HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 COMMON PLANS VAIL POINT TALON LEGAL FILEo z E =c !U o- F\ O'l c fn @ |-\r\ rt N |.\ U) uJ LrJ F =E UJ or O\..\ tqJ ..\ co 'E co CiOr I &l lI1 l XJ <t N FTI F{Hr H B.<o]t; Elra <iots :tr lo (/l a),zH Fr l= Fd E;:v F o g. F a z o o z z o FT &A A () H F]& frr ts 4. E I FI F{xl Ftl Ftl <l 9I c)I &l o uJ F z o z o =f (D o z z N z a a H g E o ts H trl FT H a H & H at)z H F{ F{ z () z N H H l |lr o i l! (r (r F 2 tu z 3 oCE tr ul a\z .,,3 dv <F 2.\152 (t) < ro \' .@ H (/:6 zoo O\OC)c)N HX z t{oo E Fa ''-1 EFI cOtrrA ..tt /^,t.I -tr -t+Alt '-tT IT zt+<t+rdt+ Fr t+ot+ ==8;R.;gsE: S F e sl 3:*Eg3:E.! c! r- <s Ffc^o € 9E:=$ :frp;:r.= nF c96E€ 35t:",-,=ld ti g E g) e =5 F I E g;;F: !3;ee o.(go-=cl= - o "(!:o-E .o;d9E :tEpq iIo F !'i o !sr:g EEF:: - o;9; .c; O U' C g- -': =:,f5!= c u i to:3 U >,=d c-=-> T: F9 3 ;g;Eq 9Eo -{ iE$Ea r) .d. c'\|-\o\(.)F |r|rt (\ rx rx rx X E r<t<6{rx X 0c r\ (. 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(! r! t )< ><-,.X )..i5 \., \-/ = =91 mil> +'{ rX rr<Ll4t_xtx F llJ o- u- E2 E<clf o9 E2 B9 ecc =>EIF E H=c, i i'ii E ;E E 90 P -- u.l EXC t x>i!--F ct '1 iD-!; LU c) F G -- E =E,lrl o-z 9 F (J f E.F a z o (J l I I I I dl =.1 ol uJl :l al >l t!l Zl ,,t =t :ol ur FI F.' *l rl 6l nl "l =.1 ol IJJI 1l al >l u-l ol zl 3l ol FI .4 z E B =g l*l ttl l'rl I lc. I l* |tt tl 4ol 4=l pl Sl I crl V -Ll g<l -d >l rq xl Bl '.'l tzl E|A El I C)l 4l r-r I ll > | c.ti cl Nl Frl Nl -ll .ll .tl Hl gl 3t ;l "l "'l Hl -rl El sl *l ,.,-l (nt "l tzl >t 3l El ol trl Fl |.\ C\ e'l I N .ir l14 l ll qe{l H-{l HI HI (rl *J .il "1 >l trl ail dEl H(rI E -,,1 t-] <l 3il tzl !=l qol dFl (\' Or Ln I o\ -o =FJ o z 14 = a Fl H or o\ C.l fr uJ o o z H >{H Fl IIJ & F X (\.l Ft ce E{z H F1 H u; z (D (J z ) F @ rn I 6 \o T z Fl Fr H F .tl C)l I zll Hl I ll .tl c)t I F4 | 't-l <l orl tNt (A | --r I rdt I ()l xl 9l Fal .t ul F1l H .'l cl 'rt d t<>t J El a trt E F t F z C) 2 I LI,J = t ir = rJz r .(J ) E F uJ J LU 2? =#)z o-O o E <F r!<zE (tZ F LU t 'r E .J <()a?.fo o PH <F ?a,9:(,< lr!9 NOrlYn]YA al .. >l ul r!z o F : z Z ZrL ooo ; ^ -tn Zl E A 3E ttoG 3b fi l: 6 oq i sg E r(\|O o ErrrS =oN . E )- Q €-. F ti -{d3 I I $i I -J FI wl tl 7. 1 X]lal I i u; =z Co LO | _l CF t^ ,h q-t- A L ( t l r,d lr;.> :-],l dJ .'1 ,1 1 / o -9 -7 E o. ffii d/l 'ftr.'31 ss fll ilu ddt I *l il ;l Tl Z1 )l il \l .-) E E l! 4 v i,]--r 'l .71 I ol 7 (, uf IG IJ t<l>tt!lo tr lo IF r'l a -d T ui J gJ F tl I ;l dg il c r-l J j{3 ll lL -fo tz HF ol 1l (' ul c b 2 3 o F I J t!F E uJ z 3 o F (J uJ =a E -rO <F E(J uJ<zc, 71 2 -o o JCE <o C)F =() FE -z r!O o E 99 s3 =F d.6 () i5 =3 E6 e t-, =+E oi o ,C) Ed en 9H x,r<t<x x z oP zF< aoo =z 3E :E? =8fi dd= tr =E IJJ c o l!o E :E ul c o EU a,z E<*a =e IP E'E .EE E >_, ;UJ EF 8i E::X tv ?=EX IE o=!E UJ @ o F E - .D 'tl a'-41 -r rl (1 Y.. ts =E trl o.z 9 F (J =E F 9.,z o () EtrD B[}O L .\ 75 routh tronttg. rord n il. colondo 81557 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlo ol communlty dcvclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WISH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS,/COMMUNITY DEVEIPPMENT !dARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,IATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or naterial, including trash duurpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, si.dewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinrately 5 ft. off pavernent. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Public works Department. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial.fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with the notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the Public llorks Department will remove said naterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. t (i.e. contractor, owner) Read and,acknowledged by:r\ .l ./' .-;7n., (\rr.. n.r - V1 0 \ '_>j \ ,. i'-l I ',....-I.r^-t \t, r Date ar lnwn ?5 louilh frontllt ro.d Yrll, colorado E1657 (303) 4792138 (303) {7}439 of llce ol communlty dc$lopntcnt February 19, 1991 l{r. Steve Gensler Parkwood Realty, Inc. 5299 DTc Boulevard Sui.te 5oo Englewood, CO 80111 Re: i,'Vell Poht EullcllE '!co tor Eulloings l-a Dear Steve: Below is a list of conditions of approval for the release of a Temporary Certificate of occuPancy for Bulldings 1-4. 1. If you request a Temporary certiflcate of occupancy before the-paving, landscap]ng and drainage .'ork are completed for any lorti6i ot the lroject, you wlll be reguired to subnit a tetter of credit foi fOOt of the cost for this work before the Temporary Certlficate of occupancy will.be released'please lttow-at least two yeeks for the revlew and approval of the letter of credit by our departnent. 2. Rockfall reports will be reguired for all units or buildings before a Teroporary Certificate of occupancy will be released for the unitl or Lhe buildting. I have revLewed the rockfall report frorn Nicholas lalDperLs. The report_ is dated January 28-, !gg1-. I would like to know from Nlcholas what the previous recommendatl'ons are shich need to be followed' ihis reference is nade l.n the second to the last paragraph in his letter. r would reguest that Nicholas state ln the letter whether or not any iaaitional nitigation is necessary before Tenporary Certificates of Occupancies are released for buildings 1, 2, 3 and 4 and the durablfity-of the grout in the rockt above the proJect needs to be reviewed' F Mr. Steve Gensler February 19, 1991 Page 2 3. The Town Engineer ls requlring that aII existing drainage swales wittrin the proJect and along the Lionsridge Loop Road be cleaned out and fresh cobble be added before a Temporary certificate of occupancy sill be released for any of the units. This issue should be addressed by providing a letter of credit to cover this work tf lt has not already been cornpleted. 4. I will refease the renaining uoney in the escrort account at stewart Title ($10r429.25) for the Vail Point proJectrs landscaping and lrrigation. Once the building permit is released for the first two units of Phase II, f nill release half of the anount of noney in the letter of credit for the foundations ($g,656.25r. The First Bank of Silverthorne letter of credit will need to be renewed and the expiration date should be extended to Uarch 1, 1991 for the renaining 59,656.25. The renewed letter of credit must be subrnitted before any building pernits are released for Phase ff. You agreed that you would use the first portion of the letter of credit ($9,656.25) to add sod around the ent4nray and first building on the left per the approved landscape plan for the project this fall. If, for sone reason, the sod work is not conpleted, I will not be able to release the renainder of the letter of credit for the remaining two buildings in Phase II until the sod work is conpleted. 