HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 2 LEGAL FILE-o o.o o F z ul =F lE q. u.l o z F_o- E O a tIJ o F.(I tr z o tr E a UJ E fi z F o_ cc O a uJ o E tr z o l-(r d o a t.ll o l-E s z tr o- E o a uJ o -F (I t- z F_ E a l..rj -F z o F o_tr a Lrl o -F E t lrj Or-- 40 +-=fi<z uJ o Eg ;E dt 6> 52 JF #z ilx 6F OX z YZ FFJ x l! uJ (fc) <u)GA F_ FH ==rt r- l,lJ Eg z Co-o a z l >o t-- tJJ =ts zo )z z tr &. a uJ F (I tr z F o- E Lrl o E s t, Eu o(o EEa c oF ot ol ts i:6r .cOr\ts6*9'-a REA (D IL II o z ul o F r!I a E tu o E o [rJ o -O E f (L lr .uJ .)dl d->-:)z ar|r oul -dt =>ull >z o z ci ul (r t Fr UJ cl z J UJ o l,ll l o FJ k o lll o O cnsri orposir FoRMAr,,, Legal D€scriplion: Lot 3 Bocr f,/ Subdivision Li ons Ri doe Filing 3' Date of ExFiration:- !g!s!c-f-!.s1,--!-995 Address: 1535 Aspen Ridqe Road AIL (hereinafter called the "Townf). EAS, the D wishes to provide collateral to guarantee perlormance ot this Agr including of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: agrees to (125 1. Per attached propsal s Ereakout. NOW, THE ln ol the following mutual covenants and agreements, the and the T agree as follows: 1. The agrees, at sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material to perlorm and all improvements, on or before . The Developer lcomplete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as otfice ol the Com Account Numb€r: 01-0000-22026 DEVELOPER IM,PNOVEN,IENT AGREEMENT i THIS AGREEMENT, made andlntersd into this eetnday of Julv . 1915 by among Beck and Associates i (hereinafter called the 'Developer'), and the TOWN plans, WHEREAS, the Developer, aq a condition of approval of the svlvester Residence ht€d seotember 8th , 19-9ii'wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovemenl :and i EREAS, the Developer ip obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the f the Town to make rea$onable provisions for completion of certain improvements aDove, In Development incidental ther according to and in with the following: other designs, drawings,specifications, sketches, and other matler by the Developer to be by any of the above-relerenced entities. Allsaid work be done under lhe inspection of, and to the salisfaction of, the Town I official from the Town of Vail, as , the Town Building Officiel, er other by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, dnd shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by thg Town of Vail Community Developmenl Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: with allplans and specificalions filed in the nent, the Town of Vail, and to do alfwork Page I of 3 escrow agent, shall provide lhe security for lhe improvements set lorth above if there is a delault under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any lime substilute the collateral originally set torth above for another lorm of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithlul complelion of those improvemenls referred to herein and the perlormance of the terms ol this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specilied in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance ol the same, nor shall the Town, nor any ofiicer or employee thereol, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason ol lhe naiure of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees lo indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its olficers, agenls and employees igainst any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its olficers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any perlormance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection wilh investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage' liability or aclion' This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which lhe Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed lhat the Developer may apply to lhe Town and'lhe Town shall authorize for partial releise ol the collaleral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement al such lime as such improvements are constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as relerenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will the amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvemenls. 6. lf lhe Town determines that any ol the improvements contemplated herein are not construcled in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by lhe date set forth in paragraph 2, tfte Town may, but shall not be required to, withdraw from the cash deposit such lunds as may be necessary to complete the unlinished improvements. The Town shall release such lunds upon the written requesl of the staff ol the Community Developmenl Department stating thal the improvements have not been completed as required by the agreemeni. Tne Town shall not require lhe concurrence of lhe developer prior to the release ol the funds, nor shall the Town be required to verify independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreemenl, but shall release such funds solely upon the request of the Community Development Department. lf the cosls of completing the work exceed the amount ol the deposit, the excess' together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against lhe propeny and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to lhe treasurer of Eagle Counly to be collecled in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem laxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder lails or refuses lo complete the cleanup and landscaping, a9 defined in this chapter, such failure or relusal shall be considered aviolation of the Zoning Code.- 7. The Developer warranls all work and malerial for a period of one year after acceplance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town pursuanl to Seclion 17.16.250 if such work is located on Town of Vailproperty orwithin Town of Vailright-of-way. B. The parties hereto mutuallv agree that this Agreement may be amended from lime to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. c A cash deposit account in the amount of $--l1:l9gll to be held by the Tbwn, as Page 2 of 3 DEVELOPEB o, STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE ss. The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this a9, day ol -'l-,r.t- . ldisby l)rt( +{f t i.? L. ( $<irt't Witness my hand and oflicial seal. My com mission expires : -ffi€dtgl EpnB 5tl2r$ STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE updated 9/28/94 ss. -4'li.r.lv-t{-c / C<r,"fu,t Notary Public zs- oJ,l3l"+?:,'li' o"""''oiiffi;"'ffi\fffT."llT: Zff#::50 0""* '" *'' Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: My coMMlssl0ll E0IRHi stl2l$ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Randy Stouder Notary Public Page 3 of 3 o SYLVESTER RESIDENCE LANDSCAPE BOND BREAKOUT JULY 26. 1995 RICH MATTHEWS LANDSCAPI NG GORE RANGE MASONRY GRAND TRAVERSE ELAM CONSTRUCTION SUB-TOTAL T.O.V. REQUTREMENT (1 .25) $17,500.00 $6,200.00 $7,200.00 $4,385.00 $35,285.Ct $8,821.25 TOTAL $44,106.25 coNsTRucnoN, lNc, Proposaf Page 1 S'',n',,not OO57 Edwarde Access Road P.O. Box 1176 Edwards, Colorado E1632 (303) 926-5411 . FAX (303) 926-s465 lax:949-4335 PROPOSAL SUBMITTED Datc: 1Ol Drlveway Bcck & Aeeoclatee P.O. Box 4O3O Vall, CO 81658 .tc6 Name & Addreer: Sylvcoter Resldonce Aspcn Rldgc Road Vall 1. 2. 3. Oalo of Plans: ) Preparc eubgrade for roadbaaG and pavlng; eubgradc to bc left at + or - O.1 foot by excavatlng contractor. ) Furnlgh and placc 6" of 3/4" roadbaac to covar aPProx. 1,320 St of area for new drlveway. ) Apply goll eterllant to prcpared roedbaec. ) Furnleh and placc 3rr of new asphalt Pavlng to cov€r sanc area of aPprox. 1,32O SF.Ir. Note: Propoeal for 1995 work All of th. abo\r€ work lo be completed in a oubetantlal and workmanlik€ manner to. the 8um of r*g 4,gg5.oor* Four thoueand thrsc hundred etghty-flve and no,/1OO dollarc IMPORTANT: The foms and conditlons Btatod on lh€ reverse side hereol are exprecsly made a part ot thit conlract. This propoeal ehalt nol bocomo I blnding conireci unhE! ard unlillho Accoptsrrcs of PropoEal and Confirmsthd by Contracbronths r€v€f€6 sid6 hsv. b€6n executed. Thia progoBalt must bo accspled at provldcd and delhrgrcd to Ehtn Constnrclion, Inc., - 9O- daF lrofir abovr dale, or ahall expirc. 'To rccopt thb proporal, pban llgn bsck ot rrhlla copy lnd ratum to Elrm Conatructlon, Inc. Elem Conrlnrctlon, Inc. rhall not bo bound har.ln to axacuta a contract unl.t. th. owrrr provld.r Htlrfrc'lory rvldonco ot a& rqurtr flnanclng. Fo.ri tCa-mqt Wa horoby propooc: '+ I ,J g\ 6 o o (cr o*/ /,V s NI \6l \b Win Q(r,nr,otf R.lpccflully aubmined lth-Ectlnrtor e .s\:^,,l,f loe AND MASONRY To: Beck and Assoc. At En: Kim RE: Sylvester Landscape bid ? ropo sal Flagstone: $4000.00 Circular steps. .$f200.00 Itot_tub c.u.u. . .91000.00 Tota1. ....+6200.00 STUCCO . PLASTER . STONE. BLOCK P O. Box 50 ECwards, Colorado 81632 l3O3) 827-9244 Or 7 /27 l9s JUL-a7-1995 ?6t46 DEN . THE GARDEN CENTER OF EAGLE.VAIL ;dMl"gF Motther,rrs & Assocloles londrcoping lnc Londscope Ardiltecrre ond Corutrucllon oox J567 . vell, CCetgdc ll'l6tt U.tt. . (COC) 949-5077 r (Co{l) 9a9-to79 FAx 303 9495079 P.el July 10, 1995 Bill Andcrson Bsck & Associatcs 780 Nottinghon Rood Avo,n, Colcado Dcar l\dr. Andcrson: - Thank you for salling Matthcws & Associatcs with your landscapo noods at Sylvcstcr Rcsidcncc- Wc-apprcciatc thc oppornraity to hlp crc:rto a landscapo which will bring addcd yalus and acstbstics to yor project. Matthcws & Associatcs is a Laadscapc Architcctuc dcsige/build firm" specializing in residential a[d Conmcrcial landscopc coustrufiisu. In additioo to orrrdesigdbuild capabiUtics we also huvc inigalio4 and mahteure divislons, along with Ttrc Gaden Ccntcr of t"gfe-Vail, a rctail garden cstter. Th€se division"s allow Matthews & Assrriaes to be a full s€rvice landscape company. Encloscd is an esrimare for plmt installuion, pcr our converuations. This csrimarc tatff iruo accormt tbe following considerarione: It is ussurned thu the srpplicd grade will bc within t/l0 of a tbot of tlrc dcsircd ftnislr gradc. If any $adiry srdfor topsoil art nccdcd, trey wilf bc supplied at rime & malerisls rates. Tbe estimand cost to iDstall lbc plant macrial tq $l?500.00 (Seventeen Thousirnd Five llundred Dotlars)- Plpasc call with any qucstions. Sincerely, Rc; Landrcapo Insta[afiou at the Sylveeteg Residence. Richard H. Landscape TOTFL P.61 0?-28-95 09 : t2A]{ FRol[ Lc' E)(CAI|AII0N ToBE0K&Ass0cs Long'o E.:cavatron, inc. FEllmflt€E thst the cost to finigh ths !d|ndrcaitrrq at the 5:, I vesr-&r :ierJdeflce nrll be !l y.2(1O,(,(' ?or our gor LrtJn of Llle rrorf.. Prl !m$ F erlCrol '1'-r:y 29. f,q93 B=cf. & Aseocia tee Att.r r k jni rigt I.ANDSUAPING AT SYLVESTER Rtr5JDENCE. ASPEN R]DG€' VRIL t f L'-tlg'$ rs cfrcSgtt lo Cc' trle ,,grk rt wrll be don.- on a tinre and |''qtorialg ,ha9rr-q. 'llTl'/fh Excavatlon. Inc- P,O. Box894 . Avon,CO81620 . 970-949.{,682 . Frx07O.S4tt*4686 C, ='=: -= =- -. = =a . PAY - tal Ttl l: ::1: : BECK AND ASSOCIATES, INC. P.O. BOX 4030 vAlL, COIoRADo 81558 (303) 949-1800 TIIFORIY-fOUR IllOUSAilD OIIE llUilOREO SI)( AI{D 25/IOOTIIDSLLARS I0flil 0F vAIt i5 S. FROI{IACT RD vAIL, C0. 81657 I:IO?LO]TIqI: RECEIPT - The Town.of Vail CHECK NO. ]'r{t 46929 . z5' VAIL NATIONAL BANK vArL, CO 81658 ' 82.31r/lo2r 6501 n-_, I ,:4C f' ( za Permit Numbers HOW PAID--Cash-Chec OATE o8/ol /e5 lOl OO?Br' W To- i TOWN OF VAIL IECX AND ASSoC|ATES, lNC. OIIE PAYTE tr/cr/r6 r0ril 0f vArr cilEc;" 650t itl[ lfututr AIIOUTI {110a.?5 ,T' -- -;oLrt{ GF Lr*rl- Hi Ecel larrecuz Eas!.r { E" 1q. qr1 iiF-i-ll7'''i.;, __--t':-' --- ii*;*iPt * liE;?';'' r-,--.-.,,,-.f S t.-:1t; # EJL't 'iiii.l'i" or.loc: I irrEs trEt r' E}'IT t"{rir.r'-rf't t€f ij': i 'r"j I tern Paid 14$-rfr41;'7q?\i'$:!r: i--l-:.*Frrlr'; f .: t '-r f r|i'l ' THFt-{}': I f lf'Flfi r..rl'lEl tT i--tEFiEEi l 4'11flt:' " :5 filrlount Paid "i + i tur. i5 '_/Crt-} S. BE Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 o o Architects 303.476.2201 FA(476.7491 LETTEP@ F TRANSNfl OT'TAL ll Samples S Specifications TO WE ARE SENDING ! CoPY ! Shop You & of letter drawings cover vra Attached Ll Under sepa rate fl Change order f.l Prints J Plans for corrections as noted as submitted t,t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! As requested S For your use $ For approval ! For review and comment n Returned ! Approved n Approved Return-corrected prants Submit - copies for distribution Resubmit-copies for a pproval n ! FOR BIDS DUE l9 D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /'ilfi/q4 t / hfa hla,r /I /424/1 | -n,A r/,"t / ,/,*r/nt, UFe*h nao aa /^ .ltrw/ /lit+lqC ffi/fr,*/a"' 4trq: 4 /I /l SIGNED: l, ancloat!.aa ara not aa notc<t, kindly notity COPY TO -lo o o \ i.. ' rt*V"Fzova4p l11er-16@tu/\' ? . nlutu/ adpVl.ag alio a . I Pgnap" 7g62gYp 1yt4v) 4/9'eY p - '?ta$L?F' ?r1+1 Lldut la ldot6 4t 7Va7*ePP..l444lb fu4' SITE PLAN al O) co O) o O- t o J o o D J - IJJ o z ut o IT o lU t, tr,lI|F o ltJ J o {\\ \ tt \t T t (f)o <f 'O) o -o E :t z -o o a (.-> N I \ { ,l\ u#$* I /gT \,,/I 1ul *a 1 I l-[$ I /l ll n - \r 'l 'I ni'ii ^l-' fl '.' f i ' ., !I ,{. \' /';,1 (: lt t t' - t lt t\\ '1r ' i\s\ \ \\ "(ll fr-rat 1 ,ii \ !,:+,rI i i n 1l '{,l tilr ,.I ," I )nl N )./ii /'l o- ) r--- I '= f,,rY l I I I I rl t I rF i r. t Ir .- lll rrl ..r' T ll I / t,,e I l , 1.. rG I'u I t \t il rl I A,\r ', I $ .rp .\f,. }l.t; lz {4 li t' Ii l l \ I l\,. ir i:: t':-r.l --- i tr..{ .. --..<--,r .rI rrr.l '"".'r l 'l ' rir " i 'I I l, I.tl.lrLll ". ll I . .t-... ,|. i LiL -l\l'l .lt. I r,. ll l. ,l',rit .('lil rll '.:, 'r: li,I Lill.-,'it 'l L.rir.rli'Lrl .r,, i t .iii.rii. lllL. l\ rriil i. ,r, i)ii .{il\,il - I r. ilr..il i' ., I.r:l( ],,t,.r,1, 1 . ..t... (rr)ll()ll,r Irill' il!r'(i.L' :Llltl( L .tll(l rll!( ll l\.'1 \' 1,.1.\ ll:..irlrrili. .lt r'\:! 1,\i \,..iii .l:lil - i .ilL\ -i ,\,till \\r'L:(llrl[ ,i l, I.t ., ] ,,.rii ,i( llii- , ill \. .1. l''t':"' l1'r'!l :":; Ii.-l L it.. ..i[ .:.i)1,.. r.i -. :i I :rll:11..,. ilr i.rLl \t.ll.i1 :i' rii' r,rni Ilrf .lL r:i .1, lr.ri 1r1 '. 1-. l,( !j :.) (t!.Ltr.(i lj ,, tllnt.li :rll.lr( . .l( 'r:'i - (rr?r{()y() v(-r?(l{lt,:jrYX-rr) .\i1,,1,, i :.tll: ll.ll llflii ;l\'ilr. . ,')i!' il | , .il ,l .\.'! r ri' \.rriL.rLrlr,)i,l I :'i ' I r.i l- ,)i' .r\ '.1,- j{ri .:lr'\) I I I I I I i -l irti-' Mlv.c,\^ev d vAtL, @ exI€we- tuAl.L Ll6HT6 -u' e. 144Q1,o. aoe *-WA.{f -- '", ' ; 1.