HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 TRACT D EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION 2000-2006 PART 1 LEGAL€ c\q\a Y?-t vc{ S cunit'*ton )ccoo-2cX)b .a. t r\JtrStqt\ ffir*tSgfr Cg{ELCFlf:f*: Vr*V;tq.4i t- -TFot D t ./ Design Review'Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailg ov.corn Project Name: ERWSD MANHOLE/SEWER Project Description: urlurrEs (SANTTARY sEwER UNE AND MANHOLE) Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITAI0Z0|2O06 Phone: 970-476-7480 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: 362-8 CONTRACTOR EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATI0Z12/2006 Phone: 970476-7480 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 Lkense: 362-8 ProjectAddress: Location: WEST OF VAIL VILI.AGE 5TH FIIING, NORTH O Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL VILHGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Numben 2101-072-0000-1 Commentsi DRB Number: DR8060299 071L212006 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION . Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/15/2006 Cond; I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. ri: r.?i,i \..1' .irrrt. ,.',).1 , ' .. 1' .y . . Cond: 202 j -'j ',ri-: :' . ;, Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year folloadng the date of final approval, unless a building permit ls issued and @nsbuction is commenced' ' and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO New Construction Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All poects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: To place one manhole and approximately I l0 feet of 8" PVC sewer main between two existing manholes through Town of Vail property. Addition of this sewer main would allow abandonment of a section of sewer that has become a maintenance burden hanging from an existing utility bridge. Removal of this sewer main from the bridge would also be help facilitate abandonment and removal ofthe utility bridge. Location of the Proposal: Unplatted. Physical Address: West of Vail Village Sixth Filing, North of WVWTP and Gore Creek. Parcel No.: None . (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) ,^-!--.,-^^^--,,*(Ot 67ZO c'oo(zontng: benerar use Name(s) of Owner(s): Town of Vail Mailing Address: 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 varl fal 0o 0 L).o -o tr Signs E Conceptual Review R rue* constructiontr Addition ,/Yl'linor Alteration LY(multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request '{.0.0 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Phone: Q70) 479- owner(s) slg nature(s) :a?&&qLC.\ Name of Applicant: Eagle River Water & Sanitation Mailing Address: 846 Forest Road, Vail, CO 81657 Phone: (970) 477-5447 E-mailAddress: mqolembiewski@erwsd.oro Fax: (970) 476-4089 Type of Review and Fee: $6s0 $300 475rI\ J,o JUL 10 2006 TOWN OF VAIL vtunn"r, 6T7= Project No.: *a*ll*aafta**faal'i'llr'il|'t'i*+*'i1l***t*a*ll*t*{r*{'***tlfa**{'******l********'}+aa+aaaltta*t+*++*+tl TOWNOFVAIL, COI,ORADO Statcm€nt Statemert l{\mber: R060000970 Amount: $250.00 O7/L2/2OOGL1:38 A}l Palment Method: eheck Init: iIS Notation: 40023,/ERTlsD Perarit No3 DRBO6O299 Type: DRB-t{lnor Alt, Corm/ldultL Parcel No3 2101-072-0000- 1 SLte Address 3 Location 3 VIEST OF VAfIJ VIIJJAGE 6TlI FILING, IIORTH O Total Feee: $250.00 T'lris Pa)rment s 9250 .00 Total ALL PmtE: $250.00Balairce: 50.00 . ACCOI,JNTITEMLIST: Account Code DeecripEion DR OO1OOOO3L122OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES Current PntE 250.00 l/"r!-Vi/l4qe€t t'l lr4 otD Planning and Environmental Commisson ACTION FORM Depaf lment of Community Developmefi | 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Calorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.3452 web: vrww.vai[g ov-com Project Name: ERWSD MANHOLE/SEWER Project Description: GMDING IN FLOODPLAIN (SEWER UNE INSTALLANON) Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITANOZZ4IaOO6 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: 362-B CONTMCTOR EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANrTAI0Z24|2OO6 Phonet 970-476-748O 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: 362-B ProjectAddress: LocaUon: WESTOFVAILVILLAGE 6TH FILING, NORTH O Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 2101-072-0000-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION 0712412006 PEC Number: PEC060055 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/1412006 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: CLEVELAND JEWITT 7-O Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0008359 Prior to construction, the applicant shall comply with the requirements of all applicable local, state, and federal permits and approvals. i 6,"". Y, '! ' .'' . ,1 ... '', . -, tgond: CoNoooS36o' Pribf to construction, the applicant shall submit written documentation to the Town of Vail verifoing Vail Resort's granting of an easement allowing for the construction of the new sanitary sewer line. Cond: CON0008361 Prior to construction, the applicant shall coordinate all grading associated yrith this proposal with the State of Colorado Division of Wildlife to ensure the protection of fish and other aquatic species, Cond: CON0008362 Within 30 days of completion of the improvements/modifications within the 100-year floodplain, the applicant shall obtain Town of Vail approval oF an as-built survey demonstrating that the 100-year floodplain was modified in accordance with this approval. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: $400.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 14,2006 A request for a final review of a floodplain modilication, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the Gore Creek 10O-year floodplain, lo install public ulilities, located on an unplatted parcel of land directly west of Wesl Foresl Road (a more complete location description is available at the Town of Vail Department of Community Development). (PEC06-0052) Applicant: Eagle River Waler and Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Bill Glbson il. SUMMARY The applicant, Town of Vail, is requesting approval of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain, to install public utilities, located on an unplatted parcel of land directly west of West Forest Road and setting forth details in regard thereto. Based upon Staff's review ol the criteria in Section Vl of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presenled, the Community Development Deparlment recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, the requested floodplain modification, subject to the findings noted in Section Vll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD), is requesting approval of a floodplain modificalion request, pursuant lo Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for lhe stabilization of the Gore Creek stream bank and modifications to the Town of Vail White Waler Park, in the Gore Creek lloodplain, located at Tract l, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, (generally located east of the International Bridge on Willow Bridge Road). A vicinity map has been attached for reference (Altachment A). The applicant is proposing to install a 116 foot segment of new sanitary sewer line to connect to existing lines. The installation of this new sewer line segment, and an additional manhole, will increase the capacity of the ERWSD's sanitary sewer service. This new sanitary sewer line will be located within lhe western portion of the West Forest Road Right-of-Way (owned by the Town of Vail), a small portion of 816 Wesl Forest Road (owned by Vail Resorts), and an unplalted portion of the Gore Creek stream corridor (owned by the Town of Vail). lt l. tv. V. A 33 foot long portion of the proposed sanitary sewer line will be installed below grade within the Gore Creek 1O0-year floodplain. Up 1o 800 sq. ft. of floodplain area could be disturbed due to the construction of this new line. While a portion ot this construclion is located within the 1O0-year floodplain, the proposed construction disturbance area is not located within the current Gore Creek live water channel. Since the Gore Creek water levels hislorically continue to lowering into the fall months, lhe applicant does not anticipate this construction will have any direct impact on live waters and no temporary diversion of the creek will be necessary. Once installation of the proposed sewer line has been completed, the applicant is proposing lo restore the existing, natural topography and the native vegetation of any disturbed areas. Therelore, there will be no permanent modification to the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain. The applicant's request (Attachment B), the proposed engineering drawings (Attachment C), and site photographs (Atlachment D) have been attached for reference. The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed this proposal and determined that it conforms with the technical requirements of the Vail Town Code (Attachment H). BACKGROUND On August 1,2006, the Vail Town Council granted an easement to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District to allow for the construction of this project. A descriplion of that easement has been attached for reference (Attachment E). ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Plannino and Environmental Commission: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval, approvalwith conditions, or denial of a floodplain modification application. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zonino Reoulations (Title 12, Vail Town Code) Section 12-21-10E, HAZARD REGULATIONS, DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED (in part) E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, to establish that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook (Title 14, Vail Town Code) Chapter 14-6, GRADING STANDARDS (in part) vt. Floodolain Standards: No grading is permitted in the 1)}-year floodplain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. lf an applicant wishes to grade into the 101-year floodplain, an environmental impact report is required. The environmental impact report shall include impacts to vegetation, riparian areas, appropriate hydraulic engineering calculations to show no increase in water surface profile and velocity, as well as stating that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties. No permanent improvements shall be constructed within 1'of the floodplain line. The ftoodptain tine shall be determined by a registered professional land surveyor by plotting the appropriate elevation of the floodplain on a maximum 1"-20' topographic 2' contour map using the adopted Town of Vail flood profiles (the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood lnsurance Study). The topographic survey shall reveal the method for determining the starting point and the starting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A site specific study performed by a Professional Engineer per FEMA guidelines and approved by the Town of Vail and FEMA may be required. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Floodplain Modif ication A. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall consider the followino criteria when reviewinq an aoolication for a modification 1o the floodolain: 1. The proposed floodplain modilication will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. The applicant is proposing lo restore the existing natural topography and native vegetation of any areas disturbed by this proposal, so there will be no permanent modification to the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain. Additionally, the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator's analysis (Attachment H) finds that there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties or measurable increase in the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. The applicanl is proposing to restore the existing natural topography and native vegetation of any areas disturbed by this proposal, so there will be no permanent modification to the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain. Addilionally, the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator's analysis (Attachment H) finds thal there will be no adverse impacts to adjacent properties or measurable increase in the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 3. Such other lactors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. vil. The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has determined that this project does nol significantly change the environment and does nol require the submittal of an environmental impact report pursuanl to Section 12-12-2, Applicability, Vail Town Code. The applicant has already received U.S. Army Corp of Engineers permit approval for the construction of this project (Attachment G). On August 1,2006, the Vail Town Council granted an easement lo the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District to allow for the construction of this project. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before aoorovinq a floodplain modification: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission approves, with condilions, a floodplain m od ilicatio n req u esl, pu rsuail fo-C@er.144; f*adinq :qtandards, Code, to allow for- the stabilization of the Gore Creek--streqm Vail Town bank and modificationgld the Town of Vail While Water Park, in the Gore Cr floodplain, located at Tract l, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, (generally located of the regardInlernational Bridge on Willow Bridge Road), and setting forth delails This recommendation is based upon the review of the criteri Sectio is memorandum and the evidence and t Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this reques| the Community Development Department recommends the Commission pass the following motion: "The Planning and Environmental Commission approves the applicants' request for floodplain modifications, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for the stabilization of the Gore Creek stream bank and modifications to the Town of Vail White Water Park, in the Gore Creek floodplain, located at Tract l, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, (generally located east of the lnternational Bridge on Willow Bridge Road), and setting forth details in regard thereto, subject to the following conditions : 1. Prior to construction, the applicant shall comply with the requirements of all applicable local, state, and federal permits and approvals. 2. Prior to construction, the applicant shall submit wriften documentation to the Town of Vail verifying Vail Resort's granting of an easement allowing for the construction of the new sanitary sewer line. 3. Prior to construction, the applicant shall coordinate all grading associated with this proposal with the State of Colorado Division of Wildlife to ensure the protection of fish and other aquatic species. 4. Within 30 days of completion of the improvements/modifications within the 100-year floodplain, the applicant shall obtain Town of Vail approval of an as-built survey demonstrating that the 10)-year floodplain was modified in accordance with this approval. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this request, the Community Development Department recommends the Commission makes the following findings: "The Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters, based upon the analysis by the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties, based upon the analysis by the Town of Vail Floodplain Coord i nator. 3. The proposed floodplain modification will not have an adverse affect on the environment, based upon the analysis by the Town of .-_ Vail Floodplain Coordinator." VIII. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Engineering Drawings D. Site Photographs E. New Sewer Easemenl F. Wetlands Study prepared by Watershed Environmental Consultant's, Inc. G. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers Approval H. Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator Approvall. Public Notice Attachment: A _ ,r Attachment: B - Eacle Rrven -V Wnren & SarurmoN DtsrRtcr'-r- 846 Forest Road. Vail, Coioradc 81657 (9?O) 476-748C. FAX (970) 476-4089 July 21, 2006 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 SUBJECT: FLOODPLAINMODIFICATION SUBMITTALREQUIREMENTS Dear Bill Gibson: The Eagle River Water & Sanitation District is proposing to begin a project that will allow a portion of sewer flow to by pass the Vail Waste Water Treatment Plant (VWWTP). This project is located west of Vail Village Sixth Filing, south of the VWWTP and Gore Creek. This construction is to be in the Gore Creek Floodplain and when the construction has been finished the existing grades will be restored. A pre-construction survey has been submitted and a post-construction will be submitted to show existing grades have been restored and that there is no impact to the 100 year floodplain. An Army Corps of Engineers Permit has also been submitted and this permit states that finished grade are to be restored to pre-construction conditions. Sincerelv. v.bez/4 Martin Golembiewski Construction Manager c: Jim Boyd Tom Kassmel MMG/mmg WATEF. WAsrEWATen. Ope nnrror'rs & MeNecrve ur SeRvtcrs F:U 5WSD\4ENG\CONSTENG\PROJECTSts\?ASS\.PEC FLOODPLAIN LETIER.DOC N Attachment: C F'z Pl.z \< Ea u.l It :l li i triltifi ti tl:!i ] I I ! Iili ll.'t It.l L :r{ll il ri 5 r!,i!l riil i fiiiffilifilE lri! ti !ili ;il1 itil i:lT!: i ltirli! lz:t ii;t t: d!l t:rll! .! i! ll li r -T rnrl r11(n-t 7r Z TT 7{\ln rn (n rfl [ 't € rxv TF -! tn tn t-{ cr ztn N I9EEfiF H3lfiq$ EEIF!fii ;g ii trru u;f;tc$gF a Fzoz Flq zo s s E 6I : \\. ,Q,\ t ,t i /1it lltrll llii Rrtlir,16 6 t-].l rtrlE ZJ I7t€{r E tr I f I I il ,l il I I I I J, a t-m 4 g ---4rG -z- irN- --:rtq6 (,:fNM m -l VAIL PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE SEWER BYPASS EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT SEWER PLAN AND PROFILE {i'iiiilii EH- i|iiiiiil * ii ''i'* I f;, i; 'ri'iiii,iEJj.g ._,-'!!ii vi r,f+iE fui E ti.ii vt-comq VAIL TLDLSTKIAN bKIDGE. sr.WT.K bYTA55 EAGLE RTVER WATER AND SANTATON DSTRICT DETAILS Attachment: D II ii.,;T*{l; L.tt.t^t' fri i.\.'Ui 'rt6. .r/j - -. -:r 7 ,3 * o{fust stthe * e$&tcl rrtq*e i,'" Attachment E w <l eI uo 7o ffi)-- :. :':e:1773, r riln r il;flTff fllnir .. z 20' UNPLATTED N L I €€ALE:1' - 20' /L\ - S:'--:-j;;-g'-16;--:'yy:y':{t:gffisEwER UlN-ensEM-eNr CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT LOT 15 VAIL VILLAGE. S]XTH FILING EXHIBIT A VAIL VILLAGE, SIXTH FILING VAIL, COLORADO PROPOSED SEWER EASEMENT DRAFT 7-7_06 Watershed Environmental Consultants, lnc' Attachment F Wetland Sciences . Environmental Planning' Hydrology ' Habitat Invento2rRestoration ' Permitting P.O. Box 3722 Eagle, CO 8163 I Voice & Fax: 970132843&4 Website: www.waterfolks-com IUay 31, 20O5 Mr. ldark Gilfillan U.S. Arrry CorPs ofEngineers 402Rood Aveirug Room 142 Grand lunctio'A CO 8150f RE: Wetland Delineation and Fre-Construction Notificatioru Vail Pedestrian Bridge Sewer lvlain B)?asE VaiL Colorado Dearlv{adq Please find the attactreat Wetland Delineation report and prsconstruction eC^f, for the area south of Gore Creek near thePedeSrian Bridge west ofForest Road in V"iL aof"ono. The applicant is the Eagle River Water and Sanittion Disficl in care of r,a. r.* wtirirgt* orerroy" eogioeeting at P.O- 8ox2946, Edwardq colorado. The prqo ir locdeiwithin Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West in-Eagle Coury' boioraao. Watershed Environmental Consrltants, Inc- (WEC) are provi{ng your_o{ry with a delineation ofwetlands on the p'roperty and a preconstruction notification (PCN) for a proposed sewer main blpass to oist rrt a portion ofthe associated wetlands- The proposed sewer mainbypass is to be constructed in orderto update existing f"4Uf and to accommodate nery construction. The total ofthe identified wetlands on the site is 0.04 acres, and the proposed s€rwer main bypass wilt afea ap'proxinately O.fit acre.s of wetlasds. The project constfucfion date has been set for autumn 2005. IvIark, thank you for your time "id pl"at", feel free to contact me with any questions. KiodRq;uds' ,,rDffi Daiva Katieb, PrinciPal Enclostres: wetlard Delin€atio4 vait Fedesrian Bridge sewer Main B:tpass, Vail, Cobado pre-ilmsrruc6on Notification, Vail ktrian Bridge S€ss N{ain BJpasA Va4 Colorado c*.ArroyoEnginecrine}vrr.I,€ewhiuiaetotr'P'o.Box29,|5,Erluards'@'81632; Sagi" Rir* WaE ;"d Sanitadon Di$dct, Ms T-irm Sc.horr, &16 Fsest RoaC Vail' @ 8165? wa.ter.shed \'w6t-a r-'shed\ cdj: The region above a specific point on a stream from which water drains into the stream' A turning point, criticat factor, and ne\w way of working with the environment' Wetland Delineation Vail Pedestrian Bridge Sewer Main BYtrlass hePared for: Arroyo Engineering tLC Mr. I.ee Whittinglon P.O. Box 2946 Edwards, Colorado 81632 PrePared bY: Daiva Katieb, PrinciPal Watershed Environmental Consultants, Inc' P.O. Box 3722 Eagle,Colorado 81631 May 31, 2005 TABLEOFCONIENTS INTRODUCTION METHODS.. DESCRIPTION OF STUDY AREA soll,s........ VEGETATION HYDROLOGY..... IV. RESI]LTS.... V. CONCLUSION vI. REEERENCES........--..-.-. vIL APPENDICIES........--......--. ITST OF TABLES Table l. Wetland Plad SPecies List Vail Pedeslrian Bridge Sewer Main 8ypass""""""""""""" LISTOFTTGURES Figure 1. 2. J. 4. LTST OF APPENDICES Page 1 1 3 3 3 4 L tr u. Paee I 8 9 9 Page 7 l0 15 5 5 ) 7 Paee '4 App€ndixA Photographs ofstudy site....-.'....'- B. Dataforms... C. Wetlard deline€tion maP for Vail Pedesaian Brifue Sewer lv{ain B1paw" " "' " .' " " .- " " L INIRODUCTION: The Eagte River w"to "rJ s-itaioo p;sbict is initiating plans to develop a section of a sanitsry sewer main line, uibichwill tie futo two odsting s&m€fits of seryer main line' The p.fr# Identends 6,o1tr" "Otti"g t *ot"(# 0340) near tne VO pedesrian bridge at Forest Road oo A, *utn riA" olCot"tre"t and-ortends aplroximately 116'27 feet in lengthto tie into the oristing rr"n r" t* otool adjacentto Gore creek- firis proposed work is limited to the so'th side of Gore C*rk'md is focaiea in Section 7, Township i SoTb Range 80 Wesf - uTM NAD n: :fJus}afi, a3taozr-}.I. The project is telng conducted within the Town of Vail limits. The Eagle River wder and sanitation District, Project lvlanager it ]"-{t y* schon' 846 Forest Road, Vail, Colorado t6ii, gnO.qlA.z+EO. Anoyo EngineeringJvlr I-ee Whittington' P'O' ,,ox 2g46,Edwards, coroiaa" g1632, g7o.y26.zi2| t ui a"sgn"d tbe proposed line- .watershed Environmental cr*,rltr"t;;I""- 1wgbl b"* been retained by-Anoyo Engineering to id€di$' and delineate jurisdictional waters of the U'S' on the.projel{9 gl aavise of arty permits as rlgtt U" t"q.,lt"O from the U.S. Army Corps of Engine€rs (USACE)' IL METHODS: wetlands were waluafed by employing pfocedures described in the UsACE Wetlands Delineation lvlanual Gg;i;. j,. iotftt"".it-site inspection forwetland areas equal t9 --lo: th-* 5 acres in size was conOucd. Wetland boundarieswere based on the prwalence of bydropbytic vegetation, hydric soils, and indicators of wetland brydrolop5r s.s*.FPescription of surdy er[ oftnir"t e"n t"*ra" tft" waludion ofttre veg€ratioq soils' and hydrologr ofthe site' AppendixAcontainsphotographsofthesite.Fieldformsforthevegetatiorr'soils,and S,ilbgy;; i""frO.if ;-lip*Ot- e 14! I lists the dominar vegaation observed on the pi"ifiiitr. 1.ne ttetta"O UJ,LOaties were identified in the field with flags labeled '"ipi-.r-.,i""ff'. These flagged points were surveyed and the nap is provided in Appendix C' I Voil Pedcstrian BridCe kw* Main $tPss tl{'lttEl l'* Figure 1- a_--lat'til l*-ja)---J@urnts i[4ddtitllI'otaStl!3rchlOt€*(''td'o.!'?+lita,EF) Project location map. ) Vsil PedestrimBridge SewerMainBypass m DESCRITTION OF STUDY AREA: - climatic data for the poJrlt" Ir ooa*,"itaote; nonwer, values have been obtsin€d at station C,Z4.,4,llagrc fe,q, Xrplri;t*"d"" o,soo ieet, located approximately 2? miles' straight-line distance, west of the pai'jiil'- Th; r"J.ra"a r;--*iirecipitation is 10'66 inches and the mean amtrar temperarrJls 42.f E,uo,a "nr"q *"r" at'"rag"d o"etr al vears of rocord (westwl Reeional Climate C*t*, iOOii. ilecipit*ior isrelatively &"ory A"ttiUttt"a tbroughout t1'e vear, with gligNy hig[s;;il; ""dti"gin lae srmmer and autrmn. Tbe growing season' eil*tfitheioi, t"ip"""tot" above 32o f is less +han 90 davs' ffi*" Resource conservation service (NRcs) hasrot mapped the soils in this immediate location; howev*,.,r"i;;; ttpP"d gf'yqtfu allwial areasatong Gore creekhave be€n mapped as Forsey *ibry-Iffi i i. ffay tt"t ttl" soil association is continued onto the oroiect site. otner mapfr "i1t*tt on the Uai*sofGore Creek inolude lerry-Mlle'rlake loams ffiffi;rrh*.d;ififr;t*t;;t"-p. All of these mapp"d soil series are Argic Cryoborols. The Forsey cobbty toam unit may have inclusions of ssndstone rock outcrop' which compose approximately s pencent r:r-tfre tltaf acreag'. rnis atsocl"tion is typically found on auwial ftns' moudairsidss, ana riogei. t" p-*t ri*.r is-atluvium, re'siduum andcolluvium derived from mixed mineralogy. m"*" ioit, are deep and we[ drained with a mode'rate permeability' The soils obsened on site were deep and well drained. No rock outcrops are located on the parcel. The *tm* hy- ;itn" Jff, o,o" rurfy uni6rO mostly with only one A horizon' The deeper B-horizon **;,}lJ t" o" a"ptn of tl"-pioEu- No mottling or gleying was observed throughout tlre Profi les. VEGETATION Native upland grass€s and spnrce-(Pacea w).chataf'tqzna large portion of vegetation on the upland portion of the rin f "t Ui" of "'*at weeas exist along the upland arsas' this is due to regionsofla.dAitt"O*""'-Wiff"*(fub*spp'1;mountainalla@trus-!rcau)'andother woody and herbaceour;;ild ;ld.h"*t#r"d the ripuian areas. Woods rose (Rosa woodsii),cow parsnip d;ffii";;;brrdyit".),-a g^.". composed the veg€tation within tn" tr-iitioo ^oe U&o'"eo wetlands and uplands' The following table lists the plant species that were observed on and near the project site' 3 Tail Pe&stiut Bridge SewerMainBYPss Table 1. -w4land Plam Species List, vail Pedestrian Bridge sewer Main Bypass Scientific Common Family ff€tn* Wetland** Nafle Name - -' Status- Alwstcafr -- Uoo"tainaner Betulaceae ll I+gY Benlafonfirulis Waterbirch Betrlaceae N FACW Bromts cuinons Mountainbrome Poaceae N NL Abus incqu f.A"u"tuio AAo Betulaceae N FACW Bronrus tectorum Cheatgns$ Poaceae I NL Cu*aryailis Water-sedge Cyperaceae N OBL Dactytis glon*an Orchardgrass Poaceae I FACU Elynscoudensis canadainarye lqcise N FACU HerrcIenm rylwtdyliunt Cowparsnip- Apiaceae N FAC Koeleriamrcruxla frailie junegrass Poareae N NL Phbntpraense Tilnotb$' - Poace:rc I FACU Piceaengebmati Engdrlann spruce Pinaceae N FACIJ- Piceapmgens Blue spnrce Pinaceae N FAC- Puferdleriou lrduttonerass lOaceae N UPL Pseufurregneia ryicata ehebuicnwheatgrass Poaceas N IIPL Roswodsii Woodsrose Rosaceae N FAC- fuIixeastwffire Moumainufllow Salicaceae N OBL *Qrigb I N **Waland Status Iutroduced Native Not Listed No Indicator ObfigareUPland Fanrltative UPland Faqrltative Fasrltative Wet Obligate NL NI UPL FACTJ FAC FACW OBL HYDROLOGY Gore creek is the active waterway that flows adjacent to the project site. Gore creek is a oerennial stream with its fwattg"ipn dominated-by snowmeh runofr, because of this it is to be ffi;; ffi},iffi-"tuatiil of the groundwarer table occur. Gore creek is tributarv to the EagleRiver and flowsto the Colorado River' Streamflow values for Gore Creek were obtained from the U.S. Geological Survey (U-SGS) ;.*rd; g.d"g smri"n + 09066310 coRE CREEK, LOWER S-TATION, AT VAIL, coLoRADO. rnir g"gos station is locued just downstream of the project site' The period of 4 Vail Pedestriqn Bridg" fuwerMainBYPss record is 12 years; tbe gagp had operated from september of 1988 to s€pt€mhf of 1999' Mean montlry streadow "r,r,i?"r#;il]ffelz-"ft tfi io*ot monthlv average (ll'4 ds) occ.rred in February and th€ hig5,]1;;tty a"eragelOiO.Al o"..t''"A iniune' The drainage area of Core Creei at this location is 77'1 square niles' TV. RESI]LTS: onewetlsodwasid€otifiedontheprojectsite'lafledmrmericallyfromAltoAT.Thiswetland occ'rred as the ripuian ;il;|,i;;J #n 15" south bank of Crore Creek from the existing manhole (# OA60) to Oe fail PJesilrian Bridge. All aspects ofwettal{+ bydropbroc vegetation, hydric soil+ Jt"dt*t"tt of weiand ttyO*toey' Yge -T{d*.t"d at the establiSed area. Itis wetland ir *;id;;;G apnsdictionat water of the U'S' since h is adjacem to wd€rs. rrr" ,p,p"ori.rt" rt* ortt" ioentinea wauna is 1,830'E5 square feet' or 0'o4 acres' meag'ed fiom oe esauiJJ "'ttr-a ut"ro"ty to tu" a'p't"itut" waters cdge' -l$og"pnt ofthe site are incruaeo in eppenaix n aod Fielddda forms are included in Appendix B' V. CONCT,USION: Backgfound imrestigsion and fidd inspeAion- rwealed wetlands along thcriparian conidor of Gore Credc fnit *.Ar"a *t" *iaenieO UV ny&ophytic vegetafo* .byg" sorls' ud wetland hra;I"S,. Tbtr i* a titerioe"'*fa"O, t"taliig-an urea-of approxirrately 0'(X acres' The area estimation was estimated fiom the approximate o,"1*r "oridt" the su;syed line of the identified wetlands. A proposed sewer rnain lire is to be dweloped on the property. Thearoposed area of impact to the identified waland, t"t t";;-rd.rt"ly 542.74 sdat6 ftet or O-01. acres. The USACE ofu"iJe"s".*wU Ue-notinii of disnrrbance activities associated withthe projel' 4k1 . CortructionNotificati;6"$'fl Ot *t"it"t' whicn qualify under the guidance ofNationwide Permit 12, Utitity Lin€ Discharges is attached' \IL REFERENCES: Reed, B.R 1988. National List of plant Species tbat occur in wetlands; colorsdo' u's' Fish- andWildlife Service. St. Petersburg FL' St$b€ndi€ck, I., Ilatch, S-L., Butterfield , C'r|- lgg7 ' North American Range Plants' Fifft Edition 'm" Uiinertity ofNebraska Press, Lincolq N6raska u.s. Army co,rps ofEngineere l9s?. wetlsnds-DelineationManral' Technical rcport y-82-1. U.S. affi Corps ofEogineers Wderways fxperinem Station, Vicksburg lvfS' usDA NRCS 1999. The PLAI.ITS Darabase (http://ql-alts-sqda'gov/plants)' Natisnsl Plants Data Cenfer, Baton RougeJ'ouisiana 7087 4449o US'a. 5 Tail Pe&striat Bridge kwerl'Iain$ryst I USDA NRCS 2000. Hydric Soils oftheUnited States -ihitpiiwww.statiab.iastate.edu/soilsihydric/). Iowa State University Statistical Laboratory usDA Soil conservation servic€. 1992. soil survery of Aspen-G1pP9 Ateq colorado' Parts "iBrglO Gaffel4 and Pitlin Crounti€s. U.S. Governsrent Printing Office. Washingto4 DC. USDA USGS 2005. Surface Water data for USA: Monthly Streamflow Statistics (trttp://waterdata.usgs.eov/nwis/monthly)- Reston' V A 2OI92' western Regional clinate c€ot€r 2005. (www.wrcc.dri.edu). 2215 Raggio Parkway Reno, Nwada 89512. 6 Yail Pe&strianBridge SewerMain$tPss APPENDIKA ' r PhotagnphofstudYsite 7 VaiI Pedestriot Bridge SewerMainBlpass Figure 3. View of sarnple point #2, within uplands. Figure 4. Overvierr of delineated riparian wetland. 9 Vail Pedestrian Bridge SewerMainBlpass Approximate waland boundary Figure 2. Upstream view of ripuian wetland (Al - A7) from the nanhole (# 0860) to the pedesbian bridge. 8 VaiI PedestrimBridge SewerMainBypass APPNNI}D(C Wetland ddine*tion map for Veil Pcdcstrian Bridge Server Main Bypasr 15 VaiI Pedestriot Bridge kwerMainBYPass s?1 ffp thf lllt!(SrbradFfra)r fatb Cobt f/hcb Colo'| lilot& Abuidr,ld T.turl, Co,toraiotL.t!h.- IfEruil0- |lrE{Sl}- tllcolH-- D ,A _..1. lo9 P4 z-tW rof P zll- rFft 8or hda.b|t: -t5oGl-t*Sb.doa-&l!(tOdo.-Aq&l'b|trrtielr_ R.duoitg Condlbnr - Gbrd or Lor.Gh|! r Cobn - Colctlbru_ llgh o|lmlc corilfit h 6|ft. ur., h €Jdy €oL - OrF &gi*he rr SrntSol -|Irtl lr lrallFtSol t||.-l-Hdon!&rdl#fteSt.H_ourr (E?|*r ln n!mtlo)' bnr*': /r//, ilrtr Apg.ldr B Bhnk a.d EEmpte Oda Fom6 B3 DATA FIORII| ROUT]IE WETLlilD TTERTII?{ATION (1987 @E Wetbnda Dalheaton Msnn0 Prqpctlsftcr - Applcad/OwrPr: Do lsrrnl Olrunstarcc eldd on ths 6lto? le tlp sita sbnmcartty dst'.{bed (Atplcal-Sfrutlon)? lclhe erm a pderdal MbmArca? (ll necdod. ooldn on rowGql @mYae I\b Ye6 ttb Cornnuty lD Tramac{ lD. Plo[ lt] Flurd d ry|nh.d S?.d..tld r. O& Flcwo. F O O*' /E /d'1" - R?qdo Drd! (M h R!'nltitl: l-drrr, tU.cll(b€n{. -SlPlfiet?ft3-our-ie RGochd Dt Arffi tryffid Hlrdrology hdce!: Prtfiy;dlc&nr _lrfiLH_thr.tdhlJmsl2lOrr -Wdrti5ls -Dillrr._e..ftilrnDsodb_ffirqp Pau€trr.hwdhrdt h.lolEE (2anq€n$ir4; -*lr..l Foolctnrtd. h Lh9o l? h.fi- _Wrba;Srhad IEUB -LoJSol&rf,tltu-Agr\f|ilTd-Oor.(Bd.h h nitufil FlrE Obaan dld.: oc*r d er'fcr lvdr: - (h.l D.phbF|r.WtrhPt - (lG) grdrblfatlcdSd - " gt.) 'Baandfrx Sar/ friae M/-"L//i// alup Qo.1t, lrta,/tu , bu/"ra/ *bro{t/. CIn #l,u*o *ay'. 3*e BA lpilrt(E Ebd(cd ErdnCo 0rta Fmns 5/t |lrp thf fb|.(8rbr.nd Ph-.)t Corthtr [.Fp..l Typ.? Y!3 ]S ll|ft Cob( lftll Cdor lb|a Abud]fa,l{rrtrt 0frtof lb!} l|Alrd rHl ehiEq*rfd _ lildrb 8ol h.tabrr: -}!!@t-alESF.dcl-a|f(bqbr-fqtlclehrrhCn-Z Bodudrg Condfbnr - Clcyld or lo*Ourm Cobn -oorc'ft'|- ldt @dc Co|fitaft sd.c. LrFr b sJ|dy sot| -oe*d|x|dro h S.ndysot -l,5dat t al BrrtGolbltt - Llbd ofl ll{onrl ltddc Solt Lh - Cltht (ECl*r Ir Frilrl!) 3o,rl coL?A ite +.rt'7 ttla r n0 lil/lttatu ,tiilPl lituu raad' .Mnrftg I LAr|I.r lnE ! EHI |ATI rffioctytc \_h!E!bn Prufitt Wchd Hldcb0f plEdr? H!'db 60ll Prs.nfl R* r",*,d5f {fto51 b iliE 6r.''!pfr{ Pofilwittn.w.tand? @ n R n rl3:K,ru I'yl 6*, &e$) l9F lrrd ftrN|d[ S Btsr* and Erample Oal8 Fqms BO DATAFORT ROUTf,{E WETI.IT{D DETERIIIMTIOT{ (1987 COE Wbtbrdo DelhoEtlon Maruaf) wu' 6/t?/x Oouty: Fa|le &fre, .Q{ Dof$ffrulOhometsrreselGtonthedta? @ !s tlr elte ebr{tlcartty dsMbod (Ahptaat Strdton)? y-o3bttparcaepoig|tblPrrdbmAroa? ycr (lf rpe&d, mhh on rglwsa-) nb ts t$ Comnrty tD Trarsa |D: Frct D: 4- srdun Sdhlol-$rd OBIlttt F&a)furb FH,.) t*_ a 12^ srstrm !dEfS(_ Fr€.tt o{ Donhml ^r..rrr lhst r. OE- FICW or FIC 7 g '/(.!irdin Flo.t. Rrtrtr: - B.cor*d 06 (Ilercdbe h Renefrc[ -L Starn, f.|fa, orTrb ellgo -lr|rrrhdertpfrc -O0tar-|b B*onlrd Ode Alflre FbE Obrowoone: 9frrcl€ufaoe war: frr,) DaFUr 6 F,E Wdar ln ph q.Fftb&erd6dSot Wedfffigy.ffilbtr: ftlnryh4rbrl; -huttbbd/ SdrdEd In tf9.. 12 hdr.s -w&rrEb/wfttJn - St tr|nt Deo$r_ Dnhage ldlsr! h Wdrnda SFondfy hftft (As d|ao qutad! - 0'.r.r'rr Rd ct50& h thr 12 rdEr_W.E-SaffiLerf,! -LcdBdSunrrDd.z1rrc+rmlrei -Sh.r(Epr h FdYl!|l(s) R.,.ob: Mfhn a bedfaptlr 4er', ilj4lrn t {o $au (rc<E fi /au l,1l waier l,ne , {}6q ,,ad ,,illu au*, *rtjn, h,; ,uirt-i*,,i4-------il . 82 A$gdhB thr*and EdtrDle DCrFonna APPENDD(B Deta forns l0 VaiI Pedes'tim Bridge Sewer Main BYPass Pre-Construction Notifi cation do Arroyo Engineeriog ke\ilhittington P.O. Box2946 Edwards, COEl632 970.926.nzE Vail Pedestrian Bridge Sewer Main BYPass May 31, 2005 Linn Schon 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 970.416.7480 AGEI'IT'S NAME Al'{D ADDRESS: W*e"*"d g""itoon€"tal Consrltants, Inc' DaivaI(Cieb P.O.Box3722 Eagle CO 81531 970.32E.436/' PROJECTLOCATION: Vait P"Oesrian Bridge, Forest Road Vail, Colorado Eagle County tm"f NeO 27 : 380452m8, 43 88623m]'i Sertion 7, Township 5 Sout[ Range 80 Wesf STREAMWETLA}.ID IMPACT: id t t"l "-*g" "f td*ffi ttparian wetlandsassociated with the south side of Gore it*tir .pe*i-"t"ry g34-;",.fi; ; Waknd Ddinearion, Ivlay 31, 2005. The l€ngth ;i;"ffil th;a"ri",itJ **u"it is approximarely sI ry f*t agf the total ofwetland Oiffi"* ir "ppto6.rtury 6.or ,"xo to- the proposed work The area of impact has been mlnimizea by the design of tle sewer line' PURPOSE Af'ID NEED: ffi;"pg"d *rrtdptl serysx main lias is a new section of liile to tie into existing *otii*'Jr"*o r"io" e*i"tiog; undersized main line will be abandoned once the new ,|il-t fr f" pf"*. The new sfuon of sewer main is needed in order to updae the ;ffirg frdliif;* uod to ,""or.od"t" nevf constnrction. The odsting manhole to urhish i|;ffi sewer liae will rie ioto is arrently witbin the riparian wetlods. The limite6 Irtor6" to tbe wetlanOs wiff ocarr to- a portion ofthe new line erending to reach AT{D4DDBESS: nagte Rw€r Water anrl Sanitation District this enisting manhole (#0860). The proposed s€w€r main line will be consftuoted upon Gno6ioo-*a "ppro"a of-tf,it Ptpb";tthr.don Notification' Conshrction is set to begin in ururm 2005. DESCRIPTTON9FryORS: rartivity. A@ witl be installed prior to atry coryf,ructig1 t*"k h";;,illt" "iproyJ t";,J"",t" atrench, a"a tte excavated material will be ;pr*rtt;t#i";;;;". in which it will not be disperred brv aurents or other forces. fte.o ora"n ttroo to the identified wetlands bas been ninimized to the extent Possible. The proposed segmect of sewer main lftle will be tied irto the existing rranholes' orrce theutility line is in ph"r, tn"al'ooritt t"tomuua withtbetopsoil fromthetrench and th;;trt;i*d region wnUe regraded to spprots*ate Prwonstruction cortours' Any €xcess material ",iU Ue te",o"fiio up6"d -*"*t inmedi*ety upon completion of construction- The disturbed area will be revqaated with native vegetatioo P 9.tdo !9 stabilize the disturbance. 