HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 5 LEGAL FILE,r-m /Dfq 61"cb( /)on'e 7?,/4", Eirtq 3 4tehR;r/ Design Review Board / ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teL 970.479.2L39 fax: 97Q.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: MOFFET RESIDENCE DRB Number: DR8040577 Project Desqription: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS (RELOCATE ELEVATOR) Pafticipants: OWNER MOFFET, GREGORYJ. 10/2912004 Phone: 1655 ASPEN RIDGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 1012912004 Phone:970477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 1655 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: Legal Description: Loe 5 Block:4 Subdivision: UON'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION Parcel Number: 21Q3I2202024 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= L2lL7/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 |gl uur P, 02 H*i#fff 'rf$t"i [Jr, r Gancrd lnforrnattbff:TOl/-C{JM.OHV. fi:,ffiSgffiH l*H.g,lT5?'e.r::ttEf b_1|tnrnc : h{ftr.ns pcrmit appicadon. prarr €f?? b Applicatfon for Design Review _ D+utnont 4ernrruity DCcfognwrf TEsoun Fltltso u* r*rl, caoJii' e'i;r,!d: 92047e.2139 lt( 9ZO.c7s.z.Si- -- wrb: rw-yolgoyponr : I i / I u'" subp'lild .m,fr rnatt io''ir'" p"rrr..,l.,,oplo"r- di r, ;ffi f, ffi ,ffiffi "*'ffa5'fr ffiH[Sffi*ffirumms$" ;i#;; ury'rF a buiLEno pcrrnlt ls rrarrc{ rad constructo'n;;;;rtdrt;;;;fr;;i,ilr"tc{ DPPron{| l.D.G! tfe€crh$onofflioRocu*r 'VAW *Wktp--tt\t\OK t$fo (*NrE y!q4 * if atf iqg Add.€r: JB,k+M.aP orno?(st Stfrn.turc (l)! Namo of Appllcrttt: Type of Ravlqw rnd Faa:. 8i9.tE r Cqufnnf Retrbmr - trfow CVrr0votia r . Adtlilloa ' I.f,[fAllr{bn {rntsi-trrnS/contrr,erdol ' MnorA|trEtbn (Elngbl[|Da{tqdod . Cr|rgo6apg66g tlrro ' Semqnarr ffoqrart E-.-............ alc-4 s50 NoRr $ttb !300 $a5o $20 @ t{6fre FtE I1.@ Fer squ.tc bot of bht.En.Ga. ftr csrrtrudiro o,f a n.||v frJldr€ ot deryto/Gboild. Fot !n adllion wftcr eqrorr- fqS.S" ! _add.d lo any |€ridcr id of yg-"urc1q etaucc zw rocnirs * rritoi "ini**1.rq !|lffi cfIlIF. to ddldnEE ad dre ;mP|urararts, $rd! ac-Grc ?l;. FbDtt lrffi,r .6ir|s. E dgphg! g.rrt. -rrO rgrtrg FL,€lc- Fa nirrcf dqrr to blH?Ef rral sf.;mglrrc.Enrr 3tlrn as. ffi phBr$ rffir-rdcriom. ,-;ddri,slffi;arc ,ujd1g Fffi-" pt..F *!ad opP||'rirld Ay pamh s*r or tt thbn lJ.orbuicr-ffif- iw+ Flgo 1 ollZm{Otl04 PaJ 03- ova y !t 't*** * ***:1. * **:* * * * * 1. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ********,****t( 'i i(***** * **,t ******* * *** *****,t ********,t,t *** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement 1.+,tt+.1.***:1.,t*!*+*:t !t***,F*****i.************,t,r*t**+1.***+{.,t,t ***,i*dr*:t,i,i*:i:*:ti.1.!t**t ***:f***********'t** Statement Number: R040007017 Amount: $20.00 tO/29/2OO4L2:45 PM Payment Method : Check Init : ,.f S Notation: #4206 /K.H. WEBB Permit No: DR8040577 T14)e: DRB-chg to Appr PLans Parcel No: 2L03]-2202024 Site Address: 1655 TIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1655 ASPEN RIDGE ROAD Total Fees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0 . 00 ***:t * **** ** ** * ******'t,t,* *********it*'** t ,t,* *:+ t(:1.:**** i. '*****,1. '1.,**** t t ,* ** * 'i ************** *'k***** ** * '1.:1. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DES]GN REVIEl/ FEES 20.00 TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Crlorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Moffett Addition DRB Number: DRB030566 Project Description: Addition (Interior Conversion) Participants: OWNER GREGORY J. MOFFETT 12130/2003 Phone: 1655 ASPEN RIDGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 12130/2003 Phone:970-477-2990 953 S. FRONITAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: ARCHITECT K.H. WEBBARCHITECTS PC 12/3012003 Phone: 970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: C000001627 ProjectAddress: 1655 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: 1655 ASPEN RIDGE ROAD Legal Description: Lot:5 Block:4 Subdivision: LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISIOT 9,\'ri^"23 Parcef Numben 2L03I2202024 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= Ol/2212004 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.0O Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8'1657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us IOl,lfrI General lnformation: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval lhat is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposat: Lot: LBt oc*, 4 suooivision:tt[0N z.ZrDxriL40DP!\Ll9ta\! #3 Physical Address: Parcel No.:ZtOllLLOI .oL* (Contact Eagle Co. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review . Signs $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee . Conceptual Review . New Construction . Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alleration (single-family/duplex) . Changes to Approved Plans . Separation Request $250 W,rcs-Wd For Office 3a1i er, Vw w e?h Arc C-, For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaaning walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site irnprovements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Fee Paid: Applicatjon Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Vylee L-hr*))>.rprw rax: .4lacel e vh*.t+z r-o,n-'t and Fee: r - $650- For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. r-SSOO 7 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $20 $20 No Fee Planner: Use On Check No.> DRB No.: RECD DEC 2 62003 Lot Sire: Ioning htbackr: t2.21.1001 Ioning Analpis: l-ot 5, Block 1, Lionl Ridge Subdividon Yail, [olondo Heighc .7231 acre / 31,508 q. ft. Based on l.[.Ct by ta$e Valhy Suneying, Inc., 09.17.80 Primaryihcondary Residential Ioning 20' tront (l{o encroachments per l[C) l5' Sides (t{o encroachments per ILC) l5'Rear (t{o enooachments per l[C) 33' Sloped Roofi GlfA (floor lrca): Allorable: 15,000 (.2t + rs,000 (.r0) + r,508 (.0s) = P,7J0) + (1,500) + (15) = 5125 sq.lt. -250 Additional GRIA availabh lor each unit Sitr [ovcrage: Allowable lluimumr end [redils per T0l loning: Primrry unit @ 6V = 3,195 + 425 + 150 + 370. = 4,240 sq.ft. Serondary unit @ 40% = 2,110 + 425 + 250 + 170" = 1,175 sq.tt. *Garage credit Eristin8: Primary 3,552 sq. fc hcondary 1,861 sq. ft. lemrining: Primary 688 sq. ft. Secondary 1,314 sq. ft. Allovable: 6,301 sq. fc txistinS: 5,101 sq. ft (estimated) 6fl1 sq. ft. of Sic bverage lcmrins Please note that the above numbers are subject to verification by the lown ol Yail Pluning Staff. All modifications to either l.lnit are subpct to written approval by the other Unit per lown of Yail and Party Wall Agreement. -o 4' > l9 !0|Jr|{ frorlrGr r0r0 rv r trr )16 fllL r0r0rrD0 ll6l? 19t0.{lt.It90 910.111.19 65(r ) rwr. hlrwe bb. <orr llltrttt at Irt lttr'(/t Irttttutt t)t Atttttrtcrt I From: Grcg Mofict 97G47S2012 To: Deris Date: 12129/2003 'lime: I :28:40 PM o Page 3 of 3 LTG Policy No. CTA150000374 I'orm AO/CHI Our Order No. V50000374 Schcdulc A Amount $8-50.000.00 Propcrty Address: PCL A, RESUB I,oT 5, BLOCK 4, LION'S RIDGE SUB FLc 3 t. Policy Dotc: Novcmbcr Q3, 2003 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Narne of fnsurerl: GREGORY I. MOFFET 3. 'l'he €stote.or iDterest in the lond drxcribcd or referred to in this.lichcdule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fcc SimFle 4. Title to tbe. estole or intorest coyercd by this policy at .thc dtte hereof is vcsted in: GREGORY J. MOFFET 5. .Thc land referred to in thls policy is dcscriberl. as follows: .PARCEL A, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT.5, BLOCK..4 LTON'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3 ACCORDING TO THE PLATRECORDED OqTOBER.IS, 1983 IN BOOK 370 AT PACE 807, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COI,ORADO, 'l'his Policy v6lid only if Schedule I is rttachcrl. Lsnd Tltle Guarantoe Compary ReDres€ntinB Chiogo Title lnsur8ncc Company From: Greq MoIYC 97G476-2012 To: Dorts To: Doris Fax#:4792452 Company: Subject: Sent: 12l2912OO3 at 1:28:38 PM Dat": 'l2fi|gnoo3 Tlm€: 1:28: From: Greg Moffet Fax#: S70-476-2012 Tel#: 97A-476-8528 Pages: 3 (including cover) 40 PM a Pags 1 ot 3 MESSAGE: Please call W any questions. Thanks Greg WinFax PRO Covsr Pags AM ER]CAN I.AN D TTTIE ASSOCI ATIO N OWNER'S POIJCY- (10.t7-92) Pof icy No. 72106-,,qgogtg:gg: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJEC'I., TO'TIIE. EXCLUSIONS FROM CO|ERAGE., THB EXCBPTIONS.. FROM...COV"ERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHED.ULE B AND'THE-CONDITIONS AND STIPUIAT.'IONS; CHICACO TTTLE INSURANCF.COMPANY,.n Missouri cor.poration. herein.called the Company, insuret, as.of.D$e of.Eolicy shovn in Schedule..A, against loss or dsmrge, not.excerdlng the AmoDnt.of lneun|lce.slBled. in. Schcdule A, $usiainod or incurred.fu..the. insured by -rrason. of:. l. Tirle to the esure or intere$t descdbed in Schedule A.being.vFsted other lhsn.rs.stalcd lhe(cini 2, Any dcfeu in.or lien:or cncumbrancc on lhc title; 3. Unmarkctability of thc titlc; 4. lack..of..a..right..ol'.ecc{$s.ro and: fiom.thc..land, Thc Complny. wjll.llso pny. thu. custs. itnornrys" fees. und expcnses:incuntd in defensc:of.thc titlc. as insurcd. but only..to. the extent ptuvided.in thc C.ondilionr and Stipulations, In Mness..Whcrcal, CHICAGO.TITIE INSURANCE COMPANY.has crusedrhis:policy to be signed rndrerted rs of Date.of Folicy shown in. Schcdule. A.,.tbe polic-v-.ro..become-valid.when counte rslgned by an.outhorired. cigourory. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY &r!f/c %\J/ C ,.c ry From: Gre! Msffct 97tr47G2012 To: Doris Oal.-i 1A29EOO! l-imc: 'l:29:40 PM o Pagc 2 of 3 Reo(dcr Fonn No. E256 (Feprjnlcd .10,100)AUTA Owrcr:3.nofi c? ( lGl ?-92) * * 't**i**** ***** * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,t '* **'t't****************+,!***,i'F*******{.:t ** * * ** * ***** ******+* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Copy Reprinted on 12-30-2003 at 07:39:33 1280/2003 Statement *+ +*++*'1.:!** ******* ** {.**+** ****:lr***** *+ f'1.****,ft,i*.1.*,I****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * + {.:t **{. * *** ***** ******,}* Statsement Nurnber : R03 00053 08 Amount: $3 0 0 . OOL2 / 30 / 2003 0z : 3 9 AM Palment Melhod: Check INits: DF Notation: +3'7f5 Permit No: DRB03 0555 T)G)e : DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No : 2LO3L22O2O24 Site Address : 16 5 5 I.,IONS RIDGE I.,P VAIL Irocati-on: 155 5 ASPEN RIDGE ROAD Total Fees: $300.00 This Palrment: $300.0oTotal ALL Pmts: $300.00 Balance : $o. oo +** ** 'l* + * {. | * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * + * + *,} * * *,N * *****'t************d.***************** *+*'** {.** *:t{.'i ******** ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descn ipti on Curnent Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIE|^, FEES 300.00 From: Greg Mofiet 57t47e2012 To: Bill Gibson Dalei 111412004 Time: 2:03:18 PM uwusERVE & rRO+ orio: 1/122004 IimE: ll:55i2o FM FA)| N0, 970 47i eg8s EL/L+/28a4 L5:46 ttt-Uttls . I Lr,!U. ur€g rv|llnq ytu.4/t,Fzu,lz To: DrMd Kritf,en JAF07-2004 ltED 05128 Pl{ l(,H.I,IEBB ARCI{ITECTS JOINT PROPERTY OWT{ER WR IT?EN AFFROVAL LETTER l0l{/^l l, (pdnt namc}._.*-a Jo'nt owncf of Froperly tocated at (ddrose/legal cescriptonl_ Lp'l E+;pJk {., Lrol.l,rH ptqBAm\Eu::g.b ,, pruvide thir htcr aE wrlrten eFprovrt of tha ptaneaaw ftlL4l h?.wfiich have been '(lbmi(tsd to the rown or vrir community oeveropmant D*padftont for rhe proposecf rmprsvemsn* to b6 I fulher undcNtand thrt minor mod'llcations may b0 made to the ptans over ihc cor.rtsc of the review proc€ss to cn,luro @mpu0nce with the Tolr,nb appllcable coues and regula|Ions, 0l-lr-o\ {D"Gj- -' Page 2 ol2 PAE A2 PEg! ? of ? P. 02 lrauo Z at tAlo$/i 7/03 TOWN OF VAIL \l a',.t1 Department of C ommun ity D ev e I opm en t 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us January 5,2004 Stacey Jonker K.H. Webb Architects 953 South Frontage Road, Suite 216 Vail, CO 81657 RE:Moffet - Addition 1655 Aspen Ridge Road/Lot 5, Block 4, Lion's Ridge 3'd Filing (Aspen Ridge) Dear Stacey, Town Staff has preliminarily reviewed the application for an addition to the Moffet residence located at 1655 Aspen Ridge Road. Based upon this initial review, the Department of Community Development has determined that the application is incomplete and can not be reviewed until all required items have been submitted. Please submit the following items to the Town of Vail Community Development Department: . Joint Property Owner Written Approval Letter . One set of fully dimensioned, "red-lined" architectural floor plans for both the primary and secondary dwelling units indicating how the existing and proposed gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970>479-2173. Sincerely, I RECYCLED PAPER Bill Gibson, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail s - J r2.21.2001 loning Analysis: lot 5, Block 4, liont tidge Subdivision Yail, Colorado lot tire: hning lctrck: Hcight GlfA (Iloor Arcr): Site Coveragc: .7233 acre / 31,508 sq. ft. Based on l.LC! by Eagle Yalley Suneying Inc., 09.17.80 Primary/Secondary lesidential loning 20' front (l{o encroachments per l[C) lJ' Sides (t{o encroachment per ltC) 15' Rear (t{o encroachments per ltt) 33' Sloped Roofs lllowrbh: t5,000 (.rs)+ 15,000 (.10)+ 1,508 (.05) = 0,750) + (1,s00) + (75) = 5315 sq. ft -250 Additional GRIA available for each unit Allomble lluinr,rml rnd Cndir pcr IOY loninS: Primary unit @ 60% = 3,195 + 425 + 150 Secondary unit @ 40% = 1,130 + 415 + 150 *Garrge credit IxistinS: Primary 3,552 sq. lt. Secondary 1,861 sq. ft. lemainin$ Primary dC8 sq. ft Secondary 1,314 sq. fr lllovrbh: 6,301 sq. ft. I Existing: 5,101 sq. lt (estimated) (t,O4l q 600 q. ft of lite Coverrg Remains 3970 Q = 4,140 sq.h = 3,175 sq.ft. 2,005 f, pleue note that the above numbers are subject to veri{ication by the Town of hil Planning Stalf. All modifications to either Unit are subject to written approval by the other Unit per Town o[ Vail and Party Wall Agreement. gn (tlc lt !ou t olI^Gt roaD wErMt ll6 frlI c0[0rr00 llaJl ItIo.tILItt0 tt0.{It.lt65(t ) rrr. klt rc b b con lilrrrt, o, lrt Ar,rttrt lrttttttt 0t Itctttrtctt I v-+ 370- + 370- \J = ZONE CHECK I crnl dorri^ti^^. I ^,__.rFi vvJL,,t/au1r. r_ul .: trloc.li ./ F;|i.,r_c54r us5cr rpoont Lor :I _ Block .7 p;1;n, Addrcss / >c L,, ^5 f ).ir: iu.n Grncr--_ll!r._#ef_ Archircct Fp L^.e^b Zonc disrict Lot sizc Total CRFA Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc Brrildablc arca . Allorvcd F.risting proposcd : +. ZrL g tat. tt*.+ - =12-f- +_ Front ', 20, Tota!B-sCIatoirrs _!E-qL Sctbacks E nr.i ronm cn bllllaz:rds l S idcs D ^^-: .\|-4I ',.i tvtmtmllm l5' t5' = llLt Gi,/ ....- Encloscd (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Pcrmr'ttcd Slopc .=-.-.-_-%o proposcd Slopc 9zo )'cs_ No Ycs---- No 2) Floodplain 3) Wcrlands- a) Snorv Avalanchc c) Dcbris Florv PrinraryCRF..\ -+(42:;) (5.t5*)=_:3!X_ jrlz - ,y _ Sccondary CRIA + (12i) (675+) =_225- tL] | + * 6?5 -.12j crcdit plus 250 addition Docs rhis rcqucst involvc a 250.{d,.lition? Horv much of rbc alrorvcd 250 Addrtion is usc.'r rv':rh this rcoucst? ,,rr'tr . _. - 6t boty 2o7 Sirc co'cragc ,,, __ef:J_ #+ + ;!ty _ g;.; ., @]6 l{cight I (30X33) L^rndscaping Rctainin g \\rall Hcig! ts Parking Rqrrircd_ Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrplics rvitb TOV Lighting Onjn:ucc Arc finishcd eradcs lcss rban 2:l i50%) l) Pcrcent Slopc (< >30%) 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Ccologic Hazards b) Rocht'all 1tlA.J tu DESIGN REVII \Y CHECKLIST Projcct:. _ Q Eloonplws Scalc GRFA *_. 250 additionat GRFA __. Crarvl\Attic Spacc FHIT Q BUILDI.IG I:LEVATJoNs Scaj c Q LANDScAPE PLA.,\ Flx.is ting hccs Iroposcd bces lrgcnd MISCELT"q,NEO:JS Ccndo Approval ' -- T;tlc rcport (A & B) U,iilify-vcrifi cati on fonn Scalc Builiirrg Height Encroachmcnts Site Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dccl.VBalconics Cangc conncction _ . Sitc Gradc\Slopc Rctaining lValls Fcnccs Parking/Caragc Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) -- , Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss Plrotos ofsitc Buil ding material samplcs C..J. Vcrification Sur\Shadc AngJcs Jir*v Qo6ide6 - . Vaianccs Pla:: rcstrictions .i . t. . lt,t96 t!0t5 0adailt016 l59l10l lllrl 9lt llff llllt 0Y0l ltflll0|l Hrn04 r$ qq0^)d st)otlqrlo 'q't 00Yt0r0t 'ilvl u001^llu ll|\llolsil llll0l,l r -E E ; :r * : sl - u-t (J t9i z'tL t-tno xm r.u o o o LL t (9 i J IJJ I.JJ J d IU =o J (9 z tr a =IU uJt96rrtr'0la 06{rll}0(6 lt9t3 0t lu fll trN lslt\ fiot l9vuou flmot tsa E -E E a- * :qq0 ,d'sl)e!tq)to ff\'q'l 00vr0l0l llvl 11001,8u llill0lsil llll0hl LL d.(9 I I J LU llJ J z (9 z tr tn X tu lJ-d,'of, (9 ,-i =6r h3 tl Fl sl u-di =l eL pl (9.i tl zi5 t-bR X+ IJJ N Uft9d&ltot{ oddlllt016 l!9r3 0l n 9n nt 1!1t 0Y0I 1ry1I0U Hlflot l9d ! -E E :r; *l "-qq0 )s sl)altq)Jt itt\'q'l 00vx0l0l llYl 11001,11U l)t{l0lslu llll0l.l tl o -l lJ- d.(9 I I J LJ-l I,JJ d LU o-d =(9 z tr I X TU LL El t!l (9F (ro zct F(,9rn Xol uJ ro F I EI F u- o LN |r|N r-{ri lJ-t o (9 z tr (n =t! Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB0402zl6 Project Name: Project DescripUon: MOFFET RESIDENCE CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS Participants: OWNER MOFFET. GREF AND CHRIS 06l10/2004 Phone: 970-476-8528 1655 ASPEN RIDGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHITECTS PC 0611012004 Phone:970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, co 81657 License: Project Address: 1655 LIONS RIDGE LP VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block: 4 Subdivision: LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION Parcef Number: 2L03L2202024 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 06130/2004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Planner: FAtt No, fcn esas Appficatfon for Deslgn Review _ Dqbrt?|cnl Gt ComnrUnity DevEt+mcnl 75 Sculh Frcrhgo Roa4 !kli, ColoraA" ef 65./rdr 970.479.2189 fa'; glO.4tS.UEz $nb: rrbu-rallgorr,com Guncrill Intownrflbi: fll nmioch 'lquidng doll5n revicw musl.reoivg opproyar prior lo H.rHritting a building pdr.'.ir apFicafloh. plear* rufcr ta 0)o tubR,Iittl rDqul'omonb for lhr p*lhubr "pdt'*-di1'a*,"d- An eppl,edbn tor iicsign Ftr,i.'v c",'r'l bo $rcqptolt unrit al n'*Jked hronrrlld i.B. rocoi"fUih; il;iii o""-r;;;-fft-d;' ilT o_i"", mry abo ncad t0 bc revhwcdbv rheToi'n coundr arxr/orth;4il;;'ffiH"*rg.+"*;;":'ililr;;"* ppprovol r.!E6 udao3 a buildinO pcrmlt ts trcqcd t1d sonst-al'n .ffiJil* wtt tt;1 lnc y.r, of 11. ipprovrl. Decc11p1i66 of tho Roquest . _tr@trIla Locatlon of lho proposrt: Lor I ebck,- f.