) This truss has been designed tor a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load non@ncurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capabte of wilhstanding 488 lb uplift atjoint G and 549 lb uplifl atioinl B. 6) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPl 1-1995 criteria. LOAO CASE(S) Siandard ryB l.siqn!ardlor ,iseonylvrlh MiTek conrc.tors Th s .l4sran is l,r r! o. y ( !,rr l);rr:rnr.-.l.. !ri,)w. arrri ,;,,.1 r.1!,ir l b|lkln:.ccIrDn.rttob.1stn|edandDn.ledVe(r:ilyApp|cnt]lly']llos-]l]l]ll..|j.t(]l\lllllJll!tl.,.ll]ji.'].' .r Trrnerl i rcsaons 5 l'? ol b! a rg lDs.l ler 'rol l'Lrss des tn.r :1ra.:] sr|^,, i r-e lrr rrir'.: irrt:rfr ' j ir, ..rrl f, r) rrn'anenl briic nq oi lhe overall slrucrL,rc s lhe rcspon:rbrlly .l lho bLr d 1.1 1,rr .i1rr t c rr.f.ra qL, a lNL. rL.!arri rlr lirlrr cnl on. q!a lv ccnl'ol :irarage. dolircry. oroct an an.l bracin.i ,uriL 11 OST-88 O!ality Sland€rd. DSB-89 Braclng Specitication. and Hl8-91 Handling Installing and Bracing Becornmendalion i!., itr . | 1 ,t; Tr!ss Plate Inslituie. 58:i D- Onolrio Drive. Madison. Wl 53719 lvllr lIiTek Ind uttlles, Inc. May 5,1999 !;, u);< OJ TO 9o ,q,o o P ttt z ; o z {* 5o--o !oool oollo : o 6 5o ;irrtf-xxoha a:o5(D :9 a*3 *r o;ollri= :,-U- C Y' (D -i*iu !: a o<-. ** iiPf E*o i c o (, *a,6;: o lx x a\ \'v Q ob :-=a -=-di*='llo-l Y ^ I r) o ^ :+x J 1+!+ .) -l =/h-a\'i-L,l u Y x u-o =<cu !a= g^uo J (O," o =d 9a bg 9g 9s. E_.";;o 9.6 ii 'oo d'g =9 8a o=36 o : o ,o a (,e =\f s:\\= x .,,'g 5 F o o=2 xoo=qAo ;rqd iF 9eH=l"- ?-^=A XO ^-^=6 :=!+ 1: 6c:o*ii =Q3 X^ tu=^' oo .? 6'a dl Yd;:i5 i*o ,d= qi= P OYg * oo- {r 66' I ('(oo o:oo c o ,.. 9l tl ffi* =iil ilrl irflr T.F @ I $ o t i @ :-7 o o f o g U,o o z o o q, nTt d9.3C _YO 6d O-r ro oo a{9o 69 =d cO JO -c u,o .lo o o o n*; si ii3 qs4 ;aF ;[ qal a: iFR ita *l 3ua *rt ++i 3i $iE il iE$ 's} 33 Aii EiE F[EH ucq q qfii EeiiiESa*= i5;; ig qset rg.E* *aA -te ifr g$ i; € frlq ;i €sftii ia {A39 ?f r': *'id qsa i3-F qI * g ,^\7(r'boNJo ;iEt5i3ig*F3giag + a[ gqi3 ?;* 3a6 q*I =3 a; q3 =fri rl;'.4 ai+ sq +; 9i-s$:i 'g [l*a El 3[di d eF i a- A€=;-6 rt 6 TOP CHOFO TOP CHORO z c 3 o o :-.f (o v, U, o 3 2 FiE:6 il 3:i ;E;i$s i *! d i ig E =fiF E3 '-@--Co ! \J (r () G RX9 @.b AO z5S Hq'' --J (JJ.!.\a)6cr5Y _--N)(, €) r.\) 2o @ ; 6 c)@ O z 0l il tl FI o F z m - -2-.J.O e(X) 12-G't 17-1G7 2r10-E 2-&0 &G0 6-G1 $1G5 S.0-1 61-12 12-Gl , 17-1G7 23-1GA _'f.---.---___ *.1-'t2 t10-5 $1().5 6-Gl LoADING (psO TCIL 80.0 TCOL 10_0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 2-0-0 Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumbet Increase 1.00 Rep Stress Incr NO Code UBC/ANS|95 cst TC BC WB 0.78 0.78 o.77 DEFL (in) (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) -0.19 l-K >999 VertFL) {.24 K-L >999 HozCrL) 0.05 H n/a lst LC LL Min Udef = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 169t123 weight 245 lb LUIIBER TOP CHORD 2X6SPF-S r650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEBS 2 X4 Wwshrd'Excapr G-H 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E. G-t 2 X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEDGE Left:2X4WWStud REACnONS 0b/size) 8=4585/0-5.8, H=4537/0-5€ Max Horz 8=200(load cas€ 5) irax UplinB=-8ls(load case 5), Ha7go(load case 5) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 on center purlin spacing, except end verlicals. BOT CHORD Rigkl ceiling direc{y applied or 1O0-0 on center bracing, E(cept: 6-0-0 on cenbr bracing: Hl. FORCES (b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, A-C=-7242, C-D=-8119, D.E=-5988, E-F=-5S88, F-c=-5988, G-H=36s8 BOT CHORD B-L=6287, K-L=6366, J-K=8119, l-J=8119, H-l=o WEBS C-L=1803, D-K=706, F.l=-s27, C-K.mo1, O-l:2457, Gl=6901 NOTES 1) 2-ply truss to be connected bgether with 0.131"x3" Nails as bllo^,s: Top chords connecled with 2 row(s) at 0-94 on center. Bottom chords connecled with 2 row(s) at 0-4-0 on cent€r. Webs connecied as follors: 2 X 4 - 1 ro${s) at 0-9-0 on cenler. 2) This tuss has been designed tor lhe wind loads generated by 80 mph winds al 25 ft above gmund level, using 5.0 pst top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in th6 gable erd rmf zone on an occupanc! category ll, coodilion I endosed building, with exposura C ASCE 7-95 per UBC,/ANS|95 It end \€rticals or cantile\€E exisl, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist,lhey are exposed towind. The lumber DOL inqease is'1.33, and ti6 plate grip incfease is 1.33 3) B(cept as shown belo , special conneclion(s) required to support concentrated load(s). Design ot connection(s) is delegated to tt|e building designer. 4) Provide adequate drainage to prevent wabr pondiru. 5) All plates are M20 plales unless ofE.wise indicated. 6) This truss has been designed for a 1 0.0 psf bottom chord lirre load non@ncunent with any other live loads per Table No. 1 &8, uBc-94. 7) Provide rnechanical conneclion (by others) ot truss to bearing plate capable ofwilistanding 815 lb uplin at joint B and 790 lb uplin atjoint H. 8) This lruss has been designed withANS|/TP| 1-1995 c{iteria. LOAD CASE(SI Standard Continued on page 2 ry,h fr"Si Design valid for use only with MiTek connectors. Th s design is based only upon parameters shown, and s for an ifdrvidua building component to be nstalled and loaded vedica ly. Applicability 0l design parameters and proper incofporat on of _ _=='' component s respons b I ty ol bu ild ing designer - nol lruss desig ner Bracing shown is lor lateralsupport of individualw"b t--- merrbers on y. Aaditional iemporary 6racinl to insure stab lty dling conslruction is the responsib l9 ol the ereclor Add tional -Et permanent bracing oi lhe overall structure is the resporlsib ity ot the building designer. For genetal S:!1P1e9ardr.ng llllf labdcalion, qua ity control, storage, delivery, efection, and bracing, consull QST€8 Qualily Standard, OSg-89 Bracing spec tcafion, a;d HB-91 Haniting hsr;ttlng and Bracing R;ommendation availabl;lrom Truss Plate Inslilute,;8:] D' tllTek lnduslrlSS, Inc. Onofrio Drive. Madison. Wl 53719 _9 i(n ;< o-f IO eq , ct, 0 P z -t =o z {*'*o0oo X ^-= = ^!ooo:e?ale j o 6 6-c 6uf:c "*=o i o n o tsY o-:l-: LX 5,h':nola : +r -:Yr) 2xas 5n6 o<' ^- i *-i X O r = !l ^' 1ct, o*-b,.6;: o "3 x ar \'-I od :'=Q - = - zi -=ooX =Yl i=x !jd'F 5 ii '1 g - ^ * {::Y.U o P.--!a= g*o 11 J *o ro ii J (O'u o r\.a =\f s i =d \= x '; iE ' = s F bg t 3t-' Ea* s+Ei ?E +F 9qH= =,6 ( il "42? go''rc H*s, i5 3E l"'A Fi d? il14 6'9 o-3 o33 :9 qq ,1o- 8a Al -+di q+:.3 irs ;d q; Ril 3 I .i =f = O * oo- { {i fo (oo =) o c .) 9 tl ffiH = i3E Itrll iitlf,l *' \ t-/ v @ t t @ \7 o o f o g. U,o o z o o U, Flan d9.ac .qd 6d O-r -o 'tt =oo a{9o 69 :-d co JO -c UI o ! d 1l o (, n+5 :* a;9 Eqr 33; .; -lid aP 3 gi grr +E acg i$e *ig e* +ag .il ief,.l; iis:i ggq fifiifr.:i q5[i igEi gaadeF Saia i[ *fr:n ;3Ei F$$ q: ;8 E3 aa ? FEE tiil'$fl3 ed'i5H aq q'g' /al (rs('No ilitii$Fg$F3giF3 F lH €I i3 g;E lqE F*g afr la 1q'3s ris?* '3=;3s3 #i Fiia t,+ 4:"8 q; ai gA e dF = 4 fit-=;=.- o € TOP CHOBO TOP CHOFO z c 3 cr o =.l (o U' U, o 3 9Fi!:6 * 3:i ;Eiifr H 3 *!r 5 rE d i EB E T;F {r< b=2 .rl CoO--Co ! \ () () G ONJOmI-a-\ a-\ - _@ zxx;:(,' ! (, .'J .\8bs :_*\)(r{)N) 6 c) O z E z m - Job lTruss Tfrus, Type - - 58/2 IA9 IfIALF HIP i'ASTE 2 _._L _ 't Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE, CO, 81647 4.0-32 s Jan 20 1999 ek Industries, Inc Wed May 05 l2JlOitsg€ page t LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular Lumber Increas€=l.00, Plate Incrsasa=l.oo Uniform Loads {pfi) Ver! &L=20.0, K-L:287.1, J-K:287.1, LJ:287.1, HJ=-287.1, A-B:180.0, B-C:l80.0, c.Dago.o, D.E:90.0, E.F:90.0, F-c=90.0 Concenlrabd Loads (b) Vert L=90O D€sign valid lor use only wilh MiTgk connectors. This d€sign is based only upon paranelers shown. and is lor an Individual building componenl to be inslalled and loaded verlically. Applicabrlity ot design paramelers and prop€f incorporalon ol component is responsibility ol building d€signer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of indivrdual web rn€mbers only. Addilional temporary bracrng to insure stability during constructon is the responsibility ol the erector. Additonal p€rmanent bracing ol the overall structur€ is th€ responsibilily of lhe building desrgner For general guidance regarding labrication, quality control, storage, delivery ereclion, and b€cing. consu t OST-88 OuElity Standard, DSB-89 Bracing Sp€clticatlon, .;d Ht8-91 Han;llng Inldlllng and Braclng Ro;ommendation aval abl; from Truss Pl.te Insittute, 683 D MIT Onolrio Orive. Madlaon. wl 53719 !;, U,;< io eg 2 ct, o o D z -.4 o z {* i5or-o !ooo=ao--1 n '! -d 6:j o o oo Xrr])l6 x6u,-"-a::.)iO -_tDuu ! _.- f *ro; @:).f= =lNlf H !O :*_*g =x9 o<' ^-i *-i ii9f E*o ico rD:.\6;= o i.x x :to* x --N n ^ Y *@ n : L/'(J <, ::u-r; I o:f fr x-x I lq j *=X R r o';:ii :1 0=<cu qg 6 4.'*j qHQ- ;o a ij f to=o o o (.e : '|\Es3=d \P X ; IT -i s F ig t 3g o s+H s3Ei ?E =n 9eH= -,5 y;;; Y*c 3j 3fl 3Fd Fi 6= dl4. 6'9.d_9 ;99 :e F3 a.*+ 8a ss irg :t a^E -qRX 1 X 95= o - oo- { ffiH I tl {r !to 6o r:. o o C =i#itflr itsrr Fi o B z ln TOP CHOFD TOP CHOBO z c 3 u o --.f,(o v, U, o 3 2 Fi!:I * 3:! *Eiii H i *!* I 15 d : FE |, =;g E3 Z.n i Co@-:,Co \r -'J (, () o.ON€mr. -.:-OQ.-.\: =a\t 6Y' ^'vv!(! -'J -N Sbs o --N)(, <) \) 2o @ o c) ?z >r 7 o o f o 9. U'o o z o o u, @ d ;; J - - I9D : C en l q N - gd F istgi 3i 3+6 $3iEfl fifii 3# iE* [F$ +53i3 ;f# *i ifrr ti eaf iii3 q33 igE q* afg qg gei $;3 'ii si 9g: [q€a $i g ifi iq il =Hdfrir E* ;r;[$;i iis [q 3$ ;l E ;$r ii u ;i ;3 as ;a s3 ig qH Ei gFF a$E {r gi i3 6 $iq EF na gg "E $.a g+ i qa a5,gE q[EElia i! d?g"- if f ;F* s ' oF + -A F*q'; ;F;;$q? sq u9qx x8 q ;." d " = *6 '3dggi d3fise'q E qa-€I 5442 B MONO Trusfab Inc., NEW cAsTa-, co, 8i647 5842 ,"" ,o *t", tndustries. lnc. 2x4 R1458252 Wed May 05 t2:1i07 1999 page i Truss Type o . -2-g{ 2-O-O oty Pty '19 1 l.o-e2! m0 f 6.00 12 ; 1 IL) 0.00 o nla i ) LL Min t/den = 240 I BRACING TOP CHORO Sheathed. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 on center bracing. 1) This kuss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 fl above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 It end verticals or cantilevers exist. they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is l.33,andtheplategrip increase is 1.33 2) All plales are M20 plates unless otheMise indicated. 3) This truss has been designed for a '10.0 psl boilom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, uBc-94. 4) Provide mechanical conneclion (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding '168 lb uplift atjoint B and 158 lb uplift atioint D. 5) This truss has been designed with ANSlffPl 1-1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 5 q 6-0-0 l 6-0-0 Plate Ofisets (X,!i tB:O-.o-q0-0-51 . .LOADING(pSD I SPACING 2-0-0 I CSI DEFL (in) (toc) t/detl PLATES GRIP LoADING(pSD I sPAclNG 2-0-0 i CSI DEFL (in) (loc) l/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 80.0 Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.60 Vert(LL) -0.02 B-D >999 M20 1971144 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC 0.23 VeriOL) 0.03 A-B >847 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 I HorzOL) o.o0 O nla BCDL 10.0 Code UBC/ANS|95 | L 1st LC LL Min t/den = 240 Weight 31 tb ..1 i'r LUI||BER TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F I,5E BOTCHORD 2X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1 5E WEBS 2X4SPF-S21OOF1.8E WEOGE Lef,: 2X4WWStud REACTIONS (lb/size) B=976/0-5-8, D=571/0-+.8 Max HozB=1gs(load case 5) Max UpliltB=- 168(load case 5), D=-158(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-0, C-D=-s14 BOT CHORD 8-D=0 NOTES ryR f.''"$: Dos qn valid for use on y r^/irh ltliTek corneclors Th s desgn rs bascd onl\, lpori cnrallelers slrown 3nd s k r an 'nd vrilLr,i ourldrng comp.nent to be nslalled and oadeC lerl callv Applicab I y .n les ql p:r'ar'ret€ri rnd .,ofer f.., poral:f cl c.rnponenl s respons b ly ol b! ld ng cosLqner ' .ro1 lfuss des gner Brac rg snown is lor areral supporl ol njr,rd|]rl r.b rembers on y Add tioral lemporary bracing lo rrsure srab ty dlr nq corslrucxon rs lhe respons b ry ol lll] cre.lor A.ia lrlrfa pcrmanent brac,ng of lhe overall structure is lhe resporsibility ol tho bu d nq dosrgfer For qenera g! c.nct) regaril.q i.bflca1 c. qua ty co'rtrol. storage. delvcr,,, ereclron and bra.rng corsull OST-88 Ouality Standard. DSB-89 Bracrng Specilication. and HIB-91 Hanaling lnstalling and Bracing Recommendation nvarlab c l'om Truss Plate Institute. 583 O fliT Onolrio Drive. Madison. Wl 53719 !;, u)n< OJ lo = t, i6 o o F z =o z * \ooo=q1;;q Pg;;q "*+o j o -ox! HJO'-o Itlri = }; uo 2273.Y: F'o< ** X O r = !1 A i c <" o *\6;: o 3 x 6-'-9 od :'=s ^i {=u(D- Y:tu -o X =Y l =+!+ n I =/n^a\^-t-,1 i;YX v-o=':* {=9 :u o 9.--*i qsP ;o qb J (O \v o (.a =\ i F = =d \P x ; .sE -'E s H bg t ge-' qd* s3E# ?E +n 9qH= =,6 <; "*2? s0'16 X=s ar- :: i' " \i l f[ 3ae gi *a la6 =l oor :9 sq '{ti- 8a !s i;d :r .PF RH3 i h =f = o - oo- { {i 6',6 (oo !:oo =) o c o I tl ffi* =-i i#ilt|tl irt|l ;i !t iltffi @O I.(N srI H')iA @" nPl =--nnI LI i :,7 o o =o g CJ,o o z o o q, nsl n= t=u qP cr; 53 i[a ta 3ig 'd l,aF € 3 =3s*:33E gasfi 3g :636;g: o e.;: oq tadfi-€i q-=" a{ o; r; aF CI- i $? ei +s F $iE EF d$Ei 5F 3;g* -i -a3f 6q e €- g .D== + ! r,6.) 00c fl++ IB A13 Bgd EE* +F tgl +i+fi e."; +fi 1+! lqfi "$& is g=; -qh;1; =i n3s11fr "o !)l R-F =--sH:=:E; ei=Re Bs 6d; E ^ a 59 io Pss Xe qa 3t =nd :,6 d?s-l aq$ g; 1o Eg eo* sd a q 5 '' dI l x o o!!Y J = t, a\a /A\(rbc.r--o Filtii[i3+frsgiF3 $ e$ Ei iF ?;i gqF F* 3 aa iq :i 'ss sis ?fr '3i i3sq #i Faia na gg"E €; a: 6.g e dB- = q fi'"=;= a1 TOP CHOFD TOP CHORD z c 3 u o ;-.J (o C" u, o 3 2 Fi!:6 H -s:!g = 3IE = s ilg s i;!d i ia i 5EF E;z?n CoCo-:ido > *'.r !I () c F<X'i@e i<><-l) -Y-!-Icoc,r;-P =qN 6Y',! 8-S o ---N)(r{'\) 20 @ o O @ c z JOO 5842 Truss Truss Type CORNER SET W OV Ply 5842 R1458253 t I o-,, .l- ,o ,nntu* ,nouri*s, Inc wed May 0s rz:ir:os rsss eaeer 8-5-13 4-0-6 _ _ l rj 4x6 - 8-5-13 &t13 Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE. CO. 81647 -2-10-0 2-10-0 4?7 4-5-7 1.24 12 2x4 F | ',. l -t I .-l f 3x6 LOADING (psr) TCLL 8O,O TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 2-O-O Plales Increase 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr NO Code UBC/ANS|95 cst TC 0.79 BC 0.51 wB 0.53 DEFL (in) (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) -0.07 B-F >999 VerlOL) -0.13 B-F >757 Horzffl) 0.01 F nla ] 1st LC LL Min lldefl = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 169t123 Weight 44 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S ,1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X6 SPF-S 1650F 1 5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E *Exc€ot' C-F2X4VVWStud REACnONS (lb/size, g=1127t0-5-A, F=12t410-3-0 BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 on center bracing. Max Hoz B=184(load case 5) Max UpliftB=-2zs(load case 3), F=-236(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B=62, B-C=_920. C-D=21. D-e=-1t4. D.F=-721 BOT CHORD B-F=862 WEBS C-F=-942 NOTES 1) This truss has been designed tor the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 fl above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in lhe gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. It porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) All plates are M20 plates unless otheMise indicated. 3) This truss has been designed tor a 10.0 psl bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, uBc-94. 4) Provide mechanical mnnection (by othec) of truss to bearing plate c€pable ot lvithstanding 225 lb uplift atjoint I and 236 lb uplift al joint F. 5) This truss has been designed with ANSUTPI 1-1995 criteda. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber lncrease=1.00, Plale lncrease=1.00 Uniform Loads (plD Vert: A-B:180.0 Trapezoidal Loads (plt) Vert B=0.0-tcF=-42.4, 8=-6.6-to-C=-'187.4. C=-187-4-to-D=-371.5. D=-371.s-tcE=-381.9 f.'*:Be Ocs gn va d lor usa on y wrlh l\.4iTek connecrors Th s les qn is baceo or y lpof pararnei.rs -lhown ana rli r,,' af rrx !!lL,:r bLrdrngcomronenttobeinstaledandloadadvcrtca y ApprcJbrllyo'dcstnparamet{rsar(l procer 1,rr?rrnl.n.l ,rcriponert sresponsbi lvolbLr d ng des gner - .o1 lrlss dcs gn€r Brac niJ shov,'l 1s ior ,rlc a rLF3.rrl,rr ',d!c.ral\',-1' tr'-''rrbers.1i'Acdlo.a|lenporarvlrrac|r]l0nsrrreSla5Ivd[ilng.o'lil1l.l,l:'r|sile.cs)l)|ls]:!.|ll].l'lF1jl.']!'i.]l pf|rianert ?,ac,ng Dl Ihe overall sl'uciL,re stheresponsbiiilyrrlhebJ,a'rglesq.er F.'qeneralqr,:j,rncc reqardrfq labr cai on. qL,a ty conl'ol. siorage delivery. erecl on and braong cons!ll OST-88 Quality Slandard. DSB-89 Bracing Specification, and HIB-91 Handling Installinq and Bracing Recommendalion avarl!b .J fr(,m Truss Plate Institute, 583 D Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wl 53719 rri-':==IYIII MiTek Ind urtrles, Inc. !i u,#< =o e9 Uu,o o P z -l =o z * ;vY:fr '!-,d6:< O A.-(*'a;q Y: o i o !!'-=r *5ti; olm= cv'od f*ai;YX* o.<- It* o ; - = l-'r -rr 1c a o *4.6;= o ix x 1A* l---9od :-=a a; - A f o -ii X =9l **6 lrd'l;5o a9;- ^x :::Y.u q x:R; !',o R =ru m ^", ^a -' to* o o (,a :\ E s i ={\= x ; iE ' = s F dg t 9q q.; s3-ta aE =1 sEEa Eg 6 g o qo a; ;[i 3i srj +q3 $d 3-9 Fgg =r q'o. ,Ao- 8a al '"+f= E+33 irs A6 e; 33a i .5 =f = O * ooJ { {r u:. o llo oo ::) o c o 9 N $>r @ iil : >'7 o o f o g q, o o z o o U, @ d ; ;" N - o 90 :J 9 !r F !r fo - 3fiq,:tYsq:q E is ,Er $i ;;H $E igE g€ii$ isi$E$ +$+i$ ;+fi -i if,g €fl g $[ 3i ii ?[H [;ig$'FE i* g:t s:E [eat';i s sal g; d 1l :4 at e; Fs id qg Ei fgi '[f $1 ;g +q ; eE'[ Efi 'a 3+ -q ss *E ue i$ e+fiii $i aegE if a$i;-i -q o -9"$ai -a3fr qi i i' q tl ffi* t $o t ! @ =i#itflll i]fl]T. TOP CHORD TOP CHORO z c 3 cr o --i,5 (o (/, v, o 3 2 FiE:6 H::' *g4ig s i*! E i ig i =EF :; co@-=s \r ! (.r () o.RX9 @6 bo =qN 6Y'r,J (,!A.l-OO-.\OON:: - -- tl (/r€N I @ ?z 5842 HALF HIP COMM Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE, CO, 81647 6-'t 0-7 otv 13-5-4 :2-O-O , 2-G0 Ply 5842 ll.o-,, " r"" ,u igg#"t tnau"tl"", tn". 21-GO 1-G0 ?x8 2x4 R1458254 wed M;y 05 12:11:it 1999 Page 1 6-10-7 612 6-6-12 6.00 t2 \il t \ili tilli '.lll] H 3xo 5x6 E 5 't,.. ;d 2x4 J 4)(6 10-r-13 20-1-12 4x8 21-0.i0 0-10-4 {l f:l 6x8 I 1G 1-13 Plate Oflsets (X,Y): [B:Go-q]q1l3l 9-11-15 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 240 Weioht: 130 lb LOADING (psf) TCLL 80.0 TCOL 10.0 BCLL O,O BCDL 10.0 SPACING 2-O-O Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 CSI i OEFL finl lloc) udefi PLATES GRIP csl I oEFL (in) (roc) t/dell PLATES GR|P TC 0.74 Vert(LL) -0.09 H-J >999 i M20 169/123 BC 0.50 Vert(TL) -0.18 H-J >999 WB 0.70 HozCrL) 0.04 H rva LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1.5E SOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E'ExceDt' C-J2X4VVWStud WEDGE Len2X4VVWStud REACTfONS (fb/sizel 8=244710-5-8, H=2099/0-5-8 Max Hoz B=382(load case 5) Max UpliftB=-41g(load case 5), H=-497(load case 5) FORCES 0b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-2761, C-O=-1944, D-E=-1944, E-F=-38. F-G=2, G-H=€O BOT CHORD B-J=2407. l-J=131'1. Hl=1311 WEBS C-J=-977, E-J=1012, E-H=-1796, F-H=-652 NOTES BRACING TOPCHORD Sheathed or4-4-10 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 on center bracing.WEBS 2x4 T-Braca G-H, E-H, F-H Faslen T and I braces to narrow edge ot web with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 9070 otweb lenolh. '1) This truss has been designed tor the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 i above ground level, using 5.0 pst top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chod dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end verticals exist, ihe left is exposed and the right is not exposed. It cantilevers exist. lhey are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, lhey are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) All plates are M20 plales unless otheMise andicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any otier live toads per Table No. lGB, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) ot truss to bearing plate capable ofwithstanding 419 lb uplin at joint B and 497 lb uplifl atjoint H. 6) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 criteria- LOAD CASE(S) Standard #tFjr-\ Des gn vald for Lrse on y \ry th MiTek connectors This design is b.so.l on y upon paranrclcrs shcwn. anrl :i l(,r af indiv drr,rl bLr|lding componenl to be nslaled and caded verl cally Appl|cabi tv of .iesiqn paranrelers and prope'rrcortx)railon ol componcnl rs respolsib hly ol b! lii ng desigrer rot lruss Cesrilne. Bracrnq showr rs r.' .teral supp.'1 .l ( a vrd',a wc) mc11bers or y Additiona rcn'e!)ranl bracina r! insLrre stab hl,, drir 'rq constructron s lf. rcsp..sib r1/ t 11r rtc'. Ad.i tr,!,i oermanenr bracrng ot lhsc!eral srrLrclure is I re .esrons l) !v ol tha b! ld nl desrqnc. Forqener.l q'rdrf.. rclarc.l ja.n.anon quartyconlrol slorage. de very. e(rlron. andD'ac,rg. consJll OST'48 Oualily Standa.d. OSA'a9 B.acing Specilication. and HIB-91 Handling Inslalling and B.acing Recommendation ava l l,le lrom Truss Plale Inslilute. 583 D Onolrio Drive. Madison. wl 53719 !;(n ;< OJ I('e9. icn I n trl z =o z {*-*DOOO :: ^-= = h !(D(D(D1 si;;q '< O.61-1 Hn5i*x^aa=Y=o 5 o - o 9!Br[';ollm=o lln * c v'o,n 1*ai:YX* o.