HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 VAIL POINT UNIT 25 LEGAL FILETOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMI]NITY NC[E: TIIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address. . . : 1881 LIoNs RrDcE LP I-.,ocation......: 1881 Lions Ridge Lp #25,Parcel No. .... : 2LO3-L22-07-009 Project Number: Status...: ISSIIED vail Applied.. : O5/09/L999 rssued...: 06/L7/L999 E><pires. . : L2/L4/1,999 .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M99-0057 APPTICAIiIT CONTRAqTOR OWNER Descript,ion: Convert, wood to gas fireplace Fireplace fnforoalj,onr R€Etlicted: ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT ST, DENVER CO 80223 ROD IIALL COMPANY 255 }ryANDOT ST, DENVER CO 80223 KING MATTHEW L & EDITII W & MARVI PO BOX 5501, VArL CO 816585501 Phone: 303-777-7700 Phone: 303 -777-7700 3, 500. 00 *of t{oodlPal1eL:*of eaE Appliances: Valuation: *Of GaE IJog s : FEE SUUMARY tlGchanical- - - > Plan ch€ck- - - > Inv.otigacion> will call----> s0 ,00 20.00 . oo 3.O0 .00 .00 L03 .00 103 - 00 -101 .00 . oo Regtuarant Plan Rewiev- - > DRB Fe6-------- TOTAIJ FEES'- - .. Total calculated Fees--- > Additional Fee6------ --- > Toca1 Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- .00 BAI.ANCE DUE.-.- .OO Dept: BUILDING Diwision: JR- .JRM Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE L997 UMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTAITATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFAC'TURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF T'IIE 1997 IJMC. CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SIIAI,L BE VETiITED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND STALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED TN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI{T MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O]-7 OF T"HE 1997 I]MC AND CI{APTER 3 OF THE ]-997 IMC.5. BOILERS SIIAIL BE MOI]MTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOT]IiI:TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND EODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I TNSPE TION REOI'EST,8. DRAINAGE OF MECHAI{ICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HCE-$IATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F THE r-997 IIMC, OR SECTTON r-004.5 0F Trfi l-997 rMc. ******************************************************************************** IEem:051-00 05 /1-O /L999 06 /L4 /L999 Item:05600 BUILDING DEPARITVIEI{T GGOODELL Action: NOTE Routed to 'JRM ACTION: APPR APPROVED FIRE DEPARIT{ENT DECI,ARATIONS I hlloby acknorl.dg. bhat I havs r.ad tshi6 applicati,on, fil1cd out in fu11 the information requirod, conplet€d an acculale plot pl.n, and €tat€ that all lhe i.nfonnatsion provided aE lequilad i6 cor!6ct. I agree to codply rith the i.nfordat.ioa and ploE plan, to comply titb all Toln ordinang66 and Ecatc lass, and co br.riLd lhis Btructure accoldlng to the lorn's zoning and subdl,wj.sion codet, design r!'\ricx approvGd, UniforB Bqilding Cod. and olher or:alinahc.E of ghc Tosn applicablc th€reto. RBQttESTg FOR INSPECrIONS SHA]JE BB UADE tl{lMY-FoItR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPITONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE PROti{ 8:00 A!4 5:oO PM C-l-r ,l t il srclqruRE oF ororER m co*rRAqroR FoR HrMsElr A.!rD oi*{ER U - \ ,r '",J- - u-ii=-f,\ {,* C jrrt.ic c f,,ru.r'; 328 gle Coun c -8640 for t03-/a-rii"i";'e;t"1ffi "" vArL coNsrRucrro ).1 UU1 PERMIT APPLICATION FORM ox,rt z Ii4=_22 PHL\lI'l' r, r APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT T]E ACCEPTED U I* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t PERMIT INFORI,{ATf ON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * zr * * * * * * * * :r * * * * *,l [ ]-Buirding [ ]-plumbing [ ]-Erectrical ]d-Mechanicar [ ]-other rob Name: )/a^1 fa&al - rob Address: Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filing____l_UlnJ_V_Iil_,tri, owners Name: ltWV_L!+^q Address: Z.l zr/ , u ____-____6_ Address , 3t,?!o I /t&gLF A pn. W7- ol>s Architect:Address:ph General Description: l^lork class: [ ] -New ffi_elteracion I llutnber of Dwelling Units : l-Additionat t l Number of -Repair [ ] -or.her 6*iaild?:#Fi:d;tilffi ;.,ff \qlffi F*;.i;rkilnr,*i|lii_ii,ip;*. I]UILDING: S EI.ECTRICAL: $ OT]IER: $l)LUI4lJIl'lG, T-- MF^pr\\r1-,-i r - .--:5--it- r----: Accommodation Units: Adclres;s: Town of VaiL Rco }.r^ Phone Nurnber: Electrical Contractor: Aclclrcss:Phone Number: _ PJ.unbing Contractor: Address: Llc Mechanical Con tra t^) ctori Add.ress: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT }-EE: MACHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ILECTRICAL FEE: OTITER TYPE OF }'EE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. lJO.'Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. no. /*A-4 Phone l.rumber: 3OZ-nn:md O FOR OFFTCE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CTIECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.AN CHECK IEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATIoN FEE! CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: cLtiAN llrl DIPoSIT RtrFIIND TO: VALUATION JUNO9 r999 a 75 ooulh tronlage ,oad Yart, colorado E1657 (303) 479-2t38 or 479_2t39 TO: FROI{: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlty devciopm€nt *lh,"S}rHcroRs cuRRENTLyL REGTSTERED wrrr{ rHE TOWN OF VATL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\TELOP}IE}IT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE ii.!:flqtir3l:i"nce No- 6 stares :l1r it- is unrawrul ror any or rnareriur, -in.iuliiiu.ll.i"5ffi::^1nv soir, r".i, 1and., aebris w o r km e n v.r, i c i. " * rp_o,,'.r] - ;.;;il:.,.!ii,;, ii i.li i :r.: i t; li, i F - - " Pr?g. 61' any porrion.tneieoi. --;i" r:.gn€_oi_i"r-i" al_t Town or iiii ::;ffH":"$,i?"si I-=-i;;r";iu!=." s rt. rrr pavenenr.puuri c-ili;il";";:;i,ff,::'i:::I,:"f:ff;.,lir:ii;1""" or Vair ii ltr:""7lli".f, . to r,""i -'riiiJi"ior i"" -to -i!ilJ.,ll'=u, o rna re ri;r r . :iii ii+iilir.F;l*r"::::,:l*l.i::i+$,:$=';l;ii";;il;$:"norified. rhe orovision=-.r"'ii i;'3iuil"*: :il:il';olroSJi,on appricable to cbns.t.""ii""l-d$;:llr:" o5 repair projecrs or any street or alley or any ,riiiitr.., in,the right_a_way. _To.review Ordinance. No. 6 in full, p)_ease stop by the Town of ::i*"::i13i"g"o;f,i**:l:"::"";;:i" ; ";;;.--;f,.;il you ror your acknowledg fositio urrnY+- 7 /?? a (i. e. contractor, owner) RtpT131 esleg/1999 OBrOI RECIuEsrO^r?II":E'X.ibi*"3hHl?3u'o*e9,/ 1999 pA6E 16 AREA; JRM Aetivity: lrl99-oo57 6/?9t19 Type: B-HECH Status: ISSUED Constr: AAtrT Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE Ltr Locationr l88l Lions Ridge Lp *25' Vail troint Farcel: 21O3-1??-&7-9,09 Ucc: Use: Description; Convert nood to qas fireplace Applieant: ROD HALL COiIPANY Fhonez 303-777-77QO Owner: XINE IIATTHEIf L & EDITH W & I4ARVI Phone: Contractorr ROD HALL COI'tpl{NY Phonet 3Qr3-7-17-7748 I rrspeet i on Request Requestor: trLARA Req Tire: O8:OO Iters reguested to OO390 lvlECH*Final Inforration..... HALL Corrents: UNIT 25 be Inspeeted... Fhone: - OWNER T.IILL BE Act ion Corrent s f^*cf,c /brr W2Brrc;'&l^tlL Cns PrPt u1o 3$3-777--77b,n THERE Tire Exp Inspect ion Iterl It er: It er: It er: Iter: Iter:Iter:It er:Iter: History..... o,o,?eE HEtrH-Rough OOAES FIRE_SPRINKLER ROUGH $A?49 trLFlB-Gas triping OO3lt, ltlEtrH-Heat ing g,o'3?g lrtEt*l-Exhaust Hoods OG33rtt ltiECH-SuppIy Air o,o340 i|ECH-ltlise. OO39O ltlECH-Final S0536 FIRE.-FINAL C/O -. Yc't. lor'-[- *'L E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 04/01/1996 Phone: 30347643'74 CONTRACTOR M04/07/1995 Phone: 04/0I/1995 Phone: 3034764314 Also i-s Applicant TOV/Comm. Dev. TO{YN CS VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2138 APPLICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1517 VAI IJ , CO 81658 l,icense:460-B Also is OWNER KING MATTHEW L & EDITH W & 4450 TIMBER FALLS CT 1503 VAI IJ CO 815 57 Li cense : CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1517 VAIL, CO 8l_6 5B License:450-B Desciption: ADD LOFT ABOVE GARAGE Clean-uP DePosit Refund approved r .l'-. . i amount date Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas bgs: 0 Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Constnrction: V I-HR Not in table! Type Occupancy: ?? Not in table! Valuation: $6,000.00 Fircplace Information: Restricted: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address.: l88l LIONS RIDCE LP VAIL Location......: VAIL POINT #25 Parcef No....: 210312207009 Proiect No...: Permit #: 896-0038 Status.....: FINAL Applied...: M/01/1996 lssued...: Mll0l1996 Expires...: 10/07 /1996 # of Wood Pellet 0 Total Calculated Fees-> Additiortal Fees-----> Total Permit Fee-----> Payrnents----------------> BALA\CE DUE....-..--> # ofGas Applianes: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building---> Plan Check--> I nv€stigation-> Will Call--> $105. 00 Restusrant Plan Review--> $68.25 DRBFee-----------> $0.00 RecreationFee-----> $3.00 Cl€an-upD€posit----> TOTAL FEES_______> $0.00 $20.00 s0.00 $100.00 -+296.25 $296,25 $0.00 $296.25 $296.25 so.oo Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04l10,/1996 DAN Item: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENT 04/0]-/L996 LAUREN Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT 04l10/1996 DAN Item: 05500 PUBTJIC WORKS 04l10/1996 DAN APPR CHARLIE DAVTS APPR APPR N/A APPR N/A Action: Action: Action: Action: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approved Unifomt Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FoUR IloIJRs IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Setrd Clestr-up Deposit To: RUSTY SPIKE ENT. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEA AND OWNER PAGE 2 ***** +'i*'i {.:l't:l,t********+;t:tt +**** *:i*'t* *:**:}* +*:t** *lr**'} *:t:l'F:f * +*******:l** +{t*** +**'+* ***** **:t* +**'}*+*:t+**'t**:}** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: 896-0038 as of 01-15-2001 Status: FINAL *****+'tlr*{r:l,t******+'}*************'*'}*+**'}{'*'t{r'}**:f i'i:} **:t't** ******'l*:t** +**** +**** +**** **:i*:f :}*********'t****{t Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Applicant RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES 3034764374 Job Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: VAIL POINT #25 ParcelNo: 210312207009 Description: ADD LOFT ABOVE GARACE Conditions: Cond: CON000l07l NO EXTERIOR CHANGES APPROVED WITH THIS PERMIT. Cond: CON0001072 LOFT BEING BIJILT IS FOR STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQTIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE 1997 TIBC. Cond: I FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}.IY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Applied: 0410111996 Issued: 0411011996 To Expire: 1010711996 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE RCAD Irnrr an elAq?vr.lrJJt vv 97 0-47 9-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIiIS PERI"IIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADf/ALT I'IF BUILD PEzu"lIT PCTMi.t #: ts96-0181 APPL]CANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 81658 ?C 6o {- \; ta CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. . Project No. 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL POINT #25 2t03-!22-0 7-009 PRJ96-0027 Status. . . applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone:3034764374 Phone : 3A347 643'1 4 I S SUED 07 /03/7ee6 o7 /05/ree6 0t/0t/ree't OWNER Description: REMODEL DOORS l-ND WINDOII'S / vArL/ co 81558 KING I,LATTII'N L & EDITH VI & ]"IARVI 4460 rrMtsE( rALLS cr 1603/ VAIL co 816sTOV/COmm. DeV. Clean-up DePosit Refund (1r-c ir n: rr r-tl . m'.-^ /r^h^f -rr^L i ^h._L V Lrg \-\JtlD Ul- L-I\- L r\Jrr . Type Occupal:cy: rr-1..^.r-.i^4.v ct _L Ll c. L _t !J I r . Rl .'.1uIti-FaniIY V 1-i:R Type V l-liour 5,000 approved amount ciate Add Sg Ft: Fi reptace Informat i on: Restricted:#Jf Gas App I i ances:fol Gas Logs:dof Hood/Pat Let: ****J(#r*ffi***************iti**if****+#**ri.t***J.***Jrffi* FEE sutll,lARY trt*#**L******ff(**tt*Jrt(t(***ri*t*****i*****#ffiti*Hrr* BuiLding-----> t5.OO Resi,Jarant P[an Revieu--> .OO Totat Catcutated Fees---> 279.75 PLan check---> 61 .75 DRB Fee--------- Investigation> ..,1 lecreaticn :e3----------> -OO Total Permit Fee--------> 279 -75 l,i(tca|'|'---->3.0ccI.e-r-t,fDecos.it--..---->1oo'ooPaynents---------------->'I(,iAL tiES------ ****JrJ*rtff()H(rt*ff******ifJ.i*t i r::.*:.i******x***r*****Jr**iciit***i**i*****tr**#****ff**rcrr*****lrrrt*********iffiir}l(*rrH*#rttHt:k*t *** IIEM: 05i:i BUIL).:{G DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON: o7 /03 i rc9 e. CHAR-Is Action: APPR 0'l'/03'/1996 cliARLrE Action: APPR ii.6i;' o54cc -i;ilr-xltixc rEl:ntuellt- Dept: PLANNTNG Division: 0'1 /03/j,996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE LAUREN PLANNER O.I,/05'/.,9)6 .IIAR.LIT ACtiON: APPR LAUREN APPROVED It6ml'056\,i FIRE DE.'-a-1T]{ENT Dept: FIRE DlvrsLon: 07/03/1995 CHARLTT Action: APPR N/A it'em;'o5s:r-FtjHira ',r-Ci,K:---- -'---- - '.-- Dept: PUB woRK Divisj-on: ol / ciz I ts s z, ,:HARL i: -r.ct i on : APPR N/A fit**!t**-t****rtx**xi-x::r:.:;--.-.^::.i..xx*x'.-cii'.i'r:;}-^'r:(Di;:.^-kx-xi**i;tr*f*x*******t********t*f#(********'|l#lr*L*ff**#t* See Page 2 of.:.--i-s Do,:'-i:i.:nt for any conditions that may apply to this pernit. D ECLARAT IONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I llave re:C:his 6ppLication, titted cut in tuIt the information required, comPleted an accurate Ptot pl,an, and state that a.r, .l,e ,rrforr:tir'n:.ericec as requireJ is cofrect. I agree to compty with the infonnation and Ptot P[an, to compty vith atl TJwn o:s,.,:ilcss enJ i:e,,: Lalrsl eno to buil,d this siructure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design rev;ev a!pr:v:d, l.jnrfrrr:ui',oing ccce end othsr ordinances of the ToHn REoUESTS fOR INSPECTlol..S S-,.-- :E l{A): -i.:r\-'-;C.J? I'CURS tl,l A)\'ANCE BY cabte thereto. send ctean-uP DePosit T:: RUSTY SPIK: ** ** ** *******:.::l *;. j. t:t**:r * t.;r ', * Y ** * **** * * * ******* * * * ***** ******** * * ****** ***** * **** CONDITIONS Permit #: ag6-018L as of o'l /08/96 status: ISSUED ***********'.**ij'1,,]i.