HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 VAIL POINT UNIT 26 LEGAL FILEoltu5 laf R'F'fl: l( 47 fi(fi4 dp"L 3 t Project Name: FREEMYER RES. ADD.VAIL POINT Project Description: Pafticipants: ProjectAddress: 1BB1 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Legal Description: Lot: 1 Blockl 3 Subdivision: Parcel Numberz 2103122070L0 Comments: SEE CONDmONS Design Review Board ACTION FORM 6,eR,"t Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8050068 HELEN H. 03/04/2005 Phone; /) CHANGE EXIfiNG ATNC STORAGE INTO LOFT WTTH POWDER ROOM; CHANGE LOWER BEDROOM WINDOW INTO PATIO DOOR; CHANGE LIVINGROOM WINDOWS SO THAT HORTZONTAL DIVISION OCCURS @ 8' (1' HIGHER). THrS APPLTCATTON USES 316 SQUARE FEET OF GRFA LEAVING VAIL POINT OWNER FREEMYER, 7 PARKWAY DR ENGLEWOOD co 80113 License: APPUCANT STERLING HOMES INC 03104/2005 Phone: 970-748-1700 P O BOX 3699 VAIL CO 81658 License: CONTMCTOR STERUNG HOMES INC 03/04/2005 Phone: P O BOX 3699 VAIL CO 81658 License: 301-8 LOCAUON: VAIL POINT, #26 UONS RIDGE FIUNG 3 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah 03/09/2005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006969 THE APPLICANT SHALL MATCH THE COLOR OF THE NEW WINDOW TO THOSE EXISITNG ON THE STRUCTURE. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO Additions-Residential or Comrnercial Application for Design Review All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permlt application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. -An applicition for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructi;n commences within one year of the approval. n ofthe Request: L.,t- General f nformation: Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com t Lci(,r f/)rtrn Location of the proposal: Lot: Physical Address: / 6 6 / Lt Parcef No.: "lO3lTlC'1 (lt- icc,ntacL Eagte co. Assessoi-at 970-ltc B54o for parcetno.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: :.n1_.li.J -J\ ) I I ')38\ Owner(s) Signature(s): <^i I Name of Applicant: -)t-(-r L -)q.- "w,lo*fr,+)ft Zoning: Ar\ DnA f I t l) t r ,) trn I tlgkn_Ikt-tuy<r' (,.1 E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: ! Signs D Conceptual Review tl New Construction X Addition ! Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $s0 t\o ree +o)u $300 Phoner 74 K- //CA - "1), d t'z,t "rax: /a h' r xu(; Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuilfl. For an addition where squa-re- footage is adged to any commercial building (includes 250 additions & intdrlor n5). and retaining $250 For mjnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff Review Board. No Fee fl ot 1210a/28/04 Page 1 iz \-z 1/c*1 c r-/uu1 ***+++**{.**********i.:1.:1.'1.