-- 'l l..r' //o Wa BEGA llluminaires Fcusrng One prece cre casl a urrrrrr-' >Joolred wltn u1r\,ersa ".oJnt'ng Orackel icr d recl attachmenl lo 3'lr'or 4" octagonal outlet box. Full Inlerna anodized alum'nufll relleclo' Enclosure: One p ece dr€ casl alumlnum secJ'ed bv 3 soc(el neao sla nress steel screws lfreadeo nlo starn'ess sleel i'lser'\ Tempered g ass %6" thick with strppleo suflace silicone sealed lo enciosure Fully gasketed for weather tighl operatron usrng silicone rubber O-ring gasket. Electrical: Socket is porcelarn medium base with nickel plated screw shell supplied wrth 2OO'C h gh lemperature leads lncandescenl and M.V rated lor 600V - H PS pulse rated 4 ( V - BaLlasts are N.PF lor - 20o slartlng l,r-:ornounted to lhe ancnof base ass€mbly H PF ballasts available - specity Winng access door and ground ng lug provroeo F,n sh: Slandard color black oaked on hard acrylic enamel with light lexlure A varlety ol colors can be suop red or specral order U.L. listed, suitable lor wel ocations Protection class lP55 , I i,:,f ; , I tl 't !, ; < c> 'E"2tl8{l 1 100w A.19 2482 1 35W E.1 7 HPS 2025 2483S 1 50w E.17 HPS 3600 8!,; 1 50wE 17 tMV , 250 12./e tl Ne!! product nol snown n general cala cli 12t/'s 2it83M BEGA/FS a Forms Surlaces Company Box 50442 Sania Barbara, CA 93150 (8c5',75 Telex 65-8* o sCc O21 O"",gn Revrew Actron |lrt TOWN OF VAIL --t/ Category Numberla Proiect Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: >/, Legaf Descripti on: Lot '' V Block Project Street Address: Comments: Zone District //(dv Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: Conditions: D Approval ! Disapproval ,ft/staff ARRroval Town Planner # Dare: /'2)'2f DRB Fee Pre-paid (2'v .r' Snowdon and Hop 201 Gore Creek Drlve Vail, Colorado 81657 o Architects 303-476-2201 FM476-7491 TO WE ARE SENDING YOU E tr Copy of letter ! Shop drawings o kins Attached n Under seoarate cover [] Change order ! 6l Prints IIB U o lllP R OF TRANSNflITTAL $ Plans I Samples ! SDecifications Relurn-corrected prints Submit -copies tor distribution Resubmit-copies for approva I coPtEs DAT E NO.DESCR IPT ION I 6/+r/q(/h2/7 zrz*zrttnt I 4hr /4{/d/. rtA- Tgfl I ll"n'|qr ,l Rti/tsdl /rail ,*tr"t //'"y, ' lh /E/40h6 4 fhuf Hda,u r; tl THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! As requested f] Returned tor corrections I Fot yort ut" D Approved as noted \ For approval n Approved as submitted ff For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US tr D n ,t cnclo3uras ara nol a3 noaad, kindly notiJy ua at i5r A5 FRi:1il 'JF r'luRuHr.ldiRTHEH:: T rIDIICI8IOH - SOfill Ol DAIE rePrr.lltSlr-f,gglY*3i w *ttlltafrt t8tg fFPt lCrSlON lfSlt trot BE gNTr! tr& RlguIlID lllfoRl(l'rloN trltllfttl t,@t f,. DE6 ION I E, ilPE O' RSVIEWT New Construcslon (e2OO.OO1 fr.Unor tltG*tlon ($20.OOl -lddlsron {g5O.o0-l - | ^ -. ,,concePbupl Rcvlew (80} C. IDDRES9: D. ITEGAL DESCRTPT:pN:Block SubdtvleIon If properey 1s clescribecl^by des-crlbt,I on, pls8se provlde attosh to thlt apPllcatlon' Nil.IE OT APF,LICANT' \;-,1!t; o*LH',-: OF OIfNERS I rErOtrEgBI (S) r MalIlng ciresg r tJ' t(. I Dtgtcil Brvtlt{ Bor,nD rtsnotlr$ llctfr.E$ orft Wf& r'llln tn|lt II9ROVrI, SNTA88 I BUII,DING PERMIB I8 IgSUED AIID CONETRUCTION I8 88J|888D. ftK' rDPlrcf,Sro$ rr!1 EE tRocE$$sD tftTEo0S oflrtER,a Stot rset .1 Tt-t ,."0ufftiJ'74et vltg, coIDnrDO 7,W? DEI lcelP8lD Ig SUBMITFID e mects and boundt lega). on I Separatq, ehecL and SONINOt G.NATIE OF IPDLICANTS lns AdCrars LOT IFEA: It requlrecl, sppllcant mustl st,Enped Furvey s[gwlng IoE areE. j Er P. H. r. RESENTAT ,bhilwk TizoF{'ffi*l tu* tt|--=ffia Cortdonlnlun App$vel, lf a9p11cab16. r DRB tEEr DRE l€is, rr gbown abovep ero to,be palC rt the tlmc of gubnlttal o'f DRB epplisetlon, LEI€rl whcn apply(ng tor a bullding parnltr PleasE ld.nglfy ghe accurste valuatlon of th€ proposal. The lorrt of vail : i ] i' :' ffi ', I l : " : i .'i ; " i :'i I ? o :',::' " : :'n',' n' *il' / " .// 77q- EEF-gqHpDULF.r ' VAT,UATION " EEE 0 0-9 101000 Se0.00 Cl0,00l-9 50;000 150,00 t.50,001 -9150,000 s100.00 9r5o; 00r - E too, ooo F2oo. oo 9500;001 - sl,000,000 0400,00 I gvcr glr 000' 000 $500.00 $ t\'s + rt- r1\ N -$,. \ K L t \L t r$ \ i \+ $ I jt l\ \\\ S- F \\ \L \L *t\$t )\\.f \ U -,-{ o a :<l >.. 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OY:cAsB I r ,.r,'7k12'*,rr.or-, o o nrlx ln \ _-} uvt (l r4/- t a .a tt ,ttr ,a-tt N ^/t/t '/ .- :- (^{.h"d- il*,*l i) f.4 TslrtH (rF IJF I L ttircellgrq'rr Crdr s5-31-95 G9:83t21 Receipt*1?5055 ^,1 '-i't' Bccc'unt{ CK*7&77 :ii 5NOUIOON & HOPKI}€\PREPffID DRB FCE, Fnount tendered ) ZS'm !!€fr Prid a1868841331688- Charrge returrred ? niouol P.id. 2q.48 B.8g TDlFlSll( v{f,t, Vour cashier HEIDI ta n re 57 57 tt tr. |l tl o T-Tnl IF JX1 @F TRANSNflIT'TAL Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drlve 303-476-2201 Vaif, Coforado 81657 FAX476-7491 TO ARE sENDTNG You k ! Copy of letter tr Shop d rawings Attached I Under separate ! Change order $ erints E Samples fl Specifications Retu rn - corrected prints Submit - copies for distribution Resubmit-copies for a pprova I vra cover tr. E Plans THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked ff As requested ( Fo. you, ur" S For a pproval D For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE ! Returned E Approved ! Approved for corrections as noted as submitted tr ! n u ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER, LOAN TO US '1n/ltr'! 742 coPrEs DAT E NO.DESCR IPTI ON /,,4 F/q6 dV ffi;hal n/ar* r iilhtmg / _r-_-.7.r_ I --.. ,,-,r r.=.r Clr, ll ar,*iL'' iDllF-r,ryJB[l\ti iF ti,ii $'i il'"EEi '-11- *An { 6 tsq5 t*a li" ? ll cncloruacs rra not t3 notcct, kindly noti y ua at *=€€\-9-q.'r *B +e 3sE Eas -T€-F= -+ =.si t :l-+; IS.A *--R +S's $5s o3" €"s \P ,= IJ t--trD =q,F l)oor144- MAF 16 \ n4tt ,) >n*4 at+4.darll klL I '--.ll )'/^+4-e t'l ,r.NfP I t- Irl lil l,- i$ ii- t.4.V)q d .,7 ,er.) eF -L_ t \ @ +_ t \ StelJdz ,lo - lt',ra-r7l aaa€ SB€E *gFf ris €*e_;Ft o t N' ,t (\$ $rs Ir .... , \I -L, t\ !l l\ sl .c x i:s Z >s $ rn€--\s $la-ns Act e IE \rr t e F \Yl \r$ Szv $ 5 lt N' .-\ lll-gil +ri ttr +gi$i Ti $t- \ $| !$* r e---'..--i o $t t $ t_ T\ $+sT L T ej $t ). 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Approved tor corrections as noted as submitted 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION loht fd4%1t fr>no "Ftr&/ a't4/r7 ,r41t ,awtkJr '- I SIGNED: COPY TO It cncloauaaa atG not !s notcd, kindly noti,yt us ,l once. TOWN OF VAIL catesory ,u o"{!2 Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architec{@ntact, Address and Phone:(7( Jz "r ?o lrdrl '9 zone District Legaf Descripti on:tot V Project Street Address: Bloc :J( k Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Vote: Seconded by:_ I Approval I Disapproval I Statf Approval /\ .tl 'ionditions: N'ftJ- DRB Fee ere-paia A,//r1'' J -lf I -t Category Number----.&t Projec{ Name: Building Name: tn ReviewAction Fn TOWN OF VAIL '(t' oate Proiect D€3crlptlon:r0ff / Zone District P( S Board / Staff Actlon Motion by:VotE: Seconded by: I Appioval tr Disapproval [/Staff Approval Conditions: y'" 'o*", l(,t0,qf DRB Fee ,*-r^o Nf * 'qlFI':flBEr-- :',F ' i " *,nn Review Action rih TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbel o". ft*f( Project Nam€: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: .. -Arch.llg9lbontast, Address and Legal Descripti on: Lot T erclcX 4 Project Street Address: zoneDistriafls- Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: (nnn,ou"t 3 Disapproval n StafiApproval ,4 7"/ Town Planner I /6, r/fi'f /-rlua'ral DRB Fee rr"-Olr, / f^i/,, t,tay Pn,t SYtlo /')rtt o^ty. ?'J 64f W /r/^,'t ftirrrr?ott'dn rr$n1 //a^ t,. fr 'ctliu ,,- ilO-# 'rt?, ,.,X )' . 6q\tt Lfx., | -^e -= r'2+r"+^1 ,/ \ | 't ----z'- Faid _-- ck' No' - f-L-*-t":f":w^ n,!& /a ,-/ il t ?'' L{c 4 ,,42-a-, ---L, ;;y,,i.llr* q 23 7sz . <'?) ft:r',V ,:' \m [S(.-H,Y/ a,.^-t n-.-$.--l ; / -..-f ,{ ?ry:iln,@S nl tfu-\ t F*T* 6"Apertule A.Lamp Downllghl _-- Cc.Fcl l|llit I sEP z g $gf tsr' tA2r)!\' (/rt9l 6ow Ar9 75W Al9. 10w{ Al9, 150W A2l Low br,qhtrl€ss apertuc do\mhghl dis' trrbutes;von illumination with gen€ral s€rvic€ lamps. Available lvilh sp€culat Alzak l€ioclo.s in d€8t o. gpld or with ootixl ua.|( sluminum Cdlox baffi€' Fielledor and baffe p.ovido '15'visual ortofl b lemp and lamp irnage. F..Uno. Inlsgral th€rmal proteclot . Adiuslabl€ dio cast aluminum sod(et cao'nnhtains proper hmp loors lor dil- terent size tamps' Die cast aluminum rnountrB f rame accomrnodates uplo t 'f trijr ceiting malerials ' Univgfsal rnounting brackgts allor use ol '/z' EMT corduit, lalhing cfiannels or bat hano€6 lo( installatbn' Oamp locatim fisoa, iundbn bot tisted to. htottgh handt widng lcooocrloo TRfttseP Wtib tl|3tal tlr dm, TF{vl+ft 8B.d( tlrdalt|m nng, TRn€ Rtmta fim /ing' HSA€ Slopo Adeflor Ootlonr I 6Oi C Sell llange rsfleclor. d;ar. l60l G S€lt flarEp refledor, gold For rno€ detailed specilications oleas€ refer lo the Halo Technrc binder (Volume l), Sectron 1A Lrt t5gw^2l otaooc sc l.3 rraaoa sc 1.2 Da- cld.olli(ltl .t 5oLol FC tL Ugob$'| c. RoriFhrn lC $dra Crtlti. Ct Dl.ltlblrlto.l w O am. I 39 3.4 a.2 3.7 1.5 4.O 4.9 4.4 5.5 49 6.4 5.0 7A 6.e I tt, tc oh. 4.5 66 a .8 6.5 31 8 6.9 8.5 r8 6 9.0 lO.5 't22 iLl 12.5 86 132 lra.5 5. 15.3 DL. 5.4 r 0.3 12.1 r5.l 17.5 o 'G 700 r96 r29 9! 67 tc.tc*ttaclig tG O b I O nr.d. I & 5.1 a.5 4.5 39 m 5.5 a.8 4.8 a2 60 5' 5.1 5.1 4.5 50 8.5 5.6 5.8 a.c ao 7.3 6.3 6.3 5 5 20 to.3 8.e c.9 73 i r I ; I BEGA SIP z l 199{ all luminaires t-lousrng O1e c eaa J e casl J L.i'.' Jrr supplred w lh un \,c'sal rnounlrr-g c.ackel lcr d recl a achrnenl '3 3,2" Or 4" OClagonal outlet box Full Inl.r.na anod zed alur'rrnu'n rellecl3' E.lclosure One Lr ece d {'casl alum!nurn seaLred cy 3 so:t<' ' relS s:arnless sleei sc'ews (nreaded Lnlo siarnless slee nserl! TemcereC g ass i'." 1r ck'rrlh slrpp ed su.lace silrcone sea eJ lo enclosJre Fully gaskeled ior wealher lrghl opefalon usrng sr|cone rubber O.rrng gaskel Eleclrical Socket is po.c? a n medlum oase wilh nrckel p ated screw snell supplred w lh 2OO'C h gh lemoeratuie ieads Incandescenl and M V rated lor 600V - H PS. pulse rated 4 L ',' - Balasls a'e \ PF r' - 20'slarlT q la -rcr mo!nted lo lhe anchor oase assemoly H cF ballasls avar,able - specrfy Wrrrng access door ard ground ng ug provrded Frnrsh Slandard color blac( Saked on hard acry ic enamel wrth rght texiufe A var ety ol colors can be supplred on scecral order U L lsted, su lab e lor wel locatons Proleclron class lP55 < c> tE"Lamp Lumen 2480 1 100w A.19 9 67a 't lt 1490 2482 1 35W E.. 7 r.pS 202s 2483M 2483S I 50W E.. 7 FpS 3600 ',2s," ',2,. 8 . 1 50w E.1 7 flv i 250 125/e 12';t, t \ewp,COUCI -Ol:.* qgenerdl Caia.; BEGA/FS aEorms SuriacesComcaav Box50442 Santa Barbara CA93150 l80a ;5 Te e! 65-6 , e.D21 I l.t l.l q Mt t t=€=J c j]l3l t Recessed luminaires w th white salely glass d lllsers Surlable lor wel localrons Color Black 2289P OPening 9rL x 2rl8 x 4'l8 22ETP Ooenrng 1 l5/s x 2rls x dils Lum€n Larn p 2299P Localron 2287P Localron 1 9W PL 2! a 4't,600 9Vz 1 13W PL 11'9'o 2e/ 6 4'i,900 Fecessed luminatres wrlh die casl alumrnum ouvers and clear salely 9lass Surtable lor wel localions. Color Black 2289P Open ng I'1"x2316x4'ts 2287P Open ng 1 l5/6 x 23/s x 4rls Lumen q---]- J q r__"_ t - 2179P LOCalron 2188P Locatron L 2 I3W PLC 2189P Localron L 218WPLC t,=====ful t:L t'o u 22WP Locatron tr286P Localron I Lamp ? 9W PL 113h 451rc 1200 Lumen 3e/' o r-Tl I:q 1724 2500 19' r/,0 5','e Recessed luminatres wrlh dre-casl alumrnum louvers and clear salely glass. Surlable lor wel locatrons . Color: Black 2288 Openrng: 9% 1l{6x4tle 2286 OPening: 11Y6xzYs\ 4'18 153/a 5'io ABC 9Vz ZVta 4'h I I Lamp 1 9W PL 113WPL 600 Lumen I B 900 Recessed lumrnailes wilh die'casl alumrnum louvers and cleaf salely 9lass. Surlable lor wel localrons Colof Black 2079 Open ng loYs\3hx3a 2082 OPenrng 1Al,ax Ala x 3'tt 2083 OPenrng 18 /ax 43/ax3 /a 11 la 2e/,0 4'1, BC c I Lamp 2079P Locat,on L ghl 2 9W Pt 1 l!l's 45/'a 3e/'o 1 5rA 5'/s r200 2082P Locaton 2I3WPLC 17?A 3r^ I !:;n r '.i.q 2083P Localron 2 18W PLC 2500 19"/,0 S,ie 3r, BEGA 9 PATH SPHEAD 'hs.;r,r l'( ' sr l xtu'es'eatu a s'dF t' ' ri I (, '1'rrdr'fr..t llluri-e i rr., , j-.. l:or :.rilrallgJ lght nq t- a 1.,, : - 11 415tl38 cut-ofl 6\i0 d ,,, ll .. 1-'1r, .r1 I t-1 5 6rr1-r1rt5airt. IIO pr I '1 i Jht proc s0..), Onl, L, -i I a )a, o sprill lt0ht OntO SUrrr-,1 aroa!.i I tf 0r-,r spread unlls aval 31, or lrn rt ,'llla?o Io /,' vcrlA0 E (': voLr)ffi. t;[l,i t {S{ I rfrr i_: I rr tiniJ t"rling /,'A yS 15C15 'boam )alhs :l rE a lovi -2o- I tt L-' ,' ' r, a ND JIJ50,|5 BLAC I (v aE^1< ' -' 1,',. Lr t) ; 3 ,sll' . nn - 3r'c pfiolSmot'ic c"8l'a \ ''n l.r '' L- ls (.::r\ cortiflod lor wrl or,ut on l,'3. -, .1, .ESSOtriF: ro). )!o droi, Spr s2l&23. +l'-. --1 t-.-7A\,' !,at . . .'l!'Arj!: : \'a,ir) K.l5022 APC' rr-CTURAL saONlE C,1 K-15022 BLAC K.15022 vtqf IGFIS L[. ,']tlAGE (120'VCLrj " ' K' ;222 ARCHITECTURAL BnOl'lZE '!) f x, ,222 B-cCK K-15222 VErrDtG n S .c 3a, r, F :/\- arit t. Houelng Du ra5 6 dio'cast . ,..,r' iLrn. K.i5015 hcJslng f a:rr nas 1/4 NF[il'/ thfonC. (l;l,rrlor incl"rdud lc al cl't mo! r1rng 1/4 NPSL'l gtom to 1/2 \ PStrl acce ssorlss). l-arger houslngs have 1/2 NPSM tir;eadud ba69. \'. 15222 ptcv ded \dilh c loar po lycerbonal.i 9tisld ilnlgh Baked tho:mf,sot powdor ccai y'o.dig t] s,; r-, 3r'r snfl .appll gd ovar po'r'". . I coat lrB!;0 | n l; il Sockot 1.' VOI-T si|l!16 ccrtgct ir8yJ18l b864, r i:r'sl p r. .: '2C-VOt'l r)0rc(,' in, n"edlum bus0 rr ckl' p1at0(1 :ri .,.' shsll. i lrlng 1?.VCL l,xturs wlrsd wlth /t2'' ol 105'C '1 2 SPT.1-'//./ rads. "QUIC DISC"'" cable orrnaolcrr iLlP;) r{l wrih 6ach l2'vollfi}:llrr€..l?C.\,C-- r..r ... .r'1 wllh 30,cf lgoi f 18 Y, t tr lca, ;' I llh!__ ".",,1 "je_' 156 ir,pc,t,eo '2i, n :. a'1tl n llr 1r(ruro) __ rl 12 vOt-].$) A-19 75 Mc L-rni :r\!l 618:r i 'tL.:,' {r-! c{iI r;1t1! I .?,* tJ r]ao f- ,.^it- DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT .-"; THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this 6th day of Seotember. 1994, by and among Beck and Associates, Inc. (hereinalter called the "Qevehper"), and the TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition ol approval of $e Town of Vail. wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collaleral sufficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions tor completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEBEAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the lollowing: Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit with the Town of Vail in a dollar amount as set forth below, such cash deposit account shall provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT To replace exported material from excavation, revegetate, prpviOe erosion control material and restore to original condition. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as followsl 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvements, on or before December 1, 1994. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matler submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. The total estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of $l-9.'QQ9.0q (see attached bid from Longs Excavation, Inc., dated September 2, 1994). . To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security and collateral as follows: lo oo Check in the amount of $?3J58-0q to be held by the Town, as escrow agent, shall provide the security for the improvements set lorth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. .Check to be collected at time of grading permit issuance, andwill bedepositedintoTownof Vail Account #22026tobereleasedbyCommunity Development Department or Town Manager. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements relerred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any oflicer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceplance of lhe same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereol, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its oflicers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town lor any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. ll the Town determines that any of the improvements contemplated herein are nol constructed in compliance with the plans and specifications set forth herein by the date set forth in paragraph 1, the Town may withdraw from the cash deposit such funds as may be necessary to complete the unlinished improvements. The Town shall release such funds upon the written request ol the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by the agreement. The Town shall not require the concurrence of the developer prior to the release of the funds to the Town, nor shall the Town be required to verify independently that the improvements have not been completed as required by this Agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's writlen request. 6. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceplance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or on road right-of-way. 7. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended lrom time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. oo STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Witness my hand and official seal. ss. The foreqoing Developer lmp.rovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this O_L-lt Aay ot _WtgVhzt-.19$by tutuiant Endsspu- My commission expires: r%I HOLLYL. McCUTCHEON -l ffi _ The foregoing Develop-er lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 1g'day ot Stn*'na*'., , tgfYby Potr.,- i c0. /n(Laetrin Witness my hand and official seal. iMy commission expires: B'ob McLaurin, Town Manager -15rErg FR!l'] JF l'lr:rFi,rHl'1 NtJEi=,7 '.'r, "e;1t =ro;ill1 - .: .::: DRl fDtltCMott - tD0ftf Ot Vtlg' COfAffDO DAIE APPr,r%lr3lu*"9glYfi3 z % tttltt' frl 8Bt8 lPPt tcr:lloN ||lra No8 B! ONTIT lt L F.EQUIFID tNfORl4tlON tllaalft*t !,PnoJEqr rNEgFr4tr?lo\t l. DESCRIPTIONT SCCEPT!D IS 6I'BI,IITTED T[l ?h JUL: '/ | ! :,. t^' : E,?YPE O' REVIEHT D. LEGAL DEgcnlPTIoN: I SubdlvleIon tlgcsstlon ual Bcvlew (920.001 (80) E. F. o. aBtueh- to rhlt apPllcatlon. SONINO; LoT AFEA: If regulrecll sPPlleanc, nusq gtEnped EusveY ahow.lng Iot areE. NAXE Or APDIICAI'IT I H. t. NAI,IE OF APP.LICAN?I il#-l-lns d!a NA}|E 0t' ol{NERs r gIOflrrUru (S) r MrlItng Aqdress r If property ls dcscribedlY des-crlpt,J on, plcase Provlde llT; j;,;fJs[19. e mecg'8 and boundo legal on r oeparate shEqt' and t7. x. Condonlnlun APP EEF-IqEDULEr ' vtl.uAttoN t 0-9 10,000 I l0r 00l - I 50r 000 g'50r001 - I 1s0,000 9130,00r - g Soo,ooo 9300, 001 - 61, ooo, 000 0 gvrr 91,0001 000 n\ '14b- rtthil4l ll'- r n lv DRB tEEt DRB tgeg' as shown abov€r aro to'be palC rt the tlme of subnltcal o'f DRB appllcatlon, Leter, nhan apFlytnE for a butldlng pernlt,, pleaEe ldtntlfy-the aicuiace vrluatlon of ih-e proposal. The ?orn of ValI wlll adJust rhe fee rccordlng ro tho table below, to ,l €nsuri gtlg sesrocr tbe fr patd, vy' E*o:- i il.y)"1 /L I'EE g e0,00 I s0.00 8100.00 E?00 .00 . f f 00,00 $500.00 r Drgrcrs Rrvirr't| Borr,D rlsFovir& lxDlEaS ofi! ls R rtrln tll(l& lpDRo\n! gNt&s8 f, ButLDtN€ pEnurt r8 tgsuED AlrD CoN8TRUCTIoN lg ESlRalD. fiI(, llEtrtClTtON r|IL& BE IROCESSID lflTEOUS OlfttlR' E glGl|rlsr! LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT:1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LOT STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF SUBD IVI S ION P q) The following information is reguired for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof SidJ.ng Other wal1 Materials Fasc i a Soff its Windows Window Trim Doors Door T r i-rn Hand or Deck Rails FIUeS F I ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses OLher LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name ?tCtA P'J'ol"ar*YJ (<ttooa*Px- ?4r - qoz* Common Name Ouantitv Size* -btlk,+Wtfu- b D-lo'H. tL'A *. A /,tl<_ -ll- z'/z" ca-, rl e'<,At. PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES ?: lt)IL)c-' TZ-I..t'lul DtV,t) R"-ef+j EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED \ natuqfltiutptw)\ 4*A Nl{tx'tb /q"'l/z' *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calipqf for deciduous tree! is 2 inches' Indicate heighE for-coniferous trees. Mlnimum heiqht for conifelous trees is 5 feet. PLANT MATERIAI PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name A"4- A.frxsJ.M aJ;wfuLtuts.- P. (a^LrnLog' J. Cor.,tvru$\€ A. 4.^ii{oLlA ouanljly size* \ *A *u rr< *;._!+-L .?z- & z- -.%---L at +a = A'rb ALVtJe,Cg(CM E#filW,tL*l eLJq/?,V(4L ?ttft,*}lltLA lp 5 EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. TvDe b A.ra ren 2 ,€xA w).NyQ-uML 4 *b *ap& (az- bD - w.\1+*Je *-opt6 t-/ butt-r{ L';*rL4 "l:xt* ckrtoJ D. Mininum size of shrubs is Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD JDIiU TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixLures and locations on a separate light.ing plan. Identify each fixture from the Iighting plan on the fist Uefow and provide the wattage, height above grade and tyPe of light ProPosed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wallsr fences, swimming pooIs, etc.) Please specify. Indicace heights of retaining wal]s. Maximum height of wllls within the front setback is 3 feet, Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the Property is 5 feet. ZONE CHECK FOR f I DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot. ADDRESS . I,7' owNER lll PHoNE 04'L'r1+' gXSb 0 brlL - q1L3 -174.t 0 1*W t'lt' tbtt- ! 2 0 0 67r\ b = Lfr+ 20, 15' 0 I.l ow w 5 (1200) bt?w -!! Actual slope JL (300) (600) (9\0) Permitted sloi Date approved b Yes Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment: Environment a I /Hazards : aaa Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfaLL c) Debri.s FIow 4) Wetlands Previous condit.ions of approval (check property file)_: Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reques **Note: Under Secrions tg.tZ.090 (B) and 19.13. OgO (B) of the uun\cipal Code, Iots zoned Two Family and primary,/Secondary'rririch ar" i""tr i["n 15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unii.\-in"community Deveropment Department may grant an exception t5 this No 1) 2't 3) restrict'ion provided the applicant meets the criteiia set forth under Sections r 8 . t2 . 090 (B) and 1-8 . 13 .080 (B) of the Municipal Code including permanent,ly restricting the unit as a long-term rentlr unit for furr-time employees of the 0pper Eagle Val.ley. sFR, R, R-84 ZONE DTSTRTCTS Block 4 .rtrnn ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height ToTal GRFA Primary GRFA 1113 secondary GRFA +A1 Setbacks Front S ides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Ret.aining wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 70bl 14?bt Allowed t*l (331 - 5' 3' /5' 0,6 n eta PH.NE W\'41b.r%l (1t 44 r..f.) Existinq Proposed Total )T hW"+ 10 , su{Drvrst .]OB NN4E LOT ADDRESS The locatlon and availabllit.y of utillties, whet,her they be rnaln trunk Lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Datg ,y..Holy Cross Elect,ric Assoc.-t\ 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michaet Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 94 9-ss30 Steve Hiatt, Upper Eagle VaIIey V{aEer \t & Sanltation District *\" U.S. West. Comnunications 1-8 00-922-1987 468-6850 or 949-{530 Pubtic Service Conpany 94 9-5?81 Gary HalI 416-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE:1. N!,* J"/' ,e*4 7-z>-?y / \ " \2r4t<7- r1^7s -lof :7.q2 !,.l{.lrr,Fg . .zr rnis ro}* is ro Wr#f"t#,{# "lfftf'/"g*y and location. fhis should be used in conjunction with t'-wui"L*'* 3 preparing a utility plan and scheduling instal Iations . For any nevr conslruction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utillty verificatlon form. If a utllity company has concerns wlth the ,<lU- ,v7r..i,azQ proposed construction, the utility representative should not,e directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resoJ.ved. If t,he issue is relatlvely complicated,it should be spelled out in detail in an attached let,ter to the lown of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it ls the responslbility of t,he ut,ility conpany and owner to resolve ldentlfied problems 4. If'the uttllty verlflcation forn has signatures from each of the utitity companies, and no comments are made direct,Iy on the form, the Town will presune that there are no problens and t,hat the development can proceed. 5. These verificatlons do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit fron t,he Town of VaiI, DeparLnent of public Works and to obtain utilitv locat,ions before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the To$rn of Vail. A bulldinq permit is not, a st,reet cut pernit. A street cut permlt nust be obtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, fLoor planl and elevations when obtaining upper Eagle valley }later & sanit,ation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. I FILING '7-)s-1 z/r4+ r.'+tr : an z l : z- c) (l ,. o'\.oo\(n\ ,P o ('t-"\_ g:) ! H --"rt*o t-Irl tl r<llaE leacEEnH IUE t '- I -t c i, t! h li I I ffi.*'rfiff)"*=iil'l ] lgEEl E lilli!-tiiffi iEEEilr e I IE lrts t> !t ttE t[9 lFr lrB I E E I .*.'A t, lc.o' (n\ uP ) -"^;@ 6\..ut . i o o a c pHoNE No: ///q -/Ag? 33==-=======E===3=========E== IOCATIOII to be eketched or idescribed in space below.Indicate Daint or etakee and nulber thereof. : IIIFOMAI|T:WATER OR SEI{ER SERVICE EEEN PAID, UND PENALTY 08 FINE. Party regueetint locate: Party locating for UEVCSD! Nare Upper Eagle Valley Coneolidated Sanitation Dlstrict (UEYCSD) will attelPt to locate water andlor Eewer service linee as a natter of convenience only. UEVCSD does not I'guaranteeil the locations deiignated, nor shall IIEVCSD be held responsible for erroneous locations and the contequences thereof. .\../* . Farn61r frr;a t1;atftC t - aiioWHEAD t g?ig WATGR . AVON rETiO warti . lEAvaR CRlIlK Im$ wetrr o ar:iiY CiaEx rE?iO ,.-:':':A warER . taoLE-varL uErRo watrF .."ff::#jxl; #..:1T,i?Ht^::t"tl'^UPPtR EAcu: vTLLEY saNlraYroN ' varL w/ Nare J-a- uPPER Eecr.: YALLEY co*sl^r.o WATER AND. SANITATION DISTRICTS 6aa FOnEST ROAD . VAIL. COIORAOO t1557 . (3031176.7400 ADDRESIiT ITCATIIIG FOR (nare of colPany): AIIDEESS: UTLSSS TAP PEBS IIAVE N a o ]st tc \-,q f' i ;.. - o - | , a ;tr?l?? l;$lt,*EiEla rlili I I I . I i i."@"(11*i"rn*Eot$E E ll >El -l iti o:! gt € r'1 Fl CJ trl 04 Frl |I{ P. tl ail rlz r Al EE=aEe l = EsB Hd ii rt -GF$e--- EH l e,h i il'titl t!<l I : " ll il +--1 0 cra rO 24 --;--r----t o '^t ,^ "r\ \" u' - or. "* o z J ;t'io (2 r( z ; e- Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects LETTER @F TRANSNflITTAL 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 ARE SENDING You f attacned E Copy of letter rl tr Shop drawings E n Under separate Change order P rints fi Pla ns I Samples 303-476-2201 FAX476-7491 TO cover - I Specifications coPrEs DATE NO_DESCRIPTION h | /y144 1 Frws/ A/',4f - /i'hl4r ,/ -h/lo/ -m - rufu lrnf lrz4r /.,tu- /4 'L/rUrhti,*rn t tut ba/u*f / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED I As requested ( For yor. u." E For approva I as checked below: ! Returned ! Approved ! Approved for corrections as noted as submitted ! Retu rn - corrected prints n Submit -copies for distribution I Resubmit-copies for approval ,ff For review and comment tl D FOR BIDS DUE 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: COPY TO ,t cnclosuras arc not es nota<t. kindly notily us al onc.- o 1655 aspen ridge noad Vail, Co. ' 81657 303-4764067 Cnalg Oambria, President August 7, 1994 Mr.Michael S. Sylvester 3 Shorbcy Drive. Bratcnahl, OH 44108 DearMcbael: , ' The Architeo'tural Contol Committee in accordance with article VI of the Ridgocrest u Lionsridge Declaration of Covenanb and resrictions approve the construction of the SylVester Residence on lot 2 per plans submitte4 with the following conditions and recomnen&tions. Aspcn Ridge road will be left in good conditio4 ard any ,l"magc do to beavy equipment will be r€paired to satisfaction of road committee. All road porches will be infaredfor seamless patch and s€aled Clean up of adjac€nt area will b€ completed at job completion by contrac0or to satisfaction of committee. The committee recommends the architeo't consult the Architectural Control Committee regarding the entrance drive and parking arc& The concerns of the committee are as follows: Drainage from the parking area and drive. Aesthetics regardingview ofparking area from lot l. Sincerely, Architectual Control Committee 1. 3. o o Single FamiIY LEGAL DESCRIPTI ADDRESS: # DATE: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE J subdivisio n L^ r /Q/..,n" 3'- PHONE PHONE ,{/& nt:'^ilrv cRFA N/k ,u"ondarv GRFA c/se:packs ^/T,#W{nffirr oYFte coverage u/andscaping ,24 +425= q (eoo) ( 12ss1 @6ff PrAt) + w_ A/" t1 ^/ ReLaining waII ; Parking ,./'Garage Credit Fron L S ides Rear Vola ho")o lleighLs -/waL"t course SeLback r.,zDo Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 Environmen Lal /Hazards : (A Vt^Ni &^^aVr view Corridor Encroachrnenl : 4) wet.lan u" Ur/rt Yes-- *o---'{k il;"-::i",i "nilE" L ilili" 5 u6 illtti:i "r3"; ".a#-ui s reques rz tr /n -Z-- - > €zs tl,"l, y p 3,/6' ?,f neqrd { z Proposed slope 5 t Yes No (30) (s0) Flood Plain Percent SloPe (< > 30t) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow ffir#^4 (s0%) 1l ?l 2-6 TO: MIKE McGEE PROJECT: DATE SUBM COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: GREG HALL jrODD OPPENHEIMER MNDY, STOUDER . Town Planner Return lo {) z1 /2| BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: I'le', Sft 4,, lfif tfrga, ,r)4* Lt b / o)"'i/rdr ,-Zf$rcafi ewvot-,on: on rlt jrlrve1 E ^^c^.nruvr *^..