-- Srauirroior,, Ll Parcqf No,r Olfpl"?AkZ&__. (contact Eagtc co. Asscsrc ar s7o€z&€64o for p€.cet no.)&nlne:_pg1A -+ilamr(s I or orror(rrr -etga - a/ rtwtg .Hbffl,.a---_i_r_ ItfattingAddress: J@ Ag*r6;=E.Lo_ otc._?s+>- l)XC AU-* Osnor(sl St$l.turc (!rl Namo of Appttcani: 14 [0 oor P, 02 BFfr.,vt |E/OB/2004 21:{8 FAX 97047820t2 ; nHr-zb-zuu4 HLD 04i08 Pl{ I tfEBB TIGA ARCHITECTS Type of Rovlaw rnd Fac;. tiigrr . ComaF rnl RFJirur - nl':r{ C!||nln/Ctiotl . A&liuon ' lvfmr^lliEtlm {nulli.f.milylcofl trnoadot) ' MnorAftit?tbn (slnd*lotD.{irpbrl . dtm€ar! to A;6rwrJ f,hnr ' Semiq{on Ra+lolt tso PIIF $1.@ Der€quae bot ot roht sign a.la. No Flc $660 For c..!kudt'oo of a new buUdng or demo/rebuild.$3o0 For rn addilion wha6 sqq16- foc/aCre b addad lo an, n:eidcnllal or crr^ y511:d^j1yrqgauer2SOadrJilom a m reri"i conrtnransl.+'1ov r( rnfir C|}mgf,s lO bUiEiDgE ard slfg imprdret rants, C,,Idr 6,*!d"S. Pahtlrag. wlndor :t6lbns. 6nascapi$g,' fo:r* .*rO rtfrl,i,og xrols. etc. (@ NoFn fl":ry aelr io bulftg. .nd s,le irrFrovenrenrs, trdr as.rErau''' F'nliag, wrhd.r rddrbrE trn {+-plng, fcnca' snd rriEirfng wrb, olo. F. r-!i*B b can3 €l'rody sppror,s Dy ptannins sraft or tl. Dqbn fuiixrEol1f. r'$o 1 ot l?Jo{/O.t^}4 i'on: Grcg frnoffa 97F47F2012 To: Stacy Date: 6/1/2004 Time: 5:06:49 PM ' :*"#f-Hftfhiil;fiilt * *,','fto inn no. ,rs' o* ,m JOIT?FROFTIYfiilCR XFTTTil^FFFVd,TffiN Page I of 1 I I I E00t P, 03 I, (rdir rrrtr'"LJJAilSIL- fl KR3nn nr,J, e Fhr omtroilpra.rry toi{t$d sr (dalrsgflsd oc*cricnl kf E rfAUF.,F, t ..++t prnfi|o ltfi htbr.unrlrqr qF\xsvtl cf Su Fb! &tdt fu wft&lr tEyo blt &bhilndb tltclomof $f ClrrnrJll HcFflFf b.p*rri,t k llro ptFed fnrunrsrEr U dmplabd.t l[! tlflr... r,pbd Fhlb. I sflCcElfid that tm pr!Fo${ frsrErq|'|[m hotrlr|g, I turlftoru*|Ehm il{ nhor rndthgor'r tt|ryFr nr# b ui Cm wthc orrrr d rrc tEl*ptw b GniIE aanwF|rcrft $Olhrr! 4@h ilrbr trrd r!!lffi!$. /Eo*6,G- t-o4 pfr) lbEo zorruroft0lto4 ***'1.'t***'t!t***{.**'irt*t,i,f * {. *,1. * * * * * l. * * * ** * * {. i. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * li **.*{.:1.1.************:1.,1.***** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***********:**:Ii.:*:*******{.******:i***!i't i.{.*.t *****'}'i,***,r{.,t,r.,r.!t********,t,r.*+*,1.*:}*:t,l.l.,t+***:}*d.:1.t,l.i(*,r,}'} Statement Number: R040006003 Amount: $20.00 06/lo/2OO4o3:01 PM Palment Method I check Init ; .IS Notation: #3 956/K. H. WEBB ARCH Permit No: DR8040246 T)t)e: DRB.- Chg to Appr P1ans Parcel No: 2lO3L22O2o24 Site Address: 1555 LrONS RIDGE LP VAIL IJOCAtiON: 1555 ASPEN RIDGE ROAD Total Fees: $20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: 920.00 BaLance: $0.00 *************{.*,t**1.'t 't**1.*********,t*******'F**x.{.** * * *,1. * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *,t * * * * * * * * {. 't + * * * * * ** ACCOIINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES 20.00 D rl Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB040055 Project Name: Project Description: MOFFET RESIDENCE CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS Participants: OWNER MOFFET, GREG AND CHRIS 1655 ASPEN RIDGE ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT K.H. WEBBARCHITECTS PC 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL. CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 1655 UONS RIDGE LP VAIL 0212512004 Phone: 970-476-8528 02125 / 2004 Phone: 97 0-477 -2990 Locationr 1655 ASPEN RIDGE Legal Description: Lot: 5 Block: 4 Subdivision: UON'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION ft h q ?n-v Parcef Number: 210312202024 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: ROGERS PROPER 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 04/07/2004 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval oF this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buildlng permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 02i21/200L 0il:38 FAX g7Ol762OLZ TIGA ' FFean flE 04!e n a lB ffiIlrDIS @ oor P. 01 RECEIVED 1.. t tt .' '..! @ btu Fnxm moffi Applhaton lor Deslgn Review iErtncf lrn ryeAil'r zrslrrcu.vr.utt@ x nuogzr* E tm.{ltr{se G;d.rd!ot! HuChlbrdc ,l F.*dtqegO.*|t |lhrdtd-Tpd Fbbrtrlt.lrafurcrf ld*r eb itrb b liil h--* E ;a FlolY.fiC ri rrra- 111 Fr 5.q1gr_g1r ild D rye r asl rE@ E r q| ts UtrtE i4E -ia la. ;ttG q- -uc agf -,-.aarur;E!| tsF]E trlEr- Hn:-w +:a - go. tf*Frar b Er:rargrtrrb rc rh *Fd tlc frd' Dstrftoe dr:EG* Nmf !if); Tp{FrlcrdFc r qgr. . f!-fdtlts . It|clrrEhl * fHh - tJbAlS Ftrffi, . blHFn ea*frrycH Loc*oa ocr ffi W_ 6_w_*_sdrt[li rF.lfa|,Ess uubt(llfrtl Loaaftr dllrr FQe !G- !Z-GE-T- s'rqFrn- u{llr-t Ft rErE f.rJ n's- - , e.Cf)1ffft plrd.rrr.rtls la|i-q- lEf,AsAf*'P€AD t UAlt. g,rro *qfg e-E f t cj All2??D1AQt--FnarubarestslGln6oftrprd n) h#.}rur/L(*FA mr ftrurrzry/GrdorrrxcY reilEt5t d orn-trts (alf.a +(fuEA.ffmr rtlnrraiF: Erd&lgt €lchrtlzb-tru lil ElEtt.|nFrlnhdEl{nrl T-RC itF EffiiolrEUhaGfitl5 S Fit & dua 4lc ft6EE b d b rar r*ld c ditd hfr frgrE 2i &c & ltEh cmrnh:I $6 Frtudi{r9llfr dclobuto;tr unr rLofr. DtrI' frf et, litdqi$ kE d.cd*l *d-t10 tududcqrbbotfrrd*iemqd*dtq'reh! aq. #ea b.rqrte' Ea rd ffi GCT.tu|Urirsbts€muaEffisurnsqr eirH. rfrellire o||roftlslrfrtsl! **3lT-r-'; F{Fldrz.Blt?@ x* trg'3gud -luLEl xx JOll,lT PROPERTY OWNER WR ITTEN APPROVAL I-ETTER TO}!1\l l, (print name), a joint owner of prDperty locsted at (address/legal descripllon) provide this letter as written epproval ot the plan6 dated ol / L1l o+ whicfi have been - submittBd to the Tolvn of Vail Community Development oeparEnent ior the propoi€d improvements to be completed at the address noted above- | understand that the proposed impmvemenis include: I furthet undcrstand that minor modificafions nny be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicabb code6 and regulations. hleo*'L 6€fi^ &. tj oq Page 2 of lzloEl 17 tlj (Dab) dl ls:Str V6, El g;lf ,(cpB :ol Z!OZ€/t{/6 FJ.ot4 619 ;uoJf IA/IA'd ! Jo ! aOEd ztzz9LvaL6T 0L l6la 429 098 3UU3 lrld tl:t9:! ieurl t00zl8lre :slEo HL-lu3H ouol)f, r s Building Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: lA>Ith exighnq ev^lov+ * 4x4 utNA w-I < wl " " Jlutr. (5|.6i).,.d t" rl.*+.-r. 4,i1.'1)b\z*V) iulzi<u T x- Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. h^J t L_ Page 6 of 12106117103 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Itffi) Quantity b Size l" vuin. o.6t PROPOSED TFEES AND SHRURS TorJ-vsuuute- E(ISTING TREES TO BEFEI/OVED e!u6@a@g Aarox\ G Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Calioer Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type Square Footage GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYFE OF EROSION CONTROL Pleme specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of '12107117102 = r2.21.2001 0t.29.2004 RtyD 02.24.2004 RtrD loning Andpis lot 5, Blod {, lion'r lidgr filing 3 Iril. tolondo bt Ske .7277 acre i 31,700 sq. ft. Eased on Topognphic Survey by Eagle Valley lurveying, lnc., 02.06.04 Ioning Primary/Secondary Reridential loning htbarkr 20' front (lto enooachments per ILC) 15' Sides (l{o encroachmenr per ILC) 15' Rear (No encroachment per ILC) llcight 33'Sloped Roofs GIIA (tlor ftea): Allowable: 15,000 (.21 + 15,000 (.10) + 1,508 (.05) = p,7s0) + (1,s00) + (75) = 5325 sq. fr -250 Additional GRIA available for each unit lllovabh ]laimums and Creditr per T0I loning: Primary unit @ 60% = 1,195 + 425 + 250 + 370- = 4,?40 rq.ft. hcondary unit @ 40% = 2,110 + 425 + 250 + 370* = 3,175 {.h *Gange credit trirtin$ Primary 3,552 sq. ft. Secondary 1,861 rq. ft. hmrininS: Pdmary 688 sq. ft. terondary 1,314 lq. ft. Site (ovengc: Allomblu 6.340 sq. ft. txhing: 6,260 sq. ft 80 q. fr ol $ite (ovcnge Remains Plean note that the aboye numben are subject to verilication by the lown of Vail Planning ltaff. All modifications to either Unit are rubiect to writlen approval by the other Unit per Tonn of Yail and Party Wall Agreemenl ***:t*{.**rt*****:t ***,t ******+******'t**********:t*,********** ***********'t *{.**'t ****:t ,t ***.1.t ,t*** ***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ******* **:r{. ** *********** ******r!**,t** **:t*'r*********{.,r. * ****,f * ** x( x 't * * * ,1. * * *. * {. 'l * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t ,t * * ,. Statement Number: R040005445 Amount: $20.00 02/25/2OO409:18 AM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notat ion : Permit No: DR8040055 Tlrpe: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 2LO3I22O2O24 SiTe Address: 1555 LIONS RIDGE I,P VAII., Localion: 1655 ASPEN RIDGE ROAD Total Fees: $20.00 ThiB Payment: $20.00 Total AL,L Pmts: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 ****,t ***** *********t*** *****:!**{.* * r. * ** * * * ** * * * tf *** 't *****'} '1. * ** {. * * ** * * * * *:i *,* * *:t * * * * * l. rl. ***'f ***** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunnent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES 20.00 llarch 12,2004 BillGibron Dcpartment of Community Development Town of Yail 75 louth fronoge load fail, Colorado 81657 RE: l'loffet Residence - Changes to Approved Planl Dear Bill, Pleue find attached the revised Di8 ret (03.11.2004) for the l'loffet Residence with changes al rquerted per the lown of Yail Staff. Pleue include with thb set, the 3 stamped lunep by Eagle Valley Suneying previourly rubmitted on lebruary 24'r', 2004. 0thenrise, the set has been re-issued in full. k.h.webb uchitectr.pc ItJt r0urfi rr0rrlGt t0a0 rvtJr rrt lt6 y [ (010tr00 llllt ll l0.l t l.l t tl t t 0.117.1? 6l ( I ) r r v. I h ' ! b b . ( 0 nl lllttrrtt ot frt lsttrttr lttltt0tt 0I Artrttttlt I J n rv v .i I -r 85 E5 zsL \D s-9 9 frr.8 66 $f T :FT P fr6 3 n -tr'u J 3 S d -A 3 -t--o 5 f -rd \o I 1 a.l fr 1.9 r,r q: tLA e- t/ ,, 5il 4\ E!I,iA ir .xq o -t" |j 5 p i. 4 -{-dO 3;<j >LO , I ., i ;l . i--Irir'f :,.'1 7r!ii:, l!l;t'1. l'lirp'ii-,! '.i1.,1 i , ,.1. ? i'i: ,'\ 6l''r ;7, l. . f o o F{t^reUb >rch,kab @.\.* . EXtgTt t q tu NDqN MMmAr-6/tsrHL MOPfEf P$?tVeIt{E i\pplit;rIiurts I -1, [* .. l. iil -'*1t"s .tt1:ilultiMp (exaweS^N,LCocoR '&6\G6' Wr€T?etDtNu€ 0?. tt.o+ Wwebb arDkakc*s t, i[;-4 t 'iir r li{ z a E ( t\) FO s* {$ E x \) z $$ +o ..i 9,t +t -B J $ €7 j J Zc Fg [*sl Es s tD +[ ts lt 3. I ,t: [i.!, t i{t & ti u ! €i A I 7 j \l- q ? $5 \-, ,r.,l 3 - 8$ $l 6 il r Nl \e slR s r>lt|reTWwoicE a.Va.rtf tsa t?e;t pfgu*ntF OffEfN. Uzur) -o cu April06,2004 BillGibrn Department of Community Development Iown of Yail 75 South frontage Road Yail, Colondo 81657 It: l'loffet Reddena - leque*ed Changel Dear Bill, Pleue find attached the reviled sheetr: A 0.1 Site/Grading Plan; A 1.2 East Elevation: A 3.3 West Elevation; Phoos l-5 showing the exilting garagei Dated, 04.06.2004, for the llof{et Reridence with changes as requerted per the Town of Yail Staff. There will be no changes to the existing gangel The new path from the gatages to the new elevator will be under the erilting roof overhang (see atbched photo #5). A retaining wall will be needed here as the pathway must be lowered to the gange level, yet the erirting grade abutting the new wdl fiall remain the iame (plean ree lhe attached photo$. Therefore, the visible area of the retaining wall looking fiom the a- East, will only be 24 inches or less. - lf you have further questionl or need dariliotion, pleue feel free to oll ul - Ihank you, - Stacey Jonker * k.h.webb architectl.pc lcll roLr" rqcilrrGi !0tD,vtJI r't )l6 frl[ (0t0F400 ll65l Itl0.17l.l9t0 cl0 lr7.l96tlf l rvr''(\wPbb coql Itatret, ot l't A.tt.i/r /ri 't-tt 0i Ar.u,'ttl I .trr I lt_, o T .l; Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us February 7,2004 Stacey Jonker K.H. Webb Architects 953 South Frontage Road, Suite 216 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Moffet- Addition 1655 Aspen Ridge Road/Lot 5, Block 4, Lion's Ridge 3d Filing (Aspen Ridge) Dear Stacey, The Town of Vail Staff is currently reviewing the design review application for the proposed addition to the Moffet residence located at 1655 Aspen Ridge Road. The following information must be submitted to complete the application submittal requirements and to better clariff the details of the proposal: Site Plan r Show all property and setback lines. . Show all proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all rooflines. o Show proposed surface drainage on and off-site. r Show location of limits of disturbance fencing. r Show location of all required parking spaces. o Indicate bottom of retainine wall elevations. Landscape Plan o Submit a proposed landscape plan. Architectural Floor Plans . Floor plans shall be fully dimensioned. Architectural Elevations o Elevations shall be fully dimensioned. o All materials and colors shall be specified. o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures. r Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. Liehtine Plan . Submit a proposed exterior lighting plan. I RACYCLED PAPEF s Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Fronlage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 IILX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.w Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail Please submit revised plans addressing these items by no later than Monday, March 15, 2004. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, alz+-' 47/ ,4"-z__ z RECYCLED PAPER s Olncr Architrct Phonc Phonc 3?@ .{33f Allorvcd Existing proposcd t <Oo Totaf CRFA '-iq z, t Est =__L!gt_ + Prinrary CRFA -_ + (42j) (575*) =_-.t!,zQ _ Srtz + .r, Sccondary CRFA + (.12j) (6?j+) =__X-$11_ + _ I * 6?j = 42j crcdit plus 250 addition Docs rhis rcqucsr involvc a 250 ddilition? do Horv much of rbc allorvcd 250 Addjtjon is usc.l Mrh this rcqucst? r.r/H Zonc district Lot sizc Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks Lendscaping Rctaining Wall Hcights Tota! Rcmaining - +?50 = 6t65 +.Er/-ca. = 3L?f , 7*o"---I t^l' (^ 616 +zm 6r/o + 62(o =8o (30x33) Fron t Sidcs Rear 20' ..15' l)' ,.{ 2tt/z{ Parking o,o d,/*?c Caragc Crcdit Drivcrvay an 4,u,-? . Conrplics with TOV Lighting Oniinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tban 2:l i50%) Enr"ironm cn !al4lazards G 5) Gcologic Hazards No. ttb c'It^'rt ,J.4" I ) Pcrccnt SIopc (< >30%) r//A 2) Floodplain N/h 3) Wcrlands--.-- ^, lpr 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (5q N I l, a) Snotv Ava.lanchc b) Roc[t'all Prcvious conditions ofapproval (iicck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming?iocscr;uc: i:,t , ,: I ,t ,] ;t c) Dcbris Florv ,l tl )l o z E =t uJ o- (\(\cn c') U) UJ IU tL t = tr,J db rllr/l r orAth tvi N or c.l tLl z p F) v z g z (\ {a z p F? vl !.-.{ | (Er 6Hl lLE, 9!;qsl =l F o F (l F 2 z o z \z a UJ F z z o J d) oa z z 2 g.l t:] (J ts a < d-:9 : 15 a;;;c l:q:2 ,1, X= 19 E E H Yi IS €gtrc )lr t :eEib'{tE/c 9 6 FE l*( --=o* ta\ffi r.; !.e i lg ?' o=-o"(l':o-D .r=AgF :f;EEJ E:;F3 U-iEi6s FB E6F:E EE :..oE3d Ho E8e; E ?' gHi;: # d ;EE;g fl i*BE$ e i;$;i A () l.\ ra .+rn -+ ca C.l .+ c.l (\ o\ rn rn (\ ==llJ o-(,z ) l :<o uJ I ()z J (L J 9 e. () u, uJ z l () z uJ = llJ z o F llJ E o uJ e. o o =I IIJ ar 2 6 u,o +B (5 \i 23 lr(J ax F UJ o f o UJ ul u- = LU F F z =l F ) UJ z 6 =l .J L)z uJ = H NO[VnlVA z H ts H X -t }H z t-= 6zii ;o- = r- /_\ =z E<, lfi>F< ;E oa> zi (J14 (\l (v >tr -I = lr, z tr^ iJ' o 1><)z r!<o*uJ :'i .LY -E -i$i ul z F{ z tr 1 t! cr r"i F cn (! UJ (r ; z E o {x ; tr IJJ F 3 !U z tl 1l II tl L z l z Aa FL!<()o< =H 9,!5o <z L z Az do 3[OI I I tl H-ll'| | rrl I tz I to I l=|-_-t lt Ll !]- \ lF 3 to F l;6 l z o I F z F 5 a z l f-I b o I I l^ 6t: tr", ;l I F <i Fl zl zl .. >l o uJ o ul u,J z a F lu o- z E o o X X X o o z F a q-\ur o o,t.l -oy E (o -+\-l tf) Lr)O I ^^l ri - | I H'o d u2 z ti v)2 f UJ b q @ o -z o F (L LIJ Y taJ dt O c.t i$ frs u- l,lt ^Zl >;l (Ll 6=l ?;l rHl uJ F !r,o?zo rg z d!, ==v =< F =24 lEl Tt f=t]rxll_rL_J ).^i5 r-., 1,, =zat Q|:- dd= F t! o- E9 E< o 9t)E B9 vcE cd 3:F:JF =ru:-E b=t' a-tr :>(L I ou-E oo I \ur E XO_t x>B q-o-i !!t uJ dt F -=- E =E LrJ o-z 9 F (J f E F a z o C) .-lr N I ct o\ I ncl r.l ql -l 'l ol sl Jl <l >l rr-l ol zl 3l FI z H F-l H z J =tr I I I I I .l =.1 ol ull 5t <l >l t!l ol it :ol ul FI F I Fal rl \fl cnl -l I ol =.1 r?t-;t F-:IN <l I >l\o lJ-l F-ol'$ zl 3l 9l FI z E H F- I F-\' ll lal lJl I ir.l I l*l tl t9 Fl el xl :l t<l <l >l >l u-l ol ol zl zl =l 3l EI PI r.- I F .ir. (J t-l z <h uJ = H E =z H & H / 3 & E ii z (D --) C9 H (t) z H Fl (r oo zl- =#)z lrO E F z O 9 z r C) uJ F z <o OF FS YF =z F uJ =r (! E <F [u<zE UJF ..1 Z .J ul ) |X|ElN :<''t{" .'l' 75 ioulh tronlage road vril. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ottlce of communlty devclopmorl BUILDING PERI,iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If this permit fequl:res a Town of Vail Fire Oepartment Approval, Engineer"s (.Publ ic Wopks) review and approva'l , a plannini;'Department review or HeaIth Department rev'iew, and a review by the Builbing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and a'll multi-family permits wi'll have tq follow the above mentjoned maximum requirements. Residential and.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be nnde by this department to expedite thjs permit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, frame, G ,7-?- Commun'ity Development Department. understand the plan check procedure and time .,} 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE 3 SUBJECT: ottlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE please stop by the Town of a copy. Thank you for your (i.e. contractor, owner) rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anv person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debris or rnaterial, including trash dunpster-, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public Pt?9" or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of VaiI streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wilr be strillry enforcld by the Town of Vail PYPIi-c works Department. persons found vi6lating this ordinance wi-Il be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said rnaterial .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puitic Works Department will remove said materiar at the expense of person noLified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not be applicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or al_Iey or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full,vail B_uiLding Department to obtain coope-rAtion on this rnatter. a3 t) 4 h--afut f lrJ"T 7 t*ct-- ,6 -a Su;/ ^-J 4-u,.