HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 3 LOT 1 VAIL POINT UNIT 34 LEGAL FILEo z tr =E,ul o-c. (n UJ LlJ u- b =E UJ (t- ryy'b/tr/o tr'.hfln rn -i' -ir : N |d B'>i E X X >(g t:J. z ts a z 9J o 9 r!u.o o z o 5 uJ F o o F I z z z in uj t-o z z o l @ .6 z z Itl z 3 )tu @ =I l! F o F z o uJ z 3 l! uJ o ll) o o o (! .9 c ;o F o o o (! _:t o o) o o o ; =f d) E =l E o) 3 .q) q) c .9 at, 0) u; 0) o o o '6 :: o cl (t g) N o 3 r c) o o)c o o (' o o .o = o o v,](5 -.: - c) oti (! 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L:?=-a€E; --.,= o o !1; - ; =:'!o!= c o:3r)J ; d >.=E ScFli *^(5:_lJ: X r-r X o-'-;i -E O--dis5-I o-o - i ;i q O qr.Y i b bz I -E =zZtL F o- 9=; tr >u rP OE 6oA z:-O oo9'ozX LL<o1 i r! ;:(L\z;>- L' = HN(J o o ul IJJ z @ f- cc Lll o- z E o o uJ o uJ t-a (D o -z o t-(L uJ Y UJ dt F t uj IL o I ul t- z z zz coo >z -JO O- LL )."i5 \J\J= =Et 6d= F E t!(L o .FL! Yz E<cll oy2 E2 B9 ear =>.=uJi-E !->rJi;i : =t E d6 P 5* G;F o"i qr -'i t; LI,J o F E -rE F =E, lrJ o-z o F (J f E F a z o (J L]!T z J LL 5 (I) F o ) UJ z o _-) UJ =z u.,c o o - = =E o o .J i F E z o ul (I ) LL z =F z uJ (r TL z B F g o z o uJ (f u-o z -o F & tr o z d UJ E J - LL o z =Y e. (! z i uJ (! z 3 F ui tr F- E. uJ z =o F (J tIl F T.O <F EO r,! <ZE,[!F (a Z o o ) () () LU )|t It Y Y , zl =#:z u-o -) fr.<A YF 7<)Z< Y,z =g & = lrz J < (,) s?fr =1 nnn : - '1' ''-' tL 'tl TOT.JN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATION FORT.I DATE: 'r,irml- i '! '. 1 ,, ;fi?,:, P ^ , Appl,rcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpLErELy oR rT il{Ay NpT, qH.g*i${reo i.,,, 'L.,; .!V:, L/1.V, Ir****************************'b PERMIT fNFORI|ATION *********************rl******:r fll ["]-Building [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Elecrrical 6[1-nechanical [ ]-other t r-l -l- Job Name: &a,frc< F-<r. Job Addrer=J. tgVi L,",-rr.,4c /*p # gy' Iegal Description:.Lot_ Block_ Filing SugprvrsroN, Architect:Address: General Description:49 "rln Address i ':c*.<^-2- -F.-.r7_r_,,, RECREATTON FEE: --1." (L; erl (-fl r j{CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: -f [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLT'UBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: P:n.a7q -7?7< Work Class: [ ]-New t]i-aft.tation Nurober of Dwelling Units ,/ n}*"r and Type of Fireplaces: Cas Appliances {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS BUILDING: $ *** !: ******* ** ** ***** * * * * ** ******* ELECTRfCAL: $OTHER: $ MEcIIANTcALI $@tnt TOTAL: T CONTRACTOR INFORMATION *** ** !r *** ******** * ********* Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO.Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address z Fo ******************************** FOR BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLTJMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE:TOTAL PERMTT BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATI'RE: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: cr EAil IIP DEPOSIT REFrrlrD r0: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'tS REQUIRED Job Name: Please answerthe lollowing questionnaire regarding the ne€d for a'public Way permit.: YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than existing dnveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or pubtic property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? questions. lf-v9u- algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained."Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public work's otfice or at C9.r.n11u1itV Development. ll you have-any questions please call Chartie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, al479-2,t*.' NO X X X Y Y Y Y { r Contracto/ o sS Job Name and PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it retates to Building permit: 1)ermit a lication. 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) lf yes was answered tg.?ny of the above questions then a "pubric way permit" is required. You can pick up an apprication at either community Deveropment,rocared at 75 s. Fronrage Road or puotic works, ro""t"J;i;'$;VairVailey Drive. Notice sign otfs for utility. companies. All utilities must field verify (locate)respective utirities prior to signing apprication. sore ,tiiity-complnies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedute i td,iatel. A construction trafiic co111gt pran must-be prepapg o.n a separate sheet of paper.This plan willshow rocations of arf tratfic contrordevices (signs, cones, erc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) Sketch of work being performed musr be submitted indicating dimensions (rength,widrh & depth of work). This may be orlwn on the tramc Lontror pran or a site plan for the job. ::Itl q,mprered appricalion to rhe pubric work,s otfice for review. rf required,rocates wit be schedured rorthe Town of vair erearic,'ilft'ilAion crew. The locates are take prace in me morning, uut-r"y require up to 4g hburs to perform. The Public work's construction fnspector wil rgview the apprication and approve ordisapprove rhe perm.it. you wiil de conaaeo as to the aifi;.d any changes that may be needed. Most permits are rereaseo within 49 nouis J oeing received,but please allow up to one week to pro""rr. As soon as permit is processed, a @py wiil be faxed to community Devefopment attowins rhe 'Buirdino p.9ryit" to u" i6rt"r;.- H;;;;#;#iire rhe "pubric way Permit' with a "-Buirding nermit; to oo-"o* on a project site itserf. Note: 'The above process ls for work in a rlght_ot_way only. 'Public Way permlt,r "r" 'A new Publlc Way permit is required each year. 75 roulh tronllgc rold Ytil, colorldo 8't657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlcc ot oommunlty dcyclopmant BUILDiNG PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this peryl:t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval ,Engineer''s (pub'rt. Igllrl review anJ app"ouai,'" ilinnini-b"p."t "nt review or Health Departm6nt review, anl a-review by the Bui.l ding Department, the estimated tine to"'a-totar review may take as rong as three weeks. llL .?ry:"Sial (large or smat't) and al I mut t.i_famity permits wil l have t0 follow the above menti6ned maximum requirements, Residentiar and small projects should tare a-'l eiie"'amount of time. However, if residential or smar'r er.projects impiii the various above mentioned departments with reqard to-necessai.v ""ui"*,-;h;;; ;;;j;.ii' ruy also take the three week period. Every attempt will berlgge Uy this department to expedite this pennit as soon as possible. - -v v'rrrv' Lg e' I:-jl. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time lrame - r1 /e Sheet was turned--iiT6ffi Comrnun i ty Devel opment Department. 