HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G4 OVERLOOK COMMON LEGAL_Part3.pdf � � Andy Knudtson Page 2 August 30, 1993 money for engineers and architects in order to reach an accord with the Design Review Board. We felt, after our last hearing, that we had arrived at such an accord and that all that was left to be done were minc�r technical matters as T told you in my letter of August 20, 1993. We feel that the drainage map whzch was submitted by our engineer � with the original plans, is adequate and does comply with the requirements of the Design Raview Board �rdinance. The requirement for a drainag� study, which you are now imposing, is not a requirsment of the �rdinance, but is merely discretionary. We feel that the requirement for preparation of such an e�abarate study should have been stated, if at all, when the application was first furni�hed for consideration by the Design Review Board. I The staff, after all, had some t�me b�fare that to review the proposal and was in a pasition to make th�s discretionary recommendation if, in fact, there was a good faith requirement to have such a study. To summax�i2e, Mr. Brown is attemptirig to comply with the regulations perhaps beyond his absolute requirement to do so, and has in making the application which you are considering, applied � for much less in terms of density than he might otherwise have done under the existing Tawn of Vail agreement with him. The cantinued raising of issues wh�ch seem, at least to us, to be merely for the purpose of delay, is interfering with his ability to successfu�ly market the property. In Co�orado, intentiorca3 and improper interference with business opportunities is actionable and Mr. Brown, should th� occasion arise, intends to take whatever action is necessary to �nsure that he is permitted to develop and marke� his prope�ty without unwarranted, improper interference. In writing this letter, I am relying on what Mr. Brown has told me ' about your discussions with him since I have not had a reply to my 1.etter to yau of August 20, 1993 . Very truly yours, �� Hugh R. Warder � HRW:av pc: Town Attorney of Vail � � BEFORE THE DESIGN AND REVIEW BOARD OF THE TOWN �F VAIL, COLORADO NOTICE OF APPEAL The App�icant, Stewart H. Brown, hereby appeals from the decision of the Community Development Department tn remove his project fram the Design Review Board Agenda of September 1, 1993, and to impose the requirement of a drainage study upon the Applicant, which requirement is not mandatory �znder the terms of the Ordinance. DATED this 3��- day of August, 1993 . ' / C��/ Hugh R. Warder, #4720 Attorney for Stewart H. Brown P,O. Box 1738 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 (303) 9�45-9250 - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certif��hat I have served a true and correct copy of the foregoing this day of August, 1993 , on the fol3awing: �ffice af the Town Attorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 The Community Development Director 75 South Frontage Raad Vail, CO 8Z657 �^ i� • .�`� ,. � � HUGH R. WARDER ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O. BOX 1738 GL�NWOOD SPRIf�dGS. COLORADO 81 602 (303D 945-9250 FAX (303) 9d5-9402 August 20, 1993 CERTIFIED 1K�AIL Town of Va i 1 Department of Community Development Attn: Andy Knudtson, Town Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Application for Lat G4 - Lions Ridc�e Subdivision Dear Mr. Knudtson: This is to confirm that at our hearing in �ront of the Design Review Board on August 18, 1993 , the Design R+eview Board reset the application for final appraval a� its next regular meeting on September l, 1993 , at which time what remains to be considered are the technic�l details which yau described at the conclusion of the meeting. Addressing the issue Qf drainage raised by the Town Engineer's letter of August 17 , 1993 , it is our positian that the drainage documentatian requirements have been more than adequately met by the submittal af our Engineer, which include the original drainage - ,.;�-'�L plan and a supplementary drainage plan in which the Engineer �,��°�� , certifies as fallows: ,� "The geologic conditions are such that the site can be �� developed for the specific structures and u�es shown on the �, afarementioned site plan and that such proposed development �' ``-�- can be accomplished without corrective engineering or engineer�d canstructiQn �Tithout the nP�d for other miticxation or alterations. " The Design Review Ordinance itself relates to the objective of harmonizing proposed construction and developments with existing develapment and with the character of the landscape and not technical engineering concepts. The Ordinance itself provides in pertinent part that, "A drainage �lan shall be prepared. For all developments this study shall include a contour map showing all existing and proposed water courses, including the seasonal course limits of points af departure fram the development, an indication af the limits of the 100 year �lood plain shall be plotted on the contour map as well as any revised flood plains. The drainage � � Andy xnudtson � Page 2 August 20, 1993 plan shall also indicate the location and types of structures that will be necessary to handle the quantities of water evidenced on the site. " We submit that the information which has been provided more than complies wi.th the letter and spirit of the Ordinance requirement. I am assuming that the remaining technical details can be handled as a matter of course and that the project will receive its final vote and approval on the meeting on September 1, 1993 . I would apgreciate it if you would copy me in on any requests that you are making to Mr. Brown or Mr. Gamba concerning additional information if, in fact, there are going to be additianal require�ents. We do appreciate your assistance in guiding this project through the Design Review process. Very truly yours, �Gr2%����� Hugh R. Warder HRW:av pc: Stewart Brown Jerry Gamba I . � � ��� � R ��I . w: � , . �ii TOI�VIV OF YAIL �� 75 South Frontage Road Departrnent of Conu�runiry Developrne»r vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 F�IX 303-479-2452 August 3i, i993 ' Mr. Stewar� H. 8rawn 10 Emerson 5treef, #607 Denver, CO 802i B Mr. Hugh Warder P.O. Box 1738 Glenwood Springs, CQ 8t602 Fax 945-9402 Mr. Ha! Engstram ; P.O. Box i 01841 Denver, CO 802�0 RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Sirs: As a follow-up to tf�e canversation I had with Stu, f am putting into writing all of the outstanding issues regarding the proposed development an Lat G-4. Desiqn Issues 1. Twenty-four spaces are required, based on my understanding af the subcfivision covena�ts. The current plaR shows #our spaces which encroaci� into the fire tane. Based on my review of the pla�s, there are onty twenfy legal spaces an the site and there need to be an additional four spaces addeci to the plan. 2. There are three areas of the site where the retaining wal�s exc�ed 6 feet in height. A particular concem to me regarding retaining walls is the area next to the entrance to the property. The tapography grades do not correSate to the retaining walls shown far this area. Please redesign this so that it is clear what . . . the finished grade of the siopa will be as weli as the heig�t of retainEng walls. Concemir�g the parlcing, f have studied the plan and ha�e a su estian for ou that o�r 99 Y Y archi#ect may want to cor�sider. lt is a way to provic�e the necessary parking without requiring a significant alteration #o the site plar�. I would be happy fa sit down ar�d discuss that issue as well as the retainage at any time that is eonvenient for yau. _ , i * Mr. Brown, Mr. Warc}er and Mr. Engstrom August 3i, 1993 ' Page Two Submittal Materiaf 1. Please ha�e your engineer reevaluate the rockfai! sfudy as well as the Municipai Code section outlining the infarmation to be included in his findings. Please focus specificai�y on Section 18.69.02�. it appears from his report, that he does not �elieve the roc�cfall will be a significant hazard. I am basing this cflnc4tssia� on his statement that "the geo{ogic conditions are such that the site can be cfeveloped for the specific structures and uses shown on the aforementioned si#e plan and that such proposed deveiopment can be accomplished without carr�ctive engineering or engineered construction and without the need for o#her mitigation or alterat�ons." ! believ� he has taker� this conclusion based on the criteria found in 18.69.02�(B�(1�(a). ln additio� to this criteria, he needs ta specificaify �uote Sectior� i8.69.Q2Q{B)(1)(b). It is imperative that he discuss the patentiaf increase in f�azard to other properties or strt�ctures, or to public buifdings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, ufilities, facilities or othe� properties of construction. 2. Please have your e�gineer provide a drainage plan accarding ta the standards ' that Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, has req�ested. After review with Tom Moorhead, the Tawn Attorney, staff believes that a complete drainage plan is required as part of the Design Review Baard (DRB) submittal informatian. Please refer to Section �8.54.050(D)(5, 6, and 7). Conditions of Aqproval As we have discussed on the telephone, there are severa{ canditions o# approval which wi�l be ap�lied to th�s project at the fiinaf DRB �earing. The fallowing is a complete list at #his time: 1. A!I structures must be spri�klered. 2. A�� str�ctures must be Ty{�e V construction. 3. Fire hydran#s m�s# be provided in locations determined by tf�e �ire Department. 4. The fire �anes shown on the plans must be posted with signs and must be recorded as a meets and bounds easement priar to fhe issuance of any �uilding permits. 5. Driveways may not exceed 8% slope. I � , • � �� I � � Mr. Brown, Mr. Warder, and Mr. Engstrom � August 31, 1993 ' Page Three I 6. Retaining waifs may not exceed 6 feet in height. 7. Sewer servlce to thPs site must be provided via a lift station which will be I installec� owned and maintained by the owner of Lot G�4. I am encouraged by the mos# recent changes to the site plan. I look forward to wrapping up these last few details and then schedc��ing this projecf far a final DR� hea�i�g. We have i# I scheduled for Septem�er 1, 1993. P(ease iet me know if you f�ave questions or eancerns m nt ir� th�s x tt r. ! can be reached a# about th� canditions of a ravel ar the ott�er com e s e e PP 479-2138. Sincerely, ��C � A ' y Knu sen I Town P(anner � I . � ZONE CHECK FOR .R, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRIC� � DATE: ��� ' i� � ��, > ' r � ' LEGAY� DESCRIPfiION: Lat �{ � Block ��� Filing L - --�-�.-� �,�_ � `�`� ADDRESS : OWNER �_S:%� j�-..•�� , Z PH4NE �1RCHITECT ,�,-`•� /� �`n ;�__,.;', ,� t PHONE ZON� IaISTRICT Jt�C' ' PRC}P�SEU USE �i'. �,�r,�.,.-�_ !t �r�.���;� *,r LOT S I ZE ;�,.-,�,. / /. :�; �.. .� ,, � ; l�. , /�!<<_ ��r ' �� ? �/ Allowed ExistinQ Proposed Total �ight 4`S 3 7 (30) (3�) �otal GRFA �'i`� -`+' ,"�: � - , �-�s � �- � . 4z� 90 + 425 = A + 425 = �etbacks Front 20' S � Sides 15' Y' / Rear 15' ✓ �-WWater Course Setback (30) (50) �a;�`�'- �5`�ite Coverage!7� � 3c'�� '�s ' ' `%� � � � 4 io� � �ndscaging �' 4�,) ���, z 3�1 �, � � ; � i 3u � �_� 3� �sv " Sa�3 �. � Retaining Wa�l Heights 3' /6' , ?¢ ��Parking��,��w�,��- �` R.eqrd /�, , � T �'c , �____, Garage Credit �OQ)_�600) (900) (�200) f3d � � �rive : Permitted Siope _8$ Actual S1ope �� F�-� Date approved by Town Engineer: �'�.Tiew Corr�dor Enc�oachment : Yes No "� ??? �� Environmental�Hazards . 1) Flood Plain . /_ � �__ 2) Percent Slope �_ ;� s t+, -� : r > '� �__ ,� 3) Geologic Hazards �: }, Snow AvalanChe b} ; Rockfall cy Debris Flt�w �� 4) Wetlands <-F+'rev�ous conditions of approval (check property file) : `� � � Does this request invalve a 250 Additior�? , ��: �How much of the allowed 254 Addition is used with this request? .�s` **Nate: Under Sections 18 . 12 . 0901B) and 18 . 13 . 460 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two FamiZy and Pr�mary/Secondary which are less �han 15, 400 sq. ft . in area may not construc� a se�cond dwelling unit . The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sectians 18 . 12 . 090 (B) and 18 . 13. 080 (B� of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full, t�me emplayees of the Upper Eagle Valley. d� �� , �, �`i. s I r✓��) � �-d �'.�..�"Y�.���:,' �Y-� � � J . �! 5 ;fc ��c S�/. a7f E�.�--��.�- 4 S " 10 JK- ����-� s r� �. � � � � � `�.ti•� �„, ��%t� �-r »T���J .TT_ !�L!„ � � l� � / �- �� / - � �� , �✓t :1 / � Zt�� � A.r.�,C./L rZ� Y�r�'�(� f j7�� y -p.r..�-�-'J'-I� _ / '��?-r��5 i �,�V � � • � , 1 . - . ! � _ � ; � . . � �� � c � �'L, , . , c.i,j,�� F7 • � 1 i • F�Btt3R1 t0 �� +, Tawn Planner IWTE�-DEPAR7MENTAL REVIEW PRClJECT: • ,�� �d� a'"`�. DATE SUSMITTED: W k ,;� F -�.�-��w, � �z DATE OF PUBLIC HEARINC� 4 t-va-i- t� COMMENTS NEEDED BY: f�� ' r BRIE� DCSCRIPTION OF 7H� PRQPOSAL: • � �,�.�,�,-� ���-�� .-�.��� :J � � �--L �--� G� �r -�s 5 �� � v�.� ��,�-�t,,� ��� � ''`1/�� -�'� �`�6 �.� - PUBLiC WORKS R�viewed by: /` Date: f ;- _ __ Comr�'ents: 1 �,- � s:��,�. ���=�k= ��y. _ �, , - • . ;' /�� - � � � d��c .%�c��;c°i� _ '. ... - . / - . '. _ ! ff� �.� - / �_-__.____.-- ' 1 r . , .._ `: n �� �'l L� (/'�f �. i '. � ;�-( 1 � �f . /''Y� :![' �.� � � � � .. � , � . � � r n � i.waed 1 tl]W2 � 1� � � ��'�c� �c. �w'l / . � � �- 1 �- 1 � ! � � . � � � . . � � Retum to t� ��(�� �, Town Planner IN7ER-DE�ARTMENTAL REVfEW � ;� PROJECT: . � -�L-a Y� �4`°�, DATE SUBMITTED: � � , � .�r,� �(�=-, � �� ---- DATE O� PUBLIC HEARING �� � ��—� COMM�NTS NEEDED BY: t�� � - BR1EF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: � .� � � _' .� ` � 4:� �` �L L�� -- c �'� L;�-C.'�y /l.�r�'GC/3 � `J r`-c` �C � l � r � �'��� �.I r � , � . _ �- .: d.� � � �'� � -C"� �i2-tr--[ ��— O 4; � u_ � -�,�- `� C' � P.-�� C , ._ � PUBLiG WORKS Reviewed by: Date: Gomments: ' . � :ti ,.�..a„rs�oz � '3 � � l�}�' '1--c �. �" I �- � � � � � � � �` / � _°_ , . � ' . ,�--�_�/ , �'��� � /-.' =�.�.- • ri ���� � Retum to l�Ih,�� �, Town Planner I 1NTER-DEPARTMENTAL �REV[EW PROJECT: � , ) � 'd�+ � � �AT� .SUBMITTED; �n � .r�r� ��--� � �Z DATE OF PUBL�C HEARIfJG ���-t- � COMMENTS NEEDED BY: !� - �-�" BRIEF D�SCRiP710N OF THE �ROPOSAL: - �� �r. �u..�,-� ���-�-,,�1�� �.�-� �� �� � p�'�--� � f d�-� G� c t -�`r 5 Gc� C vt�v �G�-t��-� �,�-,�--r � �`.��-`'r �' �-�-�--6 r�-� . PUBLIC W�RKS Reviewed by: ��irre�, ��f"�'�� Date: Cammer�ts: ' r �� �e�.� isU�� vv�e,,�s -� � 27•1 ___ � `�� �'J� ���7� �Y4 v-y �p�.•� c�K' �S r � ��. � d� ��r�; _� �� � ` � l'S�) � �l.�� � � � 1 ' S� � r�� �s �c�r� ��� �',r,,�� � (� 5 n� ��.�.e-�e� � � �- . ���w�- �� 5�� �`" � � , �� ,� ,�: � v ��� � � � , �_�, . , �, , rwi..d„rm I (�'� �� � � riV . �!—C f'V'L � � • � � � I � � � _'i ' � ��-.. �-�.f'�. � �`�,., "`�"��� v,,f� �,,, ,f � -� !�� .� �� l�� � � � ,,� _ �� l.� � ����� � � �-� l,�� ,� _ �(=-�%� � � �,��.;�,� � / �� ��� �,�,,� � �-��;�-�a,,, ,���tss �� / _�,-� /�z..C%�,L - ��� ������ n, � ���` � � � ��d� �� I `� ;� �� �� � C'��L'Vr L% f� Gt j c� !�-�.,r ,� � v a� � �� ..c%��,c r/�l �f,�,r,� � " .�,'e-� � � �� � �""�' � r� � , �r1� �`� C-�[.0.�r� � c� �'� �.�� � � � � ,� G � �5�� �� ���� ��_ � �C� I � �r��-�u,� �f � ��/ r�f '""� � t�"� i Cr�j�� �i 3�¢,, d ��`�% -r� �✓`zrC �'t ��// G �,r~� ' / i -�� -f`-C � �.�S�t �'`��.r �. ��� , ' � /��, �, � � �' � '�� �� ����;�,,� �� ��. r� �-u-��� , ���.��" � , , �_,� ,� � � �C' Q� � �� f � --�i 3��� � ���s� � I � � �� � � �-�- �'ii� �� /�- G'�� � �,,n "� � �--G � "` -- n S��V `� �� � i � � � � � � .� /� i �Yr. � � C�/ � ." l.c��.�'� � 1` V � iI/ . ► �� '`.� �U�"u.L� � 1 r� �-/ S�'!^���F � � !'��t/�CC 5 �f s'S i P� (�.K ` J II �� � Fritalsn Pi �r�e �riner 30347�4901 P. � r'�'� �. � � - � � ' � ' � ' � �' �` � f . � � ; , I t � � � � ` i 1 1$ � I � . �, � ' � � 5 ' ' < � • ; ( N� .'"` t � � � ', . � G �.-...._,....L_ - f . � - , � . � � � , � , � � � I f � � . . , I � 1 I � 1 , � � � • - � � I ' •+ � . � zr-� -+�+� i � ' I1 ^ C I � t . . , i � � � : a �t ' `7�'It� 1� �' ��� � ������ ? � • �r� �-r �v�r�- ��r r� . �a���'' �7��- �� �o rs �-- � � �I �r�'. , �j . . �5 4 � TR,ANSMITTAL � � � LETTER � ' AIA DOCUMENT G810 } PR�)ECT; LO�f G-4 DEUELOPMENT ARCHITECT'S • (name, addressl L I ON'S R I DGE SUBD I 1!I S I �C�I - �I L I NG 2 PRO�ECT N�: 9303 Vail , Colorado 81657 r DATE: August 23, 1993 TO: r �ept. of Community Development � 7'S South FroRtage Road if enclosures are not as noted, please Va i 1 , CO 8� 657 in�orrn us immediatefy. If checked belaw, please: An�� L Andy Knudtsen, Town Pl anner J t ) Acknowledge receipt oFenclosures. ( a Retum enclosures to us. WE TRANSMiT: { X) herewith O under separate cover via (X) in accordance with your req�est FOR YOUR: { ) approval ( } distribution to parties O information ( ) review & comment ( ) recoed { �) use ( ) �HE FOLLOWING: (X) Drawings O Shop Drawing Prints O Samples O Specifications O Shop Drawing Reproducibles i 1 Product Literature { ) Change Order (}( ) SEE BELOW: COP3ES DA7E REV.1V0. DESCRIPTION ACTION � C�DE 'Z. 8/23/93 �+ SEE REVISED SHEET No. 1 as part of complete set. A 3 8/23/93 4 EXTRA SHE�TS OF REViSED SHEET No. 1 A 2 8/23/93 �+ REVISED P�.AN7 5CHEDU�E FOR A7TACHMEN7 70 APPLIGAT�ON A , 2 8/23/93 �+ REVISED OUTDOOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE fND1CAT4NG FiE�GHT OF FIXTURES N0. �&� A I i ACTION A. AcUOn indicaled on item transmitted Q. For signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS I CODE B. No action required E. See REMARKS below C For signature and rewm ta this oH"rce � REMARKS AIVDY: PL�EASE 1V(3�'� THE PLACEMENY OF EXiSTtNG BOULDERS ALONG TN� PROPER7Y L I N� BET4JEEN LOT A-9. THEY HAVE BEEN CL�USTERED C� STRATEG I C LOCAT I ONS TO DlSCOURAGE UNAUTHORIZED PEDESTRIAN TRAUEL ACROSS CASOLAR PROPERTY, AL50, I P�.ACED AbD1TI0NAL ENGE�MAN SPRUCE 7REES ALONG THE PROPERTY LIEJE T� B#�EAK UP THE TYPE 'B' BUSH PLANTING WITH AN EVERGREEN. COPIES TO: (witf� enclosures) ��j���"�Ql"ciy.rrrorn Stewart H. Brown PQ�x,o��, (] a��e�.co�0250 ❑ ROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONSULTANT 0 Real Esfale Developmeni Consultont � BY' hitecRurelPlonninplProject Mpmt. «�iut�/4�r�.4e�and..fi�r/e��u� AIA DOCUMENT G810 • TRANS'V1ITTAL lET7ER ' APRIL 19�0 EDITIOl� ' AIA� • COPYRIGHT OO 1970 ONE PAGE THE A".7ERICAN If�"STITUTE OF ARC1i1TEC75, '1785 MASSACHIJSETTS AVENUE, N.W.,4�'ASHErfG70�1,D.C.20036 PLAN�SCH DULE � �vi�-,�r� s �� �� � / / SYMBOL UA(� _ NTITY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME S1ZE A 2� ASPEN POPULUS �REMULOIDES 3 - 4" CAL MA 17 MOUNTAIN ASH PYRUS (SORBUS) 2z- 3" CAL ` �S 17 ENGELMAN SARIlCE PICEA ENGELMANNIS 8-10 FT � 52 MOUNTA I N JUN 1 PE R JUN I PERUS COMMIUN I S S-7 GRL RR Y� W1LD RED RASPBERRY RUBUS STRIGOSUS 5 GAL WR 5 CaMMON WILD ROSE ROSA SAYI 5 GAL K AS REQ'D BEARBERRY KiNN1K{NNICK ARCTO5TAPHYLOS UVA 11�t51 B 22 BUSH CINQUEFOIL POTENTILLA FRUI�'iCOSA 5 GAL GENERAL NOTES: ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE RESEEDED WITH HIGH ALTITUDE SE�D MIXTURf: PO`fOMAC ORCHARD GRASS 15% (WE I GF� BY 9',) ANhUAL RYE GRASS �S% PENNI FINE �'�RENiAL R'fE GRASS 15% MANCHAR SMOOTH BRQhE 20°f DURAR HARD F�SCUE 15"/ SLENDER WHEAT 20% R/�TE aF APPLIGATION WILL BE 736 P�JRE LtVE SEEDS P�R ACRE. 50D AREAS SHALL BE BLEIE GRASS (POAPRATENSIS) MIXTURE : BEI�SUN A-34 50% BARQN 25% GLADE 25% FEFtTIL1ZER APPLICATION SHALL BE SPREAD PRIOR TO LAYING QF SOD. FERTILIZER COMPOSITION SHALL BE 20-20-10 ANO SPREAD AT A RATE OF 40 LBS PER 8,000 S(�.FT. A�L TREES SHALL 8E STAKED WITH STEEL °T' STAKES AND GUYED Wf #12 GA. WIR�. NYLON STRAPPING SHALL BE USED ARQUND 7RUNK TO PREVENT GIRDLING. 5F� SPECS FOR ORlNE POIfS 14' POIfS MIi1 T� IMO �SiURBm 140D FEH1N�fR TABS N�E DE9GNATION � AT 1�1NUFACNRERS RE�DfD RATES AUD F�R�TN7fR T11BS AT IIANl1�ACTljRERS FINi� GRAOE fi�C01i�IENDED RA1ES ��i GRADE i�Fa1TE0N f�1�IT1QN UNOiSNi�D =UI+IDISNi�BED ., �5118--CRAOE R�� �EIlIII[i � , ' [�I,! '�� ��' �1111�II1 i � �---l�ill � .��; ��;� �I�i � i���_ _ ,. � � , �rrr �r � �� , �, �,:� � �xt p�r �Il�f�� �,,� �� �� i. �!,�,:i�= �= il -='�J i 1= I - shrub plan��ng detail tree planti�g detail � � �vi�n a �� °I� PLAN�SGH DLJLE / 1 � " SYMBOl. UAQ NTITY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE ! A 2� ASPEN PQPULIlS TREMULQlDES 3 - 4�A CAL ^ Mq 17 MO€1N7AIN ASH PY4ZUS ($ORBUS� 2�- 3" CAL ' ES �7 ENGELMAN SPRUCE PICEA ENGEL#4ANNIS $-10 FT J 52 M4llNTA I N Jlkl!PE R JUN!PE R�1S COtM1UN(5 5-7 GA� RR ;0 Wt LD RED RASPBEftRY RUBIlS STR{GOSUS 5 GAL WR 5 COMM4N WItD ROSE ROSA SAYt 5 GAL K AS REQ'fl BEARBERRY lCINKIK��INiCK ARCT05TAPHYLOS 11VA UR51 B 22 BUSH CINQUEFOIL POTENT[LLA FRt1�TICQSA •5 GAL GENEIiAL �{4'FES• All DlSTIlRBED AREAS TO 8E RESEEDEp W1TH N1GH ALTI7UDE SEED MIXTURE: ROfOMAC ORCHAIiD GRASS 15'� (WEIGFfT BY �) ANNUAL R1fE GRASS 1�'� PENN1 FIN� �ERENiA� RifE GRASS 1$'� MANCHAR SMOOTH BROFE 20% DU}tAR HARD FESC,IE }5'� SLENDER WH�AT 20% RA7E OF APPLICATION WILL BE 736 PURE L11/E SEE�S PER ACRE. SOD AREAS SHALL BE BLUE GRASS (POAPRATENSIS) MIXTURE : BENSl�1 A-34 50°� B�AitON 2y°/, GLADE 25% �ERTiLIZ�€i APpLICATION SHALL B� SPREAD PR10R �0 LAYING OF SAD. FERTILIZEit COMPOSITION SHALL BE 20-20-10 AND SPREAD AT A RATE OF �0 LBS PE R $,000 SQ.F�. ' ALL TREES SHALL BE STAKED WITH STEEL 'T' STAKES AMD GUYED W/ �12 GA. WIRE. NYLON S7RAPPING SHALL BE USED AROUND TRUNK TO PREVENT GIRDLING. SEE SPECS FOR DRIVE POlf� 14' PqFS ANO � � Uf�ISiUl�D AOtI fER�3Z�R TABS iNRE D�51GrUTION � 11t I�ACN�RS RECfl�i�E� RA�£S ADD FfRT&!hR TABS IlT WWI�ACTURfRS F��41 I�iADE R�DO� RIIiES � � A�110N �� ., � -1�51UA9ED 5'U6-GR�1DE ��' �11111II1 �{ ' f � �� ��1111�1 � i l���I� ,'l�I ` / �k� � � � j ifl - . � � � F� �Iillill sbrub plan�,ing detail �� � tree plan�ing detail � P �SCH C'�UL E � �vi�d s �� a� LAN � / / �. SYMB OL flAPlT i TY COMMaN NAAtE BOTAN I CAl. NAME S I ZE �� .� A 2� ASPEN POPULUS TREMULOI�ES j - 4�� CAL MA �7 MOUNTAIN ASH PYRUS (SORBUS) 2i- 3" CAL ` ES 17 �NGELl�kAN SPRl10E PICEA ENGELMRNNIS 8-10 FT J 52 MOUNTA I N JI�V I PER JUN I PERUS COMMUN I S S-7 GAL, RR �� WI�.D RED RASPBERRY RU9U5 5TR1605US $ GAL � WR 5 COI�10N WI L� ROS� ROSA SAY{ � 5 GAL K AS REQ'D BEARBERRY KINNIKINt�ICK ARCTOSTA�HYLOS UVA UgSI B 22 BUSH CINQUEFOiL POTENTILlA FRUITICOSA •5 GAL GENERAL NOTES: ALL bIS7URBED aREAS 70 BE RESEEDED W17�i HIGH ALTITUDE SEED MIXTURE: PO70MAG ORCHARD GRASS 15% (WEIGHT BY X) ANNUAL RYE G Ri4SS #$'� PENNIFIM� �ERENIAL RYE GRASS 15% MANCHAR S1�QOTH BR�AE 2p� DURAR HARD F£SCUE 15� SLENDER WHEAT 20°� RATE OF APPLICATiBN 4JILL BE 73b ��E �IV� SEEDS PER ACRE. S�D AR�AS SHALL BE BLUE GRASS (POAPRATENSIS) MIXTURE: BENSUN A-3�+ 5�% 6A RON 25°,� � GLADE 25°�6 FERi'f L 1 ZER APPL I CAT I ON SHALL BE SPtiEAD PR I Oit TO LAY I NG OF SOD. FERT�LIZER COMPOSII'IOtJ SHRl.L 8E 20-20-)0 A�fD SAREAD AT A R�lTE OF i 40 LBS PER 8,000 SQ.FT. ' Ai.l. TItEES SHALL BE STAKED MIIT�i STEEL 'T' 5FAKES AND GUYED W/ #12 GA. WIRE. NYLON STRAPPING SHAI.L BE USED AROUND 7RllNK TQ PREVENT GIRDLING. $ff SPE{� FOR DRflIE POLE514' AQD fERI�JIDt TABS W� pF,9�(',�Ill�l�t�l � � AT MNJUFIVCIU�ERS RE� RA1�S IVDD fERNN�R TIIBS AT IEAN€JFAC1l1RERS �$y(� RECati�ET�IDFD RA1fS FU�SH GRADE �EiENI]ON �� � —'IMDEStU[�0 �� �R!lAll �� ��� R401�Al� � SUB-GRADE �I(� / . //� ��� �I�liflt I� i ���_„� _ �� � � � / � . �� r PLANT P�T PLANT PfT � _ � shrub p�anting detail tree p�ar��iug d�tail � o � N � � W a 0 o g °� "' � � o � ° i � � � r D r � m a � � � � � � .� b R � N � r � � � N = � � � � � � � � � O O� � o ��: �� � � ��` ; A � � � � � i � �. � / I � � / (7� � � � ° � C � � m fa r 00 ,Q ': � � � � � ?t3. � � � � � r � � m � � � � �� C � � in p S9 ^� � O Y/ � � v� �-� � � � m � g� a � a _. � � � $ $ �' `" `°?.