HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 3RD ADDITION BLOCK 9 LOT 12 LEGAL(f.*rocn (\\U, .l ltA fu$Artron 0o{ lf- o u,fi,T^o, ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 talt 970,479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Project Name: PERRY WALVDRIVEWAY DRB Number: DRB040414 Proiect Description: EXTENSION OF EXSTING DRIVE, PAVER STONE INSTALLATION, CONSTRUCNON OF GARDEN BLOCK WALL, INSTALI.ATION OF NEW 2" MAIN WATER UNE FROM PEREENIAL PLANTING AFTER GARDEN BLOCK WALL IS COMPLETE. Participants: OWNER PERRY, C. LYNN 081L612004 Phone:970-476-0857 PO BOX 3082 VAIL co 81658-3082 License: APPUCANT PERRY, C. LYNN O8/t6/2004 Phone:970-476-0857 PO BOX 3082 VAIL co 81558-3082 License: Projed Addrcss: 4193 SPRUCE WAY VAIL Location: 4193 SPRUCE WAY Legal Deccrtpdon: LoE 12 Bloclc 9 Subdivision: BIGHORN 3RD ADDffiON Paref Numberz 210tL2207N7 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:vote! DateofApproval:09/15i2004 Conditions! Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. cono, cotooesz O That the heated driveway be separated by zone with the portion in the ROW having its own zone and box at the time of completion Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee paid: $ZO,OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 9704792139 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descripuonofthe Requesg E:ltension of exist drive stone installation, Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:Box 3082, Vail, CO. 81658-3082 ccnstruction of garden block wa11 , installation of nel,r 2 " ma in r^rater l ine f rom Fhe curb area to Lhe back of house, installtion of a in ground sprinkler system, perbenlal planting after garden block va11 is complete. tocationof the PropoSal: LoB 12 Block: 9 $u6fl;y;5;en1 Bighorn - Third Addition Parcel No.: 2lQtl22O7OO7 (Coptact Eagle Co. Assessor at970-328-8640 for parcel no,) -- . l. .\Zoning: nnrptdf 4- f<,-'.""''t,,l K<S - t.!j phone: 970 - 476-0857 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: -p o- R^r. ?o82, vail, CO 81.659-304? Phonel 970 - 390-5569 Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No fuefl Conceptual R€view E New ConstructionD Addition ff Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) M Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Check No.: MINOR EXTERIOR ALTEMTIONS TO BUITDING AI{D SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior altemtions and/or site improvlments, Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the additlon of retaining walls' All pages of Applicauon are complete Checklist is completed and signed --3 Landscape Plan*, if aPPlicable &.efthiteau 16l Elevauons*, if a ppl icable ,z@xterior color and material samples and specifications..€ *ctrteaural Floor Plans*, if applicable .4.t-ighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, lf applicable Z&qhtSe repoG including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easements* ffipnonsof the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable' ;'-qE Written approval ftom a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if I have read and undelstand the above listed submittal requirementsi Protect Name:/a|/. d0' ped Topogr€phic Survey*, if applicabl$*' and Grading'Plan*, if applicable'+<-- ] +applicable Site.specific Geological Hazard Repoft, if applicable* The Administratoi and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, speciflcations, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessiry to determine whether a project wlll comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*)- **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal fequirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable' DateSlgned /uiu'lio,. ,t aav Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorsdo 81657 970-479-2r 38 F/$ 97A-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Re: July 14,2004 Lynn Perry PO Box 3082 Vail CO 81658-3082 CERTIFTED MAIL-RETIJRN RECEIPT REQUESTED 4193 Spruce Way DemLynn: One ofthe many firnctions of Code Enforcement is to provide for the enforcement of the Town of Vail Municipal Codes. It has come to our attention that the above-described property may be in violation of the Town of Vail Municipal Codes as follows: Reported Violation(s): You lnve made substantial landscape improvements without Design Review approval. Section I2-I l'3 (DESIGN APPROITAL) of the Town Code states, in Part, that: A. Scope: No person shall commence removal of vegetation, site preparation, building constnrction or demolition, dumping of material upon a site, sigrr erection, exterior alteration or enlargement of an existing stntcture, paving fencing or other improvements of open space within the corporate limits ofthe Town unless design approval has been granted as prescribed in this Chapter. The addition ofplant materials to existing landscaping, gardening and landscape maintenance shall be exempt from this provision. B. Violation: It shall be a violation of this Chapter and the building permit for any person to commence, continue or complete work that has not received design approval as prescribed in this Chapter and/or is not in conformity with the plans approved and authorized by the Administrator and/or the Design Review Board and the Building Offrcial. (Ord. 39(1983) $ 1) {p ^".r.uo"t n ,l -l Please submit a complete Design Review application within 15 calendar days from receipt of tlris letter. Failure to do so will result in a summons heing issued. Your prompt attention regarding tlis matter will be geatly appreciated and will help assrue that Vail continues to be the desirable and pleasant resort community for which we all strive. Please feel free to call me with any questions, comments or concerns you may have. My office phone number is970477-3417. VeryTruly Yours, @,tqhwd/"' David Rhoades, Code Enforcement Officer Community Development Department APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 20 - O r*ro, [[LII PW*:I I-I I I I Parcer#:IIII III Il I]I Brds Permitn,E I I I I ti ! 4193 Spruce Way Vai1, CO. 81658 1.C. Lynn perry Job Name Street Address 2.C. Lynn perru P.o. Box 3082, Va_i1r C_O_. 9F!9:!9!? ilf unknown ca I 479-2138 ext. 0) Excavating Contractor Name Mailing Address vail, co. Bt65B ( qro ) :qo - rqaqCity Slate zip Phone # Septenber 10, 2004 -_ ._ _Qctober 15, 2004 Slart Dale Completion Date (Permit Expiration Date) 4. Work is for (circte one) Water Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access 3. Other 6. 7. o. 5. Trench-width fiD{ 48" (min. 4') Length Approx. 155t Depth 7' Total SF $ Total LF $ Bond Amouni $Permit Fee $toTat HermtI Fee s ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath lhe bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility |ocations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process Xcel Energy (1 -800-922-1 987) Xcel Energy High Pressure (1-800-922-1987) Qwesl (1 -800-922- 1 987\ 9. AT&T Broadband (1 -800-922-1 987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 1 1 4) Holy Cross Eleciric Company (1-800-922-1 987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) THEREW|LLBENoToTALSTREETcLosUREs!Aconstructiontrallii-.:.':,,',: approved by the Public Works Department prior lo issuance of the pert ,l . All excavation must be done by hand within 18" o1 utilities - (Senate Btl 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479"2198 24_hours p.!,ir.t, r,r :.,, 'r :, llr !: ,lt lrvork. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Properly, ol the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ( , I y+,v slt/,:Y Print narne cl Date ot Signalure White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor 10. 11. 12. Contractor's ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildinqs, and location o1 cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. **-^*' iri APPUCATION FOR TOTVN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 20 PRJ+: II-IIl PW*:T I I T T Parcet#:I I I l Blds. Permit o, E I I IITTT T[-II][TT[] :l I . e. LYnn Perrv 4191i Snt r::' : " Job Name street Address (lf rrklowr catl r e. Lynn Perry P.O. Rox 3087, Vzri l , i i-1" :l'1"::i"- ' ,: 479-2138 ext 0) -' Excavating Contractor Name Mailing Address TCr,' l;of ,r'., c ,r' s License Number REQUIRED ' Vail, CO. 816iS ( ) : ','ri.: City State zip Phone # SepEerrber 10, 2004 t,t:tr r:;,,:J. 4. Staft Date Work is for lcircte onel Water Compietion Date (Permit Expiration Date) Sewer Gas Electric Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access Other Trench-width SIX 48" (min.4') Length li'i',ri:: - i'':ii ' Depth Total SF $ Total LF $ Bond Amounl $Permit Fee $totat Hermrt Fee $ ALL MATERIAL. EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces undernealh the bucket and lugs shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow up to one week to process. Xcel Energy (1 -800-922-1 987) Xcel Energy High Pressure (1-800-922-1987) Qwest ( 1 -800-922- 1 987 J 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. AT&T Broadband (1-800-922-1 987) Eagle RiverWater & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. 114) Holy Cross Elechic Company (1 -800-922-1987) Town ol Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigalion (970-479-2158) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffir .:,.r',Lr'.r r : I :lrust be submitted and approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance ol the perrr.i= AII excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2198 24 hours pricr i. .r-r 'Lrlr-:.:ii!1. ';j work. Failure to notify the Town will result in lorfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. n'16 ^l Si.rn:ii rrp White - Public Works Yellow - Contractor I ^a I ^/ Vi I lq Stthe | " Series 1,,,,r"t" s,*t The clossicol Villo Stone l'" Heritoge is produced in o combinotion of four distinct shopes moduloting ficgefier to creote o rondom vorieiy of design possibilities. Their embossed surfoce texfures ore increosingly more populor in orchiiecturol poving moleriols. Villo Stone l" combines the roughhewn texlure, shope ond size creoting o povement thot complements o ronge of londscope designs from troditionol to modern. The tumbled Heriirge iexture ossures on oppeoronce of strength ond iime. COMPOSITION AND MANUFACTURE Vllo Slone l'" Series is mode Fom o "no slump" concrefe mix. Mode under extreme pressure ond high frequency vibrotions, Vllo l" Series hos o compressive strength greoter hon 8000psi, o wofer obsorption moximum of 57o ond will meef or exceed ASTM C-936 ond freeze-thow lesfing per Section 8 ol ASTM C-67. Heritoge'" Series mdy not compry wifi ASTM C-67 freeze-thow durobiliv. INSTATTATION 1 Excqvote unsuitoble, unstoble or unconsolidobd subgrode moteriol ond compoct the oreo which hos been cleored. BocHill ond larel with dense groded oggregofe suitoble for bose moteriol (typicolly 4-6 in. of compocted bose for light vehiculor ond pedestrion troffic] or os otherwise direcbd by Site Engineer/Architec/ Londscope Archibct. 2. Ploce bedding course of woshed sond conforming to fie groding requirements of ASTM C-33 to o uniform depth of 1-lt/zin. (25-38mm) screeded to fie grode ond profile required. 3. Instoll Villo Sbne l'" wifh ioinls opproximofely l/e in. (3mm) lo l/z in. ( l 3mm). 4. Where required, cul pove Stcnes *ith on opprwed cutfing dwice hr fu occurobly, neotly ond wifiod domoged edges. 5. Tomp pove stones wifi o plote compoctor, unibrmly hvel, true io grode ond free of movemenl. 6. Spreod sond to l/s inch (3mm) thickness over enlire poving orec. Heritoge'" Series moy require ioint sond sbbilizotion. 7. Moke one more poss with plote compoctor tn fill loints with sond. Complete instollotion & speciffcotion dejr:ils ore ovoiloble by contocting your Porestone Soles Represenlolive. Noie: Colors ore shown os occurotely os possible in brochures & somples, but due to ihe noture of lhe product, regionol color preferences ond voriobles in print reproduction, colors moy nol molch exoctly. For best resulls in mointoining color conaistency, povers must be insfiolled from severol cubes oi o lime. Efflorescence, o *hitish, po,r"der-like deposit, moy oppeor on concrele povers. This is o nolurql occurrence in ony concrete prodr,'cf ond will usuolly weor olf over tjme. I N STATI.ATION PATTE RNS Villo Stone l'" HeritogerM Series Rondom Polfern APPTICATIONS Sids^/olks . Gqden Psthvq/s . Potios . Eqclonode . Medions . flozos . Terrqces . Pml Decls o Goz*os t Porte Cocle Enhonenrents . Hold Enhoncs . Res'rdenliol Dri,,e\^EF . Golf Cod Poths . Pedestrion lr,lolls PRODUCT INFORMAIION Villo Stone l" Series is ovoiloble in 4 sizes. Product is pockoged ic include oll shopes, not sold individuolly. Rectongle Villo $rone l'" trrledium ReciongleStone l'" Smolls 68mmxl38mmx80mm 211/ ta" x57/ta" x3 t/e"* Wt /piece 3.64 lbs. Pcs./pollet 32 Sq. Ft./pollet J JlO Villo $one l'" Squorc 278mmx278mmx80mm l0 l5lro x l0 l5lrou x 3 l/au* Wt./piece 29.95 lbs. Pcs./polla 40 I 38mm x 208mm x SOmm 7 7 /tt" xB3/ta" x31/a"* Wr.,/piece Pcs./poll+ Sq.Ft./polla tt_tztos. 48 15.192 Villo Slone l'" lorge Re<longle *Froctionol dimensions ore nominol. 