HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS UNIT 603 PART 1 LEGALGtalro$ R'\t^tf q \ton\rec Co\\S \rnik Goj Irl Irl )l )l )l I oz tr =G uJ ooo c.t .J' UJulrl- tr =t u.tI dblblslt EbLL+dJ Or Or e.l a/) s4 z H(t) 4 Ol IrJ Ot o N (a E <E-< =!\ll.L- OFIorlz. ln J ulF o F F2z:o z z uJF z z J !5 zz tdl t-{ a z Hts trl tr{ VJIzl ^*lr-.t I -l.tIil C'z HFl FtE gJz3 ul F z Hu)zo(]c4 ()B!OO-cnFovl <<14TC.d( c-Fl ,.9 rFO\ FP.+ < F4 .$ F Fr 7, tLJ UJ 'r r! F Fz urz = lr uj ? zo6 q) o) o4o .9 o(! <,, & Ecso o o o o O == dt E =cf -.:o o 3 .9 0) o) at at o o >rF 9-\E(/) **-F 5e cL- -o. olc EE6dcO6(.':(! (!,,c; cJ ol 6 E.sg! ir >'5o.l) o#()! oce(Eo-(I)ob,:(6 .:: coo aoc(E c .9 E ; =; .> Eo() o o(I) (o lg =o.' V,o: :LEibs cL.- tho.!5g =tG>cP'- o. oo =!(lc)c eo .;9 ;i#_=- o-€CL: '-E Ecl ;(o LC O(q (!cr(o-arsO og 9' a6 ofE8oo ;6(!E >E.oo)9a=-n,cr-o -o C.l F\ O.lN ts =(u z 5 c) Y ql I z J F LIJ uJ z6 ElJ J 2 I tu = !J tl.lIIz tr t/J uJ o Bg UJ z 6 uJ F o o- z |lJ X F l!a) aL! UJ lJ- =E uJ FoF- z o El () E F LIJ tr z6 = -lo- z u, NO|lVnlVA I I I I It.{ lc.l _ l\o,i l+* lt-.H rt{ JZ GP 9e'Z aLr 39xsox6FE 5F8Fo< tE^lr.r=t4 =>(! iur =to z io- aoz>-O(JOz t! <(oc E9 i-o aGi z E:l -J g ccri (L f UJ e.t ar l E z Eoo {5zo atulF 3 z l trzfzOoFr!<()o< =ft>E R't6o<z L3r' ==_F ti,- o3 trr_pr tltlti f--j-ll'i lF1llz it7iitliil-j-I tiI r<lxlsl:l; f II z IIF F zo F) foz olr o 3 X lo Fa -rl<l t-' zl zl ouj uJ uJza tr LIJ(L J z E o t-r z tr 16 F tuI ,l* UJ >o ort I& HeL) r-1d F-{ |r)IO aJ)z d ul ts u)oo?zo F.L I,TJY IIJ(Il oF.{.c'! = <tr EHg lLt ^ F.r I\., trr I>(/jl E=lo*ltBlrHl Eurbkzo lr1 H 7eoH R =e Ecoo El2Z P. ;F $ LJLIT-J ..i3 =E= -": ir -I- -1 -UJroil> ffirn L lll IL u, z v) ; EIL JFuJ-h>"icduJ>(LOu-9o\ lrJxo-x- JJ tr uJ |n F o Eco ct q,tt =E EoIJ ts =E, UJ o-zIF()3EFozo(J -ttrt F-i vi- N & cl (/J&t d &t Lu z H H ulE o = Id Hx E F (J =tr .o = E(L ;-i CAz u .A rr1E{<H a an .d P =Etr 1(-f -l I ol =.1 UJI 1l <l>l ol zl =IFI O F\rn I\o F-* uJ J uJF =tr o o UJ 5 a ll-oz3I =(l z .,i UJ -J lr-oz =F U, tr oz olrlr I l!oz3 9 TIIF =tr oz o uJ J a t!oz 3 ulJ|l,F uJz = UJF I fl. E <F r.! <ZE, LLI F(55 (J JE<o(JF-;O-<iiE;F-,25l t(JO =tr=F:zr!o iNoF F3 g6 t ir = rJz .J<()<5Llrr LIJfota o2 ts.cujG pp iD i ts l"ahut uJIL E-e uJc $N r$ lt ut al,I I Eo E0 b .E 2I G uJzio o -.-oc EE;9i €E HEE 5 ?€ ae EiE€E EE?iE EiaeiSE;ei iEEEi ;$E Ei549 .DI iiEii gEgs" o ol qt ottoo g| E =o o ef Eo rF c\rc:t! io;>rg oa $ c 1 ] p i3 o ltt I ao d \J l o r- N \ \v R \ -l\ \|. 0!) I \ ! I ( I l' i\ id h J 5( D I l.l a- il ; td : J 1 \U FtG Ho4a =o IC'ur (,za E (J c () oz t d ccz t ttz gJc(J c F6 x ul a x lgo nl H =-E IJJt I a2o o I() a (, ll,l ul ('?att d 4(, z oll,t xolrYnlYA I'Hd lE g'H$ [1 itl z tr l< t-l;lo t:IE lF l< t- I tli JI<l =l at, UJ 5o- o2 I E z o ut I I I I oiz z YF 6 tt I I I I F 2 oz Bo 2ltt, u,zx9 F u,l z F 5 z .. >l ul6ul IJJz lt') =u,l z 9 Eou,*bF lu 3J & vlJJt F ul lll ilElEli IGl!6. bEIEAiE FEE} sEo*.;6 EEt8lt)lbap I qul 3 e H I ql st 3olH $dl Fr nnfll -l r Fl "dgbt =E3El *HE f,trn HE \ :e$ M,o ..9 =L) I E< 14 & E IBtel l'l IH l3qlz: d$! ea{ti- \J() E o I sl 1* 91 .R dl r.u{\ 3+t!lq pl ; E,JO{F fr?2tr a.r 2-o() It +dtfl dfl <oC)r- EE;64 eE EEd6 (J iE =EEE CEoei)qlI&oz () 1;lo Lq culz3o t-(, u,lF oc - .