HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 VAIL POINT UNIT 32 LEGAL FILEE2 CCAllU|iIT"Y C€!ElOFllEfrT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 97O.479,2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: PENDERGAST ADDffiON Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Address: Legal Descriptionl Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8070445 FrNAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDmON OF 184 SQ. FT. GRFA TO VAIL pOrNT UNrT #32 OWNER PENDERGAST,TIMOTHY PAUL-PO8I24I2OO7 MARY - MENDENHALL, LYNN E. - ET AL 9244 RNENOUR CT LONE TREE co 80124 APPLICANT BULLSEYE CONSTRUCNON INC, 7212 WHITBY COURT CASTLE ROCK coLoMDo 80108 License:903-B CONTMCTOR BULLSEYE CONSTRUCTION INC. 08/2412007 Phone: (303) 514-4800 7212 WHITBY COURT CASTLE ROCK coLoMDo 80108 License: 903-B IBB1 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Lot: 32 Block: 3 Subdivision: 2t03-t22-070L-6 Locationi vAIL PoINr 6A vAILPoINTTowNHoMES arf ,, AlY3, 0812412007 Phone: (303) 514-4800 Ltar rl"L7e 3 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 09 I 05 I 2007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009292 All new exterior materials, sizes, detailing, te)Cures and colors are to match those existing on the building, Planner: Scot Hunn DRB Fee paid: $3OO.OO New Construction Application for Design Review Deparunent d Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vallgov.com General Informaton: All projects requiring desgn rs/ievr must receive apprwal prior to $brnitting a building permit apdhation. Pbase refer to the $bmittal requirements for the partiorlar approval that is requested. An applicatbn for Design Ratiew cannd be a@pted until all rcquired irformatim is r€ceived by the Conrnunity Oe\rdoprtent Depafinent. The project may also need to be re\ris{ed by tfie Tom @undl and/or the Planning and Environmental C.ommission. Ocld$ rcyiGu approvel laFcs unlcs e buiHing permit is isucd and oor€tuuction commcnces within o||e year of tln approval. DcacriptionortneR€quGst, AIA."^ "f 6R Fr{ - ta'{ d Locadonof tft€Prcposal; t-ot: 32 efo*: F subdiMsion:,/a," 1,.,,1 1., . , r, Phyrical Addrcss: t/Atu Ptr'*t-i- * 32- parc€l lfo.f 2 | c'4 \ 7Z O'1 L,', ((Contad Eagle @. Assessor at 970-32&8540 br parel no.) zoning: M D '\t{ame(s) of Owner(s): -f,.4 q &4+*{ ksrr.tqne< lrlailing Addr,eeg: i2'l{ (. r tr c'r., a.,r:- Co.,,(r Lo-c T"rc< (O Phone: 30 :) - ?9 2 -1 :- t -t Owner(s) S(lnatun{s): NamedApplicant: Eo'I"K"1,<<-r\?>\)t r- <€\€ act.I'rr'2!r.-(.oJs \ I r.rc llailing Addrcss:V? tZ t^-) !-l l'T Fjt f c-\r a--1 c nq-ile €4(F\ (c 3r;tc?) Phone:-)c 3 5l{ {b ccr E-mail AddrCSS: e.\ G lrt. I\s.yf lJ{r.::4"1 : =*.Far:-nz.> E{\ -?3r+L v E o J 0 € -G.vl .- {':(,, t:' Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Revieu, E .,New Construction rE'moitim E Minor Alteration (m uttFfa mily/commercial) ! Minor Alt€ration (single-family/du plex) E Changes to Apprwed Plans D Separa0on Request $50 Plus $1.ffi per square foot of tffil ggn area. No Fee $650 For construction of a nev'r building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additbns & interlor conversions). $250 For minor ctranges to buildings and site impro/ements, stich as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and slte lmprovements, such as, re-roofing, gainting, window addiflonq landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desbn Reviev{ Board. tto Fee For OfFce UreOnly: Fee lbid: 6 6s Check ltlo.:- By: Meeting Date: Planner: Q. (1. -.o)o7s VVf gdrtirs.lllshlE PROPOSED IIATERHIS IEenfllslsiil C.olor Roof Sding OdrrltVall Materials Fascia Soffits Windovvs ltln<bw Trlm Doors DoorTrim h,OoF> .--.-t (() LAP Ple c\r4r4 q NJn t., iA WocD ALu.'"\t\-)b|,L\ aL drD,B€.or-:Z rd (jc-tGe [ofa_ lX'1 woc,D a,p(t-l tu li\ r, lA Hand or Deck Raib N l,1 Flu€s HashirE Chimne],s Trash Endosures Greenhouses .rbrning wtt!5 Exterior Lighbng - la A u uvx Lto v rw.. frh N1/\ r.r ln Nla tJ )n BULLSEYE CONSTRUCTION 72f2 Whitby Court Castle Roch CO E0l0E 303-s14-4800 Scot Hunn Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 Re: Staff ApprovaVl 88 I Lionsridge Loop Scot, Please find the enclosed: -New Construction Application (applicable pages as discussed) -copies of Joint Property Owner Letter -sketch ofproposed changes to exterior elevation -copy ofHOA approval (signatures pending) -two wet stamped structural drawings for proposed corstnrction rcopy of existing floor plan(provided from TOV records -copy ofexisting elevations(front and rear) Based on our meeting August 2 and after further site review I do not believe a site plan or topographical changes will be required. The photographs I forwarded to you August 2 should provide enough detail to understand the scope ofthe proposed work. The intent is to gain TOV StaffApproval for the project and move this package to submittal for the constnrction permit. [n preparation I have registered my company as a contractor with TOV. Please review this and aontact me following the staffmeeting so I may answer any additional questions or gather any additional information required. ffi:i *l** **i*** * *** * +* + + ++++++******** ******* * **** * * * *,1** ***** * ** +**** * * *** * ****++ **** + * + *+* * * ** * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement +**** *** * ** * t*** **** ** * * *** * * ** * ** + *++ + f t+* + ++***f * ** * ** *** ***r****** ** * ** * ** * * * ***** * *** * ** Statement Number: R07000176? Amount: $300.00 09/05/2OO702:19 PM Pa).ment Method: Check coNsT rNc Init : ,JS Not.ati-on: 2L29/BVLLSEyF' Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address : Location: This Payment: DR8070445 2to3 - L22 - 07 0L- 6 188]. I,IONS RIDGE VAIIJ POTMT I'NTT I14)e 3 DRB - Addition of GRFA IJP VAIIJ #32 Total- Fees: $300.00 Total AIIJ Pmt6: $300.00 Balance: $0.00 $300.00 *************:t * ** * * **********:l**** ******** ** * ***+** ***** **+tt* **+++++* **+ * ** + + * * * ***** * * ** * * t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003rr2200 DES]GN REVIEW FEES 300.00 lan 1O'-OS '12zOZp Sam Stenl inf, lTi" Aninro t * Re""*4 A^/ s7(]--7+S-BAOO flppr"rcJ By Sf"&tt / . p.3 on /Vlaroh I)a6 Rorto,nq 6Rf+ J An) Ts 6 Serre As 7h,olc frr ";ol R.o',J Of U"r [ ?o,*Unlt*orb- grfa G5 reelc.addifions 1 1672 1787 240 t Total 1747 240 --ffi 2 1327 '14d,5 2Total 1445 250 3 1667 1762 313 3 Total 1782 313 4 1332 1450 2W 4 Total 14tt0 238 5 1332 1450 614 5 To'tal 14!iO 614 6 1667 1782 6 Totat 1782 U 7 1327 14di8 614 TToltzll 144.5 afi E 1327 1{45 I Total 1,tr,5 0 I 1327 1445 :-- 0 I Total 14J5 10 1672 1787 10 Total 1787 0 11 1672 fi47 {1 Total 1787 0 12 1327 1# 12 Total 14r']5 0 13 1327 1445 614 {3 Total 14d,5 614 14 2011 2221 14 Total 21D1 0 15 1851 2m4 15 Total 2V24 0 16 1837 2010 16 Total 2010 0 1S 1837 2010 l9Tohl 2010 0 20 1851 2024 20 Total 2024 0 2',|,1525 1666 2{ Total ----lffi 0 22 1591 1Tl9 ----Tie',180 -- i60 A2Total 23 1525 1666 23 Total 1666 0 21 1A72 1787 63 2lTo,tal 1787 63 25 'tffi7 17gZ 313 2STotal 1782 313 26 1332 tc50 26TffiI -14so 0 27 1525 1666 27Tof''a 1666 o 26 1591 1Tt9 s)t-. q; =o (U F.vp FdF Fi $AEE H rrr H ftj T,6g>EEqo (,' ud gL C)ZE \,, s)F o iJ (t) P.2 9?O - ?44 -6A0O ' ,5'1-22 OZp Sam Ster I ing F) it r--l A)o g s) o p v, o-14= a I fr 'ffirr,=:T-t*]--El FE - 401 15s8l :-- ---T041 S Z;)Total | | =l ffio:r*r@ qIE 3'lr1o 64 xt-ttta *\ E gg LAni+ CA uo,.l iir,,V )rn,,n1 Qlr 310 F no*';-.* \RgoE{# E , Un',+S urnl )o'\ |nor,n1 QLl,38ox ,r-e,na,-a bRgas-o331 I [Jo, t OD ^su.l 60 X le,,-r; t,, )'t,'Nou ,\r,tr\.^-^,r4\ \Q,t3ot" 'ottg Uil\f ?L Vgvu) lUlg tr-rnltirsz--. 2t-\,t\bV p+-wbr*rtJcr 'wQ{>o+' )-8-6 " 3-to 6, l13-6 ) - Ll'Ab : 1-r, -Otel \s\or 28 Totel 1Tt9 0 29 t5t8 1659 1E 29 Total 1659 180 30 1598 178fj. 30 Total 1786 0 31 1525 1666 180 3l Total 't666 14t, 32 1591 1779 1E0 g2 Total 'tTlst 180 3{}t59t 1Tl9 lETJ 33 Total 1Tl9 180 v 1591 1T?9 {80 34 Total 1779 180 35 l59l 1Tt9 3STotal 1Tl9 0 30 1525 1666 36 Total 1666 0 37 1525 1666 37 Total 1666 o 38 159'r 1T7g 38 Total 1779 0 39 1518 1659 39 Total 1659 0 40 1598 1766 2M 4O Total 1786 2V GrandTd al 6F''142 43*l TimothC Pendengast 303-79? -2385 p.1 \88( /-.ffi^ z \a +|ox U \nxuu' D=GrEr"=Rl lfl] AUG 22 2oo7 u TOWN OF VAIL Timothc Pendergast 3O3-?92-2385 06/2L/20O7 15:15 FAI 8?047?tlr? IICNEItL PSoPERIY XGIT p.2 Q 00t Vcil Folrt Architcctrd Connittca 6/0 tAhlll ftqrrty lionog:rncnl, lnc- 2077 N.Frontry, Road #300 Voil,6O E1657 Plwle, 970479 -6o4-7 Fax !tG477 -rr47 ncneifl$njl.nef Augrst 20,2007 Dear Mary and Tim Pedeqa$,' This leffier ls b acla|ofrrledge Board appm,al t vall Port #32 lbr $e addltbnal of an exErior nlall b endose the ryace fur inErior use. The Boad approves tie arditectural rcldsion wlth Bte following cmditims: The neyv conoete / clnderblod( wall silall ofterd I'above grade and ttre ddfng shall not come to less Bran 6' d grdde. -The North odsting dnderblock walb must be removed down b a Evel at least 1'below grade. - The East ural must be redud an heightto nuHr the grirvd arEa and the bp of Ete rcrnalning wall $all be flled rytth mncreb and snootrnd. - The West wall does nC require drarpe sirrce it is capped by the pto slab-- The stdhg $dl makh mdly the siding in tlrc exisffrg uull abore (hb whldt tte new wall must bbnd). This matdt mu* be in dimcrsion and grade d the eisting sid6.- Wlndow dre slrall be changed from 62nU x 57"!l b 55nV x 41'tl. Windo$, shall be ercc$y t'le same as €xisdng vlinfuis in unit o(cept br size, Windou', trall prodde emergeKy egrcss per mde- - There shall be m bim boad wlrre th€se 2 sufrces meet (i.e. ttn sfdlng mu$t inEgraF seamlsly as done in #35, notas In #33 and 34) - The fflCA $all not be responible fur any Lvater leakage $lo|gh fE bunffion in the arca of the neuv mom. NeilHrer $dl it be responsble br ary deftds in the rreyr unll. - Common arca landscaplng sdr as grGe6 sha[ be Eturned El pre€$sulB comfition alEr corilstwthn b mtnpleE, Thb wil! probably rcquie rc'.sodding In ar€6 d @ncertrated ffic and the responslbtity vrould ertend all the uoy to the rmdvay. The rprv in$lled area sha[ be sodded, - All exes dft shall be r€firoved hom the omCex- - No onsfucfiOn debrB may be d€posited in VFII{A dum@rs. - No abutErs hare concerns deerned as suffinUd by ffte bowtl. (Any edr cnncers tn.lst be r€ceived wtth In one ruedr of thb e.nell.) Timothg Pendergast 303 - 