*******************,t *{.**'tct *****************+***,F,}**************,}***** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * * * +******* * * * ****************+* **'1.i.******* * * * * * + * * ******,t,1* * 'l * * * * ****** ** ** * *:f** * * *,1.* Statement Number: R050000192 Amount: $300.00 03/04/200508:54 AM Palment Method: Check HOMES Init : rfS Notation: #1990/STERL,ING Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : I-,ocation: This Payment: ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003Lr2200 DR8050068 2L03L2207 0L0 1.8 81 LIONS RIDGE VAIL POINT, #25 Description TIG)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA LP VAIL TotsaI Fees: Total ALL Pmts : Balance: s300.00 * **:l++* * ***** *** * * * * ****************+* * * * ****:*'*'*'l*.!**:! * ****** + * * * * * * * * * * * * + + * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 Current Pmts 300.00 DESIGN REVIEW FEES March l. 2005 Mr. Warren Campbell Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Point GRFA"/Freemyer Expansion Dear Mr. Campbell: This letter is to advise that the Vail Point Board of Directors has made a limited review of the GRFA calculations prepared by Sam Sterling. We are in general agreement with this information at this time, however, it should be noted that we may want to re-assess these data at some point in future. We are willing to allow Helen Freemyer to use the approximately 380 square feet of our available space which Mr. Sterling has estimated will be needed for the expansion of her property (# 26) at Vail Point. If a subsequent review of our overall GRFA results in modification of the data calculated by Mr. Sterling, it also may be necessary to adjust the square footage applicable to this expansion. Ifyou need further information or have any questions regarding this authorization, please do not hesitate to contact me (239-566-1061). Yours trulv. Loren Smith Secretary $n+ VIft €motl frrn l^or",t S^,+h +" )+"e t' Buildinq Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other /il--/, r,4- LUOM 4' { r,,nr'rl uoul b6e " ,{cA q;s/ t; I br,i< t'/ ITMIVCA €Xt 5tr,<r-wllk Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip.' Page 6 of 12l04l2&l$4 ,.I PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiW Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER 50D SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifu other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) PageT of 12104128104 J.n O+ O5 1l: {6a Hclen FFa?.UGF 3()3-759-O55G 64e.