HomeMy WebLinkAboutDocuments - 1990-1996Project Application ,^," ?f tyf q t Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect. Address and Phone: S4e, - f , Jp-. Legal Description: Lot q Block , Filing Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: ,^," - L/ rq/qb DISAPPF OVAL Seconded by: PROVAL A^Jor - Staf f Approval I n\,t2 F##D FIt-]Y 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 June 20, 1996 D e p artne nt of C ommuniry D eve lopment Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail. CO 81658 DRB revicw of a new singlc family rcsidence (4th unit) at 4335 Bighom Road,/Lot 4, Block 3. Bighorn 3rd addition. Dear Mr. Lauterbach: On June 19, 1996, the Design Review Board (DRB) approved your request for design approval for the single family residence at the above referenced location. The approval is subject to the following conditions imposed by the DRB: l. This structure shall be rotated to the northwcst so that the three comers of the main structure on the north clevation align with thc side sctback line. Thc intent is to creatc more open space bctwecn thc cxisting duplex and the new singlc family structure. 2. Provide additional landscaping in the form of 3 Evergrecns and 3 Aspens along the rvest elevation of the structure (side facing Bighorn Road). fNotc: These trecs must meet minimum Town standards). 3. Submit for staffapproval a color palette of all three structures. The colors shall be of the same color, however, with differing shades. Trim and railing features may be the same on all structurcs. The roof of this structure shall be grey or grcen' however, if the roof of the existing single family residcnce is proposcd to be grecn then the roof on this structure shall not be green (i.e., vary the roof color between the two units). RE: {; *'n"t"o 'ut' TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213q479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 June 20, 1996 FILEMPY D epartment of Community Deve lopment Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail. CO 81658 RE: First single family unit 4335 Bigbom Road/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd addition. Dear Mr. Lauterbach: It has come to thc attention of the community Development Department that the single family structure currently under construction (3rd unit) on thi above rcferenced sitc will encroach on the propcrty to the east rccorded on the plat as "Common Area" and "Lot 4 West"' A Temporary Certificate of Occupancy 1iCO.1 can not be issued for a structure which encroaches on land not o*ea uv the applicant. Please resol"e this issue by obtaining and recording an easement or other instrument to ailow this encroachment prior to requcsting a TCO on this structurc' Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to call me at 497'2148' Sincerely, 0#M".^gz" Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner {7 *n *orut, FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 June 13, 1996 D epartment of Community Development Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 RE: 4335 Bighorn Road/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd addition. Dear Mr. Lauterbach: I have reviewed your DRB application for a new single family unit on the above referenced property. During a site visit and inspection ofthe duplex units, it was discovered that additional floor area was constructed above the garages that was not reflected on either the DRB approved plans or the construction plans for these units. Pleasc provide staffwith a complete set of revised plans (as builts) of both of the duplex units and staffrnust perform a walk-tbrough inspection to verify the floor area. Based on the findings in these plans, I will communicate to you the available GRFA for the ronaining unit. Thc review of these plans can not continue until GRFA issues are resolved on the existing shuctures. In addition to this concern, staffhas rcviewed the proposal and developed the following comments which must also be satisfied prior to proceeding to DRB: ,r/1.Please provide evidence that the road maintenance easement has been recorded for this property. This was a condition of the variance approval for this project' Please clearly show and note on the plan that the overhead power lines located on this parcel will be placed underground- we need an up-todate preliminary title report for the property. The latest version we have is dated January 12, 1994. Please provide this report. h. {S ^"n"uorur* - .. _i Please address these comments in written fomr and on the relevant plans' suburit a DRB application and fee with these plans' If you have any questions, please feel free t'o call me at 497-2148' Sincerely, You will alsoned to :..r:i'i: 'r D-$,M-"^^-G- Jo-i"io-i, Mauriello, AI CP Town Planner JcffAtencio MkeMcGee t ON - TOWN .OI' \'AIL, DATB APPLICATION RECEIVED:, DATE OF DRB MEETING: - ferisea slAlsl DRB APP I. r'rs .epp,,rc*rrXli.ilLTll, "" o"""nrlUv " uuiuiiv; ugd, r,lEP'i,, nNTrr. ar.,L REQUr**o. *r.llO.T?JrON rS SUBMr.pTq?_ PROJECT INFORMATION: '?A. DESCRTpTT9N: i,cq(,- F*.--*,'\ Q.t,'(.-.u Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) LBGAL DESCRIPTION: LoL 4 Block Subdivision Bighorn 3rd Addition If property is described by a meet.s and bounds legaldesgript,ion, please provide on a separate sheet andatt,ach t,o Lhis application. ZONING. LDMI' LOT AREA: If required, applicant st,amped survey showing IoC area. NAME OF APPLICANT; Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail. Colo 81658 Phone 476-6944 B. TYPB OF RBVIBW: ^^ New Constnict,ion ($200.00)Minor Alterat,ion ($20 .00) D. musL provide a currenL.81 Acres Mailing Address: fr4YqlAGe qV NANAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone I.NAMB OF O!''INERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address:phOne 4 t 6-tJ944 Condoninlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEEi DRB fees, as shown above, are t,o be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB applicat,ion. Later, when applying for a building permit,, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiIwi}l adjust the fee according to t,he table belovi, to J. K. * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD I\PPROV]IIL EXPTRES ONE YEAR AI'TER TINAL APPROVAI I'NIESS JI BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSI'ED A}TD CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WILL BE ensure the correct fee is paid. h ^2., n -l f,,, Cu .r.Ba pAro: S (CKl ZO L{-"f:LL FEE SCIIEDULE: htt llfu.At: ILtVALUATTON_ FEE lrrvKUpnc Uu$ 0-$ 10,000 s20.oo $101001 -$ 5o,ooo 950.00 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, oo0 $1oo .00 $150, 001- - $ 500, 000 $2oo. oo $500,001 - 91,000, ooo $4oo.0o$ over $1r 000, 000 $500 .00 PROCESSED WITEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE .l NN4E OE PROJECT: B -.|l. - LIST OF MATERIALS ,t; I DESCRIPTION: LOT;!3 SUBDMSION _Dleharn 3rd Ad4rtren ADDRESS; 4335 Blghorn BLOCK Road DESCRIPTION OF PRO.IECT: - 3,r-qr- €,*-,. 1r tQc(,{.,-c-r.- LEGA]. STREET The following inf,ormation is Review Board before a f,inal A. BUILDING I'IATERIATS: Roof Siding Other WaLl Mat,erials E ascia Soffit,s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails E lues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Otber I,ANDSCAPING: Name required for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: 6rr Beveled Lap Cedar Off-Whlte 2x12&lx4 Solld Belge Plywood Solid Betge Alunlnun Clad Whlte 1x6 Aluninun Clad 2x6 Solld Betge Srfrr# Alurninun Galvanized NA B.of Designer: Phone: Steven Rlden PI...AI{T MAIERTAI.S ! PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Everlrreens _,5Se--51-fenJen_ a-a''.- *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calipeq for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous MATERIAL Stucco I ul-.t tl. r. rr- Copper Botanical Name Commoq Name Ouantitv Sjge* Everereens Asoens --$.4esCqcepe-.8,lan tt trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous t.reeg is 6 feet. PI,ANT MATERIAII PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name co^*on ,il Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size!of 5 qallon.proposed shrubs. Tvpe \t.sl Square Foot.aqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OE IRRIGATION A11 disturbed areas. Manual- TYPE OR METHOD OE' EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior Lighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list bel.ow and provide the watlage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. NA OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirruningpoolsl etc.) Please specif,y. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the fronL setback is 3 feet. Maximun height of walls elsevrhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. exterior rlLrry Locarrbr.r vsnrE rcarrol 3rd AddlttonSUBDIVISION JOB NAI'18 Bi 8,,ttl BLOCK FILING Bighorn 3rd Addi.tlon ADDRESS r ts\, c- ! Q, The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maint_run\ llneg or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Date U.S. I{est Corununications t-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Conpany949-5781 i Gary HalI Holy Cross Electric Assoc.949-5892 l Ted Hq;sky/Michael Laverty fGTl'ue44e Cablevision T.v. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiat,t Upper Eagle Valley Wat,er & Sanitat,ion District 47 6-7 480 Ered Haslee NOTE:I.This forn is to verify service availability andlocat.ion. This should be used in conjunction withprepari.ng your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. For any nelr const,ruct.ion proposal, the applicanB must, provlde a completed utility veriflcatlon form. If a util.ity company has concerns lrith theproposed construction, the utility representativeshould not directly on the ut,ility verificationform that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out ilrdetail in an attached lett,er to the Town of, vail .However, please keep in rftind that it is theresponsibility of the utility conpany to resolveidentified problems. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utilit,y companies, and no comment,s are made directly on the form, the Townwill presume that there are no problens and thatthe development can proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street culpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of PublicIrlorks and to obtain utilitv locat,ions beforediqqinq in any public rigtrt-of-way or easenent inthe Town of VaiI . A buildinq oernit, is not, astreet cut permit. A street cut permj.t rnust beobtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eag1e-Va-IIey."lfater .&-Sanitation .signatures. Fireflow needs must, be addressed. 2. 3. 4. 5. o SFR, IEGAT DESCRIPTION: ToT ADDRESS: OWNER €-EE/vichael_ Laurerbach PHONE ARCHITECT Steven J. Ride+ PHONE ZONE DISTRICT LDMF PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE ZONE CHECK FOR R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS\R, DATE: _- 3 Eifing. Btehorn 3rd Addirton 476-6qt!L , . , a+9-tLl 21 , Height TOTAI GRT'A Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks t/4 + -3-?-Q. = AlLowed75 78tls, lzd zvt+ 48 = l7(8 - Exist.inq Proposgd gSggL -O .'C.?rz- C.l?z (.,1r> -- /s L3 -o'** --Laffi 20 -\=.- 3) Geologic llazardsa) Snow Avalanche tla b) Rockfalllc) Debris Fl.4) !{etlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does thls reguest involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this requesL? -o' **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Thro Fanily and Primary/Secondary which are Less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelJ.ing unit. The Comrnunity Development Departnent may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meet,s the crit,eria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code incl.uding permanently restricling the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. Block .81 Acres 20,2{ zo' 2a! 70' (30) (s0) i{'/o ,'78'/t 3' /6' I Reqro Front Sides Rear l{ater Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronrnent a J../Hazards : ^/A _d - /C./r, /C,/o -at-o' 4o'L (o'/. il/l , -8 (300) (600) (900) (].200], Lllo Pernitted Slope ]gL Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineeri Yes- No t__ ???-_ L) Elood Plain 2) Percent Slope 7o'f,a o/o .,,- , s \o/a 10 )SCHEDALE A Order Number: 96or3oos 1. Effective date: ApriT i0, 7995 at 7:45 A.M. 2. Policy or Policies to be issued: Amount of Insurance (a) A.L.T.A. Owner's (standard) ,t Prooosed Insured: (b) A.L.T.A. Loan ( sEandard) S ze s ,000.00 Proposed Insured: WESTSTAR BAIIK, ITS SUCCESSORS 3liID,/OR ASSTGIVS (c) Leasehold Proposed Insured: 3. The estate or irterest in the land descibed or referred to in this Comminnen and covered herein is f,ee sLnpTe 4. nile tu the Ec,e simpTe estate or interest in said land is at the ffective date hereof vested in: I4ICI{AET' J. I'AurERBACH 5. The land refened to in this Commitment is described as follows: SEE ATIACHED T.EEAL DEACRTPTION Purported Address.'STATEMENT OF CHARGES These chargu are due and payable before a Policy can be issued. P&EII'TOM CONSTRVCTTON &IORTGAGE: 5445.00 TAX CERI: 70.00 o SCHEDULE A Order Number: 96|73oos LEGAL DESCNPNON PARCEI' A BIGEORN FAI'I'S TOhINEOMES A REST'BDZVTSTON OF LOT 4. BLOCK 3 Bl.ghorn Subdiwision Thrld .addttion, Amended PJat COUMTY O? EAGI'E STATE OF COLORADO TETS CON'.TTTMENT TA.s PRTPARED ON IIIAY 70, 7996. FOR gVSSTIONS PLEASE CAI"I, LINDA WTLLINi'S AT (970)949-7077. SCHEDULE B Section 1 Order Number: 96073005 REQUIREMENTS The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account ofthe grantors or mortgagors of thefull consideration for the estate or interest to be ircured. Item h) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filedfor record, to wit: 7- Eruide!,ce saEiafactory to stewart Title Cuaraaty ComPany of payment of all ouEs canding taxes aad assessnents as cettified by The Eagle County Tteaeurer. 2. Executior, of, affidawit as Co Debt,s and I'iena ar.d its r-turn Co Secwart Tielc Guaran ty Company. 3. Deed of, Tr:4st f,rom Ehe Eorrower Eo Ehe Puhlie Trustee fot the use of, che proposed lender to secure che loa!. Order Number: 96073005 SCHEDALE B Seaion 2 EXCEPTIONS The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the satne are dkposed of to the satisfaoion of the Company: 1 . Rights or claims of parties in possession, not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any fac* which a correct survey and irupeaion of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Arylien,orrighttoalien, forservices, laboror nnterialheretoforeor hereafterfurnished, imposedbylaw and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, a.dverseclaimsor othermetters, tfany,created,rtril appearinginthepublic records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof, but prior to the date the proposed irsured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. 6. Unpatented mining claims; reservations or exceptions in patents, or an act authorizing the issuance thereof; water ights, claims or title tu waer. 7. Any and all uapald tax.es and as6essmeats and any unredeemed tax sal,es. 8. The effecE of iaclusiozs la aay general ot specific srate? coasewaney, fl,re protectiorl, eoil eoasewaEion or oCher distzict or ir.clusioa ia aay water ser]qiee or aBreeg jol)rovedeat area. 9. Re.gervatioas o? exceptio'l,e in Patergs, oi ia Acts autbotizing thc lgsuaace thereof,, iaeluding the reaewatiot of a right of way for ditches or caaale constructed by the autlzorL ttt of the A',lted Statea, as resetved in OBlEed States Patent of record- 10. EaseneDts, restiictioag aad rLghts-of-ways as showa on the PTat of Bighor'n Subdiwision, Third Addigion, Anended P7aE, recorded, 'fune 3, 7963 ag RccePcio,3 No. 97570 and as Reeeption No. 98059. 77. Te:ras, corr.ditior.s, zeser:lltl,oae, z.estrictiong aa,d obligaEioas as coaEaiaed 7n the protective Cowc'nanxs for Bighorn subdivl,tion rbird Addition, zeeorded in Book 775 at Page !35 ar:d j! Araerzdner C to Declaration of Protective Cove'laa.ts for Bighofi, Subdivision, Third Addition A!|coded P7at, record,ed April 23, 7965 in Book 787 at Page 795- !2. A te p,crccoE aoa-parEleip,atizg royalty in and to Pzoceeds deriwed from tbe eale of rnlaerals, of whatsoever klnd ar,d natute ' produeed aad mla.ed from the aaid prurisel I as reserved to OuEE RLahbipes and Eva .t. KiahtlPes by iasXrurc'a.E recorded ltoveEber 2, 1962 ia Book 766 aE Page 407, and. aay a''d a77 aseignaeats, Ehereof or inaerests CJterejr2 convcyattce recorded SePteltbcr 79' 7966 lD Book 2OO ac Page 743 as Rccepcio! No. 104689. 7i. Easg5'ee,t for co',strucXioa aad rajnte!.aace of gas disEribution systeE i'l. roade of Bighorn Subdiwisioa, gra0|ed to Gas FaciliEies, tnc., by Ehe inscruld,.e'lt coacjaued oa Dext page ConElsuaEioa of Sched:jlc B - Sectloa 2 Order Ivunlber: 9 6073 0 05 recarded ia Book 790 ae Page 405 as Recepciot No. 707974. 74. Terms, coa,dltions, tesewatl,ons, restrictions and obllgatLons as contaided in Tredch, Coaduit, and Vault lgreement by and between Itoly Cross Electric Assoclatioa aad B,AB Partnersbip, reeorded ,9epterber 25, 7992 ia Book 590 at Page 728 as Redcptjore No. 486227. 75. Tezms, conditLons, reservations and obligatioas as conEalnr-d i.o chc Declaratl,on of Covenants, Conditio',s, Restrictions, Eaeemeacs a,ld Party Wa77 Agteenneet Recotded Decer,ber 73, X.995 in Book 683, at Page 477 as Seceptjon No. 579483. 76. EaeqteaEs, restrietioas aad right-of-ways as shovn on the PlaE of ELghorla FaIIs To''',houses, A Reaubdivieion of, Lot 4, BTock j, Blghor'a subdivieioa, Third Addition, Amel,ded Plat necorded on Octobei 25, 1,995 ta Book 679 aC Page 155 as Reception No. 575166. !7. Pending disbursement of the full proceed.s of the loan secured by the t^ortgage seg forth uader Schedule A heaeof, this PoTicy insuree oaly to Ehe cxtent oE the alouat actually dJ.sbutsed, but laczeaseg as each di gburgemea t le made iz good faiEh and rithout kaovledge oE any defects in, or obj ectioas Eo, Ehe title up to t&e f ace alnouac o.f, tle PoTicy. o o a TOWNOFVAIL RECEIPT NO DEPAnTII EtiT oF Co.\ll}'u^*lTv DEI'ELO'MENT PRO'SCI ' DATE-___________J__J_ CIIEC'(S MADA IAYABLT TO TOWN OF VAIL ACCDII!frNO. - 0l 0000 4r540 ZONINC AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l oo0042415 UNITORM BUILDINC CODE 554.00 0l oo0042415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $J9.UO 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECTTANICAL CODE $J7.(ru 0l 0000 424 t 5 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.O0 rt I 0O00 424 l 5 NATIONAL ELECTRJCAL CODE s37.00 0t 0000424|5 OTIIER CODE I]OOKS 0l oo0041548 BLUE PzuNTS (MYLARS)tr /.00 0t oo0042412 X.LROX COPIES s0.25 0 l 0000 42412 S I UL'IES 0l oo0042412 TOVFtsES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.O0 0l oo004237t PENALTY FEES / REJNSPECTIONS 0l 00004t332 PLNN REVII]W RE-CIIECK FEE [S4O PER IIR.] ot uJo() 42332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0r 000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES F'EF-S 0t 000041413 SIGN APPLICAT]ON FEE s20.00 010'()0041413 ADDI IIONAL SICNACE f EE IS I .OO PEK SQ.f T.I 0l oo0o r'?440 VTC ART PROJI.-CT DONATION :01 0o0o.4r3iT\.PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE LD,Oo(}Heoo4l3?P I}.TVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 3l moo 451lo I()V PARI.IINC FUND ol oooo 22027 IOV NbWSPAPER DISPENSER FUNDr 0t 0000 2nl2 TAXABLE GD4.5Z (STATE) * 0t 0000 410t0 TAXABLE @!-0Z" (rQ!rN) ul (ru(ru 4zJ7l I]UILDINC INVESTIGATION I lll:K 0l oo004t330 |'I,'DI I IONAL UKFA "Z5O's200.00 0l 000041330 CONDI IIONAL USE PI,RMIT s200.00 ol fi)00 41330 EX-I-EKIOR ALTERATION ILESS TTTAN I(ru SQ.FT.I s200.00 0l oo00 4r330 EXTERIOR ALTJ:RATION IMORL, TIln N looSQ.FT.l s500.o0 0r 0000 41330 SPECINL DEVELOPIVIENTDISTRICT [NEW]51.500.00 0l oo00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND 5t.ow.00 0l ffJ00 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND s200.00 0r oo00 4t330 SUBDIVISION ol oo00 41330 VARIANCE s250.00 0l oom 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS 5250.0O 0l oo00 413_10 RE - ZONING $200.{ro OTHER ITHER I rurll Annr 1 n /vh't6 ?-n.6r, ro,^ ^ Ery€ ts wc"w. I'A,y'casE I r cK.*M.OLI o D/V\o TOWNOFVAIL DEPANT}IE\T OF COIi]|TLITTY DE\ELOP}ILiIT AI'DRESS ' DATE_--_____-_J__I_ CEECNS MAI'E PAYAALT TO TOIAN OF VAIL PROIECT 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.00 0l 0000 rt24l 5 UMFORN{ BUILDING CODb s54.OO 0l 0000 424t5 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE s39.00 0l 0000 4241 5 UNIFORM I\,IECHANICAL CODE s37.00 0t 0000424r5 UNIFORN{ FIRE CODE s36.00 ,l qr(ru 41.-1I t NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s3 /.uo 0t 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l oo004r548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)57.U0 0t 0000 424i2 X.LROX COPIES s0.2) 0l 000042412 STUDIES 0l 000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM s5.00 0l 0000 42i71 PLNALTY f EES i RE-]NSPL,CTIONS 0t 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE tS4O PER HR.] 0l 0000 42_132 OFF HOURS NSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 411 I 2 CONTRACTORS LICEnNSES FEES 0t 0000 4t4lJ SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0l 0000 4t413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SQ.FT.I VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 00004tjil-;f--^-^---r-#,RE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 2b,&,--erc€oo-zr'37l I}.IVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING)it m00451t0 TOV PAR}ilNG FUND 0t 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND ul 0000 2ln2 T.IXABLE @ 1 .57. (STATE)* 0l 0000 41010 T,L\ABLE @ 1.OZ (TOWN) 0l 0000 4237t BUILDING INVESTIGATION II]ILR PEC APPLICATION FEES 0r 0000 4ti30 rDDll I0NAL GRFA "250 5l(ru.000l moo 4ti30 CONDITIONAL USE PERI\fl T 52(ru.00 0l ooo04t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS T}IAN 1OO SO.FT.I s200.(r(, 0l 0000413i0 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IA,IORE TI{AN IOO SO.FT.I s500.00 0r 0000 4t3i0 SPTCIAL Dt,VELOP}'ENT DISTRICT INEWI s1.500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAIOR AMEND s1.000.00 0 t 0000 .+ | 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND s200.00 0l m00 413i0 SUBD]V]SION 0l oo00 4r3i0 VARIANCE s250.00 0l m00 41330 ZONING CODE AMTNDMENTS s250.00 0l 0000 413_r0 RE. ZONING s200.00 ITHER OTHER =",***, V6ltrfurba(),\a* @ 4 Aoc-V'1 746-"* 6sE I t cx' 1 11.0Lt *r"."l$L- -U o unity o ting FormCommDevelopment Plan Rou Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works ffiii Martinez, Public Wotks Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Dominic F. Mauriello. Community Development Date Routed:5/28/96 Retum By:6/5/96 PdectName:Lauterbach - new single family Project Address:4335 Bighorn Road Project Legal:Lot 4, Blk. 3 Project Description:New home in biehorn sub. Fourth house on lot which allows six' ,.'ter:cD 6ir.C4'\v (g \u'r\€.d Reviewed bv:Date reviewed: Comm Development Plan Rou a ting Form Approved / Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions o unity Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Worksffi Retum To:Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Development Date Routed:5/28t96 Return By:6/s/96 Project Name:Lauterbach - new single family Project Address:4335 Biehom Road Project Legal:Lot 4. Blk. 3 Project Description:New home in bighorn sub, Fourth house on lot which allows six. c ,Dn* ./ttrl2-*7ztinJ ,4Z /Z-tz.'fu.c-/, /-..-a,..-/ J7 Z, ,/ f:\everyo[guodtvouforll r-jro ," .'lt1 i$;; ':11t4, o -T1 rql JlrN- 12-sEi r2'SE FRoM. LAIUITLE CUAFANTEE LOT 5 PACE 2 BIGHORN A RESIIBDIVIT BIGHORN SUBDIVISIOI\ TO'N Or VtIr €Brt rlt l.r.., *aYatt -ra-ti a'.ral li',.t o. h..a r . lr.a a|rriil..a h. tE 49rf,rrt l|. lrr|lt tta.r, lr{ d Lt I rtq ll|lt'tlxr ?aalall,lll -flt.{lr .a irF ri+}rgtl ti..r !iI'.|.' at b-r br<Ol.lits Htl rt5r.. ir rttalt.l tt aatr. ita,.||.ff Hllllil c.-.r. lr.rr.. rr E rttrrrr- rl.anL ra thr.l rit|la r, -|r llt rl trlll lr.lrl '.,t.t a tl rrst a rt trnra t i,Fit. i.r lltnlltldulrdr rarf i0 lcral \ \rf l' r-r.l lttrr. lf, ,a. Ialt t|ra} tt ita tdlrt'! tt r l'..rl ar ra lal dt |. G fra a -tlll[ |.rtna f, lrr a-ra{ fra , ti tar 5ala. a, tor t ur .€f 4 oo + rl I.t rt cl I t ry L-j--.. :-, i- SC^IE: l' - IO' -l,t vStul[|.rtEn!4|l.|J 'f/ { islL {a; '*y. ftr,rr, Olign Review Action Ftl TOWN OF VAIL //ox. /0/ tzfiS /' Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: 3qs qi (7/6-v tuchirecucontacr,Addressandphone: t*tU* O,'drn ?Vq- 4 /B ' 8o 5J v'q) L Legat Description: Lot Y Bbcr 3 subdivision ,nzon"sio,6 Lfu{, Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Actlon Mstionbvt & &*\Q. vot", 4*C Seconded by: s61o*t " .,,/.- r,. -/ -pprovaf u4 fea-.ef rToa<9 -' n Disapproval tl StaffApproval f/q'.6 g@4 t Conditions: ( ?a.9(4*A '/a*t9 olgn Revlew Acuon Ft TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbe(t3 ,^. t{ao/qs Project Name:- Building Name: Projec't Description: I 1 Ll? / .- 167o Oruner, Address and Phone:t17 6 - 6qL/L/ Architecuoontact, Address and Phone: e '{g, ' ,: A,J+ ut -f 1? * -{ t d I projectstreetAaareest Ll :-3 5 Sfr uc< tl-lct { Legaf Description: tot { ebck 3 suoairi"ion E,lq,kln euL f6Str LDUp =:-=:'=-'i = ?t,iB Comments: 1: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: &dFFc 'ortC4i'FS - L'"*. t Le,>L ( ///, @lqYlue ( ftO rtq)- ^)o so{e- tat"*- &" Q(qoa @1O , I: I ,."*'-;;l;:* *"ur#lo*o ApprJrcArroN - row*t^ro, cor,oRADo DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: *********!r ********** 9-t4. 7tr I. A. PROiIECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION:5,,t o'/-., B.TYPE OF REVIEW: / t"* construction (S200. 0O)Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS:4ttr Minor Alt,eration ($20.00) ConcepLual Review (90) Fr- G-!- Lu - BlockF,,t,,=D.LEGAL DESCRI Subdivision If property description,to this appL PTTON:Lot is described byplease provide icaLion. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach E. !r G. H. T ,f. ZONING: NA!48 OF Mailing APPI.TICANT:/h ',r-/, .---/ f *- Address: Phone NAl.,tE OF MaiLing APPIJICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: tl4 NAI'{E OF OWNSR(S):( --. OI{NER(SI STGNATTJRE: MaiLing Address: Phone APPIJICNTIONS JTTLL NOII EE PROCESSED ITTITHOUf OMUrR'^E STEMAfURE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are. Lo be paid at thetine of submittal of the DRB application. Later, when appl-ying for a building permiE, please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust thefee aecording co Ehe table below, Lo engure the eorrect feeis paid. a2 FEE SCHEDUI.IE: VALUATTON$ o-$ 10,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000, 000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DBSIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ E:IPIRES IPPROVI$ UII,Egg r BUII,DII|G PENUI'! IgIS STARTED. hone FEE $ 20.00 $ ru. uu $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YB,AR AETER F.INAI.r rgguED ff6 eoNgmuefroit oo TOWNOFVAIL ^,.*,*", vlTb) AnTME:\T oF CO.ttItU\:rn' DEIEIToPME\T DAT ?s CTIECXS MAI'E 'AYASI.E TO TO\T?I OF VAIL rrccoDNT No-ITEM 0r 0000 4t540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS s5.o0 0l 0000 42.,115 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE s54.OO 0t 0000 424r5 UNIFORM PLLMBING CODE s39.00 0l oo00 4241 5 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0 r 0000 4241 5 UNIFORIVI FIRE CODE s36.00 0t oo00424t5 NATIONAL ELECTR]CAL CODE s37.00 0I 0000 424t5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l ()00041548 BLUE PRJNTS (I\4YLARS)s7.00 0l 000042412 XEROX COPTES s0.25 0 t 0000 424 l2 STUDIES ol oooo 42412 TOVFEES CON,IPUTER PROGRAM 5).0u 0l (}0004237t PENALTY fEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0l ooo0 4 1332 PLAN REVIEW Kb-CHTCK FEE [S4O PER IIR.J 0t 0'000 42332 OFF T{OURS INSPF-CTION FEES 0t oooo 414t2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0t oooo4t4li ADDITIONAL SICNACE f EE tSI.OO PER SQ.FT.I 0l oo00 4:or@A VTC ART PROJh.CT DONATION ]BRENAJD DESIGN R.EVIEW BOAR-D FEE ,--fl/elD? 0r o0(H?37r ]NVESTIGATION f I-.b (tsUILDING) 3I OOO0 45110 TOV PARKING FUND 0t ooo0 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2llt2 [,LXABLE C4, 4% (STATE) * 0l 0000 '{1010 T,LYABLE @.4% (TO\\'\) 0t G0004:i7l BUILDINC INVLSTIGATION )TIiER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0t (rc00 4t jiO ADDITIONAL GRFA "250"s200.0t) 01 ()000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0l @00 4t330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS T}IAN IOO SQ,FT.I s200.00 0r oi000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IT,IORE TI{AN IOO SQ.FT.I 5500.00 0l oo00 41i30 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT INEW'I s1.5Ul.U0 otr m00 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND s 1.000.00 01 ${]00 4ti30 SPECIAL DEVE LOPN,' ENT DISTRICT IMINOR AIvtEN D s200.00 0l oo00 41.i30 SUBDIVISION id o I (ru(ru 4l tio VAR]ANCE s250.00i{-ETmOO-ar:m-ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.00 0I oo00 4t330 Rb - ZONING s200.00 OTHER ITOT L: il .a>r{> /\>44 REC, BY:-eAsE r ) ,*.', X'(4 ',M.oLr NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAI DESCRIeTfON: LOT;I_ ""OGSTREET ADDRESS: 4335 Biehorn Road DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT:_.'