2Z8mmx348mmx80mmt l0 rslio" x 1311/to't x31/atl Wt./piece 37.49 lbs.Pcs./oollet 32 Sq.Ft./polle+ 33.752 Vllo Stone lrM Heritrroe'M Series is sold on pollets or in 6oqs. There is opproximobly lhe soie squore feiei,/pollet in i:sch boqsed produci ofrer' tumblinq. Poc[dqinb mqy vqry from ploit to plon't. eonbct vour Poresione Co. monubcfurer br pockoging detoih. Sq.Ft./polla Totul Pollet Pcs./polla wt./ polla h.Fr./pollet 2't 74') 152 3132 87 Typicol Cross Seclion of Concreile Pqv€ Sione Instqllolion Sond-Filled Joinls l(- Pove Slones Sond Bose PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION WPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2,, Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6, in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footage warious t]rtr:es of sedr:rn and perennials. In ground sprinkler Please specifo other randscape features (i,e. retaining wails, fences, swimming poors, etc.) "*i"ti"q biirai.,o. Page 7 of Lztozloiloz ******{t***+****{'*********++****:t *****'t<'r{s***{.*rt +***.*r.**********!ft******+********************** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statement* 'l'!G *{'** *** * *{' * * * *{.*:** ****i +**** * ***** ** * * * * * *:F* * + *** * * * *,r** * * * * * * * * ** * * * + * * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * *,. + + statement Number: R040005429 Amourt r 920.00 08 / 1,6 / 2004L1 : 16 AMPalment Method : Check Init : .fS Notation: #4989/c. LYNN PERRY Permit No: DRBO4O414 Type: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Pareel tilo : 2I0LL22O7 OO7 Site Address: 4193 SPRUCE wAy vArlr Location: 4L93 sPRucE wAY Total Fees: 920.00This payment: g20.oo Total Arrr pmts: S2o.O0 Balance: S0. 00****************'f*****+*******{.****,t ******'t******++***********r.**:*t<*i.*:t,}ri(it*i<r,***,F***:}**+*1.* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RTV]EW FEES 20.00 f --P 77q '--T-- -r-{lA / n-e otil{\'ar nro! jo 8^i\J /*.^o# ,lr/o 6co aoLlurc..f/{9 O t-,{4&.s O0- La!_ rz_ 6i L 1 t,rA eHQ 4", o,-* -+ ,J Fo* F,,- i.....I U.- o{*.,- 4*,1 6uJ\Jor' oF 6\?*,^ [,/C i.r c. f2*,F-.,.J oS d*l Hig /o.*i# l lqz sp.,...c(- 1,u*7 , E^^* Uor' l,'\\1sJq uqt F&]qf _s th* -CC 9 Pr,t D*# -f1r^n k (u,- 4@ ?l tt f or I I \'q\ !,o^Yll ,, ,a"y,rou^= "!"rry """"".;;."F ff;j:j "ry;#'"'#i{ilf'"'FramjnsCo?;;, ue'r Phone szs-ooli rim euars 0. L" ^,. Foz.o IF .oOE F-2 FIJ Autvo dErOA F; I E F o "1$ I oh o utr dro _wr{"* I td I e FIF t4 Cr lq (, OFIz2o5EOFq- FFIzzgll)EOF: fl lra2 ros{E Er e,HZ.l|booA=q{ atl ar b lr FE E zo ET EtdEt) zla EAIF EEs, 40() (., ET tq d E:.co !. oz & F :>aM=qrgd o ao t!qo B TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Building-> Plar Check-> lnvestigation-> will call-> *"Tbvicilf;;;:b.". Cfean-up Deposit Ret NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SF&P/S,DUP) PERMIT Job Address: 4193 SPRUCE WAy VAIL Location.....: 4193 SPRUCE WAy ParcelNo...: 210112202007 Project No : ?? OWNER PETERS STE\IEN LEROY & CODIE O3/30/2OOO PhONE:60 ESTRADA CAI]ABASA SA}f,IA FE NM 875 01 I_,icense: APPI,ICAMT HIGH COUNTRY BUTIJDERS OF GYPO3 /IO/ZOOO BOX 855 eYPSUl,t, CO. 8L637 L,icense: Desciption: ADDING NSFR TO EXISTING SFR (DUPLEX)occupancy Type Factor Totals. , .3,L1_6 $300,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: z Fireplace Information: Restricted: Townof Vail Adjusted Valuation: $300,000.00 # of Gas Appliances:0 # of Gas l-ogsr 0 # of Wood Palht 0*-** IEE SUMMARY ftrenrrv*NT oF coMMUMry onlopwwr Permit #: 800-0040 Status...: Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires . .: INACTIVE 03/30/20w approved a!'nount 'teiF... $1,540.00 RestuarantPlanReview-> S1. 001 . 00 DRB Fee-_---.--> $0 . 0o Recreation Fee----> S3.00 Clean-upDeposit--> TOTAL FEES_.-_-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $200 - 00 Additional Fees--> i461 .40 Total Permit Fee--> $500 - 00 Payments-----> 93,?11.40 BAL\NCEDUE-> s3. ? 11.4 0 s0. 00 $3,711.40 $3 , 244 .00 $4 67 .40 Approvals:IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEM| |4/27/2OOO JRM, Action: NoTE PLANS TO irRM 12,/14/2000 JRM Action! Ap ITCM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT !4/L7/2OOO JRN| Action: NOTE PITANS TO ATJTJTSON IA/LA/?OOO AOCHS Acrion: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTttE[flI 04 / t7 / 2ooo JP-rn Item: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKS 04 / t7 / 2OO0 JRrti 04/25/2OO0 TTSANDOVA Itemi 05550 ENGINEERING 04/L7/2ooo JF-M Action: APPR N/A Action: NOTE PIJANS TO IJEONARD ACtiON: APPR DENIED ACIiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO LEONARD See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. It 0fiPy I FI Department of Community Dev elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452. January 5, 2000 Steve Peters 60 Estrada Calabasa Sante Fe, NM 87501 RE; extension of approval for 41 g3 spruce Lane / Block 9, Lot 12, Bighorn 3rd Dear Steve, I apologize for not being able to get hold of you earlier, because I felt it would be best to discuss this over the phone. However, we never seem to be able to catch up to one another. Your original approval was in 1g99, and since then we have adopted codes regarding new construction. These codes were adopted in late 1999 and deal specifically with grading requirements, clriveway grades, fire department access, etc. As a result, staff is unable to extend your approval. your current extension of approval expires in April of 2000. lf you have not applied for a building permit at this time, your approval will lapse. when your approval lapses, staff will do everything possibie io expedite the design review process once you choose to reapply. lf you would like, you can purchase a copy of the new requirements (95.96) and you can review your plans for compliance. However, you will need to return to the Design Review Board forfinal approval. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at g70-47g-2369. Sincerely, tlrl - z't/1 tt{//'--W-"- Allison Ochs Planner ll tp*n"uo'n'u' ol Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Peters Residence Project Description: New residence attached to existing residence Owner, Address and Phone: Steve peters 60 Estrada Calabasa Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 9SS-5366 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: nla 4193 Spruce Lane Block 9, Lot 12, Bighorn 3rd Building Name: Project Street Address: Lcgal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: nla Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval One year extension of permit (expires April 2, 2000) Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 2123198 F :\EvERYONE\DRB\APPRoVAL\e E\PE'[ERS.2 2 7 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: nla Date Ft8 n.*r,(}eo I e 1999 February 14, 1999 Dear Allison Ochs; I appreciate the time you spent on the phone with me regarding an extension on our board of review approval for 4't93 Spruce Way. I am following up o$r conversation to request in writing the one year extension discussed on the phone. Please grant an extension of our permit to April z, ?ooo at 4193 spruce Way, legal description Block 9, lot I Z, Bighorn 3rd. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Steven L. Peters 60 Estrada Calabasa Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 d?*ign Review acti?n Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: peters Residence Project Description: New residencc aftached to existing residence Owner, Address and Phone: Steve peters 60 Estrada Calabasa Santa Fe, NM 8ZS0l (S0S) 9SS-5366 Project Street Address: L"egal Description: Parcel Number: {lomments: 4193 Spruce Lane Block 9, Lot 12, Bighorn 3rd BuildingName: Motion by: SeconCed bi.: Votc: Conditions: n/a Board / Staff Action Actiou StaffApproval One year extension of permit (expires April2,1999) 'fown Planner: Christie Barton Date: 2t27t98 Ii'tI i V I] RYONEU}RB\APPROV4$9$PETERS. 22? DRB Fee Pre-Paid: n/a N(t-Anra o\$a,.r ac\\> il.rigr, Review n.t!L Form TOWNOFVAIL ProjectName: PetersResidence Project Description: New residence attached to existing residence Owneq Address and Phone:Steve Peters 60 Estrada Calabasa Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505) 988-5366 ArchitecVContact" Address and Phone: nla Project Street Address: 4193 Spruce Lane Legal Description: Parcel Nurrrber: Comments: Block 9, Lott2, Bighorn 3rd BuildingName: Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApprovalMotionby: nla Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: One year extension of permit (expires April2, 1999) Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: ZlZTlgt F :\EVERYONX\DRB\APPROVAL\98\PETERS.227 DRB Fee he-Paid:nla ., _-."-*-ryffi6'r.._E!X&t';a*;jl:;.-:t l---t | | / /\\ tsoM & AssoctArEs lJ lr/t=\ Archilecrure Land ptanning project Managemenr Lauren Waterton Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: PETERS'RESIDENCE Lot12 Title Block 9 Bighorn Third Addition Dear Lauren: 24 April1997 Per your letter of April 4, 1997, Steve Peters is ready to submit for building permit on the property. The conditions of approval are following: l. Three spruce trees and 3 aspens have been shown on the west side ofthe property. 2. The tree mitigation plan would be that if any more of the trees located on the southeast corner of the garage are destroyed during construction that they will be replaced with a 10'- lZ' blue spruce tree on a I : I basis for €ach one removed. Two trees are to be taken out as part of construction. 3. The limits of disturbance on the site plan has been shown. 4. The railing on the existing structure has already been replaced to match what will be on the new structure. The 2'x 2" vertical pickets have been used which is the same design as the marn house. It turns out that there is no Tl t I on the siding and we will use what is there which is a board and batten. The comments to be addressed in your letter deal with the following: 1. The kitchen will be removed from the lower unit in the existing house. Prior to a Certificate of Occupancy for the new unit. It is shown on the attached plan. 2. The grading around the retaining wall in the front entry has been shown in detail, the top and bottom of all elevations shown. 3. The existing driveway has stayed with the existing asphalt per your plan. 4. An l8' culvert has been shown under the proposed driveway. Ifthere are any other questions concerning this project, please contact this office. Sincerelv. p.c.: 96231nu5 Steve Peters P0. Box g Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328-2388 FAX 328.6266 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 April 4, 1997 Department of Conununity Developtnent Steve lsom lsom and Associates PO Box 9 Eagle, CO 81631 RE: Peters Residence/Lot 12, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition Dear Steve: On April 2, 1997, the Design Review Board approved the Peters residence with four conditions. Those conditions are: 1. Three spruce trees and three aspens trees be added to the west side of the property. 2- Provide a tree mitigation plan to staff. 3. Show limits of disturbance on the site plan. 4. The railing on the existing structure must be replaced to match existing and all the T-1 1 1 must be removed and replaced with siding to match existing. Additionally, the following must also be addressed: 1. lf the lower unit of the existing duplex is not to be deed restricted as employee housing, you must submit plans to show how you intend to modify the structure in order to create one residence. 2. Please clarify the grading around the retaining wall by the front entry. lt is unclear how that will tie into the existing driveway. Please show top and bottom of wall elevations along the length of the wall. 3. The existing driveway cannot be reduced in width. Specifically, a 20' centerline radius must be maintained from the garage, with 6' ol asphalt on either side of the centerline. The attached plan shows how you can accomplish this. 4. An 18" culvert is required to be provided under the proposed drive. Please indicated this on the site plan. $RECYCLED PAPER Ail of these issues must be resolved prior to submitting for a building permit. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 479-2454- Sincerely, [-nr,rrc,t,tUhffi rtr]'\ Lauren Waterlon Town Planner OGign Review Action Filn TOWN OF VAIL /\ .t -tGatesoryNumber on" [-Ifuil 2, 11117 --_-i-\ Prol."I N^ ", Building Name: Proiect Description: ,..' t ---\ Owner, Address andPhone:-dOtJQ-- l-€ +t'.t <-. Architecvcontact, Address and phone: Project Street Address : Comments: Jt4otion by: - Seconded by: !Approvat fl Disapproval ! Staff Approval Town Planrler AIoate: kW I{ Z,n-\DRB Fee er"-p"i I JA MES E. KNESER Mardt24.1997 Design Review Board C/O Laurcn Waterton, Town Planner 75 Ftorage Road Veil, 81657 re: The proposed modifications to 4193 Spruce Way f)ear Lauren: We have received aad reviewed the drawings of the proposed changes to 4193 Spruce Way. Thank pu for rtspo,nding so prompdy to our request. As I mentioned in my cal!, we live direcdy to the u/est of 4193 and have a strong interest in prese*ing both the existing trees and the design integrity of the neigfrborhood. Our concems can be summadzed as Follows: 1. Trees. It appears to us that the tree census as recorded on the plan does not reflect all of the trees which will be intentionally destroyed as a result of this modification. It also appean that the plan assumes the survival of several lalge groups of trees which will undoubtedly suffet and likely die as a result of tlre proximity of construcdon and hardscape damagrng the root structure and reducing . access to moisture. We 6nd it hand to beliere that any of the large rees adjoining the drireway and house will survhne. Lastly we are concerned that no attempt has been made to replace the rees which will be lost or to soften the west elevation. 