HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 2 LOT 27 CHATEAU TRAMONTE VAIL POINT III FILE 2 OF 2 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2100 FAX 970-479-2157 August 30, 1999 Steve Katz Chateau Tremonle 1890 Lionsridge Loop Vail, Colorado 8l 657 Re: Release of Escrowed Funds Dear Steve, I have completed a site inspection of the Chateau Tremonle project located at 1li90 Lionsridgc Loop. Upon completion of my inspection I have dctermined that the outstanding improvcments have becn complcted to the satisfaction of thc Toum of Vail. Thc purpose of this lettcr is ro providc you w'ith wrirtcn documcntation of the Town's acccptance oflhe improvements. Ily acccpting the improvemcnts the Town of Vail grants its approval of thc releasc ofescrowed funds held rvith Land Titlc Guarantee Compzury. Should yor,r have any qucstions or conccms, plcase do not hesitate to contact me. You can reach me by telcphone at 4792145. Sincerelv. R"-t-lt-t Georse Ruther. AICP Scnior Planner Torvn of Vail {g *rno"or r", TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 970 -479 -2L38 DEPARTT"IENI OF COMMIJNITY e/#e,t"filrrnb /rbnb Kl{ft -s w'* ,r.y';i, g/k z , DEVELO Clean-up approved amount date Occupancy Dwellings Private Garages Address:ti-on...: 1890 LfONSRfDGE I-,OOP arcel No.. : 2IO3-I22-04-027 Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Table Date: 05/L7/L996 Fireplace Informacionr RGst.rictGd: FEE gI'MMA.RY Building-----> 2,?se.0o RGaLuaiant Pl-an R6vicw-->.00 Tot.L Calculabcd FcoE_--> 9.602.50 400,00 AddiELonal F.os---------> .o0 |,gI2.2O DRB Fac-- ------Pl.an chcck- - - > InvG.!lgaEion > will call-- - -> TOV/COmm. Defl.otE: rHrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN.ToBsIrE AT AIL TIMES APPI_,rCArvr D.J- ORGAI{ BUTITDERS, INC. PO BOX ].709, EDWARDS CO 81532 OWNER SUMMIT PINES LIJC PermiE #: 897-0232 Status...: ISSUED CHATAppIied. . :To7 /23 /L997 rssued...: 09/04/L997 Expires..: 04/29/L998 Phone: 970-925-3775 234 LOYOI,A BLDG #911, NEW ORLEANS T,A 70L1,2 CONTRACTOR SHADE TREE HOMES, INC. Phone: (9701 845-9899 P.O. Box 4062, VAIL, CO 81658 DescripEion: BLDG D IJNITS 7 ,8 ,9 it Refund NEw MrJtrr-FAr4 BUrLD PERM Fact.or Sq. Feet, Valuation 96 .72 5 ,499 531, 853 .28 Masonry 28.55 1,759 50,237 .04 SubLoLaI : '7 ,258 582,L0O.32 Total valuation1. 582,100.32 USERVALUATION: 61.1,067 #Of Gas Appllanccs:SOf Cla6 Lo96:#Of Wood/PeLlct: .00 Rrcr..tsLon F€a----------> 3,9{9,30 Totrl P.nnit Fc6____----> 9,602.5O 3.00 clc.n-gp D6poBits--------> ?50.00 Payncnt 9,602.50 TOTAI, FEES----- 9.602.80 BAI.ANCE DUE---- .OO rEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept:O7/23/L997 CHARLIE Act,ion: NOTE PLASN TO ART 08./1.3/L997 CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR SEE CORRECTONS IECM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT DCPT:07/23/L99'I CHARL]E ACEiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO GEORGE 08/tT'/a997 GEORGE Act.ion: APPR Georqe ITEM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT - DEPT:07/23/1,997 CIIARLTE AcEion: AppR N/A ITEM: O55OO PTJBLIC WORKS DEPT:07/23/1.997 CIIARLIE ACTiON: NOTE PLASN TO I,ARRY Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENfAL HEALTH DepE:07/23/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ITEM3 05550 ENGINEERING DCPE:07/23/TggI CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE PLANS TO TERRI o7'/24'/L997 TERRI Action: APPR approved BUILDING Division: LIST PI,ANNING DiviSiON: FIRE PIJB WORK HEALTH ENGTNEER Divi-sion: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any condit,ions that may apply to this permiE.. DECLARATIONS I hercby acknolrledgc chat I have read chi6 applicacion, fitlcd ouu in fulI thc infontration rcquilcd, codplctcd an accultt€ P1ots plan, and slatc Ehat all thc information providcd ae rcquired i6 colrccb. I aErcc to cooply eith thc inforoation and Plot plan, to comply with all To$n ordinanccs end rtete L.s6, and to build this scr'JcEur€ according Co thc Toi.n'6 zoning end Eubdiviaion codee, deeigm rcvicr a!rp!ov6d, Uniforn Building codc end othc! ordinancqa of tshc Totrn rpplicablc chcrctso. ""0'*"r" FoR tNsp'crroNs 6HAUJ BE *" f -"o* Hou*s rN AD\rAllcE By scnd Clarn-Up Dapo.lr To: D\t oRQAN ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of o2/L3/9e ********************************************************************************PermiL #t 897-0232 Permit fype: NEW MUL,TI-FAI"I BUILD PERM Applicant: D.iI . ORGAN BUIIIDERS, INC. 970-926-377s SIaIus: ISSI]ED Applied: 07/23/1997 I6sued: 09/04/L997 To E>cpire: 04/29/L998 Job Address: I,OCATION: 1890 IJIONSRIDGE I-'OOP CHATEAU TREMOI.ITE Parcel No: 2103-L22-04-027 DescripLion: BLDG D IJNITS 7,8,9 Conditions:1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CXIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. SEE CORESTIONS LIST ,i';l;;:,,1,i,l,i;,;.,|:::',,1;-,';:,"',i1 " t; o. vArL coNsrRUcrrol{,ri(;l:1, /:__l_l_eJ,L._?aQ.4Q?1 __ pErrHrl' Appl-rcAl.rol.t F.otil-l DATE: 6- 25-91 I'i t:)l l'l /' Job Acldresjs: ltj()() I'lON:iltTl)(;il Ll)(')l), ;]jil; I 't APT,I,TCA.IIOI{ MUSl'BIJ ITILLt,.D OU.I COMPLETEI,Y oR IT MAY }io? }]Ii ACCT.;I,,'I.IjD * * * * * * * * * * l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * ,l * * * * * ^ * * ^ r * * * * * * * * * * [x]-Ijuilcling [ ]-plumbing [ ]-trrectrical [ ]-Mechani'c.rl [:i]-oilrcr 6)r )I1nrc. CllA'l'1.:Al.l 1'ltI,ll'1ON'l'lrl ':).1.' !:.! ':ll: -- --.=-- Addreslr Ilrrg l,.,wr:.,i_-L ('(). __._ii c_l ll l(ON I)l{ trls't'OlJ I'j. O. llrrii l',1)(, \Ttj rclritccl-: __-_t,I,:irsoNn l,_4.!! _.! rl:9!_!l!ljAddrcss; I.i,i,1 I,,, r,'o. 81t 1.1 1'1,.3.2t] -691 I cnr:rr-;r.l Dcsct.'ipt.ior-r: CONS!.1{lJC,f ONl,:'l'l{I l)1,1,:X o1:)-- Cl ai;!;: [^ ] -New t I -Al tcrat j.on [ ] _.Adciition:rt tunrbc r: o f l)v/c I1 i. ng LIt-r i tr,; : ..|Numbcr ;rrnLcr.- rrrrr.i 'I'y;.ro o1_ Fir.-.1t1 ilces; : Gas App1. iances- J .^.^ **.r * * ** l* ^ *****.r*** * * ********** VALUATIONq * ** r't TJ -I?cpir i r I Accommocl;r t l,og s;_:.: _.-, 'A*.1 *-l***** Ol lltrli : f l-.oLlletl i otr tJni t-s: l', ocilrl I'r,') I ct 1*****t1**)t U:t Ll) nrc: $Cl. l , (t67 . 84 llltl l,IlJC, -l _ -._- I _ NI,IJCT]RICAI,: $ MICIIANICAI,: $---'l'o'J'A L, : $ ^ r '* r ,{ * .^ * .r * ra r a * ,r .r ,^ ^ * I .A .L ) f. * ** (IO}ITII,\CTC)R I N,rol?t1},.j,_l Cl}.I *r..\ i:t.} * ^r.1 r!.r.r r J i ^r,r r:rr:;}i r. ,l;::1,,' -lij,,l' l-"_,.;u#-ti.jlro=*#-go'";;:il""i;,,:;;l,l. "r,1,;- \'i#-L y4 I cctr:icirl Contr.tctor: l.:AGLtr:/StJMNll,J' lit,I:jC,l,ltIC Irlrosr;: l).(,). ltOX 74,a, I,rItRpi,Ay; CO.-B0aa0-...- ----: -- ' '-"ll ' ' :,j____=. .., "." r -" . o u.l T Itrnrl-rirrg ConLracto].': l{Ay' S pl,UMB ING ldress: l).O. UOX lt2(t8JWO,", ..-O. gtf,Ztf rcharri cal, Ccrntractor r n t li l)ES ICNS 'l'own of V;ril Phone llunritcr: 'l'own of \';riI I)ironc lJ uttbc r Town of Vail_ Ilccy , ]lO .1,:2 I 3 i'/ lt) tt |6- l'1 !tj Iicg. l{o . .-___: (t?.6-l l'tB lieg. NO.ldrc:;:;: _ 7,i-')0 ltWY 8r1.. C_t._.nwi>od -Sfrr i nqs, (lo. B.!(r0I l.,i'rone liullrlrcr:970 J-/ ';-\454 k**** *** * * ** * ** * *** * *.t* * ****** rt FOR II I,DII{G PEI?I"IIT FETJ : ,UMB]NG PERI,lTT FF]E: 'CHA]IICAI., PIiRMIT FEE: ,ECTITICAL TIiE: ..IIEI], TYPI] OI.' TL]iJ:iB FEIi: oFFrcD usE * * * * * * ,r * * * ^ * * * .* * BUTLDII'IG PI,AN CIIECK FiJIi: PLUMBING PIJ\I{ CIIECK I'I|E: MECINNTCAL PLAN C}]ECK FI]E: RECREATfON FEL:: * * * * * rt * tr t(*rt t{ * :t * CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: \r BUTLDING: STGNATURE: zolJrNG: SIGNATURE: GROUI)VALUATION ,tnme tt t s ,EAN UP DI.:P OS IT REFUND TO:DtI opG*N Burt_stqq3 '.ill i ;: ) .)-{>//-ozjz P;P\rr_r n .Lrurr.( t.--- L/ APPLTCATToN l'fusr BE FET,ED our couprETEl,v oR rT r,IAy No? BE AccEp?ED fi**tt*i ************************ pERHrr rN'oRMATroN ,k * * x * ,r * * * * * * * * * )k * * * * * * )r * * * * * ',' f 1-EtrrilA.i--t J-5urJ.drng . g ;-elunbing [ ]_Electrical ffi_Mechani_cat I j_Other Legal Description: I_ot 2 .27 Block . Fi'l i n.t Owners Nahe: Arclritect:Address::rn- Ph. General- Descrj.pti"", ,*.. A_tI at ''rork class:- [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Add,itional I j-Repair [ ]_other Number of DweILing' Units:Number of Accon:rodation Unit=, #:::.::: ::"" of Fiieplaces! cas Appriances_ Gas Loss r{oodlpeJ.1..- q***:t**:r**)k*******************:r*** vALUATToNg * * * * J: * :k * * * x .* * * * * * * * rk :r * * * * * * * ,t * ,r x * I SUBDIVISIO}I: Addres3:Town of Va:l ]ieq, NO,Phone Number:El.ectrical Contractor: Aridress: Dl r rrnh i t-r- rr^F.t-Y-^.' r r Lrltrr.r -!.l t9 L(Jn Lf aCCOf :Address: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: D a rr at,'\-\e:, . .r \J . Reg. Nc. Mecharrical contractor- A T bc ,, fr-n g Nlel_&j7 Addre: =,Tor+n of vail Reg. Ifg. /3s-lr1 P.hone Number: . ?zn :r,i-TIEZ-*****t ***x**rt***:i BUiLD. NG pERMTT "iil*-******rr*** FoR:FII!!-ysE ****************,r***,r**,r*?t*****BUiLD. NG PERMI? FEE: PLITME NG PERI{IT FEE:fiE]}IA] ICAL PERI,IIT FEE:ELICTi TCAL FEE: O?]iER IYPE OF FEE: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG; SIGNATUR-E: BUfLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PIUMBING PI,AN CHFEK FITF.MEcHANrcAr trAN";;il"-""ii." . RECRNA?TON FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: VALUATION .:i-:l...N .;]P DEPOSIT ) 'l? r?trun 'r'.\ - r:.1 75 soulh lrontage road vall, colorado Bi65? (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2t39 FDAIr. nerr: SUBJECT: eac and i!'!iltq"ii:i:i:"iii"il";,u.::l::: !!1t i!- is unlawrul.ror anv or materi,r, inliuai"g'-t,"=;-il;;:.311, ";:li"ililr.i"iili: :;:;i=wor kmen v.hicres-3n"",.""y-=trl"i; s:-ae"aii, -;ii;y or public pl; ce or irny portion theieor- --*r" righi-oi-i"i='"" arl .Tor.rn of va L sureets and.soads i= .fproiimur"iy-r"itllri porum"r,t.Th ; ordinance wiII be ;;.;:ii;^enforced by the Town of vait PuLtic'r{orks o.oarttn"ntl-^pJiiins found ri6r"Ilrg this ordi.nance wirr be'given a'za houi r.;;i;;"notice t"-i"i;i.:said xrareriar-In the event the person so notified.does not compfy with the notice within "n:_31 f-,"", ti*J*lpecified, the putlic llorks Departrnent vri'1 rehove said mateii.i ii-ir.,J"I*iIire of persc n notified ' The orovisionr .r tr.i= ordinanc6 snarr not be appticab!-e to "b"=ti"ltl;";-r;l;t.r,ur,"" or repair projects of any stre.a ": alley or any "liiiir"= rn.rhe righi_a_way.. To revievr..Ordinance No-- e in ful1-, please stop by the Tovrn of 13;;"i]i13i'3.'":f;i5til:it"::""[iiin a copv- rhan], vou ror your o lllce ol communlty developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOIfN OF VAIL TOVrN oF VATL puBLIc t{oRKS/co}nruNITy DE\rELOpi.iENT ItARcH l_6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG E MATERIAL STOR].GE Y Y_L Xr'. acknowledgecl by: 'cion/neIaEIonEh ( i . e. contractor, o.,+ner) TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81,657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY PMEIIT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIAN]CAL PERMIT Permit #: M99-0005 t DEVEI,O sEatus...: IssttED IJNIT Jg ONLY Appli€d. - : Oa/2r/t999 /2. Issued.-.: 01,/2L/L999 Expires. -: o7/20/1999 .Tob Address...: LOCAI,J.ON : CHATEAU TREMOIiITE Parcel- No. . . ..: 2103-l-22-04-027 Project Number: PRJ98-0010 APPLICAIVI AVAI,ANCHE PLI]MBING & P.O. BOX 2994, AVON, COIITRACTOR AVAI,ANCHE PLI]MBTNG & P.O. BOX 2994, AVON, OI'INER LOT 27 LLC ]-881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP HEATING co 81620 IIEATING co 81520 NO 14, VArr_, Phone: Phone: co 8r_5s7 Valualion: *Of Gas Loga: 97 0 -949 -03t7 97 0 -949 -03L7 3,500.00 {of liood/Palfer: Description: BASEBOARD HEAT AND COMB AIR Firepl.ace Information: R66t!icLed: Y *Of cas ApplianccE: FEE SUUMARY Mcchanical---> Plan check- - - > 80 .00 20 .00 ,00 .00 RcsLuaranE Plan Revict --> DRB Fce-------- TotaL Calculatsed Fees---> 1o3.oo Additional Fees---------> .00 Investj.gation> .00 TOTA! FEES---_- tri1l calr----> 3'00 ;ffiffi*";;;,------------] '"'.il IECM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: OL/21,/L999 .]RM Action: APPR APPROVED JRM-raam;'056b0 prnE DEPARTTVTENT Dept: FrRE Division:o1/21/L999 ,JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANqE.2. COIVIBUSTION AIR IS REOUIR-ED PER SEC . 7OL OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR SECTION 701- OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTTJRES TNSTRUCTTONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE ]-997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SnAr-,l TERMTNATE As sPEcrFrED rN sEc.806 oF THE 1997 uMc, oR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O1-7 OF THE 1-997 TJMC AND CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNI,ESS LISTED FOR MOUITTING ON COIVIBUSTIBI-,E FLOORING. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS M]UST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRTOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECHANIEA]-, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR IIOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILBRS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 0F THE 1997 IMC, OR SECTTON 1-004.6 0F rHE L997 rMC. 5. 6. .7 8. ***************ir***********************Jr*************************rr************** DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledgc thal I havc read this application, fillcd out j"n fuLl the j-nforrnation requifed, conpLeted an accurate plo! plan, and EtaLe that. all the inforoation provided as lequir€d is correct.. I agree !o comply ritsh Ehe infoflnation and plot plan, to conply r|ith al,L Toin ordinatrced and state laws, and eo build tshig sLructure according to the Tolrn's zoning and subdiwieion codes, de6i9n revie* aE proved, uniforo Building code anal other ordinancea of the Town applicable chereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAUJ BE MADE TWENTY'FOUR HOI'RS SIGIBTURB OF OfiNER OR COIVIRAC:TOR FOR IIIMSELT AND OWNER tl f :7" 813:'i; :; ;, 3 " ;: :',f : : i T : UflK oF vA r L coNs rRU cr r o N IPARCEL /l:- pERMrr AppLrcATroN FoRM V oxrnz_/fi_11 , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED {* *********** * ** ** ** ** * * * *****tt) [ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing t rcv nan"z /1 Legal Description: Lot Electrical Contractor: Address: Architect:i^o Address: General Description: 'J'- ('(4tT I work class: t24-Hew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ 1-nepal]'1'l-6tn"r Number of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accomrnodation Units: \prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances v (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING: $EI,ECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ ***t **********************:t Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. No. Contractor: 3o Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ***********************'trt***)t** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments: PERMTT # ??-o23L OUT COMPIJTELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical |d-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Address: /(7O ,LrarrS Block Filing suetrvrsroN: nleS, Address , fu,x /AQ. Ar'(P:n./n-sq72- cas Logs_ Wood/Pel1et ********************************* Reg. No. n7' /14 -12r- /Ua[ Reg. NO. BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE; MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFI'ND VALUATION 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any roir,-"o.i, sand, debris or material, including trash lumpsterl , poriable toirets and workrnen vehicres. upon any streetl siaewaircl -;ii;y or public pr?:" or any portion theieof. ine rignt-"i-"iv-ln a'r Town of VaiL streets and.I?"9, is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be strilliy -enrorc-ea uy the-rown of VaiI Public l{orks DeDartment. pers-ons found violating this ordinance wiLl. be given a 24 hour vritten ""ii""-t"-;;;;;;"raid mareriar.rn the event the person so notified does not comp)-y with the notice within t',e 24 hour.tir"-"p""i;i;;,"if"-iiltric works Department wirl remove said mateiiat -"t tn"-'."plrse of person notified. The provisions "t irtir ordinance sharl not be appricable to c-onstruction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or atley or any utilities i" in"-rlgti-"_ruv. To review ordinance No- e in fuIl, please stop by the Town of vail Building Department to obtain a copy. tirani< you for your cooperation on this rnatter. ow{edged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit': NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the rfght of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Developmenl? YES d { { X e\ 4) s) 6) X X Y F Y lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. ?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C-omqulity Development. lf you have any questions ptease callCharlie Davis, the Town of VailConstruction Inspector, at 479-215g. answered allthe above questions. Conlraclo/s Signature 7-7 TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 l1-/ vio'It DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PLI'MBING BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P98-O027 AT lt,lt. n Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. Status. . . LrON'S RIDGE SUB #3 LOT 2App1ied..2103-122-04-027 Issued...PRJ98-0010 Exnires. - EALANCE DUE---- r s suEr)o4/08lte, .o4/oa/tsc,t r0/0s/ieer 565.50 .00 565.50 565 .50 .00 accurate p lot and pLot p tan, subdi vi si on AND OI,INER APPLICANT CASEY PLI]MBING & HEATING PO BOX 2684, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR CASEY PLI'MBING & HEATING PO BOX 2684t AVON, CO 81620 OWNER LOT 27 I,LC 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP NO 14, VAIL CO 81657 Description: PLUMBING FOR BLDG D LO,tl ,I2 Valuation:30,000 .00 **'t*fffifffi**ffi*ffi*rt|tffi,r'tf***ffi*#rtffi FEE SUlltlARY ****ffi*tffi*ti*******ffi***********fflrH*****r*t Phone: 3039263640 Phone z 3Q3926364O TotaI Ca(cuIated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> P Lumbi ng-----> Ptan Check---> lnvest igation> Ui Lt ca L l.----> Restuarant PLan Revi ew--> TOTAL FEES----- 450.00 112.50 .00 3.00 .00 565.50 t*|h}||ffiiffiittJrlr***ff*|hfffitrffiffi*fffi**t#***,1**#r**ffi*********ffi***#*ffift*ff*****ff*********t*****ff** Itqn: .05100 BIIILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04108/1998 JRM ec[ion: -aFFn lppnovED JFIZ--It'e.n:' .05600 _!'IRE DEPARTMENT _ Dept: FIRE Division:04/08/1,998 JwI -AcEion: AppR N/A *****************ft********trt******tri*H*#*H****ff*ff**ffift******ff***ff***ff****#****#******t t****ff*ffffi***ff**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. fffr*ffi*f}*f*ffi**t*t***ffi**tffiffitt**ffi*f,******f,titt*fffiit******ffii****ff******t*******#*******#*********** DECLARATTONS I hereby acknovledge that I have read.this apptication, fitted out in ful,t the infornation requ.ired, compteted an ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y uith the information to comPty rith al't Tolrn ordinances_and state [a*s, and to bu'iLd this structure according io'the Toun's zoning and codes, design rcvien approved, Uniforn Euitding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipl.i-abl.e thereto- REqUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP OR CONTRACTOR ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED \l .d* * * * * * * * * * * * * t( 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * J. * PERMIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,.l 'l ,.,Cbn t ac ! Eagle Coun cy ac 970-324-8 40 fo General DescriPtion: PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATET-7-Y'.VJ ':1 --^t5 7 t - oL5> [ ]-Building t)f-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechani-cat [ ]-other / Job Narne: ( Lega1 Description: Lot ,<7 rlu Block 3 Fi I ing owners N.*.: 5 Li; /u )tt i Address: Address:ArchitecL: Ph. Ph v2E.( //3 t,/work class: t/0-llew [ ]-Alteration I Number of nw{ffing Units, V Nurnber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances ,/ fitt * * * * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS \BUILDING: $ Address: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: { Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Address: ntrac BUTI-,DING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMII FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Comments: l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Accornmodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet *** * * * **** ***** ** **** *tt* *)t * * * * * ** OTHER: $ TOTAL: I INnORMAI,TON ***.******** **************** Town of VaiI Reg. No. /9,9-4 Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Recr. NO. Phone Number . /,J t'/-7t4- I'lechanical Contractor : Address:Phone Number: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt rt * * * r'r * * * rt tt rt * * * * BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MEC}ANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT.FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE; ZONING: SIGNATURE: PN.&L GROUP VALUATION CLEAN UP DEP.OSIT REFI]ND o DEI'ELO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 Description: INSTAI.,L FORCED AIR HEAT Fir€place Infornatsion! RcEtsricled: Y DEPARTI,IENI OF COMMT'NITY I]NIT #11 *of oaE APPIianc€e: r R6oEuirant PLcn Rcvier,- - >.oo DRB F.€-- -- - -- - .oo ro4Arr FBBS----- 153'oo sEatus,..: ISSIJED Aonliedt. . : 03/09/L999 ri-sued, . ., 01/09/L999 E](pireil..: 09/05/L999 PMENT iIOBSTTE Permit AT AI.,L TIMES #: M99-0017 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECI{ANICAL PERM]T Job Address...: LocaEion......: CHATEAU TREMONrE BUILDING D Parcel No. .. . . : 2rO3-L22-O4-O27 Project Number: PRiI98-0010 APPLICAI'IT AIR DESIGNS 0055 110 Road #B, GLENWOOD SPRINGS CONTRASIOR AIR DESIGNS 0065 110 Road #8, GLENWOOD SPRINGS OWNER LOtr 27 LLC 1881 I-,IONS RIDGE LOOP NO 14, VAIL Phone: co 81f;01 Phone: co 81601 co 81557 Valuat ion: i+of cas LogE: 970-379-54s4 970-379-5454 6, 000 . oo *Of Vlood/Pal1€C: FEE SWI'ARY Tolal calculaL€d FccE-_- > 153'oo M6chanical- - _ > Plan ctrcck_ _ _> Inve6tigatsion> t{ll l call----> IEEM: .O51OO BUILDING DEP.ART!'IENT 61/d9/1999-CITARIIE ACIioN: APPR CI{ARLIE It.bm: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{ENI d17 de / 199s -cHARITE-- AcEront APPR N/A Addltional FGe6---- -----> Torll P€rtdt Ecc--------> DePE : BUILDING Division: DAVIS - DeFc: FrRE Division: 120.00 30.00 .00 3. OO .00 153 .00 Pal^t!nt6-------- BALINCE DUE---- .oo t i I I f * t t t t r t * * r, I t * f' t t t t t t t f * i t t * r * t t * I i i * i t * | * t 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. "t. L CONDITION OF APPROVAI, FIELD INSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR qoDE-qOMPITIA!{qE. coMsusilor EiR-ld 'dE6uiEED-beR SEC.--701 0r' TIIr. Le97 IIMC, OR SEcTrox 701 oF THE 1997 rMc.iN5iAiihti6n-ftusr-c6frFont'l- -io MANITAGEqREq INsrBgcTIoNs -AND r-d- ciAprEF.- io- -6F - rEE'i5-e t tlMc',- -cttAFtpl f o-qr -IEE I-e e 7 rl{q' cIs -?ipE r., rirNeis - Ssai.l eE - vENrEb [CaORDIryc^ To-qEAPTER I AND - -5-ri[Lir- tERM-iNEfE-tib-SpEeririio-TN -5Ee- 0-6 -oF -rHE 1ee7 ttMc, oR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IME. E-cCESS--I6 FEaifltc^E6urFi,iEftt Musr coMPLY-Wr1E-c4APTER 3 AI{D iie clr. 6 r ? - o-f-rrte-' I g e 7 -ItMC-liND- -cgnef ER 3 8E -r-rI-E--Le e-7. ruc' - -EoiLEnS' snAr.,r, -se -fi 6intiiin bli- rr,bbns-Oq ryqUcqqqqgT-r-ElE coNsr' ur[ESS-lrSteD FOs Eowrrxe oN coMBusrIELE - E!gQRING.- F-Ii Rfr If . FLfu{S- AlID*c65E-'Afri[vd r s -MITS t - sE-FoBtEo IN ME cHANI cAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQI'BST b'fr.il.rmGe-<ir -Me?liAfriEer. -n66iis't6tr[iNrNq uFAT-rNg- 9E Hor -wArER 5ifu'F-t T-eo i i,eiiS -s-Iiliil Er- -r dijl p FED -W r rrr A E!oqB-DRA ^rN PEB s Ec . I622-6r'-ittn-r9s7--Ifre ,-on-5Ecr16N 1004.5 oF THE 1ee7 rMc. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATTONS r hcr€by ecknoft€dgo lhtt r hrve rBAd thls epplic.clon. flllod out in full bh. lnforh.gich r.qulrcd, codpl'csd 'n accurage plot' pl.an. .nd Etsagc that arr chc infqre.aLion prowLd€d aa rcqulrad iB eoEr.cL. r agra! to co41Y t.lth rhc inforoltlon and prot Plan' to cortply with alL To{n oldlnanca..nd FlaEc la*F, and to build this 6tr--ucturc according to tha for'n't zoning rnd 6ubdivi6ion codcg, d.€ign ravj..r tpprow€d, uniform Buililing cod€ and olhsr ordj.nancc6 of th' Torn spPlieable thoreto ' REQUEST€ FOR TNAPECTTONS SHArJr. BB !,ADB TWBISIy-FOUR HOURS rN AD\TANCE Bv TEt EPHONE Ar 4?9-21:!8 OR Af OUR OFFTCE FROM g:oo Alt 5:oo PM SIONATURE OF OI{NER O& COUTNNCEOR FOR I{IUTIBLF AND OWNER op DEVELOPME}[f '1t,5" r o, ll \TOBSITE AT Permit. #: ,lt- ALL TIMES P98-0057 1'OWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMEIflT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project. No.: 1890 LIONSRIDGE LOOP 21,03 -1,22-04-027 PRJ98 -001_0 status...: ISSIJED (CHAApplied. . : l-05,/14/L991 Issued...: 05/28/]-99t Expires..: LL/24/t99i APPLTCAI{T CONTRACTOR OWNER WEICH PLI]MBING ATI,AS HEATING, WEICH PLI]MBING ATI,AS HEATING, LOT 27 LLC AND HEATING P. O. BOX 8284 AND HEATING P. O. BOX 8284 Phone: co 81620 Phone: co 81620 81,557 970-845-0311 970 - 845 -0311 , AVON, , AVON, vflr!, \-v 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP NO 14, Description: PLUMBING 3UNITS FEE SI'MMARY Pluubing- - -- -> 575.0o Restuarant Plan Revierr- - > TOTAL FEES- -. - - Valuation:45, 000 . 00 ,00 s46 . ?5 Total CalculaEed FeeB- - - > 346.75 .00 e46.'t5 s45.75 ,00 Plan chcck- - - > InvcBE igation> will call- ---> Addi.tional FeeE--- --- --- > TotaL Permits Fce_------_> PaymenEs-------- B"A,I.ANCE DUE- -. . .00 3 .00 Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Diwision: O5/L4/L998 'JRM ACI,iON: APPR APPROVED .]RI"f iEbm;' oleoo-FrnE DEPARTMEN'! Dept: FrRE Division: o5/L4/1,998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I horcby acknoslcdge that I have read tshis applicatsion, filled outs in fu1l plan. and st.aE€ that all the infornatsion Provided as required is correcL. ro co|nply uith rll Torn ordinanccs ana 6tats€ ]ai,,s, and Eo build this 6 cod€6, dssign rcviev apptoved, Uniform Buildi'ng code and oEh€! ordinances o REQUESTS FOR TNSPECIIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TI'iEMTY. FOUR HO(IRS IN AD\ANCE BY TE tshe informatsion required, completsEd an I agree to comply wibh lhe informatsion according to thc Toen'6 zoning and acc\rratc Plo! and plot plad, subdivicion e :00 AJ'l 5: oo Pl'l IGNATURE OF OWNER OR COiIIRACaOR FOR HII'|SELF A]'rD OW]IER t \ Sontacc Eaglc Coun cY ac 970-328-8640 for fob Name: Legal DescriPtion: Lot lwners Narne: \rchitect: n""o""olf f 1"" PATCEI O. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: f*-alz \RCEL tl: ( , APPLTCATION }fUST BE FILLED I r***************************** I '[ ]-Building t/-P1umuing t OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMATf ON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-EIectrical [ ]-Mechani'ca1 [ ]-Other Block__ Filing Address: Address: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANTCA Ph. leneral DescriPtion: tork class. fr-New I a l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other OTHER: $ contractor: .{(cz Iumber of Dwelling Units: 3 Number of Accommodation Units: -3 'fmber and rype of Firepraces: cas Appriances. 4 cas Logs / wood/pellet i * * * * * * * * * * )t )t * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :\l ]UILDING: $ - ?LUMBING: $ 45.&) [ * * * * * * )t * * 't )t * * * 'k * * * * * * * * * * * * CONTRj\CTOR INFORMAL,ION leneral Contractor: 1d.t|tee. Hc.tne-S _\ddress: ilectrical Contractor: iddress: )Iurilbing 'ddress: techanical Contractor: \ddress: r >t * :t * * * * * >t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR }UILDING PERI-IIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMII FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: ) I'IiL;R '1'Y P.U U!' I ]1.tr : ToTAL:$W ** *.t * *** ***** * * * ***** * * ***' Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Nur ber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO Phone Number:.-----_F rown of VaiI Res. No. ZLt'( Phone Number: &lS-c//11 Town of vail Reg. No.- Phone Number: OFFICE USE rt * * * * * * * )t * * * * * * * tt * * ri * * * * * rt< rt * rt * : BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TO?AL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: lornments: VALUATION ) CLEA.N UP DEP.OSIT REFIIND TO: 1J o 75 south lronlage road va il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2t39 FROI'I : DATE: QTIET Ttf r,r.n . Read and acknowledged by: 5- fqg o Itlce ol communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLVL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI,]N OF VAIL TO9rN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/cot{r,riJNITy DE\rELOP}IENT IIARCH l_5, t-988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }IATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit. any ="if,-rJ"k, sand, debris or material, including trash btr^prt.rr, portable toilets and workmen vehicles, upon-any srr;;l; =ia""aii, -;ii;y or pubric prace or any r:orri-on th";";;:--;i."-;i;;i:;i_;;;=f,n .r1 rown of Vail streets ina.Igag= is approxinateiy 5 ft. Lff pavernent.rhis ordinance wirl be ;i.i:ii;"enforced by rhe To,,rn of Vail-Pubric works DeDartment- perslns found vi;laain; this ordinance will be given a 24 hour writien notice-to*;;;;;=said materiar.rn the event the person so notified.ao.=-nlt'compry with the notice within rhe 24 hour.tin"-=p..iii;;,";;"-;;ttic Florks Department wirr remove said mare;i;i-;r-ih;";";;;=e or person notified' The provisions or ihis orclrnance sharr not be appricabre to c-onstruction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of llll Pl:+ding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your.cooperatj_on on this matter. 'Jll 'ltl Dat.e concractor, owner) ,f 75 south Ironlage road vall, calorado 8165?(303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olrlca ol community devolopmerrt EUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIIIE FMI,IE If !i,tt per{ni.t requires a Tov,n of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (pubr ic u,orks) review una-ipprouur ,'a piinnini-b.pu.t .nt I.y]gy or.Health Department review, anif.a_revjew by the Building Department, the estimated time for'a totar ;;;i;";ui"iuIl as tong as three weeks. Al I commerc.i al (large or smal'l ) and a'l I nru'l ti-family permits wi1.l have to follow the above rnenti6neJ ruxirrr requirem-enli. Residentia.l and.small projects shourd take a teiser amount of time. However, if residential or snraller.projects impaii the various above mentioned depa rtments r.ri. th regard' to- necessiiy-review, -th;;; ;;;j;.tr ruy also take the three weef peiioJ. Every attempt vrill be ryge by this departnrent to expedite thjs pet'mtlt.as s.qon as possible. - -- e..rvvrvr r I' the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. Cornmunj ty Development Departrnent. ',J TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDiJM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBL|C WAY WORKS PERMIT" DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: tY?o (,vu> lu#- Lz p Date: s-t -a? Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use ol lhe rioht of way, easernents or public firopefy? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easernenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit' reouired? Contractor's Sig nature need {or a 'Public Way s--F'e Dale YES F Permit": NO 1) 2) 3) c'l s) o/ 7) B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or {encing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit' rnust be obtained."Public Way Permil" applications may be oblained at the public Work's office or at Cgmmulily Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Conslruction Inspector, at.479-2159. I have read and answered all the above questions. r f r r r Y r Job Name r'Uivr.'l UI' VAIL .75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD "..^1r,, CO 8L657 974 -479 -2134 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Proiect Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL LOPMENT iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M9B-01-l-B o DEVE StaLus...: ISSUED ITNITS LOApplied. . : 07 /LO/L998 Issued...: L0/02/L998 Expires..: 03/3L/L999 BE POSTED ON PERMIT ].890 L]ONS RIDGE LOOP 2L03 -1,22-04-027 PRiI98 - 00r_0 APPLICAI\TT SUTTON INSI]LATING WEST, INC. PhONC: 5398 CR 154 #1, Glenwood Springs, CO 81-501 COI{TRACTOR SUTTON INSI'LATING WEST, INC. Phone: 5398 CR L54 #1, Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 OWNER LOT 27 LLC 1881 LIONS RIDGE LOOP NO 14, Description: INSTALL 3 HEAT & GLO FIREPI,ACES vArI_, co 81,557 VafuaEion: _rf:'-1tratsion: RestsricE€d:*of cas Appliances I 970-945-1313 970-945-r_313 3,750.00 #of wood/Pallel:Sof ca€ Logs: FEE SUMMARY AO. OO RcsCuaran! Plan Rcvi€w--> 20.00 DRB Fce-- - -- -- - .OO TOTAI, FEES-. - -. 3 .00 rrem: 0sr-00 BUTLDTNG DEpAR#; '.".DepE: BUTLDTNG Division:O7/IO/1998 iIRM Action: APPR APPROVED Jru,f ITbM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPI: FIRE DJ-ViSiON:07/tO/L998 iIRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF THE 1991 I]MC.3. INSTALI,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE ].991- IJMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 1_991 UMC.5. BOILERS SIALL BE MOIJIfTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNI-,ESS LISTED FOR MOI]NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEETTON REIT.TFC']'8. DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CO}fTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SIIALI-., BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 IIMC. **************************************************************************t(***** f-a(aranical---> . aaL- | (-lrcCK_ - - > Invest igaEion> r, il I na1 l----> .00 Tolal CalculaLed Fees---> 103.0o .00 AddiEional Fees---------> .00 1o3.00 Total Pe:mil Fee--------> 1o3.oo Payulentse-- -- --- - 103.00 BAIANCE DUE---- .OO DECI,ARATIONS r hereby .cknorrlcdg€ that r haw. r".a atarcatsion, fillcd oqc In fql1 an" tr,rot "l rcquired, complcE.d an accurace plor p1an, and 6t.!6 that r11 th6 info-inaElon provLd.d .6 r.quLrcd :l! corrcc!. I .9!.c to colllply rrith tsh€ lnformat ion and ploE plan, to conply r.itsh rII Totn oldinanc€e rnd Etsato 11!16, rnd Lo buiLd thi6 slructur. according Co Eh. To$n,! zoning and Eubdivi6ion cod€6, dcaign rcvicw approvcd, Unifonn Building cod. and oth6! ordinrnc.E of tsh. Toin applicablc lhelc:o. 7'L -.-,:.!o,l,,Ey ^ssesscror rce o [ ,r' ' ,B-854$-f$r I'nr.col #, -t'Ot,tN OF VATT, CONlt.l,l\UC'fIoN fili]t\'f 6'1 1-Ollt .l'AltdL',, u i ? tO3- r)"L - 04 - o -11 t,tit1.tlt App1,lcAt'toll rol$t I Dlrn, - j71'lVV' - -'-' )' AFPLTCAT.TON lltfsl' nE Frl,l,F;o ottl' coMFl,n,t'lit,\. (rlt :l',1. ltAY N(r,1, ll11- ,.\(.('1.:t'l'1,.t\It |l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't PERMIT II.IFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tl? [ ]-Builcling I J-Plunbing [ ]-Electrica] 6,,firectrani-cal [ ]-other ot,r)ets Nirute: A*^i f Q W.t Lt( A.l,-lr.=", Yle ".-t os f eaus Gerreral Descripti or* Architect: BUILDII'IG: $ >317qq_e_lo Adclres s :Plt. EI,]iCTRTCAL: $OIIIER: $ TOTAL: $ CON'I'IIAC'I'OR I ll.IOI(MA I'IOI{ * * * ,. * * * tr * tr }t * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * * * 'I'orvn of VaiI Iteg. NO. Phone l{unrber: 'l'own of Vail Reg. NO Photre lJurnber: g 'I'<.rwn of Vail ll,eg. NO. Phone l{urnber: 'Iown of VaiI Uor Phone llumber: ***rt******** I;OR OFFfCE USE * * * rlr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,!( rr * * * * * BUILDII{G PI,AI'I CIIECK TEN: PLUMBING PINN CIIBCK IEE: MECIIANICAL PI.,AN CI{DCK TEE: RBCREATTON FI]E: CLEAN_UP DEPOSI'I: TOTAL PDRI'IIT TEES: BUILDING: STGNATUITE: ZOT{ING: SIGNATUI1E: ,t'I'lor)( cLass: l,{-New [ ]-Al.teratj.on [ ]-Adclitional [ ]-Ir.epair [ ]-oilrer_ Nutnber of Dwelling Utrits t 3 Number of Accomnodation Units: lj}tnl:er ancl 'l'ype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliar...=.3 cas Logs_ woocJ/peJ-tet_ '/ t& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Vn LUA'If oNS * * * * * * ri * * * * * * * * * * * ,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t Cotrl-ract.or: Address: I-:-lectrical Contractor : Address: PIunrbing Address: l,lechanical Contractor : Address: ******************** BUILDING PERMIT FEtr: PLUMBING PERMII' FEE: MEC}IANICAL PER}'I1' FEE : ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF F]iE: DRB FBE: Corrtractor: VALUATION Conrnents: I il |,al 0 il 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 1r79-2139 ALI, CONTRACTORS .IOT.II.I OF VAIL of llco ol comnlunlly develotrnlenl CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII ,IIIE DATE: SUBJECT: I'ot,lN oF vArL PUBLIC tloRI(S/COMMUNITy DEVELOPIIEITT MARCII 16, 19BB CO}'ISTRUCTION PAI1KING & }IATDRIAL STOITAGE In sunmaryr ordinarlce No. 6 states ttraL it is unlawful for any person to Ii.,l_er, track or deposiL. any soil, rock, sand, debris or nateri'al , irrcruaing trash irumpsters, portable toiret_s a.d worl:men velricf es t1?:" "' u;; ;;,.15i'.i!l"ifl"',i;"=i?;ill15i-;:i"L,":ri'fl*fi ",VaiI streets arrd.I?"g= is approxinately 5 ft. off pavemenL-This ordinarce wirr be. =trii[iv"J.forced ]ry t'e ,rown of Vail Public I'rorks Ireoartment. persLns fc;und viorating this ordinance w'irr be give' a 24 hour qrriti"n--nor-ice to renrove'said rnat-eriar.Itl the event tlre person so notified.does not- comply with the nol-ice witrri. t'e 24 'our.tirne-=pecif iecl , the putric worJ<s Departnrent will rernove saicl nate;-i;i-;l-in""""pli=e of perso'notif ied- 'r'lre rrrov i-s ion= -" r- irli= or.,r'ance strar-r. not be applicable to construct.ion, ,n.i.i"no.,ce or repair project_s of any street. or arley or any utirities"i; i;"';i;,ii_"_r"y. 1'o review orclinarrce to' e i'fu1l, prease stop by the Town of :3:i"::i1:i"3"o;ili:'ffiii.::"";I;i" a copv. rira'i'. you ror your Read a c lcr rovr onlRelationsli p to Pro (i.e. contractor, owner) .rOM; DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM NLL CONTRACTOHS .TOWN OF VA]L PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMII-' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Job Name: Date: @arding lhe need for a 'Public Way Permit':Please ans lhe following questionnaire YES NO ls this a nel residence? ls demolition work being perlormed lhal requires the use ol lhe right of way, easements or public property? ls any utilily work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerenl access needed 1o site olher lhan existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Bevocable Ilight Ol Way Perrnit" required? B) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public properly lo be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes io any of lhese questions, a "Public Way Permil' musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be oblained at the Public Work's ollice or at Community Developmetrt. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction lnspeclor, at 479-2158. I have.fead and answered allthe above 6cosrrlFL I :=*::>:-- -< TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 8L657 970 -479-2L38 APPLICATIT CONTRACTOR OVINER El€ct!ical--- > DRB F€E InvestsigaCion> wl11 crll-----> TOTAL FEES. -. > DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMEN]T NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ETECTRICAT PERMIT ilob Address: Locat.ion... : 1890 LTONSRIDGE r,OOP Parcel No.. : 2L03-L22-O4-027 Project No. : PRiI98-0010 SABO EI,E TRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GVPSIJM CO 81637 SABO EI,ECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSUM CO 81637 LOT 27 LLC 1-881- LrONS RrDGE I,OOP NO 1-4, VArL CO 81657 ON ,]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permitr #: 898-0321 Stratus...: ISSIIED Applied..t tLl0t/t998 rssued...: L2/03/1998 E)q)ires. . : 06/oL/L999 Phonez 970-524-7970 Phone: 970-524-7970 Total calculaEed tee6---> 3 04. oo DescripEion: Er,ECrRrcAL FoR uNrTs Lo,LL,L2 CHATEAU Valuatsion: 10,000.00 FEE SUI4I{ARY 301.00 .00 ,00 3.OO 304.00 . oo 304.00 304 .00 AddiEional Fecs-- -------> Total P6rdi! Foe- -------> Paym.ne€-------- BAIANCE DUE.... - r*iri lrr**t*tt, t It.em: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPART'IVIEI'm Dept: BUITDING Division:1,2/03/1998 iIRM AcEion: APPR APPROVED iIRIvf rEen;' 05 6 60-Ffnr DEPAF.m,rEiif L2/03/t998 irRM Acrion: APPR N/A * r ** * r * **1** * ** t * i l******ra * ** CONDITION OF APPROVAT DECIJARATIONS I hereby acknovledge Chac I have read Lhi6 appliearlon, filleal out ln full the infortoaLion required, canPl.ted an accuraLe pIoL plan, and slatc that. alL the infqruation provided a6 required is correct. I aEree to cotrPl-y vith bhe lnfon[aUlon ard ploE p1an, to couply rith alt torn ordinancee and stsate 1arr6, and to build thig Etruccula accolding !o th€ Tosn'6 zonLng and subdividion codee, deeign revi€p apploved, Itniform Building code and other ordinance5 of thr Torn applicable thcroto. REQUEST8 FoR INgPEcIIoNs SHAT.L BE MADE TWBNTY- FouR HotRs IN A.D!iANCE Bg TELEPHoIIE AT 4?9-2139 OR AT ouR oFFIcE FRol'l 8100 AM 5:00 Pu SICNATIJRE OF OR COTTTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AI\D OWNER .L q 7- &7r-Vl I);P\,r'r r' ),/ APPLTCATToN lrusr BE FTLLED our coMpr,r.-TEr-,y or. rT r.r?,,y llcr BE AccEprED ro****r 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:t rt * * * * PER-l'{rT r}rFoR.,\LATroN * * )r x )r * * * * * * * * * ,r .,+ )r * ,f ******?** J 3-rlumbing D( -EIectricaI [ ] -Hechani-ca1 f 1-.11-L^-L J v L_llr::r Job Name: Ch rrle-a o f,-e,n,L ntc-J Ot)Address: igio Lro^, D,).zr_ L.zt Legal Descripticn: Lot Block pi'l i n- Owners Nane: Lef -L1 LLC- Arc. ri.tect : , l6:i; 1i -i::u: : ; i'I' ffdi; oF vAr L coi{srRucrr o ?-tb3 ' tzz-- oq- oL1- Utqirli6?41r"rl"*:6i"F Address : tb6l <--+,^r p--"14t,L<t,.,lu^1, nn. Address: _ ph. =--+General Descrj.ption, tl/tl J Siaepair [ ]-orher llum-ber of D,vel Linl' Units; 3 Nu-nb er of Acconnodation Units: - fnber anci Type of Fiteplaces: Gas Appliances Gas r.nrrc i..,^V ru***'{ * 't** x *}r* ** *****xrktr ***'**xx**rr* VALUATToNg * *xxl;** rn .r **.**+)t**.i.* **x)tr* *:,r*:z)k* * ** BUf LDT}{G: $FT.Fr-.nDTr-i.r, t -4vrrr+L.IIJ. Y PLLDISTNG: $]'IECTLANTCAL: $ OTiiER: $ K *x*xx**x ix** *****x* ** x*x*** rrl.\}',,nn r enerrl- Contractot, ' UoNI'IIACTOR IIIFOR-I'IATION * * * * x * x :t * * * x x * * * 'r * x >r * .r x * * * * TOTAL: $ Address: E' ectrical Contrac tor, '7%. {r--b.Ar drr.<c. Plunbing Contractor: Addresi: Mecha: rical Contractor.: Addre: s: *i*x*t * * ,< * * * rt * * * rk * ,t * * :t ** *x*x*r** BUILD. NG PXR.I4IT FEE: P],ril'IE NG PERI.IIT FEEI HEJ;IA] ICAL PERMIT FEE:EL'CTi ICAL FEE: OT.IER IYPE OF FEE: m^r.rF ^]: \ r^ .: t ,,.,,rwrr (rL va:.1 lieg'. NO.g!>-tL Pnone )Iunrbr r: ti Z,t --7.t-F Town of uurt o"o. *Ef Phone Nunber: i.1 -ft"-;- Town of \rail Reg. NC.ynone Nunber: Town of VaiI Req. No.Phone l{unber: . f'OR OFFfCE USE *xx***rrxx * * + * *;r s< *,. ** x ,t ,t * * * * * )i * ;. BUILDING PI,AN CI{ECK FEE:PIT.IMBING PLTJ.I CHECK FFtr. MECHANTcAL PlnN..;;i.i"iun.DF/-DFr.n'r.'.wvr\!.rrrL.rr\ r.tr_L : CI.,EAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PER}IIT IEES: ( n E.n -1Et_BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: STCNATURE:Conurents:_ Ei.,-.t 'L Tt't Il:tosl:f I,-EluliD TC: VALUATION TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81557 970-479-21,38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMfT Permit #: M9B -0245 o DEVEL status..-: ISSIIED #3 LOr 27 BlKApplied..: Ia/24/t998 rssued. . .: LL/24/L998 Expires..t 05/23/!999 ,fob Address...:Location......: LroN's RIDGE SUB Parcel No... .. : 2L03-]-22-04-027 Project Number: PRJ9B-001-0 APPLICAI{I CONTRACTOR OWNER CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC , AVON, CO 81520 CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC , AVON, CO 81620 LOT 27 LLC ]-88]- LIONS RIDGE LOOP NO 14, VATL Phone: 9709490200 Phone:. 970949O200 14, 000 . 00 #of 9.lood/Pal1et: Description: MECH SYSTEM FOR IJNIT 1.0 (CHATEAU TREMONTE) #of GaE Appliances: co 81657 Valuation: +of cas Logs:Firepl.ace Information: Restlicted: Y FEE SUMMARY 2AO. oO Restsuarant Plan Revielr--> 70,00 DRB Fee-------- 3 .00 BAIANCE DUE.--- .OO ***";;,..;;;;;.;;;;;';;;;; ;;;;;;;;";;;;:*"*Lt/24/L998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED 'JRIvt-IEbm.,OSEOO FIRE DEPARTMEI{T DepL: FIRE DivisiON:1,L/24/L998 JRM Action: APPR N,/A CONDITTON OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI]IANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF THE ]-99]- TJMC.3. INSTALI,J\TION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CIAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I]MC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 IJMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. BOILERS SIIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IJNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPESfION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI-,L BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 211-9 0F THE t-991- UMC. ******************************************************************************** Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > Investsigation> wiIl call----> .oo Tot.al calcul.ated Fees---> -00 Additional Feeo---------> .00 353.O0 TotsaI Pennit Fee_-------> 3S3.00 Pal1neneE-------- 353,00 DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge lhats I have t..a |ar"arcati.on, fil.led out in fu1l che informfh requiied, completeal an plan, and state that al1 tshe infornation provid€d as required iB correct. I agree to cohply r,iEh Ehe informaLion to conply nith all Toxrn ordinanc€s and st.aEe 1awe, and tso build Lhid sEluchrre accordi.ng to lhe Tovrn'e zoning and codes, deEign review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher ordidances of Ehe Town applicable Eheleto. RBQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIAI,L BE MAOE TWENTY. FOT'R HOURS SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRASIOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER accurace pl,ot and ploL plan, 6ubdivi Fion FROM 8:o0 AM 5:00 PM ADlENCE lo* oF vArr., coNsrRucr-otO PERMIT APPIJICATION FORM DATEI //-Ze Q8 APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ********************1iIXfi,rW' INFORI"IATION *t(t(*********!k*******:k*tr*t(**** I l-Building, ]<1,-gr_umUing [ ]-61ectrica1 [ ]-Electrical [ ]-other nl4Jl4LT- T!7 Job Name , (W6ort'-l/c-x/bnrc- Job Addre ss, /VnO Q'ctt,,-s r i{q <- Lrcre. Lega1 Description: LoL 2-'7 Bl-ock 2- r'ilin owners Name: 5 uu n*r'lPinff,LLfror."", f 7o/L Address: - l-,L,L ELECTRICAL:BUILDING: PLUMBING: **************************** MECHANTCAL:P/f,O@ € CONTRACTOR INFORMATION .&*- ' 7g' OTHER: TOTAL: Town of Vail Reg. NO Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg NO. RE . No./8?-P Contractor: PLIJMBING PI.,,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING:. Signature: ZONING: Qi r'rrrrirrre ', erJrrqeurs. Architect , [?*tn General Description: work Class: ;X1 -uew [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other NuTriber of Dwelling Units: /Number of Accommodation UniEs: Number and type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances--l Gas Logs wood/Pe11et * * * * * ,! ,! ,. * * * * * * * * * t( * * * * * t! ik * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS **t(* * *:k****** * * * *)k** ************* *************************** Town of vair Reg . No.t7/-B Phone Number : (7 1- 3GSz- Ph. P:n. 3zE-Gq t3 . f-r>'nn - E?bs,rs, r'/er 6( cenerar contracto r, Sho/- Address: Electrical Contractor : Address: Plumbing Address: Mechanical ContracEor :r /'Le-L Ad.dress, P.a-Bex //E 'oL) **********r.t(t **********t(t(*t t **** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: VALUATION ..NCEPT MECHA*C^'. INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 --- r=t sl- \ f --"i r ":: ' "1 ./' November 20, 1998 TO: Town of Vail Buildine Department FROM: Tim Rosen A;"-fU . RE: Chateau Tremonte #10 n{tr'oL(' Parcel No. 2103-122-04-027; lS90 Lionsridge Loop; Vail, Colorado Heat Loss Calculation; Boiler Plant Sizing We have completed our heat loss calculations for the above project and sized the boiler and flue. This is a new residence with the boiler serving two zones ofradiant floor heat, two zones ofbaseboard heat and a separate 80 gallon storage tank for domestic hot water. The heat loss for the home is 38,920 Btuh. Thus, the sea level input of the boiler is approximately 181,00 Btuh input based on87 Yo effrciency. The boiler selected is to be a Burnham #RV-7 (or equivalent) rated at 190,000 Btuh sea level input. I have included a cut sheet on the boiler. The boiler will be side-vented with stainless steel venting material. Please call ifyou have any questions. cc: Ed Thompson; Shade Tree Homes, Inc. * ******t *l i ** * * ** *t\ *'(******* .A1'LOSS V(j rr; 5 . 0h CoPYr j"S{ht Page * * *** ik* ** *** * *{ n / :r''t * f 9B5 -1995. Thomas: (616) 513-B1t?2 * i ** t*** t*t l**'\******************r*** r** I |'r * ^ l' 4 DAHI,,/AVON P.o. Box 18306 AVON, CO 81620 (e70l,94e-9101 L/8/97 DWGS Des i.gn TemP . Di f f eretlcc: radiat ion is 59o ol ^U * *)t* Jr **** i 1r /:* * f )'' 'l * i * **1l* /: and Assoc i:rLc s , )lrl 1.1 er I r-c , ;r' t***_l* l*t *l + rr )t J. +,'r A * i t i I i l'1 .l /ALANCI.IE PLBG & II'I'G ]ATEAU TARAMOUNT JIT 12 ratloss is based on a re B'I'U'S Per f ooL of 90 \STERBATII :)ILTNC llEICH',r 1S 9.00 ITEET, vol,ul"]8 Is 936 CrtlBIC F',gFj',i' I BXPOSED OPT]NINIJS, TOTALTNG 2 EXPoSED WALLS, noC includlng openings, ToTALIhIC >>>> 22 I 4 S;QlrA:lFl FEi:)'l' loM sIzE ls 16.0 l,oNG by -g. s wruu, ToTl\LIrri.l >> .1 04 ' O S()('rAilE l)1ir','1' ITJDOW il'yplt is: U-Value .. .551., Double Pane, clc;tr Glass Al.,L ]'YPl:i IS; U-Value -- .C)6, Frame Insulated ill],,ING TYpE I.S: tJ V.rlue =' .o15, No ALti'c Sp;rc:e. Roof Ceililr(J Clorrrbitt;rLi'';:t I,OOR 'fYIrE tS: U-Value = 0, l"Ioor over arly ConcliLioned Sp"rce I.IEATI,OSS ire 'l'ot:al BTUI{ Ior t}te outside wal}s are l" ' 196 i';c "I'otal BTUH fc.rr t-lre Dxposed Openings arc 1' 0'/l ircr Lotal BTUH for t-he ceilings 33]^ lre Lotral BTUH for the floors (' ire BIUH infrlEraLion for the openings is I'293 if i:i:l rill i:'.,:!l:.i::-,,1i,,'.o Lhig rocr '':l: t ASTUR I]EDRM EILINGHEIGHTISg'O0FEET,V()],tJI\iElS?',s./4CLlBIcij[jt'], 2 EXPOSED OPI'NINGS,'I'OTALING z 0xpoSED WALLS, not- including openings,Tol'ALIt'1..; >>>> 111 ';l :lQU/lRu Flltil' ooM sIzE rs 22.o iorqC uv ,I:.b wroi. 't'or7't,Tl{r,l >> 286 ' 0 sQilAI?'Ll Jjult'i tjt,iDOW 't,YPL) IS: u-VaIue = .4'l5. single Pane vrith sbor:rn wirrdows' (ll':aI cj lcl:';s /ALL TYPE IS: ti-Value = .06, Frame Insula'Lecj tEIl-,ING TypB LS: U-VaLue = .035, ll" gtti. Sp'rcrr, Roof - - Cerling (l.rnbit:aL iotr rl,OoR TYPE IS: U-Value = 0, Floor over ary ccirrdi t ioned Spaccr I{EAT],OSS 'he'l'oEal BTtJll tor the outside walls are 600 the ToLal LTUH foi Lhc Exposed openings are 3"J-)2 .'he total tsTUt{ for che cel}rngs 915 'hc toLa.l BTUII tox the f loorg ,'))e BTUH j'nfiltraiion for the openings is 4'639 llii i:i:l^?::1":F;j:li.*:u'1i*,'"u'Lhis roon ' nl?if r-r ,r*r*r*{t*a}+f \,1 LOSS Vc rr, 5 0h (-'r>pyriqht !t**t{* lrlt' +}l{**t*}*a**** Page ***********t** n /' in 1986'1996' Tlrorn;r1i (6r6) 533-84?2 {***f r** t** } 't* lt '::{ - )rr DAHI,/AVOI\] P.O. BOX 1B3ti6 AVON, co 816 2 i-) (970)94e-9Lol r /8/97 DWGS I ***rlr\**i ;.rnd lrgsocla(.c:l t,n** *la +**il1'A'\r'i irA (t f ^ r ' 1tr*i I rr**ltr'a|*tt i+i**t*rfr'\r** li,:.1 lal:l' "t ALANCITB T,,LBG I. I1'IG r\TEAU TARAMOUNT {t '12 "rL.] osg i s !:.r:;ed ort ir r: B'I'U'S Per fooL of Design Tem;l. Drf f ereirc':c; r.rdiat ion is 59o ;:T,?fi8^;'Jtcu'r rs e.oo FEET, \"o-'trt/rii 1s erc ('{rfrr('r"Fri:rI UXPOSED OPDNINGS.I'OTALING >>>> r EXrrosEll wALt s, ;;;-inciuaj.ng apenrngs,To'l'ril,rl'l(; >>>> 22J '4 :;(rtr'\lilr: Iiii-'I )oM ,sI zE IS 16.0 t.,oNc by g. s vlio6' TOTr\l., lll'..: >> 104 o s()trAlilil l)i:llr'l' .|JDOW ,.t'YPt: ts: u-VaIue =' .55] ' Double Pane' i lr''it1: GJass .1,L 'l'YPt1.l 1S: u-Vaiue -- 06' Frame tngulaLc:il ,: I1,INC TYPE tS: U V'Ilue =. '015' fro-nr:tic Spa'::'':' l-loof Ceil:11r1 r-1;;rllriir;rI r"]ir ,(rOR 'fyl,D 15: \J-v;l;; - 0, b'loor over arry rlr-rtt:)r t'l*l;*r,|!*]tt' r(, 'l'ot.rl BTUI{ t or ttte outside watls are 1' r 96 )c 'l'ot.a l. BTUH f <)r il'tit u*pot'ed Openings ar e 1 ' 0-l r :,: t ot al BTUH f .rr uf'e t*i f i t'gt 3 'l l he l. cEal BTt)H t()r !he f Ioo::s fre B'I'tlH irrl r lcraLro" f or the opcnings i^s I "''9 'l lii) 'l'()TAl, IJTUI'I FOR THIS ROOM ls Li - f^r,,,, L tl 9l I hr: I oLa.l l'cct of racl j'aLion regurred this ro'')I'' Cr ' 6 IASTL)R IIEDRM ^ ^^ FFrr.". V(.)1,\lt"tj.i IS ?.,'.:'l '1 ('lriJiC t"!ll 'l' liir,rsc HgrcHT 15 e.00 FEET _"",.':.'. ,..;- 7"/ ij sellr\''s 1'jrrt:l' ;'lli::*';nlll":;l'i::ii:';;';ilir;;:;';;;'ii';';"' 11r :r :iL'I i\*ii "ir''. iooM 'sIzE rs zz ''o-ior'li";;--',it ''6-ilibi"ro1'i11'll'l'i >> 'rtr(r ' o S('runr)'ij rJLll':1' ,; rh,Detl 'r'Ypbt is: u-v"iuu ' '4'15' *;t;lti:,:J'l'.- ::rtll Iltor-rn br itrdc''vs;' i'ir'''rr (jJ'' '.is: il?lli:*"i;;,,, u YiitE = 33:,:i:'i.i!:-i3;ii,,.T;::^;; :;:::"'' (\)r\)r r '[ .: :,I,r)o* TypE IS , ;-;;i;" = o , rlooi o'*r *'.;' i-r'r'l i "ili||,,8-!ti]t"' j,ire i'or-al BTtJlt lor the outside walIs are 600 f ne ToLal uTuH f or i;;; ;;Ptted opening'e are 'j ' '\ )2 'l'he tota] lsTull r"; i;; ""it'i'''g" tt; l.l: ;*1":;Yi,::i':::r:Iii3..,p*"inss is 4 ' 6se 1'HE 'rorAL "tu" ooi'iii's-ttoor',r t!.. ..:-^', nrr r,,,,',,, 'i?"1 \ I 'ilre t.oLaI f eec ot ruaittt ion required rhis r' '' Page 2 .DROOM {3 BA'I'H ;ILING I.IEIGHT 15 9.00 rEET, vol',ul'4D IS 4I0 cliBlc FI:jE]' ' EXPOSFJD OPENINGS,TOTALING >> . EXPOSED WALLS, nol incIuding openings'f OTAL]l:!: "" "8 ' 5 'SOl-ri\RIi l"Ei'l'l' )ot"4 slzL: Is 7.0 LoNc by 6,5. WlDi, 'I'oTp^i., II'rLl >> 45 5 SQUrrtiD t.'EE'j' NDOl,l TYPE IS: U Value = O, U-value ='O' LJ'\/;:lu'': = 0' U-Va1r'rt:r ' (l ' lj'VJ'i"rr:i rl,L'I'YPE IS: U-VaJue - .06, Frame IDsuJat-eci IILfNG TYPB IS: LJ-Va'lue = '035, n" etfic Space' -Roof - Cci1;ng ('onrl-rirritt r()lr ,OoR TYPE lS: u-value = 0, FJoor over any Cc'ncl it-ioned Spacc' HEATLOSS re 'l'oLal R'I'UH for thc orlt,side walls are )L6 i. i"t"r BTUI{ for itie exposed openings are 0 re tociil. BTUI{ tor it,o ""iling" to: :e toLaI Ll'I'Ul i for the floors re BT'tJtl ilrf i Ir raL ion f or the openings is 0 iE 'rorAL lj'rul{ FOR irlri ioou rs' 4€'?' 'lc f.olal feeL of radrat'ion regurred Lhis t-oom O g l, i?l?X[3r.,,,',,, e.00FErtr, vor'(rivir'] Is 1'3(t4 ('rrrilcrFDIr'l 1 EXI)OSED OPENINCS,'i'OTAI'INC 2 EXlrosEl) wA.i,l,s, noL incruciing openings,TQfAi,llli,l >>>> .l B-/ ' B :l;)tlAltE IFjiil ooM SlzE 15 r.J.0 l,oNG by 10 ' 1 wID;, To,iALl In.; >> 15] . 1; S(,)l,lA}i::] I:.EI.]T lNDOW 't'yP!: IS: u-Va1ue -- .475, si;;I;'P"T:, :l,'tl' 'sEorn wjnclows', t-rlc':'ir c]1(r:j!r At,L TypE IS: U Value = -06, Frame f nsulal:ecl '[Il,tNC TYPE I9: U-va].ue = '035, No Attic Spar;:' Ro9[ - Cei Iirril u(]trrbi|raI r('tr 'LOOR 'I'YPE lS: U-Value ' 0 ' F l"oor ovel: any '.'''rrrdit' ioned Spac:r: I{EATI.,OSS '!re 'l'ot,al- B'fUlJ f or bhe ouLside walJs are 1' 014 ,lre ,fot,al B.I'Uil tc). ir," Expose<1 Openings arc i, oI-l 'he toEal Ill'Ull tot ih" "tilit'g" 4B': 'he ioLal B'I'UH f ot' Lhe floors o .he BTUH inf ilrraiion f or rhe openings i s 'L ' 421 ,il: i:i:l'?::t-iF,ill:.T3:il':;,,'red ,his ::oon ''z'+ t 3EDRooM #2 BA'IH ^ ^ ^ Fr:E"ri voj,uNlu I s I15 (lUuI (l Fljlil' 'B' ;iT;,93'331^ii",:"3hi?fiI',, u, o EXposED wALLs, -rlot including oi..,:-ngu,To'1'AL'Illc >>>> g. g $(-TLIARE FEt:]]' RooM sIzE Is .i '0 LoNG bv 5';=ili;;l'r^'o'ini'llrii >> '15'0 sQi'rr\ltn l:Elii' i^rINDow TYPE Is, u-v"rt,le -'o' No. openi:?: .]1,::.t!; root\] lllllil;*,xtl, U-Yii3E = 33;,'il3"i'-ll:'iJl;;; .Ti?1,,"; ;;:l:''" (o iri:r:"'r: rrLooR TypE rs' ; "ti". = o' r-rooi o"er arr!' conditt;;:,$":!3." 'l'he Total BTUII for the outside wafJs are l 2 C e- E 'I'oEa I LOLA} toLaI BTUI.i I V I j.!t.,, t<>tal BTUH TOT uTull for BTUH for infil.trac tsT(IH I.'OR teet ot Page 3 t-he ExPosed oPenIilQE- a-ie Lhe <:ei lings the f loors ion f or: Lhe oPeni ngs i s TIIIS ROOM IS r;rcl i at i orr requ !red t ir i s roont 0 112 () 0 Li2 ^.')-L ;?l?RU fllron.' ,., e. oo FEE', vor'uM' rs 1' 8e0 cutrlc F'irtl' gXPOSDD OPENlNGS, I'OTALINC :EXPOSED WAI-LS, ,,or including openings'ToTAi']11:2>>> r15 B SOtJI\l<li lrllr!'r'r' )oM SIzu IS 20 .0 LoNc by 10.5 WID6, TOTAL]il]G >> 210. O .S?1]AI?E l|t:j|i':, NDOw .r,ypFt rs: ,,-rli,-ro =' .ets' si;;i;'oJl,:. v.,i tir storm !'rjndo"+s';, (lrear: ("'1ir:;t; ,i,i, r'vpE; rs, u-Value = ' 06, Frame rnsuf atecl tTLINC TYPE IS: U'Value = ' 035' Wo nttic SPac:e ' -P'oof Ceii itrq ('-'c;rnbirl'rl- ioll .,OOR TYPE IS : tl- VaJ ue - D, Floor over any Cr;:idi t ioned Spacc T{EA'ILOSS ,re ToEal B'I'UH lor Lhe ouLside wall-s are 625 re 'i'ot.al BTUI{ f or iire Exposed Openings are 1' 017 ::,.: total B1'uH tt>r it " ""i)'ings ""n ne LoLa I B'fUli Ior t ire f loors ht:ttTUHj.rlfilLr.rLionfort-lreopenlngsis:^,42'1 ittl TOTAI., B'rull l7olt THIS ROOM IS t' l'3'': -- I ire LoLal l.eeL of racJ j'at-ion requi recl thjs r"()onr (l'l ALI, EILrNG llErcl.tl' 15 9 00 FEET, vol',\ll"iti rs 3:l 5 culir(j l.'Fll-j'f O F]XPOSED OPENINCS, 'I'OTALING 0 tiXPOSED WALI-,S, -not' ineluding openings'T?'lAf'1ll: "" o u SO(lnRt'l F'l'lh'i' ooM sIzE 15 1O.0 LONG by 3.5 WIDE' I'OTAL'll'JG >> l5 o s(ltlaRl'l ii'l:ll'f IINDOW TYP8 IS; U-Value = O, u-vafue-= O' Ll vaLue = 0' llo oPL)rrirrc's jrr (iti:; r IALL TYI)E 1S: u'vu1r.t" = - o5 ' Frarne InsuIa:'e d tEIl,lNG 'I'YPFI IS: U vuf '-tt = '035' ll"'gcli" S;""C;o' Roof - - (lei1ir.r<1 r-l()mLrlItnl 'r(-'Ir )t,oon TypE IS: ,r-v"iii" = o, Floor over a'ri' (roriclittEliir,Slltt' lhe l'otal tsTUH {or Lhe outside walls are l;; i';i;i erutt tot t he Exposed openr'nss are fhe toLal BTOH for the cerlrngs i'he lotal tsTUH for Lhe floors ii-r- irurr inf iltra[ ion f or the openings is iue rolm, BT'ul{ FoR 'f ills RooM rs i;i; i;;"i ieet "t racliation r:equired Lhrs roo: 0 0 L72 o 0 7r'2. ) 0.21 i,ivlNG ltooM CEII-,ING HEIGH'I IS 1O 2 EXPOSEI] OPENINGS, V'JLUI4ii I S ?,,-1 2tr (:U3 lC l"til)" 9!, TJ SQLTAITD IJEIl'I'- OO FEET, .1'OTAI,ING Page 4 EXposED r^rnt,i.,s, nor includtng openffis]gll!]I! "" e:;'o ')M srzu rs r-l - o -iorvC nv io g , wrp6 ' TorAlrilc >> 2'12 ' o 5uc)w Tyl,D 1S: t'l "Ji"" -=' '475, Single Pane vr j.t Lr storm !'iindows; LL 'lyptj IS: \l-Value - .06, Frame Insulat-eci I LiNG TYPE 1S, U" V;rlue = 0, CondiLiorled spacc above OOR ']'YPE IS: U-V;lue = 0, Floor over arly Corrdi tioned SF'ace IIEATI,,OSS e Total BTUH for the ourside walls are 513 e Tot-al BTUFT f or iit.; Exposed openings are s '066 ,e LotEif BTUH lot t-he cellings - 0 re total 8"futl for Lhc floors 0 rt: ll'iULl inf iltraL i ()n tor f-he openings is 5 ' 685 IF] TOTAL 9TUH TJOR 'i'}.tIS ROOM :IS IO '264 Lc Lotal f ceL of ratdi:rtion required chiB lo()rl Ii '4 SQUi{RE SQUAlTE , Cleat f r, L'- I !.'Eu'l' C; l,rst, IY- :N I l.lc ROOM ilLING HEIC!|T l.S 10.00 FE,ET, voi,tjt'4i'l rs \ ',\40 ctlBIc l.'Fji']' } I]XPOStrD OPL]N INGS , TOTALING ? tjxr)os!.lD t,,tAl.,l,.g, "irr- including openirrgs,TorALIlic >>>> 104 ' 9 SQtt'rrRIj FF)lt'l' iot4 sl,/,8 rs 1:2.0 LQN6 by t.5 wlDr, To'fAt,iI'r(j >> 114.o SQUARE lr63',l' INDOW .i'YPE IS: u,Value - ,475, Single Pa)-re v/i Ll.i st'orm Ilindcrvu ', Clcar cjla:rs \i,L TYPE IS: U-Value = .06, F'rame lnsu*at:ecl jILl.NG Tyt)s Is: lJ-Value = 0, CondiEioned sp<rce above ,OOI{ TyIrE IS: rt-Va}ue = 0, Floor ovel: any C":rldrtioned Space HEA'I LOSS rc ToLal B'l'Ul] tor t-he ouLsids walls are t66 r',o 'l'oLdl BT(JH f-or Lhe Exposed openings are 4 ' 675 lre r oL.rI ll'rul-l f or r tre cel l irrgs : be toLal B'I'UIl tor Llte floors lre i3'fUJj inf i l LraL j <tn f <>r Lhc openings is 6 ' 59C i{E. ro'tAL BTUH I-'oR Tllrs RooM 15 t:.!3} ',t.--) l)e tot?rl. teet. of r.rdi at- ion reguired this roonr 2o ' 1 ;i;;ii'n",.,tt. rs Io.0o FEE'r. vor''ur4E rs t' 41ri cullIC FL:i;r' O EXPOSED OPENINGSI TOTALING tBXI)OSEDWAI,I,S,noLincludingopen.ings,TOTAI,.]l.JG>>>>,t00,oSQUAREIrF.E.!' ooM sIzE IS 1].8 LONG by 12. O wID6, To:fAi'li'JG >> 141 6 SQllAltE -Futl' ltirDQw TYPS IS: U-Va1ue = 0. U-Value =' 0' lio opr:nings in this roon ALI., TYPFI IS: u-Va1ue = .06, Frame Insulat-ecj 'ElLING TYPE I9: U-Value ' 0, Conditioned space a])ove 'LOoR Tyl)il IS : ri -vo f "" = o, Floor over an')/ con<ii t j"oned Spirce HEATLOSS ':re Toral BTUIJ f or Lhe oucside vralls are 54 0 'he 'foc a I n'f UH f or t' he Exposed open ing s a rc? o 'he toLir1 BTULI for the ceilings , o 'he Lotal STUH for the floors 0 'he BTUH infi]cration for the openings is 0 't-tE 'ro'fAL BTUtl Foit iilrs-noom rs' . 540 ) 'lre toEal f eet of ra'Jiation reguired this roorn 0 ' 9 'l Page 5 rDE)l BATH - ^,\ r.rtn!?r volut{g r s 5?,a ctlB I (' Ii'Llii'l' irr,rc rrsrcHT rs ro. oo I?EE'I', __::::1:.:'-.;'' 0.0 seuAr{Er FUUi' llig:i3 ;i:il)":;l"ll:iffi';;';;;i;;:ri?i*,i:/'):" ]z5 o seuA*E: 'DI'I )M s r zr: Is a - o-ior'rC ny -5--5. wip6' ToT/\'LIhlc >> 52 ' 0 slQtlARlj F'utt'f iDOW'I'yl.)E 1S: t,-vlir" ='0, u-value = 0' !I-\/aLue = 0' N': opt:rtrtrg:; ltr Llrrsr ): ,L TypFj IS: u vur"o = -ag, Frame InsuJaLe<l ILING TypE rs, u-vli..r" = o, Condicioned space ;in3ye loR .,typLj rs: r,-vuf ue = 0, r'loot o\/er any CortrJr tt;I;i*r,383"" : Tc.rLal. BTUII f or t he outsidg walls are 675 : rot.al Bl'ui'r ror ;;;; E;;;;ed op"ninss are o ? LoLaI BTUII tor Lhe ceili'rrgs - o .r LoLa I tsTUH f or L he f loors *-- i e B'l'Ut:l i rrf iluratr""- tit-ine openings is c -J 'foTAl, B'I'lJl{ l.'ol{ 'l'HtS ROOM rS -'.!-.i - v^^rr, 6"/5 (2 - c LoLal Ieet of toJi"ciorr xequi::ed Lhis roorr'| 1 1 l'i'RY VOL,U1'{E IS 120 CUtllC FI:j!l'L' 'iurNc f{Blcllr rs ro -o0 FEFjT ::::-:.,;.- 43.5 seuAl{u ironl' ,'[li::lg *ii:l)":;l"T::iffi';;';;:;i;i::iei*rii'ii':"" sr s iQu^nr'rni' )oM sIzE ls 8 0 I'oNG by . --9'9-ili;6; TorALlt\rc i> 72 ' o sQ(rARrl Flirr:l'r' iNDow 'ryrrE ls: u-t"r.'" = '4-15, tt;;;;'f;l:.:ltf' storrn winclor'vs;' c:l t:lr' (ilir:;s; \LL 1'YPE 1S: U-value = '06 ' F':ame Insulateo ,1LING .t.ypE rs, ,-u!i"" = o, ionciitioned opacc -1?:t" ,oop ryptr rs: r,-u"ir" - o, r'loor ovet atv c')'rditti;i,ir,3E3"t' :re Total BTtlll t()r the outrside walls are 44 0 ne l'oLal BTUI{ tor i-f't" e*po=ed openings are 1' 819 he total BTUII f<:r the cellings : n" t"ca] IITUH Ior the floors he BTUH intilfrafion for bhe openings is 2'604 ;tE TorAL B'I',Ul{ L'OR iHrs noot'4 rs ^^-,-.,.i e r...,n,n t'3:l t1 ;.;;;;i ieec of radiation reguired ihis rootn TOTALS *****{***}**r*r*t***t}**********n*i*i**n***'!*tr;kt*****!t{***'t*n*n'r /OI,UME I S txPoSED oPENINGS'ToTALING .'l::i"l ,iil;;; wnius,aoo'"e-sraae-n": 1l:1:11:: op"'''"n) 0 0 iijini-'iounRE inbj'l', of walls below sraoe " r,518 ' 6 ;i6on enn csrlrNc srzE rg HEATLOSs f he 'l'otaf BTUiI f or che wal ls above grade are 6 ' 4 85 ***,4***{i*l{'tr (l(]B1C I'|i['!' sQUAF.E I"I'llt'f llQljAIiu FF.u1- sQUARI'i l''l:E'i' SQIJARLi Firlsl'l' O Pase 6 :e 'l'oLal BTUH for Lh('t wal l.s below grade are O re 'fotal B'I'U[J f or che Bxposed openings are L6 ,997 re total B'I'Ull f or the ceilings 2 "7'/5 re Lot;rl B'I'UH tor: t.he tloors o rc R'I'UI I :i nf j IL)-aLion f or the openings is 23 '673 O'I'A L B'f U I], T J.I I S B U I L D I N CJ 49,930 O I-i'i.IJi] re tot-al f eet of radi;rt ion required 84 - E kt*****i**l'*****.rl**t****t********J.***rr*i*n*+,^)tn**********t**rt*****t*1|rAilr'+r*t( End of repcr f. LED/NE MrnrrTnenm JVi' New Induced Draft Model. Now you cun put oll the ddvantdg€s of the leledyne Laars Mini-Therm boiler into smaller spaces - ond clos- er to walls * thon cver belore. The Mini"Iherm JVi boiler uses a precision blower to create an induced draft that lowers jocket temperotur€s - cutting minimum clearances to only 2" from back of unit, 4" from front, 2" lrom left, and 5" from right, Quarnv Degcx SnvEs Ear€ of Inrt.llotion . Lightweight...as low ds 160 lbs. . small tootprint,,.starting at 13.38" x ?4". Reduced clearances,. ,?" from back of unit; 4" fronti ?" left; 5-right . Horizontdl (s€dled) or verticat (type 8) ventlng . Single-point power connection reduces installation costs. Pre-determined wiring conn€ctlons comply with latest ANSI 1995 boiler miswiring standards. \-. t Intcgral non-combustible Bosc. 5enice & ,{alnienrncc Acc6t . Front-mounted operdting temperotur€ and pressure ContLrine that with tlre Mini- Therm's alreody srrall iootprint, and you trove more crpplicdtion f lexilciljt,v tlran ever tre tore. That meons more useoble Spdce renldlllll'I3 ll new con- structiorl, dnd rnof e leeway tn tight retrof it installdt jons. Best of all, the Mini-Therm ,tVr still gives you oll the high eftictency, consistent pcrforma nce, and quiet, ttouble'f ree operation you c.ln expect from every Mini'Tlrerm boiler. Trmr aNp MoNrv gduges are edsy to redd n Eosily occessibte heat exchanger n Slicle'out burner tray . Wt]isper-quiet, mointenance-fre e !.