----_ The. following informat,ion isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING I4ATERTALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials ^for. submlt,tal to the Designcan be given: MATERIAL COLOR required approval rYPE O!' Fascia Soffits Windows Itindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other I.ANDSCAFING! .r x ?' ter'iec4* cedar Lirht B"i*e t{ash S tucco_ 0ff_white Steven Rlden Botanieal Name Common Name Ouantity Size* Everqreens Asoens +------ 2x12&lx4 Soltd Beige Plywood Sol-td Betge Aluminun Clad White 2x6 Solid Belge 4t u ^.2-*.Ez* pickets, €SoJ.id Beige Aluminun Galvanized E.Name of,Designer: Phone: FI,ANT }4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Everpreens See Landqggflqn ll - |b_ See S{ i eqtgA_ EXISTING TREES TOBE REMOVED *fndicate --- caliper f,or declduous trees. sdnlrrEEEF€ Solid Beige Ereeg.Indisatr nffi Single F zoNg CI{ECK .FORy Residence. Duplex, Pr ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: ,-LAr L./ Block 3 suuaivision o amil- t imary /Secondary ADDRESS: OUINER -,f A l-ARcHrTEcr .S*et* K,q{Q n PHONE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Allowed-&Height roLal IlrFA 6P1Q{wad;P 6fqe a ffi+i;L @gr.,or srzE Q.g{ <.c/k- ef 35123/ -* +4 425 SeLbacks FronL Sides Rear BUITDABI,E ExisLinq o IJOT AREA Prop-osed 375t ToLals so?" Site Coverage Landscaping f€6 Rebaining wall lteights Parking Garage CrediL 3,/6' 36' neqra 5 -3-uncr, -L- r:oor rG-6,5) (eoo) ( tzoot @ +MAffiPW'\ 14331 Drive': PermiLted slope B* ntopoP slope Complies wiEh T.O.v. LighLing Ordinance Yes Y No waLer Course SeLback ++etr:te| 5% YES-NA - \/"/Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:L (50*) Environmen LaI,/Hazards :1) Flood Plain 2') Percene Slope t. @ ')lJ'Geologic llazardsl.rJ.v(J4v rrcrr.(r!\r.J 1$,-rra) Snow Avalanche P b) Rockfallc) Debris FLow 4) wetl-anas NO - - -/ view corridor EncroachmenL: Yes-- llor--jZ- Does Lhis req'uesit invoive a Z-rO irci<iiLi<rn? -@ - How much of ftre allowed 250 Addicion is used wit'h Ehis Previous conditions of approval {check properLy fil-e): '"n'""y* qq1- L{ El Zg 7- elso 10 -;.,11ug;:,6:gltq;iPl3#":'t' *:iii**"ip b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not appty generally to other properties in the same zone. c, The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested variance from Section 18.69.040 of the Town of Vail Hazard Regulations, in order to allow lor the construction of buildings on that portion ot the lot which has slopes greater than 40%. lt would appear that the band of 40% slope area, along the northem podion of lot 4, was created within recent history and possibly associated with the construction of Spruce Way. Due to the topography of the sile, the staff finds that lhe requested reliel from the strict and literal interpretalion of the Hazard Regulations is necessary in order to obtain a reasonable and acceptable solution for adequately locating buildings on this property. Stalf believes that approving the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or wellare and is wananted, specifically because there are extraordinary circumstances related to this lot thal are not generally true of many lots in this zone district. The staff's recommendation for approval includes the following conditions: 1. That the westsrnmost duplex be shifted approximately 3 feet further to the east in ord€r to provide clearance lrom the drip line of nearby trees. This change shall be indicated on the plans submitted for DRB approval. 2, That the applicant agree to provide a road maintenance easement along the northem porlion of this property as shown on the attached site plan. This easement may be granted by way of a separate legal instrument which has been reviewed and approved by the Vail Town Engineer or by showing said easement on an amended plat for Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition. The applicant shall provide the easement to the Town before a building permit will be released. c;\pecvnemc\b€b11,326 -r\) :-r rl'r Il r! f lf,\f l1 -_r i;' I /lr-rIl I II-t-IaI -l/ ol..l , . ,.-- I \t,IIa , <}, q, -... _:\ t\r- {r,.-\ "-\\ t Rqe,RQ,^9LFK -: -' (t' {) ?-.F t\I6 a \ \s'(c,\t>\n SI(C' I R" (\ \J a'1 -I GREG HALL TODD Return to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ,( DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date: Date: OPPENHEIMER .-JI}I CIIRNUTTE Town Planner o(c €PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: Engineering: Reviewed by: ,(* COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: .{#, Comments: llfi I :r.' r .ilI 1 :': Landscaping: *k*"fv Dare: 8z6'-15 ob,1e4""se>lw ruecv Ei,w7t &^iCn @F €rbrtKg duF c'"X \3F5 sf ra* No/ f gg rJco ce t'ue";f Reviewed by: Comments: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Distributed to lhe Fire Department, Public Works, and Landscaping on Return to INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW v OPPENHEIMER JI}l CIIRNIITTE Town Planner o TO: MIKE MCGEE .CdEG.ffiDTODD\----_--'------ Rc <\, C\J <.5:).<t F CE PRoJECT: L q -{*rIo.G*f*s,'l*G€ DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC .oMMENTSNEEDEDT m/>tv: f/SO Engineering:L'f L( BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: 1 . I;;; ;;ili i;,,ii+i;' h:;;i";; Lot ,u4,.1 ivce,tt'd ilR[3 <S1rvue[ -tr,ua 'ivPfpx+q Qb{ Wqf * cpe ulupipX I'as bgett^ but(f ' -rng(e €o<*illy t*GtC+tcA u;ict xpi&c< -lAe 3/-bl d4te/, \>z^s #r..rce 'Dq/ &r rAe Reviewed by: tm l'lartt.,er' Oate: 0l3o' Comments: Yo.;r ;itg grcvr dog:qt tczrn rc $c\o.rcr\ RE pwn or grero$ (n 6}ccu'riix1'1 \^Jd\ nc€d ar\ €r1{YY!a1t {or algYrart oo }trr4 proper F.-t G(Ir,r\a doc<s sced r'' r)e ?3r o(e\rr, Axr cn.\S tc'c^d)-'o{ a"tf'a\t' 6(de, eve9a z: | - iee Ptof\ - Ar$an L(Xt? arnnok 12 6:V lcr uhtrtreC'- ku^r e{\qY1^3.,r<rr-i h1 \t$boJr (:. Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: Commenls: Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: \ Distributed to the Fire Department, Pubtic Works, and Landsc ^ping on tfr 1 . ;rilTB+Tqt. . rry""!:ry?F-'tl.*i'i {il"g J$1: I f1 ' ' f'. It fin Review Action tfr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Proiect Name: ,n" t /ta/q-tr Building Name: ProiectDescriptiont 4J A,^) O r/f (4y' Owner, Address and Phone:- "/z -6q(e , &"K < /.q/, t i t, co, aresE ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: tot { Block 3 Subdivision € Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval !o€ e ) TO: FROM: DATE: MJL DEVELOPMENT INC. PO Box 3451 Vail, Colorado 81658 303 476-6944 MEMORANDIJM Jim Curnutte Town of Vail Community Development January 17,1995 RE: Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Third Addition Amended Bighom Falls Townhomes 4335 Spruce Way, East Vail Pursuant to our conversation today, I am enclosing a blueprint copy ofthe main and lower level floors ofthe above referenced duplex. Concurrent with the rough frarning inspection on the east side of the duplex, your inspector has notified me that certain areas within the crawl space as identified on the enclosed blueprint have a ceiling height in excess offive feet. Therefore, I have identified an area on the main floor of79 square feet and 44 square feet on the lower floor which I agree to designate as GRFA within the building totals. As we have discussed, it would be dfficult at best to fill the area on the main floor of 79 square feet. Howwer, later in the year it will be relatively easy to adjust the steep slope of the backfill within the lower level and thus lessen the square footage designated as GRFA Currently, the head height for the *qio"ty of the newly designated GRFA within the lower level is not more than six or seven feet. fu I have a reinspection scheduled for Wednesday, January 18, 1995, in the afternoon, I would appreciate you contacting the inspector regarding the desigrration of this additional GRFA to satisfy his concenxi prior to his aftemoon inspection. Thank you in advance for your assistance and please contact me ifyou have any questions. Michael farrte**n Vil,/ TO; FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 28, 1994 A request fora variance from Section 18.69.040 (Hazard Regulations - Development Restricted) in order to allow for the construction of buildings on sfopes greater lhan 40/o at 4335 Spruce Way/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Planner: BAB Partnership Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a variance in order to allow for the construction of two duplex buildings on a portion of lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, which has a slope greater than 40%. Section 18.69.040 of the Town of Vail's Hazard Regulations states that "no structure shafl be built on a slope ol 40/" or greater except in Single Family Residential, Two Family Residential, or Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. Lot 4 is zoned Low Density Multiple Family (LDMF). The purpose of the Hazard Regulations section of the Town ol Vail Municipal Gode is to: "Help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers related to development of floodplains, avalanche paths, steep slopes and geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas which may be subject to flooding and avalanche or which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values of the Town to protect the aesthetic and recreational values and natural resour@s of the Town, which are sometimes associated with floodplains, avalanche areas and areas of geologic sensitivity in slopes; to minimize damage to public lacilities and utilities and minimize the need for relief and clean up operations; to give notice to the public of certain areas within the Town where floodplains, avalanche areas, and areas of geologic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public health, safety and welfare." The Town defines slope as "the gradient or configuration of the undisturbed land surlace prior to site improvement on a site, or parcel which shall be established by measuring the maximum number of feet in elevation gained or lost over each ten feet or fraction thereof measured horizontally in any direction betvveen opposing lot lines; the relationship of elevation or vertical measure as divided by the horizontal measurement shall be expressed as a percentile as a means of quantifying the term "slope"... The applicant has stated that the 40% slope area on this portion of the Lot 4 is not a naturally occuning situation and is directly related to the conslruction of Spruce Way. The applicant contends that the slope of the area on which he wishes to site his two duplex buildings was 30o/o, ot less, prior to the construction of the road and therefore he should not be penalized lor an artificially created slope situation. Although lhe 40"/o grade of the land area along the northern portion ol Lot 4 does appear to have been created by road construction, the applicant is unable to produce a topographic survey of the lot prior to road construction. Therefore, we are unable to confirm that the undisturlced land surface prior to site improvement was less that 40%. The applicant must apply for a variance from Section 18.69.040 in order to allow for the construction of buildings on that portion of the lot which has slopes greater than 40%. II. BACKGROUND On March 14, 1994, a worksession was held with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to discuss lhe proposed variance request and to provide direction to the applicant regarding other issues that were of concem to the staff and PEC. Although the PEC felt that a variance from the 40% slope requirement was wananted on this site, they were concerned with the impact the proposed construction would have on the large evergreen trees located along the western property line. At the meeting, the applicant stated that he would be willing to shift the building turther to the east to stay out of the grouping of large evergreen trees. However, he pointed out that two evergreen trees will have to be removed no mafter where he places the building. The PEC felt that the applicant should attempt to save as many trees as possible but understood that two of the trees were located within the proposed building location. Also, the PEC discussed the Town Engineer's request to receive a road maintenance easement across the northern portion of the property which would cover the existing encroachment ol Spruce Way onto the proper$. The applicant agreed to provide the necessary easement as requested by the Town Engineer. III. ZONING STATISTICS Allowed under LDMF Zoninq Proposed Lot Size: 0.81 acre or 35,231 sq. ft. Same Total Buildable Area: 20,308 sq. ft. same Density: 9 DU's per buildable acre 4 DU's or 4 DU's 'GRFA: 6,992 sq. ft. 6,750 sq. ft. Site Coverage: 35% or 12,331 sq. ft. 15/o or 5,400 sq. ft. Landscaping: Building Height: '*Setbacks: 40h or 14,092 sq. ft.79o/o or 27,811 sq. ft. 35 feet for flat or mansard roofs 36 leet sloping roof 38 feet for sloping roof Front: 20' Sides: 20' Rear: 20' N: 25'S: '117' E: 20'W: 20' *There is currently a 400 square foot shed on the property which will be removed when the project is constructed. IV. CBITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PBOPOSAL Upon review ol the Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following tactors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship ot the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The proposed development within the 40% slope area of this lot will not impact any existing uses in the area. The lineal shape of the proposed buildings have been sited on the property essentially perpendicular to the narrow band of 40% slope, which traverses the northem portion of this lot. Therefore, it would appear that the applicant has attempted to minimize, as much as possible, the extent of each building's encroachment into the 40% slope area. Staff leels that the proposed site planning of this project would cause less site disturbance than would result if the proposed buildings were required to be located entirely out of the 40% slope area. lf the applicant were not allowed to locate the buildings as close to the front lot line as possible, they would be pushed turther down the slope toward the center portion of the lot. Driveways would then need to be cut into the hillside in order to reach the proposed building locations. The applicant could request permission for detached garages, however, stafl believes that site disturbance will be lessened by keeping the buildings as close to the front lot line as possible. Also, by keeping the garages aftached to the buildings the applicant can place some GRFA under the garages and further reduce site disturbance. With 20 foot setbacks on the front, sides, and rear of this lot staff believes that there is sufficient buffering of this project from surrounding properties. Although a landscape plan has not been submitted in conjunction with this variance request, one will be provided at Design Review. The applicant has agreed, at the very least, to replace the two large pine trees being removed with an equal lineal amount of new tree plantings. This should also help screen the proposed buildings from the road and adjacent properties. T 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformaty of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without grant of special privilege. As mentioned in the staff memo during the March 14, 1994 PEC worksession regarding this issue, the Town of Vail Hazard Regulations do allow for the construction of Single Family, Duplex and Primary/Secondary structures within slopes grater than 40o/o. The regulations, however, specifically state that this exception only applies to properties zoned Single Family, PrimaryiSecondary and Duplex. All ol the properties which have zoning designations olher than the three previously mentioned would be restricted lrom development ifi 401o slopes per the strict and literal interpretation of the Code. lf this property were subdivided into two Duplex lots, the development, as proposed, would be allowed without a variance. However, since it is zoned Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) the structures are not automatically allowed on slopes greater than 40%. Staff believes that this portion of the Code was written for the purpose of precluding substantial site disturbance which results from the construction of multi{amily units or the clustering of large numbers of Single Family and Duplex units. However, staff believes that due to the large size of this particular property and the limited number of dwelling units and buildings proposed, the imposition of this particular code requirement may be overly restrictive. In addition, it does appear that fill was placed on the site which created a slope problem. It would not appear that the applicant is requesting undue or excessive relief from the 40% slope requirement nor would it seem that a grant of special privilege would be provided to the applicant by granting the requested variance. 3. The efiect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution ot population, transporlation and traffic facilities, public faciliti€ and utilities, and public safety, Due to the isolated location of this particular lot and its access frorn Spruce Way as opposed to Bighorn Road, staff believes that the proposed buildings will have no impact on any of the above criteria. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinqs before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granling of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. B. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or entorcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval ot the requestdd variance from Section 18.69.040 of the Town of Vail . Hazard Regulations, in order to allow for the construction of buildings on that portion ol the lot which has slopes greater than 40%. lt would appear that the band of 40% slope area, along the northern portion of lot 4, was created within recent history and possibly associated with the construction of Spruce Way. Due to the topography of the site, the staff finds that the requested relief from the strict and litera, interpretation of lhe Hazard Regulations is necessary in order to obtain a reasonable and acceptable solution for adequately locating buildings on this property. Statf believes that approving the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare and is wananted, specifically because there are extraordinary circumslances related to this lot that are not generally true of many lots in this zone district. The staff's recommendation for approval includes the following conditions: 1. That the westernmost duplex be shifted approximately 3 feet further to the east in order to provide clearance trom the drip line of nearby trees. This change shall be indicated on the plans submitted lor DBB approval. 2. That the applicant agree to provide a road maintenance easement along the northem portion of this property as shown on the attached site plan. This easement may be granted by way of a separate legal instrument which has been reviewed and approved by the Vail Town Engineer or by showing said easement on an amended plat for Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition. The applicant shall provide the easement to the Town before a building permit will be released. c:\p€cvnEmc\babll.328 I ! I -i i It 't J|Etlftilr\:lo lt'r lW(xvrtrD lIvA t|IxlIfllv olru rxE|AXrSnS fIECr rY|. (!|ONw € DfiS ? I(II tc: {e P:+ I-IJ!- .? s- I I I'l I I I I I I !LI -J !L :3\J iI I V l : F dI :J jJ I F =o :f ) L <. nl J t- o <lul i ; J,r&I'iIl{'rJAIO 1'I{ NV (XTVIT('IO .INA }{NII(rI\| OllHI iroEl^Xtslrs lll(rtcts rvld (tr|(Ifdtrv € )tf,ors 7 J,gl > t'' -,-J llr t- !f) xl Project Application ,^," 6fttf t A Project Name: d'> a (x'; v Jl,.; 'AdpF/+Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: (,C,(,x Sticl Ja,(, (()'/{tsd 1/&(rqrt 5 5 or,t({' rs z, ,t, # )- 4}6 qlt Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion, t-ot 1 etocL ru,^s 6, jh,r, 3'J /t,U.i ... ..o^" L!full: Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Su m mary: ( e ,',,',,,' { ,,",, Approval t.vt.d afl1 lga DESr@{REVTEW BOARD APPI,TCATION . TOIIN OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ***rlt***** INCONIPIIETE APPI.ICATIONS MAY NgT BE SEHEDT'I,ED FOR REUTEW. ***t***i** PROiIECT INFORMAIIION: A.DESCRIPTIONz 7xS{:l B. TYPE OF REVIEV\I: New ConstructionAddition ($50.00) D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:LrOL Subdivision ($200 .OOl t/vtinor Alteration ($20. OO) Conceptual neview ($0) +\ B1 If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and attach E. F. G. H. I. iI. ZONING: NA}IE OF Mailing APPIJICAI{T 2 ft|,' u/' e-J L'u {''t l' c'"{- A66asss 2 NAI'{E OFMailinq Address: APPIJICAI{T ' S REPRESENTATIVE: Phone NAI.IE OF OTiNER(S):C,t t 'u l. MaiL -<_ Pbone 4tC -ltlf APPIJICA$ONS WIIJL NOT BE PR@,ESSED WIIHOW OWNER'S SIGIIIATURB Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of the DRB application. Later, when appl.ying for a buildinq pernit, please identify the accuratevaLuation of the proposal . Tbe Town of vail will adjust thefee according Lo Lhe table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. VAI.,UATION $ 0-$ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, ooo $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00.00 DBSI@{ RE|I/IEIY BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTBR FINAIJ APPROVAIJ I'NIJESS A BUIIJDING PERIIIT IS ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTIONIS STARTED. FEE SCHEDULE: o PRB -APPI,ICATION MEETING :II. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to determine if any additionalapplicauion information is needed. IE is the applicant,'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todet.ermine if there are additional submitt,al requirements.Please note that a COMPLETE applicauion wj_lI streamline thereview process for your project. III. IMFORTAIII NOTICE REqARDING AIJIJ SI'BIIISSIOIIS ITIO THE DRB! A. In addition to meeting submittaL requirements, Lheapplicant must stake and tape the projecb site t.oindicate property lines, buitding lines and buildingcorners. All trees to be removed must be taped. A1Isite tapings and st,aking must be completed prior to tbe DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for IvEw BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicant.s who faiL to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their iuen bepostponed, wil.1 have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the it.em has beenrepublished. D. The following ibems may, at. the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the Corununity Development, Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any other 1otor public space. At the.time such a proposal issubmitted, applicanes rnust include letters fromadjacent property owners and,/or from the agent foror R€urager of any adjacenE condominium associaEionstating the associaE.ion approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard. area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfal1, flood plain, debris f1ow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study must be submitted andthe owner must, sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior bo the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior Lo DRB application to determine the retat,ionshipof the properLy to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. C1early indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural. wa11s of thebuilding; and b. Indicat,e with a dashed l-ine on the site plan afour foot distance from the exEerior face of thebuilding wa1ls or supporting colunns. c. If DRB approves the applicaLion with condit,ions ormodificaLions, all conditions of approval musE be addressed prior to the application for a buildinqpermit. rv. A. Three copies of a recent topograBhic survey. staJnped bya Colorado Profesgional lriceased Sunreyor, at a scaleof 1u = 20, or Larger, on which the followinginformation is provided: L. IJot area, and buildable area when d.ifferent thanIoL area. 2. IJegaL description and physical address. 3. Trro foot contour intervals unless the parcel consist,s of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5rcontour intervals may be accepted. 4. Existing t,rees or groups of trees having tnrnkswith dianeters of 4,, or more, as measured from apoint, one foot above grade. 5. Rock out,croppings and other significant naturalfeatures (1arge boulders, intermittent strearns, etc. ) . 6. Hazard areas (avaLanche. rockfaLl. etc.),centerline of streams or creeks, required creek or stream seLback, and 100-year flood plain, ifapplicable. gLopes of 40t or more shall beclearly delineated by cross hatching. 7. fies to existing benchmark, either USGS landnarkor se\,ver invert. This information must be cIearl-gstated on the survey so EhaE aII measurements are baEed on the same start,ing point. This isparticularly important for deEermining buiLdingheight and d.riveway slope. See Policy On SurveyInformation, for more information regarding surveys. 8. Locations of uhe fol.Lowing must be shown: a. Size and tl4)e of d.rainaqe cul.verts, swaLes,etc. b. Exact location of existing utility servicelines from their source to the strr,rcture,including: Cable TV Sewer casTelephone Water Elect.ric c. All utility meter Locations, including anypedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacenL to the site. cl. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. Indicate a1l eagerrenEs identified on thesubdivision plaE. 9. Provid.e spot elevations aL the edge of asptralt, along the street frontage of the property attwenty-five foot intervals (25,1, and a minimum of one spot elevation on either side of the lot. B. gite PIan 1. Locations of the foll.owing must be shown: a. Existing and finiEhed qrades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. c. ".O nronosed driveway, in.r'rllrrn percenL slopeand spot elevations at the property line,garage slab and as necessary along thecenterline of the drive to accurately reflectdriveway grade. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge ofasphalt for driveways that exit the street inan uphill direction. 2. A1I existing improvements including st,ructures,land.scaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-st.reet. parking, loadingareas, retaining wa1ls (wibh top and bottom of wa11 spot elevations), and other existing site improvements. 3. In order to determine proposed building heigrhtselevations of aI1 top roof ridges, and eaves when d.etermined necessary by the zoning administrator,shall be indicaLed on the site plan with existing and. proposed contour lines shown und.erneath. Landscape PlaS (lt'= 20'or larger) - 3 copies required1, At a minimum. the following information must beprovided on the landscape plan: a. Location of existing trees 4" diameter or larg'er, b. Tllpe, size and location of all existing andproposed plant material, c. Location of all trees to be transplanted., d. A detailed legend of all proposed plant material including common and Latin nErmes. 2. The Location and tlpe of existing and proposed. watering systems to be empLoyed in caring forplant material following its installation. 3. ExisLing and proposed contour Lines. Retainingwalls should be included with the contourinforrnation with top of walL and bottom of wa11elevations listed. 4. Complet,e the at.tached landscape materials 1ist. Sicrn off from each utilitv conpanv verifying the LocaEion of utility serviee and availabitity (see attached utility verification form) . A preliminarv titLe reoorb ScheduLe A and B must accompany all submittals, io insure property ownerslrip and ident.ify all easements affect,ing the subjectproperEy. Arclritectural Plans (t/9" - 1, or largrer, t/4" ispreferred. scaLe for review) 3 copies are required. 1. FLoor pLans and all elevaEions of the proposed development drawn Co scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation d.rawings must show both existing andfinished grades. 2. One set of fl.oor plans must be 'rred-linedt' to show how the gross resident,ial floor area (GRFA) was caIculat,ed.. 3. Exterior materiaLs and colors shalL be specifiedon the attached. materials list. This mat,erialslist must be completed and submitted as a part ofthe application. Color chips, siding sampJ.esetc., sha11 be presented aL the uesign Review Board meetj.nq. DetaiLs incLud.ing, but not limited D. E. F. ao?.""i., trim, railinqs, .nt.o cdp, n€rerlocaLions, etc. must be shown graphically andfully dimensioned. G. zone check List (attached) must be completed if theproject is located within Llre Single-Farnj.Iy, Primary/Secondary or DupLex zone districts. H. