HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 2 LOT G4 OVERLOOK COMMON LEGAL_Part2.pdf1+ O l-z- ?T>9e tU^lk, ,?o:b L/w Uurr, . (,,,tr,rr. Ll,x"a,v,qyt !i," t\lybt^-l *trr-a- $n*r\rr, c^*r.ln4o', +kL"s. (o* qp Wu' ta zt1U,a6.*. ? V:, w*a'clre"a-'ht"z- .rt l, I r"'l*u,1 6\&t ro^A'L %1fJ \\')(WNt |W4?& U nrSfa. '- '.,d! - I'ktrp1y. l-rrrp I ,-.1 1o'a0./'\.r'"tv",p \C.u | /CQ*' '. \ L_Afin ez Azt t l > 1,4 : ;r ltv'Klr --z I I t, , I_Lm,.-z_v.v \ v- - .."v.!\_ ii\\r't; ; fy--,{1 i 2 / ,t )CuLLr' - \,{4Li'\ I '\ \^\ "Cor-= -8, 7 ,t\zy_^_ t)^"nil<- tn^ (pnca-.,rnu{ /b*r& L\41,,{, .!_ k+4'-- t Z**zl,^ <= . z Uva_tlpt.--. o '-r)rw ',/\ \ 4Oz)-C- \ \ <<vtlTT-l'u 6-JbV2 -Ag , L/tg)_g) l+-.4/. € /-\At slvU--ulr9-'+ A)1**4''1 G ;-\+^vtu e p y$i_* )iO e -v4.W\,4 --rndt V ^ W4= ?I^w\$n^-,r-nn-b?, - *.a-,l**un" -1414 *'7v=- *r\4tL\ ]z1rzt(t1'l czY ) x0 -tV/\,r\,1,,1\* ffl, .ry*r{) . -f/tvyyar,* .^/n ,},.0^,4 <SWa-o'l"VJ,ry,ryt 'tf y"th --'{Y9\lD i --[\/\/\q]^ (---\\\ zc\ {J'9,,ft ,eefr Style I Ir. l.Vd. Ext. Bulbs Style tIt. rvd. Ext. Bulbs St1,lc IIt. urd. li.rt, llulbs Stylr: I Ir. 1\',d. lirt. llulbs # 85-200 ll" (t-l /4" 6-t /2" INI # 85-201 l(t" 8-3/4" <)" 2(, Style #85-202 same as #85-201 except post Pictured on pg. 9 # 85-203 16" 9-t/2" .t-t/4" l(; # 85-204 I ti" | 1" 5" 2(l r'/lhl[en;y llt. wd, Bulbs fu*t Q"r$yfro Styl" # 85-208 l9-112'. 9-y{', 2C u(,chtom @o*-{lyrtt Stylu #85-214 IIt. 22"wd. lo-l/2"Bulbs 3C frfuter" rJ'tt'ert. . - @ou -{ig/tt, Stvfc *85-220 Ilt. 20"wd. lo" llultrs 3C Sldrl eryc 85'5 ................................9 85-200......................,.....4 8t-201 ...........,................4 85-202 .............. ..............9 85:201 ............................4 85-204............................4 85-206..........................-.5 85-207 ................,...........5 85-208..................,....back 85-2 12 ............................5 85-2 I I ....,.......................5 85-2 I4..................'..',back 85-2 I 5 .,...........................9 85.2 I 6............................6 8t-2 I 7 ..-.........................6 85-2 | 8...........,.....,......,...6 85-2 t9............................6 Swie # Paqe 8i220... .. . ...,....traik 85-l0l ............................7 85-102 ............................7 85-103................".not pic. 85-3 I t ............................7 85-l I 2 ............................7 85-1 I 1..............'.'.not ptc. ' 85-3 I 8............................8 85-3 19.,..........................8 85-120,.................not pic. 85-12 I ............................8 85-322 ......,.....................8 85-323..............:...not pic. 85-324.:.......'.'...-..'..'...l'.9 85-125 .................,..........9 85-401 ............,...............2 $y!s-t Pace 85-402 ..:........... ..............2 85-,+03 ............................1 85-4()4............................2, J85-405............................2'* 85-406............................3 85-407 ............................1 85-408............,...........-..i1 85-409............................3 85-410......................1... I I 85-4ll ..........................1 I 85-412 ......,................... I I 85 -413 .......................... I I 85-4 14................,.......,.1 I I5- 5 5 5 l2 ......"....''........10 85-55550...................... l0 8s-55580...................... I 0 IR Japsrnnfir' a division of Georgian Art Lighting Designs, Inc. P.O. Box 325 l,awrencelille' Georgia 30246 Phone (,f04) 961-6221 Fan (tl04) 96J-6225 WATS: l-800-241-8126 OT99' GEORGIAN ART LIGHTING DESIGNS' INC. ,%:irulcnytud lfJit 1r d'&v*t rn' tAe 7/" | : (' ELNOD, K{TZ TT AL B ooEr'oogLZIU/g4 1? | !1 lo&0r 03! r9 00 OFFICE9 OF iF. RoPrBlrr oaRvEl !tf,$9L|t| !rllic et 5UtrE ' t00 n(:ivER 6OLgFAOO TEL:r0E 833 | 3OO Fr.! aOl Oll 4.1? PO EOr 4 | t7 vl r- i 0roiaoo TEL 3Ot 3:r l!4o t\ '/ {.I *b 0- .;tt Ltci'' V,^ & I trCHAR'' Dec€mher f4. 1994 $BN'l' v[A FACSIMILE 303'479.2452 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Senior Pluner Depamncnt of Conmuniry DsveloPmont Town uf Vril 75 South Front4:s Roal WYst Vail, Colorodo 8165? Rcl Tlrc Ovcrlrrol at Yail Property: Lot G4, Lions Ridgs Filing No' ? Dcu Aldyr I em in ftfeipt ot a photoc0py 0f yfltf lcter t0 Bob Lundell, (lrted DBu.Hltlrct ?.. 1994' At tcgdl counscl ro i-ot I-tti"t, I woukt likc to respond to thoee iems included in your lsfier. l. Thc requxtcd changcr ar ptoposed by DRB should hrve treeo received by you, offi* ycsterday. i have been totd tlut the t'.henges have heetr rdclrcssed as best el ior'U*. t irarrc noi reviewed de plens, so I arn guirig uff uf uuuurcnts provided to mc' 2. The encroachrnent agreclrreDts have been executed by Public SeNlc€' H0ly Closs Elc{rrric, e0d Upper Eag-lc Vatlcy' TtrE AglEcnrcnts do not rpccifically ;&dr il il;;iltit' #i';r-.6'nlc' ls explrined m ur during the firtt DRB il t";,th..;rv l,tiritv compa$y *irilg *v concem over landscaping h a utiliry €a$eBBtrtwasUpP$Eu8tcvattEy.Ihavcdisquss€dthcsamcwithFredHgsle€$Uppet il"'gl, v;il"i. rti u* no.oo**ir with lrndrcapilg in this eese.aenr, provided the il;i"F underttan,ls rhe hurden of rrsk is on rhc dcveloper' fils hu bt*n diccu$scd *iO l,lis I-erner, ani! hc iu witliug to as8umc this risk' 3. The botr(lng requLemeot for thE latrdscaphg sutt l\ r problcttt' As you hrve cxplainerl rtris ,rqui."'i*ii; tPi;' $*,tbit is.an isiuc thu can oulv be rddressed i;; i;;Cr"*ii. Cii,.o *re tristoryi lehind this re4niremcnr, may I utilize thts leter to ;,il;,ufi;;f i",ipirr i,r*rrv io rown couDcil. oivtously, r would likc ru be ;;J; .*n ., pr*ti""t. I will discuss rhc procedurd rcquiremonts wittr you nexr week aftat the DRB oeeting' 4, Tbe lragusge prrwitted h your letter rehive to the developmcm waivcr oF couN5gL ELROF KATZ' FFEtc', LooF', Mcl!uN tt tlLvcR||arr F e \'" "')"' oO I r z/u/gr BI.ROD.TATZ ET AL @ ooctoolE32 1S00 Mr. Aoit] t{r!$&;a Dcrctnb{r 14 ' f994 Prge T\ro ul'fulsrs 6RFA b accePtablc. t. Those items uot spmifically adrlrtructl abovc are srtiofacrory' Plcue call wilh arry qu€rtiona. I look forward to recetviog DRB rpproval oex[ week' Yourr very nrly, RICITARD F. ROSEN' F.C. Richud P. Roscn Ssos /ha Lcs ljraer J. *- TOWN AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 r 38 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX s03-479-2452 December 9, 1994 Departrnent of Comnwniry Developtnent Mr. Bob Lundell The Collaboralive Group P.O. Box 730 Minturn, CO 81645 Dear Bob: This is a letter to summarize the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting of December 7, 1994 regarding the Overlook at Vail. There are four issues that the DRB would like to see revised prior to the December 21, 1994 meeting. We need to receive these changes by Tuesday, Decernber 13, 1994. 1. Create a hierarchy for the dormers on the north side. Emphasize the larger dormer and de-emphasize the smaller dormer. 2. Create oftsets on Units 1, 4, and 5 on lhe south side, as well as provide a total of eighteen parking spaces on-site. 3. Change location of the landscaping, adding more evergreens to the south side of the building. Add taller aspens to the south side. 4. Work with materials on the south side of the buildinq to make them more visually inleresting. There are still several lechnical issues that will need to be resolved prior to building permit, which may be included as conditions of approval. 1. Encroachment agreements trom all utility companies which allow for landscaping to be planted in the easements. 2. Engineering drawings accommodating the drainage on the north and south sides of Sandstone Drive. The Town acknowledges that a portion of the cost of the improvements tor these drainage facilities will be paid for by the Town ol Vail, including the materials and labor for all work north of Sandstone Drive, the work within the Sandstone right-of-way (including paving and bonding) and the work up to man hole shown the Sheet C1 (site plan). The specitic cost agreement shall be negotiated between applicant and Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, prior to initiating any work. J. -'-o Mr. Lundell Dec€mber9. 1994 Page Two Other conditions that will be placed on final approval of this project: 1. All landscaping must be bonded with either a letter of credit or an escrow account al 125o/o of the cost of the landscaping material. This tinancial guarantee shall be provided for a minimum of two years from the time the landscaping is planted. It the landscaping is not planted prior to a request for a Temporary Certificate ot Occupancy, the applicani shall provide the financial guarantee prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a minimum o{ three years. 2. The applicant understands that no regrading is to occur below the clilf outcropping on the south portion of the property. 3. All buildings shall be Type V construction and shall be sprinkled. 4. At time of TCO for each unit, the remaining development potential shall be reduced proportionately. Upon issuance ol lhe twelfth TCO, the property shall have no remaining GBFA for tuture expansion or development. We have scheduled this project for final review for the DRB meeting on December 21, 1994. lf you have any questions, please feel lree to give us a call. Sincerely, "'r1.1,!,,t,/ ttJ:t7t(a:--.- Lauren Waterlon Town Planner November 21 , 1,994 Mr. Bob Lundell The Collaborative Group P.O. Box 730.llinturn, cO 81645 Re: Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Filing No. Project No. 946685 f, zilLolF-?t.par-@ VArr.) Dear Bob: we have reviewed the Title Conmitrnent from Land Title, Conrnitment No. VS 24438, dated August 12, 1994 and verified that the,easembnts', as shown on the Improvement Location Certificate, dated September 23, Lggf,and revised Novernber 2Lt ]-994 is correct. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to calI. ;llJelcalf I'toarJ. 1f200 i RoxgZB r Avon,Colorado81620. Phone: 949-5072. FromDenverDirecl: 893 l5-r1 l420Vance Slreel . l-akewood. ColoradoB0215 . Phone: 232-0158 Duane D. Fehringer, P.E., THE o AIfidf 6,gvvt'<>r,==- lw Upper l,,evel l.fa i n l.tld t t,ower l,,pve l. 'roTAt (ltvable) ( ga rage ) lrys 42ft770il4L: Qzez 2(!f -B MAfN Sflltfl.BOX /l0.MlNlUltN, C()0f64t.lt0tl02?'4001'fAxllttllB')l':ltrrt) ,4s or P-/6- "f. 'hmi,r ryaBvtrf: 6RF4 45,6t2.s.F. COLI-ABORATIVE n nrrrlr l-tllscl;rltnt f tnrt,t r,l lnr lrlttrttrlrr &K 0R/6 //t/4L -llSn rmL . s.Jrt^RE roo't tiAt,cut,a'riows # \ olioult, Itc lOgg s.f. - 7?. (sbalrg) ., -JdiJ sF l.'eve [, 760 s . tt . l,r:ve I TCrB n. F. - 7O (sbalrs) -- asi s. r. 768 s. f. - f l'l (nrnch-/erawl) , ---?4'i s.l'., ' 3l3Cr .5.F.'for l2 untUe 345 s.F. for 12 untba 37;63'.2 s.F. 4, 140 s. F. Ftu-e nNbu &Y!'" 4B4o -<'F- ot @ # 1 -1 o..^ 4B /-*l l .l .l I-t .T -- ^"-/'/n / I / /,h._!4-,-d -Z<.--/-a./+ a,_r rZ. t, e-.a*a &,4) e.*6- $; z ?// fur* J '/ 4rlr^) - sa s-tuil .ry t^4-n- szh-rd.-._ -.-L.^/2 -rP ? (. &L rt*, nro, I /.* -/.// - ."- /), ^--,,t:.,Jftr--J fu /,n-o -:c;ti'1fr,&'=7-q v r ^{r,o k 2T(-, Tt 14p 'o{-r '>l-=/'r,.- -->/tU,/ K . 7_* r-r'-;t>'^/21 ^H*E ,,2 // u*/l '-L,7rt4 / rq --%ns *u, I ao tdz+ {wr rafam*v Ala-LCS tW |fr, ilffi+- Zte. tt'[4 'qfr %v,c +r /?'ru 'q( qrv+Lo fu--,W:n krr* "+thfi,th4 +t frll|q tM dlt/ twd P** Me q ctinunt'{6/ z. /'u/tt, [{tt .*/-q. el;rm*o,a,,lA( f I frdn u/12t14, no+ zo' rw {tr. Lrwdt Oqntnuu)r #a*Q 6w 0&Ar*S fu ttal ,+vyftd W Urdqra(, tb* rula*' . ttul fltu, t2/,*'for ail" wile,tM Wa/ntl 4l a rou/ q. 23'qv %ua- 6T *ef*" 4(- gLnr-bs ln ,,1- - 1"2 pra ? zF- ff foru* 41) kaWrv bz'' aq \ a,te oo ao bI":rr_.,__{"121 ko-o&qn - /*1- ,*--=-L-U/*,L*-I oo 1+ O l-z- ?T>9e tU^lk, ,?o:b L/w Uurr, . (,,,tr,rr. Ll,x"a,v,qyt !i," t\lybt^-l *trr-a- $n*r\rr, c^*r.ln4o', +kL"s. (o* qp Wu' ta zt1U,a6.*. ? V:, w*a'clre"a-'ht"z- .rt l, I r"'l*u,1 6\&t ro^A'L %1fJ \\')(WNt |W4?& U nrSfa. '- '.,d! - I'ktrp1y. l-rrrp I ,-.1 1o'a0./'\.r'"tv",p \C.u | /CQ*' '. \ L_Afin ez Azt t l > 1,4 : ;r ltv'Klr --z I I t, , I_Lm,.-z_v.v \ v- - .."v.!\_ ii\\r't; ; fy--,{1 i 2 / ,t )CuLLr' - \,{4Li'\ I '\ \^\ "Cor-= -8, 7 ,t\zy_^_ t)^"nil<- tn^ (pnca-.,rnu{ /b*r& L\41,,{, .!_ k+4'-- t Z**zl,^ <= . z Uva_tlpt.--. o '-r)rw ',/\ \ 4Oz)-C- \ \ <<vtlTT-l'u 6-JbV2 -Ag , L/tg)_g) l+-.4/. € /-\At slvU--ulr9-'+ A)1**4''1 G ;-\+^vtu e p y$i_* )iO e -v4.W\,4 --rndt V ^ W4= ?I^w\$n^-,r-nn-b?, - *.a-,l**un" -1414 *'7v=- *r\4tL\ ]z1rzt(t1'l czY ) x0 -tV/\,r\,1,,1\* ffl, .ry*r{) . -f/tvyyar,* .^/n ,},.0^,4 <SWa-o'l"VJ,ry,ryt 'tf y"th --'{Y9\lD i --[\/\/\q]^ (---\\\ zc\ {J'9,,ft ,eefr Style I Ir. l.Vd. Ext. Bulbs Style tIt. rvd. Ext. Bulbs St1,lc IIt. urd. li.rt, llulbs Stylr: I Ir. 1\',d. lirt. llulbs # 85-200 ll" (t-l /4" 6-t /2" INI # 85-201 l(t" 8-3/4" <)" 2(, Style #85-202 same as #85-201 except post Pictured on pg. 9 # 85-203 16" 9-t/2" .t-t/4" l(; # 85-204 I ti" | 1" 5" 2(l r'/lhl[en;y llt. wd, Bulbs fu*t Q"r$yfro Styl" # 85-208 l9-112'. 9-y{', 2C u(,chtom @o*-{lyrtt Stylu #85-214 IIt. 22"wd. lo-l/2"Bulbs 3C frfuter" rJ'tt'ert. . - @ou -{ig/tt, Stvfc *85-220 Ilt. 20"wd. lo" llultrs 3C Sldrl eryc 85'5 ................................9 85-200......................,.....4 8t-201 ...........,................4 85-202 .............. ..............9 85:201 ............................4 85-204............................4 85-206..........................-.5 85-207 ................,...........5 85-208..................,....back 85-2 12 ............................5 85-2 I I ....,.......................5 85-2 I4..................'..',back 85-2 I 5 .,...........................9 85.2 I 6............................6 8t-2 I 7 ..-.........................6 85-2 | 8...........,.....,......,...6 85-2 t9............................6 Swie # Paqe 8i220... .. . ...,....traik 85-l0l ............................7 85-102 ............................7 85-103................".not pic. 85-3 I t ............................7 85-l I 2 ............................7 85-1 I 1..............'.'.not ptc. ' 85-3 I 8............................8 85-3 19.,..........................8 85-120,.................not pic. 85-12 I ............................8 85-322 ......,.....................8 85-323..............:...not pic. 85-324.:.......'.'...-..'..'...l'.9 85-125 .................,..........9 85-401 ............,...............2 $y!s-t Pace 85-402 ..:........... ..............2 85-,+03 ............................1 85-4()4............................2, J85-405............................2'* 85-406............................3 85-407 ............................1 85-408............,...........-..i1 85-409............................3 85-410......................1... I I 85-4ll ..........................1 I 85-412 ......,................... I I 85 -413 .......................... I I 85-4 14................,.......,.1 I I5- 5 5 5 l2 ......"....''........10 85-55550...................... l0 8s-55580...................... I 0 IR Japsrnnfir' a division of Georgian Art Lighting Designs, Inc. P.O. Box 325 l,awrencelille' Georgia 30246 Phone (,f04) 961-6221 Fan (tl04) 96J-6225 WATS: l-800-241-8126 OT99' GEORGIAN ART LIGHTING DESIGNS' INC. ,%:irulcnytud lfJit 1r d'&v*t rn' tAe 7/" | : (' ELNOD, K{TZ TT AL B ooEr'oogLZIU/g4 1? | !1 lo&0r 03! r9 00 OFFICE9 OF iF. RoPrBlrr oaRvEl !tf,$9L|t| !rllic et 5UtrE ' t00 n(:ivER 6OLgFAOO TEL:r0E 833 | 3OO Fr.! aOl Oll 4.1? PO EOr 4 | t7 vl r- i 0roiaoo TEL 3Ot 3:r l!4o t\ '/ {.I *b 0- .;tt Ltci'' V,^ & I trCHAR'' Dec€mher f4. 1994 $BN'l' v[A FACSIMILE 303'479.2452 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Senior Pluner Depamncnt of Conmuniry DsveloPmont Town uf Vril 75 South Front4:s Roal WYst Vail, Colorodo 8165? Rcl Tlrc Ovcrlrrol at Yail Property: Lot G4, Lions Ridgs Filing No' ? Dcu Aldyr I em in ftfeipt ot a photoc0py 0f yfltf lcter t0 Bob Lundell, (lrted DBu.Hltlrct ?.. 1994' At tcgdl counscl ro i-ot I-tti"t, I woukt likc to respond to thoee iems included in your lsfier. l. Thc requxtcd changcr ar ptoposed by DRB should hrve treeo received by you, offi* ycsterday. i have been totd tlut the t'.henges have heetr rdclrcssed as best el ior'U*. t irarrc noi reviewed de plens, so I arn guirig uff uf uuuurcnts provided to mc' 2. The encroachrnent agreclrreDts have been executed by Public SeNlc€' H0ly Closs Elc{rrric, e0d Upper Eag-lc Vatlcy' TtrE AglEcnrcnts do not rpccifically ;&dr il il;;iltit' #i';r-.6'nlc' ls explrined m ur during the firtt DRB il t";,th..;rv l,tiritv compa$y *irilg *v concem over landscaping h a utiliry €a$eBBtrtwasUpP$Eu8tcvattEy.Ihavcdisquss€dthcsamcwithFredHgsle€$Uppet il"'gl, v;il"i. rti u* no.oo**ir with lrndrcapilg in this eese.aenr, provided the il;i"F underttan,ls rhe hurden of rrsk is on rhc dcveloper' fils hu bt*n diccu$scd *iO l,lis I-erner, ani! hc iu witliug to as8umc this risk' 3. The botr(lng requLemeot for thE latrdscaphg sutt l\ r problcttt' As you hrve cxplainerl rtris ,rqui."'i*ii; tPi;' $*,tbit is.an isiuc thu can oulv be rddressed i;; i;;Cr"*ii. Cii,.o *re tristoryi lehind this re4niremcnr, may I utilize thts leter to ;,il;,ufi;;f i",ipirr i,r*rrv io rown couDcil. oivtously, r would likc ru be ;;J; .*n ., pr*ti""t. I will discuss rhc procedurd rcquiremonts wittr you nexr week aftat the DRB oeeting' 4, Tbe lragusge prrwitted h your letter rehive to the developmcm waivcr oF couN5gL ELROF KATZ' FFEtc', LooF', Mcl!uN tt tlLvcR||arr F e \'" "')"' oO I r z/u/gr BI.ROD.TATZ ET AL @ ooctoolE32 1S00 Mr. Aoit] t{r!$&;a Dcrctnb{r 14 ' f994 Prge T\ro ul'fulsrs 6RFA b accePtablc. t. Those items uot spmifically adrlrtructl abovc are srtiofacrory' Plcue call wilh arry qu€rtiona. I look forward to recetviog DRB rpproval oex[ week' Yourr very nrly, RICITARD F. ROSEN' F.C. Richud P. Roscn Ssos /ha Lcs ljraer J. *- TOWN AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 r 38 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX s03-479-2452 December 9, 1994 Departrnent of Comnwniry Developtnent Mr. Bob Lundell The Collaboralive Group P.O. Box 730 Minturn, CO 81645 Dear Bob: This is a letter to summarize the Design Review Board (DRB) meeting of December 7, 1994 regarding the Overlook at Vail. There are four issues that the DRB would like to see revised prior to the December 21, 1994 meeting. We need to receive these changes by Tuesday, Decernber 13, 1994. 1. Create a hierarchy for the dormers on the north side. Emphasize the larger dormer and de-emphasize the smaller dormer. 2. Create oftsets on Units 1, 4, and 5 on lhe south side, as well as provide a total of eighteen parking spaces on-site. 3. Change location of the landscaping, adding more evergreens to the south side of the building. Add taller aspens to the south side. 4. Work with materials on the south side of the buildinq to make them more visually inleresting. There are still several lechnical issues that will need to be resolved prior to building permit, which may be included as conditions of approval. 1. Encroachment agreements trom all utility companies which allow for landscaping to be planted in the easements. 2. Engineering drawings accommodating the drainage on the north and south sides of Sandstone Drive. The Town acknowledges that a portion of the cost of the improvements tor these drainage facilities will be paid for by the Town ol Vail, including the materials and labor for all work north of Sandstone Drive, the work within the Sandstone right-of-way (including paving and bonding) and the work up to man hole shown the Sheet C1 (site plan). The specitic cost agreement shall be negotiated between applicant and Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, prior to initiating any work. J. -'-o Mr. Lundell Dec€mber9. 1994 Page Two Other conditions that will be placed on final approval of this project: 1. All landscaping must be bonded with either a letter of credit or an escrow account al 125o/o of the cost of the landscaping material. This tinancial guarantee shall be provided for a minimum of two years from the time the landscaping is planted. It the landscaping is not planted prior to a request for a Temporary Certificate ot Occupancy, the applicani shall provide the financial guarantee prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a minimum o{ three years. 2. The applicant understands that no regrading is to occur below the clilf outcropping on the south portion of the property. 3. All buildings shall be Type V construction and shall be sprinkled. 4. At time of TCO for each unit, the remaining development potential shall be reduced proportionately. Upon issuance ol lhe twelfth TCO, the property shall have no remaining GBFA for tuture expansion or development. We have scheduled this project for final review for the DRB meeting on December 21, 1994. lf you have any questions, please feel lree to give us a call. Sincerely, "'r1.1,!,,t,/ ttJ:t7t(a:--.