HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 VAIL POINT UNIT 33 LEGAL FILE,7,.-- \t I0t4,m Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Golorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: De Iraola Residence Deck Add. DRB Number: DR8030209 Project Description: Deck addition to Unit 33 in the Vail Point Condominiums. The proposed deck is 17 feet wide and 15 feet off the rear wall of the home. Participants: OWNER DE IMOLA, IGNACIO & SARA C.06/11/2003 Phone: AUSTML 606 RIO PIEDMS PUERTO RICO OO92O License: APPUCANT DE IMOLA, IGNACIO & SARA C.06/1I12003 Phone: 479-9489 AUSTRAL 606 RIO PIEDMS PUERTO RICO OO92O License: Project Address: 1881 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL LocaUon: 1881 Lionsridge Loop #33/Vail Point Legal Description: Lot: Block: 3 Subdivision: Lion's Ridge Filing 3 ,. '.'" Parcel Numberz 2lO3l2207OL7 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPLIED Second By: Vote: DateofApproval:06/11/2003 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 .J tlt uld;f n i.i >KV4h \/-t YUF, IOI4'NM $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rUroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee For_office gsp{nly: hee Palo: d"1 u Aoolication Date: Planner: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:D=cr, ," "*t'""0 physicat Address: tt,b\ Lit -L'C,P\D GE- LCt P + . - parcef No.3 2tC'ZIZZC:7Dt7(contactEagteco.AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcelno.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):iC.-l.- t ctu,\-);\E CLA Mailing Address:L-r ;'- t F\LLC,P Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:Dt E-mail Address: _ Phone: -, Fax: C.e t,\ Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction tr Addition I wino|. Alteration / \(multFfamily/commercial) fu ViinorAlteration / \single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request already approved by Planning Staff or the D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)D Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of 12102107102 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other itJoo> DtrcK NATV F 4( Notes3 Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12102107102 To: "k. sortfand", INTERNET: k. sortlandeattbi. com CC: Sara de Irao1a, LI0'704t2II3 cc: "Jim Kearney", INTERNET: j ldkearneyGhotmail . com cc: r'rJim Kearneyr'r INTERNET:jldkearney@attbi.com CC: "SARA. DE IRAOLATT, DE_IRAOLA F.rom: , 1-101O4,2173 Re: Fw: Finaf A/c vote for #33's deck application --Forwarded Messaqe---- From: To: Date: RE: "k. sortlandrr, INTERNET: k. sortlandGattbi. com ".Iim Kearney", INTERNET: j ldkearney@hotmail . com "'Jim Kearneyr", INTERNET: J tdkearneycattbi. com ''SARA DE IRAOLA'" DE IRAOLA 6/6/2003 12t56 PI{ Fw: Final- A/C vote for #33rs deck application llere is mrr 'latj-ar c,5nt on 6-02-03 tO Dan wrfh his renlv. I expect to see Ignacio out there working hard. It is best to cal-l me if you have any quesLions. f don't read my e-mail- dai-Ly. Best regards, Kenneth S. --.-- .)ri.iih^l Ma<<> F.rom: Dan McNeil-l To: k. sortfand sent: Monday, ,June 02, 2OO3 3:49 PM Subject: Re: Final A/c vote for #33's deck app-Llcation Thanks, DM k. sortland wrote : Dan, I fooked at the deck projecL wj-th Jeff Antonius on Sunday. If the deck is no higher than one foot and does not get d rail-J-ng, I see no plobl-em with the deck. I do think it would be better to reduce the depth of the deck to 15 feet from the 17 feet proposed. Any easements will sti.lf have to be met if they exist on There is a buried draj-n pj-pe tor surface drainage that insLal-led in 1989 through f ha h^.L rr.ard< .'f :l l l- ].ra ,,hnar lhi I l-rrri lAinac I think the r-ntegrity of this pipe should maintained. m^ ra l-)rra< | i ^h <-Lr y!/u rrdvL qrrl rLrv!g vq!u\ !vrrJ. AIso: The exterior fireplace tl-ue for #20 has never been enclosed as requircd by L The rarljng for # 36 could be shortened by 2 feet to a}l-ow tor safer ingress and egr I am gorng to repai.r the water damage from the r:oof in my unit this month.I will take photos but you have already seen it. Rcsl rcrte rd q KFn Softland ----- .)ri di r'.1 M,-.essage -----From: Dan McNei-1I To3 MLSamplePCGaol . com Cc: j ldkearneyGattbi . com ; CzamitesGaol-. com ,' Ma rleneGvaif . net ; k. sortlandGattbi. com ; de_i raol aGcompuserve . com t toharaGafg-co. com LorenSl034Gaol-. com ; JjmyricklGaof.com ; timccti search. com Sent: Monday, June 02, 2OO3 8:43 Al4 Subject: Re: Final A/C vote for #33's deck appficalion know -letter I have established flLe- when aqreement or unani-mous vote ^ ^^^ -,.1i --1.,qe\?vrqrrrvfy. Mlsamp1ePcGaol . com wrote : In a message dated 6/L/2003 I0:2'7:28 PM Mountain Daylight Time, jldkearneyGatt Tn Ignacio's absence (and trying Lo expedi te things for lgnacito's wedding). maybe we can finafize the vote before he gets back (also, it'11 help eliminated any perception of conflict of interest with the A/c cha we can forwaId the resulting reconrmendation on to the board for their consideration. Unl-ess someone else woul-d like to do so, f '11 be glad to pul-l- this together and forw Project plans and dimensions per attached plan (Ignacio's photo/skeLch) except tha! the deck shalL extend no further north than the furthesL northern edge The deck shafl be securel-y anchored / supported to provide stability (particul"arly a Any sp.rinkler system componenLs disturbed, interfered with, or covered by th h\r j- ha ar\nl i -anl ah.l hF cr1hia,.-t l-.1 f ha a1.lhr.\rral .rf f hc nr.\nart\t ql/P!vvg+1,!vl/v!ujrL|qIlqYg!. Application for appropriate permits from the ToV shalL be made, approval rec and copies sent to the A/C before construction beqins. Ar)nrooriAIe qefL)A.kq from .)rrr nr.rr\,srf ir IihF:nd :nrr fircfi.rhl-ihd y !4vvveg !v\4q wil-l be your responsibil-ity to determine and meet. The responsibility for safety and all future maintenance of the deck shall b Should the board deem maintenance or alteration be necessary, the owner wj-f f correc In dll other aspects, the project shaLL be constructed in accordance wi-th yo contractor parking shal-l- be l-n No constructron debrrs may be accordance with the rufes and requ.Iations. placed in VPTH dumosters Regards I .tim As bralti r,rrql rr cnn] ai ncd T \r.''l-a t^ limit the SiZe Of the deck tO the Sj_Ze Of t Please also see the remaining corEnents and modifications I vote to make to the srare Mike Sample 1) Prolect plans and dlmensions per attached pl-an (Ignacj-o's photo/sketch) ex shalI be no larger Lhdn the existing concrete pad. The deck shaf l- be securefy anchored / supported to provide stabi-lity (particularly a Any sprinkfer system components disturbed, interfered wiLh, or covered by 2 Thanks- l-et me rrv urry wr Lrr 2l t' re.located by a professiona.l-, licensed. sprinkl-er rnstaLler at the cost ot the applica ^FF p^tr^ I ^f fL6 hr^hari.