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent stnrctures. I. The Zoning Adninislrator and/or DRB nay require thesubmission of add.itional plans, drawingrs,specifications, strmples and other materials (including a modeL) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with Design GuideLines. V. !fiNOR AIJTERATTOIS TO THB EXTERIOR OF BIIIITI'INGS. Photos or sketches which ctearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the red.evelopmentproposaL nay be submitted in lieu of the rnore for"na1requirenents set forch above, provided all import,ant,specifications for the proposal including colors and mat,erial-s to be used are submitted. VI . TDDITIONS . RESIDENTIAI., OR COUDIER.CIAIJ A. Original fLoor plans with aLl specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/gn = L, or larger(L/4"= f ispreferred) C. Three copies of a site p1.an showj-ng existing andproposed consEnrction. Indicate roof ridgre el.evationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the exisLing structure. F. Specifications for aL1 materials and coLor samples on ma-teriaLs list (attached) . AE tbe request, of the zoning AdmiDistrator you nay also be' required to submit: G. A statement from each ut.ility verifying locat,ion ofservice and avaiLability. See attached utiLitylocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registered Colorado Professional Liceased surveyor. I. e preLininary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easement,s.' VTT. FINIIJ STEB PI'AII Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Buil-ding Department wil.1 schedule aframing inspectj.on, two copies of an Improvenent LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional. engineer must be submitted. The foll.owinginformation must be provided on Ehe ILC: A. Building tocation(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. E. G. H. err ueity servicematerial used, and line as-Uuirtslshowing tlpe ofsize and exact location of lines. D. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. AlL easements. Garage slab elevaEions and all roof ridge elevationswith exist,ing and. proposed qrades shown under the ridge1ines. VIII.CONCEPTUAIJ DESTGN REVTEW A. Submittal requirements: The owner or aulhorized agentof any project, requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit pLans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department, of Conununity Development. The conceptual review isintended to give the applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Town's Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single-fanily and two-family residences. However, developersof single-family and two-family projects shal_1 not be excluded fron the opportunity to request a concepbualdesign review. CompLete applications must be submitted 10 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meet.ing. The following information shal1 be submitted for aconceptual review: t. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimunscale of one inch eguals twenty feeEt 2. ConceptuaL elevations showing exterior mat.erials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or st.ructurest 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the' zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations, nurnber of parking spaces, etc.) t 4. completed DRB application form. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application forconceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shal} review the submitted materials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirement,s ofthe zoningr code. If the propoEaL is in basic compliance with the zoning code reguirements, theproject sha1l be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials shall be returnedto the appLicant with a written explanat,ion as to why t,he Comnunity Development, Department staff has foundthe projecE not to be in compliance with zoning coderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submit,ted conceptuatreview application and supporting mat.erial in order t,odetermine whether or not, the project generally complieswith Che desigm guidelines. The DRB does noE vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shal-l- be present at the DRB hearing. IJIST OF MATERIAIJS NAI{E OF PROifECT: IJEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT- BIJOCK - STTBDMSION STREET ADDRESS: The following information is required for submittal to the Desigm Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUfIJIXG TIATERIAIJS: lfgPE OF IIATERIAIr COLOR Roof Sidins Other Wa11 Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues . Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining wall.s ExEerior lJighting Other B. I.AIiIDSCAPING: Nane of Designer: phone: o TERIAI,S TREES ".*t"'rQ.t"Ouantitv. Size*PLAIiff lilA PROPOSED Botanical Nane AI{D SHRI'BS *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliperfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Ind.icat.e heiqht. f orconiferoustrees. Minimun height for coniferoustrees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 qallon.Mininum size of shrubs is TvDe Square Footaoe GROTJ}TD COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. L,ANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior liqhting is proposed, please show the number of fixLures and locations on a separatef-ightinq pIan. tdeneify each fixture from the lighting planin the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe ofliqht.proposed, lumen outpuL, luminous area and a cut, sheet ofthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050,I) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal.Ls, fences, swimmingpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwa11s. Maximum height of walLs within the front setback is 3' . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6' D. a/L7 /9r TONN OF VI,TL UTILITY Iff]ATION VER.IFICATIOII FORII JOB NAI.{E STIBDIVISION I,OT BIJOCK FILING ADDRESS The form is used to verify service availabiLity and location. This EhouLd be used in conjunction with preparing your utiliUy plan andscheduLing instaLLations. For any new construction proposal., theapplicant must provide a completed utitity verification form. The location and avaiLability of util.ities, whether they be maintrunk Lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing util-ities for the accompanying site ptan. A11 authorizj.ng signatures need to be originals. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. west Cosununications 458-5850 or 949 -4530 Public Service Cornpany 949 - 6135 Gary Ha1l/Rich Cooley HoLy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 engineering Dept. Ted. Husky/Michael Laverty *ITCI CabLevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagle Va1ley water & Sanitation District * 476 -7480 Fred, Haslee *rA aite plrn is required. Physical location of kaorn utiU.tiesnugt be shown oD tbe site DIan. utility locationg nay or nay Dotoffer gerniee to the Dloperty liae. Aay utilily qrteasioa raquired shaU be tbe responsibiliUy of the property orDer. NOTE:1. If a utilicy company lrag concerns witlr tbe proposed construction, the utility representative should notdirectl-y on the utility verification forn that thereis a problen which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be spelled out in detail in an attachedl-etter to the Town of vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utiJ.ity company to resolve identified problems. 2. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the util.ity companies, and no conments are made direct,ly on the forn, the Toyrn will presumethat there are no problens and t.hat the development, can proceed. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility Eo obEain a street. cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of PubLic Works and to obtain utilitv locations before digoina in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVai1. A buildind permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. 4. Installation of service lines are at the qq)ense andresponsibiLity of the property owner. O zoNE cHEcK O. FORsingLe FamiLy Residence, Duplex, primary/Secondary ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: [,EGAL, DESCRIPTION: Lot - Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: ZONE DTSTRICT ARCHITECT LOT SIZE PROPOSED USE PHONE PHONE BUILDABIJE LOT AREA Al-Lowed Existinq Pronosed Tot.al (30) (33)Height TOLAl GRFA Primary GRFA + 425 =, Secondary GRFA + 425 = Setbacks FronL 20'Sides 15'Rear 15' SiLe Coverage Landscaping ReEaining WaII Heights J'/6' Parking Garage CrediL Drive: Reqrd Encl (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ PermiLued slope t Proposed slope rb NoComplies wi.th T.O.v. Lighting Ordi.nance Yes waLer course Setback (30) (50) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50t) ' YEs No EnvironmenLal/Hazards: 1) Flood Plain 2l Percent Slope 1< > 30%) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris FIow 4) wetlands View Corridor EncroachmenE: Yes Does this requesl j.nvoive a 250 ridciiLiorr? How much of Lhe allowed 250 AddiEion is used wiLh this reguesL? Previous condiEions of approval (check property file): t0 Y#wr,,,, /QD\h\ @ I I L-- _ft(l ErcE 1l Fe*o (4'7" r^ [7 &a dl ul\r r'f _lN ll 0l t$rqr-J =J o -lsl d 1$J J -...1 J t* 1>:'.<- r .:---ll is o: .--.-.'-'- SUf _-.-.-.-- S--d' x a I I 's CEtuNe be*A EA tN 5 oF 5t Ir orr'\ , ty'o ") t0,5 f ''1'6'ni,i"i"rsss LO 4 EIqHOBN qA RAqE /+n -' l'- o N5N sroeacrE Lafi FeavtNq b/ t5/ 15 SHEET NO, --r urElrrv--'l €l- oF IKRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 vAlL, coLoRADO 81658 (970) 949-9391 FN( (970) 949-1577 CAICULA'ED BY ,^* b/to/qg C}IECXED BY z-XV 9TUD9 e ?1" 3/" ".frrrotlrook l?4 xqlz LvLrs C 21'l glMPsoN 'tUTn ilANqERs -a I.j oa C€tupe Ee*r\ EA rN ! oF gt Rr rrvl r 16'0 ") = t0's f .Y rzi,,ij,?,ll$,i_fr.\i-i AUd"'i 8 lsss t{oRN CaARAGE /+' = l'' oLOT 4 BI Lo u r$ .5 .r| _l s.l tl nl t$ _r AgJ J J o -tsl o ulJ J -ttl J -------T E - - q(l f+cs1'l *e*o (4'7" v I c ,_--.-- s(tf ,_------ (f{x ===W @f;i,:*$.iNs NEN sToRAqE Lofr FRAMINq b/ t6/ 15 KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 vA'1, COLORADO 81658 (970) 949-9391 FN( (970) 949-1577 sHEEr rio. el oo I cr.cur,rreogv frr RM ^* g/tA/qS CHECKED BY zxtt 9T0D9 e ?4l t/ll 71 61'APDtFtooF lzA xqlz LVL's C 21'l 6rMPsoN ? HANqE oCtgn Review Action Filr TOWN OF VAIL //n.iA s /az /q6 Project Name:'uoL Building Name: Project Description: ,9 Owner. Address and Phone: Ro, {A-X =a=g',VaiL,co zras'f L.egaf Description: t-ot V Btocr 3 suoaivisionb/?lnorm I'Lzon"sistid L OhF Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval E Staft Approval Conditions: le6-:a C,'y'e a e {- *ll,,e 3 fWuq ( Town Planner / - o",", 5/A7/q6 )l c'ovJ ///25.:-_ DRB Fee Pre-paid -4 at<-z f. DESIGN REVIEW BOARDo APPLICATION . TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO DATE RECEIVED: DNTE OF DRB MEETINC:********** ******rr***0 1sg6 tr',7 ,::d I. A, c. D. B. APPLICATT DESCRIPTION:L... L, TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200. 00)Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivision a meeLs and bounds on a separaLe sheet legal and aLLach ,r;ov "e[thiFd, DE'i' DE'PT 4.Fe lL ?-a-- r' Minor A1leraEion ($20.00) ConcepEual Review ($0) If property is described by description, please provide t.o this application. ZONING: 4tti E. F.NAME OF APPLICANT:vl.ul t--ul--- lo.L Mailing Address:V.,'t. C, 8rLf|Phone G. H. NAME OF APPLICANT 'S REPRESENTATIVE , //4 Mailing Address: Phone NAME OF OWNER(S):ft| ,,,-(,-/-.7c(- Mailing Address: APPLICATIONS UTILL NOT BE PROCESSED WIITHOUT O'{NER'S STdTNTUf,E Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are Eo be paid at the t.ime of submittal of Lhe DRB application. Lat.er, when applying for a building permit,, please ident'ify Lhe accuraLe valuation of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjust bhe fee aecording ro bhe tabLe below, to ensuro bhe correct. fee is paid. FEE PAID:p,oo I. J. FEE SCTIEDULE: VAI-,UATION $ 0 $ 10,000 $ 10,00L - $ 50, ooo $ 50, 00L $ 15o,0oo $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAT EXPIRES APPROVAT I'NLEgg A BUILDINO PERIIIE IgIS STARTED. 1 i.l FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI, TggUED AND EOffg[RUETIofi Ttft.ltht 0F LJF I1_ l'liscel I aneoug Cagh t:14-10-?E i5: f,--r: r:jl E*':eipt * f!3F-'bE Fccirun t *t:li # '-34Ern I,1 I CHFIEL Lfi LITEF'EIII::H".F'FTr Hrri*un t. tende red :r Item paid $1B$rff413f,1Sffff li:h;ng* re t rJ rnEd .1. LjF.E r EE: :[1. t:i* Rnaun t p:id :Ll. 'JF t.1 L,tt.1 THFIhII< .I'OLI LJ*ur c*shi*r JLt[r,,, olgn Review Action Ffi TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 6 ,^," 6 /r/q f ero;ectt,t.r"' Lt,,J-t rA.,. l.,'-l.,' L' BuildingName: L' . i<l L"'ri Proiect Descrip tion: lV/<' ,-t ,''i .i./<X Owner, Address and Phone:L., -1.(176- €'/' Architecvcontact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot '/ Block , Subdivision zone District t]nt Proiect Street Address: Comments: o.uu o\ Board / Staff Action Motion by:i! .,lt I-t seconded ovt 5c> ( ? "(--' grfPProval [] Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: fl-li l?)uc< .ri.-JeL '.Jq r -q '-{-', 1 c.. '<j' t u c'i ( l" I +'*'' ct ^> I.p,r-.<*--{ 1*fe r/'(c r^7 ct7-<, f fown Planner ,i /Dale: ( /t" /'t'/tl a€ Lbh, ' *) /a J( DRB Fee Pre-paia # icr'-*9- 3W ',H A4b'( PAS .(rortt$ultl pg j{!.a.r0a i':, :lr {qrDrb(fi&) FH&t BA|b ill(@ ,/ ,l'6+l+lf +b hh E N'J A I rd,st oFFtcE Bux lxltst6lt,7vAf Lr EO. .ltl+ lt'd', t r ti llrblrlnlLt llrnllt4bntcr 3A394943a,4 Nf JT $ $ B N 3A3949@3a4 343 4?9 A46? PAt HrS**., \tr h ( Jt4354WsSq a (rol) tft-lttt €r+Frf MEMbEH, bF.AIilERICAN' IU-sa3 479 446? PAz FAI ilr.or0{ t(4 tl$ tdtlltr) 2rp 6G[At 1;tDorlt 'tilrf,ur'(f-tt'n*tr) tffi*xtrog ,ry!$n ro$r ofrtrcE Bof ttf l lvAlLi cO. tl6lE rttt DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT ZONE CHBCK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Block Filing a )4L<K or-'Ly 3 \ ?TION: LoT ,] Ll 33 5 A,qk rADDRESS: OWNER ARcHrrEcr St'er< R,Jt ,,, pHoNE q1I - Lt le / { zoNE DrsrRrcr LDmtr SzoNE Drsrtrcr LD/4f- tr PRoPosED vsn a' J-'f(<x<s - (or-LY a prvT-e/ '''{ *1't h;"dl* WW aifPrc{€A "&h pRoposED vsn 2 J-fQx<s - (o,"CY z Pr-Ft4 '<{ +('s *>-d- J **Lor "r* o,7(.or* -rzsna3r#@','L"lo[k/rvq = aor3eD ] _x ry ry Proposed roral lt{Height ffi @ 35.,4,s' 3s.qsl S rorar ey,,n G,ffia+(t*rra.1) 6rq7a 7 Ztt?" >,lror'!n l<iK+ L.<t{erLd.I pHoNE 7T6-61 /! Eront 20tSides eegRear Se& Setbacks Wat.er Course Site Coverage Landscaping Set,back 6 €91,@: - 3OffitLr /) //+w, - Bl,ea 6 krq A,AVe.+g+. l1c4? Retaining Wall. Height.s Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/Ha zards : by Town Engineer: -/'No-- !< ??? 3t / 6t'r Reqrd Dat.e approved Yes 2',t 3) 4',) n*6ffi=EJ Permit,Led Slope 8t AcLual Slope -l- 1) Flood PLain Percent. srope eiO@ Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfatlc) Debris Flow Wetlands Prevrous conditions of approval. (check property titel : - < Ft C{ Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? p O /Ho$, much of t,he alrowed 250 Addition is useililEfr-EEis reques E? /o/4 **Note: Under Sections 19.12.090 (B) and 1g .13.0g0 (B) of the Municipalcode, lots zoned Two Family and primary./Secondaiy which are tess-tnun15r000.sq. ft. in area may not const.ruct a second dwerring unit. Thecommunity Deveropment Deplrtment may grant an exception t5 thi;resLrictj-ol provided the- applicant meets t,he criteria set. fort.h underSections 18.12.090 (B) and :.-8.13.080 (B) of t.he r,lunicipaf CoOu-in"iuOingpermanently restrictsing.the unit as, a.long-gsam rentll unit for fuII_tirne employees of the Upper Eagle Val}ey. w{#) 10 t/ Lo,,>j-€/- lao. L, l, r .D^'. \ t, ,','r= 4-aeaa---..a 5at/f ;,*d ,t 1H14P Mountain Ash 5 -O '-:' r'7Qr a; J<a (f- 3r, eQ 1HsOG Autumn Acorn -.lr' : '* - {a*tc<rpeJ. u,) ike S*L>4^*7c;,11 a' \ -,t | ' f- 9q,4F- Z, 9q,(Lv ZFq - CdeY'g /.-,og e("+re# ,:*f &'e,,- A - c2^-sry'> L{5,{s,rL\ v I | - :f q\ Y.vtru r{/r(4 * ao{tn! *of+ i$nJsr.'*',"€; cf'a.J eq* aA*oi:f'W;lW o I BD Bo :.: 4 .I,Y: (__,: i--i -;,.) a"q:J tr. Cat. No. 2938 LUXUS Finish Body Ht.w. ,*( s a\. - -1Ht::g" 'r.;'ili"ii:*r #B /sr') i;ji *1,'4 ,1..-.--4.(5 lr*r1* ".i,i = "*d.__11 2934 Top to Outlet lamp Max. 23' 18' .r6 12" 8" 12' 2930 2934 2938 Patina VP.B. Patina w/P.B. Patina w/P.8. 13" 10' 14. 9" 3-60 W Cand.B' 2-40 W Cand.2'1" 3€0 W Cand. \--J F[r copy 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May 5, 1994 D e parrm e nt of Communiry Develo pment Mr. MichaelLauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Design Review Board (DRB) application for two duplexes on Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition Dear Michael: I have reviewed your amended DRB application lor the two duplexes on the above-referenced lot and have determined that your application is still incomplete. In order to stay on schedule for the May 18, 1994 DRB meeting, the following information must be provided: 1. My calculations show that your proposed buildings exceed the maximum allowed GRFA on the lot by approximately 162 square feet. Please amend your floor plans to remove this GRFA overage. 2. For some reason, your site plan only shows ridge elevations on the eastern duplex. Please amend your site plan to show ridge elevations on the western duplex as well. 3. ls the dashed area on Sheet A-3 a crawl space? lf so, please label as such. Also, please change the wording on all crawl space areas to read as follows: 'Crawl Space - This area shall have a ceiling height of 5 feet or less, as measured trom the surface ol the earth to the underside of the structural floor members of the floor/ceiling assembly above.' 4. Pleas show fireplace vents on your elevation drawings. 5. Please provide the lumen output of all exterior light fixtures so that staff may determine whether or not these lixtures meet the Town of Vail Lighting Ordinance- Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, Colorado 81658 303 476-6944 IOV. C0Mrvi, Dr\l DEPI Aptil2l,1994 Jim Curnutte Town of Vail Community Development Vail, Colorado R.E. Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Third Addition 4335 Bighom Road Vail. Colorado Dear Jim: I am in receipt of the Inter-Departmental Review by Public Works and Engineering dated April 5,1994. In response to their concerns, the survey has been updated to show Spruce Way as opposed to Aspen Lane; two parking spaces are now included within each garage; the utility cut on the west and south perimeter of the lot will be revegetated when the water line to the units is installed during construction; the contours appear correct with the edge of pavement line possibly confused with a contour; additionally, the excavated material massed adjacent to the road is not incorporat€d within the survey; a landscape plan has been prepared and submitted; sewer and water access has been designated on the site plan with two additional copies included for departmental review; the westerly easement has been determined by the plat which shows sixteen feet with eight feet on each side of the property line; a copy of the agreement with Holy Cross Electric referenced in item l2 of the title commitment is submitted for your review; the Holy Cross agreement did not require additions or changes to the existing easements, limits of construction disturbance and regrading have been shown on the site plaq and finally, the spot elevation of25.3 appears correct on the revised plat; perhaps the line designating the edge ofpavement has been confused as a contour. Please contact me if you have additional questions regarding the above items or additional concerns and thank you in advance for your assistance with this project. Pursuant to your recent letter dated April 14, 1994,I am assuming that this project will be presented to DRB on May 18, 1994. Again, thanks for your help. erbach a*t"" (ccrrtlnred) ffiffi*,mrc Ass€rATlol' I\tr|ltE:ugl!Gr$ofaOegtlflcctgof-fa:reeD.gerrJderclrgth8ttIEo€a:5BID ortstJrg_cpar *rf *i;; tr.'omE 6'egi:.n otrll rsE are"ai cn the Foltcles b rs. 307755 -C ffiFl a Colorado ger€q+ Uf., r.e"or*A Septerrber 25' t992 rn gi* 590 at PagB 128. -3.Ary Erd all unredeered ta:' E6]'eg' bE lsst'd lErerndg. APR 2 1 t9$1 FIFS! }IIERICA}I TITLE II\gJRI}I3E CO'TPANC t Bt auonN Btocx 3 #,^o' t,.,"u \NA1 LEG ENP LOT 8 LOT 6 B toHoRN Roao ExrsrtNc Poc.c (fo ar REmoveo) Exrsrrryc ANcuoR (f o BA Rgntoveo ) Exrsrtnl TaaxgFo&ttEE PRoPoszD PAo' MouNreo T-nexsto/?MER Paoeosso Pot-6 ExtsrtNa Pote Ettslltna FRIMARY OventEao El-scrntc Ettsrlv6 Pntmanv OvennEae ELEerRtc (fo 8a Ea,t7tN6 UNptnonouno P&NA'?Y Etecl,<ra PfioPoseo tlN?',r? G'?oailP PntMnnr Etscrtete .- Paoiosso lJnosaeiozino SPttcs VAULT t o o o o \ rb- -n-,v THE vtcroRlANS Rnmareo) lroLY cRoss oLEcTRrc Ass(ErATIoN, I NC. ,3?99 HICI|WAY 82 P. o' DRAWI|R 2I50 GLENWOOD SPRINCS, COLORADO 8I 602 April 16, 1992 Mr. Fred M. BickfordJenbor, Inc.P. O. Box 2144Boulder, Colorado 80306 RE: Bighorn Thlrd Flling, Block 3, Lots 4 and 9, Overhead to Underground Prinary Electric Conversion Dear Mr. Bickford: Reference is nade to your inquiry concerning the above mentionedproJect. Holy Cross Electric has conpleted a rough prelininaryestinate and has determined that sufficient revenues are beingreceived fron lot 9 to justify lnvestment in a naJorlty of the expense of this project. A.non-adjustable contribution in aid ofconstruction'in the anount of $5r400.00 will be'required for a temporary r.Dead Endrr pole and riser. This project is shosn onthe attached sketch. Holy Cross Etectric will require the project owner to provide allexcavation, backfill , conpactlon and cleanup needed forlnstallation of the underground power system. The owner mustalso set all vaults and install all conduits as specified by Holy Cross Electricrs design and construction standards. HoIy CrossElectric wl.Il supply all materLal which can be delivered to theproject site. The cost of this material is included within Holy Cross Electricrs justified expenses. It will be your responsibility to contact U. s. West and HeritageCablevision, who also have facitities on Holy Cross Electricpoles vithin this project. A letter must be obtained from eachutility stating that its facilities will be placed underground and detailing the cost of such construction to yourself. HoIy Cross Electric Dust be provided a copy of these letters. Each building owner in the project area nust contract with anelectrician to extend the existing secondary electric servicelines underground fron the building to the proposed pad-nountedtransformer. This cost is in addition to the prinary conversioncost mentioned above and wiII probably range between 9500 and S1000 per building. All building owners in the project area ltust sign a Letler ofIntent agreeing to extend their secondary services before Holy Cross Electric will consider converting the primary posrer linesto underground. A copy of this letter is attached. The requirernents to be imposed by aI other utilities for removingtheir facilities fron HoIy Cross Electric poles must be reviewed and accepted by all building owners. Execution of the above mentioned Letter of Intent by the individual building ownersconstLtutes agreement to contract with all other utilities for removal of their facilities fron the poles. Additional easements nay be reguired for the installation of Holy Cross Electric underground facilities. (3or) e45.54e r FAX:945-4081 Ur. l.red M. Blckford Jembor, Inc.April L6, L992 Page l\'o After aLr properly executed Letters of intent and letters fromother utilities are received, Hory cross El-ectrl-c will considerthe proJect for inclusion in its ionstruction plans. Holy CrossElectricrs Board of Directors has linited expenditures under thisconversion progran to 9250,000 per year. very few projects wiIIbe constructed each year due to the expense oi'unaeigroundconversions. HoIy cross Electricts delision to proceed with aproject wilr be based upon many factors, includiirg visual irnpactof the overhead li.nes, system operation considerations, the orderin which projects get ready, and naterial and rabor aviirauility,as well as the conversion costs. Holy Cross Electric uill notify the initiating consurner(s) inwriting when the project has been selected foi possible' ,construction. At that time, a deposit for prirulry lineconversion equal to $tOO for each building in the-project areawill be qequired. If the project is canc6ted, thi-s d6posit forprinary line conversion will- be refunded less expenses. After the entire prinary line conversion deposit has beenreceived, Holy Cross Electric will: 1. Prepare a project.design and construction drawingshowlng the trench route and transformer locations.this iiforrnation will be used. by eacn fuiiaing owner inthe project area to secure costs frorn an electricianfor executing a Unilateral Agreenent For UndergroundConversion of Secondary Service. A copy of this document is attached. 2. Prepare a cost estimate for the actual project design.If thls cost exceeds Holy Cross nlectric's-Justifiedinvestment, as defined above, the initiatingconsumer(s) will be informed as to the cost for prirnaryconversion which they roust pay. The previously paiddeposit for prinary line conversion vitt be appfLedagainst any such costs or will be refunded if no suchpaynent is reguired. 3. Specify a date by which aLl Unilateral Agreements ForUnderground Conversion of Secondary Services, withassociated secondary conversion deposits, and theprirnary conversion cost, if any, nust be received. After all paperwork and paynents have been received., Holy CrossElectrLc will schedule the project for construction. Please call rne if you have any guestions. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, rNC. ,27 -.1 ./) 'lF7*t"1 /Ted Huskey, Engineering Service Supervisor TII: rjn W/O#92-L3406.52-74:Bighorn 3rd, Btk. 3, Lot 4, OH-UG Conversion LBTTER OF I}ITENT Tlre undersigned agrees to convert his electric secondary servlceto the approprlate pad rnounted t-ransforrner if Holy Cross ElectricAssociation, Inc. places the exj-sting overhead power lines underground in the area. It is understood as .follows: 1. The undersigned has received a copy of Holy Cross Electricts Policy Statenent Irnplernentation for Conversl-on from,Overheadto Underground FaciLities dated January L6' 1989. 2. The undersigned may be responsible for paynent of a portionof the prlmary conversion costs 3. The undersigned will contract with an electrician to converthis secondary electric service to the underground power systen. Costs for this secondary conversion are separate fron the prirnary conversion mentioned in 2 above. The undersigned has received a copy of the Agreement for Underground conversion of Secondary Service and wlll executesaid agreement prior to Holy Cross Electric beginning theprimary conversion. 4. other utilities rnay have installed their facilities on Holy cross Electric poles. Those other utilities must place their facillties underground before the por{rer poles can be removed. The undersigned agrees to contract with all otherutllities for undergrounding these facilities. 5. The undersigned will gran! easements to lloly Cross Electricin a mutually acceptable location if needed for the prinary conversion. The underslgned further agrees that should this letter of intent be executed by atl building owners in the project area and subnitted to Holy Cross Electric, HoIy cross Electric will consider conversion of the prirnary power lines in the projectarea. If IIoIy cross Electric elects to construct the subject conversLon project, all documents and required payments will begiven to lloty cross DLect.ric when and as specified. Thls letter of intent is dated Ausust 18'19q2 Printed name of building owner RAB Dartnerstrto street address of building Bighorn Third Filinf Signature of building owner Mailing address of owner Phone nunber of owner I{D: rjn 1-9-9 0 303-444-42q4 UNILATERAL AGRIEHINT TOR UNOERGROUND CONVERSIOII OF SECONDARY The undersigned being the owner(s) of property in the ni"hSubdivision, or property area, which properfy ls Bighorn Third Filing. Block 3. Lor 4u:tsr hereby warrants and represents that he, she, it or they are the lawful owners of saidproperty' and agree with Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc. (hereinafter "HCEA') as fol I ows: IIITNESSETH: that I,|IIEREAS, the undersigned, together with other property owners within said subdivision or property area, have requested of HCEA that its overhead primary dlstribution facilities within said subdivision or property area be converted to underground facilities; and I.IHEREAS, in order to accomplish such it is necessary that the underslgned, and all other property ownars within said subdivision or property- area, shall coincidentallyconvert their overhead secondary service facilities to underground facilities, or alterexisting underground secondary service to receive service at-ltCEA's nearest pad-mounted trans former; NOll THEREFORE, the undersigned agrees with IICEA to do and perform the fol'lowing: l. The undersigned agrees and consents to convert his, her, its or their secondary service as described above, using the undersigned's outn electrical contractor,to be hired and paid by the undersigned, within One - month(X) after HCEA has converted its overhead primary electrical faciliTie!-Tolndergrodird facilities, and hasgiven notice to the undersigned of the completion of such conversion by certlfied mail,return receipt requested at the following address: 2738 Nqrrhbrook ptace. Bo,r1de. Borrldcr, Colorado 80304 . 2. To ensure the performance promised by the undersigned in Paragraph l, above,the underslgned further agrees: (a) To provide to IICEA a written bid from a licensed electrician for the cost ofconverting.the undersigned's secondary service within F,nrrr days aftersigning this agreement. (b) To deposit with llCEA, at the time of submittlng the electrician's bid, an amount of money for secondary conversion equal to said bid. 3. In the event tlre undersigned does not convert its secondary service with the time'agreed to in Paragraph l, tlren IICEA is hereby granted the right, for ltself and lts agents'_contractors and subcontractors to come upon the undersigned's property to perform or.complete said secondary service conversion and to utilize the funds dejrosited Uy the undersigned therefor. 