792 -2385 og/2L/2007 15:15 FAI 070,t??1117 I{O{EILL PROPEnIY IG|N - Fnalappmvaf shall be grantd only afterfinal phrc aeappto\red byTU/, foruarded b t|te VFIHA wilh acknovledgpment W Bte f|(l St* corgr.tcti'on Wll mmply in ev€ry debilwith he plan as sjbmttEd. - All corstruction m|Ist be compleEcl with in 6 months of llnalapprowL Thb apprwal explrcs 1 year fiom de granFd. - l0 must pr6ri& parking plan fur construction velddes and equlFnent bt orsiluctbn perlod. The plan ls *bf*t to appunl bV fte boanl. - Any repair reqdr€d durhg the ftrst y€ar r6uld be he resporsihlity of the orener. Aw Chilge rnt proDerly comdeted urcdd mquhe Ute otyner b make it fight beture tfre one year period bqins. This applix b sriling as rvell as lalF.caffng. -HO mLEt be orrent in ilues and or asi€ssnenb. ,i CMCA AltS, Brcker Vail Point tlOA rmrrrjng agBnt p.3 [L ooe AUc. 01. 2007 (wEDl 08:43 PACE, I ,OIT{T PROPCNTY OWTCR WNTTTCfl AP?ROYII- I.ETTIR It tter I, (print name) n'hldr have been submittcd to ttle To,vn of vair community Dev€lopment Depaftment rbr the propo*d improvemenF b bc completed at the addrest rFted above. I und€rdand that the proposed imPror€ments include: Ad'll$onnrly, pla.sG chec* thc ttrtqn.nt berow which k'o"t appricrbrc to you: t- 4^ myy: mnr3dtwltorc wy tu np& b uE ptans orcr uE @u,se of tE //ahb/ tlcru,/ D t cqn$ thst alt mitw ff drst #, tdrich ilen de to tlre fuE ot*r dp ffi f,E#ffi^ffi,"nffi#'f#{attwaonovapqpttantnr*itffi isouat TtTufryt a joint owner of property locateo ar prodde thls letter as wfltten of the prans dated +/+/oa- itlt*ttlr'rrrvlr tm*tr /erlet alrti.i/ //r/,t3yrb E r IOITT PNOPEITrVilIIER, wruTfEtf Appfttu LtETrfR I, (prlnt name)fitrn?.den O€fia ram o*mrof property locaiul a gt I Lro prcvi& thts hter c wrttten agproval of t|re pr"* o.ca t I f I O U whidr hare been submltted b the Town of Vail Corlmunity DerrEbprr€rt Departrnent fu. the poposed |rnprwlnEnts to be cofltpbHl at the ad&€ss noHl ablre. I un&r€tand fiat 8E proposed finplwernents lrElLde: Adftbn llt ph.rc chad(tt ttrtGrFnt bdonr urtidr b nort rgrlkrbb to tou: I arr&sM tl's/t mimr mdllatlorE nBy b na&b ttn ps onu tlc au* of the pw b asxe @nphne with tE Tot4tng aM-rabb e nd rqh{torc. n I tqt€st M ag n ffiE, t tu t dsrtil wl*hae tffi b tE frn ota de @tr* 6 tlre rcvierv prrcs, b bmugt t b t ry atEotbt bl tE aMrrt fu ffiddral Wrcval 6ore unfugKrk g hrdw rcvlzw by tE Town. 1lzitialtta) JiahryrvFry art ra /.D, Bird,llYl|t/ffi Er 4 rwar I'd sSez-z6e-eoE lse2.rapuag Aqlour ! I Vcil Point Anchitecturol Committee C/O iAcNeill Property lAonogenent, Inc- 2OTT N. Frontage Rood #3@ Val,CO 8t657 Phone 97 O-47 9 -6047 F ax 97 Q-477 -1147 mcneill@voil.net August 1,2007 Dear Mary and Tlm Pendergast, This letter is to acknowledge Board approval at Vail Point #32 for the additional of an exterior wall to enclose the space for interior use. The Board approves the architectural revision with the following conditions: The new concrete / cinderblock wall shall extend 1' above grade and the siding shall not come to less than 6" of grade. - The North existing cinderblock walls must be removed down to a level at least 1' below grade. - The East wall must be reduced in height to match the gravel area and the top of the remaining wall shall be filled with concrete and smoothed. - The West wall does not require change since it is capped by the patio slab. - The siding AND WINDOWS shall match exactly the siding AND WINDOWS in the existing wallabove (into which the new wall must blend). This match must be in dimension and grade of the existing siding. - There shall be no trim board where these 2 suffaces meet (i.e. the siding must integrate seamlessly as done in #35, not as in #33 and 34) - The HOA shall not be responsible for any water leakage through the foundation in the area of the new room. Neither shall it be responsible for any defects in the new wall. - Common area landscaping such as grasses shall be returned to pre-existing condition after construction is complete. This will probably require re-sodding in areas of concentrated traffic and the responsibility would extend all the way to the roadway. The new in-filled area shallbe sodded. ANY NEW IRRIGATION NEEDED FOR THE NEWLY SODDED AREA WILL BE INSTALLED BY THE HOA, AT THE HO E(PENSE. - All excess dirt shall be removed from the complex. - No construction debris may be deposited in VPTHA dumpsters. - No abutters have concerns deemed as zubstantid by tfie board.,(Any such concerns must be received with in one week of this e-mail.) WE NEED TO MAKE SURE A COPY OF THIS LETTER IS SENT TO ALL "ABUTTERS'AND CC THE AC. - Final approval shall be granted only after final plans are approved by TOV, forwarded to the VPTHA with acknowledgement by the HO that construction will comply in every detailwith the plan as submitted, - All construction must be completed with in 6 months of final approval. This approval expires 1 year from date granted. - HO must provide parking plan for construction vehicles and equipment for construction period. The plan is subject to approval by the board. - THE HO SHALL REQUEST AN INSPECTION OF THE PROIECT UPON COMPLETION. THE YEAR STARTS UPON THE SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF THE POST CONSTRUCNON INSPECTION BY THE VPAC. - Any repair required during the first year AFTER THE PROJECT IS COMPLETE would be the responsibility of the owner. Any change not properly completed would require the Owner to make it right before the one year period (DELETE, "beginsJ. This applies to siding as well as landscaping. -HO must be current in dues and or assessments. - ANY ADJUSTMENT OR CHANGES THAT ARE NEEDED TO THE GUTTERS/DOWNSPOUTS BECAUSE OF THE NEW CONSTRUCTTON WILL BE THE RESPONSIABLITY OF THE HO. - SHOULD THE HO FAIL TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT AS AGREED TO (UNLESS CHANGES WERE APPROVED BY THE VPBOD) THE HOA HAS THE RIGHT TO REDO THE WORK TO THE ORGINAL AGREEMENT AT THE OWNERS E(PENSE. Sincerely, Dan McNeill CMCA, AMS, Broker Vail Point HOA managing agent ,. t ..1 1' r ,io e9 s x l, -.p0 r!3 tu =n- J tr & TL IL (n : ', 3 = ILJ 5>.LU Hcc -.2 tr<g Rrn tr8 : :;. ! i; --:t ri- F .E A > o tr s ', 2',-0u , \ffi.V 6 -v'riAL r\) tlF 6 q',-5" c/osef dbl doors 3'-4" 3'-4" t switched outlet 3'-0" x 6'-8" .l t. 'l- -t Ctl t- \ =N _l to \\ s',-9"s',-8" T-- I I I i I I I ..t_ _ I I o ut 0 E TIJ TU E z J o- eo z J c. to z J G UJ o cc ul trj lr to96-ar6 (cof) rrsr-6r6 (xvr) ezloa ot r€rlurl l6c6-6t6 (Oa6' Oll lrns a99ta of, ltt/\ l/\v vrvrro r af99 zagr xo€ od u6'..p puo 6etr..u!6u. ror.t..rt. .N' s.tNv!1r'sNoc wux op€JoloJ 'IIEA dool a?prrsuol'I IBBI uotltppv zg# lulod IIBA It "l :lel i 3 a l- ol EEE; FI F{ (n c{ I o o m o +la l3 l-l't^olz tl- :-- |ol:-t- I C\-z X<Nl L o IJJ (Y F iii <1r ra a zo v-) F a O oz .a Oc!L H\> # - -..-i "B f- -o oo 7-, { !-l -,Y\-Y -'nio I e n.e 4 -l - 6r_ln-v \[->,9x tx tOL,lo -rr o Ll] l I io @ F (Y a '(-) :ft a __-J t-!(-) O F ) u (_) .J )l L- z @ a io I c! =N (v >?m! OF ZZ oo CDO o r-- ul <- r_rr lrl go Ft!-7 ts- |Q,: +"d I z\) |-z.l g - -rl>O G' ,ql-i : (o 9l;cox I <iN i a F ) co I O z X e N Pa, c.:*.o .t- o .9 o- '.s," Ho- b.! 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OV ,-F -< =a.frz ;to <\ =r ,.o =<OE T ILJ [0 I a irl I N Fi ; . t€ ;:; i:* fl:r! iifiiiifillliiliiiii i;ag fiiifii;i ii' ;'i'* ii:i iiigs;;:i ;;: ;iiai :ill :ii;iii;r fii i;lic llii :fiiriiir iil,iiiii igi*,iltisi;is aftii;ii: i*ti:igffiii;iiiiigiig I ',9 r; o o -; o -: c o Yuo=:ooo o :o 9* U b "P3;;y?.r{, ;9"; .E?.or- E \ ] qx 9 : o o[; 11 >," 7 Lxco o o! or !- - o- .(uoo':yt oa -_ -*2 a-39{' >l :.,^ I rll vJ j.{ro lt i:i,g.lE=93 al 9arX.9:| :' ^-- c Jl := i u o <l coodo {r GI rrll zl (Jt o "o; *o 6 b14a ?:7!"*-:n -+: 6'c'r':99 a. -o' ) 6:6o.Eg ?o < tr^,: o- o_-v ;:!6 .-oL-. o'-oa D6_c 'tooo,oocE ct {u orc rb P H " " 3; I : ": s; ^:; t d 5 -() u"t .t :: o i = s:eo (I{, : 3i o !,,o*j - - -d.: 9^; U - 9-9 -+= c '-P P=3 ; E"I : ol! o X I o1 Y L^,-- J .!.s -q+!s s iEE?;.!_- r t:'or -Lo U i ^bq 9 be*3 e :3.:.*69 E ro.,! 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Z J 0_ O Z t h E.o o h z ill ul <l -l >l ol ml . r,l <l o-d pl. -i=HK &;+<lr9 x rrrt - _ v, v rl-- . ^,-l-..-.t I il ol= Z-l cl ,<q: r-l ro s i.^ili g-li 4*82_= -l- F )l l 966_ft6 (aoa) r.cr-5t6 (rv-r) czlm of, ,€r:rlrln l6c6-6t6 (0a6) 0lZ lllaL Clglg Otr tv^ l^Y Yftrto | 9199 argr xo€ od operoloS 'lrBA dool a8ptrsuol'I I88I uolltppv zg# lulod IIBA It J :lel I $a r; ol Eil ; Fl |.\(n o @ o I + I lo l=l-l't^olz ll- 5lo -t- I c!-z X<c"l r o_o IJJ (Y F i;t <L yq a zo v-) F a O .(n oNI H\> L! c.J _ i "B F gLo ? i!._'n-)io xF;(o eZ--.t - mnrrv -..- r,-t O >-9x tx IOLJO :Loa0 -tr 0 trl a __J __J tlJ O o l u I J l LL z io @ F t U' -U.) @ io I N =u u >?anr OF zz oo coO f I TI -'l>Flo -t- @ AO FPrn rF "i o<-mrr'lLrl I z==(ar . (Jv LL -Zv x -.2 * 5*-', N. (o \co x -$N I 9E q, o.t on \- h c{c c '.d." 9a* o_ vo X -o ;:P <o; g5; b i; e:o 9: F ;9{ro :55d :g;r : 6'0 '-6.go, d ; c!:: Yi d EE5 E F. 6o.:9d d a, j o_ b9oi,h ";:3 ;ooa S -. o 't r<!: 911 -o- .e a9: E ; E c;:F:;,9-g P 5**d!5 . *. F g s ob.9oiD pi3-'3 j'-sdE 3 3:d539 i" F.E t.3*^:tg", !:!s ;t,; i;rir ;*l $ii i:l; ill; :irfi;!i: ii; iii; €;fi ;ii;lilii tli ;;iiiia;;il;r;;;F;;i i#:i;; ;iiial;:i ili ;i:: alll;:lti;eI::g;jlt;;iiFEiiiiE:ii!;E iiii ir;t ;fi;i;;:l fi;!E_",:.Egi- ,i; a i; iiiiii:,i;il*lii,Fii q i:[:;;€ff;i[s;;liifiil:fl zl Lr.l ()o-Oo!lu\l 99 dox -o 3 Po - OX:a6u bea q o;E o@ c L c.,' t i!:,b' FJSE rdJ PR9,6 o t.^, = i " "P -oi- o \ oA D6-c 't o rD 0., c! {u oo \9 c X ,"3;g '; o c ;i:: "i--;,;3 3 .9 @; o t"^?\D >i :: o6;i o q: - b -:; E J ^O o .!.:r o€ ^E e s9 Z ! "!ol : ^oo-r .l: i q) : v>>:I o9o ".g - a-N 5 9 "- R FEF I @oE@ v __oJo_ 9 E O= Y o =o: d E acyF o x:;- t No;," "' ". d: di .; -- 6;= X Y = ]; .J OO i .h9': f x=: x o.Y 9 " gaIBP _ ] o< 6 < 9 P: =;.E t -t! Eg -t- 1-;N.9 q+h 9 : ;U "F6 r -c; o, Y .!id=.r oto 5; R.s ; oP= 9; !i.,eH 15.s E. C FN t6" 3 F aii I E i o E ,,5 i "53i:A- F O . -^o c ,^;-o5'0,'E -- 5 (/) O- o! .oo D o o o <l) ui 6 o iu j : 7 or 9 zl' Pl.o-....o'P: N il+:ErErh:ErErGrE:E a rl -,-,t-:t a)4tq ; rn 6=,-. q, zl 6- El::set*sss 3l : s i J TF :E T| T* :E:E TK :E:E iI IDA =t :t b*A f.9"i I 9ti <t Y!(rl ul L trl al 6l o oq, HP j E>. !) l, o t.r; I crc P b.:.0 o ost x : +: x B;!,- --€E.: " " F E:;ex:3F ! E; E H x, cE 'o u\6 o 'u, 3 i, o::;e:;I rs a: 6u-5 o> 6-c-0)6Y':a B bsi f^6 r 9u',."4= s E;p ot .9 X --Y -q d o-ie i - o:i.r XP o'!60 ;d c Ao.