2. Design Integrity. Currendy the structures on the south side of Spruce Way are substantially all duplexes and the plan fot 4793 will be consistent in that aspect. However the existing smrctures all hev-e a sense of design consistency which appears to be lacking in the plans for 4193. Merely causing two disparate structures to shate 10 feet of common wall should not satisfr the design requirements of the Touzn of Vail. We would hope that the Board will cause the proposed duplex to read as one consistent and well designed structure before being approved. It is not out purpose to attempt to prevent the ownen of 4193 from punuing the reasonable development of their ptopertv. We do, however. encourage the Board to maintain its standards and the standards we all wish to see enforced for the future benefit of the Vail communiw. The constraints which effect the development of 4193 were well known to all when the property was purchased by the current owner. The attempt now to max. out the ptoperty as thougb it wcre a bare piece of flat p;round should be discouraged. This particular site will stand a certain anount of expansion, but not neady as much as is currendy being requested. Thank lou for vour kind attention to our coflcems. /4/!t"- James E, Kneser Sally. B. Kneset 4773 R SPRUCE WAY . VAIL COLORADO . 81657 PHONE: 970 47 6 3097 I /7X IsoM & AssocrArEs l_l l/^\ Architecture Landptannins projectr/anasemenr 25 March 1997 Lauren Waterton Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: PETERSRESIDENCE Lot 12, Lot 9 Bighorn 3rd Addition Dear Lauren: This letter is in response to your letter ofMarch20,1997 concerning Peters'residence on Lot 12, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd addition. The comments listed in that letter are addressed as follows: l. Comments on the driveway: a. Al}Vo grade maximum is shown for the proposed driveway with the finished floor elevation of 3 9' 6 " at the garage level . The exact grade is 9 .SVo b. The minimum driveway width is shown as l2'. c. The first 10' of the drive is shown ar 7 .8o/o centerline grade. d. A 4' concrete pan with a 2" invert is shown where the driveway meets the road. e. The plan has be,en modified to show a backup area on the east side of the driveway with a 20'centerline radius from the center of the garage to the tumaround area. We have made this backup area2}'wide for 2 parl<tng spaces to accommodate guests. f The driveway is not as wide as the overall garage since most ofthe garage is for workbenches or storage. The actual driveway to the garage is 20' since the garage door opening is only l6'. 2. The retaining walls including location, height, and proposed material is shown on the plan. The only retaining will be the entrance to the house which will be a concrete retaining wall with a wood structure above. Moss rock will cover the exposed concrete. All grades die into the side of the residence or entrance without retaining walls. ' 3. Cut sheets ofthe proposed lighting are attached and the locations are shown on the plan. P0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328-2388 FAX 328-6266 4. The location ofthe snow storage is shown on the plan being east and west ofthe new drive location. 5. The proximity of the foundation wall to the existing trees at the southeast corner ofthe garage will require removal of one tree. The root structure that will be cut at that point of the footer wall will be minimal and only sufficiently wide enough to meet the width of the footer. The other trees will be protected by padding and minimal construction will occur around the base ofthe trees during the erection ofthe residence. The tree a"rea will also be marked offwith tape to provide a visual barrier for the equipment operators. If there are any questions concerning the rest of the submittal, please contact this office. Sincerely, -..,. p.c.: Steve Peters 96231su4 li!r,t tr,. way, enliven a threshold, pou security,'outdoors or indoors . with downlights that provide high-level, low- brightness illumination. WALL BRAcxETso 66OG Matte white with blac k Multi-Groove (shown). 6/a" dia.. 11" ht. 250W max. PAR38, R40 rec. 6611Bronze tone. 78G4 B ron ze (shown). 4Yz" sq.,10%" ht. 100V/ max. R30, ER30 rec. SURFACE SQUARES 726.2Bronze.6" sq.,12" ht. 300W max. PAR38, R40 rec. 7292Bronze with black Multi G roove. 7862 Bronze. 4Vz" sq., 70Y2" hI.75W max. R30 rec. SURFACE CYLINDERS 1821 Matte black.45/a" dia., 7" ht. 75W max. R30, ER30 rec. 1822 IMatte black with gor0 cone. 1823 Matte white. la0l Matte black.6" dia,, 10Ye" ht. 150W max. PAR38, R30, ER30 rec. 18O2 Matte black with gold cone (shown). 18O3 Matte white. 7065 Matte white with black Multi-Groove. (shown). 6Ve" dia.,lo/d' hl. 150W max. PAR38, R40, ER40 rec. ?O75 Bronze with black Multi'Groove. 4855 Matte blar:k with seedy marine glass. Con- cealed dovrnlrght. B" dla., 14Y2" ht.,872' ext. CIear 60 W max. and 50 wati R 20 for downlight SURFACE SQUAREs SURFACE CYLINDERS 5142 Acrylic quad diffuser & bron ze holder Concealed down light. 4Vz'' width, 1.1Y2' ht ,5"ext. Clear 25W Gl6t/z ano 50W R-20 downlight 86 5143 ff6yyli6 quad diffuse & bron ze holder. Three sided m rrored ref lector. 3 light. 4lr:'width, 1 172' frt , 5" cxt. Clear 25W G761/zmax. iLX',1,t!"U3[:;iJffi | Corrcealed downlight. 6"dia' 11/,r" ht., 63/4" exI.Clezr 25Wcarrdelab,a bas , -^l .r,rrl 50 watl R20 lor t: v;/rrligrrr' 'i :i i 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 1 ie FAX 970-479-2452 March 20, 1997 Steve lsom lsom and Associates PO Box 9 Eagle, CO 81631 Department of Comrnunity Development RE: Peters Residence/Lot 12, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition Dear Steve: Staff has reviewed your application for Design Review Board approval of the Peters residence. In order to stay on the DREI agenda for Aprii2, 1997, I need revised plans that address the following comments by Tuesday, March 25, 1997. 1. The following comments relate to the driveway: A. 10% is the maximum centerline grade for the drive if it unheated. lf it is heated, it may be 12T". B. The minimum driveway widtlr is 12 feet, with a maximum curb cut width of 24 feet. It appears that the existing driveway is being narrrowed down in order to accommodate the new residence. c. The firsi 10 feet of the driveway cannot exceed an 87" centerline grade. D. A 4-foot concrete pan, with a two-inch invert, must be shown on the plan where the driveway meets the road. E. Access to and from the proposed garage does not work. You must have a 20' centerline radius from the center of the garage lo a turnaround area. That area must be at least 12' wide. Please show that the turnaround area can meet this requirement. F. lt appears that your driveway is not as wide as the proposed garage. Please revise your plan to show that the accurate width of the driveway' Z. Please clearly indicate all proposed retaining walls, including location, height and proposed material. {,7 "'"'"""o '*o ISOM - PAGE 2 MARCH 20,1997 A. Please provide details on the proposed lighting, including location and type of fixtures. 4. Please indicate the proposed location for snow storage. S. Staft is concerned about the close proximity of the foundation wall to the existing trees' Please provide a plan indicating how you propose to protect the existing trees during construction. Again, please provide a response to the above comments by Tuesday, March 25, 1997. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 479-2454. Sincerely, Leww-tNnW+ar^ Lauren Waterton Town Planner n /7X lsou & AssoclArEs l_l lr/t=\ Archilecture Land ptannins projecrManasement l0 March 1997 Town Of Vail Planning Staff 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: APPLICATION FOR DRB REVIEW - Lot 12. Btock 9 Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended plat Dear Staff: This letter is an amended application for DRB approval to construct a new single-family residence on Lot 12, Block 9, in the town of Vail for Steven and Codie Peters. The new residence will be attached to the existing dwelling. This item was tabled frorn the February 5, Ig97 meeting fortwo reasons: l. Move new residence twenty feet back; 2. Miss the trees with the new driveway. The area ofthe lot is 21,00o square feet. The topographic survey was prepared and signed byLeland Lechner, PLS and depicting: l. Two-foot contours. 2. Existing trees on site are shown. 3. There are no rock outcroppings, streams or other hazards. lot is 18%. The overall slope ofthe 4. Elevations are based on the westerly corner oflot 12 having an elevation of g,435.00 feet. 5. culverts will be required. Drainage swales to carry surface water away from the proposed dwelling are shown on the site plan. 6. Utility lines are shown from their source to the structure, including meter locations.7. All property lines are shown on the Site Plan. Bearings are basedln the northwesterly property line being N36'41' 30"8 140.00 feet between the rebar found in place.8. AII easements are shown as described on the title report. 9. Existing and finished grades are shown on the Site plan. P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (970) 328.2388 FAX 328-6266 The Site and Grading plan depicts the location of: a. Surface drainage b. Spot elevations are shown for the driveway. c. All existing improvements. d. Elevations ofroofridges and proposed and existing elevations and grades shown underneath. e. The new driveway grade is proposed at goZ. Landscaping is shown on the Site Plan. A landscape buffer is proposed between the addition and the existing unit on Lot I r. The remainder oflot 12 has been previously landscaped. Floor plans and elevations at a scale of 1/8" : l'-0" are included Also included are the floor plansfor the existing units as measured on December 24, 1996. The list of materials has been completed and is enclosed. Please schedule for DRB review on April 2, 1997 andcall if you have any questions. p.c.: Steven and Codie peters 9621lov o BOARD o VAIL, COIJORADOAPPI,ICATION . TOWN OF DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** T A.DESCRIPTION: ********** E.TYPE OF REVIEW: X new Const,ruceion ($200.00) AddiEion ($s0.00) I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTTON: Subdivision Minor A1 Lerabion ( gZ 0 . 00 ) concepLual Review ($0) D. ADDRESSt zllTj ,Sf(fee WA/ If property is described bY description, Please Provideto tbis applicat.ion. a meets and bounds on a separaLe sheeE 1ega1 and aLtach ZONING: NAME OF Mailing APPI.,,ICANT: Address r NAME OF t'lail-ing APPI,ICANT. S REPRES ATIVE: Address: { Dlr nn a j'z-( - VzQl Phone FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.0o $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTTON H. NAI'tE OF OlrlNER ( S ) : OIilNER(S) SIGNATURE: -. j::: Mairins addresst P0 Eox Z 7 nA4te t co (Utr rf___ = phone 'azK- Tzql APPTJICAnTONS WTLL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S S:rGTTA5'URE I. .1 . Condominiun Approval if applicable' DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aE the' tine of s.ubmit.tal of the DRB applicaEion. IJater, when applyinq for a building permiL, please identify Ehe accuraL'e valuaEion of the ptopoial' The bown of vail will adjust Lhe fee according Eo ihe- eabte below, Lo ensure Ehe correcE fee is paid. FEE SCHEDUI.IE: VALUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10,001 $ 50,000 $ 50, 001- $ 1-50, 000 $150, 001 $ 500, 000 $500, 001 $1, 000, 0oo' $ over S1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAI-, UNIJESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS IS STARTED. i;:,i" The form is used E,o verify serwice availabiliby and locaLion. This should be used in conjunction wiEh preparing your utility plan and scheduling insEallaLions. For any new consLruction proposal , the applicang-must provide a completed utiliEy verification form. The locaEion and availabiliUy of utiliLies, wtreLher Chey be main trunk lines or proposed 1inei, musE be approwed and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan' A11 auehorizing signaLures need to be originals. revlred 8/1719{ .'OB NA}48 SUBDIVISI LOT ADDRESS U.S. west CommunicaEions 458-5860 or 949-4530 Pub1ic Service Company 949 - 6135 Gary Hall/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Electric Assoq. 949'5892 Engineering DePE. Ted Husky/Michael LaverLY rOWN OF VAIIJ UTILITY IJOCATION VERIFTCATION FORM EZ FILTNG Authorized S iqna ture Rockies T\a l- o 1^ tr.-tc 7-14- 76 /+ n.* rar,..- z-'/* fu\_1 ?