4. Re-landscaping, repair of sidewalks, fences and other improvements, damaged ordestroyed by conversion on the undersigned's pr6perty shall be the rbsponsibility of-the undersigned,-whether such conversion is performed by the undersigned's-own contrlctor, orby HCEA, or its contractor. 5. The undersigned understands and further agrees: (a) In the event the secondary service conversion on his, her, its or theirproperty-shal'l be performed by the undersigned's ovln electrical contractor, IICEA shall refund deposit set forth in paragraph 2 (b) above upon connectionof said secondary service conversion to HCEA's primary undergrbund facilities. (b) In the event the secondary service conversion on his, her, its or theirproperty shall havc to be performed by I1CEA or its agents, or contractor, and the cost thereof shall exceed the amount deposited as set forth in paragraph 2(b) above' the undersigned shall be liable to HCEA for the excess, includingsult costs and reasonab'le attorney fees necessary to collect the same. Also,in such event, if the cost shall be less than the amount deposited, such shall be refunded to the undersigned. 6. The undcrsigned hereby holds HCEA completely harmless, ,including the defense of any legal actions agiinst HCEA, arising out of'the conversion of the undersigned's .. seconiary-servlce, whelher or not'such coiversion is performed by the undersigned, or its contractor, or HCEA or its agents or contractors, and lncluding all property-damage or personal iirJury to the underiigned, his, her, its or their family, guests, llcensees or invltees, or to other third parties. 7. This agreement may be recorded in the county records by ]ICEA, ln whlch event this agreement shall be binding upon the undersigned and his, her, its or thelr successors in int6rest to the property heieihabove described. In the event that the overhead primary electrical facilities have not been converted to underground facllitles withln one year(s) after this agreement is recorded, the provisions hereof shall no longer be a burddn'upon the propirty and sha'll not run with the land and follow tlre tltle thereto. and shall no longer bind the partles, refund of any monies paid hereunder upon said subdivision or property area have the form and substance hereof, or have bld and deposit provislons hereof, by _; or HCIA has been unablc, within the time speclfied in B(a) above, to obtaln compllanca with the provisions of IICEA "Pollcy StatemenL/Conversion From Oveihead to Undergrolnd Facilities, dated January 16, 1989u, a true copy of which is attached hcreto. B. This agreement shall be null and vold, and shall entltle the undersigned to an immediate the follotring condi tions: (a) That all other propcrty owners within failed to sign agreements with HCEA in failed to comply with the construction This does not applv. (b) Signed and executed this lRth day of ,19q2 NOTE: For individual property ownerslrip al 1 joint tenants or tenants in common must sign' TOR INDIVIDUAL SIGNATURES: (Print or type nane of person signing) (Si gnature) (Print or type name of person signing) (Signature ) FOR SIGNATURE OF CORPORATE, PARTNERSIIIP, OR OTTIER EIITIIY @(Print or type namc o signing and/or title) 0ZqIB 0l'tro/,l' 'p^tfl ri,lrl3 ll,luctl 'l'\ I lljtl 266Uzzl6 :sardxl tl0jsslululoC .{UI Address or type name o STATEOFM} ,,. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was 19 QA, by Itly Cornmi ssion Expi res:9-aa-qa IIITNESS HY IIAND AND OFFICIAL SIAL. rJm l-9-90 acknowledged before this \ilh day of Auqu:.F , \ Return to S.-.. Crrn,t*& Town Planner BHIEF DEScRlPrtoN oFrHE pRoposAL: *f",*to nleuJ olof f,apeg * :Ir€ tbcLt*ul ,@ef Frev, €ee\raerrA=' ,ulrers 4G frG; ;OAS te$eeu*;tyt Val repCe-S z@ 4t:.1 t'.r) ,/a % .gcfes PUBLIC WORKS Engineering: Reviewed by: G'eqte\t, Date::59 5,99&-bri l'4ar frrra Gomments: q1-,4rugQdvt5 5*u.'1 srsr-:vl be updorec\ to --,\ow got oF€ ol Spoxc r6kr1 o" oppOSed' \c AsQ€n \3n< Parrr,vl requ\(eme\\t. two <po(e3 rc'r(hi'f|t '\- 2 'ubiriY! cui reveSt4\t(f,\ /recoc\st (\xl1o1\ ie'q*\ccd ccrrtorx 3 a(3 tc\ @i (ec't lorrJsi/rPg gtoat a*c'1t'r' t.d wtE€ \5 t\\e, (flvec & v$(}<f,\if€ ? r^rntcr. strr:.1 13 \\.t: erd\rc( t'r-\ \ tJc\{\j s.6vtg I rorr-r ? shoJ\d uresEert J "o€tttt^t he tU' 3 Edsp{r€n\ C rt*nr rzJ 5Y\o\d or\ Pten }pt^ t' lnorv areos c[ dtsrubqrKe c\(\d.o.\\trcdtn3 \,13r\ H SpoE e\3!at lO$ 25.3 vs c(nto\x 6cl \.oe-SY Stdg. lu{**fruPROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Landscaping: Reviewed by: Comments: -4335 ,! I Date: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING TOWN OFVAIL FfL t cOP y D e p artn e nt of C ommuniry D eve lo prne nt75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8],657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April 14, 1994 Michael Lauterlcach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Design Review Board (DRB) application for two duplexes on Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition Dear Michael: This letter is intended to follow up on my letter to you dated March 30, 1994. As you will recall, in that letter, I identified the lact that your application was incomplete and listed the details necessary to complete your application and schedule it for DRB review. ln the last paragraph of the letter, I provided you with specific dates on which all information must be suOmltteO to be scheduled for the April 20th or May 4th DRB meetings. Obviously, you were unable to compile the information to make either one of those meetings. In orderto be scheduledforthe May 18, 1994 DRB meeting, all information contained in my letter to you dated March 30, 1994 must be submitted by April25, 1994. Also, lam including review comments from the Town Engineer. His comments must also be completely addressed by April 25th in order to be scheduled for the above-referenced DRB meeting' lf you should have any questions or comments regarding this letter, please feel free to give me a call al479-2138. Sincerely,bM Jim Gurnutte Town Planner \ o rt$ $fi,".t TOI|iN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departtnent of Comntunity Development March 30, 1994 Mr. Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail. CO 81658 RE: Design Review Board (DRB) application for two duplexes on Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition Dear Michael: I have reviewed your recently submitted final DRB application for the two duplexes you are proposing on the above referenced lot and have determined that your application is incomplete. In orderto stay on schedule for the April20, 1994 DRB meeting, the following information must be provided: 1. As you know, on March 28, 1994, the Town of vail Planning and Environmental commission (PEC) approved your variance request to allow for the two duplex structures to be built on slopes greater than 40%. one of the conditions of approval was that the road maintenance easement be drawn up, reviewed, and approved by the Vail Town Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit for these two duplexes. The second condition was that the weslern duplex be shifted away from the western property line approximately 3 to 5 feet so that no portion of the building or deck is within the drip line of the lrees as shown on ihe s1e plan. This change rnust be made to the DBB plans before it will be taken to the DRB lor their review. Z. Please amend the site plan to show exacl locations ol all utilities including existing sources and propOsed service lines from sources to the structures. The site plan must also designate proposed limits of construclion disturlcance activity. Please provide a fully signed utility verification form signed by each utility company. Please indicate on the site plan whether the driveway will be concrele or asphalt and put the percent slope of all driveway grades on the site plan. Please show on the site plan what material will be used to construct the retaining wall between the tvvo duplexes. 3. Please provide better copies of the site plans so that staff can read the contour lines. The copies you have provided are illegible. Also, please amencl your site plan lo remove the shading of all areas steeper than 40%. This information was important as you proceeded through the variance process, however, it is not necessary lo show the shaded areas on the site plan for DRB. This shading only causes the site plan to be more confusing. This shading should also be removed from your landscape plan. .{ Mr. Lauterbach March 30, 1994 Page Two 4.Please show on the building elevation drawings and site plan where all exterior lighting is proposed to be located. Cut sheets of all lighting fixtures must be provided in order for staff to determine compliance with the Town of Vail lighting ordinance. The minimum caliper of aspen trees in the Town ol Vail is 2 inches. Please amend your landscape plan accordingly. Your floor plans must be amended to show the entire duplex structure and not just one-half of one building. lf the second duplex is different in any way from the duplex shown on your amended lloor plans, then floor plans of the second duplex structure must also be provided. The elevation drawings that you provide must match the duplex you are showing and lloor plan. Your elevation drawings must show all four sides of the proposed building. For your information, the front elevation of your proposed buildings appear to be identical in nalure. As you know, the DRB strongly discourages mirror image duplexes. Staff would recommend that your provide variation, at a minimum' at the front elevation ot these buildings and would also suggest that each of the duplexes vary somewhat from each other. Please provide color chips of all proposed exterior building colors' Please change the numbers on your roof ridges to reflect actual elevation above sea level. All rool ridges and all roof eaves along the back side of the house must include spot elevations. Please show your utility meter enclosures on your floor plans and elevations drawings in sufficient detail lor the DRB adequately review them. In order to receive the 600 square foot per unit credit for garages, each parking space must meet the minimum dimensional requirements in the Town of Vail Code. The Town of Vailparking requirement is g feet by 19 feet. Currently' your garage spaces do not meet lhe minimum requirements for a two-car garage and as such, are not automatically allowed a 600 square foot GRFA credit. Unless these garage spaces meet the requirements for two parking spaces, they will only be allowed a 300 square foot garage credit. It appears from your section drawing that an area under the garage does not meet the Town of Vail's delinition of crawl space and would therefore get counted.as GRFA. Please either show that you will back fill this area with dirt to within 5 feet of the structural lloor of the garage above or this area will be counted as GRFA. Please show the location of access to the proposed crawl space under the ggrage, Will there be any crawl space on the lower level behind the stair landing and bathroom to bedroom #2? 5. 6. 7. 8. L 10. 't1. 12. ,..,+ Mr. Lauterlrach March 30, 1994 Page Three 13. Please remove the dashed 4 foot perimeter line you have drawn around both of the duplex buildings and replace this with a clear indication of the buildings rool overhang line, cantilevered tloor area and foundation wall lines. Your floor plan should show with a dashed line all areas that are cantilevered above. This is partially shown on your main floor plan but is not accurate. 14. Since your materials list did not describe window trim, you must amend your application to include it on the materials list in this office or show it on your revised elevation drawings. In order to allow staff adequate review time, please provide the above-requested information no later than Monday April 4, 1994. lf all information is not provided by that date, I will reschedule this application for the DRB meeting to be held on May 4,1994. However, the Town of Vail submittal schedule requires that all information be complete no later than Monday April 1 1 , 1994 in order to stay on schedule for the May 4th meeting. lf you should have any questions or commenls regarding this letter, please feel lree to give me a caff al479-2138. Sincerely, //"P^'a*% Jim Curnutte Town Planner RIC.D APR O rEvised, glLlgL coLoRADo Wbpa--- | 5 1994 -DRB APPLICT.UON - TOWN'OI .1rAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: I(arch 24, L994ffi T ********** TITS APPLICATION }IILL NO! BE ACCEPTEDI'NTIL AIJL REQUTRED INFORMATION IS SSBMITTED********** PROJEC" INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION': (2) Duplex structures B. )o( TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constrdction ($200.00)Minor Alteration ($20.00)ildAi+{a.^ ,CRn ^n\Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS 2 4335 Bishorn Road LBGAL DESCRIPIION: LoI 4 SubdiviSiOn Bighorn 3rd Additlon c. D. If property is described.by a meets and bounds tegaldesqription, please provide on a separaLe sheeC aiaattach to Ehis application. ZONING. LDMF It ll. r G. T NAME OF OWNERS: LOT AREA: If required, applicanLstamped survey shohring lot area. must provide a current.81 Acres NAI4E OFMailing APPLICANT' S Address: REPRESENTATIVE: Phone e1 J. Lauterbach 4*'f *STGNAIURE (S) :Mailing Addressl J. Condominlum Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tine of submittal of DRB appLication. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal . The fown 6f VaiIwill adJust, the fee according- to t,he table belod, toensure the coriect, fee is paia. FEE SCHEDULE: .VALUATION $ 0 - $ 101000$ 10r 001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150r00L_- $ 500,000 $500,001 - s1,000,000$ . Over 91r 000,000 FEE PAID: S FEE$ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 s200 .00 $400.00 $500 .00 * DESIGN RE\i1tEW BOARD .APPRO\IAL EKPTRES ONE YE:AR AI'IER FXNAI APPROVAIT UNLESS A.BUTLDING PERMTT IS TSSUED A}ID CONSTRUCTTON IS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION WIII.I BE PROCESSED IIITHOUT OWNER' S SIG}IAq'RT -s-- 1 NAl,lE OF APPLICANT; Michael LauterbachMailing Address: ITST OF MATERTALS NAI'IE OF PROJECT: Bighorn Overlook LEGAL STREET DESCRIPTTON: TOTJL ADDRESS: 4335 Bishorn BLOCK ..]- SUBDIVISION Biehorn 3rd Addition Road The following Review Board A.BUILDING Roof Siding information isbefore a final }4ATERTALS: required for subnittalapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design COLOR Off*IJhite l'i Cedar l.'lash Other WaIl Materi.als Fascia Soffits Windolds Window Trirn Doors Door Trim 2xL2&1x4 Stucco So11d Be ige P l-ywood Soltd Betge Aluminun Clad WhLte Alumi,nurn Clad 2x6 Solid Beiee B. HandorDeckRai13t(|u^,\.n#pickets,#So1idBeige Stueco of f _I^Ihi rcCopper CoDDer Aluminum Galvani zed Steven Riden FIues E lashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LA}TDSCAP ING: PLANT MATERIATS: PROPOSED TREES Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Comnon Narne Everqreens Asoens Ouantitv Size* See Landggg[lan+ EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate Everpreens See S"t reqlAD_ caliper for deciduous trees. Mininurn caliper fort,Tees is.2. inches. rndicate hm 7 trees. PLANT MATSNE: PROPOSED SHRUBS Bot.anica] Name Ouantitv Size* *Indicate sizeiof proposed shrubs.5 qallon. EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGA?ION TYPE OR METHOD OT EROSION CONTROL l'linimum size of shrubs is Square FootageTvpe A11 dlsturbed areas. Manual C. TANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior 1ighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locat,ions on- a separatLIighting.plan. Identify each fixture from rhe lilyhtinE planon the list bel.ow and provide t,he wattage, height-abov6 - grade and type of light proposed. NA OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walIs, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicat,e heights of ret,aininiwalls. Maximum height of warls within the front set,back ii3 feet. Maximum height of walLs elsewhere on tbe propertyis 6 feet. D. SUBDIVTSION JOB NAME rn 3rd Addition Bighorn Overlook BLOCK ADDRESS 4335 Bighorn Road FILING Bighorn 3rd Addltion The locat.ion and availabirity of utilities, whether they be maint5un! l+"g or proposed lines, must be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Date U.S. West. Communications L-800-922-1987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 9 4 9-57 81 Gary HaIl e%; cablevision r.v. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitat,ion Dist,rict * r A:9 o 476-7490 Fred Haslee HoIy Cross Electric 949-5892 Ted Hqsky/Michael NOTE: Assoc. tavert,y 1. This forn is tolocation. Thispreparing yourinstallations. ? -r- z. verify service availabilit,y andshould be used in conjunction withut.ilit.y plan and scheduling 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicantmust provide a conpleted ut,ility verificllionform. 3. If a ut,ility conpany has concerns tith theproposed construction, the ut,iLit.y represent,ativeshould not, direcLly on the utiLity vei:iticationform that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled. out, i.}rdetail in an attached retter to t,he tbwn of vtir.-However, please keep in mind that it is thergspgls_+bility of the utility company to resolveident,ified problems. 4 - rf the utility verification form has signaturesfron each of the utility companies, and nocomments are made directly on the form, the Torrnwill -presume that there aie no problems and thatt,he developnent can proceed. 5. These verificat,ions do not rerieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cut.pernit fron the Town of VaiI, Department of public ry?rk: and to obtair_r.utilirv iocations beforeo:'gg+ng rn any public right_of_h,ay or easemen! inrhe ror,,n ot viii. A buiidin;-pa;;ir is nor aslregt. qur pernit. A st,reer @eobtained separately. *. PLease brlng a site pran, froor pran, and erevations whenobtaining upper Eagfe- va-lley.-water--&-sanitation -signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. a zoNE CHECK f FoR sFR, \R, R P/S ZONE DISTRT o cTs 3 Filin! tiehorn 3rd Addirlon DATE: March 24, L994 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Btock ADDRESS: 4335 Biehorn Road OWNER BAB Parrnership/Mlchael Laurerhaeh PHONE 476_6qt,tl ARCIIITECT Steven J. Rtden PHONE 949-L1 21 ZONE DISTRICT LDMF PROPOSED USE (2) Duolex Structures **LOT SrZE .81 Acres AIIowed1€ 18 TotaI ?/ c./?z L,l l> C.?fL -o - 6.??2- 9s, t*dHeight TOt,aI GRFA Primary GRFA /tL3 secondary GRFA ///f Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Ret,aining WaII Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: AL;+ 46= + 425- =. (o'/, 8x Actual Slope S /o/a Engineer: a?a ltlA 2l 3) at - f,o "/o Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfalli _ NAc) Debris FIow r'l4) WeLlands__ta Frevious conditions of approval (check property file)j Does thls request involve a 250 Addition? NoHow much of the arlowed 250 Addition is useilffi-Eis request? ;o- **Note: under secti.ons 78.r2.090(B) and 18.13.0s0(B) of the Municiparcode, lots zoned ?wo Farnily and primary/secondary which are less tlan151000 sq- ft.. in area may not construct, a second dwelring unit. TheCommunity Development, Department, may grant an exception t,5 ttrlsrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set, forth undersections 18.12.090(8) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipar code incrudingpermanently restricting the unit as a rong-terrn rentil. unit for full-time employees of the upper Eagle Valley.- tfa Exist.inq Proposed -., - 1(, - x* /a "2a ^/4 ,/ a, -O' ftc la /C "/a 4o'4 /'/'l (300) (600) (900) (r.2001 uloo View Corridor Encroachment: yes Environmental/Hazards: f) /718 -o- 20t*{u' 5,.{ zo' (30) (so) ir'to -- ' It6 - 0 - ?, I A' eqrd Pernitted Slope -.!l Date approved by Town No* Elood Plain Percent Slope 10 TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEITPIiIENT gbsa CHECXS MADE PAYABLE TO PROJECT 01 0000 4141 tffi00 42371 MO.#t lr**, /ry ""ro3&t/q cOMMITI'tEilT SO{EDUT.E A LE RII'EI, SLMR, srJTH E FRAIigItrt{ MO RTME STREET VAIL @ 81657 L. Effectlrn DatE: Jsruarfr L2, L994 at 7:00 AM ns/te 2. AIllA Gssf s Folte1' nocPooea Inssed: I{IC[IAET., J. IAI'IE8tsAC}I Td CAIG DENICI.I IREC'O l,|AR O 4199L Order !b"l@55.8@ Crgtc aefererrce BAB i tb'g.rrtt g 262,500.m 3. AIJIlil Ioan noltc{ea ProPceea Ins.red: ffirnt: $ Prcpo€€d Inatred:frcurt: I 4. Ihe estatg G| intecert in tlE lsftd k\tled cr referled to ln thic ec#nrffiit Er'l cpr.tered lg"eln tg: FEE SIIvIPLE ard title tffi te at tfie etfesttrrc da6 lrcf veed ln: EAB PARINEFSIIP, a Cotmdo ger€ral pafu€rEhtp \ O$trEr'g ltsrltlfl: $ Lerderra FHlttl.'j(n: S ndd'l- Ieder Ctg: S edd'1 Clrarges: $ fax Certtfleate: S Morsenrent Grg: S TBO Ct'argEs: $ TgrBL osn@sl $ FIRST AI'ffitCAl{ TITI..E I}SMA}CE COAANY lsrl=d t'Y: EsqtJ 6-nW rltle corP+atlco 953 g. F'rlan€ge rced, f10O tr'ArL o 81657 FN( (3Og) 47Q:-#26 iso3i az6'r6425r'Dener 572-t490 815.25 10.00 825.25 iO I,fftr:,:1-_:-l:,ff-,1:r-,r.1 llt,ll..li_r:r-ll-LIt l-f:rlT tE, Erl l".lHI ...,,. ., ^ coul{rrltENTU _ ,' -,_ -^-', Iat td l'Io' B-rz SCI|EIIJI,E A (srtl*red) frt'der lb' 307755 -c 5, 'rta l-and #errcd to irr {$G ffittlErt fa cnvedrlg ff Lsd tn 1*'G Etsb of colf""do, enty-of Eagle , &acrlbd as taufiEt LsE 4, Blodt 3, erA*N' gJgDrvrgrcfi'r lr{rnD AcDrrrsf slmlDED PLAT FIAST AMERTCAI'I TITT.,E I'lf I}SJRAI\TE COAAI.IY /-1Nn(rf,-fl5Hf-JO-.\NUdNOf,-fllII Sf, :ET F6, BZ lltjl O coMMrrMENr O SCHq'I.E B Seotian 1 NffiENB{EilIB ITIE TO[IfWDfiI IRE T'E RryISE!'ETIS TO EE 6AIJED VWTII: Itgn (E) Ibt4IEnt to e f,e ttre ecmrrt of.ttP rylEl: or $stgag€rs of tle fi:tl @nglds!3ttcn fcr *s eststB or inEmeet to Le fnstll€d xtefn (b) Prcper lnetrurent(s) (llea-tlrg tttB estatB tr lJrterest to Le lflsufed nust b6 enealiei Eld-duly fl.ied f,cnr l€cntd, to wlt: 1. Deed f,rcm BAE PARINERSIfiP @ IttIGIAEt J. LNTIERtsncll 6nd cRtrxc DEI$aN' lfiIE3ftIye*eclrteclrcalppertytt?:'sfgoqeiEratlot',9ffiffi!'yejt}tr Ure e€nEr or gfanEe, t" -acnorfiny tle^Fgq npntlcrred Fbove, gEBgEfit b rctrera la-of, Hca;se etil' lil' 1288 - CRA 39-l-4-ro2' FIRST AMERICAI'I TI'ITE I}BJRAI'TE CCt'trAI'.IY l*"" No. 307755 'c Z. rllr€ib lt€nE Affidavtt or PartrErshlp Agrcstprtt for BAB PATUNERSIfiP, a slmdo p"r6*1j11p, Ofef"eftS th€-n€IIeE ina-ga".sss of tlre partrFr6 of satd F tfit"".h6; "ttd-*,1dd"ft'g tts el(lst€rF August 17' 1990' A CEFIIIFICATE OF TEXES D(,'E IJSTI}G EACIT TNCITlti '7IIRISICTIOhI SITAI''I 8E FRCM IT{E @(S|I'C TNEAsTNdl OR TIIE ffiJI'EY IIIREAS(JRFR'IS AIINffiTZED AGENI H'RSIANI riltsa-c.ils., gg-1-1-02 tia.sl AT Ao{ARoE 0F 9x0'00 EAcl{ la'IrrE qFroiER' s'd .\INlllr-r-f.l"Jljf -lD-..\hlHJNL)-f-3lIII S;:ET F6, gZ t pj-t rlRgr AI\ERICAI'I TITLE IJ'lSuRAllF 64FAllY ffi lro. 307755 4 jrftEr:egts tfEreln. SBst;r1c'tlcr3, !{hl6h dO rrr! altgln e fgtrteibrre Of r€t€Lter Claqge, aS cnntajred tn frrrs."t=nt r€mrded Jue 12, 1963, fir Book 175 Bt Fage X9[ & ansded fV l"strt"tett remrded,PrlI 23, 1965, ln Edr 187 Et PagF 195' 11. Uttllty erd draj.nage eas$Ents-as thcr$i m tl.e PIat of s&l'd Sttbdlv1Bicn, seld essedEnts U*f",g f6-t"et wide alcrg t}e Scutterly and tbeteurly lctt ll-rss' (Ocrftfrttled) (r"oMrlrrllEN'r SCHEil,'I..E B Ssttqr 2 EAEPTTCIB 'Ihe pollry otr' poltcles to be tEa.ed wtll srtalrr erqrUara to tlE follavlng nattErt rsrfecc dG seg are dtefoeed of to ttta aailrfactllar of t*s C[1pfrryf: ArV loss of dErEgF, frshdfng attonEly fees, by ttasfii of the mgtftrs Etsm balc*r: L. Any f€sts, rlghts, fnbre8.E+ d. clatnF tarfif, a"e rpt 8tsl',n by tlE- F!"1+" reogdE hri titrch ea:ia-#stalrreO hr an tneFcttcn of estd larrt cr fu rnakrng l'qrrlrry of petrse in Pooeesetcn thereof. 2. Eb€e11prrtg 6. clai$1E Of asglpnta, r5t ghctd1l bg trte EJbIfC remrds. 3. DlEcrepErnfeE, t.r=.r:[llctts In bouritarl'lJre€, "+ege ln area, eratadrarts, ard arry oiier fs+e r&fch E cnrr#t sufi'ef $lurld dL*.f€ €rd tfilf,h ar€ tut Eb'Irt EY tln Enblto recosds. 4, Arry llerr, or rJ.gtrt tO a llen fs *onr1eE, lFbf tr ltlgtetlal lsretofi*:e tr tErEaffi tuinteh€d, rnpEed b' falv erd rpt Brceln W tne pbltc remrds' 5. Defests, llene, erslrbrarsss, Edvee clajJrlS of ot}Br mattelE, if arg,,cffiEted, first alfearirg in tfe prbl+c reoda tr attrchltg Eub€e$r€rtt b tlE_6f_fea"Elve daE tpreof,,-Lut p6.io to tlA a"te trra Eacpeea tlgrrrea ecqtdres of, lffird fon valts tle eBtatg'or lnierest tr nEatqege tlgecn co\tBred by thfe ffif@nt. 6, la:reg drre arrt payable; ard any !ffi, eFecrel EssHgmrrtg, chE{ge og l-lcn tnped f,or lrater "r r"ti" aeryle, 6. fctr anf'otfsr gFsfaf t61dry dtEt;"fc{. ?. uhpaEtted rtriltkg c,lalne; rBsestattcns G. eeptlcnE tJr patents Or Jn Actg auifnofzlat tf,e ies,Ja.e tlercof; wltg. f,tghtg, oJ-ffinrs or tltle to wa€r' B, Ittght of r.ral' for ditdres ca canal8 srstf,ucted by the autbclty of tl"s tnatbd states, ae reEg\red ln llntted States F8tent reccfoea NsJEilber 22, L939, ttt Eds 123 at Page 625. Y,Ten Fer. cerrt rg'Fpeftlcipatirg ryatiy tn Erd to_Hderlved*f,mnlIre^eale of ;/ ffi*i;,';i fiGGG"t r*fna ina inture, sngcir'rcea. ercn-a1g *1a1:ry1 39;i'i;;-;;;^d to-a,"t Ktalrti'pes-€rd *F t. xr$gry-gl*ffilffF ffi; ; ;;;;-";.-i65 o+ $' anz. Erd anv atd aL1 esslgrrrEnt€ ffueof e 9'd .\lNi-lr:r:r-f-.l9H3-ll1-/.,t.lHdtrl{r-r-f-ltII f3 : ET F6. Eg I,tHf J,z. }elr"" (cttJnrd)!b. 30P55 -c , a Co1orafu gerEral s.trmrc AESmr Tl0lil,$tr.; r€cffided sePrterrber 25. f,.Irl LaF.q-t" *- '-- igsZ Jtr ecd{ sgO at Pago 128. r5.Irry Erd all rnacdeened tax EaIeB' },tcIE:Itscnlsr$ofaeftlflcsEofTarreeD.eerrtderclrgthBtttEBalemerdstj'g q*,r tdrr EE1aE, the abovs "t*pl1.fr L,{fi nctt apneai cn the Fo1ld's S be tbgued fersmder. Ji.-t (5 *t k/^alj FIFST il.fRICAN TITIE II\g'RAllSE COfll'tY r,-Ll{n0*-r-l'1981-lo-,qNHdt^lof,-f-lLlI J- :Btr ts5,, EZ l4EIj'J I ot o APPLICATION FOR DUPIJX SUBDIVISION REITTIEW(Chapter L7.24 Vail Municipal Code) OR TYPE) Michael Lauterbach Revised 5/2/92 (PLEASE PRINT A. APPLICANT ,,!. tjtsg{ C Tn,.tt/Y . tvvlyrry ,, UtV, IJEIT, MATLTNG appasss po Box 34sl = w Vai1, Colorado 81658 HoNulzg:q9.aa.-_F f,'-'r lTl = e:'B.APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS c.pROpERTy OWNER Michael f-r-. HONE 476-6s44= D. E. F. a. OI{NER'S SIGNATI'RE MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 3451 Vail Colorado 816 58 LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: srPeET ADDRESS 4335 sPruce waY LOT ]i BLOCK--jI_SUBDIVISION Bighorn Third FILING Anended APPLICATION FEE SlOO.OO MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: ,9lnT cHEcK * hzI I a-rr- C.-"--4- 1. Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivisionplat shall be submitted to the Department of CommunityDevelopment. The plat shall include the foltowing: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registeredsurveyor in India ink, or other substantialsolution, on a reproducible medium (preferably . mylar) with dimension of tnenty-four by thirty-sixinches and shall be at a scal_e of one hundred feetto one inch or larger wit.h margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch . on al_l other sides. b. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredthof a foot for all lines, angles and curves used todescribe boundaries, sLreets, setbacks, alleys,easements, structures, areas to be reserved ordedicated for public or conmon uses and otherimportant features. AII curves shall be circulararcs and shall be defined by the radius, centralangle, are scored distances and bearing. AlIdimensions, both linear and angular, are to bedetermined by an accurate control survey in thefield which nust balance and close within a lirnitof one in ten thousand. c. North arrow and graphic sca1e. -Tfirr,|H CIF Ufl I I_ l'liscel l anesus tlash .t r- r :-:r'i 1!: 1'-1:4! F:*':E i F, t. +i IEt1i'1 Flr,:oun t. S L:li. i+ L1:? 1 f.1I L:HFTEL LttttTEFtEtlr-H..5UEII I l.r I 5 I ritl..'trUF LE]'l Flr,t,:,un t. i.en,l* re,l .r i iiijl . l:'1!:.1 I l.ern pa i d ffrroun t Pa i d fj i BHrjE4l f,:BrJrj* i BL1. .JiJ r-lir.