* /-{p- mXUt4[!t-ffi]- .E-at--t n t{rr Fd. htr-* Ld.q{ -.r-p-l-€i;::;5:;:ff =:=ga::3-":-":'j'-t-r' a JJil" rr@r.i'!.!r.a-. tot aa, lltr '(xfr rt[Ect, tbty rb rr-,t9*ai'' tc !b rir..c rrcca.a ]S..t, fr. r.ffi L lot . lll .: !.f r.t r. r-.gcl- s. zs',rtt. u .r. ,..f.r_E.catF-t G|co!.G !. rtat tn lcct 5la .3 E . "' aa bo.Ird.6 ro,.lqrto, rld rr. tfrrs b--t. tto.g,-a.a ;i;; -, ;r1 : -_r.r r! rr3. rrr r. lcqrGi_ 5. aa{aro .a ur;. "i - ,|.rE!E5(r- lEa|I. Jb|r/ t, tttt L tc.l 3i, .c ,.g. At, r,a:!D!i6 ro. r3tt3s, rra rr. rE bi_G ds.IG. r,lttl t. t6t 55t rG t{lr a5t .. !..qni-6 b. {555ar. rb t-a t.rr...* - f ttl Lld*tdr. ,oD. ttl, CO tra:'' 'timil.fldr-rdt r.tbrit_d-?F_.,bF.*tt-_h'tri_r'i.'l_i|:_n.rltL - r-. rE.G -, _-Er- E _ - rt'_ rE< _ - I I- rgr.-ir--c_.._! rr rE rli lrtdrr-. &bb-.FrL{, l-t-rturiralE;4._rF_r.tttxlrtrllDnDnro l-16-.hrryi.j.;a ;;rl:ar._+*bbd dFhq. ^ra '- !-. i. !hrr, Br-, E F rFr-||( tilfq,rqf -aai.rr.Er {.d*. Erblr.*l!. rF.-rb-r- -qc earr; r.r__-_L?-_._.al,*rriE.Da 8 n4.. rrr..( r, Fi.r. r-E--ht*ra:1, ir. -iElJ.arld,11 rr15_rit-r-rrr bD+ 4- G'Er-.-rdtrre _fi__*.t._r_.Er-etrdlbE-.*.La, E| Ettrd* _rh.Eq.r_F!_.crl br Ohlo ) )i c"ryc fY\orlfffn+*r'*.--\L+-b---F -.-s-r11 .aoo{. rr|.ra rCtIaEghrL- rabr tlarb. rDt r wtxtAlrrrr D$SD llt@r E-. lcl ata itnlt'Dr'.!'Lr [. rar&d. {- .l O-f,.a rthd CIO a.l.|| l. ta..AG r--hr*-l ? 'ch!. Hr. ltr.ooa cD |8U.l t|b I c|r-ta -5J CD:An'|to l:5* -?fa:.a.----r-.rrl_J b..-r,r_r r.a srr-i grrc. r..,v.&rDla .Fald.satLt El,l', tnr.l.d -f.try drrbi.f.rar. ilqr.rL4 ttrxtrl ri. C-r.a Da[.t-JOb*rth lLtErIdt]t ltrrr|r^E f,Itr .,rt'--.EE:diR----j3:-:f= F,-- -r* rfd.Ft Dtbaolr-.aqaa.rErqEtUp;. fra.filaa b- p. I l|ltb. 5d-.J-| t At Jan O{ O5 I I :.}6a Halen FreeDg€F 303-759-455G p.3 SItsWART TITLE OF VAII,. INC.Fsaa|'' Atlr)lyrr ^tD A._rrr.,a+? DAIE, .ruly or, :OO{ ElOf, nR l|EGt: oaot5a!2 n d rnpel,'.duFiEtLd E LcdrC rE El Fralldt eac.iLd ar tab't:lDt 26, r zt rout ttn |cs (aorBrt, a€r. , $t of oloaroo rxr Trto!, ruro sgl' sAPPrDavtR E#Effitssf*5:ffF,ffi,?,mffffi thArir|||Gaqrio.-bdc|t =*.-;.;=;H-F$fffff ..ffiTJ.+**t@rl' rb ilr:ft d. rt 6:brrr qEr...!.- r *_, nrt d-drrroy..r, frg t&slcd3! d ilFl rb rirt cqry :lrl rr|r re l. 7lddc tl'tqa Lrtd.drEt rrd.rriLdnrEfr.. frrc_t,H dbrc b.!!rpDlll3dty tb *ligEd ra.a-f{t-r d.. ''|,&.*,,/-a{rr D FnrG F oc b. L.r t|id D' rA r.dcit . ,.i, O.!cr-Sdb-ffSffisffiffi 5. rrd lt. rlrbrird r,, r c.rroy *r,.; il d;J-;;;;;tu- 6c ie TT=. ep -.d FF, a iit Fecr, *r. .ri .r"" "iti?y i.d,-_.+ o,lffij3;ffi# f,: I q';i' - *l Jt-i.ii"r rv rcunr r-rev r-.r. a.r,li -i;ilr;ffi-T5 tuiaia+ sbd wo. oG 6 h _'h lll or 6. &Eroo! l*, u -'1*r-, - -JEi? iffi.. u *-- r*(*ry a'nory oa : ,dry o(fi* ,::.;"ct .i;Fr;G;,*-r,r b rL lGlld .r ta rE rtor. b!i, B a.-,iq.*-rn,.," #ffiffJiEf ffiSS tlkf,rtil*r: t*r,trr, ?*r? d-rF, iEdet b nr bicr o rots.Esutqr otIlkni.t e r r--'r*.rtiiEr-',tEgffi*".mffit* tJ.l IDF iEfrr-AG, FEhp hrg* I !'5&vc. s.