{**,*.k*'i******************************************************* permir rype: AJDIALT i'1? tsJrLD PERMTT Applied: 07/.91/,1:226-'=iiliii.ii;; li:Ti;ipii<s-i'rrnpnrses ," ffil::; Zll\'rli?'rtr Job Address: Location: '"AIL POIIIT +25 ParceL Nt-r: 2iAr-122-07-J09 DescriPt:-on; REMODEL DOCR; rr-IiD i', ii-iD'lVlS Conditions'1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIP.ED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' 2.ALL?!]Ni'lR3Tlol'IS.l.NWALLS'CEILINGS,ANDFLooRSToBESEALED WITii .:.N .:-]?.?RO.'E, FIR.E MATERIAL. 3. SMOKL DT-'.]:ICTO.-,S A.q.E R:JQUIRED I}I ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 4. FIITE D!;.::.T1.1E:;T.1:?R.O.,'AL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY I'fORK CAN BE r 'l.all( - --, , o SIGNATURE OF OI NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI'INER o ***********************************tr****************************Statennt TowN OF VAIL, COLORADO ************************:t*************************************** Statennt Number: REC-o164 Amount:239.75 07 /08/96 1,0:28 lnit: cD Pavment Method: CK Notation: #7416 Perrnlt No Parcel No Site Address Location This Payment 996-0181 Type: A-MF 2r03-122-0 7-00 9 188I LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL POINT #25 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 279.75 279.75 .00 **tr***************.****J<*Jr*************************************** 239 .'7 5 Total Fees: Total ALL. Pnts i Balance I i\^-^,-in+-inn lJg D \-l rt', r.r\Jrr DSSIGN REVIEW FEES tsUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS i^[]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE Account Code 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Amount -20.00 95.00 61.75 1,00.00 3 .00 |*Concact Eagle County Assessors office {,rud;5:"-"",j"":':.?'39x"?i g:#f;ili3f"ffp pER}'rr /,___tr Mry D^r8,3(f4qr"i#b ^l APPLTCATToN uusr BE FTLLED o* "onf,*rY* o* rr MAy Nor BE AccEprED '-'4\-.rr4\'n sruDr D! r'l!L!;rJ o{rr co}rpr.ElELy oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprED U N****** ** ** ************* ****** PER!fiT INFORITTATION ************ ********* rr ******7R_ x-Buirdins t l-prunbing t l-Electrical [ ]-r-rechanibar [ ]-other "oo-"."., f 'F arrr/;*, - lSqeZ"==-r'ZrZE;/ )'i5- Legal Description:Lot Block_ Filing Olrners Nane: Architect: t tL)/"11 Address: Address: General Description:l,t/tn ' t{ork ctass: {,ft#F""r, }*of."rarion '1 i-ouur.ional Nunber of DwelLing Units: f"l"t and T14pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances It*'t * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * ** * *** yALUATf oNS BUfLDfNG: tSP2' oa ILIJMBTNG: T- Address: Electrical Address: Contractor: Plunbing contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: I J-Repair ( )-other Nunber of Acco'nmodation Units: Gas Logs_ Woodrzpellet ** ** ****** * ****** ** ************** OTEER: TOTAL: ELECTRTCAL: I ************* ***** ** ******* *r t **FOR BUTLDING PER}IIT FEE: PLUIIB:qNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAII PERMTT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: oll * ******* ** ************r ****Town of Vail Reg. xo.(LO-B Phone Number: t7l-42-78'--.sg_C.L|L__ Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: OFFICA USg *** !r* ****** *********** ***** *!rr*BUTLDTNG PIAN CIIECK FEE: _P_LUt'IBfNc PI.AN CHECK fEE:I.IECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUTT SEES: DRB FEE:A,^-- rr r,4q3f__ BUTLDTNG: STGNATUREs ZONTNG: STGNATTIRE: CLEA}I I'P I'EP,OSIT NEPI'IID 75 routh ,ronhgr mrd uril, cotor.do 8i657 (3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 TO: FROU: DATE: SU&TECT: ottlcc of communlly deyelopmcnl ALL CONTR.,ACTORS CT'RREIITLYL REGISTERED WTT}I IIIE TOWN OF VAIL TO!|N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIr{IIII NITy DE\IELOPMENT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUETTON PARKTNG & }IATERIAL STORAGE (i. e. _::ltractor, ohrner) ------> rn su'qmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawfur for anv person to Litter, track or aepo=_ia,;;-r;irl-rJ&, sand, debris ;:"ffiH'+:ii.i::r"ains tiisr,-iuip=teri, p-iiuliJ. to'"rs and tif"=::":ti fffi#:.f,:I":!1""i1=ligilil5i *]+,t;i,lHiii*,, r"ia ;;i;;;";. *iL T! ::,i:iil.:li$:{;';i.r;:T**:lllt,"Public works oe"ariu"it. *plriins found .ril,r"Il"g this ordinance witr be siven a- ze rroui-rri;i;;';otiJ"1o-;;;;;'sa'd materiar..rn the event the person so notiti"a-ao"J-";;-;;pry with the notice within the 24 rrour tine-Jpeciried, the pr.iri" works Deparrment will ""ror.-Jiii.;ltlii"i-ii-inJ'!*i.*i=" of person no--ified. The nrovirion=-ot-'ifis orainance srrirr not be appricable to c-ons-tt""iio", -liil*tnge gr repair projecrs of any street or alley or any utifiires j.n the right_a_way. $lri"fiil"ff3'B:l:e.No. 6 in rurl, pr:?=" stop by trr" rown ot "oop"iifi;;";"tf;il*:i:":: obtain a copv- ti'""i vou ror your =/2)onship to Fiojecc-r lnwn 75 routh trontrgr .o!d trll, color.do fl557 (3o3) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 offlcc of communlty dcvclopmcnl BUILDING pERtiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAfiE if this permit reouires a Town of Vai.t Fire Department Approval ,Engineer',s (publ t. f:fl_1il;;'.il'approval, a planning. Departnrent rev'terv or Health Departmint.review, "ni...review Uy tfre duitafng Siri[SE'];"1!: "r.t*ted tinre ro"'.-to't r ""ri"*-i,"y..L[!.", rone A'll cormercial (large or sma'' ) and at murti-family permits wil.l have to fo'lrow itre ioove menti6neJ-maximum requirements. Residential and smal'l projects ttoria'iiie-;'i";.;'amount of time. However, if residentiar or sma'l er,projects irpaii'the various above mentioned :i3:"ff:lnXtll"i:nll:-t"lii::;ali-ieui"*, tnese proje.li''uv Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite this pennit as soon as possible. ' r..rrsrrL Lu expeo'lEe tt i;.ill undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and time lr //a-7'r te l.,lo S n ee t wa i-tu r-nEZ-TiToThE Devel ooment Departnent. 1?" TO: FROM: DATE: RE: . MEMORANDUM tt ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUTRED Job Name: Date: Please answ the i owing questionnaire regarding the need fora.pubtic Way permit.: YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the dghr ol way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right of way, easements, or pubfic property? 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staoino parking or fencing? B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by CommrJniry Development? lf^vgY. "Tytred yes to any ollhese questions, a'Public way permit" must be obrained.?ublic way Permit' appiicationi miy ba obtained at the'puj1c work,s otfice or ai 9,o.T T rl iry Deve lo pm e h! ]l l"t Br: ^".r]/^ Ore stio ns p I ease cat I C h artie Davis, rh e Town of Vaif Construction Inspec,tor, at 479-21&. 1) 2) tp;eaa and answered ail rhe ^)*," questions.ZfuZ/ Contractor,s /rlb 1?uatg Sp,iht €ntezpzuea P.O. 80X l5l7 VA|L. COLORAOO 81658 Apl,o tr."- b?4 '*4; rlzt/ Fi-J P.O. BOX r5l7 vAtL, COLORAoO 81658 PH. (303) 476-4374 Dgu)lD tilDz w ti,+i,*\ J, "i,.-1 {-o'-'- lYlvD trY/ t"sl 0 ie,,-, o$ Town nf " OFFle H r,- Un,i* , Putg Sp,iht €ntezpzket P.O. BOX l5l7 VA|L. CoLoRADO 81658 SLiarr' Daor LJ lt lba vu *r<lttz SauA 8z /zo,y ili- trnr,rd brru g'9"t8' OFFlOt u*-, IIE/D Dts,,; tl trt *] ba>e.g Aa-s ,/zi/ ForLL P.O. BOX l5l7 vAtL. CoLORAoO 81658 PH. (303) 476.4374 J995E'rer' 'f ' ' ' MATTIIEw L' KING . 4460 TMB;R-int-i"s coi'rRT" No' 1603 -- ^-VAIL, coLoF'ADo 81b57 rELEprIor.{E, n a-giii i**.t*i}it dO: j 8 89'072 3 (weekdavs) (I'land-Delivered) IanuarY 6, 1996 Eoerd of f)irectors ilail PJi"i l'ownhornc Association 1881 Liorrsridge iooP Varl, Coioradu 816J7 Re: Requcc For Approvsl For Alteration to Exterior - Ildt No' 25 Dear iloard: In accOrdance with Vail Point's Association documents' this letter is to request approval of ttrc Asso:iadon ro makc *" f"ii"*i"g alterations ,;iil;*;-of Unit No' iS' v hich is locatcd rit-'tPPtt mst end of Vail Point: l. Add rviniow on east-facing viall'top story' as shown on theattached sketch' fi .:-----e"Oli-f- Replace bank of lindows.on ry:lT:T.Il,i J:f,:o story with glass tloors (opening ::t3:-"#[;*;; ;'o'"n on tne attached sketch' Town of Vaii Qualityrnareriaiswillbeused,finish,tritr,andwindowcladclingwillmatchthatalrcadypregent. ifyclushouidhave.anyquestionsor.retluirSfurtherinformation,p.leasecallmeatthetelephone numbers ahove' r-teisi sign.tnll]"'t,t:.1]; t#';;;;;-il;ided'irelow inrlicatirig the Boerd'$ aDproval so that i'mil-sut-rit this letter'with rn-v rcq:uest,iol.1oo*ud to the Town of vail uisign Review B#": ffi;,d cr*,ry upp'#i",J y'oul erutiest ,Lip,r^rse to this request. Sinct:rclY' OFFICE CU. "-{.l t -:996 rl , 1gpt.l a Category Numbe( Projeol Name: Proj€ct Description: FRiUI: :r -iilJ ':l:;7 tjt1.35 Design Flarriew .Action TOWN-OF VAIL F.,. I o Form ArohitecVContact, Address and phone: rcgal Description: Lot -- Block-- Project Street Address: Zons District Comments: Motion by:Vote: $econded by: -'J- -DRB Fee Pr,,:"perid'i1_i ' 7-01-1996 8,16Pf.1 FROI1 riiNc 5Ll3 757 eJ'35 MATTITEW L. KING 4460 TIMBER FALI,S COURT NO. 1603 VAIL, CO E1657 303) 889-rt23 March 18, 1996 Comrr;rity Develo,pment Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Ms. lauren Watenon Re: Applicition for Project Dcsign Review Dear Iauren: Enclosed is my application for the installatron of a window and replacement of windows with glass doors at: 1681 Lionsridge Loop, No. 25 AIso enclosed is a checlc in the amount of $20.00 and a letter showr;ig apryoval of the exterior changes by the Vail Point Townhomes Association, of which the above unit is a part. Attached o tf at lener is a diagram showing the changes approved, (hoposed skyiights in the re<1uest has not bcen approved at this dme.) If you should have any related questions or require further information to process this review, please call mc at (303) 889-0723. Thank you for your assistance in this m?.tter. Sincerelv.ai/7':it'/, / !l. ; i ! Mdtttrov !. rine i enc Check No. 1048 | I*tter dated January 6, 1996 Town of Vail OFFICE COF 'a a a a dl s p' *: ii e ;..- ;, -. rl iul 'I r,. l: :-i >'rio j; E ; .-ir > :, i .1 -' i, :? fE o i z tu tl- z ;<,F f o o I o J z N { .ltil': -'l (tr l' a (r ul ul YE5=EE.1 5 ;,':a 8o rI" I l 1'r:,r.r-O rrar,Lij r) O o 9"i n:ii r.21Rc- ;' lt/ J L-l coaxo E"Nf r;;;Fr 6 ,i, .D & [ '. | .,iL i :;I ,_ O l- ---- i=q .--------| =a< lx;1t' 'I ro: o-o-' .) ,J G^9 ari,{ ,., i- so ex d,-t: F= ;-;R *5 P llio x.-l t+-i-t9i -.: :? q{!ef re(rcrlEts l,t -" ;? !4 a*1c \! lc i | :,'l i :r,l:l---, F;- [_--* l, l'nnl -", "i ,re-s I x6-9 lr{t; sl t{01-9 L.ie ql or.e l-x ..-=-, I t;; ; Rl dd6i **:-i: f-- =_- .i -l J;-N I -- =I ,.. I ooi< ! | ic):iii i _ r: €f*.' | ' ..2 .r, d, "r,l.l | .. - F-:r i': i : r.i.:+9, r:;] a J t<. UJ o:_ z.a)- F--C) di l;:(<h F 7_ c) ag 'i .: i.),'r ;: f,.Ugn of Vaif "€{08 c0 r f .'x'al I .y€-s I ll.e1l s 3 c e ti a ag 6? il, i ntt i ""1"'^'ll ll .il N "i N,3 I l- Fs,f ,; $p F.q sst{ !$Ii $s{{ i$I J (.t All -81) i{6.9 lr)r r) ct-9 v OIIT$WING FRffiffI DOOR$ o ?'! I I tr U' c- 7 r{ 5 (, ,),,) .R t Mas Cog nqh C,rx) Glass Sizo 2-71. 2.3 2-4 4vo" 4.11iw. 49 4.8 ?.1' , o "i "t 1{ -- ,1C$1821 f/C!ui824?w lii l rll illll 'i cMlqrf .!rv?816 29 r::1 i:-lll T-i_rit i - ltr --_ tl Lt tir | l|| ]t-f-l-lilll il ttl vic$:8rc ;!cvl8.to 2w iil lirllirll iltlimtnn wcM28.{0 3W l{.lto |\,4;irvin lnish r.olor3.,howfl here are ,eprcruclrq, r3 and Jre su biect to photographic and prinlurg limrtatrons. BAHAMA BROWN rlir'; oiviii 4 riendJa'nb 8 S,I Dera,l ..-r---_] ri l - Oayr,qhr --.1 I Ocen no li sasi -- -- ' _ l',lasonry Oper,.a rri,r^ SiJ,, Sash Open,ng Il trxth (JOontr)A Jrmh Ootiit FlcE coP' ^r.,'! -.r r ,-:l tr-J-iV .- .-- \y rol t I GEHTRAT ORDERMIS ruffM ffi ATilOM. mm-ffi]] MEDIUM BRONZE Glass St2o ... \ryHITE PEBBLE GBAY MARVIN EXTERIOB FACTORY FINtSHES. CLAD EXTI iiIOR FINISH OPTIONS . L4arvrn clJd wrndows and door: feature tough attractNe e'ttudt LI um num ctadO ng cn oOth Sashind framc erter.rs ' Li.'|id:'rg 5 do.Jlcd w.llr a htClr-Oertormarr:e fl.OroCarbon f,nrsb ' )iili l,ilTi;ll1:;;i1'/' nAu'r rn'i z m 'pnc'iif itrni"' -.8?L{41tr 10i TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0161 P O.BOX 1118, AVON CO 81520 OWNER KING MATTHEW L & EDITH W & MARVI 4460 TIMBER FALLS CT 1603, VAIL CO 81657 DesCriPtiON: ELECTRICAL FOR KITCHEN REMODEL VAIUAIiON:2,000.00 *.r*t*****i***********ffi:t*Jrrffi****ffiffirrntffi*i FEE SUllltARY trrffi*ffiiffiffir*t**i*ffiffi Tota[ Catcul,ated Fees---> 53.00 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. . Project No. APPL]CANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC €tectri caL---> 50.00 DRB Fee Invest i gat ion> .00 t/i l. L ca L L----> 3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 53.00 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL POIN"I # 25 zLO3-122-07-009 PRJg6-0027 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 .@ 53.00 53.00 .00 I S SUED o7 /22/ree6 07 /22/7ee6 or/L8/ree7 Additionat Fees---------> TotaI P"rnit Fec--------> BALANCE DUE--_- t{***ffi ffi ffir*r*lrffi ffi ***tffi #rrb(#ffir*#r*i#r*!tffrffir***)t*****ffi *tt*ffi ffiti***ffir Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 6l/zz/tssa CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR ERNST ffiffi***"t***ffi******ffik* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO qL{ECK EOR CODE COMPLIANCE 1. ALL woRK MUsr coMPLY wrrH THE 1996 NEc **tt*ffir*f*ffirttit*i.ti'ffiffirntrt*ffi ffitffi ffi ffirffi ffi ffi *fft*tftffiffi*titr:H DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoytedge that I have read th'is appl,ication, fil.l.ed out in ful.t the infornation required, comPt"ted an accurate pLot ptan, and state that au. the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to comp[y vith the information and pLot ptan, to conpl.y with aLt Torn ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according to the Torn's zoning and subdiv'ision codes, design reviev approved, Un'itorm Bui[ding Code and other ord'inances of thc Toun appticabLe thcreto. TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADo statemnt **************************************************************** Nunber: REc-0174 Anount: 53,00 07/22/96 L4:04 Method: CHECK Notationz *!6260 Init: l'lAC Statemnt Payment E96-0161 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2to3-r22-0?