HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUFFEHR CREEK LOT 39 BRANDESS BUILDING PART 4 LEGALd'r Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Va,^ Architect, Add-ress and Phone: Legal Description:b, %, , eb"x Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Planner '\ -e , Town U, E statt Approval ?A +4@ Gr\nPL RFCD Si.: i t, ,, ApplrcArroN DA'E /"; / ,l rt t Print or Type)pROJECT 'b tnecf"+t ttnnfeo-- pERsoN suBMrrrrNe hnn? 4zr kUfe<l stt,te:|1aNe. ?lq-ttsz. x { (PIease NAME OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS PHONE S I GII/.trWNING APPI,TCATION SIGNATURE LOCATION OF DESCRIPTION OF O!{NER PRoJEcr , "acsl (,,,tto'-J '?-aVVnZ ft*ur* 2z Uql oF PRorEcr *dp.il& THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APP],ICANT PRIOR TO THE REOUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION PROJECTING, OF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL,ETC), ]NCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. ,y 7rzo44' ./ / , ?rre*,r- ' biic-fons lvl'oo{gat-i'llz 22a zraaa *'4 arriLB- S]GN OR AWNING MATER]AL Fqn&n 2ao zuaaa *'/ zt,rtL l/7/' a*, .,4.,ro//- F/oa. eoa?.oob Llrup fa-tm . C. SIZE OF OVERALL STGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO /t tt) tt ,' ,l=qil 1A "'* LE'4 = a '/> 4 HETGHT oF srcN ABovE GRADE h^ .taa /o- /z /-Tt- DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) 'l)2 15-- flu Ltt'! l> \r. LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL FEE: $2O.OO PLUS $]..00 PER JIPIIABE FOOT OF SIGNPATD A?.fo CHECK No. ,Az{VL,I DATE ]? // LF (ATTACH) REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION I. ?vJ. -4,-'. -.'-- Site Plan Elevations showing exact location of sign orawning on t.he building Photographs showing proposed locationColored scale drawing Samp1e of proposed materials Photograph of sign if availabLe Sign Administrator OVER t 0 -qoqb+1 TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applicat,ions for slgns are submitted, t,he followinginformation is reguired: 1. A conpleted sign/awning applicat.ion (attached) . 2. A site plan showing the exact location where the signis to be Located. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showingthe location of the proposed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as foLlows; (a) Colored exactly as sign wilt be.(b) A list of materials Lo be used in sign (met.al, wood, canvas, paint, et.c.)(c) Photograph of sign if available,(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is at-t.ached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of J.ighting that wilL be used inconjunct,ion with Lhe sign or awning. If proposing anawning, lighting is not allowed to shine through theentire awning which calls undue attent-.ion to thebusiness. Lighting Tuy ;spotJ.ighL only the acLual signlettering on t.he awning. RECOMMENDAT]ONS OR POINTERS L. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction maydelay the approvaL of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL If this application requires a separate review by any Ioca1,State or Federal agency other than t.he Town of VaiI, theapplication fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of suchreview, may incJ-ude, but are not 1imi.t.ed to: Colorad-o Oepartnentof Higbway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant, shall be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of the applicalion fee.- If, at theapplicant., s request, any maLLer is postponed for hearing, causingthe mat.ter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hy the Communit.y Development Department tohave significant design, land use or other issues which may havea significant. impact on the comrnunity may require review byconsultants other that tovrn staff. Should a determination benade by t.he t.own staff that, an outside consultant is needed Uoreview any application, community Developmenu may hire an ouLsideconsultant, it shall estirnate the amount of money necessary topay hirn or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant at the time he fiLes his application with thecomrnunity Developrnent Depart.ment. upon completion of the reviewof the application by the consult,ant, any of the funds forwardedby Lhe applicant. for paynent of the consult.int which have notbeen paid t,o t,he consulLant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenies incurred by the Town in excess of r'-lre amount forwardedby the applicant. sha1l be paid to t.he Town by t,he applicantwithin 30 days of notification by t.he Town. /O'l/93 ll:26 8EP- z- az .r_ _____ll_iJ. 19 !-= estqe soe+- BRIAN OREILLY HIGHTECH.EI -o @003 llr\ ,K{w \bo, %k GHI F. Ot APPLrcArroN oxra /4&4lt '9.x \ (PIrrf e NAI{E 0F NAI'{E OE IDDRESS NAI'IE OF IDDRESS gTGNATURE t,ocAlroN oF DBSCRIPTIO}I Prlnt ot TyPe) PRO'IECI Dt&I2t& PERSON SUBMITTINO OWNDR OF OWNER ROVIEIf BOARD. I. DESCRIPTION DRO,JECtINC, THE f OLLOvvTNG INFOBI'tATrol'r rs -EEr!t$Eg,-FOR suBMrTI4j- IY-IIE TPPLTCA}{I PRIOR TO tTi.iiOUiSTEffi-O-SCilibUiEO BEFORE THE DESIGN srcN/I!{NING (ER5E StrltDING, l{ll,l,,' INCI,UDE FIGN MESSAGE.- fLA4 twb C. SISB Of OVERALIJ !lGN, sIzE OF LETTERING Alr0 LOGO ." r/^t (a ?* WU," o a //', L' OF fHE nBC) r -w:wtuefiW B. D. HEIGT'T O8 E, DTSCRIEE SIGN ABOVE GRADE T,I6TtTING (EXIgTING oR PRoPosEDl F, 8G. H. CONDOMINIUM A$SOCIATIoN APPROVAL ' fATtAClll -FEEr $20.00 DI',ug 91.00 PER souAaE foo8-oF srcw mpr' ? ..z=' At &- cr:sci - rro-' ----- ol;\z'-l-1trfl1-- -sv_ --x,-J_ : LENCTi| O8 BUSTNESS t*op1a6g (FTl 1. 2, 3,'4. 9. 6, gic€ Plen -.. -a -!iili"iio-ric showins €xact looatlon of slEn or awnlng on the butldlngitliiE"iit i-'itt""inc piopoacd locatlon Colored scale drawtng Sarnplc Qf ProPosad matcriars indiEgripti bC stEn lf avalrabrs ,o*t-flft474 , PROJEC' o8 PRo.tEct w"r[ OVEf, o t +€===T=EFESIGNS Itrlrrllrrrirtral SIGN DRAWING P.O. BOX 2688 , VAll- CO 8t 658 .3O3.949.4565 . FAX: 3O3.549.467O Fn N.r, 6tX @ sry F{"' JOB #o^t. lldt.By--L& .r'.*t Or--{o^-! /*"!8.- coNrAcr PHONE- FAX: tt \.. ebj +1;3cAEg ffip lr= GEo o t SIGN DRAWING P.O. BoX 2688 . VAil- CO Bt 658 . 303.949.4565 . FAX: 3O3.j49.467O aS Qfrff froo> !t1,1 fac< CLIENT SCALE CONTACT PLEASE MAKE CHECK TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{E}i T O F COIVI;VIL|NITY D EVELOP}IENT . S.ILES ACTION FON}{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD N,\}IE 0t 00004r5{0 ZC;\T\O .r,ND A DDRESS l,lA-PS 0l cs00 424 t5 uNn':o L\{ E UILDh''C CO D E 0t 0000 12415 UMFOR.\{ PLU}'GDJG CODE 0l 00,10 42.il5 uM FOR\'! IfEcH.A.\'lC.r. L CODE 0r 00cs {2d l5 UNIFOR"\{ FIRE CODE ot 0ooo42{t5 | N,rnoN..rLELEcrRIcALcoDE 0t 0000.r21)5 ONIER, CODE BOOKS 0t c1000{1543 B LUE PR,LI.ITS OIYLA 0l 0@l{21t2 >:EROX COPIE5 / S'iUDIES 0l 00co 42371 PENA I.TY FEES / R:.t\SPECIONS ol 00c0.1!332 i pt-,,"v Revinv RE.cl-lEcK FEE ts<o FER F:R.l 0l 00C,0 42323 OFF }.:OURS DiSPECT]ON FEES 0l 0000.{l{12 CONTL\CTORS L'CE\S ES FEES 0l co00{r330 .CI C\1OO 4I1I3 I SIGN APPL]CATION FEE 0t 00004t{t3 ADDITIONAI. SIGNAGE F;E ISI.O3 ?ER, SO,IT. 0t 0c00121.:0 VTC ART PROJECT DONA]ION 0t 0000 .r t 33t PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0l 000042412 BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COMPUTER DI *.01 0000 4r0r0 T X (42 01 0000 42371 rNvESTrcATroN FEE (BUlLDrNc) I ToTAL ouu, 10000{1330 0l c0cr0 413 0l 0000 .t 1330 EYTERIOR ALTERAT]ON ITiORE THA,\I IOO 0t 00001| 0l 0000 d 1:ito T SPECLA L DEvELOph413j0 lsuBDlvlstoN { t330 ivARI 0t 000011 CODE /"VE\Dl'IE]ffS 0l 00004t330 * * * * * * * * # ',.. 5v fffi*{ frF tJFlIr, l'tiscel I a.rafl.rg Caeh Lirl 1 1:41 il*,- *. i [' i +i i :]!:ir:r'j ilr.':,.. i,r rr rt. +l f l: +i 1;i49 i :i,:,Fi r::. i lr;i l:-: .i I r ii.l f'F' ;:F:i': i]i,*,:.,;,'l''i'ir:i'ili.itl.tr,'''i Iteftr Pard iil [i;.ii:i{i4 i -i 1, i,ilrili i ,.ir,jrr l],r i .,'i ',t iie".i .i ;:!r.sfi Ftriount prid T9.:iB 8.00 THrah..ll<Y{fU ta,. e'-..r- :.. ".4}/ oz ==cx.lu F\ rnN oo ah UJ UJu- = = UJ /b/hf71giE' Q?1f5--rD *l &rrl I Fl V'1"1-lFd 4,tE oo lE=ri I 6l|j dlF \TI I rI] l I I I F o E F <hz =o zz z lJ E lt,l' z H tr.l tJ)aH 06 zdZH otr,F z oz ) d} Lr-J uJ =I CE (roF Fz Eo luz =Oa u- t!6z .,. } cEv] IJJ <FZ.\YZo< cOro c4 l'rl X(J Ho<At> II I 1\$ t \bJ- \li-J n l v)fi< FIH I ( I z Irl Ff(.) l,'o-'= a---1!t'-oc;a rpF I:q \*! \tc'r.- 'i,, I RSnb,^ cl J--_'(uS.g i-J- E I,/\;6I'eb 5+- .C oDc ETQfI (6 ct) or.c (45e ffE= E -oE i -l ,.,r EE* ex, F !o a":o t."i =t '= <ti :I J o o5 6 oa\A--'1 c ofFIo{€\:(:i :{/\rcl J-g\.= f-JEt/\br, oJE (! 0) oft .c v1EE -HED o- =l-)a 1l9..=^rJ :aaFo- a{(!ts ^2.=<g5 .9 o, g; ooo '.4 .= Jo c(g o, .Eco N -o '=o(a HbE =o16c.9 t!,.9o 3E9cE=F O HEc-o =- 3:x.\ =*iJ i= c96 3Et E E-s*OO .9'; Ir=aE+ i O.(! CLa=-,EE O oP OE9o' rEcE;(! 99; - L.=o$=i;E:;!- ueC € --ce.9::,$:Ei;3u> .Y:E3i 3htsoE ar E FE!oo) rn .v -+ -{' ra! c\.i!.(ft q L ut zo - x UJIoz o_ (J EF lll UJ z.6 =:)Jc 2r() UJ LT.J z tr u.tE(-) uJ oE o =t oaz(5 ul IL uJ t x llt o) f aul LUu-t = LrJ tF F z J J oa F gJ J lrJ z =: z uJ = Fl H H NOrrvn'tvA I IlFlt< IH 14IFsl9ol-qlE'-l -tZ ':< G'n _;E =:<;ZBtod u h- =l-"1()rrllt i) ^z ER =>E -I z9 =(rn,6A7<)zr!<o* o-Y.x <N t.Itrl t< Itrr l- Itrllc) IH lt&i Itr{ Elrrllz IE Itr IP z tr:J !L c( a f o UJo- F \t) ;ad lrJg: j z Eoo {.,4 z tr UJF 3ulz ll Iilil IzfzQaFr!<(Jo< > ii,>E XL OO<z !:z,fii9z -F[jo-uiOI =a u,l oo lJ- l af a z at- z F J f(/)z X aF (r tu(L J z O() <U' )l:l 2l zl o uJo llJ al,Jz -l ---l I I i ol>lmlol z co z Y c I tr) Lr) c)c)HH U)z A o\ c \oN z z zH ulFoo z F(L utY UJdl oF F uJ l,! (L I ul t- z ulF o I F-.1,n9 7Z*. Y(D0 =z z -JO F-(L u- t'\ tRTtr-r.'l ).-i5 =eft = t!;dd= .}4 -|4 -D{LNL J tr Elu(L l!o IJJ z fo U) I 0- JFLU-h= dt!>o-Ot! x> Jd tu(n oF o Ectoo o Ec E EI ioIil r Es6, -Fl- i: -6=*=€ F =E,lrl o-zIFof E,Fozo(J I I I I cil =.1 Olo,l 9lF-*la,| ilY>l\o tr-lr\ols zl 3l FI F F{ F-l z E l-{ Ff F r\ Or Ic'\.rf, Ot ,l sl 1t <l>l bl zl 3l FI I I I I Iolzl sl 1l al>l q-l ol Zl ,,t3t :Ol |llFI F l-1H l.ifll l-,ld I I I I -l-url t--1 urt t-{ql< H> <ll><t =o z H Ff t \o .-.16l rnlrdlFtl&lHI(nl alzl*l tslF4l rnlFtl'l rJJl =l<l4 Or t-l E-{a H U-; z z) l! zHAFlH g .J'ID EEI -l ol(e) or\t IOt€ i F.lH ! ca\o X uJtlo6 = CA CA N F-l H E =Etr \'.if olt\ I I<l nl-l I dlzl eil uJl :l <l>l ql ol zl =lFl zH u) F.lH F) tr 2 - L! E G. ir =-! tv 9Z J =F Lti J 9P =<f>(ts )Fd5 (J LTJ FrOe <F uJ<ZE LII F O oz E.E uJA c al oo ra)Ftll (\z (t UJ uJIL ts =Eu,o- I I I I I T!ll- lo I I I I .lI -( <a !trllr-{o * rf EoF cFv, =-o (, ==o $i Hilzt lilloll=Il9r glE Hla I lll *lgi - lt:Hl9,Z { j-oc6*8.9 3HE:E EEf€ EgE€3 iEEEE €=Ee€$E;ei fEigE iEEeH iiiii os {n a oo .i ..S It G \+ N i 3 v;I tI oo r$Y t{\ E-E UJo,Iz J G -() UJEc)z o. C) & (, uJ oz = o- Iz c)gJ: ul UJt! =I 9JE() UJ F gJ z uJ x F ulof lt uJ UJIL b =E uJr s o (J =o J- ao J o G o J UJ o2o- a (,z -C) uJ- NO[Vn'lVA td ?i,l$ = q I IE F#z = udyo o o r-l A A = EH6; fg EHE$ II(, oq ilq.{ l3lol- I t':t6 t: I''J I I I I I t zI UJ F e UJ J z E flz F- t!F =IJJz (t Ez z tr o:2 I I u)!z z t!3 ou,o 5 lll E z F =F tr UJ J .D al) uJz :<I F IIJo, F a tr) z o Fo zl .. >l u,o UJ IJJz anF lr., o. J z E z F J 4 rJ =3 V) V) \\o IIJF ah too?zo Fo-lllY UJo oF E EC uJ tl t-lo otl A-l 8qlr-l Hu,i^Fr9zoct) aT) CO I.-l!{4. z .r9zeloo =ziF J :E= ;$E E: uJctr 59E<R6EeE9!ir EEE-J =uJEboi:t;REY9=EX E.E €; uj ts =E.ulo-zoF()3EFu)zo C) DDD E =uJ4 l!o lrJL F ctz o tatE J lr z-oF I I I :g <fs Or I 01f-,$ l"l Et dl Hl d El5lI ltlF(l ol J=lH9l o 9lY q{ E U H $ I\of-s iq B .F{ E tso l q ml .gl't{l .lJlolal trl r.rl ,HI el ulE z) o\ I rn o\ r )-( r+.r{ .(d n I Ir')l\ol -l Hl ol A;l d dct<lJ = "alal sl J1 | fil il(H <5 = trt I -l F J , lt-Fo8Dtr l. I, luwn u llal 75 soulh fronlage road Yell, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 olllcc ol communlly development fO3 FROM: DATE: SURfECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII BHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIiPMENT !,IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAI-. STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterj-al, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicLes upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all- Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wilt be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnaterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLtic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. Bhe provisj.ons of this ordinance strltt not bEapplieable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alLey or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 l-n full, please stop by the Town ofVail BuildLng Department to obtaln a copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: R J Builders. Inc. General- Contractor (i.e. contractor, owner) BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee;''s (.Pub'lic Works) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review'or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as th!"ee weeRs. A1l commercial (large or sma'll) and all multi-family permits w'i1l have to follow the above mentioned maximum reouirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, jf residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary rev'iew, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as. sgon as possible. I', the unders'igned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 75 3oulh fronlage road vall, colofado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-l\39 t"\ .=_:L ..nl Datd Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Department. offlco of communlty dov.lopmcnt t'f II I II -v,)4 -*)14 -rtal*,Qarfi7av rrTs^\rJv\? v.. 1t v clv I | |ared?ltg#l,A /,rv'5tTa',^{ 4n-tiol77-_rc.Trvl+2W7) /b-h-rl "ol drr uEld : tr qileeH li-.'] Iftiri eltj !!t/f td-ElEggTEIH = Fa 'r: 3HF $$ g iuto Ftl ts II F E II 2*w ntJb 1l #r4 + / / tri\ il FF !) oa1tal FIo f4(A tst. <ir Le ;*Fiq aFgrl 4+a -ttl 0l -'ldr+ IJ I t I t It I I I I _/_ _t-]tF? WqT€L I ft' Sa+{-t: ]JlrI I t _l l_ i t I I i I I+ I I t \ t4w, \ *|?..ty-r. suo'?crlrcads ,sue1d pres ur sr.Jra ,o *oirlllS 3il.-cllllibn "alieaiaiii tuo4 tpi?lto nuipirnq jqilusi,irJlru lttt,:::?.it"11t trre s rc' ] ec r,toads suelo' tiboir piiii Ji uiiro t l:^":::11"", E; ;l ij,iire};r,sllirl Aijl ;0 SCUPUtpJO teqlO {ue 1O tO llo?^rly],;-.. ri'.-::,r:.;c ;:,;i yc iue p r.iolierdh ,tua'io reio.,ooe lr!