*o, ) | !3.carly o( t Tr.joetri+ rBrG rs&rtdg6 6rE E da d' o,lry t l.n L rr.-tc giEr. qt ned rd N{,r&-, (d hrc& Vy cor$Fior €qntr +115/06 Srnnuve HOMES wc Remodel Proposal Freentyer Residence The Owners of Townhome #26 are proposing to make the following alterations to their residence at Vail Point Townhomes, located at 1881 Lionsridge Loop: l.) Construct a loft in the existing attic space above their kitchen, entry and stairwell. The new loft will not modifu any exterior walls or roofs with the exception ofproviding one (l) egress window at the east elevation and 2 new skylights on the south-facing roof. The approximate square footage, including new stairs and landing will be 289 sq. ft. 2.) Replace two (2) sliding doors at the south elevation with same size units. 3.) Replace three existing windows at tlre east elevation - see elevations for details. 4.) Install a new, outer entry door. Door to be aluminum-clad wood, full tempered glass and will b€ set back l'4" to provide protection from roof drainage. 5.) Replace lower level, west bedroom window witJr a new, French outswing patio door. AII new doors and windows to be aluminum-clad wood with the color to match the new window at the east elevation on the adjacent townhome. All windows and doors being installed shall have new, wood exterior trim - painted to match existing siding. Respectfu lly subryritted.: y' |A /r lr'-"-).+Fl,W.'- Samuel A.W. Sterling, president Po. Bor 3699 VAiI co,orado 81658 n1ptrg.97G74&I7OO Fax 97tt4&6tt00 E nait b.i6 I ,lu2('aol.co.n .. o o ..-o 6 o *F $$ ARF 'n */7 s z-m z z -{m a I ,r I z I z ?m 7\r I o A f t z.e rs HIF l,\l im Fl I'Fi lx r{ l,r-ll t-s l$14 l-t JI tl e 7 tn a I,A --t E fr ? E fi r a -il 4 I r ' C)a $* I !e $s rz4g"-_--l ,lowN oF llAtt.. 7 DESIGN REVIEW ,, STAFF APPROVAL DArE 3-T os I t-sl.qFr WL' leE IJ HE li"g l-"fft lr" n lo lfip lc>t3 Oo0 O= 93 ilt'aO r=+!tn *'n 6\Ne' Tfi r,l =;ji $ @ @ (r' lp ls rn t-{ FREEMYER KEI-4CDEL VRu Porilr TowrrHomrs L\ONs RD6E LOCP tg_uJ%t\-orqrs rr.'a rr(kwv D-4-61 9{ tfrvt',VArL ) (n 81658 110-7tt8-l ls 1$lz- le IR ls l€ tyB'* [6c ggi I ra l= n fr I rF'l lr-m t<ll lJ lo rL l{4 IF n a C.-t 'a Fl r rrl s j o 7 ?aeeNtEu ggnoDEL Vlqtl frrwr TrvrNHor\4essJb ^rg'gi-lrntrlq'f tncz Ln6? ',lntt .(A jTeet-tl& HonE5 lNe -gix u+R,Y.viit,(i,9w6 0-2a-01 -748- l7o0 e,ax t+B-69X)A r.z TOWN OF VAII DESIGN REVIEW l:a i4 t:F- I IF IH i<l>i4 lo |a n I Ito l{lnl lfi t< t?t6 t7- I 14 ]l*rn I 6 rf ; g { l v c. -1 "f tt t-(q s -{ I 7 eo@r9 s 9m S<'c ,f;--= F I;:i==gq= Ri ig it$t*sds F 3;HR:*t+3 F $ii F il.