-009 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL POINT # 25 Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: ****************************:r********:r*****!t******************** Permit No: Parce1 No: Site Addreee: Location: This PaYment Account Code 01 0000 41313 0t 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 .00 Amount 50 .00 3.00 07,'19186 13:41 F.{L S70 919 6749 Addreea r Hechanieal Contractor: Address: *r**t*******r********ir***rr*rt* Fon ISILDING PERMIT FEE: PIJUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'TECIIANICAI. PERUIT FDE: ELECIRTCAL NEE: OIHER TYPE OF FEE! DRB FEE: I|UITE RIVER ELEC @ oor PEzulIT #.,,"; i#1, fi :; ;, 3 - il;',; : : ; iT]'n'oii " " vAr L coNs r*o"r, oO ff;rct ii! Ho3 -,tz-o1:l!_q pE*t{rrrrpplrcaTroN FoRr{ , APPLICAEIoN l{Ustr BE FIr,r.ED OrXt COI{PIJETEI.'Y OR Ir HAY NOT EE ^ICCEPTED I********************t**t****** pERl.tIT INFORI{ATIoN **t**t.r******:r*i******n PERI.IIT INFORI{ATIoN * * t * * t. r * * ** * *:r * i * * * * * * * * * * * t * t l-BuiJ.dins t l*Plurbing [ ]-Elecerical [ ]-l{eehanibal [ ]-Other oP * zs' ,'1 Job Nahe: 6ln,,fob Address: LeEal Description: Lot__ Block- piling \eor) ownerg Name: Ftwtt nMtTeLd . Acdress: 4(h0 flaeta.- 3A:45--W-p'i.'.'asq -ozz-3 Arohlteat! ) tvl tl Ph. Gcneral Descriptionz AITCHEil EEtno,DfL -, .- --, - Work Class: [ ]-New l{-Alteration I J-Additional [ ]-Repair I i-Otber Nuhber of uselling Units: /Nurber of Acconnodation Units: ^ ljpmber and llype of Fl-replaces: Gas Appliances_ GaE l.ogs_ lvood/Pellet_ l****i *l* **** ****!r*** t t *.* * **** *** VALUAIIONS * * ** **t******************* ** t****rl _\ ..a-BUILDING' I -._-- ETECTRTCAL: $ Z, b6A./OIHER: $pltruErNc: E- MECHANTCAT-: l- trorAtr l- lr**r*r*********+********++. COll11RAefOR I tIFOnHAtrl OH *****-r****.*.*r.**r*r*****fleneral Contractor! Toqrn of vail Req. No.Toqln of vail Reg. NO.Addroca! Phonc Nunbcrl fown of vail RGCI. no. t4{'{ Phone Nuroberr 94q -/4i- town of vail Reg. NO. Phcne Nrrnber : Town qf Vail Reg. NO. Phgne Nunber: OFFTCE UgE *******t***f*****t************* EUTIJDTNG PIAN CTitsCX, !'gC: PLUI.TBING PI.AI{ CEECK FEE: UECI{ANICAIJ PLAN CITECK FEE t RECREAUON FXE' CI.EAX-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI. PERI.TIT FEESi BUILDINGI STGISATI'BE: ZONTNG: STGNATI,IRE: Electriea]. Contractor : Adalress ! Po PlttnhJpg Contractor: Conments r CLEAN UP DTOSrI BEFT'ilD l!O: 07/19,i 96 13:41 FAX S70 94S 674S IIHITE RI\rER ELEC U JI,IEMOHANDUM aooz TO: FHOMr OATE: FE: ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WOHKS ill|AY 9' 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Dale: Flease answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need ior a'Public Way Perrnit': ls this a nEw residence? ls demolition work being periormed thai requires the use of lhe right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility wori< needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different aste$s nceded to site othBr than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easernenls, or public property? ls a'Flevocablc Right Of Way Permit' reouired? 8) A. ls the right el way, easements or public property to be used for staging, paking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parkirtg, staging or lencing plan required by Community Developmenl? ll you answered yes to any of these questionsr a -Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' application$ rnay be obtained at the Fubliu Work's otlice or ai Community Developmenl. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Constr.rction Inspec'tor, at 479-2158. lhsve read and answered Ktn/ ysg 1) e) 3) 4) 5) 7) I \) ) V V ,2:,W Job Name contraciors $ignalure -?6 07/Ig. 98 13:41 FAX 970 87{9 9{9 o 7g touli l?onlrgf rord u!ll, sels66s 6657 Itoll 479-2138 or 479-2119 I{IIITE RIYER ELEC @ oog cfflCr ct se rn unlltf dtvslcpmtrrt BUTTOING PER}{IT ISSUAI,ICE TII,IE FR,ANE If this permit reouires a Town cf vai] Fire Departnent Approvar,Ens i neer 's ( pr,11 ic lro rks ) .iuie'' . nl 'ipiiouai,'i iiii.,'ii li6"oIol"m*nt review or Health Depar."tiint review, an[-..review by the guflding 3!ti[rT!t,l;ethe estirndted tlmi tor'a"tiir review may take as i6ng Al'l connnercial (iarge or small ) and all multi*fami,ly permits wi.ll have Lu-fo|row ine ioove n'rent'i6nec niiirur requirements. Residentiai and snail proje;ts shourd take a teiiJ. imount 0f time. Hnwever, if res ident'ta] or snal I er ,projects impiii tle various above nent.ioneo 9.,.i:.lT:lt:.wi tn regarci to- ni.irsi"i-reui'.*. ..hese ornjects may drs0 tari(e the tnree week period, - Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this pe'rnit a5 so'n as poss.lDre. L^r'Ls' et Lr'J . l1 tne unders'igned, understand ',he p'ran check procedure and timc frame. Conrnunity DeveIonm?rtt DeDartnent. 07/tg/96 13i11 FAX 970 949 B74S W[]TE RI\IER EIJC @ ool oltlcc Cf oommunjty devrle prnrnt o 7t roulh ,?onl.gr toaat vail, talErrdo 8t617 (303, 479-2138 or 479-2139 1I0! fROM: DATE; $gerE(;l: AlL CoNTRAeIoRS CURREITTI.yL REGISIEED WrTri rHE TOWH OF VAI]J t.owN 0F VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMIIUNITY DEVEIOFTGNE tIARcH 15, lggB CONSIRUC"ION P}RfiING & }'ATERIAI., STORAGE rn sun'o.ry, ordinance Io. 6 Etates that it is unlarfur for any Derson to ritter, track or deposit. any soir, rock, sandl clebris er nateriar, ineruding trash-[r]rnpsters, portabre toirets anc trcrkrnen vehieres_upon-any srreetl ;i;;;ai;;;ii;y-;, pubtic ei??. or any pcrctin rh;i";f:--in. ,isn"-of_way on atr rosn of Vall st=lets and,lga.ds is approxiiarely 5 ft. off pavenent.rn:-s crcir':,ance nirr u, itriiiiv'"-"i"""1a-ui-iiJ-ioin or vail Public !'torks De'artnent. persons to'.rra-,riir"iinl-ir,i= qrdinance '"-rli'. be given a 24 ilour writtin 'iotice to le'ove said ma'er:ar.rn the event the person =o notiriia aoei-npt-;;pi; wirh rhe notice vithin rhe-24 hour.ri.ne =p."iii.a,"G"=u[iie r{orks DePartmenE, Vil1 remove said nateii*r _ats rh€ clqrens,o ef pers0n r.c--:'5i-ec- llhe provisions or trris orainance shalr not be applieable to construction, r"i^t.rr-ncc or repai.r psojeets of any street or alley or any utilities rn the right_a_way. To review ordinanca.No. 5 in full, please Etop by-the Town of vail Eullding Departnent to ouciii a coFy. rhank ysu rgr your eooperaEion on this matter. n Y (i.e. contractor, oHner) oz .o @ ru o .a) aru c(o aFr E .,- 9 I d'r o vl U lnO I FI Itr oz 'o otr j il ,'z |fp fi9 o t{ Fr 20 o rl I{ & B U (a u 4 E ii E tJ a AFI zz EIE d E tr HH 22 Elp E9 r, Fl az 4p 'o HE o FFI Ia oo or> k x z o ti atd EU ZE A =Fl o uDr H GO qr d:o (.,U A ti a o E z F Y] E> !rEqr E,{ o !lot ti oz '[r oz o= FI nz (a o FrF AO zo Eql o o g o EI ,ra Q (, tl tD oti oo t .oi o \o !r F u FC tr o F' !l I EI o a !t (o (J F lq A] a U i 4 tsl AH zz EO tct FI zz EO Htr bH A2 ,o lr= (a FET 4Z oo AE a o a 4 ta [l' ?1 z ET arl E iEU ZE a EEI o ('9{ E *9 E U- FI (a U '4 o td a 2 H t/) o lld E> EETT 4&A(,E Etot AAts l.^{ [ T>(\.3 Y\cr \ | t ._ \ f ( ? -1 c\ V\-^c4l-t'^-^ C a\c- J U*.-( :f6i1^-f d Zi NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit 896-0038 APPLICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 81658 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES , vArL, co 81658 OWNER KING MATTHEW L & EDITH W & 4460 TIMBER FALLS CT 1603, Description: ADD LOFT ABOVE GARAGE 75 South Frontage Roatl Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 1 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 Job Address Location...Parcel No. .Project No. 1881 LIONS RIDGE VAIL POINT I*25 2to3-r22-07-009 PRJg6-0027 D e partment of ConununitY LP Status. . .applied..Issued... Expires. . Development ISSUED o4 /or /1.se 6 o4/ro/ree6 70/07 /Lee6 296.25 .00 296 -25 MARVI vArL co 81657 .o0 20.00 .o0 100.00 Phonez 3Q34764374 Phonel 3034764374 fof tlood/Pa I tet: Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: v Type Occupancy: R1 Val-uation: Fi reotacc lnformation: Rest ri cted: Multi-FamiIy I-HR Not in tablel Not in table ! 6,000 Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Appt i ances:fof Gas Logs: *****i****#*t***lr*******t*********ffit******************* FEE SUlll{ARY ff***********i********ff**ffi******ff'wr****ff*trt********* Bui (di ng-----> Ptan Check---) Investigation> tli l,L CaLt----> 105.00 64.25 .oo 3.00 Restuarant P Lan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee-----*----> Ctean-Up 0epos i t--------> TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Additional, tees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 04,/10/1996 DAN Action: APPR CHARLIE Itbm:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division: DAVIS DeDt: PLANNING Division:IIEM:'.O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 04/Ol/I996 LAUREN Actionr APPR It,em:' O5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Itbm: *****ff*trlit*ff*ft*|-r'rt***ff****************rr************i**********t*****tr****************trl*f****ff****t****t********i**tff* See Page 2 of this Document for any condj-tions that may apply to this permit,. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, {il.Led out in futL the infornation requ'ired, compteted an accuratc ptot pl,an, and state that aLl the information provided as requifed is correct. I agree to compty vith the infornation and pl.ot pl,an,to compty lrith atl' Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdivision codes, design revie!, approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticabte thercto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TTIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY 04l10/1996 DAN Itbm:'05500 PU Ag9ion: APPR N/A DeDt: FIRE Divieion: Item:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 0411011996 DAN Action: AppR N/A DeDt: PUB WORK Divisi-on: Send Cl,ean-Up oeposit To: RUSTY SPIKE ENT. {p o''"'""" 'o"'' ***T0l{4{** * * * * * * * * * * {r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 75 South Frontage Road CONDITIONS D e partment of C ommun ity Deve lopment rydtfulerde8668-ooga as of o4/to/s6 status: rssuED *t W0-479*9*?q4799499************************************************************** FAX 970-479-24s2 Pernit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES 30347 6437 4 Applied: 04/0L/L9eG Iesued z Oa/ro/L996 To Expirez LO/O7/1996 Job Address:Locat,ion: VAIL POINT #25 Parcel No: 2LO3-L22-07-009 Description: ADD LOFT ABOVE GARAGE Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FTRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI, IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.5. NO EXTERIOR CHANGES APPROVED WITH THIS PERMIT.6. LOFT BEING BUILT IS FOR STORAGE PURPOSES ONLY {,7 *'n""o '*''o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * dt* * * * * * * TowN OF VAIL, COLORADO statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0121 Amountz 296.25 04/10/96 11:39 Payment Method: CK Notation z # 7258 Init: CD **************************************************************** Perrnit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thi6 Payment Account code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 896-0038 TYPe: A-MF 2!O3-L22-07-009 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL POINT *25 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 296.25 296,2s .00 Amount 105 .00 20.00 68.25 100.00 3.00 Total Fees: 296.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Descripti-on BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WTI,L CALL TNSPECTION FEE NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3V479-2 I s9 FAX 970-479-2452 Investigation> lli l,l, Cat l,----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location... Parcel No..Project No. 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL POINT #25 2LO3-L22-0 7-009 PRJg 6-002 7 ISSUED o4/0L/Lee6 o4 /Lo /rss6 1.0 /07 /Lee6 TO}'N OF VATL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Department of C ommunity Development Permit #: 896-0034 Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . APPLICANT RESORT SERVTCES P O BOX tO79 | AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICES OWNER Descri-ption: ADD LOFT ABOVE GARAGE ***rtrH*:t***r*r**1ffi **t*:ffi ff ***t#*ff **itht**ffi **rtt F E E E Iectri ca [--->50.00 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 Valuation:1,000.00 SUllllA RY *******ffi ffi *******s*'l***#*ffi *Jri**ffi rt**i*ffi P O BOX tO79 | AVON CO 81620 K]NG MATTHEW L & EDTTH W & MARVT 4460 TIMBER FALLS CT 1603, VArL CO 81657 DRB Fee .00 3.00 53.00 Tota I Catcutated Fees---) Additional, Fees--------> TotaI Permit tee--------> BALANCE DUE---- 53.00 .00 53.00 .00 ff*ffit***ffi***ffi************f,*lr**ffi***:t**tHr**1rffffi*rr*ffi***tt*ffiffi********tt**ffi***rffi(**ffid*i****i**t*****ffi Iqe$i ,gqqqo ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:0411011996 DAN Action: AppR FOR ERNST G ' ************************ffiffiffi**rt.rH**ffi**ff:Hr****ht*#r*****ffiffi**f,****tffi*i**t*ft*H*****ff***f*ffrt*ffiffi*jr****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. INSPECTIONS REQ'D. FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *ffi***ffiff**ffi**ffiffi***tr***tr*trtr*********ffi****t***fiffi********t**trtr***ffiftfi***f,t****f,*f,i*tffffrffir*tr***ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that I h€ve rcad.this appl,ication/ til.l,ed out in ful,l. the information required, co pteted an accurate p(ot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as requi red is correct- I agree to compl.y Jith tire iniormation and pl.ot pl.an,to comP(y vith alL fosn ordinances and state tavs, and to bui(d this structure according to'the loyn's zoning and ssbdivision codes, design reviev approvcd, tlniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Toun afpticabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 79-2138 0R AT OUR OFFICE FROII H IIISELF {,7 ru"""o '*u' OITNER OR **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, coLoRADO statemnt **************************************************************** Sratemnr Number: REC-0121 Amount: 53'oo o4/10/sa t]-:+o Payment Method: CK Notation: *7258 rnit: CD Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41335 53.00 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE E96-0034 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2L03-L22-07-009 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL POINT *25 53.00 53.00 .00 **************************************************************** Amount 50 .00 3 .00 /^, I Jl0)taa071o"t rowN oF vAu. coNsrRucrroN I PERI.