75 south frontsgc rord v€il, coloiado 81557 (303't 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: EROU: DATE: SUR'ECT: otllce of communlty devGlopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TI{E TOWN OF VArL TowN oF VAIL pUBLrc woRKs/coMMIrNITy DEVELOPIIENT lfaRcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }fATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awfur for any person to litter, track or deposit an'-""if,-"J"i, sand, debris or material, incrylins trash iunpsteri, p"iiuui" toilets and worknen vehictes upon any srreetl ,i;;;"i;;;i:y or public prace or anv porti6n theieot.--rn" rrght-of-rday on arr. Town of VaiI streets inat.:g"-d= is alproiinately s ft. off pavement.This ordinance ril] b".;ari;iit"enforced by the Town of vaiL Public l{orks DeDartment. persSns found .rihaiing this ordinance wirr be siven a 24 hour "rrii[;;";"ti; t;-;;;;;;"".id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes not--colnpry with the notice within the-24 hour.tire-ri""ified,, the pullic works Deparrment will remove said matei-:."i-.i-ih;";"$;=e of person notified- The nrovi=ion"-or irril orainance shalr. not be applicable to cinstruction, ,iir,i"rru'ce or repair projects of any street or atley or any utiiiiie"-'i; G.^;i;ii-._r"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in fu'l, please stop by the Town of :3:i.::ii3i"3"":f,if*:it.:a-'"rlli" a copv' *rani< vou ror vour onsh Project (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 routh lrcntlge rc.d v!ll, colo?.do 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 4?92139 olfice of communlty deyelopment NOTTCE TO CONTRjACTORS/OWNER BUTIDERS Effective June 20, 199Lt the Town of Vai-l Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail public l{orks Department will be reguired to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vair roads or streets and the instarlation of tenporary or peraanent culverts a!access poi.nts from tbe road or street on to the construction site.such approvar must be obtained prj-or to any request for inspectj_on by the Town of vair Building Department for footings or temporary erectrical or any other inspection . please call 4'l 9-2160 t-o reguest an inspection from the publ_ic works Department. A110w a ninimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of vait public works Deparlment will be approving all final drainage and culvert instaLratj.on with resutting road pacching as necessary. such approvaL must be obtained prior to Fjnal Certj-ficate of Occupancy issuance. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3O3 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1 2. De partnent of Connnunin' Developnent r}|FORI.|AIIOI{ XEEDED IIHEI{ APPI.,TTNC FOR I MECHAIITCAI. PERMIT 4. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAI DIMENSIONS AND BTU RAT]NGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIP!{ENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED TN MECHANICAT ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE IHIS INFONUATION WIII DELAY IOUR PERUIT. +" 1,L,-- wz*) -J--<- L*-,4.-r, 'fl-,-.J--- l'-J.-- ,)"-*-4e ,l- .J,/u ur*-L(, Coo"a*re_ J/. c.J, , ^-4-4. "1 f .u-- ,kL-r- IJl.i u) --- ,--i,d rL.*.-- c\- ,t..o,t Jv1 4,1^*- u*:,r/,{b'k* L=^{----- he-za J, t'-J ,n-..j 705 ,^<-cr.J ? o" 1r"^-^- d Li.- ,,-r--(( .f t Q cegs L/'r<'-. .-+--e S \ \- lr* ^.*d1,,- "J {,.--4^""- ,"- =p. j u--e,z<_> tt'| hJ- N-e-' trc *J,,^'rlr'(-- w "t4 -r h""r(ui ,7 €.t ^') I | (.t^4-5 r fe p((t\ Plan Review Based on the l99L Uniform Codes i IreME: ZAMITES FIREpLACE DATE: B-zg-94 '. ADDRESS: 1881 LIONSRIDGE #34 CONTRACIOR: HEARTH EXCHANGE VAIL. COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 2I OF THE 199I UMC. 2. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC. 1206 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3. FIELD INSPECTION rS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. CU !-o (o IIJ =o o o -)z o F (I uJ Y UJ dl o F F Ex tr3 (L L j'l o;l i-l ogl oUl r<l llJ l- ll,l^F \.,,zo z \2 .- =e coo =z O- tL )iff a.! / \ = =81 6d> F uJ L lr ru z o L F CE o- -JF ul-h= tL I.lJ >o-OL 9o \[U :>L.I F ul J LIJ F c o E CI o o o .: =E E o tt o I =- ts =E lrJ o-z o F (J f E.F a z o () Intr o z ==.G UJ d IUJ IF lo .fl ?l RI I col I I t._, t4 lo =rF ;r; tz zt^<,= I l_ .F t<lo I I I I & hb///, :IF;:\ )gJ (t = tr o F z o e'38=3. E UE E:.'E;b:R e{ 5i: P6(!66 o!: x|J - E.Y E or i5E:E 6H oa t d^6s5.o ;t s:E El g p E ooa-*o-P-ov f;-'gk *EE'p9 P6(!66 (l)E ! )':\J EE F:=- o;9; -c= (r) o E !F$;E =>E -I z tr^ tro 7t o2 lJ- <oq tlJ -o- !.4 IE rj H ti1 t-l tc t(J l3 { lP-l - lrII s lH '1"1 - .: Ll <4 6zl ;gl z v- =l a z^l > 951 i 3l,-.6zl4 uJ -l Fr OFI C'r&lZ < L'll Fr grl E812 (,(Jl (J Jl <l -l -l z .. >l o uJ llJ lu z U)F E l! o. z I =o o .l ol 2l r.ul 5l al >l rr-I ol zl FI ol zl ol url 1l <l >l Il ol zl il I I I I ?l (rl uJl crl JI <l >l ttl ol 3l c ol ul FI F a! ot I |\ @ ol =.1 ol luJl EI zl 3l 9l -l .l 4. J H <'J X 3 r.l il F I E q trl zl ol ql <l >l Irl zl Bl ol FI (,z !t! z z F H E N u.i =z I l.n I lF I lo'!tl I to,| | t--I lo ,Ata HI Hkll|t-EEltn <<l\o N(,l-r I lcc d fl" = ;l F-r d 6t <ci d> -l <l eea a=o tl tl |l tl tl l,l | !1,Irq td tq =t J 04a tr|= F E F z z. -r LIJ E l-(rir \JZ o t F z LIJ ) >Y =s fF =JZ rJ-o o o uJ =I E <F (tso uJ<ZE, .nZ E LIJ z 3 .J uJ -J rr rr rX t lLlL5i F =.t uJ I I I I I I!! lo I I I I I I t._, ri lt!trr r3 ,z r6 !66JI o *iui6 E3Eq?F F.e9?€=ir E 3*:.:(5 - (6 FJcX() .E Fp E:..c: o.> *eftsE;:Ei;:r-: nF ; >=: -.c 9 6 6E ? F;.E O EE€RE fiEoH :€35:.0;e35 E!fel o- (! o--:o=-o" .e= os)F =;EEO,:(,,'"oo iIs E fio I5i 6 o,3 ': 9 or.E (E tr E:D .coXjE - oi 9; 9.9: :::,9: = c o i 3!J = 6 >.=E O (!=; O c-Y->;E!q9 Xr Y o..' x "D O.i;eE!9Eor . f ;i c o !D.Y ibEal NO[Vn]VA l1 I r.,-r t?t- t<i? t- 3 F (I o uJ o uJ uJ z a F 6. LU o_ --) z E o o Y E o =Zzv- F o- Q=Xr>Y F9 OE ./r(J(r z>()oar?ozX rL<oq d ur ii :F 2 iNO I,IJ =o o -)z o t- IJJ Y UJ r t (r llJ o- u- O I H !r,bE zo z .^ = =<coO >z O-[ )."i5 =r3 coil> L uJ (L .F IIJ tro =z E<cLl o .!) >o vcE =>E r>9sw oi; o f,:E 66 P 5s t x>o=F c, -i tt; t! c) F E -- F =E. lrJ o-z I F (J D E,F a z o () fltrtr 6 F ) z ) LU =z \-'1 z o o a I F tr ul E o I o- =()s z o tu (r z 3 E z o ul ) o z 3 F IJJ ) ll,J F q z o ul |r J ? o z 3 F =& z uJ (r J t!o z =F t tL z o ul J l! z 3 F uJ tt F LU z. = LIJ =- E E <F LrJ <zE (1 Z <o OF -< -,2 ^-.o IO E. zt- =#]F :z <A )lF z<)4< i, z. =g & = (JZ J <O (4 A :d IUr lL/ /-- .| I t\ \TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLT,CATTON FORM DATE: .t' ,]. j_Z/ .h,' , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED I** ********** ***** ****** * ******n [.]-Building [ ]-Plumbing t Job Nane: ZA/L//rE:; OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * I -Electrical [X'J -Mechanical [ ] -other Job Addre=s, ln,l i'r,,tti4,liKr /,rrsr,./q, zzf Legal Description: Lot Block owners Nane: (hltk Z".,,r lcs Architect: Address: Address: LL / / t t,t f t:Y' /n r 1,,->s,,/Xz /".p;n./;'1 -',' ? 