--1 J'rb Date ! Date: t li r l Yt^.,,n"rz fl;(e halhin ' , INTER-DEPARTMENTAI, REVTEW /-1 t PROJECT! La',*hi.-"- DATE SUBM CO}N,IENTS NEEDED BY ! BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSIUJ: Efr.*r"-,/ *h2 ',rd b? -'7^44' 6y' ll Date:DABL Fo-ll s sl""/) U rtuic.slJ ,1 B"' ll*, Drp+, k)--/ J nt-- I soi /s tu1.t6oet I *^W:* ! h*-v ,.-r!r, .r ,uo{t*-) s) ur--t ( twtT M {", FIRE DEPARTMENT Revlewed by: Comments: 3) t/\bu/J ncuJ er,/a,/'*'J"--s o.\ f/,'J'^/, oue'Jun'*, ''ue ('r+"n--,n , o^(^",'11 4)b-toull 6*[", f-,f.ar-( e?, z T*4 | a-h*7J, POLICE DEPARTMENT Revlewed byl Conments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Cornments: revlsed 3/tt/gL tLe Ntr^?..C J." Date: \.? Plan Review Based on the l99L Uniforcn Codes NAME: CAMBRIA CARPORT DATE: 6-29-92 ADDRESS: 1655 ASPEN RrDGE RD CONTRACTOR: NOVA GROUP VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NOVA GROUP OCCUPANCY: M ENGTNEER: DUANE FEHRINGER TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbe itens listed balow are not intended to be a comPlete listing of all posaible code requirements in tbe adopted codeg. ft is a guide to eelected sections of the codes. Tbe following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violatios of any of tbe pro- visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinancs of tbe Town of VaiL 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED ]N ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.1210 1991 uBc. 2. CARPORT NEEDS TO COMpLy WITH S8C.503, 1991- UBC. 1} rnspncrroN's The lteus belov need to be cmplete gtvlng a pernlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off la the box provlded. FINAL PLI'I,IBINC COMPLETED be fore DATE: FINA], I.{ECEANICAL DATE: IUPROVTMTNT SURVEY RESID. NAUE' DATE: T n tl a[l \"\'\El tr FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPOMRY C OF O DATE: [_l CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI.ICY DATE: LANDSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE ('r',r.,\r..,t.. \s...:.- \" \ \\\\\s 55VL t INSPECTION: € JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THpR FRr )READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMB BU tr { tr tr tr El o ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr o E UMBING:U FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL D o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVEO ffirsneenoveo tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 1-5'// PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MON READY FOR LOCATION: I N s P Ec-r l*o D|, Sfsu F s"r ''t$rp*' O t JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB .- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D . ,/ al, tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL d eppRoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR niiis"* -- -\'-,-'--- a at -.'\ ---. r-\\ ( PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT J INSP-ECTION REOUEST TOWN O,F VAIL 'q .l- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NA[/E SPECTION: CAttER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING {i^. PTPTNG - d PooL / H. TUB tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FIDdAL D FINAL ^t ffieaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR hffisxcp JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON UES WED THU ,dEg.tJ,'oN, $fguE.sr , ' /".rowNoF " (/'q(4L- ------@ '"READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMB BUILD!NG: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION i STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr tr B o s n FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR L\\ r r-) -,. \\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT {\ i\\ f\'\- \,L\ \\\DATE \ i{-\- \r JOB NAME ,-.I U INSPECTION TOWN OF r\ r.'-\(' $FSuEsr INSPECTION:MON wED. rHUR @a CALLER TUES READY FOR LOCATION:\( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUNO O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED' INSPECTOB Pnii-rsrro" --S\, il PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT lNsPECfl*O||, REOUEST t'\ JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER t PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I t INSPECTION TOWN OF $F9uEqr ";5/b PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED AM BUILDING: . ' tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o tr tr B tr D UMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING o o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB EI SHEETROCK NAIL )1,*o'-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL \/i'sz D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nFe€P Project Application 6' /q,?2 Pro,ect Name: e at -Ar; .^+ ' Z Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block I r,t.g f 2^-"i'4 e F-3 . zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by:L a-,+ Seconded by: 4^o DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner E statt Approvat ",/a- Date:6. /',|, ?z G. z?.?\ o -- bKrs , 6, rl t 7z o f-,1,n< % '.4 O revised gl4/gL DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TITIS .APPLTCATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTTL ALL FAQUIRED INFOR}IATION IS SUBMTTTED ********** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION:i r 11/,r B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Const.ruction ($200. 00)x Additi-on ($50.00) Minor Alteration ($20. 00) Conceptual- Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS : I 655 \s; peF .'J j iqe Rqad , Va i1 , C() LEGAL DESCRIPTIO*, t.: >1 < ki.,.-/,),, ----subdivision ";,'ii.ii',ir'-,, t"'t"" t "'" If property is described O, u ^u"affi dcqr-ri nf i nn ^'oaqe rrrnrri rla nn = ,\.re.>\_r -LiJL -LUll, IJ,ec._* r-! v v rsv _,, q separate sheet and attach ro this application. E.ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must lot area . provr-oe a current NA-N{E OF M:ilinn APPLICANT' S Acdress:REPRESENTATIVE : :raiq canbriaf Rev{e Phone 17o- 1nu7 1t'l'of flr ' l'tl,o1- . ,t\', rv* }.]AME OF OWNERS: STGNATUP€ (S) :Mailing Address VALUATION $ 0 - s 10,000 $ 10,001 - s 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 15O,OOO $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1,000,000 $ Over S1, C 00, 000 * DESIGN P€VIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRES ONE YE,AR AFTER FTNAI APPROVAI IrNr.,Ess A BUTLDTNG PERMIT rS rssuED Al{D CoNsTRucTrON rs STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WTLL BE PROCESSED T{ITHOUT OI{NER'S STGNATI'RE J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittar- of DRB apptication. Later, when applyj-ng for a building permit, please identify the accurate valrration of the proposal , The Town of Vail- wj. 11 adjust the fee according to the table below, to t ensure f [s sorronf f oo .i. .,.16 - f ,._, n i. - - Jlt ln.l ,.Esr. P^ID: S?l)"1 tlt(fr" FEE SCHEDULE: FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.0c $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ,'lr'l rl_alt --kgr,u i econda NAME OF APPLICANT: Cra j,.r .l.rirrlrt:ia Maiting ACdress:'/ail, Co 31657 phone 47T;4C-6 Orlrtt "ocerro" **rrtcortO SUBDIVISION Lii>nsriclr.re iubciirrisiorr I litt- )rivcpr-:rt JOB NAME LOT BLOCK 4 FILING ADDRESS 1655 .\srr.n i{iclrc llo;cl. The location and avail-ability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Sisnature Date U.S. West Communications L-800-922-]-981 468-6860 or 949-4530 PubIic Service Company 949-578r, Gary HaI1 Holy Cross El-ectric Assoc. 949-s892 Ted Husky,/MichaeI Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District * 47 6-'7 480 Fred HasLee NOTE: * Please bring obtaining Upper flow needs must f .w <'de 6< Hy'-{z..J - r..J f *tJ .d I ',ua- /t\-l r/*^.. 4- t 1-o.-t J d ,/ 1-?-- a-L'| 1t- r-' )7- ? ) * eY , | !\- P'-c -'J 1-a€- tt -,, ,4lt t .-t -)( s/ar l.sz This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing a utility plan and scheduling installations. For any new construction proposal, the appl-icant must provide a completed utilj-ty verification form. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. If the issue is relatively complicated,it should be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibj-lit.y of the utiJ-ity company and owner to resolve identified problems. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the devel-opment can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before dicqinq in any public rlght-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. a site pLan, floor p1an, and efevations when Eagle Val-Iey Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire be addressed. DATE: LEGAI, DESCRIPTION: Lot ADDRESS: ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE D]STRICTS Block _ Fi1ing OWNER Setbacks Front 20,Sides 15'Rear 15, Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking PHONE PHONE Allowed Existinq Proposed TotaI (30) (33) (30) (s0) ?, lAt Reqrd ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SrZE Height. Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA +425= +425= Garage Credit (300) (500) (900) (1200)_ Drive: Permitted Slope 88 Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: - View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No ??2 Envi ronmenta I,/Haz ards :1) Flood Plain 2l Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfaIl c) Debris FIow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file)j Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? *t Note: Under Sections 18 . 12 . 090 (B) and 18 .13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a fong-term rental unit for full-time employees of the Upper EagLe Valley. 10 o \'l -!'r- \ tz -.<t, ii -Y \ v.,- '() . l) a-\4 I l'/ t-/'tn ir Q.' L\r r'b vz, \ /o,t tl lt2l \:/-+-'1 orA..Iort l\rl \v \ \ \ \ \ \ \D\r \s\v\ \trl \ I I tr ao ofi u>z 4't-a F->t 7 f\ \ t ih u=x >l O ,_:Jv i_.-r-r,^\ L ) l-l | '< ?4,/ \ r t-l tL L -> O rV Yt> r-<CJC =dU F-r oZ . j=> L*r L- "j .-l (-) .- - ,.-1 rt !.J H =r- ; 3 Jlr li ol' I \ \ 9, o ot o t<to ; t o I lnr .-o -i>- YO . _: D tr 'ng -f# F 8#i - H/ s,*iJ 5 o frl F ...ts9 E5 out oo 3x oo 3s oo P:r ::B -i rrl ;- z 'o .a ..,.<)tve (u ( t, SiZru tZ- Mzs C,1,u oz t A \ )J (, -U r u')rrl LIST OF MATERIALS O NAME OF PROJECT: ll()t t)rivt cort LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT-----_5 BLOCK 4 SUBDIVISION LiUNSTiCJZT' ,:i] J.r:O -] DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Iit,'.ttr:cl iit:ivt. ;rntl (-'arr)orL The fotlowing information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final- approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof S iding Fascia Soffit s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim la r .rrr.l irt a av(11 .leclrr'ctot.l OLher wa11 Materials .j tr.rcc:r ;rncl -' o:;s ;:'-rck ii c ri. t"'cr c I t-r' :i f 'Ch"-i ;OC'i Hand or Deck Rails lis.ql\..'ood Flues Flashings f-h i mnarrc Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Desiqner: 'rJo r-:lr,li-rilrr Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for decj,duous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees 1s 5 feet. PLANr uarnnrf: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qaf]on.of proposed shrubs Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locatj-ons on a separate lighting pIan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the Ij-st bel-ow and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaj-ning walls, fences, swj-mming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate hej-ghts of retaining walls. Maximum height of waL]s within the front. setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of wal-ls efsewhere on the property is 6 feet. D. or'n RpR l S,gg2 I-IONSFII DGE FTOAD MAI NTENANCE COIVIMITTEE 1655 aspen ridge road \./ail, Co., 8'.| 657 303-476-10'l4 Graj-g Cambria, President The Architectural control Committee in accordance with Article vI of the Ridgecrest at Lionsridge Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions approves the improved drive and carport proposed at 1655 Aspen Ridge Road. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this A^ ltlA auy ' !,,|J ) of ' L992, by Craig Cambria, hereinafter referred to adr "Property Owner" and the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT, and the VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT. quasi-municipal corporations of the State of Colorado,hereinafter referred to as "Districts". WHEREAS, Property O&rner is presently the owner of certain real property described as, Lot 5, Block 4, Filing 3, Lions Ridge Subdivision, which is located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Districts are presently in possession of an easement, 30 feet in width, running through the aforementioned property, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property O!.rner desires to construct a permanent structure that wiLl encroach upon the described easement in an area approximately 23' X 8', said encroachment being described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently in use by the Districts. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The Districts shall permit the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnify the Districts fron the costs of any repairs to the Districts' utirity Lines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shaLl hold harmless the Districts from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utilit.y lines of the Districts, or by the repair of such break by the Districts or by other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemnify the Districts from any increase in the cost of construction of any ner^r utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the Districts'utility lines, such increase, if any, due Lo the proximity of the permanenl structure to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shalI bind the successors and assigns of the Property owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed to run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such tirne that the Districts abandons said easement. This Agreement shalL be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. IN VIITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto havelcaused this ATTEST: Assistant Secretary By By STATE OF COLORADO ,,\\. r\rl'..'. COUNTY OF EAGLE ss. l/]A day, of My Commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE instrument was a , L992, by The_foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this l+4Oay ot G+-.il - , 1gg2, by Warren M. -Garbe, as General Manager of the upper Eagre varrey consolidated sanitation District and the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. CRAIG CAMBRIA UPPEK EAGLS VALLEY CONSOLIDATED AND THE VAIL WATER DISTRICT SANITATION'DISTRICT VALLEY CONSOLIDATED rren M. Gar I General Manager Notary PubIic Notary PubIic t\l My commission expires: l\nunnh^. f, 3, r a qa t'--o ''EXHIBIT A'' tftIS.tt8lF'r "o. -_. ELEC. RANS. O..-- pr.ioNE pEo. G- - :rec. urna '_ FRf H\ONANI 1J6.r 8 PEOES-IRIAN ACCESS EASEMENI - orrun e ?; noo. COVERED STAIRCAST EtIV=6522.s 60'45'J2" \r/.851 P5l- PROPERTY L ItI CENTER 0F pr \l 104.6 7' (e3'* N 28'51 LOT (i lrrt.rl .r.l l,rr l,!r!.,!i t! rlr scrrv.r s,r. tr ,tlf-. I e RroGE EL[V. = E501.7' CARAGE OUruNE 6 RrocE ELEV - 6s0€.1' A..a*.. o$ R.1ues\eA Rsrq..roqdtwtq'tf B,) .: AND rrO"E cuARANTEE lo"pANy Representlng Title Insurance Conpany of Minnesota THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Septenber 25, 1989 Our Order: VL42O1 BUYER3 NANCY A. KAZARIAN SELLER; CRAIG F. CAI'{BRIA, WILLIA}.I E. GO!{SKI AND JEAN E. GOWSKI ADDRESS ! CISSER 1 Attn: ARZANA VAIL VALLEY REAL ESTATE DELTVER IN VAIL RUNS 1 Attnt SVZI WEBER VAIL HOME RENTAI,S DELIVER IN VATL RI'NS 1 Attn: PATTY NICKSON COPIES 1 Attn: PICKED UP FOR DELIVERY AM PM MINNESOTA TrTr5 l\ 544O Ward Road Arvada, CO 8000 2 424.4241 33OO So. Parker Rd., Suile 105 Au rora, CO 8001 4 75I 4336 I 8l 0 30rh Srreel Bc u lde r, CO 8030l 44.1 4 t 0l 200 North R idge P. O. Box 2280 Ereckenridge, CC I0424 453 2255 512 W lcox Casl e Rock, CO 80104 688 6363 212 Norlh Vy'ohsa tch Co lo ra do Sp.ings, CO 80903 634 4821 Commitment To lnsure lssued through the 0ffice of; P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 32t-1880 8d2l E. Hampden Sulte 100 Denver, CO 80231 7 5A-4223 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver. CO 80221 427 9353 I201 Ma in Ave n ue Durango, CO 81 301 247.5860 7700 E. Ar:pahce Rd. Su ile 150 Eng evrcod, CO 801 l2 77C 9596 3600 So. Ycsem ife Denver. CO 8023/ 694 2837 LAND TITLE GLARANTEE CON4PANY 108 Scutr F.cnldge Road V/. P.O. Bcx 357 Va il, CO Bl65B 476 2251 3030 S. Col ege Avenue Su ite 20 l Forl Collins. CO 80525 482-901 5 710 Kipling Sireet Lakewood, CO 802l5 232 3r r r 3609 So. Wadsworth Suite 1 l5 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 I I 990 Grdnt Slreel Su ite 220 Norlhg en n, CO 80233 452 0l 49 19590 Easl ,V,a n Slreet Pa rker. CO 80134 84 t .490 0 108 Souih Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Va il, CO 81658 476 2251 LAND TITLE GLJARANTEI COt\4PANY MINNESOTA TITLA Commitment To Insure ALTA Commitment-1 970 Rev TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 0F IVINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporat on, herern called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or polic es of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or refened to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all sublect to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Slipulations hereof. This Commitment shallbe effective onlywhen the dentity 0fthe proposed nsured and the amount 0Ithe policy or policies committed for have been inserted n Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or bv subseouent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of tille insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate s x months after the effectrve date hereof or when the policy or policies commifted for shall tssue, wh chever first occurs, provlded that the failure to issue such policy or polic es is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPUIATIONS 1. