HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 VAIL POINT UNIT 27 LEGAL FILEo z F =t uJ .L (7) o o o uJ uJ u- E =E uJ RS$ (fl oJ ttl v H 3 ; H E ! e Ot LT'l N F ,--{ o H ,;<F1 r.E l!o rrl (914 ==j l UJ F o f- F I =2 z 2 o ru t- 2 z d J l oo o z z J UJ o E I (r F z o rn CN \T .oo H (/r@ zoo ()N ?xz Erao E; (/J P"1 A H A z IIJ F] q) o -c o -o .9 \F S .B \:t R'vl 5 \o @ o' \trl- !t q) o ; =f d] c o =c l E q) '.; '6 o ,; o o s IA $E{.o\ x d\ \q c :F -(n'c ;o t- o :- 0) () .art E = o o ; C) (t (g o () c c 3 E o ; c E o ;-c 3 t o o o o i(J '= (l) E5 .9o (!Y E- od o =p ci E !(E oE FO '=y ;:€,Y- o(!O.= !tr, -(E (6-' q<6 -a (!0 og o)(r' E3 o$ -Y: >,9 .o0)9a =-q,c -r- o -() -s Lr) o\o\ ==E TIJ (L a z 5 (D :<() UJ I z o (r F (J z l o- 9 z (J llJ llJ tl-z tr IIJ tu E o o =g uJ E z 6 TIJ o F uJ o ?z (J x F llJ o f a tl.l UJ Ll- == IJJ F z !f,q) J () uJ UJ z 6 =f J o- z I o uJ = F-l F ts NOtrvn'tvA Y E B ZZtL h o. g=x f :Y tr I o f,g -F n0 Y2 ; e otr oqi\- :r ;'i e._iq yF Er rN(JV. >(! -Im OJ = t .{- :'_ z tr f l! l / r!)L F ca E 7 z E o o F )< F- F ; uJ z t z l z O6 F!!o< >E >tr 60 <z L z Az z- do = tlr OI I H- |?I ,t .J 55 p* l CE UJ z Q I F F z ; .J l o1 z ill tl ll" l319 I 3 it--T- '_ll I lo I Iul x _lr 6 I blH*i ol:o* l o t <l zl . >l o uJ o uJ !!z U)F E lu z E o o =q tl # i T tl .ll zt I El:l flBl 't- C\ r..- --f O IJJ =o o -z F (L uJ Y UJ r0 t- F lrl ^ l!l - r-l >Nl X <-:l ' Etl IAI 'l H !r.r IJ zo f.-\ ^q /h = \t =<z coo! =2,a=e dve tr (r u, o- au o z l q)o o F (r q (L Jts-t1, -!:: =& LlJ >(!O|'!9o -ul ;a :>LJt- LU =t! LU (I) F tr o E CI o o' o tt c o (, o --- t =E.lrl o-z 9 F ()f E,F a z o (J trTF :E? 6t= ll tl tt t.l Nt at | -il l-l Y'HI .o'Xl tEl tl I ('ll tz lFr F.l Ff ^l tv tz.F--:tr z H &(, 14 H CA z a H Ff LIJ z (D _-') z H F Fl E 14 =z Ff F o\ Or o.l rn UJ r-l o s J = o\\t Ot rn I c'\ F I (L E Fl n F =tr UJ o o 3 J = I (L F z H ts <n z H H E E a =E I (\(\c\ o z o uJ (r (!o z B o F \o {l Ft I @ \' ui ) UJ F =tr A o UJ .E IL o z -o F =E z IJJ ) a z 3 o F E o z UJ ar J z B I ol o z o u,E J a LL z 3 o ul qt F IJJ z 3 F uJ =T t <F do lrJ <zE LIJ F (1 Z o () <o FT XF =z u.: o >Y =s ]F )z rLo o <: :IF z() =t Yz =o -O i--C ir o2 (,) t <-r a6 rrr LU fo r|{r r--r r-=r lxl L lI l .Ii.fafi.lt I: Z:I Summit Construetion lAaY Detr7rces, lnc. December 26, 19S0 Mr. Hike Hollica Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 RE: LoL 27, Block 2 - Vail Point Dear Mike: Thank you for taking the tine to neet with Tory and myself today,and for your assistance in resolving our excavation and grading problens at Vail Point. Per your request, I have enclosed the following: 1. DRB Application t 2. Revegetation llaterial Specification;3. Grading Pern j.t Application;4. Lot 27 Topographic Survey (oriEinal); and 5. Lot 27 Site Plan (existing). Our intent is to infill the excavated portion of the tot with structural naterial, as soon as possible, and reElrade to the original contours. I{e then plan to revegetate the disturbed areas by July 1, 1991. In lieu of a Bond or Letter of Credit for revegetation, we request that you consider conbining this wj.th the tandscape Plan for Building Three at Vail Point. This would relieve the owner of any additional expense, while allowing landscaping and revegetation at both sites to run concurrently. Please revier.r the enclosed and should you have any questions or require further infornation, feeL free to contact ne. Thank you for your consideration. Proj ect }lanager cc: Steve Gensler P.0. Box 2608 . Dillon, CO 80435. (303)468-1486 DRD lPPt'lClTlOll DA.,'- APPL,ICAIION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRE I{EETINGi ..rrrTHIS ApPLICAaION WILIr ilOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIIJ ALL XNfoRilATION IS suDr.tITTEDrrrrr I. PRE-APPLICAAION I{EEIIINGt A pre-appllcation -neeting^It!l^o,llannlng ttaft netnlter ls strengly tuggeec€d to deternine, ii any edditlonal inrornation i" "ifaIi. --H"lle"i+.si!iii, "+**!"r:*i??:#r"infornatron rs n::eq:: .,_ffi rired bv uD1es.3-lt-ts-qe.Br4"-0t[ffi9" al I itens LeqlJ the zonintl adnrnisi;ffir-' rt,i:-!l: :Yflt;f,:'.i"r. .o r the zon+l'"L++$l+I-e-LEs-ts r .