\/aPP!vwda |.,!vvL! L y rLLqrrqYLr . ?\ rn].\a rac^^ncihilirt/ r^, e-16r., -tnd dll fuLure mainteh5h^a r6hri, y6hr tcem , v L ' I u)r and removal of the deck shaff be the owner's. Shou]d the board deem maintenance or alteration or removal- be necessary or beneficia the owner wll-l correct at owner's expense. --- InLerneL Header Serrde.r: k. sortl-and8attbi . com Received.: from rwcrmhcll. attbi.. com (rwcrmhcll. aL Lbi. com [204. I21 . 198. 35] )by siaag2ae. compuserve. com (8.L2.9/8.1,2.'7/suN-z.7) with ESMTP id h56ruAMC024 for <DE IRAoT,AGcompuserve . com>; Fr1/ 6 Jun 2003 14:56:11 -0400 (EDT) Da-ai 11611. f v^D v-^rl rr^r ,--^.. r.,*-..92p4bhLzg (L2 255-L96 6.c.lient.attbi.com[12.255.L96.6] (untrusted by attbl .com (rwcrmhcll) wrth SMTP id <200306061856090130Oa1pice>,' Fri, 6 .Iun 2003 l8:56: 09 +0000 Message-ID: < 0 0 0b01c32c5d$ 4b37 458 0$ 06c4ff0cGyourw92p4bhl zg> From: "k. sortland" (k. sortlandGattbi. com> To: " SARA DE IRAOLA' <DE_IRAOLAGcompuserve. com>, " ' .TJ-m Kearney'" <j ldkearneyGattbi . com>/ ".lim Kearney" <j ldkearneyGhotmaif. com> Subject: Fw: Fina.I A/C vote for #33's deck application Date: Fri. 6 Jun 2003 12:56:09 -0600 MIME-Ve.rsion: l. 0 Content-Type: mul t rpa rt,/ a.L te rnat.rve; boundary="----= NextPart 000 0008 01C32C28.00554530" X-Prrority:3 Y-MqM.rr'l -Pr i nri i\'. l,IOfmaf X-Maifer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2800.1158 X-MimeOLE: Prod.uced By Mrcrosoft MrmeOLE V6.00.2800.1165 {. '1. 't *** '1.'1.*1.1. ******* ******* *******+*** *********** * **x******* * * * * * * * * * * * ** r. * ** * * * * * *:* * * * * * * * ** * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement t,i,lr************************************{.*:r.x**********:f *,f :f )t r<,* {. i.,ri.:* * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * + * * + * * * *+ ** Statement Number: R030004155 AmounE: $250.00 06/lL/2OO3O2:09 pM Payment Method: Check Inj-t : ,JAR Notation: 1089 De Irao1a Permit No: DRB030209 TIT)e: DRB-Minor Alt, Conun/Mu1ti ParceL No: 2]-03122070L7 Sit.e Address: 1"881 j,IONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: l-SSL t,ionsridge Loop #33/vaiI Point TotaL Fees: S250.00 This Pa).ment: $250.00 Total ALL E'tnts: $250. OO Balance: $0.00 tr )kt * *i.* * ******** ******* **********+*+*+*************** * **** *******i.*'f*** **r..fl***************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cur rent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,,] FEES 250.00 ao vA\L tfltil\# aJ 11'il ttJ6 totJ 6Asjffn [+ti LsqluuW tlt/a{l0,t Lt?*/_' -_r.11_ _ t_I llcol"rcfsrr E viwe I Pfio?*s.s;t> \-1 ' \I-l X j",,"o bI" c- F.'t6'L :td o !ta ,/-t I l l I !I il .i i. .. !. -E-l -,. -l !H-!Lg: r'p*i rF -. #' Lx,.t - r-Frb -F+ I :,i b*- ..- - ,** |hro'c-.. - b..,* I X*.' r""''Le. ,-.*. ^l\ |l^' I ,t, ll Jl'l -tIi rl r 2,t 5l j i -{, I ..1 ' IHH-*. -.-.. ,". -,....:;,L""EA #' o z F =E UJ o- luJ I \T otl I o-) |l! !"1 | I I I I z',i <19 Flr -.o I I l'', .F t<r6 I I I lur <F z^ YZ o< 969;','-EU'ii9 gEE:-8 F s n€i *EP8:c.l t! a (!Ffc:o E U!:E H €gE€F :iF:5 =E:*!E : E.E'; iEaFe EEEEE -3; E"g g o=-o"(!Xo-E .o;E9E €fiEii :l/)'"oo :E€ H;, EE iSE :-'E 3d -c=o(,E e€!:€ *il=="PI-o;9 x;!e9 es;:9 E55EE rr. a!o i x 3 Zz!- tr ^ 6z x > 2:l F 9 OE aooa Zt-O oo9?QzX l!<oq<, d(J= =R 2 rN(' U) E-r H h B F z JI <l Fl zl zl .. >l UJ o IJJ uJ z o F tr !J o- J z E FT o F ll J-,-l 'tzl t3l torl x-l JHI -trl 1 I l,r tz F-.i :tr z t- ., tl] z (J z F-l F-l (J ui =z "') z F-l FJ z t! FJ =z a\ c.) X (a (u q o J 4 = c\l -+ I N \I E =tr IJJ &. o . t-, F-l Fl FI : IL ln I r.) .i z uJ ) a o z ;I \o F- c.l I \o F: tri uJ F G o uJ 5 a >l u-oi z1 =l 9l =tr o z o UJ E tt o z 3 t- = z tu J II o z 3 I =E tr o z l! J a lr.o z 3 o uJ )ul IIJ z = F UJ E T G <F UJ<zE t!F (rt z o JE <o OF FS ;F =z -o z = d 7 <^ :.F ?<)z<+(r YZ >E Eir P b=<o a9 u.l x -f IJJ F a (D o -)z t- IIJ Y lTJ dl F F >\t tr 01 trt -'o- Fr lJ- -,1 o-l >el u- td|O Fql o9l r8l PuJ bk zo --s]t(J #:lc t,<Fr 4.qo lJao >r rxl Q4r ) za c0t! E ul o-l! UJ o z f, o F I JF ut-h= d r.!>(L \J LL oo \UJ x(L :>rr |-lll !r! uJ .D o F c o E tt o o o !, .E t E E o |J z rn )l =<dro =z O- tr E =E lrJ o-z o F O E F a z o (J !D DN B"ltlEffi.l ro,,rN oF vArL coNsrRuc?ro-N | '"o"'-,ir.l nErLllIT lPPLrcARroN,r FORI{ i .. r^^, 't'aQ DATE ! V '€ild:'/1 I st,t ? t i!l{ ''- -- -e I ___ APPLICA',f]()N MUitT FE"FTLLDD ous CoMPLETELY oR rf MAY NOl BE AccEt'TED - , rn I t .a" ', ,$({.IE( l.^._,, pDrLvrT rNFoR}.tATIoN *********{***************S*****LLII*ivVl''iHirJ+tr'*Hhiii**r' psR'vrr rNFoRl'lATroN ** r A .a-.*r^r-- r r-t,lanl-r'ica1 Vl-Mecharrlnar I t l-other - VAIL GAS FIREPLACE 383328432A P.El ,l affi1 I t l-Bulldj.ng I J-Ytumblns [ ]-Elecbrical fiJ't'techanlcar I t l-other Job Narne: CALLAHAJ Co/Vi,{SloJ r.,}, Ad(ttess: rFg{-l!lqrS L rcoo f$L sQ. T'f - \/AIL F<)IXI AM.ffi prr . 4,?l't occl ph. [ ] *oLlier atlon Unltsi _ wood/Pe1LFt I ************i** *******f******* ail Req. N0. FI alI Reg. NO.,,l er: l ail neg. No. ail Reg' No-i€ tr: -/ -/ kr - ****r*d*****ft* 0g Legal DescriPtion: Lot '':,V cArL4 4lA,owners Namei -. \$*.- architect: BIociC- Fil ing :uCx r3sQ-A€Addressl Address: ceneral Dcscription, llf /i6l QCCI)-n-Re XSg tD 6A5 r.torh classl [ ]-NAll |'4]'A]teration J l-Additional [ ]*RePal truhber of Dwe}linqr tlnits: .-.