HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 39 BRANDESS BUILDING PART 1 LEGALDepartment of Public Works & Transportatian 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-21s8 Fax: 970-479-2 | 66 www.tailgov.com October 19rh,2007 Dear Resident, It has come to the attention of the Town that the historic irrigation dilch, which runs from north to south thru ivision (see attached map), does not currently have water rights for any tlpe ;Tnse; ini=ttfion or ibsthetic. In addition, the diversion for this historic irrigation ditch is on publicly olvned property and has recently been altered to divert more flow from Buffebr Creek into the historic irrieation ditch. The Town is concemed about the long terrn health of Buffehr Creek and the lack of water riglrts during the low flow months, July thru April. In our convercations with the Colorado Division of Water Resources it is apparent that this historic irrigation ditch has no current water rights and is required to abide by state law. At a minimum, this will require all flows to remain in Buffehr Creek during periods when there is a call on the river typically from July thru April. It is the Town's intent to remove the diversion and return the creek back to its natural state. This will generally limit flow to the ditch to high flow periods (May and June). If you wish to discuss this matter further please contact me at970-479-2235. Thank you for your attention to this matter Town of Vail I OWn Engmeer Cc: Bill Carlson, Town of Vail Environmental Health Officer Mathew Mire, Town of Vail Attorney Rachel Friede, Town of Vail Planner versionDi t--l s-os.'tAPPUCANON WLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Proled#z Permlt#: Separete are reguired 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 *****#*t*ffiFoR oFFlcE usE oNLY 'fowrr of Vaii ffiHCE$Vm Stnr,r o + Fhge 1 of 14 T'OY.COM.DEV. a3- 7+?- 9.\)441- *oa C COiIPLETE V TIONS FOR BUILDING PERTIT a BUILDING:$ 36oo ELECTRfCAL: $ fro o OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL $TOTAL: $ +, ratr., Parcaff Assessorc Olfrce at 070-i284t40 or Ztt-tltZSoL oL5 JobAddress: ?oz7 /. f twva+6,,eJobName: "we5r vArr-- . Erupvto€st gV$to C t, 1'Ftt5 vtklrvo+e !2,cu t -4 h00 frc €at^ A ttl€*r/* e Lpb c-,{ $ 11..t € 7- WorkClass: Nor() Addition( ) Remodel ("{ Repair( ) t}emo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exiEt at this location: Yes ( ) No ( r+--Work Type: Interior ( ) Extetior ( ) Both ( Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-famity ( ) Commercjial ("/t Restaurent ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: VNo. of Existing Dwelling Units In this building: {. Gas L Fr\de{F'RMs\P*R'ITs\Euilding\bulldingutenft.l-2}2rr, ;3tFtffi ffi ffi ffi tuza2ao5 Deparmrcnt of Community Dettelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorada 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 uru ,.adilgoa.com SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAILJune 15.2009 Jayne Bradness In Care Of: Brian E O'ReillY, AttY PO Box 5780 Avon. Co 81620 Re: Expired Plan Review: Permit #806-0005, Bradness, 2077 N Frontage Rd w Dear Property Owner(s), A review of the Town of Vail Community Development files indicates that the permit listed above was never paid for or picked up. This permit was approved on WlW and the contractor' Mountain Wireless Coniractors, was notified. Permits must be issued within 180 days of notification @2003|nternationalBui|dingCode,section105.3.1'asisthecase here. tr lf the work was completed, this permit must be paid for in full and-issued, and inspections scheduled to verify code compliance. The total amount due is $100-24 D lf this work wa" n"u., "otpleted, the plan review fee must still be paid as we completed that work in response to the application being submitted. The plan review fee is $Q. While contractors typically submit permit applications, property owners are ultimately responsible for the permits on theii'property per the 2003 International Building Code, section 105'1' I encourage you to contact me at (970) 479-2142 with any questions' SincerelY, /rT/ i MartinA. Haeberle, C.B.O. Chief Building Official Town of Vail cc: contractor (regular mail) s RECYCIED PAPER -.0IT Fi ru JI 5-m EO LntfEE E .-! ru ru mEtfr! PostEg€ Cisrlified F6€ Retun R€dod ftg (Edor!€mctt R€qitsd) Rdl@d tlalhrery Fe€ (EndoE€inoit R.quir€d) Tod F€tagp & Feea tl ffiw& o^, c o glt{zo Account Account: R013690 Location Assessment Historv Parcef Number 2103-123-02-025 Owner Name BRANDESS, JAYNE Actual (overridden 2009) Tax Area SC103 - VAIL (TOWN) - In Care Of BRIAN E. O'REILLY, , ' Primary Taxable SCI03 ATTY Situs Address 002077 N FRONTAGE Owner Address PO BOX 5780RD#39 AVON. CO 81620 Legal Sunmary Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB LOt: 39 PT OF BK-0214 PG-0805 QCD 03-t5-69 BK-0214 PG-0806 QCD 03-15-69 BK-0216 PG-0448 QCD 09-19-69 BK-0257 PG-0384 BK-0407 PG-0798 QCD 0l-25-85 BK-0505 PG-o176 QCD 04-19-89 Transfers Page I of I s1,647,810 $477,860 Tax Area: SCl03 Mill Levy:46.1240 rypg * 4-"!t"l lq*lsed A,crgs qa. ry " knprov€ments$939,4909272,450 13300.000 Land $708,320 $205,410 0.581 Owner InformatioD Sale Price Sale Date s30.000 06t22t1977 $15.000 09/|6/1969 Reception Number Book Page B: 0257 P: 0384 &021_6_P-qu8 Images o Sketch ! Gl$ il r, li "-1-J http://property.eaglecounty.us/assessor/taxweb/accountjsp?accountNum:RO13690 0610912009 10ifIl Code v not be any of Provis valid. other 6lruCtUr this iurir PUNS I. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GRUB THE SITE AREA AND ANY ACCESS ROAD CLEARING AND RET1OVE A 2, MINI}IUH OF 6'TO ACHIEVE A STABLE SUB-BASE TO ACCEPT FILL OR OTHER IIATERIAL SPECIFIED FOR 5. THE SITE AND ACCESS ROAD. THE GRUBBING SHALL 8E REMOVED FROM THE SITE A}ID NOT REI]SED INI. ANY PART OF THIS PROJECT.5. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO CALL THE LOCAL LOCATING AUTHORITIES TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUND UTILITIES THAT EXIST WITHIN THE ENTIRE PROJECT , AREA. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION A}'ID RELOCATION (AS NECESSARY)O' oF THE UNDERGRoUND UTILITIES OR LINES. THE coNTRAcToR SHALL PLACE THESE ITEMS ON THE , AS BUILT DRAWINGS.,. ALL ROADWORK AND MATERIALS SHALL CONFORH TO ALL STATE A}.tD LOCAL CODES AND IN a ACCORDANCE W|TH THE DEPARTHENT 0F HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC TRAIISPORTATIoN STAI.IDARD-.SPECIFICATIONS. THE ACCESS ROAD. IF REOUIRED, WILL 8E CONSTRUCTED FIRST BEFORE A}{Y OTHER WORK ON THE q. S|TE tS pERM|TTED. BRTNG THE RoAD TO SUB BASE COURSE TO ^r r 0W CoNSTRUCTTON TRAFFIC T0 USE THE ROAD FOR THE PROJECT AND COHPLETE THE ROAD AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF THE SITE IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE. ALL SITES AND ACCESS ROADS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED TO HAVE A POSITIVE DRAINAGE FLOW AWAY FROM THE SITE AND EOUIPMENT. ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS MUST BE IO. BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF GENERAL DYNMICS IMMEDIATELY. ALL ACCESS ROAD AND SITE AREAS WILL HAVE AN UNDERLAYMENT OF MIRAFI-sOOX. OR EAUAL,II. A SOIL STERTLIZER SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL GRAVEL SURFACES AND BE EPA REGISTERED LIOUID ,^ COHPOSITION AND OF PRE-EMERGENCE DESIGN. THE PRODUCT LABEL AND INFORHATION WILL BEI'. GIVEN TO GENERAL DYNAHICS. ,- SUB-BASE COURSE OF GRANULAR 'B' I.IATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF WELL GRADED SAND AND GRAVEL '" wtrH Nor MoRE THAN 8% passtNc THRoUGH #zoo srEVE wrrH NoT LESS THAN Js% RETATNED 0N A ,, #4 SIEVE. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY GRADUATION FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO PLACEMENT.'' BlsE couRSE oF GRANULAR 'a' HATERTaL SHALL coNstsr oF r/4' CRUSHED saND AND GRAVEL (ROAD HULCH) WITH NOT MORE THAI'I 8% PASSING THROUGH #2OO SIEVE. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY 1s. GRADUATION FOR REVEIEW PRIOR T0 PLACEMENT. ALL FILL DIRT SHALL BE CLEAN AND NATURAL. FREE FROM AN DELETERIOUS MATERIALS, ROOTS, ICE, SNOW AND RUBBISH. A COPY OF ALL DELIVERY TICKETS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE OWNER'S t6. REPRESENTATIVE WITHIN z!-HOURS FROM DELIVERY. ALL TRENCHES SHALL HAVE A SIX_INCH BASE OF CLEAN SAND FILL TO ACCEPT THE CONDUITS AND 17. THEN ANOTHER I2'OF CLEAN SAND FILL ON TOP OF THE CONDUITS. THE REMAINDER OF THE TRENCH SHALL HAVE A CLEAN COMPACTIBLE FILL PLACED IN HAXIMUH LIFTS OF 8'AND MECHANICALLY COMPACTED TO A DENSITY OF 98% OF STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIHUH DENSITY. METALLIC WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PLACED AT I2'BELOW FINISHED GRADE ALONG THE ENTIRE TRENCH. ALL COHPACTION OF SITE AREAS SHALL BE ACCOHPLISHED BY HECHANICA T,IEANS. LAROER AREAS tB. SHALL BE C0HPACTED BY A SHEEP'S F00T VIBRATORY ROLLER WEIGHING AT LEAST 5 TONS. SHALLER AREAS SHALL BE COMPACTED BY A POWER DRIVEN HAND HELD TAHPER. ALL COMPACTED AREAS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO WITHIN 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR ]'IAXIMUM DENSITY AND TESTED BY AN INDEPENDENT LABORATORY. THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WILL PROVIDE THE CONTRACTOR 19. T^/ITH THE NAME AND NUI'IBER OF THE LABORATORY, BUT IT WILL BE THE RESPONSIBLIUTY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE TESTING. ANY SCHEDULING FOR A PROCTOR WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY AND HUST BE DONE IN A TIHELY FASHION TO ASSTRE THE PROJECT WILL NOT BE DELAYED. ?0. ALL FILL OR STONE WILL BE PLACED IN HAXIHUM 8'LIFTS PRIOR TO COHPACTING. FINISH GRADE. INCLUDING TOP SURFACE COURSE SHALL EXTEND 12'BEYOND THE SITE FENCE AND 2I, SHALL cOvER THE AREA AS INDICATED. USE RIP RAP lN ANY AREAS WITH A SLOPE GREATER THAN 2:1, ENTIRE DITCH FOR 6 FEET lN ALL DIRECTIONS AT CULVERT OPFNINGS, AND AS INDICATED ON PLANS. 22 seeo, FERTTL|ZER, AND srRAW covER sHALL BE appLtEo To ALL orHER DtsruRBED aREAs, DtrcHES, ^- DRAINAGE, AND SWALES NOT OTHERWISE RIPRAPPED. SEED AND FERTILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED TO ZJ'SURFACE CONDITIONS. WHICH WILL ENCOURAGE ROOTING. PREPARE STJRFACE PROPERLY TO ACCEPT ^, THE SEED. SOW SEED IN TWO OPPOSIE DIRECTIONS IN TWICE THE OUANTITY RECOMMENDED BY THE ::.SEED PRODTER.t" THE coNTRAcroR ts RESpoNslgLE To ENSURE cRo$/H oF THE SEED AND LANDSCAP|NG AREAS By WATER, STRAW, MULCH NET AND ANY OTHER PROPER LANCSCAPING METHOD NECESSARY. ALL AREAS ., MUST HAVE SUSTAINED GROWTH BY THE TIME OF COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT.to'THE coNTRAcroR rs soLELy REseoNSTBLE FoR coNTA|NMENT oF sEDTMENT aND coNTRoL oF ., EROSION ON SITE. ANY DAMAGE TO STRCUTURES OR WORK ON SITE CAUSED BY INADEOUATE ::.MAINTENANCE OF DRAINAGE PROVISIONS WILL BE THE RESPoNSIBILITY OF THE coNTRAcTOR AND ANYto cosr AssocrATED wrrH REPATRS wrLL BE ar rHE coNTRAcroRS EXPENSE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO CORRECT ALL DAMAGE TO THE SITE SUBSEOUENT TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE POWER AND TELCO LINES. Y CINGUI,AR rrv cl|e,.rrNrFlt! fca llc tDr |.r H.r.tclLf.conl. I. THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL BE UNMANNED AND DOES NOT REOUIRE POTAELE WATER OR SEWER SERVICE. 2. THE PROPOSED FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND IS NOT FOR HUMAN HABITAT (NO HANDICAP ACCESS IS REOUIRED).5. OCUPPANCY IS LII.{ITED TO PERIODTC MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION, APPROXII'IATELY Z TIT'IES PER MONTH. 4. NO NOISE. SHOKE, DUST OR ODOR WILL RESULT FROI"I THIS PROPOSAL. 5, CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE ALL LABOR, HATERIALS, TOOLS, EOUIPMENT, SAFETY EAUIPHENT, TRANSPORTATIONAND SERVICES NECESSARY TO COMPLETE ALL THE WORK OUTLINED IN ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS. SCOPES OF WORK, BILL OF MATERIALS. AND ANY OTHER DOCUMENT ISSUED BY GENERAL 6. DYNAMICS AND AWS. THE CONTRACToR SHALL CoMFLY WITH ALL LoCAL AND NATIONAL CoDES, LAWS, ORDINANCES, REGULTATIoNS, SAFETY 7- REGULATIONS, ALL 0SHA REGULATIONS, ALL PUBLIC AN0 l{UNICIPAL AUTIiORITIES AND ANY UTIUTY coltPANlES REGul.rATloNS AND OIRECTIVES. 6. ALL MATERTALS SUppLtED 8y THE OWNER, OWNER'S REpRESENTATTVE, AND IlrE CoNTRACTOR, SHALL BE INSTALTED lN-' ACCORDANCE WII}I ALT LOCAL ANO NATIONAL CODES. LAWS. ORDINANCES, REGULA'IONS AND PER MANUFACTURER,S RECOMI.IENDATIONS. ^ ANY CONTRACTOR SI.DI.IITTING BIOS ON ANY OF THE WORK IS REOUIRED TO VISIT EACH SITE PRIOR TO BID SIBI'IITTAL AND '' FAMrLtaRrzE Ht|.1SELF/HERSELF wrrH THE ExrsrNG coNDtfloNs AND uNoERsTAND THE scoFE oF woRtt TNTENDED FoR rltE pRoJEcr. THrs wtLL BE pERFoRFtEo AT THE coNTRAcroR's ExpENsE. THE DRAIVINGS AND SP€CIFICATIONS ARE A GENERAL DIRECTIVE FOR THE SCOPE OF WORI(. EXACT D]MENSIONS AND LOCATIONS MAY CHANGE IN THE FIELD. THE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY THE DII1ENSIONS AND LOCATIONS AND REPORT ANY AND ALL DISCREPANCIES TO GENERAL DYNAI4ICS FRIOR TO COMMENCIN6 THE RELATED WORX. ANY IlINOR ERRORS OR O}IISSIONS IN THE 10. onawrHes aND spEcrFrcATroNs DoEs Nor ExcusE THE coNTRAcmR FRoH coMptETINo THE pRoJEcr AND lMpRovEr.rENTS rN ACCORDANCE WIlH THE INTENT OF THESE DOCI,JI.IENTS. II, ALL SITES SHALL 8E XEFT CLEAN AND FREE OF OEBRIS ON A DAILY BASIS. Alr TRASH AND }IATERIALS NO LONGER BEING USED AT TTIE SITE I.IUST BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OT.I A DAILY BASIS. 12. rnr coxrnncroR slaLL NoT pRocEED wtrH aNy woRK AT THE strE FRtoR T0 a NorLcE To pRocEED (Nrr) getNe tssueo AND A PRE-CONSTRUCTION IIEETING AT TT,IE SITE IIAVING TATEN FLACE. ]5. ALL WORX ANO I1ATERIALS FURNISHED BY TIIE CONTNACTOR STIALL HAVE A WRITTEN ONE-YEAR TVARRANTY STARTING AT T?IE ACCEFAINCE OF THE SITE FROI'I TIIE SITE OWNER. I4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IiAVE A DES]GNATED MANAGER ON SITE AT ALL TIFlES TIIAY ANY IVORK IS BEING FERFORMED. A SLBCONTRACTOR IS NOT DEFINED AS A DESIONATED I,4ANAGER. THE SUCESSFUL CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A SCIiEDULE, LIST OF ALL SISCONTRACTORS WITH ADDRESSES, CELL FHONE I5. NI..HSERS AND HOME FIiONE NUI'IBERS, VERIFICATION OF INSURANCE. ANY AND ALL FERTINENT LICENSES AND AN ACCURATE SCHEDULE FOR THE PROJECT PRIOR TO IHE ISSUANCE OF A NTP. THE CONIRACTOR IS TO KEEF A COT,IFLETE AND UP TO DATE SET OF DRAWINGS, SFECIFICATIONS, SCOiE OF WORK AND SILL OF 16. MATER|A|S 0N StlE AT ALL Trf.tES. TH|S W|LL BE REFERENCED AS THE AS-BUILI oRAWINGS AND lltBT BE KEPI CURRENT ON A DAILY BASIS. THIS IS IN ADDITiON TO THE PER}I IT SET, 17 A NEW AND CLEAN SEI OF CONTRACT DOCUHENTS WIII- BE USED TO TRANSFER THE iNFOR'IATION FROI''I THE FIELD COPY OF . , . THE AS-BUILT DRAWINGS TO A NEW COPY. TfIIS NEEOS TO BE SI'BM]TTEO TO GENERAL OYNA}{CIS WITH IEH CLOSE OUT DOCUr'r EN Tli. ON ANY CO-LOCATION SITE, THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL ASSI6NS ARE NOT TO IJSE EXISTINC FOWER OR TAFIFER WI}I ANY EoutpMENT BELoNGtNc ro ANy orHER CARRTER- FAILURE To ADHERE To rHts wtLL cAUsE tMlIEDIATE DtsMtssAL 0F THE CONTRACTOR FROI',I THE PROJECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSISI.E FOR SCHEDULING ALL INSPECTIONS AND IESTJNG REOUIREO FOR EACH PRqJECT. A 2A-TIOLR NOTIFICATION IO GENERAL OYIANICS IS REOUIRED FOR ALL INSFECTIONS AND IESTING. A FIEI..O COPY OF AI.! INSFECTIONS 18. aND TESTTNC REPORTS AS WEtr AS TRUCK TTCKETS tflJST BE SrXt4tTlED TO THE OWNEFS REPRESENTATTVE WrrHrN z4-HOURS OF 'HE 1NSPECTION OR TEST. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY ALL I1ATERIAI.s ISSUED TO THEM AND REPORT ANY S}IORTAGES AND DISCREPANCIES TO OENERAL DYNAI',IICS AT THE 11I,IE OF ISSUANCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STORE IHESE MATERIALS I9. PROPERLY. ACCOROING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S RECO}IMENOAIIONS AND IN A MANNER THAT WILL NOT VOID THE WARRANTY ON ANY ITEM. IF ANY ITEi'I IS OAMAGEO OR UNUSABLE DUE TO IMPROPER IIANOLING AND STORAGE THE CONTRACTOR WILL REPL cE tr AT THETR EXPENSE. THE CONTRACTOR Ig RESFONSISLE TO FURNISH PROPER FACILITIES FOR THE WORKERS ON EACH FROJECT FOR THE DURATION OF 29. THAT PRoJECT. T}IE CONTRACTOR IS RESFONSIILE TO I.IAINTAIN THE PRESENT CONDITION OF AI,IY EXISTING EUILDINGS, LANDSCAPING, FENCING, 21. EOU|pMENT, WALKS, DRtVE, AND ATTACH ENTS. tF ANY DAtlAGE SHdJLD OCCUR, THE CoNTRACtoR lS RESPONSIBLE T0 RESTORE THE DAHAGE TO A BETTER OR NEW CONDITON. THE GENERAL DYNAMTCS REPRESENYATIVE RESERYES THE RIG}IT TO RELOCATE ANY EOUIFT1ENT WITHIN IO FT. OF II|E LOCATION SPECIFIED ON T}IESE ORAWINGS FRIOR TO INSTALLATION BY I}IE CONTRACTOR. IF TTIE SPECIFIED EOUIPHENT CAN NOT SE INSTALLEO AS SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS, TIIE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPOSE AN ALTERNATIVE INSTALLATION FOR APfROVAL BY THE GENEiAL DYNAI1ICS REFRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FIELD I.IEASUREMENTS TO CONFIRM LENGTHS OF CAELE TRAYS, AND ELECTRICAL LINES, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO OBTAIN AND FAY FOR ALL ELECTRICAL PERI4]TS AND INSFECTIONS REOUIRED FOR COMPLETION OF WORK ANO ACCEPTANCE. PROVIDE CERTIFICA1ES TO TTIE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER VERIFYING TTIAT T}IE WORK CONFORMS TO THE REOUIREI,IENTS OF ALL CODES AND AUTIIORITIES }IAVING JURISDICTION. NO DEVIATIONS FROM DESIGN SBOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS IS ALLOSIED. WIIHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL FROM I}IE GENERAL DYNAMICS REFRESENTATIVE. FAIIURE TO OBSERVE THIS RULE T1AY RESULT IN 'IIE CONTRACTOR CORRECTING TTIE INSTALLATION AT TTIEIR EXPENSE. LL. LJ. ?t . L3. to- VERIFICATION THAT THE EXISTING ROOFTOP CAN SUPPORT THE PROPOSEO ANTENNA LOADING IS TO BE DONE BY OT}IERS.27. rnovtog suppoRT FoR TriE ANTENNA caBLEs ro rrE ELEvATToN oF aLL rNrrAL AND FuruRE ANTENNAS. aNTENNA cABLEs28. lnr ro BE suppoRTED aND REsTRATNED AT TnE cENTEFs surrABLE To rHE f'TANUFACTuRER's REouTREMENTS. GENERAL DYNAI'IICS 5600 s. otrBEc sr. gJrrE t09A GEENVTOOo V |LLAGE, CO 80ll t450 ACAOET'1r PrSt( LOC CoLCFADO SPR NC S. C0 809 0 7L5 SUGARLoAF ROAD BOULDER, CO 8O5O? 1400-58,i-8839 JoB #5t7?54{ IHE INFOFFIA TION CCNTAINED IN rHts sET oF Docu.tSlIs rs PROPRIETARI BY NATIJiE. ANI t.BE OR OISCLOSURE O-IHER 'HAN T}IA' ItHrCrl RELATTS TO rHE CLIENT MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD GEN L CONSTRUCTION NOTES Y CINGUIAR t-! t*crrL rwirr|t.Eur 16l 1ll sd. aut clDE cOOiL GENERAL DYNAMICS 560C S. OlrB€C ST. S!'|TE roeA GFEENIIO$ VLLAGE. C3 SOIII I'!O ACADETY NARK LOOF ccloRqDo stRittcs c0 00910 wEsr vAr!- 2077 N. FRONIAGE ROAD vArL, coLoRADo, 8t657 coHcur.o66 MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATION 71.5 STJGARLoAF RoAD olrr I nEo an a^<nt t-80c-584€85? JOB #5t725L-D 7'r/2,/"r TH: \FORI.IATION CINTAIIIED II\ NA{ED S STq'CT!Y PROi]IB ''ED. THIS SEr 0F DOClr.tE\TS rS P$FNETARY 6Y N TIRE. ANV GE OR D S'LCSURE O'NER iIAN TIAT Wf CH IELAiES TC rr-: CLIENT NOTE: ANTENNAS & OTHER SITE EOUIPMENT PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING NEW 7750 ANTENNA USE NEW PAINT TO EXISTING ANTENNA I9OO UMTS PIPE MOUNT, MATCH. 850/t900 GSi.4 (2) EXISTING 850 TDMA ANTENNASWHIP ANTENNA BY OTHERS ANTENNA BY OTHERS 45.0' D LEVEL Y CINGUI,AR ralf calttar sElra loa uliollL!--:Lc|trq cc nta OENERAL DYNAI'IICS 6600 S. QIEEEC ST. SI-rE D9A GEENVTOO V IJ.AGE, CO €oltl talo AcAlEllr PIFX LOOF cq-oRADo sPR rGs. c0 80910 745 STJGARLoAF RoAD BOULDER, CO 80502 t{00-584-8859 JoB #517 254-D THE INFORFA TIOiI CqITANEO IN THIS SET OF OOCUIIENTS IS PK)PRIETARI EY NA TURE- ANI IJSE OR DISCIOSURE OTI'IER TITAN THAT WIIICH IIELATE IO THE CLIENT I/IJFST VAIL 2077 N. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL cq-cRADO, 8t657 cGlct!.066 SCALE: NTSELEVATION VIEW FROM EAST ALPHA SECTOR NOTE: ANTENNAS & OTHER SI:E EQUiPMENT PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING NEW 7750 1900 UI4TS ANTENNA, USE NEW PIPE TO PIPE MOUNT, PAINT TO MATCFI. EXISTING B5O/I9OO GSM i ANTENNA .:. I\ITENNA BY OTHERS tui- 7t Al GROUND LEVET Y CINGUIAR Nat orarltrrf,l!34 tca U,o D.q CO D5l GENERAL DYNAMICS 5601 S. OLEB:C S-, SrJ -: rotA 6|€ENWO0D V ILAGS. CO gtl I IA5! ACAOEMV PAR( LOOP coLcnA)c sPn tss, c0 80910 'l|//ffi*...-__ _-^ E r&t '#,ffti-t-\r 7L5 SJGARLoAF RoaD BOULDER. CO 805C2 r-80c-58/*-8859 J0B +5t7254-D Tra lNFOFf,IAll{r\ C0',lTA NEo lN TNIS SET Oi DOCL1':NiS 5 FROPF]-TARY BY NA'TJRE. ANI USE CR OISiLCSUR: OIrER TNAN TH.AI t.1r:ri F:--AT5 _g THE C! -Ni '/{ES- VA.t_ 2C77 N. FRCNTASE RCAD vA L, CoLoRAD0, 81657 c0fcur066 MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD SI-E ELEVATIONS BETA SCALE: NELEVATION VIEW FROM SOUTH Y CINGUIAR 16l L-rr,allclO.*. CO, SWEEP TESTING CC In,TCTOR TO FEIFOB{ TESTIM; ON EACH COAXIAL CASII TO I'TASI,FE INS€RTIO'I LOSS. ANO TO ENSLN€ THAT EACH CABLE IS INTALTED AIO CONI.ECTED TO THE APPRfRIATE ANTEI$IA. IHES€ HEASI.REIfNTS I{.BT BE FERFO61ED OII IHE COAXIAL CAS-E WITH TI-G J}4PER ATTACNED. PfiELIMINARY INSiFECTION: FRIoR TO TESTING COiIIRACToR WILL PERFORI4 INSF€CT|oN OF aNTENNA AND CoAXIAL S\S]EI.,I AND DOCI.JI4ENT FIhDINGS. EdJlFtfNT: IESI SHAI-L 8E rllLTRoN 55lS 0R GEI€RAL DINAFIICS - l{TS fPRovEo {TERNATIVE. FREOLENCIeS: Al-L TEST SHALL BE PERFOfiHED FoR TIE FCLJ-oUlOlG FRECIENCIES: a BLoc* FECEIVE l8J0 TC 1865 lRrM lT l9S0 T0 |9r5 B A-Er: REC€rvE 1870 TO 1885 TRAI{SHIT 1950 TO 1965 c eLcfi: REcErvE 1895 T0 r9r0 rRANl,llT 1975 TO 1990 O 8l-0CX: REGIVE 1865 TO 1870 TRANSII|T 1945 T0 1950 E ELOCI: RECEIVE 1885 TO 1890 TRr.fiSMlT 1965 T0 l9r-0 A BLoCK FECEIVE lE90 TO 1695 TRANS!'-llr 1970 T01975 5. NOTIFICATIo|'{: CCI..IIRACTCR SHALL NOT]FY THE GENERAL DYNAITICS - WTS DESIGNATED F€FRESENAIIVE A MINIIYL.H OF 24 HOTJRS FRIOR TO AMENNA $'STEI4S TESTING. 6. AZIlllrTH vERlFlCATlOa,lr FRIOR T0 TESTING, CINTRACToR SHALL VERIFY lH{l AL! AZIHUIHS At'10 Dot$lnLrs lF€ TRJ€. CO.ITRACTOR S|IALL EI.IST,R€ THAT ALL CCNNECIMS HAVE BEEN TNSTALLFD TO TFE SFECIFIED TAOUE VALGS. 7. D€r.l,rE TAnCN: OIG HARD COn' WLL BE LEFr AT Tr€ S|TE tl.to I HAFD CAY ,!.ND l|'l/o SR CfIES W|LL 8E g,.PFLlEo TO GENR;\L oYNAlllCS - tlTS AS PARr F INE tLOSEoUT ooCtI€NTATlCrl 8. FEqiFED TEST: CO.IIFACTCR SHILL PEFFCRT1 THE FOIIo!!|NG otl EACH COIXIAL LINE lNO RECCPD EICH FETDNG Cf'l BASE STA'IO ANTENNA SYSTEI.,I g.}1|1!R1' S}IEET. OPEN VSWR. S)'SIEI4 VSVIR, LOID VSIAR' SISTEM FETUFN LOSS' SEN RE1NN LOSS, DISIANCE TO FAIJ.T. ALL TO BE OOCI}€NTEO IN DE F*'{. 9. Cd\IIRACTOR SHAIL colfllcT AUOTT 0F HAIER|ALS T0 lNCLl..DEr ANTENNA SERIAL NII1BERS AND HODEL NLI1BERS FER IDENTIFIED SCTOR. CO.ITRACTOR SIITL ECOFD FINDINGS' SLFPLY NG GENERA! DYI.IAI'1ICS - WTS. IO. PHOTOS COI'IIRACICI SHALL TAI(E OIGITAL FHOTOG OF EACH ANTENNA S\€TEI'I, PHOTOS STIALL BE SIIT'IITTED ASS PART S lTE CLOSOJT OOq.}€NTATD'.I. CONTRACTM IS REOIJIR€O TO S.8MIT OUALITI NiOTOS, FHOTOS TAK,EN t,tIITH INSfFICIEiD LIGHT OR LAC{NG IN DETAIL WILL BE FECC'ED AM) WILL g€ RE-ftIOTOGRAPHED AS CO{TRACTG EXPENSE. CO{TRACTOR SHALL PAY CEVELOPIM CO6TS OF ALL DIGITAL FHOTOGRAFHS, FHOTO6 REOUIED tr DE FON-LOWNG: A) ANTENNA AZII,IJTHS (S REOUIFED FER SECTOR). PICTLN€ TUID I}ICLUDE Tt€ TOP OF EACH A}ITENNA AS 'SIOE VIEIII Al.D WILL B€ USED TO VERIFY II]AT CSFECT OOWNTI.T HAS BE€N APPLIEO TO EACH SECTCR- 8) VIEVI FRCTI THE FACE G REOIRED, I FER SECTORI PICII,RE TO AE VIEIIED FROI4 BACX OF TRAII$,IIT ANTENNA TO $]CLI.DE ]NE TOP CF THE TRANS}IIT AN1EI.I\1 AND SURRAJNDING LAIOsCAPE. C) TF BIFS BAR (I PER Bt.6S BAR). PIC1UFE SHAII BE IJSED TO INDICA'IE GROLND]NG KITS HAVE SEEN GRO$ED APPRCPRIATEL Y. ll. ALL LINES, AN]ENNAS ANo EoUlPltNT SHALL BE L:BELED lN ACCCRDA}ICE WlTll AWS SPeCIFICATIOTIS ANTENNA CNBLE LAEELING ALF!.\ AT^ - IRED Afu - ? FEO BETA BTX. IBLIE BRX.z BLIE GAII1A CTX - I GFEEN CRX.2 GFEEN NOTES:l. ALL ANTE$,|,\S WllL FOLLCVi A STAI$Am CILM COATING. 2. CCLM CCDING I,VILT BE APfl-IED TAITH T WDE RINGS OF THE APFRfRIATE CO.OR{o0E. :. CONIRACTOR WILL L;BEL TI-€ COAX AT TIE gCTTor4 HA5-rER GRCLllo gAR I' FRcll THE EOTTOII CONNECTOR 5F TIC PRIHA$' COA. THE JI.F,IFERSi !!ILL ALSO BE LABELEO IN T}E s$aE FAShroN. GENERAL DYNAI.,IICS 5600 s. oLEEC ST, Sl'rE l09A 6REEr.tYr00 vr!!AGE. C0 Eolrl EsO ^CAD€rY P!A( LOe cq-cRAoo sFRrNGs, c! !090 . -Eit v ,,.,.^-. ---ECq"t wt(tLtSj 745 SUGARLoAF RoAD BOULDER, CO 80502 t-800-584-8859 Jots #5t7234-D TrlE tNFoFlAtrd.r ccf,ltA [.JED N THIS SET Of OAqIENTS IS P@PRIETARY BI NATUG. ANY ISE OR OISCLOSI.'Rf OTBER TillN TEAT WHIOI RE.ATS TO THE CLIENTSCALE: NOT TO SCALESWEEP TESTINGSCALE: NOT TO SCALEANTENNA LABELING MCOE- tr 7750 TANLFACNFERI ALIGON LENGIH: 6l'WfoTH: lL'O€PI}I: l0' WEIGHT; J5 tBS SECTG ANTENN; TIPE on'.OOWN TILT 4 Z MUTH RAO. C€NTER CASLE TTFE CABLE LENGIH OI.FFROX). ALPTIA i750 o 30'ITX/RX+lT'RX 50' i750 0 t/.0.t0.0'I TX/PX + lT:VRX 50 OA},1MA 7750 0 250.J0.0'lT.{./RX+ITI."/RX 50 COMMUNICAT ION SPECIFICATIONS r CoNTRACTOR T0 PERFOF| PFE Af'E PoST INSTALLATI0'I TEST AND PRCVIDE RESII-TS TO OIVNER Al.D LEAVE O'\lE COPI or.r s|lE Fm TEcHNtcrAl,r. ?, lLI .II}1PER CABLES TC THESE AJ.IIEi$iAS MUSI 8E OF FRFER LENGTH .IITH LESS THAN I&'8L4CK. 3. CS.IIRiCTOR TO LAAEL AnD CtLffi CS€ INTEIN;iS rl$ J}IFER CAEI-ES AS FER OlVl€R YECIFIC!T|Oi|S. /.- O''|LY OUlLlFlEo FEF60.ll€L HAVING Cotfl-ETED ,rN A.loREtr,S Cot{'l€CroR Co|RSE S}IALL CoI1PLETE I}E INSTALLATION OF CCIiIIECTORS, GRCUNS KITS ANO !\EATHEFFROCFING KITS. PROCF OF CERIFICATICN OF FERSO.INEL I1AY BE FEAJESIEO AT SITE 8Y CO.ITRiCTCP OR ENGINEER. FAILT.RE TO PRODUCE T4J\'REOJIFE A C}IAI']GE CF PERSON.II.I€L 10 A O]ALIFIED FERSOII. 5. PROVIDE ANTENNA CABI.F TERI'|INATIO\S AND TERT,IINATE iIEW ANTENNA CAELES VIITHIN $1EL]ER AT LOCATIO'] SPECIFIED BY OIAI.ER. 6. PRCV|0E GRolrrD KrrS ON r€iA iNTEN.IA CABLES AT LOCATTO.IS T0 ttlTc}| EXISTTNG. ;. UTILIZE THE FO-LOIIING IASLE TO DSTEF1INE THE TIINII'IIJ1 BEMING RAOIIE FM NSTALLATION f ANTENNA CAELE! N04|N:L S|ZE g ACTI"I,\L SIZE g LDFf,R'DIUS 3/8'ti2'5-51/.' tl2'5/8'5' i /8't'l0' l-5/8'2' z-t/t'z-s/t lz zL' PRCVIDE LI}IINATED ENTRI'PMT UAGRIM VII]H COIX ASSIGN}GNTS AT SITE AN' A COPY FOR CIOSE TTJI 0octEr.ENTs. MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD SCALE: NOT TO SCALEANTENNA PANEL SPECSANTENNA AND CABLE NOTES SCALE: NOT TO SCALE , EXISTING ANTENNA AZIMUTH 5OO SECTOR ALPHA E'asl rNG asa Tlttl E{:5i'N6 650/ igtlt €El E'.'sr iN'i 0-q! ]|]lu EXISTiI'IG C|IAX C:,ELE(TYP.) E!STl.rc c0nx ca8i.E(T'/P-) EXISTING ANTENNA CONFIGURATION PLAN VIEW SECTOR ALPHA 50'ELEVATION PROPOSED ANTENNA ,t AZIMUTH 50" SECTOR ALPHA GROU{D EAR I'4OUNTED AT BiSE (' VERiiCJ.L R$l (TYP.) ORCUID BIR t.4ouNTED T0 SHELTER (iYF. ) GROLI{D BNJ] N.E|DE SHELTEB (iYF.) GRCU.ID B3R I,IOUNiED AT BASE OF VERTICAi RIJII (1\F.) GROiJI']D gAR t1oi-IiTE0 T0 Si.l!LIE;t (TlP.) GRO*O BAR II'ISIDE SHELTER (ft".) PROPOSED I9OO UITS ANTENM I,EE NEW PIPE 16I.|.TT PAINT TO I'1ATCH EXISTING JUI.,IPER EOUrPr"Gr.,r I (TYP.) EXISTIN6 EOUIPI.tN'I (TYP. ) PROPOSED AI..ITENNA CONF IGURAT ION PLAN VIEW SECTOR A-PHA 50'ELEVATICX!FXiST IIi6'IYPICAL ANTF.NIIA CC'{F G'JRATIOIi AT ILPH,T SECTAR PROPOGED TYP CAL ANTEI.I.IA Cq{FIGUMTIq{ AT ALPH.i SECTOR -7o t a z* -a -7 ; z F e =8?a Y CINGULAR |l|/!xduii..Ll.ic..,.c ror -th.1-6!.-0('6l GENERAL DYNAIIICS !i600 s. o(EEc sT. sutrE ro9! GFEENVTOOO ViL!AGE, CO 60rn I/.EO ACAGNf PAFK LOOP co-sADo sfRrf.{GS. c0 8090 ffSflrvulprrrrt 745 SUGARLoAF RoaD BOULDER. CO 80502 t-800-584-8859 J0B #5r725/.O t:,.:, q i *u:t-: j TH€ INFORI'IA IIq! CONTAINED N THIS SET 0F DoclirEr{Ts 15 BI NATURE. ANY I,6E DISCLOSUSf OTHER IHAN TITAT 'dHIOI FEI.AIES TO THE CLIA.|T $/EST VAIL 2077 I.I. FROI{TAGE ROAD vatL, CoLGADo, 81657 c0ticur066 ANTENNA MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD ANTENNA PLAN VIEW CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM OF ANTENNAS AT SECTOR ALPHA SCALE:NOT TO SCALE \ EXISTING ANTENNA AZIIYUTH I4O" SECTOR BETA EXISTNG COAX CAELEFYg.) EXtSirN6 ccAx CASLE("]_YP. ) EXISTING ANTENNA CONFIGURA. ION PLAN VIEW :CL UK L1tr IA 5C ELEVATICN r PRODOSED ANTE\NA\ #i+tT,3:; GROUND EIR YOUNIED AT BA.AE OF VER]'JCA: RUN ('r'YP.) 3R3UND gAi YoLN,ED 1C iiYP.) GROUND EAA INS;DE SHELTER (TYP. ) C RO J.]D 3IR BASE OF VERTI'AL RIJN l-vF.) GRCL*iD BAR f.oi,tTED l0 i.YP,' GROLAO 3AR Ii'S DE SiELTEi (rYP.) EXIST.NG JUi'4F€q EOIJIPI,lENT (TYP.) EX STING JLI"'FER EGLiPMENT (:YP,) PROPOSED ANTENNA CONF IGURAT ION PLAN VIEW SECTOR BETA 30'ELEVATION EXIS'IINS TY? CA! ANTENI.A CCNFiiJiATrct' AT gE-A SEC r ii PRPOSED TYPICAL ANTENNA CCNFI6IRATICN AT EETA SE:TCR PROPOSED i9OO |JMTS ANTiNNA VOUNTED BESI'E EX STING. LEINS PIPE TO PIPE I4OJNT PAINT TC MATC'1 Y CINGUIITR rdo c r$EuL tclrtll!011.6a'l.l'-clD6r1C! ltll GENERAL DYNAI,IICS 56aO S. O(EFC S:. 9J -E r09 GnEEf{Y|OOO Vt! GE. CO 60rl llic AcAoEnv PAr{( loe co$nADo sFF NGS, C0 809 0 IMRELESS 7L5 SJGARLOAF RoAD BOJLDER, CO 80302 r-800-58t+-8859 JoB #5 r7231-D .THE INFORIIATIql CONTAINED N Tirs sE: oF 00clr1ENT5 rs PROPRIETARY AI NATJFE. A\Y lJs: OR D SCIOSUFI o_HEi rnAN T.iAl wHrcr R€lATlS tO lH! CLtFni wEsT vat, 2077 N. FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL, c0-oRADo, 81657 coficua066 MODIFICATION/ SCHEMATICS BETA SCALE:NOT TO SCALECONFIGURATION DIAGRAM OF ANTENNAS AT SECTOR BETAANTENNA PLAN VIEW EXISTING ANTENNA AZIMUTH 250' SECTOR GAMMA EX|STtr,rG E5C/flCC GlJ/ ANTEM.I4 EXTST ll.rs coax c,r8LE('iYP.) ExrsT 1r.16 COlX CABLT(TYP.) EXISTING ANTENNA CONFIGURATIOI.l PLAN VIE\ry SECTOR GAI'II"]A 30'FLEVATION PROPOSED ANTENNA AZil'4UTH 250" SECTOR GAMN4A GROL}ID BIR I.1OI'.ITED AT 8,:.SE 0F VERTICAL RUi (T\P. ) GROLI.ID BAR T,IOUNTED 'I"O SIILIER (I_\P. ) GROIAD SAR II'ISDE SfiEI-TER (TYP, ) GRoUID BlR riou,,rTED i-T VERTICiL RLII'] (TYP.) GiiOLJND 8i,n MOi'iTED TO (TYP,) GROU{D glR NSTDE SHEL Tm (T\".i PROPOSED I9OO UMTS ANTENITA USE NEW P]PE I.IOUNT PAINT TC I'4ATCH EXISTING JUI'IP€R EOUIPhENI (T'lP. ) EXISTINS l'''!PER E C*,JIPMEIiT (TYP ) PROPOSED ANTENNA COI.IF IGURAT ION PLAN V]EW SECTOR GAMMA 50' ELEVATION EXISTII.J6 TYFICAL ANTEb! JA coJFroLRlTt0 lT 6Ar"ti4A S€Ci0l PROPOSED TYPICAL AI.ITEM{A Cq{FIGUR:IIOII iT GAHHA SECTOR Y CINGULAR [t c.qrri f'3rs tcr q3 rot -rlt-$tcl GEI{ERAL DYNAI4ICS 5600 s' C|IESEC ST. Stu:E t09A GREEtviO@ Vrtla6E. CO adrl t4!0 AcAoEHt FASK Loe co-oFADo sPF lsg c0 60aro ffiinrnnrss 745 SUGARLoAF RoAD BOULDER, CO 80502 r-800-58,r-8859 JoB #5r7254-D THE I|.F61'T]ON CCNTA $IEO I.I TH|S SET OF DOCrr{B\ltS aS PiOFRIETAR' At NATURE. 