-/r7c **TCI Cablevision of Lhe 949 -L224 Mark Graves **Upper Eag1e valley waEer & sanitaeion DisEricL * 47 6 -7 480 Fred HasLee *tA site plan must be sbowrroffer servicesbaLl be tbe NOTE: t. *Aeo= q-\brqb 2, 3. is required' Fhysical- losation of krrown utilities oD the siEe plan'. Uuj-Lity ]-ocations may or may [ot to ube propeiry Iine. any utilitsy exuension required responsibiliuy of the property owner- If a ueiliLy company has concerns with Lhe proposed construction, Che ut.ilif.y representative shouLd noE directly on the uLiliLy verj-fication form tha! there is a problem which needs Eo be resolved. The issue should Lhen be spelled out in deLail in an attached letLer Lo the Town of Vail. However, please keep in rnind Ehat ic is Ehe responsibility of che uEiliEy company Eo resolve ident,if j-ed problems ' Tf t-hp lrf i l i rw veri-f ication form has siqnatures frome..v sv---bJ each of the utility companies, and no conrmenLs are made directly on Lhe form, the Town will presume LhaL there are no problems and LhaE Ehe deveLopmenf can proceed. These verificaEions do not relieve t,he contractor of his responsibility Lo obLain a street cuL.permi! from th-e Town of irail, Department of Public works and Lo obLain utilitv locirions before diooinq in anv puUfi.c ri.gbt-of -way or easement j'n the rown of iiif-, a builiing permit, is not a street cut permit' A streee cne permi! must be obtained separaEely' 4. Instatlation of service lines are at Lhe expense and responsibility of the property owner' o :'l lE l1^:"r . r r YYI d TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Fcbruarv 6. 1997 Department of Comrnunity Development Stcvc Isom lsom and Associlttcs PO Box 9 Eaglc, CO 8163 I RE: Lot 12, Block 9, Bighom 3rd Addition Dcar Stcvc: I havc rcvicwcd your rcvisccl plans for thc Pctcrs rcsidcncc and find that thcy still do not mcct thc zoning rcquircmcnts. Thc tbllowing issucs must bc rcsolvcd: l. lt appcars that thc topography shown on thc sitc plan varics from thc topography shown on thc survcy. Plcasc corrcct your sitc plan to accuratcly rcflcct thc topographic information. 2. lt appcars that thc cxisting structurc is locatccl slightly diffbrcnt on thc sitc plln than on thc survcy, Plcasc comcct thc sitc plan to accuratcly rcflcct thc location of thc cxisting structurc. 3. Thc minimum wiclth for a drivcway is l2'. Plcasc rcvisc your plan to show thc proposcd ddvcrvay is a minimum of l2', 4. A minimum of a20' ccntcrlinc radius is rcquircd to acccss thc garagc from thc clrivc' lt irppcars that in thc currcnt configuration, this is irnossiblc' 5. In ordcr to plant trccs in thc utility cascmcnt, you will nccd to havc all thc utility companics sign off of thcsc improvcmcnts. Plcasc providc us with a copy of each company's approval. (t. No scction of thc proposed drivcway can cxcccd l0%, unlcss it is hcatcd. Thc sitc plan shows onc scction of thc drive at 11.4o/o. Plcase amcnd thc plan to show that no section excccds l0%. lf you choosc to hcat thc drivc, you may go up to lTYo. 7 . A 4' pan with a 2" invcrt nccds to bc installctl at thc bottom of thc drivcway. {p *"nouo"*"r t{. Ycstcrday. thc DRB itdviscd you to rcdcsign thc proposal to rcducc thc atnount of sitc irnpact. This inclutlcs rcducing thc building tbotprint and slrifting. thc builcling to thc north' ln ordcr to clarify thc nurnbcr of trccs that ;ill bc rcnrovctl with this proposal' pl9as9 !lg_ all trccs (dcad and alivc) that rvill bc rcntovc<j. 'l-his slmuld bc donc prior to thc final DRB rnccting. 9. A rcviscd color schcrnc should bc prcscntcd to thc DRB at thc tirnc of thc final rcvicw' lf you would likc to bc schcdulcd for rcvicw with thc Dcsign Rcvicw Boald on Wcdncsday, fciruary 19, 1997, plcasc lct mc knorv no l&tcr than Tucs4ay, Fcbruary I 1' 1997' Thcsc issucs must bc resolvcd by Fcbruary 14,lgg7. shoulil you havc any qucstions, plcasc fccl ticc to contact mc al 479-2454. Sinccrcly, LAlrraL (/Udtdvr^_ l,aulcrr Watcflon 'l'own Plannor TAWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8/657 970-479-213V479-21 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Fcbruary 3,l99l Stcve lsorn Isom and Associates PO Box 9 Eaglc, CO 8 l63l RE: Lot 12, Block 9, Bighom 3rd Addition Dear Stcvc: Department of Contrnunity Development I have rcvicwed your rcviscd plans for thc Pctcrs residcncc and find that thcy still do not meet thc zoning rcquirerncnts. Thc following issucs must bc rcsolvcd: I' lt appc0rs that thc topography shown on thc sitc plan varics from thc topography shown on thc survey. Plcasc corrcct your sitc plan to accuratcly rcflcct thc topographic inforrnation. 2. It appcars that thc cxisting structurc is locatcd slightly cliflbrcnt on thc sitc plan than on thc survcy, Plcasc con'cct thc sitc plan to accuratcly rcflcct thc location of thc cxisting structurc. 3. Thc rninimum width for a clrivcway is l2'. Plcasc revisc your plan to show thc proposcd drivcway is a rninimum of l2'. 4. A minimum of a 20'centerlinc radius is rcquired to acccss the garage from the drive. It appears that in thc currcnt configuration. this is imossiblc. 5. ln ordcr to plant trces in the utility casemcnt, you will necd to have all the utility companies sign off of thcse improvcmcnts. plcase provi<le us with a copy of each company's approval. 6. No scction of thc proposcd drivcway can cxceed l0%, unless it is heatecl. Thc site plan shows onc scction of the drivc at i.q%. Plcase ameml the plan to show that po scction sxceeds l0%. If you choose to heat the drive, you may go up to l2%. 7 ' A 4' pan with a 2" invert nceds to be installed at the bottom of the drivewav. {p *""'"u"uuo You arc still schcdulcd for revicw with thc Dcsign Revicw Board on wcdncsday, Fcbruary 5, 1997. Thcsc issucs must bc rcsolvccl by Fcbruary 12, lggl . Should you havc any qucstions, plcasc fccl frcc to contact mc at 479-2454. Sincercly, Ut,rrr^" l/htwivw- Lauren Watcrlon Town Planncr AL/251L997 asi 19 ISOH & e7a3zeu AS P.92 sTEvEfi FETERS I PAqE el : : January 24, 1997 To whom it may concem; Although we would like to help create an employee unit we havs reservations after reading the restrictive permanancy of the arrangementto future owners and its posssible effect on the valui of the home. Our_options appear to be either to remove the range(which we are wiilingto do) or request the following: W_e will give up the additircnal Z5O square feet of allotted square footage offered to create the space if the deed restriction can be modified to state that a future owner with 30 days written notice may rernove the range and use the space. / In additon, we request that the employee unit effective date..$iart one week prior to issuance of the occupancy certificate on the'hew duplex unit. Until the new unlt is ready for our occupancy, we need the lower unitfor personal use- lf we can not modlfy the arragement es stated above please consider this notafication that the range will be removed as required by your regulations. Sincerely, n /75, rsoM & AssoctArEs l_l //^\ Architecture Land Plannins ProjectManasement 22 January 1997 Lauren Waterton Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: 4193 SPRUCE WAY Lot12, Lot 9 Bighorn 3rd. Addition Dear Lauren: This letter is in regard to your letter ofJanuary lg,lggT concerning Steve Peters'lot at 4193 Spruce Way in Vail. Your comments are addressed as follows: l. The GRFA has been reduced on the unit by a minimum of 23 square feet. We havb moved the wall structure on the lower level storage area to make this accommodation. 2. The site plan has been changed to reduce the amount of asphalt for the driveways thereby allowing greater thwr 6OYo of site coverage for landscaping. The walkway on the east side ofthe new building has also been removed. 3. The chimney was designed to be 3' 6" into the side setback. The roof is also only 3,6', into the setback and these will all be verified with the final building plans for the project. 4. The deed restriction for the employee units has been completed and is attached to the submittal. 5. Ken Long from Isom and Associates will be meeting with you at2:00 p.m. on February 22, 1997 to verify the square footage in existing structure. If you have any other questions regarding this applicatiorl please contact this office. It is understood tlat we will be appearing before the Design Review Board on January 5,lgg7. Sincerely, p.c.: Steve Peters 96231flr3 4-1a t\)szozsooP.0, Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 FAX 328-6266 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D ep artntent of C ommunity D eve lopment January 16,'1997 Stevc lsom Isom and Associatcs PO Box 9 Eaglc. CO 81631 RE: 4193 Sprucc Way/Lot 12. Block 9. Bighorn 3rd Acidition Dcar Stcvc: I havc rcvicwcd thc application you havc submittcd on bchalfofStcvc Petcrs for a new residence on thc abovc-rcfcrcnced lot. I have the following comments: l. The proposed GRFA is over thc allowablc by 23 square feet. Please revise the floor plans to reduce the totai squarc footagc by this amount. 2. Thc minimum pcrccntage of landscaping has not bccn mct. I calculate that only 59% of thc site is proposed to bc landscaped. Please revisc your landscape plan to mcct the minimum 60%. 3. The proposed chimney appears to project into the sidc sctback more than four fect. The roof in this location also projects into thc setback morc than four tbct. 4. Thc dccd rcstriction for thc cmpioycc units nceds to bc complctcd and rcfurncd to our officc as soon as possible. 5. A site visit to verifr the existing square foofagc nccds to be scheduled. Plcase call me so that this can bc donc. I have not yct received comments from thc Fire or Public Works Departments regarding this proposal. When I receive those commcnts. I will pass thcm along to you. This item is currently schedulcd fbr the Design Rcview Board meeting on Fcbruary 5. 1997. In order to remain on that agcnda, I nccd to havc rcvised plans that address the abovc issucs no latcr than Tuesday, January 28, 1997. Should you havc any qucstions, plcase feel ficc to contact meatll9-2454. Sinccrcly. [ta,,,,r^- Nrtryt*- Laurcn Waterton Town Planncr {,7 *'n"uo 'uuo fovlrad j T s/L1/9r DESIGN REVIEW .:' BOARD APPI.TICATION - TOh'}{ OF VAfIJ, COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** ********** .PROJECT TNFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: 'TrwDE alF D r5ltT t r^r, X ll"r consErucEion ($200.00) Addition ($s0.00) IJEGAI.J DESCRIPTION: LOI: Subdivision If properby is described bydescription, please provide to this applicaLion. Minor ALEerarion (920.00) concepLual Review ($0) c. n ADDRESS = 4/73 ,-Sr(ttce wA/ a meets and bounds on a separaEe Sheet 1ega1 and attach F. r. J. ZONING: NAI{E OF MaiLing APPLICANT: €r/ 61 NA.I'{E OF ttai l ing Address: Phone APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE: 7 Address:=A6LE. C a 2-q - 6 Phone - z-3 NAME OF O!IiNER(S): OWIIIER(S) SIGNATURE: Itailing Address: Phone jzK- 5z?l BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIGNATUP.E Condominium Approval if applicable- DR3 FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Lo be paid at the' time of s.ubmit.t,al of Lhe DRB application. Later. when applying for a buildinq' permiL, please idencify the accuraLe valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust t.he fee according to Ehe Lab1e below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o $ 10,000 $ 10,001 $ 50,000 $ 50,001 $ 150,000 $150, 001 $ soo,000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000S Over $1",000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAL IINI-,ESS A BUII-.,DING PERMfT IS IS SEARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $r.00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTTON APPIJICATIONS WTIJI' NOT revlsed 8,/17l9{ \TOB NAME SI'BDIVIST LOT ADDRESS The form is used Lo verify serviceshould be used in conjunction with scheduling installations. For any appLicant must provide a completed TOIiIN OF VAII-I UTILITY LOCATION VERfFICATTON FORM EfgR FILING The location and availabilicy of utitities. whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for Lhe accompanying site p1an. A11 authorizing signaEures need to be originals. Authorized S iernature Dat e h-^ s tqa^-J x Ae p*s**Upper Eagle Valley Wat.er $1a$& sanibaLion DisLrict * \ 3l3u'*33'." \k.o0\ )'\osQoo q-\btqb **A site plan is required. Physiqal rocation of knowlr utiLities musE be sbown on the site plan. Ut,ility loeations may or may not offer sett\rice to Uhe propeity Line. Any ugility extension required. shal1 be the responsibil-ity of Ehe property owner. NOTE:If a uLiliEy company tras concerns htiLh the proposed consLruct,ion, the uLility represenEative should not direcLly on the ubj.lit.y verif icaLion form LhaE there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in deEail in an atEached leLter to Ehe Town of vai1. However, please keep in mind Ehat it is bhe responsibiliLy of the uLility company to resolve identified problems. If the utitity verification form has signaEures from each of the utility companj.es, and no commenLs are made directly on t.he form, Ltie Town will presume that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. These werificaLions do not relieve Ehe conLractor of his responsibility Lo obtain a street cut permiE from Lhe Town of Vail, Department of Public works and to obtain uLiliLv locations before diggino in any public right-of-way or easement in che Town of vaif-. A builaino permit is not a streeL cuL oermit. A streeL cut permiL must be obtained separat'ely. Installation of service lines are at the expense and responsibility of the properEy owner. 1 2. a MU.s. west, CommunicaEions 458-5860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - 6135cary Ha11/Rich Cooley Holy Cross ElecCric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky,zMichael L,averty **TCI Cablevision of Lhe Rockies 949 -'J,224 M.ark Graves availability and location. Thj. preparingr your utilicy plan and new const,ruction proposal , theubility werif ication form. 1^ k -tc 7^/q- 76 d Tn",k t/o/,'-- -E n s/r- ?