- Lauren Waterlon Town Planner November 21 , 1,994 Mr. Bob Lundell The Collaborative Group P.O. Box 730.llinturn, cO 81645 Re: Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Filing No. Project No. 946685 f, zilLolF-?t.par-@ VArr.) Dear Bob: we have reviewed the Title Conmitrnent from Land Title, Conrnitment No. VS 24438, dated August 12, 1994 and verified that the,easembnts', as shown on the Improvement Location Certificate, dated September 23, Lggf,and revised Novernber 2Lt ]-994 is correct. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to calI. ;llJelcalf I'toarJ. 1f200 i RoxgZB r Avon,Colorado81620. Phone: 949-5072. FromDenverDirecl: 893 l5-r1 l420Vance Slreel . l-akewood. ColoradoB0215 . Phone: 232-0158 Duane D. Fehringer, P.E., l-hereby cet tify thot thb improvemen t locotioa certilicote ros preporedfor the mortgoga lcnder ond the tille insurance cdnpony, thoi it'is not olond surrcy plot or inprovement survey plot, ond thot ii is not to be reliedupon lror the es toblt'shmen t of fence, buildhg, or other future improtremen tlines,. . / furthe certify .thot the improvemeits on the obove described porcet on, this date, excql utility connections, orc cntirety vithh the boundorbsof the porcel' except os shown, that lhere are no encroochmenls uoon the 1l::r4"1 pre7is..es. by improrcments on ony odjoining premises, excbpt ostno,co(ed, ond thot there E no apporent euidencc or sign ol ony eosementcrossing or burdenhg onl port of soid porcel, except os noted,' fhis certificote docs not constitute a tiUe seorch by tnter-MountainEngheering to detetmine ovnership or eosernen ts o7 record. For oltil fymylon regordhg easements, rights-of-uoy or ti e of recor4tlte:-Jlgun:oh relied upon.ptot 7! Liolb Ridg; subdinsion Fitng i,/o. 2,lld .nJLc.lgpryitnen! by Lanq TiUe Guorontbe Company, Comititment'No. VS244J8 doted August 12, 1991. LOT G-5 *'ffi %-_.32 ot 2\:ft- L N (.-.^, tEO- 'o;7--. -t) \t' <4 LOT A-8 Note: Blonket Right-of-woy eosement ocross property for Holy Cross Electric Associotion, /nc., recorded in -Book 2ll ot Poge 10J. c'?p\ # \\\ L -- 2s'*lo'\ ft : 4424d \--2K'' \\ \a\u{\ '?% NO1CE According to Colorodo lo* Sou musl commence on-4. !.C?! oction bosed upon o-ny defect in this surveywithin three S,eors ofter 1ou first discover such defect. /n. .no event, moy ony oction bosed upon ony defect inthis surrcy be commenced morc thon ten 1,e.ors fromthe dote of certificotion shovn hercon.I33O SANDSTONE DR|VE 249.80' agin't-' LOT G_4 76,848 SQUARE FEET 1.764 ACRES VACANT LOT IO, UNLIIY ANO DRA,NACE E,s P. A BOX 97d @77 UETCALF ROAD A WN, CA-O. 81620(toJ) 919-5072 ffuter-ffountain u*,;/ji.,*,i'EfjArogineeringr ""- - - - --' :J*-) -:-:- :: :e ITIPROWMEN T LOCA NA\I CERNNCA 7E LOr G-4, LION,S RIDGE SUED|IIS\ON FlLING NO. 2, stEf I0. I oF I ' e'1i ,ttl TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-47e-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparnnent of Communiry Deve lopment October2E, 1994 Mr. Brian Judge The Collaborative Group P.O. Box 730 Mintum, CO 81645 RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Brian: We have reviewed the drawings you submitted on Tuesday, October 25, 1994, and though some of the issues identified in our October 18th letter have been addressed, there still are many items which must be resolved prior to scheduling this project for design review. Please address the lollowing comments and document on the drawings how the plan complies with the following standards: Drainaoe lssues /1. Thank you for providing a revised drainage plan lor the site. Public Works is cunently reviewing the plan and comments are forthcoming. |J / z. Please show a drainage swale along Sandstone Drive- Q "/g. The revised drainage plan, which includes a dissipation structure at the edge of / the cliff, appears to be an improvement from the drainage plan shown to the Design Review Board (DRB) at the conceptual review. Statf would like to see a detail on the landscaping plan how the area can be landscaped. The section on the site plan appears to show riprap adjacent to the dissipation structure bul this is not identified on the landscape plan. Please show this on the plan with an appropriate amount ot landscaping. 4. Department. At this time, the previous comments are still in ettect which include a request that the road be a minimum width of 20 feet. The Fire Department also is requiring a fire truck turnaround for the lower / driveway. Fire hydrants must be provided by the applicant in locations determined by lhe /' Fire Department.ttt'fr""- qOD Fire Department lssues A The planning staff has not received any additional comments from the Fire / /6. Mr. Judge October 28. 1994 Page Two Landscapino lssues (,-l ' ....i l-.,. d ,. i l' iJ Afl fandscaping must be bonded with either a letter of credit o, ^n """ro*Caccount at 125% of the cost of the landscaping material. This financial guarantee shall be provided for a minimum of two years from the time the landscaping is planted. lf the landscaping is not planted prior to a request for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall provide the financial guaranlee prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a minimum of three years. <r 7. / 8. Staff understands that you have increased the amount of landscaping on the ./ site and that your landscape architect believes that additional landscaping could not be accommodated on this site. The DRB will review this when this goes to the board. Please keep in mind that the previous approval called lor ninety-four aspens. /g. Please revise the landscape plan to reflect the changes to the site plan. Staff is particularly concerned with the east side of the western fourplex. The area between the building and the driveway should be consistent between the two plans. Show any overhanging balconies on both sets of plans. Public Works lssues /f O. Using a red pencil on a separate plan, please show the turning radius for each '/ unit and how it complies with the Town of Vail standards. Al. We understand that you have modified the retaining wall design trom lhe -z previous plan. However, we have not received a detailed drawing showing the retaining walls. We are particularly concerned with the walls in the northwestem corners of the fourplexes. Please provide a detail and section, drawn at 1/4 inch scale. /lZ. Please submit a right-of-way revocable permit lor the one wall that remains in / the right-of-way. /t/lS. ldentify the locations for snow storage on the site./ Zone Check lssues We understand that this development has a long legal history and does not need to comply with all of the standards of the Zoning Code. However, there are some that remain in effect and must be documented. -(+. We understand that you have revised the architecture on some of the dwelling.,/ units but have not shown revised ridge heights on the site plan. Units 8 and 10 will need to be modified on the site plan to reflect any changes that have been made to the architectural plans. At this time, it still appears that these two units exceed the height limit by 6 inches. Mr. Judge october23, 1994 Page Three ,ft. Please provide a 1/4 inch scaled drawing showing the floor plan for each unit. / At this time, we only have floor plans for four out of the twelve units. " i e. Please identify on the site plan where the eighteen required parking spaces are /. located. Keep in mind that each space must measure a minimum of 9 feet by - 19 feet. ,17. We understand that you are working on the elevations at this time. Please "z provide them as soon as they are completed. <r 18. Please plan to provide a color board to the DRB at the hearing. lf colors are /- intended to vary from structure to structure, please document the changes on the color board. "{g.On the floor plans lor structures, please document which structures have lofts. ,,' It appears at this time that none of the structures have lofts and that they have been removed from the development. Please confirm this or add to the drawing. q 20. Please show the decks and patios on the site plan and on the landscape plut. 2 Any improvements such as these which are located in an easement must be allowed by the utility companies. Please provide an encroachment agreement which will allow for these to be located in this area. /21 . Verify with Intermountain Engineering that the survey dated September 9, 1994 '/ shows all easements that are in effect at this time. We will need a letter signed by Duke stating that this is the case. Desion lssues Q2. The DRB requested that the buildings be staggered. lt appears hat you have / actually eliminated one ol the offsets between Units 5 and 6. Again, there appears lo be a discrepancy between the landscape plan and the site plan. At a minimum, ensure that both sets of plans show frte same layout. In addition, please consider keeping the otfset in place as it was something the DRB considered. ln addition, please consider adding the offsets to other parts of the development. /ZS. At the conceptual review, the DHB suggested that you remove all skylights. ll / appears that these have been removed and it is something that we will confirm when the elevations are submitted. J24. Consider dividing the upper curb cut with a landscaping island. / hS. Previously, we had a comment about removing a wall tfrat appeared to be / located in front of trash dumpster. At this time, staff believes the lrash dumpster has been removed from the development all together. Please identify how trash service will be provided for this development. Mr. Judge October 28, Page Four 46. </27. 1994 As I am sure you are aware, the Town will need an updated rockfall study for ' this specific design at the time of building permit. We still need a letter from the owner stating that if this plan is approved, thatft € utilizes all of the available development potential on the site and no future phases will be submitted. We have routed the site plan and drainage report to the Fire Department and the Public Works Department. We are looking for their comments in the next few weeks. As there are many issues outstanding on this project, we have not currently scheduled this for a DBB hearing. lf you would like to revise the drawings to address these concerns, we would be happy to sit down with you prior to resubmitting and go over each point of this letter to understand how the drawings have been modified to reflect these requirements. Please give us a call and let us know when you would like to meet. Sincerely, UIilrw uhto{te'- Lauren Waterton Town Planner / / ,./ /\j"dA&/,/#,4 Andyffirudtsen I Senior Planner FILE TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2I3I / 479-2I s9 FAX 303-479-2452 October 18. 1994 D e p a rtme nt of C o nrmniry Deve lo p ne nt Mr. Brian Judge The Collaborative Group P.O. Box 730 Minturn, CO 81645 RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Brian: There are a number of outstanding issues that need to be addressed prior to tinal Design Review Board (DBB) hearing. We have updated the July 7, 1994 letter and have listed the issues bblow. We will need all ol lhe information shown below no later than three weeks prior to a DRB hearing to verify that the application is complete and fulfills all of the Town of Vail's requiremenls: Drainaqe lssues 1. Please provide a new drainage plan that addresses the concerns of the Public Works Department stated in the September 21,1994 letter from Greg Hall and applies to the revised site plan. 2. Please show a drainage swale along Sandstone Drive. 3. Provide detailed drawing for DRB review and approval showing how drainage will be conveyed from the soulhern edge of the driveway to a natural drainage. feature below the site. 4. Redesign the dissipation structure so that it is integrated into the site. The rip rap was raised as an issue at the conceptual DRB meeting. At the conceplual review, DRB suggested undergrounding the drainage pipe. The rip rap must be detailed and should be natural at the request ol the DRB. 5. o. 7. Public Works had the concern that the pans appear to drain into the garages. Mr. Judge October 18, 1994 Page Two Fire Department lssues B. The Fire Department requests that the road be a minimum of 20 feet. 9. The Fire Department needs a truck turnaround on the lower driveway. 10. Fire hydrants shall be provided in locations determined by the Fire Department. Please see the attached comments from the Fire Department and address each one in your resubmittal. Landscapino lssues 11. All landscaping must be bonded with either a letter of credit or an escrow account at 125/0 of the cost of the landscaping material. This financial guarantee shall be provided for a minimum of two years from the time the landscaping is planted. lf the landscaping is not planted prior to a request for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall provide the financial guarantee prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy tor a minimum of three Years. 12. At the conceptual review. DRB suggested more landscaping to the entire site, speci{ically adding aspen trees around the property line and add landscaping around the terracing. Please keep in mind that the previous approval called for ninety-four aspen. Public Works lssues 13. Remove the walls in the right-of-way or submit a right-of-way revocable permit lo allow for the walls. 14. Please show how the turning radius for each unit complies with Town oi Vail standards. 15. Please provide details of the retaining walls on the northwestern corners of both four plexes. We need to see a detail in plan and section drawn at 1/4 inch scale. 16. ldentify locations for snow storage. Miscellaneous lssues 17. This development requires a minimum of eighteen parking spaces. At this time, it appears that there are only sixteen parking spaces. The only spaces that qualify must measure I feet by 19 feet. Mr. Judge October 18, Page Three 18. 1994 The height of all units shall not exceed 45 feet. At this time, unils number B and len appear to exceed this height limit by 6 inches. Remove all decks from the easement or provide an encroachment agreement. Provide an updated rockfall study for the specific design at the time of building permit. 19. 20. 21 . There appears to be a wall in front of the trash enclosure. Please revise. 22. At conceptual review, the DRB suggested that you stagger the buildings and remove the skylights. 23. Consider dividing lhe upper curb cut with a landscaping island. 24. Verify with Intermountain Engineering that the survey dated September 9, '1994 shows all easements that are in effect at this time. 25. Please provide a letler from the owners stating that, if approved, the current plan utilizes all of the available development potential of the site and no future phases will be submitted. Thank you for looking into each of lhese issues. lf you have any further questions, please feel free to give either one of us a call. We are looking forward to working with you on this t {*-*/ Senior PlannerM Town Planner 75 Sortb Frontagc Rood Yail, Colorado 81657 t0t -4? 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX t0t -47 9 -2 I 6 6 De partment of Pablic llorks lTrantportation September 21, 1994 Robert Pennington P.E. Jerome Gamba & Associates, lnc. P.O. Box 1458 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602-1438 RE: Stormwater Evaluation - Lionsridge Subdivision, Lot G-4 Dear Bob: The Town of Vail Public Works Department has reviewed the above referenced report and has the following @ncerns: 1) Please provide calculations for the sizing of the ditch on the south side oi Sandstone Drive and the north side of the building. 2l On the grading plan it is difficult to make out the ditch as the contours, deck outlines, property line all converge together. Please provide a clear delineation ot the dirch. All inlets need lo be sized. Provide grades of proposed storm sewer. Provide calculations on the sizing of the dissipation structure. This should include the calculation of outlet velocities. Provide a complete detail of the dissipation structure including outlet pipes, backfill requirements and end connections. ls the end of struciure not blocked? 3) 4) 5) 6) Letter to Robert Pennington P.E. September 21, 1994 Page 2 e) Depending on outlet velocity calculations, it may be appropriate to place outlet pipes at the direction of the engineer versus, on 24' centers, oir provide an appropriate energy dissipating structure. lf you have any questions you may contact me at 479-2160. "Del Greg Hall Town Engineer GH/dsr cc: Ardy Knudson Stewart Brown Rick Rosen Terri Martinez DR:GHRP.921 OENYIR | | 20 LINCOLN STREET surrE I too DENVER COLORAOO 4o203 TEL 303 432 t900 FAX 303 a63 0412 PO BOX 4 t37 VAIL COLORADO 4165e TEL 3(,3 471 | 940 November ll, L994 SENT FEDEML EXPRESS Mr. Andy Knudtsen Cornrnunity Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Lot G-4, Lions Ridge SuMivision Filing No. 2 Owner: Beechwood Sandstone Development Corp. Dear Andy: Enclosed please find copies of the correspondence and proposed encroachment agreements that were sent to Holy Cross Electric Association, Public Service Company of Colorado, and Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Districts. In discussing tbe proposed encroachrnent with each of the utility corpanies, there appears to be no roadblocks. I will continue to follow up with each of the corryanies to confirm acceptrance of our request. In the meantime, please be advised that Upper Eagle Valley will not allow any landscaping to be placed in the easement area. I don't want this situation causing any concerns or difficulty for ks Lemer at the next DRB meeting. After your review ofthe enclosed, please catl with any questions. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C.\il-- Richard P. Rosen /hs Etrclosures ks lznur OF COUNsEL: ELFOD, KAaz, PREEO, LooK, MOISON & 5ILvERMAN, P.C . E:,:i."1. t RICHARD P..THE LA\^/ OFFICES OF RoFq,N, itiT|.i 4 v,..t,,.r v., ", November ll, tgg4 ' 'ri;"ti' SENT FEDERAL EXPRESS Mr. Andy Knudtsen Community Development Town of Vait 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 \ : f in, , ou,f J , ,' /, ,)\-0Y-- A.+"J1"4rn*W'---''' ' fl*L'3tA:---- OENVER 1 | 20 LINCOLN STREET sutTE i loo OENVER COLORAOO ao203 TEL 303 a32 t900 FAX 303 463 04r2 PO 80X 4 | 37 VAIL COLORADO a l65a TEL 303 4'' I t940 Re:Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 Owner: Beechwood Sandstone Development Corp. Dear Andy: As you are aware, I am legal counsel for Mr. Leslie A. krner and Beechwood Sandstone Development Corp. Mr. Lerner is the owner and developer of the above referenced real property. It has been brought to my attention that the Town of Vail is requesting confirmation from Mr. Lerner, that upon approval by the Design Review Board of the proposed residential development no further requests for any additional units andior phasing will be brought forth to the Town of Vail. As counsel to Mr. Lerner and Beechwood Sandstone Development Corp., I can confirm that upon receiving the final certificate of occupancy for the last unit of the proposed development, no further requests will be brought forward relative to increasing the density or number of units for this development site. After your review of the enclosed, please call with any questions. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C. Izs Lerner OF COUNSEL: ELROD, KATZ, PREEo, LoOK' MolsoN & StL- Richard P. Rosen lhs '"""^*oFF,cEs" $"':"' November 11, 1994 SENT WA FACSIMILE 303.949. 456 Mr. Mike Laverry Holy Cross Electric Association 4t226VS Highway 6 &24 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Encroachment Agreement Property:Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Dear Mike: As discussed, I am sending you a proposed Encroachment Agreenrent for the residential development on the above referenced property. The property owner currently is in the final stages of design for this property. Final approval from the Town of Vail Design Review Board is scheduled for December 6, 1994. The proposed encroachment would be Iimited to exterior decks only. The decks will cantilever out from the improvements at a distance of approximately five (5) feet. The decks will be at a minimum height of twenty-eight (28) feet from grade level. Please review the proposed agreement and provide me with your cosrments. Given the time deadline of DRB, your immediate attention is requested. It is very important to have approval from Holy Cross prior to this meeting. I am hoping this request would be placed on the agenda for the Directors' meeting this coming Wednesday. Thank you for your considerations. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C. UiiLLTIL- Richard P. Rosen /hs Enclosure O'I{YER I | 20 LINCOLN 5TR E€T 9Ur.rE l lOO DENVER COLOFIAOO ao203 .rEL 303 832 1900 FAX 303 463 0412 YAIL PO BOX 4 | 3? vatL coLoflaoo a | 554 TEL 3O3 a7r l94O : i OF COUNsEL ELROD. KAIZ' PREEO' LOOK' MOISON & SILVERMAN' P C ENCROACHMEI\TT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this l6th dsy of November, 1994, by and between BEECTIWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT CORP, a Colorado corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Ptoperry Owner") and HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCTATION (hereinafter referred to as "District"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Propeffy Owner is presently the owner of that propeny described as Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing Nc. 2, Town of \'tail, in the County of Eagle, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Districr is presently in possession of an easement, which extends through the aforementioned properry, which easement is described in Exhibit A, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Properry Owner has proposed to construct certain improvements that will encroach into the air space of the described easement, witb said encroachment 'o-eing exterior decks that will protrude approximarely five (5) feet into the easement at a height of apProximately twenry-eight (28) feet above the surface level. NOW. THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the panies undersigned hereby agree as follows: L The Districr shall permit the proposed improvements to encroach upon the aforementioned easemenf, 2. The Properry Owner shall indemnify the District from the costs of any installation and/or repairs to the District's utiliry lines, which may occur or may have occurred, as a result of the such improvements that encroach over and upon such easement. 3 . The Properr-v Owner shall hold harmless the District from the cost of repairing any damage to such improvements, *'hich damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in the viciniry of this easement, or by a break in present and/or furure utility lines of the District, or caused by the repairing by the Disuict of such break or other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Properry Owner shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost of any installation and/or repairs to the District's utilify lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximiry of the proposed improvements to the utiliry lines' 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed to run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned ProPerty in Eagle County, Colorado until such time that the District abandons said easement, and this Agreement shall be recorded against said properry in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. SIGNED AND DELTVERED this 14 a"y of November, 1994. Sandstone DeveloPment, CorP.PROPERTY O DISTRICT:Holy Cross Electric Association By: I rlle: STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF ) ss. ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this ii a^y of November, 1994 by Leslie A. Lerner, as President of Beechwood Sandstone Development, Corp. Witness my hand and official seal. srArE oF coLoRADo ) x",.o FJi;]t*iruoi\iiosu* vo,o 6ARFIELD ) ss. No' 3C'01ATrr?53'i€0 couNry oF $rfifiE ) c"#e"11ff*#i"'"y,"?ti21,rw The foregoing was acknowledged before me this l6t! day of November, 1994 by as President Witness my hand and ofFtcial seal. of Holy Cross Electric Association. "-7-n-- gZ .t\|*"ty ,-"r* My Commission Expires: 1-18-')e Mv Commission Exoires: lwofrlre docslr- 102a &.er' "l #XtriUrt- 'lt4'! u rt.I <Q-J \ G \ ) f,/I t I / \J<.\! Ot Ot o{ \+ I ,,$/A" ,,F,' *ltl tl ll ,FS &"t s\0" rn I { ai. -:\ l *(tr:/ |.T, \ 'v lltl IYIlrY.illti(t' :\1?Ii \l F\tn ,r- uH"IiE:T !r\ \'d s!<: Eii:l r*r:i ".8 u Q i-r a Hl sl EI FI sl I r_l ts IHIF l= iEEi I'lri Itr+ | ts. Illqi It.t I iil .f, lEi !i:iI lt, r:I lr. I .ii1 THE LA\|'/ OFFICES OF T1€HARD P, ROSE|{' November ll, 1994 SENT WA FACSIMIIE 303.476./N89 Mr. Fred S. Haslee District Regulations Administrator Upper Eagle ValleY Water and Sanitation Districts 846 Forest Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Encroachment Agreement Property:Lot G4, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Dear Fred: As discussed, I am sending you a proPosed Encroachment Agreement for the residential development on the above referenced property. The property owner currently is in the final stages of design for this Property. Final approval from the Town of Vail Design Review Board is scheduled for December 6, 1994. The proposed encroachment would be limited to exterior decks only. The decks will cantilever out from the improvements at a distance of approximately five (5) feet. The decks witl be at a minimum height of t'wenty-eight (28) feet from grade level. Please review the proposed agreement and provide me with your cornments. Given the time deadline of DRB, your immediate attention is requested. It is very importa:nt to have approval from the District prior to this meeting. Also, I have relayed to my client your concern about landscaping in the easement area. I will further this discussion with Andy Knudtsen at the Town of Vail. Thank you for your considerations. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN, P.C. DINV'F r | 20 LINCOLN STREEI SUtrE I IOO DENVER COLORADO ao203 TEL 303 832 1900 FAX 303 463 041? VA I L FO BOX 4 | 3t VAI L COLORAOO a | 656 YEL 303 471 1940 V*V--- Richard P. Rosen /hs Enclosure OF COUNSEL: ELROO XA-IZ' PREEO, LOOK' VOISON & SILVERMAN' P C a J UPPER Elcle VALLEY coNsoLrDA<lV sanrtrrton DrsrRrcr '" H,!Ti%3 : :ff ,.T,'HT," *' o TED,' December 21,1994 Mr. Richard P. Rosen, P.C. P. O. Box 4137 Vail, CO 81658 ., RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge Subdivision,Flling#2 Dear Rick: The District has reviewed your fax transmittal dated December 14, 1994. The District will agree, providing an executed Encroachment Agreement has been received and recorded. I have attached our standard agreement to this letter. In addition, the District will also require that an exhibit be prepared to the Agreement indicating the property, easement and any encroachment ofthe easement. Ifyou have any questions, please contact the District. Sincerelv. \"d{ \- \q$04s Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator FSH:kd cc: Project File Andy Knudsen, Town of Vail F';=l-''q$ JtJY' uo;r,,rli. J[!, iXM, Mat| oER FoR tHE Folrownc wAtEF OsrEEts: ABROTVHEAD l,tETnO W TER . BEAVER CREEK MEIBO WATEF . BELLYACHE EIOGE IGTRO WATER. BEAnY CBEEK METRO WATEF EAGI-€.VAL METRO w tER . Et \i/AFDS METRO WATEF . LAKE CREEK MEAIIO$/S WATER . SOUAW CREEX METFO WATER UPPEn EAGLE REGIOi{AL WATER AU''HORITY . vAlL VALLEY @NSOLIOATED W rER N of ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered intso this - day , 1994, byhereinafter referred to as rrProperty Owner(s) " and the , a quasi-munici-paI corporation of the State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "District'r. WHEREAS, Property Owner(s) is/are presently the owner(s) of certain real property described as, I-.,ot -, Block -, Filing Subdlvision, located in Eagle county, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District 1s presentl-y in possession of an easement, _ feet in width, running through the aforementioned propert,y, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owner (s) desires to construct a permanent structure that will encroach upon the described easementin an area approximately -' x -', said encroachment being described on Exhibit A; and VfHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently in use by the District. NOw, TT{EREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The District shall permit the permanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property owner(s) shall indemnify the District from the costs of any repairs to the District's utility l-ines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easemenE. 3. The Property owner(s) shall hold harmless the District from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the District, or by the repair of such break by the District or by other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Property Owner(s) shalL indemnify the District from any increase in Lhe cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the District's utility lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanent structure to t.he utility 1ines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property owner(s), and shal1 be appurtenanE to and deemed to run with and for the benefit of the aforementsj-oned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such Lime that the District abandons said easement. This Agreement shall- be recorded against saidproperty in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. IN WITNESS WHEREOF Lhe partles hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above wri-tten. PROPERTY OI/'INER (S) ATTEST:Dennis Gelvin, General Manager Assistant Secret.arv STATE OF COLORADO COI]NTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , L994, by NoEary Public My Commission expires: STATE OF COLORADO COI]NTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instsrument was acknowledged before me this , 1994, by Dennis Gelvin, as General By By By ss. _ day of Manager of the Notary Public My Commission expires: oo ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ??- day of November, 1994,by and between BEECHWOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT CORP, a Colorado corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Property Owner"), and UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT, a quasi municipal corporation, and VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT, a quasi municipal corporation (collectively referred to as "District"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the owner of that property described as Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2, Town of Vail, in the County of Eagle, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of an easement, which extends tfuough the aforementioned property, which easement is described in Exhibit A, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, the Propeny Owner has proposed to construct certain improvements that will encroach into the air space of the described easement, with said encroachment being exterior decks that will protrude approximately five (5) feet into the easement at a height of approximately Nenty-eight (28) feet above the surface level. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties undersigned hereby agree as follows: l. The District shallpermit the proposed improvements to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnity the Disfrict from the costs of any installation and/or repairs to the District's utility lines, which may occur or may have occurred, as a result of the such improvements that encroach over and upon such easement. 3. The Properry Owner shall hold harmless the District ftom the cost of repairing any damage to such improvements, which damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in the vicinity of this easement, or by a break in present and/or future utility lines of the District, or caused by the repairing by the District of such break or other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Property Orvner shall indemnily the Disffict from any increase in the cost of any installation and/or repairs to the District's utility lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity ofthe proposed improvements to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall 'be appunenant to and deemed to run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such time that the District abandons said easement, and this Agreement shall be recorded agdinst said property in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. SIGNED AND DELIVERED this - day of November, 1994. ood Sandstone Development, CorP.PROPERTY O By: President Dennis Gelvin, General Manager Warer District STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ) ) cq ) of November, 1994 by l-eslie A.The foregoing was acknowledged before me this L z- day krner, as President of Beechwood Sandstone Development, Corp. witness mv hand and official seal. Notary My STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss' COUNTY OFEAGLE ) ' ",o110" "k#tallli,'*,"*** l*'l'Si g#'""f "t "##, sra The foregoing was acknowledged before me this _ day of 'November, 1994 by Dennis Gelvin as General Manager of Upper Eagle Valley Consotidated Sanitation District and as General Manager of Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. Witness my hand and official seal. U DISTNCT:lalley Consgli@ted Notary ""t, f-,Ar/- 7Q \v p6C\redocs\r-102 Jluv-z?-j.+o EE L a-tr.l u \J ,l.r ur':G|rHIZHT iOtr i1bo #(hib'r "A'' t+L 3213 7.62 ffi IF- H s u ) { ,l t I / \.)+ \\ &"?^ r+ -o,i i$tatll Xrtc el $irn+ utrq k-l I ,;q ,'olS't' ',f, I tnnI ( q -.,, I(5 a YfirltrlIrY,tt >r\l *('t\FIs\ \ {!nol!!ii s .ii ri i'li; tt'il 6I uS.,u t tY BI EI l-l =lxKoIFt: THE LAW OFFTCE!; AF DIXVER I | 20 LINCOLN STREET sutTE I tOO OENVER COLORAOO ao203 rEL 303 432 1900 FAX 303 863 041? PO 80x 4137 VAIL COLORAOO at65A TEL 303 47t 1940 November 11, 1994 SEI]T WA FACSIMILE Mr. Rich Cooley Public Service Company of Colorado 40819 US Highway 6 &24 Avon. Colorado 81620 Re: EncroachmentAgreenent Property:Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Dear Rich: As discussed, I arn sending you a proPosed Encroachment Agreement for the residential development on the above referenced property. The property owner currendy is in the final stages of design for this property. Final approval from the Town of Vail Design Review Board is scheduled fot December 6, L994. The proposed encroachment would be limited to exterior decks only. The decks will cantilever out from the improvements at a distance of approximately five (5) feet' The decks will be at a minimum height of twenty-eight (28) feet from grade level. Please review the proposed agreement and provide me with your comnrents. Given the time deadline of DRB, your immediate attention is requested. It is very important to have approval from Public Service prior to this meeting. Thank you for your considerations. I appreciate you taking this request during Gary Hall's vacation. Yours very truly, Enclosure OF COUNgEL. ELFOO. KATZ, PREEO. LOOK' MOISON A sILVERMAN ' P C' L ENCROAC TtrIIENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered iruo this _day of November, 1994, by and benpeen BEECI{WOOD SANDSTONE DEVELOPMENT CORP, a Colorado corporadoo @ereinafter referred to as "hoperry Owner') and PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, INC', a Colorado corporation (hereinafter referred to as 'District"). RECITAI,S WHEREAS, Properry Owner is presently the owner of that properry described as Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filiog No. 2, Town of Vail, in the Counry of Eagle, Colorado; and WHEREAS, rhe Disrrict is presently in possession of an easement, which extends through the aforementioned properry, which easement is described in Exhibit A, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, rhe Properry Owner has proposed to construct certain improvementS that will encroach into the air space of rhe described easement, with said encroachment being exterior decks that will prorrude approximarely five (5) feet into lhe easement at a height of approximateiy rwenry-eight (28) feet above the surface level. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties undersigned trereby agree as follows: l. The District shall permit the proposed improvements to encroach upon the aforementioned easeme . 2. The Properry Owner shall indemnify the District from the costs of any installation and/or repairs to the District's utiliry lines, which may occur or may have occurred, as a result of the such improvements rhat encroach over and upon such easement. 3. The Properry Owner shall hold harmless the District from the cost of repairing any damage to such improvemens, which damage may be caused by the instailation of new utility lines in the vicinity of this easemenr, or by a break in present and/or future utility lines of the District, or caused by rhe repairing by the Disrrict of such break or other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost of any installation and/or repairs to the District's utiliry lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximiry of the proposed improvements to the utiiiry lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind rhe successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appunenant to and deemed ro run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned ProPerty in Eagle Counfu, Colorado until such rime that the District abandons said easement, and this Agreement shall be recordid against said ProPerry in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. oL SICNED AND DELMRED this ft-*rof November, 1994. PROPERTY O Beechwood Sandstone Development, Corp. DISTRICT:Public Service Company of Colorado, lnc. By: TitIC: STATEOFNEWYORK I) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this i4 a^y of November, 1994 by Leslie A. Lerner, as President of Beechwood Sandstone Development, Corp. Witness my hand and official seal. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EACLE The foregoing was My Comrnission Expires: EVEIYN ATANAS Notarv Publ;r, State of New York No. 3&GlA-r4753450 Ouehfied in l{essau Counny 6-. Commissron E:.prres March 3\, 1ga k? fttP before me this 1/ --day of November, 1994 by of Public Service Company of Colorado, Inc. Notary Public My Commission Expires: ) ) ss. ) acknowledged as Witness my hand and official seal. lwp60lredocslr- 102b *r( FBB'f 9Ud -lUIL-il *1{ FACSIMILE COVER DATE: Ileccnbe-Tt l9{H NO. OF PAGES(Including Cover ShEc$ TO: RickRosen TELNPTIONE NO. 93&1OOO : FAX NO, 303/l7g7ll8 FROM: ROD GIFFORI) TELETHONE NO. 719-4E6-1110 FAX NO. ?1*48&{X}68 FSSSAGB: Encroechmmt esreemcnt sent to you at tie request of Rich Cootey'2624063 I:|lrl-SlO H.|-nC'S Ntl.l l.l0'!l N'l:lI FE, J 33'lFeg'35Hd DilC*OACm,rft{f AcnXmfiril THIS AGREBIdFIL ratde ud aCrcd into itis _- dey of t{arradcr' l9*l' by rrd bet*trE BEBCHYTTOOD SANDSI'!}NE DEIELOPMEIIT coRF, a Colotedo corpcraion S*:ilrtur refrned to as 'Ptrcpaiy Owner"i sfrd PUBiJC SSVICB coMPAHf OF CIf,I.ORADO. IliiE., t Ooiorado coryontion @eeeiurftar llfificd lo |t 'Distri.t"). EpcrrAr.js \PHEBEA5, Prspcrty gwncr b gre*dlv rhe owcr of rbat prspcrty dcscxtbst rr tnt G-4, Lloat Rldgc Subdivisioa Flling No. 2. Tonn cd Vsil, in the Cormry of Eaglc, Colcrado: ed WHEREj.$, rhe District is prescody tnpcreesicn of en c€sffi!, Ebich cxt|ldt *JoEEF lbt rfomeCIicrra Frqpcrry, whidr ram@ ir deaaribcd b Etbibe iq'. a cepy d elish ie Efi3hsd bffelo aItd ilcorpoc"ied tsEiE by rrri! rcftrre; sld WHEnEA.I; the Propffty Oqadt has pn0pq,ssd ro crEskEd sErtd8 l4rge.fitcfig dlll q'in €c"rrruh igb th! rit tprrr qt$e dts{sibd caseooFd, witb srid anctoachlsd bcitg €ttEdor CfF +1 ;fiF;"frd" t$prg'ximarcly llc {f,J &et iuro fte easeucd at a bsk}t Df aPpForlestsly tft*ydgb 88) feef sbovE tEr rutfiE lercl' " NOW, TIIEREFORE, in cogldcradoa of &c sriBaaDle srd prosircq bffeilr, $t Fanics und*Eijord ltorcby sgri* sr folknYs: l. fh|Dirtiar**Ipmtth+poposedirryro"raocntstococio|3hw('[&srhremenrioncd casE@Nl|, ?. lte prcpatv Otrls sball i3dciDdry tbs Dhuict from dre costt of uy instellztioa mdlor r+lgitc ,0 rJre nilrict'edifo Uoo, whicl rolV ocrur ot may brre occuirEdr aE a rsfidt qf tbs such iqmvroe.nts tbd caErorph over rcd woa ruclr eascsnr' ?- Tbe properry O{Eet $dl hold barrotags rbs Distsirf frosn tfu cst of reairfu$ i8y dgl1Agc ts 61ch b+trd'e&. vbich dauuge crv be cagr! Uy tbc isullrdm qf ils, utiliry 1i0€0 h tl" ilt"ity of nis irsrrcq ar by a hrca& in p."serrt rnd/or futruc lrtiliit lbx +f the Dlstrict, or esrs*d by rhe rerrairiqg by rls Distdri 9f sutb brca& or otbet mdnFmnsc of &61inc3- 4.ThePraP.lsognershal|iltddfyt}'oD,^#icttr@ellE$GEscin&ecosroftly isall*ionadorrcaotli;-tttDirtict'a rriliry unss' such i'arealE., if ni' dpe r dreprul.nity 6lte prcrposed irynxrtlmts to tlc udlity liftq' 5. lbb AgrsSmEff ghall bhd the zuoots8s grd {ssie!