--- Num'ber of Acco *** Mechanical Contractor:eaare="; PD@tr-lcL! ******t***** ******************'t* FOR BIITI.DINC PERI{IT FEE: PLTIMBINC PERI"IIf FEEI MECHANICAT., PFiRMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FETI: OTTTER TYPE OF FEE: DRB IEE; Town of Phone N ol'! IcE USE *********^* BUILD1NG PI*AN CHECX PLUI'IBINC PLAN CHECK MECHANICAL PIAN CHE RECREATION TEET CT,EAN-UP DEPOSIT! TOTAI., PERMIT BUII,DINGI SIGNATUREI ?ONING: CLEAIi' UP DEE IT RET'IIND EO: STGNATURE! VAIL GAS FIREPLACE 75 couih lronlf,gc rofld vril, co16rado 81657 lsoel L79-7138 ot 479^?179 3@3324452S olflse of BU]LUING PERI.lIT ISSUANUL, IIl'lu I.RAI.lt It th.ts pen_!t:t requt:res a Town of Vail Fire Department Apprc Engi,neeltsj ('Pubtic lrtorks) reyiew and approval,'a P1annjnq'Dr revi'eu.or Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the Buil dl , rrtInent ing I ong u,lII j den ti al ver, if io ned v 5 Iirne Depdrtment. the estlmated time for a total review tttay take as three t,,eeks.. AII commercial (laroe or small) and all rnu'l ti-famiiy permits haye to fol lorv the above mentionad naximun requirements. Re and small projects should take a lesser afiount of time. Ho restdenti.al on smaller projects impact the various ebove rne departments with. regard to necessary r€view, these projects alio taltc: thc thrcc wcck pcriod. [very,attempt ni.l'l be made by this departnent to expedite th permit dE 5,eat1 as possible. [, t[e unde15igrrerl, ulrders Lalrd Lire p'larr clleck prucedure arrd ft-ame., (t/ L t A fl ArJ CCI.J /tfir-^/c,/ FrojecE-Name g -J8 -q'/ 0Hl| 0 Cor.rnuni ty Development Departnent. F.g VAIL GAs FTREPLACE 383328432 lnwn n Tol FROMI TIATTI: SUBJEff: ||fll 75 ootrth frqntrgc road vsil. 6olotrdo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-?'1.39 ALI. CO}ITRACTORS CUNREITTLYI-, REGIS TOWN OF VAIIJ rOW}I OF VAIL PUBLIC WORXS/CO}O{UNI IIARCH 'l 6, 1988 CONSTRUCfION PARKINE & MAfERIAL S fn cu:n$.sry, Ordinancc No. 6 etstoe that it ie unl pcrcon to- llttcrr trock or dcposit any coil, rock ir rnaterial , including trash dumpsters, portablc trorkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalkr alley place or any portion thereof' the right-of-way Vail sLleeLu artd rcrads iu aptr'rroxinat-aly 5 IL' uff This ordinanca wJ.lt be strlctly enforced by the Publlc l\'orks Departnrent. Persons found vlolatlng wlll be glven a 24 hour written notlce to renove fn the event the person so notified.does nct conp notice within the 24 hour tirne specitied, the Pub Departmenc HlIl remove sald baterial at the expen notifled. The provisions of this ordj'nance 6hall applicable to c-anstruction, naintenance or repair a-ny street or alley or any utilities in the right To review ordinance No. 6 ln fuII , please stop by vail suilding Departnent to obtain a cePY. Thank cooperation on this natter. to Pro (i,e- contractor .t Crrlru€R lcarrBAchor(o;ltionlRtrationship Date P.A cornmunlty develolmen wful for any cand, dcbri oilcts and or public all Town of pavernent. r,rn of Vail thls ordlnan ld haterlal y illth the iq l.,orxs ot person not be rojects of a-way. Tor.tn of for vaur otrncr) the you I r t):. rlJ.9: ::l l]115 6'lA ol.1;10 : (11 ;l;,-O oro * oon, oritttnnlr-tLI TA.Q,--.. (;ERH-]1RDTRE\ a 2., C:i AF r:i: rrvlEtd 9lUn1^ coronrDo E trrr: orrS a0: i. DnB tsPI'IclrtoN - tgtnr ot varlr, DATE APPLICATIQN RECEII/ED : DATE OT DB.E }{EETIN6: rrrtltttft rstg tp9l.lcf,sloB rtll| l{o1 !t tcctsmD urullr rl,tr. rug0tttD rt'onnEto}I IS EueratSTED B. 'IYDE OF REVIEW; a me*L)- and baunds legal on r ocporoLe sheet ar.rd L.i:ONING I \J. ri, NAI'IE OI.' APPLICINT: APPLICA}JI' S REPF,ESETTTS.T ruF ; Ila i I lrrg AddreSS : _ Phone NA.YE OF llin drcss i 7 NAI"IE O!' OWNER.S: .SICI{f,fuRB (s) I MalIlnE Address: Phnne Phone ,T X. Coildornlnlum ApprOval if appJ.icable, DRR FEIi: I)RB fees, ee sholvn abovel artr Eo De Dard at Ltre Lirne of submic:e] of hnts appli:aclon. l,iiei,-iUel applying for a buildlng. pernrlc, ptease rrtenriiy iir" ----' acertret'e valr:arion of thc proposal. The rurn lc-viiJ.rriII ail'iust rhe tee accordi ng- to th€ roblc bef ox, ii-enEurc the ccrrecc fee .is paid. - :;r;i'f f&zz'"nr ,:'tV-, EE sCI.tE!gr5; FEE F.{,ID : slul .., .,' ? /t 7/,/z . -,1 ,"' ./ t L 4t (,,/,1 / dg /l,Y) VALUATION trEE i 0-$ 10,00() $t0.00 S Ic, 001 - $ sor OOO + io, OO 5 5(J,oor - s 150,000 $100.00 !1!q,001 - $ s00, rl00 5200, OO ssoc, oct - $1,0oo, o0o $4Oa:6d I over Sl , 000, 000 $500 .00 t DESTGN Rntrflt $olr'-trPRotfrr. EltFrREg otft tr,^'{ Jurr* rrN[L rxpR(&n! sHrrEss A EsrrDrNc pSRXrr is rscur!-;.l,iii iSit'si*scrrmr rg SttarED. r'ilo APPrrr($.troN rtrll Bt pnocas8lD Hrlgosr onNER,g 6r6Htrg&E llttaa.rrl PR,O.IRCT INFOBUAT I ON I A. DESCRINIION: ._NcH Consrruc!ion (S?00.001 X Ninor Alteratron tS2O,O0)Addirion (950.00) C. ,\DDR,ESS I r\LECAL DESCRIptTONI - IJot $ubdl vJsion :f pEop€yty is dcccribed by dcscr:p:icn, p-leasF provido fltrlch co this appllcaclort. I.0T AFE4: If rrqulred, applicant mu$L pra',rlde a cutrenf.lrlalrped survey showinq Lot area. COnceP[Ual nnvier.r ($0) :trih.r:ri'r-rltr'ls NFFXAIhI9FN j,:-;. til-htt:t trv r.t-- I qlq 2 / q:i cg:;it U arvlrrcl gllltl i q:r _._ . ._gir,rr* I ,, i__i9i_q!__.:r tu tt 1. DnB l.PELIClfIOll - IgtN 0f I'ilIL" DATE APPLICATTON BTCEIVED: DATE OT DF.D I{FETING I rrrrtllt't rnls trPgllcf,lloN fft$' llor $-tcgtll3D En'r;i-;L; -niou:nro riFoiirntrox rs ssEr'lrEED rtl't'lrrl cotnnrDO -conceDLual .Rav-i eu ($0) 49 ocic ne+Ls And bouttds x ocPorole Sheel inusL i)ro'rlde a A. F IXYPE OF REVIE}I;\ r AlEeEauron (920 ' 00) NeH Construc!ion (5200'00) A Hrnor Addition ($50 ' 00) C. NDDRE$S: n LricAL DESCRIPTT0$Iro $ubdlvJuion E, Tf properLY is dcccribed bY a .trsiil,'trcic;, PleasF Provido on tiiclrci,' to chis aPPllcacton ' LOT Anr,A: If rrqulred; $LruriJed Survey sho"rl ng i'i'' / ri, \ \ \I ,:ONING: applicant lot atea ' llju'lE ol' APf)LICANT !- L:a i I irrg AddreSS :Phone hrAl4E oF APPLICNTT, S FEPRESENTAtTvE; l lin dclrcss ? Ph one NAME 0! ObrNElF-: rsrcll],!sR8 (s) : Harrlnq Addless:Ph(]ne .'t K.DRR FF.F:: bRB !ce6, ec chown^'r:::f 1^::t^:t Outli::,":DRR FF.h:: rrKr5 reet', .ii "i-niin'-ippii.act o". LaterT wlrerr Lhe Lime o! subnlEt - -,^--^-iaonrifv thc #, ; iffi ?:,= ;"ili i iii":,^r;:l *i.l l " "' ?,,:.i::i' r.r. l;:::il;i I ;:i':.;;;' ;-r"Er''- -i;ip: :;1, ^ Ii:1, Iull, :: u 3:'::i'i' :li; ";i - in"- it"- ""c -iai n'l' t o thE t obl " oile'i." Eie,'.e"r iiii',ui"ii-tnt tee accordinq.to lho tabrc "i!it,1 EEe4'e^'- ''ttr(t unl"r.