4NY ISE 08 OISCLOSIJRE OTHER Ifl,rII THAI rv cH RELAIS lO ltr€ C!|A{I MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD ANTENNA PLAN VIEW CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM OF ANTENNAS AT SECTOR GAMMA SCALE:NOT TO SCALE -4 I*ojLI_IILEII1!$.1_E_!A-BE_L_-L]I9111E A (2) 7/8' (B'/0 I (RRR) B (2) 7/8" (BV/,/v) & (RRRR) c (2) 7i8" (RW) I (R) D (2) 7,/8" (RV/W) & (RR) E 7/8'(GGG) & Q) t/?',rXF (2) 7/8' (GV/W) I (GG) G (2) 7/8" (Gw) e (BBB) H 7i8'(BB) UNIT (. 5 L 6 7I t0 ll tt t5 t4 t5 r6 t7 LUCENT TDMA CABINET- FIFO AC PANEL A AC PANEL B STORAGE CABINET ACI (HVAC) LUCENT TDMA CABINET- AIFO RBS 2206 ERICSSON CABINET, I9OO GSM RBS 2206 ERICSSON CABINET, 850 GSM BATTERY CABINET A BATTERY CABINET B PBD 0tot.0l DC POWER PANELS AC2 (HVAC) LUCENT TDMA CABINET- LAFO LUCENT TDMA CABINET_ RCFO UMTS I9OO CABINET (PROPOSED) NEW DC CABINET 8-PMT CAILE DdT PAI€L 4... Br\ Cr.,, D..,\i 'c 'o l. tr - rlL-lr I r, (l z-, nOr+ V-, \./\ \-,\_1' \./ \-, VEV FROII IiISIIE OF EUILDING E IPMENT AND COAX DIAGRAMS AND DRAWIN SCALE: | : 40 STRUCTURAL DETAILS Y CINGUI,AR rlrcran ainllifaauc !-q co r-a 6ENERAL DYI.IA}IICS t600 s olEEc s'r. sJriE pgA GEB{|IOO V!.LAGE. CO lo|n [.50 ^cAlEEY P R\ L(p c[aADo SPRL|ES, CO tOgF ff!*'*nss 745 SUGARLOAF RoAO BOULDER, CO 80502 r-800-58i.-8859 JoB #5t7e54-D THE INFORi1A'T1q! COI'ITA NEO IN THIS SEI OF OOCT,I,IENTs IS PFOPRIETARV EY NATUiE. ANY I,sE DlscLqSUF! OTI{IR IHAN Tlttt WHICh RELATE TO IHE CLIENT RE r'lslq€ e f E 6F d. B ul 2 A PAIR CABLE CAT 5UTP (IELCO) ANTENNA CABLE TD EXISTIN6 CA JUMPTER FASTENED LADDER, TYP fl4lo RHH BLUE,/BLACK FLEX CABLT TO DC BREAKER TD EXISTING DC BREAKER TO MAIN GROUND BAR (M6B) *E TV GREEN I]N UNDERSIDE BF CABLE LADIER VITH HANGERS EXISTING CE]L]N6 MOUNTED CABLE LADDER TERI.4INATIEN LECATIEN T.B.D, ADJUSTING LEVELING FEET Y CINGULAR R CEuifrll- tcr Ulrol lsirrr.acilbr,cbE GENERAL DYNAI.IICS s600 s. q.EEEc 5r. su rE t09a GFEENI{OCO V LLAG€. CO 8OI II rrllo ^cloErfi P.Fx LaF cq-mADo SPRTNGS, C0 r9O 6ffi,.,,,^-,--"flt\"f wiltL*, 7/.5 STJGARLoAF Roao BOULDER, CO 80302 r-800-584-8839 JOB #5t723/.O THE IIFORiA TIC.I CO'.ITANED IN Thrs s€T 0F ooclriENTs 6 PROPRI€IARI 8Y NATUG. ANY L6E OR DISCIOSURE OIHER T}|AN IHAT .dItICI3 fiELATE TO THE CLENT EOUIPMENT ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE TRANSMISSIDN LINKS #2 TV 6REEN GRDUND TD I.4GB GROUNI LUG fi4,/O RHH BLUE,/BLACK FLEX CABLE TI] DC BREAKER COVER NOT SHOVN FNR CLARITY DC NUT EXTTRNAL ALARI'IS ALARM CABLE TERMINATIDN LOCATION T.B.D. 50 PIN MALE D-SUB C!|\NECTBR ACCU/DCCU (COVER NET SHOVN TIR CLARIT Y) CDU - ANTENNA CABLE CONNECTOR, TYP.LS-b C ANTENNA CABLT JUMPTR, TYP(1 SHIVN FOR C LARI T Y) ANTENNA SPEC IFICATIONS CABINET INTERFACE NOT TO SCALE :,. {: i. i- ,ia i GENERAL NOTES: ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL BE COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL co0E. 2. COHPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, THE REOUIREMENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE MUNICIPAL STATE CODES AND REGULATIONS, AND UTILIW CUIDELINES. 5. PERFORI.I ALL VERIFICATION, OESERVATIONS, TESTING AND EXAHINATION OF WORK PRIOR TO THE ORDERING OF ELECTRICAL EOUIPI'IENT AND THE ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ISSUE A WRITTEN NOTICE OF ALL FINDINGS TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER LISTING ALL MALFUNCTIONS, FAULTY EOUIPMENT AND DISCREPANCIES. L. UNDERGROUND CONDUIT SHALL BE RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE CONDUIT: SCHEDULE 40, TYPE t, CONFORMING TO THE UL ARTICLE 651: WESTERN PLASTICS OR CARBON IIANUFACTURER. C0UPLINGS SHALL BE SLIP-ON, SOLVENT SEAED T PIPE: SOLVENT, WESTERN TYPE COMPATIBLE WITH PVC DUCT, ALL EENDS SHALL BE 56'},IINIMUM RADIUS. 5. ALL WIRING SHALL 8E STRANDED COPPER TYPE THHN WITH MINIHU}I 6OOV INSULATION (UNLESS OT}iERWISE SPECIFIED). 6. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, IAIIRES #8 AND LARGER ARE TO BE STRANDED AND WIRES #IO AND SMALLER ARE TO BE SOLID. 7. NEUTRAL SHALL BE COLOR CODED, INSULATION SHALL 8E CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE. 8. ALL WIRING, DEVICES AND EOUIPHENT SHALL BE NEW AND UL APPROVED. EOUIPMENT OF SAHE TYPE SHALL 8E OF THE SAl.IE l.IANUFACTURER. 9, ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES, AND ELECTRICAL EOUIPI.IENT SHALL HAVE AN INTERRUPTING SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT RANNG EXCEEDING THAT TO WHICH THEY MAY BE SUBJECTED (AS NOTED ON DRAWNGS), AND A HINIHU],I IO,OOO A.I.C. IO. INSTALL A 2OO LB RATED I/8'NYLON FULL CORD IN ALL EHPW CONDUITS. II. PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY GROUNDING AS REOUIRED 8Y LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND THE LATEST EDITION OF HE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL COOE. 15. PROVIDE A SEPARATE GROUND WIRE IN ALL RACEWAYS AND CABLES. 14. LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE HETAL C0NDUIT: USED WHERE PROHIEITED BY C0DE. I5. PROVIDE PHENOLIC PLASTIC LAMINATE NAMEPLATES WITH MACHINE ENGRAVED WHITE PLATE, BLACK LETTERS, EXCFPT AS NOTED, 16. A COMPLETE SET OF FULL SIZE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS MUST BE ON SITE AT ALL TII4ES. HARK'AS.BUILT" INFORMATION. IN RED, ON SITE SET ONLY. 17. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ALL UTILITIES FOR LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND SERVICES. SERVICE LOCATIONS TO BE CONFIRMED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, DC PANEL #I BREAIGN PostTt(t{AI'IP DESCRTPI|0N 75 R8S ERTCSSCN ts00 GsH r75 RBS ERrCSSd.l 450 GsM ?r75 OPEN NEW DC PANEL #2 BR€AiER POStTroa{ AI,IP DESCRIPTION t50 T€Y IJTEI{T IN ITITS CANET r50 r50 Y CINGULA,R t! rGrvctclr wrturr6uclol ltr ila t',- clo.|e.o&a GENERAL DYNAMICS 5600 s. oLEEEC ST. SurrE t@d GREENV{OOO I/ILLAGE. CO A0III ||50 ACAo€tal P^Ft( LOCf, cq-oFlDo sfRrftcs. c0 t09to E ryfq,fIKLTWilftLLJ) 745 SUGARLOAF ROAD BOULDER, CO 8O5O? t-800-s84-8859 J0B #51725L{ tf€ |r.FoRM!nd! co'TTA |NED tN THls SET OF DOCI||ENTS IS PNOPRIETAR' BI NATURE. ANY LSE OR DISCLOSUFf O-THER THAN IHAT ITHICH RELAIES IO THE CLIENI ELECTRICAL NOTES NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE WEST VAIL 2077 N. FROl.rt!,CE ROAD vArL, cd-oRADo, 8t657 c$lcuj.066 MODIFICATION/ 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ForParcel F:\@y\FORMS\PERMITS\Buildin g\buildingurermit_l 1-23-2005. DOC Permit#: AEEESV-ED JANO4 Page 1 of 14 TOV.COM.DEV. APPLICATION WILL NOT BE AGCEPTED IF INGOMPLETE OR VAIL BU ILT'TNG PERIIiIT APPLICA Separate Permits are required for electrical, plum COMPLETE VALUA Project #:s -o'tt CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: MavrvrArh/ w rq€t t)l Torn of Vail Reg. Izq.t- | lo.: , Contact Person and Phone #s:Vol'r+?- 6tFl Email addresst b(c_+r. fO \o+r+rqt Contractor Signature: B--rt-tu. - TIONS FOR BUILDING PERiIIT & BUILDfNG:$ 36oo ELECTRICAL: $ 4o o OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECFIANICAL: $TOTAL: $ +, {r cr (2 #Contacl Assessots OflFce at 9 7&328-tM0 or visit FAgg.ir{ztctltz3oL oL> JobName: ',wGgf vAr r-,' . Bv*loes y JobAddress: zozz rt. f &v<+6,"g w Lesal Description ll Lor I I ll eocr: ll riring:Subdivision: BV+eeU cn*e Owners Name: ALAIA e,, ,Tn /r/Address4, cg+ Ad,-1 ( . AvoP Phone:4rr,4+q -/ ( ArchitecVDesioner:Be t t,J, *#< s AdqE r svh**vo4F tlcv vae{'fY:'. )z+- zt<, Engineer: b\ | c **E.-- Qqelt ll Address:Phonel . .. Detailed description of work: k00 7GC€q1n AP-t€^t{.+e [pD crl6rM€r WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet (y' nepair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: lnierior( ) Extefior( ) Bdth! )/DoesanEHUexistatthislmation: Yes( ) No(uY Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Mutti-famity ( ) Gommercial (.,f Restaurant ( ) Oiher ( ) No. of Existing llwelling Units in this building: {. a No. of Accommodation Units in this building: y, /+ . No/Type of Fireplaces Existins: Gas Applianoes [ ) Gas Loos { ) Wood/Feltet ( ) Wood Buminq ( No/Typeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) WoocUPellei( ) WoodBurnino(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes( ) No(Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist Yes ( ) No ( ) M**FOROFFICEUSEONLY LU23l700,s Questions? Call the BuiHing Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Namer Lo')2 V, f ye ya* (1-t ko *b ProjectAddress: VvC9{ V*rt-. - etl CvvAA ?u*trtu€wegt r' This Checklist must be omoleted before a Buildina Pe,mit anoh'cation isPM"d Al pages of application ls complete { nas DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form o.-- d Complete site plan submifted o o -llewed en ro o/ C?lrchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Er tull floor plans includirE building sedions and elevations(S seb of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) p Window anC doorffiiilC { fulstrctural plans, induding design ctiteria (i.e.loads) q/Su,r.hr.t Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and MulU Family) EF ? FrF.oS @ .tAppficant'sSignafire: (rtutt/U*---- Date of submittal: Received By: F: \cdev\FoRl4S\PERMITS\Building\bu dngurermit_U-23-2005. DOC Pa9e2 d t4 Lrl23l200s ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUIREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTI4ENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERIAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION FOR ALL REMODEL ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUTLDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER le 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERI,AIS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION o I have included the asbestos test and report with my building permit application applkant signahlre G date r I certifu my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) J( *' - ,-- /t-l rz/of apdicant signahrre OR o The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original constudion date applicant signature date F:\cddFORMS\PERMITS\Bu ildirg\building_.permit_r 1-232005. DOC Page 3 of 14 tu23l20o5 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town ol Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depaftment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departmenLs with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) week to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permiLs that I apply for. Agreed to by:Er.€pr w\ucoJ Print name Signature F: \Cde\r\FORMS\PERMm\BJilding\buildi ngJermit_U -232005.DOC Page 4 of 14 rLl23l200s - Dec-|2-05 !3r0lpnr From-ToM{ 0F VAIL Co[,|MU|IITY DEVEL0PI,EI|T 97047S2452 T-l8B p.002/005 F-t26J a ^_ ,-w ACTION FORM DepartrrEnt of communiv hvdoprnent 75 South Fruntage Roa4 VEil, C.olorado 8165/ reli 97D.479,2139 fax 970.479.2452' web: www.ci.vail,co.us projectName: Crruauree *"pi|fNff H#iRt Ctr?. ProjectDescriPtion: PUBLIC UTILITY USE Participants: owNER BRANDES5,IAYNE trlzuzoos C/O BRIAN E' O'REILLY, ATTY'Po Box 5/80 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT CINGUIAR WIRELESS C/O BRENT 1u21l2005 Phone: 303^817'9147 3389 CRIPPLE CREEK TMIL BOULDER co 8030s ProjectAddresst' ZO77 N FRONfAGE RDWESTVAJL LocaHon: BMNDESS BUILDING Legal Descrip6oni Lot: 39 Btock: SubdMsion: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number: 2103-123-0202-5 comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion BY: |€ESBO Action: APPROVED Second By: JEWTTT Voti: 64 Dateof Approval: I2lL2l2O05 Meeting Date. 121 l2lZOO5 Conditions: C.ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committe{s). Cond:300 pEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days follo,ving the date of aPProval.' Cond: CON0007759 The applicant shall rernove any obsolete telecommunicaUons equipment from the Brandess Building prior to requesting final Town of Vail construction inspection- Cond: CON0007760 Approv_al of this conditional use permit is contingent upon iJ|e applicant obtaininE' Town 6f Vail design review approval for this proposal. Cond: CON0oo776l Approval of this conditionat use permit shalt lapse and become void if a buildlng peimit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently Pursued toward completion or the use for which the aPProval has been granted has not commenced Planning and Environmental Commission . Dac-12-05 03:0lpm From-Toll|'i 0F VAIL C0MMUNITY DEVELoPMEI|T sT04792462 T-t8S P.003/005 F-726,. -- within two (2) years from when the approval becornes final. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $650'00 , 3ar-12-05 03:01 pm F rom-T0l{|I 0F VAI L C0ilS,l|Jll I IY DEVEL0PMEI'{T snftE?48? Design Review Board T-180 P.004/005 F-726 ACTIOIT FORM Department of Comntunity Development 75 South Frontage Roadn Vail, colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fu:970-479.2452 web: wwrv'vailgsv^com Project Namet Project Description: CI N CULA& PUEUC UTILITY USE DRE Number: DRB050521 Phone: 303-817-9147 Particlpantsi Project Adrlress: BMNDESS BUILDING Legal DescriPtion: Parcel Number: Cornments: Motaon Byl Second By: Vote: Conditions: owNER BRANDESS,.IAYNE Lllzrlzoos C/O BRIAN E. O'REILLY, ATTY PO BOX 5780 AVON co 81620 APPLICATIT cINGUt AR WIRELESS c/O BRENT 11/2112005 3389 CRIPPLE CREEKTRAIL BOULDER co 8030s 207l N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAJL Location: Lot: 39 Block Subdivieion: BUFFERCREEK RESUB 2LA3-723-0?:02-5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalt LUL420OS @nd:8 1fL,lfl1, No changes to these ptans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vait stitr and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 G-fnpi DRB approval does not constitute a permit fior building. Please consult with iown-otVail Building personnel prior to constrrlction activities' Cond;201 Opelppro"at shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shatl lapse and become vold one (r; year following the date oihna appror.rt, unters a buiKinq permit is i:sued ond construGtign is commenced and is diligently pursued toward comPletion, Cond: CON0007762 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall revise the location of Printabla Details AccountNumben R013690 Parcef Numben 21O31'2W2O25 Tax Area: SC103 lfifl Levy: 47.7190 O*mer NamerAddrcse: BRANDESS, JAYNE C/O BRIAN E. O'REILLY, ATTY PO BOX 5780 AVON, CO 81620 Legal Description: SUB:BUFFER CREEKRESUB LOT:39 DESC: PT OF BK#14 PG-0805 QCD 03-15€9 BK{214 PG{r806 oCD 0}15€9 BK-0216 PG4448 QCD 0$19€9 BK-0257 pc-0384 BK-0407 pc-0798 QCD 01-25-85 BK-O5{)5 PG-0176 oCD 04-19€9 Ptrysical Addreesz OO2O77 FRONTAGE RD Unit : 39 VAIL Page 1 of3 Property Tax Valuafon Information Actual Value Assessed Value Value tand 632430 1834fi) lmprovements 832,t80 241420 Total 146/}910 424820 Sale History Recepiion Number: n/a Book 0257 Page: 0384 Sale Date: 6f2U1977 Sale Price: 30qn.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a Reception Number: n/a Book: (y216 Page: 0'198 Sale Date: 9/16/1969 Sale Price: 15000.00 Deed Type: WARRANW DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a knprovement Information ReslCentialBuildings: 0 CommercialBuildings: 2 Heated Areas sEcoND sToRY OFFTCE 8180.(X)0 http:/Amwv. eag lecounty. us/patie/printable_d etails. cfm 12t1112445 Printable Detaile oNE STORY 5120.000 Total 13300 All Area* sEcoND sToRY OFFICE 8180.000 oNE STORY 5120.000 Bullding Characterbtica (Firrt lmprovment In Account) ABSTRACT-CODE OFFICES-IMPROVEMENTS ACT-YEAR-BLT 1978 AIRCOND NONE ARCH_STYLE OFFICE BASEMENTFINISH NOBASEMENT BATHS 7.OO BEDROOMS O-OO BUILDING-TYPE OFFICES CONST_QUAL AVERAGE DEPO3 YEAR.1978 EXTERIOR-WALL REINF CONC FIXTURES 20 FLOOR CARPET INV FRAME MASONRY GARAGE NOGARAGE HEATING-FUEL ELECTRIC HEATING_TYPE ELECBASBD INTERIOR-WALL DRYWALL NEIGHBORHOOD VAIL DAS SCHONE ROOF-COVER BUILT.UP ROOF-STRUCTURE FLAT ROOMS I SHAPEO N/A STORIES STORIES 2.0 SUPER NBHD \AJESTVAILCOMMERCIAL USE-CODE COMMERCIAL WALL-FIN NIA Page 2 of 3 UNITS Tax History TaxYearTransactionType Amount 2004 TaxAmount 2m71.98 2004 Tax Payment Fir$t Half -10'135.99 Zo(X Tax Payment: Second Half -10135.99 2m3 Tax Amount 19782.16 z(X}3 Tax Payment: Whole -19782.16 2002 TaxAmount 19479.28 Anz Tax Payment: Whole -194m.28 20o1 TaxAmounl 1U91.14 http:/Amrur. eag lecounty, us/patie/printable_detai ls. cfm 12t11t2005 $l LandAmerica Coftrcrcial Scsch Scrvices 90t I Arboretrm ParlrunS Sldle 300 Richmon4 VAZ}236 8ffi-368-3380 - Pbnc 8668269553 - Frx z. 3. SCtrff)IJI,EA Effcctivc Dst: Novcmber l7, 2005 OrderNo. 11,flI7376 WEST VAIL COHCU4I}66 L The estlt€ or interest in thc land lprcinafter dsscnted u refened to covered by this r€pst is: Foe $lnple Title to said cetaE or intereet at the drte hpreof is vesed in: Jryne Brude*, Trrctee of thsJryne Brrndesr Troct nnder unrecorded trurt lgrceilfft &td Ilf,ry 9, 19S5 Thc lmd refeired to in this repct is sihutcd in tho Satc of Cdoredo, Cottrtty of Erglc' sd is dcscribed on the attachcd Exhibit A Pnaare.d by: NSP larrdAmcrica Comnprcial Semch Scrviccs Dats: Dcccmbcr 5, 2il)j r$All |nhrmdon cotrtrhed hcrdn b dconed redtbls btrt not guerrltccd. t** EXEIBIT A O.DGAI, I'ESCBTPTTON) Order No: l0SUt376 WEST YAIL COICU i1066 Id 39, AcnrbdMdor of }|Ificr crtelq crccpt itorc pordour lmluderl wlttrln thc rtgtt-of-.iey of DcpffOmnt of Etghrryr' Strte of Colondo, for Hthrtry I-70. --_.t-l. 'l II tI Il I I il I S€SAI}IJI,ED QrdsNo:1m07376 wu$r vArL coEcu 4066 AS OF THE ETTBCfiVN DATN OF TEIS NE}ORT TEE FOLI.OWING EXCEPfiONS OF RECORD HAVE BEENTIOIJNII. 1, 20O4 Taxcs for Parcel ldentification No. 2103-1234X425 arc paid in the amormt of iza,272.98. hotective C-ownants of Resubdivision of Buffer Creek r€cor&d l0/U63 as Docurnent No. 980?6. First &rctr&ncnt recordpd ry1i66 as Documclrt No. 103550, Second Amendrnatt rEcordcd 5/25166 ae Documsrt No. 104040. Hoty Ctoss Elertiq Association, Inc. rmdcrgrouad right'of-way easenrnt granted by Leo Brandess and Jayne Brandces to Holy Cross Elccfic Assooiation, trc. dsted I t/2ff77 and rccodcd l2l2017? as Documeot No. l6filE9. Holy Cross Elecfic Ascooiation, lnc. undergroud right-of-*ey caocrucnt gruntd by layne BrandesS, Trustec of thc Jayne Brandesg Trust, undcr ufccordcd trust agr€snrcdt datcd lvlay 9, 1965 darcd 6lil2l92$tdtrr;orded1/l4l92inBook 584, Page 696. Property Line Agrenrent betrreen Jayne Branderg, Tnrstee ofthe Jayne Brandess Trusl under uruEco'rdst trust sgrecrncnt dad May 9, 1985 and Thc Tovm of Vail dst€d 10/l/96 md reconlcd dl5/9? in Book ?24, Pagc 283. FCS Site Agreement Memorandum between Jayae Brmdess, Th'rstee of the Jayne Brandess Trus! rmdcr rrmcodcd trust aglcctrcnt itated lr4ay 9, 1985 snd Sprint Spectrurrl L.P' dated 5/l/0 I and recqdod t0/3/01 as Document No. 768970. Ucc statcm€nt bcnvm I*o and Jayne Brandess (Debtors) and Washington National Insnrance Corryany (Secured Party) rwu.ded 412ff19 as Documcnt No. 181 104. UCC Statetffrtt betrreeir Jayne Brandcss rnd Jayne Bwrdcos Managatrent Co. (Debtors) and Washington Natimal Insunncc Co. (Securred Party) recorded 5/1?83 as Docunrnt No. 17174. UCC3 OCR betwcen Jayne Brnrdess and Jayne BrurdessManagcnreirt Co. (Debtors) and Washitgton Natisral Insurancc Co, (Seowcd Party) ztr,ordcd 4129/93 a$ Docunent No' w257. 4. 5. 7. 9. rNvotcE SI LandAmerica Commercial Search Services PO Box ?58974 Fafumors, MD2127W74 iPhon€: EO4-287-2289Fax g/J4-,m7-2&,o ,To: Mwttvbw Ae$ocistBs, LLC : 12O1 Eagt$econdAvgtue, No.210{ . Awora,CO80011' Att: |:rryBeer i iRE: Buyer: Property:z077NFronrag€Rd City/State:, CO1 CountylParcet EAGLE Dat€: 12/06t05 tnvobel*o: 2005020323{/1 Cust Onler#: WESTVAIL COHCU 4066 LTl o6/os rnformational Conmitment L2/O6/05 Copy Cosr ' Innol,cr Totel r lrcu$t Pal4s Balrlca thrc r ?50,00 45.00 ?95.00 0 ' oo 795. 00 ==-=-----==== Remltlance ArFlce Phase sed along with rcmittance to: LandAmsdca Flnanclal Group, Inc. Commetcld Seemfi Sarvft:es PO Box 758974 Baffnore, MD 2127S8974 Inwice Totd: 795,00 Ashnoe Dt ar 795.00 Date: 12106/05 Unit 0&553 tri\eic6 No: 2q}502$231/1 Cuctonar: #41,04,E ttlorwkur Assodabs, LLC Chedr Number: fuilount En&sod: x iEH iiE H sti H iI : EEF F=HF:,t iiii itir iil!t iii liii$,il,filffilii fi'ti'l[Hi tit.li tllel. r*iII ii ca izt EI t I I ri! !ii iHtttr!! lli 'i! il ii !t't t! B I I ItI II I L dbEIttt eiiit trE lis i$9!s ! trEttIrl ii-tal!It rF I i $'. eETA?GiEAE r€:gT SEAZIEZITTU:htlES 5(H0SH BtiFt6a 35Vd ***++*********{.*X.{.*'t*************,***************:t {.********** * * * * * * * * * * + ++* ** * * + + * + + + + + * + + * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ****++*+++****+**{.*{.{.*:t **********+++!f ***************** * * * * * ***********:}***,t:}**rF'F't'}*******+ * * Statement Nurnber: R05000001_l- Anou4t: 963.22 OL/OS/200602123 pul Palrment Metshod: Check fnit: JS Nolation: 40994/GENERRAL DYNAMICS NETWORK SYSTEMS PETMiI NO: BO5-OOO5 Tf4)E: ADD,/AI,T COMM BUILD PERIVTTParcel No: 2!03-]'23-0202-5 Site Address: 20"77 N FROIiI1TAGE RD WEST VAIL I-,ocaLion: 2077 N. FROMTAGE ROAD - BRAIIDE SS BUILDING Total Fees: $1-63.46This Palzment: 963.22 Togal AJ..,L Pmts: 953.22Balance: $100.24****d.*++***********'f'F'N.r.****************!F************+***,**'!'l*++********+*********+*+**+:!.!*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO3111]-OO BUII.,DING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES .01- 63 .2L of Vail ELECTRICAL: HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 775 CASTLE DRIVE EAGLE, C0,81650 (970) 528-6360 TELCO: QWEST COMMUNICATI0NS P0 Box 17575/* DENVER, CO, 80217 (800) t.7t-8325 -l swn ot v FIEL G(}P D Y 2077 N. FRONTAGE ROAD valid. The issuance of a pggs bafd on congtdrctjon documJnrs other data shatt not pre.rdilTl hddrg Onad ftrria"rcqiiiino itle @nection ot errors ffie corsfuc{cr E*.uogG and rjther?ata. building official is /so authori$dltogq{h(WJpar(cy or use ol astruciure where i/ viotarion otrfie q{*fi otAny i{heiordinances ofthisiurisdiction ( | /il'J'H_,- / - 6:( iurisdicrion. -P€rmits p|€6unhg bCuaafr|Eily bvtotare oi cincelprovrsrons or thts codo or out€t ofitllEc d lta ,urisdldion shall not WEST VAIL VAIL, COLORADO 8165 APPROVED Bo3'eoo$coHCU406rS :-=.,1- lntematlonal Bu0rI4 @ceelrvatidity ot permlt Thcbeitoagnndd ot a permir snallnot be construed to b€ a pcnnltsf, can{pmraiof, any violation oany 0t the provisions ollhbcotbcdatyduordnancb ol the 1001 't6th Sk€et, Su(B Cl Dsn!€( CO 80265 Contack Keith Erkson: (3)3) 573'3261 cingular Nsw Cinguhr W|Ele s6 PCS, LLC, I D€lawara li[itBd liabilily cDmpany APPROVALS DISCIPLINE SIGNATURE UAItr l<F CONSTRUCTION (AS BUILT) OWNER SAC TaKE l-70 WEsr ro ,/arl, iANE vtEsr \'!,- blrr *175, PRocEEo EAsr Prsr Crr l'lARKEr (oN FRorAqE Ro. NoR:H oF F/vy) To SFAND€SS BurLDrNc:r 2077 H- FFoNTTGE Ro. ?,lEsr (o{ LEFI). Srrc rs N StE. I ALl. V,/oRK 3J'lD lllTERl.LS SFIILL BE PERFORIIED:l{D II.ISTALLED lll ACCORDANCE YI]TH Ti{ CLRRENT FDITIO.]S CF AL! 6OYERNING CCDES AS ADoPTED BY IilE LOCrL GS,EF.l NG rUTHoR|T|ES. NoTHll{G lll THESE PL,ANS lS T0 BE CoIISTRUCTED T0 PERMIT VJoRI l.lOT ColFmfifiG TO THESE C00€S. LAT TLDE: js.633cc7" LONG ITUDE: - t6.Lttiz6' Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Y CINGULAR rar cn,taReaErr!rca uctrr *!.a.tlt6lrrr CO&s GENERAL OYNAMICS 5600 S. q-EBEC ST. 9JL:E IFA GFEENWO{]o Vf,IAGE, CO EOIII la50 !ClDEl'r'/ PARr. IOOP co|.ffi joo 9R[.|GS, c0 Eo9r0 765 SUGARLoAF RoAD BOULDER, CO 80502 r-800-58a-8859 JOB #5r7?5/.-D THE INFOE'AIIqi CO'{TAN:O N THIS SET Of DOCI}IENTS ]S PFOFSIETARY BY NATUR€. ANY LISE OF DISCLOSIJiE OTHER THAN IHAT \IIHLOI RILAIES IO THE CLIENI ARCHITECTURAL: T-I TITLE SiTEET GN-] GENERAL CO.ISTRUCTIOI.J I{OTESr-I ARCHITECTLRAL SITE FLJJ.I:.,? ARCHITECTLR:L S ITE ELEV I,T IOI.J-ILPI-IA SECTORI-: TRCHITECTIS:L SITE ELEV1TIOI+BETA SECTORr.4 ARCHITECTI.RIL SITE ELEVITION.GAT,IMA SECTOR STRUCTURAL DETAILS S-I STRdCTLR:, D€T:ILS RADIO FREQUENCY: ll.{TEl'lllA SFEClFlCrTl0,lS iI.ITEI.lI1,I SINGLE LII']E SCHEI'IATICS-NLPHA SECTOR AI.ITEIOIA SII.IGLE LII.]E SC]-lEI,,IATICS-BETA SECTOR RHEHi D T DIAGRAI'|S AND DRAV/IXCS AL NoIEJ fl{p BffAIFR Pos ror'ls TOV-COM.DEV. ELECTRICAL: E. EOUIPI'1E APPLICANT/LESEE: NEV\r C NGULAR WIRELESS PCS, :,Lc A DELA?,/IRE LII4ITED LIABiL TY COI'IPANY r03t crH ST, SUrTE C-l DENVER. CO,80265 C0l,lT:CT: KEITH ERICSO,I PHoliE (503) 575-3261 PROPERTY OWNER JIYI.IE BR.I.ID€SS REVOC/]BLE TRIJST rI]8! HIGH,{,:Y 6 rvoii, cc 8162c C0{iACT: BRllll o REILLY (c7o) 919-t636 CONSULTANTS co{sTRucT cl.t: GENER_L DYNAHES 5600 s. or.cBEc sr. surTE r09A, GREENTIooD VTLLAGE. c0 80lrl s TE tcoulstTto{ a zor'Iric: CILEEN COUSINO (303) 885-5J59 BC r-800 5&-8&59 TITLE PAGE ,1 :,I .: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GRUB THE SITE AREA AND ANY ACCESS ROAD CLEARING AND REMOVE A MINIMUT,I OF 6'TO ACHIEVE A STABLE SUB-BASE TO ACCEPT FILL OR OTHER MATERIAL SPECIFIED FOR THE SITE AND ACCESS ROAD. THE GRUEBING SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AIIID NOT REUSED IN ANY PART OF THIS PROJECT. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS SOLE RESPONSIBILITY TO CALL THE LOCAL LOCATING AUIIIORITIES TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ANY UNDERGROUNO UTILITIES THAT EXIST WITHIN THE ENTIRE PROJECT AREA. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AI.ID RELOCATION (AS NECESSARY) OF THE I'NDERGROUND UTILITIES OR LINES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE THESE ITEMS ON THE AS BUILT DRAWINGS, ALL ROADWORK AND HATERIALS SHALL CONFORM TO ALL STATE AI.ID LOCAL CODES AND IN ACCORDANCE IVITH THE DEPARTHENT OF HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION STAI.IDARD SPECIFICATIONS. THE ACCESS ROAD. IF REOUIRED, WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FIRST EEFORE A}.IY OTHER WORK ON THE SITE IS PERI'1ITTED. ERING THE ROAD TO SUB BASE COURSE TO ALOW CONSTRIJCTION TRAFFIC TO USE THE ROAD FOR THE PROJECT AND COMPLETE THE ROAD AFTER CONSTRUCTION OF THE SITE IS SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETE. ALL SITES AND ACCESS ROADS ARE TO BE CONSTRUCTED TO HAVE A POSITIVE DRAINAGE FLOW AWAY FROM THE SITE AND EOUIPMENT. ANY DISCREPANCIES IN THE DRAWINGS OR SPECIFICATIONS HI..,ST BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF GENERAL DYNAI*4ICS IHMEDIATELY. ALL ACCESS ROAD AND SITE AREAS WILL HAVE AN UNDERLAYMENT OF MIRAFI-5OOX, OR EOUAL. A SOIL STERILIZER SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL GRAVEL SURFACES AND BE EPA REGISTERED LIOUID COMPOSITION AND OF PRE-EHERGENCE DESIGN. THE PRODUCT LABEL AND INFORHATION WILL BE GIVEN TO GENERAL DYNAHICS. SUB-BASE COURSE OF GRANULAR 'B' HATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF $TELL GRADED SAND AND GRAVEL WITH NOT HORE THAN 8% PASSING THROUGH #2OO SIEVE WITH NOT LESS THAN 55% RETAINED ON A *I SIEVE. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY GRADUATION FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. BASE COURSE OF GRANULAR 'A' HATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF 5/6'CRI.JSHED SAND AND GRAVEL (ROAD HULCH) WITH NOT MORE THAI.I 8% PASSING THROUGH #2OO SIEVE. CONTRACTOR TO SUPPLY GRADUATION FOR REVEIEW PRIOR TO PLACEI'IENT. ALL FILL DIRT SHALL BE CLEAN AND NATURAL. FREE FROH AN DELETERIOUS MATERIALS, ROOTS. ICE, SNOW AND RUBBISH. A COPY OF ALL DELIVERY TICKETS SHALL BE SI..EMITTED TO THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WITHIN zA-HOURS FROi'I DELIVERY. ALL TRENCHES SHALL HAVE A SIX-INCH BASE OF CLEAN SAND FILL TO ACCEPT THE CONDUITS AND THEN ANOTHER 12' OF CLEAN SAND FILL ON TOP OF THE CONDUITS. THE REMAINDER OF THE TRENCH SHALL HAVE A CLEAN COHPACTIBLE FILL PLACED IN MAXIMUH LIFTS OF 8'AND MECHANICALLY COHPACTED TO A DENSITY OF 98% OF STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIHUM DENSITY. HETALLIC WARNING TAPE SHALL BE PLACED AT 12'BELOW FINISHED GRADE ALONG THE ENTIRE TRENCH. ALL COMPACTION OF SITE AREAS SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY HECHANICAL HEANS. LARGER AREAS SHALL BE COI'IPACTED BY A SHEEP'S FOOT VIBRATORY ROLLER WEIGHING AT LEAST 5 TONS. SMALLER AREAS SHALL BE COMPACTED BY A POWER DRIVEN HAND HELD TA},IPER. ALL COHPACTED AREAS SHALL BE COHPACTED TO WITHIN 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR MAXIMUM DENSITY AND TESTED BY AN INDEPENDENT LABORATORY. THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE WILL PROVIDE THE CONTRACTOR WITH THE NA|.IE AND NUMEER OF THE LAEORATORY. BUT IT WILL BE T}IE RESPONSIBLILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO SCHEDULE TESTING. ANY SCHEDULING FOR A PROCTOR WILL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY AND MUST BE DONE IN A TIMELY FASHION TO ASSURE THE PROJECT WILL NOT BE DELAYED. L ?. 5. u. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 17. t0. t?. v+. t5. t6. lB. to 20. ALL FILL OR STONE WILL BE PLACED IN HAXIMUM 8. LIFTS PRIOR TO COMPACTING. FINISH GRADE, INCLUDING TOP SURFACE COURSE SHALL EXTEND IZ'BEYOND THE SITE FENCE AND zl. SHALL covER THE AREA AS |NDTCATED. USE RIP RAP lN ANY AREAS WITH A SLOPE GREATER THAN 2:1, ENTIRE DITCH FOR 6 FEET lN ALL DIRECTIONS AT CULVERT OPENINGS, AND AS INDICATED ON PLANS, 22 seeo. FERTTLIZER. aND srRAw covER sHALL BE AppLtED To aLL orHER DtsruRBED AREAS, DtrcHES, ^. DRAINAGE, AND SWALES NOT OTHERWISE RIPRAPPED. SEED AND FERTILIZER SHAI-L BE APPLIED TO ZJ.SURFICE CONDITIONS, wHIcH WILL ENCoURAGE RooTING. PREPARE stRFAcE PROPERLY TO ACCEPT ^, THE SEED. SOW SEED IN TWO OPPOSIE DIRECTIONS IN TWICE THE OI,JANTITY RECOMMENDED BY THE ::.SEED PRODUCER.