HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 TRACT D EAGLE RIVER SANITION DISTRICT 1982 TO 1994 PART 2 OF 3 LEGALGreg Amsden asked if any of the adjacent property owners had given feedback on the proposal. Shelly indicated none had been received and all adjacent propefty owners had been notified. Steve Isom, representing the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District gave a brief history of the property. Hc indicated a minor subdivision, as discussed in the staff memo, would be very expensive. There was no question of the boundaries, and the District did not want to pay to "clean up" the problem. Shelly agreed that the current condition of the property lines was confusing, which is why staff felt it was important to address at this time. Kristan Pritz indicated the Town may be able to split tbe cost of the subdivision prccess. Diana asked if having the suMivision in place at the time a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy was issued was realistic. Shelly thought it would be. Dalton Williams did not think it made sense to use tax dollan for a formality between two government agencies, especially when there was not a conflict between the entities. Steve agreed, stating that when the propeny was deeded, both sections were given to the Town. He agreed to work with the Town to reach an agreeable solution. Kristan also agreed to work out the issues. Diana Donovan believed it should be a requirement of the project. Steve addressed the height and landscaping issues, stating that the exact height of the addition would be 25'-9" due to an increase in structure needed to carry the snow load. He did not believe 5 more trees in the front of the property would be beneficial. Kristan suggested placing the trees in a landscapittg "gap" toward the gas station. Diana felt there were locations which could also benefit from additional landscaping. Diana asked if employee housing could also be built in conjunction with this application. Steve indicated that the oflices were above the aeration and settling basin, and were definitely not desirable for housing placement. Diana did not see the justification for 6,000 additional square feet, as she believed the building worked at this time. Steve responded that % of the space was for public meeting area. Kathy Langenwalter was concemed that the architectural detailing be carried over to the addition and that it be consistent with the existing facility. Kathy moved the request for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Disrict administrative offices, at 846 Forest Road/l-ot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing be approved per the staff memo, with the condition the Design Review Board review the addition's detail to ensure it was similar to the existing building and verify location of l0 additional evergreen trees to be planted, noting the building height was 18 inches higher than reflected in staff's memorandum, and recommending that the Town of Vail and the District pursue a minor suMivision. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. Before the vote, Dalton Williams encouraged the District to consider additional landscaping, where appropriate. The motion was approved by a unanimous 7-0 vote. Due to the a:rival of an adjaccnt propeffy owner to the Schmetzko property, the Commission brieflv retumed to discussion of the first worksession item. Planning and Environmental Commission . March 9, 1992 . Page 8 As this was a worksession item. no vote was taken. The public meeting was called to order at 2:50PM. All the Commissioners were in aftendance. 1. A request for an exterior alteration in the Commercial Core II zone district for the Cano Residence. Lot 5. Block l. Vail Lionshead First Filinp/52O East Lionshead Circle . Aoplicant Victor Cano Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented staff's recommendation for approval. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the window cladding would match the others in Lionshead Center. She was assured by Mike Krohn, the Cano's reprcsentative, that it would match the enclosure immediately above this proposal. Dalton Williams moved that the rcquest for an exterior alteration in the Commercial Core Il zone disnict for the Cano Residence, Lot 5, Block I, Vail Lionshead First Filing/52O East Lionshead Circle be approved per the staff s recommendations. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. It was approved unanimously, 7-0. 2. A request to extend a conditional use permit to expand the Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/ I-ot 12. Block 2. Vail Villase l2th Filine. Applicant: Vail Mountain School Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained this was for a renewal of a previously-granted conditional use approval, and the renewal would be in effect for two years. Staff recommended the approval be renewed. Chuck Crist moved the request to extend a conditional use permit to expand the Vail Mountain School,located at 3160Katsos Ranch Road/l,ot12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing be approved per staff's memo. Kathy Langenwalter seconded the motion. It was unanimously approved by a vote of 6-0, with Gena Whitten temporarily absent during the vote. 3. A request for a conditional use oermit to allow for the expansion of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District administrative offrces. at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31. Vail Villaee 2nd Filine. Applicant Upper Eaele Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello presented the request to add additional administrative arca to the existing Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District facility. Planning and Environmennl Commission . N{arch 9, 1992. Page 7 a Project Application t Pro.iect Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descri Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISA PPR OVAL Sum mary:t Town Plan ner D Stait Approval :- I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 9, 1992 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Upper Eagle Valley C,onsolidated Sanitation Disrict administrative offices, at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicanu Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Disnict Planner: Shellv Mello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE The applicant is requesting an amendment to the existing Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation District (UEWV&SD), located at 846 Forest Road, in order to expand its administrative offices. The proposal would add a total of 6,438 sq. ft. The following details the allocation of square footage by use: Office: 2,423 sq. ft. Common: 3,837 sq. ft. (Mechanical, etc.) Meeting Room: 1,384 sq. ft. Storage: 30 sq. ft. Total: 6,438 sq. ft. The expansion will be used to accommodate increasing staff levels and to improve the facilities service areas. This addition will be dedicated to office-type uses and does not include any sanitation operation facilities. The addition will be two stories located to the south of the existing offices and on top of the existing treatment facilities. The building materials will be similar to those of the existing building. With this request, the applicant also proposes to install ten 6-8 foot evergreens as discussed below, and will also pursue a minor subdivision of Lot 3l prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the expansion. J U. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The proposal is located within the Public Use Zone District ("UD). In this zone district, the development standards are established by the PEC in order to allow for the flexibility necessary to accommodate public and quasi-public facilities. Zone District: Public Use Disrict (PUD) Square Footage: Existing: 3,320 sq. ft. Proposed: 6.438 so. ft.Total: 9,758 sq. ft. Parking: Required: Existing Building: 14 Pmposed Addition: 13.83 Total: 27.83 or 28 spaces Existing: Employee Parking: 37 spaces Customer Parking: 7 Total Avail: 44 total soaces available III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The purpose section of the Public Use District states: "The public use district is intended to provide sites for pubiic and quasi-public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot appropriately be regulated by the development standards prescribed for other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially prescribed for each particular development proposal or project arc necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 18.02.020 and to provide for the public welfare. The public use district is \intended to ensure that public buildings and grounds and certain types of quasi-public uses permitted in he district are appropriately located and designed to meet the needs of residents and visitors to Vail, to harmonize with surounding uses, and, in the case of buildings and other structures, to enstue adequate light, air, open spaces, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted fypcs of uses." Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Disrict has requested this addition in order to accommodate an increase in staff and to upgrade the existing facilities. The request meets the purpose section of the PUD zone district and is in compliance with the development objectives of the Town for this zone district. In addition, the applicant will pursue a minor suMivision of this lot to formally subdivide the Town of Vail parcel and the UEVW&SD parcel. The staff asks that this action be completed prior to the receipt of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the expansion. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The expansion will not effect any of the items listed above. The addition will be visible from all surrounding properties and the recreation path. It will not cast any additional shadow on the recrcation path. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, tralfic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The addition will not impact any of the above items. The proposal will ultimately accommodate up to six additional employees. This project currently has excess parking spaces according to our parking standards. No parking or snow storage areas will be removed as a result of this project. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. This addition is compatible with the uses and development objectives for the surounding area. Due to the location of the addition, the impacts on public ways and adjacent properties will be limited. The top of the parapet wall for I the addition is approximately 5'-6" higher than the existing administrative office's roof. It rises approximately 23'-6" above the parking arca to the east. The applicant proposes to install five 6-8 foot evergreens to the south of the temporary building approved in January, 1992. These will be installed when the temporary building is removed. The applicant proposes to install five 6-8 foot evergreens along the South Frontage Road on'the right-of-way in order to further screen the existing parking structure. These will be installed prior to the issuance of a irnal Certificate of Occupancy for the building, provided the Colorado Department of Transportation approval can be obtained. Upon submittal, the staff had concerns with the south elevation. The applicant has agreed to revise this elevation to eliminate the window forms off the meeting room and reconfigure the stairway to decrease its visibility from Forest Road. These changes are not represented on the attached drawings. They will be submitted for DRB review. B. Findines The Plannine and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findings before erantinq a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the request to amend the conditional use permit for LIEVW&SD. The staff finds that the request meets the criteria as set forth in Section II(BXl-3). As discussedin the memo, the applicant agrees to i4!ta!!ten 6-8 footevergreens as indicated, assuming CDOH approval can be obtained for the plan-iings-5loE$ Road, and to pursue a minor subdivision of the parcel before a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy is issued. 2. 3. oo j Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail ZnningCode, the approval shall lapse if consruction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two vears. q\pec\ncmoc\revw&:.309 DC lan- no +D gwbd'\vt'51'u1/'-- btu'*a - gl/Lultl-d, I'x dsr\-!- Yf low n- 6lA'6v'-taL Lor.Jnh"rl<- Arr"Cs f'wvut- rrvunt udrL nl ' w h.rto_r^r_ i;Pu r\r_ +arvJ 0 V*rWn\n4u W,uW fAdA- X+oaAv,q 4 gwuwLrt- at.(_h L*llw'*L kyr/,- d,truhuK ghn^-,,L k ca,((rc_d,_u v\rur, L) Mphsn : Ythu.F L U,tauuio k 79 Wtt,' p\X^ +o wU*ot- l,x(cfr\\A tantlavrwy lA^,\deLwpttw tD h4 A+lnlld- (/ fW DRb unsdc'tn/ U,'to d0 Tu,bdivwtrv', o,^tr o.Cd" , La^l dALc.tV, w\ uw re4 L li! ki tl \.] !-- - ,- o \ ll' 'il. II " th' : ll G} JI. Hr ll a) lr" / E *-" ai tl ! i-. { () o o a I\!L+x-4 " ) f--------l ti I ll ll | -"---r-q.. I ll l!i ',\-___--.. I It |$i 'c r'r- i tiJt I _) '--:----- n-'-E - -l|qr--lrE-rr ln i#sll-ilql r: " .l-tull : Fi l!+-]l ! ll ,it ' ll E ll ' A ([- \\g/ -t =il:L ll tl a F--:-- ll t n It t! I lE-=== tl ll ll F== ll Il '' n -----||l tl |ll I r-rl L!=l =--=-L'J o o t _ .,/ .^/. ii :I )- I ..*'. llt lililll '' - ----: --r--'I -'*;::i"'i'" li ::--_- a-:- - . :.-=:_:=;:- l:: -:-:-:\1{*)i* --.:]r \* j ----.--=--:-::=a-n,\ \i==t NI)F{K fLAr{ertp *'oQ, i l reea **** **** ouR INVOTCE # r 15461 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY vorc v E **** o6-26-90 **** o. oo l_00. 00 $100. oo 846 FORREST RD.vArL, co 81_657 Attn IESLIE SANTTATTON DTSTRICT ALLEN I REFERENCE: Cust# G0g Owner TBD SelIeT THE VATL WATER AND SANT"ATIoN seller - DrsrRrcr, ^l ggr-,oRAoo qdir-MuNrcrpAl Addr vArL vrLr,AcE 2ND eriiwE-"- I ALTA owner policy I PRELTMTNARy nepoir I TOTAL rNVOrcE# 1s461 PLEASE REFER TO OUR INVOICE NUMBER..^]-546]. OR RETURN THIS INVOTCE wrrH pAyMENT- pLEASE uaxi-voun cHEcK pAyABLE To LAND TITLE GUARANTTT COUPAHY o Land Title cuarantee companv p.O. Box 357 Vail, Colorado 8L658 303_47 6_225]- ALT o A COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A - Charges -AIJTA O!'rner policy PRELIMTNARY REPORT --TOTAL-- With your remj_ttance please Application No. V15461 For Inforanation OnIy VAIL VTLIJAGE 2ND FILING sloo. o0 sl_oo. 00 refer to vL546L. L. 2. Effective Date: Policy to be issued,)nsured: is at the ACCORDTNG TO THE RECORDED TRACT D DESCRTBED AS TRACT D' THENCE, NoRTH 73 rrALTArr Ovrnerrs policy ForItr B-l_970 (Anended Lo-L7-70) Proposed fnsured: TBD 3- The estate or interest in the rand described. or referred to i_n this Comraitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple Title to the estate or interest covered herein effective date hereof -vested in: t( 4. I,ORADO THAT PORTION OF QUIT DEED RECORDED IN BOOK 346 AT P AGE 615 AND PARCEL 3 AND UPPER EAGTE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITAITON DI'TR QUASI-MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AS TO A PORTION 5. The land referred to in this cornmitnent is described a3 follows: PARCEL 1: ElE VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DI ottrq3(tlrrcr*pAL coRpoRjar-otir, As ( TTRACT C,/ PARCEL 2, DESCRTBEi IN T-SBPIEMSER 30, Lg82 IN BOOK ?46 A I$gT_q VArL/LToNSHEAD rrrrRD FrLrNG,PIAT THEREOF, EXCEPTING THAT PART OF FOLtows: BEGINNING AT THE I{EST CORNER OF SAID PAGE ]-l June L1, 1_990 at !*q- ar,r^O"oMurrMENT SCHEDULE A Application No. V15461 SOUTH 73 DEGREES 42 MTNUTES 37 SECONDS WEST 93.OO FEET THENCE NORTH 78 DEGREES 37 MTNUTES 15 sEcoNDS wEsr, 87.62 FEET THENCE' sourH SL DEGREES oL ltrNurEs 38 sEcoNDs wEsT, 62.80 FEET TO A POINT ON THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE oF SATD CREEK, THENCE,NORTH l_4 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST, 7g.2O FEET TO A POINT OF TNTERSECTION I{ITH THE SOUTH r,rUr Oi' TRACT C, VArL vrLraGE sEcoND FTLTNG' AccoRDrNG To rHE RECORDED pr,AT TYEIEoIi THENCE' NoRTH 79 DEGREES 03 MrNurEs 56 sEcoNDs EAsr,90.99 FEET AI,ONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT C TO THE sourHl'{Esr coRNER oF sArD ror 31,' THENCE, NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MTNUTES 37 sEcoNDs EAsr, 145.oo FEET AroNG THE sourH LINE oF SAID I_,OT 3l_, To THE porNT oF BEGINNING. PAGE A L T AO" o M I'I I T M E N T SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) be issued will contain.exceptions to the are disposed of to the satisfaction of 5 printed on the cover sheet. due or payable and special to the Treasurerrs office. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAI.,IE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREIT{ISES As RESERVED rN I'NTTED srATEs PATENT RECORDED r.t"v za, L9o4, rN BooK 48 AT PAGE 5o3 AND fN LNTTED sTATEs PATEN? RECORDEDteptember 04, tgzs, rN BooK 93 AT PAGE 98. ].0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE uNrrED srATEs As RESERVED rN uNrrED srATEs pairrvt REcoRDED yray 24, Lgo4,BooK 48' AT pAcE 5o3 AND REcoRDED_s"pt"tnu".-oi, Lg23, rN BooK 93 AT pAGE AND JULY l_3, L939 IN BOOK 123 AT pAGi 6l_7. (TTEMS 9 AND L0 AFFECT ALL PARCELS) 11' RESTRICTIVE coVENANTs, wHrcH Do NoT coNTArN A FoRFETTURE oR REVERTER CLAUSE' BUT oMrrrrNc REsrRrcrr-oNs, rF ANt; sAsno oN RAcE, coion, RELrGroN,oR NATToNAI' oRrGrN' As CoNTATNED iN rNsrRWENr nnconono octouei re, rs71,,ijflofr,33"l.r;*.x*t3i"fl?uAs AMENDED rN nrsrnuMENr REcoRDED eususr 12,' (AFFECTS PARCEL L) 12' REsrRrcrrvE covENANTs, w'rc* Do Nor coNTArN A F.RFETT'RE oR RE'ERTER cr,AUsE, BUT oMrrtrNc REsrRrcrr.glsl _rr al,li,- e;isno ou RAcE, coLoR, RELrcroN,oR NATT.NAL oRrcr', As ..NTATNED iN rnsrnurqnlir_rpgqlolo January oe, Ls63|rN BooK L74 AT PAGE 431 AND AS AMENDED rH iltsrnurunNT REcoRDEo irrg,..t zz,ry IN BooK 183 AT PAGE 23e. IN WIDTII AIONG THE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LOT AS SHOWN ON TITE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE, Application No. V15461 The policy or policies to foLlolring unless the same the Company: l-. Standard Exceptions 1 through 6. Taxes and assessrnents not yet assessments not yet certified Any unpaid taxes or assessments Liens for unpaid water and sewer 13. UTIIITY EASEMENT ]-o FEET LINES OF SUB..TECT PROPERTY SECOND FILING. 7. 8. against said lanc.. charges, if any. rN 98 PAGE \ebose sddre$ i8 colorado VAfL ASSOCIATES, LTD., a CoLorado Llnited Partnershrp VAII Couotl'ol Eag le , for the colsideratjoD o!Ten and no,/100 ($ I0.00 ) ---- ilollars, in hand paid, hereby sell(e) alrd conyey(6) ro Vail water and Sanitation District whose oaldress i8 VaiI , sDd Stete oi' County of Eag Ie , srd State of Colorado,rhe iollorviug rcal property iu the , ald Strrte of Colorodo, to-rvit:Coulty of Eagle fractsA and C and Lot 31, Vail ViIlage, Second FiIing. / //"3 ti Together with the right to use the roads, streets, dri.ves. lanes, places, circles and walkways as shown on the maps and plats of VaiI Village, Fif,st Filing, Vail Vitlage. Second Filing,Vail Village - Third Filing, and resubdivisions thereof, filed in the PIat Book of Easle Countv at paqes 49. 50. 54, 56 and 59.for acceGf-€o-1:r=E -Ei om -trr6-pr dn-i s e s, - r^,i:-ch f iirhf' sh=il-5;- - aPpurtenant to and run with the land and shall not be construed to be personal to the party or parties of the second part" Nith oll its ap|nrt\loarcesr oDd varraDt(s) tbe titlc to tho sante, sulject to 1963 general property taxes due in 1964 and al} subsequent years. Sigued tbis 2? th day ol Augus t STATE OT COLORADO City and CouDty of Denver Tbc loregoing itrstrulrctr! rvas Rcknowledged before ue this 27th doy ol August ,19 63 ,by Peter W. Seibert, a .general p;iri:ter I [sr' ) Linited nersh ip ceneral 9, t965 of VaiI Associates, Ltd. A i ':c( Ims Dnro. tta,te rtris Fifteenth (i5th) d;r1. of I tluco::o'r:: s s:'',rirt' i lP:il - .-j1r!rc -vcar o! our Lorl onc thons:1url I , , i Tms Dnro. lta,le rlis Fifteenth (i5th) d;r1. of i llucollDiill s s-i'\i ll' oiio lu',aroa ooa,. s irrtv-ji..=* *" " '" "'" - ^ ; l r bctwesn IL *5"€R+ND SANITATI6I{ nt s.nnre.r'. u I DctrYesn IL hthtRR:-*ND SANITATIOI{ DI.STRICT, a | .ir.:, :..r.r,.,rJ,irir r ri gcvernmental subdivlsion of the Sturte of I Cli..""' ' ": ",'.., . ll a colorado corporation, I il of the q:unty of Eagle aqd State oi Colorc.do, of tlc i j, sccond part; T,']TNDSSDTII, Thct the said part of lbc ii.st, pu+ i:i':nil ir consi(lcrlt.ion oi tl,c.rur, "f jl TXN DOLLARS and other good and va iua,ble €l',rs.dcrat ion - - - - i:T:s, lj to tlle said part l, of thc fjrst part, i! ha.d prid irl. ilc si ril part / uf thc secorrLl plti, rlrc lj rcceipt n'hcrcof is hereby eonfessed and acknorrl.cdged. ha g g:.:rotcd, bnl.saine(I, sohl arrd cnnt"-rc,l. ll ald b.v thcse prescDtsrrl€scqrant. barr:cin. scu. coutcy nuil ,.^niir.rr u.lo tLe :iriri lilry - "i Ii the seco!.d part,ItS - -'- - -f,i*_t ii n'l ossigns forcr.er, :rll t\c f.lllosiog (lcscribc,l lot or :.irr(el ll of laurl. situate, lyiDg aDd bciug in thc County of E3g le oo,l li Statc of Cr,lorado, to.rvit: ' I e part of Tract c, vail village. second Filing, more particularl-v i described as follows: - I. Seginning at the llorthwest corner of said T;act C; thence N,l:"AZ,gZll,e.and along the Northerly line of said Tract C a distance of I45.Oo ll feet; thence S.t4"46'lO"E. a.distance of 146,36 feet to a'!-oftt ot l,intelsection with the Southerly line of said Tract C; thence ll S,79o03'56"1v- and aLong the SoutherLy line of said Tract C a distanc=of 180.00 feet to the Scuthlvest corner of said Tract C; thence ]l N,ooO6'06"E. and along the viesterly line of said Tract c a distance li af 1?< nn f ^a+ .r.^ +1^^ ll I U,O'00,06"E. and along the viesterly line of said Tract c a distance li I of ,135.00 feet to the true point of beginning. I I I ll '\-ia 1i,,1^: \',,r.. '^ -iLa,,.-- !,- :' TogetLe! rtith all and singular tbe hereditarocnts and appurtclraaees thereunto belonging, or iu auyl-isc ll lppcrtainitg' and the relcrsiou aud relersious, rcuainder and remaiuders, rents, issues oual plolifs fhcre- ll uf; oud all the estate, riglrt, title, interest, elaim aad demond whatsoeyer, of tle soid part, y of tf,o jl fi$t part, either in law or eqnity, of, in ald to the aboye bargaiucd preutises, Nitit the he-rcditaruents ll and sppurtcEaoces; To llele and To Ilokl the said. premiscs abole bargained and dcscribed, with tbc ll appurteuances, unto Vail Associates, fnc., a Colorado corporation, ll rcus ano lssrgns forcrcr, ll alal the ssidvair water and sanitation District, a qovernmental subdivli_sion of Colorado, port y of tLe first port, for it scl.f , j-tE succ.ssor*{, executors ontl ll ad.ministrators, do es covelcnt. ;3rant, bargliu anrl og:cc to ltnd \rilh thc sirid palr y of fhe li t^'^n'l n6* i+c successoiijQ ontl assigns, tb1 abo*c tcigaiucri prc:uises in the quict onrr pcn,.al,l" li .'. ?oiaession of ssid pa.t y of ths secouil part,its suce cl s s o.lc-:lrx and :rssigirs, rguinsi all ana ll ( rertfl parson or persoDs lawfully claimiug or to clairu thc rrhole or any parti thcrcof, by, through or rrl,lcr ll :_ ilc st.id port y ot tbe first parr tq WARRj,NT AND FOREVDIi DnI'END. ll i i LIN:T{ITNDSS TIIIEREOF, Tbe said part y of the fi.st pxrt ha s hereunto set, its li '-tiri*: -i..qqd seal the day aud year first above rrrittcn. - n."r,or..- li ,. f ig:ir.tl.-Scale{ dhd Deriscrcd io ttre prcscnce orl vn rL._r.rA.TE.i..AlID...gA}lITLTf.OU...Ilislilil_-l- ll :;:'arigir,,:12-'. I L/ul ,/rri // / ll ,.:,,j:r;.:...:>,.:-\ ...::...:,....:r.........../ .....--.1 ay, tl.,t:/tt.r/lil4:1.1:,t"i/1.r.,-!!r Wn.,r,l i ,t-1f;,.$fj{;4^"x I chairr,,an and presideni' /l .'. i: i I .:: g::Cfetarv,/ -" " ""'->--r---" "'J - --"'-"' " "- '. ""{SUnLl i :.. ,. .. ::.:..jsJe^^r_g! doioooon, scvernmental surdiv!siln';i"i1r;"s;;,i;^:;'' " I t\t !li':'rl';rrr t'i., .- li cclorado, I ji'*-'- "' I of the Couur-r'of Eagle ourl I h , ^, t-: i ft:ltc of Colorado, of tlre first parr, aud \4It .dssoc1",Tls, I:rc I, l.//" '44:7 . -= I ii I ii \o t- t'l z F) a Q o' F F z EI '!2. H t'l FI t'l & -1 z d:ty o! A.'r'il ll and F. Blatie Lvnc'l.r ii District, a g ove:-nne.nta I o:.1 and oftici.l sc!,I. il )o County of [.aq1e of the &rd Stete of Colorado, of the s€€6nd ii WmqESS&"TF, Thst the srid psrty of TEN D0LLARS and other good and .. .T.r,,..'-,:r,l rr,- ...c:. r..: r(fr.r...:.t,(, l,!orr r: ,l' rt ... ti,ii..,,, u ;,r,..j.-,,'. :.,,. , :- ,. /.1i.:, r:.. A pa!t of Tract C, Vail Village, Secon<t Fi'l inq, ncre particularly described as fol I ows: Beginning at the f,lorthwest ccrner of said T:.act C; thence N 73042,37,, E and along. tng_Norrherly line of said tract C a Olitince-of .l45.00 ieet;thence 514"46'.]0. E a distance of 146.36 feet to a point of intersection l{ith-the. Southerly line 0f sajd Traci Ci fhence S 79b03,56, ! ana aiong-'the Southerly line of sairi Tract C a distance of lgC.OO feet to the South!.resi corner of sajd lract C; thence N 0006,06; E ind along the Hesterly 'line of said Tract C a^di-s^tance of 135.00 f;ea to the true i9il!,9f beginnjng, contdining 22532 sguare feet or .51 7,1 acres, more ol- iess t!j!o ffn'lr.h at-t re€.fan d:nnn be r Together *ith ali and sin!ruls.r tle heredil_.a'ents and appurtenaDces t,Ereunto belonging, or ir. r--gr-wise alp1.:r-tsinirrg, anC tire :e'rr:rsiotr alti reverlions, rer,rainder *oa "un,ainOere, rents, iasues and Frof it' ther-eor ; and an rhe estate, riFht, ti[re .iDte.est, "i"lin "nJ?-^t o whatao€ver, of the B&id pa.t.y of the first part. eitber in law or-eriuit:., of. in ".a io ii*iiru"" bargahed premiree, witb the he!€iitamenis and apps ienarce.i; TO iIAvE AND I-;;i; th.e. said pre*ises a.b,rve bar._ga'inerl 6rd. deB_cribei- rril.h .ir€ appu!-r4rrance:.. ur,.* . iie- i-O-lifl-Tfr- ,d1Lr a (otoraoo l,lulic i Da l Lorlcr€ i i t,!l bErrs arld aislgris iorerrr the said iJar'l' -\' of the secdnd i'art, Anc..h€-6&id vAlt lr5s0 A1ES- INC., a tolorado corooration p4rry of .,Ie first part,.fo. ..its€lf . rs lrejrs, sectrtorl aucl &drnjn;strators, ato es cal,ets_lr |IaDi, bargair ,r I i ::;r:_ee L :r,j *lth tfla s:id psrty 6f tire f--...'C ilztl ,:1 ;,,:::.,::i,o;,., i::-- lt.. il.\! ,.-_:,..,,-l ;r,., ,0.,., ,,,...ra i:i.i::; i.nd D::L.J:rb&,,t/t!::'..,-.j.1 :.r:C ;i:rt j' r,i !''. .,s:i :rrd :,art, i-.S iiCir.: aia as.igr.r', Ag'ingt ,Il ;il:^;i€raot or. person$ lat-fully clairning ur to claim -the whol€ o. *fjp"* tl""of, by, .uhroult rr unrler the 8e,id party or tb,l first Fart.i! WARRANT At6 ;iii,#uo DEFEND.iN lfI.fNElS i!,.tj.ERij.rF .I-i.e s: jo. parl .r, . ,,f tl.lir.i pi," r,".. he rsurto se!n"Ll ?'r1o E/Jzi ii'ie or,t 1i:(: t.a,-r fir:.i rl,,-.,,e o-r.,,,uu.- ' ''^ ' . !iry..-4 ts{i,:di.".i lrci:r:r:c:r. riie preeepr:e ci} ii.,i-'l.s:,iiCtr':tS, .jl!!!. ......_..-rsell,r -:jf* s.,*"i,,c *.i:'.,"..".,1';1,:;;:#:;:?i'" "ili,.!";s:,i,crr.rs. r,rri . ....rseAll .itr",' I*-f,$,-r:; vctu!:*i!, i.i,,-,,{;!,, l!\i,t,ntil41ytr7.*r^.,i -.:-:-, '."f "" l /1 qr- I :l ::ra llir;"i:.i , ic jl.ri:i. I i* .r i.' :r. t, iii.-iaa,. t' .,\ rrt'l^ J 'J ii d.y of Apri I a\' and Slatr of of th.Counry of Eag Ie and Slar. of Colorndo. granteefi), WTTNESSETH, That the Sranror(g, for and in considerarion of lh! sum of Te n Dollars ($I0.00) xgqDo4illtx thc Eccipt and suficiency ofwhich ishercby a€knowlcdged, ha s rcmised, rcleased, sold, conveled andQUIT CLAIMED, andby thcsa prEscnts do esrrmisc, rclcrs€. sctl, conwy andQUIT CLAIM unlo thc granrcds), its hcirs, succcsso6 and assigns, for.w., alt drc right, tialc, intlrcst, clafn and dcmand which thc grantoroo has in End to thc lral plgpcny, togrbct witb imprcwmcnts, it any, siruat!, lying and bcing in thc Colorsdo, dGcribcd ai follorsl Faad- counry of Eagfe Tract A and Tract C, I,ot 31, VaiI Village, Filing No. 2, Ea91e County, Colorado, conveyed to the Vail Water District, by the Vail Water,-a]rd Sanitatiot ..Qi strict by warranty deed recorded in Book /335 aL Page,/ 380.. Reception No. 231734 on January 25, L9&2', in Eagle-C6unty. 4@t74A ' E-945 F-554 Irg 1t]F 1 ?et tAs/Q4/ gg 14. @r EAGLE COUNTY CLERI(JOHNNET'TE- PH I LL I FS i I also known by stEet 8td numbcr as: 10 HAVE AND TO HOLD thc same, togcrher wilh all atld sinSular the appu.tlnarc.s and privilcges thcr.unto bclongi!8 or i! anywisc ttecudto appcdaining, 8nd all aic 6tatc, righa, ritlc, iDE.esl .nd claim pbatsod€., of the Sranlo4*), ciLlrer iD lrw or cquity, lo thc only propcr us€ , bcnefi( and bchoof of th. grantce(li, i t s heils and assigns forevcr. IN WITNESS WHEREOR Thr grantor{D ha s exccutcd this dc€d on thc daE se! fonh abovc. VAIL VALLEY CONSOIIDATED WATER ti DISTRfCf, a Co.l-orado guasi * .tn-iffi STATE OF COIORADO, rrrt 7 4 'r of mun.L i-n-i B\v'/ffi I -.' J - dzy I ation, s rpor pal b-{ T E_ ih ll RI q f 8 x f3 l9 ucc R:-€ Wa i- Ap byEdmu;d-Drager, Jr.as Presidlent of vail valley Consolidated District, a-Coiorado quasi-rnunicipal corporation. successor District, a Colorado guas i -rnuni cipa I corporation, successor interest to vail water District. M) cornmission crpircs aE bn c-..r o1 3 , 19fl2 . Witness my hand and gfficial seal. , . ' ':'!'..5q. -* : "3-Ler-{e J. Ftlsr.- Ll J' ., tr""o,a.a"r-"'.r*r-p Rcccplion No, - - Rccordcr ' :-, QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS DEED, Made rtris bctu€envAIl VAL],EY CONSOLIDATED WATER a quasi-municipal corporation, as iNIETESI tO VAI! WATER DISTRICT SANITATION DISTRICT, a quasi-munic ipa l corporation whosc l.gal address is 846 Forest Road, Vail , 1999 , DISTRICT, successor J. EO D0c o. oB No. 933. R.Y. 3{S. QUIT CrIUM DEEn lrib.d Pu!ti.hi.!, 5t25 w. &r Aw.. Urc{.od" C$ ao:ta - (lltt) 2l!{9O ot,, @ 1 5OUTH FRONTAGE ROAD i 6OR€ CREEK oLD U.5. NO. 6 E ZE -= r !: ^e :5 :- 5e ,tj tt Ul il/l -l il I .l tl lt IN f TEI CURB TRAN 3 TTION ao-.otloto l"'lo' -f?-A<-+ A, €XJI.6A1 IANK u n it PTAPEKT}' LACATIAN EER I.AND TITLE A tA -aF UUNE ll) lliA )Vl54CD I I * (to*n oF .uA, x {' UNPLATf ED --) / I .-ti,a,c ;fr*},uyl 4/&T *,'Q*-\(i ,J ,t U " g-^T"t 2. 3. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Gode of the Town of Vail on March 9, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an exterior alteration in the Commercial Core ll zone district for the Cano Residence, Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Uonshead First Filing/S2O East Lionshead Circle. Applicant: Victor Cano Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request to extend a conditional use permit to expand lhe Vail Mountain School, located at 3160 Katsos Banch Boad/ Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing. Applicant: Vail Mountain School Planner: Andy Knudtsen A requesl for a worksession tor a minor subdivision and request for a change in zone district boundaries from Primary Secondary to Low Density Multiple Family for the Schmetzko property, generally located at 2239 Chamonix Lane, more particularly described as: Parcel A: A tract of land conlaining one acre, more or less, located in the South 1/2 ol the South East 1/4 of Section 11, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the NE comer of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 11; thence westerly along the norlherly line ot said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 bearing south 86 20' W a distance of 167.80 ft. to a point: Thence southerly along a line 167.80 ft. distant from and parallel to the east line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4, a distance of 200.00 ft. to a point: Thence easterly a distance of 167.80 ft. along a line 200.00 fl. distant from and parallel to the north line of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1l4lo a point on its east line; Thence easterly on a line parallel to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 1 1, a distance of 50.95 ft. to a point: Thence northerly and parallel with the west line ot the east 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of said Section 1 1, a distance ol 200.00 ft. to the point of intersection with the extension of the north line of the sw 1/4 0f the sE 1/4 0f said section 11; Thence westerly on a detlective angle lett of 95 21'00" along the extension of the north tine of the sw 1/4 0f the sE 1/4 0f said section 11, a distance of 50.95 ft. to the NE comer of the SW 1/4 of the'SE 1/4 of Section 11, being the point ol beginning. $t"r &-Jo 4t- 4. Parcel B: Tract A, Vail Heights Filing No. 'l according to the recorded plat thereof. Applicant: Erich SchmeEko Planner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part of the SW %, NE 1A, Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th P.M., described as follows: Beginning at a point of the North-South centerline of said Section 12 whence an iron pin with a plastic cap marking the @nter of said Section 12 bears S00'38'56"W 455.06 leet; thence along said centerline N00"38'56"E 122.81 teet to the southerly ROW line of l-70; thence departing said ROW line N66"53'25"E 39.15 feet;thence departing said ROW line S81"23''19"E 165.42 teet to a point of curve; thence '122.83 feet along the arc of a 143.20'oot radius curve to the left, having a centralangle of 49'08'51" and a chord that bears S15'57'45'E 119.10 feet;thence 540'32'10"E 3.00leet;thence 66.30 feet along the arc ol a77.21 foot radius curve to the right, having a central angle of 49'12'10' and a chord that bears S15'56'05'E 64.28 feet; thence S8'40'00"W 90,27 feet; thence N38"42'24"W 224.55 feet; thence S78'1 0'32"W 101 .44 leet to the Point of Beginning. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the expansion of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District administrative offices, at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Planner: Shelly Mello A request to amend Section 18.34, Parking Zone District of the Vail Municipal Code to allow construction staging as a conditional use. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen An appeal of a staff decision regarding grandfathered oflice space in the Mill Creek Court Building, 302 Gore Creek Drive/a part of Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Appellant: Ned Gwathmey Planner: Shelly Mello A request for the establishment of a Special Development District at the Christiania at Vail, 356 Hanson Ranch Boad/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing, and Lot P-3, Block 5-A, Vail Village Fifth Filing. Applicant: Paul Johnston Planner: Mike Mollica Any items tabled from the February 24, 1992 PEC meeting agenda. o. 7. 8. q a- The applications and information about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department otfice. Town of Vail Community Development Department Pubfished in fte Vail Trail on February 21,1992 .: Justine H. Smith 5280 Rich Road Memphis, TN 38177 Roberl D. Working 503 Mount Evans Road Golden, CO 80401 frTfl:l,i?fl$unications' Inc' o xfl.Tj:ciares' Inc' Denver, CO 80206 Vail, CO 81658 Cyrnhia Jacobson 764 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 l-l /7x rsoM & AssoctArEs Lj ltr\ Architecture LandPlannins ProjectManasement February 10, L992 Andrew Knudtsen Town PLanner DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI",,OPMENT 75 South Frontage Road vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: ADMTNISTRATIVE OFFICE EXPANSION UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLTDATED SANITATION DISTRICT Dear Andrew: Enclosed is an application for Conditional Use Permit for the proposed administrative office expansion for Upper Eagle Va1 1ey Consolidated Sanitation District. The proposed expansion is to the south of the existing administrative offices at 846 Forest Road in Vai1. The application is signed by warren Garbe, General Manager. ft is understood that the 5200 fee for the CondiEional Use Permit is waived for the Metropolitan District. The submittal is being made to meet the February 10' t992, deadline for the Planning and Environmental Commission which is scheduled to be heard on March 9, 1992. In regrard to the questions outlined in Section 3 of an Application of Conditional Use, those points are addressed as fo1 l ows : 1. The project is the expansion of the administrative offices for Upper Eagle VaI 1ey Consolidated Sanitation District. The expansion will cover the remainder of the roof structure over the aeration Lanks of Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation District, specifically to the south of the existing administrative offices. The floor plans show the relationship of the proposed building to the existing administrative offices which will a1 1ow for the following features. 1. Conference Room, 34 feet x 34 feet 2. Visitor's Office, 10 feet x 12 feet 3. Four Administrative Offices, approximately 10 feet x 12 feet.4. Mens and womens lavaEories.5. Future mapping,/computer area.6. Second sLory addition with future administrative area. P.0 Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-2388 FAX 328-6266 The proposed expansion is compatible with the existing office buildlng and sanitatl-on facilities located west of Forest Road' north of Gore Creek, south of the Frontage Road and east of the Town of Vail Maintenance Building. The proposed expansion is compatible with other properties in the viclnity' including the Town of Vall Maintenance facility to the west, the parking lot to the east, Vail Associates' ski maintenance area to the north, and the residential properties to the southeast' which are oriented away from thls structure. 1.A The proposed administratj-ve office expansion will have no impact on development objectives of the town other than providing administrative offices for the adminlstration of the ConsoLidated water and Sanitation Districts in the Vail Va11ey and Eagle Va11ey. 1.8 The proposed administrative office expansion will have no effect on the schools, parks, recreatj-on facilities or other facilities in the Vail- Va1ley. The expanded office is designed to accommodate the existlng personnel who are currently working for t.he DistricU in very cramped spaces, and provide a board meeting room and community meeting room for outside use. There ls also a temporary traiLer which has been approved on site for an offlce which will be removed once this facility is ln operation. There witl be no effect on the use of light and air, or distribution of population or transportation facilitles by the proposed expansion. 1.C The effect on traffic, with particular reference to congestion of automotive, pedestrlan safety and convenlence, traffic flow and control , and access will not be effected by thls project slnce the personnel to be housed ln the new expansion are already working at Uppe r Eagle Va11ey under very congeated conditions and also have expanded into a temporary modular building which will be removed once the project is completed. The existing parking area to the west of the building is adequate based on 300 square feet per parking space of net office area to handle the proposed expansion. 1n The effect on the surrounding area of the Upper Eagle Va11ey Sanitation complex will be very minimal due to the character of the surrounding uses which include the maintenance building for the Town of Vail' maintenance buildings for vail Associates ski corp., and Ehe exlsting and proposed parking structure to the eas! of this complex. The scale of the proposed building will be compatible with the existing buildings and slmilar in character so that it does not intrude on the view corridors of the resldences to the south and southeast of this project. The height of the proposed expansion will be in character with the exisling facility and of less height than the existing building to the west. 2 The site plan at one inch equals twenty feet shows the proposed development including topography, bullding locations, parking, t.raffic ci-rculation and useable open space has been lncluded ln the submittal . There is no new coverage of land or removal of open space ln the proposed project other than covering the existing structure over the aeration basins in the sanitary sewer facility. A11 drainage from the roof is interior in the structure to existing roof drains over the aeraLion basins. Landscaping and utilities will remain the same and do not have to be upgraded for this project. 3. Preliminary building elevations, a typical section and floor plans at 1,/8r equal one foot, have been included in the submittal . 4. The ownership of the property is the Upper Eagle Va11ey Consolidated Sanitation District, as shown on the records of the Town of Vai1. 5. Not relevant. 5. Any additional information required by the zoning administrator will be forwarded upon his request. If you have any questions concerning this submittal , please contact Stephen fsom at 328-2388 or cayle Grider aL 4'76-7480. Sincerely yours, *'r t/>u_&" ltt ^q*i.-r. , Isom !/ cc: Gayle Grider, UEVCSD D?FEB 04 tpz ADiTACENT PROPERIY O$INERS TO: UPPER, BTGI,B VII,LEY CONSOI,IDATBD SAI(ITATION DTSTRIET 845 Forest Road Val1, Colorado 81557 tAt rBll rcn rDr rEi rFr ilustine Ir. Snlth 5280 Rich Road I{emphis, TN 38117 Robert D. Working 503 Mount Evans Road Golden, Co 80401 General Corununlcations, rnc. 100 Garfleld Street Denver, CO 80206 Cymthia ilacobson 754 Forest Road Val1, CO 81557 Vall Assoclatee, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vail, Co 81557 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81557 -6Tq '9 -':- A ql - 'o t\ tol .or ..._ .- g l t;>-=.-.---0 .: i 7^- 9 H\ :r9\: '@ ztx 5r aEt -"=-': _ 9F 6t t-\-,/ | I ?t tot ) . -l@l I r.lt >.9\7 "r\9- .; \ "i lBr 0 \" I (L6 l! 'l 6\,oo' e 'r n' or ' El-" 4 ll.) 5 o o \('.""tvi .i-it 6\ €/ ffiL; a ?1",,.1r 'r'r' v 4l i/,,3("'s 'e/ n _ n : o 7; - .l- ; <1, : Yll a .^l 'zl ?l 1l .) Z l\ 0 o- 2v .. 1.\: F H &ts a z F{F F z F <lr H q,) F-l lr .h kl z O\o (J .$ v >l FI 4 p IJ a B ! CJ t. +J c, (d .r-') 'U : ,'-4 F'1. . I I \l i\ \\ ,) )iir, .-. -r . -l\./,-t 1 1:.4 ;:l i i, 5. + I 1no , tr:iLl?t- i lt a r | --. { I ' t . -t ts| .: z l A 'Y (J|l c-.- (\l c_ Or) E: <N c E - a c a 0. o I a 9 o I' t' I ii NP 'h r : ta t: r I t E I t rlI 'I|i .il' S*'- -- !i';:rii.::'* :1. - \\- "c' "". .2 -l |'l !t-D 2 Jp $ O E9FEB o4€s U /7{, rsoM & AssocrArEs I__l l/^\ Architecture LandPlannins ProjectManasement February 17, t992 Andrew Knudtsen Town Planner Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road vail , Colorado 81657 RE: DRB APPLICATION - ADMINISTRATM OFFICE EXPANSION UPPER EAGLE VALI,EY CONSOI,IDATED SANITATION DTSTRICT Dear Andrew: Attached is a completed DRB Application for the Town of Vail for the new administrative office expansj-on for Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Dist.rict. The application is being submitted to meet the February 17th suburittal deadline which will be heard on March 18, 1992. The application has been signed by warren Garbe, General Manager for Upper Eagle Val 1ey Sanitation District. It is undersEood Ehat the fees for Design Review are waived for Ehe Metropol itan District. Three copj-es of a detailed site plan of 1 inch equals 20 feet is being submitted as part of the DRB Application. The site plan shows the existing site with location of the proposed expansion on top of the existing aeration basins. There will be no changes to the overall site plan either in landscaping,access to existing utilities or changing of existing grades. All dralnage from the roof structure will be interior to existing storm drains located on the roof of the aeration basin. Three copies of architectural floor plans, tlpical structural section, and elevations are included with the submittal . Exterior rnaterials for the expanded administrative office will match tshe existing facia on the administrative office and the facia and waIl material on the aeration basins and mechanical rooms. This is a whiLe stucco finish, rough textured and spackled to match. The area of the existing administrative offices is approximately 6,984 sguare feeE gross or 2,990 sguare feet net,exclusive of hal1ways, mechanical rooms, Eoilet facilitsies,storaqe rooms and access stairs. Total parking requirement for the existing office space is twelve parking spaces. P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 Andrew Knudtsen Departments of Community DevelopmenL February 17, L992 Page 2 For the nerrr addition the gross sguare footage is 5,043 square feet on tshe two levels with a net functional use of 3,237 equare feet or 13 parking spaces. Provided on site are seven visitor parking spaces j-n front of the building and 30 lnrking spaces on the west end of the bui]-dinq. There is al so truck access down below to the equipment area and five parking spaces. If you have any questions concernlng the appllcation to the Design Review Board, please contact this office at 328-2388 or Gayle Grider at the Metropolitan District, 476-7480. Sincerely yours, fSOM & ASSOCIATES Stephen R. Isom cc: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District '7-.r Jo{'l \, .i trrgttB C419E/ revised 9/4/9L Date of APP1ication Date of PEC Meetj-ng IPPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAI, USE PERMTT I.This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional use permit. The application will- not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT TrlFer Frgl6 \/!t t6y Co'.so] idnred sanitarion niqfri.t ADDRESS 845 Forest Road Vail- CO 8I557 PHoNEjT6ll!$11- NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVESEephen R. Isom. Is es ADDRESS P.0. Box 9. Eaele. C0 81631. Phone: (303)328-21RR Gavle Grlder for U.E.V.C.s.D.- Vai1. co PHONE-4]-6J380-- ^_ .-'.6^\nE or Lypet t.F: .v.c.s.n.NAME OF OWNER(S) (pri owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) ADDRESS r.Same as Apolicanc PHONE D. LOCATION 0F PROPOSAL: LEGAL:LOT 3t BLOCK-FILING2-VaiL-VjILaee ADDRESS 846 Forest Road. Vai1. CO 81657 E. FEE $200.00 PAID_ NIA_ cK #BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of afl- property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDTNG PRoPERTY BEHTND AND AcRoss STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT wILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it complete (must include alL items reguired by the zoning administrator) - It is the applicant's responsi-bi-1ity to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional- submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE T}IAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISS]ON (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. & CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMTT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. The description must also address: a. Relationship and irnpacL of the use on development' obiectives of the Town. lJ '- Effecd of the use on light and of populaLion, transPortation air, distribution faci l ities, recreation ,1 .t t. rl i. A utilities' school-s, Parks and facilities, and other Public facilities needs. facilities and Public EffecL upon.tiaffic, with particuLar reference to congestibn, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic fLow and control, accesst maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. Effect upon the character of the area in which tbe proposed use is to be located, including the scale lnd bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least L't = 20' showing proposeb development of the site, including topography, builAing locations, parking, traffic circulation, useabfe open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features. Prelimlnary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiunized, a letter from the condomin j-um asiociation in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional naterial .necessary for the review of the apptication as determined by the zoning administrator' ** For interior modifications' an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. 3. 4. IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Envj-ronmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and afL accompanying naterial (as described above) must be submitted a minimurn of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No inconplete applications (as determined by the zoning adrninistrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. AII PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if constructlon is not conmenced within one year of the date of approval and ditigently pursued to cornpletion, ot if the use f-o-r which the appioval is granted is not commenced wit'hin one year. If this application requires a separate revie! by.any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shal-L be increased by $200'00. Examples of sutn review, may include, but are not limited to: CoLorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404r etc. Thre applicant shall be responsible for paying aly publishing tees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's requestr anY nat'ter is postponed for hearing, tausing the natter to be re-published' then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. A.\T App.Licat,iot.."d by the community oVeroprnent Departnent to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may reguire review by consultants other that town staff. Shoufd a deternination be made by the town staff that an outsj-de consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant/ it sha1J-estimate the amount of rnoney necessary to pay him or her and this amount shalf be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his applicat.ion wit.h the Corununity DeveLopnent Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant sha1l be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by t.he Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. .4, a 1 trr0 FEB 2 61992 tl /7{, rsou & AssoctArEs lJ l/^\ Architecture Land Plannins Project Manasement February 26, 1992 She11y Mello Town Planner Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, cO 81657 RE: Office Addition to Upper Eagle Va1 ley Consolidated Sanitation District Dear She11y: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District would like to ammend their applicaLion for a CondiLional Use Permit and Design Review Board approval for their proposed expansion to the administrative offices located on Forest Road in vai1. The amendment will be to our letter of February 10, L992 for the Conditional use Permit and the letter of February 1,7, L992 for the DRB Application. The Board of Directors of UEVCSD at their meeting on February 19, L992 decided to increase the size of the addition to two complete stories. The one and a half story as proposed would only meeL their present staffing requirements where two stories would accommodate staffing for the foreseeable future. Employees for the new addition would consist of six people already on staff and Lhree additional at a future date. The gross square footage is 3.444 sq. ft. per floor for a total of 5,888 sq. ft. The net square footage, exclusive of hallways, mechanical rooms, toilet facilities' storage rooms and stairs would be approximately 4,100 sq. ft. Total parking requirement would be seventeen parking spaces. The existing 42 parking spaces on site are more than adequate for the total development. Gayle Grider has already given you four copies of the ammended plans for the project. If you require any other changes to our applications, please contact this office. Sincerely yours, cc: UEVCSD, Gayle Grider Stephen Pres ident P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 n /7X rsoM & AssocrArEs l_l l/^\ Architecture LandPlannins ProlectManasement PIC?FIB l g4gz February 10, 1992 Andrew Knudtsen Town Planner DEPARTMENT OF COMMTTNITY DEVETOPMENT 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81557 RE: ADMINISTRATM OFFICE EXPANSfON UPPER EAGLE VAII.,EY CONSOIJIDATED SANITATTON DTSTRICT Dear Andrew: Enclosed is an appllcation for Conditional Use Permit for the proposed administrative office expansion for Upper Eagle Va1 1ey Consol"idated Sanitation District. The proposed expansion is to the south of the existing administrative offices at 845 Forest Road in Vai1. The application is signed by Warren Garbe, General Manager. It is understood that the 5200 fee for the Conditional Use Permit is waived for the Metropolitan Dist.rict. The submittal is being made to meet. the February 10,t992, deadline for the Planning and Environmental Commission which is scheduled to be heard on Marctr 9, 1992. In regard to the questions outlined in Section 3 of an Application of Conditional Use, those points are addressed as follows: l-. The project is the expansion of the administrative offices for Upper Eagle Va11ey Consolidated Sanitation District. The expansion will cover the remainder of the roof structure over the aeration tanks of Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District, specifically to the south of the existing ad.ministraEive offices. The floor plans show the relationship of the proposed building to the existing administ,rative offices which will al low for the following features. 