-ln Application Flexibility " ,1 ' standard venting on units to size 160. Cal'] vent hofizontally up to 50- Conversion Cepabillty . t.:sy hrgh-altitude conve rsion Gr€.rter Efticiency " lmprov€d AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilizotiotr Efficietrcv) for lower operdtins costs Siz€ lnput gIU/H xlmo(l(w) Hectins Cop, ElUAl r 1000 (KW) Net IBR BI|UH x 1 000 (Kw) AIUE %Dim€nrlons Vd(cr lnchcs (mm) iconn. 6ds (cnn. Apfrcx Y:r9r{ (lbs. ) N.t I Pro Ga5 | Gas N6t G!s Pta Gdi Nat Pro Go:( l(ind 'cs) (ifiJrc5) 50 15 100 1?5 't 60 995 50 ( 1a.6 ) i5 (!1 9) 100 (2e 1) 1t5 (36-6) 160 (46.E) !?5 (65.e) 4l.5 ( 19.1) 62,1 (18.9) 89.0 (21) 109.5 (10) 131.? (38,1) r84,5 (51) 4?,0 t 19,3) 63.0 (18 4 ) 83,5 (14.4) 103,0 (30.1 ) 13C.8 (38.9) 'r 87.? (51.8) 36.1 (r 0.5) s{.t (15.8) 73.6 (91.3) s9.6 (96,7 ) 1't 4.1 (33,1) 160.4 (46,9) 36.5 (10.7) 54.7 (16) 79.6 (!1.3) 89.6 (90.7) 1 15.5 (33.8) 16!.8 ({?.7) 83.4 t?a d!.4 89.,1 8?.3 89,! 84.0 84.0 84.0 B?.8 Br.4 83.? 11.38 (340) ll.r s reor 13.38 | 340) 14.95 (108) 1O 86 (499) 15.75 (146) 16.88 (1?9) I5 s0 (140) ?0.38 isrs) 17.t5 (184) ?5.61 (551) lrO.OO trSll 9,BB vu6 400 9,00 L00 '(1 1 t5 1.?5 1.95 r95 1 95 i9. :2. !2 t2 60 05 BO 85 Specifications and Dimenslons . I/Q lor PtoE,qP- Ws'Rg Ruov ro Htrp You The hot water speqialists at Teledyne Laars will be happy to put their over 40 yeors of experience to work for you. For assistance in choosing the rlght unit for your applicotion - or if you'd simply like to know more about our products, services, and extensive warronty -just call the Teledyne Laars office neorest you. I 4.118 (194) i ''f*' lMt6 (rrn) 'FTELEDYNE LIRRS 6000 condor Drlvs, Moorp.rk, cA 93091 . Ter, (805) 599-9ooo Fax, (805) 549-593,1 ?0 Industrldl W0y, Roch€st?t NH 03E67 . Iel: (603) 335-6300 Fa* (603) 335.3355 180 S, SeMce Road wcat, Oakvrilc, Ont.rio, Canada L6X 9H4 . Iel: (905) 841-8Q33 fax, i905) 844-C635 lilho in U.S.A.(c)Tetcdyne [d6ft Doclment l00r9A e509 'l t i ,l i {Dt Cl{ r-''.-,.'i A'l:o'.s 'h.il^q tl I I i I I r,..-.-4- I I i \ \s \\ { :?'-s :ct <- ,,{ --9 -> 1 k) I \ \, V \) p .T -_D )t\ 4 Oo I I .t OL \- t 3 a ta) I F b o -tO 3d v I CJ. qa Jtl l-l- vl ) v + I I I I mt lYl 4j UI A o 0 -.l tu l: ,;5a g4 iv (]F"'=.<t 3HZ}t\t to f-,..t-qvH ari utl t- o d -..-_l { q/ J \ H 1 Y :I (U J J r.^Lx \L3 -t {t- 3?t-&y ? 6 '{t oQ- ot O ro'--r <- '/ Lt" -> lJob lrr.,,ss l stpg"s rzusSel I (/-- Fi | ..1 effi,1,),f uoo Weighl: 31 lb LUMBER roP cHoRD 2 x 6 spF 16soF r sE BRAot{o acr cHoRD 2 x 4 spF 1650F t sE ToP cHoRD shealhed. I WE6S 2X4SpFStud BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling diredly applred ot IOO-O on csnler bracing. I /i;i; L@'r 4'ratu LoAOI G (psf) sr-AcrNG 2-D-o | .",rcLL isii +;:fi,:: i:d i ii' qrg r 95,i,iu ":B (H I#g I ftt*'ultuoo IgqL 10.0 | Lumbef tncrease 1.00 , Bc 0.57 | vprrrfl r o.r4 r-, \Er2 gqt. 0.0 i ;;ffi;#,;;' 'Nt , fr"" 3l{ i *l*l 95 ": 'u:2 r I ai ri.6 ^epeJrress 'ncr No l wB 0.39 | Hoz(TL) )tn 7 nh L - - t_ - :::,._ :.ryr. I (Marrir) Min,-' -,n t ttien = iqo l9161SHAD MONO TRUSS SLIOER Lefl 2 X 6 SpF t65OF 1 5E r-4_1.t REACTIOI{S (tb, rl?e) 2=8EE/O-S-8, 7.700/G5-8 | -2-1-l _ 2-$i4 r t5-1 2-1-7 2-r14 { s5'rJ ( [. l: *j I j I 1 I I :; This Inrs6 has beeo designed with ANSyTpl 1-1995 criteria. LOAO CAsE(St l) Snrrer: Lumbe( hcreasr=1.00, plate In.rease=1.0; Unitorm Load: ipf) - Ve.t: 7-:.=-20 0, l_2=_190.0. tt(F_t9O.0, !O=-1!tO.o I rapezoitat Loads (pr) ^. ..__ . V:d, 2={.0.to-&-232.6. 8=-232.6-to-9=.445.5 ir utr-: L!mDer Increa..e=i.2S, plate Inc.ease=1.25 unrtorm Loads {pl0 _ Ven:7-9=-40.0. j-2=-2o.O,S10=_20.0,t6=-20.0 I tapozoidal Loac\ i:rlfl ., .^,. .. Vert.2=.20.0-l! S=-64.3, s: €4.3-to-9=_ 104.9 J, yrfnq Len: Lumber Incrrtase=l.00, plale lnc.easeEl.OO unnorm Loads (plo Verli t-9=-.t0 0. 1-2,45.7,2-3=_20.3, t4=-20.3, +10=-20.3, 5-1(F14.8, 5.6148.0 Hotz: 1_2=-ss i. :!_a=2o.3.3_4=203:4_10__zo.s. s_iL.la.s, iil.ia.o, s"z=3s.S lraFezoidat Loads (Dl0 Vert: 2=.0 O-to-E=27.8. 8=Zz 8{o-9=53.2 'l) Wind Righl: Lurnber rnnre.ase:1.00, pla{e Increase= I m russ I ype MONO TRUSS LoAD CAsE(s) Unifo.m Loads (plD v",1 f-$=J1s.s, 1-2=48.o. 2-3='18.0, 3-4='18.0, +10=-18.0, 5-1t>l7'1' t6=4s'7 Horz 1-2=-58 o. 2-3=1E.0, 3{=18.0. /t1O=18.0, 510=-27'1, 5'6=€5 7' 5-7=-23 3 Trapezotdal Loads (Plf) Vert: 2-{.Gto-8=27.8, 8:27.&10-9=53.2 5) lstWind Pa.allel: Lirmber Increas€=1.00, Pbte lncr@s€=1'0o Uniform Loads (plt vert: ?-ri--io-0, 1-2=48.0, 2-3- 18-0, 3.4=-1a.0, 4-10=-18 0, t'l(}'17 1, g-5=4E'o Horz:1-2=-58.0.2-X=18.o, 3.4=18'o, 4-'10='18.0, $'lO=-27 1. s'6=-58 O, t7:-23'3 Trapezoidal Loads (Plf) Vert 2=-O 0-lo'8=27.8. 8=27 8-lo-9=53.2 a:ffi ;-f nmi 14 r 5 :a1{l ggs FaseR _ .2-1-7 , 4-2-1s | 8-t13 r 4-2-15 , e-s-r!l 4.2-15 4-2-14 I 9 lq tct I I, l* li I l- -,-t' &113 DEFL (h) (oc) Udetl Vert(LL) -0.09 8 >999 Vert(TL) -0.11 I '902 Horz(TL) 002 7 nia Min Length / Li defl = 2r() PI.ATES GRIP M20 1g7l'144 LOAOT G TCLL BCDL SPACING csl TC O.79 BC O.42 WB O,5O (lValrix) (psr) E5-0 10.0 0.o 2-0-0 a{ ll 10.0 Plaies lncrease 1.0O Lumber increase 1.00 Rep Slress Incr NO Code UAC/ANS|95 LUMSER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 80T CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E W€BS 2X4SPFStud SLIOER L,:l 2 X 4 sPF 1650F 1 5E 1-1-1s REACTIONS flb/srze) 7=1231/0-3-8. 2=1062iG7-12 Max Horz 2= 170(load case 5) li/iax UplittT=-'149(load case 5). 2=-lO6{oqd case 3) FoRcES (lb) - First Load Case only TOP CHORD 1 -2=49. 2-3=-1 456. 1 4= -1 4O4, 4-5=212, 5-6= 47, 5-7 =-829 BOT CHORD 2-8:1r65 7-8= 1200 WEBS 4-8=59, 4-7=-1133 LOAD CAsEts) l) Snow: Lumber hcrease='l OO, Plale Increase=1.OO Uniform Loads (pl0 Vert:1-2=-190.0 Trapezddal Loads (ptf) Vert: 2=-4 O{o3=-42 .a.3=42.A-lc4:201.6, il=-201.6-10-5=-388.3, 5= 388.3-to-6=-tl(13.1' 2=O.+ld'4='20 8, W.ighl: 39 lb BRACING TOP cHOFiO Sheathod or 4-9-15 on centor purlin spacing, except 6nd verlicals. 8OT CI'IORO Rigid ceiling directly apPliod ot 6-0-0 on cenler b.acing. NOTES 1) This |russ has been desrgned tor the wind toads gonerated by 80 mph wnds al 25 tt abovo ground lovel, using 5.0-psl top chotd doad load atd-s 0 psl bdtom chord dead load, 1oo mi irom hurlcaoe oceantrne, on an occ-upancy category I, condition I enclosed buiiding, of dimensions 45 fl by 24 ff with oxposure 9 ASCE 7-93 por UBc/Al{sf}s tf end verticals or carlitevers errst. th€v are exposed to wind. lt porch€s exlst, they are not exposed !o wind- Tho lumbet OOI- inclsase is 1 00, and ihs plate grip incr€ase is 1.00 2) Unbalanced snoni loads have been considered tor lhis design. (UBC socllo.t 1638.2) 3) All plates are M20 plialss unless olherwise indicaled. 4i This truss has been designed lor a 1o.O psf bottom chord live load nonconqurrenl wilh any olh6r li/e loads pe. T.ble No- 16€, UBc-94. ii Bearing al io'nt(s) 2 considers parallet !c grain valus using ANsl/TPl1-1995 anglo tograin lormula. Building designer shouH verify capacrty ol bearing sutface 6) P.ovide mechanical conneciion (by othe-.s) of truss to bearing plate capabls of wilhstanding l/$t lb uPlitl atjoint 7 and |06 lb upln at ,oint 2. 7) This lruss has oeen desgned wrlh ANS/TPI 1-1995 cliletia 8=-20.8-lo- ?=-40.8 'lC: Lumber Increase=1.25. Pla{e Increase=1.25 .m Loads (p|f) Verl: t-2=-20.0 1l Loads (plf) 2=-0.4{0-3=-4 5, 3=-4.5-to4=-21-2,42.2L 2-lo-5=-4O.9, 5..40.9-to-6= -42.4, 25-19.S(o-&-40.8, '-to-7=-60.8 - Inoaease=1.00, Plate lnorease=1.00 9161SHAO LOAD cAsE(s) Trap€zoidal Loads (plf) vetl'. 2.-1? O-to-3=4.8, F4.&ao4=24.5,4=16.gilo-5='l.4,5=81.rto4e87.3,2-O.2-lo4=-10-4, 8:-',to.4-lo-7=-?0.4 Hofr: 2=1'.s-tc3=2.6, ]2.4b-4=-35.1, rF-27.5.to-5=-71-8, 5=-105.0-to6=-108.5 4) Wind Righti Lumbe. hrorease='1.00, Plate Incresse=1.0O Unitorm Loads (plf) Verli Hotz: 1 -2=-58.O. 172.23.3 Trapezoidal Loads (ptl) Verl: 2:-9.7-to-3=-2.5, 3=-2.5-to-4=26.E, 4=19.2-to-5=53.6, 5:E2.3-to5=85.0, 2=0.2-lo-8r-1o.4, 8110.+to-?=-20.4 Horz: 2=9.5-to-3=0.3, 3=0.3.to-4:-37.4, 4=-29.&to-5=-74.1, 5=-102.7-10-6--106.2 5) 1sl Wind Par.llel Lurnber Increase=1.00, Plate Increase=1.00 Unilorm Loads (plO Vsrl 1-2=48.0 Horz:'l-2=-58.0, 5-7:23.3 Trapezoidal Loads (plD Vetl 2=-9.7-to-3=-2.5. 3-2.5-10-4=26.8. 4=192-to-5=53.6. 5=84.Flo-6=87.3, 2=0.2-lo{--19.4,8--1O.$lo-7='2o.4 Horzi ?=9.5-lo-3=0.3 .3=0.3-lo4=-3? .4, 4=-29.A4o-5..l4.1 . 5=-105.010.5=-1m,5 /- Fob.---Fuss russ I ype 9t6lSHAD CJOEA ROOF 'RUSS . '1.2.15 | 8-5-13 I +2-15 +2-15 l= ie I k l* l csl TC 0.58 BC 0.,t0 w8 0.53 (Ivtrtrix) LUT'BER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 165OF 1.5E EOT CHORD 2 ;.: 4 SPF 1650F 1.5e WEBS 2X4SPFSlud SLIDER Left 2 X 5 SPF t65OF 1.5E 2-4-6 REACTIONS (llltstze) 7=1231/D-3-8, 2=1062,(}7-12 Max Ho.z 2=172(load case 5) Max Upliff7=-151(load cas€ 5), 2:106(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Fi.st Load Case Oniy TOP CHORO t-2=35, 2-3 =1555, 3-4=-1a52,.1-5- 199, $.5=-47. 5-7=-793 BOT CHORO 2.8='1261. ?-8- i272 WEaS +a=73 4-7=-1203 florEs 'l) This truss has been designed tor the vJind loads g€nsrat8d by 80 mph winds at 25lt abo/B ground lsv6l, using 5.0 psf top ohord d€ad lo.d 8nd 5.0 psl bottom chord dead load, l0O mi from hurrica-ne oceanline. on an occupanol calegory l, cohditlon I enclosed building, ot dimensions.t5ll by 24 ff with expmure C ASCE 7-93 pet UBC/ANSI96 f end uenicab o. canlileve.s exisl,lhey are axposed lo wind. It porch€s erid,lhey are Dot orpGod lo wind. Thelumbet DOL increase is 1.00, and the pl.le gtip incr€ase iB 1.00 2J UotElanced snow loads have been considercd fot lhis design. (UBC section 1638.2) J) All plales are M2o plates unless otheiw'se indicated. 4) This truss has been des;gned for a l0.o psl bollom chord liw load noncoocurrent with 6rry othgt live loads pet T.bk hlo. 16-8, UBC-94. 5) Bearing al ioint(s) 2 considers parallol to grain value {sing ANSIITPI '1.1995 angle to grain formub. g'rilding ds€igner should verily capacitv (!f bearing sudace 6l Ptovide dnechantcal conneclion (by olhers) ol |russ to bearing pJate capable ofwfthstandtng fst ,b uplifi al lbint 7 and lO5 lb uplfi al joinl 2. 7) This truss has beerr designed $,^lh ANSI/TPI 1-195 crite.ia. LOAD CAsqSl 1) Snow: Lumber lncrease=1.00. Plate Increase:1.0O Unifottrl. Loads <pl{l Vsd: 'l-2=-190-0 Trapezoidal Loads (pll) ve,l:2=-4.&!to-3=-94.5,3=-94.51o-4*-201.6, .t=-201.6-to-5=-388.3, 5=-388.1to€:rn3.1, ?=0-4-10-8=-20.8, 8=-20.8-to-7=-4o.8 ') UBC: Lumber Increase=1 ?5, Plat€ lncrease=1.25 ' hiforrn Loads (pll) Ve.t: l-2=-20.0 .zoidal Loads (plf) \/ert 2=-0.4-ro-3=-9 9, 3=-9.$to-4=_21.2, 4=-2.t.2-to-5=-40.9, 5=-40.9_lo-5=-42.{, 2=-lg.Glo.€--40.4, .40.8-to-7=-60.a ''nber lrErease='1.00, Plale lncr€Es€=l.00 'Dl0 its 7 LoADING (ps0 TCLL 85.0 TCDI 't 0.0 BCLL O.O acDL 10-o SPAC|NG 2-Ol) Plales hcr€asc 1.0O Lumber Increase 1.00 Reo Slress Incr NO Code UUC/ANS|9S BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed orSll-7 on c€tiet purlin spacing, ercept erd crlicals BOT CHORD Rlgid ceiling di.€clly applied or 6+0 on center bracing. PLATES GRIP i,f20 19711./ Weiohl: 42 lb oEFL (h) 0oc) l/ddl Vert(LL) {.06 I >9$l Vertrlt-) {t.07 ru '999 Hoz(TL) 0.02 7 nla lfin Length / LL defl = 240 9161Sr1AO ROOF TRUSS loAo cAsE(s) Ttapezoidal Loadr lplf) Verl : 2= -1 2 0-i o.3= 4 .7 , a::4 .7 .to-4=24 .5 , 4=16.9-to-5=51 .4, 5= 84.5-to-6=82.3. 2=0.2-to-g: 1O .4, 8E,-1O.4-lo-7=-20 .4 Hotz. z'11 8-to-3=-9,?, 3=-9.7-to,{:-35.1. 4=-27_$io-5=-7i.8, 5=-105.&to-6=-108.5 4) Wind Right: Lumber Increase=1-00, Plate Inc{oase-,1,0O Unilorm Loads (p[) Vert: 1-2=48 0 Horz:'l -2=.58.0. 5.7=-23.3 Trapozoidal Loads (plf) Verl:2=-9.7 -to-T7 o. 3=7.0.10-4=26.8, 4=192-to-5=53.6. 5=82.3-r,o-6=a5.0. 2?0-Z-to-8s-1o.4. 8:-i0.+io-7,-20.4 Horz: 2=9.tlo-3=- 1.a.0, 3=- 12.0.to-4--37.4, 4=-29-8.io.5= -74.i. 5:-i02.7.to-6:-106.2 5) 1sr Wind Parallel: Lumber Increaso=1.00. Plate lncroase:.|.00 Unitom Loads (plD Verl:1-2=48.0 Horz: 1,2:.58.0, S.7=-23.3 TrapezoidalLoads (pt0 Vorl: 2=-9.7-la-3=7.0, 3=7 0-10-4=26-8, 4=192-to-5=53.6, 5=84.$to-6=87.3, 2=0.210-8:-10.4, 8=.10.4-to-7=-20.4 Horz: .'=9.S.to-3=-12.0, 3-.1?.0{0-+-37.4. 4:-29.8-to-5=-74.1 , 5=-105.0{o.6r-108.5 14 15:33:29 4-2-15 4-2-14 N : 1., I I I t:j I I I i :9 iq I I I I oEFL (in) (loc) Yden Verl(LL) {.08 I >99S Ve.l(TL) O.@ 8 >999 Horz(TL) 0.02 7 nla irin Lengih / LL def = 2,(' PLATES GRIP [,120 1971144 Weight: iO lb BRACI'IG ToP cl.loRD sheathed or $1G7 on c€r et pu,lin spacing, axcepl ond vorlicals. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling diroctt applied o. 6-G0 on cenler bracing. FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2=u, 2-3=-1611, 3.4=.1561, 45=206. 5-€E'47. 5-7=412 BoT CHORD 24=1358, 7.8'1372 WEBS 4-8=65.4-7=-1299 NOTES '!) This truss has been designed for the wind loada gsneialod by 80 mph winds at 25 tl above ground level, using 5.0 FsI top chord dead load and 5.0 psl bottom cto.d dead load. 100 mi lrom hurlicane oceanline, on a.| occlpanct category l, condition I enclosed building, of dirnensiorrs {5 ft by 24 tl wilh sxposuIo C ASCE 7-93 p6r UBC/ANS|95 lf end ve.ticals or canlilev€rs exist,lhey are etposed to wind lf porches exisl,lhey are not e{r6ed towind. The lumbor DOL inorsase is 1.00, and the plaie grip increas€ is 1.00 2) Unbalanced snow loads hav6 be6n considered to( this dgsiln. (UBC section 163a.2) 3) All plales are lvl20 plates unless olherwtse iodicated. 4) Thts truss has been desigLted {or a 10 0 psf bottom chord iiv6 load nonconcurrent with anv othgr live loads oer Table No. 1G.8. UBC-94. 5) Beanno aiioinr(s) 2 considers parallello g.ain valu€ using ANSYTPT '1.1995 aogle to grain formula. Suilding designer should verify capacity of bearing surtace 6) Provide mechanical connecl'on (by others) of truss to bearlng plate capable of withstanding 147 b uplift al joint 7 and 1061b uplaft al joint 2. 4 Thrs truss has been designed with ANSyTPI 1.1995 criloria. LOAD CASE(S) 1) Snowr Lumber Increase=1.00, Plale Increase=1.00 Unrlorm Loads (plf) Verl. 1-2=-190.0 Trapezoidal Loads (plf) Vsrl: 2=-4 0-to-3=-76.4, 3=-76.410-4=-20'1.6, 4=-2O1.610-5=-3aa.3. 5=-3A8 3{06=-403.1. 2'0.4-lo€5-20.6. 8=-20.&to-7=-40.8 2) UBC: Lumber Increase=1.25. Plate Increase=1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Votl 1-2=-2O.O Trapezoidal Loads (plf) Vert 2=-0.+lo-3= -8.O, 3=€.0-to-4=-2'l .2, 4=-21.2.1o-5=-40.9, 5=-40.9-to-6:-42 4. 2:-.t 9.&io-8=-40.8, 8=-10.&to-7=60.8 .d Letl: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plale Inctgase=1.00 .m Loads (plf) VeJl i 2=45.7 516 I 8-5-13 9161SHAD ROOF TRUSS 6 LOAD CASEIS) T.apezoidal Loads (Plf) v€rl:2-.12'o.lo.3:'4,3='.+10.4=24.5.4.,,5.9.10-5=51..|.5=84.'104=87'3,2.0.2.to.8=-10.4.8!.1o.4-|o.7*20.4 ioni=f i .e-ro-a:S.a, :=-S aao'c=-35.r ' F-27 '''lc-5--71 a,5=-106 (}lo'&'104'5 4) Wind Righl: Lumber Inorease='1-(x), Plate Increase= l'0O Unifotm LoadE (plf) Vert:1-2=48.0 Hotz: 1-2=-58.0, 5.7='23.3 Trap€zoidal Loads (Plf) ven:2=-s7-lo-:F3.7,3=3.7-to1=26.8,4=t9?'lc'F536,5:82'9te6'850'2=02'to4-10'4'8='r0+lo'7='20'4 i(I: z=g.5-to-v-t .i .3=-7.7'ro4"37.4,4='29.8'lo-5='74'1 , 5='102'7'lo€='106'2 5) lst Wiod Pa€llel: Lumber lncroass=1'0o, Plale Indeas€=1 m Unform Load:i (Plf) Vert;1-?=48.0 Horz: 1-2=-58.0, t7=-23.3 Trapezoidal Loads (pl') Vert: 2=-9.7-to-3'3.7 , ]F3.l'to-4=26-E,1=19 ?'to-5=53 6. 5:84 9to6=E7-3' 2'0 2-h-8=-10 4' 8=-10'+to'7:20 4 Horz: 2=9.S-{o-3:-?.7 ,3=-7 .7 'lo4='37.4,4'-29.8-to-5='74 1, 5:105 010-6'-106 5 4-2-6 1-Lll3 -l 1-2.6 +3-7 :l ll 't : LOADING (psf)rcLL 85.0 t -.-'I I SPAC|NG 2-0-0 Plares Increase t.oo OEFL (ini (|oc) Udell Verr(LL) -0.02 7 >999 PIATES GRIP i/po 197t144 Weight; 40 lb csl Tc 0.,15 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.00 BC O.31 LUMBER TOPCHORD 2 X 6 SPF,I65OF 1.5E BOTCHORD ? X4 SPF 1650F 1 5E WEBS 2X4SPFStud REACTfONS (lb/srze) 6:128 I l0-3.A. 2=1g23t0-7 -12 Mat Horz 2=235tload case S) Lrar Uplafl5=-1s0(load case 5),2=+4toad case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Onlv TOP CffORD 1.2=67, 2,3=-1013, 3-4=24. 4-5=-24. 4-6=-770 BoT CHORD 2-7=945, 6-7=945 WEBS 3-7=82.3-6=-1044 ^roTEs t) fhis lruss tas been designed for the wird bads gen€.al€d by 80 mph winds al 25 fl above ground lsv€t, using 5.0 psl top chord de.d load ard 5.o p6f bottom chofd dead load, 10o mi from hurricane ocoanlino. on an occupanqy category t, conditioo I enclosed building, ol dihonsions 45 fi by 24 fl with exposuro C ASCE 7-93 per UBC/ANSI95 tf end ve,ticals o. canlilevers exist, lhey are exposed to $,lnd. lf porches exisl, lhey ars nol exposed lo nind. the lumber DOL increase is 1.0O, and lhs plate gdp incroass is 1.00 2) Unbalanced sr,?.v iosds have been considered tor lhis destgn. (UBC seotjon 16-38.2) 3) All plales are M20 plates unless olhenlrise indicaled. 4) Thrs lrus"s has be€[ desiqned lor a 10.0 psf botlom cho.d live load nonconourr€nl with any other live loads per Tabltg f.lo, te.B, UBC.94. 5) Provide mechanicdl .onneclion (by others) of kuss to bearing plate capable ol wilhstandlng 150 lb upliti al joint 6 and 87 lb uplift at toini 2. 6) Thrs lruss has been designed with ANSUTP! 1-t995 c.iteria. LOAD CASE(Sl 1) Snow: Lumber Increase=1 00. Plate Increase=1.00 Unrform Loads (pl0 Ve.t 1-2=-190.0 Trapozordal Loads (plO Vert: 2=-6.91o.3=-199 3, 3=-199.3-lo-4--3a83, 4=-388.3-ro-5=-403.1. 2=0.0.10-7=-20.6. 7=-20.6-to-6=-40 8 2) UBC Lumber Increase=1 .25, Plate Increase=1 .25 Uniform Loads (plf) Ven: 1-2=-20.0 Trapezoidal Loads {plt) verr: 2={ 7-ro-3=.2.1.0. 3=_21.0_to_&_4o.9,4=4.9.il.-5=_42.4.2:20.O_lo_7=_40.6.7=_.rc.Ato$=$0.8 3) Wand Leff Lumt€r Increase=1.00. Plale increase=1 OO Un'folm Loads {plf) Ved: 1-2=45 7 Horz: 1-2=-55.7, 4-6=38 5 Trapezoidal Loads (plt, Verl: 2=-19.O-to 3=15.5, 3=t6.5to-4.51.4, !=g!.5.1o-5=87 3,226.O-to-7=-1O 3.7..1O.3-lo{E'-2O.4 Horzi 2= i6.6-to-3=-27.0, 3=-27.o-to-4="7 t .8. 4=-105.0Jo5=-i08.5 4) W.nd Righl: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plate Increase=l_OO BRACIM} TOP CHORD Sheathed or6-().0 on cenler purlin spacing. excepl end verticals. BOT CIIORO Rigld ceiling direclly applied or 6-00 on c€nter bracing. LOAD CASqS) Unilotm Loads (Pff) v.d: t-2=48-0 Holz'. 1 -2. -*t.O. 4-e-23 3 Trap€zoid.l Lords (plO v..i: 2.-16.7-to-3- tE E. 3.18-&lo-{.:i:t.6, r1.82-uo-5.45'O' 2'O-Olo-7:-10.3. 7"103'|c6l.2o'' li(|,tzt 2= 16 4-to-},-29.3, 3='29.31o'l='74.1' rF-to2'7-to'Flo62 5) 1st Wind Paralbl: Lumbcr llror€asFl.O0. Pl*6loc"as€g| '00 Unifotm Losds (9[) Vs :1-2.48.0 Hor2: t-F-58.c. 4SE-23.3 Trapezoidal Loads (Pf)' vrrl: 2=-15-i-to3=18.8, 3'1&.6-to'44i:t-6, a'&451o&8?'3, 2'O'(!.lo-7'-10'3' 7-10'$b'6&20'4 lloz: 2=16.+to-3={9.3, 33-29.3'{o''ts74.1, tF-16'010'5=-108'5 P;b- -Tf.t"s.Truss Type 9161SHAD HO1 ROOF TRUSS Ac HotrSToN'toNiFoi{-6. 8l?di - --t6it i1 ffi 21 1 l- Co-r?lSecro-rsetlirFei(lndusl' jes,tnc.ThuFf i-15:5536-T!fFagel, I i I l"? q tdt 10 3-1-|2 _ . _ 1't-10'4 1t0-O ---+- --- -l 1€-O csl TC 0.86 BC 0.84 WB 0.9i1 ([/tatrix) DEFL Cn) (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) 4.23 12-13 >7U Ve.tfiL) $.28 12-13 >629 Horz(IL) 0.29 9 n/a Min Length / LL defl = 24o Weight: 147 lb t- LUMAER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1,5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF IIOOF 1.8E WEBS 2X4sPFsiuJ SLIOER L€fl2 X 4SPF 1650F 1.5E 1-5'4. Right 2 X4 SPF'165tr 15E 1-5{ REACTIONS (lb/size) 2=3262,,0-5-8, 9=3249G5-8 Max Horz 2=77(load case 6) Mar UDlrfn=-362(load case O.9:-359(load case 7) luax Grav2=3350(load caso 2). 9=3328(load case 3) FoRcES (lb) - Firsl Load Case only TOp cHoirD t-2=st. z_z-.t'tgz,l<=-7045. 4.5=-9518, 5-6=-8400. 6-7=-9269, 7A=-6969, 8-9=-7118, S10=57 BOT cHoRD 2-14=575E. 13-14=5893, 12'13=8300, 1t '12=5786, 9-1 t=5692 WEBS 4-14=-2sJ.4-13.2E9 7, 5-13=3526, t12-116, 6.12=334a' 7-12=27U' 7-11=-194 NOTES 1) z-plylrusstobe connecled together with 1od commoo(.1/l€i"xy) Nails as fotlows: Top chords connected with 2 row($) at o-90 on canlet' Sottom chords connected with 2 row(s) al G6-o on centet . Webs connecled with 1 logr(s) at 0-9'0 on cerlel 2) This lruss has been desigoed for the wind loads generatod by 80 mph whds at 25 ft abole gtound level. using 5.0-psf top chord d€ad load and 5 0 Psf boltom chord de'd toad. ioo mf f.om hu ,i';ane oaeanhne, onan Dccr.Fancy catego(y r, "onoioi.'i .-r.los"J luiroing, a ai.*.iins a5 ( by 24 f with Bxposure c AscE 7-93 per u8c/ANsl95 It snd r.€,1icals or cantitevers oxist, tneyll "ipoi.Jio rii,a nioicr'es exi"r, irr"y "i. -r "ip""J ro ritto Tho lumb€r DoL increase ls 1 m, and lhe plale grlp increase 1.00 3) Unbalancdd snow lcads have been consideted lor this design. (UBC s€cllon 16-3i 2l . -4t Ercept as shown belo/r, special conneclion(s) required to s-uppo.l @ncent.ated load(s). Design ol connsction(s) is dolegated lo lhe building deslgner. 5) Provide adeqr€te draroage lo ptgv€ol walea pondmg 6) All plates a.e M2o pleles unless othorwise indicaled. ?'') This lruss has been designed tor a 1O.O psl bottom chord live load nonconcurrenl with anY olhcr livs l@ds per Table No' 1&B' uBc-94 8) Beafing at iornt(s) 2, I consrda.s parallel to Irain value using ANsrTPl 1-1995 angle lo grain fotmuta. Building desigoef should venfy qapac y of beaaing sutlaco. 9) provide mechanacat connect'on 1Oy oifrers) of lruss lo beenng plate capabls of withstanding 362 lb uplitt al joir 2 and 359 lb uplitt ai ioant 9- 10) This lrusE has beeri desrgned with ANSI/TPI t-1995 crilerb- LOAD CASE(S) l) Snow: Lumbe. lncrease=1 .00. Plate lncreese='!.m Unifotm Loads (plt) Vsrt:1'2:-190.0,?'3=-190.0,3'4=:igO.0.4'5=-19CC,S=-3874,6-7=-1900.7-8=l90O,8-9=-1900'9-10=-1900' 2-14--?0.0. 13.14=-20.0, 12-'13='37 0, 11-12=-20 0, 9-11=-2O O Concentrated Loads (lb) Verl '13--1073 12=- 1073 'al Snow-Lell: Lunrber lncrease= 1 .00, Plrte ln'_rease-1.00 BRACIIIG TOP CHORD sheathed or 5-93 on center putlin spacing BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling direc-tly apd'rd ot 6+0 on cenl6t bracing' 7 oc fit ---_: ti,''t.- -" tt' 11 -- 114 li 5 00 t2 Job LOAD CASE(SI Uniform Loads (plf) vqt: 1-2=-232.5,2_3.-232-5.3-4--2iJ2l-,4-5=^232.5, t6=-387. 1,6;7=-20.O,7-f*'-2O.0, 8-t-20.0, Il(F-20'o' 2-1.F20.0' 13.14=20.0' 12-13? 0' 11'12=-20'0' 9-'l1=-20.0 ConcenlEted Loads (lb) Vett: 13=-'1073 12=-1073 3) Unbal Snow-Right: Lumber lncroase:1 m, Plal8 lnor6ase=1 00 Unrform L@ds (plD ven: 1.2=.20.o'2-3=.20'0, 3{:-20 0, +5=-20.0, 5.6=-387 A'6'7..2325,7-a..232.5, &9=.232.5. 9.18-232.5,2.14.-20.o, 1}t+-20.0' 12-13=-"7 'o,11.12-2o.o' 9-1'13-2o 0 Concenlraled Loads (lb) V€'1. 1Y-1O73 12=-1073 4) UBC: Lumbet Increase'l.25, Plals tncroase=1 25 '"'t'ttulT,oi_!o]?ro.o.2-:..-20.o.u=-20.0,4-s=-20.0,5.6=-37.0,5-7=-20.u,74--20.0.&9--20.0,s1o--20.0,2-1,r--4o.0'13-14-,!,00,12-1Fs7o'11'12'-1o'o' 9-11=-40.0 Concenlraled Loads (lL) Va.l: 1k-17O 12'-170 5'l Wind Left: Lumber Incroase-1 oO' Plale Incraas€'l'OO '"0*ru:"ili-f]?o. 4, 2.3.1 .o.34=7.o.4-s:7.0, 5-6:50.0, 6-7 =24.?,7s=24.6.8;.=24.6,s-1o.+'o,2-18-10,0' 13-14r-10.0' 12-13=-18-5' 11'12='10'0' 9'11s-|0 0 Aiirz rz=-qo..a,z-z=-17.0, 3'4--17.0, ++-17 o, 6'7=34 6, 73-3' 6, &F34'6' s'l0-58'0 Concenlraled Loads (lb) Ve,i:13=134 12-134 6) Wind Righll Lumber Insrease=1.00, Plate Increase=l 0O '^n"''u11f;-!1L. o,2-...=21.6,3-4=24.5, 4-5=24.6, s-6=@.0. 6-z=7.0, 7_€=7.0, &e: r.o,s-1x:r..4,2-14=-10.0, 13-1/t''t0.0, t2-13=-18's. 11'12='1o'0' e'l1--10'0 Hotz: 1-2=-58.0. 2-3=-el.O, 3-4='34.S,4'+-3 6. t7=17'O' 7{=17 0' &9:17 0' }10-'|(l 4 Concenlrated Loads (lb) Vert:13=134 12=134 7} 1si W|]d Pa.lrllel: Lumbe] lncrease=1 $O, Plal6 l'Ereas6:1 00 '"tt"-hT5-f]?r. o 2-3=24,6.34=24.6. 4-5c24.6, 16,60.0. 6-7=24.6. 7-8-2ir.6, &e- 24.G,*1c=lr..o.2-14=-to.o, t!1+-1o.o,12-t:--1a.5. 11-12:10 o. 9-11=-10.0 Horz: 1-2=-58.O,2-3'-34 6. 34=-34.6, 4'5''34 6. e7=34'6, 7$-34'6' &s'34 6' 9-10=58 0 Concenlrated Loads (lbi V€n:13=134 12=134 I -1"6-0 , 3-r-12 i 6{-0 | 8-,-o I il:1i i 14-eo I 1s}0 I 1-6'0 3''l-12 2-lo'1 2-9-0 2-1G4 T1'12 '154 1 *r1 luay I ';'] ?.00112 4x1g/., ," /' "l ,/ -'l -j /. ',/ r -,t ><',.' l><- 14 1x4 i 5 o0lr2 I t- h,a ,r l'l:.10 DEFL (in) 0oc) Yden Ven(Ll) -0.19'12-13 >923 verriTl) .0.23 12-13 >759 Hoz(TL) 0-25 9 nla Min Lfl! lt , LL dofl = 240 PLATES ORIP M20 1971144 Woighl: '157 lb BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 21OOF '1,8E BRACING ToP CHORD Sheathed or 6-{X) on c.|lt€r Purlin sPaclng. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiting dir@1ly aPPLed ot 60{l oi conler bracing' WEBS 2X4SPFSlud SLIOER Left 2 X6 SPF 1650F 1.5E264, Right2X6SPF 1650F 1 5E 2€-0 REACTIoNS (lt/size) 2=3265/0-5-8, 9-3288/0-5-E Max Horz 2=-77(load case 5) M6t Uplin2*362(load case 4, 9'-365(load case 7) Mar Grav2=3349(load case 2). F3372(bad case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Caso only TOPCr{OiiD't-2=tU.2-3=-7455,3-+-7143,+5=-€',12F..5+'1711,6-7='9271,7'8-7158,8-9''7470'9-1F44 BOT CHORD 2-14.5922,13-1,1=5980. 12-1F7898, t t-12=6m0, 9-11=5926 WEBS 4]14=-s7 , 4-13=23s2, t13=36tlo, 5-12=-146,6-12=3449,7'12=2546,7-11='142 l,toTEs ,)2.ptytruss|ob€conn€c{€dlo9elherwjth|0dco[|mo.|(.t48:x3.)NaiEasfot|o$'s:Topchotdaco0'roctgdv.ith2ro0,(s)etG9,ooncant6''Bot|omcfordsndddh2 row(s) at 06-0 on cenler. Webs conn€ctod wilh 1 rci|,(6) at 0']0 qn cenler. 2) This lruss has beeo designed for the wind toads gerE.ated by E0 mph winds at 25 fl abow grouod Lerel, using s.o.psl top chotd dead load and 5'0 psf bottom chord dead toad, 1oo mi frorn hur.,cane oceantms, on an occupancv cetegory t, "".aiiri"rl'"*iJ Luir'airu, * c-.n.i*t l5 n uy 2l i "'iltt txPgsril-s-c ASSF 7'93 per UBc/Al'lsl}s lf €nd vedicats or canlitevors 6xrst, they are erposed to wind. tt porchF exi"t.lrr"v "i" J "ii"d to wind. The lumberboL irEleas€ is 1.oo. and the plale glip incte6e is 1 .00 3) Unbalaocad snow loads have been considered fo. this design. (UBC s€c-liDn 163E 2) 4) Except as shor/vn betow. spec€t conneclion(s) requir€d to sitppon concor rated load(s). Design of connec-tion(s) is delogated to lhe building designer 5) Provide adequale drainage lo prevenl waler pondlng 5) All ptates are M20 pLates unloss othetltise indicaled. 7) This truss has bson desrgned lor a lO.0 pst bottom chord firre bad nonoo.rcu.tenl wiih any othct live lgads per Tabt8 No- lEB' uBc-94. 8) Bearing at joint(s) 2, I considers pa.allelto grain valu€ using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 atrgle lo gtain lo.mula. Building designer should verify capacity of bearing surfaoo 9) Provde meohanacat connection (by otfie.s) of lruss to bearing plate capabte ot $ithslading 352 lb uplif, st Flnt 2 and 365 lb uplitl al ioint 9. lo) This lruss hes been designed with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 criteria LOAD cAsE(S) 1) Snow: Lumber Increase=1 00, Plale lncrease'l m Unifo.m Loads (pli) Ved:1-2=-190.0,2.3=-190o,3-4---190.0,4-5=-1900,5-6=-39s9,S7='190-0,?-8=-190'0.8-9=-1900'9-1G'1900' 2-14.-2O.o. 13-14=-20.0, 12'1*37 1,'11-12=-20.0, 9-1 1=-20.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Ven:13=-1136 1?=-1136 ' Snow-Left: Lumber Increase=1 0O, Plale lncrsese=1.oo LoAO CA3E{S} Undorm Loads (plO Ve^. 1 -2= -232.5, 2-3=-232.5, 3-+-23?,5, +5=-232.5, 16e'395.9, 6'73-20.0. 9-11=-20-O Concentraled Loads (lb) Verl: 13='1136 1?=-1 136 3) Unbal Snow-Right: Lumbet Inctease=1.m, Plale Incrs6€=1 00 7-A'-ZO-O. &9--20.0, 9-1r-20.o, ?-11'-20.O, 13-1+'m.O, 12'13='37.7, 11'12''20 O, Unrform Loads (plD Vert: 1-2=-20.0, 2-3= -Zo.o,3-4=-20.O,4-*-20.0, 5"6:,395.9. 6-7= -232.5,7.f.=-232.5,*9:232.5,9-10'-232.5, 2-t4='20-0, 1114='2O.0' 12'13-'37.7' 11'12'-20'O, 9-lt=-20.0 concenlraled Loads (b) Ven: 13=- 1135 l2=-1 136 4) UBcr Lumber lncreaae= 1-25, Plate Increase-'1.25 Uniio.m Loads (plD Va.r: 1-2=-20.0. 2.3= -zo.o,3-+-2o.O, +5=-20.O,51)=-37 .7, 67=-20.0, 73=-20.0, s-9*20.0, IIF-20.0,2-14'4O.O, 1x1+4,O,12'13=-57 -l ' 11'1?''40.0' 9.'1 1=-40 0 cqncentrated Loads (ib) Ven:13=-18012'-1E0 5) Wind Lefi: Lumber Inc,ease=1.00, Plal€ Increase=1.0O UniforIn Loads (plo Ved: 1,2=30.4,2-J=7.0, 3-4=7.0, +5=7.0. 5l-61.5, 6-7.24.6, 7{=24.6, E-9=24.6, +10E48.0,2-14.-10.0, 1}r4-10.0, 12-13=-18 9, l1-12'-1o.0.9-11='10.o Hor.: 1-2=-40.4. 2-3=-17.O.3-4=-t7.0, +5=-17-O,6-7=34.6. 7-8=34.6, &9=34.6, 9'10.58.0 Concenl.eled Loads (lb) Ve(t: 13=142 '1?.142 6) Wind Right: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plate lnctease=1.0O Uni{orm Loads Glq Vert: .r-2=48.o, 2-3=2 4 5,3-/.F24.6,4-5=24.6, 5,6.61.5, e7'7.0, 7-s-7.0, 8-9=7.0, $'lO.3O.4, 2-14=-10.0, 111.1=-10.0. 12-t3E-16.9, 11-12'-10 0, 9'11*10O Horz: l-2=-58.0, ?-3=-34.6,3-.1=-34-6,4-5=-345, G?.1?.0,7'&17 0, &9=17.o, $1o&4O.4 Concentrrted Loads {lb} Ve.t 13=142 12'.142 7) 1st Wind Parallel: Lurnbet Incroas6=1.00, Plate Inctease'1.m Unilom Loads (plf) Veni 1-2=i|8.o. Z-3=Z 4.6.3-4=245,4-*24.6,16.61.5. G7=24.5, 7-8=24.6, &9=24.5, FIO-,€.o, 2-1a'-10.0, 13-1.F-10.0, 12-13| 18.9, 11'12='10-0' 9-11=-10.0 Hotz: 1-2=-5E.0. 2-3=-34.6. 3-.1=-34.6. +5--34.6. 6-7=34 6, 7'8'34.6, &9=34 5' 9'lG5a.0 Co[cenlrcled Loadg (lb) Vett: 13=142 12'14: ruas I ype sctssoR HIP i A,c. Hous -1-61 I - 3-t-12 i 6-0-0 -- : 9-3.8 ---+- 12'1-12 1$3{ F 1&98 l '1 -6-0 3-1-'t2 2-10-4 3'3-8 2-1M 11'12 1 40 t" l4 f i 3-1-12 , Go-O , tr3€ , 12-l-12 , 15-18 11 1-6-0 15'3'8 1-6-0 LotrDlXG (pst) TCLL 85.0 TCDL 10,0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 SPACTN(' 2{{ Plates Increase 1.00 Lurnb€r lncreaso 1.00 Rsp Slress Inct NO Code t,8ClANS195 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF r650F r.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 21OOF 1.8E WEBS 2 X 4 SPF stud 'ExoeDl' w3 2 X 4 SPF 16sOF 1-5E. W3 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E ,sLlDER Len 2 X 4 sPF slud 111-11, Righl 2 X 4 SPF slud 1-11-11 REAcTloNs (lh/size) 2:3383,/0-5"E. 9=34OS{r-5-8 Llax Horz2=-77(load case 5) Max Uplitl2=-374(load cass 4. 9e-377(oad case 4 t\jlax crav2=3457(load case 2), 9=3479(load caEe 3) BR.ACI'IG ToP cHoR0 shealhBd o, 6{{) on cenler purlin apacing. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directt applied or 6-GO on canter bracing. FoRCES (b) - Firsl Load Case Only ToP CHORO 1-2=36. 2-3=-9916. 3-4:9916. +5'.10788. 5-6=-8950, 6-7=-10873, 7-8=-9997, &9-9997, 9-l(F36 BOT cHoRO 2-14=8569, 13-14=8563. 12-13=9?9{. 11-12=8640, 9-11=8640 WEAS +14=76.4-13=1383, 5-13=4717,112=-378, 5-12=4619, 7-12=1392,7-11=57 NOTES ?) 2-pty lruss lo be connected together with lod Common(.148"x3 ) t'laih as follov,,s: Top chords conrcct€d with 2 row(s) alG$Oon centet. Bollom chords con'Eated wifi 2 ro\rr(s) at G6-0 on center Wcbs Gonneclgd wilh 1 .ow(s) al 0-9-0 oo csn(er. 2) This liuss has been designsd fo. the wind loadr g€nerated by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground lev8l, using 5.0 Psf top chord dead load and 5C tsf bottom chord dead load, 10O mi frorn huriicaDe ood irE. on an occuPancy cotegory I, condilion I enclosed buitding, ol dimensions 45 ff by 24 ft raith e'rposure C ASCE 743 per UBC/ANS|95 lf end vortioals or caotilovers erict , iheyare expos;d to wind. lf porches axisl, th6y ara not exposed louind. IhE lumber DOL inctoast is 1.0O, and the plsle grip increase is 1.00 3) Unbalanced snow loads have been consiiered tot lhis design. (UBC seclion 1638.2) 4i Ercept as shot/vn belov/, special connediot(s) roquirsd lo suppod concontrated load(s). D€si$ of conDectitn(s) is delggated lo the building desgner. t Provide adequate drainage 10 ptevent waler poMing. 6) All pleles are 1v120 plaaes unless otherwise indicaled. 7i This |russ has been designed for a 10.0 psf botlom chord liv6 load nonconcurtont wilh any othet liva loqds per T.ble l'lo. 16-8. uBc-94. 8) Bearing at jorr't(s) 2, 9 considers parallel to grain !€lue using ANSftPl 1-1995 anglo lo grain formuh. Building designtt should vetit qrpacity of bearing surlace. 9) Provide mechanrcal c.,nnediot (by oth6r9 of truss lo boaring plate capable ofwilhslanding 374Ib uPlift al Fint 2 and 377 lb uplifl at joint 9. 