^E: I I;I d "€Eb = l,s-5n ; b; -;46 !6 : : a.E :-o !r E9.s oP E 9;!c.Y P-9 3 *'.'€{-.5 ;-r r^c Y; - oc\|:o I " ar^o -iEo ;i d or -.-o o6*99; ' , F:^i o=; ::Y Ig-: - i "--D- o ^q,9<o q 6 o !;o .ta D - sl;"!uS*i !oEgEoA:l:E:5P"-E lEfi.;!€"lor-o,q>i'lt 1.9;-o$!!Yo.)l] o ^,^o Y o;lip:iX"'q l;(o3"!;6:l;': sEE !;l- c !!19.9b.:\vi;.S l;; _. fl o p c Y l-'i5;i } a;li."xs:#:*,I ii i' ;, ii ?*i*.i i ii;,i ig| I ; ii ii i I i: ;i:;i! i'iii€, ;'s i ' ii i;;i il li;;;* Eiri i! ii l*i i'-';:i*;:r ;i:;ii i;ii! i ii iiilii iiliiiiiiii ;iilii iii;i, i;!!rl;;!l: ' ; a iiii*:;, 3 I*ii:iiii:iiii:iiii;iiii g ii @ o - o:. a9 E>t', o.^xxo (J e \(J CD ^o (99 b.9 Ln6 -E 3'; a f (J 't \tl tl q q a\l o 1 0l El ol c.l l -l {l v.l t-1 9 EI I ()r rl ="P + R?A Ey n- lvz ;rO \ FO =N <\t =+>v ,(J .5l =<OF zz ou OO t t!mo I o- 22 do,.:g ?t oY -D I o F l u (_) __) <(o =--(a)26 a) =-l ,o ma O ooa @ ;,^:=>e ir ,nil-X*<-: t! i, \m e l.n crBo o o co ri< oo oo -o' uq, 83, ,tr $'* LL' -J O v) araa-ala (rvJ) rr6-aaa (coc) lrar-ata (rvJ) azrc @ r$ttlrrn r.fa-ara (oaa) orl lljls attrl ot'lr :hv vrvllo '| lt!9 lrar roa od :9r:e-!v9-9:!::sgi l:'cNr 'sr.irvr.|nsNoJ wux opBJoIoJ 3IrBA dool aEpl.tsuol'I I88I uolllppv ztr# lulod IIeA It J E6l I H ilr ol $!l; cl fi r\ t I \. \l x r'1'e m EE :. J -r z--4y -J^*Z =-z i:) "'o , ;3.: d : :;s_, 1S::5 r 3:fis9; a* F 'EZ -.,[flr.l?*6+d;8 OONI(JI <<J a=<F O o< -F 83 'l!fOtr <FE 3-*.29 3 =J- Z frve =<a^ E >2."2 o r,-ts< L..l ;s( 5 056 a FLrJ J r-ll tL hl '|. =>az z.dHa o Ftr > o e.i a l I F z o-- z o ul F O o z a F z t! t! tl z tr o z l P E z a al ,_L'Jl 2 ,--t o vt F zl l> -l td z-l J <l rd Jl nl UJ I F F z F >a u,z LI ::F L!<(J> zuJ uJ ,-..1 dl!lrl - !..r r-rr I EA 1!I O a 9- v<;= I Z -J IL Z o tr O Z l o h _l z F c z L- O t^ )v< L,= e0aa-ca6 (aoc) ater-era otr) iar(n of, 'r{ortllrn raa6-6ta (016) oLa IrrE oE9|l ot nY :!\Y Vrruo ,a tc99 zrlr ro0 0d :9!!!-!r:-!j!:1 cNr 'srNvrlnsNoc nHy op€JoIoJ 'IIeA dool aEpt.tsuol'I I88I uolllppv zt# lulod IIBA It ^l =l*l | 3 5l:: ol Eii; Fl !'N rt') i \../x rr\ s vt t!i -a -))-r -7- 4sv nLJ *Z LU -J r)a TJ F\S=-r+E ><N trrLJ^-' LJ {g)H .Oo -LlJ F /-\: ln g-z=,</;L,)Q:>b9 -s r/r{ ^-^YF 3,{ 3e !} I I =l o z z [5 aL! 0-F x uJa E ;r! I l,l u t12 ,l L-L OZ u i- al I Lli o:o t:o ,'.il o z vl Z r-\zl =l r q <l it tl LLI I2 t- =l .5 L,-Ll icr Zlr.z t.-,-l a i;ol of L_Ll -7 I it-.r o Al F r-i F L!l Fl !s #,'\l -L C\ ;lJl A i-zl ^-(J tr I lr- --2 (v | /\= *zl 5! ,--<l ;; g _rl O-l - c.i Z I 0_ O Z v.h M.o o J tr- Z dil EI ol LllI >l ol o'l dH 9l..iF xl,{ .{;+ 4t I tlJt-da:a o rl-- . ^.'l-'., n I il 6l= z-r gl , oQY Hl-o ou i.^xl x Ll C,n Y,.l url N E Y:ll >o"i qGuzz TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIIIAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8T557 970-479-2138 l^..,\\'B\K3 r(t^t'nd Q-^&* =.!\DEpARTMENT oF coMMUNrrY DEVELOPMEITT \ \ , .\-) r Wc-r-.-\ Yo r,tt *34 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECIIANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M97-025L Job Address. .. : 1881 LIONS RrDGE LP Stat,us.. LocaLion : 1881 LTONSRIDGE LOOP (VArL POlApplied. Parcel No.....: 2103-L22-07-01-5 Issued.. Proj ect Nurnlcer: ExPires . : ISSUED .1"2/L2/]-997 . 1, /11 /1aQ1 . L-t L t I LJ. | 06/a5/1998 Description: GAS HEAT COM/ERSION NEW BOILER APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER ltechanical---> Plan check- - - > Inveat igat 1on > wi l1 call---'> EAGLE RIVER PLUMBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 498L, VArL, CO 81658 EAGLE RIVER PLI]MBING & HEATING P.O. BOX 498L, VArL, CO 81558 KAHN THOMAS .] 415 CHRISTMAS TREE DR, BOI]LDER *Of Gas Appliances: Phone: Phone: co 80302 Valuation: +of cas Logs: 303-390-r-897 303-390-1897 7, 800 . 0o *of 9tood/PalIeE:nireplace InformaEion: Restricted: FEE SUMMARY 15o.oo Restua):ants Plan Revier_-> 40.00 DRB Fee--- .OO TOTAL FEES.'..- 3.00 .oo Totsal Calculaeed Fee6---> .00 Additional Fees---------> 203.00 ToEal Permit Fee'-------> 201. oo . oo 203 . OO Payments-------- 2ol.oo AALANCE DUE---- ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiWiSiON: 1,2/T2/L991 JPJI ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRIV|rtam;' osaoo-r'fnE DEPARiMEll"i Dept: FrRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL l" . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE gOMPltrI-ANCE. 2'. eOMeustroN ArR rs REQUTRED PER sEc. 507 oF THE 1991- IlMc.a. ilsrar-,r,auoN MUST coNFoRM To MANUFACTURES rNSTRUcrroNs AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 IJMC.4. GAS ApPLIANCES SIIALL BE VEI.ITED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 AND Suall TERMTNATE AS sPEcrFrED rN sEc.906 oF THE l-991- uMC. 5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC.6. BOiI-,ERS SIIALL BE MOU}fIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UTVT,SSS LISTED FOR MOIN{TING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORTNG.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOIJEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECTIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER _ SUFpIY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2IL9 OF THE 1991- IJMC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge chat I have read tshis applicaiion, fi1led ouC in fu11 Ehe informaEion required, conPleted an acculatse PloL p1an, and 6t'aL€that all tsh6 lnfofinaElon Providcd as raqulr€d is colrecc. I agrac thi6 stsrtrclurc of Eha REQUASTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE MADE T1IEMTY - FOUR SIGNATURE OF OV.]NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER to comPly $lth lhc lnformaElon and pl,oE pl an, subdivi B i on t,h€ Torrn' e zoning and liceblc thelct o. TELEPHONE {?9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE PROM g:00 A!'t 5:00 PM TO$IN OF VAIL, COLORADO sEat.nnE St.at 6mnl Numbcr: REC-0368 AmounE: Pa!4nents Machod: CK NolaEion: 295? 2O3.aO !2 / 11/ 97 13 ts3 IniE: l,lAta permic No: M9?-0251 ryp6: B-MECH MECHANTCAI, PERMIT Paricel No: 2!o3 -122- O7 - OL6 SiEe Addr6e6: 18S1 LIONS RIDGE LP Localj.on: 1s81 LIONSRIDGE LooP (VAIL POINT #32) ToEaL F€es: 2 01. o0 203. O0 -o0 ThiB Pal.menE AccounE Code 203.00 ToEaI IIIJL PnCa: Bal,ance: DescripEion MP OO1OOOO31113OO 14ECHANICAI, PERMIT FEES PF OOIOOOO3].1230O PLAN CHECK FEES WC 00100003112S0O VIILL cAl,L INSPECTION FEE Amoun! 150. o0 40. o0 3.00 ERarE:UdT'vER Ad0gff)rJJ0 llPn purttef--- - IIIIfAXED I Dr\TE rdr/ry, ->-1 I \.el -+ Lochillvar Corporaaiol| N0shvllle,TN 37210 r (615) 889{900 FAX: 6l 5-885-4403 Detroit, Ml 48170 * (313) 454-4480 FAX:313-454-1790 DsUas,TX 75234 * (214) 484-8677 FAX:.214-241-l4ll TYPICAL SPECIFICATION RB/CB-SPEC-2 TYPICAL SPECIFICATION FOR LOCHINVAR MINI-FIN@BOILER MODELS 45.OOO THRU 5OO.OOO BTU The HOT WATER BOILER shall be a LOCHTNVAR MINI-FIN MODEL pSA--/8a-fu1-fI having an of /&tee-BTUlHR, an output of #7t @o BTU/HR and shall be operated on (Natural Gas) (L.P. Cas). lnput rahng 'fhe water containing section shall be of a "Fin Tube" design, with straight pure copper tubes having extruded integral fins spaced seven (7) fins per inch. The tubes shall be securely rolled into a one piece, cast iron header. There shall be no bolts, gaskets or "O" rings in the head configuration. There shall be free access to either end ofthe heat exchanger for purposes of inspection, cleaning, orrepair. The heat exchanger shall be mounted on a stress free framework in order to provide a ''free-floating" design, able to *'ithstand the effects of thermal shock. The boiler shall bear the ASME "H" stamp for 160 PSI working pressure and shall be National Board listed. The complete heat exchanger assembly shall carry a twenty (20) year wananty against failure caused by defective workmanship or material. Heat exchanger shall be reversible. The combustion chamber shall be enclosed with a high temperature resistant, I'thick, "Loch-Heat" ceramic fiberboard insulation rvhich shall be modular for ease of replacement in sections. The burners shall be constructed ofsiainless steel and fire on a horizontal plane. The jacket shall be constructed with a heavy gauge steel, galvanized inside and outside, and protected with a 3 coat acrylic finish.. The boiler shall have a built-in draft diverter contained entirely within the jacket, and requiring no additional extemal drafthood dev ices. The boif er shall be certified and listed by The American Gas Association under the latest edition of the ANSI Z2l .13 test standard. TheboilershallcomplywiththeenergyefficiencyrequirementsofthelatesteditionofASHRAE90.1Standard. The boiler shall be certified and listed in Canada by The Canadian Cas Association under the latest edition of standards CAN l -3. I and CSA C22.2. The boiler shall operate at a minimum of 82% thermal efficiency. Automatic vent damper shall be provided on 45,000 thru 270,000 BTU models to comply with the requirements of the National Appliance Energy Conservation Act. The boiler shall be constructed with a heavy gauge galvanized steeljacket assembly. All steeljacket components mustbe galvanized on both sides. The exterior ofthejacket assembly shall be finished in a 3-coat acrylic enamel finish. The unit shall have a builrin draft diverter contained entirely within the jacket, and requiring no additional external diafthood devices. Standard operating controls and equipment shall include: 100% safety pilot shutdown, dual adjustable high limitcontrols, pump relay, redundant gas valve seats, main and pilot gas regulators, 24 volt control circuit, ASME Fressure relief valve. i\laximum unit dirqensi-ons shatl be: Lengtn Jbl/a-inches, Width Jl't inches and Heigtrt--]--f :-inches. l\laximum t. /weight shall ne / Q(? pounds. The Firing Control System shall be F 7 . (Options Below:) Prefix "F" denotes Standard on-off firing - "M" denotes Module firing. Fl - Standard equipment on Mini-Fino RB models 045-270, A.G.A. certified safety control system with Standing Pilot employing a Thermocouple flame supervision with 100% safety shutdown. Control circuit is 24 volt. F9 - Standard equipment on Mini-Fino RB models 3 l5-500. Optional equipment on Mini-Fino RB models 45-270. Intermittent Spark Ignition rvith electronic flame supervision to provide main burner shut-down upon flame failure. Control circuit