1'n" reoug"tdioo ftii include wetl'nd piants, ircluding willows (5o;ir qpp') witffn the ideqtifiedo,Ltao6 area This will serve to stabitize md cnbance the existi'S wetland habitc uPonthe site. OUA}.TTITY OFFILL:iffi;@";ll br placed into the ide,ortified wetlands is tb proposed semrer r''oi" nne ana nafe baclfll matqial orcsvated fromthe trencfr' ENDAI{GERED SPECIES N"-d*St*d tp""i6have been identified at the project location- PERMITTWE: Nationwide Pemrit #LZ Utility Line Discharges' n tE{ |rtl tl:::+:t6'Im I?.rdr6i(r('|arqB!|.baoqr*(tr7&|rrr*ettlF Figure 1. Project locatipn map. \\Lr.r r.r\Lcid P'otc13 zoo5\voi P.d 8ndq. str\dte\Molr'r\rtr o€Lr{€Arrord{q 3/?6/2a03 a't3 +a at) ! t,i\\\i.r\\\l ".' l. . r \ \ rjl \ttl..i\\H--*--ll;il I'gl [ \\\',\\$r,i LE | "rlel E!':=i*a'\.\\\i\\\\\tc S.:rN$-hlllliill= s\'r\,rN,#\-O / "frilF,-,-t / /,'/,/i'1,'l','',-ftl-{ltltg ti! f A"r,lrry /r: ---l--, \ ', I efrsl: pi ,,^* lsluoJ z #\'-\W:1 Ya\'\\\\riii P+\\ H r-.'{ Frt rnH\.i Htn Hp H z w FHHvnIJh{lrl \ \- -\'t-rl\\ r\ \ \\ t -\ \- r\ \\\\-rrf , r \\ \ \ :$rr\\\ \i.\t\\\r -- ,,','\ \,\,\'i[ :N: . . .\.\d\l\,\\\ t " tr tr't't,tr i I'-N:' :' li\\R\\ ',',",\''ii.it:N. . . . _)\\H\*\Q\ ffi'i#N'l,i ,,N tr,'trtr,tr] il\r\rlrlr ! \'|-"j I i,i I-\--{mW ..: \' * \\':\-,fr,*t}.r'-.E- t't\\' rt ll ";Kl$-i,,i€eii \:,.!.\\' ) lbK-",'r*%-.', :\r""4El ,.._{--,Sh f 'r{n---ffoi{"( \ \ trl I 2z=oia ,gq $l= -'rS 6 ( fi l €\. '' <\r € l\I 'l(d I€l I( (l .( ( \€.\F \= \(' ..F+' :F\( \. ((\ *ta (( f(( <(\((\( i '..I\ I ( '. ( { (\\r\' \ \(d(- ( fi..-. - \,,'l tl' .f.l tlgt \* €: 6' ((1 ae zA W ,') ,'l )tt ===gSE=ge; :8,6 3F,5l<d8ue8 \ OYO LNGINLLRING,T-rc ? ?I o cn :Emm VAIL TLDLSTKIAN bKIDGL WETLANDS DEUNEATION CNIL trNGINEtrAIN6/ CONSJL]-]T]G 19 E3*nd' VilE8. a&4 Ed Edi.rdr, C.londo 6162 Pl! (9t0) 92t272E, Fi (t0) 9&-t3z NEPLY'O ATTENTKN (T Regulatory Brancn Aftachment G DEPABTMENT OFTHE ARMY U.S ARIIY ENGINEER OISTR| T, SACRAr|ENTO GORPIS OF ENGINEERS 1325 J STREET SACRAMENrO' CAUFORNIA 9581'l'2922 JulY 5, 2Ao5 (2 oos7s35s ) Ms, Linn Schorr d-irf" ii'r"t water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Roact Vail, Colorado 81-657 Dear Ms. Schorr: I am responding to your June 1' 2OO5 ' request for a Department of thJ ii*v-plt*it. for the vail Pedestrj'an Bridge' sewer main blpatt pt"j"tt' This proje?t i:Y?-}:es activities' including air"n"igE'r"3!"ir"an"a "; fill material , in rdaters of theUnitedstatestoconstruita'"*_'"*"'main.tie-inline.Theproject site is-i"""t"Jit Black Gore creek within section 7' Township s soutn, Range 80 west' Eagle County' Colorado' Basedontheinformationyouprovided,th.eprooosedactivity is authorized by Nationwide e"rer"I^i;;rt'tn*u"-t r-z- Your work must comply with lh" g.r."ral terms-aird conditions listed on the enclosed Wationwide-c6neraf permit information sheets You must sign and return the enclosed Compliance Cerrificarion tottil;*"i;i;"--,"ilrri" :o a"y" afler completion of the work. This't"iiii"ition is valj-d for two years from the daLe of rhis letter, ;;-;;;ii-tr'" r-tionwide General Permi-t is modj-fied or e>cpires, whictret'"t torn"t first' The Nationwide permit is sctredui.a't" expire-on'uirch rg, zooT- rt is incumbenL upon you to t"*.I.,-intorniea about charrges to the Nationwide Permit. Program. Please refer to identification number 2005?5355 in correspondence concerning this pro-iect' If you have any cruestions, please contacl me at thL address below' email fi;;;:;:aririr iirr6,r;;;;:;t*t. mi1, or relephone e7 o - 243 - !Le e' extension 15 - SincerelY, Tnr"L Mark dilfillaniri"i"girt, coloiado/G\rnniEon neg[latory office 400 f.ood Avenue, Room 142 giand ilunction, Colorado EnclosureE Coplee furnisbed without encloguree: Me. Daiva Kateib, Watsershed Environnental Consultante' Incorporated, posE-&i-fi; sox 3722' Eagle' colorado 81631- Eagle County, p"tt-Ofiit" So* 850' Eag1e' Colorado 81631 Baein 81501-2563 COMPLIAI{CE CERTIFICATION Per.mLt File Number: 200575355 Perm:tts TltPe 3 NaE ioawide General permit tlumber xz Nare of Petaitte€: Ti; ll*"i"l3l;Vail, Colorado AL657 Courlly tlhere work ffas Perforaed: Eag1e DaEe of laartanc€:.July 6. 2oo5 II)on corpletion of the activity. authorized by this -permits and any mitigation required by Lhe p";il,-;;g"-iiris cerriii."tiotr and return it to the following address: Colorado/Gunnison Basin Regarlatory office It.s. Almy corps of ungineeis, - sacrament'o Distsrict waltne N. Aspinall Federal Buarclang 4ob Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand,Junetion, Colorado 81501-2563 Plea6enotethauyourpermiEtedactivitrzissubjecttoacomplianeeinspectionbv a u.s. Anny corps of Engineers repre'sentativi ' rf you faiL to conTply wich tle terms and condili"r"-"i -t" per.it your auurrorization. may be - suspended, modified, or revoked- If you haie any &uestions about this certification' olease contacc g5. corp, oi Engineerr- of-fi"" in Grand ilunctsion, telepbone irumber g7o-243-rL99, extens ion l-5' *il******* I bereblr certLfy that tbe work aut}LorJ'z,ed by xbe above-refetero,ced peraiE ' iaehudi'rg al.t tle tegraired 'ritl-gatj,o! ' ,wae TcElpl.etcd Jtr aeeordaaee ri tb t&e l-;; .ta eondiElots of xhe petaiE verifieatiot' Date s igrrature of Permittee r., r- PUBLIC NOTICE FOR FINAL STATE$NDE REGIONAL CONDITIONS TON TX?UATTOT'TWDE PERMIT PROGRAM IN THE STATE OF COLORADO Summary of Action. The fotlowing are the |ina| R"91":"1 conditions to the Nationwide Permits within the State of colorado. nis aaioi ii-in ""*ro.nr. rutttr the autrorig of section 404 of the clean water Act I"Jrn" ga, Code ol Federal Regulations' Part 330'5(c)' Nationwide Permits (NWPS) are general permits issued on a nationwide basis to authorEe minor astivities with littte or no paperwort( ani vrfri.n *outo typlcalty have minimal adverse effects on the aquatic environmentRegionalconditioningisamethodt?.?'1"-dregionallyhighara|uewatersoftheUnfted States, and other regionat .iiu"ri"i-" t" "*ure that the t'lwPs will not authorize activites that result in more than minimal adverse .n"J.n the aquatic environment Regional conditional ideally result in significantaddedorotectiontotrreaquaticenvironmentwithoutsubstantia|lyincreasingthecorps. workload. B"'''.,,"donMarchls,2otz,trereissuedNatiorrwidePermitsbegameeffective.Apublicnoticewas issued on February r r. zooa p;posing modifcations to the Regional conditions to the Nationwide permits within th€ Stat6 ot Cliorauo. iris represents the final Regional Conditions for Colorado' Enclosed with this public notice are the nedi6ntt.bonditions for l'IWPs activities within the boundaries of the state of Colorado. Commentlnordertominimizeimpactstotheagu-aticeryironmen!theCorpshasmad€modificationsto theR€iona|conditionstort.fwPsintheSt3teofColorado.TheseRegiona|Conditionsarenolineffed unrii ,,i"t t." ttte Nationwide Permits are modified' revoked' or ogire' Raymond G. Midkiff Ueutenant Colonel, EN District Engineer Enclosure FINAL REGIONAL CONDITIONS FOR NATIONW]DE PERMITS WITHIN THE STATE OF COLORADO Enclosure 1 CRITICAL RESOURCE WATERS IN COLOR.ADO ln accordance with General Condition No. 25 (Designated Critical Resource Waters) the folloiving waters within the state of colorado are designated as ctitical resource waters: a. Orfstanding N2trrral Rpsoulee Waters: Cache la poudre Basin: All tributaries to the cache La Poudre River system, including all lakes and reseryoirs, which are within Rock Mountain National Park; Laramie River All uibutaries to the Laramie River system, including all lakes and reseNoirs which are in th€ Rawah Wilderness Area; . 'North Fork Gunnison Rivec All triUutiiies to North Fork Gunnison River system, inctuding takes, reseryoirs and wetlands within the West Elk and Raggeds Wildemess Area; North platte Rivec All tributaries to the North Platte River and Encampment Rivers, including all lakes and reseryoirs, which are in the Mount Zirkle Wilderness Area; San Miguel Riven All tributaries, lakei, reservoirs, and wetlands within the boundaries of the Lizard Head and Mt Sneffels Wilderness Area; Roaring Fork Rivec All tributaries to the Roaring Fork River system, including lakes, reservoirs and wetlands within the Maroon Bdls/Snowmass Wildemess Area: Umcompahgre River: All tributaries to the Uncornpahgre River system, including lakes, resewoi6, and wetlands within the Mt. Snetfels and Big Blue Wildeness Ateas; Upper Arkansas River Basin: All streams, wetlands, lakes, and reservoirs within the Mount Massive and Collegiate Peaks Wilderness Areas; Upper Colorado Riven Mainstem of the Colorado River system including tributaries, lakes, reservoirg. and wettands within Rocky Mountain National ParK Upper Gunnison River Basin: All tributaries, lakes, reservoirs. and wetlands in the La Garita Wilderness Area. Alt tributaries to the Gunnison River system, including lakes, resewoils, and wetlands within West Elk, Collegiate Peaks, Maroon Bells, Raggeds' Fossil Ridge, Oh-Be'Joyful and Big Blue Wildemess Areas; . White Rlven TrappeCs Lake and tributaries to TraPPe/s Lake; yampa Rivec All tributaries to the Yampa River, including lakes, reservoirs and wettands within Zirkle Wilderness Area. b. lmFadalfspa6atring-ar3as; In Colorado , important spawning areas are defined as "Gold Metal Waters' as identified by the State of Colorado. Gold Metal Waters are defined in the Colorado Fishing Season lnforrnation brochure. on the Colorado Division of Wildlife website www.dnr.state-co.us. or can be obtained at any CorPs office in Colorado. RegionatCondit|onsAppl|cabletosPecificN.t|onwidePermitsWthinGo|orado 't. The following are statewide regional conditions (a' through f') 3. Nationwide trermit No 13 Rank Srahitization In Colorado' bank stabilization actMties necessary for erosion prevention in streams that average less than 20 feet in width (measured between the ordinaryhighwatermarks)are|imitedtothep|acementofnomorethanl/4cubicyardofmateria|per running foot below the plane of the ordinary high water mark Activities greater thsn 1/4 cubic yard may be authorized if the permittee notifies the oistrict Engineor in accordance with General condition No' 13 (Notification}andtheCorpsdeterminestheadverseenvironmentaleffectsareminimal. b. N2tionwide Pprmit No ,7 Str€am and wFflrnd Rcstoratinn Ac+ivities- (1) FoI activitiG which include a fishery enhancet.nt .otpon"nt' notification witl include a letter frorn the Colorado DMsion of wldlife concuning that the project will benefit the fishery; and (2) for projects in-streams classified as "Gold Metal Wate6', Nationwiie Permit No. 27.may not be used. For such projects' the applicant can +piv r"igr" existing Cotorado Regionai General Permit No. co{o-16900 (Stream Habitat lmprovement Sruauresl or a standard indMdual petmiL RegionatConditionsApp|icabletoA||NationwidePermitsU\|ithincoIorado' 6. Flemnwal of remPor:ry Fills General Condilion No' 24 (Removal of Temporary Fills) is amended by adding ne foff-wini When temptirary fills.are placed in we6ands in Colorado' a hodzontal marker (i.e. fabriq certifies wei-free siraw, etc.1 must Ue used to delineate the e<isting ground elwation of watands that witl.be temporarily filled during construction' d.|mFortantsp.!^mingArFasGgneraiConditionNo.20(sPau,ningAreas)isamendedbyadding the following: ln colorado, activttes u*rictr; (1) would destroy important spawning areas; (2) would be conducted in these waters durin! spawning i"".on" for trout and Kokanee salmon (spawning season for rainbow and cutthroat trout is Varcii 15 through July 15, and for brown and brook trout and Kokanee salmon is septernber '15 through March 15); or 1S1 woutO have greater than minimal releasE of sediments dudng these spawning seasons are not authorized by any natiolvide permit. Bio-engineeting techniques, suctr -as native riparian shrub plantings are iequired for all bank protection activities that o<ceed 50 linear feet in important spawning areas. lmportant spawning areas are identilled in the attached list of critical resource waters in Colorado. Regional Conditions for Revocations Specific to Certain Geographic Areas e. Ee&s ln cotorado, nationwide permits No' 1,2,4,6.1,|,13-19,21-25' 28-31, 33.36, and 39.44 are revoked for activities in these regionally important aquatic resources'.. Fens are defined as wetlands which are characterized by water logged spongy ground and contain (in all or Dart) soils classified as histosols.;r minerai soils with a histic epipedon'. To determine whether this ;;ffi;;;G, the entire wettand must be o<amined for the presence of histosots or histic epipedons- .Histosols have 40 centimeters (16 inches) or more of the upper 80 centimeters (32 inches) an organic soil material (or less over bedrock). Organic soil material has an organic carbon content (by weight) of 12 to 1g percent, or more, oepending ori ihe ctay content ofthe soil. Histic epipedons have a 20 to 60 centimeter-thick (8-24 incnes)-organic soil horizon that is at or near the surface of a mineral soil' Histosols and histic epipedons are wiOety tognizeO as organic soils formed by slow accumulation of plant debris in waterlogged situations wher" ii ".nnit C""ompose. (More information on histosols can be obtained from the U.S. Oepartment of Agriculture, Natural Resources conservation se|-ice publications on Keyslssoil Iaxqlollllt 36{ FiCd Indieatars of Hyrlrie Sail< in the t Initerl Stalas f. springs: within the State of Colorado, all nationwide permits are revoked within 100 feet of the water Source of naturat sPrings. A spring source is defined as any location wher€ ground water emanates ftom a point in the ground. For purposes of this regional condition, springs do not include seeps or other discharges wtrich do not have a defined channel' Critical Resource Waters in Colorado (See Endosure 1) ADOITTOML INFORMATION 2. The follorving provides addiuonal information regarding minimizaton of impacts and compliance with o<isting general Conditions: a. permittees are reminded of the existing General Condition No. 18 which prohibits the use of unsuitable material Organic debris, building wastq asphalt, car bodies, and junk materials are not suitable material. Also, General Condi[on No. 3 requhes aPpropriate erosion and sediment controts (i.e. all fills must be properly stabilized to prwent ergsion and siltation into waters and wetlands). Streambed materiaf or other small aggregate rhaterial placed alone for bank stabilization will not meet General Condition No. 3. b. permittees are encouraged to mitigate project impacts prior to or conc{nent with projec-t construction. This issue continues to bi a concem and the Gorps prefers at this time to request that nationwide permit notification submittals eryjlicitly address prior to or concunent mitigation orthe reasons why mitigation cannot occrr prior to or concdnent with ptoject construction. - Raymond G. Midkiff Ueutenant Colonel, EN District Engineer Enclosure U S Arnry Coryc of Enqingn SrEramenlo Di*itt Nationwide Permit Summary 33 CFR Ptt !llt0; bsuance ot l{sfiolrrtHo Petmlts - JanurY 15, 2O2' includng Gomc{ion -Fcbnary 13' 2llllil (lv) Accese road!: Tbe c@ struction of acccss roads for thc i-"tru.ti- -A."iot*tn cG of utility lines' including o".fiu"a por"o tino ald utitity linc subsutims, in nm-tidal waters of thc US, cxcluding non-tidal wctlmds adiacat o ti&l warcrq provided thc discharges th not-J*" tl" t*.t of grcatcr 6an 'Aasc of rco-ti&l warers of tbc US. Acccss mads slbdll bG tbc nfrrtunr'rn widh neccssary (scc Not 2, bclow). Acccss roads must bc- conqrudi rc Oarthc lcogth of 6c road 'ninirni"cq tG J"ccsc "m"tt * watcrs of tbc uS uid as ncc as possiblc to Dreco6tuction cmburs and clevatios (ag, el gradc cofo,toy rora" - georcxtilc/gravel mads)' Acccss mads curs'tructed above prEcoDstruGtiotr cotrtours tnd clcv&ons ln waters of tne Ui must bc foP€rly bridgcd c oulverted to mainqin strhcc flow8. The term 'utility lirc" docs rot include activities wbicb drail-e waerof tbc US, such as draioagc tilc, c frcarfo dnins; io."""ct, it ao"t "ppfv to pipos coveying ar*oase ton-1o$3 -"i- il,t" p*p"'"';-t of-this NWP, thc lcs of wders of thc-lJS i"a"Jo tt dU.i rrca plus waters of thc US thc uc advcrsely G"".1 tv n*dbg; cicavation' or drainago-rs a cs$-gf.ru "roi.o e.ti"itio aurhUzca ry pragraph (f 6ru4! (iv) may ili'"."J " tttt of %'acrc tcs of witcrs of tbe US' Wrtcrs of tc US taoratity affcctcd by filting flooding cxcavction' or dninage wbse rhe projcct area is rtslored to prcconsruaron cooto,ft'-a ac"atioo' is not included in tbe calculation of ocrouent loss of watcrs of the US. This includcs temporary ffir"ti* t"tt (ag., timbcr, stccl' geotcxtile) used duing cmstruction anrt rdved upon coqlctio of thc worll Whcrc "crtio-n "d-. -a valucs of watrNs of thc tIS arc pcrmrnently Jr.*.fy "f""n"a, such rs thc convcrsim of a forcstcd wctldd to " mtt-"""o* *"tmA in tbc pccmancntly maintaincd utility line ritrr-of-way, nitigation will be Fquir€d to rrdncc ote advcri cffeas of lhe plojcct to the minisral lcvcl' Mectranized land clearing neccssary for tbc cmstructioo' oaintenmcg or repair of utility lines aod tbecons[uctiot' mainanancc' aad expmsion of utility linc substations'- fo-a.ti-t f* ovcrhead utility lincs, and acccss roads is "uO*i""E p.-ided tbc clearcd arca is kcpt orhe :'ti{muo n""otary -d prc"mstructim contoum ac -inteincd rs near as i"*ftf". Tte erea of watcrs of tbc US $at is flbd' cxcavetcd' br floo&d must bc limitcd to thc rninimum trcccssrry b constnrt the utility lim, substations, formdatims, eod acccss roads. Excess matcriel oust bc reoovcd to uplsnd aras io-"Oi"a"ty upon complction of constnrction- This NWP tnay ""O-L" "itniiy lincs in m aftcting navigablc waut of-lhc US evcn if there iJ no associated discharge of dredgcd or trlI rnatcrial (See 33 CTR Prt 322). 12. Utlltty Line ActMtler' Activities required for tbe- ilrircii",."iot--cc od repah of utiliry lincs md ""*"i",.a f""iti ics in watcrs of thc US as follows: fi) Udlity tin6: Tbc constuctirn, maintenarce' c rcpair #dttfi; ircludingordftll and htakc sructrres and C" """&i",.4'oovation, backfill' or bedding fc rhc utility lioi io uff *tst of thc US, proviilcd tbse is Do ch6ge in Drccdstructiot cdtotl & A'utili$ finc" is defined as any I'iot *-pip"fio" for the tanspottati@ of my gaseors' liquid' iiiu"scini or "l,rrry sub*aoce, for my purposg and any - -Ift, fioe ot *it f- tbc uansnissio for my purpose of ;"#;;*g)" telcpbone, and tchgrapb messagc+ and ' radio ard t€le"ision commmicatio (see Norc !' below)' il.ftmUt rc"uttiog Aon lcoch cxcavation may be i"-*t"tnv *aaast (up o rtlcc mths) into walcrs of thc iiilp*"idta rU thc marerial is act placed in such a -J"ier tt"t it i. aitp.tt"a by crficots or othcr forocs Thc District Enginecr rray ortcod the pcriod of temporary stoe ;ti";;it" "*eed a toul of 180 ilays, wbcre rypropriatc' fo *"i-*, tl" a"p 6' to 12" of thc trcnch should normally G il"*fll.i *tt LPsoiI Aom thc tench' Fr'rthermcc' ihc tsncU camot tc consructcd in suct a mamer as to drain waters of the US (c.g', backfilting vifr o(tensive gravel- f"".o. o*ti"g " iicrrch dnin cffecl)' For examplc' utility ti* t "o"no "- bc backfilled witb clay bloc*s to ensue tlx Oc trencl aocs nd &ain thc wrtecs of the US tbrough w:liJtte utitity tinc is installcd' Any aposcd slo'pcs and sed banks musi bc subilizcd immcdiatcly upo conptaio of Oe utility line crossing of each watcrbody' Cti) Utility lirc $bste6onr: Thc cmstructior' maintenancg or expansron ofa substation facility associared G-U " oo*cr tio" ot ,,tility lio" in oon-tidal watcrs of thc UC, cxcluding non-tidal wetlands adjacent to ti&l watcrs' -ouiata thc "aivity docs not result in thc loss of grcatcr ihan %-aqc of non-tidal watcrs of tbe US' (iti) Foundationr fm ovcrh-cad utility line towcrs, polet' lvorficarion: Thc pcrmitce must notiry the Distiict fl-#m*"?l'iltil,o*,,Htff ij* -o Hffi"lffiH"#'" Gcnerar condition 13' iranv orthc aochors in all waters orm us, il"itr"a-rl"?-Lti-' -" following critcria rf€ sret: 6c tninimuo size neccssaqr aod s€parst€ footltrgs tor €8cn (a) Mechadzed laod clearing in a forcstcd wctlaad for the to*cr. t"g (rarno than a largcr singlc pad) are uscd whcrc irrfut m",ight-of-*"y; ftasible. Nrtimridc 12 Prrnit &tmury (b) A Scctiol l0 pcrrnit is required; (c) Thc utility line in waters ofthe US, excluding overhead lines" exc€cds 500 fc€q (d) The utitity Iire is placed wirhin ajurisdictional ar,ea (i.e., wstsr oftle US), and it nos parallcl !o a stream bcd thrt iE wi$in tbat jurisdictional arer; (e) Dischargcs associated with the cmsruction of utility lirc subatatiols that rcsult in 6e loss of gr€ster tlun ' l/10-a6e of wsters of the US. (f) Pemuoent acccss rceds ootrs&uctcd abovc grade in watrrs of the US fur a distance of aqr ihan Sffi feeq or (g) Permanent access roads constructcd in waters ofthe US with impervious naterials. (Sections l0 afld i104) Notc l: Ovcrbead utility tines comtuctEd over Section l0 u/at€ss aud utility lilcs that ae mutcd ia or rmder Sectioa l0 waters without a discharge ofdredgcd or filI material requirc a Scction l0 penniq elltc€pt for pipes or pipelincs used to transpfit gsseous, liquid, liquesccnt, or slury substuces ovcr navigablc watcrs of the US, which arc considcrcd to bc hrridgcs, not utilitr tines, and may rcguirc a permit fiom tbe USCG plrsurnt to Sec{im 9 of 6e Rivers and llarton Act of 1899. However, any dischargcs ofdredged or fill materjal associatcd with such pipclines will rcquire a Corps pennit under Section 404. NotE 2: Access roads used for borh costuction and nrailtmaocc may bc authorized, pmvided tbey meet tbe terms and cmditions of this NWP. Acccss roads used solely for cmstuction of thc utility line must be renovcd rpon completioo of tbe work and the area rcstorcd to preconstnrtion contou-s, elcvaliqrs, and wedrod conditions. Tempcary access roads for cdslructim msy be authorized by NWP 33. Note 3: Wherc rhe proposed utility line is constructed or install,ed is navigable waters of the US (Le., Section I 0 watcrs), copies of tbc PCN and NtffP verification will bc scnt by the Corps to the National Occanic and Atmocpheric Administation (NOAA), Natiomt Ocean Service (NOS), for charting the utility liDe to protect navigation. A. Gmcnl Conditions. The followfurg general conditions must be followed in order for any authorization by an NWP to be valid: E| L Nevigation No activity may cause rnore than a minirral adverse effect on navigation. A L Proper Maintcrance. Any structure or fill autliorized shall bc popcrly maintained, including maintenancc to ensure public safety. prgc 2 tr 3. Sdl Ero3lea srd $6rlirnstrt Cotrbob. AppmFiat€ soil erosim and sedimart coruols must bc used rnd Eaintdned in etrective opcrating condition during costrucio, and all exposed soil aad other fillg as rvell as any wuk bclo* tbc ordinary high water me* 6 higt fd6 linc, nrst bc peimmently stabilizcd at thc carliGt practicable date. Pcrmiuccs ane cncouraged to pcrform work within warers of tbe Unitcd Strtcs during pcriods of low-Ilow c no-flow. E 4. Aquetic Life Moyementr. No activity rray substantially disrrpt tbc mce*ary lift-cyclc moveocnb of those spccies ofaquatic life indigeoous to the watertody, inchding those specics tbat normally ruigrae rkough thc arca" rmlcss thc activity's finary purpose is to iopormd water. Culverts placed in streans must be instaUed to Draimin low flow conditioos. E 5. Equipnent. Ileavy equipment working in wetlands must be placed on mtts, or otler messurrs lnust be taket to minimizc soil disturbance. tr 6, Regionel end Crrs'By-Crre Conrlidonr. The activity arust cotuply with any rcgioal conditims that mry havc b€cd added by the Division Enginecr (see 33 CFR 330.4(c)) and witb any case specifc conditions added by thc Corps c by the state or aibe in is Sec{ion 4ol Water Quality Certitrcation and Coastal Zone Managem€nt Act cmsistEncy dcfcfitrisatim. B 7. Wlld ead Scenic Riverr. No activity may mcrr in a cmporent of the National Wild end Scenic River Sys'tein; or in a rivc offrcially designated by Congress as a 'study rivcf for possible inclusim itr the system, while tbe river is ia m official Etudy status; uless lhe appmpri*e Fedcral agcncy, wilh ilircct managemeot rEsp@sibility fc srrch rivcr, hes detcnnincd in writing that the pmposcd activity wilt rot adverscly affect thc Wild and Scenic Rivcr designation, or shdy status. Infrrmation on Wild and Scenic Rivers may be obaincd Aom thc apro'priate Federal taad management agerrcy in the area (c.g., National Park Service, U.S. Forest Scrvice, Bureau of l-and Manrgencot U.S. Fish and Witdlife Servicc). tr & Tribrl Rightr. No activity G its opcratim may impqir rcs€rved trihl rigbrs, including, but not limit€d to, ressrvcd water righs and treaty fishing and hmting rights. E 9. Wetcr QuelitY. tr (a) In certaia states and tribal lands o individr:al 401 Water Quality Certification must be obtained c waivcd (Sce 33 CFR 330.4(c)). tr (b) ForNWPs 12, ld U, 18,32,39,40,42,43,and 44, wbere the statc c tribal ll()l certification (citbcr gaerically or individually) docs not rcquirc m approvc water quality rumgem€Nrt r[easurcs, the pemitlee must provide water quality rnanagemeot measurcs tbat will ensurc tbat the sutholized work docs not result in oore than minimal dcgradatim of waEr quality (or tbe Corps daermines rbat compfiance with state c local stadards, where applicable, will ensure no rnore than minimal advcrsc cffect on watcr quality). An impctaat c@poo€ot of wster quality oaaagcment includes stotbwrtcr m'nrge'n€ot tbat minimizcs degpa.&tion of tbe dawEtream aquatic systen, Naiomidc 12 PcrnitSurlrry including watcr quality (t€f€r to Gmcral Condition 2l for $ormwstrr mmagement t€quir€Ecots)' Another importaot coEpon€ot of wat r quality maaagerncot is thc -- establish€nt aod rrabtcnance of vegaated buffers next b oD€o wat€rs' including strcans (rcfcr o Gcncral Coodition I b frr vegetrtad buffcr rcquinmeots for tbc NlVh). This oonditio is only applicable to projccts that havc the potcotial ro affcct watcr quality. While app'ropriate measur€s must be talco, in most cascs it is trot necessary to conduct &tailed srrdics to identi! such measuEs or to tEquirc nonitoring' E 10, Corstal Zone Malrgcrnent. In c€rtain states, an individual state coastal zor|€ msnagcnrent cdsistency condnrcnce must be obtaincd o waivcd (see 33 CFR 330.4(d))' E U. Enduger€d SPecicr. E (a) No activity is authorizcd under aoy NWP wbicb is titely to jeqardizc tbe continucd ex.istmc of a tbeatocd or cndrngercd specics or a sPccies proposed fu such designati@, as idcntificd undcr the Fcderal Endangcred Spccies Act (ESA), or which will dastoy or advcrsely modi$ the critical habilat ofsuch species. Non-fedcral pcrmiuces sball noti! tbe District Engirrcr if any listed specics or desit'oted critical habitat Eight be sffcctcd 6 is itr thc vicinity ofthe projcc! or is located in the dcsignarcd critical babitat 6d sball not bcgin wo* otr thc activity urtil' notified by tbe District Engincer tb.t th€ r€quitrmcnts ofthe ESA bavc bcen satisfied dd that thc activity is authorizcd. Fo activities tbat may affecl Fedcrelly-lisicd cndangcred or rbrcailened species c designated critical habiraq the notificatim must includc thc namc(s) of the elrdangcrcd or Sr€atened specics that may bc afrectcd by ihc ProPced work or that utilizc the dcsigrratcd critical babitat that tnay bc affected by tbe proposed work As a result of formal or infsmal consuttation with thc FWS or NMFS the District Engincer may add spccies'spccific regional endangerred spccics coditioos to thc l'tWPs. tr (b) Auttrorizltion of an activity by a NWP docs not authcize the 'takC' of a threatcncd or adangrcd species as defined rmder the ESA. ln thc abscncc ofseparalc authorization (e.g. an ESA Scction t 0 Pcrmir' a Biological Opinion with 'incidcntal takC'provisioN, etc.) from thc USFWS or the NMFS, botb lcthal md non'lethal 'lakcs" of protected species se in violatim of thc ESA. Infomution on tbe location ofthreatencd and endangered species and their ritical babital can be obtained directly fom tbc ofrccs of tbe USFWS and NMFS or their world widc web pages at huo://www.fivs'eov/rgendsDr/endsPo'html ard huo://www.nfins.noaa.sov/orot reJovervie es-html rcspectively. rue3 E 12, Eistortc Propertier. No activity wbich may affcct histcic propertics liste4 c ctigible for listing; in tbe Nstimal Rcgisterof Historic Placos is authorized, rmtil tie District Engineer bas conplicd wi6 frc provisions of 33 CFR Prt 325' Appcndix C. Tbe pospoctivc pennittec must notifo tbc Dirtrict Enginca if the authmizcd adivity Day aftct any historic pro,pcrtics listc4 dct€tmircd to bc Gligiblc' a whfuh tbe _ iroepcctive pcrmiuce has rcason to bclicvc may bc cligiblc fc iisting on rhe Natioral Register of Histcic Plac6' ard sban mt bcginthe activity until notified by thc Distict Enginecr tbat thc rcquircments of thc National Histmic Prcscrvatiorn Act have been satisficd atrd tbst thc sctivity is authorized. Infrrmation on tbc locatio md existcoce ofhistoric resources can be obtaincd fiom thc State Hislotic Prtservatiqr Officc and the National Registcr of Historic Places (rce 33 CFR 330'4G)). For activitics th* oay affcct histmic propcrtics listed in' or eligiblc for listing in, rhc Natioml Register of Hisloric Placcq tbe notificatiou must statc which bisuic property may be affectcd by the proposcd wclc or include a vicinity map iodicating the location of tbc histric propcrty. E lil. Notificetion. tr (a) Timing where rcquired by 6c tcros of thc NWP' the prospective pcrmittEe must notiry &c District Eoginccr wiih a preconstructim aotification @CN) as early rs pqssible. The District Engincd 6ust detrrmfuc if the notificatim is complae within 30 days of the datc of rcccipt and co rcquest additional infarmation reoessary to mrb tbc PCN completc ooly oncc. Howcvcr, ifibe prospcctivc pcrmiuce &es not provide all of tbc requestcd information" th€n tbe Dist'ict Fnginccr will mti& the prosP€ctivc permittce frat thc notificatio is still inconplae md the PCN re"ie* proccss will not commcnce until all oftbc rcquested bformation bas becn rcccivcd by the Disrict Engneer. 1}le pmspective permittcc shall not bcgin lhc activity: tr (1) Until notificd in writing by the District Engineer tbat the activity nray proceed rmder thc NWP witb any special conditions imposcd by tbc DisEict or Division Enqinccr; or E (2) If notified in writing by the Distria c Division Enginecr lbat an Individual Pcrmir is rcquired; ot E (3) Unless 45 days have passed aom Oe Distric Engineer's receipt oflhc complctc notificatiol and tbc prospective pcnnittce has Dot Eceived writtcn noticc Aom the Disrict or Divisioo Engineer. Subscqucntly' tbe permitee's right to proceed under tbc NWP may bc modified suspended, or revoked only in acccdancc with tbe procedurc set forth in 33 CFR 330-5(dX2)' Nrtiowidc l2lll'oit&uury tr O) Contcots of Notificatim: The notification must be in writing and includc the following inforntion: E (l) Namg address and telephooe numben of tbe prospeclivc pcnnittce; E (2) Locatim ofthe proposed projcot tr (3) Briefdescripion ofthe proposcd projccq thc. projec.t's ptrpose; direct and hdirect adverse environmcnat effccts tbe project would cause; any other NWP(s), Regiooal Gcoeral Permi{s), or Individual Pcnni(s) used or intended to b€ used to autborize any pct of the proposed project d my ltlatcd activity. Skctcbcs should be poviled wheir neccssary to show that tbc activity complies with the terms of the NWP (Sketches usually clarifr the project aud when provided result in a quicker decisiot.); tr (a) ForNWPsT, 12, l4 18,21,34,38,39,&,41, 42" and 43, the PCN must also include a delineation of affected special aguatic sitcs, inctuding wetlands, vegctatcd shallows (e.g., sribmrgcd aquatic vcgetatiorq seagrass bcds), and riffle and pool complexes (sec pragra.ph l3(f)); tr (5) FoTNWP 7 (Outfall Structures and Maintcoance), the PCN must iaclude infonnation regarding thc original desip capacities and configurations ofthose areas ofthe frcility rrhere oairtcnance drcdEing c cxcavatim is proposed; tl (6) FoTNWP 14 (Linear Trmsportatim Projects), The PCN nust include a compensatory nitigatio proposal o offset permanent losses of watErs of the US snd I statemc[t describing bow t€mporary losses of waiers of the US wilt be minimized to the naximum ert€nt practicable; tr (7) FoTNWP 21 (Surface Coal Mining Activitics), the PCN must irrclude an 0ffice of Surface Mioing (OSM) or stale-approved mitigation plaq if applicabla To bc authorized by lhis NWP, thc District Fngineer must determim tbat tbe activity co'rrylies with the teros and conditiols of the NWP and that the adverse envinmmental ef;fects are minimal both individually and c{mulatively and must notifo thc project sponsor of tbis determination in writing; tr (8) For NWP 27 (Steam and Wetland Restoratio Activitics), tbe PCI.I must include doc""'cntation of the prior cmditioa of the site that will be tcvdted by thc pcrminee; tr (9) FoTNWP 29 (Single-Family l{ousing), the PCN must also includc: tr (i) Any past use of this NWF by the Individual Peonittce and/or the pcrmitteCs spousc; Prge { tr . (ii) A slatem€ot that tbe siqle-fimily housing activity is for a pcrsqral rcsidcace of the pcrmittce; tr (iii) A description oftbe artire parcel including its size, and a delineation of wetlands. Fu the purpose of tbis NWP, porcels of lend measuriug /r-acrc c lc8s will Dot rcquirc a fcmd on"siE delin€atior. Howevcr, tte applicot .h'tt prcvide a indic*ion of whtre thc wctlods arc and the aoount of wetlmds tbst cx.ists @ th prop€rty. Fc parccls greatcr rhfl| %-rcrc itr size, formgl wetland dclin€ition must be prepred in accordanw with thc crrrcot ucthod requircd by lhe Corps. (See paragraph f3(f)); tr (iv) A uritten dcscription ofall lsnd (includin& if available, legal dccriptiotrs) owled by thc prospectirae permiuee md/o the prospective permittcc's spousc, withb a onc nile radiu oftbc parceL in any forn of ownership (including rny land owned as a parrner, gorpcati@, joint tcosat, co-tenaot, or as a tenaat-by-tbe-cntircty) aad any land on which a puchsse and sale agreemot c other cotract for sale c prrcbase has bceo . exccuted; tr ([0)ForNWP 3l (l\/aintenamc of Existing Flood Contml Facilitics), the prospective pcrmittce must either notif Orc District Engineer with a PCN prior to each maintenance activity c sutrmit a fivc ycar (m lcss) oaintenance plan. In additim, &c PCN musf include all of ihe following: E (D Sufficient baseline infonnation idcrtiling the approved channel depths and cmfigurrtions and existing facilities. Minor deviations se autborized, provided the approvcd flood cofltrol prdcction or drainagc is not increascd; tr (if A delineation of my afrectcd special aquatio sites, including wetlands; and, tr (iii) Lncation ofthe drcdged natcrial disposal site; tr (ll)ForNWP 33 (Iempcry Cmstuctiotr, Acccs$ and Dewatsing), the PCN must also imlude a rcstoratim plan of reasoable meagnes to avoid and rninimiue adverse cffece to aquatiC rcsouccs; E (12) For NWPs 39, 43 aod tt4, the PCN must also include a wrinen statdneot to the Di*ria Eaginecr explainittg how avoidance and nrinimizrtion fol losscs of waters of the US wcre achieved on tbe project rite; Natiomidc 12 Fcrrit Su-arrY t1 (13)ForNWP 39 andNWP 42, tbcPCNmust include a compcnsatory nitigatioo proposal to offset losses of waters of the US or just'rfication cxplaining why compcnsarory mitigation sbouH not be required' Fc dirchargcs that causc tbe loss of greatcr tban 300 linear feet ofan intcrmittctrt steam bed, to be autborize4 tbe Disrri6l Fagrnecr 6p5t dacrmine tbet thc activity cornplies with ths other tcros od conditions of thc NWP, daennine adversc covirmmcotrl cfrcc-ts arc minimd bo& individually and ctoulativcly, and waive th€ lioitation on stream imnacts in writing bcforc the pominec luy procccd; tr (l4)ForNWP 'O (Agricultural Activities)' thc PCN'must ioclude a oomp€nsstory mitigtim proposal to oGct losscs of watcrs of thc US- This NWP do6 not Euthorjzc tbe rclocatim ofglcatcr than 300 linear-fta of cxisting serviccable drainage ditches c@shuct€d in non-tidal strcams unlcsg fr drainagc ditches cmstucred in intdmitfcnt Dm-tidal sFeslrs, thc District Enginc€r weives rhis criteri<ln in writing' and thc District Enginccr has d*ermincd that tbc pmjcct cooplies