HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments - 1979-2006 (CO)Gr{^o(n jtA e&}itcorl 131.I- €f (ot fO Deeign ReYiew Board ACTIOH FORTII Oepartment of commsility Development 75 South Frontag€ Roadn Vail. Colorado 8tr657 tel: 970.,'179.2t39 fex: 970.479.245e web: www.vailgov.corn Prcject Name: NEISS DEADTREES Project Description: DRB ]{umber: DR8050605 Removal of two ^,.10' dead pines at landscaping planter fronting home; see condition of approval. Participants: OWNER NEISS, DAVID & SARAH TLITLI2OOS 8OO PENN STE 111 DENVER co 80203 APPLICANT BRUSH CREEK LANDSCAPING lLlLIlZ:O0S Phone: 977-0493 PO BOX 1504 GYPSUM co 81637 Project Address: 4153 SPRUCE WAY VAIL 4153 SPRUCE WAY-WEST HALF Location: Legal Description: Lot: 10-2 Block: 9 Subdivision: BIGHORN 3RD ADDffiON Parcel Number: 2101-122-0701-5 Comments: see condiUon Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION AcTiON: APPROVED Date of Approval= IL{2I|2OQS @nd:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P[AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, C.ond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CONfi)07715 Prior to June 30, 2006, the appli€ant shall plant two (2) three inch (3") caliper in same location as o(isting dead pines. Entry: lU2Ll2005 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paad: $2O.OO /) utlr ) ttAn,tPet 7 ,r*ffi General Information: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Alf projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please _arefer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application ior Design Review a/lcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Devetopment Departmlnt. fne f, fproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. \-tDesign review approval lapses unless a buitding permit is issued and construction commences withan Y f one year of the approval. ff,DescriptiqloftheReque"t f ,''r'U',-, .) 1.,1-',, ( /4),e- ,r'.crrc. *,.if i1 Location of the Propos"u Y; Physical Address: '1\ t3 (l.ror-......-.-,-- L^)<a-- j 3\.\ * .-,.-o\ V Parcel No.: I \O (\l /,.o 1 O ( )- v (Contact Eagle Co. esSJso, at 970--i2B-8640 for parcet no.) I 1l 7.a'tirid. Io Owner(s) Signature(s): M^llinglrddr"ttr tn E-mailAddress: ttrr-tn/dD L<t, t r.7 rax: T-fF jl-r=TT-\ | Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs, , :- $50 plusgl.00persquarefootoftotal signar€a. SA'-,---*o-, , tr Conceptual Reyiew ..: . NoFee . .,...^u;.F.,New(anstnrction . $650,Forconsbuctionofanewbuildingordemo/rebuild.tr 'jhddiuon ' j . t-': $roo ' For an addition where square fdtage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). >o zR Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,g**iY ' (multi-family/commercial) reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.E MinoiAheration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, (single-family/duplex) . r€roofing, painUng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. Location of the Proposal: Lot: /d -Z-Bbck: Name(s) of Owner(s): Separation Request tlov OS 'O5 O9:06a ' nbv Oa OS o3:agP ov O? OS lo:'lt llarr.lacl l,';t' tll t Scot't, CaFp€nteF Susan Pag-, scoGc CaFPengcF [rtatttaa.t! s7() /+76 3?36 3oa-932-2517 t?o {?6 3"35 5.rt P'J P-rp.3 AlpfizdilfrrDGi9F ter&r''m*m -tr-'J*.rd.qtF ettA.Ltar-rbdrbF hfel.-* {rtt 5-.U Ate scr rignrrrrots rrq! tE t Noe 89.O5 O9:OGa SGoEE C€FprnGCF , rtbv OB OS 03: tgP Suson Pae? io{ O? OS lo:atr SGo33 glrt?trtca . '.La''rr'!,,Jt l':!' ti|l L?'llL"tt 97(' +76 3736 eo3-aaz'2547g"O l?6 r?t6 a_r F,e p.2 ?.e tilrtaltFtYAE*t'rurFrErrflE r,('l:'l..!L .0d!!- 3gl!€- -'n=l/q r,-:t"n'*F 1n* rtr HFrF:'b fFd t ae ui ll' 4' ps 'r'l6lD|E alF Cttr-rh.Edn>rar.l' h#Flr-'e 3 trd --* rltGFrGerdFq I H.Grf'lt|gliFdr'F a, I tffffiltt..sff":'* D- t5crhcd&dt |lfEESq1|tcor|hrraGlttrlfrldEarg d |qtFl -t 't.' / grFrtlllnprn 4..";1'<-'- I o o tr a B tr tr tr tr show right of way and property lines; induding bearings, distances and curve information. Indicate all easements identified on the suMivlslon plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the tiHe repod. List any easement restrlctions. spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either slde of the lot. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Exisung trees or groups of trees having trunk with diameGrs of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermitbent streams, ek.). TOI4iI{ MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals'to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS a Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Site and Grading plan, if applicable*o Landscape Plan, if applicable*o Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site.alteration(s)* Exterior color and material samples and specifications. Lighting Plan* and Cut-shee(s) for proposed fixturu, if applicable Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addiuonal plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary -to determine whether a project will comply wlth Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please sabmit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signafure of a licensed surveyortr Date ofsurvey Nortl anor^, and graphic bar scale Scale of 1"=10'or I"=20) Legal description and physical address Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 409o, and floodplain) Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. ithis information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationshlp to the established corner, tr o o tr o o D o Fage3of LzlO}lOTlOZ ' tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Planra Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areatr Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)D Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, d@rs, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Pase 5 of L2102107/02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPIT{G Botanical Name Common Name Ouantihr Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DOSTING TREES . TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciry other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) PageT of rzlozlvilOz a NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Pre-application Meetinq A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identifu any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many ctlses, the pre-application meegng helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in thE pre-liminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 97 0.47 9.2t28 or toon-guez@ci.vail.co. us Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines, A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at http://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/plannino/drb/meetings/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 week prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be revierrued for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and ritle 14 (Development standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal code. Reouirements for prooerties located in hazald areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the @mmunity Derelopment Departnent may require a site-specific geological investigaUon. If a site-specific aeological investigaUon determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit reognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are shongly encouraged to onsuh with Community Developrnent staff prior to submltting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards.. Required Plan Sheet Format For all surueys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown, 1. Plan sheet she must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allovired.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale.3. Graphic bar scale.4, Nofth arrow. 5. nfle blocK project name, project address and legal description.6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number.7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revlsion dates.8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1'=1,000' or larger.9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Page 9 of L2lo2/O7lO2 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Submittalo Stamped survey of property o Civi[Site plans Survey Reouirements: o Surveyods wet stamp and signaturetr Date of surveyo North arrowo Proper scale (1"=10' or t"=ZO')o Legal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarko Spot Elevationso Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Lot Sizeo Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirementsl I. Ac€ess (check all) o Landscape plan o Tltle Report (Section B) o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan.o Unheated D Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) II. o o g Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated) All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Setion Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_ Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 Construction Site (check all) Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown.on the site plan. Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction. I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. FI tr o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercource setbacks (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topogrdphy Utility locauons Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides ofthe roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. o o o TOI4I]\I *This checklist must be submitted prior to Public Works review of a proposed development Owners/Project Name: Project Address: Applicant:Phone Number: Page 1.1 ot DlAZlOTlOZ tY ry ry\ LL/9,2/20AA f{ov'21 OS 09:4$ FAtr 197052404t9 l0r 26a Soott Ctrpenuer lo:Dt E|I rttosrlalt! 970 +?6 s73E taoo2 F.l16cor. utzutng ' x' / arfionl -. ,-...q t 5.?.S-ceur lasrLrrfrn apgtu.d cf dlc ptrcde.d rmttroPElYor-r wnrTElrtDtoY||-t-Hrrc, augofpnpatt fiv Ftrtrelhh Accn nfn{oa E| ft tAiln cf Val (gtrmN tl.iclf,nail DeFtrEl,ftrtlr goed itmttr<ils I te bc abre.ttrilr prtyred ftrFlrrctflctes hdrH I t irrts ||ndcr!g|ld l'|* nir nffi'|' |r{y be nr* u 6e pbs w rta an* d fl* rafur I fr*s o emre ccapllhrerflr tbTcrfc amEblc dcr xl nguEm- I IEIE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT -3"4^--.--"'t >-J" AAts - Lo{ to, G\\r.1 NOTE: THIS PERMITMUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE ATALL TIMES ADD/ALTSFRBUILDPERMIT PETMit #: BO3-0307 Job Address: 4153 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 4153 Spruce Way Applied . ' : 10/08/2003 Parcel No...: 210112207016 Issued . '. : 1010812003 ProjectNo : ?RgSoSfq Expires..': 04/0512004 outt{ER CARPENTER, M. SCOTT - SNYDER10/O8/2O03 Phone: PATRICIA K. -iIT PO BOX 3161 vArr, co 81658-3151 I-ricense: CoNTR.,,ACTOR T.A. BECK ROOFTNG rNC. LO/0g/20O3 Phone: 9741 Titan Park Circle Littleton, Colorado License: 543-S APPLICAT.IT T.A. BECK ROOFING INc. ao/oe/zoo3 Phone: (3O3) 784-4425 9741 Titan Park Circfe Littleton, Colorado License: Description:re-roof cedar shingle for same Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $12,000.00 Add Sq Ft 0 Fireplace lnformation: Restrict€d: y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of.Wood Peller 0 i|+ll.l'|t|li|+||t*|******'l''ll|{|l{|***|**+'lt.*i*l****'t*,t:|*'*)t*l*1*'lFEEsUARY. Building---> lzo9.2s Restuarsnt Plan Review-> $0. OO Total Calculsted Fees-> S348.25 Plan check--> $136. 01 DRB Feo-----------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----'> $0.00 Investigation-> $o . oo Recreation Fee---------> $0 . 00 Total Permit Fee----> $348 .26 willcall--> $3.00 clean-up Deposit-'---> $o'oo PalT nents'-------;' $348'26 TOTAL FEES-----> S348 .26 BALANCE DUE----> $0 .00 'tat'tll lltt+tt'itt* Approvals:ItE'rn: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT Lo/o8/2oo3 df Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT ITEM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTT'IENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ***'t{ itt tt***t* '}*'t 'i * *,} **,t,} * *a**+**'}it**t *'|' * l*.1. i,} **,t* * **:* *r** * * *+'i:}* t + t,l + +a+ *'}:tl 'i *:t +'}** *** t:t* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. ll APPLICA ORU roject #; Buildir rcrt{wrAn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 BUIL "/4', i. and Phone #'s: f""n JZo .-{jD )?3 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILD For Parcel *******************:***!H!R********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******i.