HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASA DEL SOL UNIT 16 LEGALC*=* 9e- ( S<'\ Unit le Oct 3O 2ODB 5:13P1{303-839- 1?97 La Casa Condominium Associatioru Inc- 2065 West Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 October 30, 2008 vt[FAJ{970-479-24s2 Bob Webb Town ofVail 75 South FrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: MarkHalstead, Casadel SolUnit#16 DearBob: Per our convor5ations, this is to confirm that the Board of Directors of I-a Casa Condominirrn Association has not received the required plans and elevations from Mark Halstead and., therefore, has not approved any inoreases in square footagE (either intsriot or exterior) for tlre referenced unit. Until plans are received and the Board issues its written approval of same, no permils iuvolving the inflEase of interior or exterior squarc footage sbould be issued for any unit at Casa del Sol. As also discusse4 the Board appreciates the Town of Yail's willinpess to assist us in detennining the Gross Residual Square Footage of Casa del Sol so that we can prqpare a plan to equitably allocate same amongst the 21 units. Thank you Bob for your kind assistance rrith this nratter, If you have any questions, please.do not hesitate to call me at 303-839-1802. Yours very tmly, Susan Mcloon Hodson Member ofthe Board p.2 trctr[vtr ocT 3 0 2008 TOWN OF VAIL LACASA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCiAION, 303-439- 1?87 La Casa Condoniniurn Association" Ino' ?065 West Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 TELECOPIERMESSAGE October 3O 2008 Bob Webb' Towu of Vail Susan Mcl.,.oon I{odso[ 970479-2452 Total Number of Pages Including This Cover Page: Ifyou do not receive all Pages, please call immedlatelY. p.l Dcu 3O 2OOB 5: 13Pl'l DATE; TO: F'ROM: F'A.XNO.: COMMENTS: Bob: z Please see attached letter regarrding Mark Halstead"casa del sol unit #16' THrs ME55ACE AND rHE ASC9MPAI\1YING DqgIJMET\rN ARE INTENDBD 0NLY FOR TIIB UsE oF THB INDNIDTIAL oR ENTrry ro wHIcH TIDy ARB Aa,111iEr$ED-AND r"rny coNrant INFoRMATIoN TnAT Is PRTvILEGED' CONFIDENTIAL AND ExEMp'r FRoM DIscLosuRE rl,t,{tdR h;uCABr,e rnw. n'nrt neADBn oF TIIIS MEssAoE AND THE ACToMPANYING DOCUMENTS IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT OR TIIE TIIT'T,OYNB OR AGENT- RBSPoNSIBLE FOR DEIJVERING THE MEssAcE To rHE TNTENDED'REcFT6IT;?ot AxB HEREBv NoTFIED TI{AT ANY DISSEMINATI0N' DISTREUTIoN oR coPYINooFTHIScor"o"ruNIcATIoNlssrp.rcn.yPR0!'IBITED-IFYoUHAVBRBCEIVEDTH]scoM[,{l,NIcATIoNtAr ERRoR, p1lAsg Norrrv ss -x,4M}btArery pv rErrpHoNB AltD RE1URN THE oRtcINAL MESSAGE AND THE ACCOMTAI{YING UOCUT"TENTS TO US-NT TTTT +SOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U'S' POSTAL SERVIG' THANK YOU' illlillt tl lDl ril trGtr[VE ()cT 3 0 2008 TOWN OF VAIL