(r'THE coNTRAcroR ls RESPoNSTBLE To ENSURE GRowH oF THE SEED aND LANDSCAPTNG AREAS By WATER. STRAW. MULCH NET AND ANY OTHER PROPER LANCSCAPING METHOD NECESSARY, ALL AREAS ^, MUST HAVE SUSTAINED GROWTH BY THE TIME OF COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT.to'THE coNTRAcroR ts soLELy RESeoNSTBLE FoR coNTAtNr-1ENT oF SEDIHENT aND coNTRoL oF ?" EROSION ON SITE. ANY DAMAGE TO STRCUTURES OR WORK ON SITE CAUSED BY INADEOUATE ;; |,IA|NTENANCE 0F DRATNAGE PRoVTSToNS W|LL BE THE RESPONSTB|L|TY 0F THE CONTRACToR AND ANY--.COST ASSOCIATED WITH REPAIRS WILL BE AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE TO CORRECT ALL DAMAGE TO THE SITE SUBSEOI.,ENT TO THE INSTALLATION OF THE POWER AND TELCO LINES. Y CINGULAR 16r aqf,Af,srELE! tar (Lc ror rnl l.r,3!a6orNr@atl I. THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL BE UNI'IANNED AND DOES NOT REOUIRE POTABLE WATER OR SEWER SERVICE, 2. THE PROPOSED FACILITY IS UNMANNED AND IS NOT FOR HUMAN HABITAT NO HANDICAP ACCESS IS REOUIRED).3. OCUPPANCY IS LIHITED TO PERIODIC HAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION, AFPROXIHATELY Z TIHES PER I'4ONTH. 4. NO NOISE, SMOKE, DUST OR OOOR WILL RESULT FROH THIS PROPOSAL. 5. CONTRACTOR WILL PROVIDE ALL LABOR, T4ATERIALS, TOOLS, EOUIPHENT. SAFETY EOUIPHENT, TRANSPORTATIONAND SERVICES NECESSARY TO COHPLETE ALL THE WORK OUTLINED IN ALL DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, SCOPES OF WORK. BILL OF HATERIALS, AND ANY OTHER DOCUHENT ISSUED BY GENERAL 6. DYNAHICS AND AWS. THE CONTRACTOR S}IALL COMFLY WITH ALL LOCAL AND NATIONAL CODES, LAWS. OROINANCES, REGULATIONS, SAFETY 7- REGULATIoNS, ALL OSHA RECULATIoNS, ALL PUBLIC AND l'luNlclPAL AUTHORITIES AND ANY UTILITY CoMPANIES REGULATIoNS AND DIRECTIVES. A ALL I.IATERIALS SUPPLIED 8Y THE OWNER. OWNER.S REPRESENTATIVE, AND THE CONTRACTOR, SHALL BE INSTAI.I€D IN ACCORDANCE IYIT}I ALL LOCAL ANO NATIONAL CODES, LAWS. OROINANCES. REGULATIONS AND FER t.lANUFACTURER.S RECOtl}lENDATIONS. o aNy coNTnAcToR stnHrTTtNG BrDs oN ANY OF THE Y{ORK tS REOUTRED TO V|SIT EACH StlE PRIoR T0 BID StAHlrrAL AND - . FAIIILIARIzE HII,ISEI.'/HERSELF IYITH THE EXISTIN6 coNDtTIoNS AND UNDERSTAND 'HE ScoFE OF woRx INTENDED FOfi THE pRoJEcr. THrs wrLL BE pERFoRMED AT THE coNTRAcroR's EXFENSE. THE DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE A GENERAL DIRECTIVE FOR THE SCOFE OF WORK. EXACT DI}'IENSIONS AND LOCATIONS I,,IAY CHANGE IN THE FIELD. TIIE CONTRACTOR IS TO VERIFY THE DII'IENSIONS AND LOCATIONS AND REFORT ANY AND AI.I DISCREPANCIES TO GENERAL DYNAI.IICS PRIOR TO COI1IIENCING THE RELATED WORK. ANY I4INOR ERRORS OR OI4ISSIONS IN TTIE 10. ouwnes AND spEcrFrcATroNs DoEs Nor ExcusE THE colrRAcroR FRoH CoHPLETTNG rHE FfioJEcr AND rt'iFRovEr,,rENTs rN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INTENT OF THESE OOCUI.IENTS. II. ALL sITEs SHALL BE XEPT CLEAN AND FREE oF DEBRIS oN A DAILY BAsts. ALL TRAst.I ANo I{ATERIALS NO LONGER BEING USED AT THE SITE MUST BE REMOVED AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OF OT.I A DAILY BASIS. 12. trr cournactoR saall Nor pRocEED wtrH ANy woRK ar rHE strE FRroR To a NolcE m pRocEED (NTp) sErNG lsstED AND A FRE-CO}ISTRUCTION IIEETING AT TltE SITE fIAVING TAKEN FLACE. ]5. ALL WORK AND FIATERIALS FURNISHED BY THE CON1RACTOR STIALL IiAVE A WRITTEN ONE-YEAR WARRANTY STARTING AT THE ACCEPATNCE OF IHE SITE FROI,I THE SITE OWNER. 14. T}IE CONTRACTOR SHALL HAVE A DESIGNATEO F1ANAGER ON SITE AT ALL TIIIES THAT ANY WORK IS BEING PERFORIIED. A SIECONTRACTOR IS NOT OEFINED AS A DESIGNATED MANAGER, IHE SUCESSFUL CONTRACTOR S}IALL PROVIDE A SCIIEDULE, LIST OF ALL SIACONTRACTORS WITH ADORESSES, CELL FTIONE 15. NUIIBERS AND HoME FHoNE NUI4BERS, VERIFICATI0N oF INSURANCE, ANY AND ALI FERTINENT LICENSES AND AN ACCURATE SCHEDULE FOR THE FROJECT PRIOR TO lHE ISSUANCE OF A NTP. THE CONIRACTOR IS TO KEEF A COHFLETE AND UF TO OATE SET OF DRAWINGS, SFECIFICATIONS. SCOPE OF YVORK ANO 8II.I OF 16. MATERIA!.s ON SITE AT ALL Tll.{ES. TH|S Y{tLL BE REFERENCED AS THE AS-BUTLT DRAWTNGS AND I'IUST EE XEPT CURRENT (}.l A DAILY BASIS. THIS IS IN ADOITION TO THE FER}{IT SET. ,- A NEW AND CLEAN SET OF CONTRAC' DOCUI.IENTS V1ITj- BE USED TO TRANSFER THE INFORI.,IATION FROII THE FIELD COPY OF,'' THE AS-8UILT DRAWINGS TO A NEW COPY. TfiIS NEEDS TO BE SI'BII TTED TO GENERAL DYNAI'ICIS WITTI TEII CLOSE OUT D OC UI'IE N TS. ON ANY CO-LOCATION SITE, THE CONTRACTOR AND ALL ASSIGNS ARE NOT TO IJSE EXISTING POWER OR TAMFER WIII ANY EoutprlENT gELot{GtNG To aNy orHER cARRtER. FATLURE To AD}rERE To THts wtLL cAUsE IHHEotATE DlsHIssaL 0F THE CONTRACTOR FROI{ THE PNOJECT. THE coNTRAcroR rs REspoNst8r€ FoR scH€Dr-r-rN€ ALL rNspEcloNs AND TEslNc REoUTRED FoR EA$r FRoJEcr, A 24-HouR NOTIFICATION TO GENERAL DYNAMICS IS REOUIRED FOR ALL INSFECTIONS AND TESTING. A FIELD COFY OF AI! INS?ECTIONS 18. AND TESTTNG REPoRTS AS h'ELt- AS TRUCT( I|CKETS l.tUST BE SIBM|TTED TO THE OWNERS REPRESENTATTVE WTTHTN z/.-HOURS OF THE INSFECTION OR TEST. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO VERIFY AII MATERIATS ISSUED TO THEM AND REFORI ANY S}IORTAGES AND DISCREPANCIES TO GENERAL DYNAI.4ICS AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL STORE THESE I.IATERIALS 19. FROPERLY, ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER.S RECO}IMENDATIONS AND IN A HANNER THAT WILL NOT VOID TIIE WARRANTY ON ANY ITEM. IF ANY ITEM IS DAMAGED OR UNUSABLE DUE TO IMPROPER HANDLING ANO STORAGE THE CONTRACTOR WILL REPLAcE IT AT TIIEIR EXPENSE. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESFONSIELE TO FURNISH FROPER FACILITIES FOR TIIE WORKERS ON EACII IfiOJECT FOR T}IE DURANON OF 29. THAT PRoJECT. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO 14AINTAIN THE PRESENT CONDITION OF AI{Y EXISTING BUII.OINGS. I-ANDSCAPIN6. FENCING, ?1. EOUTPMENT, WALKS, DRTVE, AND ATTACHMENTS. lF ANY DAMAGE SHOI|LD OCCUR, THE CONTRACToR rS RESFONSTBLE T0 RESTORE THE DAMAGE TO A BETIER OR NEW CONDITION. THE GENERAL oyNAMrcs REPRESENTATTVE RESERVES rHE Rrorr ro RELoCATE ANy Eourpr,lENT wrrHrN l0 FT. oF IHE LOCATION SFECIFIED ON THESE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO INSTALLATION 8Y T}IE CONTRACTOR, IF THE SPECIFIED EOUIPMENT CAN NOT 8E INSTALLED AS SHOWN ON T}IESE DRAWINGS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROPOSE AN ALTERNATIVE INSTALLATION FOR AFFfiOVAL 8Y TIIE G€NERAL DYNAMICS REFRESENTATIVE. CONTRACTOR IS RESFONSISLE FOR FIELD TIEASUREMENTS TO CONFIR''I LENGTHS Of CASLE TRAYS, AND ELECTRICAL LINES. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL ELECTRICAL FERI.,IITS AND INSPECTIONS REOUIRED FOR CO PLETION OF WORK ANO ACCEFTANCE, FROYIDE CERTIF'CAIES TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER VERIFYING THAT THE WORK CONFORMS TO THE REOUIREI4ENTS OF ALL CODES AND AUTTIORITIES HAVIN6 JURISDICTION. NO DEVIATIONS FROH DESIGN SHOWN ON TIIESE DRAWINGS IS ALLOWED. WIYHOUT PRIOR WRITTEN AFFROVAL FROI.1 THE GENERAL DYNAIIICS REPRESENTATIVE. FAILURE TO OBSERVE THIS RULE MAY RESULT IN I}IE CONTRACTOR CORRECTING THE INSTAI.LATION AT TTIEIR EXPENSE. ??. t5. ?t. LJ. LO. VERIFICATION THAT THE EXISTING ROOFTOP CAN SUPPORT THE PROFOSED ANTENNA LOADING IS TO BE DONE EY OIHERS.27. enovtoe suFFoRT FoR rHE ANTENNA caELEs ro rfrE ELEvaroN oF atr rNrrrAL aND FUTURE aNTENNAS. ANTENNA cAgLEs28. lne ro BE suFFoRtEo AND RESTRATNED AT THE CENTERS surraBLE To rxE r.taNUFAcruRER's REouTREMENTs. GENERAL OYNAHICS s@0 s. o(EgEc sT. sJl-E to9, oFEBrwooo vrL].AGE, CO 80rll taSo /lcrDE : FAFh Loe C0L0FAO0 sPR.l',lG S, C0 00910 745 SUGARLoAF RoAD BOULDER, CO 80302 t-800-5 84-8859 J0B +5t725r-D TftE tNFoRrtATtq.! cotlA tNlo tN rFrs s€r oF @crr.4ENrs rs PROPRIEIARY 8Y NATURE. ANY I.6E OR OISCLGUF€ OTHER IHAN T|lA' WHICH RELAIE TO THE CLIENT V,/EST VAIL 2077 I.I. FROI{TAGE ROAD vitl, c[0RAD0, Er657 co'icu/.066 ANTENNA MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD GENERAL NOTES UCTION NOTESG ENERAL Y CINGULAR u ! tff cll(lnti ir*rra ca uc t6t ianh.aurdD6r, l:o L,.a GENERAL DYNAMICS 5600 s. oJE8EC ST. 9J|TE r09A GF:ENWCoO YTLLASE, CO ElIl rlso €loErY PAR( LooF c0L0R!00 snRrnrcs. tn lo90 WEST VAI: 2077 N. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, COLCRADo, 31637 c0fcu6066 MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD ARCHITECTURAL ELEVATICN 745 SUGARLoAF RoAD BOULDER, CO 80502 l-800-5s6-8859 J0B #5 r72Ja-D iHE rNioRFATroN coNta N:D r\ THIS S:T OF DO:UflE{TS 6 PROPiI:TARY gV NATJIE. ANY LEE OR DIS'IOS'JRE OTHEF TFAN iIIAT w,! CH iEIATES TO i€ CLr:rlT rArlEt S SrqLCrr- LeBodElI: R; :o {HEE ;Eet Fi *Fez<F lrJ o u,l =tr2ftF€ ;o L .\\\ ':$ _ g!< -TE9,1 zEersEi6AIFFl5:ie3F;;ts E:59;2as-a; HEPe+ ?3&3S9 kSFd..l(J{F- Fefrf ,74EE tt)A--- Ndl E *- bE itsEg EH*HE' EU ',g E *liu I LU LU t o i.j .-T I v)uluIF m zztuFz u?i {; P =irAq+\-,, - (-, -J-t/. o FoX rr r f- t\x il< P= o-I 5d m I { > o ro {:'7-.t- -7 ZRZU" =2 z' ttt z- t- l- t LX1Ft'rz a= Ffr-6< Vz 2z<)d u-r{ *3?2'Lu OF8e q I = (9z t---a >< TU (\ z lUJ (J llJa T(L J UJ EoulL =]U =z.o IUJtu za r3?z<l-uJ L) ujat= = A,6-gs ?; ,, H l'*anxS->trJ '- P o.! gt'!db- 2u,u h *l HEsqH ksqd ,,fi9;tEA W=;tu g::sc E U -o< i.: E"* l{ Fr # H; E5 H ;* ;A.e Rp r<! 4," E3loB ;it = E:i XE )ll.i ut OZl E() -JrO U)u tlJT m Zzut Z./ t(n ooq O Lr) @t:Sz= :-L,; ,LUY! t-xzrLl < II \ ut o_ ,NL =fi-z -rquL;9Hq5<=- - oz9<:oIZu: =Pn Zuzo<z<. 1-s_ C/'Fz. TUJ E.oF(J TU(n F ]Xm :o E.]L =]U =z.o t- IUJ ll-l Fe<FLI IIJt-z 93 9- dER'€ bE8.'e f:;;z- L ,\;\i i: .t'i' 9i 4. "! .3 ds9ps-6616Iii?ri;6@lgfj E65g::HEi; EEP;E AN 38gQ !3FdY(J.JF.d -.D =$#!-{.?63co F- (D s *i sE5 e: ;q; .'9 i3a ?.J ;3c g: Rs UJ 6Q Yqz ,z _:tu ti6 64' 3g 'd {s-H Hqr\J gla 3 !:;\,rl-:At 6t &J 5I 6 'd : (l !;2: :? 5 p p Fl b E *i i Fri '3u*lilg iir E t a{i i EIE l, ll gl l;ts ilEEE l It* E iu,*','- r'fiE ilu l* E'!u uEiEi i " ;gi g, i ggEg'EF ur ;i ri qli's ii;E gqg[E E frt#E f;E ;:HEEE,* *E E, E*{Ziii H;;E ii$,fr *a Ilrlc :E cEl;llli Eg Ei sH H[; EE :iiE;i*i;: Ha ;lEHf isit""""- r'j.,. @ 6 e : tuJ (J CN oF Foz diJ (J @ UJJ (J U) oF t-oz di -J L)a CN L)tu(La uJz L zz LUFz. (9z F(n lUF (L lUtu =@ 6 d tr: Fr a z a E I d 15 P z!)"\'' &8 a a b H |J1 z E 8v!av B;6 g,\ d 3q srl; g i? E3frq? i rt FHEEH E EI 3 6 ufrg H iX z tr lYa | 2 a tr 2 6*2_ E d =A E ft 4!iH i 'ar -e. r * 9aF d Q I F E ; EEi ; ! g : = o t*.3 tr a :> : e 6UJ 4 - 2I rEI$" t 2Y! P I Fls' 2 , 2 = E ? ?+g i i?1yt2?E E ;i! I H Hsp 2 ir,F ; H 538 z i*-; q;e86s, E: fr fritu?:va ; H Ezai::Eq H ai "H?r{Efid:-nHaeF 5 e sg[: ;s e # FF F F }edi ?x E r IH 5 E 9i[E uP x gZ 1 ?) d?i"$ "P$ F t az. t'- c t! o_ U) z F (J ZltIo j q zz z H a PE; I ? f u+1 ;x z H u ; E q.., E :H i[:; ? 6BglFs6 ds+Jys q HgSFFg ;;El;gg;' ;EssEhfriH [- .: .; ulJ C)a oF t-oz. LiiJ UU' UJ -J Oa oF Foz. diJ ()a (n tuFoz. uJJ co (J oz zz. LUl-z. (, z.f LUm J z.z. tl-lFz 3a : iF: sldg -t R> - E2 E,1iHIEHFo683fr'=151IpEHaiI ESFg;EHg'i:--f6,i EFFsE h g gsin t"ri, Erg! K[H'= &n9-Ri$ 3 ili Xil E *F gE t;!fE EraEg d +U <ii E-J F6 l{ .r *4-6 tI Z:E .Jn ii.- '1 ('F z tr tf i_ <z6=il9:3d31z*,u,fi<=ni 7*luo< a/) o t.Lla o- LT.L z*.,2,\ i-=urd uJ ;{Ft:.= tz F '=r oo-< H;eolr*ts;ztr3J g:HtI gi-Es g,.$F 9FqJ5 9E{5 -odtt =?o _cj ?!A !Sitd * dd tsLr(9r iii (9E \eg gllFF gE-sF 5,be EEsd= :E#'?H-d6 '; V.d il ur.JE 6 (':i oe.9 zzurFz^ r.<bqooi!H-,- P=P trtH I Z F d. =(9E<z<>Fo .i=1*4 z *.u,fi{trd "7-trl()a (nrl Z F L,) ui _+i t4z urd t4e uJ; 3 ; "J ; 6 as Il;a T !: zz llJ -r 20+;*dZ=8.;fo'aZl, XNTJJUJ<A \ lUJ (J(n oF Foz LiiJ (J(n ILJ u.oF(J lrJU' F a zzutFz tJ-o E u(9 6 zo F E.f(, trzo(J =TU =z. J(L zz. uJFz zo F (J t!oo: U'' !2ksE i,,tu;I_() U' 3t a.,H c'g ;EfiJfiglr>-YYz . e?. ?zfii*66PCTlSrr^e EEiH$>vya:-.^t66IFFsI il d(v il tiss r*,isgg s *i aB = rs !! *HiEE' $g "g d iir *i" na<llta i<<i;i3 HEr6 A9 d6 6 z<tttA2f 3a ztJ l: z. F tfI2<A 3_fiH; 4>*;2+i! ur ]il tu Z"Es ura (LoE.(L (JcF': S lti 6I64Fr-;x5:. -o ly,,zp-rtt€ ud srbs'i s9ff; sfiaiisi' lExt ein59 E gr gE gk*#e 9i,ff0 gF9 3E3l' 3Zr-'3#'"rg (" "E z7 UJF€hfl\I ll I/\--ul -r 8=8n s- i-o=otriri , 4 F (v.l i<74z|'_=(,iiutF(J=co< <> u7,zzo\z<t--;|ulJr)-F 4 trr;.1a6 z Faaut 1L urd Z o-' tll t, r!d zz IU2af<-rul tlrOz;vr- 19'at -iltH z 2sz-!u (,9z =i?<r'Eurz 3Eg53n;k- mO. t ;i6Lc)uiPoF A=FL A5u.t zdecatL>o_(L , tUJ (J(n oF Foz di) (J U' t- TUm E.oF(-) lUU' F U' z.zluFz. u-o E E.(9 6 zo F Ef(D lr-zo(J =tu =z J TL zz ]UFz a(J F E uJI U) IUz J IU z 9e i3B'g: ='i j 6Pd,9 s-qgg :J 3> pe <F(J IIJtr= g3 zt! qg dc sI I l6 6 F6 zWgget EHqFi d Hi gF E $E rg B *liu asb -5 ao9F lz <jq g'I 6 zag.t l! 't F6 !:F Fd ii !? tr zo F tl U <7L t^(J3t- c-r r.rt <- I<>(,i7=x! lrJ '1 ; ]UFi;,-Z*.:ito uJaoo-oE ('ClFa fgFE !.4 (,CF': .\ ;H.6 g " i=urd U'<F.Tb419. :Hc*oiu.tO n Lt-n==".!. u< EE fi:HFe giFF gE!. eE8r5 eEds 9dr:l'4m9 lza iaiid ; Y.A d,u(,E I IJE (,Q glPaF gi-nt f;Fe iEHd'= gEH= Eg'dd E d -<, E u.:o= E {eE ('_c'>th z zz H20^><64oNdu^!,u oroo-s-Fo=(JrrNuli<6 z tr u ;- 4'7,.-z--==rt-t \u 4 z;=tri)=rvuza6 i F(L(.):_44:- z Fqx UJ 2^';;4= urd 9L !)d hd:Ei3 a g zfrg ?nk Ztr I_JYeE3xNr.uur<(/) trJJ (J(n oF F-oz diJ o(n E =(9 E.oF(J ]Ua F (n zz TUFz LLo =E(9 6zo F Ef,(, trzo C) =lu ;z J(L zz. LuFz NOTE: ANTENNAS & OTHER SITE EOU]PI'4ENT PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING NEW 7750 ANTENNA USE NEW PAINT TO EXISTING ANTENNA I9OO UMTS PIPE MOUNT, MATCH. 850/t900 GSt'4 (2) EXTSTTNG 8s0 TDMA WHIP ANTENNAS ANTENNA BY OTHERS ANTENNA BY OTHERS 45.0' VE 55.0'. RAD CENTER rl.Y CINGULAR t! tlt, ctlcJuiltltlla |qa tL ilor trt|ra.aeac'Lrf,coal'B GENERAL DYNAi{ICS !6to s otEtrc sr. sutlE D9A GREEI,IWOCO vlLl.AGE. @ 80lll I'50 ACADEHI PAFK Ld' co_oFADo sPR fEs, c0 80910 S@u*.*o 745 SUGARLoaF RoAD BOULDER. CO 80502 r-800-584-8839 JoB #5r7?54-D tNFORfiATtON Cq.JT,r, D.IED f,t sEr G DOCurl$|TS rS ?iOPRETARY BY II! flJNE. AN/ I6E t/IhICH R'LATES TO I}G CLIAIT ANTENNA t'roDlFrcATroN/ CABINET ADD SCALE: NTSELEVATION VIEW FROM EAST ALPHA Y CINGULAR J! ttw q|Illliwitttl! ror t\c ror tl{rt-l!r.clOr.( lO adl NOTE: ANTENNAS & OTHER SITE EOUIPMENT PAINTED TO MATCH BUILDING NEW 7750 I9OO UMTS ANTENNA, USE NEW PIPE TO PIPE MOUNT, PAINT TO MATCH. EXISTING 850/I9OO GSM ANTENNA \ ANTENNA BY OTHERS T </. nl GROUND LEVEL GENERAL DYNAI.IICS 560C s. UESEC 5-- 5l] -E 6A Gf€Er{$000 Y Lr-AG9. CO tot l t!5a acaoEllw Pr8'( L00P coLcnA)c sPn gs. c0 809r! ..a.'\:'-l \.:._.1:...t :.^.1,.1 .,:.,.,i .t. - .... ,:,'.," ii - . .-! : ',: , .-' t'r . :i'-, ,{.' -4,, "1. :e :'t liio:rJ ::-' TFe rrSOR'lATlqt iaNTA l\ED l\ lNrs s€T oF DoctPErrs rs PROPRIETARY BI MTURE. ANY IJS! 0F orsclcsuRE oTtsER ltsA.t llla r WH]C.I RELATE6 iC TIIE CI.]ENi VIEST val! 2O?7 N. FRONTAGE ROAD va t-, ccLoRADo, 81657 c or.ic ul.06 6 SITE ELEVATIONS BETA SCALE: NELEVATION VIEW FROM SOU tI L 'i UNIT I 5 5 7 B t0 II t4 t5 t6 t'7 LUCENT TDMA CABINET- FIFO AC PANEL A AC PANEL B STORAGE CABINET ACI (HVAC) LUCENT TDMA CABINET. AIFO RBS 2206 ERICSSON CABINET, I9OO GSI-1 RBS 2206 ERICSSON CABINET, 850 GSM BATTERY CABINET A BATTERY CABINET B PBD 0rot.0l DC POWER PANELS AC2 (HVAC) LUCET']T TDI.1A CABINET- LAFO LUCENT TDI'IA CABINET- RCFO UMTS I9OO CABINET (PROPOSED) NEW DC CABINET PORT A ANTENNA CABLE LABELLING/SIZE a (2) 7/8', (BVO I (RRR) B (2) 7/8', (BV/,r/) I (RRRR) c (2) 7i8', (RW) A (R) D (?) 7/8" (RV/v/) & (RR) E 7 tB' (ccc) & Q) tiz' rxF (2) 7/8' (GV/w) & (GG) G (2) 7/8',(Gw) 8 (BBB) H 7iB" (BB) A-PTRT CASLE EKT PAi€L VIEV FROII ITISIIE DF IUILDDTG ml l@r rr h.r-!l I I 0ENERAL DYNAT{|CS I I !600 S. dEBEC 5r SJ|IE tO9A I GEEN9TOd) Vr-t-AGE m 8d I I r/.50 AcAoEnYfaFiLG l co-GADo 9R r.,lGE, C0 EOgtr fi@tr-*l 745 SUGARLOAF RoAD 1 BOULDER, CO 80502 ] r-8 00 -5 84-085 9 J0B +517?34-D a lrh Ty'tr Trtr '.f oclaTto, co,l^^ED " _l rHrs sEr 0F oocLH$TS E I PROPRIETARI 8I NAIUF€. Af1' L6E IoR orscLrsuRE orHER IHAN ThAr I wHrcH FELATE TO THE qtENT I.ISEPJIII!]EIILEEIEIIIP-I E''s8"6---l --t-f-f-t-]4I I I lllrli-f#l-E]--lllll,lllllllEll| | | | lEl-l| | I I tHlEllllllslEl-t--i-tst;l | | | | l:l3lft-fl-Kt;t l.1rEJlrgs4rsl-lI wesr u.t I| 2077 tr. FROr.rr,t-GE RoaD II vAtL, ccLoRADo.81657 | I co.rcu4o66 |EEsr6lE-lI ANTENNA II Noorrrcarronr II CABINET ADD Ir!i;-=r-fi-flr---------- I srnucrunnL II orraus I P-.*"!------1-3Ej_lI s-r lolEQUIPMENT AND COAX DIAGRAMS AND DRAWINGS SCALE: | : 40 Y CINGULAR r3r crsJrrRrraun r€ uc rdr 19r ri. .!r. crD-* CO n!! SWEEP TESTING COITRACTM TO PEFFOf,}I TESTING ON EACTi COAXIAT CAALE TO }'TASL-RE TNSERTIC\ LOSS' AI']O TO ENSLRE THAT E4CH CIB.E IS INSTALI-ED AI€ CO!}CCTED TO THE APFROPRIITE ANTENNA. IHESE I-1EAS1.RET€NTS M!-€T BE PEFFOR4ED ON ]HE COAXTAL CABLE WITH TI-E JI}1FER ATTAC}ED. PFELII'4INjRy INSP€CTION: PRICR T0 TESTING CO{TRICTCR il/lL! PERFCRI'1 INSPECTIo{'I OF ANTENNA AND coaxllL SYSTEM ANO OOCUT4ENT FII.]DINGS EOJIPI,IENT: ]EST SHALL 8E !\|LTRoN 55lS OR GENERAL DINIMICS - WTS APPRoVEO ALTEFN:TIVE. FREoUENCIES: ALL TEST SHAII BE PERFoFI1Eo FoR Tl€ F3-|OW|NG FREqINCIES: A BLCCK| FECEIVE I8f0 TC 1865 IRANSMIT 1930 T0 l9(5 A BLoCK: RECEIVE 1870 TO lEE5 TRANSM T 1950 TO 1965 C BLCCK; F€CflVE 1895 Tc l9J0 TRANi4lr 1975 TO 1990 D ALoCK: FECEIvE 1865 TO 1870 TRAfrSillT l9(5 TO l9s0 E B-OCK| REC€lvE 1885 T0 1890 TRAI'IS|{IT 1965 TO 1970 A SLoClt RECETVE tE90 TO 1893 TRANStltr 1970 TO l9'5 5. NOTIFICATICN: Co|{TRACT* SFTALL NOTlFi THE GENERAL DYNAf4ICS - $TS DESIGNTTE0 FEFRESENATIVE t HINIHLF! CF ZI HOLFS PRIOR TO ANTENN: S|SIEIIS TESTING. 6. AZlMl.lTH VERIF|CTTION: FRICR TO TESTING, CCi.ITR:CTCR SHILL VERIFY TljAr aU- T.ZIM{JTHS r lD DCl4l'lTlLTS IFE TRiJE. CONTRACTOR SHALL EN$.RE TNIT ALL CO']NECTORS HAVE BEEN O.JSTILLED TO TIt- SPECIFIEO TMOLE \iALt.ES. 7. DOCI.fIENTATIS] ONE H$ID COP)'IIILL BE L:FT AT THE SITE AND IHAFD COPY AND T\40 SOFR COPIES I\'ILL AE SLPFLIEO TO 6=NRAL D\NIHICS - VITS AS PART OF'THE CLCSEOUT DCCT}IENiJT AN. 8. REOUIFED TEST: CSITRACTCR S:ljLL FERFCRI"I iHE F0LLCIIING (}'l EACH Co.rxl:L LlnE ll0 RECO?D ErCH FElilNG 3l BASE STJTLO ANTENNA SYSTEI4 g-t4ITR\ 9.1EET. CFEN VSWR. SYSTEI1 VS\!R, LOAD VSWR, SYSTEM REIURN LOSS, OP€N RETLRN LCSS,oISTANCE TO F4IJLT. rLL lO BE DoCI}€NIED lN D€;0R11 9- COI'ITRACTOR SIJILL CONOT €T ALDII 0F I'IAIERIALS To lNCLt Er ANTEtllL SERlt NI.IIBERS iND MO€! NI-|IBEFS PER ID€NTIFIED SECIOR. CO.]TRACTOR $IALL RECOFD FINOINGS, Slffu) ING GENERAL OI1'1AI'IICS - t4TS. IO. PHOTCS: CONIRACTOR SHALL TAKE OIGITAL FHOTOS OF EACf] ANTENNI SYSTEII, PHOTOS ST1ALL BE SIBMITIED ASS P,\RT CF TIf CLOSOJT DOCL''IENTATON, CONTR,\CTOR IS RECUIRED TO SJBI1IT OUITITY PHCTSS, PNOTCS Trl(EN itlTH |NSJFFICIE\O LIGHT OR LACKll.lG lN DETAIL WlL! BE RE"ECTED AND WILL BE RE+HOTOGRAFHED AS CON1RACToRS EXPENS€. Cd,{TRTCTCR 91ALL PAI OEV€LCP]NG COSTS OF ALT DIGTTAL FHOTOGRAftIS. +iOTCS REO{JIFED CF THE FOLLoI'{lNGi A) AMENNA izlfiJlrls (5 REOUItrD FER SECToR). PICTIRE 9iOlD ll'lCLUo€ TIE IOF OF EAOI Al\tENN:\ iS 'SDE IIEUI AIO I\ILL BE USD TO VERIFY 'INAT CCRFECT DOWNTILT HAS BEEN APPLIEO TO EAC}I SECTOR, 8) !IE!! FRON THE FACF (J REOIRED, IFER SECTOR). PICTifE TC BE V]EWFO FRCI4 6ACK CF TRAI{$'IIT AN]EIt{A IO INCLI.DE THE TOP 'F THE TRANSIlIT ANTEI'IA]I AND SURRCIIOING LA}IDSCAPE. c) ToP SUSS BAR ( PER BL,SS 8AR). PICTUFE SF]ALL BE L]sEO TO |NDICT]E 6RCUNDING KITS H,IVE BEET.] ROJIEO .\FPROCRIATEi i. rl ALL LINES, TNTENNAS AND EOU P|'1ENT SNA!-L BE LABELEo lN lcCom$JCE vlrlH AV\S SF€ClFlCnTlcNS ANTENN ! C/JAL.E LTBELIIIG ALPHI ATX - IRED ARA - Z REO 8ET] BTX-I8LLE 8R,('2BLLE GAI'1}1f CTX- IGREEN CRX-?GREEN NOTES'l. :LL ANTENNAS !!lLL FoLLCV\ A STAIDARo CCLOR COATING. Z. CCI-oR C@ING WILL B€ APtulED vllTH l'\110€ RINGS OF IHE APPROPR IIE CCLOR4ODE. 3. CONTRICTOR AILL LJBEL TFiE COAX IT T}€ ECTTOH }IASTER 6RCT.hiO BIR 8' FRfi THE EOTTOT CONNECTOR Cf THE PRII1;.R]' COAX- THE JLfIP€RS !\ILL ALSO BE LASELED IN THE saYE Fr*IOr.J. GENERAL DYNAI1ICS 5600 s. oLEgEC S.r. SUIiE l('9A GFEg{Y/OOO VTLIAGE. CO Aolll | , 50 ACAOE|'|' P4?l( Lod c0Lm!00 sPfi,NGs. c0 00910 7L5 SUGARLOAF ROAD BOULDER, CO 80502 t-800-5E4-8859 J0B #5r725/.-D TI€ INFOF'"IATIorI COITAINEO T.I rHrs sET cF Doc[lanTs S PFOMIETARI 8Y NATUFE, ANY !68 OR olSCl,OSUf€ OiHEF lrlAN THAT \I/H OI R5LATES TO THE CLIEN-TSCALE: NOT TO SCALESWEEP TESTINGANTENNA LABELING SCALE: NOT TO SCALE MOOEL tr ;;50 MANIFiCTUFERj ALIGC! LENGTH: 6LIIIDTH: 14' DEPTH: l0' Wel,3l'lTr 15 LgS SECTffi ANT€I{N; TIPE olr.DC/,N IIlT Z1f1u-rl R!.CI. CENIER CiALE LENGTFi (TPPROX). 7r50 0 50"l0 I TX/ i, + lTX]RX 50' -750 I 0 tr.0.30.0 50' G AMMA 7750 I 0 230.50.0'ITI/RXilT/V'RX 50 COMMUNICATION SPECI FICATIONS I CONTRICIoR To PERFOF}4 PRi AND PoST INSTALLATI.r'I IEST A\D PRoVIDE RE9JLTS Io OV\NER AND LE{VE 0}E CCP! o|'l SIIE FOR TECHNICIAN. 2. i.LL JLfiPER CIBLES TC TH:SE ;INTENNTS MUST 8E 0F FRfER LENGTH WITH LESS THAN lrt'BLACK. 5. CONTRTCTOR IO LAAEL AND CIOR CODE ANTENNAS AID JT.I.PER CASLES AS PER CTINER SFECIFIC TIOIIS, l. O\LY OI],\LIFIED PEPSOII.]EL HAVING COi,IFLETED AN ANCREWS CONNECTOR COURse gITLL COIIPLE'IE THE INSTILL;\T|O|I S CCINNECTORS, GRCJN9 KITS:ND V\€ATIIEFPRCCFING KITS. PROCF OF CERlFlCrTlor! OF FERSS'IN=L I'l,\Y 8E FEOUESTED AT S TE BI CONTRiCIOE OR ENGINEER. F] LLFE TO PRCDI.JCE M]] RAOUIRE A CTIANGE CF PERSSNI.IEL TO A OIJ:LIFIED :ERSO']. 5. FROVLD€ ANTENNA Ci8!.E TERT4INiTICNS iND TERTIINATE I€W INTENN: C]8LES WITHIN SIIELTER AT LO'ATICII SPEC1FIED 8Y O'XNER 6. PROIIDE GROIND KITS ON NEW ANTENNI CABLES AT LOCAT|q1S TO I'4,JTCH EXISTING- :. UT LIZE THE FO-LOWII.IG TABLE TO OEIERH1NE THE I4INI]',|''T BEIDING R,IDII.6 FOR INSTALI^:TION CF ]NIEI{I{A C3ELESI N0|1N:L S ZE 0 ICTUAL SI2E 9 LDFf R:D US s/8'2 5-J,'a' S/8'5' '; t8'tc' l-5/8'2'20' l2 FRCV OE LAII NATED ENTRI PORT O AGRAI'I I{ITH COJX ASSIGNITNTS AT S TE AND A COPY FM C!C* OTJI DCCIEI'ENTS. ANTENNA MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD AI.ITENIlA SPEC FICATIONS SCALE: NOT TO SCALEANTENNA PANEL SPECSANTENNA AND CABLE NOTES SCALE: NOT TO SCALE -f EXISTING ANTENNA AZIMUTH 50' SECTOR ALPHA Et Sl,NG t50 -olii El,fiitig E50rig|:'C 6511 i!,)' E{13-iN€ 059 :0r.1!EXISTING COiX C;'BLE(TYP.) FXISTiI'lG Coi)i CABL-E (r'lF. ) EXISTIFiG ANTENNA CONFIGI.RATICN PLAI.i VIEW SECTOR APHA 50'ELEVATION PROPOSED ANTENNA ,7 AZIMUTH 50' SECTOR ALPHA 6RQND BAR I'IOLTITED AT BISE CF VERT!CAL RJI'I (TYP.) GROU{D B:R r.40utJTED TC SHELTE'I (IYP. ) GPCTAD BJR |l'rsiD€ sr-rELTEe (iYP.) GRCI'.ID B5R i10UN ! E0 AT BASE tr !ERT1C,(L RU] (1"?. ) GRoU\]D 3aR tloijr,lTED T0 Si.CLI ER (I\P.) GROU{D BAR ll'lSlDE SdELTER (T\". ) PROPOSED I9OO UI.ITS ANTENNA LEE NEW PIPE I"1OII.IT PAINT TO I.,IATCH EXISTING JUI,IPtR EOU|Pr.tNI (TYP.) EXlslrN6 JUI'PER EAJrPftNl (TYP.) PROPOSED AT{TENNA CONFIGURATION PLAN VIEW SECTOR APHA 50'ELEVATION EX|ST IIiG TYP1CAL ANTEI'JI]A Cq\FiGIRITIOII AT ILPH,I SECIOE PROPOGED TYP;CAL ANTEII{A CO"IFIGURATI0|.{ AT ,ILPHI SECTOR Y CINGULAR rlx cl|Craiirrala r€ trcr-r l.rt-.&aclorw@Er GENERAL DYNAHICS 5@0 s (xEEc sT. slr rE lo9A GFEENft(M V U.AEE, CO IOIII t450 acaDEl{t PrFt( Loe CoLCRADO seRll.Es, c0 60910 -&:BSfurnrss 745 SUGARLoAF RoAO BOULDER. CO 80502 t-800-58/+-8859 JOB #5t7251{ TH€ INFOfiATId! Cq{TAI!EO OI THrS SfT 0f oocutEttl:i E BI NATUF8. ANY I.EE DISCLOSURE OTHER IHAN TIIAT WHICH RELAIS TO TH! CIIA WEST VAT- 2077 I,I. FROI.ITAGE ROAD vArL, colmioo, 81657 c*rcu4066 ANTENNA PLAN VIEW CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM OF ANTENNAS AT SECTOR ALPHA SCALE:NOT TO SCALE \ EXISTING ANTENNA AZII4UTH I40' SECTOR BETA €xlSTrN3 C3A)( CABLEfiYP.] EXiSTING COAT CABGGYP.) EXISTING ANTENNA CONFIGURA:ION PLAN VIEW SECTOR BETA 5C'ELEVATICN r PRODOSED ANTENNA\ tl$'.'J':i; G Rol.lt\D BAR !,4 otj|'t'i ED AT BASE CF vE€ircA! R (TYP.) GROIIND BAR Mol,frTED 'l c i TYP, ) 6R'LiID BAA INS:DE SHELTER (ryp.i GiO'JD 3AR rcuN rED al' SASE CF VERTICAL RLA i-iyp. ) GRO.\D BAR I'CUNTEO TO (TYP,) GROLI,]D 3AR t\'S DE S-iELTEQ (TY?.) EXIST;NG JiJMPER E0trlPl4ENT (TYP.) EXISTllr6 JUXPER EOU PI"IENT (1YP.) PROPOSED ANTENNA CONF IGURAT ION PLAN VIEW SECTOR BETA 30' ELEVATION EXISTING TY?ICA! ANTET\NA CCNFiG|fiATICI AT EEIA S€CTOi PR@OSED TYPICA]- AJ.]TENNA C of.lF rG i-FAT l0l1 AT eETA SECTCi PROPCSED I9OO LI,ITS ANTENNA I4OUNTED BESIDE EXISTING. I.SIN3 PtPE TO ProE MCrJt.]'l- PAINT TC MATCTI Y CINGUI,AR J! rG orEratiGtl fc. iJlr6t |.nk a-clDrr COnd GENERAL DYNAI{ICS 5610 s, o€!€c s-. su -E r09a GGENTyOOO V LI-AGE, CO aol t!50 ACADEI{V P{rt loc aq.ci^Do sfR {GS. c0 &eo -,6{ga[If{'WIRELESS 7L5 SIGARLoAF ROAD BOULDER, CO 80502 r-800-584-8859 J08 #5r7254-D ,i?;itlli'r'ih',,q:$,o..rc i' 266e3 i:.' ^;?1 .t ^^:.+ lrt lNrofieaTrcN col!-,alNEo r{ tHts sEt ot DcclttEfiTs rs FfiO?RI!TAiIY 8Y MTURE. ANY 1,E: OR DLSCLOSUIL O'INER -TEAN TIAT wHrcr tE-aT6 l0 lH: cLrEN-T wEsT vAt. 2077 N. FRONTAGE ROAD vAtL, cd-oRADc, 81657 coHcuac66 MODIFICATION/ SCHEMATICS BETA SCALE:NOT TO SCALECONTIGURATION DIAGRAM OF ANTENNAS AT SECTOR BETAANTENNA PLAN VIEW EXISTING ANTENNA AZIIYUTH 250' SECTOR GAMI4A EXISTING ANTENNA CONFIGURATION PLAN VIEW SECTOR G.AI"II"IA 30'FLEVATION FXt-cT ll.16 CO.lX CABLE$YP.) EXISTING COA!. CABLE(IYP.i GROI''ID 8AR I.ICIJNTED AT Bl sE 0{. VERTICAL RUIi(r\".) GROL.i'iD BAR IIOUNTEO TO (rYP.) GROU.]D BAR lllslBE SHELTER (TrP. ) GROU.lo gi-R MOiJI'IIED 4T VERTIC6L RLIIJ (TYP.) 6;i0r.[,iD SAtt MC}NiTEO TO SI.€LTER (T\P.) CROU{D gAR INSIDE SHEL IER (T\". ) E XIST IIIG Jur'|Fm EOTJIPI1ENI (TtP.) EXlSTlriS JUXFER EOUIP}IENT (wP.) €XiSilli6 TYPICAL ANTB.jI1A ccr lF TGLR1 T ror.i AT oAr's4A sEcicR PROPOSED TYPICAL ANTEMIA CO.IF 16 UR:rT lg',1 .1T GAft4A SECToR Y CINGULAR 'lr crcrreMart tca lltlor -r-,rr-clnr-COi- GENERAL DYNAI.IICS 5a,@ s oltBEc sr. SJEE m! GREENiaOOO V[J_AGE, @ !O[l I4!O ACADEIIT PARt LO€C cq-cFADo sFE tss. c0 80910 * "*;: ffiitnmrss 745 SUGARLoAF RoAD BOULDER. CO 8O5OZ r-800-58,t-8859 J0B #5r7254-D ft€ hrFoF4aTro! co]TANEg N Tffs sET OF DOCIII8\TTS 6 PROPRIETART 8Y NATURE. ANY 16€ OR DISCLOS{,FE O]IIER TIIAN THA' lfHrclt Re].ar6 To lHt cltENt PROPOSED ANTENNA AZIMUTH 230' SECTOR GAI4MA PROPOSED I9OO UI1TS ANTEN'lA USE NEW PIPE 1"1OLINT PAINT TO IYATCH PROPOSED ANTENNA CONF IGURAT ION PLAN VIEW SECTOR GAMMA 30' ELEVATION ANTENNA MODIFICATION/ CABINET ADD SCHEMATICS GAI4I4A ANTENNA PLAN VIEW CONFIGURATION DIAGRAM OF ANTENNAS AT SECTOR GAMMA SCALE:NOT TO SCALE 2 PAIR CABLE CAT sUTP (TELCO) ANTENNA CASLE JUMPTER FASTENED TE EXISTING LADTER, IYP fi4lO RHH BLUE/BLACK FL EX CABLE TO DC BREAKTR TD EXISTING DC BREAKIR TO MAIN GROUND BAR (MGB) *2 TV GREEN EN UNDERSIDE OF CABLE LADDER VITH HANGERS EXISTJNG CEJL]N6 MOUNTED CABLE LADDER TERM]NATION LECATIT]N T,B,D. ADJUSIING LEVELIN6 FEET ra.Y CINGT'IAR t! lfi crEutli NFrt- ioa ultoifiht-clrre (D rlL GENERAL DYNAI{CS t600 s. otESEc sr. sIrE o4a GFEENWO@ V LIAGE. @ EOIII t 50 AcaDEr|f ?!FK Loe cq_oRADo s?R NGS, C0 &9rO -R:BGirpr,mrss 745 SUGARI.oAF RoAD BOULDER, CO 80502 r-800-584-8859 JoB #5t7251 O Tlf, llf of,i1A TIO'J CoNTANEo N THIS SET OF OOCL,I4ENIS IS PROPRIETAR' BI NATUiE. ANY I.SE OR ASCLOSUFE OTHER THAN T}IA' wHrcH FELATtS to t||€ cltENT EOUIPMENT ELEVATION NOT TO SCALE TRANSMISS]BN LINKS S2 TV GREEN GROUND TN M6B GROUND LU6 +4,/O RHH BLUE/BLACK FLEX CABLE TO DC BREAKER CEVER NOT SHEVN FER CLARITY DC OUT EXTERNAL ALARMS ALARM CABLE TERMiNAIION LOCATIT]N T,B,D. 50 PiN MALE D-SUB CONNECTIR ACCU,/DCCU (CEVER NlT SHO!/N FDR CLARITY ) CDU - ANTENNA CABLE CENNTCTER, TYP.LJ.b C ESB I ANTENNA CABLE JUMPER, TYP(1 SHOVN FI]R CLAR]TY) MODIFICATION/ CABINET INTERFACE NOT ;O SCALE GENERAL NOTES: ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL 8E COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. 2. COI'IPLY WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, THE REOUIREI,IENTS OF ALL APPLICABLE MUNTCIPAL STATE CODES AND REGULATIONS, AI,ID UTILITY GUIOELINES. 5. PERFORI4 ALL VERIFICATION, OBSERVATIONS. TESTING ANO EXA|.|INATIOIT OF WORI( PRIOR TO THE ORDERING OF ELECTRICAL EAUIPHENT AND THE ACTUAL CONSTRUCTION ISSUE A WRIT"IEN NOTICE OF ALL FINDINGS TO THE CONSTRUCTION MANAGER LISTING ALL MALFUNCTIONS, FAULTY EOUIPMENT AND DISCREPANCIES. /.. UNDERGRoUND CONDUIT SHALL BE RIGID POLYVINYL CHLORIDE CONDUIT: SCHEDULE 40, TYPE I, CONFORMING To THE UL ARTICLE 651: IVESTERN PLASTICS OR CARBON IIANUFACTURER. COUPLINGS SHALL BE SLIP-ON, SOLVENT SEAL€D T PIPE: SOLVENT, WESTERN TYPE COT4PATIBLE WITH PVC DUCT, ALL BENDS SHALL BE 56'MINIT4UM RADIUS. 5. ALL WIRING SHALL BE STRANDED COPPER TYPE THHN WITH MINIMUM 6OOV INSULATION (UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED), 6. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE, WIRES f8 AND LARGER ARE TO BE STRANDED AND WIRES #IO AND SMALLER ARE TO 8E SOLID. 7. NEUTRAL SHALL BE COLOR CODED, INSULATION SHALL BE CROSS-LINKED POLYETHYLENE. 8. ALL WIRING, DEVICES AND EOUIPI,IENT SHALL BE NEW AND UL AFPROVED. EOUIPMENT OF SAME TYPE SHALL BE OF THE SAHE l.IANUFACTURER, 9. ALL CIRCUIT BREAKERS, FUSES, AND ELECTRICAL EOUIFI.IENT SHALL HAVE AN INTERRUPTING SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT RATING EXCEEDING THAT TO WHICH THEY HAY BE SUBJECTED (AS NOTED ON ORAWINGS), AND A MINI}4UI4 IO,OOO A.I.C, IO. INSTALL A 2OO LB RATEO I/6'NYLON PULL CORD IN Al-L EHPTY CONDUITS. II, PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY GROUNDING AS REOUIRED BY LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND THE LATEST EDITION OF HE NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. 13. PROVIDE A SEPARATE GROUND WIRE IN ALL RACEWAYS AND CAELES. 16. LIQUIDTIGHT FLEXIBLE METAL CONDUIT: USED WHERE FROHIBITED BY CODE. 15. PROVIOE PHENOLIC PLASTIC LAT.IINATE NAMEPLATES WITH MACHINE ENGRAVED WHITE PLATE, BLACK LETTERS. EXCEPT AS NOTED. 