***************sffi* NG PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: ${ //.6fO-* * Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Pari$J.r &t u\\LL o +c r v, '"0 *"t" f nryto(er-Job Address: Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: ArchitecUDesigner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ./- /1 n(#-r eK- e,a,j{t4 a:ooQ-t;t4e lq i7t roo( u.tc,woc.t&- 'L,n",(e5WorkClass: New( ) Addition() Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other() WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) \\Vail\data\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07r26n002 10-22-An3 Rs$|.ttld Insp.ct Drb: lmpcctboArEa; Blb Addrersi ArFf,tlrfrnmlon Adn||s B&CFF7 TirD.: ABttli-OGomtTyl6: Orcurifu. CITwhI CARPENTER, H. SCOTT .- SNYIIER.AFIct|T TA. EECK ROOFN|G fi,,C. G<|irbaclor: T./L BECfi ROOFIttCt htc.Orrcapma lt.|ooac.&irt*Thhrnnr elrrllltEtelcd$ fbm: e0 g,Oc+lnrl RrQsbr: TA" BECI( ROOFI.IO ll.tc.A$ffFndTo: CDAVIS- A.do.r: TUn6 En: bn: nor;bn:l|m:hiluh0f,hm:hm: lo|n:hm: lem: Pagc 4 Y\'Fd necdry, Ocbher ??, ?ff)il 6t 4453 $FRI.'CE WAY VAL{f$ SFru{p f?ry subrffi: AFFR Fhon6: i3O3) 78&t.126 S!tr3:hrpArn:TSSIJED a, RaqtE.3tld Timo: 08100 Afl' Phcnc: T2+?3247'16 '.nI.od Br DGOLDEN K Rtrn Id: 1360REPT131 ,-a Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co,us Project Name: Prcject Description: Participants: ProjectAddrcss: Legal Descrlption: Parcel Number: Comments: Carpenter re-roof Re-roof cedar shingle roof, same-for-same DRB Number: DR8030426 OWNER CARPENTE& M, SCOTT- SNYDER09/29|2003 Phone:PATRICIAK. .JT PO BOX 3161 VAIL CO 816s8-3161 License: APPUCANT T,A. BECK ROORNG INC. 0912912003 Phone: (303) 788-1426 9741 Titan Park Circle Littleton, @lorado License: CONTMCTORT.A. BECK ROOFING INC.09/2912003 Phone: 9741 Trtan Park Circle Littleton, Colorado License: 643-5 4153 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Locatlon: 1.o* 10-1 Block: 9 Subdivision: BIGHORN 3RD ADDmON 210t122070t6 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah filo7l2003 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO l. Gonflrmatlon Report -Memo rrr Send Page Date & T i|||e LinB I E-na i I Machine lD 001 0ct-03-03 04: | 7pr 9t04192452 Tom{ 0F vAtL conruiltTY DEVELOPT[I{T Job nut||ber Da te To l{urber of pages Start t i|t|e End t i|no Pages sent Status Job nunbor : 580 0ct-03 04:l6pr 4s4763735 002 0ct-03 04:l6pn 0ct-03 04:l7pm 002 OK 580 *** SEND SUCCESSFUL *+* I 75 SouEli F oirl8gc R-oed'l/ail. CO a1657970-479-27.34FA'< 970-479-2432 ' COIvrr\lftIFrrTY DE\aELOP$4E|!T FA;< T:RAI\ISllzfIT:rAI- stEET :cEvfr: *r oF pAeES E:ra DocttlvrEFrr (1\ror n\rcI.rrDffe co1aE*. S:$ET)- RESPOFiT SE .R,E QI':TEED zSEIqTEY .fOTI'}{ O\Z.A.T- COftINV:T'IIFETY DEIZEIJOPT4TETT:T E1+X #% -I.o1vFr. ori'\aA.E- colvtwtllFr{r"Y rrrc\zEf-<lFllrENT ':trEf-.t:P:E(Orr|:t.d' SP:ECIAI- C OD.n4GFirSrS *.IsfD NOTES: Oct OE O3 O8:1?p Scq&t CaFpentcr 97O 478-3?36 p. Iqcr 05 0o 03:0sp t"n p"", sog_t_es+z' oo! o{ 09 t?rssf r, scotr crFr 3og-g5z-es+z p,loEr'ct'o t.,rb i,rroltcrri,-il,r"lllot#tt n*rrr,r,.ta aea tsr+ p.e Ftl0 t 0tr/m? r.||t "lff":w.ll#" l0 bc Conda&! at oltEcr3 iobrt* _- , ilorc t u|fiigaod that fhe FFz.d Intyo€f,g,,E idAar: r, r"r" ,*""Lbly/_,b_AlEld5_- rJorhr o*r:r qru^lrllry 4ttts WDroFrltbcilc!'tllatlvter.frurrb thrr hrr ar rrittsr firwot or uE ot* 6!od_ __-_f ''..--- _;|Fcn tttn|o{ b ri! Tan ct t4rr ar u*r xrrropncrr oq.l?r,rr fo.6E Fored rt9iorE rcrc. t I tUntry rrr*rAnO t]El rwror aaaf,srirr lt|.' b,nr* io taE gbns ortr tDc qrre oa tE ,!rrar|rc|o ct60rl| rlndtrE rur Utlhn?:F)rcj|E aul6 .td !.!ut Lt!i, 1o-S - ?e) (UrE, 4fti'Ifu t w sb9Ezaf ra0ztorht I I, (print name)____:_ description)4t5z Sptta DRrtE JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of L210210702 ::r.fr":ii; -.tiuj{.]-t d6: ?,:} l_'I .*r.r'-tT I ' \'J '+J\r i!r ffi I[}1,!TII i$I/AITFT I Ii" I 6i!nBi"itl Lnfu''msti ,{ll Ptule:rt i*tr,tttitn:g t retn"r fl flff :;,rhmlttel faf {l(rt i*: ilar:}TrtetJ u ilro,.flg rt0y l.nh!) neei ncslsfl terleu{ $rFpr on* Ya::t ;uf lfit aPP P, Plor Rwlri l 'fl niFFic $,ith ^rff rdfttrr'th' ippficatlon for Design ReviewE*Iai{.eu!s. Fl oEgsitff ent of Cornmunity Oetre|o$lent. --rre ?5 So;'$ Fmltrge Road.Vat!, Cdor"doigf657flU,{ilf '- -il, bio.*i.itiE iarc iru.+rs.z+lz ' lY! uful," T cu: r'{tw"d';il'co'us i I i t' tf Lntu''mution; I ,:u ;e1.r.iir,g de#gn ret'ieri,nust rcceivc ilpf'.'rlvAl prlrrr tO sr|bmCr:nt a bu;iding g€ffllt .'lpflksuotl iio ,t,'i*ff,'etiffii*"rn6 f*r. firi iitt,tii'. app.cnat tha!: is requegtcd' 'dil ai'Piicaton litt'Sciigr tr o.i*rtuiir,riii'ali requtred infornrEtlrln Is r&etued bY tne fiofi4fttnitV bEveicptrl€{tt Delarfilc i*yllii neea b na tt,rre+,no w ilti-'iJw* iJrrncil.and/or the-Pl'nnins |a1a r:13$1ry5$l con tetrliw s,pe-iov.at lips,€5 unlcs r Bulldln0 permlt lc bsurd tnd oorittt'udl'iol{ cotnrnEn$8'l tt .uf lf, t EFProYil. hlg -*-' :j''@ fj€s',:Jl iBtioc'tjle REquestr ]i*.:,'f:,*- 1,*1r111;iqrn 4f {h€ proposatr t(,k.!F :LHlor:k1....H-*5 u sdhls ton r -&Fl&l$--gg. gTILr Pity,tlin;: i A.dff ,srp-1; gqi;1;i1t it*.i ]i!"1!1#.gg:Sj-k-*.- ieorltrc{it Fd$i$ (b. Assesgor at 1i7m"3:l$'"€640 for par rl qt3 t4 ilri, rt 11 Afit;r\+tL()r {}vrrrr,,lr(.rl $;rTnpture(*}t _ _ l{ a rur: rrf .r,1,*rli*}*tl etirrilr;6 ,4r{rt'r*s*; -lattl -:::[:-t$.- - ffB.ri--.-g&-* "J:r$].4^1i:'#."--(&'' S.l]'lsj_ (:l\.,", l;t",.l't..# tsrrorr* -S*j3:-*Jh..t d:aio li.. ..lrr ili i /i tJdto*sr :"T : il'it $L90 f€i squaftr foet iftotai $igr; nrqa' FL'J i{.IifiUdl0n tI' nflr guiidlnq s;r *rwic{ ir:l,r.riid FLr| i:rfi,rdCitr0t. t*l-,,.x'e rquare fs'rtptle is fiddn# t* any.tSlr ,!ti'31 $.?:1'u'fiHnilrr 'Duiliiirrg (includeg isfl i??digon$ & lrtlqtior mJn'ref ltr,lsj. flii n'rinrr sh,lrlgErg to buildhgs a'19 i,ts imFl tti/srl fl'1t\, tuch 1, rHrs0tl,l} p0inting. '*ird|vr ecdlfiotlr, !;rr,1'.$$pin6". fa"n et ai S:10 ilEv r'1rHrr change$ Dl buildhqE SriC iitf iarnrlvnrnents, $JCft 5' rlrao'". *g, Failrtlnlt,. rrind$* ad<ii*+rr*, i;r'rd1i'ipln$r f*r es I'If, F€e fflgr:k i,l$.t-*_-..__. i\/ -'4,-^--**-."-, llliF $'r .r:i8 inln,cj ivlil$r elf.liie l.lf rsrrii$1.$ri tF pian:r alieedy sgrtau'r-d fiv slailtlitrfi $af cr F{$i$lt ilr}le# 0ntffl. t.g 'Ffp,{. d,E ft€*/ierx snd l*lel i.: ,-(:i.11,i L"l L:r-ltijF jiElrrlr lter.irl*, i;-i r';i]r^i t:S]ti;lfilitiOh i3 :,i#idcl r ij r.lir'_r, E"lt{fill.l:i r it''! ii'ai. f dii iiiv/criiif::t!su+l) ililn.1r !lt+'fiJfri i'ri n rii5-i*:r,i l11 ti r.rple*) t:,ir*F.t!i t:i F.pi:rdyed F{€n5 | , l:.Eil1, tre,,.a I:i fi3!,,,'ta .41 I irtii; j ,\t iri;r:iiti:rt (]{i rlt?lFlnq rvallr, etE. trn \p Fce 1itl$0 $.::00 *e50 srlF r: F,etrnax t_-*ii; io.le.it ltig.1 BuildinE Materials l I I Roof l Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirrt Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, Color PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Mat€rial c-Eon& SHrrJ6tf) Page 6 of l2lOZ/07/02 t\ t tr' Conf i rmat i on Report -Memory Send Page : 001 Date & Time: 0ct-07-03 08:05am Line I : 9704792452E-mail : Machine lD : T0liltl 0F VAlt C0Mt4lllllTY DEVEL0PIINT Job number 0at e To l{umbe1 of oaees \ Start lt i|ne End t itne Pates sent Status Job number : 607 607 0ct-07 08:04am E913037881427 002 0ct-07 08:04am 0ct-07 08:05am 002 (}K *** SEND SUCCESSFUL *+* ,@ TDWN OF Uan l2t75 Soi$fa F-ontage R.oedVrjl, cO &1657 974-479-2134 EA.X- 970-4?9-2452 '/ col\ltn/rtlF{-nr-:r DE\rEI-oP1vlEr\rT ryA.:< TR.ANSMrI:rAI- SareE:r F?\:< .ELOf\'I: TIIVE:gf /:-* ++ OF PAGES IX\r DOCSIi,/EIr.{T CFIOT I$ICI-IIDIIIIG Co\r'llt SEEET)--..-- :R.lE S?OI\ISE Eatt Q r]:I:CLED " SEI.YT ITV TOAYFT OF \/A:CT, COlt/G/f|:rI{-i:IY DS\7:EI.OP!'iEI\TT FA-t< 'Ti TOW!{ OF \/A.E COf\'18!f(rI\I-.IrY r)Er/E -OPT\/ENT TlOr-tFErO}rE *r \\ll Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 faxi, 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Carpenter re-roof Re-roof cedar shingle roof, same-for-same DRB Number: DR8030426 Participants: OWNER CARPENTE& M. ScoTI- SNYDERog/29l2003 Phone: PATRICIA K. -JT PO BOX 3151 VAIL CO 81658-3161 License: APPUCANT T.A. BECK ROOFING INC, 9741 Titan Park Circle Littleton, Colorado License: CONTMCTOR T,A. BECK ROOFING INC, 09129/2003 Phone: (303) 788-t426 09/2912003 Phone: 9741 Titan Park Circle Littleton, Colorado License: 643-5 4153 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Loh 10-1 Block 9 Subdivision: 2L0r122070t6 LocaUon: BIGHORN 3RD ADDMON Motion By: Second By: Voter Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz L0l07l?003 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO -{-(fl(.t ol ol!l-l| .F{ I-l-l6t 6l..rl-{l uttlol arlo.l p.l 9t El.-'l..rl .rl -.{ |r-ll rdl oJl dl..r | '.1 | tE{l qrltld:lUJ 5IF'"I 9:rl s5lo 'r1 |Jrll E FIE(' | .'{zolS =EIFii ol $.r I I IIUJ ,Ft<rd I I I I I I It& rPt<ccrFlaz IE lotz c4orl c4 l c\ [.uIF I I I I I I I .l4 lo,?Elo .li t$- _t(,EFAro r|. qr U' E Eog- o lcio :q) -g "o(! e (d 3oF o )ortq af; JP-o sil;€ )o'o DC:$iEro iolot ,s 3 o c :: l; {) g a.(g i .9 () a)g6.968 ltE ('(D RTt-! OaotBa = o.eE'o.> FEvo lat.i-c, = 9,; )5 iIN ( :lt i, i:;)oi:F(ieiii+,or)ftio)c,c(t ls€ i3o i{l'Q cl ,s :6 o t=,,b'F:t El -E'69op Ea.c(g*; ./i o):'ti!E 9ii(d'=(r(/) g8E Ffrec.= (g bFi _E;b oGc =EF= at isE BEi :LE-.9 0:iE O )'- O 1t I *t t+: -i l= 6.1 r (g cL' iE6;r€ o.( fieiE(gi E.E; :Ei(di:a€! EP q orE.9Fsf, E't =o >,E:4nEF9 E3elg! (Eo.o -E0)o 5FE IE;l'5ElFbI EoI F.eIEEIEEI E'=lF8 '- v,o$ €t: =*,J'S cQ oo EE =t EC 3er .Eil O.(g I sFtoii E g'' 6tH6,eE i or atl ESE_aJ 6 6.! = o: ar 0r+ gE€ EE;8:E E;E.it B EETr-os € llo 6 UJ UJ u_ F =E UJo- J Fv lolclliiloto .Fl N Flo TJq t-J !tl .alslrvl al ; =Zr! 6z =ooE E(, UJ trJ ,zla!|o z Faao<>E9Lr- <oo- H8=FO ;ni f + rEl ol -llE lt<lo- IUJl& I t^llt<tzltol t6llolol $l Ell EllEtl !.rJ llitl _il IJJl-)J IE (n l!z =F .. >lo UJ ru LUzoF Eu/IL J z E4,o_|r>o E_Atil< delotzq; iJ rt| F] o+,dB Fr c)]J AJ tl .u {J Ut,,ll ( ( tri =z N c.) I F\\t i il.r,l Ir$l>l I>-lFi "Jalrl I cJlol ${lol*l c"r Itr)l 5l I "Jattl HEIJ<l{ = I.L >l ol ltll IJIfl IH =l Iflg lrllI | _eltolI rtJl l5l lsl l3l dFl ol z.l (5l utlcl il>l t!lol zl FI Ialll\Tl <nl-l .l els HT il$ bl di bal FI 'Fl I ?lrrl*l >,1olr{l -lcal IXIlrlrrl .ol'-) | I Iccl u-l J o IY LIJJ 2p _a? JF.5 =Fio oz E =E UJ o- (s.-+tl -o z^<iri (}s UJ = z(r=ze =zd8l+- tsJLJ E LIJ o UJoz oIoF I Jl-tu :- E=dil:o-O|!905urxa!:>LJ t--llJJJ lt uJ oF co E EIso oTI .!cJ E E o c |D E FILoIt J ('(JzE -rF =lqmuJ !trtr lt) 6etr>d z lrJtooo?zoI IJJv ut ro oF Fd)-c>o, EF{ ^|rl_N tLloi1i5lO trlo4l lhl'I HuJi..F F =Elrl o-zo l-()f &,Fozo C) oz t =oa IJ.J o @ u') UJ UJ lJ- E uJ , uffi Bpohs *r)lr-l*r ItiltEltal IlFllFl l tstrl lelHlt(9l&tzl14lH IF{la | .Fl< I--rFll() lor r-l I co lel r'.lE Ir{l< | .EIJ l-rFql IFl.a lr{.nl.^la ,j l Z lt-)U)lHl E13IE tslU) laz to tEl<lz l'.-1()I< IFIH lFl l<Fll lF*tc4.t.'/.lArto tz< | r!' lF{ aulFoz zo =l d) 06 =z I I I I nl? to dr rI1I F!. 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FO;Gi =>cE I I-l'l.l FJIrIJl>ltrrl'lolzl MI'lErI<l MI EI I<lprI @l; tsll 14 llzll aH At z FJ Fl Fl 3 -.t z tr f {u- tc l Eo t!o- @ E- L! z Eoo t<iX;o F EuF : =lzl l I I I 2lzOa F_ UJ<oo< =*>FRtr6o<2 Iz 9z -.1 fd63[OI J] -l 1 Xzl ,. >|o TIJ ullu2 U)a t uJ(L J z Eoo ull CE z 9IF z F laz luo z t! o- z F I z I tgt=t- UJF u)o -zo F lrJY u, OoFOr, o\ =UJ e.lu-lrHIoEl :,-rzt- ol cJ alr Hlrl uJl- tl,l:^Fvz.o F Bza'\ -zz F->2 - lf (n19 n Ftr-ltr-.]'vD+L rr l ."iE =Eidd=x---xtxll Ir4- F!- - F tr llJ lr-ouloz ar,a rrtt Jl-uJ:h= d r..!>(!Ou9o \L!-cLx> ;F J IL lU tn F o E cL E at .: : E Eol) ,AOXlr, lc€ O -FfaErF -!t=i F =E, lrJo-z9F() :) E,Fazo(.) r\ ca I - B E, cf'lrn \:r UJ oao J tl a F4 A.r il z --') I I I I I el'l alol Hs z _= o\ :< J6 HI CI-l FoJ c\t N I (\ Oi fl 3l I ol =.1 rut 5l al>l 3l tsJH F E F4-tn p(J an Fl =tr z (t uJ - z =I rtl 3lHI>lxlrdl-l zl EI<lHI -l ErlFrlctl t trl f\ IF c,.l (5t Izltu |Ht tt FEll \+ |tl (.)l Pl -'{ |Frt I*l I El elet dlal Hl El il Hl bltzl =t 3lgl olrJ-t Fl I I I olzl ol uJl 5l <l>l lIlol zl 3lolFI Al frF4l .+ I i'r E-{ | --lztl EI t!l lo-ull I I 9l Fl xl <d>{ Eo F1 IErt<lelal "lNIFllEI Frl<lBI(Jl I AIFrl zl&l<l I >l trl I I I I I "l=.1ol uJI :l al>l rLlol zl ..1Bl -.r-ol uJFI F E <F r.! <ZE Lu F.aZo(J (r F E Fz .J F F t,u il E2? =(J =#d6 z T t.lJ 0i ;. = (JZ a LU LIJL! L = LU(! o af, o il sitql *i-Riu'\'l'"" i Il,t:l' \ iJ-, l 9; t-DAo c o F a 7 a z '7I-t =t a-2 , : i., <ra x^9 2 -,2 >.2< '.lF* ;<.);9*F. =E c z o 5 co z6 fJo- (r (D = tuEz 6 o a LJ.J IJJt! F z =f -Jc YE =Zu-32x = tr-.! =5o.o fr=oo, -LZ E z Lr.l z ii" o_ rVa(tZ;-(J(J()z LL<oq o_e>(.) i (\J z tr l - LT,Jv z F oo z tr l- z = IJJ IJJ zf F(JItz>aai < [?F 3=o.oE iEH >Or.!