� m � : > > : � a � y � �'' � � m' am r"D i c� � � Q, I �, w � Q � m � � /' 0 �� -- o "' , 'I .�A C �- m � � r � ��►,/� m ' , , �-.. 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T r �� ,1� �1 � \ ID �� � � � � �•� m , M .aID �, fn' ;� ' � _I�+ '� ' f�s / ' �\ , 0°� i _ x + � � , , 1 ' � N '� / � `� � l'� � �m :�• � r R ,- � �� � �— . .1 � r 1 I �.��_ � 1 ��� e � _ . .. � ` ' � ., , 1 – ___ \ o�\ �•. � 1 I � � ��� G � � '• � •'� � .t � � �, � `� 1 \ � �� �� � � _ � Z ,� �' � > � . a � �.� �� .Z .�� W � �� , �, � r.� � �, -� _ ' �ILITY LOCATION VERIFICAT� . `.` - " SUBDIVISION �p�-� `y� � �� 1��- ��.� :5 N«'' S• � /'c �- . . � I JOB NAME r��� � �_ � -,;�`��`�"�`�'���'"�� �'` �. L�T C� � BLOCK 4� FILING ?J ADDRESS The �ocation and avai�ability of utilities, whether they be ma�n trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the fvllowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S . West Communications 1-B00-922-1987 968-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross E�.ectric Assoc . 999-5692 Ted Husky/Michael Lav�rty Heritage Gablevision T .V. 949-553a Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water �' � �" °�- �� �°�(� & Sanitation District * 4�6—��$a �—r�—�� Fred Haslee NOTE : 1 . This form is tfl verify service availability and location. This �hould be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations . , 2 . For any new construction proposal, the applicant ,� must provide a completed utility verification form. 3 . If a utility company has concerns with the proposed cflnstruction, the utility representativ� sho�ald not directly on the utility verification �orm that there is a problem whieh needs to be resalved. The �ssue should then be spelled out in detail in an attached letter to the Town af Vail , However, please keep in mind that it is the respansibility of the utility company to resolv� identified problems . 9 . If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and tt�at the development can proceed. 5 . These verifications do not relieve the contractor � of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Warks and to obtain utilitv lcacations before dicrc�incr in any public right�of-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A buildinq permit is not _a street cut permit . A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor plax�� and elevations when obta�ning Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures . Fire flow needs must be addressed. � 9 � � ZQNE CHECK � , FOR � � SFR, R, R P/S ZO1VE DISTRICTS ' I , DATE: - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I�ot Block � Filing - � ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE ARCHITECT PHaNE ZON� DISTRTCfi PROPQSED USE **LQT SIZE Allowed Existincr Proposed Tota� Height (30) (33) � Total GRFA Primary GRFA + 425 = Sec4ndary GRFA + 425 = Setbacks Front 20' S i de s 15' ,____L� Rear 1�' Water Gourse Setback (30) (50) Site Coverage Landscaping � Retaining Wa�l I�eigh�s 3' /6' _�{� _ _ _Park..i.ng _ _ __ _........ _Reqrd..... ..�.� ,.,�� _ _ __ _ .} Garage Credit {300) (600) (940) (1200) Drive: Permitted S1ope 8� Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: View Carridor Encroachment: Yes No ??? Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope 3} Geologic Hazards , a) Snow Avalanch� b) Rockfall c� Debris Flow 4) Wetlands iPreviaus �onditions of approvaY (check propexty fi�e) : Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allawed 250 Addit�on is used with this request? � **Note: Under Sections 18 . 12 .09dtBa ar�d 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Municipal i Code, lots zan�d Two Family and Primary/Secandary which are less than 15, 000 sq. ft . in area may not cor�struct a second dwelling unit . ThQ Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applican� meets the criteria set forth unciex Sections 18 . 12 .090 (B) and 1$ . 13. 080 (B) of the Municipal Code including i permanently restricting the unit as a lc�ng-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Va��ey. ' 10 r �, �ILiTY LOCATIDN VERIFICAT � � �' �� � �� �� �--- � SUBD�VISION _���rr� � -� , � �✓�s"'�.� �. -- , JOB NAME f�- 7` �j� �� �'��'��,!'7��... - LOT � BLOCK G�,.,i _ FILTNG ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following util�ties for the accompanying site plan. Authorized SiQnature Date U. S . West Communica�ions 1-B00-922-19$7 468-6860 or 949-953(3 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. ^ 949-5530 �`�,� Steve Hiatt tiG' � �� a �u� �ti� � r; y (� t,l yc� e,._�c-;,., . �, �T Upper Eagle Valley Water l�FZ-u -� �`' �� � `'"'� �� _'/ & Sanitati�n District * �hV� ce �"`� � ��+ �'� � ?�"'� �6 4 7 6-7 9 8 Q S��t r�a -�v�,�c }.y,c�.w. ���'� � CC'GLC'✓ Fred Haslee ` `�1�� ''�'—� NOTE: 1 . This form is t� vErify serviee availability and lflcation . �`'�is shau�d be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling instal�ations . 2 . For any new canstruction proposal, the applicant must provide a campleted utility verification form. 3 . If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construetion, the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelied out in detail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail . However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the u�ility company ta resolve identified problems . 4 . If the utility verificatian form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presum� that there are no problems and that the cievelopment can proceed. 5 . Thes� verifications do nflt relieve the contractor of his zesponsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Depart�nEnt of Public W�rks and to obtain utilitv locations before diaaincr in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A buildinq permi�. is not a street cut permit . A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * Please bring a site p1an, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle V�lley Water & Sanitation signatures . Fire flow needs must be addressed. t 9 i , I � � ZONE CHECK � I FOR 'r' '' SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DA�'E: / LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Filir�g ADDRESS : OWNER PHONE ARCHITECT PHONE ZONE DISTRZCT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Allowed Existincr Proposed Total Height (30} (33} Total GRFA Primary GRFA + 925 = Secondary GRFA + 425 = �„� Setbacks Front 20' Sides 15' / Rear 15' water Course Setback (30} (SOy � Site Coverage Landscaping � Retaining Wail Heights 3' /6' Parking Reqrd Garage Credit 1300) (S00) {900) (1200) Drive : Permit�ed Slope Bo Actual Slape Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment : Yes No ??? Environmental/Hazards : 1) Flood P1ain 2) Percent S�ope 3) Geol.ogic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) : Does this request invol.ve a 250 Addition? How much ot the allowed 250 Addition zs used wi�h th�s request? **Note: Under Sections 18 . 12 . 090fB) and 18 . 13 . 080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15, 000 sq. ft . in area may not constrt�ct a second dwelling unit . The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 1$ . i2 .090 (B) and 18 .13 . Q80 (B) of the Municipa� Code including permanently restricting the Unit as a 7.ong-term rental unit for full- time ernployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 1R m, z . � � �, T 1 - - � . "� .�. . ���-� `� � � � . z , � � z ,�. . � �'� � � �'�t � � �, � � > - � �.� �' �� �� Iv � 1 `� � , /s/� -� „ r. ._. � �o _--____ . /'^7 ` ` ��... � 1 \ � 1 � , �='"',7/�..3� i+ � � '�r � � � 1 o T� ��. . mj .� . � '�• r � 1� � � (-'L � 1 �-• � \ � \ � �� � 1 � '�� � � 1 ' � _ ��•� �. �, � �° ��- ,,f � -. � � ` 1� ' °-' �i � �i v \ m Q. �\ � � � ,; i =' � �l� � � �� � 5� ��\ 3. � <'° � �, �,� �„� � I \ � . ) �' "'� � � ^; j �, � U g \ � ' � �\ °°i � m 1 � i � •� � � / -i � _� ts' -1 , ao 8 �; � \ � J � � �Z � � ' < < t � '' � �, <I o�o� 7 �� � � �. . =I �� / � \ J� . . ...4.. . .... ..�� �� � % //�`� ' �� � �f� � � � \. 1 � � `\\\ �� -��+�r`�~� . .\ � 1 � Q Z , ����— � � � d � U Q '�_ � �, � \ 3 � �' � `� � � \ \ � � < > °`C)' �\ �� .�� -�i' � � p �\,\ . � � �`\ �i � (� ' Z m �.�. \ � � dl 1E � p � �0�� �� � �-: �� �! �) ,\�\ J ��\.� � / � — s� ._.� .._ . ._.�_ .._ .. _ .._.. _ . .�` �� � ' , ` �� , 1 � � _ �" �! �� � � ,� � ` ►, •ti \ � / (� � �. � 4� Li� \� <� N ! !'J/ J/ �. � ! ��� � 4� � �r � s� ; Y �`G' !�\� �'. � ' \� �� ( � .y �r,. �:,— g, � �`�� \ ,�f_ � I � J�i'�,� �� ��� I � �.' / ��� YQ �\ �` � �i � �'�'� � \ � �, i � "; \. 3��1� + \`� \ � s , �.\` � � bS ; �,\ `� � � �' � �. �.�r-�, - � ` '� V' i �, � "' �' �� � � O 1 � � � � � � a �� �. , � �r �. � � v► d i a o � � �� \ 6 � Z \ p. � ty � – � \ 6 � - . . �.. .. . . . . . ...... . . . .. . . . . .. . . . I – . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . C9 m d � 1 " Z �\ � � U � � 1 � �ol � � � `\ �' ti � ; � �`� �,' " ��, \ . I yl � �� � \ ��. ° 4 � I �^ O \ � Cs .� . ./�. � lQb� , \� ► 0 ~I, � . ` � ��I � � `_ �r\`�`�. `` � \ � � �� \ ` �� I � 'ti � ��� ` ; � �� `� = 1 �� _ ����J � � _ _:— � .,. – �� � � LIST OF MATERIALS � � ,��; ; i - � + �,..� , - � NAME OF P�OJECT: � I C�-� ��;'�',�t���Ir��1"( LEGA�, DESCRIPTI�ON: LOT� BLQCK � SUSDIVISION �l(���7 �I�Li�'��Ur{C, ? � STREET P.�DRESS: N'I� ___._ _ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: IC� "T�D�-1N-rt4��J� I�W!'�'� The follow�ng informata.on is required for submittal to the Design Revi�w Soard before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERTALS: TYPE OF MATERI.L , COLOR Roof •_ �'Ut� ���F�� . � ��ATURAI- � siding Ix� ?�_� (�D�,,� � �o�(�!{ 'S��Ii=�(�NSr�,�C1-�'UU`t�'�P1GSf�� Other Wall Materials �T'�GC' - GJ� �I� �DA.�-b � � ��q �'���� �ZH�7�-'��!.�oH� � F a s c i a ,�D�^1GP�D ��-'�M�iG�1"�.I I�-� �f p� �j�t�I-1�RaN4. Soffits � �a� �.:���,� � '�'Woup - �,a - -�v !�.-��� ����t� windows Ir=l��� �i�t�N�' �x�� ��r��''l�,-�►�C{ G;,A�ING Window Trim �%'!;CI� ��I�� R ,�v M�1"t.,-�', �Il�e� Doars f�� C':�`� � �� Door Trim ���;!,� �.�i�.!� 4t Hand or Deck Rails '�MG}.''`H �nl^��'p �G,�' �` � -r�L`fH�IG S7�N �`�� Flues IG�'��� �G�;��"� '''��T�',� �:�� �f�!�� �-a1 ��� Flashings !^� I ; - �`�' ���"�, Chi.mneys Cx� "r�'�. �I'i��- �4„t�,1 Tr�sh Enclosures G�G����iN�a ,`✓I�o� �R�I►�I�� 7"p �t'r� �a1�F� Greenhauses N ?� Other �jA:G�'NY .�'.lP•�-G' ���T:����R ��„1.LI�(EP� � ���t�� % G� -D�vo� 2U.����' � Qu�l ��N'� B. LANDSCA.PING: Name of Designer: � 41- �l ON! - �`�(r_x Phone; 303 ��-�� �t�T ` PLANT MATERIALS; Satanical Nam� Common Name 4uantity Siz�* e�o�os�� TREES t�E�„�t`fA�NM�tiT l, �llIZ1�'U� T���� — 3�—�� , EXISTING TREES TO }�p�f� �.N� �/P�2,!)�15 �F��IS� I� �� NDf�D sE �MOVED �ND � f��Q��(� �a� NEl� Cv�`r��G-���- � � �uc� �i �oS��P�l.:1 �X�✓�'��G "�f�E�� �!p �'1'�EK �?�'�L Gt�vhl�� �II✓l� b� ��U-f�GT� �J Cfi�oM�-r I�r1"� �� ����� *rndicate caliper for deciduflus trees . Minimum c,a'liAer foz; deciduous trees is 2 inches . Indicate hEight for coniferous tr�es . Minimum he�.qht f�r coniferous trees is 6 feet . . a , . 7 - PLANT MAT�A� Botanical Name Common Name va�ti� Size* � PROPQSED $HRUBS ���7 l��T�'`G�� '���u�E ' �I � EXISTING SHRUHS �'� �I�`'�l`�5 ��+:�'"►�l�_)`'y 1:- F°'�'R, 4'/ �" •' � (-��- . TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs . Minimum size of shrubs is � 5 arallon. Type Scruare FootaQe GROUND COVERS ,�J�� �1�'���1 �` ��1�-�''� �G�ftEAl�� soa S��D TYPE oF IRRIGATIOI� 'r'�/� ��F'�IEt� �iP� �.I/{�p�1�}5-��-�F�l.� �N �Ir� * ��� � G�' f :'�,�''�:J ;-�r! �!M�NC-� SYST��; TY P E OR ME THOD OF _„��_,_,,,'C"��'� 4'�,r'� � ' `�� � J ,.,_, � _ �'� �.._�' ��-�r ��, � Q EROSION CONTRO� � C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighta.ng is proposed, pl�ase show the number o£ fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan . Identify each fixture from the lightinq plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type of light prvposed. _ � �((�"�'(1�1 �� � `7��'u�E - �"�`r-�:�.�-�J D. OTHER LAND�CAPE FEATUR�S (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc . ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls . Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 fe�t . Maximum height of walls el�ewhere on the property is 6 feet . Cv}�� `(�(��"r�D TI M f�� �"o �, r'S1�x B M L�M ��Il�f�4� Co�'v � F 8 � � � ZONE CHECK � � EflR SFR, R� R P/S ZdNE DISTRICTS ' s � DATE: . � LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot �-`�' Block � Filing � � �o�ss : ��°�� ��rx� Su������aN — �-►�,-�oµ� a�v� owrrER �'���`1+ , �, , �I�0 Ir�t� „ „ ._ PHONE 3 v3� 7�-��-!�v ARCHITECT _�-vl,�• �r�G�T�a M PH�NE �7 v3 �-�J ��� �ONE DISTRICT C 0'I� �U�I��G'T Tv ��N�NG� �� � PROPOSED USE I �a I}�� ����P��� **L4T SXZE __ � � �JS �G��S' M�� �L� Allowed �xisti.nc� Proposed Total He�ght �� � ,' U `" . �-� �-� Total GRFA � r°� `��— �}-�, IU , �3,�0� Primary GRFA + 425 =�� Secondary GRF'A + 425 =�_ Setbaeks Front �� a� �� Sides �'' 'D � lC / I Re a r ,�S'� G?� � Water Course Setback {�8}{§$} h{fA� Site Coverage 17•�� Landscaping �� � % Retaining Wall Heights 3' /6' �� Parking 2�- Reqrd _� i Garage Credit (300) (600) (900) (1200) 34 �� �� ��''� Drive: Permatted Slope 8� Actual Slope b�o °� ��' F Date approved by Town Engineer: View Corridor Encroachment : Yes No ??? Environmental/Hazards : 1) Flood Plain o 2) Percent Slope 2J -�Z�� • ���� �� ' �I.l.I l,t�-E � -� 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche �� ��� � , b) Rockfall �< � iID�Y C) Debris Flow �- 4) Wet].ands G► Previous conditions of approval (check property file) : Does this request involve a 250 Addition? � How much of the allowed 25�J Ad�iition �s used with this request? �� **Note : Under Sections 18 . �2 . 090 {B? and 18 . 13. 080 (B) c�f the Municipal. Code, lots zoned Two Fami�y and Primary/Secondary which are less �han 15, 00� sq. ft . in area may not construct a second dwelling unit . The Community Development �epartment may grant an exception to this restriction provide�i the applicant meets t�e criteria set forth under Sections 16 . 12 . 090 (B) and 18 . 13 .�80 (B) of the Municipal Code including permanently rest�icting the unit as a �ong-term renta�. u�ti.t fo� �u�.i- time employees of theFUpp�r Eagle Valley. t � , 1Q I ����r� � �- a� I� pLA1V� �CHEDULE / / � SYMBOL UANTITY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE A 21 ASPEN POPULUS TREMULflI DES 3 - �+�' GAL ' MA �7 MaUN7AfN ASH PYRl7S {SORBUS} 2'—z- 3" CAL E5 12 �NGELMAN SPRUCE PICEA ENGELMAt�NIS 8-1� � ,1 52 MOUNTAIN JUN� PER JUNIPERUS COMMUNIS 5-7 GAL RR P� WILD RED RASPBERRY RUBUS STRIGOSUS 5 GAL WR 5 COMMON WILD RQSE ROSA SAYI 5 GAL K AS REQ'D BEARBERRY KINNIKIN�7ICK ARC7flSTAPHYL05 UVA URSI B 40 Bl1SH CiNQUEF0IL PO7ENTILLA FRUITICOSA �S GA'� GENERAL NOTES: ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE RESEEDED WITH HIGH A�.TITUDE SEED MIXTURE: POTOMAC ORCHARD GRASS 15% (WEIGHT BY %) ANNUAL RYE GRASS ��% PENt�I FfNE PERENIAL RYE GRASS 15% MANCHAR SMOOTiH BROh� 20% Dl7RAR HARD FESCUE 15% SLENDER WFiEAT ZD% RATE OF AFPLICATION W1LL BE 73b PURE LIVE SEEDS PER ACRE. SOD AREAS SHALL BE BLUE GRASS (POAPRATENSiS) MIXTURE : BE!NSUh� A-3�+ $(?% BARON 25% G�.ADE 25% FERTIL#ZER APPLICA710N SHALL BE SPREAO PRIOR TO LAYING OF SOD. FERTILIZER COM�OSlTION SHALL BE 20-2t�-10 AND SPREAD A� A RAT� OF 40 LBS PER 8,OOfl SQ,Ff. ALL TREES SHALL BE STAKED WITH STEEL 'T` STAK�S AND 6UYED W/ #12 GA. WIRE, NYL�N ST€iAPPING SHALL BE USED AROUND TRUNK TO PREVENT GIRDLING. S�E SFECS FOR 0�i1+E POLES 14' POLES AWD Tlf WTO UNDISiUR8F�1 MD FE�T�IZER T�4BS � DE9(�#IA110N � AT I�AN'U�ACIURERS RE{�1111[�D�D RAT'ES ADD FE�t11iJ�R TABS �T uanu�ncn��ts �� c� �cau� w��s �ras� c�no� �,�� �xttor� � -- ur�fslU�n =fJN�is1U�m RQOTB�l1 �{llIII!I f �� � �� � St�9—t�ADE �� �S1�8—G�AO� ���I�� ! .�j/j i��flE_ �IqIfIEf�I� / � � �E�f� — � � r � � Illlflf! �� � � �,.,�,� P� -=�111 li � i - , , shrub Ianti� det.�il �- � ' � � � � P g tree p�an�mg deta�l � � ��� • i �- � m < < � �� m � ~� p� m � f0 O C L} `^ X �tl cn ... � � 4 ? � m � � m ' `oo. 0 �+.�� � tu O �, '� LL r � w � _ ; a`� ��� 1 J� g � � g$ 4� 5� _ � St g � �"` � v, ec � m O �� gi m � °' o �. � � 3 � vl Q ��� � n c � � �� � " � m c`°, �, 3 m � � LL � � [0 CO �D � � � p U m 3`� /'I � $ '� � � � mE3 > EL �oy � op � m � = �1 o i- ` H j�` � 3.c� a � � v � � � ac� � U =pm `° E3 ;y �� ` }, � L � G 0 � y�U p y � � i9 � 3 m L O �n � > > b m $ � )c � y� � ���p7c� � � '� �� � �r E �'� L a � m � �o ��,"' � � j O � �6 '; 4 � �C L G ,� 3 j ''y ,� _ `x O Q W 1 �' , � o3 �LDO � g o � o � ,� ,� eamu$ � ,�'�t 1, � c � g � 8 a � {j 4'� � � o � � � .Y � � w � ; roc amm vr"a �� �' 1� _�� �Q � � a�i � � o�n � � � � .Croa¢ � � a�ortfm / e� ,� � � - W i � H C : .,� ,ti , —� f.. � n � � .� v � �¢ � �� .j E _ `/ ��e __ ,-./ � � / ��� ,•r^ ��2 O O� M � s,-�'fi'�':� ' I � �3 - � 'i T� � f - � W � E � �,' `° ��� � �J O m C� � � � � -- - �� I�� �>. �o cry �.. 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C�t a-c�X �';� /sz f!a1<a�— . .— ! ._ _ _ - - ------ ---- - - - :I� � � � � � _ - - - I _ �.----- - - --� ------- -__ _�---- � - -- __-- - --------- - ---- -----� i _�e�_��_------ - - --- --- --------- --- - - -- - --- ----- - - � -- ------------- -- �------._�_�� ------ -- ---1 - --- - - - --_.�__�-_____-_ - i - -- --- ------- - ----- _ -- ----------__.. _ - - - _ - - - - - ---- - - - --i - - ---- - - --- ---------- ----- � �-��- --- � ___ __-- -- -- - -- -�- � ' '.� - - - --- ----- -� ------�-- �- __-s�-- -� -- --- ---- - ---- --- -- - - I � � � , �; `y_ f I` � T��'NOF��IIL �� � '�ram the r�++'esk of A�rdy K�rudtsen � h 3%/�f f• 3 � . _ � �: L a�, , �. S-Z .� �_ �,-. •1/; j,(/��,]� r�,� � K. -/�%� , � 1 �`-�-�--� �'�-�-> ��-��,,-. -` ��--��. �",' ``� h � ��:. r .s �(.�a�/ ���-Y �� . .,/ � � fsG, �"-_� < / � `_'�\_ �ti� U`���` t, C� JY (,�,, � � � J`Ff . V "�.,. I��� y�_ � .� � : fr s.� , jG/7� �s' � ' - - -- _ � . , RT .�- ��- �,�� _; s: �� -s' ,l ,� ,� � � � � . ��� ��, .� � �� �,. ,� TOi�V1V OF VAIL � 75 Sor�th Frotitage Roa�l Depart�nent of Carimunity Develop��ie�it Vai1, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 Aug�st 6, 1993 Mr. Stewart H. Brown 10 �merson Street, #fi07 Denver, CO 50218 Mr. Hugh Warder P.O. Box 1738 Glenwood Sp�ings, GQ 81602 Fa�t 945-9402 Mr. Haf Engstrom P.O. 6ox 10�841 Denver, CO 8�250 RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Sirs: On August 4, 1993, the Design Review Board discussed the praposed development for Lot G- 4, Lion's Ridge 2nd Filing, I have tried to summarize #heir comments below: Desi n fssues 1 . J�Reduce asphalt significantly. �a. Reduce or eliminate the cur� cut as the amaunt of asphalt flr� street edge is too rnuch. ,- b. Consider ir�te�ior access #or all garages. , 2. Increase landscaping area as well as quantiry of plant material. All aspen trees must be a minimum of 2" caliper. Evergreen trees sha(E be a minimum of fi' and shrubs shall be a minimum of 5 gallons. ,:3. Increase size of iar�dscaping material so that it buffers project. --4. Show property �ines of adjacer�t �roperty to the east and verify that the proposed �riveway entrance does not encrflach onfo adjacent praperty. 5. Identify snaw storage areas. � 6. Drainage must be handled in a way to prevent erosion. � � � � � � �- Mr. 8rown, Mr. Warder and Mr. Engstrom August 6, 1993 Page Twa 7. Pedestrian traffic areas should be ident�fied. Entrances and exits to and from the site shoufd be identified. During the heanng, Greg Hampton, the neighbor to the east, expressEd concern that pedestrian traffic would come onto Casolar Drive. With landscaping, this type of pedestrian movement should b� discouraged, 8. Create architectural variatrons wit�in the project. Submittal Material - ;1. The rockfall study c�or�e by Jerome F. Gamba does not include the findings required by the Town o# Vail code for these type of evalua#�ons. Please see Sectian 16.fi9 in order ta determine what findings need to be stated in this study. 2. The fire truck turnaround and access area must be signed and mapped as a ��- :;� °� � fire lane. Currently, tf�e design meets Fire Department regulations. Significant '�v,�,� , changes to this fire lane will require additional review by tE�E Fir� Departm�nt. _ �`' ' This is lokely to take longer than the week we have anticipated fram August 12th ta August 18th. . We will need a com leted utifi ver�fication farm from U er' Ea le Valle 3 . P tY Pp 9 Y , '.;, - Water and Sanit�tion District. T�e one submitted originally has an asterisk �ext i�� }�:,� to signature which stat�s t�at they have not verified that senrice is available. We will need an updated signature that does not have a�,y conditions. %/4. ►Ne wi3i need a completed materiafs list farm for building materials, landscape � materials and fightir�g fixtures. I understand tY�at much o# this information is on the plans, however all of this information will need ta �e on tC�e stan�ard Town of Vail farm in order to have a complete DRB applicatian. f 5. The DRB has asked for details about fascia bands and railings. Please provide fhis informatian on the dravuings. Afso, indicate where the trim wi�l be painted l as ar� aceent color and where it will be painted the light oak to match tt�e siding. � � ,�6. For all lighting fixtures, �lease provicie all lumen outp�t information. I will use this to venfy that tF�e lighting fixtures comply witn the Town of Vail Design Guidelines. - 7. The Town Engi�eer is c�rrent�y revi�wing a drainage study far the site. He may haue questions regarding the wark. These must be answered and the design reworked according to the amended drainage study prior to DR� approval. ., � � � � Mr. Brown, M�. Warder and Mr. Engstrom ! August 6, 1993 Page Three T—g. The DRB requested that yau provfde eitl�er a mode{ or a computer generated drawing of the site. � ,� Piease identi'ry any above ground utilities on tl�e site. ,w�` �tD. Please bring a color board to tf�e hearing for the DRB to review. Conditions of Approval Staf� is developing a list of is$ues wf�ich must be incorporated ir�to the project. Thes� are technical in nature and are nat meant for discussion purposes. T�ey are mandatory. The list may b� increase as the plan is reviewed. At th'rs time, �he issues are as follows: ; �:, 1. All structures must be sprinkfered. - '°` �` � , ` 2. Ail structures must be Type V canstruction. 3. �ire hydrants and a fire lane must be provided in iocaiions determined by ihe Vail Fife �epartment. 4. All driveways rnay not exceed 8% slo�e. 5. All retaining walls may not exceed 6 feet. The DR'B has looked cfosely at SeGtian 18.54.050 of the �Design Guidelines in the Town of 1/ail Munic�pal Code. They have based these camrrtents on the criteria jn that section. If you have any questions about these issues, please call me at 479-2138 and I will try to help you. ThanK you for your cooperation in the redesign effort. Sincerely, `.` f�c ��.