*;:;; l"o',116.,,,,*..1 1-----:>r,''a;#''d" - ^ r, . t W (ela",o,\eraf +r{ b. * 1."n,,.,- w*h ,n.An", t. '*r.."r{('4**<2 <ar{ 'i ) {",I;::{,;e jvreg'? r,',',r-ar..^JrJ'(/*/(6),, ^ldreJtJrt wi]::j :: );::1H..::m ]*'":,:r:{,:K,ran : r<, h \cr thrv,#, nl/w^, -_ , -. e v" \-r er \ \5--yr f\,(.1( fieedt F R. -rq\ --\euiel+. "o2., -" , \5 ril4'{ tl"tov 7 a7:,u"-":; n:i* *r1 v,rdxnp,rrl- ,orr,s y..€j ..a{ 6,n-r.,JhcvJ @ rtsg"^',lye / e ( 'Hx;l'l# '*t +'1t h crreo'1"r:-'r1 'd.,u haJ{)- '"- ' - 'r 'r fi7*^ {ut,#"gy vL/*,, Maw-g r,(on)' &ltll-St,-=/a{",+ %# Date: Date: €)'\ Dh ftnlotg /u(/ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ''/. --en!-inc*iogt Reviewed by: Comments: Distributed to the Fire Departmenl, public works, and Landscaping on_2/-fu._ GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL R EVIEW DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Dale: Date: ,RANDY STOUDER Town Planner BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ,a/eat i-fK @ 1f7{ #f^LuTf a>L(rn\^#3 PROJECT: DATE SUBM Engine ering: Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Landscaping: Reviewed oy: 4,1n=-tt g^,..s- j"z/ i)72zZ* /i7'4-'rrs z) /.-r-.--:-'- ZJ 0 /( Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landscaping on_Sl2&__ ALtA (JWt\Cr<J r\rLrul - tU-t/.vz POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STE.WAFIT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDUI-E B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, STEWART TITLE GUARANry COMPANY, a Texas corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding th€ Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustiained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to th€ eslat€ or inlerest described in Schedule A being vested other than as slated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability ol the titte; 4. Lack of a right of access to and from the land. The Company will also pay lhe costs, attorn€ys'lees and exp6ns6s incurred in delense ol the title, as insured, but ontv lo the €xtent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, Stewart Title Guaranty Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized otficers as'bl the Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. STE\^/AITT TITLE ' O III RAIITY COUPANY Company public records at Date of Policy. (b) Any governmental police power not excluded by (a) above, except to the eritent that a notice 01 lhe exercise thereot or a notice of a def€ct, lien or encumbrance resuftino from a violation or alleged vi0lation atfecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of policy. (ii) of such recordation to lmpart notice to a purchaser for value or a iudgment or lien creditor. 7, Cily, Slale EXCLUSIOI,IS FROM COVERAGE The following.matters are expressly excluded lrom the coverage of this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, cosls, anorneys, fees or expenses whlch arise by reason of:1. (a) Any law, ordinance or govefnmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning laws, ordinances, 0r regularions) restricring, regulatin0, prohibiting or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enioyment 0t the land; (ii) the chrncter, diminsions or location of any-improveirent now or hereatter.erected 0n the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimenii6ns or area of the land or any parcel ot wniin tni hnd ii or was a part 0r (iv) environmental protection, or the etfect of any violatlon ol lhese laws, ordinanc€s or govemmenhl regulations, except to the extent that a notice the enforcement thereol ot a nolice of a defect, lien or encumbran@ resultin0 lrom a violation oi alleged violation atfecting the land has been recoroeo in r 2. Righls of eminent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public reiords at Date 0f Poticy, but noi excluding lrom a.ry laking which has occurred ptior t0 oate ot Policy which would be binding on the dgh6 oi a purchaser for vatue withouitnowledge. - 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other maners: (a) created, sutfered, assumed or agreed lo by the insured clairnant; . ^(b) not known t0 the Company, not recorded in the public records at Oate ot Policy, but known lo the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured chimant prior to the date the insured chimant became an iniured under this potiq. (c) resulting in no loss or damage t0 the insured claimant;. (d) athching or created subsequent to Date of poticy or _ (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy.4. Any claim' which arises out 0f the transaction vesting in the Insured the estate 0r interest lnsureo oy this policy, by reason ot the operati6n ol lederal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, thal is based on:(a) the tnnsaction creating the esbte or interest insured by this policy being deemed a lraudulent conveyance 0r fnudulent transfer; or (n) 9e transaclion creating the eshte or inlerest insured by this policy being deemed a preterential transfer except where the preferential lransfer results lrom the failure: (i) to timely record the instrument of transfer; or L7 29 4L \,vlr9t I tvt tJ Artu J rut Al tvitJ ' 9rtJil',,tJ9,|rT,lERlf"n u*d in rhis poricv ^.",. (9) "insured": the insured noned in Sihedule A, ond, subiec ro ony riohfs 0r detenses.lhe Compony would hovc hod ogoinst the nomed inlured, thdse iho succ€ed lo the interest of the nomcd. insured by opcrotion o{ low o: distinguished lrom purchose including, but nof linrited ro, hein, iktributees, devisees, survivon, personol-rcpresenlolryes, nexi of kin, or corporote or {iduriory successors. (b) "insured cloimont": on insured cloimino loss or domo'oe.(c) "lnowledge" or "known": octuol knowiedge, not consiructive knowledge 9r lot'!".*ll+ mol be imputed lo on insured by reoson of the public recoros os oelrneo In rh|s polt(y. or.ony olher records which irnport conslruclive notice of motleB otfecfing the lond. (d) .'lond": the lond described or referred to in Schedule A, ond imorove. menh oftixed.thereto which by low conslitufe reol property. The lerm ,\lond,, doe! not indude.ony properfy beyond the lines of lhe oreo discribed or referred to In )chedule A, nor ony right, lille. inleresl, eilole or eosement in qbuttino ilreei.s, roods,.ovenues, olleys, lores, wolrs or woterwoys, but nothing herein shoii modrly or ttmrt th€ erfent to which o right of occes fo ond from lhe lond is Insured bI thts poltc)r, ,-.^ ql- ^rodgoS.": morlgoge, deed oJ trust, lrust deed, or other secudty Intlrumenl. . , (f) ,"public records": recotds estoblished under stote slotufes ot Oote of po! l.y a1.tn: purpose of imporling @nstructive nolice of motters reloting lo reol property to purchosers for volue ond withoul knowledge. Wilh respeo 16 Section r(ollrv, ot fhe Exctusroni from Coyeroge, '.public records,, sholl oho include environmenro.l prorecrion liens lired in thJrecoids of the clerk of the United siot* drslncl courl tor the district in which the lond is locoled. . (9) "unmorkelobility ol lhe title": on olleged or opporent mofier of{edino thc i e to the,tond, not erduded or excepled from coveroge, which would entitli o purcnoser ot the estole or interest described in Schedule A to be releosed from T-:,:?ls?ll9l j". q","lgf by virtue ol o conrroctuol condirion requiring rhe derrvery ot mottelobte lille.2. CONIINUATION OF INSURANCE ANEN @NVEYANCE OF I|rT€. , The coveroge. of.this policy sholl continue in force os of Oor" of poti.v.ln fovor ol on i4sured onJI so long os lhe.insured reloinc on esfote or inleresl in'rhe tond, or hotds on indebtedness secured by o purchose money mortgoge given by ,o-lyg-T.r t.r rhe insured, or only.so.l6ng os rhe inrured iholl t irJ ti"litfy Ui reoson _ot covenonb ot worronty mode by the insured in ony lronsfer or convev. oncc ol fhe estote or interest. Ihi: policy sholl not continue in lorce in lovor 6f ony. purchoser from rhc insured ol eiiher (i) on eifote or interesr in the lond, or (iii i:'fi 8ifff 3i'&liif ,'dif 6"ffi'iitii:ufil'3fl ifi ii.,lLorheinsured' ,... Thc insured. sholl. notily_ the Cornpony prompfly in wrifing (i) in cose of ony rrrrgotron os set torfh In -section ,{o) below, (ii) in cose knowledge sholl come t6 on tntured hereunder ot ony cloim of litle or inleresl which is odierse to the tifle lo. fhc eslole or interest, os insurcd, ond which might couse loss or domoEe for which rhc_ Compony moy be lioble by virtue of thrYs policy, ", iiiil iirirt. "r,, rf," estote or anlcre3t, cs insured. is.reiected os unnrorketoble. lf prinipt notice sholl .n:t,be grv€n to the Compony, then or to the insured oll liobility of the Compony inott.tcrmrnote wali .rcAord lo thc mofter oi motfeR for whicli prompt notice ii requrred; provided, however, lhot foilure to noti{y lhe Compony sholl in no cose prelud,'ce lle n9hts ot qn)r inlured under this policy unless the Compony sholl be prepdtle!.by the loilure ond lhen only lo the erlenf of the oreiudice.1. qlElllE AND pRosEcuTtoN ot AcTtoNs; DUry oi hlitiED CIAIMANI TO COOPENATE. . - (o) Upon_wdtten request by the insured ond rubject to fie options contoined In )ection 6 of lheje Conditions ond Stipulotions, lhe Compony, of its orvn coif ond without unreosonoble. deloy, sholl irovide for rhe deflnse oion lnsured in Drgohon.rn v{hrch ony third porty osserls o cloim odveBe to the litle or interest os Insur.d, bul only 03 to fhose stoted couses of oction olleging o defed, lien or encumbronce or other mofler inrursd.ogoinst by thh policy. The Compony sholl hove thc right to select rounsel of its choice (subfeo ro'rhe iighi o{ihcinsured to oDled tor reo$roble couiel tro rcprcrenl the insured os to lhose rtoled couset of odron ond shott not be lioble {or ond will not poy thc {ees ol ony other counsel. The Compony.will nor poy ony fees, cosrs o, eipjnses incuraJbl ihi insurcd in thc delense ol lhoir couses of oclion which ollege mofers nof insured ogoinst by thir policy. 1b) The.Compony sholl hove the right, of its own cost, lo institute ono prose. cute ony oction or proceeding or lo do ony other oct which in its opinion mov be necesiory or deiiroble to e$oblish the title to the estote or interest os insureJ, or fo prcvent or reduce loss or domoge to the insured. The Componi moy tole onv 9ppropnole ocfion u-nder the tcrms of lhh policy, whether or not ii shofl be liobli hereund.er, ond iholl not fhereby concede liobility or woive ony provision of this poncy. n the Lompony sho exercise its righls under this porogroph, it sholl do so drlrgently. .,-, (c) Whenever the Compony sholl. hove brought on oction or inferposed o detense os required or permited by lhe provisions ol thk policv, the Comoonv moy pursue ony litigqfion to finol.determinotion by o court ol coiripetenf iurtd;c: lil_-Td, .jql9srtf reseryca the right, ;n irs sole dircrerion, to opieol lrom ony odverse ludgmenl or order. . (d) In oll,coses $O policy permirr or requires rhe Compony ro prose. cure or proytde tor tne detense ot ony oclion or Droceedino, the insured sholl secure to the Compony the right to so.irorecute or provide diiensejq,,[c ocion or proceeding, ond.oll oppeok rherein, ond permit tle Compony. i-o use, ot.its oplion, the nome ol lhe insured for this puriose. Menevei re{uerted by the Compony, the.insured, ot the Componyt expense, sholl give the Compony oll reosonoDte qtd.(t, In on), ocfron or proceeding, securing evidence, obtoi;ing wit- n€sset prosecutrng or.detendtng the oction. or. proceeding,- or ellecting sL le. ment, ond I J In dny other towlul ocl which in lhe opinioo of lhe Comoqny mov be.nec^essory or desirdble to estoblhh the title to the;stote or inlerest ds iniured. lf the Compory isloreiudiced by the loilure of lhe insured to furnish fhe required cooperofton, the Compony's obligotions.fo the insured under the policy, sholl ter- minole, induding ony liobility or obligotion to defend, prose(ute, ir co'ntinue ony xttgottg4 _w_fh rego_rd to the molf€r or mohers requiring such cooperotion,5. PROOF OF I,OSS ON DAilAGE In oddition fo ond olfer the notices required under Section 3 of these Condi. lions ond Stipulorions hove been provided ihe Compony, o proof of ios, o, dor.oge srgncd ond.sworn to by the inrured cloimonl rholl be furnished to fhe Corn_pony wdhrn y0. do).s o er the insured cloimont sholl oscertoin the focts oivino rise to lhe tos3 oi domoge, The proof of loss .or domoge sholl describe the iefe-ct in, or len or encumbronce on the ltne, or ofher mofler.insured ogoinsl by lhis policy which constifutes the bosis of loss or domoge ond sholl store,io,the elent iossi ble, the bosis oI colculoting the omounl ol ihe los or domoge. ll tlre iomponv,s preluorced Dy the,lorture ot fhe inlufed cloimonl to provide the required p-roo{ of toss or domoge,,lhe Compqry; obligotions to the.insured under *e policy sholl lermrnote,. including ony liobility or obligotion to delend, prosecute, br conlnue ony ngotbn, v,tth regord to the notter or mofleri requiring such proof of loss or domooe. In- oddition,. the insured cloimont moy reosonobly be required lo iubmil to exoninotion under oqth by ony oulhorizel represeniitive of ihe Componv ond shott produce for exominotion, inspection ond copying, ot such reo:onible'times on0 proces os moy De d€stgnoted by ony.outhorized represenfotive of the Con.pony,, orr reco.ds, Dookl, .tedgers, . checir, conespondence ond memorondo, whether beoring o dole belore or ofter Dote of policy, which reosonobly oerfoin lo the loss or domoge. Furfher, if rel.uesfed by ony outhorized represeritdtive o{rne,Lompsny, ?he Insured ctotmont sholl gront ils permission, in wdling, for ony oumonzeo reprcsenrotrve ot fhe Compony lo eronine, inspecl ond coOV oll rerords, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence qnd menorondo in the rujtodv or.conhol of o third porty, which reosonobly pertoin lo the loss or dornog;.