=n,1e r* t.r-r Fn+,J .:. r:1. illl -|-HFlt=l}{ ':/{]Ll rr',:u r ca::hi*r FIEB iHt-i oto oto tta ooo Retum to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW e-L z)&A" DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: P ,)o f- .s,;L e ( 'tzg'!; * A u/ (- tr ' FIRE DEPARTMENT Revialed by: Comments: ,. " (/?L r€Date:/ rJ -lS Look; .ra I(-eecJ fu*t'Al^7' reiry *Gr?..tr*- //rE 4 {)rT'n^/7' 't/f it;l$ *"te ''l'Y Town Planner tta POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW AI,I, MEN BY THESE PRESENCE that I, FRENK PETTEE AS PRES]DENT 08 PSITEE INDU8TRtrEE. XNC.1 a Vermont Corporation, of the State of vermont do by thBse presents hereby nake, constltute, grant anel appolnt RogS DAVIS, JR. of 108 B. Frontago Road Weat, #?Q7, Town of, Vallr Countyof EaElel gtate o! Colorado hy true and lahtlul attorney In fact for neand ln my narne, place and stead to seLl and convey the following clescribed real property to wit: Lot 4, Bloclc 3, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addltion Anended PIat,accordlng to the plat thereof recorded in the of,f,ice of the Eagleeounty, Col-orado, Cl-e,rk and Recorder. for Euch qonsiderat,ion or considerations and on euch terms as ny saidattorney shalI think best, and to execute, act, and deliver good andsufficient deedE, e!:ecute resubdivision plats, and reetrictivecovenantE, releases of deeds of trust, and any further conveyanceg,settlernent documents and related agreements f,or the eame either wlth orwithout covenants and warranties, and generarry to act in the prenisee ae eff,ectively as r could do if personalry present, whereby ratiried andconfirrning all that rny said attorney ehal1 lawfully do by iirtue hereof. And I hereby give and grant to ny said attorney In f,act full t)ower and authority to do and perf,orm eveiy act neceEsary, requieite orproper to be done in and about the prernlees as fully as I nighi or coulddo were- I personally present, with full polr€r of subetitutlon andrevocation, hereby rCtitylng and conflrnrlnE- all that ury sald attorneyshall lawfully do or cause to be don by vlrtue hereof. - This power of Attorney ehall not be affected by rny disability.Thia Power of Attorney shafl be irrevocabre for a peiiod of one yearfrom the date hereof. This power of Attorney'?na the dutles oi rnyattorney in fact, hereunder shall be construed ln accorda, :e witircolorado Law, ta ss. offlcial seal. rN wrrNEss t{HERroF, r have hereunto set ny nand Eine /,4_ clay ofAuguEt, L995. sTATE oF C<r\occrc(t> couNry or tJrdta The foregoing instrument was ackno'rledged before nre this dlt*.gflugusr, 1ee5 by Frank pettee as presldent of fettee-I-ia"iT"iJJlff*, uVernont Corporatlon. Witn Myc PETTEE TNDUSTRIES, n:517/qYii*o*.r.F '1 E$rES i Sr""",# MIKEMcGEE @ToDD 42 9t 'PPENH =,*=1",*o Rs c\l C\J qD5g srg Retum 1e .,JIu cUnnnTE Town Planner ;;;';",iiu??'iil;irli;H-"# Loi *tr,"L kceiv,c! ilRB apiryuq( & r +,,* ,"fui(eJf;c t,6{'vleir--.^ eiu o,,lunlpx l',as Lccrt'[t"iC*- The-+t^.ra ;J,i[reX+,q U.bt '/eir .^ ! y a u[upCeft. !,^r_trce,t,'6",,l!,' s-,trlg k't^ii, / y',:{"|"it't i'e u,,ri t( ;*pZ{;i'+1,* -a;-vt ofrp CeX, Engineering:L'{ Ll Ll>z^g #ruee ,-se,Y f: tm h4ati'.cr, Po1.' INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: L.t.'.l,'t t I-19;Ittxc h !.'rlr /\.ts,rleac€G* DATE SUBMITTED; COMMENTS NEEDED'BY: BBIEF DESCBIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Comments: YOur sire g\crv\ do4tc\t l@rrY.\ to rf\orth \tE t\an or eletot\ (r.l dr(^j.J\qs w€,ll\ vt€d on €o'{rur^\t lor asghalt on lfil5 p.of^th Grrcqa&cx:,.4d te '\>e ?st oc9\rv' 9al<nn5 {ood}$oi{ 6&5 e{ee,Z:l' ,ee Pto ' Ar,fr1ltCI€ <annoh Wcov lv,rt t^tiet.- )Yur.r e{\ Landsca Commcn , raw{A Fire Dept.: Reviewed by: Comments: .aL @ecE). ' Distributed to lhe Fire Department, Public Works, and Landsca ping on g/RB . ing by: Q@oA1pl4 66.6ud ta'4.af Date: l DATE OF PUBLIC [*-. *+r. riFlq#rFmwr lA' ?FFlWfiWiFr ilgn Revrew Acuon Fet TOWN OF VAIL Category-Numbe(la D^e n7k7/q/ Project Name: Buildins n^ ", Lq. t;'kr /oq . [^ Ouf (eK - Project Description:cjectDescription V l, ^J*r.uqgl r)m,'* owner,Addres"^nornon", p, ift'e. Lo ,--r4,l-Lci.L 4Y6- 6?4? fO, t:lox z{S:r, Va )(,Cc . ? r€sg- tuchirecvcontacr, Address and phone: :{ede R io.le^-q -/7- Legal Description: Lot Y Block 3 SubdiMsion zone District afupnr Project Steet Address: Board / Motionby: /U/4 Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disappjpval@, Conditions: E.vtt.d T ltl l9l DESIGN o REVIEW BOAND itrltatrt*t* DESCRIPTION:Addition of corner APPI/ICATTON . TOWN OP DATE RECEIVED; DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:rrttt*rt** VAIL, COIJORADO October 20, 1994 I. A.windoros and recess ro ect. flreo lace .Reccssed fir lace adds 8.75 =T o Dictures enclosed. 4JJJ )nruce Wa B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construcrion (9200.00)Addition ($50.00) XX Minor A1 terat.ion Conceptual Revj.ew ($20.00) ( $0) D. E. F. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoE 4 If property is described by a meet,s and bounds Le9a1descripci.on,.prelase provide on a separaLe sheet aia attachLo this applicaLion. NAME OF APPLICANT'SMailing Address: REPRESE}}TATIVE: NA Phone H.NAI4E qF OhTNER(S) : Mailing Address: APPLrcAlroNs wrrJl' Nor BE PRocEssED wrtilow ot{llBn,s srcNAruaE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid a! thet.ime of submit,t.al of rbe DRB applibacion. lluer, whenapplying for a building permit, plbase identify Lhe accuratevaruati'on of Lhe proposal . The Town of vaiL wlLt adjusL t,hefee accordi.ng uo Lhe Lable be10w, to ensure Lhe correcL feeis paid. FEE PAID: $.JC^ - CHECK #:I I,+'J DATE: ICIJLISI BY: TJN FEE SCHEDULE: I. J. VAI,UATION 'lr n 'r ' t\ tr '1lt{, v I rv.rruu$ 10, 001 - $ 50, 000$s0,001 -$ 150,000 $r.so, 001 - $ s00, 000$500,001 $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAI, I'NIJESS A BUILDING PERIIIT ISIS STARTED. FEE- ^^ ^^ $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAI. ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION 1Ti 'r '.,?:1s; :-:ri'.i;:rjj ;' ;, tt . . I oct 2 C irj a'Ar' .Ri,4,. r'.. ..,!|'l I,l ) Subdivisj.on Bighorn rhira-ai6El- ZONING: RC NAME OF Mailing APPI.,,ICANT: Address: Michae 1 Laut erb ach P. O. Box 345L Vail. Colo Michael TOWNOFVAIL pnoJEcr i.,_r t ,lt (r'('11 l, )fr, ) ('\f v. .. 't-.1DATE_______!_/_:l!_l_/ .,rt. -ll'i l\ r'lt-'' '' CHBCTG UADE PAYAALE T() TOWN OF VAJL 0l 0000 4241 0l 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 0l finO 413-32 ot 00m424/,0 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION ot0rl{J04237l BUILDING INVESTIGATION CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ON TLESSTHAN IOOSO.FT. 01 0000 41330 CASHItcre*r'(.14't e Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the request lor a minor subdivision per the stafl memo with the addition to Condition 1 that ten of the thirty trees be evergreen trees. Allison Lassoe seconded the motion and a 5-0 vote approved this request. Bob Armour said he was concerned about luture building envelope amendments and that the approval of this amendment should not be viewed as meaning all future amendments would be acceptable. He encouraged staff and DRB to make sure that strong landscape plans are required for these lots because of the high visibility of the structures. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction ol buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the statf memo' He said that the applicant was unable to attend today's meeting but that he wanted staff to proceed with the request. He said staff was recommending approval of the requested variance because it is their opinion that a hardship exists on the site, and that relief from the strict literal interpretation ol Section 18.69.040 is warranted. He stated staff was recommending two conditions in conjunction with this approval which are contained on Page 5 of the staff memo. Bob Armour asked if the proposed garages were for tvvo cars' Jim Curnutte stated that the garages needed to be widened in order to meet the Town's requirement for a parking space. Jim Gurnutte stated that the garage doors were a design issue but that what is shown on the plans does look like a one-car garage door. Greg Amsden commented that the narrow garage doors made the garages look like one car garages. Bob Armour made a motion to approve the request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 per the stalf memo and the two statf conditions contained on Page 5 of the statf memo based on the fact that the PEC believes that the 40% slope is a manmade condition. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion and a 5-0 vote approved this request. PllnninE.nd Envhonm.nttl Commi3sion lratch 28. 1 994 j-'l TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department F:fr l:ntnR, March 28. 1994 A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Hazard Regulations - Development Restricted) in order to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% at 4335 Spruce Way/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Planner: BAB Partnership Jim Cumutte I. INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesting a variance in order to allow for the construction of two duplex buildings on a portion of lot 4, Block 3, Bighom Subdivision, which has a slope greater than 40%. Section 18,69.040 of the Town of Vail's Hazard Regulations states that "no structure shaff be built on a slope ot 40h or greater except in Single Family Residential, Two Family Residential, or Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone district. Lot 4 is zoned Low Density Multiple Family (LDMF). The purpose of the Hazard Regulations section of the Town of Vail Municipal Gode is to: "Help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers related to development of floodplains, avalanche paths, steep slopes and geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas which may be subject to flooding and avalanche or which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values of the Town to protect the aesthetic and recreational values and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes associated with floodplains, avalanche areas and areas of geologic sensitivity in slopes; to minimize damage to public facilities and utilities and minimize the need for relief and clean up operations; to give notice to the public of certain areas within the Town where floodplains, avalanche areas, and areas of geologic sensitivity exist; and to promole the general public health, safety and welfare." The Town delines slope as "the gradient or configuration of the undislurbed land surface prior to site improvement on a site, or parcel which shall be established by measuring the maximum number of feet in elevation gained or lost over each ten feet or fraction thereof measured horizontally in any direction between opposing lot lines; the relationship of elevation or vertical measure as divided by the horizontal measurement shall be expressed as a percentile as a means of quantifying the term "slope-... The applicant has stated that the 40% slope area on this portion of the Lot 4 is not a naturally occurring situation and is directly related to the construction of Spruce Way. The applicant contends that the slope of the area on which he wishes to site his two duplex buildings was 30o/o, ot less, prior to the construction of the road and therefore he should not be penalized for an artificially created slope situation. Afthough lhe 40/o grade of the land area along the northern portion of Lot 4 does appear to have been created by road construction, the applicant is unable to produce a topographic survey of the lot prior to road construction. Therefore, we are unable to confirm that the undisturfred land surface prior to site improvement was less that 40o/o. The applicant must apply for a variance from Section 18.69.040 in order to allow for the construction of buildings on that portion ot the lot which has slopes greater than 40%. II. BACKGROUND On March 14, 1994, a worksession was held with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to discuss the proposed variance request and to provide direction to the applicant regarding other issues that were of concern to the staft and PEC. Although the PEC felt that a variance from the 40% slope requirement was warranted on this site, they were concerned with the impact the proposed construction would have on the large evergreen trees located along the western property line. At the meeting, the applicant stated that he would be willing to shift the building further to the east to stay out of the grouping of large evergreen trees. However, he pointed out that tvvo evergreen trees will have to be removed no matter where he places the building. The PEC felt that the applicant should attempt to save as many trees as possible but understood that two of the trees were located within the proposed building location. Also, the PEC discussed the Town Engineer's request to receive a road mainienance easement across the northern portion of the property which would cover the existing encroachment of Spruce Way onto lhe property. The applicant agreed to provide the necessary easemenl as requested by the Town Engineer. III. ZONING STATTSTICS Allowed under LDMF Zoninq Proposed Lot Size: 0.81 acre or 35,231 sq. ft. Same Total BuiKable Area: 20,308 sq. ft. Same Density: I DU's per buildable acre 4 DU's or 4 DU's -GRFA: Site Coverage: 6,992 sq. ft. 35o/o o( 12,331 sq. ft. 6,750 sq. ft. 3 15o/o or 5,400 sq. ft. f- Landscaping: Building Height: '*Setbacks: 40o/o ot 14,092 sq. ft.79d/o ar 27,811 sq. ft. 35 feet for flat or mansard roofs 36 feet sloping roof 38 feet for sloping roof Front: 20' Sides: 20' Rear: 20' N: 25' S: 117'E: 20'W: 20' *There is currently a 400 square foot shed on the property which will be removed when the project is constructed. IV. CRITEBIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL Upon review of the Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following tactors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The proposed development within the 40% slope area ot this lot will not impact any existing uses in the area. The lineal shape ol the proposed buildings have been sited on the property essentially perpendicular to the narrow band of 40% slope, which traverses the northern portion of this lot. Therefore, it would appear that the applicant has attempted to minimize, as much as possible, the extent of each building's encroachment into the 407o slope area. Staff feels that the proposed site planning of this project would cause less site distudoance than would result if the proposed buildings were required to be tocated entirely out of the 40% slope area. lf the applicant were not allowed to locate the buildings as close to the front lot line as possible, they would be pushed further down the slope toward the center portion of the lot. Drivauays would then need to be cut into the hillside in order to reach the proposed building locations. The applicant could request permission for detached garages, however, staff believes that site disturbance will be lessened by keeping the buildings as close to the front lot line as possible. Also, by keeping he garages attached to the buildings the applicant can place some GRFA under the garages and further reduce site disturbance, With 20 foot setbacks on the fronl, sides, and rear of this lot staff believes lhat there is sufficient buffering of this project from sunounding properties. Although a landscape plan has not been submitted in conjunction with this variance request, one will be provided at Design Review. The applicant has agreed, at the very least, to replace lhe two large pine trees being removed with an equal lineal amount of new tree plantings. This should also help screen the proposed buildings from the road and adjacent properties. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal inlerpretation and enforcement of a specilied regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without grant of specia! privilege. As mentioned in the staff memo during the March 14, 1994 PEC worksession regarding this issue, the Town of Vail Hazard Regulations do allow for the construction of Single Famify, Duplex and Primary/Secondary slructures within slopes grater than 40o/o. The regulations, however, specificatly state that this exception only applies to properties zoned Single Family, Primary/Secondary and Duplex. All of the properties which have zoning designations other than the three previously mentioned would be restricted from development in 40% slopes per the strict and literal interpretation of the Code. lf this property were subdivided into two Duplex lots, the development, as proposed, would be allowed without a variance. However, since it is zoned Low Density Multi-Family (LDMF) the structures are not automatically allowed on slopes greater than 40/". Staff believes that this portion of the Code was written for the purpose of precluding substantial site disturlcance which results from the construction of multi{amily units or the clustering of large numbers of Single Family and Duplex units. However, staff believes that due to the large size of this particular property and the limited number of dwelling units and buildings proposed, the imposition of this particular code requirement may be overly restrictive. In addition, it does appear that fill was placed on the site which created a slope problem. It would not appear that the applicant is requesting undue or excessive relief from the 40% slope requirement nor would it seem that a grant of special privilege would be provided to the applicant by granting the requested variance. 3. The etfect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Due to the isolated location of this particular lot and its access from Spruce Way as opposed to Bighorn Road, staff believes that the proposed buildings will have no impact on any of the above criteria. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos belore qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical ditticulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objeclives of this title. .t B, b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested variance from Section 18.69.040 of the Town of Vail Hazard Regulations, in order to allow for the construction of buildings on that portion of the lot which has slopes greater than 40/o. lt would appear that the band of 40% slope area, along the northern portion of lot 4, was created within recent history and possibly associated with the construction of Spruce Way. Due to the topography of the site, the staff finds that the requested reliel from the strict and literal interpretation of the Hazard Regulations is necessary in order to obtain a reasonable and acceptable solution for adequately locating buildings on this property. Staff believes that approving the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare and is warranted, specifically because there are extraordinary circumstances related to this lot that are not generally true of many lots in this zone district. The staff's recommendation for approval includes the following conditions: 1. That the westernmost duplex be shifted approximately 3 feet further to the east in order to provide clearance from the drip line of nearby trees. This change shall be indicated on the plans submitted for DRB approval. 2. That fre applicant agree to provide a road maintenance easement along the northem portion of this property as shown on the anached site plan. This easement may be granted by way of a separate legal instrument which has been reviewed and approved by the Vail Town Engineer or by showing said easement on an amended plat for Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition. The applicant shall provide the easement to the Town before a building permit will be released. c:\DecvnemG\bsbll.328 I i ,.._ .{. II .J N {r|; : : I|EiTrlAIO 1fi lW (XMI'XD ]IVA r{XI' |v (IIHI t{l|s|Ardls rd(ncf ryl (KDG'IY € E(rIg ' J,UI t ,J t++ !LII.L \- -. ' :'=. -t I I I I I I -_T t{-IJI !L$f J.iEtlttcrrJ^ilo 'rn{ Nv StYl TK)c TlvA i{OIJI(I' <If,IHI NOrSl (If,fts Nxx{xs rvH GiqNS{v € )D(}-IS ? JIrI s a : l- dl J $ T F =o \ .Pe- z{a*{< E sn. ? t\^oLo-h= e<r-{-<L lo f1 Er /uufg .- e?&a- au3 .-4{t-s.@zJ n-.r.,t'eardS orfc. KPa^>?ats 3d''sg -Cci,t> ,,.-..-ts* 6<ot)' 'x r :-1 ,"' #'! rt l.t Kathy Langenwalter felt that the parking requirements should be met on the property. She said that she was opposed to an off-site parking variance. She felt that a hardship did exist on the property and that she could see reason to grant a front setback variance. She said she would like to see the buildings consolidated and she would like to see the impact of the buildings minimized. She agreed that this was a difficult site. Regarding parking, she was concerned about additional parking being located on the street. Dick Gustafson said he was concerned that the soils test performed for this site was hot detailed enough to address the bedrock and geologic hazards. He was most concerned that the Town's own 1982 study recommending that mitigation occur on this site prior to any construction. He felt "the Town should purchase such dangerous lots as open space to protect the community"' Kathy Langenwatter stated that the PEC was considering the off-site parking and the tront setback issues only. 7. A request for a worksession for a variance lrom Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on stopes greater than 40% located at 4305 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing' Applicant: Michael Lauterlcach/BAB Partnership Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the statf memo. He stated that the purpose of this worksession is to familiarize the PEC with the issues and the applicant will be requesling a variance at the next meeting. He said that staff feels that a hardship does exist on the site. Jim stated that staff is concerned with the preservation ol as many trees as possible on the west side of the site. Mike Lauterbach stated that he would like to save as many trees as possible but that he is not sure it is possible. He thinks that two trees will have to be removed no matter what he does. Jeff Bowen stated he would like to see the building pulled back' Jim Curnutte inquired whether the PEC would like to see a landscape plan at the next meeting to see how the applicant proposes to replace trees that are lost. Mike Lauterbach stated that the building could conceivably move back. He said he would commit to saving two clumps ol trees and try to work with two others. Greg Amsden inquired whether the applicant has considered detached garages. Mike responded that this would not work with the conliguration of the buildings. Bill Anderson inquired whether there would be off-site parking concerns. Plannlng and Environmontal Comn ltlon Msrch 14' 1ee4 10 Jim Curnutte responded that Greg Hall was requiring 24 feet between the edge of pavement and the garage doors so all parking in front of the garages is entirely on'site. Mike Lauterbach stated he may be able to have the surveyor certily the original topographic survey for the lot which would make the variance a moot point, because the original grade of the lot was less than 40%. Bob Armour inquired whether the power line would be buried at the south end of the property. Mike responded that the power line would be buried. Kathy Langenwalter requested that it lhe variance was needed for this project, the applicant flag which trees on the site would be lost. 8. A request for a worksession for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow for the expansion ol dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209,308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant Victor Cano Faro, Transcon lnvestments, Inc., and Jose Luis ChainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo' He stated the applicant has scaled back the proposal quite a bit since the previous worksession w1h the PEC. He said that the proposed mass is consistent with the rest of the building and steps up nicely on the upper lloors. In one area, however, staff would like to see the building set back 2 teet trom the edge of commercial in order to provide relief, buffer the aspen tree, and provide a clear break for the materials. He said pulling it back 2 leet would simplify the solution. Concerning roofing, the western portion of the building would benefit by having a roof similar in pitch to the rest of the addition. This would create a more finished appearance and integrate the roof with the rest of the building. He said staff is in favor of the proposed copper fascia band. Bill Pierce, the architect for the project, stated that they would like to keep the exlension out to the 8loot level. He felt that the flat rool was more appropriate. Kathy Langenwalter stated that it was hard to get a feel from the site visit and the drawings how much physical interference there will be with the wall and the existing aspen. Bill Anderson stated that he liked the flat roof form because it tied into the previous remodel and that reducing the width of the second and third stories was unnecessary' He was concerned about the differgnt use ol materials from the commercial to the residential addition, and therefore, would like to see zinc. Ptrnning and Eflvlro|rm.nid Comr !!loa l,larch 14' I 994 11 MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: March 14, 1994 SUBJECT: A request for a worksession lo discuss a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Hazard Regulations - Development Restricted) in order to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% at 4335 Spruce Way/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: BAB PartnershiPPlanner: Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION The applicant is requesling a worksession to discuss a proposed variance in order to allow for lhe construction of two duplex buildings on land which has a slope greater than 40"/". Section 18.69.040 of the Town of Vail's Hazard Regulations states that "no structure shall be built on a sfope ot 407" or greater except in Single Family Residential, Two Family Residential, or Two Family Primary/Secondary Residential zone dislrict. Lot 4 is zoned Low Density Multiple Family (LDMF). The applicant has stated that the 40% slope area on this portion of the Lot 4 is not a naturally occurring situation and is a directly related to the construction of Spruce Way. The applicant contends that the slope of the area on which he wishes to site his two duplex buildings was 307o, or less, prior to the construction of the road and therefore he should not be penalized lor an artificially created slope situation. The purpose of the Hazard Regulations section of the Town ol Vail Municipal Code is to: "Help protect the inhabitants of the Town from dangers related to development of lloodplains, avalanche paths, steep slopes and geologically sensitive areas; to regulate the use of land areas which may be subject to tlooding and avalanche or which may be geologically sensitive; and further to regulate development on steep slopes; to protect the economic and property values of the Town to protect the aesthetic and recreational values and natural resources of the Town, which are sometimes associated with floodplains, avalanche areas and areas of geologic sensitivity in slopes; to minimize damage to public facilities and utilities and minimize the need for relief and clean up operations; to give notice to the public of certain areas within the Town where floodplains, avalanche areas, and areas of geologic sensitivity exist; and to promote the general public health, safety and welfare." The Town defines slope as "the gradient or configuration of the undisturlred land surface prior to site improvement on a site, or parcel which shall be established by measuring..." Although lhe 4}yograde of the land area along the northern portion of Lot 4 does appear to have been created by road construction, the applicant is unable to produce a topographic survey ol the lot prior to road construction. Therefore, we are unable to confirm that the undisturbed land surface prior to site improvement was less that 40%. The applicant must apply for a variance from Section 18.69.040 in order to allow for the construction of buildings in this particular area of the lot. II. ZONING STATISTICS Allowed under LDMF Zoninq Prooosed Lol Size: Total Buildable Area: Density: *GRFA: Site Coverage: Landscaping: Building Height: --Setbacks: 0.81 acre or 35,231 sq. ft. Same 20,308 sq. ft. I DU's per buildable acre or 4 DU's 6,992 sq. tt. 35% or 12,331 sq. ft. 40o/o or 14,092 sq. ft. 35 feet for flat or mansard roofs 38 feet lor sloping roof Same 4 DU's 7,850 sq. ft. 160/o oI 5,800 sq. ft. 78"/. or 27,530 sq. ft. 36 feet Front: 20' Sides: 20' Rear: 20:W: 15' -The applicant has indicated that his drawings were primarily intended to show how the structures were proposed to be cited on the lot, and their associated mass and bulk. He is aware of the maximum GRFA allowance on the lot and will show compliance with the Code at the next PEC meeting. GRFA is discussed in more detail in Section lV (Discussion lssues) of this memo. There is currently a 400 square foot shed on the property which will be removed when the project is constructed. --The applicant was unaware that the setback requirements on this lot were 20 teet. He has stated that he will show compliance with setback requirements at the next PEC meeting. 25', 't17' I III. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL Although the staff will not specifically address each of the variance criteria at this time, they are listed below for the Planning and Environmental Commission's (PEC) review. A. Consideralion of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requesled variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specilied regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of lreatmenl among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. . 