� . ,� �� `-' An Knu t en Town f'lanner xc: Tom �loort�ead Krista� Pritz Design Reuiew Board Todger and Mary Eflen Ap rson 6 South Lane Englewaod, CO 80110 Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1, Lionsridge 4th Filing Dennis W. and Deanne M. Gartner 20620 Lindwood Excelsior, MN. 55331 Lot 3, Block 1, Lionsridge 4th Filing Timber Ridge c/a Mark N Realty 400 North Franklin Chicago, IL 60640 Timber Ridge Simba Run Homeowners Association �, � c/o Don Hancock � 110U North Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Simba Run Jack Agee � � 813 Mira Drive G, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 � Lot 5, Casolar Vail I Richard K. Baer and Patrick Loftus 8419 Llnden Prairie Village, KS 66207 Lot 6A (East Unit}, Casoiar Vail I Eric Beringa�se 1487 Shore Line Drive Waysata, MN 55391 Lot 68 (West Unit), Casolar Vail I Comegys-Abemathy Company P.O. Box 757 Archer City, TX ?6351 �o#7A,(East Unit), Casofar Vail I John H. Marke�, Jr. 716 N. t D2nd Street Oma.ha, NE. 68114 Lot 78, (West Unit), Casolar Vail I Eiger Cha3ets Condo. Assoc. Brian Patch Conda. Assac. c/o Bruce Yanke, President clo David Leach P.4. Box 1433 143 E. Meadow Drive Vaif, CO 81658 Vaii, CO 81657 Lot G3, Lionsridge 2r�d Filing �ot G5, Liansridge 2nd Fi�ing � � � � - � j ! ' ) r t' �� � 'f 1� . , � � r ,��/f �/ Retum to ����'`�/������'(f � Town Planner INTEr�-D�PARTMEMTAL REVtEW PROJECT. �%� l��d�'� /f���� . �ATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING . -- / t C�MMENTS NEEDED BY: Q' • % + BRIEF aESC'RIPTION OF THE �ROPOSAL: - � � ,^f � ��'!a `�� ���'�G'� . � � � � ,�'� .� � � ������� � r�-���_ ��,�.,��:���� �����. ����� ���� � �� 1 �.� PUBL�G WORKS �` Reviewed by: t Date: �� , Comment� � �-�- �� � �,�- ►�.� - � ��-���,..�_ �� � ���s --�� ,��.�- , � � ��� �r �" , �fil.� YtsJ,�•J [Y�llc.,�,�c< ��-- �� � � � . f �-�- �.ti���, �� � ��� ���5 ,�.�a . �� �' �'1 �'{�s�. �. �' ��w�5 /'j�s,� .-�- cc1��c=�i� r � . . �7��'�-�� �- �� �,� ��� � , a� � . �1�, � �� � � � � � � ��.. ���`�� . � � ���. � � � � � � 11 ��� � � t` 5 c`�1�d �� U t� �,.,,,,�.�.� . �� �����--� � � . � � �� � � � —�--S � �1�r�r W���i� (/ Gc..��'��-�c.� ,����-►_ � ' �` �V kJ� �C / . �-�.� 'l� ��� �/-u,1�-- �� ,h�L� . 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'`�'j u`cti( . � .J Retum to �� �� . Town Planner � � INTER-DEPARTMEHTAL REVIEW ,� PAOJECT: � . f� . ' DATE SUBM[TTEO: ,� DATE O� PUB��C HEARING � , � COMMENTS NEEDED BY: � � � � � f� BRi�F DESCRlP7��N 4F THE PROROSAL: . � ` � � ', l,T _.c. -� , ti.a-i-c f .j � ��-�-�-�-�.d, G � �- o�� �.,T- . � U�i� � , �r n�,�' � G�,�,,� J � �K J I � � . v-e-r-- J c �'�-c. [-e.r..� �'� � � c � �,� .��� C cLc:.��---:_ � ��/-�, vr �'� / � �. I Lt�i/l tj jnl� � r �C J cC C S���ya_� . PUBt�IC WORKS � Q� 1�-@ `�,- �c J � �? �`'h�� L 6��t+-t � t � l � G!.ly+•+�r.ti-c-tia3 ; 1-; �l-�e �.�-cs_� 7 1 Rev9ewed by Date:,_ ; . ----- � Comments: • ���s . � � � � � � � . . � � . � � � .� _ r.a..a e,rsroa � �� � r�� �i� .--�t �'/ S- ,`_ ' �' � � JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING EMGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS J.�;,� 113 9TH S3'FEET,SIJI?E 2'�d i PG 60X 145E PO.BCX48d8 �,�'� GLENWCOG SPRIhGS,CDLORADO 81602•'�58 Fp�,Q$.4 SPRINGS CQLCRnGQ Sti 57 �Q" F40NE f303)5�s-2550 FAX �3G3y 945-1vi0 PNONE,(3Q3)731-57�? =AX:0303}731-1?78 SITE SPECIFIC ROCK FALL HAZARD EVALUATION LOT G-4, LIONS RIDGE SU�DIVISION, FILIIVG #2 GENERAL The bedrock under the site is comprised of Pennsylvanian Minturn Formation sandston�, conglomerate and shale. The exposed sufface materiaf an the cliff edge on the southern side of the building site is predominantly a moderately well indurated conglomeratic sar�dstone with an apparent northeasterly dip of approximately 12 degrees. The building structures wi91 be supported on this laedrock and some overlaying calluvium. The natural slape of the hill rr�ass above the building site is approximately 35 degrees which has been modified to a series of retained benches in the farm of building foundation walls and raads. The slope below the cliff edge to the south of th� building site is comprised of a series of vertical rock ledges and short steep intervening slopes. ROCi� FALL HAZARD The potential rock falf hazard to the anticipated development on Lot G-4 is very slight to nan- existent due to the presence of other man made features which have been imposed on the hill slope abo�e this lot. Furtf�er, there is no apparent source of loase roek on the surface as it now exists, and therefore the only probable source would be rock excavated in the course of constructior�. As illustrated by the attached photograph, the retaining wall on the downhill side of Liorrs Ridge Loop, and the building structures an lots G-3 and G-6 secure the slope above the constructian site on lot G-4 from potential rock fall. If a rock were to be dislodged in the course of construction an lot G-5 or the east end of lot G-6 it would rnost probably stop in the cul-de-sac at the end of Sandstone Driv�. If the rock has sufficient mom�ntum to cross t�e cul-de-sac it will be diverted from the building structures by the proposed retaining walls on the s�uth end af cluster #2 and/or stopped by the existing vegetation which is intended to remar�-un " turbed. � \ .••'G15 F�`Q'Z�� '. . '� F` -� ; .t�re Gamba P.E. LjS. 5 � � ",_ll � Geological Engineer �' ;-� �3 � � ci���.(i'' �.:� ��� �'� !I j�'' S'�.''�•,'� N p �:•'PO� � t,v �P �,;�. �0,� C01-O� � z��, _� �. �:_, �� �,X �. .} � � � ! . ' � � 1 4 � � � •'��� �.?'�'.Y � �. . ,_.� � .. � �,T .. t. p i�. � � ;. .'-�{6 �� . '. _ .�'M � .2 .'d T t �.. 4_..[ � !. �v- .�_iY �, , �'�� a - t• ." � � ,�. � -�-,.r -� � : �•q' ' • s � '� � '} .4 � � s,r. � , - ��:-.�,�,i ' � "y�' �Y �`� � _. ,a ,�' _' ,+ �a �,� � � � � � �. � � �� t �"w � �4'.�. � . f�'. � .ya, � c y "< 0 M �� .-, ��..� f� �a._,� ' � J , q,i -t.,-� . �� m C7 . �, ��7ly � - ' i H �t._� -, ;..:,�Ja�y � r � O . ' ��,�, � !�{�: '" C7 Z '�� `�'' s� �� O O t � �� � � � , ; � }� �� � '�`~ ` ` -- z s f _ �-~ - �� •4= L LLI m k � . �Y-' z � � , ', � . i, {- � _ r. _.�*}�_ � � �� ' � �i � � Y r'. - +� � y�'/.: �'�. �Fi'. d �'�; -� .��1.• �. - � 0 •'i �;. - i�tt � �j' -r+'s- +h3: "�S � - �"��'.?� ,� � , Q .�'-�, - ��•�+ l— �ry �` �� '�, � � L�7 e '� C] �t;.. �""� '-� i. ,t;.{E' �'� LLI �r. ' �:' :, � �[ `�. � . � .� ,� 'L� 11� +',. :,� U" � ��� N 'rdf{ �� � Z Z 1 •�� ., Z . • ,��� � ;-_:, � O . f � ,,�,-tF, � J - { ',I ` ����� = V � .t •�4,•� ���, Q __ ` ,� �`'.�� -,: � ., J�. . � �},, + , :. .. o y, .� � , :� ; (fl a��:.� �, f� ' � }�� �'� � C7 '� ` ,'��� �;. '�'�•� w f.. �P i� � ,� . ..`.3 1' Z �, �•.� �'•.s.� p p r '!; :�: w Z y� --�S'• .�s� ��� � O Q � �.�:r�'4'• '"'....;�S �a� "_ •i� 0 �M � W � � JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES. INC. COMSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS , � � � JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, I NC. CONSULTING ENG�NEERS & LAND SURVEYORS J 113 9TH STREET,SUITE 214 P.O.BOX ld58 P.p.SOX 4808 GLENWOOD SPRINGS,COLORADO 81602-1458 PAGOSA SPRINGS,COLORADO 81t57 PHONE:(3EJ3)945-2550 FAX:(3p3}945-7410 PHONE:(303�731-5743 FAX:(303j 731-4778 DRAINAG� STUDY FOR I.OT G-4 DEVELOPMENT, L10NS RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING 2 D�SCRIPTION Lot G4 is located easterly and below Sandstone drive in Lions Ridge Subdivision, filing 2. The lot contains approximately 1 .75 acres. The propased deveippment wil) occupy approximately 1.0 acres. OF� S1TE DRAINAGE The original drainage area above lo# G-4 contained approximately 10 acres. Development of iot G-3 has diverted the majority of the original drainage to Sandstone drive north of Iot G-4, however, drainage from the buildings and paving on Lot G3 have been concentrated to a discharge point near the cul-de-sac on the west end of Sandstone Drive. In order to present a conservative view of the off site drainage, the original drainage will be considered to e�ter Sandstone Drive on the nor#h side of the cul-de-sac and the reduc#ion of that flaw resul#ing from the Lot G-3 construction will not be considered. The run-off coefficient for the original slvpe is estimated at 0.3. The 100 year rainfall intensity used for this calculation is 6.0. Using the formula O. = CiA, Q = 0.3 x 6.0 x 10 = 18 c�s. ON SITE DRAINAGE Drainage on site was considered only for that portion of the lot contained generally within the construc#ion area. The area below the cliff was not considered as it will not be disturbed in the course of the develo�ment. The pre-development drainage on site is illustrated on calculation sheet 2, whereon the total pre-development runoff firom a 100 year storm event is computed ta be 2A1 cfs. The post-develvpment drainage on site is illustrated on calculation sheet 3, wherein the total post-development runoff from a 100 year storm event is computed to be 6.00 cfs. �f this amount, 1.31 cfs will discharge from the site along the east side drainage an Sandstone Drive. The balance, 4.69 cfs wiil discharge the site aiong the cliff alang the sauthern edge af the constructian site. POST-CONSTRUCTION DRAINAGE The existing ditch on the west side of Sandstone Drive will intercept and carry 7.15 cfs of the 18 cfs of off-site drainage. The balance will be diverted as i�lustrated on the Drainage S�te Plan. The drainage flow which exits the building site along the cliff wil!be dispersed to natural sheet flow by means af a series of stone weirs which will create pools an the bedrock alo�g the ed e of the cliff. Each ool will overflow a oction of the incomin draina e over the 9 P P 9 9 bedrock se�rface of the cliff and th� balance will flow ta th� next lower pool. The difference . � • in surface elevatior�s of the pools in each seriss will be approximately one foot. The ares below the clifif has been subjected to storm flow drainage in the past and is relatiwely well stabilized. Pre-development impact on this area results in more concentrated flows than will resul# from the flow distribution system of post-developmen#. CONCLUSIONS Off site deainage which originally impacted the praper#y has been diverted by upslope development a�d Sandstone Drive and that portion o# the off site drainage still entering the pro�erty wi[! �aturaliy flaw as a sur#ace sheet ffow south of the proposed development. �n site drainage will be collected and directed to the southern edge of the canstruction site and disposed of by dispersing it in sheet#kows over the natural bed rock c�i#f. Impact to drainage, or� and off the site, as a result of this develapment will be minimal. � ' �1E F. � r�r. ' 7�R��..� � e me �. a �33 � . . L.S. 59 3 .� : N y. �:� I Encl: Calculatio t ��q O��. N. ..--¢P4 OF �OL� JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. C��lSUL�'ING ENGENEERS & �AlVD SUAVEYORS � � � JERflME GAMBA & ASS�IATES I NC. { , CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURV�YORS Project �������~ ��� �p�► eoo co�ow�o av� Work item �3�}� ' �1��F _ P.o.eox aase GLENWOODSPRINGS,COLOAAE)O 81602-1458 T � Sheat , Of date ���4'—�3 PHONE�I303)9d5-2550 FAX�{30.7)945-14i0 tJ P.o.sox asoe �'GP PAGOSA SPRINGS,COLDRADO 8fl57 $y_, „ , PHONE�{393)731-5743 f�P-�r�- '�� , � sk�v O�r�� ��r uk �-o vPP� �c�Us�,,e aF �+�r r�s ��.� F�� �c.F�-�►�� � ��. �Z .-j " � �. � rv� _ �O. 2�. �K'� �,,. i � �v �R'��� �- c� ��-�1� � c�, �� =- �. 6 � O,� ��� �2 � cs� � Cu� ,� � a�- c�L- o�—s,�c � ���'o� � �4rr-�,.� '�-1,,, ; � -ro F},�cr�F�1 c..�x� � �-�" Pn.�-P, coru�� _ . � '� �f- �� Pc�c Nc�—�...�- � �-� S�- ,�' 3 RA�s�a '� � � C�. �. C�C� M � L��.�� i H z P�.-I'AfZ- : t��O 3 - d•�(p !O �l ��A- �3 A-r��+rr�.--� ur�E C�. �,a�7 P,�-�. �v�nr� i r-�.or�- �gr Ptior, crn�� � r� � s�-�cas�za�:f� �- g�who�y � ��- ��. �� �f� PGA�+IrM�� _ ��, D � � 3 ptt�r..� � � �o�. p ( M = �g. U� �.�a,� � o.03 _ o.�+�� � � �!�u?CA!GT �'-/n-�t� � � � _ .2 p � �e�i�t. �l�r,fl- �. �K�c��`�-- -f- l�xx�t � 2 f �A� � � 3�p ,�-Z -�- c�,� -F- ��- a'J ` 1�-�.2 3 1 N� — �z(6 fr �►� -{- f�(Z4 q L -� ����.a�Fr Z -- 5g�-`�Z �-r Z I _ p, 2�-� �}� -� 0.�3q /�� f D,(�24� f�c � �. �v ��tc I � 1 � J�R�ME GAMBA & AS�CIATES I NC. •� , CONSI�L�'��ffa EiVGINEERS & LAN[3 SURVEYORS Pro�ect �Tl'�U,�I��T �� A� ` lll S �D('�� Work itetn �s�r�����`-'��L-��� 800 GOLORADO AYENUE "- - � P.o.eox�a5a GLENWOODSPRINCS,COIARADO 816Q2-1458 J G Sheet 2 of date �� f�� ?HONE (�0:1?945-255D FA%:(303)945-1410 P.O.BOX 4898 By f �1 PAGOSA SPRWG$CO[DRADO At157 P7iQkE�(309}73l-5749 �� �fZ1� ��r� ��� Y�. r Z �- � sTo�l �P�11? 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' . � JE�OME GAM�A & ASS��ATES, I NC. t , CONSUL7ING ENGINEEFiS & LAl�fD SURVEYORS Project�����/ �f��N � ���=� ���� Work itern 9'���� —����� 800 CQLORADO AY@rUE �.a.aoX,�a J G —r .� GLENWOODSPFINGS,COLOiiADO a�soz-�ase Sheet � af `� date � � —y PHOHE�(303)945-2550 FAK:(303J 9d5-1410 P.O.BOX 4808 h � f�� PAGOSA SPRINpS,COL6RAp0 8115J �Y �� PHOtiE-430y)751-57A3 ' - / � S/�/��'lvl�/r �+ �vVIGV� i % /�//Yi . � /, r 'V�_"._`r�r" ��!�// 0 . ... . �/ . �/� � �� - _��- ����3 �f�� '" ��. C' �Q g�—°lJ.�1f� �C sl �� ��� l� 1 ������ - ' c j �, � 2 � �, � � 0,89 : s � �, � � i, �� �, �� � o . � � . .2, �"'� /, Q3 ,2� 0 2 c�s 6. od � �, q�' rJs��� L'�lP �r�� r,u�r� l����t��s �,���,�.�vT;` � �= o,r�,2� �P� � �'�.,�P� ; . S�o�� ��'� S� � � _____--- � � �� ' �, s �.fs . . . . . � � �� �: � � .� � c s . �� /Z a �,,3 c,�s . .._ :; i • • JEROME GAMBA & A�C�ATES I NC. . , CONSU�.TI�[G EN�EI�EEAS &LAI�D SURVEYORS Project ��''��- �-��N_�L��S �Q�� _ eoo cot�DRADOAVEt�uE work item f-3/�` '� ���'r'l�C. __._......_._ P.O.BOX 1458 GLENWOOD SPRINGS,OpLpRADp 8T602-1458 �'�(��3 PHONE�(3031945-2550 FAX-(30.1}gq5-IqiO � J G Sheet O� date P.O.BOX 4808 �! �' PAGOSA SPRINGS�COLORADO 6fl57 By � PHONB{303)731-570.7 _ . _ . �{/p,Gffr/�i� �i��/ B� �'/ST���- DiT�r� �s�' �.ES�- �s�� � S�rv��n<� �.r-ry��a_ . _ - (,o�.��.- � � _ �� ��oN (pk,� ��-�-� ^ � � m, a.� a�� �4 P� = z(�-�4•9� f z( �� o, 2 f ���.�-� _::_ � �� � � � � � , � � �LO�� �-F- �o�7kr� 1ZoJFoulPr'?- _ � -�--� �� � �� �� �� 0�'� � O. D�' P� � 3�S ��f� : ��3�1�st1-f.Q �Os�0� �rt'G� w ��� ulf�-O�, , T-�-S�� .�4� . �1-1��i f K�-s -J'L y �, p 3� M�crtit,u� o�� � o.� ` �- � F'z �'`,� � _ _ � - -- o, s��� �.�c � � + m, �- � �, , . P ___ _ � '''T L - I.�-� -�-��� �s � � ,��9 �,.56.� 6,p�. �fiP w .y� � ._ �.Das" _ �. �� cSs ;� _ ._ � _ _ �` . �- - i ,l�ROME GAMBA & A�CIATES, INC. � , ' CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAN�SEIRVEYORS Project ��W� ���� — U�� �P Work item i3 �� � � � � � 800 GOLO#iADO AYENUE PA.BO%1458 lr � GLENWOOD SPRINGS,ODLORADO ai6o2-iase J Sheet � of date }_-� l'`—�3 PHONE�(3Q.71 945-2550 FAX (303)945-1410 - P.O.BOX 4808 � �� PAGOSA SPEiINGS,COLARADO 81157 $y PHONE�(30.9)731-5743 , --- l��s .�z - � _.- �_� –�� � '' _ � – `� � � � /�_ -� , �ti 31 L' �--__ �s 8',,�f_c�s o��' '�1 � �� \� o � \U��. ._� �� . � �� � � � ., , . , , ��� f, �tr��Z �3 �'-, _,� . � ��� �� . ►��� �.�� � � e� �� _ . _ __ . l 3� 3��-� � ��`c� � � � \ 1 �l /� TOWN OF�AIL �D/ � 1`��'� From he t desk of. . . Andy Knudtsen �/� � ��� � ���� � � � � �' / .��-� � �� � ,�.�P ��n-�a.,J-c,_. ; � � ` ,�'J'/� 'l��Y T-��K f `___ ff� _ � C`e�' %��C�L�OG �Gyt�� � �`-d�� �-�, �,� ���.-- k __ � � �t�� ��--� �� ��c'�� ,�Ki � '��A� � - � �°� � v� � ~S,�-�-_ ,���,--� _ � /utc 4(� �C,�G� � �''�` `� �� s�u�� �% ' � .�..w p� ��r�M,�� �.� / � � ���1/ 1 /f_ ^ I� � JJ �L v/_ �� �`"���``'''�� � �'���' , �u.r��� � � � � � � � . � �"-�Q--t-f� �,- �.�:. � - . �` �r�-�-�-d-.�c.c_�> � �.. ��J' ,/�-��� /�� C�Y-� ,� �.' �`- � /Y�<<�(c �j�-�� ,r—��c�.2 a� �" l�"v �� - -- - - G�.� . I � �_ � , / /. � : 1/'� �°"� ��'� C'� � E ,�.., �/ / Return to ���f/��'1'`���`� �r---'� Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: ��� Y�d�'�'� �����TL _- DATE SUBMITTED: DATE QF PUBLIC HEARING . -- COMMENTS NEEDED BY: d,• / , BRIEF D�SCRIPTION OF THE ?ROPOSA�.: - � ��G ,�q,^,� �- ��s� �/�i��� �� -� � �'��,��a��'�'n �a /���_ ��r������-�� ���,�`�, �/�/� x�� Reviewed by: 'l "`!i �` "`' � Date: - - �',;,, '`� Comments: �. �� �" r� � � � �j J��c�;�/"� .�� _ ,f � _ ,.- .- _ _ ��r'.� J�i�'-^-/�' - / ' ,� f, ,f,, _ - � �.�' ° ; , �/.` ,,n s�j' . ,` %�`��'''' . '� � . s � �..d�erv�n � — — - � � _ I �� �w Retum to �T�l`����� �� � � • Tawn Planner r � iNTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: S!� � ����Tt" DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING . COMMENTS NEEDED BY: �` • Y BRIEF DESCRIPTtON OF THE PROPOSAL: - � � �. �- ���� ��i�y' �9 .s �` �� �� � ����� � /��-. �r������,� �r�.� , � �/�/� PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Date: Comments: �..».a,,,m TFtANSMITTAL � � '���t _ _, � LETTER AIA DOCUMFNT G8?Q PROIECT: LOT G-4 DEVELQPMENT , ARCHITECT'S (name, address) L I ON' S RI DGE SUBQI VI SI ON-FI L I IVG 2 PROJECT NO: 93�3 Vail , ColoradQ 81657 DAr�: �uly 17, 1993 TO: r Dept, of Community Development , 75 South Frvntage Road 14 enclosures are not as noted, please Va i 1 , CO 8l b�7 inform us immediately. If thecked below, please: ATTN: Andy Knudtsen, Town Pl anne r O Aeknowledge receipt ofenclosures. L J O Retum enclosures to us. WE 7RAN5MIT: { ) herewith {x) under separate cover wia A I R,E Xf'RE SS MA I L ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: (X ) approval O distribution to parties ( } information I { ) review & camment ( } record ( ) use ( ) THE FOLL�WING: (X ) Drawings O ShQp Drawing Prints O Samples { ) Specifications ( � Shop Drawing Reproducibles ( 1 Product Literature O Change Order (X ) REUI SED DRAWI NGS : LOT G-4 DEVELOPMEAIT COPIES OATE REV.NO. DESCRIPTION AGTION CODE 2 7/14/93 � 5EE REVISEQ SHEET No. 1 + TWO CdMPL�TE SETS OF DRWGS A DFZAINAGE AND ROCKFALL STUDY, SHEETS No. 5 & 6 Ti0 BE SUBMITTED BY TME ENGINEER, JEROME GAMBA & ASSOC. AS YOU WILL SEE, I SHOWED THE LANDSCAPING ANa OlfTD00R LIGHTING ON THE SITE PLAN. ACTION A. Attion indicated-oJn ikem transmitted D. for signature and forwarding as noted below under REMARKS CODE B. No action TPIa1PIT�r' E. See P.EM.RP.K� belc:v C. For signature and retum to this office RFMARKS ANDY - THANKS AGAIN F�OR YOUR COOPERATION; I wiil be making rny fiight arrangements to be in Vai ] for the August 4th DRB meeting. COPIES TO: (with enclosures) �°^r'���-������9'�''O'� I Stewa rt H. B rown �o e�x+4+aa+ � o�„�,co ao2so ❑ �2C'iFESSfONAL SERVICES CONSULTANT ❑ f�eal Estate Development Consunanf Q $Y ArchitecfurelPlanninplProject Mpmt. �r�.e�dS�ir,,4rr a,rd,:f.e.l.i«c AIA DOCUMENT G810 • TRANSMITTAL LETTER • APRIL �970 EDITIQN • AIA� ` COPYRIC,HT OO 'Iy70 ONE PAGE THE AMER�CAN INSTITUTE OF ARCH17EC75, '1785 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, N.W.,WASHINGTQN,D.C.20036 �� � � revised 9f4/9z � DRB APPLICATx4i� — TOWN �OF VA�L, COLO�AUO w . . _ � _� � DAxE ,APpX,xCATION REC�xVED: � ,��(I 1 � �� DATE �F DRB MEETING: . . ********�* THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BT ACCE�TED � IINTrL ALL REQL7YRED INFQRM�TION SS SUBMITTED *,k******** I . �'��J�CT INFOFtM�.TION: �ji.!I p��`sM�l�"��L, f7u�M�'����� �d� A. DESCRYPT3(}N: V� `�`�` � ����M � 'T l.�oNrs ��c�E u�dMV��iaM-��Ur� 2 . -- - - - ��� D��N�.. ��PL�c,�.-t'IDN �N �� �N pL�N�4I� ��FIG�) . ' H. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Cons�ruction ($200 .00) Minor Alteration ($20.U0) Addition ($50 .00) Conceptual Review ($0) C. ADDFtE5S: D. LEGAL DESCRIPT�ON: Lot Block Subda.vision zf praperty is described by a m@ets and bounds ].egal description, please provide an a separate sheet and attach to this application. • �. ZONZNG. , F. LOT AREA: If required, applicant mus� provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. G. NAME OF APPLZCANT: Mailing Address : � Phone H. NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address • Phone I . NAME OF OWNERS : *S I GNATIIRE (S) : Mailing Address : Phone • J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at _ the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permi�, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail . will adjust the fee according to the table belar�, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID• $ FEE SCHEDULE: . � VALUA`FION FEE • � S 0 — $ 10, 000 $ 20 . 00 $ 10, 00�. — $ 50, 000 $ 50 .00 �. . $ S0, 001 -- $ 150, QOO $100 .�0 5150, 001 — $ 500, 040 $200 . 00 $500, 001 — $1, 000, 400 $9�� . 00 ' $ Over $1, 000, 000 $500 .00 ' * DESIGN REVIE'W BOAR� APPAO'STAL EXPIRES ONE YF.AA AFTER FINAL A.PPROVAL IINLESS A �II�LDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRDCTION IS STAR�ED. • F < • **NO APPLICATION T�$ILL BE PROCESSED WITFiOUT OWNER' S SIGNATIIRE �. � s . � � ' � � II. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: , � 1 ; , A pre-application meeting with a member of the planning � . '� '� staff �.s strongly encouraged to de�ermine if any �dditional , application information is needed. I� 3.s the applicant' s � responsibility ta make an appointment with the staff to � determine if there are additional submittal requirements. P1.ease note. that a CQI�LETE application will streamline the approval process for your pro�ect . III . �PORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSiQNS TO THE �RS: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, �he applicant must s�ake and tape the pro�ect site to indic�te property iines, buildinq lines and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. Al1 • site tapings and staking must be completed prioz to the , DRB site v�sit. Th� applicant must ensure that staking _ _ done during the wi.nter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normal�y requires two se�arate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptua� approval and a f3.nal approval. Applicants should plan on presenting their development proposal at a min�,mum of twu meetinqs befors obtaining final approval. C. Applicants who fai7. to appear before the Design Review Board on their sch�±duled meeting date a�nd who have na� asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, w�ll have their i�ems removed frvm the DRB docket until such time as the item� has been repubZished. ,,"' D. The fall.owing items �ay, at the discretian of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i,e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be requixedy : a. Windows, skylights and similar exterivr changes : which do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building addition proposais not visib�e frvm any o�her lot or p�blic space. At the time such a proposal is submi.tted, applicant� must inc�ude ietters from adjac�nt property owners and/or from � the agent for or manager of any ad�acent condominium association stating the associatian approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow ava].anche, rockfall, flood piain, debris f1ow, wetland, et�) , a haza�d study must be submitted and the owner must �ign an af�idavit recognizing the 2�azard , report prior, to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are encauraged to check with a Tawn �lanner prior to I7RB application to determine the rela�ionship of the property to ail mapped hazards . F. For all residential construction: a. Clesrly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building; and ` ' b. Indicate with a dashed li.ne on ;the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the buiZding walls or supporting columns. G. Tf DRB approves the appl�.catian with conditions or modificatior�s, all conditions of appraval must be resolved�rior tv Town issuance of a buildfng permit . i � � . � 2 ; � � y IV. NEW CON �RUCTIflN . . •, � � A. Three copies of a recent tonaaraqhic survev. stam�ed_k�v � � a licensed_surve��� at a scale af i" = 20' or �arger, � . on which the foliowa.ng infor�atfon is provided: � � . Lc�t area, � 2. Two foot contour intervals unle�s the parcel � consists ot 6 acres ar more, in wh3,ch case, 5' contour interva�s may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks _, with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one f oot above ga�ade. 9. Rock outcrappings and other significant natural features (iarge boulders; intermittent streams, ' ' etc. ) . � - � 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfa�l, e�c.) , centerline of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year fl.00d pl�i.n and slopes of � 40� or more, if applicabl.e. 6. T�es to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information should b� clearly stated on the survey so that a��. measurements are based an the same starting point. This is particularly important for height measurements. See PoYicy On Survey Information, for more information regarding surveys. . � 7. Lvcations of the following: a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, • etc. must be shown. � b. Exact locat�.on of existing u�i].i�y sources and proposed service lines from their source . to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Sesa�:r Gas ' Telephone Water Electric c. Show all uti�.ity cneter locations, includi.ng any pedestals to be located on s3.