-'1. ]tf l:i..ji,?.' r dQ fr; irrrrtsuor ail lou liptls su'o'riculceOs lfp sueJd id ie,,ojd;ir :0 j i:..i,J p ;o ouiruejitlo -.lrUriJ,rq.r 'J't n 6t (c) tOe .cas llr,.liad lo ^irptlEA ffir##iiffs I-c- II \ \ \("o-'4) pltnS p4- -&t)bry 1ca--i\4^e.avt"J4n-Ellvre;'5Trv2".da)rpC E I.h q F It*+/"t,\.-fue!"'a\./:-r.s:' -i I \ 5 _lq 'li I It njl'n41 t{rtn s'tyzf iV rJ rr' lnlarP; *le1i + rj (, ,de#t14 \J\.1\-/\/\,, I ..| a\ 'fuzqa s,a+r'u', fr:y;l'^r'qh+ rffi 1.!,!\14#eLTF# ..4-# -[ffrr,r d# 1 N 11Y/ rd=^'a*r?aa<zt@4'tzh<e 'jrvra M-i4Lfle,vytaA ..// 'otrffi t INSPECTION REQUEST READY FOR LOCATION: Jfr.{f, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DAI:E /2 -/2'?/JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR PMAM TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI,FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING GH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL KAPPRO 7 tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIOI\61 INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT - url INSPECTION REQUESTTr\\ArNt .-\E \/ A | |t\Jvvr\ \Jt v/'\tL DATE 12-l/.-qlJoB NArvE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: €S@wED )tr(^rrr.r*O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W,V. tr ROUGH i WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D !tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR B t INSPECTIONTOWN OF { REQUEST VAIL U aIT NUPERM DATE M ER OF PFN\\JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: @',WED THU I PROJECT CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR *4o.tr FINAL i-a-- APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COFRECTIONS: INSPECTO ' ,irr",,' ' jI.z; ''-) <-<- FjZ\)J ;{q'''.l- .j- {} INSPECTION REQUEST ' PERM t,A I E IT NUM l OFB OW OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: lr BUILDING: E] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK D FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR RflF*op INSPECTION $i RE.QUEST. PERMIT NUMBER OF PRO CT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI JOB NAME R.,. CALLER FRI /o -----@@ 4 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL - PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGI'{O EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORFIECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR T F,i?i: %?T ll s# $tfi ,":fiH JffJ,' "i:'J 3 b,, ,C *, Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing (/J Rerouting ?- s- z&/oz7 Date Referred Permit No. Locdtion Review and return to the County Building Plannir rg Commission File No. Off icial within 6 working days Applicarrt P lanning: Complies with: Subdi vi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) Reviewed by l Recommend Approval No En n Yes Ha M Date: Commerrts: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage trnn n trnnu Recommend Approval : Comments: County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Recommend Approval : Finat lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: trn Firral Inspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Comments: ngtrn C,/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date -t ' EAGLE couNry "r,l*o pERMrr AppLrcATroN FINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE TNSPECTTON FORM Review Routing Form ( ) Prirnary Routing ( ) Rerouting Location Plannirrg Commission File No, Off icial within 6 working days Permit No. Review and return to the County Building Applicant P lanning: Compl ies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) No EX K ntr D n YesntrDn trnn tr Reviewed by:Date: Recommend Approval: Comments: slg Pl a tlyDtv,tDtlEt L EITEB. /nDt./H6 ttP EEC+ Ut6C D r. a. *2C,* oF 7H6 s/1t) County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommend Approval: DN EEWJ Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: Dtr Firral Inspectiorr: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngDD C/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date Q/ocadem{ riqfi oo. "the direction in the rocky mountain region" 280 E. 64th avenue, denver, colorado 80221 303-428-0400 August 9, L978 To whom it Kenneth E.sign permit N. Fro4tage may concern: McCracken has myapplication for Road, West Vail , authorization to sign for any my building located at 2077 Colo.,Eagle County. Acknorledged before me thig *ltL aay or Lszl-, Conrsrission nxprieszS -4(- 4 l \, itl h$t'flJ $-o"&tr , r \ it'Jd"\?,\c, *** 11qrrr,-jt-11 'f '!a \flu i; ,;,.,: Jrc,'I Applicant to complete numbercd spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION sun$Nq PERI TT APP toN o LICAT l\ Juridiction of, ?7 1/ tuetfu&a A l/ztz . {4,tar,tAo - 'K 6f 6ztFt ,'"2?a wMs frapTatz ''fu.4zz7 :/",2zz i''*'"87o &sr 6, lrcErrSE 7a"<)fuzEE,/4/2. n^""'ffi4i1)""'h,$Qz/ez-fraffi>Lr ENGINEEI MA|L aooiEss aRANCH USE OF !UILDING 8 CIas oI worK: )t'''* f] ADDITION E ALTERATION tr REPAIR f] MoVE D REMOVE Vf,,tl @&t,vr,; ;fui:Jess &LaC, za?7 l0 Change of use lrom Change of use to 1l Valuation ofwork: $ 1 PLAN CHECK FEE PERMf T FEE lZ. SO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ot t}ldt. (Totar) sq. Ft. No. of St ori6B Fire Sprinkters Required C\|,ei DNoAPPLICATTON ACC€PTEO 8Y PLANS CH€CKEO AY APPNOV€O FOR ISSUANC€ BV No. ol Dwellin9 Unilt OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDTTIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OFI CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COINMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOFI A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COMMENCED. HEALTH DEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPO RT OTHER (Sp€clty I PLAN CHECK VALIDATION lfizt4*#3?cf Form 100.1 1.77 INSPECTOR :rNt. LAtHlt'tc oB DRYWALL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. F Z^ :0".snrffiffmsr PERMIT DArE Sept. 6,,"78 PERrvrr No.10 98 APPLICANT Leo Btandess-Academu S iqn tooaess 280 East 64th Av.. Denvet- ( NO.)(srREET)(CONTR'5 LICENSE' BUITDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY; P.O. BOX 789 couRTHouSE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (303) 328.6339 PERMfT ro Erect S igin (--) sroRY (TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. NUMBER OF 0wELL ING Ul'l ITS ( PROPOSED I'5E' Ar (LocArroN) Brandess Bldq. - 2077 N. Frontage Rd. - vaif . co. 3iJ+l,t"t(l'lo,l {STREET) BETWEEiI ANO(cF05s StREET){cRoss srREEl) LCT 3 I t! z |loL SUBD IV 15ION BUILOING IS TO TYPE TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT, LONG AY FT, IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION (TYPE) REMARKS: AREA OR V OL UME esrrurreo cosr $J.200.00 (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) Leo Brande s s aaaF'Egg 2O77 N Vz'anf aga P.rl , lta i 7 , ?a (Alfidovif qr iweirc rida d opplicntion io bo compleled by BY PERMIT TI 27 .50 OV/ N ER BUILD outhorized ogenl of owncr) .'. I hereby certify thot the proposed work is outhorized ond I hove been suthorized by the owner to moke outhorized ogenL by the owner d record rhis opplicotion os his ADDRESS (NUMBER)(STRE FTI APPROVED BY TITLE DATE v RECflVFD August 23, 1978 AUG 3 O .rl78Ms. Susan Vaughn EagJ-e County Planning Dept. Deet. at pt Eagre, colorado 1'r'9 L'ePE €ar,".ill;.';;."*' Re: Bu:bndess Bldg. Dear Ms. Vaughn: Enclosed you will find three prints of the above location showingthe signage. If you have any other questions, please contact me. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely,/l* Ken McCracken KM,/dJ Enclosure coodem{ riqn co. "the direction in the rocky mountain region" 280 E. 64th avenue, denver, colorado 80221 3O3 428-O40O t suilbr NG PERA,rr nmftATroN to complete numbered space's only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION I 2 -//. 2tP.-. :. 3 ..:'t' /.. t': .z''.r'6" .' ,t MAIL AOORESS ,:t. - 1 t:t. 'i' ^l'' t*,.,r.' tZ- t /" ; Af - LEN O ER MAIL AoDRES5 usE oF au I Lor r.l c 8 CIasoIworK:.bNEW DA0OITIOiI EALTERATI0N DREPAIR DMoVE DREM0VE u'-,.tt" ,t'.',,!. '-, l0 Change of use lrom Change of use to 1l Vaf uation of work: $ ' a i' )';'- PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size ol Bldg. lTotal) Sq. Ft. No- ot Storles Fire Sprinklers Required lves nNoAPPLICA'ION ACCEPTEO 8Y PLANS CI.JECKEO SY APPNOVEO FOF SSIJANCE BY No. of Dwelling U nils OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTIC E SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIBED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERI\4IT BECOI\4ES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONS'TRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMMENCED- cpN HEALTH OEPT. FIRE OEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Specity I Juridiction of WHEN PROFERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION -7 "/ Form 100,1 1-77 EXTM COPY M.O. u August 16, 1978 Ms. Susan Vaughn Eagle County PJ-anning Dept. Eagle, Colorado Dear lrls. Vaughn: The area of each sign to be erected on the Brandess Building in West Vail is as fol-l-ows: ocodem{ rign co. "the dlrection in the rocky mountain region" 280 E. 64th avenue. denver. colorado 80221 303-428-0400 il-l:!\,18r) AUG 1 I 19/8 Dept- t)t iiil,,ii, lj tr ,j.rrel. fagla c0unty, colo. 49.0 sq.f,t. 13.6 sq. ft. 6.9 sq. ft. Brandess Building 2077 (24.5 sq.ft.ea.):Vail Village Carpets: TV Sales Service: Please note that 'TBUILDING" is no longer abbreviated in the Brandess Building sign. A blueprint of this current design is enclosed for your inspection. These signs, along with the WesternFederal Savings sign already erected, constitute all of the signage under construction for the Brandess Building at this time. Also, please find enclosed my authorization from Mr. Brandess tosign for my sign permit application. If you require any further information in order to approve thesepermits, please contact me. Thank you for your assistance. CordiaIly, Kenneth E. McCracken r<jt/dj Enclosure 3a EAGLE COUNTY BIil)ING FINAL: C/O INSPFTION Review Flouting Form ( ) ,"f^H J "TJt' " RAi E 12 I F o R M Primary Routing (rzI Rerouting to?t Perrnit No. Location Review and return to the County Buildirrg Plannirrg Commission Fi le Off icial within 6 working days No. Date Referred Planning: ComPlies with: Subdi vi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site PI an (Landscaping) Commertts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : Yes EIaX m No Hn D Date: County Engineer: .Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : ilnn n ntrn tr County Health: Water Sanitation Ferc. test Recommerrd Final lnspection: C/O Recomrnend Approval Comments: trn Firral Inspection: Landscaping Recommend Approval n Dgqrnrngnts: Final Filing Date by DateC,/O lssued FINAL:' Review EAGLE coUNTY.eInINo PERMIT APPLICATION O c/o lNSpEcTlo$, LANDSCAPE INSPECTTON FORM loutino Form ({) Primarv Routino ( ) ReroutinoRouting Form 6 Primary Routing ) Rerouting Appf icant Review and return to the County Building Official wi'thin 6 working days P lanning: Complies w.ith: Subdivision Regul ations Zoning Regulations Site Pl an (Landscaping) ax t 5T7 t/ct Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No F E K nnn n Yes Enn Date: ffi Fecommend County Health: Water ntr Recommend Approval: nnn nnn . Sanitation Perc. test Gomt-raente: Final i,nspection: C/O .Recornmend Approval nn Commente; : Firral lnspection: Landscap Recommend Approval irgntr Gommerrts: C,/O tssued Final Filirg Date Date.by DEPARTMBNT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT. Box 1?9 328-?311 EAGLE, COLORADO 8163.1 Academy Sign Co. 280 East 64th Avenue Denver, Qo.84221 August 14r 19?8 resolve any problems and/or to delay the issuanse of your Lcs Douglas Eagle County Building Official SIGNRe: 4ppli_c_?_t_ion fqr Building Permit in Eagle CountyVaiI Village Carpets - Brandess Bldgl , Vail, Co. - Denied The Eagle county Building Department requires that applications for Buildihg Permits in Eagle county be routed to the Eagle-county planning, Eng:ineering, .and Environrftental HeaJth Departments for their comrrr*entsprior to issuance of the permits. your application was routed on g/4/?g. Listed below are the cornments and recommendations urhich urere madeby the above departments during the routing procedure. If you have anyqueslions or wish to get a further explanation, please contact the appro-priate department PLANNING:' Not approved. 'rSite plan should show: 1. Iocation of 6ign on building or lot, 2. Area of each letter in the case of individual letters making up each word or area of the sign. " Susan Vaughn,Planning Box 1?9, Eagle, 328-7317 Co" 81631 (\ It would be to your advantage if you begin to requirements as soon as possible so as not Building Permit any longer than necessary. - **----.-. -, - FIETD COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHouSE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 OATE Grcat Dlvldc Const. BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO. APPL ICANT PERMIT TO (srREEr,(CONTF'S LICENSE) NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS Junc 7 rs 78 ADDREss Box 2574. Uat Partltlon oJf{cc spacer (TYPE o F--tfi PR ov E ME flT I (PRoPosEo usE) Eo o oz I tv, L suBD rv rs toN BUILOING IS LOT-BLOCK-SIZE LONG BY FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNOATION REMARKS: (cRoss 5'TREET) AREA OR VOLUME EsrrMArEo co.r $ t2,ooo FEE"'t $ 87.50 i, Ii E.J. OWNER (CUBIC/SOUARE FEEI) 8ob Thqnes BUILOING AODRESS Dr Val l. Co. BUIL O DIN G PERIvIIT APPLI roN o CAT Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION I {!see errrcxeo sxetry a)/ *oat ARCHI'ECI OF OESI6NER MAIL AbORESS LICENSE NO. ENCINEEi LICE|lSE NO. M |L aDDif ss SRAllcH U3E OF bUILDINC 8 CIasoIworK: ErUEW NAOOITION DALTERATIOI{ T]BEPAIR DMOVE OREMOVE l0 Change of use lrom Change of use lo 1l Valuation ol work: $ </ PERMIT F€E SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. (Torar) sq. Ft. No. ol 5tories Flte Sprinklers Rsquired fl\|/es DNoAPPLICATION ACCEFTEO AY PLANS CHECK€D BY APPFOVCD FOF TSSUANC€ BY No. ot Dwelling Units OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES, NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUTRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK IS COMM ENCED. SICNATUIE OF CONtIAcYoF OR AUTHoRI:Eo ^GEI{T IEAf.I I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO AE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PROVtSI CONSTR A'H ETH ER SPECIFIEDPERMIT DOES NOTTE OR CANCEL THEIL LAW REGULATING OFlCONST R UCTI ON. HEALTH OEPT. FIRE DEPT. SOIL REPORT OTHER (Spoclfy) WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PERMIT CASH PERMIT VALIDATION Form l0O.I 1.77 M.O. INSPECTOR e4rla3 v EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING FINAL: C/O INSPECTION, Review Routing Form ( ) PERMIT APPLICATION LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FORM PrimaryRouting ( ) Rerouting Applicant ( Per:mit No. Locat ion e^,-fu d'utfi.,Plannir rg Commission File No. Review and return to the County Buildirrg Official within 6 working days Planning: Compl ies with: Subdivision Regul at ions Zoning Regulations Site Plan (Landscaping) Commerrts: Reviewed by: , I'Recommend Approval | 2-1 No EDn€,R Date: County Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : nnn tr nntr! County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Comments: Recommend Approval : n Dntr Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: nn Firral I nspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngND C,/O lssued Final Filing Date by Date "r::i: " jol a\ $ /7' n o4.