1. Conference Room, 34 feeL x 34 feet 2. Visitorts Office, 10 feet x 12 feet 3. Four Administrative Offices, approximately 10 feet x 12 feet.4. Mens and womens lavatories.5. Future mapping,/computer area.6. Second story addiLion with future administrative area. P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 ?he proposed expansion is compaLible with the existing office building and sanitation facilities located wesL of Forest Road, north of Gore Creek, souttr of the Frontage Road and east of the Town of Vail MalnEenanee Building. The proposed expansion is compatible with other properties in the vicinity, including the Town of Vail Maintenance facility Uo the west, the parking 1ot to the east, Vail Associatesr ski maintenance area Eo the north, and the residential properties to the southeast, whlch are oriented away from thls structure. The proposed administrative office expansion wil-1 have no impact on development objectives of the town other than providing administrative offices for the administration of the Consolidated Water and Sanitation Dist.ricts in the Vail Valley and Eagle Va11ey. The proposed administrative office expansion wilL have no effect on the schools, parks, recreation facilities or other facilities in the Vail Va11ey. The expanded office is designed Eo acconmodate the exlsting personnel who are currently working for the Distrlct in very crarnped spaces, and provide a board meeting room and community meeting room for outside use. There ls also a tenporary trailer which has been approved on site for an office which will be removed once this facllity is in operation. There will be no effect on the use of light and air, or distrlbution of population or transportation facilities by the proposed expansion. The effect on traffic, with particular reference to congestion of automotive, pedestrlan safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access will not be effected by this project slnce the personnel to be housed ln t.he new expansion are already working at Upper Eagle Valley under very congesLed conditions and also have expanded into a temporary modular building which wl11 be removed once the project is completed. The existing parking area to the west of the building is adequate based on 300 square feet per parking space of net office area to handle the proposed expansion. The effect on Lhe surrounding area of the Upper Eagle Va11ey Santtation complex will be very minimal due to the character of the surrounding uses which include the maintenance buildinq for the Town of Vail, maintenance buildings for Vail AesociaEes Ski Corp., and the existing and proposed parking structure to the east of this complex. The scale of the proposed building will be compatible with the existing buildings and similar in character so that it does not intrude on the view corridors of the residences to the south and southeast of this project. The height of the proposed expansion will be in ctraract.er with the existing facility and of less height than the existing building to the west. 1.8 1.C 2 The site plan at one inch equals twenty feet shows the proposed development including topography, bullding locations, parking, traffic circul-ation and useable open space has been lncluded ln the suburittal . There is no nelv coverage of land or removal of open space ln the proposed project other than covering the existing structure over the aeraLion basins in the sanj.tary sewer facility. Al-l- drainage from the roof is interior in the structure to existing roof drains over the aeration basins. Landscaping and utitities will remain the same and do not have to be upgraded for this project. 3. Preliminary building elevations, a typical section and floor plans aL L/8" egual one foot, have been included ln the submittal . 4. The ownership of the property is the Upper Eagle Va1 ley Consolidated Sanitat.ion District, as shown on the records of the Town of Vail. 5. Not relevant. 6. Any additional information required by the zoning adminlsLrator will be forwarded upon his reguest. If you have any questions concerning this submittal , please contact Stephen Isom at 328-2388 or Gayle Grider aL 475-7480. cc: Gayle Grider, UEVCSD Stephen AD,JACENT PROPERTY OIIINERS TO: UPPER EAGLB VALI,BT CONSOI,IDATM SANTTATION DISTR.ICT 845 Forest Road Val1, colorado 81657 rAn Justine t{. Srnith 5280 Rich Road Memphis, TN 38117 'B' Robert D. Working 503 Mount Evans Road Golden, Co 80401 iCn General- Corrmunications, Inc. 100 Garfield street Denver, CO 80206 I'Do Cynthia ilacobson 754 Forest Road Vail , CO 8L657 nEt Vail AssociaLes, Inc. P.O. Box 7 Vai1, cO 81557 "F" Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road tVest Vail, CO 81657 +t o |{(, 3 JJ tr o lr rJ o (g le\ ;G ..r\,O '":) t 13* eI Z" n'"'i '9 ir _-7-.1, LION>/:^>;;- t3t : ra:' o iv, e - Iol 9 \"" ;al 9 '.\ i F@ o l' .z ttot J 5 ;.I .6\t5l 3 \,/:"Ae- -i-^ \ "i8 ? ft ? r I' ri 6\g \o'. : oo= e j .^\GJi i '9 ' Ft-" fJ- ) o ,.,*hK' i rOi lY vW i 3 \.oo.., ...,..r.!o Lf' \y;too - t {"^ -6' .,,.,_l' ;t.' ii;-lli.s'.::'.i> ,/[ o dI a li li, ''r.;< ts () H fi H rt)H H F{ F{ H z C/I T' rd A&Fl <p HCJ |Jlr u) 14 z (J \+ F F-l ,t Fl tr.] ol .- (\l c- o r.);9 <(\, .,:li.:'a..' .u:i i ; ll ,l ;rJ { }-: I l, x \; + ,.t { fiH I I | , tt:I,ti_1 ,lt ! | lt >1 ra{ .r i !,' t-z f z a J It \ : T t ! f g a \ : -l a.i!9i :i .t !l -l i 9: I l \ ,-i revised 9/4/9L I. ^^!^ ^.F r*^r.i ^ation L/ ct L- E v r .rP}J r- -! \/, Date of PEC Meeting APPLICATION !'OR CONDITIONAI.. USE PERMIT This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional use Permit. The application will noL be accepted until alL information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT llplar E4g16 rr,r'r6y Ccnsol id.fFd sFni r.af i.'n Diqiti.t ADDRESS 846 Forest Road Var'l. Co 81657 PHONE azn-7480 B. NAME oF APPLICANT' S REPRE SENTAT IVE stephen R. Isom. IsOm & ASSOC1ATCS ADDRESS P'O. Box 9. Eaele. C0 81631- Phoner (303)328-??88 Ga.rle Grider for U.E'V.C.S.D.- vai1. cO PHONE 476-74Ro NAME OF OWNER(S) (print or LYPP) or{NER (S) STGNATURE (S) ADDRESS *Same as Aoplicant u PHONE- LOCATION OF PROPOSAL : LEGAL:LOT 31 BLOCK-FILINGJ--vr.i.l-lLLUae. ADDRESS 846 Forest Road. Vail. CO 81657 E. FEE $200.00 PAID34,- cK #BY D. THE FEE I.|UST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of afl property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS; and their mailing addresses. THE APPLfCANT WrLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is stronqly- suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No ipplication wil-1 be accepted unLess it complete (must include all j-tLms requj.red by the zoning administrator). It is the applicantrs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addiLional submittal reguirements. rII. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSTON (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI,]. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the followj-ng inforrnation must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operatj-ng characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. The description must also address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 1' Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, I utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c. Effect upon tiaffic, with particuLar reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control-, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be focated, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at least l.'r = 20' showing proposed developmenL of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open space, landscaped areas and uLilities and drainage features. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A titl-e report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted Lo staff. b.rl tl i. q Any additional material necessary application as determined by the ** For interior modifications, and site plan rnay be waived adninistrator. for the review of the zoning administrator. improvement survey the zoning an by IV. TIME REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and aL] accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public heari-ng. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning adninistraLor) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. A1t PEC approved conditional use permits sha1l lapse if construction is not corunenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently Pursued to completion, or if the use for which the approvaf is granted is not commenced within one year. If this application requires a separate review by any Iocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, the application fee shaLl be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not fimited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50E of the application fee. If, at the applicant's requestr Eny matter is postPoned for hearing, causing the natter t.o be re-publishedr then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha]l be paid by the applicant. A.v. {- ---T,.iil.l Appricati?" *"^"d by the community ?rr.roo^"nt Department to have signifigant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the comrnunity may reguire review by consult.ants other Lhat town staff. Should a determination be rnade by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Cornmunity Development may hire an outside consuLtant, it shall estimate the arnount of money necessary to pay hin or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the t.ime he files his application with the Community DeveLopment Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consuLtant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town j.n excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shal] be paid to the Town by the applicant wit.hin 30 days of noti-ficaLion by the Town. .a n /7(, rsoM & AssocrArEs l_l l/^\ Architecture Land Plannins ProjectManasement FF"'n r r ,,, t t1 1g1gg2, February 17, :..992 Andrew Knudtsen Town Planner Department of Community Development 75 South Frontag'e Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE! DRB APPLTCATTON - ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE EXPANSION UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT Dear Andrew: At.tached is a completed DRB Application for t.he Town of Vail for Ehe new administrative office expansion for Upper Eagle Va1ley Consolidated Sanitation District. The application is being submitted to meet the February 17t.h submittal deadline which will be heard on March 18, 1992. The application has been signed by warren Garbe, General Manager for Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District. It is understood that the fees for Desicrn Review are waived for the Metropol itan District. Three copies of a detailed site pl-an of 1 inch equals 20 feet is being submitted as part of the DRB Application. The site plan shows the existing siLe with location of the proposed expansion on top of the existing aeration basins. There will be no chanqes to the overall site plan either in landscaping,access to existing utilities or changing of existing grades. A11 drainage from the roof structure will be interj-or to existing storm drains located on the roof of the aeration basin. Three copies of architectural floor plans, tlpical structural section, and elevations are included vriLh the submiLtal . Exterior materials for the expanded adminisErative office will match the existing facia on the administrative office and the facia and wall maLerial on the aeration basins and mechanical rooms. This is a white stucco finish, rough textured and spackled to match. The area of the existing administrative offices is approximately 6,984 sguare feet gross or 2,990 square feet net,exclusive of ha11ways, mechanical rooms, toilet facilities, storage rooms and access stairs. Total parking requirement for the existing office space is twelve parking spaces. P0. Box9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FM 328-6266 t t. And rew Knudtsen Department of Community DevelopmenC February 17, L992 Page 2 For the new addition the gross square footage is 5,043 square feet on the two levels with a net functional uae of 3,23'l square feeE or 13 parking spaces. Provided on site are seven visitor parking spaces in front of the building and 30 parking spaces on the !'rest end of the building. There is also truck access down below to the equipment area and five parking spaces. If you have any quest.lons concernlng the application to the Design Review Board, please conEact this office al 328-2388 or Gayle Grider at the Metropolit.an DistricL, 47 6-7480. Sincerely yours, ISOM & ASSOCIATES cc: Upper Eagle Val1ey Consolidated Sanitation District o APPLICATION DRB DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: I. ********** TEIS APPLTCATTON WTLL NOT BE ACCEPBED ITNTIL AI.,L REQUTRED TNFORMATTON IS STTBMTTTED ********** PROJECT INFORMATION: A' DESCRTPTToN: Expansion of upoer Eaqfe Varlev consofidared B.TYPE OF RBVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration (520.00) Conceptual Review (S0)x Addition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoT 31 Block J. H. I. G. NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENTATM: srephen R. Tsom NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailing Address: Mailing Address: Isom & Associares. Inc.. p _ _ Eaele. Co 8163I phone i.8_.?s8 Gayle Grider for U.E.V.C.S.D. Vail, CO 416_74g0 LOT AREA: ff reguired, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a current Iot area. Phone Lj 6-7 /!ao FEE $ 20.00 I 50.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 sEri-cE z-n *STGNATURE (S) : X Mailing Address: K O revised s/4/sL - TOVW OF VAITJ, COToRADO Subdivisi_orr 2 va.i 1 viltege If property is described by a meets and bounds ]eqal description, please provide on a separate sheet .na attach to thj_s application. F E.ZONING i publi c lrep Di cf ri ^F Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submirrql of DRB applicarion. L;i;;, when applying for a building. permit, please iOentiiy-lne accurate valuation of the proposal . The town 6f VaiI wiIl adjust the fee_according-to the table l"fo", to ensure the correct fee is paid. C.OIf JLNI:UULE: VALUATION s 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10,001 - s 50r0oo $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150/001 - $ 5OO,0OO $500/ 001 - $1,000,000 $ Over $1, OOOT 0OO * DESTGN REvrEw BOARD APPRoltAr, ExprREs oNE yF.aR AI'ER FrNAr APPRovAr. UNTJESS A BUTLDTNG pERMrr rs rssuED AlrD coNsrRucrroN rs STARTED. **NO EPPIICJA,TION WILL BE PROCESSED WTTEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE \-o PRE_APPLICATION MEETING :II III A pre-application meeting wjth a member of the planning st.aff j-s st.rongly encourag.:-1. to det.ermine if any additional application infornation is needed. It is the applicantrs responsibj-lity to make an appointment with the st.aff to determine 1f there are additional submlttal requirements.Please note Lhat a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project In addition to meeting submictal requirements/ the appl-icant must stake and tape the projecL site to indicate property Iines, building lines and building corners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AIl site t.apings and staking must be completed prior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normal-Iy requires two separate meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceplual approval and a final- approval. Appl-icants should plan on presenting their development proposal_ at a rninimum of two meetings before obtaining final approvaf. Applicants who fail to appear before rhe Design Review Board on thei.r scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, wj-11 have their items removed. from the DRB docket until such time as the item has been republ i shed . The fol-Iowing items may/ at the djscretion of the zoning administrator, be approved by the Community Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearinq before the DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar ext.erior changes which do not aLter the existins plane of the building,'and b. Building addition proposals noc visible from any other l-ot or public space. At t.he time such a proposal is submitted, applicancs must incfude letters from adjacent property owners and,/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association statinq the association approves of the addition. ff a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow aval-anche, rockfall, flood plain/ debris flow,wetland, etc)r a hazard study must be submitted and the owner rnust sj.gn an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior ro che issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town pLanner prior to DRB application to determine the rel-ationship of the property to all- mapped hazards. For aL1 residential construction: Clearly indicate on the fl-oor plans the inside face of the exterior structural- wa1ls of the building,' and Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the building walfs or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application wirh conditions or modifications, aII conditions of approval must be resolved prior to Town issuance of a buildinq permit B c b b T\T A.Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stanped bv a licensed survevor, at a scale of 1rr = 20t 'or farger,on which the following information is provided: l- . Lot area. Two foot contour interval-s unless the parcel consists of 5 acres or more, in which case, 5,t contour intervals rnay be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, Lntermj-tt.ent streams,etc, ) . Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfal1, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, required creek or stream setback, 100-year ffood plain and slopes of 40t or more, if applicable. Ties to existing benchmark, eit.her USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information should be clearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point.This is particularly important for height measurements. See Poficy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be sho$rn. b. Exact locat,ion of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the st,ructure. Utilities to include: 6. CabLe TV Telephone Sewer water Gas E.l-ectric R c. Show all utility meter Locations, including any pedestals to be located on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocable permits from the Town of VaiI are required for improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. e. AlL easements (Ti.tle report must. also include existing easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot, 25 feet out from the side property lines. Site Pla4 1. Locat.ions of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. percent slope and spot elevations must be shown. 2. AlL existing improvements including sLructures,landscaped areas, service areas) storage areas,wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking, Ioading areas, retaining wal1s (with top and bottom of wal1 spot eLevations)., and other existing site improvements. 3. Elevations of top of roof ridqes (with existinq and proposed qrades shown underneath) . These elevations and grades mus! be provided in order for the staff to determine building height. AII ridge lines should be indicated on the sj_te plan.Elevations for roof ridges sha1l aLso be indicated on the sit.e plan with corresponding finished and exist.ing grade elevations. A. Driveway grades may not exceed 88 unless approved by the Town Engineer. Landscape Pl-an (l-r' = 20t or larger) - 3 copies reguired 1. The following informat.ion must be provided on the landscape plan. The l"ocation of existing 4',diameter or larger trees, the 1ocat.ion, size,spacing and type (common and Latin name) of all existing and proposed plant mat.erial . A1I trees to be saved and to be removed must also be indicated. The plan must also differentiate between existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached landscape materj-als list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. Jn order to clarify the inter-rel_at.ion of the various development proposal cornponents, please j-ncorporate as much of the above infornation as possibfe ont.o the site pl" an , location of utility service attached) . and availability (see A prelirninarv litle report must accompany aIl submittals, to insure property ownership and location of .aLL easements on propert.y. Architectural Plans (l / 8', = Ir or larger , ! / 4,, is preferred scal-e for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and alL elevations of the proposed development. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. One set of f Loor plans must be ,,red-l_ined,' Lo show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. Reductions of all elevations and the site plan (8-1/2" x 1-L") for inclusion in pEC and/or Town Council memos may be requested. \IATF. D. E. G. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colors shall be specified on t.he attached materiats list.This materials list nust be completed and submitted as a part of DRB application. Col_or chips, siding sampLes etc., should be presented to the Design Review Board meeting Z_ong check list (attached) must be completed if project.is l-ocated within t.he Single-FamiIy, erirnary,/Secondiry or Duplex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, of adjacent structures. :.' I. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the :;:11 ;i::1, 3l"lo3*;i:3'"*'lii,.l'i:il:i :, " { inc ludins a model) if deemed necessary to determine -*-hether a project will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILD]NGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopment proposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopment proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formaL requirements set forth above, provided all important specifications for the proposal including colors and maLerials to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with aII specifications shown 3. Three sets of proposed floor plans t/8" = 7t or larger (l/4" = Lt is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing and proposed construction. Indlcate roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the exisling structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you nay also be required to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location of sdrvice and availability. See attained utility location verification form. H. A sit,e i-mprovement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership of property, which lists all easements. VII. FTNAL ST?E PLAN Once a buj-J-ding pernit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC: A. Building location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C. A11 utility service line as-builts, showing type of materiaL used, and size and exact location of lines. D. Drainage as-builts. E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on improvement survey G. AIl easement.s. H. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown under t.he ridge l-ines. vrrr.coNcEPruA" ota* REVTE*o Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agent of any project requiring design approval as prescribed by this chapter may submiL plans for conceptual review by the Design Review Board to the Department of Community Development. The conceptual review is intended to give the appJ-icant a basic understanding of the compatibility of their proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommended primarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developers of single-family and two-family projects shaLl not be excl-uded from the opportunity to request a conceptual design review. Complete applications must be submitted 10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The foLlowing information sha1l be submitted for a conceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a ninimum sca1e of one inch eguals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual- elevations showing exterj-or materj-a1s and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structures; 3. Sufficient information t.o show the proposal complies with the development st.andards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e. GRFA, site coveragle calculations, . number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB application form. Prnnerlrrrp . Ilnnn rar.ai nl- nf an enn l i n:f i nn f ^r :-g:-conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shafl review the submitted material-s for general compliance with the appropriate reguj-rements of the zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code reguirements, the project sha1l be forwarded to the DRB for conceptual review. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, the applicatlon and submittal mat.erj-aLs shal1 be returned to the applicant wit.h a written explanation as to why the Community Developnent DepartrnenL staff has found the project not to be in compliance with zoning code reguirements, Once a complete application has been received, the DRB shall review the submitted concepLual review application and supporting material- in order to determine whether or not the project generally complies with the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews. The property owner or his representative shall be present at the DRB hearing. B. :.. . LIST OF MATERIALS NAI{E OF PRO,IECT: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Saniratlon District LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt_-lr BLOCK SUBDIvISTON 2 vail Village STREET ADDMSS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Additlon to ExisEinR Adninistracive Office ln a Southerl Direction. The following information is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door ?rim Hand or Deck Rails FLues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of reguired for subrnittal approvaL can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL Buj-ld Up to the Design COLOR Brovrn AggregaEe Concret.e & Stucco Off White Existing 0ff l{hite Exi s t ing Tinted Bronze Brown Anodized Aluminun Brown Anodized Aluminum Brown Anodized Alunlnum Brown Anodized Aluminum Brolrx CaLvanLzed Painced Brown Cop per Na cur a1 N/A Existing N/A Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES Arr Fvicrino Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Nonc *Indicat.e caliper for deciduous trees.Minimum caliper for height for coniferous N/A - No chanqe to exlstln trees.fndicate ""*r--"or"*rt, PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanieal Name A11 Are Exis cins Ouantitv Siz.e't-'' EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qaIlon. None of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is GROUND COVERS Type Square Footaqe No change to existing Landseape (' qon SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROT LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate tighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list bel-ow and piovide the wattage, height'above - grade and type of light proposed. No excerlor lighting ocher chan existi.ng plus down lighr aE rear exiE Eo replace exist.ine lieht. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainj.ng wal1s, fences, swinming poo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining waLls. Maxirnum height of watl_s within the front setback it 3 feet. Maximum height of walls el.sewhere on the property i c 6 f ooJ- oo UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVI S ION U\JD LOT NAME Upper Eaqle Vallev Consolldaced SanitaEion District BLOCK FILING 2 VaiI ViIlaee Authorized Siqnature Date ADDRESS 846 FoTest Road- Vail. CO 81657 The ]ocation and avail-ability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed ]ines, mus! be approved and verified by the folfowing utilities for the accompanying site plan. U.S. West Communications L-800-922-1-987 468-5850 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 9 4 9-57 81 Gary HaII Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky,/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 94 9-5530 Steve {{;i'a€t .ft6tr k Grctu,ts Upper Eag]e VaLfey Water & Sanitation District * 4'7 6-7 480 Fred Hasl-ee W bGP', a. u..7) 2s-72 NOTE:This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing a utility plan and scheduling installations. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a completed utility verification form, If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should noLe directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. If the issue is relat.ively complicated, lt should be spelled out in detail in an attached Ietter to the Town of Vaj.L. However, please keep in mind that it, is the responsibility of the utility company and owner Lo resolve identified problems. If the ut.ility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comnents are made direcLly on the form, the Town wiII presume that there are no problems and that the devel-opment can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsj"bilj.ty to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv focations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of VaiI. A buildinq permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit nust be obtained separately * Pl-ease bring a site plan, floor p1an, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eag1e Valley Water E Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. a ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R, P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I,ot 3l Block - Filir$ 2 Vai1 Village ADDRESS: 846 Foresu Road. Vail. CO 81657 OWNER Uooer Eaele Val1ev Consolidaued PHONE (303)476-7480 Sanltatlon Dls Lrict ARCHITECT Tsom & Associates. Tric.PHONE (?01)32R-?j88 ZONE DISTRICT prrhl i e IIse Di srri cr PROPOSED USE AdmJnisrrarive offiep Exnansion **LOT SlZE All-owed ExisLinq Proposed TotaI Height TOtAl GRFA Primarv GRFA +425= Secondary GRFA +425= Setbacks Front Sides Rear water Course Setback Sj-t.e Covetage Landscaping Retaining vla1l tteights 3' /6' Drrlrinrr Garage Credit Drive: 20t 15' 15' (30) (50) -Ir/A P o /'r F.l (300) (600) (900) (1200) N/A Pernitted Slope lll ActuaL Slope JJ- _-- N/A Date approved by Town Engj-neer: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes No .),>.) Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood PLain 2J Percent Slope 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche- tio b) Rockfal]c) Debris FIow n.,4) Wetlands None Previous conditions of approval (check property file): Does this request invoLve a 250 Addition? How much of the aflowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municj-pal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary,/Secondary which are less than 15/000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a sec'ond dwe11in9 unit. The Communit,y Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- tirne employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 I -^A/Jfo TOW OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2107 / FAX 303-479-2157 Ofice of the Town AttorneY February 4, 1992 Mr. James P. Collins, Esq. 390 Union Blvd., Suite 400 Denver. Colorado 80228 RE: Expensjsa of Existing Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District OIEce Dear Jim, I am writing to comment on your letter of January 28, 1992, dealing with the $an'ifsfi6a District's expansion of its existing offices within the Town of Vail. I must respectfully differ r-ith your opinion that a location and extension application under Section 31-23-209 C.R.S. is the appropriate procedure for compliance with the Town's zoning and subdivision regulations. Section 37-23-209 relates to statutory municipalities and tov/ns only. The Colorado Supreme Court has rules on innumerable occasions that planning and zoning matters are considered matters of local concerrr. Thus, a home rule municipality is not bound to follow the provisions of Title 3l Article 23 when the home rule municipality has Charter provisions or ordinances which set forth a different plannilg and zoning process. It is my opinion that the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District must go through the same process that aly other property owner must go through when it wishes to pursue a similar expansion. The Town is happy to work w'ith the District in helping it through the Town's Land Use Regulations, and I will be happy to answer any questions you might have regarding this matter. Very truly yours, ,',2': t- i ;/ - ../ Lawrence A. Eskwith Town Attorney LAEidd Ron Phillips, Kristan Pritz FILE COPf 75 soulh lron age toad vall. colorado 81657 (3{r3) 4792138 (303) 4792139 offce of community development February 13, 1992 Mr. Jerry Bender Vail Valley Consolidated Water District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: November 11, 1991 Condltlonal Use Permlt Dear Jerry: Enclosed is a copy ot the minutes of the November 1 1, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your conditional use permit request was approved. The attached copy of the minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use lor which the permit is granted has not commenced within one year from approval (November 11, 1991). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Deoartment staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Mollica at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, ,,i ,Ll,,vrt*, /\:* Amber Blecker Planning Assistant Enclosure t Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board L Date Motion by: Seconded by: 6-O DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner E statt Approval firr _The deck to be constructed at Russell's Restaurant was discussed. Beth Slifer felt the deck would further decrease the visibility of Slifer Designs. Rod Slifer expressed an interest in getting rid of the newspaper racks. Connie Knight wondered if people getting newspapers lrom the racks would then notice the Slifer Design store, but was told the racks did not help in this regard. Proposed was a bench incorporated with the planter. Rod felt the roof additions would be lower lhan the roof line of Gorsuch, but this would be checked. Diana pointed out that the covering of Gorsuch windows would have to be worked out with Dave Gorsuch. A question concerning the caliper of the exlsting tree followed. lt is approximately 5"-6' in caliper. Ned felt the tree was in a poor place with relation to the windows. The Slifers proposed the installation of two aspen of 3'-4" caliper in the planter. Diana wondered why the maple tree was not just transplanted. Beth Slifer responded this tree was very messy. Bod felt it was too large for ib location, and shed for several weeks each fall. Diana felt a substantial tree was needed, and preferred one larger tree to two smaller trees. Gena liked the architecture. However, with the anticipated construction of Russell's deck, she was concerned about everyone on Bridge Street moving outward toward the street. Kristan replied the staff was concerned about being consistent with respect to past decisions made on site coverage variances. She pointed out the staff had just told Paul Golden he could not increase his site coverage for two bay windows. Connie felt the ridge line was also crucial. She asked for dimensions of the increase in shadow. Ned replied it was 5-1/2' - 6' deep. Connie asked that it be drawn with other .shadows along Bridge Street. She liked the architecture. Kathy Langenwalter was concerned about the news dispensers. Kristan mentioned there had been talk of combining the racks into one wooden dispenser and perhaps moving them to another place. Kathy also felt a model would be helpful. Dalton had no problems with the proposal. Diana again expressed the desire for a 'significant'tree. Kathy wondered if a different type of tree other than aspen could be used. Kathy moved and Chuck seconded to recommend to the Town Council lhat the Councll deslgnate locatlons for newsracks and llmit the newsracks to those locatlons. The vote on thls motion was 7-0 in favor. PUBLIC HEARING 1. A request for a conditlonal use permit for a modular office trailer at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, Vall Vlllage 2nd Flllng. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolldated Sanitation District Planner: Shelly Mello o Lrui il o .Shelly Mello distributed elevations and plans. She explained that the size of the trailer had been changed from 12' x 56' to 14' x 50' and was to be in place for one year. In the Public Use District (PUD), the development standards are set by the PEC. Shelly pointed out the staff recommended approval ol the requesi with conditions. She then reviewed the consideration of factors. The factor which concerned the staff was the visibility of the modular unit from the recreation path. To mitigate this, the stafl recommended the applicant install five 6-8 foot evergreens along the south fence line adjacent to Gore Creek and the modular unit. They also wished to have the dumpster enclosed, as it was also visible from the recreation path. In addition, the staff recommended that the unit be a minimum of 5 feet from the south fence line, reducing the visibility from the Frontage Road. Fred Haslee, representing the Sanitation District, stated he had no problem with the enclosure of the dumpster. However, the planting of trees and moving the unit would impact a plan the District had to use space in the future for environmental recycling and mulching. This new activity would require a mulcher, and chipper and several bins. Further, the District stores their snow where the trees were proposed to be planted. Mr. Haslee added the District would to propose a landscape plan in late summer which would include the whole property. When asked if he could move the unit 5 feet from the south fence line, he replied that it would interfere with the use of a door in the existing building; Diana asked if the project would be completed within one year, and Fred replied that it would. Kathy wondered if the building could be painted another color which would be more compatible with the existing building. Fred stated that, since the District did not own the building, but was leasing it, he was not sure if it could be painted. Kathy asked that the concern of the color of the building be passed along to the DRB. Dalton agreed with Fred that it would not make sense to plant the trees only to take them out at a later date to make room for snow storage. He did feel painting the unit to match the existing building would help to make it less obtrusive. Connie felt the requirement of trees would be a hardship. She added when she biked along the recreation path, she did not look up toward this area. Chuck Crist liked to see a continuous line of the buildings rather than move the unit back. Gena had nothing to add. Ludi asked about height, and Haslee replied the height would be approximately 12'-13.5'. Ludi did not feel the trees were needed. Fred offered to look into another trailer, and would bring that issue plus color samples to the Design Review Board. Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the condltlonal use permit per the staff memo, deletlng the request for trees as a requirement, and the requlrement to move the building to the north 5 teet, but with the addition of the enclosure of the dumpster and the recommendation to palnt the building a color to blend wlth the existlng buildlng. Connle Knlght seconded the motlon, and the vote was 7-0 In favor. lF ffi Lte"1 /isL'C beLo* -^l "#"* Y&r* PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on January 13, 1991 at 2100 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal BuiEing. Consideration of: 1. A request for a work session for an exterior alteration and a site coverage variance in Commercial Cc ior the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreetrPart of Lots B and C, Lot 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Rod Slifer Planner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code regarding minor exterior alteration procedures in Commercial Core I and Commercial Core ll, Section 18.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure, and Section 18.26.045 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure.Planner: Jill Kammerer 3. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade at 16 Forest Boad/Lot 1, Block 7, Vail Village 6th Filing' Applicant: Ron Byrne/Jay Peterson Staff: Jill Kammerer/Greg Hall 4. A request for a density variance in order to allow an addition to an exisling non- conforming struclure at 864 Spruce CourVa part of Lot 12, Yail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughton/Steve Shanley Planner: Jill Kammerer 5. A request lor a major amendment to Phase lV-A of Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village lnn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jose{ Staufer Planner: Mike Mollica 6. A request for a conditional use permit for a modular office lrailer at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Planner: Shelly Mello 7. A request to allow a change to an approved development plan, Tracts A and B, a part of Parcel A, Lions Ridge Filing No. 2, commonly refened to as The Valley, Phase ll. Applicant: Crossview at Vail Properties, Inc./Steve Gensler Planners: AndyKnudtsen/KristanPritz 8. A request for a side setback variance at 254 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: William Sheppard Planner: Andy Knudtsen 9. A request for a setback variance and conditional use permit to allow a tow which will transport people and supplies from the garage to the house aI2701 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Brian and Sonja Craythorne Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JANUARY 27,1992 MEETING. Information on the listed items is available at lhe Communily Development otfice in the Vail Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on December 27, 1991 . il UppEn Enelr Val-tEv WAIE R AND SAN ITATION D IST R ICTS 846 FOR€SI ROAO . v lL. CotORA0O 81657 t303) 476 7480 Adjacent ?:rope:'ty Owners to: UPPER SAGLE VALLEV CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT 6 -.:6 iorest Road Vail, Col.o:'ad.o 8'.657 !!B rl l!.-l !l rr?rr '|F'r ./-usti":1e li, Smith / 528C i.:ch Roaci )lemphis , TN 38117 3obert D. Working '/ 5OS iiount :vans i.oao Go:.c.e:l , CC 804O1 Ce:1e3a: Comnunicat.:. o::s lrc LCO Garfi.ei.d Street -/ lenver, CO 50206 ,l :tf t::: a v-&Coogoir /?64 Fores t .Road Vai.L, CO A1657 \7-=i I Ac<6/..i =:-e< ,/, -:!V .,a ?ost Cff:ce 3o:{ 7 Vaii. CO 51656 iown of Va: l- 75 South frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 r {w , ^Xu ^.h.tr? l',4f ?" \ ( ' ,-u, ,-lf tr/" W i,,ur" 1,,tI MY) \ ll PaRrrclparrNs orsr'rqrs - ARRowhEAo M€TRo *ATER . AvoN METRo *ATER . BEAvER cFeEK METRo *ATEFT . BERR' GR€EK METRo wArta /tlli\ O\ EAGLE va'L MErRo \'""" '"*"".7i,1"'r:::::::;'r::ffiiff:::x'-:i::1'":T;:,::'""aLLEV coNsoL'|DArED saN'rA'oN @ *t a DeLo,u -'.1a n€{".+ you-1... J J ?".P*tj PUBLIC NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of -ait witt noE a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 13, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: A request for a work session for an exterior alteration and a site coverage variance in Commercial Gore I for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lob B and G, Lot 5, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Rod Sliler Planner: Jill Kammerer A request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code regarding minor exterior alteration procedures in Gommercial Core I and Gommercial Core ll, Section 18.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure, and Section 18.26.045 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure.Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade at 16 Forest Road/Lot 1, Block 7, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne/Jay Peterson Staff: Jill Kammerer/Greg Hall A request for a density variance in order to allow an addition to an existing non- conforming structure at 864 Spruce CourVa part of Lot 12, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughton/Steve Shanley Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a major amendmenl to Phase lV-A of Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Josef Staufer Planner: Mike Mollica A request for a conditional use permit for a modular oflice trailer at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Planner: Shelly Mello A request to allow a change to an approved development plan, Tracts A and B, a part of Parcel A, Lions Ridge Filing No.2, commonly referred to as The Valley, Phase ll. Applicant: Crossview at Vail Properties, Inc.lSteve Gensler Planners: AndyKnudtsen/KristanPritz A request lor a side setback variance at 254 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 4, Block I, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: William Sheppard Planner: Andy Knudtsen 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A request for a setback variance and conditional use permit to allow a tow which will transport people and supplies from the garage to the house at2701 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Bidge. Applicant: Brian and Sonja Craythome Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JANUABY 27,1992 MEETING. Information on the listed items is available at the Community Development office in the Vail Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Pubfished in the VailTrail on December 27.1991. a revised 9/4/91 an^,4 ^-,r.1 -y)!..u nrr\a'r {ry I(Iication' AppLICANT Upper Eagl-e Va11ev Consolidated Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 PHONR 476-7480 APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Warren M, Garbe - GeneraManager Date of App n^f a nf PEf-Meeting APPLICATION FOR COT{DIIIONAI, I'SE PERMIT This procedure is required for any project required to obtain a conditional use permit. The application wi-.1-1, not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF ADDRESS R - sane as Applicant - NAME OF ADDRESS a NAME OF OWNER(S) (Print or ype ) u. E.v. c. a-' oeNNER (S) STGT.TATURE (S) ADDRESS - smae as I ic ant HONE PHONE D. E. FEE $2OO. OO PAID cK# THE FEE MUSE BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDTNG PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A rlre-anol i cation conference with a planning staff member is sLrongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unLess it complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator) . It rs the applicant/ s responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL coMMrssroN (pEc) MAy sTrpuLATE. E CONDTTTONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity. The description must aLso address: a. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives of the Town' BY EFfect of the use on light .t urt, distribution' of population, transportation faci.lities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facitities and public f aci-lities needs. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic fLow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in whj'ch the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. A site plan at a scale of at proposed development of the building locations, parking, least lf : 20' showing site, including toPograPhY, traffic circulation, drainage features. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumized' a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. ** For interior modifications, an lmprovement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and alI accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administraLor) wiII be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal daLe. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to compleLion, or if the use foi which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year. If this application requires a separate review by any Iocalt State or Federal agency other than the Town of vailr the application fee shafl be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shal1 be responsible for payi.ng' aly publishing fees which are in excess of 50? of the application fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dnY matter is poslponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-pubLication shall be paid by the applicant. IV. TIME A. B. B. . r, t c.Applicatit O..*"d by the Community l.r"rop^"nt Department t-o- have significant d-sign, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determinltion be made by the town staff that an ouLside consultant is needed to review any apptication, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimale the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shalf be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been- paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by Lhe Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant sha11 be paid to the Town by the applicant withj-n 30 days of notification by the Town. a o CoilsoL|DA UPPER EAGLE VALLEY TED WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS a46 FOREST ROAD . VAIL COLORADO 81657 1303) 476-718o December 12. 1991 The Office of Comrnunitv Development Town of Vai I 75 South Frontage Road West VaiL CoLorado 81657 RE: Conditional. Use Permit To Whom It May Concern: The Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District would like to request a "Conditional Use Permit" to ali-ow the District to locate temporarily, a modu.lar office trailer (MOT) next to the existing of f ices at the Vail. Waste Water Treatment Pl.ant (V}'IWTP ) 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado, The Location of the proposed MOT is on the lower parking area adjacent to the treatrnent plant and Gore Creek, as shown on the enclosed site pIan. The District has outgrown itrs current office space. Three additional employees have been hired and there is no office space available. We will be constructing additional office area in the Spring/Summer of 7992, We anticipate the expansion to be complete by Novenber, L992. The proposed MOT will be used to accommodate three employees until. the new construction is completed. The parking spaces temporary displaced by the MOT will be absorbed by the existing parking lot on the upper level of the VWWTP and the area immediately west of the existing lower parking area. The MOT dj.mensions are L2t x 56' including the hitch. Because this is a tenporary condition, the hitch, wheel.s and axles wil] be left attached. Skirting will be instafled to enhance the appearance of the MOT. A description of the MOT is attached for your review. Please note that faci.lities within the traiLer consist only of office fixtures. There will be no water or sewer connections to the MO?. A11 sanitarv facilities are provided within the v.w.w.T.P.. This site was chosen specificalLy because of its 1ow visual, impact aspect. The District bel j.eves the impact on the Town will be nininal . This is simply a temporary condition until the new construction is comp.leted in 1992. \\ _-\. I lt F,aRTrcrpart G DsrRrcr! - aRRowHEAo METRo warER . avoN METRo warER . BEAvER cREEK METRo warER . BERRy cREEK ,eteo / CLEAN \ a\ warER ' EAGLEVA'|LMErRowarERv'i'J::iliJ::;#::Ti:,lrH';:a:,'J,ff*"LEvaLLEysaN'|ra'o. ' va'|L @ Thank you for your time and effort in this matter. If you have any guestions please contact me. Sincerely, {-aA \. Ho.sJ2!{ Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator cc: hlarren M. Garbe Terry Nolan Leslie Allen tlBrt l|cr! -Uppen Elelr VnllEv WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROA0 . vAlL. COLORAoO 81657 GO3) 475 7480 Adjacent ?roperty owners to: UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT 446 Forest Roaci Vai-1 , Coi.orado 8i657 ;us t ine ii, Sm.ith 5ZUU J{]cn i{Oacl Yenphis, TN 36ii? tsobert D. Working 5O3 Mount avans Road Go]den, CO 804O1 Generai. Communications inc. LCO Garfieid Street ]enver, CO 80206 Cvnthia ;-acobson ?64 Forest Road Vail, CC 81657 !t^.:: n^-^^.i-!^^vcrr J A5>(r\/l4 !E> | L-lW .?ost cf f :ce 3ox 7 Vai.L, CC 8i658 lown of Va: L 75 South Frontagie Road West Vai1, CO 81657 ||Ert l|Frl tl It\ paRtrcrparr*G orslRrcrg - aRRowHEAD METR. *ATER . avoN METR. *ATER . BEAVER cREEr< METR. WATER . BERR' .REEK METR. wat.* Zfii\ O\ sa6LE va'LMErRow"""""*""::,1"':::::;::fff,'J;';ff:?:l'#::l''":Tff,?t'.."""'vcoNso'oarEo sAN'rA.oN @ c) C z -t fv (ro -t t\) -' -J io FI r ft -F O\O z t4 <n FJ-OH fiF FI 0) P.z F] FJ F z H o H I i f'l"r r )' \\ o = !o (tl (rl ril l9 o a 3-: \fr:ei t, o lX/ \J. . \-,/ a t.t. 3o m \o/ l6t ;o9 r1 \t -81 : t9l : v'tD : at,.at =l @ aJ, -'--l -o - 9 \*; o\, ;7'\ 9 Icl v l'.ll t Iet a- aoa a2' i- 6\ ,-r ; 'vt/ (ft -, -'r' 9 i t6\ 6 -'.8@ai a) iA\- o"t€l : ,:\i .ra2- ' n --' t8t \o/ 6 /o\{ to l N/ Q3B /qN0\1 'r'1'---7ii ./;\ ;i - " " iot ,;o tnt q v .l (t "g .]' io't""? 0) o ft 6 o n ft € o n o -l Eidor i,quiprnenr Lqia$ing, inc. illl*ilti",:'.k21601ss (303) 292.4800 (800) 362-s5?1 Decenber 4, I99l tzpe* HOLA.!t CITY ..-.-. V}.IL.___.__.--__ srArE PI{ONE NU!{BER it7-6-7480--.. _-- FAX QUOTATION rag!