>*OLIOO(JIZa) lJ,l F oz I z F*ff;('lo za <F </J t-ur< E o @+lr{l(r) |<3'I zlz Eo E (J z F laz LU F FIo 2 g. F- a *=Xlo JF= l s.{ : r.l olt 1 z- r! 6 I F xo o rn an (U = r.! z (D II c I o oC F l(trl|'FlIsll.olt>ll-lI>l| .nltct tc'l(/}l 6-l.rrl I'-l olot olzl ooltl€l I >t 9?l.t'1 --lol 6ltol.t <l>l Jl<t <la=l Eoo -L i O L! oo I Il-l* I -t3l HI<lit ><l =EI O IItlllI tl iflltEltoltoll<l>t JlEl <1Lrl =l t t-sir9- (JZ (j F e Fz J e C) LIJ Lt-l E za =<EE fF)z O oFO Fz Oz I LU = F(J uJF I E. &. <F&OuJ<ZEuJ l-Oz )<()(, 9.l! rrl JO z t = UJ z co =f d .-i6 =Eidil> / a > z z F o z. o o q' .! CZo;o; o LJ- ox-E>rF att oT' T tr az. F(J UJ o(r(L ol col "1.;l I IJJfo .,(---\/ '';=r\/-.4\-I ulcrEr \ ,'ll- \\ // t all-<*J2: -r-a $.. N $ $ q \ E =E UJ o-zo F() EF@zo(J \ { lt)f f E z o =Foo .:,1 ii: !a v 5 != ==i+.i:z:i =* a+ =- ! f " tr !t:.2... :':l € c: >.c : =.:':-a -c=- -: - != cT:.-.ii:- .:= !.a tr:: ..'e - -- - t -o -E =..:n'l a !-.2;rn- : > L:t-.! ? y=^.= E E 1 E;= :^ i = i d* ai: c !::^ ! c J -JZ i = " a i ! - i 1:*,;i:zztlE I I ..i orlqlt.\OF FIFlP-l I I zH FlH co z H Ol M FJF H Ff B c) cn -ir J'q'a 00 .E ln u)H z H tr.E a U f- F{ o z - b!tr rc i 4 co I& c Fl HFz Htn trl& c U ) -H7 I D{ Fl p vlaH z E z ktr!- -' F-urB Y--TBts >zzsr<< 3ii Y^:- =UQrEi sJ f\tsz r.r. X - tJ.l \J (^ -- \JF.ZZuxq -r --1sts= €q4caS=t:oE zt! F- i- A1 ;,. F Lr-l (r --jrzi-sx Q;o<:-zFtL>Z-\^<-yp=+u Pi--Fl il*o> %*ri E*,-Yv t!QgSF<H r\ tr Fl tFZU:F( i- c-, f-U€=F<^FYI+xgHi-:.-.\:\ *{ F -C. F!F -+ftra --t6. FR mF -rilJaHa}-HraH Etrl- EF trrf,t\ EY ir -F{F? -11|e F\ -aLI i-* trt *FrFL.l{ +n\q7 fHtl af t}.|dL. fFrFr 0fr)+t |.f. € ul (t) l daz z Fvtoo- ffi ffi ffi '1\ !r r g=:.:r+ i: =;; : ! :;:= J 3 - i .Y it a | = a!:i; i E !...^ = I 1r1el- - \'o= -T:- -t i - '="=,aEv t-! ^ -. = = a- Y=' E:ai -=-E t = --- j .2 t y,=.Y = 7- J:= I .-, = = ; o.* -:: = ! c i.r i ! ":=^.i;at .t a i+ 14i a zH F1H c.l aM l-{ F B Irl A{ a!) ct) .+ -o o[c l- z !'-l H '.nlo I oo o o.; J; o(, oZ E b! € IE 4 c.l I =o (, Fi HHz Hv) rr1 o 3 f! Fl tn v7HIrlz E 7. utB Y--<>x ?22r{t{< 3EZa\ '< \,iY /'\ -:ug-2j ll.l F-.fszu,x -l{\J- a< ."(, *\ \JFtrZZUXlL*r": RF<= a< ?t aa ol E ztrJ F- i- H!:qi-<xrr<)i Odc<!* c;:{zFL!>Z.n=S:: FJR!lrEt..'rH4!-'F\iPb-ia E*o>P. !4ua ;:'l z-.-; vHi3s -<E<X\-/t-n- lLhAZA FZU:ffF=Eu=xs...'FYl+sE+i\;:-\:{tr-\r.>F tt{Etg ffd OaEEFEF*'€' FR a. Eg EE5 E re€ flJrhl LfA. € h -dLI Ff* EI * f3LILtfn\s2 irl trt gl a?r22/199e ta. t6 FROII PEHUOOD PLFCE qPT5.I dVei,ar. Engin"ezbg & Con+huction 94792452I C'*P T0 197 P.6! /a7'/d, 0 ln Anlnll1/ t+ r/ut"t " EOO PENI{SYLVANIA ' SUITE 11I ' DENVER, COLOFADO 8O2O3 Telephone eE2-S432 July2l,l99E VrilBuilding . 75 Sorth Vait Co. 81 ffienar OnJtfrytle I 8t 4153 Way,East Unit Asoflul; Unit. ThtndoreI prsftsl. j I .l I I I .l 'I I.: I i I..1 I I I ; Date Reeeived JUL Zz lsg8 w Scot Carperrter ingtucted me ordly to discontinue work on his pro.ject r dismmtuucd working for Mr. smtt carpcnrer otfiffiffiffils"$ lfte to bc remored as the contractor aad eogineer on tlrc above ttJ Trulyfcure I chen and associates, t alnc. CONSULTING ENGINEEFS DENVER. COLORAOO t0223. a a O o a a 30|1 t rqr*Drnox 0a s. zul{l It0lx:tllxo SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATIOI{ PROPO5EO DUPLEX LoT 10, BLoCK 9, BIG HoRll suBDlvlslotl THIRD AODITIOI{ EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO Prepared For: Nelss Englnccrlng and Constructlon Company 1732 Hlgh Strcct Dcnvcr, Colorado 80218 Attn: t{r. Davl d t{cl ss 3qt/744-tt0c Joba I Ho. 19,52t Noven$cr l' 1979 I I a o I o TABLE OF COI{TENTS col*ctus lolls SCOPE slTE collDlTloHs suBsolL coNDlTloils FOUIIDAT I OH RECO{I.IEI.IDAT I ONS FLOOR STABS SUBDRAIII SYSTE}I SURFACE DRAIIIAGE r{IscELl-AHEot 5 FIGURE I . LOCATIOII OF TEST PITS FIGURE 2 . LOGS OF TEST PITS f ICWE 3 - GRADATIOI{ TEST RESUITS . TABTI I . SUI{TARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS I I I I 2 3 3 ,l o I I a a o I coNcLus | oils The proposed duplex should be founded wlth spread footlngs placed on thc upper natural solls deslgned for a maxlmum soll pressure of 3500 psf wlth pretautlons glvcn es dls- cussed. SCOPE Thls report prcsents thc resultr of a soll and foundatlon Investlgatlon for a proposed duplcx to bc located on Lot lO, Block 9' Bl9 Horn Subdlvlslon, Thlrd Addltlon, Eaglc County, Colora&. Thc report presentg the rccorrnendcd type foundatlon, gl lowable soll pressures' w€ter tablc condltlons and other sol l-related deslgn and constructlon detalls. SITE CONDITIONS At the tlrp of our lnvestlgatlon the slte was vacant. lt ls located northeast of Spruce l{ay on a ,npderately steep southernly faclng slope. llaxlmum clevatlon dlfferencc across the sltc ls on the order of 45 fect. Vcgetatlon conslst of natlvc gras3, weeds, evergreens and scattered Aspen trcca.- A.lirgc lsolated boulder.was observcd In tha northern thlrd,'of ttrc property. An cxlstlng frame resldencc located to the west of thls lott approxkaataly g ycars of agc, appears to be ln good condltlon from a found- atlon polnt of vla*. suBsotL c0NDtTtoNs Subsoll condltlons .t thc slte were tnvestlgated by usa of a backhoc. Ttrc tcst plts hrcrc excavat6d at locatloni shotdn on Flgurc l. Sr$solls cncountcrcd at both test plt3 src frlrly unlfonn and conslst of a thln taycr of topsoll overlylng densc, sandy, sllty,'gravel wtth cobblcs end a a a : a o o o a I o t I D -2- boulders to 4 feet In dlarneter. Gradatlon analysls performed on the mlnus 3 lnch fractlon along wlth standard property determl natlons are presented ln Flgurc J and surmarlzed In Table l. l,lo frec water was encountered In the test pfts at thc tlme of our lnvestlgatlon. FOUNDATI ON RECOI,II{ENDAT I ONS lle understand the proposed constructlon wl | | conslst of a t\rro-3tory frarne structure wlth r ful I basernent. Foundatlon gradc wl ll bc approxlnr'ately 6 to l0 feet below exlstlng grade. Conslderlng thc subsolls and the proposed constructlon, the recommended type foundatlon would be spread footlngs placed on the sandy sllty gravels. The fol lowlng desl gn and constructlon detal ls should be observed! (l) Footlngs placed on the sandy gravels, belour any topsoll, should bc deslgned for a maxlmum soll pressure of 3500 psf. Under thls pressure, total settlernent wlll be less than I lnch. . Dl fferentlal settlement ecross the proposed bulldlng wlll be on the order of t/2 tnch. (Z) Dcep foundatlon walls should be deslgned as retalnlng structures to rcslst latcral earth pressures of lr0 pcf equlvalent f luld wetght. (3) Contlnuoug foundatlon wells should be well relnforced top and bottom to span an unsupportcd length of at least lO fcct. (rt) Any soft materlal found wlthln the footlng cxcavatlon should be renpved and footl nglr extendcd down to thc I o,vrer f I rm sol I s. Carc should be taken In rerrcvlng largc boulders so as not to dlsturb the remalnlng sollr. t I D I -3-I I a o t I I I O I I (5) All extorlor footlngs should be provlded wlth adequate soll cover above thelr bearlng elcvatlon for frost protectlon.. FLOOR SI.ABS The lo,rer gravel ly solls are sultable for support of slab-on-grade constructlon. To mlnlmlze damage duc to sl lght dl fferentlal slab rrtvement ' all slabs slpuld be separated from all bearlng members wlth a posl tlvc expanslon Jolnt. Slabs should be adequately relnforccd. Thc conventlonal { Inch free dralnlng gravel beneath the slab can be elimlnatcd. SUBDMI}I SYSTEII Although free wator was not encountered In our tcst plti et thG tln€ of our Invastlgatlon, lt has been our expcrlencc that durlng sprlng run- off and snor melt, seepage water can beconre a problem. Ws recorrnend that thc lower portlon of the proposed resldence be protccted by an underdraln systen. The draln system should conslst of perforated draln tlle lnstalled In a gravel fllled trench placed at footlng grade, leadlng to a sultablc outlet vstre re water can be rerrcved by punplng or gravl ty f low. SURFACE DRAINAGE Thc followlng dralnagc prccautlons should bc observed durlng con- rtructlon and malntslned at all tlnes aftcr the butldlng has been completcd: (l) Excesslve wettlng or drylng of thc foundatlon oxcavatlon should bc , avolded durlng constructlon. (Z) Backflll around the bulldlng should bc rplstcned and compacted to ' at lcast 90t standard Proctor dcnslty. -4- I t I I I I I I o t (3) The ground surface surroundlng the exterlor of the bulldlng should be sloped to draln away from the bulldlng In all dlrectlons. (4) Roof dovrnspouts and dralns shoutd dlscharge well beyond the llmlts of all backflll. HI SCELLANEOUS Thls report has been prepared In accordance wlth generally accepted soll and foundatlon englneerlng practlces In thls area for thc usc of the cllent for deslgn purposes. Thc concluslons and recormendatlong submltted In thlg report arc based upon the data obtelned from the test plts excavetad at thc locatlons Indlcated on th6 test plt plan. The nature and extcnt of varlattons betrveen the te3t plts may not become evldent untll excavatlon ls perforned. lf, durlng constructlon, soll and ground water condltlons eppcer to bc dlfferent from those descrlbed hereln, thls offlce should be advlsed at once so that re-evaluatlon of the recommendatlons may be made. tle rccorunend on-slte Inspectlon of excavatlons and foundatlon bearlng strata by a solI englneer. CHEN AND ASSoCIATES, lNC. tlFlrrs Rev. Byr R.C.H. attaeh/ r$ 'tQ w $i ,.a -4t $:.' :e i --'at ,ti': reryi.l'! .C. or"l::ll! t L N -2 Propcrty Llnc Scalc: lrr . 30r :.tlg,5x4 Locatlon of Tcrt Pltr Test Pltf2 Fle. I I Tcst Plt I El - lt0l TG3t Plt 2 El - ll2l I il5 il0 t05 ooE -t c3Ia o ' lrt f lt0 ooIL , Eo .! 3 tu -200-l I P l-NP -200-t9 LL-19 P l-l{P D D I D , t l) 2) 3) q) Lcgend: Topsol I . Gravct (GH!, eandy, cobblcr, dry to very :llty, dtY' bou I ders dense. 100 Notes: Test plts were excavated on l|ll8/79 wlth e backhoe. Elevatlons are approxlmatc t refer to benchmark shor"rn on Flg. l. No free water was encountered ln testplts at the tlme of our Invcstlgatlon. -200 - Percent passlng tlo. 200 sclve LL - Ltquld t-lmtt (t) Pl - Plastlctty Index (t) llP - llon-plastlc 8ag Sanrplc. Backhoe Rcfusal l rtg,Szt Logs of Tcst Plts Fls. 2 I I .ff;*l*,*::ilil,,:-, I a o a o o o o o allIa ! I (,a a a! 3 a tTtUa olt I F I l,C a a!tt tl,tr|a GLIY ttl.rstlcl to alLl lro- tt.3l rcl cnAvEL \7 % LIEUID LIM 1T garrFLG or Gravel , s..No 42 of, stLT aNo .LAY q, PLA!TIcITY txDEx NP sandy, sl ltY rao*r Test Plt 1 11 7o 7, at a depth of 4 feet clrv trr.rrrct tD lt|-t (ifr-t|'rrrrcl oR.^vEL 4l Tc saxD \O 7o sr..r a*o .LAY 19 olo Ltouro LtMlr 19 % Fr-AsrlctrY l'o€x NP % 3a""pLE or Gravel , sandy, sllty ."o^4 Test Plt52 at a depth GRAOATION TEST RESULTS of 5 feet Flg. 3 ca-2 aora ax ia ttl. llr otlrf t Ei ot rt I{LLIIE lta t Lo r.rl -lttt at ttl rtr It orlrElEt oa tlrYrcLl rl ttLLrg€tEtl tD *E,l;z\ l|Jc F J 5qt ) rt 1tgto o o gt o .otoc| o o ct I F('0=zolrJ - t{ lrl) tnEllt .-lrl<Olradzvi ('r v,Flnlr,F E lrlI v, J I: E F (9 t|J =E^ =)t! Efi88r E :Eb Bl, 39r E pfit 3Eb a, ts--(, EL, @ E.lr,Fl- F Cil=:;,oF =-t a a = c = :F3-g =r gr Eo>,F^< (t) -r5frEkoz. J trj<Ee)^-FsL U' :-<o-, E! .t v'r lrlJo! ..{ I I D , I I a FJ -?lfiooi ldEtr Faa9!,xF :XG; -o(a sJ l- : rI E t-o {O fiJEILuo G { : Efo I I D D D rt Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Narne: Neiss/Carpenter Residence - Parking Addition Project Description: creating 2 new parking spaces, revised retaining walls, new deck. Ourner, Address and Phone: David Neiss,800 Pennsylvania St., Denver, CO 80203 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 4153 Spruce Way Legal Description: Lot 10, Blk 9, Bighorn Third Add' Parcel Nnmber: 2l0l-122-07-0f5 Comments: BuildingName: nh Conditions: All materials and colors to natch existing No retaining wall shall exceed 6' in height m trees efr3ct'eo oiT"nioda;fi"ii'b;-;Ei6ced. For Evergreens, the replacement shall be at a per lineal foot basis based on tree height. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Town Planner: Dominic F. Mauriello Date: 6-&98 Board i Staff Action Action: staffaPProved F:\EVERYo].IE\DRB\APPRoVAL9S\NEISS.608 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: None i"r 1'/\'-\''| | , r v\tr I TOWN OFVAIL Departnent of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 97G479-2452 May 15, 1998 David Neiss 800 Pennsylvania Street Denver, CO 80203 Re: DRB application for additional parking on Lot 10-1, Blk. 9, Bighorn Sub. 3rd addition Dear Mr. Neiss: I have received your faxed DRB application to provide some additional parking on this propefty. The level of detail is inadequate with the proposal. There arc several issues that necd to be addressed. They are: l. You need to show this parking and deck addition in relationship to the property lines. Please provide a site plan showing the whole property. The plan should clearly show the width of the existing driveway. 