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shal include deed of trust, trust deed, 0r other security Instrument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any deiect, lien. encumbrance. adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate 0r interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liabilrty for any loss or damage result ng from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure ol the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otheruise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect. lien, encumbrance, adverse claim 0r olher matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedu e B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not rel eve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 o{ these Conditions and Stipulat 0ns. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed lnsured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies commrtted for and only for actual loss incuned in reliance hereon in undertaking rn good faith {a)to comply with the requirements hereof or ib)to eliminate exceptions shown n Schedule B, or (c}to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liab lity exceed the arnount stated in Schedule A for the po icy or policies committed for and such liability is subject t0 the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulat ons and the exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of th s Commitment except as expressly modified hereir. 4. Any action 0r actions 0r rights 0f action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring aga nst the Company arising out 0f the status o1 the trtle to the estate or interest 0r the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are sublect t0 the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Cove ra g e a bove referred to, this Commitment is also su bje ct to the following: 1. Bights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records, 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, sh0rtage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and in sp ectio n of the p remises would d isc los e and which are not shown by the p u blic records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appeariri\j in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHERE0E Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate na me and sealto be hereunto affixed by its dulV authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA .ffr,4lwg. 7lytLNA, Authorized Signatary TIM Form 2582 Atra couurrr,rENT SCHEDULE A Application No. V1420L For fnfornation OnIy , - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy $973. oo s20.00 Taxcertit:-rotol-- g993.oo With your renittance please refer to V14201. 1. Effectlve Date: September 19, 1989 at glOO A.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: trALTArr Ownerrs Policy $375,OOO.OO Form 8-1970 (Anended 10-17-70) Proposed Insured: NANCY A. KAZARTAN 3. The ertate or interest In the land deecribed or referred to in this Connitnent and covered hereln Le: A Fee Slnple 4. Title to the eatate or Lnterest covered herein is at the effectlve date hereof vested ln: CRAIG F. CN{BRIA, WILLIAI'I E. GOWSKI AND JEAN E. GOWSKI 5. The land referred to in this Cornrnitrnent is described as follows: PARCEL B, A RESUBDIVISION OF IOT 5, BIOCK 4 LIONIS RIDGE SUBDTVISION FTTING NO. 3 ACCORDING TO THE PI.,AT RECORDED OCTOBER 18,, 1983 IN BOOK 370 AT pAcE 8O?, COUNTV OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. -:- PAGE 1 ALrl"oMMrrMENr SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirernents) Application No. VL42O1 lhe following are the reguirernents to be conplied with: 1. Pa]aaent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be-insured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured nust be executed and-duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. EVTDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PROVTSIONS OF THE TOI{N OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANTy DEED FROM CRArG F. CN{BRrA, WTLLTAI-| E. GOI{SKI AND JEAN E. cowsKr TO NANCY A. KAZARTAN CONVEYING SU&7ECT PROPERTY. PAGE 2 ALTI "oMr.rrrr.{ENT SCHEDULE 8.2 (Exceptions) Application No. V142Ol The policy or pollcies to be issued wirl contain exceptlons to the followlng unless the same are disposed of to the satilfaction of the Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxeg and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessnents not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. LienE for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROU SHOULD THE SN,TE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREI,TISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 16, 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 10. RTGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI-S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNTfED SIATES AS RESERVED fN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 16, 1909,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CIAUSE, BUT OIIITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RJACE, COI-R, RELIGION, OR NATIONAIJ ORIGIN, AS CONEAINED IN INSTRWENT RECORDED Septernber 20, L972,IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRIIilENT RECoRDED September 2s,L972, IN BooK 225 Al PAGE 565 AND AMENDED IN BooK 233 AT PAGE 53. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, IVHTCH DO NOT CONTATN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE' BUT OIIITTING RESTRICTfONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COIOR, RELIGION, OR NATfONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRITUENT RECORDED January 02, LIAO,IN BOOK 295 AT PAGE 546 AND AS N,IENDED IN INSTRUI-IENT RECORDED Decenber 22,1985, rN BOOK 432 AT PAGE 930. 13. UTTLITY EASEMENTS TWENTy FEET IN WIDTH, TEN FEET ON EACH SIDE Or ALL TNTERTOR I,oT IJINES AND A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT AIPNG AND ABUTTING ON ALL EXTERIOR IOT LINES AS RESERVED ON TIIE PI,ATS FOR LIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVTSTON, FILING NO. 2 AND IJIONIS RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 3. 14. UTTLTTY EASEI,IENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, rNC. rN INSTRUI'fENT RECORDED August 24, L967, IN BOOK 211 AT PAGE 103 AND RECORDED JUNE 19, L973 rN BOOK 229 Ar PAGE 655 AND RECORDED JULY 31, 1973 rN BOOK 230 AT PAGE 351. : PAGE 3 ALTO"or,!MrruENT SCHEDUI,E B-2 (Exceptions)Appllcation No. V14201 15. AGREEMENT BETWEEN TAYVEL EWIRONMENTAL I,AND COI''PANY AND MOUNTAIN STATES TEI,EPHONE AND TEI.,EGRAPH COUPANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONE INSTALINTION AND SERVICE THRoUGHoUT LIoNrs RIDGE sUBDIvIsIoN, FILING No. 2 RECoRDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 291. 16. FOR ZONTNG PURPOSES, THE TWO IOTS CREATED BY THIS SUBDIVISTON ARE TO BE TRE.ATED AS ONE ENTITY WITH NO UORE THAN ONE TWO FAUTLY RESIDENCE ALIOWED ON THE COMBINED AREA OF THE TWO IPTS. ALIPWABLE GROSS RESIDENTIAL FIOOR AREA FOR THE TWO FN'IILY RESIDENCE I{ILL BE CAICUL,ATED BASED ON THE COI,IBfNED AREA OF THE TWO IOTS. 17. ENCROACHUENT OF GARAGE ONTO ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOT{N ON THE RECORDED PIJAT. 18. TliRMs, coNDrrroNs AND PRovrsroNs oF ENcRoAcHIfENT AGREEMENT REcoRDED Novenber 30, 1983 IN BOOK 3?3 AT pAcE gg9. NOTEs SAID AGREEUENT REI..ATES TO ITEM #],7 ABOVE. 19. TERI|S' CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WAL,L AND COMMON AREAS DECL,ARATIoN RECORDED October 18, 1983 IN BOOK 370 AT PAGE 808 RECORDED DECEITTBER 1, 1983 IN BOOK 373 AT PAGE 957. 20. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ANNEXATION AGREEMENT RECORDED Novenber 01, 1985 IN BOOK 428 AT pA€E 936 AND IN BOOK 428 AT PAGE 937. 21. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND BUTLDING ENVEI'PE AS SHOWN AND RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF LIONSRIDGE SUBDTVTSION FILING NO. 3 AND RESUBDTVISION THERETO. 22. ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEI.IENTS THTRTY FEET IN WIDTH AIONG THE NORTHWESTERLY I,oT LINE OF SUA'ECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED RESUBDIVISION PI,AT OT I4T 5, BI,CK 4, LTON| S RrDGE SUBDMSION FILING NO. 3. PAGE o o COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P.O. BOX 357, VA|L, COLORADO 81657 Telephone (3031 47 6 -2251 @it$tuql f . IYt ertlaaf-,r ng Representing: TIM Form 25A2 2/7a AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT-1970 Rev. a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Scheduie A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and a1l liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective dale hereof or when the policy or policies commilted for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2, If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of relance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed InsuLed to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect,l.ien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. I.iability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com- mitted for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or inlerest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines. shortage in area, encroachmcnts, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien. or right to a lien. for services, labor or material thcretofore or hereafter furnishcd. irlposed by Iarv and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created. first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to thc dat€ the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Comnritrnent. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has causcd its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validatrng officer or other authorized sisnatorv. -Q,,1-;.7e-"=-_ Sccretary- a O a At"TA f: 0f1 11 IlflENT $it;Ht:Dl.lLl': g- I ( R*qu i r*rrtents ) App'l i c at i on No, VO0O39i? 1'h,r following are thrr requirEr0ents to be coropl i*cJ with:1, f:'agntent to or fon th* account of the gnantons or orontgagors of fhe 'Ftt I I cons i d*rat i on l'or th* *stat* on i nterest tn h* i nsured . ? . I''nop,sp i nstr^utrrent ( s ) creat i ng the *st ate or int,ert'est to b* insurerd rnust b* ex*cuted and rjulg filed ao" "o.ord, tn- wit: 3. AGREEIIEN SUP.OI{DINATING DHID O]. TRU$T FROII CRAIC CAI'IBRIA TO THE FUt1I. IC I'RUSTEE OF EA6LE FOR THE USE OF RAYI'IOND E. BRHNNER, ''IICHAEL J, DUtRSTEN AND CHARLHS C, !'HrTE T0 SECURE THE 5Uf'r 0F $112,50{1,00 RICoRDED FEP,RUARY 04, 1980, IN 8,00H ?98 AT FAGE ?3? T0 THE DEEn 0F TRUST TO tsg INSUR€O HI.REIN. 4. DEED OF TRU$T FROII CRAI6 CAIIERIA TO THF. F''UP.LIC TRUSTF:E OF gAGLE COUNTY FOR I'III U$E OF'VAIL NATIONAL BANK IO $ECUNE TIIE IiUII OF s4ou, 000,00. t OO ALIA fiOIT'IIlIIEN] 5CH[.DULH g-:I ( li,>rc.t';rt ion* ) Ap'rp' L icat ion No, ULlO0,i?$? lftr* prJlicq or Foticies tn be issu*d uill cont*in *xc*ptions to th*follawing unless the earde ere disposed of to the *atiEfaciion of the CotttF,anU I I . $tandarc{ Exc ept i ons 1 tlrrough 5 6,n i nt,ed on the c ovEn sheet , 6 . Taxes and asEqss,tlr-1ntE not get du* or pagah le and sF ec i a I ass,rEEments not get cent if ied t,o the Treaguner^'s of f ice. '/ . Ang un;:'a i d tar:es or tssFrxssrrl':"!nt,i aga inFt sa i cJ lancJ. S, Liens for^ unpaid wat*n and sewen charges, if ang. ,?" RI{]II1 OI. PROF,RIETOR Of.'A VEIN OR LODH TO HXTRACT AND ftHIIOVE HIS ORE TI.IH'{EFROf'I $}IOULD THE !;Af'.IE P.E FOUND TO F,ENITRATE O'I IiITERSgCT THg f:'RET'IIIJE$ A5 RESERVED IN UNII'ED STATFS PATENT RECORDED AU6IJST 16, 19O9, IN P.00K 48 AT UAGH :i4?. 10. RI$}{1 Of: I.IAY I"OR UITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE- AUTIIORl Y OT: TllE UNITE0, STATE$ Ali tlESERVED IN UNII'f:D IilATrS PAI'ENf R['"f,ORDED AU6U$T 16y l?0?, IN p,00K 48 A'r PAGE 542. It. RESt'RrCl'rUt; CoUENANTS, LJfr lCH D0 N0T C0NlAIN A FORFETTURH OR frEVF:RrER cLAUSE, A5 iloNTAINEO IN INSTRUfIENT RECoRDt-"0 $EFTEf'tgER ?0, 1V72, iN ROO}( :I25 AT I?AOE 44;5 AND AS Af'IENDEO IN INSl'RIJf'IENT REIORDED SHFTE''IBER ??, 1977, IN E00H t25 AT FAGE $65 ANo AS AfiENDED IN R00t( ?33 AT trAGE q? 1?" UTILITY EASiEt4ENT9i 2t] FEET IN t'IDTi{, t0 FEeT 0N F,ACH SIDE 0F ALL INIF-RIOR LOI I."INE$ AITID A 15 FOOT t,TILITY EAIiEfIENT ALON'J AND ABUTTING ON ALI,, T,XTgRTOR LOT LINH$ AS RH$I.RVT,D ON TIiE, F1-AI F'OR LION'S RIO$H SUP.DIVISI0N, f.ILIN6 NO. 3" 13. I{iGHT OF I,JAY HA$EIIHNT A$ GRANTFD TO HOLY CHOSS EL,E:CTTTIC AS$OCIATION, {Nrl ., rN rNsTrlul{EN1'RE[oRDHD AU6tJSl',?4, lVh/ rN tr,00l.(;]11 AT FAriF- 1{}:{. 14 " ASIiTTf'IT.NT LIET}'EEN TAYVEL [:NVIFNI'IEN'TAL LANO [;OIIF.ANY AND fIOUNTAIN STATES THLEPHONH AND I'ELEGRAFH COt!PANY PROVIDIN6 FOR THLEPHONE INSjTALLATT0N AND SiEFUICH'THROU6H0UT L.I0N'S RID6H $t.JtrDMSI0N, FILING N0. I RE[0RDED SEFTEf'IBER 17, 1r73 IN p.00K 231 AT FASE ??1. T5, EASiUIIENTS A$ $IiOI,'N ON THE RECOITDED F'LAT, 16" OhHll 0l': lla..USl DATF:D JANUARY.lt.l , 1980, FR0f'l CRAIfi [A,tlBRIA 1'0 Tl-lE PUBLTC 1RU$TT.[. OF EATJLE COUNTY F OFi THH USE: OT 'IID6[CNES ASSOCIA F-5,prLIa'l I'l'ED PAfITNHRSHIF l'0 5t:CURF- 1'ltI SUft 0F $t??,:iUtl .00 RIC0til]ED f:LBRUARY 0/rr 1?80, IN ftO0K;l?B AT f'A(iE t3t, . $AID DHT-:D OT: TRI,I$T t!Ali A5liIt]NIiD TO [IAY''1OND [. P,RHNNE}T, I'I.tCHAHL .I . P'UE.R!iTEN AND CFIARLE.S C. I,IIlI'TI IN AiiTiIGNIIL.NT RHCOHDED AUGUST ?9, -,=A1... 1'A r.: iiil;Yl Irftr:.,\r lif;l-ll llulf 'I-;f - I ? { [ :rc.::i:,1. i ctr"rs] A1'r;.,1 i rat. i nn f'la' trUfJiJ:{y."i;l l"'y'iJtiy ,tN l-r,{}{il{ :itl7 Al }iAiif. r:}51r. L q- c,-o o ! rd P 5 E o1)t!^t6 z- OQ z-v.FL =€dlo 4.- 9V I I ,c I:J t<a la z l=to l(,tz .= (.t UJ uJ LL E =E uJ - or c lt+ ;E*c l=.e*€! lP EH9# l5 J C X O tt: ,T$Ce IE ffiil$ E:ilIE] #E.Jtr #iLs ):O-D J ^? o9F =+.j s:Eg€$-:9o.E \3 EEi;=5\ o'-.: - \'E-9oE."nt "l i o o Fr.) :=:= s (J >'=!t r 1-o59 ;F.eg S ESeg'\Y F$iss cto o{,!.= f 'F CJ (l)o {J(E :'E -.b .tF C,F >d.'-c' oc -o- of +.:t t 'r€ ctE {J-anc -'E -(t <.9 o,qt .2 E (\'o o 6 : qt o o)E o =o T o 6 (D (D o o ro F\ ri U' uJ uJ F =E t!o F o F F =E,ul o-o z J .D o =UJ UJ z ; uJ z o O Lr) (f) E, llJ G z 9 =o z tr G UJ E9-!4 3 < rH 2 3=d =oE iE g;B Hb ooorz z 9= =3 E4 f8 OE H: IIJ \J >(J oz ol E z z tr o = z I F J f tn z uJ l J ? UJ z Y i F e^i!!x-o Jt-= tu @ 4) C> -{iJ (f o z F =E Iu o- (:-<.€ U dl c\l r c! 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(r 5 o( o 3 (r 6 o \ t-a (! o CL :-r z ( h N L \ .n UJ Llr I E t,-t F F (J =cl :) CJ E o in d J c J 2 I = NCrlVnrVA I (J o> z :< =ZtL i'z to ;F ; z ;^ ao 2;-OO rr< -?o-Y \f \t-- j t0 l\ t z F l '.i F o l LU ('l- F u \ \\ i v) 1^\ tI .{iI c z 9 c-) L)-{ z tr ca tr z l z ; C c i r) F z : =!r 3 c (5o zz s; *e'od ^r-^q2 =:;[,4 9ZEo:3f2oY *t ! lii \6 2 \j'a; \i< i?f }g z-d e OEEEH ;3Hts: ')l,.,1 \ z ;)f a z = ?ri I , t()l EH =ll (-) ^l ol 3l -L o ; F o z u ] 7- I I I I i I I ,' z - (J a .\: N \ .-{- R o- g. 3 o E H ffPt'-J ':*"xji- {-1 .t lennv L. BMAt{tA . ARGlllrEGt I 30 PIMLOT LATIE ],ILL VALLEY, CASIF, 9494II + Tnct'( TM|E Z7l<'VOa 2/ott ww@ Ef -* #e' dt o' o, - * vai I Y'r NAI!a 4ro,o,-,.. nh ZWaa,*- 61* Lvoa,- bro llz" 4 Le. ba? pA b@f r,l$ t A4* l*vr € ne* ?oatto Q oft a,o. A9 ftt \)6 &z4YJ q= g*iWW F vq<v ) tu* lwr - v* ?pr',rte Wo'tt ruYl t/z'+ A.IvlW Hir . @12.t a,a,* oo4,E* lP', ct4v,a--- A>z,z*leq o 4prap, ztce, P+4wr @1ltaa- t44,a*lpa. o art o lltluwVvw rr,tod dO A(o, q-?t5?r NAes 41, a-- +dtn Z,tJ'a*- bqOtltr 2' a- 11ortt' ^-I- -'- llal 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 {303) 475-7000 or tuwn u office of communllY develoPmenl Apri'l 24 , .l984 Craig Cambri a P. 0. Box 2800 Va'i I , Col orado, 81658 RE: Modi ficati on of Garage Roof: Lot 5, Blk 4, Lionsridge 3 Dear Craig, Iamwritingtoconfirmstaffapprovalofthenewroofdesignforthe gu;ig". It"is our understanding that al'l materials will match those ireviously approved-by the Desi!n Review Board' I hope the new roof ijne will-alieviate your snow shedding problem! Si ncerely, K't^?,[ Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP,/ rme . ENCL. lii F o Prolect..A'ppl lcatlon ""," \, ,\ Jt , 14 6'1 hd\Ul Projoct Name: Project Description:n\hura Contact Person and Phon€ Owner, Addrs$ and Phone: Architect. Addrees and Phone: , lot 5 , eto"r Ll , ritins , ,"* R/'Pfjat- Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: Kr[^ ft,{ n Town Planner "",", \rt\ J\, RFI {st"n Approval o1 f1 Project Application ,:r4N rte" I Project Name: , & .4.il.t 1g tr.rt-f cl Lu,"?-Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot J arocx 4 ,pi1;ns z- /(ui>l rk2s{.*=3 , 2.n. Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL OF ( nL.'rl1-- E-E l- rr'24t..r/..i E-),.- I n()' ,r1, o /24o , J i) i9, t fi-A4 /;,a_ _11.<r d < O?4, {,t1,4-ANAuL 2o a-. E Staft Approval CRAIG F. CAMBRIA COR CAROLI P.O. BOX 2800 1655 ASPEN RIDCE RD. vArL, coLoRADO 81657 Augnrst 31, 1984 Building Inspector Town of Vail P.O. Box 100 vail , co 81657 Dear Gary : Pertaining to our conversation August 23rd on construction of entrance walkway for Cambria residence, f request you approve walkway as completed. f feel the depth of each step makes up for the lack of one additional landing. The height of the retaining wall and the sha]-]-ow staircase should suffice iegarding the lack of an additional railing. I will make any changes you reguire, but I would appreciate an approval as the entrance stands. The design review board stressed aesthetics in design approvalr drid I feel any change vould affect the overall appearance of mY home. In consideration of above approval I agree to indemnify and save harmless the town of Vail and its staff against all claims, suits and damages incurred because of lack of landing or railing. Thank you for your consideration. S incerely, ,,' I t./:-rlz.,, L//4-4 \ /t*(-...--,''/\ CraiOrlCanbtia. _ // ENCROACHI.TENT AGREEMENT f agree to the encroachment indicated on resubdivision of Lot SrBloc)< 4, Lion's Ridge subdivision filing #3 Town of Vailr Eagle County, Colorado, with survey completed date of 9/2/83. In consideration of the issuance of the above agreement owner agrees to indemnify and save harmless against all claims, suits, damages and costs incurred to or due to encroachment structure. 1-26-8s Date 8-3-e'{ OI,iTIe r N/A tnership Craig Cambria P.O.Box 2800 vail,co.81658 Town Of Vail Attorney Toltrn Of Vail- P.O.Box 100 Vai1,Co.81658 Dear Larry; In Consideration of the approval of resubdivision of Lot 5, Block 4, Fil-ing No.3 Lionrs Ridge Subdivision I agree to the folJ-owing. 1. To indemnify and save harmless the tor^r.n of VaiL from and against all claims, suits, damages, costsr losses and expenses resulting from encroachment as indicated on resubdivision plat vith survey date of 9-2-83. 2, To remove said structure if objection is voiced by any party having the right of use of such easement. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT I agree to ttre encroachment indicated on resubdivision of Lot srBlock 4, Lion's Ridge subdivision filing #3 Tovm of Vailr Eagle County, Colorado, wittr survey completed date of 9/2,/83. In eonsideration of the issuance of the above agreement ouner aqrees to indennify and save harmless against all claims, suits, damages and costs incurred to or due to eneroactrment structure. ?u^fud*. ^lfl Eccc ' ENCROACHI'IENT AGREEI-IENT f agree to the encroachment indicated on resubdivision of Lot 5rBlock 4, Lion's Ridge subdivision f iling #3 Tor'rn of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, with survey completed date of 9/2/83. In cons-ideration of the issuance of the above agreement ouner agrees to indemnify and save harmless against all claims, suits, damages and costs incurred to or due to encroachment structure. ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT I agree to tl.e encroachment indicated on resubdivision of Lot 5rBlock 4, Lionrs Ridge suMivision filing #3 Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, with survey completed date ot 9,/2/83. In consideration of the issuance of the above aqreement owner agrees to indemnify and save harmless against all claims, suits, damages and costs incurred to or due to encroachment structure. 9-z,s-es Date ?-a/*s3 A lz Le{/frt/cz//-<^- t ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT I agree to the encroachment indicated on resubdivision of Lot 5rBlocK 4, Lion's Ridge subdivision filing #3 Tovn of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, with survey completed date ot 9/2/83, In cons-ideration of the issuance of the above aqreement orttner agrees to indemnify and save trarmless against all claims, suits, damag'es and costs incurred to or due to encroachment structure. ZS-E? ,/ ,' (/ -re//rz-Datb 4,:/ C,-- s -,E/,/n) a- I ENCR.A'HMENT AGREE MEO THIS AGREEMENT, A, made and encered inEo Ehis fi,IS+ - ', day of 0ctober, 1983, by Craig F. Cambria, hereinafter referred to as "Property 0wner" and cbe Upper Eagle Valley SaniEacion District, and the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District' quasi-municipal corporacions, hereinafter referred to as "Districts". WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the o$tner of that properEy described on Exhibic A, which is located in Eagle CounEy' Colorado, said Exhibir A being, aEtached hereEo and incorporated herein by chis reference; and WHEREAS, the DisEricts are presently in possession of an easement, 30 feet in width, running through the aforementioned propercy, which easement is described on Exhibit B' attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference; and WHEREAS, tbe Property Owner has or is about to construct a permanenE sEructure thac is or will encroach upon the described easement, said encroachmenE being described on Exhibit C, aEEached herero and made a part hereof by this reference; and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presenEly being put to use by Ehe Districts. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the convenanEs and promises herein, Ehe parties undersigned hereby aBree as follows: 1, The Districts shall permit the permanenE structure Eo encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnify the DisEricts from Ebe coscs of any repairs co the Districts'urility linest whictr may occur, or may have occurred, as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easemenl. 3. The Property Owner shall hotd harmless the Districts from the cost of repairing any damage to the strucEure, which damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in the vicinity of this easement, o! by a break in present and/or future utilicy lines of the Districts, or caused by the repairing bv the DistricEs of such break or other maintenance of the lines. 4. L.oourty owner shall ,"r.ify the Districts from any increase in the cosl of any repairs to Ehe Districts' utility Iines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanent strucrure to the utitity lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind rhe successors and assigns of the ProperEy Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed Lo run with and for the benefit of l-he aforementioned ProPerEy in Eagle County, Colorado until such time that the DisEricts abandon said easement, and this AgreemenE shall be recorded against said property in accordance wich rhe laws oF the State of Colorado. SIGNED AND DELIVERED EhiS day of Oelohsf , ra3_. By: Its Upper Eagle Val Ley San i taE ion Distr ict S IATE t]F C]OLORADO (]I)L]NTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO C{lt';';1Y 0F EAGLE l,li t ness comnlss tQn address is: ev Consolidat-ed lrtater District. ) ) ss. ) .1t The foreqoins, instrument ffauy "i@_. 1983, _by ( 1 f9l'l r i,{ I rrness my nanc ano oIIrc ) ) SS. ) l,l v Mv Vail Valley Consolidated Llater DistricE "rr-E ackno_wledged be f ore me th i s t'!,r connlssion expires, t\Z\g4 !1v .rddress is: my hand and off ic ial seal. l'.t r All.| (/ I tt- ^ \ l-l\tF 0, - \ rq4--4 \=^:-) | IIr\ -^-\- N()t arv l'(tf) t lc insrrument was acknowledged be f r-ire me this , 1983, !r Ono.: , | 1) ' = ^'(' , Ior Lhe U On was sea .A 2o1\t (e , P,tk 3t - o 9/---1__- _---LOT 4 ,,.e'#('' ,*", ) '{r h-, .'2.a . -.'' '' .,{^1 ,"o \o \ \O. \c.',er*ccv 1.," ',.e .r N6-',. 'l{ ' 'll 7 \o. tt"" \b. \, ( -o\ ,0. 'i,, \'t". u'\ c..,,\'t, i \ ?\\\ --.. ,'n , ExH tBtl- A , Lot-S, Bloc-k-zl , !rolsRrc{qe- ls.r-L>d uurs toN , Frlrncl 3, 0 r r -'. r Tsr.oc\ c)\ V+t t )bsQ\t-c-oun\c1 Color.sdc' \ TRACT A i-ll ATE 't/5/83 APPL ICANT APPLICAT]ON FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEl.'l Craiq F. Cambria NAME OF MILING ADDRESS P.O. Box 2800 Vail, Colorado 81658 PHONE R NAME OF MA IL ING APPL ICANT'S ADDRESS REPRESENTATIVE Stutz, Dyer e Miller NAME OF OI^JNER'S MAILING PROPERTY OI^IN (pr 825 Loqan Street Denver, Colorado 80203/PHONE 861-1200 PH]NE-?_76__!pl!t_ nt or g F. Cambria S IGNATURE ADDRESS lorado 81658 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT S BL0CK---4-SUBDIVISI0N r,i ons ni rlge FILING u.. a E. FEE $.|00.00 PAID F. MTERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 't . Two myl ar copies of the dupiex subdjvjsjon plat following the requirements of section I 7..l 6b30(c) 1 ,2,3,4,6,7 ,8,9,.l0,.|I ,l 3 and l4 of the Subdivision Regui ations. 2. The plat must contain the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity wjth no more than one two-family residence allowed on the comb'ined areas oi the two'l ots." The statement must be modified according to the number of Iots created. 3. A copy of the declarations and,/or covenants proposed to assure the maintenance of any common areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEt.l CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17,24 of the Subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Cormunity Development will be responsibie for promptly recording the p1 at and accompanying documents with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vail approvai. n. o PARTY WALL DECLARATION Whereas, the undersigned, Craig F. Cambria anq ^ . :'-'-----=--' --=or tne rol Iowlno been erected ; . arc the nreqcnt title hOIderS described real- estate, upon which thene has duplex nesidence: Lot 5, Block 4, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 3, EagJ-e County, Colorado Whereas, in the construction of said buildinq there is a wall dividing both of said residences; and Whereas, it 1s the intention of the underslgned that i-n the event of safe or transfer of either or both of said residences, that said dividing wa11 shal1 remain in the same condition for the use of any and all subsequent purchasers; Now, therefore, for the purpose of declari-ng their inten-tions, the undersigned hereby state: 1. Said dividing wa11 shall be a party waIl for said real estate so long as both of said residences as now constructed shalI not be materially altered or changed. 2. No persons shal I from the party wa11 in any tion that the party wal-1 position as when erected. have the right to add to or detract manner whatsoever, 1t being the inten- shall at all times remain ln the same 3. If it shall become necessary to repair the party waIl,the expense of rebuilding the same shall be borne by the then owners of the fee, in equal proportions, and whenever the party walI, or any portion thereof, shall be rebu11t, it shall be erected on the same place where it stands and be of the same size as when originally erected. 4. This declaration shall at all times be construed as a covenant running with the land. 5. This declaration sha1l be binding upon the undersign- ed, their successors, assigns and grantees. In Witness Whereof. the parties have caused this agreement to be signed this day of , 1983. Craig F Cambria JEf 'l , / a- tal'liA ,.nU ,^"'1 'G 30 F rt..ii_oTt" LANE' tvlll-L V;\Lt-EY CA. 94341 415 '.', r ,. u.-O -::t::$tflElE&td$lbtE!tuge[::*in{nt;s'tlFt{Foii}Jra}r$q&ll$ffitr::5i]i;CmE6aql:1:w-l9a1r@iU&;ai' GTI'IT I-,EI,{UNT I ?T,EASI rrl'trD rlicL0sr") cAr,cuT,ArroNS' T0 vERrFy' mtE Fli,^.t,lruG CHANGtis T0 THE SUBJECf PRoJi;lCT. THIS :l.riTTnn'IS ro Coxrrrnir ll{llsn cHAirGltS \7Hrcll fiIlERE F]-EI,D vnRrFrED BY PHOI{L' wrril fl{ii cnr,t:rnl.r,, coNTRAcir0R {ll'lq4RY 2l-, 1983. PLIJiISI CAtrr rF yOU,HAV.E any OuU;rrONS i'iITH RESPECI [O TJ]E ENCI,OS]ID CAICUI,ATTONS;' Jl,t,iuARY 2r/ rg93 ATT].)NT]ON, BUTI,DfItrG INSP]]0TIOI[. TOITI{ OF VAI], SUiIJECT: COIiCAROT,f I,li0JECT: FOF. Cti.\IG ClLtiDRI/t SINCiT"' I. SI,1A}I]A ARCIJII]ICT AIA j1s/me cc: . CR.,1IG CAI.ti'tRIA , 'C-oi^,C/.,r,^,t:,L-l f .\t;^lt- , :1.,c1.Q',:/.ptQ l:.Lt+, llttt-.il ! ttl-i :<.; Lr)''';i) ]1r.1/:.r-1 I HUvtG\*\ lrtaiQ\0 Q: ]a! t21 ,:ta,! AS ti-'-li;;,clq !-'vial{tT[p l.tl-4'r.1ji^i6. ft.i+. )v'.; r*,g- ,r*,T "d - i4 ! ot' ti . | 4' i 2-rt- b"/.-- - 11'z,l t* L nt ^tf f jf Y.l :Lr-t{a\ l"v1.i\iu-{:} e- Ne6' t'r:!!\12' (. t'7 Zrn -3 . lvav"iLu)T =1 bh-t --6 LtJai?-':".'a.'\, F'< (A6G lo: \ Atr'",, trt4 (a1 ) crrax ,-.9-':-,,; # lo/le /7j i't:":-; 4lt.,iG !,it t' liul VEyz IN9)Lr.r/ cF YFin: i-{-tdv'lN U-!,9_o,' g. .+ Jeir.:..r',11 gq" .Ar,c.$ 1V"1, @r'ta:ra'"t l'L,a 'l{ ;t}. 'u, | ^t 't^7 /\v> c:x'Q ?kE!- o? t'tatax'a-It4J g> r *[4 &,xttl4u5 - .O,t,Zg, 'tr..l3. c} tiZ w$ oF UlulT "A" lGr, >.s - !! z"t'c <Xr'\ }b.J|'tlx/,) - - zt,,-f '5lft,' ,./ .-- iyrr V """. . 11- '- Ltpl- gq*rp. 3;,oe ' flA ?f'F' .41 'i'&r* i t z 7!zzx)r'tr' n4- A:p# \ v.:':..'' . ,;,cF l-f !l : r '|'Ckt ,\€-tT\ .:F -5 . l'c5 ,>'t, t^u' l \r-r) T.r,1hl.lE, la L jil-, (e:i"lrer'l'. Y1<z)\'l',:)U" ? - l't' i'l l-lpf/:; 1lt*l 'r.,, 6 -l('*t.:, ha L}l iu 'fb l.i-rrr.r.-,. trv Qyff6iL:,trE Ol- , ''.,)',7r'!N? r fAlif.i.l c:r,i V\ ':',-:/ t''L2l'fii' Y---v ./ \._ .:) ,"41.:_ Ai,6 c'a+" \^lA{ liz< qat (y,rce zz K---- Jl4r6r,l l't:ttr iat-. frtg ?;ht4lt;b I't 91a,f '!_1?Li l,ztzt?'? s 15tr-6r{ Jla:+;_--n\ ,XNi'Sl AN > Io'-e-t, L<-\,t- r-ulbl;Jlr '7 - f\i!2 f;-;t'4 ,.ic- r'Ll[5 - 1++1> FAI |'tltt' C- iJf,.)i1 "15'l *l- Uli :li€; .Cf (\j)--t.lur..- k1: lV''*JN 2l'.llir,c' *r Liri'-''G- l,.t-. or:t-i?- .latoLa jra..li *-19 2ll r r,. \. !)" ?itll/ lild.)l * f i.,AJt c'.iT Of- -./f I '?', ---,"r *i t,trT I t o' \' ! I \----->- l!rEil o{ Ft,i.tolL'v frtot4. 5:/rr-t'15,a L - l, I 4.+,:tc; aJ)JJ'.r"\ G 55,. f,:rr:rr ',;\e. -7 I CMIG F. CAMBRI.A COR CAROLI P. O. BOX 2800 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Ivl.ry 5, 1982 Dear }ir. Anilrews, Regerding the constructlon of Cor Caroli; a d.upt.ex to be buil-t on ],ot 5, Block 4, F31ing 13, lionsridge Subdivlsion. Ihe fo1-lowing will be ad.trereil to accord.ing to agreement between Wi}}iau And.rews and Craig C rmbria. 1. Excavation and for:nd.ation m:.y proceed. at the tine of rcquiring building pernit. 2. tr'ra.nlng will- proceed. only when access to lot 1s assureil by way of Aspen Ridge-Road. I NSP PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: ECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /'tt,-,INSPECTOR m OATE .t' ,*#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME ,'" '' l' ' t! , (* ' ' 't$. ' t t:;: 't.::- 7i CALLER TUES AM :., -PM :READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON wED ,lfntr.n- FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL It b' rRnutruc ;:)- y') rlri(' '4' o l9.9.I3sLiFl tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING - tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o. FIN2L tr FINAL - sdppnoveo ' coRREcroNs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: rnstgg*o$, gFrLouEsr JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES , WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n Bgo.f -&-S-HEFB tr GAs prprNc * PLYWOOD NATLING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB _ tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - nn- O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: iIEGHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nn_ tr FINAL tr FINAL tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB O APPROVED . CORRECTIONS: tr DTSAPPRoVED t tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR brdrarYr.il * DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: !J.t REQUEST vAlL I fd',t'^INSPECTION TOWN OF ' ll^'r-AM PM 'r.. -,.1-- APPROVED RRECTIONS: { ,"n"J i, ,/\P DISAPPRoVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER EI FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING - ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE 2,, INSPECTOR ,"r#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FBI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME I INSPECTION TOWN OF rt ,a. /.t r t f,'-- i REQUEST vAlL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI //-s 7, .. I < a-rd BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS A FOUNDATI tr FBAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND ON / STEEL 6u^a?,.=E tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoulr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL bveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE E,7?.- fl;INSPECTOB INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI WED AM PM ft I. I J BUILDING: {'oorrr.rcs D FOUNDATI D FRAMING PL tr tr D tr tr tr tr UMBING: / sTEEL {-t1/tl&E UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH o o tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT o- SUPPLY AIR trF.t{D FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /^ ).t f -=d '/>-i."INSPECTOR r ,*#"toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED" THUR FRI PM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL '-. .etippnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF a REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM AM READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'coRREcroNS: ,/ INSPECTOR DATE lh.pnnbrylv. I INSPECTION TOWN OF a REQUEST vAiL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES €/ JOB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR jlta -INSPECTION TOWN OF g REQUEST VAIL . D^rE J-!-f3 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:#. ,rr-,,','7.'* \.-'''"1_{5), TUES', WED THUR FRI VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING {rrusur-arror.r POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*rft"toN REouEsr AM PM ,or, y' /6- F3 JoB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI READY FOR LOCATION: 4 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER ?PLYWOOD NATLTNG ( rNsuLAroN _ tr tr tr n GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o tr SUPPLY AIR tr oduo,tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOB t ,*rt"toN REeuEsr JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PM AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooD NAtLtNG ftl rNsuLATroN _ tr tr tr n GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n gful,tar tr FINAL OVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -il INSPECTION TOWN OF !. h t,. ' ........ t REQUEST vAlL . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM.PM WED * , jro" *or. INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER {rnnnltttc / "-,.,,,,- " "; ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FU{AL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED " CORREGTIONS: oarc / -z l5' d '4 rNSPEcroR INSPECTION , .TOWN OF REQUEST VAiL / - ,'1.t -F 1'JOB NAME . 'ii:/DATE READY FOR LOCATION:'r' F tNs TION:MON CALLER TUES oir\ r" BUI EIF DF .i AF n\R r s,trS tr_ PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING:ILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING OOF & SHEEB GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING NSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr o tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR affit tr FINAL '{K+PRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES 'wED') THUR FRI AM PM PL tr tr lit E tr tr UMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n CI nieu tr FINAL PROVED z coRREcttotts: ,74 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * DATE ' JOB NAME CALLER , READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WEDJ THUR FRI LOCATION: t INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ! AM I, P]\O BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING q ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED - CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR '.,1 JOB NAME * INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER -ilc ]F, TUES {iJty rHun PM FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER o tr tr D tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING F ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL !,'APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/ CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR (( ( t')1 CALLER /TUES WED REQUEST VAIL . L. C' INSPECTION TOWN OF b r, ,r-DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON THUR FRI INSPECTION: ( BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t JOB NAME MON CALLER ,*#"rroN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL ti r\,i C it /r c.c I / J/( ii , (.,DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES J@ FRI THUR - nr.,r -.d!. BUILDII{G: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBII{G: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER { rouruonnoN / srEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER - PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E tr SUPPLY AIR n a FKL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR,/. INS o PE REOUEST VAIL t/_DATE Vlt JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LocAloN: 4{- { ,, ( 3to ,' ',.u 7/"oara"t,o"", BU \l trl trl trl trl tr ILDING:PL o tr tr tr tr D UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL B FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr o ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR F{NAL FINAL .,, 'ffiovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR a 30 PIMLOTT LANE MILL VALLEY 94941 388'4959 QH\N;* alry* 1 - 8z - -fa w*tnlra pftTtfr tl@Ko@.l to/ t+az CZ,*govi rueJECf , ,46",a.t1 ll t OZ l) W*Ati,le WhTa<rrqNc tT'lnAwV hrJ-Ea161D #1Wa< W^\lete, Fa irtuTtl 'v{Pwe s) 'r4brrw WK prz+ff 4qalg.lTt4l WWe N A.)aTg rW T4 I'll.:nrt ''H" q'7',AT tNrrt:> of pp\ 4g1y5tp e) TfE Fou/. W/O ^t.lrna\to f<E€,re us.ttrya< (2utw*z-t Wa<cbrt "A' q "d' fulv l(Tqha{ q LNIT'A" ) e!