-rn. correc''f :;"i;";;iol-ru"-r^ro, sy30: n "J/17* "'--7,1 fleuV( / 0{?235 !.EE s 20 .00 $ 50 ,00 9100.00 $200,00 $400 ,00 s500.00 FEE ScltE'qulEj. VALU}TION s o-s t0,0u0 i ro.oor - s 50,ooo s 5il:oo1 - s 150, ooo 5r!0;001 - s 500'000 F56c:oor - sl, ooo' ooo g oqer Sl , 000,000 r DESIGN nFttllL noiltD ASPBOIfAL $IIRIS oltl XEnI{ rrrrEl( rINrL t?paorAr, sxrdE$s fEo'iiiriic Frnfri ii icsutu AND coilsrBugllstl Is STAITTED, .rNO &ppLr(:Jl,TloH I|ILL BE PAOCASEAD lu!8ost oWNE&',9 strct{sTgn& :1, ? $92 DESCRIDTION: current Coil(iorn.lnlum Approval i f applicable ' r LISI OF MATFRTALS NAI'18 OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTIO}.i: LCT STREET ADDRESS: BLOCK SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof S iding Other wal1 Materials Fascia Soffit s Windows wl-noow -t rrm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Ffues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enc losures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPTNG: Name of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* required approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAL to the Design COLOR EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate Minimum caliper for height for conj-ferous trees. Minimum fr for 1 nro"r--*r"*rof, Botanical Name PROPOSED SHRUBS v Common Name Orranf if rr Si zo:t ,\ EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimun size of shrubs is 5 qa1Ion. Tvpe Square Foot.age GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate 'I i -1-.+.i -^ ^1 -rryrrs.!lr11 v.!dn. fdentify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining wal1s. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. rl .^ ,. ("tt(t / ) /,C - '11 ro! Hi /k1 1,a, /Jtr4 t INSPECTION REQUEST r ti,^ ' /A''' /( TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBEB OF PR JECT 479-2138 1':i'y'tr7 oor= ll / /ti JOB NAME l;4., CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 2) L,'f. tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING pces PTPTNG ttil-, tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H, TUB | /{, ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,or, /(t -Z o*?/ rNspEcroR '.i ti. . i 1., ,.t. rN$AroN neouedr TOWN OF VAIL l t I I l1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 479-2138 oo-, ],) itt! tQ4 JOB NAME 'I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I CALLER l,4oN *IJES WED THUR AM FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr D tr n UMBING: tr FOUNOATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ,.-' ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ b rrrunu tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR r] tr FINAL O FINAL ffiabveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO Project Application o^r" 4aar/rz 'k/ 5/ta lz /88/ Zzazzta W(a flttg" llazz /r?-?za ft25 &/a Et/ Project Name: Proiecl Description: Contaci Person and Phone 4"rh, Owner. Address and Phone: -8/g Architect. Address and Phone: a o*nh"",Tffi"ffi Motion by: o^" /a/t/eP . Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Statf Approval --; . l--r;-r,_tTFi ':F* Project Application o"" ,-f'u/ S{. /qqz 6'l /ar*t,r,n / ?ao.n ,zf,o aa. /y'. Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and '6 auk /,82y', 6 ttas - ly'tryr r'7l ?zoz Owner, Address and Phone:&€ can>bct cazthdrfuz /aanut--,-d#€#€€t, Address and Phone:/ /.lazsrz l/ail Legal Description: Lot Block 2 r,tns /tazr.t4,/:? 31? E/?q, zon" /42/t4F Comments: Design Review Board n^,^ --.-rfuz{ J3. EFz Motion by: Seconded by APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: - ty'usl a'fac/ 455(or t4 € a batl/tza -.t " an,t/. L' '-' Staff Approval 620 oo 4eBfriVt revised 9/4/9L col.offir,t l. 4.r:-.1 DRB APPLICATIO}T - TOT{N OF \IAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: t!r***t**!t* TEIS EPPLICAIION WILL NOT BE T'NTIL ALL REQI'IRED I}IFORIIAIIO}I ********** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: ACCEPTED IS SUBI.IITTED I. New Construction ($200. OOf juinor Alteration ($20. O0) Addirion ($50.00)ConceptuaL Review ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT Subdivi s ion /25 E. F' G. If property is described by description, please provide attach to this applrcation. ZONING:/U2/77f a on meets End bounds a separate sheet legal and B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Et' LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing appl-icant must provide a current NAME OF Mai J- ing 'I .ll- a raa €E-*.iG$r PhonE APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing AddresS: Phone + 7q -q?.c J J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB apptication. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate val-uat.ion of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee arccording to the table below, to ^ /ensure the correct fee is paid . -- r-,ng ,# /O-tv FFE Dlrrr. C lAta v '' FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - s 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s500,001 - $1,000,000 S Over S1, 000, 000 L{\q:'g I'EE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DESIGN R.SVTEW BOARD APPROVAI, EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FTNAT APPROVAI. UNIESS A BUILDING PERMTT IS ISSUED ATD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. iINO APPLICATION 9TLL BE PROCESSED NITSOUT OIVNER'S STGNATT'RE NAME OF APPLICANT: Mqj-{i4g A-ddress: II. PRE-APPLICATI; MEETTNG: A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional application information is needed. It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application wj_I1 streamline the approval process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. fn addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appl-icant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. AtI site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their deveJ_opment proposal at a minimum of two meetinss before obtaininq final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meetj-ng date and who have not asked i.n advance that discussion on their item be postponed, wiJ.t have their items removed from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Deveiopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterj-or changes which do not alter the existinq plane of the building; and b. Buj-1ding addition proposals not visible from any other l-ot or public space. At the t.ime such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condomini-um association stating the associat j-on approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall-, flood p1ain, debris f1ow, wetl-and, etc)r a hazard sludy must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidaviL recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all napped hazards. F. For all residential- construction: Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building,' and Indj-cate with a dashed 1j.ne on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building wa11s or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit b. rv. . NEw'coNSrRUctN A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped bv a licensed survevor, at a scale of L'r - 2Q' or larger, on which the foflowinq information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unl-ess the parcel consists of 5 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (Iarge boulders, intermittent streams,etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerLine of sLream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of 40% or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information should be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point. This is particularly important for height measurements. See Policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. "7. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service 1j-nes from their source to the structure. Utilities to i-nclude: Cable TV Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electric c. Show alI utility meter locations, including any pedestals to be l-ocated on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocable permits from the Town of Vail are required for improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property l-ines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown - e. A1 l- easements (Title report must also include existing easement l-ocations) B. Existing and fj-nished grades. 9. Provide spot efevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot e-levation on either side of the lot, 25 feet out irom the side property Li-nes. B. Site Pl-an 1. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainaqe on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. 2. A11 existing improvements including struct.ures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining walls (with top and bottom of wal1 spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. NOTE: 3 tl l-with and broposed qrades shown underneath) . These elevations and grades nust be provided in order for the staff to determine building height. AIl ridge Lines should be indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shal1 also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and ex j-st j,ng grade elevat j"ons. Drj-veway grades may not exceed 8* unless approved bv the Town Enqineer. Landscape Plan (l't = 201 or larger) - 3 copies required The fol-lowing information must be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4"diameter or larger trees, the l-ocat.ion, size, spacing and type (common and latin name) of all existing and proposed plant material. A11 trees to be saved and to be removed rnust also be i nrii r-:ted ThF nlan must also differentiate between existing and proposed veget.ation. Compfete the attached landscape materials list, The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material- following its installatj.on. ExistJ-ng and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal componentsf pl-ease incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the site pIan. Siqn off from each util-itv companv verifying the locatj-on of utility service and availabiJ-ity (see ift.ar-ho.i\ A rtra_ imin:rr/ til-le ronort mrrqf :/-z-a\mn-anrr :ll ^.,1-'-ir+^l^ r^ iF 5ulrr-LLcr-r.>1 uw rrtsUfe prOperty ownership and location af r] _ - nn nrr1nArt \t lJ! CrI-! CCtJClllEJ,lLat v.- L'L vyu! ul' t F. Architectural Pl-ans (I/8" = I' or larger, I/4" is rrrof orrori q;.r 1a =a* rarri ar.r\ ? nnni aq rarrrli rarl p-sJ.sr-r-sg o\-cL-rt: r-lJ! !t'vrgrv/ J \,r/P-rso .Ls\lLr-!rE\r,. Scaled floor plans and al-l el-evations of the proposed devefopment. Efevations must show both exisr,ing and f inished grades. One set of floor plans must be "red-li.ned" to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8- !/2" x LL"\ for inclusion in PEC and,/or Town r/-nrrnni l mamnc mrrr l.ro rorrrract arl Exterior surfacing mater j-aIs and materiaL colors shall be specifj-ed on the attached materials 1ist. This materials list must be completed and submitted as a part of DRB applicati.on. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented to the Desiqn Revi-ew Board meetlng. Zone check list (attached) must be compl-eted if pro;ect is focated within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondary or Dr:nl ex zone ciistricts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adiacent structures. G H r :l;-l::t:?^t3:i:t3::i ;t:f: 3:5li{"reeuire'lhe specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whet.her a project will comply with Design Guidel,ines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILD]NGS. Photos or sketches which clear.ly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requj-rements set forth above, provided aI1 important specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original fl-oor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans I/8" = lt or larger (t/4't - Ir is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed additi-on. E. Photos of the existinq structure. F. Specifications for all materials and coLor samples on materials list (attached) . At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location veri-fication form. H. A sit.e improvemenL survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of property, which fists a1l- easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction j-s underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, tr,iro copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building locati-on(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dirnensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C. A1 I utility service line as-builts, showing type of material used, and size and exact location of lines. D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. AII property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey. G. AII easements. H. Building floor el-evations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge Lines. VIII.CONCEPTUAL D+GN REVIEW A. Submittal reguirements: The owner or authorized aqent of any project requiring design approval as prescrlbed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual_ review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual_ review is intended t.o give the applicant a basic understandinq of the compatibility of their proposal with the Townrs Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developers of single-family and two-family projects shall not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review, complete apprications must be submitted 1-0 days pri-or to a scheduled DRB meetinq. The foLlowing information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: A conceptual- site and l-andscape plan at a mini_mum scafe of one inch equals twenty feeci Conceptual elevations showingr exterior material_s and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures,. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be Located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculati_ons,number of parkj-ng spaces, etc. ); CompJ.eted DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an applicaLion for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shalL review the submitted materiafs for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal_ is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, the project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual revj-ew. If the application is not generally in ^^-.^1: ^-^^ ":!'* 'oni no r-nde rprrrri rpmcnf q- fha \- \, r I rP _r _! Ct r 1\- g W -L LII avrrr-ry \- !./lrs ! E:qL,l I _appJ-ication and submittal materials shaIl be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the projecr not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted conceDtual-review apptication and supporting material in order to determine whecher or not the project generally complies with the desj-gn guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual- reviews. The property ohrner or his representative g@!! be present at the DRB hearinq. O LIST OF MATERIALS I NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding Other WaIl Materi-als Fasci- a Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors IJO Or '1 r]-m Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses OLher B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Desiqner: P6one: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanica] Name Common Name Ouanti-ty Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 5 feet. PLANT MATERI{: Botanical Name Common}me Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS a EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting pIan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indj-cate heights of retaining wall-s. Maximum height of walls wj-thin the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of wa11s el-sewhere on the property is 6 feet. Olrrv t ocarrolt ,tenrrtcarre SUBD]VISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING AUIJT(I! J ) The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the foll-owing utilities for the accompanying site plan' Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Cornmunications r-800-922-L98'7 468-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service ComPanY 94 9-57 81 Gary HaI1 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cabl-evlsion T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hi-att Upper Eagle VaIley Water & Sanitation District * 4'7 6-'7 480 Fred Hasfee NOTE: 1 .This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing a utility plan and scheduling instal-l-ations. For any new construcLion proposal, the applj-cant must provide a completed utility verification form. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative inoufa note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. rf the issue is relatively complicatedt it should be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of VaiI. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and owner to resolve identified problems. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the util.ity companiesr and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can Proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement tn ttre tovrn of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained seParateIY. * PLease bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water C Sanitation signatures. Fire fLow needs must be addressed. DATE: LEGAL DESCRTPTION: Lot ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS Block _ Filing OWNER PHONE PHONE AIlowed Existinq Proposed Totat (30) (33) ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT STZE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Park j-ng E araaa t'-rad i t Drive : +425= +425= 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) / ?, /6' Reqrd (300) (500) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope ]LL Actual_ Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Vlew Corridor Encroachment: Yes No Envi- ronmenL a1lHaz ards :1) Flood Plain 2l Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FLow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file)j Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.1,2.090 (B) and 18.l-3.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.72.090(B) and 18.L3.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for fu1l- tirne employees of the Upper Eagle VaIley. 10 Cf,NE*AL IYAIIARtY uE}j,D, J'crrrory loq Nc. I]5 ( Rcrriotcd t/E9l o l@t il o + "12 84.:l 14! rirr.r.ra h Ul t.lil d trfi-t Oi.. -*r-r FaatrLr. c!. .lt h.r, afib atiFl General Warranty Deed* Charles D. Ross and Douglas L. Hawthorne , , of I'lontgonery County, lor voluoble considerotion poid, yant(s) vrith tenerul waffanry covenanls, lo Steve Cerhardt and Celeste Gerhardr tlnlr 28, 1881. Lionsridge Loop, Va1l, Colorado thefotlo*ing REAL PROPEfrTY: Situated in the County oJ dldXAXd(tIeI*X XXXi&EXfi4fim{rHfXI&*ltX. W i t n ess the ir oI December ,1992 [rD APR 2119s2 0hio , whose tur-mo rng address is in the Stote d^4W and ia thc LO rOraoo ol Eagle ,l Lot 28 THE TALON 'WNH0MES (non knoun as Vail Point Townhomes) ACCORDINC ' D the Plat recorded February 22, 1983 in Book 353 at Page 943 as Recepf rirn :,.:. 