5. Vegetation along the retaining walls will also need to be covered by a letter of credit. This was also part of the developer I s agreement. 6. only T.C.o. rs for 10 units will be released before the recreation building is built. 7. The tetter of credit for the rrFoundationsl must be extended to Septenber 1, 1991. At this time, building pernits bave not been picked up for Buildings 2 and 4. steve, I ask ttrat you let ne know how we stand on these issues. I arn not sure wtrether the sod was added by the entry way this past fall. rt" Mr. Steve Gensler February 19, 1991 Page 3 I have also attached the previous letter, outlining these concerns which you received before the buildlng per:mit was released for thEse buildlngs. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact ne at 479-2L38. These itens will need to be finalized before the TeDporary Certificate of occupancy will be released for Buildings 1, 2, 3 and 4. lhank you for your attentlon to tltls natter. Sincerely, -hl u-\ t,.t N\f'[nn ( rQ- Kristan Prlti Conmunity Developnent Director /ab Enclosure cc: Greg lfassey Dan Stanek Gary lturrain Or offics of commurw dc{tlopmenl 75 routh tronlagc rord nll. colorrdo 81657 (303).7$2138 (303) 47$2139 SepteDber 20, 1990 Mr. Steve Gensler Parkwood Realty fnc. 5299 UrC Elvd. Suite 500 Englewood Co 80111 RE: Vall Point Bullding Permit for Buildings 1, 21 3, and 4' Dear Steve: Belon ls a list of condltions of approval for your bulldlng permit for VaiI Point, buildings L, 2, 3' and 4: 1. If you reguest a TemPorary Certlficate of occupancy-before ifr.'p."lttf, landscaping, ind dralnage- work are coupleted.for ;t F;i6;;i th" irojict, vou wiri.be resuired to subnit a feitir of credit foi rlSt 6f-tfre cost for this work before the Tenporary certificate of occupancy will be released. Please iffow'at least 2 weeks for the review and approval of the letter of credit by our department' 2. In building 4, units A s B on the east end of the building are at 38 it. ln height. I reconmend that you watch very closely ttre roof rtdfre heigtrt for these tno unlts eo that you do-not have an overage when the Improvenent location Certlflcate I's subnltted. 3. Rockfall reportE will be regrrired for all units or buildings before " r"ip"i.w-ie"tificite of occupancy vlll be released for the units or bulldlngs. 4. The Town Engtneer ls reguiring that all exl,sting dralnage svales wftnin ttre projedt and-along the LLonsrldge Ioop Road becleanedoutanarrestrcobbleaddedbeforeaTenporary certificate-oi o-cupancy wlll be releaeed for any of the unl.ts. {:i o o 5. |lhe Torrn Englneer Day requeet that you prorride the easement on Phase Ili for the e:<panded currre at Buffehr Creek Road and Lionsridse Loop. Thls easenent, lf necessary, would be requlred before a T.c.o. is released for any bulldlng or unlt. 6. Throughout ttre constrrrctlon of the proJect, adeguate.flre access nuEt be Provlded. 