$ ffi Sreetrrua fbrrres lruc Bax %qq, VRILI U a\65b a44-troo' r*/ z4g-6800 F€eewee Feno>re Yrtl L 6trur swuttor,( e* *26 iBEl LrousRrDsE L00f) Vfira)@ r2/2o/2o04 10:29 PAI S7ol77LLl7 ICNEILL PnoPERIT IGilT B oorzoor Dsc€mbsr l],M HeknFrernyer Ittl UmidgrLoop Vail FoiuTornbmcg #26 Dear Hclen- This tcG is !o rlnowldgc Bodd ryoyd &r yo|!'rrcbibc0ral dcsftp rcvicw |l$E5t3 Ttc Bood appronccrb mlifcfirt rwidrnwitLfrs Gillowingaooftions: L All Townofvritrcgircnmxtd' 2. Vin&n B' dut ed CHcrsndch cd'(ing look od cyle of tbsc <eulelrtty eri*i4 d Vril Foir. Tb re H Gf pofidilc) cohr nd lcrdc ue rce4 €rccpt &ors *itl bremadivilcd ligE 3. All modificdions mch sk& mtf diryus crrtty. a. I.to costrdin dGbdt dispoocd of in Vail Point *mpclr* 5. Cdl frr rnt'gqst i#irn ufirl paqioalc coqkicd fa fimr rign off' 6. Norcofpdetimperoinoa 7. Alloqr$lc tim fru.e for 6is dcsip l€F fu 9 Dontrs- Plcarcrll if yubarc uy gtions. Sincerely, Dao }lclilcill, CMCA Altd|i Brolcr Vail FointHOA nuapine agd 970-9U-6217 t^}ffi^:l\8-\fu -\fu t/,t^6 Ul,*t|,,,^ +*prrp\ Unit # loriS.lrfta 05 allor 'ed 05 recalc.c4atL- \ 888 additions_ rPP?eeq_l remail qer [_! 1 1672 2l ,75 1787 244 1 Totel 2r i75 1787 8 B8 2401 2 1327 2 23 1445 f8 250 '250 sr3 0 2 Total 2 23 't445 0 3 1667 z i67 1782 3 Total 2 t67 't782 185 313 - --a' 0 4 1332 2 3'l 1450 81 238 tl Total 2 31 1450 81 238 5 1332 2 31 1450 181 614 0 5 Total 2 31 1450 81 614 n 6 1667 z t67 1782 85 6 Total 2 i67 1782 85 0 o u 7 1327 2 23 14/,5 78 6'l4 I _l n 7 Total 23 14/,5 78 614 I 1327 123 1445 78 E Total 123 1445 78 0 0 U I 1327 123 1445 i78 I Total 123 1445 i78 0 0 0 10 1672 675, 1787 r88 0 0 10 Totel 675 1787 I 0 11 't672 675 1787 8 1l Totrl 675 1787 I 0 0 lu 12 1327 123 1445 I 12 Total 123 1445 8 0 _0 __l _q 13 1 327 2 23 1445 I 614[ l3 Total 2 23 1445 t 78 il 614 0 0 14 2011 z ,f4 2221 14 Total 26;t 2221 54 0 0 0 15 1851 2962 2024 38 15 Total 2962 2024 38 00 0 16 837 2939 2010 29 16 Total 29 ]9 2010 c I 0 0 19 837 29 t9 2010 (I 19 Total 29 Is 2010 c I 0 0 0 20 851 29 ;2 2024 o I 2ll Total 2e i2 2024 I 8 0l 0 0 21 1 t25 2.t0 1666 7 4 21 Total 2440 1666 t4 0 0 0 22 1 i91 2546 1779 i7 180 22 Total 2M6 1779 i7' - !q 0 i0 23 525 2140 1666 I t1: -740 ri--i t0 23 Total 2440 1666 I 24 J72 2475 1787 t t8 63 2,1 Total 2e t5 1787 t l8 63 0 25 ,|367 26 ,7 1782 I 35 313 25 Total 2A n7 1782 8 35 313 0 26 1 ,32 21 1 1450 d81 352 I L 26 Total 21 1 1450 sl,0 352 l9 27 1 i25 24 0 1666 7 74t, 27 Total 24,0 1666 l4 0 0 ia'i I ;91 2A 'o 1779 1 )7 %t^V '4\t- |GTM )r,,1 l'l^*7 =t-. +,d' z_ -{ S-) 7\).TT $ C\ J-- c- F{ e I \ t--r Fi K F \ R x o \ I I o z 3 P tl. Lr- F CA t5l Efl 8H 28 Total zffi 1779 767 0 0 0 29 1518 2429 1659 770 180 29 Total 2429 1659 770 180 0 0 30 1598 2557 1786 771 30 Total 2567 1786 771 0 0 0 31 1525 2440 1666 774 180 3t Total 2440 1666 774 180 0 32 1591 2546 1779 