< ,f. /r. /4 /..^Jts ^/r.'r 4^, /'/../ fio.^-g '.*o.// / /k 7/ n' '{'77i, ert f rt, t/< ;;{i,.'1f1 €rcz-2, "-//.rJ7"F //-ytz7 7rnc14- q s47 ra7 --.8 -s.y^{ "I4gJn = .af -<'/' 2) /t'^ z-' ,/n, ,/* ) /r'r,t€" hl' ,/ - "/ /o., 5-. {I l/..r' 1) ) <'de'2., y'er aVr 8 - 1tr7'15 €/e.,/e ,.o/Y-roft z-'170t -/'t f t'i- + ft,/nr(/, - f.-z -^ /n p+ tLl 7LT : et.\ rl-/ -'r (z<.ept|.E\ F/r/-,.1/ '. y-n sc^." o'/E-/ {2'r-:g,::t-l-rfr ,lrl,t ,'c &"* ,/i-&J l,^qffi: l\ , )1"/ ,.\ "#.L:) , 'rro.(o"J .-, J-./ ,vo.+-- FfnJC+al euriorrrrc DrvrsroN P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 oIN=iPECTIclN FIECILIESiT EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen flpnnrral. READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: /--;\w ,^, /l't ?0 AM PMTHUR E[nppRovED I otseeeRovED ffipoNTHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECT|ONS Ca,l-^t-.,a+t t, E nerNsPEcr *'{ INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 rNSpecflorv FIEOUEST UNTYEAGLE CO DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ..t . ING FINAL 'i', 1 r**.}a1 ITII\L 1., . .1, ELECTRICAL t*r"-^* ROUGH f INAL SMOJ(! DETECTOR TTIAL '*-";,i' \TI ! n orsen MON COMM E N TS: TUE f pnnrr.Ar-.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM El'-r(ppRovED f,l uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORR ECTIONS: I nerNsPEcr ,/ :. DATE INSP ECTOR FIETD COPY BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY, P.O. BOX 789 couRTHouSE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-633e AppLtcANT Rl'gnda€n H.ltnahrrll.lFnc ADDRESS PERMIT row(-) sroRY BUILDING PERMIT DArE -l_Q.qlober-- ts 77 pERMrr No. 0 8 2 7 (PROPOSED U5E ) 65?(coNrR's LrcENsE) NUMBER OF OWELL ING UNITS l',ot 39 Resub- of Buffen Crec-k ZON ING AT ( LocAT IoN)D ISTR ICT (NO.)(sTREET) BETWEEN AND (CROsS STREET)(CRO5S STREET} LOTIL o oz: Eo suBotvtstot{ BUILOING IS LOT-BLOCK-SIZE TO BE - F7. WIOE BY - FT.LONG BY BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT IOI. FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CO FORM IN CONSTRUCTION TO TYPE USE GROUP RE MARKS: Plen Check Fee $497.82 AREA OR VOLUME esr rulreo cosr $ f (cuBlc/SQUARE FEEI) ft'o**." Rrnandess Tlornebulldare r Inc- ft ooone.. Rrr- 2328 Vall r Co- 8165?BU I LD ING AY County of Eagle ELECTRICAL PE,RMIT Ne 877 Building Valuation $ .. ...-...... .. ... ..... ElectricalValuation $.-.--.......... - -.-.."..-, Permit Fee s. /.X..a...2 Inspection Fee $-. - ..... ..-.-........... Total Fee ,. E'..4-2 oat pan.... /- /-..: Z:..7- . 7^.... Electrical Contractor. APPROVALS #/::- THIS FORilI I5 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTIOil 18 HOURS AITVANCE NOTICE REQI.'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS Applicanr...-.-. SlSnature V -t^ -r- PLUMHNG PERMIT APPTICATION Jurisdiction d +fi Az-"7 Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION - fisz: ertrcr:o trtevl AiCHITECT Oi DESICNTR LlcEt{!t llo. ENGIN€ER ltcllt!r tao. D USE OF AU IL DIN G 7er I Ctassof work: -E ruew tr ADDITION n ALTERATION Dlrpntn 9 Describe work: Typ. of Fixiurr o? ltam SPECIAL CONDITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILETI LAVATORY (WASH BASIN' KITCHEN SINK & DI5P. APFLICATION ACCEP'EO 8Y:LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. U R INAL DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR.-SINK OR ORAIN WATER PIPING A TREATING EGIUIP. VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT FoJm 10O.2 l-77 cK. M.O. CASH INSPECTOR ELEcTRT&I PERMTT lppu&moN Jurisdiction of Applicdnt to complete numbercd spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION rjt t p0e st d&uF;rtrrrt, $utV,tr6 - LrFlto dzlEi /sJ,)gu71t,r t/ I OE5CR.lsee nrracxeo eneery ZIP PHOI{E2 1au 6ll,"lts+7g"f '',"""-*7/)3 .t*t*+,t a frru brcrtgl s'"''"'pr.ctt0 fuzarc LICENSE NO. / //z MA IL ODI EsS AIANCH USE OF BUILDINC7 a,Fft oE 8 C|ass o{ worK: XNEW tr AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Enn" &,t/y r{tu rl,utt fCLtlzz y'za /ypt Jltlarto*t PEFMIT FEES ToralRECEPTACLE Outters SPECIAL CONDITIONS; TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURES RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOTICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIs TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NoT, THE GRANTING OF A FERMTT DoEs NoT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOP DISH, WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. vr H.P. MAX. SERVICE ,{"e*I cxeroe PERMIT ISSUING FEE a s \ \ N 3 ..& t .\\l- $\ \s I I{.l\ Y VALIDATEO (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION Form 100.3 ll-73 INSPECTOR IHTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' ' WIIITiIIR' CA|-IF. 'O'OI BUILDING PERtvtlT APPLIC o ATI ON I Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered liff,ces only. of I oEsc i.w$e.ffiZ"acxEo sNEEr) Fr€+.^b>esg'4-tuZs+' &x 23?b &lt. a6sl '/€citTEaF Ba< f-too, iilt4 olt. I tbz-e''"""' &, & t aW+E/Rqal.- 8 ctas of work: g!-f'tEw tr A00tTt0N E nLtEnlttott tr REpAtR n MovE D REM0VE 9 Describe work, IrIAN fuI(PNI* l0 Change o{ ure from I l Valuation ol work: $z?b,bo.PERMIT F€E SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Size of aldg. (Total) Sq. Ft, No. of Stories Fire Sprinklers Roquired Er7oj flNoAPP!ICATIOI{ ACCEPT€O AY APPROVED FOR ISSUANC€ BY No. ot Owelling Units OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTBICAL. PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN ,I20 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR AEANDONED FOF A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COMM ENCED. ZON ING F I RE DEPT. OTHER (Sp€cify) PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Form 1O0.1 1.77 INSPECTOR .6<rg;?y'/ EAGLE cOr*U BUTLDTNG pERMrr APITCATION ' ' Reivlew Routing Form -) Permit No. Please review the attached application and return County Building Official within 6 working days. Planning Commission File No. Planning: Complies with: Subd. Regulations Zoning Regulations Recommend Approval 4z1<et2- County Engineer:Roads Grading Drainage Appl icant Nor:t]rltf trItl YesgIK E]E E]t it end this completed form to the Fleviewed by: Comments: o14r?.*?L-. Comments:. Recommend Approval tr tl F x- f' -lF TS s>\ u t F \ '\..-\ \ 6pranVQWJ Sanitation Water County Health: Recommend Approval \ $ o -LZ:L6'?f stz DATE: 30 August 19?? STARTIIiG SAIJTRI: DEPARTMENT: planning and Development CENEIIAL DIIIIES: Performs plan review and site inspections primarily for grading, drainage, . landscaping, parking and site coverage compliance: g'ather and eompiles data for preparation of planning reports, including designs and illustrations; draftb or redrafts - planning and zoning mapsi provides limited information, as assigned, to the public; attends:official and inforimal meetings, day ind evenings, to provide technical information and malie.' presentations. Generally assists as needed. . SKIIJST ABILIfIES, FlOWUf,pCf,S REQUIRED: Basic knowledge of subdivision, building site,: traffic and irlility designs; ability.to read and interpret plans and blueprints; basic drafting' 'and drawing ability;.effectively co*nmunicate id-eas and instructions to general'public and co=workers. EXPffiIENCE REQUIiED: l\vo (2) to Four (4) years in physical plannlng and design or . closely related field, or:, acceptable combination of experience and education" Eagle County TITLE: planning Technician,/Inspilctor GITADE: .. DUCATION & TAAINING REQUIfiSD: College degree in . engineering, architecture, or physical planning, or, higtr school education, training and experience. :' IITORKING CONDITIOiIS: Inside office, ouiside field work day and evening meetings with citizens and bgencies. o landscape architecture, civil acceptable gombination of post by automobile and on foot, attends .SPECIITL REQUIITEI{;T TS :'in Colorado. Must possess a valid driverts license to'operate an automobile 0IOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 15 September Lg77 AN t4UAt .Ontol(TUNlTr utlploHtR BUILdING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-633) rNseecrBru EAGLE COUNTY ( ''-: ,'{ -J FIEOL,EST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen S ^-/, .E pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR @-J-:fu".(@ PPROVED I or snpp Rov E D fl nerNsPEcr E upon rHE ForLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDJNG DIVIsIoN P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-633, DATE tt' j'/ / TfME RECEIVED -1 lao AM F INsFEcr?ru nEeUEsT EAGLE COUNTY,'/- JOB NAME E orxrn MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR' EJnppRovED florseeeRovED fl nerNSPEcr L' UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O, 80X 789 PllONE:328-63:}9 '4dn-t - t-/xJ / INEiPECTIETN FIEOUEslT EAGLE COUNTY J--1'->--z ! pnnnnr LOCATION .'kzae'u4, -/4taz&: MON COMMENTS: E nppRovED fl uporu rxe CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING COR RECTIONS: E nErNsPEcr INSPECTOR -'),;{' -' BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNseecrGru ==.'#1tEAGLE COUNTY I ornen MON GOMMENTS: f] panrrnl. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR enn"PfrA..) f,l ai,p Rov E D fl or sepp Rov E D fl nerNsPEcr n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOF BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-633t 0921 rNseecrGru HEouEsrr EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl ornrn MON COMMENTS: TUE n panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E eppRovED D orsAPP Rov E D E upol*t rHE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR .a BU!IDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE:328-6339 gglg lO.//- a7 JOB NAME TIME RECEIvED P: ot'M CALLER rNseecrtru FIEOUEST EAGLE COunrv4,2i';;, COMME E pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECT!ON THUR B6'rrRov E D ! orsnneRovED fl upor'r rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR BUILDING DlVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-63i19 rNSPEcrBru HEeaJ::t EAG L E COUNTY DATE JOB NAME .TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florsen . MON GOMMENTS: f] penrnl. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFRTUE I appRovED ! orsaeeRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E: 328-6339 INSECCTCru FIEGIUEsT EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING rINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: COVER INSULATION .------._ SHEETROCK VENEER - ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION, PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE FINAL WDCS PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTTLATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPOBARY ROUGH FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL L@ATIONr n orHen E panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMMENTS: AM PM fl appRovED ! DtsAppRovED I netNSpEcr tr uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRBECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR County of EI,ECTRICAL Eagle PERII{IT Job Name- ..,.Br.andess..Belail-&.Pro,fe.ssional-BI.dg... 207? N. Frontage Rd. - Vail Date of Application-................. March..1..-....-................-......19f.8.. Electrical Contractor Hess Electric Plan Ch€cker Ne 984 Building Valuation Electrical ValuaUon Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $.280-.7.0....... -.-. -- $.... $ .280.,.:t.0............. $... $... Applicant....... StSnature APPROVALS Date Paid....-.. . 2/ Zg /.7.8 Received By....J-I(eLIer: Receipt #3214 Bldg. Permit #0827 THIS .tOB FORIU IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING CONSTRUGTIOil 48 HOURS ADVANCE NOTTCE REQI,NRED FOR INSPECTIONS EAGLE CCJNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT -46u6 Ct "l-. or , rc 7s )4a1CHECKCASH # ITEM Bu ildinq Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision Appl ication Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Var ianc Fee Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received no-payment of any item. Ne 3214 AMOUNT for collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for ELEcTRIQIT PERMIT nppu,ArloN Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. liaL\N,)('s! R('(l\rt .r trtlct-i >s. tlt D\- f]s: e r rrecr eo sreery 2 M^rL aDoREss gtr r11,., g_- 1 (j c('-( L LICENSE NO. AiCHITECi O' OESICN€F ENGII{EEi MAIL ADDF ESs ' PHONE MA ll AOO RE Ss BiAlrCH u5€ oF EUt LOlr{ G 7 8 Ctassotwork: RNETJI, tr AODITI0N D ALTERATIoN n REPAIR TotalECEPTACLE Ourtets SPECIAL CONOITIONS: TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPBOVCO FOB ISSUANC€ 8Y RANGES CLO. ORYER WTR. HTR. NOT ICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NoT. THE GRANTING oF A PERMIT DoEs NoT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. GARBAGE DISP. 5TA. COOK TOP DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX. TEMP. POWER SERVICE fl ruew E cseruce PERMIT ISSUING FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIOATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION R"t"-tZ' INSPECTOFI INTERNATIONAL CON FER ENCE OF BUILDING #.lats' wHrrTrER, c^r.rF, roaDlForm 10O.3 1l-73 OFFICtALs . 