<-' ,+* X O l = g^ i c - o *a o;= o ii x n\'I ob :%e x-li R lQ 5 a'=X R r o i:o =9i ^ * :1= -J -OX ;o qij J (O \u o o a lX7= (.- !dllki \ 3 5 i =d lltlt'= \E ; ; !s tAA O \T;i A Dr gi o 3* q+HiiEJ EE jij 50 *lE* E!q; il Agfr *i ,a I 3q ?e de **g ie EE [i El; s;*1 aH E3a i"c = F =l = O o * oo, t F-g 2 .?tl b,7 o o f,o 9. U,o o z o o a eql ni.=r =r r=i 53 3[4 i-i 3f,g '1 ifi$ E I =3:Fg 33[ $n;;;s [3E3 ;FE $3t1 fi3 [c tE :3 i ;[3 3g ia:H Fg :F:B,-dFF[ 53 €""r,8 Eg i?9F i[ a d:.* s -e3t qq e € g \ ?# E;g HEd ;S Be E ; He Hl 1E * =.= ^E 9X:4r :q[j e gF; qF; i* ge- H{6 5 5 A;l 5r':*{ e33 fl: r iq R9s )+n'q; oo- o:si aog 9r 53 Qp{ n{: ge "J=!Ja\ =:.. ] -6s r*= I ^ !] f ; Eq 3E fl*T !i q6 s;=,d: "* HEi s d e I *-aI ql Eb [qr -'i5:s tq 1q 6Y o j ^a zJ *o "= iO 3*:.= SE ae ad qff -X 6.e 9q ;I3P =-o d.? ro= 9,a. P---s =; +F -l -o o o o 5 (f ag o o > c E R d =: 8: *9 3 e =:: i 9 d d6 ;?,1 3 ;g ugq l; Fe.n *d--* :9 5A ?d; ?;E €e 3R ids B ;9 !o'b: ifi -' =6 ql =Q lhY o 3e 6t:3 sgg 5E e.! l1 ed qi od Yo o=*r rri 9o iY Ef ;o o= o4 *,3 *q oE dq ',;q Ag 6 €3 f, o- (, o(o e :x { ;== = =oJa € @ <t \o (,, o -I o E 5' @ I 5 o CJrS(,N =iu 1lfll ittrt -Fi TOP CHORO TOP CHORD z c 3 (t o =.5 (o v, Vt o 3 2 ii!:6 ;3::s = 3ti 5 3 igg s i *:> T ;3 ; g iE < o oo i = 68 b3 z ?tr -l co@-=(}> -! q () o X]xv@.r1 bo-1, I o <,.: ,'- 99 =aN 5Y'r-l (, '\r .s :-OO./1 OON:_-!N)(, <) \) 20 "o -c) ?z Job 5842 I russ D1 Truss Type Trustab lnc., NEW CASTLE. CO, 81647 . ,.i -l , i\ rt ir\\ li .il l ii i\\ lii \N I II 'r tlr \lr '. \N il I ,rr :ti t:l IH 3x6 E 4x6 18-l:12 8-11-r5 Pbte q'file6 (\4r lB:o:!!o,O-1-131, [F:o-sJ,o-3-s] SPAC|NG 2-0-0 LOADING (psD TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O,O BCDL 10.0 csl TC BC WB oEFL (in) (loc) l/defl Vert(LL) -0.09 K >999 VertOL) -0.13 l-K >999 HozOL) 0.04 H nla 'lst LC LL Min l/defl = 240 I LUTBER TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1,5E BOT CHORO 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E'Exceot' C-K 2 X 4 \,VW Stud. E-K 2 X 4 lryW Stud WEDGE Len:2X4WWStud REACTIONS (lb/size) B=247610-5-8, H=207 1 l}-5-g Max Horz B=488(load case 5) Max U pliftB=-410(load case 5), H=-513(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B=62, B-C=-2934, C-D=-2212, O-E=-2212, E-F=-589, F-G=o, G-H=-257 BOT CHORD B-K=2551, J-K=161'1, l-J=1611, H-l=546 WEBS Fl=1264, C-K=-840, E-K=875, El=j579, F-H=-1868 NOTES BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-5-8 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direclly applied or 10-0-0 on cenler bracing.WEBS 2x4 T-Brace G-H. E-1. F-H Fasten T and I braces to narrow edge ofweb with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distan@. Brace must cover 90% of web length. 1) This truss has b€en designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 pst top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end r@f zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure CASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end verticals or canlilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. ll porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1 .33, and the plate grip increase is 1 .33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent tualer ponding. 3) All plates are M20 plates unless otheMise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any otier live loads per Table No. 14.8, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by olhers) of truss to bearing plate capable ot withstanding 410 lb uplifr at joint B and 513 lb uplifl atjoint H. 6) This lruss has been designed with ANS l/TPl 1- 1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard LneLr nrecorurvrfl oty .' -2-G0 2-G0 t.: 6x8 - Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 91-13 9-t-t3 u. /5 0.67 1?-14 ,M2 4x6 D ..... til KJ 1&0-0 5-10-12 , 21-0-0 +0,.0 6x8 4x6 4x6. 2't-G0 2-10-4 PLATES GRIP M20 1691123 Weighlr '1 34 lb #t$tm D€irlr ,ra a lor use onL/ ,rrlh MiTek ccnnect:'s -t s des !1 rs basel ( ,r J, .rpor p.rinelers srov, r nn.i rs I ,r.rn .:j . (r I bL O ng componeil 1c be Insla led ar3 loared verlrcaly. App cab hly .)1 d.srgn para,rr"le's anrr prlp.r n.rrt ialrorr 't cornponent rs responsibilily ol buildinq des gner nol trLrss desrqne'. Brac fg sholvo s lor lalera s!pporl ol Indrv dua wctl mcnbers only Add( cnal lemporary brac ng to ns!,e slabrlrty cunng c(l1slruclon .j lh'r respd s l)flry o|h. r.rDctof A,l.irl.rnal pc.mane.l bracrng ol lhe ovara I slrL.lLrre s :fe rcspcrsrb |l/ oi lre rurdrno des lner FDrlenc'a 9rdnfc'r'eo.'.lrn.i lalrr.at on. qualrty conlrc. slorage delvery. erect L)n. arl t]'ac ng cc.sL I OST'84 Qualily Standard, DSB-89 Eracang Specilication. and HIB-91 Handling Installing and Bracing Becommendation irr:r able lr.rn Truss Plale Institule.583 D' Onolrio Orive. lltadison, Wl 53719 !;, (n n< OJ :u 29. >= ut 0 =z { =o 2 * :dqq*'!-i;6:'< O.r An FR';;q Y=o - rD *r o;U 5 ,D' =.iO:a =i;tJ_h go ?x13 Y;9 o.<- ra* iiPr E*o iCcn o*a 6;= o ix x n \'-at ^ Y -o ^=Lru ; += -6 X =Y l =;!+ .l =mta\^-Ll i:ii "-9F ^; ::i :a^ -2= V XO ;o o d r (o.u o o : ii;s H qi g+E J ?E 39Ed b'- e 3e {i 3td ;1 *sq lt a=9i H g i r: I'!r j = o o o.- t o a tl ,L (\- \\ Ei \\= -o F o o=2 qoO jo c:-s'o O= =l cto Ed 6s.'d {r 66' -o ::' o 'rJ o 6b o c a 3 9 ffi* =is itfll its|t t' itffi OO t.<X F,>iA 13 b 7 o o J o o_ u7 o o z o o v, F.l1 d'9.3-.9d 6d O-r -o t=oo a{9o 69 5E cO ag v,o .rt 6 1t o n4: ?* aFg HEd *3a:aqit dg :Hi tfr I if [g [ *q* a[+ ai iqF .3 iBg dilFq:lq; d;s -fi.5fiid! 3':3H "3i =* qli slB Ha da -eq qgfia ;E i+ Fei eia ;; f8 *E ? f,ea tl ,ai *tra .s,sl $f, gg 3; € gEq iF€Hft;3 ea d1q3 33 *ds3 *iq'$9i :e -iEfr qq t'g' Al o5(,N-O Fittsiiifl*F*ginE + 4F Eq i3 ?F* 39E q*g =3 E; si =ffi st;'-q aeq 3; *; a3-[F:q il i+93 ae ;=9ds $+ 93"F f;: ;8fr;'a aH = A' aac;€d o TOP CHOFD TOP CHORD z c 3 o o =.f,(o (t, U, o 3 2 ii!:I 31:: ;aiifr s i :!> g ;'3 E i ig i =EF 9; @@-=@ > : !t () q OO--Y AG I co <,r .- 99 z, c). tJ ;; Yl --l (, '-J A 8b3 e !--N)(r'c)rv 2a oo 6 o o z E z m Truss Type 5842 D2 HALF HtP cOMMo Trusfab Inc.. NEW CeStLe, CO, atOlZ -2-0-0 2-0-0 Job Truss LOADING (psf) TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 8:1-13 8-1-13 otv Ply 8-1-13 8-1-13 6.00i12 3x6 c € 4x6 D.. s- J 2x4 \ 9^r -l- ..:: 6x8 16-0-0 7-'t 0-3 H 3x6 I 4xo PLa]e Oftsets (X,r: [8:0,0-0,0-1 -1 3], IF C54,G3-ql SPAC|NG 2-O-O Plates Increase 1.00 Lumbea lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBCiANSI95 I I I I csl BC WB 0.97 0.41 0.54 DEFL (in) (loc) l/defl Verl(LL) -0.08 J >999 Vertfrl) -0.11 H-J >999 Hoz[fL) 0.04 G n/a 1st LC LL Min lldel = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 169t123 Weight 125 lb Sheathed or 3-0-0 on center purlin spacing. excepl end verticals. Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 on center bracing. 2x4 T-Brace F-G, C.H, E-G Fasten T and I braces to narrow edge ofweb with 10d common wire naits 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. grace must cover 90% ot lr€b length. LUIIIBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F,I.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.9 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E'Exceot* C-J2X4WWStud WEDGE Len: 2X4WWStud REACTIONS (lb/size) G=2071/0-5-8, B=247610-5-8 Max Hotz B=440(load case 5) Max Upliftc=493(load case 5), B=-43o(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B=62, B-C=-2633, C-D=-1014. D-E=-1014. E-F=o. F-G=-437 BOT CHORD B-J=2307, l-J=2307, H-l=2307, G-H=92s WEBS C-J=160, C-H=-1598, E-H=899, E-c=-1836 NOTES BRACING TOP CHORD BOT CHORD WEBS 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 p€r UBC/ANS|95 It end verticals or cantilevers exist, lhey are exposed to wind. lf porcies exist, theyare exposed towind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) All plates are M20 plales unless otheMise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf boltom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads p€r Table No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) ot truss to bearing plate capable ofwithsianding 493 lb uplin d joint G and 430 lb uplin atjoint B. 6) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 crileria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard R1458256 l.o-.r. r"n ro rsstet rnoustries, Inc. wed May 05't2:11:is 1s99 page 1 16-0-0 7-10-3 21-0:q 5-0-0 4xo 21-0-0 2x4 : ry'ft f.$: DL-s gn valid ror t]se only vr th MiTek coffactors Thrs desrqn rs based onlv upcf parameters sh.i!vn. and :i l('r ar ndrv (l,,rl lil| ding comporenl lo De rslaledand oaded verlcaily Applicarr ty ol0esrqr tar;'melers anri p.ofe'rr.orp(nalon (t componenl rs responsib lly ol bLrldrrE dcsigner rol rruss aesrgner Bra.rnq srr)wr rs f.' .l.ral sLrpp.l ol r_'l lrdLa w.5 Terberso.y Addrliona lcmooran, bra.lng l: insurc stab lli dur.qconslr|rcl{tr s:f.relf r'r!f f, ol r'! '...r.'q.i: l,rr aerrnanenl brac ng ot lne overall sirrclure rs the responsrbillv ol th€ br- ld nq .jt]srore' For !t.n..a q!rdaf..' !-"9a(r 1,, lilbncaiion qualily control storage, de vcry. erectior. anci bracrn(1. consulr OST-48 Qualily Standard. OSB'89 Bracing Specilication, and HIB-9'l Handling Inslalling and Bracing Recommenclalion avnilable lorr Truss Plate Instilute.583 D' Onofrio Drive. Madison. Wl53719 Ittt :==rvtll MiTek Induslrleg, Inc. -t(n ;-< HJ lo 90 Iv>o o E fr z =o z {* 5o--o !oool oo I lo '< O - nn ;irrl:l-xF("oa Y=oro - o !+9 = -O)*ro;(/'lm= = +L rREi;:x *o<. **o : ---r ^ (u I =:a^ <rC a o - b.6;= o LX x a1 \,v Qob :'=a xx: tq5 ;*H ! r o',;5 ij !1 9 =^; ::i =u q::Ri !.,oR ;o e d f to*o o o =t *;.:. u [)E so 9p.20 -= L-(l 9.4 ii !O 0':d'g 39 8a 3r o t o t o (.4 :\E s i \P X 2 'E E H o o;2 -o! =qoo ;-q6 in QeH=( ; " *1?v; ;P]s.ii +45 lh+=ut x- tui^' oo .2 o --'d; -+dj ! ii I sa 'dF :ii i ii =r =* oo- {i ;i-' !o -'o (oo r:. o oo o tr 9 II ffi* =iil ibll ittll ;-:o \D V T @ t $o t ! @ .o TOP CHOFO TOP CHORD z c 3 u o -r.f (o U, Vt o 3 o c]a 2 Fi!:I n::! ;E{Ai s i *!d i i3 i, = ;F {rt b= CoO--(,> : !t () g HXY @b Ed-(,l.-'\ _ ! -coc,,-99 aeN 6Y'--J (, \r A,8-S 9 --N)!"9 H z" 9 O o o ?z tl DI zl 9l zl Dl @ E 2 lll t\) I 7 o o f o o a o o z o o v, d'9.3e .9d 6d Orr -o oo a{9o 69, 5d cO JO -c U'o t d !o **t st i{3Es{ 36{ffq;5 a: i1R EEA +l iE - *qH aai ai sqF * iEi silFq:aqqd;g ifr56:Hi i' =er "l; ie s;i +ig [g fg'i3 ; #$f qfiEFgg[,$g{riii3€$Eq iFf9Ffl3 e, i1q3 e? *dFx 'ifl'dfr; -r -i3fr qq u'€'* =" qnd - . A\(.r5(,t\)-o FiEtgiiiHeF3giFH { a$ €+ 3i i3t ieil n: s =s o; e3=tr$aiH .flf -i: ii gs 3i -sg ;a ni [3 *E i; ei fiE 'a aF i A' fra=;='.-'<o q Truss Type "ora r,raottf Trusfab inc., NEW CASTLE, CO. 81647 | -2-G.0 2-O-O lBi0:0-0,0- 1 - 131, [H:0-s-12,04-8] SPACTNG 2-0-0 Plales lncrease 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 7-1-13 7-'l-13 7-1-13 0.85 0.41 0.85 1 I i otv 14-0-0 6-10-3 6.00[12 7x10 14-1-12 | 6-11-15 DEFL (in) (oc) l/defl Vert(LL) -0.09 | >999 VertOL) -0.12 | >999 HorzOL) 0.03 G n/a 1st LC LL Min l/defl = 240 Job isaaz TruSs D3 E rl, I D-- 3xo irl tr t] ::l 3x4 4 li I I I Jlate Offsetslx.Y): LOADING (psf) TCLL 80.0 TCOL 't0.0 BCLL O,O BCDL 10.0 csl TC BC WB I I PLATES GRIP M20 169t't23 Weight: 119 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1.sF WEBS 2 X4 VVW Stud'Exc€Dt' F-G 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E. F-H 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEDGE Left2X4WWStud REACTfONS (lb/size) 8=247610-5-8. c= 207I t0-s-e Max Hoz B=392(load c€se 5) Max UplinB={4g(load case 5), G=-47s(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, &C=-2812, C-0=-1447, O-E=-l447, E-F=-1295, F-c=2002 BOT CHORD B-l=2456. H-l=2456. G-H=o WEBS E-H=-586, C-H=j339, Cl=138, F-H=1898 NOTES BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-2-'l0 on cenler purlin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 on center bracang.WEBS 2'/.f-gtace F-G, C-H Fasten T and I braces to na.ro,r/ edge oI web with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 90% of web lenolh. 1) This fuss has been designed for lhe wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chojd dead load and 5.0 psf botlom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category tl, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANSl95 lf end verticals or cantilevers exist, tiey are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, they are exposed lo wind. The lumber DOL increase is 'l .33, and the plate grip increase is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage lo prevent water ponding. 3) All plates are M20 plates unless otheMise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of tuss to bearing plate capable of ri,ithstanding 449 lb uplift atjoint B and 475 lb uplilt atjoint G. 6) This buss has been designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Slandard Ply 58/.2 R1458257 4.0-32 s Jan 20 ,t nn#"* ,ndurtr,"s, Inc. WedMay05 12:11:20 1999 Pagel 7x8 17:Q:o 21-0-0 &1G4 ryttt-\ Desrqnva a loruseo.ly,rrlh MiTek connectc.s Thsdesgrrsl:rsaloiyLrpo.paramel.rssrov,r an.i rslir.irr n:j " dr I bL d nq compone'rl 10 be Insta leo and loaded verlrcaly. App cab hlt ri desrrJn pararelers anc lrrper rf.lrf.'alL)n .' ccmponenl rs .esponsibrhly ot burldrng des gner . not lruss desrqner B.ac ng sholvo s fof lalera sLrporl l)1 rf.lrv dua 'vcll members only Add,lonal lemporary brac ng to nsLrre slabilily during ccnstftrclon s lire rcsponsrbr(y of lf|l ffector Aildrl lr.irl permanenr bracing ol the overa I slturclure s the responsibilily of l.e buildinq dcs Ener F.fqenefa qudanco regar.jrnc labrcalon quallvconlrol. storage dclvery. efecl.n and bracrng ccrsL I OST-88 Oualily Standafd, DSB-89 Aracinq Specification, and H18-91 Handling Installing and Bracing Recommendation a,;a aslo lr. r Truss Plale Institule. 583 O Onolrio Drive, Madison, Wl53719 1t tu,il< OJ !o eg >= vt o o E z =o z {,+-*D aoo 6o--rD !oooa o1;aQ : o o oo iri.rlll-xx@o: ==o-o - o !t!-. -. o J *ro; o:l/n= ot_ln - C Y'(D a-1*! il 5n6 o<- l*1 o; = = T'r -rl 1C- o*A'5;= o li x al \'v o ^ Y *o n = =!a < =Y 7t;- |uim o o X =Y l *=X R J 6'i 5 ii laP i oo' t;5 :L^ _ft= !.,69 ;o a q r to*o o o E (,a !i \fr s 5 ={E \= X fi 6g t 3g q4* ?3Ed aE i3 9sH; 16 Fd "?-^? g0 y.; Y+Lr 15 a$ +Ed di 3i 3iq gi F: a.g= 8a qs irs :t 'e: ^eRX 1 X 95= o * oo- { ti JO do' 5o tu, =.r:. o lll oo o c 9 tl I ! 0 A I t9 =i#ilfll irrrl 3' b.' r @ $I >,7 o o o o U,o o z o o U, Fl .tr d'9.ac _9d odi Orr ro !=oo at 9o ;o =io-cO JO -c U'o ! o E o 5 @6;6F=-pF:c!'' ; st Eli fi Fdi g€? E} E;a ig *fa EEf aeg iif .€+ gF ffi3 i;i qfl$ie qi qC' flFg 'if gafr 1A ii =[dftaFg[ 3iifr5;i qis [E ' u4 agua EE EiEg $tfri[$r'q? 5['i AB" 1a' 4".€= +qE:q*; qd {q r u-:" *lA gga d "-d:) :-; ;is *q 3 HP EE 3 oo =f g5o f;; F*H 3 a.s!q; d#6 i 3€fi qi ;ii; I jFe.Xs qB E eq= ,.'.P Sr Y 5eo'-; 3fi .=;ia ro a6 -<- o'rR nt a; €gEs gc 33 ds::3* =8 i E- =s ;' - E TOP CHORO TOP CHOBD z c 3 o o -r.J (o U, q, o 3 d-1 t a 2 Fi!:6 * 3:: *E;ig s i :!> g ><d i ia < o oo E =EF 9;-! @@-=Co > .-! !I () o XXY @.o E5 *(.) a-l --!Ioc.,;.99 =Qti 6Y \] {,J (/i\rAY OON:_."\)(, {) r\) 7o o o c) O z n D z I @ Truss Type STUB COMMON atv 7 May 05 12:11 -2-|J-O , 64-7 12-g , 18-d.1 21-G0 -.'-6-0-'13 6.00 [12 6-G13 2-!15 L lq (! $().0 , 1S.1G8 21+O r--t- $G0 a.tG8 $1-8 Plates Indease 1.00 Lumber lncrease '1.00 Rep Stress IncI YES Code UBC/ANS|95 LoADING (p60 TCLL 80.0 TCDL r0.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 csl TC BC WB 0.78 0.52 DEFL (in) (oc) l/defl Verl(LL) -0.09 K >999 VerlOL) -0.11 K >999 HorzCTL) 0.04 H n/a 1st LC LL Min l/defr = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 169t123 Weight 112 lb LUMAER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E 80T CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2x4wwstud.Excepf G-H2X4SPF-S2100F1.6E WEDGE Len: 2 X 4IJW Stud REAGTIONS (Usize) 8=247€il0-5-8, H=2071/0-5-8 Max Hoz B=222(load case 5) tt ax UplinA=46 1 0oed case 5), H=-32 1 (load case 5) FORCES 0b) - Fi]sl Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-g=82,8.C12912, c,D=-2229, O-E=-2229, E-F=-1613, F-G=0, c-H=-198 BOT CHORD &K=2534, J-K=l561, l-J=l561, H-l=l164 WEBS C-KE-858, E-K=931, E+-255, Fl=443, F-H=2'163 NOTES BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-5.1 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direclly applied or 10{-0 on c€nter bracing.WEBS 2x4T-Brace F-H Fasten T and I bEces to nanow edge ofweb with l0d comrnon wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end distance. Btace musl covef 90% of web lengti. 1) This truss has been checked br unbalanced loading corditions. 2) This truss has been d,esigned for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n abole ground larel, using 5.0 p,st top chod dead load and 5.0 pst bottom chord dead load, in lhe gable end roof zon€ on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclos€d building, with exposur€ C ASCE 7-SS p€r UBC/ANS|95 lf end vertcals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, tiey are exposed b wind. The lumber DOL incrase b 1.33, and the plate grip increase is l.33 3) All dates are M20 plates unless otherwise indicaled. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcunent with any other live loads per Tabla No. '16.8, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical conneclion (by others) of truss to bearing plata capable of withslanding 461 lb uplii atjoint B and 321 lb uplifr aljoint H. 6) This truss has been designed wilh ANSUTPI 1"1995 criteria. LOAD CASE{S) Standard f,s#h | : . r, )l:,i;t,.,tt r',t',rtttLtt, ,, il)\!t!1.>('\ i'i,' | \1) lli l//i.\./ 'ir)J Jlllt). 1 Design valid tor use only with MiTek connectors. This design is based on y Lrpon pararneters shown, and is for an individual building component to be installed and loaded vertically. Applicability of design parameters and proper incorporaton ot componenl is responsibility ot bui ding deslgner - nol lruss d€signer. grac ng shown is lor lateral supporl of individLial web members only. Additional temporary bracing to insure stabilily du.ing conslruction is the respons biity ol the erector Additional permanent bracing of lhe overall slructure s the responsibility oi the bu ld ng designer. For general gu dance regarding fabricalion, quality conlrol, storage, delivery, erection, and bracing, consull QST-08 Quality Standard, DSB€g Bracing Specilicatlon, and HIB-91 Handling In3lalllng and Bracing Recommendalion available kom Tiuss Plate Institute,583 D' Onofrio Orive. Madison. wl 5:|719 !tcn #r< x5 !u eg 2q,o o E z ; o z {*-*o ooo i5o-io !ooo:oi;7q : o o oD ;irrtf-xEoo"*a+o ro J;r,l^(, \u ==Br"*;(')lm= ?e=s g: a o.<-' **o ; = =Tr -oXf. c=o =Cq o*a 6;= o lj x a \,v 9 ob :-=Q nIa -9 r in^.\ ^-LJ ; x; =o =<cu o o x;-:);? 5*a oo J (O'" o o E (a !! \fi s: =d E \= X fi 6E t "' 3q qa* r+E# ?E +r 9qH= i6 <; "d^1? go'y;; H=g 1=e$ 1ad di a{ *iq !i Fi gs= ig qfi i*y ;d ,p: ^sR= 1 X s-= o * ooJ { {i d6 r'O (oo ,:: U oo oo o c c 9 9 N r t9 $l il 7 o o f o o_ U,o o z o o </, 9 d ; 6 F = - P e : q q t' P N - 8d I+q;aiii g;igli aEE;t g3 qd3 Egd 33F i;;id 3s 3=d ?=' E li',E3 is ei€ aii $4r€i +i [g Ii[f; ++aii iiE 'ilaE$ ll + AF E * aF ?r* tqE :* -gi it 3:i FAi sg En 'B[ F AEi g3 g 3; 14 1l =ge ri3 ?t ig aH 3;l q19 Bq'ds ;r i aq= E p i1+ id*s e; gs:+ ;E++*3en*d i;en 1g ?g;n Eq -; E+;r ea ;3 sB eit ga HEE =qff fF;* 3q ; gcs E'o 'a g: -A ss aleE Si;g frgfr {? j[fr? ea EB;? 5s ..' dB- = 4 .gE=t *iq;qg+ ed iE'-i"* d; Pr:= T €q o .'e q'3Ai -a3il qq e € g tl =lr il5l -trrl ;2 p t $o t i @ IOP CHORO TOP CHORD z c 3 c'o --r.f (o v, U, o 3 2 Fi!:B H::= :nl;i # e J26 s i*:> g ;3 d i ie i =fF 2a i @@-=co > .....J q () o ts5: @Q so I o <,.: ;- 99 ag.H 6Y (,"J.\8bs o __N)OON - @ ?z Trusfab Inc., NEW CASTLE. CO, 81647 Truss Type HALFHTPcoMMf &'t-13 6-1-13 otv 1 Job 5a42 Truss Ply R1458259 12-0-0 5-10-3 4x6 E 6.00,12 .\$, : .\. .t. .l li u,4 ll 6x8 12-1-12 '12-1-12 \ ' IH ,lx8 4xo \\\l rl ,lxo 21-O-O I 8-10-4 PEte qfbets (x,Y):lB:0-0-0,0-1-131 LOADING (ps0 TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 Lumber lncrease 'l.00 BC Rep Stress Incr YES WB Code UBC/ANS|95 DEFL (in) (loc) l/defl Vert(LL) -0.15 B-l >999 VertOL) -0.31 Bl >795 Hotz(TL) 0.04 G rVa 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 1691123 Weight: 115 lb SPACING 2-O-O CSI Plates Increase 1.00 TC Lumber lncrease 'l 00 BC 0.71 0.57 0.98 LUIIBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1.5F BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X4 VVWStud'Except' F-G2X4SPF-S2100F 1.8E WEDGE Left: 2X4VVWStud REACTIONS (fb/size\ 8=2476|0-5-8, G=2071l0-S.8 Max Hoz B=344(load c€se 5) Max UplifrB=-464(load c€se 5), c=-4sg(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-2892, C-D=-1836. D-E=-1638, E-F=0, F-c=-392 BOT CHORD Bl=2512, H-l=1090, G-H=1090 WEBS Dl=-135, C-l=-985, E-l=969, E-c=-l929 NOTES BRACING TOP CHORD Shealhed or 4-6-1 on center purlin spacing, except end verticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 on center bracing.WEBS 2x4l-gtac€ E-G 2x4f-gtae F-G. C-l Fasten T and I braces to narrou/ edge ofweb with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., [,ith 3in minimum end distance. Brace must cover 90% ofweb length. 1) This truss has been designed for the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 pst bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure CASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed towind. lf porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1 .33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) All plates are M20 plates unless olherwise indicaled. 