{IT APPLTCATTON FORI'T D^rE. /hAR.i-t. 2 d /, ?Z_ PER}IIT # Legal Description: Lot J'J Bloc ,/ r- owners Name: @-flttt, Architect:Ph. General Description:/*# work Class: [ ]-NewX'-ota"tation t l-Adarirional Ifn"p.i, [ ]-other +a€ Number of Dwellinq Units: _Nurnber of Accommodation Units: lytb." and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ I{oodlpetret v lT*******--..:^"^.1*:*:"*"********* VALUATTONS ******************************* * * ******* * *********** ** ** ***** ELEcrRrcAtzlM ,9 iutr,ot*c, | {/^ ^,ac) BLUMBING: T !{E CAL: $ ##*1,,o*** * * tt * ******** * * * * **Eeneral. Contraptor:Address: 6,{ /5 | l Electrical Con actor: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor:Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PER}IIT FEE: PLWBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Req. _ _Phone Nurnber: {2'z)2;'t' ,o*n of vail Reg. No. ********** * * ******* * * *********** FOR oFFrcE usE ******* * * * ******* * **** ********* Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLI'!,TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECIIANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTJRE: CLEAX T'P IIEPOSII REFTIND )y',et ' A?utg Sp,iht €ntezpzkea P.O. BOX l5l7 VA|L, COLORAoo 8t658 z1< Skr up Flrs tr 7: h tr tr HnlUl n Jilffiul,i,,"P-Loo,,- Sec 303 tc) i9 U I t. h/en/ /rert h,/ A,t ,?2t Are /-rP ,€r^uJt / ' j !.r,--frzr-c€ OFrsrz -E-nt. colonloo 81658 PH, (303) 476'4374 %?uatg Spihe €nteepzuea P.O. BOX l5l7 VA|L, CoLORADo 81658 .-/ //t'.7() r^< t't' Ko,,rn-.., lrl0W Flonu .ttl tti I'l;l' --.-..--..-.- ..,...-\ .r/ \\ .' -/ s _- L,8 '/a J, -Drlo@v AQza S/g P uP )i\,16 LoNt 'Floot l"- trltl,u d.AF t)iew L),a t t ?o,',* k z; K ilu l-l+ (t nohL ./ ./|--.,,..'. \,/t< P.O. 8OX r5l7 vAtL, COLORADO 81658 pH. (303) 476.4374 %?uatg Spihe €ntezpzuea P.O. 80X l517 VA|L. COLORADO 81658 '*nnpr"f l'l*it. g'+' LJDo\ ACc-r:cb irut-'Fal[ li"'u baort- I J 4'l'-A lfu {'/"*- V/oa,e- J-disft -ft-Pe I hlEo boor okrr.lr'n.rc b tl4ttt Bolarn-, a)tut -- ill or//"{t />A/r,l k /,////He,tfet ,/ srna tct aLrttm- Aho fiuo C'tu s /tu IEtl/ //ooz //gk ,d ^*r,rrilW P.O. BOX 1517 VA|L. COLoRAoO 91658 PH. (303) 476.4374 Tlttatg Spibe €ntezpzuea P.0. BOX 1517 VAIL. C0L0RAD0 81658 ( 'A-^*t . )$"t l; svaLe) ':fo, n'* {or.'- I I 7,L I ,1, &s/ t/retrt t/zt/ ,11pd sttr y Gt/ti fl'Sl,olw* a/f '|lt*""D r_vr ), /1 t laif 4 )F /a4 Enor/t / %?aatg Spihe €ntezpzuea P O. 80X l5l7 VA|L, CoLoRADO 81658 J0,3, ?Yt't bKs z/o Jo:4 /rl,f"aet ]T frno?Pe D ?L#So tvr+ FRemaD Foa- S*Ps rr',<tatl ?-- agl ?""( &[r* AhD tww Z - 124 xtt'/s M=L e,L,'pqUl,,let V;"T+G PltllJor} h Wu,Floor$,,/, u hu*Fna fuh Hlk + ^ Vt'' (t x5"Le6> 7,,1;-t' fuo "l-*,Pt ?-- vi'6x5" la 7,*cl- .rfuL o /4"1 A, j hl,4r,"/ lf,; tftnz lor%,E, ftrli;il-t"\75.rrie'"r'ogi.o\s.' _ ..c 'ril-E.rt vAlL, coLoRADO 81658 PH. (3O3) 476-4374 i,, 'l'iris slnrclrnc lt:rs jir:crt iic'.iitr',:rl 1o lrrr:, i 1ht r I ' r ' r i I r- t r r c r r 1 ' ri l:': l')l)l tJtri[irrt l]rtilrllrtl' Cotic i:'itlr ilruc;illr:rltt!s lts a,.ltrlicLl lr-t 1irc lir,.',rr L'i " ;ril- All rr t rr ill:it'irs ot crr tllir'l:r trt: {rrtrrrtglr( ({illc irirr.l{ir)rl r'l llrc lilrir.{::r.ri lirrr.ilr. ':t i,,. lrr,,: l}r, r,(l;l :'lilr ;rlv rrurl::.tr irtr'uj',,crl. ilr,: (icttt-t:tiC()l|1r'i|cl|||,:|rltl|r..-.tjl.r'l]lr|iitlcit''il,;ri;|I;l|1l,1l(!i|;(ji!:];!.t.().i,)i):'i!c:ttltlllll;tl|llc sllrll lrc tcr;i)ontiiiilc [ir cttoltlirr:rliori 'rf lrii r',r'ri: ;rrr,1 lrlrtr.ri;rll: irrr-lrrrlirr,, llrol;r.: l'rtutilJrc<l tri' s|!i}c()t||r:lc1o|s..l.lt':S|tttc|ttt:lIl;.rr11irrccr:.ir:li|lrcc{rll|:|(j|c(lririti;,1llllc(]()Il:il|ltcli()|l1rllsclu lr!ij ilts;)cL(i()tts nL';cssirl lrr corr(irrrr llirrl llrr ::.1rr;ri liLi,l g1'1q1jjijrr111; lrc cr,ri:;i:lrlrl lillt lhu tlc:;l1l: :t:isunlpii([ll;:tlttl lir::t tltu corr:,rrrrcli,.lrt i:r 'irocc,:r]itri lrci.ortlir:lj 1o tlrL: plrrn:; l)rj(l ril)uLilic.ll;.,1r;. L,ivc Lrr;;lls Ijscti j:. l)csilrr: l'l.rrtrs .1',1isl liltltltrlrtli,: 7-t:rrr.lllllt' \i'ind li(l rnph :,1ec:','icai ii.ili ; " : fl.lLe;?{}*ia"'".i1d 4965 :i' riff[iiv uAtL Foi*,rt #ZS t(iuo l# KrnpdL olrgn Revrew Acuon Filr TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: . { '} .- I ll Legal Description: Lor - Block- suuoivision'rj/) l [ [1)ll t .fl- zone District )rY >( ,,4,1,r, \ .l,irl 4"i 6 Project Street Address: Comments: Staff Action ) Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval fl Disapproval -,.ki srat npprovat conditions: \l( ' ,('\If\''rt",( ''t,(ttr,,i,\ , li. L (,7- t t, (:l .rt +, " ,tr- )f ,)), ,, L,, L(t t'-, r r, L tt,)-;[,,1,t"--- Town Planner o^t"t Fl'J-; r';, , (l (t DRB Fee Pre-paid TO|JJI'.I IF VI]]L TI|'1-DEU ID:503-,179-2452 rnN 5e6, 16:08 Nr.0LLj P.01 IEgE wRtlI -Hgg0 ur ffiV,uir[,] tr,,r.l uAnt Date ol Date of DRB Mostl Dats ol PEC Meetlng (ll no APPLTCAT|ON FOR ADDTTTONAL GBFA (2501 I. TYPE OF HEOUEST Standard 250 Q,X tslt Typo I EHU e50 Typa ll EHU 2s0 _ Type v EHU zg0 il, PnF:AppLtparlQN po.t)fEEREIQE A pra-appll0ailon oonferencs with a mgmbet of tho plannlng ehtf ls ctrongly gncouraggd t0 dlscuss the provlelons under whlch addltlonal GRFA can bo.aOOsO to a sltd. lt shouli bs undorelood that hle ordlnance does not assure each property an addlilonat 250 square leet of GRFA. Rather, rhe ordtnancs ailows lor yg.,!g!g[qg@gjg!! [ tho condtilons sei todn tn chaper 18.57 or Chapter 18,71 of me town owa[ coE6Ti6-nret. Appllcatlons tor addltlong undor thls saotlon witl not bo aooopted unless lhey are complele.Thh Includes qll lnlormation roqulred on thls form as We[ as Destgn Revlew Board submlttal requlromsnt_s. ilt. APpL|0AION,tlf._oRMATlgN A. PFOJECT DESCF|PTIOT A\t.. \.* "f st.^,r ,. B. LOCATION OF PNOPOSAL: zsrJ -7,.t.t f<r,{- Addross \ Lonsr,,Ls kzS ,\ C^ f/(sl Legal Doscrlption:. *-,-Lol_-61_ Btock_..- Filtng., . -. , . Zone DlEtru C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addr.* D. NAME OF APPL|CANT'S REPRESEN TATTyE:,. , tr/ / 4 , ,.. .., tr, t, NAME oF OwNER(Sli Slgnsture($ ,n L,-,,Fr!b.*{! ttgo t /i?: ),!:-pnonr. +<:)]G E3L'( (utaea-4; '(l -C 1Z \ ( "* tot ,-- t,E{+ 6r g/(j7 F' Fillng Foo ot 9p00.00 ls requrrod at tfmo ot submittar of a standard zbO. For a Address //60 rsqu0sl Involvhg an EHU, the fee 18 walvsd, F;;'uu WeE HzZ We t"l e v U 33I b(D (D I- n .\- ibt ooo s oOtn O dtitr.i -+ !n d vr. trl 'l tC -a'o v gc. J t r(r4 \q{ -- l-o ; \\f-' \ 'i:'o st 5A \^\t i\l tl ,t al : i;l i J rxk I _?" t 3:3 o t^ t Ri\ F, A Ht *u {tl o& U 1 -(,t I iJ _L I 5 ,t,d' Iots \-1.<{u <*6 rI -Fo:Lu"- Li Fd $.$ E ,^\1{A U€?o .-D :d .J s 6".3 o ,- 9a t I 'u) ls- -i oooooS q OOoo0o U osco.n o.it (o.)\rr c(r(rr) \, o Q-l ft c{b Kf- tl tt rr tr t' tt ^"*\x i t*"Bs 6 $-,i.inT q i q s 3-; l{t'- rtio v h-l o -l l-i_-{ 1' U tl *. JF JT a€ A q v E3 r 8 su cD s(A- + n o- ,"tf) 90J J qo ;s R' $-. ^ r"')F{i,\P l:l l-J \x {q R 5,; .: t14ct..9 J\\. rl 1l rl l\------- i ----J ,a" ils ': Jltts VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (303) 889-0723 January L6,1996 Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attention: Ms. Iauren Waterton Re: Application for Additional GRFA (250) Dear I:uren: As we discussed today, enclosed is a completed form for the addition of a storage area in the upper level of the garage at: 1E81 Lionsridge L,oop, No. 25 Also as I mentioned to you, this alteration will not be visible in any manner from the exterior of the unit, so it does not require Association approval. A copy of the pertinent portion of the Declaration of Covenants, Easements and Restrictions for Talon (now known as Vail Point) Townhomes is enclosed in this regard. Additionally, enclosed are (1) existing floor plan sketches from a recent appraisal report, (2) stamped addressed envelopes for adjacent owners and (4) a check in the amount of $200.00 for the filing fee. You indicated that you would check your files to verify that the final certificate of occupancy was issued. Ifyou should require anything further to process this application, please call me at the telephone number above. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. MATTHEW L. KING 4460 TIMBER FALLS COURT NO. 16O!OV'Effi{ld. DE\/. DEPT Sincerely, . / ng o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 12, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a Major Amendment to SDD No. 32 to allow for the construction of an Employee Housing unit located at The Cornice Building, 362 Vail Valley DriveiPart of Tract B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Rpplicant: David Smith Planner: George Ruther An Amendment to the Zoning Code, Medium-Density Multi-Family District, adding a provision limiting lhe density to eighteen dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. This provision was inadvertently omitted f rom Ordinance No. 1 6, Series of 'l 991 . Applicant: Town of Vail Community Development Department Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to an existing single family residence located at2299 Chamonix Lane/Lot 7, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing #1. Applicant: Frank D. D'Alessio Planner: George Ruther A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to the secondary residence located at 275 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 40, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Steve Berkowitz Planner: Randy Stouder A request for a Minor SDD Amendment to allow for changes to the development plan located at Millrace Phase 3, 1335 Westhaven DriveiDevelopment Area A of the Glen Lyon SDD (SDD No. 4\. Applicant: Steve Riden representing Gregory Walton Planner: Jim Curnutte A request for an interior residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an interior A storage area, located at 1881 Lionsridge Loop #2sllot 1, Block 3, Lionsridge 2nd Filing...q{sTf ptl$pplicant: Mafi King - Planner: Lauren Waterton A request lor a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansi0n to an existing unit and a front yard variance to allow for a garage to be located in a lront setback in association with the construction of a new Primary residence located at 325 Forest Road/Lot 18, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Fiting. Applicant: Steve Riden representing Tim Drisko Planner: Jim Curnutte Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479- 2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. CommunityDevelopmentDepartment ' Published January 26, 1996 in the VailTrail- /J, 9ef f, /,n,onr 4rttt4 /i/e.^'lk> '4vt ' D+JIA-, TY 7s7s- n, ),gl- l+u"ilc*r- l gzc De tcu -Der\ \z*'( Ke{'la'"5, o Ho 16'l L't THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 12, 1995, at 2:00 P.lvI. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss proposed amendments to The Town of Vail Municipal Code, Chapters 16, 18 & 2 to allow for modifications to the Sign Code, Design Review, Commercial Core l, Commercial Core ll and Supplemental Regulations. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Randy Stouder A request for a Major Amendment to SDD No. 32 to allow for the construction of an Employee Housing unit located at The Cornice Building, 362 Vail Valley Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: David Smith Planner: George Ruther An Amendment to the Zoning Code, Medium-Density Multi-Family District, adding a provision limiting the density to eighteen dwelling units per acre of buildable site area. This provision was inadvertently omitted from Ordinance No. 1 6, Series of 1 991 . Applicant: Town of Vail Community Development Depaltment Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to an existing single family residence located at2299 Chamonix Lane/Lot 7, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing #1. Applicant: Frank D. D'Alessio Planner: George Ruther A request for a Minor SDD Amendment to allow for changes to the development plan located at Millrace Phase 3, 1335 Westhaven DriveiDevelopment Area A of the Glen Lyon SDD (SDD No. 4). Applicant Steve Riden representing Gregory Walton Planner: Jim Curnutte / A request for an interior residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, lo allow lor an interior L-,- fgtoraOe area, located at 1881 Lionsridge Loop #25llot 1, Block 3, Lionsridge 2nd Filing. 21f t Applicant: Matt King Planner:Lauren Waterton A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, to allow for an expansion to an existing unit and a front yard variance to allow for a garage to be located in a front setback in association with the construction of a new Primary residence located at 325 Forest Road/Lot 18, I Block 7, vailVillase 1st Filins. u* X {,/rtft Appticant Steve Riden representing Tim Drisko e[WOr l Planner: JimCurnutte ot- "1 o Sign language interpretation available upon request wlffi 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2114 \loice ot 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published January 26, 1996 in the Vail Trail. //.- / .- / /:';. : . ',.;:5"? :i:i.""= "t *: .1 :aT: : -:: -::-. : =. =l. " " :i-er a' c.-; e 5s #.i-.-T.{'"Ti:;*-;;si.:i*=j=j.,*_:.:_--Lr=:?=i1i-_'j*;.1'?qr:'-- iff...::.T "7 e "., Ill .;:li -_l'-;-;I:i:,*r'ifl':,t-'i*-^-;.;iiill';,-3'1;==T:"=:Ra?_-_'.;=;1:':L"; '.-".-:' :-::= ..T- i:. = -:;L.A- J.;i F.i n t'e i,scr.rci:cr: of ...l. 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"-. .r!-oicvar cy - L.: e,:rq;.: : e:--- =i i hi:.ar.s;;E;a;"";ff HEff.*1*,J;:.W.H*::J a-q)rc!! e aisecoigre .ff lr".rr"' if,-requests ritrrin-E:q,_Eve (+S )_ iavs eficr n'iaissi6-- 4 *- rrErtri;.g1i1.*,u="r&Er, Grai:tee -.airs =.c takc eny a,ejcn "tJ,i.r-r"ii--.:=,i. fcsl e.Gl:E *=gqu.=is ha...e ce-s-;ffi--=';ff;X'?:1if g3#*::].lJfi ""iH=-=n(;)(r;,{; .!3:.= shall t*tt*5ff ;ffi'.:1 -i€ ule irciLriecurar b.-or r=l:.dE=i":F1;€::=,:-i::+:fi"1*.*:_;T.--=;::_=s=:.E cs:ria-.*ca ,..J.c-, i-lt-:"I ^ -:s- - sPcc:-l c.:. .-]-- J:seseic t1=- co'rc: area rpar--"h,j;-,.r- :-E ff-:;5:tff;.