-iArL w n},w TlYe L-*briru As AwNlNc' -nry ffi*rfttta-l) \'v€trro Vawwwle N vfreR Wm4 q vr.1ff'b" *frL Y ftwtW wl twt#r<a AvLox<tN€' flLL ffi$Ne 1o Y@ wwM +',0w e)ftartw, lDttx%,tl ry+\u4 NaTE "g', elwr A,o (rryqes q io"q. he \qq) a)Wolte fwz ptllla,ttffoRt'* ltll"rc,ta2,4.t*L ,N lHo,qrlw QNovw tr lwr rfinxw wlNaTlF 'F'j qhaar h4 ) '@ury ftav Ao@owwttNoTw,:F FJE Nqa al Wvs 1l A\,.1.F-L tscrler'e)'afaah,4')ffi/tby" nI ?,1c{, a'lg Aw eF."Y-'lo'frrfr .pt.|r o11ffi. pt+/<\E f<G *<*,V fu6fl fr4w 7a4'a*'e-'*'tr1q- oftT hz (1'"= V@fr:) 1ruqAz q /,q6p fr! f,ftT h2 (nrc 1 cF4njT)) lNsTBl2 F rtre I qryt=v Nole 1-,Fan* 5..1o16 1,', 4%tw M/N (e ftrtr w<vlcE U N(T. PROJECT DATA SUMIT/|ARY ( ' Form 1 ---ft--.r-t- --_ -_- rr.r 'f. drV .F SITE INFORMATION Nr lne Ot!'.. Orv lh|rr Age.dh Cl .-----'-"..--- Ou$ldc o..lfn TmtPa?.tr'. lftod App'ndlr C c AFldlr Ot-**-- PROFOSEO BUI TDING Ci|VELOPE Iil FORTATIO]I Oror f lo' &l ll l.'{b llrcm Grtcultlodf .-'-'-;- Ororwrll &.. lf'xtf|r.ib lftoil C.lcu|.ilottd "..."'-"-. Dilnrd Otrrlal &.r lfronr Crtad|tbnd ----* lerlc Olr.tur| Ar..ltCtol Ll t|t bwrll q 'l0lof L5" ll lrlrhd'L'- t orrcrl ton bl Anr,n.t' urr urr urt Urt Urt u:t us4 Urt u31 Un Un PROPOSED SpACE HEATI|{G tYSf EM lchrptrr ?l r ' Gtl Furnrcr Euitdlt Ocrbn llo|'lv H.n Lotr |ttlrtr tc?tt tl --'-"""".*-'--- qtl Mrrimr,m Allorrd !om.i C'o'GlrY. I f r Uhr tt ---'----'** I , froo lar A1 A.t Att r% l.r G)Nt16) t&at i#ii Olrrlql lrul lhr. frl.ofl lftr, lhr. ftt.cFl !tu, lhr.tt!..'t !ri/ lhr. ftt ..tl !tu, thr.ftl..|l !ru, tht.fil.otrt !trl/ ltrr. ft|.'f I Itu/ lhr. ftt . ofl !n / lfr.. ttt. oPl !ru, lhr. ftt. otl lrul lhr. frt. oFl !ru/hr aturht t,tt .ta It It $E,a"ba'O,,,f -QgJS4J,L hoDo!.d Fdnaca U.l. llo.r.l o.tc.lptbn t,v n.l.d lonmt C.Daallt tharlc l.|lrrlncr Abnr Elrorlc Rrrlrlmcr !lf. CvGl. Con lfton lcn !l--' Low6l Llt CYcL Co ot lh. Olht lvlrml lflom form tl-""----- flon.O.fhl.bl. :6.tw t lhuh n.dt"r' t'dr{h Pl?cent.lo ot Annt.l Hal Lor .l bV tlon'O'pf i-lt tm{w rLGCr 20 sLGCsl2l S.orc. lttom C.lculrlloml ll.d ?umt rhh tlcrth t.rlaxE tup9ln irv Hd ?rcrnrrer of Am|.l X..l L6tt mn bY tl'G|t|G nr|hl.|rGt llto.n Crlculalbnd PROPOSEo wATER l{EATING SYST€M INFORMATION lChrpt" tl El.cn|c n.rln.nca Ahn' t t2 2t t Gt.ctrlc Rrdrt.rx. llt Ctclc Co lftom Fotn tl -LGCr 2a Lor|. Llfa CYGI. Co of tht Oth" svtl"tr lltotn Fo?m 6l-"'------- iLCCai 23 tc 2l t PROFOSED SWIMMIfTIG FOOL HEATINC SYSTEM INFOFMATION (ChryIt? 9I 3ol.r Llh Ctclr Corl lftom Forcr l) ..".""'-' "-"""'*'--' ,tqCr t$lut.l C.t Llh CvGl' Corl lfrom Form ?l """"' " 'tccnl SMANIA t' }IOURLY ANO ANNUAL BUItOIilG HEAT LOSS RATE #) JERRY L.SlttAiltA . IIIILL Y otsrcfr rEm?EFAtuhS oltf cnGHcE t.f A[ Coflllrb|| Oftl' firrfi iollotiir|-t -fi#$o;rr r arrl boo Form 2 Chrctart Dt , +ot -oe ?So "r ,l 2 I c? GONDUCTTV! llEAl tOlE o...rhllai af Afirt|' Ob.ht ---..---wJ3@A),33-. G.lllidloot ?lot Oti.? OUCI HCA! LOSS lto0' O xr Llnf l ll lh.'"' duclrl 'i6@iwl-iZ|rem t- | --,. l- ' r--l__-.t-r a-a- l- '.--29J- r- t-4.L 'z, ?. 1€,7Q a.,,,,,,,,,,,,,-',,,,,--l-t-.ffi: .-' -Q3-'.'9t-@ r.i_- r-- l- l-l--r l-t--t- l--l-l-- a a - .lubrorl s -MJ-lut* II{FLIIRATION lcntl O orllm! ll lho't h todth rnrlllr|lonl le@-ff t -.-!3--n, .=t3!.2, , ,::== 'r. s -4)t&@ -?';iiF6;ffi - -W-- [rro,nrrctrt't "tittj1 catttnt H-ryrl Ytf{lltAf|of{ Gnrt O ! Lln.l lf thlrlroFllth|r|'tlltdlonl ---1t-r,,iliiiiflarriar fttlmhr -rrfi.-Frh?r tt r l'G '. " ''' " ' " 'Ctlsul'llon| a'|otll ' 0.16 r Llrl ' tOtAL l[h.tf!l qi t -h.!!l-q3 HOURLY HEAf LOSS t.' |mot ra, tloa. O|f vw.lr.ha.l.d ttl.. . r. a....Lli. t +t.. I Alrt tl ur{nrgrlrd ?ld Or' }|'td tlth.tdlhaGa.. ... l,rtl t-t'' .. r l?rl - U tt.||i ?ar|n hnlnf A?r Ar... it t l. ar i ltrtr tltl.t hatn lrom liiirrr. ii l-- ..t t.rL t.a .1.r.9Ji-;4 .-:ll-- r--'r--9?- t u!!a!!{-lvt' .- @ +1!efi- --.- tO ANNUAL HEAT LOSS ( -Ti66rdrtffif,ffir"'irrrr' .ttmm:liii r*'rr 'at T1:ffi. r.=-rrat-r tr hldrr . Or t0 :- thrrrt }IOURIY ANO ANNUAI BUITDING HEAT LOSS RATE , JERRY L. SMAT{IA . ARCIIITECT I A"I"} --€e irt - )L@- ]br Oth.t Form 2 - circrrc ov ,rl. ft,/oz HOURLY HEAT IOSS oc3rcx r€il?EnArunc ol?ttncilcE / ,r ^\tor A|| codrrro.rf t* tt-,* t.t*"t * -t'iF-%'t' Alrt' t -L"e 'rl'Nh.d'|efu?Y.i|.d.Ui|nt.d!D............Lrr|+'...!lr'lLor: 'o.unrnnddrd?|o'ft?YGrr..U|nhn.d!Fn.....L|il''-!.F...rAt11lL.,.,--,a\ coNDuc.vGHGArLolr (ptwu*+ Vffi:llb1e. We ):\ A}AL'G 'Ut"tT I" ) Ar|.- it .' l. ot i ftoln tl.tot |tori f 'om o.*drrL. at Ar.nlt' 'i'iiira. i irrd r' t ?'rl' l'' 'lo'r ( l-..-l-l-- 1..-- l- 1..--- t-1-- .@-. t--8,2-'_St@- t 3il61 'u Orotl Floot Ataa OUCT ll€At LOSS l!'rrr 66 llno I lf lh|ra ata .to drrGlrl . Eralolrl O.l3 r Llne f ' Itu/h. IOTAI llrn. 7 rU ah -- Fr urht 0 c I I I @.iw t l-- l.-- l- ' r--a-l--' l--l-l-' l--l-l--- 4x,161, > Zl,taol ".4Fa'"dc'' hi/6. ^ .!"b'6"' I aL'ltt tNFLfrRArfoN lG,,n o oa!ra.! rtrhr'.trprttt-'rnrtrrr ^A/A<'lLap NUD:UAilfE') cF. I -- .' - -E;Eht.d- | ?tom ?rbl' t't Alw rronr 'Aijr..| Ltr. I Calllnl xalirl VGNlltATlOil lEnl.' O onLlnri lf lh.?. h tF Fdlh' wnlllrtlonl '-T6rtfiirfff.T.?-fttlmtnr FfiffiTfi;;i-tt I l'6 ' Crlculallonl ANNUAL HEAT LOSS t -iiE6lr,,f,iriifiini!-'r'drvr' r -qlIIFiF tt"''' 1 t'* -*-.*t) . Or tO ---.-- lrultr (r)x X \9 o (6) ><,,.b) u,/ @ Ltl tr,url veTw ra h-v'6 Ywue' l/zt'attvlr?. K76 INfui* TI^J 4wt u,v. ll?"or,lr.w. HIL I4LTA \orw nd - rl , oo ,OQ ,b3 V6.oo ,qa- ,45, ' (oZ 4o.as W- lG;/ GLx'b. FTJTzu yq = g,,lq 1y--. o52eo \Nkt- 8,ll rrs . o14 GIA'6.. tJ - l.l?.g.(swauel ?r@A -(re Faa,t\ uvu , 'LOz4r , t'l ,q+ ,db ,+1 14.00 .1a ,+5. ,bt nL.b1 ', a o4l t.Lt ,qr6 ,trz \ .4,, lat. o2 v7. tt 6 | ': t ).Q+3.1 ., Ntre\; 4I,,FALJQ l,z, -1-ze- 2- t.ta6 rr-- .. 441a W/<uU:@p'1qUl 1o7m-, '{-" 1t= Ocw6. @,r" aAwv @ 4 vul Vy @ tnoevt(E @ t,tq fts 1o1*1.1',n" . 1F FROJE T DATA$IilITARY ( (rJHtT r) utt llrFoRmAl|otr lr|nh| O.tr. Dft ttrffdl Cl w qiddf Di|'| r.itttu. ftr. f,.ro C r ffdfr Gl-'-*'e tno'torlo tullDrro dtwurt rrrolreftol n-.nar fl f fr'fr OrnUlflh{crj.-i-*-i Oa. W.l lra ltil*ll tim GJdr||ld't'r-c'tr....-e'-"-' O.f,r O.rrr lr lto0r|etrtrrrf ry ;; dti i n;r rrrri.oen rGJ Lrr' It lrr<rl-* t Herrlir rlrFrr it tr it ftl .: Arf lra tr Ara tl tl rt 'la f--- ll.-..--..*--tt'.'-..- 11111 611 . frl . .ll trd ltrr.rrt.tl ltrl Or . ftl .af l lrrr 0r..tt.tl trgl ltr.fit.?l lrrd hr.tl..tl lrldfurilot?f ar,rr.6t..fl atr, lln.il.tl 31g1t 6r.it..ll lrd lhr.tl.tl tt rrorocro stAc! lflAtlm t|'fftll| lch.tilt tt Err frr* i.,rrt r O.f" rri ||r tor llrun ?rn ll -'-"*".*""' t' Lrldii AH ..'r'l. o!'dtv'|}(| llf ll "-' -'' -----"..''*"' rrrcod trln r#, lx I lhr.lO.rttott lsrlrl.j mAfn ;;; i.to.. utffi 6i lftuiirrrlL"""r'' -."-' *Gr t.r.i Llh il. G.r .f fi ot|rt &rrrr lt'i ?'|i ll ---'--- hn.O.t||-r lt '|l.tlhlth irjrr*rA-{f - iir,relAmllLtt ril.tbtilmoi||l.rlir|t l.rft.lt.||tclalhaLttt 0L.t trtl' r||h tLd. ldr"rrr t||thrrt l|-| trc.nEtol Aind ff.t L.|l f/||r l| llclr idrno . llrlnCr|rutr{rn{ .F -"-x'.''d-"-r"""---t'-"-"T'arn''r"r""-'1 ?iOPoslO Y|AT li HGATtitO tYgrEM N FOirAnOil rcmru? tl lLcih i.fir.d lLt il,ffiffi-ut Grrft Gor |tnn|lrr| -'*'-'*-'-'-'..'-'d'G?,r I -! io*ri ur cra. O!. of th. orhx ltrhr lrc.| ?tti fl'*'.-''..'..' ;LGcs1 tt *cch.tl t2 tt t :l ?ROFO!€O Sfltitm,ilo tool HtATlltlo tY|t:m NFORItlATlot lch?l? c|' - fdt ff. Ctd. Cci |ft.fi t.dn ?f "'"--*""*"x'.-1"'d''.."'"""'"' 'L91 Xrtuml Orr Llfr GaeL Grl ltroa Forrn ll ---'r*;-'dd"'dshxi"*--"'-' ft6t'l' tl ,t ffi' f i---razrr- |*' U$Itt U;1 l*rr Urr tLr tb.t{ Ur1 tn Q1 ( 4.. }IOURLY ANO ANNUAI BUITOING HEAT LOSS RATE CPAa CN"1Y,|/)* ==== , 30 PIMLOT LAIIE -?fllr Form 2 --iFALaot atl. HOURLY HEAT IOSS DESrOt{ TCMPCFAIUFG olF?Eicl{cE r , -f lrr Ah Gocrfrbm otr? t||r $r fclortn| Vl -6ffio1 . Alrt ;a. Inirr.r.d tl..r orf, Vw.frili.r.d tt-a. . |. '....L,tr t+t.. t A?tt tor un&r hi.d GL, Ot Vailra t nlrrtd ttaca. . . . . th' l-!ct "' lY1; GOilOUCTIV€ HEA' LOst U fto|i ?rrn ttairlnl 171, il G t. at ,lft.|n taalc? ftotn -iiill. r ?rrd .'l r.rL t'3 e7ttu r-:11- r-=- ^o r-L+ ) ,.to 2--o? :. , -d-'?A?r Itorn afora , _..@_ . _!!2fuQ &utt t ( or.r'r lZlll54fgi ]br Orhrr OUCT HEAI LOSS llarrr 6 6 llnr! ll lh.t. t..ro di'clrl l-..--l-l_-' sa 47"1'FO9S n triw':-iW-W r-l-l- -:-----T ,. O'tt r Llm l ' tOTAt lLlnr ?+tl arr a t: , E2&_-r,u,n, t J45lE- , fi!![!,,un, Sublot.l o.|.drlLi .t Aal|ralt lubrorrr t M!9:od stutx a ff{FLltRA?fON lEr||t O on Llar 3 ll th.?. h Frllln r'ntll'll'onl o -=.%$ t % u, #' #*' c -!]llo'& -Trorr noor a'o ltJ:lfjiT Lh. I c.lllnr Hahht VEftlTltATlof{ l;nt.' 0 on Llnr ! lf rh... lr tn Frlrk' wnlll lonl .-Tifir.;irofififfii;i-ltrlnhr T-fil.;ffiEf,r.T '? r I'dl ' Calculallonl ANNUAL HEAT LOSS ( -iiE6-r,fiiri;i;iflirlt' drvry'; r TfdrmFfi 't't' Tm''' " * --tr;lEa-" . Or l0 -- trulvr }IOURTY AND ANilUAL BUILOING I{EAT IOSS RATE Form 2 - cnaar.d-t ( oESrGr{ TEirPERAfuRc ol?FlnEtrcE r , -r a,.. torAnco'rfrrb|trorfr.rtlrr|r|.Follo{lrr| tOt -6*??;;ct ' A?rl I L-'? ''hI|.t.d'|eorrY.it.d.Uit..td!'r..........L|i.|+'..,A?rt,Lo,:to'Urtnrof.rtd?lFor.tv.filafrt{|r1dttG......tltt"-!"".rA?rt " ?'9, =iF--t ff.. - ^\ oor{Duc'vr ,rorroo'(ffii6 i{ffi"*U73i re N ouKL'a)(ul't\T AJ HOURLY HEAT IOSS - U ltCfi Totlll 7?lnll|rl ar t Ar|.. it a, l, o? tlftcln t!.!qt t!o! !Io-a 4'|.. it I l. o? tlftcln taallt frori o.erlxtai at A$iitt r.! n. |l t'ld ''t l"L t'3 *.T]L]L ;ry'b . r.'rzg ,- .-Ee-.if'fug,tuewnt ,,rJ@wiw --;;- t- l- r- a a l-l-l- Gdllndlrot w:GtT -z4T ri- l-- l- ' a --- l- l- ' l--.-i-l-' r-.--l-l--' lobtSlb > gs1f G ':' oK lF UA"c' Pnl4 !.brotrl t )@j-_ ..un' ft{fLfl*ATror{ rE.nr o o.'Lra.t rtrhr?.r'no*-'-n..tff '6,C 'o'/g- l'4 ElsstC'Fl@z MA nl = - l' r -r -cF' t ' trrtrrtrr I tton! llblat't Alr tlott Ard'.tc |-lna I Calltnt xalifil VENIIIAT|Of{ lttttr? O on Lln ! lt lh.ti h,. Fdth' r'nllltllonl -Tfi1TilaifiG-Ffi_ftrtdnr ar;1;ffirffi-r.? r r.6 - cttculallonl OUCT HEAT LOSS llnr; 0 cn Unr ! lf lhtT' n' no ii'clrl tLt Oth.t Orott Ftoo? Atra . tublolrl O.lt r Llm l ' ll u/hr TOTAL lllar ?rtl c; o -- Fru/ht C I ANNUAL HEAT LOSS ( --n66fi,Ffi ffirrJ t' 6, I tt t m:t E"6rl;i; 't.,rt'' ;fi!![- " : " ":t at T?-;ff - . Orr tO !---- itirrrt (fAtt nt"t fit"lerru ra 5*, YwA @rrru frl,tv\v. !Q Kta lNa,(Aftarr lO +MtL \t,?, @,b"n\r. w, @ no n,n Torn nC' .t'l , oo .oe ,b3 Td.oo. ,qa- .45 . :::%' 4o, as GUF*6. Z zlda \1-r .. +rl1a V=. O5?!o 1re . A14 U- l.lL9. l,at ,t te Y4= F'lq \Nl<t-- 8,ll u&G. Cswawl nd.''(w ?€a'p\ tt1r" ' \roa+, i l I r I r--'-'-'I wAuu*egp..tguY fihtAt m fiv+"*tv. $w,VaYttw- @z/o'rtme. @ A't< txs. (A4vr1tv v'r. 6,,r,, otv t* @lr" flt'm. 1oTm, '*" . t'? ,q+ ,0b .*1 14,00 ,oi7- .+5'. .ba 4L.to1 &nrer=(DVt"wlnto 1J' : AhwT. @7r"wvtv @ + v',ttv v,v, @ Nnsrwa @ r,tq fts ToTXut'd' . l.L' .4ra ,trz \ .4,' 14. 00 tlr?, tatO lro+q Ug LO I '-I -" I t- ::"3;.: :ul'l' AncH'?ec' o v LL VALL€Y. CALIF. 94941 a-atr' t\ z a)|at / VAIL Q+c.ofta+eet f VL, - &*!-'F (**^t) 9.t, ' lLltsl',,F Et2+y\ (zpS a) -U>. 1.5 ffiavt ot VN,wt r44 (lA) $= ldt oll \!.{. z 18?= 3rlllFr (: ++zt5= l<zOa* V ' lrco t €i .A | /4. r 1,1c7 t 'rr @-_z;trira{ = 2,2q5.1 zl a = co,9ir,cO bAcse. tv) Wblb{ e.a# Wt<Yr+', S-P,HI taxP R*lroTta,) U,trq b_e-4a UqtA 3.oV6 e LGc J-e?tg Q} t,5 = 4Flsr Vxt Ra?ocg L,r-. t/JrT|+ G+tZ Anc++, b-g' 1lF/Sr (nen, raO".reavu,r.\. i, 4,1., @e : 1l +tz bz? lsr rlnaxr, @ -z.paa1N6 - zttz ee:'?g, LaNaary ?t^t c rlNlT"ta" (a-ts< 5aHc2 " lStot') I ^) egtaK, _"j !n_W !tV*_liA-X - _r g_!o,) W. O>tt. t?) lto.Tqftlrer 3= tto,lnt1,5' .621.1e *.p,v 3 6L1 ,11 1 t[ t/,. : 31aa,c," \'^.' trie Ll.te,e16' ?:d Mt^e' ),aqs.q+ Va.y' l,ob1.ol @F esn74n,\a e- \4c7wz_ bWV&4* we, aNrv OF (z l= I + rll thu,,9'/ ffi (rr) lbool + ,** C"tDv1 Atae) lo4o* -fir --:' - t.r-.i,' 2lgS: t(r 14 rr 6 F. l-) Wetart bl tLot.b -1 {t tolq' lai r, ,b,'n **I ' !lr?.o 'r'f' ---J L'o L tt>+.+ V'grg.htbtllLbfotllL a +1,*.O t 9tt.Z- = 1,546r,4 t'E anq = q,9g6,b 1,2/o*. 5J. ?6lNl (u9rro6 btJ\wn tgsArr,|g) l?or, = z2cP*i'ut ?vrx' l05' 111 - 3ltgtt?ttgt4, 6f@K Wte+ a+t6Atl V : loSl_3J'S=hns r.rAl | , €,,, oj< 81,: l?LYf'$: l\.,7&t5 =, :-T I + t--- _ --r r, -lVSe nybttQ: Vr|.l ' Jenr.t L. SMA TA ' AFCHITECT . A. 30 FIMLOT LAflE MiLL VALLEY, CALIF' 9494I 4arL#ta,.a-,i vArt- | u<azreo Ao) DEl.itotr & .f?a .61 l'q 4-') V-eF fuN & oas€-t ttrru.4,E' b- l1ra" Lu . (t E + a)( e l) a 1ot 5r/e,.1 h, b,€r^106.€ = g41blEr Yl , sqqb,t( * b.< r l'z' n5,&56,'" 3rq' zC,1& tc f ftlle = |g/.e7p1 +--'-"-"t"'-'-1 \TV]- 5t/Ot tq \- t, ldz.z * .cO a lbE.v > t<a qz "6\< Vrnrr ? tbq*'l(.,'ll,€, D, *e4>q,AqLx\aA| r. 6t<-, La) 94 b*\YA @k*JT&-| 9.to'-o" ti/, =- (6+ s,o)(a:\- ql 3'at'tr' h' qtr.o\5 2 4,saqll 7,4. 4St S | 6\tto='llr4t L'€*'P'r a,a,' it,tta'a tv/re= cb'4D --l- --.-. -r.E- 5,O1. tz,, = 1Z!.6lrs}. -. + -/ 4.,lrd+* (Wavv' Ia) j t ' n^v-tc1t :=1ll9' +rJh I'- *9- * "-*-*t t6l &>r'4t5r1.5' Ahz' 2,rr]r7, t5 1ile ,5 lt8.t --*.1 4,|ot.1" 4,tot a zQoC 1 -1. f EqL;1 4,ls1 ,o f'4' cbbl.1 | b r 4v2e*Ottlz z 1,o9r.b t lttt'& y1 = @tl?8..r2 anetq, 'r3,1 22t 9n7.6 'ftz f ,e*a > l1,Z,oP} \?-vai,a'tt,t,it-:!rq^t' b€a bt'5/1,6 = bfl6 i, ot1 Aa< o? frl'. Vrl 1)t1,s n *r 1.1't5l1.gt \tl - lbtbqL i!:larr \G b4/e ttz',v.-n 2lA,lCt'C; iV+c 1!'tr,+ -' t't->^ V var' o,7o€ "a'<. 7e) uoaF tsn e s't,\?av (aev un,e F). llJjn7 .itr.o * t 'r)(ar)= /o65 l, l1'.a l' UJ a*+* (te)( 1o) ' bo o y,.-- g7o.Sr O.5, bn-*o(z.rXsa)' lzs.o =. 1,5 ra4.zS* ?:qo.g 1.'.1 - 1,Sb1,z(.1r. 85rtt1,= = ?2, l 04.tl F'"r ZL, loei lt lt:- ,"- ^,- -, tteOI l4), o|ltrtl ' -:l gltof \(.ttL"\,. t = 2!4 ,6rxsb Y L l6sr- b+'6 .4, _. r,i- . /ltrd?>1,</9 " aY- 2v) caaz Ntute tt' E- IU It a,bs] OM 1 Y1bh To ?'4,r9'l* +9lrl ,'=4'b31* ]or +- ^ Ft= t/+z - "1(t 4 'Tl.Y 1+ !qr1. a I t- 1 i 3rn tq 30 PITULOT LANE ilrLL vaLLEY. CALIF-. .lenRv L. sMAlltA ' AncHtTigI . ct ahffizaul /\ \' J ,rt{ ,nf t)Wsa oF wI Ot) P =l44zl "@A;) tar' (t.s rr'Y,b )\, bL7.1 t+42 E,rr -' -'n' fQ €L, t b,7-t'5 e 1l-ul? |flrC>a Q' traa{ LJ (* lv) V'| , 5X8'V '+tsal'-. -- t+l 2He.a 11r. s. Q>t{3\zr's) +(4r aXr r)(a c) t I uroo t> l1\, o4,?+a+ b7gb1.E + 4qoo Ks' 1'q1c "+ 4Ff . rrrrq. ?18g 4t9tr1 -1o55 ta= lt ,7 6, Kd' *,toa.ro* y s,al f t"'a " , ,vr fl|6F a/g: A lt = fl( r41€ 12y1l<e C-@r*7 lN ltttr€'|2 a' a?''d'rrra'- $t- n.wtY g. V- 4tta. >rr!lf, \C |r 1,tzl. t't - a {l(r'f \ o t qc@ + 41,O*.O 41,,o6 OZ1:9 ll/'l ltL 7t tlLq *rz-/, oarc -- gao,5 \')restdrt or (3e) ?= 6tqa* I ,ot + lo' E---#--.4 A9 , A -- L999 yv1 : L59(^to = 23q<o Lrt% Ttl,n,.t h1*,.,8 f"=< s,orla* lf lL I t?o. -N1 = 2466r q tlt4- t?,4+e.oF'fr' +F1 ' lt.tlr46ll,4o- lcjlo,o * vl' ,t-5,rnl@ . a3 - ll +q. b,oo 4 f4 . r z.t1o ,rt JEFifiY r. sHAr{rA . ARCFI"ES!'l 30 Pf uLoT ljfl€ XIILL VALLEY, CALIF. t'g'I' QtC-:c+t<L avl V Pn't-, I Ql4raFtP 7.)) aa-1Ljr-JtP lL,t1o|,r/,7*o . 1?.ozlt) tltjttrt,f iw = l-?--!-'-?lNl' I irv ,;l/a r ls"l- g = tqz ,z Lr -r .i. ,qcl t12'L ' tF:?to-)lb-l')S at(. a*) gilrl< 'I-ry,_$!!!w+ _ry (9tf; DREt4+1e. %.) 2ft J,(e.'. *tStFr. z6,tt f l'.4t949:1,16 ltcz i6tr &:11t]- + +Qzlo K,r. ' 14ooV -,-f-- " 4 L'9 'a t\ b.al + i ,, t1 t- -"+ti l.joo 2- I a.a1 a I L..i,J 4v) Avs d+qg--Yfr _D1.rt 'w{ota.sloa)' 1o3.9* I rnn € _rr-r,l 'l-i :i ior o. 1%,s ft l*r.?aze'+{.4) JEq : -H 24,9,p loAs ' lo?sa (*, (r+Xr aa s)Cr) ''l 'l , zt1 * 1,1 t1 ,9 noz*tet t 'i Fr-rrr' 'T-f *"1' ---1r-7k;--r----a I €Vt.O G,*"Xw't1 l5K,r, = (trcoipzo)"1 6 eX+r:Xr, r) \+3s . n6,qG& + 40, oc1 ,€o 'lq h1 '1-lota?t- -M" lt be'ft q+ Zbbr-t1.6=- 1soe,olo ". V,. '4L+b+r1_:,rl = +z.t,6>.5 1 M - +itl,t-ts - lC,q'a1: 'rOl * '&,1so11 l'rcrt (-VtJ '- 'tt/'tco$4't'lL.. ,?- af-.t-lttt \:E - lo'-o , ., r,.*lBt ,)1t,lrr"? - - .-.'.\ t',,+\ --< - J:- -------\\-/ \ -frJ: Vl11 r{ tlr"' - 6tPO +vt, 451? r 5,6_ - t,tr1t + M . rb)1i3.1o ),t.q (-u) : -b1 laO rtLf 1ea. jq.1o nt? \gl 3tg^ tat', = ,o.t,."t'l '\t* 5ib I ta Pa qt^^|s:f,ENi^l &o\ ct€x- VA;Er Br4J e v ,/2R cl"tg'-$.16r -Wa+: qror,- 3lLilDt u V,- )>|lqt lQcd *,ra \ * PGa^ar th z a,l5D' ( r:rr Q.- 4tlo's Q. vvu-,tal)= '5 27g.lQ * 2 - f ,(4i $f [rt' 2b - 1%.stt + = n to71! Ksg= 7,2>t1,7 ' llT,l,l;iH'3 ARc't?rcr'*l XITL VALLEY, CALIF. 9'9'I lorzaxa4ou Y/rltzt ALaE#42 +4 ov+gx \l\wkr?fi OPfr-rtz<su (ur.r1 r91 48 l-,t) b\ql, AqgPirt wl FetX.fi'A &9Trrhi .d It t'vta) ?*Aal't X Yah aft+s, $:9t ua"g-- h._ t4a. 'f .t +, l\Oa Vt \t ttz.a x I f t/y c %) w?tatt F "be" +,qfb>-- a,,lo,i;+l1r ,e* 'c,, e*,aF'"' l4csr = 7t7 €.1q +r'rt etlpe It, &6 -- @ +d?t\+ (r cX{aa)Ca) lGAp o lzaa't azt+4+ lc"Rr '- un 1>a €{, = 4l€r}g'Jq66 3F" +94O,tb Sft 4orz.rrx 6,'' ",\-.:'"t a'e* f t,p, lss alb t\l+''. L. I t""' -' I vl6'l ,,"---"'_"..'. \ :-i -\ z'\6aa It (r ' (tt az)( o) \11?4' 42'1o+(h'- 41ctt+ L12l + 0+XsarYr) qo tq 70 €#F' SBlr I.f. Bl14 f )J!2 ta{gZlor' -, - a &.oy E - 11 ,o? 'r-t' Fp, 49a6t+ ,ry. !r1rz, l,,r a .1:2 - t112a .t_ +M: lto,laO.aO-nvo 1t4 = \+ p7b.d.8 a t4' CaO A?-\'?izono a.n5q , = k.bt -t L\lae. ,l/Oy jz" , tZ 2 tru ).t l.t- n )+ro I f *- ftl=45u9*1'd6/L { ** i. *" o'n..- = 11' 44o' ar'rT ' <r l1 . --'r Db; i-.'.- |k'f -'.t I '.t41 \1545 \1,144.tt2 / % /za* rr lo1 ,6+rct I 6'f wn. 1iS9 - s6f f,/rr. trt - il61e-l g= tLr.o,*r11. 30 PIMLOT LANE mrLL vaLLEY. cALlE. .len*t t. sMArrlA' AnoilTEct'r';; &tt4-a<-4 YHvt-., Qta?-rco a\ fiv rh4- LrvrNra fal - L,Mrl'd' $6: a,srD,\. 1,$6ri?t__ r-.;- r. ,,-J € w\' $a* €146'6t b F-s z @p , s)h\tr. 51 + (+t o) ( -X ' ')bWS= ,l1lb1,t4+ 'l1aoo RA. l+jr?1 ,L5/ze, 1,,>o1,7o 51t5,rb ,t or>1,€* tt flqr,5 R9' 416Lq,t+ - f.,zl r .?z +>, g t1 .l l t.u a ''1, ttl r? " I' er' 1V, a at5, co /.la,.1l - 1,n1,1-{ .t M: 't- O51 t,t> - l,ttr.tS ' Ltt+sc..zd 9n< + A, Ltt +€4. ro irr/rnoor lZc .1 lro) 37aq -14 : 1, tl1. zgal? f ,ooo c 6 5,4trp!. 141 .1lt6t 1yt,t- - S: t55,? I r9,7 r '41 , 154 ,t+ of- . fui,* Angrqltvt Ef^1urr-4.'e*lb . 6v) @ Wmtwo'tse''i'' uN\T b (; 'Faolr o? oF |r f1z6e' {Latt Wc1.5X6?. 4ts-)tq 5 = *ts y {.5. l6a1,6r f.{' I e1,sx +,9r. Vz. 4,tot,el, l)e 2-21ws = Mc+ro * otsTl,oad'ft ftgato o? 6tC 16t6* (: lor I r.' Fl-t$, -1 li t "J! 8B . l{rtoJ? -, ll)i.,.' at,5 I ,'"r)/-ird '+l€T/bf 'lr<V 5 V21r lglh.tl t= 195'1* - il' l ftEl '- 6-qcn6trf,tz ANJq,<l'rct'l , E11r f 16110:(s2.t!l . 