2. You need to provide a complete grading plan for this area indicating existing and proposed grades, top and bottom ofretaining wall spot elevations, spot elevations for the existing driveway and new paved area, and profile of retaining walls. The driveway slopes from west to east, so you will nced to show how thc grading and cross-slope will occur in this area. Parking spaces must be l9' long and 9' wide. The driveway aisle must be 12'wide from the end of the parking space. Also, it appears that the proposed stairway may conflict with the drivers ability to exit the car door. Additional trees and landscaping should be placed in the flat bench areas between retaining walls to help screen their appearance from the roadway. Please note that retaining walls in the front setback are restricted to 3' in height and on the remainder of the lot, 6' in height. Any walls over 4'in height require design and stamp by Page 1of2 J. 4. ). {p *'n"uo 'o'"* an etrgineer. Retaining walls are required at least a 3'bench between walls. 6. A 520.00 review fee is required with this application. It is unlikety that this review will be completed within l0 days. Once you have provided a complete submittal addressing these issues, the Pubtic Works Deparlment will need and opportunity to review the Plans. If you have any questions please call me at970-479'2148. W;k(#*#k Page? of2 g3/ L4/ l?98 t4. 96 FRO}I PENUOOD PLNCE NPT5. Scott Canpenger Fe0r PeHuOgD prqC€ lpt s. fo t97647 92 2r2 s28_151+ to r2r.!8:sa!!. 1D.970{7s2{92 432o fisu 14 9A O4:llp e5,t{,.t99a tI:0, IteY-rt-99 lE.at FEOtr,u,'-\- ' rov -c 9tt'DEv -DE4 T, Ivvtt0F P"Tf3!TI9I s-I{e teQvesr: ExqavrReatii;i;d ri.il;TXd r.It ?acE Ouorrionr ? felt drc pi{$rnE $lff at 4 ;r.2 I lg APPLIC.4TION rO8 DESTCN FTEYIEW APPROVAL sEEEE+u{SgBadarJoN ;iffi $-'r"ffi ;,ilg"-'lf 'ppr*r,.3u:,irEdcssnrc*+vmu{raquir-,n*u rtu tar errrcurr rperor.rr *r,r *o'*i*. iiJfr lffi ffio.lT:ff,xil tr |lTl,H''Hffifi;,m#Jll*Sy "r. o.ii, r, ,"i"ira.by ,h. il;;'i;ii#; rhc pranni,,*,odrdrorgpr;iilffi:J:ffj:fjJ,Hf;n,*.rc*pr,cseacio;il'i;;;p*,rro'*r 7,52 r',lfl lffi P.r .{ t. $ Ite 8020 ,IDstall LocATtoN or ptgFog{i: ioffi pnr-src^LADDREss. 4rs3 spr_gge lay "r"iir,ro BighorE Aarended d.ef frprcct r1 VailPARCEL,.- ZONINOT B. c. E" F. G. H t. N^uEoFon?{ER(s} MANNO orlhtERF)Sls{A NAMEOFAPPUCANT:tt Ca MAILINGAPDR€S -++_.<_- _ryrcornwinvliGilt EI Nsil Ceortrrt'io! -90O Ccnsrrrdon ofa ncrr 0,rildn"E}-rddtbr. tSC lrrtutcrrr.vaddft.il-*H"* tr Iuiaor Arrcrrrieo - ,aD cottut r=lri uu*r'-aiaf " "-- {urtc to$rga is rddcd ro e,';- rcsidcndc riffil "*B Corrycprret &tviw- $ Hfrb,r**FTr"ryprgat wishssorncs with DaiEnRwior ,Eqd rc &tctim wtdrr o. iitt" pc1* g*ffi ffio _ro rr,odcqfn ariddin$ Tlc DRa docs aor ;""- &,.+i.r *i*,r, DRg focr rrE !o bc [rad.+ r&c rinc ofhr0srird. brrr.,tr,o r.or* * ed? rft c rmjs. ru ro.,n * vi; #r:,ffirfffi#ffi ].ffiPTTASESUI}TITTHIcAHt*^*rm;ffi IsQUtxEMD,*rs aryD TsErEo ro rHE "*"o**nffisourfl rBoilrAcbnoaq - -- ?it: Iliif_"j'--q'.1AFilicatiob . -: t{: :a:i.: ol Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Neiss Residence - Addition Project Description: adding 300 sq. ft. garage and 130 sq. ft. entry addition owner, Address and Phone: David Neiss, 800 pennsylvania st, Denver, co g0203 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: nla Project Street Address: 4153 Spruce Way Legal Description: Lot 10, Blk 9, Bighorn Third Add. Parcel Number: 210l-122-07-015 Comments: BuildingName: Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved w/ PEC conditionMotionby: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:All materials and colors to match existing Town Planner: Dominic F. Mauriello Date: l2-1tr97 F:\EVERY0NE\DRB\APPROVAL9TNEISS.D 1 0 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50.00 ilLi [:rY TOWN OFVAIL Depanment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 97A-479-24s2 December 10,1997 DavidNeiss 800 Pennsylvania Street Denver. CO 80203 Re: 250 application for garage and entryway addition at 4153 spruce waylLoL l0, Block 9, Bighom 3rd addition Dear Mr, Neiss: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at its December 8, lggT meeting, approved your request for a 130 sq. ft. residential addition and a 300 sq. ft. garage addition. The approval is subject to the following condition: That shouid the existing evergreen trees be damaged or destroyed during construction of the addition, said hees shall be mitigated or replaced on a linear height to linear height basis. Staffshall inspect the excavation prior to pouring the foundation. Your DRB application has also been staff approved. The DRB approval is valid for one year. You may now apply for a Building Permit. You have paid a total of $250.00, $50.00 of which is required for the DRB approval and is applied to the Building permit. Thank you for your patience in the process. If you have any questions please call me at910-479-2148. Sincerelv. I?#,M###" Town Planner {g *rn"uor r* .t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department December 8, 1997 4 r_eqqest for a residential addition, utilizing the 2s0 ordinance, located at 4153 Spruce Way WesULot 10, Btock 9, Bighorn grd Addition. Applicant: David NeissPlanner: Dominic Mauriello BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The.applicant is proposing to construct a one-car garage and a new enclosed entry to an existingduplex. The proposal will add approximately 130 iq. fr. of additional GRFA to rhe house and 300 sq. ft. of garage area. The proposed garage will be substantially below grade, builr into the side 0f the hill. No regrSdilg is proposed on this hillside. Approximately 3'of the garage wilt be exposed abovegrade. The rool will be flat and will be utilized as a deck. The lpplicant has prdposeO a railing around the deck. The building materials are proposed to match the existing linjcture. tne existing trees on-site are located approximately 7'from the proposed additibn, T. he existing house was constructed in 1980 and therefore qualifies for additional GRFA under this ordinance. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Use: Lot Size: Standard Site Coverage: GRFA: Sebacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Landscape area: Two-Family Residential Duplex residence 20,797 sq. ft. Allowed/Required 4,159 sq. ft. (20"/") 5,180 sq. ft. 20' 15' t5' 12,478 sq. ft. (60%) Existino 3,231 sq. ft. (15.5ol.) 6,1 13 sq. ft. cl 15'& 15' 105' 15,510 sq. ft. (74.5o/") Prooosed 3,725 sq. ft. (17.9o/"') 6,243 sq. ft. 26', nlc n/c 15,016 sq. ft. (72o/") III. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Upon review of chapter 187i - Additional GRFA, the community Development Department recommends approval of this request for additional GRFA based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on an application for additional GHFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Effect upon the existing tooographv. vegetation. drainage and existino structures. The proposed addition will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on the site, and neither drainage nor grading on the property will be affected. There are several large evergreen trees located near the addition. There could be potential impacts to the root systems of these trees during excavation. Mitigation measures should be in place to ensure replacement of these trees if killed due to root destruction. 2. lmpact on adiacent properties. The proposed remodel will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on adjacent properties. The addition is substantially below grade. 3. Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section 18.71 .020 (F) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that any dwelling unit that proposes to use Additional GRFA shall comply with the standards outlined in the Town of Vail Design Review Guidelines. These standards include landscaping, undergrounding of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance of the property. The site has paved parking and adequate landscaping. All utilities are located underground. B. Findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting approval for Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively affect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will comply with Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDANON The Community _D-evelopment Department staff recommends approval of the applicant,s 2S0request to add 130 sq. ft. of GRFA subject to the toilowing tiniings: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively affect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GFIFA will comply with Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards. The recommendation of approval is also subject to the following condition: 1. That should the existing evergreen trees be damaged or destroyed during construction of the addition, said trees shall be mitigated or repiaced on a linear heighl to linear height basis. Staff shall inspect thelxcavation prior to pouring the foundation. FTEVERYONE\PEC\l\,lEMOS\97NEtSS.DO8 dr l 7).:I oi -i F: ,,i rrl .c ts iL I i I i-___ I I i! ii 1l /./1 t'. i \i''\.- \ctr lA il'l iiil ri f' I I ! J t' \ TOI|IN OFVAIL Department of Commanity D eve lopment 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970479-24s2 November 12.1997 David Neiss 800 Pennsylvania Street Denver, CO 80203 Re: 250 application for garage and entryway addition at 4153 Spruce Way/Lot 10, Block 9, Bighom 3rd addition Dcar Mr. Neiss: The Community Development Depaftment has reviewed the plans for this proposcd dcvelopment. staff has a few concerns that need to be addressed prior to review by thc planning and Environmental Commission. Please address the followine: l.The plan shows development very near a large pine tree. With the depth of excavation you are proposing, this tree will likely have to be removed or will be negatively impacted. Plcase prnvide a plan showing the limits of disturbance on this site. Also describe how this tree will be preserved if that is vour intention. If the tree is proposed to be removed, show on ihe plan any propoied mitigation for this tree loss. 2. section A shows grading down the slope which may also negatively impact the existing trees. If you plan to change the grades on-site, we will need to havc a topographic suley and grading plan showing the revised grading. If you wish to build this garage without changing any grades on-sitc, it appears possibre to do so and no grading plan or topographic survey lvould be required. The top several feet of the garage would be exposed which we do not believe to be a problem. Page 1 of2 {p """""""o 'o"'* ,T:, I3. We genemlly bsk dpplicants to provide a lettcr from an adjoining duplex owner approving the project to avoid problems down the road' please provide me with revised plans by December l,1997 in order to remain on schedule for the Decem-bcr 8,lggT PEC agenda. Please also provide one set of 8'5" x 11" reductions of your nlans. Ifyou havc any questions please call me at970-479-2148. Page 2 of 2 J\lei*t t}*r."tng & C onttzuctioo?o *pory 8OO PENNSYLVANIA ' SUITE 111 ' DENVER, COLORADO 80203 TelePhone 832-5432 .\ttrr: I )r.rrnirIi.: lrlarrrit:ilo Ai(ltr Tul\\ ll il[ \tiiil I)e parlnrent trf ( lon r nr rr rrrtr.' [.)cr.,r: lopr,rrcnt 75: Srr. Fr.rrrt;rp.,." floar.l \'-:ril, (-r-r.81657 l)c;lr Dorninir. ! Ni.rr', I Bth 19()7 l receive<i Yrrtr lettt:r of Nor,.l:th l g!)7. 1. \f,/ith reg_'ard to thc tree, thcrc arc tlrrec trces, The closest trce to thenorlh ea,st etlge of the proprosed garage is seven feet aq,a),and is hoxed in Lrv a retainirrg wall and .. roots of thE tree *'ill be disturbed. I will be happ,r'to shorx'it to Yor"r whcn I arn in Vail. J._ \ve r'vill not changr,c thc cxisting gracie , and thr^refore r)o tree will tre cf fect rrJ . i will send Yt'ru a rcvised plan shorving ihe existing g_radc. 3- I havc inlorrrrcrl rny r,luplt:.t ncigllbor Scott car.pcnicr,IIc agrt:es ri,it;mv pr$posal. Ir4r. (lalpentcr is r:ut of torvn in Ncrl'york. I wiil sentl hirrrlhr: p1irtrrqr5r1d p[an arrd askcd hirn for. a letter of his anrrlov,al. , o.,F, /,,/z/'/ Neiss t3----'' M.r\ OO iVettc Engtneztlng E Con*t"uction Comfany I 00 P E N N SYLVAN I A . ir, jH"[t ;i :]."r= - c o Lo RA D o 80203 November 26, 1997 Scott Carpenter P.O. Box 3136 Vail. Co. 81658 Dear Scott, As I explained in our phone conversation, I submitted to the City of Vail a proposal to build an extra garage with and enclosed stairwell at 4153 Spruce Way, West Unit. tr have enclosed the prints of the plan that I submitted to the City of Vail. Wnrrra tnrkrr'i ? q \ .