-/4.7c 4. rovement Location Certificate according to the plat recorded October 4, I hereby. certify that lhis lmpmvement Location Certificate was prepared for First Western Mortgage Services Inc., its successors and/or assigns and First American Heritage Title Co., lhat it is not a land survey plat or improvement survey plat, and that it is not to be relied upon for the establishrnent of fence, building, or other futrire irnprovement lines.I I further certify thal the improvements on the above described parcel on this date, March 30. 1996, except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel except as shown, that there are no encoachmerits upon the described premises by improvements on any adioining premises,indicated, and that there are no apparenl evidence of any easement crossing or burdening any pq as noted. Recorded information was provided by First American Commitmept No. E9150568962 that lie within the subject them to be ilrawrl are shown on the drawing below.:. According to FIRM Community-Panel No. 080054 0004 flooding), ' t\ \l--f Address : 4193 Spruce Way lvrrc,vawigxr g."-at .*n@F!' %f,e-E. a{ M 45{'ltl M FJ'l rA--flaFl F2Urt p al..l L-dr ll . lNrg.Rsrara /<:' h,l e=" le ?a" \g A +>'la'*" a, €Ruce__ '",,1 sl-i 3T I' ZeZ,r' .\ '\''---t= i<':-e*"r- t\ -]-o-T_ y- H-uce- -0 tl: B, this parcel lies in Zone C (areas of minimal \"* 3o l5e,eo l*o *' \,/AY (52 ) $ s N+ t- \}J xl fl '-rt {({l ---'7 il h),] 0 }{I t'-T- o)$l = ;; I, Notc:Accordiri6bcol0radoIaw,yorr.m!5tcotuIenc!a.nylalaction-ba6eduponanydd:qtintl.u9cerhficate$thint!tryeamafryou ltuch dcf{t ln n. lvent may any acti'on bared upon any d*fit in"s\is crrtifi.nre be iomn*icJ more u"n Gl""r" rro,n t " date of c€*ificatic,n shown hc'on Leland Lechne\ 3@46 Co. Rd.356, Buena Vista, Colorado g|Ztl, (7tg\ 395_9160 U flX rsoM & AssocrArEs ll l/^\ Architeclure Land Plannins ProjectManasement 27 December 1996 Town Of Vail Planning Staff 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: APPLICATION FORDRB REVIEW - Lot 12' Block 9 Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Amended Plat Dear Staff: This letter is an application for DRB approval to construct a new single-family residence on Lot 12, Block 9, in the town of Vail for Steven and Codie Peters. The new residence will be attached to the existing duplex. The lower unit of the duplex was approved for a Type tr Employee Unit onNovember 11, 1996. The area ofthe lot is 21,000 square feet. The topographic survey was prepared and signed by Leland Lechner, PLS and depicting: l. Two-foot contours. 2. Existing trees on site are shown. 3. There are no rock outcroppings, sheams or other hazards. The overall slope ofthe lot is l8%. 4. Elevations are based on the westerly corner of Lot 12 having an elevation of 8,435.00 feet. 5. Culverts will be required. Drainage swales to carry surface water away from the proposed dwelling are shown on the site plan. O. Utitity tines are shown from their source to the structure, including rneter locations. 7. All property lines are shown on tlte Site Plan. Bearings are based on the northwesterly property line being N36o 4l' 30"E 140.00 feet between the rebar found in place. 8. All easements are shown as described on the title report. 9. Existing and finished grades are shown on the Site Plan' P 0. Box 9 Easle, Colorado 81631 ffirrr-rruu FAX 328-6266 The Site and Grading Plan depicts the location of: a. Surface drainage b. Spot elwations are shown for the driveway. c. All existing improvements. d. Elevations ofroofridges and proposed and existing elevations and grades shown undemeath. e. The new driveway grade is proposed at 8o4. Landscaping is shown on the Site Plan. A landscape buffer is proposed between the addition and the existing unit on Lot I l. The remainder oflot 12 has been previously landscaped. Floor plans and elevations at a scale of l/8" = l'-0" are included. Also included are the floor plans for the existing units as measured on December 24, 1996. The list of materials has been completed and is enclosed. Please schedule for DRB review and call ifyou have any questions. p.c.: Steven and Codie Peters 9621{ov FIIE COPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 'l 1, 1996 A request for a conditional use permit to-a[ow for a Type ll FTp]o.y.99 Housing Unit, foiat"O at 4193 Spruce Why/Lot 12, Btock 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Steven Peters, represented by lsom Associates Planner: Dirk Mason I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Sleven Peters, is requesting approval to convert an existing duPlex resid.eng.q' rocitea itar$ Spruce wiv,'inio a'iingre-ia;ity and a Type ll Emplovee.Housing Unit (EHU)' in" ippfi""ni 'rs proposing to construct a new dwelling unit, which would be the third dwelling unit on the site, as an addition to the existing structure- ln September and December ot 1 992, the Town Council passed Ord.inances I and 27 , Series of isgiiio create a new Crripter 18.57 - Employee Housinl, for the addition ol Employee Housing Units'(EnUs) as permitteO'or conditional usei within ceriiin zone districts within the Town of Vail. The definition in that ordinance stales: Section 18.04.105 (in Part) "Employee Housinj Uhit linUt shall mean a dwelling unit which shall not be leased or rent6d ior any peri6O lessthan'thirty (30) consecutive days, and shall be rented only to tenants who are tuit-time employee"s bt eagte County. EHUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts as iet torm in bnipter 18 ollhis Code. Development standards for EHUs shall be as provided in Chapter ie.SZ - Employee Housing.. For the purposes of this section, a tirtt-time employee shall mean a'person who works a minimum of an average of thirty (30) hours Per week." Pursuant to Section 18.57.050(8) of the Vail Municipal Code, in part, a Type ll Employee Housing Unit shall be a conditional use in'the Two-Family Residential zone district; be permitted on lots which meet the minimum lot size requirement; be attached to, or located within, a single{amily Owelting or two-family dwelling; not have more than two bedrooms; shall have one parking.space p"in"Oioor, witn a'gOO sqrire foot garage credit available to help meet the enclosed parking space requirement. The Type ll EHU proposed by the applicant will be an 841 square foot' one bedroom unit, locateij on the lower level of ihe existing structure. The existing structure has a one-car garage and a carport. The applicant has proposed that the carport be used by the EHU' II. BAGKGROUND OnNovember6,lgg6,theDRBdeniedtheapplicantSsepal{1oy:que.st'becausesignificant site constraints did not exist. The applicant proposed to construct a new detached single family structure as the third dwelling unit. The proposed lo;;tion was in the southwest corner of the lot and would have requirecl-in""temouaf of 'a signiticant amount of mature everoreens' In coniunction with the DRB denial, the Board recommlnded the additional uniibe attached to the exidting structure in the northwest corner' III. ZONING ANALYSIS The existing structure currently mee-ts the Town of Vail zoning requirements' with the construction of the third O*"iiii'g fii on tn" tot, the Zoning Aialysis will change' Staff will insure tn"t att zoning standards are met prior to final DRB approval' IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit applic.ation, the Planning and Environmental Commission"(PEC) shall consider ine Actori with respect to the proposed use: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development obiectives ol the Town. WhentheTownCounci|adoptedtheTownofVai|Af|ordableHousing Study on November 20, 199b, it recognized the need to increase the suppiy ot housing. The Town encourages EHUs as a means of providing qu'aiity tiving .on-dition, and expanding-the_ supply of employee.housing for Ootn fear-r6und and seasonal residents' The proposed. unil will.have a positive impact on lhe Town's housing needs, by providing housing for employees. 2.Theef|ectoltheuseon|ightandair,distributiono|popu|ation' transportation facilities, uiil ities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs' Staff believes that there will be little impact trom the proposed.Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks' 3.Effectupontrafficwithparticu|arreferencetocongestion,automotive andped'estriansafetyandconvenience,trafficf|owandcontrol' access, maneuverability, and removal ol snow from the street and parking areas, Thesiteiscurrent|yusedasrenta|units,therefore,thereisnoadditiona| impact associated with this EHU proposal' 4.Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use as to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. The scale and bulk of the proposed structure is very similar to those in existence in the surrounding neighborhood. The applicant is proposing to attach an additional dwelling unit to the existing structure, which will increase the bulk and mass associated with the property. The amount of GRFA in this proposal has not yet been determined, however, the total GRFA for the project will not exceed the maximum allowable per the Code. Employee Housing Units may be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified by Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code for Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1992, Employee Housing and shall be subiect to the lollowing conditions: a. lt shall be a conditional use in the Single-Fami[ Residential' Two-Family Residential and Primary/Secondary Residential zone districts. The subject property is zoned Two-Family Residential. b. lt shall be permitted only on lots which comply with the minimum lot size requirements of the zone district in which the lot is located. The minimum lot size for a Type ll EHU in the Two-Family Residential zone district is 15,000 square feet of buildable site area. The applicant's property has 21,000 square feet of buildable site area. c. lt shall be located within, or attached to, a single-family dwelling or be located within, or attached to' a two'family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050(1)' Design Guidelines Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development. lt may also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage provided the garage is not located within any setback, and turther provided that no existing parking required by the Town of Vail Municipal Gode is reduced or eliminated- The proposed Type ll EHU will be located on the lower level of a single-family structure. d. lt shall not be counted as a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density- However, it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom, as defined in Chapter 18.04' Definitions of the Municipal Code, lt shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two dwelling units which may already exist on the lot. Only one Type ll EHU shall be allowed per lot. The proposed EHU will eventually be a third dwelling unit on the site. lt will contain a lull kitchen and lull bathroom facilities. 5. e. lt shall have a GRFA of not less than three hundred (300) square feet, nor mole than nine hundred (900) square feet' An a p pil ;;; il*"u"r, s h al I b-e p erm itted t9 ? pplv l-o-t l" cotnt"nitv 6"u"iopt"nt llepartment of the T-own of Vailfor additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU' The proposed EHU is 841 square feet in size' and therefore' comPlies with this criteria' f ' lt shall have no more than n^'o bedrooms' The proposed EHU is a one-bedroom unit and therefore complies with this criteria' g. No more than two (2) adults and one (1) child not older than si*teenifOl Veat" oiage shall reside in a one (1) bedroom rvp"li enu" No moreihan two (2) adults and two.(2) children notoloerthansixteen(16)yearso|ageshal|resideinatwo(2) bedroom TYPe ll EHU' Sincethisunitwi||functionaSaone(1)bedroom,Type||EHU'the ritsiparioiine above listed regulation willbe complied with' h. Each Type ll EHU shall be required to hal'-9 no less than one (1) p"tiind!p""e for each bedroom located therein' However' if a on"'iiiuJoioom Type il EHU exceeds six hundred (600) square feei,'it'shall have two (2) parking spaces' All parking spaces ,"q,li'r"o uv ini= coo" "i.,all be tocated on the same lot or site "" tn" gfffi' ff no dwelling exists upon the property which is ptoposeJiota Type ll EHU at the time a building permit is i""',i"a-, o, ii an eiisting dwelling is to be demolished and t*d;;Jlt a new dwe-lling, noiless.th.?l on" lll-of the parking tpi"""Lq,ired by this piragraph strall be enclosed' A 300 "qu"i, teei cnra'credit'shall be allowed for the construction of one enclosed parking space for the Type ll EHU' TheproposedEHUwi||be|ocatedinanexistingstructure'Witha on"-i"i.-gl'"geandcarpoft.Theexistingdeve|opmentrequires tort p"ir.Ing;paces' tlvo of which are foithe EHU' The parking requirements are met on this site' B. Findings The Planning and Environmental commission shall make the following findings O"tot" gt"nti-ng a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit: l.Thattheproposed|ocationoltheuseinaccordanceWiththepurposesof this ordinance and the purposes oithe oistrict in which the site is located' 2'Thattheproposed|ocationoftheuseandtheconditionsunderwhichit r"*i.i O"-opbrated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safdty, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity' S.Thattheproposedusewou|dcomp|yWithe:achoftheapp|icab|e provisions oi titte '18 ol the Vail Municipal Code' V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Department staff recommends approval.of this application for a conOitionat use permit tir a fype it emptoyee Housing Unit, subject to the tollowing findings: l.Thatrheproposed|ocationo|theuseisinaccordanceWiththepurposeof tn[ OrOinanbe and the purposes ol the district in which the site is located' Z. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it *oulO Oe'opbrated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, sal6ty, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or imProvements in the vicinitY' S.Thattheproposedusewi||comp|ywitheachoftheapp|icab|eprovisions of Title 18 of the Vail Municipal Code' The recommendation for approval is also subject to the following conditions: 1. That the applicant execute and return a TyPg ll EHU Deed Restriction to the Town biior to the Town's issuance of a Buibing Permit' 2. That the one-car garage be appropriately deed restricted for exclusive use bY the occupant of the EHU. 3. Staft shall perform a walk-through oI the existing structure, priorto final oRB review to insure that the EHU meets the requirements of chapter 1g.S7.0S0, Type ll Employee housing unit, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. f :\ovoryone\pec\memos\Peters.n I I t- F Qult tL Ellll<2Z HE Tz.3 KJF3; u7r Fz =6 F: Ftl v,v* xtI) dl? 4E z.o =N=./\aJ UJ LL #",{ ze. 'f(, z Fo z () LIJ U> |-\ "8.-6'{ = i .xrOr ffi .\i'j 461 el \,,, Improvement Location Certificate Legal Dercription: Lot 12' Blo* 9, Birhom subdivision' Third Addition Arnended plat, according to the plat re(o!d€d or{ober 4,l9ri3 under Rec€ption N0.98059, Eagie County, -ofo.ao. I herebv certify that this Impmvement Location certificate was prepared for First lvestern Mortgageservices lnc" its successors and/or assigns and First Amencan Hentage Ti e co., that it is not a land survev fl"-t.:l il?tr:-"nl survey prat, and riar ir is nq1 1s u. ,"it"J "p". for rhc establrshmcnr of fence, ir,rjtr;or oth€r luture improvement Iines. Leland Lechrcr PtS-@S6 "..'i,.. ,.'^-i" -=Recorded information was provided by First AmerlcanLommrtm€nt No. ESI5056B%_? that lrc within thc subrectthem to be drarA,'r! are shown on the dtawing below. .{ccording to FIRIV Community-panel No.080054 000.{llood ine). laaress-, +tS: Spruce Way l) +z' 16 vo" u' ilrPRave*lE| r-.4-,{'.!foFt5 Aa-€E-E> a{ M4+l,"jMr! rAi'aFl F Jrl t> aFl !-rT I t l{rta<rara B, this parcel lies in Zone C (areas o[ minimal l5-.a tq $ I $ ,''l >qrv;e-1\'i\\\t\| ^-,- tz:-.-l<=-r*.J:3: i =lrl!l ,J .n -T { NI = I ,tirl r.i !i ,!f -l 0$ + .:ti = lf '>>'w =oi = lRucr-- - -.AAf=- (5- ) Nors A.r'vd|n6 b Cotc.do taF, yqr msr..'"'rr'r'r r.ii'.*."i*fi';;Ji;.'l::';ffifi.ig,ir*$ilr:tLT;#.i:H-t.p:^0".".**'n'vc€rear,,ri-you n,!rd,*oy.t' ilun |en y.d..l ftom tt\e dare oI €ernhc.bih ehown ncr\1''! Leland Lechner, 30946 Co. Rd.356, Buena Vista, Coiorado 812lt. (Zi9) J95-9160 TO[II'I ilF UA I L CII-I_DEV :505-479-2452 '96 1?:19 No .013 P.01 Csll tho Planning Stallat 479-2138 APPIJCATIOH FOR PLANNNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL':,:, C0MMISSTON'APFROVAL AENEMLINTOBMAII{IN Tl* "FFfrr6t"" ir f*--i f*i*r *quirlng approval W tho Plmning md Environmcntal Comrniasion. For spccifio info,rrnatiolr. tcc thc srbmrttalioqulromcnts for tho puticular approvnl thNl ls rcquagted- The +plicatisn oan not bo a;.pirO *Cf dt roquhnd Informltion is subrrrltort Thc projoct rnay slsp n'ccd to be rcvic$'od by tho Town Counoil and/or thc Dcsign Rovlow Board, i! ' '! : A. . TYPII OF APPLICATION: )E!( nC,fitl*al GRFA (250) For E.JHIJ *O- Anrcndmmt to sn Approvcd Dovjlglmcmt Plan / E -BcO and flrcaklb.st jd'* Employcc Houeittg Unit (Typc: J{^ ) tl Condrhonsl Ues Ptrnit i'," " E tM"lor ot El Mlnor CCI Extorior Altcration tr Major or E Minor Subdrvision (Vall Vlllago) Cl Rer.oning n Major or El Minor CCII Exfcrior Altsration fl Sigri vruiancc lUone[eod)tr varianoc Special Dduelopmcnt Distict Malor or Cl Minor Antcndrnqrt to ur SDDE ZoningCodcAmondmcnt B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUE$T: C. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:,,.1 Z - suocrt-?*ruNl fu ablpcL.Zap. ..* . ... ADDITESS:BUILDINGNAME: NAMEOFOWNER(S); MAILINOADDRE$S: owNER(S) $TGNATTIRE($) : NA MU OF REPRESBNTATIV E: MAILING ADDRESS: yy161192 '12- (-z-)KK FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL RSQUIRBMENTS FOR T1{B APPROPRIATE FEE. l SUBMIT THTS ATFLICATION, ALL $USMITbAL REQUTREIIIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOIIMENT. TS SOUTII FBONTAGE RO.{D, coLoRADO $1657, tr tr G. H. ,1 .":: $t rii' t {' TOWNOFVA/|L For Ofllclflro Only: r.. [o;,fQWe F ec ? wd: lLl ft | Lrt{l t "Ck# :-__ Applicarion ourc' IC -(l- oiL. PECMcaingD^r",ll* (l-ri,b Posl-lt' Fax Note n frd IsoM & AssoclArEs ll l,/ \ Architecture Land Plannins Projecl Manasement 9 October 1996 Ms. Lauren Waterton Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE:ApplicationforPlanningandDnvironmcntalCommissionApprovalofan Employee nouring uniifor Lot 12, Block g, Bighorn subdivision, Third Addition Dear Lauren: WeareherebymakingapplicationforoneEmployeeHousingUnit(rvp:tr)andtheadditional 250 square feet of GRF^{.[,.Lot tz, Btock l, Bighorn Subdivisiorl.third addition amended' Lot 12 has a total ar"o of Zf pOO tqu*.'ft"t ana is in ttre two-family residential zone which would allow for 5,200 square feet of cRtr'e according to chapter 18'12'090 of the Town of vail Zoning Regulations: We are proposing only 4,839 square feet livable space: l. (15,000 sq.ft. / 100) x25 = 2. ( 6,000 sq.ft. / 100) x l0 : 3. (425 sq.ft. x 2 units) Total I. EFIU 2. Unit aboveEHU 3. New unit seParated Total 3,750 sq.ft. 600 sq.ft. 850 sq.ft. 5,200 sq.ft. 841 sq.ft' 1,490 sq.ft. 2.508 sq.ft. 4,839 sq.ft. The total impervious material coverage is7,2ll square feet ot 34'3Yo and the landscaped area is ir,zs9 tqu*" feet or 65.7% of the total21,000 square foot lo o^la o* Seven parking spaces are required and 9 are being supplied; 6 outside with a l\,vg:gg€glge existin! and a tluee-car garage proposed for the new unit' The existing strucfure was constructed in the mid-seventies with I unit and a garage on the lower level, and a second unit on the upper level' P.0. Box I Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 Chapter 18.71, Section .010 purposes to induce the owners of older units in Vail to upgrade their units by permitting the addition ofup to 250 square feet of GRFA' The conversion of one unit to an employee housing unit and the addition of a single-family unit with a total GRFA of 4,839 square fieet-on a 21,000 squiue foot lot that is in the center of a neighborhood that is made up of two-family homes, lodges and inns (see list of adjacent property oo#".s; will have an insignidcant effect onlight and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schoolJ, parks and recreational facilities or any other public facility. All parking is designed with on-site tum arounds and will not require backing into Spruce Way' Adequate ,no* Jtorug" is provided on-site. The additional unit will be stepped up the existing slope, as shown on the enclosed elevations. Most of the adjacent structures are at least two stories and vary from two units to 24 units. The additional unit and the existing two-family structure are in character with this neighborhood. The units will not be condominiumized The following items are included with this application: 1. A check for $200.00 is attached for a zubmittal fee' 2. An improvement location certificate 3. A topograPhic survey 4. A site Plan at a scale of l" = 20' 5. Floor plans and elevations at a scale of 1/8" : l' 6. A owners policy showing Steven Leroy Peters and Codie Carter Peters as owners' 7. A list of all adjacent property owners and their addresses along with stamped, addressed enveloPes. 8. A copy of the Eagle County Assessor's Property Record Card which shows the structure was built in 1978. Please review this submittal for completeness and let this office know if you need any additional items. Since no exterior modifications are required for the structure containing the E. H' U', this application should not have to be reviewed by the P & E, only the Department of Community Development. Sincerely, /f#-^.,W Ken Long p.c.: Steve and Codie Peters 9623hu2 J Improvement Location Certificate Legal Deecription: I*112, Bloc! 9' Bigtorn Subdlvisiory Third Addition.A.mended Plat. according to the plar recorded ocrober l,1963 under Rectption No 96019, Eagle County, Colorado. t hereby. certify that this lmpmvement Location Certificate was prepared for First Western Mortgage *:l:.:l:::,'.,:::::y: ll*1oi u:'lFn: ?$ First American r-rerita_sdriire c;.;iil il;,;;i-;il;;"*:;plat or improvement survey plal and t[at it is not to be relied upon f"or the establishment of fence. Uuiljin-j,or other future irnprovement lines.or other future irnprovement t 4..-aL^- ---!r-- rL -, ,!I further-certify that the improvemenls on the above described parcel on this date, March 30, 1996, except :l ]iI :"""Yions, are entirelr - within the boundaries of the p;";i ;;p;;, ;il;;i'iliil;;;'; f; :lT:::lT:9 upon the described.premises by improvements on any adjoining pr"*,*.,indicated, T1]1y,, there are no apparent evidence of any easement aossinjor t"j;il;"'"y as noted, 7- Ba-na Date Recorded information was-provided by First American Heritage Titte co. fic#hiA.gg4nd$'L.. R"-:tE*_y.: ^qtT_Tl*Z that lie wiihin rhe subject propen! and are a"'.riu"8rffffuS$ul't5ri'*'*lll,I1iTi*_r*"#'tr'"d{,i1"*,tffi ilffij:T,?;,lff ""ii'i,"'i;,1*ffitrf ffi $1them to be drawn, ar€ shown on the drawing below. According to FIRM Community-Panel No. 080054 0004 B, this parcel lies in Zone C (areas of minimalflooding). Address: 4193 SpruceWay lr{Tf RavEVlEJ-fT L-€ar1aFt5 EA#e-r2 e{ Ma|.lLlME}.Il.A-n6r.l faurlt? aH LzT ll . \":3o lNfgAsfa-fe /<> Fl e=" 16 ae" ,*l1e.oe .S 6d.,.2n t__ .l-tl_-:r__ - {l $l- -1__ SI-i lTt' Lp2.7' t- 1I l{t\il { 5 5 -.-J------ i- >?1x ;-..'--\. --- t PervE' ,.ox . -l ut- tr- a li-r<e, -$ r$4A.l l*a.e' WAY (5o'\ Notc: Acco.drn$ to Colffado Inw, v(s,,chdc'lrt ;;r';*.il;;;^;;.d.#olH'"ffiTT.igitril,iffl,:is.ff#"m1,H,ff'#r#TilT##&#Trffim*ffi \\--- p $-! t N-i- I s fi\ -f t r{l --z !l L h _J tJ 0 H\ '-!- 0\ ta' = A a*'@'v-,'u/ =re-ucE- Leland Lechner, 30946 Co. Rd. 35d, Buena Vista, Colorado BlZ11, (7i9) 395_9160 A t"ign Review Action F|t TOWN OF VAIL Category Number_ Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ) Owner, Address and Phone: LegalDescriptionttot /2 ilock 7 suoaivvton llrShru #Jt,,.,ha ?l zoneDistricr iZ Project Street Address: Commenls: Motion by: Seconded by: n Approval frlDisapproval [] StaffApproval Board / Staff Action Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid - tV, lsoM & AssoclATEs lJ l/t=\ Architecture Land Ptanning ProjeetManasement 9 October 1996 Ms. Lauren Waterton Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: DRB Application for Separation of a Duplex for Lot 12, Block 9 Bighorn Subdivision, 3rd Addition Amended Dear Lauren: Please find enclosed an application for Separation of a Duplex for Lot 12, Block 9, Bighorn Subdivisio4 Third Addition Amended. Lot 12 has an oristing two-family structure that was constructed in the mid-seventies. The lower level coutains a garage and a unit with 841 square feet of livable space. An application for an Employee Housing Unit for this lower level has been submitted for the Planning and Environmental Commission approval and a copy of that submittal is attached. Theupper level contains 1,490 square feet oflivable space. With the change of the lower unit to an E.H.U., the parcel will become eligible for one more unit. We are proposing a separated stmcture containing a 2,508 square foot single-frmily residential unit located as shown on the enclosed site plan. The new structure is located in this configuration in arr attempt to save as many mature evergreens as possible. The existing structure is surrounded by numerous trees as shown on tle enclosed site plan and in the photographs. This location also reduces the size ofthe driveway and parking area. Forcing the second unit to be attached will create impacts on the adjacent properties and visually scar the site. In addition to the Application for Separation of a Duplex and the site plarl we are also enclosing the following: L A copy of the Owner's Policy showing Steven Leroy Peters and Codie Carter Peters as owners. 2. A list of the adjacent property owners with their addresses. P.0. Box 9 Eagle, Colorado 8.1631 (303)328-2388 FAX 328-6266 3. Plans and elevations of the proposed unit at a scale of l/8" = l'-0. 4. A topographic survey signed by a professional land surveyor. 5. An Improvement Location Certificate sigrred by a professional land surveyor. 