10) This truss has been designed with ANSyTPI 'l-1995 oritstia. LOAD CASE{SI 1) Shour: Lumber Inc'ease=l.00 Plals Incroase=1.0O Uniform Loads (ptfi Verl: 1-2.-190.0. 2J=-190.0. 3-4=- 190.0, 4-5.-190.0, 5.5=-395-9.6'7=-190.0, 7€=-190.0. &9"190.0. SltF-190.0. 2-14=-20.o, 13-14-- : J.O. 12-1 3=-37.7, 1 1-12. -2O.D, 9 1 1=-2O.O Concenttaled Loads {lb) DEFL 0n) {loc) Vdefl I ruAres orur Vert(LL) -{r.31 13 >577 I lrr20 191-tj71 vedaT6 {3e 13 >475 ] M16 127182 Min Lenglh / LL defl = 240 I Woighl: 151 lb T.uss Type LOAO CAsElSl 2) Unbal.Snow-Lefi . Lumber Inctease:1.0O, Plale locrease=1.0o U',fom Load:, (plD ysx; 1 .j=J232.5, 2-3= -z3z.s,3-+-z!zs, t-s'-2325, 5-6=-39s-s, G7=-20.0, 7-s=-20.0, s-9=-20.0, $1G-20 3, z-14.-?0.o,1+14--al-o, 12-11=-37.7, 11-12:2o'o' 9-11=-20.0 Concenltated Loads llb) Vert: 13=-1'136 12=-1136 3) Unbal.Snow-Right: Lumber Increas6='1.00, Pble hcrsase=1.0O Untfo.m Loads (plf) Verr: 1-2=-20.0. z-3=-?o 0. 3-4=-20-0, +t.20.o. 5.6=.395.9, 6-7=-232.5, 7-3=-232.5, 8-9.-232.5,9-l0=-232.5,2-1+-20.0, 13'1t''2Oo'12-1T--tf.7,11-12=-29.O' 9-11=-20.0 Cofi cent.aled Loads (lb) Vorl: 13=-1136 le' . 1136 4) UBc: Lumber Increase-1.25, Plale Inc.ease=1.25 Uniform Loads (p10 vert: i-t=-)0.0, 2.3=-20.0. 3-4=-20.0, 4-9-20.0, s.6=-37.2, &?=-20.0, 7.8=-20.0, 8-9.-20.0, $.10=-20.o, 2-14=-40.0, 1114=-,lo.o, 1?-13=-57-7' | 1-12='{o o, 9.11=-40.0 Concenlraled Loads (lb) Vert:13.-180 12=-160 5) Wind L6fl: Lumber Inc.ease= 1.o0, Plate Incr€ase=l.oo Unilorm Loads (pl0 vert; f-i=i0.4, 2-3.7.0, 3-4=?.0, 4-s=7.0, 5-6-61.s, 6-i=24.6. 7-8=24.6, &F24.6. 9-10={8.0, 2-1.t'-'10.0. 13-14=-10.0. 12-13=-1E.9. 11-12=-10 0. 911'-10.0 tlotz: 1 -2-4o 4. 2-* -17.O. 3-4.--11.O, +5=-1 7.0. G7=34.6, 7{=34.6, &+34.6. 9'1G58.0 Coocenlrated Loads (lb) Ven: 13=142 12=142 6) Wind Right: Lt,rrb6r Increase=1.00, Plate Inctease=1.@ U$rlorm Loads (plO vei.. 1,i=ig.o. z-y24.6.3+24-6, +sz24s, s.61.5. &7=7.0, 7€=7.0, g-9c7.o, 9-10'.30,4,z-'lF.1o.tt,13-1rF-10.0, l2-1&-i8.9, 11-12.J 0.0, 9-l t--10.0 HoIz: 1-2=-58.0. 2-3=-34.6. *-34.6.4-5=-34.6, &7=17.0, 74=17.0, 8-9=17.0, $1F4o.4 Concentrated Loads (lb) vett 13=14212=142 4 1st Wind Parallel: Lumber Increase=1.00, Plate lrcreass=1,00 Unlform Loads (pll) vert: r-j=ia.o. r-g=z 4.8,3-4=24.6.4-5=24.6, $6=61.5,6-7=24.6, 7-8=24.6, E-9-24.8, 9-1F{E.0. 2-rtF-l0.0, 13-14!-10.0. ',l2-13.-1E.9, 11'12=-10.0. 9-11=-10.0 Horz: 1-2.-58.0. 2-3--34.6, 3-4=-34.6, +5=-34.6, 6-7!34.6, 7-8=34.6, &9=34.6, g-10'54'0 concentraled Loads (lb) vetl: 13=142'12^142 tuss r -t-6-0 | 1-10.15 I 1-&0 1-10r5 "1 -;'].li ll ti t"i t'1 I iI l" F l()l 5ooft2 ,rt l-o>l :---i 1-10'15 l'1t-5 1-1(Li5 Plat6 Oflsels (X.n::0.3-1 1 .0. 1 .1 4l LoADII|G (psD tcLt 85 0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL OO BCDL 10.0 SPACING PlatEs lnctrase 1.00 Lumber Increas€ 1-m Rep Stress lncr YES Code UBC/ANSBS 2.0-0 cst TC O.4Z BC 0.03 wa 0.00 0rlatrtr) DER (in) (loc) Uddl Verl(LL) -0.0O 2 >999 Ven(rq g.m 12 >925 tforz(Il) {.0O I nla Min LerElh / ll defl = 2lo PI^ATES i,?0 CR'P 197t144 Wsighl: 1? lb TOP CHORD 2X6SPF 1650F 1.5E TOP CHORO sheath€d- AOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD Rigd ceiling direc'tly applied or l-11-7 on conter breclng.SLIDER Let 2 X 4 SPF Stud '1-5-4 REACTIoNS (lbsize) .l=3145-8, 2.532&5€, 5E18t 0.3-8 Max Hotz 2=70(load case O Max Uplifr.l=-26(load oase 3), 2:.99(load case 5) Max c.av 5=36{load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Onty TOP cHoRD 1-2=57 ,2-3.-242.3-4:56 BoT cfloRo 2-5=6 NOTES 1) lhis truss has been design.rd for lhe wind loads geoeralcd by 80 mph winds * 25 ff abow ground bvel, vsing 5.0 pcf top chord dead losd and 5.0 F|3f bottom ctod doad load, 100 mi from hunicrne ocaanline. on an occupsncl catagofy I, cordilion I oncbsed building, of dimsnsbns 45 ft by 24 fi rrifh cxposure C ASCE 7-93 p6r UBC/Al.tSl$5 ll erd verlicals o. cantilevots exisl, lhoy are sxposod to wind, lf porchgs gxist. th€y are not oxpo66d lo wind. Tho tumbcr OOL increase ia 1.0{t, and lhplate grip incrgase is 1.00 2) Unbalanced soow loads have beon consid€.ed for this do6ign. (UBC scclion 1638.2) 3) All pleles are M20 plales unless olhemise indicatod. 4 This lruss has be6o d6ignsd ior e 10.0 psf bottom chord tiva load nonconcurrcd with any oths li\e ioads pcr Tabt€ tlo- 16-8, UBC94. 5) Bearing at ioint(s) 2 considers parallel to grain valu6 oEirE ANSYTPI 1.1995 angbto grain fqmuh. BuiHdg dccigner shoutd G(iry cspacitt of b3ering $u aco. 6) Provide mechanical connectioo (by othe6) ofiruss lo bsering ptare capablo of withsh;ding 26 lb upliff at id--ot 4 e;d S |b udn at ioint 2. 4 Thb truss has been designed wilh ANSI/TP| 1-1995 crilerh. LOAD CASqSI Standard 9161Sf{AD LoADING (ps0 TCLL 85.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O,O ECDL 10.0 , _t+o 'tco 1$-0 3;tg.o TooF PI.^TES GRIF ir20 197t144 WeigM: 20 lb aRAcNG TOP CI-IORD Sheathed. BOT CIIORD Rlgid ceilhg directly appti€d of }H or corder bracing. I I I I SPAC|NG 2-O-O Plalgs Incr6 a 1,0O Lumber Inc(ea5e 1.00 Rep SLess Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|!}5 LUMAER TOP CHORO ? X6 SPF 1650F1 5E soT cHoRo 2 x 4 sPF 1650F 1.58 SLIDER Lefi2X6SPFlB50F1.SE2-l.to LoAD CAsE(s) Standard REAcTlot{s (lb,size) 4-293/0.5-8, 2872{0-+8, 5=37/0_}8 lby Ho.z 2.tto(load case 5) Max ilpliff4=S9(lmd cass 31, 2.-79(bad caso 5l Max cravS=74(toad oase 2) FORCES (lb) - Fhsl Load Case Onty roP CHORD 1-2=55, 2-3=-27 4. 3-4= 1oj 8OT CHORD 2-5=0 NOTES l) This ttuss has been designed tor the ldnd loads gEn€ral€d by 80 mph wiods et ?5 lt above g.ound level, udru 5.0 p6f top chord dead load and s.0 p6l botton q-hord dead load' 100 miftom hufticane occanline' oD an occupancl cat6gory l, conditbn.l ertclosod utri-roing, of aimensoirs.ls n oy zl n un op*urc c AscE 7€3 psr uBc/ANsE6lf snd vorticala or cantilevcrs exisl,lhey are axposed to wtnd. tr-porrn"" "iitr, trey "re nol expos.? b urind. Thslumber DoL irFrsasa 13 i.oo, and thc plate grip hcrcca !s 2) Unbalanced snow loads have bBen considered fot ltis d6sign. (UBC src_tim 163S.2)3) Al plates are M20 plates unlsss otheMise indicatsd-.l) This lruss has been desidneC tor a tO.O psf botom chord liv€ load nonconcur.ent with any olhef ltv? I,Eds p€r TaUe No. ,GB, UBC_94.5) Provida rtechao;cal "onrfoiion rov "ttpti) or t ,16" ro u".iol pr"t opliti. orwrt"r"nding 69 tb udd at Fint 4 and 79 tb upfin d ioint z.6) This truss has b€en aesignea wiit aruSyl.Pl t-lgg5 cmeri"_- 3r8 fl 3-10-0 csl TC 0.19 BC 0.11 wB 0.00 (t'ratrix) OEFL (n) (loc) Udefl Ved(LL) {.01 2-5 >999 Vert(rl) -0.02 2-5 >99s Horz (TL) C.{o 4 a Mln Length / LL den: 2it0 9tStsftAo LUII''EN TOP CHORO 2 X 5 SPF 1550F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Le'ff 2 X 6 SPF 1650F t.sE Z-B.3 f,EAcTK)NS (b/size) 4*496rc- 8, 2.S47IO-'a, 5=S L+8 lrtex Horz 2-153(load case 5) firax Upli04=-112(loqd cas€ 3), Z:-ai(oad cssa q i,tax Grav 5=l 1 s(bad case 2, FORCES (b) - First Load aas€ Only TOP CHORD 1 -2- 14, 2 -3=- 1OO, 14- | 89 80T CHORD 2-F18 NOTES . :]-q{ 6.G0 |!+--_f---1.6-0 o-(Xt r ,_,____-_-___j . Go-o _ &+4 _-l 1.5_O 6.04 J ,t r1 1 csl TC 0.54 BC O.27 wB o.oo (l\relnx) 'LATES ON|? '!ao 197t144 Walght: 28 lb ERACII{G TOF CIIORD Shoathod. BOT CHORD Rigid csilhg directly apphd o. G2-t 0 on cerlff braciry. 1) Thk truss has boen designed tor the {Yind toads gen6.al€d by 80 ntph wirxts al 25 lt aboys oround lsEl, using 5-o pst top clDrd doqd load and 5.0 pet bottofi d|ord dead load. loo mi Itom hurican€ ocaenline, on an occupancy category I, conditlon I nctoE€d lui-ta6g, ot ilmensb-n" 45 n Oy'i,l ft wU, .A*ure-6-eScFl-fi per ugclANslgs rf end vetlicals or canlilgvcrs exist, thsy alo oxpoced lo wind, tf poictres aist, they arc mt crp6; to wind. The lurnb€r-ooL in"re""J is r.0o,.ndine pteta grip increase is 1.00 2) Unbahnced soci,v loads haw bsen consiteFd for tHs d8aign. (UBC sedbfl 163g,2) 3) All plates sre leo pbtea untoss othdralsa indicelsd. 1l I': ll""- ll:.99 desfuned for a10-0 plf6oftotn clFd li''€load noncoBc refltwith any other lve toads p.r Tebre llo. tE-B, uEG94. :l f::':! 1.]:i1!:l_1 TI!-".:g:lt! t" Srain value usins ANSUTPI 1-t995 ansl_a to srain rormuL. Eultdng dEisner shoutd verify c8p€caty or bearirg sudecc. " ilt#".iffii!:.t.| conoeclion (by olhsts) of ttuss to boaring phte capablc of vlithstandiru 112 lb uptifl at.i;nr I ina ar |t 7) This iruss has been design€d with ANSUTP| t-1995 criteria. loAD CASE{SI Slandard LoADlNc (psD I sPActtrc 2-at-0 TCII 85.0 I Pkrtes locrease 1-m TCOL 1O-O I Lumber Increas€ '1.00 BCLL O.O j Rop Stross Incr YES BCDL 10.o I code uBc/ANStgs DEFL (ln) (loc) dofl Ver(LL) +.07 2-S >999 ven(Tl) -0.13 Z-5 >517 Hoa(TL) o.(X 1 nla Mn Lsng h / LL def - 2,10 ,_ -1-6-0 I 1-10-15 | t€{ l-10-15 CRIP 197tl44 Weight; 13 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F |.sE BOT CHORO 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Lefl 2 X 5 SPF 165oF 1.5E 1-9{ REAGTIONS {lb/size) 4=31/0-5€, 2.6'32tO-5-8, 5=1 E/G3-8 lilat Horz 2:74(l.,ad ca6o 5) ilat Uplifl't+2g(load case 3), 2:-96(load case 5) itur crav 5=36(load case 2) FORGES 0b) . First Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1 -2. 44. 2-3=-2X6. 3.4.43 8OT cHoRD 2.5=6 NOTES l) Thas truss ias beeo designed for the wind loads g'enerat€d by 80 mph winds at 25 n abov€ growd level, using 5.0 p6f top chotd dsad load and 5.0 pE Mtom chord d€d toad. 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on an occupancy cat€gory l, condition t eoclosed building, of dimemions 45 ff by 24 fr with cxposuto C ASCE 7.93 par LrBc/ANSIS f end verlicals or canlilevers exist, lhey are exposed to wind. tf porches exlst, they are not exposed lo \i,ind. The lumber DOL inor€gs€ is 1.0O, and lho plalo grip inctcas. b 1.00 2) Unbalanccd srtolv loads have been considetsd fof lhls design. (UBC eectbn 16.3t2) 3) All plates a,e M20 plales unless olhefl rise indicaled. 4) This lrus6 has been de6ign6d lor a 10-O psf botiom ohord liv6 lo€d nonco[currant wilh any olher liye loacls pet Tablo No. lGB, UBC-94. 5) Boaring at ioint(s) 2 conside.s pqrellol lo grain valuo using ANSI/TPI 1-1995 angl€ to grain fomub. Building d.cbrer ahould lFrify c.9aoig ql beeting surfaco. 6) Provde mschanrcat connoclion (by olhe.s) of truss io boaring plate capable ofwithatanding 29 lb upm at idnl 4 and 96 lb uplilt al Fid 2. 7) This kuss has been d$igned wilh AIISUTPI 1-1995 c.ilsria. LoAD cAsE{s} Slandard l- I l n q ,i PIATES tt120 BRACIM' TOP CHORD Sheathed. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling dlrec$y applicd or 1-11-7 on ccder bracing. 't -10-15 LoAOING (psD TCLL E5,O TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 sPAC|ltc 2-0-0 Plales Incr6as6 1.00 Lumber lncreass 1.00 Rep Skess Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|9S csl TC 0.21 BC 0.03 wB 0.00 (lvblrix) DEFL 6n) (loc) Ydl Ved(LL) -o.0o 2 >999 V6d[IL) 0.02 1-2 >9119 FlordTL) {.m 4 nJa Min Length / LL defl ! 2/O nss russ I ype 9161SHAO JOlB ROOF TRUSS f A c fi ouSToN-, rvloNrRoSEae6- 8-il0i- - I -1-6-0 l-rGls --- --.1 1.6-O 1-10-'15 'r-10-15 1-11-5 t-10-15 DEFL 0n) (loc) Uden Verl(LL) -0.00 2 >999 Verl(TL) 0.O2 1-2 >99!l tlorz(Tl) -0.00 4 a Min Length / Lt dell E 240 PLATES ORIP fir20 197114 i q .:] I ot --1 t LOAOINC TCLL BCLL BCDL (psD 85.0 r0 0 00 10.0 SPACING 24-O Plales Increase 1.m Lumber Incte.ase 1.00 Rep Slress lncr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 csl TC O.42 BC 0.03 wB 0.m (I\ratrir) LUi/|AER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF I65OF 1-5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1.5E SLIDER Letl 2 x 4 sPF Slud 1-'11'l l REActlol{s (lusize) 2=639rrG5-8. 6=18/UH, 4=95/0-$8 Max Horz 2=75(load case 5) lrrlax Upliftz--l06(load case 5), 4=-38(lo.d case 3) Mar Grav6=36(toad case 2),4=95(oad €s. 1) FoRCES (lb) . First Load Case only TOP CffORD 1 -2=72, 2-v-219. 3-4=-15, 3-5=-35 aRACD{C TOP CI-IORD BOT CHORD Woighl:12Ib Sheathed. I Rigid cailing direclv applied or l'11-7 on conlsr btacing- I BorcHoRD 2-6=6 | NOTES I 1) This tnas has been designed tor lhe wind toads generated by 60 mph winds ar 25 ft above ground lel€|. using 5.0 psf toP Ghord dead load and 5 O pd botorn cnod d€ad- ., I load, 1m mi from humcane oceantt;;, ;;.n o""lup"n.y ""r"gory r,'condition r-e.ncroseJ luitotng, ot airnen<.-ns 45lt by 24.n whh expos:t:c 119:-'z:t:f:t yf'glT n iT,i;1#.1'[ ll'liiiil;""ff:ff;;';#;6ffi];;;;;;i i;t ;';; .'p""JJ ro 'ina. rho rumberboL incrssa is 1 m, .nd the prrte srip increce is 100 2) Unbalanced snow loads have been considsred fo. lhis d€6ign. (UBC seglion 1638 2) 3) All ptales aro ir2o plata6 uDless othetwis€ indbattd. 4i This truss has been designod for a 10.0 psl boiom chord liv€ toad nonooncuffenl vJilh any olhor tlve l'o.ds pel Table No- 16-8. UBC'94 5) Bearing atjoint(s) 2 consioers parattel io'grein value using ANSUTPI l-1995 engle to grain lorrnub. Building.d6iener should verify capaciiy oJ beering sudac€ 6i provid; m;ha;i;al connec-tion (by otl,ersi) ol lruss to bearing plate qapablr of wilhstanding 106 lb uptin at idnl 2 and 38 lb uplift al ioint 4. 7) This lruss has beei designed with ANSyTPI 1-1995 crilelia. LOAD CASqS) Standard 9,I61SHAD JO1AA IROOF TRUSS 1-11-11 d q q l LUiISER TOP CI-DRD 2X5 SPr 1650F 1-5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E PI-ATE3 GRF Irt20 197/144 W€ight: l0 lb BRACINC TOP CHORD Shoathed. aof ciiCD Rl0il c€iling dilDctt 8pdt€d o. 1-1G13 on canlct bracing' REACTIONS (lbvsize) 3-58,()-5€, 2=61205E, 4=l9tG18 tt+ar tdo.z 2=Eti(bad casg 5) Mar Uplift3=-13(load case 3),2=-112(losd cce 5) l,rax Grav4-38(load casa 2) FoRcEs (lb) - Fitsl Load Case OnV ToP CHORO 1-?€126. 2-3='167 8OT CHoRD 24!0 aloTEs 1) Thi6 t.u.€ has be6n designod to.the wird loqds gqrrr.trd by E0 mpn win& d 25 R above gtound Lusl' using 5.0 pst ioD chod d€d t@d and 5'0 Psf botlom chotd dc'tt bad, tm mi fiom hu.ricine oceanhn€. on an ocoupancy calaoorv r, qp.,oiriinl'JnJosJ ffdtt9, t ddgryl-*s li n uy zl n wnn exPoouro c AscE 7-93 per UBC/alsl!5 [ end verticats or cantitevers exisl. they arc €)eo6€d to uind. rpo..r,o "ritrl'irri iJ-nJ .rpouJi r. wina. The lumbdr'DoL increst is 1 oo, sd th3 plsle gtip incrs! b 1.00 2) UnbolarEsd snow loads haw beao considercd tor this dcign. (UBC se€'lim 16:18 2) 3) All plales are irl20 plates unless olhetwis. indicaled. 4) This lruss has beeo d6signed tor a 10.0 pst bodom *ord live load norconcuneri wili atry othet-liva.loads pcr Tabb No' 1ffi' l,,Ec-94' 5) provid. mechsnicat coonection (oy ii[;fi tu; i" b..ttg plate copdla of withslanding 13 lb uptri at ioint 3 and 112 lb uplift d ioint 2' 6) This ttuss has been deslgnad w h Al{Sl/TPl 1-1995 criloria OEFL (rt 0oo) Ydatl Ven(LL) -0.0O 2 >999 Vo OL) O-O2 l-2 >999 tbrz(tl) {.0O 3 n/a Min Lsngih / LL dstl r z'fo LoADlilG (ps$ sPAcll{G 2+0 | 9:t icr-r- ii5 0 | Plalcs lncre€aa 1.00 Tc o'2o TaDt 10.0 | tumber Increase 1.00 Bc 9'91 ECLL 0.0 I Rep Slress Incr YES i WB 0 O0 acor- 1 0.0 i coie uBc/AltlspS | (lilattix) LoAD CASE(S) Standard i 1-10-0 I 1-1{l-O I .;1 ';- 1 I |]oADING tFf) &5.0 'lo.o 0.0 10 0 TCOL ACLL ECDL SPACIHG 2+O Plates Inc.ease t.m Lumber Incrcase 1.00 Rsp Slrass Incr YEs Code UBC/ANSI9S DEFL (io) (loc) l/d6fl V.rl(LL) '{t.Cl 1 >999 VodCIL) -{).OO l'l >9!19 Horz(n) 0.0O 3 r"a PLATEA ORIP ri20 197114t csl TC 0.12 BC 0.03 WB O.|n (l\Jbtrix)Min Length / LL detl ' 2'O Weight: 7lb BnACNO ToP ctlORD Shoalhed' aOf CXORO Rigad ceiling directly apPtbd oJ 1'*1o on catf€r b'aoing LUMBER roP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1SOF 1.sE BOT CHORO 2 X 4 SPF 165OF 1 5E SLTDER Len 2 X 4 SPF Stud $11'12 LOAD cAsE(sl Slandard REAcTlol{S (lb/size) 1=18UG3-8, 3=1 7O}t8,'-lML3-8 l,/k Horz 1.560oad cass 3) lvlax Uplin3=-47(load case 3) Max Gfav 4:36(load cas6 2) FORGES (lb) - First Load case OnlY TOP cHoRO 1-2.-1 19, 2'3--61 BOT cHoRD 1-{=0 lffrrEilt*"" r,." rr.* desrgned tor th€ y\ind lo.ds g€raalcd by 80 mph wirds at 25 [i above ground lsvel, using 5 o psf lop chotd dead load and 5 o Psf bonom chotd dead road. 10o mifrom huricane oceanrrne, on an occupancy cer€gory r, co.airiJr'i'JcioJl"ilJitts,-J ail.*d,. +dn w-Zq n"nl "'tpouuto c AscE ?-93 p.r uBc'At{sEE r end verticats or Gantrto\rers exisr. tiey aro exposed to nind. n por"t es *.,"rJr,i irli-J *poiJi r" *1"4. The lu|nbcr'DoL horase it 1 0o' and the pl'ls gtip incrsce .8 1.00 2) Unbalanced snow loads have beon coosidered fof this design (UBc seclion 1638 2) 3i All ptetes ars M2o platas unless olherwise indicat€d. 4) This tru$ has been designed fof a 10.0 9sl bottom chord live lo'ad nonconc{|nEnt with any dher liva loads p6r Table No 16'8' UBG94' s) provide mschanicat connection 1oy oitrii"l J ti-" r" o""tl"g ptats capabl€ ot wlthdanding 'u tb splli at Fint 3 6i This truss has been d€signeJ with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 critoria. I Job - - lT^;- - lfr'"s iYPe 9161SHAD ROOF TRUSS ! I .l ';1 9r cti tl ij l3 tl rl I'l SPACING ?.&0 f- -1-so | 1'lo{ .''---l4l-1 1-6-0 1'lo'{r 0-1-1 LoAOtNo (ps0 TCLL 85,0 TCOL 10.0 BCLL 0.0 1oo i csl TC 0.19 BC 0.m wB o.00 (irattlx) Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumbarlncrease 1.00 Rep Slress Incr YES Code UBC/ANSr'5 DEFL (n) (loc) Udefl Vert(LL) {r.00 2 >999 Vert(TL) 0.ol 1'2 >999 HoreOL) {t.m 4 a Mio Lengih / LL def = 2'10 PLATES GRIP ir20 197t144 Wsight 11 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 'I65OF 1.5E 80T CHORO 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E ERACIt|O ToP CHORD Shealh€d- ;oi aHoRD Rioid ceiling ditecrry applitd or 1-9-11 on cerior bmcing SLIDER Le{l 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E G11'12 nEACtl(t{S (lb/size) a-45/0-''8, 2'592/S$8. 5=18/0-3-8 tvlar Horz 2=73(load case 5) Max Uplilt4=.27(load caso 3),2='9'1(load qase 5) Max G.av5.36(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load case OntY TOP CHORD'l -2=55, 2-3.-238, 3'+'82 BOT CHORO 2 5=o Tllifnr* n"" *.n d€signed tor rho wind toads gpnorated by 80 mph winds at 25 ff abole grDund lsvel, using 5'0 psf top c{tod dead load and 5 o Pst boltom ch.xd dead toad, .too mi from hunican€ oceantifle, on an occupancy category t, oonanio-n r-e-ncioJ buitding, ol aimension" dn W zl n *tt ttpo"ure c AscE ?-93 p€t t'Bc/ANsFs It end ve,ticals or cantitevers e.st.lh€yare elpoged lo wind. ll porches.xisiih;;;;;;;;io;"O f na nnrlarifOl inctcaao B l 0O' end tho plate grlp increaso i3 L(x) 2) Unbalanc-ed snot/.,/ toads have been coosilered lol lhis d6ign (UBC scction 1634:) 3) Al ptat6 are MzO plates unless othen^,ise indicat€d. 4) This rruss has besn d6sign6d tor a f O.i- psiU"ff.. "f,.t< live loed norrcolqttrenl with any olh.t lili8 lqads per TaHe No' 16'8' [JBC'94' 5) provide mechanical connection (by othe*) of truss lo beadng flate capable of ',rith.tendi;g 27 lb qdn al Finl4 and 91 lb upl l at ioir{ 2 5i This truss has been d€signed wilh AtlSl/TPl 1-1995 crilerla. LOAD GASEIS) Standa.d &8 tl JO3 iROOF TRUSS I I 1 la lq t- I LOAOI G (Ps0 ICLL 85.0 TCDL 10.0 ECLL 0.0 BCDL '10.0 SPACING 2d{) Plates lnctsasg 1.@ Lumb€rlncrda!€ 1.0o ReD slres.s Incr YEs Code UBC/ANS|96 LU BER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.sE 80T CHoRD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Letl 2 X 4 SPF slud 1-8-4 REACTIoNS 0b/size) 4=27O()'53 '2=75110-'8' 5-3 O'34 iJtax Horz 2-112(load cas" 5) lylax Uplift{=48(load case 3), 2='85(load case 5) Mar GraY5'73(load cas€ 2) LoAL cAsqs) Standard BRAClllo TOP cHoRO sheath€d ;o;;iniiiD Rigi; c€iling dit€otlv applitd or 3'1l-E on c€nier bracing' FoRcEs 0b) - Fr,st Load Case Onry TOP CHORO 1-2=57,2'3='7O7 .3-894 BOT CHORD 2-5.11 l{oTEs 1) This t(u6s has been designed fo. th6 wind loeds gonsraled by 8o mph wi.nds al 25 fl above gro.rnd lsn€|, taing s.o.pst bp chord dead load and 5 o F boltom ctrofd dead road, 10o mi trom hur.icans oceanrrno, on an occdpancJ cate,go(y r, coodili;j';;;;;'uriaittg, *dini:n"1"i". dn'w'24 ff ;h *Posure c AscE 7'93 9cr uBc/ANslsli I end vsrti".ats or canlibvsrs exist. they ate exposed lo $ind. tt po,"f,.".ti"r]intlii;-;;;; i;;; thc lumlar'DOl increso is 1'@' and the Pt't' olb inoreas€ i8 2) Unbalanceo snor loads have been aonsideEd tot this d6si9n (UBc seclbn '1638 2) 3i All ptal€s are M2O plales untess othelwise indicalad' 4) This truss ha6 been oes,gn.o ro, . i6.o 9"f bottom chord tiv. load.1onc!-ncurrern ldlh en' olher lfue loads per Tsblc l'1o 15-B' LEA94' s) Bearing ar joi.n(s) 2 "on'.o-. p"r",Lr L!-rJi -r*- r"i"g al,lsvrp, r-rd;;L i;;;i iJi"irli. d-rloitb *sign€r should rcrirv capacitv of b?arlng sutfact' 5) provd€ rnechanicat connect|on (by oth€Is) of truss lo bcaring plate capau" ol;thsla;nding 68lb upm at irint 4 and E5lb n +i'S;igLlr.- dos.sned wirh Ar'lsl/rPl i-1ee5 c'ibtb. P|.ATE6 GRIP t{20 197114 Weigfi: 19lb 0EFL (in) (loc) Ydefl vert[L) -0.01 2-5 >9gl vediTal {.02 2-5 >99!) gorziru o.ol 4 nla Mn Length / LL d€f = 240 i.rou - -luss - -.Trt'ss 9161SHAD lJo3A [! Lq d ---: :- 6 1 ee7 MirATnd@ 1 I I 3-1G15 l3 ,--fl1 --'' ))l -''8 t\ s ooltz '; 1 r I /.., _-J1o'15 .-,1 1-6-0 3-t$15 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (PsO 853 10.0 0.0 '10.0 SPACING 24-O Plates lnctease 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.0o Rep slress Incr YES Code IJBC/ANSI95 DEFL (in) (loc) fdefl Ved(LL) -0.01 2€ '999 Vert(TL) -0.02 2-5 >999 HozfiL) 0.m 4 nta Min Length / LL doll = 2€ csl BC 0.11 w8 0.@ (Malrir) PLATES GRIP M20 1971144 I w.inlrt, 2t tl BRACING TOP cHoRD Shealhad.gof CHOCO Rigid ceiling dire.ltapdi€d or 311-8 on c6nler bracing' LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5€ BOT CIIORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1-5E SLIDER Lelt 2 X 6 sPF 1650F 1 5E 2-6-0 REACTtoifs (tblstze\ 4=271tg-r8, 2=751/GS, 5=37lG3€ Max Horz 2=11o(load case 5) lvtax Uplrfr4=-70(loed case 3), 2=$3(load case 5) Max G.av 5:73(load case 2) FoRcEs (lb) - Firsl Load case OnlY TOP cHoRO 1 -2=44.2-3=-285, 3'4=96 BOT CHORD 2-5=11 NOTES l) Thls lruss has been designed lor the wind loads generafed by80 mph lrinds al 25 ii above g.ound level. using 5.o.9st lop chord dead load and 5 0 psj boltom chord dead road. 1oo mi ,rom hnrricane ooeanrrne, on an occupancl caregory r, conoiioiri'.-n-or'o"oJlrioing, "l oir*"-s- ldn uy zl n urittr epos.le c AscE 7-93 per uBc/ANSpi ll end verricars or canrirevers erisr, rhey are expcsed to wlnd. tt porctres exist,iniiir n.r rrp*J ron ind rhe lumbc;'r'oL incttaso is 1'0o' aM the plat€ gdp increass is 1 .00 2l unbalanoeo snow loads h6ve b€en considered lot this design (UBc section 153E 2) 3iAll plates are M2o plates unless otherwso indicated, 4) This truss has b€en desrgned tor a i0 0 psf bottom chord live load nonconcu...tt wilh any othor Lve loads per Teble No' 1&B' UBc-94' s) Bearng ar ioinr(s) 2 considers parattet to grain value usingANsvrpr f -f gs;.niL'6;;; f@,i; -B^'YlLs 9Tl9*t "buld vetily capscitv ot beadng surl'c€ 6) provde mechantcat connechon (Dy other!') oi kuss to bea-ring plate capable of irithstsnding 70 lb DPlin at iont 4 and 83lb uplrlt al joinl 2. 7) Titslruss has been designed !lith ANSI/TPI 1-'1995 cril6na' LOAD CASEISI Standard 3-10-15 111-11 7 ooF? PIJTES CRIP rao 197t144 Wsight: 15 lb DEFL (in) 0oc) Ud8fl V6.|(LL) -0.01 24 >999 VErt(IL) -002 2-l >999 Hor.fIL) -0.@ 3 .Va Mio L€nglh / LL defi = 240 d 3 d LOAOING (psf) TCLL 85.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O,O BCDL 10.0 sPACllo 2-O-{) Phles lnctease 1.0O Llrnber tocfeass 1,00 ReD Stess Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 csl TC 0.23 BC 0.11 wB 0.oo (Matdr) LUMBER TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.58 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 'I65OF 1.5E REAcrfo s (lb/stze) 3:272O-5-8, 2=T64,IoiSA' +37/0'34 Max Horz 2=123(load case 5) Max Upliff3=.56(load case 3), 2:'1010oad c6€ 5) i/bx Grav4=74(load case 2) ERAC| g TOP CHORD SheallPd. ioi dio;iD nigia celttng airocl! apptl€d or 3-E'3 on canter b'acing FORGES 0b) - Firsl Load Case OnlY TOP ChORD 1-?=127.2-3=110 BO-I CHORD 2-4=O NOTES 1) This lruss has been designect ror lhe \^,ind loada ge$erated by 80 mph winds at 25 fi abova ground h,"€1, using 5 O.oef lop chord deed lqd at|d 5'o pot botlottt chord dead road. r oo mi rrom hufficane oceanrin., qn an occupanct caiegory r, *noitionj "-iHJluirains, ot ;i#nnio"ns. ain'ry?l n wrfr er,posure c ASCE 7-93 p'r u8c/At'lstlg It snd verticats or carttireirers exist, thqy are exposed towind. rr p.,"rt* at<liifrlffi;;;;;lili;;^d' The tumbel'Dol incrcas; is l oo' a'!d lhe plalc atip incl6€ is 100 2) Unbalanced snolt, toads have be6n consiter€d tor this dosign (UBC saction 1638'2) 3) All plates aro M20 plat65 uolcs-g othe,wise indicated' 4) This ki'ss has b€en designed fo{ a 1O.O tr51bdtlom cJrord liva load noflcot|c|xfent wlth sny othot livc loads Pet Table }'lo '16-8' UBC€4 ii p-"ii" -Jr,"ii*i""-ir"iro" (bt othert of tn1"s lo ueering plate capa6e Jw hslanding 56 lb upin at idnt 3 and 1Ol lb upliff al ioir 2' 6i This truss has b€€tr designod wilh At\'lSl/TPl l-1995 c'itoria' LoAo cAsqs) Standa.d , -,|6-0 r 3'1G15 t€-o 3-1G15 ql I le t- I I ,l lr fq,l- I L \ 2,."1 ,'-q. ,,- 1,. ,. 1a 3-10-15 1 LoAOlNc (Psf) I sPAclNG 2-o4 ;^, r i<n I Plates lncrease 1O0 D€FL (in) (loc) |/den Ve iLL) -{t 01 2'5 >999 vedaTL) 4.02 2-5 >999 Horz(TL) 0.0O 4 n/a Min Lerigth / LL defl - 24o TCLL 850 | Plales lncrease rcor 1oo I Lumber lncrease 'l 00 ' BCLL o.o I RsP slress Incr YES 8COL 1O.o Code UBC/ANS|9S csl BC 0.11 wB o.m 0,itarrix) PIA'ES ORIP M20 1gll14 Weigl*: 19 lb ILUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1550F 1,5E BNACING TOP CHORD Sheathed. 86;;ii&D iigiJ'".iring ai'""llv "pplied or 11'l€ on centet bracig BOT CHORO 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Left2X4sPFSludl-11'4 REAcTlolf s (lblsize) 4=27O/O''8 2=751O-5S' 5=37iG3€ Ma,r Hotz 2=1 14(load case 5) Max Uplrlt4=-660oad case 3). 2=38{load case 5) Max Grav5=73(load case 2) FoRcEs (lb) - First Load Case only TOP CHORD 1-2.72 ,2'3='2a6.34=97 BOT CHORD 2-5=11 NOTES 1) This Irus-s has been destgnec for the wind loads gsne.ated w Eo mph winds at 25 i above ground level' uslng 5 O,Dsf loD chord dead load aod 5 0 Psf botiom ohofd d'ad road. 1oo mi ,rom hur.rcan. oceanrne. on an occipancy categorv r, conoirrrirl'e]niiJ ouiung, of aimensio.rs 4ii'bvi;ii;h "tp*ure c AscE 7-93 por uBclANslgs lf end verlicars of cantirevers exrsr, rrrsy are exposod rowird. r p"r"t "" "tsi'ir,"lv Jil?":t "il".i i. "l"o n" lu,.;li:oil*tea; is l .x)' and tf€ ptato glip increas€ is 1.00 zl UiJ"t.n"ed "nor,, loads have bsen considetod for this design (UBC selion 1638'2) i]+ll,gil,:S:$31':!Tr"*:t,"Ii3n""i11i:'#*"'*loadmrconcu'enr,,rirhanyorh6rriveroadsper.rabroNo 16-8.uBc-e4 5) Bearing at ioint(s) 2 oons|oe.s p.latfi ffiJr ,,ii"" ,iJi"s ANSrrpr r.rs*-"ngi.'i. gi"ii tormula. Buildi;g ddsigner 3hould te ify caPacity ot bearing surfsce' 6) provde mechanicar "o,,"""r,-, tuy Sil"rii;ilJi" ;;il; ilte capaui ot itttrstinding 66 lb uptitt al iotnt 4 and 88 lb , +i',':t;ll'JLt" ,'.n dessned wrrh ANsl/rPl 1-'lee5 crirsria' LOAO cAsE(S' Standard iJol, le16lSHAO LOAOING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCOL 7 ooFT 3.1GO DEFL (in) (bc) Ved(LL) -0.01 24 Ved(TL) -0.02 2-5 HorzOL) 0'.0o I PLATES GRIP Irr2o 1971144 Weighl: 20 lb a Dec 16 1997 MiTek fndusttiG, Inc. Thu lray t4 19i12:3219198 Pagc 1 (p'r) 85.0 10.0 0.o 10.0 SPAC'NG 2-0.0 Plal€s Increase 1.00 Lumbea Increase 1.00 Rep Slress Inc, YES Code UBC/ANS|9S csl TC 0.19 BC 0.11 wB o.00 Vtbll >999 >999 ola (lvlalrir) Min Lsngth / LL dell - ?40 LUMAER BRACI O TOP CHORD Shealhed. BOT CHOFO Rigid csiling diteclly aPPlied or 3-&{ on cer{s. b{acjng. TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 165T}F 1,5E tsOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLjDER Lefi 2 X 6 SFF 1650F 1.5E 2-l-10 REACTIoNS ob'size) 4=:83/0-54, 2=724ltr5-8, 5=37/H Mat Horz 2= 1lo(load caso 5) Max Jplift.l=69(load case 3). 2=-7ql@d caso 5) itax G,av5=74(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORO 1-2=55. 2-3=-27 4. 3-4.103 BOT cHoRD 2-5=0 NOTES 1) This truss has been desqne.t for the wind loads geocratsd bv 80 mph winds at 25 lt above ground l€rrol. using 5.0 p€, top cfio.d dead losd and 5.0 Pst bo0om choad dead load, 100 mi from hurricane oceanline, on an occltpanoy category l. condition I enclosed blildlng, of ditnensions 45 ff by 24 ff with exposuts C ASCt 7-93 pet UBC/ANS|9Slt end verticals or cantilevars exist, th6y ars erpoged lo wfld. f porches sxbt, thsy are nol sxposed to wind. The lumber DOL incrdase is 1.00, and lhe pblc glip incrrsao is 1-00 2) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered forlhis design. (UBc ssction 1638.2) 3) All plales are M20 plates unless otherwiss indicatod. 4) This |russ has been designed for a tO.O p6f bottom chord live load norcorcurreni with any orher livc loads per Tabl6 No. 16€, UBC-94. 5) Pro\ride mechanical connection (by o0ters) of buss to bearing plate capeble o{ wilhstanding 69 lb upuft at ioint 4 ard 79 lb uptn al Finl 2. 6) This truss has been designed with ANS[/TP| 1-1995 critada. LOAD CASEISI Standald russ Type r ROOF TRUSS 6-G.O 6{-4 , .1.5.0 6_O{t 1.64 6-&0 lc9 l9 l' tr i; IOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCOL (psf) 85.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 SPACING 2-O4 Plates lncrease '|.0O Lumber Inffease 1.00 Rep Stros"s Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 cst TC 0.98 BC O.27 wB 0.m 0ratfx) DEFL (in) (loc) Ydefl Verl(LL) -O.07 2-5 >S9 Vert(TL) .0.13 2-5 >5'17 Ho.z(TL) 003 1 a irin Lenqlh / LL defl = 2/O PLATES M20 GRIP 197t114 Weighl: 27 lb LU'NBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORO 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SIIDER Lafi 2 X 4 SPF Stud 2-10-13 REACTIoNS (lb/saze) 4=496/0-5-8, 2=947/0-tA. 5=5?/G3€ Mar Horz 2s154(toad case S) N,tax Uplifi4=-t ,1o(toad case 3), 2=42(load case S) Mat crav 5=115(toad cas€ 2) FORCES 0b) - Firsl Load Case Only TOP CHORD 1-2.5;. 2-3=-3E3. 3-iF190 BOT CHoRD 2-5='t8 NOTES 'l) This lruss has been designed for the wind loads g€nerated by 80 mph r,lnd6 at 25 fi abov€ ground level, usiog 5-o pst lop chord d€ad load and S.0 p6f bottom chord dead load, 100 mi ftom hqtticane oceanlino, on an occupancy calego.y l, cordition | €nclosed bulding, ot dimonsb'ns 45 fl by 2,t I wilh gxposu[c c ASCL 7-93 por uBctANslgs lf end-ve'licals or cantilevers etisl' lhey are expced to wand. lf po;ches erist,lheyare not expos; b wind. The tumbsr'DoL increese is 1.m, and lhe phii grip increaso ir 1.00 2) Unbalenced snow loada haye beeh considefed fo. lhis d66ign. (UBC soction 1538.2) 3) Ali plates are M20 plales untess olherwise indbat6d. 4) Thislruss has been destgn€d lo. a 1o.o pst botlom chold tiv€ load nonco.tcur,€r with any oth€r liys loads per Table No. 16-8, UBG94.5) B€aring at |oinl(s) 2 considers Parall6lto grain value using ANsl/'tPl 1-1995 angtc to grain formula- Building designer should vGrily oapacity of b€aring aurfac6.6) P.ovjde mechanical conn€claon (by olhers) of truss lo bearing plate capaHs of rr/i0rst;ding llo lb udin at i;int.l;nd S2 lb uplifl al idnl 2. 4 This truss has been desrqned with ANSUTPI .1-1995 crite.ia. LOAD CASE{S} Slandard BRACI O TOPCHORD Shealhed or 2-Gl2 on cer €t purtin spacing. BOT CHORD Rioid celling direclly sppli6d or 6.2-lO on oente. bracing. lJob i 9161SHAD I Ir q I J ':1 -1 t;l' i LOADII{G TCLL TCDL BCLL 6CDL (psD 85.0 10.0 0.0 't0.0 SPACING Plales lncrsass 1.00 Lumber lncrea6a 1.00 RepSttassh|cr YES Cod€ UBC/ANSI9S 6+0 6.Sa 'l-&0 6'0'0 csl TC 0.5.1 BC O.27 wB o.m (iiatrix) PLATES 6RIP M20 191114. Weigni: 2E lb EfiAClMt ToP CI-IORD Sh8athed. BO't CHORD Rlgid csiling direclly apPlied ot 6'2'10 on centor braciirg' LUIIBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 80T CHORD 2 \ 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Laff 2 X 6 SPF 1550F l.5E 2'&3 REAGTIO}IS (lbrsize) 4=496/0-5-8, 2=94rc-S, 5=57/S16 irax Hoz 2=153(bad case 5) Max Uplift4--1 120oad cass 3), 2=-El(load oase 5) i/i.r Gravs=lls(load case 2) FoRcEg (lb) - First Load aase Only TOP CHoRO 1-2=44. 2-3=-400. 3-4=189 BOT CHORD 2-5=18 NOTES 1) This truss has been dasigned for th6 wind toads genorat€d by 80 mph wiDd8 81 25 n abo/e ground levsl, using 5.0-psf top cfiord d€ad load 'nd-5 0 psf hliom c'urd @ loed, 100 miirom humqan€ ggsantine, on an occuFnsy categoly f, "onaition r"n"6JLuiOing, ot fni"nso-ns-45 n bV'24 fi-with 6,49"!P-c AsgF 7'q, pcr UBc'At'lslgs ll end ve,tbats or caotitevers exisr, lrey are "-p*J'r" *lita- n"poicies exfr, fey ai" n"r ",q ii r. "ina. Th€ lumbq'ooL incr*e is 1-m, and tho plalo grip iue.ast i8 1.00 2) Unbalanced sno,t,loads havs besn consideted lor this d6ign. (UBC s€ction 1$a.2) 3) All plates ana lr2o plal6 unless olherwisa indicaled . 