//.../ ./->z/ (' ( ,/ ,/2- David Neisc/ @'8 "-)(-/ Qucstions? atO Plarining Statl'ai '179-2 l:s APPI,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL iRAL INFORMATION la]tl.utinn ir for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw nrust c'Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to siUnrittirrg for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infornration' sccthc subniittal cnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. t'hc appiication cantrot bc acccptcd rrntil all thc rcquircd ration is subnriitctl. 1-hc projcct ttay also nccd to bc rcvic'uvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planningand rnnrcntal Courrnissiorr. Dcsign Rcvierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a ing pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. DI]SCRIPTION OF TIIE REQUEST: l/iNOFVAIL LOCATION OF PROLocATIoN oF PRoPoSALI LoTi I O NLOCK: / FILNA: bI GIITJIJIT I N ILU pHvSTcALADDRESS: 4/S 3 Spt ULE U*Y UEJT pARCEL trX\0\'IZZ ' O7-'0t? (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONINC:C. NAMEOFOwNER(s): D hut0 a2LMNILINC ADDRESS: BO ,.1 PHONE: O\YNER(S) SIGNATUR NAME OF APPLICANT:DAUI ts-f MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Constntction of a ncrv building. $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc tbotagc is addcd to any rasidcrrtial or comnrcrcial building. $20 Includcs rninor changcs to buildings and sitc itnprovcnrcnts' such as, . rcroofing. painting, rvirrdorv additions. llndscaping' fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of subnrittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a btrilding pcnnit, plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation of the projcct. ThcTorvn of Vail rvill atljust thc fcc accorcling to thc projcct valuation. IASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, AI,L SUBI!iITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELoPMENT, 75 SOUTTI FnoNTAGE ROAD' r vAtL, coLoRADO 8165?. / I Addition - I Minor Altcration - ID,El26479245" -------::__- Qu,xtionjaritic ptanning $taff","i!i, r* "'" TVWNOFYAIL APPLICATION FOR PI*IIING AND ENVIRONMENTALCOMMTSSIONAPPROVAL " *FNF;B4LJNKIElr,tArror*' #ffiJfriT;**fy:ruquiringapproval g' thoptanningand Environmcnrar commission. Forsrrocific ^TpY qtii It dffir;'?1ffi'fr11fr*J5 m"*'pp*""'r ,r," i- fr".*"a..tr" appri"ation cariiot ucand/or thc Dosign Rwicrv Boord -: pro;ect may also nccd to be revisncd i" ut"}*ffirir"1 A. T]?EOFAPPLTC.{,TTON: ;l( Additiomt ORFA (2S0)'n g"d;dil5.o, tr AmendmenttoanApprovcdDuvctqrmentplan E fi$#-*ffi:iffi',-* 3 ff#,fHtr'l%ilii'ffi:.#;''* tr Rezoning -- ----"{'l^' _ - (Vail Villago) g SignVeri8ncc LJ MaJorortrMinorCCllExtcriorAltcration tr Veiancc ^ piwshcad)tr ZoainscodoAmendrucert H ffilHf#Tl?ffirtoansDD B. I}F-sl.Drprrn*r AF E. -- - - - LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT-I N -E-BI,O',toorms urro^"*o*L c. D. E F. G. NAME oF owNER(s;: _?avid Nei 5 s owNER(S)SrcNA NAlv{E OFREPRESEMTA David Ne T\,TAILING ADDRESS:800 Fenns lvania str Denver CoIo g0203 H. FEE - SEE I}IB SUBMITTAL REQUIREMBMS FOR ffiE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMITTIIISAPPUCI,""*"d*il;ilHffi frr"ri$Jm.REeurREMnnrsArrrD.IHEF,EErorrrnsouTH nnorcracE ROi", - _- PHONE:303 832 5432 RtYirC 67916 oo KffiTXqm I{i\/"O(]|t,t[{. Dil, DEN. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 May 13" 1980 Neiss Engineering 800 Pennsylvania Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Mr. Neiss: Enclosed you will find the Please correct as noted. corrected set. A] so, take department of commun ity development redlined set of PIease return the note to the DRB plans on your duplex. redl ine set with your change to wal kway on L}^l: df Lnct. a oodl ey iJi ng Inspector CYl"a* E.s;neeins €l Oo*"t u"Iion go*po-v Building Department Vall, Colorado Gent lemen : I hereby certlfy that the retainlng wall professionaL engineerlng praetice. Yours tnrly, 80o Pennsylvanir . DENVER,coLoRADo 80203 Telephone 832-5432 llay 15, 1980 ls designed according to .-11 / /-]4Wk-/ /fuDavld Neiss L Professlonal Engineer No. 3965 "iiiri".r'ii,;, 4' $,'--;-'!; *,1.-": ' ::,c 1's / n.) iilil | ;lt;; r i E:ril -.. ...:.s n i -1-v.ri..i i .i ' d "o,.fs1;,,rr ji."-:;e ('.'t.';. cj', ,- '' o 75 routh ftoniage road Y.ll, colorado 81657 (3G147F2|38 (3(B,47S'2l39 office of community devdopment June 13, 1991- Mr. David Neiss Neiss Engineering 800 Pennsylvania Suite 111 Denver' Colorado 80203 Re: Proposed railing at Lot 10, Blk 9, Bighorn 3rd Dear David: r looked at the siLe of your proposed railing this morning' Tle existing railroad ties af,pear to be in good -condition along Lhe front of the deck. However, along the side, the ties appear lo be Iaid very c"srlariy, ;;d i;'one place a tree trunk interrupts the iius, ani along tii Oact , the ties are noL laid securely' nor are they in a straight l-lne. Beforev'ecanbringthistotheDesignReviewBoard,thetiesmust be taid securely-iia-i"-a straight line. As an engineer, this nay prove to be easy for you to accomplish' ullth respect to the railing, the rnaximum height of any wall or fence is 6 feet. Although you are propos+ng a -railing of only 3t 9", the raili"q tlii be -pfacea-upon- the ties- At one point (on the southwest corner), the tie walimeasures 4 feeg. The height of the railing ano-iiE'warr together would then total ?' 9'. One solution would be to step the iailing down to 2 feeE as it approaches the southwest corner' t-' Please let me know how you propose to address these problems. Sincerely, ,/) i&614'tBet.sy Rgbolack Planning Technician fuc; /4 *7b 74 tt I NET J uN r r rggt revised 4/26/91 DRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COLORADO ********** TIIIS APPLICATION WIIJJ NOE BE ACCEPTED T'NTIL ALt REOUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED********** I. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition Minor Alteration ConcepLual Review * c. D. E. F. I. ADDRESS: TEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision Lot BIock If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this appl"ication. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and ZONING: L.,OT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing NAME OF APPLICANT:iling Addresq: 3L 2-7 applicant must. provide a currentlot area. Phone e-. lt. 4Hr.c;s ,J. K. ML NAME oF AppLrcANr, s REpREsENrArrvE t Tqn o1 Ft q g,i-:aiti-g -lddress: S Ar-^<<z Urar_ J ,ar;; NAME OF OWNERS: STGNATURE(S):ttlng Addres Pho Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000$ 10,001- - $ 50,000$ 50,001- - $ l-50,000 $150,00r. - $ 500r000 $500,001_ - $1r 000r 000$ Over $1r 000, O0O *NO APPI,ICATIOTI }|ILL BE PROCESSED f, .l'lFes PatO: $ L".LY 7 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400 .00 $500.00 }TITSOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47S2138 (303) 47$2139 otfice of communlty development June 4, 1991 Mr. David. Neiss Neiss Engineering 800 PennsylvaniaSuite 11I Denver, Col-orado Street 80203 Re: Lot 10, Block 9, Bighorn Thj-rd Addition Dear David: In my letter of May 31, 199I, my Letter indicaled LhaL you mayrequest a certificate of occupancy when the Town f eel_s that youhave completed your landscaping satisfactorily. This is not toimply that your half of the duplex may receive a certificate of occupancy independently of the other ha]f. The Carpenters must al-so complete their side in order for the totaL building to receivea certificate of occupancy. The Town's policy is Lo issue a temporary certificate of occupancy whenever everything is finished except for landscaping and paving. However, the Town issues final certificates of occupancy only whenboth sides of a dupfex are finished. I hope that this clarifies the situation for you.further questions, please feel- free to cal1. If you ha..re oLu.{ Si,rcerelV /1 --r' /\:LJ/{nl 1^-{ Betsy RoSolack Planning Technician 75 south ttonl,Ngo roed Yrll, colorado 81657 (3rxr) 47$'2138 {3{r3) 4792139 office ol communlty deYelopment May 3L, 1991 Mr. David Neiss Neiss Engj-neering 800 Pennsylvania Street Suite 111 Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Landscaping for Lot 10, Block 9, Bighorn Third Addition Dear David: It has been determined that you must plant 28 more junipers and 4 2-inch caliper aspen on your half of Lhe duplex at the above address. when this part of your landscaping is completed, you may request an inspection for a final certificate of occupancy. If the town feels that you have completed this portion satisfactorily, we will issue you a final certificate of occupancy. Planning Technician Faxed Lo 832-2547 on May 31' 199L ^ r.E!6Ee Or nis sE^85 Fr,l !€ri^r NarwoRi TIMBEBLINE REAL ESTATE, INC. Aprtl 27, 1991 Sincepely, 286 BRIOG€ STREET vAtL, co 81657 8US (303) 476,2113 Susan llcElveen Grant P.O. Box 1110 Monument, CO 80132 Dear Ms, Grant, _on Thursday, April 25, r met wlth Betsy Rosol_ack from the Town of vallPlannlng Departnent concerning the landscaplng on the property owned by scottand_ Barbara carpenter at 4153 spruce way in vail, color"do. she took the timeearller that neek to lnspect the property as to what landscaping had beeninstalled to that polnt ln tlne. Hei enclosed letter and the required landscapeplan (whtch you already have ) depicts what is necessary for che carpenters torecelve a flnal certiflcate of occupancy on thelr houe. rn an effort to clarrfy those itens that were orlginally approved but. noEcox'pleted, they have been_ highrighted ln yerrow or, -th" encrosed map, Theremainlng landscape ltens that werJrequlred ty the Design Rewiew Board were doneso in conJunction with the carpenter,s Novernb-er 19, 1960 request to add a deckand hot tub on the property. Please also be aware that our firm, nor any of our agents, were invorvedi1 the drafting of the resldential concract to buy and sell r-ea1 estate on behalfof scott and Barbare carpenter for their purchaie at 4153 spruce way, the eas!half, in Vail, Colorado. Based on the le-tter fron Betsy Rosolack all randscaplng needs to becornpleted by July 5, 1991 . our firrn ls optimistsic thar David Neiss, as rheprevious orrner and developer of chis property wlll install the two aspens tshatneed to be lnstall-ed frcn the ori-ginaily oppto.r"d plar.. Oiir- firn wiii take gheresponslblLit-y to guarantee that. this -woik rqtll te done prior !o the July 5deadline. rf you and your clients want us to step in and make sure this iscoupreted, please contact us by May 15, 199L so that we can cake the steps wedeem necessary to have thls work compleEed. L ,),vSte{re }iacDonald Pres ident Betsy Rosolack An Independently Owned and 0perated Member ol Cotdwell Eanker Residential Alfiliates, Inc. o 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (s031 47s2138 (303) 479-2139 olfice of community development April 25, 1991 Mr. Steve MacDonaLd Box 14L2 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Lot 10, BIk 9, Bighorn Third, Nej_ss/Carpenter Duplex Dear Steve: on November !9, 1990, the carpenters requested permission to add adeck for a hot tub on the above property. upon inspection of thesite, the Design Review Board requiied Ln. c.rp.nters install thelandscaping t.hat had been originllly approved but not compfeted,prus additional trees to the east and iouth of the hot tub a.ea.(See enclosed Iist.) rn order for the carpenters to obtain their Final certificate ofOccupancyr.,they must complete the landscape plan approved by theTown of vail. The carpenters provided the town with -in irrevolabreletter of credit in the amount. of $3r 111. rf t.hey el-ect not tocomplete the landscaping, or if the landscaping i-s not complet.ed byJuly 5, 1991, the Town bf vaif wi1l draw tne -$:, f f f . rf you have any further questions, please do not hesltate to car.l,. Sincerely, #J"#:*(*LPlanning Technician <-< \ $\,, fiNro FEo 19 9l IiAilHEVS fr ASSOCIATES LANDSC{PING, lNC. Londscops 161itecfiJre ond Constnxtton Bo< C567.V<tl, Colorodo 6165E.