wittr all tcrros aud cooditions of this ivWP, *d tltrc -y adverse impacts of tbc project on tbe aquatic environoent are minimal, both individually and cumulativc lY; tr (I5)ForNWP 43 (Stormwatcr Managem€ot Facilities), thc PCN must inchdg for thc constructidt of rcw sltrmwatcr managemcnt facititieq a maintcoaacc plan (in accudancc with state aDd local Equiftrrcnts, if applicablQ and a co-ptos"tory - -. mihgation proposal o ofba loescs of waters ofthe US' Fc fuscbarges rhal cause the lcs of ircarer rhen 300 linear feet of an intdrrittent steam. H' to bc authcizal, the District Fngioecr must determiac thal the activity complies with tbe othcr terms atrd conditioos of tbc NWP, determine adverse eaviromcntal effccts are minimal borh individually and cumulatively, end waive the limitation on stream impacts in writing before the pcrmittee may procecd; tr (16)ForNWP 4a (Mining Activitics), ttre PCN must include a descriptiur of all warcrs of thc US advcrsely affecrcd by thc pmjed' a descriptiur of Deasures takcn to minimize advers€ efects to watcrs of rhe US, a dcscription of measues taken to comply with the critcria of the NWP, and a reclamation plan (for all aggrcgate rnining activities in irolated waters and noa-tidal wetlsnds adjacent !o headwarcn urd any hard rocUmineral mining activities); E (17) For activities thet my advcrsely affect Federallt-listed cndangered c threatened spccies' thc PCN oust include tlre nam{s) of thosc en&ngcrcd or th€st€ned species tbat may bc affccted by thc propoeed work or milize the designarcd critical babtat tbat rnay be afrccted by the ProPosed work; and PlgG 5 tr (18) Fm activities tbat may aftc histqic pro,perties listcd iu c eligible for listing in' &e i{atimal Rcgiser of Elistorric Places, tbc PCN must st te which historic propcrty may bc affcctcd by tbc pmposcd work or include a vicinity rn"F indicating thc location ofthe historic prqPcrty. E (c) Fcm ofNotifcatiolr: Thc suodard Iadividual Pcrmii appticatioa form (Form ENG a345) nay bc 94rs - rbc notid&tim brt must clcatly hdicttc tha il is s PCN md must inclu& all of tbc ioformatioo rcquircd io O) (lXlE) of Gcoeral Coditim 13. A lcucr cotaining tbc rcquisitc infcmatim may elso be uscd- t1 (d) D$ria Engine€r's Dccisim: In rcviewing rhc PCN for the proposcd activity, 1tr" p;gtrict r'ttg;ttcer will dcicraine whcther thc activity authorizcd by ihc NWP will rcsult in mqe than minimal individual or cuoulativc adverse coviromtal cffccts or may be conEary lo tbe oublic interest- The prospectivc pcrmittcc msy submit a proposed mitigation plan witb the PCN to cxpcditc tbc process. The District Enginec( wiil cotrsidcr any propoecd compeosatcy rnitigation tbe ap,plicmt has iacluded in thc proposal in determining wbether tbc na adverse cnvirurmentrl cffects to lbc aquatic eovimment of thc proposed work are nioimal. If the District Enginccr determines that the aaivi$ coruplics with thc terms md conditions of thc NWP md rhat the advcmc cfrects m thc aguatic clvironmcal 66 rninimol" afrcr considering -itigrti-, th" Di"ri"t Engineer will aotify thc pcrmiucc and include my coditims tbc District Eoginccr dcems nccessdy. ThE Dstrict Engineer Dust appove 8ny compcnsatory mitigatioo proposal bc'forc tbc Dcrmittcc commcnces wclc If the prospectivc Pcroiucc is rcqtdd to submit a comp€nsattry mitiption proposal with the PCN, the proposal may be cither conccptual or dctriled. U the pmspcctive permitiee elccls to submit a comparsaory mitiladon plan witb rhe PCN, ihe Distict EogitrGc8 witl - expeditiouily review the proposcd compcnsatcy miti€dig plan. Thc Dsrric't Engineer mrsr revicw tbc plan within 45 iays ofrcceiving & compl€te PCN and detcrminc wbcther thi conceptual or specific pro'posed mitigation would 'n'urE no norc tban minimal adversc effects on tbe aquatic environmcnL lftbe na adversc cffccts ofthc projoct oD tbc aquatic environment (aft6 consid€ration ofthc compersatory mitigation proposal) arc dctcrmincd by tbc District Enginecr ro be minimal, tbc District Engire€r will provide a timely written resporsc to rhc 4plicgnt Th9 responsc will statc that the projcct cen procced mder thc tcrnrs and conditions of the NWP. tr If ttre Disbict Engincer dctermincs that tbc advcrsc effects of the proPosed worlt erc msc thm minisnl tbco the Distria Enginecr will aotifi thc applicant cithcc tr (l) that the proj€ct does Dot qualiry for authorizatim uder tbc NWP md instruct tbe apPlicaut on lhe procedr.nes to s€ck authorizrtiotr undcr aa krdividual Permit; Nrtimri& 12 Pcroit Su'r-rry tr (2) rhat the project is authorizod under thc NIVP subjcct to the applicent's sub@ission ofa mitigation proposal that would redwe the adverse Effcce on the aquatic cnvironncnt to the minimal level; or E (3) tbat the projcct is authorized rmder the NWP with specitrc modifications or coDditions. Wberc ihe Distict Eogincer detcnnines tbat mitigtim is rcquircd to cosurc Do EorE Om rninirnal alremc cftc{s occur lo tbe aquatic environmen! the activity will be auhorized within thc 45day PCN period lbe authorizatim will include the necessary cmceptual or s?ecific mitigation' or a loquirEmert that tbc applicalt submit a mitigation proposal tbat would rcduce rhc advcrsc effccb on the aquatic @virmrneDtl6 ftp minimal level When c@ceptual mitigation is include4 m a mitigation-plan is rcquircd urder ircm (2) above, no worl. in watss of tbe US will ocur util the Disrict Engineer has approved a specifis midgafion plsn- tr (c) Ag@cy Coordination: Thc Dstrict Enginccr will cmsider any commeirb Aom Fcderal and state agencies concerning tbc pmposed activity's compliance with thc terms and coditions of thc NWPs and the need for mitigttion to r€duce the p,roject's advcnc envirmmental sffcc{s to a hinql level. E For activities requiring notification to the District Engincer lhat result in the loss of greater tha %-acre of walera of the US, tbc Distict Enginecr will provide iuoediatcly (c.g., via facsimile tralsmission, overnight rnail, or olhcr expcditiqus 'i.nner) e copy lo th€ spFoprhtc Fe&ral or stale officcs (USFWS, state natural rcsourte or water quality agency, EPA, State Histmic Prcssvation Officer (SHPO), and, if app'ropiate, the NMFS). Witb the exception of NIVP 37, thesc ageacics will then have l0 calandar days Aom the date tbc matcrial is ftnsmitted b lclephone or frx the Distria Engiocer notice tbat they htad to pto,vidc substotive, site-specific conrneots. If so mntactcd by an ageocy, thc Disaict Engineer will wait an additional 15 calcodar days bcfore making a decisiur o ttr trotificstion. The Districr Enginccr will fully considcr ag€ncy oonutents received wirhin the specified time fracnc, but will provide ao rcsponse to tbe Fsource agencf, Gxcept as provided below- Tlre District Fngineer will indicate in the administative necord associated with each notification thaf. the resourcc agrtrcics' cmcerns were considercd. As requircd by Scction 305OXa)@) of the Magrruson-Stevens Fishery Conservatim and Managemt Act, the Distict Fngiteer will provide a response to NMFS within 30 days ofreceipt of any Essential Fisb Habitat conservatim rccsmmendations. Aplicaats are crcouraged to providc the Corps multiplc copics of notifcatiom to expedite agency notifiatioa. plge 6 EI (0 Waland Delineations: Walad dclincations must bc prcparcd in acccdancc with tbc curre[t Ecthod rcquired by the Corps (ForNWP 29 sce pangnph OXgXiii) for parcds less than y.-acre in size). The p€rmittec may ask {he Corps to delineate the special aquatic sitc. Thcre may bc sooe delay if tbe Cups does the dclineatim. Futbernorc, thc 45day period will not start uatil th€ vetlaod &lircati@ brs bcco complcted and suhrmiued to &e Corps, wbcrc appopria&. Et 14. Complialce Cerfficrtion. Evcry peimittcc who hrs receivcd I.IWP v6ifi6tion from the Corps will submit a signcd cecificatim regarding tbe corplcbd wort md any rcquir€d oitigation. Tbe certification will be forwardcd by the Corps with tte authorization lctter ud will include: E (a) A statement tbat the authmized work wgs dme itr aocordalce with tbe Cops aulhorizatioo, including any general or specific c@ditims; E (b) A stat€rn€otrbat any rcquircd mitigltiot was completed in accordance with tbe permit conditims; and (c) The signattrc of ths pcrmittce certi$ing &e coryletim of tbe wolk aad mitigatim. E 15. Urc of Multiple Nrtionwiile PcrDitL lhc usc of more ihan me NWP for a single md conpl€tc p,roject is prohibitcd, o(c€pt whcn the acrcage l6s of waters of the US authorized by the NVfPs does not excecd tbc acleage limit of the NWP with the highest specifed acreage limit (e.g. if a rcad sro$ing sver tidal wslers is co$truct€d uoderNWP 14, with associared bssk stabilizatim autbmized by NWP 13, tbe oaximum acr€age loss ofwarcrs ofthe US for tbe total project cannot o(cced l8-acre). E 16. W&ter Supply Intekcc. No activity, including stuctres and wor&, in navigablc watcrs ofthe US c discharges of &edged or fill material, may occu in the proximity of e public water sr4ply intakc except where the activity is fu rqair of tbe public water supply inu,ke stuctures or adjaceot bonk stabilization. E 17. Shellfish Bedr. No activity, including strucures and work in navigable watec of tbe US c dischagcs of drcdged or fill rraterial uray occrr in arcas of "o*"o5319d shellfish pqulations, rmless rhe activity is dircctly related to a shelltrsh harvesting aaivity adhmizcd by NWP 4. E 18. Suttsblc Mrtcrirl No activity, including stucturcs and work in mvigable wrters of the US c disclurges of drcdgcd or fill malcria! may coDsist of rssuitrble material (e.g., faslr' debris, car bodies, as?bdt, etc.) sttd mrt€rial used for constructiqr or discharged mu* be frec from toxic pollums in toxic amormls (see Sectiqr 307 ofthe CWA). Ndiowi& 12 Pcrnit $nDEY ' El 19. Mtigrtion. lbe District Engineer will consilcr the - A"too ai""oti"a bclow whcn determiniag the scceptsbility of sDDrofiste and po.-aAicablc mitigtion rcccssary to oftet . rll"oi" "fot oo the aquatic eoYironmEnt that are mue tban mininra[. tr (a) Thc proje(t must bc dcsigned and construct€d to avoid rnd minimize advcrsc effccls to wsters of thc US to the EaxiEuB cxt€nt practicable at tbc Ptoject sitc (i'c'' o! site). tr (b) Mitigation in all is fomrs (avoiding, minirnilng rcctiiring, rcducing c compcnsating) will be-rcquircd o the crtcoi ncccssay to cr$uFc thst the adverse €ffccts to the aquatic covironmcnt ale mini6al. B (c) Conpensab;y mitigation at a midmu'n . me-ic-onc ratio will bc rcquired for all waland inpacts requiring a PCN, rmlcss the Dbtrict Enginecr detamines il writing tbat sorr other form of mitigatim would bc morc cnvironmeotally appropriate and provides a project-specific waiver of this requircm€ot. Consistent with Natioml policy, tbe Disrid Engineer will cstablish a prefercnce for r€stcatioa sf wetlurds as compensatory mitigation, with p,reservation uscd only h exceptional circunstances' tr (d) Compcnsatory mitigation (i.e., replacemcnt or-- . substitution oiaquatic reso]nces for tlosc impaacd) will not bc uscd to incrcase thc acrcagc losscs allowed by the ' scrEage limits of sorne of the NWPs. Fc example, %-acrc ofwetlands cannot be created to changc r t/r-acrc loss of wstlaods to a %'acre loss associaed with NWP 39 vcrifcatim. Howevcr, tA'acte of cr:e:tr,d wetlands can bc used to rcducc thc imPacts of a J4-a6€ loss of wctlands to lbe minimum impact level in ordcr o mcgl $6 ninimrl impact requiremcnt associated .with l'tWPs' El (e) To be practicablc' the mitigation must be.available and capable ofbeing donc considering costs, existi:ng tcchnoiogy, and togistics in light ofthe ovcrall project . p,oposes. Examptes ofmitigation that rnay be appropriate ani pacticable include, but arc not limited to: rcducing the sizc of tbc projcct; Gtablishing and maialaining wetland or upland vegctatcd buffers to protcct oPen watcrs Eucb as sieams; and rcptacing losscs of aqrritic rcsourcc fimctiors and valucs by creatin& t€storing, cnhancing' or prescrving rimilar ftnctiors and values' Preferably in the samc watlrshed. tr (f) Coapcnsatory mitigation plans for projecrs in or near sleams or otber opcn wate$ will norrrally includc a requircmcnt for thc establishmenl' maintonancg 8nd legrl prorcdion (c.g-, easements, deed rEstrictions) of vegctated Lfr.o ro op* *aters. In tnany cases, vegetated bufftrs will be the onty compensatory mitigation required' Vegeuted buffers should consist ofnative species' The width of the vegetated buffers required will address documentcd water quatty or squatic babitat loss concems' Normally, thc vegptatcd buffer will bc 25 to 50 fect wide o cacb sidc of tbc strcam' but the District Engincers nay require sligbtly widcr vegetatcd bulfers lo address doctrrentcd watcr quality or habitat loss conccrns' Whcre Pttc 7 bolb wctlaods and opcn watcrs cxist oo tbc projcct sitc' thc Corps will deErmine thc approprist€ cmpensatory mitigation (e"g., strcam buffers a wetlands co4cttstim) bascd on what is best for ttre rquatic covirotnncrt on a watcsbcd basis. ln cascs vbere vegeLatcd bufrcrs arc detcrurined to be rhe most appropriatc form of comparsatory nitigation, the District Enginccr may waivc .or redrre the rcquircmeot to provide wcdaad oonPcnsstsy mitigation for wedand imPacts. tr G) Conpensato,ry uritigation proposals subtiucd Apte "notification" may be citbcr cmeptual q daaitrsd. If c@cr6ral plars ore approved rmdct lhc vcrificatioa' rhen tbc Corps will condition tlrc vcrificatioo to rcguirc ttaailcd plans be submittcd and approvcd by thc Corps priol to constructi@ of the ar.lhorized.activity ir watcrs of tbc US- El O) Pernd6ces may propose thc usc ofmitigation lqnkq, i!-lieu fee arraog€ra€ots or sepdmtc activity-spccitrc compcosatory nitigarion In all cascs tbat rcquire cornpeosatory mitigation, tltc mitigtio provieios will speciS the party respoosible br accomplishing snd/or complying witb the mitigation plan. tr 20. 'sperning Areer. Activities, bcluding stucturrs and work in navigable waters of the US u dischargcs of dredgcd or fitt naterial, itr spawning arcas drring spanmiag seasons must be avoidcd to the marimum exterrt practicablc. Activitics tbat r6ult in the physical destsuctioa (c.g., crcavatc' filL or Emoth€r dovnstrcm by subetmtial turbidity) of d iroportmt spawning erea are mt ruthorized- E 21. Menagement of Water tr'lowr. To thc surimum er,tcnt prasticable, the activity must bc desipcd to nainr4in prccostructioD downstream flow conditiom (c-g.' locatio' capacity, md flow rates). Furthermorc, tbc activity must not Dermran€ntly t€strict c impede the passagc of normal or ixpecad high flows (drtess tbe primtry purposc of ihe 6ll is b impound waten) and the structurc or dischargc ofdtedg$ or 6[ miterial must witbstand e,qect€d high flows. Thc activity must' to lhe maximum extent practicable, provide for rctaining croess flows from tbe site, provide for maintaining surfacc flow rat€s Aom the sirc sirnilar to prcconstructio[ conditions, and provide for not increasing water {lows from ttrc projccl sitc' relocating warer, or redirecting water flow beyond prcconstrucfim conditions. St€am ch8nneli'ing will bc rcduccd to the minimal arrx[nt necessaD/, and the activity mus! to tbc Dlximuo crtcot practicable, reducc adverse effecis srrch as fboding or crosio downsfem and upsrream of the projccl sitc' mlcss tb€ sctivity is part of a larger system designed to emge wltcr {lws- In rnost cases, it will not be a rcqufu€m€nt to cmduct detailed studies aud rronitoring of water flow. This curdition is only applicable to pt'ojccts that have drc potcntiat to afrect watqflows . Whilc appropriatc mcastaes musf ic laketl it is not nccessa4/ to cotrduct delailed srudies lo idcnti! such measures or require motitoring b ensure tbeir effectiveness. Normally, the Corps will dcfcr to Etatc and local autborities regarding maoagemcnt of watcr flow ' Nalioawidc 12 Pcrn Snrmrry E 22 Advcrse Eficctr From Impoundments. If the activity creates an iqomdmcnt of watcr, advase effects to the aquatic systed due to tbe accclerstioo ofthe passage of watcr, and/tr the rcstricting its flow shall be minirnized to thc maximum €xtdt facticable- This includes struc-tures and work in navigable waters of the US, or .liscbarges of drcdged m fill mrerial. E aj. Waterfowl Breeding Areas. Acivities, including structr€s aod wort. in navigable watcrs of tbe US or discbarges of &,edgcd or fll mst6ial, into breeding areas for migratory waterfowl oust bc avoided to the maximum cxtcnt prracticable. E 24. Rcmovel of Temporary Fills. Any temrporary fills Eust be Etroved ia ihcir entirav and tie aftcted areas rettmed to tbeir precxisting elcvation. El 25. Designated Critical Resource Watcrs. Critical resource waters include, NOAA-desig ted msrine sancturdes, Natimal Estuarine Research Raserves, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, citical babitat for Fcderally listcd llueatened and cndangercd sp€cies, coal rccfs, statc natural heritage sites, and outstsnditrg mtional r€source watcrs or otler waters officialty desipancd by a sane as having particulrr qrviroomeotal o ecological significancc and identified by the District p'n.ireer after noticc and oppdtunity for public comment. Tbe Distict Enginecr may also designate additioml critical resorrce waters after notice and opponrnity for comme6t. tr (a) Excep as roted below, discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of thc US ae not authorized by NWPs 7, 12, | 4, 16, 17, 21, 29, 3 l, 3 5, 39, 40, 42, 43, afr, 44 for my activity witbin, or directly afiecting, critical resouice watcrs, including wctlands adjaceot to such wrters, Discharges of dredged c fill materials into waters of tbe US may be autborized by tlc above NWPs in National Wild and Scenic Rives if tbe activity complies with Goeral Condition 7. Furlber, such discbarges rnay be authorized in designated critical babitat for Federally listcd tbreatened or specics if the activity cornplies with Gsreral Condition l1 and the USFWS m the NMFS has concured in a detemdration of compliance with this conditior. tr (b) ForNWPs 3, E, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19,22,23,25;27, 2& 30, 33,34, 36, 37, and 38, ootification is required b acccdance with Gcneral Condition 13, for any activity proposcd in the designated critical resource waters including wetlands adjacant to those watcrs. The District Engineer may autborize activities under ttiese NWPs only after it is detrrmircd tbat the impacts to the critical resource watcrs will be ao more than mininal. tr 26 Fills Within lfi)-Year Ftoodplains. For purposes of rhis Gcderal Condition, lfl)-year floodplains will be identified tbrougb the ocisting Federal Ernergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Ftood Iasuratrc€ Rat€ Maps or FEMA-approved local floodplain r'rips. tr (a) Discbarge.s in Floodplain; Below Headwaters. Discharges of dredged or fill material inlo waters of the US within thc mapped 100-ycar floodplain, bclow headwaters (i.e. fve cfi), rcsulting in pcrmanent above-gradc fiIls, arc not aulhorized by NWPs 39, 4O 42,43, ad 44. psgc t tr (b) Discbrges in Floodway; Above llegdwatcrs. Discbagcs of dredgcd or fill matecial inb watcrs of tbe US wirhin the FEMA c locally mpped floodwan rcsultiag ia permancat above-gra.& fi\ are not authmized by NWPs 39, 40, 42, and,44. tr (c) The pemiuec must coqly witb any qplhablc FEMA-aprproved sfate or local floodplain managemsnt requireincnts. E 27. Construction Perlod. For activities that have mt bce,n vcrified by tbc Corys and the projcct wss cotrrmcocd q uadq contact to cornm€oce by the erpiratim date of lhe NWP (or oodificatiur or rcvocatim datc), rbc workmust bc complcted within l2-montbs after sucb &te (including any modificrio that affects rhe project). E For activities that har.e b€co v€rifcd and thc project was commenccd or rmdcr contact to coonarcc within tbc verification period, thc wck must be conpletcd by thc dare daermined by tbe Corps. tr For projecs lhat bave beeo verifiod by thc Ccps, aa crtensioo of a Cdps apprroved complction &te rnay requcstcd. This rcque,st mu6t be submittcd at least one montb bdore the previously approved conpletim drnc. B. Further Informrtion l. District Engineers have au6ority to determine if an activity corpties with rhe terms and conditions of an NWP. 2. NWPs do not obviate thc aeed to obab other Federal, statg or local permitg approvals, cr authorizatioas rcquired by law.3. NWPs do not grant any pFop€rtJ' rights or exclusive privilegcs. 4. NWPs do not authorize any injuy to the poperty or rights of others. 5. NWPs do not authorize interfereirce witb any existing m p,roposed Fedcral project" C. Rcsional Conditltns for Nationwide Perpits - Sacrrmento I)istrict I. Regional Condilions to be applied across thc entire Sacramento District: E l. NationwidePeimits I4,29,t9,4O,41,42,ud44 arc withdrawn from us€d itr histosols, including fens. Fr the used of all otlrcr nationwide permiB in ftos, project proponeots are rEquir€d to noti& thc Corps using tbe notificatim c PCN prcccdurcs of the natioawidc permit progran (Genc"al Condition l3). This will be a "Ccps on$" notification. E 2. For all activitics using any eristing alrd proposed nationwids per::arit, mitigation tbat is rcquired by special conditiol must bc complercd befora c concurrcot witb project constuaion, Whcc projccr uitigrtion involvcs tbc use of a nritigation baok or in-lieu fee, payncot must be rnade to the bank or fee-in-licu program before cmmcncing constructi@ of thc pemftted activity. Prgc 9 Nrrimwids 12 lcrnit SoonrrY E 3. Fm all natimwidc Pcrmiu $quiring mtificatiol' a,crpt 27, thc 4plicant must provide a w'itetr stetffilt to thc d}tria enginecr cxplaining how avoidmcs md minimization of los6 of wdcls of thc Unitcd Statcs wclr achhved oD tbc Projcct site. IL Rcgioal coditiols to be applicd ir California aod Ncvsda' tr All cxisting and proposcd nationwidc pcrmits arc suspcoded in thc bke Tahoe basin in frvc of using Gcocrd P€rlait 16. Itr. Regiural cmditions to be applied in Utah E For usc of any nationwide P€rmit witb the following auributes, notification of the Corps of Eaginccrs' Urah Regrrlatory Officc, using tbe 'Notifcetion" procldurcs of rhc-Nationwide Pcrmit Program (C.rareral Conditioa 13)' is required, crcept where certain nationwide penniu arc reJtricted aad can not be uE€d as indicated in cach categdy' Tbis will be a "Corps only" notificatioa. Et l. All aaivities that will affect watcrs of tbc U'S' bclow tbe elevalion 4217 fcer msl adjacrat to thc Grcrt Salt l-a}c 8nd bclow 45fi) fcet msl adjaccnt to Utab IxLc. tr 2. Bail stsbilizatio io e pcrconial stscam tbst would affcct moe rhan lfi) fca of strcan lcngth rs mcasured &m tbe upstrcam portion of tbc aftacd bol ro the downstleam scction' narrow thc cross-section of tbc str,east substantially rcduce the ripcian vegctation, u incrcasc velaities' B 3. All activities tba will affeci springs. A sping is an aquatic featrre caused by grould watcr bcing aisOalged to Oe surfacq creating wetland and/or sbesn cbracreristics. Nationwidc P€rmits 14' 16' lE' 29,33,36,40,42.43, and'14 can aot bc used in spring arcas- Attachment H Department of Public W'orks & Transportation I 309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2158 Fax: 970-479-2166 www.vailgov.com MEMO To: From: Re: Date: Bill Gibson, Town Planner Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer, Floodplain Administrator ERWSD Sanitary Sewer line- grading within Floodplain 8t07/06 Based on the review of the Eagle fuver Water and Sanitation District's plans and letter dated July 21", 2006, regarding the construction of a new sanitary server line within the unplatted Tract along Gore Creek just west of the West Forest Rd. Bridge, I recommend approval of grading within the floodplain. This approval shall be conditioned with the requirement that ERWSD provide an As-Built survey of the disturbed areas that shows that there has been no chanse to finish erade within the 100 year floodplain. Attachment: I THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on August 14, 2006, at I :00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of an amended final plat, pursuant to Chapter 13-12, Exemption Plat Review Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for a combination of two lots into a single lot, Lots 12and 13, Bighorn Subdivision, located at4Q24 WillowWay and 4026 Lupine Drive, Bighorn Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0051) Applicant: Trudy Thomas Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, Lionshead Redevelopment Masler Plan, to further identify opportunities for the future redevelopment of the Lion Square Lodge, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1, Addition 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0056) Applicant Lion Square Lodge East, and Vail Resorts, represented by Chip Melick Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for additions to, and the renovation of, the Lion Square Lodge East, located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 1, Addition 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0041) Applicanl Lion Square Lodge East, and Vail Resorts, represented by Bill Anderson Planner: BillGibson ii_ A request for a final review of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, ftltnl, ^tGrading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for grading within the Gore Creek 1O0-year .,lri [" - floodpliin, to install public utilities, located on an unplatted parcelof land directly west of - l\6 ' I JWesi Forest Road (a more complete location description is available at the Town of Vail I Department of Community Developmenl). (PEC06-0052) Applicant: Eagle River Water and Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-8D-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of ski racing facilities; and a request for a final review of a minor amendment to the Golden Peak Ski Base Development Plan, pursuant to Section 12-8D-6, Development Plan Required, to allow for an interior addition within the Children's Ski School building and the redevelopment of the race course finish building, located at 498 and 598 Vail Valley Drive/Tract B, Vail Village Filing 7, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0057 & 0058) Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: Elisabeth Reed Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Depatment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 f axi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental C.ommission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: D Rezoning $1300. Major SuMivision $1500E Minor SuMivision $650D Exemption Plat $650tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifrcations) tr Conditional Use Permit E/ Floodplain ModificationD Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Alterdtiontr Develooment Plantr Amendment to a Development Plan . tr Zoning Code AmendmentE Variancetr Sign Variance $5s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 <) filn ?I oovl "l Description of the Request3 To place one manhole and approximately 110 feet of 8" PVC sewer main between two existing manholes through Town of Vail property. Addition of this sewer main would allow abandonment of a section of sewer that has become a maintenance burden hanging from an existing utility bridge. Removal of this sewer main from the bridge would also be help facilitate abandonment and removal of the utility bridge. Location of the Proposal: Unplatted, Physical Address: West of Vail Village Sixth Filing, South of VWWTP and Gore Creek. Parcel No.: None (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: General Use Name(s) of Owner(s): Town of Vail Mailing Address: 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Mailing Address: 846 Forest Road, Vail, CO 81657 970) 477-5447 - ill il il tutLJ Phone: (970) 479-2L28 JUL 21 20ffi TOWtv ot-- \{ E-mail Addressr moolembiewski@envsd.orr Fax: ()-47 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stet€e€ol *ta**a***al*'ja*atilt:l*+f+faftf*ffaa+'tffa+*++allf++**+tt*a*+'taaa+*+****t*ta+++a+a+a**raa'iaala Statenerrts Nunber I RO6OOO1O51 Anount: $4OO.OO 07/24/200609:30 AIrr Paltment lttethod: Check Init : iIS NotatioD: 40128,/ERI|SD Permit, No: Parcel l[o: Sitse Addrees: Locatsion: ThiB Paynent: ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code PV 00100003112500 PECO500s5 2101- 072 - OOOO - 1 TtE)e : PEC - FIJOODPIJAIN MOD 9IBST OF \tAIIr VIIJIAGE 9400.00 DeacrLption 6TH FII,IMI, ITORTII O Total Feea: Total AIJL pmta: Balance : $400 .00 $,100,00 $o. oo current PtitB 400.00PEC APPIJICETION FEES Aurll-2005 00:09 Frorn-ERtiSD nVU. lV'lVVv 2tt tJtttl s701761089 t-s47 ?.002/s02 F-318 i DROPFRTITowr[ER wrurrH{ dPpnovlr LgrER I, lad< Hunn, Sr. VlcE pttsident of Vall Resore Devslopment Omplnyr omer of pnperty locfrd at 8tE Forcst Road' ValL @ 81657, P|Ewe thls fettsr as wdlbn approvzl of tlp ptans descn-H below which have been submnted ro $e To$rn d vair commul* o*oorcnt Departnent for tha proposed impovemsnb b be cornpretcd at tre address notqt above. I understand that ure proposed lmprrwenrenb tndds; \ Tb place one manhole and approgmaEly l1O rlbet d gr A/C sewer maln bdrrveen Wo erlstrhg manhofes through Town of Vall ptoperty, Mtlldon of hi! seurer mlln trould allow abandonmenr ot a sedon of sewer that has becorne r mainEnane burden hanglng firorn an odsUng uEllty brirfge. rAbandonmatt of tfils seu'€r mah fiom [re utttlty bridge wouH also Eclritate firtJ.e brdge removar. Thrs prcFosed lntton of sevuer maln wlll nqulre an casement at Le norurs"st "res of t|€ lot a(Berrt b ure prcperty llne (as shown on ore Etbdred E ftlblt A)' The rcsrded easement rvfll provtde tfiat ftc fuh ; ltilter & SaniHlon Dls0{ct rvilt repah arry landscapfng or drlycrrvay fmpmvemel tiat mav be albred bv ttrc o*utct rr anv stnrcfiars are desuned .r, ,,"* I#.*T#rH,In, b|fi not nmred b a landscaplnE ptanter, bendt, *,, ft wfll be vail Resort, responsibillty b desEn and plae such strucultEs so Es b atlw future oc{auon of thE sewcr llne trvfthout adverse lmpact b ttrs sEttcfurcs' ff a trhre sbudurc ls placed In urs jeaSment and tt b adrrcrsely impacted, it will be \hlt Resortt' responslbillty to repclr he struCun4s;. I t tlrtrcr undsrsbnd that minor modlfkatbrc may be nade b tre plans over he couse sf lfp rwle$, p*rc'cs tD Onqrr€ compttance wfth th€ To$rnb appricabre codes and regurguons.\flq*tr Danetopment comPany A Colorado CtDooalr|rl|ils snd Fage I efl t,gltoldt setqs\Tenrporrry Int{n6t FIE\OtJ(OOlloiltt propE,tf q,ina, !atb, rad6c7t10tw Aurl | -?006 09 :09 DATE: TO: FA,Y NO, PHONE NO. FROM: PAGES: COPIEs: Frorn-ERIYSD I 9704754088 a/*^**&E$f'i,i#,Hf DsTRrcr E4o Forefl Rosd o vs ' Cotora6 61€57 .'?t1,tn13i5ru3'.?.f.:#" 8-11-06 BillGibson 970479-2452 970-479-2773 Marty Golembiewski, Construction Manager Office: (970) 477-5447 2 (Including Cover Sheet) t-s|t P.001/082 F-318 Fax t RE: COMMENTS: Property Owner Written Approval Letter - Ped- Bridge Seurer Bypass For confirmation and/or problems wittr this transmiss:ion, please catl Kathy at9701476'7480, Wlren, Wesreweren, Opennrpns & Mexneeuenr Senuces N Reed - Fromi Tom KassmelTo: Elisabeth Re€dDate: O74A2OO61:13:22PMSublect ERWSD Sanitary Setrver line ERWSD will be required to submit to PEC in addition to the conditional use of Town Tracl B, a floodplain grading application. The permit should be accompianied by a letter from ERWSD stating that a pre-construction and post construc{ion survey will be provided to the Town showing no change in finish grade has occured and therefore there is no impact to the 100 n floodplain. All ACOE and DOW permib and apporovals shall be obtained prior to start of construstion. Thomas Kassmel, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Vail Public Works Department 1309 Elkhorn Dr. Vail, CO 81657 (97O)479-2235 CG: Marty Golembieurski EXHIBIT A VAIL VILLAGE, SIXTH FILING VAIL, COLORADO PROPOSED SEWER EASEMENT DRAFT 7-7-06 AR lioYcl F-NGINF,F,RjNG r'r cl\[ ]'-M, Nr aF:rN( - 4 5\ )0!1 1&, r,i.te?ole!.-r7)f, r,l tr;o) r?rr7ro 1-.r_ OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAI.,, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Jf>O -{cL G +>l -P'l t+>' I ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V24L9O For InformaEion OnlY - Charges ALTA Owner PolicY $l-55 - 00 *i?3:33 *** THIS IS NOT AN INVOICB, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OI'R ORDER NO. V24190 :T:T* 1. Effective DaEe: May 30, Lgg1- aE 5:OO P.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: rrALTAil Owner's Po1icy lO-1-7-92 Proposed Insured: 3. The estate or interest in Ehe land described or referred to in Ehis Conunitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or inEeresE covered herei-n is at the ef fecE.ive date hereof vesEed in: TIIE TOIIN OF VAII, A COLORADO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AS TO PARCEL 1, PARCEL 3 AND PARCEL 6 UPPER EAGTE VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SAIIITATION DISTRICT A QUASI MIJNICIPAL CORPORATION AS TO PARCEI, ,7 HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. A COLORADO CORPORATION , AS TO PARCEI, 4 THE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION AS TO PARCEL 5 THE VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT A COLORADO QUASI MI]NICIPAL CORPORATION AS TO PARCEL 2 AND PARCEL 8 PAGE ]- OLD REPI'BLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V24190 The land referred to in this Commitment. is described as follows: PARCEL l-: - \Lrt-yoLa-dlpb ,,'.+\ fit-o\- t5, OiK \, U("i UittQft .{s*i-"AN I'NPLATTED PARCEL OF I,AND LYING WTTHIN THE NORTHWEST 1/4, NORTHWEST ]-/4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 5 SOIJ:|H, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOWN OF VAIL, COTJ}flTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, SAID UNPLATTED PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, NORTHWEST 1/4, SECTTON 7,. THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 45 MTNUTES 35 SECONDS EAST 351.98 FEET, ALONG THE SOIJIIH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, NORTHWEST L/4, SECTTON 7 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF VAIL VILLAGE SIXTH FILING, A SUBDIVISION, THE PI,AT OF WHICH IS FILED I'NDER RECEPTION NI]MBER 99380 OF THE EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S RECORDS; THENCE THE FOLLOWING THREE COI'RSES ALONG THE WEST BOT]NDARY LINE OF SAID VAIL VILI,AGE SIXTH FILING: (1) NORTH 2 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 434.82 FEET; (2) NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST 66.24 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FOREST ROAD: (3) NORTH 16 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 23 SECONDS wES"t t92.72 FEET, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY I-,INE OF FOREST ROAD TO A PO]NT ON THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF VAII.,, VILLAGE SECOND FILING, A SUBDIVISION, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS FILED UNDER RECEPT]ON NI]MBER 95928 OF THE EAGLE COUM|Y, COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S RECORDS; THENCE THE FOLLOWING TWO COIIRSES ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING: (1) SOUTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS WEST ]-45.00 FEET, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 3l-, SAID VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING: (2) SOUTH 79 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 55 SECONDS WEST 240.93 FEET, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF TRACT C, SAID VAII-, VII,IJAGE SECOND FILING, TO A POINT ON THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1/4, NORTHWEST r-l4, SECTTON 7,- THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 06 MTNUITES 05 SECONDS WEST 553.21 FEET, ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTI{WEST L/4, NORTHWEST 1-l4, SECTTON 7, TO THE POrMf OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COIORADO. EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID PROPERTY DEEDED TO THE VAIL WATER AND SAIVITATTON DISTRICT IN DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1982 IN BOOK 346 AT PAqE- 6]5. PARCEL 2r t ' AN IJNPLATTED PARCEL OI' LAND LYING WITHIN THE NORTHWEST 1/4, NORTHWEST L/4, SECTION 7, TOWNSHTP 5 SOrrIH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOWN OF VAIL, COT]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, SAID I]NPI.,,ATTED PARCEL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 31, VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, SAID PAGE 2 OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # V24L90 POINT ALSO LYING ON THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FOREST ROAD,.THENCE SOUTH L6 DEGREES 1-7 MTNUTES 23 SECONDS EAST l-20.00 FEET ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WAY LINE TO A POIMT OF I\TTERSECTION WITH THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF GORE CREEK; THENCE, ALONG SAID CENTERLINE ON THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES: SOLIIIH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS WEST, 93.