$ of tbc hoperty oiraer, ssal sldin Ue amritcoa* to and &€figf ro trm *it ald iol tbg banpfit of rho rforeoentioord e16poty io Egle Coilil, Lofotadd ubiil r*f, tiotro * Dbsict.br;c!t saiil ea.$eme!ot, |ld tbis AflFEE scnl rball bo i**alc ,g"i*t said pn'pc*ty in accordiw rrrith tlre bws of tbB Snre sf Cdoredo' t ge€ Pf,GE - 463 lt F6. a :r30t 00'l5ud aaal FAP 1:jliilSlrl Htfl(:rS |'ll-l,l l,J1-ldJ el: o SIONED ALD DELfVERfn &b_ dzry of Ngvurber, 1pga. PRCTPERTYOWIM Beectrxrood Srrllrtole Dcrrctqanut, Corp. By: Tithr DISTf,ICT:R$lic S*rrlce Conry*ry of Cohr*do, Ilc, By: Tltlc: STATEOFiIFW fORI( ) )ssCOUNTYOF ) fte Atregrritrg src rclrn*lCgd brfue me &ic _ eI of .t.'brcnb€(, 199{ by L6Il! A- [.erler, *s Itcsid€dt of hcthrrcod sn'dr'orc Dardopurc, Colp. TEffifiy hsill ed cfficirl seal Noury Publi,c My Conmisdon fulreer befoff n! $t Zldry of Wr* o, ,r a.a,. r: of Public Service conprE of Cd@do, hg. My Cmni*tou E*pbcs: 9*+ e'3' /? f 6* e00'35ud .l-l I dtS l u Hlncls I'lrl,l l,lr-rill el:ll F6, I :)30 #Xhubtt- uA" cI *ra r* $s\ t I \ EI E' H {! 3 \ I \ / rS t rtl I{9 L.s -J 4s=.od no&'ffi^i9+* I :rf(l e!tlqi rEiEa,t.QqH-E lt IF l: tii Irit E0E'35rt'd lJ I d1S I d H-1n05 l.{11"1 l,.l0dl f,6, JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS 113 gTH STFEET, SUITE 214 P0. BOX 1458 GLENWOOD SPFINGS, COLOBADO 816021458 PHONE:(303)945-2550 FAX:{3m)9451410 November 13, 1994 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 TAV .|;}tvtM. DEy, DEpr RE: Rockfall Study tor Lot G4, Lions Bidge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 Dear Mr. Knudtsen: We have been retained by Mr. Les Lerner, the new developer for Lot G4. to perform a rockfall study for the development as it is now proposed. We have previously performed a rockfall study dated August 1 1 , 1993 which was produced for Mr. Stewart Brown and submitted to the Town of Vail. We have reviewed the development as currently proposed by Mr. Lerner and his development company. We have determined that the new development does not alter our previous conclusion that there is no rockfall hazard to this site from above nor does this devefopment increase any rockfall hazard to sites below this development. Therefore our previously mentioned rockfall report is applicable for the currently proposed development. Following the submittal of our previous rockfall report, you requested additional certification related to Municipal Code 18.69.052(Bl(1Xbl. This section of code requires that a qualified expert certify to the following: b. Whether corrective engineering or engineered construction, or other mitigation or alterations can or cannot be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health, safety or to property due to problems related to geologic sensitivity to a reasonable level, and not increase the hazard to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of construction. Rockfall Hazard Certif ication November 13, 1994 Page 1 ot 2 OT93I76\ITRNER.WPF l. Michael Gamba hereby certify that I am a registered Professional Engineer as defined by C.R.S. 1 2-25-102,as amended. t also certify that I have conducted a detailed. site specific geological investigation of the site in order to evaluate the risk to development on this site from geologic hazards and have determined that said risks are negligible and that no corrective engineering. engineered construction or other alterations are required in order to reduce the danger to public health. safety or property from a geologic hazard occurring on, above or below this site. Additionally, I certify that development of this project on this site will not increase the geologic hazard to other properties or structures. or to public buildings, rights-of- way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of construction. lf you require further information or if you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, Jerome Gamba Michael ainba, MJG/ms\931 76\KNUOTSEN Rockfall Hazard Certification November 13, 1994 Page 2 ot 2 o:\93 1 76\UnN€R.WPF JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES INC CONSULTING ENGINEEBS & LAND SURVEYOBS THE September 20, 1994 Mr. Andy Knudsen Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Vail, CO 81657 Dear Andy, COLLABORATIVE GROUB PC n vrulri-disciplirE finrur oI rnckirrcrunE Ihis /effer r's in response to your letter to Stu Brown of Juty 7, 1994 regarding outstanding s ub mitt a I i nformation. Question # Response Landscaping Plan to be submitted at final DRB. None to be preserved. Complete per Stu Brown final submittal. Complele Drainage Plan submitted. N/A N/A Complete per Drainage Plan. Complete per Drainage Plan. Complete per Drainage Plan. Landscaping Plan to be submitted at final DRB. N/A Will secure at final approval. Will secure at final approval. All structures will be sprinkled. All structures will by Type V construction. Fire hydrants within 150 feet of gerage door face, typical. N/A Complete: see final Grading Plan. Complete: see final Grading Plan. Complete: see final Grading Plan. Complete: see final Grading Plan. Individual Driveways will have concrete pans at thresholds: see final Grading Plan. N/A Complete: see final Grading Plan. Complete: all walls outside the right-of-way. Complete: no structures within the right-of-wey. Complete: see final Easement Plan. Greg Hall and Andrew Cornelius have coordinated all drainage. NUA N/A Complete: see final Grading Plan. This should bring us up to speect with ow cunent submittal regarding Sfandsfone Viilas. Any fufther quesliong p/ease contad me. BJ.tja 20r-B l\,fArN STREET. BOX 7rO.|\4|NTURN, CQ 8164r.Ir0rl827-4ool 'FAX Iror]827'+OO2 ",LI'-lll'I't 4 SEP 19 1991 o RTC'D t SrewaRr H. Bnowru ATTORNEY AT LAv\/ September .|5, 1994 1O EMERSON STREET 1607 OENVER, COLORADO 8021 8 PHoNE (303) 7s5-341 6 P.O. BOX a359 vArL, coLoRAoo al 658 PHONE t3o3l 476-4373 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 So. Frontage RoadVai1, C0 81657 Attn: Andy Knudtsen Gentl ement : This is a request for extension of Design Review Board f L ,Approval for a pixteen-townhouse approval for Lot G-4, Lion's ..*4 Bj9g" Subdivision No 2, for one year ending on Septmeber 21, ,"1{".l995. Circumstances prompting this request are as follows: l. Lot G-4 was granted DRB approval for sixteen townhouses,.subject to certain conditions, in early September, 1993. Thegrant was appealed to the Town Council, Town of Vail, andthe Council ruled'i n favor of DRB approval on September 21 ,1993. 3. Lot G-4 is now under contract for sale to Beachwood0rganjzation (Les Lerner). Beachwood has proposed a pl an of development of its own which it has submitted for DRB approval(or is in the process of doing so), and such plan has not yet rece'i ved approval of the DRB. Unti I Beachwood's pl an recei ves DRB approval it is the desire of the unders'igned to mainta'in DRB approval of his plan in effect. tL n ,k*l'! ry!,':;r,.# 2. A condit'ion of approval was the nequirement that adra.inage plan be submitted in accordance with written requirments of the Town Engineer and that such drainage plan receithe approval of the Town Engineer. A drainage plan drawnin accordance w'ith the requirements of the Town Engineer wassubmitted to the Town Engineer on August 30, 1994, with copidelivered on the same day to the office of the Departmentof Community Development. As of today the Town Engineer hasnot acted on such plans. e- ve es ilA0l .cxI rsdrncjqg? lioV 1o nwoT Jnsmqolevs0 lJinurnmoJ 1o JnsmJroqeC booli spoJnorl . oZ c\ \e af ij 0J .IioV nsaJbun) lbnA :nJJA :JncmgfJngil breoB wsivsX npias0 1o noiansJxs ro1 Jasups'I 6 ei zirlT e'noiJ.$-a JoJ rol Iovorqqo eauotinwoJ-nssJxia n roi IovorqqA . IS rsdsmJqsZ no pnibne 't6eV sno to] .S r-rl'i noizivil-'tiu;l ePbif . cea t : awo I Io] ar err Jesuper a idJ pn iJqmorq agcnsJanucr i3 . egeuor'l nwoJ nsgJxie rol Isvorqqo IilC bsJne rp eEw $-0 Jol . t sdT .t€0t .rsdrneJqs? ytrns ni . anoiJibnol nis.r'rsl oJ Jrg'Lclue hns , tisV to nwo'i , firnuol nt'roT sri J clJ bslsstl qo eEw Jrl6'!p . f S T sdmsJqs? no Irvorqqs €,'itr ?o rovsT n i bg Iur I irnuo] sriJ . tea I s tsdJ Jnems'Iiupsr sri i asw Isvorqqo 1o noiJibnor A ' S -sriupsr nsJJirw flJiw srnsb.1or36 ni bsJJir;tt|uz sd nsfq -sponirirbsviglsr nslc sponiorb rl cue JsflJ bns regnipnS nwoT sdJ 1o elnsm nwsrb ns iq spon isrb A .'t5efi ipn: nwoT sriJ 1o Isvorqcl o sdJ a6w 1e9nipn3 nwoT sflJ 1o eJngms.1iupsr eriJ dJiw eonobrocco tti aeiqoc flJiw.$eQI .Ct JaupuA rIo'tesflipnI nwoT srii oJ bgJJinldue'JnsmJrr!cC s6J ?o grilio snJ oJ V6b gntsz g6i no bgrsvilsb a sd rgsn i pn! nwoT ertJ gnboJ ?o zL . J nsmqo Isvstr v.J i nut,uro3 1O .ansIq 11 :lua no bsJco Jon boowdJ6e8 oJ sfsa rol Jcs'rJnoc rsbnu won ei $-0 Jol 't1o nolq s Iovorqqs 8fffl Js1 Jon a orl esv icre,t ns Iq ntsJnisrn oJ bsaoqorq asri boowrirssij . (r'rnre J aoj) noiJssinsprC rot 'beJJ imdua esd J i rl cirlw nwo aJ i to Jnsmtlo Ievsb nsIq dcua bn6.(oa pniob 1o ?a33o1q srlJ ni ai ro) a'boowdcssS l'iJnU .8flU srlJ 1o Isvorqqo bsvisls'I bsnpiarebnu sr{J ?o sliaeb crlt zi Ji Iovorqqe B}lC .Jcs11s ni nstq airl 1o Iovorqqo 8fl0 .11 iurJ y.tev a1u0 nworfl .H J,rsweJ? Prolect Appilca$on onto A-l-1t ,2 -j'Proiect Name; l\ t /'t t-'1 | flO t h wnc < Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone:Ct &:zr, Architect, Address and phone: ld-^ | l2a;, < k *xt Po Raw t at s.4t f\n-,, *t c a Eo> c,(l FilinO Lin-:,r: d Jz # z-- , Zone 2l=- Comments: Legal Description:tot (t4 Block Design Review Board A rl Motion by: /'\t' I't ' t f 17 seconded oy: l\N " €- +0-o oarc q-t -1? DISAPPHOVAL Summary: ,\ -,,-cNil tr Slatf Approval JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYOFS 113 gTH STREET, SUITE 214 PO. BOX 1458 GLENWOOD SPBINGS. CoLoRADO 81602.1458 PHONE: (303) 945-2550 FMr (303)g\45r410 September 1 , 1994 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Fockfall Study for Lot G4, Lions Bidge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 Dear Mr. Hall: This letter is in response to your letter dated September 1 4, 1 993 addressed to Stewart Brown in which you request additional certification related to Municipal Code 18.69.052(BX1Xbl. This section of code requires that a qualified expert certify to the following: b. Whether corrective engineering or engineered construction, or other mitigation or alterations can or cannot be accomplished to reduce the danger to the public health, safety or to property due to problems related to geologic sensitivity to a reasonable level, and not increase the hazard to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets. easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of construction. l, Michael Gamba hereby certify that I am a registered Professional Engineer as defined by C.R.S. 1 2-25-102,as amended. I also certify that I have conducted a detailed, site specific geological investigation of the site in order to evaluate the risk to development on this site from geologic hazards and have determined that said risks are negligible and that no corrective engineering. engineered construction or other alterations are required in order to reduce the danger to public health, safety or property from a geologic hazard occurring on, above or below this site. Additionally, I certify that development of this project on this site will not increase the geologic hazard to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of- way, roads, streets, easements, utilities or facilities or other properties of construction' lf you require further information or if you have any questions. please call. Sincerely, PO. BOX 4808 PAGOSA SPRINGS, COLORADO 81157 PHoNE: (303) 731-5743 Ft r(303)731-4Zg Fil-t c0PY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 July 7, 1994 Mr. Stuart Brown P.O. Box 2359 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Slu: I was anticipating that you would provide me vyith the outstanding submittal information for a final Design neiiew Board (DRB) hearing. As I have not received that at this time, I believe it is important to provide you with a complete list of outstanding items that need to be verilied. We will need ail of the inlormation shown below no later than three weeks prior to a DRB hearing to verily that the application is complete and fulfills all of the Town requirements. Deparunent of Conmuniry Developtnent Provide detail sections through the swimming pool area showing the retaining walls. Expand road 1o minimum ot 22 leet in width. Insure that the landscaping and engineering plans are consistent. The engineering appear lo be more specific. Since this is the case, show the landscaping material on one set ol the engineering drawings. lndica're fence line around trees on northwest corner that will be preserved. r.' fJ 3. Provide a rock fall study prior to building permit consistent with the slandards of the Vail Municipal Code. Section 18.69.020 must be addressed. lt is imperative that the report discuss the potential increase in hazards to other properly or structures, or to public buildings, right-of-way, roads, streets' easements, utilities, facilities or olher public properties or conslruction. ' Cl+. Prior lo submittal for a building permit, provide a drainage plan meeting the standards ot the Town Engineer. A complete drainage plan is required as part of the Design Review Board submittal information, per Section 18.54.050 (D)(5, 6, and 7). \2. r-.'^. i-J o. Mr. Brorvn July 7, 1994 Page Two n { 7. Provide a drainage swale along Sandstone Drive as required by the Town Engineer and the Drainage Study. -,/ "d Revise grading plan. No portion of linished grade shall exceed a 2:1 slope. I I, [l 9. I Provide delailed drawing for DRB review and approval showing how drainage will be conveyed from the driveway to a natural drainage feature below the site. . U.10. All landscaping must be bonded with either a letter of credit or a escrow account at 125/" of the cost of the landscaping malerial. This financial guarantee shall be provided for a minimum of two years from the time the landscaping is planted. lf the landscaping is not planted prior to a request for a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall provide the linancial guarantee prior to the issuance of Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for a minimum ol three years. '4. Signs for fire lane must meet model traffic code. "f2. Applicant shall secure public way permit prior to issuance of building permit. '13. Applicant shall secure a right-of-way revocable permit for all landscaping and improvements in the right-otway. -14. All slructures shall be sprinklered. a5. All structures shall be Type V construction. , '--16. Fire hydrants shall be provided in locations determined by the Fire Depadment. 17. The f ire lane shown on the plans shall be posled with signs and shall be recorded as a metes and bounds easement for lire access prior to the submittal of any building permit. '48. Driveways shall not exceed 8% slope. v 19. Retaining nralls shall not exceed 6 f eet in height. '/'40. Landscaping benches between terraced reiaining walls shall not be less than three feet in width. C) 21 . The height of all units shall not exceed 45 feet. Four unlts must be reduced in heighl. / 22. Individual ciriveways shall be conslructed with brick pavers. o Mr. Brown July 6, 1994 Page Three if,- u/5. The caretaker dwelling unit must be restricted as a Type lll employee housing unit prior to the issuance of a building permit' cit h.q. Provide all top of wall and bottom of wall elevations' ' ' | ^-' \= t: 25. Relocate all walls oulside of the rightof-way. ,a/v 26. Relocate ail decks and structures oulside the right-otway. t q 27. Have your surveyor provide a survey that shows all easernenls that are in effect at this time. 2A. Coordinate the drainage improvements with Greg Hall' t/ (,29. Redesign the dissipation structure so that it is covered wilh soil and can be planted with landscaping. r{0. Revise the sides of the structures so that the siding can be brought down in a conerent manner. ,A'. Show the edge of pavement of Sandstone Drive accurately, especially at the east end of the development. Thank you for looking into each ol these issues. I look forward to conlinuing to work with you on this de,.,elopment. Sincerely, {t'1 p Andy Knudtsen I Senior Planner J xc: Hugh Warder Fred Hiller ltr fnter-ltlountain A*gineeringrra- DRAINAGE STUDY FOR LOT G-4, LTONTS RrDGE SUBDTVTSTON FTLTNG NO. 2 TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COI'NTY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: THE COLLABORATTVE GROUP, P.C. 201-B MAIN STREET P.O. BOX 730 MTNTURN, CO 81645 PROJECT NO. 946688 ocToBER, L994 REVISED: OCTOBER, 1994 TTMetcallRoad,#200. Box978. Avon,Colorado8l620. Phone: 949-5072 o FromDenverDirect: 893-1531 .1420 Vance Slreet . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone: 232-0158 I i rN'lrRoDucrron Tlris report addresses the storm flows and drainage created by Lot c-4, Lion's Ridge Subdivision FilingNo. 2, which is located in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The site is bordered by Lionrs Ridge Loop Road to the south, by Sandstone Drive to the north, Casolar Vail to the east and by Lot G-5 of the Lionrs Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 to the west. EXTSTIIIG CONDITTONA The existing site is undeveloped at this time. The existing vegetation consists of naive grasses. weeds and bushes. The site has one existing drainage basin, which drains to the southeast generally to Lionrs Ridge Loop. The northern lOO feet along the east line drains onto Casolar Vail, An existing berm extends approximately 150 feet to the south, which restricts flow onto Casolar VaiI. The remainder of the east l-ine allows the runoff to drain onto Casolar Vail. The south one-half of the Sandstone Drive right-of-way and paving drain on to the site. There are tsro cliffs that cross the 1ot, in an east-west direction, and divide the lot in hatf. The area below the cliffs drain to the southeast to a ditch on the north side of Lionrs Ridge Loop. The ditch drains to the west to an inlet in the area of the southwest lot corner. The inlet directs the drainage to a culvert which discharges north of the eastern most building in the Timber Ridge Apartment complex. The runoff eventually reaches Gore Creek. PROPOEED DEVEIJOPI{ENT The proposed deveLoprnent consists of 2 duplexes and 2 4-plexes with appurtenant drive and parking areas. The proposed construction including grading and drainage facilities are shown on the Grading and Drainage Plan. On-site drainage will be carried in concrete pans, landscaped swales, and storm sewer to the southeast corner of the developed area,then released through a dissipation structure to drain down the cliffs and slope to the ditch on the north side of Lionts Ridge Loop. HISTORTC RUNOFF only that portion of the site above the cliffs was analyzed in this report. The computedrunoff flows are O.8 cfs and 2.1 cfs for the 1O and 100-Year storns respectively. These flows are sheet flows onto the Casolar Vail development. DEVEIJOPED RUNOFF The runoff flows from the developed site will be increased from the historic, because approximately 51? of the developabJ-e portion of the Lot will be inpervious surfacing. The computed runoff flows are2.4 cfs and 3.9 cfs for the 10 and 1OO-Year Storrns respectively. These flows will be directed around the Casolar Vail development by way of ditches. A rnajority of the on-site flows will be directed to a storrn ser/rrer, then released through a dissipation structure, in the southeast corner of the developed area, to drain down the cliffs and the slope to the ditch on the north side of Lion,s Ridge Loop. The remainder of the on-site r flows will drain via ditches and swales to the southeast corner of the developed site and be directed down the slope behind the southwestern Casolar Vail Building. This is the way the site presently drains. The storra sewer wiII also carry flows frorn a proposed inlet to be Located in the ditch on the north side of Sandstone Drive, near the northeast corner of the site. The cornputations and assumptions used to deterrnine the historic and developed runoff quantities are included in the appendix to this report. CONCIJUATONS The on-site runoff will be drained by sheet flows, shallow gutters, ditches and storm sewer to the southeast corner of the developed portion of the lot, then released through a dissipation structure to drain down the cliffs and slope to the ditch at Lionrs Ridge Loop. There will be no on-site detention. we feel it is inportant to pass our flows to Gore Creek as rapidly as possible and let thern pass downstream before the peak flows arrive at a Later time. F i i I o IInter-MountainlAE tgineeringlrd. P O BOX 978 OO77 METCALF ROAD AVON, CALORADO 81620 (303) 949-972 sutTE 101 1420 VANCE STREET LAXEWOOD, COLORADO 8021 5 (303) 232.0158 PRoJEct No arJ)i € / t;2't ?4 DATE /ay /1.C stlEET No / "* JC :_1:* -,/ l. .