(3O3) 949-507 I January 31, 1991 Jil1 Kamnererc/o Connunlty Developneut Department Town of Vatl 75 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Jill; This letter is further to our conversation yesterday concerninglandscaping at Lhe Scott Carpenter residence and further to nineeting on-site with Mr. Carpenter. In order to get final approval Ca rJfsJ.et-has-agr,ee$.-_to ins t a 1 1 i' 2 6t- 7t spruc)\. I 7r- 8r Spruce i! 3 7't *;# Aspen f42#5,,Junipers to place the hot tub addition Mr. ' .-*..*,pJ__u,s*-r.ese-e4_&{'sturbed areas with native seed nix. IJe feel these plants will conplet.e the town's requirenent for theoriginal scope of landscaping and screen the proposed additions. The junipers will be placed in approxinately the sane locationsas on the approved pLan and the additional trees will be placedto screen the hot tub addition as shown on tbe attached sketch. Our proposed cost to Mr. carpenter for the above work, includingglg?lgp is Two Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty-Nine Dollari($2489.00). Please contact ne with any q$estions. Thank you. Slncerely, ,.t Richard T. Matthews Presldent ec: Scott Carpenter B"/ 3t tr o I 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (300) 47$2139 oflice of community development April 25, 199L Mr. David Neiss Neiss Engineeri.ng 800 Pennsyvania Street Suit.e 111 Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear David: Enclosed is a copy of the landscaping plan that was approved by theDesign Review Board- ?he four pink trees indj-cate the required 2"caliper aspen. The remaining junipers should be placed in general areas where shrubs are indicated. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call . Sirlqerely,.'? j-F / f'oh'h, (os r( e- /-- Betsy *osolack Planning Technician 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3{r3) 479,2138 (3&') 47S2139 oftice of community deyelopmenl Aprif 18 r 1991- Mr. David Neiss Neiss Engineering 800 Pennsylvanj.a Street suite 1l-1 Denverr Colorado 80203 Re: Lot 10, Block 9, Bighorn Third Addition Dear David: Enclosed are COpieS Of correspondence, Design Revi.ew Board iiipii""itons, f"iiaing inspectioni, etc. concerning landscaping of y'oi:r project-. you wiil note that your submi-t^t^1l for a l-andscape ii"" 'r"i tabled by you on September 21 1981, then heard on i.pi.*U.. fO, 1981, -whLn it was Jpprovea nj.th the conditions noted in Peter Jamar's letLer of October 5, 1981' on November 2, 1981, Dick Ryan wrote you and one question in the letter was why the landscaping had not been done. Your response on Novenber 5th was that you did not have the approval of the DRB and that you understooO tnat you could do the landscaping in a leisurely waY. on January 27, 1982 you were issued a temporary certificate of o"""p"""V'"itft the no*tion that the tandscaping and DRB f inal were due by JuIy 1, L982. on August 3, Lg82, you reqnrested a landscape inspection for a final i oi O and this ra6 aisapiproved with the note that the paving was incomplete and the aisturOea areas had not been reseeded. On S;;i;^*dr 3, tg11t you requested a second inspection which was ;i;;;p;;"ed'with tfie-notation that the landscaping and paving were incomplete. I On June 17, 1985 another inspection was requested, and disapprovedwith the note that landscaping and paving were not in per approved landscape plans. You presented a bond for paving on December 29, 1989 which was due on June 1, 1990. OnApril L8, 1990, I wrote you with a reminder ofthe certificate of deposit and it.s due date. On May 29, 1990, Dan Stanek of the Building Department and I checked the paving. I then called you to tell you that the paving was OK and I was returning the bond. I reminded you that the landscaping would have to be finished in order for you to obtain acertificate of occupancy. On June 5, this certificat.e of deposit was released by the Town,since you had cornpleted the paving. On July 19, L990, I wrote you because you had reguested a landscapeinspection so that you could obtain a final certificate of occupancy. I explained that the landscaping had not been done per the approved landscape plan dated July 15, 1981. This plan calledfor 40 S-gallon juni-pers and 4 aspen. Aspen must be of 2" caliper mi-ni-mum. I hope this clarifies the situation for you. caII witb any questions. Planning Technician Please feel- free t.o I o lnwn 75 routh fronlrge road Y.il, colorado 8161i7 (3031 4792138 (3qr) 479'2139 otfice of community d€uelopment [Iarch 26 | L99I Mr. David Neissc/o Neiss Engineering 8Oo Pennsylvania StreetSuite 111 Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Landscaping on Lot 10, Block 9, Bighorn Third Addition 4153 Spruce lf,ay Dear David: Enclosed is a copy of ny letter to you dated July 19, 1990 in whichI state what landscaping you rnust do in order to receive acertiflcate of occupancy on the above address. If you have any guestions, please do not hesitate to calL. Sincerely I &r'€'/^J Betsy Rosofack Planning Technician cc: Steve trlcDonald Coldwell Banker 285 Bridge Street DEVEIOPMENT AGREEMENT THrs AcREEMENT, made and entered into this J jt-uu, ot-fur*-a _, l-991, by and between SCOTT CARPENTER, (hereinafter calledthe trDeveloperrr), and the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, (hereinaftercalled the rrTownrr) . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Developer as a condition of approval of arequest to rernodel the deck of a residence, located at 4L53 Spruce Way, in the Town of Vai1, which is 1ega1ly described as:Lot 10, nfogk 9, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition, Eagle County, Co].6rado, is obligated to provide security or collateralsufficienV in the judgment of the Town to make reasonableprovisions for compJ-etion of certain improvements set forthbelow; and I9HEREAS, the Developer wishes to enter into a Developrnent Agreement with the Town thereby providing security to the Tovrnthat the irnprovernents set forth below wj-Il be completedi and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including constructionof the improvements set forth below by means of the following: ** An irrevocable letter of credit, or cash escro\^t in the arnount of three thousand one hundred eleven dollars ($3,1.LL.00) which sha1l provide the security for the following: :II},IPROVEMENT COST a. Plant material & installation $3,l-1-1-.00 *As per landscaping plan and specifications and costs of Matthews and Associates. **Coruputed at L258 of total cost of $2,489.00 Now THEREF0RE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreenents, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: l-. The Developer hereby agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipnent and material necessary to perform and complete said improvements, on or before June L, t_99L. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike rnanner, all improvements as shown on the approved landscapjnq plan prepared by Matthetrs and Assocj-ates and in accordance with all plans and specifications for the project filed in the office of the c-onrnunity DeveJ-opment Departrnent, the Town of vail , and to do all work inc-idental thereto lccording to and in coropliance with the following: a. A11 laws of the United States of America, State of Colorado, or Toun of Vail and its respective agencies, affected special districts and/or service district' b. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter subnitted by the developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governrnental entities. A11 said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the Town Buitding official, or other official from the Town of VaiI, and sha11 not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Cornmunity Development Departnent. 2. The estimated cost of said work and irnprovements is the sum of Two thousand four hundred and eighty nine dollars ($2,489.00) . To secure and guarantee performance of its obligations as set forth herein, the DevelopLr agrees to provide a check made payable to the Town of vail in the amount of Three thousand one irunarea eleven dollars (g3,1-i-L.00) to be deposited in the Town of Vail Capital Improvement Fund Account # l-0-0000-44599' 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acc5ptabli to tn" Town to guarantee the faithful cornpletion of thos-e improvements referred to herein and the performance of the terms of-this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at Lhe Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof; be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agre6rnent,-nor inatt the Town, nor any officer or.employee tfrereof, be 1iable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its-ofiicers, agents and employees against any losses, clairns, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or ani suctr oi its ofiicersl ag'ents, or employees may become subject i"l insofar as any such i-osies, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in relpect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performan-e by the Developer hereunderi-and the Olvetopir-sha}} reirnbuise the Town for any and all lega1 .or ottrer e*pensls reasonable incurred by the Town in connection r.rith iniestigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage' fiabili€y or action. Thi; indernnitl provision, shall be in addition-to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. If the Town determines that any of such improvements as contemplated hereunder are not constructed in cornpliance with the plans ind specifications set forth herein it shall furnish the b"n-rop"r a- list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to continue to withhold collateral to insure such cornpliance. If the Town determines that the Developer will not construct any or all of the improvements in accordance with all of the specificationl as set forth herein, the Town rnay give the DLveloper written notice and unless such improvements are cornpleied within 30 days of the date of receipt of the written notification, the Town may withdraw and employ from the letter of credit or from the cash escrow such funds as may be necessary to complete the unfinished improvements. 6. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be anended from tirne to tirne, provided that such amendments be-in writing and executed by all parties hereto' 7. This Agreement shal1 be enforceable against the Developer provided, however, that in the event the Developer sells -or tlansfers the property, the obligations of the Developer under this Agreement rnay be assumed by the purchaser of the property and Developer lhall have no further obligations irerluna6r. It is agreed, however, that no such assunption of these obligations sfiall be effective unless the Town gives its prior writfen approval to such assumption, following an investigation oi the financial condition of the purchaser. ATTEST: ATTESTs STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COIORADO COUNTY OF EAGI.,,E ,bnvsLopsnt-\ I,By: TOWN BY: Rondall v. PhilliPs Town Manager me-Ehis +/ , /-'\ ';h'A;y ot_,? b nW-i--e-e1-bv lz-of{ (' d'r{e+'Y't' of the Town bf Vail ."JDowf; ss. The foregoing Developnent Agreement was acknorarledged before Witness my hand and official seal . My cornmission expires on: ss. The foregoing DeveloPment of , L991 by of the Town of, vail. Witness my hand and official acknowledged before u" ;!,)urt nl\ ri // ^/{n/,(rt44^.-, My comroissi,on exPir7 f",?e', t'd,r ,:- \l tl'" December 20, 1990 rlill Kammerer Town of VaiI Corurunity Development 75 South Frontage RoailVail, Co 81657 Re: Carpenter Deck Remodel tb furbta. t./t.gt (,o &.0/33 Dear ilill: Thanks for your help in getting this gnat of a job approved. r wasinfornetl by Ned tbat the DRB requirert only that seveial trees be added tobreak up the mass of the nev privacy wa1l. r have drarrn those trees onthe elevation that wirl be submitted for the permit aud r have ristedtheir sizes. Please eheck the "permit set" to see i-f tbey meet with yourapproval anil fulfill the requirements of the DRB. unfortunately, the existing sidewark and pranters are burierr by snov andtree planting vil1 have to wait for spring. A1so, the carpenters do nothave a co on the house aud vi.ll be installing other ranilscaping in thespring to get a final co, so r don't think you need worry about the vi-sualinpact of the deck modifications. one other change that r also feel will not have an i.mpact is a change inthe spa tub itserf. The approveil DRB drawings calred for a sunken tub.Due to the late start, the Carpenters have electeil to go with a packagerlspa that virl sit on top of the existing srab. As thi; is behind 5' wallsand as there are no other changes to the approved architecture, r hopethink this does not varrant any further efiorts by myserf or the Town, Sincerely, ARNOI.,D/GITATflUEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS, P.C.ll .