5!60 3. tr i|<M^" BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328.6339 rNsrrEerG *7t^z-uEsr EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D orHEn MON COMMENTS: FRITUE n pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM flappRovED n orsnpp RovED ! nerNsPEcr f] uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR a rNsr"=.ttr #Z"EsrBUIL,DING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEF EAGLE COUNTY. @ CORRECTIONS READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PP ROVED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr D uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: INSPECTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 ( 5'/'/rNseecrtru HEouEsir EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB ! orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrrnl LocATroN BEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flappRovED ! otsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr N UPOT,T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDiNG DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 uvsPEcrlC* EAGLE COU FIEOUEST NTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER flornen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrrcL.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ! appRovED X uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! orsaePRovED FOLLOWING COR R ECTIONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTO R BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE INSPECTI'\' 0827 FIEOIJEST EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE f] pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM I neeRovED florsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILdING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 NsPEcrtru EAGLE CO a83.7 HEEUEST UNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENTS: n penrral.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSP€CTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM D nppRovED florsneeRovED D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: I nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BUILDiNG DtVISIoN P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE rNsttEcrlB* HE;uEsrr EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: D pnnrrnl. LocATtoN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI ElnppRovED n orsnpp RovED ! nerNsPEcr n upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR BU ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328.6339 IN sPEcT'I* EAGLE C rUE oELT STFIEE OUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orurn MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM n eppRovED tr uporu rse CORRECTIONS ! orsaePRovED FOLLOWING COR RECTIONS: fl nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR t fl' aa BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 I rNsrpecrilru FIEEUEST ,ortZ -[7 JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB D orHen MON COMMENTS: I pannnr-.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,^, /l ; lf AM pM g(rrRovED E orsappRovED D uponr rHE FoLLowrNG conREcrloNs: CORRECTIONS E nerNSpEcr INSPECTOR \rNsr=.t,tr FrEquEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328.6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! penrreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM flnppRovED fl orsnpp Rov E D [] nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coBRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR PHONE:328€339 EAGLE COUNTY oArE q-2 1 JOB NAME TIME RECEIVE} /:20 AM PM CALLER E ornen E plnnnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR &,dr %wev COMMENTS: E nppnoveo EItTSAPPRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR f*ar7/"zzj-v"t)J BUILDING DIVISION rNSPEcrl?t" IEKJL=tP. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328.5339 DATE *- zr JOB NAME TIME REcEtvED ?: 30 AM pM cALLER EAGLE COUNTY n orxen n pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION 1111un_) florsnppRovED nnerNsPEcr'APPROVED E upon rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS {" BUILDlNG DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DAnE t-/l JOB NAME TIME RECETVED f :30 AM PM CALLER f NsPEcrrtN "A!t:::-EAGLE COUNTY $ E ornen E pnnrrnl. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION Il @ COMMENTS: ,^r 3', 3 C) ,@ tcoRREcrtoNs fu *e'<* " .4 PP ROVE D 'E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328.6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER rNsPE.r,!* %'^'rEsr EAGLE COUNTY E orHen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION Wfpp RoVEo I DtsAppRovED/' Mro*THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: 7-a ORRECTIONS --t,| >t, / Z tz-- J.1.- 2L ! netNSPEcr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR - BUILDING prVrsrON P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 I 47A- ai "'5INSPEGTIEiT FTEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY oo* Zi-,?a-%JOB NAME TIME RECEIV.ED- AM PM CALLER t n orHen I pnnnnu LOCATION EfnppRovED n otsappRovED _, EldporvrHEFoLLowrNGcoRRECroNS: [up-<*.'-t' CORRECTIONS REINSPECT /! 11rr|-_t v/.\ | t\Ji\ r(JH, vAl-ilI\NUL: fm tne Zonirrg Resolution of Eagle County, ColoraCo tc the Fee Paid Date r€cd, Zonin3 Eloard of Adjustments (minimum 5 copies requlred; prlnt or type, except signaiures) Section 9.04.05 2. Pmsent Zone clL 3. Gq'reral location oi property (in relation to a Town ' Road' Stream ar other landmark): Adj acent to a.nd to the North of .the North Frontage Road along I-70, I{estofBufferCreekRoad,EastofVa11DasSchonecenter Appli.a"t/6 t Lard Mait A'3ress P ' o ' Box 2 374,vail, colorado "n...r oooao"nn 1. Regltlation ard Sec'Eion Nrmber(s) of Zoning Rcsol!.tion from which Variance is sought: 3.07.08 (b) Minlmum set back of ?5' to be reduced to 25' 4.Legal description of property a. subdivision Narne Resubdivis ion Buf fe r o f Creek Lot B!k_, or, 39--A b. rnetes erd bounds (-.v L attached) includr survey or map: " -s;; rxni5ii riAl'-aaatctr6a n.reto -and iade a part hereof by ref erence. Exhibl-t ttA" has beb.n updated; it sha1l be provided forthwith vhen the Appl-icant has received the New,Survey-_ 8aJ.L",F[ifl?4t'i'1"'"tfi?iLT"J'fEY]f3= e1t' "fi3'd"='3' np'fltour'l-r%or uv Pago 1 ot.2 NGE 8 stxTlt ST gll"AL enl COLORADO. LOIS lnl su8Gcl ET$TEfi3 a I tr aaAvL-t THtt |l ooEs HEREBT RESUEDTVTDE AflO FEFLIT tHe aaove D€!c!l-B€-9 -P{-q-utt€R lHg i{AlrE aNo STYLE oF 'FESUBOIVISIOII oF aUTFER CREEr ' 0 OO€S tlrE PUSLTC Tl(E ROAOWAYS g{01dt{ lHeR€ott Am mgs sERe8l Gn&lT tO uTtLrTtEs tHg EAS€Xgr|ls 9H0rY[ nr€Rtol{. illi ]i oecr.&es lno rontrs txAr fiE AsovE o€scfitlEo PARC€L sftALL 8E cs!,t rlrt3 lS FECoROEO l Eo(x--lZ!- PAGE -A- f TnE RECoROS oF iEcoRo€i of E^6LE COUlliY, @LoRADO. n f|rrEsg |EEReOF, S|JFFEn CREEI( CO$PAnr' AS OwrtS& ti^s C USCO lf{ES€ axEartEo otr lllts---41---oAr oF ocroFEl, r.a.' D6!' lttElt! tltl J FaL-t f*/* .r ioBERT FOtL€i- ASST. SECREraRt 8lJ$En cn€Er co|lF tfl \ E A?E Of cdirTY 0F €reLg :NOTARIAL- -APPROVAL- TflE FoIREOOIIG lxiTRuf,E{l IAS ACXISIL(DOEO SEFOn: r€ tfll3 7tt' oair ieg. Er ;lcx a. ol.gsotl as e8EgtoE)lr of, BulFgR c.Re€i coi'pAtrt. A coLoRls tiEs! ry nllto Atg oFFlctll 8aL. ---\_ rY oorrtsslotl ExtlRB 3. tt- ,/rrt \\-\-ALL STREET3 ARe 30 FEEI |rlo€ ll{o lRE. al tlET oi Erc|| slo€ of ccnTtRLlNES etR'ul tllotc l€0 0l( FLAi\ AlL I.oT U'|gS ^iE IEfrPSXOICULAR IO STREET CEi'EtILIiEI iFelolAi ur,n ess orfiERrtEE l?lDrcl?eD or PLI? o{.i. DE' rErEs lsfl-iaotlLl. \ uflLrry grsEHElrtS SxoY rR€ i reer :rr, o* At lflltc,lltD, ilro lrt roa rHE usE oF PuBLtc llto PRlvarE wlltllut r.rciuonrg. aur rrg? Lt tlEo to, uAtEl otstnlSttllcr ltlDgirrlnr' svstexg. STuB ElsEx€tlts IRE 20 FEE? tior F*OPEBT? @RHEi IXO P FEIT TIC. \ ro, trrgTlN6 r88l6^tl0f. i \.: Dtt$EA |,|9 I I '!' sl$ iir dlt I I I rXtT PLII Of .R€SUPMSD OF 3UF.EI CREEI(. B APFROV€D Ffi FIUIiG fi T8E n-ter lro iE@noER OP !A6!E Colrflrt coLoiaDo, alo TfG otDlcrtlor to tLr!?5,0d R.e503.ad 3. er$bf rai norgr.rn gtorfl INER@fi 13 tltnglY rcc€?Tto' o^180 80 RD f Cq.l|TY OOATStIoTCFlllgtitt *RECORDER.S CERTIFICATE+ l cEtnFv lrfl? ?fr{3 1!lr ra3 f tLEo tt rl ofFlct $ *e-AlL=;i9xr-(' rD€DICAI|ONT l, t(flof ALL tEil 8Y THESE PnEgEt{TS; ft(at suFFti ciser corP^l|t-r- coror': &iiii'is-irii irls ine:-o*ren or i'iniif'orlrm irru^rtD r'..aEE -rotr rl-^l ro"iisiip I siuitt, i iol ii*!*'or tx€ sttfl PrflctPAL rrnrot^lq cqrltY 0r I6i co.oluog. roaE l f,rlgJt.liLY lfscilat! l8 c0r.r0r9 [ I BECr$rtf{c ^T tHE IITRTHIEST COnltEi oF t}rE 3! ua -ql-.ag- rEg a iiiiii'idi rio*o rne nonrx lrxs oF srtD srlr' r olslrncE or l?l ibnit srro eo,ri .lrtrc otl-ttre xoirxcrsr$Lr Ricr{t-'#'rlY Lfie o,t txatriE soutasEstEnr.v on n *rlecrox rx6lt to tE llgr-oF r,tj Ar.oal6 sAto RlGliT.oF-raY irrf r -orsrerca oF t55t-6 FEtl to ?Htl o.,RvAtuRE OF A CURVe tO tfrE IEFT HAYlllo I RlDtt',3 -Of elo3 ilo Ftf iielce sourxwe*tnLt lloft{! ?HE ARc oF satD cuiYl l -gglaxca o'il . rl|.nce tontrmg$€nrr ot a oerueclron ^x6lg ro t!!i Rl€ttT 0F t'n I. LoNG CHoRO OF SAIO CuavE ^ DtSr^NCt oF tt|ooofEETi- - - -- I tHEr{cE r{oRlHElSreRLy oN-a DE}LECftrtt aN6LE ro ?HE n!G"t ca-!qq, oISTA CE OF ?89.5tfEtr ro l PolBl'SAIO Pollll gElll6 o'| -ln€ -tiEsr- Lltl ixtnci Honfn oN A EFLEcrlofi aNdlt ro tHE LeFT 0r 5l'aflfAxo ^i' L||tE l D|sra ct oF 36.S€ Fget 10 IHE FottlT 0f iEcrlltlltlS' r '-ENG ilTJ -:i.i'tcdA l'ro rro itco*co n'&ix -Irr ?r'aE &a 3 Y.. EXII IB IT ''8,' -PURPOSE AND REASONS FoR REQUEST FOR VARTANCE BAGLE COUNTY ZONING RES0LUTI0N Section 3.08.07(b) The Applicant, Leo Brandess, is hereby tequesting a Varlance in the minimum setback requirements for the Rear Yard, reducing j.t from 75r to 25'. The Applicant has entered into an Agreement to purchase part of Lot. 39 (39A) of the resubdivision of Buffer Creek fron Vailden Co., Ltd., c/o Karl F. Anuta, for the express purpose of constructing thereon an office buil-ding with a Sross area of approximately 1-2,700 sq. ft. In anticl-Pation thereof, and for the benefit of the Appl-icaot, Karl F. Anuta and Byron Brown made an Appl-ication for Rezoning (narked Exhibit "X" and attached hereto) requesting a zone change for Lot 39A from Residential Suburban Mediun to Commercial Liniteal . Said APplication described the Applicantrs proposed office building.and set forth the reasons for which the zone change rtas requested. The Application was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on May 28, ].-975. In L1ght of the pxesent circumstances' and subsequent to the condemnation of the Interstate Righr-of-Way' the original Lot 39 has been substantially reduced in size. The orlginal Lot 39 has been designated Lots 39A antt 39B. IE is ow irapossible to build any structure on the subject proPerty and' at the satrIe tirne, comply r^tith the Eagle County Zoning ResoLution, Section 3.07.08(b) which provides, in relevant part, "Minimum setback requirements, Rear Yard, 75' for lots adjacent to residentLal uses; Front Yard, 50t ftom front ?roperty linertt which are appl"ieable in the instant case. a' " The western boundary of the subJect property measures 131- 76'.. The eastern boundary of the subjecc property measures L22.92; ther:eforer the total linear footage of the Rear Yard (75r) and Front Yard (25t) setback requirements exceed the. totaL linear footage aval1able on the subject property. The Applicant is hopeful that his request for this Variance wiLl be granted so that he wil-L be able to eonscruct. the proposed office building as planned. ?ursuant thereto, the Appl-icant desires to and shall- be in full compliance vith a1L other setback requlrements if this request for a Vari.ance is granted, The Applicant wou1d, of course, compJ-y wlth any and all relevant buildl-ng codes., procedures and regul-ations which govern any proposed constructj.on oa the subj ect property. o'"'o;:;'; jil;:'';:,1;: crurion of EXHIB IT ''X'' copie:; req.rir,-:d; prtnt or type, cxccl.r!. lign:.'lures) Seclisn 10.o0 o Fi:c Pr.rid 5 D:'!c i? c.cd. by: (rnirtirn.rrrr 5 Apptica',t-- !iarI F. /inuta F, Dvfon I_,r. Brorrn h,lail Adcrcss Box 547 Phrne:476-??11 1. T:,pe of l.nrerrCrnl-nt scught (check x Zone District Ma'P; --_!o; Preseflt zotre t/S/U to: Genersl locaticn oi Pr oPctlY Lot 39, Duffer Cr-e ek Srrbtlivision, Adjacent to :iorth frontage load along I-70 Zone District h1z,p aitachaci? jg€- (sec, 10'02'O1) Legal CcscriPlion of ProP*rlY as ar;-,prc'priate): Admini str at ive Prcpcsed Zone. C i[!"_-2. 3. 4- 5. 7. (s) (rt ay Le altached) 2 cjesirt,ble (sec. ro.ob-o3 a,b,c,d) : change). a. Subdir.ision Name .- Ruffer Crqell ot-39 Blk (Aocn- No. ) 1..., m:tes and bc,-rnds (may be altached): ' 6. Briet Pulprse and Reascn {or Arnencirnent See Attachnent I Atiach cxptlralion of evitlencc lhat Amendrnent is (include ;>cssibte negative impacts of ptoposed See Attachnent II B. A complele lisl oI atl o',vners includ'ing addresses, ol the prop'5ty propcsed {or Rezoning and of atl o\T ners ; ail e'cl ace'rt properties is alla:lr=cl heretc; this sigrrslot" is p:operly 1'i i1, l-olr: -1 r'lc:.JlL,', r -i.-1 , )L;i,r.-'l :.j.r,.r. AIviEN "I. O APPLICATION /TCTION liagle Count;', Color;,,Jo Fllo No-Z__c-3-75 - Byr on Gror;n Pla,rnirrg Cornr-nission Action: Dalo of Public Hearing Fccomrnend approvat X -_-' April -16, conditions:t\one 't975 .Fecomrnend denial reasorrs: April 1975 Daie of Public Hearing App;oved X cordi tions:None Denied '::::__--_:L teasons: -28 May 1975 Dato Clroirmon Pqb2ofP to -4i;..1l;fI'i:iT r t ?he prrrpose of the zoning ;r-lendr,ren t is to allor,, constructlon of anoffice builtling on t}e prolerty. I.he anenrlnent is lrarranted for ibef ol lor.rins reasons (") T'lre rccortJcd covcnants stiprraEcd thc property nay be used forco,rne rci- al Furposes, Ttr e iand .,'"n p,r."rrr"ea in rl:-iance on thesecovenants, and surrounding lanrlolnrers had notice to this effect. (b) 'There ls a need for office space in Gore \ral]ey orrtsiie the eorearea of Vai !-. (") ?lrc proirosed use r.rorrld serve as a r:rrffcr lretrreen high intensity" retail use and residential lanC rrse. (d) The-lcrcation is uel1 suited ln terns of acccss to interval_ strcetsys tens . t ...r 1.,' L.I ".