-A[| mtormotion designoted os conlidenfiol by lhe insured doirnoni provided -fo fhe Compony, pursuont to lhis Section sholl not be disclosed lo ofhers unless, in the reosonoble iudgment ol the Conpony, il is necessory in the odminhtrotion ol the crorm. forlure ot the Insured clsimdnl to !ubmil {or erominolion under oolh, pro- duce other reosonobly requesled informotion or gronf permission to secure reo. ronoDry necessory r ormotton hom fhird porties os required in fhis poroqroph snou rermrnote oq/ ttobtttfy ot lhe Conpony under this policy os to thol cloim.6. OPTTONS I0 pAy OR oTHERW|SE SETITE CtArriS; iERMtNAilON OF uAEtuTY. , ,..11 .o:" ol o doim under this policy, the Compony sholl hove the following oootfl0nol oofions: (o) To foy or Tender Poyment of ihe Amount of tnsuronce. To poy.or tender poynrCnt of the omount of insuronce under this oolicv logelher wilh ony cost3, ollorneys' fees ond expenses incuned by the iniurel cloimont, which were odhorized bl the Compony, up to tfie rime ol poymenr or lender ot poymenl snd which the Compony is o6liqoted to oov. . _, Upon the exercise by thc Componf of ihis oprion, oll liobiliiy ond obligorions lo fhe ansured. under this policy, other thon fo mike the poymeirt requirej, sholl terminoie, induding ony liobility or obligotion to de{end, piosecute, or rontinue ony liligotion, ond. the policy sholl be surrendered io the Compony for concellofron. . . (b) If Poy or Olherwise Scrle With porties Othcr lhon lhs Inrurcd or Wilh thc lnrurid Cloimonl. . . (il to poy or otherwise settle with other porties for or io the norne ol sn Iniured (loimont ony cloim insured ogoinlt under this policv, tooether wilh onv coifs, otlornep' fees ond expenses incurred by lhe insrir# iloim-ont which wer6 lulJ'griz:d,b.y the Compony up fo rhc time of'poymenr ond which rhe Compony rs oDlrgoied fo poy; 0r (ii) to poy or otherwise settle with the inrured cloirnont the loss or oom. oge provided for. under this policy,. together with ony costs, ofiorneys, feer ond expenles Incurred by lhe Insured cloimonl which were outhorized by lhe Com- pony up to lhe time ol poyment ond which the Compony is obliosted to oov. Upon the exercise by the Compony ol either of the optioniprovided f6r in porogrophs (bfii) or (ii), the Compo;y'iobligolions ro rhe iirsured'under rhis pol. rcy rof ne.dqtmed tosl or domsge, other lhon,the poymenb required to be mode, iholl terrtingte, including ony liobility or obligoiion to defend, prosecute or c0nfinue ony ltltoolton.7. DEIENMINATIbN, EXIENT OT UAEII.IIY AND COINSURANCE. Ihis policy h.o controct oI indemnity ogoinst octuol monetory loss or oom. oge sustorned or incurred by lhe insured cloimont who hqs sulfered loss or qom. oge.by.reoson,of mptfers insured ogoinst by this policy ond only to fhe extenl herein described. (continued and concluded on last page of rhis policyl 3. SCHEDULE ORDER NO.: 93009607 pOLICy NO.: O-9993-L7Z}4I DATE OF POLICY: Novenber 19, 1993 at 9:19 A.M. AMOUNT oF INSURANCE: $ SOO,oO0.OO ].. NAME OF TNSURED: MTCHAEL S. SYLVESTER AND SARAH E. NASH 2. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND WHICH TS COVERED BY THIS POLICY rS: Fee SimpIe TITLE TO THE.ESTATE OR INTEREST TN THE LAND IS VESTED IN: MICHAEL S. SYLVESTER and SARAH E. NASH THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THTS POLTCY TS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO,COUNTY OF EAGLE, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LoL 2,Block 4,LroN,s RIDGE SUBDTVISION, FTLTNG NO. 3 According to the recorded plat thereof STEWART TITLB GUARANTI'CO[4PANY STGNATURE o, .,S C H E D U L E POLICy NO. : O-9993-L7294I THIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGATNST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THE CoMPANY wrLL Nor-PAY cosrs' ATTORNEYS/ FEES oR EXPENSES)WHICH ARISE BY REASON OI': RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTTES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS. EASEMENTS, OR CLAIMS OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN By THE PUBLTC RECORDS.3' DrscREPANcrES, coNFlrcrs rN BOUNDARY LTNES, SHORTAGE rN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS, AND ANy FACTS WHICH A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTTON OF THE PREMTSES WOULD DISCLOSE AND WHTCH ARE NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS.4- ANy LIEN, oR RrcHT TO A LrEN, FOR SERViaES, LABOR OR MATERTAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, TUEOSEO EV LAW AND NOT SHOWN BY THE PUBLTC RECORDS.5. UNPATENTED MINING cLAIMS; RESERVATIoNS oR EXcEPTIoNs IN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHOR]ZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF; . WATER RIGHTS CLATMS OR TITLE TO WATER. 6. Any and aJ-I unpai.d taxes and assessnents and unredeemed tax sales. 1. 7. The effect of inclusions in a conservancy, fire protection,dlscrrct or inclusion in any area. ny general or specific water soil conservation or other water service or street improvement 8- Reservations. or exceptions contained in u.s, patents, or in Acts authorizing the issuince thereof, recorded August 16, 1909 in Book 48 at page 542 reserving 1) Rights of tir-e-propiietoi-"r-"vein or lode to extract and iernove his ore therlfrbrn and 2)-rights of way for ditches un.,l canaLs constructed uncler the authority of the United States. 9. Restrictive covenants, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in instrumenl iecordeo s-ftunn"r 20, L972 in Book-225 at page 443 as Reception No. r-21218 and instrument recorded septem5er zg, rg72 i; soox 225 at page 565 and the Amendment recolded in Book 233 ;t page 53 as nec6ption No. 129943 . 10. Agreement between Tayvel Environmental Land company and Mountarn states Telephone company.providing for tereprronl inst"ir-ii".'and service througtroirt Libn/s Rid{e sunoivi!ion, Fi-ring N":-t 5""of999-september 27, 1973 in eook 231 at page 291 as Reception No. I27\6I. 11. Terms, conditions, reservations, . restricti-ons and obligations as . contained in the covenants for iion,s nioqe subaivisiori, -Firins No. 2, recorded in Book 225 aL page 443 a5 Reception-No'. titiie EXCEPTIONS NUMBERED ARE HEREBY OMITTED ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY POLICY NO. 0-9993-77294L CONTTNUATTON OF SCHEDULE B and Anendments recorded No. L2L341 and recorded LZ6V4J. Book 225 at Page 565 as Reception Book 233 at Paqe 53 as Reception No. In in 1."I -- I I I I Easements, restrictions and rights-of-ways as shown on the Plat of Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2, recorded in Book 225 at Page 444 as Reception No. l2I2L9. Easernents, restrictions and rights-of-ways as shown on the PLATS of Lion's Ridge Subdivision FiIing No. 3 includi.ng but not limited:30 foot access and utility easements as shown on the plat 20 foot pedestrian easemeit as shown on the plat 20 foot easement for existing road and sewer encroachment across a part of the southerly portion of Lot 1, Block 3, as shown on said nlat.utility easemeirts 10 feet on each side of all interior lot .Iines and 15 foot util-ity easement along and abutting on all exterior lot lines and along the subdj-visi-on boundary lines, aIl-as reserved on said p1at. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations as contained in Ridgecrest at Lion,s Ridge Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, recorded January 2, 1978 in Book 296 at Page 646 as Reception No. 193039 and Amendments, recorded December 27, 1985 in Book 432 at Page 930 as Reception No. 329LA7 - Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligat j-ons as contained in Annexation Agreements, among the Town of VaiI and Lion's Rj.dge Associates, Itd and Lion,s Ridge at Vail, and Northlvestern National Life fnsurance Company recorded November I, 1985 in Book 428 at Page 936 as Reception No. 325197 and recorded November 1, 1985 in Book 428 at Page 937 as Reception No. 325198. Terms, conditi-ons, reservations, restrictions and obligations as contained in Assurnption Agreenent, recorded Novenber 19, 1993 in Book 625 at Page 278 as Reception No. 521342. A Deed of Trust dated November 12, 1993, executed by Trudo I,etschert, to the Public Trustee of Eagle County, to secure an indebtedness of S200,000.00, in favor of First Union National Bank of Florida recorded November 16, 1993 in Book 625 at Page 32 as Reception No. 52LO96. 13 I4 15 16 CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS Continued (continued and concluded from rarerse side of Policy Facef . (o) The liobility of the Compony under this policy sholl not erceed the leost ^lr (i) the Amount of Insuronce slofed in Schedule A; or, (ii) the dilference betuesn the volue of the insured esfote or interest os inrured ond thc volue of the insurcd estote or interert subiect to the defect. lien or encumbronce insured ogoinst by this policy. (b) In lhe even, fhc Amount of Insuronce stoied in Schcdule A of thc Dofe of Policy is less thon 80 percent of the volue of the insured estofe or interesf or the full considerotion poid lor the lond, whichever is lesr, or if subsequent to the Dole of Policy on improvement is erec.ted on the lond which increoses'the volue o{ the insured eslole or inferest by ot leo$ 20 percent over $e Amounl ol Insuronce slofed in S.chedule A, thgn $h Policy is subiea to rhe {ollowing: (i) where no subsequenl improvemenl hos been mode, os to ony Dor. fiol los, fhe Compony sholl ohly poy thc los pro rcto in the proporrion thbt the onount of insuronce ot Dote of Policy beors to lhe totol vdlue ol the insured estol€ or inleresi ot Dote of PolicI or (ii) where o subsequenl improvement hos been mode, os to ony oodiol loss, the Compony sholl only poy the loss pro rotd in the rtroportion ih;t 120 percent of fie Amount o{ Insuronce stoted in Sthedule A be6rs io the sum ol fhe Amounl of Insuronce stoted in Schedule A ond the ornount exoended for the improvemenl. Ihe provisions of this porogroph sholl not opply io cosis, otiorneyC fees ond crpenses for which lhe Compony is lioble under this policv, ond sholl onlv ooolv lo fhot portion of ony loss rlrhich erceeds, in the oggregtte, l0 perceni o/ ih6 Amounf ol Inruronce stoted in Schedule A. . (c). The Compony wi! poy only those costs, otiorneyr' lees ond expenses incurred in occordonce with Section ,l ol these' Conditions 6nd Slioulotions.8. APFONTONIIENT. lf the lond deccribed in Schedule A conrists o{ iwo or more oorcels which ore nol used os o ringle site, ond o lois is ectoblkhcd o{{ecting oie or rnore o{ the porcels bul nof oll, lhe loss sholl be computed ond settled on o oro roto bosis os il lhe omounl of insuronce under fiil policy wos divided pro rotl os io the volue on Dote ol Policy ol eoch seporole porcel to the whole, exclusive of ony improvemenh modc aubsequcnt to Dote of Policy, unless o liobilitv or volue hoi olherwise been ogreed upon os to eoch porcel by the Compony ond the insured oi lhe time of the issuonce of this policy ond fiow'n by on cipreis storement or by on endor€ment ottoched to thh policy.9. UM|IAT|OI{ OF UABilil. ' (o) ll the Compony estoblishes the title, or removes ihe olleged defea, lien or encumbronce, or cures the lock of o right o{ occess to or from the lond, or cures the cloim ol unmo*etobility of ritle, oll os insured, in o reosonobly diligenf monncr by.ony method,- induding litigotion.ond the rompletion o{ cny opp-eok therelrom, it sholl hovc fully performed its obligotions wilh respect to tliof mofier ond sholl not be lioble for ony losl or domoge coused therebi. . ib) In lhe eyenl of ony litigotion, including litigotion by the Compony or with lhe Compony! consent, fhe Compony sholl hovc no liobilitv {or losj or dsmooe unlil there hir bcen q {inol dctdrminotion by o court ol c6mpetent iurisdictio-n, ond disposition ol oll oppeoh thcrefrom, odvtrsc to the fitlc o's inrurid. (c) The Compony sholl not be lioble {or los or domogc fo ony insured for liobilify voluntorily ossumed by ihe insured in lettling ony cloirn or suit without the prior wrillen consenl of lhc Comoony.i0. nEDUcIloN oF INSURANiT;'[EDUcTtoN oR rnMtNATtoN oF TTABITITY. , All poymenh under this polig, except pq)rmenh modc lor rosts, ottorneys' fees ond erpcnses, sholl reducc lhc omounf of $e insuronce oro lonlo.ir. uAEtuIY iloNcuilUuilvE. . ..lt is expressly undersfood thot lhe omount ol insuronce under fhis policy sholl be reduced by ony onounf the Compony moy poy under ony policy iniurini d mortgoge to which exieption h roken in ikheiJle'A or ro,riiih rhi insurej hos ogreed, ossuned, or ioken subiect, or which is hereolter execuled by on insured ond which is o chorge or lien on the eslole or interesl describe'd or relerred.to in Schedule A, ond the omount so poid sholl be deemed o poyment under lhis policy to the insured owner. 12. PAYI4ENT OF [O5S. (o) No poymeni sholl be mode without producing ,this policv for endorse. ment of lhe poynenl unless fhe policy hos been lod or defrd,ved, in which cose proof of loss or destrucfion sholl be {rirnished to the sotisfoction of'the Conoonv. _ (b) When liobility ond the extent of loss or domoge hos been definitely lired in occordonce with these Condifions ond Stipulotions, the loss or domooi shoil be poyoble within 30 doys thereofter. 13. SUBIOGAI]ON UPON PAY'{ENT ON SETI|'EIiEM. (o) Ihc Gmponyt Right of Subrogorion. Whenever the Compony sholl hove iettled ond poid o rloim under this ool. icy, oll right ol rubrogotion sholl vest in the Compody unof{ected by ony oci of fhe tntured alormonl. The Compony sholl be subrogofed to ond be entifled to oll righh ond renre. dies which lhe insured cloimonf would hove hod ogoinst ony pcrson or groDe y in respect fo the cloim hod thh policy nor been issuld. tf rc{uared by the tom'. pony, the insured cloimont sholl fronsler io the Compony oll rights ond remcdies ogoinst ony peruon or properfy necessory in order lo per{ect lhis riEht of subro. gotion. The insured cloimont sholl permit lhe Compony to suc, cohpromise or setlle in the nome of ihe insured cloimont ond to use ihe nome ol the insured cloimonl in ony tronloction or litigotion involving thele rights or rcmedies. l, o poyment on occount o{ o cloim does not fully cover fhe los ol the insured cloimont, the Compony sholl be subogoted b thlre right ond rcmedies in fha proporfion which the Compony's poymenf beon fo the whole omount of fhe los. . ll loss should resuh from ony oct ol lhe insured cloimont, os stoted obove,fiol od sholl not void thh polii, but the Compony, in thot event, sholl be required fo poy only lhot port of ony losses insured ogoinst by this policy whkh rholl exceed lhe omounl, if ony,.lost lo the Compony by rcoon ol thc'impoir. ment by the insured cloimont o{ the Comoony's riiht bf subroootion. (bi lhe Componyt Righh Agoinrr'Noi.inri,nd Oblisd;. The Conrpon/s right ol subrogotion ogoinrt non-insureii obligors sholl cxist ond.sholl indude,. without limilotion, the riglif of the irtured to indamnities, guo- ronties, olher policies of insuronce or bond:, notwithdonding ony lcrms or coindi. lions contoined in fhose inshuments which provide for rubrogotion rights by rco- son of this policy. 