*E__V-4IIigY cq._ 3LP____-_.... _._4_2_€-108e TERI{ t0-I2 XOTTHS APFROXIUATE DELIVERY DITE ASAP I' s rF u K NAHE . CONTACT STREEI I'PPER TEF.RY ** f{e bill on a rnonthly basis, flOT a ?g day cycle. SECURITY DEPOSIT I . :' i;-, SET-UP CI{ARGES AND TEAR DOI.IN CHBRGES . RETURN CHARGE S .' BLOCK tEVEt TIE DOI^]N CTIARGES S ' , - .1tirn"r. a-H""j-ei";i; i"t'-i"irl in Anchors) MONTHLY LEASE RATE ** TEAR DOHN CHAXGES S , CO},IME}IfS; PTEASE REVIE I r (800) 362-3621 rF You BEST REGARDS, ETDER EQUtPt{ENT I}TFORI'{ATION AXD ANY QUESTIONS. Tgrc HitrF ANCIE COStsITT Oenver . Sesx.e e00'35,Ud LEASINC, INC. . Pcrlian,J . Aiir-q,Jefgue Caspe:Grano J;nctron :0:il 16, ?f,tlI dlnfl dl,l-.lj I'IQU J 1:rt a't TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDIJM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 13, L992 A request for a conditional use permit for a modular office trailer at 846 Forest Road,/I-ot 31, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicanc Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District (IJEVCSD) Planner: Shelly Mello I.DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED USE tQ '/- f,1) The applicant is requesting to place a t21+t*-5f-ft modular unit on the above site to accommodate an increased demand for office space. The proposed location of the unit is on the southwest side of the property behind the parking structurc. The unit is proposed to be located for a period of one year during which a pennanent ofFrce space can be built. The proposed modular unit would be wood-sided with a pitched, shake roof. The proposal is located in the Public IJse zone disnict (PUD). In this zone district, the development standards are established by the PEC in order to allow for the flexibility necessary to accommodate public and quasi-public facilities. CRITERIA AN'D FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development objective of the Town. The purpose section of the Public Use District (PUD) states, "The Public Use District is intended to provide sites for public and quasi- public uses which, because of their special characteristics, cannot appropriately be regulated by the development standards prescribed for II. b I ) other zoning districts, and for which development standards especially for each particular development proposal or project are necessary to achieve the purposes prescribed in Section 18.02.020 and to provide for the public welfare." UEVCSD has requested this temporary facility in order to accommodate an unexpected increase in staff. A remodel to the existing facilities is proposed for the summer of 1992, with completion by January 1, 1993. Because a permanent solution is being proposed, the staff finds that it is rcasonable to allow the modular unit on a temporary basis. In general, this request meets the purpose section of the PIID zone district and is in compliance with the development objectives of the Town for this zone district. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. The proposed modular unit will be visible from the Town's recreation path located along Gore Creek. In an effort to mitigate this, the staff would recommend that the applicant install five, 6 - 8 foot evergrcens along the south fence line adjacent to Gore Creek. We also would like to see the dumpster enclosed as it is also visible from the recreation path. In addition, the staff would also recommend that the unit be a minimum of five feet from the south fence line. This will decrease thc visibility of the unit from the recreation path and will not increase the visibility of the unit from the frontage road. There will be no impacts on any of the remaining criteria- Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The following details the existing on-site parking: 33 paved spaces 4 unpaved spaces 7 paved customer parking spaces 44 available spaces on-site 3. , t With this proposal, 6 spaces would be removed. There is 3,320 square feet of existing office space in the UEVCSD facility which requires 14 parking spaces, based on one space per 250 square feet of office space. The temporary unit will have 672 square feet of office space and will require 3 parking spaces. The total parking requirement including existing offices and the temporary modular offrce will be 17 spaces. Office space does not include areas such as bathrooms, oommon hallways, mechanical arcas or storage space. In this case, thc square footage does include offices, reception areas, conference space and laboratories. Since the parking requirement will still be met, we find that the loss of 6 spaces will not be a problcm. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ofthe proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The proposed unit will not incrcas€ the'mass and bulk of the existing building. B. Findines The Plannins and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findinss beforc granting a conditional use permit: l. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be denimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. STAIT RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the request for a period of one year from the date of approval with the following conditions: 1. Five 6-8 foot evergrcen treps be installed by June l, 1992 along the south property line in order to mitigate the appearance of the modular unit; and 3. m. 2. The existing trash dumpster be enclosed in order to further improve the appearance of this area from the recreation path. The staff finds that since this is a temporary structurc to be located for a period of no more than one year, the use of a modular unit is appropriate. In addition, since the project will stili meet its pa*ing requirement, we find that the temporary loss of parking spaces will not be detrimental. Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Zaning C-ode, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced withih one year of the datc of iszuance and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within one year. t I 74.et, l)'t+Lu - oV. fo (*"*^t 7 ?*n UwcruaV t !,v4Jn'v WaNJ( .y0 *vr^+t", Ctt*-nrrySfar- \,pcrJt \'Yee-s t^0\AJJ la dno'l {" n"--.'-6 lrorv,'Y nnc\'( YVcD\(w\(' ,\IIII \ra,twr wfJev, NJD Qt,tzg I\40'hp4 VtW L Yra+A :'/ \n D \yt 0 Ve<s rl.vn ?4r( tD DKT, \ntctt<, [pl tr <h n .r,d 4 [JDrvf-,r t L - vl D{l(a \ e I li ; ll, 9i ti "l 3l .1 I tg \l t r$ t )'- \o z ;t o o z k tr.E$q i" 5$N ti \, -\ 9i ' i3 i!<4 =B te I$ E[$ *-t " :< 'a S.' -5 J I JHll 10 '33 rl:45 ,rof,-r,r* Eourp rr,rc pne E,'OOe u rt F lf' w FT o\ a I firffi l [ ilum ifiE o g H la D. t5 ta d.ro H$ zin !c !t F E' ,'J F. v)N' r.ct t\) (f u)3 o'r >c)x oin '€d FFiGE. E6E .JFfl lO'54 S:-+5 tt,,faoaR Errrurp Ir.rc tr F r h ED lr lrl l1 E {- (/{ o a 4 tg {, F- ,l 4y p n ,.,.-\ ) l'/'/ . r t:! v ,n L -;- s-a -i (,t) <z rrl +>7 ou F' \O f\) (o ]\JO 6=sJ :r cr 2S a)m o !w I t1- /7 / 7i 4/. (D --; -t//. a. - - Lt((.'i" b Connie felt the deck would add liveliness to the core, but that maybe liveliness could be obtained with a smaller deck. She wondered if the location of the interior bar could be changed. Connie felt public land was sacred, and could not support the proposal. Diana wanted to convey to the Town Council the feeling that only the winter deck size should be considered (per the staff recommendation), because the summer deck would not be successful. Chuck stated that if the restaurant did obtain approval for only the winter deck, the applicant could instead just build Rekord door. Kathy wanted the Town Council to be aware of the concem of the loss of Town of Vail landscaping. Connie added that her vote against the deck would also be based on congestion in the area. Kathy moved that the request be denied because it did not meet the necessary criteria. Connie followed with a second. The vote was 3 in favor of denial, and 1 (Chuck) against. Kristan reminded the applicants that they had 10 days in which to appealthe decision to the Town Council. Item #2 was taken oul of order. .\ 3. A rcquest by Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanltatlon Dlstrlct to dlscu&s the deflnitlon of temporary structures.'.=-..---- Fred Haslee and Terry Nowlan trom the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District explained that more room was needed lor employees and the District proposed using a lemporary building for 11 months until permanent ofiices could be consfucted in lhe spring and summer. They showed photos and site plans. Kristan said the question was, was this a temporary building, and if not, would a variance to the DRB development standards which disallow aluminum, steel or plywood siding be necessary. Terry Nowlan pointed out that the building had been changed since they had last talked with Kristan, and the siding would be wood with asphalt shingles and would also be skirted. In light of this new information, Kristan felt a variance was not necessary. Fred Haslee reminded the board and staff of the wooden temporary buildings which the Town had allowed Vail Associates to use at Golden Peak. Fred added that since the UEVW&S was a district, perhaps the Town could waive the process. lt was suggested that the attorneys for the Town and for the UEVW&S get together to decide this. 5. ?ntto't" Art Abplanalp stated that with regard to the list of conditional uses, it did not sound like there were issues concerning ltem F (ski lifts, tows and runs) and G (cemeteries)' He said that he did not want to see the logical conditional uses for the Recreation and Open Space Zone District removed. Kathy stated that it sounded like the three categories needed to address 1) preservation, 2) passive recreation and 3) active recreation. Kristan Pritz inquired whether the PEC wanted the Recreation and Open Space zone district to be mainly oriented toward passive recreational activities. Kathy stated that this was correct. Russ Forrest suggested that staff would focus on moving active recreational uses to the Public Use District. Further discussions were necessary with stalf and Tom Moorhead to investigate this alternative. An update on a previously approved conditional use permit for a well water treatment facility, generally located south ol the Vail Golf Course bridge on Vail Valley Drive, (Well R-4). 6. Planner:Mike Mollica The PEC commenled that the gravel needed to be cutback in the area of the pulloff, that the willows needed to be planted and that the rock drop slructure be placed where the Division of Wildlife wants it. lf DOW did not want the drop structure at all, then the condition could be removed. A request for a minor subdivision, a request for a variance from Section 18.13.050 buildable area, and a request for a rezoning from the High Density Multi-Family to the PrimaryiSecondary Residential zone district for a property located at Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Filing No. 314333 Bighorn Road. 7. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Diana Donovan made a motion to table this request indefinitely with Bill Anderson seconding this motion. A 4-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. A request lor setback and site coverage variances to allow for a new residence on Lot 18, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing/325 Forest Road. BAB Partnership Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY Timothy Drisko Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 13,1993 Diana Donovan made a motion to table this request until September 13, 1993 with Bill Anderson seconding this motion. A4-0votetabled this item untilSeptember 13, 1993. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlssion August 23, 1993 12 .\ =l=D,,.." Engine€ring Consultants 953 S. Frontaoe Rd. West. Suite 201 Vail, Colorado-81657 303/476-6340 January 6, 1993 Ms. Gayle Grider Project Manager uEvcwesD 845 Forest Road Vai1, CO 81557 RE: WCWD WELL R-4 NPI CHANGE ORDER REQUEST NO Dear cayle: Enclosed is the above -re ferenced add i ti ona I compensat i on for e compensation fox three items,increase of $79 36 .72 . Change Order ight items and resulting in Request asking for a reduction in a net contract I have reviewed the request item by offer the following: INCREASES: item with Ron Hauqlund and Requested by Owner Representative, cost is appropriate. Additional pipe was required due to Owner/Engineer Representatives field-locating the building at a site that varied somewhat form what was sho$n on the plan to minimi.ze disturbance of wi1l"ows. The cost appears high on a cost-per-foot basis for ductile iron pipe but there ar:e no unit prices in this contract on which to rely and the Lime to construct was longer than normal due to the amount of ground water encountered. Approved by Owner Representative, cost is appropriate. Necessary addition initiated by Contractor, cost is appropriate. Extra time and care was exercised around these utilities that were not shown on the p1ans. part 19 of the General Conditions (GC-54) is, however, very explicit about the fact that utilities which are not shown are the responsibility of the Contractor and do not constitute a claim for additional comDensation. I tem I tem I tem I tem Item 5 Olher Offices: Denver 303/458-5526 . Fort Collins 3031482-5922 I tem 5: Item 7: A new requirement of the Colorado Department of Transportation of which no one was aware, cost is appr opr iate . Spools r^re r e not shown on the patterns were not compatible as spools, cost is appropr iate. drawings. Flange bolt suppl ied without these I tem 8: DECREASES: Item l-: Item 2: I tem 3: P Iease contact me i f additional information. Very truly yours, RBD. INC J<'/,fK|,,^- Kent R. Rose, p.E. Project Hanager enc: copy: Hauglund Bender 034081.2L5 you have any questions or need anv A required correction to an omission in the electrical drawings, cost is appr opr iate . Pump and motor hrere downsized from the original spec i f icat ion in ans\i/er to the pro jected well production being less that what was anticipated (800 gpm vs 2000 gpm) . Cost is appropriate. In response to the pump/motor downsizing, cost is appropr iate ' o--r/ Ja-^ ,.r,'.,-l..on --' ,1o"K "lot1 s(rvcd'ztt The fish habitat was a suggestion of the Design Review Board of the Tovn of Vail and vas, therefor, shown on the drawings. It later came to our attention that a special permit would have to be applied for for its construction and the value of such a structure at that location- was Sugs!ioned by Ur. AIan Czenkusch, an aquatic habitat biologist, for the Colorado Division of I{i1dlife. Mr. czenkusch also noted that there have been some problems with erosion of the golf course at a similar instaLlation. The decision was made by Engineer to delete the item. Cost is appropriate. I recommend an adjustment to the contract price of $6715.I2,accepting all items as proposed with the eiception of rtem 5 under f ncreases . Uppen Encle Vnllev WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOR€Sr FOAD . VA L COIOFAOO 8163/ ij03) 476 7480 December 11, 1991 Mike Mollica TOWN OF VAIL Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado at657 RE: VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT PROPOSED WELL R-4 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Mollica: Enclosed is a copy of the letter I received from the Corps of Engineers regarding the construction of the proposed well R-4. The design of the proposed construction has addressed the concerns stated by the Corps of Engineers, including golf cart paths which are no longer being considered as a part of this proj ect. If you have any further questions regarding this matter,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATTON DISTRICT klrz2^J<- Jerry Bender Water Operations llanager Enclosure Copies (with enclosure) to:Kent Rose/RBD Warren Garbe/UEVCSD Gayle Grider,/UEVCSD JB: das Jz AII PARTICIPATING DISTRICIS - ARROWHEAD METRO WATER ' AVON ME IRO WATER ' BEAVER CREEK METRO WATER ' BERRY CFEEK METRO WATER / CLEA}I \ a\ EAGLE va'|L MErRo w""" ' '"*"^l;Ii;:::::'.::,[I-..'fiTsl?""n:i::1'^,:Ttr,.;":: vaLLLY coNsoL'DArEo saN'rA'oN @ NSPLY 'O AlrE}{tlotl oF RegulatorY Section SACRAT'EIITO OISTR]CT CORPS OF ET{GINE DEPARTMENT OF THE AFMY o ERS 650 CAPITOL ilALL sAcRAriENTO, CALIFORI{IA 95814'4794 Decenber 5, 1991 ( 19S10119? I !1r. JerrY Bender ij;;";-;;;te-varrev water and sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 8165? Dear Mr. Bender: I am responding to your letter dated october 10' 1991 and attached plans' 'Y;;"-"o"""tpo"a"""" concerns installation of a domestic water *"i1, construtti'ot--oi a treatment-facility' and a water Iine crossi;;'";-;;;e creek "i ln"-Vail Golf course in the Town of Vailr Colorado' On October ?r 1991t Gary-Davis of this office conducted an inspection of the'p;;;;;"-; "i:]1.""d tt"ttnent facilitv site' During this inspttlio", ff"' na"is--iaentified jurisdictional wetland boundaril; ;;t'offered """"tt""aations to avoid and ninirni ze wetland imPacts ' To avoid wetland impacts ' Mr' Davis recommended that installation of if't t"ff'and construction of the treatment facility not u^""ot"i' upon the ";;; dominated by-sedges and willows. You t";l;;J'i" titt u"iit tn" well and the treatment facility outsid""'"i"""ir"r,a" "itii;--"; area which historicallv had received fill maleriaf' Mr"';;"f; ad"l"ea you that pruninC HiIlows was acceptable where .orrril"l" exigt with the treatment facilitY overhang' we expresserl concern regardinE bhe construction of golf cart paths within th;-";;i;llv of tt't'ii""[tent facilitv' The elolf cartpathgwilr-";;-;;;;;r'eauthoii;;ti;"undersection404 provided "I1 ditlitu"""-t-i-,"""ri"tJ to the previouslv fiIIed site refe"",'""4'Jtot"' Golf cari"plti= n1"o!'t"9'outside of this area in wetlands *lfi require Federal authorization' Mr. Davrs also briefly discussed the limitations of the nationwid. g""tlii'pu"'nlt ior utilitv line crossings' To reiterate, bhe corpl. of -EnEine""t-f'"* issued a nationwide generar pernit authoriziis"tt't discharge"";";";;;"d o"' firl material into i,wabers of rhe u^it"l-slares,' i" i".o"i"Iion with utiritv line crossingls p"otii"i-Il"t"t uta.a"aTor wetland substrate contours are restored to pre-cons t "'o t i ot*li"tt"r " and further provided that materials used for trench de-watering are obtained ffi exclusively from trench excavation. Based upon your commitments and our review of the information submitted, we have determined that the proposed crossing can proceed subject to the terms and conditions of the netionwide general permit. Please insure that your contractor(sl complies with the ter:ms and conditions of the enclosed nationwide general permit information paper. We have assigned Number 19910119? to this proiect. Pleage reference this nurnber in any correspondence submitted to the Corps of Engineers concerning this project ' This verification wiLl' be valid until the nationwide Eeneral pernit is modified, reissued, or revoked. AII of the nationwide Eieneral permits are scheduled to be raodif ied' reiesuedr or revoked prior to January 13, 1992, It is incumbent upon you to remain informed of changes to the nationwide general permits. We issued a public notice on April 10, 1991 announcing the proposed chanEies. F'urthermore, if you commenoe, Or are under contraot to commence, Lhis activity before the dete this nationwide gieneral pernit is rnodified or revoked, you wil.l have twel-ve nonthe fron lh" date of the modification or revocation to complete the acti.vity under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide general pernit. t/e appreciate the opportunity to meet with you in the field to discuss your proposal . Should you have guestions, please Office i 402 Rdod/Avenue' Room 142 Grand Junction, Colorado 81501-2563 Enclosure Copy Furnished: ttr. Dan L. Collins, Subdistriet Chief, U.S. Geological Surveyt Post Office Box 202'1 , Grand Junction, Colorado 81501 contact Flr. Davis at 243-1199 . ft $i2cerelY, {/ tt l) J ,.,.Kru^ \i/V\> { /crYitv L, $cNure \ t " "n1:{ 'r/weptern colorado Reguratorv z. a Project Application //, 2o ,7 / Projecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: l/nil ( /) sztr^.- ") Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Comments: B lock Filing Zone - Design Review Board Dale //'20,7t Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVAL Su m mary: /Uh hrH^_ Oate: Town Plan ner E Statt Approval reviaed 6/le/91 DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL' COLORAqO I DArE APPLrcArroN RE.ET'ED : 1, [;ulal DATE OF DRB MEETING: I ******t*** THIS APPLICATION TIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NTII., ALI, REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED *****i**** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: y' We" Construction ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) n LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivi s ion Minor Alteration (920.00) Conceptual Review ($0) Block ADDRESS: Lot If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailinq Address: applicant must lot area. provide a current NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone FEE * PLANS BY. R6P tsc' J. K NAME OF OWNERS: 'iSIGNATURE (S) :Mailinq Address i Vzr. I- CO 8l(o54 Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate val-uation of the proposal. The Town of VaiI will adjust the fee according to the table below' t-o I ensure the correct fee is paid. 4r-.c..0t V FEE PAID: S Ol-l-I) r FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 1o,ooo $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 s50,001 -s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1,000,000 $ Over $1,000' 000 NGtcT vlr'$ctt $ 2o.oo 753 S FR0NTA6E R9.W. i. :9'91 vAtL co I tb s7 Ii33:33 176- cst{o -ffii.it- co\srAc r; K e Nr Ko s e s500.00 *NO APPLICAIION I{ILL, BE PROCESSED 9IITHOUT OIiINER'S SIGNATURE tF)k'NO AODR€,oS Aeis16tlso - LocArEO A?PKoX ' 4oa-rt 'au\-rH oF \* QOLF COLIKC g b?ipae 't oN vA(tr vAuuEY DRTVE ' I+l€ D€'V€LoPED p(opiqf/ w\LL EYLNTu(auLj/ OE or5icK\sED A-5 A L'tTlL\fY E ,A5 €M E,NT F KOT.N TOLTJN OF VAI(_ TO V V C (' D . Phone ba;( o Prssent Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwlg Kuz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Absent Connie Knight PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 11,1991 Staff Kdstan Pdtz Mike Mollica JillKammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Bosolack Larry Eskwift The worksession was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at 1:35PM. 1. A requdst for a worksession to discuss a condilion{usg permit to allow a seasonal olant oroducts business in the HeavLService Zone Dislrict, Applicant: BichardDillino/RichardMattheuis Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the request, and asked applicant Richard Matthews io respond to the "items for discussion" from the.statf's memo. Mr. Matthews distributed a portion of the survey tor the area, and indicated the trailer would be a regular 8' x 20' sales trailer which he currently owned, with the purpose being to keep the sales attendant warm. The sales area will be secured by a 4' high snow fence. The lighting for the area would be 100' long strings ot white 'Christmas lights" with light bulbs every 10 feet and larger light bulbs at each tree. Mr. Matthews explained these lights are sold by Christmas tree business wholesalers. No more than 40 trees would be on the lot at any one time. The business would be open from November 25 to December 24, and the hours of operation would be 10:30AM-7:30PM. Kathy Langenwalter asked if the lights would be tumed off when the business was closed. Mr. Mailhews said they might possibly leave on one string ot lights for security reasons. Regarding signing lor the business, the applicant proposed using a banner, which he illustrated by showing pictures to the Commissioners. Mr. Matthews estimated the size of the banner/sign was approximately 2 feet by '12leet or 24 square feet. The wording for the banner was 'Christmas Trees". Statt informed the applicant that the ma,rimum size the sign could be in this zone district was 20 sq. ft. and hat allovvable sign size was based upon he lineal frontage of the business. Chuck Crist asked if music would be played during the hours of operation. Mr. Matthews was not sure. Jim Shearer asked when the trailer would be removed from the site. Mr. Matlhews replied it would be taken out the day after Christmas. Jim was concerned about storing 'junk,'(like saw-horses or trees, which did not get sold). On site, particularly in the area behind the trailer, Mr. Matthews repeated he would only have 40 trees on the lot. Richard indicated the trees to be sold would be attached to rebars which had been pounded into the ground. In response to a question from Ghuck Crist, Richard indicated the banner would be attached to the trailer. The state requires the trailer be set back 50 feet from the North Frontage Road right of way. Based on the site plan, it appeared the sales trailer would be approximately 50 feet from the road. Gena Whitten believed it looked a little "tight." She requested the rest of the survey be presented. Kathy was concerned about knowing where the property line was, so that the Commission would know where the trailer was actually proposed to be located and to insure the business was located entirely on West Vail Texaco properly and not in the state nght of way or on adjacent property. Kathy also asked how the fence would be stabilized. Mr. Matthews said it would be attached to T-posts by black ties. Diana Donovan believed it was important that everything be located on Mr. Matthew's property, and that the trailer be removed as soon after Christmas as possible. Diana suggested all material be removed from the site by Oecember 26th. Mr. Matthews stated he had no intention of leaving anything up after Chrislmas but he was reluctant to committing to removing everything from the site by December 26th as inclement weather could make it impossible for him to comply with this deadline. Jill reminded the PEC that based on Ordinance 43, Series of 1991 which will allow plant product businesses in the Heavy Service Zone District, the site must be cleaned with 72 hours of the date the conditional use permit expires. Kathy asked that the fence be kept in a straight, vertical position. She thought it would be nice if the trailer had a red door. 2. A reouest for a worksession tor a conditional use oermit for an outdoor dinino patio for the Gallerv Buildino {Russell's Reslautant), located in the Commercial Core lzone district. 228 Bridqe Street/a part ot Lot A. Block 5. Vail Villaqe First Filino. Applicant: Ron Rilev/D.R.R.. Inc.Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica presented the request. As this was a worksession, no staff recommendation was given, but staff raised several issues for discussion. Applicants Ron Riley and Mike Staughton were present for the discussion. Ron Fliley pointed out that the deck would only be used for 90 days in the summer, and did not believe it would obstruct views on Bridge Street. He believed a summertime encroachment ot 2'-11/2" was minor, stressing the fact that lower Bridge Street was 'sterile,' and that the dining deck would add interest to the area. He believed that, due to the popularity of outdoor dining, a restaurant was almost required to have a dining area outdoors. Mr. Riley advocated the deck since otheruise there was no visual penetration into the Gallery Building, and because of that, people could not tell there was a restiaurant contained therein. Ludwig Kurz was concerned about nanowing Bridge Street, stating it was easily one of the mosl congested areas a great deal of the time. He was not convinced this was the best use of public land. Mr. Riley reminded the Commission that this request was only for a 90day period each summer. He explained that, in the summer, people walk more slowly than in the winter. Jim Shearer was concemed with the use ol public land. He wanted lo get Pete Bumett's opinion on cleaning the streets. Mike said he had spoken wih Pete, and Pele indicated that, if the deck was in place, the south end of Bridge Street would require hand sweeping. Ron Riley said the distance across Bridge Street would be 13 feet. Mike Staughton said the Town did not clean the streets every week, but only 2-3 times per summer. Mr. Riley said he could build the deck so it could be removed lor street sweeping. Jim discussed the sterility of that end of Bridge Street. He asked what the Town of Vail would gain from the proposal, and suggested Mr. Riley could do something to make the area more inviting. Chuck Crist agreed with Ron Riley regarding the sterile look, and liked the concept of a removable deck. He was concerned with the loss ol two Town of Vail planters, as well as the bench between the planters. He indicated the bench had frequent use. Chuck also was in favor of narrowejr streets and the proposed rekord doors. Ron Riley was frustrated because no service trucks were allowed on this end of Bridge Street, and indicated the upper end of Bridge Street became much more restricied when service trucks were making deliveries than his proposal would make the area. Gena Whitten believed that this was an important entrance to he town, and Mr. Riley could achieve the transparency with a 3-foot wide deck and rekord doors, which would have the feeling ot an outdoor deck without going onto public land. She felt this was very valuable space. Kathy agreed with Ludwig and Gena, stating that rekord doors would give better exposure to the outside and better planters could be designed. Kathy could not support the construction of a deck on public land, not wanting to further constrict the area. Ron Riley indicated the location of the restaurant's restrooms created an interior constriction, and rekord doors alone would not achieve his objectives. Diana could not support a deck on public property, but suggested pulling back the deck. Jim could also support such a revised proposal. Jim reminded the Commission that the Town was running out of Village restaurants, and believed undulation on that side of the street was important. He strongly supported retaining restaurants in the Village core areas, especially restaurants at street level. However, in this particular situation, he was concerned about potential botllenecking. Ron Riley indicated he would investigate other possibilities to ensure he did not restrict the area and would look lor a proposal which would enhance the area. He suggested a 90-day trial basis. Chuck supported this use lor public land, as it would increase the vitality ol an area which was currently'ugly and dead.' Mike Mollica summarized the Commission's position and stated some of the members had difficulty in supporting this use of public land. 1. A request to amend Section 18.52. Off-Street Parkino and Loadino. of the Town's zonino ordinance to allow car rental businesses to lease oarkino soaces in the Commercial Core lll zone district. Apolicant: Peter Jacobs of Days Inn Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented the request. Staff supported the proposed amendment. Chuck Crist asked if this amendment would allow more than one agency per property. He asked lor a simplification of the wording. Diana Donovan was concerned with the wording regarding the term of the lease. She requested that section be simplified. She believed landscaping should be required. Kathy Langenwalter did not think an amendment addressing landscaping would be necessary, as it was addressed in the parking section of the code. Andy pointed out that the parking section dealt only with new parking lots. Diana believed the Town should have the ability to require additional landscaping for this type of use. Chuck Crist moved to recommend that Town Council approve lhe request to amend Section 18.52, Off-Street Parking and Loading, of the Town's zoning ordinance to allow car rental businesses to lease parking spaces in the Commercial Core lll zone district, incorporating the Commission's concerns into the ordinance regarding lhe ability of the Town to require landscaping, allowing the length of lease io range lrom 1-12 months, and limiting each property within CClll to a maximum of one agency with a maximum of 15 cars. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. lt was unanimously approved, 6-0. 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow a well water treatment facilitv in the Aqricultural/Open Soace zone district. oenerallv located south of the Vail Golf Course bridoe on Vail Vallev Drive. and more specificallv described as follows: To be located within 100{oot radius from a point on the rioht bank of Gore Creek whence the northwest corner of Section 9. Townshio 5 South. Ranoe 80 West, 6th P.M. bears North 73 deorees West. 2,080 feet. Aoplicant: Vail Vallev Consolidated Water District Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica explained the request. Staff recommended approval of the request with the conditions listed in the memorandum. Discussion ensued regarding whether the proposed structure should become a shelter lor golfers or a utility building which disappeared into the willows. Kent Rose, engineer lor the project, indicated the proposed building was 14' x 24', and the size was necessary in order to properly treat the water. He indicated the willows would nol be disturbed. He thought that the proposed building could eventually take the place of the existing shelter. Diana Donovan asked if the proposed building could tr" ' ,nh.r [idds1. Kent said the size could not be reduced, but it could be pushed further ' ,ad into the willows without disturbing more of the site. Diana visualized a larqi ..ing with a cart path cut into the willows. She preferred to have a square, @ncretr ;,,,,.. - .,, tte willows without a cart path. Kent said the parking space could be minimized and placed to ensure no U-tum would be needed. Diana asked about trenching across the creek. Kenl said a pipeline would cross ths creek approximately 5-6 feet under the stream bed. A rock drop structure could be incorporated into the design. Chuck Crist asked if the roof could be llat if no oyerhang were built. Kent said it could. Chuck agreed with Diana in that the current golf shelter was adequate, and he would prefer to have this structure more hidden. Gena Whitten concurred with this preference. Ludwig Kuz preferred to see rock rather than wood for siding. Jim Shearer lelt it was important to minimize the pull-off area, and perhaps rather than paving, gravel or chip and seal could be used. Kent replied gravel could bre used. Jim did not support the large overhangs. He suggested putting the buiEing into the willows with a path. Diana believed, it they were careful, the willows in the front ot the building could be maintained. She did not like the idea of carts coming out onto the road, and did not want to see the building become a golf shelter. Kent said they could talk with the Vail Recreation District. He thought they might be willing to leave the current golf shelter intact. Chuck believed adding a rock drop structure in the creek would add interest. Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the request lor a condilional use permit to allow a well water treatment facility in the Agricultural/Open Space zone district, generally located south of the Vail Golf Course bridge on Vail Valley Drive, and more specifically described as lollows: To be located within 100-loot radius from a point on the right bank of Gore Creek whence the northwest corner ol Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bears North 73 degrees West,2,080 teet. The motion was made per staff's memo, with the following conditions of approval: 1. Change the roof to a flat roof with no overhangs;2. The pull-otf parking space be minimized insize and have a gravel surface;3. A rock drop structure be placed in the creek;4. The exisiing willows shall be maintained wherever possible; and 5. Move the building further east from the road. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. ll was approved, 6-0. 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the sale ol used cars. Vail 66 Service Station. 2293 N. Frontaoe Boad West, oenerallv located at the northeast corner of Chamonix Road and Norh Frontaqe Road. Tract A, Collins-Wirth Subdivision. Aoolicant: Garrett and B.J. Smith Planner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer presented the request. Staff recommended approvalwith lhe five conditions as listed in staff's memo. In addition, an additional sales space had been identified by staff on the east side ol the property on the east side of the eastem most North Frontage Road access drive (see memo). Staff supported the use of this area to park cars which are for sale. With the identification of this space, a total of five polential for sale parking spaces have been identified. Garrett Smith, lhe applicant, did not understand how landscaping and screening a dumpster related to selling cars. Diana Donovan explained that those conditions would, in part, mitigate additional uses and would improve the appearance of the site. Garrett informed the Commission that lhe "For Sale" signs which can be purchased al any hardware store are 1 square foot in size. Ganett proposed to purchase lhese I loot square signs and place them inside the autos to advertise the sale ol the automobiles and believed he should be allowed lo have two signs. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with staff's position to only have 2 sg. ft. of sign area per vehicle, but did not feel uncomfortable with having two 1 square toot signs. Gena Whitten agreed, but wanted to ensure the signs would be the standard, manufactured signs and not'gaudy.' The consensus of the Commission was that one for sale car could be located on the gravel area east of the eastern North Frontage Fload access point. Chuck Crist had no difficulty with allowing two 1 square foot signs or the identified auto sales parking areas. Regarding landscaping, he was not as concerned with landscaping behind the building, as he was with the landscaping of the southwest corner of the site. Garrett replied he planned to do some work on the 'island", at the southwest corner of the site and at that time he would incorporate the screening of the existing dumpster. Jim Shearer agreed to allowing two 1 square foot signs per car so long as both signs were not in the same window. He asked Mr. Smith if there would be any additional means of identifying the cars for sale, such as balloons. Garrett replied he did not intend to use balloons, and did not intend to use dancing girls, either, Jim encouraged adclitional landscaping, Garrett stated he would pursue the option of placing an entrance statement, such as "Welcome to lhe Tolvn of Vail". He agreed to landscape the island and enclose the dumpster. Ludwig Kuz believed two signs per car was acceptable. He concurred with Jim's concerns. Diana requested the applicanl install the three 6 foot evergreen trees at the northwest @rner of the site as suggested in the staff's memo. She suggested staff work with the applicant to I TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: MEMORANDT.JM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departrnent November 11, 1991 A request for a conditional use permit to allow a well water heatment facility in me ngriculoral/Open Space zone disuict, generally located south of the Vail Golf course bridge on vail valley Drive, and morc specifically described as follows: To be located within a 100-fmt radius from a point on the right bank of Gorc Creek whence the northwest comer of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bears Nonh 73 degrees West' 2'080 feet. Applicant Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Planner: Mike Mollica I. DESCRIPTION OF TIfi PROPOSED USE The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District is requesting approval of a conditional use permit to allow for the consfuction of a well water Ueaunent facility, generally located south of tn" VAt Golf Course Bridge on Vail Valley Drive. The treatment building would be located approximately 770 feet south of the Gore Creek bridge, and approximately 15 feet east of the existing Vail Valley Drive pavement. (Please see attached site plan.) The footprint of the fieatment building would be 14' x 24'. The structure is also proposed to have 6-foot roof overhangs, which would be locatcd on the north and south sides of the structure only. It is intended that these overhangs would be utilized as a weather shelter for golfers during periods of rain. Included within the one-story, 336 sq. fL saucture, would be a ctrtorine room,-a fluoridation room, and a monitor control center area. Access into &e structure would be provided by two pedesfian doors, to be located on the west elevation' The Water Disricr has worked closely with *re Vail Recreation District (VRD) with regard to the design and siting of the stnrcture (please see the attached minutes of the Vail Recreation District -meeting of Septembr 25,1991). Conrary to the attached minutes, the VRD, at this time, does not haue any intention of removing the existing weather shelter, currently located immediately south of the proposed site for this well water treatment facility. This proposed treatment facility would be used in conjunction with a new well that the District il proposing to drill (Well No. R-4), and this well location is described as follows: "Location: Proposed to be located within 100-foot radius from a point on the right bank of Gore Creek whence the northwest comer of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, 6th P.M. bean north 73 degrees West, 2'080 feet." According to the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District, the purpose of the proposed well is to provide an additional water supply, and to increase the reliability of the overall water syit"* during periods of emergency mechanical failure of one of the existing wells. To prevent further depletion of existing stream flows, the proposed well will be used alternately with the three existing wells currently in the Gore Creek alluvium. Installation of a water line for the new well, No. R-4, has been permitted by tlre U.S. Army Corps of Engineers tbrough a nationwide general permit, a copy of which is attached. According to Jerry Bender of the Vail Valley Consolidated Water Disrict, the District currently holds tlre rights to drill approximately one-half dozen additional wells within the Golf Course area. At this time, the District has no intention of drilling any additional wells. [. BACKGROUNDANDHISTORY On November 5, 1991, the Town Council unanimously approved the second reading of Ordinance No. 37, Series of 1991. This ordinance amends, Section 18.32.030 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code by adding "well water trearnent facility" as a conditional use in the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District. Prior to Council approval of this ordinance, the Planning and Environmental Commission, on October 14, l99l, by a voE of 7-0, unanimously recommended to Council that the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District's requested code change be approved. III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recomrnends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. The existing zone district at the location of the proposed well water treatment facility is the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District. As stated in the Municipal Code, the purpose of the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District is to: "The Agricultural and Open Space Disrict is intended to preserve agricultural, undeveloped' or open space lands from intensive development while permitting agricultural pursuits and low denstty residcntial use consistent with agricultural and open space objectives. Parks, schools, and certain types of private recreation facilities and institutions ale also suitable uses in the agricultural and open space district, provided that the sites of these uses rcmain prcdominantly open. Site development standards are intended to preclude intensive urban develo,pment and to maintain thc agricultural and open space characteristics of the district. (Ord. 8(1973) Scction 12'100')" It is the staffs opinion that the proposed well water treafinent facility, as a conditional use, would not conflict with the purpose section of the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District, as described above. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schoolq parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. It is the staffs opinion that the proposed well water treagnent facility would have no negative impacts on any of the above-listed criteria. We believe that the applicant has worked closely with the staff of the Vail Recreation Disrict' and that the proposed structure, with its large 6-foot overhangs, is viewed by the vRD as a positive addition to the golf course in this area. Again, these large overhangi would be used as a weather shelter for golfers during periods of inclimate weather. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion' automotive and pedestrian safety and cunvenience, traffic flow and c:ontrol, accessr nraneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and Parking areas. The applicant has indicated that the treatment facility will be "visited for inspection by a member of the Water Disnict on an average of one visit per day throughout the year." The applicant has proposed to construct a n€w asphalt turnoft just to the east of Vail Valley Drive between the existing aqphatt road surface and thc proposed trcatnent building. The staff finds that this proposed area for parking is acceptable, however, we r€quest this asphalt p.rting-rt"u be kept to the minimum size requirements necessary to park a vehicle safely off the road. The staff believes, overall, that the proposed well water tteatnent faciliry will have no negative impacts upon any of the above criteria. IV. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in wtriitr tne propoeed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to zurrounding us€s. Because of the limited size and scale of the proposed well water treatrnent facility building, the staff believes that the character of tlre area will not be negatively impacted by this structure. We feel that the existing willows, which are located on the north, east and south sides of tlre structure, will more than adequately screen the structure from those directions. According to the applicant, Gary Davis of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has reviewed this pioposat, and given the fact that none of thc existing willows will be disturbed, t"tt- Oa.ris has indicated that the Corps does not have any problems with the proposed project. Although the Town of vail has not received written verification of this, Mr. Davis has agreed O follow-up his verbal comments in written form. The staff will withhold the issuance of a building permit for the construction of the neaunent facility until such time as this letter is received. The Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed this proposal on September 4, 1991, and indicated the following concerns: l. The structure must have a pitched roof. 2. There should only be one weather shelter located in this area' 3. The Design Review Board was supportive of the proposal to extend the caves 6 feet out to act as a weather shelter' 4, The Board expressed concerns over the proposed use of fluted block as an exterior surface material, and they strongly recommended the applicant consider the use of wood siding as the exterior material to bc used on this building' Should the Planning and Environmental Commission approve this request, the Design Review Board will need to complete a final review and must apprcve of the proposal prior to its construction. FINDINGS sranting a conditional use Permit: A. That the proposed location of the use in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the puposes of the district in which the site is located. B. That the proposed location of the use and the condrtions under which it would be operared or maintained would not be detrimental to thc public health, safety, o. wipare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. C. That the Foposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Ordinance. v. srAFF RECOMN{EITDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional usc permit' as we believe the findings in Sildon IV of this memo have been mel Staff recommends the following condition of aPProval: l. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for this proposed well water treatment facility, the applicant must provide written evidence that the U-S. Army Corps of Engineers has appmved the project' please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail 7-nning Code, the approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the da.te of issuance and diligentiy pursued to cornpletion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within one Year. c:\cc\ncrno\wellwatr.N I I <- 7-ov '---'-'+ e*ILo"x 'l T -10 Fto,Ia$- R/-' goulI' -ll It (. r', i,Er El ififi[l'"1 iEiliiEii iiiiliEEil I ,', /',','l \ lr I l,i l -*i\', 'l ili fJ' I lli rf ; \llt i '- -1,[ ,.- '"' =;r'iili.\ ".;"- -'l|d. J -:-:t- ti iiEEii Irill Ir ii i lrill !! i I i ri rl \,, : \Y, r \\. 3 \\ "r\ \ "-./ \ I t;s:: , , i5;!; r i ;ri;: .il 1 'fr\ \\r \il \\i \\.lt l- --:,. E!! It E 'iIrrsli \. "'\]iili \; '. \|" \', N. i;,..\ \ \, i\.)\'\ 'Ni ='. "\NFi;- rrfA' -L-'l .:1 /\i .l\ii ;l t\\---\ .- -, _ _ -t+i i ,l-'l\i,*' i'lJ"\, il ,/ i,i ,) \*F+i igifi$gi \i!!EE!! - -'. .- I liilFtri 3 t$EiEii \ ;- -:--------',:i:; i illii ii? oro. -'."o"r,,rn* i liEl:-3:,t ( - 5rr,{ _ iei -F1 a f t$t s$ x $ R it vi rx ri ..\ )k x \ i R \t|. i$ "P [*t t \ i s \ t I q\ iN is \\ -x s\ iR$ *[E i$ 6 k i s !l a o :!u' I$t ;: L i"a zl tr J ul F o UI ct o 2 I \ ' ---r | \i l_,-l t cj t\[\ o, l\-\s n\X.- f:i iu ^uIis o-9i Xt rlitd a UppeR Elcle VlllrY WATER AND SANITATTON D IST R ICTS 846 FOREST eOAO . VAIL. COIORAIo 81657 (303) 476 7480 Septenber 23' t99t sincerely, k"^?'/>J Jerry Bender Water Operations UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT llike Mollica CO!,IMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT TOWN OF VAII, 75 South Frontage Road West vail, Co 81657 RE:VAII,VALLEYCONSOI,IDAIED-WELLR.4PROPOSAI-, Dear Mr. MolLica: The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District is petitioning the f"rir "f Vail, to anend its AGRICULTURAL/OPEN spAcE zoning to atrow for construction of a water well treatnent facility as a conditional use' Thespecificareawillbeameetsan.dboundsdescription aescririn!"a uti.iiiy--u".*"nt allowins fgr construction, op"riti""l ana tii.t"tatce of the water facility' To prevent further deptetion-of =tt"ut f1-ows' tr're proposed-well will be used "ii"J"it"ii witfr the three (3) existing-we11s in the Gore creek alluviurn. The purpose of the proposed vell is to.provide a redundant water t"ppiy, ind-increase reliability.of the water ;t;a;; a"ring peri6ds-or emergency mechanical l::-r"t" of one of the existing weffs. The well-watlr treatment structure has been a"=r6"d an,i situai"a-{" troviae shelter for golfers, minimal visuil irnpacts, and no affect on open space area' The site will be visited for inspection an average of ot"" p"i aay ttrroughout the year and will have no affect on any publil facilitY of local traffic' JB:b1 l\ MFIR. wArE R ' BERFY CREEK MErFo *ott* /6fr\/N, *:l:"J:1'ilX",T::ff;i::il:::::il:Hi:::iI::i^'.'ffJ,1.f,',fi;,T.'::::J.TJ:::l::"'.:'['.4?1:il:'""1::'-" @ .