�e or in the right-of-way ad�acent to the site. Revocable • Fermif.s fra� th� Town o� 'va3.I are required tor improvement� in the right-o�'--way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a � basis of bearing must be shown. e. All easements (Tit�.e repor� must also include , existing easemant locatians) $ . Existi.ng and �inished grades . 9. � Pravide spot elevations of the street, and a � minimum of one spot elevation on e�ther side vf the �ot, 25 feet out frorn �he side praperty lines. � B. 1 n � I. �.ocations Qf the following: ► a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. � 2 . AlX existing improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, ' walks, driveways, off�street parking, loading ' aa�eas`, `retaining wa11s {with top and bottom of ' wail� spot elevatiansl , and other existing s�te 3mprovernertts. � 3 I . � � ' 3 . Elevations of o of ro f rid es with exi� in � � �nd proposed_arades shown undernea�) . These � j elevations and grades must be pravided in order - � for the staff to determine building he�ght. All '� , ridge lines shauld be ind�cated on the site plan. - Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated I � i rr ondin finished and on the site lan w th co es P p 9 existing grade elevations. 4 . D�iveway grades may not exceed 8$ unless approved by the Town Engineer. ' C. Landsca e Plan (1" S 20' or larger} � 3 capies required � � 1 . The follawa.ng informatfon must be provided on the ' �andscape plan. The ].ocation of existing 4" di.ameter or larger trees, the ].ocaC�on, size, , spacing and type {common and latin name) of all . . . exis�ing and propased plant material. All trees ta be saved and to be removed must also be indicated. The plan mus� also differentiate � between existing and proposed vegetation. 2 . Complete the attached landscape materials l�.st. 3. The l.ocation and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring far pYant material following its inst�llation. 9 . Existing and proposed contour lines. NOTE: In order to clarify the inter�relatipn of the var•io�s deve�opment proposa�. components, please incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the site plan. D. Siq,n off from each utilitv company verifying the ' �location of utility service and avai�ability (see attached) . E. A v�eliminarv title report must accompany a�� submittals, to insure property awnership and lvcation of all easements on property. . F. Architectura7. Plans (1/8" = 7.' or larg�r, 1f�" is preferred scale for re�iew) 3 copies required. 1 . Scaled floor plans and all elevations of the � proposed development. Elevations must show both �xisting and finished grades. 2. 4ne set of �loor plans must be "red-lined" �o show how the gross residential floor area (GRFAy was calculated. 3. Reductians of all eleva�.ions and the s�te plan (8- 1/2" x 11") for inclusion. in PEC and/or Town Council memas may be req�ested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colors sha�.l be specified on the attached materials list. This materials list must be completed and submitted as a part of DRB application. Color chtps, s�ding samples etc., 5hould be present�eck to the Design Revi�w Board meetiing.; . G. Zone check list �attached} must be campleted if project , is located within the Single-Famil�y, PrimarylSecondary or Duplex zone districts. H. Photos of the existing site and where . applicable, of adjacent structures. � � � . i I 4 �,b.,7..�...,� t,,: • I . The zonin Administrator and/or DI�B may require the r g submission of additional plans, drawir►gs, ' specifications, samples and other materials (including �' � a model} if deemed necessary to determine whether a' project will comply with Design Guidelines. . V. MiNQR ALTERATION TO THE EXTERIOR F B ILDING . , 's Photos or sketches which c].early convey the redevelopment � pr�posal and the location (site plany of the redevelopment prapasal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal � requirements set forth above, provided all important specificati.ons for th� propasal including colors and mater�als to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS --_RESIDENTIAL_OR COMMERCIAI A. Original f�oor pians with all specifications shown. • � . B. Three sets of proposed floor plans 1/8" = 1� . or larger (1/4" _' �� is preferredy . C. Three copies of a site plan showing exxsting and proposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. . D. Elevations of proposed addition. � E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and co�or samples on materials list �attached� . At the request of the Zoning Administratar you may also be ' required to submit: . G. A statement from each uti.lity verifying iocation of service and availability. See attached utility Zocat�.on verification form. H. A s�.te �.mprovement survey, stamped by ��gistered professional surveyor. I . A pre�iminary title report, to verify ownership of property, which lists all easem�nts. VII . FINAL SITE FLAN Once a building permi� has been issued, and construction is underway, and befor� the Buildi.ng Department will schedale a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC� stamped by a registered prafessional engineer must be submitted. The followinq information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building locatxon {S) with ties to property corners, � i.e. distances and angles. � B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a Foot. C. AZ1 utiiity service line as-builts, �howing type ot material used, and size and exact location of lines. i D. Drainage as-builts. �. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. AZi property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey. G. All easements. H. Building��laor eleva�i.ons and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposecf grades shown under the ridge Iines. ' 5 . I .M .. � , VIII.CONCEPTUA�ESFGN REVIEW _ '� A. Subm_ittal _rec�uir�ents : The owner or authorized agent �� - of any pro�ect requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual review � " . by th� Design Review Board to the Department of - Community Development. The conceptual review is intended to give th�: applicant a basic understandi.ng of the compatibil�,ty of their proposa� with the Town' s De�ign Gu�delines. This procedure is recommended .. primarily #or applications more complex than single�- famfly and two—family residences. However, developers of single�-family and two—famfly projects sha11 not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applicatfons must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The follow�ng information shal.l be submitted for a . conceptual review: 1 . A -conceptua]. s�.te and l.andscape plan at a minimum scale of one inch equa�,s twenty �feet; 2. Conceptual elevations shpwing exterior materials and a descr�.ption of the character of the proposed structure or structures; , �. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project fs to be located (i.�. GRFA, site .coveraqe calculations, � n�mber of parking spaces, etc. ) ; 9 . Completed DRB application fG'rm. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Degartment of Community Development shal]. review the subm3tted materials for general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, the project shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review, If the applicata.on is not generally in compl�.ance wa.th zoning code requirements, the appiication and submittal materials shal], be returned to the applicant with a written explana�ion as to why the Community Development Department s�aff has found the project not to be in comp�.iance wifih zoning code . requirements. Once a cvmplete application has been received, the DRH shall review the submitted conceptual review application and supporting material in order to detexmfne whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB daes not vote on canceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. � � . z � � , 6 ,�.,,,�.;,,,.,..�. � � " • LIST OF MATERIALS • � ' , ° �„ NAME OF pROJECT: I�T� �'� I���.OI�M���'I'( -- - # LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT� BLOCK � SUBDIVTSIQN (rIGN�II����''�IUNG� . i STREET ADDRESS: ,,,_ N'Ia DESCRIPTIDN OF PR�JEGT; I fa 7ot!��d�l,�� �MI?� _ Th� fallawing information is required fur submittal to the Design . Review Soard before a final agproval can be gi.ven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL (pP �� COLOR Roof I�ovp �K�i � ��r��bs��K�� �1�� �1�I�N-�_�IhIGI.�W���� . - S3d3ng � � . IX� �„��I'C.�D�R - I�o�l�i{ -5���7wwsr��e�r�+��� Other Wall Materials �'I"t��Gd � __1��f�G�t�l Fascia sof€its ' ' G �t�Al2 'fv t�1+�7G� yl�h�i windows I/=�OOD ����`�'f' I��'� �NhUI,��IC* G�.�►�IMC� � W�.ndow Tr�m �OLYt�} -�,�Vfi1K _ _ "�v M�t'G� �Jl���f Doox� f�� G�1` ' _ Door Trim �' -�t�i� _ Nand or Deck Rai1s � �PI�!»D' D��L- ��TU� �•UJS'(EI�7/bIA.G Flues I�GK � �'�T MPT�- I•U� � vIrIC7 �l.� G°i�' Flashin s C1�1 r •- 24 � , 5 Chimneys . ��G `I" �•+• ��'�" 0 TraSh Enclosures ` G�G�GJ)DIN(.� Wrpd �'�+ �"o MKf' �1PI�1� � Greenhouses N�� Qther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: � � D - � Phane• � D . PLANT MATERIALS : Botanieal Name Common Name Quantitv ize* PROPOSED TREES t'��7 ,� /�U��� ���� 2�2 ZII�L � EXISTING TREES TO }�P�k4 .A.ND V�l(h15 �lf�W11�! {N�_ �'� BE REM4VED 11tNt7 �? �?E�u�f�� �d� N�W f�t�C(��1Gn�' +� � ' 'NfuG{� �A�i �or�t61�E` �Xi�j'�'�NG 'CI����� 4�'�~��'UP�L � �C�DWT� wIW. �� '�v�"�G�I'�'D �1? ��AM�a It�'/ �1NA1. �D��� s � *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum ca2,iper �for deciduous trees is 2 inches . Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum hei h for onif rous tr es is� 6 f et � . . ` { r �..- 7 � . . PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Commo•n Name uanti ize* ^ Q �v �— PROPOSEO SHRUBS � ��� � , EXISxING SHRUBS _L ' � ��� TO BE REMOVED *Indic�te size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrc�bs is 5 gall� Tvpe Scruare Footaue GR4UND COVERS `�JL� ���1 „ , SOD SEED : TYPE �F IRRIGATION ��i r71����d � W ���5'�I-�� �N . * -�'L'� y (71�+P �DZZ��.� ;�N �r�+�r� s't�'t'�I� TYPE OR MExHOD OF _�It�_I�.��J_ V'���I�i'I�G � I� �G�+C� , EROSION CONTROL � C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If ext�rior �.ighting �s praposed, p�ease show the number of fixtures and lacations on a separate �ighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the ligh�ing p�an on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and type af light proposed. � Llra�-���i �L�t_�% 4��u1.�... :�� „ _ D. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimm�ng pools, etc. } Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. ��� �T��T�D T�Mb� `("o � N�IMUM }�C�}'rQ�� Ce�'t� r � . � � 8 � � � � UTLLITY LOCATION VERIFICATION . ' ' svsniviszor� IN L� �pC� * . JOB NAME 1 LOT BLOCK FIL�NG � ADDRESS . The locatian and availability af utilities, whether they be main � � trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved arid veriffed by the following ,utilities for the accompanying s�.te plan. � � Authoriz�d Si4natur� Date � U.S. West Communicat,ions 1-800-322-1987 • 468-6860 or 949-9530 . . , Public Service Company . 9 4 9-5'181 Gary Hall ' HoZy Cross Eleetric Assoc. � 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.V. 999-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eag1e V�ll�y Water ,, & Sanitation District * 976-7980 . Fred Haslee NOTE: 1 . This �orm is to verify service availabil3ty and locat�.an. This should be used �n conjunctfon with preparing your u�i�ity plan and scheduling � installations. . 2. For any new construction proposa]., the applfcanti must provide a complet�d uti.�ity verification � form. 3 . if a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, th� utili�y representative should no� directly an the uti��.ty veri.fication � form that there a.s a prablem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled �out in detail in an attached letter to the Town o€ Vail. However, please keep in mind that �.t is the responsibility a� the utility cpmpany to resolve identified p�oblems. 4. �f the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5. These veri�ications do not relieve the contractor of hi� responsibility to abtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Fublic � Works and to obtain utilitv locations �efore di�Qing in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vail . A buildina Dermit is not a street cut permit . A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * Please bring a si�e plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle ,Valley Water & Sanita�ion signatures. Fire flow needs must be; addressed. s � f � Z NE CHE K � F'OR ' � SER, R, R p/S ZONE DISTRICTS � �' � . - DATE: • ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 4a�"� Bloclr � Filing � -._ � An�xESS: , L�fiN�S ���G�• �U�i�t�(I�DN �- �N-�J1"41�� �y� . owivER ��',�I���' �� �I�D� - - - pxoxE 3 r�3� ?�-�'�-!!v � ARCHTTECT ,�I�I��N�T-�TRd M PHONE �7 v3� ���L�/ ' ZONE D ISTRICT �ll 0� /U�I��L`r r4 �dN l(`� PROPOSED USE (� � �-�"""I ' **LOT SIZE �� 78 �G�S��°���,�,.. . _ � Allowed ExistinQ ProAOS�d T, ota1 Height ' �� —� —. �-s d-� .- Total GRFA , . �' !� 'v— �i �U � `C3r10� Primary GRFA + 425 = �� � �. Secondary GRFA ` + 42S -� � I Setbacks Front --�� �� I � 53des � �l') �� � Rear 15' Water Course Setback �'^�o;-�/� •'"J Site Coverage �7��� � Landscaping Retaining i�a].i Heights 3' !6' lo� Parking �� Reqrd _,,,,�_ Garage Credit (300) (600) (900) �1200) 3) �K.��S ��KS Drive: • Permdtted Slope B� Actua� Slope �`�a ��� v Date approved by Town Engineer: � View Corridor Encroachment : Yes No�_ ??? � Environm�ntallHazards: 1) Flood Plain �o 2y E�ercent Slope . ��� _ 3} Geologic Hazards � � , _ _ t a) Snow Ava�anche � b) Rockfall � � c) Debris Flow 4� Wetiandsl,,,,__�,.._�� ,� �, � � � previous conditions of appraval �check property filey : Does this request involve a 250 Addition? r� How much of the al3owed 2�0 Addition �,s used with �his request3 � i **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and �6.13 .0�60 (S) of the Municipal Code, lots zon�d Twa Family and Primary/Secondary which are ].ess than 15, 000 sq. ft. in area may not canstruct a second dwelling un3.t. The Community Development Degartment may grant an .exception to this restriction provided the appla.cant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18 . 12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Munic�,pal Code including permanently restrictinq the unit as a lang�term rental unit �or fu].�.- time employees vf thepUpper Eagle Valley. . { . . , 10 . � .. . .. , -- - , __ PLAtVT SGHEDULE ' ���i�� 7/��/�!� � .,_ ., , . SYMBOL UAQ NTITY COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME SIZE � A 1'9 ASPEl� POPULUS 7REMULflI�ES 2-��" �L MA 2] MOUNTAIN ASH PYRUS tSORBUS) �=2�" CAL E5 2 ENGELMAN SPRUCE PICEA ENGELMANNIS 8-10 F� � �40 MOUNTAtN JUNIPEIi JUNIAERUS COMMUNIS 5-7 GAL ' RR 10 WILD RED RASPBERRY RUBUS STR{GOSUS 4-5 GAL WR 5 CQMMON WiLD RUSE ROSA SAYI 4-5 GAL . K AS REQ'D B�ARBERRY KiNNIKINNICK ARCTOSTAPHYLOS WA URSI GENERAL NOTES: ALL D1STl1RBE0 AREAS Td 9E RESEEDEa WITH H1GH ALTITfJDE SEEt? MIXTURE: - PQTOMAC ORCHAi�D GRASS 1$% (WEfGHT BY �) ANNUAL RYE GRASS 1�'� PENNIFiNE �ERENiAL RYE GRASS 15% MANCHAR SFSOOtH BR4ME 20°/, D�1RAR HARD FESCUE 15°� SLENDER WWEAT 20°� RATE QF APPLICATIQN wILL BE 736 PURE LEVE SEEDS P�,R ACRE. SUD AREAS SHALL BE BLUE GRASS tPOAPRATENSIS) MIXTURE: BENSUN A-34 5�'�O BARON F5°� . GLADE 25°/, FERTfLIZER APPLfCATION SHALL BE SPREAD PR�OR TO LAYING OF SO�. FERT[LIZER COMPOSITION SHALL BE 20-20-10 AND SPREAD A7 A RA"fE OF 40 LBS PER 8,000 SQ.F�'. ALL 7REES SHRLL BE STAK�D WI7H STEEL 'T' STAKES AND GUYED W/ #1Z GA. WIRE. NYLON STRAPPING SHALL BE USED AROUND TRUi�K TO PREVEI�T GIRQLING. __ SE� SPfCS. FOR ORIIIE POIf.51�!" POLFS MJD 1� �'i0 UN015tt1R� aou �t�mt Y�as w� �aU►no� sat , AT i+UNUFIICtURFRS �� RA�ES � lIDD F�RM�R TABS AT MANi�AG1l�(iS � � RE�ED RAIES � � RETEN�CON �1�VilQN —IJ�dD�tI1�D �Q4�Af a.�Illllll ., �S�—GRJIDE ��� (� . �� / ,f,// 1(� �I, � �� � ' � . , / � �t11 f PLN�T PiT � PUlt�F PfT i���I _ � , shrub plan�ing de�ail tre� planting detaii , �-- , _ � ,�:--�-�-T,�� � -m � -s-:�� r. ��_�, �., ,q� ', tli �jr..'a�hs�'i 'F" .�t�y �{'1 s��Y'�c�t' ..s �.�, � J . .. '� .. — _ .. .� .F:'tr '�„T k�ti .Ytu `�F .Yh��.W �YS. R�Z` �� �If,� fi f �'�,f' �y��Ul_t'3 „�;:' ...�1 + fY' � y4 �,:�d�' .���,, �F , i g y ti r '� �� � s!� �.s �.. ,�,�t '� � ! -�1.. t� � f�-i' `,� ` �.•��r i.,� �;t'`���,� r Yy��.�t ���Y'��i'}+� r5.;`P:,+yi: 7 n ��f '�,..S � .§� a} �7r .Jw:�:,.i �kS @�f,.� r��rr-`z .;� f ti,.. �+; ia . -�,:�i; ���; � ,�>..;i 4f`�.; F:A�5 i�T�.,x"'�7�2;-t� � i �1��."F,�'�.,4 r .'�. �i �.s� : �rr ��:' ��; i � �� .4 � ,} r �, � �� . ] .+:��:�:•. 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G$1�_�- YJi� .t'..�i. a i, ':+k��Y�, I��j• r f��h ���....�_d� 3 i{.a �5.��,... �F v�+' a� ;' !• .�Y '�i - .�,7 �; rx51-�'_ ,lq�«. � .,�R ,1 y.;P y,.. � �f�'.a� �.�. �y� y(_3 rs�Z 4 �" ' y'_ 1 .� . , � �,�:� y.� F� {g�d�.; y,�`r t NF4 x�����. a �� � .9i r r:t n'�4�i �" �� 4 ? �„ y . - 't� r � �� ,,�5 � �r � �� '� 9 , �' J . - `•�j � '1 .r r�� � : tiL� �.� ,s� .�_ � r ,v� F� e�'�Y� l �1' + ��'�T� �i ,f, r t�. 1 t� a e . . I �1 ti,� t'�. f ��1_ s ..' �r��y �.. N i 2 i � 7" y y 1 .r r .�a . a ,� l ,- . �.,. iaaM,�:r...r ��y.:�. �.Yw...-� . .� �.�.ita t� �1�;i ,. !�� ..r' _'�a�;3 ;�� .!� .i, . ,� t.� � .�.., r;� .c:! S , . . � :'� �4. t, . .��a,r°rL� n."t�. 4tr ;, . .�, :.., _ .. . .� I �� - �� � � HAKDIS AKE° � � . ; �.4 . � Seven designer colors to ]�1l��terl�j � i� choose from: HARDiSHAKE� fiber cement roofing is a high quality, steam � I� pressured, fiber reinforced cement roofing rnateriat wit� a classical � ' wvod s4�ake, textured surface, whic� is either cofor impregnated as part � . �� of the manufacturing process, ar color coated. � �. I� ,. , , BaS1C COI�1pOSltl017 Weathered Ce�ar#100 portland cement, ground sanci, cellulose fiber, selected additives � , and water. _ Dimensions (Naminaf) � � - �ength: 22„ Widths: 12;' 8," 6;` 4" . : New Cedar #12d Thickness: �Ia" _ r 3 ��l��lt � The HARDISHAKE� #iber cement roofing system, when laid with a � 10" exposure, has a dry weight of approximate[y 380 pounds/sq., an f ., equilibrium mois4ure content v,jeight of approximately 440 poundsisq. Dark Cedar #160 and a fufly satura#ed weight of approximafely 470 pounds/sq. in its , i i natura) state. � Coverage ., � p � Sha�CQ �lC�t�l �2 ir O n L f+ A n V Y , Shakes per Bundie (number) 12 18 24 36 � e!� Bundle Weight (]bs7 4q 40 40 40 Approximate RooE Area � �F per Bundle (ft� 10.5 10.5 I0.5 10.5 � � � � ��� . �. Accessor�es ° ��k G`�ay Starter Sheet 12", x 22" x %," 1-{ARDISHAKE� fiber cemenE shake, inverted and � laid �orizontally. ; lnterlayment 30 lb. x 36" wide jat eaves only}. � 30 16. x 18" wide for Class "A" and C�ass "B" systems. � , Deep Brown #140 Underlayment (Class "A" installation system only) , 40 Ih. x 3b" vJide asp3�alt saturated fiberglass rofS xoofing felt. � Nails ASWG 11g x i6" x 1%," corrosion resistant roofing nails. t � Note: 5ince HARDISHAKE�fiber cement roofEng!s Rsassu{actured kom nahsra4 eiements, some colar variaHon may occuc 7'�is ghenomenon is common wlth natusa!snateHa�s used fat roafing. ` �arth Brawn #15� ; �;,4� � �/'� �T�-�-� " � /C-.C�r` �� � � �'��� ' � ' � � � •x -�,3,�`P �` � � .. DESIGI� REVIE�I - e. '�'h� applican� or his autharized representative shall � be �resent at the design review board meeting. 3. Sta�� a�proval. The zoning adm3nistrator rnay approve ��°�� � any of �he following applications: a. Any application to an cxisting bui�ding that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building anc ss generally consistent with the architectural � k des:gn, materiais and colors of the building, including, but nv� iimited to windows, skylights, siding, and oth�r sim�lar modif'YCations; b, An application for an addition to an existing building tha� is consist�nt with the architecturai design, mate- rzals and�olors of the building, and approval has been rP���uP� hv an �t!tl�nri�'e� rr_PmhPr nf� �r�n�in�,n;,T�,�, assc�c�ation, if agplicab�e. � c. An appiication to remove or modify the existing 1 vegetatzon or�andscaping upon a sit�. � �n the above-specified cases, the zoning admin- � istrator may review and apprave the applzcation, � app�ove t�e application with certaan modifications, or �nay refer any application to the design review , . board for de�is�on. Ali other applications shall be , '� refe�red to the design review board. (4rd. 12�1988} § 1: 4rd. 3g{1983) § 1,) 18.Sd.�SU Der;ign guidelines. Actions of the design review board shall be guided by the ob�ectives pres�:ribed in Section 18.S4.OI0, the Vail Villag� and Vail Lionsheac 'CJrban Design Considerations and Guide Plans, by a�l of the applicabie ordinances of the Tawn of Vai�, and by the fallowing desig:� guidelines: � A. Genera�. .: 1. Structta res shall be compatible with existing structures, � their suLroundings, and with Vail's environment. Xt is not � • ta be �nf�rred �that buildings must look alike to be • �- campa�ible. Campatibility can be achieved through the � proper �.onsideratzon of scaIe, proportions, sit� planning, . landscaqing, materials and coIors, and campliance with - the guidei�nes herein conta�ne . �� ��� � 454c � (Vail 8-2-88) � � � � � 1 ZONINC � . � 2. Any buzld�rzg s�te in Vai� is �ikely to have it, own unique iand forms and �'�atures. Whenever passibl�., these exist- ing features should be preser�eci ancl �e��lf��rced by new ., � �anstruction. The objective is to fit the build'zngs to their �,�,.����' �: sites in a way that �eaves the natura� lard orrns and � ,_ � ea ures inta�t, treating the buiIdings as an irtegralpart of _. the site, rather than as isolated abjects af odds with their _, surroundzngs. �. Site plann�ng. �. 1; The location and configuration of structur�s and access . , .-- ways sha11 be responsive to the existing topography of tY�e , .- s�te� upon which the� are to be Iocated. Grading requi�e- _. ments res��t�ng froz� cle�Tela�ment sh�?� b�. des:�,::ed to � � f�ll <<4� blend into tl�e existi�g or natural Iandscape,�i._y cuts o� � ,, fi�ls shal� be scul�tura� irz for���n�ou e io le d f°� with the existing naturai undisturbed ter�ain within the . , property boundar�_ � 2. B liu d n� g siting and access thez-eto shal� �e �esponsive to ' . e eat e '� '� x�st�ng f ur s of terrain rock outcroppr��gs, dratnage :I _ patterns, anci vegetation. ,II 3. Removal of trees, shrubs, and oihe�- nati��e vegetation shall be limited to remaval of those essentia� foz deve�op- � ment of the site or those identified as diseased. - �. AII areas disturbed during construction shall be z'e- vegetated. �f necessary, the DRB may designate allowable , limits of constructian act3vity and require �hysical bar- _. riers in order to preserve significant natural features and � , � �, vegetatzon upon a s�te and adjacent sites during con- .. - struction. 5. AlI pro}ects shalX be desi�ned so as to�rov:de ade uat� S�� 5 `�rw�'`" snaw s�arage areas far snow cleared from the arki g ar an roa ways within the ro'eet. C. Bvilding materia�s and design. 