250279 and According to Che Declaration of CovenanEs, Easements, Restrictitlns for The Talon Townhomes reco(ded 0ctober 3, l9B9 ln Book 514 ar Page 595 ds Recepbion No. 4iO770. Prior Inslrument Reference: 9'r1vas 432 County, Ohio. Puge 566 of rhe Deed Records o! State o! Qhro 8E IT &EMEMBERED, Thut on this 26th tht subscribcr, a Notary Public hdnd(s) this 26th County of Monfgomery dc-r ry' December 15, , I99I , beJ'ore me, in aud 1ar stid s&le, personallt tame, Charles D. Ross end DouBlaB L. Hawlhorn€ theCrantor(s)tn;he loregoing deed, ond acknowledged the signing, thereo! to be their voluntar! act anLi deed. IN TESTIMONY THEftEOF, I have hereunto subsrnbed my nune and aJfixed ny 0f f lcial. seul on lhe da!last cforcsaid.'Gss-I*-C(L,tso> This tns (r, lr.,n.ort!ffEr?fn,"rr,.r .r","r12 I'l' Mc]nument'Aven:ter Daytorr, ohio 454t\2 (2) Ikrrdptlor ol hnd or i!l.rcJt llrfld|r, r.d llcllrbrrnr.tr .E rvrlioD5r rt|d rr.crplioni ttrrr r.d ||!fi nco3rr lf rn], (Jl lltlrr! rbichcr"r docr rot rppl!. (41 tsrr+rlloD ir rccorarrct l|llb Ch|prfr SJOl Ohlo Rcvl|.d Codc. Alditor'r rrd llrrord:r'r $lrlpc $igned ud ccka<twledged in presence oJ: rs.t i.{llo!t 3302.10 ud 5l0l,S Ctrio lt?rir.d ( od? .,F .4 ,92 E4/21 11:BB o'- Chen*Northern,lnc:, January 9,l9YZ Steve Gerhardt Rcnovations Attn: Steve derhardt l88l Lions Ridge Loop #28 Vail, CO 81657 riF- i,.i:',:i : ., ! .. ri. , l! .'.: l'ji;.ir, ;;19 J! -'!;: /.\e-! I t:3 r E REgg I'r, ti 'l 1t@ subject: Rockfall Hazard statement, vail point condominiums, units zg, 30, 32"33, and 35, lEEl Lions Ridge Loop, Vail, Colorado. Job No. 4 71g gz Dear Mr. Gerhardt: This letter prcsents the findings of a rockfall hazards evaluation for proposed additions to units 28, 30, 32, 33, and 35 of the vail Point Condominiums, 1B8l Lions-Ridge [oop, Vail, Colorado. This street address corresponds with Lot 1, Block 3, Filing 3 of tll I-ions RiOge Subdivision. Chen and Associates, now known as Chen.Northerq lnc, previously conduaEd a preliminary Beotcchnical site evaluation, irrcluding rockfall hazard evaluation for the proposed development, under our Job No, 19,344 and presented the results in a report dated December 27, 19'!,9, Some scaling of loose rock outcrbps above the site in order to reduce the rockfall hazard was performed around that time. Our current evaluation consisted of a site visit and review of geologic hazards reports for the area. The work was performed based on your verbal authorization,. The existing condorniniums are located on a st€ep south'facing slope above Lions Ridge I4op. Thc buildings are multi-level wood frame strucrures which step up the hillside. Uptritt of the condominiums, the hitlside slopes steeply up from the top of a 5 foot high timbeicrib retaining.wall which borders a tZ foot wide patio along.fte north side 6;41p buildintJhc hillside slopes vary from about 907o (l.l h6rizontal io l vertical) in the cur stop| area directfy behind the buildings to about 50Vo in the upper ng.tural slope areas. Bedrock outcrops of the Minturn Formation were observed near the top of the steep slope. One to three feet of snow covered the slope at thc time of our site visit. The proposed addition is relatively minor and will not change the building footprint. An existing breezeway which is currcntly enclosed on three sides and open to ttrl noritr will be walled off so that it can be used as an interior living space. Thil same modification is proposcd in all the units mentioned above, Regional rockfall hazard mapping indicates thar the sire is located in a high severity rockfall hazard zone (Schmueser and A,ssociates, 1984).'Itre source zone for the rockfall hazard is + '9? 84,,:l $srGstrudRerualm Jaftryg,lg2 he2 an outcrop of the Minturn Formation which lies along the valley side upslope of the site. In our previous rePort we stated that the scaling operation had significanrly reduced the rocldall haz.ard al the site but that periodic inspectioru should be performed to evaluare the loosening of morc rock due to natural weathcring. In summary, the condominium complcx is exposed to potential rockfall hazards. The owners should be aware of these ha"ards. Based on our understanding of the proposcd additions and our observations at the site, the additions should not increase the existing hazard potential to adjacent properties and structures including public roads, rights-of-way, eascments and utilitics, We recommend the rock outcrop uphill of the complex be inspected by a qualified geologist when the area is clear of snow, If there are any qu.r,io* o, if we*may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, CHEN.NORTHERN, INC. Town [*l ,- il.p"; Daniel E. Hardin, P.E, Rev. By; SLP Schmueser & ,{ssociates, 1984, of Vail. REFERENCE Rockfall Study - Town fsffi %w ('lt','rt tE \., ll I hr.t-tt. I r rc. o 09 r ,.q{ :,'. G'( Po;r{i Tt [xtee,arl, oft" E\\ qm APR 21w / ,/// /--4--,//,/./ ,/' AtrrPQ, Alt , -.,{i+tttttf ftls*t'e4t rl ? nl U ]G D F- rt.f =o! ?A v J-- t, t, str r*rl Lr EO $l p 3 t +-slqz 0.,1 flc, .ji -r ul f$t ta" d4 s'{ [{ F1 L9 UntI Pn,fi .+ t;q. l flc.,T Gls*J {Y/tc'w( t'ooA'aflttt o ,q eh 1,. l,a r,..'', f ,h o r': ^ -,b /, "(tPool'o'-Y 12 ,-if2 1d -B 9 L l!- s b -l ?. '*I Y a it l =-r .g E I ,r f a |}?-6 r ?t l. + -*: ..-*+..)?9'sn9.s-alF *F'J'tl-14.-' *o--L{€J l g ]B NAME. a\l da hbarea 'l ut,Ji, 1511 .l i i I iL TT ln _:i ;:iI ,_".__Tl -t! 1-[ ':' t'-. ' ' --,1 I ! " f".. {J .-.1.-_ i-l ll |., ....---J :---*J I \ I I a. I E ?t t\ 3 p I 1 r: t!!t=l!tt t tt' ! -.-- .:; :.):3;ff5;F=a-I 'I I I Uo,, I f,o,',i- - tJq, | ?a;fffllsw tU q ll 6bcV d # 11* t tl x fffir ils $'.{ iL I l3 i( fi- Fg B-i n| D !i I tr, - $$i dji lri Jf ll hr:+ ['n eP.dq.Fr' d1 : f.I t tl t ,5-f^ t)^tl til&at, " ry7pt1f ' .' 17 ('r f , -fiarn a .l Aerr "un*:glt. 3te t llFt. -. .!; - I aa*ol i itFtv $#r*r-rs ;S i''*g tj ?H 's$li ;,r [FEr :ii] i ,*.'92 93,'11 | 3'f;!I JV TRU5 JOISTCOBPSHATION a tiir r:iort r)l ! l Inl('rr)alional PACIFIC INLANO OPERATIONS _ WESTERN SLOPE SALES OFFICE .,11r :.,:-':riri ,,.-.t! .: :. rillS . G€-,l,ocJ s.'r!j:, !..J.91;jil i,., r,:r.15 i;ii.j DAV IO SACK /t' Dnl// ail:,u^t ', ^= r *th,. n$$i :-r1-1f 7/ r.,3 &th4bT r/"u1t"1l'ott at+* :r 4...-:r .;/g< 3 f *€ ?r E q I 8s* C@eGu,'llt4J,d(1cat) llede,rrrl / Z,Y/eripa Un// {*tcl T,T s4..21 1 I KRM CONSULTAT'ITS. lNC. P.O. Bor 4572 vAlL. coLoRADO 81658 (303) e4e-9391 rAI (303) 9'09-1577 SHEFI llo. g*guurEp 6y ., , l( F. M- ^- .., t f zz f q +. . OATE zrb 6TuD }IALL -t h- + r lc' ANcHor totTg c +;o I coi.lT, soNi EM. !:,' (a). t+'r cEr;rb: 5lt,lD A' cM.t tAlA:J, ae^aJf ceLL6 so;:= € .-+^'e e-e-=*) iE ri' PtElZ. Jr'"|:; A,/g:L. ' 5JEtl^,;AJ .i' ir, ' prrur. }{l0xt" P,,LE5 e v+", Dr,ve i\ +4 ', brl.€ x 16l -*-f \(r)-+t+'s 4'-Exttfll.r4 1 I I ) I F 1 I I 'l I I J I t .L {.+rrx1!bez+' Ar coucFETE, qEADe NAu (z)- *.t's cottT. #,1 vgrr' ur lN FlEt't CELL ?4, Er.lD aF hI,^LL OVPE Extfar. FI6. fou{b^treH ITALL ^J.