4) This truss has been designed for a 10.0 psf bottom chord live load non@ncurrent witi any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanjcal connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of$,ithstanding 464 lb uplift atjoint B and 459 lb uplifr at ioint G. 6) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI l-1995 critena. LOAD CASE(S) Standard io-az"L"nzo rgs#"kIndustries, Inc. WedMay05 12;'11:26 1999 pagel 4-6-0 21-0-0 4-6-0 2x1 F rym f,,$ Desigr va d lof use o1l,r' w lh MiTek c.^nnilcrs Tr s des gn rs base.l on y rpor paranrclr-rs srrov,.l nnc s I )r rn [li! ar] r bL ld nl component tc be nrslalled afd loedr-d ,/enrca y App cabrlly Dl des !n rararc:crs an.i pr:p.r rxi.rt .'i,r,ni .) c.moonen: srespoosbrliv.l blr drnq dos :tnor . nol tlL ss dcsigner I'ac 1! shov?.r siorlal.ra rr.Nporl r'rxir! lrirl r.l' menbers.nl,! Aldrtronal tenporary brac nq to nsLresl.brl:)rdlrrngca.sttu.l.1 s lhe'.sp.rst)r] v .,f Ih. ,,r.!:1,,r l l,jr: 'r,r pe/manerl crac ng oi th€ o!eral sl.ucr!.e s lhe respcnsrbrily r'lhe bJ a ng les a.'er F.r_ :lrf.r,rl c,r a,rf.r rr.t. irno iabncalon. qLa ty conlrol. s:arag€ dch,/c"r. erector and bracrn! cons!lt OST-88 O!ality Slandard. DSB-89 aracrng Specitication. and HIB-91 Handling lnstalling and Sfacing Recommendalion rJ:r e. . Ir.n Truss Plate Instilute.583 O Onofrio Drive. Madison. W153719 MiTek Ind usttles, Inc. !;, U,;< o-f lu 9o >= ut o o D z =o z {* x;= - a o';;q '< O 6 6n v:F--^=yxd6,'J-!a=o-o - o =Y A = t' -Xro-,-\U5rn=9*ol ix: i;Y;9 o<-' r+ =l-1 - -;.b Olx i --- O 3.h {:: =;i -v;io RS o o tl ,+ XOI 9o6 -=_.9-1q FYiJ oo --T -' (\a \1 s * =I \P x ; ,sd -* F F bg o 8q' q4* isEr ag +n 9eH= =,5 (; "-?;? s6'26 YF9L 1i ?q ;'t) id o*ij +03 tA 39 Fge =e qq ,2o- 8a qE *;; ir a= ^fl: 1 X !r5= o - oo- { €i fQ 6o' oo ^o oo o c 9 9 ffiH 3 isr ilsll dl|firl il' \ \ v v \9 t t i @ >r 7 o o f o 9. U,o o z o o U, @d;--S i a[Eg] [] qef flgi FE E;d iq iai EPfr 3**,:.6 q;E e; i+t 6 i E .R=:i dE dq.fi d,:1 [fl fifr3 *f ggl +*fi +a; H3 f tH + 3Hi o - + an €* ig ?;i sgl ei *lf ig. g€i $E5 if ei isi t *i q $i ? iE is :1'flH aigstr ;f ia 5*F ii+ Hqi$ ;3 Et3; ig u*3 at a: +fl ag;g *fr si g+a 'ia $+ ;* iq ;eea E;fia f3.fi Eq aciQ Qo'* = a; , qE +:Fe a*Egaaq q: jE -$i 3E eHE?'fi :J dR- + 4 .g=-"_" *iq:qe; e4 igig ?H q,!t d -q '-d 'ed 3e$ {3fi qe = g g TOP CHORO TOP CHORD z c 3 o o =.J (o (t u, o 3 2 Fi!:6 F.3Zi iElis s i?! d s i3 E =;g rx b;zfi CoO-=rlo \J \r (, () G Qlio@; 50 a-) - '! -Co(r-99 =Rli 6Y'\l (r\t\8;S e !-NJ (roN) ia @ -c) ?z E z m - 'Job 5442 lotv 1 Truss D6 Trustab Inc., leW CnSfle, CO, 81647 rruss rype I-I,ALF HIP COMM 6.00 12 lprv I seaz R 1458260 2-0-0 j.o-rrrr""ro tnn#ekIndustries, lnc. wedMay05 12:1i:29 1999 page.l 21-0-0 5-6-0 . s-1-13 1GG0 15-qq 5-1-13 4-1G3 5.G0 tl 1o-1-12 10-1-12 21-0-0 F ,l .; 3x4 I J 3x,l .Ii I 4 oB ,d", 'i lj IH 4x6ir 5x10 15:6:0 5-4-4 Pratg-otfsets (I,\0r llq:0-0-0,0-1-el, [D:0.s-4.0-3-81 LOADING(pS0 SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 80.0 Plates lncrease 1.00 TCDL 10.0 Lumber lncrease 1.00 BCLL 0.0 Reo Stress IncI YES CSI DEFL (in) (loc) lidefl PLATES GRIP TC 0.99 Vert(LL) -0.08 J >999 M2o 169/123 BC 0.61 VertOL) -0.16 B-J >999 WB 0.99 HozFL) 0.04 G ./a 1st LC LL Min Udefl = 240 Weioht: 'l'l7lb BCDL 10.0 Code UBC/ANS|95 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S 1650F 1.5E BOTCHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 15E WEBS 2X4\ rW Stud'Excepl' F.G 2 X 4 SPF.S 21OOF I.8E, F.H 2 X 4 SPF.S 21OOF 1.8E WEOGE Left: 2X4WWStud REACTIONS (lt/size) B=2a7610-5-8, G=207110-5-8 Max Horz B=296(toad case 5) Max UpliftB=-478(load case 5), G=-445(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-3055, C -D:2226, D-E=-l534. E-F=-1534, F-c=-2017 BOT CHORD B-J=2637, tJ=2o02, H-l=2002, G-H=0 WEBS D-J=497, C-J=-733, E-H=-973, D-H=-653, F-H=2170 NOTES BRACING TOP CHORO Sheathed or 4-7-5 on cenler purlin spacing, except end verlic€ts. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 on center bracing. 'l) This fuss has been designed for lhe wind loads geneEted by 80 mph winds at 25 fr above ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an ocaupancy category ll, coMition I enclosed building, witi exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end verticals or cantilevers exist, they are exposed to wind. lf porches exist, they are exposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plate grip increase is 1 .33 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) All plates are M20 plates unless olherwise indicated. 4) This truss has been designed tor a 10.0 psl bottom chord live load nonconcurrent with any other live loads per Table No. '16-8, uBc-94. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) ot truss to bearing plate capable ofwithstanding 478 lb uplift atjoinl B and 445 lb uplift at joint G. 6) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPl 1-1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard f'.s?$'m Dcs gr valrd for lse onlv w th MiTek con'roclirs Th,s dc:rgn sbiscd.nyrpcipar;n'erer:ih(:rn.rf,l$1,'.,r,,riv'lra LJ il ng componenl lobei'rs1a edandloadlj(l lcrl cnlly Applces tyoJclesrgr pararnelers.nil t.()lx'r r(1trr!n.rr(if ol .omponenr rs rasponsibilily ci bu ldrnq desroner n.t tr,rss desrgner B.acrnq sl^cwn i lor lat.rr s.rft.fr ,t fc v(lrf w.tl members onlv. Addilonal temp.rary |]racrnq k) |rsu() slabrhly aurng constructlon s tlre respo.s,tr ny .' rrrr, {'tu\ k ' A(kl,l.rr:l permanent bracing ol the overa sklcluro is tho respons b rl,! o1 lhe buildinq des gn€r For gerera :tL,rlnno. ,.Q.rdrnq I!brcation. auality contro. slorage dehvery erec! o . rnd brac nq ccnsLrt QST-88 Ouality Standard, DSB_89 aracinq Specification, and HIB-91 Hanclling Installing and Bracing Becommendation ava ablo fr.n Truss Plale Instatule.583 D Onohio Drive, Maclison, W|53719 -9,;,4 #< OJ =q eq \ crt o o 2 z =o z >t i5o-io !oo(D=oollo ;.irrll-x66@"-a=o - o o l a'o olln= c:'o6- ? xa'i Y;9 o-<-' * --a Oiix i --* O = .n' {:: rrq^- Qo o o tl ,+ 6;=o^l q.d g n:: 9.10 o ^'O P;o oo' j' a (\-:'\$Ft={\= x ; ed ' = F F Fg t 3e o q4; a3Ed ig +R 9eH= -6 2,;' :=Lr 15 3fl 15d Fi ,\="- 2-d 6'9 ds #fs =Q Qio ,]ei- 8a 0l Yn; q=3.3 irq Ad ,d: ^sR= 1 X sj= o - oo- { ffi*9 tr o6. .o 6o oo oo o - =i#itfll ittflrl Ti TOP CHORD TOP CHORO z c 3 c'o =.:l (o q, v, o 3 2 Fi!:I 3::: iEiii s i ?! = i rE d 3 FE *, F 68 b3 coo-:co > :1 !l r) q 65: @)i2 AO --@(r.r!:.CN 6Y'! (, '-l A OOJ'\OOI'Q:_.-N)?P P z" 6 o a 2 o o J o o q, o o z o o U' _ 8d ;" 3- = ,gd I 6a ii Orr p. ro o !=: oo a a{ = 9o : xo a =c e r-o-1! co € .?3 o'6 ir o !o N 3-ed 33 gg 3;3 El dq =i u Y o(o I6R A ae v-<rtlD^a q's6 1 =E Jd,: o =0 *x o:-' <j- g ,'6 >o ,= o'g <6 --.-6 9O = ti)Aa { a'-r: .R ii5 6F X OO *n : s3 qo 4 6'3 ;: o !''-;H 8 : { @6i;s=-etr g +iHei $i g;igflFi F*a ig Ffa lFr [A4;[ E 4 ^a =E i ,=E d-qfr ?,: i [a frfr* *! gg I *** ae; H ? E 3H ;e iF ?3i 3e+ i: F"; e6 ;+i $3-a A* q;g ae Fd i"s Ei$:sE q; "$& 5l3ii eEa [:::ggfr 3;13-fr;fi;;.-? 3a:f q1d3+s frfr;a =56 qili ed-Xod3 315ij0E<ili [r*-'*d 3=o nd 3f lg +g :t gn "'; ald- *6; =: 0P ;;:+;r da a9e& gii"=aHfE-gf f3o^-He f:"k eq:xia *S;4H$q**g $e;# "- qd i sa a:.g.E;*Efllt$ qi iqEs Y d-F = A F-"_=; 16;;qE+ e{ {q;6 - = ": -:; $;a -:F s *a gnd Wed May 05 12:11 , -2-O-O | 8-G0 .t4-6-O 21-G0 ...- 2-O.0 &G0 s.6-0 6.6.0 l-14-dO 21-G0 8-().0 8-G0 Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Stress IncI YES Code UBC/ANS|95 csl BC WB I DEFL (in) (toc) Uden 0.88 I Vert(LL) 4.08 | >999 0.38 VedCrL) l).11 G-l >999 0.64 i HozCrL) 0.03 F nla lst LC LL Min udefl = 240 LOADING (psD TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O ECOL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E'Exceot' c-E2X6SPF-S1650F1.5E BOT CHORD 2X6SPF-S 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4 WWStud'ExceDt' E-F 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, E-c 2 X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEDGE Lei:2X4WWStud REACTIONS (b/siz€) F=20n n-rB, B=2476/Gtr Max Horz B=248(load cass 5) Max UpmF=434(load case 5), B=-489(load case 5) FORCES (b) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=-2652, C-D=-2092, D-E=-2092, E-F=-2o07 8OT CHORD B-l=2320, Hn=2325, G-H=2325, F-G=o WEBS C-l=1,t4, C-G=-280, D€=-1153, E-G=2537 NOIES PLATES GRIP M20 165t123 Weight 109 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheatied or 3-5-1 on center purlin spacing, except end vertjcals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direclly applied or s0-0 on cenler bracing. 1) This tuss has been designed icr tha wind loads geneEted by 80 mph winds at 25 fr above ground level, using 5.0 pst top chord dead load and 5.0 psf bottom ctErd d€ad load, in the gable end root zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I enclosed building, with exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC,/ANS|95 It end verticals or canlilevers €xist, they are e@sed to wind. It porches exist, they are aeosed to wind. The lumber DOL increas€ is 1.33, and the plate grip insease is 1.33 2) Provide adequate drainage b prsre(il waler ponding. 3) All platas arg M20 plat$ unless olherwise indicaled. 4) This truss has been designed ior a 10.0 pst botbm ciord li\€ load nonconcunent with any other live loads per Table No. 18-8, uBc-94. 5) Provida mechanical connecljon (by others) of truss to bearing plale capable of withstanding 434 lb uplifr atjoint F and 489 lb uplifl aljoint B. 8) This truss has been designed wilh ANSUTPI 1-1995 criteria. LOAD GASE(S) Standard Hie\ Design valid tor use only with MiTek connectors. This des gn s bas€d only upon paramelerc shown, and is lor an ndividual building component to be installed and loaded vertically. App icab lily oi design parameters and proper incorporalion of component is responsibility of building designer - not truss design€r. Bracing shown 1s lor lalera s!ppoit of indivdual web mernbers only. Addit onal temporary brac ng to rnsure stabilfty during construction is the resF,onsibility ol the erector Addilional permanent bracing of ths ov6ra I slruct!re s the responsibility of the building designer For general guidance regafding labricalion, quality conlrol, storage, delivery, ereclion, and bracing. consull OST-88 Ouality Standard, DSB-89 Bracing Specmc€tlon, and HIB-91 Handling Installing snd gracing Recommendation ava able from Truss Plate Institule, 583 D' Onolrlo Drive. Madison, Wl 53719 (n 3 o o U, !t I m o .) =o z z 0 o F z =o z *q9qo oooa (,1l:]cJ o o oo rrll)- l, ^ _' x =uJ'v - o +Y H-JO;olm= ^o:1 c:'o-l*ic Y;9 o -<- r*1 o=--{^ (u I ::a^ 1c(, o*D' 6 == o lx x a\\,v Q ob :%e xR: _:.03 ;=X !ro'i 5 ij !1 I =.^; €-*i YU o ?.-fT tl ^-xf -ox - xY 5 o*o o ta =\ E F = =d \= X ; 9E -! s H BF q4* a+E# aE :H egEa E""Pe e1q 1:31 3Fd Fi q; dtF dE s: o33 =9 fl3 a=*i Eg q3 iny ;d ,6= gtx a X s5= o * oo- { {i fo 6o' -'o oo oo o c 9 9 tl ffiH =i#rl|ll irerl Fi t $ 0 t i @ b' $>r @ n!l rDI -;l 5r : :-7 o o J o o q, o o z o o U, Fl at d-9.3c .ed od O--o oo a{9o 69 rd cO JO -c al o ! o E o oc o -rr -E oo ooi-E :-# ;1F *. 5 =2 ! E - o o :3 Q +o ;3 FtH 3 3.3!q; a+6 { 3€fi d*3 dii; 3 j.qq 3s =8 E aq; 3* ;r ;ig;:B 3S *+aZ* nl A; € gEq oX oo 4 ^=Ao 3.o* a;' n r: *eX =8 q ;-:ii ;' - E @d;;N)o-9o:r99, E es€i5 15 il:iAr+ gt *+* gt ia: tsd xt* F AH 'gq 3i ;+fi $:1g*Efr[*f g€li*fi +i3 F e[ €ii3 g;* q;fr8i dis q5 3gi $E; ii : sa iE i3 'Hg aig Efr ig ;a l;g i:g gg ' ;i 6A +; g4 q3 ig [g. Ea s$s'Br ri d aH 3 a- FE 49 i**3gig 3:' il € '-d .':;t$$,g Qa -3 " -d 9'=o TOP CHORD TOP CHORO z c 3 ct o =.:t (o u, v, o 3 2 FiE:I *::i g =:IE : s igg s i :! = I rE E i EB }, =EF :; nl zl 9l Dl FI ,0 Truss Type TIALF HIP iAASTE ies, Inc. Wed May 05 t Z:t t:S51999 Pagc I -244,&G0,1&$.0,21-G0 -'.__--'''2-G0 GGo 7-&0 7-6-0 a-1-12 Plate Orsets (XY): IB:O-1-2,G2OI JC'O+-lp-g-Sl, lc!.4-Srqdsel --- SPAC|NG 2-O-0 CSI Plates Increase 1.00 TC 0.68 Lumb€r Increase 1.00 BC 0.94 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.78 Code UBC/ANS|95 DEFL (in) (toc) udefl Vert(LL) -0.21 G-H >999 VertOL) -0.m G-H >952 HozOL) 0.03 F nla lst LC LL Min Udefi = 240 LOADING(psD TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 LUiIBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF€ ,I65OF ,I.5E BOTCHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F '1.8E'Except' C-H 2X 4 WW Stud, D.c 2 X4 WWStud WEDGE Lefl: 2X4WWSlud REACTIOXS (lt'/size) B=4030/G5{, F=.1007/(}5-8 Mar Horz B=200(load c€se 5) Max UplifiB=-718(load case 5), F=-700(load case 5) FORCES (b) - First Load Casa Only TOP CHORD A-8=62, B-C=6124, C-D--5738, D-E=-5738, E-F=-2952 BOT CHORD B-H=5317, G-H:5405. F-G=o WEBS C-H=2018, D-G=458, G-G=364, E-G=6308 NOTES PLATES GRIP M20 169/123 Weighi: 215 lb BRACING TOP CHORO Sheathed or 6-0-0 on center purlin spacing, except end wrticals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling diredly applied or &o-0 on canter bracing. 1) 2-ply truss to be connec{ed logether wilh 0.131"x3" Nails as follofls: Top chords connected with 2 row(s)at 0-9-0 on center. Bottom cfiords connecied wilh 2 row(s) at 04-0 on cenler. Webs connecled as follolr,s: 2 X 4 - I rov/(s) at 0-9-0 on center. 2) This lruss has been designed for the wind loads geoeraEd by 80 mph win& at 25 n abo\€ ground level, using 5.0 psf top chord dead load and 5.0 pst bottom chord dead load, in the gable end root zone on an occupancy category ll, condition I errclosed building, with exposure CASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95lfend verticals or cantilevers a\ist, they are exposed to vrind. tt porches edst, tiey a|e aposed to wind. The lumber DOL increase is 1.33, and the plab grip increase is 1.33 3) Except as sho^,n belor, special conneclion(s) required b support concentrated load(s). Design of conn€ction(s) is delegated to the building &signer. 4) Provide adequate drainage lo pre\€nl water ponding. 5) All plates are M20 platas unless othenvise indicated. 6) This tuss has been designed icr a 10.0 pst bottom cfFrd live load nonconcunent with arry other live loads per Table No, 16-8, UBG94. 4 Provide medEnic€lconneclion (by otheB) ot lruss lo bearing phb capable ot withstanding 718 lb upliftatjoint B and 700 lb uplin atjoint F. 8) This truss has been designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standard Continued on page 2 #t#F"*-\ Design valid for use only wlh MiTek connectors This design is based only upon parameters shown, and is lor an lndiv dual buitd ng componenl lo be installed and loaded velrically. Applcabi ity ol design parameters and proper incorporalion ot component is responsibility ol building designer - not truss designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of indiv dual web memberc onty. Additional temporary bracrng to ins!re slability during construclion is lhe responsibility of the ereclor Additonal pemanent bracing of the overa I struct!re is the responsibility of the building designer. For general gLr dance regarding {abrication, qLrality control, storage, delivery, erecton, and bracing, cons!lt OST-IO ouality Slandard, DsB€g Bracing Specltlcation, and HIB-91 Handling Installlng and Bracing Re@rnmendrlion availab e lrom Truss Plate Institute, 583 D' Onofrio Drive. Madison. w|53719 CJ) 3 o o U, -t .<ft o =o z z o o =z -{ =o z * i5oiro !(DC)(D:o(,llc) : o o oo ;irrtl-x6@o:Y=o i o - o +q b' i q'0 @l/n= c:'(DF X*ri;:; * o-<-' *iex o,ii\ oiix I -.. {:: rrLr- Qo o o tl *o:-r )y a 6;= OnX oo^ =+=o 6'c) oo -' a (\-=a \ s F = ={\= x ; .ed -* 5 F Fg t 3e qa* s+E# .rE it qeH= id -"R s4.1? 9.4 Pt 9*s I;3F 3td Fi o= "* A-.6 09.69 .fe =e qo ,{ti-' 8a a; -+di q+:3 irq ;6 ,5; R5; 1 ii 1:; O - oo- { {r 66' g o=' -'o (oo o g 9 ffiH =i#iD|ll it$lt 1' z o TOP CHORD TOP CHORD z c 3 C'o =.f,(o a U, o 3 2 Fi!:6 n 3:i ;Eqig s i*!d ! ia i =;F -r,<b; @cD-:oo > ..--r q () o xxv@; AO -@(r-!a?=qN 6Y'.! (, '-J A. Y Q^Po (,) o N) io @ - co ?z o o f o o q, o o z o o cJ) : E4 A 5C ; ,8d E 6d d Orr !: oo a a{i 9o = 69 3 :ld I co € eP +Ut oo tr o E o + -SE; ?P ?g OlO nr*:J^-f,oo =3 o=;:s I o6 xxq 1:o oSrs b:9 q'Fs I =q n5: o i0 -x o:-'!6 R !q :f Y ro >rr .= o'g <6 H to'9 (D '+ i;)o6 -< oP {l .^o ot 6E X Aq d3 = g<oo e *H :; o ii -=;H 8 : od-;- E mF,E=T [y 3q3 5rs:e- E:F 1* E=q E€; q5a:_F F i3 eg3 ra qifi+!Ifiif;El :f deqa$! sgitq X 9F Xi l5 F9r q.l,d o*:' 6i56 al lEl ==FF 3dd Bd - d.,* :s :d ?t s ieX il =i"t = ilg o;:,?Ale =; -- A *g €+;i a:* esn !; Er[:qqsi d;3 *i 3i 6 -q != o6 :s? 6:-J =H F1-: Z*4 'noo i?: =:.:;; 3Efl g*-sl;..=s:f =s11[:;8 ff["tr F it sq ad e; .ss :; ;E;a fl53 Ar; ;; ;F E= Xd ol 6 na f3 'n re EF ai *q E3 3ffa -$S if -d[,a qd : q; 3:gE dtEgaqH ii iqag :-d-* + ? fi-e=; jtE:Qg{ q4'lq*€- = '*- ':; gds atF q "-r gnd Job 5|,,4.2 Truss D8 Truss Type HALF HIP i'ASTEO otv Ply 2 58/,2 R1458262 I Iilc., NEW CASTLE, CO,4.0-32 s Jan 20 1999 Industries, Inc.12:11:35 1999 uolE clse(sl st"na"ro 1) Regulan Lumber lncrease=1.00, Plale Increase='|.00 Unibrm Loads (plD Vert B-H=-20.0, G-H=-2A7 i, F-G=-28;1.1, A-8-180.0, B-C=-180.0, C-D=-90.0, D-E-90.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert H:900 Deson valid {or use only wilh MiTek connectors. This deslgn is based only upon parameiers shown, and is for an ndividual building component to be installed and loaded vertica ly. Applicabilily of design parameters and proper incoeoralon of component is responsibility of building designer - nol lniss designer. Bracing shown is lor laleral suppon ol individLJal web members only. Additional temporary blacing to insure stability dudng construclron is lhe responsibility of the ereclor. Addit onal permanent bracing ol the overall slructL-fe s the responsibilily of the building designer. For general gu dance regading lab,ricalion, quallg conlrol, slolage, delivery, erection, and b,racing, consult 05T-86 Quality Standatd, DSB-89 Btac|ng Specificatioo, and HlB.91 Handling Installing dnd Bracing Recommendalion ava lable from Truss Plate Instituts, 583 D' Onofrio D.iv6. Madi8on. Wl53719 v, 3 o o v, Itl o o =z z o o P z { =o z {*'Xoaoo X -=. m !ooo1 aDo:]l(D '< O.r a1 -.1 Fg;;q Y=o-o - o =Y *ro;u 5 a.= =--LJ -*fi +! CY'O^-I*li;!J{ O'o< ,f* X O l = 9; aca o*.b.6;= o ii x l.\-''9o6 :'=a RP = i0 3 a;!l: o i =ii{5ij !1 g;. au a,:'_9= 9 *o t1 J ;o q ij J (O'" o r\ a (\-=r \ s s = =q \= x '; eE -* s F bg t 3q o qiH s3Er ?g rn 9eH= -,6 Yn' xxs ij 3F 3FA Fi 0": 'a--l 09.q5 o35 3l qq '{ri- nod qE i;d ir ,d: HHa i h 3:= O * ooJ { €i 6d' -o ,:- o 6b :-) o c c I 9 tl ffiH = i3tE ihill E'||ll :-:!t b' $> v @ t $ 0 L i t9 br 7 o o f o 9. q, o o z o o U, !' b ." '^-l 8d ig[;[ sig i; iFi 6 9 =*i Ef sqi 3igE ;i sqi$ ;3 ;;g3 ag rrEi :3 fi gtE sp dSgB 33 il;Fi E .iEfr qq *'E' g @== +f cco uoc n+a I3 at3 BEd tfr* +F ltl *iifi #a; efi 11! 3qB o# & i i i-=i Hf ; 3il i F g:i q1e ;E i+ da3 a*d 59 io 9ss *!P qs 3l =!4 :,6 d?Eg Iq$ i; 1o E9 ee3 sd o e 5 -' di l I o olgH a .: A\(r5(,)N-o FiEtgili3aH$gia3 F +[ ii ig i;$ iqE F*g +fr iq ll=ge risBfr '3i i3gg ;e Fiig nr gi"E €; Ai .$e e a-B- I 4 fiE=;€6 @ TOP CHOBD TOP CHORD z c 3 c'o =.J (o U, U, o 3 2 ii!:I il 3:i ;Elig s i*!d ! ie i :fe b= @@-::co r,r ! (tr () G RXo @b Ed-(, Icoc,,-99 =RN 6Yl \ (/r '-r A 8;S e __N)(, {t N) 5 o @ ?z B z m Truss Truss Type E REG. GABLE NEWaASTLE, CO, 81647 o iioar. r." , tnntr tncustries, tnc. wedMay05 12r11r40'1eee pase 1 Plv otv 1 R1458263 5A42 frustaO l"tc., 20-5-12 20-5-12 40-11-8 20-5-12 600 12 I L i .r' 7x8t"l|M7,8 H " tt ll rl I N , o,, lt u ; I li r .o p E ilr o o'1 lilll il R "" i i i I il rl ir il] . i r' r 3^- rl r. : LJ _ : -: :dJ 4xG AP AO AN AM AL AK AAI AH AG AF AE AD AqBAA Z Y X W V 4xo 4G 11-8 4G.11-8 LoAolNG (psO TCLL 80.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O,O BCDL 10.0 SPAC|NG 2-0-0 Plates Increase 1.00 Lumber lncrease 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES LUUBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF-S 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SPF.S ,I65OF '1.5E OTHERS 2 X4 WWStud'Except' K-AF 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F,t.8E, J-AG 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E t-AH 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E, H-At 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E L-AE 2 X4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E. M-AO 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E DEFL (in) 0oc) l/defl Vert(LL) nla - nla VertOL) nla - nla Horz(TL) 0.00 nta 1st LC LL Min l/defl = 240 Weight: 266 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheahed or A0-0 on center purlin spacing. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-0-0 on center bracing.WEBS 2x4 T-Brace K-AF, J-AG, l-AH. L-AE, M-AD Fasten T and I braces to nar.ow edge ofweb with 10d common wire nails 8in o.c., with 3in minimum end disiance. Brace musl cover 900/6 ofweb length. csr TC 0.07 BC 0.04 wB 0.38 (Makix) PLATES GRIP M20 169/123 Code UBC/ANS|95 N-AC 2 X 4 SPF-S 2100F 1.8E WEDGE Len: 2 X4 WW Stud, Right 2 X4 WW Stud REACTIONS (lb/size) A=246/40-1 1-8, AJ=10/40-1i-8, AF=339/40-11-8, AG=391/40-11-9, AH=393/40-11-8, At=437/40-11-8, AK=371/40-11-8, AL=385/40-1 1-8, AM=401/40-1'l -8, AN=406/40-1 1-8, AO=373/40-1 1-8, AP=485/40-11-8, AE=391/40-11-8. AD=393/40-1 1-8, AC=437140-11-8. M=371140-'11-8, Z=385r'40-1 1-8. Y=401/40-11-8 Max Hotz A=260(load case 5), AK=-'l 1(load case 7). AA=11(load case 8) Max UpliflAc=-36(load case 5), AH=-60(load case 5), Al=-70(load case 5), AK=-54(load case 5). AL=-52(load case 5). AM=-s7(load case 5), AN=-s7(load case 5), AO=-54(load case 5), AP:1 1s(load case 5), AE=-36(load case 6), AD=60(load case 6), Ac=-7o(load case 6), AA=-54(load case 6), Z=-52(load case 6), Y=-s7(load case 6) Max GravAJ=2o(load case 2), AF=33g(load case 1), AG=400(load case 7), AH=396(load case 7), Al=437(load case 1), AK=37't(load case 7), AL=385(load case 1), AM=401(load case 7). AN=406(load case 1), Ao=374(load case 7), AP:490(load case 7), AE=400(load case 8), AD=396(load case 8), AC=437(load case 1), AA=371(load case 8), Z=385(load case 1), Y=401(load case 8) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOPCHORD A-B=-214, B-C=.180, C-O=175, D-E=-176, E-F=-177, F-G=-169, c-H=-16s, H-l=-169, t-J=-16s, J.K=-'161, K-L=161, L-M=-165, M_N=-169. N_O=_l65, O-p=_169, p_Q=_177, O-R=-176. R_S=_175. S_T=180. f_U=-214 BOT CHORD A.AP=o, AO.AP=o, AN.AO=0, AM.AN=0, AL-AM=o, AK.AL=0, AJ-AK=0, AI.AJ=0, AH-AI=0, AG-AH=0, AF-AG=0, AE_AF=o, AD-AE=o, AC_AD=o, AB-AC=o, AA-AB=o, Z_AA=0. y_Z=o. X-y=o, W-X=o. V_W=o. U-V=o WEBS K-AF=-298, J-AG=-351, l-AH=-3s1, H-Al=406, G-AK=-334, F-AL=-344, E-AM=-362, D-AN=-362, C-AO=349, B-AP=-396, L-AE=-351, M-AD=-351, N-AC=-406, O-AA=-334. P-Z=-344, Q-Y=-362. R-X=-362, S-W=-349, T-V=-396 NOTES 1) This truss has been checked for unbalanced loading conditions. Contjnued on page 2 ry'h 6.,'.s .'i 2 Design valid lor use onry lvith MiTek mnnectors. Tl. s acsrgn rs brscd on y Lpon pn.arr{rl.rs sfrowr. ;r nl ,r(]r .,r rnc vLd(. burlding coinpon{]nl lo be nslalled and oaded verllca ly Apph.nbrllty of des g1 fi;rranr.t.ri and orop.r n,if(lrrnr.1 .l compsnent rs respons b rty ol bu d n.l desrqnor nol t'uss des :ner Srac!.! slown rs lrr 3:€'al rLrtrrrrl .r 'rd , d!r v,elr "rerj.sers o.ry Adc lrora le.npora.v brrong lo nsure -crab t'r dLr rg :or;1'uc: cn rs lr. r.srrns a l) (t lh(, rr:.1:rr qcl rofr pernafenl brac nq cl lhe overall slruclure s the resporslbr||ly ol ll'e b! c ng aesrar.r For -ce.era qL crrc'r reqarj 1! Iabrical c. qua ty conlrol. storag€. dolivcrr'. efeclion and br.}n!. .onsull OST-88 Quality Standard. DSB a9 B.acing Specilication, and HIB-91 Handling lnslalling and Bracing Recommendalion itva lab c lrom Truss Plate Institute, 583 D' Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wl 53719 III':==rvrll MlTek Induslrles' Inc. U) 3 o o d =" m o o =o z z o o - z =o z {* 5o--o !moo: oa'lfo .< al : ^^._-(Juv ;i rrf l-)dF'@ut=Y+ojo s I X3 *ro;a,:o- Y+O_ = +L 1*: s Y:6 o-<- t{.o ;: =Tr -i1 4C... c -*.6.6;= o lx x a1 \'Y I o6 :'=s - = - ^ -=/\n;-!=)*=a* lJd'i 5 ii )1 I * ^tr €:i Yy o 9.--q= q*o Qo = -!+ rn=/(J-- o o = (Q !t \t : i i3 " t; b fi Dg t tt g-' qa* a3Ef t$iR 9qH= =,6 <; "42? ge-';r :i3 3i --s +r'g dl 3i *iq lr sq ,26" 8a 8g iXa 5r ,dE Hfl= g 3 95= o * oo- { {i d6. :l (,(oo ;:. o oo O^ E 9 P S;:b = 3=9=I 3::i ;Elai s i;:T i rE t ! EE E = ;g '{ t< b;z^ tl z c 3 c'o =.J (o U, u, o 3 o o f o g (n o o z o o U, N P N :- OT 6o :i$ aa iFF 6 i qgf flRs*€ e5: 6o.o ut =(O O tt=-qr fr o:: oo -:P o =-Yg a{ -e+ g:H; gq >'l .= ;1= al P <6 H a6:|r'^ -+9o -=8): JCL r,.r O .< OpX 7.a o o.i; =r)d- 9pEQ <9 ;8 ; Vs. 1 ;qo g' d8o O d;- P r:= !:R H X' a qj f i a 6qo ol F*t sq iqa EeT [i$;fi 'if * aF gg i i*i *g$33iilEqfi'rFiI it 4i fiea d[F xa l* i**gail+3id?3a -3 d" qid d3a =o;d g-*'- €s- =R a;r'\@=\1 a'\ ;< r) \./ ()< {, v } >Or I -r -l @_1 'r n CN @@-:co \r \l (tj () o gXocpo Ed-() ZIE H"\] (, --t \8.S o --N)(/r o N) 20 @ ; o o @ ?z Al (,sG)tu-o *i3Esilist$qEiai ia*:n33fri3 l;i;i + 4[ €a d3 {;* 3q8 E;g =3 3; s3 =fr- qt; .'.4 air sd ti iA-9s:? f;3 9$*5 ;a :s3a "'d= 3i g at agg'== o B z m - TOP CHOHD TOP CHOFD l" 58/.2 Truss Type rotv lPv I sati 1 Int -, ";; io .*dt* *!tries, tnc. -l Rrnsazes I l Wed May 05 12:'11:40 1999 Page 2 REG. GABLE Trusliab ilc. , NOTES 2) This truss has been designed tor the wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at 25 n above gmund level, using 5.0 pst top chord dead load and 5.0 pst botto.n chord dead load, in the gable end roof zone on an occupancy c€legory ll, conditon I enclosed building, wih exposure C ASCE 7-95 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end veiicals orcantilevers exist, they are exposed lo wind. lf porches exist, they are expos€d to wind. The lumb€r DOL insease is 1.33, and the plate grip incr€ase is 1.33 3) For sluds exposed to wind, se€ MiTek "Slandard Gable End Oetail" 4) All plates are M20 plates unless oherwise indicated. 5) All plates are 2x4 M20 unless olherwise indicabd. 6) Gable requires continuous bottom chord bearing. 7) Gable studs spaced at 2-G0 on center. 8) This fuss has been designed for a 10.0 pst bottom chord live load nonconcureot with any other live loads per Table No. 16-8, UBC-94. 9)ProvidemedEnica|connection(byothers)oftrsstobea1ingp|atecapab|eof!,vithstanding36|bup|inatjointAG,60|bup|atj AK, 52 lb uplifl at Fint AL, 57 lb uplif at joint AM, 57 lb uplin at joint AN, 54 lb uplif at joint AO, 115 lb uplin at joint AP, 36 lb uplif al joint AE, 60 lb uplif at joint AO, 70 lb uplif at joint AC, 54 lb uplin at joint AA, 52 lb uplift at irint Z, 57 lb uplin at joint Y, 57 lb uplifr at joint X, 54 lb uplin at joint W and 115 lb uplin at jdnt V. 10) This truss has been designed with ANSUTPI 'l-1995 criteria. LOAD CASE(S) Standaftl Design valid lor use only with Mifek conneators. This design is based only upon parameters shown, and Ls for an indrvidua building component to be installed and loaded vertically Applicability ol des gn parameters and proper rnco.poralion ol component is respons bility ol buildrng deslgner - nol lruss designer Braclng shown is lor late€l suppon of ndividual vreb members only Additional temporary bracing lo nsure stabilrty d!ring conslruction is lhe fespons bilty ol the ereclor Additional p€rmanenl brac ng of the ov€rall slructure rs the responsibility of the bu ld ng designer. Fo. general gurdance tegardrng ,abrication, qla|ly conlrol, slorage, delivery. erection. and bracing, consull OST-88 Ouality Standard, OSB49 Bracing Spocitication, and HIB-91 Hendling In3talling rnd Brscing Recomhendstion available from Truss Plale Institute, 583 D' Onofrio Drive. Madison. W|53719 (' (t =< lo 9o lut o o -f,z =o z ,+q9_o,o ooo=olfCD o o da frll- \J^-; =LI:I\U ,' o =:x-Jon (''lm= Cl"O.li fRri;:x ?o<' rl 1 iiPl E*o 4Ca o -:' -b.6;= o Li x N\ Y o n Y *o ^==!l ;j: -i5 x +Y r *=X I j o*i5ci "-9= ^* €:;au o 9 -- *i qb'P ;\v o o J (o\e o o (Q \Es:=d \= x '; ed ' s F F Dg t rtg qd* s3E# a*+l qeH= =,6 < ; " 42? g0 p: y=,+ Z=!= r- ? \t a:l ;i a:.d El t? tli ;'q.qS a33 :9 [: a=*= 8a qs irg :f ,F_: gR= 1 X =5= o * oo- { {r ^x' (oo al\J oo o E .r 9 9l tl ffiH =iil itfll itlrl Ti \t)r/ @ t $o L ! (9 >r 7 o o a o 9. CI'o o z o o C, F' TI d'_o. 3C .qd od Orr ro t=oo a€9o 69 =d cO :o -c u,o ! d E o n+* gq tea tgt x*r itE3fi i? ; ai frfrg +r [s; *Ffi al; a; gqH .r eBi d6ss[ qgi i;: *i .ei ed: 3e,EB "l; iis3i giq nfida ii i5s; qg E3 fiaa d[e *a gn ia * a;F i*Eg*i$ 3: r[ ne *E q ;Ei -3d l*i ' tigH $a 4-E' =v-v. l A1 (rb('N)-O ilttgi3ig$F*FiF3 a+r E3 3i ryF ilsgag -ii ig gs ;il -:g id $a g:"8 €E ai g:i 'o aF + 4 fi'n=; = al TOP CHOBO TOP CHORD z c 3 o o _-.f,(o a U, o 3 q =;!b = i =9=,5 *::: iEiE$s i;l d i i3 i =fis -x E;zEl -t @co-=cB -rr -.J o'r ( ) G ON)O;'^l--\ a-.| '-Ed-(,-\]i - /. ._ co 40.N);V''^l!O--J (r.!A 8;S e ---N)(/r .o l\) 9 O c) O z F z Irt r-\ -''i '. i' ..:,-. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2120 FAX970-479-2157 REPTI3I TOIIil OF VAIL, COI.ORADO PAGE ]5 AREA: CD 12/23/1999 07:50 REOUESTS - IIISPECTN HORK SHEETS FOR:12/23/L999 ::::======:=:=:::===:=:::=::=:::: Activity: 898-0329 12/23/L9 Type: B-BUILD Statusr ISSUED Constr: NDtrF Addrese: 1844 GLACIER CT Location: 1844 GLACIER CT Parcel: 2163- 122-04-024 Description: NEll P/S RESIDEIICE Applicant: DIDIER C0IISTRUCT10N CO!'IPANY Ovner: DAUPHINAIS-I'I0SELEY C0NST INC Contractor: DIDIER C0IISTRUCTI0N COI{PANY Finance Department lccz OAOT Use: V N Phone: 970 328-5499 Ph one r Plrone: 97A 328-3499 Locke, Holde, and Notlces.,.. ACTIVITY Notlce: SLOT t9, DETAIL FOR CONCRETE BLOCK HALL READ BEF0RE TCO Inapection Requeet Infornation... Requeetor: RIC0 Req Tlme: 08:00 Conmente: I{EST Itene requeeted to be Inepected, , 00530 Phone:390-4101 SIDE Action Cornnents Iten: Iten: Iten: ftem: Iten: Iten: Item: 0O501 Pl{-Tenp. eccese/drainage 00502 Pl-Rough grade 00503 Pld-Final drlvevay grade Il/12/99 Inepector: LS 00010 BLDG-Footinga/SteeI 12/L5/98 Inepector: CD L2/ 17 /98 Inepector: JRI{ 04/61/99 Inapector: GRG QOO2O BLDG-Foundat I on/Stee I O2/AL/99 Inepector: GRG 00520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan 68/25/99 Inepector: GEORGE approved OPEN HOLE REPORT REC'D TIE OFF REBAR PADS & THICKEIIED ST,ABS APPROVED per verbal -geor ge APPROVED in t-op plate APPROVED BOTH SlDI]S APPR BOTII S]DES Actlon: APPR Action: APPR Action: APPR Action: APPR Actionr APPR Actionr APPR Item: Item: I tem: Iten: Iten: 00030 BLDG-Framing 09/28/99 lnepector: CD Action: APPR Hotee: correction on Yeat unlt inetall framlng etrape at notches 00050 BLDG-Insufation IO/O4/99 Inepector: JRlt Actionr APPR 00060 BLD6-Sheetrock Nai.] ll/O3/99 Inspector: JRll Action: APPR 00070 BLDG-il1ec. @g/27 /99 Inapectorr JRI'I 0O090 BLDG-Final 00530 BLDG-Tenp. C/0 Act-i-en: -.APJ! Iattre aPProved REMTTTANCE COPY BIPG-Tenp. C/o Ltn LI/12/99 Inapector: Iterr Itenl Iter: -TEltP. C/0 r! lngt c/o cto LS Actionl DOltIllIC Action: Iighting exterlor LS Aotlon: APPR rppr DTI DEIIIED finiah not conplete DII DEIIIED 1 MWII 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-4n-2120 FAX 970-479-2157 REPTt3l Tont 0F YAIL, COLoRADO 1212311999 07:50 REOUESTS - IIISPECTII HORII SHEETS FORII2/23/1999 ",*,.^ittith'"u,t i \$\i \ij-\fi\ffi*{t'*:; K:l^_-l$fdrr rr\t+r(r I Bsg.'$tql$ Finance Department PAGE 16 AREAI CD ==a===!==:=ta=E==E=3=aE=!c==-=E=E==========A==:A=a3a==t!====ca====a=======aE-=E==llotee: UEST SIDE 0F HOUSE/DRAIIIAGE ISSUE llEAn DECI(. t{OT COIIPLETE Iten: 005{e BLDG-Ftnal C/0 ) ri)\,i,j;\',sNt HEMITTANCE COPY o 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 STAi4zc-ztzo |FHr 970-479-2157 REPIrSt' Finance Department TOUH OF VAIL, COLORADO PAGE 13 AREA: CD L2/231 1999 07:50 REOUESTS - INSPECTH rd0RK SHEETS FQR;12/23/L999 Activlty: P98-0155 12/23/19 Type: B-PLltB Stetue: ISSUED Conetr: IIDUP Address r Locatlon: fB44 GLACIER CT Parcel : 2lO3- L22-O4-O24 Deacrlptlon: PLUHBING FOR l{El{ DUPLEX Appllcantr IIOUNTAIN HIGH PLUI{BIIIG Oyneri DAUPHINAIS-ilOSELEY C0ilST ItlC Contractor: t{OU}lTAIll HIGH PLUI{BIXG 0cc: Uee: Pbone: 3039494500 Phone: Phone: 3039494500 Inapection Requeet Requestor: RICO Req Tlme: 08100 Itene requeeted to 00290 PLfIB-Flnal Information. , . . . Connents: tfEST SIDE Phone: 390-4101 be Inepected... A n Connente Tlnre Exp Inspection Iten; Item: Hletory..... 002f 0 PLItB-Underground 03/26/99 Inepector: GRG OO22O PLIIB-Rough/D. tl. V. 09/28/99 Inepector: CD llotee: vest unit vater eaet unlt vater Iten: O0230 PLI{B-Rough/tlater 09/28/99 Inepector: CD l{otes r east unit B0*pt rest unit 90 *pt Ilent OO24@ PLI{B-6ae Plplng 09/28/99 Inepector: CD llotee: reat unlt 30lpt east unit 30$pt Iten: O025O PLIIB-PooI/Hot Tub Itent @Q260 PLilB-[lec. Iten: O029O PLIIB-F1naI Acti.on: APPR B0TH UNITS,HATER-FILLED Actlon: APPR both unlte column teet colunn test Action: APPR both unite Action: APPR both uni.ts )t __._r_ ! REMITTANCE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2120 FAX 970-479-2157 REPTT3l Finance Department Toril 0F vArL, coLoRADo PAGE 14 AREA: CD 12/23/1999 07r50 REOUESTS - IIISPECTN YORK SHEETS FoRzL2/23/1999 Activlty: n98-O2L7 12/23/19 Type: B-I{ECH Status: ISSUED Conetr: NDUP Address : Location: 1844 GLACIER CT Parcef z 2LO3-122-@4-624 Deecrlption: I'IECH FOR DUPLEX Appllcant: II0UNTAIH HIGH PLUIIBIIIG Ovner: DAUPHINAIS-}i0SELEY C0NST IilC Contractor: IIOUNTAIN HIBH PLUI'|BI}|G 0cc: Uee: Phone: 3039494500 Phone: Phoner 3039494500 Inepectlon Requeet Requestor: RICO Req Time:08100 Iterne requested tct Informatlon. . . . . mnente: I|EST SIDE Inspected... A Phone:390-4101 n Commente Tinre Ex p 00390 I{ECH-Fln Inepection Hletory..... Iten l 00200 I'IECH-Rough 69/28/99 Inepector: CD llotes: bath ventilatlon cannot ternintate Iten: 00240 PLilB-Gas Piping Iten: 00310 IECH-Heating @4/OL/99 Inepector: GRG 09/ L6/99 Inepector: ART 09/28/99 Inepectorr CD ilotee: eaet slde 80*pt reet elde 90*pt Item: 00320 l{ECH-Exhauet Hoode Itern: O0330 IIECH-SuppIy Alr Item: 00340 IIECH-lllac. LO/22/99 lnepector: GRG LO/22/99 Inspector: GRG Item: 00390 ItECH-FinaI Actlon: APCR must terminate to in crarlepace Action: APPR Act-lon: APPR Action: APPR APPROVED/CORRECT]O}I READ building exterior ALL SLABS, 5 GAUGES 1OO* Appr IIECH-Heatlng ( 60tpei heat naine both si-des Actlon: llR 2:2O DRIVEWAY SllOt{HELT Actionr APPR 80TH SIDES II0RKING PRESS Co be L REMTTTANCE COPY REF T 13,1 F.AGE IS' ur6/ra6/Eraurrlr osr ral REauESIs - INgjpEcTN htoRK st-IEET$ FOR: 6,2 6/EO AREA I Ell ==:i:E=i===::=======.!=====i5=E:E==:=:i:=:!iEili::::=15=::..:=:::i::==Ec:::::::::=i:::*:j5:::ijli:ii:::iij::::5=::i:::i:iiii=.-;.b====|j Aebivi by: F,9S".O155 6/ 6/?fi -lype: fJ-F,LMB Sbatr-rs I ItiSl.JED Constr ! NDUFa Address: l-oc;rt i ori : Faree I : Descr i Ft i on ! Appl icant: Owner: Cont r-act or r TOWN C,F VAIL. COLORADO 1844 CrLnt:rEf{ CT etaJ*tE3*rn4--(ae4 F'LLlltlBIl',lG f;OR FlHt^l DIJFLEX I4UUNTAIN IIIHH T'LUMHING DAUIIIJINAI5*f'10St--t-liY f:UFlIiI INIC MOUN"IAIN I'iILiH FLI..II,IBf NB []cc l Une ! Fhone I itr*19494$r14fi Ilhotre: l-,horre : 3tZJ94945rita Inspect i on Reqr-rest Request or: RI Ctr Req "[ime: ff8r€t0r It ems requestetJ tn EAP9O FLf'lB-Fina1 Inf onnrat i o11, " . Commerrt s: LEF I' be Irrrpeebed.. TJIDE 7,TLT Ftt:t i 0r'r Ct: r F'hr.rne r "Jltl-4lfltl l0 a l)'*'- Time Exp Inspect i on Hi st or.y. . . . . Item : AIAEIO F.,Ll4B-tJnderql.or.tnd A3/e6/99 Inspector-: GRE Iten; AlzrgEla FLltlB-Ro,-rgh,/D, t^j. V. il9/'eA/99 Inspector! C[) . Ngtes: west unit water east r-rrr i t wat er. Iten : ErAgSrZr F,LlrlB-Rougfr/Wat er" Aq/eA/99 Inspeetor-: C[) Notes: east r_rnit 8O#pt west un i t 9O *lot I tem ; tzilZrg4rzr F,LlrlB-Gas F,iping nglAg/99 Inspector. I CI) Notes ! wesb r-rnit StZt*ot east rrriit StZt#pt Iberu: BEPSA FL..MB-FocI/Hob fr.tb .[tem I rzrutg6rA trLMB-lrli sc. Item I tzrBg9ta FL.|4B-Final lgleS/gcj Inspectclr*: CD Aetion: AFF-R Itrction: AF,F,F.I co l rmn test colnmrlbest Actionr AFI-R BOTt"t tJNITS, I,{ATER-FILLED buth r-rnits both r-rnit:; Uct i on : flt-,[- R b{]tfi r-rfiit!i Actiarr: FA west rrnit onl yr-1 Ct: mm elrt s; REF.T I31 AA / tAA / eoarZr OB : rA I REIIUEST5 TUI"JN UF UAIL, - INSl..Ef,TN WTIT1K l:OLORRD{J Eil-lEETEi [:OR I 6/ 6z'dO F,AGE I I trREAr trD Activity! I49B-rZrAlT 6l 6/'Zfr Typer Lr*MEfjH $tatt-rs; IliliUtlD Cunstr": NDUP Address r Locat i on r FarceI: Descr-i pt i on ! Appl i cant : Owlrer: Eontr.act or: IB44 GLACIER CT e103-tEg-b4-ve4 MECI.I FBR DUF'LEX I,,ISUNTRIN }{ICH PL.U]{BII{C DAUF,HINAIS-HOSELEY CONST IN[ MOUNTAIN }.II6H PLUMBIN6 0cc: U!re: Fhone: 3O394945tZtO F'hone: Fhone: 3fr;)9+S45EttI Inspect i on Req ue st Requesbor; RIC0 Req -fimer O6:OO It ems reqrlest ed t o Ara39ra MECH-Final Information.,. Comnent s: LEFT be lnspected.. i',r/' Sihor,re: 39o-4 lrZrt SIDE Act i sn Conment s Tine Exp Inspect i sn l'listor.y,.... I t err : lZlOgAO MEDH-Rough A9/EA/95 Inspector: CD Nstes r Lrath velrtilation cannot termintate , I t em : OtZtg4tlt F,Ll4B-Gas F,i pi ng Item I rAtZrSlrzr I4ECH-Heat inq tAA/thL./99 Inspector: 6RB A9/16/tJg Inspector.: ART' IACJ/eB/99 Inspector': CD Notesi eaet side &tlt#pt west sicle 90*pt Item: tztEt3egt MECH-ExhaLrst Hoods Iteml erUrSSA MECH*SI"Ipply Air Iten: qtO34O lvlECH-Misc. tA/Ee/99 Inspector': GRE t$/7.e/99 Inspectorr GRG Item : rae'394 HECH-Final Act i on: AI-'CR AFf'ROVED,/CORRECT ION RE&D rnust ter'urinate to Lrui ldi.nq extenior in ci'awI5pac:e Ie/e3/99 Inspeetar: CI) Artiorr; FA Notes: install vehicle bar.rier. in fr.ont of qaraqe ALL SI.ABS. 5 6AU6ES rO0* ilg:pr- li ECI-I-Heat inq (6tl#ps I l"r eat vrains bcjbh sides ?:ltD DRIVEI^,AY EiNOI^IMELT B$TH SIDES I"IORKING FRESS west r-rnit only boiler" equi pnen b in t Actionr Af'trH Actrionr AFFR Action: AFFR Aetion: NR Act i on l AF'F R REF,Tl3l TOt^rN OF VAIL., COLORADO Q6/g!'6/'eAAtD O8:Ol REGIUESTS - INSF,ECTN IIORK SHEETS FOR: 6/ 6/PO F.A6E AREA: ED t3 flctivityl Flddre s s : Locat i on; Faree I : Descript ion r Appl icarrt l Ownen: Eontract or: n9S-0399 6/ 6/eU Type: F*BUIt-D 9tatr-rs: ISSUED C.onstr': NDUtr 1444 GLACIER CT 1S44 GLRCIER CT e 1a,J- l ee-a4*uc4 NEW PIS RESIDENCE DIDIER CONSTRUC] ION COMF.NNY DAUF,HINAISJMOSELEY, EONST INC DIDIER CONSTRUCTION CONF'ANY [lcc: 0t0O7 Llse: V N l-'honer 97O 396*5499 Fhone: F'hcrne z 97ft 3gB-5499 Locks, l{ol.ds, and RCTIVI TY Notice: $LOT Not ices. . . . *9n SEE COMI'lEN"fs Inspect ion Rbquest Inf or.nat i on. , . .. Requeetor: RICO Req -.Jj,g-e: .rilB:OrJ. Conmer{t.s,r ,LfFl"uSIEe " t/.Itens requesbed to be Inspected... ..:'Aet{on 00544 BLD6-Final C/A Inspect i on History...... Iter:. Iteml Item: Iten r talASA I F,trl-T e n p. access/dr.ainage AOgAe Fhf-Rough grade eraSlal Frl^|*-F i na I dr i v ewa y grad e Lt / Le/99 Inspect or': LCi Act i on : flF,trR etCllAlO BLDG-Foot ings/$t ee I Iel t5/98 Inspeetor-r CD Act ion I AF,trR le/17/99 Inspector: JRlvl Actionl flF,trR O4/eL./99 Inspectorr ERE Aet ion: AtrPR Iten r 0OOgrA BLD6-Foundat ion/Steel Ae/QI /99 Inspect or : 6RCi Act i orr r AF,F,R Itenr O05Era PLRN-ILC Siite F,Ian A8/23/99 Inepect or: GEOREE trct i on: AF,F,R Iten; $01430 BLDG-Framing fig/eA/99 Inspector.: CD Action! AI-,F,R Notesr cor"reet ion on west unit install fnaming straps at notehes Iten : taga5ta BLD6--Insulat i on tQ/€i4/Sq Inspectorr JRM Item r ta@460 BLDG-Sheetrock Nai I tL/q3/99 In*pecttrr! JRM l-.tct i on : flF F,R Act i on r ftF lrR Action: fltrFiR Iten: Item:Iten: Iten: Iten: Iten: Amo7et BLDG-MiEc. @A/e7/99 Inspector: JRM AgrA9O BLD6-Final OA53A BLDG*Tenp. C/0 te/93/99 Inspector: CD Oetion: APF,R west r-rnit only se53e F,ul-TEFtF,. ClO tL/t?/99 Inspectcrl LS Action: AIrtrR appr 84533 PLAN-TEMF.. C/O tt/OA/99 Inspectorr DOMINIG Action: DN DENIED Notes: Landseaping, lighting exter.ior. finish not complete AUf537 trLAN-FINAL C/A 1Ele3/99 Inspectorr EEORGE Actionr AFFrR RF,trROVED Fhone r 39tZ-4 '4X:^*x.., approv ed OI]EN HOLE REF.ORT REC' D TIE DFF REBAR FIADIi & THICKENED SLABS RF,F.ROVEI} per v e r.ba 1-g e ol.g e FF,F.ROV;D in top plate RF.F,ROVED BOTH 5IDEs APF.R BOTH SIDES lathe approved " .il*.- REtrT131 TOWN OF UAIL, CULURADO FABE 13 O6/{n6/eAOO OOrOt REOUESTS - INSpEtrTN HORK SHEETS FORr 6/ 6/tO AREAr CD Iterr OO539 PH-FINAL C/O LL/A3/99 Inspectorl LS Aetionr DN DENIED Notesr IIEST SIDE OF HUUSE/DRAINA€E I55UE NEAR DECK, NttT COMFLETE te/e7/99 Inepector! LS Actionr DN DN Notesr WILL AFPROVE WHEN I RECIEVE DETAIL FUR CONCRETE BLUCK WAL StrUKE TU TON/RItrO WILL SUBMIT llID IIEEK OF L?'-?7-99 east e west side ok for tco 0l/e7/&g Inrpector: LS Actionl APPR AptrROVED RECIEVED DRAIIIN Iterr 0igl541g^ BLDG-Final C/g NN\--w fu+( \ \J ,: I I : 1r\\"*\* p cs"il-\.- )*'-V \p V l ' /(,, fo cr. PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LoT24. BLOCK 2. LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10,1979IN BOOK 290 AT PAGE 794, COLTNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO RECITALS Dauphinais-Moseley Construction, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Declarant") is the orvner of the real property situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described asLot24, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 3, according to the Plat recorded September 10, 1979 in Book 290 at Page 794, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, subject to the restrictions set forth in the attached Exhibit "A" ("Subject Propefty"). Declarant has constructed on the Subject Property a building consisting of two units, each designed and intended for use and occupancy as a residential dwelling unit. u'hich are sometimes referred to herein separately as "Unit" or collectively as "Units". DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the following terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, use, reserv'ations, limitations and obligations shall be deemed to run with the land described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit to Declarant, his personal representatives. heirs. successors and assigns and any person acquiring or owning an interest in the real property rvhich is described herein and improvements built thereon, his grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1. DEFINITIONS. Unless the context shall expressly provide otheru'ise, the follor'r'ing terms shall have the following meanings: A. "The Properties" means all of the real estate legally described asLot24, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 3, according to the Plat recorded September 10, 19'79 in Book 290 at Page 794, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. B. "Lot", "Building Site", or "Parcel" means Lot 24-A, Lot 24-B as shorvn on the Map. I lilllt lllll lllllll lllll llll lllll llllll llllllll llll llll ?tal$ l2/17/t999 04:54P 29E Serr Flrhf 1 of 13 R 65.00 O O'OO N 0.00 Eeglr C0 'r ->v74bf C. "Duplex" or "Building" means the two contiguous dwelling units constructed upon the Parcels or Lots. D. "IJnit" means any one of the two dwellings comprising the "Duplex". E. "Owner" means a person, persons, frrm, corporation, partnership or association, or other legal entity, or any combination thereof, owing an interest in the Lots. F. "Map" means the engineering survey of the Properties by Duane D. Fehringer, Colorado P.L.5.24624, entitled Final Plat, a Resubdivision of Lot 24,Block2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 3, Town of Vail, Eagle County, depicting and locating specifrcity thereon the Lots, recorded on 1999 as Reception No.and is hereby submitted to this Declaration. G. "Assessment" means any periodic or one time charge to cover the cost of any expense or charge that becomes due and owing by virtue of this Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION. Every Contract of Sale, Deed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instrument shall legally describe a Unit or real property interest as follows: Lot24-AandLot24-B (as the case may be), according to the Final Plat, a Resubdivision of Lot24, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No 3, Town of Vail, according to the Plat recorded 1999, as Reception No._, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Every such description shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or otherwise affect the Lots and all appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens thereto as created by the provisions ofthis Declaration, and each such description shall be so construed. This provision shall apply to the properties as said term (the Properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISION. A. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for the subdivision of the Properties into Two (2) Lots for Ownership in fee simple by the individual and separate Owners of Lot 24-A and Lot 24-B. B. Lot 24-A and Lot24-B shall be subject to the easements noted on the map and those set forth herein. C. In the event Lot24-A and Lot 24-B are owned by the same entities, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. D. The parties, ifmore than one, having the Ownership of a Lot shall agree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such Ownership; provided, however, that if a corporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an Owner or the parties, if more than one, have the concurrent |lllil l]ll il|llt ]lll illl lllll llllll lll llil llll llll ?lE1E3 Lz/t?ll9Eg O4z34P 298 Sre Flrher 2 of 13 R 31.00 O O.OO N 0.00 Erglr C0 Ownership of a Lot, then such entity or concurrent Owners shall from time to time designate one individual who shall represent such entity or concurrent Owners in all matters conceming all rights and obligations pursuant to this Declaration. E. Any such entity or concurrent Owners shall give written notice to the other Owner designating the individual to act on its or their behalfand such notice shall be eflective until revoked in writing by such entity or Owners. Any act or omission by such designated individual shall be binding on the entity or Owners having designated him in favor of the other Owner or any other person who may rely thereon. F. Each Lot shall be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and shall be separately addressed and taxed. 4. ENCROACHMENTS. If any portion of Lot 24-A or Lot 24-B now encroaches upon the other Lot as a result of the construction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occur hereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the maintenance of the same so long as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any building shall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the other Lot, due to such rebuilding,, shall be permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than those previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachments and the maintenance thereof shall exist so long as the building shall stand. 5. PARTY WALL. A. The common wall placed equally divided on the common boundary separating Lot 24-A and Lor24-8, the footings underlying and the portion of roof over such wall are collectively refened to herein as the "Party Wall", B. To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaration, the general rules of law regarding party walls and liability for damage due to negligence, willful acts or omissions shall apply to the Party Wall. C. The Owners of either Lot shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other Lot on which the Party Wall is located, for party wall purposes, including mutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection. In the event of damage to or the destruction of the Party Wall from any cause, then the Owners shall atjoint expense in shares set forth in paragraph 8 below, repair or rebuild said party wall, and each Owner, shall have the right to the fuIl use of said party wall so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, if the negligence, willful act or omission of any Owner, his family, agent or invitee, shall cause damage to or destruction ol the Party Wall, such Owner shall bear the entire cost ofrepair or reconstruction (to the extent that such damage is not covered by insurance), and an Owner who by his negligent or willful act causes the Party Wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the full cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. I llltlt ililt illlil ]til il] ilil lilill llt ilfi ilil Lll 7l8lg3 tzllTltgEg 04rl4P 23t Sre Flrhrn 3 cf 13 R 55.00 D 0.OO |l O.O0 Eeglr C0 6. LANDSCAPING. SERVICE FACILITIES. DRIVEWAYS AND WALKWAYS. A. Each Owner shall from time to time, at his sole cost and expense, irrigate, maintain, preserve and replace, as needed, the trees, shrubs and grass located within the boundaries of his Lot commensurate with the standards set by the original developer's landscaping of the Lots and each Owner shall from time to time, at his sole cost and expense, undertake such landscaping and general outdoor improvements on his Lot as the Owners may jointly deem necessary and proper for the harmonious improvement of the Lots in a common theme. The Owner of one Lot shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other Lot by shoddy upkeep of the Lot, but both Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the Lots. B. Common utility or service connections or lines, aommon facilities or other equipment and property located in or on either of the Lots but used in common with the other Lot, if any, shall be owned as tenants in common of equal undivided one-half interests by the Owners of each Lot and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willful act of any Owner, his family, agent or invitee, which shall be bome solely by such Owner, all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared in the proportions set forth inparagraph 8 below. The Owner of the Lot on which suchproperty is not located shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part ofsuch other Lot containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair, and inspection. C. Each Owner shall be responsible for all necessary maintenance, repair, replacement and improvements, (including snowplowing), of all driveway and walkway areas located on his Lot. D. Nothing provided in this Article 6 shall prevent the Owners from jointly maintaining the improvements located on either Lot, with the cost to be shared on an equitable basis as agreed to by the Owners. 7. ALTERATION. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS. A. Each Owner shall, at his sole cost and expense, provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon his Unit and the other improvements located on his Lot as well as the unimproved portions, of the Lot upon which his Unit is located, including, but not limited to, the exterior walls and the roof of the Unit. Such maintenance and repair shall be commensurate with the standards set by the original developer and each Owner shall undertake all maintenance and repair (including periodic painting and staining) necessary and proper for the harmonious appearance ofthe Lots and Units in a common theme. The Owner of one Lot shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other Lot by improper maintenance and repair of his Unit and Lot, but both Owners shall make all reasonable efforts to preserve a harmonious common appearance of the Units and Lots. Nothing provided in this Article 7.A. shall prevent the Owners from jointly maintaining the improvements located on either Lot, with the cost to be shared on an equitable basis as agreed to by the Owners. | ililr lilr llillll lllll llll lllll llllll lll lllll llll llll ?iEl93 12/17/1999 O4t34P 29E Slrr Flrher 4 of tr3 R 6!.00 D O'OO N 0.00 Erglr C0 B. Each Owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance and repair of the inside of his Unit including fixtures and improvements and all utility lines and equipment located therein and serving such unit only. In performing such maintenance and repair, or in improving or altering his unit, no Owner shall do any act or work which impairs the structural soundness of either unit or the Party Wall or which interferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. C. Utility or service connections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment and property located in, on or upon either of the Lots, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to one unit shall be owned by the Owner of the unit using such utility or service and all expenses and liabilities for repair and maintenance shall be bome solely by the Owner of such unit, who shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other Lot or Unit containing such property as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. D. No Owner shall make or suffer any structural or design change (including a color scheme change), either permanent or temporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of his Unit or construct any additional building structure of any tlpe or nature whatsoever upon any part of his Lot without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the other Owner, such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or destruction of any Unit or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the Owner of such Unit shall cause with due diligence the Unit to be repaired and restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if any, for that purpose. Such Unit shall be restored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage and in a harmonious manner to promote the common theme of both Lots. 8. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of all activities whose cost is anticipated to be shared by both Owners, except as caused by negligence of willful act of an Owner, shall be allocated in the following proportions: Lot24-A Lot24-B 50% 50% 9, MECHAMC'SLIENS: INDEMNIFICATION: A. Except for items incurred as a common expense as provided for herein, if any Owner shall cause any material to be fumished to his Lot or Unit thereon or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other Owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the payment of any expense incurred or for the value of the work done or material furnished; all such work shall be at the expense of the Owner causing it to be done, and such Owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen and other persons furnishing labor or materials to his Lot or any improvements therein or thereon; nothing herein contained shall authorize either Owner or any person dealing through, with or under either Owner to charge the Unit of the other Owner with any mechanic's lien or other lien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind 3 tttlul I,u,illllu J I |J ! [lluuf [llf l t | llllJ I I I | | | I i-.i-is-n 83.00 D o.oo l{ 0,00 Erglc c0 against one Owner or against one Owner's Lot for work done or materials furnished to the other Owner's Lot is hereby expressly denied. B. Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any Owner, any mechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the other Owner's Lot or any improvements therein or thereon or against any other Owner (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such), the Owner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien or order shall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be canceled and discharged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonably acceptable to such other Owner, within 30 days after the date of filing thereoi and further shall indemnifu and save the other Owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attomey's fees resulting therefrom. 10.INSURANCE. A. Each Owner shall keep his unit and all hxtures therein insured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils (including vandalism and malicious mischief) for the maximum replacement value thereof. Any Owner may on 30 days' written notice, but not more frequently than once every three years, obtain a written estimate of the replacement cost of the Units by a licensed contractor, and the cost of such estimate shall be splitbetween the Owners on a 50/50 basis. Such contractor shall be a disinterested and independent third party who is unrelated in any manner to either Owner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. B. Each Owner shall provide and keep in force, for the protection of himself, general public liability and property damage insurance against claims for bodily injury or death or property damage occurring in, on or upon, his Lot owned in fee simple and the improvements thereon, in a limit of not less than $500,000.00 in respect ofbodily injury or death to any number ofpersons arising out ofone accident or disaster, or for damage to property, and if higher limits shall at any time be customary to protect against possible tort liability, such higher limits shall be carried. C. Each Owner shall deliver to the other Owner certificates evidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragraph, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or modify the policies without giving the other Owner written notice of at least 30 days. Each Owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all such insurance policies ofthe other Owner and require evidence ofthe payment of premiums thereon. D. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the Owners from jointly acquiring a single policy to cover any one or more ofthe hazards required in this paragraph to be separately insured against bv each Owner. E. All insurance policies obtained by either Owner shall expressly waive all rights of subrogation as against all other Owners and their respective families and invitees. o L|||rlr lllr llill lrlil il] ||lil ]ilt ilt ililt ]il ilt 7tEl93 t2/t7/L399 O4z!,4p 296 SrFr Frah.t E of 13 R 61.00 D O.OO N O.OO Erslr C0 1I. DESTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS ON LOT. A. In the event of damage or destruction to a unit by fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds if sufficient to reconstruct the Unit shall be deposited into a bank account which requires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the Owners, or disbursed directly by the insurance carrier. The Owners shall then promptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work and the insurance proceeds will be applied by the Owners to defray the cost thereof. "Repair and Reconstruction" of Units, as used in paragraph 1 1.A and I 1 .B herein, means restoring the improvements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage with each unit having the same boundaries as before. B. If the insurance proceeds are insufficient to repair or reconstruct any damage to a Lot or the improvements constructed thereon, such damage or deshuction shall be promptly repaired and reconstructed by the Owner using the insurance proceeds and the proceeds of an assessment against the Owner(s) of the damaged Lot(s). Such assessment shall be equal to the amount by which the cost of reconstruction or repair exceeds the sum ofthe insurance proceeds allocable to such Parcel. Such Assessment shall be due and payable forty-frve (45) days after the determination of the difference between the cost ofreconstruction and repair and insurance proceeds and all such funds shall be deposited and disbursed pursuant to paragraph 11.A. C. If the Owners of Lot24-A and Lot 24-B andthe holders of first mortgages or beneficiaries of first deeds of trust on Lot 24-A and Lot 24-B unanimously agree not to repair or reconstruct damage or destruction to Lot 24-A or Lot 24-B the Property shall be sold and the proceeds shall be divided as agreed to at the time of the agreement not to rebuild by the Owners of Lot 24-A andLot 24-B and the holders of first mortgages and beneficiaries of first deeds of trust onLot24-A and Lot 24-B (the "Each Owner's Share of Proceeds"). Each Owner's Share of Proceeds shall be disbursed as follows: 1 . for payment of taxes and special assessment liens in favor of any assessing entity and customary expenses of sale: priority; and 2. for payment of the balance of the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust; 3. for payment of any sums due under this Declaration; 4. for payment ofjunior liens and encumbrances in the order of and to the extent oftheir 5. the balance remaining, if any, shall be paid to the respective Owners. 12, zuGHT TO LIEN. A. If an Owner, at any time, shall neglect or refuse to perform or pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the other Owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after 30 days written notice unless the circumstances require immediate action, make such payrnent or, on behalf of such other Owner, expend / I |llilr lllll lllllll llll llll lllll lllill llllllll llll llll ffAfef 7Ut1/79ftg 04:34P 298 Smr Flrhr ? of 13 R 83.00 D O,OO N 0'00 Ergle C0 such sum as may be necessary to perform such obligation including, but not limited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertaking of any work required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance, and such other Owner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting Owner's Lot as is reasonably necessary for such repair, restoration or maintenance. B. All sums so paid or expended by an Owner, with interest thereon at the rate of 18 percent per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable by the Owner so failing to perform (the "Defaulting Owner") upon demand of the other Owner. C. All sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting Owner shall constitute a lien on the Lot of the Defaulting Owner in favor of the other Owner prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessments; and, (ii) the lien of any first mortgage or first deed of trust of record encumbering such lot. The lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the Nondefaulting Owner setting forth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the Defaulting Owner, and a description of the Unit. In any such foreclosure the Defaulting Owner shall be required to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, including reasonable attorney's fees. D. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of either Lot as the result of court foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the public trustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall extinguish the lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become due prior to such sale or lransfer, but shall not relieve any former Owner ofpersonal liabilify therefor. The mortgagee of such Lot who acquires titl€ by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof, shall not however, be liable for any past due assessment and shall only become liable for future assessments on the date it becomes the Owner or is entitled to become the Owner of such Lot. No sale or transfer shall relieve such Lot from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due or from the lien thereof. In the event of the sale or transfer of a Lot with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a Defaulting Owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure ofits lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transferee ofan interest in such Lot shall bejointly and severally liable with the seller or transferor thereof for any such unpaid sums. E. Upon written request of any Owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a Lot, the Owner of the other Lot shall issue a written statement setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any, with respect to such Unit. Such statement is binding upon the executing Owner in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for such statement shall be complied with within fifteen days after receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to the date ofmaking such request shall be subordinated to the lien or other interest ofthe person requesting such statement. LLlllr ilil Uilr 1[ iltl ilil ]ilI lil l]] Llt ilt 71E193 l2/17/L999 04r5rtP 29E Smr Fii[cr- E of 13 R 61.00 D O,OO N O.OO Ergte C0 lJ.USE RESTRICTIONS. A. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as a permitted use, and conditional and accessory uses as defined by the Town ofVail Zoning Ordinances. B. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television or othertype ofantenna whatsoever ortank ofany kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline or incinerator ofany kind whatsoever or outside storage of any personal property shall be permitted or maintained on either Lot without the prior written approval of both Owners. C. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon either Unit, except that each Owner may keep and maintain within his Unit domesticated animals; provided, however, that such domesticated animals are kept under control at all times, do not present a nuisance to the other Owner, and are kept controlled in strict compliance with all Town of Vail ordinances that may apply to such animals. D. Parking on either Lot ofboats, trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicles is expressly prohibited, unless located within an Owner's garage. E. No "time sharing", "inten'al Ownership" or similar interest, whereby Ownership of a Unit is shared by Owners on a time basis, shall be established on either Lot without the prior written approval of both Owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or hrst deed of trust of record on any portion of Lot 24-AorLot24-B, which approval shall be reflected in a document of record. F. The Owners understand and agree that potential development rights may exist under present or future Town of Vail regulations that may permit expansion of the Units, which development rights have not been utilized to date. The Owners of Lot 24-A and Lot 24-B shall be deemed to have exclusive Ownership of any rights as currently are being utilized by their respective Lots. No exercise of any development rights not utilized to date shall be made by one Owner without first obtaining the written consent of the other Owner, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The other Owner, before giving written consent, shall be entitled to review the development plans and any blueprints or surveys prepared in connection with the development plans. The Owner of Lot24-A shall have the exclusive right to the use of 60% of the Development Rights which have not been utilized to date and 60% of all future Development Rights allowed by the Town of Vail. The Owner of Lot24-B shall have the exclusive right to the use of 40o/o of the Development Rights which have not been utilized to date md 40%o of all future Development Rights allowed by the Town ofVail. If either Owner exceeds his development rights, without the consent of the other Owner, and because of this the other Owner is not allowed to utilize his full development rights, the excess development shall be removed by the Owner thereof immediately upon the demand of the other Owner. 14. NOTICE. Each Owner shall register its mailing address with the other Owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon Owners shall be sent by certified, registered or ovemight mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of the Owner at such registered mailing address. In the altemative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to Owners. I |||ilr ililt ilil]t ]ffi il] ilil ]ilt ilt ililt l]t [] 71E193 t2/r7/t999 I of 13 R 65,00 D O4t34P 298 Sm Flrhcr 0.00 N 0.00 Ergle C0 15. DURATION OF DECLARATION. Each provision contained in this Declaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimes referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and remain in full force and effect for the period of21 years following the death of Patrick G. Dauphinais and Suzanne E. Dauphinais and their living issue, or until this Declaration is terminated as hereinafterprovided, whichever first occurs. All otherprovisions contained in this Declaration shall continue and remain in full force and effect until January 1,2029 A.D., and thereafter for successive periods of I 0 years each; unless at least I year prior to January 1,2029 A.D., or at least I year prior to the expiration of any such 10 year period of extended duration, this Declaration is terminated by recorded instrument, directing termination, signed by all Owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portion of LoI24-AorLot24-8. 16. AMENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaration may be amended or revoked only upon unanimous written approval in recordable form of all Owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of trist of record on any portion of Lot 24-A or Lot 24-8. 17. EFFECT OF PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION. Each provision of this Declaration and Agreement, promise, covenant and undertaking to comply with each provision of this Declaration, and any necessary exception or reservation or grant oftitle, estate, right or interest to effectuate any provision ofthis Declaration: (i) shall be deemed incorporated in each deed or other instrument by which any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot24-A or Lot24-B is granted, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in such deed or other instrument; (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of any right, title or interest in any portion of Lot 24-A or Lot 24-B by an Owner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as a personal covenant ofsuch Owner and, as a personal covenant, shall be binding on such Owner and his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns; and shall be deemed a personal covenant to, with and for the benefit of each Owner of any portion of Lot 24-A or Lot 24-B; and (iii) shall be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, for itself, its successors and assigns, and also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burden with and upon the title to each and every portion of Lot24-AandLot24-8. 18.ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDIES. A. Court Proceedings. Each provision of this Declaration shall be enforceable by any Owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mandatory injunction or by a suit or action to recover damages. If court proceedings are instituted in connection with the nghts of enforcement and remedies provided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs and expenses in connection therewith, including reasonable attorney fees. B. Venue of Court Actions. Each Owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equity or at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereunder shall be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. C. Waiver. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shall not operate as awaiver of any such provision, the right to enforce such provision thereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. 10 I |||ilr illl lllllll lllll llll lllll llllll lllllllll lll llll l'f.tgt1zttl/l999 04;54P 298 Srra Ftrhrr 10 of 13 R 65.00 O O'Og N O'OO Eegle C0 19. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one Owner u'ith respect to the other OwneCs Unit including but not limited to the use of any easement granted herein shall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder, impede or impose upon such other Owner's use of his Unit. 20. SUCCESSORSANDASSIGNS. Exceptasotherwiseprovidedherein,thisDeclarationshall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of each Ou'ner and the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of each. 21 . SEVERABILITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any provisions of this Declaration in u,hole or in part shall not effect the validity or enforceable part ofa provision of this Declaration. 22. CAPTIONS. The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience only and shall not be considered in construing any provisions of this Declaration. 23 . CONSTRUCTION. When necessary for proper construction, the masculine of any u'ord used in this Declaration shall include the feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. Secretary SS. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Declarant has executed this Declaration this frlauy of @a*veilsss.v DAUP INAIS-MOSE CONSTRUCTION, ATTEST:INC., By: Patrick G. Dauphinais,ident n Y io Suzanne E. STATE OF RADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. Subscribed and srvom to before me this 'thOu, * h"^4r, 1999 by Patrick Dauphinais as President and Suzanne E. Dauphinais as Secretary of Dauphinais-Moseley Construction, Inc., a Colorado Corporation. ..' E fiH.g',Y &: .MASID [ssion expires on: //-L/-,-, z- -L .L Illliltililtilil]t]||l il] lilltlililtiltilil] l] llll 716193 l2/L7/L999 04:54P 296 Sre Ftrher It of t3 R 65.00 D O.OO N 0.04 Erglr C0 Notary Pub CONSENT OF HOLDER OF DEED OF TRUST The undersigned holder ofa certain deed oftrust upon the property covered by this Declaration and Partywall Agreement, recorded on May 4, 1999 under Reception No. 694637 of the records in the Office of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, hereby consents to the foregoing Declaration and Party"wall Agreement and subordinates its interest in the property described therein to the rights and obligations created hereby. Notwithstanding such consent and subordination, all the rights of Declarant in and to such property shall remain encumbered by such deed of trust. FIRSTBANK OF VAIL (sEAL) By: STATE OF COLORADO COLINTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this f Chay of by \,,\c,"L Vr -.'tr,.,-- Witness my hand and official seal. I My Commission expires on: l0lXlgl C/.t',c-< - President /tUtU Tr9z, 4 L,i,,ll SS. otary Pu fin'r**i u**, '1,6 ,,':.,JARA$|LLO _i ffi';# ilililililrililil ]il 1il |llil][] il1ililtiltllll 718193 t2/L7/t999 12 of 13 R 63.00 D 04:54P 298 Srrr Flrhrn 0.00 N 0.00 Eegh C0 1,2 l. 2. 3. 4. EXHIBIT "A'' TO PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECLARATION OF COVENANTS. CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR LOT T4,BLOCK 2, LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILINGNO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 N BOOK 290 AT PAGE 794, COLTNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO Lien for taxes or assessments, not yet due and payable. Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetrate or intersect the premises as reserved in United States patent recorded August 16, 1909, in Book 48 atPage 542. Right of way for Ditches or Canals constructed by the authority of the United States as reserved in United States Patent recorded August 16, 1909, in Book 48 atPage 542. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, unless and only to the extent that said covenant (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607 ofthe United State Code or (b) relates to handicap but does not discriminate against handicaped persons, as contained in Instrument recorded September 20,1912, in Book 225 atPage 443 and as amended in Instrument recorded September 29,1972, inBook2Z5 alPage 565 and as rerecorded in Instrument recorded January 22, 1974, in Book 233 atPage 53. Utility Easement as granted to Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc., in Instrument recorded August 24, 1967 in Book 21 1 at Page 103 and recorded June 19, 1973 inBook229 atpage 655 and recorded July 31, 1973 in Book 230 at Page 351. Agreement between Talvel Environmental Land Company and Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company providing for Telephone Installation and Service throughout Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, recorded September 27, 1973 in Book 231 atPage 291. Easements, reservations and reskictions as shown or reserved on the recorded Plat of Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 3. Terms, conditions and provisions of Trench, Conduit and Vault Agreement recorded November 16, 1994 in Book 655 at Paee 184. 5. 6. 7. 8. 13 I Llilr lllll lllllll lllll llll lllll llllll lllllllll lll llll ?18193 l2/17/l9gg 04:34P 29E Serr Flrhrr 13 of 13 R 61,00 D O'OO 1{ 0.00 Erglo C0 F.' Revised 5/2/92 (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) i),A. APPLICANI V,,1 il A)\- 'E MAILING ^DDRESS ILIOLI HCilAlUE I>L pHoNE (\e- tttg{ Date Received by the Community Develooment Department : APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapter 17.24 Y ail Municipal Code) PHONE /2. < ?? wfi'rT : fuJ-' 6!* B. c. AP PLICANT'S RE PRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PROPERTY OWNEF OWNER'S SIGNATURE MAILING ADDRESS I]. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: -c€?' -PHONE '4t L . C/),)v s- "/r,rr.)Uc ct a't ,/,( /S/V 6t4eie( G STREET ADDRESS tot 7 4 arccr<-.-Z-sueD rvrs roN FILING APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: CHECK#BY: 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted 10 the Department of Communily Developmenl. The plal shall include lhe following: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in Indta ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medrum (preferably mylar) with dimension ol lwenly-four by thirty-six inches and shall be al a scale of one hundred feet 1o one inch or larger wilh margins of one and one-halt to lwo inches on lhe left and one-half inch on all olher sides. h. Accurate dimensions to the nearesl one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used 1o describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easemenls, slruclures, areas to be reserved or dedicaled for public or common uses and other irnportanl fealures. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, cenlral angle, are scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are 10 be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A syslemalic identificalion of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. An identificalion of the streets, alleys. parks, and olher public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedicatton lhereof 1o the public use. An idenlification of the easements as shown on the plal and a grant thereof 1o the public use. Areas reserved for fulure public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. A writlen survey descriplion ol the area including lhe lotal acreage lo the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well, A descriplion of all survey monurrenls, both found and set, which mark the hottndaries of the subdivision, and a descriplion of all monrrments used in conducling lhe survey. Monumenl perimeter per Colorado slalules. Two perimeter monurnents shall be eslablisl'ted as major control monumenls, the malerials which shall be delermined by the town engineer. A sta'lemenl by the land survevor explaining how bearing base was deter.mined. A cerlificate by lhe registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of lhis E. F. h c. d. s. [and Title Guarantee GomPanY gUSTOMEB DISTBIBUTION Date 12{9-199 Propctrty Atldrcsl Lcl"f 2AB, BLOCK2, UONS RIDGE FLC 3 Our Order Number: V2614614 DAUNilNAIS REALESTAIE I{XMORAINEDR POEOX l5r5 vAlL,co 8159 Aun: SIIZAI.INEDDAUPHINNS Plor: 970.{7G91l2 Ftr't YlO4168aXL Scot Via Couriarrr RF/MN(VAIL, INC, 143 E. MEADOW DR. t345 vAtL, co El65? A$n: DAVID COLE Phone; 970-476{460 Fax: 970.fl6{652 Sent Via Couricr3l* THEKLEXN CROUP POBOX rsE!) EDW{RDS, CO E1632 Ad!: DBOITAII Phor: y,G92tr151 Far: 90.91&?t51 copic!:1 Sc$ Via Frx MARKL HARRIS :t037 N.W 63RD surrE l52w OKI.AHOMA CITY, OK ?3116 Attn: MARKL. IIARRIS PhorEr 405-848'2801 Fax: 405-8f8'2&)4 scnt Via US Postll Scrvicc IAND Tlfl.g GUARANTEE CIII'PANT 65 MARXETST'4 EA6I!, CO 8t631 ABn: Auttu Rlrctct Photrc: !|G32A'50I5'S F.x: noa2J|-g)64 .l land Title Guarante'e Company YOUB COilTACTS Date t2{}1999 Pmpcrty Atlilrcss: LOT 248, BLOCK 2, IJONS RIDGE FLG 3 Buycr/Bornovcr: MARKL. HARNS OurOrderNumber: V2674614 Sellr/(hvner: DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION raaarrlotrtaatttrttaaat*attl*a**tt*t*artt*i*a:l*+:a*alatra*a***+r|l*fatrtf Note: Once an origlnal commitment has bect lssued, any subsequmt .' modlllcetlons wltl be enrphastzed by underllning or comments' taa:attttaa|laa*attaraa**ta*attaaaaall*aaaa*at*f**faa**a+*'|taarSat"|t' If you have any inquirtes or rcqutre further asslstancc, please contact one of the numbers below: For Clootng Assistance For fitle Asslstancc: Arzau Rucker Vail Title Dqtt'/GB 6s MARKET sr #4, P.o. Box 4420 EAGLE, CO 81631 108 s' FRONTAGE RD. W. n03 Phore: 90-328-5064 P.O. BOX 357 Fax: 90-328-5064 VAIL' CO 81657 Phone:970476'2251 Fax:' /7M764334 ESTIMATE OF TITTE FEES Alte Ornncrs Polic! rc-n-yl (Reissue Raa) Alte Lr6o Policy lO-U-% Tax Ccrtificarc SCtl#009433 9879 .00 $720 .00 $75.00 TOIAI.s9s4. 00 THANK YOU FOR YOI,R (XDER! Chicago Title lnsurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our OrderNo. Y?6il46l4 Crst. Ref.: Property Adilress: LOT24B, BLOCK2, LIONS RIDGE FLG 3 1. Effec{lve Date Norrember 19,1999 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Pollcy to be Issued, and hopoceil lnsurtd: 'ALTA' Ocmct's Policy lG17-92 $665'm0.00 Proposcd Insred: MARKL. HARRIS 'ALTA' Loan Policy lGl?-92 Proposcd lrcurcd: TTIE KLEIN OROUP, LLC, TXS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSTGNS 3. Tbc cslate or lnteret in the tand descrlbed or rtferred to In thls Commitment and covercd herdn ls: A Fce Simptc 4. Tltle to the ctate or lntertst covc.red hcrein ls at the elTcctlvc datc hcreof vestctl inl DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 5. The land referreil to In thls Commitment is described as follows: UNTT B, UON'S RIDGE, FIIJNG NO. 3, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 24, BLOCK 2' LION'S RIDGE, FIUNG NO. 3, ACCORDING TO THE PI-AT RECORDED )Off UNDER RECEPTION NO. )oo( couNTY oF BAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTB: SAID LEGAL DESCRIPIION WILL CHANGE UPON COMPLTANCE WTTH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN SCHEDULE B-SECTION I'HEREIN. ---..-.-.. ALTA COM[iITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requiremcnts) Our Order No. V26'4614 The followlng arc the rcqulrtnrmts to be complied with: Item (a) Paymcnt to or for the accourr of the grantors or mortgagors of fre full consideration for the estrte or iilenst to be insurd. Itcm O) Propcr instrument(s) creating the esiate or intcrest to be insure<l must be executed and duty filed for record, to-wic Itcm (c) Paymed ofdl taxcs, chargcs or asscssncnts tcvicd ard asscssed against thc subject prcmiscs which arc due aad payablc. Iten (d) Additiooal requirements, if any disclosal below: I. PAXTTIAL REI.IASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 20, 1999 FROM DAI'PHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PIJBLIC {RUSTEE OF EAGLE COI,NTY FOR TI{E UsE oF FIRSTBANK oF VAIL To sEcURE TI{E SUM OF $765,M0.00 RECORDED MAY 04, 1999, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 694637, DISBIJRSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED MAY 04, 1999, t NDER RECEPI]oN NO. 694638. 2. RECORDATTON OF THE RESUBDIVISION PI.AT AND PARTYWALL AGREEMENT. ACCEPTABLE TO TI{E COMPANY TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLE COUNTY. 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO TI{E COMPANY TI{AT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANTY DEED FROM DATJPHINATS.MOSELEY CONSTRUCNON, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO MARK L. HARRIS CONVEYINC SUBIEC? PROPERTY. NOTE: SAID DOCT MENT MUST BE EXECUTED BY THE PRESIDENT, VICE-PRESIDENT OR SECRETARY OF THE CORPORATION. IF AN ASSISTANT VICE.PRESIDENT OR ASSISTANT SECRETARY EXECUItsS SAID DOCUMBNT, A CORPORATE RESOLUTION MUST BE PROVIDED TO I.AIID TITLE GTVING SAID ASSISTANT AUTHONZATION. 5. DEED OF TRUST FROM MARK L. HARRIS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUMY FOR TIIE USE OF TI{E KLEIN GROUP. LLC TO SECURE THE SUM OF TO BE DETERMINED. NOTE: ITEMS l-3 OF TI{E CENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED FROM THE OWNER'S -^_-. ALTA COMMITMENT Sc.heduleB-Scctionl (Requlrements)OurOrdcrNo. V2674614 Contlnued: POUCY UPON RECEIPT OF AN APPROVED STMVEY CONFIRMINC COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. NOTE: DUE TO THE PROPERTY INST RED HEREIN CONTAINING NEw CONSTRUCTION. IN ORDER FOR STAT.IDARD EXCEMON NO. 4 TO BE DELETED, A SATISFACTORY LIEN AFFIDAVTT AND AGREEMENT AND TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE oF occUPANcY WILL BE REQUIRED. NOTE: ITEM 5 OFTHE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE RECORDS THE DOCTTMENTS REQUIRED UNDERSCHEDULE B-1, NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES. ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TA)(ES AND ASSFSSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1999 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 ttNDER SCHEDT LE B-2 WILL BE DEIJTED UPON PROOF TI{AT THE WATER A}.lD SEWERCHARGES ARB PAID UPTO DATE. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our OrderNo. V2674614 fte pollcy or policies to be issued will contnin exceptions to the fotlowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfac{ion of the Company: 1. Rig[ts or cleims of partics in possession not sbown by the public records. 2. Easemenls' or claims ofcasements, not shownby the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shorhge in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclosc and which are not Shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter funrished, imposerl by law and not showaby thc public records. 5. Dcfects, liens encumbrances, adverse claims or otftcr matters, if any, crcrated, first appeariug in tlre public recor<Is or attaching subscquent to the effectivc date hereofbut prior to the date the proposed insured acquircs of record for valuc thc cstrb or idercst or mortgage thereon covcrcd by this Commiunent. 