1�. Building materials shal� be pzedominantly natural such� � as wvo si in , ood shakes, and native stone. Brick zs � . acceptable. Where stuc�o is util�zed, gross textures and � � ,l f . . surface �eatures that appeaz� to imitate otY:er materials � `�` � - shall be avoided. Concrete sur#'aces shall be treated with ;1�.��r��-�'r�'` � texture and coior if used, however exposed aggregate is mor� accepiable than raw concret�. I�£eithcr aluminum , . , . ' � � � 454d = ��vati $-2-as� :� , . - . � . ,. ... . . . Y__ • � 1�'"' ��,J � �ESIGN RE �'t;` , .. • �IEW � �h,.. :� .. � �� �' . steel, or plastic siding, nor simulated stone or br�ck shall �'� � be perrritted. Plywoad siding shail not be permitted. . `�` '` �,—.��iesam� orsimil�Lb-u.ild-rr�-gm 'aIs and cotor__s sh7}l be used' or. ma�n structures and any accessory structures ; , upon th� site. ' 3. Exterio�- wal� coto -s shouid be compatible with the site an sur_Z�rdirrg-- dings. Natural colors (earth tones found u•ithin the Vail area} shouid be utilized. �'rimary colors or other bright �olors should be used on�y as accents and then sparingly such as upon t�im or rai3ings. All exteriar wall rnater�als must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished fot�ndation wa�ls. A:l exposed metal flashing, trim, #3ues, and roof top mechan:cal equipm�nt sha�l be annodized, painted or � capable �f weatnering so as to be non�reflective. � � 4. The ma;ority of roof forms within Vail are gable roofs with a p�:tc�a of at least four feet in twelve feet. However, I' other ro�f forms are allawed. Consideration of enviran- , mental and cl�matic determinants such as snow shedd�ngt � drainage, and solar cxposure shouId be integral to the r�af design. 5. �toof lines should be designed so as not to deposit snow II' on park:ng areas, trash storage areas, stairways, dccks . � and balc�nies, or entryways. Secondary roofs, snow ctips, � �� and sna�v uards should be utilized to rotect these areas g P from rao�snow shed�ing if necessary. ' �. Roof sur acin� mate.ri�s shall be campatible with the side , and surrcunding �u�Idings. The predominant roof materials utilized ;;haLl be wood shakes and their use is strongly encouraged. The use o�metal roofs is acceptable, however in no instanee will metal roofs which reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent praperty be permitted. If inetal noo�s are used th�y shall be surfaced with a Iow-glass finish or capab�e of weathenng to a dull finish. Metal roofs shall generall� hav� a standing seam in ardec to provide some r�elie� to the roof surfac� and be of a h�avy gauge. Asphalt and fiber��Iass shingles shali be germitt�d provided thac they weigh na �ess than thm,e hundred pounds per mofing square foot and ::re of a design and color to t�e compatible with the requirem�nts of Section 1.8.S4.4S0. " � ' 454e '� �vE� i-s-s1� � , I�i • � � ' zor�IrrG � . , �= 7. Roo�top heating and air conditioning e�uipment, large �= . vent st�cks, elevator penthouses and sir�ilar features should be avoided, however, i�' necessary, shali be de�- signed to be campatible wzth the overa�l design of th� � structure or scre�ned from view, Roo�'to� antennae sha�l not be permitted un�ess as atlowed �nder a conditional us� review as specifed within the zoning cade. $, SQiar collectors shall lie flat ort pitche�i :aofs, however, when retrofitt�ng an existing building wzth activ�solar the collectors should b� designed and placc�d in a manner compatible with the overall design of the building. 4. Deep eaves, overhangs, canopies, and other �uslding � features that provide she�ter fram th�, elements are encou:a�ed. I�. Fenestratian should be suitable for the cli:nate and for the orsentation of the particuiar buildzng eievatian �n which the fenestration occurs. The use of bo�h pGssive and active solac energy systems as strongly encoura�ed. II. Exterior lighting shal� be designed an� �ocated 'zn a manner to mznimize impact of�ighting u;�on living areas � � within a propos�d project and upon adj�.cent structures �� � and progertie�, �. i2. In no instance shall a duplex structur� be so constructed - as to result in each half of the struc.ure apgearing substantia.11y simi�ar or mirror image in cesign. D. Landsca ing/drainage/erasion control. 1. Various natur v�getation zones cxist within the Gore VaIley as a result o�'the form and aspects ��'the Iand itself. . .. , 454f . (Vail 1-8-91) � . . � � ! : . . , - _-� �Sq, . � � DESIGN RE'VIEW >n � � The nor:h facing slopes within the vailey are typically � c ' e nci as en and eneral� ea ' v�oo ed with s ru e in a . h v_�ly d p , P P � Y receive l�ss direct sunlight than the drier sou�h facing � s�opes which typically consist of sage, as.pe� and other vegetatic n toIerant of cirier conditions. The valley floor which is :idJacent to Gore Creek consists of wide variety of ' J trees ane shrubs adapted to the relatively fertile soil and � �� natural �vailability of water. T�.oal____o�'an�landsc�ne�lan should be t�reserve � r ,--_____ � � --�, nd enhance the natural landsca e character o�'the area�n � � whzc i ;s o e 1QCated. The �andscape sca e an overa landscap� design sha11 be deve�oped so that new vegeta- tion is integral with th� natural ]andscape and the intierent form Iine, co4or and texture o�' the lacai plant communities, ince t ' � ctive f the land- '�`� sca in is to hel re�uce the scale a e��struc and to P g _ � --�f -_ tures � �,��(; ��M..� assist �n �he screenin of str n�in o �ar e �,�,,�ds�,�,,.��, _si�ecC pfant materials is encoura�ed. Special care shou�d I� be taken in s�Iecting the types of plants tfl use when i � designin�; a landscape plan. Final selection shouId �e ibased up�n the soils and climate, ease of establishment, suitabilit� for ihe s ecific use desired and the level of �' P � ' � maintenance that can be provided. l�ew planting sha�l use plants th�zt are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain ajpine . and sub-alpine zones or as capable of being introduced into these zones. A list of plant materials indigenous to the VaiI area is can file with the de artment of communit develo men�. F Y P Also ind�cated on the �ist are ornam�n�als which are , suitable for planting within the Vai1 area. The minimum sizes of �andscape materials acceptaale are as foilows: Reqt�:red trees. Deciduous - two inch ca]iper Conifers - six fvot � . . , Requ�red shrubs - #5 galIon container Foun�ation shrubs shail have a minimum height of � eighteen inches at time of pianting. - 2. Landsca�e design shali be developed to Iocate new pIanting in order to extend existing canopy edges or � , . 4$�g (Yail l l-15-83) � , I � I � � � ' . , �� . , : ZONrI�G � . . . . � , � . � p�anted �n natural looking groups. Geome�ric plantings, � � eve�ly s��aced rows of trees, and other farma� landscape . patterns shall be avoicied. ; � 3. Part�ct��:�r attention shall be given the Iandscape design o�' � � _ ��f � off-street parkin� lots to reduce adverse impacts upon living a�eas within the proposed development, upon a �acent progezt�es�and upon ��blic spaces �vith regard � a noise, ]ights, and �is�al impact. Parking ]ots of fifteen or more spaces shali camply with the landscape requir�- � � ments fcund in Section �8.52.0$0(F.} of the Vail Munici- pal Codc. 4. A�l Iancscaping shal� be proviaed with a method of ' i�r��at�o:� su�tab�c to c�ssr�the ca�.�111L1�.� m�ir,fe�ance c�' planted matertals. ', � �lhenev�r__possible natura� draina�e�atterns upon the �1,�;,�_0.� s�te shall not be modifaed. Ne�ative �rainaQe im�aacts u on ad�acent sites shal��b�l.1o����L ' 6. Runoff from irnpervious surfaces such as roofs and ar im roved �:�w- avement areas s a e irecte to �atura p flr _ �.• , drainage channe s or isperse into shaltow s oping _ vegetate� areas. 7. Slope o� cut and fill banks shall be determined by soil I characteristics for the specific site to avoid erosian, and � 1 prornote revegetauon c�pportunities, but �n any case shal � be limited to a maximum o£ 2:1 s�ope. , S. IVleasures shal� be taken to retain all eraded soil material on site ruring construction, control both graund �s,�ater and surf�ce water runoff, and to permanently stabili�e ail - disturbed slopes and drainage features�upon completion of const:uction. 9. AlZ plan:s shall be planted in a good quality topsail mix of a type 3nd amount re�ommended by the American �,andscape Contractor Associatian and the Caiorado : �tursery:nan's Association. • 10. A�1 plan�ings must be rnulche�. � 11. Paving near a tree to be saved must contain a p�an for a "tree vau�t" irt order to ensure the ability of the roots to . r�ceive air, E. _ FP��cin��lwa':ls.. 1, The placement of walls and fences shall respect existing • � m an fit into lar�d massin rather than arbi- � .. Iand for s d g ��a�l �i-�s-a3� 454h �__---- . � � • . ' ' '� - . � _ . . DESIGN REVIEW �� trarily follow site boundary �ines. Fences shall not be eneo��ra,�,ed ex�ept to screen tra�h areas, utility equiP- ment, etc. . 2. 1Jesis;n of fences, walls, �nd o�her structura� �andscape features shall be of materials compatible with Ehe site and the rr aterials o�the structures on the site. Retaining walls and ��ribbing should uti�ize natu�al materials such as woo� timbers, Iogs, rocks, or textured, color tinted eonc�ete. No chain link �ences shall be allowed except as te�np�rary construction fences or as required for recrea- tional facilities. � 3. The �:l�o��able heights af re�aining walls shali be as stat�d ' _ in ;�ectir�n ln,>n.ul� �}� tt�e; Vaii i�f.i�r�ici�t�I Codc. F. Acces�sory structures f utilities jservice areas. ' F. I7esi�� of accessory str�ctures upon a site shalt be com��atible with the design and materials of the main structure Qr structures upon the site. 2. Accessory buildings generally should be attached to the main building either directly or by means of a cont�nuous wall, fence or similar feature of t�e same or a com- �� plementary material as the main building's exterior finish. 3. Sate:lite dish antennas and similar structures shall not be perm itted uniess substan�ia�Iy screened from view by �encES, berms, or landscaping. ' -. 4. All �:ti�ity service systems shall be installed underground. Any �atility system the operation af wh�ch requires above �round inscallation shall be located and/or screened so as not t� detract fram the overall site design quality. �. AI1 utility meters shall be enclosed or screened from publ_c view. 6. Serv:ce areas, outdoor starage, and gar�age storage shall be sc:eened from adjacent prvperties, structures, streeis, and ��ther public ar�as by fences, berms, or 3andscapang. 7. Adecauate trash storage areas shail be provided. There shall be year-round access to all trash storage areas whi�h � shal] not be used for any other purpose. 8. Iv!ail delivery shall be provided for in aecordance with the prav�sions of Ordinance #40 of �981, G. Circutation j access. � . . I, Ther� shall be provided an on-site vehicular circuiation '��. � , system which shali cvordinatc with ad�acent str� e� to � 454i (�'ail I 1-I 5-83) � � . � l:• � ZON�NG ..�� �� c-�-�� G",�. minimize corgesti�n and adverse irnpact upon the general traff c�ir�ul�tion g�t�rnlzL.th��• 2. Projects shali pravide adequate Iayout design af parking areas with respecc to location and dimension af vehic�lar and e�destrian entrances and exits, building Iocations,� � ,S�� walkwa s and recreational trails. 3. roper vehicle sight distances shall ex�st at each access point to a pu blic sireet. tOrd. 39 (�983) § �.) 18.54.060 Design r�view fee. ' The town council shall set a design review fee sc�edule �i:r�il;:t;I,i. �.^. �.U`.r:;'_- tl`v' CC?S� C?f ±!11��r� Sf�3�� t1771P� (:Of1SL21�hIlttS 1.��5� and incidental exper.se. (Ord. 39 (1983} § 1.) 18.54.070 per�orm:3nce bond. � The building of:icial shall not issue a final certificate of � � occupancy fo�- structures which have obtained design review ,. � . appraval until upon inspection it is determined that the project is constructed in accc�rdance with the approved design review app�ication and pl��s, and al� improvements, amenities and landscaping have been instal�ed. The I�uilding official may issue a tem�orary certificat� af occupa�cy not to ex�eed two hundred ten days upon t�e appl:cant posting w�th the department of com- �' mun3ty deuelopmer.� a per�ormance bond or other security acceptable to the to1:�n councii in the s�zm o#�one hundred twenty five percent of the '�ona fide es��mate af the cost of installing ' landscaping and paving and other accessory improvements provided for in the aJ�proved desi�n review application and plans. ' Tf said landscapi�g, paving, and other accessory improven�ents are not instalIed by t'�e applicant within the period allowed under the temporary certif:cate of occupancy shall be revoked until the same are installed by the app�icant or by the town pursuant ta the . terms of the perform�nce bond or other accepted security that has been approved by the town. (Ord. 39 (�983) § 1.) �v�;� i i-ts-s�1 454j _ � � • . . i _ _-- '� _: . _ � - PLANT GH�DUL�E � ___���t?__7�t�����, -- - ; :::� SYMBOL UAfJ'F!TY C OMMON NAME BOTAN I CAl. NAME S[ZE •�� A }9 ASPEN POPULUS TREMULOIDES 2-2�' CAL MA 21 MQEINTAIN ASH PYRUS (SORBUS) ��2�� CAL i ES 2 ENGELMAN SPRUCE PIC�A ENGELMANNI5 $-10 FT ,} 40 MOUhiTAIN JU�iI i'ER JUN1 PERUS GOMMUNI S 5-7 GAL - � RR �0 WILD RED RASPBERRY RUBUS STRIGOSi15 �-� GAL ._ WR 5 COMMON WILD ROSE ROSA SAY[ �-5 6AL , K AS REQ'D BEARBERRY Kl NiJI Ki NN 1 CK ARCTQSTAPHYLOS WA URSI t GE�lERAL N4TES: AL� DISTURBED AREAS TO BE R�SE�DED Wli"H HIGH ALTI�'UDE SEED MiXTt1RE: POTOMAC ORCHARD GRASS 35°� (WEIGHT BY �) ANNUAL R7� GRASS 1$'� PENNI �'tN� �R�NiAE R�fE GRASS 15°� MANCHAR SMOOTH BRUME 2p% DURAR HARD FESCUE 15% SLENDER WHEAT 2p% RATE OF APPLtCA710N WILL BE 736 PURE �IVE SEEDS PER ACRE. SOD AREAS SHAL� HE BLUE GRASS (POAPRATENSfS} MIXTURE: BENSt1N A-34 Q° 5 / BARON �� GLADE 2� fERT 1!.I ZEii APPL 1 CAT10�! 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' � � � Mr. Eric Berinc�se 1487 Shoreline r�r. WayZ�ta, MN 5�391 (H� 61��476-136'/� (0) 414--69�-3331 August 3, 1933 � M�. Anclrew Knudtsr��r Seniox �'oWi'i planner 4ff ice af Cammunity �evelopm�nt �5 Sou�.h Froritage Rd. V�]�1, �C1 81657 Desr NIr, Kriudtseri: I am writinq regarding the '"stu Brown Projact", currently under review by the vail besign Review $aard. This property bard�rs casolar Vail an� is dire�t3.Y adjacent to m�r parti�u�ar dup��x, ,�119vA Casolar Dr. As a m�mber of �he Baard of Casalar vail� �s wa�.i �s the owner of other praperties in the Sandstone Ssctian of vail, T have several cancerns that I b��.i�v'e n�ec1 ta be �ddr�ased �sr i or ta approval of th�is pr�j eCt by t�he DRS. ThP Prn�Prt in its aurren� des�gn �ppe�rs to be al�arly in violation of num�raus D�tA quidelines. Speci�'ically thes� include: -- ��c�mpatibility with exi�ting stru�tures, the�.r surroundings, and with vail.�s �x'lvirr�nm€�3rtt" (18.54.050/AJ1) . This p�'Oj�C�'3 tlqhtly aornpacted, faur story cond�miniums, do not �it in with th� adjacent n�ighbo�hood �+n +.h� Gnuthside of Sandstane prive, which is comprised of $ingle family homes and dupl�.xes, The acale and groportian of th� buildingG �rp net co�p�tible with the surx'oundir►qs. Too mar�.y ta�.l str�atures are to be cran�med inta �oo Emall a sita. -- � wa� assured by the Archxt�ct for t.hP �rnj�ct, Mr. Harold E11gs�XOm� that the �,aridscapa plan �ar the sou�.heast side af the groj�ot would addr�ss coz►�arr►� about Qu� front yarr��a b�cnming a pcdestrian throughway. I explained that Ca�solar Drive, via our yards, ia ths mo�t o�nvenient way far th� o�cupants c�! �.hp n�w project tn g�t to the 5imb� Run bus stop. Mr. Engstrom infarQ►ed me that "�tl}��tantial iand�aaping, inc3ud�.ng a �ix foat re�aininr� wa11 and numeraus �ar�e tr�es" would prevent a»yone trarn e�sily walking dcrarr� ta C�►$olar brive thraugh �ur yard�, Howavar, upon sub��quQnt receipt o� �he site plan� I find that there ap�ear� to be no r�ta�ning wail o� the �outh �ido of �ho projeot and reuanarau� �arge tre�� are £�►�t just a doz�n 1&1�2" to �" c�liper asp�iis �ucked iri i�ax'� to the stru�tures. W� need a�arifiaatiori vn haw peda�trian traf�ic will be kept on Sandstone Driv4. Additionally, I�RB �uic�r�lines ca11. far landscapir,g tha� will +�holp raduc� �h� scale of neteT structur�s ar�d assist in thQ aacr�ening of structures. " Ttlese pla�s5 �o n+�t ac�omplish this. � � . ���1 ��4� 21 �99� I July 20, 1393 Mr. Andy Knudtsen 5enior Town Planner c/o Deszgn kzeview Board Town of Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Knudtsen, I I a�n writing on behalf af, and as Secretary-Treasurer of, the Casolar Hceneowners' Association in regards to the 'Stu Brown Project' ur�der current revxew. Th.is project borders on th.e coranon property of aur association and we hav� a cauple of concerns that we would lik� th.e Design Review Board �o add�ess. 7'hA �rigi.nal �-n�r�nanl-G nf pi11" ass�c;a+-;nn �ivA an P�se�n�nt to t'�e de�relo�r pf th.at property us� th.e �cisting sewer line that is owned and currently u5ed by the Casolax Homeoowt�er5' Associati.on. �ni�e wou.Id �like confirma.tiQn th.at the ex�.sti.ng e�.ght a.nch. sewer la.ne is sufficient to handle �h.e requiremsnts of the n�w building praj�ct. W� would alsa like to have an agreement with. the developer of owner of the `Stu Brown Project' about future mainainence obligations of the sewer line once they have joined to it. We are most concerned about the possibility of Casolar Drive becodning a pedestrian throughway. It will }� very canvel-�i.Ent for th� occupants of the new project to pass on th.e driveway of Lot 6 in Casolar onto Casolar Drive and through. to the Simba Run bus stop. This would be less than half th.e distance tY�.ey would have to walk to th.e bus stop on Vail View Drive and Sandstone Drive. Tl�e development of th.is project would also provide a thxoughway �or the residents of th.e Eiger Chalets on � Sandstone D��ve to follow th� same path. There is also th.e concern of automobil2 traffic using Casolar Drive to drop aff gassengers at the end af Casolar Drive, rath.er th.an driving fh.e considerable d�.stance up Vail View Drive and then down Sandstone Drive to the new dev�lopment. We would like to see the Design Review B�ard require th.e developer of this pzoject to incorporate a 3.andscape design using trees, sections�of fencing, and boulders ta prevent predestrian tra�fic across the private proper�y of th.e Casolar Homeowners' Association. Th�nk you very much. for considering th2se issues an our behalf. Sinc , , Gr� H. ton 11 5 B Casolar Drive Vail, CO 81657 303-?�76-0430 i d$!��i�3 18;57 '�414 696 �586 A.h.F.K.-GL��AN (�UO3i0a� � T � � --- There are �lso conce�ns about how surfa�e drain�ge is going to be aceomgJ.ished. Y could not rind any stv=m d�air��s or chArinCl7.n� on the site p��ns- -- We need upfror�t agreern�r�t an how the easeFa�nt �ill be accessed �nd on h4w land5ca��.ng Yem�diati�oh �rtd road repair� will U� ��complishec� subseq�.��nt to tearinq op�tt th�e ea�sement a��a. In summary, the fol.lo�ring ar�as need to be addressed: -- Site density -- Hei�3ht of �he prapas�d structures -- Clarificati�n �►f pedestrian rauting -- �rainage issues --- Easement damage rem�diation w� are �y na means a�ti-d�veldpment. We s��p1y wan� t�is land developed in accordan�e with trie current t3RS quidelir�es and in keepinq w�.th the present character of our neighborhoad. Thank Yau. sincerely. ����.�� Eric Beringause cc:�rer� Ham�+thn � � � I � - _ _-��1�� _ �.�--__ �.�-_ _���-.,�-_ _----__ _ - �C�l vi./// '�cA � . _ _._ _ __. / __._. _ _� . . a,�,, ���-� �_ �:,,,, ' _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ - ----- -- ------ -r-�� __ _. � I'', C�.,�f� _ _ _. . _____ _ � ------ :__ _ _ - - � / � .� � _ . -� � L � S n �i��� /�_ _ -. a . . . � rJ - � � / � T�� �. 1`F c laz.��c � _ — — ----- � __ It � _ _ _ _ . --- � ��L2�?- '�'''_--1.-✓'�!`L� I �--- - --_- ----- ct��.� �6,/' _ � _ _-- - ---- -------- - __ _----- - ----- - _- — ____- ---�� ___ -- - - _ -- _- - -- - - _ ____ -------- -- -- _- �:- :�e �� � �� ��� - - -- ' -+-�- `�---��—`-`--`-�'.__�-`-�-�'� _�lc ��-���� �' _� _��- ��_ _ � ��-`✓�-��:� _ _ - - - _ _ - - __ -- � � � - - --------- ----- ------- - �':. I: __ ---- ------ - -- ', ------- -- ------ --------- ': � ----- ---- -- - -------- ;. �..,raR..,.,., � � �� R, R P/S ZON� DI'STRICT� � , ' `�' , � �,; ; DATE : ) / / / / � r; � : ' . .� ` V,�C �L r� ! / /� .. � . l Y ��.• � . �, .. t ��1 f . L�GAL DESCRxP`TrC7N: Lot �� � B,lock � Filin ��`h��.��. '�' g ��-��_�z, �'�: k ,:.r � `�:�?; � ADDRESS : �,, ,•:`, �,�;:. ,,�:,. OWNER _ ��-,� �n^f'� .�� PH�NE ;•� �;,. ARCHZTECT F��c�� �v�.� ;/,-�`'�''l I�HQNG . , �, �; � ; � • 1 �: � ZONE DISTRICT _�C. ` �� L� ' � � : r,, � 'o; — �';: f ��: �ROPas�a vs� i� �a�..� ���u.��-�. � �; z �� ��� ., �r�r� �-��' �-¢: ( �S;�t�.� � � **LOT SIZE �'�4i ( c1a � lc,,�t<< - 3� Z�1 ! i� t�-<� a.�, - �,5� 4ra��s .�v' `�t'��'�: ' I j �3;-�F<<.; - . �: ,�L,,..�. .s7-k . � , I � - .. . 1� rr . A 11 ow e d -�--�____�_—�..�---__,,.�, �,xi.stS.nQ Proposed To�al. ,,,< � �j lieight (30) (33� �'- �`�.�-�r�y�- 4,s.a �s:.,�r� , ': �: ' � � q��,�1r,�� � � � _ � �� � �'�atal GRI'�1 �. } �� S �iJ.�� - 3 �� � �' � ,� I Iy`��� I , � ' � L . � ... , . , -h 4 2 5 = ' �: I • >; ; tA �r�ci�g�_�- + 4?_5 � - . , .. ; ''' a. �w: py:. ��etbacl,s Front � 20' ° � 3 , � i t, Sydes - 15' - ,� �; � � ;..; Rear 15' -' � ": ,� , ,�'� . � � . , � � :� ; ��ter C�urse Setbac� (30) (5�) � __ �t;�`�:: � f,� ::.���;Y: �-�ite Coverage��" ` 34�11 �S) I�o��s � � �i��� . �' �;,�:t''' , , —�---� r a,:,r� � ' ' 1 4t. � i'' ;� ? � :�,andsc��ping��v)t'7�-� ��� ) 4 S, ? ;�a� - `r' � ��/�" � .' „ �ri F ,. I � ` ` ;�� ' � Retain.i.ng wa1.1. tleights 3' /G, '�' ' � � : , :ti � I � � � � ���,��' 4 i N > C�.�:�C /'l��/i ����Parkin� � ' ������ �� Reqrd ✓ � z+ � � �� n��� � , �-G'�zage Credit (300)' (GOOy {9fl4} (1200) �'`J 1�.°3�� � ' -> ��'- �v r3 ��c!'rr�L�v�,,�r,r� � Drive : PermiLted Slope B� Actual Slope G�-� � � � �.�::: Da�e ��pprovecl by Town �ngineer ; I��f� � ,. :�� c�iear C{:�rr�dor �ncroachment : Yes No � �?� . ' � �� . .,, Environ:nenta�/�-iazards : l.) Flood Plain _ y�l� �i�" '� 2) Pexc�n� Slone k � ��k��_ �t.�� � ',: SC.e r�a-�S � ; 3) Geolagic �-tazards ' �<,, � a) Snow Aval�nche r n.� ,, �b) Rockf�ll c� ;:i z r � � � C� D e b r i s F�.C�F3 r.yil _.��'�� ' � ,�j eT ''•�i + :. 4) �^1e t 1 a n d s y�;� . . �r"`'"_ :i ; ,. ��.. �. . , ! �. , ,l:I revious eonditions of �pprova�. (ch�c}�: property �i,1.e) : r��� fi:'''�� �,;/ ;: ; : % . i41 r�oes �his request involv� a 2Sp Jldditian? ��-��- �,�c.1+ , ;:� , ;,�„ �" i-14047 much o� the allowed 250 Addition is used with. this request? � v ;� : -�`�-- . -: **Note : Under Seetions 1a . 12 . 090 �II) anc3 10 . 13 . OQ0 (n) c�f the Municipal � ;;.' , ;:;, Code, �.ots zvned Two Fami�y and Primary/Secondary which . �re 1.ess than .:-,';:;,:::;;' 15, 000 sq, f� , in area may no� construct a second dwe].ling unit . The"';�','��;:�.`.;;;`, . Cammt�nity Developm�nt Department may grant an exception 'to this .. '� '; "� .,,,.•� .,�,:,��:: res�zi,ction provided thc applicant meets the cra.teria se� �orth und�er: '_:;�:�� Secta.ons 1fl . 12 . 090 (II) and 1� . 13 . 0�'0 (B} af thc Mun.icipal Code including; "=,h':� perman�nt�y r�strie�ing �he unit a� a long-term zentaZ unit for fu11-;�`,; ��;''�:��.� 'I time employees a� the i]p�er Eac��e VaJ.].ey , ': , C��Ylcf-t� c!� � s �a�� �,� I �. 5 � ( r s�i } - � � f�-[ta�,, ,=_I< �. t i i i n;�: 1 � . 'S� '�e �-a�-�-�C � �S�� �,1.-t,.� b"�C . ' � � � � � � �� , � �-r��' ' `�� � 10 (Q�`t``. �-�d- GrK ' :, �� I . �t� �6«. �s ���. 