4i This truss has been designod tor a 10.0 p6J bo[om chord live loadnonconcrJn€ni wilh any olhsf lrva load8 per.Tablo Nq. l6-8. UBC'94' D Bee.ing at ioint(s) 2 coo"ioo" par.ieiio'gr.in vatue Gng ANsUfPl 1-1995 angle to gr{ b,ryF- &ri|dinld6lgnershould wrify capmity ol baring su aco e! ercvial mittaniiat connection (6y othersil of trurs to bea-ring plals capatlc ot t tithetatdine 112 lb uPtt 3t Fid 4 attd tl lb upln at joinl 2. 7) This lrus3 h6 been designod li,ilh Al'lSl/TPl l'i995 crileria. LOAIT CASqS) Siandard DEFL (in) (loc) Udefl Ved(LL) {.07 2-5 >999 Ved(TL) -0.13 2-5 >517 tforz(TL) 0.04 4 nla Min l-englh / LL don - 2'lo ROOF TRUSS I l I iq 1- i I I |.;? I I I 1 {l ! , -1-64 l- - 60-0 '|-60 6'G0 7.001 12 __ 6-04 -- er 1-6-0 6-G0 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCDL (psf) 85.0 '10.o 00 10.0 LUMBER TOP CFTORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 80T CHORO 2 X 4 SPF 1550F 1.5E SLIOER Lett 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1 5E 3-1-12 REACTIONS (lb/size) 4=496/0-5-8, ?=947/0-S8, 5=57/tl3-8 Max Hotz 2=156(load case 5) Max U)trtt4=-108(load case 3)' 2'-85(load case 5) Max Grav 5=1 1s(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - Fi(st Load Casi, OnlY ToP CHORO 1'2=72, 2-3--367, 3'4=191 BOT CHORD 2-5=18 NOTES 1) Thrs truss has been desrgned tor lhe wind loads gsnareted by 80 mph wind8 at 25 n above g.ound lovel, using s.O.pst top chold dead load and 5 o p6t boltom chord dead road. 100 mi f.om hurrcane ocean'ne. on an occupancy category r, "*diri.;l';;i;;;'urlr'ains. ol oi.**""" lftr'w'zl tt * rt ttposurc c AscE 7-93 pc' uBc'ANSlgs [ | end veiicars or canrirevers exrsr, rhey ar€ .xposed to wind. n po,"r',". u*i"r,'ir,Ji ]i! ia lii.Lliii -"a rh€ lumbetboL incr€ese is 1 m' at,d tho plate grip increase b I 100 ----:/^-^.. .^r rric .rdi^d rtlRc <..-tinn 1638 2) I 2) Unbalanced snow loads have been considered for lhis design (UBC sec{on 1636 2) 3i All ptatss are Mzo plales unless o{h6.wise indicaled- 4) Thts truss has been desrgneO tor a iO 0 psf boltgm chord live loadnonconcurrenl with any oth€r liv€ loads per Tabla No tOA' UEC-94' s) Bearing ar joinr(s) 2 oohsrcters pararlel tograin value usingANSUTP| 1-1#-an;i; r" g;ii f"tt"lt qy:td:q.*g*t *tuld verifY capacity ol b€aring sufaco' 6) provide mecharicar conneclon (ty;iher;) oitruss to bea-ring plate capauti ot iritnsta-nding 1oB lb uplifl al Joint 4 and 85lb upllt al jornt 2. 7) T;is Iru;s ha6 beeo desiqned with ANSUTPI 1-19s5 crileria' LOAD CASEIS) Standatd BRACII{G TOP CHoRD Sheathed BOf CXORO Rigid ceiting direclly applied or F2-10 on center bracrng- I a I - -- 7-ao r -_--- F'oo I lMo I 76-0 7'6-0 1 -64 5x6 1i ! tl ILoADING 'TCLL TCDL r :9:f iBCDL (psf) 850 10.0 0.0 10.0 DEFL 0n) (loc) Ydetl Vert(LL) -0.20 a >872 verriTL) 0.26 2€ >683 Horz(TL) 0.30 6 nJa Mn Lenglh / LL del! = 240 BRACII{G fOp CXORO SheathEd o. il'8-4 on oenter purlin s-pacrng . sof dioiD Rigid ceiling ditEc{ly applied or 6{}4 on centcr b€c|ng' PIATES 6RIP M20 1971144 Wsirhi:67 lb f- t tl LUMBER TOPCHORD 2X6 SPF 21OOF 18E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2X4SPF165OF1.5E iliOin i*tr z x n spr 1650F 1.sE 3'8-3 Rrsht 2 x 4 sPF 16soF 1'5E 3.8-3 REAcTloNs (l b/size) 2=1 858/0-5-8, 6= 1 858/G5€ Max Ho'z 2=92(load case 6) iirax Uplill2=''186(loed case 7). 6=- 1860oad caso 7) t*ax crav2=t866iload case 2),6=1E66(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - Fitsl Load Cese OnlY r6p-c-ioh6 i-z={t. i-z=-qorc. ia=-:srs, a-s-'3sta, s{'-4076' &7=57 BOT CHoRD 2-8=3306, 6'8=3306 WEBS 4€=2653 NOTES i) Th s lruss has been designed lor the wind loads generated by 60 mpi wtnls at 25lt above ground lwel' tlsing 5 O paf top chord d€d bad and 5 0 gsl bonom chord dead load, 10o mi(rom hurricane oceanhne Dn an ocoupancy car€gp.v r, conairio'n'ie-niioJJ truitdtng, of dimension" oii'bn;i ft;h *p"ture c AscE 7-93 pe' uBc/ANsgsIt end vedicars or canrirovers exrsr. th6y are expossd lo wind. rr po,"rrr" urirri'iii'i;;t;;;#; i; ffi Tn" ututt'oot inct"se is 1 00' ard the phte g p inct'as€ ls 1.0t) 2; unu"lun"ud =no* loads have been considGred lor this dcsign (UEc sgcrion 163E 2) ?i+i1,3'i'RTif".1r3:Tr"Jffi:Iiit;"l ril'*n,,d ,". road noncoocurrent wih anr orhe' tive bads per rabrc No l&8' ,, Hli,i; ., i",",,", 2, 6 considers parallel lo grain value using ANSUTPI 'l-1995 angle to graio lo'mda' Building d*igner .., ;i#l1flg.TffilY$"Ylff('Jfffrs; crrruss ro beains prars cepabk or wirhsradins 1s6 tb uprifl at ioint 2 and 185 lb uolitl at iornl 6. n iii" tiult n.. beon designed wit! ANSUTPI 1'1995 crneria' LOAD CASEIS) Slandard 7-64 ' SPACING 2-O-0 Plales lflcfease 100 Lumber increase 1 00 Rep Stress Incr YES Code UBC/ANSAS csl TC 0.60 BC 0.85 wB 0.5{, (i/btnx) :Job I russ lr.u,'t"oo lsorn I .:q I l I lo, lo r:l i-l 7+s -- 14-90 I -r 1€-l) 14-9-0 1-6-0 LoADI|{G (Ps0 TCLL 85 O TCDL 10.0 BCIL 0.0 BCDL 10.0 LUMBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORO WEBS SLIDER SPACING 2-0'0 Plates Incteas€ 1.0O Lumber Incroase 1.0O Rep Stress Inct YES Code UBc/ANslgs oEFL (n) (loc) Vorl(LL) {1.1E I V€rt(TL) {.23 E Ho.z(rl) O.27 q PLATEg GRIP t 20 1971114 Woight; 70 lb csl TC 0.57 8C 0.82 WB 0.'16 (Mattix) Udefl >945 >742 nla Min Lengnh / LL defl = 2/|t} 2 X 6 SPF 2100F 1.88 2 X 4 SPF 1650F t.5E 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E iini-i i spilosciil.sE s-12, Riehr 2 x 6 sPF 1650F 1 5E 14-12 ?5i%[3"o shealhed or4-10'13 on c€nter purlin sPaoins' iEi ;i'6iD iigid ceitins aireort appliod or o{)'0 on cenler bracmg REAcTloN3 (lttsize) 2='1831'0-5'6' 6=18314)'5-8 f,/bx Hoe 2=91(.Lrad case 6) Max Upli'i2=- 1 84(load casa O' 6=-184(load case /1. Max G;av 2=1842(load case 2)' 6-'1E42(l@d case J) i ronces (lb) - Firsl Load case OnlY I iii-c-iohil i i=44:t-3=-3E35. i-4=-32$, +5=-3258, 5'6=-3835' 6'7-44 I sor cHono 2-8-3065. 6'8=3065 iwEBs 4-8'2459 I T,oifii,,u". n." o"en desisned ror rhe wr"d r*f-9:ll'::*.Y-::Tph winds at 25 tt ab'''e srourd revsl ".ine-: l#b.;iiff*,flSfi1iy{Siii {H-iH.ffift t '|oad,1oomifromt,u,,'""n"o"u"nii-n.,onanocc.upancycate.go'Y|,condidon|enc|o6edbui|diDg,oldim9"g".;;.";'Do:ii"...Ji"i'm'"''arh9p|at;gripinctsak end verriqals or canrirevers erist. rtleili.'.rJ*J'ir "i"o rf-poiches erist, ihey are nol exposed to whd l ne rl zr ljl3"r"n".a .n"* loads htve b€en consideted for lhis design (UBc s€ction 16382) iitlit;1,";:;ru*:il*ffii:ti3tT;Tiffiti1n*,'". road nonconcunenrw*harryothe'rivE roads perrabre No' i6-B' u, H*;l;o ", ,",*,", 2. 5 considers Pa'allel lo Itain valus using ANsl[Pl l-t9]5 angle lo g(arn fo'mula Building designet ' should wrify capacity of boaring -surlace . , of withstanding 184 lb uplifi ar idni 2 and 184 lb "t i..ia1" tii?n-i"ai connecrioitoy otte's) of lruss lo beat$g date ca9abt( n +l','ltlg*l*"n desisne'J $,ith ANsl/rPl 1-1es5 critaria' LoAD CAsE(Sl Slandard fi .c. riou s6dmNm65E: etiSi 40 1- /1 i cl n I I I |.: I ! ! n I ,( "rt/ LoAOiNG (pso TCIL 85.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O,O ECDL 10,0 1-10-rs 1i115 r-10-15 ARACII{GI TOP CHORO Sheathod- BOT CHORO Rigid ceiling directly aP?lied or 1-11-7 oh canter bracing lr/€.x Uplitl4=-26lload case 3). 2=-99(load oase 5) l,bx Grav 5=36(load case 2) FoRcEs (lb) - Firsl Load Caso only ToP cHoRD 1-?-57 ,2-b-242.3-4'-66 9OT CHORD ?-s=6 i{oTE9 t) This truss has been desrgtl.o tor lhe wind loads gene.ated by 8o mph windi at 25 fl above gtound level. using 5.0 psi lop chord dgad l@d and 5'0 psf Mtorn chotd d€d toad, 1oo mi from hurricane oceantine, on an occupancy category t, concrtion i enctoseo uuitang, ot aimensions as n bv)l ft n'ittr etp6ut' c AscE 7-qt per uB€'ANslgs lf end veriicats cr cantite\,€rs exist, they ara exposed towind- n p.r"r,"" -i"i itfi -" J ",,p".,iio "rino. Ths lumbst'Dol increass k 1'00' and lhe plaie grip i'lct'aso is 1.00 2) Uobabnced snow loads have been considered for lhis design. (UBC section 16'3E 2) 3) Atl platos aI6 M2O plates unless otherwise indicated. 4) This trt6s has be€n do8igned lor a 1O.O psf botlom chord lh€ loadimconcurrerf with any othcr lils,oad8 per-Table No' 16€ UBC-g'' 5) Bearing at joint(s) Z considers paralelto grain vatuc using ANsrrpr r-rs95;ngiuio e.11" tg.yt" gu19l.S-lfi-*, frdd v€rifv capacty ot btaring surtace' Oi prouid -Jctrrnill connedio; (by oihedl o{ truss to bea-ring plal€ capabb of wtlhslqnding 26 lb upm at ioinl 4 and so lb uplifi al joinl 2. 7) This t.uss has be€n design€d with ANSUTPI 1'1995 critetia LoAD CASEIS, Slandard SPACING 2-(}O Plales tncreass 1.00 Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep Slress lnct YES Code UBC/ANS|9S DEFL (in) (loc) lrdefi Verl(LL) -O.m 2 >999 Ve fiL) 0.02 1-2 >925 Horz(TL) -O.00 4 nla Min Lengih / Ll defl = 240 PLATES GRF lrrt2o 1971114 Weighl: 12 lb csl TC O.42 BC 0.03 wB 0.00 (Matrix) LUMBER r9P cHoRD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.sE BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Leit 2 X 4 SPF Slud 1-5'4 REAcTloNs (bi\'ze) 4331/0-5-8, 2=63;n'5'E, 5= 18/}18 tliax Horz 2=76(load case q aob -- --iruss - -rruEirvp" -- -+- 1-1(t.15 :i 4' ,i lr l:j ;1 l': I |a t\ i' 'l//' LOADING TCLL TCOL BCLL BCDL oEFL (io) (too) l/ddl I PLATES CRIP t;(LL) -olm ' i 'gse I I\/|2o 1e7t144 venirL) o.o2 1-2 >9* i Hoi(TL) -0.0o 4 ^ta I uintn6*' r lr- arn = z4g i weight: 13lb I BRACIN€ i TOPCHORD Sh€athsd. I AOf CflOnO Rigid csiling diroo y apptied ot 1-11-7 on oantq brecing l I LUMBER roP CHORD 2 X 5 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Lefl 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E 1-9-0 REAcTloNs (lb/size) /+=31/o'5'E' 2=532/s5-8, 5' l8f}3.8 l!to( Horz 2=74(l"ad case 5) Max Uplilt4='29(load case 3), 2='95(load ca6€ 5) i,,,lar Grav 5=36(load case 2) uDlitt et idnl 2. 7) Tiris truss has been d€signed wilh ANSlffPl 1-1995 criteria LOAD CASqS) Slandard (Psf) 85.0 100 0.o 10.0 c3l TC 0.21 BC 0-03 WB O.M (Malrix) FORGES (lb) - Fi.st Load Case OnlY TOP CHORO 1-2=44, 2-3=-236. 3-4'-43 BOT CHORD 2S=5 Troifilu""" n." 0""" des€n.d fo, rhe wird toads g€ne'ted by 80 mph winds at 25 ft above ground tot d, using 5.0 psl top chord dead t@d and 5'0 psf bilom chod dead load, 100 mi rrom hurrioane oceanrrno, oo an occupancl carego"y r, cooairionl onciJ luiioing, u almensions l{n wll n ttnr' t'p*ute c AscE 7-93 per uBc/ANslgsIt end vafiicats or oar ilevers exist, they ara expoied to vdnd. n por"t u. oei'iiJ .f9 J "tp;d ro wno- The lumber'DoL inctes; is 1 m' and lhe prab g4l ircteese is 1.OO 2) Unbalanceo snow loads have bBon conside'cd for this dosign (UBC sac-tion l63E'2) 3i Alt plateB areM20 plates unle€s olhotwise indicated. 4) Thls truss has been deslrn€d lo.a 1o.o psf botlom chord livg.losd nonconcutrenl with arry olher liwtoads pe'.Table No t6.E' uBc-94' 5) Bearing at joint(s) 2 considers paratlel togtain value using ANSVfpf f-rgg!-"ngti; g.ii i"tt't"' -B-uil.qig 9:Egn'r should Y'rify capacity o{ bsafiog sufiace' 6) provrde m.chenicat .onn..t,on (rry J*]J) Jf,roi. G.:mg pfate capabh of '/vithstr.nding 29 lb uplift al Jotnt 4 and 96 lb l-ro-ls 1-1r€ 1.1G15 SPACING 2-0-0 Plates Inc.oase 1.00 Lumbe( lncrease 1.00 Rep slress l.tc. VES Code UBC/ANSI95 I a-AE-H6UST6F: mNrRosE, co 814ol ot 1 I ls r I r7 ot I l t-6-0 1-io-15 LUs 1' l0-15 LOADING TCLL TCDL BCOL (psO 10.0 00 10.0 SPACING 2-O-{) Plat€s hcrease 1.00 Lumbe.lnctease 1.OO Rep Stress lncr YES code UBC/ANS|95 2 X 6 SPF 1650F l.sE 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E Left 2 X 4 SPF Stud 1-11-11 (lblsize) 2=639/O-5-E. 6=18/0'3-6' 4-95/0-5-8 Max Ho.z 2.75(load oase O Max Upln2=-106(toad csse 5),4='39(load caso 3) lvlar Grav6'36(load caso 2), 4=95(load case 1) BRACIM) TOP CHORD Sheathed. ;6; ;iidio nig; *i[ns ot*rry "pplied ot 1-11-7 on c'ntcr breine- csl f c o.42 BC 0.03 wB 0.00 (Nlatrix) oEFL (in) (loc) ltdgfr Vert(tl) .{t.m 2 >9!19 V€rt(Il-) 0.02 1-2 >gse HozCIL) -0.0O 4 n'a Min Let{Or / LL def = 2/O PLATES GRIP tvDo 1971144 Woight; 12 lb LUTIBER TOP CHORD BOT CHORD sltoER REACTIONS FoRcES flbl - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHOhD 1-2-72, 2-3=-219. 34=-15, 3.5=-35 8OT CHORD 2S.5 OTES 1) rhis rru6s has been designed tor rhe wind toads gene.ated by 80 mph wirdE at 25 lt abov€ gtound bvel, using 5 o,Dsr lop chod dsad bad and 5 o psl botlom chord d""d road. 1oo mi irom hur.rca.,e oceanrins, on an occupamt categorv r, "onairioi] -"r."J'o,riicing, or ol.-,.io-n" aii'ovii n-"tittt ttp*we c '\scE 7'99 pot uBc'fANspS f end yerlicals o. ca'r'evers eri$, rney are erpo6ed rowind. n por"rr"".ri"r,'iii li"iJt iip.iiiii" *t"0. rrrc rumu"riror- lnireasi is 1 0o' ano thc cate grip ioca*€ b t.00 2) Uibalenced snow bads have been considered for this d€sign (UBC scction 1638 2) :l f;,:ffi"ffi*T::Trm.::l'ffi;"lt1f;Jf;*" *" ""9ro,*o""ur'6.{ wlh arv orher rive heds pe' rabb tro' 16s, u8ce/t' 5) Bearing ar ioinr(s) z "on"ia"o p",.iiio's',"in-r.i* "ii"g Lirsrnpr r-rrd";;[il;;ili 6^"i.. e"ildi,is lssigner should vetit oapacitv of beating surlac6' or provide m.chanicar connecton roy i,i'"""'iJit*" r. beering prare cspabte ol;ithsl;ding 106 lb uplift .t ioint 2 and 38 lb n l['f ,?lST.1t."n dasl]ned wiih ANsl/TPl 1'19e5 o'iieria' LOAD CASE(S) Slandatd si61sH,AO lJolM e[itusrbs.Inc.Tlu-ird-i?-aE7t-o lees P.& 1 | -r5{ I 1111-11 I 1-6.0 1-1'l-',t1 d I 1-11 LoADlt{o (psl)TCLL a5.0 TCO! 10.0 BCLL O,O BCDL 10.0 SPACINO 204 Pial€s lncreaae 1.(x) Lumber Inoreaso 1.00 Rop Slress lncr YES code UBC/ANS|95 csl TC 0.m BC o.Gl wB 0.00 (l',lalrit) oEFL (in) 0oo) uddl VenGL) -O.0O 2 ,W Ved(TL) O.O2 1'2 >9W HonFL) {.00 3 rva Mn Lengfih / LL d€ll ' 240 ?LATES GR'P rr|2o 1971114 Weighl: 10 b LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F t.sE BOT CHORD 2 X 4 sPF ',1650F 1.se REAcTlo'ls (lusize) 3=58,0-5.8, 2'612r$5-8, 4'1g/GlE lild( Horz 2=86(load caBe 5) ['l|ax Uplift3=-13(toad casa 3), 2---112(bad caso q BRAClll(; ToP CHOFID sheathed gof CHOnO Rigid celling directly applied or 1-10-13 on csnlsr 6racmg' ft'tax Grav 4--38(load aas€ 2) FORCES 0b) - Firsl Load Cas€ OnlY TOP CHORO 1-2= 126.2'3=-167 80T CHORO 2-4--O f;ffiouo n." * des.rgn.d for the wind loadE ggnrated by 80 mpb wiods at 25 fl abovo gtoutd levsl. usiog 5.o.p6f toP chord ded loed eod5.0 Psf botlom cftord dcad toad, 1m mi ',om h'rriqane oc@nlina, on aa oc".rFr161 cdegorv r, conoimn r onor*ea building, ol dirnenskrrs d n b,v z+ n *"itt opcsre c AscE 7-93 p€r uBc/ANSlg6ll e.d veticals or cartit.vers e{st, lhey ar6 erpos6d to wind, n pororr* cocst,'irvi ars ""r !ii.# r" *na. Trt€ lumbat'Dol tttoto€E; b t'qt' end th€ plda Erip incterse i5 1.m 2) Unbatancad snotlr loads hale bseo consldered ba thb design. (UBc sadion 1638'2) 3) All plates are i/no ptates unless olh6lwise indicaLd. 4) This l.uss has been dasig[Ned tor e 1ii.0 ps{ bottom cfto(l live load rpnconcuncntwith any other lhe loads per Tabla No t6.8' IJBC'94' 5) provids mechanicat connet*on (uy j[1][i i riiirii'r. *"ring pr"r" *pu1111 oi *ns"ndi;g 13 h uplift at i,int 3 aod t t2 lb upliff d ioht 2' 6) This lruss has been designed with ANSyTFI l-1905 c]i(aflh loA0 GASE(S) Standard 1-10{) I \ I 'l i 'I "l I .t I I LOAIXNG (pst I SPAGT{O 2-O4 i TCLL E5.0 | Plales |trcdsese 1.OO ifcOl 10.0 Lumbor Incr€ae€ 1.00 laclr- o.o i Rep stre$ lncr YEs ! scot- io.o code uac/ANsllls lLuMaER I ToP cHoRD 2 x 6 sPF 165oF 1.5E 80T CHORD 2 X 4 SPF t650F 1.5F SLTDER Left2x4sPFstudLl',l-12 csl TC 0.12 BC 0.O3 w8 0.(x) (Matd$ PLATEIt CRIP Irf20 191141 Weioht 7 lb 1-10{ DEFL (in) (bc) udefl Vert(LL) -O.00 1 >9S VodGL) $.0O 14 >9Sg Florz(TL) 0.m 3 da Min Lenglh / Lt defl - 2{O SRACIXO TOP CIKIRO Shealhed. BOT C|IORD Rigid coiling dite.lty eppli.d or 1-9-10 m c€|ner b('cing' REACTIOits (lh/s2e) 1-18E/G3-8. 3:170{}98, /t-18ro-3-6 Max Horz 1.56(load cas€ 3) ltax Upm3={7(load caso 3) tt/bx G.av,l=36{load casc 2) FoRcEs (lb) - Fird Load Case Orly ToP cHoRD t-2=-119. 2-3'61 BOT CftORD | -a=o f;in-tiu,*, n"" o*. designed tor lhe wind loads g€narat.d by 80 mph winds .t 25 ft abovo ground level, using s.o.ps{ top chotd dGad bad end-to psf bottom chord dead losd, 1m mi from hurricane oc?antinc, on an occlrpenc,y cstegorv r, conoirio-ni'eln-cic,J u.,n'raing, .r crni-*irs 45 rr B zl n *nn "tq*"c c AscE 7-sr pet UBc/Al€195 It ond verticats o, car ilevera exst. ttrey-al'Jp*"Ji" *iiti. n-p".i* *irrlir,"v.* ".r "rp*& r" *na. The lumb€r'DoL increesE is 1'oo, andlhe?he grlp incr€aso lc 1.00 2) Unbalanccd snov{ loads have beon consider€d lor lhis dGign. (UBC aoclion l63a'2) 3) Alt ptat6 are M20 pbte3 unless olhetlriso indicalod' 4) This truss has bsen designed tor a 100 pV uto,n "florO ri"" load noncoilcutrdtt wilh any clhar live.bqds pot Table No- 16-8. uBc-94' 5i prDvid,e .rloc-tlanicat connection (by olhur"; ot tnrs" t u""trg pt.t€ cap.ble ot withstanding 47 lb upuff ai loint 3. 6) This lruss has been de6igneJ with ANsl/TPl 1-1995 ctileda LOAO cAsqsl Stsndard lJob i l,uss 9161SHAD JO1D i.ds;fi 16]ETIFT?lnd,siliolnc- , -16-0 | r'10-o t-ltr 16-0 l-1(L0 o-tl r.ooFf DEFL (io) (loc) Ud6tt vett(LL) -0.00 2 '999 Ved(TL) 0.01 1'2 >999 HorzCIL) {t.0O 4 rta Mn LeMlh / LL dcfl = 24O LoADING (psO TCLL 85.0 TCOL 10.0 SPACING ]+O Plal€s lncrease 1.00 Lsmbel lnctease 1.00 ReD Stress Inct YEs iecol 1o-o I code uBc/ANslgs PLATES GRIF l/Eo 19'11114 Wolght 11 lb aRACllro ToP CHORD Sheaihsd. AOT CHORD Rigid ceiling ditcolh apftlicd o. 1-g'11 on oenlcr btachg' BCLL O.O LUMBER TOP CHORO 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SUDER Left 2 X 6 sPF 1650F 1.5E O-t1'12 LOAO cAsqsl Standard REActtoNs (lb/size),1=45/0-S, 2=592/0-18' 5'l8i/G34 lliax Ho.z 2=73(load case 5) Nihx Uplilt4--27(load cas€ 3),2-91(lcd caso 5) f,rlar Grav 5-36(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - Firsl Load Case Only TOP cllORD 1-2=55. 2-3.-238, 3.4=-82 BOT CHORD 2 5=0 NOIES 1) This lruss has been designed tor the yvind toads generstell lry 80 mph wirdE at 25 f sbove grpud lsvel. using 5.0-psJ top ohord dsd lo€d and 5 0 Psf Dollom cford dcad toad. 100 mi from hrr.ioane oceantine, on an occup.nct category t, condili;;;ild L"icing, ol di.tn.k;* 4d ft by 24fr with e'aosure c AscE 7-93 p€r U8c'Allslgs lf er|d vorti;als o, caniilevers orlst. thot are erpqsed to wind. rr porcrres exrsr,i6 ir" -l op*.lr""i.a TlE lumbor-ooL incrsase i3 t m' ard tha plale griP ircrtaEo 'E 1.(x) 2) lJ.balanc€d snow loads haw been considetod kr this dosign- (UBc sectiol 1638'2) 3) All pLt€s ere IPO platds uol€ss oth€twasa indicaled. ,ci ifrl! rrusr fra" U"en OesigneO for a iO.O psf boltom chord live load nonconcure with any olher- liwioads pet Tablo Nq, 16€. UBC-94' q provide mectnnicat connecrion 1oy Jhl;t;il;; 5e;1,,s itare capaUc ot winsbndlng 27 lb ut lifl at itint 4 and 9t lb upm at ioint 2 6l This tru6s has been dosrgned wilh ANSI/TPI 1'1995 crlelia' l T 't,1516 F"s"Tl F-lsi-3'1G15 r-6{ 3-1(}15 i J I I I I fr t.:1 q , .tl i I I q I I I I I I I I l1 I I I 2 LOAOIt{G TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL (in) (loc) liden Ved(LL) -O.Ol 2-5 >999 Ve.t(TL) -0.02 2'5 >999 Horz(To 0.Ol 4 nta luin Lengfrh / LL den = z/rc gRACll{G TOP CHORD Sh€athed ;i ilciiD iig;-oeiling oiteclt uPpliod or 3-l1-8 on cenler btacing' REAcTlotfS (ldsizel 4'27OlO-5'8 2=751rc'98, 5=37I).33 Max l-torz 2=1l2(load case 5) Max Uplift4=-6E(load case 3). 2=-85(load cast 5) t\rar Gtav 5=7J(load oese 2) FORcEg (lb) - FIrsl Load Case OnlY TOP CHORO 1-2=57, 2-3='307' }4=94 BOT CHORD 2-5=l t lyoi,ff,,u"" n".o""n desiensd ro, the$ind roods senerat'sdt'v-89TryiX*-iti:f:f,fl:'#t^ff*"'""ig: lrtiJff?;['Jltf."$S-t""tt*3$-T'om cho]dd@d l'ad. t.o mi kom hurricane oceantme. on .n oco-up.,,"y ""t go,Y l, "",rdft;;l ;;;; buiding' of dime'sran" lin util n w tt txposure c AscE 7-93 por UBctANs[lsll 6nd verticats or cantitevers exrst, they are expo.od lo !.ind. rf p"."rt- "t,"1,irii #-*'i;;;1il i; ;; im 1u-6"t i:ot 6""-i b 1 oo' and the plato orip inc'easa t3 L00 Zl unUalancea sno,a, loads have been consitered tor lhis design (UBC seclim 1638 2) 1i +l|:,i'R"trlit1l'lf":r*:1:,Tr"lt[lHffitio;*,0 ,*load nonconcunent wirh any orher rtue roads pe' raoro r,ro. 1eB, uBc'e4. O Bearing ar idnl(s) 2 coosrdsrs paratH rograin value usiruANsrrPl 1-19;":n"i;'ilffi'l f"l;.Yi; "$qJg deeigner should verily capsiiy of bsadng surlac6' 6) provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss lo bearing platc capaOfc oi iittrst;ding 68lb t'm at joint 4 atrd 85lb t, iill,ll'J*? *"n desiened with ANsurPl 1'tsss ctiteria' LoAO CASqS) Standard (p6f) 85.0 10.0 0.0 SPACING 2-O-O Plaies lnclease 1 00 Lumber Increase '1.00 Rep Sttess Inc. YES Code UBclANSlgs csl TC 0.42 BC 0-11 wB 0.00 Olatnx) PLATES ORIP M20 1971144 Weighl: 19 h 10.0 l LUMA€R TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.58 BOT CltoRD 2 X !t SPF 1650F '1.58 SUDER Lelt 2 X 4 SPF Stud 1-&4 3xG ll JO34 rROOF TRUSS ff , _ -1-6{ I 3'1G15 1-5.0 3-1G15 (" LOADING BCLL BCDL (psD 85.0 10.0 o.0 10 0 SPACING 2-G0 Plates lncr€ase 1.m Lu/nber Increase 1.00 R6o Slress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|95 csl TC O.21 BC O.t1 wB 0.00 (ilalrix) OEFL (in) (loc) /defi Verl(LL) 4.01 2.5 >999 vertoL) -0.02 2-5 >999 Hoz(TL) 0.m 4 nla lvln Length / LL den = 240 PLATES GRIP lr20 1971144 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 165OF 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F I.5E SLIDER Lelt 2 X 6 SPF 1650F'1.5E 2-6'0 REACTIO'IS (lb/s2e) 4=270/0-5'8, 2=751,/0'$6, 5=3710'3-8 lvlax H orz 2= 1 1 o(loa d case 5) Max Uplift4=-7o(load oase 3), 2=-83(load case 5) Mar G.av 5=73(load case 2) FoRCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY TOP CHORD 1 -2= 44, 2-3= -285, 3'4=gG BOT CHORD 2-*11 BRAC|tlo TOP CHORD Shealh€d. BOT CHORD Rioid c€iting ditscttt applicd o. !t l-8 on c€rdot bracitrg NOTES 1) This kuss has b€en designed to{ the wiod loads generated by Eo mph wiids at 25 ff above ground latel, usi.E 5 O-psf top chofd daad load and 5 o psl bo'tom chord d€ad load, 10o mi from trurricane ocEantine, on an occupancy categorv r, conoiriml.ncio."a uuioing, ol aim€nsio--ns- ls t by 2l fr with exposur'-c AscE 7-93 pcr uBc/A{sF5 r end vertacats or canlitevers er6t, they ara expos€d to wind. n por"rro.r,"r. irr.y "t" "or "tpotJ to ttna. The lrmb€r DoL inc{€as' is 1'oo. and tho plate gtip incraese i3 't.00 2) unbalancod snow loads have been coosidBred fof thls des'on (uBc saction 1638 2) 3) AII plales ate M?O plales urless othotwise indioalsd 4) This truss has been desrgned for a 1O.O psf botlom chord live badlooco-nounsnt v.,ith any ott|er Iw loads pet Table l'lo 168, UBC'94' 5) Bearing at joint(s) 2 "onsto"r" p",.ti.tio'goi" ""i". ""i"g tNsUTpt t-lggi *gt"to goi; formula Building dcignor should verify capaciiy of bEaring sudace' 6i provid; r;ha;icet connectio.r (by ofhe.;) of truss lo bearing plale capabb of withstarding 70 lb upli1 at itnt 4 and 8:I lb uplift al ioinl 2, 7) This truss has been designed $'rth ANSUTPI 1-1995 crileria LOAD cAsE(s) Slandald Gb lsrersxro Truss I f,u".fr- ROOF TRUSS I t I 4 q ".t d q I I LoADF{a (P60 TCLL 65.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O.O BCDL 10.0 csl TC 0.23 BC 0.',11 wB 0.00 (lt/tet.ir) SPACIXG 2{r-O Plales Inct€64 1.00 Lrmbgr Increase l.0O Reo Sl.ess Incr YES Cods l'rBC/ANSlgs 3-11-14 DEFL (tn) (loc) Vsil(LL) '{r.01 2'4 vert(IL) -0.s2 2-4 Ho,z(TL) -0.oo 3 Mn Lengfi f LL defl = 2'lo BRAC|t{o ToP cttORD Sheathcd.;r ;'|iifr6 eisiJ ;!ng ui."otlv "pplied ot '&3 on c€nl€t braoins' udd >999 >99S n/a LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF I55OF 1.5E BOT Ca|oRD 2 X 4 SPF ',1650F 1.5E REACTfONS (lwsize) 3=272lO'5€,2=76.,10-5'8, F37n-lA i^ax Horz 2=1z3(load case 5) L/t r uDlilt3=-56(ioad c.se 3). 2=-1010o4d casa 5) Ivtar Grav rF740oad cas€ 2) FORCES {lb) - First Loed Casc OnlY ToP CHORO 'l-?='127 '2-l=11O BoT CHoRD 2.iF0 NOTES "H;.",ff .lfi ff f ,H''lT::;1illlH:"'"il#-3,::,T*il.Lii,1"':[35tffili1g*":S=1ffi1[#ffi S''a*g#ffi ,m' end v€rtic.ts of canr'.rrr" .ri<, rr"il,""';6;i;;;. 'tt"t'd; c{id, th.t.re rpt exp€cd io wind rhe tur' '1.00 z; Uibalan""a snow loads have been consldarcdior-lhb daign' (UBc aection 163E'2) li eii-piJ* *. l,tzo plates unlF.$s othe{wist iidicated' :i+ll''".*RH$'"rffi,i'llffillffiT,i!fiH",-. jf iT^l-:s:":**HH"giff,ffi,ffiIxT,ii',",J'liil'ffilfi ai Ttris tnss has been desrgn€d tor a lo o o5l bdlom crp'o I'Ye rtxru ts--r@-.#;;;;;;-it;tii; pint 3 anrl l0l lb upliff et Fint 2. ;{ ;;;;;;;;; 'o','ieJion <lv ar'ersl otttuss to boariu PlaL caPrbk 6i itris truss tras ueen dssigned with ANSI/TPI 't'1995 crilorE' LoAD CAs€(s) Siands.d W.igttt: 16 lb lJ"b . rruss tn''ut"n* i.::ROOF TRUSS ;rj; i l I ql l I I i; I o,1 tq ll t. 1 I I l,a t: I I I I I lY iP I I 3-1G15 l/" 2-GO LOADING TCLL TCDL BCLL BCDL SPACING (psO 85.0 't0 0 o.0 10.0 Plales lncteaae 1 0o Lumber Inctease 1.0O R€D slress Incr YES Code UBC/ANS|96 DEFL (in) (loc) Ud6tl Vert(LL) 'o.Oi 2-5 >999 veniT[] -0.02 2-5 >ss!l HoaffL) O.O0 4 nte Mn Length , LL dof, = 240 PLATES OiIP trr2o 197 1144 W6ighl: 19lb csl TC O.42 BC 0.11 wB 0.(x) (lvlat(r) REAcTKtfls (lblstze') 1=271to-5-8. 2'751rG54, *37/rJ'3.8 !la{ Horz 2''l14(loed casa 5} i,tar uplif4='65(ioad case 3), 2'-88(load case 5) Max G.av 5=73(load case 2) FORCES 0b) - Filst Load Case OnlY TOP CHORO 1'2=72'2-3='286, 3-1=97 BOT CHORD 2'5=11 NOTES ,l ) This rruss has boen desrgnec fo. ths wind loed6 gsneratcd bv 80 mph winds at 25 tl above ground lowl using 5 0 D6l loD chod dasd load and 5 o p6f bollor' chord d€d toad. 10o mi l or.r hrrmc:rne oceqntrno, on ar o@upancy cale{p'v r' oonairJrl'e'Jos"a building' of dimtnsions 4iT;''?; i-t"th *pcurc c lscE l-s3 p€t UBc/Atlslt5 r end venicars qr canr'evers exsr,lhdy are expossd ro wind. 'pon"r,o.rotiiiirli-J;il;;il;ffi. ne r"iu.tbor- i*tttti is l '0o' 'nd the plale srip in''ra€a b LUMgER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1'5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF I65OF 1.58 SLIOER Left2X4SPFstudl-11-4 LOAD cASE(St Slandard BRAC|l.lc ToP GHORD shealhed aOf cfiOfiO Rigid c.iLng dirocitt spplied or 3.11€ on cenle' btac|ng' 1.00 2) Unbalanc€d sno\., loads have beeo Gonsidetsd for this design (UBC scclion 1 638 2) ii +ll.:'1":t*g*i5#5;:lil"JT.lHrs;h*d r*.!,"jl:.:*.5"fent wift anv orher riv" lq* P".I:!r' il"' 1ca' uBc'e4' 5) Bearing at loinl(s) 2 considers parartol to grain vslue using.ANsfrrpr r'rgit"it'[Jitii rol"urt .Bui1ai;g design'r should vorry capacity of b€ting surlac' 6' provide mechanical connectron (by orhers) ot truss to boaring pnru ""p"urr oii;ttr"l;nding 66 lb uplin al joinl 4 and 88lb " +#t;ll?Llt*n desisn€d with ANst/rPr 1'lee5 ctiterb' 3-1G,15 russ lyPe 7 ool'r2 ; rfi 16i6z-mT"[iffi a;6''n".ffo-liray tr tsrzcz 19!ts Psge I 3-10{r LOAOING (psf) TCLL 85.0 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O O SPACING Pla(es tncrease 1 0o Lumber Increase 1.00 Rep sttoss Incr YEs Code USC/ANS|9S DEFL (in) 0oc) lrdod Vert(LL) 'o.01 2-5 >999 VerlfiL) -0.02 2-5 >9!19 HozOL) O.m 4 Ne ifin Lenglh / LL dell = 24o PLATES CRIP ir20 1971144 Wsigl:20lb csl TC 0.19 BC 0.11 wa 0.00 (Mrt,tx)BCDL 10.0 ARACINO TOP CHOFID Shearhed. ioi aHoCt Rigid ceiting directly applb' or 33-4 on conlcr btecing' REAGTIONS (lb's;zg) 4=:83|,/&S 2=724l0-5-a, 5=37 )€-a tuar Horz 2:1 1 o(load case 5) Max JPlilt4''69(load case 3), 2='7g(load €ass 5) Max Grav5=74(load case 2) FoRGES (lb) - Fitst Ldad Cese OntY TOP CHoRD 1-225s, 2'3--274, 3'4=103 BOT cl-|oRD 2-5=0 itoTEs 1) This truss has been desqned fof tbe h,ind loads generat€d bv 80 mph wkds al 25 fl above ground l6vol. using 5.0 p6f top chord d6ad load and 5 o psf bottom chod dead road. 100 mi from hu[rcane ocean,n*, on an occupanct caiegorv t, -nonio1,l'.1,ciJJ uuiaing, of orn"n,tion" lin wil n *i t ttp""urs c AscE 7-93 pet uBc/Al''lsts6 |' 6nd verticats or cantitevars exrst th€y are erposed lo wina. r porctres cia.iiJ Ji" "J 'e".&i t" rina. T|. r"-u*iror- inct.asa is | 0o' and tho Plate g'ip irct€ase is '1 .00 2) Unbalanced snor,{ loads have been considered for this design (UBc ssclion 1638 2) 3i Att plales are ilzo plaies unless otherw6e indicated. 4) This truss has been aesignea ror a iOO p"i Uono- *orU fi* bad nonooncurretrl wilh atry other livc loeds p€r TaUs No IGB UBC'94' 5) provrde mochanical corn€c{ion (by oth€r.) ol lru"s to beering ptat6 c€pebb ; wtths;nding dl lb u1,1ft at ioint 4 and 79 lb upln d idnl 2' 5i This truss has been dosigned with ANSI,/TPI 1-1995 ctilsria' LOAD GASEIS) Standard I I t9 lc 'l t-h r--- -r--- 6-0-0 -"- - ef-4 1-6-0 6-0-0 LOADING BCLI BCDL hsq 85.0 10.0 0.0 10.0 SPACING 2-O-O Plates lncrease 1.00 Lumb6r Incaease '1.00 Rep Slress Inc. YES code UBC/ANS|95 csl TC 0.98 BC O.27 wB 0.m (lrtatm) OEFL (in) (oc) Ud€fl V6rt(LL) -0.07 2-5 '999 verr(TL) .0.13 2-5 >517 Horz(TL) 0.03 4 nta Min Length / LL defl = 2JO PLATES CRIP M20 1971144 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF r650F 1.5E 80T CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E SLIDER Letl 2 X 4 SPF Slud 2-1G:3 REACTIONS (lb/size) 4=496/0-5-E. 2=947/0-5-8, 5=57rc-3-8 t\rax Horz 2='lg(load case 5) t\,lax Upltlt4=-l 1o(load case 3), 2=32(load caso 5) Max Grav 5=115(load case 2) FORCES (lb) . Frrsl Load Case Only TOP CHoRD 1-2= 5;'. 2.3=-3E3, 3-4=190 8OT Cl-lORD 2-5=18 Weight: 27 lb BRACll,E ToP CHORD Shoathed or 2-Gt2 o'l cenier pualih spacing. BOT CHORD Ri9i.l ceiling dtrectly applied or 6-2-10 on cenler biacing NOTES 1) This kuss has b€€n dssigned forthe wind loads generatod bt EO mph wirds al25 n above g.ound bvel,6ing 3.t psf loP ohord doad toad and-53 p€f Dotlom ctlord dead load. 100 mi (rom hufficane oceanlrne, on an ooc-upancy category l, conUnnrnl enctosed bu;iding, of dimehsions 45 fl by 24 fr with expotureC ASCE 7-93 psr UBC/Al{Sl9s lf end verlicels o, cantilevo.s e{sl. they are exposed lo r^,ind. lf poiches exisl, they are not erposed lo wind. The lumber DOL increase is I .m, ard tha plale grip inctsass tc 1.00 2) Unbalanced snow loads have been consrder€d fof this d.6ign. (UBC sec{ion 1638.2) 3) All platgs are lii20 pbtes unless olhetwiso indicated. 4i This truss ha-s boe; designed for a 1o.o psf botlom chord live load nonooncur,snt with any othsr live loads p€r TaHc No. 16-4, UBc-94. Si Bearing atjotnt(s) 2 coniders paraltetlograin \ralue using Al.ls!/TPl l-'1995 anglc to grain formrrla. Buitding.dcsigner should vority capaolty ol boaring sutfac€' 6) Provid; mechaoicat connsction (by othersJ ol lruss to baaring plato oapable of withslarditE 110 ll, uplifi at ioinl4 and 82 lb uplifl at ioinl 2. 7) This truss has been designed wilh Al.lSVTPl 1-1995 criteria. LOAD cAsE(sl Slandard lr"o i916'tsHAD lTruss i iJO6A l Tc. Hbrrsroi. MoNtRosE, e6Jl4ol -1-&0 14{ .J i-It i9 l' I J E 1 t --, -- oo+ ----Q4< t-fl) 5-GO I sPAcr e 2-tr0 i Plales lncrease 1.00 Lumber Increaso 1.00 Rep Stress Incr YES cst TC 0.54 BC O.27 wB 0.00 (Maltix) DEFL (in) (loc) Vdetl Ved(LL) {.07 2.5 >999 Ved(TL) 4.'13 2-5 >517 Hoz(fL) 0.(x 4 ola i/fn Leaglh / LL detl = 240 PLATES GRIP M20 1971144 Weight; 28 lb BRACING TOP ctlORD Sh€ath6d. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied o.6'2-10 on contor btelng' Max Uplin4.- 1 12(load ca6e 3), 2=-E'1(load case 5) Ma! crav 5=11scoad cass 2) FoRcES (lb) - Firsl Load Case OnV TOP CHORD 1-2=44. 2-3=-4@. *1Ag BOT CHORD 2-5=t 8 NOTES 1) This truss has boen designed for the wind loads g|eneratod by Eo mph winds at 25 fi above ground l6i/el, using 5.0isf top chord dead toad and 5 o pst bottom chord dead load, 1oo mitrom hurncane oceenrrne, on an oseupancy Gategor1, r, conoirionl'etrc[J i"fiai"g, ; jil""*,;^ 45 ft bY 24 n w h sxposure c AscE 7'93 pef uBc/ANslgsll €nd vo.ticals o. cantateverc exasl. th6y are srposed to wird. n porcrras exisr]irr{ ar" -t .ip."Ji t. tind. The lumbor'DoL incaease is 1 oo, and the platc gtip incr€ase is 1.m 2) Unbalanced snow loads have bsen cotrsidetod lot this doslgn. (UBC soctiol 1636.2) 3) Alt dalas ate M20 plales unless olhswise indicalad 4) This truss has been dssign€d tor a '10.0 psf bottom ciord live loadrorconcurronl with any olher l'vo load6 per.fabb l'1o 16-8. UBC-94' 5)Bearingatioint(s)2consid6'spara||e|to0rainvalu"us.