*__== :ET., -i" !ff 5"''''"r- -GI-II = c",-s *;-- ;;;= : --.s sicr .-:! : : an alprovec. rh"arcTt a-E!tre!'al s?=ll F =ry rd-tr.-"r.. e.rd i.:adqr so g:*T:J"ffi#,Hr:iT='-j-;T$::t":;:':F-;..T-.i ._y:jF;l ;'..*H.m?n ; * +t="'.":? $ -#Hl :: ; Q'*;:: T^a1d_:f Dircccrs shau se-_.! as $.*.4'ffi*H*H;=--RH*"!ffirff#15g =::..ot reject prc-rased th-=.".:; J"-:e Eoa:d sia'rl rewiai ".tq1, .=-ttl."F etrr re-surcsons e..:d .- ::=-_cre_Ecqeny slpjec, -';;-ttf."F enr relsic:id''].t:I'=-Ep thc EoPeRy s-5jec, L1i regulaeicrs, rrld brla,_:s of rFa ,,-_].t_$.t ":a for-i ir- t-le-J - resulaeicrsr urd u'yr""=-"-r T" L.Tr'.*"Ji.#S, *i==.i:1 1" _.'re|!-i !: _,::!l€ :.. Category Numbel O"?gn Review Action Foll TOWN OF VAIL "* [l\(rre h z <, 41 Projoct Name: Building Name: Projec{ Description: Archileci/Contast, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block- Subdivision Motion by: Seconded by: E Approval n Disapproval ,Fstaff Approval Gonditions: Town Planner o",", \\[rt V-cl,t ?-6 * ( b DRB Fee pre-paio4 Z o, o oFA - TOLJN UF UHiL COM-DEV JRN O ll rrvh.a r/ttlta DESIgt{ RA\IrEW BOARD rDfl5-47e-24s2 9'9 o APPITICf,TION . fOilN OF VAIL,, COfJOR'.ADO DAFE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:rrftttirta \NeoIqPI/ErE APpLTe,l,'IOryE m'f.NoP BE EenEqALEp '1On REtfrEN-.rttalttil PRQiIECE rNPonfiAtrrdr: A.DESCRIFTION: LOtt2 N0.002 P,01 B. TYPE OF REVIEW: D. -,,New Congcrucrton (g200 .OO, 4rinor Alrerarion (*2O.OO)AddiLion (S50.00) JConceprual Revlew (90) c, ADDRESS3 tkt\ Lror'sr',\O a".U t e.( Vn,\ L.o €lt"s:'' LEGAL DESCRIPTION:. I,oE E Z5 Subdivlsion If properby ie deserlbed by descriptlon, pleaoe provlde to Ehis applicatlon. ZONTNG: -R'o-.V^\.L a meets and bounds on a sBParate sheet lega1 and atLach E. F. G. H. I. NA}{E OF APPLICN'IT:dv Mailing, Addregs:_Ij t./a,\ ($ El6''t A I - Phone .ads-ar r- c7e3 NAUE OF Mail,ins APPIJICAI{T' S REPRESEMATIVS :r -\/( ^-. .- f ,l Address: Phone NAl,tE OF om.lER(S) . h* \\L,e*,' L. K,r/t- OmlrEP I 8 1 . EIflIIAVttRlJ Mail ddress:,/6c.3 Phone ,l .3t3 - sd-.) -af L3 (',,tee-4*ry3 APPITICA?IONB flILL NOII DE PROf,ESI1ED YITEOW O[ofER'S SIANA7URE' Condomlniun Approval tf applicable, DRB FEE: DRB fees, as ehown above, are to be pald at the time of subnitEal of the DAa applicatl.on. r-,lter, when applylng for a bulldtng permlt, please idencify ttre accurare valuation of Lhe proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according co tbe table below, to entrure the corracL fee 1s paid. FEE -SCHEDUIJA; J. VALUATION ElssrVW MATTHEW L. KING 4460 TIMBER FALIJ COURT NO. 1603 vArL, co 81657 (303) 889-0723 March 18, 1996 Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Atlention: Ms. I:uren Waterton Re: Application for Project Design Review Dear Lauren: l'lAR Z 0 Suri T0[/-C0M|ld. DE|/. DEiFI Enclosed is my application for the installation of a window and replacement of windows with glass doors at: 1881 Lionsridge Loop, No. 25 Also enclosed is a check in the amount of $20.00 and a letter showing approval of the exterior changes by the Vail Point Townhomes Association, of which the above unit is a part. Attached to that letter is a diagram showing the changes approved. @roposed skylights in the request has not been approved at this time.) If you should have any related questions or require further information to process this review, please call me at (303) 889-0723. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. King Sincergly, J,ll I i enc check No. 1048 Matthetw I' Irtter dated January 6, 1996 | L o MATTHEW L. KING 4460 TIMBER FALLS COURT, NO. 1603 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 TELEPHONE: 476-8324 (weekends) or (303) 889-0723 (weekdays) January 6, L996 (Hand-Delivered) Board of Directors Vail Point Townhome Association 1881 Lionsridge Loop Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Request For Approval For Alteration to Exterior --Uoit No. 25 Dear Board: In accordance with Vail Point's Association documents, this letter is to request approval of the Association to make the following alterations to the exterior of Unit No. 25, which is located at the upper east end of vail Point: 1. Add window on east-facing wall - top story, as shown on the attached sketch. Di$t ", ldd 3 flet pref'e slrylight' in the loeatiots; as shown or tl e attaeLed sketeh. 3. Replace bank of windows on south-facing wall - second story with glass doors (opening on to existing deck), as shown on the attached sketch. Quality materials will be used, finish, trim and window cladding will match that already present. If you should have any questions or require further information, please call me at the telephone numbers above. Please sign this letter in the space provided below indicating the Board's approval so that I may submit this letter with my request for approval to the Town of Vail Design Review Board. I would greatly appreciate your earliest response to this request. Sincerely, Oo ':.-.' .l q f a v.{- .:. Pg' Fn"1 '"iii'"". f'J,t " \t eJ )or'.-r n-thter>.\ \i 'Fl a F ,l- lr\ -riiqt'\\'r" Flo,i, , €rs{,\* 3 s; I ilnt t\r1 lr3'se"i (oqsr..,-< 3L" (*g*.o.* 6,"t1' ,r \gia , '|\.:l 1r! i O G\o.t Doocs, ( co.q\*.'-a axrrfr,., w'^AowE'.) O rrf,r Srnsl e 4wrr r4 r'n b l'",r i 6 Fr:r''$'- rr /4 Tl I fti F3c'$ raf€1.a\h f t.,{r" v f \',',tr^^.,u,^t,.L an{ \qix,,"#] 'tlfrltr*"" NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOffiOFkIlZ *""r*-, ,.o ""rr, .roorrror,,,t. *, "ru ot' 75 South Frontage Road Department of Cornmunity Development Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 3 V479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT KING 4460 OWNER KING 4460 Description: NEW WTNDOW Occupancy: Job Address Location. . . Parcef No.. Project No. 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP *rc 2r03-J.22-07-0 0 9 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . 816s7 8165fiy,'60rnm. Dev. ISSUED o6 /08 /1.ee5 o6 /2e /lee5 !2/26/tee5 MATTHEW L & EDITH W & MARVI TIMBER FALLS CT 1603, VAIL CO MATTHEW L & EDITH W & MARVI TIMBER FALLS CT 1603, VAIL CO f,lr:;rr.r -up Deposit Refund .flQ(:'1.\, -.\ Type Construction: Val"uation: F i reolace lnformation: Restricted: Multi-Family Type V l-Hour R1 V 1-HR i]ilproved eflrount ,ri,.iir:) tof Gas Logs: ILV', ''- #Of llood/Pa L tet: *Jr****ffi*H**i**trt*Hffiffi*ffi*t***ff*********i* f EE SUtll.lARY ********************tr*****************ftk*#****ff****** 6,000 Add Sq Ft: dof Gas App L i ances: Restuarant Plan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> C-l.ean-Up Deposi t--------> TOTAL F EES----- Bui ldi ng-----> P Lan check---> Investigat ion> tJiLl Ca l,l----> 105.00 68.25 .00 3. 00 .00 20.00 .o0 100.00 296.25 Tota I catcutated Fees---) 296.25 Additional Fees---------> Tota I Pernrit Fer-------> .oo 295.25 > 296.?5 BALANCE DUE.--- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: *******i********ffi*##**ir****Jr****tr*****************#***ff*************************ff******ir****t************************* ITem] O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR IIEm T. -O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT 06/2111995 DAN Action: APPR IIbn:' O5600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR Itbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 06/08/1995 DAN Action: APPR *******fiffi***#******ffi**ffi*rr******tt**S**ffiti*tr***************1ff***i*****t****fi*******Jr*r.'ffi*****rct***trtr******* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditj-ons that may apply to thj-s permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl.ication, {ill.ed out in fu![ the information required, completed an accurate p[ot p[an, and state that a[[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y with the information and plot p[an,to compty with atI Town ofdinances and state [aws/ and to buil,d this structure according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,'ENTY-FOUR HOURS Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 179-2138 {P ^'"'""to 'u"* ********Page 2 ************************************************************* TOWN OFVAIL EffiFr#ntaptu&|777 as of 06 /29 / 95 Depart&V@f€onnunl$Wpment tc**llfotS*€thfffi816tr*************************************************************** 970-479-21sq479-2139 trffiyw4lylEg2 ADD/AL'.r SFR BUrLD PERMIT Applicant--: KING MATTHEW L & EDITH w & MARVI Job AddreSs: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP Location---r +25 Parcel- No--: 2L03-L22-07-009 Description: NEW WINDOW * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER sEc.1210 0F THE 1991 UBC.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. A STRUCUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION WILL BE OKAYED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Applied--, 06 /.08/L99s Issued---: 06/29/1995 To Expirez t2/26/1995 {p r"n"uoru", **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ****r,*rr****Jr************rr*************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0041 Amount: 276.25 06/29/95 11:09 Palrnent Method: CK Notation. 2465 Init: MMC Permit No: 895-0177 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALI sFR BUILD PE Parcel No: 2103-122-07-009 Site Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP Location: #25 Tota1 Fees: 296.25 This Palrment 27 6 .25 Total ALL, Pmts : 296 -25 Balance: .00 **************************************************************** Account Code Description Anount 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1O5.OO 01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 68.25 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 100.00 01 OOOO 4L336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO f fffiX'. ii'- "'*iriipiriarioii-il4$b gsreqd \ 15\ ,/y AppI,rcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLErELy oR ,T0pre$ffi[f$$!."Bfl{" r*******!t***'r****************** PERMIT TNFORI.iATION *****************************rl lf,J-Buildins 1 i-erurnbing [ ]-Erectricat [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Narne:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing suBprvrsroN: Number of Accommodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet nlipnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas ,f********************************* ELECTRICAL: $ MECIIANICAL: $ ********************************* OTHER: $ TOTAL: I TJON *** ** * ****************j,*t?*- Toqrn of vai-l Req. No.fleLJT Pnone Num.tcer: - --- Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE! _25; r"r, PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I,TECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: [I,I DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: II{ECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPO$:]T: TOTAL PEt:i.tI":- . dS: 1;.f, z:'- ./zat'. G' /'lyl!-Dllgi (y' --,2L,.( c" z/'.,.x' STGNATURE2 - ZONING: SIGNATI'RE: owners Nane: ryAddress, J73A ,\",-il ,{g^* Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work class3 [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t$-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: Appliances VALUATTONS GROUP VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT REPIIND MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS FEQUIRED lollowing questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit": qa TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Please NO h-' t./- //- L- t/ 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhal requires the use of the right of way, easernents or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to sile olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecling the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit" requied? A. ls lhe right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or {encing plan required by Community Development? 8) L/' ,/ /' !l_V9u_ answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" must be obtained.'Public Way_ Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or al C9.11u1ity Development. ll you have any questions please call Chartie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-215f,. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name t"s Signature l6-95 ; 7:44A'V ; \\ {\ \ (*t I ,sv t\ N \ t \t s3 i\ iN.i* R I -,4 iz :Z l3 JII t=,+-H e\lj Aa -o€ ks o( Nt ,,a-\ )q \S / 'c r/\\\s \0.. (-!, \Nc {,' K }A (\ $ -.N \J \ t..-\--z _; \\s \ $.r \ l t\ \,$f \+ a \l qt 7 4.:18 J,l\3$-O s \ks c.( *t -\u \s '\ rt a, \\ ,..,\5 . \K \\CKfi r'\F.r\\, \iN \=--l _; \ \\ N i .: I .6- $-44 L, r.?ii E!rr ?a 17 i 3 3e - iE 1' \t S- A $-J \ \$f \+ -o I t{tE0:tt, tt-te-O , -:lg ruSs o t{9E .o OIJ A tl A 'h o2 crc 'o o- H n2 *e xv H :.,H eo !o .o.ET oo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I F o q q gt D E tr 6 E H d ()t ,q .l o o ut .o.AA (\| tr!ot, IJU t,r E ao a =o >.AL F Fts Fld E oo I *& I dro o lqE Ft!|,!o I H aF.22 EO E'c1 I c T FI FI F'a3 E9 B.it 2 5B A9 R E HF HZ op 89 E' E li e q I a E a FI Etr tu ZA A E I -ft P EE qt ao B EU tl h U E ET ci F 4 o E d 2 &l FT a0 o E A .nD qn -> EIrL c<o <E Ac,CI EOt cEo A AE. TOWNOFVAIL D 7,5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2t38 COM|RACTOR ROD HALIJ COMPAIIY 255 WYANDOT STREET DENVER, CO 80223 License r 150_M APPTICAIflT ROD HALL COMPANY 255 IfYA}IDOT STREET DNVER, CO 80223 License:150-M Desciption: CONVERT WOODBURNER TO GAS Valuation: $2,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restdcted: y * ol.cas AFr,lial|ces:rr*,lr'rrrr,,rrrrrrrraar*irr,r.r,rtar*rr*a**ar+r*rr.rrr+**rr*r*"niiriiiri*'i Status . . . : Applied. . : Issucd . . : Expires . .: Phone: 303-489-0?23 t2/t2/2000 Phone:303-777 -7700 12/L2/2000 Phone:303-777 -7700 {, ll of6as l_ogr: 0 M00-0170 ISSUED l2/12t2000 01rc3/200r 07/02/2001 # of Wood Pellet: 0 'fotal Calcnlated Fecs---' .Addirionel j.'ees."--_*> Total Permit Fee-__--_t, I'aynsots-----------:. ****,rt*t*r*t,ttr**+*+t+++at,t*$*t+*ti*irt+**r* TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO NOTE: THIS PERN4IT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL IIMES MECHANICAL PEfuVIIT Pcnnit #: o EPAR .lob Address: l8S I LIONS RIDGE Lp VAIL Location.....: VAIL POINT TOWNHOMES #25 Parcel No...: 'fu Project No : KING, MAITHEW L., EDITH W. &L2/1-2/2OOO PO BOX 5601 VAIIJ CO 81658-5601_ License: o PMENT OI,'INER, Mcchanical.