11,qptNr to --T r 16, *2o Auq: ?5t*to112 Va'o t 1 5?.5?,N) ' t"4.t+ WTAIb 4tqo 1j+ -1*56 b+ .--l JCRtr l- ln^tlA. AiCFlttCt I 30 PrrLoT LAlr3 flILL YALLEY, CALF. E'C'I o 4dP,1)4aae1 \lHL t u.aWA y) T\Aut, fr,@t< Fa+arNca: Llto+ Z l6tt o .o, ftzal lkOE "5.T.J.1 Tlt| a lbt'0,o, (E't,1ilohsr) larnl cn6l 0P -la l[t-Qu J, No F.e.< g6,ar i, "?* \flrallrra Tm+r ttLqtl n a< ?Rl<MtN6 e nPA 4 futwe 3n 5. l6t 6tt ,, w, (?,s +rlea) ) q-zs|l*r. 3- qzgtd, lzaS M. { ?Et br t/?. } letO6ai'?1 *q, lh* *t/u* = lP.e*tl' ivg 9o* ttte'i 6 r 155.1 (M*rq+ F-- -___<_-_.__r. an \lrA ) 'scry egt *t . ,+ !€l €l4s 'o b+sa tt"1' S,tOZrP + 7Cztl.€ - Lziqtl F'r' - r I Itrv 64ttEtru\ .6. l€9,1 l,qq I l5{'1{ ) l?1,d? c;t+q* { , Vrr' VUr b1,L,-T.3- 1.) ffita*t a bave 64 1c ?r1t1f llr-art hr- 0, sr @ . lZsl la t,|.lrer",c,a .!,ar to' #o*/rrgr.K' l99r 9.9r l9?.sf V. l4t?.Sr O,f,tllt' s,gq,rt' 5i2.q r 7zLtqll I tz/ttoo= 111.+l /^,3 i, aE. 1,lrtZ> u4ra.,. o]< *4t € t €qa' t., I u, /,c.o t ?s.ant!I $. t2f ,llNl r € tt -- &za,[rr)+ ( t,>toY+.s) + (+, ra)(l) \6Fx ' .171p.oo 94 ' tl,tqL*Elo: lt,6f4)l KP, cc,+ 5S+ JERRY L. ailAilrA rAnCHltlCt,l 30 PINLOT LANE tt'llLL VALLEY. CALIF. 9tlgfl' o 6&.oMa4 | VAt .4rt two' n^a< ?RAt^,41r'6 * v1$n d12HT. ba) Wtart ae g,1tt gp^tt gl$, t?Letl 4'7r,51ot,65- 6b93' Yl'- saastdt +l/z |'1 ' tbta?o,1st';r ^ tr,t16,1 tttz =r4' -' 1a fi'),zAl7' 1,o1rl+'fi. UE__9J1,2,- * t* g) pa^) e J= 1Q)6lt ofut rnv*f= lh, Q45lo,Es 4,nE* M'4,145r 4e,9llrz = l9t ezq A4\-' 1r'a3€\2 72Q 3 0l,l 5l^r! _ -'-..__ | DE :;l1o_112J - lLgtttt bv) @e67,s otr | b>u w&. &Yclt)' 162 '**'ar),, o\" b l/fttn'*w?, E-l9r--ffi (3s+?.of*1) = 54o b,r-,{' bo' Lurt*"'(z-t>l*) :-35a b14* ll'F' il )ota' 7: W!N:t?. b\ov*rt ra4sFle"r - tsiecfr *--! +:.'^ q,'4' u,d ,,|r-tt*,.* b'.'bit \#'.uYfi ftrl-p13, tua4': 6l rTlz -t ' ' *Y.g' 74L4+ +zF q7b!* ---* I -t- '' ltlazl { + ) -frraa -*--Jl''l 7,071+ | I ' 1. \ t -'l--.'''..- I ',loe t \ -r, at6 l4'tbTt?i 3,par "2 = QPt'lD + i,|a$ = \ot?b4 F'n t1ffi= 1sp3''141 W^+,(ayra)= bo U^2rr2 -t't4 Lo10), lQlo sfl -'lEf R.a ' 'Al = i;r4'tat 16fr .lt Fl^u q1W, 2ft8- t -'7.1t1k5v ?L-- a znzll ll Jtv ,,, l(,6, S,l oS+ ol*o"''''o'n :-:j--f- 'l {at 1l i:Hli'H'i' ARcHrrEct' Al MILL VALLEY, CALIF. '494I' ak'M-av/ Vttv I blottlvo ,1.\ ,.- ,i' 8t^1tO+ ' ztla64* rd >)tT t, lptq,1 fo Ftart tbevA ry ?*,76t?ae I' J '' = n7,6+f "a Y- ttz'sfr = 5bLE+ l4 'u1e 41to tN F,M\L flaadtM or VAL @ Dt< tg4n,1gf'fr 1v)Ya<yA-1e W"d r U[lT b (tt:Y,ut t\e + l..terry4\ ffi 3'17''ov wyap -- 1d b9= bl ll)whtuo O+ lo' & K'ctor1' 4flor# w&z z.to?, W V, 4 ,4n* e]t/'L El'|ri*, = l$,1p6 F'r-T - t4,1a6+tz ,'?r6b' f* = %.24 tuj' iru 4l'91 t2.o i. j' lLj agt' 1) Is-are <ffi41a'$ q Ktvffi an eVPaa< Wr4{ bryl+ fuv *r,e GV) a (r= 1,1tu# f''3' 4t1,1?o= ?,r i,, "5,1t1'54+ 1. Y T Y= "J141'5f'Fr Yr*vot 1911416.r.2 l(p$tt(oo,b = U,t o.b#-lrt ,Pr-K blto 6,1 Utsw< r7*fl'{t A" UMf A) 3" lltd, v,t{a+zYq)' ae*lr,*'r g, Qet 5.62 2ttzet* ---f H V -- 4,Zbat- 6,9 't I'Z' 'o, Oq)' ' a$tD 4<. ol+&4< veF $(wq'w l."r-*^. liv'', 9 o4u::*,/lff'/- -,zrntY'lTv t -' r! \.t-,+V.l-,, etol \?' nVn-iUe t/r'1Zf 4' \etrlPor, (= \&-tA-filQ+ - -,^+.fi:V - 'ir a* Q+t/n-= bt9CI \ (,tW ?Ito= IVlC,-- b/-,obf 'Fr) c+s.t< wr<u_lYw1 I M{, ;ffct* '16'-J' (w v"4o'1 r'aa<'?') r1=(5+ v}q )' wo*lv, €- Wt-1.5= 4,irytfr ,1. Y' o,**1,s 1'l Q- - 161^?.''# n *37+t?.* F4o ' \6,lo7f Ft: Itnnv u. suAi.lA'AFcHlrEct 'l 30 PI$LOT LAilE trLL VALLEY, CALIF' t/tgtl a<a#. o-4.1 / vA'L Or-qap ?eF h"15 P. 6,61agg (cwar !9f4 t^'l c,A^ltrLg1t 1-'\ -^wlerp,v\o>) , \, \ r11= (l+Co.s)18)). uzz,sl+l?f ^)' "rirl''iY' '-' -v'Ar | 5"r t€ jrzz''o" U'1'- c,o zz,9 E e-z bZz,S + l!.a = O U-- Q,b+1 .9 F ll * 11, * a.+" 71r2eJ:2*,'t- - L..D O tbI1.<' F r't 41, d et.,-< ' 2z9,7 lt^r7 ZYn^,o ztKp' lzz\t"zzs){rr)+ (aarXrXa+ q) Z72r9: ll6,b49 I lg1 ,bSA k?= f l, ot9.t1l{ etr+r 2z+b'?,a,€ ' latbq,tL61f5 = f,i,r"r, (A. r., 4l D^1\' *'\.., --.---. \, t" tt 1.4 bttl qg, .\ 1..,1 '- 11,sl t'Aj I btl I 'f t +M. tolll I 4 07t14 z b,4s, !a oqs *.Pr, l} ,tr W9_6r?ffi- S=16'ot' vt. G.Srr . ,E$i, A'-Ebl.O' 4?zo* V, 4vat b't-lz' 11,16|A'fr S'+f . 11/DI.tQl4@: lo9.L8n r' 0e Slroxt/. * l?-",o lttt 3vq -f4. b, 4?C r S t lh. = -Vt1 z 16,oqfitL : lg),rr,3 IOOO '*- | = lLOl*lttrrr :-.\ C t+4a._ 2n utrt+4\ _,Q151yl.)q,; €:!* ( \rt^tr C tnrrr'rg' !ya| \ I c2*nue,*t _cow,mtt d Tr"r1r ct*p, ,G3 _t \t:t, ra, r< r d2 t'5 1tq1(.r-,r'.o? WE --Qv16 e bvqzv uJAu< \,4Ay ErlitJ= Ql'.ot' W Ctt*atwe 4 131 *rani tru- (4,,9Ca:) ' zor, t F/n'o1 \: (Aj,st 1o,5, z1'la.'ts# !: zl1e,ltA lo' s t /'a = ll, f to ,e4 12"-. ltr&le 44^17 '-r ', b;,6r,n'l l.^aae i tne Slref tz = tLt.o rp)1. JEFR' L. STATIA. AFCHITEC' IAI 30 Ptt|.ot LAIiE lltL|. vALLgY, CALIF. 9atll o \ I : r I i j I I t, ll?.'L I I I r t?"*ttz +.L ararfi?aul /v/w aaAtxvz) | Ker*wva u*ttd Qxp+@a: rc ll t ,.t t.-t nh" n.ol' r *-._--l 4a\ STruurY Rtmtr @tN T (i'a" oue1 vo, 4 tEol4,1S1l1'o, b,ffiF l,'r6r ls,ot lto r LtOla,S | ,a x 1,o rt I , Wo(* s1i7,ef Mo{vlgruT nlAW " 12' . Qt4'gpl1. t1, l b*ttQ.,p $-.E( I fz Soox l6 . 6r+oa* L I '3, , s, r"' l1 \l :l sla rr B 5Ol16n= eF'.le1z ,d t Eor 14, = \C Wom. HilVt wtolx A,nO Zo,?44.o t5,rg I it ?t.Lf 4.s =_42J -s-:!\ 41,555'Lf FaK l's F.4. Kq. 6@i.tl,5t l3,aF q tr@tATl<t\\G Arw€ @ V** l.z.Jt/L.5 S.| = 4,6OgF rr+ fi7:4q44 - 46at'. 1-, 4ttu+ s.o6! qragr>1d i, OE W A4mtV. 6' @,o' 6 ewl e 41,558 ,zf + q1t n 1,,oo -ti,-,,tn,|t *'t' d=5,7q Q. 5,a6,-1.4: t. 45 7or'4/o. l,5d *^tE 4 ,1,4g r u=a3 T#rl |ez t,9 o No 1A#tN qw*> lN fa>Ttnd. /, oh, 4\ 1-_ JEnnv u si,rANtA . ARcBlrEct . *,.| 30 PIIIIILOT I.ANE MILL VALLEY, CALIFI 94941: aoP444al IVN- a.oPrc. bl.l?2:)Wta{ft16 '. - '._t 'l6bq''rb 21C9 t!+w wza dJ t 6a@ troq-l|6r l.Iauertf ^ ftoenl' . Mr' 1167't?r |ll.. tnitq#J Mr, ' 1IL! t 1t2 : Q,l bl,9 'r- I,r4 r' l4t.le #'?r' 9\el, Y't46rafll cht€ q.tqw --, 4s * @ r,%)r., 60t1z t bl''--1,' *'w *.(T.' 14,4?a,zp > v,qd ''.i' ot<. (>twe w', e, np"i Err,s rHru wdtt , e, STgq s Lbtt?,f fr' Ft A9 or. 6*uW l5 *U\La/o,o, f,F-'-:----a rEil tzs wJln. 9n'' ls-{'t r -1 futqrtf op fiye@ ,'fr,t1,' btt t4,15f 4,1s/u'- j,so6,o f4L'- 114'l t!;!5* (,t srr. - lotbo't-.6t a, ! Wqd,os f,,r, A:' !_t,T.?et: -ly--- r 1,cat,lPlp1 or rrrru.. '?Aot 'CCr' o2 fuo" ztr'!l'-- ; c+tt--' r f a,tra 1T1!:.r^ua c ARCHT?ECI . AO $O PIilLOT I.AIIE ttt|. yAu.ff, cAUe 949{t aQc+Ata4; / Vfil' 'ft.tu$ fr qa*I .i| thlr&. Sthrtt" t' ?S1,?r€?'r" I \uwrW# 4a'r.'. 46rl| lr.ar&);Od) igi r ,4St 't t*b" (,r) (,ao) (g1Cr,r),':-T (n).'HM#??r?il'*' tget 'Qt tt u4ex, Q'|,' I i ? Flr.x.7' ,j (r* 9#) f;.'rd.l3'I tlnc,61(L+ a{!!r) ;lri[tt.5;0t,10 4fl6$lrrt, r,ltz,r'(l:.11) 4a.4tln+', a. 'r+ta1. .l ,. ?'i/.tu. .:t tl P. }?st?, s, Gh'h,.,rs; ofr,r,,0,,,,. fuNt " l4ob,A€t F z ffi9,q,yfr,tr, itt:a * bg l?"4o. G I 4,tgtgzil.gd \T'/ +,u++eb1 Llb?' -+L l "4"*',* WWE:tqA "6p* .ctwmw,4zwfit, Maru @ ur?. JERRY L. ETANIA. ARCHITECI .l. 30 PIMLOT LANE rLL VALLEY, CALIF. 949tt' cec^wea /VPA:' Aaqft@. l4tN 21ra44 (tqr{ 3l+otrttry"6) O a6'/1 A: - , e?/a H- Ag- ,e?pj 15'l t1-t' y. 15 '!.'* ;'ft Al* 5'$rua ' ft+vns 6,!4.^= L1 pi;-, (W.tiacl'q,q,W) ,Zd _!,9 = 16'56 ata*. (ot PsC lano'")'.!l !4tu >Ta, @-_W, -(Twle I sltunvaQ. AS. ,aaLlAl t ,Qa-f tott tzr lL ' 2,*lttn/,2o I 14,4 n' ll *r't, lAe|uoo, -x I t i .l ri 'l .l I .l I 'l I .f loevtoo, Eaa vtb.a. *ac I i 3t'o,o, ' 'f -* --l t5*+ lta^^ P, qlvt,*p e7tto, c, +lennv L. s,"At{tA 'o""rrrr*'tl 30 P]MLOT LANE M:LL VALLEY, CALIF. 9494I + + cAiNPo /vE V-?nffi6 t. , zlrl' | 1.totr t**.- ?lutl f----rr.'i - -l ":Llq 7,$fr wloMt1uf ?ftomtj?tl Z*l6N?,t?t' 1ll'l'F' q\ wt* / tdl 1 c-lls--l< fzz<=l4Ne) brz 1,1 Fa eq, z,qta*l 1,ry z vcz*i aF g6 atra|e 3l+A< firhtuWoe Ar &e-a = 5, z1d t,*= ?J-\.?:9# r,loer wal?,xa/- ra< frmlotrPu REFtqnFCF, 1a :rln^id. 1,4?r&o 4al'+Fllwyz 9W.?Jj].'4D-. BWT F1NI 1A \/A v4, wr,lun. eb liuu nre"q tto., ., @ q.of n,n*,t,lD , 9t4e-+4 x b,t1 . q4"a*'n O ,olt 1,af t6o ' t,tat* x t1ee = 4f,,c''n @ ,b? | Q,ottEd= :or: x ''a;!tr)#^r.€bt 9,4t* TaPp,Y^oo *o"r/Pl' = lll&+1qv r. 11, (ba*n' M-EEWSeg.ll!.' .rL f 4"* | , l1,6az --f *'m;1e d' E,zli*'1'1'*--' " ^ --.1 ll (r g,'zq zS 1t 9,7 ' 2,o = '-l Ft' 4- o1* l,o 15lp(e €,a,l ygfr 11lArJ 1,p, Na Jt3J$ta.l 7f465sas JF{ ftfrJntstt' t', oF, b':Pg-_r .d!-J + L.-- t '' baof,2,Q z lStP ?*= l@l Qi5. lAl sJt 1, lO15t't-lt&,2 hqqt*) haz4'n ,', alc'ultbr l'r,€7. -*rr"", L. sirANrA. ARcHtrEgf t l"La 30 PIMLOT LANE + ' ' :'.' cALlF. .9.194t +cFLN,ffiJ f^tE t<?Are< & wa4__9. afl" o 4 \erprr, / 7, aH o?eLlt s-- t.buQ Wv futt]i.: qdor!-E = 1E7,tS'tT-.* Ac=WL 44@r,38 rg l9r ,&ntg. (uSe #6C tatb.o. o Vtv. frrNT G YlAu-qtotl I I i1'e'I' -# r,t,ot3, aoP/ftr l"lel, a ?^ffi, Lo^gl,b= a, o1#'Pr' h1a'qqe 4aNc. r ,$!rr (roaYy)Gb) rz'#,t =-t<ru a = ,qe;\ao(ayao),.rLfro9 Qw'ar a tTp ca'.vao.rrorf.r. ?n x, {(r *q) = l,trt+!'_r, > ?,o7r,,, oy: {rr+1_ 6frt /t'+ ar,r\u le \ (t) /\cseobA#= Ao{r.# qh4Arr eoz(t7,1) ^ - - -M e/o15 t tz _ z ,qdur1nr, tt^'t ' ll44 Flrtz <ry ,,, aF,A|'z JaT+t " @:aet^62 '27' rrt?T' (v* *gCQuo,6,,,7l\Lz ,aznzlw) ^ ,.-' %v'"tu= oo1{.!7 t) c.FfKK hR4'{"n,n . ZO4*lrtz 3!5LA.K6?Ia1-_-KW'7 l.tJF taAu,ffiX ,-' - .._-._.- cl]dr;K wowgsT M,e HOe \^e,, +:s(r.axpxia) I a a , +i\\4 ,\ot ,6f! t?f 'L tZ = g,1v1#,Ft i i,6te= Zzf htt frennY L. sHAr*A. ^"""rr."r.?.o,30 prulbt tlne iIILL VALLEY, CALIF. 949'I i. +dAzNFlU *\te Ks1tuVE W^tGloe4fiw ,,r.$ Atei ATAU \tw 6\taJP ve (rvet= fgott'tdor) o 4t wx*,r/ ,/ p*aL lloott 'aa,a - Uro Vvtou @ fea 6 vv|, " (\t*,ao + rl,o\(e'o)(r ,a) 'wL'(rft,aN(g.X? - }hrCr TfiE lq 1.8".+ Qto15 F'?r 6 bTEt oF" '4t= aealilrplp, o7 g^ro 4'ofi.do,A1 " b?.b.bo Q.,t1wd'ft' t,65t,oo 2,47A&*',F', -rhtAN #g g btto,o, y'ltww l5&l et'o'a, J.-rt ll +9" 1F4 pvl *oc,u(o,o, f4il{ }Twl (TaP { ;*tv'tn116S @aqt 4t = ,ooLo Aq A?= . oo1.oN 1,a1. 14r1, 1o" As' 7 'l6t& 48" ' I 0'6 (urcr lo * 4 ot*g r't*oraa) Mrnt Q vt+g hc'- ,aout F1 A?. '@?2r-Q.orl 2+ro A:r- l. +4 1,4+l,Ip'- 1'Z h:rori^t 1 * +ttttl,s e tr*r,e) q\nA,leo WAaIG@ \\4atapt e i?,AB @ Y1s.= lt$t'?,11r4t1 +IL, t5flr$)(r,n) Yq' 91.1t L,g*= ?,otai'rr. A5eq' V'oz?']'t?- '-,--* '--l ?'o1@y , &-t 1 ' uJE ftie,|?.tto,o,= -,e4 lrL' '\\'lttz' ##'z''z\ 7 qt4 *4*9*-/i | 1 lass trl.r{_l-r'_ 4 _-*" I;6 0 o 62J I o A.L.l.liennv L. atAilrA . ARcHtrEcr I 3() PI]IILOT LANE MtLL VALLEY, CAL|F. 9,r9,lt + T I_T.I llt 1rt'" lOl f lrY+i+/t';f-%*+r- -t , 4latr 1-* - \{ \ I -.-L I'l\ l'1 t\t\t I I I I I I I r I tu b;!!!Q.6e,I ' ntz.* b$, t,rbl JE rtwgrAt1ulNG wr, Dt- V@IVE l<g{ e, We G @T|'"J.''. €HWt< AyNr*A.e Q. bA*e a.e4Fr,4= loto* (*) @ ?,, = bAld ftl -1bt" bek|z A - z,4gl 1t- L,49t-,9?t. l,rn?' (nezr tdt'p@. t<rtv. lF Flgte ?1'<')VINA WAr,r,) . 6.ea\ go.34t !/nz cl^cK 9l\VtvtT-l eFb @ q,oro,or n,o - l4+o @ ,,or ,o1 r .t ao n (ro, @ .oz* 4.o't tqa = & 7a1twf,= Zrg4l* cHl%K lvr&d\ttc\I\ l\a,Awrt. (r,o) 0. t+) (o,o) #l h" I $+al' I ba*' fi<rf ' ?"q"_,EL 15u t\t V'ltN\ P= €q7 |o61L,'tb, n-bbt' Tl*ce g.,72F{s42 2 - /"',o1}f, Tlrt{.f ,4?r NoTeNga.l a1A?e H @fta C*ux fta< a.ta{ e ----:---Forl ?,Q, - 1,9 I As4 l,?Y' llro6= 1192" op KeaJrKl& , ttr NoT Fta,ttffi) frY oT+M< M4<Ns. WArrvl fdTru. | 4,4o1 - -rr .t' ffit" 4.7L" 1- 4,rz-z',n211. 9,qo1fr'n' ptaaN_q ?ral T ,,"'I j_ ev rJ4' @ 4 b q ,k.:". '.b7, "@ /'fuXA q,.,,4f (trf --z = I* 13'zt'n -+b,o\&a ;6gl|m" ''ld'l e Wfr' 1e*tz.t, lC@+'|r' ,a ' .IERRY l* gMAlllA . AncHlrgc? . A"t 30 PIi/ILOT LANE +rvlrLL IJALLEY, cALlF. 9494t + tlqlg_-*._W1 , -,4:& r (kdx p[a) z = go4,gr t,l{ry idL err[ren) z rli) "g{-'tt ) ' ?&i'n'1^., M As ne? I ?hle A r' 'F{s . t 6oa|ta As. lfr;Z; 4416o-- ,b1Pa TKy * 4 Q,. y4tr 4, r . uorrz' k-- -t'+' f, Wa6r'l q rqe*-t*!t€.- . ":o'*l o 4f l*,5a pr 6Fl (J)f(.t,, ,/ 14a - ,ro 6lo -T-. Klre +' ct+Ad& tsz,se14 Pr 1+o h'lqt4 uloT a fe<e't f1, . Q o1,tl+ rto[t.la[gl) = 6st$'tr' z r',1 . = (aooYr, >z) Ct.rr)(4).''.7,- a @av76s -to l}rr'ft'rr ,', ft4 el2t'o,6, ta otr I | 1,1+',n mr.7i3?d'* Hgi<F Mon Ct<? 4zr,tcrr 5 a 4, 5 | (, tu\, aalr,aj (r)z '. 611 9l# '7r' ,', b d' 0rz (.\ l4O' 1QAk, '"7,* N6I. Vp. (saXaxr) + aor't?r$)n>, tr4.. l1O t 4OQ ,i;- qlQ t+'Fr' Ae Reg' blQtn , ,06r^z 4a1eY' 'OO*'nl'aw vfr {+{O l7tto,o, = ,?-o6sL, 4wnl'l = {vrrt = $ vtalt ' 4vnarl' f wtu' q h4/Dr ,'.Olq, X l,+) 4,e4tr11 + 91Jf )--T \' + l b?s,zr(1,+.+a) q4t.11 ilplt | fua b?s,a.x ( t-. +a) u10,tu I lnl, I -o I *leRrY L srArlA . AicHlTEfi. t.l^f 30 PIIILOT LANE , MILL VALLEY, CALIF. 949ITT + + b44i floiiio,a, i I JI I ll -^#&to"o.a. l- :J ; I _____-__-...|-F __.\;__ E,*oct** I h4ru "Tttt- ('Ter\f { snrarruao€;e+; 4 Urfr6 hq,.etelAq hc'. ooLar *,aitzr to hc - , ?b e,{ z' 4.A ()# r7frd €-Ff pet. O CP W)lr4' /7 Jennv u. srAr*A . A'ctrrEct. ^O 3(' PIMLOT. LATIE tLL VALTF, C LIE, 9agall Uklt-t , OtDtLk?d +e*16 ld= 61 1f .z.""fllrr nrinrriilfi lllil] t-r-' -- fl ini-l lfi f ,rlII r i l ilTlT iT i, ff l l ii i i ;, - l i{, WU<\@ t }tzs,trp?War =::=- y(6 - @r.1.5 - lsl,tr.,h,s,'. 6g,\n (Z%e.*)t\ *t= tax (st1), $- ao^(r.s+t+) . 4wte \a' . to1!ln,ffiVl,,;i.)W6r- aaotczr o), y,16" zoa*( l+ td)= i,do5t' . 1o*ln. o?,WU +r WO ' qp (t+) = w-@. ,l,ao(E+b). 1,, t$fl es,t = Aa+lr., ENC ztrr'0.o. | . -w$ 'too(o+\* tnalte tat' z{ln |Yw' )T+#urw 'tlb=lp(qr\= 6,wiozzut "TDf ln' Tol'* t4o,t#*;, +t-- - IfiF 5,ffi,,,t\*. e.:,A 2tro.c",1 .,, Aee \ 4tta.o. 4 ',1 7.+aFc6t= o*!d) ",ar4aAt ,a*ler. ?,eaaFetll= zS4*lv ^u^J u.a,a, +q@ .@$ -+/b.s 1 ,d+ I^/@a F, t 7t"Q'' . dlw-L, ?,hf uij ( I I I \, l-li, l r Jjf{ft1 Llllllt-l*t_l_U r 4 toaH ^a JEBiY L. SIIIAITIA'ANPUIIFSI I 30 P]MLOT LANE iltLL VALLEY, gALIE 34m! \nl€= tfuof * rget e (.f ' ltdftn, *fr,1e-4,o1, (NVe- Z+ro.o\. WO. qfiai +|,nt@'ll6tt= lza#1r"or.' -'V,or,tur1 Are1 6l e2t/r" o.c. U{a . TKD|+7,9d € 1gl' &uz*lwr. --. €ue. 'Ltbro.o, (W e 2-+vo,c)\Ng, 4,ya# + /Lj?a 4l sl * $gotlrura4, - tlO Wffl 51re tr:+r e 1,1,u" o.J. M eOtbl) lAlO ' ltt*loft | t,'r<*t Q.b" ba*(wf \Iv olc- W0) = e,+a tdt@ e 4rl ' '?*+*l@r, - 6.1V ap , Vi4 - iwt+ &fpe al. wtl*r, s,t e etto.o. (po* c't,7,,|o,o ) . L . WL= t,m*+o,aa* 8-11. t#1pq, - ,aA tpfti alw, w e?th,.o.c.(hveb'ol V,li- l-W+ube llt t ffi+l@. - W @ 1.t1vtta.c, (*Wc lota,a) W6' t?t14a=64co*q,1al' S>2fi lWr. - gr e ,ln|ra,a. ( hWat7ua.o,) t)wlv L, irlpfiu ^ , oR *r , A ,tr ,&.rrnRlsmnNlA . ARcHrrEcr . ar.a 30 PIIET LANE luLL VALLEYT CALIF, 9494fl Q,Ff^Mtao ; rba6u/6 frt< t/P&all ) We & WTa< q s l"1i'trl E ltt o;Orq r f'.Ja"rlrta ht+o; f"1.1^= 3*\t99 - lo+.n rA MAX *'17'vlnnl W ' aazr)bh i.'6n 6 6R _ 4M 14 a P VE.T ir* - IW _V:*$ff :t 4qrwf_ff tr.*:E e.TT at4 xfo 4rb ,t tto 4t-(4 4t l+ ?eb 1'5tc lr,|4, 4t,?? , ,1,h4 4e,O7 6,1.6 b,76,,lo,&l lr, aol lp,* , tq,06 ?te jo 1b7'?' t rbo,17 l-223.IP ,?-q8,1+ I 717. ,07- 7r2,46 6t2,47 bbqdu g 1q,oz la6,al l4Q7,oo ' +* F!Jlf4ud', Wua# ht< VrEafr ,, * 7 aa 3vq'Yfr'F+re-hW vlav ma*r.o ag!?, lzore vrrrr . ry , 6?,agVh - aaL A4"4,^t t' 'W waae Nt -Aaa rN t -- .M$"t@rlt:tlr 414 4{Q 4r0 4+ta 4tn 4t^ttr lrta '1.to t1,u6. h'up, 4q,ql, 1t,az 1at,4l l>s,tpo l?-.46 n,Ll 26,?o AL,,D n.4 4o,t* 9?,ra 6a9.tf zzad,o6 ?arl,6a 07,fr,19 4t*on5 le,ul,.t'5 lct,qal€ a Mffr_.T*t** 11E, 11 14tq,to 11po1,?7- Zo'5o,b9 ?-419.n4 4q71. z4 o)wi9o Q* 7p444 N qt Vau6W ?1R trr@ ) fu-eq "rrWTWla- a< pe\yrft fur*e tq f'fr *tQfwao ' - a^'.,u ffir* , ?W, = l?t,?rt1 Vnrr ' 4' 26'b1v[, !q:1% -equtffiffi hrt- AKA hiz- i-Yg: &)(b alJr, ?o.45 ",bq1,L4 l1t+.A1 Axb El,Ab. 41,Q6, at,O14.41 ?,1r1.b4 6tro aLJr_ ?2,26, I l,0ro,71 27 to), o I . 6r/2 lzt,I,e br.t6, I b | | b ?, Lo ?5 64,?A 6x /4 lb1,au . 71 .zS 44 tZ14 , ll 4 4at,16 6x/a LNo,At 85,L9. Tqtrbt, c7 I bl t, tQ ay ra LDong qb'26 ,1t +77,1? 5454,+" o tr o bo/e er€r€€nng, rrc 143 e rneodoiv dr suite rr10 crcsrod strcPpir€ cenler \,b'1, coldodo 81657 YW,ff**"''2 loaN6,ga *{4mr*. t[frl,-: ._ - " dr'(nvl) S,V/^J-;a *4otd * -4d 4#YE.v 'ro r. . .F 6] dp 'tn,J'j-i"#-- LLP.z-t'or r:'i,1Ax ri -t I Eil Lltl#t-NFacqg clt*-. sug a{ .4r rnrs.tCp W1 6rP+) 'i Inl'F-ttP. r$T\-..t\ btatA. . t*.t-'^ ..,:/' vsl to ii- i.4 ' -J e x b'.?" or"n oo, , lll t 4t4, 2ea{ (rfn<ar-)l'.Q' o tr 4 w+tt"L+ otdor,lt)q'Y loN fti a eiesLA eFcr,lthf :ficfr4rl snr*fir|rg " ftrcdJ.II4' boyl6 srghe€r'r€[ lrE. 143e mg6/dr. suilen-10 cBrrod shQp'rg cerrEr roil, colomdo 81657 3a3t47e.21n |46tda.c. /,'olft w, ! Aratf;- d ctx.c *e *t x\ id'rrlrrl) } ..- ldflp{} i, I aie +' i*y"'"J-_frr*.vf#.r, **tl&t 'Concrete A. AI1 concrete design is based upon the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI 3t8-?t). B. Al1 concrete shall attain a minimum 28 day cornpressive strength of 3000 psi. Air entrainment shall be |fi mininun for aII exterior work. C. Al-I reinforcing steel shall- conform to ASTM Specification A615-74 and shall be Grade 60,ffi. D. Welded wire fabric sha1l conform to ASTM Specification A18J E. Concrete rnaterial-s shall conform to the following ASTM standard specifications: Portfand Cementt CLJO, Type I Aggregates: C33 Water: C]ean, drinkable Air Entraining Admixture t CZ6Q Water-Reducing Admixture z C494 F. Al-1 reinforeing bars shall be detailed, bofstered, and supported in accordance with the "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures" (ACI 3L5-?4) G. Concrete protection for reinforcement shall be as foflows: Concrete poured against earth - 3"Concrete poured in forrns but exposed to weather or earth -. #5 bars or smaller - LE"Bars larger than #5 - 2 Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground -Slabs and waLLs - 3/4"Other - I+" H. Lap splices in reinforcing shal-1- be a minimum of 36 bar dianueters unless otherwise shown on plans. Wire fabric reinforcement must 1ap one full mesh at side and ena laps, but not less than 6 inches and shall be wired together. I. Make all bars continuous around corners or provide corner bars of equal size and spacing. Provide two, #5 bars around aII openings, extending 2 feet beyond edge of opening. J. Provj-de continuous shear keys at all cold joints and elsewhere as shown on drawings. K. Al-1 anchor boLts for column bearing plates shalL be placed with setting templates. A11 grout beneath colurnn base plates and bearn bearing plates shall- be non-shrink, 'Embeco", 'Five-Star" or equal . I. Equipment shal-l- be provided for heating the concrete roaterials and protecting the concrete during freezing or near-freezing weather. Al-l- materiafs, forms and earth in contact with concrete shal1 be free from frost, ice and snow. M. Al1 concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated by vibrating or tamping during placementr and shal-l- be thoroughly worked around the reinforcenent and into the corners of the forns. No honey- combing wiIl be acceptable. -JEnRV t-, linANlA . ARCI{ITECT . A,l-4" 30 FtLi'-3T r-ANE MILL VNLI.E Y, CALIF, 9lr94l itti:r] .