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino tindinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on olher properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That lhe variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcemenl of the specified regulation would result in practical dilficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant ol privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. DISCUSSION ISSUES Since this is a worksession, there is no formal staff recommendation at this time. However, statf has identified the following issues which we would tike to discuss further with the PEC and applicant: 1. I Proposed BuildinO Tvpe Related to Zoninq - As mentioned in the Introduction section of this memo, the applicant is proposing to construct two duplex buildings on this propedy. The Hazard Regulations, from which the applicant is requesting a variance, does allow for the construction of Single Family, Duplex and Primary/Secondary structures to be built on slopes greater than 40%. The regulations, however, specifically state that this exception applies only to properties zoned Single Family, Primary/Secondary Residential and Duplex. All other properties which have zoning designations other than the three previously mentioned would be restricted from development in 40% slopes per the strict literal interpretation of the Code. lf this property were subdivided into two duplex lots, the development, as proposed, would be allowed without a variance. However, since it is zoned LDMF, the structures do not automatically have the right to build on slopes greater than 40%. Staff believes that this portion of the Code was written for the purpose of precluding substantial site disturbance which results from the construction ol multi-family ' units or the clustering of large numbers of single family and duplex units. However, staff believes that due to the large size of this particular property and the limited number ot dwelling units, and buildings proposed, the imposition of this particular code requirement may be overly restrictive. Effect of the Proposed Buildinq Location on Existinq Veqetation - The vegetation on this particular lol is rather sparse. There are a few clusters of large evergreen trees located along the western property line. The applicant is proposing to place the westernmost duplex in such a location that many of these trees would need to be removed. The applicant has indicated that he has explored the option ol moving the western duplex further to the east, but feels that the buildings would be too close together. The applicant has indlcated that he would be willing to compensate for the loss of trees with substantial landscaping on the property. However, to date, staff has not had the opportunity to review a proposed landscape plan. Additionally, the applicant was unaware that this property has 20 foot side yard setbacks, which will cause the buildings to be moved 't 0 feet closer together anyway. This being lhe case, staff would recommend that the applicant agree that no disturbance will occur to the existing trees on the west side of the lot. Staff would like to see a more accurate identification of all tree locations on the site plan. GRFA Exceedance - The applicant's conceptual drawing shows that too much GRFA is proposed for this site. Staff would suggest that the length of the proposed buildings be reduced in order to bring the GRFA into compliance with the Code and reduce site disturbance at the southern end of the proposed buildings. Road Riqht-of-WaV Easement Request - Aspen Lane currently encroaches onto this property approximately 7 feet. The Town of Vail Engineer has requested a road right"of- way easement across the northern portion of this property. The applicant has agreed to this provision and is showing a 5 toot road right-ol-way easement along the northern portion ot the property. However, it does not appear that 5 feet is sufficient width to cover the existing road encroachment on the northwest side of the property. Staff would recommend that the easement be adjusted to enclose all portions of the Spruce Way encroachment on the property. 2. e 4. lf the applicant wishes to receive formal PEC review of this request at the March 28, 1994 meeting, all revised intormation must be provided to staff no later than Friday, March 18, 1994. c:F€cvnemos\bab.3l 4 . d !2sI hFe I I I ! Srrn l,os, i .' I I Iq ,!) ',\; I Lll L::ll L:-Xl t-- -tr" llIr.- \ I'i-. --.- -" -{ t-----* \ 'j \,illI Io a \ L rL\ -I tl_\ l-* o Ill o '----.! -.--------=.--.-.--==- t\ 0 t)" d q) .,-J u ttl- d\ q/? h.r" z a EsnaHg '-J t^UD\ zQNt \r(r) 9-., xg3x;<-<vEdF OEQ?za A lr. r-iY>EF-{ < F- l{ v q) .( ,s (- -1 I I i il l.---l I I { L J q) e sJ --5L s) 3 0,_J e v J v1I --J a,F.F\ I E h ; f; il 8. Andy Knudtsen made a brief presentation per the staff memo. He said staff was recommending approval of this request with the four conditions contained on Page 7 of the staff memo. Andy added that staff felt this proposal was positive. Kathy Langenwalter stated she had spoken to Todd Oppenheimer about the 35 loot tall spruce tree and thai he believed this tree had a 50-50 chance of surviving the transplant. As a result, her clients wdnt to simply replace the tree with a 16 to 18 foot spruce. She lelt the posting of a bond to cover the cost of replacing this tree if it dies was inappropriate. One of the conditions which related to small pane windows was discussed briefly. As this issue had been thoroughly discussed during the Covered Bridge Building review. The conclusion to that discussion was applied to this project. The requirement for adding small panes was left up to the architect's discretion and DRB. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a major exterior alteration to the Creekside Building per the staff memo and the four conditions with Condition 1 being modified lo read that the 35 foot tree be given to anyone who wanted it and a bond not be required to be posted as long as an 18 foot spruce tree would be planted. Condition 3 was modified to leave the design of any small pane windows to the discretion of the architect and DRB, Conditions 3 and l, relating to parking and landscaping, were included in the motion per the stalf memo. Jeff Bowen seconded the motion and a 6-0 vote approved this request. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 1885 B(;hom Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Curnutte TABLED TO MARCH 14, 1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the March 14, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this request until March 14' 1994. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback located at 51 18 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. 9. Applicant: Planner: Roberl Schonkwiler Randy Stouder TABLED TO MARCH 14,1994 Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item to the March 14, 1994 PEC meeting with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this request until March 14, 1994. Planning and Envkonmonlrl Commission FobruEry 28, l9g4 12 FIL T SOPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 February 18, 1994 Department of Community Deve lopnent Mr. MichaelLauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Application for a variance to locate a portion of two buildings in slopes greater than 40%, Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition/4335 Bighorn Road Dear Michael: The ptanning staff has completed a preliminary review of your variance application and havg determined that your application is incomplete. The lollowing information must be provided in order to complete your application. Your application will not be scheduled for a public meeting until such time that it is determined to be complete. 1. Ptease provide building elevations of all four sides of the proposed building(s). 2. Please provide a title report including Schedules A and B. 3. Please provide a preliminary grading plan that clearly shows the impacts your proposed buildings will have on the site. 4. Please provide a section drawing of each of the proposed buildings. Your plans have been routed to Public Works and the Fire Department. For your information, - in order to be scheduled for the March 14, 1994 PEC meeting, we would need to receive all ol the above listed information no later than Friday February 25, 1994 at 5:00 p.m. lf you should have any questions or comments regarding this letter, please feel free to call be at 479-2138. Sincerely, titut,?lP* \/1r+-r-r44/U Jim Curnutte Town Planner Adjoining Lots Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdlvislon' Third Addltion Llst of Owners 2-17-94 Lot3-BettyLuke 2202 Hetc,alea Drive Colorado Sprlngs, Colo Lot 5 - Cecllla Moosberger 7087 Dudley Drive Arvada, Colo 80004 Colorado Department of Hlghways Mr. Chuck Dunn P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junctioo, Colo 81502 Condomlnlum Association Tom Davies IDtermountain Insurance 108 South Frootage Road West Vail-, Colo 81657 HBU c/o 80906 Bighorn Subdivision Fourth Addition Lot 7 - I{llllau & Anna Marle Abbink 4337 Streanside Creek ltail, Colo 81557 LotS-RanlerGerngross 27 Bay Pine Hlltoo llead, South CarolLna 29928 $ri,il'l-ffi'#Jffi^ o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ot the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: ' 1, A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on LoF 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway DevelopmentPlanner: Jim Curnutte TABLED INDEFINITELY 2. A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and G, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Rod and Beth sliferPlannen Kristan Pritz A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buiEings on slopes greater than 4O7" located at 4335 Bighorn RoacUBlock 3, Bighom 3rd Filing. Applicant: Michael Lauterbach/BAB PartnershipPlanner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a worksession for variances to allow for off-site parking, GRFA in the front setback, and site coverage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, VailVillage West 1st Filing. Applicant: George Plavec Planner: Mike Mollica 5. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an expansion at the Vail Mountain School located at 3160 Katsos Ranch Road/Part of Lot 12, Block 2, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant Fred Otto, representing the Vail Mountain SchoolPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request lor a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback located at 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighom 5th Addition. Applicant: Robert SchonkwilerPlanner: Randy Stouder #' 7. A request for a major exterior alteration, site coverage and setback variances for the Lifthouse Lodge commercial area, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing/s4g West Lionshead Circle. Applicant Bob LazierPlanner: Jim Cumutte 8. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Planner: Andy Knudtsen THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HFREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on March 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of; 1. A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation ol a building envelope located at 1314 Spraddle Creek Drive/ Lot 15, Spraddle Creek Subdivision. Applicant: William and Julie Esrey Planner: Jim Curnutte 2. A report to the PEC regarding the February exterior alteration submittals: A request for a variance to the Gore Creek stream setback, common area variance and a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for an expansion to the Gasthot Gramshammer Building located at 231 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot H, Block 58, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant Pepi Gramshammer Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a setback variance to allow for an expansion to the residence located at 4295 Nugget Lane/Lot 7, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Margaret GrossPlanner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant Vail Associates, Inc, Planner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a major CCll exterior alleration and setback variance to allow tor the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units208,209,308 and.309/Lot5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead lst Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc., and Jose Luis ChainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater Inan 40o/o located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. 7. 8. A request for variances to allow lor off-site parking, GRFA in the front setback, and site coverage to allow for a new Primary/Secondary residence located at 1799 Sierra TrailiLot 17, Vail Village West 1st Filing, Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Michael LauterbachiBAB Partnership Jim Curnutte George Plavec Mike Mollica Steve Sheridan and Adam SzPiech Andy Knudtsen A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance lo allow for a drivewayto exceed 10% located at2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. ,Return to DATE SUBMITTED: zlzt1c14 Comments: 3r$e\!ttio\d ue .4aosed \()'-\\rr$l Q\o.\ cl\ <)f sQt\s ,r$I\> 'bleroQi<- | f+orl crf* *\J:rd te\rqe\rr\q $h\\\ oot <xr\\-e qpsd.r- Rrpire 5t of rcrrd @'c1$61t ofi as{e\-\ xr\-rs-/ spc.xc u:o1 - bfv-I nq cequir€r\arflt rner ? Are. cr\\ ",QqJ(J> d ss\\c\' 61 5r crtr-:s{ \tc;lr edqe- o! d';9\$'\\ ? Ttte relot't St-o,o gite- Cii.# Sccrl\tq r €\e!o-\\o.ti: c{'bo\\d'rs\ . Landscaping: Reviewed by:Date: cr \ot. 1 .DEPARTME be.,ncaf DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING coMMENrs NEEDED BY, 3 {e /q L( BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PBOPOSAL: Vatiepcetrftr$,tJt(*{t6q t.l PUBLIC WORKS Engineefing: tvg,:as,'f 4- p*t' a- P*{,6q- aF 4q ^ afr*g t-<-,,6ete s@e etrceels # fu 6rn\\rr\ Reviewed by: Tern Marntr-cr- Date' Comments: Shul,: urr6', Ccrgrorl lrlcrrr o Retum to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:lwd L i-P (* DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BHIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Y:r:",f: l.zX,ses{ tb fu{ u fe.r.{,n,s etr{14 fi'.t 1Let*sJ i 6 u:{€{r*\ p,- {.ettg *_ (a,f {: C tcced-S 4 o 'rc dz2z;ss ;Pzazs,z-- .,.2r,J (,.r-z'') 2 2 '.://Date: z 'z //Heviewed by: Comments:.4-, ? DATt' RECEIPT - The Town ofVail Ng 4bd02 RECETVED ADDPGSS t rcvLecd LOlSl92 TPPLICATION This procedure is requiredvariance. The applicationinformation is subnitted. Application PEC MEETING o Da te January 28, 1994 roR A vtRI.N[ca for any project reguesting awill not be accepted until all t A. NAI'IE OF APPLICAI{T Michael Lauterbach ADDRESS P.o. Box 3451 Vai1. Colo 81658 47 6-69 44 B. NAI''E OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS NAME OF OltlNER (S) ADDRESS OV{NER(S) (type ersh ip SIGNATURE (S) 2738 North Brook P lace , Colo 80304 845- 81 I 7 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK 3 1 ftLIn6 Bighorn 3rd Addition ADDRESS 4335 Bighorn Road FEE $250.00 pArD-I-cK * 1b1c Bv /ll':ifTt(a/ THE FEE !gsg. BE pArD BEFORE THE COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTI{ENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT I'4AII-,ING ADDRESSES. fI. A pre-applicaticn conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation is needed. No application will be acceptedunless it is complete (nust include all items reguired bythe zoning administrator). It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. III. PTEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.ETE APPLICATION WILL STREA},TLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI, THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAI COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. TI.L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL UUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENI OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST A],SO ADDRESS: 1. The relationship of the reguested variance toother existing or potential uses and structures int.he vicinity. c. E. __l The degree to lrhich relief from the strict orliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniforniEy of treatment amongsites in the vicinity or to attain t,he objecLivesof this title without grant of special privllege. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, t,ransPortation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. How your request complies wiLh Vail's Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat least ltr = 20'' stamped by a Colorado lieensed surveyor including locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other elements whlch must be shown are parking and loading areas, Lngress and eqress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at least It' = 20' showingexisting and proposed buildings. All preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site- " A prelininary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a nulti-family development which has a homeowners' association, thenwritten approval from the association in support of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by t,he zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. TIII{E REOUIREMENTS A. The Planning and Environmental Conmission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A completeapplication form and aII accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four(4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC publlc hearing. No incomplet.e appllcations (as determined by Lhe zoningadninistrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or aft,er the designated subnittal date. B. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if constructionis not conmenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to compJ.etion. If this application requires a separate review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofVail, the application fee shall be increased by$200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot limited to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. lhe applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the applicantrs requestr ioymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the natter t,obe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. ? 3. 4. B. D. E. F. G. A.v. t I B. App 1i catlon January 28, t 4, Block Appli wishes to seek approval to place res 'ential parklng for a Variance L994 3, Bighorn 3rd Addition residential GRFA w:ithin a beltuav greater t}j^a". 40%. Appllcant f garages o is sloped the site rnthlch that the 402 that average than 30%. 1s andsloped area s a result of road construct slopes in tha area and adiacent areas a less +7l 7 (', ..i oo TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTMENr OF COMMUNITY D EVELTOPMENT r.1'Lr, lit'.rL l.t ,1 .'lul L4 'w.t.ct , --.-l t 2t,^,"-- J-,ZJ-,-f'! CHECKS MI{DE PAYABLE TO TOC'N OP VAIL 01 0000 41540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECFIANICAL CODE $32.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 4241s OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (N,[YLARS)s7.00 0t 0000 42412 XEROXCOPIES s0.25 0t 0000 424t2 STUDIES 01cn0042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE_CHECK FEE tS4O PER HR.I o1oDC042337 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 01 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0t 0000 41413 ADD]TIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SQ.F|.I otooOO 4u40 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0t 0000 41331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEV/ BOARD FEE 01 0000 42371 I}N/ESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 31 0000 45110 TOVPARKINGFUND oto$ao22m7 ffiSERFUND * 01 0000 2lll2 TAXABLE @ 47a (STATE) + 01 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0l0000 42371 BUILDING INTVESTIGATION OTHER 01 0000 41330 ADDTTIONALGRFA "250"$200.00 0l 00tn 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TFIAN 1OO SQ.FT.I $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORETFIAN IOO SQ.FI.I $500.00 01 000041330 SPECN'DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INE]ry]$r,500.00 01 0000 41330 SPECI.AL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMENDI $1.000.00 01 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 ,950 0r 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS s250.00 01 0000 41330 RE _ ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL: COMMENTS: t ".t--",- :lL?b ,^*l2l7,l REc.BtM) *- l4l ke, These two 3 of the LOT lots are for sure adJoining Blghorn Sub, 3rd Addition: 3 I BettY Luke 2202 Hercu]es Drive Colorado SPrings' C0 : the Lot 4.' Block I 80905 Cols. Deot of Highways Mr. Chuck Dunn P.O. Boxo2107 Grand Junction, Colo 81502 infor'rntlon. LOT 5: Cecllla l'loosberger Carl Forestner E'llzabeth Forestner 7087 DudleY Drive Arvada, C0 80004 M'lke, I wlll be ln touch later todaY with i t e'd /r a I ror q + - .djo.c-r-Y-r$ *fuW d$!- AtNn0f,-j-]:-t{3-_.rr.)-\NUd[.1O3-ftLII ?e:AI t6, Be NHf THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town ol Vail on February 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration for he Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village lst Filing. 2. A request lor a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopmenl of the Covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge StreeULots C and D and a part of Lot' 8, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Jose Guzman Andy Knudtsen Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and Easl West Partners Mike Mollica Hans Wiemann Randy Stouder Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Andy Knudtsen Robert Schonkwiler Randy Stouder Juergen Krogmann and Monica Roth Randy Stouder 3. A request for a variance for required parking to be located otf-site for a single family residence located at2642 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. 4. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow tor a driveway to exceed 8% located a12445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. 5. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 loot fence located in the front setback and a variance to allow alternative materials not listed in the Design Review Board Guidelines for a fence located at 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition' 6. A request for a side and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residence located at 2757 Davos Trail/Lot 1 , Block F, Vail Das Schone 1 st Filing. 7.A request for a minor subdivision and to Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, specifically described as follows: rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more A p3.€€l ot hnd h lhe Southtr63t Ouader ot Sedlon la, Townshh 5 South. R:nge 81 West ol lh€ Ah Pdndpd lloridhn, mole padbulrdy &scrbed as lollow!: Beghning d . point $h€oca s brGs c.p set lo. a wine3s corrtef lor tlr W€t Ou.fier ol said Scdion 14 be't (Nonh 29 degress 28 mhulg! 5l secod3 We3t, to73.q8 teet DeeO Nonh,(! Degrg€s 15 mlndes OZ 3"conds WoC, 915.96leet Me$ur6o; Ihenca Nonh 7,1 d€gtees 05 mlnut9r '19 seco.ds Ea{, i0.76le€t; Ibence t&3.621e9t rbng the rrc ol I cung to the dght vrhbh a'e subtsnds . ciod b€aring Nodh 88 d9g'9e! 12 minute! g) !€cgnds E.$, 181.79 leet; Ilenca South 7' d69reer 40 mlnu.3 2l seconds E.st, 62.7? t9s: Thenca '147.11) fg€t doig the ..c of . c{rv€ to lhe lgtt whbh ars sutnendr a 6o.d b...hg Nolth S dogr€€! 36 mlnutF 17 !.conds Easr, 145.60lgeti Thonc€ Nonh 70 dsgreo3 52 mlnut€s gS 3econds E .t, {)l}.35leel: Thence 54.10 te€t rhng th! .rc ol r cuwe lo th. righ rvhrch rr! lublendr . dro.d be.dng Soufi 47 d6gr!6 20 minu6 37 56condr Eest 4,1.20 feet; Theoce sodh l,l degre.r 25 mlnubs 50 secood3 We6l 110.51 leeli Thenc. South 68 degrs€ 18 mindes 9l second3 West,320-m bol; Th.hca Nodh 19 degr.6 (r, mhvt6 05 secgnds We8t. 50ID le€l; Thonca Souh 77 degrs€s 48 n{nues 4l socond3 W€sl, 160.18 leeli Thgnca Sodh lO deg€6 53 minules 33 lecohd! W.!t. 36.48iE.t; Thenca North 87 de9r6e3 40 rnlnut6 06 second3 We3t, 337.72 leoli Th€nca (Nonh t1 deg€e! 52 minutF 13 s€co.rds E$! 130.q' fe.t Dord) Norih 1l d€gre9r 55 minules 3l r€cond. E.s. 129.75 tod Me$ur€d) lo lh. POINT OF EEGINNING. Be.rlng trom G.LO. ,oco.rt lot Sodh halt ol S€ction lno bet{efl Sactlo6 t+ln (G.LO. reco.d South 01 do9rse6 S2 minute6 EasQ (Sot th 01 degr8€6 38 nhut€! 32 s.conds Ea3l M..suredl @ A request lor a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 407o located at 4335 Bighorn RoacliBlock 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Juanita L Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Curnutte Walter Kirsch Randy Stouder 9.A request for a minor subdivision located at 431 6 Streamside Circle WesVLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighom 4th Addilion. tE RI}4EI., SIJFER, g4IfH E FFII,IPIET{ 230 EIEE SITEET VATL CO 81657 1. Etfesblve Data: Jeqn'rarrr L2' L994 at 7:00 Atrtl Fs/te 2. AIXtf, *,rsgf a no$q' grcrocea Insled: MTCTIAEL J. IAIIXERBACII STd CRAIG DENTC$I 3. ArAA Loat! mltctea nroPma Inss^ad: COMMITI'IENT SCIEIUI.,E A o IRE0'D MAR O 41991 Gdrerlg Eardrlrl: $ Lerderte h.gdun: I adct'I Ierder Ctg: S Md'1 Orarges: S Tax Certtfioate: S MorsgrBnt Sg: $ 'rEO GlargFs! S TqIBI, ONRGES: S FIRST AI'€RICAN ETI,E I}qJRA}CE CCI'FAI'I{ : tsatd bY: Eecl6 Cq.E1W Tltle ColI)@atlcn 9* g. FuttagB Fosd, f10O \rAIIl 6 81657 r.Ax (3&3) 476-&,26 i gog ) nz6s6f85'D=*,*" 572-t49o 815.25 10.00 825.25 order !b.3@55@ GJs"@ FefeerPe BAB i ftulrrt: I 262,500,00 nrcpecd In$.Eed: nrurnt: $ Dtrsntl S 4. rhe estste Gt lntareat Jn tj're l€nd Mibed ca refeffd to ln'i*ris camlrrutt stil cPvered lreln ts: FEE SII'trLE ard tttlE tlnrerto le at tlre etfecetse dbte lseof vegd ln: BAB' PART!ffiS}IIP, a Ooleado genelial partrErsidp t:'J ,\_Lltrt,-r-r-!-t!trf-l|-,r,1'tt1,J!.10f,-ft.l-II fI :0tr t-ts, Ee l,tE{I sff{E[nlE a (srtlnnd) oraer to' 307755 -C 5.ItE]a[tdreferredtotnrtccfirotEEltl.ecDl'ert'€trIadtlrlt€Stateofcoltr do, ea'tttty of s"gf" , &sctlbed as follcrrg: . !8E4, : Blodr 3,;icmt' gJEorwgxcsf nrxaD AEDrrrc$I II"6IDED PIAT FIRST Al'ERtCAl'I TITLE INSJRI}€E CC"IPAI.IY Ilf ,r.fl.Jn{r--r-f-'1:r,bf-J,-l-l.l'.lbdl.J0l-f..l-LIt g3:EI F6, EZ IJB-I: JoMl{Irl,lENr o Ord€lr ItEr0 (a) PaWBnt to or fof tle amlrt of t}l9 g|I'antora tr ltEr-tgag€ffi of tlE ftttl efdeiatf6n far ttp eEF:a@ sr lnEr^est to b trgurs Itan (b) Plqer lnst-r-srBrrt(s) sBa-tll,g tJ.E 6st8b or tntesEst to be lnEured r0Jst b6 s.ecu'iei and- dufy flled fca !€cntd, to wJ.t: i. Deed frcnr BAB PARINERSHTF to l'lIclIF,EL J. IJIUIEREnCH ard cRArG DENICI{' !glg: tufy e*ecsted reaf prrcperf:y trinsger delnrattcn, -exeo'rted lry-*ft" tne Granbf or Grant€e, t" rcconpsty the-Doed rEdltlcned abol€, FrsuEnt to ertrcre u oi tuse 8111 l'to. 1288 'GA 39-14-102' 2, tr€d€ l.\ter|B Affldavtt or Parftrshlp &ryst for.ERB PiRn{ER$r$P, a color# p6r1'1en=t\ip, dr*ic"l"g the n€nEo, -snd-aoo""=ges of_t5e-partrers of eatd patfiershlp, ottd-"rridd"fg lts exls@rrB A€ust 17' 1990' A CEFrIFICATE OF TAJ€S UJE I,ISTIIIS Er(ll TAXIIG ,IJFJSICTICFI Sllt{LL BE CEIAINED FrcM tlrE ccunv-msasrm cR fit-glnv TREASJRERTS_AI'$rRIZED AtrNr I{JRsll!'l{T m tesl c.R.;:; 5-g-1:ib2 CiA.Si eE e cltAFGE oF $10.00 EAs{ ro rIrE qlgrct'ER' SCIIEEI'LE B s€cticn I FEOITIIU4EIIS [trE rlL,t{['rDfit InE I1IE FESIEE{E}IIS T0 EE (ffPlJED !f3IrI: FIFST AI"'ERTCAI.I TI[T.,E I}'|SJRAI'TE CO4PANY rtrt lrc. 307755 -C ,{l]'Jl-ltl:1-f -'l:.,ljf -J')-..t.i.lu,Jl..lL1:}-f -UIl- !;:[tr Fh. -EZ l.luJ: co Ol{t'llTl'IENT SCHToLE B8*{tm 2 EAEFntoE Itre pollEy c. pllclea to be Isgred r+tll srtajn ettcg$fdrs to thg fouorlng tlattEd8 rs11*e t11i "gs are dteposed of .6 th€ aatJsfschien of tha Cmpan]t: Ar[' logs or dsltragts' rrEtudlry attoffi]' fees' b1r leascrr of t]E matters e]srt belc+l: 1. Arry feclts, rlghts, fntareets, cd: cldijrF Ur.ti+r are rlct B}rcim qy t])ts nDIJc zeerds brt r.lhtch ccufa-GcertakEd bl an tnspGctlco of gatd Lerd or ity fitstdng trgr:Iry of pergts ln Possesstcn tlereof . 2. Ebsefipnts otr clattllB Of eessr€frts, r|ct strsr,n by t]e gigrlc records. 3. DiecrepatElee, ccrrfgets 1n bcurSary lkH, "+*eg9 ln area, en:rorlnerts, erd 8rr!, sther festg rrilrtch 5 cnlirest sllliEg rs,rid dr*re 8rII qtdch erg lDt ErEt,tn Ey tln ptblJ.c remrds. 4. AtEr lleJl, or rlgbt to a l{en-fc s\de€t, lBbd' or t|aErlal tsretofse d. teomafteC fi:i116eleit, lipoEed LV law efd rpt sf5gn bg tJre p.tbltc lefftdg. 5. Efects, llens, erxalTbrdr4es, adl/otisB Clalr|lg of Otltf matters, lf erqr, gested' ffrs.b appeartrg in tt"e publ{c recan,e 6. attachJrg $$*qu€nt b thF-effecltve daE lereof, fut prjoi to tl6 a"te tle poropeed lnEured aceulxes of, rmrd for valte tle egtete'or fnter"st cr'. ncctgEge ttsrectl cotErcd by thfe CcrmltltBrrt' 6. . T&res duB ard palarble; ard arrrr 1ax, seecrgr Essetl€rlts, &{ge.q ue[t rrFo*d fc6 lrater ca oG E€rvlce, # fca erry otler Bpecial taidt€ dtetrte*' ?. unpatBrlted, rnjj$rg clalnre; resarratlcns € eF(cEgEl"mB in patents of Jn Asts igiiJif"fg tfe issuarrc tlercof; vrater rlghts, claillts or tLtle to ura@r. 8. ttight of way for ditcl€s ca canals rcnstn:cted bv t!9 tutrrrrq-of-ll? unrtea States. as tes"rt'eA lJ1 Urdted States Paent redfueA lbrsnber 22, t939, ln Ed{ 123 at Pagre 625. g. TeJr pef, cent rtrr-p8:*1(:j.patlrg ti6pfw lJl erd to-prcceeds d€rtv€d f,rcrn tte sale Of ;r.ry fr1,*r6l", or ilirtscder kird l,rd i:ature, FE odrJoed flcrn ard rnired frct'n satd prEniFAs * **J;J to Grst Ktatruges_grd iraa J. KIEhtlFs ry lJ=tllIllP! remrded $uEr6E' z, 25,ii to rp,otr 166 at De,3i affi, art'. env errd aLl esgi.gnrEnts tlgeof e l:tftErestg t}ttreltl. 10. Rest'r.1c{tcng, ulatch do rEt srtatrr e fmfettr,r::s tr :Bverter clausa, as ccntsjrsd ln tnsErLEEdIt t*;t.d Jtrn 12, 1963, ln Ed< 175 at PagB L35, as anpnded hnr lnstrurent reF ded Aprll 23, 1965, ln Eod{ 187 et ltge 195. 11. Uttllty erd dralrngB e8sE'lEnts-ds sl!