is 24 volt. M9-Module Burner Firing: Stage firing of boiler to affect peak fuel efficiency using multiple aquastat stages. Optional equipment on Mini-Fino RB models 90-500 (2 stage). Intermittent Spark Ignition with electronic flame supervision to provide main bumer shut-down upon flame failure. Control circuit is 24 volt. F3/M3 - Provides Factory Mutual (FM) acceptable gas train and safety controls on units with inputs of 400,000 BTU and larger. F4/M4 - Provides Industrial Risk Insurers (IRI) acceptable gas train and safety controls. F5/M5 - Provides Illinois School Code acceptable gas train and safety controls F6iM6 - Provides Improved Risk Mutual (IRM Insurance) acceptable gas train and safety controls for heating boilers. F7/M7 - Provides California Code acceptable gas train and safety controls. TJERNLUND DRAFT AND VENTILA SOLUTIONS POWER VENTERS MODELS HSUL, HST, HS115, GPAK, GPAK.T Used for side wall venting natural gas, LP or oil fired equipment including: furnaces, boilers, water heaters and unit heaters. All models feature a diaPhragm Fan Proving Switch safety interlock. Damper allows adjustment for maximum combus- tion efficiency. HSUL-Series is designed for 24V con- trolled gas appliances and includes a 241115V relay. Inputs up to 600,000 BTU/hr. HST-series is designed lor 24Y or 115V controlled gas or oil appliances. A dual input 1-10 minute post purge RelayiTimer is included. Inputs up to 600,000 BTU/hr' HS11S-series is designed for use on gas appliances with 11 5V control. Also used for special applications such as millivolt con- trolled water healers in conjunction with accessory (WHK-l or WHK-2) interlock kits. Inputs up to 600,000 BTU/hr. GPAK-Series are AGA certified venting systems which include the Power Venter and 4' Vent Hood packaged together. Inputs up to 250,000 BTU/hr. -->-#PAK (HSULwithVHl-4) GPAK-T (HST with VH1-4) VENT HOODS .?\ MODELS VH1-3"(E),6", 8", 10" Specially designed to terminate Tjernlund Side Wall Vent Systems. They are also an approved method of terminating many hcr- izontally vented appliances. Vent Hocds feature heavy duty, corrosive resistant alu- minum construction and built in clearances from combustibles. Building exterlors are kept clean while the aesthetics of the struc' ture remain undisturbed. All mountrng hardware is included, ,( '07 /.30/gg TUE 1:l:14 FAX [h nnr rl9 vv' 615t885+441d5 r .sL/ 0L '{tiL-29;1996 lsr 41 LOCHIhUFR Datq July 29, 1996 Pages: One, including this cover sheet, Fax TNANSMISSION LocrrlwAR CopoRnuou zoo5 Et!{ HrLt PrK6 N^SHVILLE, TN 372 lO 6 | 5-869-a900 Fax:er I Fgg6-44o{t To: Davo Lrmdil Fax#: 970-949-404E From: Charles Phillips Subject: {enting of Mini-Fin model units COMMENT$: The Mini-Fi! modct units arE listed as a Category I veut appliancc wbeo tested to the latest ANSI standard. The installation of tbc vcat must bo in aosordancc wlth Part 7, "Vcuting of Equipment'' of the lateste[ition of ths Natioual F$el Gas Code or applicablc provisiotts of the local building code. 'i hls unit reqrtires a negative &alt in the range of .02 to .05 negative. ln sortre installations, a draft inducer may be required to insruc that tbe dreft is in the propet range. The installatiou of a drafl i$ducer is acocptable to Lochinvar 0s long as the draft inducer is prroperly sizrd and installed per the drafr luducer manufactrrrcrs recomrhcndations. Ifyou should have any other questions, plcase call us at 615-889-8900. ----'--- t- I OWNER WARNING I The information contained in this manual is intended for use lby qualified professional installers, service technicians or gas suppliers. Consult your local expert for proper installa- tion or service procedures. TMPORTANT: Consult and follow local Building and Frre Regulations and other Safety Codes that apply to this installa- tion. Consult local gas utility company to authorize and inspect all gas and flue connections. Your gas unit must have a supply of fresh air circulating around it during burner operation for proper gas combustion and proper venting. WARNING: Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to shut off, do not turn offor disconnect the electrical supply to the pump. Instead, shut off the gas supply at a location external to the appliance. WARNING: To minimize the possibility of serious personal injury, fire or damage to your unit, never violate the following safety rules: l. Always keep the area around your unit free of combustible materials, gasoline and other flammable liquids and vapors. 2. Never cover your unit, lean anything against it, store trash or debris near it, stand on it or in any way block the flow offresh air to vour unit. lnstallation in Canada must conform to local codes and to the CAN 1-8149 installation codes for gas burning equipment. This appliance meets the safe lighting performance criteria, with the gas manifold and control assembly provided, as specified in the ANSI standard for gas-fired units, ANSI 221.13. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE LOCATION OF UNIT -This unit must be placed on a level. non-combustible fleerA Concretdover wood rs not considered non-combustible. The @ * For installation on combustible flooring only when installed on special base, refer to parts illustration for appropriate base part number. I . Locate the unit so that if the water connections should leak, water damage will not occur. When such locations cannot be avoided, it is recommended that a suitable drain pan, adequately drained, be installed under the unit. The pan must not restrict combustion air flow. Under no circumstances is the manufacturer to be held liable for water damage in connection with this unit, or any of its components. 2 2. Indoor units must be installed so that the ignition system components are protected from water (dripping, spraying, rain, etc.) during appliance operation and service (circulator replacement, control replacement, etc.) '-.-.-.-.---.--cLEARANCES) Clearances from coli6ustible construction: zught side - 6" Rear - 6" Left side - 6' (24' for service) Front - (24" for service) 45,000 - I80,000 BTU models - 6" 199,000 - 500,000 BTU models - ALCOVE Top - (measured from draft hood) 45.000 - 180,000 BTU models - 14" 199,000 - 500,000 BTU models - 29" COMBUSTION AND VENTILATION AIR OPENING Provisions for combustion and ventilation air must be in accor- dance rvith Section 5.3, Air for Combustion and Ventilation, of the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223. I , or applicable provisions of the local building codes. I coDEs I The installation must conform to the requirements of the I authority having jurisdiction or, in the absence of such I requirements, the latest editions of the National Fuel Gas 1 Code, ANSI 2223.l and the National Electric Code, ANSU NFPA 70. The'Super-Stor Stainless Steel .'' Indirect-Fired Water Heater FEATURES & BENEFITS . 316L Stainless Steel Tank . Cupronickel Heat Exchanger . Standard Closed Thermostat Well . Lightweight . Super Insulated Less Than 1/20 Heat Loss Per Hour . High Recovery . Plastic Jacket . Easv Installation SUPER.STOR CUTAWAY 2' Polrurdld. Fo'r ,a.ulati.n On O.t,U., t2u T .a .b' P.. ou ErcL{d T .tundt v & R.trd 1'TlmnAal) MINIMAL STANDBY TEMP. ERATURE LOSS. Other water heators have 1/2 to 1" insula- tion and their stored water loses 2 degrees per hour or more. Super Sto/s clossd cell insulation reduces standby loss to less than 112 deg.ee per hour, less than 12 degrees per oay. SEE ENGINEERING & SPECIFICATION MANUAL FOR OUR COMPLETE COMMERCIAL LINE & SIZING GUIDE. Specifications & Performance Ratings SUPER STOR INSULATION LONG LASTING CON- STRUCTIN. Ordinary water / .- healers are conslructed ol \ light gauge mild sleel with - glass, slone or plaslic linings that may crack or separale. Waler can leak and rust the lank. The Sup€r Stor heater is 316L stainl€ss ste€t and it comes wilh a non-metallic jacket which won't chio or rust. rt<- >ke MODERN DESIGN COIL. Old style coils can produce discolorsd tapwater whictr aflects tasto and leaws blu€ bathtub rings. The cupro- nick€l coil providgs maximum heal transler etfici€ncy and Jesists mineral buildup and discolored wal6r RAPID RECOVERY RATE. Super Stor has two or more timss lhe recowry rale ol gas fired hsaters & supplies as much as five limes the amounl ol hol water as a comparable sized electdc waler healer. NO SEPARATE CHIMNEY OR BUFNER NEEDED. Operates from your boiler system Model Dlmenslons Hl. Dla. R6comm. Cap. Heat Exch. , Flow G619. Surtace Rate Ptessure Drop In F6et First Hour Ratlngs'e140 @1r 5" ss-20 2T 19-1/4'20 15 sq,/|t.7.3'!1qgp! 1!2 Sp!' ss-30 39-1t2" 19-1/4',30 '15 sq.fit.6 7.3'149 gph 193 gph ss-30L8 2A-112" 23-1t{30 1s sq.fl. I 6 154 gph 213 qph ss40 52-112" 19-14.40 '15 sq.fil.7.3'175 gph 242 gph ss-50 52-112" 23-lt4'60 r siq.iir I 7 10'2?q9ph 30s gph 300 gph 400 gph ss.80 72"80 34 sq..4t. 10 ss.lt9 73-1t2" 27 119 34 sa./tl.10 385 gph 513 sph 'OOE Test M€lhod based on gcloF rise, 550/145o w/Boiler water@ l8opF SPECIFICATIONS q4_l!Er.M4!E 1' N.PT. MALE O '-'t. - \ a ", it' //TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON Address: Address: PERI'IIT # PnW / wood/pellet ********************* il!: ; I ) ) c1 11 t r pl*'Jr\rjy#8Uo* , APPLfCATTON MUST BE FfLLED OUI CoI|PLETELY OR fT ltAY NOT BE AccEpTED IT l*************:r!r*************** PERltrT INFoRMATTON *****************************rl I j-Building [ ]-plurnbing [ ]-Electrical q/-Uecnanica,I Job Name:Job Address: f tegaL Description: Iot_;.\Filing B1 Owners Name: Architect: o"r-3 Ph. General Description: work class: [ ]-New fi-eft.r.tion [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]_other Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: UECHANTCAL: CONTRA TOR i@ OTHER: TOTAL: Electrical Address: Contractor: INFORI'ATToN *************************** Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Plurnbing contractor: 1"1'ti,('sl Address Town of Vail Reg. NO. A/6-p Phone Number: [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units: / f*"r and Type of Fireplaces: cas Applianc;es_L cas Logs {* * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * ** * vALUATToNs * * * ****** ** * ELECTRICAL: $BUTLDTNG! $ PLI'MBTNG: l***************************I Eeneral Contractors Address: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAII I'P DEP,OSIT REFI'ITD