\=- i[r )''N '\\) ) /, \I It i'n i"'-z.Zoc2t l 'i 's=i--- '' --. -\ - !i: - \ =-=;;-=;l--.- 7 - ---=*s1.=-.-: E= ./.'t',iJ=^-= /'t ''..',-Y //1,e? '-l : -i €o:tj':r- .!1,'c;,E{ fi72 spfiFrrtc /htr'J',5. T6fi alira:t.rrr cc )try/et:te l/fir. l/,/.e sf , (.ocaz,spa /9zo \---:!{.---l--:: =--*.+""ss i,lrfll|lli, *o^, flInter-Mountain ,nro,n,"'r'!lElEi i:o?; rf: hT * " "" ;]|Et gineerin g Ltd. t'axewo oo'-i o togtr;|1'; qROJECr No. 4t:""t"- e DATE/AY NE tnu ,4.--r! D urE rqnd-.<-!td lltttttttttl! lb.rhl--trrt.t--tLFa.rt!.a.?..trF..dr'.F-rt ro | --, Ino---t|trir----rh.tlw.asnr. | | | | | | t I t r | |lllttttttla!.. ar.t | | | | | | | t | | t Ir.nrte----l r trD---_t -- t-- tta., | --- l_- tlol --- [,F_-trr.h--_lt-i.llltltttttllI lrd------t --- |- tra.o | --- |-- | 'a! | --- [ri_---|| d-rbrlltlttttlrll:#..---..Ii*--_i-.i-.i'".i-.i-.i*,i-.tttttll,t.! | -_- | _i_ | t.D t --. ti.&..rts1i.'r..... ltd.trltttlttt rlttttlI | | | l, | | | || -- | ta.a | -- | --- | ,40 | --- lrr----lrlri-----lr.r.ttttttttllttttttttllrtttttttttl5t. t:. tt--------l c t!F------t --- t-- I rt.a t --- t-- trao l--- t&&.r!.-t.riF----|la,tl rrttttttlllllttllttttlra_-.-------t t-. I,a.0 t -_- l_ tta{t_- t!.t__-_____l rh--_-tr.i.ttrllltttttl rltltttrtltttttttttttltttttttttttlGts r.ri. | | I | | | | | | I | |tttttttttlcr.r.ri!ra.-----l o lr.r------t --- | -- | ra.a | --- | --- Do-totrctr [,------trrrn-----trrdr, a: o5 3 c B -- | --- I >3.! | --- I --- lro.rolr..a lr.d.t.!.---l tb-----l|. r,r...r.4rrttttltttttlllltltttrJtlJr, a!, ar, a:--t --- | -- I ra.o | --- | -- tra-aotr.tr I |lb&t.!.--- | ica.r.i. tb.llrtttttlttlllrtttttlttlIII|II||I|||at! aa--_---..t c lr.d---_t -__ t-_ !ra.a | --- t--- Irao |_- IrL&,.!.--_t!tr;--_-.tr.r,llttttttttllttlrttrl ttttltrla tr.|F_t _- I _ | '..a | :-- Itttrtrlrlttlaa-_-----_---t ra,a | __- I _- I r.0 | ---lllttttttltl tl r.. l-.d. .! a .a r.al.. | | | | | - | | t- | | t It... t!.r | | . | | | r i i i i I Ii.e.r-l r rrr-t - |- trr.o I --- |-- i13. i-- a|i.r.It*-rrrrrr---.tr-.tttttttttlr.,.r! rrt,--t -- r- t>..0 | --- t--- i,.oi-- ir-___---._rrrrn___rr-.rttttttttttl ttttttttllr.or,trttrri,ii --|_t'...|_||i.F-l[t9n.-|httrtrtt! th-----l --- I _ | >a.a | _- t _- | F:ora..a 1r"d.,.._rni!----.i!...ttltttlttttttl10rr, r0rr, totrr | | | | t I I I t i! lrd------t 'a.! | --- | --- t2o-aol!.tr tb---_r.riF_tr.r.ttttttllrrElu--.---l !!rrttttrtrl! r !'d-_! '..0 | -- t-- r'.ot_ tb--------rrtrrF----rd,i--:--ri i iil iiii i i I ? GI E I rttl--- I -- | rao | -.. 1i.d.....---laren----tr&!rr.,tttttl--- | --- | rao | .- tkrr...!.-..trrah_i--_ttar ttlttttlr trr---_t --_ | -_ I _- | ,3r, r __trtttttl! lr.r--l -- r- | t... | - | - '20-.oih.. ai"d..t---reanr. r!-.lttttr tlttrtllI c tr.r_.--_t _- t_ | >a.0 I _- t --- l,o_aoted Iri'iItri t- l*-& d .l .a !.!r.. FF,om Son Suctt€f at- P3?€/{'Gypsun AeearCo,-*doo US. D-e"o-, -e.6 eF /Xa*r. ot-cuz.€. , Sora Co.ue2z- ua lp.v SaunxE zG Ar'igr' / cc DATE / BY sH€ErNo 4 "* H Wpfeeve.AS ? l. ?z€L/h.y'/,e{ s /':Z ?,-dt/ lr1- G-/ Lto",s ?,zt C SUrzttl't,at /=./L/tt( .,^. /?o f".u a B-/ 7VE CccLagaEA?ur, 6eo+ ?, C, uil|4pD Z. -i :ra',/ ur f,zo.r/ /VdslY,t Tnn.,l,nrt (rrir ' ?46 F-e,? F,) rt:/ / a;<,,-,-tj p. iY.ry ?r.J t.',.8:8n.,..,; lrC 7o.:{"- .1" 93224 i t/f t 3o 1a,*.,/zA?4)c -{,,,eut€{ ls 6-f 1."*'1 ?'3a6 Sug 2.,2t2g 7p-v 6t-,t/L il", -Trra Trze-?4atrD ts/ Jrrfoa-fror^*tu frzr' t+'dF.?;',/.1 l7l 7zo.a-- il, g..lAl9. 1. l/.5. C.S-,, a>?o{.t/trir'a m /1? '/p" '/lr-s i.. (aca€tto '2'r.) ,i//tr:4, d.5.,75?1 r.7a5,-r ;,r /rr-' .,te /?7a. {,J,u.,. Sasa€/ "F ,4t?Ftt -6-/F:r. An(4, (ataa,aza '$, '>f orrrl-tt i1t4 cr /i4,,ztaacJ/F/t , SarL- ( o>,sf?:201-ett SFrz ,tc €i ) 15: a,Fi> /zany 192 7 o ' L- y'eea,n 5122?^9rz4d4t7 Czre^,o {fiar,u0c ILr,.e3 16a UPerjr.t De'4 u^,r)t rz- N A-eor: (a.,1n ot- D sau., cl- 116? L4st- 7€uEtro t/zt/Ze !4,"ts tJst: : ttzes ast- ! ,/rt. Arr La,.,^ Nanua 6 r?/T-!4'a,/ //€Ft\_ S F€:l6's j -,eres >Roa)54a : -l-c r..j., t, J,/\,2. -Tyi>€ ? a-: /a €/-2-7-j t.i L 1;z>e r\ (*;ev€r;,/ 4*,itys,* i /t-'/d44 S6?e o-, a..n_ m're./t \-2.i nt )f i',/ ^/ /oo -y€4/L staern (--o a rnAJdQ 9)€ n-t Dts/t{ R4,w1,c i Us,< 74 /.,./ /-4LL tNj€,-54/ -D,./e a 1?a^./ Ct,<,'€: f-o7 F./e/! ,({ t ?ac.ae an rre yo. '*?,'rzi:li, ^"^' flInter-Mountain '*oror"EuilElli?:8i;::';#" """ lAnr,.gineeringltd. tn^ewooo,7oi6;W{Z; PRoJEcr No 9/663 ( Z6 EUL ?4 DA|E / AY ,E < (- i?u/r'oFF: Srf<- ,rS 2.a9 A-rs u5€7 At2e214L m 4/)'o2) t<-/' 'i' 4)\-J-n !,ov€Q€- -f- fl= Paa oo Zuvo-c .4s l,,tFF toFfi--4r,";- ?ifaCe Z-t\ En,r,FacL /vr-t -s,f/ /nA / Dea.q o- ks'4 &ut) ,o; -C- -- o€ (o;t c €^4eaf)c^7 ? -ll- =4. -+/-t "4 Lun€nt 1; - 'JodL- 1'. /^/tr|aL 'j-r^r,- or- (o^./.€+?a6po'{ @'.-)(ouseuu.) .<La,Le a7.ra O.'*)4- -- -T'rza.Fc (<r.t*"nraszq) €LaLl lz-,x Qr*) ),vtfirt<-. fimtZ lz11€eF.-1,. ,*,trlc (rrata,.1) pa,,s.2 -p,-a'r mt^/ L( t 7a''t// Lo a-r./l/€/V1- 5-/Z 'rka tt 3-/ L - LF*16> aF FlAd Stt'eaf t&) J . Sca?€ oF fZ"u @ua) % .'Trer'-a<- -5^.c t- -- J29-( L-,t )i4,,,./€L lZ t\l CLa>../ .9,- € mt^/ = !6.nts--,, 2F C;tAur.'€L, €+) = y'p1es,4at ctr- -.1zet6L H)r) €Q-o- (tL 3-2,6s-,/nr1TE aE 4v6<rt2 E FLuu i/tto c-rt-r f.rL es€ v,4l /P aaa^4u Erxzr, u - 4 './E-- + = zft;: J/EFe€ r- ,8 t/ ls- 0.,to | \!- IS (J-i,,l= 3 N 4 t,o{{Nt t= 20 30 DURAnou (uwurrs) EAUqALL tNlENStTr- DURAaON CURW FOR AVON oAMA9\ER DRA|NAGE SruDY TOWN OF AVON EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO PRq,.cr No.: gJO2OE DR\n{ Er MLM I scx-e o^* sltys+DR rNC NO: Fl t' '*?r',2i:1f.,..^" ftInter-Mountain ,oro ro*"1'!I1]!l i!,"; i:i:fi^"6 ; "" lA En gineering Ltd. tnxe wo o i' i 6t6X7!;:iA PRoJEcr Noot'i'52 f: / i l?:r 9cfDAfElay A,< L sH€Fr No. 7 .* l4 DRAIM6E CRI TTRIA TIAI.{UAL TABLE 3-t (4?) RTCOI{'IENDED .RUNOFF COEFFI CI ENTS AI{D PERCEI{T IMPERV I OUS PERCENT FREQUEIICY SURFACE CHARACTERISTiCS lrlPERVlorJS 2 I t0 100 Sile:s: Connercial Areas 95 .87 .87 .88 .89 l{eighborhood Areas 70 .60 ,65 ,7O .80 3s!i!sr!i-ef: Single-Fami ly ulti-unit (detached) 50 .45 .50 ,60 .70 ulti-Unit (attached) 70 .60 ,65 .70 .80' Llz Acre Lot or Lirger * .30 .35 .40 .50 Llght Areas 70 .65 ,70. -70 .80 80 .7r .72 ,76 .82 90 .80 .80 .85 .90 7 .10 .18 .25 .45 13 . t5 .20 .30 .50 50 .45 .50 ,50 .70 .96 .87 .87 .88 .89igo .80 .85 .90 .90 0 .00 .01 .05 .?0 0 .05 .15 .25 .50 : LAIIU USE 0R * .40 .45 .50 .60 lLrvt Acres Parks, Cenetrries: ' Playqrounds: . Schools: . Rallroad Yard Areas 20 ,20 .25 .35 .45 Undeveloped Areas: Historic Flow Analysis- 2 (See 'Lawns") Greenbelts, Agricultura I offslte Flow Ana'lysis 45 .43 ,47 .55 .65(xhen land use not defined) Streets: Paved 100 .87 .88 .90 .93 Gravel iPacked) 40 .40 ,45 ,50 .60 Drlve and l,la I ls: Roofs : L!|rns, Sandy Soi l Larns , Cl ayey Soi l NoTE: These Rational Fonnula co€fficients nay not be valld for large baslns. rSee Flgure 2-l for percent impervious. I I -t-90 URBAN DMINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT Feont Uceert bzaryea,c { €,,oo> Conreoc fusmtcf lJce,or,t Szac- D.e4tvtgttz Cprdetra lTatvuec l/oconE J ?e,.ttoFF (aarlE? PCq Le>r' EG:t/tJtD lt/zl/zo l'..:: - ;,7,",2|:Ii,*"^, fiInter-Mountain ,*0,^*;:lE;El i:,?i ;::';f'o i "" lA Ertgineerin g Ltd. tnxe *ooi)ii l6f1":;'l:U pRorEcrNo.94iJg E J t€Pt-"+/ IHEET No. ?' .* /4 PuYofie CnnFr€R DRAINAGE C RITERIA MANUAL RUNOFF 50 F20z!ro uj4 10 =I'J49so |l,2s og2 lrtF =I 12 IN FEET PER 35 SECOND FIGUFE 3-2. ESTIMATE OF AVERAGE FLOW VELOCITY FOR USE WITH TH€ RATIONAL FOBMULA. I UOST FREOUENTLY OCCUBNING 'UNDEVELOPED" LAND ST'RFACES IN THE DENVER NEGION. FEFEFENCE: _Urbt. r+ydroloey For Sh.ll W.i.r3hrd.- T.chnac.l F.l..3c No. 55. USO , SCS J... 1975. 5-t-84 UBDAr| DAIni GE I TLOOD COiIRO! D|STF|CT FEo'"2 Uzee* \pettv,eaz $ fize o Co,qraat- jD^s*.ef Ueaarr SpEm DPl'.veGE Cpol,erA fln*ztec Uocrtne I l?69 L4sr' E6/,r,€D t//2"/9o .2 .3 .5 VELOCITY I I I I - i:".'' o v SUITE 1O' 1420 VANCE STREET IA|<EWOOD, COLORADO 802 I 5 (303) 232-0158 IInter-Mountain 1]\tngineerinq:Lrd. P. O BOX 978 OO77 METCALF ROAA AVON, COLOF/.DO 81620 (303) 9495072 PRoJEcr No 91 133 E S 35:=- -r1' DAIE / BY tt C r, sHEEr ^,o ? "+ t7 -9.- 'i-u,'<. C. rr. .,r.:-t,lct^1 llo rz-Tt ?ee1-.aL/ ur- -!z'lt Ftzszl (oB7ly Lo4,n Z< p 697- 3ce?€S S,"tz- c- L r')ss//ic- 47>,t ts 4gEoZoCr- (ou,Z- B (<..r{E{ SafO) !.:-rr r. a 7ae Jz'r o,. S tTfz- -fo rz &tot!7p f {f S -(c^ eqai}) tls -Ru-e- O|4'q-ge';> aor-2PLEtr , 6 oa 6< "/, -{t-zpa 5 So/L ar-nss/€/L 8 ra,^.t ,/S *p ZocacrC- Crzov? -D (cccf)\ /' sr6ff tz d ?'- z{{rzcz 6-1 Pqtacc (oefacFui- i 7..+t tY-'c (o e ef-'<- r|,atf L25Z .n44tF 3"/(6) B:raQeL€ pR€45 i Lc,r- IUPL -B,-ttcz&c€. ,VoN B4!-D qaLc nbD/T/a^/4L n4{a 76 3qa e93?78J s+ 3?c6 / sf /71 6c a,9 / 74c. @.,9(/c tfop sta?Es B /Js/.//3e/<s9 a.3/ i<- No// gL, LPA&E /2,2<4 ,/s Sa,lY€zt' ?at"t>)'/La/: TPFsfttr -sfi6 S ti-t- /5 !-ec G-it-A fr'r 47'/a 5a ui^)4 7JFS 4- €n-t aF SE pDSTpryE V?pE ArD It Bdz?€aFD 2* a74 pTeai|'2€si- tr-y .sir./>sfeN€ ..-D.tut{, '/7te sa.4> iz-Y 'tou,i Pa/,e Lc:e?.,'fu{ F43T py' a430{-nf. vftL fr,-\ T)t€- ,a 63-f 2/ J//2€v./.ie?F-^ /_ 6rT)a 17tq tt-ft /S re6.f€r.i:/ :tr'ff lra, ay ,,.r 3.-,.t/F iC/_S€ S t :r- €/; a: t,ri r,t:l: 7T: {F.a / tty':a- Z.:.t:.'. -/};e 4,22_'/=ED SZ % :.,1 T ta,{ a4€ /S -a-y E Er,-tq-!E .?J,? i}rn,/ rl 1-7,,/ :,-€ , T:.'€ f*rn6:t,1€n- tF 4|€ <.a<. t3 :)J Ff-('', 1:.^,! i'-r':€ t ;F p.)a1 *':.4 +)/e . -i:";€ ?o."->teL€ 1=r?-1tP cF :-:,{ /- tf s:)-r. j fa .r-='r? 3 l/ilt E/.)sT 4f r)PP?oytmn-f1Llt 2{7"t " n, ( i2lr-, :'> :,a S4-:: :-.,u( \-+tt€ >tt'\"- 7, 'i't.'r- . !:6. Cp iy' .iV 4- B/lrT 4&tC Ps'lZj:zr,t cF 71'4 !4€ y'lcc ilE €tt'1n) /ll€D. 'r>t a Satas7e."/E a8/14 4264 ,/s r1N. n rtoor'l1L Q,3/ Atl?Fs i I ! '*?r"uor|3ll_,^o^o ftInter-Mountain ,,rorn iu!lE!!l 7wt.L'otoaeoo irazo l^- ' '?l'it' ;iJ i"i*- "' " * fA Engineering Ltd. LAKEwooD' ""i#f3:.3'.,":' 3 : F:'' '')' DA|EIBY i,l:L sHEEr /vo. / J -+ // 7 265l *tr 5 '?/:- ,:c,4 ) i Tuatopp (oEf-€/Cltr^rf ! fr" \ L'o-/ sezFneA nryflQ+) =r- C,oo 75Fr,4rT VlZ - o.9d 2ta3 NwaA.- 4L y9 O,O{ O.ZO ivTvlc 5243/ s+ Com PaS.,TE (d)f- FF.LtE ryf /o-yB zr/z /o.z)+lt=n(o,t5.\ = a/E, ., - \ 5 3 q3I /oo-/k zr/z (".") * aBr? ("2') = D,3o s3/3/ 'f to, E aF ca,,t L€ttTral,Oe^/ i CS'O.9A. /)sp>:,ziz-f L " SG (EET /sPttic1- S = 4,<oZ rts?tracf L -- 2Ze f€t7' LaflssF S -- z<1L aaNssE:T, -. - ^ 'r /t/ = 7Z :;J5ic &cn3teD {''- 3-Z Tutt ef'F- 1 Cto = 0/6 Lr"a 'D'\Op = 1.zZBe Q.,, = c./i(';S) t.z3 = 2. $ =:-s Q,*,, 2.zz(1;6)1.93 . 2,/ eds * Se ,r/rn f ,".-- =.adt,z pl): {-L '*?,'"Zi:IL.r^, fiInter-Mountain ,oro,o*"E'!l}/!l i!,1i;::h"f;"'"' lAnt gineeringltd. -^e*ooo'-i6[6iiil'iiii PRoJecf No S4(JS E B sE*-7- et DA|E/BY AEC- sHEEr ^/o. ll o& lq -{tlL D{u€L,FA&Le fv P'l^p../ ol 1*e 5 rft 72,1ct- /€ z,€uEta? '+T oCP t? 'T-Dc/)r'b2tSE- 37yL 4 e//Lt //r'Q \ ?Zos n ?PQ t|f t)Jqdi' ?48-tt/l a2'rs FttD. \tet!€S EtuE t-Ar'/t,scrtFlNG- Vvrto re Co€ aF/c /€)/75 : Soe.FncE Ae-ra Q)) Cro Lto, 4s?noca- /4 gs< c.ga o.93 Betctut/a t7?b g o.9o o.9O l4NDscnF{ ?Le7I o-o{ or22 d, B- * 4'3, lOn?a:,/76" a o EF/.--/cZFt-.7- L,. c,o, = 4{erb,qZ\+ tzz6a(a.q?) - z/-azg(a zE) = o.S7 sz /z/ -f n e oF to',lL€az .@FDoN t l€€- 9,A m tt't t"p mt t.vLe(i!€J) t,t ?a1e t,C 2!.r/4?Sf Eua !f:Srt Et <a)F€ t I ut.r,-t- 6 eut,- 2e Ai LFt- --.tit y €. /,/Sr,t-j :2 {a..,.' !i /? t t \ '-:,"2. 2S7t . Tutyc FF / Cru = o'fl Cro, = 2' 91 T,rz, ' {./ ',/;'." T, ' 3"?,'/.'u Q€' {n ',"qz/.zz E.- Q, = 2.4?(3.? /,23 = 2.i'.i: Q,*s , c.:9 /{ L/ 1.2" = 2.9 <$s. ,,i,fl?|:Il^"* flInter-Mountain ,o,0,o,"2'!IE]El AvoN. coLoRADo a1620 l - . . ";;,';;;;;; - - - --- rltsnErineerinlrLtd. c;nE/'ooD' coL2*D-2:22.1-1 PRoJEcr No i/LZ 3 E DATE / BY 2o c>17 9 sHEEr No. /Zp "D{ Corr-a'-c f,€s)t.v z '-l(/art')- . t4 c_r:>6 a> - ./ a..15 3.Q +tZ = /s,q : F:-,tt/ +) ,,t,ta.Ff = Q t* oy_g tT€ *< /4 als .uu-e.i7 t€ € rrt SZ-Zt"-,r Trzrt"€ cll€c/c cdp4c lf'y aF Ut€ ?t,U f.EFtt{Er-/ Q = /6.4s S = 6.7e/o Dt4r /fi', -1,{' n = o.o/ H;^?€ ,i//J 6 rbflttNttv& t- Q. b€Ptl/ rF /-Lz!t? 49% ntta, nfi% (rtr4l.fi/ = 34,3 c{s S /Z€ 'Dt<s tP,4J2aX -s /elrfr)e€ Ttnt ac oyl€e F4a4) -- 2<.O tr,ty' OF qu€a trLaa = ZZ,{ 3,2 € rnfrJal? ?.lSs/Fofi?)"/ STRUaTVS€ /38 O?,y',4,6 FzE,.np*ra Q t':t:4 71 !;2." /n :f,t €,? ouE/z fazu E-> 1u-ET */ (c,rorrs.Lar-E 4.rr.r- e"u4 L-a 7',"j= a2r'{{'J.,F/+' .: t' ?''! { /l ri 6rl .a ,)aF/.,t)ilL C, r.a i^.Jrt{.f t?t-/|a .'}r.t:.'18;.a- ': f..-'-': -.fT c €)J.j-__e of OpCrly./L Q = /6 .{^t /G=o,rp@ -tBt rz"'>rrt ? = {,3.1 s )9'\'fl a -- t2,zc|s z+"il6 O = 2c,/ a /4-1s z lLcIS Q= Ch =?H '*ir"*Z;:Ii, ^.^, ftInter-Mountain ,*ouo,"Eu!l11!l l:,",i ;!f ff " "' *' |A Etn gineerin g Ltd. u^'* o o o'' " o'*;p; 23,'j PRorEcr No. q4 t63 € anre r ay ?2 Cc= g4 sHE€r No i32 oc // Porf-aLc }rstt.v i(o,-r,) ; 9 zE j>,<srHlV- S rrzrr-rec ,CoMf\ t StZ€ cuJL675 ttSE pg1trrcE dd/zn JLA ;rzf 2 !4-24: f < -- /">tA ltto af e?ER. ft-ac.t - z{.o /^lt/ ?€ o <'7L€f '-- 22,8 n r,- t''q = 12. (2> --: ,fZr(Zf - ZZ.8 - o. t7) mnK€ /nnJd? s fEuat-e E -g4' t ortlG oF€ 7rA'6,- 6- 4rza / Z'o.c- =17o /7 Xo.6{ = //,AsoFs /6 -//.a< = 19{e[s ?,JT- flTDi'L cFF^/,/i./as /-/tfrL 1u? a€ r4nJdi? 9fa4:1u{Z€ Pt4 o,- ol€eFLr4' = 2{" 0 //ru ot O./I1-ETS - ZT,O €t/ E a,' 2:.,,:f L4TS = 4 " = c 6{8,?- c,4? .ts - o,('{i-.$s 1.9 {r./a.q z = /Z aETtN/^,tLS teaJ&z Otr€A/jN^S , ?BC€ tn 7'DPo/r/f BdazT?./€6,{ ,, Ij I I I t pRoJEcr No?ntJ9 a DAIE/BY 22 aJ 94 sH€Erwo /(o .s l7 Ouffncc t€S/(A,/ (.".t) C e a';,€E od€< trt a|2.)err4 -- 29. o '\\t rr'/ . Z3,O | ),! Our =ZZ,{ 6" cc€nt l? .4'C,n 2t/ ^,f'CslNf = zf.c \3! a-1 r),v'/ t7 1 DrU 2t=L6'rs g z4''a c ?ea F)L€ 36 LF z4 / '/n U = " HDF{ Qc.c%22.{ 6 ?rt'.?rr F---- tl= J,r , ii-- -t-/F :,v " = :>,C 'rh l^l tr -z+ D,4 /tbPE I I tttrl; =' '€' ti/t/= ZZb{ 4 -llF 9 €crlatr' z; ft*;5;'" o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o - .,."/ -- =1 ao PROJECT:@u' DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARIN COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Iaw?e.viaA, 7 Date: ,/l ZZ '1/ /"7'4. -i.,, 7.--r1'.,,,.,-; 4,.'tz'-:1 -.'2 a?-Z z jf z,zi j z?,: i '/ '7 !,tJz( z.F S 2;,.V. a,/' a-''-';it t"'r''' '^/,/ ) /' 5r,r yr',1 .,o., t,i -J u 1,,', *J2 e::) ,1 Retum to PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:futg> DAUwrkv 1e*t>rxtd f Anx:AGe R^ktJ. N tDrtlE +1A48 C+tANb,sD ?V-iltL WVrlto,e Pt *t\3 Z/( (3,,-zs--Date: ,to' 3 /' 24 comments: , -/ -- ,1.. ,//:..'L-,,n;s - | ,r./---..- "/ ./ tcC' - /?od,-,;=fzf'u/ ,'7" 'at1 ,u,,n,--/ Z z*.,'/,-..t a/2 1-zsi /o u,ra,-zJ. tsrird I l/:YA o -.*.1r,f \ll\ o--*, .. "*'-/ MIKE McGEE GREG HALL TODD OPPENHEIMER Return lo Andv Knudtsenffi PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW -/, i r> /'- ' , /1 -:SUt-, /[-Cdr"r\ LIV t.r-tf-'.4 ttou, .U DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING y',a/{ COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF' fl?--.,-o.---t-.-ry4.1 V'<-4 aa\- -*{. e4 rtz,-o.v_.J F-/._,^-_&' ft< "ft1- dorux A^,/.arzc-(. /-&<.4_,_/a';4L .-/- "7Engineering: Reviewed by: Comments: tu'Y. ( L<-'{-d c.<< -r (:rA< Landscaping: Reviewed by:Dale: Comments: PROPOSAL:13 30 Jr^-.. /1-- -v d-.*.)2_,. Date:.///L._ 4 ..---- Fire Dept.: Reviewed ov,.A-F - ouro,'o' j')r"/= .2,,2. f cn,us/;2,,t-i=oJ r-r".rJ comments: r-tze)z--' /tt"7 77lo- t/z'azoJr1/r2,,.2, ..ap.,*,,o,Ly'- z,/r. ,.s 4u.i .ZuAot-- /'- /41*tt ''"np J/s;zz Ez z"/i4z t&-/' -Z 7' ' : .1.-,/,r'./77.',.a. 4''2"-='*- S '>'J * f z'4'Js'?</<r-"'!t /3/-'-^"inr//:;.r',27,x'7f iZw#:/*;::n^,J-n'"!n -z- _7/i"- t'.""" -*o a^[';; ZA L*.r,o,uo an -'- </re,-a2"1/ zz, zsi 26,zq 27,{3<' z'^,zs 3<" 37 .4Vz's7-,4z-a/ /-''/t< 117.,'/ 4"<:a44 1'220"''z' n'A Oc- Ze'ou'-2"- I ' Distributed to the Fire Department, pubric works, and Landsc aping on_?/2_a ,r' E aJ-... a--/ ,rzc-roo r,.a 1 zz-//.2- /"a.,za 44R ? 4 ?*-,rt 27>,t5,{ *;-/ffi d,.,,'-aJ ./a,z-../ 21, ,otuB,t4z-/ .4ztuzb= e2./f //tu,.'-4 /An..z /a.,4f - /ar,.?,t,-,,,) a./,,rzz-. 4Zoct< i<.ce44., o -_ --- -"r-t, o - o Return to Town Planner INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: S DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed oy Teux.t Da:r; ll.q 'q+ Comments: NofW YC4U 6ae.r6,n " 4 bpArruAee FtA$: - N@ Aof,rloru&u ?,\N? rU Atpo^\r-w UN tT3 6 i t,, anD Iz. (,ttNf*, Fvor'u+ THpooag TEF6+{ D)il^.p€f*_BY tsr't r t2- ahuY dd kow /eucl+ (p*ao" {or wWboqm bW {rowt z I r t ,-- TO: MIKEMcGEE @ PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ./,0./?- COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /*2.-.o.-alra V'L4 ,^., *-+ e4 n_2,-.t.t__J, FZ..-^__0f, fi. '(/, ,r1l>rrn Pnre././-&n,"-=- /a;aa; *-l-.^1 Engincering: Reviewed by: (xc.l,d'.'d-t:(r. Dale: ro.4-clA Commcnts: Q;..rrraqo st,.,,aq s\pu.id k>. cau tq<-c\ '16 ceJ giosl - frar^- S.r\nnrt .^ nod dfoinoqe gra6 pa^,;v. ogg<Crr Co Af('rn l'\ t(i str.'(t ) c'rr) '{'\Yc' the \-f cLc F lr'f€ CrJdg-+rr l..'.rN\: ce.' c.t lr(, \rt (h g\de' l; o< (r>5c{c-\ iei \ re<\:1c'rtlrrrrr\ J \5 (Ir.{ {r.\ a <-r\ar5rc.fa ? y' Ci:s\\r-t u.\ t\:rcrrrf3lcrt}rr:"' Crce' toc fhpi i ' TODD OPPENHEIMER Return to Andv Knudtsen Town Planncr INTER-D EPARTM ENTAL R EVI E\{U (r,<_{ lr ,o 4 .r".__/ ,,t ()y_1 \ f-A-- /. *.-_.,.-1-_ /^ta -,// tv,-y. /r- t( \t\a 4 Landscaping: Reviewed by: Commcnts: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Commenls: Date: Dalc: Dislributed to the Fire Departmcnt, public works, and Landsca ping on ?:,/2 e / ? / . L 30 I )f.tia+ \,t lra1 \: 5. Helohl=!iTii.tigl!. ,N0 buitding gr structure ):!uli b.. plaG?., ereETed''I-IaEEred or permitted ro remain t.?: :l{ ]g! whicrr exieeJ;'r-h;i;hi of forty_five (45) feet Lr llr;l;li:ion nieasured rrom eiade at ihe miopoiit'Ji1riZ", _( -A/ grr-Street parkfno- -*r5st*', u ffi ,, I#ffifl#T|.1+.+S+ffii-in inqse ratios described below: . ratio of :. , (a) Vehicle parking sha'l'l be Rrovi.ded on a +.: - 1Ltd I each dwel I i ng uni,. oF apartment;--.-.'' in a hote'l , motel square f eet of f 'lo retai'l or service feet of f'loor areaor bar; 'lot;(i) Two parking units for each residen- 0ne. and one-hatf parklng mu'l tipl e-fam.i ly reiidenc6, parki ng uni t for each rent,a'l uni t foi every 1,000servicerin a parking unit for every 100 squarecustomer service in a restaurant (2)t in'a units for .-.- condominium e parki ng uni tsoted to.customer (3) oneor 'lodge ; (4 ) Threor area dev shop; ,F\\3J Unedevoted to - - (b)- Each parking unit shal.l contain gO0 rquu.. --1feet, inc'iudino drives between purking rows and shar'r be .'locaied entireiy within-idI-iinEi. _ (g)_ Required vehic'tg parking may be. vrho.l.ly onsrg9e,'par"tlv below sirl!g or who'r'iy' ue'rowlslgi.--'nri'pirIing :lit:..lgi..y ji! j n 3 glvel1i ns s truct-ure and ii.t dir,vewavi i n "'" .sha'l'l noi, 7. -' "-"-:: -\the Subdivision..shall be pived. (O) l"1obile homes and rlarge corymercia.l vehic.lesbe parked within the Subdivjiion -Structure to Land Area Ratio Requirements.' (a) llith respect to Commercia'l Lots, the area onwhich structure! af e consti-ucted sha'l 'l noi-"ncorpass more thanfif*uy.percent (s0%) of the surface irea oi ine lbi-on wnicn'( such improvements are situated. on which sr,.,l?,i".lr:1.":;i;;i,:?.[":;:fi';:l !ili;rll: il;:ihan thirty-five percent (35%) of the surface area bf tnetoE on which such improvements are situated. B. Temporar.y Structures. No trai'l er, basement, tent,shack, garagffibui'idi ng srraf t - lu-p"iri ti.ii0n any'iot in the Subdivision at any tim6, nor sniri anys'tructure of a temporary character -be used for human ha-ui ta-tion excgpt where authoiized for a period of not to exceedlnree (3) mon'',hs by a special permit granted by the Dec'larani. 9. Consl_Luc.!_i_q_!._P_e-1^i_q{. A'll bui'ldings or other siruc-i,urescommenffieSubdivision-sha.|.lbe_proie-- .cuied di'l.igently to completion and in any event shall bbcompleted within tvre'lve (tZ) nonths from commencement of tr-il! - 3- . l*?tffi''fl{fiil$ffi3sffii}'. Project r00 c6t-o oo AyEu.G Fo. Eq r5t H'Tffi r'HSf *'lilE*,%gj#f F.O SOX {00N FAcosA sPFtltc8 CDI'oRADO rfi67FxorF 803) 73| -,tzrs : -W!*:'i4t,-3,,,ffiim,{ nfuuf ie -m1gi)gws;u4 |CF;6{iAi,-- -- : : i rFl.: ; ; i -- r':''-'ii ,, - '.. .:'' Fr-:J-r*-+,4?