&rtl m tls Plat of sald Subdlvlstcn. sald eassrEnts 5.rrg rO-c*t wlde alcng t]re Sc*rtberly and $eeter:Ly lot l11"ps' (Ccrrtlrued) FIRST A}'RTC}N TIII]E I}g.'RI}ICE CCT'FA}IY OrdEf llc. 307755 'C '1'J ,.\fl.ln,-r:r-fl:rH:-Jr_1-.r.t.tljdt..t('r-r-3-]1I-L !*-:r_:iT F6, EJ l.lHf (srtlru.ed)lb. 307755 -C tr** ser*ral luaclRrc Asg€rATrcsi,:.ecou:deA SePrtenrber 25, [.*lI uErE El,'isgz JJI ecdd sSO at Page 128' 13. nr8' erri alX unredeemd ta:r 6s'1e8' }u]E!t.Ecr'r#r$ofaCertlflceEofTaxee?fe\rrdefEkgt}EtttFJBErem extstJrg "pm E-"ofo; t1o "b#;;rg-t t tii rptt apeear cn the poltel-es u be litsued rEGLIndEtr' f,.-k 6-sF"--J FrFsr ^AI'ERrcAlI rxTtE lltstRllG CO',pew L2. Id ,\It.n'll-f.l:rb:-Ji:r-'!l'lHdl,l0f-:-]1I1 J: :0T Fti, BZ I'lH.t- o Fll"t Art Abplanalp stated that with regard to the list of conditional uses, it did not sound like there were issues concerning ltem F (ski lifts, tows and runs) and G (cemeteries). He said that he did not want to see the logical conditional uses for the Recreation and Open Space Zone District removed. Kathy stated that it sounded like the three categories needed to address 1) preservation, 2) passive recreation and 3) active recrealion. Kristan PriE inquired whether the PEC wanted the Recreation and Open Space zone district to be mainly oriented toward passive recreational activities. Kathy stated that this was correct. Russ Forrest suggested that staff would focus on moving active recreational uses to the Public Use District. Further discussions were necessary with staff and Tom Moorhead to investigate this alternative. An update on a previously approved conditional use permit for a well water treatment facility, generally located south of the Vail Golf Course bridge on Vail Valley Drive, (Well B-4). Planner:Mike Mollica The PEC commented that the gravel needed to be cutback in the area of the pulloff, that the willows needed to be planted and that the rock drop structure be placed where the Division of Wildlife wants it. lf DOW did not want the drop structure at all, then the condition could be removed. 6. A request for a minor subdivision, a request for a variance from Section 18.13.050 buildable area, and a request for a rezoning from the High Density Multi-Family to the Primary/Secondary Residenlial zone district for a property located at Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Filing No. 3/4333 Bighorn Road. a fitP y 5. 7. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Diana Donovan made a motion to table this request indefinitely with Bill Anderson seconding this motion. A 4-0 vote tabled this item indefinitely. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for a new residence on Lot 18, Block 7, VailVillage 'lst Filing/32s Forest Road. BAB Parlnership Andy Knudtsen TABLED INDEFINITELY Timothy Drisko Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO SEPTEMBER 13, 1993 Diana Donovan made a motion to table this request until September 13, '1993 with Bill Anderson seconding this motion. A 4-0 vote tabled this item until September 13, 1993. Plannlng and Envlronmental Commission August 23, 1993 12 -- Q-o,$1 tt /\(-v r-l r\ o rrFtz|\r ,.r-X/LLUIuf 'l\ \ tv CURT R. FTTITSCH BETTY J. LUKE BARRY PERMUT 221 S. GARFIELD, #104 2202 HERCULES DRIVE 2071 ALBION DENVER, CO 80209 COLO SPGS, CO 80906 DENVER, CO 80207 GINGER AND STEVEN GOLD JOHN AND PATRICIA NESBIT RAINER GERNGOSS 1257 RACE STREET 808 GOBVE ST. 27 BAY PINES DENVER, CO 80210 GLENCOE, IL 60022 HILTON HEAD, SC 29928 WILLIAM & ANNA MARIE ARBINK CECELIA MOOSEBURGER HBM TOWNHOUSE ASSOC. /+337 STREAMSIDE CIRCLE KARL & ELIZABETH FORSTNER C/O DAVIES VAIL, CO 81657 7087 DUDLEY DRIVE P.O. BOX 669 ARVADA, CO 80084 VAIL, CO 81658 JERRY & GIVEN GREENBERG 5567 S. OURAY STREET AURORA, CO 80015 8/bles- &rr *d,l DOUGLAS SCOTT HILLER 4327 STREAMSIDE CIR. vAtL, co 81657 oo oo THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 23, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an additional covered entry to an existing residence located at 1547-A Springhill Lane/Lot 2, Block 3, Vail Valley 2nd Filino. 2.A request for the establishment of a Special Development District to allow the pvnanqinn of the Vail Athletie Clrrh located at 352 East Meadort' Dri'.re. and morq specrfically described as fotlows; A parcel of land in Tract B, Vail Village, Firsl Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing al the Northeast corner ol said Tract B; thence N 79046'00'W along the Northerly line of Vail Village, First Filing, and along th€ Norlhedy line ol said Tract B 622.86 feel; thence S 06"26'52" W a distance of 348.83 feet to the Soulhwest corner of that parcel of land described in Book 191 at Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1956 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Records, said corner also being the True Poinl of Beginning; thence S 79"04'08' E and along the Soulherly line of said parcel 200.00 leel to the Southeast comer thereof; thence N 62"52'00'E and along the Northerly line ol that parcel ol land described in Book 222 at Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in the Eagle County Records, a distance of 66.78. feet lo the Northeasterly corner of said parcel of land; said corner being on the Weslerly rightof-way line ol Gore Creek Road, as platted in Vail Village, Fitth Filing; lhenc€ N 27"13'37" W a distance of 77.37 teel afong said Westerly right-ol-way line of Gore Creek Road; thence N 89'29'22" W a distance of 12.80 feet to the Northeasterly corner of that parcel of land described in Book 191, Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and filed in Reception No. 1 02978 in the Eagle County Records; thence Northwestedy 26.51 leet along the arc of a 37.50 feet radius curve to th€ lett having a central angle of 40"30'00'whose chord bears N 53'40'00' W a disiance ol 25.96 feet lo a poinl ol tan-ocncy; thence N 73'55'00'W and along said tangent 166.44 {eet; thence N 85"10'21'W a dislance ol 50.40 leetlo the Nodhwesterly corner of the Mountain Haus Parcel; thence S 02o18'00" W and along the easlerly line of said Mountain Haus Parcel a dislance of 100.00 teet to the Southeasterly corner lhereot; thenco S 45o13'53" E a dislance of 38.70 leet to the True Point of Beginning, containing 30,486 square f eel, morg or less. Applicants: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicants: Planner: Frank and Marlene Rembert Andy Knudtsen Vail Athletic Club Shelly Mello Golden Peak House Condominium Assoc.A/ail Associates, lnc./Partners, Ltd./Margaritaville, lnc. Mike Mollica A request for a work session for the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor subdivision, a zone change, and an amendment to View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Banch Road/Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. I oo oo A request for selback and site coverage variances to allow for a new residence on tot 18, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing/325 Forest Road. 4. 5. o. 7. A request for a worksession for proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District, and Chapter 18.32 Agricultural and Open Space District, of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planners: Applicant: Planncr: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Timothy Drisko Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Jim Curnutte and Russ Forrest Leo Payne ,Jim Crrrnutte Briar Patch Condominiums Shelly Mello BAB Partnership Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen A request for a minor subdivision for Lot 1, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing/S8l Beaver Dam Circle. A request for variances for wall heights, construclion in an area with slopes in excess of 40% and parking in the front setback and an amendment to the approved development plan for the Briar Patch Condominiums, located at 1398 Bulfehr Creek Road/Lot F, Lionsridge Subdivision Filing No. 2. { A request for a minor subdivision, a request for a variance from Section 18.13.050 buildable area, and a request for a rezoning from the High Density Multi-Family to the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district for a property located at Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Filing No. 3/4333 Bighom Road. o A request for a modification to the conditional use permit for the snow dump to allow an expansion of the road located at 1309 VailValley Drive/an unplatted parcellocated west ol the Town of Vail shoPs. r.w-a.r]"*f * Cozr R. Ferrsc'l ' ' 22 t So. 6aRrre<-o to 'l Da^rtraR) CO gAAOI Deto6 C, O 807o6, ol ,Bent22 02 c;oc-o. J. LuF.e d eRcucee Secrtcs, Ylartqs-SfS' BaenV Tott A D€pseA, ?e er"{, r LB ror) Co eo2o7 €\\ -t,^d€r,tesR il. | €rrvao A4 .Go.s lz,f,7 Rlce Sr. Ps^rv6R.,r CO ga2to *J"*,rr 6. 8 o 8 G?ove GC€Ncor , I | ?artl"ta, A.Mesct r Sr. cL. 6ooz2 H@oo Rar.,er Gen rGoss ?7 B q/ TtNss $rczu,rt Huro, gC z??zg J- V cL!6.v. c. ] )un, l-/^e,;-/1 11237 SrRsAetsae Cr(. V:,c, CO & I C{ 7 ,t* . . ,JJ./oncc-Ali >corf tftLL€R c1327 Sr*gtACt4e Cte. \4,u, Co g fcs-7 Ce. €LlA f4oor"ro/<Ge7? Kaec Ie"tz^Brrt! L' FoRsr-ereA 1o g-7 nuPuc-/ DA' ,\ .-r .3oPa, CO 8oo8 | les,o ', 1 Bor 6 8 t(s l)Avre 3 oo of ft""T:"ff**iil"#J ,( 4 E M 'll-orrzodousr ,{t*o". Bor 6C7 \,/a,<-l Co Bl(sg . Gqe,gM8tp^" l\' OO H@ It/o l)Avt€ S .; oo OO THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEBEBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail wlll hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of theTown of Vailon August9, 1993, at2:00 P.M. in theTown of Vail MunicipalBuilding. Consideration of: 1. A request for a major exterior alteration in CCl, for an addition and exlerior upgrades to the Cyranos Building, located at 298 Hanson Ranch RoadiLot C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Margretta B. Parks PIAnNCT: M|KE MOII|CA TABLED INDEFINITELY 2. A request for a setback variance, a rezoning from Greenbelt Natural Open Space to Single Family Residential, and a minor subdivision to allow for the construction of a caretaker unit for the Spraddle Creek Subdivision, located at Tract C, Spraddle Creek Subdivision. Applicant: SBC Development CorporationPlannen Mike Mollica 3. A request for an amendment to the approved development plan and a minor subdivision for the Briar Patch Condominiums, located at 1390 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot F, Lions Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2. Applicant: Briar Patch Condominium Associalion, represented by David Leach Plannen Shelly Mello 4. A request for a worksession for a proposed major subdivision (Trappeis Ridge) lo create thirty-three Hillside Residential lots to be located on Lot B, Block C, Vail Ridge and Lots 16, 19, and21, Section 14, Township5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant; Jotin Ulbrich, represerrted by Gateway Developnrent, lnc. (Gary Arlhur)Plannen Jim Curnutte 5. A request for a worksession for a minor subdivision, a request {or a variance from Section 18.13.050 buildable area, and a request for a rezoning from High Density Multi-Family to Primary/Secondary Residential zone district for a property located at Lot 4, Block 3, Bighom Subdivision Filing No. 3/4333 Bighorn Road. Applicant: BAB Partnership Planner:Andy Knudtsen lo oo 6. A request for a minor amendment to SDD #4, Cascade Village for the Waterford parcels in area A, described as follows: Thal part ot th€ SW t/4 NE 1/4, Sectjon 12, Township 5 South, Range 8l West ol the Sixth Principai Meridian, Town oi Vail, Eagle Colnly. Colofado, d€scrib€d as lollows: tseginning at a point on the soulherly right-o!-way liie ol Inlerslale H ghway No. 70 whence an iron pin wilh a plaslic cap markrng lhe cenl€r ol sad Section 12 bears S 33'1019'W 1447.03le€t henc€ alo g said soulherly righltl-way ling two courses 1) N 52'50'29' E 229.66 leet 2) N 74'38'17'E t6O.70 le€t; thence depaning said southeriy right-ol-way tjne N e8'45 57' E 138.93 le€t thence S 40'45 14' W 94.32 leet thenc8 S 16: 18'36'W 51.08 leet; thence S 01.2 t'36' W 205.02 leel; fience S 12'07 36' W 110.25 leet thence S ?8'28'36'W 164.48 taet; th6nce N 40 '17 04'W 211,16 leet lhence h( 49:42 56' E 97.80 teel; lhence N 37=C9 31' W 95.59 feet thenc€ S 52'50 29' W 55.10 leet lhence €9.48 lEel aloig the arc ol a non- taigent cu've lo the lei having a radius o{ 65.00 leel a cenval angle ol 61'14'42' and a chord ltlat bears N 58' 55 53'W 66.22 leet lhenca N 37'09 31'!V l:9.50 leet To The TruE Point ol Beginning, Counly ol Eagla, Sial€ ol Coiorado; Applicant: MECM Enterprises, represented by Eustaquio Cortina and Commercial Federal Savings.Planner: Shelly Mello 7. A request for the establishment of an SDD to allow the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of three Type lV employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: A part ol Tract "B" and a part ol lv'lill Creek Road, Vail Village, First Filing, County of Eagle, State o{ Colorado, more panicularly described as tollon's: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Vail Village, First Filing; thence North 79"46'00" West along the Soulherly line of U.S. Highway No. 6 a dislance of 367.06 teet to the Northeast corner of said Tract "B"; thence Soulh 10c 14'00" West along the Easterly line ot said Tract "B"; a distance of 1 98.31 teel io the Soulheaslerly corner of said Tract "B"; thence Norlh 79"46'00" West along the Southerly line of said Tract "8" a distance of 100.00 teet to the true point of beginning thenca North 09"10'07'West a distance of 41.67 feet: thence South 88"27'11' West a dislanco ol 75.21 feet: thence South 27'13'37' East a distance ot 77.37 leelt thence Norlh 57'24'00" East a distance of 55.11 feet, more or less lo the true point of beginning. Applicant: David SmithPlanner: Jim Curnutte 8. A request for a major exterior alteration to allonr for a retail expansion and a request to amend a previously approved Conditional Use Permit for an existing "Television Station" at the Sunbird Lodge, located at 675 Lionshead Place/Lot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filino. Applicant: Planner: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Tim Kehoe Tim Devlin I 4ssr (';ryt-^-^ ed INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REV]EW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /LtLrL"te -4-41 nf/o, /on / tr v*-*,.., f('*-, n-dT./.?.r-./ PUBLIC WORKS Rsviewed byz % <;.'*{'Date:7 ze 23 Comments:o.'-.,''-Z /zrc /.p..2.-4 '/ C:f Z ,noo'? ) t--n +r ,'/ ''' 'z'a'z- '22-tlc-""'tn'i,"-€ ' ) / J ' ..2a p<zr,a.;? , rrh., I llltlz oooo /^/,y'rd -n l/lar/7, oo oa oo :.. '. 1,,, i f fSY SUMMARY DISCUSSION OF APPLICATION REZONING, VARHNCE AND MINOR SUBDIVISION LOT 4, BLOCK 3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADDITION 1. CurrEnt Zone District, density allowed and development standards: 2. Requested Zone District, density and development standards: Primary/Secondary Residential Distict Lot Size: Dwelling Units Allowed: GRFAAllowed: Setbacks: Front Sides & Rear Building Height: Lnw-Density Multiple-Family (LDMF) Lot Size: Buildable Area: Dwelling Units Allowed: GRFAAllowed: Setbacks: All Building Heighr: .8088 Acre (35,231 SF) .4719 Acrc (20,556 SF) 4 6,167SF 20 Fr 38 FT 4A -4191Acrc (18,256 SF) 4B .3897 Acre (16,975 SF)442 482 4A 3084 48 3083 20 FT 15 FT 33 FT 3os4 3o 83G 3. Discussion of Request: Currently, development plans have been approved for the property that show four single family homes with 1540 SF of GRFA each, and four covered parking spaces in (2) tlo- car garages. We are requesting merely to subdivide the property in such a way that two separate structures could be built at differcnt times with the same density. Our proposal could meet all requirrements of both Title l7-Subdivisions and Title 18- Zoning, if we were to elect to leave the zoning LDMF. The LDMF district requires 10,000 SF of Buildable Area on each lot; and this requirement can be mel However, the resulting geometry of Lnt 4A would cause the loss of a signilicant stand of maure evergreens; and cause the eventual structure to be at or near the maximum allowable height for most of its mass. This is due to both the 30 foot Lot width at the street; and the 20 foot side setbacks, which tend to squeeze the structure vertically. I have enclosed a survey showing this lot configuration. By Subdividing the lot approximately down the center, and by changing the zoning to Primary/Secondary Residential, we can avoid those problems because the resulting Lot 4A could be wider in fronB have 5' less on each side setbach and have a five foot lower height limit. However, we cannot meet the portion of paragraph 18.13.050 which requires 15,000 SF of buildable area; and we are asking for a variance from that requilemenl The purpose of this request for rezoning and variance is to provide development sandards which will result in the best ultimate developmenl The proposed lots are similar in all oo ot Lot 4, Block 3, Bighom Subdivision Third Addition Page2 respects to typical Vail lots with Primary/Secondary zoning. A very significant number of existing lots in the Town of Vail do not have 15,000 SF of buildable area, especially in the BeaverDam/Forest/Rockledge Road area; and in the DavoVCortina area. The concept of buildable area is not used to restrict density in Single Family, Duplex and Primary/Secondary districts. In many instances, larger homes than could be built under this proposal have been built on smaller lots with less buildable area. No increase in density is being soughr We have proposed to restrict the GRFA to the currently allowable 6167 SF. Under straight Primary/Secondary zoning, 8022 SF could be built. In all other rcspects, Primary/Secondary development sundards will apply. The rezoning, variance, and minor subdivision are to be viewed as one request, with each aspect contingent upon the other two being approved. 4. Discussion of Variance: Purpose - This request is consisrent with the stated purpose of the variance provisions relative to practical difficulty from size, shape, topography and physical conditions. Variances can be granted to development standards for lot area. Criteria - The proposal to zone for two duplex structures is consistent with the development in the area. One of the lots adjoining to the west has a duplex structure; and all of the lots across Bighorn road are zoned and developed for duplex. Duplex structuies are also a use by right in the existing zoning. There will be no adverse effect on light, air, population, transportation or public utilities. Findings - We request that you find that this proposal is not a grant of special privilege in that many lots in the Town of Vail do not conform to the provision from which we ar-e seeking relief; and that, in fact, the proposed lots are very typical Vail lots. We feel that ttre variance is warranted because a strict, literal interpretation of the buildable area requirement results in an unnecessary practical diffrculty. a I/-t??(2 t Dl; [5 5'1,^*^ ft't-Retum to INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: /L/Lce,';-'z -4-i1 .r/{n, Ln / / v'.2-.o,- "t 0(' .r-.- o-/r/. /.2 ., -,a/. PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: f1nno* , u h-L t,;,- /J /* it' /'*:''; | - ,J';"*'7 ci r*J* ,, i { "-: /t'c""-t /'*-L z' cJo:''' V,fu"tI *"/ L 4) r-+ ,'y(trs -l /- @ 'i;^') "-'-1 t" /( ? o- J o> t\slk t)""2,'S,*"11, 57o"r t""/ riir.d I tr9!2 comments: l) J.+ ," ,u lJ k r, 1) lr,t 7, '- L l- -un *l k r x;'l ms ru ,, - J .4r," ,;, k . f :: !j,::'-!" -r"' si")' , Po" Lt' 'r"""v!''ol'/a '*rr' 'r:;" r c.,"... iJ*''ri!,',,,!,''' ,,'""!i'or:"ffii L' J"/''" oooo "/) /^/ A /iv, "Q_rh'ty'a/rs oo oo t35l(n2i: DATE RECEIVED BY COMMUN]TY DEVELOf 'MENTDEPfrI#ilJEUI 1 2 esl APPUCANON FOR rrNoR suBDrvrsroN REvrEw CTIAPTER 17.20 VAIL IIUNIqPAL CODE (4 OR FEWER LOTS) (dease print or type) ? ovgRr L. 4R.uor, APPLIcANT B 4 B ?ARtie-Rs*rr rilAlLlNG eooaess?. o ,q'*-o< Z g 87 Atou dtf&e&'ts- slt z PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNA MAILING ADDRESS PHONE LoGATION OF PRoPOSAL (stseet aooressl-ll-S g5 B, lcaoR(' Ra aD tl -LOTS 1 BuiJCK 3 SUBD;V;SION F rCrloeo 3 sAoor rtoN FEE $25O.OO PAID CHECK #D^rEd t z l?3 The tirst step is to request a meeting wih the zoning administrator lo assist the applicant in meeting the submittal requirementrs and to give the proposal a preliminary review. SUBMITAL REQUIREMENTS 1. The applicant shall submit three copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following the requirements for a final plat below. Ceriain of these requirements may be waived by he zoning administrator and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission ll determined not applicable to the projecrt. 2. A list of all adjacent property owners (including thoss behind and across the street) WITH COMPLETE ADDBE S shall also be submitted. In addltlon, submlt addressed, stamped €h\.; -p€s lor each ol the above. 3. Title Report verifying ornership and easements. (S*reOrtes A & B) 4. An environmenlal impac't report may be required as stipulated under Chapter 18.56 of the zoning code. 5. FINAL PI-AT. REOUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURE: (Some of these requiremer$ may bo waived.) a. The subdivider shall submit four copies of he final plat, two of which shall be mylars, twelve copies of the final EIR (if required) and any additional material as required below. Within thirty days of receiving the complete and coned submittal for a final plat, the zoning administrator shall cause a copy of a notice of lhe time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to bo puUished in a newspaper of general circulation in fie Town of Vail at least fifteen days prior to said hearing. Also, adjacent property ownerc to the poposed subdivision shallbe notified in writing at least seven days prior to the public hearing. D. E. F. B. c. oo ot Final Plat - Stafl Review. The final plat shall bs circulated lo and reviewed by the torvn's departments, Inchding, but not limited to Public Works, Transportation, Community Development Recrealion, Adniristration, Police and the Fire Department. Gomments anC concems of tnese departments will be torwarded to the PEC pdor to lhe public headng. Final Plat and Suoolementary Material- ontenb. The final dat and supplementary material shall contain the following information: 1. The final plat shall be drawn in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably my'ar) with dimenslon of twenty-four by thirly-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger nith margins of one and one-half b two lnches on the left and one-half inci on all other sil6s. 2. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be r€sorvd or dodicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by he radius, @ntral argle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, botr linoar and angular, are to be determined by an accurate contol survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit ol one in ten thousand. 3. North anow and graphic scale. 4. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed h.rildirps, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. 5. Names of all adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. lf adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shorn as such. 6. An kientification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reseryed for future public acquisition shallalso be shown on the dat. 7. A written survey description of the area including the total acrsage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in Utis manner, as well. l 8. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a d€scription of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, th€ materials which shall be debrmined by the town engineer. 9. A statement by the land survsyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and fiat the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 51. 11. A certificate by an attomey admifted to practico in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, ihat the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are oo oo lff0'D JUL 12 1e9t July 12, 1993 Town of Vail Deparunent of Community Development 111 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Rezoning, Variance, and Minor Subdivision Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition I have enclosed the application forms, fees and required material for the above requesL I have also included a snmmary and discussion of exactly what we are trying to accomplish with this rcquest. Please contact me if there is anyttring else you need regarding this submital. Sincerely yours, Robert L. Amold, A.I.A. Encl. Robert L Amold Arfit€ct P.C. P.O. Box25E7 Avon, C0 El62O 4{l E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Suite 104 (3O3) 82|5-8117 (303) 845-8829 FAX revis€d Lotsa O APPI.ICATIO}T This procedure is requiredvariance. The applicationinfornation is submitted. oo Application Date 1s PEC MEETING DATE FOR A VARI.ANCE for any project requesting awill not be accepted until all ,iilt JIJL 12 199tr I. A.NAME oF appr,rceNr B 4 R ?arrutrPs#re ADDRESS PHONE B, NAI,IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS?.O.BOX ZE81 PHoNE 0 /s-9( l7 Not-o D. NAME OF owNER (S) ADDRESS O$INER (S) (type o1 print) SIGNATURE (S) PHONE LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT-L -BLocK-3- rrlrwc B, 64ored 3@ApD,7rod ADDRESS \33s B rc*oR\r Rdatb E. FEE S25O . OO PAID gK #-BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSA],. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-applicati-on conference with a planning staff member isstrongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation j-s needed. No application will be acceptedunless it is complete (must include all items required bythe zoning adninistrator) . It is the applicant, sresponsi-bility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submittaf requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPI.ETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDIT]ONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ATL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRTTTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: L. The relationship of the requested variance t.oother existing or potential- uses and structures inthe vicinity. ile:?U.::'::i:i'ii'lil :;t:t'li'.o'specified regulation is necessary to achieveconpatibility and uniformity of treatment amongsites i-n the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. How your request complies with Vail, s Comprehensive Pl,an. A topographic and/or improvement survey at. a scale ofat least 1" = 20t stamped by a Colorado licensedsurveyor including locations of all existingj-mprovements, including grades and elevations. Otherelements which must be shown are parking and loadingareas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least tt' = 20t showj-ngexisting and proposed buildings. A1l preliminary building elevations and floor planssufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. A preliminary t.it1e report to verify ownership and easements. Tf the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, thenwrj-tten approval from the association in support of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey andsite plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. rv.TIME REQUTREMENTS The Pl-anning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A conpleteapplicatj-on form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four(41 weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoningadministrator) will be accepted by the planning staffbefore or after the designated submittal date. A11 PEC approved variances shall l-apse if constructionis not commenced within one year of the date ofapproval and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separate review by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofVai1, the application fee sha1l be increased by$200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot lirnited to: Colorado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the appJ-icant's requestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shaLL be paid by the applicant. 2. 