16. A COI.IPLETE SET OF FULL SIZE ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS MUST BE ON SITE AT ALL TIHES. MARK'AS€UILT INFORHATION, ]N RED, ON SITE SET ONLY. 17. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ALL UTILITIES FOR LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND SERVICES. SERVICE LOCATIONS TO BE CONFIRMED PR]OR TO CONSTRUCTION. DC PANEL #I BREAKEF tostTtof{AHP OESCRIPTION 175 RBS €RTCSSO{ t900 Gstl r75 Rgs ERrcsscr.r BSO GSM 2 r75 OPEII NEW DC PANEL +2 BREAIGR POSnr0 Atf,DESCRIPTIO}I r50 ]W u.EE[f til urTs (f,mtI 2 r50 t50 Y CINGULAR 16r r-r r-r3!aclbrs, CO !04 GENERAL DYNAI4ICS 5600 s. or.ESEc 5r. 9J'E ma GtEENYpql Vq-tAGE. CO aolt 1450 acaDEPri P4Ft1 t-ooP C0L0FAO0 SfRll'rGS. Co m9|0 -,6;;tilSiw,tarss 745 SUGARLoAF RoAD BOULDER, CO 80502 t-800-s84-8859 JoB #5t725/.-D THE INFOR"AIIq! CCITIA '{EO N Tr.lrs SET 0F qocLraENrs s PROFRIEIARV AJ NAIURE. ANY 16I OR OISCLOSUfl! OIHER IHAN THAT WHICH RELAI€S 'O THE CLIENT ELECTRICAL NOTES NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE B,,fdr ft'6^b'/"ra7 Design Raview Board ACTIOT{ FOR14 Department of Commmity Developmert 75 South Frontage Road, Vait, Colorado,81657 tel: 9?0.4?9-1139 fax: g7*-{7q.2,f5? rryeb: www.uailgov.rorn Project Name: Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Addr€ss: BMNDESS BUILDING Legal Descripuon3 Parcel Number: Comments: Modon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: U U 6,aL4d- PUBUC L'TIUTY USE OWNER BMNDESS, JAYNE LLIZLIaOOS C/O BRIAN E. O'REILLY, ATry PO BOX 5780 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT CINGULAR WIRELESS C/O BRENT 1U2V2OO5 DRB Number: DR8050621 Phone: 303-817-9147 3389 CRIPPLE CREEK TRAIL BOULDER co 8030s 2077 N FRONIAGE RD WEST VAIL LocaUon: Loh 39 BIocK: Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB 2103-123-0202-5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: L2l I2|2OO5 C,ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not becorne valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007762 At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall revise the location of ,,-t)Application for Design Revie REC Department of Cdnmunity De\elopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax:. 97O.47 9.2452 web: wwwvailgw.com TOV.COM.DEV. General I nformation: All proiects requiring design review must receive approval ptrior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partio.rlar approval that is requested. An application for Design Revbw cannot be accepted until all required information is receirred by 0re Cornmunity Devd@rrEnt Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Cornmission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction comm€nce8 within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:A DD rT-r or-J o (- -ll+i-:ee ?xgtr- See P€cog-oo?0 NOV Z i ZT{.J €-9 , a-,.r-- \ z{iTl r,-J Location of the Proposal: Lot: ? t Bbck:Subdivision:[l-, t=F€el rr* c-(Lk<-- Physical Address: Lo 27 >t . €?-et-,Trc,.e F-oz$' Parcel No.: 7l o 9 ( L\ e z oLf (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8tr0 for paroel no.) Zoning: C C- 9 Name{s) of owner(s): 6-*y,-t€ R;l-xrt^ e_c." Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s): 9# Al11@t&? Name of Applicant:C t.-J GvwAlt r/tn-*u?cr c/o Ee#-r vJtv!ott c(LtPPtE eE€auua.€lL Phone: 7o7- E11- 1(+7 .Eax : 3o3'4-+7'+oa 1 Type of Review and Fee:. Signs Plus $1.00 por square foot of total sign area. For construciion of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, sucfi as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and (mu lti-fam ilylcomrnercial ) oNutovs o 6-N -\>MinorAlteration (singlsfamily/duplex) . Changns to Approved Plans . Separation Request $50 No Fee $650 $300 $2s0 relaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approried by Planning Stafi or the Design Review Board. No Fee $20 Phone: Mailing Address: C.o 3o >fJ * * * * * * *****:1.*****************{r ************+******{.+++** * * * * * * * * *** ** ** **t}**,r:rrrr:i rrr:r,G:rrr ++ * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment**********tt***{t1t:!.:hF!t*++*{.'t {.*+************:t {.*************+*********++***********+*+*****,}*** St.atement Nuniber: R05000201 1. Amount: 9250.OO LL/2L/2OO5OZ:5j- pM Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 4 O 94 7/GENERAIJDYNAMICS NETWORK SYSTEMS Permit No: DRB050521 T)rpe: DRB-Minor Alt, Corun/Mu1tiParcel No: 2L03 -L23 -0202-s SiTe Address: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VATLLocation: 2077 N. FROIiIIAGE ROAD Tot.al Fees: $250.00This Payment: $250.00 Total_ ALt pmts: 9250.00Bal-ance: $0,00**'i***********************************************,t *******:*****+***********'N.*{.***'N.****'N.+{.{.{.{. ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account. Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3].12200 DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES 250,00 AnpL g"o /*31 TOY/N Project Name: Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Addressl BMNDESS BUILDING Legal Description: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: owNER BMNDESS,IAYNE LL|aUaOO5 C/O BRIAN E. O'REILLY, ATTY'PO BOX 5780 AVON co 81520 APPUCANT CINGUI-AR WIRELESS C/O BRENT LtlZLl2005 Phone: 303-817-9147 3389 CRIPPLE CREEK TRAIL BOULDER co 80305 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Location: LoU 39 Block Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number:2103-123-0202-5 K]ESBO JEI,I/ITT 6-0 C,ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0007759 The applicant shall remove any obsolete telecommunications equipment from the Brandess Building prior to requesting flnal Town of Vail construction Inspection. Cond: CON0007760 Approval of this conditional use permit is contingent upon the applicant obtaining Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal. Cond: CON0007761 Approval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become vold if a building permit is not obtalned and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Developmert 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 97 0.479.2139 fa>4t 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us &Peut4e PUBLIC T,TILITY USE BOARD/STAFF ACTION PEC Number: PEC05009I PEC Type: GIN€ktttrR 4rr? Action: APPROVED Date of Approvah LZl L2l 2005 Meeting Date: 12/1212005 $550 $400 $650 $800 $1sm $250 $1300 $so0 $200 DescriptionoftheRequest ADD rnorv oP Tr+AGF (t' f*rv€r- Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Gommission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2 139'fax:. 97O.479.2452 web: wwwvailgov,com General lnformation: All prolects requiring Planning and Ervironmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Pl6e refer to the submitial requirements for the particular approval that is requesbd. An applicaiion for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Devdoprnent Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: r-9 c.a rr krl r--*t-rp*€ ftlg -4 J! a c,A-rF-o aa€<- >o ?? y'. fAo^-/T.rA-r-6 (Le*> o t I z J o r- a 2- t- (Contract Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:cc3 Reaoning $1300 It4ajor &bdivision $1500 Minor Srbdivision $650 Exemption Plat $650 Minor Arnerdmdnl to an SDD $1000 l,lew Special Dwelopment District $@00 Malor Amendnent to an SDD $6000 lvbjor Amendment to an SDD $1250 @o erteior mdifiations) N Bulsot Mhor Exterior Alteration Major Exterior Alteration Development Plan Arnendmenl to a Development Plan Zoning Code ArTrendment Variance Siign Variance t-6,, ,a. -c^t-- Location of the Proposal: Lot: 9R Block: Subdivision: Bu FF*tu c-rL4* t< Physical Address: Parcel No.: > t Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s)Signature(s): E* 47r*-€i1€a Name of Appli cant: c *u Gv t--40- el o B (L€ptT lN r r*l o n--t Mailing Address:cLtf u-€ c-+u€et<- 1E^ Lt- 4cvv04t, ,Co I o3os- phone: E-mail Address: Page 1of5-04/01/04 { .r.;*l, prt Jtf ' f ,f ttt 's :' +?"* I it.1:', t * ** * * * * *:F:******{.**************************{.*****+**t** * * + + + *****'}'}**.}****.}.$.}*.}************** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement***** * * * * ******************+*+******************** * * * * * *+*****,F!t **************************** SEatsement Number: R050002012 Amount: gOSO.OO LL/21/200502:56 pM Pa)ument Method: Check DYNAMICS NETWORK SYSTEMS Init: iIS Notation: 40957lcENERAir Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment: PECo5009L 2LO3 - L23 - 0202- s 2077 N FROIiI]TAGE RD WEST 2077 N. FROI{IITAGE ROAD s650.00 VATL Total Fees: Total AL,Lr Pmts : Balance : $6s0.00 $650,00 $0.00 Current Pmts Tlt)e: PEC - ConditionaL Use **'l**'t+******f ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************ * **'t************1.*+*:*{.1.!t(****t(** {.:t(1.:** * * ***** ACCOI,INT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptsion PV 0 010 00 031125 0 0 PEC APPI.,ICATION FEES 650.00 Printable Details ' Account l{umber: R013690 Parcel Number 2'10312fi2025 Tax Ar€a: SC103 illlll Levy: 47.7190 Cl*.er l{ametAddess: BRANDESS. JAYNE C/O BRIAN E. O'REILLY. ATTY PO BOX 5780 AVON, CO 81620 legal Da*ription: SUB:BUFFER CREEK RESUB LOT:39 DESC: PT OF BK-0214 PG-0805 oCD 03-1$69 BK-021,{ PG{806 QCD 0S1ffig BK-0216 PG-(X48 QCD 0S19S9 BK-0257 PG-0384 BK-(X07 pG-0798 QCD 01-25-85 BK-0505 PG-0176 QCD 04-19-89 Physical Address: 002077 FRONTAGE RD Unit: 39 VAIL Acres: 0 Page 1 of3 Prcperty Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Aseessed Value Value tand 632430 183400 lmprovemenb 832if80 241420 Total 1rHg10 424820 Sale History Reception Number: n/a Book 0257 Page: 0384 Sale Date: 6f22/19'f7 Sale Price: 30m0.il) Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Granlor n/a Remarks: n/a Reception Number: n/a Book 0216 Page: 0198 Sale Date: 9/1fl1969 Sale Price: 15000.00 Deed Type: WARRANry DEED Granlor n/a Remarks: n/a lmprovement lnformation ResidentialBuildings: 0 Commercial Buildings: 2 Heated Arcas SECOND STORY OFFICE 8180.il)O http:/lwww. eag lecounty. us/patie/printable_details. cfin 11t15t2005 Printable Details oNE STORY 5120.000 Total 13300 All Areas sEcoND sToRY OFFTCE 81 80.00t) oNE STORY 5120.000 Building Characteristics (First lmprovment In Account) ABSTRACT-CODE OFFICES-IMPROVEMENTS ACT-YEAR_BLT 1978 AIRCOND NONE ARCH_SWLE OFFICE BASEMENTFINISH NO BASEMENT BATHS 7.OO BEDROOMS O.OO BUILDING-TYPE OFFICES CONST_QUAL AVERAGE DEPG} YEAR.1978 EXTERIOR-WALL REINF CONC FIXTURES 20 FLOOR CARPET INV FRAME MASONRY GARAGE NOGARAGE HEATING-FUEL ELECTRIC HEATING-TYPE ELEC BASBD INTERIOR-WALL DRYWALL NEIGHBORHOOD VAILDASSCHONE ROOF-COVER BUILT-UP ROOF-STRUCTURE FI-AT ROOMS SHAPEO 8 N/A STORIES STORIES 2.0 SUPER NBHD V\iESTVAILCOMMERCIAL UNITS USE-CODE COMMERCIAL WALL FIN N/A Page 2 of 3 Tax History TaxYeerTransactionType Amount 2m4 Tax Amount 20271-98 2W Tax Payrnent First Haf -10135.99 2OO4 Tax Payment: Second Half -10135.99 2003 TaxAmount 19782.16 2003 Tax Payment Vvhole -19782.16 2OO2 TaxAmounl 19479.28 2OO2 Tax Payment \Mnle -19479.28 2001 TaxAmount 18491.14 http://www. eaglecounty. us/patie/printable_details. cfnr 11t1512005 Nov 17 O5 O2: OSp Cousino Ftssociates 3OA7? l35?z FRO'I :ERIAN E O'REILLY PC FAX NO- i9?A g4g 9?'44 BCt. 18 2EE5 Oct l? O5 12: l8p Cou:ino Rggooiatcs 3O3?Z!3S?? Tir'le: Datc: ComnaerrB ag to nortdtrg horri/Ndmrcc nodge (ifuy): p-z a?.3?Fl,l P1 7-? Corfranlior of Noaifnetior/Gofnt of Ntr Clngrlrr Wirrlcsc ltfrbbn1lcr Frour: Mr. Stcvcsimmms 363 lwcrness Drivc Sourh Englcwuod, Colorado tOl t2 (9?0) 94*t636 Fsx: 97OAf$9044 Re: NourCitgularWidcssSit\trESTyAIL-locatGdr2Ol7N.Front g.Ro4Vail,Colorado Datc Oc*obcr 17.2O0i To: NowClngulrrWirdcsr Cam of: Ms. Collocn Corxino Silc Acquisiti{r{ Consultaot forNew Cingular Wirclese 6756 Sorlh Dctroit Court Litllcroq CO e)t22 RE: Nswcingulewirelcec ricmdifntionrcqucstat -WEST VAIL-sitc 2ozz N. FrcnagoRod. VaiL (.blordo Gentlcruco: Appr"'oj { ' .: f,.':, [a; '*o'*rat' 5',-itt 2V TO: .FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department t. December 12,2005 A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7D4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use, located at 2077 North Frontage Road (Brandess Building/Lot 39, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.(PEC05-0091 ) Applicant: Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC and General Dynamics Network Systems, represented by Brent Wilson Planner: Bill Gibson SUMMARY The applicant, Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC and General Dynamics Network Systems, represented by Brent Wilson, is requesting a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7f4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code' to allow for a public utility and public service use at the Brandess Building, located al 2077 . North Frontage Road. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions' of this request subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant, Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC and General Dynamics Network systems, represented by Brent wilson, is requesting a conditional use permit, conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7E4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use at the Brandess Building' located at2077 North Frontage Road. Multiple telecommunication companies curyently operate antennas and other equipment on and within the Brandess Building. The applicant is proposing to install additional telecommunications equipment at the Brandess Building to provide "third generation" broadband technology services. The n91v equipment will include three panel antennas mounted to the exterior of the building and one base station cabinet located within an existing mechanical room inside the Brandess Building. The new antennas are a similar size and style to other existing antennas on the building. Additionally, the applicant is proposing to paint the new antennas brown to match existing conditions. A vicinity map (Attachment A), the applicant's request (Attachment B)' architectural floor plans (Attachment C), and photo simulations (Attachment D) have been attached for reference. il. il1. tv. BACKGROUND The Planning and Environmental Commission approved similar conditional use permits applications to allow telecommunications equipment at the Brandess Building (AT&T in 2000 and Sprint PCS in 2001). REVIEWING BOARD ROLES Order of Review: Generally, conditional use permit applications will be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Comrnission, and then any accompanying design review application will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. Planninq and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of a conditional use permit application, in accordance with Chapter 12-16, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code. Desiqn Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority over a conditional use permit application. However, the Design Review Board is responsible for the final approval, approval with modifications, or denial of any accompanlng design review application. Town Council: The Town Council has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination, or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission and/or Design Review Board. The Town Council may also call up a decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission andlor Design Review Board. Staff: The Town Staff facilitates the application review process. Staff reviews the submitted application materials for completeness and general compliance with the appropriate requirements of the Town Code. Staff also provides the Planning and Environmental Commission a memorandum containing a description and background of the application; an evaluation of the application in regard to the criteria and findings outlined by the Town Code; and a recommendation of approval, approval with modifications, or denial. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS A. Town of Vail Zoning Regulations Article 12-7D: Commercial Core 3 (CC3) District (in part): 12-78-2: PURPOSE: The following conditional uses shall be permifted in the commercial core 3 district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accord with the provisions of chapter 1 6 of this title: V. Public utility and public seryice uses. vt. Chapter 12-16: CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS 12-16-1: PURPOSE; LIMITATIONS: ln order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of fhis tiile, specified uses are permitted in ceftain disfiicfs subject to the gnnting of a conditional use permit Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review and evaluation so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of fhrs title and with respect to their effects on sunounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended fo assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties and the town at /arge. Uses /isfed as conditional uses in the vaious disfu'cfs may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as fhe town may prescribe to ensure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in aecordance with development objectives of the town and will not be detrimental to. other uses or propefties. Where conditions cannot be devised to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied. 12-16-8: PERMIT APPROVAL AND EFFECT: Approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and canstruction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two (2) years from when the approval becomes final. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Residential l-70 Right-of-Way NIA Public Park Residential Zoninq Two.Family Primary/Secondary District Outdoor Recreation District Commercial Core 3 District North: South: East: West; vil.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town Code. The proposed public utility and public service use is located within the Commercial Core 3 zone district. Therefore, this proposal is subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-16, VailTown Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq Conditional Use Permits: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectiVes of the Town. Since public utility and public service use are allowed as conditional uses within the Community Commercial 3 District, Staff believes this proposal is consistent with the Town's development objectives. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff does not believe this proposal will affect the light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes this proposal will have a positive affect on utilities by providing additional telecommunication services to Vail's businesses and residents. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safegr and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverabilitlr, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. Staff does not believe this proposal will affect automotive or pedestrian traffic. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. Since multiple telecommunications antennas are currently mounted to the Brandess Building and the applicant is proposing three new antennas of a similar size, style, and color as the existing antennas; Staff does not believe this proposal will have a significant negative affect on the character of the area in comparison to existing conditions. Additionally, the applicant has agreed to remove any obsolete telecommunications equipment currently mounted to the building B, The Planninq and Environmental Gommission shall make the followinq findinqs before grantinq a conditional use permit: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the Commercial Core 3 Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it will be operated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the applicant's request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-78-4, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use, located at 2077 North Frontage Road (Brandess Building/Lot 39, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Staffs recommendation of approval, with conditions, is based upon the review of the criteria described in Section Vll of this memo and the evidence and testimony presented' Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request; the Community Development Departmenl recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission apprcves the applicant's request for a conditianal use permit, pursuant to Secttbn 12-7D'4, Conditional lJses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public seruice. use, located at 2077 North Frontage Road (Brandess Building)/Lot 39, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto; subjectto the following conditions: 1. The applicant shall remove any obsolete telecommunications equipment from the Brandess Building prior to requesting final Town of Vail construction inspection. 2. Approval of this conditional use permit is contingent upon the appticant obtaining Town of Vail design review approval for this proposal. 3. Appioval of this conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within two (2) years fiom when the approval becomes final. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission fnds; 1. That the proposed location of ,the public utility and public service use is rn accordance with the purposes of the zoning regulations and the purposes of fhe Commercial Core 3 DisticL 2. That the proposed location of the business ofifice use and the conditions under which it would be aperated or maintained will not be detrimental to the public heafth, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed busrness office use complies with each of the applicable provisions of the zoning regulations, specifically Sectron 12-7E-2: Conditional Uses,' Facfors Applicable, and Chapter 12-16, Conditional Use Permits, Vail Town Code. IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Applicant's Request C. Architectural Plans D. Photo SimutationsE. Public Notice Attachment A rta EEI'e6tqE9 :Eg*EE!5 e Etc Ei[;i reJ6Fi] €a SE 8ti6:s Er ** 6 E oor I Attachment: B Town of Vail - Application for Conditional Use Permit New CingularWireless PCS - 850 MHz G$M to UMT$ Technology Facility Upgrade "West Vail" Site #DN4066 Date: November11,2005 LETTEROF INTENT PROJECT CONTACTS Agent: Brent\lUilson 3389 Cripple Creek Trail Boulder, CO 80305 (303) 817-9147 cell {303} 4t94009 fax Applican* New CingularWireless PCS, LLC 1OO1 16t Street Suite C-,1 Denver, Colorado 80265 Co-Applicant General Dynamics 1450 Academy Park Loop Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Owner: Jayne Brandess Revocable Trust Lessee: New CingularWireless PCS, LLC Site Address: 2077 North Frontage Road West - The Brandess Building Proposed Alleration: Addition of three'11" panel antennae to the existing rcoftop telecommunications facility - painted to match building. Addition of one new base station cabinet within the interior of the existing building, This will provide broadband technology. Access: Via existing access. tltilities: Electric from existing service already installed Telephone from existing service already installed WRITTEN STATEMENT a. Describe the precase nature of the proposed use and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity This use is not proposed; it is an existing use. This proposal involves the addition of one 1 1" wide panel antenna per sector (three total) to the existing rooftop assembly to provide third generation broadband technology to the residents, businesses and visitors of Vail. There is no expansion of floor area proposed. A new UMTS base station cabinet will be placed within the existing mechanical equipment room inside the building. All exterior equipment will be painted to match the building. Passersby will not notice any difference. b. The relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Torsn. This proposal will enhance Vail's eeonomic vitality by providing new infrastructr.rre to meet high tech business needs. We have already installed this same broadband equipment in Aspen, Snowmass, Breckenridge and Avon. This proposal will helptheTown of Vail lo remain competitive with other area resort towns. c' The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation fucilities, utilities' schools, parks and recrcation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. This proposal will enhance public facilities needs by introducing broadband technology to Vail and area businesses. We are required by federal law to meet or exceed all FCC standards for RF emissions. d. The effect upon traffic, wlth particular reference to congestaon, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area, This use has a positive effect upon traffic generation and parking needs and reduces congestion. The space that is used to house the base station equipment generates no parking demand. The space, otherwise leased as an office, would generate dozens of vehicle trips per day and would displace off-street parking spaces. This site will be serviced approximately once per month, versus an ofiice that would see roughly twenty visitors per day. Therefore, it will continue to have a positive impact on this "under- paked'office building and the frontiage road. e. The effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. No additional bulk or scale is proposed. The three 1 1" antennae will be painted to match the building and will not go beyond the existing building envelope - nor above the existing building heighL WEST VAIL coHcu4{t66 cingular \ruEST VAIL ?077 N. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 COHCULO66 ., Cheua. WDL- FCs. l'|'q . o.l.sft ldrd bbrr d4.n, 1001 la$ st*( sui cr Dd{.. CO &26! cdr.d x.rh Eit*i: t3ol'| J?g!Ca, ]ROVALS 0rscrFLrhE SI6MTLRE OATE CONSTRUCTION (AS EUILT) OlVNER SAC APPLICANT/I-ESEET riEw crficllaR rvrEltss Pci !!a A oerw(h€ LrHrftD LrAsf,nr c6|?N t@r nB sf, srtE c,l DET GR C0, &465 c6rrrar; rE|la ercsd{ ltr6G (lot) 57lja6r PROPERW OWNER JrYl€ Erlro€ss FroclB-E rh6t CClltAaL aRrAr qE|.r.l loto) 9fciu6 CONSULTANTS cd€Truclrd,l 6EICF{ DYNA]'IICS 5600 S, OLGgEC St, SU.IE r0OA, GFei$OOO VrUa€ CO tO{ s|lE laoJrsfl|or I zo NG cq.Ear corFhro t5o5) €,!3ttac lcl ARCHITECTURAL: r-r I|nE sf€t6r.1 GEIEFAf CO€YEjCflCri tbrEsl| rrcHtEc(rit- srTE F.4:-a .io{r€artf+ srTE tlEvlrro}jtF{r sEcrG' lJ Ano{Ecl'JR1! stTE c!Ey!lr0r.{€tr SEcTcn1{ lrcHrEcl|pr! S|TE ELEvjrrcr*c^l}ta sEctaF STRII€TURAL DETAILS 9r sritarlFr! DCIr|-s RADIO FREOUENCY: nFr NTEi&r. sF€c Frcrr0{srt,! lH?Erflr 60lcl-t Ln€ so+ Ats9[F i! stcr(Faf-! ll]rErra srlrc{! Lr€ scr€H{rE+B€ra sEcteit-,ri r&1afJ^ si6r€ Lrr€ sorEH^nc9':dht! sEcroR ELECTRICAL: E.r €gJFrft{r D|larrt|s $o Dad t,tcsE-? ftlcrRcat NorEs ro lF€arEA EEtlro€ HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 775 CASTLE ORIVE EACLE, C0, 81650 (970) 5?8-6560 TELCO: OWEST COMMUNICATIONS P0 BOX r7J754 o€NVER, C0, 802r; (800) 47F85?5 td! r-to tlEt E 7rr! T.r! ritlr rrrtr .rtdPo@E4r pltr cfthffin (e rRrAe e. 8k 6. kr) ro g.d! gulo.rc rr l!r7 lrFBff! to. $'3r td !E rtr. . l s'.. t Arr w@( $rD !|a1El{5 s|i!!! EE P&of$|F qa flslr{lEo il ACCanDA{C€ fllH fl€ C|,qENT ATlols 0F rt! 6d,rars|G CCC€S [s ADCPTEO By r|€ td:f 60.E8{NG lLrntF|rEs Norr{i! fi rr€3En-i|€ 13 T0 9E COrGrFtrr€D r0 FFnr rvon< rof coFcErng r0 rEsE C@E$ LONGITLDE: ?own ol Vall Auf,dlng S6ioV and lnapectjon S€rvhas 75 g. Front g€ Roed Val, CO 81657 Y CINGULAR/\ ffiwnarss 7!S SUGr*orF io/ro Bq,LDER. CO €OJOz r.t00-58r.-88J9 JO8 +3t725/.-O H,:L?,ffi3:'^*.- F}ff- s-|-.+_otl t_T_T 3tt oll 3tlll otltltl-T-r llltelt et ANTEIE{A 14oDtFlcaTtoN/ CASINET ADD IIILE PAGE T-t l0 2. 3. 7. 9, THE PROPOSED FACILITY WILL BE UNI'IAHI{E! At{D DOES TIOI REOUIRE POTABLE IVATER OR SEWER SERVICE. IHE PROFOSED FACILI'Y IS.UNHANNED AXD IS NOT FOR HUHAN HAA|TAT (NO TIANOICAP ACCESS IS REOUIRED). OCUPPANCY IS LI}IITEO TO PERIOOI' IIAII{TEN'NCE A}IO INSPECTION, APPROXIT,TATELY 2 TIHES PER }|ONTH. r,lo NorsE, sMoxE, DUST oR oooR t'lLL REst -T FRoH TH|S pROpOgAt.. CONTAACTOR WILL PROVIDE ALL LAtOR. IIATEFIALS, TOOLS. ECN',IPMENT, SAFETY EOIIFI.IENT. TRANSPORTATIONAXO SERVICES NECESSARY TO CO}IPLETE ALL ITG WORI( OU]LINED IN ALL DRAWNGS. SFECIFICATIOIIS, ECOfES OF WORIi BILL Of NA'ERIALS, AND AXY OIIIER OOCWENT ISSIED 8Y GENER4L oYl{Ar, cs AND AWS. 'ItlE coLttaatot SHAtt cofitlY ttm alMc^! Attt lranoltaL E!!EB. Ltt!, fi!fltAlcE3, REeuJatorq s^fEty iEE|j|.Afiofit. ltt. lt6t{A i!6ultn0l{3t lrl. ?ttuc ^ID l{ul{tcD L lgiEdtnEa Alo lt|t vnllty eolltAlttEE tEliu! no|€ ]ll! llAT€nllu 3lFrulo !r 'tlE ow{€i, OW1{ai S ie?itSEtltltlw, lra ttta Cot{ltlalln! $lA! 3€ lr,tBT LIED ttl AcEottar,aE nt?|| atl. t oc^t A{D naTro{]rt coott, (lwl, o@[{At{c€s, rEcu.ltt66 l 0 aari i!,fiflcirtci,a lMl co{tlActoi 3tFfitmfl! alD! 0* aty c y8E woif, t3 iEot Eo It ylity laclt irlE ltrot to 6r! sugxrTtt! Alto FArrllr^irlE r{tft8tlF/tiEFEErt wtttr TtG ttEnt€ cot$tnotlt ANo tfto€i8talD tNE ioofE of wofi trrrErFGD roi TrEfioJlcl. TllB {(r 3! aERtoRtED At tlt! cofttitcioi,S ooEtts!. ira oi r|lft6l t{D StEctFrclTtol{3 ltE A oct{Eilt otilcnvE toR itt acotl of to , l ct Dl.Et€tofts tft! loc notGnlt ctl^rloE rr{ rliE Fr€tD, tr|E co|{rrlcroi ts ro vEitFy r|la o{raxdani txo tor/lnoxa r|,tD ncmit At{y lt{D tt olscRtrArloaa m GalERAt DYNllrcB md lo @f{tctrclxc II|l taLltED foit( lrty aNot €nmfit oi ot{96td.a N TxE 0ra9llr69 ANo lfEctflc^l|orG to€rl r|or i:crE! Tfi! cdtrtracroi fion cotRlE rlllt n! aao&ct At{o tltovEnE|,lra tN ACCfiOANCE Wr yH! [{rENy t r}rEt€ oocurENrs. ALI lltE! allalt 3E lEf? ctllN Axo F E! ot &! t! ofl A DA|lt !Alt!r. lll- rir3|| lro nArtRtrlt xo (otc€R sErr|c lratt Al tl{ s|l! 8t 3t at iGNovlD AND fiotEi.y DISFoiED oF oft A o rly aA!F. TfiE Corrrilctoi 581!t Nor rrocaao wllr rr? woni lT rflE srr! tFroi lo r NoncE to riocEo ({rr) tEn6l!