7. I will release the rernalnl.ng noney ln the escrow account at Stewart Tltle (910,429.25) for ttre Vall Polnt proJectrs landscaplng and lriigatloi. once the bulldlng pernlt le releasel for the ftrlt two unlts of Phase II, I wlll release balf of the anount of loney ln the letter of credit for ttre foundations (99r 656.251. rne Flrst Bank of silverthorne letter ot crdaii 11lll ieed to be renewed and the explratlon date shoutd be extended to ltarch 1, 1991 for the renaining $91656.25. The renewed letter of credit nust be subnitted beiore any building permlts are released for Phase II. You agreed tnit you wouta use the flrst_portlon of the letter of cieait (S9r6-56.25) to add sod around the entrlmay_and-first buildinir'on the tift per the approved ]andscape plan for the troject-this fall. li for Bome reason, the sod work ls not Eorif"t"a, I vill not release the rernalnder of the letter of crehit foi ttre renainlng two bulldings in Phase II until the sod work is conPleted. If you have any further questJ.ons about the proJect, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ,) I n\)/. I t/6 J\tfHnlr, tt Kristan Pritz Corununity Developrnent Director I agree to comply wittr the above conditions: II, Vail Polnt Y a BEARN,EY MIIIXR SIAITEI'IENT FOR IA}IDSC;APE OONSTRI'C'TION Julv 20. 1990 DATE; CUSTOUER: Parkwood Realtv. rnc. 5299 UIC Boulevard. Sulte 5OO Enolewood. eolorado 80111 PROJECT: IOCATION: ^ttn: Steven Gensler Landscape/Irrioation RenovatLon at Vail Point 1881 Llons Ridoe Loon Vail. Colorado Original contract: Change order ,1: Anended Contract Arnount: Total Value of l{ork Done to Date: Less Retainage: 10* Less Previous Patments: s 24 .796.72 203.24 25. O00. o0 s 24.796.72 o. oo o. oo 'IUIAL AI,IOI'XT DT'EI t Fotf gluPl.grroN I 25 ,000. oo Balance Left to ConPletion:-0- Please Reuit To: BEARDSLEY T'IIIJER CONS!RUqTION & UAINTENANCE CO. 19 Inverness way EaEt Engtewood' colorado 80112 Ecaddcy Mlcr PIEPCrties, IrE ' r9!nas$yE*,lAlcrEo4CognUo0t)&'181 Ecddcy lgcr Bo&A 6 A..g.y fil.' Atg,oo & lfi@ 6 Ldcy 14lcttr6'og@ Ca COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 CHERRY CREEK NOBTH DRIVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80209 Telephone (303) 321 -1 880 Ttil. l^tu..nca Comp.ny of Mlnn..otr l. r.ubridl.ry ol Mlnnnot Tttl. Fln.^cl.l Co.pgt.rlon. NASOAO Symbol - MTl7. LAND TITLE GIJARANTEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver. CO 80209 321-1880 13693 East lliff Avenue Denver, CO 80232 751-4336 8333 Greenwood Boulevarc Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 31 10 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Su ire 102 Denver, CO 8O227 988-8550 830 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge. CO 80424 453-2255 303 South Cascade Colorado Sprlngs, CO 80903 634-4821 l21l Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 P. O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 3600 S. Yosemite, Suite 350 Denver, CO 80237 779-0220 650- 1 7th Street Denver, CO 80202 629-7329 9725 E. Hampden, Suite 103 Denver, CO 80237 750-8424 L'(ti cullt'l Ilt'tF. S(]HErJIJLI: ts-.1 {E:tcertiong t finrlicntion No. t'08?53-9 "t'rJHt'l BF Vf\IL, L:tfLORnDO Arln DfHERg. fn .fr't Cot'ltlIT"trb SCHEtrl-llH B-2 (E:<,:ert ic'rrg ) /rnrl 1c.:t ion llo' GC)99:i3-9 Ttri, rolicy or' r'olicies to be i:sued urill cgntain e:rccntiortg to the fol I orrri ns' urrlccs the earr€ aFe disrosed of to the s.rtisfaction of thc i'r:,nir'.:rn'r: J . gtandar'd F-:,lce'nt iortz I thr'orroh 3 nr inted on the covcr' :'heet' a. I i-:,ir.