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78 DEGREES 37 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST, 87.57 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 81 DEGREES O]. MINUTES 38 SECONDS WEST, 6'7,60 FEET TO A POI}fT ON THE APPROXIMATE CENTERLINE OF SAID CREEK; THENCE, NORTH 14 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST, '19.20 FEET TO A POI}fT OF II{TERSECTTON WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF TRACT C, VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF: THENCE' NORTH 79 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 56 SECONDS EAST, 90.99 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT C TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3l-; THENCE, NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST, 145.00 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 31, TO THE POI}TT OF BEGINNING, COUM|Y OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEI-, 3: antl LA PART OF TRACT C, VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILING, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT C; THENCE NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 MINUTES EAST A}JD ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT C A DISTANCE OF 145-00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 14 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 1.0 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 145.35 FEET TO A POINT OF IMTERSECTION WITH THE SOI]:|HERI,Y IJ]NE OF SAID TRACT C; THENCE SOiJlfH 79 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 56 SECONDS WEST AND AI-,ONG THE SOII|HERLY LINE OF SAID TRACT C A DISTANCE OF 18O. OO FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT C; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 06 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST AND ALONG THE WESTERLY I,INE OF SAID TRACT C A DISTANCE OF 135.00 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, COU}ilIY OF EAGI.,,E, STATE OF COLORADO. F:xcRpE THAT PORTION OF SAID PROPERTY DEEDED TO THE VAIL AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN DEED RECORDED SEPTEMBER 30, BOOK 346 AT PAGE 615. PARCEL 4: PART OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF P.M., DESCRIBED AS FOL.,LOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE WEST LINE OF A COIDfTY ROAD WTTH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FORMER U.S. HIGHWAY NO, 6 FROM WHICH POINT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 12 BEARS NORTH 4 DEGREES 31 MINUTES EAST, 552.6 FEET,. THENCE SOUTH 73 DEGREES 45 MINUTES WEST, ALONG SAID HIGHWAY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, 352 FEET TO THE CEIfiTER OF RED SANDSTONE CREEK; THENCE NORTH 4 DEGREES 30 MINUTES WEST, ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF RED SANDSTONE CREEK, L70.4 FEET; THENCE NORTH L0 DEGREES 44 MINUIES EAST, ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF RED SANDSTONE CREEK, 34.3 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY OF U.S. I}XTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 7O; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ON A CURVE TO THE RIGHT WITH A RADIUS OF $-etl' WATER 1982 IN THE 6TH PAGE OI,D REPI'BLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMlTMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # v24L90 2715 FEET, AN ARC DISTANCE OF 264.28 FEET TO A POINI ON THE WEST LINE OF SAID COUIfrTY ROAD; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID WEST LINE, 222.31 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COI]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PARCEL 5: AN UNPLATTED PARCEL ]N THE NORT}{WEST 1-l4 NORTHWEST ]-/4, SECTION 7, AND rN THE SOIII|HWEST 1/4 SOUTHWEST t/4, SECTTON 6, TOWNSHTP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, BEING MPRE PARTICUI,ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A PO]NT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST 1-l4 NORTHWEST 1/4 SECTION 7, WHENCE THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 7 BEARS NORTH OO DEGREES 07 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST 209.8 FEET DISTAI\rI, SAID POINT OF BEGINNING ALSO LIES ON THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70, THENCE NORTH 59 FEBRUARY 30 MINUTES 29 SECONDS EAST 581.0 FEET, ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70, TO A POII{T OF IM|ERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD OF SAID INTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70,. THENCE THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES ALONG THE SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF THE SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD OF I}flTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. 70: 1) SOIITH 19 DEGREES 30 MINIITES 29 SECONDS WEST 358.3 FEET, TO A POINT OF CURVE2) AN ARC DISTANCE OF 305.5 FEET ALONG A 513.0 FOOT RADIUS CURVE TO THE RIGHT, SAID CURVE HAVING A CE}ITRAL ANGLE OF 34 DEGREES 07 MINIITES 14 SECONDS AND A CHORD THAT BEARS SOUTH 46 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST 301.0 FEET 3) SOUTH 66 DEGREES 52 MINUTES 34 SECONDS WEST 175.8 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST ]-/4 NORTHWEST L/4 SECTION 7, THENCE NORTH OO DEGREES 07 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST 31-8.9 FEET, ALONG SAID WESTERi.,,Y LINE OF NORTHWEST 1/4 NORTHWEST ]-/4 SECTION 7, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. (SHOPYARD) 4:anceL e ;II TRACT K, GLEN I-,YON SI'BDTVTSION, ACCORDTNG TO THE AMENDED I RECoRDED PLAT THEREoF, RECoRDED JULY 18, L978 rN BooK 272 AT I PAGE 370, COU}TTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO,l4ancsl, z, TRACT C AND LOT 31, VAIL VILLAGE, SECOND FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COIJNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION OF TRACT C CONVEYED TO VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION IN SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED RECORDED JUNE 2, 1969 AT RECEPTION NO. ]-10798. PARCEL 8: A PART OF TRACT C, VAIL VILI,AGE SECOND FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLI,OWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID TRACT C; THENCE, NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST AND ALONG THE NORTH PAGE OLD REPIJBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY AI.,TA COMMITMENT SCHEDUI,E A Our Order # v24L9O LINE OF SAID TRACT C, 145.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH 14 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 10 SECONDS EAST, 1,46.36 FEET TO A POI}TT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE SOIITH LINE OF SAID TRACT C; THENCE SOUTH 79 DEGREES 03 MINUTES 56 SECONDS WEST AND ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 30.05 FEET; THENCE' NORTH l-4 DEGREES 46 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST, 143.55 FEET TO A POI\IT OF IIi:TERSECTION WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT C; THENCE NORTH 73 DEGREES 42 MINUTES 37 SECONDS EAST AND ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF TRACT C, 3O.OO FEET TO THE POI}TT OF BEGINNING, COTNilTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, PAGE 5 AI,TA COMM]TMENT SCHEDULE B-1 (Requirements)Our Order # V24190 The following are the requirements to be complied with: 1-. Pa).ment tso or for trhe accounE of the grantors or morEgagors of Ehe fulI considerat.ion for the estate or inEeresE to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured musL be executed and duly filed for record, Eo-wit: THIS COMMTTMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PI]RSUANT HERETO. NOTE: EFFECTM SEPTET{BER 1-, !997, CRS 30-10-406 REQUIRES THAT Ai.,L DOCIIMEIfTS RECEIVED FOR RECORDING OR FILING IN T}IE CLERK AND RECORDER'S OFFICE SHALL CONIAIN A TOP MARGIN OF AT LEAST ONE INCH AND A I,EFT, RIGHT AND BOTTOM MARGIN OF AT I-,EAST ONE_HALF OF AN INCH. THE CLERK AND RECORDER MAY REFUSE TO RECORD OR FILE ANY DOCT]MENT THAT DOES NOT CONFORM, EXCEPT THAT, THE REQUIREMENT FOR THE TOP MARGIN SIIALL NOT APPLY TO DOCUME}ilTS USING FORMS ON WH]CH SPACE IS PROVIDED FOR RECORDING OR FII,ING INFORMATION AT THE TOP MARGIN OF THE DOCI]ME}TT. PAGE ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 ( Exceptions )Our Order # v24190 The policy or policies Eo be issued will contain exceptions to the follbwing- unleEs trhe same are disposed of Eo Ehe saEisfaction of the Company: l-. SEandard ExcepEions 1 through 5 printed on Ehe cover sheeE- 6. Taxes and assessment.s not yeL due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office- 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessmenEs against said land 8. L,iens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT A}TD REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'}TD TO PENETRATE OR I}fTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Vtay 24, !904, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SepEeTriber 04, 3-923, fN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 1-0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE I,NITED STATES .AS RESERVED IN T'NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48, AT PAGE 503 AND RECORDED Septsendcer 04, 1923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98 AND .TULY ].3. 1939 IN BOOK ].23 AT PAGE 617. (TTEMS 9 AND L0 AFFECT PARCELS 1, 2,3, 7 AND 8) 11. RESTRICTM COVENAI\I:IS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITIIRE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OM]TTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, oR NATIoNAL ORIGIN, AS CO}ilTAINED IN INSTRT]MENT RECORDED JanuaTy 09, L963, IN BOOK :-74 AT PAGE 43]- AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMEMT RECORDED AUgUST 27, 1964, IN BOOK ]-83 AT PAGE 239. 12. IJ:TILITY EASEMENT 1-O FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE WESTERLY AND SOUTHERLY LOT LINES OF SIIBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VTLLAGE, SECOND FILING, (TTEMS l-1 AND 12 AFFECT PARCELS 3, 7 AND 8) 13. UTTLITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS EI,ECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC, IN INSTRLTMENT RECORDED Sept,eTnber 1-9, 1980, IN BOOK 309 AT PAGE 648. (AFFECTS PARCEL,,S 3, 7 AND 8) ]-4. UTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRUMEMT RECORDED NOVCMbCT ]-9, 1990, ]N BOOK 313 AT PAGE 256' PAGE ALTA COMMITMBNT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions )Our Order # V241-90 (AFFECTS PARCELS 1, 2, 3, 7, AND 8) 15. RESTRICTION CONTAINED IN QUIT CLAIM DEED AT PAGE 663 AS FOI-,LOWS: RECORDED JULY 25, ]-978 IN BOOK 272 UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITION THAT THE PROPERTY BE USED SOLELY FOR GOVERNMENTAL AND PI'B],IC USE PURPOSES, BIIT IF THE PROPERTY SHALL EVER BE USED FOR OTHER THAN GOVERNMENTAL AND PI'BLIC USE PIJRPOSES THEN THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART AND lTS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS MAY REENTER AND REPOSSESS THE PROPERTY AS OF THEIR FORMER ESTATE. (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) 16. CONVEYANCE OF EASEME}ilT FROM THE TOWN OF VAIL, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TO VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION AS DESCR]BED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 18, 1984 rN BOOK 397 AT PAGE 402. (AFFECTS PARCEL 1) 17. TEMPORARY EASEMENT FROM THE TOWN OF DISTRICT AS DESCRIBED IN INSTRUME}IT AT PAGE 904. (AFFECTS PARCELS 1, 2, 3, 7 AND 8) r6. L>- VAIL TO THE VAIL WATER AND SANITATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1982 IN BOOK 345 20 RESTRICTION COITTAINED IN QUIT CLAIM DEED FROM THE TOWN OF VAIL, A COLORADO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION TO THE VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1982, IN BOOK 345 AT PAGE'615 AS FOLLOWS: THE GRANTOR GRANTS ALL THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY TO GRANTEE AND ITS SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS SO LONG AS THE PROPERTY IS USED FOR WATER AND SANTTATTON, bovenNMpNTAL oR RELATED PURPoSES. rF THE ABOVE-DESCRTBED CONDITION IS BREACHED BY THE GRANTEE, THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED PROPERTY SHAI-'r]-l AUTOMATICALLY REVERT TO THE GRANTOR WITHOUT IT BEING NECESSARY FOR THE GRA}TTOR TO TAKE ANY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION TO EFFECTUATE THE REVERTER. (AFFECTS PARCEL 2) RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECETNJCET 29, t920, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECENIbET 29, L920, IN BOOK 93 AL !,'/3\r ft '+ z . PAGE ALTA COMM]TMENT SCHEDIJLE B-2 (Except.ions) Our Order # v24L9O 2]-. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR RED SANDSTONE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SIJBJECT PROPERTY. 22. ANY RIGHT OF DIRECT ACCESS TO AND FROM SUBJECT PROPERTY AND STATE HIGiMAY NO. 78 (U.S. INTERSTATE NO. 70), AS GRA}i:TED BY INSTRTMENT RECORDED APRIT 27, 1967 rN BOOK 201- AT PAGE 403. 23. SUPPLEME}TTAL MORTGAGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ACTING THROUGH THE ADMINISTRATOR OF THE RURAL EI.,,ECTRIFICATION ADMINISTRATTON AND NATIONAL RI]RAL IJTILITIES COOPERATIVE FINANCE CORPORATION RECORDED DECEMBER ]-0, T973 IN BOOK 232 AT PAGE 418. SUPPLEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID SUPPLEMENTAL MORTGAGE WAS RECORDED MAY 18. 1981- rN BOOK 323 AT PAGE 269. SUPPLEMENT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID SUPPLEMENTAL MORTGAGE WAS RECORDED NOVEMBER 1-7, 1983 IN BOOK 373 AT PAGE 206. (ITEMS 19 THROUGH 23 AFFECT PARCEL 4) 24. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT TTIE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septernlcer 04, 7923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGB 98. 25. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITY OF' THE IJNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I]NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEdbET 04, L923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 26. AGREEMENT BETWEEN VAI]., ASSOCIATES, LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND GAS FACILITIES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION RECORDED IN BOOK 183 AT PAGE L57 . 27. I.JTILITY EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT IN INSTRi]ME}TI RECORDED JULY 5, ].980 IN BOOK 205 AT PAGE 31. (ITEMS 24 THROUGH 27 AFFECT PARCEL 5) 28. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOIJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August l-5, L909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 29. RIGHT OF WAY FOR D]TCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AIITHORITY OF THE ITNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED AugusE 15, L909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. PAGE 9 ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # v24l90 30. RESTRICTIVE COVENAMTS, WHICH DO NOT CO}TTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF AIIY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS COITTAINED IN INSTRIIMEIIT RECORDED April 04, !978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 A}TD AS AI,IENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AuguST 25, T987, IN BOOK 468 AT PAGE. 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED September 15, L987, IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 801, AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 2, 1990 IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE ].54. 3l_. EASEMENTS, RESERVATTONS AND RESTRTCTTONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE AMENDED RECORDED PI,AT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION. 32. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMEMI AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, rNc. rN INSTRUMEIIT RECORDED APRIL 24, 1978 rN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 277 - 33. RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT AS GRA}flTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 20, 1983 IN BOOK 368 AT PAGE 780. 34. EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL ASSOCTATES, TNC. A COLORADO CORPORATION IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED OCTOBER ]-8, ].984 IN BOOK 397 AT PAGE 4O]-. 35. EASEMENI AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED AUGUST 8. 1990 IN BOOK 535 AT PAGE 326. (ITEMS 28 THROUGH 35 AFFECT PARCEL 6) rA\jia -L \J + {i 1+ti Igi <r;5J 4 *+/+ Ibl.bs-/ o$l as ? li Ei8 4aa= =6 Conditional Use Permit Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Deparlment of Crmmunity Development 75 Souill Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L28 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projecb requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a buiHing permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500O Minor Subdivision $650I Exemption Plat $650E Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000E Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior Description of the between two abandonment of a utility the tfie Physical tr tr tr tr /conditional Use Permit Floodolain Modification Minor Exterior Alteration Code Amendment No C 8 alt)Major $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Zonil Varia Sign Parcel No.:o'7e Name(s) of Town of Vail Mailing Address: Phone: (970) 479-2128 Owner(s) Signature(s)i Name of Applicant Eagle River Water & Sanitation Mailing Addrcss: 846 Forest Road, Vail, CO 81657 Phone: (970)477-5447 E-mail Addrcss; mqolembiewski@erwsd.oro Fax: (970) 476-4089 110 feet 8" PVC sewer main Addition of this main would allow from an existingburden be help abandonment and 70-328-8640 for parcel no.) tq/,{t-",-) '1. L.o {r one manhfe and Town of V has becorit a from the b F..s ., $ b5o t4'us SD ?Eco6cpsa llnl JUL 1 IJ LI lri/a'^e,r: ee{L I -tL(-g(" I rowrtr c AV 5wsD\4eng\ConstEng\Projects\Bypass\conditionaluse Sewer Bypass.doc Page 1 of5 ll4l}G sewer sewer [illage Frontage Road, Vail, Colorddo 81657 GEr"=R ruL 10 2006 a WN OF VAIL il )l - lal Inl .lLl TO ?VJsc-szf 7 PI328IJ PAGE: FPOENTRY RECEIVING REPORT Fpo NIIMBER t F27857 DATE RECETVED: 7l2L/06 REI,IARKS : REFIIIID VOIDED PER!{IT RECEIVED BY: I,C ENTERED: 7/2L/O5 L5:44 BY: I.ICAIiIPBEIII.I VENDOR: 0000625 - EAGLE RIVER WATER & SATiIITATION INVOICE NIIMBER: PECO6O052 INI/OICE DATE: 7/2L/06 rNvoIcE PoSTED: 7/2L/06 L5244 BY: LCA}IPBBI-rL pAYMENT DIIE: 7 /28/06 A[lOUNr: $ 650.00 ACCOUIwI# PRO.]# AII{OT'IIT ITEM DESCRIPTION 00100003112500 650. 00 REFI'NDED - PERMIT NOT NEEDED ************+********+* t ****rt********{.**********{.*{.*{.+ * * * * * *'t,t***+$ ***rl'f **+***+**** {.******** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement statement Nurnber: R050000971 Amount: $550.00 07 /L2/2oO6LL:41 AM Pal.ment Method: Check Inits: .fS Notation: 3 9947lERWSD Permit No: PEC050052 Type: PEc - Conditsional use Parcel No: 2101- 072 - 0000- 1 sitse Address : Localion: WEST OF VAIL, VILLAGE 5TH FIL,ING. NORTH O Total Feea: This Pa)ment:$5s0.00 TotaL ALL lhts : $6so.00 $650.00Balance: $0.00*****f******************************t*******+:f'1.+***************:$******'i,i***********l*+*++*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code DescriDt ion Current Pmts PV 0 01000 03112 500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 650.00 o d Conditional Use Permit Submittal Requirements GENERAL INFORMATION A conditional use permit is required for arry use dassified as being "conditional" in any of the Town's zone districts. All applications for condiuonal use permits are reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Uses listed as conditjonal uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to ensure that tie location and operauon of 0re condiuonal uses will be in accordance with development objectives of he Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREIIET|TS d Fee: 9650.00 There is no fee required for conditional use permits for Employee Housing Units (EHU'S), hows/er, Design Review fees are reouired. { *^*O, addr€ssed envelopes and a llst of the prop€rty owners a4iac€nt to the subject property, induding properties behind and acroGs stre€ts. The list of property owners shall include the owners'name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal descripuon of the property owned by each. The applicant is responsible for con€ct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessot's ofnce. o Tide Report, including Schedules Ag.B. Toun lo {..n;s/ f o.- e/;.zo53// ee./ wrltten approval from a condominium associatjon, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. A writbn statement addr€ssing tte folowing: l'"a:/ia-1 v''/ Rto'/'< 511a'y'u^a a. Describe the precise nature of the proposed use and measures proposed to make the use compatible with other properties in the vicinity.b. The relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. c. The effect of tie use on light and air, distribution of popula[on, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other publk facjlities and public faciliues needs. d. The effect upon baffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenien@, traffic flow and control, access, manewerability, and removal of snow from the sbeets and parking area. e. The effect uoon the character of the area in which the propced use is to be located. induding the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to sunounding us€s. a. The precise use is for poect is for sewer main installauon. All grades will be restored to pre<onstuction conditjons. b. The area is zoned General Use and there are no impacts to the development objectives of the Town, c. There is no efrect of the use on light and air, distibution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, pa*s and recreauon facilities, and other public facilities and public facjliues neeG. d. There is no effect upon traffig with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking area, This area is outside of any traffic.e. When complete the only portion of this project that will be visible will be the lid of the one proposed manhole to be place at grade. Once revegetation has taken place this manhole lid will be difficult to see. Fll 5\ /SD\4eng\ConsEng\Projects\Bypass\conditionaluse Sewer Bypass.doc Page 3 of 6 e/ anffing "naProposed Sib and Grading Ptans (Four complet€ sets of plans). o Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevatlons (Four complet€ sets of plans)' D Existing and Proposed Architectural Floor Plans (Four complete s€ts of plans). E/ All plans must also b€ submltted in 8,5- x 11'reduced format. These are required for tie Planning and Environmental Crmmission members' information packeb. o Addiuonal Matedal: The Adminisbator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specmcations, samples and other materials if deemed necssary to properly waluate the proposal. I have read and understand the above listed submittal rcquirements: Applicant Signature: Date Signed = )'/d^Ob II. DETAILEDSUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of l"-2O'or largero Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easements tr Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building heBht. o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade, o A 4' wide unheated @ncrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that e><it the street in an uphill direction,tr Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures,o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site. o Location of landscaped areas.o Location of limits of disturbance fencing o Location of all required parking spacesa Snow storage areas. o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls, A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height. o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Fll5wsD\4eng\ConslEng\Projects\Bypass\condilional_use Set rer Bypass.doc Page 4 of 6 7t10t06 T'OI|INOF I/AIL €R,rD 64t FNd Ra) Qt{ C\pF Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com June 25, 2005 Eagle River Water and Sanitation District Attn: Linn Schorr 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vent Screen Wall Dear Linn, Per our discussion, the Town of Vail will not require the installation of a screen wall for the new vent on the southwest corner of the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant building, provided the vent and associated equipment are painted with a neutral-colored paint. Also, pursuant to previous Design Review Board conditions of approval for various improvements to this building, all exposed wall vents and mechanical equipment must be painted to match the adjacent exterior walls and all roof-top vents and mechanical equipment must be painted a neutral-color. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479- 2173. Sincerely, 4.4/z-: a.. /)L BillGibson. AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {p\""'uo"'u - Eacle Rrven -- Wrren & Srntrlrtoru Dlsrntcr -r-846 Farr.st Roal . \,'arl Co 3radtr 51657 (,at'O) 478 7LBC. FA)( (9701 ,176 4C39 June 20, 2005 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Subject: Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant Vent Screen Dear Bill: Thank you for meeting me on site to discuss the screening of the new vent on the southwest corner of the roof at the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant building. The Town of Vail approved a screen around this new vent that was installed last week. It is the District staff s opinion that the screen results in a greater visual impact than the vent itself. The Eagle River Water & Sanitation District requests permission to remove the screen and to mitigate the visual impact of the vent by the use of neutral-colored paint. In addition, per your recommendation, I will be looking into painting the other venting appurtenances on the roof. Thank you for taking the time to visit our site and work through this visual impact issue with us. If you need additional information, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, n ------: ----i------..- / .\-t'-.r ' \ ---,/,/\ \ln.r,A1.-><r.s--,.t- Linn Schon () Engineering Manager Cc Jim Edwards Bob Trueblood Dennis Gelvin Rick Sackbauer LS/mep \ - V F:\l5wSD\4ENG\StaffEngarE[Tmsgo(s*QtFa6hcseftfr.46g6oer"r.rLr SER'"'ces N -T TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 - -/t .1- (f \)e^*-\U t\cr-ox- l./\E {< u) Sl5.s\-^-. DEPARTMENT OF COMMLIN]TY DEVELOPMENT ProjectNo ': Pr;10 (-os(> APPLTCANT STANEK CONSTRUCTORS, INC 10/20/2004 Phone: 303-980-8233 4OO CORPORATE CIRCLE SUITE A GOLDEN, COLO 80401 License : 261,-AOWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATITO/20/2004 Phonc: 846 FOREST RD VAILco 81657 License: CONTRACTOR STANEK CONSTRUCTORS, rNC L0/20/2004 Phone: 303-980-8233 4OO CORPORATE CIRCLE SUfTE A GOLDE}I, COLO 804O]. License'. 26L-A Desciption: CHANGE FILTERS, NEW ROOF, NEW LAB, MISC. DEMO AND REPAIRS Occupancy: F2 Type Construction: II FR Type tr Fire Resistive Tlpe Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $589,416.00 Fireplace bformation: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances; 0 Building-----> 53 , 66I .25 Restuarant Plan Review-> PlanCheck--> 92,379.aI DRB Fee-.-----------> Investigation-> Will Call----> S0 . 00 Recreation Fee---------> 53.00 Clean-upDeposit-----> ToTAL FEES-----------> 56, 044 . 06 BALANCE DUE------>s0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT LL/30/2004 jrm Action: AP Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1-0/20/2004 bgibson Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. NOTE: THIS PERMITMUSTBEPOSTED ON JOBSITEATALL TMES Jn c.*..\ C_., ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: BO4-0317 Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location.......: 846 FOREST ROAD PmcelNo....: 210107209001 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 10/20/2004 Issued...: 12103/2004 Exoires...: 06/0l/2005 AddSqFt 0 # of Gas l-ogs: 0 # of wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY aT.:t**'t:r*'r*a:l.rt***'l'!**t***'r,r'l**'r'l**t***,i'r:;*t:t*r'raa'**,|'tt:1.'|**'r'at s0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 95,044'06 90.00 Additional Fees-------> 50.00 50.00 Total P€rmit Fe€------> $5,044.06 S0 . 00 Pq.m€nts----------> $5, 044 . 06 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNER PAGE 2 :*:t:*:|.*,t't.*x.!t!t**!**:F**,r:F***,f:t*****{.,**'+:t't**t}**'t**:s*****!**.t**:t**t|.,}**'**!***'t*,*:*******,f*,*:t*:t**:f****:***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0317 as of 12-03-2004 Status: ISSUED :f+:i:t'*'1.*!t**x.+***!**,t:1.*!t{<*!t*'***'**********:}********!***!r*,****,*,t*!**'f*,r**'r****'********,r{.*:t*!t***.*'*,**!*****,}***!s!** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicanr STANEK CONSTRUCTORS, INC 303-980-8233 Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 846 FOREST ROAD ParcelNo: 210107209001 Description: CHANGE FILTERS, NEW ROOF, NEW LAB, MISC. DEMO AND REPAIRS Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI.IY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: l2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: 1012012004 Issued: 12/03/2004 To Exoire: 06/01/2005 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Nrunber: R040007216 Amount: S6,044.06 t2/03/200411:10 AM Payment Method: Check Init: LTNotaUion: SEanek ConstructiorL / ck *502I Permit No: 804-031-7 Tt4)e: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERM| Parcel No: 270L07209001- Site Address: 846 FOREST RD VArLI-,ocation: 846 FOREST ROAD Total Fees: $6, O44 - 06.Fhia Drrm6nl- . 56,044.06 Total ALL pmts: 96,044.06Balance: $0.00 ** * *******:l *:t******************** *r**************{.***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + * * * * * * + * + + * *+ * ******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31.11.1-OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 3,661 .25pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 2,379.8I WC OO1.OOOO31.1.28OO WILL CALL INSPECTTON FEE 3.OO L|t* a9 \ APPLICATION Project #: ,-,RMUFB,, ocT 1 5 2004 *_Ml 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 8'1657 INFORMA !R*:*l*******!r*:r***!r***r**r****FoR oFFlcE usE oNlr**#*****H**sr*tt**t***iri+* cal, etc,t o*{-63ta t> General Contractor: C|---^l. a^--F- Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: James Srrlzbach (303) 9R0- -8233 Email address: i<rrl zh:ctro<r:np}.cn ei,r.rrair\rc ^r COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUf LDING: $ vt nq ELECTRICAL: $ ,.o .."OTHER: $ s naa PLUMBING:$ z-qzr MECHANICAL:$ rr nan TOTAL: Q. 'ioo a., ^ - For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit ,1n1 n7" IAnn',l Job Name:Job Address:846 Forest Road Vail. CO 8L657 Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: QWEttt |\hTg; Saniration o; rtllAH4tFtForesr Rd. Vail.co 8r657 Phone: nrn 477-5414 ArchitecVDesigner: D-^-- ^-J ,'!^Il-- Address: 'l ao-, .^1^ D1..1 c..-i F^ tnn Phone:.t/.r1 n1.|_</.'ta Enoineer:R--^,,- ^-J r.- t l,-.^1 Address:Phone:?n? r2()-q./,?A Detailed description of work: Change filters, New roof, New lab, Misc. demo and repairs Work Class: New() Addition(d Remodel ( ) Repair(x) Demo( f Other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( v) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Twojamily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restauranl ( ) Otherfi ) Industrial No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 0 No. of Accommodation Units in this build ing: O No/TvDe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( o) Gas Loqs ( o) WoodiPellet ( o) Wood Burninq (o ) o No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances (o ) Gas Loqs ( I Wood/Pellet (o ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( x) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist Ves (X ) No ( ) / FiUsers\cdev\FORIVS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 0u03t20v 0 0 e Department of Gommunity Development This Checklist must be comoleted before a BuildinqPermit apolication is accepted. All pages of application is mmplete Has DRll approval obtained (if required) Ptovide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Oomplete site plan submitted R-rblic Way Fermit application induded if applicable ( refer to Rrblic Works checklist) Saging plan induded (refer to fublic Works checklisi) No dum pster.parkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos tes{ and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building seclions and elevations(s sets of plans for Multi-Family and Oommercial Buildings) Wndow and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Sruclural Engineer stamp and signature on struclural plans (All Oommercial and Multi Family) Soils Report musi be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resi$ive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Srnoke detec{ors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown '.'t "."'y' '/, Date of submittal: F:\l..isers\cdev\FORM S\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC Received By: o2l03t20M BUILDING PERMI T I SSUANCE TIME FRAME lf this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (fublic Works) review and approval, a Hanning Department revievv or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. Al commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. &sidential and small projeds should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or srnaller proj ects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to revieur and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. l, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must slill pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: ftojecf t€me: Date: llACS Print FlUsers\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC ?{ou€,ht^-\t o2to3t20u DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BY PUBU C WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new mnstruction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roadsor streets. The Town of Vail Rrblic Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Srch approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Hease call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the fublic Works Department. Allow a minimum af 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Rrblic Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. S-rch approval must be obtained prior to any Final @rtificate of Occupancy issuance. ,'lL\Agreed to by: Ptoject Date Sgned: F:\Users\cdev\FORMS\PERI\,I ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC (-D'.J-t?,rt p,f O Rt"e* | 5 o2t03t2004 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED o UnlaMul deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. 0 Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. e Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or c€ruses another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be ounished as orovided in Section 14-1 of this code. e Notice and Penalty: lt is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENTAUTHORIZED e No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 1) e Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-11O2, x amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord.2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationshio to Proiect: DntsetdgledtronvsrpenvrtsraLocpenN, ooc F:/evervone/fbrms,/bldDermT Print Name 02t03t20M Task 1,3,4,6,9,15,16 1,7 ,',t0 1 1,2 4 Elec Mech Plumbing Bullding Other 236532 12640 7921 323479 8844 Total 589416 hU6 TftG - s{ rl t- t(fe- fl FP (tr@ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Electrical-------> DRB Fee------> lnvestigation----> Will Call---------> ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location.....: 846 FOREST ROAD ParcelNo...: 210107209001 ProjectNo : |ri o*-o3+>'U DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:804-0291 $ol '8r/ ISSUED 12/20t2004 12t22t2004 06t20/2005 OWNER EAGLE RI\,TER WATER & SAN]TATI1.2/20/2004 Phone: 846 FOREST RD VAILco 81657 License: CONTRACTOR TRIANGI,E ELECTRIC P O BOX 4068 FRTSCO CO I0443 License : L26-E APPLICANT TRIANGLE ELECTRIC P O BOx 4068 FRTSCO CO 8 0443 License : L26-E L2/20/2004 Phone: 303-453-5424 1,2/20/2004 Phone: 303-453-5424 Desciption: ELECTRICAL PORTION OF REMODEL Valuation: $240,000.00 *tl rtar* **t't*,t,1*,t,t * 94, 137 . 