-11 -t. _l*-.-- 7. Ttre i'lann inj', Co-nissioa and Corrnt.v Corni.ssionerj; ney a l io.:.; a;reninents if::: ::*::1"5,"fi.01:;i::i";"::::;" ;;;;";;;;;;;*";: ;;;;;,;i. ',i.",,1"'i, ..(a) T-1re eslstin g zone district is inconsistent r.rith the pollcics and goals .of thc ldesier plan. EL'L rvrlrl (b) T!:e area for-p'ricrr lczgni^-rc is reqrested lras crranged or is cl.rau;;ing tostrchadegreethat1tisiathepub1icinteresttoencoura3eanetluse or rierrs{tv in the arca.. -'-- ,'-- '..'Tire proxl'rity of the site to the safevay srropping center and E1e f,onr-" I laF,e t oad renrlers it u,rsuitable for resi.lentiai lrse. lha proposed use . .., Itnuld set-ve as a desirable brrffer zone betr;een the nore intense shopping. :,center retail actlvities ancl surrounding rcsitlentiRl uses. rlhe.reas rhenoiser traffic v-oLu;re, and ar:tificial lighting of ,].r" shoppi.ng cci.rterarerrndesirabletry.prodrtctsforadjacentresiicntialuse,the.varenot inirn'cal to tlre proposed use. of,ficc buildings do not genera.e ." ,Irr"nuf.sances for odjur"nt resijentlail, usap,,e, Tlre concept of ti*ansltionalland rrses is a-videly accepted. alrd r.reli io\r.r.t.a irincipl"e ln zoning artil .i.land use pl.anning througtrout the .o,rnt.y. 'T") ?he oroposed rezoning is.necessary in orrler. to provice ,r.rd ,orla der.orrlstratetl need, anil tlrat sirch rezoning will be consistent r.rith the pollciesan<lgoa1softheliastel:P1an'}!.-Lg|rL\'rLjrLrlePo.l ?ltere Ls a need for office .space in 4ore rlarle-y. As a rcsult of covenants,zoning, and other factors there are virtrrall;r no office biriLdings ouisLCethe core area of r'tai1- Ite as sune the Tor,,'n o? tr"i1 does not rrlsh to gener-ate additlonal vehicular congestion in the core bv local resiCents visi!_ing and usrag, office rp."" tiii"h need not be rocared in the heart of . .:coruaercial actlrrity, i:f fi"" space for professionals and other buslness--raen serving loca1s is needed. The subjlct p.opo.ty is suitable for this ,.Purpose in terrqg of convenience to the publll.c. ,: ..(d) ttRezonlng ls neeessary to attain a.stat.ed goaL of ,the llaster plan. . .. rr't ' tr. : ' rhe goals and objectives porEion of the l.taster plan .states on page 37, t t ' ''Co':lt,-uerica1faci1ities"r,"rrt*directer]EoexiStingcentersand strateS-ic locations based on access to arterial circulation ro'tes.rtTne proposed rezoning f","ip" "tiofn the aforeinentioneC goal and is in' general h3s."611' r'rith the goals anrl objectir,res of t1e ].iaster plan. rt ts. ,l ,not contradictory to any of the elevel a.'.topr".i objectives set forthon Pages 37 and 38, and the rezoning r.rarranLs particular ,nerit to Eheextent lt conrplies r,rith ,revelop'rent ob-jective #8. 'trsr 'LL Llr L,I= r_ .i o 8. lroperiy oi1'ners: llORTll ! (Lot 36) LIalter liasparait is L16 Clayton Street I'aukegan, I11. 60085 (Lot 37) lfarrls Cartr.'rigirt Z iJilliam Cartr.rrighE 6324 iicConrtas Avenue Da11as, Te>ras 75214 {Lot 38) Ski properties Inc. Z ?oi llavi s S'!rer4an,A_gency 623 Sher.rnan Strc.et Denver, Colorado 80203 qnllT\r . EAST: fnterstate 70 Lot (4C) Alan F. Fox 1310 Denver Club 518 Seventeenth Denver, Colorado ^13et/ t\ 'l''r6\ |p r,l^ i,r ',, rg}>. St reet 34202 !,IEST:(Cas Schone Coru-reri cal Area)Recreational nevelopnent Corporalion Greenwood Plaza Terrace Suite 250 / lingler."ood, 61'orado 80110 of America EXEIBlT ''C'' ., EXISTING CoNDITI0NS, PURSUANT TO SEC. 9.04.06, 1-5 The Applicant statesr as grounds for this Variance Application, as follows: 1. That 1f the provisions of this ResoluEion are strictly enforced, an unnecessary and unreasonable hardship will be imposed on him in that he will be precluded from constructing any strueture thereon, the purpose for which he is purchaslng the subject property 2. That the Varj.ance, if granted, wil-1 not dlml.nish the vaLue, use or enjoyment of adJacent properttes, nor curtail desirable light, air and open space in the neighborhood. 3. That the variance , i f granted , !,ri11 not be 'directly contrary to the intent and purpose of this Resol-ution or the Master Plan, which provides in relevant part, ttCommercial facilities shall be directed to existing centers and strategic locations based on access to arterial clrculation routes.t' The subject property is immediately adjacent to the North Frontage Road for access to arterial circulation, and is proximat6ly located to the East of the VaiI- Das Schone Center. NORTH Lot 36 Lot 37 Lot 38 EXHIBIT IID'I ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS OF RESUBDIVISION OF BUFFER CREEK, LOT 39-A Ardickas Kasparai t is Pauperes Kasparaitis LL6 Clayton Street llaudegan, Illinois 60081; Wil-1ian and Alice M. Cartwright 6324 McCoomas Avenue Da1Las, Texas 75274 Roi C. Davis, Jr. Sheruan Age ncy 838 Sherman S Ereet Denver, Col.orado 80203 s0uTt{ Lot 39*B Interstate 70 R.O.W. EAST Lot 40-A Ronal,d Za1l Alan E. Fox 1340 Denver Club Building 518 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado 8020 3 Lot 40-B Int.erstate 70 R.O.ht. WEST Sec. tI Parts of Sec. 72 I,Iest Vail Development Corporatlon Post Office Box 418 Vai1, Colorado 81-65 7 r IllcDonald Bldg,550 llroadway P,O. Ilox I?9 10 June 1977 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Leo Brandess c/o Carole C. Dominguin Attorney at Law P. O. Box 2374 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Fife No. Zv-26-77 - Variance At their Public Hearing on 9 June 197'1 , theZoning Boardof Adjustment denied your request for a Variance. The Board stated that whatever hardship that exists is self imposed. The Zoning Resolution was in effect when the Zone Change was appl ied for arrd the owner was aware r or should have been aware r of governlng regulat ions. lf you have any questionsr please contact this office. A copy of the denied appl ication is enclosed for your records. Tt</kp cc: Zoning Board of Board of County l $EFe&rlit$ffg 8f P&&${NII{& A${$ tsEvEt0P$#EHf Adjustment; Commissioners I'lanning I)t'plrtmonl/I)lunning (-'ommission: Subdivisbn, Iiuilding Clflirill: Ituikling l'ermits and Insy-'ction, Zcnin6 Ilezonin;;, Applicllions :rnd lieview (30.1) 328-6338 Administlntion iJ03) 32fl-li3Jg lerrirr rln CE APPLICATION tr* efl Variancc Appl lcatlon. :' '. ',.fidy aryffr*' appesl ftom lhe dccision ot th€ Board may be l' ' '" " radg tq ftq'E€urtsr:as provided by lawr provided, hovt everr thst sJcfi apFsdt is macie prior to twenty (20) days " . ' fottos.k€l the deto.of til6 rtltif icaiion of the Boardr s declslon' rl DETTBTIilEHT OF TIIUilII{E McDondd Bldg. [II3 DTTEI.OTilTTT P.O 8or l?tf l-eo Bran&ss c/o Carole C. Domingnrin AHomey at Law P. O. B,ox2B74 Vail, Colorclo 81657 At their continr.pd rrreeting on 20 May 197/" the Eagle Cour*y Plmnjng Commission recorrwrended approval for a variance of 50 feet fiom the rear yard setback requirernent This recomrrendation will be forwarded to the Zonirlg Board of Adjustment at their Plarner TKlW cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment; Board of County Commissioners o I fioyra s s //d)/-, e&'>**tu/os7 %/--.r_ 4 /V77 / A"rr---hL JC,T1'.r=6 MAV Oei,i.. .: fat.: box 1oo r vail, colorado 8r6b7 r 303.476-56i3 May 18, \977 Eagle County Planning CommissionEagle County Court HouseEagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Brandess Variance The Vail Town Council strongly recommends denial of the Brandess Variance on Lot 39 of Buffer Creek. The Council wouldlike to reguest that the rezoning of this property fromresidential to commercial , which occured approximaLely 2 yearsago, be reconsidered. Lot 39 is part of the Buffer Creek Subdivision, which ispredomi'nantly residential in character. Allowing conmercialuses to extend into a residential area is improper land use andshould not be permitted. With the large commercial zone beinglocated directly adjacent to this 1ot, there can not besufficient need for additional commercial space in this area. What will result by permitting commercial uses on this siteis the start of strip commercial development along the North Frontage Road. The Council strongly feels that this can on1-y have negative impacts which includes increased traffic congestionalong an already crowded North Frontag'e Road. The reason for the variance from the rear setback requirementis that a 75 rear selback is required when commercial usesare adjacent to residential lots. This 75 setback is toguarantee the protection of residences from commercial uses.It seems that this must have been overlooked when the rezoninqoccurred tr^lo years ago. The Tor^/n Council strongly feels that this parcel is in-appropriately zoned and would tike to request that the Planning Commission investigate the possibility of returning this lot toa residential zone. hwn SincereJ-y; lEilunffi $ il,tt{iltilE il{D lt[Et0tillM cDrda n||3 $lk di.t PO. D.! llt E al+ O.t ..& 8f$f To: EaglF Oo|, y Plr rlrp Conrmlsslon F lcmr Oaprrtn€nt of Pltning ard Devslopmant Dde: ll Mly 19fi Sri'r: Etdt Focoryryr€rdatlons on lt€rrrB Appearlry Beforo tl|g Commlcglon on € May 1977 lbrrl Flle hlo. Sf-9.1-77 - gundqwn Condorntntinns (Aaragee) A. Flaqu€st: SlgnlrE of a Flnal Plat of Sundo'vn Condomlnium Gatage unlta.B. Baclerourd: Th€ Surdown Cordomlnlum plan Indtcated thlg portlon of the lot b€ develop€d aa covered parklng areas. Tho r€qrested condomlnlumlzatlon would Bllew purchaae of IndlvlclJal apaces by unlt ov./rErs <bF€rtdirE on need. C. Statf Recomri€ndat lon I Recomm€nd epfovat Bublect to e chgck of thE plat by tt|e County Surv€yor. Ftl. No. Se-170-77 Brl6cg ArllEnAr Seguegt: Exemption lrom the Subdlvlelon Flegul et lena t€ spllt e 2.76 Ecte lot Intg two ocl.t€l Intero6ts.B. BacllErolrd: Thls parcel ls an exlstlng lot In an area zon€d Rogld€nttal Sr&urban Low Deneity [RSL), r1y11s6 al lowo lota wlth a mlnlnum elF6 ot 151000 9q. f| Tho proFo8€d Exsmpt€d lotE ar€ to bo qdrvsC bJ a w€ll ard Bepar6t6 Eeptlc Byslgms.C. Staft ffEcommendationo i Becommsnd approval wlth the condltlon that i1. a common well wlth en approprlate eaasffint eerve kroth ptropsrtJgs.2. allFropo8ed fenc€6 ba approved by lhe locrl Olvl.tan ot Wllc ft Oflicer. Flle No. 9sp-80-n - Ed Dreager A. lequbstt Sketch FlEn rFvlow gf a proposed s.rbdlvlslon contahtng E lote on 9,8 acro8. B. Backqround: Tho lot8 as dr6.m have b€€n dlvldgd by cb€d tor aornr flme.' Thls raqueBl lB lo follow lho eubdlvlslon raguldlon8 |n order to complote th€ re4rired proceBs. C. Staff RecommErdatlong: Flecommsnd not to proco€d to prsl lmlnary plrr untll *proprlatq zonlng lF obldlned ior ths ?ttc, lh. iollowlrE oomrxnto +ply to th. sk€tch pltr !s submittod z Phtr!tut D.F.rtD.!t/Pb!drf C.dDi..!n: Subdivirioo Xcrontng, tpplidrtion .rd lcrlr, (I!) &tt l .geil$rs Ol6d.f 8!0dha Prrrdib rra hry!.tbo, ?oo|!t Adfituhtti{q (sA fa.|rl F.e. 2 E taft FlecorYrnendatlonE Agsncb ltem L l I i : 1. all indivicbal sewage dlaposal sygtems slrould be deslgrEd by an €ngineer b€ed on speclfic aolls conditions on each lot.2. All foundations sftould b€ reviewed by an engineer to ensuro proper deeign for these soll types. . 3. Road dedicatlons for Walter road and Hooks lsl€ shoutd be indicated on plat, 4. The right-of-way easernent (DOC #104114) st|ould be vacat€d.5. Eagements for irrigation ditches should tE provlded. Ff f€ No. S6p-82-77 - Fertur Subdivision A. Flequest: Sketch Plan review for a suHlvision containing 35lots on 350 acres. B. Background: Thls parcel consist6 of 35O acres of rolllrE hills with a portlon of the property used as pasture+ay land. C. Staff Becommendations : Recomrnend not to proceed to prelimlnary ptdl until appropriat€ zoning is obtainod lor the site. Also recommerxd thEt the aketch plan be redesigned to rnore appropriately rne€t the follorring concefi|61: 1. Critical wildllfe h6bitat should be gotected from developrr€nt.2. Dogs should be slrlctly controlled on site ard not be al lowed ta enter critical wi ldl ife tsreas. 3. All fences should be approved by tfE Division of Wildlifs Officer ad wlldlife proot fences should b€ limited to not rnore tha,l two acreg p€f lot.4. Exlsting county roads wlthin or along tho subdlvislon should have Proper dedicat lon. 5. An avallabllity siudy ter water €hauld be submltted ln ordsr to detgrrnt potentlal capaclty Including tlre protoctlon no€d. 9. The road eervlng lotg I thru 13 does not rneet county standarde tof mexlrnum lgngth. 7. PUbllc accees to BLM tEnd should be provldod through lot 25. Flle No. Ssp-83-7? - Alrpo* InctrBtrial Park ,f . &q"es!_ Sketch revlow of a proposed subdlvlslon contalnlng 21 lot8 on 54 acres. B. Rogfground: The proporty lle8 adjacsnt to and north of th! Esglo Conty Alport and 6long U.S. Hlghway 6, Currsntly the land ls vlcent End th6 moJorlty of lt haE not bsan usad fof agrlcullural productlon. 0. 6taff Ftecommendatlon: RecommEnd not to procaed to prellminafy plal untll approprl6le zonlng and physlcal cohdition atudiea are obtained tof th€ alt€. Th6 tollowlng comments apply to ths skelch ptan as submitted: 1. A study of solls capabillty to accopt lndivldJal septlc syst€rnB should be Bubmitt€d. 2, A water availabllity study should be submltted. 0. Lot6 1,13 should not hav6 dlrect accass onio Hlgfway 6. {. Ttre layo.tt of tho subdivision (especlatly lots 8r9 trld 10) should b.' 'le-€valuai€ to (bt6rnin€ the rflosl foasible eonfiguration. E' Accas8 foad€ shoulct bo dooignod to prcvlde saf€ convenierit i IntfrFectlonc vrith Hbfrway €! Acc.rt-dgcol laes appar to bd rFa&d. Ag.ndao MEMORANOUM 10413 €. Easernents stEuld b€ provlded for th€ lrrlgatlon dfich69. 7. A geologlc Investlgation btDuld bo made on l.ots 1-13. 5. Bulldlng rsstdctlon areas should b€ lndlcated on block 2 to 6/old pobf*lal flood plaln lrnpacts. Fife No. MP6-1O-TI af z;s-39-71 - Flours Mobite Home Park A, FeSre6t: Revlew of a t6 unlt addition to a Moblle Horne Park. B. Eackqrourd: This Moblls Hom€ P6rk was in exletence prtor to adoptiol ot Carnty Mobils Horne Park Fegulalions and thereforo was not reqJir€d to m€et tfps€ slendtrds. With a r€qu€st to €),pand a park, th6 addition rnrst rn€et tfte llsted standards and a plan of ttle Fntir€ park must be submltted. A sp€cial use p€rmlt must be obtained whlch Includes th€ adcrltlon fid pr€-exi6ting af€a. C. Staff Recor.nrnendation ; Flecommend deniat of ths sp€clal uie permlt rd 8k€tch plan for tf|e lollowing reasons: 1. SEwer service avallability i9 queetionsble. ?. The flood hazard app€arE to b€ 6€ver€ In this location. 