-3 and ,f 55cs!.nr4,trt 9 trrt r'ct rluc or r.av.tbl e and 3r'L1c i.;Ll lgge:'snrentg not vt-t cert i(ied to ttrc 'l nr'o.gur'r:r's otf ic;:. 'i. ,irr'r ttri?'..1 ld taxrg r:r' aSsr-'95ot'.'nts a!)lrr:.t caid 1'errd. '3. l-ierrs f r-.r r-rnrai d uratcr and s.euJcr char'Fe5, if arrv. ..t. Ri:siRiLlIvE t:r.]\.rENiil'lltt tlHIr;H tto NUI cfll.llAil{ A FuriFEIlUflE t-lR RF.VERTER CLAITSH, fi5 Cfir'iTnrNELr If.l Itt:;-t Fl.JFlEfir FIECORUED S[:FfEMLIEH 2Cf, 1t72 {l.t BOUK 2,:5 fil PAuIE ,}4:J AtiD ll.l::., IHUI'1Etlr Rt.f-oRDEF :iF:fITEHIIER 29' l?7: IN Ertjtrl{ if23 rll F.ricE 56.3 f;uD'lHE {il'lENLrf1Ef.Jl HE(;trR[tEn IN Ftlt-rf;233 r1I PAr;E 53. lr.r. l-,fILITY EASIjFIE|'llS:lO FF-Er rfJ l'lri-rlH, l() FF-E'|- f-'ll L.At-f1 SltlE: uF nL-L il.l.lE,FIr-iR LOT t-{tJE:-}. rlllF A 15 Fr:rrrT UiIl-Il'Y E(l."EllE'.iI r:\L.rl,flr-i t\f{fr fiBlJTT'll,.16 tril At_L EXlEF(IUR l-O'l l-Ir.Ji:S rrs FFEFR(,'Ftt irH ]'l-lF. F'.LrlT Fr:lh l-IDN',E: RIlttiE ::.1-lrirlvlttut.l , F ILitiG f'lrl. ? tli'tn t.Ir-11.1 'F FIDr-,F :::l-l'HtrIVIS'itltl , F ILII'16 tlft. :J. lr. F(IrjHlS trt- liAY FrrR LrI-t.r:jHF:g OR tiit'ii-tLg L:L,rNgltil.li..-fFD EY 'i HE fiUlH(rRil'Y OF IHF- rJl.tI f t-:D Sl'Af E.;, r-i5 liL_t:,EHVF.D .f l.l t.till l t1D :; f(rTE':l FAI F:1.11 RECl,lREEt, rlUu;LltlT 1C., 1i,09, IN Fooll 4a {\T PnGE 54". @ r:rrs,t'trF:llr,"rtirl HtGll'r rir- tiAY A:; f-iFiiljl€r ltl H|ILY r-FiO:;5 l:.L.ED1 RiE f;.it:Or-:I/rTIl-rN, Il.lC:. , Il{ il.{5'thtlf1G.f.lT KEL:nHttEIr AUfjtlgT 24, lt67 Il'l BOilti .111 AT Filr:iE tO:?. l-j. iii-itiFFf,tFf,l'r FE i l.lFF.f..l Tr:iYVFt. FUVIR|_1l,ll'lF.l.l'fdiL i-AI'lf, t:OF1FANY fllitr I'l(Jtrf.l'iAIN itjl'lb:3 fE:t-r-:pHrrilE pRrJr/ILrI|.trj Fr:r'R'tF.l-b:Pl-l{lllF- lt.l';riril-l.fiTl|ll'l lllin:i;t-RVIt]E iHFlarttrrHlrlll t-Ir,rl'l'g Rlt-lGE a-,l.ltsi1M5;Ir.rfl, FIl.lfl6 l'lfl. 2 FIECORIJFt' SEFTFHEER ]--i, 1t7:r Ill Fiut-tl: ;l:^r1 arl' FnrjE 2?1. 14. t{}GHT rtF t-'RfrFF{It-:TrrFr OF fl YEil.,l r-rR l.-ltlrF'lO EXIRAI: f ftf.ll, hEl4irVE HIS f.'RE THEttEFrtrJt.l gi-lLrl.tt L'l rHE tntlE Br: Fr:rl-ttJll frl FEf'lr-1'RfirE f.Ii iI'ITER:"EuT THE: F.REHI5E5 ris HEa-;F-hVFrr Itt L'f{ITFr' s;'tATF3 F'arlEt'11 irF RECuttD IN INi-i'rRl.JMEl"lT RHr:tlf;LtF:L"l f\LlGtJtf 1€.' 1t()':t i:t.t EOA''. 4A nT P,-lriE 342. Fr'li:;El'ler'lf drllil RIGHT LtF l,iiiY flij l:iRfiNIFil T{., HOt-Y r..:tll-rsg ELELTftIC ,fii,rf;[Irt'r'Ir]ll, il.lr:,, Il.i I]l::,lRlJllEt.lT Rh:ur:rRtrEil -llJLY 31 , I')72 tn' 9661.; 2:?O i rT f.n6F :r5l . l{r. tt.rE.t.lt-v FfrDT Ln$F-iltf.,lT FuR Fi); iE,l lf.tG FiOiiD rif'lll i-;Et'lEH tfJi,F(or'it:Hl4ElJT A5 KEtjLrtVE.lJ rllt'lllE rl-ilT F(.lR t.iOI'l'5 KiDtlE r:;l-lL?l)MSIr:rl'l , lill--Itlo l.iD. 3. t7. IF-liili, trP'-tvI:iIfir'15 r'rl.l[r tr:rtJl.rIT]r-,flai (tlilIflIf'lELr iN-l-Hir'l- t:ERT/i1I'l :'rlll lE...riI (rJH frrrn-F