()NSOLIIJATED WATER ' VA]L WATER AND SANI-IATION Urr VAI! PARX & !,IEMBERS PRESENT: UEITBERS AESENf: OTITERS PRESEIilI: CAI,L fO ORDER: PI'BLIC INPUI: O *o oir sorser UINUTES ronx uEETrlrc RECREATION DI8TRICT dbA VAII.. RECREATION DI8IRICI SePteubar 25, 1991 ColleenMccarthyrKenwilsonrLe\itl{eskiaan'Hernann Staufer Gail MoIIoY Rob Robinson, Brian Jones The neeting vas called to order aE 7230 Al{ Kent Rose stated the Board members are doing a great job. E.AGIE VAI,LEY WATER & SANITATION DIST: GOLD UEDAILTON PROGRAM: Kent Rose Joins the roeeting.. He showed the Board a ;;; "i vlreri the l{ater Dist;ict wishes to drilr a selr anh construct a purnp house building on the go.lf course pi"ri".. fne 6oaia gave the water District their "c-nceptual agreement. They nust work closely uith i.t i"' Bendei, Golf Course Superintendent, -to ,o"iain"te the site construction and landscaping. _ The Board wants the landscaping to be extra specia)' as Lnir is the entrance to ttr-e golf course' Meskiuan nade a motion to give the t{ater & Sanitation access to the qolf course for a nell and approval to -build the "iiioii""tion building at a height to accornmodate carts as-a weattrer shelter Lnd nhen the building is complete io renove the existing neather shelter, second by Staufer' Passed unanimouslY. John Garnsey joins the neeting.. Roblnson stated he had asked eirnsey to attend this meeting to give the ioara an overview of the gold nedallion program'. the f"""aoii"n and the relationship between the Foundation ind Vno. Garnsey gave the Board an overview of the oioorur. He feel! the Foundation and VRD can do nore [."6ln"r in the corrr'"on ground of athletics' Garnsey riit" the board to deteroine if the Gold Eagle progralr i; t valuable program for the coronunlty'- I{ilson slatla that the vail Gorf club is the only valrey ;;;;; which allows an open policy on the nedallion ;;;;;: He instructed staff to ret the Foundation riii.t it as unliuited usaqe, then staff should cone "p- "itn the nunber of free rounds vs' paid round ,rl"o". The Board and Garnsey discussed ways the two ""tiii"r could help one another - Nature Center, Youth center, Potpourri gondola access and building rental' R;i;r;" stited he-will be approachinE the Foundation OEPARTMENT OF THE ABMY U.S. ARMY ENGI'{EER DISTRICT, SACRAMENTO CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1325 J STREET SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95814.2922 NEPLY TO AttENllol{ OF SePtember lti' 1991 Regulatory Section ( 199100944 ) Mr. Steven C. Birdsall RBD Engineering Consu.I tants 2900 South ColLege Avenue Fort CoIlins, Colorado 80525 Dear Mr. Birdsall: I am responding to your leLLer dated August 28' 1991' con- cerning the installation of a waterline for new well sR-4' l'his line will cross Oore Creelt in East VaiI and is located in Section 9, 'township s souih, Rt.,eu 80 West' EagIe County' Colorado' ssued nationr.ride general di scharEe of material for ines, includi ng outfalI and is not an)' chanEe in excess malerial must be renoved Based upon our review of the information submiLted' we have determined that this proiect may proceed sub"i ect to this nationwide *.n."ri-p"rmit providecl you complv with, the special conditions and best managenent practices {copy enclosed) ' PIease ensure that your contractor (s ) is aware of and complies r'tith it.". special conditions and best management practices ' This verification wiII be valid until Lhe nationwide qeneral pernit is modified, reissued, or revoked' Al1 of the nationr'ride Eeneral permits are scheduled to be modified' reissued' or revoked prior to'ianurry tg, 1gg2. It_ is incumbent upon you to remaj.n informed of changes to the nationwide (eneral permlts:^^y' issuedapubli"..oti""intheFederalReEisteronAprill0'1991' announcingtheproposedchanges.Furthermoretj.fyoucommenceof areunder.ont"""t.'to"o'*.,,.e|hisactivitybeforethedatethe nationr.ride *.r,.""i ;;";il is modi f ied or revohed, you will ha've twelve months r."orn Ir," clate of the modi f ication or revocati'on to complete the activil-y under the present terrns and conditions of thii nationwide general' perrnit ' The CorPs of Engineers has i nermit number 12 authorizing the 'backfill or bedrling for utilitv I intake structures, Provided there preconstruction bottom contours ( to an uPland disPosal area) ' ,-i'.t, sEP I I lvli lle have assigned Number 199100944 to this project, PLease refer to this number in any correspondence subnitted to this office concerninq Your Pro,iect' Your cooperation is appreciat.ed. Should you have any questions, pILase contact Ms. Sue Bachini Nall at telephone (303) 243-1199. Sin rely ' estern Colorado Regulatory 4 02 Rood Avenue 'Grand Jtrnclion ' Roorn l4 2 Colorado 81501-2563 Enclosure Copies Furnished: Dr. oene Reetz, u.s. Environmental Protection Agency' 8WM-SP' 999 18th Streetr Suite 500, Denver, Colorado 80202-2405 Mr. Dan L. Co11ins, Subdistrict chief, u.s. Geological. survey' Post Office Box 202'l , Orand Junction, Col orado 81501 U.s. Forest Service, White River National. Forest, Post office Box ?20, EagIe, Colorado 81631 EagIe Counly, Post Office Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 81631 oL yL hief ' 2. *,Jr,r- )t*- -, A (W"rrr?rf#rfl^*, NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Torvn ol V"it *,itt hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Novembier 11, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request to amend section 18.52, off-street Parking and Loading, of he Town's zoning ordinance to allow car rental businesses to lease parking spaces in he Commercial Core lll zone district. Applicant: Peter Jacobs of DaYs Inn Planner: AndY Knudtsen 2. A request for a conditional use permit to allow a well water lreatment facility in_the Agricultural/Open Space zone ciistrict, generally located southof.ihe VailGolf Course brlOge on Suriburst Drive, and more spec1ically described as follows: To be located within 100joot radius from a point on the right bank of Gore Creek whence the northwest corner of Section 9, Township 5 South, Range 80 West' 6th P.M. bears North 73 degrees West' 2'080 feet. Applicant: Vail Valley Consolidated Water District Planner: Mike Mollica 3. A request to amend Chapter 18.62 - Variances, and Chapter 18.60 - Conditional Use permits of the Town of Vail zoning code relating to notification of adjacent property owners. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Jill Kammerer 4. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the sale of used cars, 2293 N' Front,age Fload WesUgenerally located at the Vail 66 service station, at the northeast corner of chamonix Road and North Frontage Road, Tract A, Collins-wirth Subdivision. Applicant: Garrett and B.J' Smith Planner: Jill Kammerer 5. A request for an exterior alteration in Commercial Core I for Vail Ski Rentals in the Hill Building, 254 Bridge StreeUPart of Lot L' Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Blanche C. Hill Planner: ShellY Mello 6. A request for a conditional use permit tor an outdoor dining patio for the Gallery Building (Russell's Restaurant), located in the Commercial Core lzone district, 228 Bridge -StreeVa part of Lot A, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing' Applicant: FlonRiley/D'R.R.'lnc. Planner: Mike Mollica 7. Review of Town of Vail Zoning Code Phase I Report. The document summarizes proposed changes, alternative solutions, and a recommended amendment. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Kristan Pritz g. Any items tabted from the October 28, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commission meeting. * IL\ Information on the tisted ,t} ,, available at the Community Develent office in the Vail Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on October 25' 1991. revised 9/4/9L I. Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting APPLICAUON TOR CONDIIIO}IAI.. USE PERMIT This procedure is required for any project conditional use Permit. The application will not be accepted until submitted. A. NAME OF AUUKTJJJ 846 Forest road required to obtain all information is u.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESE}JIaIlvS,Jerrv Bender 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 PHoNE45j480-- OWNER(S) (print or type) . SIGNATI'RE (S) 846 Forest Road NAME OF or{NER(S) A]JIJIITJ J J PHoNE@- D. Prrj- nf Trrrt A LoCATION oF PROPoSAL: LEGAL jfOT "'' Bl,liJCK-FILINGVa-ilVilleg-rgrh ADDRESS Approx. 200 ft. South of Golf Course Bridee PAID BY- Vou.-/, *^ Ror- ?/nZ4/4 THE FEE MUST BE PAID .B€FORE THE DEEARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. A list of the names of owners of a1f property adiacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES ' PRE_APPLICATION CONFERENCE : A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongfy- suggested to determine if any additionaf information is needed. No application will be accepted unfess it complete (must include al-l items required by the zoning administrator) . It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL coMMrssroN (pEC) MAy sTrpuLATE. AI,L CONDTTTONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDTNG PERMIT 1S ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following infornation must be submitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operating characteristics and measures proposed to make the use compatibfe with other properties in the vicinity. The descr j-ption musL also address: a. Refationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. F. II Do Effect of the use on light and ? air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facil-ities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. c, Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and conveniencer traffic flow and control, access, maneuverabilityr and removal of snow from the streets and parking area. d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses . A site plan at a scale of at least Lu : ZQt showing proposed development of the site, including topography, building locations, parking, traffic circulation, useable open spacer landscaped areas and utilities and drainage features, Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumized, a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff, Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. ** For interior nodifica!ions, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and a]1 accompanying material (as descrj-bed above) nust be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC publi-c hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zonlng administrator) wil-l be accepted by the planning staff before or after the desigtnaLed submittal date. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapse if construction is not conmenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion, or lf the use for which the approval is granted is not conmenced within one year. If this application requires a separate review by any locaI, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vai1, the application fee sha11 be increased by $200.00. Exampfes of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant sha1l be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dfrY matter is postponed for hearing, causing the natter to be re-publishedr then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the ^-- l .: ^--r-crIJPrrL€rrrL. ]V. TIME A. B. A.V. B. ll'5't,' ^ tu/ oRDINANcE No.37 A .,*4 In 3li,ll:'-'Hi" Wn'*, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECnON 18.32.030 OF THE lot> ) lrlUNlClPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL BY ADDING "'' ^ -"..tll "WELL WATER TREATMENT FACILITY'AS A CONDffiONAL USE r * VY' tN THE AGRTCULTURAL AND OPEN SPACE ZONE DISTBICT. lw - WHEBEAS, the Town Council ls of the belief that wellwater treatment facilities are an acceptable use, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit, in the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended that well water treatment facilities be permitted as a conditional use in the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Section 1 Section 18.32.030 is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph lto read as follows: 'Well water treatment facility.' Section 2 lf any part, section, subsection, senten@, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and he Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, seclion, subsection, sentence, dause or phrase thereof, regardless of he fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be dedared invalid. Section 3 The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4 The repeal or tlre repeal and reenactment ot any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not aftect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to he effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under of by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal ol any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. \ i Section 5 All bylaws, ordgrs, rosolutions and ordinances, or parts thereot, inconsistent herervith are repealed to the sxtent onty of sudr inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, oder, resolution or ordinan@, or part thereof, tfieretofore repealed. TNTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPHOVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE tN f,ull1[is 15th day of October 1991. A public hearing shallbe held hereon sn hs 5th day of November , 1991, at the regular meeting of the Town Council of he Town of Vail, Colorado, in the Municipal Building of the Tovn. JfuR-'- Kent R. Rose, Mdyor' ATTEST: READ AND APPROVED ON this SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED day of . 1991. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk 2 ro'{t '} ,^ .RDINAN.E No. 97 ^-' *'-' series or lee1 Fff r 'o' l " \/nF .' v t-ftt Seriesof i9e1 ftll' ,l*e,. , . .-) AN .RDTNAN.E AMENDTNG sEctoN 18.32.030 oF THE 'o' - , , r 0,bfr1"--' MUNrctpAL coDE oF THE TowN oF vAtL By ADDTNG U1'''WELL WATER TREATMENT FACILITY'' AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE AGRICULTURAL AND OPEN SPACE ZONE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Town Council is of the belief that well water treatment facilities are an acceptable use, subiect lo the issuance of a conditional use permit, in the Agricultural and Open Space Zone Districl; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended lhat well water treatrnent facilities be permitted as a conditional use in the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO THAT: Section 1 Section 18.32.030 is hereby amended by the addition of Paragraph I to read as follows: 'Well water treatment facility." Section 2 lf any part, seclion, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the lact that any ons or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 3 The Town Gouncil hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare ol the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 4 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not aflect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the eflective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under ol by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 5 All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed lo the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, theretolore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST FEADING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL, this _ day of 1991, A public hearing shall be held hereon on the _ day of 1991, at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, in the Municipal Building ol the Town. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this _ day of . 1991. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk rfLE CilPY Present Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whinen PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION October 14,l99l Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammercr Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at approximately 1:55PM. l. A reouest for a worksession for Special Development District No. 4. Cascade Villase (Cosgriff Parcel). to review a development plan. eenerallv located south of Millracc Condominiums and west of the Westin Resort. Vail. Applicant East-West Partners Planner: Shellv Mello Mark Smith, Jerry Mullikin and Ned Gwathmey represented the applicants. Shelly Mello began the discussion of the proposal by suting staff believed the project needed to be morc materially compatible, a landscape plan, and a final survey were needcd, and since it was an unplatted parcel, a minor suMivision would be necessary. Diana Donovan was unhappy that the property would not remain open space, and the Commission agreed with her. Jim Shearer did not mind a difference in materials, and believed that the applicants should try to "bring up" the neighborhood. Ludwig Kurz thought that, since therp were distinct styles, urban and hotel, that compatibility was impossible. He said he could live with the design presently submitted. He was more concemed with both landscaping and street surface materials. Ned Gwathmey asked what the opinion of the Commission was regarding a metal roof, and which type should it be. He advocated shake shingles stained to match the existing surrounding buildings, but did not blieve a material match was the best solution. He suggested spraying the shake shingles to achieve a compatible roof color. Kathy Langenwalter did not see a problem in not using a metal roof, as long as the roof lines were compatible. She suggested perhaps adding more stucco and changing the railings for a morp refined appearance of the building. She also believed it was important to continue the paving pauem which was used in the Millrace project. She was conccrned with the layout of the p-j.r, and the difference in scale between the hotel and this project. She said it felt like the east unit was very close to a large building. Ned asked if a landscape plan would be necessary for approval. The Commissioners told him it would. Chuck Crist asked if employee housing would be a pan of the development. Shelly said staff would not require it as a condition of approval, as there was a reduction in density from the previously-approved plan. Chuck asked if the appticants werc interested in providing a iaretaker unit. ttre responded that they were not. Shelly said staff would be suppoltive if such a unit was proposed, as long as it was integrated into one of the proposed units. Kathy brought up the issue of parking. Shelly explained the proposal had 4 spaces more than the Town required. Kathy wondered where guest parking would be provided. Kevin McTavish, the manager of the existing units at Millrace, shared Kathy's concem, stating that their project had no guest parking, and it was a major problem. Ned asked what a reasonable numblr of overflow parking spaces would be. He was not opposed to providing additional parking, but indicated it would require additional paving. Kathy suggested perhaps widening the circle. Ned agreed to look at differcnt possibilities for providing additional parking' Kathy said she would prcfer to have adequate parking for the project rather than insisting the project meet the 757o enclosed parking requirement' After a general discussion regarding parking, Connie Knight asked if there were any problem with the bike path running across the project. Shelly said there should be an easement, and agreed to check the Special Development District documents to make sure. Kevin McTavish rciterated that the prcsent parking plan was inadequato. At this time, the public meeting was begun. 1. Applicant: Marear€t Hill Marital Trust Planner: Shellv Mello Shelly Mello explained the differences between what had been submitted for the PEC approval of the SDD, building permit and what was built, and the discrepancies. Staff asked ttrat ttre Improvement Location Certificate (ILC) and future surveys reflect the fact that the property lines not close. The sourcos of the discrepancy were attributed to three factors. The Filine/365 Vail Vallev Drive. 6. Planner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen illustrated on the site plan how the proposed construction and requested variance fit on the lot. staff recommended approval of the request, with conditions. Connie Knight retumed to the meeting at 4:35pM. Steven Riden, representing the applicants, stated that the decks currcntly surrounding the house would be removed. The applicants had worked with the neigh,-Jn to the souih, and agreed that no development would occur that would block the neigf,bors' views. They had also agreed to work with the stream and around the cxisting tree. Ludwig Kurz asked how far the stairway base would be from the tree. Stcve said that some of the existing concrete would be removed to help the nee. There would be no negative impacts to the tree itself. Ludwig also asked if new siding would be added. Steve said it would. Kathy Langenwalter asked if there was an adequate area of driveway in front of the garage. Steve described how it functioned, and showed why the tumaround was designed as it was. Chuck Crist moved to approve the request for a setback variance for the Sipf Residence,3gT6 Lupine Drive/Lot l4B, itiock l, Bighom 2nd Addition, per the staffs memo, with the conditions listed by staff. Gena Whitten seconded. Thi variance was unanimously approved,7-0. Mike Mollica rcviewed the staff memorandum and, in summary, indicated staff supported the request, and did not believe it conflicted with the purpose sectiron of the Agricuttuial and Open Space Zone Districl Ludwig Kurz asked what the typical building size for a trearment facility would be. Kent Roj:: "lgrn_rer for the applicants, said that the building proposed would be approximately 14'x 24', which was smaller than existing building, locatJilat th" eart end of the'golf .o*rl.Mike added that the water District and the Vail Recreation District were worki-ng together to design a building which could also serve as a rain sherter for golfers. 7. dy r. .--r ^L^- ..,^,,r,{ h4 t o'oet hrrildinss. and how many 'ate' II. BACKGROI.]ND OF TTIE REOUEST Although the Vail Vatley Consolidated Water District holds the water rights to a numbcr of existing and potential wells located on the Vail Colf Coune, the Town of Vail is the owner of the land. As property owner, the Town Council, on October l, 1991 (by a vote of 5-0), approved the applicants' request to prcceed thmugh the planning process with this application. trL EVALUATION OF ZONE CIIANGE REOI]EST A. Compliance with the purpce of the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District The purpose section of the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District is as follows: "The agricultural and open space district is intended to preserve agricultural, undeveloped, or open space lands from intcnsive development while permitting agricultural pursuits and low densiry residential use consistent with agricultural and open space objectives. Parks, schools, and certain types of private recreation facilities and institutions are also suitablc uses in the agricultural and open space district, provided that the sites of these uses rcmain predominantly open. Site development standards are intended to preclude intensive urban development and to maintain the agricultural and open space characteristics of the district. (O'rd. 8(1973) Section 12.100.)" It is the staff s opinion that the applicants' proposed amendment to the zoning code does not conflict with the purpose section of the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District as described above. B. Suitability of existing zoning. The existing Agricultural and Open Space Zone District contains a fairly wide variety of permitted, conditional and acccssory uses. These uses range from single-family residential dwellings, to public parks, to public and private schools and colleges, to ski lifts and tows, to cemeteries, to low-power subscription radio facilities. Because of thc limited impact of a well water treatment facility within this zone district, and given the ability for the PEC to revicw such a proposal through a conditional use permit process, staff believes the requested amendment would be consistent with the intent and purpose of the zone district. C. Is the amendment presenting a cnnvenient, workable relationship within Iand uses consistent with Municipal objectives? The District Water Court @ivision No. 5) of the State of C-olorado has concludcd that certain water rights shall be decreed to the Vail Valley Consolidated Water District. :/ UppEn Elcle Vntlsv WATE R AND SANIIAIION OISTR ICTS 8.6 FOREST nOAD. VA!1. COLORAoO 81657 1303) 475 7480 Septenber 23' L99L Mike Mollica COMMI'NITY DEVELOPI,TENT TOWN OF VAIL 75 south Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED - WELL R.4 PROPOSAI, Dear Mr. Mollica: The Vail Valley Consolidated Water District is petitioning the towir of Vai1, to arnend its AGRICULTURAL/OPEN -SpnCe zoning to allow for construction of a water well treatment facility as a conditional use. Ttre specific area will be a meets an'd bounds description describing a utility easenent allowing for construction, operation, and maintenance of the Itater facility. To prevent firrther depletion of strean flows, the proposed weLl will be used alternately with the three (3) existing ltells in the Gore Creek alluviurn. The purpose of the proposed well is to provide a redundant water supply, ind increase reliability of the water system during perioas-of emergency rnectranical failure of one of tie existing-w-11s. The well water treatrnent structure has been designed and situated to provide shelter for golfers, rninimal visual impacts, and no aftect on open sPace area. The site will be visited for inspection an average of once per day throughout the year and niI1 have no affect on any public facilitY of local traffic. Sincerely, k,?/>J Jerry Bender Water Operations UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT JB: bI I ll Pall'ltclPA?lNc DlstFl<?s - ARRowH€ao METFc warER a avoN ME-rRo warER ' BEA,EFI .REEK ME..R. *ATER ' BERRV CREE < METFto warE" ,@ ^L ll EA6LE vatL M€TRo WATER . EDwaRos MErRo wArER a LA^E CRE€K MEADows waTER. TJPPER EAGLE VALLEY coNsoLtgAr€D SANl-raT|oN tliP :T.rVAjLVALLEVcoNsoL|lATEDWA'ERl.vA|LWATERANoSAN]TATIoN Many of the dccreed well sites are located within the Gore Cbeek alluvium, which places their location in the general vicinity of the Vail Golf Cornse. Because the Golf Course area is zoned Agricultural and Open Space, staff bclieves that it is reasonable to add well watcr treatrnent facilities as a conditional use in this zone disrict. Suff believes that, with the project-specific review through the conditional use permit process, weU water treatment facilities can bc appropriatc and compatible uscs in the Agricultural and Open Space Zone District. D. Does the amendrnent provide for the growth of an orderly' viable community? Again, suff believcs that, with adequate and sitc-specifrc review of a conditional use permit rcqu€st, the proposed conditional usc will provide for thc growth of an orderly, viable community. Staff bclieves this amendment will provide for the beneficial use of the property, without compromising any of its long-term availability to recreation. ry. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The Community Developrnent Deparmlent necommends approval of the proposed amendment to add well water treaunent facility as a conditional use within the Agricultural and Open Space zone district For the r€asons stated in this memorandum, we find that this use should be a conditional use, and that each proposal would be subject to the scnrtiny of the conditional use permit review criteria. sbchcrnc\wellwrtr.O I 4 fu*- ^"- ^,*r ?f*t ,6 Cr-J f a'%/,"%"- t/ o{-l-c AGRICULTURAL AID OPEN SPACE (A) DISTRICT space objectives. Parks, schools, and cettain types of private recreation faciiiries and institutions also are ndtable uscs in the agricultural urd open space district, proyided that the sitcs of these uscs remain predomiaarly open. Site duvclopment standards are intended to preclude intensivc urban devclopment ud to maintain the agicultuni urd open space chancteristics ofrhe district. (Ord. 8(1973) g 12.100.) 1E.32.020 Permitted uscs. The following uses shall be pernitted in the A district: A, Singie-famiiy residentiai d,wellings : B. Plurt and ue: nuneries anC raising of fieid, row and tree C. Public parks. recreation argas. and open spaces. (Ord. 8(1973) $ l:.100.) 18.32.030 Conditional uses. The following conditionai '.ses shall be permitted, subject to issuance of a conditional use pennit in accordance with the provisions of Cnapter 18.50: ,d Any use within public parks, rccteation areas, and open spaces which involves asserrbly of morc than two hundred persons together in one buiiiing or 8troup of buildings, or in one recreation area ot other public rccreational facility; B. FrbUc and privare schools u;d colleges; C. Oturches, rectories, and rciaed struclures; D. Private goll tennis, swimning and riding clubs, and hunting and Eshing lodges; E. Serripub[c and instjtutionai uscs, such as convcnts and rcligious relre3ts: F. Ski lifts and tows; G. Cemeteries; H. Low powcr subscription radio facilities' iij'a.-Joiisas)- $- t;'oro. l6(leEs) ! 1;-9I9:.15(1e76) $ ita)tpanX ora. ti(tgzs) I3; ord. t(1973) E 12.300.) (v.il t-7-90) VAIL TOWN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, SCTOBER 1, 1991 12:00 o.m. Andrew Knudtsen 1. 12:00 P.M. EXPANDED AGENDA Site Visit: Northwoods Special Development District (SDD #2) Action Reouested of Council: Prepare to approv_e/deny' on first reading at evening meeting, Ordinance No. 33, Series of 1991' an ordinance requesting a major amendment to SDD #2' to allow for an addition to the building and improvements to the right-of- way, located at 600 Vail Valley Drive, a part of Tract B' Vail Village Seventh Filing. (Applicant: Pinos del Norte Condominium Association) Backoround Bationale: The Pinos del Norte Condominium essociaiion would like to construct a lounge that would be approximately 1,000 sq. tt., and 16 storage lockers, each approximately 50 sq. ft. These improvements are proposed to be located on the north side of the existing building. The landscaping treatment around these improvements will be bermed up over the roof so that only ihe east elevation of the lounge will be visible. In addition to the expansion of the building, the applicant is proposing to construct a sidewalk and bicycle lane running the distance of the Pinos del Norte property' which conlorms to the Streetscape Plan and the Recreation Trails Master Plan. The PEC reviewed the proposal on September 23, 1991, and recommended approval to lhe Town Council with a 4-0 vote, with conditions' Statf Recommendation: Staff recommends the Council approve the major amendment to SDD#2 on first reading. Review of Vail Valley Consolidated Water District (VVCWD) request to place a water treatment building on Town of Vail land (golf course) Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny request to proceed through the planning Process. Backoround Rationale: WCWD has water rights to a number ol wetts tocated on the golf course. The Town of Vail owns this land. These water rights were negotiated with the Town a number of years ago and were legally adopted. Statf Recommendation: Statf recommends that the VVCWD be allowed to proceed through the review process. Proposed Winter 1991/92 Bus Schedules and Intergovernmental Agreement for Regional Transportation System Action Reauested of Council: Review the enclosures and come to tfre Work Session with any questions you may have. At( ,f-r* ft * "*J h r/" //a/-'(y'' 7 K*- lJ"ry '.\ )I I \Y 12:20 P.m. Shelly Mello nrfr; fr rfil 2. l'///' [4P"'r ' l/o{e: 5'o 12:35 p.m. Jim Marshall e o 4.1992 Budget ' Administrative Services Department Orientation ' Administrative Services Department Budget ' Town Otficials (Council, Manager, Attorney) ' CapitalPQects Information Update Other Adjournment 1:00 p.m. 2;00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 5. 6. 7. iv v 303 838+disS t 303949b074ii 2 DISTRICT COuRt, WA?ER DIVISION N0. s, STATE 0F CoLOnADO Ctse No, 82CW328 TIIDINGS OF FACT, CONCLUSIONS OF IAW, JI'DGMENT AIID DECREE IN TI{E MAITER OF THE AFPLICATION FOR WATER RICH?S OF THE VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DI$TRICT, IN EACTE COUNTY. This matter havtng come before the Court uDon the application of the VaiI Vaitey ConEolidated Watet Dfstrict (thg rrApplicanttr or rrDiEttict'T) for change of water righta including exchange and approva] of a p).an for augrrnentafion,and the Court having considcrad the pleadings, the filee herein, the stipulatione gubmitted by thc partiea, and the evialence introduced at the hearing in this casa, doeg find and conclude as followe: FIIiIDINCS-OF FACT +. _ Aoplication. An application for change of water rights includrng exchange and approval of plan for augmentation was filed by the Dietrict on october 29, 1982. Nnen&nentE to thc application nere filed by the DiEttict and were permltted by the Court by orders dated JanuEry 12, 1983 rnd -October 18, 1983. ?. Notiqe_and Jurisdiction, All noticcg reguired by law heva ffi gourt haa juriEdittion ovlr the amcnded appllcation and over all of the partier. None of thc watar righte or sourcae theraof involved ln the application aJ ananded are located within a desigrnated ground water basin. 3. ObjectorE and AppearantE. Statemente of opposition t,o the amentleilapFliEEtlon were timely filed by Pnblic Service Conpany of Colorado, the City of Aurora, the City of Golorado Springs, thc State Enginear and Division Engincer, the City and County of Denver, Edwards Water DiBtrict,, the United StateE of Anerica, Union Oil Cohpany of California. the Colorado Water Conservation Board, the City of Rifle, Arrowhead at Vail,, Eeglr-VaiI lvlctropolitan Diatrict, Bcrry Creck Metropolitan Dtetrict, Benchnark at BeavEr Creek, end Avon !{etropolitan Oistrict. Entries of appearancc ner6 filed by Eagle County and Vail AEEociatag, Inc. No other -1- e-lF-gll s;TunM ; the Ctty this day of JUJb,lVJd,rU'. Sprtng6, Colorado,, 1986. BY IHE COURT: Statc of Colorado 3UJg4Ub0'14if, 6 Case No. d2cl{32I Vail Valtey Consolidated Water Distriet Water Dlvlslon No. 5 20. Ehe use of any \r'ater right or consumption attributable to any water right involved hereln for purposes lnconsletant wlth thla decree ehall requlre subeeguent decreee of thle gourt. 2I. rt ls f,urthar onDERED that thiB judgnrent and decrae ehall bE fllEd wlth the Water CI6rk and wlth the strte Enginrcr and the D{vltlon Englneer for !{atct Dlvlelon No. 5. Olstrict Coud. Wrtcr Divirion t{o i A trur op rrol rrcorrl thls JEr'4 ill e!/-* ., ,E-E DonE f,r -29- a,ivAL A I|tD n nAr qn ' 9- 9-V JvVvu!JvJe vv99+vv9 r+rF - cage noC zcrrgzg Vail Valley Consolidated Water Dirtrict Water Division No. 5 Subeection II.17 above. 4.63 c.f.e.of Gore Creek Intake for Booth Creek Water Treatment Plant, Subsec-tion II.1g, above. Vail Valley Conaolidated ttell No. R3r ed wrthin 100-foot radius from a point on the right bank of Gore Creek whence the NE corDer of Scction 8, Township 5 South, Range g0 Wcst, 6th P.M. bears North 50030r East, 2 ,680 fect.b. Maximum Diversion: 2.0 c.f.a.c. Source: Gore Creek Alluvium d. UEe: All municipal puraoses e. Aeeociated Watet Rights*:(i) 0.478 c.f.e. cdllectively dccreed to Vail Vlllage lllegt t{ells No, 3, 4, 5, SubEections II. 3-5 above, per this application. ( ii ) 0 ,?54 c. f. s. collectively decreed to Vail water and Sanitation District WeIIs No. 1 and 2, Subsectione II.24-2? above, p€r thie application. ( iii ) 1.52 c. f . e. cbllcctivelt decreed to Vail I'later and Sanitation DiEtrlct Spring and Pipelinee A, B, and C, Subaections II. 28-30 a^bove, per this application. Vrll Va116v Consolldrt.d WeIl No. R4:a. Locationr EroposeCl to bc located within 100-foot radiuE from a point on the right bank of Gore Creek whence the llW corner of Section 9, Townehip 5 South, Rqngc B0 llest, 6th P.M. bcare North 73o west, 2,080 feet.b. Maximum diveraionz 2.0 c.f.g.c. Source: Gore Creek Alluvlun d. UBe A11 municipal purposes e. Agsociated water tights*: Sarne aa Well No. R3, Subeection v.7 above. vall vallcv coneolldated WelI No. R5:a. Location: Proposed to be Locatccl ltlthln 1,00-foot radiui from a point on the right bank of Gore Creek whencp thc NW cornEl of Saction 10, Iownshlp 5 South, Range 80 Weet, 6th P.M. beare North '17030 | West, 800 f6ct. ,7 g. 9. A-27 o RM FO .-Etr.. mS eE, t".r", This procedure is required for any amendnent to or for a request for -a district b-oundary ctr""g" A. NA}IE OF PEIITIONER lidated Water District ADDRESS 846 Forest Road, Vai1, C0 81657 pggpg476-7480 B. NA!!E OF PETITIONERTS REPRESEIITATI\IE Jerry Bender DDSSS Sr,a r^.... n""a. v pg6Ng476-7480 C. NAME OF OWNER (print or typ€hai1 Valley Consolidated Water District srcN?.fw /t*t ft,-_--1.._ agrDREgg846 Forest Road, Vall, C0 81657 pnONE 476-7480 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI A.DDRESS Approx, 200 ft. South of Golf Course Bridge. PETITION FO R AITTENDMENT -€* TO ,l gf the zonl.ng ordinance I. F.A list of the names of owners of subject property, and their nailing Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Rd. West Vai1, C0 81657 all. property adjacent to tbe addresses . * W//1 /--t^ frr*l^-l frft- aa- a- C,lJ.f . (0vER) :- Petition-form tor am{ to zoning ord or Reguest lr "r,"r,g. ir uoli3!"i"" II. Four (4! copies of the following. infor-mation: A. The petition sharr include . =rr*,"ty of the proposed revision of, the r99ulations, or a comptete dlscriptioi oi trr. piii"."a changes in district boundaries and a nap indicatinj-tf,e-ExisU.ng , 3-9.Pl"Posed'd,istrict boundaries,. Applicant q.rst subnit sritten and,/or Sraphrc naterials stating the reasons for r-quest. IfI. Time Requirenents -T-he-Planning andl Environmental Comnrission meets on the 2nd and rtth Monclays of each rnon-th, A_petition witrr tlre necessary accospanying Trteriar rnust be sr:bmitted four weeks prior to the date of-trrl n6et_ * :lg. __::11:tls. the. pt ann+ns anq . Envj.roinental corudr"i"" r"Ji"sl' IV. '-ri -- -, ;,arr amenclments to the zoning ordinance or distrj.ct borurdary chanle must 90 to the lown Corurcil for final action. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail,s Comprehensive plan. i:: i-:: o ,fur,;,* q4:ff'o!- -rouht {fF LrF| r L I'tiscel laneous Cash ErB-?8-91 1?: Er4: r[ I EOI,' FEU PFP FEE9 BEB\JERRY Flrnoun t iendx red i Recei.p't $ 6I6F66 ffccoun t #r:t( # 389? ftem paid 81BBEE413388EB Ehenge rpturned ) THflhIK Aoorfit paid tBB.68 g, EiE 1rtlu !'ou r caghier JUBV -Ff *r:'\ -'l rr '.r,.r.!-..-'.\ . olsTRlcT ro3) 476-7480 I P5!a Oarach Hat! and Rstsin @ Portion Fo' \6u' R€cordg I YAIL VALLEY @NSOUDATEO -'--- wlren olsrntcr 8.6 FOnEsr FoAD ' VAIL, co 81657 (3O3l 47e7480 HV -.a ron€ Torn of OFO€R trL t .t '--\ V.1i.; il'OO Jg q ar'ILJ CHECK NUMBER VENOOF OATE fte e ottnelr (' Arthqiz.d Eiignalu6s trc3r coo l'B?z[' 1.. :: !'..1: '-.i:: " 200. $c 200.0c -{'{H[:sft;r fr ',#'-:i -ct tr L-O (.' '41 i'v'' , ttr i ', v;l =v o'a' lnt, \i $.q t Qi fi /*'tr q/ 2 o t J N ; tt\ \9 A EJ /t t td l2 ',u 1 rArY0 [0t .fi r.,9 F I , u,t tt' ar t.l!l F 4 h- (n & ul Y ?II a\,v )ol or t ,o F ) I 2 7 4 b.s\ \ v -E C.D H t. € lr I (.D LF - 1 I L\' \ -F \ i a g d,t r uJ 2 B \ I \ I \ \ \ I t I \ I I ffi SEP DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY U.S. ABMY ENGINEER OISTRICT, SACRAMENTO CORPS OF ENGINEERS 1325 J STREET SACFAMENTO,CALIFORNIA 958I4.2922 FEPLY TO ATIENlION OF September ReEulatorv Section ( 199100944) Iti , 1C9l Mr, Steven C. BirdsaII RBD Engineering Consultants 2900 South ColleEe Avenue Fort CoIIins, Colorado 80525 Dear Mr. Birdsall: I am responding to your leLter dated August 28' 1991' con- cerning the installation of a waterline for new well #R-4' Thie line wi.Ll cross Gore Creelt in Bast Vail and is located in Section 9, Township 5 South, Ran.(e 80 West, Eagle County, Colorado' The Corps of EnEineers has issued nalionr'ride Eeneral permit nurnber 1.2 authorizing the discharAe of maLerial for 'backfiII or bedding for utililv lines, including outfall and intake structures, provided there is not any change in preconstruction bottorn conlours (eXcess naterial must be remOved to an upland disPosal area). Based upon our review of Lhe information submitted' we have determined that this pro.iect may proceed sub,iect to this nationwide generaL perrnit provided you comply with the special conditions and best managemenl practices {copy enclosed)' Please ensure that vour contractor(s) is aware of and cornplies with these special conditions and best management practices' 'l'his verification will be valid unlil the nationwide qeneral permit is modif ied, reissued, or revolted. AII of the nationwide general permits are schedu-l.ed. to be modified, rei.ssued' or revolted prior to January 13, 1992. It is incumbenl upon you to remain informed of changes to the nationwide Eeneral perrnits. We issued a public notice in the Federal Regj.ster on ApriI 10' 1991' announcinq the prOposed chanEes. Furthermore I if you commence Or are under contract to commence this activity before the date the nationrvide general permiL is rnodi li ied or revolCed ' VOU will" have twelve months from the date of' the modif icati.on or revocation to complete Lhe activiIy under the present terms and conditions of this nationwide generaf Permit .; ;tl.;) I 8 19el lle have assiAned Nurnber 199100944 to refer to this nurnber in any correspondence of f ice concerninE your pro.ject;. this project, PIease submitted to this Your cooperation is appreciated. Should you have any questionsr please contact Ms, Sue Bachini NaII at telephone (303) 243-1199. #^^ estern Colorado Regulatory 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, Colorado 81501-2563 Enc.losure Copies Furnished: Dr. Oene Reetz, U,S. Environmental Protection Agency' 8WM-SPt 999 18th Street, Suite 500' Denver, Colorado 80202-2405 Mr' Dan L' coLlins' subdistrict chief' U's' oeoLogicaJ Survey' Post Office Box 2027' Grand Junction, Col.orado 81501 U.S. Forest Service, White River National Forest, Post Office Box ?20, Eagle ' Colorado 8163f Eagle County, Post Office Box 850' EaEle' Colorado 81631 PUcly hief ,) INFORMATION PAPER NATIONL'I DE GENERAL PERHIT NUHBER UTILITY LINES, INCLUDING INTAKE AI.ID OUTFALL t L? STRUCTURES A natlonvldle general permlt ls a Department of the Army pernlt that Is lssued on a nablonvlde basls for a apeclflc category of actlvltles that are substantlally elnllar and cause nlnlrnal envlronmental lrnpacts. Natlonwtde pernlbs are deslgned to allow the work to occur vlth llttle delay or papetvork. All lndtvldual. pernlt appllcatlon ls not requlred for an actlvlty covered by a natlonwlde pernlt The Corps of Englneers has lssued a natlonwlde permlt for the discharge of rnaterlat for backflll or beddtng for utlllty IInes, lncludlng outfall and lntake structures, provlded that there !s no chanoe ln Dreconstructlon bottom contours (excess sraterlal nust be removed to an upland dlsposal area). A iutlllty llnei ts deftned as any plpe or plpeltne for the transportatlon of any gaseous, llqutd, llgulflable, or slurry substance, for any purpose, andl any cable, 1lne, or vlre for the transmtaslon for any purpose of clectrlcal energy, telephone and telegraph messages, and radlto and televlelon communlcatton. (The utlllty llne and outfall and lntake structures wll.l requlre a Sectlon 10 permtt If they are ln navlgable waters of the Unlted States.) Thls nattonntde general permlt catlefleg the rcgulrcnents of Sectlon {01 of the Clean later Act. The encloeed speclel condtttong rnust be folloved tn order for thle natlonvlde pernlt to be valld. FOR HORE INFORHATIONT WRITE TO THE GRAND JUNCTION REGULATORY oFFrcE, u. 8. ARMy, CORPS OF ENOINEERS, SACRAMENTO DTSTRICTT 100 ROOD AVENUE, ROOM 142, GRAND JUNCTTON, COLORADO 81501-2563 OR TELEPHONE (303) 243-1199. I Enclosurc as atated INFORI1ATION PAPER NATIONI.IIOE GENERAL PERI'lITS WESTERN COLORADO A. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. The followlng speclal condltlon3 mu3t be fol lowea ln order for the nat lonwlde permlt3 to be val ld. Fal lure to cornply wlth a condltf on means that the work must ba authorlzed by an Indtvldual or reglonal general permtt lssued by the Dfstrlct Englneer. l. That any dfgcherge of dredged or flll materlal wfll not oecur fn the proxlmlty of I publlc wgter supply Intake. ?. That any dlscharge of dredged or flll materlal wlll not occur In areas of concentr€ted shel lf lsh Productlon unlest the dtscherge ls dlrectly related to a shellflch harvestlng actlvfty. 3. Thet the actlvlty wlll not Jeoperdlze s thrcatenecl or endangqred cpeclcc as tdentlffed under thc Endangered Spccfes Actr or destroy or. adversely rrodlfy the crltlcal trabltat of such spec I eg. 1. That the actlvlty ahal I not clgnlftcantly dlerupt thc firovcment of those gpecf cs of equatlc I lfc Indlgenous to the rraterbody (unlesg the prlnary Purpo3e of the flll lg to lmPounct water). 5. Th6t any dlscharge of drcdged or fl | | naterfal lhgl I conslst of tultable msterlal free of toxtc pol luttntt ln toxfc crnount3. 6. That any ltructure or fl I I authorlzed ahal I be proPerly ntal nta I ned. 1. That the actlvlty wlll not occur In e conponent of thc Natlonat lrlld and Sccnlc Rtver Syttemi nor In a rlver ofFlclally deslgnated by Congrcss as a istudy rlver" for posllble Incluslon ln the system, xhlle the rlver lg In an offlclal cttJdy ltatus. 8. Thet the actlvlty chal I not cau3e Gn unacceptable Interference wfth navf gat lon. 9. Thet, lf the actlvlty rnay advergely affect hlgtorlc propertles whlch the Natlonal Park Servlce has I fsted onr or determlned el lgtble for I lstlng on, the Natlonal Reglrter of Hlstorlc Placesr the Permlttee wlll notlfy the dlstrlct engfneer. tf the dlstrlct engfneer determlnes thet such hfstorlc propertfe3 mey be adversely al'fected. he wlll provlde the Advlsory Councll on Hlstorlc Preservat I on an opportunlty to corment on the effects on such hlstorlc propertf es or he wll I consfder npdlf lcatlon' suspenslon, or revocat lon In accordance wlth 33 CFR 325.7. Furthermorer thet, lf the permltteb before or durlng prosecutlon of the work authorlzed, encounter3 € hfstorlc property that ha3 not been ltsted on the Natfonal Reqlsterr but whlch may be el tEf ble ltror I f stf ng In the Natlonal Regf ster, he chal I lnmedlately notlfy the dfstrlct engfneer. 10. That the constructlon or operatlon of the actlvlty wlll not lmpatr reserved trlbal rlghtg' Includlngr but not Ilmttod tor.reserved water rlghts and treaty flshlng and huntlng rlghtr. ll. That the actlvlty wlll cornply wlth reElonal condltlon!whfch rflay have been added by the dfvlslon engfneer (None have been edded for Yestern Coloredo). 12. That the m€tnagernent practlces I lsted below shal I be fol lowed to the maxtmum extent practlcable. B. IIANAGEI{ENT PRACTICEq. ln addltlon to the condltfons speclfled abover the followlng fiEnagement practlces shall be fol lowed, to the naxlmum extent practlcable, In order to nlnlmlze the adverse ei'fectg of these dlscharges on the aquatfe cnvlronment. Fallure to conrply wfth thege practlces may be ceuse rFor the dlstrf ct engfneer to rcconrnend| or the ctlvf slon cnglncer to take' dlscretlonary authorlty to regulate the actlvlty on rn Indlvldual or reglonal basts. l. Dlscharges of dredged or flll materlat lnto vaters of the Unlted States shal I be avolded or mlnfmlzed through the use of other practlcable elternatf ves. 2. Dlscharges In tpawnlng arca3 durlng cp€wnlng tea3ons thal I be avolded. 3. Dlscharges shal I not restrf ct or lrpede the tnovement olF aquatlc apecles fndlgenous to the )raters or the pa3sage of norrnal or expectcd hlgh flowt or cou3e the rclocatlon of the Yatcr (unlcsg the prlmary purpo3e of the flll lc to lreound wstcr!.) 1. lf the dlccharge creatca an Inpoundnent of rraterr advcrge fmpacts on the cquatfc cyctcm caused by tha accelcrttcd passage of lrater and/or the restrfctlon of lts flows. shal I bc mtnlmf zed. 5. Otscharges In vetlsnds aress shall be avolded. 6. Heavy equfprnent worklng fn wetlends shal I be placed on mats. 7. Dl scharges I nto breedlng Erers for mlgratory vaterforrl shal I be avolded. , 8. All temporary fllls shall be rernoved In thelr entlrety. C. FURTHER INFORHATION. l. Dlstrlct englneers are authorlzed to determlne lf an €ctlvtty complles wlth the terms snd condltlons of e natfonwldc permlt unless that declslon must be msde by the dlvl3fon engineer. 2. Nationwide pernits do not obviate the need to obtain other Federalr state or Iocal authorizations requl.red by law. 3. Natlonwide pernits do not grant any property righte or exclusive prlvileges. 4. Nationwide pernits do not authorize any inJury to the property or rights of others. 5. Nationwide perDltB do not authoriae interference wlth any exieting or proposed Federal proJect. FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE NATIONWIDE OENERAL PERMITS IN WESTERN COLORADO, WRITE TO THE CRAND JUNCTION REGULATORY OFFICEI u. s. ARMY, CORPS OF ENCTNEERS, SACRAHENTO DTSTRTCT! 400 RooD AVENUET ROOM 142, GRAND JUNCTTON, COLORADO 81501-2563 OR TELEPHONE (303) 243-1199. \ =l=!D". Engineering Consultants 953 S. Frontage Fd \ryest. Surte 201 Varl. Colorado 81657 303/476-6340 September 25, I991 Mr . lfarren M. Garbe District Manager VaiI VaIley Consolidated Water Districts 845 Forest Road Vail, CO 8I657 RE: IIELL R-4 DEVELOPMENT PRoJECT MEETING T'ITH VAIL RECREATION DISTRICT Dear Warren: ., r/ iggl Jerry Bender and the the proposed R-4 weII I attended a meeting this morning with you,VaiI Recreation District Board to discuss'proJect. Discusslon began with a brief history of District water rights and the adjudlcated well points. lle then aiscussed the optioni for siting the chlorine facirlty, the interpretation of what constltutes a wetlands, the advantage if any, of ttre facility to the vail Golf course and the architecturil treatment of the buildlng. The Board wourd li.ke to see the chlorine facility located in the wil'lows at_the proposed site rather that furthei south at the rocaEron of the existing shelter. They feel that with proper attention to landscaping, it wilr be flr ress visibre ttrerl tiran at the existing shelter. rt was felt that the presence of wilrows does not arways constitute a wetlands and that a carefulry rain out. path could connect the new facility to the outbound cart path on the south and the inbound cart path on the north without any detrimentar effect. They arso liked the idea of overhangs on th; building of sutflcient width and height above grade to ilrow carts with iops and peopre on foot to get underneath. The commitment was alio made by the Rec Board to remove the existing sherter after the new facility was completed. Jerry Bender said he wilr be meeting wittr the Arury clsrgr sf Engineers from Grand Junction to deteimine how the iite c6ura best be developed with regard to the wetlands issue. Other olfices: Denver 303/778.7338 . Fort Collrns 303i 226-4955 . Colorado Springs 7l9i 598 4 tO7 . Longnront 303/679-9584 The idea of wood siding on Ehe buitding was not weLl received.The Board asked us to pursue the same flutted block and color as is on the sinirar facility to the east near the l3th Tee. special attention shourd be given to the west elevation nearest vail valley Drive and rre should work together on a natural randscaping plan that wlIl screen the facility. A reguest was made at an earlier meeting with the Town of VaiI Design Review Eoard to prepare erevations of the chlorine facllity for thelr review. They also suggested we rook at wood siding, siting at the existing sherter aEea and a different roof Iine than that proposed. We will complete the drawings, keeping in nind the direction given by the Rec District. we will arso rook at a different roof line and prepare the reguested building elevations. As you are ahrarer w€ still need and back to the Design Review drawings and make the necessary wiII keep you posted regarding you have any questions. Very truly yours, RBD, INC Kent R. Rose, P.E.Project Hanager copys Bender -HelIot/BirdsaII to go the the Vail Town Council Board. We will prepale the added changes as guickly as posible and the process . Pl.ease contact rne i f t I VAI L MEADOWS AVALANCF{E B:rGHOFIN vArL, coLoRADO TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. INTRODUCTION I-1 A. General Background and Study Parameters. I-1 B. Location and General Slide Characteristics.... I'2 II. TYPICAL AND OESIGN AVALANCHES II-1 A. Types of Avalanches. II-1 B. Frequency Considerations... ll-2 C. Zoning Considerations (Town of Vail).... II-3 D. Analysis Format. II-3 III. VAIL HEADOTS AVALANCHE PATH III_1 A. Avalanche Path Morphology... III-1 B. Design Avalanche Dynamics. III-3 C. Runout Zone.. III-5 D' water Tank. IrI-5 IV. COT{CLUSIOI{S AND RECCI,II,IEIIOATIONS IV-1 A. Conc lusions IV-1 B. Recommendations.. IV-1 REFERENCES APPENDIX A APPENOIX B I I I I I I I LIST OF FIGU*ES I I 'AIL MEADows AVALAN.HE 'ATH coNFicuRATIoN I Ii VAIL MEADoWS AVALANCHE PArH PRoFiLE AND SECTIONS III VAIL MEADOWS AVALANCHE RUNOUT ZONE I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t HYDBO.TRIAq tTD I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1310'\ryadsworth Boulevard, Su te 100 Lake\r'/ood, Coloraoo 80215 lbiephone 303/238-6022 FAX 303 /238-6382 June 15, 1990 Mr. Robert Borne c,/o GCI Env ironmenta'l Developers 5550 26th St. West, Suite 7A Bradenton, Florida 34207 Dear Mr, Borne: Enclosed are three copjes of the Vail Meadows Avalanche study. The avalanche runout area is presented on Figure III within the report. Also enclosed is a copy of the topographic map of Lot 22 Vail Meadols Filing No. 1 showing the high hazard and moderate hazard areas for the lot. All of the lot is within the avalanche runout zone but only the southern one th'i rd (roughly) of the lot is within the high hazard zone. A copy of the report and the sjte (1ot) map are being sent to your archi tect,/structura'l engi neer. If you have questions on the report or w'ish further information please contact me, RLH: jm tnc | . xc: 381-001 KL. H4 i\dks;,:-ric,2 id.5it .