+#4{l i*e ,:,a-'::.$6.np-:-- - l'i-,.. -l.'-.---.-.;l --,*:i':]:."'j'.:.i?i?,Ee*..,'",''-1=:...;i"tii_7|y...:.-|.,-:..;n,:-1='#o'-z l:. :' -'i:*-" :r"-t:-;-:':.:,:.. ;- ' i'- ----.r.-.-l-*- ::--. . t. ia)rn---Li-;"r-e,-*:J-;:l-9__l i-.: ir.. l_: ". *_., _r_, i,:;..: I .,i"-......i ,._--:r..:'._j jr.--. ......--..,; " i rt .ill_. :,_l.i:iI i-" ;i-'..l.1-i--"..7';".i..-;..;-:...-''+-..--."'....-*'_-.--.'.i.;.-.".;;.:'-...:-l_.l:'.:';'' ;.- "f.:.i.'.;-- .: ., , i --, '.: , 1-.. . :. _ .-._: ;.1- i.: : .-' i. ---."-:'.-,.-.--.-..:j---._.:-l .-i-;.---.--,-**-' ;',Afr:".-f;t;;,1!;*'&urc *: i &_'6*oal.g.., e Fu1irt,i ,Ar,1, --ili ; F"F-ntk _.: { i' tr:Y. i!-uf E e 'e @b Dh-sac ( vlt'1tbnt, * t'ht++ *=,Vi -:..._i ii-; :E=:; : :" ;ro -+#Fnqe+t'ltt{a':@::.eis4i :?.rcp; e^id,:- i.:--:JJ"-, t - i:.,i : ' i I .. ...:..: i I . .. _ trag" -,Y ';, "W",7,,Meifu "::^, -g;fi*/i.f: :,;,aAAZ;; ry* i*- iai:An,|: "ti:rr.'.*i rl,vqffqrr4{ urye-g*'E'A€fl!f.,@A."AEilW.;:.MW E/gr ifb:F-,Ufr..i; r, ,'-. , , - * ,'g # s'**osravi 4', wunan*1-'#t- 4;# +-i-' ' .'-" -"! ', t,..-- itlr-,: -._--.:'-_t 4;'.Qfi7'|tt'|ave)i''.'6F;o3:--,.-'-.;".| --.--+...-E:+il i.'.r : :' --. .:f*ET1lGlfirwtyt-r:t":..' t+t1k*'=t:-- +,lw:tT--l.:.e] f :F*4 E . , .,:: _,_r___:i:] ''-:.'-i..:.'..::'=.'&o,cL:z'*-.#'t:..t68',,ao.-'..= -_F.ry.dlryt*L-i! li" 'l JEHOME GAMBA & ASSOCJATES. INC. coNsu$rNc ENcrNtrRs * r-mfivevons 16 @lroRlDO AYEIE F'o' 90I r45t olElfttooo 3Phmog, cot.o ro tFat-1159 lHoriEt 60t) eal.S60 FAX,Os) $1F1,110 P.O EOX 406 TAGOEA SfRrNGt Co|0FADO fil57 tHqttEl l3@) 7t1-57d0 Project wgrk item d,/Sheet 4 ol ?' date 7-tkn3 -Tct By coNsuLTtNc ENGTNEEHS & ||suRvEyons 100 cou)AADA AYEtr.E FO Eq lFE oLliivlooo sPRrncs. coloeqlp fi G02-(36 FtlOIlF €09, 945.2!50 FAe (300) 945.14t0 Fp,80t 4t0t PAOOEA SPElttcg cor.oi^m mt FHorE 661 73t . 5713 ,*i"* Srryrq Bgs.,tn- Lru(L neaL wo,R i*^ 1zk6 -- DEfutthe sheet B ot 6 aot -v-l(t-rt3 ef#fr! JEHOME CIAMBA & ASSOCI.8, INC, , - coNsuuill{Q ENG|NEERS & |jND SUBVEYORS Project |o0 Co|-ofilrDo AvE E rp, Eqx Eits ot-Eilt$000 SFtrl{cs. coloFrDo 0td)2-11t6ftl(l{e OoiD t+t-2550 F t'(00019.3-1410 PO. Eo)( 1t06 Work item F 6t'9A EFB|NGS @LOFAm CIET R'lOtlE BqD 701-a?ag i;"i'l sheetjZ-ot-_6-.dore 7 --ty-qs fn>By,-t t-l .. -,fl?JJHffilffi*TffiJ#' too cotaoMoo AyE tE FO,90x Htl f; ,silgffi .#T*.*f ffi *iiH-,lE Fo. SOX at06 fAoOSA SFitflqT CC|loiIDO tlt57FHOIF BqD 73i -57a3 Pfoject Work itern sr,"et 5 os 6 6*" o.. 7ry ?-4E4B By :I-: _" .-r-- i .| '^: Ft -, t-l-Fr.i : i.--i--'--.i-r-i I l-+-il+. I i L, -l :. -- r. - I r. .L_l_.__ i i ::r: -t :-:i--- .JEHOME C"AMBA & ASSoC|ES, tNC, CO{ITSUTIMG EIGINEERS & I.AftID $TBVEYOHS ,*r,,, Srz'#B,r*rr -uw, hphe n"r*,,.,n 13 lT6 - barb,t/tqE she"t 6 -o, 6 dot€ t-lh13 COO COLOiADO TT/E|TE F0 EOr l.4gl oLEilttooo tPill{os. cdinrm !$01-H5s pttONE, 6G' lt{5-2350 FAx,6p4 949*O F0. 90x 4t0l PAOog sFift,lcs. cotdH^m $t/ ihto E(!ool7sl.s7ag : , TapBy -t -: i'ii;',-,;J[tr.' ;jij:llj -':+++:"'I:: :'- 7€ ._ .- ./+ft JEROME C?AMBA & ASSOCIATES, tNC. COIiAULTING E}IGINEEB$ & LAND SURVEYONS t13 gTH srFEEI. Sumrl4 40, aox r{58 e.G^ril'iiri6'lpnrrios, coLoR^Do d602.i4sg ihoaSSf ffi*ur. ,oLoF,Aoo 8,157PHoNE: f303) }lsesso FAc {roi) g{rl/iro iii6iEifrf zs_szs FA(r (3ot}731-,u70, SUPPLEMENTARY DRAINAGE PLAN AND FOCK HAZARD LOT G-4 LIONS HIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING FOR SUBMITTAL TO DESIGN REVIEW BOARD, TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO CERTIFICATTON 2 l, Jerome F' Gamba, hereby certify thdt I am a Professional Geologist as deflned by 9.1.S. .74-1:2!1^, as_ amendgd and that I am a Professional Regisiered engineer aidefined by C.R.S. 12-25-102, as amended. I hereby cenify, further that I have examined a site plan for development of lot G-4,Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing number 2 which was prepared by architact HaroldEngstrom and which was dated 4120193, a site plan'for the development of fourstructures containing 16 townhouses; that I have conducted a detailed, site specificgeological investigation of the site and its adjacent environs, and that my investigation has been with sufficient, thoroughness and accuracyto atlow me to certity a" fo-ilows,The geologic conditions are such that the site can be developed for ihe sp"rificstructurEs and uses shown on the aforementioned site plan and that such proposed development can be accomplished without corrective engineering or engineeredconstruction and without the need for other mitigation or alteratloni. I hereby certify further that I made a drainage study and plan based on theaforemented site plan dated 4120193. Since making the diainage and hazard studies,I have examined'a revised sita plan datad 8/9193 which contain" a rninor relocationof two structures and I hereby certify: 1 . In respect to my drain€ge study and plan, no changes are required as a resultof the revhed site plan, 2.The designation of the steep portion (southerly portionl of lot G-4as a snow stotage site is consistent with my drainage plan. Storage of snow on this south facing slope will be effective because the solar exposure on the rock outcropscreates an envlronment which causes melting and evaporation of the snow,during day temperatures near and above freezing, PAGE 1 3. The drainage plan includes provisions for erosion control in the forrfi of grass lined channels and velocity control barriers, which are sufficient to prevent soil erosion on the site in excess of 3 tons of soil per acre per year, and 4. In respect to my hazard study aforementioned, no changes are required as a result of the revised site plan. Dated this day of August 1993 PAGE 2 JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES. INC CONSULTING ENGINEEBS & LAND SURVEYOES 1lth W#fd# z {, EruE 0F2LF FB' C' IJJ c, 4,Fo ,1, ]U (9,o Fo zo rg 7.a) a JEHOME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEEBS & L,AND SURVEYOBS o TOWN OFYAIL 75 Soatb FrontaEc Roail Vail, Colorado titlZ 3 0 t -479-2 t t 8/ FAX t|t _ 4? 9 -2 I 66 D cp ar tn en t of P rhlfu lilork s/Tr a n sp ortat iot August 17, 1993 Mr. ,Jerry GambaJeicne Garla & AssociaEes, rnc.113 gth Streer, Suire 214' Glenwood Springs, CO Bl602-j.459 RE: Drainage srudy for Lor. G4, lions Rldge subd., Filing #2 Dear Mr. Ganba - the Town of vail publiq works Department has reviewed thereferenced study and has the followin{ concerns: 1) - A more de-uaired analysis of the off site frows, will need, tobe perforrned, as r.t apFears current,lyr rllr off fron a-milJiportion of che Eiger Chalets flows toiard this site- Uelo*-iir"point where you show the 9.66 cfs ef,lters. The ditch on thenorth side of Sandstone Drj.ve intercepts little wa:er.Provide a map showing basins and sub bashis. 2) - f n using the rational net,hod for deterrnining f).orrs, the tinreof concentration nust be carculated for eLctr uasin & subbasin, prease use the Tolvn of, vail intensity curve encloseciand enclose the reference for your runoff coefficients. 3) . ?he rr.lnoff needs Lo be cal-culaEed f'ir ihe s year storm as rvei_as the L00 year storm. The calculation of tie site's histoiic6. developed frows and the site cosbined wit,h the orisir*historic basin e developed flows. 4r. Please show how.drainage wirl be passed along the souuh sideof sandstone Drive once t,he site is develope8 ana wtrerJ w:.rithis drainage disperse once it reaches the lower cul_de-sac. 5) - u'Ihat is the verocity of the flows dowsr gpg slope Ln concern. Page 2.ferry Gamba Drainage stuciy for Lot c4, Lions Ridge Subd., Filing #2 Is there any tlpe of erosion protection planned and wad thissized. 5). t\A porlion A drainage 'If you have any Sincerely. : of flows may need to be piped. easemens may be required to be dedicated. questions pLease contact me at 479-2160. Town Engineer Enclosure cc:Andy Knudtson GH: j It JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEEF8 & L,AND SURVEYONS fl3 tT}l sTBEel, SUm et4 P.0. BOx i15g 6tENw0oo sPFrNcs, CoLOMDO fi60et4g8 PHo.rE l30B) 9{s?560 Frx tfoq gnsi,tro August 27,1993 Mr. Greg Hall Town Engineer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 P.0 Box {808 PACo€A SPRTNG$, CoLo8A00 Bfit PlloNE {309, 73',tr/r3 Ft\x. (gtxtrnt.4nl Drainage Study for Lot G4, Lions Fidge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 Dear Mr. Hall: This letter is in response to your letter dated August 1 7, 1gg3 in which you request additional studies and information related to the drainaga study for Lot G4, lt is our opinion that according to the Town of Vair Zoning Begurations we heve provided ail ths information which is required for this stage of the approval process. on Page 452. ltem c'. the zoning regulations state that the devetoper shall provide ',a contour map showing all existing and proposed watereourses. including the seasonal course.timits of points of departure from the deveropment". we have provided such a plan. The regulations go on to stEte that 'the limlts of the qne hundred.year flood plain shall be plotted on tha contour map as well as any revised flood plains".. to begin with, the one hundred year peak flow calculated lrom this site or above the site is 1g cfs. we believe this calsulation to be conservatively high. However, even if our calculation is low by 100% and the actual flow is 36 cfs, there is stilt no "flood plain" for a flow of this magnitude. For example,36 cfs is carried in a roadside ditch with 2;1 side slopes, 1.7S feet deep and a channel slope of 2%' This clearly demonstrates that with the magnitude of flows which we are discussing on this project. there is no ,.floodplaifl", and the flows will be canied by channels created as shown on our plans. The zoning regulations further state that 'ti-re drainage pran shall arso incrude the rocation and type of structures that will be necessary to handle the quantities of weter evidenced on the sit€". Our plan clearly shows the location of the drainage channels necessary to .,handle the Page 1 water". We also provided channel det6ils whlch demonstrate the ,,type,,of structuresnecessary tO "handle the wat6r,,. It is our position that fsr this lever of the approvar process, the deveroper has providsd arlinformation tequired by the regulations of the Town of Vait. we recognize however that inorder to receive a buitding permit, additional information and calculations will be necessary ;?;:n 'n" deveroper fuilv intends to provide at that time. rf you have any questions, prease Sincerely, JEFOME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES. INC CONSULTTNG ENG|NEEPS & :_AND sUFVEyoRs J€rome Gamba & Associates, tnc. Page 2 IIDITFEJEI\F{:'r APR l-l rsos ,"-... J t<-,-- 1 --t-,.,...--L -,7---c-,- 6'*'n t'A----- k-.-- I 3 */t y' Ailn / e"-a1F s; k /^.,- / /tr.€ 4 /n^,L .2* fz-^/ t-L-*/44v/ r1^'1r' .ryt?4\ a-4-^t 4: -Jf l0v .C0iIiiti. Dn/.08F[ 4l zq z-&.^a.t'-t 4 <--r : 1\1-a -.-tr1 ar<^-tLH Lv 4t" "4-*J) 4 n 6r-- ,ft..^--/ 3 . t-rlla q &,f-J7,'1, LJ,vtlor) s,n- rr,.---/.a, #*, uo / sad/t .LhT, VZN-zaa a uyE L.zl- /, Z^"* Fzl c.^d;'/.-.' az4ItJ3l^ it- l',rW* hl els t6v- f t -- 47 a/zl l7 a/zz , ,.r t'u .r+.4-rr-4 \ L rv! \ qlzz [- <14 ,"-\ oo iHj otD REPUBLIC NATI0NAL TlTlt INSURANCE COMPANY, a l\ilinnesou corporation, herern called the Company, for a valuable considerarron, hereby commirs l0 issue irs policv or policies ol title insurance. as idenilied in Schedule A in favol 0l lhe proposed Insured named in Schedule A. as owner 0r mongagee of the estale 0r interesl cov€red hereby in the land descnbed or rclened 10 in Schedule A, upon pai{nenr of rhe premiums and charges therefor, all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and l0 the Condirions and Sipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be elfectrve only when the idenlrly ot the poposed Insurud and fie amount of the policy or polici€s committed for have been insened in Schedule A hereof by the Company, ehher at lhe ime of lhe issuance of this Commhment or by subsequent endorsement. Jlis Commirmenl is preliminary ro rhe issuance ol such policy or policies 0l title insurance and all liabilhy and obligations hereunder shall cease and rcrminale su monlhs afrer the elfective dare hereol or when the policy or policies committed fot shafl issue. whichever firsr occun. provided that 1he failure l0 issue such policy of polcies is not the lauh 0f the Company. C(]N DITIONS AND STIPUT,ATIt)NS 1. The rerm "mongage", when used herein, shall include deed ol tun. llust deed, or other secrrily insttument. 2. lf the proposed Insured has or acqurres actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance. adverse clatm 0r other maner afle4ng lhe estare 0r inleresl 0r mongagr lherson covered by this Commitment other than those shown rn Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledg€ lo the Company in wdring, the Company shall be relieved from liabilny lor any loss or damage resuking lrom any act of reliance hereon l0 lhe extent the Company is peludrced by failure of rhe proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knorrr4edge l0 the Company, or if the Company olherwise acquttes actual knowledge of any such defect, lien. encumbrance, adverse clarm or other maner, the Company al rts option may amsnd Schedule B 0l this Commrlmenl accordtngiy, bul such amendmenl shall not relieve the Company hom hability previously incurred pursuant t0 paragraph 3 0f these Condilions and Sipulatrons. 3 [abilhy 0f lhe Company under thrs Cornmrrment shall be only to *€ named proposed Insured and such panies included under the definrion ol Insured in fie form 0f policy or policies commined for and only for actual loss incuned in telnnce heteon in undenaking in good lailh lal t0 comply wnh the rcquirement hereof or lbl m eliminare erceptions shown in Schedule B, 0r lrl l0 acquire or cnate the eslate or inlere$ 0r mortgage lhereon coveted by thls Commirmenr. In no evenr shall such liabilily exceed lhe amounl srated rn Schedule A for the policy or policies comrnnted for and such lrabilily is sublect l0 lhe Insunng pmvisions and rhe Condirions and Stipllations and the Erclusions from Coverage ol the form of policy or polcies commined fot in lavor ol the ptoposed Insured which are hereby incorporaud by rcference and made a pan 0f lhis Commitment ercepl as expressly modified herern. 4. Any action or acrions or rrghts oi action fiar fie prop0sed Insrred may have 0r may bring agarnst the Company aising out 0l the sratus of the litle r0 rhe eflare 0r rnrer€sr 0r fte status of the mongage lhereon covered by thrs C0mmrtm€nl must be based on and are subiect to the omvisions of lhrs Commrlmonl. STANDAflD TXCENIONS In addrrion to rhe mane6 c0nlained in the Condnions and Stipulatrons and hclusions from Covetage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject t0 lhe lollort/rng 1. Righ$ 0r clarms of panies in possession nol shown by th€ public Gcords. 2. [asements. or claims ol €asemenls, nol shown by the public records. 3. [}rscrepancies, conflicts rn boundary lrnes, shonag€ in area, encroachmenls. and any facts which s corpcl survey and inspecrion ol the premises would disclose and which ae nol sho$tn by {he public records 4. Any len, or nght m a lien, lor services, labor or matena $etetofore or hereafter furnished. rmposed by law and nol shown by the Dublc records 5 0elecrs. lens. encumbrances, adverse clarms 0r orher malt€rs. if any, created, lirst appeanng in the public records orattachingsubsequenttotheetfectivedalehere0fbu1pn0ll01hedalelheprop0sedinsuredacqU|resoftecotdforva|ue Commitment. lN WITNESS WHER[0F, old Republic Narronal Tr e Insurance Company has caused [s corporate n0me and seal 10 be hereunm affired by irs duly aurhonzed olficers on rhe dare shown in Schedule A, t0 be valid when countersrgned by a validattng offrcer or other authorlztd signalory. 16*,- fla/tlvt- 010 REPUEI.IC tAfloilAt TITLE tilSUSArCE C0lfPAilY A Stock Conpany 40A Seclnd Avenue Sourh. Minneapolts. Mnnesota 55401 t6l2t3/l.lut 8y futhuiad Sqnatary 0Bl For|' 2512 At,esr <4rtra7 Seuetary o ALTA COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order No. V23079-4 For Information onlY - charges - ALTA owner Policy $2'580.00Alta Lender Policy S75.Oo Tax Report $20.OO --TOTAL-- $2,775.OO ****WITH YOUR REI,TITTANCE PLEASE REFER TO Ot'R ORDER NO. V23079-4.**** 1,. Effective Date: February 28, 1994 at 8:00 A.!1. 2. Policies to be issued, and proposed fnsured: rfALTAr Ownerrs policy tO-L7-92 91,250,000.00 - -'\ r .{ r- Proposed Insured: IJNITED REALTY RESERVE, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATTON xALTAfr Loan PoLicy 10-]-7-92 Proposed Insured: TO BE DETER!,IINED 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Connritment and covered herein is: A Fee SlnPIe 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: STEWART H. BROI{N 5. The land referred to in this Connitnent is described as follows: LOT G-4, LrON'S RrDGE SUBDTVISTON FTLTNG NO. 2, ACCORDTNG rO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 ALT COMMITI'tENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements) our Order No. V23079-4 o A PAGE 2 o ALIA COI{MTTMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Reguirements) our order No. v23079-4 The following are the requirements to be complied with: L. Payrnent to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OR CERTIFICATE OF GOOD STANDTNG OF UNITED REALTY RESERVE, INC. A COIORADO CORPORATION, ISSUED BY THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF COIJORADO MUS? BE DELTVERED TO AND APPROVED BY I'\ND TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPANY. 4. EVIDENCE SATTSFACTORY TO THE COI,IPANY THAT THE TERI.{S, CONDITIONS A}{D PROVTSTONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATTSFIED. 5. WARRANTY DEED FRoM S?EWART H. BRO.}IN*TO IJNITED REALTY RESERVE, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. 6. DEED OF TRUST FROM UNTTED REAL?Y RESERVE, TNC., A COLORADO CORPORATTON TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COT'NTY FOR THE USE OF TO BE DETERUTNED TO SECT'RE THE STJI{ OF TO BE DETERII'TNED. ?HE CO{'NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFTCE REOUTRES RETTTRN ADDRESSES ON DOCI'I.{ENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 3 o ALTA COMUITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) our order No. V23o79-4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following-unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Conpany: 1. Standard Excepti.ons 1 through 5 printed on the cover street. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. g. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VETN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFRO}I SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETR,ATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES As RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUgUSt 16, ].909' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 10. RIGHT oF wAY FoR DITCHES OR CANALts ToXSTNUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IJNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN TJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AU TUSt L6, L9O9 'IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 11. RESTRTCTTVE COVENANTS, I|IHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OIIITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE' COLOR' RELIGION, oR NATIONAL ORrcrN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIJI,{8NT RECORDED Septernber 20, 1972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 443 AND AS AI.TENDED IN INSTRIJUENT RECORDED SEPIEMbET 29, L972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 565 AND AS AUENDED IN INSTRI'UENT RECORDED JANUATY 22, !974, IN BOOK 233 AT PAGE s3 AND N{ENDED IN DOCITUENT RECORDED JULY 1, 1983 IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 804. 12. UTILITY EASEMENTS TWENTY FEET IN T{IDTH, TEN FEET ON EACH SIDE OF ALL INTERIOR LOT LINES AND A FIFTEEN FOOT UTILITY EASEUENT ALONG AND ABIITTING ON ALL EXTERTOR LO? LINES AS RESERVED ON THE PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING NO. 2. NOTE: QUII CLAIU DEEDS RECORDED DECEITTBER 31, 1981, IN BOOK 334 AT PAGE 153, JANUARY 27t L982, IN BOOK 335 AT PAGE 660, I'EBRUARY 8, L982, IN BOOK 336 AT PAGE 209 THROUGH PAGE 211, MARCH 1, 1982, IN BOOK 337 AT PAGE 89' AND VACATION AND ABANDONI-TENT OF EXISTING EASEI,IENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 8, L982 rN BOOX 336 AT PAGE 2O8 VACATE OR PARTIALLY VACATE SAID EASEI{ENTS. PAGE 4 o ALTA COMMITI.TENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V23079-4 13. EASEI-{ENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GR,ANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. TN INSTRT'UENT RECORDED AUGUST 24, 1957 IN BOOK 211. AT PAGE 1O3. 