6. A check for $200 is attached for a submittal fee. Please review this submittal for completeness and let this office know if you need any additional items. Sincerely, /fr*,-M,"7 Ken Long Senior Planner p.c.: StevePeters 96z'Lur o Improvement Location Certificate Legal Descriptioru Lot 12" Block % Bighorn Subdivision, Third Addition Amended Plat, according to the plat recorded October 4, 1963 under Reception No. 96059, Eagle County, Colorado. I hereby certify that this lmprovement Location Certificate was prepared for First Western Mortgage Services Inc,, its succe$sors and/or assigns and First American Heritage Tille Co., that it is not a land survey plat or improvement survey plat, and that it is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. I further certify that the improvemenls on the above described parcel on this date, March 30, 1996, except utility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of the parcel except as shown, that there are no encroachments upon the described premises by improvements on any adioining premises, -e6g6pf4p indj and that there are no apparent evidence of any easement crossing or burdening any p{$$.[fra{S p.indicated, as noted. 7- 7a -na Date Recorded information was provided by First American Commitment No. 8515056896-2 that lie within the subject them to be drawn, are shown on the drawing belovr'. According to FIRM Communig-Panel No. 080054 0004 flooding). Address : 4193 Spruce Way B, this parcel lies in Zone C (areas of minimal 1 MFRTVE-!'/1F..|'Ir L-<,A:naF.l5 eta-6E-D a{ M e'ts{LlM rN rAn4{ tuUr,ltf ai'{ |-aT \1,. \ ''3 3e l$ft-Ag-a-re 7":, F.j s+" 16 z.>";t-,l5a.a-o t) +9'l& z*'" 11,l3a,@ ,o 6i ) $ TI ) I$l 0 N\ ..q- .$ lCt = !l F JJ '0 HI t-r- $ = -EG\JaL_ __y5zrg_-- (=,: ) Note: A!-{\)rd.nB to Cukrrado law. vou muEt commfic(' any letal acb(m b.6ed upon any dqfect rn tfus certificdte,qthin thf,€e yearl after you fint discovetsttthdcftlt'|nnoiJv!'ntrnayanyacdtrnbaeedtrp:nalryo"r.ir'n,*',s..'titi.n|ebecqn'r:ncedmt}rethantenyeaFromrEdateotceffcationshownhrret' 6a.la \.'., - 'L*:e,Ya*l'-X-_ r\t\| ,<T- 14_:H-)__J:,_::.__ $ t-_- I 3Tl'-j_--- -91 tz. Z..v ' [ngE=- --s 'lA4e.r r il5 Itrvl 3tll Il Ff a Lefand Lechnet 3CP,46 Co, Rd. 356, Buena Vista, Colorado g1211, (719) 395-9160 x.!!.A A|LT l9l DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIIJ, COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **tt******* LNCOMPI'EIE APPLIZATIONS II,AY NOr BE SCHEDULED FOR REI/IEW'********** A. I,PROTTECT INI'OR}IATION : DESCRI PTION: R TYPE OF REVIEW: X New construcLion ($200.00) Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: Minor A1 Ceration ($20.00) concepLual Rewiew ($0) D, If property is described by descripLion, please provide to this applicaEion. a meets and bounds on a separate sheeL Iegal and aLEach G.NA},IE OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: I. J. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I"oL IZ Block q subdivision frta H oR N 7/t?n An.o. Attt e'vnan zoNING: fwo- Far*tt-v R ss. NAI{E OF APPIJICAI{:T Z s*C,VCN PC*CTS Mailing Address:Po/3ox 25, Ee.gle, Co (t6',t NAI{E OF OWNER(S) :Lt.r Mailing Address: Phone APPI'TCATTONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OWNER'S SIENATVRE Condominium Approval if appllcable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t,ime of submiuEal of the DRB application. LaEer, when aPplying for a building permit,, please identify Ehe accuratevaLuation of Ehe proposal . The Town of vail will adjust Ehefee according to Lhe Lable below, uo ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o $ Lo,ooo $ 10,001 - $ 50, ooo $ s0, 001 $ 1s0 , 000 $150, 001 $ 500, 000 $s00, 001 - $1-, 000, 000$ over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NI.,ESS A BUILDfNG PERMTT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $L00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFEER FINAIJ ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Department of Community Development November 6, 1996 Peters separation request /: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: friE&pr t. The applicant is seeking a separation-req.uest to construct a new single-family structure on Lot 12, Btock 9, Bighorn SuOJiuil|on Srd Addition, tociteO-"iJrW Spruc-e Way' The applicant's rationale for requesting the separation is that rhe n"il tti'"t'iu is located in this configuration in an attempt to save as many mature evergreens as possible' The existing structure is located in the rear, or to the north, of the existing.lot' The existing structure contains two dwelling units; one wnnn is appioii*at"ty 8+o sq. ft. in size and the other is approximately 1,500 sq. ft. in size' II. CBITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of the Design Guidelines, Sectio-n 1.8'54'050 (l)' DupleJ and Primary/Secondary 55"ii,-pi;-r,litloiih;id; "rl"iirtrrtiiJpii coo", the Communitv Development Department retomrirenOs Oenial of the requested separation based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The purpose of this section is to insure that duplex and primary/se.condary deve|opmentisdesignedinamannerthatcreatesanarchitectura||y integrateo';iir"trre ivirn unitieo site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure' 2. The presence of significant site constraints may permit the. physical Separationotunits-andgaragesonaSite'The.determinationofwhether ornotalothassignifica*ntsiteconstraintssha||bemadebytheDesign Review aoaro -slgniticant site constraints shall be defined as natural features of a lot, such as: . stands of mature trees'. natural drainages,. stream courses and other natural water jeatures' . rock outcroppings,. wetlands,. other natural features, and. existing strr"tur"i ti at *ay create practical difliculties in the site planning and develoPment of a lot' oo "Tsls Following a site visit, staff has determined that the proposed location of the new single- family structure will Oe locateA in a stand of approximately 19 mature evergreens' The orooosal indicates the removal of approximatety S0oZo ol the mature evergreens' which is 5pp?o*imately 27.51"of the total number ot trees on the site' III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department.stal-f recommends denial ol the applicant's separation request. Staff believes tne "ppfici"t hassignificant site area to locate an addition to the existing OrifOi"S in the north/nortn*elicotner of the-lot. This particular location has only one mature "ueigi6en, rnereas the proposed location requires lhe removal of 9-10 mature trees' IV. ADD]TIONALINFORMATION Attached are two letters in opposition to the proposed separation request' SAUNDRA LEE SPAEH AIA ARCHITECT PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION October 22, l??6 Mr. Michoel Arnetf Design Review Boord Town of V oil C/O: Communily Developmenl Deporlment 75 S. Fro nloge Rd. W. Voil. CO 81657 Re: Lot 12. Block 9, Eighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Deor Mike: I hov e recently become owore of o proposed seporoled duplex on Jhe lol odio c e nl lo ours. I qm strongly opposed to fhe plonned seporotion ond locotion ol lhe new struclure. My primory obieclion to lhe proje cl is lhe removol of irees on lhe property, porliculorly lhe lorge lre e5 ol the f ronl of lhe lot. These lrees ore extremely importont to the neighborhood slreetsc ope. lmmediotely ocross lhe s tre el f rom lhese lrees is lhe Altoir Condominium complex porking lol, which is on exponse of ospholl wit h no irees belween lhe lol ond the rood. lf the trees ocross lhe slreel f orm lhis oreo ore removed, lhe f ores led, Eos t Voil f eei of lhe neighborhood would be lost. I om noi opposed lo Jhe concepl of o seporoted duplex in generol however, in this cqse p e rhops the new slructure could be locoled in o noth er oreo oI lhe lol. There ap p eors to be cmple room ol lhe norlhwesl c orner f or o good sized f ooi prinl This would olso olleviole ihe need f o|lwo slreet culs so close to one on other ond would improve lhe views f rom lhe new slruclure. Inlerf ering in the design of onother's projecl is nol my intenl bui, the c urrenl p ropos o I oppeors lo be in conf lict wit h the Town of Voil's Design Guidelines ond cleorly would negolively impoci nol only our property bul the be outy of lhe enlire slreel. Pleose review- mv concerns ond il you hove ony queslions or nee d f urthe r inf ormotion, pleose do not hesitote lo coll. Sincerel POST OFFICE BOX 454 vAtL coLoRADO 81658 970 476 8?96 JAMES E. KNESER 6-133 East Stmford Avenue Englcrvood, Colorado 811111- 1162 (303) 770-0787 October 22, L996 Dcsign Review Board, Town of Vail Attn: Mr. Micltael Amett c/o Community Development Dcpartrncnt 75 Soudr Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 re: Thc request to approve separation on lot 1?, Block 9, Bighom Subdivision----1193 Spnrce Way Dcar Mr. Amett: My uife and I own the property direcdy to tlrc rvest of the subjcct propcrty and have become arvare t.hat a request has been made by drc new orvne r of the subicct propertv to remove a sirbstantial nr.rmber of old gros.dr evergreens in order to build a separate living structure on thc properrv. \\/e are opposed to dre grandng of such approva.l by drc DRB for dre following rcasor.rs: 1. Needless loss of Mature uees. The proposal, as dcscribcd to us, .*ili rcquire the destnicdon of a large number of trees cstimated to bc tallcr dral 50 ft. on avcragc. Thcsc trces arc quite notablc on drc street and drcir destruction rvould be a substantial loss to the ncighborhood and all o[East Vail. Across dre street from thc subicct lot are two largc parking lots sen'icirrg nl'! rcntal complcxes. Thc starkncss of tl'rese large open paved lots is soFtened to a great critcnt b), the trecs on thc nortli side of Spruce Vay-most notably dre subject lot's trees. Thus, dre harm to drc nciglrlnrhood caused by thc loss of drese trees v'ould be dramatic. 2. Incongruity of Design. The Sr,rbjcct lot md its ncighbors iu both direcdons share conrmon lidrographic and elevadon charactenstics. No r,rrrdeveloped lots rcmain in drc imme diate vicirrir,r'. A.ll of dre lots contain single structurcs which havc dcalt in variorrs rvays rvitli tirc constrailrts common to all. To allorv scparaUon norv when none is requircd would be dctrimcnlal to thc dcsigr contirruin'of dre neighborhood. We believe that dre Design Review Board secks to ensurc drat cach ncrv clcmcnt pcmrittcd irr Vail advarrces dre esdretic quality of dre neighborhood ald drc Totn. Brealung thc design continuiw of drc ncighborhood violates dris principle. 3. Failure to demotrsuate hardship. Thc sub]cct lot possesses ample area to build dre fully allorvable square footage in one strucnlre 'w'idrout damagirrg any of dre beautifi.rl stand of mature trees as is currendy intended. Mature trees should not bc sacrificcd for couvcnicncc and cost savilrg. We bear no animus toward the nev orlnens of dre sLrbject properry and l,ish them rvell in dreir efforts to freshen and update dreir nervlv purchascd home. Wc intend to livc full tinrc in our \rail home as soon as our nest empdes in Denr.er and look fonvard to rvclcoming drcm as our neighbors. \Vc arc, horvcr.cr, urralterabl.v opposed to any changes anlvhere in Vail which rcquirc tlre rcnroval of manrrc trces or thc pe rmitting of dcsign inconsisterrcies (e.g. separation of strucnrres) solelv for dte sake of convcnicrrce and/or cost savirrg. Thank you for;'our kind attention to orlr couce nls irr dris rnattcr. Srncerely, AN*B, /1*^,-"- Sally B. Knese r SAUNDRA LEE SPAEH AIA ARCHITEC] PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION October 22. 199 6 Mr. Michqel Arnetl Design Review Boord Town of Voil C /O: C o mmunily Developmenl Deporlment 75 5. Fronloge Rd. W. V oil, co 81652 Re: Loi 12, Block 9, Bighorn subdivision 3rd Addilion Deor Mike: I hove recenlly become owo re of o proposed seporoted duplex on ihe lol odjocenl lo ours. I om slrongly opp osed lo lhe plonned seporolion ond locolion of the new slructure. My primory objeciion lo the proiect is lhe removol of lrees on lhe properly, porticulorly lhe lorge lrees ol lhe froni of the lot. These lrees ore exiremely imporfont to lhe neighborhood slreelscope' lmmediolely ocross ihe slreel irom lhese f rees is the All o ir Condominium complex porking lof, which is on exponse of ospholt with no lrees belween lhe lot ond fhe road. lt f he trees ocross lhe streel f orm lhis oreo ore removed, the foresled, Eost Vail f eel of the neighborhood would be losl. I om not oppos ed lo lhe concepl of o seporoted duplex in g enerol however. in lhis cose perhops lhe new strucf ure could be locoled in onother oreo of the lo t. There oppeors 1o be omple room ot the northwesl corner for o good sized f ool prinl This would olso olleviole the need f or Jwo slreel cufs so close to one onother ond would improve lhe views f rom the new slruclure. Interfering in lhe design of onolher's proiecl is nof mv inlenl but, ihe currenf prop osol oppeors lo be in conflicl wllh the Town of V o il's Design Guidelines ond cleorly would negotively impocl not only our properly bui the beauty of lhe enlire sireel. Pleose review my c oncerns ond if you hove ony ouesiions or need f urther inf ormotion. pleose do nol hesitofe lo coll. Sincerel POST OFFICE BOX 454 VAIL COLORADO 8I658 970 476 899 6 JAMES E. KNESER 6433 East Stanford Avenue Englewood, Colorado 801 71 - 1 7 62 (303) 770-0787 October 22, 1996 Design Review Board, Town of VailAttn: Mr. Michael Amett c/o^Community Development Departnrenr 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 re: The request to approve separation on r-ot 12, Block 9, Bighom Subdivision-4193 Spruce way Dear Mr. Ameft: My wife and r oun the proDerty dile gtly tg the west of the sr,rbject property and have be come arvare that a r€qr.rest l*^*:::lo_:ltt:l:::ly";'orthJ subicct pr.n;;t,o ,e-o.,da s.bsiantiat nrrmber orord growth eversreensln orcet to Druld a separate hvlng struchire on dre p roperty. Ve are opposed to tlre gtanung oF.uch appto"ual bythe DRB for the following reasons: I ' Nee dless loe s of Mature trees. .The. proposal, as described- to us, will re quire the destruction of a. largenumber of trees esdmated to be taller thmr 50 ft.'on average. These trees a.e quite notable on the street andtheit destruction would be a substantial loss to the ".tglrlro:h"d "J Ji.?ilri vrr. Across the street rromthe subiect lot ate two large parking lots senicing trvl rental comple*es. 