-, ,/) /KF.fr:Jl-Heury R-fratt, A.I.A. /hrp copy to: Scott Carpenter LU IProject Application oarc /t J /u Project Name: ,- Project Description: Contact Person and '','t tl; Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: j, r' ,t'ri; ,ll/ Legal Description: Lot ./". Block Com ments: Design Review Board Date /i'5- ./t Motion by: Seconded by: A PPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL ,' Town Planner .// a ,t//)/.J' ) / t-' E statt Approval t/- - E APPLICATION DATE: OATE 0F DRB MEETING: Dcccmbclf /77r' FeTuasl olaft '4gue/ DRB APPLICATION ACCEPTED UNTTL ALL IIIFORMATIOII IS SUBI'IITTED*T***.*.*TIIIS APPLICATION $IILL NOI BE . PRE-APPLTCATION }4EETING: A. PROJTCT DESCRIPTION: A pre-appl.tcailon meet{n9 $!h-a p]ltllnE staff member ls strongly suggested to detennrne rf any aooiiioiai rnforinatron'is-iiia"a. -No appticatio-n wrrt be accepted unress it rs complete (must rryl$g arr iie*i-iequtreo.uy'ttre zon'rng admrnrstrator). rt is the appricantil ielpdnsiUfitty to i,iie-ai-dppointmlnt with thi staff to flnd out about addttionallsi[iitiii-tgeuir.tentt. plehie note that a C0MPLETE appllca' Hon will streamlrne ifie anpiovai 'plogeii-io".your^proje9.t by qqgl"asing the number of condrtrons of,pirJuir-i[ii-ite'ons iiv itti,uirtL. -nur c-onditions of approvar must t," reiofvea before'i'[uitAtng permlt {s lssued' " B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Descrlption Lot /D Block Filing Biaharn 4lHivro T7]l ral /44/iflan Address D. NAME t Address E. NAI'IE OF te'lephone q?t-a7& F,C. telephone q*b-tl'/7 F. telephone frl'EVffi permlt ls requested. $ o-$ 1o,ooo $lo,0o1 -$ 5o,ooo $:50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $l'000'0OO$ 0ver $1'000,000 be pald at the tlme a bu{ ld'lng rEE '$ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 5o'oo $100.00 $200 ' 00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: 1. In addltlon to nreetlng submlttal requirements' the-applicant must stake the slte to tndtcate p"op""iy"ifnri rnJ-Uuliiing-io"n"i=. Trbbs that w1l1 be removed should also be marked. Thls work tuit"Ui completed before the DRB vislts the sl te. 2. The revlew process.for NEil BUILDINGS wlll normally involve tr'ro separate meetlngs ii-11," Destgn nl"i;r-b"'Jil,";;-;i;; on at least tiro meetinss for their.approval ' 3. people who fall to appear before the Des{gn Revian Board at thelr scheduled ir"iiing ina who have'hot asked ror i poitponement will be requlred to be republ I ehed. Zonlng Dr, Ir' c. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Hr.icalf hrPenfg' OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : Slgnature Address DRB FEE: VALUATION The fee wlll .,*.. o November 19, 1990 Ms. She}ly Mellow Town of Vail Planning Department 75 South I'rontage Road Westvai1, co 81657 Re: Carpenter Residence Deck Remodel Dear Shelly: Please fj.nd enclosed drawings for a deck remodel to the Carpenterresldence in East Vail. The Carpenters would like to extend boththeir upper and lower deeks to the east; seven feet into thefifteen foot side setback. To provi.de additional privacy, theCarpenters woul-d also like to change their front rail to a fivefoot wall. These changes would have mini-mal impact on the neighbors. The house currently has no neighbor to the east and backs up tofnterstate 70. As the impact is minimal and the Carpenters are not adding any GRFA we would like to ask that staff approval be granted for this deckremodel. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHITECTS P. C, Jennlfer Decker t)d Enclosures o V,W"A auTl lnttn 75 soulh lrontage road vEIl, colorrdo 81657 {303} 479.2138 (3s3) 47$,2139 July 19, 1990 offlce ol eommunlty development Mr. David Neiss 800 PennsylvaniaSuite 111 Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Landscaping on Lot 10, Block 9, Bighorn Third Addition 4153 Spruce Way Dear David: Recently you reguested a landscape inspection so that you couldobtain a final certificate of occupancy for the above residence. The staff has examined the landscaping and we cannot release afinal certificate of occupancy until the landscaping is plantedper the approved landscape plan dated July 1-5, L981. Your proposal- states that 40 s-gallon junipers and 4 aspen (2rl caliper is minimum size accepted) would be planted. At thistirne, the landscaping is not complete per the approved plan. we request that you comply with the approved landscape plan as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do nothesitate to call. Sincerely, '/t ' / t ,(orL6'6 11', Betsy thosolack Planning Technician I luwn 75 roulh lrcnt gc |Ued rtal, colo..tlo 81657 (303) 47!12138 (3q') 47!l'"139 ,tune 5, 1990 offfce of community de{€lopment First Colorado Bank and Trustc/o David Neiss 800 PennsyLvaniaSuite 111 Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Lot to, Block 9, Bighorn Third Addition Dear Sirs: David Neiss deposited with us a Certificate of Deposit #42372 as a giuarantee ttrat he will pave the driveway at 4153 Spruce way' Lot 10; Block 9, Bighorn Third Addition. !lr. Neiss has paved.this driveway, and se therefore release the above cD to his benefit. Sincerely, ,4 f-I .,/1 pPr fi&la, (Las rL*e1' Betsv'itosolack rlaniring Technician lnttn 7li soulh Irontage road rail colorado Al6Iit (303) 47$zl38 (36) 47'!LSr39 April 18, 1990 l,tr. David Neiss 800 PennsylvaniaSuite 111 Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Favinq of driveway at 4153 Spruce Way, Lot Bighorn Third Addition Dear David: Planning Technician !-- ollice of community development 10, Block 9) This letter is to renind you that the Town of VaiI is in possessionof a certificate of deposit to the amount of g2,OSO at the FirstColorado Bank and Tlast dated Decenber 28, L999. Your note states that if the driveway is not paved by June 1, 1990,the Tosn of Vail can cash the certificate of deposit. Please let us know what you intend to do regarding tbe paving ofthe driveway. Sincerely, A.NAI',IE OF MAI LING ADDRESS APPLICANT APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEI.I PaHNSY L U, c.NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNAT MAILING ADDRESS a2/ o D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Lftt-l N6lsr 4Z F. MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1. Two my'lar copies-of the duplex subdivislon plat following therequirements of Section 17.16.130 (C), 'l ,2,9,4,6,7,9,9,.|d,.1 I,l3 andl4 of the Subdivision Regulations.' 2. The plat must contajn the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdjvision areto be treated as one entity with no more than one two-familyresidence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots.', itrestatement must be modjfied according to the number of lots created. 3. A gopy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure themaintenance of any common areas. The declaration and/or covenantsshall specifical 1y address the painting of the exteriors of theunits so that the un'i ts wi] l be painted the same coror andmaintained in the same manner. E.FEE $100.00 PAID G. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEt,t CRITERIA These can be found in chapter i7.24 of the subdivision Regulations. H. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development will be responsible for promptlyrecording.the plat_and accompanying documents with ihe eagte Couirty bteitand Recorder upon Town of Vail approval . / 2/z/t'/rsal SA ne rt E/s 476-H33 L{JL B. NAME oF AppLrcAN's RE'RESENT^rNE J A t/Et -f 7o/4L 4Tfa//y. t " pHoNE 347 4 Zo o (print or type)A yL, 7rE Lor/llfubLocK_j2_sueovrcrcn B / E //O I H nq/pD A /2 tZtury FI LI NG "E'iliated .CONFIRMATION OF TIME DEPOSIT ColoradoBanE&?ust Ita[irrC lssoctalEal Dsnver. Colofado ,THIS CERTIFIES THEBE HAS BEEN DEPOSITED IN THIS BANK THE SUM **Towa of vail** BooK ENrRY # 4237 2 DOLLARS g **2,050.00** PAYABLE TO: aOOneSS: ?5 OPENING DATE: TERM: MATURITY DATE: INTEREST RATE: COMPOUND INTEREST: INTEFEST TO BE PAIO: xx enber 28 1989 180 days June 28, 1990 7,352 xx ruo MONTHLY OUARTERLY ANNUALLY XX AT MATURITY 6S-7 TAX IDENTTFICATION NTUMBER* 9,4-oVl l?K orPr-cen cOoE: 27O SEMI-ANNUALLY AUTOMATICALLY RENEWABLEDEPOSITTO CHECKING ACCOUNT # DEPOSIT TO SAVINGS ACCOUNT # ADD TO PRINCIPAL REMIT BY MAIL TELEPHONE: HOME:BUSINESS:DOB because I have not been notified that I am subiect to backup wjthholdi Revenue Service has notif ieqlfi-qthat l.am 1o longer/ubjec!/o backup withholding. Oenver. Colorado ACKNOWLEDGET ENT: By signing below, | (Depositor) acknowledge that t have received a copy of this Confirmation o{ Time Deposit and applicable Rul6s anO Regulations (see reverse), and I agree lo the terms ot each. Under penalties ol periury, I certify (1) thai the numbei shown on this Conf irmation of Time Deposit is my correct TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUM BER and (2) that I am ftlember F.D.l.C' T{ON.TRANSFERABLE/NON.NEGOTIABLE/NON-ASSIGNABLE R.ETURNED 5/29/90. not subject to backup ? , u L,.L ,[ 7o^-[ + I, DAVID NEISS, OF 8OO PENNSYLVANTA, SUTTE 111, DENVER, COLORADO, 8O2O3, DO HEREBY SWEAR THAT T WII-,L PAVE THE DRIVEWAY AT 4153 SPRUCE WAY, VAIL, COLORADO, ON OR BEFORE JUNE 1, ]-990. IF THE DRIVEWAY IS NOT PAVED BY JUNE 1, T99OI TEE TOWN OF VAIL CAN CASH THE CERTIFTCATE OF DEPOSIT AT THE FIRST COLORADO BANK AND TRUST DATED DECEMBER 28, 1989, CERTFTCATE # 42372 rN THE AMOUNT OF $2,O50.00. ME THIS DAVID >t fr'oav or' Dqen\hJa. 1989. MY COMMISSION SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO I ( ,/-') tii 1pr-/";r el's'f a< JAMES WM. STOVAI,L Jws/jacenclParty Wal1 AgreementfLLe/letter 37 JAMES V(/M. STOVALL, P. C. ATTORNEY AT IAW 48 EAST BEAVM CREEK BOLITEVARD. SUITE 202 A10N, COTORADO 8t6a) MAIUNG ADDREIS P.o. DRAWER 5860 AVON, COITORADO 81620 $o3) 949.42coAugust 24, L989 TOWN OF VAILConnunity Development Department75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 REFERENCE: Party wall Agreement TO I'IHOM IT I.IAY CONCERN: Enclosed please find the Party Wal} Agreernent andDeclaration. Please file the same with the appropriatedepartnent. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. November 5, 1981 Department .of Comrnunity Developnent Town of Vail SUBJECT: 4L53 Spruce Way Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Ryan: Thank you agian for the tine you took to inspect you inforned me in your letter dated November 2, the above proj ect as 1981. As to iten 1- In no docurent either from the D R B or the building departnent was there any request to have one t)?e of railing. Neither was there, at any tine any oral instructions. Iten 2- has been taken care of. Item 3- At nany occasions in my conversations with Mr. Peter Patten or Mr. Peter Janer it was a mutual understanding that after the appr:oval by the D R B they will give rne ample time to install the landscapings and the other itens proposed, but I was assured I will get a temporary C, 0. After the neeting with the D R B on August 19, 1981, I was pronised a tenporary C.0. . frorn Mr. peter patten as soon as I subrnit the paper work requested which is reflected in rny supplenental letter to Mr. Janer. The reason the landscaping was not done is twofold:a) I did not have the approval of the D R B. b) I understood I could do the sane in a leisurely way as I rnentiondd above, Wb are in the process of cleaning the dead linbs off the site. Sincerely yours , /- t\\_-// t6i.. David / t4+// Engineeri Neiss, Pr ion Co. NEISS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 800 Pennsylvania, Suite 111 Denver, Colorado 80203 November 3, 19Bt City of Vail Colorado Building DeparLment Subject.: 4153 Spruce Way, Vai-1 -Lot 10, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Dear Mr. Ryan: I am grateful for and appreciate the time you took toinspect the subject property in order to further my efforts inobtaining a Certificate of Occupancy. Ixwriting you this letLer, I will attempt to clarify mygrievances as mentioned in our telephone conversation. Last January, my superintendent, l![r. t4ark PeLz, calledLarry in the Building Inspector's office,to inspect the duplex fora certificaLe of occupancy. Larry instructed Mr. Pelz as to thelocation and quantity of railing required for the outside stairs and walkway. The railinqs were installed according to theseinstructions. The