\.\ a 1o -1 rl Utl)t <a, 1,.:'a).L SUBJjICT: DiI-lIiX! I,OT 5, BI,OCK 4, TII,TNC #3; IIONS RII]GE SUSD]VTSION GNNTT,DI,IE}tr: pr_,tiASn rII,lD 'Ticr,osIl 4 :j,lTs 0I DnAlnrlrcs Ai{D g'irfl.i )11 lit,4.TrlRrArJlj IOR llllit DrlSIGlil R-iVJljfi ,l0AnD L'li:litTTl,tG OF JULY l_5, rgBl_ fl{ l.Dr)ITIOi{ T0 THE n:rlCi,OSTD liAll t.tf rr,S. A I,,[,Alt ;RIAfr SII/i'''f,ltl 30ARD rf,lt D .A Tr{0D,I l','7ri'L,4, f S0 Rr{ $IJi.rtlfTrtlr-lD hll TI{ll MrlllTT}trG. J,T ''|lllln'; IS lltf Pl10BI.1'Iit '1TH SCll '])iI ,,:l_i{G. r]'!',11^:ix jiioT:ltrlr I{Y 0I;'llf Cll rr I SOol'i rS r,0:jlIrlTl;l . TTtiirl,- 1'OiI. ','f lrc r-lt,iff' SIIA-NIA ARCTiIii, Ciil h.IA J i'S /ne | -.1 ,.--''.-r' !"t T IH gurrrere Forrn ?:312 i1 Jtp 'ntfo a File No. GO?163 SCHEDIJLE A PollcY No. A2 1-1378.2 Amount ]1f.,7,3()o.OO Address 1. Fol icy Datet -lLlNE (l4, 196O at e!C,C, A.H. 2. Nanre ot' Irrsured: CRAIG CfIHRRIA 3. The estate or irrterest in t'he I and descrihed in this 9chedul e arrd rerhich is errcunrbc.r.r:d by this pr.rl icv 1sl A FEE 4. Title tc, 16o estate or irrter.est covened bv thic rolicy at the date her'e,rf is vested irrB CRAIG L]I}I"IERiA 5. The l.rrrd r-Eier'ne d to irr this r.'nI icv is cittrste d irr Ef\tiLE (lc,unty, tlo I or ado, afrrJ is da:cr i bed ts tol ll.ru!!i LOT 5, [rL.CrCX 4, LIr]N"9 RIotiE srt-tBiJIvIsIoN, FIL_IN$. N0. 3, AL:CORDrNri TO THE RECARBF:N Ft-'iT THEFENF, I:IfI,U.JTY OF E/fGLE' STAI-E OF COLOitiiDU. Fa:c- I ihis Foiici '.':ii.l urrlt tf ::;ch. rJul.: B i:. ;ttar.-hr:,J. I llo Nr'. t'tl"rl63 SL:HF:IIULF. B Pollr v No. {\/ l'):)ltrf This pol icY does not lnsurc igairrst I or's or d.Lrrao? bv r.earsr.rn c,f ttre f ol I orui nsr: l' Rishts or claims of Pat'ties in eossession not 5hourrr by the r'ubl ic r.ecor.ds. tsasenrentsr oF claims c,f sasenrentg, rrot shourn bv the r.ublic recor.ds- lJ i s c r. c. pa n c i e s , conf I icts in !,,-rr.trljarv I lrres, shor.tase in ar.e.a,encnnachnrents' and anv facts rrrhich a cor.ne.ct survey and ingpectic,n of the Pr'tlmi ses tuorlId .lisclose arrd urhich ar.e not srrou,n bv the public recor'dg. AnY lien, or' r'i:rht to a lien' for servIceE, labor, or nrateriai ttrert-toiore c'n frer'eaf tcn f ur'nisl-red, inrpcrged bv lau arrd rrot s6c,rrrn bv the nrrblic recor.ds. 1990 TAXE:5 NI]r YET BUE AND PAYAFI.-E. t I El,l5 F [rR LTNPA I L'l t.trrTF:R flNfr E;E|.JF:F: t:.!-ti:FiriEs, I F fiNy. IJF-LD I:IF 'I-RU::;T i-rri-;..0 :JEPIEf,IFF-R 1(), 1.'79 FRUI,l Ri-!I,J;trLD REYIIL]I--TJ:J 1O THE FtJpLIl:: IRLISTFE crF En[iLE culll,lTY FuR THF LEiF- L,F VriiL NAt'IotJi)t- t]t:ft]('lo :5Er::l-.rRE l-HE :::Ur'r oF s lLlO, O()0. Oo RE(I':IRDED St--F refl8F_R 1 1 , 1y79 It{ BIIOK 7t'o (\'i F,AnE 905. ..lrr,tret I rrr lrr .'{l.l .> t^J. l.: -f 4. a LrEF-tt LrF 1'Rutr iri'tt't siIF''l E:t'lEli:Fj l(', ly7? FFt:rN f:][,f,],,i1-fr FiF-\,f,tLii .Iri; 16 -g11g FL-lill.-IC lRl_l::.1-EE LrF E/r[fL_E r_)t]1,{NTy F[rR TiJE Ltj::E uF l,,tC:l{i.\FrTIN, trLtHt:8, Lt:r:iER r)trlr FITZC,ERALTI F.t_-., HF_NRY ._t. fl[_Ih||iER, .tAcH 6. uHriF:NEy, trAN rt. t-Ett]9 At\iil BRoNt{ B. eitt I ]'H 1 Lt EiEr:UF{E Tt-{E 5ut,1 0F $ I 10, 000. o() REC.:'RBF-D At_tGUgr l'/t l?79 Il.,l FnOl{: 291 fr'f F.;.rLiE :{3:. RF-';]-RICTIVE C:r-rI/911O*'= TJHIC:H TII] NtJl'CJON]AIN A FLIRFEITURE OR REVERI'ER CLi.IU!:E' Ag CI:II.JTAINf-.D II.I IT,ISTRI.JMENT F:ECORIJED S;SF'-TEI,IHER ?O, I972 TN EI.II-II; "?25 AT PABE 443 AI.ID INSI'RUI4ENT REI:SRTIED SEPIET,IBER 2?, 1?72 iN -EIII:-IIi 223 AT PATiE 565 FrND THE AI.IENT-INENT RFL:OI-iIIETI IN Et-It-,}i Z3:: AT PA6F 53. IO. UfILITY EASEMEf.JIS 20 FEET IN I{ITI'rH, IC, FEET {--IN El,lCH SIIIE TJF ALL IT.II-ERIt:IR LOT LII.Ji15 A1'ID A 15 FUDT IJTILITY FA:::gY51r11 ALUITIJ AI,{D AbI-I TTIFIII olJ nl"L EXTERIITft L-L-'T L, INEs Frg FrEr--:ER\1En oN THE FLI)T Fr:rR LIoru.g FrLr6E :-;l.jFfrJ\rIL:: Iol{, FIt_Ji\lrj tJr:r. 3. 1t'' Rlt';Hr uF fJAY FgR rtITrjHEg: At,rn f.nN/)t-9 [:oNi:;TRr.rr-.rFo Er/ THE AUTHSRI ry L-:F l-HE lJilIl-ED t:TATEg A:i RE:;ERVEF_r IN UtiI t..lr !;f frit:t pAi_i:Nf OF RS_t::r:rRfi. q9'l Rl.cHT 9t t]lY EA::Er4ENT rls r:iRrrf.Jrf:rr Tu HoLy L:F:L-r::;,.-j F_LEcrRtD,lggDcIATIoN,itll:., IN It't:ilRr_triEt,lf FEr)rlggg6 Alh_it,l5T 24, l?67 Itt Er_rr_r6 211 ,lT Ffir_iE I Ctit . (1y Flr-.'RF:EtlENT E:EI-IJEEN TnvvEL E|JVIRt.,lill-:NfAL LAl,lo r::ompr-ri.jy /;tJ[ Ftl_rr,iNTAIt{:jfATEr; TELEFHUNE Al,lB TEt EGp.Af g ,:,:rlf.ANy Fitrlr,/IDi,rG FIJR tF-LEPHO]rE 1l.r::.1111_19'-,-iLrj.,l Al-ltt F;ER\rItiE THFitrl_r,rHOLJT LILrl,J'5; F:rtt,,,i-.:jLrFtrJ(/1St['N, FILItir]r',Iu. f ilEr-.rJh[rEo --,Epri:rti]';-R 27, 197J If.r EO;J.:. :/::r i,r F'l)r_,.: ,i.J1.Fasc- 7 Ourrrcl l'errr ?313 F i I c No. $Ovf d,3 . Po I lcv No. ALl23rc? gCHEDULE B 14. EASEf'|EN'rS CONTAINED ON THE PLAT FOR LIC|N'9 RJITBE gUBDMSION' FILING NO. 3. 15. DEED OF TRUST T6TEN JTINUARY 30. tgAO FROII CRAIG C:AI'IBRIA TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EABLE I]IfUNTY FI]R THE USE OF RIOOECREST ASSOCIATES, A LII.IITEB PAFTI.IERSHIP TO SFJCURE TI'IE gUI,I TIF S'??,5O('.OO RECORDED FEBRUARY 04, 1980 I}I BOOK ??8 AT PAGE 23?. Face 3 SUI]I)IV.I SJ ON flqn's R,d 4s_ _ JOI} NAME Lo'r_- 5 _ stocr Mountain llel l Western S I ol:e Gas Public Serrrice Cornpany Iloly Cross El cctric Assoc. Vail Cabi c T'. V. Uppcr iJa511c Val l cy llatcr irnd SanitaLion ljistri.ct 'I'his fot't;r i.s 'J-i i i :: :;i, .- it ) cl u1:i. J j .1' pJ irr: rl TII,INC 3 ADDRESS /C€€ &8./ Elre6 @P Thc local.ion of trtilities, whcthcr: thcy bc nlaiD tltrrk liucs or |roposccl lines, nust be appr:ovcd and ver-if icd by thc 1'ol lovritlg ut j.l ities for tltc acconrpany ing sitc plan. Aut l'rorizcd _S-i []nuturc Dat c b:-*5//=Lf / (r'-'/ ,lt b-11-6 '--t-f1 NOTE: 'lhese vcrifications do not r'eI icve t.he contractor of his lesponsjbil.itl' to obtai.n a si:r'ect (r1)1. pcrrrt-i t fron tlic Tot'ar of Vail, l)epartrncrtt of Pttt,l jc i,.ror'1.:; aui'l r-o oLrta jll utilitv locations befolt: di gging .j.rr any publ j.c rrglrt- ofi-way or easelncrnt in thc To rrn o1' Vli 1 . A bu j. 1 din g .ue r';:tit is not a sl t'eet cut pc:::tiiit obta j ncri sep:lrateil,. A .st lcct cut ]rc] uf il nrust bc :r'.:.riJ;'l:J:i i1, l:r:.i I (-r'":i.r (.,i.ir, .i r,; I i,lt p, ;ijlj t'ir-rll )'(,i'i' to vcl'if1' s..:1 ,'i (:( l.'l tt-rr-:d jtt r:t,trrlct rrtt.l :; c lit tlrr i.ir;r., Itlounknn Bdl P.O. Box 1479 ff:'#t :ft[T' coro'ado 8{xn1 May 29, 1981 Mr. Craig Carnbria P.O. Box 2800 Vail , Co]-orado 81657 Dear Sir: As requested ln our telephone conversation Thursday May 28, 1981, the lnformatlon requlred by EagLe County follows. The duplex located on Lot 5(Bl-ock 4 F1ling 3) 1n Llons Rldge, Val1 , Colorado will be provlded telephone servlce from the VaLl- Exchange of Mountaln States TeJ-ephone Company. Mountain Bel-l ls a publlc utiLity subJect to r:egulatlon by the Colorado Publlc Utilities Comnission and the Federal ComrnunlcatLons Commlselon. Telephone facilltles have not been extended to thls location, nor can any comnitment be made as to when they w111 be avallable. Extension of our plant lnto thls area depends upon nurexous faci:orrr, such as our capltai requlrenents ani ablllty to ralsrr capir:al . Thls wotrld also jepeld on the uveilabllity of nanpower and supplles, potentlal use of the facllities, and i:he eco'romlc f'easlbll 1f y of prrrvldlrrg Lhe 6ervl,ce. Due to Lhe Ltcation of thts duplex .ln Llons Rldge in Vall , Cclolado. Constructlon chargee w111 not apply. If addltlonal lnformatlon Is needed, please calL Don Capron at 636-4806. -l'ours t ruly , ,ir , [' t-,/ /r LLt1c6-4 /L' , LL1-/ Ll> L.' Donald R. Capron i/ Supervlsor Resldence LilCAl, UlltiCltll'1'l0Nt t,Ol' (:lfl,ocx J yll, lN(i r I ,' '. y,(. E/l -l"arr-.. ' .' ' ri..- ..-i. ...4 su6U DESCRIPTION OF PRO,TEC'f TUIA. for subni.ttal by tho upplicant to the Design Rcview /u / s/6t fhe following information is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials Fascia Soffits l{indows Window Trin Doors Door Trin fland or Deck Rails Fluos Flashings Chimeys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es 0ther B. PLANT MATERIALS (Vegetat ive, Landscaping Botanical Name Tyge of l4aterial dF /-/e/2u E4 -A/L'/ry6. required can be Materials including Trees, Comrnon Nane Shrubs, and Ground Cover) Quan t i.t v a Size --7:'2"ata.q6 4€e.e - I T*ee,> .Abe,e hba(d. a*|efutp. p4lre _ a4 -ft-,aut&4/PE {1^ u42P - --qaAK/N6 oEs AW ../ffina -nvrepn--7at 4s4 /-ltl'^f /_e*L-€ e'- )t o,'e. at ttspy. 'lEffitPI?ffi* 5ew/F4 ffi O Project Application 2 Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ?,U/i 4u{Architect Address and Phone: -2 , Block /urta;., Zone: Zoning Approvecl: Deslgn Review Board ,flpiL APPRovAL / ,-----DISAPPROVAL u,{ Oate: Chief Building Official Subdivision Lot B'lock Filing [NGINEIRlilG Clll:Ci( LIST (to^': Q'oag 3 -5 + 1. Submittal Items (A) Tcrpo I'tap (tJ ) Si te Pl an (c) Ut i 1 i 'r"y Pl an ( D) T'i t] e llep ort (E) Subdjvision Agreement (jf app'licable) e . lrg-t-lsstt!9-_Re-wlrgrgrlr (Acceptabl e) (l'lot Acccptab'le) _4. /\to+t€ ,--- (/t) Cu'lve,'l c'izc /5" ( s) Dri vr:vra.y Graoe-i5.: l-::;i-[GmT) 3. Sou rce of Ui;i l 'i ti es il ectri c ut(15 Sei,rer l{a t.r-. r Tel ephcric T. V. /)ft f<ft;-T-I '-J --:.--:'--- 4 . C otri; n e n t s : __7<eeE____ts_&.Fj.cttzz.z-',w -Aae_ _ - e_ f_ &&2.__ flo ofF S;r<€€r P+<xtr.Jc-- B C D r ; - (a ;,o71o,. Rra &.e G lbemt7 Approved: Di sapproved: -.2 ,/t ',dk Deliarirni,n'; of l'ubl ic hrorks Bil I Andrci:s j -.:. z0il[ 0il.ct( sFir, for P/S Z0i,tt DISTRICTS R, R Lcaal 0r,ltcr Desc ri p t ion :!", lurocr< V- Filins LtotlS€jrei *n S_* Arcliitcct Zorie District Propos ed GIIIA: GRFA: Larrdscaping: Parking: A!l __e!u_ __ / g6_9___ ,\ Required hft --------------proposcd tt Reotti rr':d V Drnr.. r ^rl Slope Acl:r.ral Co;rllcnts : Lot Area -@4 ___ Height Allorre:cl f propc,scd Setbachs: Front*Req,iir'ca 2o'i'-"projJosed Sicles-Requirccl 15, prc-rpcsecJ Itear *l?cquii'eC '15, proposed ,t ).'. l,lal.cysep 1's.- rcqu i re d Ll I oued ,_ffiL,rzrvr.^1 Pi'imai1, Alloucd 9lfO _ Pt"inilrl, Prol;oscd Sccondary Alloricd Si ie Covera gc: A1 'l oi,ied Dr.ive: Slope Pc::rnittcd I-nvironnent;al/llazar.ds: Avi:'lanche Flood Plain ' S'lope @o Secortdarl,Pr"opcsed tj*t.ttz rulE D,i l. r: : o box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-s613 department of community development Ju'ly 20, 1981 Jerry Smania 30 Pimlot Lane Mi I I Val ley, Cal ifornja 9494I Dear Jerry: At the July 15 meeting of the Design Revjew Board, your submittal for a new duplex was given final approval with the following stipulations: r'i b spacing on roof down to 16" maxjmum, revisions on landscaping as noted. Approval was for a primary/secondary residence wjth a total GRFA of 4714 sq.ft.: 2848 sq'ft. primary and 1866 sq.ft. secondary. Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df ili Si ncerel JF.l'inV 1.. a\tf."ilA"6;rilHlTl[aT r A.ilrr 3ir i':1"11 : r r- \vi fjt:':. L vi,-' '- Y, CAi lr'' p.t-(rt1 JU]IE 22, t ,]{l:l sullJrlcT! Durlt.,;;{: r,oT 5, SLOcK 4, lrr,I]'tG /1, -fo1,t3 urDGll suBtTVrSr0N GDIiIT i,iilJill'I: pr.,l ],llliil lrTllIJ -;iie1.0ri ilr) 4 .1'iTS 0F Dn,iri?Itlrr li l.IiD 0rll lll lillT tR] Ar,,S ICR Tllll D lSlr)lf n'lV.Lllr; -r0Al?D 1,1 ';l lTilrc oF JUrif .r.5, I q31 ILr .,1 D.)ITTO,i T0 illin rlil0 i,0sijl l1l 'n i'i)f ,\ r,..'. A lT,x.irl IRIAIi lj-t j,i' , r- "l A0AnD r'i:l) / lT0 ll;l I, jI',T, ,'';ij0 rl : ilT-ll'I4T'lr'r:'l) Ar|I'J{ll l,Tr'l ilTfllc. 'I n rIt ,:1 . Ilj /Ir1i' l)ilOI], r,l1'1 I'fll llCll li)li-TrJ.i . i1r', 1I :',1 lii0llf rY rr'tl' 0ir r.!-C'l ..fr i l;()OIi rij r():i;f ilr,',: . Trli, l.' 'r'011. siit.:IA i llc| r ir c- ,, T ^ J 1,5 ,/-te. l--/ ,--- ' t-. :" ' TII'l Ourrers Forrn ?:312 rJ Filc No. GO?r63 SCHEDULE A flt,. rsro 1. Fol icy Dater -lll[[ 94, l98O at g!CtC) A.t'1. 2. I'lo.firL. crt Irrsured! CRAIG CIIHBRIA 3. The estate or irrter'r'st in the I and descrit'ed in this Schedul e arrd rrrhich is errcunrber.cd by this pr.rl icy l9! A FEE '' 4. Title to the estate oF ir.t'srest covered t,y thic nol icv at the date i'll hre[ €rr,f i s ve!.ted i rr B CFAi6 CilHBRIA 5. The land r.t- f er.red tc, irr thi s r.r-, I ic'r is sitr-rated irt EAULE f.tiunt r,, Colorado, .rnd is des.cnibed .:i s tol I 'rursi LtrT 5, B[,C|C]< 4, LItrN'S RILrr-iE S.l_tFiJI\rJelON, FII-INrj. NO. 3, AL:r":ORnlNCi TIJ THE RECARDED FI-'iT THEREI:IF, CI]I.II.JTY OF E/)GLE, 5TA'I'E DF COLL'I;iiiDI'J. Pot icY No. A712379? Amount iLdT'5OO.OO Addr€ss Fa:e I Tiris Fr, liri,:,:li,J ,iril.r it !,cfr,: rlrrl il E i:. ;ir;ach;,J. 4. .? 3. q t1. .lrrrlrct' I r,1 11, '.1 1.,I tlo Nr'- t'o'J163 SCHIItrULF B l]oI Ir: r No. /\71']:t/tr.>. Tfris r'ol icv rlor-'s r'ot lnsura.. astairrit lol.s or rl.rnraoc br. reas err oI ttre follortinE: t ' Rishts or claims of parties irt eossessic'n nat ehcturn bv the r,ubl ic f.LaCOr.dS. EasenrentE r or^ claims of easerrerrts, not shourn bv the publ ic recor.d5, L'l i s c r e p a rr c i e s ' conf I icts iD t,orrn,:lar.v I irres, shor.ta:rc irr ar ea,encrcrarlir'rent9' and an'r facts trrtr i ch a cor.re.ct 5rJr.v€:y arrd jngpectic,n of the Premis€9 uJc'r.r I d .risclo5e and urlrich are not sh,:urrr bv tfre Fubl ic recor'dg. Anv I ien, or. r.i:rht tc, a I ien, f c,r service s, labor, or material tlrere'tolr.rre on fter'eaf ten f ur'nishcd, inrpoged bv I arrr arrd rrot sfrouJn by the nubl ic r.ecc'r.dc. 19gO TAYES t{UT YET IIJE AND PAYAFI..E. t IF.r,i5 Fr_rfi Ltt',tFAIt.l t.rrrTF.R nNIr E;El^[,-Ft r.ll,:1Rr_iES, tF liNy. lrt-rD tltF 1'kU::,T l.rr:116,-O :fLpfLl4FF_R t(), l?).-.! Ft<ull FIL_rt l.\LD FEyllr.rt..tJ:i 1O THF FtlFi-lr-: lRLli:TFE LrF F-it[lt-E t]irLtf-JTy FuR THF t.tl-:;F- LrF Vr.lIL t.lATIOt,li)l_ I?iir{t( lLl :iE-r::l-lRE l-HE 5Ul'1 tlF E1(-,O,()()0.{JO REr.lrlF::DED ;..F-FI--tlLrF-R 11, 1y79 Ip Bi.l.JK .:,'t,O /rl- FAnE FOF. LrLf:ir r,-.rF l'iiu::i r lri)'ri:rr :,EF,.l.i.l-lF:i.Fj 1(), f,i7,7 FF.r.rf1 F:a,f..l,,il.fr FtE\.f,lt,ir.rr,;; lfr IHE Ft.lFl.-Irl l Rl-l:i iEr- [rF ErIGL E l-)t]til,.tTy Ftrli Ti{E Lrr:;F: DF l'lL:t{i\llrIN, L.{LlFtl:8, LCr::jF-R nf.{n FITZGF-FiALfr F.C., HF_f,lRy ,-t. f'1. I}l}iER, .tFiC:|.: 6. r:HfiRNEy, nAN /}. t_El,, lg t\firJ FFrr:it'Jh,l F. t;frJl'H 1c' g;Er:uRE'l't-rE:tul,1 oF tllr.l ,rloo.orl p.EL:DRnF-o rrt_triLrgr t'/, l?/9 Il,l FL-rCtti.Zsrt frt F;1GF;i:r:. Rl--il-RICTI"/H cr:rvEt'IANT:l tJHI[.H r.rD Niril- t:oNTAIN T] Fr,rriFEITuRE oR REvERTER C;t-',.}IJ::E' AS CC,IITAINF,D II{ ITiSTRI.JI.IENT hECORrIFD S:EF''fLIIEER ?O, 1972 TIJ Ej'.tlii. 7;>5 AT FAGE 443 AllD If-{sl'RUt4ENT RF_r:oRrrED sLpIEHBER z?, 1972 IN ilr:ii:rl{ ir:'5 AT pAciE 565 FIND lHE Arlf:NI-TNENT RFt:otirrF-tr IN vt_tt,}i 2?.3 t)T pAr-iE 53. 1O. UfILITY EASEI"IEI.JIS 20 FEET 1N I4II].rH, 1o FEET f,N E/.ICH s,IrIE OF ALL II..II.tsRII:tR LOT LIIIES AI..IB A 1:; FoUT I-ITILIl.Y EA::IEilENT ALoNIj AI.ID AEUTTIl.II]of'J nl"L EXTERIcTft LL-iT [.iNEs; rtg FIEiiERVEn crN'l-HE F,LI)T FFR LILtl,l"g Rrt.rGE StJFtrIVISIL-jl,l , FIt_I;,lrl Nr:t . 3. a 11. RlcHf UF lJAy FOR triTtjHF.C-: AtF,lfr r::nNill_!l THE lJirIl'F-D tlTrttLS A:3 RE::;ER(,IEn Ip L,t.JI \l2.) RITjHT CJF uAy FAr:rtrtlENT rts t;Rrlf.tiF_tr Tu \-/ i llL:. , IfJ il.J:;TRt_ttiEt,lT i-{EtlrlRlJED ALtrlt.rST I C)3, r::[Ni::TRi,rr_.1 Fn E(y THE frUTHt rRl'f y L-rF f Etr g f fil e:, FA it:hlf OF RE-r::ORtr. HtLY t:Fir:t5:i F,t-EtTt{Ic A9S;DCIAT ION,24, 1,767 Ilt Er:rLrK 211 t)T FrrLiE /^-\ \i 3' )i'i-rl:lflENl ITETIJEEN TAVVEL EflvIRr'li1[N f AL LAirfr r]r-rmpf-;r.Jy r;rjtr nl,r-iNrArr,l \J:il-ATES TELEFHT:|NE At'lB TEt.Er-iRAFH r::r:tfiF.nNy f-,i(B\rI!rilJG FuR tF,LEpHOr.tE Il'J:l.T/:l_LfiTitrl.l Al.J[r F,ERVlt;E THF:rJr_,r_:Ht:rt_tT t-Iirl,J.5; Frirr,_it: =;t_rtrL,1(r]51LrN, FILi?,r-r l,li], : FlL.:[.r:'ii[rEO 5,EpTEl1i]t_R 2/, lr7.2 It..l Fui.ti: :,_::r trt F,rirri: 2:1. F t'gt Z 't ourrer' Foror 2313 File No. 609163 . Policv No' AZL237}2 SCHENULE B 14. EAsEHENTS coNTArNEo oN THE PLAT FoR LIcrN'S 611tBE glJBDJVrsIoN' FILING NO, 3. 15. EEED OF TRUST TIATED JANUARY 30' 19AO FROIT CRAIG CATIBRIA TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE t]F EAGLE COUNI-Y FI]R THE USE OF RITIGECftEST ASSOCIATES, A LII.'ITEO PARTI.IFRSHIF TO E;FJCURE THE SUI'I TIF J'.?2,5OO.OO RECORDED FEBRUARY 04, 19AO I}I BDOK 2?8 AT PAEE 239. F';:e 3 ltlountah Bdl P.O. Box 1479 ffi'#i&:f i.T' c4ororado 'oq)l May 29, l98l Mr. Cralg Cambria P.O. Box 2800 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Slr: As recuested ln our telephone converaatlon Thursday May 28, 1981, the information requlred by Eagle County follows. The dupl"ex l"ocated on Lot 5(Block 4 Fll-ing 3) ln Llons Ridge, Vail , Colorado will be provlded telephone gervlce from the Vail Exchange of Mountaln Stateo Telephone Conpany. Mountain Bell 1s a publlc utlllty subJect to regulatlon by the Colorado Publlc Utllltles Conurlssion and the Federal, Communlcatl-ons Conmlsslon. Telephone facilltles have not been extended to this locatlon, nor can any comnltnent be made as to when they w111 be aval1ab1e. Extension of our plant into this area depends upon rlurJlerous f ac Lorr; , such as c,u'r capltai requlrerneats ani ablLity to raist: caplual. Thls wotrld also ieperrd on the rrvallability of manponer and supplies, potentlal use of the facllitles, and l:he eco.romlc feuslblliEy of prrrvldJ.ng rhe ser:vlce. Due t o the Lrcatlon of thls dupLr:x .ln Licns Ridge in Va11-, Co1ora..lo, Construction charges wl11 not apply. If addltlonal lnformation ls needed, please call Don Capron at 636-4806. I'ours truly , J.t .. ",l r; / / //LLglc/-LA /(, L"'-7: tri> y., Donald R. Capron i/ Supervisor ResLdence at .!.rsr .l__-. NAME 0F PROJECT 6dft4A4247 OF MATl.tlllAl,S hrue on ProrEcr taoA"AZL ,IEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 5 BLocKJ F tt tNc #3, . .L/a-te , HeF . flE? €Fea DESCRIPTION OF PRqJECT fhe following infornation is Eoard before a final approval A. BUITDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trin fland or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys ./ Trash Encl osures Greenhouses Other PLAI.IT MATERIALS (Vegetative, Lundscaping Botanical Nane .AHee Uoee< can be given; Dge of l,taterial E" "ffiffiffi2*rr"oaur.a required for submittal by tho appticant to the Design Rcview ',+7-, ffiFeO nr$/(E 4) UHYftle<, iraiTa- Etr a a /. 't V4ra V Eoslra Eeupz ----wv Golor pu/<AruAa. ?4 H u€ fZatf ,& ,P/'16,ruW 4 bp aF /7ct/AL-,84 c-/ryG. 1UP?s t4Y J4r-?4 *.f._g)o*<-, p/fa . 6Eet/i4 Ptar af +t*-4Aa rwreinl _ B. Materials including Comnon Name and Ground Cover) Size Tt<eez L2jire nR ft-aut44/lt6 leq&P _ _ ?uAF/A:6 4-W -- Cfffiato -mZ7Ar/A--- lE s.c - /96.o, ./9_a.o. /-?hL.c z'. g t o; c, 4t tt4y. Trees ,Shrubs, Quant itv g __3_. 7a! 4rMt+..knPA fq4-/4 Tru//-It?/oEs a*l/ekE ffi