-:r;;i "il,n tt," gtaff to find ="DonsibfritY to nake an aPpctnEr out about aoditlonai"Iuu^rti;1" t'!:11:1i?::''-:t::::"1:i'out about adorELanutr EtrP'.'!-vq^ '-H;;;;itnc tne approval ttrit-"-coltPIJETE apprlcablon r'rlll : Drocaas ror vour ;;;i;;i-;v itEi"-u"ine the number or tondltlons or appliJii"it'-"t tr'"-oai-i51 ltr-nylale; ALL condltlone of appiJ""f tn*t, ue r"sofve& utrbt" a bulldlng perrnlt Lg leeued.'^"';;Pii;i!lon witt noc be processed ittnottt owner r g Slgnature ' PROJECT DESCRIPIION! '.Rostor"tinn ^f 'rr A. E. c. NN'IE OF OWNERS: sroNrlqll (a) t t{altlng Addresa: F. G. s 10,000 $ 50r0oo $ 15o, ooo s 50o, o0o $1, OOo, ooo $1, CCg, oo0 fEE I 1o.oo g 25.00 s 50,00 910o. oo 9200.00 93o0. oo (e lncArIoN Addrees OF PROPOSALS Lega1 DeacrlPtlon lfii- JZ-Bloclt - 2 . Subdlvlslon Lion's -Ridqe- Zonlng NN{E Or AppLIcANf ; pqrkropo_d-Bgf I'lalling Addressl Colorado 80111 D. E. tHg+f"tJPPrLrcaNf I s REPRESENTATIVEI Summit Construqtion uaiftnq Addresr:sn3 468-1 4B!=--'- Phon6 '7 93 -59 49 52gg DTc BIvd. #5Q! Condornlnlurn Approval lf appllctbl'' DRB FEEI perrnit ic DaId f,or' vILUAElotr $ 0- $ 10,001 - $ 50,001 - $l50,oo1 - s500, oo1 -$ Over Phonf '793-594q Colorado zed e00 Nr1odg ? c00r1 'rs3t1 'H3N3dJ z6[0 c5] t0e LZtbt 0: :-066t LIST OT UATERIAI'B NAIIE Of PROEfECT: Lot 27 t -Blqqk 2 ' !ion's Ridqe ' Fubdi vi si on iG-,i6rr,,rry.rNr rlr1 27 EIpcK TrutDrvrsroN Lionrs Ri'jlq9' I,EGAL DESCRI TIONS IPT-'' STREEI ADDRESS: Revegetation of disturPgd site areas ' DESCRIPITON OF PRqTEqTT The followlng Revicw Board lnfornatlon I'e before a flnal requlred approval for eubnittal can bs glven: to the Deslgn COTOR A. BUILDINC }IATERIAI.S! Rool siding other Tlall t'latsrlale Faeala Soflltc lrlndows lflndow trrln Doorg Door trlnr Hand or Deck Ralls FIuee Flaehlngs ChlnnrYc lrerh Enelosurec Grernhousrl othcr B.IANDSCAPINC: NINE TTPE OF MATERTAI.' of Der.lqnrrl Phonet PIANT ITATERIAI'S ! PROPOSED TREES E$Ltanical Nanq conmon NanQ AUASfJlll f;J'!e!' EXISTINC TREES TO BE REI.IOVED 5 deolduous trees'rlndicats deci-du callPer for Indlcate PIAI|T IIATERIAI,S: Botanical Nane cornnon NFIne ouaq$',it'y Sizer PROPOSED STIRUBS EXISTINC 6HNU8g TO EE REIIOVED rlndlcatc rlzs of proposed ehrubs. t{ininrun gize Qf ehrubs ls 5 gallgn- fvp6 CROUND COVEB8 80D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION Land Mi)< -or egui-va l qnt - . TYPE OR }IETHOD OT EROSION CONTROI, G. OTHER IANDSCAPE FEATURE8 (rotalntng ualle, fonoos, rrrlnmlng poola, etc.) Please specify. Indliate heighte o! retalnlng rrallB. tlaxlnun height of, wallt ulthin the front setback ls 3 feet. l,laxlnuu height of watls clsewhcre on the proPerty ir 6 f..t. oq E rr) O)sf \ 0 $ (o N F o J \ o N \ N N $) nqr t\ N F o J \--l 0d\00 \k \-.. \ ''.'---. - \.*-.__-_\ ,,s +;I \+- \, ,91 I )4 .1 \\,r,\\d l\o.i\"1 / | .yl / ./431 /,-- --) d i-'? \,. l, t l8 ls /1 "t-4'-' o N oq E tr) O)\r (o N F o J C! o \-TJ \8 I \I I ) \ \ "l I z1 o N -.- _-,-' --t -"'- PERMTT NU ,|BFR OF PROJECT It\lQOtr/-Tl/'tNl. ttEt NAME CALLER MON TUES WED -FRI . READY FOB LOCATION:.}.;:..,. T FINAL FINAL p neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .-f- 0 INSPECTOR