-> Plan Chcck--> lnve.dig8l iotl-:- Will Call--> FEI] STIN,I\,IiUTY 953.00 Fo.00 ss3 . o0 9s3.00 BALiNCE DUE--> so.oo Itemr 05100 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT S40.00 Restlafant Plan Review-.. 910.00 DRBI{:e-----------------. 90 . 00 ToTAL FEES.---------.. 93 .0o $0.00 s0.00 s53. oo L2/L2/20Oo KIVARRSr 1,2/LS/2OOO cdawie Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMB{T Cond:12 FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO ROUTED TO CTIARLIE FOR REVIEW Action: NO Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowlcdgo that I have read this application. filled out in full thc infonnation required, completed an accurate plot pla1, and state that all thc information as rcquircd is conect. I agrce to compll, wittr thc information and ptot plan, to comply rvith all Tor.m ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accordilg to ihe touns zorring and subdivision codcs, design review approved.Unifonn Building codc and other ordinances of the Tor,rn applicable thercto. RDQUESTS l.oR INSPECTTON SHALL BE MADD TWDNTY'FOUR HOLTRS IN AD\IANCI BY 1]I,EPHONE AT 479-2 138 OR AT OtlR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CON TRACTOR FOR HIMSEI-F AND OW}{E *lt*'t'lt*:i'.'i{r+'f ***!t**t***+t'|f !tl*{'rt*'}**dr***********ttl*+**************'}**lrlr****'}*****{'**'+{r*{r'}+* Statement Number: Palment llethod: R000000292 Other Amount: $53.00 L2/L2/2OO0O4:49 Pl{ Init : KltlW Notation: FBES nAMD-GAS CONVERSION Permit, No: Parcel No: Site AddreEs: I'ocation: Thia Payment: 1.100-0170 2LO3t2207009 Type : MECI{ANICA! PER.I,|IT 18 81 IJIONS RIDGB I.'P \TAIIJ \IAIIJ POINT IIOIINHOIIBS fl25 $s3.00 ****l'llr'i*{r{r:}'+{r{'**l{r'}'ltt+rl**l*'l'l***'}'t'*'t{'*'t't'}+{ri'}t*tl***+l"t****'tl t*l{' 'l * *:l*:l *!t*{r'lt't'}***+l:f **ltl ** ACCOI.JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code Descri pti on Curfent Pmts rr*hIAIVED FEES*I"JAIVED FEES 53. 00 Total Feea: Total IILIJ t rnta : Balance : $s3.00 $s3 .00 $0.00 r1/ L)L/ uu 'l LJL, -t 0 : UU l,A.\ MVNWYAIL 75 S. Frontag€ Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 cU Coml'or L t'roduc L s ta0oz o APruCANON WIII I{OT EE ACCEPTED TF I]{COMPIETE OR UNSIGNED. -ptoieci *t nlQ Buifding Permit #z---'-- uectranlcal Permit #: Ifl00- OIQO 97 O' 47 9'zLSe (InsPectione)J\ffv"" Permit will not be accepted wlthout the followlng: Provlde Mecbanlcal Room Layout draern to scald to include:o Medranlc.al Room Dlmenolons o Combustlon Atr Duct S|re and Locatlon o Combu3tlon Alr Duct Slze and Locadon o Flue, Vent and Gas llne Size and Location o Heat Loss Calcs.o EqulpmantCut/SpecSheetc z5 AsdwtsOlTaal '970-328-me vlclt for # Parcel # (Requlred) 2103- /52- O rt\r. .-,-...!-i6.r- .H Ji _=______r!TFl, r \., robAddress: lPf/,M Subdivlslon:Filing: ( Legal Descrlptlon Loh Block: owners NarlfftrtTK i\tG Engtneer:Address: -CTffine: liTll /*<-- I ffilTffi'lf,"Sl "'.,," ,^"a ,..== Work dass: tlew ( ) BollerLocauon: Interlor( ) Et"rl"( i- Ott"r( )flOoesanEHUexistatthislocatlon: Yest ) wot I tat , - Muld'famlly ( i Cornmeraat ( ) Restaunnt ( ) qher ( ) ' " , lll::' No. of Exlstlng Dwelllng Unlts In thls bu - Nofrvpe of HreDtaces'Exlsuno : No/Type of Flreplaccs Proposed: Gas A - IsEE-a conv-rCon frorn a rlood burnh lHing:I No. of Accommodation Units In tils.bullo|ng: pp!!anceslX-Ga-slg ppllances (y) Gas tot 4 rg flreflre to an EPA I E( ) wood/Pellet( ) gdBur ffi-l w""Alp"tt.t ( ) wood Burnlng (NoT ALtowED) r -""' ;#-# collPtETE VALUATIOT{ FOR MECHATIICAL PER}IIT (labor & Matsrlals) MEC}IANICAL:$,,0'D'60 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION -. r- Contact and Phone #'s: X,^ac. 3o3--11'? -)1 Oq,-Mechankal @ntractor: O^,t tl-ll /r>. Town of Vall Reo. No': /.fo- H f\,/ \/ ,l t l.-/\-t l l r r C ' Crntractor Sfgnature: , -. ,,t 't-- 3,o.l1rltlaQ- I * r ** * * * r r * I I * *FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* t * * * t + * * * * I * * 1 - - ;Xieil fi-f fu-ffi - * I I i;1t, i '1, t. i I "i't)'/-Ci"]lrt.DEV. I ***arttttta.ll*r**11*tat IL/LZ/OO TUE 10:08 FAX CO Corfort Producta qA oo3 o t h.alDy ro}norlrdg! Bh.r I;nflr ttrd Bhla .D9lic.rloo, flu.d 6|t ln firll th. tafoE!.Bld! lrqulrld. cctqtl.t.d.D rcqrr.l. Dlcb Ffr|, |trd agala thrt aU tbe btor attan Drovliaaf l. r.qulrld Lr qort.cts. I rgrc. to coqtly ttth Ehc lnfo8[Cia Dd Dlot Dl|tr, to oq)ty rtlh rll to r ordlrrar rd rlalla lrra, atta to Dutld lhlr abructur. rccordl,ng go lha Tlrfr'r tdfDg ]rd .ubdlt{.tdt' co&r, tt.rlln ravl.r rlrDrovca, 6rltor! lulldlng cod! aad othrr ordln.Dc.! of ih. rorn rDpllcrblc clr!tr go. ltQoESlt tot lttDlclrwr attlt& !t tI|D|! lGrrt-rotn Horlr t! rDvrm3 Bf ru.lpflflE xr 179-31!a oR AT qun o?trcE lnc aloo rI 5!oo Pr trmtltt ot fllc oa (ffrnlclla loR lll lllt llD flrEB 4-- 4* 4-' rz/ I2/ O0 'l'LE | 0 : 09 t'A-X C0 ComforL Produc t s ld 004 effl clencles ord heot orlglt Conceoled conlrol ponel \0ioble ficnne conlrol \,t1ue ergineered to exrcfing stondotds Cloae cleoronces to comhrtides hslolls on cornhrstide srrfoces withorJt floor proteclion Ieclndoglcdly octrcrced pon+tyle hlner lbnling flenbifty fro€h ihe woll up to l0' hotizontcily or tlvotrgh lhe roof 14 to 30' verticolly Ie$ed lo the "h€oler- qd 'ftrnoce' $onddcb ( l: i! 'lii Lifillhefrewith ltntoudr of o remote contdvrdthermcfotor hrner srvttch. Ad,lust yol flcne ond confid the heot and optiord Uower uing lhe woda in o dower conlrolponel. Optors . Powerful lhennoslolicolV conlrdled voriqble Ereed fon '. Wbltherrnostol . Hcrd held rennte conhd . Decorofile bros fue cpb(cr *rovo-r h ptroto) . Clroose the $Ve of gdlle o$embf - elfha goh contemporcry (osstrown on ftont cova) or Victorbn (csfnwn obwe) Performorce ond Copocilb Cloee Cleoronces to cornhrtiUqi Bock \#ol I V2' $38 mm) - 9de Wdl 8' (ffi nrn) - Comer I V2' (38 nun) 2250 Bru 'l lbrlmm odpd $lh oDlb.d ldr wltom q| O S€od ,t6d..!c"ybotherndot|k|orrY'o|tqdstg''JndUrdolcO|i|,oUtopgo|hoc6d|i'!qdvo!dol.flirEdhdeo'de'tyo|anY|'.lo|tedf'il!tnpl'm qrdOOE. rt'ldod h lro US..J.t\[r'bd€tute|h€8$t{ovogtvo|v96dcfb.L!.dwfho|oplbndwdmoUr|edt\omc|o|cfhondh.|drdmte.d'lrd.tho8nNovo9|vof€d!odo$fo.nomeh|hdFddl hectficolions Sofig$odffibrB mor chaEF lron lhE lo |trb, G Ghm trh!! csrlo Ylg irrro,o lb prDd.rctr lo F c yo,o, o lop qtrdt pldJcl lh Ya ttElbn dely q|d 9|!d€.l!y lq ]€(tt lo corie. fbr|o Dd|elrs noY wY dopeidrE q1 vsdt'O codtuo orE, dnudo. ftrl typ€ or oirfutloro46lnEd. 8.ade ffiloilo.E rhcorcod hddltr htiElloG and fu( d bcd h.*p codo{ gG reouoldrs drd ebcl{cd co(b3 ,tte|e opdccb I I "'l'".t I ---l _{-, -d- I r-- l. [-64dF] C"{S& tITAf,TII SYSTEMS \/\00D O68UNN MAIT,'FACIURING filc,cdril €+nillr AU}OnUED OCAUn o02 w n oct( xEngEY 66ruddb O.o *rf' Project Name: Category Number Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Dare 3/'i /qs Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecVOontact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Sunaivision\ rr-, / 2,,-r i y'lct',t tr ZoneP$rict Project Street Address: Comments: aoqfrT ltllfAcjisn -__) Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval !|statt Rpprovat Conditions: ,..t-,,., ../ .,' t .,-.,., .'.:/../ DRB Fee ere-caia .,/{ )'D .,-r^t ,J. MATTHEW L. KING 4460 TIMBER FALLS COURT, NO. 1603 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 TELEPHONE: (303) 476-8324 (weekends) or 889-0723 (weekdays) February 28,1995 Design Review Board - Town of Vail Attention: Lauren Waterton 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Window Installation in Unit #25 1881 Lionsridge Loop Dear Iauren: As we discussed yesterday, enclosed is my application for the captioned project; a letter on behalf of the Association of Vail Point Townhomes: and a check in the amount of $20.00 in payment of the filing fee. Also, as I mentioned to you, if you need any additional information from the Association, you can call Mr. Stephen Katz, Association Secretary, at 476-5512. I understand that he will be in Vail for the next month or so. Note that although Mr. Katz refers in the Association's letter of approval to the window as a "dormer window, " the proposed window does not alter the existing plane of the building and, thus, I would anticipate that it falls within the category of items described in Section III(D)(a) of the DRB's application instructions. Please call me if you should need further information regarding this project. Sincerely, Matthew L. King Mr. Stephen Katz 1881 Lionsridge Loop. No. 14 Vail. CO 81657 T0LJN 0F Vf;It COI"'-DEV ID:',Oit-179-2152 DEr: 08'94 10:r.i9 No.C01 F.01 !.vlr.{ ?/rllt. DlSrGN REvIEtf BOARD aPpIJICATION rO$N Op VArr. coroxADo DATE RECEIVED; DATE OF DITB MEETING ; ? tr TYPE OF REVIEI{: . Naw Con!Eruct ion (9200.001 . AddiLion (0s0.00) ADDRESST \c Subdivi, rion r Mlnor Alceration ($20.00) - Conceptual Revi ev, (90) Block l<- D. l'. I, .1 If property lE dcscrlbed by description, pliase providc to thiE appl icaLion, ZONING: Hei.. --i.,n-\ d meets arld bounals Iega1 on a EeparaLe sheet and attactr rc,tys) PROTIECI TNFORTATION: DESCRI EITON ! '\t NNME OF APPI.TICANT: I'\ Maj I if I Addre-86 : N/rr.lE oF AppLrc,\NT . s REpRESENlB.1.1yg , _Sl r,-.( 40- F, a Lrc V ( .__Mailing Addreuu , Phone NAME OF Om'lER(S) z S>t--,-q c,c - F, zrbn v..e_- _ or{ aR (s, srgffA{trffE j Mailing '\ddross : APPIJTCA?f,ZONS WILI, NOT BA PROCESSED WITHOL'T OHNAA'S STGTATURE Condominium Approvai 1f applicable. 5e.c. N \ -\c-e t-o.d. \t\V,t- DRB FEE: DRB fees, as showrr above,l are to be pald au Lhe tirne of subrniLLal of Lhe DnB applibaLion. Ira[er, when applying for a building permit, plbase .i.denuify l-he accurat-e valuation-of Lhe proposaL. Tho Torrn of vail trill adjusL bhe fee according Lo tlie t.able below, go ensute Ehe corr;ct fce VAI,U TION |l v 9 rv,\Jvv f 10,001 $ s0,000 $ 50,001 s 15C,000 t150,c01 s 500,00c 1500,001 $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000,000 DEgIgN NEVIEW BOARD APPROVAII &XPIRES ONE YEAR ANIER FINAI] APPROVAL II!{LESS A DUTIJDINO PERMIT IA I8SUBD AND CONStrNUCTION r8 8ltRron. FEE i; 50. 0O $100. 00 $200. 00 f400.00 $500.00 Poal.lt' Usnd f|r riansm[(al m€mo 76?| .545-113 B-tt49 Sare J. Fisher P-3?3 09/07 /94 O3:44P Eagle County Clerk PGI OFI & Reco rCer REC 5.00 DOC 29.95 %, .i Fl 'n i;o ('J -l n€r o.-O-{..k6:5to &.€ -.,d s5 3Sr t's;il o-l He3 6.rq ooo r5 g"c Ar<€'.{ r-l {J {"{ O 3Fc D t ) I , ffi.ffim 'ARN/\NAY DEED I !u' uA,ultd . lgt!"**' ? rtff ."a s,.,.tor OHIO, 1ruror, ud lrArn|rtLg!{lo-au W, fU{G ll.l MAlvtN fa I|NG ffiH#H#H.ffiff:L, .lro knos'n bt r.r* ud nurnD.r r, lttl LIOFISIIDGIE t,oOP fi19' vAt" COL,OI^DO t1517 re.eE45riIe*:t**rsl-s"'"L*"m,s;i3E#r"tffif "ffi'mi4f;ry9164;3'r1'g;TOGETIEE Lr!D .U .t6 .ulau.a rrc nGl.Es|l5E rarli6"- -rra lr,.ilb-' rorinJr taa ogotjtd:Tt g:- t:-.--f ror"t|ioo- -rla Flrqaio-ia.' rorindr 'trd tlo'orindclt' nqDt uru" 'r' Iro :'" -: ; ".a-liJr]r,ih lt h€rcditlmeolt ind l;:;-.d|i;;-'"f d. g.,"-iil aU.. i! t * oi cqult, of, i6 ..nd to tb. rbov' b"t'r'l %mtg AI{D TO H(tLt 16o sri.l prcmi=.,5oY. butri!.d.!d d!'c'ib€d. !4cb tli rPqgt!'rr1c51' trdlo ltr3 lntrrE.'r' rheit h'i' ead 'drnr fo vr3. A.o.r.n.rrearo.r.6r}i111.^*.=1'11;,15-Eff-Fffir',ffinmrm:F5i'*.itff*f;i * i';Tfitr:$;6 ffin"r-;S$ 1$TILr,t-;lHlTl'LE'ffiT^ffJffifriUE5;. fi.:i1re1+ .a ry_rooi ;.sht, tuu abova €c\r.td, blr tood. tu oo*r ud bsirr ru-orrr r. s,.d. brr.rF. dt.,,a -o"ovrn?ff-t '".' F3,3*ffi5g1Httffi.t5'ffi :?o.H l-."#;ffi .rffi .HFsi"ffi -ffiF,]*g51gffi g-ttffi j5'ffi :?o.;i;; "oE' uA br,{*rl rurborty ra 8'|d' b.rarl!' t'u "to colw'y t'F -" '-'- -- t *ut tist| of rthattv.t b$d or n.tua!ffi.l$l#ffi #ffi j*,f;tr;:::g;'nm*;ai*"-'-.i.;;b''co"arl.''rd frotl r[ fo'tEt r[d ollLt atr||s' o'-r.lJr'! - :;;;;Fn6t , rranarr, rrclcib.t';;;. + F. rrrt 6.' 6. crrr"tte tcrr.rl-DrradF rgfrr:|f-'|f cf ranf' |l rr'' tlra qrd.3 ot tr Ftlcrrr0o -ofunl. rtc Ptunt tf daauhr. 'd ur. Lu cioult dr acod oo rlr. d'to "' srATE oFecI€t*DlD Ohra COqNTYOF rQothn*rf t"nrrfiol ?.r- rltlovLdlS M!' coFni....'n o||(IFEFLYS. CARTER, l&EyRtb[o !n andftrlhr Shloof Otb lft Ottunbsbn Exdns JuU. A, 1990 ) ) r.' *,. ,*'* 1u, n ?tl4ltd. I I d r.. l|!& l-. !.- r^rr.{t*Po r"- t--'- stSben J.3gtz I'ebruary 23, 1995 I,[r. Uatthew L. King 4450 Timber Fall Court, No. 1t;03 Vail Co 8165? Dear Mr.King: We are in receipt of your request to put a dorrner window in Unit #25. Apparently your approvals frorn the town of Vail and from your neighbor:s are in order and the dormer window conforms with the other:s in the complex. As an association, we aptrrreciate any and a1l- tasteful capital improvements to the prcject. We would also appreciate your advising your contractor to afford all transportation and working horrr courtesies that are inherent courtesies to a town house complex."HY/4 Ste;/hen Katz 4/ Seiretary VaiI Point Townhome Association SK/mn cc: Charles Ross 504-525-2287 . 234 Loyola Building Suite 91 1 . New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 fi4-488-22OO . 5512 Dayna Ct.New Orleans, Louisiana 70124 J a ) I ; -9 X ul i t lt- Fn s +r i tE ro lzsl<l U',^\--,J -i. 6 |J--- J+.,t Lr*Q il*er"{* '. lJ]nVrtn - L '/'5tor'- E'+st 1 lz" r.rrsaA\rrs\ o FrY.<[ Tro6ero..L 6*cl Z AvJ n r4t wn\-!r^,-' C\l\ a/#o\,\,(^ \ vnx\oL, cXrstr\wr".tro**--l frPnrn t'^-", f,o ,-rf.