'I'lie -sta.krr.ss oF these laqg" op.npaved los is softened to a g.eat eitcrrt b1' the tlees on the nortir side oF Spruce Wa1,--or, not"bty'tt.subject lot's trees. Thus, the harm to the neighborhood caused by thc loss of tl'rese trees would be dramatic. 2' I*::g:^tg:1-9:1g" The Subiect lot and its neighbors in borh directions share common lithograptric andelevauon chamctensucs., No.undevelopecl lots rcmain in drc immediare viciniry. All of the lots co"ntain singlestructures which have dealt in vanouJ rvays. with the constraints common to all. To allow separation niw YlAi:T is required worrld be demimenial to thc design continuirv of the neighborhood. We believe t]ratthe IJeslSn Revrew Boatd seeks to ensure that each niw element permittea ;i va;t advances the esthetic ::gg,:f th" neighbodrood and the Tou,n. Breaking the design coriti,.,.,;ry oi ttre nerghborhood violates thispnndple. 3' Faiture to demonstrate $lasrrig The subjectlo.t possesses, ample area to build the fully allowable squarefootage in one stntcture witlrout damaging ariy of the beautifr,l stald of mature trees as is currently intended.Matule trees shorrld not be sacrificed foi c6.,vcnicrrce and cost saving. rJTe bear no animus toward the new owners of the subiect property and rvish them well in their efforts to freshen fl:191t-1r"r newl]' Purchascd home. We inrend to live'fuli time in our Varl home as soon as our nest empdesln lJenver and look torward to.welcoming them as out neighbors. We are, horvever, undterably opposed to anychanges anywhere in Vail which reqlire tl're removal of ma-nrre trees or the permitting oF desigr iir'..""rt*li.!(e'g. separation of struch:res) solery ior the sarie of .on.'.ni.,r.. a,ia7., *ri r^i^g:"-'" Thank you for your kind attenuon to our concems in this matrer. Sincerelv. James E. Kneser Improvement Location Certificate Legal Deecri pti on: !_o!_rz, BJock e, Bighorn Subdivision, Third Additionidffi;;il"d;il;'riio]"gs05g, uutte county, color;f;#u"'"0 *lat' accordins to the plat recorded october d I herebv certifu that this lmprovement Location Certificate was prepared for First western Mortgageservices Inc', its .u..essoo andloi assigns.nJi;;;i Ameri.can Heritagd riire co., rhat ir is not a land surveyPlal or improvem€nl survey plat, and tiat it is not to be relied upon f"or rhe establishment of fence, buildin&or other future improvement iines. I futther certify that the imProvem€nts on the above described parcel on this date, March 30, 1996, exceptutility connections, are entirely within the boundaries of tire pa'rcei except as shown. that there are noencroachments upon the described.premises by improvements on any adioininl :lijl$.............il;;; #"".ppl*", evidlnce or uny .u,J*.nr crossing ", bur,i.^,"fln!,";.afti$$ff$|,F.:it ..$[i'j.r?i;;?;'? Le land Lechnlr-B.tS-@SG irx 3 According to FIRM Community-panel No. 080054 0004 B, flood ing). Address: 4193 Spruce Way lM f Ka>vF-vlEFfr La,e-naFE BASet> a{ M 4'+{LIMEN rA: a{ F-ULID aFl L-aT ll . this parcel lies in Zone C (areas of minimal \ "= 3r> lNrrgsrare /c:' il 44. 18.7o, \4 l9o.* $ -+ 'rA;'-. ;S -'i-4::.- ..':." "" iffi ff*"TJfi rt}t.;1'J;il1'i*0*#T.*Til;::lrT#ff ."n:,ruImffi rt$s:,i*"them to be drawry are shov.'n on the drawing below. i q\ i. . i.":'. !l t- '0J -'-- st- 5.,.1o ,l-rfl-:T.'-_ - -ll II il 2.1-u' l- 1I l$ Y ri ( l Fa e -l-sg=--- 1,1 rltr4e.t A +>'p' *'. "u t $--{- ;\_-]il (\ -T \) NI lrl 0 in +--!- I r{'l = SFRUCE<_ l*o.ao' WAY (5a'\ Notc: At-c$nding to Col<xado law, vc{uch dcL'Lt ';;';*.;;;""y;JJ.ff:Ht"';ilHT"H,:trfl,j*if:q upon anv de'rect in Pus certidcatereithin t}vee years afteryur rirst diesoverrte tre coffr:trcd rn<:r€ than ten yea$ from tre date ;f certificati.irn sfro*rn tr.rrxzr, Leland Lechner, 309rt6Co. Rd,356, Buena Visra, Colorado gl?11, (21,9) 395-9160 '-"q'l |l oesign Review Acti#Form TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Date Project Name: Building Name:. Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: SubdivisionLegalDescdption:Ut l7 Btock -1 Project Street Address: Comments: _ Zone District Motion by:--eearqfStaFLti*ilt----. -I/dfe: '- --' Seconded by: tr Approval fl Disapproval )K StaftApproval Conditions: n Town Planner .!.<: / t r,i-> DRB Fee Pre-oaid 1l , t ' L' J o RT\TTEII EOARD APPIJTCATTON . TOIW OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: *******!t*!l DESCRIPTToN: RCsl €NfYLT wAY oE vt.d, a/t1lta IrBSr@{ I. A. B. D. TYPE OF RTVIEW: / New Construcrion. (g200.OOl _V uinor Alrerat.ion ($20.00)Addition (950.00) I corr."ptual Reviev, ($0) C. ADDRESS:\q3 SL\)L€ t^JRy lL, c0. IJO t IL B15J9F.J:, a meets and boundson a separate sheet I-,EGAI, DESCRIPT Subdivision H. G. F. E. NAI4E OF. O$INER(S): I{AME OF APPLTCENT: Mailiag Addressi rf property is described bydese_ription, pLease providlto this application. ock@- 1ega1 and attach ZONING: Mai_Jinq Address: Phone I\AME OFMailing Phone AppLrcANrJ s REpREsErqrArJvE: tJ+<rs s.-^r.xl- tl-T1fr,Add1'eSS: 11of...l y oG; Cvo/r , ccr 7T.i} '<oore +eto- APPrrreArroMg wr'L NoT BE pRocEssED ,rrrilow owNER, s ilT1NATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as sholvn above, are to be paid at thet'ime or submirral or. trre-pis;ilii.]iioi] "=o5lll, *rr"r,applving for a buirding p.*rii',-pt"""e iaentiiv-l,h. """,rr"t,.valuarion of .he proporal. rhe iown ot vair wLri adjust thefee according to the-rabte ueio*,'Lo ensure the correct feels paid. FEE SCHEDI'LE: VAIJUATTO$I$ o $ 1o,ooo$iu,uOi-$ 5u,uuus50,001 _$ 150,000 9150, 001 _ $ s00; 000' $500, 001 - $1, 0OO, 000$ over $1,000;000 PFlro[ RgvrEiw BoARD AppRo\tArJ E:EPrRESAPPNOVAf, T'IILESS A BUTLDTNG FER!,ir- rSXS STERTBD. Phone I. ,t. r FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 O![E YEAR Af,IIER FIT{AIJ ISSUAD A![D CONSTRUCTTON II. o PRE-IPPLICABIdI HEETING: A pre-application meeging with a rnenber of Lhe planninq staff il- encouraged to deterrrine if any addibional applicacion infornation is needed. It is the'applicant's rLlponsibility to make an appoint'ment with the staff to detLrmine if there are additional submittal requirements. Pl-ease note thaE a COMPLETE application will EtreanLine the review prosegs for your project. III. ruPORtrAIIII' I|(}IICE REGAIPING ALII STIBMISSIONS IIO IrIIE DRB: A. rn addieion to meeLing subrritEal requiremenLs, the appLicant must stake and tape the project site to inaicate property lines, building lines and building corners. ALI trees to be removed must be taped. Al'1 site tapingrs and staking must be completed prior to the DRB sitL visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normal'ly requiree two separate meetings of the oesign Review Board: a conceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review solrd on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be Postponed, wiLL have their iterns removed from Lhe DRB agenda until such time as the itst has been republished. D. The fol-l-owing it,ens may, at the discretion of the zoning administrator' be approved by the Communit'y DeveLopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior clranges which do not alter the existing plane of Lhe buiLding; and b. Building additions not visibLe from any oLher lol or publ.ic space. At the tine euch a proposal is subnrittea, lppticants must include leEteis from - adjacent property owners and/or from the agent for or managei oi any adjacent condominium association stating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow ivalanche, rockfall, fl-ood plain, debris florrv, wetland, etc.), a }razard study must be submitted and the orrrner must sign an affidaviE recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. epbficants are encouraged to check wittr a To$tn Plannerprior to DRB application to determine ttre relationship of the property to all mapped. hazards. F. For alt residential construction: a. Clearty ind,icate on the floor plans Lhe inside face of Lh* ;xLerisi s:iusi:ur.ll wallE of thc building; and b. Indicabe with a dashed Line on the site plan a four foot distance from the exterior face of the buiLdine wall.s or supporting columns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buil.dingpernit. ctz F =t|rl o- oo ctoo <)o ooo oIooo (f) U' UJ IJJu- L =E LIJo rrw-\ €g/av7I//S€#7,l^,,1 si t\r \trlJ i3 \l , -(r I $;( \l\J I \\l Nl., # tl .El I5l,l ElrI.lsl (Ul rol SlElt-l sl qto{ clc U!l ''- FFlPls(ul (4l rt =l.Fl (or-l x lr--ololq- - lslrncot ut ol9l =l-ElcC\II Ilcl,{J+l ol ccl ot'-.t, rrl .o:l '!l otl lfiIFxl=Fl (' .f l=vrt J =t;ol.6<l,nzlz tll < UJz = UJI oz ao LOsf(f) {-t 6 U'IoQ- t,C'PEO(l,o-(J o a5(us '- U)(J 't-IA !(Ucoo./, Eq, g .o(E .9 o,(6 c 3o .E o .^o() (t Eo' q) o 6 q)E O ot E =trt .9'- f D(D o o,(E =.!P o) .9v,oE st () o'.4 E -ofo d o) .E N -<t 3o F. o o ot E () (! g o .2 E o (tt o 3(! 9ES'=P(o EEE F.c :? *E E E-- ETE :EEd'S =c96 EsE E EEsoo --E agrP !{!i.Y- {6 o. rE cL 3Eg ('e O,Ffi: Eu:EE Eg o^6 EEE - oiJ 6 5.sE=oP - -C. E't €oi;;6> P Il. H;g htB9rE oe5g -()6 o r.f, LO@ roc! (Y' sf oc) LO (f,fF, Oq rosl F{ o OO.{ q oO F{ Lf)F: g) <f E Ec, LlJ z = .D Y uJ z Jo-uJ z (o =Jo 9z tu = ql qJ u-z tr ul oul c) =UJ; uJ z 6 u,r F oc UJoc z UJ )< F urof (n uJ IJJlJ- ts =u. u,Jo J F'oF z a! J () F uJJ uJ oz 6 =Jo. J z. -() uJ = NO[Vn'lVA zl =l<l ^lEI 1 zo F f < IL cc o- E |l,, F ooo E o-tI| J z E z F F B UJz tltltltl atrzlz90 <oo<:fr:ccRE6ct<z y) 2.. 9z d6 =tr I l_ r l-l--l+jl+,1,|' l-Il5tq]E uJf = TE <t> at) uJzY9I lu l- z tr)foz I Il-Iio ;+, I :utl-.t I<l:lTItul o(f, =or{ +i+,dco G 3 lt oO(f,ttrtll,;lttStd l''' lp..kl-oH = -v) --1.2, 1olzltrlal1l6l =E o- F (f, It e) ..:rlr, 'r-1(f("f gl Hl I I ulF 6 IJJF{, c0o?zo Fo- Llt :d IJJo oF ts =E uJ o. lto o-oo I utFoz zo9zQoo =z dP EEi =Hg tr E IE uJo- u. EByzE<o-l€frE9.oEa9'Etr => = llJ i-E h=o dilE =+E. U6I HutE XO_t x>6HFcl .'i{,-i!i UJlaIF l=I F =E,lrlo-zIF()fE t-a zoo trnD E) c(! =J Jo v F J oo! U7 0,v. c)(U 3- C.)(J = ul =z m I ,,]{,l +l!lololol1l'lEIol -vl C'I fitl 3.,1qq =IrlE 4 q) IJJ o J = T L an+t cJo o(J ctl tloo =tr LOsfcf, Fl xo UJE o J = (o(gO(o i .d = (U o ao vl ad (u .Evl & tr z .;g olz 31 9l (0 o(0 I(o Fsr ui -J IJ,JF =(r z IJJ oz =lp =c z ti IJJ J t! zI F =tr z ai |lJ J z3I trlJ uJ F =tr oz oruG I tLoz3oF IJJ uJF' t UJz =o F utt IO JO<FIE()uJ<zy I.I.J F(rzoo J (x.<o()F E3qE5 gP ;() =#1Zrl.o 6F =3i, z. =g d i. =+Eo2 J< (.)Q?.3E '6 i 2 EtrN *Project Application t ^EN Pnrz rts Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Cotrtact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architeer, Address and phone: Kl; il tl4fT*f U S lL ,atocx ? ,ritinsLegal Description: Lot ,6/q'A.Lt./-.I Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL i.". .9 { L-vti - SFa-',1cXSummary: * '[D /-/#icq ,'xi'si'")',, ^'" -' q-/6'e 3 Staff Approval i F F z z "t z Irlc ' lrl | 61 F0.; L> F]k9a' :- J 2FF4k !'t .- i' d !-r ^15::24i<azzz^P"qFFV<oa!{z5c>*x9?3' =(ar1Fra<a> --<9ic4' FoJ 3 o ! .E=tr = lll o l-ero ===o]E' Il-- ---f o I I t- I.J \w, f,-r.l flr a \ t. t , ,,,: ProJect Name: Project Description:?-t Owner Address and Phone; Architect ,(ddress and Phone: LesalDescription:Lor I 2--,Btock ?,F1trs B;/AD<r\' 3& Zone: Zoning Approved: (e# +Lome- 6LeA f(o-nO.s/rr/zt Moiion by: Seeonded TA Board Date by: APPROVAL Chiei Building t I l Application / t.-o". /z/t =f {0" Proieet Name: Froj€ct Description: Owner Address end Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: Legal &escription: Lot {/1i 5 i/",.t - 5;:5'c / z- . eroc* -9- , riting Design Review Board ' - Motion by: Socondod by: APPHOVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: BLILDtr{GFOOTPRTrTS:O SffE DATA TOTAL: oR-O-wI-70 5 53'lg'30u L 150' E)qSTD{G PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL: E)(ISTT.IGDRTVEWAY PROPOSED DRTVEWAY TOTAL IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL: LANDSCAPED AREA (66. 5%) TOTAL: 1,4s0 SQ.FT. l-884 SO.FT. 3,334 SQ.FT. 2,720 SQ.FT. 980 SO.FT. 3,700 SQ.FT. 7,034 SQ.FT. 13,966 SQ.FT. 66 64 6a r5l.-- ,- - 60 StrTEACK-- Sa 56 ,64 o +5a ---) 84:5o I iqa ,IOT.II.-. -l , bI', bo * -_J \9o Y)EC,CATV, P}t ;?€As MEff,Rs- x-) - B, M . M,ll, Rlf4 --J-t PROPOSED EKSTINGUNIT PROPOSED I.INIT TOTAL G.R.F.A. ALLOWED (15,000 / 100) x 25 =3,750 SQ.FT. (6,000 / 100) x l0 : 600 SQ.FT.QxaL\ :-_-059 JaJr 5,200 sQ.FT. -r_I o t'', -t (J \9 :Q 6rcr-sluaL6-FAyut 'r t --" 1 -- j*': ----z-\\ \| \.l \\l =_--li\ \_ 2,388.6SQ.FT. 2,800 SQ.FT. 5,188 SQ.FT. L-'l PABKING REOIIIREMENTS PROPOSEDREOI.]IRED E)flSTINGUNIT PROPOSED LINIT ,,^ .*- ,-/ --.---- .z-- 4 0 -.--:::r:l..-...-.\--/ ffittr /;\(f .,\_-/ b o 2.5 2.5 5.0 SPACES 6 SPACES LEGEND UTILITYPOLE E)CISTING z-FOOT CONTOUR PROPOSED 2-FOOT CONTOUR 6U - 12'' DIAMETERPINE 6' DIAMETERASPEN t'.. .)' ea bc^^/N- FLoobLl4HT (S gnCH) PI(IHLIZTHTER (Z E,ICH) EL',a;.4"?z.tB INV-:B.4Z O'6(0 LOT Ie-SLOCK q , B.\4HOKN-THIRb AbblTlON I ISOM €A55oc' \(oe3 I z/zsf t1KEv, sptlt-t Kev, sfz(t1t?€v,