14. AGREEUENT BEIT{EEN TAYVEL EN\TRON!-IENTAL I,AND COMPANY AND }IOTJNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COI.fPANY PROVIDING FOR TELEPHONE INSTALI.ATION AND SERVTCE THROUGHOUT LION'S RIDGE SUBDTVTSTON, FILING NO. 2, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27, 1973 TN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 29].. 15. EASEITENTS. RESERVATTONS AND RESTRICTTONS AS SHOI'N OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 2. 16. TERMS, CONDTTTONS AND PRoVTSToNS oF EASEMENT RECORDED June 26, 1979 fN BOOK 287 LT PAGE 341. 17. TERltS, CONDITIONS AND PRovISIoNS oF AGREEI.IENT RECORDED April 12, 1984 IN BOOK 383 AT PAGE 53. 1,8. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEITiENT RECORDED March 15, 1985 IN BOOK 408 AT PAGE 643. - --\r "' 19. TERltS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF LINE MAINTENANCE AGREEI.IENT RECORDED XXX rN BOOK XXX A? PAGE XXX. PAGE 5 oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Reguired by Senate BiIl 91-14 A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the county Treasurer or the county Treasurer' s authorized agent. c) ?he infornation regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts rnay bg oblained fron the Board of County Cornrnissioners, the Couhty C'ierk and Recorder' or the county Assessor. Reguired by senate Bill 92-143 A) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PAYABIE TO TOWN OP VAIL UNIFORM BUILD]NC CO 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE | 000042412 CTORS LICENSES01 0000 41.112 I 0000 41413 JECT DONATION GN REVIEW BOARD I OOOfIZ3TT INVESTIGATION 0000 41010 01OOOO41330 CONDITIONALUSE 01 OOOO 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION 0l 0000 4l 01 0000 41330 MO.* | I CK# ( RECEI/T - The To*,r of Vail t6CI70D^rE 4l z- ( -, r. if4 REL€TVED ADDRESS- FROM Permit Numbers tlOW PAlD--Cdr ,Fo I ol Uppen Encue Veurev CoHsot-toereo Sarurrnrron Drsrnrct 846 FOFEST ROAO . \'ArL, COLORAOO A1657 (303) 476-7440. FAX (303) 476-4044 -.!.!.r Sl" &,,* fr1. January 6, 1994 Mr. Andy Knutson Town Planner Town of Vall 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 8165? Re: Lot G-4, Lionsridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 Dear Andy: The District has reviewed Mr. stuart Brown's proposed private sewer extension from Lot G-4 of the Lionsridge Subdivision No. 2 to the existing private service main of the Casolar Del Norte Drive Homeowners Association. This review aLso incorporated a letter from Mr. Mark Kiszer of Intermountain Engineering dated November 1, 1993 about the capacity for the existing line and Casolar DeI Norte Drive main in refationship in determlning capacities. The District's review of the submitted documentation has determined that the existing line is adequate to serve the proposed 15 units in Lot G-4. Upon receipt of a copy of the executed agreement between Casolar Del Norte Drive Homeowners Association and the property ohrners of Lot G-4, the District wiII a1low this condition to exist as a variance condition. I have enclosed copies of the Intermountain Engineering letter and of the dedicated easement for your review. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the District. Sincerely, \"d).\\cu!u- Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator FSH: sld \adrdn\has1\ak-Lcz. ltr Enc.l-osures ( 2 ) cc: Stuart Brown Customer File MANAGEF FoR THE FoLLowlNo WarER DlsrRtcrB, aFTFOWHEAD METaO WAIER . B:AV:R CR:EK METFO wATaR . BEFRY CFIEEK METFIO waTER EAGLE'VAIL METFO WATEA . EOWAROS METRC WATEF . LAXE CBEEK MEADOWS WATER UPPER EAGLE FEG ONAL WA'ER AUTHOFITY . VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATEO WATEB N o1 oo hlnter-Mountain lAf-ttgineerinqLtd- November 1, 1993 Stuart Brohrn 10 merson StreetSuite 507 Denver, CO 80218 RE: Capacity Analysis of Existing Sewer Dear Stuart: Per your request, we have analyzed the existing' 8[ se!'rer line on Casolar Del Norte Drive, to deternine if its capacity can naintainthe existing and proposed developnents. To determine the seerers capacity hre estinated the anount ofexisting and proposed dwelling units to be serviced by the existingmain and used the worst scenario rnininum pipe slope between manholes B-1 and B-2. Estinated averaEe and peak flows for the Itr PVC main are O.O5 CFSand 0.11 CFS respectively. The existing 8r! mains capacity at the minimum slope is 2.2A CFS. The existing 8n PvC sewer mainscapacity by far exceeds the flolrs generated by the existing andproposed developnents to be serviced by this main. See the attached selrer calculations. If your have any questions, please feel free to caII. Slncerely, fua./Yqa^;.-, llark KaiserProject Engineer I.!K/dlk Box No. 978 . Avon, Colorado 81620 r 949'5072 Denver 8g?1531 1420 Vance Street . Lakewood, Colorado 80215 . Phone: 2324'158 rn IeNul^ i$iftfif.a.I!;'..-li' lE-:'-;:=:-'-"".1"1, ?:l,g[]-1"':-'i "' !3f r t:-]i.';:-+::F-r;: -_:.- :s.ri!*'[3t! 1#4 i!>_?E- i-.:i. a. , '-]-T{&ii*-itl;Iffr;i J tb rirrt ,i-it'o,n r.r rrorirr'r; ;t:rtc$$e,acrrtfi'3olc'|do. tcrcrlbrJ rr'tcito'rr iiioiri-iiii \ -r::.!!g!!!lf!!r .f trtr-I.! rd !-tr llocr .tr !!oi.3 ttoe. j-:, 'Siiiiri=rili-laF':1 f .-flirr.-!rrtf 'rt ttrr irtiiarrr..tclrdrl llr- lrrsutoir. ad.l!t3t"attrr; -i ;-lll.rortrrt tl.talrlrt,? cr ra.lta; - .,,.{,ri;';;;; loil ?t .}.tl. tr;lr_crrity, Eoirrrt-)-rc-o*iiiLiLq{'+.or|tl h lool ltl rt rrs. it3r rnd . .,_- --a 1:i_,.r</r.Ef;t ,?f:.- - . . .:!. -_.l-ila:t. ,: i.' a-F1:,illEltlSr tlr f."ty',fC.ttr rrcorj Drrt tr th. orn." ot !q:$ iFl : !'iliF.lillif li,:Ti if ,;'i: :' il.,::.:3ll'i;'logt t5l!t_?r'e. {fI3 -ril . .. .Errrr fr. ?FDttIt et tE tr?ttor 07 tla flrrt errt rffordtr!.cc-crt tt.aGrrr-. ll.at-l! lrll lt|r Drtf. rhfcl tr loc.tld rt - lot ot tbr-flrrt prrt for rad lr;.i,.:!!!!:IlI'3f.,1$!l?:lltri!!,!9 ^tlt! { lrr rlr cf sI00.oodtrct1 rclirrltd;r. dc lrmby 9rr13. . ..-r !! ! l!s.!!! ;!-!.t,?!tFj q-o !-t*+1. !l o ! t br r ic 5 rr rr crrcrrDas. aE alt 1.-h mi rrpr I r undrra' ' rrair{ irr.r.-'- ,. *nr.r9t..orli..'-' frlcrfSed. torl9r.orrt_i:fbrd tc..ttcp;b;r.rf$ !t.-tttlt !.'.rc.v.tG rad rrftit dttchcr .r-4t.!lt+ r.I ItI !fl!r-- tr,F.Il-.If r tt Ot .tDt-rtcora DtTt I D.rrlrfrt.,. il[ffliii[rilffiii$iiilllfl.iltr.g']::l;t,::: I!'!:;r:' i. !- ftr3ldrr lt'i,l:..racrlttj ot I,e arttt*.1trl:. ,- ata;atal$ arcltt r.l.r tci tld lerlorr or- conviytnlr!; tl}cstf'rrf ndc- thi lredr lrrct-ae?irrr|t| tfa-tlalt. tt-arc.rrt. rid r.tllt dlr'l t:..iifrlt lrrlrilr"'dLttft.tti .r Ittro?:r.l.r fci tti I 'il.-- :- .- slqra. trerclri .tr^. th bcrtlor ot- ra td tcrrr I i r.rr trd.f or - ,i-, . .:= r|!r!a5rla !!ftfat.'.fjt]a_.tjrr3 grrt.tlro Drrrby gtvtnl- ied'j':; .:lj-.. atlttlla- Ll:lll5rrtr -at tA. r.'arrl r..ro .r^ -.-\. .,_: . ._r -.r'..:Lr.. trr| .tr-'|r_-If,a,r5ttr ptrl .rttt DaraDt glvlnl aral .:.--+', - tr||tfrt..tr^!it|r"!{ lf tlrl t.coid g."t tlc rtgit-tr c6aarct . !l:!_39:!l:1lnr .sato-j .rtrr :oc.t.d il tlrtr paopcrty irr.tn-; . rbota drlcrl!ed.'::;.. "-.:i -.. .r.'- -1 - -\.:- : -i-i+, ;.. -.-.. i:: - .- _ Ihi lrra{tfactra lt lh. gr.nt ot thlt rtraront rad ?lott,.r . - cl.-rr, lt lrcrtrd li ttra Countt sf Erglt rla Slrtc of ColoriJo,! lr)a tt rctt'tartl3rlrrly {.rcrlbrd rr-tollor3: I ut lty rt_i- t.r3-trerty_lrt3:lr rldtl rt pr??trll, tborr. oa tic alri of- CrDclrr lall Itc?.r.!tlonr{. lrbrllra lt r.t.t pfrt .i0. Utlllt,ttrorat' t}r rorthrrtarl-' crtrcrf rt It rtrrch- tr rrroia ijjiiiittr tir lf|"tltrrtrrlt hocrdrry ot thr tub.tlrtrior rnd fhlch-trtaldl In I torlhrrrtarlt dlrcctlor '-O r'|d Grtlpllr throuahr ccl. dr lc rlrc rhorn oi ttrc alrt (furth.?-Tifa;ifii?fAfii*fhrcul dr r1c ahorn r.tjrc.rt t! br dloi rtici f.f.g.t.t rad !ittarca rtont .i a.ta..nt ri.. lrbrllcd .20. lrlvtir Rold rai. 9!!ll!f.altimrtr ritct com.islr rg nr-ioriioiiiirii-irii-or' trta- Crl da^lac. tr rhora oe rrld plr3, rad rrlrndr l-n riorti..st.?lt dl?rctlor to trll tlir 0ilvt. rlro riori o,r rrlfDl. t T0 llAy€ txD I0 ll0L0 tha rfor"lald Qrt..tntr rlghtr a'ral :.i9nt ol rnt untg thr iarty of the tf3ond prrt. hl3 t!cc!3roti or a3tl9n3 forlvgr. tILCUTt0 lfl0 0t! trEit0 th" d!t .nd t..r llrtt n?ttloacd aDoYe- '-t . .. i.: t t. I i,. ./'--A{'*,€jLL.--- - Dr. nc L . K.'c- / ---i-!r-T. y n SiATI 0F c0t0nAD0) ) -" of [aCle ) Su:.!.crlhpd a.ld 3icrn to l.r'9 !y ItC aty [. It)r . o-:f iis lrr:" ..ei' i.t3' t6 tref ore ne thi 3 ?2"Q d"y of I R0rri !DacrP n? this _aiiy gf ii(rtdry 5lAit 0f C0l CPAI'r0) :i.':, or i,rqlt ) 1 r;1... , . . !, "l .'r..: '...r. l!/9 i:,r [)i &lir. "r'l 'l ba.i re ne tr, S .ta ' '-.---' 4-: ::: ' l,'!t.r i h {t.tr !c | . | 'rfi I rl ;'.'1: dat ot Project Applicati o on oate 4*l-/f 3 Project Project Contact Name: Descriplion: Person and ono"" (k,r ,? ^..\ Owner. Add ress and Phone:(O 3ozr 5' Architecr,Addressandphone: l{--I t2a.,-<ktvXr Pa R-u rAt k4/ tJ"o^,-tca Eo>fd Legal Descnptron 161 C+ 4 , atoct Filing Lrrr- qr. A,f * z- ,7sns 2<- Co mments: Design Review Board /L".t+ by;llr"u +0- o Date Q-t-tt Motion by: Seconded D ISAP PR OVAL Sum mary: own Plan ner '/-/- q sDate: E Stait Approval Atl FIL E COPY now in about three ot t'our different facilities in the alea. Fie wondereci if there would be enough of an overflow from those groups presentlybeing handled by local facilities to b'ring mough busirress for a conference center. He indicated he voted for ffiinance No. 22, Series of 1993, because he wantd to see it go to a vote, but onphasized he did not feel at this point that voting for tris ordinanc€ should be viewed as his oecision b vote for both the performance and the conference c€nters, only that he was in favor of letting the voters decide. C-aroline Trernblay added that the demand analysis done by Benton & Hire had taken into actount that the local facilities with o<isting meeting space would fill prior b the conference center because meeting planners would always prefer to meet in a hotel with meeting space before using a conference cerrter. Merv Lapin directed Tom Moorhead to be prepared to answer what would happen if ttee werc rut sufficient revenues produced by this ordinancds prqposed taxer b cov€r bonds. Merv asked if that something that needed to be covered in the ordinance. Bob Buckley asked Caroline Trerrblay to check with the WP&CC Steering Committee b€fore secqnd reading to deterrrine how shongly they felt about the thlee versus four year issue. Bob strongly mdorsed the per:formance and ofuerence center and did not want to see the proi'ct ieopardized if themonies were not available in three yeas but would be available in four years. Merv also asked Tom Moorhead to be prepared to address what Council could and could not do in ternrs of providing rupport for the proie"t in tte election Proc€$s. IEn No. 5 was Ordinance No. Zl, Serie oI f993, an ordinance amending Sections 3.,18.130C and 20.M.370 of the Municipal C-ode of the Town of Vail b prrovide delinquent taxes and/or ass€s$n€nts to be ctrtified to the Eagle C-orur$ Treasurer no s@ner than Ocbb€r lst of each year, and declaring an energency. lv{ayor Osterfoss read the ti0e in full. Tom Moorhead said this ordfuranc€ was necessitated by a dunge in the procedures of the Eagle County govemment. Eagle County had reqlested TOV adopt a procedure consistent with theirs. This ordinance woutd place fOV's ordinance in sE1r with Eagle C-ounfs procedures. If cstificatioru were received after October 1, they would not be collected until the following year. The reason this ordinance was declared an ernergency wits so it would be effective by October l,1993. In response b M€rv laprn's inqgiry about negative asPects of approving this, Tom Moorhead oglained TOV had Ueen catitying Uy December 1 making it impossible for Eagle C-ounty to mter delirquent taxes and/or assessmelrts on their rolls for tlre following year. Tom Moorhead said this dealt with real estate transfer taxes and special assessm€lrts only. Aftrer dimrssion, Tom Steinberg moved to approve Ordinance No. 23, Serie of 1993, as an emergency ordinance, with a second from lim Shearer- Before a vote was taken, Merv Lapin emphasized that use of an errergency ordinanc€ slrould be only under qtreme circumstances because emergency ordinances only have one reading and do not give the public and oPPortunity to respond and voice tlreir opinions. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously, 7-0. At this time, fim Gibson moved to recorsider the vote on Ordinance No. 2O Series of 193, with a second from Merv l-apln. A vote was tak€n and the motion passed unanimously, Z-0. Yg t p" slttested that instead of reading, 'Those rernaining restrictiors continue to require:" followed by the requirernents, that the last sentmc€ of the second paragraph of Ordinance No. 20, Series oI 7993, tead,'The rernaining restrictioru areJ' followed by the listing of the requirernents ils already approved. After discussion,lim Gibson moved to approve Ordinance No. 2O Series of 193, on sesnd readin& with tttis suggested language ameruCment. Merv lapin s€condd the motion. Before a vote was taken, Rob I€Virre and Tom Steinberg both indicamd that they were pleased that so mudt time was being spent on the wording of the ballot issues so they were dearly understandable. A vote was takm and the notiqr passed unanimously, Z{. tlm N9. 6 was Appeal of a Design Review Board ORB) decision for the Stu Brown property, t.ot G4,24 Filing/1330 Sandstone Drive. The was Stu Brown. The appellant-was *re Vait Town Council. Andy Knrrdtsen stated this was a proiect ttut had been submitted in the early part of summer '93 and that the DRB had reviewed it several times. He noted that during the site iriSt earlier during Work Session on this date, Council had an opportunity to better urderstand the site and location of the buildings, and there had been discussion about the project dranges that had been made. He said sta.ff, since the site visit, had responded to discussion with Council, and suggested ways this proiect could be made more compatible with the neighborhood, primarily by screening with landscaping. Malor Osterfoss erglained that since this was an appeal of a call-up of a DRB decision, what C-ouncil was focusing on was the Design Review Guideltut€s as they paainea to ttris Proiect. She said staff had been specifically directed to look at the landscape plan and make recommendations to Council as to how that could be mhanced to more fully comply with *re Oesign Review Guidelines. council, staf{, Hugh warder, and Hal EngsEom, archiaect for the proFt rgvtelved stte plans and discussed the landscaping and suggested changes. IGthy Douglas in&catea she did not like the density, however, Tom Moorhead advised ttnt Council could not review that issue. After discussion, Mervlapin moved to approve the proje'ct with the tr,velve csnditions already let fortl, by the DRB and detailed in the Community Developmmt Departnanfs tetter datei Septernber 14, 1993, to sEwart H. Brown, Hugh warder, ana rut rngstrom with the furttrer condition tlut the proiect add landscaping consisting of 94 warranteed 3' - 4' aspen trees, 57 Vril TorD Couaril Elrnila Xcctiis tlirur- 82vgl I !y:=Tg 6, - 1$ ,spruce tsrees, and '.h.at '.he tinnber wails be drmgd to bculder walls ard ttey also be engineered. Bob Bucktey seconded the motion A vote was taken ant ttp motion pgg.,f;, Gl,Tom Steirberg opposed. Therg being no, ftrrther bwiness, a motion to adlrurn the meeting was made and pas6edunanimously. The meeting was adilurrnd at g:37 p.M. nespectfuUy submithd, C:\llllMSPA.t0 V.it Totb Coun il E|.liDg X.ctirE l0nnrd e,zugg tlnwnt Lovorz(; {|s etr 20, te(3 /4' --24'.'r'"' t-7 E.. J "( ffi TOWN OFVAIL 75 Sovth Fronlagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 t0t -479-2 t t 8/ FAX t0t -47 9 -2 1 66 Dcpartment of Pablic ll/ork s /Transportat ion August 17, 1993 Mr. Jerry Gamba Jerorne Gamba & Associates, Inc. 113 9th Street, Suite 2l-4 Gl-enwood Springs, CO 81502-1458 RE: Drainage study for Lot G4, Lions Rldge Subd., Filing #2 Dear Mr. Gamba - The Town of Vail PubIic Works Department has reviewed thereferenced study and has the following concerns: 1). A more detailed analysis of the off site flows, will need tobe performed, as it appears currently, run off fron a majorportion of the Eiger ChaLets f]ows toward this site below thepoint where you show the 8.65 cfs ent.ers. The ditch on thenorth side of Sandstone Drive intercepts littl-e water.Provide a map sholring basins and sub basins. 2). fn using the rational method for determining f1ows, the tineof concentration must be calculated for each basin & subbasin, please use the Town of Vai, l intensity curve encl,osed and enclose the reference for your runoff coefftcients. 3). The runoff needs to be calculated for the 5 year storm as wel] as the 100 year storm. The calculation of the site,s historic& developed flows and the site combined wit.h the offsitehistoric basin & developed flows. 4). Please show how drainage will be passed along the south sideof Sandstone Drive once the site is developed and where willthis drainage disperse once it reaches the lower cuL-de-sac. 5). What is the velocity of the flows down the sLope in concern. Page 2Jerry Gamba Drainage study for Lot G4, Lions Ridge Subd., Filing f2 fs there any type of erosion protection planned and was thls sized. 11 . A portion of flows may need to be piped. 8). A drainage easement may be reguired to be 6). ff you have any guestions please contact me at Sincerely, Town Engineer Enclosure cc:Andy Knudtson GH: Jlt dedicated. 479-2160. oo JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SUFVEYORS 113 gTH STREET, SUITE 214 PO. BOX 1458 GLENWOOD SPRtNGS. COLoRAD0 81602-1458 PHoNE: (303)945-2550 FAX: (303) 945-1410 , SUPPLEMENTARY DRAINAGE LOT G.4 LIONS oo PO. BOX 48OB PAGOSA SPRINGS. COLORADO 81I57 PHONE: (303)731-s743 FAX: (303)731.4778 PLAN AND ROCK HAZARD RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING CERTIFICATION 2 {;, , &*'t:'l ff1^r{ \ l' ,,,r' f" FOR SUBMITTAL TO DESIGN REV]EW BOARD, TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO l, Jerome F. Gamba, hereby certify that I am a Professional Geologist as defined by C.R.S. 3+1-2O1, as amended and that I am a Professional Registered Engineer as defined by C.R.S. 12-25-102, as amended. I hereby certify, further that I have examined a site plan for development of lot G-4, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing number 2 which was prepared by architect Harold Engstrom and which was dated 4120193, a site plan for the development of four structures containing 16 townhouses; that I have conducted a detailed, site specific geological investigation of the site and its adjacent environs, and that my investigation has been with sufficient, thoroughness and accuracy to allow me to certify as follows: The geolosic conditions are CUSh _tjr_atlb_e_eltq c_qq_qe developed !o1 lhe spec-ific structures and uses shown on the aforementionedsitq plan and that such proposed OdGto-pmeni can ne accomD-lishecf-witfrout corrective engineering br engineered constiuction and wi{hout the need for other mitigation or alterations. I hereby certify further that I made a drainage study and plan based on the aforemented site plan dated 4120193. Since making the drainage and hazard studies, I have examined a revised site plan dated 8/9/93 which contains a minor relocation of two structures and I hereby certify: 1 . ln respect to my drainage study and plan, no changes are required as a result of the revised site plan, 2. The designation of the steep portion (southerly portionl of lot G-4 as a snow storage site is consistent with my drainage plan. Storage of snow on this south facing slope will be effective because the solar exposure on the rock outcrops creates an environment which causes melting and evaporation of the snow, during day temperatures near and above treezing, PAGE 1 oo ol 3. The drainage plan includes provisions for erosion control in the form of grass lined channels and velocity control barriers, which are sufficient to prevent soil erosion on the site in excess of 3 tons of soil per acre per year, and 4. ln respect to my hazard study aforementioned, no changes are required as a result of the revised site Plan. Dated this 11th day of August 1993 PAGE 2 JEBOME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS F.*"'%g i. 5e33 i r?i1.., " o y..!