Et.lF_l'iI Hy r\lrD riltr-rl rr.r t_ i[l-l. g pilr.iE fii:f0cia]l-ES, Lfn. ' lHE Q,.tn crlr,tlrlt"-3, 5CHEI}ULE B- 1 (f<e.ruir'emr:nts) /irri icc.tion t',lu- tlo$t:t3-y f he f ol I otrllrrg nre the re'rulr'cnrents tu be cc,nrrl ie d uith: L. Pnymerrt to fir fur the ir ccr,urrt of the srantors or rrortoadoFs of th€ t'ul I consirlcrat ton f rrr ttrtr estlte or inter est to tre insured. ?. Pr.vrer lrrgtr.unrgrrt(s) cr.e'atirrsr tbe cstate c'r interest to be ingured nru:t b !.r cxecrrted and dulr filed for r'ectrr'd, to-utltl ;J. Tf.trlliE t{rrfiE AFFIfrl:VIf LtF tiORt'tr)N-t,IHITNEY-3FlF, vAIt- L ,:l GEI*IF.RAL PfrRT}IERSHIP }IUST EU RF.LIJFDf::-I.I IN THE DFFICE AF THE CLETTK T1ND REtrORTTt'R OF HACiLE CL,I'N1'Y. 4. l'rARRnlllY r,F-FEt FROt'l LlON',g RJtrGE nsg.O0rrllE-S' LTn. A I.IHI-rErr PARTT'IERSHiP TO BORHAI.{-I.IHITTIEY-SI.IFI VAIL I' A $EI'IERftrL PART'}IERL]HIP COI+/EYI RTJ ST,8.JEL.I. FRQFER.TY. :i. I|EEU trF TRL|St Ff{Ot't trnRl.lAN-t.rHIlNEY-514F, \'/tIL L A GENER/IL FARTNERC;HIP TO THH pUBt_IC TRI'S..]-EE rlF EATTLE COUt{',rY Fr:iR l'HE |JSE OF FItlST FlfiTIt}t'lAL Bfii,lK trF l]E,tt\ttiF TU SEf:tll\E lHE s:Llf{ LrF .t7OC1'()(}(!.CtO, Qtro coHr'rrr"rn SCHEEULE fi r'rrr I t cat i on |lo. GOB933-9 Fer r I nf ornrat I arr Onlv -.tl.h.rr.''es - Oruner Po I i cy tt, 1iJ7,2O l.c.rr<ter Pc' I i c"r S:?O. i)tl - - tt:Jl rtl- - - *2, 147.2c, flith 'rorrr' rc'mittarrce please rcf Etr' ta BO.9?5J-P. L F.ff;\ctlvc hlter C(. lgF{Et( O?, l?Bf-i +t €ttOO A.H, 2. Pol icie.., to be l::rred, and r.roFosed Insur'edi " fiLTri' fJtrlncr.s"s Fal icv Fc,r'rr B-t9l;l) t rirlrr:rrded 1{)-17-,ri)) El ,2Cr0, OOO. OO Fr,:,ra ee ci I nttrr-ed t fictRFtnll-ItHITNEY-El'lF, t,rrrll- L il GEI-Jl:FilL FAR]tlEttSHIP "rit-1ii" [-c,.:rr PoI icy ( tt:/O Rs'visic,rri Pr-ot= trgtd I rr=,rrr gd i FIHST I.JATIT,IIJr'IL EiINH CtF I.'ENI'ER t 7oii, Dt)(). i)o ?,, Th-'r:ltata or irrtr-.rest irr the l.rnd dtscribed or r'a'ter'r'ed to in this tl.r:,nrnri tori rrt arrd covcrcd hcr'e irr i5l A FEI: .'1 , litlE t,.i th* estate or' i ntc,'ri:r.t cuverad her*in 1s st t-t'e effective 'J;rt* hrr'ct,f 'rc'=tc.d i rr: LILtN"E f{ItrrrF rISEiCJCIA'rES, LTU,, A Llnrited Far'irrershiF 5. T fr r-' 1.r,rrd r<f c'r'r.cd to in this tlonrnritrrsrrt is descr'1L'ed as f ol I otrs! l.O-f 1 FLOtPi 3, [-Itrll"S RlDiiE {j.:LtEUIVIStftl'l , FILIf.lli l{0. 3, ACCCTRDING'tO IHF: Flrri- Rr::CDliDc-:ll S.Et]'t-EtlEER 1r], 1979 II'! BAfiY. 2r,'O frT PrlrGE 794, COUI.JTY OF EALiLE, g;]'A'fF: CrF *trl-tiRfiIi8. TIM Fcfrm 25a2 2ltl _AMERICAN le D TTTLE AssoclATloN CoMMITMU - 1970 Bev. Jrrur lrusunnr.rce fiorvrpANy ot |\i|lnrursora a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein -called the company, fo1 a valuable consideration, hereby comrniiilo iuiu. its policy o, poiiii.r of title insrirance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the pioporua lnsureO na'mea in Schedule A, as oinei or niortgagee of the estate or inlerest covered herebyin the-land described or i.fe'rred to in Schedule ,C, upo;p.ir.;t of the premiums"an--d charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserte<l-in Schedile A hereof by thi Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such -policy or