3. The exlstir€ park has Eom6 dsflclenclgs whlch ns€d correcilon. 4. A plan of th€ exlgllrE park be submltted for a Ep€cial uo€ permlt. Fil€ No. MPS-11 -n - Floyd Crarri,tord - El Jeb€t Mobtle Horne Park A. Aecuesti Sketeh Plar! revlew of 45 additionat spac€s to the El Jebol Mobile Home Park. B. Bacxgrourd; The existirE El Jebel Moblle Home Park ls loceled on a parcel whlch is zoned lo allow Mobilg Horne Parks urder a speclal us€ perrnlt. Tho 45 unlt e>tralsion will b,e contlgtrous to ths exiEting park d ls to b6 develgped up th€ slope Ebove ttle present park. Units aro to b€ ptaced on Ep€cific afeas to b€ determined by on 6lte inspection. The current land uso on ll|€ n€w area is vacant and r|c|n agricultural. C. Statt Fecomrnendatione: Ftocommend he sketch plan procees procesd to prellminary plm ineorporatlng the following comrnenls: 1. Feasibllity ot specltic water, sewtst, end str€et tocation Bhould be reviewed by on €ite inveatigation, 2. A sit€ plan ol ttr€ existing park showing all lots and facltities should be sd3mittsd along wiih a Speclat Use Pbrmit Appl icatlon. 3, Sewage treatrnenl plant c+acity needs to b€ expanded to hfidle thg increased load. 4. New lots which aro ta attow dogs shoutd provlde sncloEed kennela. Flle No. Sp-81-n - Eagte-Valt Swlm Ctub A. Requ6st:_ Prellmlnary Pltrt reviq, f,or a awlm cldo ard ryt I unlt townhous, complex, tl. Backgror.rnd: , Thlo la c resubdtylslon of lot 106r Block 3, Tract I, Eaglg- Vall FlllrE #1. The lntonded uso a3 r€c.oallon rd rsslden al ls Fo.mlit€d by lt€ P.U.D. plfi. lhe ptr| l. to provl(|r ? |tlrhmlng pogl r|(t I 'filttovr*rusc. I . o l1 a Aosrida lt€m C. Slaff Recommondation: Recommond opproval stltiEct to tf|g fol lowing cslditionBi l. A blke parklng td lockup area be pro\rlded. 2. A landscepe plst be submlttod rrd approved. 3. Adequate parking for tf€ tennls court complex sd swimming pool be Provtded. 14 Ftle No. Ze-35-77 - Mountaln Moblte Mlx (Temporary) A. Flequest: Application for a temporai)t special use permit to operFte a concrete batch pltrrt. B. Background: This rsquest is to obtain a permit to set up a batch pl*tt prior to completlon of the full special use procedure. The inteflt is to be able to supply concrEta for the l-70 construction. A full petmit applicatlon has been made for il|€ regultr permlt process and will follo/v the regular schedule. C. Staff Recommendation: Recommend denial of th€ 4plication as submitted becausg it does not meet the public revi€w scheduls. The Highway Departrief has lndicated a need for a concreta supply and worrld therelore recomrnend approval if tha permlt were llmited only for StBte H ighway Depdtn€nt trfpos( 15 Flle No, Zc-55-7? - Myers Zone Change A. Reqcrest: Review of zone cha'€e application from Ftesource (R) to Fesldentlal Suburban Medium Denslty (RSM). B. ggglSlslf This reqJeet is to extend the adiacEnt zone dlstrict boundary ln order to expand a mobile homs park. The BSM zone district permitg single family, two family and mulliple farnily d,rellings with rnobile tlona parks bolng a speclal use. The mlnimum lot size tor each ctwelling unit (other than for Mobile Horne Parke) ia 8r0Oo squate teet. C. Staff Recommendations: Recommend denial of tho zone chtr€e request. Evidence of need for change in zone district hs not b€en dtsmonstrat€d td the area appears to be in high flood hazard area, 16 Fll€ Nq. G-39-77 - Sanders Easernent Vacalion A. Request: Vacalion oJ a utility easenr€nt B. Background: The original lot layaut for Matterfiorn Village SuMlvisioa lndicated the required sids yard easements. A replat wes mad€ of tlr€ area showing a new lot configuration, however, thg lorrner easornonts were ml vacated. Now the lots have the tofm€r easementa in the center of th6m wilch severely limlts buildable area. No utility llnes havo b€en placed within ths easemant, C. Staff Becommendation I Recgmmand approval. 17 Flle No. G-41-77 - Vail Associates A. Fequesl: Vacallan of road rlght-of-way ' B. qackground: In 1907 thia right-of-way war (bdicated to the County but war novgr devsloped as a road. .9, Staff ,Rooommendatlon: R€commend approval on th€ condition that the Forest Sorvico revlsv ttle rlght-of-wdy locatton to Cateml.rr lt3 Pot.ntial e! rFc€r3 to Publlc linc6. a rAgrnd! ltaFr '18 Fll. No. €p-13,1-7f. Thr V.ll.y at VallA. Requegi 3 Extsnslon of plan approvalB. Backqrounjli Ths Valley at Vall prgllmlnary pl*t was dpprov€d on July 261 19?3. County Subdlvialon REgulations (S€ctloo 3.08.05) Indlcab .. lhat a prel lmlnafy pltrt 16 valid tor a period of three yew,,r/hlch rnegns that thli plsf| ?pravd e),q!ir6d on July 26, 1975. A co't actlon atoF€d all actlon on dovslopment for approximatsly trt€ y€ar. C. Staff Ftecomrnendation: Recomm€nd +pr6val for a trr€ ye ar ext€nslon. Flle No. 9p-2O- t-77 - Creekaide WestA. Fe{*r€st: ExtEnsion of pl approyalE. Backqround: The Cr€ekside Wesl Subdivision preliminary pl6n was rpproved by the Board of County Commlsslonere on May'16, 1974 Uhder Sect'on 3.08.05 of the Subdivlsion Regutations lhe plfl approval expired Efter lhreg years (May 16, 19n). Th6 plan inwtv€s 20 condomlnlum trrite on 1.gl acr€s trld doeE not rneet current devetopm€,nt olstdards.C. Staff Reqomrnendat lons: Facommend denlal ot tt|e extenslon reEpest. No €xteruating circ.i.rmstancae havg been preaented to Indlcatg a noed to rxtgrd th€ +proval. File No. Zv-26-77 - Br'|desgA. Bequ€st: Revlew of eppllcatlon tor varianc€ from th6 rqJlr€d rear yald setback ln th€ OqmrnErcial Llmlted Zon€.B. BEckground: Thle lol as orlglnatty ptatted had a (bpth of opproxlmat€ly 3@ tu€t, howgver! e,r]bse4lgnt hlgtMay rlght -of-way acqutsltlon hag redrced the depth to +proxlmatoly 126 fe€i, Wlth tho requlred aetbackg In €tfsct, the tlrilding area la gufflciently rsduced to mako buildlng severety I lmited.C. Staff Fecomrnendatlons i Flecommand approval Flle No. Zv-27-t - Donaldson,/Butter A. Beqrest: Varianca from mlnimum lot eize reqllrern€nt tor 2 lots in the Besldential Suburban Low Oen€ity Zone (RSL) to allovr a drplex on eeh.B. Background: Thess tots In Vait Ridg€ wsrE o;igtna y ptattod to b€ used as djplex lots. current zoning requtres a minlmum tot size of 16,000 squar€ feet of lot. L'ats 3 sd 4 contain epproximalely i2,O0O ertd lJrooq sqJrr€ te€t respectively. C. Staff Flecomry€ndetlons: Recommend denl6l 6f ths vari{lca request. The lots afe rpt withln a reasonablE variatlon from the |Equired lot elz€ and no malysis of lot elope hes be€n Eubmlited. Flle No. G-40-77 - Temporary Addition - Aspenr Basalt Mobile Horn€ parh A. Reduest: Temporary addition of one spac€ to 4r extsting Moblle Horn6 park. B. Background: The Aspan easElt pafk was ln gxlstenca prtor to County Moblle Hom€ R€gulatlon3 maklng it a non-contormlng use. Any chang€ In that 6ialu3 rBqulr€s the exietlng p6rk to obtain a spaclat u8e p€rmlt. Tho aFpl lc*rt has lrdlcatEd to us th.t a tull F€ffiitt epllcattoo wl b€ eubmlttrdrt a laler dato. fh3 l.rrrFdlde r€qJ.st t. to pktvlF a new gp*e for I pck ntrrgot. 19 21 e P|c.6 etatf Racomftcndrt lon! c.gidt [ecomlnandai!9laj Roagmm.hd d€filal ot th. r€quoat. Tha hErdship lo s€lf imposed and th€ park cotditlons arE such that r|y l.|c|€ag€ In ue6 will futther ov€ttar( tho seror treatrnent system and r€crEEtion aalla, APPLI CATION FON VAFTIANCE |to- the Zoning Resolution "f a Fllo Eaglo County, Colorado to the Zoning tsoard of Adjustments (minlrr|trm 5 copics requiredl print or type, except signatures) Section 9.04.05 5. Briof Purpose and Reason for Varlance (may be attached): See Exhlbit "8" attached hereto and made a Fait hereof by reference I a J'b"i[ iflTaliF'th* roB eLT'd' f gf $ t'3" 3Tl e' Hfi """ 3' ? 31 tou t.' l;t; o r b y re r erence .7. Statement: A cornplete list of all owners acldresses r of the p'rooerty propo$ed for Variance and of all owners of all-rgdjacent properties is altached hereto; this signatory is properly atr tirar i zeci i €ppiicaiion for Var i rtaicd hr:r eon .ao /?77 ized appl icent ; nwrret!___ F* Patd;fufu_1t " Dei.e recd.4-21-72- by: L arrr 1. Rqgulation and Section Nurnber(s) of Zoning Resolution from which Variace is sought: 3.07.08 (b) Minimum set back of 75' to be reduced to 251 2. Prescnt Zone C/L 3. ceneral location of property (in relation to a Town, Road, Stream or other tedfiark): Adj acent to and to the North of .the North Ftontage Road d-ong I*70, Ifest of Buffer Creek Road. East of Vail- Das Schone Center 4. Legal description of property Buffer ?q_-a.a. subdtvlsion Name Resubdlvision of Creek , Loi'__etx_, or, b. metes and bounds (may hre attached) include survey or map:See Sxhibit '!'Ar' attached hereto -and riade a part hereof by referenee. Exhlbit "A" has been updated; it shal1 be provlded forthwith when the Apolicant has received the New Survey' office use Application accepterd as complete for Public Hoaring on Appl ication rejectecl crs incomptete tor Public Hearing br.couso: Pngc 1 of .2 dato RECEIVED APR 2 61977 0ept. tll Pirf:linJ A r,.rr'el. Eagle CountY, Coio. N6E S wEsl t]F I 'l i ILI STtEEls ARE 'O 9E€3 SIOE AIID ARE, $ ?EE? Oi ETCim c Citrenl.rxes ler'aL:l l!.dcrED cr3 tllL.\ lrl. Lor Lr|gs liE 2EiPEraO&rrLAl 'ro -Jf!-eq: cEt{t€lllt€3 fr-aioirl'uir.esi orieniise rtporcrteo otr tLAr ol.i. F tdtE9 ltrl-iA,l4l. \ uTtlttt taEErgltls lHof, Ai! nFEEI flc'o* At txDlc.Ito' Alro lnt ron rxe irs! oF Pult.lc ltlo P6lv tE utlllllEE nciuorno. -rur tor r-lxrreo to. llrEn oltlRtlutlo lD Slirrlnr'svsrerg. 6TUg llsEsEt{Il ARE 20 FtE? FnOI il#eiri coinrn ^no b rtEr rme \ K|tofl ALL ltEN EY THESE FFE6ErlfS: 'lrti 0UFFET q"tt1 4-."1F-'-l-4&iiiirlliixlf'n rs ixe o*nrr qp r rucel F tr o surED n 3g-!!l9i l1-rl friiii'xii 'J'suitr. niibl liiesr'or rr.r strtn patrctpc rrnDt^tq crr'tttl 0F Iii-ciiiidcl rbei r^ntreuumu rJE3cRraED A5 tol'tore t I Sgcltlllrxc Al lH! tsRTflEST CO I€i af rrl !t lN' ,oF'-l lo lfg !' tHErrcE E^s't rlono it{E niiifiiii'6isr'o sr ra r. osrrtgq * nl iii;iii,iuliiciii ikrrc ori-rxe torrnrrsrearr Rte{t'og-i^Y LtBf l'f' ? tttc€ soutHYfEsrEnLr o i oerltfintr IxGLE io lxE-fiofi^oF-trt1 ALOa{O SAIO arOlr'Or-Ur 'llrc r orsrtrce * 155' € FEE-i^-io ltlE} 0JRVA'URE Of I CUrvE rO itre lgn 8avr 6 t i^otu! -oF- 1ry:f-F:! '-OEOTCATiOH'- iliiidi'iiuir-ir-siilir er.ore rxt ^Rc or s^ro cu.v€ r -usra-rtct-qiiii:ii itiiiiiriirinir or I oertecnox arcl€ lo--t$ Rr6'{T oF '4'llioid-Enoiii or irro iunvr a orsrarcE oF ..o.oo rEEt3 ii'irrci n6irirliriali on I mlecrpt ^NGLE to ?t{E- f,lcrr.0r iiSilnci oi aig.erretr To a Pot{1,SAIO Portrr BElf,G 0-N -t-lt -1E3r-iiliiiirfrri-ol r otrl:irrotr ^IGLE to txE LEF? cf 3..ar3€raxo iini'r oiiilnc.r oF 3?!.66 f€E? to lxa Potllt 0F lEctttlflo BuFrEi CSEEX Co{P XY 1. ?'lAl It DOE9 HERE!! |ESUDDWTD€ Atto SEPLAI lxE IBOVE OESCIIEEO grRct!- lh ;ili n?-r,;;; fid liiii-or-tnesuEo'",src'rr oF ourtEn clEE{ ltD !S!^.1{:ite iuh-rc lltE FoaDulYs grow|t THEREOIi At{O OOES }lEFEBr GR^ttl to uflulrEs fltE EAsgliEl{ls sr|otlll TXEREoai.iili ii oeclaa* rxo ronres tHAr iHE asov! oee.Rroeo PARcEl" -38rLL qq ownrrii As FEcoRo€o rti Boox-{?!- PAer -22- or txt necoRoS 0r RtCOmEa c'f Ergr€ ColjtllY. co{-oRroo. fi lr|els txEREoF. luFflr cfiEEX COi.PrXYr r9 OstrER xls C USED TrlESE EGGI,IEO ata rx|$Ji.--oAY d oclo€Ei' r.o' 196!. l?'Efi: ffi o frc FoeElbtlao lf3ttu[Ellt tls acxt€YLEOC€O IEFORE rE tH6 7l' oal rger. !Y l,|cx a, oltsoll As PSEStDgrl Of lUFfEi cnEEr coirPAllY, r col.6itm iriiids ri lt^nD rro orncuu r€rL. '--- ry @rt|gSrofr grargr ' ' r- .T rt -----'-r, srr? t 0[ CdJflTY Of CABLT eNOTARIAL- -APPRoTVAL- L.3?6.0d R.z50l.tl0a.8'3jod txl! rl^t Of htsugovFnr gF BuFFiR CrEEx'6 AFPiOvtO FCi frufic rrl illf ii o-txr -rro rtc$ce oF tl6LE COll tr. cor.oiaoo, alto l*E D6$crrto|. l|) lrcl;E'ilfir$Jiil -i"teeor ts xee'tgv rcctiieo- | !!rIEO O. t-t.- ,- /9Jt lrtEtT! boriD (f (8u'lv Cort||38$lCrt; eEHGINE€R'S ,* RECOROER'S CERTIFICATE- r cGrtFt tnl? tHr3 nr? rAS f ,LeD I IY 'Flltr', dt fie tl, : - =D-n,.af I i":irt-:;-i";cirtx ^ro r^3 iE - ---- - rin^GE aer' o EXIIIBIT tIDI' ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS oI' RESUBDTVISION 0F BUFFER CREEK, L0T 39-A N ORTI{ Lot 36 Ardickas Kasparaitis Pauperes Kasparaitis 116 Clayton Street Waudegao, Itlinois 60085 Lot 37 William and Alice M, Cartwfight 6324 ltlcCommas Avenue Da11as, Texas 75274 Lot 38 Roi C. Davis, Jr. Sherman Age n cy 838 Shernan Street Denver, Co lorado 80203 S OUTH Lot 39-B Interstate 70 R. O,W. EAST Lot 40-A Ronald Zall Alan E. Fox 1340 Denver Club Butlding 518 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Lot 40-B Interstate 70 R,O.W. I^IEST Sec. 11 Part6 of Sec. 12 West Vail DeveloprneDt Corporation Post 0ffice Box 418 Vail, Colorado 81657 EXHIBIT IICII EXISTlNG CONDITIONS. PURSUANT TO SEC 9.04.06 , 1-5 The Applicant atatesr as grounds for this Varlance Application, as follows: l. That tf the provlsions of this Resolution are strictly enforced, an unnecessary and unreasonable hardship rdill be imposed on hiro in that he will be precluded fron constructing any structure lhereoa, the purpose for whlch he is purchaslng the subjeet property, 2. That the Varlance, if granted, will not diminish the va1ue, use or enjoyment of adjacent ptoperties, rlor curtail desirable light , air and open space in the neighborhood. 3. That the variance, if granted, will not be directly contrary E.o the intent and purpose of this Resolution or the l"laster P1an, which provides ln relevant part, "Commerclal facillties sha11 be directed to existing centers and strategic locations based on access to arterial circulation routes." The subJect property is immedlately adJ acent to the North circulation, and is p Vail Das Schone Cente Frontage Road for access to atterial oximately located to the East of the -l Ftl<- a/' t No.l9'5CA- Rev.'?3 gultltoxs rN "ra,*t o^.-ursdford pubfishtDg co,. 18zt-{o stDur *r-""lv*, cotoredo (6?9-6011) -e-26 19.----, by' ---, the affiant that affiant is over trre age oi'"igt;6 v"*s and is not' a party to this action ; an6 that affiaai bas duly served the within summons bY' Subscribetl and sworn to before me this---'-""-'--'---'ilay of-'--'- '- '--""'------------' l9 My commission exPires--.