6, Taxcs or siccid assassnents which are not sttowr as existing liens by the pubtic records. 7. Ucns for unpaid watcr and server charges, ifany, 8. In additiolt, thc owner's policy will be subject to ttrc mortgagc, if any, notal in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGTfT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVB HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TITE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PRBMTSES AS RESERVED IN UMIED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. IO. RICHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF Tt{E UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATBNT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. I I. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORICIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TI{E EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 360? OF Tr{E UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDTCAP BUT DOBS NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HAI.IDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRI.IMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER2O, 192,IN BOOK225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDBD SEPTEMBER 29, 1972IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 565 AND AS RERECORDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 22, 1974IN BOOK233 AT PAGE 53. 12. UTIUTY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELEqIRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., INC. IN INSTRTIMENT RECORDED AUGUST 24. 1967 IN BOOK 2I I AT PAGE IO3 AND 'l ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptloru) Our OrderNo. V2674614 The pollcy or polldes to be issud wtll contaln exccptloru to the following unless the some are dlsposcd of to the satisfaction of thc Company: RECORDED JUNB 19, Iy/3 IN BOOK 229 AT PAGE 655 AND RECORDED JULY 3I, 1973 IN BOOK23O AT PAGE 35I. 13. AGREEMEM BETWEEN TAWEL ENVIRONMENTAL LAND COMPA}.IY AND MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONE INSTALLATION AND SERVICE THROUGHOUT LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILTNG NO. 2 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 IN BOOK 23I AT PAGE 29I , 14. EASEMEMS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN AND RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI.AT OF UON'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION. FILING NO. 3. 15. TERMS, CONDMONS A}.ID PROVISIONS OF TRENCH, CONDUIT AND VAULT ACREBMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 16, 1994 IN BOOK 655 AT PAGB I84. 16. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTYWALL AOREEMENT RECORDED XXX AT RECEmONNO. )OO(XXX. 17. EASEI\.IENTS, CONDMONS, RESTRICTIONS, ANDRESERVATIONS ONTHE PIJ\TRECORDED )OO( I'NDER RECEPTION NO. }OffiXXX. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSTJRD STATEMENT Required by C.R.S. 10-lf-U2 A) The subject red property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Ceniticate of Taxes Due listing cach taxing jurixliction may bc obtained from the County Treasurer's auth. orized agent, C) Thc inforoation rcgarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obaioed ftom the Board ofCounty Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or tle County Asscssor. Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-1H06 requires that all ilocuments received for recording or filing in the cterk and rccorder's oftice shall contain a top margin ofat least one inr:h antl a left, right and bottont margin of at lease onc half of an irrch. fie clerk and reco(der may reftise to record or file nny document that does not conform, ercept tlnt, the rcquirement for ille top mnrgin shall not apply ttt docunrents using fonns on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top mnrgin of the docunrent. Note: Colorado Division of Insurancc Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shal b€ responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recoding whcncver the titlc enrity conducb the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documcnb rcsulting from thc transaction which wa,s closed'. Frovided drat knd Title Guarnnee Company corducts tlrc closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, cxception number 5 will not apPear on the Owner's Title Policy and tbc l*ndem Policy when iszued. Norc: Affirmative mecharuc's lien protection for the Owner may be available(typically by deletion of Exccption no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issual) upon compliance with the following conditions: A. Thc land describql in Schedule A of this commitnetrt must be a single family residencc wltich includes a coqlominium or townhouse unit. B. No labor or maleriats have been firmishe{ by mecfianics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C, The Company must receive an appropriate affirlavit indemaifying the Company against un-filed mcchanic's and matcrial-men's liens. D, The Company must rcceive payment of the appropriate prernium. E, If there has beeo construction, improvanents or major repairs undertaken on the property to bc purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, thc requirements to obtain coverage for unrecor{crt liens will include; rlisclosurc of ccrtidn construction information; finqncial informatiotr as to the seltcr, tlre builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropdatc premium fully cxccutcd ldemnity Agreemenls satisfactory to the company, and' any additional requircments as may be necessary after an examination of thc aforesaid information by the Company. No coveragc urill bc givur under any circumstances for lirbor or mnterial for which the insured has contracted for or agrccd to pay. Nothing herein contained witl bc deemed to obtigate tlre company to provide any of tlte coverages refenql to herein unless the above conditions are fully sltisfied. Jan-o3-oo 01 :zlrp partain corrst rnc g7o 9,8'4 34os P -oI -' O ir,. O " klla'n -| ., r rjb).tfiJt,rr m \p(V^W V .|J tl\l Elate: 1Blm FA)( - MEMO From: Partain Cofts{nrction, Inc- David E. Partain' President 2450 CountY Road 314 Nerrv Cadle, Colo' 81647 97G9&1-2736 97$984-3405 (far) 2 Pages are being transrnited (inctuding this cover page)' lf you dorot receive dl pages' pE-canimmediatety. Willacogyofthi=-tttttit"OZ [VeS LIINO To: Gary Goodell Dorninlc Mauriello Torin of Vail TEL: FNI:97O47*2452 RE: AroalGermirch 6 Unit Plrn Chcck bruea' tEmO: Dearcary and Dominic' Atached is the Timberline Ultru Specifications' Sotty n to"ft "" long ot receive this infonnation' lf you have arry quedions' plece do not hesitate to call' ThalkYou' Danid E. Partatn Cc: Tom Sle\rens This facsimile and the information it contains is intencbd to be a confidential communication only to the person o, entity to who'n n i" .oorooo. lf yo|t have received thas facsimile in enor' please notifu us by telephone am ,*urn in" origi*r facsimile to this oflice by rnail. Thank yotr' Jan-O3-OO OI:zl1P Parta'in Const Inc .v 970 9€l4 3405 v P.02 TI}IBERI.INE' SENTES SPECIFICATION$: 13'/," I393/il Meldc 12" x 36" English Iimberline Ultra@ ,4FYear Ltd. Wanaflty, 80 mph Ltd. Wnd Warrang . Fiberglass Asphaft Construction . Class A rating from UL . Passes UL 997 Wind Te$ .ASTM D3018Type 1.ASTM 03101 Type 1 .ASIM D9462 . lqde County Approved (Tampa onty) . Wsconsin Administrative Code . fl0aqlater Protection available in certain areas (check your sample board for details) '4ryrox. 64_Piecevsq. (Metric) . Approx. 80 pieces/sq. (Engrish) .4 Bundles/Square . 4pp1qx .256 Nalls/Sq. (Metric) . Appror 320 Naits/Sq. (Engtish) ,Ssls" Exposure (Metrh) '5" Expozure (English) IIIITIIIIIIII "il;l,.',;if '1,'u;"'^, il'i$,,f, '" st co "'r,',,.* -r,,,..,?t13f - t"'P-01 F'AL'L Ul . 'i, Subicct OptutlotcFodrrirnecerrnicr0brvdo'Lc''A'Ejr*'Ll,&n'rRiilgo FitiosNo' 3' FrglcGurtY' colcrdo PtoioctNo- 98{l2f{o fuicmoc fo accordsnoc {ittr ymr t6qu.4 I tlfltrffilivE qqF'MiltidD nqgimc{bg l'd''6ibd to rutrjrrt rilc o Dmcrrbd J'E{;E;"T ft1{t- tr Oc tttttttr oiilnlly undc oducrb rr tb dc. At tDo tinc of q|l Wll s-tA-t ft( di9 rtd Fd fJoth8l hd bcnr qcldod ro fodilg ff.ft;"rtd";. it d"ri ;.ttt gwrtly-cooiittld.of, dltvb ct;oat rood. Tho,r roib wcrc d;Fb r tuc to il"tcrc4 ooo6i6oo" law rcils and now wsrc obcn Ed i|r romc rrE03 d|io fqufiim crcilr&or|r. lq orrdcr ut prlg.rc thir lcttcr, wc hrvc lo1ncl{ orr April f9$ Sot&- otd I'wfuton Inr,ertt*rr.,t fo, rrrWsdEr*,o,t) InJt N - 26, Bte-i lJqr't ftfuc nW r{o i, &gb Gnnry' c,olo|e, Brrta on rhic llvbw rud cr obaorwiuu a to rilc, c ir qrr qfuirn bt |tc rnib wtroat i" rh" f-od;;-;*;- "tt ii"tit* ro &ilo dllcribGd h tc ;qod ud rn wirable b nrDpdtt dE f.dtgt - h-llfii-bt- !'o1od-ed t[0 rcfcltral qrort rsrunodcd r lluiilrnr eltowblc b.ti"szu;tr-r'loo pnr n il ottu"amttdlog6f,t dtc fwtillr et UE itntcfire u,o" cc",gJ -*itt-; .rt"inUtd batins gtrl""*.?f t'33.o"1- Ba$d c crlr O6rcnafiou d ihir ritc, it ir qrr qinisr ftl ilr tiiitut llomblc bc'riog prcrnrre fa furio,, bc.,itrg * tto r'oi.JJft *Oi",lo-i*taur* o<cavrrionr d thir tit' arv bc irrcruscd to 2,q)0 Ptf' ln old,rry, it ir qr qrinur lhl' irbtos|c|] &-tDc lEiloYrI of lofic toil rtrd mrr' thc frrroddim c*cerdiss "r"Tty f- rf" *ila d-mflric. Tb svccd roi6 rrc coridcrcd njtabte ftr $ppdr of'-f#$ &igcA lf-onrnuaoO d |pcoolupc wi$ fu rwuncnddoor of tho',.;;; p-io[t ctib Epo.t. Ttc nrsinun rtlorveblc bterhg prwsurs rney bo irrcetodio 2rfiXl prf- If yar b,ut aay qucttiu3 lcgrurding thir ldcr, or ifvc mey bc 0f hrthEr ffiuioo' Plcuc cdd trc ttndadglod d )qrr convcnicncc' l8+1 U*ter ct, bx$-osel 80127 | Plrorr;303i'!948 6220' Fat(: 303/S486526 Ptrons: 970€49-50?2 . F orn Dswor DIEct: 8l)3'1531 .t{ ylcou irrluh in th {{. f* ItuddEi't-Maollt' CcmucOm P.O.Bc 1.515 vrIL Colondo El65t frcrimila: 476-90T1 Sinccrely, INTER.MOIJNTAIN 839? Corilnsntrl Divrdo FoEd, Suite tt107 Dnglinecringua- lbcanba 9. l99t 77 Mstcdf Ftosc , i20O ' Box 976 r f'r436' c'nlorer'Jo B1fvo o ,4uL-tzor f^^.. '-- Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Dauphinais New PrimaryiSecondary Residence Project Description: New Primary/Secondary Owner, Address and Phone: Pat Dauphinias P.O. Box 15 15, Vail, Colorado 81658 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Same Project Street Address: 1844 Glacier Court Legal Description: Lot 24, Block 2, Lionsridge #3 Parcel Number: 2103-122-04-024 Building Name: Comments: Board / Staff Acfion Motion by: Pierce Action: Approved Seconded by: Woldrich Vote: 4-0 Conditions: Approved per plans submitted with the addition of two, single-car garage doors on the primary residence Town Planner: George Ruther o Project Name: Dauphinais New PrimaryiSecondary Residence Date: 10/21 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: 200.00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\AP PRoVAL\97\t DRBAPPRFRVT Qucstions'? Call thc Oning Staff at 479-2 | 28 Tf-lffN 0t" VAIL APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL fPTl 8'-otts building pernrit is issucd and construction is startcd' A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:Lie t, CENERAL INFORMATION 't his lfplication is for any p[.icct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw m '"st rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approual prior to subnritting for a buiiding pcrnrit. For spccific information' scc thc submittal rcquircrncrrts for thc parlicular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc applicatiotr cannot lrc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornratiop is subllittcd. 1'hc piojcct rnay also nccrl to bc rcvicwctl by thc 1'own Council ancVor thc Plzurning and Environmcntal Corrrmission. Design Rclicw Roard approval expircs one ycar aftcr final approval unless a I INALl /,( B. C. D. E. PARC]EL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ofllcc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) MAII-ING ADDRF]SS: t-- Lt. MAILING ADDRESS: PIIONE: t{.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEI]: Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. Includcs;ury addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rasidcntial or conrnrcrcial building. E Minor Alteration - $20 Includcs nrinor r:hangcs to buildings and sitc itnprovcnrcnts, such as, rcroot.ing'painting.wirrdowadditions'Iandscaping'fcnccsandrctaining walls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinre of subrnittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pcmrit' plea-se idcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE STJBMIT THIS APPI,ICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIRBMENTS AND TTIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vAr L, cor,oRADO ttl 657. Addition -$50 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: 24 I]LOCK: Z FILING:/ I'l- PI-IYSICALADDRESS: I(,14 1C*A E I (T' [,IIONE: owNER(S) SIGNATtJRIt(s): NAME OF APPLICANT: ;\ BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL: Shi n 1es lxI2/1x4 Cedar Board & Batt SLucco 2x6/2xB RJ Cedar 1x6 T&G Fir Metal Clad 2x6 Cedar /Raised Stucco Natural Wood - !!g NaEural hrood - Fir Typical of All DuPlexes on Glacier Court Gal vani ze d Galvanized Copper caP on St!9to N/A N/A Boulders A11 Soffit Cans Down LighEing COLOR:* l,learhered Wood Br own Natural Natural Natural Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascin Softits Windorvs Windorv Trint I Doors Door Trinr l'llnd or Dcck Rails Flucs Flasltings Chinttrcys Trash Enclosttrcs Crccnhouscs Rctaining lValls Extcrior Lightingr* Othcr !:zLcTA'!,t€- t-. 1 t r( t,rP.* -t- z't t!n\!! : ;) ll rdt c t to T't o "( B'fua" (fl Natural f Plcase spccify the nranufacturcr's color, nuntber and attach a small color chip +* AlI cxtcrior lighting must meet thc Torvn's Lighting ordinzurce I 8.54.050(J). If cxtcrior li-ehting is proposed. plcasc indicatc thc nurnber of fixturcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Idortily each fixture fype and provide itr. t,.ight above gradc, lunrens output. lutrrinous area. and attach a cut shcet of thc lighting fixnres' PROPOSED TREES AND SI{RUBS: o NROPOSED LANDSCAPINC lJotanical NanrQ See LandscaPe Plan Conrnton Nanrc OLranlity Sizc* StlLrirr' Footttgc EXISTINC TREES TO BE III]N4O\IED: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRICATION TYPE OR METIIOD OF EROSION CONTROL *Mininrur rcquircnrcnts Ibr l;rrrdscirping: clccidtrotrs trccs - 2 inch calipcr conil'crous trccs - 6 fcct in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Typc OTI-IER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rctaining rvalls, fences. srvinrming pools, etc.) Plcase spccify. Inilicate top and botton'clcvationsofrctainingwalls. Maxinruirrhcightofrvallsrvithinthcfrontsctbackis3fcet. Ntaximumheightof rvalls elservhcre on thc propcrty is 6 fect. t,'n LIl'\', t,o cA't't oN VEIIt t:tcA'il oN J his forrtr is to vcrily.scrvicc availlbility rrrrtl localiorr for ttov corrslnrclion urrrl shorrlrl bc trscd irr conjurrctiorr rvitlr prcplring your utilily platt atttl sclrctlrrling instllluiiorrs. J'lrc locatiorr rurrl av:rilability ol'utilitics, $'ltcrlrcr thcy bc tttlitt trrrrtk lirtcs or proposcd lirtci'^, tttrrst [rc irpprovcd arrtl vclillctl by tltc fbllorvirrg ltilitics for thc a cc o nr;l n nyir 11; sitc plarr t J.S, Wc.sl Ckrrnrrrrrn icaliotr.s l-ti00-922-l9ti7 4 (rS-(r ii(r0 or 9,19-4.53 0 Prrblic Scrvicc ()9rup;tny 949-57r]l Crtry IIall | [ol), C'roq* Elcctric Assoc. ,.r9-5 ti92 'lcd l'lLrsky/johrt Iloyrl 'f .(1.1. 9,lr-5.5I0 l:loyd Sllrrzitl duglc llivcr Watcr & Snrr itatiorr Dis(r'ict * ,I'16-'1480 l:r'ctl l'lnslcc Autlrolizctl Sig4!11s Dr-!t A11 Utilities are Stubbed to the Lot Letters * Plc'asc lrring a sitc plun, lloor lllitrt, nrrrl clcvalions rvlrcrr obtlirrirrg Uppcr [aglc Vallcy Watcr ct Srnitllion sigrraturcs, l?irc llorv rtcctls nrust bc ldtlrcsscrl. I NO'I'ES: | . ll'thc trtility vcrilication forrtr lrls signirturcs lionr clch oftlrc ulility conrpanics. arrtl rro conrtllctlls arc tttitdc dilcctll'on thc Jbrnt, thc'forvrt rvill prcsurnc lhat thcrc arc no problcrrrs and thc dcvcloprucut can pr occcd. 2. lfa utility conrpiltty has conccrns rvith thc proposcd constnrctiorr, thc utility rcplcscntativc shall tlotc dircctly ot) thc utility vcrillcation lbrrn that thcrc is a problcnl rvhich rrccds to bc rc.solvcd. Thc isstrc shotrld thcn bc dctailc(l itr an attachcd lcttcr to thc Torvn of Vail. Horvcvcr, plcasc kccp in Itrind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthc utility conrparry and thc applicart to rcsolvc idcntilic<l plobl crns. 3. Thc.sc vcriijcations do not rclicvc thc contiactor of thc rcsponsibility to obtain a Public Way Pcrnrit fioru thc Dcpartnrcnt of Public \\'orks at thc Torvn of Vail. Utility locations nurst be obtairrcd bcforc digging in any public riglrt-of'-rvay or cascntcnt rvithin tlrc Torvn of Vail. A Please see Attached Lcgal dcscription: Lot Addrcss Orvncr ZONE CHECK Phone Phonc Proposcd usc Buildable arca_ Architc{t Zonc district Lot sizc Allorvcd Existing Proposed Total rotarcRFA gd+ €Jzs =El + '{8{6 = qe46 PrimaryCRFA Z.IOZ +@25)(67s)- ZAZI + Zio3 =Zioz Sccondary aRFA lbt + g2s) (67s*) =-?DZ6 + F13 = 1943 + 67 5 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Horv much of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd. rvith tiris rcqucst? Nl A T__ .__-._ Sitc Covcragc 315;CE^ Hcight (30X33) Docs tiis rcqucst involvc a 250 Additionz tJo, 1tE gs@tt iS,{or 6tiqiHe Sctbacks Front Sidcs Rear [-andscaping Rctaining Wall Hciglts Parking Garagc Credit Drivcrvay Minimum OU 20' l5' l5' 3'E! 4 tnclosed Rcquircd 6 Ycs 6 &(300) (600) (e00)t@ Pcrmittcd. Slopc lL u Proposcd Slope lO % Yes_ No Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50%) Environm cntaL/H azards No I ) Pcrcent Slopc (< >30%)Z b'/o 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Flow Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck property filc): ol4 Is thc propcrfy non-conforming? Dcscribc: LlCr - Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations tr SITEPLAN o DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Projcct: '.'". . r'-:; Q SURVEY A FLooRpLANs Scalc Scalc Benchmark GRFA Lcgal dcscripfion 250 additional GRFA Lot Size Crarvl\Attic Spacc Buildable Area EHU Easements O BUILDhIG ELEVATIONS Topography Scale 100 yr. flood plain Color\Ir4aterials Watcr Course Sctback Roof Pitch Environmental Hazards tr LANDSCAPE PLAN Existing tces Proposed tees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility verifi cati on form Photos ofsitc Buil ding material samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shade Angles Utiliti es (undergroun d) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions Scale Building Height Retaining Walls Fences Parking/Garage TumingRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access Encroachmenb Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4') DeckVBalconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope r,f; fad n,sLM tlq lqa Iown Aa** Reruol --==:- 75 loulh fronlage |oad Yoll. colorado 8'1657 (303) 4792138 (3Gl) 47$2t30 olf lce ol communlly development June 21. 1991 Mr. Pat Dauphanais P.O. Box 1515 Vail. CO 81658 Re:Revocable Rlght-of-Way Permlt for Dauphanals-Mosely Subdlvlslon Dear Pat: After speaking wilh Kristan Pritz regarding your concern with filing revocable right-of-way permils for individual lots on the above project, I spoke with Greg Hall about the issue. lt is our feeling that it will be possible to file only two revocable right-of-ways for the projoct, One will cover landscaping and site walls for the landscaping associated with Lols 1-24. For this, we will reference the proposed landscaping plan for the subdivision, Greg will review each lot at the lime of submittal, and may have comments and concerns as the lanuscape plan develops. The entry landscaping will be on an individual permit which references the approved design of this area. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-21gg. n^^!L- Greg Hall Kristan Pritz lab cc: lly UppEn EnelE Vlt-lEv WATER AND SANITATION OISTRICIS 846 tOAt5t ROA0 . VAlt COLOnAOO Btit57 (l0J) 476 /480 August 2, 1990 l.ls. Krlstan Prltz Toun of Vall Connunlty Developnent ?5 South Frontage Road Vall, Colorado 81557 Re: Dauphinals-l{oseley Subdrvislon Flllng l, VaiI, Colorado (2{ Slngle fanily lots and I duplex lot) Dear Hs. Pritz: The VatI ValIey Consolldated llater Dlstrlct and Upper Eagle Valley Consolidaled Sanitatlon Distrlct uill provide domestlc sater servlce and seuer servlce to the above referenced development. The Districts have excess capaclty to process donestlc valer to l[s constituents at the present tlne. Accordingly, upon compllance vlth the Rules and Regulatlons and the paynent of approprlale tap fees, the Dlstrlcts vlll provlde donestlc uater servlce and seuer service. Constructlon of aIl naln Ilne extenslons 1s the responsibllity of the developer; hovever, all . constructlon dravlngs must be preapproved by the Dlstrlct. Any addlElonal flre servlce, (1.e., fire hydrants), that need to be added to lhose already exlsttng vlII be at the expense of those requestlng the servlce. o ,/ The addltion of Backflov Prevent,lon Devlces DoDestlc l{aLer Servlce, vhere requlred, are Slncerely, UPPER EAGTE VATLEY COIISOTIDATED SAilITATIOII DISTRICT \^-O\ [o.