7 3 Dlr PERIrrr lt /f.,,'//a ,',)i4 Filing sueprvrsroN, ;fGeneral Deseription:,',' t.t/?zL /( !r'.t' /','rr t,,r.t [rr. ,t/t2' Work Class: [ ]-New |y{-eLEeration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: /Number of Accornmodation Units: Ijpmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas AppIiun""r / Gas Logs- Wood/Pe1Iet- ********************************** VALUATfONS,r********************************fl BUILDTNG: $ ELECTRICAL: $ OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANTCAU $@_-ffi--=- CONTRACTOR TNFORMATTON TOTAL: $- * * * * * * ** *** **:k* *********** * Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. No./74-4''/ Phone Number: ,\'-l ) -'/t ..t < ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: a .2 /'t , *'zrvZt ?//,/r OFFTCE USE BUTLDING PLIJMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN IJP DEP,OSIT REFI]ND 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflce of communliy developmenl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If thi.s perml:t requi.res a Town of Vail flire Department Approval ,EngineerLs (.PyUtic l,Iorks) reyiew and approvai,'a p1 anning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estj.mated time for a total review may take as long as thfee weells. AII commercial (large or small)and all multi-family permits will have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, .i f lesi.dential or smalier projects impact the various above mentjoned departments wi.th regard to necessary rev'i ew, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wrlll be made by this department to expedite this permit as spon as posstlbi e. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. Agreed to' by. Project Nanre Communi ty Development Department. ;rli 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: etlD TF/rrTr . otf lce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO TN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or rnaterial, i-ncluding trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and road.s is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance \.rill be strillfy enforcld by the Town of vail PubLic works Department. persons found viorating this ordinance will be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the public Works Department will remove said rnaterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance snlff not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or al1ey or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fuIl, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtain I copy. tnank you for your cooperation on this rnatter. .K Y ead and acknowledged by: Date Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: ZAMITES FIREPLACE DATE: 8-29-94 ADDRESS: l88l LIONSRIDGE #34 CONTRACTOR: HEARTH EXCHANGE ' VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 2. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPE TION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQUIPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3. FrELD INSPECTTON IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4. WHEN NEW ELECTRICAL LINES ARE REQUIRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICIAN. Tct,.'n of Vail CFF!0f; #*PY l2*Vz-r f'' "t' '''/ ,O ;*;"rcArroN - row* oF rrArr, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: Addition ($50.00) revised 9/4/9L COI..ORADO m'I] A'rii j -i 1g9e' I. *t******** TSIS APPLICATTON WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED T'NTIL AI..L REQUIRED INFOR}IATTON IS SUBI.{ITTED ****t**t** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. B.TYPE OF REVIEW, - .,New Construction ($200.O0) {Minor ALteration ($20.00) ($0) ? D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRTPTION: Subdivi sion Conceptual Review a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheeL and frtg crn€{.' ff property j_s described by description, please provide attach to this application. G. ZONING , Ir)DfTI F LOT AREA: ff required, stamped survey showing must provi-de a current NAME OF APPLICANT: Ma j-ling Address: Phon NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE :ailin Address: NAME OF OWNERS: *STGNATURE(S): Mailing Address: Phone Condominium Approval j-f applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate val-uation of the proposal . The fown of VaiI will adjust the fee according- to the table below, to applicant lot area. *,On\ J. V ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000 s 10,001 - s 50,00u $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1/ 0oo,000 $ Over SL,0001 000 * DESIGN REVIET{ BOARD APPRO\IAI. EXPTRES APPROVAIJ UNI'ESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS STARTED. ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAL ISSUED NTD CONSTRUCTION FEE s 20.00 ( qn nn $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 DESCRIPTION: **NO APPLTCATION T{ILL BE PROCESSED }TITEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATI,RE IS PRE_APPLTCATI a I II A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to determine if any additional-application information is needed. It is the applicant,s responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine if there are additional submittal requirernents.Please note that a COMPLETE application w1ll- streamline the approval- process for your project. III. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISS]ONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal- requirements, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, building lines and building corners. A11 trees to be removed must be taped. AII site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires two separate meetings of the Design Revj-ew Board: a conceptual approval and a final approval . Applicants should plan on presentingf their development proposal at a minimum of two meetinss before obtaininq final approval . c D Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that di-scussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed frorn the DRB docket unt.if such time as the item has been republi-shed. The following items may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB mav not be required) : Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not afLer t.he existinq plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from any other lot or public space. At the time such a proposal is submitted, applicants must include letters from adjacent propert.y owners and,/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association statinq the association approves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (1.e. snow avafanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. AppJ-icants are encouraged to check with a Town Planner prior to DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. For aII residential- construction: l-.\ Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural wall-s of the buil-ding; and Indicate wi-th a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the buj-Iding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the appllcation with'conditions or modifications, aIl conditions of approval rnust be resolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit E F IV.NEW'CONSTRUOON Three c::,r:ries of a recent topographic surve a Iicei: -,r'd _.iurve_y-q-E! at on which the following T I ^r rrlj L a1t ed . Cab]e TV Telephone a scal-e of 1" - 20, or information is provided: Two f ,. --.: contour intervals unless the parcel conrsi!. s of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5,contour intervals may be accepted. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppi-ngs and other significant natural features (1arge boulders, intermittent streams,etc. ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year fLood plain and slopes of 40% or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information should be clearly stated on the survey so that a1l measurements are based on the same starting point.This is particularly important for height T::"H:::"ll ?;,.3ii.: "::;1,31";"il:I"|!rormat ion, Locations of the followinq:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc . must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service Iines from their source to the structr:re. IJr-i.l_1r_res to i-ncluCe: Sewer Water \JCt5 Elect.ric Show aIl utility meter locations, including any pedestafs to be ]ocated on site or in the right-of -way ad jacent to the s j-te. Revocabl,e permits from the Town of Vail_ are required for improvements in the right-of-way. Property l-ines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. e. Al-1 easements (Title report must also incl_ude exi st j_ng easement.l,ocations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot el-evations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot, 25 feet out from the side property 1ines. Site Plan .l B Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on b. Proposed driveways. percent elevations rnusl be shown. and off site. slope and spot A11 _existing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, sEorage areas,waIks, driveways, off-street parking, ioading areas, retaininc wal-ls (with top and bottom of wa}l spot el-evacions) r and other existinq site lmprovements. I" - 20' or larger, 3. Elevations of top of roof ridqes (with existinq and proposed qrades shown underneath). These elevations and grades must be provided in order for the staff to determine building height. AIl ridge .Lines should be indicated on the site plan. El-evations for roof ridges shall al-so be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished and existing grade eLevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8E unl-ess approved by the Town Engineer. C. Landscape PIan (Lf - 20t or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4"diameter or larger trees, the locatj-on, size, spacing and type (common and latin name) of all existing and proposed plant material . AII trees to be saved and to be removed must also be indj-cated. The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation, 2. Complete the attached landscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour Lines. NOTE: In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above informati-on as possi-ble onto the site pIan. D. Siqn off from each utiLitv companv verifying the location of utility service and availability (see attached). E. A preliminarv titl-e report must accompany al1 submittaLs, to insure property ownership and locat j-on of al1 easements on property. F. Architectural Plans (\/8" = I' or larger, 1/4" is preferred scale for review) 3 copies requirei.. 1. Scaled fl-oor plans and all elevations of the proposed development. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. One set of fLoor plans must be "red-lined" to show how the gross residential- fLoor area (GRFA) was cafculated. 3. Reductions of alL elevations and the site plan (8- )-/2" x II"\ for inclusion in PEC and,/or Town Council memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and materiaL colors shall be specified on the attached materials list. Thj-s materj-als l-ist must be completed and submitted as a part of DRB application. Color chips, sidi-ng samples etc., should be presented to the Design Review Board meeting, c. Zone check list (attached) must. be completed if project is located within the Single-Fami1y, Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts- H. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. I ' ' r. ,n. ,onf Administrator and/or DRNf,ay reguire the submission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERTOR OF BiJILD]NGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevefopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements set forth above, provided all important specifications for the proposal including coLors and material-s to be used are submitted. VI . ADDITIONS _ RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. original floor pLans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans I/8" = L' or farger (I/4" = I' is preferred) C. Three copies of a site pfan showing existing and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath, D. El-evations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existinq structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials List (attached) . At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. A statement fron each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of property, which Iists all easernents. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building pernit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedul"e a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building locatlon(s) with ties to property corners,i , e. distances and anqles . B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C. AIl utility service line as-builts, showing type of material used, and size and exact location of lines. D. Drainage as-buifts. E, Basis of bearinq to tie to section corner. F A'l I nrnncrtw nins ^rtr to hc eiCher fOund Or Set and stated on improvement survey, G, A11 easements . H. Building fl-oor eLevations and aIt roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge l-ines. vrrr...NCEPTUA" o"tl* REVTE*o Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Devel-opment. The conceptual review is intended to give the applicant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town, s Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developers of single-famiJ-y and two-family projects shal1 not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitted for a conceptual review: A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equal-s twenty feeti Conceptual eLevations showj,ng exterior materiaLs and a description of the character of the proposed structure or struct.ures; Sufficient information to show the proposal complies wj-th the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.); Completed DRB application form. Drnr-or]rrro. Ilnrln rA.tAi nt nf an ann l i ar+ .i an €a-!..