1 r'° L"" �C , � ' ' ' s� , . � � • R efurn to � Town Plann�r � INTER-DEPARTMENTA�. REVIEW � � �� 30 PROJECT: ��t �/`��'C j�i'- -,/"' � J' sf� �Irr�. DATE SUBMITTED: �{_ Z G _ ' DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING s-iq- � COMMENTS NEEDED BY;__ S'--s -s , ___._.� BRiEF D�SCRIPTIQt� OF THE PROPQSAL "r � . I , - � � � � � I i � �-�l�`� ��� � ` P1-1B�16�R�S`� � � � Reviewed by: �f.%�" �s�� , .� Comments: ��/-%.:.� ,,�;�, �-_•!�., v-� �%.� J ,. _ � . . � ��✓.�Ys?J�'� ' �Jj/-'�t fC�r:s/ �-J -vr�'° /r�i-'�!/i�c�E�c� , /L�/ G�� / . �/� ��r�../ c��r�-t9 ,+J��' /�`zr'�T� /1��,✓..r�c%yl �J�?�I/�+t��tprr.� 1 ,�1 ''7 ,L,. ��-_ '.t l, !��/fc� � � �r.e.�i'ca� /+ V" Z Q� / .�� , ��/i �— /�G ♦ ) `� ���'t,�c��-r��'� i.t �.'n:' �O �u�r�-�� . ' �� i � �1.^-��.',�-E�Y . �� JJ/'.�✓.✓C i� ri/��/ �a•'''Z �� �,✓; ����E c,•s/ • 1 � ` � �� �r:c,Z/l/f" • / J ��f? /°�u2c'�i!/� � � •� .�✓ S ✓"✓.J. �-`67�c.utJ m� 1 � J'7�f��_ � C:.+r✓J i/J,�`�C�"l�? i , _ _�.. �/ � J,�?i-cEEC`'T•S J�S'Ts'�117���- _ - /.� 5 � ij t� �,r..✓s��'�` �� � �.:�,�o.4"' /".�'Ln z.c/� �� �„ �L,�` � � ' �' <' .�� f 3 ��� �°y � , ��� � -Q�/�'�`"''`/` .� �,/' L�'J .E-�72.✓?="�' I 1��j,�•r",r ���.t;i� ��� 7 ,Q ` /+�� �a � ��'"'''',��1�� . �J; �,,�1 ; ,���;.� .� � �- • � ', � ���� �'� �,-� �� �j[j/v""" ���y/~' �.//"�'���4.�LZ �10l f.l���iJ L l I �! s' `��%' .�•�'. ; �> .,,�� ���.. � ,— ��,Q�''� G i�, � � �„-LL '�`'' � �...., �-��a� I 1• �9�l�"'���. �tr�c C %t I�'�;+•_-'L c . � � '/,f'.%� / i ;�i � � � �/� 1/�h y,.�s'CC..- '� ! � � � I . , Retum to � �, Town Planner ' INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW �+ �1' / � 3 0 pROJECT: lJ N �f-�'�'C r/ -r .Scr-re sD�� �J��. I, �ATE SUBMITTED: ��z G --y z DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING S-i�i- 9� � COMMENTS NEEDED BY: S---S -r� BRi�� dESCRIPTION �F 7HE PROPOSAL: � ; �� `�� �_ , RUBL���1lO�tf� ' . Reviewed by: f" Date: -"� � Commen#s: . ,' -�.� , �.,� .. . - _ , � ' . r-i2-'/' ' ,/f/Jtt �CF:t/ .'.� �✓o: /.��:��.t E?�_ - ,`� ��7 _/ �_` �!lt��7� �77/i`�,.v�✓2;l f>� '. _-� . ..- ' " �'.. �' � �"��r�✓ �%C�11�-t� •a//7, � . ? ���::C_ J f�d��'l,1 /!�/�f/c� � � , - - . . � .. , , _ . . � ,���-•��,1 � f ��.� �O �e�!.<� � f� ,, �r��,�,��� ,� .vo=�. �n.✓ ' , � �, ` ,3- �-„, �;��.�c•� , ° f - 1 �� e.7J� ( i,eS7.c�.✓ v!i - /� .3 i.r ✓✓'>. ..J �f�� -b/� C;-r✓-'.i'i�J` l.J�✓ � �� / ..� :� , ,,, � �.M;..e,i r�re2 � , � � . Retum to�t � �, Town Planner INTE�-DEPARYMENTAL REVIEW r33o PROJ�CT: � �Ir�� � -f� .S�e-.-c sD��-c. .Q�1�. DATE SUBMETTED: �-z � -y z DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING S-i - A� GOMMENTS NEEDED BY: .S--S -s� BRIEF D�SCRIPTiON OF THE PRO�OSAL: � PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by:, t�;��. -!� _ Date: � ° - Comments: � � �> f,t/,/f .C.I.P�� /�' L�« �t{ ,e ` � - !d' � - �t 3•-, j a . S,.��w ,/�w . �_ �` � C _'�.C.�G A�,�/.�� a � �'4?�'� P.i/'��✓, ( �v'."!.1 F�• ' ' `.'... �r,� ���u--1,�v'1<cL,,C �1�r/YV`��j-'i ` . . e � V� r � c�!:�(���'� �.�2 C'�?��`V 6::Jf �.[J� e,J C .�,.'..., � �,/ `�r Co CL-��-, , :. l �d r ._Y� Ct�C �'"2� [� �cD l�'�C.-r 1 �� �' C fl.c.p,Q^� / � T � � �^ �l ��9d-� �� �1Lt'V''°`�"'� %'k'1 1`tp _. .! �-r�' L+J�fl' �l.flv ". 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(�.��.--�. ..�, f i� s^^'^.`��� . . <>G � --�t� �C��-4.�C✓ y J4 � �- _ - — - — - — � � � � �' �/ (�,(! r?.t�' .. • ,� . � a _._�-1�, n �., �,- �-1 ,/� ��,� W�r�e �5 ✓r�o � �_ ,� , d i�.,��,� .L� J �i Y>,�� ./' , p' j_ I l ��/ Yfv� c.' ��� ��n c' Scul ,n, i"x Q�`ev,.. �:�,��c � � �„��-� C�Ut �v1e.......� / �;(,,}J `'j� b (� � S�-u.-�u-. -� . ✓ �-7 I ��C. �-F a'l.� 1 (�`�('r.• C-'��5 �!/'� E1/�C.C-l� °'T '�✓L { I � � /' ��r (� C �-tIO1X. C r���j (�r�- `/ l� �- G'"_ �J `' �v ''-!?j�i-'c•-"'�- u / � � l �� ���, ( � � �� .� .�� � SfI v..-.. S�« fu1� � ✓ c'�, f � � � �--/� ��!�our� ,��� ���� ��o <�. �� � � ��o�.� � . ,� �i � / � () � I � �� . ��. vy,4. .I• �/�/ ,� 1' � - __ _ � _ ��} �!-�� 1�� C,." . �--2 �- y �j r.s � ` � J f c��`•-- 1 a'I' ��1,� /G�t...l� ✓ � {� '��,J ..�., V`�c>a..� �_/!� � l.� � 5 �`G�� � � � . , -- J � � . Retum to , :� � Town Pla�r�er ENTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW � �;i � / 3 3 � PROJECT: - � `���< !� f �1�-�'K i� " e �-'� t �'��, -S<<�,-.IS f°��-� .r� ;,�� QATE SUBMITT�D: �-- z c �� z ______ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 5 iCi- i 3 COMM�N�S NEEDED BY: � - s � � BRIEF DESCFiIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: � PUBLIC WORK� Reviewed by: Date: Comments: � � �-���%� . ,� �.�u� �- � �.�.� �, �V �`"l� �.f,,�:� � �;%`�'� -�lti-ti l ry✓L�l � --�'JiC��'�c� ��,' ,'- � < 'k . ., , � / �T�^'` � ; ! ( /�F ,,'f`', _�r '� � :� � -� � /� � '`?','.` .. . , < <. �- t � `�r y . �- :, ,,[ ,� �',:" fv S � ��`�. �%s� cz��. � ;��.`� � N�-�� +' ��.��''<<� y� �v'c�-�'� r�l`Q.-1 Ql$ . / _ I'��, � �i v"""` �l' Ct��.� �t�-+'' c�'A�._ r'� .;d'.. ��'� � G x`': fL� ����-7 ���/ ��.S « �� � � f ��-�; �...� / �� % rw�wd f1f392 __._ f � i � ,, � ,� r ,� J� : -- C ti �,- � ��� ,' �y� �, ��,�'�;-� �' J I '� - ; � • ,�. ..1 `�,���. � �t,3�� y . �� STEWART H . BROWN A1;i:orney a1; Law � 0 E�nerson Str�eel; #6�7 Denver , Colorado 8d218 June 26 , 1993 Andy Knudtsen Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Froni:ag� Road Vail , Colorado 81657 pear Andy : I unders �and i:ha�: you have sei: Lo1� G-4 , Lian ' s Ridge Subdivision Na 2 for nearing before the Design Review Board on July 7 , 1993 with Board proceedings cownmencing aL 3 : 00 P .M. Hugh Warder will represent me as my attvrney and Hal �ngstom will represeni: me as my archii;ect . Should you ini �:iate any corres�ondance in respeci: �:o i:he hearing I would appreciai;e your providing copies �:o bo�:h Hugh and Hal . �lal ' s address and telephone number are in �rour file . Hugh ' s address is P . O . 8ox 1738 , Glenwood Springs , Colorado 81520 . His telephone is 945 -8755 . Wi �h �;9�anks for your he� p in this ma1;�Ler . You s very tru� , i���:�'�(� .�_ `-�-�__�.� -S�;ewar�; H . Brown , � �_ ,� . TOWN OF YAIL �� ��`3 . Ft'Om the desk of. . . Andy Knudtsen � w-'�c �� ,��c. � � �y�, �:��� , �,� � � �, �� ��� Q ��c �� yF� L�x'��G� l� �� ��--�� t�r�rf G�f�,,,� ,� � �ln., �T`. ' (�'/tC/�-¢- �/'Yt � /�y�'�-�J C �. ��� . � � ,I'�'I�GliZ-l�" � GtNvt f,�.�c�� �, ;� - � � � ���" � S� � �� d� ,,. �. � �� � � � � � ��� � y ��` D,�-� ,�� � �,� /� � ����-/,�� � �� , � �. � � G�' ;.; � , � S�/�--� �z.'G�2-u�Y �`�C �� �- � ���-� � �` ,��,, � ��c ��z�� ��� '� �v.'��� �� ��° � cr�c��� ,-,., � ���/ G � , � �� , � . � ,'� s �' �' l� �.,��� r-�. �� � �� � �� � � ��� � ,�Q``-� -�<<—�' c�� �j �� ! 4 � � �-rlrl/ wa--� ry�n�, p " i` �� �� .� s � .�..� � ��-�� � /� �-�� .-���� �' ��� �,� � ��� �/ �r�c . ��� �� - �- ��-v���. � �� ,�� � i�-�. � � . � •� � i� T �y TOWN OF YAIL From the desk of. . . Andy Knudtsen � a� '� S�(,��,.,.�, � � � �- � , -Q ���r �� .�,� ��� . � r�"^ �. s«G�. G� � �/J¢ � , �,�,,-' ll G,��� ,-� �/ S� � 1 � • .�,� , - F �. �w I TOWN OF YAIL � From the desk of. . . �ndy Knudtsen -- --- ����►,.�-d� �_._�_ i�, i� ��� ___.__.... _ . I °�r � � ,�,� .~ , c'vt ds{��-� � �zs D'� Cn�/� 1 Grif�-� � " `� ��,•-1 �4�'�'� I � �-�'° �c-x`�;C-;� � Z c/ ,�;,I Y�..�.f ` / f% /' � ��.,�' � l� �' .� w,%� �f ' � �� I y l�� --� e�:3c t��- � r� ' , /��� ��-�f� j�r rc ,I`,��,�V/. .�" �'c�c ,�,"�-iL�-s�fS � � Y- �t �� ""�h r {�4 / C�FC �� � `�,`��'�l�� �; !`G, � �J��=�r<</"r � I / `-"r�f y1� �C� ( �� �� � �.. f al�� . / /.�.�;�,�,.- r'f . J n + 1 Jr`-s'J `�-�'.�,�r�_; ,��' -� � �� � �y T�WN OF�AIL From the desk of. . . Andy K��udtsen ,�-�''`�`-¢ �" `�� :� � �/ I -�/ � ��� /3 i s � � , � ��� �I a� ✓i�� S � / �� 3� YJ � � � + STEWART H . BROWN lfl Emerson Streeti �607 Denver Colorada 80218 June 17 , 1993 � � ��.� � � ��r �- Larry Es6cwi th �/ ,.� /d�, / �'`f 3 Totivn Ai:i:orney � � Andy Knudtsen r!- 3� Town P1 arrne� Town of Vdil „ 75 Sou �;h Froni;age �oad . Vail , Colora�o 81657 • Dear Larry dnd Andy : This lei:ter is in response to your � etter dated May 25 , � 9'?3 , concerning Lot G-4 , Lian ' s Ridge Subdivision , which I receiv2d on June 4 , 1g93 , after returning from a trip put of s�:ate . I I am willing to p rovide documentation you have requested wii:h the und�rstanding �hat in so daing I da not intend i.o ���aive rights established � n Civil Actian No 3459 , Brown vs . Douglas et al . , en�;ered on October � 7 , 1980 , in the�ct our1: , Eag e County , Colorado , by force of which an exemption from zoning for Lot G-4 , L�on ' s Ridge Subd � vision No 2 , was upheld . It is also my position that the judgmeni: speaks for itself, ar�d 3s sufficient on its face as upholdang the exempi.:ian aforeT�en� ioned wi �hout reference to the exhib� ts � mentioned therein , a � � of which have been merged ir�to the judgment; and all of Vrhich are naw � rrelevant in interpretang tne judgment . Enclosed is Exhibit 29 , the s � te plan for develop�nent � of Loi: G-4 , for which Eag1e County issued a buildang permit under order of the eourt in Lhe aforemeni:ioned Civil Action 3459 . � Also enclosed is a co�y of the Si: ipi�lated Declaratory Judgment referred to in Resolution �5 , and a copy of the complaint upon wt� ieh the judgment is based . Sirce the Tow� af Vai 1 was a �arty �:o the action i t i s to be presu,r�� �;hat a copy of the Declaratory Judgment has been in �he T�wn files s � nce i:he judgmeni: was entered . It is not clear �;o me what you mean by "documentation that the pro�osal complies with Chapter 70 of the UBC in effect on October 17 , 1980" . I understand �ha1: tne UBC is � i Larry �skwith - Andy Knudtsen - Pg . 2 a fac�:or at the building perr�� t s�age , and not a� the de- sign review �tage , since , at the design review stage , de- �ails of cons�:ruction governed by th2 UBC are not required to be submitted . Please clarify this requiremen�: . As you are aware , a buyer for Loi; G-4 to whom I have represented the lot as being exempt from zon � ng regulations under �he judgmen� in Civil Action 3459 , is awa � tang your determination to that effect . I am advised that �he �uyer is still interested . It is not likely , hawever, that he will remain interested inde�'initely . Your cooperation in expediting this ma�l:er will �e mos� a��reciated . You s wery truly , ,%,�-� �r�. �s� Stewart H . Brown�- Encl . S� te Plan Lot G-4 S�� palai;ed Judgment I I I I � , _` � . , � �� �ti TOWN OF G'AIL From the desk of. . . Andy Knudtsera �„-� /r. ��p� -�� �.�. c� �`'!�,^�. .c.�-�� -._,z-. a� �..�cC ,�•,..� -- �,.-� �/ 1 � �...'� v� � �,, __ � �.ti� .� �``�`� ��"L /� - - -.r��. � � _�� � �LE CaPY �,� �t TOi�'N OF I�AIL � 75 Sor�th Fror�tage Rnad Departrrie�it a.f'C���rrrrunrty Develo>>��ie�7t Vail, Colorado 81657 343-479-2138/979-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 May 25, 1993 M�. Stewart �{. Brown 10 Emerson Street, #607 Denver, CO 80218 and Mr. Hugt� R. Warder Attorney-at-i.aw P.O. Box 698 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Dear Pv1r. Brown and Mr. Warder: After reviewing the recently submitted Design Review Baard (DRB} application tor Lot G-4, , Lionsridge Subdivision, Second F{�Er�g, the staff of the Town of Vaif is requesti�g yov to provide additional inforr�ation in order tor us to determine that the proposal rneets applicable zoning standards. We understand the zoning is govemed in part by a judgment made by Judge ►Nilliarn Jones, Civil Action No. 3459. En add�tion to the material you have already submitfed io the Town ot Vaii for DRB consicieration, please provide Exhibit 29 of Civil Action No. 3459 as well as documentat�on that the proposal compiies with Cf�apter 70 of the UBC ir� effect on October 17, 1980. � Additionally, Resalution No. 5 of Seri�s �981, Section 1 (a) refers to a Decfaratory Judgement outfinin the ri hts ranted � Civil Actian No. 3459. The Declarator Jud ement is not art of 9 9 9 Y Y 9 P ' our records and if you have that information p9ease subrnit 'rt as it wi[! assist staff in reviewing the zoning compliance of the proposal. Until staff has the opporfunity to review this information and can verify that the prpposal does in fact comply witf� #�e court decisions, staff will not schedule the item ior a DRB hearing. We would like ta emphasize that aur position is to request additianal information to determir�e if it does or c�oes not com,�[y. After receiving this information, staf� will need a minimum of three weeks to r' view it prior to a DRB hearing. Sinc ly, _ ; � � ; arry skwi h Andy K udtsen Town Attorney Town P�anner . � ��n� d �+ I\Y�MY UIUJ�J STEWART H . BRflWN 10 Emersan Street �6�7 Denver , Colorado 80218 May 22 , 1 993 Mr . andy Knudson Town of Vai1 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado 81657 Re : Lot G-4 , Lions Ridge Subdivision !Vo 2 Dear Andy : T`his is ta advise you that I will be unable to attend the hearing on Lot G-4 scheduled before the Desigr� Review Board on June 2 , 1993 . However , I will be represented by my at�orney , Hugh R. Warder , who is fully empawere� to act in my behalf. Hugh ' s address is P . O . Box 1738 , Glenwood Springs , Coloradey 81602 . His phone is ( 303} 945-9250 . Hal Eragstrom will also appear at the hearing and in the � interim before the hear� ng is available by phone for any �'�'� matter which requires his attention . You already have his ��`�`' California te� ephone number , (415 ) 927-1637 . � � ���� � Yo s very tru,l-� , , �� �[��� '�`����� �/� ! -I. ` �;f f�, ���--L� � � Stewart H . Brown �� � `� � S �� I -�� �� � �;� P . S . Ha� Engstrom te� 1s me that you want something ta docu - ment the G-4 area acreage . I am enclosing the preliminary pla� for Lions Ridg� Subdivision No 2 (which is of record in Eagle County ) . fJoted thereon is the lot size and unit allowance : " 1 . 8 ac . - 40 units " \•, - � �� d TUWN OF�AIL From the desk of. . . Andy Knudtsen I ���� � � � ���� � ��� �r� � `� . ;�'� �� � �-v� �� � �� �' � �� ��� � � � � ��� ��� � � / � � ��--�' �,fi / /(/� d q��_ �/ t ��-�Cu /� C �! .l�C /y� !/C.1.� er � � � �1 `''�'`�- C � �c'y�-"`.'3 S �.:2 ,!� � �.,,�. � ,- r"/ � / I ��T` � �L7� ` 5 � �Y+-'1 � � � � � . ZONII'dG � � � � : Landscaping and site development. � � - At least sixty percent of each site shall be landscaped. The � � � � mirumum af any area qualsfying as landscaping shall be ten feet (width a�nd length)with a minunum area not�ess than thr�ece hundred squar�feet. (Ord. 30(1978) § 2 (part).) � � . 18.13.1�0 Parking. � � - � Off=street parking shall be provided in accardance wit�►Chapier 18.52. {Ord. 3fl(1977) § 2 (part).) Chapter I8.14 � : . � .. .� RESIDENTEAL CLUSTER (RC) DTSTRICT Sections; 18.14.010 Purpose. 18.14.020 Permitted uses, 18.14.030 Conditiona! uses. 18.14.440 Accessory uses. 18.14.Q50 Lot area and site dimensions. 1$.I4.060 Setbacks. 1$.I4.080 Height, 18.14.09� Density control. : � 18,14.110 Site coverage. _ • . � . . � I$.14.130 Landscaping and site development. � � . , I8.I4.140 Parkeng. . � •• 18.14.010 Purpose. . � . �. The residential cluster district is intended to provide sites for . �. .. . � single-family, twa-family, and multiple-family dwetlings at a � density not ex�eeding six dwelling units per acre, together with � such publie facilities as may appropriately be located in tkie same disnict The residenrial cluster disvict is intended to ensure adequate light,air,privacy and op�n space for eacfi dwelling, commensurate _ . 330-2 � � (vail 9-24-9Z) • - .�., �.. ._ . - � � � � � RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER{RC�DISTRICT � • : with msidenrial occupancy,and t�o maintain the desirable residential � qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development � _ � � � standards. (Ord. 2�4(1974) § 3(B} (part): Ord. 8(1973} § 23.100.) 15.14.020 Permitted uses. . The fol3owing uses shall be per�nitted in the RC district: A. Single-farnily residential dwellings: � B. 11vo-family rESidenual dwellings; � C. Multiple-family r�sidenrial dwellings,including attached or row _ dwelli�gs and condorninium dweLlings with no more than four _ units in any new building. � (Q�. 37(1980} § 5: Ord. 24{1974) § 3(B} (part): Ord. 8(1973) § 23.200.} � � 18.14.U30 Canditiona[ �ses. � The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the RC district, subject to issuance af a conditional use per�nit in . � accordance with the provisions of C'�apter 18.60: A. Publ�c utility and public service uses; B. Public buildings,g�unds and facilicies; � - C. Public or private schools; D. Rcblie park and recrea6on facilities; � E. Ski lifts and tows; � � F. Private clubs; . . G Dog kennel; . : H. Bed and b�akfast as further regulated by Sectian 18.58.31�; I. Type III EHU as defined in Secdon 18.57.060 of this code; � � 7. Type N EHU as def�ned in Secdon 18.57.070 of this code. : � (Ord. 8(1942) § 15: �rd. 3](1989} § 3: Ord. 20(1982) § 5: Ord. . - 26(1977) (Part}: Ord. 24(1974) § 3(B) (Part): Ord. 8(1973) § � _ . . . - 23.300.) . _ 18.14.040 Accessory uses. � The fo�lowing accessory uses shall be permitted in the R� • district: � - 33a3 � _ .. (Vail 4-29-92) . " . � ---— _ fi � � � . Z�NII�dG A. Private greenhouses, toolsheds, piayho�ses, attached garages � � � or carports, swimming pools, pacios, or recreauon facilities � � customarily incidentai to single family, two-family or Iow- densiry multiple-family�sidentia]�ses; B. Home occupa[ions, stibject to issuance of a home occvpation . � permit in accord with the provisions of Sectians 18.5$.13p through 18.58.1�Q; . � . C. �ther uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or . conditional uses,and necessary for the operation thereof; D. Horse grazing,subjeci tc�the issuance of a h4rse grazing permit „ in accordance with th�e pmvisions af Chapter 18.58. � . (Ord. ]6(1976) § 1(a) (part): Ord. 24(1974) § 3(B) (part}: Ord. : � . �� 8(1973) § 23.400.) . I8.14.050 Lot area and site dimensions. � The minimum lot or site area shall be fifteen ihousand square feet, conraining no less than eight[hausand square feet of buildable area. Each site shail have a minim�un frontage of thirty feet. Each site shall be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area eighty feet on each side within its boun�aries. (Ord. 12(147$) § 3 (gari): Ord. 24{1974) § 3(B) (part): �rd. 8(1973) g 23.501.} � 18.14.060 Setbacks� � � � In the RC disuict, the minimum fm�t setback shall b� twenty � . feet, the minimum side setback shall be fifteen �eet, and the � : minimum rear setback shall be fifteen feet. (Ord. 59(1978) § . " (Fzn).) 18.14.080 Height. � � For a flat roof or mansard roof,the heighs of buildings shall not � � . exceed thirty feet. F�r a sloping roof, the height of bnildings shall � � � -. . .- not exceed thirry-three feet (Ord. 37(1980} § 2(pait).} : � � . 18.14.090 Density control. A. Not mare than twenty-five square feei of gmss residenaa] f�oor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hundred square . feet af buildable site area,provided however,that single family . and two-family dwelling units consuvcted in the Residential ' . � 330-4 - � � . (Vail 9-29-92) . I . . . - - , - � � � . 1 Y - RESIDEI�'TIAL CLUSTER(RC�DISTRIC£ - - C'�uster District st�all be entided to an additional two hundred � . � , twenry-five square feet of GRFA per constructed dwelling unit. - . . . � Total dens'sty shall not exceed six dwelling units per acre of . . buildable site a�a. B. Exemptions. All project�that have received final desigi review � baard appmval as of December 19, 1978,shall be exempt from � � • - _ : . the changes in this sectian as long as the pro,ject com,mences . - . . within or�e year from the date of final approva�. If the project is _ �- � to be developed in s€ages, each stage shall be commenced � - ., within one year after the complerion of the previo�s stage. � (Ord. 16 (1991) § 1: Ord. 19(1479) § 5 (part): Ord.50(1978) § 18 . _ � {P�)•) . : : �8.14.1I0 Site coverage. - � Site coverage shall r�ot exceed twenty-five percent of the total � site area. (Ord. 17(1991} § 3: Ord. 24(1974} § 3(B) (part): Ord. 8(1973) § 23.507.) 18.14.130 Landscaping and site development. � At least sixty pe�ent of cach site shall be landscaped. (�rd. � 24(1974) § 3(B) {part); Ord. S{1973) § 23.SQ9.) 18.1d.140 Parking. : . •. . Off-su+�et parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapcer � . . . 1$.52. No parking shall be located in any reguired front setback _ area, excegt as may be specifically authorized in accordance with Chapter 18.62. At least one parking space per dwelling�nit shall � be located within the mai.n building or bui�dings or wi[hin an _ . � accessory garage whenever thc developInent is reasonable and � : � ; . appropriate for the site and is nequired by the design review board. - � . (Qrd.24(1974) § 3(B) (part); Ord. 8(1973) § 23.510.) 33Q-5 . {v.��-�-�x) : . ' . �" � r �cf � � l� ; i � � . r, " PROTECTIV� COVEI�A�'�TS � i 0� i LION'S RIDGE SUBn�VISION F2LING h0 . 2 , EAGI,E COUNTY, COLORP.DO � , . I , i{NOW ALL :�'�N BY THESE PRESENiS : Tnat LI0�1 ' S RIDGE VEi3TURES , a joint ventuLe , being . the owner of a�l o� tha� real es�ate described in Exha.bxt • F� a�tached hereto and incorparated herein by reference , in �he C�unty of Eag1e, State of Col.orado, the �lat of �a:�ich was recorded a.n said Cou:�ty o:� � ].972 , a.n Baak , at Yage of t:�e records of �he Clerk and Recoider, does here�y i:;pose xestricfions and protective covenants as hereina��e� se� fort:�, and does hereby xesezve ease;nen±s as herei:.a�tex �escribed. . 1. General Purposes . In order to m��.ntai:� a hign quaZi�y resic:en�ia co.;i,�,u�ity, t:�e rea� px'opeL ty descr:�bed here�ofor� is subj ect to the cove..ants , res 4rictions � COX'i(3l� t:;_ons , reservatio�s , liens ar:a �:axges �r.ereby d�clared to insure the bESt use and the most apn-ropriate developm�nt • and ir�prove:nents o� each builc.a.ng site thexeo�; to protect �:�e owners of building sites against such inprope� use oL surrounding bui.lding sites as wi11 depreca,ate the value � o� t:�eir prapezty; to pres�rve , so far as practicab3.e, �he r,atural beauty of said property; to guard �ar�ainst the er�ctian thexeon o� poorly designe� c�r pro�ortioned � struc�ures , and s�ructures bLilt o` i.r,�prope� ar unsuitab].� ' :nateria�.s; to abtain har,no�.a.aus color schemes; to znsure the_ hi.ghe'st and best d�velop��:�t of said property; to encourage and secure the erec�ion af attractive structures . �h�reon, with appro��i.�a�e locat�ons thereo� on buiZ�i.ng sites; to secure and maintain proper se�backs �rom streets , an� ac�equate free s��ces �between structures; ar.d in �enera�. t�o prova.de adequate7.y for a hign qualiiy of i�provernz7ts on said property, and thezeby to enhance �ne val.ue o� invest.r�lents made by purchasers of huilding sites therein. i `r 2 . De�initions . As use� herein, the folZowing ! � worc�s and tarns shall have the fol�owing mear.inr�s : ' '-; � �f {a} "Declarant" sha�.l rtiean LION 'S RI�GE • �, VENTJRES . (b) "Lot" shall mean a Iot wzthin the LION 'S � RIDGE SUBD�V�SION FILI�IG 1�0. 2 , wr.ic'rs can be used �or reside�tial. oz corti�nercial. purposes . � (c) "Residential Lo� sha1� snean a 1at which � ca:� be used for resider.t�.a purposes only, and upon wnich • onl.y « single-�amily resident may be constructed wi.th the � exce�tion �hat one gues4apartmen� may be i.ncorporated into the s�:.ucture , provzded tha cha�acter and esser.�.a,al appeaz- a:�ce of a single--family dtaelling a,s maintaa.•ned. . � -- (d) "Corr�ercia�. Lot'" shall mean a lot �rhi.ch `"'-� � ca:� iae used for ondo.�,iniurrl /, mult.iple-family resi.denti,al , purposes , apartm �ts � rest rants , motels , hote�.s , lodg�s , , prc�fessiona�. of£ices and medical. clinics , re�tail shops, ��� s�rva��ce shops (exc�uding automoba.