$,EDlro ]r rrr-co{sTrucrrR r,rE€n|r6 /lr r8E 3!E nlv {c rllnc|. rrtaG. L 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHAIL GRUI THE SITE AREA AI{D ANY ACCESS ROID CI,EtRttIC AND REI4OVE A I,IIiII U'4 OF 6' TO A€HIEVE A STASLE SU8.8ASE TO ACCEPT FILL OR OIflER I,IATIRIAL SP€CIFIED FOR THE SIT: AND ACCESS ROAD. IHE GRUSBIHG SHALL 8E REMOVED FROI,I THE SITE AID NOT REIEED IN AI{Y FART OF TIIIS PFOJECT. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS SOLE RESPONSIBIUTY TO CALL THE LOCAL LOCATING AIITI{ORITIES TO VMIFY THE LOCATION OF ANY UNOERGFOI'.ID UTILITIES TIIA' EXIST fIITHIII IHE ENIIRE PROJECT ANEA" TI1E COTITRACTOR IS RESPONSIILC FOR THE PROTECIIOTT A.ID RELOCATIOT (AS NECESSARY) OF TH€ I]IIOER6ROLi,ID I'IILITIES OR LINES. THE CONTEACTOF SMTL PUCE-I}GSE IIEI.IS ON TXE 6. - ,,5 BULT DRAWI{GS.,. AII. ROADI/IO&X I}ID IIATERIALS SHALL CO}IFORII TO ALL STAIE AIID LOC,IL COOGS !I.ID INA ACCORDA}ICC WIT}I THE DEPANTiEN' OF HIGHII{AY AI{D FI,€LIC TTA}6POiIATION STAIDAFD-' SPEC|F|CATToNS. TIIE ACCESS ROAD. IF REOUINED. WILL 8E CONSTRIrcTEO FIRST SEFCE AtY OIX€R WORK ON THE 9_ srTE rs PERf4rTtm. BR|NG mE ROAo T0 Sr,a BASE COURSE TO AT.LOW CONSTR[f,lroX TRlfFtC T0 USE THE ROA' FOR THE PRd,|ECT AND CO}IPLETE THE ROAO AFIER CONSIRTJCTION OF TXE EIIE IS SUBSTANTIALLY COI1FLEIE. ATI SIIES AI'ID ACCESS FOADS ARE TO EE CO STruCTED TO HAVE A POSTTIVE DRAINAGE FLOW AIIAY FROM THE SIIE AI{D EOUIPI'IENT. AI{Y DISCREPAI'ICIES IN THE ORAWINGS OR SPECIFICANO+E IIUST ffir0. BRotIGHT TO lflE ATtENTtOft OF GENERAL OyN!!.ltCS |l 'lEot^TELy_ ALL Af,CESS ROAD AND SITE AREAS WILL HAVE AN TINOEiLAYI.IENT Of I,IIRAfI.SOOX, OR EOI,AL.N, A SOIL STERILIZER SI{ALL 3E APFLIEO TO ALL GRAVEL S(NFAC€S A}10 8E EPA REGTSTERED LICI'ID.. COIPOSITIOX AND OF PRE-E}TERCEM€ DESICN. THE PNODUCT L^lg. AXD ITIFORhAT|O WILL BEI'' OIYEN TO CENERAL DY|'|AXICS. ,r SUB-BASE CoURSE OF GRAI.I,_AR .8. T,|ATERTAL SHALL CONSTST 0F WELL GRA0m S!]tD ANO 6iAVE!'" wtTH NOT HORE THA,{ !S pASS[{6 THROUG|I t?00 STEVE lttTt{ NOT LESE THIN 55ta FETATNED OH ^,J *I SIEVE, COIITRACTOR TO SUPPLY GRADTATION FOR REVIEVI PRIOR TO PUCETJENT.'-. SASE COURSE OF GRANUT.AF 'A'T ftRIAL SHAL CONSTST OF !/ll'CRItsIfD SA D AXD GRAVEL (RoAD f1!rCH' t{tfH IOT HOiE IHAN !* PASSINC THROUGH *200 S|EVE. CO|{TRACTOR TO StFpLy '5. GiAT'UATIOII FOR REVEIEI| PRIOR TO PLACET'ENT. ALL FILL DIiT SIALL EE CLE.IX AND NATUFIIL. FREE FROI.I AN OELEIERTOUS IIiTERIALS. FOOIS. ICE, SIIOW AI.{D FI]88ISH. A COPY OF ALL DELIVERY TICKETS SHAII EE SIIHITTED IO TI{E OWI€F'E t6. REPRESEMTATIVE WITHIN ?'-HOTNS FROI4 DELIVERY, ATI IRENCHES SHALL HAVE A SIX-INCH BASE OF CLEAN SANO FIII IO ACCEP? lTE CONOTJITS AiD 17. THEN ANOTHER IE' OF CLE$I SA}ID FILI OTI TOP OF ITIE CONDLIITS, TIIE REI1AIIIDER OF THT rREi€H SHALL HAVE I CLEAN COHPACTIBLE FILL PLACED IN MAXI}IUH LIFTS OF 8'I'ID HCCIANICILY cof1PAclEo TO A oENSTTY OF 9rt 0F STANDARo PRoCToR flrJ(it'turl DExStTy. fiETALLTC WARNnC TAPE SHALI AE PIACED AT I2'SELOVI FI ISH€O GRADE 410I,16 I}IE ENTIRE IRENCH. ALI COHPACTIOT{ Of SITE AREAS SIIALL IE ACCOI.IPLISXED 8Y I'IECXANICAL I1EAS. LARGER AFEAS Ig. SHALL 3E COIIPACTED BY A SHEEP'S FOOT VFRATORY ROLLER WEIGHII{G AT LEAST 5 TOI'IS, SI1ALLER AREA8 SHALL BE COHPACTED BY A POWEi OBIVEX XAND HELD TAT'PEi. ALL COXPAC]ED AREAS SITALL 8E COHFACTED TO I'/IT}]IN 95* OF STANOAND PROCTOR I,'IAXIT,IIJI,| DENSTW AI.IO IESTED BY AN INDSPEI{OENT LAEORATORY. THE OWNER'S REPRESETITATIVE I1ILI PROVIOE 1IIE CONTRACIOR 19. I{IftI T}IE NAI1E ATD NUT1BER OF THE LASORATORY, OUT IT WILL 8E lTiE RESPOIISISLILITY OF T}IE CONTRACTOR TO SCHEOI.I.E TESTING. AiIY SCHEDI'LI C TOR A PPOCTOR WILI BE 'I{E CONIRACTOR'S RESPONSIIILITY A}iO I1IST BE DONE ItI A TII.'ELY FASHTON 10 ASSI.RE THE PRO.JECT WII.J- NOI SC OELAYED. ?0, ALL FILL OR 6TONE WILL 8E PLACED IN I.IA)(I}1ljt1 !'LIFTS PRIOR TO COI.FACfING. FIIIISH 6NADC, INCLT,DIHG TOF SURFACE COURSE SHI].L EXTEND t2' BEYOID TT# SIE FENCE ANDel. sfiAlr" covER TXE AREA As lNDrcATEo. USE RIP RAP lN ANt AREAS WllH A SIoPE CREAT€R TXAX 2;1. ENnm DmH FoR 6 FEET K AlL ^^ DTRECTTONS AT Ctt_vERT OpEfltN0s, At{D AS |NDICATED OH pLAltg. 4'. SEED. FERTILIZER. AI.ID STRAW COVER SHAI-I BE APPLIEO TO ALL OTH€R DtSiTtNAtD AREAS, DIfCHES, ^. ORAIXACE, AN! SWALES NOT OTHEFWISE iIPRAFPEO. EEED AXD FERIIIIZER SHALL BE AFPLIED TO<J' SI,RFACE CONDITIONS. I{HICH WILL ENCOT'RAGE ROOTI{C. FREPIRE $NFACE FROFEFLY TO ACCEPT ^. ITE SEED. SOt! SEED IN TWO OPPOSIE DIRECTIONS III TT.ICE TNE OIJAN'ITY RECOT+TNOED 8t THE :1'SE€D PROMTEN..! TtE coNTRAcroR ts REspoNsrrLE To EltstnE GRowH oF T{E sEED axD LAtDscAFtNc aREas By WATER, STRAW, I.IIILC| NET Al{D AIIY OTIIER PRO?ER LAI{CSCAPINC METIOD TCCESSARY. !I-L ANEA6 ,^ I{UST HIVE EIJSTAINEO GFOWTH 8Y THE TtIiE OF COHFLEIION tr THE PFO.ECT.'- tHE CONTRACToR rS 6OLE|-Y RESPONSTSLE FoR COXTAI$.EXT 0F SED|I{ENT AXo COf{'EOL OF .1 EROSION ON SIT€. AIIY DATIAGC TO STRCUTURES OR \,IORI( O'I SITE CAT'EED BY II{IIEOI'ATE ;; }TA|NTENAfiCE OF 0RAt AGE pROVTS|ONS W|LL 8E TttE RESpOI{StSlLtTy 0f l}tE Cofi.txAcrot !}tD Axy.'. COET ASSOCTATED WITH REPAIRS WIL! IE AT T}G CONTRACTORS EIPEXSE. THE COI{TRACIOR SHAIL 8E RES'OIISISLE TO CORREC' AU DAfiAGE TO I}€ SIT€ II;SEOGIIT TO THE I}ISTALLANO OF TIIE FOWER AXD TELCO LINES I Y CINGUI.AIIt II x4ruE@ L---:=__ I GtHklL nYMrncr I I s3@s ac pr. I u|4Dra4 I c@@eh&3.c.bp Eo!LDER, CO 80J02 t{00-56a-a839 J08 +5r72J4-D aacE ATtlaE of rfiE StrE Fro rHE grTE owtEE. 14. trc col'rActc l|tatt xAvE I DEEra{atED xaitaoEt Or l|lE aI tt! TtxE3 Ttlt ^fly lvod t! !E$t6 r€tFaifiEo. A 3ltco{.tti troi tt Nor lEflNEo A3 a DE$ofiArlo fiax^ccr,tlE succsstu! coitiAEtoi 9rA!! tioytDE A EcNEoulE. ltat oF Alt ltB@flti^ctoi! Hi.t ^D!FES!E3. cEL! ttollE 15. x(illliS Afl0 trOC alcll l.llt{lEll VlllFCAnO{ Ot UeUtlriCE, Aatl Al{O ALt tE tcrl UCEt!€g AN! l|| ACC1nAr! aairEDut! Foi itE tioJact fitoR ftt ftt Ear,lilc! 0a ]l Nlt. ' TflE COTfTRICiOR ta TO t(Ett A COtttLaT! lt{D It To olt! 3!t Dil*Dt6s, sfEclFtc io a. lcofE oF floit( lNo at!! ot ra tfltEirlr3 or{ lrtE lt r|.L nnE3. T{t! vtlt * iltEiEltaco l3 TtG a!-atltt oRAwlNda t,{D fit.t3itE f,tfr .ltilF ltl'- ,J Dr|LY arsls, rr 3 E rx loonox ro r E nEfl{rt aEr, E [6Eo ro fR ||af6t rlE rNfo n(|{ llott llc frEtD coty tFtr€ ll€urlT oilwr||ea m A xew corr, trr3 l|€t03 t0 tt a|llrrlr'to-ro 6€{mr! oyftlrcl3 wnx fEH ar]sE ortr ofl Ar{Y c}.LoiAfrofi IrrE. fia coNttacrot AND ar! atttcts Am ot.ro lEE ci3nx6 xtrE oa rltlrER ]l]t rtxy EourtrlExl Faldr0rx6 to AxY rrHEr cakci. ?r[rRE yo rnrEiE lo rHis w ,t r^trsE InnEd^tt orsBrglrl oF flE coftttActt t Ftot{ llc nq.EcY. tm coraTi^croi B ie$o{'rllt toa aclrEon"rrc A!! NtrEcno{s lrtt t3nxa llo(latD ffl EAcs rioJEcr. A 21.-flq.R XOnFICltlOtl lO oaNEiAL DYrlrlnla3 ll ilolrlilo aod ^!! lritaEanoG lttD tlinilit. l F|EIO CO?y OF Alt tttl|Ecno|ls lflo TaSn 0 lEloRTS lA llE[ 13 lilrol( TlCXEtt l{lJiT !l SlDXltlED TO tl€ OX|:R6 iatilsExttn!! Wt,ttIN Za.llolts 0F tltE tNsatcllor{ oi t!3T. llrE cordn^chR rs iasm[srElE to tlitFy ltL Hltfarrts l33|FD m rrF|l AxD iEto*i A y ar6{1A6F3 Alo !6Cit?a{crEs m 6EItilL Dyr{ Hr6 At i{E nfif otr tssllt{cE. trG co,trt cmi s8lrl 3toet rHBE trllCnl(! rfioiEil-r! Accomr c to lirE nAruracTrri€i't r€cclfieroa'|ord lto t A nA I€i nur w|rr xor vo! trE telR*At{tt 0r,r lnY rllt. t' rHY rrE |! llr{aGED o* tr(BAaLE !!!E ft |nrtorEr ra{DUHG A.tD srotaca rt€ coftfR^ctoa yiu lE trcE It at tEtf €rtENsE. r|r! coxirAcroi r! i!$o{ir!l! ?o tuB0si tiotEi FActltiEi Foi fiE |,deERi o{ EAet rroJ€cr 7or trE d,lallor oF t7. nrE corrxlcron l3 iEaro{st3l! ro hlDtt |lt itE ti!s!t{t colorlto|{ of l{y tx€n& ]tLDtN63. tAN9ie,tn|lc. FCxcrNc. EdrFxll{r! wau(a. oftvEt lNo lTtlcHXEr{16, lt lNy o^t{lcE sltdllD mclt tt! co{tnlaToi la ilsfoxStatt lll iEslolE ft 0A A6€ m r E€flEi oi l|Ef coioflor{. Tt€ Grrr€iat ,lia|rrcs i€fiflf,Nlar]vE t€SEivcs f|rf, n6it m iElocAE t t tonrrE{r rrftJ l0 F . of fic LOCAtrota 3flcr'|lD o|| TlrEs! DRrwr'|6] aatoF to llGl^L|-a.l|o.r By l]E ct'trR cro*. lF l'|E lfEcltltD Eot flEfit cli l{ot,E tNlltltlD A! 3HofJll o|| ltEsE ot utN!+ 'ltE coatiacTli 6 LL RtrrooE rl,l aLrEr{AnvE ||€rau.lio{ For /rrrcvll ay E eEilirL Dyrt^Frcs tFtEBExrAttyE, ao*Tn^cror 15 ftsmr{Blllt toi frlLD ft!a60Flrt4{nl n0 co|ftF trNa:n€ of clttt itayt AtD lllctRlcAt uflEa, TX6 CollTi^Clot ra R6atoNs|lt! ?!t oatarft rl 0 Fly FoR ]l!! cttclRtc L ftE{t.ls tfto l}|llFcnoilB ilot tEo f* 3 t * 7 .EI nl _' cdrfoEns m nG iEaurfltExts 0f ltl coott AND lunoftItt Hlv,|t6 .{l$30tcriofl. 8O DEV|AI|OI€ FROF OElrqt !ho*t O{ ttESG DrltrXGS rS AL!O|E0, ittfiotlt fRtot mryrE{ lt'tovAl Ff,dt Ii€ -- eEIEII! OYllAnlCl llriEtEnTrTlrE. FlrlLql to 63€ivE tfl|l ru"q x^y rEliu-t tr'rx€ coltrrlcroi clr@ctrll6 rrl€za rNtt^l|.ltrofi t t]€tt crfE{!E, -_ vEirlrc ?oN nltt lt a lxlstoro i@F 0r alft stJ|aoil rttE tioanslo Ar{ttl{l tolDr{a t! tn tE ooNE !t omE !../. FRoV|DE aut?oit Foi fllt tttlttt4 clttt3 to Tfi{ altt^no or aL! |Nlnl! l{D n'l|ja llttNr{^s. rN'tNHr cAaEa.o. rifro aE suroRyE! rra *63lEA tED ? Tlta cElt€t3 srrtas|'E tD ty! |'|lf flatuf,li.3 t€otJrR!}'ltttt. GE'{ERA r{oTEs GN-1J.ISTF :( trla r-la ii:l *i1 |: iq r;l rut'!] &3se r:+ dF9JI EE3"{ ;J!9 ;tT: I lIFq II;EEg Ie:qe h*' $ T_-t kEeltz<Fl lg.'e gl FSRIi l=-li :fl F!t66P:5:F!;!f,t::!?# Efl tfl (, tr l'J F &ul3 N F 6q 3 t i : E F : :l l :l !l :l ul !l :] FI !l t \\ I -t luJ (J0 oF Foz UJJ (-} ct IJ.JJ (J <ft oF Foz diJ oa !: sI f (9 z. tr(nulF ILutul =an 'l t , u,(J tU U' Jtuz o- zzulFz ft*l'] .ll t1 t1 h slr' #.t: :l I r... r *g;fif;ii i qd;:F3 E EPa a lS E ilEi3;! c dEjgf;J EFFiFIifi .rsdEEEEtEP.,, ts u at t s E :p Ptl Es$ l,sr$;iE ;;H;ril,i lriEffEgE grgiigirlii z tr E ul F =l E (J |qI uJ (J U' oF Foz diJ (J U' ulJ () U' oF Foz di (Ja (, z. J UJ J zzItlFz. U'' TIJFoz u.tJ () oz. zz uJFz IF"""'"-II Fru4.[EE I t@rd4.n.s.r6 | | 4aAa,ra@ | I Me*c6e. I Wr--* | 245 su.rRroar Roa, II BouLDm. co 80-!02 II r-100-5&-885e II Joa +5r7?J4{ |ffi.{ rti 9,. I/: 2':,13 !tr l{",fiffi r,4ffi;@-1tftir'o,cus. I toilcclst.mrMHr It{RaEfEr.EE4 |l!:!El!,tlt!EItL!!ElrE0-Jr*:Ef----.-]T-tft'|ilffif"lHfrf1*llllll-lltiItit l| | | I lElal| | | | tEttllllllnlEl t-I-tl-ElElllllKlelffi-| 2Or7 i[ FRd{t,r6E ROi! |I v.L cclcFrDo arosT I I corc&06. I|E,Fri4-:::= I ANTENM I J HODTFTCATTON/ |I CAEINET ADD I I STRUCTURA I | oETArLs I I s-r lol I, ALI EIECTRICA! WORN gHA!! EE COHPLETEO II./ ACCORDANC€ WITh TH€ IAIEST EDITION OF THE NATIOIIA! ELCCTRCAL cooE. E. COHFLY WITH TNE IATEST EDITIOI{ OF TI]E UNIFOR'I EUILDIIIG COOE, T}IE REOUIR€IIEHTS OF A!! APPLICAILE MI,{ICIFAL STATE C00€3 Afto RIGULATIONS! 'J,10 Ul|LrTy CUtDEut{ES.5. PERFOHT Att VEFrFtCATtOr,t, oESEAVAT|Of{S. TESTTNC Ar{O EtIl[{AIOn OF MB( FRrOR TO THE OnDER|NC OF ELECTiTCAL EOUlFltEfiT AND rHE ACTI,AL COt|sTruCT|Ot rSSU€ A tRrrEN NOTTCE OF Att t0,tD iGS TO Tlt€cot{s1iucnot HANAGEi LtsTtNG alt lrALFuNcTtoNs. FAtf,Ty EotJtpt{ElT AND 0|SCREPAXCT€S.L. UIIoERCROUND COMnj|T srlALL !E RIGIO FOlWttiyL CBLOFIO€ CONDUTT: SCI4EDUL! aO, tyFE t, COr{FORtltNo TO T}tE U! aRTrcLE 65tr WESTER11 PLAST'CS OR CAFO H |{UFAC]UiER. COUplll{cS gra!! 9E sLlp_o , so{.vE T sE LED I ptpt: soLvEt{T. rY€SIERN TY?€ COBPAnEIE W|TN pvc DUCT, !!L IENDS SHArr 8E !a. F[{Hl]t{ RA0 ,S.r. ALL lvrROG sriALL €E S1RANDEO CoppEi TvpE TXHN WITH |ltN0tltl ooov rNSLr.4noH 0rrltEss oTltRwlsE gfEctFrED). 6. UI{LESS HOIEO OTHERU/FA flRES }I AI'ID LARGER ANE IO 'f STRANOED AN9 WIMS f'O A{D SI|ArIER lRE TO 8E SOUO. '. NEUTRAL SHILL 8E COLON CODEO. II{S\I.AI|OT SHILI BE CFOSS.LII{IIID FTLTETHNENE.I. ALL W|FIIJ6, OEVICES AIiD Eq]IIIIENT SHALL !E IIEW AIIO UL APPFOVED. EOUIPTG{T OF SAIIE TYf€ SIJAU 8E Of TNE SAHE FAI{UFACTI.RfR. 9, AI! CIFCUIT SiEAXEFS, FIISES. INI' ELECTRICAT EOIJIPIIEIII sHA!L HAVE AN IIIITRFUPTII,TC SHORT CIRCUIT C$f,ENT TTATING EXCEEDD1C THAT IO WHICH TIIEY I.IAY 8E SUgJECTED (AS tlOTED ON DRAwliIGSI AND A I.IIIIIIII,II IO.OOO AI,C.t0. txsT/lLL A ?00 !, RAIEo t/!. NytoN pt^L coRtt til AtL EnFty coNotfTs,ll. PRovr0E All tlEcEss,ARY Ghoul{olNc As fieourRED lY Local AUTHORmES lXD t8€ LTTEST EOtTtO{ OF HE t{AtloNA! EIECIRICAT CODE. I5. TFOVIDE A SEPARATE GROI,NO WIFE IN ALI RACEWAYS AN! CA!!ES,I'. LIOUIOTICHT fI.EXIILE NETA! CONDUIT: USED UHERE PFOIIIIITED 8Y CODE.I5. PROVIOE PHENOLIC 'LISTIC I.I}IIIIAT€ ABEEIATES IVITH IIACIIINE ENcRAV€O v/IttTE FLATE, ELAC]( LT'IIJ6. GICEFT AS NOTTD- 16 A CofrrlEtE 3E OF FUIL 8rU ! ELECTRTCAL ORAWTNSS |IUST tE ON SrrE AT A!! TttlES. fiAR( .r€.BUtLT rr{f qRltATrOa{. IN RED, ON SITI SET OflLY. l?. CoNTRACTOR TO COITTAC' AlL UTrftTr€s FOR LOCATtOit 0r U{DEnci(nr{D SERV|CES. SEFVTCE tOCAnOriS TO 8E coNFrRnEo PitoR To coNttqtrTon, z r7t Erct tno|{ rso r€Y tucExt tsItTt caloct 2 !0 Attachment: D Photo Without Simulated Antenna Alpha Sector Broadcast Components, Inc. 745 SugarloafRoad Boulder. CO 80302 l-800-584-8839 Oct. 18,2005 coHcu4066 coHcu4066 Broadcast Components, Inc. 745 SugarloafRoad Boulder, CO 80302 l-800-584-8839 Oct. 18,2005 coHcu4066 Broadcast Components, lnc. 745 SugarloafRoad Boulder, CO 80302 1-800-584-8839 Oct. 18,2005 GOHCU4066 Broadcast Components, lnc. 745 SugarloafRoad Boulder, CO 80302 1-800-584-8839 Oct. 18,2005 Gamma Sector Photo Without Simulated Antenna coHcu4066 Broadcast Components, Inc. 745 SugarloafRoad Boulder, CO 80302 l-800-584-8839 Oct. 18, 2005 Photo with Simulated Antenna Gamma Sector coHcu4066 Broadcast Components, Inc. 745 SugarloafRoad Boulder, CO 80302 1-800-584-8839 Oct. 18,2005 Attachment E @ mm{trrrnlz THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on December 12, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6G-6, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 , Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition within the side setback, located at 4247 Columbine Drive; Unit 19/Bighorn Terace Subdivision and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Catherine PetrosPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final reMew of a variance, from Section 12-6G-6, Vail Town Gode, pursuant to Ghapter '12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition within the side setback, located at 4247 Columbine Drive, Unit 20/Bighorn Terace Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Thomas and Virginia FowlerPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of a,conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-78-5, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Above Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for a business office on the third floor, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Remonov & Company, Inc., represented by Pylman & Associates, Inc.Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7E-4, ^^rtlfaConditionaf Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public service use, tlil,glo' located at 2077 North Frontage Road (Brandess BuildingyLot 39, Buffehr Creek "lo 4 Subdivisii:n, and setting forth details in regard thereto. tr' Applicant: Cingular Wireless PCS, represented by General Dynamics-Network. SyslemsPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivision, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Bighom Subdivision, located at 5087 and 5097 Main Gore Drive, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Fred and Janet Streich, represented by James SalmonsPlanner: Matt Gennett Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L39 faxt 970.4792452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Projecr Name: ROCtfi MOUNTAIN PSYCHIC WALL SIGN DRB Numb€r: DR8040438 Prciect Descriptlon: Installation of a new 4 square foot wall sign and a 4 square foot window sign. Partldpants: OWNER BMNDES9 JAYNE 08/25/2004 Phone: c/O BRIAN E. O'REILLY, ATTY PO BOX 57BO AVON CO 81520 License: APPLICANT MARKS,TONY 0812512004 Phone:970479-1280 PO BOX 4895 VAIL co 81658 License: PrcJect Addres$ 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL location: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD W #103-A LegEl Descdption: Lot 39 Block SubdiviCon: BUFFERCREEKRESUB Palel l{umber: 210312302025 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: 09/01/2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0005654 The appllcant shall remove the unapproved, illegal, signage from the windows within 15 days of this approval. Cond: CON0006655 The applicant shall insbll the 4 square foot sign which was submitted. No lighting was approved with this sign. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee paid: gS4.OO Sign Application for Design RevieryEC E lV E D Depaftment of Community Development ,l , 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax; 970.47 9.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informagon is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' belign review approvat lapses unless a building permit is.issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: J 7 elocl<: Nfr Subdivision:Bu FFe r f'.^(. -, /.r? 7 M Fl ryc_se ftD h,^es+,Physical Address: 4. "l Parcel No.:'71c3 l7i@zo)a(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: e C 3 ,< DN I ta Name(s)of owner(s): J q.4 {' .j5l-c'41l/5J - Mailins oooff: VE 5ti) Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicanu -Zcr Mailing Address: L Phone: 6D 4 /k.;t cCI E-mail Address: \f ot Review and Fee: tF Signs E Conceptual Review D New Construction n Addition C Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-f amily/duple,x) C Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' riSOO For an adtlition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painUng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site impro/ements, such as, reroofing, paintng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For reGions io plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee TOI,VNM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Infomathn This application is for any slgn that is located within the Town of Vail. specific requtremenE are available from tfie Department of Communlty Development I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Name of Business: Building name and physical addresq 7 c.Written approval from condomlnlum assodauon, landlor4 and Joint owner, if applicable, -*-..*--=---.:-u. t../ r ype or srgn lcnecr< art thElffi!) : - qFreestanding Sign flWall Sisn !Hanging / Projecting sign trDisplay Box' trDaily Special Board FJoint Diredory Sign FSubdivision Entrance Sign E. t..- Numb€r of signs proposed: Number of signs o xA. Ie. tr Buildlng Identification tr Mural El Windo$, Sign tr Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign D Other .H. ,I. J. F. ---- Sign message: (rz A*+".r.L.rC G. v. ' Sign and Va" = t): Sign Location (attach a site plan and an el€vation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating tfie poposed location of s'rgn(s)): ( n. A +{..-t rl Materlals and colorc of sign (attach samples): Sa r^rbta slal lLrd*r?"1 B.orrr *.K. L Sign llghung plan: E Indlcate type, locab'on and number of fiKures. E Indude helght above grade, lumens outpuL luminous area. E enach a cut sheet for each proposed flxture. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awnirE will attadl to $e building and how the awning will be constructed. N. The Administrator and/or DRB may r€qulre the submisslon of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materlals (including a modd) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not dearly indicat€d. lettering dimensions for eadr proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematlc drawing @t'x9' Src- Attqr-c'er I have raad and understand th€ above listed submittal requirementsl Project i ,at',b.. k i4. P"o1,^- €1a. r ?€' Ftoor Contractor TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **'|l"a"i:*******'t't'i'llt*:$++*tt't****'tttr**t *tt *'t,;*{'{.**!t*******+***rt!****{.**t 't'**,}{'tr*,t*{r+t't'}*{t{.!*'t*:t rt** gtatement Nrriber: R040005505 Anouai: $54.00 o8/2512oo4o4t24 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: #652ISIGN ON DESTGN Permit, No: DR8040438 Type: DRB - SigE Applicatsion Parcel No: 2LO3L23O2O25 SiEe Address: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 2077 N ERONTAGE RD W #103-A TotaL Fees: $54.00 Ttris Payment: $54.00 Total AL,IJ Pmtss: $54.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descripti on DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES sP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES Current Pmts 50.00 4.00 ('x : cle\ =1I ao(s4 .tt, Rb tl o 8o iJo6oEoco CT' iEl uat, r{. tl olJo O 1' 6oooCoct) tx c\l EE ,z< EH; soJ I6-- IIL iRCrat -!g g-oz E N, \l-) |jt! EO-vt @o-(t <.J<ll6at= (f) sfX ' .i=H9 llrl =^ .ItseXEbsro (D ?=()Oooz.z == TOI4'NM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L9 laxi 970.479.2452 web: www.d,vail.co.us Project Name: SIGN APPLICATION DRB Number: DRB030306 Project Description: Exterior walFmounted business sign for Gol Networks, Inc on the second floor ofthe Brandess BuiHing, Sign to be 5 square feet on dark wood with white routed lettering and two darkly- colored spot lights mounted 12" from each side of the sign. Participants: OWNER BMNDESS, JAYNE 0230/2003 Phone: C/O BRIAN E. O'REILLY, ATTY PO BOX 57BO AVON CO 81620 License: APPLICANT BMNDESS, JAYNE OZ3O|2003 Phone: C/O BRIAN E. O'REILLY, ATTY PO BOX 5780 AVON CO 81620 License: ProjectAddress= 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WESTVAIL Locauon: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD W #103-A Legal Descraption: Lot: 39 Block Subdivision: BUFFER CREEK RESUB Parcel Number= 21Q3L2302025 Comments: lit only until 10pm, 12" to the sides BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:08/08/2003 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Entry: 08i08i2003 By: EE Action: AP see description Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $54.95 '*'* * +a*f + +*** 'f*** ***{rN *l'}* * *'r*'tt* ***** {,'*tta+r}{*+**'t*****r}'t * * *'}** *,tt*,tr* * **+ * **t ++f** +*** **** * *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StatemeNrt ++'|+ ++ * + * **** * * ** * 't * ** ***** ++ *** + + * * i+*+**+l+*'******t*tf *******,t+,t+**t** ++++ +*+a+ t* *+ *r*t* ** Statenent Nurnber: R03 0004407 Amountr $55. 0007,/30/20031L: 05 Alt Palment Mettrod: Check Init: DF Notation: CHECK {+ 1675 i:TT:T: Per.nit No:DR8030305 Type: DRB - Stgn Application Parcel ISo: 21031.2302025 Site Address: 2077 N FROI$TAGE ru) NEST VAIIJ Location: 2077 N FROIITAGE RD W *103-A Total Feee: $ss. oo ThiE Pa)meDt: $55.ooTotal AIrIJ PmtE : $55 . OO Balance: $0.00+++****+**'i***'.***i*t'i*'i'}+t'**f +af *'l* *********+****i***{'*{'tr****i*+tt++t'}* **+**********'a'l't'l.t*t ACCOI,JNTITEMLTST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES 50 .00 sP 00100003124000 srGN FErs 5.00 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 f a* 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approva!. ption of the Requesti yd {toon Location of the Proposal - Subdivirion, 6 U ehr Creek physicatAddress: lC7? #. Fror,;r,nce €l- l]esr SH,re {03A CC3 Phone: ?lo Qyq-/636 Parcef No.: r{l03 ,A30202t (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Cs 6"n Mailing address: BC Auon Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicanh (J Mailing Address:O. 8or 4 V co Phone:q+d 4v+- oto I E-mail Address:Fax: t<tn Type of Review and Fee: ,{ sisns E Conceptual Review n New Constructiontr Addition El Minor Alteration ( m ultFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request IL $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 Plus g1.00 per square foot of total sign area. : f ,fe O O For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ' lt/15 ur. I0!r,Nm r,(print * qt*.rnr/F //bq Wrjointowneror description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be complebed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I fufther understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Paee 2 of 4/01/10/02 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER property located at (address/legal vI Pase3 of 4/01/10/O2 N. The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a poect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the ptopgr:l ir lo,, Elearly indicated. NOTES TO ALL APPLICANTS Time Requirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at hltoj//ci.vail.co.us/commdev/planninq/drb/meetinos/default.htm Review Criteria fne piopoial witl be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in lltle 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Ttle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal C.ode. Desiqn Review Board Meetinq Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate propefi lines, proposed buildings and building cornels. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completgd prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished., If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit, Staff Aporoval The Administrator (a member of the planning stafF) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with ceftain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. t q /+ th&x ' /g" xqo' Lr i r,r"dtl lc pl,l onll S,.b ,,.f bt ]l"J\ 'L T"*1^r 5+"{f n .r€rig' ' Page 4 of 4/01/10102 12" | '\-,f-l SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS 18" x 40" Routed sign with white logo on medium brown background. Sign materials to be construction with polyeu rethane SIGN LIGHTING PLAN Two dark colored spot lights mounting onJine and 12 " to the side of top of the sign. A single 100 watt light bulb in each socket. The lights to be illuminated during darkness until 10 PM at night. o sreve Kcohane-- Pagc I of I 7800 HwY 82 #l l0 Glenwood SPrlngs' CO 81601 9?0 92t'E463 9?0 92E-S875 FAX Fpstimate i-":Rcc€ipt t-llnvoic€ Date 6124103 Customer GOINETWORKS Norma / ill; ,, , \ \-,, I iti ,',-- i NEfril6 i GOIHEtuforKsl I nXrrlrtcrralrOl I rto-{77-otol l Prices do not include sales tax 18' X 40u Routed sigtt" trtrite logo on medium lrown background Wood:S240.00 Polyurethane$3?5'00 l2n X 21" X ln'MDO PlYwood sign, white background, logo is sunflowcr yellow ano light navy blue $40.00 \\c rc,lr',rtlEr! Ill i)t{lats lt'sr lhiir: $l5tr l'c paid in lrrll:t1 lltc lrtttt: r'!l 0Irl(:r'ill: ()l.dCfS g'r{raler thirrr rl5[t (ttt !{ii..tire,rl|c1r115i111t.5{l,-'l.r-r'r.t1lr!hi:b:t|lnr:rlt|irrlrl.it|rint'rtt'rfd |i!|[1it|i{|l.t|:{l,l[(:n.il|:ii!,irrel5!i1rtv|!ll,)]l|itllr-Iir\I.cittrl]rtnr'tt|.tll1iti|\.c(ltlll|h|i|G li,ut.t';..iqris) All estrnr.resili;.i i;; ;p"ti.*uit;tl(5)days.Wrtlrrrr'rtti:tararlttlclluttrrvr'!1'r'*ill l'(: ii'*rl ( hrr'\ \.r-ntr lccir! sir:tr t:r"lt. Pleare pick up yno' '-ig'i1*i'ar fhc tirle ag reed upon '\rty rttrtttitti clrciL ,,1;l ,,,..',, ,r Sllltli\ tce r\r !t't',, ,:r'rhc hrli rrtrultcvct ls:'llr;rl(1r C :\ASE\INVOICE\MEDIA\G ON ET03'GED 7'd LEELEgAOL5,cod dOO sel e0 tZ un[. Con f i rmat ion Report -Memory Send Page Date & T ime L lne I E-mal I Mach Ine lD 001 Aug-08-03 08:40am s784't52452 TOI{N 0F VAIL CO}i,S4UN|TY OEVEL()P[/ENT Job nunber Date t0 Nrmber of pages Start t ime End t i||le Pages sent S t atus Job number : 914 sl4 Aug-08 08:39ant GS4777455 003 Aur08 08 :39an Aur08 08:40am 003 OK *+* SEFID SUCCESSFUL **+srowNdffily75.SorrEb Fro.rts'gc Ro€.d\/4iI. Co A 1657 970-479-2'.34 FIA,X,970-479-2452 col\rf l/f, fr-I\Trra DE\zEI-OP''!-ir{r FA]< TEt-A.1\{Sr/n'rTAI- STTEET cosrP4a.I{-Y IiI-Nv:E: F6)< FStOr\Zf: DAT:E: # roF PAGES Era DrOCltrVfthIT (r\ro:r rycr-rtxtusc c<t-''d s:-o'erf,,-...-€- 4a--SIEE POb{SE XrE<lTtE E:D ? sEl\[:r.BY TOlgtrF{ OF \ZA.r, G:cD1vrlvr'ntl\rITv ItE\rsr-OP.\,,gDN:r FA>< t4 "TO\ttlI\f . OF \ZA.II- COl\rfIvfE:I\:ryfY DE\,'E:f-OP1\&NT:nEI-EPDIOFIE #--gE=€r4lE- SIIEC:.IAI- Co)IrIII\lE'I\TTsl A..ITTXD NOTES: August 8, 2003 FII. T T/IPI Ms. Jayne Brandess PO Box 5780 Avon, CO. 81620 Re: DRB Application for e)derior GolNetworks sign Dear Ms. Brandess. Thank you for submitting an application for the approval of a new exterior business identification sign on the second floor of the Brandess building. The proposal for a dark brown wood wall-mounted sign, 40"h x 18"w, complies with the sign program already in place for the building and has been staff approved, The conditions of lighting placement and te),t color are outlined on the attached page. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions or concerns you might have. Again, thank you for submitting your application. Best repards, ,/IVIur Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure cc: David Andersen, Go!Networks, Inc. 970.477.7455 tax L6t j,t (r"144t"' C(, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENTTOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAII- CO 81557 970479-2138 Building-1 Plan Check-> Investigation-> will call-> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: B00-0187 Job Address: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location.......: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD ParcelNo....: 27031n020?5 ProiectNo.: ?? FINAL 08/03/2000 08/29/2000 02/06/2002 License: coNTRAeTOR MOIINTAIN WIRELESS COI\ITRACTOROE / 22/ 2000 phone : 303-343-6544 948 SAIJIDA WAY AURORA, CO "r::::: z 245_8 TOV/Comm. Dev. OIiINER BRANDESS iIAYNE T BRIAN OREII,I,Y ATTY PO BOX 5780 AVON CO 81620 I_,icense: APPI,ICAItT MOIINTAIN WIRELESS Desciption: INSTALL PHONE EQUIPMENT AT"TACH ANTENNAS Occupancy: BZ Bz TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $70,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: 08/03/2000 Phone: 08/22/2000 Phone: AddSqFt 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs:#of 959o. oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $383 . s0 DRB Fee----> S0.00 f{sgrgatiqllee---> 53 . oo Clean-uP Deposit-._--> TOTAL FEES;-> so . oo Total Calculated Fees-> gloo. oo Addidorral Fees-> $o . o0 Total Pernit Fee*-> $250.00 Paymentsr sx . 