00 s0. 00 s0.00 s3.00 Total Calculat€d Fees-> Additionsl F€es-----,> Total Ptrmit Fee-----> $4, 140. oo s0. 00 $4, 140. oo s4, 140. 00 TOTALFEES--> 54,140.00 BAI-ANCE DUE-----> 50.00 Approvals: ITEm: O5OOO ELECTR]CAL DEPARTMENT L2/20/2004 JsItem: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP r:t***{.1***,t** **r.**x.**'t* *a.t l*** 'rt)* ** 't* *a.t ***,* r**l *a't,r:}+'r '}l:l l:artt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 -!?lP.-G-..]-;--ITIk?-.I)::-"*9I]-90.0-:-.l5rT.-HPJI**?---t-9---c-t:P-9.1--Tr9*,-9,,o-?I.-9.o-y-:,l]#1,c."--'***,*********,*,,r,*.,***:i*,*,*,,** DECLARATIONS I hoeby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structw€ according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN BY 479-2t49 0R AT OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ) SIGNATURE OF OWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U E '/i253t o9 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 0 47 I -21 49 (l nspections) MMIOPYAIL( | 75 S. Frontage Rd. \ t_Vail, Colorado 8r65) (r CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.: \2tr E Contact and Phone #'s: Crn'eq PQr,thc;T 4b3-:r4z COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ / Contact Eaqlle Cou or visit Parcel # Parcel # JobName: vAtu urjwt}JobAddress: 64v frpa:rp-D vAtr- Lsgal Doscription ll Lot: ll Block: ll Flling:Subdivision: ?iletuZtrnruu;agr:,sAJt lld9w{?Bf; ea vhrr- ll Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaited description of \ivork: ZteCTQ-tCF+_RlAlc+\ C t-l>,f),na)€.i \+fu, LJe 51 6r-.sx. 4Crl:ti\ .t j crtc WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) nemoOel |d Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) ll Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-famity ( ) Commerclat-() Restaurant ( ) Orher ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ts this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) NoX) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Y€s( ) No( )t il Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No( ) $ qrrc t w/:oe **********************'t****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************************** ** * RECH$VED DLt i Lr ., , ItlegoM.DEV. ;++ \Wail\data\cd cv\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC (r' + F 0 Amendment to the 1999 N.E.G. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1€. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit lo another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size tf8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). lf this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permil lf this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. lf this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letterof permission ftom the association is required. lf this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. 0 0 0 0 the above.\"1 \Ac+ Date Signed contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at970479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornlngs between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. ;). ^^#N d\ t \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM.DOC I n4/2002 . ******f**'t*frt**a**'!**{r***t*'}*tt****t*'}*'t**{r**'}***alr'}r*'l**ar*'}*l*+,}**rr****llr**l*'t+a*tra**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement statement Number: Ro4ooo72?5 Amount: $4,140-00 L2/2O/2OO41'2228 vul Palment, Method: Check Init : ils Notsation: #24 108/TRIN{GI,E EI.,ECTRIC Permit No: EO4-0291 T!Pe: EITECTRICAIT PERIIIIT Parcel No: 210107209001 SiEe Addregs: S46 FOREST RD VAIIJ LocaEion: 846 FOREST ROAD Total FeeB: $4,140.00 This Palment: $4,140.00 Total aIJl Pmts: 94,140.00 Balance: 90. OO 'tr{r't'trt+ ****{r'ttrrlr*'r***:t*'}t't{r|l:}ttf r}*t********'}'ll**'l:|rlrllr**l!t* a'll** r*'}lt*ta*l l**l***'f **l**'}*ltf '| ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffis EP 00100003111100 TEMPOMRY P0l'lER PEMITS I'lC 00100003112800 l,lILL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 4, 137 .00 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL ProjectNo , Fa o{- oa{t- Permit #: P05-0036 4al -03t7 Status...: ISSUED OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SAI{ITATIO4/L5/2005 846 FOREST RD VAII, co 815s7 APPLTCANT LEGACY MECIANTCAT,, rNC. O4/L5/2O05 Phone: (72O) A9A-3446 5161 WARD RD. UNIT #3 WHEJAT RTDGE cor.,oRADo 80033 License:330-P CoNTRACTOR T,EGACY MECHANTCAT-,, rNC. O4/L5/2O05 Phone: (720l. a9A-3445 5]-6]- WARD RD. I]NIT #3 WHEAT RIDGE coLoRADO 80033 ticense:330-P Desciption: NEW PLANT LABORATORY PIPING Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: 2? # of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: 2? # of Wood Pdlet: ?? Plumbing--> $150 - 00 Resonrant Plan Revi€w--> FEE SUMMARY $0. oo Total Calculated Fe€s-- > 5190.50 so.0o Additional Fees------ >$0.00 Location.....: VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT-846 FOREApplied . .:0411512ffi5 Parcel No...: zl0l07}Ogffil Issued. . : 04/20/2N5 Expires. .: l0ll7l2ffis S37.50 DRB Fee----------- > $o.oo TOTAL FEES---------> $19O.sO Total Permir Fee------ > $190.s0 Plan Check--- > Inves tigation- > Will Call--- >$3.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o4/L5/2oo5 Js Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN| CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 1,2 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. ++)**********x(*:!*{. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR IN SPEf,TT1WLL ffoe TWENTY-FoL'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OL'R OFFICE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4 d,a. (,/ft.rt^v7t PaynEnts------------ > BALANCE DUE-_----- > $190.50 $0. 00 ***********************************************+**** * * * * * ******** * ** ********* ** * ****1. * ****** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Nuiber: Palment Method: Mechanical 1648 R050000434 Amount: Check $190.s0 04/20/2oosL2 :15 PMInit: DDG Notation:Legacy Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addrese : Location: This Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code PF 001000031123 0 0 PP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 P0s-0035 Type: PI,I]MBING PERMIT 2707-072-0900-t 845 FOREST RD VAIIJ VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PI,ANT-846 FORE Tota1 Fees: $190. s0 Total ALL Pmts I Balance3 Description PLAN CHECK FEES PI,I]MBING PERMIT FEES WILI, CA.I,L INSPEETION FEE $190. s0 $190. s0 $0.00 CurrenE Pmts 37.50 150.00 3 .00 AppLrcAnoN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLErSiSSlir'?R_toq" o3 v? Buildi n g P ermit #: E r/!;1/!_!2 Pfumbino Permit* (7.^ 47ca4s-IlnJ"tion.'i- mrn0F 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s:Et*, L/<rcuP 3a E-Mail Address: Contractor Signature: PLUMBING:$ t2,oaa oO Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name: y'Art qz/sr€h,/A fEe f0€tnn snr Ptartr Job Address: Legal Description ;t 1o1' ll Block: I Filing:Subdivision: Owners N" "t€pul \Address:Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: 12afQ flenf ca$6247211y Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Alteration QO Repair ( ) Other ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) OtherX) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ls this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No ( ) **** *** ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* \Wail\data\cdcv\FORMS\PE RMITS\PLMBPERM.DOC /7o2 07 t24t2002 ,/-u { - (62 Page 3o-il-:1.:005 lnspe*tlen Req*est Reportlng ,4,_19"sm____ RegucsFd lr,cpecr Date: ihursday, Oerrrn oer 22. 200$ ir|sD€iuon Area; iRl$ Slb Addrcss: 846 FOREST RO VAIL 8{6 FCREST ROAD AiPttrlcsqggfion Acqvily: SO4-C317 ?lpG: i.-coMreli:cfst T!,p€:;t f !,p€. 9ccutramv: la,vrr€r. EAGL$ ;tlVER ll,'ATER & SANtT,a. f iON Dl3l C€cupancv $ub lyp€: FfjOlulUse. ll FR Ar$licant: STANEX CONSTRIJCTORS.INC Phone: -:O3-9€S8?-a3 Cohiractcr: STANEI'. CCNS]'R|CTOR5, INC Pthln€: 3O-a.S8O €?;r3 $o,']'iipuor': Ct{At$GE FIL'lEilS. NEW RCi)f". NElr4J i.AB trl;Sc. lEtrl(}.4FJD R€PAjilS Ocmn€nr ROUTEtr TO JR BlLt- GlP.SOtl. rrlRE *Fn F tJStfC VUORKS - . lSUTrtf f I 3rgg.--s!cgr0cEllsrlsi lrm: 54C BLDG-Flnal CIO Rcqu€stor: STANEK CONSTRIJCIORS. lhlc Co.nrn€nts: e l*c ls also scirsdu!€d. lrill call lf tl'e!e ara any euesllon$ ,q$iiTN6d TO; JMONDRAGON- ActJonl TimB E{o: Regu*sfed Tlmei 09:00 Ald' Ithone: JO3"980.8233 Ent€red !!Ag*;tgn Eis-le$ it+m: 30 BLDG.Fram:ia '* Ar)pf('v€d '' O€/14'05 -lrrspactoi: JRM ' CortiliEni, LAg FRAM|NG AFPROVE'') BLOfr-f nshiElic,rr BlD(ishe?liork Nail " Agotr'ved '" 06,10,05 lnsp€clor: JRM " Comffrnt; LAB 0NLY BLiIG-Mlsc. n \ - \JA \; \\_/ I il It€m: 50 It€m: 60 Acdo{r.AIT APP Ac(on: AF,qPPRCVEO 2i F-i-AH-!LC Fr.undaii+n Fgn2? PLAl.i-iLC Ette 'f,lrn $tgtus: ISSUED Ins;i Afas' ,*id {:i:('x?'€r tt€ fir: hsm: [t€ni: Item: nefi: n€m: item; fiefit: l'l€ tn. lier,r. ilem: 530 532 53].ia7 53E $39 [.4C s SlDc-i:lnsl BLOG- T€me. CrOpr/v-TEMP.il o PLAN-TEMP. C,O PLA.T.J.F!IJF.L C,,O FIRE-FIi,IAL C'C P1&,FrirAL 0'O 3t-f,{i-Filrai CrC pTi3l"Run Td: 4053 Requested Inspect Date:' Inspecflon Area: Site Address: AJP,D lntormaion Acttultv: E(X-0291 Twe: B-ELECConstType: Occupairty: OwTieT: EAGLE RIVER I/\,ATER & SANITATION DIST AoDlicant: TRIiANGLE ELECIRIC Coh'rEc{or: TRIANGLE ELECTRIC Dascrlptlon: ELECTRICAL PORTION OF REMq9'ELa.va l( Requested lnsoecdcn(sl /l' -f- Item: f90 ELEC-Flnal Requ€stor: TRIANGLE ELECTRIC Asslon€d To:- Actlon: Comm6nt: -2&2005 lnsoecuon Hlstorv InspectionReguest Time Exp: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 846 FOREST RD VAIL 846 FOREST ROAD ISSUED JRM Phon€: 3{13'45}5424 Phone: 303.{5}5424<rl Is ftA-t- Z+I e/2,7/a{ Reoueste(, Tlme: 08:30 At t' Phon€: 970-4535424 {r- 38S(E70 Ent€redBy: DGOLD€N K Status: lnspfuea' Itam: 110 Item: 12o Item: 130 It€m: l40 It€m: 1g) Aclion: APPR APPROVED Actlon: APAPPROVED Acllon: APPR APPROVED U**;(o*- ( ro, roA Aw"rvD Fotz-'M;L'- Veft* o Ne" LtP<' Drrc7 rLltu- -- VzNL V FD Co ves= ft DS/rz'e^y' ELEC-T€mp. Pov/€r ELEC-Rough04'07i6 los9€dor: Comnr€nt n€* olth.e 06/09/06 lnspeclor: Commsnt: ElEe€ondun ELEC-Mlsc. ELEC-Final042405 Inspector: Comm€nl: {e MLL * Approved * eg lpv -' Approv€d " eg REPT131 Run Id: 3450 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co,us PrcjectName: EAGLE RIVER I{ATER AND SAI{ITATI0N '' DRBtlumber: DRB040515 DISTRTCT I{ATER QUALITY ITONITORIilC Prciect Description: sTATIot{s WATER QUAUTY MONITORING PLAN LmUZING SAMPUNG STATIONS. THIS APPROVAL FOR GENEML LOCATIONS AS SUBMITTED. EXACT LOCATIONS WILL BE LOCATED IN THE RETD BETWEEN FRED HASLEE OF ERWSD AND WARREN CAMPBEI-I AND LEONARD SANDOVAL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, Pafticipants: OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITAI09|27|20M Phonez 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITAI09/2712004 Phone: 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 846 FOREST ROAD Legal Description: Lot: 31 Block: Subdivision: VAIL uLl-AGE RUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107209$1 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SrAFFAPR Second By:vote: Date of Approvalt t0lO6l2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006722 The applicant shall rwegitate the distrurbed areas created by the installation of the water quality monitoring stations with like landscaping prior to installation. Cond: CON0005905 The applicant shall contact Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 and Warren Campbell at 479-2L48 for approval of e><act locaUons once identified. This approval is for Bre general concept and locations as provided. Field location will be necessary to avoid conflicts with snow plows, etc. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 I -: M inor Exterior Alterat!ons Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 9,7 0.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2457 , web: www.vailgov.com General Information: RECHIVEB"*I stP 2 7 iit.i TOV.COM.DEV. All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. AeaG refer to.the submittal requirements for the partifllar approval that is requesled. An application for Oesign Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Deveiopment Departmint. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and conslruction commences within one year of the approval. Physical Address: on of the Req Location of the Proposal: Parcel No.: Z lO( OTLO EiOl (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: E-mail Address: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: O Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiong a5Sdt{on tE/ Minor Alterationt (multi-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans O Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 * *:rnr rquare root or totar sisn area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is addeC to any residential or commerciai building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painiJng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildlngs and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addirJons, landscaping, fences and retaining w€lls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Page 1 of I2l04l28lo4 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS ? Generat Information: !' This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMTfiAL REqUIREMENTS** tr All pages of Application are completeD Checklist is completed and signed O Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicable O Site and Grading Plan*, if applicable Q Landscape Plan*, if applicableE Architectural Elevations*, if applicableE Exterior color and material samples and specifications. Q Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicableQ Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable tr TiUe report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* trl Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. D Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableO Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicablex tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*)- *xFor interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal reguirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed Eacle Rrven -7 Wrren & Srruranoru Drsrnrcr 846 Fc.est Fcac . Vail Colqradc 81657 (970\ 476-7480. FAX (970) 476 4089 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PLAN UTILIZING SAMPLING STATIONS In order to meet more stringent regulatory requirements for monitoring the public water supply, the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District is developing a water quality-monitoring plan that incorporates the use of sampling stations for the following reasons: l. The use of dedicated stations provides for a more representative sample of the water delivered to the public. 2. Sampling stations reduce the overall cost of collecting samples. 3. Allows the District to assess the impact that the distribution system has on our water quality and meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) distribution monitoring requirements. 4. More effectively allows the District to meet new regulatory requirements for Disinfectant and Disinfections By-Products (DDBP). 5. Identifies the presence of unintentional or intentionally introduced contaminants. 6. Identifies other potential problems including microbial growth, cross- connection and backflow, contamination during infrastructure repair, and corrosion and aging infrasffucture. :\ I 5 WSD\8Rees\LenersV004\WtrOualitv. doc- WArEn, Wlsrrr,,,arrq, O'eRrr or.ts & Mluncervt:llr SERv cES N Advanced Drinking Water Compliance Training 5 CCR 1003-l COLORADO PRIMARY DRINKING WATER REGULATIONS (Effective March 30, 2004) Regulation No. 100 WATER AND WASTEWATER FACILITY OPERATORS CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS (Effective June 2, 2003) Colorado Department of PublicHealth andEnvironment 1.d oBte-9e'-oL 6 2004 JaIpp!l urol eBI:II tO St daS 1 2 '1.11.5- Procedures Upon Denial 34 lf the Department denies approval of plans and speciftcations submitted pursuant to this secfion 1.1'1.1 5 through 1.11-4, or if an applicant refuses to accept any conditions or terms pursuant to v!,fiich said 6 apprjval was condrtionaliy granted, which shall constitute a denial, the apdicant may request a hearing to 7 cbirtest the denial. RequCts for such a hearing must be filed in uriting with the Depaltrnent within thirty I (30) days after service of the statement of denial. Such requests shall state the grounds upon wlrich the g ieniat il Ueing contested and 6tate the amount of time the public water system estimates will be required.tO for the hearing. Hearing on the denial shall be held in accordance with applbable prwisions of Article 4 1 1 of Title 24, Coloradq Ranise-d Stratutes.12 --) 13 1.12 Monitoring Plan "' 144 15 r=€ach"pNrHic firater sys{em shall develop and implement a monitoring plan. fhe public weter system shall 16 maintain the ptan and rnake it available for inspedion by the Departrnent. The rnonitoring plan shall be t7 designed and impbmented to ensure that the water quality rnonitoring perbrmed by the system is 1B repr&entative oi the urater distibuted to consurners and is consis{ent with regulatory requirements of the 'tg Colorado Pimary Drinking Water Regulations. 20 21 ?2 23 24 25 26 zl 28 29 30 31 32 2e u 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 In accordance with sec{ion 1.12.2 each public water system is required to submit two copies of the monitoring plan to: Colorado Department of Public Health And Environment Water Quality Conhol Division AfiN: Public l ,bter System Monitoring Plan Coordinator 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South Denver. CO 8024&'1530 1.12.1 Monitoring Plan Required Elements Eacfr public water system's monitoring plan shall include the iniormation specified in Sections 1.12.1(a) ' (e), except that, one schematic may be sufficient if that schematic includes all sources, treatment processes and distribution system details as specified in sections 1.12.1(b) - (d). The monitoring plan consists of five parts: (a) Part 1 - Sysfem Summary. ldentify the public water system and provide all of the following: (1) The Colorado pubtic water system identification number (Pt{lSlD); (2) The full name of the l€al entity (that is, the owner of the system. For example, the name of a corporation, LLC, partnership, sole proprietor, HOA' etc.); (3) The legal entity's address; (4) The name of the legal entity's authorized contact person(s) responsible for the development and implementation of the monitoring plan (if other than the owner); (5) The telephone number of the legal entity or the legal entity's authorized monitoring plan contact person; Page31 of250 Bacteriological Sites for ERWSD PWSID # 119802 I Sites to correspond with DDBP sampling. May to october. 1 Booth Falls Plant 2 914 Spraddle Creek, Care Taker Unit 3 598 Vail Valley Drive 4992 Vail Valley Drive 5 5042 Snowshoe 6 3786 Lupine 7 4708 Meadow Mountain 8 Gore Valtey Drinking Water Facility 9 Buffehr Creek Rd. BPS When station is in use. 101692 Matterhorn 112478 Garmisch Drive 12 Unit #6 Creekside 2t0r-023 2101-0s3 2101-081 210l-092 2099-r82 210r-024 2t0l-124 2099-092 2103-r22 2103-r23 2103-rl4 2103-1s4 DSCN0532.JPG (JPEG Image,2048xl536 pixels) - Scale... 1of I 09/27104 3:25 PM DSCN0530.JPG (JPEG Image,2048x1536 pixels) - Scale... I of I 09/27/043:24PM DSCN0531.JPG (JPEG Image,2048x1536 pixels) - Scale... Ff)t l of 1 09/27/04 3:24PM DSCN0533.iPG (JPEG Image,2048xl536 pixels) - Scale... I of 1 09/27/04 3:26 PM DSCNb534.JPG (JPEG Image,2048x1536 pixels) - Scale... -fl 09127104 3:26 PM1of I ) Enctr Rtvrn Z WlrrR nNo-a:Z Snnmnoru -7 Dtsrnlcr Grid I" - 50' Sip.30'?001 l3:48 Fron-ERlfSD s70176108S T-7Sl P.001/001 F-862 Calcd: -Chkd: APPvd:-Date-- / - I l' .' :-"- ' I. : ' /ii+,.-.-.I. ].- I --, . ..i. ,1 I'.. .'f *- i..':l .. .,. .l- ..1.......t 74tN{\' \,04s{Qn'-- i: .l*- i' , - I I ..1. ,.. i/-$J-j-:"i . tt 'Q r.,:f;Tl'T;iii' ,,"' H*A\["S,ta Pojecr: cc 845 For$i Road / Vail. colorado 81657 | 970-476-748$ / FAX 970-476-40Rq tr",zVl@ #t z -fFacl- P' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmert of Cornmunity Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Name: gR lr)SD DRB Number: DR8040529 Project Description: PAVE E}OSTING PARKING LOT Participants: OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITAII0/06/2004 Phone: 8,16 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATI1O/06/2004 PhONC: 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 31 Block Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE FIUNG 2 Parcel Number: 210107209001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPProvalt Q9/2912004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 A9/A2/29A4 OgtzE 978-928-757S --ffi EIRAIJI-I ASSOCIATES PASE gZ RECEIVED __€€ffi_ TOV€OI-DEy. Application for Design Revlew DepddmHrt ol Community DevdoPfient- --zsffi e.rttse. noad, rruii, caoradc ala57' - -iiibzo.lzs,zl3s f€xt 970{7g2+rc r{ebi Ylrww,vgllgqv'com Generrl InformatloniX'Hi# H,!ffi-iEiln errsv m'ret r€rif lpero'illT?A'ITg:q: t*T"1,?ill"*Blg; ffiilr1,tff"ffi'"ffiilJffi;;i-Ji'rrr*ri; i'pdvarg'i?-"i;b. t' +in'"tton br DEsisn tuvh"r ,,iln .n ..,,rE{ t.rf^rmrflna ie ccdnd tt'u['6ii-"nlty Ds\iiopmeit ftpsrtnent ThEffi##"'HHd;li ;lt Eci,rdJrniorf,aug" i. fit'eo lr.urercom-"ntv il,Hn'tr'H'HtHlffd"#Iffi -'i-",.'iff ff ';id-t"tTJ'i g3:ffi 5ig15,t'tr;illff" H,F.lil#r iil[lffr"[ x'if ig;f; ri'r" Lu; and s;FrruGtron co mrncd tf nhr n onc jnar of llr aPPrwel- ol thr Roquestt P., Locetion of the Ploposal: Lot: . \ Block .- Subdivbkrr: PhythslAddrEss: " Palael l{o,! 4Qlglzesel-- toontaa EadE co' Awesor at 9I0€28'{Bt0 lbr p{cel ho') Zoning: Cr-r.^ l{rne[s) of Ownerpll L-r--Qtr:* ' I*)*-| t""'t \.-lrrl''+- tltrrtt'+ Namr of Apptlcrnt: l,lailingAddrtss: q{tr Erca,t So'r& --Phone: ' 9?'(r-% Isli t Type of Review and Fee: . Sigr. Cqreplual RPPU, . ltletv Cotttttdott. rvdithn . MlprAltstEtbo (nrulli-tumily/corrwda I I . l,lher AltetEtion (ingbtamily/dupld) ' Osgen b Arnn rd Fhtts . Se96ra[fi Rqucst S60 Et.E 8'1.00 perrquarstooto{ stC signdrea' No h. sB50 $s00 $zio Fcr construction of e nsr bdldlhg orderE/rEbuild' H;; aelffi ;hgru square ro-ougc b added.b.dnv ttdd€nfidl of "omtn"rtAt Urldfm finoludes 280 sddlibns & InErtot corfte|ErolE)' t;trd'dt",t€rU bulldifEF sld slts lmptaverlents' sufi 35r ;;il,pJilrns' ."naoi aonun'r,'hrdsctdru f€nca ard reteining tVElF, rts. il;'rrrir#etg*b buildngo andeh imptovemeflb' Eudr F ;" il;, ";lii"s; Jnaofr aocti*!, hclgoepins' ftncss td r$aining ualb. etc. $20 Fot ttviii"ts to Csrrs ake€dy appor'td by Fhnning Sbff 0' ite DESiEn Rs,itw EMtd, No Fee z8r-J z\n/?fi'd zBs-r,E80t9lt0/0 d(rrt-!to.r J 8Z:8 t t00z-20-drs I tantt,ttgR.AtllN ASSoclt,A-tlES" llNC" PLANNING anc COl"'11'lUNlTY DEVELOPf'1ENT September 2,2004 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: DRB Application for ERWSD Parking Lot Dear Bill: As pcr our discussion earlier this week, enclosed is a DRB application to improve an existing parking lot at the ERWSD plant. As you know, the location of the parking lot is on the "Old Town Shops" site immediately rvest of the water ireatment plant. The following summarizes the major aspects of this project. Relationship to the Snowcat Bridse/Snowmaking Vault The parking lot is essentially an extension of approved improvements cunently under construction (snowcat bridge, snowmaking rntake structure, ctc.). The parking lot was anticipated in the design of these improvements, i.e. the drainage plan for the vault anticipated this impervious area, the parking lot drainage will be tied into the new oil/sand separator, etc. Approved plans for these improvements currently under construction are on file in your office. Lel ine know if you need additional copies relatcd to the parking lot project. Use ofLot The District is no longer considering "public" use of this lot. As such, a conditional usc permit is not necessary. The lot is considered an interim use until such time thc plant expansion project begins. In lieu of leaving an Lrnsiglrtly gravel lot in place until the expansion plan is implemented, the District would likr-- to improve the lot witlr paving, lighting and landscaping. It is anticipated that ,ire lot rvould be used by District vehicles and overflow parking for District employees. Submittal Materials The following material is provided rvith this application: r DRB application form,. Grad in ey'dra inage Plnn Eowaftis Vli4nfu&pe,Rkq,zos ?h. - 970.n6,575 0 | 05 Edw,ards Vi lage Bcu evard Fax - 970.926757 6 Post Off ce Box 2558 \^,n,^w.lraunassoc ates.com Edwards, Colcrado 8 I 532 ' Cul sheet of exterior lighting fixture I believe the District submitted a DRB fee for the plant expansion and this application was subsequently dropped. Unless we hear otherwise from you, we will assume that the previously paid DRB fee will cover this application. As this project is an extension ofthe previously approved plans for the bridge and vault, I have not provided information relative to items previously addressed and approved, i.e. driveway grade, stamped suryey, utility locates, etc. Let me know if you need this or other information. Development Standards There is no significant change to the development standards for the property. The following is a summary of relevant development statistics: Lot area-2.023 acres, or 88,121 sq. ft. Site Coverage - 32,880 sq. ft. or 37.3Yo Other Impervious surfaces - 30,560, or 34.6Yo Landscape Area - 25,489 sq. ft., or 28Yo Setbacks - varies from 5' to 157' Parkin g Lot Landscapins The proposed parking lot is 10,771 square feet is size (this area does not include the driveway or the paved area approved in conjunction with the vault and bridge). The interior parking lot landscaping is I ,260 square feet, or 10.5%o of the paved area. A minimum l0' landscaped buffer is provided on the north and west sides of the lot. The parking lot abuts the plant on the east and as such there is no landscaped buffer on this side. On the south side the sheambank will be heavily landscaped as a part of the bridgeivault project. This landscaping, while not directly contiguous to the parking lot, effectively provides a buffer on the south side ofthe lot. Let me know if there is anything else you need to facilitate the DRB review ofthis proposal. I greatly appreciate you getting us on the Board's agenda on the 15ft. Sincerely, Thomas A. Bram. AICP Cc: Ron Siebert Ilminalce Souroe Lumcns Philips Mctal Halidc 70!f - 4,060 Lumcns IlmiaousArca- (PiXr)z (PiXg'St)z -24311"2 Sourac Ilncns / Luminous Arca < t25 (Retio) 4,050llmcns 1243.71"2 = 16.66 <125 12'-tO" MAGNIFLOOD ijglrtir g.r,.'rr1 triit''' '- 613J" - 'Access doors (2 on opposit€ sides) &e secured by heavyduty flat head screws (Optional umper-proofscrews available.) POLES METROPOLITAN SingleAm SPECIFIGATIONS: . Style: METROPOLITAN . Helght fixture Overall pole height is 12-ft 10-in, with lamp center at approxirnately 1Gft. Main shaft height can be modified to acmmmodate difierent lamp center heights. Handhole access door located 18" above base. . Base: Nom. &112' bott circle in 9" square shoebase. 131/4' diarneter b€rse co\rer. . Anchor Bolts: (4) 3/4' x 30'with 3' hook, tully galv. . ltlaterial: 4' diameter steel pole shaft (optional aluminum shan available). Bent arm assembly is fabricated ftom steel Ubing with a cast alufi!' uminum fitter held in place with (3) stainless steel set scfews. . Finlsh: Standard finish is TGIC povoster powder coat in Magnicray or MagniBlack. Custom colo]s are available on requesl ORDERING INFORMATION: MSP-1{Fixt. r/ftS. HSL in feet }( COLOR) EMMPLE: MSP-1-10-BLACK OPTIONS: x( AL Tamperproof Screws Aluminum shafr 6sl" NoMTNAL BOLT CIRCLE 11" wrDE sLoTS FoR UP 10 'I" BOLTS 9" SQ. BASE BOUT CIRCLE DE'TAIL 7200 New Horizons Blvd. No. Amityville, NY 11701 Tel: 6il1/226-1fi10 Fat<:6311212W McttPorii" r"rr2 Website: www.magnifl-ood.com efiail: sales@magniflood.com 9-25 METROPOLITAN-2@MAGNIFLOOD rillni^l rRrc( 3f,PORIs IR^I FEATURES: . CONSTRUCTION: The METROFOLITAN-2 luminaire is designed for decorative wallryay illumination and is equally at home in park settings and public gathering areas. Cast from copper-frse 443 alloy aluminum, the luminiare features an easily accessed removable ballast tray. Threaded hub for mounting and hinged door frame for easy relamping. The conical bottom lens is hinged for easy access to lamp compartmenl. All hardware is conosion-resistant or stainless steel. . MOUNTfNG: The METROPOLITAN-2 mounts on l1n" |€ipercd pipe thread. The top of the luminaire incoporates a cast hub with (2) frats for tightening the luminaire onto the rnounting pipe to ensure that no water may enter the fudure. Single and double mounting arms, and poles, are available from the factory. . ELEGTRICAL: Standard 12G'volt 60hz ballast assembly for High Pressure Sodium and Metal Halide. A slidein removable ballast tray incorporates all electrical components, including the glazed porcelain 4l$/ pulse.rated socket, and is easily accessed through the cast ballast door on the side of the housing. High Pressure Sodium units utilize mogul base lamps. Metal Halide units utilize medium base lamps in a vertical buming position. All filcures come pr+wired and factory tesled. Luminaires are manufactured lo meet UL standard 1598. . LENS: Conical prismatic lense with a type V distdbution is sealed into the hinged case door frame. . FINISH: Standard finish is TGIC polyester acrylic polder coat finish in Magnicray. Other mlors are available from factory. ORDERING INFORMATION:OPTIONAL FEATURES: Cat No: High Prcssurc Sodium: MTS2-50 MTS2-70 MTS2-100 MTS2-150 metal Hallde: MTM2.7O MTM2-100 Descrlpdon: SOiv HPS/120v 70w HPS/120V 100w HPS/120v 150w HPS/120v 70w Metal Halide/l20v 100w Metal Halide/l20v Lamp Clear Lens \A/hite Lens Fuse Assembly Single Bent Arm Double Bent Arm Wall Mounting Wall Mounted Single Bent Arm Area Lighting c|sr coPEn-fftf, l|'lJrtlul L CL WH F SBA DBA \A,| l /t\4s84 7200 New Horizons Blvd. No. Amityville, NY 11701 Tel: 631/226-1000 Fax: 63112261444 Website: www.magniflood.com eflail: sales@magnillood.com 6-7 ilneruFl-ooo lnc. Single Bent Arm Mounting r"_-_- . r-Ttiitlliil,t'li.i I It" "_l r L- C.J DETAL OF CAST ALt.I,fiNUM MOJNNG PLATE Double Bent Arm Mounting 6-74 WallMountingOption Wall Mounted Single BentArmAssm bulbs.com;Fluorescent bulbs:Halogen bulbs, Halogen light bulbs, Flourescent light bulbs, Light bulbs, C... Page 1 of 2 Call Customer $ervice at 888.455.2800 Mon ' Fri 8am - 6prn €$T" @ Fast Find/Search Guided Search : S:rali,'r {:.s:s -',: : ir,;c,allyr Firi';rc$csni Tu ix)* ! (l l\r fitptslps.com t tar:d(-sJcr:: . f rJ. r:,::Cl i:.:::;i.j.t:: ,l sr$bhn| {!t}r iriliii Gi€fruij6&lrig3:l*tj \gi'sn*"* Caso Qu**iity 12 P.icing Fer Eaclr !iert'] 1 tc 11 $41.99 tzto3s $37.99ffiffi 36+ $3s.eeMrEtr Slatus IN STOCK Philips Standard or Pulse Start* Protected lrlaste€olor@ 70W Clear Universal Burning Position Geramic Metal Halide ED-17P*' Lamp wl Medium Base, 4000K COOL WHITE Color, and CRI=82. (diameter 2 1/8", length 5 7/16')- Metal Halide Ballast (ANSI Code M143/M98) and Fixture (either Open or Enclosed) required. Sold Individually. &1i'tC?*iUl&1FJ4K Suib G**er*! l*formstion Oorrnhod Our Celolog '.l nr* , Dr,3ulb Light-ag Resscrcc Guide a{i1irri11! FirC,:.al bj F?i' p.: s ptfi$ps ! tlLusrla,rttur4s Mlul W.:NAILD MHC70/U/MPI4K Light @ Bulb Product Number Ordering Code Light Output Energy Used Life Volts Bulb Shape Beam Spread Base Oass and Filament Diameter (in) Lengh (in) Finish cRl Color Temperature (Kelvin) Brand GE Osram Sy'vania 360578 MHC7Oru/MP/4K 4,060 Lumens 70 Watts 20,000 Avg. Hours ED.17P Medium (E26) (gesq lJpcs) 2.125 5.4375 Oear 92 4000K Philips Ccrn*": on tl ross-References No Available Direct Offset a$25 - MPD70ru/MED/840 .*.{:.i iti*; !a I lnf':rmaticn . *ED-17 and ED-17P MH Lamos of 150 Watts or less Function on EITHER Strandard or Pulse Slart Ballasts. - Nanower Neck Than Regular ED17 MH Lamp. Contains FadeBlockn UV Filteringo Lifetime Color Stability Within +/-200Kr Manufacture/s Wamings and Cautions. See Lamp Packaging for Operating Instructions *,,,S:"g t rt "" I Credit Application I Contact Us I Press Room I Terms of Sale bu|bs'comishe@mmercla|'esourDafr|i9htbulbs'ba||as1sand6xitsignsfomqua|itymanufacturersinc|udi'€Phi|ipsLi9htirE,AdvanceTransiorrEraIldsimkaI.wa Eplac€me.[|ightin9andhmpsindidingincandcsntbu|bs'ha|ogenbu|bs'habgenk]htbu|bs'parha|ogenbdbs,paIha|o9€nbmps,mr16bt/|bs,mr11b|J|'6b'mr11 http://www.bulbs.com/products/product_detail.asp?page=products&inventory:8461 9/2/2004 igf;iil;t trtrlr rr'itt"' FLOODLIGHTS: 'The beam spread ofa floodlight is defined as the angle, measured in degrees, between points on a candlepower distribution curve which are l0% of the average maximum candlepower." The beams are defined by the National Electrical Association in the chart below. NEIIIATYPB BEAMSPREAD: (in degrees) I l0to 18 2 l8to29 3 29to46 4 46ta70 5 70to 100 6 l00to 130 7 I30 and up For floodlights that are not a circular pattern: The NEMA numbers may indicate the 'H" horizontal rvidth and the "V" vertical width of the beam. Example: 5H x lV - Type 5 Horizontal and Type I Vertical indicates that the beam is horizontally wide [between 70 and 100 deg] and vertically narrow I benveen 10 and 18 degrees]. NOTE: ilAGNtL(X)D DOES NOT recommend the lflo of maximum beam thcory for guality cngircered la)'outs, tarhcr 50'lo of maximum bcam should be used- Uniformity gives dre besr lighting results. alhough intensity should also be a consideration flO% of maximum bcam candlepou,er is a perce*age recommended by drc llluminaaing Engiaccring Socicty-] ROADWAY LUMINAIRES: The diagrams below are the angular raoges that define tbe five basic roadway distributions that are used for roadway lighting. They represent the area ofdistbution ofa halfmaximtmt candlepower isocandela trace within the longitudinal range in *'hich the point of maxirnum candlepower falls. MAGNIFLOOD Pe{ 0 Aeg Raf 0 Deg Pel 0 Dcgra FLOODLIGHT BEAM SPREAD and ROAI}WAYDISTRIBUTION Roadway dlstributions are as follows I . Type I heferred width 15 degrees , Acceptable range l0 deg to less than 20 deg 2.TypeIl Prefened width 25 degrees, Acceptable range 20 deg to less than 30 deg 3. Type III Prefened width 40 degrees, Acceptable range 30 deg m less than 50 deq 4. Type IV Preferred width 60 degrees, Acceptable range 50 deg or wider 5. Type V The distribution is 360 degrees rvhich is symmetrical around the lurninaire ,r^d*3h- *$iliffi#hesffi:iffilEiliiffinfaO"# t!Bisstii:s;rffi tii!:Hfi itt \ffii!ffi.tBli*i$jtry\is$ffiluu 7200 New Horizons Blvd. No. Amityville, NY 11701 Tel: 631/226-1000 Fax: 631n264444 Website: wwwmagniflood.com e-mail: sales@magniflood.com 20 Dco 3lt F; m t0 t0l5m w O.a,8" A-2A BEAMSPREADl/02 MAGNIFLOOD ir..;IlirirrJ,t,orrr rri ". Areo WIDTH RANGE l{idth Ronge = Up to 2.0 x llounting Height lYidth Ronge = Up to 1.75 x llounting Height llidh Rongc = 1.75 thru 2.75 x llounting Height l{idth Ronge = Over 2.75 x Mounting Hcight Generol Areo Lighting Moximum beom condlepower folls within shoded oreos of obove plon views. Luminoire locotion is indicoted by ovol dot ( r ). 7200 New Horizons Blvd. No. Ami9ville, NY 'l1701 Tel: 631/226-1000 Fac631l22ffi4, ruMcr-Ass r/02 Webslte: www.magnlflood,com e-mail: sales@magniflood.com LIGHT DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS uminaire Classification Moximum SPACING RANGE Iong (12.0 X mounting height) o Short (4.5 X mounting hdght) Medium (7.5 X mounting height) to Note: A-2 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING gotlaDical llame 9oomol NaOe agentjly Stae Iffi,:J* ts"- L"^a' E(ISTING TFEES TO BE REI\4O/ED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Iype Square Footage GROUND@VER SOD SEED IRRIC'ATION T\PE OF EROSION @I\rROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 12104101104 l/^Lv;tl.'1u6t s- -l-*> /pfer TOI4NVM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 97Q.