\aes- Fred S. Haslee Dlstrlct flegulatlons Adnlnlstrator FSH:Jan on the Flre Se/vlce and on the neces s ary . rll pa.Trqrpa'rNc orjrRrcrs - aFRowfrEAo METR. wa rER. avoN METR. wATEFr . .,€avER cRgEt< METRo wAaER . aeRRy cREEK METFo warER r/aG>t a\ EA6LEva'LMErFowo"*'"o*""L,r;:::::::::,::::ifiT:':?""rJ;:::";"':ff::vALLEvcoNsoL'!oArEosaN'|ra'oN @ r z a a n (-o { U) z u'P : Cf C) rrl €rtr ppt |'0q OH r.t o c)ts FP.a<o (/l Fl o {{opt nri tin or v, 0) rf rf H.o o rt Ft H.o rt <tr // ,/( \ /l l@l v r z.Jt 2rZ. 8:r d36 sgg ;89 --l o9 az u4't 7 74 o\ t (f \ 4 t.a \,o ,J'O OO \ fl\ iV%s N {d-, I k# \( c) I 6 .t I l t-- z I ,A t: \i9, I i@.v i----fa; N.. e '#'{-u re') \-\.9 [.9 5#;z6n eE ;i 1\-/-.'{\ \{, El \rt L^r o C-I-RIC ASSO\-IAT v . HOLY CROSS E r-E, 1799 Ht(;HW,\Y $2 I. O. DRA\r nR l!50 (;LliNwool) sPRIN( is. col-ott.\t){) srh0: August 2, .|990 ION, INC. AREA CODE 303 945.5491 Ms. Kristin Pritz Planning Dept. , Town of VaiI % Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inb. 1,1r. Pat Dauphi nai s r. u. uox lb rb Vai l, C0. 81658 RE: Lionsridge, Lots 1-19 Resubdivision Electrical Service Dear Kri stin: lloly Cross Electric Association, Inc. is jn the pfocess of compieting our primary electric installation within the above mentioned project. tlJe have already received funds from Dauphinais-Mosely Construction, Inc. for the estimated cost of this project. Primary electrjcal service installation should be completed by mid-August. Should you have any questions, please call me at 303-949-5892. Si ncerely, H0LY CR0SS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATI0N, Inc. Engineering Service Supervi sor Wl0#12235:5167: Li onsri dge ,Lots 1-19 Resubdivision lw Tt1: tT ' //'f 1l I terltage \-aolevlslon I',O. Rox 4J9 0140 lvtetcalf Rord .'\,. on, Colonttlo I t620 ( irll) e49-5510 AugusE 2, 1990 To whom it may concern, lleritage Cablevision w111 provide cable servlce to che Dauphinais-Moseley subdi.vlsion, filing ill ' At this time the cable is in Dlace at this siEe. Sincerely, 6t-t\*L A/ "A,fJ Mark G. Guzlnski Ileritage Cab levls ion Lead Technic ian Isl#tVEST' , . COMA,IIJNICAI'ONS @ Bax 3O5o otLlort, Cnl-a. 8o43-G SUBJECTI \4 -\< c\ s \,$ C\\' \,$.c\ fueurl atQ Un t L 77on C/ Vt+r L kP/. H Cornn).zn/lY ,kve(opmenl 75,5. Fran/n-gA ,4d. r/. V,4tL, (oLc. B/6s? co.MMUNICArorys @ VelOP.nznf ,4ct# e ,,7C lll.'luEsf ' I CF{iEts . CJO H HtsP (t5 .c)€o c) ts. { dFJ Ft o Ho o ao6 r+ uu):o Fl r4 Fl.o ts< P OH.o o..o t iro o F,l .o fl .o . :u 0) ;o fi .o o \(n t rn a .{ /_,\ @. ft 6)Hr Public Service'Publlc Servlce Gompany ol Colorado P.O. 8ox 4An Minturn, CO 81645 t303) 949-5781 August 2, L99O Ilc&/n Of Vail Ocnrntnitv Deleloprent Deparbrent Attn: Kristan Pritz, Director 75 Souti Frontage Road Vai1, @ 81557 Dear ltistan, Please allclnr ttris letter to senre as evidence that D.M.C.,Inc., the der,aelof:er of Iots l-19 Lions Ridge Lane, has satisfied Public Senrice Cornranyts reqr:est recn-rirenents. All necessali/ natural gas system desigins are onplete at ttris tire. D.M.C. Inc. has signed the necessary f.acility agreenent and remitt€d the required. cash ontribution for the facility jn- staLlation. Increased denand for Public Senricre Oonpany's services ct:rilg this year, and the limited rnanfpwer to satisff tJ:is de- mand will require efficient job schedulino. Public Senrice Conpany crews are prepared to begin construclion at'this tine. Please let ne knc,$r if I may be of additional assistance in providing infornation related to this deveJ-opnent. Representatirre GI:Imb l ;l ,,i; 'i,l 1i,': .i': :l I i:':' f:l'i .:i. r:'i. ',ii jil l:l li l ;tl .:! .il , 'ii: t. '.:i' i iI, i'i l' ',1.:i j.i; ,;,!;; ... ':i ....1 i: r:i1 lr. ,,.1 :.ni t.';rql .t t.i :rIl. :'ir: .i lr, il r ' l,i: l. t.: :'i'l',':, r.r'; i :'i l iiti ':.ii \,.l. :b) !\\t 'I $ l"ii \/'il ;:l:ii:i:N rr 'i,r:l- li ..' ii,];, f i, 11, \iiiii:iirj ri\i l :i '.ll ,r iij!,1 'irl:i"l'\'lt;i r\i (.i L,' N I,AND TITI,I E GUARANTEE "tPANY Repreeenting old Republic National Title rnsurance company OI^INERSHIP AND ENCT,UBRANCE REPORT Order No. 0802253 Thls report Ls based. on a search made of documents affectlng the record title to the p."p"iiy-Oescrlbea herelnafter, searched by leqal deecrlptlon and not Uy thl names of grantor or grantee. coneequently, the information a6 to record o$rner is taken fron the mogt recent recorded Vesting Deed, and iha infotmation as to existing encumbranceg reflects only those documents oi record which specificallf describe the subject property- by legal aescription. nncurnUrances not included are those of record which refer to the owner of the property or any other person having an interest therein which are f iled 'Uy i1u."'onty aira do not include the legal description. of the property. N; informallon is .furnlshed relative to ea€tementg' covenant;, condltlonE and restrictions. --Charges--o&ERePort This certlficate is dated : $75. oo August 30, 1994 at 8:oo A.M. Addrees: Record owner3 DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY CONSTRUCTION INC. ' A coLoRADO CORPORATTON Recorded date of deed in to above oldner: octobet o2t 1988 Docurnentary Fee on above deed: $65.65 i Legal DescrLption: PARCEIJ A: I DAUPHINAIS-MOSELEY SUB, TILING NO. 1, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 23, 1990 IN BOOK 536 li pncn 221, couNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF cotoRADo. (pREvIoUsLy KNotlN As L6Ts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5' 6, 7, 8, 9, 19, LL, L2, 13,L4,!5,L6,L7,18,AND19LrON'SRIDGESUBDIVTSTON'FILTNGNO'3 ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 10, 1979 IN BOOK 29O AT PAGE 794') PARCEL B: LOTS 20, 2L, 22,23, 24,25 AND 26, BLOCK 2' LrON's RrDGE suB., FfI-,ING No. 3, ACCoi{DING'Io TIIE PLAT REg6RDED gEPTEMBER L0, 1'979 IN BooK 29o AT PAGE 794r COUNTY OF EAGLE, SrATE OF coLoRADO. EXCEPT FOR: LOTS l-t'3' 4' 5, 2!,23 AND 24, DAUPHINAIS-I'IOSELEY SUBDMSION, FILING NO. 1' AND PARCEL c: pARcEL D, A iEsUBDIvIsIoN OF PARCEL D LfSNSRIDGE sUB, FILING No' 3 AND TRACT C DAUPHINAIS-HOSELEY SUB, FILING NO. I ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED APRIL 14, L994 IN BOOK 637 AT PAGE 54O, couNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO' We flnd the foLLowlng documenta of record affecting subJect propertys PAGE o ANTEE COMPANY RepreBenting old Republic Natlonal TItIe rnsurance Company OWNERSHIP AND ENCI'ilBRANCE REPORT Order No. 0802253 ' DEED OF TRUST RECORDED July 13, 1989 IN BOOK 509 AT PAGE 815. ASSIGNI.IENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED JUIY 13, 1989 IN BOOK 509 AT PAGE 817. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 12, 1990 IN BOOK 522 AT PAGE 948. ExTENsIoN oF DEED oF TRUgT REcoRDED August 06' 1990 IN BooK 535 AT PAGE 63' DEED OF TRUST RECORDED Auguat 27, 1990 IN BOOK 536 AT PAGE 382' ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED August 27, 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 383. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED February 20, 1991 IN BOOK 548 AT PAGE 8. EXTENSION OF DEED OF TRUST RECORDED August 09, 1991 IN BOOK 559 AT PAGE ' 603. DEED Or TRUST RECORDED October oB, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 679' ASSTGNUENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RTGHTS RECORDED OCIObCT 08, 1993 IN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 680. NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED October 08, 1993 rN BOOK 621 AT PAGE 681' PARTIAIJ REI'EASE OF ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED DECEMbCT 20, 1993 IN BOOK 627 AT PAGE 874. PARTIAL RELEASE OF ASSIGNI{ENT OF RENTS RECORDED Decenber 20' 1993 IN BOOK 627 Al PAGE 875. RE9UEST FoR PARTIAL RELEAgE oF DEED oF TRUST RES9RDED January 28, 199i IN BOOK 630 AT PAGE 981. i REQUEST FOR PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED Or TRUST RECORDED January 28' 1994 IN BOOK 630 AT PAGE 982. STATEMENT OF LIEN RECORDED May 13, Lggl rN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 272. DEED OF TRUST RECORDED May 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 734. /^ ASSIGNTTENT OF RENTS AND OTHER RIGHTS RECORDED litay 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT , PAGE 735. o . I,AND TITLE GUAR PAGE 2 ( 1r;: LAND rrr"P cuARANTEE "tPANY ' Representing old Republlc National Title Insurance company OWNERSHTP AND ENCI,I.|BRANCE REPORT order No. oE02253 NOTICE BY DISBURSER RECORDED May 20, 1994 IN BOOK 640 AT PAGE 736. , ThIs report does not include the results of any gearch under the names of the propert-y owner(s) or the General Index. Should such a search be deslred lfelee contact us for a separate general rndex report. f,labtllty of Land Tltle Guarantee Company under this Owner and Encumbrance report is llnited to the fee received. Bv: Ifu)u1' !{a'Ltlt''-e t I PAGE 3 LANn TrTL? TjuARANTEE 'r|l'l FANY a\ Represent'in:r 'fible Insurarrcc, ll,JtlrFa.rr'r' r:, l: Pli nrreFt' ta THANI{: Y|JU FEf( Yi:rufr r:rRnER Ausust 34' 1:?gLl tlrlr' tJrder.: V1?435 E{UYER! NAUP}{INAI$*T4I]FELEY I]trNETRUI:TIL:tN INC.' A I]OLORAEIO [:I-RFEIT{AT I TIN SELLET{: AtrDRES$! trI]T4MERI]IAL FENERAL SAVINGS ANN LCIAN AEE|]IATIEN Et_IFER ANn C|:THFANY TIELIVER IN VAIL RUNE 1 Attrr: 0RAN FALNATEER ELCISER I Attn: FAIL cr:rP IEgi t /\ttrrl MINNESOTA TITLEA 5440 Ward Roed Arvada, CO 80002 420-0211 3300 5o. Parker Rd.. Suile 105 Aurora, CO 80014 75 | -4336 lSlO 30lh Slreel Boulder, CO 8030 | 444-4 | 0 | 200 Norlh Riclge P. O. Box 2280 Brackenri<Ige, CO AO421 453-2255 5 | 2 Wilcox Caslle Rock, CO 80104 688.6363 21 2 Norlh Wahsalch Colorado Sprlngr. CO 80903 631-4821 LA}ID TITLE ComrnitlnentTo lnsure GUN:IAN]'EE CCJfi/I?ANY lsxnd thrugh the Otfie of:Soulh Fronrage Road P.O. 8ox 357 Vail, CO 81657 476-22s1 3030 S. College Avenuo Suile 2Ol Forl Collins, CO 80525 482-09 | 5 ,7lo klpltng Slteet Likewood, CO 8O215 232-31 I I 3609 So, Wad3worth Suile I | 5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 | 1990 Granl Slieel Suile 220 Norlhglenn, CO 8,0133 4s2-0t19 19590 Eosl Moin Parker, CO 80134 84 l -4900 108 Soulh Fronlega Rood W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO I | 65 Z 47 6-225 | w.108 P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321- | 880 Sanford Place 2 Suite 301 7979 Easl Tufls Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 127-9353 | 20 | Maln Avenue Durango, CO 8130 | 247-5860 685 | South HollY Clrclo Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 t"A!t!D T'['Tl.iH GUAINNTEE COMPANIY TITLEA Currurf rerrt'lit hmure AUA Conrrnitrncnt- | 970 Rev Tllt.E INSUnANCE CoMPANY 0F MINN[S0 tA. a Minnesota corporation. herein called the Company, for a vahra5le conskleration, hereby contmils to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identilied in &:lrcdulc A, irt lavor of t[o pn4xrsul htstrre,{ natrrcd in Schctlule A, as owncr ot mollgagee ol the estate or l"rer.rf -uctod hereby irr tire iarxl rJosuiberl or refered to in Scherlule A, upon payment o[ tlte^premiums and clarges tlerefor, all su[ject tu the provisions ol Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Slipulations Irrrreo[. Ihis Commifnmnl shall be elfeclive only when the identity ol the proNsed Insured ard t[e amount ot the fxrtrc'y oi poticrcs .onrmittetl lor |ave fioen inserterl in Scficdule A hereof by the Cornpany, either at the time of tho issuarrce of this Comnritrnent or by subscquent erldorsement. . This Commilment is preliminary lo the issuance ol such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and ofrfiririor,i t'urounrtel sirall ceaie anJ ferminate six monihs after ihe eltective date hereol or when the policy u, iriil,,i ,r ,,uurtrirted [1r slall issuo, whichever litst occtrrs, providerl that the failure to issue such policy ot policies is not the fault ol tlte Contpany. MINNESOTA CONt]II IONS AND SIIPUIATIONS l. The tenn "mortgage", when used herein, shall inclurle deed of trust, trust deed, or other security inslrument. 2. lf tle prgposcd irrdired has or aquires actual knowledge of any delect, lien, encumbtance, adverse claim or ot6er matter allecling lln estato 0r interest or nrorlgage weon covered by this Cornmitment othor than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall lail to disclose C'mpany at its gption may amend Scherlule B of this Conrmitrnent accorrlingly, bui such anrentlrnent shall not relieve the Cornpany lrom liability previously incuned pursuant lo paragraph 3 of these Conditions anrl Stillulations. 3 Liatrility oi the Conrpany unrler lhis Comnitment shall lre only to the namerl proposed Insured and such parties inclurle6 unrler the delinition of Insured irr the torm ol policy oi polLics.comnritted {or anrl only lor actual loss incuned in reliance hereon in "^dertaking in 0oorl faith {a)to comply with the rerluiremenls hereof or (b}to eliminate exceptions sltown in Schedule B' ot (c) to acquire or create the estate |lerestormortga0elhere0ncove]0(|byl|risCornmitnrerrt. policy or policies cormitted lo; in iuu6iof rfre proposeiirrsure,J which are hereby incorporated by relerence and made a part ol this Colnmitment oxcept as enpressly modified luein. 4. Any action or actions or rights ol action that the proposed Insured may ha-ve or may bring aqainst the, Company arising out of the status of the title to the eitate or interesf or the ilatus of the mortgage thereon co'aered by lhis Commitment must be based on and are subject to the prwisions ol this Commitment. STANDAND UCEPTIONS ln addition to lhe matters contained in the conrlitions anrl stipulations and Exclusions from coverase above relerred to' this commitmtilili.l:l :i,ul|i:t trt tH:llion*o'l3;rrrion not shown by rrre pubric records. 2. Ealernents, or clairns o[ easements, not shown by the public records' 3. Discrepancier, ronttirtr in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments. and any lacts which a correct survey and inspection ol the prenrises woukl tlisclose and which are not shown by.the public records'' 4. Ahv lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofors or hereafter lurnished, irnposetl by law and not shown by the public records-.' 5. 0efects, liens, encuntbrances, adverse claims or other matlers, if any, created, lirst appearing in the public recortls or attaching subsequent to tlre eflective dite hereol but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires oi iecordior value lhe estate or intersst or mortgage tltereon covered by this Cotnmitment' lN WITilESS WHf nfOf, fitte In!urance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to bo hersunto aflixed by its duly authorizeO oiticbrs on thB date shown in'schedule A, to be valid when countsrsigned by a validating ollicer or other authorized signatory' nTE lNsuRANcE coMpAr,ry 0F MTNNES0TA AStockConpw ltr.SocordArnua $ulh MimWlis, ttmesob W)l €ll fnor*a6---' Autio*ed Signatory O^n, TIM Form ?5C2 Atlest Secreaary ALrA ,l ,ilITt't ENT E;!:l-lEtrUL-E /\ Aepl i,:ation Nn. V124?5 Fc, r. I rrf:c,rnrat i an 0nl v - Charses - ALTA ouner Fql lcr $7?6' r](J $ I :rrl. r-rcr Taxcerttt:-TDTAL-- $$F6...,0 With vr,ur' renri ttarrce pl ease nef er' t'r V12435' 1. Effective l-tate: Ausr-tst'10, 1?13$ at il:rlr'r A'M' ?. Pol lcY ta he irsuedr arrd prorosed Irtsured: ,,ALTA,, rlurrerrs Fol icy $616,5tltl.('J0 Fornr B-l?7rlr (Amended lCt-17-7Cf) Fr'rpc,sed 'Irrsured: nAuFHIN,lIS-flrl:3ELEY LITINSTR|JETI|fN INE., A r:EtLCrRAtrO r::DftFfiRATIDN 3. The estate or irrterrgst irr the larrtJ describe,J or'r'efc"rred to in this f,'lmffri.tnrent and c'lvered hLzreirr is: A Fee Sirrpl u , 4. Title t-n the esta,te or interest cnvered hrerein is at the effective date her'eof vested in: EONMEREIAL FENERAL SAVINIJ$ ANN LOAN A.5O[IATIflN 5. The lan,J refer're,l ta in this Conrnritnrent is descrlbed as f o I I ,-ruls: LET 1 THT{I:II-IEH ANN INELIJLIINIS LOt I&, BI C'CK T LIEN":-:I F(INIJE $UFDIVISIBN, FILING NI]. 3, AC:ENRNING TO THE PLAT RECCTREEN SEFTEMBERl(:''T.97?INBI:I[I{I?OATPAfiE794,I::I]UNTYI:'FEAELE' STATE BF EOLC'RANI:I. PATiE 1 ALT'A ,-Q,tHITMEN, O E:l:l-lELrLlLE B.- I (Re"rrrir'enrent's ) /\ppl ir:atiort Nu. Vl1435 The f c,l I aulins ar'e the requir'emen.ts ttr be csrrpl ied uithl 1. PaVment tc, C,r for ttre aC':'lUrrt *f t'he grrarlt,:r'g nr ffr'trtsa9Or5,ll: t-tre ful I cc,rrsideratinn f tr' the estate c,r irrterest tr' be insrlred. 2. Proper irrstrunrent(s) cr'ea.tine ttre estate ':,r'irrter'est tr., he lnsured muSt be ertecUted arrd drJl'r f ilc"d f t,r rec':r'd' to-trti t! :3. EVIDENI::E SATIEFAITI:IRY Tfi THE CTIHF.ANY THAT THE TERI'I.5' I:TINTIITII:INE ANN FRI:IVIIiIONEI NF THE TI:II^JN I:tF VAIL TRAFI::|FER TAX I.IAVE FEEN SATIE;FIEN. 4. I^IARRANI.Y IJEEI] FRCIl'I I::I:II-4IqEftI::IAI- f:ENERAL SAVINL]S ANN LflAN A$CII::IATII]N TO NAUPI.IINAIT:-I-,IOSEI-EY I::TINSTRUI:TIilN IN|]., A trCILI:IRANI:I TI]RPORATICIN CONVEYING SUBJECT ':.III]]]ERTY. === THE I:EUNTY t]LERl{ ANF F{EI]NRTIERS L]FFIfiE RENLIIRES fIETURN AtrnREetlrEEr tlN IrCil:;Ul"lENT$'iENT Fr:rR RECCTRnINTj! ! FAFE 2 ALT'^ ,-Qf1 Pr It't"t Ett r '.:J::l-lErrr_tt-Ei [t-t pol icY oF F':'l icies t r-, I nutirrs r.lrr I erss the sa.nre ( El::,::eP ['i i rrs ) APPI i.,:al;ir-'rr N,:,. V1 :'435 L,e issue,J rrlil I cc,ntairr e)r:cePtiorrs t'r thc' a.t€ rl i. spr,se,J r:r l: tr:r the satisfa':bic'rr c'f The fol the t h. ll ':r llr Pa fr'r' ! 5t-an,Jar.,J E:q,:ert-ir-,rr5 L tfrrrrr:srh ij pr'it'rtc',J,lrr tfre c'lv.'r'sher-'t' Taxes arid agsessrr€nts n':'t i'et due Ef PaYable arrj EPt3':ial ;rli5e$snrentsi n':'t .r'et cer.tit-ie,l t,: tfre T r'ea.sur'er'' s lffice. AnT rlrrpa i,l taxes rrr. assLrssrrerrts asainst said larrd. Lierrs l: r_r1. 11lip4id utater ;rrr,l 5euer. ':har'ses' it arri'. 7. t7, RItjt{T rlrF FRr-TFRIETOR t:rF A VEIN r:rR LtrfrE Tr:r EXTtlAr::'T ANII REt'lr:lVE fl IE ORE THEREFRT:IM:i]-||:|tj|-Ll 1.1"|E 5A|"lf: HE f:|:||.-|Nn TtJ FEN|ETRATt.:1..|R INTERLIE|]T T|lE PREMI:iE5 ASREFEIIVI:ttIhlLlNITEnS'rATEL::FAlEllTREC:r:rRtrEl]AusustIt"l.:"'t'tc')'Illtttltltl';4L1AT FAGE 54:. 111,, nIr:iHT r:rF t^JAy FnF{ 11ITr::t-lE:3 r:rf{ r::ANAL::i r::t:rNrjTFl-h:-fEf BY TllE AUTHTJRITY nF THE UIIITETI::;TATEs A'; REf;Er{VETI IN LINITETI 5TATE5 F'ATENT FEC:LIRTIEN AUSI'ISt 16' 1'T?CI?' IN F-il1|]1{: 4:::! i\.f F/\r]E S4::" t t. ttEri-rRIr:I'IVE r:nvENANT'8, 111'11r::l-{ nr:r Nr:rT r:.:|1NTAIt'l A FTJF{FEITI-IRE r:rR riEvEF{TER t::LAt_t:iE, Lit-tT r:tl.,l ITTINTj REliTr(Ir::TIt:tNli , IF ANY, BAf;Ett nN ftAl-:E' t::r:llr-lR' FELIGI[rN' FR NATItJNAI- t:rRItjIl.l, 1l::; t::r:rl,lTAINEfr IFI INSTRI-ll'l[:NT REr:r:rfttrE[r :iertetrrhr-"r'iio' t'?7t' IN l1r:p:rt,:::l;,F Af F,A6E 44::t ANfr A'; AMENITEII IN IN';TRLI|-1ENT f{EI::L:TRFEI-I EepL'1r'bL:p'!'ir'' Lp7t, If! F1[r]t,l'::::i /\T FArl,E iiliS Ahltl AE: Fe-riEr::r:rftnErr IN IN:3TRI-IMENT REIIOF{EEB ,_tarruar..'. it!, 1c.,74. 1 Jt,l gr:il:rl,i :.j:Fl AT l"Ar:iE 5::t, 1?. UTILITY EASENENT::I TWENTY FEET IN I,.'ITlTH, TEN FEET IJN EADH::;INE I'JF ALL INTERiTIR Lor LINES ANtr A FIFTEEN Ftr:rT Ltrlt-ITY EA::IEI'IENT ALt.tNr]i ANn ABUTTINT:i r:rN ALL EXTERL'JR t-r:rT t-INEE AE RF-:IERVEn rJN THE r{Er::Or{nEn FLAT Fr:rr{ LIr:fN',$ RIErr-iE SLlFtrIVI:iIuN, F ILINT: llr::r. t. 13. UTILITy EA::;EHENT AE TiRANTEt-r -fr:l t-lr-rLY r:Rr:rFE f:LFr-iTf(ID A5:1Dt:IATIT:rN' INE. IN IN!,TT{UHFN'I REL:I:IRNELI AUIiU::;]' ::4, I'i'l:.7 IN EI:ILI}': ?11 AT PAGE ICI::t ANN REI::I:IRTIEN ,-JUNE 1'7, 1';,'7:1 l.tl l:jl-JDli ;j:l'7 61 trf\r-iE /-,55 l\Ntl t{Er:tJIttlEF '-ll-lLY :-J1 ' L''t7} IN Hqr-]}i 130 AT F'AtiE 351. t.4. ArjREEr,tENT r-rETt1EEN 'rAyvEL tiNVIrrlNt,lENTAl- LANIJ rl:r-rl4FANY ANEr l'lul-tNTAIN STATE:i TELEFr;lr:.rNE ANn'IELET:iRAFft r::r:TNFANY FRr-.rVIIrINCi Fr:rR TELEFHT:INE INgTALLATItTN ANtt ,jEtivIr::E TIJRr:rt_tr:it-lr:rl-lT LIr:rN":i fitl.IlE til-lBLr IVI:::l.r:rf,l, FILINTi ND. i r{E|]r]RnEtl f;EPTENIJ[ill !7, 1 177i! I tl [rr:rr-rl.l 131 A-f F AL]; :1:? I ' F,AI:iE .:l JTLTA ,l,t,t NITr,r ENT €:I::}JEFULH L1*i: (Er':cepti,rns) Apnl icat'inn N,r. V1l43F I IRING ANTI OTI"IERWII:iE TIPERATING UTILITIEET SITUATETI flN ANTI I.INI]ER E:AIII F'RI]FERTY I]E$IJFIBEII IN INETRUI-'IENT 'IEI]ERIJEtr FEBRLIARY 14' IC..'77 TN I|IJUI.; IFT AT PALIE 5S5. 1&. EASEHENT [:I:IR AIJI]8,55 AT'IIJ EIIFEIJE fiN T|.IE RI:IATII,IAY I.1I:IN:ITRI-II::TETI ANN EITUATEE ALI:INIi TI.IE NIIIITHEA$ ERLY BIIUNNARY I:IF $UF.-IEC:T FRI]FERTY TIE$C:RIE1EE IN INSTRIJI'IENT IIEI:IJRNEN FEBRUARY 14, 1?77 IN BLII:II.I I'iT AT FAIJE 55:=' ANN Af, E:HBI,IN IIN 'IEfiCIRTEN PLA'T FCIF{ LII:II{'ii RITII:iE $LIFTIIVI::;ICIN FILIN6 Nfi, 3. 17. MATTEIIS EONTAINETI fiR T{HFERREN T'1 tJN TI.{E FLAT I]F LII-lN'::. RINFE E;UEBIVISION FILINfr Nfl. g RECLIR|JETI SEF'TEI"IBER lC,, I?7? IN B|:ICII{ ?PCI AT PA6E 774, EUT NCIT I-IMITETI TI]I A. TI,IENTY f:t]IIT EA.SET,IENT FIJR EXIISTINIJ ITDAI] ANN EIEhJER ENI:RDAIHMENT ADRI]:5S A FART UF TIJE r:lr:rU'IilEF(LY FCTRTIT:IN fiF Lot I' Blc,ck 3 Ar3 SHCrt^fN trN TllE PLAT' B. TI.IENTY [:NET $EWER EASEI,IENT T}{RDUI:iI.I LI:IT5 14 ANTI IE' I]LBEI4 2 4.5 ::IHEHN CIN THE PLAT. t:. RE$ERVATII:IN I]OI\ITAINEII fiN l.HE FLAT bIHEITEFY BUILNINIJ FERMIT$ F']F LUTS 1 THRt]tJLlH ?7, EILLII:H ? WILL NilT BE ISSUETI LINTIL LIf,TE: tg' BLOI::I{ 2I:3 TIETTICATEN I -ftl TliE TCrt.lN rlf: VAIL. T.8. TERHs, f,EINIlITII:IN:3 AI'ITI PRI-JVISI|:lNLi I:IF ANNEXATIDN AIJF{EEMENT REI]I]RNEF NovenrbeT CII, I?85 IN BIJ':IH 4TS AT FAIJE ?36 ANB IN BI:IOI,.i 4i{B AT F'A$E ?:17. 1?. EASET4ENTE, RESERVATINNEI ANN ftEIJTRIETII]N.5 AEi €;HLIWN ANN RESERVEN I:IN TFIE . I1Ef,CIRNEN PLAT CIF LIflN'S RINI:iE SUBTIIVISIfiN, FILINIJ NB. 3. a FATiE 4