767 180 32 Total 25r',6 1779 767 180 0 0 33 159'l 25/;6 2s46 1779 ilts 767 761 180 0- 0 33 Total 180 34 1591 25/,6 1779 767 180 I 3l Total 25/,6 1779 767 180 0l 0 35 1591 2il6 1779 767 35 Total 2546 1779 767 0 0 n 36 1525 2440 1666 774 36 Total 2440 1666 774 0 0 0 37 1525 2440 1666 774 37 Total 2MO '1666 774 0 0 38 1591 2il6 1779 767 38 Total 2W 1779 767 0 0 0 39 1518 2429 1659 770 39 Total 2429 1659 770 0 0 0 40 15981 2557 1786 771 2M tlo Total 2557 -&771 204 0 0 GnndTotal 94743 r 65142 ' 29601 4il3 352 -o S r- ;s =-\ q> ZS \s S.I- ct e |.s :\o =\> F b t-r k N $ N a \l- t/l I t I b ol \ s N IOWN OF VAII. DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL j-1-os DATE: ffitoq I .\I tt ?STAFF: Vv (-. ?.. TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970 -479 -21,38 APPI-,ICANT CONTRACTOR OhINER Description: CONVERT WOOD TO GAS INSERT Fileplac€Infornation: RegtsricCed: Y ''fob Address. . . : 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP Status. .Location......: 1881- I-,IONS RIDGE LP, VAIL POINApplied. Parcel No. . . . .: 2tQ3-L22-O'7-Ot0 Issued. . ProjecE Number: Extrlires. ROD HALL COMPANY 255 WYANDOT ST, DENYER CO 80223 ROD IIALL COMPANY 255 WYAI{DOT ST, DENVER CO 80223 HAWIHORNE DOUGI,AS L 4325 DELCO DELL RD, KETTERING OH ; ISSTIED :So4 / o5 /2000 : Phone: 303 -777 -7700 Phone: 303-777-7700 1, 500 . 00 *of wood/PalLet.;*of Gas ApplianceE I 45429 Valuation: #of Gas Loge: Mechani.cal---> PIan eheck- - - > Inveatiga!ion> wilI call----> ReeEuarant Plan Review- - > DRB Fee-------- ToLaf Calculaled Fees-- - > Addibional Feee- -- --- --- > Tobal Permit Fee--- -- - -- > Paynent6 - BAI.ANCE DUE.... 40.00 10-o0 -o0 3.00 .00 -o0 53 .00 53 .00 .00 53 .00 53.00 .00 Vr",\ /t-' *7t! LtvsltiAy' 3 t J DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M00-001-9 FEE SUMMARY BUfLDING DEPARTMENT DepL: BUILDING Division:KATHY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KW FIRE DEPARTMEIIT Dept.: FIRE Division:KATHY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-KW CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE,2. COMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 7O]- OF THE L997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF THE 1997 IMC.3. INSTALI.ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTI'RES TNSTRUCTIONS AND TO EHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPLIAI..ICES SHAI-,L BE VEI{TED ACCORD]NG TO CHAPTER 8 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEIf| MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.].0]-7 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE ]-997 IMC.6. BOII,ERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NLESS LISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANTEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI.I INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTATNING HEATTNG OR HOT-I4IATER SUPPLY EOILERS SIIALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.LO22 0F THE 1-997 IJMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 0F THE 1997 fMC. ******************************************************************************** rtem:05100 04/L4/2OOO It.em:05600 04 / L4 /2000 o4/I7/oo foN 12:59 FAx I Co. Confort Products @ oor PAGE 3/3 nralc'- re-so r?r22 FRoM ' rov-Bl,tl-DE9-DEPT.)r.r ' rovc!-DEe-DEPT rD's7o47urs2 DEETANAEIONS I h.r&y eeloorlcdgr tlri t b.vr rrrd thir q{rlio-tiqr. !t ltad, d|E ilr ltrU Ehr iDfonaEla tqttlt {. qqrlcEad rn rccarrec. dLot pleo. ld atsrt tsf,rt .tl tL tt|t6!.:{6 lrovid.al rr s:|rluJ.-cd l: ccrrrcr. r Er.. !o 6.4fy dtl t$t ld(Etliql ad t oE C.!,!c €.*rly..iEb r]-l TGJ! oE,aLlecr! sld 'c-Ee lalr, rDrl Eo lrdLd tu.r rtructrE. rac-it{r|g Ec Ehr zbr!'t rdtld 6l :nrbdivirier cddat. d.=ig't rwir:4trrorrd, UblEoEr hd.ldi.t C.t |trC rthe ccd{n-rccl oa t&. E-rrr +'filic.bla lihrrrto. RAnulsTe ?En trEPDcrlolft r|OI& lE IDA lra1llfr-lo(t' IpmS tr lDrag[ at ltllEltoll rT tlt.all3 (n, ,rt ooE OtgI(3 PloI ..oo aft 5!oo gtf Srqqt(n8 oF dt[P oR cdtrtlcll:F toR rai33ja ]s olG 04/ 04/oo 'fUE l5 : 49 FAx I Co. Confort Products @ ooz APPLICA o TIOrr WItt Permit will not be accepted withotrt the followfng: Pnvid€ ltlcdranical Room layout drawn b ccale b tnclude:o ltledranica I Room Dlmendons o Combustlon Afr Duct Slzc end Locatlon o Combustlon AIr Duct Sile and LocaUon o Fltrc, Vent and Gas Une Slze and tocation o lleatLossCelc5.o EqulpmcntCut/SpecSheets t{or BE AGCEPTED rF rr{coMpbErFjl#i*""qfrt ^ _ lrril{im Dlxl} fl.r Euilding Permit #:. lledranlcal Permft #: 9, O 47 I -213A (f nrpectionc) NVNfrA 75 S. Frontrgc Rd. Vall, Golondo 81657 tt9 of rdstt Putd# Parcel# (Requlred) qtOl- 11-1.- CrlO-rc 4.J 'o naoress:, Pfl , Li ons4&< - l-Crr. Legal Descrlpdon I LoE I Block: I Flling:SuMivlslon: ovrners Name:Do, +b.rslrnrnr- l[ffi ' Vg s' b]co al t ra l tr'n* Englneen J Address:Phone: Oetaileri descri*itn ofi,rcrk-(lrn@fac4- to 34S Ins(rr-' OqVlrr ^tcls >f .3{nnotsnt[! rMrner-Lr!.lr=p-^ c GA P, 4.1'lqqL .T Addium( ) Alterathopo Repair( ) Oilter( )Work Ctass: N€w ( ) Boller Locauon: Interbr ( ) Exterlor ( ) Other ( )Does an EllU exist at this locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Btdg: Slngbfamfly ( ) Duplex ( ) Mult-famlh ( ) Commerdal ( ) Restaurdnt ( ) ofter ( ] No. of Edsdng Dwelllrg UnlB In thls bulldirq:No. of Accomrnodauon UniE In this bullding: l'lo/Tve of Fheolar-c Exlstlno: Gas Aoolhnces ( ) C'as Lms ( ) WoodlPellet ( ) Wood Bumino (v) ,., - NqfrypeofFhept@({) eas LoSs( ) Wood/Peltet( ) wood Bump(l(NoTALl-oWED) COTTIPLETE YATUATIOI{ FOR ],IECHAIIIGAL PERilff (bbOT I MAETIAIS) COTITRACTOR INFON.UATION Plennor S{on-off: l"lechanka I Contrador: Re.f .