$$liii'S F IL E COPY TOI4.N OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479 -2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 Dcportncnt of Crnununiry Deve loJnnent September 17, 1993 Hugh R. Warder Attorney at Law P.O. Box 1738 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 RE:Lot G-4, Lions Ridge Filing No. 2 Dear Hugh: lwant to follow up on my earlier response to your September 14, 1993 letter regarding the appeal of ihe Slu Brown development proposal. Let me reiterate that the Town Council may discuss gly of the Design Review Board (DRB) criteria in their meeting of September 21, 1993. As I have told Stu Brown over the telephone, it will be important to be prepared to discuss any of the DRB criteria. lf you have any other questions about the appeal, please call me at 479-2138. Sincerefl ./Jl"-(4 { // Al / t '/\- AndyKnudtsen Senior Planner Ard cc:Vail Town Council Vail Town Attorney Stu Brown HUGH R. WARDER ATTORNEY AT LAW P O. Box I 738 GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 8I602 (303)945-9250 FAX (3O3) 945-9402 September 14, L993 Town of VaiIAttn: Andy Knudtsen Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO AL657 Re: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Mr. Knudtsen: I have been informed by Mr. Brown that the Town of VaiI decided to appeal or review the action of the Design Review Board taken at its September 1, L993, neeting. Mr. Brown informs ne that he has discussed the appeal with you and Merv Lapin of the Vail Town Council and that what is.at-i.ssue atthe appeal stage is the landscaping p1an. - -------------.- If I am incorrect in this or ifgoing to be discussed, I would know in time to be prepared for now set for September 21, 1993. our meeting which f unde\stand Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, Hugh R. Warder /there is som{ other issue which appreciate iC if you woqld let Ls meis HRW: av pc: Stewart BrownVail Town CouncilVail Town Attorney ,6))^, , aW o(* 4ii'as C1j"nn* LtP ""I " '":"Lr:;t,:,r, on' *,: ; ,,_ k4 FIL::'P y TOWN AFVAIL 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 September 14, 1993 Deparunent of Connntnity Deve lopment Mr. Stewart H. Brown 10 Emerson Street, #607 Denver, CO 80218 Mr. Hugh Warder P.O. Box 1738 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 Fax 945-9402 Mr. Hal Engstrom P.O. Box 101841 Denver, CO 80250 RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Sirs: On September 1, 1993, the Design Review Board approved the project on Lot G-4 on Lionsridge 2nd Filing with the following conditions: Desion lssues 1. Twenty-four parking spaces are required, based on my understanding of the subdivision covenants. The current plan shows four spaces which encroach into the fire lane. Based on my review of the plans, there are only twenty legal spaces on the site and there need to be an additional four spaces added to the plan. 2. There are three areas of the site where the retaining walls exceed 6 feet in height. A particular concern to me regarding retaining walls is the area next to the entrance to the propedy. The topography grades do not correlate to the retaining walls shown for this area. Redesign this so that it is clear what the finished grade of the slope will be as well as the height of retaining walls. t Mr. Brown, Mr. Warder, and Mr. Engstrom September 14, 1993 Page Two 3. As much of the existing vegelation on the northwest area of the site must be preserved. Submittal Material 1. Have your engineer reevaluate the rockfall study as well as the Municipal Code section outlining the information to be included in his findings. Please focus specifically on Section 18.69.020. lt appears from his report, that he does not believe the rockfall will be a significant hazard. I arn basing this conclusion on his statement that "the geologic conditions are such that the site can be developed for the specific structures and uses shown on the aforementioned site plan and that such proposed development can be accomplished without corrective engineering or engineered construction and without the need for other mitigation or alterations." I believe he has taken this conclusion based on the criteria found in 18.69.020(BX1)(a). In addition to this criteria, he needs to specifically quote Section 18.69.020(BXlXb). lt is imperative that he discuss the potential increase in hazard to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities, facilities or other properties of construction. 2. Have your engineer provide a drainage plan according to the standards that Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, has requested. After review with Tom Moorhead, the Town Attorney, staff believes that a complete drainage plan is required as part of the Design Review Board (DR8) submittal information. Please refer to Section 18.54.050(D)(5, 6, and 7). Other 1 2. 3. A All structures must be sprinklered. All structures must be Type V construction. Fire hydrants must be provided in locations determined by the Fire Department. The fire lanes shown on the plans must be posted with signs and must be recorded as a meets and bounds easement prior to the issuance of any building permits. Driveways may not exceed 8% slope. *f Mr. Brown, Mr. Warder, and Mr. Engstrom September 14, 1993 Page Three 6. Betaining walls may not exceed 6 feet in height. 7. Sewer service to this site must be provided via a lift stalion which will be installed owned and maintained by the owner of Lot G-4. - Each of these conditions must be fulfilled prior to any issuance ol building permits for this sile. Please call me if you have any questions about these items. Sincerely, .4 "/ / ,/t/ fr\J" Hh Andy Knudtsen / | Senior Planner -i. . | :i{- .ir.-i; :fil'::-a', }( -.\'' Project Application IProiect Project Contact Name: Description: Person and oate 8-l-43 I G T,,",i na h ,u y<..L t -a,, , n-{ P tr l',3 an : ". s Phone Owner, Address and Phone:co Eozr g' (-AArchitecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Q4 Block Filing Commenls: Design Review Board -$u"e oate Q-t:tl ? D ISAPPROVA L+0- o A tt Motion by: ,/{,+ t^ t f f Seconded by: y'tP'( 't/s"-( -nrranner \E Statt Approval c0P yF,[ t TOW OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 30s -479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 1 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 31, 1993 Departnent of Communiry Development Mr. Stewart H. Brown 10 Emerson Street, #607 Denver, CO 80218 Mr. Hugh Warder P.O. Box 1738 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602 Fax 945-9402 Mr. Hal Engstrom P.O. Box 101841 Denver, CO 80250 RE: Lot G-4, Lionsridge 2nd Filing Dear Sirs: As a follow-up to the conversation I had with Stu, I am putting into writing all of the outstanding issues regarding the proposed development on Lot G-4. Desiqn lssues 1. Twenty-four spaces are required, based on my understanding of the subdivision covenanls. The current plan shows four spaces which encroach into the flre lane. Based on my review of the plans, there are only twenty legal spaces on the site and there need to be an additional four spaces added to the plan. 2. There are three areas of the site where the retaining walls exceed 6 feet in height. A particular concern to me regarding retaining walls is the area next to the entrance to the property. The topography grades do not correlate to the retaining walls shown for this area. Please redesign this so that it is clear what the finished grade of the slope will be as well as the height of retaining walls. Conceming lhe parking, I have studied the plan and have a suggestion for you that your architect may want to consider. lt is a way to provide the necessary parking without requiring a significant alteration to the site plan. I would be happy to sit down and discuss that issue as well as the retainage at any time that is convenient for you. Mr. Brown, Mr. Warder and Mr. Engstrom August 31, 1993 Page Two Submittal Material 1. Please have your engineer reevaluate the rockfall study as well as the Municipal Code section outlining the information 1o be included in his findings. Please focus specifically on Section 18.69.020. lt appears from his report, that he does not believe the rockfall will be a significant hazard. I am basing this conclusion on his statement that "the geologic conditions are such that the site can be developed for the specific structures and uses shown on the aforenrentioned site plan and that such proposed development can be accomplished without corrective engineering or engineered construction and without the need for other mitigation or alterations." I believe he has taken this conclusion based on the criteria found in 18.69.020(BXlXa). In addition to this criteria, he needs to specifically quote Section 18.69.020(BX1)(b). lt is imperative that he discuss the potential increase in hazard to other properties or structures, or to public buildings, rights-of-way, roads, streets, easements, utilities, facilities or other properties of construction. 2. Please have your engineer provide a drainage plan according to the standards that Greg Hall, the Town Engineer, has requested. After review with Tom Moorhead, the Town Attorney, staff believes that a complete drainage plan is required as part of the Design Review Board (DRB) submittal information. Please refer to Section 18.54.050(DX5, 6, and 7). Conditions of Aoproval As we have discussed on the telephone, there are several conditions of approval which will be applied to this project at the final DRB hearing. The following is a complete list at this time: 1. All structures must be sprinklered. 2. All structures must be Type V construction. 3. Fire hydrants must be provided in locations determined by the Fire Department. 4. The fire lanes shown on the plans must be posted with signs and must be recorded as a meets and bounds easement prior to the issuance of any building permits. 5. Driveways may not exceed 8% slope. 'i U Mr. Brown, Mr. Warder, and Mr. Engstrom August 31, 1993 Page Three 6. Retaining walls may not exceed 6 feet in height. 7. Sewer service to this site must be provided via a lift station which will be installed owned and maintained by the owner of Lot G'4. I am encouraged by the most recent changes to the site plan. I look forward to wrapping up these last few details and then scheduling this project for a final DRB hearing. We have it scheduled for September 1, 1993. Please let me know if you have questions or concems about the conditions of approval or the other commenls in this letter. I can be reached at 479-2138. Sincerely, ffi^#"ft/4 Town Planner HUGH R. WARDER ATTORNEY AT LAW P.O Box 1738 GLENwooo sPRrNGs. CoLoRADo 81602 (303) 945-9250 FAX (3O3) 94s-94O2 ty|! Town of Vail Department of Conmunity Developnent Attn: Andy Knudtson, Town Planner 75 south Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 Re: Application for Lot c4 - Lions Ridge Brohrn Dear Mr. Knudtson: August 30, L993 Subdivision - Stewart H. I have been informed by IrIr. Brown that his project has been removed from consideration on the agenda of the Design Review Board for September 1, 1993. He has not withdrawn his application and it is our position that his project was set on the agenda by the Design Review Board Action and may not be unilaterally withdrawn by the Community Development Department. Please make sure that his apptication appears for consideration on that date so that it may be considered both as to the substance asit now exists and to the issues which have been raised concerninglthe additional drainage study requirement imposed by you. Mr. Brown intends to be in attendance vlhether or not the written agenda reflects his name. Mr. Brown has been cooperating with the Town Authorities in the furtherance of this project from the very beginning when requests were first nade to yourself and the To\,'rn Attorney concerning the zoning and the prior history of the property. At the tine of hisfirst contacts with you and with the Town Attorney, Mr. Brown had buyers who were actively interested in purchasing the property. Based upon what we believe were misrepresentations, intentional orunintentional, made to the buyers concerning the applicability of zoning, their interest in the acquisition of the property and the terms upon which such acguisition night be accornplished have been influenced in a manner which is adverse to and detrinental to the economic interest of Mr. Brown. He has, all through this process, nade concessions, reactedpositively to the legitimate recommendations of the Design Review Board and has expended a substantial- anount of time, enereJy, and Andy Knudtson Page 2 August 30, 1993 money for engineers and architects in order to reach an accord withthe Design Review Board. We felt, after our last hearing, that we had arrived at such an accord and that all that was left to be done were minor technicalmatters as I told you in my letter of Aug'ust 20, 1993. We feel that the drainage map which was submitted by our engineerwith the original plans, is adequate and does cornply with therequirements of the Design Review Board Ordinance. The requirement for a drainage study, which you are now imposing,is not a requirement of the ordinance, but is rnerely discretionary. We feel that the requirernent for preparation of such an elaborate study should have been stated, if at all, when the application wasfirst furnished for consideration by the Design Review Board. The staff, after all, had sorne time before that to review theproposal and nas in a position to rnake this discretionary recommendation if, in fact, there was a good faith requirement to have such a study. To summarize, Mr. Brown is attenpting to conply with theregulations perhaps beyond hi-s absolute requirement to do so, andhas in rrnaking the application which you are considering, appliedfor much less in terms of density than he night otherwise have done under the existing Town of VaiI agreement with hin. The continuedraising of issues which seem, at least to us, to be merely for thepurpose of delay, is interfering with his ability to successfully rnarket the property. In Colorado, intentional and improper interference with businessopportunities is actionable and Mr. Bror,rn, should the occasionarise, intends to take whatever action is necessary to ensure thathe is perrnitted to develop and market his property withoutunwarranted, improper interference. In writing this letter, I am relyinq on what Mr. Brown has told meabout your discussions with him since I have not had a reply to rnyletter to you of August 20, L993. Very truly yours, 4/-///-ruhJt- HRW:avpc: Town Attorney of Vail Hugh R. Warder BEFORE THE DESIGN AlrD REVIET{ BOARD OF THE TOWN OF VAIIT, COLORADO NOTTCE OT APPEAI. The Applicant, Stewart ll. Brown, bereby appeals from thedecLsion of the Comnunity Development Department to remove hisproject from the Design Review Board Agenda of Septenber 1, L993,and to impose the requirernent of a drainage study upon theApplicant, which requirenent is not mandatory under the terms ofttre Ordinance. DArED 'ntr)CIfuCtay of August, 1993. Hugh R. Warder, #472o-Attorney for Stewart P.O. Box 1738 Glenwood Springs, CO (303) 94s-e2sj CERITIFICETE OF EERVICE f hereby certify that I have served a true and correct copy ofthe foregoing this Jo'- day of Augrust, 1993, on ttre following: Office of the Town Attorney75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 The Cornrrunity Development Director 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 H. Brown 81602 xc:T"^ 4I JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS & IJAND SURVEYORS I'3 gTH STFEET, SUITE 214 PO.80X 1458 GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLOFADO 81502-1458 PHONE: (303) 94S2550 FAX: (303)94S1410 August 27,1993 Mr. Greg Hall Town Engineer Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 PO. BOX d808 PAGOSA SPRINGS. COI.ORADO 8II57 PHONE: i303) 731-5743 Flv\:(303) 731-4778 RECEIVEOSEP.glgg3 RE: Drainage Study for Lot G4, Lions Ridge Subdivision, Filing No. 2 Dear Mr. Hall: This letter is in response to your letter dated August 1 7, 1 993 in which you request additional studies and information related to the drainage study for Lot G4. lt is our opinion that according to the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations we have provided all the information which is required for this stage of the approval process. On Page 452, ltem c., the zoning regulations state that the developer shall provide "a contour map showing all existing and proposed watercourses, including the seasonal course-limits of ( points of departure from the development". We have provided such a plan. The regulations go on to state that "the limits of the one hundred year flood plain shall be plotted on the contour map as well as any revised flood plains". To begin with, the one hundred year peak flow calculated f rom this site or above the site is 18 cfs. We believe this calculation to be conservatively high. However, even if our calculation is low by 10Oo/o and the actual flow is 36 cfs. there is still no "flood plain" for a flow of this magnitude. For example, 36 cfs is carried in a roadside ditch with 2:1 side slopes, 1.75 feet deep and a channel slope of 2%. This clearly demonstrates that with the magnitude of flows which we are discussing on this prolect, there is no "floodplain", and the flows will be carried by channels created as shown on our plans. The zoning regulations further state that "the drainage plan shall also include the location and type of structures that will be necessary to handle the quantities of water evidenced on the site". Our plan clearly showsthe location of the drainage channels necessary to "handle the Page 1 water". We also provided channel details which demonst.ate the "type" of structures necessary to "handle the water". It is our position that for this level of the approval process. the developer has provided all information required by the regulations of the Town of Vail. We recognize however that in order to receive a building permit, additional information and calculations will be necessary which the developer fully intends to provide at that time. lf you have any questions, pl€ase call. Sincerely, JEROME GAMBA & ASSOCIATES, INC. Jerome Gamba & Associates, Inc. Page 2 CONSULTING ENGINEERS & LANO SURVEYORS j I From the desk of. . .Andy Knudtsen 7/, {-ur"--., .7 ,^_ / n/w/ 4,,^ /r-f 7 'z t w 8 :zd v/.+tt . A /,__ HUGH R. WARDER ATTORNEY AT LAW P O BOX 1738 GLENwooD SPRINGS. CoLoRADo 8I 602 (303) 945-9250 FAX (3O3) 945-9402 L ,r'[rttrs 1 ,3d f '4' August 30, L993 Town of VaiI Department of Community DeveloprnentAttn: Andy Knudtson, Town Planner 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, Co AL657 Re: Application for Lot c4 - Lions Ridge Subdivision - Stewart H. Brown Dear Mr. Knudtson: f have been inforrned by Mr. Brown that his project has been removed from consideration on the agenda of the Design Review Board for September 1, 1993. He has not withdrawn his application and it is our position that his project was set on the agenda by the Design Review Board Action and may not be unilaterally withdrawn by the community Developnent Department. Please make sure that his application appears for consideration onthat date so that it may be considered both as to the substance asit now exists and to the issues which have been raised concerningthe additional drainage study requirement imposed by you. Mr. Brown intends to be in attendance whether or not the written aqenda reflects his name. Mr. Brown has been cooperating with the Town Authorities in thefurtherance of this project from the very beginning when requests were first made to yourself and the Town Attorney concerning the zoning and the prior history of the property. At the tirne of hisfirst contacts with you and with the Town Attorney, Mr. Brown had buyers who were actively interested in purchasing the property. Based upon what we believe were rnisrepresentations, intentional orunintentional, made to the buyers concerning the applicability ofzoning, their interest in the acquisition of the property and theterms upon which such acquisition might be accomplished have beeninfluenced in a manner which i-s adverse to and detrimental to the economic interest of Mr. Brown. He has, all through this process, nade concessions, reactedpositively to the legitimate recornmendations of the Design Review Board and has expended a substantial amount of time, energy, and