|ngANSnP|1.1996_ande69laiifo-rmu|aBui|din9,desi9nershou|d\,€rifycapacityofb€afingsll*g. 6) provide m€chan rcat connectlon (by otherJ; ol tnrss to beiring plalo capablo of withstarding 1 '12 lb uP$n at ioh 4 and 81 |b uplifl al ,oinl 2 7) This truss has been design€d with ANSlfiPl l-1995 critetia LoAD cASElSl Standatd l.to -:1ruiJ I 1e161SHAD 1J068 I Truss TYPe IROOF TRUSS I r'l "i I to9 ,- i. I l I I I';l9 6-{LO ...,1 o,l I t LoADlNo (psfl TCLL 8s.0 TCDL 'IO O BCLL O O tscDL 10.0 csl TC 0.54 Bc o.27 wB 0.00 PLATES GRIP ir20 19ft14 Wo'|ghl:27lb SPAC'NG 2-O4 I Plalos lncr€aae 1.00 Lumber Incrsa6e l.OO ; Rep Stfess Incr YES I code uBc/ANslgs L_-.- LUIISER TOP CHORD 2 X 6 SPF 1650F 1.5E BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF t650F 1.5E SLIDER Left 2 X 4 SPF l650F 15e3'll2 REAcTloNs {lb/size} 4=496/0-54, 2=947/0'5'8, 5=57/0'3-8 Max Horz 2='156(load case 5) t\rax Uplilt4=-108(toed cas€ 3), 2!-85(load cesa 5) lvlax Grav 5.11s(load caso 2) DEFL (in) (|oc) vencL) 4.07 2-5 VenFL) -0.13 2's HorzOL) 0.03 4 i (tt alrix) | nin t-ongth I LL aetl = Z4O l/defl >999 >517 nla BRAC g ToP CIIORD Sheattpd. BOT CHORD Rigid c€ilirg dir€ctly applied o. +2-'lo on cenler b'aoi^g' FoRCES (lb) - First Load Casir OnlY TOP CfIORD 1-2=72, 2-3=-367, 3.+191 BOT cfORD 2-s=18 NOTES l) This rruss has b€en designed tor th6 wind loads generated by 80 mph winds at ?5 n abovs groqod l€vel, rsing s.o,pd lop chord dead losd aM 5'0 p5f bottom chotd dsad toad, l oo mi fiom hurricarp oceantine, ofl an occupanqr category r, .or,o,tJJ'J"-"i*"J't"io.g, J,fi;9""19''"s- {5 i bv 24 f wilh erqoeuro c AscE 7-93 per uBc/a{s195 r end vorlicats or cantilovers exast, theyare e,eo6ed to rind. r por"nes.n r. tri- ai. ra "iGJd r" "l"d rhc lumborboL incr6ass is 1 m, and lhe dale gdp increas€ b 1.00 2) Unbalanced snow loads have been considerod lor this design. (UBC section 1630 2) 3) All plates a.e M20 plales unless othetwise indicaled. ti Thi truss has been de6igned fo. a io.o psl bottom chord liv€ loadnorco_ncurrenl wilh any othar live loads per Table No. 15-8. UBc'94' si s"",i"g ;ioi"tiif z contio"o p.,.tt-t L-gJn ".rue r"ing eHsfffPl 1-1995 angle io grli; fgglFt 9".j11':q,*19..t "hould Ycrifv cap'ciry of bearing su'tace' 6i provid; m;hani;4 connechon (by others-) ol truss to beiring plate capable ot withslandmg 108 lb Lplift at ioint 4 end 85 lb uplilt al ioinl 2. 7) This t.uss has been designed wilh ANSI/TPI 1'1995 crileria LoAD CASE(S) Slandard 6.0-o ---atr"--* T I lq lF t5 lc{ nl t5l LoADlNs (psO TCLL 850 TCDL 10.0 BCLL O,O BCOL 10.0 _l_ sPACtitG ?-o'O Pfales lncrsaso 1.@ Lurnber lncrease 1.00 Rep sttess Incr Y€S Code UBC/AI{S|9S LUiIgER TOp CHORD 2 X 6 sPF 2100F 1.EE BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SPF 1650F 1.5E WEBS 2 X 4SPF 1650F t,sE ilrSin iefi 2 X4 SPF 165oF 1 5E 34-3, Right 2 X 4sPF 1650F 15E3'83 REAcTloNs (lb/sizc) 2:1858/0-ffi , 5=1858/S5'8 Max Horz 2=92(bad cas6 6) irax UPlitt2'-186(load case 4, 5o-1E6(l@d Ea€€ 4. iax Giav 2= 1866(ied case 2), 6= 1866{oad case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case OnlY rop Cxoh6 r2=s7 ,2-:,=-4076. i4=-3s13, +5=3513, 5 $=4D76, &7's7 BOT CHORD 2-8:3306, 6'8=3306 cst BC 0.85 wB 0.50 (Matrix) aRAClf{c iop cfrono shsalhsd or 4g on center purlin spacing' iof cioCo Rigid ceiling dir€ctv apPli€d or fl|-o on cenlst braoitrg' +8.2653 NOTES 1) Thrs trusr has bee|l dssigned tor lhewind toads genaaled byE0 mph witdE al25i above gound lo{€l' using 5'0 Ddf iD! c-hord dead lsad dnd 5 0 pst bodtom cbod dr|ad road, 1oo mirrom hufricans oo€anrine. o'r an ocqrpancy car.gory r, conlitioi rencLJhi-toing, of oimonsions qin u'?r ntm "'Po*,rs c AscE 7'gl p€{ uBc/Al'lslgsl{ end vsnicab or c€ntitwers oast. thsy are axp*'d to wind. tf porctres €,'st,'thii;;;;G;i;;;J fh" rum*r'Oot- increrss ls l OO' ard th€ plEte grip incrarc 15 1.00 2) Lrnbatancad snow loads hale begn considorsd for thia do6ign (UBC ssglion 1638-2) i) A[ plalos a.e t,l2o plates unless otherwis€ indicatod. ii?i[ tr-J]j'f!l c"signJ rora ro.o psf bottom chord tive load nonconcurrcnl with any othet lirs loads pot TsHoNo' 168' uBc-94. $ BJaring at loin(s) 2. 5 consilers parallel to grain value using ANs[TPt 'l-19+5 angh lo g'ain fomuL- Building rl'Es(tl€t should vaily capacitv o{ bearing soafaco. 6) pro,ide mechan6at conneaioa 1uy oliJrs; ct tr6s to b€anng ptal€ cap.bb ofwithslanding 185 tb uplifr at ioint 2 and 186 lb uplin at ioint 6. 7) T-his trDss has been design€d wilh At'lSUTPl 1-19{t5 cri(eri8 LOAD CASE(S) Standard PLATES GRIP Weight 67 lb DEFL (in) (bc) Ydstl ven(Ll) -0.20 a >872 Verl(TL) C.26 2'8 >883 Horz(TL) O.3O 6 de Min L8nglh / LL defl = 240 916iSHAD s01A :IcHous-6ilMo !!--qq-- -- ----.-1e99. ' 7-1-8 1.6{l I q I i I |';,l*ttl i'i 'lol : q' LOADI G TCDL BCLL BCDL (psD 85.0 '10.0 o.0 10.0 SPACINO 2.0-o Plates Inc.sas€ 1.m Lumbe,Inctease 1.0o Rep Slress Incr YES Code UBCTANSIgS csl TC 0,57 BC 0.82 WA 0..16 (iiiatnx) . t +9-O --__-__J_ --r DEFL (n) (loc) Udefi Vert(LL) -0.18 8 >945 Vert{TL) -O.23 A >742 Fbtzffl) 0.27 6 .va Min Long[h , Ll- dofl = 2'lO BRACINO iop orono shoalh€d or 4-10'13 on c€r{er purlin spacing ' SOf CXOnO Rigid ceiling directty aPplied o' 6'(H) o'l c'nler biacing' PLAIES GRIP M20 15 ',144 Weigtd: 70 lb LUMAER TOP cr-roRo 8OT CHORD WEBS SLIDER REACTIOIIS 2 X 6 SPF 21OOF 1.EE 2 X 4 sPF 1650F 1.5E 2 x 4 sPF 1650F 1.58 L"n Z XS Spr 1650F 15E3.4-12'Right 2 X6 SPF 1650F 15E34-12 (lb/size) 2=1831/o-tE, 5=1831/G$8 Ma( Horz 2=91(ltad case 6) t\rax UDliff2=-lE4(load case O,6..184(load ca36 4 [itax Grav2=1842(load case 2). 6=1E42(load case 3) 1.00 z; Unbahnced snow loads have be6o conside.ed for lhis design (UBc ssclion 1638'2) 3) All plates are tv@o plal.s unless othewr4s€ indicated ii iii! irr-J""'t"J ;;;;;;, " io.o p6t bottom chord live load noncorrcunenl with ary olher lhc l@ds por TaUe No' 168' uBc-94. 5) Bearing at toint(s) 2, 6 considers parallel to erain Yalue using ANsfTPl i-1995 angle to grain formda' Building d6i9n€r should v€rity capac y of b€arang surface 6l provido machanicat connuaron (uy ofi]1) ol truss to bearing plato capsble ol withslanding 184 lb uplifl at ioint 2 and 184 lb uoliri al ioinl 6. O This lruss has bo€n designed with ANSI/TPI l-1995 criteria LoAD CAsE(S) Standard oFFiUEfbPv 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Deve lopment '1 own or val l 75 SouLh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81557 (303) 479 -2138 PIan analysis the 1991 Uniform Proj ect Numbert 897 0232 Address: 189 0 LIONSRIDcE LOOP Pl F'1nFr Ganr.re R.r I hpI. .)-drrhlh^lr. P 1 M1 'Fl/ha .i f 1.^n e l- ' \/ - N] NOTE:The cod.e items lisbed in Lhis report listing of alI possible code requirements selected sections of the code. based on Building Code Name: CHATEAU TREMONTE BLDG D Date : August 24, 1997 ContracLor: D. J. ORGAN Archibect: RON PRESTON Engineer: TIM BOYLE Plans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVfS are not intended to be a compleLe in the 1991 UBC. It is a suide to S E PARAT ION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE NORTH Property line 22.0 Feet EAST Building 21. 0 FeeL SOUTH Buildinq 48. 0 Feet. WEST Property line 12.0 Feet Area increased 2.50% for oDen area on FTRE PROTECTION 22.0 Feet 10.5 Feet 24.0 Feet 12.0 Fee t 3 sides. FL NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATIIS 2 unit 7 z untt d z unlt v 2 Halls closets etc. . TOTAL FOR FLOOR 1 Unit 7 I UNIL d 1 Unit 9 i- HaIls closeLs etc.. TOTAL FOR FLOOR B Unit 7 garage B Unit 8 garage B Unit 9 garage B HaIIs c lo s et.es etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAIJ ok 503 ok 503 ok 153 ok 428 2).81 ok 793 ok 779 ok 801 ok 939 3312 ok 401 ok 76L ok 27 oK lbbr 2856 5499 the 2nd floor is ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok oI: ok ok ok ok ok ok sec. 12 02 . (b)The maximum allowed RL area on RI R1 R1 RI R1 R1 R1 Rl- MI MI M1 R1 0.17 0.17 0.25 0.14 0 .13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.15 0.54 0.07 0 .1.2 0.00 0 .27 0.46 0.63 fr. 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 5150 5150 6150 6150 6150 6150 5150 5150 5150 5150 867 7 3000 sq. Ttre actual heighb of t.his building is i2.0 f eet {2 *"''"'""''*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A ELEMENT MATERIAL FATING Interior Bearing wall AnY 0 hr Interior nonbrg wall AnY 0 hr Structural Frame Any 0 hr Exterior struct Frame Any 0 hr Shaft Er,.Iosure Any t hr Ftoor/cei.ling Assembly Any 0 hr Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hr stairs Any None DRAFT STOPS: If there is combustible consLruction in stops shall be installed i-n line with units and guest rooms from each other D ep artment of C omrnunity D eve lopme nt NOTES See footnote #1 See FootnoLe #9 rho f I^ar/aai I i n.r a<^^hlart' ^--.{-Ly , qr a! L wal1s separating individual <lwel I ing and I rom oLher areas. The maximum height of the building is 40'0 feet' -- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WAI..,I., FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 1"7'A & Table 5 -A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON'BRG OPNG WALLWALLPROTWALLWALLPROTWALLWALLPRoTWALLWALLPRoT R1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None MlOhrOhrNoneOhrOhrNoneOhrOhrNoneOhrOhrNone The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . sec '220I' None -- No fire protection requirements for openings 'proh - Openrngs are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximurn. Sec. 504. (b) & sec-2203. & Table 5-A Maximum singte wind.ow size is 84 sq.ft wiLh no dimension greater than 12 feet. -- sec. 4305.(h) NOP Openings are not permitted in this walL- * - - These wal1s may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same fire raLing as Lhe walt. see section 171-0. for details and exceptions. NOTE: See Sec. 1705. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: L) Elements in an exterior wall located \^rhere openings are nob permitted or where protection of openings is required, shall be protected againsL external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the strucbural frame. whichever is greater' -- Table 17-A. footnote 1 9) In areas wibh vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shalI be of noncombustible. nonabsorbent materials. -- sec. 7A2. (c) & 902. (b) 11) A self-closing, 13/4 inch thick solid core or noncombustible door is required betv/een Ehe basement and the Lst floor. sec. 1703 . 1,7) The ceiling of the basement is required Lo be protecLed with thr fire- resistive construction and doors to basements are required to be of noncombustible construction or 13/4 inch S.C. wood. -- Sec. l-703. {P r"'-"'""'*'r 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 V479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Department of Community Development - Sec. 2515. (f)4.A. (ii) If there is combustible conslruction in stops shall be installed in line with units and guest rooms from each other -- sec. 251-5. (f )4.8. (ii) occUPANcY SEPARATIoNS -- Table 5-B Rl-Ml- thr ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R1 OCCUPANCY: A lhr occupancy separation is required central- heating unit serving more A thr occupancy separation is required rooms. - sec. 1202. (b) EXIT REQUIREMENTS : FL NAME the roof/ceiling assemblY. draft walls separating individual dwe I I ing and from other a reas - around rooms containing a boiler or than one uni-t. -- Sec. 1213. around conmon storage and laundrY Sec . 1202. (b) OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING A thr fire separation is required between dwelling units FOR M1 OCCUPANCY I 2 unit 7 2 Unit 8 2 Unit 9 2 Halls closets etc.. TOTAL t unll: / 1 Unit 8 I UnlE :t 1 Halls closets etc. . TOTAL B UniL 7 garage B Unit 8 garage B Unit 9 garage B Halls closetes etc. TOTAL 3 3 4 t4 4 4 5 L7 2 0 L1 ,1 No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes 1 1 1 1- 2 1 1 1 I 2 I 1 1 1 2 0.1 No 0,1 No 0.1 No 0.1 No 0.4 No 0.1 No 0.L No 0.1 No 0.1 No 0.4 No 0.0 No 0.1 No 0.0 No 0.3 No 0.5 No N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N/R N,/R N/R N,/ R N/R N/R N/R N/R 2 Rated corridors are to have thr fire protecti-on on both sides of walls and ceiling. -- sec. 1305. (s) Door openings are required co be protected. with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are required to be protected with labeled 3/4 hour assemblies. - sec. 3305. (h) In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation ts I/2 of Lhe maximum diagonal of bhe area or floor. -- sec. 3303. (c) Door swing is based on sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is in feet and based on sec. 3303. (b) 'ExiL width is to be divided approximately equally among exibs. Widbh shown for aII areas is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for lst ffoor is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for other floors & basemenbs is based on stairways {,7 *""'"'uo '*'o (0.3) 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8i,657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departnent of Comrnunity Development For the minimum width of For the minimum width of For the minrmum width of sec . 3304. (f ) see Sec . 3305. (b) see Sec . 3305. (b) doors, see corridors, stairways, FOOTNOTES: 2) Basements and floors above the 2nd floor are - Sec. 3303. (a) See Exceptions HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped access is required to at least one to Lhis building. -- Sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3. 2l If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the l':12. ' - Sec 3307. (c) required Lo have 2 exiLs. primary enbrance mAY q I .rna i < STAIR NOTES : Within a dwel l ing uniL: A sLairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. - Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. - - Sec. 3306 . (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side of sLair\ray 34 to 38 inches above the nosinq if lhere is more than 3 risers. - sec. 3306. (i) ExcepLions Provide a guard raiL where drop off is great-er Lhan 30 inches. Minimuln height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. - Sec. L7 12. (a) exc I For common slal rways: The maximum rise of a cfon ic 7 ih-h6c :nd the minimum run is 11 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant Ioad is greater than 49. - Sec. 3305. (b) Also see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches.Provide handrails on both sides of a st.airwav 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side i-f less than 44 inches wide) Sec. 3305. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heiqhL = 42 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. Sec. 1712. (a) The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -, Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required Lo be proLected as require<1 for l"trr fire-resistive construction. - Sec. 3305. (l) Provide a landing within 1 inch fi,/2 inch at access) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The minimun width is same as door width and -- Sec. 3304. (j) The maximum travel disLance in this buildinq -- sec. 3303. (d) doors used for handicapped the minimum length is 44 inches. is 150 f eel,. ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: 1) The roofing on this building is required. to be Class C - Table 32-A Cedar or redwood shake shingles and f1 shingles constructed in accordance with SecLion 3204(e) . Special -purpose Roofs may be used.- - Exception #4 2) See section 3204. and ICBO research reports for requiremenLs. {,7 *o'''""'u '*'* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 3V479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 attended -Location. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement. A hose is not required. FOOTNOTES: 1) The location is to be per sec. 3805. (c), (d),and/or(e) Department of Comrnunity Development Lo compLy with to have a Class I flame are required to have a flame- smoke densiCy of 450 unless is in contact with a wall or be protecLed.Sec. l-713 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: If openings are not provided in each 50 feet of exterior walt or there is floor area more than 75 feet from an exterior opening, an automatic sprinkler system is required.. Sec. 3802. (b) If the building contains 15 or more dwelling units, an automaLic sprinkler system is required. -- Sec. 3802. (h) If there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall be supervised by an approved centraf, proprietaryt or remote staLion service or a local alarm which will give an audible signa.l at a constantly sec. 3803 . for a standpipe.-- Table 38-A Table 38 A WALL AND CEILING FINISH: 1) Wal1 and ceiling finish materials are Sec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-B.2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required spread rating. - - Sec. 4204. (b) required 3) Textile wall coverings shall have Class I flame spread. ratang. and shall be protected by automatic sprinkl-ers or Tneet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 42 -2 -- Sec- 4205. INSULATION NOTES : 1) Afl insulabion material including facings spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum it is in a concealed space and the facing ceiling. - - Sec. 1714. (c) exc.#2 2) Foam plastic insul-ations are required to GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locations is required ro be of safeLy s405. (d)gl-azirlq material ADDITIoNAL REQUIREI"IENTs I For R1 occupancy All chimney enclosures for wood burning fireplace facLory-built chimneys shall be protected by a t hr. fire resistive construction. A1I projects larger than four dwelling units shal-l be supplied with stamped drawings from a quilified architect and/or sLructuraL engineer. AII building within the Town Of Vail with 20 uniLs or more? or over three st.ories. and containing any dwelling units shall- be supplied with engineer fire alarm and fire sprinkler sysLems for approval be the Town Of Vail Fire DeparLment. ORD.3 of 83. All crawl spaces within the Town Of VaiI shall be limited t.o 5' {,7 *"t"""n '*" 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 nore dwell-ing units, a fire alarm system is in this building. -- Sec. 1211. De partme nt of C ommunity D eve lo pme nt Sec. 1102. (c) - 1985 height from floor to sLructural floor/cei1jng, have a dirr floor only, with ventilation as per UBC code, and minimum access as per UBC code or maximum access of 9 sq. fr. All R-l- occupancies within Lhe Town Of Vail will be required t-o have all landscaping and parking Facilities complete to obtain Fi^^1 i i^- -^--^..^l rf,rrar rrl-[JEu Lrerr dpprtJvctJ-. Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible ancl tegible from the sLreec. If there is 15 or requ i red Sec. 1204. a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a cfear height and a cfear width of 20 inches (minimum) . Provide a window or door to the exterior from everv room used for sleeping. - - A window must provide of 24 inches, Sec. l-204. AII habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal bo l-0% or more of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (b) All habitable roorns require an operable exterior openings equal Lo 5e" or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) Sec. 1205. (c) Provide a smoke detector in all sleeping roorns and areas having access to sl-eeping rooms. -- Sec. 12f0. (a)4. The minimum ceiling in a habiLable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, halls, and baLhs mav have a ceilincr heioht of 7 feet Sec. - 1,2O7. (a) For M1 occupancy Slope garage floor t.o allow for drainage to ouLside to provide a floor drain wit.h sand and oil interceptor t-o dry well or to sewer, Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must_ be approved by Upper Eagle Val1ey WaLer & Sanitation Distrj-ct.In garages with Iiving area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503 (B). The minimum clear height. is required to be 7 feet. -- HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : NOTE: Section numbers listed below are from ANSI 4117.1 WATER FOUNTAINS: 1) One must have a spout within 36 inches of Lhe floor. -- Sec. 4.15.2 2) Spout must be at the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.3 3) Controls rnusL be at or near the front of t_he unit. -- Sec. 4.15.4 &4.25 .4 4) A cantilevered. unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of 27 inches hiqh, 30 inches wide, and 17 inches deep. -, Sec. 4.1-5.5 (1)5) A clear area of 30 x 48 inches is required at the fountain. The clear area is required to provide for a forward approach with a cantilevered unit and for a side approach otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15.5 & Fiq.27 b,c,d,TOILET FACILITIES: f) A 5' diamet.er unobstructed turning space is required in the toilet room. - - sec. 4.2 .3 & Fiq. 3 (a) 2) when water closet is not in a compartment, the crear area required is: {9 *".*""' '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 B) Accessible lavatories shall provide a clear area under 29 inches. - - Sec. 4.L9.2.1 & Fig. 31 9) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of - Sec. 4.19.3 & Fig.32 10) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches -- Sec. 4.L9.5 c Fig. 31, Department of Community Development inches be the lavaLory of l- ha I ^\/af nr\/ of the f loor . cl 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a side approach. - - sec. 4.L6 .2 & Fiq. 28 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a front approach.-- Sec. 4.L5.2 & Fiq. 28 50 inches wide by 55 inches deep with both approaches. - - Sec. 4.15.2 & Fig. 28 d) Side bar is required to start within 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches frorn the back wall. -- Sec. 4.1-6.4 & Fiq, 29 The rear bar is required to be 35 inches long. -- Fiq. 29 3) When water closeb is in a compartment, Lhe area required is:a) 55 inches deep by 50 inches wide wiLh a grab bar at the back and one at the side. Door is at front or side. -- Fig. 30(a) or b) 65 inches deep by 36 or 48 inches wide wiLh qrab bars on both sides and door at front. -- Fiq. 30(b)d) If a floor mounted water closet is used, the depth dimensron shown above must be increased 3 inches. -- Fiq. 30(a) & (b) e) Side bars are required to start within 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wal]. Fiet. 7.55a & 7.55b The rear bar is required to start wj-thin 5 inches of the side wall- and be 36 inches long. '- Fig. 30(a)4) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. '- Fiq. 29 (a) , (b) r* Fiq. 30 (c) , (d) 5) The top o[ t,he seat on the water closeL is requ irer] to be 17 to 19 above the f1oor. -- FiS. 29(b) & Fiq. 30(d) 5) Urinals are required to be sLalI type or have an elongaLed rim and within 17 inches of the f1oor. -'Sec. 4.18.2 a Fiq. 29(c)7) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in f ront- of the urinal. - - Sec. 4. 18.3 b) R-1 HANDICAPPED REQUIREMENTS : Adaptable dwelling units are required.Public-use and common-use areas shall - Sec. 3108. (a) 8. be accessible. -' Sec. 3103. (a)8. {,7 *"'""'"*"* GffdEdbpv 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Conununity Deve lopment Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479 -2138 Plan review the 1-991 Uniform Project Number: 897 - 0232 Address: 1890 LIONSRIDGE LOOP Planner: George Ruther n--rrh^h-1r. P 1 M1 Type of Const: V-N based on Bui-lding code NAMC: CHATEAU TREMONTE BLDG D Date : AugusL 24, 1997 Contractor: D.,I . ORGAN Architect: RON PRESTON Engineer: TIM BOYLE PIans Examiner: CHARLIE DAVI S SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED NT SHWN NT SHWN NOT SHOWN NOT SHOWN The roofing on Lhis building is required t-o be Class C, f1 redwood or cedar shingles, or better. Sec. 3203. & Table 32-A, fooLnote #3 The roofing system musL be approved for wind loads is this area, provide inforrnation on the system t-o be used. Glazing in a hazardous location is required co be glazed with safety material . -- Sec. 5405. This project will require a site improvement survey.This survey shall be submitLed and staff approved prior to a request for a frame inspecLion. Under no circumscances wiII a frame inspection be approved without an approved site improvement survey. Crawl spaces are required to be venLilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openings shall have a net area of not less than L sq,ft. for each 150 sq.ft. of under- floor area. UBC 2515(c)6 Provide a minimum tBX24" underf l-oor access. (30X30' if mechanical equipment is in crawl space. ) UBC 25L6 (cl 2 A smoke detector is required in this location. NOTE: A11 detectors are to sound an alarm in bedroom area.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4, I\OT SHWN NOT SHWN ST S]- ST SI NT SHWN NOT SHOWN {,7 *""'"u"*u* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comrnuniry Development Al1 electrical work to be complete to the requirements of the 1987 National Electrical Code. No domestic dishwashing machine sha11 be directly connected to a d.rainage systen without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 508 In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilabion sysbem directly connected to the outside shall be provided. UBC 1205 (c) Domestic clothes d.ryer exhausl ducts shall be installed as per UMC 1104 & 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' lengLh and shal-} not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the buildinq and not exceed 14' length. In buildings of unusually LiqhL construct.ion (aI1 nert construct.ion in Town of VAil) al1 combustion air shall be obtained from outside air. UMC Ch. 6 Provide a mechanical drawing shorring basic design or hydronic system or duct system, size of equipment (BTU & actual volume size) . size of mechanical room, and size of combustion air to be supplied to equipment. Show alf design loads used in the design of this building on the p1ans. (snow, wind, seismic, live,etc.) -- Chapter 23 Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4705 with 2 layers of paper appll-ed under lath and windows and doors properly f Iashed. NT S HWNN NOT SHOWN Approved gas logs rnay be installed in sofid fuel burning fireplaces provided the installation is per listing. with any damper removed, a safety shutoff valve provided, and combustion air supplied as per IIMC Ch 6. UMC. UMC 803 10 NT SHWN NOT SHOWN Gas appliances shall be installed as per listinq, with a nB" vent on1y, combustion air supplied from outside for all ne$, construction and as per UMC Ch for remodels. It is recommended Lhat a gas appliance not be instafled in a bedroom. 11 NT 1') SHWN NOT SHWN SHEET A2 SHEET A2 SHEET A2 NOT SHOWN s'1 ,2,3,4 NOT SHOWN _t.' L4 1f, I6 ,to {,2 *""'"'"o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment SHEET Sl-,2.3,4 Roofs within the Town of Vail shall be designed for a snow load of 80.lbs per sq. ft. Decks shall be designed for a live load of 100 lbs. live load per sq. f t. 19 {,2 *""'""'o '*'o Ko o ec hlein ConsultingQngineers Consultlng Geotechnical Engineers 12964 w. Alameda Pkwy ' Suite 135' Lakewood' CO 80228 MAIN orFlcE (303) sBe-1223 (303)989-u204 FAX Octob€r 16, 1997 Mr. Skip Organ DJ Organ Buildets P-O. Bot 17fl9 Edwards, CO 81632-1709 Subject: Excavation lnspection for rhe Proposed Residence Lor 27 - Liurrs Ridge LooP Building4'Units7'8&9 Vall, coloraclo Job No. 97'248 As requested. a representative from our office inspected the foundation ^matefials eXposed in the exqavation at the subiect ,ir.'on 6.ioU*, 15, 1997. Tile purpose ofour inspection was to verif)'that the exposerl materials worrld safely support a spread footin g foundrtion system for the proposed townhomes' Thc dopth of tbc cxcavotiorr voried ftom approximrtely 3.0 to 7 0 fe.et .The materials exposed in the bottom of the excavation corrsisted of a moist, dense to very dense' silt and sand with gravels and cobbles. Ws rec'mr'c'{ tlrat rr: luUSc soils within the cxcavoiion bo properly moisture conditioned and compacted. Provided ou, l""o.n .ndations 8re followed, we believe that the exposed soils vill safely support a spread tootrng foundarico system desigped for a maximulu allowablc soil bcaring prcssurc of l,riOO psf. bur opinionls based on the natr'al foundetion soils remrining unsflturated' We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If we can be of further service, please contact us' Sinceretl', ULTII{G ENGINSERS William I l. Kocchlcin, P.E, Presidcnt SBM/js (l copy seut) cc: Town of Vaii s!!--l[EE]'soENE (970) 468-6933 (970) 468-6939 FAX Cn*rar'r ftnaNnL AVON (970) 949-600s (970) e4e-9223 FAX .':fl-_ f% ,,z;5e eze-e?6-37/t 1.,, t'J ur?GAr'r e?o-4?8s.2 s o PAGE 62 p.2 l. -Y ...--- t- J'z-f r-t998 Io.A5AM FR )ta\F- Q LARSET. eL e16 1''1; 861? IUEVOCADLD ASSICNMDNT OF IUILDD1G PERMTT$ AND OTHEN ruGITTs Tlur A$r3orrn $ mrdt bqwr.n D. ) OlSan Bu.lrlcrs, Inc . Dosn Vrllcy Burlders, Inc. and D. J. ('SIip") Orgrn {colle:rvcl} tctcrlltl to as "Ailtlrp(') alrd lot 27 LLC ('Asrignec '1. NECITALS: l . ArsiSc! ownt Ora rcll Dtopcny lctslly dcacrrbcd at Lot 2t. Elock 2 Lloo'! Rtdgc Su5drtrsron. Fllrng No 3. Corrntv of Er5le Solc uf Colorrdo thcrcrn rcfe:ted lo ri thc "Proptrty") 2 A!5i8tror wrl tl. tcrctol con[rctor tor (hc ronltruclion on :h€ Propctty o'r lolrttloui. propcr LnOw 0r Ch.(clu Ttcmcnf Ths gcrnral Lorlltactor .SfeCmcDt bctwccn A:trlnor rnd Ar$Enc? hli t.fl:tnrt6d ) Arsrjnor holds rn Arsr3nor's n, ne ot rumcs ccna'n bulldrng Pcrmrlt rnd oorsr constnrction tithrr t$ccrrlcd wlth rhc Propcrry 4. Aro|Snor oow dcslr!$ tr rnnqfcr lo As$ttrc ttl of Assignor'3 rr3ht. ritlc rDd Inie:Gtt rn rnd ro srid buildrng permrrr.rd oolcr cl'ns'rJcttun ghrs usoorEd $'ith tlrc Propony NOW, THEI,EfORE. Asrgnor bcrcbt i;revocably rrsrgnr ud trrnrfer3 to Alrrgncc rll of Arrrgnor'5 rr3ht, trrlc .ud r ertst In rE to rny .nd rll burldrng pcrmru rnd o0rcr (ondructpn rrglrrs $cocirrcd witr tl,|r Propcny. Assrgnor h4cby r8rccs to cr3cutc rn1' and rll odur documcds rnd funbor lssurart:i ar mty bc rEcc!!rr)- ot convcnrcnr lo c.rr)' out lhe inlrnl of Oril As$3nmru. Thc AitiSDor hts cxGcutrd thir .4 ?er 1a - o/L{./ ?eqT -orf f,/ tr - o'oot / ?r-oaro / ot Fcbturry , FtB r3 r$ i0l/:Ct}itlft4. DFti, DEPT rco?"n lei n Consu lti nf,En g i neers Consulting Geotechnical Engineers 12364 W. Alameda Pkwy. Suite 135. Lakewood, CO 80228 MAIN OFFICE AVON SILVEBTHQBNE uud,. J3i 31333;l3o'l oy*rgiii&i:'L33?r- oc,o,rer t6,,ss7 RFtgsUVffilili Mr. Skip or-uan h.rtrr' ir C I Z 4 1997 DJ Organ Bu ilders P.O. Box 1709 Edrvarcrs.co81632-170r TQV_C$llil nil DEPT. Subject: Excavation lnspection for the Proposea n.riO"*" FlL6 ' Lot27 - Lions Ridge Loop Building 4 - Units '7,8 &.9 Vail, Colorado Job No. 97-248 C HCIAO.; '-i- (Z€'vrat'''^..-t t-€ bqT - o?3)- As requestecl, a rcpresentative from our office inspected the foundation materials exposed in the excavation at the sub-lect site on C)ctober 15. 1997. The purpose ofour inspection was to verify that the exposecl rratcrials rvoLrld safely suppon a spread footing foundation systetr for the proposed townhomes. The depth of thc excavatiorr varied frorr approxilnately 3.0 to 7.0 feet. The rnaterials exposed in the bottonr of tlrc excavation consisted of a rnoist, dense to ver1, dense, silt and sand with gravels and cobbles. We reconrntend that the loose soils within the excavation be properly nroisturc coltditioned and cornpacted. Provided our recorrmendations are followed, we believe that the exposed soils will safely support a sprcad footing foundation system designed for a maximum allowable soil bearing pressure of 3,000 psf. Our opinion is based on the natural foundation soils rernaining unsaturated. We appreciate the opportunity to provide this service. If rve can be of further service, please contact us. Sincerely. ULTING ENGNEERS '*--LL.