\' ,t),ii'.:1*';'6 f'r;ffii9 I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I t I. INTRODTJCTION A. General Backqround and Studv Pararpters This study of the Vai l Meadows Avalanche which js located in the Bjghorn area of the Gore Val'ley (and within the Town of Vail) was authorized by Mr. Robert Borne. The purpose of the study is to make a detailed ana'l ysis of the ava'lanche path based upon accepted practice, previous work and additional 'i nformation developed during the last year. The specific area of focus is Lot 22of Yaij Meadows Filing No. 1which is located immediately south of the cul-de- sac for Snowshoe Lane. There have been four orevious studies of the Vai l Meadows Avai anche. These are : a +. Krebs, et. al., 1973 Colorado Geo logical Survey 1975 Mears, 1976, Vaj l Meadows Avalanche Dynamics Study Ha1ley, 1977, Vail Meadows Avalanche Studies 1 and 2 were of a general reconnaissance nature with results plotted on 1:24,000 scale maps. They provideda genera'l indjcation of runout and hazard, but were not sufficiently detailed for examination of specific bu'i lding lot avalanche hazard. Study number 3 did examine the sl ide path in detai l and presented the runout zone as it effected the Snowshoe Lane residential lots. Study number 4 also examined the avalanche path in detail and was focused upon avalanche impacts on the Gore Val1ey Water District's water tank which is located in the upper portion of the northwestern branch of the runout zone. Specific recommendations L- I I T were made in the report to protect the tank from failure and decrease the hazard I to the residential lots (houses) further north. This study was commissioned to review the previous work, make various field inspections of the slide path to gather additional or new data and define the hazard levels or zones within Lot 22 (as well as adjacent'lots). B. Location and Genera'l Slide Characteristics The Vail Meadows avalanche path is located on the south valley flank near the Bighorn area in the eastern end of the Gore Valley, (see ]ocation map). The 'lower end of t,he runout zone is within the 'l imits of t,he Town of Vai l. Theslide path is approximately6600 feet (2010 meters) long and drops 2530 feet (770 meters). The VaiI Meadows Avalanche has two release zones; the upper or main release area is located near the top of the ridge between Gore Creek ad the head of Mil'l Creek. The exposure or aspect of the semi-c'i rcular bowl is approximately N450E and therefore receives Iitt'le direct sunlight during winter months, The prevailing westerly wind up Mill Creek and over the ridge adds to the snow depositionon the upper and westeriy portion of the Zone A release zone. This particular avalanche path has the old burn area on the Mill Creek side of the ridge, so the wind deposition in the upper release zone is more pronounced than a normal deposition zone. The revegetatjon of this old burn wilI slowly reduce the extra snow deposition. The upper or Zone A release zone has a gross area of approximately 45 acres (18 hectares), but portions of the zone are benched or with sufficiently mild slopes that the complete area does not sl'ide even under major avalanches. A detailed field appraisal indicates approximately 33 acres (13.5 hectares) will slide under a major climax type avalanche. I T T I I I I I T t I I I I I I r-2 T I T I I t T I I I T I I I t I I t t The lower or Zone I reiease zone is located approximately avalanche chute ('left side) and consists of approximately hectares ) , midway down the 10 acres (4.1 The slopes at the upper end of both of these release zones range from 65 to 80 percent (33 to 39 degrees). The upper end of a portion of the Zone A release area extends into a discontinuous cliff or outcrop area typical of many of the avalanche pat,hs in Gore Va1 1ey. The mjd portion of the avaianche path is a relatively narrow incised chute that is roughly trapezoidal in shape. The bottom width ranges from 15 to 25 feet (4,6 to 7.6 meters) and with side slopes of 37 to 40 degrees (from the hori zontal). Thefietd evidence shows flow depths of 60 feet or more (18 meters) for flowing snow and as much as 100 feet (30 meters) for powder avalanches. Below the narrow chute, the path extends across a bench zone (longitudinal slope rangingfrcm 15 degrees to 17.5 degrees) fora distance of approximately 800 feet (244 meters). The flowing type avalanche tends to spread and slow down across this bench, but major ava'lancheswill carry across and over the'lower cliff area. During the Spring of 1990 debri from several smalIavalanches was observed on this bench. The bulk of the avalanche and debri stopped on this bench. I-3 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I II. TYPICAL AND DESIGN AVALANCHES A. Tvoes of Avalanches The various types of avaianches normal ly considered in a detailed avalanche study include the following: 'l . Loose snow type, normal1y newly fallen snow sliding on an old snow surface 2, Powder snow aval anches 3. Slab. hard and soft slab avalanches 4. Wet snow ava I anches The loose snow ava'lanche wou ld not be a design considerat'ion for this particularslide path, because it would belocal in nature and be associated with the cliff areas. Conceivably, a loose snow avalanche could trigger a larger powder or slab avalanche, but the design consideration would be based on the other, more critical type. The powder snow avalanche, either originating as a soft s'lab or simply a powder avalanche of sufficiently large proportions to carry through the'length of the slide path, is a very definite possibiiity for this avalanche path. The trajectory through the bench area and across the Iower cliff would continue the powder avalanche primarily into and over the Iimestone knolI at the base of the slide path. The powder avalanche dens'it'ies and associated pressure loading would be inconsequential on the water tank located on the very flank of the runout area and wouid not be a factor for the residentia l 'lots on Snowshoe Lane-I T I I Lr - | I I T I I I I I I t I t I I T I I t I The slab avalanche, soft or hard, that maintained the flowing component jntegrjty, i.e., without evolving into afull powder avalanchethrough the chule, would be the critical design avalanche for'loading upon the water t,ank and Snowshoe Lane, since the f]owing snow would be deflected (a part of the total volume) into the west 1eg of the runout zone. This wil'l be discussed in more detail in Chapters III and IV. A major wet snow avalanche conceivably could carry across the bench area above the lower cliffs and impact the steep uphi] 1 face of the small hiII. This wouid deflect a wet snow avalanche, probably spljtting into a west and east branch. The bulk of a wet snow avalanche wouid turn to the west due to the incised nature of the watercourse on the west side of the bench. It is extremeiy unlikelythat a major wet snow ava'lanche wou'ldoriginate from more than one third of the release zones and so the total vojume would be considerably less. Since the design avalanche for this particular analysis has been identified as a dry f'lowing avalanche with the associated higher velocities and the impact density taken as 250 kg,rm3 (wet f]owing densities would range from 450 to 500 kg,zm3), the wet snow avalanche can be considered less critica'l for both the residentia'l lots on Snowshoe Lane and the water tank. B. Frequencv Considerat'ions The estabtishment of a "design" avalanche predicated upon a particular recurrence jnterval is a very desi rable approach, since the possibif ity of occurrence can be re'lated to hazard risk. Considerab'le development of this approach has been effected in the field of f'lood forecasting and hydro'logy. Excel lent discussions on this are contained in "Guidel'ines anci Methods for Detailed Snow Ava lanche Hazard Investigations in Colorado", Colorado Geological Survey, 1976, and "The Avalanche Zoning P'lan" by Hans Frutiger. However, the state of the art for predicting a particular recurrence interval for a design avalanche without long term factual records is certainly stilf in its infancy. fhe comments contained in the above two references and t I detai led report on the KAC Avalanche path (Gore Valley) by the author are I particularly germane.I I For the purposes of this analysis, the defined release area and the initial I average snow pack depth at release of 2.0 meters (79 inches) is considered to I approximate the 100 year + recurrence interval event. The assumptions were based I in part upon evidence observed jn the field and experience on similar avalanche paths. Obviously the deoth near the fracture zone woujd be greater, but the I average for the tolal release zone is 2.0 meters. I C, Zoning Considerations (Town of Vail)I I The Town of Vail has adapted and periodically upgraded their hazard I regulations for avalanche, flood and geological sensitive areas within the Town I 'l im'its, The pertinent hazard regulation for avalanches are found in 18.69.010 I (Purposes), 18.69.020 (Definitjons), 18.69.030 (Master Hazard Plans), 18.69.031 (Approval of Master Plans), 18.69.032 (Supplemental Studies), 18.69.033 I (Supplemental Studies - Individual) and 18.69.040 (Development Restricted). I The Town of Vai l Hazard Regulations are encjosed within Appendix A of th'is I report. ! D. Ana'lvsis Format t This analysis of the Vai l Meadows Avalanche path and runout zone has been based upon the fo] lowing format: r 1. Review al'l orevious work. I 2. Make additional field investigations and measurements.I 3. Analyze new aeri al photography, 1990. - I 4. Make additjonal dendrochronological investigations. I I I II - 3 I I I I I I t T I I I I I I I I I I I Re-analyze the release area and slide path and runout zone dynamic f low for the "design" avalanche. The "design" avalanche is defined in the same manner as was done in the Art Mears study of 1976 and the R.L. Halley study of 1977. Energy losses on the jnterim bench above the lower c'l iff as we'| 1 as the velocity vector changes and energy losses created by the limestone knol1 are to be considered. The analytica] work results are to be cross-checked with fjeld conditions and evidence. II . 4 t I I I I t T I I T T t T I t I I I I III- VAIL I*IEADOWS AVALANCHE PATH A. Ava'lanche Path llorpholoqv The Vail Meadows avalanche path consjsts of a medi um- large deposition or re'lease zone (Zone A), a narrow incised chute with an intermediate, smaller release zone (Zone B), and a complex runout zone below the middle cljff area. See Figures I and II. The exposure of both release zones (Zones A and B) is roughly N450E and thusly receives Iittle direct sunlight during the winter months. Ihe combination of exposure and e'levation (mean winter temperature) does not'lead to significant snowpack settlement. The ground surface within the release zones is high alpine grass with sparse tree cover. Compari son of aerial photographs of the release area for the period 1970 to 1990 show minor increases in tree cover, however the Mi1l Creek burn (circa 1945, personal comrnunication with Jay Pulis who was raised in the Gore Val ley) does show increased tree growth. This increased t'imber coverage on TheM'i 'l 'l Creek-GoreValleyridgewilI reducewindblownsnowdepositionintothe Zone A release area. Thjs aspect was not considered in this analysis but in the future r+iII make the results more conservative, albeit a ninor factor' The ground cover and slope exposure is conducive to fulI s'lab release a]though the lack of rock exposure or scree s'lope is less favorable for temperature gradient metamorphism. The temperature gradient metamorphism or depth hoar formation tends to create a weak layer at the snow-ground interface and is common for many of the major avalanche paths in the Coiorado Rocky Mounta i ns . The avalanche chute is a incised channel that is roughly trapezoidal in section. The bottom width ranges from 15 to 25 feet (4.6 to 7.6 meters) and with side slopes of 37 to 40 degrees (from the hori zontal). Field evidence shows III - 1 t I I I I avalanche f 'low depths of 60 feet plus (18+ meters) for flowing snow and as much as 100 feet (30 meters) for powder avalanche. Below the chute section, the avalanche path extends across a bench zone (longitudinal slope varying betveen 15 to 17.5 degrees) for a distance of approximately 800 feet (244 neters). The flowing type avalanche wiil s'low and spread across this bench, see Figure II. Major avalanches will carry across this bench, over the lower cliff area and into the path splitting area created by the 'large limestone knol'l that lies directly in the avalanche trajectory. The Iimestone knolI is approximately 80 feeL (24 meters) high above the saddle betv/een the two forks. This kno'l 'l wi'l I force a splitting of the flow with a smai l portion of a f 'lowing avalanche trave'l Iing over the top of the kno'l I , a port ion wi'l I be directed northeastward and a significant percentage being forced through the 50 degree velocity vector change towards Snowshoe Lane. A significant amount of energy will be dissipated in the turbulence caused by the flow splitting and veiocity vector change. As part of this study additiona'l dendochronology work was performed to date various trees that prov ide critical insight into the avalanche history for this sl ide path. Previous work as reported by l{ears include the fol lowing: "Tree cores were taken by Glenn (1974) from the VaiI Meadows avalanche path in order to estimate the annual probability of large avalanches. The tree ring analysis indicated an annual probability of one to two percent for avalanches large enough to reach the hi'l ltop at the base of the track and'large enough to reach about 50 meters (165 ft) downhilI ofthe water tank. Oead logs located in the vicjnity of the water tank and on the hilIeast of the tank indicated that an avalanche reached that location between 1950 and 1960. Trees were not sampled north of Snowshoe Lane because of the paucity of datable trees, but the annual probability of avalanches which can reach this location must be smaller than that found from tree-ring analysis higher in the path." T I I I t t T I I I I I I I TII-2 T I I I t I t t I I I I t I I I t t I HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD.PHOTO PAGE I VAIL MEADOWS AVALANCHE PATH VIEW FROM TOP OF I-7O TRUCK RUNOUT. VAIL MEADOWS AVALANCHE CHUTE VIEW FROM TOP OF LIMESTONE Ki{OLL SHOWING LOWER CLIFF AREA, BENCH AND MIDDLE SECTION OF CHUTE. I I T I I I t I I I I I I I I t t T I LTD,HYDRO-TRIAD PHOTO PAGE 2 VAIL MEADOWS AVALANCHE VIEW FROM BENCH ZONE SHOWING MIDDLE CLIFF AND MIDDLE SECTION OF CHUTE. 'd* VAIL MEADOWS AVALANCHE DEBRIS ON BENCH FROM SMALL AVALANCHES, SPRING I99O. I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I t t I HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD.PI-IOTO PAGE 3 VAIL MEADOWS AVALANCHE DENDROCHRONOLOGY BORING ON TREE DAMAGED = I95O MAJOR AVALANCHE EVENT. *i VAIL MEADOWS MIDDLE CLIFF AVALANCHE AREA -.{r- +' As part of this study Hydro-Triad, Ltd. contacted the Mountain Research Station of the University of Colorado to provide additional tree-ring analysis or dendochronology. The results of the analysis are enclosed as Appendix B to this report. Tree number one which is a medium evergreen is located on the southern portion of lol 22. The indicated age is 59 years or in other words the tree was a seedling in the early 1930s. The other trees sanpled (*2, 3 and 4) were 'located on the s)ope below the lower cliff area. The trees in this area are obvious second growth initiated after the last major avajanche event. The dating of these trees would inciicate regrowth initiated between 1950 and 1954. Th'i s is consistent with the tree ring analysjs reported by Mears on the debri 'logs as being between 1950 and 1960. Thjs further is supported by personal communication with Jay Pulis indicating a major avalanche cyc'le in the val 1ey some 5 to 6 years after the Mill Creek burn. Reviewing the 1974 tree-ring analysis and the subsequent dendochronology data wou'ld jndicate the annual probability of a major avalanche reaching the Snowshoe Lake cul-de-sac would range from something less than 1x to approximately 1-1/27" or recurrence interva'ls range of 125 years to 75 years. I lhis data was utilized to cross check the dynamic analysis as discussed in I the next section of this rePort. B. Desiqn Avalanche Dvnamics The avalanche path profile and cross section are shown on Figure II. The p'lan of the avalanche path with release zones, chute and runout zone are shown on the aerial photo enlargement Figure I. The details of the runout zone ar shown on Figure IiI. The design avalanche for thjs particular evaiuation consists of a dry flowing avalanche which would resu'lt from medium dry, soft or semi-hard lab release. For the purposes of this evaluation, it is further assumed that less than 15u of the ava lanche volume would evolve into the powder avalanche form, I I I I I t I T t T t I I I I I I I I I I since the more conservative approach would involve maximizing the ory flowjng I component of the avalanche. The parameters of the design avalanche are:I Release Areas Area Hectares Depth (Ave. ) Mete rs Peak Flow Rate m J,/ D Zone A 13. 5 .|6, 900 Zone B A',tn,"200 a.rv I It Chute ovnamics I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sect i on E Flow Depth Meters Velocity m/s mph Peak Flow Rate m 3/5 x 10J s-0 700 25.4 16. I s-1 650 19.0 34.5 16. I s-2 650 20. 8 34. 0 16. I c-e 650 21 .2 33.5 22.4 s-4 l.1n 't2.5 25. 5 22.4 s-5 700 10. 0 tl n 22.4 b-o 700 8.8 20. 5 22.4 Sp'lit NA i n'iti a I ve loci ty gain, then turbu lence and spl itting. Approx. 0.45 v.'/29 loss where V" = 29 m/s s-7 See Figure TT 21 .9 11.5 rLL - + T I I I I I I C. Runout Zone While the saddle between the tow branches or forks of the runout zone and the I imestone knolI are integral features of the Vail Meadows Avalanche path runout zone, the turbulence, velocity vector changes and energy losses in this sectjon preclude seclion by section mass-energy balance. The f lowing snow coming off the interim bench will in'itially gain velocity to approximate'l y 29 m/s. Then the f'low splitting and turbulence created by the impact into the limestone kno'l l wilI create energy and velocity loss. Based upon vector change or velocity head 'loss, the residual velocity at section 7 is computed to be 21.5 m/sec. The runout distance based upon the Voellmy formula would then be 200 meters or 660 feet. This would put the northern Iimit of the moderate hazard zone north of Snowshoe Lane. The high hazard zone would impinge on the south end of Lot' 22, see Figure III. I I I I I I I I I I I I The avalanche dynamics analysis has been and the results of the dendochronology studies of the runout zone. D. Water Tank F rom hori zontal the tank is winter). cross-checked with field evidence to arrive at a "best fit" mapp'ing The previously described analysis was performed w'ithout consideration for potentia'l negative impacts of the lrater tank. The 1977 evaluatjon of the water tank by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. (R.1. Halley), concluded'i f the tank were maintained atSOX fuli during the avalanche hazard period and equipped with a shear ring tie to the foundation, the tank would not faii or be a significant additive element to the avalanche as it would affect the residential iots along Snowshoe lane. inspection during early 1990 it appears the shear ri ng to withstand 'load of 373 metric tons has not been insta'l led, It is not known if being maintained at 80fr ful1 during the avalanche hazard period (late l'1 I - If these actions are not taken, the hazard zones for the residential lots I on Snowshoe Lane wou'ld have to be re-defined to account for the increased hazard. r Reso'l ut'ion of this aspect is important for the avalanche hazard relating to Lots r 22 and 23. I lI I I I t I I t I I I I I I I III - 6 I t t I I I I IV. CONCLUSrONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Conclusions Addjtional field information and dendochronolgy data has al lowed the reanalysis of the Vail meadows Avalanche path and runout. The results of the study and map of the runout zone are provided herein. The conclusion is that a portion of Lot 22 ofVail Meadows Fi]ing No. 1 is within the red or high hazard runout zone but a significant part is within the blue or moderate hazard zone. If a suitable avalanche defense system or avalanche load provision can be designed into a proposed structure, proper avalanche protection can be accommodated. This further would compl y with the existing Town of Vai l Hazard regulations. The 50,000 gallon water tank located within the N.l{. runout branch does not appear to be protected against avalanche impact and potentiai rupture which would adversely affect the extent of the hazard for Lot 22. This aspect needs to be resolved prior to defining a potential building configuration and avalanche defense system for Lot 22. B. Reconmendat'ions Resolve the status of the water tank and make improvements as needed' 2. Define potential structure configuration and avalanche defense system for any proposed building on Lot 22. 3. Present information to the Town of Vail on the modification to the avalanche hazard mapping and the defense system to comply with the current ordinances. This report represents the initial portion of this submittal. I I t I I I I t t t I t IV.1 t I I I I I t T I I I I t I I I I I I I I REFERENGES I I 1. "Avalanches, Cold Regions Science & Engineeri ng, Part III", 1968, l''1. I Mellor. I 2, "On the Destructive Force of Avalanches" by Voellmy, 1964, U.S.F.S., I trans racron. I 3. "Vail Meadows Avalanche Dynamics Study", 1976, Art Mears. t 4, "The Avalanche Zoning Pian", H. Frutiger, 1970, U.s.F.s., translation. I 5. "A Manual for Planning Structural Control of Avalanches", 1966, H. I Frutiger, M. Martine'l 'l i. I 6. "Encounter Probabilities for Avalanche Damage", 1966, Ed. La0hapelle. ! 7. "Fluid Dynamic Drag", 1965, Dr. Ing. s.F. Hoerner. I 8. "Avalanche Protection in Switzer'land", 1975, G.T.R., RM-g.r 9. "Evaluation of the Snow Avalanche Hazard Jn the Valley of Gore Creek, I Eagle County, Colorado", INSTAAR. 10. "KAC Ava'l anche St,udy, Vai l, Colorado, 1975' R. L. Hal ley, P. E. I 11. "Guidelines and Methods for Detailed Snow Avalanche Hazard Investigations - in Colorado", Arthur L Mears, 1976. I P. "Vail Meadows Avalanche, Vail, Colorado", 1977, R.L. Halley, P.E.I 13. "Avalanche Dynamics, Engineering Appl ications for Land Use Planning, 1977, I C.F. Leaf and M. Martinelli, Jr., USDA.r 14. Aerial photography, Vail Meadows Ava'lanche, Falcon Air Maps, 1990. r I ! t t t t I I I I I I I APPENDIX A I I I I I I t I I l ; t I .? f, J I I t I I I I I I I I I 90. 05,/14 1B:49 P01 * INTER-FI0UHTRIH EHEINEERINE .t Dspe,!"",',*'f HAZARD RECULATIONS date for a public hcaring to consider the zoning dirtricts to be llTp^olgd on the annexed area. (Ont. Z{tSl4) 5 3l;ili,-O;8(1973) g 22.30r.) lE.68.050 Zoning distrlct detennination_Hearing notice and conduct. Notice shall be grven, the hearing shafl b€ conducted, and a rcport of lhe planning commission ststing its findings anJ psomnrcndations shall be transmitted to the town council in 11?r+l_.."-fi!h the applicabte provisions of Oraptcr 1g.6d.(ord.23(1974) g 3 (part): ord. 8{1973) 822.302.) 18.6_8.060 Zoning district dctermination-Council action.Upon rcccipt of the repon of the planning commission, the town council shall determine the zoning distriits to be irnposei on the annexed area h accordancc with thc appticaUfe provisions of Sections 18.66.150 and lg.dO.tg0.' (OrO. Z3(r974\ g 3 (part): Ord. 8(t9?3) g 22.303.) 18.68.070 Zoning district detcrmlnrtion-Odinrnce, The determination of zoning district by the town council shall bc.made through its etactment of an -ordinance imposing zoning dlstricts on the annexed arca. (Ord. 2g(lg74t $ 3 tpartli ord.8(1e73) g 22.304.) Sections: 18.69.010 r6.69.020 18.69.030 1E.69.031 18.69,032 ctaptcr lE.6g TIAZARD REGULATIONS Purpose. Ilafinitions, Master hazard plans. Approval of master plans. Supplemental studies. . 49j (vrir e,J.3J)I f.r I 90. 05"14 18 : 51 I r P09 * I t'ITER-Fl0Ul'JTH IttJ EHE IHEERIHE .i ln' t: ZONING I i I ),, th t I I t I I t t f I I I I I I I t ',1 ''' ,i i 1t.69.033 Supplcrnental studies-Individurt.It.59.034 Report to town councit. 1E.69.035 InrGrprerrrion.It.69,036 Disctiimcr of lirbiliry.18.69.040 Development restricted. It.69.0.15 Designation of flood hazard zones rnd llood hrzrrd studles. 1E.69.047 Procedurcs for the substsntial improvcnrent of lcgal nonconforming structures locaicd, In pert or in whole, in a flood hazard zonc.1E.69.019 Duties of the zoning edministrgfor. 1E.69.050 Special restricrlons lor developmcnts on lols rvherc thc avcnge slope of the iitc bcneath the proposed structure and parking arca is irr crccss of thlrty percent in single-family residentiel, two-lamily residentirt rnd two-irmily primary/ tccondary rcsidcntial zones. 1E.69.052 lpecirl restrictions for developmcnt in geo. logicelly sensltlve .rsls.It.69.060 Rlgbt of appeat. 1E.69.070 Requiremenr of bond. ft.59.010 Purpose, Thc purposc of this chaprer is to help protcct the inhabi- tants of the town from dangers relating to developmcnt of flood plains, avalanche paths, steep slopcs and gcologically scnsitive arcas; to regulate thc use of land areas which may be subjcct ro flooding and avalanchc or which may bc gcologically scnsitivc; and further to regulate dcvclopmcnt on stccp slopcs; to protcct the cconomic and propcny values of the town, to protecr thc aesthetic and recrcatioosl valucs and natural rcsources of thc town, whicb are somerimes associatcd with flood plains, avalanchc areas and areas of geologic scnsitivity and slopcs; to minimizc damagc to public facilitics and utilities and minimizc the nccd for relicf in clcan-up operations; to givc notice to thc public of ccrtain arcas wirhin thc town where flood plains, avalanchc arcas and areas of geologic scnsitivity cxist: and to promorc thc gcncral public health. safety and welfare. (Ord.5(1985) $ l: Ord. l2{1e78) S 4 (part}.) ab (vdt r.r-t5l T i t I I T I I I I f \ g'0. tl 5,/14 1B:49 Ptr 2 .t It{TER-l'l0Ul',lTHIH EHEIHEERIITJE HAZARD REGULATIONS 1E.69.020 Dcfinitlons. For the purposcs of this chaprer, thc words containcd in this scction are dcfincd as follows: A, A'blue hazard avalanchc arca"means an arca impactcd by a snow avalanche producing a total static and dynamic pressure lcss than six hundred pounds per squore foor on a flai surface normal ro the flow and/or a rcturn intcrval in excess of twcnry-five years. B. A *red hazard avalanche arca'mcans any arca irnpacted by a snow avalanche producing a total staric and dynamic pressure in cxcess of six hundred pounds per squarc foor on a tlat surface normal to rhe flow addlor a ruurn interval of less than twcnty-five ycars. C. 'Flood hazard zone" means that arca covered by thc buse flood. The base flood arca is any numbered A. AO, e\H, or area of one hundred year shallow flooding indicared on rhe Flood Insurance Rate Map, associated work maps, and Flood lnsurance Study. The flood hazard zone is also any area indicated as floodplain as defined by the "Core Creek Flood Plain Inforrnarion Report," 1975, as dcsignated ln Secrion 18.69.045. D. 'Slope"is as defincd in Chaptcr 1E.04. E. Thc *Zone of influence' mcans any area in a potcntial avalanchc hazard zone whcre detailed infornation is not currcnrly available but which may be impacrcd by said hazard. These zones of influence shall be designatcd on the appropriate maps of rhc zoning adminisrraror of the rown. F. -Flood lnsurancc Study" mcans rhc official report provided by thc Fedcral Emergency Managemcnr Agenc-v rhat includes flood pro{ilcs and water surfacc clcvation of rhe base flood. Ga "Substanrioj-lglfsJggjnt " mcans a.ny rcpair. reconsr ruc- tion, or improvcment of a structure. thc cost of rvhich eouals ol exceeds.fifly peJge-nt qf the markeli@Si?[ffi - MarKe[ valuc Sntll Dc oerermtneo Dy a quattltecl $sessor designated by thc zoning adminisrrator. Thc market value o[ a strucrure is determined eithen l. Eefore rhc improvcmcn( dr repair is sraned: or 2. lf thc srructure has bcen damaged and is being resrored, beforc the damage occurrcd. For rhe purposcs of this definirion 'lubstantial improvcment" is considued to I I I I I I t I (vril9-l-lJ) tE-.- 498- l gD. intt + 1 B : b 1 p 1 0 .{ I FrrER- H0UHTR I ti Et'tE I_H.EERlt'tE t I l(, I I I I I I ZONINC occur when thc tirsr alteration of any wall, ceilin3, floor,or other strucrural pan of thc building commenccs, whcther or not that altcrarion affects thc eiternal dimcn- sions of the structure, The tcrm docs not, howcver, include any projccr for improvemcnr of a $ructuns to comply with exisring srare or local hcalth, sanitary,. or safcty code specificrrions which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions. H. 'Gcologically scnsirive arca" means an arca within rhc Town of Vail which may be subject ro rock falls, nud flows, dcbris flows, dcbris avalanihes, and unstable soil, rlopes or rocks. (ord.5(1985) g 2: Ord. t6(1983) g I (part)r Ord. l2(197E) g 'l(pan).) IE.69.030 Master hazard ptans. . The rown manager shall formulate and devetop master hazard plans for rhc rown. Said hazard plans shali bc bascd on engineering studies and shall indicaie thc locarjon of known floodplains, avatanchc and gcological hazard zones of in0uenee,known rcd and bluc avalanihc aid geological hazard areas, "nd forty pcrcenr slope areas. ln addiriin. th-e plans may show any other information or data deemed to be disirable Uy ttre rown m-anager. Maximum citizen participarion during the formulation of the mastcr hazard plans as well as other phaser of thc Inrormatlonlmplementation of the hazard srudies and rcgulations, shall ,bj encouraged. The purposc of rhe rnaster hazard ilans is ro idcnrify and alleviate prescnr a.nd future problems creaicd by rhc consrrucrion of improvemcnrs in thc hazard areas within thc town by-means ofprescnring in an orderly fashion the gcneral data and informarion which are essenrial to the undcrsunding of thc rclationship bctween the hazards and improvemcnts- located wiihin said areas. The mastcr hazard plans may be attcred from time ro rime to conform wirh new information or exisring conditions. (Ord. l2(19?8) $ a (part).) lE.6I03l Approvll of mastcr plans. The mastcr hazard plans shali not be considered to be official hazard master plans of thc rown unril and unless the town council t I I I t I I t ( I (Ydt g.r.tt)49E.2 l: I t- I I I I I I I tl ntr,,/1i1 1tr tr1 (J. L_r J/ L = I \J . ._r !HTER-I'IOUHTRI P01 )|( I J, I I I I I I I HMARD RECULATIOI{S adopts thc same, by motion. No substantial modification of thc master hazard, plan.shall be made unless it is first approved by the town council in a similar manner. As soon as the master haiard p.lans.arc-adopred,-or.ponions rhcrcol arc adoprcd, a copy of ir shall be placed on file in rhc office of the town cltrk, wheri ir may be inspe-cred by any interesred pany during normal busincss hours. (Ord. I2(1978) g a (part).) 1E.69.032 Supplementalstudies. Thc town managcr, wirh the advice and approval of the planning cornmission, shall continue to study ani accumulate information as to hazard areas. When additiohat information is availablc, it shall be rcviewed by rhe planning commission and addcd to the rnaster hazard plans. (Ord. 12(l9ZE) $ 4 (part).) 18.69.033 Supplemlnial studles-Individual. If an applicarion is rnade ro build in an idenrified avalanche hazard zone of influence or modificarion to thc floodplain, the zoning administraror may rcquirc the applicant to conduct supplemenral studies as spccificd in this chaprcr. Thc informarion submitted by the applicanr following completion of said srudics shall be viewed by the rown staff and thc planning commission and may be addcd ro rhe masrer hazard plans. (Ord. l2(l9ZE) 5 4 (pan).) 18.69.034 Report to lown councll. Thc rown manag€r shall report to the town council not less than oncc each ycar on any'addirions thor have been made to the trrastcr hazard plan. (Ord. l2(t9't8l g a gart).) 1E.69.035 Intcrpretatlon. The provisions of this secrion shall bc deemcd to bc minimum requiremcnts. Nothing hcrein shall impair thc obligarions. of or interfere with privare agrccme[ts in cxccss of thc minimum requiremenrs. Where thlis chaptcr imposcs I I (vdt t.3-r5) ttrrrr 49E-3 I sD. 0a/1,+ t t I I I I I I I I I I d I I 8: 5l Pt1 rc INTER-l'I0UFITRII{ EHEIHEERINE I t I I ZONING a restriction different from that imposcd by otb€r rpplicablc provisions of law, contract, or deed, thc more rcstrictive provision shall control. (ord. 5(leEs) $ 3.) 18.69.036 Disclaimcr of lirbilily. This chapter is based on scientific and cnginecriog considcrations which arc continually bcittg dcvclopcd. Comptiancc rflith thc provisions hcrcin cannot insure freedbm from risk to life, safety or proPerty. This section shall not crcatc liability on thc part of thc Town of Yail or any officcr or employce thercof for any damagc that may rcsult from rctiance on this chapter, or any administrative dccision lawfully madc hereunder. The designation of cc ain areas as hazard areas or gcologically scnsitive arcas pursuant to maps incorporated into this s€ction docs not impty in any way that arcas not so dcsignatsd are frcc from all risk to lifc, safcty or ProPerly. (Ord. 5(1e85) $ a.) 1E.69.040 Devetopmentresrlcled. A, No structurc shalt be built in any flood hazard zone or rcd avalanche hazard arca, No structure shall bc built on aslopc of forty psrcsnt or greater ercept in single-family residcntial, two-family rcsidcntial, or two-family primary/secondary residential zone d istricts. Thc term "structure" as used in this scction does not includc recreational structurcs that are inrcndcd for scasonal use, not including residcntial usc. B. Srructures may be built in llgg,avalanchc hazard arcas prgy,idgg! that proper mitigatiirg rneasures have been takcn. C. The zoning adminis-lrator may require any applicant or person desiring to build in an avalanche huatd zone of int'lucncc to submit a definitive study of thc hazard arca in which he proposes to build if the town's master hazard plan does not contain sufficient information to determine it' the proposed location is in a red hazard or blue hazard 498.4 lEb (v.il 9-l-&l) I I RCV BY:HYDRO.TRIAO, LTO, AF LJlt tlP,\//tlt ti-r.'J Ut \J \J/ I'E I \J t a 51 ; 11 :58 'F I HT i CCITT G3- ER_I'IOUHTflIH HAZARD REGULATIO}IS arca The requirement for additional information and study shall be donc in accord with Chapter 18,56. D. The zonint administrator may requirc any apPlicant or penon desiring to build in an idcntified -bluc avalanche hazard z.one to submit additional lnformlii6i- or rcpons as to wherher or e nEamsft quired, said lnformation and report should specify the improvetn€nts proposed therefor. The required information and rcports shall be done in accordance with Chaptcr 18.55. E. The zoning administrator may rcquire any applicant or person desiring to modify the floodplain by frl, cqnstruction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an cnvironmcntal irnpact statoment in accordance with 16.56 to establish that the work wilt not adversely affect adjacent Properties, ar increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters' (Ord. l6(1983) $ I (part): Ord. 12(1978) S.4 (pan).) 18.69.045 Designation offlood hazard zones and flood hezard tludler. There arc two sets offlood hazard rnaps and studics designated and adoptcd for the Town of Vail. Thcy arc: A. Att ircas dcsignated as flood hazard zones in the Flood Insurance Ratc Maps, as wcll as thc Flood Insurance Studv, dated November2, 19E2" are hcreby designated and adopted for the areas encotnpasscd by'the Town of Vail as of Deccmber l. 1980. B. The "Gorc Creek Floodplain Information", 1975 study and accompanying maps are hercby adoPtcd and dcsignared for an area dcscribed in the Wcsr Vail annexarion Plat, dated Deccmber lE, 19E0, (Ord. l6(1e83)S I (pan).) 3032386382iS 2 Et'tEItrlEERIl'lE t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 498-4a (V.il 9.r.tsl I t T T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX E} l. i Mountain Research Station :@ at=tl- - -(qlJ Universtry ot uolorado 818 Counry Road I 16 Nederland, Colorado 80466 001) 492-8841 ,c\ (\, .'$ ) -,-\\\' .- ,, T t I T I I t I I I I I I I I I lY,-,, "l r-: l iffJr-l Ranald L,, llaliev l{vdrc-Ti-iad" Ltd. 1:jL{:r lAlad s i,.,oi- 1: !1 FLvd,, SLrit'r L i-1{:! Lal,:eraaqd " ::F Fil::15 Deai'' Fl*n l F1*a.ge + :i nd encl. n::ed the i-esr.tl ts +-r-om the anal.'"/5i s rr+ the sgrntrl eg i,+,n cc:l Lercted rn Tr-rer:'iav, F,-\sed on thi= erridence. iL apnears that a rr*jnr av.1l,rnche orcui-red aornetirne befEre 19f,i:i' It i'E passible 'f:lra{: ano!:lrrat- rriav have L-1a':Lrrrgd gornetirle he*nt-e IS49 " *{{er:tins +.-.rA- ; i +t.- -+--r aAt '. h'-rt I ran't be =ure r+ thi=" I Lr l-*t: = .L r r Li rlf r-rFrrJ€! ur r! v I LJr hope this in{arrnation is nelpful to ycur r:lient. f f Lr;q .a nl a;r;ttF.5 '.r-Fl-'i qa '^ri 'Ftr rral r '''F' 'l .{ r_^ t--__.' 5- L_1 . _i :.rr (.J I ii. L i !r-l i.,a L,r !.LiLir r r'YrJr-rr !r Lr€ rrErtJFY H yulr rAi th ,i{i'l y dendrochr0ncl l c]g i {a l questians in thts f uture. 5i ncerel y, b' vzet-tlk"--'-- Ciinn i'* A, ldu{:rJhous;er I '.r I : rl fa=onn '!7re2.'lilil g *29,=Eg ''i'lll11 i: :. ii i li f A X q A )J i> -:q l=t - I I T I I I t t I I I I I I I I I I !.3nilr-dtrhi-if nol,f,{1ra.i analvsi6 il'f suba.!Brne {ir- ti-€r*5 in litth r tl,ni L. ij*loi-ado a.vat ancne l. l f,aiag r^rere rol I ected . Lr=i nq an i ncrament bot-er ,, 'f rnin 4 lrees i ft ,f,r' naaLllrr-s aval snche ;-unnlrt znne" Tarc care= v'lere i:,:1 L pctPd iri]in ire€3 #1 " trne aach 'Fr-orn trees #2 and #.f . and ' 'f rom t,-ee #4" 2! Cnres r{ere dried +Dr Feveral davs" then nnutnted and sanded. -:i The annltal orob,th !-in€s in each gar'ns1e t'rere e,'ramined t-tnder a flrirros{:crpF ti: rhecl.: *rr r'ina f orrnati on, Somet:.mpg, : n{:,=rannual ri nqa 'f arrn and tran be mi Etsl:Fn 'For annltal ri ncs i { not cl osFI v inspecf-ed" Nu such rinEs appetsred whirh woltl d a{{erl: Llr': r'ing i:oi".(ni: " ,:1.) Ftings -!t]r p;rch Earnr:]le r/{sre counted to detterrnine mi ni mLtrn tree ilge:i " 5) In the Field" tree {*4 sh nt^ted evidence o{ srowth disrutntion, possibl'v cauged l:y avalanche impact. The tree appear',ad to have been topped n but Lhen recoverad. Cores were taken above and helow the digtorted section in an effort to date the distttrbance' In add j.tion to ring ccrr.lnts. plots o+ ring-width patttrns wEre made s$ the:ie s.arnpl e'g in order t,c detei-mine the date ,r{ digttrrc-- an{:e. FLot* wer-* rnade of the other =amFles to see i'f a disturb. antre otrcuri'-ed in ather tree= at thig date" 5 ) Res{-rl tq e) l'lininurm ti-ee tl1 free #I tr-ae #4 tre* ages :Y r].nog 38 rinls J7 r-inog 19f,{} 1961 L?53 uoper- ?4 rings 19$5 lswer 4tJ rinr:s 194? b) {--cr-es Fr-o.n tree= #1!:"3 were cloge to pithr probablv within :. r j.ng or twc" Berause corps !,{ere nilt tal':an at rntrt level t several rrore o{ the earl iest growth rings were nt]t r-ef l ected in thege sarnples. Dates of tree establighrnent arF probabl Y 2'4 years tarl itr than the ring counts. The core from the lower pnrt.ion of treer S4 alrpe.rred Lo be f r-trther {rcm tl'ie pi Lh,, I woulri gLre$s Lhat Eher* i4er€ 4 cr- 5 ircre i-i ngs be{{]re the pith. c) 'flre p).r:l: i;f r':i ng= r,'iidths r:{ the 1r:wer secti,=n c'f trr:e *4 '5hov.rsd a -Fi*ii'1v inarl.,:ed derrease in rinq '+iidthg gterrtinq "rt i Lh the 1?55 rii.rg and ccntinuing f or- ';everal vea.rg. Ring tri dt:hs qradual -I''' i ncrcaaged o'*sr the next decade. The i nnerilogt nDri'nal ring f r-nrn thlr r-rppi:r t;arnplre ig the .l.9S5 r'ing; belrnnd Eh"rt the rings *re di s-torted,r *G i t- j-'s di'F+ j. cul t tc tel I what eractl v i 3 qoi ng Dn her-a. 7, fnnr:1r-rsi *ng 1) ]la;ed nn the date o{ tree #1. lncated et t'he +ai- entj nJ I t I tlre i-unoltt, it apnnsrs that a na-ior avalanche EtrLirr-ed sornetime t be-Far-e L9ltl" :) Dateg f rsrr trees satnpled above the water tcwer i#i,$, and I 4) rrav ind:ical,= another s1i,le prev:i ol-t* t': L94?. It is alEo t Fro==ibl.e t*nd rTt:ra probahl€) that these trees jutgt tcot': a I ittla lcnger 'l:. c become estahi. ished than ti-ee *1. I I f,) The r-ing pattern in the l or.ler Forti'fn '::{ tree *4 rsf lects I ' .-. d:i gtr-rrbance abrr-tt l95F! which ror-rghlv coincides with the ring pattern in the LrpFsr- part. This sr:ggests that gome'thi ng occnrred I 1r- r, di *rr-tpt norrnal. t;-ee Erowth n pessibly an avalanche, but since t fhe pa{:tern is not -Found in any o* the other treeg sampledr (even in 'Lr-qe {*iI wtrirh c.ras rlirectLy abnve *4) !t Iooks like a ti-ee- I speci{i.s diatlirtrance. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I i t l I ,l ,l I I t HYDRO-TRIAD 6l rr$39F53'i.*11 x ) { t i t.U,'//;f\\ ;^;;,rd;:::',iY ili [ilUl),it$$"trnr:,r:liq' \/ /: /,()4<t N \ \ I 5( $ ;\)l aO \ \\ \ l b Lt ( t; I I i,"'tl )I t trr,\ : l(,'h \.il\.t {q I tl Jrli i r lj t ' tl i \J/ tt ll,l ,' iii lli,' /r .$ .\ l.-rlt lr I I I lq{,ill:ll \' tilf ,v 0'll I IUs-s s-d I (1S ) ) '(llffi //t TANK r\S -.. I lt scALE' l"g 150' EADOWS AVALANCHL RUNOUT ZONE. SHOWING HIGH A MODERATE HAZARD ZONES Tffi (i 'dohfi \\tt \ffi K VAIL M il I l( \\ { ,.1 -f{ )\ .rt\ $,"r; Ktr ] I !t : I I 'm Public Ncticg*,0 Ocr _ 2,s}s US Army Corpo of Englrreerc Alhrquerque Dstrict P.O. 80r t6ao Albuqu.rqu., Xlt !7iO!-r6!O Pcrmit Applic.tion l{ol co-oYT-0159 September 8, 198 SusDansa Datc:(505) 766-2776 or (719)543-9459 N/A In R.plt F.lGr to:_ .District Engineer ,cEswA-co-R REGIONAL PERMIT FOR STREAM HABITAT IMPROVEMENT STRUCTURES IN THE STATE OF COLORADO Interested parties are hereby notified that the District Engineer has reissued Reglonal PermLt No. CO-OYT-0159 for stream habltat funprowenent structures in iraters sithin the State of Golorado under provisions of Section 404 of the Clean llater Acc (33 USC 1344). Work Authorized: This regional perrnlt auchorlzes certal-n dlscharges for constructlon of stream habltat Lmprovement structures. A copy of the pernic is atcached. Location of Work: This regional permit is applicable to a1l waters of the Unlted states, lncludlng wetlands, rrLthl-n the state of Colorado. Authorization of Ehe Regional Permit: The use of regional permic gives the Corps of Engineers a way of authorizing activities that would have only mininal adverse envirorunental impacts, either separately or cumulatively. The decision to issue the perurit was based on an evaluation of che probable impacEs, including cumulative impacts, of the proposed activiEies on the - public interest. That decision reflected the national concern for both protection and utilization of inportant resources. The benefits which reasonably roay be expected to accrue from the proposal have been balanced againsc its reasonably foreseeable deEriments. Issuance of the pernit was found not co be contrary to the public interest. The evaluation of che impacEs of permit issuance included application of the guidelines set forth by the EPA Administrator under authority of Section 404(b) of the Clean Water Acc. In accordance wich environmental procedures and documentation requlred by che NaEional Envirorunental Policy Acc of 1959, an environmental assessrnent r^/as prepared for this perrnit action and nay be seen at either the Southern Colorado Resident Office, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Room 4L6, 421 Norch Main, Pueblo, C0; or the Albuquerque Discrict, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Roour 8t+L9, 5L7 GoId Avenue SW, Albuquerque, NM. More Information: For more Lnformation about the regional permic, contact a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers office listed in the regional permit. Steven M. Dougan Lieucenanc Colonel. EN Discrict Engineer Enc I osure , REGIONAL PERI{IT NO, CO-OTT-0159 FOR STREAU HABrrAr "'*3;iilET"';;l3llff' I{rrHrN rHE EFFECTM DATE: Sepcenrber 8, 1989 EXPIRATION DATE: September I, L994 TO IIIIOM IT MAY CONCERN: Incerested parcies are hereby notified Ehat, in accordance with 33 CFR 325.2(e) (2), published in the Federal Regiscer on November 13, 1985, the following work is hereby authorized by regional perrnit ?ursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. This permlt was previously auchorized on llay 23, 1984, and has been modified and excended for another five years. The purpose of this regional permit is to expedice auchorization of minor, non- concroversial , recurring work. llork which does not conply with the provisions of this document will require an individual pernit. Any work or structure r+hich wiIl be envirorulentally controversial or have unacceptable impacts on che public interest is not authorized. Pernit and Location of Work: Any Federal , state, or local agency, rnember of the general public, or their authorized agents having managemenc responsibility within the State of Colorado are authorized to use che general permic. The pernit is applicable co all waters of the United States within Ehe State of Colorado. I Scope of llork: l,lork authorized by this regional permit is limited to che installation of stream habicat improvement structures, and a maxirnum of 50 cubic yards of fill material can be placed below the ordinary high watermark of the water body for each scructure. All plans must be coordinated with and approved by the Colorado Division of Wildlife. AuEhorized Materials: Wood, logs, boulders, rocks, gravel, brush, trees, gabion baskets, sheet piling, fencing naterial , and other suitable naterial used to construct stream habitat structures may be used. A11 materials used must conforn to guidelines promulgated pursuant to Section 404(b), Public Law 92-500. Types of SLruccures: Suggested struetures, conmonly used to inprove strean habicac, include: a. BouLder Retards (see Drawing, Sheet 2): Boulders or large rocks may be placed in streams co improve stream habitat. Placing boulders in the stream will slow the currenc and dig out snall pockets, or pools, which are used as resting and feeding areas for fish. b. Log and Rock Drops or Dans (see Drawing, Sheet 2): Low-1eve1 dams may be constructed ouE of logs or rocks. They create small impoundments upstream, and sma1l pools are scoured out doarnstream by i{ater flowing over the darn . Duration of Construction Auchorization: Each individual project authorized under this regional pernit must be started withln l-2 rnonths of the date of the Corps' notice thac you can proceed wlth the work and must be completed within 24 months of chat date. Ihe Corps rnay excend the duration of construction authorization under appropriate clrcumstances, if requested in wrlting by the permittee. In such cases, additional construction inpacts must be kept niniural . Notification Procedures: Anyone pernit must provide the following to beginning work: proposlng to perforn work authorized by this informacion to the Corps of Engineers prior a. Nane, address, and telephone number of the party responsible for the work and the own€r of the affected land, if different than Ehe applicant. b. A courplete description of the work, including the conposition, source, and volume in cubic yards of all material to be discharged. c. Project location, including name of the waterbody, nearest town, county, and section, toarrrship, and range. d. A lecEer fron the Colorado Dlvislon of Wildlife stating that Ehey have reviewed and approved the project. e. A gritcen scatement that the Stace Historic Preservation Officer has been contacced and that the prolect will conply rrich provisions of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1965, State Antiquities Act of 1973, and SEate Register of Historic Places Act of 1975. f. A written statement that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this perrni.t. E. A set of drawings/sketches showing: (1) The project location on a vicinity map with distances to roads, $/acer cowers, and railroads or other landnarks. (2) Plan or top views of all work subJects to Corps of Englneers jurisdiccion, and; (3) Cross-sectional or side views of all work. A11 drawings should be on paper which with all percinent dimensions such as work. A bar scale should be included is 8-1/2 inches by 11 inches in size, length, widch, and depth of all fill on each drawing. h. An evaluation oflanv wetlands to be affected by the vork. c. Digger Logs ( see nornal s treamflovt beneath Drawing, Sheet 2): Digger logs divert sone of the the 1og, which will scour out a snall poo1. d. Fa11en Trees (see Drawing, Sheet 2): Trees or brush nay be placed in the stream and must be properly anchored to Prevent washing away during high flows. e. Trash Catcher (see Drawing, Sheet 3): Trash catchers may be constructed using steel fenceposts, heawy-duty hogwire or chickenwire, rocks, and brush. A small impoundurent will forn upstream, and a small pool will be scoured out below the structure. f. Deflectors (see Drawing, Sheet 4): Deflectors may be constructed out of logs, sheet piling, rock, and gravel. Defleccors speed up the current and scour ouc small- pools. Increased currenc nay clean silt and sand ouc of gravel, improving trout spawning habitat. g. Artificial Covert Artificial cover or ove rhangs may be constructed out of 1ogs, wood, or rocks. Vegetational succession on top of a sodded p1-atforn will restore a natural appearance. Such a development provides hiding cover for fish. h. Barriers: Barriers may be consEructed ouc of wood or gabion baskets. Barriers may be needed to isolate pure strains of fish, such as the greenback cutthroat trout, Salmo clarki stonles. i. Spawning Beds: Gravel may be placed in streams to imProve trout spawning habitat. j. ocher Scructures: Other structures designed to improve stream habicat may be conscructed under this regional permit, provided prior approval is granted by the Discrict Engineer. Colorado Water Law: There are legal constralnts in the Colorado Water Law on structures placed in a stream channel if they would in any rtay incerfere with the exercise of a valid r{ater right. If the owner of a water right finds that such an obstruction alters the channel in any way which is detrimental to that righc, it is incumbent upon the State Engineer to order the removal of thac obstrucEion. If such a struccure stores water and is within tshe jurisdictional conditions of a dam and reservoir, then the plans and specifications of such a structure musc be approved by the State Engineer. If a structure causes water losses through evaporation or other means, inj ury can be claimed by other water users; and if it is deEernined that such a complaint is va1id, che construction agency would be required co renove the structure. Duration of Regional Permit: This regional permit will cover activities begun within five years and completed within six years after the date of issuance, unless it is revoked in the incerim. Revoking the regional permit will not affect the work chat had been authorized when che pernit was in effect. 6. This pernlt does noE authorlze nork in a componenc of the National Wild and Scenic River System; nor in a riwer offlcially deslgnated by Congress as a ,'study river" for possible inclusion in the systen, while the rlver is in an official s tudy status. 7. AII disturbed areas above the ordinary high watermark \till be reseeded to Prevent erosion. 8. Whenever possible, operations will be conducted during low flow Periods. g. Habitat lmprovements will not block systems used for navigation, including rafting and canoeing, or create a hazard to navigatlon in such streams. 10. The permittee sha11 take measures co protect wetlands from damage. ll. Discharges into fish spawning areas during spawning seasons should be avoided. L2. Discharges into breeding and nesting areas for nigratory waterfowl wilb be avoided. 13. A1l ternporary fills will be removed in their entirety. General Conditions: l. Any activity authorized under Ehis permit wlll not jeopardize a threatened or endangered species as identified under the Endangered Species Act or destroy or adversely modlfy the critical habitat of such species. When appropriate, the Corps of Engineers will consult arith the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on specific requests to perform nork under chis perurit when a project may affect a threatened or endangered specles. 