*lL9:-9-i-conceptual design revj-ew, the Department of Community Devefopment shaII review the submitted material-s for general compliance with the approprj-ate requirements of the zoning cocie. I f the proposai- is in basic compJ-iance with the zoning code requirements, the project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the applj-cation and submittal materials sha11 be returned to the applicant with a written explanation as to why the Community Development Department staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code requirements. Once a complete application has been ranai rrarl fh6 npB shal1 review the Submitted COnceptual review application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project generally complj-es with the design guidelines. The DRB does noL vote on conceptual- reviews. The property owner or his representative g@!! be present at the DRB hearing. o LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR.OJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: SUBDIVISION The following information is Revi-ew Board before a final A. BUILDING I4ATERTALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Material-s Fascia Soffit s Windows Window Tri.m Doors Door Trim Hand br Deck Rails Flues FJ- ashings Chimneys Trash Enc l- osures Greenhou se s Other required for subrnittal to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT I\4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical- Name Common Name Ouantity Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feeL. PLANT MATERIAa Botanical Name Common Ome ' Ouantitv Size*. PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qaffon. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS J UIJ SEED TYPE OF iR.RiGATICi.i TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If ext.erior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainJ-ng wa1i.s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum hej-ght of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. o.oo UTILITY LOCATION VERIF]CATION SUBDIVISION JOB NA}4E LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk Lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site pIan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications r-800-922-198'7 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Servj-ce Company 949-518r Gary HaII HoIy Cross Efectric Assoc. 9 49-5892 Ted Husky/MichaeI Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5s30 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Val-]ey Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-1480 Fred Haslee NOTE:1. This form is to verify service availability and Location. This should be used in conjunction with nren^rino e "f i liirr nlrn rrrd SChedUling },rsl/qr quf rre j installations. 2. For any new constructlon proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with t'he proposed construction' the utility representative should note directty on the utility verifj-catlon form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. If the issue is relatively complicated, it should be spelled out in detail in an attached fetter to the Town of Vai1. However' please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and owner to resolve identified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no probLems and that the development can Proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vai1, Department of Publ-ic Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any punlic right-of-way or easement in the Town of VaiI. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separatelv * PLease bring a site p]an, floor pfan, and elevations when obtaining. upper EagIe Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. o o 3 DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS Block Filino t t OWNER PHONE PHONE Allowed Existinq Proposed Total (30) (33) ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE ARCHITECT **LOT STZE Height ToLal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: +425= +425= 20t 15' 15' (30) (s0) '1, ' / A' Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Vlew Corridor Encroachment: Yes No a'> ') Envi- ronment a1lHa z ards :J. I ! _t OOO Ptal.n 2, Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Previous condit j-ons of approval (check property file) : Does this request. i-nvolve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.I2.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, l"ots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwe11i-ng unit. The Community Development Department may grant. an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections I8.12.090(B) and 1"8.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a fong-term rental unit for fu1I- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 - {x '92 €4'28 0-t.'21.'92 15:51 ,r,ao ,lu,,, ai'228 0rlt ) ) ) 39. ' n:r. , l-1 l'J95 )) cr. ) l,ty coluletlon axplrat offlclal rtll. ,..'.. My Ccr. ,' stat6 of Cr,asavr rt eounty of Fvr-t o.l 3r{n:";":i'3lg$,if;i:'l$l: ili",3if?"fiii33iio3"'*a ne rhrs xy conuieslon eminr offlclal slal. State of county of -d!:'foregolny__lnstruuant. wae acknouledged bcf,orc na thlc of rEBRUlRy, Le92. ty xniiiieiineirs ,19 , tsltncrs ly hand and , 19 , l{ltnesa uy hand anil ES I B oorz oos o o XETROPOLIT-I\,+i GERI-{RDTRE}{ CSg,CrrsC, 1; Ifur-f rr'r 0rr5 0l/2I/92 l5:55 lt22E 011t o o UETROPOLIT.AN J t + '9? E.l.'lB 1:: +++ GERf,ARDfiET- g@2 @oolroot B'SIIBTT A iiii[,ii#"oldnll*!.lrlil'.t'"[iiiiB't.of; B$,'ffi HB8il.ilgri8,Tsf; "i.,? laxcr for thr y6!r 1992, not yet a lien due and payaDle. Reaervatlona or ?I!tp!l"na. contain.!_il-g,Q.-pltrnte, or in Acts ;::t'it"lf"r}3 iii:ii;:diiiiri;"**'lii.i:trn*ir.r303,'r vetn or lode €o_cxtract ina-ici6ve-fii!-oii iiilr[i=o, and 2)I,iEllirEf 3it.f:;;*i:!l.i.ili=iini ri -;o;;iriliii unc"i-.cr,i, EaBeDent and right ?! y1l-i" granted t? {oly croar Elcctric ffiTi';li3,rlll;; in iiitiinEil "."oil"d-iiri-ii, 1e?3 ln aook Eaaeeent and rlght g! y1y. ae granted to Holy croEs Electrlc #.:t"Fil!,rlli;; in initlirnEil ,.6"io"d-jiri-5i, 1e?3 in Book Restrlctive Covenrltr, lvhlch do n9t contaln a forfelture or revertlr clause, a!-i6n[IinIo-In inctruncng rrcorded $cptenber 20, 1972 ln aoot-zzl i[-paiJ-l{'i ar-Receprl.on uo. rz12t8 ana lnstrunent recordid-s;ptdEir-ii, tsii-ifi-Eilx"iir "t pase 565 frl: ll8rtTendnenr recoiaea-in iilx zri iU p;;; ;i aE Rec.prion utulty easeuantr 20 fcet in -width, ,lo. feat on each srdc of arr ill$ffi lfir"iin:.. and i-1s rioi u€iiiti-ii,Jii.iE r.rong ano !fttlrl!13fi :"ii3,8,tiii 3;,'Ft, l in.:. :"" r*i;iii;r rnr"i rtr,* ErEer€nt and riqht ?! ry-rs grrntod ro HoIy croas Electrlc Associatlon, rnd., -in inltruninc- rccoiarii-Iirguii-zc, 1967 in Book 211 ar pase io3 aJ G;;;;'j;"-N".