11. AnBlnAilON . Unless.prohibited by opplicoble low, eitherthe Compony orthc inrurcd moy demond orbitrotion punuonl to the litle Insuronce Arbitrotion Rules of thc Aneri. con Arbitrotion Arsociolion. Arbihqble mottels moy include, bul ore not limifed lo, ony (ontroversy or.cloim beiwecn the Compony ond the insured orising oul o{ or relofing to thir policy, ony service of the Compony in conncction with its issu. once or the breoch of o policy provision or othei obligotion. All orbitroble mot- fers when fhe Amount of Insuronce is $1,000,000 or les sholl be orbitrofed ot the oplion of either the Compony or lhe insured. All orbitroblc noflen when the Amount ol Insuronce is in excess of $1,000,000 sholl bc orbitroted only when ogreed to by both the Conpony ond the insured. Arbitrotion pursuonf to this policy ond under the Rules in ef{ect on thc dote thg denond fbr orbitrotion is mode or, ot lhe option of the insured, the Rules in eflea ot Dote of Policy sholl be binding upon lhe porlier. The oword moy include o orneyr' fecs only i{ the lows of the stote in which the lond is locoted permif o court to oword q bmeys' fees fo o prevoiling porty, Judgment upon the oword rendered by thc Arbitio- lo(s) moy be entered in ony court hoving jurisdicfion ftereof. The low of thc situs of thc lond sholldpply to on orbifrotion under the Title Inruronce Arbihotion Rules. A copy ol the Rules moy be obtoined fiom lhc Comporry upon requelt. 15. IIAB|UTY UMITED T0 THIS PiOl,lCY; FOUCY ENTIRE CONTRACL (o) Thk policy together wilh oll endonements, if ony, o oched hereto by the Compony h the entire policy ond controd bctween 6e'insured ond the Com. pony. In interpreling ony provirion o{ thh policy, thh policy shollbe construed o: o whole. (b) Any doim of loss or donoge, whcfier or not bosed on ncgligcnce, ond which driseiout of the stotus of tha iitle to thc cstote or intercst covclJ hcreby or by ony oction oserting such cloim, sholl be restricfed to this policy. (c) No omendment o{ or endorsemenl to this policy <on bc mode ercepl by o wriling endorsed hercon or oftoched hereto signed by either the President, i Vce President, the Setrefory, on Arsiilont Secretory or volidoting officer or ggthqggd {gLql9ry of the 6mpony. 16. sEvEnaButY. In fhe evcnt ony provision of the policy is held involid or unenfoneoble under opplicoble low, the policy sholl be deem6d not to include thot provision ond oll o$er orovisions shsll remoin in full force ond ef{ec'|. ]7. NOilCES, WHENE SENT, All nofices rcquired to be given fie Compony ond ony stotement in writino required fo be {urirished the C-ompony sholl'include the number of rhis oolici ond sholl be oddressed to the Compbny ot P.O. Box 2029, Houston, fexo! 77252.2029. STI.;\VART'l'I'f LE Ir'r tr r \.fY r'.rrrr' | \rt r,l H F] !t"l:2*\! 33 I Fl 1. 11 2 >c a:t,\ -^ TY 3 a €(f, o o, o!@ :o IJ IIJ UJF I @(f =o dto-|:o Y.l ()z i J 6= H 7?9" 5 irya= 5 970 oa UJ (E 3311-1. '?;f;31' ""_1i:'l:fl"'Billi ;"-:"o"3f LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY Know all men by these presents, that l, Michael S. Sylvester, 2720 East 79th Street,cleveland, ohio 44104, do heidby make, constitute, and appoint Norman R. Hetwig of lood South Frontage Road West, Suite 2OO-A, Vail, CO 81657, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact for me and in my name, place, and stead, and on my behalf, and for my use and benefit for the following limited purposes: 1. To purchase and encumber the real property (the .property',) known as Lot 2, Block 4, Lion's Ridge subdivision Filing No. 3, county of Eagle, 'state of colorado, known ', as 1535 Aspen Ridge Road, Vail. Colorado 91657. 2. To execute, sign, acknowledge, and deliver any and all documents on my behalf in connection with the purchase and ownership of the Property, including but not limiteJ to a promissory note, deed of trust with warranty of title, rortgage, security agreement, financing statement, settlement sheet, RESpA stateme;t dibclosure statement, rescission notice, and any other documents with such terms and provisions as my attorney may think proper or necessary in this regard. 3' To deal on. my behalf with any title company, inspector, real estate broker, real estate agent, or seller with respect to the Property and to perform all acts and execute any ' documents on my behalf in connection with the purchase and ownership of the above described real estate. I grant to Norman R. Helwig, my attorney-in-fact, the full power and authority to do, take,and perform all and every act and thing which may be required, proper or shall 6e necessary to be done, in the exercise of any of the rights and powers herein granted, as fuly to ail intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming alt that my said attorney-on-fact.or his substitute or substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this instrument. This Power of Attorney is to be construed and interpreted as a Limited power of Attorney, and the enumeration of specific items, rights, acts and powers is intended to limit and restrict the powers herein granted to said attorney-in-fact. This Limited power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect for a period of 180 days commencing from the date of execution hereof. This Power of Afforney shall not be affected by any diiability or incapacity which I may suffer. REC DOC 5 .00 e c) EXECUTED in E-<€>€-n*D srArE oF 0 /k o ,A couNrY or (fuq Hb (sh thiqh",SUBSCRIBED AND SWOBN to before me Michael S. Sylvester.ttlEll B. GRtSlY0tD' ^ttolilY sc ,1993. Q/,"01 IIOTARY PUELIC . STATE O' OHIO My commission expiresli! clmnl$rrn lT,yjllt:"t n"'' Public 527340 B-625 Sara J. Fisher , iiU REC DOC 5 .00 Jry 4)LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY -Know all men by these presents, that l, Sarah E. Nash, clo J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated, 60 Wall Street, New York, New York 10260-0060, do hereby make, constitute, and appoint Norman B. Helwig of 1000 South Frontage RoadWest, Suite 2OO-A, Vail, CO 81657, my true and lawful attorney-in-fact for rne and in my name, place, and stead, and on my behalf, and for my use and benefit for the following limited purposes: 1. To purchase and encumber the real property (the "Property") known as Lot 2, Block . 4, Lion's Bidge Subdivision Filing No. 3, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, known 'as 1535 Aspen Ridge Road, Vail. Colorado 81657. 2. To execute, sign, acknowledge, and deliver any and all documents on my behalf in connection with the purchase and ownership of the Property, including but not limited to a promissory note, deed of trust with warranty of title, mortgage, security agreement, financing statement, settlement sheet, RESPA statement, disblosure statement, rescission notice, and any other documents with such terms and provisions as my attorney may think proper or necessary in this regard. 3. To deal on my behalf with any title company, inspector, real estate broker, real estate agent, or seller with respect to the Property and to perform all acts and execute any ' documents on my behalf in connection with the purchase and ownership of the above described real estate. I grant to Norman R. Helwig, my attorney-in-fact, the full power and authority to do, take, and perform all and every act and thing which may be required, proper or shall be necessary to be done, in the exercise of any of the rights and powers herein granted, as fully to all intents and purposes as I might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my said attorney-on-fact, or his substitute or substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this instrument. This Power of Attorney is to be construed and interpreted as a Limited Power of Attorney, and the enumeration of specific items, rights, acts and powers is intended to limit and restrict the powers herein granted to said attorney-in-fact. This Limited Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect for a period of 180 days commencing from the date of execution hereof. This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by any disability or incapacity which I may suffer. g1 c'r A EXEcurED," Nnut oY-. a%{s#"r-l4$*, 1ee3. STATE OF COUNTY ( SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to Sarah E. Nash. /\f before me this r{9 day ,r DC,rb'U ss. Sarah E. Nash /)/ . r'r My commission expires: '33 Notary Public ,K\ O /se 5o,- and e ('\ ,':) I schedule # gq+g as known by street and number as:8l-657 WARRANTY DEED 1535 ASPEN RTDGE ROAD VAIL, CO , THrS DEED, Made_this ]$bauy of Novenber, Lgg3 | between TRUDo LETSCHERT of the County-6f- ' and State of Fl_orida, grantor,MTCHAEL s. syLvEsrER ana saEH-El-TasH "no="-r"gar address is 31 Shorbey Drive, Bratnenal, OH 44108 of the Couniy of and State of ohio, grantee: ---- ---"-r a(./ wrrNEssETH,- T!1t the grantor for and in consideration of the surn of Fi J" TEN DoLLARS AND orHER GooD AND vALUABLE coNsrDERATroN, tr," ,"JJipi' t*lly ^ and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowl,edged, has granted, %OUA::lil:"u:- sold and conveyed, -ana' uy-tii.r.-pr.="nrs does srant,/Jl'7 bar9'ain, sell, convey and confirrn, unto the grantee, his freirs and '{ assigns forever, alr. the rear properiy t"qether with improvements, if aDY, situate, lying and being in bounly oi-uecr,s and state of colorado described as follows: c,) crl FN itF P c., <{(o ltJ P' tt url !t ol ON f, ('l Lot 2,Block 4, I LroN's RIDGE SUBDIVTSIoN, FTLING NO. 3 According to the recorded plat thereof TOGETHER with arr and singur.ar the hereditanents and appurtenances thereto belonging, -or in inywise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and rlnainders, -rents, -is=ue= and profits thereof, and all the estate,.right, titre, interest, craim and dernand whatsoever of the granLor, eith6r in raw ;.-;;;i;y, of in and to the above bargained prernises, with the hereditamerits and appurtenances. To HAVE AND To HoLD the said prernises above bargained and describert -with the appurtenances, unto the grantee, nis n6irs and assi-gns forever. And the grantor, for hirnself, his heirs, and personal representatives, 9o?" covenant, grant, bargain, and .grl" to and with the grantee, his heirs and assigis, that at the time of the ensealing and derivery of these presents, he is werr seized of the prenises above c9nvey"d, has gooh, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasibl"e estate of inherii,ance, in iaw, in fee simpre, .nJ n..good right, full power and rawful authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the sarne in nanner and form as ifore6aid, and €haa'th;'same are free and clear f rorn arr former and other grants, bargains,sales, 1iens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictions of whatever kind or nature soever, except Those rnatters set forth in Exhibit ,A. attached hereto and made a part hereof. The grantor shalI and will WARRANT AND FoREVER DEFEND the above-bargained.premises in the quiet and peaceabre possession of the grantee, his heirs and.assigns, against all and every person or persons lawful1y craining the whore or any part thereof. The singular number shalr include the plurar,-t-he prural the singular,and the use of any gender shalr be-applicable Lo arr gendersl rN wrrNEss WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this deed on the date seu forth above H I t9 -l E(,l p 0c Pts O r-' ()t-o(o c\t(o dG) o c)(o OF ft(o rf> POE o ?, OFr o o F 9,O OE t, (^t Fr :t ('t ld .o o (,tu oO -o o o schert Sterart Titte of Eagte County, tnc. - 93009607-C? ;..;:.^ro and n'uuJou.Grantr>r(s), to MICHAI,:L S. t- of warranty Deed ,tr*uoo LETScHETTT ,SYLVES;TER and SARAH E. NASH , Grantee(s). Taxes lor the year 11193, rrot yet: a lien due and payable. Reserv;:tions or axceptions contained in u.s. patents, or in Acts authorizing the i.ssuirnce thereoli, recorded August 16, 1909 in Book 4u at Page 542 r:eserving r) Rights of the proprietor of a a-vein or lode to extrirct arrcl remove his ore therlfrorn and 2) c,:rights of w:ry for: clir:ches and cirnals constructecl under the ii authority of the Unit:ed St.ates. (l ts Restrictive covenant::, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter cfiruse, as; r:ontajned jn instrunent recorded september 20, L972 in Book 225 at prrcle' 44:| as Reception No. 121218 and instrurnent recor:cled ljeptenrber zlr, rg72 in goox 225 al page 565 and the Arnelrdnenl- rer:ordecl in Book 233 at page 53 as Rec6ption No. 129943. I Agreement br:twecrr T'a'7vel I,irrvirorrrnental Land coml)any and Mountairr states Telephone comt)any lrrovid.Lng for telepnonl instarlation and service throtrghorrt Lion,s R.Ldge subdivision, Firing No. 2 recorded septernbcr 2'l, 1923 in llook 231 at page 29L as Reception No. 727 L51- . Terrns, conditions;, rr:rservert-ions, restrictions and obligations as contairrcd .in the covr:rnants; for Lion,s Ridge subdivisioi, Filing No. 2, recorded in Br.,ok 21'.5 at l?age 443 as Reception No. rz12]-}and Amendments recorrlecl in Bool< 225 at page 565 as Reception No. tzl341 and rccoirled irr Book 233 at page 53 as Reception No.1,28943. Easenents, restri.ct.i.,.rns arrct rights-of-ways as slrown on the plat of Lion, s ltidge slubd i.visi()n, Fi ting No. , , recorded in Book 225 at Page 444 as Rocept:ion l.lo. 1,2L2r9. Easenents, restrictions. and rights-of-ryay9 as sh{.rwn on the PLATS of Lion,s ltidge Subdivision Filing N,r. 3 including but not limited:30 foob. access and ut:ility easernents as shown on the plat 20 foot. pedestrian e,tsemer.tt-. as shown on the plat 20 foot easemenL for exisl:ing rr>ad and sewer encroachment aqross a part of the souilrerly portion of Lot 1-, Block 3, as shown on said plat. utirity easenents 1.0 feet on each side of arl- interior lot rines and 15 foot uti.lity easernent along and abutting on aIl exterjor lot linos arrd along the subdivision borrndary lines, arl as reserved on sairl grlat Terms, condition:;, r.serv;rtions, restrictions and obligations as contained in Rid<;ecrr:st al: Lion's Ridge Declaration of Covenants and Rer;trir:tionr;, recorded January 2, 197g in Book 296 at Page 646 as lk':ccpl'-ion l,lo. 193039 and Amendments, recorded Decembcr 27, 1985 in Book 432 at page 930 as Reception No. 329187 . Terms, conditions, reservirt:ions, restrictions and obrigations as contained in AnnexatLon Arlreements, among the Town of vaiL and Lion's Riclge Associal:es, l.td and Lion's Ridge at VaiI, and Northwestern Nationa I Lif r: rnsurance conpany recorded Novernber 1, 1985 in Book 42tt irt pa(.te 936 as Reception No. 32519? and recorcled NovenLrer: l, L985 in Book 428 at page 932 as Reception No. 3251,98. 521339 8-625 P-275 ll/lg/93 09:19A PG 2 oF 3 statr: sf lroao4 Courrl-y of 542.4 soT4 ) ) srl. ) c) 5 213 39 B-625 P-275 I r., -The foregoing instrument was acknowredged before ne this Lft{day of. No{. .