�e serva.ce- statzons)-. ` (e) "Parcel" 5ha11 maan a parcel witha.n the � LYO�"S RIDGE SUBD7VIS�ON k'ILING NO. 2, as �so designated oa the Subdivisian Plat. • . � _.._..- --_� _. h ; � � � 3 . Uses . ' (a) Al.l �.o4s which �.re aesic�nated o:� t'r.e Plat bl a combinata.an o� ��et�er and nunber (e.c, . , G-1} , shaly ,b� used on1.y as commerc•ial �.ots . (b) All lots which are desi�na�ed on the Plat ` by nur,�er (e.g. , Lo� 1} , shal�. be useci onZy as residential. 1ots . (c) Parcel A as desa.r�na�E� on the P1a� sna3.1 be used only �n accordanc� w�.th a plar.:�ed u:�it aevelop�ent scherne, wha.ch may incorparate co:��or�.iniums , multiple farnily � residenc�s , apartnents , restauzants , :�oteis , hoteJ.s , loclges , p�ofessional. offices and reta�l shops subject to approval as to overall �1.anning and dEVelo�:��e:.t by the Architect�zral Comr:�it 4�e. {d) All Parc�ls o�her than Parcel A, designated on the Plat shall be used �or the sarne uses and purposes as allowed for comnlerc�al lots , specified �n Paragrapn 2 �d) • ; � 4 . Archi�tectural. Commi'ttee . �To building or o�her ' stxucture sha be �recteG, placed, al.tered o�: m�in�ai;�ed thex'e- on any lot i.n the SunidiV3.51017 r nor shall any aclditior. le�e to or change or al.teration thezein be ma�e , untal �he co:�p , p�.ans and spec�.fica4a,ans (i.nclud�.nq, but no� Zimited to , the floor, e3.evation and grading plans , t:�� specifications of ; p��r�cipal exterior mat�rials , color schenes and' the loca- � tions , character and method of utilization of all uti.lities) , . ! and pl.o� p].an showing �he location of building and trees . ' �;•s-�.-`:': hav� been submitte� in tripl�cate and ap�roved in writing by _ ,,.•. • ; G an Arc�nitectu�al Ca.-�mi�tee ca:nposea of Phillip Y:. Taylor and C��� �. V Thomas J . Tay�ar, or by a repr�scntative clesignated by the J � memb�rs o� said Committee. �n �h� �vent o� death two (2) � or xe5ignation o� any membe� of said Cox:�mittee , the remaining r�ember, or nzembers , sha11 have. ful.l aut�r.arity to appxove or �+ disapgrove such des�.gn a�d locatian, a:�d to desirnate a suc- � cessor m�mber wi�h li;te authority. In the ever,t that, by ; reason of death or resignation o� Co:nr:::�tt�e rnembexs , no mem- ber is acting on behal� of said Co:n�i��ee, then successar . members of said Committee shall be cesignat�d by tne owners �.� o� at leas�. fittj� percent _(50�) in are� �f a].l of the pri- � vately-owned land contained in L�.O:� ` S RIDGE SU�D�VI5SOi3�`� � • —FTLT.S�NO. 2 . In passinq upon alJ. such p�ans and speci�i-� �cations so subr;titted, the Architectural Co;�,-nit�ee (or a.�� . ; r�presentative duly appointed) , shaL. ta:ce iato consideratian, i . among other things , the suitability of the propos�d building � or other s-�ructuxe , «nd the mate�:ials of wh�.c:� it �is to be ; buil�, to the lot upon which i� is to b� erec�ed, the harmony � . �hereof with �he surraun�ings and the eff�ct of the bui.ldi.ng ; or other structure, as planned, on the outlook fxom adjacent or ne�ghbor�ng lots: ro� vided� howev�z, that re�usal_af an- provaz of p�.ans and _s ec�.=zcations �y_ _such Cor�nittee may be , p----- . _ q -Lrel a�sthet�c�-' -5asec�-on any reasoriable ground, inc�udin p;" Y ---� , � qrounds , whieh, in `he sole and ur.controlled disczetio:� of ,.--�,ne Co;nmit�ee , sna�.1 seem su�ficient. : Whether or no� provision theref ox is speczf ical.ly ;; stated in any convexance of a 1.0� in �s�e Sub3i.visa.�on, the ,; by acceptance of � o�aner o-r occupant o� each and every lo:, F ; Li�le tnereto or by taking possession the-reo� , covenants ana ; agrees �hat each build�.ng or other s 4��GCOn's�r�cte��lerected . c:�ar�g� or� alteration thereof) , s�.a�l b �,nd muin4ai:�ed only in s�rict accordance wi'th the p��ns ��'�d specifa.cations so app-roved by th� Comn,it�e�'• In the evEr.t .^ / sa�d Co.-;�-nittee , or a.4s designated represen�ative , �ailsh�o4y a�prove or disapprove such desi�n and location wi�hi:� �- �;p� days a�ter said plans and specifiea�ions have been �� s•a;.a;aitted to� it or, in any event, if r.o suit to enjoin the �._ er�ction of �such buildi�5eof r t��sn�e��gco�-ner.c�daprior�to . change or al�terat�.on ther 7 � ,� , . � ..�_ �, - � � � . the com�letiart thereor , sucn approva� shall not be required ard this covenan� sh�,ZZ be �eemed �o have been rully cam- �1 � ed 4�i th . � r.. � s , He � t�t L� mita�ions . No bu; Zding or struct�re � sha� ] b� p� ace� , �rec'�ed , a tered or ��rmi ���d to rena � n � on any lot which exce�ds a height of �;orty-five ��5 ) fee� �/ � n elevat� on measured from grade �t �ne midpoin� af� the ( � structure . . � , 6 . Off-Street Park� n� . ih�er s�ha� be no on-street p�rki ng . Parki ng �w� 1 � be p�rmi ��� c�Ic nly i n +.hose areas ar,� � 7 • no.s� ratios described belo�� : (a ) Vehi cl .e ,�arki r�g s �al 1 �e provi ded on a � r�tio o�: � � � � ' � . . � 1) Two parkzng units fo� eaci� resid�n- . tial 10� ; ' � ( 2 ) . One and ore-�alf parking un� ts for ���� ; eacn dw��l � i ng uni � i n �a mu7 tz �� e-r`ami �y res� aerce , condomi r�i �n � ar apartment ; • . � � � - _ � 3 } One parking unit rar each ren�a� unit Zn a hotel . mote7 or iadge ; (G ) "�hree parkir�g un� ts for every 1 , 000 . , squa�re reet of f7oor area devote� to customer serv+ ce� in a •. � re�u� l or servZCe shop ; - � { 5 ) One p4rking unit �For every 100 square , � feet of floar area devoted to customer service in a r.estaurant � or bar ; . -- - �b ) - Each parlcing unit sha11 contafn 3�0 square �-� ' feet , Znc� uding drives b�tween pat^king rows and shall be . 7 ocated er,ti r�el w� thi n 1 at i i nes . -- � Y � (c } R�qu� red vehicle p�r�cing m�.y be� wholly orr grade , -�par�ly below grade or wholiy below_ gr:ade.-- `All parkting uni ts not wi th i n a dwe� I i ng structure and al 1 dr�veways _i n J ��-� �th� SUbdivision� ,sha71 be paved . 1 � �d , Mob� 1 e homes ar;d �l arge cor�merci al vei�i cZ es �sha11 na� be parked witn� n the Subd� visian . : , 7 . �,Structure ta Land Area Ratia Re uzrements .' , � i � (a } With respecL �°Shalleno��encompa� s�moreethan which structures are cons �ructe �Fir�y percen�t ( 50°�} of tne surface area of �ne lot on whzch such improvements are situa�ed . �__- � ( b ) 4lith respec� to Residen�i �� Lots , the area on G�rh� ch structures are constructed s�all no'� •encompass mare tnan thirty-five percent (35/) of the surface area of the loL on wh� cn such improvements are situa�ed . . 8 . �emporar S�ructures . f�o trailer , basement , i.e�tt � shGck , g�rage , barr� , or o�her cu�b�� id� ng shall ae permitted on any iot ir the � Subdiv� sion a-t any t�me , nor s�all any s�cructur� of a temporary character be used �or �uman .habi 4a- tion excep� where authQrized for a period of no� to exceed three �3 ) months 6y a s�ecia� p�rmit granted by the Declaran� . 9 . Corstruct�i an Perio� . A� � b�iZ di �;gs or atre'r s�r�c- �ures commenc�d on any o�c in 'rne Subdivision sha11 be prose- . cu�.ed diligentiy to comp� et� on an� in any event sh«11 be . completed within twelve (12a months from commence�ent of w �w � � � ! � cons�-ruction unless approval of Decl�ru�.� �s o��sine� i� � w�ita,ng ex�enda.ng extending such twelve (12) :non4hs ' pe-riod. 10 . Trees . Trees on any �.at, , exc�pt to the extent necessu�:y for const�uc-�ion purpases, as �.��raveu in w�itir.g by tne Architec�ural Canunittee, sha3.:. not be cut, trii;�r�zed or r�moved f-ro;� any Zot, exc�pt tha� Dee�.a�ant, �ro:1 �in�e to t�m�, may approve some thi,nning or trim.-ni.ng if it seems das irab le. � ---�, �1. Fences . No �e;�ce wall r si:nilar �ype barrier ,�Qy of a:�y kind shall be cons�ruc� exected .or maintained on �-��� a�y lot, exc�p� such �ences or wa11.s «s may be ap�roved by .��� '� the Archi�ec�ura3. Commit�ee a.n wri�ing as an integral ar decorative part or a bui�ding tQ be erecte� on a �ot. �.2 . ' Signs . No s�.gns (inc�uda.ng "For Sa1e" or "Rent" si �s) , biJ.�.boards o-r other advertis�.ng s�ruc�ure o� any ka.nd , � sha11 be erected, construct�d or main�.ai:�ed o:� any ].ot for , any purpose whatsoev�z,� except such s�.gns as have been ap- a � pxoved by Declarant i.n writa.ng ei.ther fo-r a.de:�tification a� • r�s:;.dences or �laces of business or other uses . � ✓ , Z3 . Wat�r. Each buiyding or structure designed for i � occupancy or use by :�u:nan be�.ngs sha11 connec� with water � facilit�.e5 made av�ilable a` any time by Declarant or water distric� serving the Sub�a.visio:�. � . ; �� . Sewer. Each bui.�ding or struc�ure designed for . �, :� occupancy •or use by h�un bei,ngs shall connect with sewer `�/ � fac�.lities made avai�.able at any time by Declarant or sEwer . , distri.ct serving �he 5ubdi,�ision. ho privat� septic tanks � �or di.sposa�. of sewage shal� b� allowed in the Subda.vision withou� written perrnission oy tY�.e Declarant. • i 15. Trash. No txash, a�hes or other re�use shall be thrown or dumped an ar.y land within �:�e Subdi,vision. Each � proper`y owner shall pravi�e suitabl.e recep�acles �ar the � tempozary storage and collecta.on o� refuse and all sucn re- ceptacl.es s�all. be screened fro:n publi.c view ar.d proteeted : fxo..� �dis��.xbar.ce, a:�d shall be in co;�plete con�armi�y wii�.h sanitary x�ules ar�d regulations . I*Io c�ax�age incincaration •; shal�. be permi,tted. • 16 . Animals . Owners and lessees oi ]�a:�d within tne_ ; Subdivisi.on may have ordynary house.�o�.d nets belongi-r� �Q �he , " housenol� so iong as such gets are �isca.plined and do nat r � consti`u�e an undue «nnoyance `o ot:�er owners ar.� lesse�s . The �Archxtectural Com-nittee si�a11 have the power to requi.rc: . any owner or lessee of lands ir. the Subdivis�on to zemove �.,, ` any househo�.c� pet which is not disca.pla.ned or wha.ch consti- tutes an uz�due annayance to ot:�er owne:.s ar lessees af la;��l � i:� the Subdiva.sion. The Architectu�a�. Commi�tee :nay autharixe � � �he keeping �of horses �n the Subdivisio� so long as th��e are, in the opinion of the Archi�ectural. Co:r�mi,ttee, su�ticient . pa5�u-re and approved faca.lities for equestrian activities , . nlaiatained �.n a neat and sanitary• manner by the Grantor or ProperMv OWners Associa��.on. �.� , Mining , Ma.ning opera�ions of any kind, or quarring � ; � sha].� not be per�nitted upon or in any of the lots in the Sub- •; divisi.on, nor shalZ tunne�s , minera�, �xcavatio:�s or shafts ; be pe�r,�it�ed upon or in any o� t:�e said lots , � 18 . Li.gh�ing, Any 1�..ght us�d to il�.umi.:�a�e si.gns , .: 'i parki.ng areas or �ar any o�her purposes , sha11 b� so arraraged . . as �o reflec� the �igh: away from nearby �.esidenti,al ptop- � erties az�d away fro:n the visian of .�.�assing matorists . � `' 19 . ' S�et'riack� Re uir�r�z�rits . There sha11 be no g enezal / � � ru�e for the locati.on of a,mprovemen�s wi�h relation to vrop- e�ty �lines , but a�.I. actual constxuction �ites sha11 xeceive �he wx�,���n approval of �ho Arc:�i�ac�u�a]. Cornr�a.tt�e . . �4_ � � .�" � � . ! i 20 . Landscapi.ng . All suzfac� ur�as da.stuibed by cons�ruction shal�. be re�urne� �-ro�p�ly to their na►.ural • conc.i�ion and .replan.ted in native gr4ss , exce�t wn�re such ur�as are to be improv�a by th� cor�s��uctian o�: ga-rdens , . iawns anc: ex�e•ri.or living� areas , t�r:��ch sha�.l be p�r:ni��ed only after �he plans y�.k�erefor have b�en approved by the Archi�ectural Commit�ee. ' � , 2�. � Easements . Easen�ents anu rights o� way axe her�- ��` by reserved as des�.gnated or describud on •the orfi:ca.al recorned . � plut or trie Subd�vision. Other �ase�.�:��s are reserved �or . � water and all utiJ.a,ties and mai:�tenance thereo� a.n the right o� way of each raad. ' 22 . Underground �7tili.ty L�nes . Al� water, gas , � , elect-rical. , telephon�, and elec�ric pipes a:.d �i.nes withi.n , th� limits �f this Subdivisio:� :�►u�t :sae buried underground ; , . and rnay rlv� be car��.ed on overhe«d pol.es or above �he surf ace � of the 5round, �xcep� such e1�C'��:+.Ca�. or tele�hane linES as , have been previously instal.l.ed overhead �r:�oz to the fxling af `he Su�da.vi.sion ,�1.a: for ti�is Sub�,iv�.sion. . Lyti i 23 . Du-ratian. Thes� con�l�ions , rE:S �.�...C�14375 � cove� na..ts , res�:-rva�io�s , ease:ne��s , �.iens �.:�d cr.a-rges shall. run y�i�h th,e �.and ana s�a1�. �e bi:��ir.g o:� all parta.es and all p�rsons claima.ng under tn�m unti.l J�nuury l, 1399 , at which ai:ae said covena:�ts shall be autonatically extended for suc� , cessi.ve periods of ten t10y year� un3.ess , by vo�e of tYie pwr�ers o� rr�are thar� �if�y p�xce:�t (5Q o} of 4he nrivately-- ; owned real property withir. the bQU:.dAra.eS o� th� Subda.vision, ; i� is' ag-reed in wziting to change or raodity �aid covenants . : ��� a.n w:ol� or in part. Notwi�..'�standing anl�..l�.ng to the co:,txary r.erein, these condit�.ons , res wric�ions , cove:�ants , rese-rva- tions , ease;Yients , �iens az�d clza�ges rc►a� be c��nc;eci� modi�ied , ;. or amendea at any ta.me prior to ,7anua�y 1 , 1999 (but in no . ; flther wa�r) , by the wz�.t�er� conser.� of `he Owners of mcare ; than seventy-five percent {75 0) of t�e pra.vately-owned rea�. . pro�er�y wa�tnin the bour.dari.es o� :h� Subd�v;.sior., provided, . hov�ev�r , that no change, mod�f�cation or as�;ie:�dm�nt shall be e��.ective without th� grior a�prova�. o� t�.e Eag-le Coun�y : Plannzng Corrmission. �: ,. 24 . Vali.d�� Tnvalidation of any one ot these � ; canditions , r�st-rict�.ons , cavenants , resexva�ions , ea�ements , i� Zi.ens und charges or any part thereof by judgmen�s or Cour� , Order shal.l i,n no way affect any o� the other provzsions � � which sha1.1. rernain a.n �all force and eii�fect. _ 25, Violation of Covena��s . Vio],ation o� any o� • �he conditions , res�ra.c�ions , cover.ants , x�s�rva�ions , ease- rae:�ts , liens and charges nerein contazned sha�l give t�e _ :� � D�.clarant ox its ager�t or assigns �h� �iqh� �o ente� upon ;. the p�operty �upon oz as to whicn such vial�tion exists , and 1� . to` sura�,ari�.y ab�t� and -rer�ove, at the expe:ise of �he owner t:��reo� , any erection, thi.ng or condition that may b� or ehis�. th�reon contrary to �he .�.ntent and rr,ean�ng� o� �he pro- va.�ions hereof ; and Declaran� or i.ts �5�nt or assy�ns sha11. . not thereby be deemed guil.ty of any mann�r �f �respass for ; such en�ry, aba-�ement or r�r.oval. � 26 , Right ta r.n=orce. T:�� provisians eontained in thxs Decl.aration shall bi.nd and inurE ta the. benefit of and , b� e��orceable by Declaran� or the ownex or ow�ers o� any portion of said property, or thea,r and each o� t:�ei.r legal . repx�sen�atives , heirs , successors and ass�gns ; and `ailure � b� Declarant, or �y any other property ow�er , ar their legal ; re�rese:�tati.ves , heirs , successors or assir,ns , to en.force „ anyr oi such conditi.dns , res Lricti,ons or charges herein con- tained shall in no event� be deemed a waiver' of the �ight to do � so hereafter. Enyorcer�ent o� the covenants or restra�ctions con�ained her��.n may be had at �.aw or in equi ty agair�st any .. person, par.tnership, corporati.o� or c:�ti.ty vi.a].ating or at- � temnta.ng to violate any such covenan� or restricti�on. . . ; . �.J.. � . � , ' � � , • � 27 . Assiqr,men� o� Po�a��s�.� A:�y o� ull o�: t:�e righis and po��rers and reservat�on of Dec�.�zar�t nerein contair�ed :aa� b� assigned to any o�her corporati,o:�� or ussocia��.o:� which is � now organized or wh:�cn 'may r.�reaite:° be organiced and wh�.ch wiyl assu:ne the du�i�s o� �7ec14rant hereur.d�� pe-r;ai��i�g ta the pa:.t:;.cular rights and pawers a:�� reservations a,ssirned; and upon any such caxporation or assoc:�atio:� evidenc�ng �,ts cor.sen� in writing to accept such as�i.gn.-;�ent �na aSSU.IiIB S�.1C: duties, it shall, �o the exten� oi such assignment, hav� �the same rights azzd powers and be subjec-� to the sarne obligations ` a:�d �uties as are gi,ven to and assume� by Declazant herein. EXECUTED this day of Sep�ember, 1972 . � '� . � � I i . i � LION ' S R�DG�. VE�iTiJ�S , a Joint Venture . �� � � . . . -..�- . _. ". . � By TAY�L E�Ti7IRONi✓E�r'TAL LAl�'D C0�✓�A�3Y, ! • a Jai:t Ve..turer , , _ , � . ._ __ ....__ _ . . �:_ -, �. ��., : . , . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-Pres�dent . ATT�ST: � � Ass�,s�ant Secretary STAT�, Or COLORI�DO ) � � ' ) ss . Cou:�ty o� Eag�.e ) . The �:oxegoing instrument was acknowledgea befoxe me this day .of September, 1972 , b� TFIONIAS 'J . TAYLOR, as •, Vxce-President and JAMES P . SWTFT, Assis�an� Secretary oi ; ' TAYVEL EiWIRON:�ENTAL 7.,AND CON�.'AN�T, a CoLporatio:�, as Joint j V�nturex a� LION 'S RIDG� VENTURES:, a . Joint Venture. . WZTNESS my hand and official sea� . . .�y Comrnission Expires : ' � ` . � . . . � . . . , • � �. � � . . . . . . . . . . t: � _ . Notary, Publ�.c � � . . , � ��� � '" a.1 V�v G l.l l U l.l�� � , ::'r;'�::+I:�'.'�. F4R _ , � '�'R, R, R P/S ZflNE DISTRIC� ` ' , � DATE : �� I� � � _ �° � �,: �.• , � _ � � � . .�� ,t�, , , ,'. LEGAL ��SCRI�'TI�N: Lot Block �'iling !% ; :.�._ ; ':����'' " �,�. „�:. ,,: .'�•,{... :'��vi'`. ADDRESS : ;,�.;,,!..;�. �: OWNER PHONE , ��;: :f% :;f'�1 ARCHITECT �'_-` ' �- .: ', PHON� '' . , ' ;,_., ..r� ;,i: zor�� Dzs�RZCx �� _ . ' ,, '` ;.,. , ,: : , PROPQSED USE - **LOT S I�E i'� r� k. , , , �.: '��`- Allowed Existinq Proposed Total — ' . ' ''.t�'1'.'�i..� .�4: Hei h '�� ��� t > � � (30) (33) . ``� Total GF'.E�'A � . i Primary GRFA + 925 = .,r Secondary GRE'A + 425 = ..�;. Setbac'cs Front 2a' ' .>; Sid�s 15' ^. / . Rear 7.5' .. � .�.j .,N. ' - �(: . .�. ' i�:�: Water Course Setback {30} ��p} ' � Site Coverage 1 � � -. , �� �� ;. YF , . ,� ";:,,;;, Landsc�ping , , ; �� };: ii� v�etairl_ng Wall H ; ' ' , ; e iqht s 3' /6' ;, �; .-� `y , , V�- .ii. Pazkir.� Reqrd .I_ ' �:, a �; . Garage Credit (300) (600? {900} (12�0) + : �:'. , Drive : Permitted Slop� 8� Actua� Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: ��tliew C,:�rridor �ncroachment : Yes No i/ ??? : � Environmental/Hazards : 1) Flood FZain ��f;�: , ,« s ,t 2) Fercent Slape . , ��� 3) Geologic Hazards '� f rV � . a) Snow Avalanche ;�;.: �.' b) Rockfa�l :::�:,,° . c) D�bris F�.ow � . , `;; �:� . �1) �Je t 1 a nd s ',;'`, ,�.: , ;�' �revious conditions of approval (cneck prop�rty file) : �- � �- � ' ' U��oes th�.s request invalve a 250 1lddition? �� ��t�• ,` �.. �:' �i"ow much of the allowec� 25a Addition is used with. this reques�? ��, � � ' � � � c, **No�e : Under Sections 18 . 12 . 090 (B) and 1.8 . 13 . 080 (B) of �he MUnicipal Code, lots zoned Twa Fama.ly and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15, 004 sq. ft . in area may not construc� a second dwelling unit . The '. Community Devel.opm�nt Departmen� may grant an exception to this restriction pxovided th� applican� meets the cri�eria set forth under' Sections 18 . 1.2 . 090 (B) and 18 . 13 , pa0 (B} of th� Municipal Code includirig '"� permanently zestricting the unit as a long-terr� ren�al, una.t for fu11- tim� employees of the Upp�r �agle Vall�y . � . � , i .. .;p.; ,.��'� , - `� y'; ��". ��. 1� , �6: , `�: ` " L�,/'l�l.� V11LV�� ro� � , �; �R, R, R Pf S ZONE DISTR�C'1'� • ' � DATE: ��7 �j ,.� � ' . ' � r . 7 ,� LEGAL DESCRTP�'ION: Lot ,�_ Block F.i.].ing � � �•`�.�� . � ; r:�: ,,, ADDRESS : ''j!; OWNER PHONE ;;�� :'��'�� ARGHITECT PHON� ;' � � =,;! ZONE DISTRICT .,.,;, ;,�, , ,. 1'RCJPOSED USE `' ' **LOT SZZE __v�.�� r .�_-( ; „ �, �� �� � ��, ( � �: � �::;�;;,�;: �. , Allowed Existinq Proposed Total y � a' � �� Height {30} (33) '' c, , � ��7- _ : � Total GF.I'A ( s-��s �� �� �; ` r� ,} `% �i� > ' ,. � � Z1 ��L: \' �ary GRFA + �125 = � « `;� �ary GFtE'A + A 25 = �`' .`�` ,::;� � 5etbac�:s �'ront � 20' �� � Sides - 15' ic_ / , '� � Re a r 15' .!�' '�: , � . . .i�'• .�F`. . 2i_ - � . .i��� �:e . �ter ��ourse Setback 130) t5a) ,� � � , ' ' �, ,:: ., � , . - � ��� Site Coverage ��� �4{��� 1, . %S �� �. ; � ; �� � Z � � � ���� ��s . �_-_! , • -�-� ?�z� l , �; Landsc-�ping � ,�, �!.� ;s; I rs `. i '� �f�e�air._i_ng Wall �ieights 3' �'� , Farkin7 ��"Reqrd � Iy ;•,,, ; �� , r " � , ,: Garage Credi� � (300)�,600} (900) (1200) I � .� � ; Drive : Permit�ed SJ.ape 8°. Ac�.ual Slope � Da�e approved by Town Engineer: � �diew C�:�zri.dor Cncroachment : Yes Na `� ??? Environmental./Hazards : 1) F1ood Plain ' `;; ';�: ,,. 2) Percent Sl.ope ��� >: 3) Geologic Hazards . , a) Snow Avalanche b) Rackfa�Z c) Debris Flow • '�'v� 4) wetlands � � ,`. . �:;' Previous conditions o� approval {check property file) : • ,�.,:. .� ��oes this request invo�.v� a 250 �lddition? ;�_ ,� �� � �w much of th� allowed �50 Addition �.s used with. this request? **Note : Under Sections Z8 , 12 . 090 (II) and 18 . 13 . a�oCsy of the Municipal Code, �.ots zoned Two Fam.i�.y and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15, 000 sq. ft . in area may not canstruc� a second dw�ella�ng unit . The " Com�unit Devel.o m�nt De artmen� ma '�`'�� Y P p y c�rant an exception to this . restriction provided the applicant meets the cri�eria set forth under �' Sections 18 . 12 . 090 (B) and 18 . ].3 . 0�0 {B) of the Municipa�. Code including permanently restricting tt�e unit as a long--�erm rental uni� for tu17.- tir�e employees of the Upp�r Eagle Va11ey . . , .�, � ,I ' ;, ' ; :;�;.;,.' 10 . ,'.; I � . � � I � x.�y� � �✓ — �s�� L�z� �'�,� �,� , ti`'r'�"f .i� - �. �r L � ,�r-�f � -,;��%�.,�: �-���i a� �.i� ���� -�� � c��/ �"�/��� ,���� � �i�� ��'?�' ��� �°� f -�"-' °!�'�.-�r .� // L � �` ���� � � � :�� � �.,�\�� � � EXHIBIT A . �.�, �; :�,,�., �,-..��.�. . . . .�j � � . , '.:t;;� '�w.., . �t I . ��` f `� ''�;1�' I.',I ; ..'/r ` ORDINANCE NO. 13 ���� � �� i `"A' ' (Series oY 1981) 75 s.fior+t.c;c r^a� • vail,cc,arar::o S!557 � olfi��c�'.L:;nc:,::� � • ' � AN ORDINANCE ID(P05ING ZdNING DISTRICTS ON CERTAIY D�VELOPSLEilTS AiYD PARCELS OF PROPERTY TN � Tii� HEGENTLY ANNEXED �YES�' VAIL AR�A; ACCEPTING PRIOR AFPROVALS 4�' THE EAGLE COLTNTY COM;�STSSIONERS REL�1TI�iG THERETO; SPECIFYING A:�NDI�iE,NT PROCEDURES; SETTING FORT�i CONDITIONS RELAT:.ZG THERETO; AhtENDING THE OFFICIAI, ZONTNG MAP F�B TfiE TOIYriT �F VAYL: A:ZD . SETTING FORTI� DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, the town of Vai]., Colorado, recentlp annexed the N'est Vail area, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, effeetive on December ! 31, 1J80; and . - . .::. . . .: .:.... . .... .� I � WHEREAS, Ghapter 18.68 04 the 3iu�,icipa2 Code of the Town of .. .....,... ..... ....,..:_.,...� Vail sets forth procedures tor the imposition of zoning districts � f on �ecently annexed areas; and � WSERE.�S, 5ectian 31-12-115 (s) C.R,S, 1973, as amended, �� � i requires tbe Town to bring the ne�vly annexed �Yest Vail area under its zoning ordinance within ninety (90) days aiter the eZfective date af said annexa.tian; and WHERE�S, because of certain actians talsen�by and approvals of tbe Eagle County Cammissioners relatiag to the withfa speci�ied propErties the To�vn Council is af the opinion that the zoning • dsszgaation for ttiese areas shonld recognize said appravals and conditions; and WHERE�S, the �lanning an@ Environmental Commission of the Town af Vail has considered the zoning to be imposed on the aewly aAnexed � �,.r, West Vail area at a public hearing and bas made a recommendatioa :�`�� ���' relating thereta, to th� Town Council; and -�•-.�i WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is in the interest �s ot the public health, saYety and welfare to sa zone said property; �� ,�,�., � �•� NTO"N, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDAINED �Y THE TOiSN COUNCIL OF TH� TO�YN '�U'. -�°��� 0�' VAIL, THAT: °�,"•'� .. �'i+�`.{, Section 1. Procedures Fulfilled. :L , - The prs�cedures for the determination of the zoning districts to be " imposed on the newly annexed West Vail area as set forth in Clyapter , � 18.68 of the Vail �funicipal Code have been fulfilled. '�'L'��.