2. You should maintain the activity authorized by this Perxnit in good condition and ln conformance with the terms and conditions of this pernit' You nay rnake a good faith transfer of the permic authorization to a third party. Should you desire to abandon the proJect without a good faith transfer, you must ensure that che acclvicy wlll noc cause damage to other parties 3. If the activity may adversely affect historic Properties whlch the National Park Servlce has listed on, or determined eligible for listing, on, the National Regiscer of Historic Places, you will notify the Corps of Engineers. If the Corps deternines that such historic properties may be adversely affectsed, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation will be provided an opportunity to conment on the effects on such historic proPerEies or the Corps will consider nodlfication, suspension, or revocation in accordance $tith 33 cFR 325.7. If you, before or during prosecution of che authorized work, encounter a hlstoric ProPerty EhaE has not been listed or determined eligible for listing on the National Register, but which rnay be eligible for listing ln the Register, you shall irnnediately notify the Corps of Engineers. The written notification for activities under this pennit must be senc !o the appropriate Corps of Engineers District Office. Refer to the enclosed map showing the Discrict boundaries of the three offices operating in Colorado. These three offices are the Albuquerque District, Omaha District, and Sacramento District. Please send your nocification to the appropriate address given below: U.S. Arny, Corps of Engineers, Albuquerque District Southern Colorado Resident Office Post Office Box 294 Pueblo, Colorado 8LOO2-0294 Telephone (719) 543-9459 U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Omaha Dlstrict Platte River Resident Office 9307 Colorado State Highway #121 Littleton, Colorado 80123-5901 Telephone (303) 979-4L2O U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Sacramento Districc Grand Junction Regulatory Office 764 Hov Lzor:. Drive, Room 211 Grand Junction, Colorado 81505 - 8719 Telephone (303) 243-1199, 243-L262, or 243-1453 The Corps of Engineers will review your request and Lnform you in writing that the work may proceed unde r the auchorizacion given in this permic. An appllcant must not start sork untl-l notlfted by the Corps of Engineers. lf the work is not covered by this permit, you musc apply for an individual - Departnenc of the Arny permit. Conditions of the Regional Permic: A1l rrork authorized under this regional permit is subject to the following condiuions. Special Conditions: 1. The work will noc be located in the proximity of a public water supply intake without wricten approval of the entity operacing che intake. 2. The work will not be located where it will cause siltation, degradation, or otherwise adversely affect a privately or-publicly-owned irrigacion water diversion structure, headgate, or other sinilar structure. 3. 0n1y c1ean, nonpolluting naterial will be used for construction. 4. Work will be conducted in a manner thac ari1l mininize turbidity of the water in the work area. 5. The discharge of oil, gasoline, or other fuels or naterial capable of causing pollucion arising from the lrork is prohibited. coRPS OF ENGTNEERS D|STR|CT i9UNDARTES 4J/'--"{---.\ OMAHA OI8'BIC? \,,t t L r:j nru j) \- f t {t .-^,-l ALBUOUEROUE OtSTBICT (=.Foedtietb\CiA-- SACRAMENTO DISTRICT I -, nttut \.f il /, 9n c,,h J 1,,' altrl |lr3tal {,s ?.t U.S. A4ny, Corps of Englneers, Albuquerque Dlstrlct Southern Golorado ProJect Offlce Post Offlce Box 294 Pueblo, Colorado 8L002'0294 Telephone (7L9) 541-9459 U.S. Arny, Corps of Englneers, Ouaha Distrlct Llttleton Regulatory Offlce 9300 Colorado Sta'le HtghwaY #75 Llttleton, Colorado 80125 Telephone (303) 979-4121 U.S, Arnlt, Gorps of Englneers, Sacramento Distrlct Grand Junctlon Regulatory Offlce 764 Horlzon Drlve, Room 211 Grand Junction, Colorado 81506'8719 Telephone (303) 243-fL99, 243'1262, ot 243'7453 Regional Pertrit for Stream Habitat Inprorrenent Structures in llatera of the United St€tes within the State of Colorado Pernit No. Co-0YT-01698 Sheet 1 of 4 May 11, 1989 4. You must allow representacives from the Corps of Engineers co inspect the authorized activity at any time deemed necessary to ensure thats it is being or has been accomplished in accordance witsh the terns and conditions of your perrnit. 5. This permit does not obviate the need to obtain ocher Federal , state, or local authorlzation requlred by law, does not Srant any Property righcs or exclusive privileges, does not authorize eny inj ury to the ProPerty or rights of others, and does not auchorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal proj ect. 6. In issuing this pernit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for: daurages to the permiEted project or uses thereof as a result of other permitted or unperrnitted activities or from natural causes; damage s co the permitted project or uses thereof as a result of current of future activities undertaken by or on behalf of the United States in the public interest; damages to persons, propercy, or to other permitted or unpermitted activities or structures caused by the activity authorized by this permit; design or construction deficiencies associated with che Pernitted work; or damage claims assocLated with any future nodifications, suspension, or revocation of this pernit. l. This office may reevaluace its decision on this permit ac any time the circuustances rtarrant. Circumstances that could require a reevaluation include, but are not limiced Eo, the following: you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this permit; the inforuration provided by you in suppor! of your perdit application proves to have been false, inconplece, or inaccurate; or significant new information surfaces which this office did not consider in reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination chaE it is approPriate to use the suspenslon, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 , or the enforcenent procedures such as those contsained in 33 CFR 326.4 ar.d 326.5. The referenced enforcement procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you to conPly with the terms and conditions of your perrnit and for the lnltiatlon of legal action, where appropriace. You will be required to pay for any corrective neasures ordered by chis office, and if you fail to conply with such directive, this office may in certain situations (such as those specified in 33 CFR 209,I7O) accornplish che corrective neasures by contract or othenrise, and bill you for the cost. Statement of Findings: The evaluation of activicies to be auf,horized under this regional permit included applicaEion of guidelines pronulgaced by the adminiscrator, Environmental Protection Agency, under authority of Section 404(b) of the Clean tlater Act. The guidelines review and Environmental Assessment nay be seen at the office of the Albuquerque District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 517 Gold Avenue SW, Albuquerque, NM, 87103-1580. Steven M, Dougan Lieutenant Colonel , EN District Engineer ; TRASH CATCHER ';g;7ffi' vt HIOI{ER O}I EACH EIIO TO PREVE|.T BAilK EROEX'I{ STEEL FO8?8 2' APAfiT HoownE VERTICAL CROSS SECTION z- FLOW __-_-_=-_-_ =-_-_-=-_--_---- =-:-a -# t ; .: ;.r-\ :':. j..-'.a. :..- i .' -' .'. .. 1:.:11" J tlEEL P('87 VERTICAL LONGITT'DINAL SECTION ;rll'Y€BrErL scf lrocwnEl L2d ||(tmoilT L Regional Pernit for Stream l{abitat Inprwement Structures in Waters of the United States wi.thin the State of CoLorado Pernit No. Co-oYT-o1698 Sheet 3 of 4 May 11, 1989 \J- f orooEn LOO DETAIL OF DIOOER LOO TYPICAL STRUCTURES O TREE AKE AilCltoFED LOO DEBLEF DAU DETAIL OF DEBLEA DAM BOULDEF BE?ABOS .-- -,# BOULOEB FETARDO ir-t - ff; Regional Pernit for Stream Habitat Inprovement Structures in i{aters of the United States within the State of Colorado Pernit No. CO-oYT-01698 Sheet 2 of 4 May 11, 1989 EARTH LOG CRIB FILLED DEFLECTOR SHEET PILE DEFLECTOR I Regional Peruit for Stream tlabitat Implorrenent Structures in lfaters of the United States uithin the State of Colorado Pernit No. C0*0yT-01698 Sheet 4 of 4 May 11, 1989 / I99 i8 03 "Irv^ ovod flcvINOUg 's 9/' HSCVNV'.{ A'TI3 : NTJ'V 'IIVA JO NI'1OI SClroN 3l-lgnd ut^o-rdn3 J'|Nnruoddo -rvno3 NV I I,. t'- u-ocvl,rs oos3 'tan ltv^rud co, Ar.rYNSd ss3Nlsn€ 'lvl3lJJo 08Ef+Oll.8 oslxll,tl ,V\3 N '3nOC!nOna.lv oagl xoE o 'a 5U33Nt9N3 lO SdUOt 'r3lULSlO lnOa3nOnA-lV AITUV 3HI lO lNSnrUVd3O I /i r,lz ^, - -'- '. t - "'''- rl \t l l^ld- @l \Q. -nV o.(J z a {F c o {o z !ltt F 3 { --- -{ (D m Ig t-.o l-,h E ldi I 11 : E IYR *lri g lii s l=E i 3=.o<4a dE ES SE 6g o -ll m I g x @ g r o z o 'Tt -L Or z=oq,2=oo z n m t-m --l I t- n =m I z. o a- l- z 3 IT ril ^z a -.1 c c)-l m 4o -.1 t? o;i -{ =m - z z i -t u 2:ic P=6@ d6 u t-m o 4 o t- o 2A -tm FZ >m on -.t >or-u 'Tl |-z o : Ol I \-|F @ Fu l{ l=t-l l'n lO t< tc t>r)lF l^ ln ln tz tc) le 19 I l(./)ll.tl tl tl oE rF qH XB \Y m to l"r €-q cu @l u) l/>Nts II o)l orl Fl ,li It ln l6 I I l-{|o l{ lz lT t< l= tm lo t; l-{ 13 lz t3 l'n t<t> lF ll,lm l6-r lz D!! ;li i =lli; );J \ /.-., 7 | (.. rrl 7?;k,fr E6 FO) O -;H3d i 3Ee ;g ii s€i3 =:EF ;=Fr' ./' (D:a= =-.o D o=Tt- 5i.ga Hai:I'gt 3aB=to9+o *O ii o O-=E *E $o e"s=F JaIS l.s 3'1 (/)3l= Ee48 i=98 Pq'6r 6.==.e HgF=<o-> P:43 d' ;H ai I ut a';-"ggQ fraiE ,x'ar xo s.o { A)!, o -o.c = (D =s f f o o 'n o ! =(t, m t-n @ t- g, =z o n l z t- !m ! =-{a z m m l'l m l<" lz tz l..: l>lr- tq, lo tq F I I I iei lt r O lt o ll" II tl- tl tl P- F,, ll" ll< F ll< ll= lq l:t>lr_lf' J- I I tr L.lL'tu _t-'ls )l P l< IT to t_ I I I t- l F l'4. b r )zl t6l icl trl trl tol l=l II l_,1 t<l t!l l'l ll tl t-tl tol txl l2l I tl *?1 \;l IF li I r q z :'l z I ,m t- m €n t- =z c z -t a J z c z -t z m € t- -.t m d l =z 0 =o z -t n m -{ m c 'n t- I ^z = rr r- 2 Or!* -o<ft Pi 4 E3 *, =3 # 32 -uI o 64 Ej= E b :2 t,+9 2 -tf n< = € 7 rnl ttt -1 f-lrt lx ti lr;17 t= l= t: lz t- l= tf t; te l= 12 t=t^t> t::l"lC T N o .=z rF ,@ ic rE tz io ',2 :o ;r !m t(D xl =t =l EH ;E =t 3t F5 !E -{m F OZE tr k f-r\l 't lt ?c k_E e F. il'q lr mtr -II F toF !f rl tl I ) : >\ J -t t- !m = =-r'l m m U) @ m x |-m >z m -l m UI z m m { m m --l z -n m m =m I z o a- f- 3 = m |-m o 6 - !t- z o m o x -0 z _9 m u = = m ='Tl m m U' VALUATION TA v =-l z o TN --{m =m 2 6 t- t- @ 2 o m t-m -J x l- |- z N) ca ec 'Tl o =rn (, G)m c o n t = rn o I N Ol c 5 o 19 o c/sl'ot fd.Lkttlrlll e.tL. |-n \ E - CE T di Hp DNF F T!' =nq l-< EFiE EnF li 8=i I!9le d=:ci" l* iei F', l= bls nr!'= ;fri l.l I o <Et 1i*z= ci m::* ss$ OP n/\r (/, tn ,><:D irn o o z (n {7 c o =o z !lrl n ={ x .X X x z.O -;-l ^m :jn i5=zA b> Y> o 9p rc 3=c)=d6 v d?z'^i: -{o o>nr o -{m nz >m c)T {>or-F -.m o -t o =z m D I (- z. IT ,f, fr o r) F .;rl .; {,' l ?l u ql 7 or-mm 6A o>'r | -tl l- lr- Y l6 | I z(t L' ,lil Lf@ l\./ l-..ln ,x rl g tl l rll n n = { l-t mlo Fl= li t: td E I I I E lz lo t:t>l- lF lz lo I I I I I l{lo l€ lz E E IE E l-r tg E tn F l'l a a o ,< 6 a lt , n r FFI= vEw 'IAV 4,&' .x >< z o i m I o o T o 'n m - =i J o @ m x rn !-{o z <-o @ 2 -{m ;oo-lclO-d3E *e:ao dPg ,9 il YA' o :<R€.€ E 6- . =' -r O-'r Bq '-(D(u -.O !t = +- d'!. - i-r2 i- sr o I aR D -O-:n,od= ! -6'sgs E oro d== -f +;; a9.d o a-'oo* ..=EE <OO ordr ==.- -.ig=oE* =;d at -.o-:r ?s.i =:5 s E*ii a'3 qR6 oi-o ,6c.o -o ;il !.{ )J i6 is L!. -d ;:f lq I at, lc 'o 'o I rB 'd o (D -{o :{:: U; N. ='l :!l 9t o-. =.! oi o! lrl oi (r: @', (D s.o € 0) E o o -o,c =o = @ = 5' (CI o o !r_Jl J (D o s f !,f o o at, o: o: _{i Or {r orl !:9l o:0r-9r o( _l -((D_r O( 9i >< z i m €z m z g,c t- -{ o z 'n t-m € vt q€oq IF z=" .z f z>oo r8 *= >o ol sd z c z ll tl tl tl I 6 z m t m -;z r t m =o z m m m l<" lz lz l-It lr- </,J I @ t- a :z ! x z ilfr l€t^ t-t>I-r lm l_l lo lz t: la lo =o z =l -l *l !l >l ;l :l lo lo JC t! -n =z NF rt o -.r E 8fi 'F -- ci F>.n Xzct '.i Q O o<z tOq, f o A rt r(J==c)20 o6 6 arz z { x No= Pm=a, I- 5-<t< 3 o m lq t; F IN lr Itl lNl N \l N S. t$ll |\t\ $ N fl $l fl s vl N3 N s 0t :.J 0 I -{o -t l-'tt m ='Tl m m U> c aD m --l x m z m rn z tn m € t m m t ^z n m m m I z a- |- =z o m m o -{ 6 a- !r- z o aTt 7 F 2 o m = m ='T1 m m c, VAruATtoN t! r- -{ m r$ r -r-l (Dc)(r(+f (D c+r l.t(D O ur-= E {rZ -1, -J C)o c)=r-.oul l= o lEoz lJ= m aD o- rfl cf O Ct (D rrl oEl o-(/'-(,a1 o.r=o €. - J ^Tl (o r-< t-r v, -11 f- o ]>=x'oG)o'u Jr--q, !-. m = c)-o., l> =c+ @ |-. -,. t- -{O fn .. =v =m z - |- @ z m m 6 z x I I X 'l $ I * |:. * F N fF $$ {3 t :i $ R N s I I I N v1 0 I {I N v1 t o I t q I I a I I a I N) f', N \{ F s f\ w 4 * h q-, o a $ \N $I \{\s iN lt$ \"\\ 1N a From The It ,.1t.: copy or.peRM,T TO BE KEP are ,-s-tL .THE , _ ___.-_ I t,,rt,vv -I -r. I I z. 2 June 5' 1987 Ron PhilliPs' loun rnanager Town of Vail Vail, C0 81657 Re: Building permi't - Rooftop parking Vail Wastewater Plant Dear Ron: ABEH,RM fr>" ll I ttull zzas4 ff= I ,,... q. F.F.A.VATUAIION 199!r'oTAiTffi :COMMOOAT,ON UNITS -- I. FIREPLACES PLUM MECH. SUILD'NG PIAN CH€C ELECTRICA PTUMEING MECHAIIICAI RECSEATION otstclv REVI CtEAN.UP OE USE TAX TOTAL PER|V In working with the standar d a road Thanks for Your. consideration'.7 building department we discovered procedure was to charge a clean-uP use tax, which in our case amounts Since we are both gover nental entiLies and share the ""r"-..""iituency I would like to request that the ;i;;t-t; deposit and use tax be waived' This would helo te'oolitically with my board and reenforce our po"iti.re-working relationshiP' I il*tr'';*ii;#iigfffiil WA r t///.J X Dave Mott :tTf;lmF FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belo{ items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: i-- - - ,-_,,.. T FINAL BUILDING TEMPORARY C of 0 CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY o l - \1 KKBNA Incort oratad Corr|rt ng Engracarr .r ( &t.p l-o><> Ex\gf 4C" Kif-- ltcvt ?rr r:FFr{ q ,.4 /.a l-i i - '.F.\.J - 21,4 ef w 1t.t w LtVe l^p - 1e W 4$\-l d. bp f6F ,fl<g.{-{{t1 \Jcrrar f1.i-srr.tr1. €apFrdq +1{xr.r- W (A4oEo 4 kf*'m d VffK '7r(4xcF,3* fr(f+Q u Faf alrl fufrDe{L 1DFnrla tsilp afi4lrtrr- 6+JD!/ L-?W o€ la Fa(,* l\autewe 5[pr.i eial-u w ffi-ao\€p aa r*-oul @?- fAfdlil( * ?VW- [Lr.z \trefiW -trtld", €€6qF6146'ff I 77).i, /,f s A Subsadary lrrne lr1/' Subiecl /a o7.yo {Pr4 ^/ /. /'/, - z, /a'7ve ?oaF, 2oF lo DfTo l.h/. <?/,v - 70'd" 7ro EilD E'" /-S <.)-o 6-q /0-// { /a D/' 10 s?lil le fuo AvD / . Y't' A a/ tla c ',8 --- . / t .'- , .t /Ft)NgltESt: { /at//t/u DtNA I '/ D;. t/ t/gs,/ /?er lrFo,ect/;-n, i s?** / 2/tEs ( Stanley Strucltls *,,.'- ,r,-'^ T- -ry'rr- y'h,/ (o/ , ,/.//. oate /- Ja-z/ ,o6po. /oFZ of The Stanley Wo.ks lsfE ltirR checked By - Date ,./ ,/Jshe€i - ol Ff- 't 't'z --l----,+-(,{-4,frc ?t tr - ?oo,/, t -"''l /r o F &N/EN/ rrt 1 11 leQA j-L ]. , rvv\.. K.K.B.N-A .r Stanley Structrfrs ,a uD/ /2 ,turt9 By ox" t- J4-7f ,oo*o. .J of8 Srreet / ot ? 771 ! 3ubediary ol The Stanley Works ( ,",,:: Iilte Checked 8y L"Jrt : 8/.6=.53(///' :>l a_/. L. :t/ ?sr' - o. // /, l. = 7o Ps,: = o. ?o /' ot' 1tA'4- t///: 7r/' /|.t i \ \ 7.5B HkEFG 3€l'"S# TFLFINEE= 3- Oftn,-.TTtrP6-. +-OE -f.. -- TFtB=r 4(}J0tli..'r.t.- BSl.lR=" le;$&:.*. ., Stanfey Structrts 'uDrro " H;!"'o*ja"t 7s'o , Subsrdrary ol The Stanley Works 'Iirl Subtecl /O 2/ 40 I'a/ . 7i) t - An - flrooNo r?o ?ef sneet .J or 3'( .IP..':'e" "'. EOT. t904; 357=. 959t. P575r tSfJ+" FP T. FLE'DL FF.+&TtrP BTlr 0.$,D. ?.,tfaoa-',,,rr-''t9k,:-.+', tfl.ft ry:g-.*"-._1t00 -.i. 4*l^. t3t6a 79'-' j'- 119f - . 15P;' t04e. iliotra" :f.1154"..':': .:t*;&&B:.' .,.968. - gr,;,'3ry,' 3*Ffl.!i'. 6i{x*.,.:",.. -€f*;...i , Stanley Structtts P D77a / at zdaly2lu 75. a'iil Stanley Works ,11/t A al, ,, /,,t/ oare /-,1? - 7/ ,oo*o. Ja E{ Sneet r- 7 91 ,'2 ' Stanley Structles 5?/nr 70' ?Jd,.,")7i)i A Subsrdiarv of The Stanley works '-b llfle Gl,,s^L /- sc-7? ,ouro. SaiiJ ( ""oiect /f t D7 a A l'tl' checked By /o,J'ul,' Dl,n -. s.:t ,(7-'/t ?.t. . // t7'' --.6. /./..7otzst zq, /,..\c. h-/ . /c/r/(/1.1F r/ ,((" 7a t(l' 0tr. [4. 0&- , Stanley Structrfrs o"t €fi1r1 7a (6,;/ o,,"lr//tE rr'lEe6E,-*o/"rt-,tiLo,/ r, 4'r' o^re /-Eo-74 66^o 'la?v suor,ct j/d D 4O ./'/' t' checked By-Date-sneet .,f ot t' A Subsidiarv ot The Stanlev Works 771 Stanley StructUts gVTt// ZO'J 7i,1 A Subsdiary ot The Slanley Works s^r" /-,96 -7/.toouo. i4 2? sneet 6 ot ' .... / 1rL///,1:t t/t/EF ,/Eo o''c'' 2&' ua"('(ct ,, \ ,"o,*, /t D 7/o checked By Stanley Structt*s s7tlL 6a t 77)'t I A Subsrdrary ol fhe Stanley Works (Job No ,{ 4,J,"t /(// '' t,di' \u" jiL.;ul/EF F..ri'.-*iiti' ,z/r/,6/ By suolect /x D 7P(3 ) ' a,t checked By 6.D./ !t2. t . -' /. /. . ' .s3 d tQ'/4Brt. o!/ TaBrt:o. ?A -75' - - street 7 ot 7ot hSS'., - F|lEEsrgt; O$**:i:j-:i= ?;00F.i TTtlPtffi'O;.Bt'' -:r ;.fr"397F:';' . .ST*'ffS*;a ^4 LEs *&. Sfi.r'. .; BSHR* lE- OS+ :r {g:T; HR., .t::*n;7p5;- 41gl{Eir --,.: 'E= F-S;.:..".:'. TPFaF(:E=" g. S . $tanley Structtts ,,-''"'' = lo + ' Asubsidiaryotrn"st"nr"vi]..; - --- - - ( 6fr1 ,,r,ilr7,rr"f,? Lfzz,,f , /o,/. at ", suotect ,/O i)7/A checked By 77) o^r" ) - 3a- 7/ ,or*o. .3ofE sneet f a ?' , Sianley Structuts ge4rl /u'o"O G"/,@ i7l A Subediary ol The Stanley Works s,oi*, t?24fl checked BY ,, y'l/' o^t' /-,?a - 7? uono --39-E?-- sneet I 61 ,,. t /r/.7r./rl t? 7Ao7/r r'f 771 75 ;, /'aq'zl ,oow. dn 7t sheer+ts-of 0F S'/" c/,1f,/e ner( atbrr/ afDtrR ./,4' //' + D, /' = //4 /?sF **(o, ,xe -rdpt /._J__-____A / / /,tJ !,/ -/ u' l -1 drflo,tea rl/arYle,tt'-+(/+4/,0'= ?,on DED y'/r.*,-, ---\..--^..,.--- i,'/Lp,,n . 7$d-%) a = /,/r o.r'/t 6xdo 6= '75xSt7Sxlo) (,ili)p,",.?^(/5o(r '+) = W /-tN (rT Stanley Structuls Ctlcu/ / fatr {Ec/tart/s oil /O/ o' /{e42U-' 70fu D. /. 8,o- + D./' ( r/rr4 , / ./ ( zo rep) = ?6 Ps r D./. Eeail - rS 7s; D-/ .///2tf = // Ef 7altt ) 7 .Al PsF 86Fsf t /,q = 35.'/ 7'r 1 ./, - lo F, F x /,7 = //v /='t' Lrs€ il7 Zr-cl r/c-r,r' /Jr 6 -vlaftu /E^*r,of ,/t *rt'-- g i't =A,A?a/ ;''l4 t,/un 1'?S Y/A = 3qd. A 7'7v ^ ''tl ^ .-d= v,Js r,:-1 ,m, ?----=lr' /(-ttt A Subsidiary ot The Stanl€Y Works ,. ,,," l,//ri ,lrt/rte 6tl7tr/ y'rt'/ el' t, \ "uqn /o Df 4n l,t/ . checked By 1oollo jtq*rl./) ., , z Y___;:--2 / (i,3d) . U6€ LbTeRsaf brl //,st ,t/.s. 771 o^r" /'3 4-7/ ,,,or.to. c?n g 7 - sheet l/ ot 6o /oyn?af /Jrl - ala/a/t D,rr/tr'bsl - a,dtr)(a=o r!,12 a./4 ' te-r^rJ // 6otH -- o'/vaa 'As/s x 7sd /S | /%1,, " / /ii rJ- r,t /,. ,.?o x /&16a (r - o1# ) = sE7 t/-t',,/ > ,r+ = 3?6 l-t)r' / o./(. ur€ 8 /tyrxs -sE D;cr,/*,4 - /Jyt- di/ill /rzt/ /'oi? - -, ,,1 ^/d///&a. = 75x /=4L=,rro I ==l 22' ey hrft'lnJ s^L 6 - tr- 96 JobNo. ZO I I Sheet , Ot _..-:- : Stanley Structuls A Subsidiary ol The Stanley Works ,r,onrc VO,u C.eE,Prge BcO< { ;bject Checked 8y - Date Cr+rz ?a*tila a/u Qeac- R,=mou€ RaoFtttat L n P?L 7 3 " a,e 4,*tFai ttv- fr2ra'vrn",I t-ro. -- E (,t4 /o' =,s>rFy't 9ruant La+-Z h/Lc -- Bo p"l x/a -- , g oo q C+e Le+a ? = o.aa (toQc)-,') = 48,6 > 4o R-- z3,t (, *'ai#t) = +1,+ > +o LL = 3-a (, -,0") -- za vrl x /o --,3aa t ./ - /^ /1 /DT S Ar<e ole sTeE€tFe al/ Ets prl Li"e Lar+e , 9=e ?* z-)/ I '/ ^+'- A - ./ f ')/ S t4ze. A/< otrt 9/ psf Ltu,t La.+a 9,=e p5 6 _ B ) 'r' z TOOO N Broadway, Bldg.3 P.O. Box 21070 Denver. Colorado 80221 -OO7 O (303) 427-551r STNAflD L0c. A Subsidiary ol The Stanley Works J@i' I.{EMBEN DESCNIPrIOf,: n00F usED As PA8rrlli stSFlcE. DESIGI{ DATA LC= .00 SPAII: 75.50 RC: .00 Bl{. LEIIGTB= 75.50 BB0T= 4.50 BTOP= 7.50 HLEG= 38.00 LSi& 2 BFLANCE=120.00 TFLAflGE: 2.00 TTORI= 3.00 A: 696 58: 3Cl8 AC= 1085 $C: 4988 BFLB€ 9.00 TFIB= 43.00 HNG 40.00 BC= 43.00 PAGE: 1 ST= 8200 IB= 26.93 I= 1 ff141 STC= 20455 IBC: 32.16 IG 160400 BSEi= 12.00 BFtT=120.00 TFLT= .5.00' X IISTR BCC. ( Ft) ( rN) ( $t) .00 12.00 14.93 30.00 3.71 23.22 45.50 3.71 23.22 75,50 12.00 14.93 '..<J' BM.=LT.I|T. TlG.:ST0tl8 SIONE ltT: 1116 8l'LLnit HT= 118 TRi.LITT liT= 113 CU:2.04 EDSB= 0E-5 ESEU: 1000r .8011 .00: 8028-6 tlOUSl8F.:1.50 p/C Ft CX=4.00 plc Et C=6.00 TRt.FrG3.00 pLAilT =D8ily. REL.HUHID: 69, NOTE: IIFIINO L00P LOCATI0N= 3.33 FT. FROM EllD 8W=6 0. 0 ST8. TIPE: Sf,RESS REL. AREA EA. STBAIID: . I 53 1 PHI: .90 LL LOAD FACTOB= 1.? DL LOA.D FACTOR= 1.ll * STR. LEI .= f EFF.HTLL= .700 NUll 0F STRAflD = 11t.00 APS- 2.1434 DESCNIgTIOII 1 END 0F BEAlt---2 B0LDDil: 5.50 T0 lOP 0F TOP STRAIID------ 3 HOILDDN: 5.50 T0 TOP 0F TOP ST8AND------4 ElrD 0F BEAl,l---- STSAfiDLEVEL : I 2 3 4 5 6 T I 9 10 LEFI END PATTEBII: 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 SICHT EllD PATT. : 2.00 2.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.00 I OE 1/2 IIt. STn. | 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 urrPoRM roaDs (K/FT) ,-. t{Oril-cOHP.: COMP. : DI8= .57 O AT RELEASE( gtCf . 08 DLI 0n T0PPIIIG: .3'l,5 DL2: .000 DL3= .000 TOTAL DIll. = .000 CORE t{ATr I; .000) LLz .800 3 {PASTIALLI DIIITRIBI'TED TOADS COIICENTNATED LOADS (I=1 0R 2:DL BEF088 COMP.;I=J ll0T8: SUST. RATIO 0F ALL sTnND STnESSES (8ASED 0!r z(D FT .00 .00 COHP.;I:5 0R 6:tL AfTEn COMP.) LfVE L0ADS= 20.0 | AllD FrC: 6.000 KSI) uNIFonu aflD coIC. FrCI= 4.000 KSI REt.EAIIE KSI 167.2 167.4 166.6 't66.7 167. 1 166,',| r55.5 167 .4 167.2 r r{P(r) xl(r)KlW FT 5 .30 .00 5 .30 56.50 P(I) KIPS .00 .00 08 4:DL AFIER x2( r) .Fl 19.00 75.50 T ( FT) 2.08 3.33 3 0.00 30.81 37,75 44.63 45.50 72.1'.| 73.42 TEIISIOflI$O KSI 1 89.0 189.0 I 89.0 189.0 I 89.0 r89.0 1 89.0 189.0 1 89.0 FIITALI KSI 138.8 139.9 156.3 1 56.4 1fl.7 1 56.4 156.3 139. 9 13 8.8 P/S toss KSI 50.2 49.1 32.7 32.6 31.3 32.6 32.7 49.1 50.2 I FINAL STN$ID STNESSES IIICLUDE ELA.STIC RS}AIil INITIAI. STNESSES A)Dt BEAII + C088 x FA 2.08 3 0.00 37.75 45.50 73.42 REIp ptgl- -163 19r3 -498 2598 -500 2605 -rt98 2598 -153 1913 4000 Psr I,OTERI/IL ( IF AllI), NO gtCTIOll On DINAI$C EFFECT IP IP + BH AUX.STEEL TOP BOI. lOP BOT. ANBA/LOCAIIOI (acr 18.4.18) -99 1781 .00 71 1423 .00 95 1379 .00 7 1 1423 .00 -99 1781 .00 B)DL 88AH + COiE ltAlSnIAJ. (IF AllI) + SICTI0I{ 0n DIIA}IIC Erf8gr BASED ONl ACTUAL STiIPPM L00P LOCATION= 3.33 FT TEI{PORARI SEIUInBD SELAAS&FC0SLP/0.65= 4000 PSI TEUPO8AXI l{AX. TOP IENSION Al X= 3.33 FT : -181PSI I + {FDIAL STAESSSS ULTII{ATE IOHETIT(r-il) + AI.L DL TOP BOT 00 158 103r 3q4 704 449 528 479 481 514 4Zl 479 481 449 528 344 704 158 1031 00 STRAITJ. COMPAT. 0 16741 17 8Zl 1 8913 199t0 19glo 19EtO I 8913 17 8Zl 15?41 0 x .00 7.55 15.1 0 22.55 3 0.20 3T .75 45.30 52.85 6 0.40 67.95 75. 50 FP TOP 0 1l 94 120 104 123 104 120 94 17 0 0 1321 1?20 12c6 1?50 1233 1260 12C6' 1220 1321 0 TPO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 +BM BOT FP + AtL DL+LL TFi IOP BOT 000 210 298 454 365 588 -298 t#T 761 -754 5Zt 832 -96 O - ...-547 _980 -1075 --5Zt t{2 -=g5o tt6T 761 -754 365 588 -298 210 298 454 000 REQ'D 1,zrt{C3 tdl (AcI 18.8.3) PRWIDED I{' DSV. L8flOTE IF O[ER.LIMITS SEII{FOACED (ACr 12.10) (Acr 18.8.1) 0 x .00 7.55 15.10 22.65 30.20 37.75 45.30 52.85 50.40 67.95 75.50 0 8964 15.f43 203T I 23132 24049 23132 20378 1fl43 8954 0 15210 ils NS !ts tfs NS ) (SHEAR SEITTFOSCITIG NglUIIED NEII{FORCINO XD Fl. rll. uLT. VV/ SEEAN PEIIBID VCI KIPS PSI PSI 790 531 275 188 141 112 112 1',t 2 112 112 112 112 141 r88 z'.l'5 531 790 vclf PSI 308 329 346 361 37? 381 3sl 390 375 378 380 378 3'-t5 390 387 381 372 361 3q6 329 308 F08 AVCI rN-2/t"f .000 .000 .0 00 .061 .081 .06 | .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .0 00 .000 .000 .06r .0 81 . 061 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .0 00 .000 .000 .000 .0 00 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .0 00 .000 .000 .o7lr .gl 1l .071r . uflr .07 0r .059r .05 8r .06?r .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .067. .06 gr .06 gr .07 0r .9f 1. .07 1r .07 1r .07 1r FOR FOR avglf Avllu{ III.2/FI IN.z,/FT 1.79 34.40 105,2',t 300 3.T7 34.40 98.94 282 7.55 34.10 86.88 248 r 1 .32 34. 40 ',ll. 82 213 15.10 35.17 62.T'.t 175 18.88 36.21 50.71 137 22.65 37.26 40.52 lsl 26.43 38.30 30.39 T8 30.20 39.29 20.26 51 33.98 39.29 10.13 25 37 .75 39.29 .00 0 41.52 39.29 -10.13 25 rr5.30 39.29 -20.26 51 49.08 38.30 -30.39 78 52.85 37.26 -40.52 1Al 56.63 35.21 -50.71 13'.1 60.40 35.17 42.7T 175 64.17 34.40 -74.82 213 67.95 34.40 -86.88 248 71.72 34.40 -98.94 282 73.71 34.40 -105.2? 300 TUINII{'H BASED OII ACI EQ. 11-15 12 12 12 12 DEFLECTIOIIS (BAS8D 0I trdt= 4.000 KSI A$D Frc= 6.000 KSI)( ECI = 2408 KsI 8C = 2949 KsI) MIDSPAII POSITIOI{ (IN) RELEA.SB : FS( -3.06)+BM DL( 1.62) -1.45 CNEEP BEFONE ENECTIOII -.95 ERECTIOIf : PSIBI{ DL -2.40 (c 4 rEeR^q) CIIANGE [t'E TO DLl ON TOPPilIO .85 : PS"rSll Dt+tl0t{-C0MP. DL -1.54 CHAIIGE mE l0 DL2+DL3+81& LL .27 ! P9IALL D[+S|ST.LL -1 .Zl LOI{G TERI.I CREEP .49 FIllAl : PSIAIL Dt+StST. LL -.78 : PS+ALL DL+LL 1.'l 9 N0T8: BEAH BAII CRACKED Ul{DEn PoSITIyE l{ot{EllT, DEFLBCTIoIIS ARE BASED OlI A BII.I}IEAN IOMENT-DETLECTIOIT RELATIOI{SEIP (acr 18.4.2C) o IIITIAL PRESTSESS: 405 KIPS FIx& PnBsTnBss 338 KIPS REQUIRED RELEAIIE St88ll0TH= 3500 PSI REIUIRED FMAL STREII0TE= 5000 PSI ASStrill8D SELEASE STRE!|0TE= 4000 PSI ASSIPIIED FII|AL STBEI$!8= 6000 PSI AT HA8P PT.= 30.00 FT.' TOP STRII{D= 32.50 (IJI) F8OMB0TT0!{ 0F DECK AT X: 30.00 FT. E0[.DDqrfl FORCE/LEG= 4.7 KIPS AT EA8P Pl.= 45.50 FT.' TOP SfRAND:32.50 (il) FROMBOTTOH 0F DBCK AT x: 45.50 FT. BOLDDO,il F0nC8/l8G: 4.? KIPS BEA"I{ IS LIIIHITEIIIHT COIICRETE ESTIH.SEONTENIIIC BEIT8EII S'PPORTS AT EN8Cf,IOil TIME3 AT C. G. COfiIV. EFFECI TOTAL TOP .59 -.30 .28 <<<LE!IGTH CORR.NOT TO EXCEED THIS VALUE c.G .59 .00 .59 Bor .5 g .52 1 .21 6 {\ I 2 {80nlz. tflcsoB nEI$FoncBllEt|T & BEAnIM] Sf88SS 0t| B8AnIfi] pAD rEl.3Bn TIPEs DoITBLE-TEE (igQrD STEEL BELCn F08 1-LE(l OILI) COTFIilEI{EIIT TOR P/S ASS'!{ED.NO B80T= 4.5 (il) BTOP: 7.5 (IN) E= 38.0 (il) NII= .20rHt LAMDA:.85 ATPHA:10.0 (Dm) Ft= 60.0 (KSI) tlIDlIt 0F BEAAITG EIRFACE = 4.5 (IN)PAD IEICKI|ESS : .250 (IN) LEEA REACTI0I|; PU= 55.5 (r) Pif: 35.8 (K)MINII{'U HORIZ. COIIC. BRG. BRG. PAD SUGC.Bfii. LENCTII AS R4I9 STREIICII PRESg'RE PAD TIPE (IN) (IN-z) (KSI) (KSI) 3.0 .68 NS.r 2.651 rrf 3.5 .63 3.SZ3r 2.273 .rr 4.0 .57 3.08. r.988 3 5.0 .55 2,t166 1.591 3 6.0 .55 2.055 1.326 2 7.0 .55 1.762 1.136 2 nIcHT nEACTI0ll: PU= 55.5 (K) Plf: 35.8 (K)MIIIII,OIT EORIZ. COIIC. B8G. BRO. PAD SUGG.BKi. LENGTS AS SBQID STNEilOII PRESg'RS PAD TIPE ( il) ( rN-z) ( KSr) ( KSr)3.0 .69 NSrr 2.651 rfr 3.5 .63 3.Sz3r 2.213 rrr 4.0 .57 3.0831 1.988 3 5. 0 .55 2. )166 1 .5 gt 3 6.0 .55 2.055 1.326 2 7.0 .55 1.762 1.136 2 IIOIE: AS DETAILED BNG. IEICTHS I{'ST BE LONGER THAfl t{UI. USED III CAIC. TO ALLOd FOR AS.BUILT TOLENA$C8S. SIreCEST MITI. ADDED LEIIGTB BE 1/2IN. PLUS DIFFENEilCE III SHOETEIII}IG BE11.88t| TOP !ilD BOTTOU OF M8!AER. I BEARING PRESSIRE EXCESDS 85' OF MAX. AI.Lq{ABLE. SUGGEST A SPECIAL SN'DI.rr I,l0T SAIISFACToSI SIflCE 8m. PnESSTRE EXCEEDS 3.570 KSI (O.85rPHIrF'C) PAD TIPEST (FOLLCnilE PCI 5.5.8 AND CPA 8EPORT DATED uAr 1985) 2 . NA$DOH ONIE$T8D EIBEN (8OF) 3 - DOCI LAIEN NEIilFOACED ..I. S'GGEST IXCREISIIIC EEASIIIC AIEI A^S BNg. PRESS. (ON PAD) EXCEEDS 2OOO PSI. ! o 7O0O N. Broadway. 8tdq. 3 PO 8ox 21070 Denver Colo.ado 8O22 1.OO7 O i303) 427-5511 JOB 'NOOF USED AS PARKIIIS DESIGII DATA LC: .00 BB0T: 4.50 BFLAIIC& t 20.00 A= 596 AC: 1085 BFIJ= 9.00 flflc: 40.00 A Subsidiary ot The Stanley lvorks S'RFAC8. '4.c SPAfl={5.56; BroP=-f-.5d TFLAIICE= 2.00 SB= 39f8 SC: 4988 TFLB: 43.00 HC: 43.00 MElaER DESCRIPTIOIT: PAGE: 1 RC: .oo EM. LENGTE:z d.fiJ'l+.o HLEG: 38.00 LEIIS: 2 s\-'- TT0FG= 3.00 ST: 8200 IB= 26.93 I= lgltll STC: 20455 iBC= 32.16 IC: t6Oloo BSHR= 12.00 BFLT=!20.00 TFLT: 5.OO 7 EFP.PULL: .700 NUl.L OF STRAilD = i4.00 x (ru) .00 3 0.00 45.50 75.50 TPG.=SIOIE Sl0nE flt: 146 BH.LIT! HT= l1g TE!.LITI fT= 113 EDSE: 0E-6 ESIto= 1000r .9011.00= B0AE-O VOVgnf.=i.SO P/C FrC=6.00 Trg;€El]b pLAltT:DE[V. RET.HU[irD= 6s, Loop Locarr0r{= 3.33 rr. rnonH--- lt}';-:: n": "l:'r- idr STR.TIPE:STRESS 8EL. A8EA EA. STRAflD= .1530 LL LOAD FACTOR= 1.? DL LOAD FACTOR: 1.4 APS:2.1440 HSTR ECC.(rN) ($t) 12.00 14.93 3.71 23.22 3,71 23.22 12.00 14.93 7 I 9 10 2.00 2.00 2.00 .000 .510 t' '''-- r1fr DSSCNIPTIOTI El{D 0F BEAM------- EltD 0F BEAI|------ Bl4:LT. lT. CU=2.04 P/C FtCI=4.00 N0TE: LIFIIT€ FW=60.0 PHI= .90 $ STR. LEV.: STNAND L0c. HOLDDI{: 5.50 HOLDD!|= 5.50 ST8AilD LSVEL : LEFT EIID PATTESII: NIGHT END PATT. :, o? 1/2 lfl. ST8. : UNIFOSI{ LOADS (K/FI) t{Otl-COMP.: DLB= DLl COMP. i DL2= sTnAflD------ STRAXD------ 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 .+in a.r ifl.U AT REIEASE( SrCr. 0R D$t. =0R T0PPMG: .375 .000 DL3= .000 TOTAL LL: 3456 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.oo 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.oo 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 I a 3 4 TO TOP OP TOP TO TOP OF TOP CORE MATrL: .0OO) ? {PANTIAILI DISTNIBUTEDLOADS COIICENTNATEDLOADS r nP(r) xl(r) x2(r)K/YT FT 5 .30 .00 19.00 5 .30 56.50 ?5.50 (I=1 08 2:DL BEFORE COMP.;I=3 08 P(r) z(r)KIPS FT .00 .00 .00 .00 4:DL AFTER COMP.;I:5 0R 6:LL AFTER COHP.) NOtE: SUST. flATIO 0F ALL UNIF0nM AND C0NC. LIIIE LOADS= 20.0 t STfiAND ST8ESSES (BASED Otl F'CI:4.000 KSI AllD 8rC:5.000 KSI) I (FT) 2.08 3 .33 30.00 30.8r 37.75 44.63 45 .50 72.17 73.42 TF.!ISIONINC KSI I 89.0 189.0 1 89.0 189.0 189.0 189.0 1 89.0 1 89.0 1 89.0 RELEASE KSI 167.3 16?. rt 166 .6 166.7 167.1 165,7 166.6 15't,4 167.3 FI}IALI KSI r38.5 139 .4 152.4 152.6 153.7 152.6 152.4 139.4 r38.5 !/s Loss KSI 50.5 49 .6 36 .6 36.4 5t.5 36.4 36 .6 49.5 50.5 !. FIT{AL STNAfiD STNESSES IIICI.I'DE ELASfIC REGAIN IIIITIAI. SIRESSES A)DL BEAl,l + C08E MATE8IAL'(IF A!lI),XIP FT. TOP BOT. 2.08 -163 1911 30.00 -498 2596 37.75 -499 2603 45.50 -q98 25X 73.42 -163 1911 REI'D FICI= 4000 PSI NO g,CTIOII ON DTIA}IIC EFFECT IP + BH AUX.STEEL TOP BOI. AREA./LOCATIOII (ACr 18.4.18) -99 1?80 .00 72 1422 .00 95 1377 .00 T2 1422 .00 -99 1? 80 .00 B)DL B8ltl + C08E MATERIAL (IF Ailr) + SICTIOII 0n DII|AI-IIC EFFECT BASED 0X ACTIIAL ST8IPPUI0 L00P L0CATION= 3.33 Fl TE!{P0RARI REIOIRED RE|LEA.SE=FC0IIP/0.65= 4000 PsI TEMPOSART MAI. TOP TEI{SI0N AT x: 3.33 FT : -181PsI /a {\FIIIAL STNESSES x .00 7.55 15.1 0 22.65 30.20 3'.1.15 45.30 52.85 60.40 6?.95 '15.50 FP TOP 0 19 98 128 115 136 115 r28 98 19 0 0 13 06 1 189 TPG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B0l 0 1016 673 481 425 362 425 481 673 1016 0 rtc 0 145 249 315 ?R? 365 353 315 249 145 0 +BM 807 + A"LL DL TOP 0 160 348 4gl 491 5Zl 491 4r'( 348 160 0 FP + ALL DL+LL TOP BOT 00 2St 618 515 -l I 668 -384 IZt -545 7'.12 -6\2 1zt -545 668 -384 515 -r 1 zVt 618 00 158 198 169 198 158 1189 r 306 0 ULTII{A!8 ror{8fl T( E-Dt ) PRCIYIDED T{' x .00 7 .55 15.10 22.65 30.20 37.75 Ir5.30 52.85 60.40 67.95 75.50 0 ?llll6 13045 't6 837 19085 19834 19085 16 837 13045 74j6 0 14825 slnarl|- COMPAT. 0 16?30 17815 1 890't 19971 19957 19957 1 8901 17 815 16?30 0 ffEQrD 1.2WCn t{r ( AcI 1 8. 8.3 ) DSV. tEilGIE IF OYER-LIMITS REINFONCED (ACr 12.10) (ACr 18.8.1) tl { SHEAN REIIIFOSCIIIO D IN. uLT. vgl SBEAN PSIIBID KIPS PSI REIUINED REINFONCIIIG FOR FOR FON AVCI AVCfl avl{ul ilr-z/Ft rlt-2lFt rll-z/FT x FT. e,?.54 82. 19 71.99 61. 80 51.50 41 .41 33.08 24.81 15.54 8.Zl .00 -8.21 -16.5 4 -24.81 -33.0E -41 .41 -51 .6 0 -51. 80 -71.99 -82.19 -9f.5{ ON ACI v.cr PSI 790 528 zt2 185 139 112 112 112 112 't12 112 112 112 112 112 11 2. 139 ' 185 272 528 790 vcT PSI 308 329 3ll5 360 371 380 386 389 3?4 3TT 379 37'.! 3T4 389 386 380 371 360 3 jl5 329 308 .0 00 .000 .000 .000 .012 .000 .000 .000 .0 00 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .012 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 ,000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .071r .q1r .071r . cr|'lr .07 0r .069r .06 8r .057r .0 00 .000 .000 .000 .000 .06?r .06 8r .059r .070r .gl 1r .0?1r .d|1r .0? 1r . 1 .'l9 34. r10 3 .7',1 34. 40 7.55 34.40 11.32 34.40 15.10 35.17 18.88 36.21 22.65 37.26 26.43 38.30 30.20 39.29 33.98 39.29 3T.75 39.29 41.52 39.29 45.30 39.29 49.08 38.30 52.85 37.26 56.53 36.21 60.40 35.17 54.1? 34.40 67.95 34.q0 71.72 34.40 73.'11 34.40 II{INIII'I{ BASED 249 234 205 l't6 144 112 8l 64 41 21 0 21 41 54 gl 'l'12 144 176 205 234 249 EQ. 11-15 DEFLECTIONS (BASED OII UIDSPAN POSITIOII ( $l) RET.EASE : PS( -3.06)+BH Dt( 1.62) -1'44 CREEP BEFOBE ENECTIOTI -. 95 -2. 40 -1 .54 EBECIION: PS+BI{ Dtr (c 4 [{EEKS)'-ciuce utg To DL1 oR toPPu{o '85 : PS+81{ D[+I|0N-C0MP' DL caAflcE DOE TO DL2+DL3+SI&LL .18 : PSTALL DttglST'LL -1'35 AllD FrC: 6.000 KSI) EC : 2949 KSI) .3'.1 -'98 _.13 POSTTTTE HoHEltT, DEFLECtrolls I$I{EIIT-DEFI.8EI ION RELATION SEIP I F'CI= 4.000 ECI = 2408 KSI KSI LONO IENU CNEEP FINAL : PSTALL DL+StSl' tL : PS+ALL DL+LL l{0tE: BEAM EAII C8ACKED UIIDBR ARE BASED ON A BILINEAS (acr 18.4.2C) o ''fr FIlfaL P8ESTRES& 329 'rIPS REIUIIED FINAL ,SlnffOTE= lQgg pg1 ASSII}NBD FIIIAL STIEI{}TE= 5000 pSI 32.50 (il|) F80lt BoTtot{ 0F DECE 4.? uPs 32.50 (il) F80tt BotTol,r 0r DECK 4.? f,rPs ESTII.I.SEONTETINO BEITEEI| $PPORTS AT EREGTIOTI TIHE: AT C.C. C{'FT.EFFECI TOTAL ToP .59 -.30 .28 <<<LE!ICIE CORS.NO! TO 8XC8ED ltIS VALUE c. G .59 .00 .59 8or .59 .62 1.21 /t- t- \II|IIIAL PRESTRSSS: 405 (IPS REUITED RELBIIIE SIiElGlE= 3500 PsI ASSICIIED RELEASB S!SEI{OT8= 4000 FSI AT HARP Pl.= 30.00 fT.,.TOP STRAI|D= AT X: 30.00 FT. E0ltDDOnt{ FOiCE/LEG: AT HAnP PI.: 45.50 t'1., ToP STBAIID: AT X= 45.50 FT. BOLDD$I FOBC8./LEG: BEAT' IS LN}CTflEBHI COilCNElE /3 { HORIZ. ATC8O8 NEIISONCEUEIII & BEAAIM SINESS OX BBA8Irc PAD uEiABn TtP8: DOIISLbTEB (nEQrD STBEL BELC| FOR co[trIu8H8IT FoR P/S ASE I{ED-lto BB0T= 4.5 ( IX) BT0P: 7.5 ( il{) B: 38.0 ( il) NU: .z0rPtt LAMDA= .85 ALPHA= 10.0 l-LSt orlt) (Dm) FI= 50.0 (ESI) I|IDTE 0F BEAXIfii SrnrACE : 4.5 ($l) PAD llICKllESS : .250 (Itl) LEFT BE,ACTIOTI:MIT{I!{'H EONIZ. BKi. LENCTE AS NQID (ilr) (ilr-2) 3.0 .52 3 .5 .46 4.0 .45 5.0 .45 5.0 .45 7 .0 .45 RIGIIT REACIIOil:MIIII!{'H HONIZ. B8C. LEIIGTS AS NEI'D (IN) (IN-E) 3.0 .52 3.5 . 46 4.0 .45 5.0 .45 6.0 .45 7.0 .45 PU= 46.2 (E) coNc. B8G. sTn8flgIts ( KSI) 3' 421r 2.933 2.566 2.053 1.711 I .1t66 PU= 46.2 (r) coflc. BRG. STNEl|GTB ( KSI) 3.4etr 2.933 2.566 2. 053 1.711 1 .1t65 Ptl= 30.3 BRC. PAD PNESS'RE (KSI) 2.2t$ .925 .6 Al .347 .123 .962 Plf= 30.3 BK}. PAD PRESS'R8 ( rsr) 2.2t6 .925 .6 8ll .347 .123 .962 (K) SI]GG. PAD TIPE ftt J 3 z z (K) suoo. PAD TIPE att 3 3 2 z 2 llOTE: AS DETAILED BKi. LE{CTES l{rsf, BE L0$0En mAl{ Uill. USED lll CALC. T0 A"LLOf FOR AS-BUILT TOtEnAllCE& SUCGEST MIll. ADDED LEI{ITH BE 1/2IN. PIUS DIFFEREITCB III SSONTEflIXC BEITEEII TOP AflD BOTTOH OF MElaER. I B8A8IM} PSESg'NE EXCEEDS 85' OF T{AX. AI.LCNABLE. SttrCEST A SPECIAL SN'DY. PAD TIPES: (F0LLCffDIO PcI 6.5.8 AtlD CPA 8EPOnr DAIED UAI 1986) 2 . RAfiDOM ORIEIITSD FIBES (BOF) 3 - DUCK LAIER n8rl|8oncBD rII. SJOGBST I}ICBEASIXO BEANITC ANEA ASI BHi. P8ESS. (OX PAD) EXCEEDS 2OOO PSI. KKENA hcorDo.rad Coarau|lhg Eaef!.t ssbta (.ill K:'4./-a f;tt'. ?.t2 f:.r clrrlclroa srwt ol €la't t f*u*q t rA t'fr'frfi' LL --Ys, lr qqtt :tg) tuut€ W- UU -* lQ Q r-,-l lb'@+ .h 1€" L ,171r-/1 ,", n" o 4 il' Y'.f t1 /a a'- tl l=iUl.r- tt ; ,.. $J lu 6xe- ,ALvtl le 2,?(*i- Z,lat *"io\o -15ii lt;,r l.f' =-i*- -...--.-' - '" _- Tt /,>:r:, ! t7- --\t/ ,: :-.1 - | Nr,i:j-a! -- t' "w' /,.4 ": ''- i /\ . Hh lf,li 'l *. ',1,v:*1 1:+-F 2,U -2,11 = ,t,;\yr* -:i;: 'a tfl+*_ W€ Z.crc ,,\r'tu*r* 0Jn.'u.,-+, = (U,f) (?; r: 2J.(i'r.,' Il lw '-' F' ' -' :-' **a' w/tffilq L-/'F' L-,,r L,a4 ir\rp',g4+c Le*1 2b \,4' (oztt --. ,.1i1 \f@,ri("1\ an UJ UJ u-F UJ in u,t-o z =J € I I .F t<to I I I I I loa t9 t<E l9 z t= <l l(,l lzl ,zl t9l I I I I ITJ lo I I I I I I l- rcl tt!tr! to tz rd t= Itr to l.au z 3 oc l! uJ oz ',' } E\J fur <F z^ YZ o< :o t3 .rcl '(E tx I o.)iE ro 0)!o o ol =d) E =f o o q)c {.;' (! a/' oO C() P.0'o.> 3€ '-- .'_Er 6S' ! rn' - :'$3.: ( >5t Q.N ( tr(a:9cc ";+ iet l"E )-?t iorE r.!'-:PT ,oo i3<-> lof Utc <r, o !f =o .r 0) oO c(!t^; oq,3';s9 <D V' LE ()a! qo od 9c ^i 6.o OF >= 5 3. ) ol -o(9-F ti, --=r t o,' ,o-c r- c ;y; ,.-c cc oc ..!., i= oth 5.s 'Eo >'= o-oE -(!o-o(/)*3 6'(! l: E3 c at, =x :L o(!5u -a)=1,j'5 r - '.L- i (!- : o. i- (!- | t(5 ( ir!; isr" ' 'r-t C =?(E; .C 6i o'- *-c rE -c 3';()> :o !?o Ecr EO t-'t;l.:tl lo IE lc TO t(! It t: t.s lar I t'I I f .l-c :f o., c)t -Yt (Er :-=o( !. ;a Lc OO (uc = (EO 99 olJ E3 o(!c- ; .!- >9 €d -o F c( llJ z o !l z E l UJ uJ g- z F t!e.(J UJ o =UJ IJ z -^ tr,l lt (L z tlj <]) rU F = LIJ J F z 6 l NOrM'tvA zz eg lio-34 X=EP 6 a/, o <>E9 3f h:5 t()FO ';6i z tr l {at o o- il;t< l3 Itr lo lo l:i zl OJ trl <l uJl FI 'll :ll =tl vtl Jl <l =l .. >l !u tt rlJ z o F rU J z E o 1!(L \ to uJ z = z F J ) at)z It tl /l ol tl =z z F U.J <o o< = 11:E cc-dt oo <2 o z o 3 i u, ^c ,.. LrJ c)r- -J 'r H CO .t-t E{ ro EOc lJ.J H .tt A-J-o- o_(5 0_ x Z< Oj -l tl- r,>r r-r grl l!v cl c .'El O c.6 l lr- t !-|a Eol 3 .31 t.lJ ! (Ul r! c -l zoo-l u El .n ol -< E (Jl - Pu-l z rF o_l i. -[33tl J{-,ujl 8_3*l iir dE <(ul u,, !, \-,, l|-Ao Es !t oa;F^ S €54 : tJ o ;=F -F CC )..9 cca;i :gJ; E=r'Io.ul b5= E-.1 U o-F r!t!g o.y) ul g<=e trJ ;- =uJ -o fo *F .r * trl F-r<! u, tr a a z o F (L UJ Y UJ o \u \ ul F x o F L ll-o (L o o I lrJ F o 7 z ,.o EE (Do 2Z dP ._<5 =E=;-59 F UJ It [! >l FI F =E lrl o-z o t-(J f G F Q z o CJ trE! -et z l! UJ z -t F c)llj E r C) o (r F.z o o x9 i<OF =z !?o 1l =t =tZ qo o F F z z T [! J <c)au)l! qJ d. ir =*e.F Oz C) / tratr UppeR Elele Vlllgv WATER AND SANITATION DISTR ICTS 846 FOREST ROAO . VAIL. COLORAD0 81657 (303) 476-7440 April 5, 1983 PeEer Patten Town of Vail Comnunity DevelopmenE 75 S. Fronrage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Chlorination Vault Construction in I-70 Right-of-t{ay Dear Peter: In response to your concern regarding Ehe construction activities underruay by the Vail Valley ConsolidaEed l.Iater District in the vicinity of the I-70 Sout.h Frontage Road and Aspen Lane, please be advised thac this construction is part of a water system improvenenE Droject inltiated lasE year, located EoEally within the I-70 right-of-way. Attached is the ConsEruction Permit. Fron the Colorado DeparEmenE of llighways. lie did noE realize that there ruere any Torvn zoning issues associated with uEility construction in the I-70 righf-ofrvay, and apologize fot any confuslon this has caused. This project conslsEs of cwelve hundred feet ( 1200') of pipeline and a chlorination facility rqhich will improve the capacity of the water systen beEween the well fields and the Villaqe Core. The chlorination facility consisEs of a small vault (14'x 16- x B') which, upon conpl-etion, will be subsEantially buried. As you can see f rorn the altached elevation drawings, the rvesE and nort.h walls of lhe vault will be totally buried, while the south and east wa11s are partially exposed Eo provide access. The vault walls have been completed and bacl< fill is planned to be in place rvithin l0 days, weaEher permitting. This should end Ehe construction impacts attribuEable Eo vaulE constructlon. Pipeline construction will follow to Ehe east of Ehe vaulf wich completion expected by nld-lIay. We will appreciate your review and advice concerning texture, color and necessary landscaping for the exposed portion of the vault. Hopefully, rire can cooperate as joint governmenEal enfities Eo saEisfy your zonlng concerns while completing che conscruccion process before che sumfler season begins. Sincerely, VAfi VALI,qY CONSOLIDAT]ID IJATER DISTRICT David E. Ceneral lloEE l{anage r Enc 1os u re DEi{/ng ,/ a,tvt I ll PaRTtctpaTtNG DtstRtcrs ARRow-tEAD ME-Ro wa r ER a AVoN ML-Ro wA I ER a BEAvER CREEK METRo warEF a BERRv CREEK METRo wA-ER ,4;;\ a\ €aGLE VA'|L MErRo w".'^ ' '"*""::,1;I::y:::::,TfffTH:?"J'-:;::1'":Tff*::: "ALLEY coNsoL'|DArED saN'|ra'oN @ o LLEY WATER AND SANITATION D IST R ICTS 446 FOREST FOAD . VAIL. COI-ORAOO 81657 (303) 475.7480 Apri.1 5, l98B Pecer Patten Town of Vail Cornrnunity DeveloDment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, C0 81657 Re: Chlorinaticn Vaulc ConstrucEicn in I-70 RighE-of -lla]t Dear Peter: In response Eo your concern regarding the consEruction activities underrvay by che Vail Valley ConsolidateC llaEer District in the viciniry of the I-70 Souch Froncage Road and Aspen 1,ane, olease be advised that this consEruclicn is part of a water system irnprovemenE oroject iniriated lasE year, locaEeC cotally i.richin the I-70 right-of -r.ray. AtEached is Ehe ConsEruction Pernit tron Ehe Colorado DeparErnent of Highrvays. lle did not realize that there r'lere any Tovn zoning issues associaLed \.rith ut.ility construction in lhe I-70 right*of-way, and apologize fot any confusion this has caused. This pro.ject consisEs of urelve hundred feet (i200-) of pipeline and a chlorination facility rvhich r.ri11 improve the capacity of the $rater systero between the well fields anrl che Viltase Core. The chlorination facility consists of a snal1 vault (14- x 16' x B') rvhich, upon conpleEion, i.ril-1 be subsEancially burie,J. As yoru can see from the aErached elevation drar'rings, the !./est and north r.ralls of Ehe vault will be totally burLed, while the souEh anC east t;alls are parEiatly exposed Eo provide access. The vault wal]-s have been completed and bacl< fill is planned Lo be in place rvithin l0 days, weaEher perniEtinq. This should end Ehe construction impacts arrribrrtahle to vaulE const.ruction. Pipeline construction rvil1 fo11or.r Eo !he east of Ehe vaulE r,riEh conpletion expected by mid-i.{ay. lle will appreciate your review and advice concerning texEure, color and necessary landscaping for the exposed portion of the vault. Hopefully, (Je can cooperate as joint governmenEal enEities to satisfy your zoning concerns while conpleting the construction process before the sunner season besins. Sinccrcly, vAlL v^Lr.iY co)lsolTnATIl) ltATEIl DIST').ICT ./o,i./ Etruf David g. llot t Gene rirl .'lanaqer Enclosurc DEll/ng Uppsn Elele Vl A\\ PaRrtctpATtNG Drsr*rcrs - aRRowHEAo METRo *ATER . avoN METR. warER . BEAVER CREEK METR. *ATER. BERR.. CREEK METR. *o-t^ /6li\ o\ EAGLE va'L MErRo warER ' Eo*"':: I;:;:::::.:ff:.T;TI':1:l'_H:1":Tff€aGLE vaLLEV coNsol'DATED sAN'ra'oN @ Upprn Enele Vnuev WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAo . vAlL, COLORAoO 81657 (303) 476.7480 April 5, l98B Pecer Paccen Town of Vail Comnunity Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 Re: Chlori.nation Vault Constructicn in 1-70 Right-of-t{ay Dear Peter: In response co your concern regarding the consEruction accivitles undernay by Ehe Vail Valley Consoli.dated. llater District in the vicini,ty of the I-70 SouEh Frontajre Road and Aspen Lane, please be arlvised that this construct.lon is parE of a waEer systen irnprovenenE Dro.jec! initiated lasc year, locaEeC totally rqithin che I-70 rlght-of-vray. Attached is Ehe ConsEruction PerrniE tron the Colorado DerJartment of Highways. Iie did not realize that there ltere any Torvn zoning issues associated wit.h uEilify construction in the 1-70 right-ofr,ray, and apologize for any confusion this has caused. This project consisEs of Errelve hundred feec (t200') of pipeline and a chlorinacion facility rvhich will improve che capacicy of the h'ater systenr between the well fields and Ehe Villace Core. The chlorination facility consists of a sna1l vault (14'x 16' x 8') r.rhich, upon conpletion, i;i11 be substantially buried. As yoo, can see from the atEached elevation drar'rings, Ehe rvest and north r+alls of Ehe vault will be totally buried, while the south and easE r.ra1ls are parcially exposed to provide access. The vault wal1s have been compleEet{ and back firl is planned to be in place rlirhin l0 days, weather PQrriiEEing. This should end the consErucLion inpacts attribuEable Eo vaulE construction. Pipeline construction r'rill follow to the easE of the vault with conpleEion expecEed by mi 4-i.1ay. [Ie will appreciate your review and advice concerning lexture, color and necessary lanCscaping for the exposed porEion of the vault. tlopefr-rL1y, lJe can cooperace as joinL governmental cntities Eo saEisfy your zoninX conccrns tvhile conplcEing the construction process before rhe sunmer season beqins. (linnnrnl.z VAIL Y.}.LLEY CO:ISOLlDATE!) IJATER DIST!?ICT David Fl.:loEt CcneraI l{anacer Enclosure DE:1/ng l\\ PaRTtctPATtNc DrsrRrcts - ARR.WHEAD METRo warER . avoN METR. warER . BEAVER CREEK METRo warER . sERRv CREEK METRo wor.^ 4fii\ o\ EAGLE va'jL MErRo warERo Eo'"T:,I"';:.'.::::;#:-'.T;'^iffl?:l'_:i::T,:Ttr.'i.*"o...'coNsoL,DArEo sAN''a'oN @ UppeR Enelg Vnlley WATE R AND SA N ITATION D ISTR ICTS 446 FOREST ROAO . VAIL, COLORADO at657 (303) 476-7480 April 5, 19BB Peter Patten Town of Vail ComnuniEy Develoonent 75 S. Frontage Road VaiL, CO 81657 Re: Chlorination VaulE ConstrucEicn in I-70 Right-of -I.lay Dear Peter In response Eo your concern regarding Ehe construction activities underrvay by the Vail Va1ley ConsolidaEeC llacer DistricE in the vicinity of the I-l0 South Frontage Road and Aspen Lane, please be advised EhaE this construction is part of a r^rater systen improvemenE rrrojecE iniEiaEed lasE year, locateC totally r.rithin the I-70 right-of-way. AtEached is Ehe ConsErucEion PerrniE fron the Colorado lleDartnent of Highways. lle did not realize Ehat there rte re any Torvn zoning issues associated with utility consErucEion in the r-70 right-of-vay, and apologize for any confus1on this has caus ed . This proj .-.ct consisEs of Evelve hundred f eet. (1200-) of pipeline and a chlorination faciliEy rqhlch rrill irnprove the capacity of the water syste.$ beElreen Ehe well fields anrl che Villaqe Core. The chlorinaEion faciliEy consists of a snall vault (14- x 16'x 8') r.rhich, upon conpletion, tri11 be substantially buried. As you. can see from the arEached elevacion dratrings, Ehe HesE and north r.ralls of the vault will 'le totally buried, while the south anC east '..ra11s are partially exposed to provide access. The vaulE walls have been conpleted and baclc fitl is planned t.o be in place ruiEhin l0 days, weather permicting. This should end the construccion ir,rpacts attribuEable Eo vaulE construcEion. Pipeline construction will fo1low to the easE of the vault with conpleEion expecEed by rni.l-i.Iay. I{e will appreciate your review and advice concerning texture, color and necessary lanCscaping for the exposed portion of the vault. llopeful-ly' we can cooperate as joinc governmenEal cnEities Eo satisfy your zoninq concerns while conplcting the consLruction process beFore the surmer season beqins. Sincerely, vAw v^Lt,2y colrsoLIDATtlD IJATER DISTRICT ]avid E. :lorE Ceneral ){anage r Enc l os ure !-tlilllno A\\ PARTtcrpATrNc Drsr.rcts - aRRowr-rEAD METR. warER . avoN METR. wareR . BEA'ER CREEK METR. warER . BERR' CREEK METR. wor.^ /Gi\ o\ EAGLE''a'LMErRow".'"""'o"3i,Iu'Il3y::'":trffff1H:?:X'-1:::1l:Tffff;::,""*''coNsoL'oarEo sAN,ra'oN @ DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF COLORAOO .DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS OOH Form No. 333 Rev. January, 1983 UTILITY PERMIT \.- I (07-20-87)White - Applicant Canary - Oistricl File Pink - Maint. Foreman Goidenrod - Inspector orsr 03 SECTION 02 PATBOL PERMIT NO. Your request for permission to instatl a \J q\or line along andlor across State Highway poT-7or1 H.\.\\ is granted sub.iect to the following terms and conditions on tront and back of this permit. lT lS UNDERSTOOD that the Permittee will cause the installation al no expense whatsoever to the Division and that the Permitlee will own and maintain the same after installation _, .l An underground installation shall be beneath the surface of the right of way at a minimum depth of "1\o inches, and the disturbed portion of the F.O.W. and roadway shall be cleaned up and restored to its original condition. The back tilling shall be made an six-inch lifts and mechanically tamped and packed, and under the roadwaythe last twelve inches of backfillshall be stable granular material such as crushed rock or gravel. Compaction shall be in accordance with Section 203.11 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. This work shall be completed within t 96 I days from the above date. No work shall be attowed on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays unless otherwise specified in this permil. No open trench permitted within 30 feel or traveled roadway atter dark, unless otherwise specified in special provisions. C.D.O.H. must be notilied 24 hours before work commences on R.O.W. or il any changes occur on the job C.D.O.H. may restrict work on R.O.W. during adverse weather conditions. Aerial installations of electric andlor communication lines shall be in accordance with the National Safety Electrical Code. The Permittee shall maintain the installation al all times and agrees 1o hold the State of Colorado, the agencies thereol, and their officers and employees harmless from any and all loss and damage which may arise out of or be connecled with the installation, maintenance, afteration, removal, or presence of the installation herein reterred Io or any work or tacilily connected therewith, within the area covered by this permit. Permits involving encroachmenl on the Nalional System of Interstale Defense Highways require ioncurrence by the Federal Highway Administration prior to the issuance of permit by the Division of Highways. The traveling public must be prolected during this installation with proper warning signs or signals both day and nighl. Warning signs and signals shall be inslalled by and at the expense of the Permittee and in accordance with direclions given by the District Engineer or his subordinate. Tralf ic control devices shall be in conlormance with criteria set forth in the Msnusl on Unilotm Tralf ic Conttol Devlces and the Colorado Supplement thereto. Failure to comply will be just cause for cancellation of the permrr. WATER LINE CHAIN LINK FENCE WILL BE REPLACED 10 OUT FROM THE ORIGINAL OR EXISTING LOCATION. TITE NE!il THE DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO Chiel Engineer By R. P. MOSTON OiSl,rct Enqineer In accepting this Permit the undersigned, representing lhe Permittee. verilaes that hg has read and u nderstands all of the foregorng provrsrons: thal (CHECKED BY }JALCK/THOMPSON) Signatu re Marntg(ance Supe(ntendent NOTE TO APPLICANT This permit shall be made available al the site where and when work is being done. The Permittee shall be responsible lor any repair necessary as a result ol cutting the pavement. Said repairs shall be in complianco . with Division of Highways Specifications, and maintenance responsibility shall be an obligalion of the Perminee tor 12 months after linal acceotance. f n the event any changes are made to this highway in the future that would necessitate removal or relocation d this installation, Permittee will do so promptly at its own expense upon writlen request from the Division of Highways, State ol Colorado. The Division will not be responsibletor any damage that may result in the maintenance of the highway to installation placed inside State Highway Hight ol Way limits. REQUTREMENTS FOR INSTALLMENTS OF UTILITIES WTTHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY 1. No cleated or track equipmenl to work on or move over asphalt surfaces without mats. 2. All disturbed portions ot right ol way are to be reseeded as specitied, at a time designated by lhe Division of Highways, State of Colorado. 3. Any materials and/or eguipment used as lhe result of utility installation will be removed lrom highway R.O.W. each day, unless otherwise specified in special provisions. 4. Under no condition is an asphalt surlace 10 be cut unless otherwise allowed by lhe special conditions of this permit. 5. Mud-iacking or pressure groutlng wi,l be requ;red where bores arc larger than lines or encasements 6. The ends bf bored seclions 3hall not be covered before being inspected. 7. No plastic line is to be inslalled without encasement under pavement regardless of pressure and size, unless otherwise specif ied on the permit. 8. Encasemenl of linewill berequiredlromtoeof slopetotoeof slopeunderall highways, or as directed by the District Engine€r, . and shall b€ in accordance with currenl policy and regulations. 9. All underground installations shall be protected by a minimum ground cover of 24 inches or as specified and shall meet standarcts s€i by current policy and regulations. 10. No new or additional utility installations shall be made alongthe interstate highway exceptalong a frontage road outside the control of access lines. Utilities on the interstate must be serviced without access from the through-trafiic roaqways or ramps. Manholes and other points of access to other underground ulilities may be permitted within the right of way of an interstate highway only when they are located 30' beyond lhe shoulder ol the through-traflic roadway or ramps and cin be serviced or maintained without access {rom the through-traffic roadway or ramp. 13. Request for installations on the interstate highway must bi accompanied by a sketch indicatin! the exact location anl elevataon of such installation. Normal requirement tor approval by the Division ot Highways andF.H.wA. as one month. 14. All requests for installation will be reviewed in the tield by representatives of the District oftice prior to any issuance of any permit. 15. Where special cases warrant, the Division will permil lhe installation of underground utilities paralle{ing highways otherlhan inlerstate along the slope of the shoulder. In the event such permits are issued, it will be required that matelial removed must be replaced in like kind and with same or better compaction. No segregation oJ material will be permitted. 16. The construction of undergiound installatiohs will generally iequire the services of an insp€ctor turnished by the Division ot Highways. The decision in regard lo which installation requires inspection is reserved bythe Division. Allcosts relating toth€inspection ol such utility installation will be borne by the permitte'e ,.,17. An drainage tac;tities or siphons wili.u" ;;;;;t;-;;;t"1t-,pon-"o'npi"riort J ,oir ;i ;;tes ;t ;;";;;;;;;;hr;- installation. Oamaged portion ot drainage orsiphon tacility will be replaced. Alldarr\aged seclions to be inspecred by Divisioh of Highways inspector belore being concealed in any manner. Drainage ditcheS oi borrow pits to be r6stored tb originat.,condition immediately atter backlilling is compteted. 18 No meters are to be placed within the highway right of way, excepting within corporale limits where municipal regulations allow installatiorr.-. - .