-i6El.jil--- Agree'€nt begu.en-Tayvel Environ'ental trand coupany and lrountarn iiilEi{ti i'im;:lnilvt*li4usiqt; tli,::iil**i"iirhi'tliri"" i::.i#irseptenbci ,i; Teil in-ilE[ i;i-;i-;;ii,l'arr as Raceprion Terna, condltlona' rectrrctions ang etipulatione ag contarned in saaenont for constructlon ano-naintenancs of cabre T/r/:5'H:|iii!l lii"r;ffi1i*lun!-io, - rgiii-ii-aoii-ier ar page 6el Tens' condrtions-,- reetriotionF .lq "!-lp,.r_at10ns as eontained in Ease'ent Deed brticrn corrnJfi:iin-iln"y]s*r .virr"i, a.Een*ar partnerehip and *lgt. l+A;; iili;"--bigtrici, -i iio"r_uunrcirar corporatloir and yaql*yiila,fre iirii-w;r;-ili' sinliltron Drsriicr.a quasi-nunicipal corporatlon iEiorOcd U6y 13, 19Bt in Book 322.at Pagr 924 as- neccption-n". -'ziiirr. -'rns, conditione, restrictions and etlpulatlgna as contained in underground rlshtigf :Ft-;ii.il"ni qetur;n cortnin-irritney-s;p,.__ll-f seneral partnership and fi6ii-d"si-Eil"trrc "-'docracron rnc.. a coopcrative coipoiaii;;-r;;;;;ed october rb,1eB2 in Book 347-at nifi-Iii-;; ieception No. 2r166l. Terne, conditlonr, restrlctions and stipulations ae.contalned in undersround r rohtl oi-nii-eit.fr .ni' uet weEn-crra,in-in rtney-suF,vatt r, a seneiar pfr!ryf;hl;;,1,i rfoly croec ELectrrc Aseociation' rnc., - a cooper.iive-c6rF6riii6i iio-iia"a Novebber 24, resz tn aoox 34e ;i-F;i;';oE l" Recaprton No, z4a?45. Terr6, eonditiontr-flFlvatlone, regtrlctione and ar contalned in The Tal0n Tornhonee oa"riiiiion_- reioia"ii-o"ilil et 3, 198e in Boolr st4 rr paqe u:l-i".RitiiEiii'no. 4uo77o, and tha First Anendn.nt ther;to rrooraro-FEri,try"i:i"ifii"lfi"l*U:tlii ".n" + '92. B4/28 Ot/2L/gZ l5:56 l?,t I 8228 I o 491 B o05/ oo3 at 15 0l1t UEIR0P0LITAN +ii GER&{R.DTREN OONTTNUTT,TON OF SXEIBT! ::*i ii"iB8i.l,"33;*.!l g':. "$ls!hiu3":3',$.1$itlH"$":":ff3;3. Eilftil:i,ffF:iii"ii$!!;il:;rnli"ilfu li:rli.ti:"i, Ei it",n +,'9:94.28 01.'2L.'92 15:52 Stt|.rt ll r ct E{lr Coqty.(9t4. ffl tmrocttflttc tEEot0t ,r,l e ,,,, E?28 011t o o }IEISOPOLITAN ++i GER&lIDTllEl{ ggt @ ootzoos cr WANRANTY DEEI) ...ITI9_DEED, l{ad: thie L1 da Srilrt",x;ryi:iiiEEffi i:I.sl$ff;tsilffiffir;;;:;:* ",r;ftal rddress iF'12 W.-if-"-unilni'1".., Dayton, oh. ii*-'"t, -#"dii.**"*''**]iiff;;,==,nrr,, or rhi sun sr [|i n**f "lX! 3ps;Sf,6i"-li,il"uealri coiisi';d,rrori, -irrJ'i"Elip! lligliFa;'iiii .r1e_ g;qt;o;:ilE oi"fillif "F?t*"tli!::*il.. -- Dargain, rel t, conv:y. .an0' ioirr;Tl _q16. ir,"'iiiiltec, hia heire . and aBBrgnE forevcr, .all-thr r"ii-plbperty togetfici- srtn lnproveuents, if Ell;riilHt::,r:Ii3fluana u-ins fi E;iltv-"1-ilii"-and stite or cor6rado r.gl 31,vArr, porNr TowNl|otrFl- (IglglTly IHF TArolt rot{NHot{Es)Accordinq to tha plat-fecoreed iltruary t2,_.1993 ln boolc 353 at Page e43-as Rccepiion tto.-iSdizi'ano Accorrllns to the Declaration of c6vinin[,i, u.".inl"*; il;El;tlrfi for mrG raton rounhoiles recorded_ocrob€r-i; ilt8-t-in-'#i;ii-ii "os" 5ei as Reception No. 41o7zq;-i!i thi ilirt AnendDent to Dcclaratlon rccorded February rej rgsr--in i6ir-si?-iiTl;.:?tb al Raccptlon No' 'f'rcogo anct tha_sicono-ernlndiint to Docraratron recorded AuEust 6, 1991 in nooi-s-sg-T;"il;" 4Ee sB Reccptlon No. {55589. (scHEDuLE , ooo999t) aB knourt by etreet and nuuber a3: T'('ETHER wlth alr "lg F_ingurar the heredrtanents and appurtcnances !l:I:!?-!clonsrng, .or rn -;nvrlgJ''fpperralning, an.l rhe revercion and reversione, renalhFrr and riuiinaersr.rentsr tssuee and profitg thereof , and all^rh:_::gita.ii.jrrt; tiErii,-iniEiElt, craiu and denand uhatsoovsr of the sranlor, iicrr6i-in-i;i-6r;ii-i;ir, of in and ro rhr above bargainrd prinistil'srln"iie naiicrtiucficE-imq appurrenances, To ttAvE AND To HgI{^!!" -g3fd p-ranises,above,barEaine. and dlescribed,ulth the appurtenanceE, unto Etre-"grantee,.rrli-fiiris ancl a'igns rorevsr. And the-9l1n!9lr_tor triGeii,. [il-["fi;; _ano personar r€presentatlves. gogs covinanr, iiilt;'toiig"i"i-iiro ugr"" to and wlth !!: gT"ntee, -hii.neric-ana'-"J.igi", that at th6 tine of tha ensealing and drrivery-of ttr--e-t-ra8enti, he ir uerr eerzad of the prenise' above convcyEdr tra- goot, sure, prrfect, abrorut. and lndeteasible estate iri-iniieiiiiiE., iI r+1, in fde ctnple, and has sood rlsht, rulr power ena utiiii iutrioiiti i6 irint, barsarn. selr and convev the sahe_in urannJi'iln-;;fi-i!-irilrllia, ano thar the 6ane are frcc and crear fronr alr -r"fricr-ana-"i#i'grants, bargarns,3ares, liens, taxes., aEBerrments, encumuiinccJ--i-nd rrccrrctlons of uhatever kind or naturr-aoevril, -6xccpt Tho'e natters rrt forth in Exhlblt rrAtr attached hereto and nade a part hercof. Th. grANTOr.ChAIl ANd WiII WARX,ANT.AI{D FORS"TIER DEFEND thE above-barsained prenlsos rn thi-duiEE-airi'Fiiiluitie possescion of the iFiiiii:'iildli:irii$riElifl r.;,ii:I$t*ll,ilt-:mi.F:iiin-6.-''srnqur.ar nunber sharr include the ptuiail'tfie-ptGar-t[6 si;Iurar.and the uee or anv scnoer-Jfiiri-'6e-ifilri6a;i; E;;li e1;iali!:*^o^, IN TIITNESS forth '{HEREOF' the grantor has rxecuted thie decd on tha datr eet SolIy !rc. . 9m0nta0 13,O o 4 ,92 E4.r?I VAIL POINT TOI.INHOIqE ASSOCIATION IBE1 LIONSRIOCE LOOF- '-" VAIL, co. Bl6s7 Town of Vall 75 South Frontage Roact Vall, Colorado gf657 Re: Unrt 34 of Vall polnt ToHnhomee Ladies and Gentlemen: Thls.Letter ls the approval of the vall polnt f or the enctosino of ' lr,e ' ;rpl' .;;".;i-t lit,'j,l the ProJect Apprication-"ti!inli]- Tonnhome Aseoclatlon 1n accordance wlth Sincerely, By Steve Genal saoclotlon president CAaJ ..: ,.:,,... ,. -.1 .. KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 vArr, coLoRADo 81658 (303) 949-939r FAX (303) 949.1577 2r{, gTuD tlALL sr{€ET 1€.al cALcuL^rEo By KEM ^* tf zz f1z. CHECXEO TY sclr ,laE * 42Ol -OE I -s-=._--- ,Jz" + ^ lri rNcFcr Bofs e +-o oli;t;? i rA;. CONT. d.t'rxlltez+t 6^ copc?ete 6rEtDE hrAlr (z)-ff43 cou. t b C$,v WAL, Aetfi cerLg s)L'? e q,'e e-Ez_l hE r;. l-iEiZ. Jl.(:: 'X,/ 3: L. '' >ie,bit.)' ..: ;.-,, ' -l r petuu l/2" dx +"PJLEi e 4',,Er J? i". ++' DNLg x lai =iti I t ---J I I $-Ltra?tl'J,4 - --; FourlDATlaN I I||ALL I I ---'l I I --- -l I I --L--I I I I -J 1'T \(z) - ii.t s TLACE NEl./ llArL otez Et3r4. Fta, I DAIE 'f- C.OIJT. g9,li: Ev'. 'y t'I (z)- +4', /,z..t-i-, i:;l) t SlllJ=tttll=]ill tr -o" )- t l o.'l llllr';:l .&- FrLu lN EXCAVATEb 1'.'* r,'r AeFl hl / l4'Al;rlvtt ii:iJlll (cturrcie>1 -f'o:'' BS I Eol i I t 44o/ i I F rlr-q $iFr3 E I l'uri *.ffif i tFrr LTL \ro*e4 Cb*rztrilr re' l/'tar) f *r F$h . ./1 .: j '. r'r (4, 1 ,'li)+I 6p On *,,, A,J,/.t,,* .,r,r =:--'. :.. ()r,[ 16,,tTft.