-" --' (Seal of NotarY) .Strt dat , Dlrce, .!d !n!!!.t af "rfl..' NotlrY hblic. I a a6) 0)h TIlE OF AND OF tiff states: 2. FIRST CLAIM FOR RELIEF Complaint against the L. The Board of County Coimaissioners of Eagle, Colorado, co1-Istitute tbe Boar sioners of said County. The Zoning Board of Adjustment is an established, in part, by virtue of t ing Resolution adopted by rhe Board ers of Eagle County, Colorado, on or L974. Leo Bra.ndess is the ov.'ner of certain of the Buffer Cre County of Eag1e, Co1-orado, ("subject The.subjecl property is .presently z Les a part of the C/L, Cormercial L in Eagle County, prirsuant Eo the Eag Resolution. : fendants, the plain- +L- ^ of uuurl L)| Couaty Courmis- inferior tribunal e Eagle County Zon- f County Commission- about September 19, b) East boundary--- !22.92 feex; c) South boundary (adjacent to frontage road righU-of- way)--- 200.27 feex;' l d) North boundary (adjacent to residentially used lots) 20O.27 feet. 7, PursuanL to the Eagle County ZonLng Resolution, the north bound.ary of the subject property constitutes a rear yard 1ine, and ihe south boundary of the subject. property con- stitutes a front yard line. The defendants interpreL the Eagle Counly Zoning Resolution to require a minimum seL- back in the front yard from the south boundary_ of the sub- ject property of 50 feet, and a minimum setback in the rear yard from the north boundary of the subject property of 75 feet. As intgrpreted and applied by the defendants, no principal building may be constructed or used in the restricted set- ' back areas, Lhat is, 50 feet from the south boundary and 75 feet frou the north boundary of the subject property- g. As originally platted, the subject property was an inte- gral portion of Lot 39, Buffer Creek Subdivision, com- prising approximitely I acre. By virtue of the exercise of Lhe power of imminent domain by the StaEe of Colorado, -2- '39 was obtained by the State o the defendants, the.Eagte County ZonLng Resolution setback requirements aggregateggregate 125 f.ineal .feet; 'As compared with the eastern and west- ., ern boundaries of the subl ect DroDertv- ttre total setbaek'"rn'boundaries'of Lhe subJect property, the total eetback I fault of the plaintiff, eoncerning the subject property whieh under the circ-,:nstances possesses exceptional narrohtless, shall-or-rness, shape or Eopography which does rrot occur generally Eo oEher property in the sa-rne zone qirir tap re bu v :' 1y ex te ts Lltlrgtcl eme ProPr nen rox :s. .-,|: Irtc d 6 ompr dary omp:boundary, and c ne vTesEern Doun : t sC EI ea o :he leet th fe 11 L2. 13. disLriet. Under the 1ed Lo a suant to circumstances, the plaintiff is and was entit- variance from rninimr:m setback regulations pur- Section 9 - 04 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolu- tioa. The Planning Cornrnission orr. or -3- as As part of the administrative procedure, the about }lay 20, L977 , Eagle County issued its' econmendation to .approve the plaintlff's variance applL- 15. At the hearine t ',, , the Tor,rrn of Vail , withouL prior notice Lo tshe pl-aintiff , ' to.the grant of the variance and to' arry cominercial uges ' in the area.of the subject property; even though aLLow- able under applicabLe zonLng. L6. At iLs meeting on or about June 9, 1977, the Zoning Board of land j.n the surrounding area to the subject Property. The Board did not take sworn testimony, did not advise or did not uake evideatiary findings of fact, corrclusions of fact, or concl-usions of law in support of its actions. I'Ieither prior to nor during the hearing did the Board en- aeL or promulgate rules and regulations governing its ac- Livities. L7. At rhe hearing before the Zoning Board of Adjustment, the plaintiff demonstrated by eompetent evidence thal he was entitled to the variance sought.. t*: In denying Ehe plaintiff's applicatlon for a variance, the Zoning Board.of Adjustment violated the Eagle CounLy Zon- ing Resolution standards for granting variance$, followed procedures violative of the rights of the;plaintiff to due process and:equal protection of the law as guaranrled' by the Fourteenth'Amendment to the.United States Constitu- tion and Artiele II , Sect.ion 25, of the Colorado Constitu- -4- performed or have been waived. and adequate remedy at 1aw or otherwise. 1. SECOND CLAIM FOR RELIEF The plaintiff ineorporates herein as if set forth verbatim the allegations contained in the First Claim for Relie! set forth above. 2. The membership of the ZonLng Board of AdjustmenE is selec- .F^J.'*Eeo rn parE from the Eagle Couniy Planning Commission. C-R.S. L973, 30-28-104 requires that rhe five voring members of the Cornmission be'real property ormers. By so rescricLing the membership, the plaintiff's rights to due process and equal proteetion are violated. 3. The provisions of Section 9.04 of the Eagle County ZonLng Resolution concerning the powers of the Zoning Board of Adjustment to grant variances liuit the powers of the Board in a manner noL authorized or permitted by C.R.S. L973, 30-28-118, in violaLion of the plaintiff's righrs to due process and equal protection of the laws. 4. The provisions of Section 3.07 of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution deprive the plaintiff of any reasooabl",' a11ow- able use or develolrment of the subject properLy. . -5- of Adjustment of Eagle County to certify to court within 20 application for variance r r:; - 2O days the transcript of the record and the County Plaaaing Coumissioll concerning the plaintiff's r for variance attached hereto as Appendix b)The Court enter judgurent that the decisdecision of the Zoni:ng Board ofof Adjustment of Eagle County be reversed That the Court direct the. issuance of a citation to .to' the Zoning Board of Adjustnent to show eause whywhy the rel-ief requested above sha11 not be allovred; d) That the court enter a judgment declaring Eo be void and unconstitutional rhe provisions of C.R.S. Lg73, 30-28-104 concerni_ng membgrship requirements on the Eagle'County planning Coumission and indirectly.on the Board of Adjustment of Eagle County, the provisions of Section 3.07 of the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, and the provisions of Section 9.04 of the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County; e) The Court award the plaintiff his costs, including expert witness fees and deposition fees, incurred in connection with this proceeding. Respectfully submitted. this J/4"y of June, IJfay of _=---) 2'a /- raven\.-Registrarion No .-o0609gAttorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 1105 Glenwood Springs, Colorado Phone 945-857L -5- 81501 Plaintiff's Address:Vail, Colorado 8L651 facts,contained therein are true and. correct. Leo Brandess " irtf :$t+tu;' qi goloyDg - t- -r' ,'.. . . ..-'...;',J '- / "- ' ... -" ,-\ -.t ,' "' ..' t , rr\ t',,'''Subscribed and ' ,. -.':'.,,...1'',: .5 r!' L977 by Leo Brandess. to before me .thi-s 2 7 !a^y or ' ' Witness tny hand and seal . y Co,nmissice Expires }an. 19, lgAO 4 Notary PubLLy -7- from tha Tcning Fllo Nc. .r it APPENDIX I NU E. O wEJt vr I flg Jl/'r I ll I lrrlrvll /11' lrr|.rIUl STATE Of COLORAOO. *H{Es- ^LL glREErS AnE rO Fe€r wrcE ^[0 AnE. ?a rlEr ofl EAo{ !ro€ cf, c€nT[RL|HES (2J'n.L\ ltiolcATEo Ofr PLAI AL! I.OT LIfiES A8E PEhPETIOICULAE 'O SIREET CEiTENLI{E3 m iAorAL uxLEss otHEstts€ lllolcitEo 0ll PLAT (tr'i 0€' r€TEg ltfl-nADrrt.!. \.\ utrl.rtr EA3[xEl{ls oHOn{ A8E prftrT tl0C. Of, 3lkolcfiEo' ^rlo ANT FON TBE UsE OF PUOLIC AIIO PRIVA1E UTILIIIEE TNCLUDIflO, 8UT llot Llt4ltEo 10, *ATE8 0l$lnlb{/'llotl AHo sAf{taRY 3Y3tEui. 5Tu0 EISEltE}lrs RE a0 FeEt f,rox Pf,OPEnIY COfl!{ER Ail0 Xt fEEt utlc \ LOI! ARf sU0JECl t0 €rlElltlo InfttgAllotl: oEolflxno aT txi ronrxwerr coltlE8 oF l]tE lrt,| OF tlt-D- +:c.[ iiir,Cf rrSr rLO C txt l"ORrlt Ltrf, OF S^1o Stvl lorstrncE Of- l7l ibiir.-slro-por,r BErtrc ofl lHa ronlrttEsrEftY Btcrl-cr'l^t- Ltlg o-t iiiiiii i,iuriitgiiili ox r. cctLtclrot{ ^r(cLe lo rHE tro(T-ot-r't-} lr-iii- slio nio'<i-or-rlr !r t ^ Dtst^tcE oF 193r'6 tErr ?o ln-t- cunvrrune ot A cuivg ro tHt Lett H^vrxc a n^olus 0F z-qr:19-f1l iieirit souinnrsrenr'r ALoM lxe Aic or 3^ro cunvE ^ oflr,lc{-$ iiiiii *inii*isrinir ox r cerlcctrott at{cLc t0 T'ie Rtc+ir or c'11 r-ono inoao or s^ro cuf,vf, A orslAtict 0r l{o.o0 rt[li , -- ----]iiiirci Hoirieririnii on r xFLrcrxlt a.tsLr ro rxc Ala{ {-!qY H i<t{ \-\ iisiiiig or 28e.6r FEtY Io ^ Pottlr. gnrD Fotxt stixc 0rl lnE-w.cst-lrl iieriiiiroriri-,ii- I 6iir.tcrrot axGLt ro rxE LcFr,0r.3r'2136'^r0 ^iin-i'foiiiancr or !e!.Et, Fg[t to t]t! Porr'lt 0f sEcrr{tlrtlc uTlLlTrES tHE EtSer4ENTs SlloYlri TllERtotl. THAT It DOES tERElt hEtvBorvlos rxo 8€FLlt ltr€ AgoYt cfscntrt6 -plrt€l ttrt uilin"tia inii i,ii Ciiii'or ;Rssuso,v,s,o.t oF ourlcn cnEEr' ^N0 oors xci i,re- purgtc rxE RoAovrAYs slio*l Tntstoll ^No F€s htnEfi GRAril lo Pf,lvlrl UTILITIES tHE EtSer4ENTs SlloYlri TBERtotl' i -iirr li xiurlars lno lontcs rx^T ltrE aSovi D€scBrSEo FAi,cEL,3xaLL 8E^ ssB' iirvexatri ^s REconoe o rn soox-.lz.I- PAGE JL-- or rhE ieco86 oF ntcaRDen or gA0LE c{uf/TY, CoLoR^OO. fi ttftE3s ftIEREOF. EUFfEn GAEE( CO*lPrXt a3 or{|'Et, -ltAS cluseD t}ies€ rn€s o(EclrlEo or T|lls-z!--o4Y ot' ocT9ofR, ^r', le6!. liI'l J. E-t -a F-"* - J. ROEERT IOITLER- A!ST, SECRCTARI . ourrEt cntex conrrttl I I ' 81 /./ J4 A Ar..- '= : JACI A. q-Esoal - P6eSl9Etr co{ml! of EAoLE *lEO t t-t..7- /tat f,ITEfit gNOTARIALq -- APPROVAT ca ' tl I TX|S PLlt Of 'nEsulrtM5otl oF 0ufFtA cnttx' ts lPFnovto toR rl|-rfo rr ttl[ i ;i;i ^rD itoonoca ol t^{irE @unr! coLohlDo, ,{0 t f DaDrcalloi ro r}rt tii rolorrn SrBfll lfiqlgorl 13 x€nt8r rac€Ptlo. F'[.4 l', oorRo d @(rttl corr$D|€^t h/ a1-.. f )t, F '-cqJITY gLEfl |r ol, I ASEXft{TS DtTClrES Ar0 ;RECOROER.S CERTIFICATE- purpose of - constructing thereon -an of fide buildi'fg- with'a- gross ' . area of approxirnatelY L2,700 sq..ft. . .- *r r : :. - In .anticlpation lhereof ,' and for the benef it of 1. the Agplica.nt, Karl F. Anuta and Byron Brorgn uade an Application for Rezoning (ruarked Exhibit "X" and attached hereto). requesting '' a zone change f or Lo t 39A .f rom Resi dentiaL Suburban }ledium to . Comoercial Linited. . Said Appl-ication described the Appl-ic'ant t s , proposed offiee bui1ding and set .forth the reasons for which the zone change was requested- The Apglicatlon was,apProved by the BoardofCountyCommissionersoal.Iay28,1975.-'.. In light of the preseat circumstances ' .and subsequent to the contle-,irnarion of the Inters -Late Right-of -!tray , the original Lot 39 has been substantially reduced. in size 39 has been designated Lots 39A and 39B. It . The original Lot i.s now i-npbssibl-e to buiLd any structur.e olr the sub j ect ProPerty and, et ttre saEe tine, comply. uith the Eagle county Zoning Resolution, section 3.07.0g(b) which provides, l-n relevaDt Part, "Minioum setback reguirements, Rear Yard, 75' for lots adjacenE to residential- uses; Front Yard, 50' froa fronE property 1iner" r,uhich a.re applicabJ-e in the instant case. , ' " .: 1 ', :.: .,..,. . .. . ^ . : : : f. .1 _ ,. I _ . ... -t...1 ". t.. " i.' _ . r,.... .. ::. :.r. 1r,-.:..i.. t--., nF *hp err'hJf Stlf gg'The\,testern'boundaryofthesubjectProPertymca"- -:--:---.-::-.-.-.. -:,. - :-. :.. 131,.76t. "1,The'easiern boundary of the subject. Property neasul:.t ' . LZZ.gZ;:therefor.r' the total, linear footage of the Rear Yard. (75') -: .. and lront Yard:(25') setback requirements exceed the' total: , J.irr."t footage available on the subject. Property'. '' ' . I t- The A,.- .The Applicant is hopeful that his request for this Vart.nce ritt be granted so qhat t e iitl be able to construct^ the proposecl office building as plannead. Pursuarrt theretor. the.office building as planned' Pursparrt t Applicant desires to and sha11 be in fulla1A be in full complianee wlth aL1rL1 a Variance is'Yr-' ---- -_- .'-. . other setback t"grr{r"*"nts if this request for a 1 ,--cornpJ"y, l,rith anY : and ',granted. The Applicant would, of,- courser--br codes, proc.edures and regulations wh ictr "all reLevant building codes' Proc'( govern any ProPosed construction on ttre subjeet prop.erty' . It-i{ { fr Ft ti'9 li a:.cUL.\' Lt (at') --::l- \ l{']r \ -'.1 l-Lr r-}lr /+r'l4Er'J P:r'ffr;i'Tli:,:Jr\crroN': a April 16,1975 .. . : : Clrairman Dale of Public Hearing : a Denied 'reesons: o ?'!tc prrrlose of the zoning ;rnendnent js to allorr constirrctlon of in . of fice. bulkling on thc prolert)', nre araenrlncnt is parrantec f or' thc.followin.q rcas.oD s: .1 .:-.j ', (a) ' i'lta rtcol,jed,conuiint" ""ttprrlaterl :trr. fropgrty-r"oy u" nsua'ro;,-,. .,co:rnercial pur-poses. . The land :r,-as purclraserr in ieliance on these ' .covenants, and surr-ounciing 1a.ndo'.n:ers had notice to this effect..:..'''.'-There ls a need for office space in GorF Va1ley outs j.Ce the core(lr) arca of \tai!-. Tlrc proposcd use r.rorrld serve as a brrffcr lretr:een high lntensiryretail use and residential LanC rrse. -:-' .' of access to interval strcet sy s tens. 7. 'l're t'lanninfi' ' tle aop3 i cant (a) i(-r .z.iT/.ct.-a:iT !.r ',l:a. Cef ltr +ng .l.bsier for r.rhiclr re-,-bning, {s r'rith the policies cncl r a11or.r a;rcr ineir t s if cle si rab !c becausc of - r. I goals '(o n.u{^ - lanir rrses is a roi.rerv ";;;;;;-,,1i J"if";";i;:.";:ff:i"i: I;":;iirti':lu ., 'Yt) ?he -oroposed rezoning is.n-ecessa'ry'in orrier: to provice llp-ncl for*i d,.r"orr- :_ *;';llrl'il:.ilo,,lllj.";;:":"iJit";".";i;-;" consisient r.:irh .rhe pollcies : ' ' center retail actlvitibs i"a ""!r"""Ji"g-r;"tdential ,,rrr,--iil".rees the.,noiser ^"raffic voruae, o'a "rtiii"i;i-ii8;;rig of.the shopping cenrer .T|rereisa-needforofficespaceintoreI.'a11ey..Asaresu]tof zoning' and ot'rer factors the." rr.e virrrrally no offtce buil<l.ings i]ililltl ' : ?te additlonal vchicrrlar coniiestion i"-ir," Ii." u-, locar. i-esicents visit-- ins and using-orii;;";;;.;";ii.i-"."i'";;-b;"i:.ared in the heart orco;trercial ""ti.riry. biii"" =p.." r".-;-r"il=iio,r*r= and other business-nen serving 10ca1s is neeo'eit. -r,-," .-ui5";;-;;;;...y is suirable for thispurpose in terng of coavenience to ,rr""p"iri"l, ._ ^. (d) ttllezoning is nece.ssary to aiiain a stated 30a1 0f . the ifaster pf an. . ... ,, -. - . 