326 . so BALANCE DLIE-._> s1, 326 . s0 $100.00 $1, 426. s0 $1,426 . s0 Approvals:rtem: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPARTME]iIT 08,/03/2000 'RMoe/3.7/2OO0 JHNL 08 /1-7 / 2OOO ,rRM L1-/14/2OOO JRJ[4 (DITMPSTERS) Item: 05400 PIIANNING DEPARTMEM| oBl03/2000JRM Action: NOTE PI-,ANS TO GARY Action: NOTE plans back to irRM Action: APPR APPROVED Action: AP APPR REVISED PIJANS Clean-up Deposit Refund approved 'f!-L' amount date wood Peller **,**# FEE SUMMARY Action: NOTE PLTANS TO iIIIDY 08,/03/2OOO iIRM ACIiON: NOTE REROUTED TO BREM| o8/o4/2}00 BWILSON Action: APPR 71,/L0/2000 BREI{I Action: Ap AppRovED REVIS]ONS WITH COIIDITION Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 08/03/2000 ,JRM Action: AppR N/AItem: 05500 PI}BLIC WORKS 08/03/2000 JRM Acrion: AppR N/A See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the in-formation required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniforcr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEpHONE AT 47+2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONIRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OI^/NE[ ***rik*rk*******d*t*!titt r**:*t"*!ffi"trr**********:t*********.*.***I*:-t*?******n***n******************* CONDMIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 800-0187 asof 06-lT-2009 Status: FINAL ****************:t*******l*'Ir*li*:**************iitdit********:k*1i*-.i:k********!t*******tit**r*n*rr*n*!r*:f,:k*:r***** PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBTIILDPERMT Apptied: 0S/09/2000 Applicant MOTINTAINMRELESS Issued: W/29/2000 ToExpire: W/06/2002 Job Address: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 2O77NFRONTAGE RD ParcelNo: 27031?302025 Description: INSTALL PHONE EQUIPMENT ATTACH ANTENNAS Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONSARE REQTIIREDTO CHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON000rt483 DUMTJSTER ENCLOSURE AND MECH. SCREENING MUST BE PAINTED TO MATCHBLIILDING. Entry: 02/06/2002 By: CDAVIS Action:AP * {. * * * * * *'l' * * * * * * * ** + + * + + * + * * + * * * * * * * * *+ * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * *** * * * ** * * **** * * {. * * * ** *'** *** * * {. *.t* * ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprfuted oa 0G1?-20113 et l6:40:,tt 06/r7t2003 Statement +***++++*+**++*******:**********'S****,|!****+***********'l****,i****t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * !t *****'r**rr Statement Number:REC-0671" Anount: $1,426.50 OB/29/ZOOOOg:46 AII Payment Method: 6622 WIRETES Init : iIN Notat ion : MOIJIITAIN Permit No: ParceL No: Site Address : Irocati.on: This Pa)ment: 800-0r_87 2LO3L23 02025 2077 N FRONTAGE 2077 N FRONTAGE s1,426. s0 Tlrtr)e: ADD/ar,r COMM BUILD PERMT RD WEST VAIL RD Total- Fees: Total AIrIJ Pmts : Balance: Current Pmts $L,426 -5O $1",426.sO $0.00************************************{.****d.***d.'N.:t ******{. !t ** *** * **** *** * * + +**+ *,N.4. ** * +,} * * * ** * ** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code AD D2-DEPOB BP 00100003111100 cr 00100003123000 DR 00100003112200 PF 00i00003112300 hrc 00i00003112800 Descni pt ion CLEANUP DEPOSITS BUILDlNG PERI'1IT FEES CONTMCTOR LICENSTS DESIGN REVIEti FEIS PLAN CHECK FTES I^JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 250.00 590.00 100. 00 100.00 383.50 3.00 PREPARED 6/r9/03, 10:01:30 PROGRAII MR415U Torrn of Vail DEPOSIT REFUND REPORT.U?DATE PAoE 1 CUST-ID CUSTOMER NAIIIE CHARGE CODE DESCRIPTION DEPOSIT DBFOSIT-AD'' ADiIUSTMENT AFTER-REFUND TX.DATE Ai'-DATE AI'IOUNT AMOI'NT AUOUN1 A.!{OIINT 1981 800-0187 Mounbain wireLess D2 DEp08 DEpOSrr e/30/00 6/19/03 2so. oo 2so. oo ?50 .0o- rOTAIJ FOR CUSTOUER TYPE: D2 G/IJ BATCH CREATED: BATCII'01930 2003/06 USERID-MKOT.IIICA AP HEID COUNT-1 .00 AI.touNT- .00 250.00 250.00 250.00- GRAfiD TOTAIT: 2sO.0O 2s0.O0 250.00- DEFOSIT COIJNT: 1 .00 250. 00 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD TOm\TOFVA{L VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTAD -94{rL c-"* -\'- -*fir"-^^ Bst \)NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit' #: BO1-0r77 Job Address: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD Applied . . : 06/25/2001. ParcelNo....: 21,031.2302025 Issued...: 07/1,2/2001, Project No . : ?€:tet " CIODI Expires . . .: 07/08/2002 ot{tNER BRANDESS,.fAyNE o6/zs/2ooL phone: c/o BRIAN E. o'REIIJI,Y, ATTY PO BOX 5780 AVON CO 81620 I-,icense: coN:rRAcroR SPECTRITM coNsT.colITRAcTING, t-,o6/25/2001 phone: 3o3-799-4994 7399 SOUrH TUCSON WAY - C-s ENGI_,EWOOD, CO 8 0112 License: 140-A APPI-,ICAIqr SPECTRTTM CONST.CONTRjACTTNG,tOe /ZS/ZOO1 Phone: 3O3-799-4994 7399 SOtIrH TUCSON WAY - C-5 ENGITEWOOD, CO 80112' License: 14 0-A Desciption: Sprint PCS Wireless on top of Brandess Bldg. Occupanry: B TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $80,000.00 AddSqFt 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: # of Gas Apptiances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellel *F*t** FEE SUMM Building-> 9540 - 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0. 00 Totsal Calculabed Fees-> $1, 159. 00 plan Check--> S41G.00 DRB Fee------> S1oo.0o Adclitional Fees----> $0.00 Investigation-> go.o0 Recreation Fee--_-.-> go.oo Total Permit Fee-> $1,1.59.00 Wilt Call-> $3.00 Clean-up DeTrosit---> $0-oO Payments------> $1,1s9.00 TOTAL FEES---> g1,1se.oo BALANCE DUE--> 50.00 Approvals:Ifem: 05L00 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEIVT o7/o5/2oot JRjN| Action: AP fLem: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENI 06/28/200L ao Aetion: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS to6/,ZeJ2oot t s Action: COND COI\|:rRACTOR IS EXCAVATING IN IITILITY EASEMEI\|IT, IF THEY USED A PIECE OF EQUIPMEIiE, A PI'BIJIC WAY PERMIT IS REQUIRED, See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin; and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BT MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 r.| PAGE 2 *:&**********************1F**ffi**n**********r**!t***********{if*ir*************************************** CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL Permit #: 801.-0177 as of 07-12-2001, Status: ISSLIED ********r*!hl{.**rt**k*******************L*lr**.**.**t***yrii/rrHitr****************rrftffirltrtrHr:ffilHr:Hrrhrr*ririti*ri*lhr PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: M/25/2W1. Applicant SPECTRTIMCONST.CONTRACTING,LLC Issued: O7/12/2ffi1,303-7994994 ToExpire: 01./08/2002 Job Address: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD UIEST VAIL Location: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD ParcelNo: 210312302025 Description: Sprint PCS Wireless on top of Brandess Bldg. Conditions; Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0004839 Antennas and all equipment must be painted brown to match the building J-t ****{.** * + * * * * * * + * * * '1. * * * ***+**,t* * * * * * *** * * * * + * * * ******{r *+*+***.**** * * *{. * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * TowN oF VAIL, coloRADocopy Reprinted on 07-12-2001 at 10:52:33 O7ftztzolt Statementt***+**+*** ***,********+**{.,}+*****+*****+**+****+**+*****************#*********************** Statement Number r R000001062 Amount: 91,159.00 07/tZ/200110:48 AM Payment Method: Credit Crd Init. : I",C ----------------.----- -- Y-:"-'-'-:1- ::-"-:"-'-:::-::1'-'_::'_'-::1_ Permj_t No: 801-0177 Type: ADD/AL,T COMM BU]LD pERMr Parcel Nor 210312302025 Sit,E Address ] 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAII Locatsion; 2077 N FROIErAGE RD rhi.s pa'menr: g1,1se.o0 t"."T"ffl ffi::: ll;li3:i3 Ealance: $0.00***** ** **** *{. d. * **d.* d.****** * ***+**+* * **+++******** * *+ ****** *{.*,}** * *+**** * ** * * * * * * * * * + * * * * + * * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Cur.rent Pmts BP OO1OOOO3111iOO BUILD]NG PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DISIGN REVIEhI FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHTCK FEES t^IC OO1OOOO3112BOO l"l]LL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 640.00 100.00 416.00 3.00 ifEfr gF uflIi-ii i- FfitiiIfiffI fi$ ilnll cil t1$i; Fis-S:.-:itfi 5qi1i7tg18iM3i Tiltii i;fiTil $7,Jiir'&1 Tifii lE!4.1 ..iil lTill: [0] n[ Sft!-t ilFr lifittl: i3€Bii?6fi,,i8{ifii4 tXFr $,it;fitir: iiUTHiIrI flEitgi l I I i I I j l I T*T*Lr SiJ"5F_ flir I riffiit T0 P$y *giiJf i.GTfiL *iliiUiJT 75 S. Frontage Rd. coNTRAcroR TNFoRMATToN'tr-r3, -ZZq Town ofVail Reg. No.: FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: $ eq C>2O- For Parcel # Conta.t at 970-328-864O or visit t46-fAU^na,/ Work Class: ttlew ( ) Addition ( )Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other(6trr Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (Does an EHU exist at thls location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-tumily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ($ Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: '+/- lZ_ : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( *********+************************** **FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***r(**********J. t ** ** rt ************* **** Type of Constructionr F:/everyone/f orn6/bldgpefm Qso.lurv zzzrlrll !l t drlllt"tryf.ttthe Buitdins ream at 47s-z3zs i!t Project Name; Project Address: / This Checklistmust be ompleted beforea Buildina Permitaooh-cation is ac@pfud. /ell p"g.rof application is comptete {nurDRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approvat form N/$u;eonOominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex' d Complete site plan submitted "flt6 Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Nllso Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpstqr,parkinq or material storaqe' allowed on roadwavs and shouldefs without written approval illFr rRsbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring' cf Architect stamp and signatufe (All Commercial and Multi family)y'frtt floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) *ftSo window and door schedule { yult structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) /Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Hf Ka Soils Repor.t must be submitted prior to footing inspection {fnu resistive assemblies specifiecl and penetmtions indicated illb Smoke detectors shown on plans ^l/h Types and quantity offireplaces shown Applicanfs Signature: Date of submittal: 6-Zf -O 7 F:/everyoneforms/bldpermZ Received By: 9,** HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Suwey Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (970)479-2139 Check allthat applies- i. Which Deparfnent(sldid you contact? Building _ Environmentd _* Housing_ AdminPlanning DRB __ PEC Was your inilialconbct wiih our stafi imrnediate no one available ? slott,or lf you were required to waif how long was ii before you were helped?* 4 Was your project reviearcd on a timely basis? Yes / No if no, whv not? 5. Was this yourfirst time to fle a DRB app_ pEC app BldqPermit _* tl|/A Pfease rate tfte performance of the staff person who assisbd you:54321Name: (knowledge, responsiveness, avdlability) OveralleffectivenessoftheFrontServiceCounter. f 4 3 2 : Whd is the best time of day ior you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us b beter serve you nexttime? 7. q Thank you for taking the iime to complete this survey. We are commited b lmproving our seryice. PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": x Is this a new residence? YES tr tr tl ruri|i0r WHEN A'pUBLrC WAy PERMTT'IS REQUIRED FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A Not/ Does demolition work being performed require the usp.sf'the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YUt * NO__/_7. ( ]s any utifity work needed? YES K NO ,/ t*lAfZ ON f,ffe .eF.K /*'-d- Is the driveway being repaved? YES- NO E- Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YEs- NO-/^ Is any drainage work $aing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?yES_ No t/ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YESB fl Is the Right-of-Way, e9s{ments or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO 't/ Ifrnswer is NO, rs lf"n,staging or fencing plan required by Public WorK? if you answered YES to any of these questions, a 'tPublic Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Workt office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. 1 HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS. #i^n Fog Company Name Job or Project Name: Date Signed: Contra-ctoy'Signature G-Zzuol F: /everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifli (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public WorKs office for review. if required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed, Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permif with a "Building Permit". Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-applicaUon each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the above. 6'zz - e' F: /everyone/forms/bldperm5 Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depaftment review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a totai review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name F : everyone/forms/bldperm3 APPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 - Parcet#:I I i Bldg. Permit #: E r !.r I il-r I-r r ilrI-IIII NWNOFVAN 1.Job Name Streel Address n f l-l- l (lf unknowncallLJ L_ L__i ! 479-2138 ext. 0) Excavating Contraclor Name Mailing Address TOV Contractorc Ucense Number REOUIREO Phone #ZpCity 4. Start Date Work is tor (circte one) Water Other Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric (Permit Expiration Oate) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access 5.Trench-width (min.4') Bond Amount $ 6. ALL MATERIAL EQUIPMENT. AND TRAFFIC JOB IS STARTED. 7. 8. Rubber out-riggers are required on Asohalt surfaces undernealh the A signature below indicates a srgnatures are obtained, permittee necessary Town of Vail signatures. BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE working on asphalt. at all times. utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company application through the Public Works office to obtain the up to one week to process. Depth Total $F $ Tolal LF $ Permit Fee Total Pemit Fee $ Public Service Company (1 U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) Public Service Natural Gas Group (1-800-922-1987) TCI Gablevision of the Rockies (1-800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Saniiation District (970-476-7480, ext. Holy Cross Electric Company {1-800-922-1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-479-2158) Town of Vail lrrigation (970-479-2158) Town of Vail Public Works Construction Inspector (970-479-2198) 9. THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURESI A conslruction trafic control pian must be approved by the Public Works Departmenl prior to issuance of the permit. '10. All excavation must be done by hand within 18'of utilities - (Senate Bill 172), 11. Permittee must contact Public Works Deoattrnenl at 479-2198 24 hours prior-to commencino of work. Failur€ to notify the Town will resull in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the conlractor a reinspection fee. 12. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 8 - Public Ways and Property, oi the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. Contractor's Signature cd Agreement Pdnt name cleady ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONSTFUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. Date oi Signeture White - Public Works Y€llow - Contractor DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construclion sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. NV. -F .\(o The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve \ \' drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporaryt- or permanent culvefts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department wiil be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed:6&-o1 F: /everyone/forms/b ldperm6 r( Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are avaihble upon request) CODE 5-2.10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED a Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any persgn to litter, track or deposit, or ctuse to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. s Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a p€rson who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or materiai within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Work, or other authorized agent, may cause any such Sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed From any street or alley at the expense of the notified. tr Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis code. a Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Work as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-1A-TAND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. Z(1968) 5 1) u Whenever any police offtcer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3; Ord. 28(1981) g 1) I have read and wiil comply with the above code pmvisions: Position or Relationship to Project: | 2.-1' Date Signed: b"61- -O/ F:/everyone,/formVbldpermT STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS & DETAILS FOR Brandes Building DN4OXC954A VailCo. sct #00-046-23 PREPARED FOR Kennith Glark Associates June 14. 2001 ?,Dl -Dt77 V Town of Vait OFFICE COPY STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED 3400 E. Bayaud Avenue $uite 300 Denver, Colorado 80209 STRUCTURAT GONSULTANTS INCORPORATED ct"nt ?c-A av-a-./ o^r.(./11/Ol sn"d I ot / ( 't...t-',. l - 6" 16.x76" L,tr- Cr4o bLocV on +oy oF tsVrt' ewijs 4 l-+*1. ?"Q et4. y,ys- CoLt)ntw.' ' P'/+cL-sYl-e k $"r$x15" ,t,.w, ofio VI- ea' cocrtef , g rytry'ort- t/cft' f>Lqle- - g {a[o-|" /.2x.7x1/+ ^- B?:4 yl+ee > -+- /4v6'' ^' UP 4 plco' 4Jo" fi7/Q,'= l-O 34fif E Bayaud, #300, Denvet, CO 8m09 303/39+5154 FAX 303/33$9501 t ?xe{.y+ w*u8 lr.'- polI..e-i- gVowvt) Nrks " t' rohrnte Pfaotdeg /4/)a. robno.oo'o+b'23 cu"nt l4C4 a, r,L, o'.- 6//* /D / sn""t L ot f 't/4r" 6.lo6xe E ?"+ g+d, yrye- col STRUCTURAT CONSUTTANTS INCORPORATED ff.'{wt+r,t-a ll tll\ _IT ll il ) ,l I I I I I L 7{,?d1+ (e7 roo} +9F, fe^^9ueno l'l?)'=l-e.* cf1 r) ne"l- ?"J 6e-teo,t htu 3400 E. Bayaud, #3fi1, Denver, CO 8@09 303/399-5154 ,toaritte Fran)e'a. 12' b. l,otno. ao'01b?3 STRUCTURAL EONSUTTANTS INCORPORATED oale Allt lOl Sh6et t of Ott-tzt t .e"l ,e7 I,= ll:o" (r1y.&apl- fu h 4) "^t 61,. {o Ft={ fu uff --A-44,<1 L ?- r /-Or"r^"r ?t " z?'4v ?'' + citt' ( I SttJ (-* 2 t" o& (2. -zz.F { tox.trrii?{,?'r+2't) .\ (). zz.4 + tDF,lo Y L?'6 * lb' = =G, IP rFe. 'oL''L(r X slCo'-q pt p€IL t9 l9 .o I. ao l. F, 7z 5"+ 6"+ (e,) fr# ry caL. co[' tg ?"f. ={J, F,f" .oL 1- o;' It-o" @, ,€-= I1''o" 4 v8. 5P '6 1t? ?t-J (- ?b* @ 8,?-o, .ot, b*, fu ,??* 2,,,-o,- 303/39+51s43400 E. Bayaud, #30O, Denver, CO 80209 STRUCTURAL CONSULTANTS INCORPORATED .t"ariil. [?ra,adeg f?/dg r"a"".oo'o4A'z;] desr! - a-F Aq l+c^. o,. ruf€'oDf . a+ ,f.l+. W +!+ 7a e.l .dnr\s.-.^o- r ! 96' (4'- b" ) CUo13h5 2 d hrcolu.rare *z€\" I ?04 n,/ot^,U tOV_ .fqft.t2",q Ll,7? -' LA* // u Je e4l, yogY 9" + "Q' 7 '7u {" 'o^t{ ( eu+-r q)<- "uit( ha-u<- q /6" f clee-v<_ a/tnd b*d : W H+l+ exf, b ?" tb,1r,t+ul,( vl,b = 17,> es7 9f.1.- , ?Z t'^ > tt*t; l'1"^V 92 1,7," ) Iz ?.Ott4 utL l-by l-6y'/+ sleQ Saee-p/q'4z I ,p/ + . ze KV x'/+ un6 d kffu |ee gfg+c-b .t"r.*- ghe,u+ W= ,6Ll''- L/ 't-1t f A 1c- +- *Be- 9"* 9Td, 3400 E. Eayaud, #300, Denver, CO 8(n{19 303/399-5154 Fl;{3o3633-sso1 / STRUCTURAL GONSUTTANTS INCORPOR.ATED rrre col. {-r Lewu,l oL 9d COu^kvr U eeJ .t"uriu. Frarl/e-g P/d), .t"a^".oo'o4i"b'z1 "r"n, FCA ", t Lt o.r,6f/a/o, "n"", 6 o, { F Vurb f1". u te*+r *.----- /, K? "o*, of Juvlott' 't lL'l4XbY tl' = 41 4 L7*Z tz'y* . (?* (a+ rAx 303/333-9sol I *6' ,l 'b+/4 'r41* tql-+6; ttz*1e1 =r.8 3400E. Bayaud, #300, Denver, CO 8m09 303/3995154 eq. gtde SECTION 16010 - BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENEML O R ICINAL Town of Vail 1.2 " o ln'"T:::::T:::, speca, cond rons ",'0 .$,"ttJ'fi"H $-0Py"- specifications. Consult them for further instructions and be governed by the requirements therein. Bof r or7? Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment, supplies, and materials, unless otherwise specified, necessary for the installation of complete electrical systems as required by the specifications and as shown on the drawings, subject to the terms and conditions of the contract. The work shall also include the completion of those details of electricat work not mentioned or shown which are necessary for the successful operation of all electrical systems. Work Not Included Certain labor, materials, and equipment may be furnished under other sections of these specifications, by Utility Companies or by the Owner; when this is the case, the extent, source, and description of these items will be as indicated on the drawings or as described in the specifications. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Definitions: "Provicle" shall mean "furnish and install." The words "accepf' or "acceptable" denote only that the equipment item is in general conformance with the design concept of the project. Standard for Materials: All materials shall conform to current applicable industry standards. Workmanship and neat appearance shall be as important as the electrical and mechanical operation. Defective or damaged materials shall be replaced or repaired, prior to final acceptance, in a manner acceptable to the Architect or Owner at no additional cost to the Owner. All electrical materials shall be acceptable for installation only if labeled or listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory and if accepted by local authorities. The latest editions of the following standards (including supplements and official interpretations) are minimum requirements: DESCRIPTION A. Work Included B. 1.3 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) (lncluding NFPA-7O National Electrical Code NEC) Underurriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA) American National Standards Institute {ANSI) Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) Building Codes Applicable to the Project NECA Standard of Installation C. Material shall be as specified unless prior acceptance has been obtained from the architect (7) days before bid opening. 1. 2. J. 4. o. 7. 8. BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1601G.1 Drawings: The drawings indicate the general arrangement of circuits and outlets, locations of switches, panelboards, and other work. Information shown on the drawings is schematic, however, recircuiting will not be permitted without speciflc acceptance. "Homerun" circuit designation shall indicate (2#12 & #12 Ground) in 1/2 inch conduit, protected with a 20 ampere single pole (20A1P) circuit breaker, unless noted otherwise. Drawings and specifications are complementary each to the other. What is called for by one shall be as binding as if called for by both. Data presented on these drawings is as accurate as planning can determine, but accuracy is not guaranteed and field verification of all dimensions, locations, levels, etc., to suit field condjtions is directed. Review all Architectural, Structural and Mechanical Drawings and Specifications; adjust all work to conform to all conditions shown therein. The Architectural drawings shall take precedence over all other drawings. Prior to submitting a bid, visit the site of job and ascertain all conditions affecting the proposed installation and adjust all work accordingly. Make provisions for these costs. Discrepancies between different plans, between plans and specifications, between specifications, or regulations and codes governing this installation shall be brought to the attention of the Architect in writing before the date of bid opening. In the event such discrepancies exist, and the Architect is not so notified, the adjudication of responsibility shall be solely at the discretion of the Architect. Record Drawings: Maintain a contract set of electrical drawings at the she. Neafly mark all changes and deviations from the original drawings. Mark additions to the prints in red and strike out deletions in green. This shall be a separate set of drawings, not used for construction purposes, and shall be kept up to date as the job progresses and shall be made available far inspection by the Architect at all times. Upon completion of the contract, this set of record drawings shall be delivered to the Architect. Shop Drawings: Submit seven (7) copies of shop drawings, layouts, manufactureis data, wiring diagrams, material schedules, test reports and certificates of operation that may be requested by the Architect for his review. The review by the Architect will not constitute concunence with any deviation frorn the plans and specifications unless such deviations are specifically identified by the method described below, nor shall it relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for erors or omissions in the submifted data. Processed shop drawings shall not be construed as change orders. The shop drawings shall demonstrate that the Contractor understands the design concept, indicate which equipment and materials he intends to provide, and detail the fabrication and installation methods he intends to use. lf deviations, discrepancies or conflicts between shop drawing submittals and the design drawings are discovered, the design drawings and specifications shall govern. Contractor shall be responsible for dimensions (which he shall confirm and correlate at the job site), fabrication processes and techniques of construction and coordination of his work w'rth that of other trades. The Contractor shall check and verifu all measurements and review shop drawings before submifting them and sign a statement on the shop drawings which signifies that they comply with plans and specifications and that equipment is dimensionally suitable for the application. lf any deviations from the specified requirements for any item of material or equipment exisi, such deviation shall be expressly stated in writing and incorporated with the submittal. The Owne/s copies (two of each) of the reviewed submittals shall be retained by the Contractor until completion of the project and presented in bound form to the Owner. Shop drawings and manufacturer's published data shall be submitted for:1. Panelboards,disconnectswitches2. Lighting fixtures (catalog cuts)3. Receptacles, switches, device plates 4. Grounding system (conductors, connectors)5. Surge Suppressers D. F. BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 16010-2 t. 6. fFire Detection System (both suppression and alarm) Codes and Regulations: The complete installation shall comply with requirements of the utility and telephone companies furnishing service to this installation. The drawings and specifications take precedence when they are more stringent than codes, statutes, or ordinances in effect. Applicable codes, ordinances, standards and statutes take precedence when they are more stringent or conflict with the drawings and specifications. Guarantee: The entire electrical system installed under this Contract shall be left in proper working order. Replace, without additional cost to the Owner, any work, material, or equipment which develops defects in design or workmanship within one (1) year from date of final acceptance. Final acceptance by the Owner will not occur until all operating instructions are received and Ownels personnel have been thoroughly educated in the maintenance and operation of all equipment. EXAMINATION OF PREMISES. Visit the premises of the project before submifting a bid as no extras will be allowed for lack of knowledge of existing conditions. DELIVERYAND STOMGE OF MATERIALS Make provisions for the delivery and safe storage of all materials, including any materials furnished by others to be installed by this Contractor. Carefully mark and store all materials. Deliver materials to the job site in stages of the work that will expedite the work as a whole. Carefully check materials furnished to the Contractor for installation, and provide a receipt acknowledging acceptance of delivery and condition of the materials received. Thereafter, assume full responsibility for their safekeeping until the final installation has been reviewed and accepted. COORDINATION Coordinate the work with that of all other trades. Where conflicts of work occur and departure from the indicated arrangements are necessary, consult with other Contractors involved; come to agreement as to changed locations and elevations, etc., and obtain written acceptance from the Architect of the proposed changes before proceeding with work. All outages of electrical service shall be scheduled with the Owner and Utility Company five (5) days in advance of proposed outage. lnclude an overtime allowance in the bid for performance of all work requiring outages at such time as it is approved by the Owner. Outages shall be at a time and of such a duration as accepted by the Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.'I EQUIPMENTANDMATERIALS A. All equipment and materials installed shall be new, unless otheruise specified. B. All major equipment components shall have the manufacturer's name, address, model number and serial number permanently attached in a conspicuous location. H. 1.4 1.5 1.6 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1601G3 2.2 SUBSTITUTION AND APPROVALS Prior to Bidding: \A/here items of equipment or materials are specified by a manufactlire/s name, type, model, or catalog number, only those items may be used in the base bid unless prior wriften acceptance of other material has been published by addendum. Submit applications for this review in triplicate at least ten (10) calendar days prior to bid opening. Applications for review shall be accompanied by a typewritten list of the specified manufacturer and catalog number and shall state all significant details in which each item differs from the item specified. Failure to list this information shall not relieve the Contractor from providing properly functioning or fitting materials regardless of the review action taken by the Architect. The Contractor will provide only materials which have been specifiecl, or accepted prior to bid opening, under his base bid. Substitution of Material afterAward of Contract Other items of material and equipment may be offered (at the Contnctofs option) as alternates to specified items, either as provided for in the Proposal Forms or, if no provisions are made, by submitting it on the Bidder's letterhead. Such alternate proposals shall not be included under the base bid and must be accompanied by full descriptive data on the proposed equipment, together with a statement of the cost to be added or deducted for each item. lf any such alternate materials proposals are considered, the Contractor shall submit a list of the proposed alternate substitution items in accordance with the requirements of "Review of Proposed Substitutions." PART 3 - EXECUTION WORKMANSHIP AND COMPLETION OF INSTALLATION Contractods personnel and subcontractors selected to perform the work shall be well versed and skilled in the trades involved. Any changes or deviations from the drawings and specifications must be accepted in writing by the ArchitecVEngineer. All errors in instrallation shall be corrected at the expense of the Contractor. All specialties shall be installed as detailed on the drawings. Where details or specific installation requirements are not provided, manufacturer's recommendations shall be followed. Upon completion of work, all equipment and materials shall be installed complete, thoroughly checked, correctly adjusted, and left ready for intended use or operation. All work shall be thoroughly cleaned and all residue shall be removed from surhces. Exterior surfaces of all material and equipment shall be delivered in an perfect, unblemished condition. Contractor shall provide a complete installation, including all required labor, material, cartage, insurance, permits, and taxes. CHASES, OPENINGS, CUTTING AND PATCHING Carefully layout all work in advance so as to eliminate where possible, cutting, channeling, chasing, or drilling of floors, walls, partitions, ceilings and roofs. Any damage to the building, structure, piping, ducts, equipment or any defaced finish shall be repaired by skilled mechanics of the trades involved at no additional cost to the Owner and to the satisfaction of the Architect. Anv A. B. 3.1 A. B. 3.2 c. D. A. BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 16010{ necessary cufting, channeling, drilling or welding as required for the proper support, concealment, installation or anchoring of raceways, outlets, or other electrical equipment shall be performed in a careful manner, and as accepted by the Architect. B. All openings made in fire-rated walls, floors, or ceilings shall be patched and made tight in a manner to conform to the fire rating for the surface penetrated. C. All penetrations required through existing concrete construction shall be core drilled at minimum size required. Precautions shall be taken when drilling to prevent damage to structural concrete and the Contractor shall obtain permission from the Architect before proceeding with drilling. 