\-L QXtsl rav4r,dlc.t { d € )f A\ \ rr'\frnsr! ,.5 n * -{ -ec.Ae .S (\tf<r* ,. *\c- i-{ TOWN OF VAIL RF,CEIP'I \O, D^TF4 3 ?S CIIB,CI(S MADE PAYABL[, ]'O TOWIi OF VAIL ACCOI]NTNO.ITEM NO. T,AX C(xrIrA. TOrAL 0 0000 4l 540 ZONIN(; AND ADDRI:SS MAPS s5.00 ;41 0 0000 424 5 UNIFORM BUILDING CODI s54.00 0 0000 424 5 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODI]sl9.oo 0 0000 424 5 UN IFORM Ml:t'l lANl(-AL CODI $17.00 0 0000 424 5 UNIFORM I.IRL CODI]$t6.oo 0 0000 424 5 NATIONAL FLHCTRICAL CODI:s17.00 0 0000 424 5 0'I'IIBR COI)IJ tsOOKS 0 0000 4l54ti I]LUIJ PRINTS (MYLARS)s7.00 0 oooo 424t2 XI:ROX COPIBS $0.25 0 0000 424 2 STUDII]S 0 0000 424 2 ToVFEI:S COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0 0000 42371 PHNALTY FELS / RE-INSPI]CTIONS 0 0000 4l 3 2 PLAN Rl:VlliW RE-ClllrcK F Itlr tS40 PER IlR.l 0 oo00 42332 OIF IIOURS INSPI:CTION I.I:liS 0 0000 414 "t (()N lRnC l()RS LICI:NSl.S Fl:l-.S 0 0000 4 l4 3 SICN APPLI('ATION FhF-s20.00 0 0000 4r4t3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGI: tl.l. fS I 0O PI:R SQ.FT.I R. n n F e g rt: 0 0000 Vl.C.n RT PROJI:(-T DONATION ':r 0 00@u3!!'l'Rl: l'AII) t)l:SIGN Rl;VIF-\4 tsOn RD Fl:11 4/) t,0000 4237 |INVI;STICATION FEIr ( BUI LDING) 3 0000 45 I 0 TOV PARKING FUND 0 0000 2202'7 l ()v Nl:wSPA l'F-R DISPI'.NSLR FUND * 0l 0000 2l I l2 I AXABLE (ar 4% (STATE)* 0t 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0 0000 42371 IJUILDI N(i INVI:STIGATION OTIIIjR :'.1 il -T-ITmd?tuTo] -0iT000-,Illfo-l PEC APPLICATION FEES - = J2-0T'0-6'-l --s2d0.00-l 0 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TIIAN IOO SQ.FT.]s200.00 0 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORI] TIIAN 100 SO.FT.I s500.00 0 0000 4r330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT TNEWI s 1,500.00 0 0000 41310 SPbCIAL DbvELOPMI:NT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND s I ,000.00 0 0000 41330 SPIICIAL DEVBLOPMI:NT DISTRICT IMINOR NMI]ND s200.00 0 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VAruNNCIJ s250.00 0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODI] AMENDMIJNTS $250.00 0l 0000 41330 Rl: - ZONING $200.00 OTIIIIR H OTIII]R ,a s :t ,,,,n,(lRB 1r"- - Mtt //' ltut/\L: c4 L/ . ft / /nrts, l4////ont-*z{ 0 --'T-- h* a!cAsH r t,K.,L/tl' r'{.or r ."""'-/ffff -t-crhrH {fF LJFI r t- l'liEcel l aneous CaEh fif,-r:1i-'"15 8?:18:1t:t Eeceipt * 1i'.i31€, ffcc,runt O ;;1:' $'.1t1* FiII'IG,'TTF]E. FEE Fln'run 1. l*rrde red .!':(r. Br:r Itenr Paid Amount Paid EllftEffel4llf,lffBri !8. Efi ri:h.:nge retr-rrrrsd .! rJ ' tj8 -l-HFll'll{ vGU ?our c.=shier FlEtlTHt-t TO: DATE: RE: FROM: BUTLDING PERMIT DECEMBER 9, 1993 EXPIRED PERMIT GARY MURRAIN, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAI, THISPERMITHASBEENVoIDEDPERsEc304(d)oFTHE1991u.B.c. EXPIRATION OF PLAN REVIEW. o z L =g ul o- U) uJ uJ (L tr = UJ (t- N o\ c! z z z E t-l (J IN Ol r3 t" t|rl (\ Lx>'-o z tFr F-r iz u_v o ;z z=or = 3 z H B z F z ZJ ^FJ =ts @z dO ot zr-4 =H a\= o uJ F z o F F I = o z z z H Fl H fr :5 F-l H E }l rJ H B E TL J llJ o =I o (r F o z lr E uJ z 3 Otr l!t!oz ,:.3 (rv <F 2a YZ 6< T4O N t4< -r €o Ln l{r& \t F+l xio Ft Fl F-r ptr-t:E ficl o xt no .b.rd c)#;z Ar'l i-{fra&l4 r4 I4r^ H KNts tqca Fa XC\t V H z oti (U.Y'.:E6e?ci gEE;E F 9 R€!:3E3*;.= (5 - (t,Flc:o € 9EEF :is;: -.= -F ; OG FE '- o-! _! 2 F i.E o iEal s :€sig €qefE r;gei cl= - o "$):o!E).e; o q:9 :iE;. fEE -sE :3€ g;f; €a9 ./) =a g,fi: f €g Ei;pt8 5 (J >-at c-=-> T; E: i a!": q; iE$Ed c!\t F- N F = z o d) Y r z 9 E F uJ ur z 6 = d J 2 o UJ UJ UJ z tr LIJ UJ =_L! 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F 5 E 99 =o =ff =F d5 () =5 33 9,' =g o =o2 <O ffln -1 !l.<* DD BUILDING PERI,IIT ISSUANCE TI}4E FRAME lf !ttt permi.t requires a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approva't,Engineer''s (Pyb] ic l'lorks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and'a review by the Auiliing Department, the estimated tjme for a total review may take as long as three weeRs. A1l commercia'l (large or small) and all mu1ti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirem-enls. Residentia'l and_smal1 projects should take a 'l esser amount of time. However, if residential or smal1er projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. - Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite th.i s permit as s,qon as possi.ble. I'- the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time Trame. 75 louth frontage road vall, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 Communi ty Development Department. otllco ol communlty developmerrl rli :l 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&]ECT: offlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CTJRRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOI^IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material , including trash dumpsters, portable toileti and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or public P1?9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n aI1 Town of Vaj-1 streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.This ordinance wilr be strillry enforcld. by the toin of vail PYPIi-" works Departrnent. persons found vi6latinq this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLfic Works Departrnent will remove said rrateiiat at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town of vail Building Department to obtain a copy. fhank you for your cooperation on this matter. (i.e. contractor, owner) Monroe !N.*.tt Englneers. lnc. ,* V,o-rr--G,^Fr # Le- sxeer ro. ll op Jl-'-c^rcuL rEo EY ll.\J D^tl cxecxeo Bv I or rE d(rrr rl'. rltr{rtrrh)in llrr\lr/ta!./.h tltin{.n0!tfr rotrrb,rfit (,il I t tft]!:\itir r,rLL ?.ut'Yf::"*#' ^"y{ff;;'!:?3_--_ ---_''r+-___.utr0, IZ-5- I ( 8-t -L.-',rr=-?iA:?*.- !P g o- h-r -z-s-- Ll-l'-il q r.r, is ptrfr^s <.( t.= €;rs* $ i.Lur , .-iJ-uur,t {5 z/+-.S+q^e ^.fafo"* -:i\.=, r-ru,-f i.s ts, +\4 €as.J o€ Z5n , ___ _ -a-t i \I k; s LJ; -- t(c.t Q*s A \+z i+- -L"-cc.-tctl g^l lke eeg* 9;lc ;i .4 zs' G)iod6s,-r 6Ji/l B* S;,"r, taa- f P Shffi hoo.*io,J d fr drshec\ - CO srstauClioO t^lindow installation in #25 1881 Lionsridge Looo Vail, Colorado [,,Je propose to install I 7ft wide by 9.6 tall at top point sloping to 7ft at low point of top. The window will have one mullion from botton to top. The shape is to be the same as example #2. There will be no seperation befuieen windows. The windorar will be set balcony privacy of the ajoining unit will not be disturbed. A1l structrual framing will be according to structLrral print attached. Nindoa frarne color to match exi.stlnq colors of tounhomes. Plan Review Based on tbe 1992 Unif,orm Codes NAME:VAIL PT. wINDOw#2s DATE:9/23/92 ADDRESS:1881- LIONSRTDGE LOOP CONTRACTOR:STEVE GERHARDT VAIL, COLORADO ARCHTTECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:R]. ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed belor are not intended to be a conplete listing of all possible code requireuents in tbe adopted cod6s. ft is a gruide to s€lected sections of tbe codes. Tbe folloring is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of, the Town of Vail . ].) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. 2) FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .t -:.- 4't\O Project Application Proiect Project Contact Description: personand ,r.^" SlxV< G.r lrqrJ* - '{7q- qRoT L'1 t\/ o^," q faa /q a , /" /\ | I J- l *u " V^tL fo,;f 1e-.snLet'l.q-s ,'l N€tD wt&ry\a*at eN eos* "sr.LL o€ uuif 4 A-s t Aa I Lbps f i) -Sr 3 Add ress and Phone: LL A, Owner, u3a1 0eLro O["', o Vs , T^ Architect. Address and Phone Nlt Block 3 . r,r,ns 3 , U.*t Ri)?< J., zon" t10lv1F *J cO 4a /) u: riuJe,u -t( x q.s Legal Description: Lot Comments: 'o4,, Design Review Board,r,, n Date Motion by: Seconded by APPROVAL DISA PPR OVA L Su m mary: o^," fl/ee/qa dpp,ou^t revised 9/4/9L DRB APPLTCATION - TOI{N OF \IAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COIPRADO i{l I. ********t* TEIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTIL AI.,L REQUIRED INFORI.IATION TS SI'B}IITTED ********** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: New Construction ($200.00) Y ytinor Alteration ($20.00) Addition (S50 . 00 )Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIP Subdivi s ion Tf nrnnorf rr i c docnri l-rod l-rrr description, pLease provide -+ + -^'l-. +^ +L.i^ ^^-. l.l ^-+.l ^-crLLq\-rr Lv Llr._LD CTPPII(-dL-LUrr. ZONING: T ^f B.TYPE OF REVIEW: c. u. F' a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and LOT AREA: If requj-red, applicant stamped survey showing 1ot area. must, Drovide a current r'\/N H.NA}4E OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE(S): Mailing Addrgss i -\,-r i Phone .? S--ttB -8/-+< J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying f or a building permit,, please identify t-5s accurate valuation of tile proposal. Tht: Town of Vaj.i will adlust the fee according to the table below, to ensure Lhe correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - s 10,000 $ 10,001 - s 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1/000,000 $ Over $1, 000, 000 * DESIGN REVIE}I BOARD APPROVEI EXPIRES APPROVAL UNI,ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 s400.00 ss00.00 ONE YF.AR AFTER FTNAI ISSUED Al{D CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED $'ITBOIN OV|NER'S SIGNATURE NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailinq Address: L II PRE-APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff i!- strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application informatj-on is needed. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to detbrmine if there are additj.onal submittal requirements- please note that a COMPLETE applicatlon wilI streamline the approval process for your project. D In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to. i.hOicate property 1ines, building Iines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. AII site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the wj-nter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a finat approval . Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposaf at a minimurn of two meetings before obtaining final approval. Applj-cants who faj-l- to appear before the Design Review Board on Lheir scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB docket unti-l such time as the item has been republished. The foffowing items may' at the discretion of the zoninq adminisLrator' be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skytights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of the bui-lding,'and b. Building addition proposals not vj-sibIe from any other lot or public space. At the ti-me such a proposat is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from r-1-r6 ...ranf fnr nr m:nacrpr of ^-" ^r-:-^^6r vr.v erv-re - J! v- r,,errqrv- -- ally clL'Jcr\-srrL condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i-e- snow avafanche, rockfal1, flood plain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an af f j-davit recognizing the hazard report. prior to the issuance of a building permit. appticants are encouraged to check wi-th a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to al-f mapped hazards. For aIl residential- construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural wa]fs of the building; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building wafl-s or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, aIl conditions of approval must be resofved prior to Town issuance of a building permit III A. B -cr I o og/23/92 14:30 trtr9e0!I{____::"GERI-ARDTREN @ oot/oo1 RF0'DSEP 2 4 t?92 **!t* trr************:l * * * ***t* ** *** *** **** ******* * *l ******* ****** * ** yrllt Po$l!! lo;rEol|E laSocrrrron 12 TIEST I.TOTfUIMNB AVENUE P.o. Box 548 DAyfoN, oHro 45402 **f* **** ** ******* *** *r******** ******* ** *** *** ** ******* ** ********* ****it*t************************************************** *** *** * * l.lEMO ****** **** ***it****** *** * ** *** ** * * * ** *** ******** ** * ********** * *** * TO: FROU! DATEI RE: Tohm of vail Charlee D. RoEs Secretary Septenber 23, L992 unlt 25 VaiL Point Townhone AsFoclation The Board of Directors of Vail Point Townhorne AEsoaiatlon approveg the proposed change to unit 25 as deecribed in the bulldlng permit. ,"LL ?'+rr'V f::;*r! ,ia.J"'l T'<. P*[")*"- I I1 ( 'i ,_ I i ( Ii..,i ' i.r 1r '\. .,l ,i11l 1- I .-\l'.,/., .t ;f.' Jt-T ?ra ,i Monroe ONewell A\. En$neers,lnc' il\DAIE OATE OF n olrr rrl I tt$ g{n)ilr I lhrbjr /AaL/r kr. (ilrtri [|is uir/r i{rtldrr lrir|l rtrtl rfill | $[:'l lr.$rr l^,lindon installation in #25 1881 Lionsridge Looo Vail. Colorado laJe propose to j-nstall | 7ft wide by 9.6 tall at too pornt sloping tc 7ft at low point of top. The window will have one mu11lon from botton to top. The shape j.s to be the same as exarnple f2, There wj.l1 be no seperatlon between windows. The window will be set so balcony privacy of the ajoini.ng unit raril1 not be di.sturbed. A11 structrual framing will be according to structural print attached. Nindow frame color to match existinc colors of townhomes. o Project Application Date f -g rz /,/Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone [r-. rl /- ,//- la 6ex r' S b a t/. (l 6/bJ / l- Owner. Address and Phone: Arch itect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot F ilin g Zone - Co m men ts: obd Design Review Board Date 3 -/r '72 Motion by: Seconded by: D ISA PPROVA L Su m m ary: own Plan ner pr^,,Approvar f {;) O r"lri"" d gl4lgl COIORADO DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF \IAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: tj.:l:." ttt****tt* TBIS EPPLICATION TfILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL eI.I.. REQUIRED IITFORIIATION IS SI'BIIITTED ********t* I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (S200.00) . ,/Addirion (s50.00) C. ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivi s ion Minor Alteration (920.00) Conceptual Review (90) Bl-ock Lot If property is described by description, pl-ease provide ^{-r- -^}. + ^ .-L,i ^ --^1 .: ^^+ .: ^-cLL LCr\-lr L\J Lll_LD ctPPI_!Ud.LI!/rr . ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F. J. K. LOT AREA: If required, applicant st.amped survey showing l-ot area, must provide a current NAIVIE OF APPLICANT:Mailinq Address: NAME OF Mai I ing APPLICANT' S Address: PRESENTATIVE (o l)q s NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) : M:iIinrr Addrocc. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 9s00.00 DESCRIPTION: ' I r ll : l)nr-ttd LtLLvl Phone Phone * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES ONE YE.AR AFTER FTNAI APPROVAT UNLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCIION IS STARTED. iTNO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED IIITEOUT OI|NER'S SIGNATT'RE condominium Approvat if appricabLe-t-/4/^-/l\\ " li'u, / v.,, / \- - L{.