'i\ e noals and ol:jeciives. portion -of the r-Iaster p1,an .states on page 37,"co-'*-re ri ca r- faciiities rrr.ir-rr. direlte.r to "*irtir,g centers a,.,d'strateg-ic locatioas based on access to arterial circuratioa rorrtes. t,Ine proPosed rezoni-ng }l.ipr-^"tt"1n the afore;nentioneC goal and is in . . .- _.' general hari:ron-v r.rith the goals anrr "rrj.;;i;.t;-oi "r,u i.lesrer p1an. rr rs,not contradictory to anv or t:'r- elevei de..,e10pn=nt objectives set forthon I'aqes 37 and 39, and the reextent ir cor,rplies r.,irh o"".r"iililtj;:::r:: I;:rt"tar nerir to rhe srrch a deg,ree that it is in . theor .ienstt., in t,'re arce.. reqrrestr:d has chaaged or..is charrglng topubli c intcrest to encourag" " ,ro*o"rr=L, ! I '- t_- .. . lroperty oo,'ners: ' llORTlI: (Lot 36) -; I'.ralter' l'-asparaitls ' ,:'. llfi Clayron Street Iraul:sgan, I1L. 60085 i(_a ..',? i'.,,, (::' [:;t -T r i ,' (Lot. lS) :.' . : . ,' Sl:i P6opst-ties fnc. Z i-oi-Dawis Slre r-nan .A.g,e n cy 623 Sher:man Strcet Denver, Colorado EO2O3 Tnterstai.e 70 ^ O Lot (4c) t Q6UAlan E. Fox , n')' - 1310 Denver Club B1dg. Lr-t ' ' 518 rSeventeenth St reetDelver, Colorado $OZO2 . ' (das Schone Connerical i.rea)?ecreational leveJ opnent Corporation ofGreenwood plaza TerraceSuite 250 rngler;,s6d, 6l-orado BDl13 () .solrIIl: AST: !.EST: Anerica strictl-y enforced, an unnecessary and unreasonable hardship will be imposed on him J.n that he.wil1 be precluded from, .1. , constructing 1ny struc.ture thereon, the purpose for which he '' is purchasing tl.e subject property. '- "-:'-' ' ,'. . 2. : That. the Variance, if granted, will not dirninish ' the value, use or enjoyment of adjacent properties, no'r .. - '..curt.ail- desirable 1ight,'air and open space in the neighborhood. .. 3. That the variance., if graoted, rsill no,t be -direct1ycontraryLotheintentandpurposeofthis Resolulion or the Master P1an, r,rhich provides in relevant ' , part, t'CommerciaJ- facilities sha11 be directed to existing centers and stretegic loeations based on access to arterial eircuLation . routes. tl ?he subj ect property is immediately .. adjacent to the North Frontage Road for access to arterial circulation, and is proximately located to the East of the Vail Das S chone Center. o . EXHIBIT ''DIl 'Ardickas Kasp arai t is -Pauireres Kasparaitis 115 Clayton S treet Waudegan , Ill inois 600 85 $i11iam and Alice M, Cartwright 6324 McCoonas Avenue Inters tate 70 SOUTH Lot 39-B EAST Lot 40-A Lot 6O-8 T.IFCT Sec._ 11 . Parts of Sec . 12 i,ie s t Pos t Vai 1 R-O.r{ Ronald Zal1 Alan E. Fox 1340 Denver Club Building 518 S even e e.en t h Street Denver,.Colorado 80203 fnters tate 70 R. .: Vail D evelo pmen ts Office 3ox 418 Col-orado 81657 Corporation This maLter came before the court on the Complaint of the plain- tiff supported by Affidavit pursuant to Rule 106, C.R.C.P., and the Court, being duly advised of the premises finds that a citation should issue to the Zoning Board of Adjustment o.f Eagle County to show cause why the relief requesLed in the First Claim for Relief should noE be allowed and that the Zoning Board of Adjustment of Eagle County should be required to certify to th_is -Court within 20 days a trans- cript of the record and proceedings referred to in the First Claim for Relief; and it is therefore ORDERED that a citation shall issue . to the Zoning Board of Adjustment of Eagle County to show cause why the relief requested in the Firsts Claim for Relief should not be allowed and to certify to this court within 20 days of today the record and proceedings concerning the plaintiff's application for ': RDE variance tL'SIGNED thi-s )qz-3 day of June,DONE LEO BRANDESS; -vs- IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR THE COI]NTY OF EAGLE Al{D STATE OF COLORADO Civil Action No. J)1( Plaintiff , CITATION T1IE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS oF TIfi COUNTY OF EAGLE, CoLORADO, AND . TIIE*ZOIIING- BOARS -OI' ^ADJUS T.MEIST-- OF TIiE COUNTY OF EAGLE, COLORADO, Defendants. TO: The Zoning Board of Adjustment of Eagle County, Colorado You are hereby cited and required--- a) To show cause why the relief requested in the plaintiff's First Claim for Relief should not be granted; b) To file with the Court on or before the fiY d.ay of July, L977 a Lranscript of the record and proceed- ing undertaken in conneetion with the plaintiff's "Application for Variance" atLached as Appendix I to the Complaint. . Af,l.Llc,irTioN Foll V,\lilAt..lcE frorrr the Zorring fl<::;ott.it'i.rn of Eagle Co::nty, Coloradc . to tlre ning E3oard of Acljustmcnts '(minlmum 5 copies requircdl print oi type, oxcept signaturgs) Section 9.04.Os FiloNo.Zy'-?/-77. Fes Patd .71a O Data rocd. ?/lart- 2 ayt/H--,.*, Appl icani/Owner Leo Brandess Maif Address P.O. -Bo-:S 22€€. Vall. CoJ-o. 8.1.657 Phane. tL76-!R4g 3326 1. Regulation and Scction l'lumber(s) of Zoning Resolution from which Variance is sought: 3.07.08(b) re&rce @rback to 26 feet. gsjecr ro tlpseffit-nrniEiE-E. 2. 3. Present zone C/L . I Genarat location of property (in relation to a lorrn, Fload, Stream or other landmark): Adj+"*c to and north-of i.IortJr frontage road to }righr^ay T-70, FasE ofVail Das Selrne Shopping Center, Idest-of Buffer CrEek ifoad. .4. Legal descriptiorr of property a. subdivisionr+o*"_3es&di$@ of -Buffer CYe#ot _3lk_r orr b.metesandbounds(maybeattached)inc|udesurveyormap: A uap depictinc the subject property is attached lrereLo as brhibit "A*' Bricf Fu'posc a:rd Reiison for Variance (moy be aLtacheC): See Erhibit "B" attached hereto. Allech e>pla;ration that one or more conCitions e/.ist under Sec- 9.04.06' 1-5. Sets E:<hibit 'C" attached hseto. ?. Slatr:ment: A ccrt'nplete list of atl orvners a<Jdressesr of the property proposed for Variance and of all owners of/qll adja3ent pio:':crties is attact-rcd l-Ereto; this sionatory is properly cation {or Variirnce statcd hercon. i zcd cppl ice,rt; owncr 39-A 5. offico use Appl icaiion accepte.l as complele fo;" Putrlic Fleat ing on Appl:caticn rclccted as inccnrplcte for Public tleilrirlg t'ecl',tse: plonnir t.f e,JrTrinir,r.r r]tgi dai!t PlJs 1.t t date by; NUg tr Ia grt I vI STATE f couon . -DEOtCATl0il- x o{l ALL t{El{ 8Y THESE PRESENIS; trr? luirEi cntlr (t'rfrxr' I COt',r H-riiriii"^i'n ri iii-&trer tr i'iactr- c Ltro g'urrt! tt.3t-cllor' rr I io#'ilrlr'':r i iiut". riiil i, re sr oi'r'ii'-sirni pi'rrtrrt rrrtur& cq.txtr t #'liii#r6o. iori 'iirrrcur.rar.r rtrcrrlt! rr FLI-ote TXAI tt toEs lltREil nEsusolYlo€ txo lEpl.rt ?llt lSovt c'3cRl0t0 fll-ct! ll|rt illr'ixc il;; ;;i aitr.e op 'its;BorYrsr'ox or lurrE't cnEEf rxo tp€s xEr iFluilti-'iii aoroiori-s,,otrtt r,leloi rto DoE Ncntlr GR^rt to Pftvrrl utiLtTrE5 tHE ElSE$Etltt 3norYN t8Enlo'l' ! - ....iiir iiiriliadi lio-,iciees rxr r"i-riort ocscirllo trnc€! -3xt!! -'E sur' colrElrgri rg iEcogoeo r* aoo*-ru-- i^gi i- or rH' isc'RD3 o7 i \ Rtcof,cEn ol iloLt @9lll. @l!8400. n frr gs3 |IIEBEOF, SuFFEl CREEi COr|PriY. ^r otxc(--nli cru3o lxele ilicrriio'cr'rtrii' -ta sr s osrDogr, ^4. 'rcr ^tltJttffi qrltti cttEt BolrttJa? |,ffi -NOTARIALc t??3or cqtrrY ot EAoLE 15F''- sroc r cextEnltxEs tal'n.L\l]lo(c lED 0|l tL^r' rr r.ot uxts li€ FtRpE o;ulli rg $ilgt cEtllilrtG! iieioiri' ui-ttlioriERrrE€ r{ocrt€o olt PL^? lx'r'' 0E' mtas rc*r-iaorlt-'. \ !#i'.i'iT?:l'"1.'Hi,il,1f "f :l'JllT"T.'ii'ff:*o' friiuoiio oui t,oi r.rnrreo ro, r^rel olslnlsutloll AllD ll-"-irlii' sGre"s. sTuB E^3tx[r.13 Ant 20 FEEI tigr iidiiiiv ma"tn- uo s rc€r rl*. \ LOr3 AnE sui,r€gt to Ertstlrlc InRro^rlofi igtcHEl ^TOt^sExEffts \ \ lrc toREoqBo Hgtiunlrt ri, rc;t*n-tooto lttoi! r! ?Hrt-ULEr ifr.'il'-;il-r;i;sdir1 1"rs'511 or osrrER cnEot @uPrtt' ^ coron^q' ;;E-$i il ttiit-rr,o orttcnt JtaL '\- Ir OOIttsSElt 6raraa, .L. tt- ,rrt -\.-- -[fPf,Qllla Tr t tlrt gN'ielu4rflrsFfi Ot 0urtli CRltr'€ |rl{rgvto tgl llLlNE t lrlt t ;;;; ii"o&i or !^0!E @irrtv. aolo6r0o, ,'ro tlE EDlcatrotr ro lr( ili'ioror^!,s snorn ?ltERaotl l! Hrillr ,ac€rtfo- O^lag A.t-t.- ,, lt.t- atlft?.W -RECOFOERb CERTIFICATE- .. tt- nn d I F.A \.rrsrr c{rl't @"4 at"":ffi ,or'io d carrt cor.$ErElt EXHIBIT ''B'' PURPOSE AND REASONS FOR VARIANCE Leo Brandesa recently purchased the subject property. On or about l{ay 28, 1975, the Board of county cormnissioners of Eagle County granted a Petition for iezoning of the subject property from Residential suburban Medium to connnercial Limi-ted. rn that proeeeding, the applicants disclosed to Eagle County that the purpose of the requested rezoning was ttto allow construction of an office building on the property.', The boundaries of the subject property were reduced in size as the result of the exercise of errninent domal-n for a right-of- way for lnterstate Highway I-70. As a result of the condemnation, the western boundary of the subject property measures approximately 131 feet, and the eastern boundary of the subject property measures approximately 1-23 feet. The northern boundary of the subject pro- perty is adjacent to residential uses. Accordingly, pursuanL fo Seetion 3,07.08, the rear yard setback would be 75 feet from the north boundary of the subject properLy, and the front yard setback would be 75 feet. from the adjacent street centerline or 50 feeU from the north property l-ine, whichever is greater. By adding the front and rear yard setbacks together, the total setback area measures 125 feet.. This setback requirement of L25 feet exceeds the entire eastern boundary of the property and is approximately sl-x feet less than the western boundary of the property, There- fore, the permissible building area envelope consists of a very small triangular piece of property measuring approximately six feet on the west and coming to a point on the east. With the subject property restricted by virtue of the zoning resolution, the appltcant cannot obtain financing for construction, and under the totaltty of the circumstances, the applicant is prevented from enJoying or obtaining any reasonable use or develop- ment of the subject property. EXHIBIT ''C'' JUSTIFICATION FOR VARIANCE PURSUANT The requirements set forth in Section 9.04.06 of the Eagle County ZonLng Resolution are met.. The applicant incorporateg herein as if set forth verbatim the statements in ExhibiE "8," Beeause the appllcant cannot obtain financl-ng for constructLon and cannot obtain any reasonabl-e use or enjoyment of the subJect property, a strict enforcement of the provisions of the Zoning Resolution, including Section 3.07.08(b), inrill necessaril-y in- pose unnecessary and unreasonabl-e hardship on the appllcant. The circr:mstances creating Ehe hardship are not the fault of the applicant. As a result of the rezoning and the exercise of the powers of ermninent domain, the shape of the property is exceptional, in that the depth of the property in relationship to required set- backs, if strictly enforced, would preclude any rational develop- ment. The variance as sought with the conditions requested by the 'applicant will not dirninish the value, trse, or enjoyment of adja- cent properties, nor curtail desirabl-e light, air, and open space in the neighborhood. The proposed building maintains a low profile and a low bulk, and will not curtail the view from adja- cent properties to the north. The primary effect of the proposed building will be the bLocking of the view of the intersrate high- way and other non-aesthetic aspecEs of the scene as observed from existing uses north of the subject propert)r. Open space and de- sirable light will be maintained due to the site plan and landscape restrictions proposed by the appLicant. The varianee will not be directly contrary to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Resolution or the Master Plan, which pro- vides thal "cormercial facilities shall be directed to existing centers and strategic locations based on access to arterial eir- cul-ation routes". The subject property is immediately adjacent to the north frontage roads to I-70 for aecess to arterial- eircula- tion, and is Located within approximatel-y 600 feeL of the Vail Das Sehone shopping center, EXHIBI T .'D'I ADJACENT PROPEBTT OI.JNERS OF RESUBDMSION Or BUFFER CREEK, LOT 39-A ' ArdLckas KasparalCl.s NORTII Lot 36 . .Lot 37 Pauperes Kasp araitis 115 Clayton Street lfaudegan, Illinois 60085 Williarn and A1 ice M. Cartwright Lot 38 Roi C, Davls, Jr. SOUTU Lot 39-B EAST Lot 4O-A Ronaltl Zall 6324 McCommas Avenue Da11as, Texas 752L4 Alan E. Fox 1340 Denver Club Euilding 51- 8 Seventeenth Street Denver, Colorado 802O3 Interstate 70 R.0.Iq. Sherman Agency E38 Sherman Street : Denverr.Colorado 802O3 Interstate 70 R.O.W. Lot 40-B WEST Sec. 11 Parts of Sec. LZ I'Iest Vail Development CorPoration Post Office Box 418 Vai1, Colorado 81-657 E)fiIIBI,T ''E'' AGREED CONDITIONS rf the Board of variance grants the appl-ication, the appLi- cant agrees that the foltowing conditions may be imposed: (1) The buiLding, landscaping, access, and parking area shal1 be install_ed and construcled on the subject pro- perty at those locations and in those areas set forth on the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit "F"; (2) The applicant shal1 corunence construetion on the sub- ject property, in accordance with the site p1_an, with- in eighLeen months of the grant of variance, and the applicant shall work diligently to complete the conatruc- tion project; (3) At the site shown on the site plan atraehed as Exhibit "F," the appll-cant sha1l construct a building having a profile substantiall-y similar to that set forrh in Ex- hibit "F"; (4) The applicant shaLl courply with the site plan and shall ' construct a building substantially similar to that shor,m ' in Exhibit "F,'r provided that minor changes in locations, sitings, biilk of structureB, height or character of the buil-ding may be authorized by the Zoning Administrator or any other dul-y authorized official of Eagl_e County, if required by circumsLances not foreseen at the time the variance is approved; (5) T"l're use of the subject property shall_ be limired in rhe manner set forth in the foregoing conditions so long as the building shown on the sLte p1an, Exhibit "F," is used for those uses allowed by the provisions of Sec- tion 3,07 of the Zoning Resolution.