-_, 1993, by Trudo Letschert. My commisl:ion cxpir:es official seal. c.-, f:-:-';'.!)r: !c i:. :. ''' '. i'"io "'r.ot "rt ia, t*i* Feacut4cl /B , tgC4, Witness my hand and tL/t9/93 09:19A PG3 OF3 I rgrf F tj--QOntr 75 south lrontage road yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (303) 47$.2139 April 1 , 1992 otlice of community developmenl Trudeau Letschert c/o Rick Pirog Vail Associates Real Estate P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Lot 2, Block 4, Llonsridge Filing No.3 Dear Mr. Letschert: I have attached a copy of the zoning map ot the Town of Vail to this letter, showing that the lot referenced above is zoned Primary/Secondary. Please verify this is the correct zone by reviewing the copy of the 'Town of Vail zoning code legend," which I have also included. I have also photocopied a section of the subdivision plat of Lionsridge Filing No. 3. As you can see on the plat, there is a building envelope which restricts the location of any proposed structures. Lastly, I have included a section of Chapter 18.13 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. This section of the code regulates PrimaryiSecondary residential development. In this section, you can find standards for height, setbacks, density, site coverage, parking, etc. Please look to this section to determine the amount of GRFA which can be built on this site. A survey from a registered surveyor, which shows the lot area, will be necessary before the Town can compute the amount of GRFA available for you. lf you have any questions about this material, please feel lree to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, /ab Enclosures I.o F IL E COPt| 75 south ttontage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 47S 2138 (303) 47$2139 October 11,1991 oflice of communily development Mr. Gus Bacatselo 304 Allenwood Drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 Re: Lot 2, Block 4, Llonsrldge Thlrd Flllng Dear Mr. Bacabelo: lreceived your letteron Friday, October 11, 1991, and have the following information foryou. Aspen Ridge Road is a private road. I am not sure who constructed it, or when it was construcled, but I do know the Town does not maintain the road. Concerning the building envelope, I want to clarify that the setbacks are measured from the properg lines themselves, and not from the perimeter of the building envelop shown on the plat. The area of the lot which you may use for construction is to be determined by using the most restrictive standard, either the building envelope line or the setback line. I strongly recommend trat you proceed through the planning process before purchasing the lot, as you may have difficulty finding support to change the existing standards to allow 'the majority of the home [to be] somewhat anchored off from the edge over the clitf.' As this may concern not only the planning Commission, but also your neighbors, I advise you bring this request to a public hearing to receive feedback from the Planning Commission before buying the lot. one question of mine which came up as I read your letter is why the building envelope causes the constraints which you describe. lt seems to me that an architect would be able to work with these constraints and still produce a design which meeb your needs. I would be concerned if you had a pre-determined design which could not be altered which you were trying to fit on this site. Staff has found that he homes which are uniquely designed for each site tend to fit into the mountain environment better than pre-conceived concepts which have been built on lots outside he area. Mr. Gus BacaFelo October 11,1991 Page 2 I hope this information helps you in your decisions. lf I can be of more assistance in answering a specific question regarding the setbacls and building envelope, please teel free to write another letter. lf you prefer, you may call me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, #r#'4 Town Planner FR)< 36-493-83s4 IACSIMIIiE. [NANSI{I[8A[ FOBil cmP.o PffiE A1 &tocrr r ffi DAIIE T SENII 1IO: FI.X NO I PHOIIE NO r nnou: GU S 6q.^-{.1"1" P.EOM NO: OOIPAIfYs t NUItsXB 0l PAGES ECCIIIDMG, COIIER: I AIIY PROBITEUS. RXCEIVnittr; IEIS, FAX COMAGT: /.u,ft ,ry, orJ, fi{h%ftTffi;' ffir *ffiT**#fuf&h,Zft";eu/&n, ./* s'j{*/ -/^ a.lQ/- g^*,,/, /*,&,* 9r*r*. a, h,a,..ratdret 4-,s*& <5//^U qfuud Hr,4lrz'ai:.^:? #44 k'p* a, h,a,:-tud.' 4.,*r24e <UZ^U qfuud '%#%ffi ry6 O../" A, r% "; -AK;3{' Z* U,r:,,#-'.- J-"/^ -.-(--^ -/ ./-a-\,,,-^y'.- -r/-.. .-, - .4.'^l w# rry Ji &fu,{ /.,/ @d",y'. FRX 345-493-8354 PREE E3 o t'&/n- E//" r4./'^^ z*e ;/&,r&r-/zr d""4fu;'(/r".rr";l a-reA zr fr /"-/+t'/,;"rr/r 4../ l/r0,, ,4 V.,/>n E r-o,d,r;i H n#/ ,-,/-,-revo,-/t. aL&^- %-; *6u^^4*l*u*7 J //tI ,atl 4'42 o. /.a^h : l"',' )'' ,. , e*ey',,,,o &#;dz;#'(& /,/t /nr- &)o.<r,a^" g- fr, a4* //o.ott ) ,/*A h*y'*. 4 // 3. s3', {o,15.4 9,o6 ( aJ rfr. .PrJrl -s.&-' d/ ' /?6.tr( f,* ,,u1 a*%../;o- ,s 4 zo& *LZ- /,o. { e/Ao/ ."o-*/t/*;*4 r r1-6,1*ll--Ah fu,'//,, {/ eat&2* bu.or^r-,..2,,1.2 J(aL-^&.- .y'.--, /e-/ +.;tr ffii rz*tVr*ooar* qtur/d & €--/o,&,ht ,r"*bar'r/r? fuq t.,4 so.56 lq */r/ "4^/t?ArL&4/-,>ug ''A -rbt /.o*.u./- /..'^E -r*r./ /-"fu* /%r&,{*/. 6 ,u,//'el/Z Zq,,tu.Z/*-f /t a^ a.A*/-ft, - -/ .t-"1/ /-r. K -rn - a..e-, ft / r-%-M "y: h"4 Jb,^*-4 e ry44<* 41 /,t.&4 /t^h:4.J ft --**,4*/,2"*'h. -/,iL.-&^/-/r*, ;, czr,frz/, //--5r^.'rA^f h/.'E'H^s bnuda,! ) /rr^rn &zzJ a/t**n- a-../ a^f .iro-? 6y*J & eaelbz- /n.t't 4z uzzL r4r, / or la n !'.no.'-4.*- g. .// / lfuzb,arb */a,*, -.-f.&n;u.i by^ot ,a;6- 2a-/ /167/?% 4 UA.- ..4<r,l( Ar{ {1"|f r57*, c,V44, J*'7a-o- FRX 36-493-8354 PREE A4 o /S fu, rc/ a//r* -rt"/ (2ur /-=4q/rqo ! * /t- ns- n i- eitr a#/ rfu a-r/** nJ Ua'/27,/t ,,(ar/Uz2*r,.11 /e, ;'AJ /g ilote- ,Uez/. Or Uu ,7-n/ Our;fe $ /rVe. o,f 9r/ &.lfruh.tW D/. ft.tqUgEffite ref, 333d8 Dft fr/',( ^;t'- fl" .s*ne- ,qtat'fufabe,. FRX 395-493-83F1 EiEoBAc *b o PME 82 /4.-//- ?/ /1 U*,' l'lr A,,Jr* lh,t/p^: ;i:i7*:/wruffiTJ itl^ A /;,"/h ,r,o r Att- / ,- ',i^ 6 /L;,"&q' {qr/,S:=.f 4/. c))e,14r,o-u^ obo,f ,21"- gz*rrr,e 0[ ld4#.1 T74J 4,/ f1/aJ'+ LwL K/F d,-/"/a/a F 3 i, fr- .bi" sz /*,/ , . -{.-flo* @r'au H s;/<- oA"q ':( ffiL?/' f(#V+q;a fi; wr l! I 7- ENGINEERING CHEEK LIST Subdivision 'o.{<<t&e Lot Bl ock Filing 1. Submittal Items (A) Topo MaP (B) Site Plan (c) utility Plan (D) Ti t1e llePort tii srno:uision Agreement (if appl icable) 2. [nqineerjng Requirements (Acceptable) (llot AccePtable) rc tBjt!_lE-.<l*sS__ t __z_ lr/ -t/ (A) culvert Si ze /5"---, (B) Dri ver'ray Grade (8X max) (Actua I J 3.- Sou rce of Ut i l i ti es --€7o .. lrg (A) Electri (s) eas (C) Serrer (D) l{a',"er (E ) Tel eplrc (F) r.v. 4. Connetrts: t. - S-€4e -s?t.- - - z b-z---&-ed8<€-- - Approved: /Vuu 2 , l?g I Disapprovedz Jk Del;'art.nr:ni of Bi l1 Andrer':s box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 October 27, L98l Robbie Robinson c/o Vajl Associates, Inc' P.0. Box 7 Vai 'l , Col orado 81558 Bi I I A,rdrews Town Engineer BA: df department of community development RE: Lion's Ridge Subdivision 3rd Filing, B1k. 4' Lots 1-6 (Rjdge Crest) Dear Robbie: This 'letter is in regards to the construction of the private road within the referencei subdivision. The construction to date is not l.iiri..io"y, in particular, the gabion wal'ls differ substant'ia11y frcrn the p1ans. The poss.i biiity of fairlure of the retaini.ng structures due,to heavY conslruction v;hio]ar traffic has caused me to reconrnend to the Bur. lciing Department that no build'ing permits be issued to Lots 1-6 until tfre rbad is repaired or rebuilt to the approved plans or construction on same is substantially underway' If you would like to discuss this further, please call me to set an appoi ntment. Sj ncerel y, box lfl) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 department of community development November 12, 1981 Curtis Lively Box 931 Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 RE: DRB Submittal of 11-12-81 Dear Curtis: At the November 4 meet'ing of tne Design Review Board, your submittal for a primary/secondary residence was approved with the fol'l oling stipu'lations: substantial construction fence must be added to protect rock ledge to the south and to .prevent any disturbance bblow site. Approval was for a primary/secondary reiidence with a total GRFA of 4649 sq.ft.: 2925 sq.ft. primary and l7?4 sq.ft. secondary. Town Planner PJ:df .. 1 \l \ I Project Application o"," l(.,-19-81 Project Name: Contact Person and Phone Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: tl;.x Architect, Address and Phone: [-("\ rt- tl ,..,. i' l-, -:El. .> Bloct< '1*- ,nlins{ 11 i\1kr,-ll{r-f) ,zone ,\ Ei"-r 11 I i .a\J-\<Legal Description: Lot t\ , Commenls: Design Review Board 1) APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL e-o /z 6st ,4zzarrT Town Ftanner . t .t "^", lllLllKl Crftr E Statt Approval ,.{(' z0r{r g:rr:l( fon R, R P/S ZC]ii[ DISTII]CTS sFir, -) t-/ Lot / B'tock /Ua,vf #3 Legal Descript'ion: Or.trc r Fi'ling Arctri'icct ( UenS AZ Propcsed Use Zo;re Di s tri ct Lot Arca -.o4 llear -Rcqui rcC ''l5 , proposccl l,ia tc:rccu rsc- rcqu r'rc d Proposed Pnol,osecl g6_fr4 GII|A: GRI.A: Secottdari' A'l I or'icd zz /o. Site Covcra,ge: /tl'lotrecJ 2A % Larrdscap'in91: rt^d Reqirirecl 6O 6 Parll inc r Prinary Al'lor+ed _33t Pr i rit rl,2?z< th CJ r< \n rntr.-l;, r-tr Propos cd Proposcd Propos cd P t^opo s ccl l)ropl;': r:d Parll ing : .. ltequi rccl Drive: .S1o1>e per.ll-ii:tecl I % llnr''ironir;errt.n1/llazar.cls: .Avi:'lanche Fl oo<l I,l a in 'Slopc S) o1>c Actu"rl OA _ . -..r\rTr&? Sidcs-Requircd 15, proposed Corrlrcnts : 7c:rirlir : /r1r;r;.1r1.,.;r,/l).i ::,:irlri-ir,,{:ti l).i t r: : . Dnlrn.[Jotrtot t fttosnrts 1ng TEL. RES. (303) 79s-6853 - OfFlCE, 79lt{Ol I uTTtEroN, cotonADo 80t23 r-t//i, 4/ Subjecr: Excovofion lnspcction & Foundqtion Rccornmcndoiionc Residcncc ot Soils Expood inffi fintl LUS .rl,/ 'f;hYi" 5202 W. SOWIES @ SHERTOAN t kts,r/on/to/ it/o should bc ploced in the .., Lcttcr Doic; 7 -*l €./ Nnld-lnspcction o"w@ Job No. 4l -.- ;ffi ;J.1""T;:;;'"", /,f:.--T\rl y"ay' /o o7o,^ 4aJ;, i,lnrl [f oroin Fisure 4c (so-, ) kh::.',"td ] "r rt'* fup'-' p-'/ " +A'''chcd: Hr;*ll,= ru[",, ^,L' Wff l_fAppcndix B Asphelt & Concrclo . lelting & Mix Dcrign Evaluctionr . Rrsidcnriat & Commcrcicl Foundction Dcsign . Soilr & ttlrc.lalr Invclhctlonr Foundotion Rccommendotions: Type C - Conventionol Sprcod Footings fficdffi-nvcntiono[spreodFoo}ingrdesignedforomoximumroi| beoring prcssurc of /Qtppsf (dcod-lmd plrrfutlnr"-lood).- Rcfci to foundotion dcsign for footing sizc verificoJi6?il All loose, disturbci soillshould bc rcmovcd bcfora plocing wollr. Thc boffqn of wolls or footingr should bo ot lcostlfinchcs belo*, finol grodc for froct profcction. Foundotion walls rhould bc reinforced with o minimum of two lS (o, f+ Grodc 60) rcbor confinuotp ;fiEloe fiil-F'ottom ( 4 bors minimum - rcfer to foundoti&-dcslgn for datoilcd typc ond rpccing). Slobs should be ploced diroctly on the undisturbed soils or welf compoctcd fill (no grovcl) ond ;FAIe be seporoicd from oll bcoring membcrs ond utility lincr. Joint: shoufd biicorcd in dobr to control ihc locotion of ony crocking (moximum 200 squora foot orcor). Prorldc c mf nlmum I inch void spocc obovc, or bclo,v. poriitionr ond uiilTiies on ctobs. Scc Appcndix for dctolfr.- Bockfill oround the foundotion should be moistened ond well compocted ond the finol grode fiould Ef:GFstopcd to precludc ponding of roinfoll, irrigofion wotcr ond snov/ meli odioccnt to foundoflon wolls. Coution: Do nof dikc or impcde thc florr of wqter ouoy from foundotion wollr with sod, edging ffitiuc grovcl ond polyethclycnc. Do,'rnspoutr ond sill cockr rhould dischorgr Into splosh blockr or long cxtcnsionc. Refer to Appcndix ond Figurc ottochcd for dctoilc. droin system is rcquired oround tho lontcr level of thc structure. Whcn urcd, lhc droln Jroqld c grodcd to thc scwer line loierol trcnch os deioilcd on Droin Figurc ottochcd. f]Clcon grovcl loterol from the strect to thc housc. [l Leoa droin to o sump or,othcrwisc doylita, DAVID. WATTERS &ASSOCIATES, INC. I r. . Ravied?d bv:./ t lnsPection bY: - tr'"'tx .d::i A a -rA '7(1 - fotodotion Looding Relmendotions Exterior loods should be supported upon rainforced concrete orode beoms ond interiorlagdrshotrld besupporteduponconcrefe,stee|orwoodbeomsfoundcdupon@ !UI.'Sl"g- Foundofion wolls ond grode beoms should be well reinforced so os tc minimize the cffectr of rlight diff;;;;tfil ;;"-.;;ts *ith-;;i"''rum of two #5 borr, Grode 40 (or equivclcnt #4 Grodc 60), con- f inuous ot ihe top ond bottom - 4 bors rinitt ur to foundition design for dcTlilEd-i!frnd spocing). Bockfill ord Surfoce Droinoge The foundotion ond slob soil_s should be prevented from being wetted ofter construction. This con generolly be ossisted by insuring thot the bockfill ploced oround the foundotion wolls wlll not scttle ofter completion of construction (cousing woier to be tropped ond pond next to foundotion wolls). Use bockfill moferiol thot is relotively impervious for the finol l2 inch depth. The bockfill mqtcriol should be free of trosh ond it should be moistened ond only modFotely compocted of dcpth. ond wcll compocted for the top l2 inches. ln lieu of moderote compocfion, o berm moy be odded oround thc foundolion wolls to prdiTde droinoge owoy frcn wolls if minor settlomcnt of bockfill occurc. T_h9._fi!.e!_-$Sde. should be well sloped melt odiocent to foundotion wolls. A 6 to preclude ponding of roinfoll, irrigotion wctar ond snow inch foll in l0 feet is o recommended minimum. Coution: Do not dike or i the flow of woti owoy from fJindotion wolls with sod, edging or dffii6TFve cut into existing , fo prevent o ol structure. ng ii6fiiii6ter next ro foundotion wolls hos been o moior sourcc of rnoisturc cousing sollt to expond ond/or settle. Dorvnspouis ond sill cocks should dischorge into splosh blocks or lmg cxtcnsions WLen rnoblElls qte.encountered in be corered with on impervious moisture the foundotion to ossist in the reduction SUMiTIARY DISCUSSION Some of the site soils moy vory from slishtly exponsive t_o cg{rgli{df ns-!g!l-€.ond the o^/ners should be mode owore thoi there is some risk of future domoge. This is especiolly true if ihe recoormcndotions concerning bockfill, surfoce droinoge ond lown irrigotion ore not followed. Our expcriencc hor indicoted thot domoge due to slightly exponsive io consolidoting soils usuolly results from roturotlon of foundotion soils. The soturotion is generolly coused by improper droinoge or londscoping, exccseive |ownirrigotion,sprinklersystemleoksneorfoundotionw @;ffiwilr ffie risk of construction in this oreo. outside of bockfill oreos. Dp-o-o!