^tllls! s{ 2 uiF odo1 2o |r|c tu o ts lll Ioo I trJ oz E =g, lrlGzo -F(J3E t-o zoo (t)(t) o.) -1 75 routh lrontage rord r.il, color'do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2\39 otflc. of communlty drvclopmenl lnwn If this p"rlit requ'ires a Town of Vai'l Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer"s (.Pyblic l,lopks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'oepartrnent revtew'or Health Department review, and'a review by the Euilbing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as 16ngas three weel(s . All commercial (large or small ) and a'll multi-fam.i1y permits will have tg follow the above mentioned maxjmum requirements. Residentia'land small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifrest'dential or smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned departments wrlth regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the threq week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possib'l e. BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time 4ros E' lu.ga;>ovt oRtVE- I' the frame. Date tlorli Sheet was turned into the Communi ty 0evelopment Department. -T:II'TE€R FA,\l.s UNIT bO3 Project Name .t, -,. 75 roulh tronlrgG road Yral. color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 to: EROM: DATE: SUEJECT: Read and fn summary,.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to lltter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material., including trash dunpsters, portable toilets andrrorkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlc pJ-1ce or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be stricLfy enforced by the fown of vailPublic works Departnent. Persons found viotatlng this ordinancew111 be given a 24 hour wrj-tten notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puffLc lrforksDepartment wil.l remove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotifLed. fhe provisions of thls ordinance stritt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair proJects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain - copy. fhank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. olllcc of slnmunlly dcuclopmanl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRTNTT,YI, REGISTERED WITH IIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVEIOPIIENT lfARClI 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERTAIJ STORAGE acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) Ruder o dncl SSOCIdtCSr"\ QlStrLlt'[lt\lI (]lIll )t lllV rrrr :;. ,../' r.1 f i.r,:, 'r . r,,\'' '\i". t rr I jN ,1.,{r 1' 15r'tNG *..f.2 \ li. K b- [J -i hE. ttf"t6E.K iJAy W/ llE\^i5 /\-i- Er,t\ LD,I\i 6 FA\US C6NDor*4 lNlLrf 5' TArs 13 TIMFaK FAtrs BUltDlN6 . +t ,, 13 BauOvrl eXtsTlN(* 6 \"1 r*l -'eL BA Y w | )'lDor /, Tue PR0 Po sAL t.r'-ic Ac,D A BAY Wn'lnoW i)6,r..'r.'1' 16 I'CW -r +{e' Q({5rrrj(r EAY i./,' i'i. tF\E +-rliAL ;'ilCDU("! ' :' f:.r .l}ri '':i | '\i ir'! il\ ''. ':i;1'^'r:: l r\' l\ij'' \'f: !:)i{'1 (ii': 4496 Flrsr tr'lceclou, I)rivc r Vlil, (.olor',rtir.' S l(r57 r (30.3) 476-2323 r FA"\ (303) 476-3509 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT # INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor, .tft/fv JoB NAME -Tirn6ce frt/s ua): ^ra r;r' '' CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH i D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL -D FRAMING * tr ROUGH/WATER ,r ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION _ tr POOL i H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL n n ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr trFINAL FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ \ lot7* tr--r -lolfr I I II I { lq lltirl lr!{ i!tlillrlr Itl lr lr i ii ir iltl1i---."+rTtl L-J+- -- fb--- '"ah "-' -*'*-'*5r -'lr/ I g{pcau ^t$cafucLb ';