3.3 PROGRESS OF WORK A. The Electrical Contractor shall order the progress of electrical work to conform to the progress of the work of the other trades. Complete the entire installation as soon as the condition of the building will permit. Any cost resulting from defective or ill timed work performed under this Section shall be borne by this Contractor. 3.4 PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS A. Obtain and pay for all permits and licenses required and furnish the Architect, for the Owner, a certificate of final inspection and approval from the authorities having jurisdiction over the electrical installation. 3.5 TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING A. Perform all trenching and backfilling required by work performed under this Section in accordance with the excavating and grading specifications as herein specified and shall comply with the requirements of Table 300-5 of the National Electrical Code. B. Excavate trenches to the depth required for the utilities involved. The trench bottom shall be graded true and free from stones or soft spots. Trenches through specially treated or surfaced areas, such as paving or blacktop, shall have the width of the surface cutting extended for a width of eight inches (8") on each side of the open trench. Unless othenvise noted, the disturbed surfaces shall be replaced equal to the original construction, to the original grade with the same type of material, and to the same depths and limits as the materials removed. After acceptance by the Architect, backfill, tamp, and compact to insure against the possibility of differential settling, in confrormity with Division 2 Specifications. Verify location of existing or new utilities and, if damaged by this Contractor, replace or repair. 3.6 ELECTRICALCOMPLETION A. General: Provide the following services and materials to assist the Owner in operation and maintenance. B. Provide all appropriate directory cards, nameplates, and labels in accordance with specification section 16100 article 3.08. C. Deliver three (3) complete operating manuals and parts lists to the Owner (or his designated representative) at the time of the above required indoctrination. Operating manuals shall have been reviewed by the Architect and Engineer and accepted prior to issuing to the Owner. Fully explain the contents of the manuals as part of required indoctrination and instruct the Owne/s personnel in the correct procedure in obtaining service, both during and after the guarantee period. The operating manual and parts llsts shall give complete information as to whom the Owner shall contiact for service and parts. Include addresses and phone numbers. Fumish evidence that an authorized service organization regularly canies a complete stock of repair parts for these items (or systems), and that the organization is available for service. Service shall be BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 1601G5 furnished within twenty-four (24) hours after requested. Operations and Maintenance Manuals shall include the following: 1. Normal operating instructions including starting procedures, sequence of operation, one- line diagrams, and system specifications. 2. Emergency operating procedures to be followed, such as alarms or safety items being tripped, fire, failure or major equipment, etc. 3. Maintenance instructions including: preventative maintenance schedule for necessary system tests, periodic operation of emergency power systems, cleaning, etc. 4. As-built shop drawings and product data and additional data including the following: Installation instructions. Spare Parts Lists. Operating Manuals. 5. Test reports. 6. Certificates of operation. 7. Warranties. Clean-Up: Remove all materials, scrap, etc., relative to the electrical installation and leave the premises and all equipment, lamps, fixtures, etc., in a clean, orderly condition. Any costs to the Owner for clean-up of the site will be charged against the Contractor. Acceptiance Demonstration: Upon completion of the work, at a time to be designated by the Architect, the Contractor shall demonstrate for the Owner the operation of the entire installation, including all systems provided under this contract. ELECTRICAL PROVISIONS FOR ROOFS Raceways penetrating roofs shall be installed in a manner to preserve the integrity of the roof. Provide flashing and counter flashing for all roof penehations required for the work. Provide weatherproof GFI duplex receptacles at exterior so that no mechanical equipment installed is more than twenty-five feet (25-0") from a receptacle. Connect to nearest receptacle circuit unless otheruise indicated on plans. All electrical conduit on the roof shall be supported 4" above the roof. CONSTRUCTION LIGHTING AND POWER Provide all temporary facilities required to supply construction power and light. Install and maintain facilities in a manner that will protect the public and workers. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Provide covered walkway lights and obstruction lights which shall be kept burning continuously between sunset and sunrise where required. Upon completion of the work, remove all temporary facilities from the site. D. 3.7 B. c. 3.8 B. c. BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS The General Contractor shall pay for all power and light used by him and his subcontractors where construction power is separately metered, or is taken from permanent project metered service solely for construction use. The cutoff date for power cost allocation where permanent meters are used shall be either the agreed date of occupancy by the Owner or the date of the final acceptance of the project, whichever is the earlier daie. END OF SECTION D, BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 16100 - BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS PART 1 - GENEML 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Raceways B. Outlet boxes C. Junction boxes, pull boxes, and cabinets D. \Mre and cable E. \Mring connectors F. \Mring devices and plates G. Supporting devices H. Electrical identification 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI C80.1 - Rigid Steel Conduit, zinc coated. B. ANSI C80.3 - Electric Metallic tubing, zinc coated C. ANSI/NEMA FB1 - Fittings, cast metal boxes, and conduit bodies for conduit and cable assemblies. D. ANSI/NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code E. NECA "Standard of lnstallation" F. NEMA RNI - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Externally Coated Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit and lntermediate Metal Conduit G. NEMA TC2 - Electric Plastic Tubing (EPT) and Conduit (EPC40 and EPC80). H. NEMA TC3 - PVC Fittings for Use with Rigid PVC Conduit and Tubing.l. NEMA NC3 - Rubber-lnsulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy.J. NEMA WCs - Thermoplasticlnsulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy. K. ANSI/NEMA OS'l - Sheet-steel Outlet Boxes, Device Boxes, Covers, and Box Supports.L. NEMA 250 - Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 volts maximum). M. NEMA WD1 - General Purpose Wring Devices N. NEMA WD6 - Wiring Device Configurations O. ANSI/NEMA CS6 - Enclosures for Industrial Control Equipment and Systems. P. NEMA WDS - Specific Purpose Wiring Devices PART2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 RACEWAYS AND MCEWAY FITTINGS A. Provide raceways as required for all electrical systems. B. Galvanized rigid conduit (GRC) shall be hot-dipped, galvanized steel with zinc coating or corrosion resistant lacquer on the inside, and shall comply with UndeMritefs Laboratories Standard UL6 and American National Standards Institute C80-1. Fittings shall be threaded, zinc coated steel only. Compression type threadless fiftings not permitted, ANSI/NEMA FBl. C. Plastic coated conduit shall be rigid steel conduit having a 0.030 inch minimum thickness, factory bonded PVC jacket and Robroy, Plastic Applicator, or as accepted. D. Electrical metallic conduit (EMT) shall be galvanized on the outside and coated on the inside with a smooth hard finish of lacquer, varnish or enamel. EMT shall comply with UL Standard UL797 and ANSI C80-3. EMT littings shall be steel, water tight compression gland type. Two and one BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 1610G,1 half inches (2-112"t and larger may be steel setscrew type. All fittings shall be made up wrench tight. Flexible conduit shall be interlocked galvanized steel with thermoplastic cover and steel fittings as manufactured by Triangle. Fittings shall have threaded grounding cone, a steel, nylon, or equal plastic compression ring and a gland for tightening. Either steel or malleable iron only with insulated throats and male thread and locknut or male bushing. Liquid tight flexible conduit shall be Anaconda, Carol or Gould, with Appleton "ST' connectors, or acceptable. One-half inch (112") minimum trade size; except that three-eighth inch (3/8") minimum trade size will be acceptable for recessed fixtures only. Rigid, heavywall, Schedule40, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic conduit, for direct burial, shall meet requirements of Underwriters Laboratories. Conduits shall be manufactured by Borg- Warner, Carlon, Krayloy, or acceptable. All offsets and ells shall be rigid, galvanized steel conduit having a 0.030 inch minimum thickness, factory bonded PVC jacket, using pre-jacketed couplings to provide substantially watertight jacketing system. All conduit shall have bonding bushings at all terminations. OUTLET BOXES Outlet boxes shall be constructed of zinc-coated or cadmium plated sheet steel. Tile boxes shall be Steel City Series EW or acceptable. All boxes shall be of sufficient size to accommodate the number of conductors entering the box in addition to the devices installed in the box, per the National Electrical Code,4" square minimum. Equip fixture outlet boxes with three-eighths inch (3/8") fixture studs. For metal studs, use steel city 4" square metial stud breaker box. JUNCTION BOXES, PULL BOXES, AND CABINETS Junction and Pull Boxes 1.Construct junction or pull boxes not over 150 cubic inches as standard outlet boxes, and those over 150 cubic inches the same as "cabinets", with screw covers ofthe same gauge metal. Removable covers must be accessible at all times. Mount per "Outlebs" Section. Provide a standard access panel having a hinged metal door neatly fitted into a flush metal trim, where a junction box or equipment is located above furred ceilings or in finished walls. Coordinate location and type with the Architect. B. Cabinets t"Cabinets shall meet National Electrical Code requirements, be of standard make, UL labeled, of sheet steel with corrosion resistant finish, and with ample space for all wires, connections and equipment. Provide each cabinet with a door and flush catch and lock. All locks shall be keyed alike. Furnish Owner with two (2) keys per panel. Cabinet fronts shall consist of sheet steel panels with hinged doors. Fronts for flush cabinet shall be approximately three-fourths inch (3/4") larger on all sides than cabinet and set so the front will rest firmly against the finished wall surface. E. F. G. 2.2 A. B. D. E. 2.3 A. t. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS '1610&.2 3. Provide suitable devices for securing, supporting and adjusting panelboard interiors and fronts. Cabinets shall be arranged to provide a wiring gutter not less than three inches (3") (larger where specified by the National Electric Code). 4. Cabinets for power fail and spare fuses are to be hinged with a thumb latch releases. Boxes and cabinets shall be weatherproof construction wherever applicable, WIRE AND CABLE Conductors shall be in accordance with the applicable sections of UL and IPCEA standards. Minimum conductor size shall be No. 12 AWG for light and power, and No. 14 AWG for control, unless noted otherwise on the drawings or in the specifications. No. 10 AWG and smaller shall be solid, and No. 8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. All wire shall be copper. Terminating fittings or connectors shall be a type suitable for the specific cable fumished. Insulation: Gonductor insulation types shall be rated for wet and dry locations (unless specifically noted otherwise) and shall be accepted by the National Electrical Code for the particular application. Wire and cable shall have the following (or better) insulation classes: 1. \n/iring in high temperature areas, where the temperature will exceed 165"F, shall be rated 105'C (221'F) minimum, and a type accepted by local code. This shall include any wiring within three feet (3-0") horizontally or ten feet (10'-0") above any boiler or heating appliance. 2. \Niring installed in floor slabs on earth fill, in conduit in fill under floor slabs, and wiring to exterior fixtures, devices, outlets, etc., subject to weather, Type THWN. 3. Feeders and branch circuit conductors, Type THWN. Color Coding: \Mring for control systems to be installed in conjunction with mechanical and miscellaneous equipment shall be color coded in accordance with the wiring diagrams furnished with the equipment. Branch circuit wiring, including circuits to motors, and all feeders shall be coded by line or phase as follows: Wire No. 2 AWG and smaller shall be bctory color coded. \ /ire No. 1 AWG and larger may be color coded by tietd painting or color taping of six inch (6") length of exposed ends. 120/240 Volts A = Black B=Red C = Blue 13 phase only Neutral = White lsolated Ground = Green with yellow stripes Ground = Green Switch Travelers = Pink F. \Mre-pulling lubricant shall be equal to ldeal 'Yellou/'or Dow-Corning "Compound #4." 2.5 WIRE CONNECTORS No. 6 AWG and larger wire: Connectors and lugs shall be solderless or compression type, Blackburn, Brundy, Penn-Union, T&8, or acceptable. No. 8 AWG and smaller wire: connectors c. 2.4 B. c. D. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 16100-3 shall be pressure, copper (steel not acceptable), splice caps with nylon insulator as manufactured by Buchanan, ldeal, T&B, or 3-M. 2.6 WRING DEVICESAND DEVICE PLATES A. Provide the following devices where indicated on the drawings. Devices shall be ivory color. Types of devices other than those listed below shall be of the same standard or quality. The catalog numbers and manufacturers listed are intended to indicate the type and quality. Equivalent, specificationgrade devices and plates shall be as manufactured by Anow-Hart, Bryant, Hubbell, Leviton, pass and Seymour, or as accepted. Devices shall have screw type terminals. 1. Receptacles: Receptacles and plug configurations shall conform with NEMA Standards for amperage and voltage classification and shall comply with NEMA WD-1 and UL 20 tests. Duplex weatherproof receptacle shall have integral ground-fault protection Hubbell GF5262 with Taymac Catalog No. 66350 cover. Grounding type duplex throughout (Hubbell 5252). lvory color. Special outlets: As indicated on the drawinos. 2. Switches: Switches, unless noted, shall be the'120277 volt AC, tumbler, quiet type; 20A Hubbell, 1220 series. Switches shall be fully rated for either inductive or incandescent loads and shall comply with Federal Specification W-C-596D as verified by UL, using NEMA tests WD-1, 3.02 through 3.10, and UL test49B. Key switches shall be Leviton 1 121 L series. lvory color. 3. Device Plates: Provide a device plate for each outlet to suit the device installed and blank plates or covers for junction boxes or empty outlets. Flush device plates shall be Satin brushed stainless steel. a. Device plates shall be as manufactured by any of the manufacturers listed above for devices. LG. receptacles shall have engraved device plates as approved by engineer.b. Device plates shall be one-piece gpe and a shape suitable for the devices and outlets installed. Sectional device plates will not be permifted. Where exposed conduit is permitted, device plates shall be galvanized.c. Blank plates shall match all other plates in area.d. Telephone plates shall have bushed center or telephone jack opening. SUPPORTS AND HANGERS Brackets or hangers shall be Binkley, Elcen, Super-Strut, Unistrut, or as accepted. Support system shall be adequate for weight of equipment and conduit, including wiring which they carry. Support channel shall be galvanized or painted steel and hardware shall be corrosion resistant. ELECTRICAL IDENTIFICATION Nameplates: engraved three layer laminated plastic, white letters on a black background. Tape labels: embossed adhesive tape, with 3/16 inch white letters on black background. IMre and cable markers: cloth markers, split sleeve, or tubing type. a. b. 2.7 2.8 A. B. c. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 16100-4 3. EXECUTION PART 3 - -CNDUIT SYSTEMS General: Provide conduits as required below for all systems, unless noted. The cut ends of all conduit shall be de-burred properly to prevent damage to conductor insulation. Conduit sizes not noted on the drawings shall be in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code, Table 3C, (except flexible connections for lighting fixtures, use Table 350-3) for the quantities and sizes of wire installed. \ /here nonmetillic cbnduit is utilized, the Contractor shall provide sizes as required to conform with the fill requirements calculating the ground wire as an additional insulated conductor. Securely fasten all conduits. Embedded conduit shall be securely tied in place to embedment. Lay out work in advance to avoid excessive concentrations of multiple conduit runs. Locate conduits so that the strength of structural members is unaffected and the conduits do not conflict with the services of the other trades. Install one-inch (1"), or larger, conduit in or through structural members (beams, slabs, etc.) only when, and in a manner, accepted by the Architect. Conduit Installation 1. Above-Grade; Defined as the area above finished grade for a building exterior and above the bottom floor slab for a building interior. lnstallation of any materials for above-grade conduits shall conform with the following: Install conduits concealed except at surfiace cabinets, motor and equipment connections, and in mechanical equipment rooms. Install a minimum of six inches (6") from flues, steam pipes, or other heated lines. Provide flashing and counter-flashing for waterproofing conduits, outlets, fittings, etc., that penetrate the roof. Route all (exposed or concealed) conduit as high as possible, parallel or perpendicular to building lines using right-angle turns and symmetrical, concentric bends. Support all horizontal and vertical runs of conduit a minimum of five feet (5'-0") on center from structural members by using Unistrut andlor Brady clips manufactured for securing conduit. Provide sleeves in forms for new concrete walls, floor slabs and partitions for passage of conduits. Waterproof all sleeves where required. IProvide one empty three-fourths inch (3/4") conduit for every four (4) spares, spaces or unused poles of each flush mounted branch circuit panelboard. Terminate these empty three-fourths inch (3/4") conduits in a junction box which, after construction is complete, is accessible and will enable future branch circuit extensions from the panel. Provide conduit expansion joints with necessary bonding conductor at building expansion joints and where required to compensate for conduit or building thermal expansion and contraction. Terminate conduits, one and onejourth inch (1-1l4") and larger, with insulated bushings or raintight connectors with insulated throats. a. Rigid Conduit (GRC) shall be installed in the following above-grade areas: 1. Embedded in above-grade concrete walls and floor slabs. 2. Where exposed to weather. 3. Where exposed to mechanical injury. 4. \A/here specifically required by the National Electrical Code. 5. \A/here specifically called ior on the drawings. 6. All remaining areas except where other conduit is specifically permitted in the following paragraphs. A. B. BASIC MATERI,ALS AND METHODS 1610G5 Provide double locknuts and bushings on conduits terminating at outlet boxes, cabinets, gutters. etc. Intermediate metallic conduit (lMC) may be installed as follows: 1. Embedded in above-grade concrete walls and floor slabs. 2. Where exposed to mechanical injury. 3. All remaining areas except where not permitted by Code, or where other conduit is permitted in the following paragraphs, or where another conduit is specifically required. Provide double locknuts and bushings on all conduits terminating in outlet boxes, cabinets, gutters, etc. Electrical metallic tubing (EMT) may be installed as follows; 1. Concealed locations in furred walls or ceilings. 2. Embedded in above-grade concrete walls and floor slabs. 3. Exposed, when at least five feet (5 -0") above floor. Flexible steel conduit shall be provided in sufficient (minimum 2'-0", maximum 6'- 0") lengths for: 1. Makeup of motor or equipment and raceway connections where isolation of sound and vibration transmission is required. For those equipment connections in locations exposed to weather, or in interior locations subject to moisture, liquid-tight flexible conduit shall be used. 2" Gonnections to recessed lighting fixtures. 3. ln remodel areas where raceways must be fished in existing walls and ceilings as specified by the Engineer. 4. All lengths of flexible metal conduit (including liquid{ight) shall contain a separate grounding conductor as outlined under "Grounding." Below-Grade: Defined as the area below finished grade frcr a building exterior and below or within the bottom floor slab for a building interior and within exterior building walls that are below grade. Below-grade conduit terminated under main service equipment, pad- mounted transformers, etc., above floor slabs and equipment foundations shall project two inches (2") minimum above floor or foundation finish to prevent water entry. Install exterior underground conduits thirty inches (30") minimum below finished grade. a. Non-Encased ConduiL Unless speciflcally noted on the drawings for concrete encasement, provide rigid PVC or galvanized rigid steel conduit for installations in or below slabs-on-grade, in earth, or in gravel as indicated on drawings. Offsets and ninety-degree ells shall be rigid, galvanized, steel conduit with a 0.030 inch minimum thickness, factory bonded. PVC jacket and pre-jacketed couplings to provide substantially watertight jacketing. GRC conduits shall be coated with asphalt or tar coating to prohibit deterioration from underground conditions. o. d. 2. BASIC I',IATERIALS AND METHODS 16100€ 3.2 OUTLET BOXES The exact location of outlets and equipment shall be governed by structural conditions and obstructions, or other equipment items. \ /hen necessary, relocate outlets to that when fixtures or other devices are installed, they will be symmetrically located according to the room layout and will not interfere with other work or equipment. Verifo final location of all outlets, panels, equipment, etc., with Architect prior to rough-in. Locations may be adjusted by the Architect up to ten feet (10'-0") from the locations shown without additional cost. Where fixtures are mounted on or in an accessible type ceiling, provide a junction box and extend flexible conduit to each flxture. Outlet boxes in finished ceilings or walls shall be fitted with appropriate covers, set flush with the finished surface. All boxes shall be flush mounted in gypsum walls. Surface mounting is permitted on concrete walls and as determined by Owner. Mounting Heights: Dimensions given are from finished floor to centerline of outlet boxes. Adjust heights of outlets in masonry walls to correspond with consistent brick or block courses. (Notations on the drawings supersede the following): Fire alarm horns............... 7-ft. 6-inches Fire alarm pull stations 3-ft. 8-inches Wall switches. .... .. 4-ft. O-inches Convenience receptacle (long axis horizontal with grounding pole on right side)........... ... ......... *4-ft. O-inches Panelboards (to top of trim). .......... 6-ft. 3-inches Standard telephone outlet (long axis horizontal) 1-ft. 6-inches* Except over counters, benches, special equipment, baseboards, fin-tube radiators, etc., where they shall be at a height to prevent interference to service equipment (or as noted on the drawings). CABINETS Cabinet shall be set rigidly in place with fronts straight and plumb. Center interiors in door opening and adjust dead fronts fully outward to meet the trim. WIREAND CABLE Provide a complete system of conductors in raceway systems. \Mring shall be routed through an accepted raceway regardless of voltage application. Branch circuits whose length from panel to first outlet exceeds seventy-five feet (75'-0) or 120 volt circuits shall be No. 10 AWG or larger as required to limit voltage drop to 3%. All wire shall be insulated for 600 volts. Wire sizing noted on drawings shall extend for the entire length of a circuit (e.9. taps and risers up lighting poles) unless noted. Install wire in raceways in strict conformance with the manufiacture/s recommendations. Use an accepted wirepulling lubricant. Strip insulation so as to avoid nicking wire. WIRE AND CABLE CONNECTIONS A. General: Terminating fittings, connectors, etc., shall be a type suitable for the specific cable furnished. Fiftings shall be made up wrench tight. Make up all terminations in strict conformance with manufacture/s recommendations using special washers, nuts, eic., as required. B. Connectors and Lugs: Splices and connections shall be made as follows: 1. Connect No. 6 AWG and larger wire to panels and apparatus with properly sized solderless or compression lugs or connectors. A. B. 3.3 3.4 3.5 BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 1610S.7 J.O 2. Connect No. I AWG and smaller wire by twisting tight, then applying wire-nut or pressure connectors. 