other items on the inspection 11st were taken care of, except items as reflected in our letter, Exhibit A, which was anslrered by Mr. Patterson's letter, Exhibit B. I informed Mr. Patterson that it was impossible to dothe work at that time due to the frozen ground and snow cover.I told him that all I was asking for was a temporary C.O. and thatf was willing to supply a bond to have these items completed j-n the spring as ground conditions permit.ted.. In the same phone conversation, he emphasized that hisletter reflected the 1aw and that nothing could be done about il.I asked Mr. Patterson about the appeal process, at which time heindicated that it would not help me to 90 to a higher authority. Within a few days of that Mr. Pelz obtained concurrenceby Mr. Patterson that if we submitted a bond to Public Works, we would get the temporary C.O. A bond was submitted, and the work was done in the springto the satisfaction of Mr. Freggiaro from the Public Works department.It was then May and we still did not have the occupancy permit. On May 4, 1981f a new inspector, Gdtlr met with me atthe duplex. Exhibit C shows more railing was required and we compJ-ied. The next time we were informed that the Design Review Board had to approve any changes in the walkway that were different from the original design. We appeared before the D.R.B. on threeoccasions. Prior to my second appearance f met with Gary and he marked the railing I could remove as requested by theD.R.B., Exhibit D. At my appearance before the D.R.B. on August 4, 1987, it was indicated by some members that they would vote against the plan if r did not remove the addit.ional few pieces of railing. Prior to my third meeting wiLh Lhe D.R.B., I cornpleted the work as you saw on your inspection. The D.R.B. finally approved theplan wj-th certain provisions, Exhibit F. After a1I these reiterations f thought I would be able to get a temporary occupancy permit and am certain you can understand my shock and disbelieve at. the last inspection request. Final-J-y, t woul-d tike to point out that I have been in the building profession as an architect, engineer, and builderfor the last twenty years in Denver, having buildiry and designed single family homes to several hundred units in high rise office and apartment buildings. I must say that I have never encountered these difficulties with any buil-ding department. On the contraryI have always been proud of my relations with all the building officials I have dealt with. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, NEISS ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO. box lfi) vail, colgrado 81557 13031 476-5613 November 2, 1981 Mr. David Neiss 800 Pennsy'l van'i a Denver, Co'lorado 80203 Dear Mr. Neiss: department of community development RE: 4153 SprucewaY After review of buj'lding permit fi'le, Design Review Board action and p'lans' a s'i te visit, and discussion w'ith Steve Patterson, bary Murrain, and Peter Jamar, I have reached the fol lowing conclusi ons. 1. That the handrails and guardrails have not been constructed as has been djscussed with lhe Design Revjew Board or Gary Murrain and steve Patterson. When I vis'ited the site I noticed that there were two types of rails. There shoulctbe only one design.for the duplex. gliore a temporary certificate is issued the handrails th'at were discussed with Gary and Steve and are noted on your p1 ans must be installed. 2. At the site'i nspection I noticed that there was electric wiring on the gr ound. Th'is must be buried as the Code states befor6 a tempoiary cerfificate of occupancy is 'i ssued. 3. The Design Review Board approved a landscape' retaini.n$ wall' and drainage-plan on Septembei'lO, iggt for the front and side yira. In iaAition, there were scrne retaining wal1 and grade changes. F"*n my observation very little, 'if any,'l andscaping.has been done' necentiy some dirt has'-been placed in the front yard that has fil'l ed jn the drainage a'long ihe street. Some of the retajning walls have not been constructed-and grade changes need to be made. You have had some time to do landscap'i ng and retaining wa11s- I want to know why this was not done. The site a'l so has dead trees fimbs spread around and a general clean- up program is needed. It iooks like you have also disrupted the abutting property to the east. Before a temporary certjfjcate of occupancy 'is issued these 'items must be addressed and solutions provided. Page 2 lnutn box 100 uail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 October 5, 1981 David Neiss 800 Pennsy'lvania, Suite 111 Denver, Colorado 80203 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 9-30-81 Dear David At the September 30 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for 'landscaping was approved with the following stipu'lations: supply ample topsoil,-remove uoliders from adiacent property, provjde retaining on back side, provide adequate drainage. Sincerely, I4ffi\M Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df Project Application Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Comments: A.PPROVAL DISAPPROVAL *t ot?rg itt:zz ing & Con +t or*t#Co *p*ry 8OO PENNSYLVANIA. SUITE 111 . DENVER, COLORADO 80203 Telephone 832-932 September 9, 198L l4r. Peter Jsrlar Department of Comunity Planning Town of Valln Col.orado Dear Peter: Bnclosed you will find the material. reguested at the last meetlng of the Deeign teview Board. 1. Speciflcatlon of planking material. 2. Corrected landscape plan showing: a) addltional proposed retaining wa1ls along the east and r^test property lines to prevent drainage from our Lot to the adJacent lots. . b) Elirnination of exterior parking space (fil1 lnrof cut out). e) Elimination of additional unneccesary hand raiL. Patten . As di*"ussed over the telephonen },ir. Peter / - pio*i"ea me that with the submittal of this materiaL l will get a temporary occupancy. Thank you for your cooperation. Truly yotrrs , ./ Neisc The proposed work I rvil1 do as''soon..4s possible. Item already. {- As discussed over'.the teLephone fly appearance wiLl be 30ttr, 2:00 I,M. anJ54ou wiit try to pirc" *u ahead of et/ #"tu P. S.C was done on September ihe lisE, 8OO PENNSYLVANIA . DENVER, COTORADO (l 80200 February 3, 1981 aoc garage door ae we dld the fite- av'rt),grruzzing & Con*"u#! o"-p^', 8OO PENNSYLVANIA. SUITE 111 . DENVER, COLORADO 80203 Telephone 832-tt32 NJune 11, 1981 IIr. Peter Patten Plannlng Departnent 75 So. Frontage Road Vatl, Colorado Subject ! 4153 Spnrce tlay VaLl, Colorado Deer Peter ! Enclosed you wtll find the Sheets AZand A4which ref,lect the variations from the approved plens by the Design Review Board for the Ciey of, Va11. llheo the D.R.B. approved, the plans they did not insist on an exect and detailed drawiag for thepxterior walks and 6taira. They wanEed the plen to show the general conctpt. Ag you can see I did not vary from the origiaal concept. The chaage of, the retalnlng wa11s fron stucco or stone to treated rail- roed tles wt1l tn uy opinion enhance the overall artistlc appearance. I fel1 we have eoough stonea on the side in its natutal st,ete. Stone retalnfurg $a1le lsould be to gross and mass ive and does not blend with the finished ext€iLor wood eiding of the house the way treated wooden railroad tles will. Lt is ny fntenti.on to seed wlth wild grass (suitable for the mountalns) the dlstrrrbed areae. In addition, in the feI1 I wllL plant some ehrubbries in the front part of the house. Ae I am asklng only for a temporary occupency et thie point any request or tequirement from your paf,t I could do prl.or to the finat occupancy ls issued, The contrector, Slark Pelzr will ce11 you in two weeks from above dat,e prlor to ftnLshlng the ralllng. Thank you for your help. Truly vours./-1- - t ,v?c,!r^r[ 7or-, Davtd Netsg? lnun box lfl! rail, aolorado 81657(cr$ 47s5613 dep€rtment of community development February 4, 1981 Mr. David Neiss 800 Pennsylvania Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Mr. Neiss: This letter is to inform you that all the items (with the exception of #5) 'ljsted in your'letter to the Vai'l Building Departrnent d.ated 2-3-81 and the items listed on the building inspection sheet dated 1-23-81 must be completed prior to issuance of a temporary Certificate . of Occupancy. Thank you for your cooperation. Steve Patterson Bui lding 0fficial SP:df t Q**ooJ Qt"t" 8OO PENNSYI.VANIA . Telepho 9ENVERJOLORADO 8o2os fresou ) tlt t February 3, 1981 Snildlng Departuent Vail, Colorado $ubject! 4153 Spruce Way, ?ai1 In your f,lnal lnepectlon on above addrees the following items were requeeted to be done by your Sui.ldlng DePartment. 1) Grlvert under the drlve way. 2> Oradtng ln rear trith e slope away from bullding. 3) tandeeapl.ng rlth rubble belng removed. 4, 2 off atreet parking. 5) Pavlng of drivenay. AlL above nork g!!!_!g:@E f,rozen. as aoon as the ground ia notin spring Ihe enclosure of the fireplace ntith gl.ass and selfctosure for garage door w111 be done right auay. the enclosure has to be made to fit ae we did aot koow that tble wae a requ lreoent ' Could ve pleaee get s temporary occupancy and we sill not use the fire- place until the enclogure is ln pl.ace. thaak you, -,--_"\ *1Q".4 /,- i"vta x.tss U tnwtt box l{Xl rail, oolora'do 81657 (g!31 4?G5613 department of community development February 4, 1981 Mr. David Neiss 800 Pennsy'lvania 0enver, Colorado 80203 Dear Mr. Neiss: This letter is to inform you that a'll the items {with the exception of #5) listed in your letter to the Vail Building Department dated Z-3-Bi and the itLms1isted on the buitding inspection sheet dated 1-23-81 must be completed prior to issuance of a temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Thank you for your cooPeration. Steve Patterson Bui ldlng Off icia'l SP:df I 9**ooJ Ah* 8OO PENNSYIVANIA . Telepho February 3, 1981 Butlding Department Vai1, Colorado Subject: 4153 Spruce lJay, Vall In your final lnspectLon on above address the following ttens requested to be done by your Bulldlng Departoent. 1) Grlvert under the drive way. l> Gradtng ln rear with a slope away from building. 3) Landscaplng oith rubble being removed. 4) 2 off street parking. 5) Paving of driveway. A11 above work g!!L!g:.degg lu sprlng frozen. The eoclosure of the flreplaee wlth glass and selfclosure will be done right away. The enclosure has to be oade to not knolr that thls was a requirement. Could se please get a tenporary occup:mey and we wlll not place until the enelosure {s ln place. Thank you, T'NVE& :oLoRADo 80203 frrr-u*r) tqr S q!_soon as the ground ls rot for garage doorf,lt as we dtd use the fire- ,..-"\ E7U"4 /r.---. i-avtd t.rs" L fl Qoo"cn "tion 9ornliony BoD ?enneylvanla . DENVER, Telephone 834'5492 Oetober 22, L98O $ubjeetr, 8.oof Ttusees 4153 Spruce I{eY ValI, Colorado I hereby certtfy that tha roof trusses.on above addrees have been deslgned by m for a live load of 70 panndls.f. The roof Esn earty esrslderable more t.han 70 pound/s.f. as the'*trua66s , epaeed Et e tlro fdet center only. ftre live load plus dead loed on the trussea are 170 pound per linear feet, and by the natu.re of, tbe truss construction they can carry more tbel abwe losd. lte. trussee heltre been constructed under my dlrection and eupervleloa. I0 800 Pennqyhr*uta . - r DENVER, coLoRADo 80303 Telephone 834F5492 ' October 1.0, lg8o It- (YL;* &A""-;rs I 9owi*tion @*Pon{ " May 15, 1980 Bullding Departnent Vai1, Colorado Gentleuen: I hereby eertify ehat the retairlng wall is des igned accordlng to profeseional engineering practice. tours tnrly,Q/ 800.Pcmsy1v{ar' r DENVER,COIORADO 60203 Telephone 832-5432 Irartd Nelts Profcaelonel Engl,neer No. 3965 39i5 r{- l -re -\% i::It T i - -' '::..: o box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {3031 476-5613 May 13, 1980 Neiss Engineerjng 800 Pennsylvania Denver, Colorado 80203 Dear Mr, Neiss: Enc'losed you will find the Please correct as noted. corrected set. A] so, take department of community development redlined set of plans on your duplex. Please return the redline set with your note to the DRB change to wal kway on Iey I ing Inspector Lll:df Enc'l . . :Iil:':;. :*+- : .:- 6i^ [l'tl"lt 4,+l ' rl o Project Application t ProjectName: Project Description: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Lesaf Description' t-o, l, erocr 9 , rr n fS ,J f-r, ,n ? '"4 A 4oy Zoning Approved: Design Review BoardI Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL t(-tt;:,: t /9>p)ut b Chief Building Off icial