�`=�:'1.�'.e�`�'Y�.-..-.�r.. � �. �1 + • • 1�l`7 4 1:L 1 1 :l 1 l,c�. :j . � YVl 41U11J U1 L11C 11CN1� .-1:llt'��'u .� . Pursuant to Chaptes iS.6fi af the Vaii Alunicipal Code, the properties described in subsectians e, f, �, h � i below are a portian af the i£est Vail area annexed to the Town through Lhe enactment of Ordinance � No, 43, Series of 1980, of the Toun of Vail, Colarado, effective on ; of December, I980, and hereby zoned as follo�vs: ; the thirty-f3rst dag . � a, The developments and parcels a# prcperty specified below in 5ubsections e, f, g> � � x shall be developed in �ccordance �ith the pr�or agreement approrals and actions of the Eagle Count� Commissioners as the agreements, approvals and actians relate to eacb development or parcel of property. ' . i � .... • b. The docuzaents and instru:nents relating to the prior county � approvals, aetions and agreements are presently oa file in the • • - pepax-tment of Communits Development of the Town of Vail and said approvals. actions and agreements are herebp accepted and approved by the Town of Vail. c. All buildings for �•hich a building permit has not been issued, oa the effective date of the a�nexation of �ti'est Vail shall comply with Design Review Criteria of the Vail �Sunicipal Code prior to the issuance of a building pernit• �}. The Communit� Development Depaztment may issue staff approvals for m�nor cbanges in site design or oLher minor aspects of the plan far aAy of the specified developments or parcels. T�ese propesed changes may i�e approved as gresented, appro�ed with conditions or denied by t e - - -- • ' ::.. Staff with an appeal xit3�in SO days of thE Staff decision to tbe - Planning and En�ironmental Commission. For major changes, such as art of the site, changes as use, density � a re-deszgn o� a major p 1 �ontrol, height or other development standards, a Planning and ! ommission review shauld be requi.red. The procedure � En�ironmental C ; for changes shall be a.n accordance wi�h Chapter 18.66 of t�e Vail j ldunicipa7� Code. : e_ �be following developments and parcels of property shall be ,, _. subject to the terms of this ordinance: � ��) �'he yalley, Pnases 1 through G. (2) Spruce Creek Townhouses. (3) 1Seadow Creek Condominiums. .� ' • � (4) �"ail InLermountain Swim and Tennis Club. � i (5) Briar Patch, Lots G-2, G-5 and G-6 . � Lioasridee Subdivision Filing Na. 2. � (6) Casa Del 501 Condominiums. For anp zoning purpose beyond the Eagle Covnty Commissioners' approvals, , agreements vr actions, the developments and parcels of praperty specif�ed in this subsection (e) shal� be zoned Ftesidential Cluster (RC). f. Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 4, shall be sub,j�ct to the ' terms of this ordinaace. Far any zoning puspose beyond the Ea�le County � i Cammissioners' approval, agreement or action, this parcel of propeaty f � i' shall be zoned Single Family Zone District (SFFi) with a special pro- i' vision that an, employee unit (as defined and restricted in Section 1$.13.�$C� of the Vail �lunicipal Code) wi21 be sub�ect to approvals as per S�ction �. 18.13.080. The secondary unit may not exceed one third of Lhe total � Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) a�lowed on the lot as per tfl e � Single Far.rily Zone Distrzct Densitp Coatral (Sectioa 18.10.D90 of the Vail bfunicipal Code) and �reenbelt � Natural Ogen Space (GNOS) . g. Lot G-4, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing �io. 2, has been the • subject of lztigation in the District Caurt of Eagle Countq, and a Cour t order has been issued regarding the de�elopmeAt of this prapesty. The Town has further approved Resolution r5 03 1981 in regard to a subse� quent agreement a�ith the owner. The Residential Cluster (HC) 2one District wi�l be the applieable zone on this property to guide th� , future developmeat of the garcel., warking within the baunds set by tbe Court Order and Resoluti.on No. 5, Series of 198i. , h, Block 10, Vail Inte,rmountain Subflivision and the Elliott Ranch Subdivision, shall be sub,�ect to the terms of this ordinance. For anp zoning purpose beyond the Eagle County Commissianers' app�oval, agree- , ment or action, Block �[3 and the Elliott Ranch, shall be zoned Primary/ � ock 10 Vail Interr[iountain, � Secondarp District. Lots B, �5 & 16 of B1 , , shall he zoned Greenbelt & Natural Open Space (GtiOS} • � i. Vail Commons, Vail Das Shone Filing No. 4, shall be subject to the terms of this ordinanc€. For any zoning purpose be5ond the � � `� Eagle County Commissioners' agreement, approval or action, Vaxl Cammons shall 'be zoned Commercial Core 3II (CCIII). � .. ' _ � � � , r� Sectioa 3. As provided in 5ection 18.0$.030 of the Vail rfunicipal Code, the zonzng , administrator is hereb� @irected to proraptly modify and amend the 4fficial � r � Zoning Map to indicate the zoning specified herein. � Section 4. If any part, section subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reasoa held to be invalid, such d�cision shall not I � affect the validity of the remainin� portions of this ordinance, and , , :, :3 the 2'owa Council hereby declares it would hav� passed this ordinance, . ' . - p ? and each part. section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, , , __ regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, seetions, subsections, - �, - ._ . _ . sentences, clauses or pbrases be declared invalid. � � • t 8ectzon 5. The Council hereby states that tha.s ordinance is necessar� for the i protection of tbe pub�ic heaith, safEty and weifare. k � . INTRODliC�D, READ O.i FIRST READING, APPROVED A.'1D O:�DERED PUBLISHED ! O!�CE IN FULL, ti�is 3rd day of Aiarch, 1981, and a public hearing on this �� ordinance sha�l be held at tbe regular meeting of tt�e Toun Counci.l of �,� � � the Town of Vail, Colarado, on the 17th day of A7arch, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. � I in the Liunicipa2 Building of the To�cn of Vail. / i t �J � ` / , � � J/ / i / ' / �.. ..:......,.. ... ..... . . . , .� .. .::... l�a�'or / P , r i . . . . - ATTEST: ����� fiown Clerk INTRODDCEb, READ, AppRQVEB ON SEC4ND READING A�1�D ORDERED PLTBZISf3ED � BY TITLE ONI,X Llarch 17, 1981. � �- ' � � � - - - .i'�..� � � i . r� � / /� . ayor l - " AT'TEST: i �/�/ .�. 1 , . /�� I a�� � � � � I �tS�'P.I�� COURT Case Nc� . ^TT------� COMPL�I��T C:��'':T�' OF' EkGLE S1=.T� OF COLORA�O 5TE`,:ART H _ BR05�1, Plai:=iff , vs . !'�:� TOW�i C�F' VAIL, a municipal corporation, and THE T�SVIti CO[3IvCIL Ti-i�REQF , Defend�r.�s . CoTnes now tne Plaintifi pro se and for a cause of actian st�tes �nd alleges as zo1lo�.as : 1 . Plaintiff is t:�e owner of a tract of ].an�' in t:�e County of Eagle and State of Colorado , more parta.cularly described as �fallows : Lot G-4 , Lion ' s RidSe Subdivision, Filzng No . 2 . 2 . On ; 1 ,�.-�_. �,_- -,', • ` 7 7 Plaintiff caused ta be t�Ied in Eagle Cour,ty District Court Civil Action No. 3459 allegir.g ar�ang ot�er t:�ings tha� because of certain actions taken by �he EagZe County Governm�nt he had acquired certain developntental rights with respec�. =C t.`l° SL'.�]�Ct PL"OD°�ty. 3 . Jud �� er.t e-_*_er�c� ir: sGid c�v�.�. �ctior on Octcb�r �7 , 1g8p , t7e Court :soldir.g that ?�lainti�f w�s entitlea to the be:,efits o� �:-�e develoonental cover.ar.ts filed for record at tne time of the original �pproval of the Lior. ' s Ridge Subdiv�sion. 4 . Subseq�ent to tn� said judgment the Defer_dant t�e Defendant :::•.tir. , a Colorado munici�al cor�oration annexe� territory �ti:zic:z _r.c�uties �:�e properLy awned by Plaintiff . 5 . A real cc��:troversy exis�.s between t::e parties cor.cernir.g Pl�:intiff ' s developmer.taJ. rights under a} the judgment, b) tir�e Gevelo�;ner.tal cover.wnts , ar.d c) the town building ard z�r.ing regulations . 6 . P�a�ntift ° s rights to develop his property :aad accrued and zad vested pri�r to t�e annexation . 7 . �he covenants referred to run with the land an�' tne benefits . th�reof �nure to the heirs , successors and assigns af P�,ain}iff . 8 . Representatives of the T�wn in their n�gotiations and �I d;scussions wit� Plain�iff concernir�g tne dev�lopment ef nis propert�� :�a�e acknowledgea his vested develapnental rights . ' ' � � 9 . In reliance upon �.i�:: saic3 r�;���ser:tati�;:s , discussiar�s � -��i�h ar;c can�uct of tne To�rr� tt�r�ug:� ��s represerGt�tiv�s Plair��-1 �� I '-��s exper.ded l�rge sums ii: fu=tiierance o� the cave:iar��s and devel�p- r�er.tal plans referred to . lp . Plaintif� s:�ou2d be En�.itled to develUp '�is pr�per�.y � J� judgment ar.d the County f ir. acco�'dance with ti�e said covenants , , I supdivision regulatians anc3 Uniform Build�ng Code in effect °n rc �iate �� ;; �7 anci snould be entitled to have the app P- �:yc•�Y::.- f-�� � �.�.�---- a 1 in said covena::ts , judgrnents , ,, perm�ts issuec3 by tii� Towr�, PP Y g regulations and code . Wherefore Plaintiff prays for the �ollowin5 relief : 1 , Foz a declaratory judgment that nis developmental rights /f had vest�d prior to tne Town annexation and may not be impaired by f� � the Town - • � . 2 , For a declara�oxy juagment that the rights a�oresaid cor.sist of tne Subdivision Cover.ants , the rights granted by the jud9ment in Civ�� Action No- 3459 anci that the County Subdi�,s�z°n r��latior.s and Unifarm Bui.ldinq Code in effect on `:� c.--- 5�= a are applicable . l 3. For a declaratox�y judgment that �.he Town sn�J.l issue its appropriate permits in accQrdance with and subject to said vested r�ghts , upori appl�cation therefor by �lain�i�f . � . For a judgmer.t t:-�zt as cor.cerr.s t'�is caseUOe1�nendeclar�Linn /,� 1` parties hereto the Towr. is estopped to deny or �pp \ of a::d exister.ce or the vested rights aforesaid . 5 . For a judgment that Plaintiff ` s rights snall inure �o t:-�e benefit af his heirs , successors and assigns . [ , For sucn other ar.d further relief as the Court may deem appzopriate . Dated this �i daY of F"ebruary , 1981 . Stewazt H . Brown, Pro Se , Reg . N'�- ���`1 225 Wa� l Street - Room 210 . Vai.l , CO 81657 Telephone : 476-5475 -2_ r � � � �ISTRICT COURT Case 140 . STIPULATE7 COi:�1^Y OF EAGL£ JUDGI�'lENT 5�`�TE �F COLOR�DO S�EWART H_ BROitiTN, P2air.tiff , V5 . ^HE T����] OF VA�L, a municipal corporation, ._�nd_T"rI�. . TOW?i_ �OU�ICIL i'riEREOF, ' � • Def�ndants . Co^.e r.ow t'�e �a";.__s �,• �:�°ir ur.dersi5ned ��toznevs and ir.forr.i Lne Cour� as tollows : l . T:ze parties zecognize and a�ree that tne zssues herein may ;Zave implications beyond the suit herein and it is their intention }:,�t th� s Stipulation aonly orly to these parties and t:�e facts in ��is case. 2 . Defendant consen�s to the En�.ry of Judgme��. as prayed �� �� 1� in the Com 1-int. Saa. �u gment o inc ude also tne px'ovisions of t:�e settlement agreemer.t attached hereto and by this reference maae � �=rt :.ere�� , �11 sub�« 4 �.� �:�e 1_mitatio:.� of paragr�.p'� or.e :-iereof SLewart h . Brown � Px'O S� 22� [•:�11 Street - Roon 210 t?t�orne}T `or Defe:.dar.t ':ail , CO 81657 Towr, of Vai�� . Telephone : 476--5475 ORBER T��e Court havir.g ex�mir.ed tne iile ar.ci beir.g fully advised in the premises it is hereby ordered that judgment enter i.n favor of tne Plaintiff an the Complaint as limited by tne Stipulatior► af tne pazties . , � . i i . .,: � �� ��_ � _ �� � n�soLt�rz�rr n� `�`� (S�ri.�s of 19$1) f� RESOLUTIO�i Oi� TIIr TO�VN CnUNCIL � !1PPROVING TFI� l�rSOi.i1"I�N Or TII� LLG��L ACTIOiv tiRO1YIti V. TO�VN 01" VI�IL RLL11�r�ra� TO f�0'1' G-� , LIOV ' S „� RIpGL SDBD7V�,'.�Tard , ?'ILZIdG �10. 2 ; 1���'� `.� � �'� � 1��'D S�TTTNG T'ORTII D�T/IILS nLLL1TI;1G TII�R�TO. �Y�i�I��AS , a. lega� action has laeen cornmenced rElatin� to the d�velopmenL- ri6llts on Lo�L G-� , Lion " s Ricl�;e Sul�cia.vision , Piling No. 2 , lier�in�.fter re��rred to as Loi; G-4 ; and �YIi�R�AS , a proposal for resolution of tha� legal Zetion has Ueen made by the Plaintif� ; and LVHEP�E,�S, the To�vn Council beli�ves that tl�e proposeel resolution should be �.ccepted; NOS'J, TFIi�REI'ORE , B� �T OR.DA rN�D BY T��� TOj�1N COUNC IL OF '�HE TQS'1'N OF VA I L, COLORADO, THAT : . Section ( 1), Xn rela�;ion �0 1:lie Ie�al action - I3rotvn v. Tawn of VR.zl - x'@11t111�' to Lot G�-4, the To�vn Council her�by accegts ancl approves the proposed se1:t�.ement in �.ccorcl�.nce �vitl� �he Sollowing : ( a) Tl�e Cour� s1xa,�I �ntex a c�eelaratory jucl�ment tha� th� rights o� i;he PlainCx�f consist o� ttle Sul�divisioia Covenants , the ri�hts �ranted by„ i:l�� jud6r��ent in Civi1 �ci;ic�n ido . 3�59 an�l i:hat �hs County Subciivision regul�.t;i.ons and Uniform Builc�in� Cocie in e�fect on P7ovemb�r 10, 1.977 are ap�licabl� . (b) The To�vn shalJ. issue a.ts �.ppropriate permi.ts in accordance tvith and subj�ct ta said vested righ�s, upon application by the Plaa�ntif f. ( c) The s�a.pulativ� juclgment concerns this cas� only anci the paxties hereta �he To�vn is �stoppecl to deny or oppose the dec�aration o� and existence ol the ves�ed ri�hts. , (d) ror a judgment �liat P�aintif:� ' s rights sl�al.l inure to the benefa.t o� his h�irs , successaxs ancl assigns . I~�� ( I � . � � � _ I � � � �e:ction (2) . The To�vn �>>pproval is expr�ssly contin�ent on the foll�tvin.g : ( a) T��e parties recognize �.nd agr�e .Ll�at th� issues h�rein inay hat�e implications laeSTand i:lYe sui.f: and it is their intention �hat the Stipulation apply only to tliese pa,rties ancl the :�ac1:s in this case. (b) The Plaint�:f� 4vi12 elismiss �vi�h pr�judic� civil actions : Brotvn v Town o:� Va.i�., S1.CV2G itI1Cl �Y`O�VIl v To�vn ol Vail $1CV25 presently filed in �h� �agle County D�.s�rict Court . {c) Tlzat tl�e Plaini�a��� a�rees th�.t th� development rights on Lot G-4 shall not e:�ceed 30 d�velling uxii�s , constructecl in accor�iance �vitli the �ested ri.�� speci:fied in (a) above. Seetion ( 3) , The Totivn Attorney is hereby aul:horized and direetect to prepare and sa.gn for ancl on behal� o� the To�un t11� dncuments and pleadings necessary to implement the terms of this P�esolut a.on. INTRODUC�D , R�AD, APPROV�D , 11ND ADOPT�D this 3rd day of February, 1981. ,• _ � r �,, /- _ , �� ; � •�� �� �! ,f%�.-r1 ' s,iayor i " , �, n � ATTEST: �', / . � r �'. .i�f � � ����!� � ��� Town Clerk -2- � . � � • ,r, 1 IN TIi� DISTRI�T COURT IP�1 �1N'D FOR TFi� CdUNTY O�' EI�GLE rrlod in Fhe Di�tr�t Co11Ci riftl� Jc:oi;i--f � is�rirt, in aad fd' STAT� QF COI�OR11D0 Eogle Cc�r�y, �-.i ;rudo Th�� ! 7 '_G.�y �f ��:r . 19.:�? C�V�� �Ct�on No. 3459 wa�rfla sc���o� � Ci�rk � t.:o L• � r�t COUrt ��V,�,�"`�'sw..-,/�-J�!1�}J1� STEWART H. BROWN, ) � 1 4�uty �� . ) Plaintiff, ) � FINDINGS OF FACT, vs. } CO�ICLLTS I ONS OF' LAW � AND JUDGMEN�' LES DOUGLAS and THE BOARD } OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O�' ) THE COUNTY OF E1'�GL•E, ) ) - Defendants. ) THIS MATTER was �ried to the Co�zrt without jury , and all par�ies were re�resented �y counsel . , . FINDINGS 0�' I'A�T (1} Plaintiff Stewart H. Brown is the owner of Lot G-4 , Lion ' s Ridge Subdivision , fili.ng no . � , locGEed in Eagle County adjacen� to �t;e cown of Vail , Colorado. Lion ' � Ri.dge 5uk�divisidn No. 2 rccr.ivcd final ��lat a�?��rov�Zl frc>m thG I3oard 0 ' of County Commissioners on SepL-ernber_ 5 , 1977. . Such ���proval having been granted under the �ag].e County Subdivisior� Rec:u- lations which wcre t�ien in e�Eect, havinq been �do��ted in th� , ��ear 1971. (2� The plat af Lior, ' s Ric3c�e Subdivisi�n Nc� . 2 incorporated by re£erence prat�ctive covenants o� that sub-• divisian , and unde.r such �ov�nants Lot G-4 w�s classified a "commercial lot" , and undcr the cc�v�tiants was r�Skr�icted ta comme�cial use " for condominiums , multiple-family residentia]. purp�ses , apartrrtents , resL-aui��ln1�5 , rnoL-c] �s , hol�cl�; , locic�cs , pro- fessional oEfices and mcdical clinics , retail sho�s , service . ,: shops (excl+�dinq automabile s�rvice station) " . : � � � . (3) A�ter Plaintitf purchased Lot G�4 , Ser.ate Bill 35 w•as enacted into law, and , in accordance with the inter�retati�ns i c.iven to �he act, it became necessary far conclarninium developer to submit his condominium plan for subdivision aF•proval even if his building site was located in a greviously approvec': suk�division allowing condominiurn or multiple-family developmer:t. (4) The ap�roved densit� for Lot. G-4 as shown. on thE: preliminary plat for Lion ' s Ridg� Subdivision which was suUse-- quently finalized is 40 units . (5} Plaintiff purchased Lot G-4 in December of 1972 at a purchase price of $76 , �00 . The purchase price F:ai.d was con- sis�ent with the comrnercia� des�gnatian of Lot G-� , and was in excess of the price then bE:inr paid for residential. �ites i_n the same vic ulity by some $�5 ,000 to $6� ,000 . Plaintiff paid such purchase price with the knowle�ge of the commercial d�signation of �he Lot and the allowable density under �he covenants of 40 L�nits. (6) �n September of 1973 , �agle Cc�unty adopted the � Eagle County Building Resolut�on which inc.orporateci by referenc:e the Uniform Building Code . (7) In early 1974 , Plaintiff , as thc: owner of Lot G-4 , and Dean L. Knox, the owner o�' Lot A-9 of Lic�n ' s Ridge Subc�ivision No. l , (the two Lots being contiquous) submi�ted �o the County a plan for preliminary plat approval of a joint conc�ominiun devel- opment of the two Lot.s with an overall density of 108 units , wh�.cn �lan of jaint develot�ment was to b�e kn�wn �s "Ilc�mestal:e IV" . The plan receivec� preliminary plar approval on �ek�ruary 26 , I974 . On Dc�cemb�r 16 , 197 5 , I.,ot 71-9 , Lion ' s Ridc�e Suk�divis ion No . 1 was includec� in a �arccl of land which was annexed to the tc�wn of ' - 2 - � � • � Vail , and, �hereafter, became subject to the zoning ordir,ar:ce of the town of Vail and n�t the caun�� regulations . Lot G-4 , Lion ' s Ridge S4:bdivision, the Plain�iff ' s Lot , was nat inclu�.ed in th� annexation and rem�inc�d s�bject to county jurisdiction. (8) On or about SeptembE:r i6 , 1974 , the Eagle Gounty CQmmsssionF_rs adopted �he Eagle County Zoning Resolut.ion in effect at �he time o� the trial of this case , as am�nded, which contained Section 4 . 02 . 06 whic.h provides in pertinent p�,rt as follows : "Any prel.iminay p1an , final plat or FUD approved under the provisions of subdivision rcgulations shall be governed by the provisions af said reculations and the terms and conditions , if any, previously imposE�d by the Board of County Cammissioners including the use and area o� each lat. . . . Said terms and con�itions of such prior approval shall inclvde apprcval af spe- cific density ratios of dwelling units per lot and specific uses authorized for specifi�c': lots . " � The �'�SQ�.Ll�lOfl then goes on to makE: some provisos which are not appropriate zn �his case . (9) On March 16 , i97G , Plaintif� met with Michael Blair wha was then �h� Uirector af Flanning for E�.g1c County , ar�d w: th one S�_ephen Isom, Blair' s planning assistant, and , in gen�ral � terms, discussec� with them a re��ised p�an for condominium devel- opment of Lot G-4 at a proposed density of 20 tc� 3Q units . The plan for join� d�velopment of I�oi�s G-4 and A-9 having b�en pre- viously terminatec3 by the annexation of L,ot It-9 t�o the town af Vail. Plaintiff was at that time advisec3 that to o�tain a build- ing permit for such development , the Plaintiff shauld submit infor- mation required under thc Build�.nG kesalut�on to the c�ounty build- ing ofEicial . Plaintiff w�s advi.sc�d f.urthcr. that , although dev�l- o�ment of Lot G-4 woulc� gcnerally be exempt Erom t_he provisions of the 7on�.ng R�solution, by virtue of the exemption accorded gre- existing �lats undcr the �?rev.iously quotec� e::emption claus�, � - 3 - I I � � 'I �leveloF�mcnt of L.�t C;-4 woulcl k.�e rec�ui.recl t-o eom�ly with tl-e �.�ark- ing and aet back requirements af the 7ona.ng Resoluf.ion such gerieral li exemptian no�withstancling. (IO) In the sprinc� and summer c�f 1976 , Plaintiff eon- sult�d an a�chitect , Robert Troutt, and upon Plaintiff ' s order, � I Rc�bert Trout� produced a site plan for condominium developmeni. of Lot G-4 at a density af 30 cc�ndominium units . I (11) In December of ' 76 or Jani.i�ry of ' 77 , Plaintiff � I m�t with Dauglas ; who was �t the time o£ suctl mecting and who I r�as been for a numb�r of years pr�or the�eto �he Eagl� County I Btailding Official ch�r.c1ed with nnt only �clministr�tion of tltc: � Eagle Caunty BuiZding Resolution but also under Sectiart 9 .03 . Q2 af. the �ag1e County Zoning Resolution charged 411��" adminis�tration ' of the Eagle Count�' Zoning Resolution . At such me�tinq the Plain- tiff and the said Dauc�las revi�wed Plaintiff ' s site plan for de-- velo�rnent of 30 condominium units on Lot G-4 . Ar: abi�ndance of I evidence e�tabl.ished tha� the maximum a1law�ble density of de- �, velopment for Lot G-4 under the Eagle County 7,oninq Resolution . ,� was only 5 units . Plai.ntiff ' s sitc r�l�n ciisclaseci on its face a i praposad c�ensity of 30 condominium units , and thus a density �reatly in excess o� that allow�zble under the Zbning Resolution . As a re:,ulr of such review and meeting, �iouglas advised Plair,tiff I cf the avail��bilit�� to Plainti�£ o� an c�;cavai.ion and grading ��ermit, as distinquished from conventional build.i_nc7 F�ermit, anc3 advi�ed Plaintiff oE the st�ps he rnust �ollow anci th� c�oeuments he must submit to receive issuancc of thc permit . At no time �luri.n� �he mcc�tiny bctcti�cc_�n Pl�-�i.nti f E and I�ouql�s did Dougl�s re�er Plaintiff to thc inhibii�ions of khe Eaql.e Caunt�f Zoniny I' Resoltit.ion excc�pt inhibi�ions whic}Z arose ou� of s].o�e r�strictions -- 4 - I i � � • � �I � I of the Eagle Caunty Zoninc� Resolution which restrictions Dou�las tnI.c,1 I'l :� in�_ i f� ttic�, I)cauc�l ,a:; , w<�ul.cl ;t�,��ly 1.�� ['l �� it�t i1� f ' _a 4�ralc'ct ��t i least �o the extent of rec�uiring reloc�kion of tlze proposed build- inc� tc a p�.ace on the s�te where it would nc�t encroach upon any slope in excess of 30� . With tY:e exception of the slope restric- I �ions and the parking and set back requirements , it was apparent from the meeting with Douglas that he consid�red Plair,tiff ' s pro- posed plan to be exempi. from the density requiremen�.s of the EagJ�e County Zoning Resolution. {12) Ir� August of 1977 , Plaintiff contac�ed a contzactor with the aim of deve�.oping Lot G--4 �f a density of 30 units . Dis- cussions with the con�r�ctor were nearing final agreerr:ent when �he cantr�c�or wa� advised by Douq�.as that Plaintiff ' s proposec'• plan � to develop 30 uni.ts wou�d not qualify far building permit becausE it did not camply with the Eagle County Zor.ing Resolution . (13) On or about September 26 , 1977 , Pl.air�tiff was in- formed by the contractor of �he advise r�eceived frcm Couc��.as and ar� tl�� same day, Plaint�ff asked for and was given a pZace on th� n aqenda of the mecting df �he Eag�e County Cornmission�rs which was then in pragress . Plaintift ���pc�red beCor.� thc� Cammissioner, and �5kc��1 thcm For a dccl�r-atic�n rcyardi.nc� t-.I�e c�r:ctn��tion clau:;� as it �ffected preex�.stinc� plat5 . �lftcr sc•mc cii.scussion and con- sulta�ion with the County Attorn�y and memb�rs of the County Plan- ning and E3uild.ing DcPar. tment , the Defend�nt T�oard of County Com-- missioners stated that a cleclar_a�ion was not possi_bie without stucly by �IlE' CQLlII��/ Attorney� , rh�t such a stud�,- would Ya�� under- takcr� and that a c]eci�r.ation in writincl would be forthean�inc{ ��nd delivered to the PlaintiEf by mail w.ithin one or. twr we�ks . (Z4 } AFter ex�?iration of two weeks from the date af - 5 -