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: ERt lSp DRB Number: DR8040452 Project Description: ROOF-TOP MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT Participants: OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITANOS/30/2004 PhONC: 846 FOREST RD VAIL, CO 81657 License: APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITANOB/30/2004 PhONC: 846 FOREST RD vArL, co 81657 License: Project Address: 845 FOREST RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 31 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 2 Parcel Number: 210107209001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: HANLON Action: APPROVED Second By: DUNNING Vote: 3-0 DateofApproval: 10/06i2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006724 Prior to final inspection, the applicant shall paint the proposed screen wall, the proposed mechanical equipment, and all existing exposed mechanical equipmen! flues, vents, etc. to match the color of the building. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO I-l t Minor Exterior Alierations Application for Design Review Department of Community Develooment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com RICIIVID ii TOil&I General Information: All, projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An alplication ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmint. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. o^ a{ sc Location ofthe Proposalt Lot: 9/ Block:64irirlon. /,t,/ l'../Ze* Z u,gvL (7rr.-* -su *PdPhysical Address; Parcel No,: Zlo r O7Z o? oo I (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):/{- ,4,n.-.-- ./4.. t.- & !),, l. +.-V,,.-,.r Mailing Address:?6 ,/-c,'trr z;/",.//,,/ C.t (tos 2a ' (zc- zc f<) Owner(s) Siqnature(s) :.'.v-. Name of Applicant: r/Ery'u..,/l Fz'- s S M a iling Address: (C C /'Q r' t /- /4 ' *f //a,i, co (16<z _phone: E-mail Address: J'* n4 'p ae dt e 2'"'<ot o'9 Fax:- 272 2 -€v t y Type of Review and Feet D Signs E Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition [tr l'linor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) D Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) O Changes to Approved Plans fl Separation Request q2L-w<t<1 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenrs, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildinEs and site improvements, such as, reroofing. painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and (?n No Fee retaining walls, etc. For revisiohs to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Review Board. Page 1 of 12104/28104 **:lt *'l*t *:t **********'t***'*'****'*'**+**'t'i*+******1.*'tl.*****'t**!t**,t***1.***{.:t'1.{.***'f l.********{.****{.* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement It***r******:t ***'t'*******{.1.**,tl.**,t '}t ***,t ,t*.i,t*'}*****:}**********:i1.,}r**t Statement Nunlcer: R040005534 Amount: $250.00 0B/30/200403:34 PM Palment Methodi Check Init : ,JS Notation: #32914./ERW&SD Permit No: DRBO40452 qtpe: DRB-Minor Alt, Conrn/Mult i Parcel No: 2LoLo72o9ooL Site Address: 846 FOREST P;D VAIL Location 3 845 FOREST ROAD Total FeeE: $250.00 Thia Payment: $250.00 Total AIrI, Pmts: $250.00 Balance: S0.00 *i. ** **** * *1.*'* !t **'t* +**rt* +* * ** * * * a. * * +!t* * 'r * i**'*' * *'3* 't ** {.* * * *'} l.* {,'}* ** **'},} *{.1.'t,} *.1.'i,}* * {.**'*'} l. ** ** ** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIET,I FEES 250.00 MINOR EXTE RIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS** .,., U All pages of Application are complete ,z D Checklist is completed and signedlf Stamped Topographic Suruey*, if applicable ,ff-Site and Grading Plan*, if applicable Z( Landscape Planl, if applicable , fl Architectural Elevations*, if applicable .,8 Exterior color and material samples and specifications,' lf Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicable 4 Ugntng Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable E TiIe report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easemenG* - E Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.' fl written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if FF applicable Site-specific Geological Hazard Repo( if applicable* The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submitlal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand Project Name:,l Contractor Date Signed GENERAL NOTES:CODE ANALYSIS: tA)(100) 1. REFER TO SECTION 02070rSELECT|VE OEMOLITION FOR DEMOLITION REOUIREO IN THE EXISTING OFFICE AND LAAORATORY. 2, SEE SHEET 1OO-A2 FOR INTERIOR ELEVATIONS. 3. CAREFULLY SAWCUI & REMOVE EXISTING MASONRY TO PROVIDE NEW OPENING FOR WINOOW, SEE DETAIL C/100.A3. 4. ALL GYPSUM Bomo rs %'wpe x. 5. ALL CEILING GRIDS ARE 2-0'x 4'-0'. 6, SEE SECTION 12300 FOR CASEWORK SCHEDULE. KEY NOTES: BUILDING CODES: 1997 UBC, UMC. UPc, UFC CONSTRUCTION TYPE: V-N OCCUPANCY GROUP: F-2. B OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONi NONE REQUIRED EXIT REOUIREMENIS MAXIMIJM TRAVEL DISTANCE - NONSPRINKLERED BUILDING:200FT UBC 1004,2.2 (EXCEPTION 1). WHERE ACCESS TO ONLY ONE EXIT IS REOUIRED FROI\4 A SPACE, EXIT ACCESS MAY OCCUR THROUGH AN ADJOINING OR INTERVENING ROOM. WHICH IN TURN PROVIDES DIRECT ACCESS TO AN EXIT. LEGEND: A OFFICE@ 0) C' €t €) GI G) I\,IETAL LADDER - SEE DETAJL A1OO.M1. SAWCUT & REI\,1OVE EXISTING IVASONRY TO CREATE 3'-4" x 3'-4'OPENING. VCT & RUBBER BASE. 5/8' TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD ON METAL STUDS W/ FULL BATT INSULATION, 5/8'ryPE X GYPSUM BOARD BOTH SIDES 4'METAL STUDS W/ FULL BATT INSULATION. SAWCUT & REI\,1OVE MASONRY AS REQUIRED TO RELOCAIE EXISTING FRAI\.IE A DOOR 8'TO WEST, CAREFULLY SAWCUT MASONRY ANCHORS AND REUSE EXISTING FRAME, OR AT CONTRACTOR'S OPTION PROVIDE NEW FRAME TO MATCH EXISTING, f-TE X Z 2L0" x 4'-0'SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILING 2'-0" x 4'-0' RECESSED FLUORESCENT FIXTURE. SUPPLY DIFFUSER RETURN GRILLE 1- cr" LABORATORY (t iq) G) (0 o) c) @l @ G) (0 o) @ EYEWASH / EMERGENCY SHOWER. FUME HOOD & EXHAUSI. REFRIGERATOR, DISHWASHER. SINGLE COI\,,IPARTMENT LAB SINK & SINK FITTING. FLOOR DRAIN, 4'VENT THRO(jGH ROOF. EDGE STRIP. 3'GROMMET, GYPSUIU BOARD SOFFIT AAOVE WALL CABINET, TYP. INFILL WITH I\,4ETAL STUDS & GYPSUM AOARD, I { LABORATORY & OFFICE FLOOR PLAN 3/8'=1'4' I LABORATORY & OFFICE REFLECTED CEILING PLAN 3/8'=1'-0' GRIINBERG | ?0! w ltlll 5rlf,] qm |!1tlllrr 20{J f tI t!J !t?[ + tnzt!I { m KEY PLAN , LINE IS2INCHES' AI FUTL SIZE IF NOT 2" SCATE ACCOROINGLY) 2OO4 VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS NEW PLANT LABORATORY ARCHITECTURAL PLANS DEI\IVER, COLORADO 1 00- AlVAIL WASTEWATER TREATIlENT PLANT (1) \1-l (9 6) /;\\:-/ /:\ o @ (9) (10) t11l KEY NOTES, SECTION 1 METAL GUARDRAIL W/ TOEBOARD AT FULL PE;IIMETER OF STOMGE AREA ABOVE OFFICE - SEE DETAIL AJS.4. HOLLOW METAL DOOR & FMME. SUSPENDED ACOUSTICAL CEILIING. 5/8'TYPE X GYPSUM BOARO ON MTL STUDS W FULL BATT INSULATION. 5i8'TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD BOIH SIDES 4'METAI STUDS w/ FULL EATT INSULATION, CONCRETE ON MEIAL DECK & STRUCTURAL STEEL. VCT & RUBBER BASE. ++##*ffi FUME HOOD EXHAUST FAN & STACK HEAD EXHAUST ON PLATFORM CURB- SEE DETAIL E/100.A3. FUME HOOD EXHAUST DUCTWORK ON UTILITY CURB. SEE DETAIL E/1OO-A3. SCREEN WALL, SCREEN WALL POST & GUY WIRE SUPPORT, TYP OF 4 - SEE DETAIL F/lOGA3, AT REMAINING SCREEN WALL POSTS OMIT GUY WRE ++##ffi SUPPORT, fi) coonorruerr s rAcK & FAN rNsrALLATroN w RooF - REPLAoEMENT (TASK 2oo). EXISTING EUILDING AT OFFICE / LABORATORY WEST ELEVATION 1/8'=1'-0" KEY NOTES. WEST ELEVATION fi sxsrrre rlureo cuu. (, EXTSTTNG OPENTNGS rO REMATN. @ norrow urrnL wrNDow. @ sreer ltrurer er EXrsrNG MAsoNRy - sEE DETATL B/100-s1. li scneen wml - sEE DETATL E/1oo-A3. SECTION 1/4'= 1'-0" r;\w KEY NOTES. LABORATORY ELEVATIONS @ suseenoeo ncousrcAL cErLrNG. @ onvwnll sornr ABovE wALL cABTNET, wp. fi) %" rver x cve BD oN FURRTNG cHANNTLs oR.v METAL STUDS. SEE PLAN SHEET 1()O.A1. 6 erox" Rcstu couNTERTop w sERvrcE - LEDGE. @ vcr a nueeeR aase. G) pepen rower orspENsER - sEE sEcloN - tz:oo @ evewnsH l er,lERGENcY sHowER. @ l' eeoxv nesrN BAcKsPr-AsH. @ rurae Hooo. @ uroencounreR REFRTGEneToR w rRrM Krr. @ eee eonno. @ otsHusxen w rnru xrr. 6l) rxrsrrrc wrrloow w NEw solrD suRFAcE srLL - - see oetnt oltoo-A3 & sEcloN 06100 @ cusrora rrrren el,t.rel. 6d ecto sronlce cABTNET wvENTAssEMBLy - coNNEcrED To FUME HooD. @ scnrae ro nam wmr. fi lnrrcurareo xEyBoARo rRAy w MousE pAD &v vERTtcAL pRocEssoR sLtNG - sEE sEcroN 12300. 7l- TYp GRIINBENG + rrolto rnnt =rxtt[mer ;ir tlr lor! ;6trr ltJ !|e a: SOUTH ELEVATION 101 LABORATORY 114'=1'4' (, qxl :(2)l -:=l NORTH ELEVATION EAST ELEVATION WEST ELEVATION AT FUTT SIZE 2OO4 VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS NEW PLANT LABORATORY SECTION & ELEVATIONS DENVER,. COLOR,ADO i 00-A2VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DOOR SCHEDULE DOORS GENERAL FRAMES REMARKS 000R NO. TYPE DI MATERIAL FINISH HARDWARE RATING TYPE DETAILS MATERIA FINISH r00R \lo.n TH SILL HEAD JAMB 100 3',4'1.3/4"HM l ,v10GA3 B/1OGA3 HM 100 t REFER TO SECTIoN 09900r PAINTING FOR FINISH INFORITATION PREFINISHED GALVANIZED SHEET TREATED I PLYWOOO CAP SECURED T0 a( PLATE E 1x2 TREATED ix2 KICKER RIPPED TO PROVIOE 117 SLOPE TREATED 2x4 BLOCKING METAI CAP qffiiffi- CONTINUOUS CLEAT, SECURE TO WOOD ELOCKING OFFSET FRTI,iE 4' WHERE ADJACENT WArt OCCURS UNO MEIA SIUDS ORYWAIL TYPE FRAIIE RETURN META STUD LINTEL FOR OVER 8'O'OPENING al DRYWALLTYPE FRA'I,IE RETURN - PREFINISHED GATVANIZED SHEET IVETAL PANELMETAL STUD CLIP MTL STUO CLIP SYSTEM DOORA FRAME 1 WINDOW ELEVATIONS DOOR & FRAME ELEVATIONS HM DOOR HEAD @ DRYWALL HM DOOR JAMB @ DRYWAL- 'I i4'= 1'-0"1/4'=1'{"DETAIL 1-112 = 1'-0 o.=Jll|@ MTL STUD CONT 2r4 NAILER EX|STTNG 8" Ct\.tU FULT EATT INSUL 5/8" TYPE X GYP EOARD MTL STUO CoNT 2x4 NAILER L 3$xi TYP|CAj-. COPE TO POST Y 3"0xi" PosT @ l- 4!0'o.c., MAX*12-14 X1" HEX HEAD '/V/ NEOPRENE WASHER AT 12" O.C. HORTZ CORNER TRII\,|, TYP TRIM. TYP GUY WIRE TO STACK HEAD EX}IAUST ]1.0 EYE EOLT THROUGH STEEL PIPE W NUTS EACH SIDE, WELD NUTS TO PIPE COUNTERFT.ASH ROOF MEMEMNE OVER SHEET METAL FLASI.]ING, TYP 1'INSUTATEO TEITIPERED GLASS STAINTFSSSTEEL CLAIIIPING 8AR E RECEIVER, SEAI FUIL PERIMETER SEAI,.ANT FULL PERIMETER.INT& PREFINISHED GAVANIZED SHEET Err 3/4' SOLID SURFACE WNDW STOOL, PROVIDE 3i8' RADIUS . SEE SECTION 06lOO [IETAT FLAIiHING GROUT EXISTING CMU 5/8' TYPE X GYP BOARD MOOIFIEO EIIUMEN RooFrNG oN l' covER bTO PROVIDE SITL BOARD EXJSTINGS"CMU FULL BATT INSUL EXISTING 8'CMU EXISTING INSULATION INFILT WNEW INSULATIONTOEE LEVEL W D(|STINGEXISTING CONCREIE OOUELETEE 0'SoUARE r J' SASE PTATE WELDED T0 PoST. HM WTNDOW S|LL/HEAD @ CMU ALUMINUM WINDOW SILUHEAD CUT t REMOVE EXISTING INSULATION DOWN TO EXISTINo ROOF DECK AS ANCHOR TO ROOF W(1) %"0 THROUGH EOLTS wrTH NUTS &WASHERS @ CORNERS DETAIL 1-112" = 1'4" DETAIL REOUIRED TO INSTTLEASE PTATE GREENBERC + rrrr rnrgl 3m.qmm H!l J2t t0tt :!t JoJ II & ca PLATFORM CURB /SCREEN WALL / GUY WIRE SUPPORT DETAIL DETAIL 3i4'SOLID SURFACE WNOW STOOL. PROVIDE 3/T RADIUS. sEE SECTToN 061m PLATFORM CURE AT FUME HOOD E}HAUST FAt{ & STACK HEAD EXHAUST. UTILITY CURB MODIFIED EITUIT,IEN ROOFING WITH BASE.FtASHING. EXTEND FLASHING UP ANO OVER NAITER AND ON TO FIELD OF CUT E REI\'OVE EXISTING INSUTATION OOWN TO EX'STING ROOF OECK AS FUME HOOD EXHAUST OUCTWORK, SAWCUT & REMOVE CONCRETE DOUBI.E lEE FOR NEWPENETMTION REOUIREO IO INSTALI- NAII.ERS 1-112" = 1'4' UTILITY CURB , LINE IS 2INCHES AT FULL SITF tF NOT 2' . SCATE ACCOROiTGLY) 2OO4 VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS NEW PLANT LABORATORY DOOR & WNDOW SCHEDULES & DETAILS DEN\/ER, COLORADO VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT GRIENBERG + I 'ltog 0 lEftn, [0&l!t l?r t0a! f rr J0l Ir ! ) T Ez ROOF PLAN l/8'=1'4' GENERAL NOTES: 1. EXISTING BALTASTED RooFlNG: REMoVE EXISTING EIILAST AND ROOFING AI.ID DISPOSE OF. REMOVE AtI- EXISTING REGLETS, CANTS AND EXPANSION JOINTS AT EXISTING CONCRETE ANOCMU WALTS, REMO\€ EXISTING ROOFING AT PERII'iETER OF ROOF AND WHEREVER NOT FULLYADHERED TO INSULATION, AT ROOF SIDE OF EXISTING CONCRETE PARAPET WAI.LS, REMOVE CEMENTITIOUS COATING PRIOR TO INSTATLING SHEET METAL FLA{}H ING A'.ID SEAA'IT. 2. ROOF OVER NIRIFICATION AREA REMO\G EXISTING IOPSOII- LAYER AND STOCKPILE FOR TATER REPLACEMENT ON NEW ROOFING SYS]EM. DEMOTISH ATL EXISTING VINYL LINERAI.IO EXISTING FIEER CANT PRIOR TO INSTALATION OF TAPEREO INSUTATION. CAREFULLY REliloVE FENCE FOR LATER REINSTAIIATION. EXCAVATE /\l.oNG SOUTH WALI TO THE EXTENT NECESSARY TO INSIAII NEW ROOFING SYSTEM, REPI.ACE STOCKPILEO TOPSOILON NEW ROOFING SYSTEM TOA MAXIMUM DEPTH OF 8'. REINSTALL FENCE. REGMDE DOW! TO TMILTO PROVIDE 6'IT,IINIMUI\,I COVER FOR WALI AID ROOF. REVEGETATE TOPSOII, 3. REPIACE ANY EXISTING INSULATION OROTI]ER EXISTING ROOFING COIVPONENTS OAMAGED OR REMO\€O DURING REROOFING OPERATIONS- 4 REFERT0 SECTION 02070: SELECIIVE DEMoLITION FoR SELECTIVE DEiIOLITION REOUIREO ON EXISTING ROOFS. KEY NOTES: @ extsrrnc uecnmrcAL EourpMENT oN cuRB - sEE oETArt onoGAl. @ aevove extsrtxc EourpMENT cuRB, rNFrtL wrTH rNsuLATroN To BE LEvEL WITH EXISTING INSUTATION. @ extsrtHc noor onArN - RErllovE & RErNsrArL wTH TNSTALLATToN oF NEW ROOFING SYSTEM. PROVIOE 2-O'SOUARE SUMP. @ exrsrno wooo wALKwAy - REMovE, sAVE FoR REUsE E RETNsTATL AFTER INSTALLATION OF NEW ROOFING SYSTEM @ exrsrnc wooo oEcK - REMovE. sAvE FoR REUsE & FErNsrru AFTER INSTALLATION OF NEW ROOFING SYSTEM, @ exrsrrnc :' veltr rHRouGH RooF To REMATN - sEE DETATL Fi1flr.ri, srM. @ neuove z exslrc vENTs rHRouGH RooF. @ rxrsrrHo rrrce - REMovE. sAVE FoR REUsE & RETNsTAI-L AFTER INSTALLATION OF NEW ROOFING SYSTEI\.I, @ new noor welxwAy pADs AT EXrsTrNGWooo suppoRTs, Typ -sEE OETAIL G/2OGA]. @ uvour or noor mLKwAY PADs. (, FUME H000 EXHAUST oUCTWORK E CURB ON UTNTY CURB SEE DETATL Ei r0sA3, stM. @ ruvr Hooo exHnusr FAN E srAcK HEAD D(MUsT oN prATFoRu cuRB - SEE OETAIL E/IOGA3. @ scnteH wmr. scREEN wALL posTs & GUy wRE suppoRT, Typ oF 4 - sEE DETAIL F/10S,A3. AT REMAINING POSTS OMIT GUY WIRE SUPPORT, (9 EXTENT OF r\rOorFrED BrTUr\rEN SHEET RoOFTNG SYSTEM RERooF (AREA0F EXISTING BALLAS]ED ROOFING). @ exrenr or sn+e pLy RooFrNG sysrEM RERooF (RooF ovER NtTRtFtCATt0N AREA). @ exsrwc coHcnerE EouTPMENT PAo. @ exsrrHo oucrwoRK - sEE DETATL EzoGA3. @ exsrnc sratn suppoRT, Typ. oF 3 - sEE DETAII- FzOGA3. @ exsrnc coHcneTE cRrcxET, TYP. @ newl'veu rxnoucH RooF. sEE DETATL Fi i0GA3, StM. @ cnovroe new cnrcKET Ar HGH srDE or ROOF TOP EQUIPMENT AND CURBS. TYP KEY PLAN P ./ ltl -- P t,"rr._-i'.'--.. : -"-: ..-... (9 @ ' - BELOW"' - -1 @ 31-9' | 56'-4. , LINE IS2INCHESF-----;iFUiL srzE ----------1 IF NOT 2'- SCALE ACC@ONGLY] 2OO4 VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS ROOF REPLACEMENT ROOF PLAN DEIV\/ER, COLORADO 200- A1VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT GENERAL NOTES: PARAPET DETAIL /':\DETAILH\:i ROOF DRAIN DETAIL /--;\DETAIL#\.J_-,, 1112'=1'-0, 1. EXISTING EALLASTED ROOFING: REMOVE EXISTING Bt'l-LAST ANO ROOFING AND DISPOSE OF, REi,iOVE ALL EXISTING REGIETS, CANTS AND EXPANSION JOINTS A1 EXISTING CONCRETE Al.lD CMU WALLS. REMOVE EXIS]ING ROOFING AT PERIMETER OF ROOF ANO WHERE!€R NOT FULLY ADHERED TO INSUTATION, AT ROOF SIDE OF EXISTING CONCRETE PARAPET WAILS. REMOVE CEMENTITIOUS COATING PRIOR TO INSTNIING SHEET METAI FI.ASHING AND SEAINT. 2. TTIE STANDARD DETAILS SHOW! Ot{ THIS SHEET ARE TO BE MOOIFIEOAS REOUIREO FOR EXISTING ROOF CONOITIONS AS APPROVED BY ENGINEER 3. REFERT0 SECTIoN 02070: SELECTIVE DEMOLITIoN FoR SETECTIVE DEI\,iOLITION ON EXISTING ROOFS. KEY NOTES: @ exrsrrHo coHcRerE DouBl.e TEE. @ exsrnoconcnerecncxrr. @ exslHo noor nrsunrror. @ exrsrnc z' wooo Heren. @ rxsrrNe cr,ru wrl @ exsrnc errs. @ exrsrnc mcu. @ exsrrrc colrcmn wml @ I coven eoeno. @ lloorrreo eruLreN RooFrNG wrTH BAsE FLAsHTNG, ExTEND Ft-AsHtNG UPAND OVER NAILERANO ON TO FIELD OF ROOFl'. @ r'corr. @ rew l* ercrp. rAsrEN To coNcRETE TEE wtrH I o THRouGH Bot-T PAMPET DETAIL/G\DETAILffi\_.,, 1 112"=1'4' oVERFLOW SCUPPER DETATL @ E) DETAILA\ji 1112"=1'4' DErArLc @ @ @ @ @ @ wrTH NUTS E WASHERS@4S0.C. NEW2rl0 WOOo NAILER NEW 2r10 WOOo NAILER, RIPAS i{ECESSARY TO PRoVIDE oIMENSIONS As sHowN E FASTENTo more wrn N" o rlc scnEw@ 4{'0.c. PRE.FINISHED GAIVANIZED SHEET METAL FI.ASHING WITH RECEIlTR, FASTEN To wArL wTH l0 F tTtx-zF oR EoUAL @ i6" 0.c. AND FILL RECEIVER WI]H SEAINT, EXISTING ROOF DMIN - REMoVE EXISTING RoOF DRAINi TRIM BACK EXISTING RoOF INSULATION T0 PRoVIDE 2!0' SQUARE SUMP: INSTA-L CoVER 8OARD. 3'-O'SQUARE 4* LEAD FTASHINGANO MOOIFIEO BITUMEN ROOFING SYSTEM; MODIFY ROOF ORAIN PIPINGAS REOUIREO AND REINSTALI. EXISTING ROOF DRAIN: STRIP IN BASE FLASHING TO ROOF DRAIN AT SUMP. STEET AI'IGLE, 2X WOOD NAILER ANO PRE-FINISHEO GAVAT.{IZEO SHEET META]- FLASHING RIM TO FIT BELOW WOOO DECK, REMOVE EXISTING THREShOLO TO INSTALT F|-ASHING IN FULL BED OF SEAIANT. REPLACE THRESHOTD. AND SET IN FULL BED OF SEAI.ANT. 1112"=1'4' GRTSNBIRG tT||t[l r|r& Ednllr!ttt0tt f tt t,t !t I + z PARAPET DETAIL/1\DETAILffi\_-./ 1 112'=1'{. @ seeum. @ alse usn exsTtNG scuppER pRtoR To BASE FTASHTNG REptAcEo EXISTING ROOF DRAIN. @ cur em aaovr EXsING RooF rnsurAroN Dowlr ro EXsTING ROOF DECK AS REOUIRED ]O INS]ALL NEW WOM. INFII-]- IVITH NEW INSULATION TO ALGN WITH EXISIING INSULATION. @ exsrrHc wooo oEcK - REMovE, sAvE FoR REUsE E RETNSTALL AFTER INSTALTAIION OF NEWROOFING SYSTEM, @ noortHc lr nooF DRATNS srMr-AR To oErA[ czGA2. @ neeaoxulre coNFrGUMTroN oF ExrsTrNG sctippER /-;\DETAILffi\_-/ 'l'll2'=1'S PARAPET DETAIL,/a\DETATL#\_./ DETATL @ EXTST|NG SCUPPER PARAPET DETAIL /;\DETAILG l PARAPET DETAIL 2OO4 VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS ROOF REPLACEMENT ROOF PLANS 1 DEN\/ER. COLORADO 200- A2VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT GENE L EXISTING EATLASTEo ROoFING: REMOVE EXISTING SAl,t IiT AND ROOFING AND OISPOSE OF, REMOVE ALL EXISTING REGIETS. CA TS ANO EXPANSION JOINTS AT EXISTING CONCRETE AND CMU WALLS. REMOVE EXSTING ROOFING AT PERIMETER OF ROOF AND WHEREVER NOT FUI.I-Y ADHERED TO INSULATION, AT ROOF SIOE OF EXISTING CONCRETE PAR1PET WTLS. REMOVE CEMENTITIOUS COATING PRIOR TO INSTAIING SHEET METAI FLASHING AI{O SEA,AI{T, 2. ROOF OVER NITRIFICATION AREA REMOVE EXISTINGTOPSOIL TAYERAND STOCKPILE FOR TATER REPLACEMENTON NEWROOFING SYSTEII DEI\,IOLISH ALL EXISTING VINYL LINERAND EXISTING FIBER CANT PRIORTO INSTALI.ATION OF TAPERED INSULATION. CAREFUTLY REMOVE FENCE FOR LATER REINSTATLATION. EXCAVATE AIONG SOUTH WALL TO THE EX]ENT NECESSARYTO INSTALLNEW ROOFING SYSTEM. REPLACE STOCKPIIED TOPSOIT ON NEW ROOFING SYSTEM TOAMMIMUM OEPTH OF 8'. REINSTATL FENCE. REGRADE DOWN TO TRAIT TO PROVIOE 6' MINIMUM COVER FOR WAII AI,ID ROOF. FEVEGETA'IE TOPSOII. 3,lHE STANDARD DETAITS SHOWN ON THIS SHEE] ARE TO BE MODIFIED AS REQUIRED FOR EXISTING ROOF CONDIIIONS AS APPROVEO 8Y ENGINEER, 4. REFER TO SECTION 02070:SELECTIVE DEMOLITIoN FOR SELECTIVE OEMOLITION REOUIRED AT EXISTING ROOFS, KEY NOTES: @ exrsrrnc concnerE wAt i BEAM. @ exsrne concnerE oouBLE TEE. /;\\, TAPEREo rNsuLATroN wrTH I covER 80ARo ro pRovDE l' / r',0' sropE. @ slncl elv eeolr nooFrNG MEMBRANE @ enorecrroH rmnc @ noor sannren @ ommce aonno. @ uorsrune nrrexror uer. @ exrsrno roesorr REeTAoED To MIxTMUM DEprH oF 8" As GRowtH I\,IEDIA LAYFR, @ reaurunrron aeR - ExTENo ArL LAyERs oF RooFrNG sysTEM ro rop OF GROMH MEDIAI"AYER. EXCEPT SINGLE PLY EPOII ROOFING MEMBRANE EXTEND SINGLE PTY EPDM ROOFING MEMBRANE TO 4' AEOVT IOP OF GROMH MEDIATAYEF.. @ Rne-rnrsueo clLvANrzEo sHEET r\.rETAr FLAsHTNG wrrH REcEtvER, FrLL RECEIVER WITH SEALANT AT STEEL STAIR SUPPORT MITER FLASHING CORNERS 8 WELD. @ srruess sreel TERMTNATToN BAR - EXTEND ALr- LAyERs oF ROOFING SYSTEM TO I'.0'FROMTOP OF EXISTING CONCREIE WAL. @ exsrrlc corcnETE cRrcKET. @ exsrrHc aoor rHsur.lror @ exrsrrNo zt wooo rwrrn. @ exrsrnoencLe. @ l"covEn aoARo. @ uoorrreo arruueN RooFrNG wrrH BAsE FLAT;HTNG, EXTENo FLASfING UP ANO OVERNAILER AND ON TO FIELD OF ROOF 4', @ r'cmr. @ rew zrro wooo r.rArtER. Rrp As NEcEssARy ro pRovroE LEvEL suRFAcE FoR ExpANstoN JotNt E FASTEN To ExtsTtNG AltGtE w|TH f 0 LAG scREw @ 4{'0.c. @ exemsorlonr. @ serr-runsnno l,tEoHANrcAL EeurpMENT - REMovE ANo RETNSTALL AFTER INSTALLATION OF NEW ROOFING SYSTEM. @ noor wtxwnv eAo Ar ExsrsTrNG wooD suppoRTs. @ exrsrnc wooo mlKwAy - REMovE, sAvE FoR REUsE E RETNSTAII AFTER INSTALI.A]ION OF NEW ROOFING SYSTEM. TRIM / AD'USI AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMOOATE NEW ROOF SYSTEM ]HICKNESS, S: I ,aI<l>l t- <l>l Ii- SINGLE PLY ROOFING /,-;\DETAILF \__./ 1112"=1'4" EXPANSION JOINT /';\DETAIL# \__-/ SINGLE PLY ROOFING4\ DETAIL ffiJ\,/ 11/2"=1'.0' EQUIPMENT CURB DETAIL#\-/ 1 112'=1'4' I ll:.*.:|:;r:;>qi::::*:lj*rir:*::]:*: STAIR SUPPORT /:\DETAIL#\:-./ 1112'=1'-0' DUCT PENETRATION /;\DETAILffi\=/ 1112'=1'4" GREINBERG + ttclw rnut 3m,ouru&|! =$ tll 20al :dttt Jlt 11t 6)1112'=1'4' , LINE IS2INCHES' A' FULL SIZE 2OO4 VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT IMPROVEMENTS ROOF REPLACEMENT ROOF DETAILS 2 DEN\/ER. COLORADO 200- A3VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT Project Name: Project Descriptionl Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97 0.479.2t39 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Numben DR8040300 INSTALL TWO ROOFTOP AIR CONDMONING FOR ERWSD VA]L OFFICE Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATI07|02|2004 Phone: 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITANOZO2/2o04 PhONC: 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 License: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Location: 845 FOREST ROAD Lot: d Block: Subdivisionr VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 2 210107209001 SEE CONDMONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: O7 | 1412004 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006557 THATTHE APPLICANT PAINTTHE ROOF MOUNTED CHILLER AND CONDENSERTO MATCH THE STU --t ON THE EXIfiNG BUILDING. Planner: CI^6RE SL6AI{DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 I mlnor Exterior Alteratlrs @*3 ^':'i:,ilffi,:ff 'f,:"":,',ffi:'"*T0l4I f trTfr\ly ter: e70'47e'213e.rax: e7o47s'24t RECEIVID General Information:Focr f ro* ? All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Ptanning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval Iapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Address:sq6 6t z,^J y'e,{. b Parcel No.i (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): E 1 ' Rrvrz.tt/.lrz- ( 'A6tnt f 't rzt Mailing Address: Phone: z lot o? 2a Wl Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:S^-a Mailing Address: /.1 ^(-o r t51 Koa.A Va-,( , C a E-mail Address:ille,e-t- L{t Phone:-54 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition ---X Minor.Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteraton (single-family/duplex) D Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request ax:17o -5- 72t8 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For constructlon of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Page 1 of L2104/28104 TOI{'NM MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. pages of Application is complete Checklist is completed and signed Stamped Topographic Survey*, if applicable .Ef Site and Grading Plan*, if applicable Er Landscape Plan*, if applicable .*f Architectural Elevations*, if applicable .- E Exterior color and material samples and specifications.d Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicable -E Ltghnng Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable Ay'itle repoft, including Schedules A & B to verily ownership and easements* .- EI Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.5 Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if . applicable aF Sit*specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*E The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please sabmit three (3) copies of the materials noled wilh an asterkk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed oo <-z 'Y 'r')'r{r d.\>u \<' dq. :3Jy)I +<QUt.U ,L 3t, toI II ,L d) s IJ tt L v t\'g,x) +-- t,J .\ \,) : -,F *tr \+.Js\Aa.)sa- cr>,..L o(.\- \-+ gFj! \ar z. { _J o_ F -l { LL :t nSi:*o ; ,{. )-> J --lh t H6..8a1?E EEAEz H>\ct 3e 2s (J H a2f6 42 fE 2 J E c I iurc .{ .{ =<j ijs ililit;l1i? *J- t.tt x N h$ o i.t 1 \ vl N .t'l:t $;vf-.iR+- $s 3+-rI\-{><) I 1, + 2 T u .l f, {' d €zns Location:'6 / €..JJob Name: . Purdraser SubmittedTo:Foc EReference tr Constuclion lndoor Unit: Power Supdy (all models)................115/l/60 Max. Fuse Size (ail rrodeb).............15 Amps Min. Ampadty...(09) 0.5; (12-15) 0.6; (171o.7 We($t (lb6).......MSH(B=20; MSH12-17 =31 Outdoor Unit: Power Supdy M PH I t1Z) ....... 20f}-230/ I /60 Max. Fuse Si2e............---.....'........----30 Atnps Min. Ampacity ......25 Amp6 Webht (pad<agts)............--................1 98 tns- Refrigerant Piping: Ma,( Fft. Difierence................................:J{} Ft Mar. Total Lengrth - MultiSystem.......l97 Ft Longest Single Run.......................'.......80 FL Standard Features: . Handheld wirdess renpte controller . or|e year pafts warranty . futomatb fan speed mnfd . Auto restart follorying a pdrer outagE . Hot start system pr€\rents coH at siart of heating . Mvanced Microprocessor contols . Unit shipped tully darged for entirc . Gyear compressor walranty . Qubtopentitrt . Auto s{aruAuto strop . Self dteck fundftm . INVERTER odnpressor M)G3OTN Model Gonfigurations o (2)irsHoeTw f] (1) MsHogTw + (1) MsHlzTN tr (1) MsHogTw + (1) MSH1STN tr (1) MSHo9TW + (1) MSHlfiN ! (2) MSH12TN! (s) Msr-rogrw ! (2) MSHG)TW + (1) MSHT2TN nsH09Tw TSHIzTN HSHt5Tl{ xsHlTTl{ - lnches =T\ 1J,,,, l_-3s-z/16.-i xxzro'TN rsH09Tw tsHrzTl{ tsHt5Tl{ TSH1TTN Xodal A B C trtstosrw 3?117 1Gt5/16i 7-117 MSH12TN 3$15/16' 12-5lg 7-1P. MSH15TN 3rF15/16' 12-5/tr 7-1lT MSH1TTN 3&15/16' 12-5lg 7-1121 *o"' /o*/"*r.- Typ "f x SSD llXZnIN 022$3 € rstri El€.tlc 2003 O Bubtn2[t-30/ltqy2(nt Unichiller Air-Cooled Chillers Air-Cooled Chillers for Residential and Light Commercial Heating and Cooling Markets CL:D"^ Re oQz- t{ob - Sp.dfcdqra, l.ftc., altd (rr|o.rdor| ldlad b dlrlE rl0Dln nob. O @yrhar am Udoo, tE TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement statement lnrnber: R04000614? Anounts: $250.00 o7/o2/2oo4o2:41 PM Palment !{etbod: Cbeck Init: iIS NotaElon: *32332lRflSD Permit lto: DRB0{0300 Tlpe: DRB-Itlinor Alt,Cm/ttftrlti Parcel No: 210107209001 Site Addresg: 846 FOREST RD VAIIJ Location: 846 FORB8T ROAI) Total Fees: $250.OO Thie Palrnent : $250 . 0O Tota1 AIJJ hts : $25O. OO Balance! S0.00 ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code nac^Fi rr+i..n DR OO1OOOO31i22OO DESIGN REVIEbI FEES 250.00 Current ffis ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Project DescripUon: MODIRCANON TO THE GORE CREEK IOO-YEAR FLOODPLAIN Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 06/08/2004 Phone: o/o FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) 0610eP004 Phoner 970-845-2354 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO A/lvA vRD CONSTRUCnON CO. 81620 License: CONTMCTOR VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) 06/08/2004 Phone: P.O. BOX 9s9 AVON, CO 81620 License: 115-A Project Address: 890 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: AD]ACENTTO ERWSD, 6,15 WEST FOREST ROAD Legal Description: Lot: K Block: Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB' Parcel Number: 210312109002 Comments: ,r-ffi Planning and Environmental Commission VAIL RESORTS SNOWCAT ACCESS PEC Number: PEC04O037 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Cond:8 (pLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: CON0006525 The applicant shall submit verification of US Army Corp of Engineers approval of all applicable permits to the Town of Vail Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building and grading permits. Cond: CON0006526 \ JEWTTT VIELE 6-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 06128/2004 Planner: Bill Gibson The applicant shall submit a stamped Improvement Location Certificate and "as-built' topographic survey to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to Town of Vail final construction inspection' Cond: CON0006527 The applicant shall comply with all requirements of all necessary state and federal permits and approvals' PEC Fee Paid: $400.00 ! Application for Review by the ,- F ^ * Planning and Environmental Commissiolit u h I vE' n Department of Community Development '" " il I 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the padicular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required Information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr Rezoning $1300tr Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision $650tr Exemption Plat $650tr Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000D Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (n o exterior m od ifi cations) ! londitional Use Permit $650ttr Floodplain Modification $400tr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior Alteration! Development Planfj Amendment to a DeveloDment Plantr Zoning Code AmendmentE VarianceD Sign Variance $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Description of the Request: A request for a approval to modiff the Gore Creek Floodplain with installation of snowmakinq intake structure and associated grading. Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ SuMivision: Unolatted parcel. Book 272. Page 663 Physical Address:nla Parcel No,_( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: OutdoorRecreation Name(s) of Owner(s):Town of Vail Mailing Address: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Phone: 479-2L45 Owner(s) Signature(s): Approved by Town Council Name of Applicant: Vail Resorts Develooment Comoanv c/o Braun Associates Mailing Address: 225 Main Street. Suite G-002. Edwards. Colorado 81632 Phone: 926-7575 E-mail Address:tom@braunassocl Faxt 926-7576 +tOno;3 /u ( ev: + *'t!****,*,***'t't*********,tt t********'i*************'t *{.t *'t't**t *+'t***'}'1,},},tt**+'r*****i!***:}****'t'f ****'f TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **{.* ***'}**:}* t** *** *d.*********d.****t* 't ******* **** * rt t*1.,1'* * *ld.*,}****** ****:*** **:* ** *:l****:t:l** * '}{. Statement Number: R0400059?4 Amount: $400.00 06 / Og / 2OO4O8 : 1.4 Attl Pa)ment Method: check Init: iIS Notation: #3769lBRAttN 6. ASSOCIATES Permit No: P8C040037 114)e: PEC - Generic Parcel No: 2103121090 02 Site Address: 890 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: SOUTH OF 934 S, ERONrAGE WEST Total Fees: $400.00 This Palment: $400.00 Total AIrIJ Pmts: $400 ' 00 Balance: S0. 00 ***********:r't************************{',r.*'t*****{.*,t***'1.ri****tr*******,*****{r***'}****t(*****t ***** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 400.00 *luRwrll-&-qSro Design Review Board 'lfru VttaY fi * ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,corn Project Name: ERWSD ROADSIDE EMBANKMENT Proiect Description: Request to stabilize a portion of Gore Creek bank on the south side of the creek in the vicinity of the intersection ofVail Road and Beaver Dam Road. The rock stabilization shall have plant material planted in any voids between rocks which is less Participants: owNER VArL COLOMDO MUNICIPAL BLDGO9|25{2O07 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATI0912512007 Phone: 970-476-7480 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: 362-8 CONTMCTOR EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITAI09/2512007 Phone: 970476-7480 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: 352-8 ProjectAddress: LocaUon: NORTH OF BEAVER DAM RD AT 14 BEAVER DAM Legal Description: Lot: TrB Block: Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 2 Parcel Number: 2101-072-1900-1 Comments: See Conditions DRB Number: DRB070527 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz IOI O3l20O7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pl3N): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 dap follodng the date of apprwal. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become wid one (1) year following the date of final approrral, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligendy pursued tomrd completion. Warren Campbell DRB Fe€ Paid: $25O.OO ( .-r Conceptual Review Application for Design Review IDepartment of Community DevelopmentlWi{trYr{[,I7 ztff,Xi],o'oeeRoad,Vair,cororado 81657 A td:97o.479.2r28 faxt970.479'2452 t V Generat tnformation: web: www'railg0v'com {tt? r All projects requiring design reviev{ must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please \ry refer to ne submittat requiremenB for the particulai approvat that is requested. An application for Design Review n cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community De\relopment DeparUnent. The V -poject may also need to be revievred by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. ^ | besign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within ! one year of the approval. A, ;::r#:"r";"* z Ep4r 74aa unTea r str;tnT,"'r->sk,er s ?rcd'r{'\- O nPfrovnl l QeCnnt frnof t*. ?ar>+rV ttt'Ettt<atn=f 1a,;rtl oF G*f CRFEK Gr R,tra dnTea 4 s,qnt;t,aT,",l-DtskrCT O 7F f,,)rt//4\/Al - /<> Kt(aN s lRocl 'rHL KaA->stDtz EJ.ttiA*tvxutn t tNrJr/rt ot- <so,<t: '.L-<'"-'', ta 14 T9fr!'trs4o'<aA +f=B qVA'H'€> GRt-\ -l -Er/6i^JE€*.t^/e /ErTgl ntlb -Ftn/. NADtrJ(= .-,,r,J --, Location of the Proposaf: Louflal4fglock:- subdivisioni-Jlfu:-Ulllre;-d n tH3::fffi{r*",r:S,i'(;#Br,ffi ^/:#fi{"ii-tu-t'ttrc-a ^r 6ln) ftl PhysicalAddress: r/opil oF oot4 V4vaafuu ?-r,ci> \, parcel No.: ? | o I O1 31 1OO t . (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zonins: /t/.i*u.ol Ar"^ ?eseov,^+i,^,^ AlAfl 7 Name(s) of Owner(s):.--'!