- 19. Thrusl blocks will be requrred on all vertical and horizo-iltal bends in pressure pipes. i1 ' 20. All permits written for work Within Cities or Towns having over 5,000 po-pulatiorlwill, also, require the approval of the City or Town. 21. Wh6re the instillation crosses the roadway, it shall be encased in pipe ot larger diameter anoihi crossing sha be as nearly .perpendicular lo the roadway as physically possible. This installalion shall be installed by the method oi boring or jacking through beneath lhe road surface; however, open cut shall be allowed up to 6 feet from the edge ol the surtaceO portion of tnE highway. Portals lor pipeline crossings of more than 5 feet in depth (will) be bulkheaded. Wate--rletting and tunneling shall not be permitted, water assisted boring wall be permitted as determined and approved by D.O.H- insplctor. 22. Where the installaiion crosses any ditches, canals or water carrying struclures, wherever possible it shall be pushed through and beneath in a pipe of larger diameter thereby eliminating the necessity of trenching. In no-case shalltheltow ol water eGr -\.be impaired or interrupted. Any crossing of irrigation ditches or canals requires the approval ol the ditch company or owner. 23. ,'This work must be accomplished in accordance with^accepted good practices and conform to the requirements & provisions j.of the current National Electric Code and to such Colorado statutes as are applicable. 24. lAll construction operations involving excavation and trenching, both pubtic and private, shall be made subject to the rules and regulations sel forth by the Industrial Commission ol Colorado. Excavaiing and trenching shall beconstrued to mean any opening or cavity in the ground formed by cutting, digging or scooping and which is five feet or more in depth. 25 Permittee will be required to shut olf lines and remove all conibustible materials from the highway right ot way when requested to do so by the Division of Highways because of necessary highway construction orhainienince operalions. 26 lf the Division so requires, Permittee shall mark this installation with markers acceptable to the Division ol Hignways at the lccations designated by the Division of Highways. 11. '12. and , ,DQl 50L': ---.Rev!std TO: Arraj: I?OH: ,*!."-i"r, .1tra t). "D. ? .. l-\.,lf ' .1:nt I't til- STATE OF COLORADO DEPART}IENT OF HICHIJAYS DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS 4201 Easc Arkansas Avenue Denver, Colorado BO22Z for I ru*l,rrc (Inrers care-U t111cy) Prolecc No.€ z1t-.!GO) G. R. W. Ftitts -Rdof : 1 :: l BP,C€ Jorttlsou '-"'"" 4PSo,{ Dare A4nC<i.t Q LC,nr Flnal Urlliry subrnlt ted Skeich cc: Staff Design 5:rgiaeer ' The proposed insEallatlon will be tn Pollcy for Accomrodarion of Utilities and g111 lssue a- peroit to che Ut1lity. .,'_ accordance with the AASITTO with your concurrence, we .'. Dls trlc cEng in ee r GLENN W. FRITTS STAFF CONSTRUCTION ENCINEER The above request is By: q%z44-" a aLl. LnforuaELon to Sfaff ConsEructlon.Subott tuo coptes of L \ .t / I ,PtcrPcrEtEtrl v.v.c. C1A, 3TATIC'N SCAl-E: o EO :LOC, 2()C,.- .- .-_..\ a#e,/r'. P'&--7 o FTCIPC'BEcI ETT'TE )"--r / ^,n--i-\ o, .-_ /,:- -->'/\... - ;t---l-t-)./-j"\-----'-L: .w. tv't7^.o.&t t' t/ --""..t_ngfu' -Fti,cLa.a-:;fu:----== ) i__r,)r\'/ Fr ,,' cLa-4oo ies Y =Xt rrr JY O- r._ (., :<o^.2 Fo J =fr,E =EFs g S,a O ul tJ6 i::;;i i$$El r !E 5 !B P tsi EL::IF: ix€{5!Qf Fi $$ ii${ 6! gt *E'S r:il 1;I s 5 I t loJ I I t\ \1/ n ^^ =5E e--r: .G aE:Ee: z I s l: i I : r I 'r 5 Slo !te s q $$jR$R :! 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I I ./ I I I I i , .J B, is i? id 9l =di =H S* ^ trl :<;>A;i @6 N I o @ t^ E;E it t9E Q#:tr-s o z. a q I q z I F () rrJ I €l) I (9l zl ol <l (rI r0 col \../ |JI <I ol ill >l FI F$I $il cl <l col I 5lo EI iol JFI i *i <ts ;-!t{a $-is inE 5Hl LrJ <|z)l z.o-l ol hlc Rl* ffl;- 6IEE slE s bldF Gl ,,r ol I 6lE --) 5 FF aZ a\ lrj d= ,-.E ZE t+J F FF az o-= e.k LrJ trj zE &. t- F I ut F 5 o o z F i s , *\ .,1 \a\\:* tt\ ,, t\ s ! a t 8 t s €t ! g t I € .! JF t i I al I I I I .^! i lf-.-lr ri!iii I p \i @ss o a OEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS OOH Form No. 333 Rev. January, 1983 (07-20-87)While - Applicanl Canary - District File Pink - Maint. Foreman Goldenrod - lnspector ,1e87 03 .e"D,J*.J DIST. PERMITTEE'S NAME SECTION PATROL o2 L9 Address t{\o Fovest Qi. Pnone l?to4ttto PERMIT NO.4802 UTILITY PERMIT Your request for permission to install a \J-e\gC- line along ancl/or across State Highway ruoEaOrt is granted subiect to the tollowing terms and conditions on fronl and back of this permit. l^.\.$"$<n" tA? lT lS UNDERSTOOD that the Permiltee will cause the installation at no expense whatsoever to the Division and that the Permittee will own and maintain the same after installation _r tl An underground installation shall be beneath the surface of the right ol way at a minimum depth of -1\o inches, and th€ disturbed portion of the R.O.W. and roadway shall be cleaned up and restored to its original condition. The back Jilling shall be made an six-inch lifts and mechanically tamped and pacied, and under the roadway the last twelve inches ot backfill shal, be slable granular material such as crushed rock or gravel. Compaction shall be in accordance with Section 203.'11 of the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. This u,ork shall be completed within (\\ ne-+:t t 9O I days from the above date. No work shalt be a owed on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays unless otherw-iEe specitied in this permit. No open trench permitted within 30 feet or traveled roadway after dark, unless otherwise specilied in special provisions. C.O.O.H. must be notif ied 24 hours betore work commences on R.O.W. or if any changes occur on the job C.D.O.H. may restrict work on R.O.W. during adverse weather conditions. Aerial inslallations of electric andlor communication lines shall be in accordance with the National Safety Electrical Code. The Permittee shall maintain the installation at all times and agrees to hold the State ol Colorado, the agencies thereof, and their off icers and employees harmless from any and all loss and damage which may arise out of or be connected with the installation, maintenance, alteration, removal, or presence o, the installation herein referred to or any work or tacility connected therewith, within the a(ea covered by this permit. Permits involving encroachment on lhe National Syslem of Interstate Delense Highways require ioncurrence by the Federal Highway Administration prior to lhe issuance of permit by the Division of Highways. The traveling public must be protected during this installation with proper warning signs or signals both day and night. Warning signs and signals shall be inslalled by and at the expense of the Permittee and in accordance with directions given by the District Engineer or his subordinate. Trcttic control devlces shall be in conJormance with criteria set lorth in the Manualon Unilorm Tralf ic Conlrol Devices and lhe Colorado Supplement thereto. Failure 1o comply will be iust cause tor cancellation of the permit. L OUT FROM THE ORIGINAL OR EXISTING LOCATION. THE THE CHAIN LINK FENCE WILL BE REPLACED IO DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF COLORADO Chief Engineer By R. P. MOSTON Orstr icl Enqrnecr In accepling this Permit the undersigned, representing the Permittee. verilies lhat he has read and understands a ol the loregorng provisrons: that (CHECKED BY I,ilALCK/THOMPSON) Permiitee Signature NOTE TO APPLICANT This oermit shall be made available at the site wherF and whpn wnrk is hprnrl drrne The Permittee shall be responsible for any repair necessary as a resull of cutting the pavement. Said repairs shallbe in compliarice wilh Division ol Highways Specifications, and maintenance responsibility shall be an obligation of the Permittee for'12 months atter final acceptance. In the event any changes are made to this highway in the future that would necessitate removal or lelocation of this installation, Permittee will do so promptly at its own expense upon wrilten requ€st trom lhe Division of Highways, State of Colorado. The Division will nol be responsible for any damage that may result in the maintenance of the highway to installation placed inside State Highway Right of Way limits. REOUIREMENTS FOR INSTALLMENTS OF UTILITIES WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY 1. No cleated or lrack equipment to work on or move over asphalt surfaces without mats- 2. All disturbed portions of rig ht of way are to be reseeded as specif ied, at a time designated by the Division of H ighways, State ot Colorado. Any materiafs and/or equipment used as the resull of ulility inslallation will be removed from highway R.O.W. each day, unless otherwise specilied in special provisions. Under no condition is an asphalt surface to be cul unless otherwise allowed by the special conditions ot ihis permit. Mud-jacking or pressure grouting will be reguired where bores are larger than lines or encasements The ends bf bored seclions shall not be covered before being inspected. 3. 4. 6. 22. 23: 24. No plastic line is to be installed without encasement under pavement regardless of pressure and size,unless otherwise specif ied on lhe permit. 8. Encasement of line\,vill be req uired lrom toe of slope to toe of slope under all h ighways, or as directed by the District Engineer, .and shall be in accordance wlth current policy and regulations. 9. All underground installations shall be protected by a minimum ground cover of 24 inches or as specified and shall meet standarcls set by current policy and regulations. 10. No new or additional utilily installations shall be made along the interstate highway except along a f roniage road outside the control of access lines. 11. Utilities on the interstate must be serviced without access trom the through-tratfic roadways or ramps. 12. Manholes and other points of access to other underground utilities may be permitted within the right of way of an interstate highway only when they are located 30' beyond the shoulder ol lhe through-traftic roadway or ramps and can be serviced or maintained without access from the through-traftic rcadway or ramp. 13. Flequest lor installations on the interstate highway must be accompanied by a sketch indicating the exacl location and elevation ot such installation. Normal requir€menl for approval by the Division of Highways and F.H.W.A. is one month..|4. All requests for installation will be reviewed in the f ield by representatives ol the District office prior to any issuance ot any permit. 15. Where special cases warrant, the Division will permit the installation of underground utilities paralleling hig hways other than inlerstate along the slope of the shoulder, ln the event such permils are issued, it will be required that material removed must be replaced in like kind and with same or better compaction. No segregation ot malerial will be permitted ' 16. The construction of underground installations will generally r€quire the services of an inspector furnished by the Oivision of Highways. The decision in regard to which installation requires inspection is reserved by the Division. All cosls relating to the inspection of such utility installation will be borne by the permine'e ,17. All drainage-facililies or siphons witl be openeo- im.eolaGlv upon completioq oi work at sites ot orainage or sifnon - inslailation. Damaged portion oi drainage or siphon facility will be replaced. All darfiaged sections to be inspectei by Divisio jl ol Highways inspector belore being concealed in any manner. Drainage ditched or borrow pits to be restored to original.. condition immediately alter backfilling is compleled. 18. No melers are to be placed within the highway right ot way, excepting within corporate limits where municipat regutations r-* allow instaltation-_. . , - -..*__-- i I 19. Thrust blocks will be required on alt vertical and horizo-hlal bends in pressure pipes. iz0. ntl permils written tor worK within Cities or Towns having over 5,000 ffiutati'oalwllt, also, reguire the approvat otthecityor Town- 21. Wh6rethe instillation crosses the roadway, itshall be encased in pipe oi larger d ia mete, and*the c rossing shatt beasnearty perpendicular to the roadway as physically possible- This installation shall be installed by the method of boring or jacking through beneath the road surlace; however, open cut shall be allowed upto6 feet{rqm the edge ol the surtaced poriion ot th;' highway. Portals for pipeline crossings of more lhan 5 feet in depth (will) be bulkheacted. Water jetting and tunneling shall not be permitted, water assisted boring will be permitted as determined and approved by D.O.H. inspector. za. 26. Where the installation crosses any dilches, canals or waler carrying structures, wherever possible il sha ll be pushed through and beneath in a pipe of larger diameter thereby eliminating the necessity ol trenching. In no'case shall the flow of water ever -'abe imPaired or interrupted. Any crossing oi irrigation ditches or canals requires the approval of the ditch cornpany or owner. ,-ihis work must be accomplished in accordance with accepted good practices and conf orm to the requirements & orovisions l,ot the current National Electric Code and to such Colorado statutes as are applicable. ill construction operalions involving excavation and trenching, both public and private, sha be made subject to lhe rules and regulations sel forth by the Industrial Commission of Colorado. Excavating and trenching shall be construed to mean any opening or cavity in the ground tormed by cutting, digging or scooping and which is five feet or more in depth. Permtltee will be required to shut olf lines and remove all combustible materials trom the highway right ol way when requested to do so by lhe Division of Highways because ol necessary highway construction or maintenance ooerattons. lf the Division so requires, Permitlee shall mark lhis installation with markers acceptable to the Division ot Highways at the lccations designated by the Division of Highways. . D-q{ FOf\i }J0. 25 -.--Revls,ld September, l97g ..: ) t, /,) ,I t a)' ' .r) }"*,,, ( Ince rs ra ce-U c 1l t ry) , 4n'' ,rl'o'' ' q ProJ ec c Da Ce STATE OF COLORADO DEPART}{ENT OF HICHWAYS DIVISION OF HICHWAYS 4201 East Arkansas Avenue Denver, Colorado 80222 TO: c. W. Iyitts -Root..-,':1 Arrd: R. Ep)E JoHilso^l EROH: .- .. '., .lptail Sketch cc: Staff Desiga Sngineet -Enclosed for your revlew and coacurrence is--a.request from UlpeB.gKEUn*f ylfl*lS+^l regarding a crossing of and/or . (Nane of Utifiiy) lnstallation on Project JZt -Z^ L+C ar a-Ptr(r)r"€ S?.1 / /6{- _1ocat1on (station and locatloa rnierar@ proposal provides for despription Fl-nal Urility suburlt Eed Project No.) t:l ^t /< 1.5 ' ' The proposed installatlon will be Ln ' Pollcy for Accontrodation of U.tilitles and - g!'l.1 lssue a pernit to lhe Utiliry. accordance vith the AASIIT0 wi th your concurrence, we fhe above reguest ls approved DIstrl.ct Englneer ,By:_l<jrea*-_]1.".-,_*Ote".-, ,-f..r erfecrlve 4/?Z/eZ CLENN I'. FRTTTS STAFF CONSTRUCTION By: coptes of all lnformatlon to Staff ConsEructlon.SuboLE tuo PFtCrPCtSgE v. v. c . eaa gTATac'N tcAt-E: t / --/ /-\. ' . \-- \-' - --/ t / I t o Eo aoo ':oo n tl/t'-'fu' { .-_77-_ =-// - 4 -a,oer,/2lW-7 O PclSEc' gITE! ---.-- -- -\t'./- -'{l::io*' -Ar'eual-aodst\x<-1 .y' FT \''... / C------:>'// / \4'.-_ /L___?'( t... ,,t----l-t,)./._ - _......-q\ _ _.1r, _ \ r ___. ir,{..};-;N -\sr ! "/ \ .w. \= -\ -/-\ r\..--_ r-;Fii*szt '--'1, .'-,1 -: :t ;.:1;..,t.. h+.j :Ii",',:': L^-f:*;s-- Et i.:ri l.i-:F F.F|itCr - \ \\ rt''i' ,i$ffiS$t MINUTES VAIL TOhIN AUGUST 21, 7:30 P.M. COUNCIL MEETING 1990 A regular meeting of the Vai l Town 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT:Kent Rose, Mayor Tom Steinberg, Mayor Pro-Tem Lynn Fritzlen Jim Gibson Merv Lapin Robert LeVine Peggy Osterfoss None Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk MEMBERS ABSENT: TO}JN OFFICIALS PRESENT: At the start of the meeting, a1 1 Councilmembers were present except Lynn Fritzlen and Peggy Osterfoss. Under C'i tizen Participation, Merv Lapin stated Channel 23's aired tapings of the Council meetings had poor sound reception. He asked if sound system improvements or placement of more microphones was needed to improve the situation. There was some discussion, and it was noted that if the audience were strictly instructed to come up and speak to a microphone, it may stop people from speaking. Peggy and Lynn arrived. Ron Phillips commented if the Council meetings were going to be held elsewhere in the future anyway, the problem would have to be dealt with. He added that staff would check into alternatives. Item two on the asenda was the Cbfie.tenvT,f'ormit1Eii.'dristiTiiiofir,il<ristan Pritz save a quick overview of the planning process to date. She'l isted each of the 13 potential sites, noting that the upper bench of Donovan Park had been selected as the most suitable site per the suitability analysis criteria and added that the surrounding neighborhood was strongly opposed. She then discussed bri ef'ly the analyses of the six additional sites Council had asked staff to look into. Kristan commented the next step involved detailed site planning and going before the Planning and Environmenta'l Commission. An unidentified person in the audience was opposed to the proposed cemetery because he had questions as to who could be buried there, and wondered if the mi1'l levy for Mjnturn could be transferred to Vail; he then gave his suggestions on how to proceed. Al l,leiss stated he did not care if there was a cemetery or not, but he was bothered by the possibility that the Town was using up open space in town for a cemetery and not for recreation, etc. He felt the lower bench of Donovan Park was an excellent site for affordable employee hous'i ng. Hermann Staufer thought the upper bench of Donovan Park was a better spot, and urged Council to vote on a site and begin the process. There was then discussion that this was a two step process, first to decide on an exact location, and then secondly, more examination of the planning process for acbually operating a cemetery. There was more discussion regarding the upper and 'l ower benches of Donovan Park. Ella Knox felt a cemetery in the middle of a skj resort was ridiculous and the Council would regret turning the land over for that use. Mayor Rose was opposed to the lower bench, but felt the upper bench, if prope,rly done, would be fine. He agreed it was a two step process, with the first step almost completed, and the second part to have the land developed with a natural character, with some restrictions. Questions as to who would be allowed to be buried at the site, management, and finance must be addressed in step two. Peggy 0sterfoss and Rob LeVine agreed with Mayor Rose. Rob felt the people who make up the committee were al1 responsible and caring, and he trusted them to do the right thing, he would put his faith in what these people decided. Lynn Fritzlen commented she was in favor of the s'i te, and impressed with the level of depth of the committee's analysis. Peggy Osterfoss then made a motion to approve the Donovan Park upper bench site as presented for the Vail cemetery, with the conditions that no bui'l dings Councjl was held on Tuesday, August 21, 1990,of the Vail Municipal Building. at ^/i. -z- p3 'suolllpuol Meu q1 !,{ palepdn uaeq spq auo slLll xnq 'g96l u! uollnlosal JE[!lx!s e pe^oJddE ppq [!]uno3 aql palPls 21,lJd uEXs!J) 'Epua6p aql uo lxau sEM'suollipuor uR119.?*q1|4_i1c1.r1s!0 JalEil PalEp!losuoC fa11e^ $pA aql ,tq pesodo.rd 1ra$o.r6 0ugq.roddns uollnlosal p '066I Jo salJaS 'IZ 'oN uollnlosa1 'pasoddo asou lua) pue 'u1de1 nra6 'sso3lalsg rt66a6 'uosq!g urlf r.l?lr 't-t patle1 uo!1our aql pue ualEX spr\{ a1o^ V .papuolas au!Aa'l qo1 qllqm'uo11nlosal aql enordde 01 uolloul p apeul 6laqu1a1g urol'uogssnrslp qlnu ralJ.V 'suollel!tdrur sl! pue [an] ]o lsot oql lnoqE pallpl /lrep aoJ, 'ue1d aq1 u1 sabueqr papuauulof,al aq1 pauleldxa aa1l lruruo3 uollelrodsueJl aq1 Jo Jaquau y .ue1d Jallaq e JoJ suo!1sa66ns paJaJJo uosq!g u!C 'ualsfs luaJJnf, aql uo uollEruJolu! pappE pue'uog fq apeu sluauruor dn palreq sdlIgqd uou '1u1od slrll 01 106 faql noq bulprebal slueuuof, apeu uaql q3lail uog 'Mou anss! aq1 dn t[p] 01 alnleuald seu X! lpql 'u0llf,a[a eq1 l.roddns lou 01 aq plnom aulX slql 1e 6u1q1 XsaslM aql palrpuar pue 'paalbe asoX .rofe4 ' 1€1. L [ !M alo^ aq1 'as !^{Jaqlo 'IJor"r 1 !M 1l a^a t leq tgM atdoad os uolllala ue o1 6u1o6 aloJ.aq lsJ!J papaau seM up[d E XtaJ uosqlg urlf 'la,t PaP!3op lou peq uo^v jo u^^ol aq1 palou a^als 'uollf,ata aql Jo anll.roddns lou aJaM /taql Jl Jo 'raq1o orll Jo auo jo Jo^pj u! a;an faql J! tllunol palse f,"ql_ 'uo^V Jo ur,rol aql Joj 000'00I$ pue tle1 Jo umol aql 01 pauJnlal aq 01 spunJ. ssasxa u1 leaf e 000'009$ ltlaleulxo.ldde acnpo.rd p[noM q]lqA oseaJf,u! xpX salps %9.p Jo:sa!1!tpd!llunu aql 01 lleq 6uro6 fauou ou ql !M lnq 'al!^Jos Jo la^aI lualJnf aql u!P1uleur 01 asPaJf,u! xel satps %t'p Jaql!a JoJ ?JaM suoll€puauuof,al s,aa1l lrxruoJ u0llpuodsupJl aql pappe Il!MJE8 a^als 'uollpnl !s s,rt1uno3 aql Jo areue rtlqeqord sEfrl [!]uno] aql ltal uoo puP's6ug1aau 6uluuP[d aql u! a^lleluasarder $eA Jo umol aql uaaq peq IllmJeg a^aXS tpr{l paluauluotr uog '[!]unof, ]o suollsanb ransue o1 luasald sem qf,tail uoq Xeql pue'ua4sfs snq apgm-f1unof, aq1 6u1pun1 JoJ uolllata ue lroddns ol f1l1ed111unu qf,pa palsanbal spq f1uno3 aq1 pa1pls sd11;.1q6 uoX 'uralsfs snq epln-/t1unotr E af,uEu!J 01 ?,ua!f, ljJns lunoiue up u! xel salps flunof aseaJf,u!ol uollra[a ue 6ugl.roddns uollnlosal E '066I ]o salJaS '02 .oN uollntose1 se]r lxaN 'pesoddo u!de"l ^JaW pue '6Jequlals uol'esoX luay 'uosqlg ulC q1 lM't-€ patlEJ uo!1ou aql pup ualEl sen alo^ e'uo;ssnf,s!p aJou Ja1J.V 'a)ueulpJo slql ql lM a1qe1 ;nba 1! alpul o1 sfep gI apnLtxa ol papuaute aq alupulpJo lsp;lealq pup poq aq1 pa1sa66ns uaql utol ,,'og ItErls lrun rad reaf rad,, ]o'T uo!11a5 ug a6ueq3 6u!pJoi pa1sa66ns s,6Jaqu!aXS ruol ppp faql palsenbar ssoJJalsg rf66a6 'papuof,as aul^al qou qllqr,l ,6u1peal lsJlj uo aluEulpJo aql a^oJddp 01 uolloru E epetu uaLzllJJ uu/tl .JJE1S pup lllunol fq pansua uolssnlslp qln6 'sruooJ taloq Jo a6e1;oqs p Jo asnpf,aq 6ulrula1 lJoqs palJels eldoed 'f[lpu!6lJo'11a4 uno.rg op 'unol aq1 uo aJtJI]Eq plnoc ualsfs aq1 ltal ra]np1s aof 'c11qnd aql pue'11runo3'JJBls rtq uolssnrs!p aulos ueql spm alaql .1noqp au?f, alupulpJo aql ,'{or.l 01 sp u0lleruJoJu! punoablceq ane6 q11m1s3,t;ue1 .asog.rofe4 /tq ppal spm af,ueulpJo aLll Jo atl !l LLnJ aql '1xau sEM,olaraql prebar ul slelap qlJoj 6u111as pue !sq1un (g) aarql upql ssaI lual oqn aldoad Jo] saa] asuaf,rI ssaulsnq Mau q1JoJ 6ullqas !setuelsun:J!l ulElJal rapun eal asual![ ssau!snq aq1 Jo luaufed aql uoJJ lduaxa aq [[Eqs reaf Jad sfep (91) uaal]!J upql ssaI Jo] sllun lual uJal lJoqs oi.lr,t suos.rad 1eql ap!^oJd 01 ttp^ Jo uMol aql }o apo3 1edgr1un6 eql Jo Ot0-t0.9 u0lllas 6ulpuaue arupulpJo uE'6ulppal lsJ!J,066I Jo salJaS,Ig.oN af,ueulpJO 'g-1 flsnou!ueun passpd uollonr aq1 pue ualel spil alo^ V 'papuolas u!dp'l AJa[^| ql!q,'r'otupulpJo aql anordde 01 uo!1olu E apEu uatzllJJ uu/t1 't!lunol Jio suo!1sanb pa;ansue uaql pup'1oa;1a ptno,lr atuEulpJo aq1 saoueqc apo3 or..l1 pamar^aJ f13a1;q uaslpnuy A'puy 'a[1!X [[n] atll pear asog.rofe6l 'olalaql preoal ut sl.lplap q1rol 6u111as pue !qn6 marg p Jo uolleJado aql u! suollllrlsaJ urplJac aplro.rd ol apo3 1ed5c1un6 Llp1 aql Jo gZ.gI .ra1deq3 6ulpuaue:1trlJ1s!p ouoz Jolua3 ar1AJoS [e!trJauuoJ aql 01 sasn lpuo!1!puo] se uolldunsuor a1 !s-]Jo JoJ a[e ro Jaaq pa.lnlf,€JnuEut aql jo luarred uaalJ. lJ ltas q]!qr.r sqnd MaJg pue atpsa[oq&l raaq l[as leql sqnd MaJE Jo uolllppe aql fq apo3 ledr]run6 le1 aql Jo 0t0.gZ.8I aaldeq3 6u !puauE !111.11s!p auoz Ja1uaf, al!AJaS Ip!]JauuoJ aql ul asn palllurlad . E sp qnd Marg ppe 01 apof, 1ed1t1un4 aq1 +o SES.BZ.BI uolltas bulpuarue pue :qnd ?. -q?Jg..980't0'gI uo!1tas Jo uolllppp aql fq apoJ ted!r!unhl Lle1 eql Jo tO.gliitaldgq3'6ulpuaup af,uEutpJo uE'6ulppal puoJas'066I Jo sa!JaS ,tZ .oN-arueUlp.rg sem 11ldp 'g-1 flsnou!upun passpd uo11ou aq1 pup ua)el ser,r alo^ V 'elelsltx ssorb p bulleu seu l!trunoC aql llal aq iureqs E se& l!'s!r{l J0 esnpf,aq atqelle^e lou seM alaql fraloua? p ro] puel aq1 Jl llal pue,a1 1s [lag ulelunot^| aLll uo sburp[!nq ueA ]o uMoI Jo luauaf,p[d alqgssod aql lnoqe preaq lou peq aq pappe sslail tV 'uo JalpI u0llepuaulurof,al e u! 6u1;q o1 JJEIs l]aJrp p[nom faql pertdal aso6.ro,fe6 qrlqn'eare aql jo sluaplsal o1 rtluo alqp[!€Ap aq pinom alupll rupe padoq u!del ^rail 'uollor.u aql papuotas au!Aa-l qou 'suo11do [p!]upu!]pue'ubrsap'luauaoeueu aql ql lM paaf,ord 01 JlPls 01 suollloJtp pue ,a1q5ssod sp qf,nur se spaJp tpfluaplsal attl JaJJnq 01 apetu oq lJoJla ue ,aa11 ruuto3,tralaua3 aq1 fq pazllpnlda]uof, sE ssaulpJnleu eq1 ulpluleu plnon u65sap eq1 ,a1 1s aql uo aq plnon ,/ I I {'I Drager, representing the Vai1 Va] |ey Consolidated llater District, commented on the resolution and stated the conditions of Vail's approval were completely acceptable. Rob LeVine made a motion to approve the resolution, which was seconded by Tom Steinberg. Ed Drager then reviewed the repercussions of the the fajlure of the Black Lakes project, per Merv Lapin's request. A vote was then taken and the motjon passed unanimously 7-0. The seventh item was action on the Town of VaiI/Vail Metropolitan Recreation District First Addendum to Agreement. Larry Eskwith remarked the addendum added language requested by the VMRD Board, and he felt it was pretty self-explanatory.After a short discussion, a motion to approve the addendum as presented was made by Lynn Fritzlen and seconded by Tom Steinberg. A vote was taken and the motion passed unan'imously 7-0. At this time, Larry Eskwith asked Counci'l if his drafted letter to Abe Shapiro, which Council received jn their packet, was acceptable to send. Councilmembers agreed it looked fine to them. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. Respectful ly submitted, ATTEST: Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman -3- r ($iry, ls fu'- U Itor*tu,\nd) tffi Dh frr"J,"ru b^L ttctl-fn p\o^\'nq uli\Lit5 - ir"Wue 4i \qK C- lniL ilC.k h iU:,#fPJ-fffiNry- $eca,rtt t\4$ px<ilo\,| + u,'urC o.<-ur- \4 {iiq tir"r#l-{rNq cadC dlr^P 5\€+iq- $t\n n.-{tq crG6f ho\d,ro Dm\MU- t\ doO aLie- + $te.W(hrul. [ar\n dani nd,ri+t -|''*u{},uy. ilor.Q rrri\\' L^f {U.rt,- i rer+&L : ,Zr r l'l lichPt ll -.r l) | r$-' I \ fubla-+ 551 Broadway Eagle,Colorado Bl63l Bo3) 328:7311 July 31, 1990 iiPt': '''"' ') i:1iri; clty of Colorado springs 30 South Nevada way Colorado springs, colorado 80903 clty of Aurora 1470 s. Havana street Aurora, Colorado 80012 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosed please find a Pub11c Notice regarding a public hearing between the Vail Va1ley Consolidated water District and the Eagle county Board of county Comnissioners, sitting 1n 1ts capacity as the Eagle county Pernit Authority, and the Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Commlssion. Please contact me at (303) 328-8565, should you have any questions. Eagle County Attorney tnclE couNTY o RffD AUPzTissQ (n)KL/pvl Enclosure Board of County Commissioners P.O. Box 850 Eagle, Colorado 81631 As:essor P.O. Box 449 Eagle, Colondo 81631 Oerk and Recorder P.O. Box 537 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Sheriff P.O. Box 359 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Treasurer P.O. Box 4?9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 ffiTDAUG-1€90 PUBLIC NoTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN that tlre Vaj-I Valley consolidated ltater District filed wj.th the Eagle county Pernlt Authority an Anetrded Application for a permit to conduct tbe following designated activity of state interest: Efficient utillzation of rnttnicipal and and industrial water Projects Tlre proposed actlvity of state illterest referred to hereiDabo.re is the enlargelnent of the capacity of Elack Lake No. 1 Dam by constructing a new higher dam 150 feet dowtrstream of the existing dam. The activity shall be conduqted on real property generally located approximately 13.5 rniles east o.f Vail, adjacent io Interstate 70, in the White River National Forest near the top of vail Pass on Black Gore Creek, colorado. The proposed project is located in the soirtheast t of section 4, Township 6 south, Range 79 West, Sixth PrlnclPal Heridian. PUBLIC NOTICE IS rURTHER GfvEN, pursuant to Section 24- 65.1:501, C.R.S., et 199., Eagle County Land Use Regulations, chaPter VI , Guid;lines ind-R-egulations for Areas and Activities of State Inierest of the county of ragle, state of colorado, 1980' as amended, that tFe Board of county conmissioners of the county of Ea91e, state of.Coiorado, sitting in its capacity as the Eagle county Pernit Authority, and the Eagle and Colorado Valley Planning Comnission shall troid a Joint public hearing to conslder the.lPplicant's Anended Application. The hearing will be on Monda s tneetin minth 0:00 a the Board GGE-house, 5sTTEoaaway, EagLe, colorado. coPies of the Application and related document-q may be examined i-n ihe office of the Eagle County Departnent of Community Developmetrt located at Eagle Business Central , 725 Chanbers Avenue, Eagle, Colorado. Telephone inguiries regardlng the subject application nay be nade by calling (303) 328-8730. PUEIISHED BY oRDER oF THE EAGLE col'}lTY PERHIT AUTHoRITY, STATE. OT COLOF}DC. /s/ Johnnette PhilliPs clerk Ex of.f 1cLo to Ene Eagle county Permit Authority P'rrl:lished in the Eagle ValleY !:.', i:-prise: JuIy 19, 1990 and JuIy 26, 19c^ ' RESOLUTION NO. Series of 1988 A RESOLUTION PROPOSED BY SUPPORTI NG THE VAIL VAI ERVOIR PROJECT WATER DISTRICT, WITH CERTAIN EONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the Vail Valley Consolidated Waten District (VVCWD) has submitted an application to Eagle County for a 1041 permit to enlarge Black Lake No. l located near Vajl pass and constructing an additional two hundred twenty-seven (227) acre feet of additjonal storage capacity; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vail has received advice on the issue from an engineer; and IIHEREAS, the Town's engineer believes the project will not adversely affect the Gore Creek fishery; and IIHEREAS, the reservo'ir project is an element of an overal 1 augmentation plan now being implemented and said plan will not have adverse impacts on Gore Creek; and WIIEREAS, the Town's engineer believes the plan is a reasonable compromfse meeting the municipal water demand of the Vail area and the fish and stream demands necessary for a resort community; and hIHEREAS, the augmentation decree contains a clause which woul d allow the Town of Vail to reopen consideration of the plan if the Council finds the plan does not operate as ant'icipated and stream flow has dropped below those expected resulting in damage to the fish population or other forms of adverse impacts; and WHEREAS, the Town Counci'l beljeves that while it can support said augmentation p1an, it is necessary to place certain conditions upon its support to help pnotect the fish habitat in Gore Creek. NOl,l, THEREFORE, 8E IT RES0LVED BY THE TOlrN C0UNCIL 0F TH€ T0WN OF VAI!, COLORADO: The Town Consol i dated project with 1. The organ i zati on contribute a Council of the Town of Vail generally supports the Vail Va1 ley Water District plan of augmentation for the Black Lakes reservoir the fo'l 'l owi ng condi ti ons: VVCI,IO shall participate with the Town of Vail and the Trout Unlimited ? in a multi-year stream habjtat lmprovement program. The VVCWD shall minimum of ten thousand dol'l ars ($10,000) to this program. I I I I 2. The VVCIJD shall be responsible for restocking flsh ln Gore Creek if a significant fish kill occurs through the djversion of water from Gore Creek. The Colorado Division of I'lildllfe shall be solely responslble for determining when a significant fish kill occurs. The fish stocking program shall be done in accordance with direction given by the colorado Division of t{ildlife. 3. The VVCWD shall enter into an agreement with the Town of Vail commltting to the terms and conditlons set forth in paragraphs I and z hereof. INTRODUCED, REAO, APPROVED AND AD0PTED this _lSth day of March 1988. : ATTEST: ' ,rlrlJ rlr r..l li lt I i I tlt { 1,, , .',; I .. :. I tnttn 75 south tronlage road Y!il, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office of lhe town manager April 11, 1988 Mr. Harry Frampton East West Partners 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 100 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Harry: Thank you for your letter concerning the construction gojng on at of Aspen Lane and the Frontage Road. I apologize for the delay in you. The smal I bu i Idi ng under constructi on i s which is being installed by the Vajl Con the construction should be completed in trenching in the area, however, since a If you have any further questions about two weeks. There wiII water I ine connection the project, fee'l free cc: Kent Rose Dave Mott VAIL1989 /r: 1 -t,l / 1/,-a"' ff v,t, o/'r> the intersection gett'ing back be some further has yet to be made. to contact Dave. Roridall V. Phillips Town Manager COLORADO. GEORGIA I NORTH CAROLINA e vlRGlNlA r WASHINcTON March 29, 1988 Mr. Kent Rose Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Kent: For sell over a year now there has been construction going on at the entrance to our neighborhood. Even before this construction, it rras being used as a storage area. I would like to ask the Town to do everything that they can to insure that this work is cornpleted as soon as possible, and that the area is regraded, cleaned up, and re-vegetated. ft is guite unattractive and everyone in our neighborhood would like to have it in tip-top condition by Spring. Bhanking you in advance. Sincerely, E.AST WEST PARTNERS w dsb stu[MAR301988 / c.cz Ron Phillips 1000 South Fronrage Road West. Suite 100 o Vail. Colorado 81657 r (303)476-7660 75 south trontage road vail, color.do 81 657 (3O31 476-7OOO office of the town manager February 2, 1990 l-. Aspen Lane Pumphouse 2. Parking Structure h*'n^ - FYT \Z\IL1989 PERMTT FEE $ 621.0O $ 652.00 WiLlian B. ceorge Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated 845 Forest Road vail , co 8L657 Dear Bill: The following is a sumrnation of the fees waived. for the Consolidated Sanitation and Water Districts from De.cember 1t LggT to Decernber l-, L989. FEES WATVED FOR I'PPER EAGI,E VAIIJEY WATER & SA}IITATTON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (includes building, electrical , plunbing & mechanical perm.its) . VALUATION $40, 000.0o $47, ooo. oo PUBLIC WORKS 1-. 51 Total Street SUBToTAL st_273.00 Permits at $75.00 each: SUBToTAL S3825. O0 TOTAL FEES WArVED $5O98.OO questions regarding this information,If you please have Iet me any further know. Sin lY' Rbndalf-V. Ptrillips Town Manager RPlpab UPPER EAGLE VIUEY RtrOJAN 2 5 1990 TED o Corsouoa WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FORESI ROAD . vAlL. COLORAOO 81657 t303) 176-7480 January 23, 1990 !lr. Stan Berrynan Director of Public Works Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Val1, Colorado 8L657 Re:Town of Val1 Bus tr{asher Facility Account Number 8625f 0-0 Dear Stan: Please be advised that as of this date the Board of Directors of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation Dlstrict (hereafter UEVCSD) has not waived the payment of the sewer tap fee for the Bus washer Facitity. I understand that Ron Phillips and lfilliam B. George are discussl-ng an lntergovernmenEal agreenent in thLs and other [urtters. Until such time as this agreement is finalized, UEVCSD needs to document the status of this matter in the customer account file. The status, therefore, is the fo].lowing: - In August 1989, Pete Burnett requested that UEVCSD provide water and sewer inspection and connection to the bus washer and verballv requested waiver of water and sewer tap fees. - fhe UEVCSD staff asked that the request be nade ln writlng, and advised the Town that these requests needed to be approved by the Vail Val1ey Consolidated i{ater District (hereafrer WCI,ID) and UEVCSD Boards of Directors. - Service was provided on the basis that if the request lras not approved, the Tovm would pay the commercial tap fees due. - 0n or about Noveober 2, 1989, I received your request for waiver of tap fees. - The item was introduced to the WCWD and UEVCSD Boards during the November Board meetinss. - 0n November 16, 1989, the WCWD approved the waiver of the I-L/Ztl conmercial r1'ater tap fee of $23,000. ,ll \\ PARTtcrparlNG otsrRrcrs - aRRowHEAD METR. l,yarER . avoN irr"o ,"^re" . .EAVE' .REEK METRo warER . BERR' .R€EK ,ar"o /G\a t \\ warER o E GLE vatL MEtRo warERv'i"J:::ilil::; ffi:f i:,:?Hx::'ft^'J,fi' EAGLE vaLLEY saN'!raflo . u^''- QflF !lr. Stan Berrynan Jantary 23, L990 Page Two - On Novenbet 29, 1989, the UEVCSD Board tabled the decision ro valve the L-L/2tt comercial sewer tap fee of $14,500 pending receipt of a proposed policy to deal lrlth the waiver of tap fees and other issues involving l-ntergovernmental cooperatl-oD. - IJEVCSD will note the 1-1/2" cornrnercial sewer tap of $14,500 as a "receivablet' until such tine as Mr. Phillips and Mr. George conclude their discussions and the uEvcsD Board of Directors either approves the request to rtraive the tap fees, or deaies the request, in which case the tap fee w-i11 be iz"nediately due and payable. Should you have any questions about the status of this matter, please contact me at your earliest convenience. S Lncerely, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT \.oqi. \- {*AA"q- Fred S. I{as lee District Regulati.ons Adnlnistrator FSH: sk cc: Willian B. George Ron Phillips Customer File AGREEMENT between the TOWN 0F VAIL, the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONS0LIDATED SANITATI0N DISTRICT ANd thc VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into thi, lu* day of TI nl JtrAurrb-aa , 1987, by and between the T0ldN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal COTPOTATiON ('.the Town.'), the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATEO SANITATION DIsTRIcT, a quasi-governmental entity ("sanitation District") and the vAIL vALLEy CONSOLIDATED HATER DIsrRIcr, a colorado quasi-governmental entity (,,l{ater Di stri ct" ) . REC I TALS 1. The Town, the Water 0istrict and the Sanitation District wish to contract together to provide for the wajver of certain fees between the Town and the Di stri cts. Z. This Intergovernmental Agreement is authorized pursuant to Section 18, Article xIV of the colorado constitutjon and section zg-L-zor, et seq., c.R.s., as ' amended. NOll|' THEREF0RE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, conditions and promises contained herein, the parties hereby agree as fol'lows: 1. The Town shall waive during the term of this Agreement, for the Water D'i strict and Sanitation District, the follow.i ng fees and costs: A. Street cuts. B. Recreation amenities. C. C1 ean up. D. Suilding perrnit. E. Electrical permit. F . Mechani ca1 permit. G. Plumbing permit. H. Design Review Board. I. Si gn appl i cati on. J, Planning and Environmental Commission appl ication. 2. The Water District and Sanitation Djstrict agree to pay the Town's direct expenses for al1 plan reviews as per section 304(c) of the u.B.c. and wil'l comply with Chapter 3 of the U.B.C. for application for a perm.i t. The Water and sanjtation Districts agree to pay the Town's direct expenses for all building inspect'i ons per Table 3-A, Chapter 3, of the U,B.C. 3. The Water Djstrjct and Sanitation Distrjct shall waive all tap fees for public restrooms, park landscaping and drinking fountains on Town of Vail property. These tap fees shall include irrigation tap fees, sewer tap fees and water tap fees. 4. The Town of Vajl agrees to apply to the Water and Sanitation Djstricts for necessary taps and comply wjth service line inspections and meter installatjon. The Town of vail also agrees to pay nonth)y water and sewer service fees. 5. Termi nati on Unless sooner terminated as provided for herein, this Agreement shall be effectjve Decenber 1, 1987 and sha'l I termjnate Novernber 30, l9g9 Notwithstanding the foregoing provision, either party with or wjthout cause may terminate this Agreement upon the giving of one hundred eighty (lg0) days prjor wrjtten notjce of such terminatjon to the other respective parties. Notice shall be deemed to have been given upon the mailing of said notice by unj ted states -2- certified first class mai1, postage prepaid, and addressed to the parties at the respective addresses as shall appear herein or upon a change of address pursuant to this notice provision. It is the intent of the respective partjes that thjs Agreement shall be renewed for additional periods following the end of the initial period, and unless one of the parties gives notice to the other parties at least one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the end of the injt.i al period that such party desires to termjnate this Agreement or to renegotiate the terms, thjs Agreement sha'l 'l be automatically extended for an addjtional per.i od ef 2 years each not to exceed a total of two (2) such extensions. 6. This Agreement does not and shall not be deemed to confer upon a grant to any third party any right to claim damages or to bring any lawsuit, action or other proceedings against either the Town or the Districts because of any breech hereof or because of any terms, covenants, agreements or conditions contajned here.i n, 7. No modifjcation or waiver of this Agreement or of any covening condition or provision herejn contajned shall be yalid unless in writing and du)y executed by the party to be charged. 8. This written Agreement embodies the whole Agreement between the parties and there are no jnducements, promises, terms, cond.i tjons, or other obligations made or entered into either by the Town or the Districts other than those contained herein. 9. This Agreement shall be binding upon the respective parties, their successors or assigns' and may not be assigned by anyone without the prior wrjtten consent of the other parties hereto. 10. The Town has represented to the Distri cts and ljkewise, the Districts have represented to the Town that they possess the Iegal ability to enter into this -3- Agreement. In the event that a court of competent jurisdiction determjnes that any of the parties hereto did not possess the legal ability to enter into this Agreement, this Agreement shall be considered null and void as of the date of such court determi nati on. IN I'IITNESS WHERE0F, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement the day and year fjrst wrjtten above. TOWN OF VAIL UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANiTATION DISTRICT VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED l^lATER OISTRICT -4- lown u IlflI 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 office of the town manager Board of Directors Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Water District 846 Forest Road Vail, CoLorado AL657 Dear Board of Directors: At the August 26th upper Eagle valley consolidated sanitation District meetingr.members expressed ln interest in forrnalizing a cooperative policy between the Town of vail and the oistric€,in respect to perrniL fees. The fown of Vail is interested in working out a cooperative amangement with the Board. r would like to invite Dave Mott and rnembers of the Board. to attend a Town Council work session on September j-sth at 2:0o p.M. f will be calling Dave to confirrn- this date and to discuss in more detail what the proposal should. include. Thank you for your interest in this matter. r feel confident that we can develop an intergovernmental arrangement which will be beneficial to both groups. Septenber 2, 1,987 Rondall V. Phill Town Manager RVP: bpr o I Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vai1. Colorado 81658 Re:South side of birm from Forest Rd. to Antlers - Landscaping (on the north side of Gore Creek) Dear Kri stan , As I mentloned in our phone conversation today, the landscaping of the birm has been an ongoing problem for several years. I have attached but a few of the Ietters concerning this matter, and as you can see they,date back as far as 1983. Now that we are finally getting the bike path along the creek that has been planned for several years, I feel it is time to readdress the problem. We are certainly glad to hear that Vail Associates has committed to landscape their portion of the birm. I spoke with Mr. Ted Ryczek today to discuss with him that V. A.ts intention is to put topsoil and seed the entire south side and plant"trees. mentioned the unsightly metal culvert pipe that sticks out quite far on the south side of the birm, and he agreed to cut this off. Howe he tow ow a dded a second culvert oioe below th oes under the ike ath. and it sticks ou The remainder of the problems of the area rest with the Marriott Mark Resort. In the summer of I984 we addressed Mr. Peter Patten on the problems with the unsightly birm and several pipes extending way out from the bank. We were assured that the Marriott woul"d not recieve the certificate of occupancy for their new wing until tleir landscaping was acceptably completed. Granted they did a beautifuJ. job on what they can see, but Ieft the south facing property looking like a junk yard. Their pipes were never cut off, and their late fa11 trlandscapingI resulted in a thistle and weed patch with a few strips of burlap blowing around in the wind.I think enough growing seasons have now past since the letter attached from I984 to prove that there is no sign of acceptable vegitation.Perhaps it would be proper at this time to puIl out the Marriottrs landscaping pIans. I have several file photos of the bank area before the Marriott began their construction that show a very green and vegitated area, that is certainly not what they left after their constructi on. AIso j ust a couple of weeks ago I took another ro11 of firm of this area which shows the complete lack of vegitation.I will be happy to bring them in to show you if you would like to set up a meeting for some time after Thanksgiviflgr its we will be out of town until then. 0ctober 24, I986 t d:I.{t^ workin o I think now is the time to start putting the pressure on the Marriott to clean up their bank. The new btke path is going to become a very important focal point for the area from the Westin to Lionshead. It is going to open up one of the prettiest parts of Gore Creek for the enjoyment of everyone in the town, and it will be ashame to let this one area of neglect be a blemish. The path hardly had its first cut in it before we noticed people walki.ng alorg it, so I donlt thlnk there is any doubt that it will get a great deal of use. Thank you for your assistance in this matter, and please call on me if you need any help, including taking the matter to the Vail Town Council. Sincerely, Mrs. Cindy 3acobson 765 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81 657 47 6-5957 cclCFJ /Mr. Paul Caldwell 75 soulh frontag€ road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 September 29, 1984 offlca of communlty developmenl G'l en E'l I i son Land Designs by Ellison & Company Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Dear Glen, Re: Marriott Mark Landscaping I want to express my appreciation for recently seeding the berm on the southernmos! p9!t of the Marriott Mark project in response to my request.I think with this seeding, the landscape plan'is a veiy nice additidn to the area. I was wondering if.you might be able to accompl'ish one small finishing touch on the project in the area of the southwest coi^ner of the tennis courts. This area still has some exposed fill and some piastic culverts which stick out excessiveiy from the berm. The neighbori across the street have contacted me regarding this, as well as the uniepaired cut through the berm on vail Associates' property immediately adjacent to the southweit corner of the Marriott property. I_was wondering'if this small completion task could be taken care of as part of your participation in that project. I will be writing to vail Associates to encourage them to repair the berm on their property this fall. Again, I think the Marriott Mark landscaping plan that you've designed and initalled is a very positive improvement to the area, and I appreciate your on-go.i ng cooperation with us in this matter. Very sincerely yours. A. Peter Patten, Jr. Acting Djrector Community Development APP: bpr Sincerely,f,er<L Ted Ryczek \J cc: Bob Parker Upper Eagle Va11ey \fater & Sanitation District TR/ao 4--3t \AilAssociafesrhrc": Geato,rs and Opcrarcs of Vait ana n"rk O..t November 25, 1983 Pete Burnett Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Boad Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Pete: This letter is to inform the Town of Vail of VaiL Associates committment to landscape the south and south west berm of the area known as the ltrest Day Skier Parking Lot, Tract B Morcus Subdivision.It is our intention along wlth the Upper Eagle Valley ll'ater and Sanitation District to mulch and seed the berms and to plant trees or shru6ery where appropriate. Vail Associates will be responsiblo for the maintenance of the area. Landscaping construetion will start at the earliest time possible in the spring of 1984. bst Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 8t658. (303)476-5@l kxl \,s\., lln I l;ul I[HIi O office of the tor';n manager August 23 ' r.977 box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Alfred Uihlein, 1"1 .D. Box 755 Vail , Colorado EI('57 )ear Dr. Uihlein: As a follol.r-up to your letter and our subsequent conversations regarding impioven,ents to I'lest Forest Road, the following it6ms at" being resolved or are scheduled to be resolved in the near future. 1. children plafing and 15 mph traffic control signs are being erected at agreed uPon locations' 2. l'Jest ilorest Road rs being resurfaced as a part cf the To','mt s capi'"al i:-.;rove;.ent Progran, and at that time "speed control iips" wj-ll be installed' 3. I have nc-.if ied the Co;rr,uni--y Developmen'- De:artnent about apparent zoning violatiors at the Sheppard House located at 600 Fores-. RcaC - i'le are in the process of serving a inunicipai suii:r'ons for a11e9ed violations and are Pul:suinq the advisability of injunctive relief (see encl-osed ccrrespondence) ' 4. i;e are i,.,uciEetirtg iioiries ii: i-,e>:t i'ear's (i973) budget to landscape the aoproach -'- o Forest Road th" =",'t.ge treatment f acilir-y and Town yard' . 5. The gasoline stcrage tanl<s for the slruttle buses r+i1l be moved from the Iirest Lionshead Parking lot' hot"'ever, it appears that ''-:'ie buses r'rill have to remain there ior another \\'in.-er until completion of our nerv Public works facilitY. I appreciate your calling those matters to my attention and your patience in their f ina] resolution. -IF--=:-- l E t ra, o 75 soulh fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 19, 1986 olflce of communlly developmenl ! Mr. Paul Caldwell 636 Forest Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Seeding of the Vail Assocjates, Inc. berm Dear Paul: I am happy to inform you that Vai'l Associates is going to landscape the berm below the west day parking lot. Work should begin by September 24, 1986. I have enclosed the Vail Associates letter confirming their landscape plan. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please feel free to call ne at 416-7000, ext 'l ll. Si ncerel y , ldisf*f.+ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br cc: Larry Litchliter Dave Mott Pete Burnett o Vail Associates, Inc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek September 11, 1985 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of VaiI Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: LANDSCAPTNG OF WEST DAY LOT Dear Kristan, Vail Associates plans to begin landscaping the Vitest Day parking lot this fall. We intend to spread top soil over the entire unlandscaped portion of the berm. We will then jute the steep south facing bank and seed the top of the berm and the west side facing the Upper Eagle Valley building with a native grass. There will be a quick coupler added to the end of the current irrigation system to qrater the seed and jute on an as-needed basis. Our intent is to provide a natural vegetation on the unlandscaped area of the berm. Next spring we plan to overseed the berm to fill out the vegetation and plant some trees randomly spaced. We hope this plan is agreeable to the Town of Vail and that it will improve the visual appeal of the overall area. If you have any questions concerning this matter,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 6il/ 4r';',-,""-'-Bill- Sirnmons Vail Associates, Inc. BSlk1 cc: Larry Lichliter Ted Ryczek Pct Offic Box 7 . Vail, Colonado 81658. (n3)47Gffi1 t- 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3Os) 476-7000 August 6, 1986 Mr. Paul Caldwell 636 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81 657 Re: Seeding of the Vail Associates' berm Dear Paul: olllce ol communlly developmenl Thank you for your letter concerning the landscaping of the berm surrounding the Nest Day Skier Parking Lot. The Community Development office did not receive a notice of the'l etter from Ted Ryczek which indicated that Vai'l Assocjates was comnjtted to landscaping the south and southwest berm of the area known as the West Day Skier Parking Lot. l.le are in the process of working with Vai'l Associates and the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Djstrict to arrive at a final parking solution. It is my understanding.that at this time the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District is considering locating a parking structure on top of the west port'i on of their building. If this proposal is approved by the Planning Commission, the parking on the east side of Forest Road would no Ionger be needed. I plan to send a copy of your'l etter, the letter to Pete Burnett from Ted Ryczek, and this letter to Larry Litchliter. It appears that an agreement was arranged which would complete the landscaping. Regardless of what Upper Eag'le Val1ey does with their parking, it appears that VaiI Associates was willing to landscape this area. As soon as I hear from Larry Litchliter as to whether or not they plan to follow up on this letter, I will let you know. If you have any further questions, please feel free to cal'l me. Si ncerel y,t/ \ {-\-r trrYbn Yot Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Larry Litchliter Dave Mott Pete Burnett cc: l-o a fi i, *'ld'\L'7' tU lL*l , {26 ?/Ld7 ,?q >t, fif (' l}k h, tu*r 7i'a" lnV 6zn-u o o 'rul isJIlhJ,{rr1en} : . Crcamrs ard Opcrators of \Ail and Bcat CrJ November 25, 1983 Pete Burnett Town of ValI 75 South Frontage Boad Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Pete: This letter ls to inform the Town of vail of vair Associates comnlttnent to landscape the south and south west berm of the area !,1own as the West Day Skier Parking Lot, Tract B Morctis Subdivisir_.iri. It ls our intention along wlth the upper Eagle va1Ley 'llrater ancl sanitat_+on District to murch and seed- the b6rms and io plant trees or shrubery where appropriate. vail Associates will be responsiblr,for the mal-ntenance of the area. Landseaping eonstructlon will start at the earliest tinre possible in the spring of 1984. Sincerely, Ted Ryczek cc: Bob Parker Upper Eagle Valley l,fater &Sanitation District TB/ao I '; hst Offfce Box ? . Vail, Cobrado el6Sg.t303),{io-S60r : :,.:,.j,, f o o .a' \--- -- I \I t: ',!11 .i :l ii l t- Uppen Elsle Vlllev" WATER ANO SANITATION DISTRICTS 846 FOREST ROAo . VAIL, C0IORADO 81657 (303) 475 7480 June 30, 1986 Kristan Pritz Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: PARKING FOR UPPER EACLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT Dear KrlsCan: The Upper Eagle Valley Consolldated Sanitatlon Dlstrict Board of DLrectors voted ln favor of pursulng a permanent parklng solution located on the roof of the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant. As soon as we have conpleted a atructural feasibillty and cost study, I will be in touch with you regarding the apProPrlate approval process. Thank you for your input. DATED SANITATION DISTRICT General Manager DEM: das.82 xc: Larry Lichllter r ll paFTrcrparlxc DrsrRrcrs - aRRowHEAD METR. warEFr . avoN M'TRo wa rER a BEAVER CREEK METRo warER . BERF' .REEK METRo wota* 7fl)1 a\ EAGLE''A'!L MErRo w"'u""o*"*ll,Ii]::y::'":;::J;TH:x"":'ilT:1":Tff*H"ALLEY coNsoLrDArED saN'ra'oN @ rli luwn u y{Wt|r7 frA l|al 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 18, 1986 offlce of communltY developmenl Mr. Dave Mott General Manager Upper Eagle Va1'ley Consol idated Water and Sanitation D'i strict 846 Forest Road Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Parking for UEVCWSD Dear Dave: The llJater and Sanitation building is located in the Pub'l ic Use zone district. Under this zone district, it'i s required that any changes to the existing development plan for the property go through a conditional use review before the Plann'i ng Commission. I have enclosed the appliction form for the condjtional use revi ew and a list of meeting dates for Planning Commission. The staff has also reviewed the parking area east of the Sanitation building. Staff is requesting that the hillside areas from the Frontage Road down to the parking area and from the parking area over to the chain'l ink fence to the east be cleaned up and seeded. Parking bollards should be provided along the northern edge of the parking area to delineate the spaces. Parking shou'l d also only occur on the north side of the graveled area. An access agreement shou'l d be submitted to the Town Council for their approval . Approval from Vail Associates should a'l so be obtained for the parking spaces on the north end of the site. P'l ease'l et me know by June 30th which parking alternative you wish to pursue. If you decide to continue to use the east parking area, the irnprovements and agreements shou'l d be completed as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the review processes or submittal , please feel free to call me. Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP: br Encl osure Si ncerely, /n*,,\irr / 4:i 75 soslh lronlage road v3it, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 June 18, i986 i'ir - Dave ltro'ut General ltianager Un:per Eag'l e Va1 1ey Consol'i cjated lrtater tl6 Fores'u Road Vai 1 , Co'l oraco 81 657 oif ice of communllY and Sanrtaiion District a Parking for UEVCVISD :;:;; ;;;-':;;;;-e;;.;='..-o' submiital , pi .'=" f ee1 f ree to cal'l r.e' De a:' Dave : The .rlaier anci sanitation bui'lciing is locaied in ihe Publ ic use zone disirict' lnder -r-his zone ii=t.i.l,-it is iequired -"hat any cnanges-to the existing ce,.,elcp;:,ant pian for ii.'ptop".t-v go-ihrough a concii*'ional use re'iew befcre the pl ann i ng ccnmi ,ri on. ' I irave- eic] osed ihe appl i cti on form for the conditiona.l use ,eviei"and-a 'l ist of meeting dates for Planning comm-ission' The siaff has also reviewed the parklng ai'ea east of the sanitation bui'ld'i n9.' : Siaff is requesting iir"i tft" hiliside ireas frcim the Frontage Road down.to ihe, parkingar^eaandfromtheparkingarea.overto.uhechain.linkfencetotheeast be c'leaned up and r".a.a-'p""fiig bol'lards should be provicied a1 ong ihe ncr'uhern edge of the parking area. to de'lineate the spaces' Parking shou'ld -a-lso" '-- cnly occur on the no.lh ,id! of the graveled area. An uccess-afrein'ent-shlura;:"-,';'.'. be submiited to the Town Counci'l for their appro\tal ' Approva'l from Vail''"'u ':';;t"'tr=,r";'.; [r;;;;.";;-ii'r"uta "rio"t"-outained for ihe parkinE spaces on the 'ncr'th' lnd'.$1;f1i:1; ihe site- , 1':''r"..,:*.'Si;;i:+-::.. F'] ease let ne know by June 30th which parking alternative,-vou wish to pursue':r ' " ii you ieciCe to .oniinue to use the ".ti'p-iti"!--..", th-e ',rnprovenentf "nit"' - '' a;:e::,:rts shoulc be comp'leted as 'oon-i' pcssible'- t-i yo:^h::i.,^:: questions Ci --o-o] v + ee. v.J t i:';n Pl i::ie:^ ltli 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 18, 1986 offlce ol communlty develoPment Mr. Dave Mott General Manager Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated l{ater and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Parking for UEVCWSD 0ear Dave: The Water and Sanitation bui'l ding is located in the Public Use zone district. Under this zone district, it is required that any changes to the existing development plan for the property go through a conditional use review before the Planning Commission. I have enclosed the appliction form for the conditional use review and a list of meeting dates for Planning Commissjon. The staff has also revjewed the parking area east of the Sanitation building. Staff is requesting that the hil'l side areas from the Frontage Road down to the parking area and from the parking area over to the cha'i n link fence to the east be cleaned up and seeded. Parking bollards should be provided a'long the northern edge of the parking area to del ineate the spaces. Parking shou'ld also on'ly occur on the north side of the graveled area. An access agreement should be submitted to the Town Council for their approva'l . Approval from Vail 'Associates should also be obtained for the parking spaces on the north end of the site. Please let me know by June 30th which parking a1 ternative you wish to pursue. If you decide to continue to use the east parking area, the improvements and a-oreenrents should be completed as soon as possible. If you have any questions about the review processes or submittal , please feel free to cal'l me' Sincerely, i'r*, \.,';-?_ ,li,'i'ii Kri stan Pritz Tcwn P'l anner KP: br En c'l osure FOOT aFtcto€ F FCf NT ACE FOAD 5ou-rFr PFtCf POSED IJ E V PAFTK I r"l G PL-Ar! C:OFl€CREE,< r t I I I ,, I It tl il 2 Dl il ]t i'I rl i) n a -l 'n U P 0 o o o o o o o t + !l=-..-:JtJif :r[Josj 6&e* (***t f*r- aJ'wb I ,4^+1[ grdr r,rHSq\Et f-rrud A , ,aenil;*6',&^,'u0 ,r,& )rtpo/r^ tyfr< I t t tf ti n z tl I , I I I ,, J n 0 I f- (,1 l,I 0 I ---::'*---G- 3C I -J.JO NW lcJ O l.l I )HWr:J -aa.!l-'ttrn - -'t W -Lt'l OEJ 3 .,,nOS PFtOPOSEtf LJ.E W C.S.D P"FtK I I..J G PL-AN .- oc,q*. ?o|r: ''<l-l F FOr{ ' ' 30u' --'-t' ---\r'5.\<'_t---\: 0 7 H v ( 0. --fr- l i l I rl il ri l l j lJ.E.v.c.s.trl 1 0 I tll 0 l U D U OFFIC I I I I 9CALE: AFTK I NG; r--r--T I P,I, ()o z (n {7 c o _{o z !ttt 7 ={ I Io-i-- o _'.h E <x l !y a m: i;9r =ri g qP cr /Ji1 o <--rI ..-m=-! 1 f3 o.< dE ag U,O ct >t XE ni=o _n m = rr D4r rr LJD4JLI <TP .? \.;ti= = /-,| /1 o;">r-t- Tlftft @ F, A.:J O\ :e rn z= Ar-2 (4 ic)z la -.1 m nz >m -{>or-f,, I -r m I 'n t-z @ z =!l E- lrl =F Ei z |l I H F H Fi rl, OE =F <F t> <lo >l!F.r fn i.__.; xtr I l6 ts.lo\ I I rrl r lE I c/)o. lH tl -r lru 5,to @t>-t- l-m l- 2^ n m T z z I u I Ot Z. t- 3= 1Z m r m -l ^t- z , --l I] l - -.{ t.i mlO It€'' tz le t< IP t: lfr lo lz lo I I I I ld l{lz le t<t> IF lr lF lz l-r to l€ lz lo t;F -{ €z 'n t- mX ox _El <x 9ts| I \o F,\o I F. lri l-r l{ lz le t<l>l-lI lm lo t_lz C]z lo -.: -l m l-l lz ,n tzY t.<t>o lz 11 t.: -O f-m .1,-E to -{ -{ (D m x m 1J -l z (- U' =m z l- r-J Z v) N)..o ;H3d ' o9-at 3iF: d'gE* :.<oJ a{ e d +34e'; +O ru @ o =f C=*+ Hi*=a --=oo Ho?:c) f * l'i 9 0,96 3a*=to9*@ 6e4€*I, o!,:o-^'--r4i; ;'a !.3 {oa-:l_o o -(/r3:= 5ei&l=QP = =< 3 g .= L I o'q ==3st EJBi <o-f 0:dP d r 6 =.J 8 i sl FU a':.,ERd F;; T o o { o c 3 (D c f o f o o o o I {: =o o) o o o t o '\ =z m z I -{o _n I a m r 'n o m -o x z o =z l z r 1l m fl 5 -t a z m m m a-l 1< lz lz Ii IF g) J o c X lt tt I m totx lo l-i- l€I t>i 16 r--t- I i li-------\z iz rtl It ]rr'-ri lti til IP to t, I I I l2 a c ! o -z -.{ m I c) z m ! c m -l I i -j IO tr€ zd r'l !-'z f z>e8 :! ci !<!.1 < >o i ao z c 1 -l z fi € -l m --t z X X f 2 : a m -0 { 'o m l- --{ z !oNF \Jft 4zX:Eg iin n7 gl; H->'n o; =a *8 \Z 'd . gg Ft!nAn tr;= E F ttlz I .'nZZ {o x N)o= n< X =z F c - =z -{ m gt z z =2 6 -.t -'{ m f-E9 z ZO OO 'tl F0 I >;4t-z m z tr{ rl N r FI C{F z t, -.t _"1 l- m = =TI m m U) a m -i |- z m L m 2 z m m € @ m an --{ z n m m 3 m o z t- ! c . m m o 6 f. z m c)x o :c 2 o t m , = = m =-r1 m m U) VALUATION m 7 = =z o =tn o z 6 t- =z m m i o c F z L'I o lJt --2.'-\?.\ //.1r\ '/za,lQ L ( \a -6e {J TUE P-@2 I *J=. *J.F{N-2L_92 n o 26) '-r m FZ >m ()D 3F D 3 m o I 2 I|3 IR ,; ; J .il :J !t t I I I , I I : -t J eq ./ I iFlii ffiii r$iii :Fi $i F$Fii x d q -t I t t B n n|o tt u .t '6r ,,H-, !' .'; , .' i . ,lC * F ts, 4. I z I cl.a.' o.I g. o E 3 o f f : INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL UES WED THUR \/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI oor, \-\\sN JoB NAME MON CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING PLYWOOD NAILING i . INSULATION POOL / H. TUB . SHEErRock r.rnfr- - tr FINAL O.FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr trEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL D APPROVED DISAPPROVED ,C REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORffECTIONS: *:, DArE /-21 -?2- rNSpEcroR 5A% t 4o" ^o* -.j i/// 1,/ PEBMIT NUM I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ROFPR ECT INSPE CALLER TUES MON WED THUR FRI 0- ^ry?#x#:,y BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr ! UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH,/ D.W.V, ROUGH / WATER tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: I] HEATING D ROUGH o o o EXHAUST HOODS tJ U\J SUPPLY AIR x__E Hrrrunr FINAL /eeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /^27-42 INSPECTOR T0: Community Development Department FR0M: Kristan Pritz DATE: 10/9/85 SUBJECT: Upper Eagle Va1'ley hlater and Sanitation District's parking area to the east of their bui'l ding. At this time, the approval of the access easement and park'ing situation to the east of the Upper Eagle San District building is in limbo. Vail Associates, who owns the area of land that the Sanitation District would be.parking on is in the process of negotiating with Upper Eagle Valley.Vail Associates is offering a 5 year lease contingent upon Upper Eagle Va11ey landscaping the entire berm area above the parking. vail Associates is agreeing to maintain and provide sprinklers for this area. Until this negotiation is finalized, the Town should not proceed with the access easement. lown n l|al 75 south |tonlage foad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 26, .|985 otflce ol communlty development Mr. Dave Krenek P. E. Technical Director Upper Eagle Valley l'later and Sanitation Districts 846 Forest Road Vail, Coiorado 81657 Re: Sanitation Parking Lot Dear Dave: I have reviewed your submittal for the access easement to the Sanjtation District parking lot and the landscape p1an. Bill Andrews will be con- tacting yoU concerning a survey for the easement. l|le will need a full survey-f-or th'is agreement. 0nce the lease agreement has been reviewed by our Town attorney, Larry Eskwith, and we receive the survey, we will --sihedule this for an evening Town Council meeting. The landscape plan will be reviewed at our next Design Review Board meeting on July 17. This meeting begins at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and it is necessary that you attend-the meeting, I also encourage you to address the drainage problem on the east side of the berm above the parking area. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Si ncerely ' Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Uppen Elcle Vnllgv WATER AND SANITATION DISIRICTS 8t6 FOREST ROAD . valL. COLORAD0 81657 (303) 476.7480 June 21, 1985 Town of Vail Planning Department P.O. Box 100 Vai I, CO 81658 Dear Sirs: This letter is in regard to the Vail Water and Sanitation Parki ng Access Easement, across from our offices on Forest Road. Enclosed is Exhibit A, which is a diagram of the easement,per agreement of discussions in the FalI of 1984. Also enclosed is a copy of the Lease Agreement we will have with Vail Associates. We have enclosed the landscape and sprinkler plan, per agreement with all parties, as well. All the work for this project is planned to be performed during the Surnmer and Fa1l of 1985. t{ork will start when the agreements have been signed. Please sign and return these agreements at your convenience. S i ncerely, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DTSTRICT nt Ur* /""*^( David L. Krenek, P.E.Technical Director DLK: rls Enclosures t ll pARTrcrparryc orsrRrcrs - aRRowHEAD METRo warER. AVoN METRo warER. BEAVER CREEK MErRo warER . BERRv cREEK METRo wotr^ Zlh\ O\ EAGLE'vArLMErRow""*''"*""ii,fil::y:::::,_r::ffTf:TJ'Jff:',:Tff*";:""*'vcoNsoL'oarEDsaN'ra'oN @ LEASE Th i s Lease, dated the _ day of _, i s by and between Vail Associates. rnc. a C6T6rado corp6Eaion ( "VAI'r )and Upper EagIe Va1Iey Consolidated Sanitation District ( "uEvcsD" ) . For and in consideration of the agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. DEMISE OF PREMISES. VAI leases to UEVCSD and UEvcsD leases @roperty located within the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, near the West Day Lot,as outlined in red on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a Part hereof ( the "Premises"). 2. TERM. Thi.s Lease shall commence on the lst day of June, -I5E'F and shall continue for 99 years unless sooner terninated as provided herein. This Lease would be terminated if usaqe of this fand changes to anything other than a parking 1ot. 3. USE. UEVCSD will utilize the Premises for the sole purpose offiroviding parking for its employees. During the term of this Lease, UEVCSD shall maintain the Premises.This Iease would be terminated if the usage of this land changes to anything other than a parking lot. 4. CONSIDERATION. As consideration for UEVCSD's use of the pr6frfEEEl-TEVeEb shall make certain improvements to the Premises as set forth below (the "ImDrovements" ). b. a. UEVCSD shall lot ; UEVCSD sha1l the West Day scape design dated October construct a paved parking seed or jute that portion of Lot berm outlined on land-by Land Designs by El1ison, 1 , 1984. c. UEVCSD shall plant trees spaced as shown on landscape plan, dated October 1, 1984. UEVCSD shaIl complete the Improvements to the satisfaction of VAI on or before October 31, 1985. 5. VAI CONSIDERATION.As consideration for UEVCSD landscaping the berm, VAf shal1 make certain improvements to the Premises as set forth be1ow. a. VAI would pay for installation of an underground sprinXer system as shown on landscape plan by Land Designs by ElIison. b. VAI would maintain all landscaping on the berm, while UEVCSD would maintain all sod and landscaping immediately around the parking lot. 6. TOV CONTINGENCY. This lease is contingent upon rov prov@ (Exhibi.t A, dated June 21 , 1985 ) eo UEVCSD to access the parking spaces on vAI property. 7. INDEMNITY. In consideration for the use of the Premises,TEVeED--E6reby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless vAI , its respective agents, affiliates, 1333"'", u.,o Qt"."n VAI and UEVCSD officers, directors, servants and employees, of and from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever ( incl-uding, without lirnitation, reasonable attorneys t fees and expenses and costs and expenses reason-ably incurred i n invest igating, prepari ng or defending against any Iitigation or claim, action, suit, proceeding or demand, if any kind or character), arising out of or related to any loss, damage or injury to person or property, includ-ing death, that may be sustained by UEVCSD or any of its employees. This i.ndemnity shal1 be binding upon the succes-sors and assigns of UEVCSD and may be pled by VAI in any action brought, or claim made by or on behalf of UEVCSD as a complete bar and defense claim, demand, action or cause of action by or on behalf of UEVCSD relating to the use of the Premi ses . 8. fNSURANCE. UEVCSD shalL, at its own cost and expense, maint-Ti-Ti--T811 force and effect during the term of this Agreement, the following policy or policies of i nsurance: Comprehensive general liability insurance including prernises operations, products/ completed operation hazard, contractural insurance, broad form property damage,independent contractors and personal injury with linits of $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of any one occurrence of bodily injury including death at any time resulting therefrom and $1,000,000 for all damages arising out of injury to or destruction of property in any one occurrence. b. Workerr s Compensation Insurance in accord- ance with the provisions of the Workerrs Compensation Act of the State of Colorado. Certificates of such Insurance acceptable to VAf shall be filed with VAI prior to commencement of this Agreement. These certificates shall contain provisions that coveraltes afforded under the policies will not be cancelled or materially altered without giving VAI thirty days, prior written notice. vAI sha1l be named as additional insured under the policy referenced above as its interest may appear. 9. TERMINATION. This lease wourld be terminated if the usage oE--tE'fs Tena changes to anything other than a parking lot. 10. MECHANIC'S LIENS. UEVCSD shatl pay for all work performe@ion with the preriises on the fmprovements as shown on the landscape plan dated October 1,1984. UEVCSD sha1l keep the Premises and the Berm free and clear of aII mechanic's liens and other liens on account of improvements done. Should any liens be filed or recorded against the premises or the Berm or any action affecting the title thereto be commenced, TOV shalI give VAI written notice thereof. UEVCSD shal1 thereafter cause such liens to be removed of record within 35 days after the filing of the liens, and if not so released shalI pay VAf as additional rent $500 per day such lien exists or provide title insurance around or post an appropriate bond. If a final judgement establishing the validity or existence of any lien for any amount is entered, UEVCSD shall pay and satisfy the same at once. 11. ASSIGNIqENT. UEVCSD sha1l not assign, convey,mortgage, hypdEEEEEIE-6f encumber this lease or .ny interelt a. Page 3 Lease By and Between VAI and UEVCSD herein or sublet all or any part of or permit the Premises or any part others without the orior written i nstance . the Premises, or suffer thereof to be used by consent of VAI in each 12. NOTICES.A11 notices or communications reqrrired by tETs tease shall be in writing and may be hand delivered or sent by first-class mail, postage prepaid to the address of VAI and TOV set forth under their respective signatures. A11 mailed notices shall be deemed effective when maiLed. 13. MISJE[aNteqq. (a) rf any provision of this Agreement srrail-]?6i-E-TE i11egal , invalio or unenforce-able, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby. (b) No amendment, alteration, modification of or addition to this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless expressed in writing and signed by the party or parties to be bound thereby. (c) The captions of each section are added as a matter of convenience only and shall be considered of no effect in the construction of any provision of this Agreement. ( d) Should arbitration or litigation occur between the parties relating to the terms, covenanfs and conditions of this Agreement, all Iitigation expenses,collection expensesr witness fees, court costs and attorneys' fees incurred by the prevailing party shall be paid by the non-prevailing party to the prevailing party. (e) This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. ( f ) Any and al l warrant ies , provi s ions ,rights and obligations of the parties herein described and agreed to be performed, srrbsequent to the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, shall- survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. (S) This Agreement contai ns the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any and al1 prior agreements, proposals, negotiations, and rbpresenta-tions pertinent to the Services to be performed hererrnder. (h) Successors and Assigns. The covenants,conditions and agreements contained in this Agreement sha1l bind and inr:re to the benefit of the parties, their successors and, subject to Paragraph 11, their assigns. EXECUTED this day of , 1985. vArL ASSOCTATES, INC. By:Larry Lichliter P.O. Box 7 Vai1, Colorado 81658 ATTN: Legal Services . i333.n", u,.,a Q.'0...VAI and UEVCSD TOWN OF VAII, By: 78 S. Frontage Rd. W.Vail, Colorado 81657 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT By: Edmund H. Drager, Jr. Chairman of the Board 846 Forest Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 o 75 soulh trontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 26, .l985 ofllce of communlly developmenl Mr. Dave Krenek P.E. Technical Director Upper EagIe Val'ley Water and Sanitation Districts 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Sanitation Parking Lot Dear Dave: I have reviewed your submittal for the access easement to the san.i tation District parking lot and the landscape pl an. gill Andrews will be con-tacting you concerning a survey for the easement. we will need a full survey for this agreement. 0nce the lease agreement has been reviewed by.our-Town.attorney' Larry Eskwith, and we ieceive the survey, we will schedule thjs for an evening Town council meeting. The lindiiipe-piin will be reviewed at our next_Design Review Board meeting on July lz.' rirls meeting begins at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and it is necLssary that you attend the meeting. I a-lso encourage you to address the drainage probiem on the east side of the berm above ihe parking area. Please let me know if you have any further questions. Sincerely,l/.\ f).1 lrrrhn [rrf{ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br :l I u0 \ /::'"f '] /,,.tL o '---]r q $ l f, (o trJ YE aaA B tr€ OL.{ >H H .:u.l E '-r l .t: IB ri lo),, |z i'tco---,--.--' '[ - /i "z/ \ ,---,-'-\- rIT>\"=!;1-'\a i J \\\\2'--1f AW'-g 'J'r\:'7'i w c! oI t|-l f ,l I B t- Fr-I '.to.la) IFI I I c.r ic.t';l ll.|lc)l.tr ld l3 ig t:'t_:t':t r-.t ; .-r l> 1 r: ,^t':l# ; l- r-r It.I I .--, lo. >!O --l lr{ a L,.-' //\ \\\\\r \-f> r'l lA.' u)t-IFr :E [;a l-t9 rL /-) -, =Q)j;, -9 !r a-E >J<b'-o -\t <_ >?'l 3 nl z NC{ rltf tll fwi lwl o'l i <l --}}l ,< \\.ttl ,'I <re 3 0)z i ]J ,ro ,|J.1C -{J- -_t I ,,______-.t,r, 169 lnwn u 'rO ilE- |Ial i: l/r' 75 south lrontage road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 28, 1985 Dave Krenek, P. E- Upper Eagle Va11ey |Jater and Sanitatjon Dist.846 Forest Rd. Vail, Co. 8i657 Re: l{a'ler and Sanitation District parking Lot [ast of Forest Rd. S i nce rely , Dear Dave: Our Torvn Attorney has had time to revier^r your iease agreernent for the parking area east of the |nlater and sanitation oisirici-uuiiding.The type of egreement that is needed is an access easement agreement.The lease agreement is not the correct agreement for the puiking area. If you have further questions aboJt how the ugr.ur[nt should be written, please call our Town Attorney Larry rstiith or'mvsett. Ktlo*,flh Kristan Pritz Tovln Planner ' '_!-:,*'Fr-:ti--::Es-"*:'!l:'::_.gT::5'ii-F,rg -nu 'r{r* iIEA!'ERtFIEEK M!. r Ro warER a SERRV CREEK MEtRo WATER EASLE-VAIL METRO WATER O EO\/VAROS METRO WATER ' LA}<E CREEK MIADOWs WATER ' UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIOATEO SANITATION of f ice of communlty developmenl VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATEO WATt-R ' VAIL WAIER ANO sANTTATION This Lease, dated the day of , is bV and between Vai I Associ ates, Tnc. a Colorado corpT-rat i on ( "VAI " )and Upper Eagle VaIley Consolidated Sani hation District ( |'UEVCSD', ) . For and in consideration of the acJreements hereirr contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: t. DEMISI OF PREMISES. VAI leases to UEVCSD and uEVcsD leases @roperty located wi thi n r-ire Town of Vai I . Eagle County, Colorado, nea_i: the West Day Lot ,as oLltlined in red on Exhibit A attached hereto anc made a part hereof ( the "Premises"). LEAS E . TERM. This Lease shall ,1985 and shall- continue nated as provided herein. ccmmence on the lst for 99 years r-rnless z day of June sooner termi This Lease would be terminated if usage of this land changes to anything other than a parking 1ot.- 3. USF.. UEVCSD will utilize the premises for the sole purpose o?lroviding parking for its ernployees. Durlng the term of this Lease, UEVCSD shall maintain Lhe premises.This lease would be terminated if the usage of this land changes to anything other than a parking lot. 4. CONSIDERATION. As consideration for UEVCSD,s use of the erGTsEEll-TEVGD shall make certain improvemenrs to the Premises as set forth below (the ', fmprovements,' ) . UEVCSD shaIl construct a paved parking 1ot ; UEVCSD sha1l seed or jute that portion of the West Day Lot berm outlined on land-scape design by Land Designs by EIlison,dated October 1, 1984. c. UEVCSD sha11 plant trees straced as shown on landscape p1an, dated October 1, 1984. UEVCSD shalt ccmplete the Improvements to the satisfaction of VAI on or before october J1. 19a5. 5 . VAI CONSIDERATION.As cons ideration for UEVCSD landscaping the berm, VAI shall make certain improvements to the Premises as set forth below. VAI woul-d pay for installation of an underground spri nker: system as shown on landscape plan by Land Designs by Ellison. \/AI would maintain aII landscaping on the berm, while UEVCSD would maintain alI sod and landscaping immediately aror:nd the park i ng 1ot . h h 6. TOV CONTINGENCY. upon Tov provffi 1985 ) to UEVCSD to access property. Thi s lease (Exhibit A,the park i ng i c r-,'rnl_ i n/-6nF dated June 21 , qn^ araq .\rr \/f, T 7. INDEMNITy. In consirleration f or: the use of the Premises,-TEvesD-T6reby agrees to inclernnifrr. defend and hold harmless VAI , i ts respect ive aqents , affi I iates , Pano ? Le..l s c By and B VAI and UEVCSD o e r_w een officers, directors, servants and employees, of and from anv and all liability, claims, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever ( includinq, wi.thout rimitation, r:easonable attorneys' fees and expenses and costs and exrrenses reason-ably incurred in . jnvestigating, preparinq or defending against any litigation or c1aim, action, suit, proceedino oi demand, if any kind or character), arising out of o. reriterl to any loss, damage or injury to person or property, includ-ing death, that may be sustained by UEVCSD or any of its employees. This indemnity sha1l be binding upon the succes_sors and assigns of UEVCSD and may be pled by VAI in any action brought, or claim made by or on behalf oi UnVCSp as u complete bar and defense cJ-aim, clemand, action or cause of action by or on beharf of UEVCSD relating to the use of the Premi ses . B . INSURANCE.expense, mai nt-Ef n -l n f- ut of this Agreement, the l nsurance : UEVCSD shal1, at its own cost and 1 force and effect during the term following policy cr policies of Comprehensi.ve general liability insrlrance inclu<ling premises operations, productsr/completed operat ion hazard , contractural i nsurance, broad form property damage, i ndependent contr:actors and personal injury with limits of $1,000,000 for a1l damaqes arising out of any one occurrence of bodily injury including death at ant,time resulting therefrom and $1,000,000 for aIl damages arising out of injtrry to or dest.ruction of property in any one oc c rlJrrence . b. Worker's Compensat ion Insurance in acccrd_ance rvith the prcvisions of the hTorker's Compensation Act of the State of Colorarjo. Certificates of such fnsurance acceotable to VAI shalr be filed with vAr prior to commenceirent of this Agreernent. These certificates shall contain provisions that coverages afforded under the po1 icies r.rirl nit be cancelled or.materially altered without giving VAI thirty days, prior written notice. vAr sha11 be named as additional- insured under the policy referenced above as its i nterest mav appear. 9. TERMINATION.if the usage oE--tn-E-1a;a parking 1ot. This lease would be terminated changes to anything other than a 10. _MECHANIC'S LIENS. UEVCSD shalL pay for at1 work performedffiion with the premises on the rmprovements as shown on the landscape plan dated october 1,1984. uEVcsD shall keep the premises ino the Berm free and clear of all mechanic's liens and other liens on account of improvements done. Should any liens be f ile<l or recorded against the premises or the Berm or any action af f ecti.ng the titre thereto be commenced, Tov snarr qive vAr written notice thereof. uEVcsD shall thereafter cause such liens to be removed of record within 35 days after the filing of the liensr dnd if not so released str.tt pay vAr as arrditional rent $500 per day such lien exisis- or provide title insurance arotrnd or post an appropriate bond. Tf a final j udgement estabrishing the vaf irtity or existence of any lien for any amount is entered, UEVCSD shall pay and satisfv the same at once. 11. ASSIGNMENT IIEVCSD shall not assign, convey, encrlmber this f ease or anv i nter.esc mortgage, hypothecate or Page 3 Lease By and Between VAI and UEVCSD herein or: sublet at1 .tr or permi t the Premises others withor-rt the pri i nstance. any part of the premises, or suffer or any part ther:eoE to be used by or written consent of VAI in each 'Ia rz. ruofICES. AII notices or communications required by thTs l-ease shall be in writing and may be hand delivered or sent by fi rst-class maiI, postage prepaid to the address of vAr and Tov set forth under their: respective signatures. A11 maile,l notices shall be deemerj effective when rnal led . 13. 14IS!!!!ANEOqSr (a) If any provision of this Agreement shafl-!r5i6--To-56 i1leqar, invaiid or unenforce-able, the remai nder oE this Agreement shall- not be af f ecte<l thereby. (b) No amendment, alteration, modification of or addition to this Agreement sha 1l be valid or l-ri nrri nn unless expressed in writing anrl signed by th" -p;;;^;-;; parties to be borrnd thereby. (c) The captions of each section are added as a matter of ccnvenience only and sha11 be considered of no effect in the construction of any provision of this Agreement. (d) Should arbitration or litigation occLlr parties relating to the terms, covenants and of this Agreement, al1 litigation expenses,expenses , wi tness fees , court costs and fees incurred by the prevailino party shalI be non-pr:evaili ng party to the orevailing party. .(e) This Agreement shalI be governeci by and in accordance with the Iaws if the staLe of (f) Any and aIt warranties, provisicns,rights and obligati.ons of the parties herein ciescribed and agreed to be performed, subsequent to the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, shall .survive the expiration or earlier termination of tl-ri s Agreement. (S) This Agr:eement contains the entire agreement between the part ies and superseCes any and a1l prior agreements, propo!aIs, negot Lr. i .n", - und -."p.esenra- tions pertinent to the services to be pe.rf ormed hereunder:. (h) Successors and Assictns.conditions and agreements contained in this bind and inure to the benefit of the successors and, subject to paragraph 11, thej between the conditions collect ion attorneys'paid by the interpreted Colorado. EXECUTED this The covenants, Agreement sha11 part i es , thei r r ass i gns. , 1985 day of VAIL .\SSOCIATES, INC r.u. uox I Vail, Color:ado 81658 ATTII : LcqaI Se rv i ces Pa<,.-' 4 O Lease By and Between VAI and UEVCSD TOWN OF VAII, 7B S. Frontaqe Rd. W. Vai1, Coloradc 81657 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDA'TED SANITATIOi\i DISTRICT By: Edmund il . Drager, Jr . Chai rman of the Board 846 Forest Rcad Vai1, Colorado 81657 a 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 1985 offlce of communlty development August 13, David L. Krenek Upper Eagle Va11ey Water and Sanitation 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Dave, Enclosed the your amended copy agreement. Please add the two words crossed out, and we will of the proposed parking lot access paragraphs enclosed, eliminate the sign and notarize two copies. Town Planner KP: br Encl os ure t. The grantee does not warrant title to the said property described jn exhibit A and does not undertake to defend the grantee in the peaceable enjoyment thereof, but the grant shall be subject to all instruments of recorci and superior rights, if any, in and to said property. Grantee assumes and agrees to pay for all loss, damage, injury or death, inc1 udj ng all costs and expenses incjdental thereto, including, but not limiteo to, attorneys' fees, counsel to any person including grantor, or to the property of any person inciuding grantor by or duri ng the construction, reconstruction, operation, repair ano maintenance of the access granted herein or by its presence or use of the property of the grantor and the grantee shall indemnify grantor and holci it harmless from all liability and costs and expenses connected therewith, from any such loss, damage, injury or death. EAS] iTIENT DF]ED KNOI\r ALL l'1EN BY THESE PRESEI,]TS: THAT the TowN oF vAIL, ( hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for TEN DOLLARS (SI0.00) and other qood and valuable cons iderat ion, the rece ipt of which is he reby acknowledged, he reby Sells and conve),s .anad-iia# to the same' subject to alI instruments of record unto the UPPER EAGLE VALLEY COIJSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT, a quasi-rnunicipal corporaLion of the State of Colorado, whose legaI address j.s 846 Forest Road, Vai1, Colorado, 81657, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"),the following real property situate in the CounLy of Eagle, State of Colorado, to-wit: A permanent easement together with Lhe right of ingress and egress, to construct, reconstruct, operate, repair and mai,ntain access to the adjacent parking ]ot and re I a ted appurtenances, in , oD r over, under and through that tract of land more part icu I arly described in " Exhibit A" , which exhibit is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Grantor, its heirs, assigns, shall not erect nor structure, improvement, fence easement, and Grantee shall not thev are so ol aced . successors, transferees, and pl ace any permanent building,or t ree on the above-described be 1iable for their removal if shg11 consti tute P &< ur1,.1,./-.,- 55 1.1i tness my hand and offj cial seal My conmission expr res: Mrr .arldrocc ic."l (S E A L) ACCEPTED BY THE UPPER EAGLE SANITATION DISTRICT THIS DAY OF The foregoing EASEMENT day of to DEED vras acknowledged before me by Notary PubI ic VALLEY COn'SOLI D.\TED 'to a L) UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT u] . Acceptance of this Easement. by Grantge its agreement lnd consent as f o1lows: z 'a-d d 'f-b At such time and in the event that the easement described herein sha1l be abandoned , Grantee's re aI prope r t y interest in the easement shall immediately revert to and be thereafter merged with the servient estate. SIGNED ATJD DELIVERED this "nr\l,rl\t nE \/'\TT R\/."t . STATE OF COUNTY OF this COLORADO r-filr L E .rr'IT ilS T : qa.- r.' t_ a r\t Prolect Applicatlon Proiect Name: Proiect Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: o"," Ifr&.l DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL --',,\fi, t r,. Q., r ii0flrr. itr,r:-'l+\ii.,i { f I KV l\UVl lr ii[ ]r rl l.'L\tJ tlr trItLr\.r'l\/ !' ,r\ :r'',., [.r,*, E statt Approvat o inetrerurc crsk usr t-Subdivision /t/*-reve * 9au 6it.-o/y'G Iot 8l ock - Fil in9 (A) Topo Map (B) Sitc Plan ici utitity Ptan (D) Title Report (E) Subdivision Agreenent (if applicable) 2. [0qineerirlg Requlrerirents ..- ' ^q r-(A) culvert Slze /8 " ( B ) 0 r i vei.ray G re dFfEFma xT Wr';u-ntlW 3. Source of Utilitles t. Submittal ltems . tnt Electric 8) Gas C) Ser.rer D) llater E) Telephone T.V. (Acceptablc) (ttot Acceptable) 'a'J' !'t'"' 51'!''t l'. 4. Cor.'r,entg: Q ,/It,e (."t<"f 4z-ct<-f*.o,r'-r,, €Jfr-4/=F' . lA,'o-n*.r" 3'3a 4'' (g n'..-,.".or--, G) .?'..*..,,,< ,." App rove d: Di sapproved: e/z'r /at DGr-r::'ffi Bill Attdrc:*'s ^7 Petition form for Amen. a?zo.irn ord or Requesr ,ot?.one in roii3:rrt.. rr' Four (4) copies of the folrowing information: A. The petition sharl incrude a srumary of the proposed revision of the regurations, or a comprete d6scription oi trre pioposea changes in district boundarils and a-map indicating the existing and proposed district bound.aries_. Applicint rmrst subrnil written aodlor graphic naterials stating the reasons for i'equest. ,III. Time Reguirements The-Pranning and Environmental commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month- A petition with the neces=-ry .."ompanying material- must be submitted, four weeks prior a;-$" date of the meet-ing- Following the- planni"g-""a Enviroimental comnission meeting,arl amendments to the zonin[ ordinance or district bo'ndary change must go to the Town Council-for final action. I.This procedure is_required, for any amendment to the or for a reguest for a di;tri;t;'oundary change PETITiON FORM FOR AI'I,ENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REQUEST FOR A CHANGE IN DISTRICT BOI,,NDARTES A. NAI{E OF PETITIONER ADDRESS 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorad.o B.NAI{E OF PETITIONERIS REPRESENTATIVE David KTenek ADDRESS_ g46 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado c.NAME 0F Ol,tNER (print or tvpe)Town of Vail petitiOoate Juty 6, 1gB4 zoning ordinance PHONE 476-7480 pHoNE 476-7480 SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D. IOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDRESS nast of Forest Road, and North of core Creek LEGAI, DESCRIPTION 1ot filinq 3rd E. FEE $1oo.0o pAID Ttt"t "8"' vail Lionshead lr A list of the names of owners of subject property , and their 1n*rir4 Vail Associates Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81657 Thomas .facobson 755 Forest Road Vai1, Colorado 81657 al1 property adjacent to the addresses. ( 0vER ) , I a DATE: TO; FROM: REVISED DRB PROCEDURES AND INSTRUCTIONS January, .l984 Architects working jn the Town of Vail Department of Community Development, Town of Vail i The Design Review Board meets the lst, 3rd, and 5th I'Jednesdays of each month at 2:00P. M.. Below are the dates of the meetings and-.the- deadline dates for. surbmitting appllcations for those meetings. Materials must be submitted no later than 4:00PM on the deadline date. Read the submittal requirements with utmost care. N0 SUBMITTALS t^lILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS THEY ARE COMPLETE: If tan Pritz - ' at 476-7000. MEETINGS DEADLINES January 4, .1984 December 16th,198,3 January 18, .|984 January 2nd,1984 February I, I9B4 January L6th,l984 FejruarV 15,.|984 January 3l.st,I9B4 March 7,.l984 February 20th,.|984 March 28,1984 March 13th,1984 Apri 1 4 ,1984 March 19th ,1984 Apri 1 18 ,I 984 Apri 1 2nd ,'l 984 May 2,1984 Apri 1 13th ,'1984 May 16 ,.|984 Apri I 30th ,1984 May 30,1984 May 14th,1984 June 6,1984 May 21st,1984 June 20 ,I 984 June 4th , I 984 ' i Ju'ly 5 ,1984 June lgth ,'1984 July L8,l984 July 2nd,1984 August l,'1984 July 16th,1984 August 15,1984 July 30th,.l984 August 29 ,1984 August 13th,.|984 Sept. 5,.|984 August 20th,'1984 Sept, 19,.|984 Sept. 4th,'1984 0ct. 3,1984 Sept. 18th,1984 Oct. 17,1984 0ct. ]st,l984 '1.. , : Nov. 7,1984 Oct. 23rd,1984 Nov. 21 ,1984 Nov . 6th ,1984 Dec. 5,1984 Nov. 19th,1984 Dec. 19,'1984 Dec. 4th ,1984 IMPORTAI.IT NOTICE REGARDING ALt SUBMISSIONS T0 tltE DESIGN REVIEW BOARDT 1. All visit by either the Design Review Board and driveways mrst be staked.or s will require a site Your building locations {l rt I 3. 2. The review Process for NEW BUILDINGS will nonr,ally involve two separate neetings of the DesiSn Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponenent will be required to be re-published. The following itens no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board.rhey, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Adrninistrator for approval: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron any other lot or public space;which have had letters subnitted fron adjoining property owners appioving the addition; and,/or approval fron the agent for, or nanager oi- a condoniniun association. 4. new buildin the staff. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEW CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic nap and site pl_an of site containing the following (2 copies): l. Licensed surveyorrs stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not nore than 2r unless the parcel consists of 6 . acres or more, in which case, 5r contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diarneters of 4'r or more one foot above grade. 4, Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ) . Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plai.n and slopes 40eo or nore, if applicable. Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the following: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. a. Proposed surface drainage on and off culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of al1 utilities to proposed service lines fron sources inc lude :' cable TV t el ephone sewer wateT gas electric site showing size and type of include existing sources and to the structure. utilities to c.. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements Existing and finished grades A11 existing and proposed improv ement s including structures, landscapeil areas, service areas, storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wa1 1s (with spot elevations), and other site improve:i ' ments. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to deternine height of building. B.A statenent from each utility v location of service and availabili To be siibnitted with site. plan. 10. C. Prel ininary title report to acconpqny all submittals, to insure property ownership and all easenents on property. D. l. Show the iocation of 4t' diameter trees, other shrubs and native Plants that are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape i area with the varieties and approxinate sizes of plant materials to be planted. 2. Complete landscape materials lj"st. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As nuch of the above infornati.on as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should be separ- ate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics uray be a separate nap. .,;lii- {:,1 E., Architectural Plans (1,/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies 1.Must'include floor plans and complet'ion. Elevations must Exterior surfaci ng material s for review on the materials Devel opment. The Design Review Board may require the submission of additional p1ans, drawings, specifications, samples and other material (includ'i ng a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with design guidelines. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS 2. al 'l e'l evati ons as they wi I 1 appear on show both existing and finished grades. and colors shall be specified and submitted list available from the Department of Conrnunity F. II III Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they provide a1 I 'important specifications for the proposed including co1 ors and materials to be used. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COl',|l,|ERCIAL A. Original floor pl ans with all specifications shown B. F1 oor plan for addjtion - 2 copies C. Site plan show'i ng exjsting and proposed construction - 2 copies D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of exjsting structure F. Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials list available at Department of Community Deveiopment. At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to submi t: G. Statement from each uti'lity verifying location of service and availability. See attached util'i ty location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyo4 Prefiminary t'itle report, verifying ownership of property and ljsts of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the fo1 lowing wilI be required before any building receives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utilityservice ljnes as-builts showing s'ize of lines, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts - 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be e'i ther found or set and stated on map.G. Al I easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. N^tfri .r)t; tjl{'.itc'l' VA;-'t LII(:Al, Dli.sCR Ip'f I0N : LO'l'-Vlrt.e-vlt:-^E-8---ttA*-. -" LAM-D-s-aatE. Dr:.sc;rur,lrci{ 0i, pRo.Jricl' ____8q6 - F raesT_ A Il, _ LlST oF lll I6R InlS llt,0cK I; I I, ING The fol lor,rri ng inforneti on is Board bcfore a final approval A. BUILT]IN(I MA'TERIALS Iioof Siding Other l'ial1 lvlat erial s Fasc ia Soffits Windows l{indow Trirn Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues FIashi-ngs Chinmeys Trash Enclosures Greenhotrs es 0the:: B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS reqlrircd for subr,ri.ttal by can bc Eiven: thc appl icirnt to thc Dcsign l{cvierv Tyge of llatsrial Co 1or M.n A PP L, l! t\ l( ll tr t! TREES Botanical Name Pinuq }tugo lfughus Pirrus Ponderosa Picea_BtnqenE__ Fopulus Trem:loides Sorbus Aucuparia Arelanchier. el$folig_ nsuifesie_@eqdea-- Cotoneasls,-Aqrlifo.lia O'lrluqFnthFmm Maxi rm m Cornus ST Lonifera Conmon Name Muqo Pine -.-- Ponderosa Pire sP$ce- 44en- ltbr:ntain Ash 11 6t - 12' r-7/2" Quanti ty z4 Si ze 46" 6t - 12, 1--se1. 5 qal. ljal. 5 gal. 2"25 4l Sert4iq&esry_ Colunbine Peki.nslAf.oneaster Shasfa Fni qf Redidig oogvtood 10 1 1 5 SHRUBS o Snor^r on the Itlcuntain Snovs in Sunrer SQUARE F00TAGE 1 sal. - 10 2-r/4" SQUARE FO0TAGE 3,500 sf SQUARE FOOTAGE SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE - None - TYPE0RMETHoD FrEIP FAASs ts LLnaADY tM, OF EROSION CONTROL - C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa'l 1s, fences, swimming poo'l s, etc.) Please spec'ify. GROUND covERs s0D UTILITY LOCATION VERIF]CATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK F IL ING . ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be nain trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying si-te plan. Authorized Signatul"e Date Mountain Bell 1- _244-\157 Western Slope Gas Harrv Moves 1-468-2s28 Publ ic Service Cornpany Gary Ha11 Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V.Jeff Hgghes .;949-5530 Upper Eagle Valley l.later and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public lttorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Towr of Vail. { building permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nrus t be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new const. please fill out attached sheet. luun box 100 rail, colorado 81657 (303) 4765O13 z aoc> department of community development Dear Design Review Board Applicant: Enclosed is your Design Review Board Project Application showing the approval/disapproval of your project including comments from the Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any corrections stipulated by the Board and bring the revised plans to the Town Planner before applying for a Building Permit. No si-te work may be commenced until the revisions are approved by the Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submttted to the Building Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ce1l the Town Planner at .476-7000, ext, 102. DEPARTMENT OF COMMIINITY DEVELOPMENT \ 7.-J I 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475_7000 T0: All Interested Parties FR0M: Community Developmeht Department RE: Gas Fireplaces DATE: May 15, 1984 offlce ol communlly devetopment In order to avoid Section 8.28.030 The section reads confus i on,(B) Gas Fire the department laces of the wishes to further explain Va'il, Colorado Municiial Code.as fol lowsl Gag F'irgpjqces: --The restrictions of thjs Chapter shall not apply lg u Ii repl.ac_e fueled by natural gai, propane,g" gny simil.ar tiquid fue'l so long as said fir;piacb is-oesrgned and constructed so that said firepiace cannot be used or modified to burn solid fuels. bas fireplaces shall be permitted in any unit. In order that the fireplace cannot be used or modified to burn solid fuels, the fuet box shatl not exceed six (6) i;h;;;; i;pfi ir"" '- Section 3707 (n) of the Uniform Building Coa.j.- -- * a lnwn 75 3outh trontage road vail, coloredo 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 28, 1984 ofllce of communlty devalopment Mr. David Krenek Upper Eag'le Va11ey l,later and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 - Re: Parkinq and Landscane Plan Dear Dave, I am wrjtjng to strongly encourage you to submit a request to use Town of Vail and Vail Associates property adjacent to your offices for employee parking. Presently, the parking is illegal. You wilI need to include an access easement agreement in your submittal . In additjon, I would like to get the landscape p1 an for the Water and Sanitation Building approved by the Design Revjew Board. The submittal should also include the proposed b'ike path al'ignment. I would like to complete the above approvals. Basically, the proposals are almost complete. I wjll be happy to help you wrap up these two proposals. Please contact me and let me know your submjttal schedul e. Sincerely, I K*rh\Pr'[ Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Fosr Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . ll0l)476-5601 T o.tt, //r*,i 8"/, I i & \AilAssociates,Ins Creaton and Operatcs of Vail and Beaver Creek August 28, 1984 Mr. David Krenek Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitatlon Dletricte 846 Forest Road ValI, Col,orado 81657 Thls ls to confirm our agreetleat for Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitatlon Dlstrtct to use tbe area soutbwest of the West Day Lot Bern for parklag. Upper Eagle VaL1ey Sater and Sanitation Dletrlct stll be allowed to develop a paved parklng area ln return for land-scaping tbe west and eouth sldes of the West Day Lot Berm. A detall'ed agreement descrlblng tbe parklng area conmltrnent and landscaping.design wtll be torth coming. Bob Parker Senlor Vlce Presldent BP/ao I