- FILL IN Ef,C{VAT?b .'*i,rr AceA H/ 7+'GlrrtEc f;t llll (cauHrei:u2 .e.:''I I I I .J 3 ==-llll :lllr bE $,lAtL 9tcTlaN -r---- ffio APR 21 lg VAIL POiNT TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION 1881 LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL. COLORADO 81657 Tonn of Vall 75 South Frontage Road Va1I, Colorado 81657 Re: Unit 28 of Vail Point Townhomes Ladi.es and Gentlemen: Thls letter is the approval of the Vail Point Townhomes Assoclatlon for the enclosing of the "spa room" of unit 28 in accordance with the project application attached. Sincerely. By Charles Ross Assoclation Secretary trL/h,Jn-,tu7 a4 I \L a-ul q r.ri - I \.} rv) j( (J 6 'J o v ,x \LJ cK- 2< 1J. J -)4 --l /c7 l I i i \,j 't I ':l \/i li ?l .; UJ 1 vll oj 4i -+ ) x a-- tlr E TJ J a d 'ta a.tl ') - a 'U sc j ft' a a r\ +'4. '2 /-)/ CJ eg. + -J L, d 1 l\'i IY (l I !\l '7 -l .rlJ ln '-l I -}--t - rl E! lisu :j/?4#El 'd /lfdfu 1ilfu,F_*l f'q44{14+ ti ll l I )t I I l i I c9 l,l r \-.--' I .: r) ,t l,: 5 tl ii r) ! 1t .2', w l I I I I I I l F<\ an 2 I i I i I I I i i I I I I ,a t 4 LI Ji s € o E* d{H s.t 3 J*t uqrS -+---- h.s .u \:> ,/\/5 | : l::o {) -iii t 1 , t *- .*.. -|*,,, .... , ' I .-{ \.,r I (' 11 t't d 2 ^t r\v \tl L -l-p I (_t e) .Q l d \).),l^ -l t J i --r e/,Y.{1i oi '-l -,:-i \i i.) -t oi ',1 I -tt*<)t '''t 2. c,i c('!r i-1 :i-l .)-'1 ''J)i ')I \vl ''i --j ."il '-:l +l \o,.t-t !l il 1tl')tq -<'t -l .-,. aJ, :2 t{) I ; i It t )/-? -2-tr VAIL POINT TOWNHOME ASSOCIATION 188I LIONSRIDGE LOOP vAIL. CO.81657 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai I, Colorado 81657 Re: Unit 33 of Vail Point Towrrhomes Ladies and Gentlemen: This letter is the approval of the Vail Point Townhome Association for the enclosing of the "spa room" of Unit 33 in accordance with the Project Application dated December 4, 1991 and attached hereto. Sincerely, ,V1 /1 i&2.,e- /#4e"u' KRM CONSULTANTS. lNC. P.O. Box 4572 vArL. coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949.939r FAX (303) 949-1577 ShEET NO, JoB VA\ L PrlO ror^lNFlpMEg orl CALCULATED BY kpM *,, lf zzf 1z sce'e t)ol * 42ol - oB CHECKED BY OAT€ z*lt 51v, AI.LL ,,t tZ 't (. QX lLo lot'aNaHoe e ol.ts l T- i CONT , E9N D (z)- *+to ev. L^/ qeilrE>c'^r ll\ 8 CUU WA'J, a*tJi cerL;gcLE e 24n'e sTEZt_,C^t tr A .al o -t + R=iNi, v,.P.tz. JriNTg vt/gtD. "suE)h!(rJ't 6 lntr -l vevt V)'bx+" HoLEg e' 24tt , DRIVE lN +4' DNLg x la',1 Cct!*gie e'-/.t ---+=+l --1 I t *,+'e coilT, --- J I I *1 vezr, ,^") lN FIE6T CELL i eA, ell.o oF I hIALL I I ?LAce N€bl &qr.Lf I oveE Exsrq ". Jl F-ExrsTtu(1 -i r;;;,*ron *rt'sx1!bez+"I I - -- 'l I I - -- -l I , o _l *-6'' co*ceeTe qEADE NAIJ (z)- l1's eortt . - FILL IN EXCAVATEb 11 AeeA F / /+^ eeAvEL l-l (at\?t.c\eD)aO-++'g ---L__t 3 f I I J t; \o. P,ci :".i?31 lll I iij; {ALL 3E.1icu AALL ELEVAT1ON oc Fee i 1l. oo (r Et\Il-1I\t, I n&-\ 4lE79B B-st+ ,-:=,':*"?-. l5:sl soclETY Efit'jK Evl cFFIcE joiixErE;,i;.[Fg' ,;Blg.l8f,rif,Elrr* tro , oF s ._RF! Doc t$. o0 rg. og - ' 4 " 'll. WARRANTY DEED ",T fl tnlsDEED,Mra.rrir aq{^ dqyor scFrenuer fr' ll li tl 89, rur**n PilRl(WOOD REALIY f inc. I a Coloril,do Corporat. j. A 4' ofrhr . Coirnty ol rnC gl|i ot ,l\o ll ."*".rut{r,ud D0u6LAs rlAwrHoRNs l" *ho*o loSrl cddnrr h 43?5 Dclcc DelI, ItetEering r Ohio 4S4lg of thc Caurrty ol rrd Stdr Ef Crlorrdo. 6J:|nlag:WttlYP$SETll, I'lrl *rc gnnror tor rnd in conridcnrlon of thD r!.r ol TEN poLLlSs AND Alilt ox'HER GooD AND vAx,uABLE coNsrDERJtTtroNs------ DoLrAns. lh{ It4cipt rfid rqflicicncy dl$,hich ir hcEby rcknmlcdgcd. h|5 ltr l.d, blftriftlt.rold rnde6v@,md\y t\srs Ftlrctllr rl*r gfrnt, brrgrin. irll, corrrt'm.l.rlrf,r,',tl||t0lhcfrrnlfa,h|thc|f|ttd$titnrlbFi,tr,d|rlrcrt1|pppjnylo8rthrrvhhirnProar.}enl'.itrDy,|ituatc.tIinirndkiln|bG Lof 33 CootlY ef EugIC rnd St c of catondq (h.srib€d $ follD'.rr; IHE Tfrl,olt T'OtglfllOlttts ACCOnDTNG to thc ptrt recorded FebruaEy 22t L987 ln Boels 353 at page g43 is Rlceptlon xo, 250?79 and Accordi.ng to the Declaration of eovenantJ, Ea:ene4.ts,Feetrictlons for The ralon TorrEhomes record?d october 3, 1969 in Seo:lufl at il{nFmd'^rs!ilin6|}|1 ItIGF-TllF,n *hh rll ud rinSvlrr rhe lrqrrdlllfircru rnd rpprr cnancq thrrrro bsldnth$. or in rnyu,l$ ipFl1rining, rnd thc rst,tFfion lfld ,Erd|iionr, p6aindcr rrrd rrr,iiudcrr, Eart. lrttar !nd Frollt! rhcttt, Dod rll thc artrr!, right, rhlc. int!Gu, chim $d dfnrnd n,hrnc*r of $c t'|nr. , cirhcr In lrr ur .risity. ot; ltr rnC fo tha fbovc bttlflmd '|roniscr, rrrl0 thc htnditrmcntr ard rppuncfilrrsr, TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD rDc mld Ftt nl|c, rrbo',r lurgolncd 611 ddrrribcd, uhh thr agpunarrnc$, uito thr gnncC, hir h.i{r and irrltnr frtr.'Er Aad thl Enntoc f''rhlntrtlt, hi, hcir!, rnd Fcrror:rl El.nrephtir*r, drrl c*t0mt, gnnr, brrtritt. tn,C tgrrc to aad with rhc grrn(c, hir heiE srtd uri8nr, ttrt rt thc tirrrc of thc rrrscrling rnd dclilcry ofrllErc plrlrds- hc j.r 'r4ll liitod oftfic plcrair?| ib$! ronvrrEd, hu tsgd, tull, Ffif, lEldluc rDd irrdcferrlble crtr;c of i rr}cr{r rn e. In hu, lf fo€,trnJrlc, td htr gcrl ri$ht, nrll torCr $d hwfirt rD(h+d(),lo grsnt, }6.rNrin. 3cll tnd conwy rhe rr.mc in manncr rntt fonn er rforcrrid. |nd thlt rbc trmc irt tlEc rnd clcr t19;1 tlt lbmcf rnd glhtr if|ntr, bargrior, l]tlcr, llsnt, tuet, gt.rrrtcn$r cncurnb.ncco rnd nrlristlottr rrf wlntsrcf Ll0d ot lrtlutt rtxycr' ctc.Fl thoae ltemg gttoched hgtgto and lneorpora hrrain as Exhiblt A. , Lli,ffil?ir:ldt"td will w/rRRAf{f ANp FORBVBR Dst.lND thc rbqrp'truerlnapnrnlr.r in rhc guicr rnd F$srbls Frrcrrion of 0r sent*r ,.qT'":"1-ltt n#rlnr|!llsnd wt,y P.non or FcFonr trtrru yililmin8 ti bholrorroy pn rhcnof. Thd rinlulrtnumbrr rbBlt inclods thcptunl, tlrr.glrnf {lx,llngul &+nd th" urc of rny 3rnrtcr drdl bn slplicrblc to dl lcndcn, lt SffTff..wb-*Eor, lhc grrhrdr irr iricutEd drir dncd on thc dlrc &r hnh rt{w, t',.c,t'f-llir.i t , , , 5TA1T OF COIJoRADO Ooonry e1 E"tt" 'ru rclnowlcdgcd hfors mc thk L,r.g '\'$:rt' ar avor 5o plo'nb'; of Farkr|ood flBrJ.ttr Aarn !resident . re li? . Illc ,i r -a r,?Fion ,, ttqt-, unrn r my ftrnC rnd ofli+iBl .r.d. 'lf ta Ihavd!. in*ri-\Ciiy &rd " Fartwood RErlty,a Colorad,o Lgluua;uu) agt./wL 3< ') I tf rl e.r ation No. f!lA, $r+ ?*t" yr^|l.^rnr DBg! ttsr, Fid.q'|p . tlt!|l' - t. ; .* lridtoM Fubt.ru{r. fl:t tr, ttl A.r,,Ltrwood, CO t0, t a -Oot, trr4te tt.!6 @