- sarl; Mailing Address: tSoQ € LPH:P-N tln,L (,o Atcst Owner(s) Si gnature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:t'sr- PoAD E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addfion tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans retaining walls, etc. For revisions to Plans already Design Revieu/ Board. such as, , ft^e€08fl4 Planning Staff or the TOWN OF v,.., $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addiuon where square footage is added to any residenual or commercial building (includes 250 addiuons & interior @nversions)' $2s0 For minor changes to buildings and site - re'roofing, Painting, window retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site re-roofing, painting, window additions,i Fnissb ' oR.e For Office Use Oqly: Fee Paid: "- Check No.:-- . - BY:- ift-l J O/ DRBN..Meeting Date: / t-l I ' $20 September '17,2OO7 Subject: Boulder Slope Analysis and Geotechnical Recommendations, Vail Road Water Main Prolect, Vail, Colorado Job Number 07-6514 Mr. Jim Boyd Eagle River Water and Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Boyd, As requested, Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. (GROUND) performed slope stability analysis for the proposed boulder slope to be constructed at the Gore Creek waterline crossing adjacent to Beaver Dam Road and the Chapel Bridge for the Vail Road Water Main project located in Vail, Colorado. This report presents the result of the slope stability analysis, and provides geotechnical recommendations for the proposed conslruction. Proposed Gonstruction GROUND was provided with Wall Detail Plan, Sheet No. Cl.4, prepared by Peak Land Consuflants, lnc., dated September 14,2007, which also contained the proposed grading for the boulder slope. Based on GROUND's recommendations, the plan indicates that the proposed projec't will consist of the construction of a 1 (H) to 1 (V) boulder slope for twelve (12) vertical feet, and a 2 (H) to 1 (V) slope for four (4) vertical feet above the boulder slope, io match the existing top-of-slope. The proposed slope is being constructed in conjunction with the installation of a 12-inch water main that crosses Gore Creek. The proposed length of the boulder slope is approximately 15 feet. Anticipated Subsurface Gonditiong Based on our observations of the subsurface conditions exposed in the cut on the opposite bank of Gore Creek, laboralory data of a sample of the on-site soil, and our experience in the area, we anticipate that the on-site soil will typically consist of silty to clayey sand, with gravels, cobbles, and occasional boulders. We understand that the _ liRotII|n EN6I NEEF I N6 CONSULTFI NT5, INC 4l Inverness Drive East, Englewood, CO 80112-5412 Phone (3031 28!).19E9 Fax (303) 2E$,1686 vvww.groundeng.com Ottlce Locafions; Englowood . Commerce City Lovoland Granby Gypsum Boulder Slope Vail Road Water Main, Eagle County 1O0-year event elevation associated with Gore Creek is appfoximately 8, 145 to 8,146 feet. Slope Stabilitv Analvsis Based on the limited available geotechnical data and the provided informalion, the estimated soil parameters used in the slope stability analysis are summarized below. The slope stability analysis soil paramelers should be verified during construction. Material Type 150 tlJ 130 Global slope stability analysis was performed on a typical cross section of the boulder slope, with a total slope height of approximately 16 feel. A groundwater elevation of 8,144 feet was used in the analysis, representing the maximum anticipated elevation of seepage into the subsurface soils from a high water event. The Morgenstern-Price Method was used in the limit equilibrium analysis. A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 for global stability was used for the analysis The result of the global stability analysis is presented in Figure 1. Boulder Slope Recommendations (1) B€sed on the provided information, available_ geotechnical data, necessary assumptions, and result of the slope stability analysis, details of the boulder slope including minimum toe embedment and filter fabric are presented in Figure 2. (2) The existing underground utilities must be verified prior to the temporary slope excavation. (3) The boulder slope should be constructed to a minimum boulder base width of 5 feet, and minimum toe embedment of 1 foot. The toe protection should be evaluated by the Hydraulic or Civil Engineer. Friction Angle (degrees) Cohesion (psf) Unit Weight (pcf) 125On-Site Soil On-Site Fill Job No. 07-6514 GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc.Page 2 (4) (5) vair Road #:,:,';:i,i:E:rre county The temporary slope shall be constructed no steeper than a 1(H) to 1 (V) up to 16 feet high. Temporary excavations must comply with all OSHA Standards and Regulations Slope subgrade materials should be processed to at least 12 inches below the bottom of the boulders, and compacted to al least 95 percent of the maximum modified Proctor density (ASTM D-1557) at moisture contents within 2 percent of the oplimum. In the event that the bottom of slope excavation exposes loose, soft, or otherwise deleterious material, the material should be removed and replaced with suitable on-site soil. (7) A layer of filter fabric (Mirafi 140N or equivalent) should be placed on the excavation slope face prior to boulder placement to avoid loss of in-place embankment soil. The filter fabric should be keyed into soils at 12 inches deep at both the top and bottom of the boulder slope. (8) Boulders 5 to 6 feet in diameter should be selected and placed in the lower 6 feet of the slope. Boulders 2 to 4 feet in diameter should be placed in the upper 6 feet of the slope. Where possible, boulder placement and construction should be planned and executed to avoid damaging existing trees. (9) Placement of boulders should not exceed a 1 (H) to 1 (V) slope, and construction of the slope above the boulders should not exceed a 2 (H) to 1 (V) slope. (10) The voids between the boulders should be filled with 8 to 12 inch diameter rip-rap, with srnaller voids filled with seeded, on-site soil. (11) The boulders should be carefully stacked with a mixture of various sizes to minimize voids and provide maximum surface contact area between boulders. (12) On-site slope backfill should be free from organic or deleterious material and have a minimum friction angle of 38 degrees. lnternal friction angle of the slope backfill material should be verified prior to slope construction. (13) On-site slope backfill shall be placed in uniform loose lifts not exceeding 8 inches, and compacted to at least g5 percent of the maximum modified Proctor density (ASTM D-1557) at moisture contents within 2 percent of the optimum. (14) The temporary slope and the surrounding areas must be kept dry at all times during the construction to prevent water from affecting slope stability. In no case (6) Job No. 07-6514 GROUND Engineering Coneultants, lnc.Page 3 Boulder Slope Vail Road Water Main, Eagle County shall surface runoff be allowed to enter lhe temporary slope area, or water be allowed to pond around the slope. (15) GROUND should be scheduled to periodically observe the slope excavation, and slope construction, and periodically perform testing during the backfill placement. Closure Slope stability analysis and recommendations provided herein were developed based on the provided information, limited available geotechnical data, and necessary assumptions. Actual conditions exposed during construction may be anticipated to differ, somewhal, from those described above. lf during construction, surface, soil, bedrock, or groundwater conditions appear to be at variance with those described above, GROUND should be advised at once, so that re-evaluation of the slope stability and recommendations may be made in a timely manner. This report was prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice in Eagle County areas of Colorado at the date of preparation. GROUND makes no warranlies, either expressed or implied. as to the professional data, design or recommendations contained herein. GROUND is not responsible for the variations in the actual surface conditions, subsurface condilions. and grades at lhe site. lf you have any questions, please contacl our office. Sincerely, Ground Engineering Consultants, Inc. .,;'! / /''-" 1 ---{ 4Z-*---J-*.-+-4 Carl Henderson, P.E. Reviewed by Hsien-Hsiang (Sean) Chiang, Ph.D , P.E s$#,m ffiy,r'r# Job No. 07-6514 GROUND Engineering Consultants, Inc.Page 4 oooo oE(! -c P5a c6 =b:fi 4., =sIto6 .- &9 e FEF o Epgo i5 t8 0eel OOI'e+)lEVi/N OF VAIL\ DESiIGN REVIEN'' STAFF APPROVAI. uoDe^ol3 Ft' I T I I Iit(tt ; E I b.t 0'8f LgE Hls sl$ sl b lrl P (,z.Faxlrl s G P td o_o vl E,lrJIloo EIlrlooo.ctE,o. o|o ooI Hv, lrJo oF J c,U' =_a 5tr lrlo P ulctI fr E H v,ctI o o-{ E,o.E I(\l II@ o(o @ 8'99 t8 l*Ci'!'li Of Vitll.['.S:(;N HEVIF:W,i;TFF APPHC)VAL PROPOSED 12, WATER MAIN EXISTING TOE OF SLOPE PROPOSED BOULDER SL@E 8170 EXISTING TOP OF SLOPE 8160 8"_12" RIPRAP TO FILL IN LARGE VOIDS BETIVEEN BOULDERS. SMALLER VOIDS TO BE FILLED IN WTH NATI\E SOIL TO BE SEEDED AND PLANTED PROPOSED BOULDER SLOPE FOR 12' 8150 1'H : 1'V \ERTICAL OF SLOPE 8140 MIXruRE OF THE UPPER SLOPE 2'_4, BOULDERS 6 \ERNCAL FEET EXISTING TOE MIXruRE OF 5'-5' BOULDERS IN THE LOT'TER 6 \ERNCAL FEET. RRST BOULDER TO BE SET A 1' BELOT'V TOE OF SLOPE 8130 DATUM ELEV 8125.00 Od |f) @ SCALE: H ORIZON TAL: VERTICAL: 1" tll I : : 10' 10' rD'inrn$ DESIGN STAFF A MOPOSED SLOPE q (o tr) € z I FFJLdF r^l =)-)o+ E _J EXISTING TOP OF SLOPE NOTE: BOULDDERS TO BE PLACED AROUND AND NOT TO DAMAGAE EXISTING TREES SCALE: 1" : 10' rl Proiect Name: Project Description: Project Address: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Legal Descriptaon: Lot: Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 2 ParcelNumber: 210107209001 Comments: SEE CONDmONS T,tzr+ b TOI4'N# Pafticipants: OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATI04/05/2004 Phone: 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 License: APPUCANT EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATIO4/05/2004 PhONC: 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 License: Location: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxj. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DRB040110 REPI.ACE DOSTING EXTERIOR SINGLE SWING HOLLOW METAL DOOR WITH A DOUBLE SWING, DOOR IS LOCATED ON SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BUILDING BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of APProvalz 0410512004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to consffuction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenuy pursued toward completion. 1 | Planner: :oeSutnerO ons rtau: 325o.oo TOI44VM Application for Design Review Department of C.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: rvww.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: R::r"t-}. ce E:<<fl L.(/.r f,lL44dFt EvyeElc* '3t!tGLE -:..LltlLL-' Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block: ? Subdivision: t Physical Address: Parcef No.: /!olo'7?o4ool (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:,/--.rr=t1e<l--t f-1<p- Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s):"-?. 1-'rq LJr-f Name of Applicant: I.j-J '1=rerrpsr- Mailing Address: E-maif Address:@Faxi 4lt"- 4t>ts1 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceotual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) ff:lllg*:llmulti-fami[/com nerciat) 4 7 6 E $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or , commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). EQ. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and $20 tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 ! Separation Request No I retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans Design Review Board. P<,rt- Ru;s . For office Ui€.lpnly: _ t Fee Paid: .l o Check tto.:&ol{ 3yg 0o''(<-tSo-,.t. 1 3 already approved by Planning Staff or the a phone: 41t- _ -14tc, t iltt ,'/-o 6/l-a<-? ,*ffi I, (print name), a joint property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above.that the proposed improvements include: I further understand minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review orocess to ensure with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signatu (Date) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER Page 2 of I2lo2/o7102 IOI{N MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS u Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableD Site and Grading Plan, if applicablexo Landscape Plan, if applicable* -- $*--Rhotos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* -4_fhotos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)* -- A-Exterior color and material samples and specifications. o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed finures, if applicable o Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, draWings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a p@ect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the ntalerials noted with an asterisk (*). Topographic survey:l Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorf, Date of survev tr tr D tr North arrow and graphic bar scale Scale of 1"=10'or I"-20') Legal description and physical address Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 407o, and floodplain) Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report, List any easement restrictions. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent cf rprri,r< aL \ All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, o a a Environmental Hazards (ie. rocKall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of L2/02107/02 o o tr Watercourse setback. if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)D Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way their source to the structure. Utilities to include: CableTV Sewer GasTeleohone Water ElectricD Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:D Scale of I"=20'or largero Propety and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementstr Existing and proposed grades o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.a All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations, Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.B Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. tr A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.o Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.tr Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.D Location of landscaped areas.D Location of limits of disturbance fencingtr Location of all required parking spacesa Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure. a Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height.B Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timingr if applicable Landscape Plan:o Scale of 1" = 20' or larger u Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. tr Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.tr Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.u Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.a Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following iG installation. Page 4 of L2/02/07/02 tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: s Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of r2/021O7/02 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim ilc) Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of r2/O2/07l1z PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Quantitv Size e, PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS ENSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" C.aliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe L GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 12/02107102 APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. o UTILITY Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.5892 (tel) 974.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogaft 970.262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form are made directly on the form, the Town proceeo. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained before diooing in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Wav permit and must be obtained separatelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re- verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherurise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). 'r- . 3ul:r,t Comments '.-Q \rY., has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments will presume that there are no problems and the development can Developer's Signature 4l- 1,,+t! > | ' ) ' Date NOTES TO ALt APPUCANTS Pre-aoolication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. in many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 970.479.2t28 or jrcd1Q_uez@s-ya[4q.us Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/planninq/drb/meetings/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in 1r-tle 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Requirements for prooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Depaftment may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific geological investigation determines that the subject propefi is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affldavit recognizing the hazard repoft prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be snown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graohic bar scale. 4. North arrow. 5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7 . Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. B. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000'or larger. 9. Sheet labels and numbers, 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names of all adjacent roadways. 1-2. Plan legend. Page 9 of 1,2/02/07/02 Desiqn Review Board Meetinq Requirements For new construction and additions/ the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow, All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff,) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, sLate or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for SUch ie-publication Shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town stafF that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be fonararded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Page 10 of I2lO2l07/02 runA,m Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This chsklist must be submittd prior to Public Works review of a proposed development Owners/Project Name: Project Address: Applicant:Phone Number: Submittalr Stamped survey of property r Civil/Site plans Survev Requirements: e Surveyor's wet stamp and signatureD Date of surveyD North arrowD Proper scale (1"=10' or t"=20')D Legal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarktr Spot Elevationso Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve o o Landscape plan Title Report ( o Envi I Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris bvalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) setbacks (if applicable) Labeled easements (i.e, drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. o tr o information. Lot Sizeo o Buildable Area (excludes red haza avalanche, slopes greater than floodplain) Site Plan Reouirements: I. Access (check all)D Driveway type and flo Unheated Snow storage unheated; 10olo All driveway g Standards, p. Parking pp.12&14 IL Con on Site (check all) D of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.D Lim , and $F surface are shown on the site plan, o Heated (portion in RoW in a separate zone) shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if riveway area if heated) dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development [, Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_ and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, oI am-aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.D I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11of I2/02l07lOZ III. Drainage (check all that apply)tr The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.f, (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pano Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)D Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.D A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.B Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is Ehown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as req uested by Town Engineer)tr The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)tr The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Repoft has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply)o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. a All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade, a All disturbed areas not returned to 2:l grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans.o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)tr All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.D No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)f Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. ]Proper5ightdistancehasnotbeenattained.EXp|anationwhy:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Work Review. . Page 12 of L2102/07102 Applicants Signature oo oo oa I l.E-tr s GENERAL MtNSttUM EL. T.O. MAS OPNG. ^+\. 8'4" ABOr'E FN. FLR \7 L5x3t{ xZ (LLV) EA SIDE W%'O STUD goLT @ 32' O.C. MAX &eOI. EYaxTkx OPNG. WIOTH TR 2@8'TO ANGLE G1. SCOPE THESE NOTES ARE GENEML ANO APPLY TO IHE ENNRE PRG JECT EXCEPT W.IERE IH€RE ARE SPECIFIC INDICATIONS TO THE CONTRARY. G2. APPIJCAELE SPECFrcAT|oNS AND CODES CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDAI{CE WITH THE 1997 UNIFORM BUILOING CODE. THE ASOVE SHALL GOVERN EXCEPT WHERE OTHER APPLICABLE COOES OR TH€ FOLLOWING AX'TES ARE MORE RESTRICTIVE. ALTERNATTVE DESIGNS THE STRUCruML SYSTEMS AND DETAILS ON THESE PLANS ARE THE PRPRTTY DESIGN. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS AND OETAILS MAY BE USED IF THE CONTRACTOR SUBMITS PLANS WITH SUBSTANTIATING CACULANONS AND TEST DATA, AT.ID IF THE ALTERNATNE PLANS ARE ACCEPTEO BY THE OWNER. ALTERNATE DESIGN REVIEW SHAI-L SE PAID FOR BY THE Co|.ITRACTOR. FOUNDATION DESIGN FOUNDATION DESIGN IS BASED ON RECOMMENDATIONS OUTLINEO IN THE SUBSOIL STUDY PREPARED BY HEPVTORTH-PAWLM GEOTECHNICAL lNCj PROJECT NO. 103 101 DATED FEBRUARY 10.2003. STEEL ST1. APPLICABIE CODE STEEL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS PRESENTED IN THE LATEST EDTTPN OF AISC STEEL CONSTRUCTION MANUAL. ST2. ENCASEO STEEL STEEL COMPLETELY ENCASEO IN CONCRETE SHATI NOT SE GALVANIZED OR PAINTED ANO SHALL HAVE A CLEAN SURFACE FOR AONOING TO CONCRETE. sT3. HEADEO ANCHOR STUOS (HAS) HEADED A}ICHOR STUOS SHALL BE ATTACHEO TO STRUCTUML ELEMENTS wfTH AWELOING MACHINE APPROVEO BY THE STUO MANUFACTURER IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE MANUFACTURER'S WELDING SPECIFICATIONS. MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONCRETE PRIOR TO NEW CONSTRUCTION COI{CRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REINFORCED CO}{CRETE EXCEPT WHERE PLAIN CONCRETE IS INDICATEO ON THE DRAWINGS. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. MINIMUM TEMPEMTURE ArID SHRINKAGE STE€L SHAI BE PRO4DED IN ACCORDANCE wlTH ACI.3sO IITEST REVISION. MASS coNcRETE SHAL! 8E RETNFORCED WFli #5 @ 't5'EW MINIMUM IN ALL FACES. EXCEPT AS NOTED CHAMFERS EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE REOUIRED, EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS ANO EOGES SHALL HAVE 3/4" CHAMFERS. RE€NTMNT CORNERS SHALL NOT HAVE FILI-ETS. SCOPE THE FOLLOWING NOTES ON MOOIFICATION OF EXSTING CONCRETE ARE GENERAI- AND APPLY TO THE ENTIRE PROJECT EXCEPT WHERE THERE ARE SPECIFIC INOICATIONS TO THE CONTRARY. JOINT PREPARATION EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACES TO BE JOINEO WITH NEW CONCRETE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED AY SANDELASTING ANO COATED W]TH EPOXY BONOING COMPOUND JUST PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF NEW CONCRETE. DOWELING OOWELS SHALL BE GROUTED BY COATING THE DRILLEO HOLES AND OOWELS WITH EPOXY EONDING COMPOUND AND INSERTING THE DOWELS INTO TH€ HOLES. EPOXY GROUT SHALL SE FORCED INTO HOLES TO FILL THE VOIDS. SEE DETAIL E/S{.ANO SPECtF|CAT|ONS- GROUT EOGE CEI.I sollD (TYP.) NEW CMU OPNG.. NOT TO SCALE, (slzE PER OOOR ROUGH OPENING)LINTEL EXISTING STEPS (VERIFY) "51*"@PLAN 3/8' = 1 {' NEW CONC. STOOP w#5 @ 12'O.C., E.W.. CENTERED AT MID SLAE CONCRETE APPLICABLE CODE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EOITION OF THE ACI 3OI SPEC'FICATIONS FOR BUILOINGS. REINFORCING STEEL DETA'LS ALL OETAILING. FAERICATION. ANO ERECTION OF REINFORG ING BARS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEO SHALL BE IN ACCORD, ANCE WITH MANUAL OF STANOARO PMCTICE FOR OETAILING REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES, (ACI-315), LATEST EOtTtON. OESIGN STRENGTHS A. CONCRETE, Fc = 4OOO PSIULTIMATE COMPRESSIVE SlRESS AT 2E DAYS AND AS OTHERWSE SPECIFIED, B. REINFORCING STEEL. ASTM 4615. GR.6O, EXCEPT FOR TIES. STIRRUPS. AND EARS NOTEO ON DMWINGS TO BE FIELD BENT, WHICH SHALL BE GRADE 40. BARS TO SE WELDEO SHAIL SE GMDE 40 OR ASTM A706. CONCRETE COVER CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS }MTH MINIMUM COVER OF ONE AAR DIAMETER: A. CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARIH.3INCHES. B. CONCRETE TO BE IN CONTACT WTTH LIQUID -2INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. C. CONCRETE TO BE IN CONTACT WITH EARTH OR WEATHER 1. BARS GREATER THAN #5- 2INCHES. 2. EARS #5 0R LESS.l-12INCHES. D. CONCRETE NOT TO BE EXPOSED TO GROUND, WEATHER, OR LNUD. 1. BEAMS AND COLUMNS.1.l/2INCHES. 2. S|-ABS. WALLS. ANO JOTSTS - 1 |NCH. DOOR FMI'E DOOR & FRAME ELEVATIONS 1/4' = 1 -O' FIELD VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS ELEVATION DETATLGt NO SCALE 6'4' INSTAII SWEEP TO ELIMMI! ALI" GAPS 5'8' +---------------| 2'.1f Z-1t I+------f-----+ttl BELOW OOOR EXTEROR CENTER THRESHOI.-O 0t{ D00R FM}|E, SET IN FUI.L BED OF SEALANT, sEcuRE T0 sr.r8 HM DOOR @ CONC /;\DETAILffi\_/ NO SCALE STEEL UI{TEL. SEE B/$1 FOR ADDITIOUT RE|NF, CMU W*5 @"{8' O.C. VERT | @ EA SID€ OF DOOR JAr\rB. PRoV|DE SrD DUR4WAL @ rr o.c. HoRE EXIERIOR SEATANT @ PERIM, INT E EXT Ut STP,CP @ CMU JII'B HM FMME. GRO'T FUI! 8'CMU Fl. GENERAI- DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION ARE SHOWN FOR BIODING ONLY. F2. VERIFICATIONREOUIREO CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY INSPECT AND SURVEY EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS. ELEVATIONS. ETC. WHICH AFFECT THE WORK SHO!'I'N ON THE DRAWINGS. F3. REPORTINGOISCREPANCIES REPORT A}.IY VARIATIONS OR OISCREPANCIES TO THE OW{ER BEFORE PROCEEOING. INFO HM FMI,IE, GROI,IT FULL EXIERIOR *5 x 2.0'@ 12'O.C., TOP a SOTTOM, EPOXY INTO EXISTING CONCRETE (EMBED 6). HM DOORJAMB @ CMU D€MOLISH EXISTING MAN DOOR ANO EXPANO CMU OPENING & PROVIOE LINTEL. 6{'x 8{'x 6' IHICK CONC. SI"AB, TOP OF SLAA AT DOOR '{" BELOW FF ELEV., SLOPE Z' PER F@T. DEMOLISH EXISTING STOOP AND REPI-ACE AS SHOWN. HOLLOW METAL OOOR HOLLOW METAL DOOR FRA' E. PAINT DOOR TO MATCH EXISTING WWTP DOORS. RELOCATE EXISTING LIG!fT CENTERED OVER NEW oooR. KEY PLAN 6' HM DOOR HEAD @ CMU4\DETAIL#\:-7 NO SCALE /';\DETAILffi\_-,/ NO SCAIE I I KEYNOTES 6) oeuoltss extsrNc srEp ro suRFAcEv or rLoon sreg- o (3t (4) 6 pnovtoe rz'r tz' THTCKENED EDGE w, (z) - noonpnel *l gorroM. Typ,.3 stoEs. O enovoe *s @ rz- E.w, r & B. @ @/a\:,/ @ @ VAIL WiVTP IMPROVEMENTS SIRUCTI'RAL DOOR INSTALLATION PLAN. SECTION AND DETAILS DENVTR, COLORADO VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 6 2 GENERAL MINIMUM GROUT EDGE CELL solrD (rYP.) EL.T.O.MASOPNG. ^l\ I;TETEEVEffi-IEV: Lsx3rl xZ (LLV) EA. SIDEW%'OSTUD goLT @ 32' O.C. MAX & BOT. [./ax4{x OPNG. WIDTH TN 2@E'TO ANGLE G1. SCOPE THESE NOTES ARE GENEML AND APPLY TO THE ENTIRE PRG' JECT EXCEPT WHERE T}IERE ARE SPECIFIC INDICATIONS TO THE CONTMRY. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE EXCEPT WHERE PI.AIN CONCRETE IS T.IDICATED ON THE DMWINGS. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEO. MINIMUM TEMPEMTURE AND SHRINIqGE STEEL SI|AII BE PROVIDEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACI.3sO LATEST REVISION. MASS coNcR€TE SHALL BE RETNFORCED WITH #5 @ t5' EW MINIMUM IN ALL FACES. EXCEPT AS NOTED CHAMFERS EXCEPf AS OTHERWISE REOUIRED. EXPOSED CONCRETE CORNERS AND EDGES SHALL HAVE 3/4' CHAMFERS. RE.ENTRANT CORNERS SMLL NOT HAVE FILTETS. TOTHE CONTRARY. JOINT PREPARATION EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACES TO BE JOINED WITH NEW CONCRETE SMI-L BETHOROUGHLY CLEANEO 8Y SANDBLASTING ANO COATED W]TH EPOXI BONDING COMPOUND JUST PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF NEW CONCRETE. APPLICAELE SPECIFICATIONS AND CODES CONSTRUCTION SMLL BE IN ACCOROANCE W]TH THE 1997 UNIFORM BUILOING CODE. THE ABOVE SHALL GOVERN EXCEPT WHERE OTHER APPLICABLE CODES OR THE FOLLOWING I.IOTES ARE MORE RESTRICTNE ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS THE STRUCTUML SYSTEMS AND DETAILS ON TTIESE PLANS ARE THE PRIORITY DESIGN. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS AND DETALS MAY BE USED IF THE CONTRACTOR SUBMTTS PI,ANS WITH SUBSTANTIATING CALCULATIONS AND TEST DATA AND IF THE ALTERNATIVE PLANS ARE ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER. ALTERNATE DESIGN REVIEW SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR. FOUNDATION OESIGN FOUNDATION DESIGN IS BASEO ON RECOMMENDATITJNS OUTLINEO IN THE gUBSOIL STUDY PREPAREO BY HEPWORTH.PAWLAX GEOTECHNICAL. INC.: PROJECT NO. IO3 101 OATED FEARUARY 10.2003. ATCEI STI . APPLICABLE CODE STEEL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO SPECIFICATK'NS ANO STANDARDS PRESENTED IN THE LATES' EDITION OF AISC STEEL CONSTRUCTICN MANUAL. ST2. ENCASEO STEEL STEEL COMPLETELY ENCASEO IN CONCRETE SHALL NOT BE GALVANIZED OR PAINTED AND SHALL I|.AVE A CLEAN SURFACE FOR SONDING TO CONCRETE. sT3. HEADEO ANCHOR STUOS (HAS) HEADED ANCHOR STUDS SHALL BE ATTACHED TO STRUCTUMI- ELEMENTS WITH AWELDING MACHINE APPROVED BY THE STUD MANUFACTURER IN ACCORDANCE WTH THE MANUFACTURER'S WELDING SPECIFICATIONS. MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONCRETE PRIOR TO NEW CONSTRUCTION M1. SCOFE THE FOLLOWING NOTES ON MOOIFICATION OF EXISTING CONCRETE ARE GENEML AND EPPLY TO THE ENTIRE PROJECT EXCEPT WHERE THERE ARE SPECIFIC INDICATIONS NEW CMU OPNG.. NOT TO SCALE, (szE PER DOOR ROUGH OPENING} EXISTING STEPS (VERIFY) PLAN 3/8' = 1'-O LINTEL DETAIL NO SCALE CONCRETENEW CONC. STOOP w#5 @ 12'O.C., E.W., CENTERED AT MID SLAB ELEVATION O,:IAF@ C1, APPLICAELE COOE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE LATEST EDITION OF THE ACI 301 SPECIFICATIONS FOR BUILOINGS. C2, REINFORCING STEEL DETAILS ALL DETAILING. FABRICATION. AND ERECTION OF REINFORG ING BARS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SHALL BE IN ACCORD ANCE WTftI MANUAL OF STANDARD PMCTICE FOR DETAILING REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES. (ACI.315), LATEST EDITION. INSTAI SiWEEP TO EI.IMIMIE AI.L GAPS BELOW OOOR E$ERIOR CENTER THRESHOLD ON DOOR FMME, SET N FULL BEO OF SEALANT, SECURE TO SI,A8 DESIGN STRENGTHS A. CONCRETE. Fc = 4Oo0 PSI ULTIMATE COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 28 DAYS AND AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. B. REINFORCING STEEL, ASTM A6.15, GR.6O, EXCEPT FOR TIES, STIRRUPS, AND BARS NOT€O ON DRAWINGS TO BE FIELD 8ENT, WHICH SHAIL BE GRADE 40. SARS TO BE WELDED SHALL BE GRADE 40 OR ASIM A706. CONCRETE COVER CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS WITH MINIMUM COVER OF ONE BAR DIAMETER: A" CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARTH.3INCHES. B. CONCRETE TO BE IN COI.ITACT WITH LIQUID.2 INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEO. C. CONCRETE TO BE N CONTACT vvtTH EARTH OR WEATHER I, SARS GREATER THAN #5.2 INCHES. 2. BARS #5 0R LESS - t-1/2 |NCHES. D. CONCRETE NOT TO 8E €XPOSEO'TO GROUND. WEATHER. oR LtoutD. I. BEAMS AND COLUMNS. 'I.1/2 INCHES. 2. SLASS. WALLS. AND JOISTS - 1 INCH. HM DOOR @ CONC /;\DETAILH\-/ NO SCALE M3. DOWELING DOWELS SHALL BE GROUTED BY COATING THE ORILLED HOLES AND DOWELS WITH EPOXY BONOING COMPOUNO AND INSERTING THE DOWELS INTO THE HOLES, EPOXY GROUT SHALL BE FORCED INTO HOLES TO FILLTHE VOIDS. SEE OETAIL E/5.6.AND SPECIFICATIONS. FIELD VERIFICATION OF EXTSTING CONDITIONSDOOR FMME DOOR & FRAME ELEVATIONS 'l/4'= '1 -O- Fl. GENERAL OIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF €XISTING CONSTRUCTION ARE SHOWN FOR BIDDING ONLY. F2. VERIFICATIONREOUIRED CONTRACTOR SHAL THOROUGHLY INSPECT AND SURVEY EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS. ELEVATIONS. ETC.WHICH AFFECTTHE WORK SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. F3. REPORTINGDISCREPANCIES REPORT ANY VARIATIONS OR DISCREPANCIES TO THE OVV}IER BEFORE PROCEEDING. SEAL$T @ PERIM, INT t EXI rJL S]MP @ CMU JAIdSSTEEL LINTEI-. SEE B/$1 FOR ADOMONAL RE|NF. CMU W#5 @48'0.C. VERT & @ EA StoE OF DoOR JAllB. PRoV|DE SID oUR4WAL @ 16' o.c. HoRE EXTERI'R KEYNOTES 6) oemoltsr exsrtNc srEp ro suRFAcE - oF FLooR SLAB. (, t4l /?\\:.,,, INFO 8M tMr,rE, GROUr FULL EXIERIOR DEMOLISH EXISTING MAN DOOR AND EXPAND CMU OPENING E PROVIDE LINTEL. 6.o' x E -6' x 6" THICK CONC. SLAB, TOP OF SLAB AT DOOR," BELOW FF ELEV.. SLOPE Z' PER FOOT. OEMOLISH EXISTING STOOP AND REPLACE AS SHOWN. PROVIOE 12. x I2'THICKENED EOGE W.l {2I ADDITIONAL #4 BOTTOM. TYP.. 3 SIDES. (G) *s r z'o' g ra" o.c., Top ! BorroM, Epoxy rNro - ExtsT|NG coNcRET€ (EMBED 61. O enovtoe *s @ rz' E.w., r & B. @ nou-ow mernl oooa @ "ol.o* uerol DooR FRAME. @ eonr oooa ro MATcH ExsnNG wwTp oooRs. 6l) nelocare exsrNc LIGHT cENTERED ovER NEw - ooon. 6' HM DOOR HEAD @ CMU4\DETA]LHJ\-/ NO SCALE HM DOORJAMB @ CMU /-\DETAILE\:t / NO SCALE :10 SECTION vvPRoJEcl* - IAREA |.Y I KEY PLAN ? VAIL WWTP IMPROVEMENTS STRUCTT'RAL DOOR INSTALLATION PLAN, SEC]ION AND DETAILS DENVER, COL()R.ADO VAIL WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT 3: GENERAL G4. FOUNDATION DESIGN FOUNDATION DESIGN IS BASED ON RECOMMENDATICNS OUTLINEO IN THE SUBSOf,- STUDY PREPARED SY HEPWORTH-PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL. lNC,: PROJECT NO. 103 101 DATED FEBRUARY 10.2003. CONCRETE SCOPE THESE NOTES ARE GENERAI- AND APPLY TO THE EI.TTIRE PRG JECT EXCEPT WHERE THERE ARE SPECIFIC INDICATIONS TO THE CONTMRY. APPUCABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND COOES CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE V{ITH THE 1997 UNIFORM SUILOING CODE. THE ABOVE SHAI.L GOVERN E(CEPT WHERE OTHER APPLICABLE CODES ORTHE FOLLOWING NOTES ARE MORE RESTRICTIVE ALTERMTIVE DESIGNS THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS AND DETAILS ON THESE PLANS ARE THE PRIORTTY DESIGN. ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS AND OETAILS MAY BE USED IF THE CONTRACTOR SUBMITS PLANS WITH SUBSTANTIATING CALCULATIONS AND TEST OATA, ANO IF THE ALTERNATNE PLANS ARE ACCEPTEO BY THE OWNER. ALTERNATE DESGN REVIEW SHALL BE PAID FOR BY THE CONTRACTOR, APPLICABLE COOE CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TOTHE T.ATEST EOITION OF THE ACI 3O'1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR BUILDINGS. REINFORCING STEEL DETAILS ALL OETAILING. FABRICAIION. AND ERECTION OF REINFORC- ING BARS, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTEO SHALL BE IN ACCORD ANCE Wrr}I MANUAL OF STANDARD PRACTICE FOR DETAILING RETNFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES, (ACt-315), LATEST EDITION. DESIGN STRENGTHS A" CONCRETE. Fc = 4000 PSI ULTIMATE COMPRESSIVE STRESS AT 2E DAYS AND AS OTTIERWISE SPECIFIED. B. REINFORCING STEEL, ASTM A615, GR.@, EXCEPT FOR TIES. STIRRUPS, AND BARS NOTEO ON DRAWINGS TO BE FIELD 8ENT. WHICI] SHALL BE GRADE 40. BARS TO BE WELDED SHALL BE GRADE 40 OR ASTM 4706. CONCRETE COVER CONCRETE COVER FOR REINFORCING BARS SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS W|TH MINIMUM COVER OF ONE BAR DIAMETER: A. CONCRETE CAST AGAINST EARTH .3 INCHES, B. CONCRETE TO BE IN CONTACT WITH LIOUID -2 INCHES UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. C. CONCRETE TO BE IN CONTACT WITH EARTH OR WEATHER 1. BARS GREATER THAN #5 -2INCHES. 2. BARS #5 0R LESS - rn/2 |NCI'|ES. D. CONCRETE NOT TO BE EXPOSEDTO GROUNO. WEATHER, oR Llouto. '1. BEAMS AND COLUMNS - 1.IN NCHES. 2. SLABS. WALLS. AND JOISTS.l INCH. MINh'UM CONCRETE CONSIRUCNO$I SHALL BE REINFORCED CONCRETE EXCEPT WHERE PI.AIN CONCRETE IS }.IDICATED ON THE ORAWINGS. UNLESS OT}IERWISE NOTED, MINIMUM TEMPEMTURE N{D SHRINKAGE STEEL SHAI.T EE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE wlTTI ACI-350 IITEST REVISION. MASS coNcRETE SHALL gE RETNFORCEO WTH *5 @ t5'EW MINIMUM IN ALL FACES, EXCEPT AS NOTED CHAMFERS EXCEPT AS OTHERWSE REOUIREO. EXPOSEO CONCRETE CORNERS ANO EDGES S}|/TL HAVE 3,I' CHAMFERS. RE+}ITTRANT CORNERS SHALL NOT HAVE FILLETS. STEEL ST1 . APPLICABTE COOE STEEL CONSTRUGTION SHALL CONFORM TO SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDMDS PRESENTED IN THE LATEST EOITION OF AISC STEEL CONSTRUCTION I,IANUAL. ST2. ENGASEO STEEL STEEL COMPLETELY €NCASEO IN CONCRETE SHAI.I- NOT SE GALVANIZEO OR PAINTED AND SHALL HAV€ A CLEAN SURFACE FOR BONOING TO CONCRETE. ST3. HEAOED ANCHOR STUDS (HAS) HEAOED ANCHOR STUDS SHALL BE ATTACHEO TO STRUCTUML ELEMENTS WITH AWELDING MACHINE APPROVED BY THE STUO MANUFACTURER IN ACCORDANCE wrTH THE MANUFACTURER'S WELOING SPECIFICATIONS. MODIFICATION OF EXISTING CONCRETE PRIOR TO NEW CONSTRUCTION M1, SCOPE THE FOLLOWNG NOTES ON MODIFICATION OF EXSTING CONCRETE ARE GENERALAND APPLY TO THE ENTIRE PROJECT EXCEPT WHERE THERE ARE SPECIFIC INDICATIONS TO THE CONTRARY. M2. JOINT PREPARATION EXISTING CONCRETE SURFACES TO BE JOINED WITH NEW CONCRETE SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CLEANED BY , SANDBLASTING AND COATEO WTTH EPOXY BONDING COMPOUND JUST PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF NEW CONCRSTE. M3. DOWELING OOWELS SHALL BE GROUTED BY COATING THE DRILLEO HOLES AND OOWELS WITH EPOXY BONDING COMPOUNO AND INSERTING THE DOWELS INTO THE HOLES. EPOXY GROUT SHALL BE FORCED INTO HOLES TO FILL THE VOIDS. SEE DETAIL E,TS.6.AND SPECIFICATIONS. FIELD VERIFICATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS Lsxlt{ xi4 GLV) EA stoE W t{' o STUD BOLT @ 32',O.C. MAX &sor, n Y.xux OPNG.WIOTH EL. T.O. MAS OPNG. '\= 8'4'ABOVE FIN. FLR VGROUT EDGE CELL solrD 0YP.) 2@E' BOLT R, TO ANGLE NEW CMU OPNG.. NOT TO SCALE, (slzE PER OOOR ROUGH OPENING) t, LINTEL EXISTING STEPS (VERIFY)o":In',t@ NEW CONC. STOOP w#5 @ 12- O.C.. €.W.. CENTERED AT MIO SLAB ELEVATION ,/-;\DETATLGt NO SCALE \\--./ 6{" NSTNT SiWEEP TO ELIMINA]T AIt GAPS BELOW DOOR EXTERIOR CENIER THRESTiOI,D ON DOOR FRAME. SET IN FULL 8ED OF SEATANT, SECURE TO SI.AA DOOR FMME DOOR & FRAME ELEVATIONS l/4'= 1 .0' GENERAL DIMENSIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING CONSTRUCTION ARE SHOWN FOR BIOOING ONLY. VERIFICATION REOUIRED CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY INSPECT ANO SURVEY EXISTING CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY DIMENSIONS. ELEVATIO}.IS. ETC. VWIICH AFFECTTHE WORK SHO/VN ON TIIE DRAWINGS. REPORTING OISCREPANCIES REPORT ANY VARIATIONS OR OISCREPANCIES TO THE OW}IER BEFORE PROCEEDING. HM DOOR @ CONC4\DETAILffi\-./ NO SCALE STEEI- UNTEL SEE 8r$1 FOR ADorno A! REINF. CMU Wl*S @lS'0.C. VERI t @ EA S|DE OF oOOR JAri8. PRovlDE SID DURO.I,VAL @ 16' SEALANT @ PERIM, INT E EXT UL STMF @ CMU JAME HM DOOR JAMB @ CMU KEYNOTES O€MOLISH EXISTING STEPTO SURFACE OF FLOOR SLAB. G) oeuolrsn exsrNc MAN DooR AND - ExpAND cMU opENtNG & pRovtoE LtNtEL. 6.{)'x 8'4'x 6'THTCK CONC. SLAB, TOP OF SLAB AT DOOR 'I" BELOW FF ELEV., SLOPE Y.. PER FOOT. OEMOLISH EXISTING STOOP AND REPLACE AS SHOWN. (O pnovroe rz", rz. rHrcKENEo EoGE w (z) - eoonlorueL *l gorroM. Typ.. 3 stDEs. #5 r 2-O' @ 12" O.C.. TOP & BOTTOM. EPOXY INTO EX|ST|NG CONCRETE (EMBEO 6). PROVTDE #5 @ 12' E.W., T & B. HOLLOW METAL OOOR HOLLOW METAL OOOR FRAN4E. PAINT DOOR TO MATCH EXISTING WWTP OOORS, RELOCATE EXISTING LIGHT CENTERED OVER NEW DOOR. : i VAIL WWIP i n PRC.JE1T J,t.