*lbrn _ : ,._i /:i,, , {lale,tul t Zttttim hrlnJl {,etLcl w,;{&r4.fbT rft12ru*h*t i\c 4 s/tc- I b t BA I 95r TRIJSJOI5Tffi i J,ticiott {-ri ll In'i( :r'\Jli()r'r pl,irr rc ttr r- lHo oPERAI loNs -"ires'rgnn sLoPE sALEs oFFlcE '^*1i- "..:..-. ..I..., - 'ltg. grg:r.;v,rt Sr'r.r r.t' '.. 3':l' ' . "i"i.l:S;ir:0 Ylo SrCr ' '- ';" ' iflr'5 r_ r' *t; ,l 1 r fff't $ itfil ? 'iiI lqF fp f* f-3 D tl Gt *. 1-!"'1,:;: IF -..,-- I .1.. ss Eq.Ff $: (,- i $$i i['' d-F I il tf i il-l i l.*'t Frp 'lF 'r f i - *rm';1r1"{*t'ai. r" rr,, BS 1 -_!:lF 0€ t li(l , r O,." ,* 'q? A4-l? I \ / ll 'lln=-Ei!Al l'{41 ," ll I I dj -li i?s{ : rii l* b+;i, i I g + I ; i | ; h.j ,,1 ;i | | { $'I __""_*l__J i t j ; Fi I Fi dd4.l-i.r .,,,n,, { t' {t oklcl l,on,r"'r^f.f***,, . +-r/r, 1 (t*aod'o'tt g 1i r - tf 1l- 9P i$i.tt rE, ^rAM€ U*t I Pn,uT *' .l.hf l '1, Uq, | ('$ ,rr -lb*g |bore.t- . -,- Fy/A,o,t t,ooA a{lttt,'l ul,JA 1;11 '-* r f 7 \9 ry tl v d d i6 D F- 2;o =7A >.L e. h gF DX ff f_-.*)FO sf 6-rr i-o $l F o q I 0{, I Pr, n:'i /) | .:-t-Fr, I lc,r.d 1t I b kYt?(r?d. . at: :a'AQ. I lr,,'crJ qt aO,4 Fs ,l ".dcl I e.,r , -- -'I I I fr/ ,J/*l,o<tl/ l?epooeic* {roil 1* tlqz Aff";as DcJ a tJl L!u- uJ 1-t L ,:/ :a- Lt,s ,11, ,-. ,' ) 1tl1.. tz l-lFr tz lt-{IF t< ICJ I F-{i;lr.ii Fr t-&o<ZA gcJ z^tv ,-.t-F =.. ao q) 06 El z= zq) I al r-i'E tr ti EC j'2 _l>5'?H l/r ilZ N 3 E llJ z 3 o uJ 'r F z Fl a,.pb0 l+rl (!lr O'..t\ oi-. r\ ::X-.1+.t?.u ci q) o u 4 s = F 0) $o R \ o) 6 o ! f d] E 6 =l a (5 '.Q) o '6 o tt (D o (J c :o E (u c N (al c i F (D o) o g o f at .(t i= o at 3 (g q) (E o (5 $c c ; F = .=] E o o c (6 o c o -c = = E o o o E xo E(J e.2 o- ;: .:Ff Xo .- th o(! -:=v .!'; o.9 E(6 .=0)t!:.:- oo 15i '= ^\:;(E O(I' (!C I(!-a (!0 3' !!!1 =EE o(! x.= >'Y -oo i=qE r-o *c) F =tr IL z ! tn u,l LlJ u- ts =(r uJ o F F llJ l z J z 6 = o-- E] trl at) FJ z trl ; =ZtL 6z >9 E UJ J UJ 2 TJJ =>G -I 2 o t/> o 1>6>u-< o-v FO ;c.i t! cc ri l o E J z E o o x X D<z tr E F 3 UJ z X X X X F ) t a z F a) .D 2 o o ,' >|o uJ o llJ llJ z U)F (r uJ o- z E o o l J cc UJ z O I F z F )l o z t z l z Oa Fr!<o o< >;>E xu 5o <z tr z ,. --1 T d6 B r,JJ OI z.l ol IJJI 5l al >l ttl ol zl 3l 9{ uJ o = .A .+ (r)* H a F{ d rri z (D N <\o\ I o\r--$ ll t-l trl lLrtl l-l tl t.l lel lol I qJl t:l t<l l>l I lr-l lol t=l tFl H E H a U) e tr =.1 OI uJl 5l al >l u.l ol zl 3l ol FI ?l EI 1l al >l rr-I ol 2l =l I FI I I I I I .l =.1 ol r!l 5l al >l u-l ol zl ,.t 3t :ol rJJ FI F <F LU<ZE I.lJ F (rz () F E z LIJ E z* =<a& JZ (]-O o E l-O F z O =? r.lJ t-Eir =b2 () o z E =G, IJJ o- z&,n9 9 .,. < ; =z -^ €iY 6 .J ."i5 \J !.,/ = =E=6il= UfIT F uJ o- =!{E2 E<CL]o92 E e9 EL 'e 'EE =>E::lF E h=o # iii : =d -c 66 9 5lu EX(\r x>rD=F CL-o-!r- IJJ d] F O .J)lu ) U J F]FITI XJXILJ .,'l '.!(o -:f LO O O ()f t'':FT u2 z f UJ F o o o -z o F (L UJ Y IJJ dl o F F Eol cr o\ IJJ 01 o- r'{ u-^O '--., \JH oe ,pr l<guJ 23 F li = ti E l;ul r- o-z I F ()f E F (n z o () ,'C}. (a/FtE \t ii f=-P= 'l =2 (\J I \l ),'l l* tl , \! | liE:ffii iiiiryE P;o65 EE! g"- -'-oc l|l? e;gsel l: iEE:g E*iie s;ii:;:F!i EEg;! :iiit o ] F UJ sb z io. EE at, 0 1>9(J C)z r-<\,= o,- !2 >:i rl I .l 'l E .sl !al o - E $rE =.H o z o r UJ ! UJ @ 9* F ti" |l:- !a o,ql oi: I ger TJ zo ts =E,lrl g F uJ A o llJ I z f a,t2 o F E 9 J UJ ul 2 o F l o o IJJ @ z ."9 zz oo =z 3F DDtr =l rl =E? url =()*el ='{ E tr\68=E-! z o --bc t)E -, tl J!HO bt F€a.t 8:c)E /-./ \B:I .-'ftl-= 5 v€F z t I I I I ) F eJ..,/ s -t'l t't l/tn \i (J ral l €J r!-l €o{q3l +l'i r/1 3 $; vE gE vlI .lI 3= a'l R,-ti F l+ I I' I t-t'-l\L-l I ,-. I l.2 a al'l : A 6 lt CY n \ tt o ')v il t E ./\ (3 M !f c;z 0 UJ G J - o z 3 o F J ,{ :F i t :d |r F I d 1 o gl G o z 3 o t o z d u tr o 2 3 = l o z ct J i 2 ;o : o 2 c l{l J o z -o F UJ gl =z z 3 o C) llJ E o E E -rO <F c<o uJ<zE a2 -o o J O ^41 - tr! ) )( z )l) 29 =()=.( =F d6 c, i5 =F gi =B o =+&EF L'Z o C) .- 75 3oulh ftontagc toad Y.ll, colorldo 41657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-21,39 of f lcc ol communltY dev.loPmclll BUILOING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineer's (Public Works) review and approva'l , a Planning Departrxent review or Health Department revjew, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multj-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and sma'l I projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the varjous above mentjoned departments with regard to necessary review, these proiects may also take the three week Period. Every attempt wi'l I be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. Date l.t-otR-Sheet was turned into the Comrnuni ty 0evelopment Departrnent. 75 south lrcnlega rc.d Y.il, colo?.do 81557 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 offlcc ol communltY develoPmlnt TO: rROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMI,IIJNITY DEVELOPMEIIT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on a1I Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Tovn of VaiI Public Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinance wiII be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said material.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Department will remove said naterial at the expense of person notified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revLew Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of Vail Bulldlng Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on thls natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) Plan Review Baaed on tbe 1992 Uniform Codes NAME:VAIL POINT #34 DATE:5/15/92 ADDRESS: 1881 LIONSRIDGE LOOP CONTRACTOR:STEVE GERIIARDT VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:R1 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAI4INER:C. FELDMANN CoRRECTTONS REQUIRED The itens listed below are not intended to be a coaplete listing of all possible code roquirements in tbe adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of tbe codeg. The foJ.l.owing ie not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro-visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of the Towa of VaiI . L) UNDER FLOOR CLEARANCES PER 2516 (C2),(C7) AND (C6). 1991 UBC. 2) GTRDERS NEED SUPPORT PER SEC. 2517 (C) 1991 UBC. 3) EGRESS rO BE PROVTDED PER SEC.1205 1991 UBC. 4) SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED PER SEC.I2IO 1991 UBC. 5) EX]STING BATHROOM TO MECHANICALLY VENT TO OUTSIDE PER SEC.L2O5 1991 UBC. +79 666t GE RHHRDT REN ag. a2 iSIL FOINT I{}N|IC ffiIATT(ItI 1881 LIOERIME Lffi ucrL. co-0mm 81667 Tqn of Vall 75 Sbufi Fronta$ tuS Va1l, ColrS 81667 FE: thlt 3t Vail Point Torfranes Ldlgs ad Gentlgpn, rhiE-lettr-is.tle +Foval ef the vau furnt ro^rttoflE AeEoctatim rr rng encroslrE of tle .,spa rqm" of mlt 31 ln *crdrce wlth tjhe P-ojet Apptlcatim prEvlously suUnf tteO.- By Steve Genslr Assiatlar FeslOent g=,.12 I ,92 I rBl?4'1 157i f, .,,, n,. '=' u L T ii t.t r s '' c F t4 rt'tc 5?T P- E1 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 VAIL L-OLORADO B]658 {303} 949-939r FAX (303) 949-1577 t3+; 5Fi:ET flr-l I --,. ] i; ir;-:r:r;' .