- oond-ycte1-Cdi.sge"ElLelgu4lgllon wolls. Lown lrrlgoiion Systems D-o-noljorlsll g_rp!nklel-ty$em_li!9-within l0 feet of foundotion wolls. lf o sprlnkler systcm ir instolled, the sprinkler heods slrould be ploced so thot the sproy from the heods, undcr full pru$unr, does not fqll within 5 fect of foundotion wolls. Lown irrigotion should be controlled. Lown, flonrcn shrubs, etc., plonte? within 5 feet of foundotion wolls, should be hond wotcred ond thls wotcring shoul d be m i n im i zed . Po-neftgad lystqq-qd.isgel]l Jg.&cndgi-ol.wElF Ground Cover the excovotion, the ground surfoce in crowl spocc oreos should borrier (building felt or heovy polyethelyene) seoled ogoinsf of humidity in the crowl spoc6 oreos. Appendix B or C (LONS) 79 1/1 o ond Bockfilling Broce Woll Top Eottom Prior to Concrete Grode Beom Woll Rei nforcement Exponsion Joint Rccommended Bcrm Do not dikc with sod or edging Sod 2" into to prcvcnt Well Sloped 6" in l0' Rc- c ommended Top I2" ofwcll compocted bockfill \\ c'2 '\- Cut i soi I dike <-Domp Proofing Modcrotcly Compoctcd Bockfill 42 Building Felt F.* l] Clcon Grovcl 8-l0"dcpth 12 ' 18" width 4" diomcter pcrforoted pipc OR oPcniolntcd droin filc with cotrercd ioint-3lopc droin pipe | /8" fioot to 3cwcr linc lotcrol . Ploca grovel in bottom of lotcrol from rcsidcncc to streei to o doyllte under droin, or, leod r:"*t'"t\l5f /I a,r D ,70!(E Rccornmended Poly under 5lo6. Polycthelycne glued to woll ond extcndcd olong the bottorn of ex- covotion. Poly con be cosily glrred to dompproofing 6 - 24 houn oftcr rproying. system to o sump . DRAIN SYSTEM & BACKFILL DfiA.L. Bockfill oround tha foundotion should bc moicfcncd ond compocted ond thc ffnol grodo cut into existing p to prevent o dike ot rcs DMIN SYSTEM & BACKFILL DETAILS Lown Inigqtion Systems Do not insloll o sprinkler systcm line within I0 fiaet of foundotion wolls. lf o rprinklcr system is instollcd, the sprinkler heods should be ploccd so thot the sproy from thc heodr, undcr full prcrsure, does not foll wiihin 5 fcct of foundolion wolls. Lown irrigotion should be controllcd. Lown, floners, shrubs, etc. . plontcd within 5 fcct of foundotion wolls, rhould bc hond woicrcd ond this wotering should be minimizcd. Do rGl pond woter @ foundotion wolls. SO-l 78 Qw/eoly Undcr Slob Figurc 4C (l) qi Ftt.ilic -_17- .tr)l] r.i10'{l; Thc location of uti. li.ties, rvhether they lines, mrst bc approvcd and verifj.ed by accompanyirrg site plan. Mountain Be11 / -4?//-3729 l{estern Slope Gas Public Scrvice Conlpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Uppcr Eagle r,ialley Water and Sanitation District l;,: ma i.n t-run k the fol J or.ring Ijncs or: pr:oposed utili.iics for the Date 2:2/:8/Jcs*t ,u2-// Z:22--*/.' 2/>->/ & /fTfr NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public rigitt- of-way or easement in the Tor'rn of Vai1. A building pernit is not a street. cut pel'nit. A street cut pernn-i.t nust be obt.ained separately. This form is to verify service availablity ancl lociition. This should be used in conjunction wi.tl.r preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. l BAKER.HOGA]iT, ASSOCTATES ARCHilf,TS x 931 (303) 453-6880 TO LETCR OF TRANSNflITTAL the following items:YOU I Attached n Under ,E Prints n Change order GENTLEMEN: WE ! ! ARE Shop copy SENDING drawings of letter separate cover via ! Pla ns n Samples ! Specifications ! THESE ARE TRANSMITTED [] For a pprova I .a ,E For your use n As requested REMARKS as checked below: n Approved fj Approved n Retu rned as submitted as noted Jor corrections I Resubmit-copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution [: Return -corrected prints I For review and comment f- f FOR BIDS DUE PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO SIGNED: FORM 2aG2 . Available lrom /A€83 / l.c , Grolon, Mass 01 4 50 ,t enclosures ,r€ not as notad, kindly notify us at once. Project Application o^," 8 6'Y, I Project Name: Project Description: -' Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: #;a/t Legal Descripti on, rct 2 , etocx L , riling /a t Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPBOVAL S- fot:,41'/s F&4a6 Sum rr <- INGINEtR}IIG CI1[CI( I IST ) L Subdivisiorr Lot B'lock Fi1in9 /o..t\ Rttc(€ 4 (llot Acccptable)1. Submittal Items (A) Topo Map (B) Si te P'lan (c) utility PIan (D) Title lleport (E) Subdivision Agreement (jf applicable) 2. flgineering Requirenents (Acceptabl e) u" -* (A) Cu'lvert Size (s) urt ver.ray cradillE7Ex )--mmtD 3. Source of Uti'l i ti es (A) [lectric (tl) Gas (C) Se'",er (D) l'la'Ler (E) TelePlrcrir (F) T.v. 4. COtmnents a fi) +;z. cc-:=<tue - 2&t_oeo*:z-J!p&-.-- @ g.ze zrszr,tal 6t ffi ztrte cqlet SeZJw€ ./ .t,/r€ 5 Apprwed: Di sapproved: DApa rEilcli'r -of-TmTic -'iiorR s Sil I Arrdrcr,rs o a COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of GUARANTEE COMPANY P, O. BOX 357, 108 SO, FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL. COLORADO 81657 Tefephone l{31 476 -2251 LAND TITLE Representing: TIM Form 2582 V 2/81 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT - 1970 Rev. a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or ieferred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor;all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. I . The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any suah defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. hability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policv or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the imount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and tie exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com' mitted for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the slatus of the title to the Cstate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. ln addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements,.or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Dscrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or otler matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. j-Ez.-t*.72'=-- Secretary o i a itl-1A C.il tl HIltl h:li :;t: lie.i'iil H t.l nrr I icat ic'n l'lo. Vtrt"rtr.?S4.7 Far' lnf or'rrat iatr fini v - L.herrca * OunEr Fo I i cv g{A*?. 4(, Tax uertif. ss.oo --TOTAL-- 348$.40 !iith rotlr rcnrittance lrlease r.cfer to V0riO2dta). l. Effective frater ,,JtJl'lE lS, I7{rl at B!(}O A.lt- 2. Pollcr to be igsued' and FroFr,sed lngured! "ALTA" [tuner'"s PoI icY fjorn B-l?7O trkrended it -17-7ti, Pnoroced I ngured r LLDYD !I. ILAYCOI.IB AND RBBERT STOZEI; t2g0, O{rO. {ii, ir. The egtate or int€r"st in the land descritreri or referred ta in this tlsnmitment and covered her.Ein isr A T'EE /{. Tttle to the estate or interest covercd h*rein is et ifre ef$active dote hereof vosted inr t^JILLlfltl P. ROFII.IBON 5. The land ref er'red to in this C&nmitnent' is described as f ol I ousr LOt e BLO|:H .1 , LI|:'N'g rlIII6E SlJBlliVISItiN, FILll.i6 N0. 3, AC|:ORDINU iU THE FHCORI]ED FLfIT 1HEREOF, COUNIY TIF F.f"II.!'LH, glT}I.E iJF I.BL$RAIICI. o ,1 1.. o i rA t:Br-1 tlrii.1 E]r s[]t&:trljl E ts- I {Eecuir€rnentai lirrl ication f'lo. V00(r.ltsi.7 Thc f ol I ouirre are the requir.emcnts ir, be conrl ied uithr L Fa'rment to or far the account of tho *rrantors. or mort$agors of the f ul I conSider'.ation f or tfre e$ietc or irrterest to t,e irrsur'cd. ?. Proroer instrument{s} creatinlr the estate or inter'es.t to be ingured &rrgt tre e>+ecutcd arrd duiv ri led f qr r.ecor.d, to-witl 3. RELEAfiA TIF UHET' CIF TRU€;T TIAIEI] AL'TiLI:i1 t)gi, I?#O, FRUH I,JILi.IAT'I P. ROBINISBI.I II] THE PUIALIfI I.RUSTEE dF ENIiLE *AUNTY F'JR THE LI..;E IJF vAIl.- l.lA'rI$FIAL BrtHK iA,;E{"URE THE Sijf't ilF *Ib,(r(}o.$u IrELufitrEIr lilt$lig',t lJ, l'tSO li.t SllfiK 3O& dT FA6E 1311. rt. HTTRRANTY nEEn FRfil.l t^iILLIAI'l P. Rilltll{$Oi{ lu LLtJt'tr H. Ci-i}Yl:irf'18 Al{fl fiOEERT STOIEK r:tlNVE'rlt'lr3'.iUSJEr:f PRnPETtT'y. Nff'lEr THl6 PRCTPHRTf HdtY FE $LrBJEtjT lO fi-it RE/rl- t$iAiE itt,lN6FER ISIX FY VIRTUH UF INI:LU$I6N IN THE TOWi\I OF VAII-. PI.EAJAE I:I]NiAI:I 'tHIi IOI.JI.{ UF Vfrll- F$R $AIU A$SHS$HENI. o 'i r'r L -i 11 C: Li Pl l'l I i l'l F. li ${-.HHiilJ-E B-.: iExrrrti*nEi Arr'l icat i '-:'n fio. \j'J':.t*28c' i fht pol icr or roi iciEg to tre isgued uil l cr'ntairr *xcentirrrs to thc *ol Iouina urrlesg the s.ame are dis.rosed of to the sakisfactinrr rr* Lfre ti omranr r 1. $tand*r'd Exceptions i throush 5 rrinfed cn the cuver' sheel. o. TaxEs and assessmcnts riot yat due cr parabie and sFer:iai assg::nent:not yet certified to the i'reasurrr''s offire. 7. Frnr" unpald ta.xes DF as9€Estrrerrts a"ainst saiti larrd. B. Lie ns f or unpaid uater' *nd s*urer char'ses, i f ;rnr'. 9. RfSTRIITIVE tt]VENfri{Ts, IIHIL.H CrO }'hlT COttTAIti t\ f-frRFEItuttE tlR R6VF:R"THR CLTIIJ$E, f|f, I.IIT'ITfIII.IHT' IN I}iSIRLIHET.' T REI:{JfTI]EU SEF"TEI.IBER ;i$, 1?7T Ii{ POIJK ?2S AT FIT6E 4,i3 ANN Ii'ISTRUi'1ENT RHI:I]R$ED'';HPTEI'IBSfi ^AI,rp7? lhl Fo{]K f,"5 f"rf Prl6E 56$ r:rNf"r"l'HF it'tgl'tiil"lF"l.,lT HEi:rlRLrHIr 1f.l BUU}: t3s ,lf FA|IE 53. I(,. UTILI.IY EAgE}IHNTS ?O ';EET IIi i,,,ITiTH, ITi TEET ON EFlT,Fi !,ILU ItF ALL Il.i'iERIOR LOT LINEti ANO A 15 F'ltf,I'U'iILITY EA'.iEl'tEl'lI ALtrNii AtlD ABUI"TINIf Uil ALL EXTERIOR LOT LII{ES r'll.llt r"rLOt'iC' 'rHE SUSnIVIFlrlrN BOL|NIIARY l-If.lEg' Ag R€IiERVEU NH Ti.iE FLAT Af: LIT]I,{'$ RII]L|E SI.IENIVIS.ITiN, FILING NI]. .3. f l. EASE|{HNT AND FllCiHI OF HAY ng tiRANTF"l] lil HtrLv tftti:.S EL.Hl.iRIt--; AS.$rfrlIAJlrlf{, IN!:., tN IFI$TRLtpiEi.lr FECAROHIT FrUEUrir 24, lpbT IN B$ril"; 2r I AT PASE r03. 12. ,'lLrRHEtlEf.lT BETi,lEEI.l T{TYVHL El.lVIRcrt'il4Hl,lifri. t"Al.itr fdrl.lP/il'iy rrl,lil tlitUNlrill.i STA HS TELEPHON€ ANtr THLEIIRfiFH CI]IIPAI"IY PRUVININIJ FGR TELEFHfi}II II{5TALLAfION tNfi $ERVI{:f. -tHROl-lSHOLll LIL-lH'5 RiITSE $UFI|IVISttrl.,l, FILIl'i6 NCt. t RECDfiFEn E€PTEF|BEfi ?7, 1p/:3 tld F0tll.l 231 fiT Ptl6H 7?I. t3. Ertr$El.lENT'S AH[| g'rHER Hr',lrTEH$ rt$ trIS(:LoSEn fitiTHg FLrII FCri-{ |".l{,l,l"gi RIi]tJE SUSNIVISIDI'I, FILII'IB Nt]. 3 RE*ORNHN SHPTEI,IBER 1i}, 1?79 IN HO$h. ?9t] rtr'f PirriH 794. 14.30 FttllT {tCCrE$S niilt Lllll-i'l"Y EA$Hl'lEl''|T Al-C't{$ THH NfiRTHERN LOt l.Ii{F fiF SUB..IEC:T FHOPER1Y {IIi SHIJhIN OI'I THE RECfiftI]EN PLAI'. l$. ttiEHT {.rF FROF'RIHIOR $F ri VEIN OF Lrrng 1O EXlRfll. l r}NIr REI'|C|VE HI$ $itu THEREFROI.I SHtlui-tr Ti-iE $AF|E EE FOUNII T'l FHI''|EIRAIE OR litli!:RgEf.r THE PREI'1i$ES /r$ RE.SERVHIT ll.l UNITEIT gTilTBB PATF*l-if UF FiEtfrfiU lf'l lt'l$1'ltill'lEl.Ii nHCBRItEn IEI]EI'IBER lP, l'ttr) IN FD$H F:3 AT PAISE .]2. rt. RESTRIC-IM I.$VEIIANTS, hiHILH rt0 tlOT f.trl.ilrrlN Fr FlrftFEl iUilE t"{ ftE.VERlEn I:LAIJ:IE' A$ CI]NTAINED IN INSTRUI'IEI.JT REI-$RBEB FE-ERUIIhIY I]2' 19*O iT.I BttOH 25.& fiT PritiE 64C,. 17, FilriHTS llF'l,tAY Frlft nITf,HES trR f;AHi{t.!, [O].r$'tRltt:]F".tr bY THE r'rU'fHtrHil'/ OF TFiE Ui',lITEn bTiiiES, AS RESHRVHiI IN UNiT;l) .i.TATU.$ FATENI r-(c.riORFEU ItEftEl{8HR ?9, 1P10, Il'l Ftrfrl{ !::.t ,r'f FfiftF- '1:i. LANDTITLE GUARAITITEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver, CO 80209 321-1880 13693 East lliff Avenug Denver, CO 8O232 7514336 8333 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427-9353 3110 S. Wadsworth Boulevard Suite 102 Denver. CO 80227 988-8550 830 Kipling Street Lakewood, CO 80215 232-3111 P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 804.24 453.2255 303 South Cascade Colorado Springs, CO 80903 634.4821 121 1 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81301 247-5860 P. O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 476.2251 3@0 S. Yosemite, Suite 350 Denver. CO 80237 779{220 650-17th Street Denver, CO 80202 629-7329 9725 E. Hampden, Suite 103 Denver. CO 80237 750€.424 lGrf^,^o FOna aao-? AvriLu. li.n /iAtr h.. Ororoi. ra.rr 01.50 :t ,,\/i ,i |lr _frf n a /.! n 0 EUGENE LOUIS BAKER ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS 2@ South Ridge p. O. Box 931 BRECKENRIDGE, COLORADO 80424 LETTER @F TRANSNNITTAL oA'E 9,4,y / lJo! No FE Lmtl ftrbe /eqi&_.a '// the following items: D Samples n Specifications TO GENTLEMEN: WE U tr If Lr tr D ARE SENDING YOU Shop drawings Copy ot letter Attached Prints Change order L Under separate cov6r via D Plans (303) 453.6880 ?. I /__ I i I I I I T' I THESE ARE tr T l l ti TRANSMITTED For approval For your use Ai requested as checked below: D Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted I Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Subrnit-copies {or distribution Return -correctcd prints t] D u For review and comment FOR BIDS DUE I I9.-. --.- U PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO ll ttt, tti ,'tr'. ..rI i4t r< r',r?',.1 -- 'LIST OI: !,IATLI{TALS NAMII 0F PR0JllC'l____I{iOnS_Bj.dge Re.qidene.e . _- LEGAL DESCRII''I'I0N: L0T__2__BLOCK_4_FILING 3 Lions Ridge Subd. *- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT -*3065 Eq. Ft.- * 2-Ca!.Garage.* Secondary ha-s.1810 S-q.. Ft.- * 1-Car 9arage. The following information i-s required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: Color A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal 1 Materials Fascia Soffits l/indows l'lindow Trin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Chimneys lrasn xnclosures Greenhous e s Other * Bp_Le-sLillie__ luniffilrs-"-*- Type of Material Medium Cedar Shakes-Natural 1x6 T & G Redwood-Natural 2xI2 R. S. Redwood 1x6 T. & c. Pine Wood Double-Glazed 1x6 Redwood Maho.gany' 1x6 Redwood Kawneer Sloped Glazing Anodized Bronze Finish B. pLANT NIA11RIALS : Painted to Match Adjacent (Vegetative, Lanrlscaping l'laterials including l'r'ecs, Botani.ca I l,lame Conmon Nane -POnr r I uS- Ttpu1r_lOd i eS Pinrrs Fl exi l rrs ._ I.irnhel-Li.ne, '__ -7 - Populus- Angusti folia Pinus Contorta Latifolia Na r r ow J.eailQgtl.t o nw!-q-d--B-. _-.Lodgelo1e-3jne- *-8---*-. _, _P*olsp_t-illia _--*-- _.".23*_ ----Jrudpc.r-_ *-6-- Sur faces Shrub s , ancl -Q\Elt-'-!J- Ground Covcr) Size ldE.7,)f2L-l5'. 5.:_-J', - ^.l 0,,-r-n \|J'- tU t t',-, r / 2"Ca l iper --5--.c91. *!8j.to24" A11 surface areas to be seeded with a mixture of native grassed to include, but not limited to .E.e*ts€d---rdh€€t, blue-gca-nq and wild f lowers .-V|lf,iq.q -:-9d h bu ryW \t--*--,U Stone at Fireplaces & Planter s Redwood Stone.Chase-S Sheet Metal Stone Chase- S.M. N.A. - in Garage a C. O'IIIER LANDSCAPI; FI]ATURES (Retaining Wal ls, Fences, Swirnming Pools, etc.) Please specify. - -Spri.nk'ler SJ.stem.wi,] 'l -he installed fj,r lnndsenping No ,retaining wal1s, fu'nees - ot pool.s. . -