* Williaur II. Kocch lein. I'.b.. I)res idcrrrt SUM/js ( | cr'rpy scnt ) cc: I orvn ol-\i ail (e70) FrRsr-or-rimND CAS-FIRED HOTWATER I-IOMT HEATINC RzuoLUroNrM* O, \Burnharn Burnham' RevolutionrM ou've done the research. You know whatvou want out Quality 5ince LB73 Burnham has earned a reputa- tion for quality and dependabiliry dating back to 1873 when Frederick Lord and Wiliam Burnham began to manufacture boilers to heat the greenhouses they produced in New York State. Homeowners wanted a reliable boiler for home heating, and soon, Lord and Burnham's reputatuion for producing qualiry boilers spread. In the 1930's, the business expanded by selling boilers along with cast iron radiators and baseboards. With the acquisition of the American Standard Heating division in the 1970's, Burnham became identi- fied as "America's Boiler Com- pany." Today, Burnham is still recognized as providing superior heat for American homes--as it has for the past five generations. With the industry's widest array of cast iron and steel, residential and commercial boilers, Burnham has positioned itself as the leader in home heating. oJyour heattng q/stem, and nowyou'veibund the boiler that will deliver - the Revolution. Bumham's Revolution combinesJlears o1f engtneering know-how with tremendous versatiltry tu produce supeior home congfortifor you andyourifamily. Maximizing Your Home l-leating If you're interested in getting the most out ofyour heating system, then look nowhere else. As Burnham's most efficient gas- fired boiler, the Revolution is unmatched in versatility. Avail- able in five sizes, the Revolution is easily combined with an indirecr water heater and zoning controls for total home comfort. And because of the variety of venting options, the Revolution is adaptable to the floorplan of virtually any home. Radiant Ready lzpically in a hydronic heating system, boilers need special controls and accessories to adjust the hot boiler water to the required low temperature water needed to power a radiant heat system. This isn't the case with Burnham's Revolution. The Revolution's unique design includes all the necessary piping and controls needed for your contractor to connect the Revolu- tion to a radiant heat svstem. Burnham Reliability and Safety Burnham takes pride in manufacturing reliable and safe boilers for millions of homeorvners. The Revolution utilizes a cast iron sectional design for maximum heat trans- fer and high efficiency, a manu- facturing method perfected by Burnham. The Revolution is also as safe as it is reliable. As is the case with Burnham's comDlete line of heating equipment, the Revolution is subjected to the industry's most stringent stan- dards and testing--all in order to protect the health and welfare of homeowners. Many of us take heating for granted. That is, unless your feet are cold--or you feel drafts in a room--or maybe your monthly heating bill is astronomical. Whether you think about it or not, a reliable and versatile heating system is essential in keeping your family healthy and comfortable year round. That's why Burnham developed the Revolu- tion - it's the educated decision for homeowners who seek unparalleled home comfort, efficiency, and fl exibiliS'. \Burnharn AMERI cA'S BOILER COM PAI.IY \Elurnhari AMERICA1S X)'IEEI COM PANY E diamond pin configuration on the left end section. Used in combi- nation with Burnham's tradi- tional castings, the diamond pin arrangement allows for more heat transfer, which, in turn, reduces operating costs. lnstallation Flexibility It is far more difficult to find installations where the Revolu- tion^ doesn't ftt, than ones where it does. That's because Burnham designed the Revolution to adapt to installation challenges found on a variefv of iob sites. Besides the flexibility ol horizontal or vertical indoor or outdoor vent- ing, all piping and venting connections are made conve- nient$ from the top access panel. The Revolution is also pre-piped with a primary/secondary loop for easy hook-up into a low temoerature svstem like radiant heai. Ultlmately, the Revolution's flexibility allows your contractor to spend less time installing, which results in savings to you. Your flydronic fleating 5ource Call on Burnham for all your hydronic heating needs. From cast iron and steel boilers to the Alliance lamily of indirect water heaters, radiant heat pipe and accessories from Burnham Radiant Heating Company and the ECSOOO system manager, Burnham offers all the compo- nents for the complete home comfort system. And with the industry's most comprehensive technical suppon team, now is the time to look where contrac- tors across the countrv have since 1873. now is th6 time to look at Burnham. A. Pre-installed primary/ secondary loop B. Variable speed injection pump C. Induced draft fan D. AL29-4C@ stainless steel vent E. All piping, vent, and electrical connettion top mounted F. Injection pump control G. Honevwell SmartValve- H. Electionic aquastat equipment . Separate vertical venting system--optional . Combination horizontal venting system (single wall penetration) - -optional . Comb^ination vertical venting system (single wall penetration) --optional Venting Options:. Sepaiate h ofizontal venting system--standard a a Ihdoor air--optional PVC air intake kit--optional The RryolutionrM isYour Producl.. Every once in arvhile there's a oroduct that comes out that changes how busincss is done. The Revolution is that product. Burnham has taken the oroven technologl you're familiar with to a new level while making installation and servicing virtu- ally trouble-free. Designed by You When developing the Revolu- tion, Burnham sought input from olumbine and heating contrac-t^v tors to llno out wnat teatures thev would dcsire to see in a new eaiboiler. Their input led to the desien ofa boiler that achieves the [erformance and efficiency levels demanded by homeowners like you. The result is one comorehensive unit. Consider thes-e features: Widcst variery of venting ootions available so it fits eirery iob every time. H ighest efficienry available in cast iron boilers (87 to 88o/o AFUE). Familiar and proven gas train and controls to simplify set- up ano servlce. No additional piping or accessories needed to run directly on radiant systems. System temperatures any- where from 60"F to 200"F without worry of damage from condensation. A built-in injection pump to provide precise temperature control. A built-in primary/secondary looD to save time and sim- plify installation. All connections from top to allow for minimal clearances. Unique Section Design Heat transfler is more efficient in the Revo- lution due toa unique Dimensions and Standard Equipment BOILER MODEL 'B''c',D' RV3 24 3t4 10 5 75/16 7 lla RV4 2A t3 u4 7 g/16 7 ltB RV5 3t u4 16 l/2 I3/16 6 7t8 RV6 34 t/2 19 3t4 to t3/16 67t8 RV7 37 3t4 23 12 7 t16 6 7t8 tr, ,, I lt lt I .t r I),l 'll 'ii I I *' . Deluxe insulated jacket . Pressure temperature gauge . Drain valve . Elecrric high Iimir . HSP, 100% shut-offl redundant combination gas valve with 30 second prepurge and continuous retry for ignition . Induced draft blower . Flame roll-out switch . Stainless steel burners . Safety relief valve lt 'tl 'I . Differential pressure switch . Separate horizonEl vent terminal . Separate air intake terminal . Service J-box . lnjection circulator . lnjection control . Integrated by-pass piping system . Angled vent connector and extension prpe . Condensate trap . Tfansformer and blower relay . User friendly wiring harness 5PECIFICATIONS RzuOLUTIOIITIVT RATIIICS @ @(D"@ Water Capacity . Equals sum of casting capacity + internal $,arer manifold piping capacity (0.a ga1.) L Ratings shon,n are-tor installations at sea level and elevations up to.2000 feet. For elevations above 2000 feet, ratings should be reduced at a rate oI four percent (4016) for each 1000 feet above sea level. 2. Net l=B=R ratings shown are based on normal piping and pick-up allorvance of 1.15. consult Burnham for installations having unusual piping and pick-up requirements. 3. [{aximu.m equi't'alent length cannot exceed the sum o[ the lengths of straight pipe and the equivalent lengths o[ elbou's used. (90 and 45' clbows equal 5 equivalenr feel.) J. The Revolulion is dt'sigrted to rertt directly through the r,vall or rooI using Burnham's approved vent sysrems. and AL29 4OC slainless steel pipc. tnlet air can be suppiied usiirg single rvall rrreral pip-e or PVC pipe uiing Burnham's pVC air intake kit. "Bu#n"ll3"nn o T @@ IElurnhalri A MERIoA'S EOI L EA COUPANY Bur_r^arrr (lorporat oa Form No. 4180-3/98 3omf Printed in rhe U.S.A. 01998 Burnham Corporation - Lancaster, PA Phone:717-397-4701 Internet: http://wwn'.burnham.com E-mail: burnham@redrose.net Natural Gas or LP Gas BOILER MODEL INPUT MPH DOE HEATING CAPACITY MBH I=B=R NET RATING MBH AFUE9o MAX. VENT LENGTH (EQUrv. Fr.) MAX. AIR INLET LENGTH (Eourv. Fr.) RV3 RV4 RV5 RV6 RV7 62 96 130 164 190 55 84 t14 1.tJ roo 48 IJ 99 124 744 88.0 87.6 87.4 87.2 87.0 50 50 50 50 50 52 52 52 DZ 52 Gas, Water, and Vent Connections for Automatic Gas Valve MODEL NATURAL/LP (NPT)WATER SUPPLY/RETURN AIR INLET DIAMETER VENT DIAMETER Rr'3 RV4 RV5 RV6 RV7 r/2 1/2 1/2 3t4 3/4 r/4 t/4 U4 t/4 v4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 BOILER MODEL WATER CAPACITY GALLONS' R\r3 RV4 RV5 RV6 RV7 3.6 4.4 D.l 5.9 6.6 R[iF-r131 lOf,JtJ OF: UAILr CULORRDCT F,A6E 7 ::i::i:::l=31;11=155i35:l:-==r:::::l:=3::1=:g:l:=::::..:f:1::::.,*===*=::51:=33'= -IN5 IRLL f,TT]C fl[:i:E5S -F'RfiVII]E. FIRE FLNCPi]NG flT |:iLL UERT Tt] HOF.I' As$EMBLIES *NDD F,ATKOUT AT HlF' TT{U$S -ADD HAI{6ER AT JAEK RFIFTER 1!]T FLOOT{ LANDII'IS -B'If,H BNX ELEf, F'IENEL- Ut3/16/99 Inspectsr': CD Acbisn: f;Ff:'R TRI]SS E:FTORT RECiEVt:l} Item: EUtUrEft BL-DE*lnsulat icrn 1.ei17/99 Irr:;perto'r": Cft Ac:tion: F'fi Uni.t 1A Nobes: r:onplete the instalatian of vaFol' !:ali'i er' { m i s s i n g in l oure levels) back box of el. eietr^ical parr el is :;ti11. reqr-t j.red. fine an,l on ly nct ice to lFnove l tlrlt# pr'opane L'ott l es f r'om 1Lr-ri lding. Next violat i'rn wi 11 be repiir*ted to the Fit'e lle 6;:/e4/rg lnspectot': Cfi f..lctisn: llFF'R UNIT 1; $EE NfiTES l,,tu{:es: FIRH BLIJCKlNG 15 FElt'lit fiDDLD F}5 tifil'Tii F}-f DEriF.' riElLIl.165 MECHfiNITFTL VHNTILIXI. IL]N IIAS BEEN IN$I.{.ILL-Ii:D IN FII*I- BfiI.IJRI]{JIYI ATTIC ACCESS HAs BLEN ffDDED. REf.iIJIRED DEVFLNF'EiI TIJ }IEPINVE DIT../ I,tilLL- IN UHiII{]UTJ LUt:RIlOhI 'rn ruf''lFIRt'1 Ihlst"rl_A'f Iilt.l FIND LItHER r]fiRRE.UTIONS I-ISVE nEr:N MAD lo3/E:6/ti) Inspector'; {lD 6lction: AF'l-'l? tJf'l IT *11 Notes: ALL FRAf'IING CilRRECTlONS f4FlDE Item : Olarzrtrlzl BLDE-$hpeLr"ock Nai l a4/l+/q8 lnspe*tor-: lll] ffc-.tion: F,fi LOWEI1 L.EVEL. Fi1RlY i",tl|-t.-S An/13/98 Inspertor.: t;D f]ction: F,f, 15T LEUEL Ffiltl-Y lrfiL-L-S W51'A7 lq& Insuectrrr*: CD Actisn: trfl ;iND t-EVEt- FfiRTY tJtlLLs 1e/:J1/riS Irisr:ector': JllFl Art ion: FFt l-'i]i:iT'Itril- tlll'H |]i]ltltF"(]TIUNS lrjotes: H,OILER FLUE NOT YET IN$FECTED, fiCf,fbi5 FfiNUL NUEDtsn Tg nTTI ELFI FF]{:l/,, BOX ltHil' D, L-O{.lfR STAIll tiTOf{AGh IIEEDS 1-O BE [Ul'jFt- DRYhjnLL-.8D. FiECH RnOFI DRYI^JAL.L Ntr-r INSlrlt.1-.F:ll -RE.INSF'ECT-: L,RNF.FINE FNTTLI:5 II! REs IDEIIIE I fiE/'E?/94 Inspect ot-: CD An't i on r DN UNIT #1;: $EE NOTEgi Notps: $HEETllfiCl/', INSFECIlON HRS FEEN DHNIED. LI$l- BELOH -'INSULRTINN IN|]F,HTTIilN Hfis NTT O{jCUftE:N *F]EL]IJAN T [fiI-- C|]iiRE[I. i LINI$ {:AN I'JI]T BE f,C]NF I IiNB.D "-|]RYT.R E:XAU5''I- RL.OUI RE:D -- ,fiN NUT NONF IRI4 DUTjT I]ONF IGURRI-ION F:OR FITI ]5IURI EXfIUST BRl'FlRnilPi5 *-Nn MOISTT-IRE F.XAUST LOTiilTHD iN f4i15TF-H BA"fl-l REMOVE IJIIYI,JRLL II! RLL L-OCTT ITNS Fi-TR METJIifiT'JICAI. CORRh.IJTINN Rt--r'lrrvE A F'ANtL IN FOLLOI^IlNti LOTfiTIONS: FXTERItIR t^lffLl_' VFUL.T CEIL. INGr fiT Fillb-BL-nt-HIl.IG AT DliliF CEILII\ili A FIRt. RA-rED AS$E|'IBL.Y IS RE:GiUIREn AT AL-L FrtlRTY t",fit-t.- L.OCtrrT t,JIiERE TUBIS FIRE L.O{:AI-ED (BEHiND TUB) f-rii./t4,/99 Inspec'Lor': CD fictron: tlF[R Ul.] I1 lii SEE NI-ITEF Not e:: : D0RRFUI l.t.tf'.15: -F,flTCl-.1 F,Er'.,lEl.lETRRTinNS Il.l F'FTRTY tdllLL *{:N14F.LE1"E ET'J{:L{]5LJT{E FOIt UI\JDHR5TfilII STNRfiTJH L{]I.JER I.-EVEL _TiAI]K BNX ELECTFTI[AI-- F.ANEI- .-{:Oltll-'t-1.-l"E l,JALL." Fl,{i$Et{BL-v REHIND l"l.JF 1l'J FltlSl"Ell FiITH }YIF.CH CI]RFI[f,,]'I DN$ : -.6T15 L. INE F.IUST Bt RECTIF']ED ,],N LO|^JER I.]NRTH Bfi"IFI *lNSTAI*L I]RYHR VENT I]LUMFING CI]RRECT if]N :*REPffIF VENT II{ F.ilI^IDEIi ROI]IYI THfiT Hfi{] BEEN I]TJT IIFF ALL TtrI:{RECTIfiN13 14U5T FE IlHINSF.FIJTED F'IIIi,.iI.{ TN l:TJNt;ET'.II-I'1EI!I', rA3/Ut$/19 Irrsper:tor: CD i\ctirrn: IIF'FR lll{1'f #1.l SE.E NOTES Nates: ALL *Hnfrx {:nFRE[l-It.rf.ls HAUE Br:aENaDH Ttr TJNIT li:j R[:F'-f ]. J 1 Jor* rF vArL. ..ur-fiRr]Drl F,A6E 8 1216/1S/1199 nB: lrZr REUTIJESI-$ * INSF,E[:]-N HOltK 5HEF"-r5 FORr 6l1S/].t-l'lrj f.ll-tfitl: L.:n i]tj1-5-I'F1I.,IDII'IG: F'ItOIJIDE F.{]SIT].VE t}I{fiII.JAI]E iIF(I]UND BUILDING BY _GAs 1.. INE t:trRRET"TION IN I.SI,JF"R ER.TH MUST S-TiLL. BE |-.OMF.LTTF ftrr'lF,LE1-HD:DFyEti ijtFjt- IFtSt-t.rLLl-D. tJNIjE:lltiTRtl? $TORFtfiH f,O|.'1F'LHI FL-UNtliNG CERREfTION C0f'lF'L-h"TfD 1[] LfihJER i:'Ol.JDF:R ROOr'l UNlT#],'A BACH Bi]X l:t.Et: I-'ANEL SIILL NO'I- f,CIIY]F'LETb.D U4/A;:.199 Inspector: f,D c'tion! plF.'F-'R LlNl"f 11 NOTEE: f,CI}VIF'LEI-E ASSEII1BLY AT I4NsTET"( TUB EFII:LIJSUT{E ltem I {rffra7B FLDG-f'1isc. I L pm : q|lzlB9r2r FLDG-F i nar I fJ6,/15,/99 Inspectoi': JRFI Ar:t i on: llN flU'ffi-ffiNllINii FTL,AN I5$LJE:5 Iten : r2rt15,1rzr tsLDG-Temp. t::/rJ fli,/ 19/99 Inspect or.: llD Act i rrn : NR {:ONI RdTOTOR CRNIIELL"FT.D +i1.fl E3,ief,/99 InsFecbor: rlt?G Acbinn: f.:rF,L-R F'ENllIl''16 tlNy nTF{ER lttifiHrS Notesr 6tLL GUIL.IIIN$ [flnE ITEfYlS AltEi ilH FnR T.l], Ll, -ONE FUI-L HORI{IN Epll-H, liAFHl'Y il-Eli15 IN FLA[.Er El-{:, l4AY ilLii0 NE[:O tlF'F RfJVfll- Fllfl RLLEASE OF T. rj. fi. FRIIM FLANf.lINti, F,UFLIC l^JilRKs 8. FIRE. e,t'/17/\1 Inspecbor: tjD 6lctionl FFI Uf'lIT l;j $EE NOTE Notes: THIS TCO IS FIF,F,R0VED FENDING F,LAhINING RNfr p,iinl. IU WilRPili flPF.RTUAL I5 GRNNTED .ttem: tiltt7t5Sl FIRE-TEI4F,. t]/n Item: UttASSe F,hJ-TEMF,. C.i O ILem: flt'533 PL"tlN-TElilF. U,/fi OS,/1.$,/99 Inspeetor': tiEilRGL Ftrtisrr: AFFf{ nFFROVEn ltem: Ett5f,7 FLf]N-FIllFll.- l:./{] ILem: rAmSJS FIRE-FINAL- [/n Item: t0t}535 Fhl -FINAl.- C,/u ltem I tZttltSrrfl ISLDE-FinaI CIO REF,T 131 TOI^IN OF URIL. CAL"OIIADO F'AGF 6 AREA: CD q6/18/ 1999 O8:14 RE.OUESTS - INSFECTN NORK SHEETS FOR: 6/14./1999 Activity: F97-Oe33 6/ LA/ 19 Type: MF BUILD Statr-rE: I$$UED Constr: NAFT Addres s l Locat i on : Fat'ce I : Description: Appl ieant : Owner : Cont rac't or": LOTJP CHATEAU -TREMDNTE 189A LIONSRIDGE Er q3- lee-ei4-8le7 BLDG D UNIrS lq, 11,le D. J. ORGCN BUILDERS, IN{:" SUMMIT F.INES LLC SHADE TREE HOMEs, INC. Occ: Fhone: Fhclne: F,hone: AAIAT UEe: V N 970-916 -3 775 (9;/rzr) 345-9999 Locks, Holds, and Nr:t ices, , , . fIDTIVITY Nc,t ice: 5I of I I Not ice: T. C. O. apprroved for Un it s l1 & 1E per Georgie Inspect i on Request Informat i on. . . "Reqr-rssl or: RICK Req Tinp: O1:OE Comnents: UNIT Items reqr-rested to be Inspected... aef8go effi*nal T(O F'hone; ,19tZt-35€t9 Act i on Domment s 11 Tine Exp Inspection History.,... Item: AtZtSO l Fl^l-Tenp. access/dnai.n.rqe Iten: ertaSAE F,l.l-Ror-rgh gr.ade Item: OglEllzt driveway gnade f inal Itear : [tOCllO EILDG-Foot inqs/Stee I fi9 /AB/97 Inspect or': ART LA/?.A/97 Irrsneetor': CD Item: OOOEA BLDG-Foundat ian/SteeL tA/e1/97 Inspec"bon; ART Action: AF'FR Notes: North l,Jest pot-t ion ,-rpgrroved L@/31 /97 Inspeetor*: CD Act ion: AIrFR Item; AIAFe€t trLRN-ILC Site Flan Iteni : 0EE3O BLDG-Framino Action: AFtrR Steel for'footings Action: AF'FR nFFR0UED trartial as nnted: NE SIDE NOTES: F.ROTECT CONCRETE FROM FREEZINE STAB DBhIELS F.ER AF'F.RBVED F.LAN TIE STEEL TO F'ROVIDE F.ROF'ER CLEARANCE FROM SUBGRADE LE/AB/98 Insoect or': JRM Action: DN DENIED NO ILC.0R MECH Not e s : F'LMB, F I REpLAtrE ROUGFIS NOT DONE F L5 RESC IX/LA/9A Inspector: CD Aetion: AtrFR l"iNIl'1O ONLY Notes: ELEC FANET- LOCATED IN ttAL.L BETTJEEN Dt^,F.Ll- INGIGARAGE SEFARR MUST BE F.ROVIDED hIITH ONE HOUR RA-; ING lAll19/99 Inspector.: BRG Act ion r AFCR FRAI1ING BH, IJNIT 1e. . . N{rtes: FRAMING OK, Bl"lT MECHANICAL RfiUFH tiOftRECl ION!] FROIYI CHARLIE DRVIS MUST BE COMF,LETED, OK TO INSUL-ATT:" BUT BE SURE TO HAUE MECHANICFIL CORRECTIONS COMF'LETEDI J.T.ISJF'ECTED & AF'F'ROV F'RIOR TO COVERING THEM UF.! l{l'3/ltit/$9 Inspector"r CD Action; FtFf,R UNI1 1I SFE NOTES Notes: FRAMING INSFEETION IS Ar-'FROVED UFBN TtlrSE EONDITIFNS: -ELEC ROUGH INSF,ECTION IS IOI'IF'LETED -COMF.LETE CHASE FT]R FURNF.ICE FLIJE. REINSF'ECTION I$ REGI D F' TC} CONCERLMENT -F,ROVTDilUSS REF,nRT' Oo*r' oF: vAIt-. [oL.DRcDu REITT I:;1 F flr:F 7 FtRilA: CD b6/18/ 1999 {38:1tZ REOUES'I'5 * II'JSFf:CTl! HOI1X UHEITS Fl-jR: t,'18,1 :t199 :]:::]:=:::=:::1==:-=I1=:'==i:==:-==:::==::==a=::3...:=:l==::==:::E:i=:.:j:::i]:'-::::::=::3:*; -INs"tAr_L_ flTr-IC ACCEss - F,RNUIDL FIRE Bt,NCPi:T\i6 AT RLL VERT Til Hi]R" As$E:T'IFLlES *flND F.RCKOUT AT 11 IF. I"RIJ:JS -i.IDD HANFEF AT .]ACK RAFTER l.iiT FL..ONi': i".FJNDIT.]i] _L\ADK BI,X EL-H(j F.NNF-L rZtSl 16 / 99 I n s nert sr': CD Iten: fitlfts0 Bl-"tt6-.1 nsr"rlat ion 1.i/ 17 /gtJ Ins;:*ct0i": f,D lr,iot e E : comirl.etp tlie instal;it flc.t j. on : Frtt,trR 1 RLlSiS [:F'nF I FEC I EVF-tr Ievels) i:;rck horr of electr'ir:aI par, i:1. is sti 11 rt::qt-r i1'E6" [Jne anrJ only rratice to nEmovP 1k]fl# Ft i,llu-f i:ro1't I -'is Fi'om ll br.r i. lclino. f'text vrola*,ion v'ri l1 Lie i'e !ir:t tetj tr: i;lre F ire Det rzri:,/e4./9cl InEE,ac t. oi. : i-;D Act i cin . flfrtlF' l.-if l I r :l i: SEfr t.ltr IHS Nut.+s: FIRE BLOCKIhlii I5 BEING ADDLI-1 i15 BATTS ir'T llR0l-'Ct--IL. IN65 MrcHrtN 1{]trl]-- vt:NT I L-AT I t]i'l !1A5 EEF:i'l I N5l-r'lr,L-il.D l Fi Al-i.. BflTHFTR0M ATIIC tl{-){:;ESS lll1$ tltE:N fiDt:fD, RETJU]. REI-'.' DEIJEi.I-]F'ER TI RL;IilNVF OIiV hJF.ILI- INJ tJAIlTiJTJS I..d{:ATlNN T0 rONFi Rt'l It'rgLlLAT Ir]N 6:lrJ0 OTHTnR []OpREr-:TIrlNS HRVi: FEEN rYlfili 6:i/?6/9+ Ins pec.b or': (.lF,t Actir:n: rXFFR UNIT *ll ['lol.err F'ILL FRqMING fiDFREUIiilNS l4fiDF Item: OtZtO6tZt BL-Dli-sheel:r ock f'lai I @4/E:9 /rB Intrrertor': Ci) O5/ 13/98 Lnspector: [L] rAk i;::1' /98 Inspect cir' : Cft 1el;11/96 I nsoer: b or': ,T liFl tlct r ri-r : F'i.'-l lJn i i, l lZI ron of vaLr$r^ l;'ar'r' j tr'(m j ils: n;1 in I ot';c' r:\ct i. cn: l-'fl Oct i on: F'A O*t; irrnr i..'fi f-lct ion: F. ll L 0i,tt fi t...EvFL. FAR"TY WALLS 15T l_FVt--t_ F,ARTv t,lAt*l-5 l:Nll l.-F-\'t:.l. F'f:lR-f Y hlAl-.L.F-l r-'ART I AL l^l i 1-f"l CORRE(]T i Cf.{S Notes: BUILER F'LUE NilT YET INllFFiTF,D;.RCLIESF; [':'fit']E|- NF:t.llSD TO nTTI ELEC BAilli BOX REn' D. L-nt{I.:R sTAIR i;TflRAqE. ryEEDS-Jo BE CL,rqFL r)riYr^JAr.-LED. MECH RO0M Ilr{YUlFrLt.- Nr,-lr INllTnl\'Eil.. -ngIilsr'rsF*"--. ' I F,F(JF,A|'|E t,O-fTLES il..i RFIiIL)FNCE I A,::/i.'.i::/UE) Inspect or': [D Ac']t i in : Dl'l LJI'II\- +it.'.: Sf-f Nil f Fl:; Notes; r SiJEE'f I?OCR lHSI-'ECTIt]rN HilS BEEN DENIEiD" 1-iS'l- ElEl-Oud -IFJSULATI$N I|.ISFEDTIfiN HAS NdT Ctt;nURe S'- 'y1 \ \ - f,lgCHr.rN I r-.fit - TIuRFECT t fl\i{3 lCnglrOi BF- ' CONI T [r'1r-f-) *' --*nRYF.n E.XA|IST RL0LJI REb''.- ' _l *_r;AN f,,lrJT TjUNFIRM DUCT CONFIijtJRnTIitN FOtl Frnlrjrl.j[?i: EXATJSj-i BATHROilT4S *-N0 MnI$-rLlRE gXAlJtiT L-fit;fl-rED IN Mr.l5 rLR [jr:rr"fl-l REf4lvF" DR'/l.JAr*L- I r'l ALL" 1...0{-lA1 I nt{s FOR t4[:t--l-ii']f,.1 I.'-AL [j{:tRRECl"I Ul'i REt'IOVE A f.:'Al.JLt." If.l FUI-LOt'lINb l-.OfATI0l'r$:El lFiiiOR lrfiL.t-. V(:il.Jl-r [f:ILINti', AT FIRIIJLnCPiIfili A1 l)Rt.lF CEILIf'JG A FIRL. nr:1 T'En Assitaf'lBL.Y I RE.UUI r?fiD riT i:.ll,l. l:'AR"rY hJfil-.i. Liltlj-lT I^JHERE -fLiAS AriF- I,-OC,1T[:D (BEHIND Tl-lF) \ili::/E:4 /99 Inspe"r'lri:ii" -D Not es : tl0RllE{]l'It.-ttl5 : ActinriI fiFtlF l-"lti1-i 1;: 5EE; NtJl"Fs -FATCH FETNEI-IFTRf,'!-It1Fl5 Iti FARTY I^JALL -{::Ol4F,L HTE ENt:L-i:l5t.lRE FflF UFIDERSl-AIl? sT{JRrtfiE i-OI^JE''l t"t--VEl-. -BAf-rH L\OX f;LF {-:l R I riAL. F i\ldFt... -trOME'LETF- UJfiLL A:;5fMBl-Y trEll .ti'JD fUB Jtl FiiiSTFR FRl-H f'lEf-:1,; CURRHf,T I Of,l5: -645 t. t Ni: l'llJsT BL-- REUT I t- I E.n i N L.nu.,f R f.!0RTH BOTH .IT,J1;I'4L,I., DRYER VF-.NT ITLtJMB I NG tir-llltlEC I i flf'l ; -F.I[:'F'TrIR UEi\IT IN F.OHDER TtNflIdI THIQ-T FIA|i FEI.N I.I 'T OF:F ALL CORIIE{JTITJNiiJ I4UST BE REII'IsF'EITED F'I'Ii.IIi TTJ l:{JNT:EAI-MEF,]T. frL/tA\.'ijq Iugr:entlor'r [:t, FictL.on; FTFFR t.lllIT +tl.;:: Si--fl NfrlE:5 Note:: fll-l. SFiI:E'l-ROCI-'. L]nRPErlIl{lt{S HATJE Br:E:-N f'1Af.)E 1'O iJf'JtT l: REF'T131 o,6/lA/ 1999 OBr l0 TOWN OF VAILi REOUESTS _ INSF.ECTN I4ORK COLORADE SHEETS FUR: 6/18/1999 -\, F'ABE AREA: CD OUTSTANDING: trROVIDE F.OSITIUE DRAINAGE ARC]UND BUILDIN6 BY _6A5 LINE CORRECTION IN LOWER EATH MUST STILL 8E COMF'LETE COMtrLETED:DRYER UENT INSTRLLED, UNDERSTAIR STIIRAGE C0ltlPLET PLUMBTNC CORRECTIT]N CI]MF,LETED IN LT]WER F'T]WDER ROOM UNITII1O BACK BOX ELEC F.ANEL STILL NOT trOMF'LETED @4/AE:/99 Inspeetot-: CD Action: AFFiR UNIT 11 Notes: COIIItrLETE ASSEMBLY AT MASTER TUB ENCLIISURE Item : AAQTA BLDG-FIiEe. Iteml artog0 BLDG-Final 3l;6/13/99 Inspector'; JRl4 Action: DN OUTSTANDING F|LAN ISSUES Item: 66530 BLDG-Temp. tr/O A3/19/99 lnspeetor: CD Actionr NR CONTRACTC'R EANCELLED *1O g3/??/99 Inspector: GRGi Action: AFCR FENDING ANY OTHER RE0MTS Notes: ALL GUILDINB CODE ITEMS ARE BK FOR T.C.U.-ONE FULL WORKIN BATH, SAFETY ITElrlS IN F,LACE, ETC. MAY ALSB NEED AtrpRtrVAL, FOR RELEASE OF T.C.O. FROM FLANNING' pUBLIC I'IURKS & FIRE. V6/L7/cr9 Inspector: llD Action; trA UNIT lS SEE NOTE Notes: TFIIS TCO IS AtrtrROVED F,ENDING F,LANNING AND FUBLItr t"lURKS It en: Itemt Iteml Item: Iten: Item: Item: 916531 FIRE-TEMtr. C/A qo53e Fh,-TEtrtF,, tr/0 64533 FLAN-TEMF.. C/O A3/L9/99 Inspeetorr GE0RGE OO537 F.LAN_FiNAL C/O q'O538 FIRE-FINAL C/O oo539 pW-FINAL C/0 A6s4ra BLDEi-FinaI C/O 'uJrdQ '.q # '--- REF.T 1 3 1 A6/lB/19i9 68:53 gHN OF UAILr CoLoRADO REOUEST$ - INSF,ECTN WORK SHEETS FBR: 6/1S/1999 I3AGE I AREA: CD Activityr tr98-OOS7 6/lg/19 Type: B-F,LMB Addressr t89O LIONSRIDGE LO0tr (CHATEAU TRE Status: I55UED Constr: l"lAtrT D1O, 11,1e) Occ l UBe !Farce I r Dercri pt i on: Appl ieant : Owner l Contract on: et63-taE-q4-qe7 trLUMBING SUNITS I^JEICH FLUMBING AND LOT E7 LLC T^JEICH F'LUHBINB AND HIATING HEATING trhone: 97O-845*Ct31 1 Fhone: F,hone: 97Pt-845-8311 fnspeet ion Request Infornat ion. . . . . Requestorl UNIT l*11 Req Tine! AlrO0l Comnentsi: Itens requested to be lnspected... Action OOe90 trLMB-Final Inspeetion History.....Item: OOEIB PLMB-Underground Iten: OCteeE FLMB-Rough/D. t^r. V. A7 /U7 /99 Inspeetor: JRM DATED 7/6-7/7/98 Iten : qtEeSO trLMB-Rorrgh/l.Jater E7 /0|6/94 Inspector: JRM Notes: UNITS 10, 11, fe WATER Item: Octg4ta trLMB-Gas triping fi7/n6/95 Inspector: JRM Fhane: 398-35O9 Tine Exp ACtiON: AFtrR APF.REVED WITH CONDITIT]N Notes: UNIT ICI-WATER CBLUI{N TESTTDWV AT 8€IF,SIrGAS F,IpING nT l:t F, sTRAp SUFFORT AS NEEDEDTFIX LEAHS,ADD NAIL FL-ATES UNIT rI-GAS 15FSI'Dt.,V AT SOFSI'WflTER COLUI4N TEFT SAilE CORRECTIONS FOR ALL 3 UNITS UNIT 1e-SAME RIR TEST RESULTSfSECURE 6AS F,IFE INLET AT Fl PLRCE I2/A9/98 Inspector: CD Action: AFtrR SEE NOTES Notes: ALL trLUMBING RUUGHS AptrROVED FtrR UNIT le SEE trREV. INSFEC Action: AtrtrR RPFROVED TEST BA F.SI SEE ET]NDITIONS AT DWV Action: AtrFR AFF'ROUED Notes: UNITS l€r, I l, le AtrF,RtrVED GAS F,IF,IN6 flT I5F'SI AIR TEST bI/e6/99 Inspector: CD Actionr N0 SEE NOTES Notes: AT THE TII{E UNIT 1e HRS BEING INSFECTED FOR ilECHANICAL Wu IT I^IA5 NT]TED TO ADD NAIL PL-ATES I^'HERE REGUIRED FtrR TITFLE INSTALATITIN. ALSO AT NORTH F,ARTY I^IALL TITEFLEX IS NOT RUN IN I.IALL sFACE. THIS I4U5T BE RECTIFIED fiND RETESTED IF GAs 6NS LINE IS REROUTED It em r OetPECt trLMB-F,oo I /Hot Tr.rtr Item: Ofie6ff PLMB-Misc.Iten: 0Oe9O trLMB-Final Q6/44/99 Inspeetor: CD Action: DN UNITS TI AND 1E Notes: UNIT 11 NO HIJT i^,RTER DISHLJNSHER NT]T INSTALLED WATER HEATER NOT trROPERLY VENTED INSPECTION DISCT]NTINUED UNIT lE DISHHASHER NOT INSTALLED INSTALL STRAINER T]N FLOOR DRAIN IMF.RT]PER VENTING OF FIOT I"JATER HEATER (II4F'RNF.ER F'OI^IER UENT INStrECTION DISCT]NTINUED o,6/17/99 Inspector: trD Action: F'A unit le Not e s : AF,PROVED ON CONDT I ON : Connent s o I a o REprr3r lor* 0F 'AIL, cBt-oRADu m6/tA/ 1999 oBr44 REUUESTS - INSFECTN TJORK SHEETS FOR: 6/18./1599 F,AGE 3 iIREA: CD == = == = = === = == = == = = = i= == = ==5: = = = == = = ==:; === === =: =:= = * == ==:=========== = = == M99-Ofi17 6/ IA/ 19 Type: B-MtCH $tatr-tq r ISSUED Constr: NAFT Activity: Addre s s : Lscat i on: Farce I ; Desnt i pt i on : App l icant : [Jwn er : Cont ract or' : CHATEAU TREMONTE BUILDING D elaS-lee-44-a?7 INI]TALL FT]RCED ATR HEAT UNIT #1I AIR DESIGNS LOT E7 LLC AIR DESIGNS Occ r Use: Fhone: 97Bt-379*5454 Fhone: Fhone: 97ff-379-5454 I n s peet i on Req r-te st Req'-testot': ,?ICK Req Tiner Ol:EtO Items l.eqr-!ested to 'AO39A MECH-Final Information.,. Con m ent s: UNIT be Inspected.. F,hone r J9O-.?5OD s11 Ti me Exp i cln Conment s Inspect i on History....,Item: A0?AA MECH-Rot-tqh A3/l@/99 Inspector: CD Item: Eglg40 Iten: gnzr3lO Iten: qtUtSgA Item: OO33A Iten: lztfi34gl It em : AA39O Notes: FUNACE DUCT I^IORK AFFROUED EOMAIR DUCTS ARE AI]F,ROUED (5IZE AI'ID L OCATION) DRYER UENT AF'F.REIVED NNTH UENTS AI.F'ORUED I^JITH CORRECTION TO 'IOF' MASTER BATH TERMINATION F.OINT (MUST BE I{IN 3' FROM OF.FNING) UMC 5144.4 FIRE ]AtrL AND COMPL-E.TE F/F.' CHFISE CRAI,'ILSF'ACE UENTS I4UST EE MAINTfiINb.D AND DOUBI.ED IN $IZE BEf,AIJSE CRAWLSF'ACE I5 BF"IN6 USED FOR CEMAIR (IJMC 7?J3.E.E FLMB-Gas triping MECH-Heat ing MECH-Exhaust Hoods MEtrH-Supply Air- MHCH-Mi sc, MECH-Final I l .J fiF?llil"e oB:Eo REouEsrJ?il9"3E'X"lbi-'3hEE?3oro*J lelleee PAEE AREA: CD en Activityl Address: Locat ion: Farce I i lJescriptionr Appl icant : Owner: Cont ract or: sg7-ae3?S/IS|L9 Type: MF BUILD Status: ISSUED Ccnstr: NAtrT 1A9O LIONSRIDGE LOU|J e103-rea-a4-B?7 UHATEAU TREITIONTE BLDG D UNrTS 10, 11,le D.J. OR6AN BUILDERS, INC. SUHiIIT trINES LLU SHADE TREE Hr.lltES, INC. Occl Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: olo,gT UEe: V N 97S-946-3775 (970) A45-9999 Locks, Ho ld s, ACTI U ITY Not ice r Not ice: and Notices.... SIot 1l T.C.U. approved for Units ll & 12 per GeorEe Inspeet i on Request Inforrat ion. . . . . Requestor: riek boyrer Req Tire: O8:OO Eorrents: will Iters requested to be Inspected,.. 0O54O BLDG-Final C/O Fhone:390-3569 cal I pl ease Action Corre Tire Exp Inspection History..... Iter : OOSOI trtf-Terp. aecess/drainaqe Iter: {|OSO? trLl-Rouqh grade Iter: OG510l driveway qrade final Iter: OOAfO BLDG-Foot ings/Steel alg/gg/57 Inspeetor: ART l0/?O/97 Inspectorr ED Action: AtrtrR Steel for footings Action: AFtrR AFPROVED Notes: trROTECT CONCRETE FROI{ FREEZING STAB DUT.IEL5 PER AtrPROUED PLAN TIE STEEL TU I,RTJUIDE PRBPER CLETKANLE FRUT'I SUBGRADE Iter : OOO2O BLDG-Foundat ion/Steel l6/e7,'97 Inspeetor: ART Action: AtrPlt Partial as noted: Notesr North Llest portion approved I0l3l/97 Inspeetor: LD Act ion: fftr$"rlr NE SIDE Iter: BOSPU PLAN-ILC Site trIan I ter : OOO3O BLIrG-Frarinq l?/(4f|/99 Inspector: JRl4 Action: DN DENTED NU rLC, OR I4HCH Notes: PLiIB,FIREPLACE HUUGHS NOT DUNE pLS RFSC t'c/lg/g8 fnspector: CD Action: APtrR UNIT 1A ONLY Notes: eLEC PANEL LOCATED IN HALL BETIIEEN DTJELLINE/GARAGE SEFIARFI MUST BE PRtrUIDED ].IITH ONE HUUR I{ATING QL/?9/gq Inspector: ERG Flet ion: AtrDR FRAI{ING DK, UNIT le. . . Notesr FRAI{ING UK, BUT MECHANICAL ROUHH UIIkRECTIUNS FROH CHARLIE DAVIS I{UST BE COI'IPLETED. OR TU IN$ULATH, BUT BE SURE TO HAVE MEUHANICAL LI]RRECTIONS CU}IPLETED, INSPECTED & APPRTJU trRIOR TO COUERING THE]'I UP! A3/Lg/99 Inspeetor: CD Aetion: APCR UNIT 11 SEE NOTES Notes: FRAhINE INSPECTIUN IS APPROUED UFON THESE CUNDITIONS: -ELEC ROUGH INStrECTION I5 COJ'IPLETED -CTJi'PLETE CHRSE FUH FUIINACE FLUE. REINSPECTION IS REtr' D F' TO CIJNUE'ILI'TENT -PRt}UIDE TRUSS REPORT REtrT131 gB/ ISI1999 O8:PIJ TOl.lN UF VffrLl REUUESTS - INSPECTN T.IURK TJUI.ORADU SHEETS FOR: 8/11/1999 PAGE AREA: CD er -INSTALL ATTIC AtrtrEss -PRUVIDE FIRE BL|JCKING AT ALL VEKT TO HI.IT(. ASSI:I{BLIts5 .ADD PAUKUUT AT HIFI TRUSS *ADT, HANUHR AT JAUK RAFTER lST FLOUI{ LHNDING -BAUK BUX ELEC PANEL to3/L6/95 Inspeetor: CD Iter: OrtS"JO BLDG--Irrsulat ion lel17/98 Inspeetor: CD Noteer ALL FRAITIING CTIRRECTIONS FIADL Iter: 00060 BLDG-Sheetroek NaiI Notes: corplete the instalation of vapor barrier(rissing in lowe Ievels) baek box of eleetrical panel is still required. One and only notice to retove lO6* propane bottles frol Jbuilding. Next violation will be reponted to the Fire De g?le4/99 Inspector: CD Action: APtrR UNIT le SEE NOTES Notes: FIRE BLOLKING IS BEING ADDED AS BATTS AT DROF CEILINGS FIECHANICAL VENTILATION HAS BEET-I ITISTALLED IN ALL BATHROOFI ,{TTIC ACCESS HAS BEEN ADDED. REOUIRED DEUELOPER TU REIIOVE DRY hIALL IN VARIT]US LOCATION TTT IJT]NFIR]II INSULATION AND UTHER CORRECTIONS HAVE BEEN TTIAD o'3/?6/99 Inspeetor: CD Action: APPR UNIT *11 Aetion: AtrPR Act i on: PA Act i on: trJr Action: PA Act i on: l-tA Action: PA TRUS$ EPORT RECIEVED Unit lO LT]T"IER L.EVEL PARTY I"IALLS lST LEUEL PARTY I.IALLS AND LEUEL PARTY I.IALLS PARTIAL }IITH trORRECTIONS CUT OFF TU C{.]NCEALHENT. *18 SEE NOTES TU UNIT TA (a4/?9/98 Inspeeton: CD 0=ll3l9B Inspector: trD o,3/'c7 /95 Inspeetor: CD l?/3t /99 Inspector: JRltl A?/24/99 Inspector: ED Notes: CORRECTIONS: Notes: BOILTR FLUE NUT YET INSpECTED'AULLSS FANEL NEEDED TU ATTI ELEC BACK BOX REII'D,LUT,JEI{ STAIR STORAGE NEEDS TU BE COiIPL T,RYI.IALLID. HECH 1{OO}I D E PHIJtrANE BI}TTLCS IN RES a6?/?2/99 Inspector: CD Act Notes: SHEETRUCH INSPECTIUN HAS IEO. --DRYER EXAU5T R EXfIUST BATHIILIO}IS --NU r{or5ruRE Exflusr iocnreD rth.Mnhiln s RE}IIOVE DRYbIALL IN ALL LOCATItJNS}.tsUN\NECX t{t}l{JUE A FANEL IN FOLLtll.f ING LBCffTIONS;EXTERIOR HALL' UAULT CEILING,AT FIREBLTJCKING RT DROFI CEILING A FIRE RffTED ASSEITIBLY IS REGUIRED fiT ALL PARTY T.IALL LOCAT T.'HERE TUBS ARE LOCNTED (BEHIND TUB)Action: APUR UNIT la siEE NOTES _PATCH FT.NENETRATIONS IN PAKTY T.JALL -CU}IPLETE ENCLOSUHE FUR UNDERSTAIR STI]RAGE LI]I.IER LEUEL _BAUK BOX ELECTRICAL PANTL -COITIPLETE I,ilALL ASS}ET'IBLV BEHIND TUB IN MASTER BATH ttlECH CUHI{tCTIONI':_CAS LINI IIIUST BE RECTIFIED IN LOi.IER NOI{TI{ BRTH -INSTALL DITYER VENT FLUMBING CORRECTIONT _REPAIR VENT IN POI.IUII{ f{T,OT{ THAT HAtj BEEN ALL CURRECTIUNS }IUST BE REINSFIECTED PRIOR AllVr/9i Inspectorr CD Ftct ion: APPR UNIT I l I Notes: ALL IiHEETRUCK CURRECTIUNS l{AuE BEENiIDE rf: lEillilr'e oB,Eo *.our"rJ?ilIoEE Ioibh*"3h8l?3'ro*frr" / tsss ;TAfjE ?? nnEhr €[ ITTSTANDINGr PRtIUIDE pttSITIUE DRAINRGE AROUND BUILDING BY -GAS LINE CORRECTION IN LOI.IER BATH !IU$T STILL BE COT{PLETE CI$IFLETED:DRYER UENT INSTALLED' UNDERSTAIR STtIRAGE trOl4pLET PLUHBING CORHEI.;TION COiIPLETED IN LOb'ER PUI.JDER ROONI IJNIT*IO BAtrl( BIJX ELEC F,ANEL STILL NOT COHPLETED A4lge/99 Inspector: CD Aetion: AtrPk UNIT 11 Notesr Cot{pLETE ASSE}IBLY AT I4ASTER TUB ENCLOSURE Iter I Otil670 ELDG-ltlisc. Iterc glt0gO BLDG-Final Wl 13/99 Inspcctor: JRltl Iterr &ts:l0 Bl-DG-Terp. CIB g3ll9l99 Inspector: CD $31?eli:. Inspector: ERE Aetion: DN OUTSTANDING PLAN ISSUES ACtiON: N]T CONTRACTOR CANCELLED TIO Action: APCH FENDING ANY OTHEfI REOIIITS oi6/17/99 Inspector: trD Action: trA -UNIT le SEE NOTE Notesr THIS TCU IS Appr{UVED pENDTNG pLAHNIAtj ANrylpUqL.IC t{9i{1s APPRTIUAL Is ERRNTED i 1... l-.Lf)ilrU"Wr abtrg/gg Inspectorr CD -/ e.*tpn: PA 1/ )t[rtl t,tf ll ' Iterr eos3l FIRE-TEIIP. cltr 4 ,),HL \1" r 'Iterr OO53e PH-TEi|P. U/O +' ," ' -'"'^' { -|\ rrer: oos33 H-AN-;ilrp]'iru I i',"t. LY-.,. jJ .,u*"" ',, 03/19f99 Inepeetor: GEORGE Aetionv{AS.trR APFFOVED / i Itcrr 4n537 Dt CIN-F f f$Al e/n ,I I /! t" l i Notes: ALL GUILDI]IIG CUDI. ITEIIS f.IKE OK FOK T.C.O.-TINE FULL I.JURKIN . BATHI SAFETY II'EFIS IN PLACE, ETC. I{AY ALSU NEED APPRUUAL FOft |{ELLASE OF T.C.t}. FROII pLANNINGi, PUBLTC l.Jul{Ks & FIRE. Iter: OO54O BLDG-Final ClO 03/19f99 Inepeetor: GEORGE Aetionv{AS.trR APFFOVED / i Iter: OO537 PLAN-FINAL C/O .;'; i ', ,/,' ,' .1 /rrer: so536 FIRE-FTNAL C/O j i. j ,l t , H l\M *3 Iterc OO539 PI.J-FINAL C/O ''--"Li-zl L''\'{' L-.9\.