policies-of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease .ra i.l-ii'r.i. rii ronttti "ft.t the efiective datL hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever llrst occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the ComPany. CONDITTONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Inswed has or acquires actual knowledge_of 1ny defect, lien,.encumbrance, adverse claim or o.ther matter affeciing the eitati or interesi or mortgag'e thereon covered b/this Co'mmitment othe.r than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shail fail to disclose such knowledfe"to the Company in w?iting, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any-loss or a.111ug" r.rriting fiom any ict of reliaice hereon to'the extent thI'Company is prejudiced-by failure of.the proposed Insured to so?ir"los. sjch knowlidge. ii thtt;;p;;d irisured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company,.or if the Company other' wise acquires actual knowleige of any su'ch defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or_ other matter, the,Company-at its.option ;; ;il;d $h;6f. S oi t"hir Cotnmitment accor<lingly, but suih'amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability prwiously incurred pursuant to Paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed.l nsured and such parties in' cluded under thi definition od Iniured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- li-ance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to compiy *ith the requirements hereof.o.r (b) to^eliminate excePtions shown in !.ft.O"i. n, oi (c) to acquiie or-create the eiiate or infeiest or mortgage thereon covered by this CommitT::']i. I." no event shall such liability exiied the imount stated in Schedule A for the policyiipolicies committed ior and such liabi]lty is subject to the insuring pro'visions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exilusibns from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com' ;itt.d%, in favor of the proposed Insured w'irich are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed- Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the siatus of the title io the .it.t. o, interest or the'staius of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Slipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: l. Rights or claims ofparties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, -ard any facts which a correct survey and inspeciion ofihe premises would diiclose and whiih are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafler furnished, imposed by Iaw and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records ot attaching' subiequent to the effective date hereof but prior io thi-date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to.be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date sirown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer orotherauthorizedsignatory' lrrr-e lrusunnrucr fiorvrearuv or lff rrur.rEsorA @2..**-8","^=-_ (w COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 CHERRY CREEK NORTH DRIVE, DENVER, COLORADO 80209 Telephone (303) 321 -1880 *p __\,cb*4d**a.- \ . l-J"*_*- Represe nting: frl-e lr.rsunaruce forvrearuv or ffirrur'rESorA