3. Flashover or insulation value of joints shall equal that of the conductor. Connectors shall be rated at 600 volts for general use and 1 ,000 volts for use within frxtures. WIRING DEVICES Install wiring devices of the types indicated on the drawings. All connections shall be made up tight and the devices set plumb. Use care in installing devices in order to prevent damage to the device and the wires in the outlet box. Device Plates: Provide a device plate for each outlet to suit the device installed, and install blank plates or covers for junction boxes and empty outlets. Where the device plate does not cover the outlet opening, the Contractor shall patch the opening to the satisfaction of the Architect. SUPPORTS AND HANGERS Support and align all raceways, cabinets, boxes, fixtures, etc., in an accepted manner and as herein specified. Support raceways on accepted types of wall brackets, specialty spring steel clips or hangers, ceiling trapeze hangers, or malleable iron strips. Plumbers perforated straps and twisted iron wire not permitted. Do not suspend raceways or equipment fiom ductwork, or from steam, water, or other piping, but provide independent and secure support methods. Provide toggle bolts or expansion (spider type) anchors in hollow masonry units; lead expansion shields in solid masonry or concrete (or preferably use preset bolts in concrete); machine screws, bolts, or welding in metal surfaces; and wood screws on wooden construction. Note: Nails, of proper $pe, may be used for anchoring in wooden construction, in lieu of screws, only where rigid support will be provided by their use. Use of power driven studs is prohibited without express permission from the Architect. For metal studs, use a bracket box. Where suspended ceilings are twenty-four inches (24") or more below the structure (bar joists, concrete, etc.), provide independent support from the structure for all raceways. Where a space of less then twenty-four inches (24") to the suspended ceiling occurs, the suspending wires or hangers may be utilized to support conduits of thre+.fourths inch (3/4'), or less, trade size. Mount conduits above any accessible type ceiling at a height sufficient to permit relocation of recessed fixtures to any location. Racking of conduits will not be permitted from ceiling suspension wires. ELECTRICAL I DENTI FICATION Installation: Degrease and clean surfaces to receive nameplates and tape labels. Install nameplates parallel to equipment lines. Secure nameplates to equipment fronts using screws or rivets. Use embossed tape only for identification of individual wall switches, receptacles and control device stations. 5. Directory Cards, Nameplates and Labels: No temporary markings which are visible on equipment shall remain after the project is complete. Repaint trims, housings, etc., where such markings cannot be readily removed. Defaced finishes must be refinished. All engraved metal or plastic nameplates shall be white letters on a black background. Raised letter-type tape shall not be used. No abbreviations in labeling will be permitted without special approval. All panelboards shall be labeled as designated on the electrical drawings. Thoroughly clean surface to which pressure sensitive type labels are applied to 3.7 A. B. B. 3.8 A. At- A 2. e BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS 16100-8 assure adherence of label. Directory cards, nameplates, and labels shall indicate the general area and type of electrical load served by each circuit. Provide the following types of labels at these locations: Wire identification: Provide wire markers on each conductor in panelboard gufters, pull boxes, and at load connection. ldentify with branch circuit or feeder number for power and lighting circuits, and with control wire number as indicated on schematic and interconnection diaqrams for control wiring. Nameplate engraving schedule: 1. On each feeder switch, combination starter, or circuit breaker in main service equipment, or subdistribution, the main switchboard or panelboard, and all subdistribution panelboards, and all special equipment housed in cabinets - one-fourth inch (1/4") minimum height letters. 2. On each separate mounted disconneet and starter for a motor or fixed appliance, indicate motor or appliance designation, voltage, and phase. (Motor or appliance designations shall be as given on the Mechanical or Architectural plans.) Use three-sixteenth inch (3/16") minimum height letters. 3. On telephone terminals, indicate terminal number. 7. On all branch circuit panelboards inclicate panel designation, voltage and phase. Use three fourths inch (3/4") minimum height stenciled letters in metal tape or one-half inch (1/2") engraved letters on laminated nameplate. Apply to the inside of each cloor. All emergency panels and disconnects shall be painted with red enamel. For all branch circuit panelboard directories, provide neatly typed, removabfe cards and protective plastic faces. Spare circuit breakers shall be identified as such. For all device plates for switches used to control exhaust fans or other equipment, provide one-eighth inch (118') minimum height black fllled, engraved letters on stainless steel device plates. For all exposed conduits, junction boxes, wiring gutters, etc., provide three-fourths inch (3/4") minimum height stenciled letters, or one-half inch (112") minimum height pressure sensitive labels equal to Brady self-sticking vinyl cloth. Labels shall be provided at the following locations: a. Entering or leaving panels or switchgear or enclosures.b. All junction boxes shall be identified as to circuits contained within. lndividual Circuit Breakers and Enclosed Switches: 3116 inch; identiff load served. END OF SECTION c. 4. 6. BASIC MATERIALS AND METHODS SECTION 16400 - SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION PART 1 - GENEML 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Metering Facilities B. Panelboards C. Switching and Overcurrent Protective Devices - Switchboards and Panelboards D. Disconnect switches & Manual Transfer Switch E. Fuses F. Mechanical Equipment Wiring and Connections G. Transformers 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Install service entrance in accordance with Utility Company's rules and regulations. B. Division 3 - Concrete for housekeeping pads. C. Division 9 - Painting: Touch-up of painted surfaces. D. Section 16100 - Conduit E. Section 16670 - Grounding System 1.3 REFERENCES A. ANSI C12 - Code for Electricity Metering. B. NEMA AB 1 - Molded Case Circuit Breakers C. NEMA KS - Enclosed Switches. D. NEMA PB 2.1 - Instruction for Safe Handling, lnstallation, Operation and Maintenance of Deadfront Switchboards Rated 600 Volts or less. E. ANSI/NEMA ICS 6 - Enclosures for Industrial Controls and Systems.F. ANSI/UL 198C - High-lntensity Capacity Fuses; Current-Limiting Types. G. ANSI/UL 198E - Class R Fuses. H. NEMA AB 1 - Molded Case Circuit Breakers.L NEMA KS 1 - Enclosed Switches.J. NEMA PB 1 - Panelboards. K. NEMA PB 1.1 - Instructions for Safe Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Panelboards Rated 600 Volts or less. 1.4 SYSTEMSDESCRIPTION A. System Voltage: 120l240volts, single phase, three -wire, 60 Herk. B. Bond together system neutrals, service equipment enclosures, exposed non-current carylng metal parts of electrical equipment, metal raceways systems, grounding conductor in raceways and cables, receptacle ground connectors, and plumbing systems. 1,5 SPARE PARTS A. Keys: Furnish 2 each to Owner. B. Fuses: Furnish to Owner 3 spare fuses of each type and rating installed. C. Fuse Pullers: Furnish one fuse puller to Owner. SERVICE AND DISTRI BUTION 1640G.1 2. PRODUCTS PART 2 - ,,.ETERING FACILITIES A. Meters, meter buses, current and potential transformers are to be furnished by the utility company. Verifu actual requirements with the utility company. SWITCHING AND OVERCURRENT PROTECTIVE DEVICES - SWITCHBOARD, PANELBOARDS A. Fusible Switch Assemblies: NEMA-1 less than 800 amperes: quick-make, quick-break, load interrupter enclosed knife switch with externally operable handle. Provide interlock to prevent opening front cover with switch in ON position. Handle lockable in OFF position. Fuse Clips: Designed to accommodate Class R fuses, type as specified. B. Molded Case Circuit Breakers: NEMA-1; provide circuit breakers with integral thermal and instantaneous magnetic trip in each pole. C. Molded Case Circuit Breakers with Current Limiters: breakers with replaceable current limiting elements, instantaneous magnetic trip in each pole. Current Limiting Molded Case Circuit Breakers: NEMA-1; provide molded case circuit breakers with integral thermal and instantaneous magnetic trip in each pose, coordinated with automatically resetting current limiting elements in each pole. Interrupting rating 100,000 rms amperes symmetrical letthrough current and energy level less than permitted for same size Class RD-5 fuse. Solid-state Molded Case Circuit Breakers: NEMA-1; provide with electronic sensing, timing and tripping circuits for adjustable cunent settings; ground fault trips; instantaneous trip; and adjustable short time trip. Provide stationary mounting. Ground fault sensing shall be integral with circuit breaker. Provide zero sequence type ground fault sensor. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS - DISCONNECT SWITCHES & MANUAL TRANSFER SWlTCH Square D GE -QMR, HPC Westinghouse - HFN, HUN Siemens/lTE Challenger - HD Alternate manufacturers may be acceptable when submitted according to Division 0 or Division 1. DISCONNECT SWITCHES & MANUAL TMNSFER SWITCH Fusible Switch Assemblies: Type HD quick-make, quick-break, load interrupter enclosed knife switch with externally operable handle interlocked to prevent opening front cover with switch in ON position. Handle lockable in OFF position. Fuse Clips: Designed to accommodate Class R fuses. NEMA-1: provide molded case circuit in addition to integral thermal and D. 2.3 B. (-. D. E. F. 2.4 SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 1640G2 B. Nonfusible Switch Assemblies: Type HD; quick-make, quick-break, load interrupter enclosed knife switch with externally operable handle interlocked to prevent opening front cover with switch in ON position. Handle lockable in OFF position. C. Enclosures: NEMA 1, oras indicated on Drawings. 2.5 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS - FUSES A. Bussman B. Gould-Shaumut C. Alternate rnanufacturers may be acceptable when submitted according to Division 0 or Division 1. 2.6 FUSES A. Fuses 600 Amperes and Less: Dual element, current limiting, time delay, one-time fuse, 250 or 600 volt, UL Class as scheduled on Drawings. 2.7 MOTOR CONTROLS A. Single-phase manual starters shall consist of a toggle switch, single or double-pole, with a thermal overload heater element capable of interrupting the circuit in case of overload, flush or surface mounted as required, and as specified. Square D Type F #2510 or equivalent. 2.8 TRANSFORMERS A. Dry Type Transformers: ANSI/NEMA ST 20; factory-assembled, air cooled dry type transformers; rating as shown on Drawings. B. lnsulation system and average winding temperature rise for rated 1{/A as follows: Ratinq Class Rise (degree C)30,45 220 115" C. Case temperature shall not exceed 35" C rise above ambient at its warmest point. D. \A/inding Taps: ANSIINEMA ST 20. E. Sound Level: Maximum sound levels are 42 dB F. Basic lmpulse Level: 1OKV G. Ground core and coil assembly to enclosure by means of a visible flexible copper grounding strap. H. Coil Conductors: Continuous winding with terminations brazed or welded. l. lsolate core and coil from enclosure using vibration-absorbing mounts. J. Nameplates: Include transformer connection data. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 16400-3 3. EXECUTION PART 3 - _:CONDARY ELECTRICAL SERVICE Necessary 1201240 volt, three-phase power will be obtained from the uiility transformers. 3.2 METERINGFACILITIES Metering facilities will be as shown on the drawings. Current and potential transformers and waft- hour meters shall be provided by the utility company. 3.3 GROUND INSTATLATION A. Provide a separate, insulated equipment grounding conductor in feeder and branch circuits. Terminate each end on a grounding lug, bus, or bushing. B. Connect grounding electrode conductors to metal water pipe using a suitable ground clamp. Make connections to flanged piping at street side of flange. Provide bonding jumper around water meter. C. Supplementary Grounding Electrode: Connect to ground rod and buried ground ring. D. Use minimum 2 AWG copper conductor for communication service grounding conductor. Leave 10 feet (3m) slack conductor at terminal board. E. lsolated Ground Systems: Use insulated equipment grounding conductor and connect only on service grounding electrode. F. Provide grounding and bonding at Utility Company's metering equipment and transformer. 3.4 PANELBOARDS A. Install panelboards with the top of the trim six{eet, three-inches (6 -3") from the finished floor. B. Field check all panelboard loading and reconnect circuits as required to provide balanced phase and line loads. C. Cables installed in wire gufters of panelboards shall be neatly bundled, routed, and supported. Minimum bending radii as recommended by the wire and cable manufacturer shall not be reduced. D. Provide type written panel directory for each branch circuit panelboard. E. Install nameplates as specified in 16100. F. Center panelboard interiors in door opening and adjust dead fronts fully outward to meet the trim. 3.5 SAFEWAND DISCONNECT SWTCHES A. Install safety and disconnect switches in general area of equipment and accessible to maintenance personnel. Secure switches flrmly to supporting structure with acceptable fasteners. Verify size of switches for each installation. \A/here practicable, switches shall be mounted so that the top of the switch is six feet, three inches (6'-3") above the finished floor or surface. SERVICE AND DISTRIBUTION 181004 3.6 FUSES A. Provide accurately calibrated fuses, of the correct capacity for overcurrent protection for all circuits using fused protective devices. Fuses shall be rated for voltages at which they are to be applied, or higher when so noted. Paralleling of fuses will not be permltted. Fuses shall be properly coordinated and by the same manufacturer. B. Provide a metal cabinet with a hinged door with thumb latch release and shelves, or holders, for neatly storing boxed fuses. Mount the cabinet near the main service equipment. Label "Spare Fuses" on face of cabinet. 3.7 DRYTYPETRANSFORMERS A. Set transformer plumb and level, on 4 inch high concrete housekeeping pad for floor mounted units, on strut assemblies for wall or ceiling mounted units. B. Use flexible conduit 2'-0" minimum length, for connections to transformer case. Make conduit connections to side panel of enclosure. C. Mount transformers on isolation pads suitable for isolating the transformer noise from the building structure. D. Install nameDlate. E. Check for damage and tight connections prior to energizing transfrcrmer. F. Measure primary and secondary voltage and make appropriate tap adjustments. 3.8 FIELD QUALIW CONTROL A. Panelboard 1. Measure steady state load currents at each panelboard feeder. Should the difference at any panelboard between phases exceed 1O%, rearrange circuits in the panelboard to balance the phase loads within 10olo. Take care to maintain proper phasing for multi-wire branch circuits. 2. Visual and Mechanical lnspection: Inspect for physical damage, proper alignment, anchorage, and grounding. Check proper installation and tightness of connection for circuit breakers, fusible switches, and fuses. 3.9 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust all operating mechanisms for free mechanical movements. B. Touch up scratched or marred surfaces to match original finish. C. Adjust trip and time delay settings to values shown on the Drawings. END OF SECTION SERVICE AND DISTRIBUNON 1640G5 SECTION 16500 - LIGHTING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall provide all lighting equipment and lighting fixtures included in the Fixture Schedule and as required for all outlets indicated on the drawings. B, Lighting fixtures shall bear the Undenruriters' Laboratories label and the manufacturer's label. END OF SECTION LIGHTING 16500-1 SECTION 16670 - GROUNDING AND LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Grounding and bonding for grounding system. B. Air terminals and interconnecting conductors. C. Grounding and bonding for lightning protection 1.2 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NFPA 78 - Lightning Protection Code. B. ANSI/UL 96 - Lightning Protection Components. C. ANSVUL 964 - Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems D. LPl-175 - Lightning Protection lnstitute. E. UL 96A - lnstallation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems. F. Bellsouth Cellular Corp. Grounding Guide - October 1994 G. Section 16400 1.3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Grounding System: System consisting of Lexternal buried ground ring l, bonding of structure and I other metal objects; grounding electrodes; and interconnecting conductors. B. Lightning Protection System: ANSI/NFPA 78; Class I UL 96A'; Master Labeled system protecting cell site building, consisting of air terminals on roofs, bonding of structure and other metal objects; grounding electrodes; and interconnecting conductors. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings and product data under provisions of Division 1. B. Submit product data showing dimensions and materials of grounding equipment. C. Submit shop drawings showing layout of air terminals, grounding electrodes, and bonding connections to structure and other metal objects. lnclude terminal, electrode, and conductor sizes, and connection and termination details. D. Submit product data showing dimensions and materials of each component, and include indication of listing in accordance with ANSI/UL 96. E. Submit Master Label documentation. 1.5 PROJECTRECORDDOCUMENTS A. Submit project record documents under provision of Division 1. GROUNANG IAND LTGHTNTNGI PROTECI|ON 16670-1 | B. Accurately record actual locations of [buried ground ring], air terminals, grounding electrodes, I bonding connections, and routing of system conductors. 1.6 QUALIry ASSURANCE A. Grounding System 1. Manufacturers: Company specializing in grounding equipment with minimum three years documented exoerience. 2. Installer: Factory Authorized installer or manufacturer with minimum three years documented experience. B. Lightning Protection System 1. Manufacturers: Company specializing in lightning protection equipment with minimum five years documented experience and member of the Lightning Protection Institute. 2. Installer: Factory Authorized installer of manufacturer with minimum five years documented experience member of the Lightning Protection lnstitute. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Grounding System 1. Burndy 2. Thomas & Betts 3. Blackburn 4. Cadweld 5. Thermoweld 6. tPC 7. Alternate manufacturers may be acceptable when submitted according to Division 0 or Division '1 . B. Lightning Protection System 1. Thompson Lightning Protection, lnc. 2. Independent Lightning Protecton, Co. 3. Lightning and Grounding Systems, lnc. 4. Alternate manufucturers may be acceptable when submitted according to Division 0 or Division 1. GROUNDf NG IArvD LTGHTNTNGI PROTECTTON 1667G.2 | 2.2 MATERIALS A. Ground Rods: Copper clad 5/8" minimum diameter, length as shown on drawings (minimum 8'- 0"). B. Ground Conductor: lf grounding conductor is in contact with earth, #2 AWG solid bare tinned copper shall be used. llnterior grounding system shall be #2 AWG green insulated stranded copper, size as shown on drawingl. C. Exothermlc Weld: Connections shall be per manufacturer's instructions usino conect molds for type of weld. D. Mechanical Connectors: Two hole type for attaching to equipment from both solid and stranded conductor, crimp type for stranded to stranded and stranded to solid connections, split bolt type for solid to solid connections. Use stainless steel or other non-corroding hardware. 1. Two hole connector for stranded eonducton T & B #542A5 (ffi) or #54207 (#2). 2. Two hole connector for solid conductor: T & B #32207 3. Compression (Crimp) Type: T & B 54730 4. Split Bolt Type: Burndy KS23 5. Pipe Clamp: Penn-Union GT Series or Burndy Gar 39008U Series. E. Grounding Clamps: High copper alloy, Blackburn GUV type. F. Grounding Strap: Flexible copper straps, IPC#184. G. Stand Off Bracket and Cable Tie: T & B TC376 and T & B "Ty Rap" TY25M H. Air Terminals: Copper, 18" long, solid 5/8" diameter l. Lightning Protection Conductors: Copper, 32 strands of 17 gauge wires,65,500 cm, 215 lbs per 1000 feet. J. Lightning Protection Connectors and Splices: Bronze. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verifo that surfaces are ready to receive work. B. Verifo that field measurements are as shown on Drawings. C. Beginning installation means installer accepts existing conditions. 3.2 PROTECTION OF SURROUNDING ELEMENTS A. Protect elements sunounding work of this Section from damage or disfiguration. B. Clean-up all metal filings and other debris once installation is complete. GROUNDTNG IAND LTGHTNTNG] PROTECTTON 1667G.3 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Grounding System 1. Do all excavation, backfill and compaction for grounding work in accordance with Section 02200. 7. Install exterior ground conductor as shown, approximately 18 inches below finished grade and a minimum of 2 feet outside building walls, unless otherwise shown on drawing. Bond cable to ground rods and to principal ground point. All connections underground, cable to cable, cable to ground rods, shall be exothermically welded. All exothermic welds shall be parallel type, except to ground rods which are tee type. Use bimetallic connectors when connecting from copper to aluminum. Exothermic weld connections shall be per manufacturer's instructions. Arrange for manufacture/s representative to instruct and certifu that Contractor is qualified for the exothermic weld process. Arrange for the manufacturer's representative to make periodic inspections of the final connection. Provide separate ground connection with #6 AWG insulated stranded conductor from interior ring ground to all metallic objects in the room, such as metal wall studs, beams, metal joints, doors, windows and frames. All exterior metallic objects on building shall be grounded to exterior ground ring with #2 AWG bare solid tinned copper cable. Provide gradual bends for all grounding cable turns. No sharp 90 degree bends allowed. Minimum bending radius to be I inches. No acute bending angles are permitted. Grounding conductors shall be as short as possible. Do not backfill around grounding electrode with rocky soil. Provide lock washers for all bolt or screw connections. Use stainless steel hardware. Repair all galvanized surlaces that have been damaged by exothermic welding. Use spray galvanizer such as HOLUB LECTROSOL #15-501 or T-319 galvanizing bar. Where mechanical connectors are used externally, apply a liberal protective coating of an anti-oxide compound such as 'NO-OXIDE A' by Dearborn Chemical Company on all connectors. 12. Thoroughly remove all paint and clean all dirt from surfaces requiring ground connections. Repaint to match existing to maintain corrosion resistance. 13. Bond all conduits, pipes, and cylindrical metallic objects using pipe clamp. 14. Conduit used specifically for grounding system shall be PVC. No metallic conduit is allowed. B. Lightning Protection System 1. Install in accordance with manufacturefs instructions. 2. lnstall in accordance with UL 964. 2. J. 4. 5. A L 10. 11. GROUNDING [AND LTGHTNTNG] PROTECTTON 16670-4 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Field inspection and testing will be performed under provisions of Section 01400.Obtain the services of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. to provide inspection and certification of the lightning protection system under provisions of UL 96,4. C. Obtain UL Master Label and attach to building at location directed by Owner. END OF SECTION GRoUNDTNG IAND L|GHTN|NGI pRorEcT|oN roozus I SECTION 16741 - COMMUNICATIONS MCEWAY SYSTEM PART 1- GENEML 1.1 WORK INCLUDED A. Telephone and Gomputer systems. 1.2 RELATED WORK A. Section 16100: Conduit and supports B. Division 9: Painting C. Section 16100: Cabinets 1,3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. Telephone and Computer Systems. 1. Provide conduits, cabinets, terminal boards, and outlet boxes to form an empty raceway system, for installation of cables and equipment under separate contract. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Conduit Refer to Section 16100. B. Backboards: 3/4" flr plywood, finish per Division 9. C. Outlet Boxes: Refer to Section 16100. D. Wallplates: Refer to Section 16100. E. Pull and Junctions Boxes: Refer to Section 1 6100. F. Cabinets: RefertoSection 16100. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Maintain twelve-inches (12") separation between power and telephone service conduit. B. Provide pullboxes in conduit runs spaced not greater than 100 ft apart, and on backboard side of runs with more than two right angle bends. Pull boxes shall be the following minimum sizes: 1. 6" x 6" x 6" for 3/4" conduit runs. COMMUNICATIONS RACEWAY SYSTEM 16741-1 2. 4" x4" x 36" for l" through 2-112', condult runs. 3. 6" x 6" x 36" for 3" and larger conduit runs. C. Place "TELEPHONE" label on pull and junction boxes used for telephone service. D. Provide 3i32" OD, 200 lb. strength polyethylene pullwire in each telephone conduit run. IE. Provide plywood backboards and duplex receptacles in the cell site as indicated on the Drawings. F. Outlets: Outlets shall consist of a 4" square box, single gang ring, blank wall plate, and 3/4" conduit stubbed out and bushed above accessible ceiling or as indicated on Drawings. Refer to Section 16100 for mounting heights. G. Install termination back boards plumb, and attach securely at each comer. END OF SECTION COMMUNICATIONS RACEIA'AY SYSTEM 16741-2 62/L4/29A2 88:85 3633435520 qfg,'''[['g-Ir'il'{F'g/t nrnrycnordtut&EI6J7 n4.47!LZt52*o?* MOUNTAIN I,aIIRELESS mrffilltf,EseqppEft46 q. t\6,eL,\e_ PAGE 61 Pz2,,2A-tT I OcnobstS,2@1 $ophdr l(s[y. R€giond Pld€d lerus€, l,UEr ftr AT&T ltlldsss Sdlrhsa 65qS. Onnry Slcst srita t0ts0 Derhm,mtrF4$ Rc: ftutectl{rrnD0r-pRFt}o|Za AT&T t$rd6cs Tdeqnnu&#om Fadlib 1 Ennheo hnmg -MI H.Fqil{r fiosd/ Lot SS, Bdis Crodr erbdlrfrlon $qphan; ! am n.reg$ld yow$er ded Offi€r 3, {bl cgtrrilng trepuFord mrrnli0r trdr sbrqe lhcfnie a tre ebo*+lderaro€d bcdon. -hmrJlr'i s orr r|golremnvurtrsn fib sadr, tro slx (q ftc hftfi, !ilrty t30) bot lons ssrud (HitbdtoneD fie sbfrE Bnandeg E *ftrol h suftftmrffi 0taToun d VaI Dtdht Girfcbfines ar{ b r8tail aptrq,Ed.' SrlEg thp mlt fll ml ffid sil (q ffi fr lEighl thate F m taqrirtmdt| frr a htrng pafilt I lf you nror*l ilcs b drflr8tdE meuh al|(fdoml del|ll ilffie6 nd hsrl|bb con@ma d (9f0|4t$2140. 1 i gienllr$ilsm, AICP$rrddPfrns t ,l II !l \ 1 I I *{,* S.'Ep,o- TOWN OF VAII, DEPARTMENT OF COMML]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0157 Job Address: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2077 N FRONTAGE RD Applied. . : 0712412001 ParcelNo...: 210312302025 lssued. .: 07/2512001 ProjectNo : f f-5bl -oDot Expires. .: 0l/2112002 OWNER BRAIIDESS, ,IAINE 07 /24/200L Phone r C/O BRIAN E. O'REfLI,Y, ATTY PO BOX 5780 AVON CO 8L620 I",icense; COMTRACTOR HUGHES & SCHIitrEIDER ELECTRIC 07/24/20Ot Phone: 970-468-2404 P. O. BOX 3926 DfLLOtit, CO 8043 s License:293-E .A,PPIJfCANT HUGHES & SCflNETDER ELECTRIC 07/24/200]- Phone: 970-468-2404 P. O. BOX 3926 DII-,LON, CO 8043s License: 293 -E Desciption: Sprint PCS Wireless on top of Brandess Bldg. Valuation: $6.000.00 tt*'ttt*f{.t:*!t|i'i|''||||*'i|****.*|**,l'|i||*|t*''tt|'t**'|,t,t*******|i**|| Electjcal-> 5108. oo Tolal Calculated Fees'-> t111' o0 DRB Fee------> So . oo Additional Fees------> $0 ' 00 Investigation*> $o ' oo Total Permil Fee..-)' 9111' 00 Will Call._---> 53 . OO Patanents-*-------> $111 . 00 TOTAL FEES-> S111.oo BALANCE DUE--> S0'00 Approvals:It.em: 05O00 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMEX{T 0?/25/200L cdawis Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMESTT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (Br,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS AIIE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: CON0004901 Atl work must conforn the the 1999 NEC and all DRB approvals Entry: 07 125/200]- By: cdavis Action: AP DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, complet€d an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinancds dnd state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tonn applicable thereto. REQUESTS [1}R INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADV OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFOR ANDOWNE