---,K-EM--,-.--- - :ii-E .. 4a sru,r J-1-8 --&ii ZtI:-2-2- LrU bTv? .__ria" I x l5 2 +'-o hIALL A$C l-r e e 0!T 5 Approvd P|n tr tr c/iT. *rN),o\-+.a. *+"(4r+T, 4h t xi:3 e .rrl'-R F-i E sM Npenlod f4E1UaFD' Ec'-', ValiditY of Permit 6" cFr- NAI-L a?)fr rr'-;+ sec' 303 (;) 19 u[B'c 9" al-r- NALL A?)1fr rf-;+ 5ec' JUJ (u' re 'l - -' '::':-.*.#;;:,;,I6EH,',19'^'.g,1^*iH"'l"Xl,:l$'.B"7 --+ {-l i: :.i _ 13 1,1 1 r: $ffi.l:: ffi ^iii!:]fi l#, f, itr h'_ lin,':,ll ;j,l',:i: t 7 o..1' #l''ff{l*f;t#Nn,,nt:ilili;'d:#Ji , p;r;;i uttto uPol,Prlnl;,lil,ti iiiil tndtt.tter raquking ^the n r i p r ovo nt the -qylt0l!9,-S!f;.L#: *#[iii..uo ns'ild othe' luit6it"n ol er-rnr-s ol plans and -i- -1 I I I E".- I F.: , .; ) hlA L.* ?+" SeAF-tr l^Al; (t)- #'43 ccui FILL i.r Er.3AIATEb AeE-A i^i I 3/+ " ser''- e: '**v ?Ac1g.n) =t b" l,^-T- hALL EEETION J^A,.i ELEVATION /,a t---o lll,i _ sgl '-!1tF 19t I v -k'tf fr;t;. "t- d: s* r-f E T [. f,+t L Ei tz tr' L J 1 7n=?o 1t "B g L al'-I tr J ?. ,rt t,r t r' "t ]t l F r s s$ [qif.**-,!l-'v-.r-.lE- g rrr ^,AM€ (Jnt t ' i^, tjq; I P4,*T *' f'a .il -li**r -J E ..t r ( ,f l1 ,' }l tl Ir I i I I t- l; t,r'J f ,'- {t -.1--.; -l rl ;" *l \I o lr'ls?'"-i;fn j AOHddV )s rl a I rff.t iti il 'r tL l;, 1 lq i'fe f* f-3 D {-l rl, H --D ? $ s $) (- $$i dsi ffi tl ki-}F EF.fio-Fr' *:tr io NAAOI. .f, .L + af .a s B . 'tZ C3/rl l: l 9/U10 StCx i'J .: ': io..!tga' t: ', f ret o 4 ltfs'- _i IVN JO NMOI f G3A $iFrj r Llrr s t'.ffiit i tirr f." z *q $ tq C*ztr3t l*rr.r/neji) rih f l f cr 4. - -:r s/tz iiJ:rlrrs- ca.i: :r'J 0{, | #.r RPOFANON o rdcl la.t aal . -} t-: g s$ Q: s o iG D h Il -t t; *J-- a l.t8 -F FI fr FI C-!.1 ilo $l o o 3 lre{l lo,J^1.llc,"rrJ d qg,* Fs ,l .// AffrAAs Ded ,lla.tettT Peno'tc4t + - 3t92 > EYlr€,oC t loq b? PERMIT NUMBEH oF PRoJEcT At oor, 1 f "t t ,W JoB NAME 479-2138 rru#cnoN "!"J TOWN oF vAtL//... '') CALL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ,.\,UF" wED. -1:' /,1,')'i, 't.-4 -U l7 . t'u BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER t /'z) "-2 <-T-EGAS PtptNG 4 (/ /-z ) ,t / - tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr FINAL FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -/1 . ,r f CONDUIT t ",F-SUPPLY AIR lt .tI t \-- ,/ -t :lJ ./a.-,il tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: v-, l(r tl rnsillnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL r. t' ;l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE clf )\-)/i-''+JOB NAME 479-2138 wED rHUR FRr 0rj t(rt lt *-;" CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:,'€ lJ'l i r' \i rI ,,) fllt-r rafd i BUILDDIG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o o U t'*o.tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL lfrBeadveo Connecttows: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,^',. f-/72// rNsPEcroR l,Qta f PERMIT NUMBER PF PROJECT oot, ?/ t JoB NAME READY FOR INS LOCATION: IT.TSICTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL o:t,'-"'- tt'74 QQ zs /./)<-,'ry// /l ,',! / CALLER b-z-%as TUE$ WED ,")4 '# : BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: "' tr TEMP. POWER O HEATI O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, 7- 1^T rNSpEcroR b1 "; PERMIT N DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: PROJECT lrrrslcnoN REeuEsT i TOWN OF VAIL 47e_2iss UJ, -l JOB NAME CALLER MON - TUES ')':J. Y=o 5fi-'"'6 PM -(FIa BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FJNAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: ,or, 1 F-?t/ rNsPEcroB ftr+*" Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: u'."'"'I Project Application ./Aoz) '/o 45/oz Date /da Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot B lock 3 Filing zon" .404F Com ments: Design Review Board o^," 4z1e? 'z/12 Motion by: Seconded by: APPR OVA L D ISA PPROVAL Staf f Approval AtA.oc: 2PC "ece7/P tvb/il .INSPECTION REQUEST. I, \ . TOWN ,OF VAIIZ 'lta, ,1- 'F =-,y' rl V a_q PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: wE? 6uD rn,AM@ { CORRECTIONS: ER PROJECT TUES Bt D { o D tr tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL n FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr E ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL OVED D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR niiFssop -l OnErl( ,,, J \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT / ,/ /oere / 6/ 5 JoB NAME / /a^L READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUESTT VAIL I CORRECTIONS: THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D N tr tr D tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr El tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o o ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINIAL O FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,i ,n, - < 1/b(/ v \-)-ttI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /- lz'DATE t,J/ t JOB NAME t/,rt' /';t * =,/'o** o'INSPECTION REQUEST. VAIL .ALLER -&o6e MON FRI READY FOR LOCATION: '*"!Tyol'(14 1/ 3(/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND . tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER D FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: D HEATING.. tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS NDUIT D SUPPLY AIR D FINAL . tr FINAL ,)\otr*ouao .,,.. CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED </) DATE .it"-7-INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER i-, --INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST. VAIL -- -- OF OJECT DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB OCK NAIL N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL f 4eenovro CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE ^{ - - )vby -PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT rNstctoN ta REQUEST': @""7/ -TOWN OF YAJL <' DATE Z .lo" *ore CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION:(? BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nffisroe j'/L.d O REQUEST. VAIL K- ,,r* PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: OJECT Z- ,o, *ot. ,ffi FER O l)(r l'v f''t t.t 7 TO)WN OF _{/2 ( /, ,.: l/,_-L' -+t-t L ' -,,,,^ ,t::,rrlurj |.- rHr // L.a r' CALLER MON TUES . WED t)) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D FRAMING C ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL O FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED L.' .-"-, yfj NSPECTOR DATE --.FIL INSPECTIONIS COMPLETEI)\t The ltens below aeed to be cooplete before glvlng a pernlt a flnal C of O. Please check off ln the box provlded. FINAI I.IECEANICAL n n DATE: IMPROVEI,IENT SI'RVEY RESID. NAUE: DATEI FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:}JEST SIDE: TEI'{PORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCITPANCY LANDSCAPING DUE DATE: \\L\\S\