*a t\an Town of Vall Reg. llo.:/f0-H Contact and Phone #5: Llv\cta- 3o3.'71U IIQI Contractor Slgnature:3o3:r'rq - Ilbq-ftuJ *...*tr**rrlr**r.l*r.r*****r****rr****rFOR. OFFICE USE ONLYr**lr**.**i*****t*l***. * **r+t *** **t * * 01/04/00 lUE 15:50 FAX I Co. Colfort Proalucts @oos GIC FmEpLACE lx;gnrs Woo, wAn ocx I|EFEEY r-t Ifro HEAMH PNODUCTS A$SOC|AIlol{ re$Ebc#e A. 26'(&0 rm)6 38' (966 nm) OdSeboEplte A 28'Pll nm) & 4l'0(Xl rm) C, 26- (t{0 nm) D. 16'(!06 nm) E. ll'(?9rTm) F. l3i6'(363 rm) G, l8' (457 rm)l. 3'06rm) J. l9' (/|83 rm) hedholnrrs KB25 -___l il-H,ml^t-F;r l ll l/ffiT;l Hl-:Tl;,=+#-. Elt l I rG25&JF30 c836 &JD3O CA36 ffir ffil I'h F- E|]nl"[ml]^ Mininum Fireploce Openlgs KB25 2S'Ol1 rm)wx 10" (457frm) Hx 13,80',(353 rm) D , JD3O&CA36 3l'OEi nm)w r 205' (521 trm) H r 16' ({bnm) D i :- 20'Oll mrDwr l0'(67 nm) Ht l6'(,SrIId D JF30&C836 ll" OE7 rTm)w x 205:62i nm) Hx 173" (1139 rm) D neglkr bcqft A. 26'(6&nm) 8, 38'(ft6 nm) Oreate hcqfre A. 28'01| rrm) B. 1l'0(Xl rm) C. 26' (660 rrm) D. i6' (/e trm)E l3'Gnnm) F, 16'(4frfrm) G. l0' (457 mrrD J, l9'({63 rm) hotFb.tlda A" 20'01 | rnrn) B. 4l'0O41 nm) irodtnluc.Cd. A. 3,2' (813 rTm) B. 44'01l0n'rr) Lqe loc.pld} A.3A'(8l3rm) B S'(l270nm) c. 3l'C87mm) D, 18.88'(4r9nm) E. 14$'(363 tYm) F. '|7.$"(a3gm) G. Al.s)'(5AI rm) J.22.Sr(572nm) FsglfdtbapUe A, 2E (7ll rffn) B 4l'(lul rm) lredlm bcsCd. A U' (013 rrm) B 41' 0l l8 rm) torgehc€pb A 32'(ElSnrn) B. 50' 0270 rlm) C. 3l'087 rm) D. 18.88'(479 rm) E, r3'.(3o'tm) F. l6'(frnm) G. 20.S'(El nm) l.4tr(l07nro J, 2250'(572nm) lrgrqFc0lt A. A'Oll nm) 8, 4l'(ltxl rrm) f,bcrnhplolo A. 32'(813mtn) B 44' 0 l l8 rnm) kryebcqh A.3A'(8l3nrn) 8. m'o2Dnm) C. S'062mm) D. u.76'(461 nm) E. 15'C381 mm) F. ld7'(424trm) G 20'(S nm) CA36 f.glb|fE plt A. 28'Oll rm) B. al' 00ll rrn) Ucdrn bccpts|e A,3A'Gl3m) B. 44' 0l 18 ntm) LlgB bc€pHe A. 32' (Etg nm) B tr 027tlrm) C. 3[r 062 mm) D. 17.76'(461 nm) E, 12,3'(312 nm)f. 15'C38l nYn) G.20'(Snm)l, 3.00' (S rrm) S,rEq're*db.E rrEydroq6 fo.n ff,lo llrF, oGtr.ftdft6cqddltyto hFo|e f! p,oEb lo gn two,o lopqdt Fodrl lld r,l fldll, rddv.rrlo{hittltY lcrFoi locdrB tbtl pqlqr lrfir,ltvdapandE q|vq*lC cqqudf'r| al|rdc lEliDe (, d tr''lel d*|'irE tl' bb€ hdddd!, do.E r€od hddlottn hcndin dd d€d oabcdh.tpcod{ gt! l4ltb!fitsldodco&rwtss @dd8' car&\ pap HEATIlI SI SIEMS OSBURN IViANWrcn,QhT3 6670 Bufler Cl€sc€rri. Soonbhtqr 8.C., V8t\t 2G& CorEdo lIARflI PI()Dt'CIs alsoc n(,|l of c lt DA PPNTED N Cfir^t)^ Ulm n /.,r99 meN|ons KA25 JF30_ JD30 CB36