- -"- [E?liil""e oB:zo REeu.Sr"|?ilI"$'X"ibi."3hEE?3oro, J,e/leee PAGE AREA: tr9s-oo57 gllg/19 Type; B-pLl'lB Status: ISSUED Constr: NAtrT e9 I CDI Activity: Address l Locat i on : Farce I : lJescription: Appl icant : tjwner: Uontractor: IS9O LIONSRIDGE el03-1ee-Q4-0,?7 PLUIIBING 3UNITS I,IEICH PLUFTEING LOT E7 LLC T.IEICH FLUIIIbIN6 AN]J HEATING AND HEATING Fhorre: 97O-845-O311 Frhone: l-rhone: 97O-845-O311 LU(JP TCHATEAU TRE Dl0, 11,1e) Occr Use: Inspection Request Requestor; rick Req Tire: O8:OO Iters requested to o,Q?gQ Pl.lrlB-Final Inforration. . . . boyrer Lorrents: will be Inspected... Phone: 39$-35O9 cal l pl ease Action Corrent s Tire Exp Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . Iter: OOgl0 PLMB-Underground It er I Ooee|/t PLt4B-Rouqh/D. hl. V. gZ /67 /99 Inspectorl JRlrl Actionr APPR Rppt{OVED ]^JITH trONDITIUN Notes: UNIT IA-}JATER trULUl4N TEST'Dl.fu AT EOPSI'EAS PIPING AT 15 p STRATJ SUPFORT NS NEEDED,FIX LEAKS'ADD NAIL PLATES uNrT II-GAS lSPSI,DllV AT 8QpSI,l.lATER CULU}'N TEST SAI{E CURKTCTIONS FtJR ALL 3 UNITS UNIT TE-SAITIE AIR TEST RESULTS,SECURE GAS PIPE INLET AT FI rJLAUE l?/o,9/98 fnspector: CD Action: APPR SEE NOTE6 Notes: ALL PLUIIBING HUUIiHS APPROVED FOR UNIT 10 SEE trREv- INSFEC DATED 7/6-7/7t98 Iter : gOeSU trLilB-Rough/l.later 07 /46 /98 Inspector: JRltl Notes: UNITS l$, 11rle HATER Iter: hg?.40 trLltlb-Gas l-riping ta7 /66 /98 Inspector: JRltl Action: APf-rlt AFFI<UUED TESf SId PSI SEE CI]NDITITJNS AT DI.JV Act ion: Al.rtrlt flPlJkUUED UNITS 11 TND lE Notes: IJNIIS lrt., l1,lA AppRtlUED GAS pIpING AT lspsl AIR TEST Ial/?6/99 fnspector: Cl)Aetion: NU SEE NOTES NOTES: AT THE TIttIE UNIT IE b'AS BEIN6 INSPECTED FOR Mb.CHANICAL T.'O IT T.,AS NUTED TO RDD NAIL PLflTES h'HI}€ REUUIRID FOR TITFLE INSTALATIUN. ALSU AT NORTH PARTY I.JALL TI TEFLEX IS NT]T RUN IN I.JALL sPALE. THIS T'IUsT BE I{ECTIFIED hND RETESTED IF Gff$ GAS LINE IS RHRTJUTED Iter: Ug239, l-rLlrlB-trool/Hot Tub Itar: 0B€6Ql PLltlB-lttise. Iter : g8,e96 PLftlB-F inal A6/o'4/gq Inspeetor: CD Action: DN Notes: UNIT 11 NU HOT tfATER DISHI.IfiISHER NOT INSTFILLED Hf.ITER HEATER NBT trITOPERLY UENTED INStrECTIT]N DISCONTINUED UNIT IE DISHT.IASHER NBT INSTALLED INSTALL STRNINER UN FLOUR DRAIN IMPIITIPER UENTING OF HAT HATER HEA]'ER (IFIPRAF'ER POIiIER VENT INSPECTION DISCT.INTINUED g6/17/i9 Inspector: CD Action: trA r.rnit l? o I REPT131 o.E/ 19 / 1999 OBr?Q I{EOUES T]F UAIL,CIJLIJRADU SHEETS FUH PAGE AREA: CD 3t INSPECTN I.IUKK r9l 1999 H9A-411S Alt9/19 Type: B-['IECH Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Aetivity: Address: Loeat i on : Parcc I : Description: Appl icant : Uwner: Eontractor: 1A9O LIT]NS RIDGE a1g3-ree-64-oe7 INSTALL 3 HHAT & SUTTI.JN INSULATING LOT A7 LLC SUTTTIN INSULATING LOUFJ UNITS 16, lIt TJLU FIREPLACIS htEST, INC, htEsT, INC, 1e Occ:Use: Phone: 97O-945-131.3 Phone: Fhone: 970-945-1313 Inspeet ion Request Requestor: rick Req Tire: O8;Otd Iters requested to 0039O l{EtrH-Final Inforrat i on. boyrer Correntsr wi I I be Inspected.., Fhone:394-35Oq cal I pl ease Aet ion Cornent s Tire Exp Inspeet ion History.. - - -Iter : gOeO0 iIECH-Rough l?,//di|/gg Inspeetor: CD Iter: O0e4rt trLMB-Gas triping It er : 09310 ltlEtlH-Heat ing Iter: OO3PO lIECH-Exhaust Hoods fter: OO33g l{ELH-Supply Air fter : OU34g ItIEC-H-ltlise. Iter : OO39O I{ELH-Final o16/17/99 Inspector: CD o16/lA/99 Inspeetor: ED Action: AtrtrH UNIT 10 F/P UENT Action: PA Action: PA UNIT 1E UNIT {tlr 3e REPTl3I f46/ li/ 1999 08r?O Aetivity: AddreEs: Locat i on : Parce I : Descri pt ion: Appl ieant : Owner: Contractorl oF vArL,IJULURADU SHLETS FUH PAEE AREA: CD INSFI.CTN T.IUFIK il99-9e45 Sl 19/ 19 Type: B-t4b.CH LION's RIDGE SUB *3 LOT ?7 BLK E ar03-1ee-o4-oe7 MECH SYSTEI{ FOR UNIT 10 (LHA'IEAU CUNCEPT }IIEL:HANICAL, INT) LOT A7 LLC cuNuEpT FIECHANICAL, INC 19/ 1999 Status: ISEiUED Constr: NAPT Oce: Use: TREI'IONTE) Fhone: 97O949td?OO Phone: Phone.' 97o949O3OlD Inspection Request Requestor: rick Req Tire: O8:tlt0 Iters requested to OO390 l{ECH-Final Inforration.,.. boyrer Eorrents: will be Inspected. . . Fhone: 39O-35O9 call pl ease Action Corrent E Tire Exp dnfr Inspeetion History...,.Iter: 6A?AU HEtrH-Rough te/09/ct$ Inspector: L;D Act jpA PARTIAL APFI{UVAL Notes: ENUIR- DUCT REU| O AT LLlh,ER BATH DRYER VENT REQI D NUT INSTALLED AT THIS TIf'1E BUILER FLEU IS A DIRECT UENT SYSTEiI THAT IS NOT INSTALLED Hl THIS TITTIE BUT T.JILL NOT BE LONTJEALED UNTIL INStrECTED F/P FLUE AtrPRUUED 1a3lg9/99 Inspector: CD Action: APPR UNIT *16 sEE NUTE5 Notes: DRYeR UENT INSTALLED, AND RLL BATH VENTILATITIN ljlJl'IPLETED Iter: o,o.?49 l-rLllB-Gas Pipinq Iter : |,031|a lrlEtlH-Heat ing l?lg3/98 Inspeetor: JRlrl Aetion: Al-rl-rlr Notes: BflSEBUARD HEAT AIR TEST 60* lter: OO32O HEUH-txhaust Hoods Iter: OU33U ttECH-Supply Air Iter ; 9,8'340 ltlE^CH-ltli se. Iter : Oltjgl, ilECH-Final AtrPHUVtD IN FLOUR AND /o/eZ llfu //bnsV/,ft .k,/ TOI^IN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9 -2L38 OF' COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT TOV/COmm. DerDr.orE: rHIS PERMIT MUST BE PosrED oN Clean-up D it Refund NEW MuLrr-FAM BUrLD pERM spproved amount date el No..: JOBSITE AT AI.,,L TIMES PermiE #: B97-0230 APPLICANT D.,J. ORGAN BUILDERS, INC. PO BOX L709, EDWARDS CO 81532 OWNER SUMMIT PINES LLC SEatus...: ISSUED LOOP CHATAppIied. . :TO7 /23 / L997 rssued...: Oe/L3/L997 E>cpires. . : o6/L6/1,998 Phone: 970-926-3775 234 LOYOI,A BLDG #9]-]., NEW ORLEANS T'A 7OLL2 CONTRACTOR SHADE TREE HOMES, INC. PhONC: (970) 845-9899 P. O. Box 4062 , VAII-,, CO 81658 1890 LIONSRIDGE 2t03 -122 -04-027 Description: BLDG B I]NITS 4 ,5 ,6 Occupancy Dwellings Privatse Garages NEW TRI-PLEX Type Zone 2 V-N Zone 2 V-N Masonry USER VALUATION: 602,374 *of ge6 Appllanccs: 3 Fact.or Sq. Feet. Valuation 96.72 5,499 531-,863.28 28.56 2,855 8L,567 .36 Subt.oLal: 8,355 6L3,430.54 FEE SUMMARY .0o Totel calculrtcd F366--_> 400.00 Additionel Fec6---------> Table Date: 05/L7/L996 FircDlac6 Information: ReBtricted r Y D..l l,l! -^-- --- - Plan check- - - > Inv€stsigct ion> wi.I1 call----> Total ValuaEi-on: *Of GaE Loge: 6L3,430.64 *of wood/Pa1l6ts: 9,543-1O .00 3,949.30 ToEal PcrmiE F66--------> 9,5{3.1o ?50. O0 Payh€nt€-------- 9,543.10 9,543 .10 BAIANCE DUE---- .OO ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;:;;;;;;;;;i,i"i.,,,O7/23/L997 CHARLIE ACTiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO ART 08./L3./1,997 CIIARLIE ACTiON: APPR SEE CORRECTIONS I.,SIT iabm;' o54oo pr,ar'rNrNe DEpARTMENT Dept: PIJ\NNTNG Division:07/23/1997 CHARI,IE ACTiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO GEORGE o8'/aL/L997 GEORGE Action: APPR Georqe rEiim;'.05600 FrRE pspaRTueNT Dept: FrRE Division:o7/23/L997 CHARLTE AcLion: APPR N/A ITbM:'O55OO PI'BLIC WORKS DEDI: PUB WORK DiViSiON:07/23/1.997 CHARLIE AcLion: APPR PI,ANS TO PI]BWORKS ttb*'"oszoo ENVrRoNMEurer, nner,ru Dept: HEAT,TH Division:07/23/1,997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A IEbM:-05550 ENGINEERING DCDE: ENGINEER Di\/aSiON:O7/23/L997 CHARI-,IE ACEION: NOTE PI'ANS TO TERRI o7'/24'/L997 TERRI Act.ion: APPR approved See Page 2 of t.his Document, for any conditj-ons that may apply to tshis permit.. 2,'152,OO Rc6tsusr.nt Plan Rrvi.as - - > 1,788. B0 DRB FGc-------- .00 R6cr€et.ion Fco-- -- ----- -> 3.oo clcan-UpD6posit--------> TOTAI, FEES-- -. - t hcleby acknoirledge that I havc lcad thiB appliceCion, f11]ed ouE in full the lnforrletsion rcquircd, comPletcd an accuratc Plot plan, and state that all tshc informati.on ptovidcd ae required i6 corlccts. I agrcc tso coEply uith lhe infornalion and plots p1an, to compfy sith a1l To$n ordi.nancc6 and 6tate 1a(e, alld tso buiLd lhis ELructsure according co lhc Town'6 zoning and 6\rbdivi6ion codc6, d€6ign rcvier approvcd, Uniforn Building code .nd oth.r oldinallcca of th. Town eppli.cablc thcrclo. FROM gro0 AJ.l SGnd Cl..n-uEr D.to6Le Tor At oRO N FOR HIMSELP AND OW'NER ***********************:t***************************************************Jr**** *io*"a" FoR rNspE.rroNs sHArJrr BE *" f -"o* HouRs rN AD\rAN.E By TELE'HoNE PermiL #: 897-0230 cor{DrTroNs as of 02/L3/95 PermiE Tlpe: NEW MIILTI-FAI\,I BUILD PERM ApplicanE: D.iI . ORGAN BUILDERS, INC. 970 -926-3775 statsus: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Applied: o7/23/!997 Issued: 0g /L3 /L997 To Expire: 06/16/L998 Job Address: Location: Parcel No: DescripLion: BLDG B I]NITS Conditions: 1.890 LIONSRIDGE LOOP zLO3-t22-04-O27 4,5,6 NEW TRT-PLEX CHATEAU TPJMONTE ,,i"1,1i u;*' 'i"- i"f,':**, 9?0-'r?69lr?S PAGE O-2 p.2 9L q?6, /.75 A6)t NNEVOCADI,D ASSICNMENT OF 'UTLDING PERMITS AND OTHEN ruGHTs Thrs Arrrtrunc rs rudc bcrwcrn D. J Organ Eu;idcru, Inc , Dosn Vrllcy Burldcrs, lnc. and O. l. i'Stip"l Chgrn (colles:ivcly rcf rtrl ro as "ArriSrpr") rlrd lot 2l LLC ("Astignoc') NICITALS: l. ArsiSDt owns thc rcll Dropcny lcSslly ca3crrbcd ar Lor 27' Elock 2 Lbn't Rtdgc SubrJrvrcron. Flting No 3. Cor,ntv ol ErSle Srar of Colondo tlrcrcln rc fe:ted to rt du "Propmy') 2 Assi3nof wr3 tlt: tcncrrl coourctor lor thc conrrruction on'$c Propcrry o'r lO*tthourc propct ln6w 0r Ch.(cru frcmcn13 Ths gcrural eolllrlclgt agpemqnl bCtwCrn A:trgnor rnd A*rgncc hrr tcrntntud ) Assijmr holds rn Arsltaot's i, nc 0t rumcs ccna'n b'urldrnt prmtts rnd other constnrction tights rsrccieted wrut thc Propcrty 4. AsiSnor oow dcsijcs tc quLqlef to Alt8nGG alt of AssiSnor'3 rr8ht. trtlc lM Inle:ert rn rnd rr srd bvildrng pcrmru .rd odicr c!..lsurJchon nghts usocrrud o'i0l llu Propmy NOw' THEI'EfORE. AsrSnor lrcreby i;rcvocsbly uu3nl rnd urngfers to AlcrSnec all of Arlgnor'r rr3ht, trttc ! htercst tn E to rn], rnd rtl burldrng pcrm rc rnd odter conrtrucrlon riglur $rocired widi rtE Propcny. Assrgnor hcrcby aSrccs to cr'-cutc rn)' eod all ollEr docurnc s tnd futtltat rgsurlrF:5 er mty bc nccclsrr;" ot conYcnlcnl to c.tr) out lhc ;nlenl of otir Astrtn r|cnr, Thc ArsiSnor hrs ?r6utcd otir -rn">!,,ir+ ^.,rf,*-' FtB l, BS '0y.c0M[,f 0[i1. DtpI ot Fcbrulr', by: ,:'.;;;:,i;:;;03';::',i:::iT'lJJffi o. vArL coNs,ou",,o*l ,RcnL #' 210312'204021 nu*llrl:ralge16?}I-roRM I'l:l{i\l Il i/ , APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FfLLED oUT CoMPLETELY oR IT MAY NoT BE AccEPTED t * * * * * * * * )t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATTON * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I Ix]-Buj.lding [ ]-Plumbing t ob Name: CHATEAU TREMONTE rchitect: PERSoNAL ARCHTTECTUItEAddTess 3 E;ig l-e, Co. 81632 p5.328-6913 eneral Description: CONSTRUCT ONE TRI PLEX ork class: 1X1 -l.lew [ ] -AIterat ion [ ] -Additional [ ] -Repair [ ] _other umber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: ;rmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances_ 3 Gas Logs x ltood/peIlet * * * * * * * * * * 'r * * * '( * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATToNs 't * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * )r * * * * * * * * l-Elect.rical. [ ]-Mechani-caI [ ]*Other _ rob Acldress. r8e0 LroNSRrDGE Loop, 3l?TJ,,, ,esaL Description, "".-j1 "-.--t- -;;tt;rl -;;^ffi 5299Drffi rwners Name: LOT 27 LLC Address: Englewood, Co. B01ll pn.Z-g3-SSag . RON PRESTON P. O. Box 1596 97T-- UILDING: $ 602 ,31 B .28 LUMI]ING: $ EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANfCAL: $-OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ lectrical Contractor: EAGLE/SUMI,IIT ELECTRIC tumbing Contractor: RAYrS PLUMBING ldress:P.o. Box 19-08, AVON, CO. -81370- ]TLDING PERMIT FEE: -,UMBING PERMIT FEE: ]CHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ,ECTRICAL FEE: :HER TYPE OF FEE:iB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO.E213 Phone l'lumber: 719 836-1559-- Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone l.tumber: 926-1156-- :chanical Ccrntractor: AIR DESIGNS ,rdress: 77e0 HWy 8 601 3;:l."f"X;:1,*i7; T?;-aga- t * * * * * * * )k * tr * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * ,( * * * FoR oFFrcE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI.^AN CHECK -FEE:HECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATIoN rq4: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT .tr.Ddg.:. 'lr ldress: p.o- Box_744, FArRFiAy,-Co. 80440-- ,EAN IIP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO:Eut'Derz9 2 ? 'i"s9'|VALUATION rmments: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STCNATURE: Df eKa *p DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY LOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT AI,L TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PETMit' #: E98 -0072 a DEVE stat.us...: ISSUED CHATEAU TREMONTE 1890 LrOApplied. - :O04/22 /L99E 2LO3-L22-04-027 rssued. '.: 04/22/1'99e PR,J97-0L9B Expires.-: Lo/L9/L99e sABo ELECTRTC Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSUM CO 81537 sABo ELECTRTC Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSIJM CO 81537 I,OT 27 LI,C 1BB1 LIONS RIDGE LOOP NO 14, VAIL CO 81557 TOI,{N OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArI_.,, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OVINER ilob Address: Location...: Parcel No..: ProjecE No.: Description: TEMP POWER BLDG D UNITS ao,LL,Lz Valuation: 75'00 F8E SUMMARY Totsa1 Ca]culatsed Fees---> 5l 'Oo Electrical---> .0o DRB Fec .00 . oo 3 .00 53 .0O Additional Fee6---- -----> Tocal PelTllit Fee-___----> Palmenta------__ .00 53 .00 53 -00 BAraNcE DuE---- -oo Inve6tsigatj.on> witl ca1).----> TOTAL FEAS-..> Item:06000 04/22/t998 Itbm:05500 04/22/L998 ELEETRICAL DEPART'I\4ENT DCPT:JRI"I ACTiON: APPR APPROVED -Finr DEPARTMENT Dept: JRM--- -- eciion: APPR N/A BUfLDING Division: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, DECLARATIONS r hercby acknoljlgdge thaE r have read rhis applicatsion, filred ouE in full the information requiled, conpleted an acclrrate Ploc plan, and statse tshat all Ehe information Plovj.ded as required is colrecC. I agree Eo comPty ltiEh tshe informatsion and Plots Plan' to comply si,th aIr roen ordinanceB and 6tate laes, and co build thj.s BtrucEute according Eo Ehe Town'B zoning and subdivision code6, design leviel' approved, unifolm Buildi.ng code and other ordinancee of the Tosn applicable thereEo' REeuEsrs FoR rNspEgrroNs SHALL BE MADE TwEt[Ty-FouR HouRs rN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-213s oR AT ouR oFFrcE FRoM s:00 AI'! 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNER 'n!:!t-!$l!^ County Arcceeors Offtcc .-91Oi326-8640 for parcel f . TOWN O.:;CEL lzT!:B- tzz-o.t- ^rt pgnfij: Df,*l?fflY'F-- . PENfiIT '=-.-- DJTTEs -tlzzlq*l:' APPI,rCITION ilUST BE FIIJIJEO OI,lT EOUPLEFT&Y OR IT MAY NOT EE ACEEPTED rli* t* tr*t***l*t l*** *. **t**** pEFUrlt rrFonilATroN r*r*********a***.r**rrrtr***. l-Bu-Lldlng [ ]-prunrbrng [x-rl€etrr.car ( ]-Mechanl-cal I J-other VAIL Cot{gfRucrroN APPLTCATTON FON}{ gal Deocrlptlonr ners Nane: lwn ,n-,* l'.ot Z-l Bloc} Z FIllns ",; uL Adctreee: "I?t"t;L)_c; O-ltA.t L4 lolrz ph.ail Ph.y-E- G1t3 f LDING: I tl'tBING: rt!t** *lll **t*** r*r*f ttt**** reral ContractorS lrcsg 3 rctricaJ- contrgctor: lresE! Contractor: rhanlcal contractorS lreBa: ! *tt*t*li *tt t***ttt r ***** * rlr. FCiR ,IJDIIfG PERI.IIT FEE! IUBINC PERIIIT FEE: XIANTCTL PERUIT FNE: :CTRTEAL FEE: :ER, TYPE OF FEE:I FEE: ornun: s SABO g-EClI[cttrtC..fl€mrrc('BPtsrfieF-- mbing lress: 4 J. *<4"t nerrl oescriptlont -I&-.p . T"!l.r rk claaa! [ J-}|€n [ ]-]lteratlon t l_Addltlonal [ ]-Repatr I l-other nber of Dwelllng Unl.ts:lrunber of Accornrnodatlon Unlts: nber and tryp€ of Fireplaces: cas rppllance'._ caa togs_ wood/pelret l**t*tf*******l****************t VALUATfONS *******l*r*r*!r******r*r*a*******r EI.ECTR:TCALZ T.IS 9 MECIIAN: : eAf., l-- -*'-A CONTRJ\CrOR f NFonr'hl'ION TorALr f -- ** ***t t!r **t* ** it * *a* ta*****n of VaLI Reg, No.-e Nunber: Fcq- No' 2'?6 € >::L.1-'?ii;- --.- Reg. No, Reg. NO. oFrIcE usB ta*r.*l*t*i*******r**t***r***r* FUII,.DING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PII'UBTNC PI.Ail CHECK FEE3 IIECITANICAL PI.frN cHEcK FEE! RECREATTON FEE: CI,E]AN-UP DEPOSIT: IOTAL PERUIT TEEA: BUU.,DfNC: AIGNATURE: ZONINC: SIGNAIURET Town of val.l Phone Nuhber: Town of Val1 Phone Nurnber: Totrn of Vall Phone Nurnbors iai up lEo8rr ll@ r0: TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI\TT CONTRACTOR OWNER ilob Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: ProjecE No.: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY PMEIIT NoTE: TT{IS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED oN 'JoBSITE AT ALl, TIMES EI-,ECTRICAIT PERMIT Permit #: E98-0073 o DEVELO Status...: ISSIIED CIaTEAU TREMONTE BLDG B 1Applied. ':R04/22/1998 2103-l-22-04-027 Isiued" ': 04/23/L998 PR,l97-0198 E>Pires..: LO/20/L998 sABo ELECTRTC Phone: 970-524-'7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSUM CO 81637 SABO Er-,EcTRrc Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, GYPSUM CO 81537 LOT 27 LLC 1881- LroNs RrDGE LOOP No 1-4, vArL co 81657 Description: ELECTRICAL B BLDG UNrTS 4,5,6 vatuatrion: '00 FEE SU}.TMARY Total CaLculaLed Fees- - _> 348'00 EIeclrical---> DRB Fee InvcsligaEion > Hi-11 cal-1----> TOTAIJ E EES-- - > 345.00 .00 . o0 3 .00 348. OO Additional Fees-- -- - - - --> Total Pennit Fee-_---_--> Pa!'ment.a-__-__- .00 348.00 34S. OO BAI,ANCE DUE---- _oo rtem:06000 04/22/L998 rEbm:05600 04 / 22 /L998 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENI JRM ACTiON: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENI .JRM ACEiON: APPR Dept: APPROVED JRI"I-. DePt r N/A BUILDING Division: FIRE Division: CONDTTTON OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hc!6by acknoeLcdg. that I hav. rcad chi6 aPPlicati,on, fillcd ouc i.n full chc information requilcd' comPlcEcd an plan, and 6tat.e chaE all Eh€ information Plovided a6 requircd is corrects' I agrec Eo comply !'itsh the information tso conply wiEh atl Town ordinances and slat.e Lans, and ro build thi6 sEructure according !o Ehc Town's zoning and cod€s, d€6ign !€vi€t{ approv€d, unifolm BuiIding code and oEher ordinance€ of the Town applicabl€ cheleto' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MA.DE TV|BNTY - FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCB BY TEIJEPHONE AT 4?9-213S OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM accuratc plot and Ploc PIan, Bubdlvi6ion S:00 A 5:O0 PM DatOReceived APR 22 1sg8 APPLTEATTON }IT'SIT BE FTLLED Ot'|r COHPIJETEI'Y OR Ir r.iAy NOI: BE ACCEPI:ED tl*t**rr*r * ***** lr*** *i*l * 1r rr I PEIU{IT fNFOnilATION rf****lt*'r.rrr****r*r*rr11ja1 -a.-4'7 -fa ,Oz5o FENHIT f r- ,ntact Saglc County Alrcaaore Offlce .9lO-328-86'L0 for Parcel e . TOI{N O:l VArIJ coNsTRUCtroN .CEL f :.zlo3- lear,- O<1 -,r.t. pUnUr;i AppLfcATfoN fORIrt D\ruJZ|SL_ tners Harne' 5-,.* -.,-[ P,^4-5r LLt ---.chltcct: f(r -,ra^<l A..4rk:; ,Address;D}i.32-5 6113 IIJDING: 'ITUBINC; I neral contraotor: dre,gg: ectrical contractor: S<9. Ele<.tr<- o s ,e9 t va{ e.- Elt 3Z lrtrDl'rg contractor:ilreas: ,;,, chenj.crl Contractor:lresg: rl lr*lrr*ttt**ttrrtt****l* ***trr TI/DIIIG PENUIT FEE: fiEINC PERIiIIII PEE: :HAilTCAL PER}TTT FEE: ECTRTEAL TEE: IER TYP8 OF FEEI 1 fEEt IYPE SQ.ET. Tottn of Vail Res. NO.Phone Nurnbar: F,)R QFSTCE UsE r****r****rrr**********t*r*+**r BUIIOING PIAN cHEqK FEEs PI.,I'UBITIG PIAIT CHECK .FEE:UECIIANICAI., PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,E'AN-UP DEPOSITI TOEA& PERMTT tsrPS: BUIEDTNG! AIGNATURE: ZONING: SIONATURET . l-BulldlnE c l-prut'.blng Dd-rlrectrlcar I J-Mechanl'cal I J-other rb Nanc: Lru..t Ar&o. Too-1:y, rgal DescriptJ.on: Lot-F Blocl: 1 Flltns :neral Deecri.ptl,on: -3 o.if' Io,,,.t.,.*tJ B& 'rk class: [S/l-Ncw [ ]-Arteratl0r. I ]-Addrttonal I J-Repalr [ ]-other rnber of lxrellLng unitg: 3 Nurnber of Acconnodation Unltec nber and Tlpe of plreplaceg: Gar Appll.anceg._ cas rJogs_ wood/pellet *******rratlrir**r*******ria***** vArJuATroNS r**r*r*i*****r***itt**f******r*** ET'ECTRTCAL: I HEcBANtcAr,: f-'-'-OTBER: I l*t********lt * t* *** * i**, ** coNrF ACtoR rNnoRMAfIoN *****rr*l*rt****.****r****l* ?3{ col ota. Br q6 I ll Addfeeg: Eag o-tc^^t L,a ].ott7. Ph. Lans-tAqL : S,.,b o[.v'il, o ', u*;+s q s, r. torAl.3 f-- . -Town of Vall Reg. NO.Phone Number: qq qP pFlosrr rlmP m: VAI-,UATION o DEVE LOPMENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2t38 Ptan Check---> 112.50 Invcstigrt i on> HiLt cat l.---> .00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLTJMBING PERMIT JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES P9 7 -014 3 Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. I SSUED N70 / o6 /J'ss'; 70 /06 /.tee: o4 /04 / )ee' Status. . . 1890 LIONSRIDGE LOOP (CHAApplied. .2103-122-04-027 rssued...PRJ97-0198 Expires. . Valuation:30, 000 . 00 *r*t*t*ffi1*t|"**trr***ffiffiffi***lt****ff*ffi*** FEE SUl4t'tARy ffff*ffiffi*ffffitffi*r.tt*t*rH****ffiffi*ff**h* P Lumbing----->450.00 OIVNER SUMMIT PINES LLC 234 LOYOLA BLDG #911, NEW ORLEANS CONTRACTOR CASEY PLT]MBING & HEATING PO BOX 2684, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR CASEY PLUMBING & HEATING PO BOX 2684, AVON, CO 81620 Descriptj-on: PLttMBINc FOR NEW TRIPLEX LA 70112 Phone: 3039263640 Phone: 3039263640 Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additional. Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 565.50 565.50 .00 '565.50 565.50 **********ffit**rtrt*:tt***:t*rt**:t*ffit*ffi***n*ffff*ffrrlffi**ffiffi********:*iln*l;*---*;ii************iS"** rlerni .051q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:Io/06/1997 CHARLTE A---iont--EFFn cHanr,rE DAViS It'em:' 05600 _EIBE DEPARTMENT Dept ! FIRE Division:Io/06/1e97 CHARLTE AcEion; AppR N/A *iffi***'t******t****t{l***ffi**ffi'tt*ffi|tffiffiffi**HHffiffffi***ffiff**ffi***ffi******ff***Jrt****************fft******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ffffi*trrrffi***rr****ffi*****ffi*t****rht****t**ffi1**ffi**ffi*ffJcffii*ffr:t*ffi*tffi**ffiffi******ff*************ff*ffi* DECLARATIONS I hrreby acknolrtedge that I have read_this apptication, f il,l.ed out in ful.t the information required, compteted an accurate ptot ptan/ and state that aLt the information provided as requ'i red is correct. I agfee to conpl.y riith the infornation and pl,ot i:l,an,to compty Hith atl' Tovn ordinances and state lalrs, and to buil,d this structure according io'the Tovn,s zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Suitding code and other ordinances of the Town aipLicabLe theneto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIOITS SHALL 8E ITADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE OF OIINER OR AND OIINER i;ri';,:;W;i';Eiit:,t$-:: Y*:r.:?r:r*":::e" o j':'i'.^R!EL ut2lOJ/J61oYO61 7 pERMTT ApplrcArroN F6RM 0fZ_O27"-X Dtrx 1g_22 ^ ApplrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy oR rT MAy Nor "" o{!!I'r3- o'rg I t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMTT TNFoRHATIoN * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * r, * * * * * * * ,r r. * * * *t -t l-Building tX-elumuing [ ]-Erectrical I J-Mechani'car [ ]-other ilAa' Job Narne: CVtqt€a/ TPeuoq/€ rob A<tdre ==, /2/Q- Lesar Description: t-,"xt/ erocr_;f_ ritfns A/arofiuvfffi ' '' / owners Name: -f t/ttrrtrr/ n, -a '{((Address: ph. Architect , PnZ, 2Ag4^ , Address, pn.)Z&6tE General Description: !.tork class: 1|l -Wew [ ] -Alteration [ ] -Additional /){unber of Ddetling Units , 5 Nurnber U' [ ]-Repair [ ]-other .r[rrnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances , * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * it * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * VALUATIONS I 3UILDTNG: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ ?LUMBTNG: l@A.P-MECFIANICAL: $ i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. .* * * * * * * * * CoNT'R_,\CTOR INFORMAI,rON lencral Contractor: \ddress: ilectrical Contractor: tddress: of Accomrnodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ ?lumbing \ddress i Con ractor: **** * **** ** *** ******:k ** * ** * Town of vail Reg. wo.t?F-4 Phone Number: H.TolrJ rown of vair Res. L Phone Number: *o.Zl | -P r-../VV7 - ,lechanical Contractor: \ddress:Phone Number: k*******************************FOR OFFfCE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r( rt * * * * * * *,r * * ]UILDING PERMIT FEE: ?LUMBING PERMIT FEE: ,IECHANICAI., PERMIT FEE: 'LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: lomrnents; BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PLAN CHECK TEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION I CLEAN I'P DEP,OSIT REFTIND TO: TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, co 8a65? 970 -479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMiJNI TY DEVEI-,OPMENT .Iob Address...: I]ocation....'.: Parcel No.....: Project Number: APPI-,TCANT AIR DESIGNS 0065 1L0 Road #8, CONTRACTOR AIR DESIGNS 0065 110 Road #B, OI,TINER LOT 27 LLC 1881 LTONS RIDGE Fi!6plac€ Infornatsion: RoBtsricted: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT 1890 I-,IONSRIDGE PR'J97 - 0198 SLATUS...: ISSI]ED LOOP (CHATEAU TAppried. ., 02/03 /L998 Issued...t 02/05/L99s E:<pires . .: 08/0a/1998 ON ,IOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES PermiE #: M98-001-1 Phone z 97O3795454 co 81501 Phone': 9703?95454 co 81501 co 8L557 Description: FORCED AIR HEAT (BLDG B 3 UNITS) GTENWOOD SPRINGS GLENWOOD SPRINGS LOOP NO 1-4, VAII, +of Ga6 AppLiances ! VaIuaEion: *of 6as Log6: 10. 950 .00 *of wood/Pallcb: *i*rr*r*rrr*r** FEE SUMMARY Tobal calculalcd Fco6- - - > 278.o0 Mcehenicel--->220 . O0 Rc6tuaranb PIan Rcviow_ - >.00 Plan ch6ck---> ss.oo DRB Fac-------- Invcgtsigatsion> .oo ?oTAt 'EBS----- 21A.OO Totrl P€nnits FG6___-----> 27S'0O I.ti]l CaIl----> 3.00 PByflanes------- 2'lg'oo BAIANCE DUE. -. - *t*trtritrttit+ I * l, * { r t i * r I i t i rt 1 2. ? 4- 5. 6. e Item: 051-00 BuTL,DING DEP.ARTMENT _D-ept: BUTLDING Division:6>7di/1996-,rma Action: APPR APPRoVED .fBM- i-r.a'il;'os66O-irfng DEpAR.TT,rElri -- --- --.-- - -Dept: FrRE Divj-sion: 627fi/I-9t6-.rnM-- -- Action: appR N/A JRM CONDITION OF APPROVAI., FrEr,D TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK !'OR qQDE^qoMPLIANCE. tol,rsustl6N-AiR-rS nsQuinEp PER src . 607 -qF-TBE-1-991 uMc. ifrijtAr,tAilOlv-uuSi coNFOm,l TO IiIANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 Ul4e .-- cXs' Ai,Fi;r6iicE-f -SfrEi,r,-es - VeNTED-AecoRDIIlc _ To_-qgAPTER e AND diiLr,i,- i'uml r-wEf u-aS-s prer F rEo rry s E g . 9 -0 6- qE-EHE- I e 9 1 truq . ICCESs-io--HEatrNG-u0urFMENT MUsr coMPLY wrru spc. sos AND 703 0F THE 1991 IIMC.s6ilEirs-Sfrnii-sn-MouNrso oN FLooRs oF NQNcqTIEUqTI-qr,E coNsr. uNi,rSS- i-,T sTsb Fop laotnstrue oN coUBqST,rELE - EIoQRIIIG . FiiRr'{Ii . FLENS-AND--CdDE- ANAl,vS rS -larUst BE POSTED IN MEC}IANICAL n6ola pftroR To AN rNsPEcrroN REQUEST iifr i'nracin - ijp - MgCHANT eA[ -n06MS- EOIUAiNrwG HEAT]NG oR HoT - wATER ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST ijiXi'Naes - cjr' - MeCliANt eA[ -n06Ms - EOIUA iprwc HEArI NG_ 9B Hor - wArE R Eift'Fi;T-soii,eiiS--s-r1;1i,l-, EB-gQSPFED wrrH A FI-,ooR DRArN PER sgc. 21r-9 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h6r€by .cknot l,€dgc thrE I hrvc rGrd thl. rppllcrt.l,on, fl1lcd ouL ln fu1l thG lnfgrorClon lcqulrcd, conplcccd ln rccur.ts Plot. p1rn. .na.tr!r th.! rl1 thc lnfomtlon providcd rE r€quLrcd i.! corrcct, t rgra. to conply rith ch. lnfonirBlon rnd PIots Plen, to cotnply wlth rlL Tot.n ordLnrnca. rnd aEr!. Iarr6, and Eo bulld thls aLluctula rccoldl,ng tso chc Tovn'a zonlng rnd Eubdlv{Eion cod.6, dG6l,9n rGvlcn .pp!ov.d, Unifom Bullding codc rnd oth.r ordlnrnc.. of lh6 To!.n rppllcabk lhrloto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONg SHALIJ BE UADE TI'IEIfTI-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT {79-2138 OR AI OUR OFPICE FROM g:OO AM 5:OO PM ST€NATT'RE OF OTIWER OR COMIR.ACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER ( ,*Conro.r EagI tr County Assessors ;"" ac 970-328-8640 for Parcel #. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTfON Pnr ?z-on/ PER}IIT iI B ?Zt oze o PARCI1L // : I PERMIT APPLICATION FORM Jlo3 - /z?-oy-oz1 DATE; l-3c-9t APPLTCATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED e--gl-u.-.o,1 Ph. rob Name , d3k*-k%"-{-- Job Addre ==, fit!_ Lega1 Descripl:ion: f-ot l?Block_] riIin9 3 sunnrvrsrol ,4,-, r,,1U- #3 L*z ttc Address: Szg? Lfc Blr,l s€*.pi,. Address: owners Name: Architect: General Description: Work Class: fi-New t I -AI Number of Dwellino IInifs. [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other teration 3 Number BUILDT}'IG: PLUMBTNG:I \+********* €eneral- co Address: llumbcr and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances f s* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS EI,ECTRICAL: $ ***********i* * * ** *** ******* * * *)t ** OIHCR: $ of Accomnodation Units; cas Loqs__ Wood/pellet Town of Vail Phone i{r.lmber: Town r.rf Ve'.il Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. t T n **********)k****** tractor: ME cHAN r cAr : $ gar_e,se__TOTAL: I CONTRACTOR INFORMAI'ION * * * * I * i- i * * 't * * * * * * 't * * * tr * * * * * Town of Vai]_ psg. NO. Phone l{rrmber: 1.;l cctrica 1 Contractor: Address: ^r\6t t'lechanical Contractort 4,- losr.rs f\ - Adclress:. aou.r ilo e.! #i--At,.-,-"TVe,- q tteo t_Address: aoL,.\- l/o eJ #i 6/.^,,v"L1sFes-l# * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * Jr:t * Jr * rt * * * * * FOR BUILDING PERMIT"FEE; - PLUMBING PERMIf iEE: i =-:, --.---- Plumbing Contractor: Address: DRB FEE: -^omnents: PLUMBTNG PERI''IIf,r$FE: i -lf-:;_.='-- I.IECHANICAL PERI{IT FFF. ELECTRTCAL FEE:\. t.ELECTRTCAL nndlri ( -':: orHER rYPE oFl$hb: t[B 0T-1gF- ''.-- Tovrir r:f Vail Reg. HO. Z3_f:.4L Phrjtre Nunber: ?70 z7g SVSZ_- OFFICE USE ** * ** **tr******* ********rr*** ** *.* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN cHEcK FEE: --- MTCHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN..UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDINTi; SIGNA'I'URN; ZONING: SIGNATURE: .CLEAil I'P DEP.OSIT REFIJND VALUATION 75 roulh trontage road vrll, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 oltlco of communlty devclopmenl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this penllt fequjres a Town of Vail Fire Deparbnent Approval!Engineer''s (public !grfs) reyiew and approvai,' a piannini'b.pur*.n.review or Health Department review, and a-reuie* uy-in. dritorns Department, the estinated time for'a total i"ui"n-iluy"iuil'u, tong as three weeks. All commercial (1arge or smail)and ail murti-family permits wiil have to follow the above rnentioned max.imum requirem-enls. Residential and.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, if residential or smar l er .projects impact the various auove ment.ioned departments with regard to-necessary review, il ;;; ;;;j;.'ti'ruy also take the three week per.iod. Every attempt will be nrade by this departnrent to expedite this ptrmit as s.oon as possible. I' th. unders'i gned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. v z- Commun j ty Develooment Departrnent. Inwn TO: FPNM. rrtTF. SUBJECT: 0f llal 75 south lronta g e road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479_2139 ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL olllce ol communlly development CI,IRRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE rn summary, ordi"nance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , ro"X, sand, debris or nater'al, including trash iumpsters, portable toirets and workmen vehicles.upon any srreetl =i;;;"i;;-;ii;y or pub).ic place or anv nortion theieof. ih. rrght-of-way on ar-r. Town of Vail streets ind.I?og= is .pproxinately 5 ft. off pavement.rhis ordinance wil-f be =tritliy- !nforced by the :cown of Vail Pubric works DenartmenL. pers6ns found ,ih"Ii.g this ordi.nance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiar.In the event the person so notified. does not compfy with the notice within the 24 hour.ti"'"-=p""i;i;;,"if."i,,Eric works Department witr remove said marei-i"r -it ih;";";;;.e of person notified. The provj-sions of ini= orarnance shall not be appricable to c^onstruction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or a1ley or any uririties i; i;"-;i;ii_"_".y. To review ordinance No. e in fulI, please stop by the Town of vail Building Department to obtiin a copy. thank you for your cooperation on this rnatter. TowN OF VArL puBLIc woRKS/coMMUNITy DE\/ELOPIIENT MARCH l_6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & },I,ATERTAL STORAGE t n Drn.i ect (i.e. contractor, owner) R Y ead and acknowledged by: f,tr{; so -z r