-7 t'L*1 DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t5 be paid at the time of submittaf of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate val-uation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will- adjust the fee according to the table be1ow, to ensure the correct fee is paid. EEE PAID: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ o - $ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001- - $1,000,000 $ Over $1,000r 000 rr. PRE-APPLraot* MEETTNG: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additi-onal application information is needed. It is the appJ-icantrs .i !-.i r .t r- sol,L./rr,) rv-.. -,-t ! to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requi-rements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appficant must stake and t.ape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site vj-sit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants shoul-d plan on presenting their development proposal at a minimum of two meetinqs before obtaininq final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduLed meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be posLponed, wi.ll have their items removed from the DRB docket unti-l such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning admini-strator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB mav not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existins plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other 1ot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. ff a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avafanche, rockfalI, flood pIain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applj,cants are encouraqed to check with a Town PLanner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. F. For af l- residential- construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building,' and b. Indicate wit.h a dashed line on the site plan a four foot. distance from the exterior face of the building wal-Is or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval musL be resolved prior to Town issuance of a buildinq permit. I rv. NEw coNsTRUcTa A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped bv a licensed survevor, at a scale of l-" - 20' or larg'er, on which the followinq information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervaLs unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, internittent streams, etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc,),centerline of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of 40% or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information should be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly important for height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information, for more information regarding surveys. 1, Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc . must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electric c. Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals to be located on sj-te or in the rj-ght-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocable permits from the Town of VaiI are required for improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. e. A1 I easements (Title report must also include existing easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. B - Site Pl-an 1. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off s:-Le. b. Proposed driveways. PercenL slope and spot elevations must be shown. 2- A11 existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areast waIks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with top and bottom of wal1 spot. elevations), and other existing site ].mprovements. C and proposed grades shown underneath) . These elevations and grades must be provided in order for the staff to determine building height. All ridge lines should be indicated on the site plan- El-evations for rocf ridges sha11 also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8E unless approved by the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (1il = 20'or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following j-nf ormation rnust be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4" diameter or larqer trees, the locationr size, spacing and type (common and latin name) of all existing and proposed pfant material . All trees to be saved and to be removed must also be indicated. The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached fandscape materials 1ist. 3. The focation and type of existing and proposed waterj-ng systems to be employed in caring for plant materiaL following its instal,fation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-refation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the site pIan. Siqn off from eacn utltitv c verifying the location of utilitv service and availability (see attached) . E. A nreliminar.'f if la -on^-t mUSt accompany all submittals, to insure property ownership and location of al1 easements on Property. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1r or largert I/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and aII elevations of the nrnnnqed devp I nnmtrnt . El ewat j-ons must Show bOth yr vuvoeu existing and finished grades. 2, One set of ftoor plans must be "red-lined" to show how the gross res j-dential- floor area (GRFA) was cal-cuIated. Reductions of all efevations and Lhe site plan (8- !/2" x Il"\ for inclusion in PEC and/or Town Council memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material col-ors sha1l- be specified on the attached materials list- This materials list must be completed and submitLed as a part of DRB application. Cofor chj-ps, siding samples etc'r should be presented to the Design Review Board meeting. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if project is toCated within the Sing]e-Family, Primary,/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adiacent structures. a NOTE: G r. rne zonlfadministrator and/or DRB JJ tuql,rire the submission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will conply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDTNGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the Iocation (site plan) of the redevel.opment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more forrnal requirements set forth above, provided aIl important specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS _ RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original f loor pJ-ans wi-th aL1 specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed ffoor plans 1/8" = !' or larger (I/4" = Ir is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition, E. Photos of the existinq structure. F. Specif ications f or al-L mater.ials and coLor samples on materials Iist (attached) . At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit.: G. A statement from each utility verifying location of servj-ce and avail,ability. See attached utility locati-on verif i-cation f orm. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of property, which Iists a1l- easements. VII. FINAL STTE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, t.wo copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The f oJ-lowing information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location (s) with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dirnensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C. A11 utrlity service line as-builts, showing type of material- used, and size and exact l-ocation of lines. D. Drainage as-buil-ts. E. Basis of beari-nq to tie to section corner. F All nr.rnprf v ninq ArF tn he either found or Set and stated on improvernent survey. G. A1 I easements . H. Building floor efevations and alf roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge l-ines. vrrr .coNcEPruA" ilra, REVTEW A.Submittal qequireme{rts: The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town, s Design Guidelines. This procedure i_s recommended primarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences, However, developers of single-family and two-family projects shall not be excluded from the opportunity to reguest a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submitted 1o rlal'c rr-i n- f^ a Scheduled DRB meetinq.L' rE\ir UI\IJ The following information sha11 be submitted for a conceptua] review: A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equals twenty feet,. Conceptual elevations showj_ng exterior materj.als and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone distrj-ct in whj-ch the project is to be l-ocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculatj-ons, number of parking spaces, etc.),- Complet.ed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Communi-ty Development shall review the submitted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal_ is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, the project shal1 be forwarded t.o the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the application and submittal materials shaIl be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Devel_opment Department st.aff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shal-l- review the submitted conceptual review application and supportinq material_ in order to decermine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or hj-s representative shall be present at the DRB hearinq. B LIST OF MATERIALS I NAME oF pRoJECT, /ttt<t/ 'nn D-c/'r, /,Oirolou'. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK SUBD IVI S ION STREET ADDRESS #o4 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: rh The following informatj.on is Revlew Board before a final A. BUILDING I'{ATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall- MateriaLs Fasci a Soffits Wi-ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Fl ashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other requ i red approvaJ- TVPE OF I ill for submittal can be given: MATERIAL b)tn o/aut to the Desiqn COLOR <>4 0 LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Dhnna . PLANT MATERIALS: DP '\DA CE N 'PDFF C Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees is 2 deciduous trees.inches. Indicate Minimum cal-iper for height for coniferous t)A pLANT *ru*Or: Botanicat Name co^ ol.l"*. ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size R rra l Inn ii-----:-=-=-=-t:- of proposed shrubs Minimum size of shrubs is Sguare Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate Iighting pl-an. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waIls, fences, swimming pooIs, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retaining wal-Is. Maximum height of wall-s within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of wa1ls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. t .l"r* LocArroN **r.r.orroO SUBD IVI S I JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FIL]NG ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communicati-ons r-8Q0-922-r981 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-57 8 L Gary HaI1 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky,/Michael Laverty Hcri t:oe C:l-r'l pv, sion T.V, 94 9-5s30 Steve Hiatt Upper EagIe Val1ey Warer & Sanitation District * 47 6-'7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing a utility plan and schedulj-ng instal,l-ations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resol-ved. If the j-ssue is relativel-y complicated,it should be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that j-t is the responsj,bility of the utility company and owner to resoLve identified problems. 4. If the utitity verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town wil-1 presume that there are no problems and that the cic're l- opment can proceed. 5. These verifications do not refieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street. cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain util-itv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A buifdinq permit is not a st.reet cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * PLease bring a sit.e pIan, floor plan, and efevations when obtaining Upper EagIe Va1ley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Block a I OWNER Water Course Set.back Site Coverage Landscapj-ng Retaining Wa11 Heights Parking C: r: rro t'- rarl i t Flri tra. 3' /6' View Corri-dor Encroachment: yes Environmental-/Hazards: 1) 2'.) 3) PHONE PHONE AlIowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed Total 201 l-5 t 15' (30) (s0) Reqrd (300) (600) (e00) (1200)_ Permitted Slope 8% Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: No Flood Plain ARCHTTECT **LOT SIZE ZONE DTSTRICT PROPOSED USE Height ToTal GRFA Prj-mary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks 425 Front Sides Rear Percent Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Prevj-ous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request j-nvolve a 250 Addition? How much of the all-owed 250 Addition is useffiEis resuest? **Note: Under Sections I8.L2.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less t|an 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelring unit. The community Development Department nay grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections I8.12.090 (B) and l-8. L3.080 (B) of the Municipal Code incl,uding permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fu]]-time employees of the Upper Eagle Va11ey. t0 8f g cv E o q A. * Y ..' q)(s I d-, -,) 'v) ,i \rJ n lv\ c/ ) s.,1 -J s ; 6 \D {}.s{ \h\ $) (l Y "0, '- ti,Y r';|; 8 i(,iro { e i,= f€ is-dr it : s i._Ir !i f r = _r ]+J+ l{ i t !-+:+ t*: i L "E g : s+" A\ t{ i. \ .A tl = a. \f \1 f\ c- o (]- o {-> a <R,)4 t i-- eJ dr f-l t=o aJ -:(a ,Y t \if .g i gt , c'' 1 \ Sagir ip qa**l*i; Iti '\--\ !J g -, I ,, P -r \. tr w'\ .l-;' i1 " 6 r *-nt,- l- *:-tsi\.*-* \t\ , q- \- v) I rn '.] -\9 ',- '^ :\ | -----.- ]- 7- \ rr-- (' s-- :-]- 7- \\.\rl -lr C -.-w =...( a rl- Q- -\ , ' --) ' U^'tL lO Va rl ("otnE ?"o gotd, W,nAo-t orrADecr >-5q'. t'*G 5uaf 5on -LC-V/-I t.ootl^3 .i 'J ! rl W o.a€€ leuoL,on o -Detirt lO" Pr<-c,Conc're-\9 ,"L/ t .. X 4 f eLrar Z xZ F"-A (oncnuL* PoA o o 5 o,^th tletq-t't.',1 n et qJ ;:-o -\) (ct \l U' lrj F o z t!o .l I x \ \ \ \\.,\ ,,,\ ,i \, I I \ io rf) x LJ o $\lr) \ \ \\l t\ \t (.1 $ \ 'l $i\ \ I ${N N $l :l _\t I r_l I I t j $ R \\\r \\ tt, \l 'rf lr \[ il \i t \.4,txt \\\\' t t ol g\ -l ao ,,4 .: !! ao I't)\/\r\\\ wb r/,,/,m ' r"'rl f,'j'i {w ,/ //7 o ,\ {