3. B. D. A. B. A.v. 15. r#tottt oo oo $f;,'n.qll 1 2 lggU Petition Date PETMON FORII FOR AIIENDTENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OR REOUESTT FOR A CHANGE IN DFTRICT BOUNDARIES This procedure ls required for any amendment to the zonlng odlnance or for a rcquest for a distict boundary change. A.NAME OF PCNTPHEN ADDRESS PHONE PH}NES /s-8 / /7 C. NAME .. SIGNA Aq 42fr1 ADDRESs q335 Btr-rfoed froao LEGAL DEScRrPrfo N:totilBLocK-3- rtu*eB to'{oeN 3N4oQ t 71.,^) ,,ng"'@, DATE -rlrz/93Rezonlngs: F. Stamped, addressed envelopes and list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subjecl property. Four (4) copies ol the follontlng information: A. The petition shall include a summary of the proposed revision of the regulations, or a complete description of the proposed changes in disctrict boundaries and a map indicating the existing and proposed disctrict boundaries. Applicant must submit written and/or graphic materials stating the reasons for request. Time Requirements The Planning and Environmental Comission meets on the 2nd and 4th ttlondays of each month. A petition with the necessary accompanying material must be submitted four weeks prior to the date of the meeting. Following the Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, all amendments to the zoning ordinance or district boundary change must go tot the Town Council for final action. Your proposal will be reviewed for complainace with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. ll this application requires a separate raview by any local, State or Federal agency oher than the Town of Vail, fre application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of sucfi review, may indude, but are not limited to: Colorado Departmenl of Highway Access Permits, tumy Gorps ol Enginers 4O4, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. ll, at the applicant's request, any matter is posponed for hearing, causing he matbr to be republished, then the entire be lor such re- FEE: Zonlng Amendments: $250.00PAID CHECK # il. lll. tv. v. NAME OF pETtTONER',S REpRESENrnrrVeSoesK-r L, 4 R tuoL' ADDRESS ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: oa ol hearing, causing the matt€r to be re-publishgd, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact o,n the community may requlre review by consultants oher than town staff. Should a determination be mde by the town staff that an outside @nsultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consuttant, lt shall estimate the amount ol money necessary lo pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at he time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds foruarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant lvhich have not been pald to the consultiant shall be retumed to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount lonrarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. RIC';t993 Robert 1,,. Arnold P.O. Box 2587 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: The Surrounding Property Owners Dear Buff, Our list goes as 1) Lot 3 (to the east) 2) L,ot 9 (to the west) 3 ) L,,ot 5 ( to the west) GEN P,O. BOX 2032 . VAIL, COLORADO 81658 . 30&47F02,O P.O. gOX 2144 . BOULDEB. COLORAOO 80306 . 303-,142-6582 March 11,1993 follows: Betty iI . Luke 2202 Hercules Drive Colorado Springs, Colorado 80905 1) Barry Permut 2071 Albion Denver, Colorado 2) Curt R. Fritsch 80201 221 South Garfield 104 Denver, Colorado 80209 Ginger H. & Steven M. Gold 1257 Race Street Denver, Colorado 80210 ilohn E. & Patricia A. Nesbit 808 Grove Street Glencoe, I11 . 50022 Jerry H. & Gwen J. Greenberg 5557 Soth Ouray StreetAurora, Colorado 80015 HBM Townhouse Association C/O Davies Box 569Vail. Colorado 81558 Cecelia Mooseburger 6rKarl & Elisabeth L. Forstner 7087 Dudley DriveAurora, Colorado 80004 3) 4) 6) 'ffiC'"t.tlt! 12 1995 Page 2 The next three landowners are across the street (Bighorn). The listings that I have are fron west to east. You need to be aware that the block nunber is different. Unfortunately I don't have the correct bloek nunber. 4) Lot 5 Douglas Scott Hiller t1327 Strearnside CircleVail, Colorado 81657 5) Irot 7 frilliam c. & Anna Marie Abbink 4337 Streanside CreekVai1, Colorado 81557 5) Lot 8 Rainer Gerngoss 27 Bay PinesHilton Head, South Carolina 29928 I hope that this will work for us. Resoectfullv,---;q - - : , .1 t/ i-fittL,.J *-4 l.l L)1 .-+,' .',-rqFrdd A. Bickford oo oo ll4 s s; fSgt""'" Cd Retum to INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: fte,e-.e' y'tz-/-.-L) ...(/^. /-n / fr',^- "9.y. 1.'4.r,,7 PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by:Date: Comments: /^/ A frr, g,Z z<) --t 7/ta/73 o SUMMARY DISCUSSION OF APPLICATION REZONING, VARIANCE AND MINOR SUBDIVISION LOT 4, BLOCK 3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADDITION 1. Current Zone District, density allowed and development sandards: Low-Density Multiple-Family (LDMF) Lot Size: .8088 Acre (35,231 SF) Buildable Area: .4719 Acre (20,556 SF) Dwelling Units Allowed: 4 GRFA Allowed: 6,167SF Setbacks: All 20 Ft Building Heighr: 38 FT 2. Requested Zone District, densrty and development standards: Primary/Secondary Residential Distict Lot Size: Dwelling Units Allowed: GRFAAllowed: Setbacks: Front Sides & Rear Building Height: o_.fry oo 4A .4191Acre (18,256 SF) 4B .3897 Acre (16,975 SF) 442 482 44, 3084 48 3083 20 FT 15 FT 33 FT 3. Discussion of Request: Currently, development plans have been approved for the property that show four single family homes with l54O SF of GRFA each, and four covered parking spaces in (2) two- car garages. We are requesting merely to subdivide the property in such a way that two separate structur€s could be built at different times with the same density. Our proposal could meet all requirements of both Title l7-Subdivisions and Title 18- Zornrrg, if we were to elect to leave the zoning LDMF. The LDMF district requires 10,0fi) SF of Buildable Area on each lot; and this requirement can be mel However, the resulting geometry of Lot 4A would cause the loss of a significant stand of maturc evergreens; and cause the eventual structure to be at or near the maximum allowable height for most of its mass. This is due to both the 30 foot Lot width at the street and the 20 foot side setbacks, which tend to squeeze the structur€ vertically. I have enclosed a survey showing this lot configuration. By Subdividing fte lot approximately down the center, and by changing the zoning to Primary/Secondary Residential, we can avoid those problems because the resulting Lot 4,{ could be wider in front have 5' less on each side setback; and have a five foot lower height limit. However, we cannot meet the portion of paragraph 18.13.050 which requires 15,000 SF of buildable area; and we are asking for a variance from that requiremenl The purpose of this request for rezoning and variance is to provide development standards which will result in the best ultimate developmenl The proposed lots are similar in all oo oo Lot 4, Block 3, Bighom Subdivision Third Addition Ptge2 respects to typical Vail lots wiilr Primary/Secondary zoning. A very significant number of existing lots in the Town of Vail do not have 15,000 SF of buildable arca" especiafly in the Beaver Dam/Forest/Roctledge Road area; and in the DavoJCortina area- The concept of buildable area is not used to restict density in Single Family, Duplex and Primary/Secondary diStricts. In many instances, larger homes than could be built under this proposal have been built on smallerlots with less buildable area No increase in density is being soughL We have proposed to resrict the GRFA to the cunently allowable 6167 SF. Under straight Primary/Secondary zoning, 8022 SF could be built. In all other rcspectg, Primary/liecondary development standaris wiil apply. The rezoning, variance, and minor subdivision are to be viewed as one rcquest" with each aspect contingent upon the other two being approved. 4. Discussion of Variance: Purpose - This request is consisbnt with the stated purpose of the variance provisions relative to practical difficulty from size, shape, topogmphy and physical conditions- Variances can be granted to development standards for lot arca- Criteria - The proposal to zone for two duplex structures is consistent with the development in the area. One of the lots adjoining to the west has a duplex sEucture; and all of the lots across Bighorn road ap mned and developed for duple:1 Duplex structures are also a use by right in the existing zoning There will be no dverse effect on lighL air, population, transportation or public utilities. Findings - We request tlrat you frnd that *ris proposal is not a grant of special privilege in that many lots in the Town of Vail do not conform to the provision from which we arc seeking reliefl and thaL in fact, the proposed lots are ve_ry typical Vail lots. We feel that the variance is warranted because a strict, literal interpretation of the buildable area requirement results in an unnecessary practical difficulty. a .8088 Acre (35,231 SF) .4719 Acrc (20,556 SF) 4 6,r67SF 20 FT 38 Fr 4A .419I Acre (18,256 SF) 4B .3897 Acre (16,975 SF) 4A2 482 4A 3084 48 3083 20 FT 15 FT 33 Fr 3. Discussion of Request: Currently, development plans have been approved for the property that show four single family homes with 15,40 SF of GRFA each, and four covered parking spaces in (2) nvo: car garages. We are requesting merely to subdivide the property in such a way that two separate structures could be built at different times with the same density. Our proposal could meet all requiremena of both Title l7-Subdivisions and Title 18- Tanrng,if we were to elect to leave the zoning LDMF. The LDMF district requires 10,000 SF of Buildable Area on each lot; and this requirement can be mel However, the resulting geometry of Lot 4A would cause the loss of a significant stand of mature evergrcens; and cause the eventual sEucture !o be at or near the maximum allowable height for most of its mass. This is due to both the 30 foot tnt width at the strcet: and the 20 foot side setbacks, which tend to squeeze the structure vertically. I have enclosed a survey showing this lot configuration. By SuMividing the lot approximately down the center, and by changing the zoning to Primary/Secondary Residential, we can avoid those problems because the resulting Lot 4A could be wider in front; have 5' less on each side setback; and have a five foot lower height limir However, we cannot meet the portion of paragraph 18.13.050 which requires 15,000 SF of buildable area; and we are asking for a variance from that requirement. The purpose of this request for rezoning and variance is to provide development standards which will result in the best ultimate developmenl The proposed lots are similar in all ot SUMMARY DISCUSSION OF APPLICATION R,EZONING, VARIANCE AND MINOR SUBDIVISION LOT 4, BLOCK 3, BIGHORN SUBDIVISION THIRD ADDITION 1. Current Zone District, density allowed and development standards: o_ rsY Low-Densiry Multiple-Family (LDMF) Lot Size: Buildable Area: Dwelling Units Allowed: GRFAAllowed: Setbacks: All Building Heighr: 2. Requested Zone District, density and development standards: Primary/Secondary Residential District Lot Size: Dwelling Units Allowed: GRFAAllowed: Setbacks: Front Sides & Rear Building Height: to oo Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision Third Addition Page2 respects to typical Vail lots with Primary/Secondary zanng. A very significant number of existing lots in the Town of Vail do not have 15,000 SF of buildable area, especially in the Beaver Dam/Forest/Rockledge Road area; and in the DavoVCortina area. The concept of buildable area is not used to restrict density in Single Family, Duplex and Primary/Secondary districts. In many instances, larger homes than could be built under this proposal have been built on smaller lots with less buildable area. No increase in density is being soughl We have proposed to restrict the GRFA to the currently allowable 6167 SF. Under straight Primary/Secondary zoning, 8022 SF could be built. In all other r€spects, Primary/Secondary development standards will apply. The rezoning, variance, and minor subdivision are to be viewed as one rcquest, with each aspect contingent upon the other two being approved. 4- Discussion of Variance: Purpose - This request is consistent with the stated purpose of the variance provisions relative to practical difficulty from size, shape, topography and physical conditions. Variances can be granted to development standards for lot area. Criteria - The proposal to zone for two duplex structures is consistent with the development in the area. One of the lots adjoining to the west has a duplex structurc; and all of the lots across Bighom road are zoned and developed for duplex. Duplex structures are also a use by right in the existing zoning. There will be no adverse effect on light, air, population, transportation or public utilities. Findings - We request that you frnd that this proposal is not a grant of special privilege in that many lots in the Town of Vail do not conform to the provision from which we ar-e seeking relief; and that, in fact, the proposed lots are very typical Vail lots. We feel that the variance is warranted because a strict, literal interpreution of the buildable area requirement results in an unnecessary practical difficulty. PLEASE MAKE CHE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{ ENT O F CO |VI]VIIJNITY DEVELO P}IENT . S,\LES ACTION FON}{ 75 SOUTH -FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,RADO 81657 N,I}IE 0t 0000 4!540 zc\rD{o .{,}D ADDRESS },rA.Ps 0l ct\co42415 L.TNTFOL\{ B UILDT\'C CODE 0l 0000 {24 t5 UMFOR.\,I PLU}r'8NO CODE 0l 0000 42.r r 5 UM f OL\ I )\fECH.l\lC,r.L CODE 0l 0000 J?415 UNIFOR,\,I FIRE CODE 0t oooo12{15 lN,rnoNiLrLEcTtucALcoDE 0l 0000 {24 t5 OTI.IER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 .l t543 BLUE PRD.TTS 6!YLARS) 0l 000.1{2112 ):EROX COPIES / s'iuDtrS 0l 00c{:237t I p):NAI.TYFMS/RE.I,.,-'SPECT]0NS ol 0/'Jc0.{1332 i i't,r.v REvinv RE.cllEcK FEE ts(o FER HR. OFF I.IOUR,S DiSPECTION FEE5 0t 0010.il{t2 CONTL\ CTO RS LI CIL\S ES IT.ES 0l m00{r330 .0t 00004t113 SICN APPLICATIO){ FEE 01000041{13 ADDITION^IJ SIONAGE F;E ISI.OO PER SO,IT, 0t 0ct0 421.10 \TC ART PROJECT DON,\NON 0t 0000 .r t 33l PRE PAJD DESICN REVIEW BOARD FEE OI OOOO42412 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COI"IPUTER D *.01 0000 41010 Tl\X 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDING)rTr/.1T l t._.^,. DUE: 0l 0000 r | 330 tcoNDI'noNAL usE pER\{lT I CS00 41330 OR ALTTRATION ILESSTHAN ] 0l 0cr00.i1330 LYIERIOR ALTI;RATION IIiORE THA-\ IC{ SO.FT. SPECIAL DEVE P.\.fEtir DtsTRtcT ^L DEVELOP.\IE.\T DISTRICT I}.IAJOR AM OI OT}0(] A 1339 I SPECI.AL DEVELOPIfENT }'iI}\'oR A:\.IEYD4D30 lSLRDtvlStON 0l 0000{t ;VARIfu\'CE 0t 0000 .r | 330 lzoMNc coDE * * * t( * * * * * Project Application Date 1,23,? / Project Project Contact Name: Descriplion: Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot 4 arock 3 , ,u,^n B*4,^- j4 . zon. /TnF Commenls: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAP PROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner Stafl Approval wa JULl5t99, n .=-=-rr=Jo = *IEIIIIIEItr-E F TRAN S M ITTAL the following items: ! Specif ications WE ARE SENDING YOU tr ! Shop drawings ! Copy of letter Attached tr Via ! Prints/sepias [] Change order ! ! Plans Originals Samplesn T D^rE lltslqf lrceruo ro: Ll ,,.- Mott,rt To t/ 1 ,qPT. aF (nu.]De-vE l no RE' E4F{t=s lilF s---r-- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval For your use As requested REMARKS ! Approved as submitted ! Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections For your records Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US n D ! ! ! ! E ! 'DRR €-T-OFF AFr>RouaL- FOR BIDS DUE \v/NOOTY D€L-€-T€?? {OJAceru7 'TO F/rcFl:Ac'e. *lAs"S. / COPY TO ll enclosu'es are not as nated, kindly notily ED .rur- , fnn, *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INTORUATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION UEETING: DRA APPI.ICATIO}T DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: Itt..v l5-, 191 I A pre-application ueeting with a.planning 9tlff menber is strongly- suggested to determine if any additional inforrration-is needed. No application will be accepted aPPointment with the staff to find out about additional subrnittal' reguirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamllne the approval process for your pioject by decreasing the.nunber of Londitions oi apploval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of abbroval rnust be resolved before a building permit is issued. Application wiII not be processed the zoning administratort. It is the applicantrs without Ownerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: IOCATION Address B. Legal Description Lot I Block 3 subdivision@DPoning l- > Mr= c. D. NAI.{E OF APPLICANT: Mailing laaressz Z1-7O B-aut k|ru.Rotc- Phone Ll7 6 -'7 53 0_ NN.[E OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address:tl 7 d -tlL1 E.NAME OF OWNERS: 8IGNATURE (S) S Mailing Address: F. G. Condoniniurn Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: The fbe will be paid at the time a buildinq VALUATTON s 0- I 10,001 -$ 50,001 - s150, ooL - $500,001 -$ Over Phone $ 10,0Oo$ 50,000$ 15o, ooo$ 5oo,0oo $1., ooo , 0oo sL, 00o, ooo FEE s r-0. oo $ 25.00 $ 50.00 91 00.00 9200.00 s30o. o0 n4il;5r (ovER) J.a LIST OF UATERTAI,S NAI{E OF PRO.TECI: L,EGAr, DESCRTSITON: IrT-1- BIOCK -3- S1TREEIr ADDRESS! @rTrcd) DEScRIPTIoN oF PRo.tEqt: Farre St e trtr4 ,l4a r< requlred for subnLttal- to the Design approval can be given: TYPE OF I,IATERTAIJ COITR llhe followl.ng infornatLon l-e Review Board before a final A. BUTLDTNG }IATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other wall ttaterials Fascia Soffits Windows I{Lndow Triru DoorE Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues FlashLngs . Chlnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other ae /( flad 6t B. IANDSCAPING:Nane of Designer: NC c 4.attas<Phone: Botanical Narne conmon Nane ouantitv Size*PIANT TiIATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOI/ED *Indicate callper for deciduous trees. Uinirnun caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Mininun heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. As ?1d:ttnu< APPEatra z Project Application o^r, 7'/F'?O Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contacl Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot I Block 3 ,Tt , ,/ -, .r' | Fiting D4ta-.1'*- ) 3 ,2on. LJ\l4F ,/ Comments: Morionby: tn"C ( "t Design Review Board j-o'/ Seconded by: Dale: E statt Approval o I NTEP.. OE PARTI.TENTAL REV I EI.I P?.OJECT: AnJlelr Nesf DATE SUSI,IITTED:. DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING C./7,?O CCI."I,IENTS HEEDEO 8Y: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TT|E PROPOSAL:4 * H/e4 PUELIC IIORKS IArie cor\\ y\€xKJ P.eviewed by: Conr,ents: Date : .\'tt' I ooi PLA$.19llfl^ t\ "l o .o €) FIRE DEP!.RTI'iENT No oriri,.A il:ry T) fu .H/, * frtr. ft ZZ/^,^/4, POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Revieved by: Conner,ts: REge:uioil DEPARTT.|:NT Date { 'Q.r. ..: j; Reviered.by: Co;--uants: Date a- I TTEP.-OEP.qRTHENTAL REVI EH o PUELIC HEARING H'. 'N TM I f"\',w ? PROJECT: DATE SUSIIITTED: c0l'i,'.tEilTs IIEEOED BY : BRIEF OESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Corrnents:./D . .rz) OrxetrO .AO^L ;t DATE OF 4*ffi,/"4 ,\ PUBNC }ORKS Dr--.-y &^ 3) s+r*) nt-^-<-L f,;Le- e\ *,lA -r%.hd &,\ b. Caact.rs / 4) !uo.,r! foa-L FIRE DEPI.RTI{ENT €ac.o7 ioc-zLs Reviewed by: Costnents: n,*k' .{ ./',w-J fb }f.,o aly,"bt7 fr"v;leg Q,2f;?o 'J,26 . 70 POLICE DEPARTI4ENT ' Kn-i^J irl fu "?ef.le ,*/ R4 S A */ e f * alrr't, DateReviewed by; Comnerrts: I 'tL ..r. RECil4TiOlI DEPARTI.:ENT .'dRevlewed by: Co;;,ents: { ,6 Date a Fa./zL Nt--t, l*"-fu^-^ &tr^ f at rt %..4 -2. 7 r--- "?./r.qo I )-Kqf 4 & t,/r^^/'4 zZe^^*^t^ t'-1-1- L"%? e*,<.M */ n* r*A, f*2%- /-<-t */ ry i 'Pb r'- U; E .*l^V.*/ ,.-.2 4 -/.;.J". f ,t& Tl ; "a/'/e , I v'/*ta \u* a l-l\ /*4-34tu f 7 aK "i utts*-Zr"-( rc .6 A.P- ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRISTS DATE: '7 , tS'7O LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I.Ot 4 ADDRESS: OWNER, ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE IOT SIZE Height Zorioz I u";tlill< Totat GRFA = 3o7a o{ !"il/4!/( eracriF<n+* S.=r€ Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Allowed t8'n6\,{r.t+r) bon,4 20. 7 2ol J zot (3o) (so) 1",331 f 3'l 6' Pronosed,\ OK (n eh /-,'> OA OK b l2o\Z \ t/ x/n .lotr * water Course Site Coverage Landscaping Fence/Retaining Wall Heights (3oo) (600) (eoo) (12o0) (50) (100) (25) (50) (2oo) (4oo) Slope Actual- Geologic Hazards Approved/Disapproved Avalanche 0K Flood Plain OK Slope leLds = oK l'oc.({*l( = OKZoning: Date: Block J Filing f.i,.4' Z4 / 35,23t * , -;i,';4 ' @ooo't"F)-ts.- (ss r1 ,) @r^ parkins @.t"ZZ--l r^ /*t e/1 8 r?,,e.d Credits: carage Mechanical Airlock storage Drive: Slope Pernitted Environmental/Hazards : V% Staff Signature ( * D^{/ B^J4 er.e ,^//*A \..- ^t h'//nf- / oll':l i990. f DRB IPPLICITION DATE APPLICATTON RECET\TED: DATE OF DRB T.IEETING: JucY 2, t?go@ 'r****IIIIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED tlflIIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI.IITTED***** I. PRE-APPI,ICATION UEETING: A pre-application neeting withstrongly suggested to detetruineinfomation is needed. No aorl a planning staff uenber lsif any additional the zoninq adninistratorl . It is the applicantrs resporrsj5ri1itygg uake an appointnent with the staff to findresponslDrlrEy Eo llaKe an aPPornEmenE wrEfi EIrE ItLq out about additLonal subrnittal requirenents. Please note that a COMPTETE application will strearnline the approval process for your proJect by decreasing the.number of Londitions oi approval that the DRB rnay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building pernit Ls issued. Application will not be processed sithout Owner's Sigrrature. A. PROJE T DESCRIPTTON: B.IOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Phone D.NN{E OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE: ', OOO So . F i\6NT46€ Ra. Uesr'ing Address: I 4ze - ttqz OF OWNERS:E6 STGNAEURE (8) : Malling Address Phone F. G. Condorninium Approval if applicable. Address 49 g 7?-t (,.,,^ e/. . rcaal Description r.oi Ll Block 3 LDMF l.tailing Address: il E. oJdl I o- $ 10,001 -I 50,001 - $150,001 - $500,001 -$ Over $ 10,0oo$ 50, ooo $ 150,000$ 5Oo, ooo 91, OOO, O0o $1, OOO, Ooo DRB FEE: The fbe will be naid at the tirne a buildingpemit is paid for. YAIIuAEPN FEE 910.00 $ 25.00 s 50.00 9100.00 9200.00 $300. oo g. zoning (ovER) II. IUPORTA}IT NOTICE REGARDING ALt SUBMISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: A. In addition to neetJ.ng subnlttal requirenents, the Jpplicant rust stake the sj.te to Lndicate propertyIines and building corners. Trees that will be rEnovedaust also be uarked. This work must be coropl.etedbefore the DRB visits the site. B. The revierr process for NEI{ BUfIJDINGS wlll nomaltyinvolve two separate neetings of the Design RevieiBoard, so the applicant should plan on at least twoneetings for a final approval . C. Applicants nlro fail to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard at their scheduled neeting and sho have-not askedfor a postponement vill be required to be republished. D. At the dl.scretion of the zonlng adnj.nistrator, thefollowing itens nay not have to be presented to theDesign Review Board. Tlrey, honever, have to bepresented to the Planning Departnent for approval: a. lilindows, skylights and sinilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and E. b. Building additions that are not viened from anyother lot or public space, which have had letterssubnitted fron adjoining property ouners approvingthe addition; and/or approval from the agent for,or manager of a condominiun association. You may be reguired to conduct Natural lfazard Studieson your property. You should check with a Town planner before proceeding. LIST OF }TATERIAI.S NAITIE OF PRO.TEqI: r,EGAt DESCRTPITON: lrr-9- BrOCK 3 SUBDTVTSTON STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRQ'ECT: tTtuJ The following Lnfonoation Ls reguLred for sr:bnlttal to the Design Review Board before a fLnal approval can be given: A. BUILDING I{ATERIALS: gfPE OF I'IATERIAL COIOR lVarr E B. I,ATIDSCAPING:Narne of Deslgner: ?b-UA/ls 4rr0FpsnUPhone: Roof Siding other tlall ltaterials Fascia Soffits Windows tfindow Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues..c AP Flashings Chj-nneys Trash Enclosures Greenlrouses other CLAo \Voao rVJtre Botanl-cal Nane Conrnon Name Ouantl'ty Size* ( EDAA <4tucLeS GFAI-oLrt't'?t I € ucao - Lt 4tbra ,{sPrru.t('23 il/ / PTAIflT UATERIAT,S! PROPOSED TREES EXISTING ITREES TO BE REMOVED *IndLcate caliper for deciduous trees. llinirnum calio9E for treei is 2 inches. Indicate height for conlferous trees. PIANI UATERIALS; Botanical Name Comnon Name ouantitv Size'r PROPOSED SIIRUBS EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REUOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Uinl.mum size of shrubs is 5 <rallon. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROT'ND CO\rERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER IJ\IIDSCAPE FEATTRES (retaining nalls, fences, swinning pools, etc.) P1ease specify. rndicate heights of retaining irafls. Uaximum heighCof walls witbin the front setback is 3 feet. tltaxinum height of salls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. ZONE CHECK FOR SER, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRIqF PITONE PHONE TL0Aace $ Es GEqA R c-o Lru e 36 201 -Yf 2A J lpt zo' (30) (so) t2t?3o (300) (600) (eoo) (1200) (50) (1oo) (25) (50) (2oo) (400) Slope Actua1 l,.J o FABrllxcses o r Re-dl'D - I seaces t?o AIlowed .43oi+at 6t67 lreDgEd 3>-J{ s?20 NA t) zo' t2o', Nh ltechanical Airlock storage Drlve: Slope Penitted Environmental/Hazards : zoninE: Date: Flood Plain Na Slope 3 Er 7"a Geologic Hazards Approved/DisapProved Avalanche DA1E: Jwc,l 2, tQ ?o . , T,EGAL DnscRrprr old r :l_ Block A rirrns@ra,J ADDRESSs OI{NER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT LDUF PROPOSED USE IPT STZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Iandscaping Fence/Retaining tlall Heights Parking Credits: Garage Staff Signature ITTILITY ITOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDTVISION Subdi,vi si on JOB NATTTE IFT BIOCK FILING J!L'!!]5]itlon ADDRESS The location of utilltles, uhether they be nain trunk llnes or proposed lines, lust be aPProved-and verified by the following utitities for the accompanying s.ite PIan. Authorized Siqnature U.S. West Conmunications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Senrice Company 949-5781 Gary HaIl Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/ltichael IavertY Heritage Cablevision T.v. 949-5539 Gary Johnson LlFper Eagle valley lvater & Sanitation District r 47 6-7 4eO Fred Haslee NOTE:These verifications do not relieve the contractor of tri" t""ponsibility to obtain a street cut permi! fronthe rowir of Vail, Department of Public lgorks and !o. This forcm is to veri'fY location. This should PreParing Your utilitY installations. * Please bring a sita Plan *lien-daEer & Sanitation signatures. . A street eerlrrl.ce avallabilltY and be used in conjunction rith plan and scheduling obtaining upper Eagle ValleY llz=tu -A=?J.J' C' -->F: -9, b-zt -qr in any public easenent in the Town of vall . A p-r * ? Y''i"7n"/ fr* I O,*u '- J n--' NAME 0F PROJECT: S.E__EAGLES NESr LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LIST OF MATERIALS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 4 - STREET AODRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof Sl di ng Other l.laI I Material s Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: Denni-s Anderson Assoc. , Inc. 303 476-6405 PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Malus spp. Pinus contortalatifolia Populus tremuloides EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees. FloweringCreb-- LodgepolePi-re-- Aspen Quanj ty 6 Si ze* 3t' 18 3-6' ,2- 8r. l-l0l 2-4" Indicate height PLAIIT MATERIALS: ( con't) SHRUBS HRUBS n GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Amelanchier alnifolia Caragana aborescens stol-oni f era Cornus albaeleqantisslma Euonymus alatus 'compacta ' i1r-nu.s mugopumilio ----i-j-.--=-votentr.L-Lafruticosa. 'Jack.RT5es- alpinum ^----r--...-.-.-.sprrea buma-Lda 'FroebelLi' Cornmon Name Serviceberry Siberian Peashrub =--r=-:--i-Kectt'wtg Dogwood Varigated Dog\,'/ood Dwarf Winged Eounymus SwEFi-m-u9o Pine 'J acKmans Potentilla-:-?--":-Arpl-ne Currant Froebel Spiraea I4 :-- 6 Size 3-4' 13 2l 5 Gallon Type Perennials and Ground Covers Square Footage 500 SOD SEED Na'!1ve grasses and wil_dflowers 8500 TYPE OF I RRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN THAT Mr. Ifilliam L. Fisher has applied for rezoning of Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Ad- dition from the existing Low Density Multiple Family zone district to Residential Cluster. Resulting rezoning would reduce density from 8 to 4 units. Application has been made in accordance with Section 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1973. A Public Hearing will be held on June 24, 1976 Ln accord with Section 21.500 of the Zoning Ordinance before the Town of Vail Planning Commission at 3:OO p.m. in the Municipal Building. The decision of the Planning Commission will be forwarded to the Town Council for final decision. TOWN OF VAIL DEP OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT iana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail June 4, 1976 ? A PPL ICAT ION F:OR VAIt I ANCE And/Or COND I T IONAL USE PEITM I T Ordinance ll1o. 8 (Series of lgTS) Application Date Publication Da te Hearing Date Hearing Fee Ftnal Decislon da te f or Town Councll Flsher(we ) Colorado(Sfate) Conditional Use Permit to allow in For the fo I low i ng descr i bed p rope rry: Fi I ing Number 'a * t ,l I I { :l 1 1 Itl I I x Sect i onto RC Zone, Lor/tract 4 , 3rd I B tock 3 Additioni Phone 476-3L43 Vai I Planning9o tgreby request permission to appear before iheCommission to requesf the following: Va r iance f rom Article-_, Zon ing Change from LD-Park ing Va r iance William L.Box 341 Vail Clearly state purpose and i I wish to down zone from ntent of 8 units this LD to application 4 units RC What do you feel is ihe basis for hardship in this case? gnaTu