- - - |AREA I.I KEY PLAN ? 0.c. HoRE INFO HM FMT,|E, CROIJT FUU EXTERPR SEAI-ANT @ PERIM, |NT t EXT HM FRIME, GROW FUU ooo @ @ EXIERIOR6' HM DOOR HEAD @ CMU4\DETAILffi\-/ NO SCALE /-;\DETAILffi\:,/ NO SCALE 8'CMU SECTION SCALE:3/8'.1'{" , rlrE F 2 tNcfrEs AT FUII 8I2E F tlot z . scAlE AccoRDNcLY VAIL WWTP IMPROVEMENTS SIRUCN'RAL DOOR INSTALLATION PLAN, SECTION AND DETAILS DENVER, COLORADO **'l+ll*l+*llltll'|+:ara'al*'3*rllt|.*tl****tl*'3t*la**tl*i*lf||*lXa!t*l**l*f*llt*ltt****t't*l+**ala***l TOWNOFVAtr COIORADO Stdemcnt Statement Number: R040005556 Amount 3 $20.00 04/O5/2oo4L1:49 AII Palmene Method: Cash Init : iI8 Notation: Pemlt No3 Palcel lto: Site Addrees: Location: Thia Palment ! DRBO4011O Type: DRB-MiDor Alt,eml/I,,Iulti 210107209001 846 FOREST RD \TAII, Total Feea : Total AIr& Pmts : Bala'|ce : s20.00 $20.00 90.00 s2o. oo *a*'t*t******tt*******tt+t*a**i*a'|*t*ltl*{'**tt*{r*a*l***a'a'}tl*{.1*{r**t}r+{"1'l*a'a*,.laa*alaaa'}laa1.* ACCOI.JNT ITEMLIST: Account Code oescri pt ion Current Pnts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIII,{ FEES 20. 00 t Proiect Name: SNOWCAT ACCESS Proiect Description: Snowcat access bridge and snowmaking system improvemenb/vault (does not include snowcat access road) Parddpants: OWNER EAGLE RIVER WATER & SqNTTATII1/1?2004 DISTRICT 846 FOREST ROAD vAIt- co 81657 APPUCANT VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) OLl26l20O4 Phone: 970-845-2354 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO r/vA vRD coNsTRuc[oN @. 81620 CoNTMCTOR VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) 0L12612004 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO 81620 License: 115-A Prolect Mdress: 846 FOREST RD VAIL Locatlon: SOUTH OF 934 S. FRONTAGE WEST Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block Subdivision: EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANI Parcel Number: 2101-072-1600-1 2101-072-0000-1 2101-072-0900-1 2101-072-0900-3 2103-121-0001-0 2103-121{900-2 Comments; BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon Byr Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofAPproval= O6|O912O04 CondiUons: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 DRBNumber: DR8040015 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with ITown of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006487 The applicant must receive Planning and Environmental Commisslon approral for all grading within the 100-year Gore Creek floodplain prlor to the issuance of a building permit. Cond: C0N0@5488 Construction on Town of Vail owned property shall only occur withln the easements granted by the Vall Town Council on June 1. 2004. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Pald: $O.OO / Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 lel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Aporoval of proposed snowcat access road and bridge. Location ofthe Proposal: Lot: Tract K Block: Sub Subdivision: unolatted and Glen Lvon Physical Address: Parcel No.: 2103121090021210107200001 ( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Outdoor Rec and SDD#4 Name(s) of Owner(s): Town of Vail Mailing Address: Phone: ,' Owner(s) Signature(s): ToV Approval Granted for Application Submission. €: Name of Applicant: Vail Resorts. Inc. Mailing Address: PO Box 7. Vail, CO 81658 Phone: 926-7575 E-maif Address: dominic@braunassociates.com Fax:. 926-7576 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs - Conceptual Review \g-- wew Constructionn Addition n Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $20 $20 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. F"""';ff* I'fjy't'Check No.:,ou By:- DRBApplication Date: /- LL Planner:Project No.: f,his1,g6 Titlc lnsumncc ConPanY AL]A CO\4\'ITN4ENT Schedulc A Our Order No. VC50001019 Cust. Rcf.: 1. 2. Propcrty Addrcss: PORT]ON ]]TJLOW GORE CREEK Effective Date: \4ay 07, 2003 at 5:00 P'M' Policy to bc lssued, and Proposed Insured: htformation Binder I'roposed Insurcd: THb TOUIN OF VAIL, A COLORADO MUNIC]PAL CORPOMfiON 3. The estate or inlerest i! thc land dcscribcd or r cfcrred ro in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fec Simplc 4. Titlc to thc eslate or interest mvcrcd hcrein is at thc effcdive date hcreof vestcd in: THE TOWN OF VAIL, A COLORADO \4UNJCIPAL CORPORATION 5. The land rcfcrrcd to il this Commilmcnt is dcscribed as follows: sEE A'n ACltEl) PAGE(S) trOR LIIGAL DDSC:RIPTION Our Order No' VC50001019 LreALDECRMCN AN U}II,LATTED PARCLL OTJ ]-A]\D L)'ING WIT}JII'I TIJE NORT}IWEST I/4, NONTHWEST 1/4, SLC'J]ON 7, TOWNS]I]P 5 SOU H, RAhICE B() \\'EST OF T]JE 6TH PRINCiPAL MERIDIAN' TOWN OF VAIL. COUNTY OF BAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO, SAID UNPLATTED PARCEL BEING MORE PAITTICUI-ARI-Y DLSCRIIJE]J AS IT(JI"LO\\/S: BECINN]T,IG AT THE SOUTH\IVEST CORNEIT OF SAID NORTHWEST I/4, NORTHWEST 1/4, SECTION 7; TJ]]]NCI] N'OIITIt 83 DECREES 45 }.4INUTES 35 S!]CONDS EAST 35I.98 FEET' ALONG TI-IE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTI{WEST I/4, NORTIIWEST I/4, SECTTON 7 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNE]I OIT VAIL VILLAGE SIXTIj FILING, A SUBDIVISION, THE PLAT OF WHICH IS FILED UNDER RECLPTION NUMBER 99J80 OF THE EAGLE COUNT\', COLORADO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S RECORDS; TIJENCE TI]E FOI-LOWING TI.IREE COURSES ATONG THE WEST BOUNDARY LrNE OF SAID VAIL VILLAGE SIXTH FILING: (!) NORTH 2 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST 434.82 rEET; (2) NORTII 73 DEGIIEES '12 MINUTES 3? SECONDS EAST 66'24 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE WEST zuGI-lT OF WAY LINE OF FOREST ROAD: (3) NORTH 16 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 23 SECONDS \\IEST 192.72 FEET, ALONC THE WEST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF FOREST ROAD TO A POINT ON THE SOUTI{ BOUNDARY UNE OF VA]L VILLACE SLCOND F]LING, A SUBDI\4SION, THE PLAT OF WH]CH ]S FILED UNDER RECEPTION NU\4BER 9692S OF T}TE EAGLE COUNTY, COLOMDO, CLERK AND RECORDER'S RECORDS; TI{ENCE THE FOLLO\AING T\\'O COURSES ALONG THD SOUTH BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID VAIL VILLAGE SECOND FILING: (t) SOU'I'H 73 DEGREES 42 \{INUTES 37 SECO^*DS \ryEST 145.00 FEET, .ALONC THE SOUTIJ LINE OF LOT 3I, SAID \/AIL \IILLAGE SECOND FIUNG: (2) SOUTH 79 DEGREES 03 T,{I}{UTES 56 SECONDS \\'EST 240.93 FEET, ALONC TI{E SOUTH LINE OF TMCT C, SAID VAIL \4LLAGE SECOND FILING. TO A POINT ON THE \{EST BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST I/4. NORTHWEST I/4. SECTION 7: THET..\CE SOUTH O DEGREES 06 MINUTES 06 SECONDS \!EST 553.2i FEET, ALONG THE WEST I3OUNDARY LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST T/4, NORT}I\\TEST 1/4, SECTION 7, TO TIIE POINT OF BEGINN]NG, COUNTY OF EAGTE, STATE OF COLORr{DO' EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF SAID PROPERN' DEEDED TO T}IE VAIL WATER AND SANTTATION DISTRICT IN DEED ITECORDED SEPTEN,IBER 30, 1982 IN BOOK 340 AT PAGE 615. ALTA CON{lulT1\4ENT SchcduleB'Seclionl (Roquironcnls) Our Order No' VC50001019 l'he lbilowing arc ths roquircn)cnts to be con:pliud with: Itern (a) Paynenl to or fol thc account of the granlot's oI rrl0flgagots of lhe full consideration ibr the estale or inler esl {o be insurcd. Itcnr (b) Proper irrstrunrent (s) crealing llrc eslate or interesl 10 be insured nrusf be execuled and duly liled for record ' l0'wi1: Item (c) Paynrent of all taxcs, charges or assessn'lents levied and assessed againsl the subjecl premises whiclt arc duc and paYable. Iteru (d) Addilional requirements, if any disclosed belou': THISCOI4MITI\4EN-TISFORINFOR\'IATIONONLY'ANDNOPOLICY\^TILLBEISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COI\4 14 IT14ENT SchcduicB-Scction2 (ExocPlions)Our Ordcr No. VC5000101S 'l.hc polic;, or policies to bc issucd will contain cxccptions to rhs following unless the san:e arc disposcd of to thc satisfaclion of thc Companl': 1. Righls or clain:s of parlies in possession not shown by lltc public records' 2. Easenrcnts, or claitrs of cascntents, nol slrolvl by thc public records' 3. Discrepancies, conllicts in boundary lines, sho age in area, eucroacltnents, and any facs which a correcl survey and inspection ol lle premises v,,ould disclose a:rd u,1ic1 are not slto*'n by the public records' 4. Any lierr, or right tti a lien, for scrvices, labor or nralerial lherelolbrt or hercafter furnished, inrposed by law and not shown bY the Public records. 5. Defects, liens, cnornlbrances, adverse claints or olhcr nlatlers, ifanJ, created' fint appearing in &e public records or auching subsequenl to the effective date hercof bul prior lo the datie rhe proposed insured acquires of record for value the estalc or il)terest or rDorlgage thereon covered by this Conmiunenl ' S. Taxes or special assessnrelts 1,.,hich are not shou,n as existiug liens by 0re public records'o the Treasurer's office' 7 - Liens for unpaid t'ater ald ser"'er charges, if any.' g. In addition, lhe owner's poiicS,rvill be subjecl to tlte ort8,a8e , if any, loled in section 1 of Schedule B hereof' 10. RIGHToFPRoPR]EToRoFAVEINoRLoDEToEXTRACTANDREI\4oVEHIsoRE T}IEREFRO\4 SHOULD ]l{N SEITAi BE FOUND TO PENETMTE OR INTERSECT THE PRE\{ISES AS RESERVED IN UN]TED SiATES PATENT RECORDED \4AY 24' I9O4' IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND IN UNITED SiAigS PATENT RICORDED SEPTE\'IBER 04, T923, IIi BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. RIGHToFWAYFoRDITCIIESoRCANALScoNsTRUcTEDBYT}tEAUTHoRIT\,oFTHE ijNnnn srarss AS RESER{/ED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904' INBOOK43,ATPAGE5O3ANDRECORDEDSEPTEMBER04,lg23,INBOOK93AT PACE 98 AND JULY 13, i939 IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 617 UTILITY EASDI\4ENT AS GRANTED To ]loLY CR0SS ELECTRIC AsSoclATloN. ]NC.' IN NSSTNUUENT NI]CORDED NOVEI{BER I9, I980, tN BOOK 3I3 AT PAGE 256' ]lEsTRlcTtoNCONT^]NEDINQUITCLAIMDEEDRECoRDED]ULY25,1978INBooK272 A1'l'A(;E 663 AS I.'01,L0\\ts: UP0NTHtjl]xIltLSScoNl)l].loN,l.lJ^T]]tD}lloPDRT),BEUSEDS0LELYFoR C()Vt.)tNN|1l.N1At. ANI) Pul}l,Ic UsU Pt]llP()sljs, RUT ll.. 1)ll] I,ROPERTY SIIALL EVER BE uSliD tro* ol.ttlir.lrrnn i;ovunnN4rN'IAt. AND t'ttltllc usll I'uRPosEs rllEN THU PARTY oF ]]IE I.'IRS'J'PNRT ANI) I1'S SIIC(:ESSOIIS ANI) ASSIGNS MAY REENTER AND RIPOSSESS ltili l,lioPljlt']Y AS OF 1'lll'Jlt troltl\4LR l'lsl'n]'li' 1t 12. ALTA CO\4MITMENT SchedulcB-Scctlon2 (j:xccpl ion s)Our Ordcr No. VC50001019 Thepoticyorpolioicslobeissucdrr,il]containcxccPtionstot}refollowingunlsssthesamearedisposed ot to tb0 satisfaction of thc Company: I3.CONVEYANCjEoIIEASEMENTFR0I4THEToWNoFVAIL,AMUNICIPALCORP0MTI0NTo VAII- ASSOCIATES, INE, ; COLORADO CORPOITATION AS DDSCRIBED IN INSTRUI\'fENT RECORDEI] OCTOBER 18' ]984 IN BOOK 397 AT PAGL 4OZ. 14.TE\,IPoRARYEASE\,IENTFRoMTHET0\TNoFVAILToTHEVAILWATERANDSANITATIoN DISTRICT AS DESCRI'TD IN TNSTNUUENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15' T982 IN BOOK 345 AT PAGE 904. Chicagrr Tille Jnsurancc Conpany ALTA COMI,lIT\4 IJNT Schcdtrlc A Our Order No. VC50001020 Cust. RcL: Properl,y Address: TRACT I(, CLEN LYOI'J SUB l. Effecljvc Datc: \4ay 07, 2003 al 5:00 P'h4. 2. Policy to bc Issued, and Proposed lnsured: Inlbnuation Bindcr Proposed lnsured: THE TOWN OF VAIL, A COLOMDO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION 3. The estale or intcrcst in the land dcscribsd or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. f itle 10 the estatc or intcrcst covcred hcrcin is at the cffcaive date hereof vosted in: TIJD TOWN OF VAIL, A COLORADO \4UNICIPAL CORPORATION 5. l'hs land rcfcrrcd to in this Commitment is dcscribed as follows: TRACT K. GLEN LYON SUBDIVIS]ON, ACCORDINC TO THEAtr'ENDED RECORDED PLATTHEREOF' Rticolil)El) JULY 18, I978 IN ll0ol( 2?2 A1'PAGII 3?0, COUNTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF c0LonADo. ALTA CO\4N4]T\4ENT ScleduleB-Sec(ionl (Rcquircrnents) Our Ordcr No' VC50001020 Thc fol)orving arc tbc requircmenls to be oomplicd \'/iih: Itenr (a) paynien{ lo or lor the accounl of the gr"nto$ or mortgagon of the full consideralion for the es{ate or inlercsl lo be insured. Itcnt ft) proper instrutnenl(s) creating the estate or iuterest to be insuretl musl be executed and duly filed for record, to-$,il: Iter:: (c) payrpent of all taxes, charges or asscssnenls levicd and assessed against lhe subject premises which are due and payable. Iten (d) Additional requirenrcnls, if any disclosed belol'r: T}IIS COMMITIUENT IS FOR I}iFORT4ATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. 0. 7. 8. ALT'A CO\,IN4 ITMI]NT SchcduleB-Scclion2 (Ex<-cptions)Our Order No. VC50001020 Tirc poiicl, ('r po)jcics to bc jssucd rvjll cor-r1ain cxocptions to the jb)lorving unless the same ars disposcd of lo thc satisfaclion ot tlrc Cc'nlpany: ll. itighls or clainrs ol paltics in pcrssossirrn nr.rl shorryn by llre public lccotds' Easenrenls, or claims ol eascntenls, nol shr,'ivn lly the public rccords' Discrcpancies, conJlicts in lloundatl lincs, sboltage jn area, encroaclntcnts, and any fac(s which a correct survey and i'speciion ol thc ;;renriscs tt.ultl rlisclosc arrd u'hich are not shorvn by the public rccords. An;, )ien, or.right to a lic1, f6r services, labr-rr or narerial thcrctoforc or hercaftcr furnished, inrposed by law and not shown by the public rccords. Dciects, ljens, encunrltranccs, arjverse claints or other naltcls, if any, created, first appcaring in tfie public records or to.triug subsequcnl to thc cffcctive datc hereof bul prior tc the date the proposed insured acquires of record for lalue the estate or interesl or nrorlgage thcreon covcred by this coDnlitlnel)l- 'faxcs ,t splclal asscssn:errls rvhich are Dol sho\\l1 as existing licns b-y tie public records'o the Treasurcr's office' Liens {br unpaid rtater and ser','cr charges' if an1'.. ln addirion. the o\\uer's policy rvill bc subjcct 10 llte morlgage , if an-v. noted ia Section I of Schedule B hereof' RIG}-IT OF PROPRIETOR OF A \/EIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS OITE TI]DRI]I:RO\,I S]{OULD TIIE SA\4E BE FOUND TO PDNETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREN4ISES AS RESER\;ED IN Uh!]TED STATES PATE^*T RECOIIDED AUGUST I6. 1909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 512. RIG]IT OF WAY FO]T DII'CI.IES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORIN' OF THE UNITED STATES AS RES]JT\/ED ]N UN]TED STATES PATENT RECORDED AUGUST 16. 1909. IN I]OOK 48 AT I'AGE 542. RESTRICTIVE CO\i ENANTS. \\I]-]IC}-I DO NOT CONTAIN A TORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI-AUSE. BUT O\4IT]INC RESTII]CT]ONS, IF ANY. I]AST,D ON RACE, COLOR' RELIGION' OR NATIONAL OIIICJN, AS CONTA]NBD IN INS]'RLJMENT RECORDED APRIL 04' 1978' IN I]OOK 268 AT PACE 098 AND AS A\4ENDI]D IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUCUST 25' I9I}7, tN BOOK 468 AT PAGE 447 TITIiOUCII 4?2 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUN4ENT RBCORDEDsI]PTE\4tsERl5,l987,INBooK409ATPAGE80l,ANDASAMENDEDIN lNSllttll\4DNT IillCORl)ED \4AY 2, 1990 IN IJOOI( 528 AT PAGE ls4 I'2. IIAS]JMIJNTS, }iI.ISIiJT\/AI]oNS NN]) ]iL]S'IR]C']]ONS AS SITOWN OR RI]SERVED ON TI-ID A\rlINl)liD lili(IORI)lil) tLA'f Olr ()L,l:N l \'ON SIIIID|VISION 10. ALTA COI\4N4 ITI\4ENT Schr:dulc ll - Seclion 2 (lJxccptions)Our Ordcr No. VC50t101020 .|.hcpo]jcyorpoiicicst<lbeissuedu,i)]<nntaincxcelrtionstothcfo]lowingunlessthcsamearedisposod of 1o thc satisfaction of the Conrpany: 13.R]C].|ToF\NAYEASE}'4ENTASGRANTEDT0.]JoLYCR0SSELECTRICASS0CIATION'INC. rN INSTRUMENT lr]doi'i'ro 'a',ptttl za' l9?8 IN llool( 269 AT PAGE 277' 14.R.lGllToF\VA)IEASEN4ENTASGMNTEDToI.IOLYCROSSDLECTRICASSOCIATIoNINC.IN I]\STRUMENT RECOil;D. SA,PTEVTNEN 20' 19B3 IN I}OOK 368 AT PAGE 780' EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAiL ASSOC]ATES' IN^C,. A COLOMDO CORPORATION II..! INSTRU\4ENT RECORDED btibiilN T A' I984 IN BOOK 39? AT PAGE 401. EASE\4ENTASGRANTEDToHOI-YcRoSSELECTRICASSOCIATIoN,INc.ININSTRUI{ENT iic6iior:n ilcusr 8, 1es0 tN BooK 53s Ar PAGE 326'lu. I MNYNRAUIN ASSOC]IAII-IES, ]INC" PLANN NG ard COXYUNITY DEVELOPI'1ENT Apr1l22,2004 IvIr. George Ruther Chief of Planning Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Easement for Snow Makine Intake Dear George: As you are probably aware, Vail Resorts needs easements from the Torvn of Vail for the snowcat access and for drainage and snowmaking intake improvements along Gore Creek. While it is apparent that outstanding issues may prevent the Town from considering granting an easement for the sno*'cat access road, VR is still in need ofan easement in order to construct the new snowmaking vault and intake structure. Attached you will find an easement agreement and exhibit depicting this easement. The requested easement area is 1,404 square feet in size, within which will be located a new concrete intake structure for the mountain's snowmaking system. This improvement will replace an existing intake pipe located within Gore Creek. [n addition, storm sewer improvements (including new sand/oil separators) will be installed. The storm pipe rvill outlet within the proposed easement area. This pipe replaces an existing storm sewer pipe (to be removed) in this same area. In order to better understand proposed improvements and existing conditions, I have attached copies of approved plans for the vault and irrtake structures. The vault, lrridge and snowcat access road were previorrsly submitted as one project. As we discussed this morning, due to delays related to the snowcat access, rve will likely be separating the projects and submitting building permit applications for just the vault and drainage improvements. As such, your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide. Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated. Sincerelv.'0ffi Ed ward; Vi lageEli*ltKeunodyol 0l05 Edwa.ds Vi iage Bou evard Post Off ce Box 2658 Edwards, Colcradc 8 | 632 Ph. - 970.9267575 Fax - 970.926i57(. w"".,/,,": brau n as 50c ates.com HYD RO S PH ERE Reso u rcc O()nsultants April22,2005 Mr. Thomas Kassmel, P.E. Town of Vail, Town Engineer Public Works Department 1309 Elkhorn Dr. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Snow Cat Bridge and Snow Making Intake Hydraulic Evaluation Dear Tom: Pursuant to our telephone discussions and email correspondence, please find enclosed the final Gore Creek Floodplain Evaluation for the Glen Lyon Snow Cat Bridge and Vail Mountain Snorvmaking Intake Area. This report documents the results of our analysis of post-project floodplain impacts based upon an as-built survey of Gore Creek channel cross-sections through the area affected by the project. Based upon this hydraulic analysis, it is my opinion that the project was constructed in a manner that rvill not result in adverse floodplain impacts or adverse impacts to upstream, downstream or adjacent properties. It is my understanding that this report meets the Town of Vail's floodplain related regulatory requirements for this proj ect. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerelv. Hvdrosnhere Reso Consultants, Enclosure Bill Kennedy, Vaii Associates, Inc. I'olir'\'Ar)allVsis . Irngineerir)g . [rr)\'ir()nn)er)lill Asscssntent . lnl()tn)illior] SVSlatnls loo2 \\:alnrll, sUil(' 2oo . l]()Ul(lcr, Llolora.lo 8o:Jo2 [:.s..\. . 13o3i ,r4:] 7fl:Jo . 'lelcrl;ax (3o3) .r42-c)6 l (j f-.(). Bo-\ .1.t5 . S()('()rr(). Ne\\' Niexico 87UO I ( r.S.,.\. . (5O5) a35-2556 . -li'l('l;.lx (5O5) 835-26L)() GORE CREEK FLOODPLAIN EVALUATION GLEN LYON SNOW CAT BRIDGE AND VAIL MOUNTAIN SNOWMAKING INTAKE AREA April 13,2005 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND During the summer and fall of 2004,Vail Associates, Inc. completed construction ofthe Glen Lyon Snowcat Bridge which crosses Gore Creek about 250 feet upstream ofthe confluence of Red Sandstone Creek in Vail. The construction work associated with this project consisted of four major components: 1) removal of the existing snowmaking diversion and pumphouse; 2) construction of the snow cat bridge; 3) construction of the new snowmakiag intake and pumphouse; and 4) replacement of a stormwater oufall structure. In addition, it was necessary to remove and relocate the USGS Gag-g Station OSGS 09066:325 Gore Creek above Red Sandstone Creek at Vail, CO) because the data recorder and telemetry equipment was housed in the purnphouse. Pursuant to the requirements of the Town of Vail Plaiming and Environmental Commission @EC) and section l2-21-l0B of the Vail Town Code, Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. conducted an analysis ofpotential floodplain impacts associated with the proposed project. (See letter dated May 27,2004 from Doug Laiho to Gregg Barrie.) The Hydrosphere floodplain analysis evaluated the potential impacts of the $now cat bridge, the snowmaking intake and the stormwater outfatl facilities but did not specifically address potential impacts associated with relocation of the USGS gage (USGS 09066325 Gore Creek above Red Sandstone Creek, at Vail, CO). The purpose of this follow-up floodplain evaluation is to address potential floodplain impacts under actual as-built conditions in the strea- reach affected by the project. The prb-construction evaluation was based upon analysis of the proposed improvements using the 1978 IJF,C-2 hydraulic model that was the basis for the tlen effective Flood Insurance Study (dated November 2, 1982). This analysis indicated that onJy the snowmaking intake facility and the stormwater outfall u'ould be located wifhin the 100- year floodplain. Five new stream channel cross sections \4€re surveyed in this reach at locations that would be impacted by new facilities in order to document the pre- construction conditions. This information was used to evaluate the proposed improvements and implement design modifications for the snowmaking intake to demonstrate that there would be no be no net change in channsl geometry and therefore no change in flood elevations or velocities. The storm sewer replacement was docnmented as having no floodplain impact by producing no measurable deviation in the channel geometry. Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 '. , Gore Creek Floodplain Evaluation April 13,2005 Page 2 Removal and relocation of the gaging station was conducted under the direction of the USGS and was not expected to result in any change in the configuration of the stream channel. However, when the USGS replaced the gaging station, the rock weir that was located below the old gage was partially removed and a new rock weir was placed in the channel just upstream from the intake structure. The post-construction evaluation of floodplain impacts associated with the project focuses on the reach of Gore Creek located between the downstream side of the new Snow Cat Bridge, upstream to the downstream side of the existing TOV recreation path bridge. In order to fully evaluate the impact on flood characteristics upstream and downstream ofthe impacted reach, a longer reach ofCreek located betweenjust downstream ofthe Red Sandstone Creek confluence, upstream to 100 feet upstream of the Forest Road bridge is described in this evaluation. POST.CONSTRUCTION ANALYSIS Following the completion of project construction, an as-constnrcted survey was performed that included re-surveying the same five cross sections that were used for the pre-construction floodplain impact analysis. The results of comparison of the pre- and post-construction surveyed cross sections and photographs are summarized below. Please refer to the attached map and table for the cross section locations discussed in this narrative. o Essentially no change in channel geometry at cross sections 144.01 located downstream of the Snow Cat Bridge and formerly described as Section I and 145.02 located downstream of the TOV recreation path bridge and formerly described as Section 5. n Examination of before and after construction photographs of the area below the bridge revealed that the cross section 144.015 had been modified by removal of several large instream boulders. This effectively eliminated the old weir as a hydraulic control. o Cross section 144.02 located upstream of the Snow Cat Bridge and formerly described as Section 2,had at unexpected increase in bank slope grade on the right side only. Examination of before and after construction pictures revealed that this grade increase was likely due to bridge construction related fill and landscaping. tr Cross section 144.03 located at the snow making intake and formerly described as Section 3, revealed that the stream channel changes were constructed essentially as designed. tr Cross section 145.01 located at the storm sewer outfall and formerly described as Section 4 showed a raise in the elevations of the Gore Creek flow line Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 Gore Creek Floodplain Evaluation April 13, 2005 Page 3 grade and in the right bank grade above the storm sewer outfall. Examination ofbefore and after construction pictures revealed that a new Creek rock drop structure had been constructed immediately dou.nstream of this cross section and the presence ofadditional bank fill above the storm sewer outfall. The rock drop structure now located just upstream of the snowmaking intake was installed at the direction of the USGS in conjunction with the replacement of the gaging station. D Cross section 144.06 located at the gaging station rock drop structure and formerly described as Section 6 was subsequently surveyed to define the geometry of this new feature. The variations from expected post-project conditions described above werejudged to be minor, but warranted further investigation to evaluate potential hydraulic impacts. At the request of the Town, a hydraulic study of this reach of Gore Creek was made in order to determine more precisely the impact of the constructed project on flood levels and related flood characteristics. The basis for this study was the flood insurance study currently under for review for adoption by the Town and the associated HEC-RAS computer model files provided by the Town. HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS After receiving the background FEMA files from their contractor Michael Baker Jr., Inc. to go along with the computer files that had been earlier obtained from the Town of Vail, we were able to complete the requested hydraulic evaluation. Table I presents the 100- year flood elevations for the three hydraulic analyses, which were necessary to evaluate the impact of the project on flooding. The first column of Table I presents the flood elevations directly from the new FEMA model for their cross sections in this reach. The second column presents the flood elevations computed for this same reach using the same FEMA cross sections supplemented by the additional surveyed pre-construction cross sections, in order to more accurately define the hydraulics in this reach. The third column presents the flood elevations computed for this reach using the same FEMA cross sections supplemented by the additional post-construction surveyed cross sections. The following is a bulleted summary of the hydraulic results and the notable hydraulic impacts to this reach resulting from construction of the project. a The 100-year water surface elevations for before and after construction conditions match (within 0.01') FEMA elevations at both ends of the evaluated reach. Accordingly, no developed or developable property outside ofthis reach is subject to more extensive flooding than before the construction took place. tr Water surface changes within the construction impacted reach (at the few locations where they can be compared) are small, the same or lower than the FEMA elevations. contained within the main channel of Gore Creek and do not Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 walnu! Suile 200, Boulder, CO 80302 Gore Creek Floodplain Evaluation April 13,2005 Page 4 cause more extensive flooding of facilities along this fully developed reach of Gore Creek. The fill on the northeast side of the Snow Cat Bridge, which causes a flow acceleration through the bridge, combined with removal of the weir at the former USGS gage location results a localized and isolated 1.20' decrease in water surface elevation. The fill probably also causes the minor 0.02' increase in elevation at the snowmaking intake as head increases upstream sufficiently to allow the water to pass the minor bridge constriction. The new USGS rock weir causes alocalized and isolated upstream increase in water surf,ace elevation of berw*een 0.1 1' and 0.37' that does not impact water levels upstream ofthe TOV recreation path bridge. Most of the differences in the elevations in this reach are due to the increased precision of using more cross sections in the hydraulic analysis than are due to actual changes in physical conditions representing before and after conditions. Cross section 145 does not appear to represent any specific feature in this reach and appears to have been selected on the basis of generally representing the hydraulic conveyance. This same reach is now represented by seven cross sections, all precisely representing hydraulic features in more completely describing both before and after construction conditions and therefore render cross section 145 obsolete. To include cross section 145 in the computations without having precise knowledge of its relationship to the new, more closely spaced cross sections would likely cause mathematical instability, which could not be easily explained. Any hydraulic change caused by the fill above the storm sewer is indistinguishable from and probably negligible with respect to the USGS rock weir change immediately downstream of this same location. There is no increase in the quantity of floodwater. Water velocities are increased a small amount in places along the construction impacted reach, but do not create a measurably greater erosion threat than existed previously along the fully rock armored channel and banks of this reach. This reach of Gore Creek has essentially the same appearance and function in both the pre-construction and post-construction conditions. Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 : j , '" . Gore Creek Floodplain Evaluation April 13, 2005 Page 5 Table 1. 100-YEAR WATER SURFACE ELEVATIONS BEFORE AflD AFTER CONSTRUCTION (Elevations in feet + 8,000) FEMA Pre- Construction Conditions FEMA Pre-Conshuction Conditions WAdditional Cross-Sections Post-Construction Conditions WAdditional Cross. Sections Location FEMA Cross-Section 1 44 lmmediately Dornstream of Red Sandstone Creek Confluence 76.78c 76.78c 76.78c New Cross-Section 144.01 Downstream of Snow Cat Bridoe N/A3 80.51 80.62 New Cross-Section 1t14.015 at New Snow Cat Bridoe N/A3 80.35c 80.61 New Cross-Section 144.02 Upstream of Snow Cat Bridqe N/A3 81.67 80.47 New Cross-Section 144.03 at New Snow Makinq Intake N/A3 81.87 81.89 New Cross-Section 144.06 at New USGS Sill N/A3 N/A3 81.40 FEMA Cross-Section'145 82.44 N/A'N/A, New Cross-Section 145.01 at New Storm Sewer Outfall N/A3 82.62 82.73 New Cross-Section 145.02 Do,vnstream of Toivn of Vail Recreation Path Bridoe N/A3 82.46 82.75 FEMA Cross-Section 145. 1 Downstream Edoe of Town of Vail Recreation Path Bridqe 82.81 81.92c 82.29 FEMA Cross-Section 145.2 Upstream Edge of Town of Vail Recreation Path Bridoe 83.11 82.87 82.85 FEMA Cross-Section 145.3 Midway Between Two Pedestrian Bridqes u.70 u.uu.u FEMA Cross-Section 145.4 Do\ /nstream Edqe of Pedestrian Bridqe 4.97 u.92 84.93 FEMA Cross-Section 145.6 Upstream Edge of Pedestrian Bridqe 85.08 85.04 85.04 FEMA C ross-Section 145.7 Downstream Edqe of Forest Road Bridqe 85.07 85.02 8s.02 FEMA Cross-Section 145.9 Uostream Edoe of Forest Road Bridqe 85.52 85.49 85.49 FEMA Cross-Section 146, 10O' Upstream of Forest Road Bridge 86.54 86.53 86.53 1. now obsolete 2. no longer exists 3. did not exist C. critical depth Hydrospher€ Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 tr YD.-BqaE4E nl |' 1 :.itII't.' I . ' ' i ! :) tl I I a I I I 5 May 27,2004 Mr. Gregg Barrie Town of Vail 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Resorts Snow Cat Bridge and Snowmaking Intake Construction Dear Gregg: Vail Resorts is preparing to construct a new bridge across Gore Creek and replace their existing snowmaking intake located near the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant, just upstream from the confluence ofRed Sandstone Creek. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Revierv Board, contingent upon analysis of potential floodplain impacts and compliance with section L2-21-lOE of the Vail Town Code. The purpose of this letter is to report the resuits of our analysis of floodplain impacts and to document project design modifrcations that have been adopted to prevent increases in the quantity, depth and/or velocity of flood waters. Pursuant to our telephone discussions, our assessment of potential floodplain impacts involved an analysis of the proposed improvements using the 1978 HEC-2 hydraulic model that is the basis for the currently effective Flood Insurance Study, dated November 2, 1982. In addition, we completed a site-specihc inspection and survey of stream channel cross sections through the project area. This information was used to evaluate the proposed improvements and implement design modifications to assure that there will be no net change in channel geometry and therefore no change in flood elevations or velocity. The existing conditions information for the HEC-2 hydraulic model was obtained directly from FEMA and consisted of an undated "green bar" hard copy of the inpuVoutput summary of hydraulic calculations together with a copy of the work map of the area. We reviewed this information and used it to reconstruct the HEC-2 hydraulic model for the area where the proposed proj ect is located. The flood hydraulics for this area were based on very simple geometrically defined channel cross sections, regulatory cross sections 18.92 and 18.93, located immediately upstream and downstream of the proposed improvements. r lrrt , I rr,) -,.r:11 r' -, . l('l(.l,il': i5l). rr ii j:,-jri1 ,l'() lj()\ -l-l:j r .q(l( ()ll.(' .'\l{'\\ .\l{'\l( rJ rr,!-r,, .-.\ Mr. Gregg Barri May 27,2004 Pase2 The HEC-2 model did not include any stream channel cross sections located in the immediate vicinity of the proposed bridge and the intake structure. For the cross sections located upstream and downstream of the project area, a sub-critical flow assumption was used for the hydraulic calculations. The repeated "critical depth" computations diagnostic indicated that the mathematical model could not balance in the assumed sub- critical flow regime so the model automatically defaulted to computation of the critical depth for the assumed 10O-year flood flow rate at each cross section. The hydraulic grade line (water surface elevation) for the 100-year flood through this reach is the result ofconnecting the individual upstream and downstream point calculations ofcritical depth. The water surface profile through this reach cantherefore only be considered approximate. Our site specific survey and inspection of this stream reach revealed the existence ofa very geometric and constrained channel section with no 1O0-year overbanks and limited opportunity to mitigate channel encroachments with conveyance improvements. The approximate elevation of the hydraulic grade line of the 1O0-flood indicated by the model for the area between the proposed bridge and the new intake was 8081 .7 feet, which would be about 2 to 3 feet below the bike path to the south and about 15 feet below the parking lot to the north of the creek. The site plan showing the proposed improvements is attached to this letter as Exhibit l. The Snow Cat Bridge abutments would be located at elevations of 8086 and 8087 to the north and south of the creek respectively, which would be well above and outside of the 100-year floodplain and will have no impact on the regulatory floodplain. The proposed new intake structure and the new storm sewer outfall, both on the north side of the creek, would be located at least partially below the 100-year flood elevation and inside the mapped floodplain. The remainder of this letter therefore addresses potential impacts associated with these strucfures. Exhibit 2 illustrates stream channel cross section geometry at the proposed intake location under existing conditions and future conditions following construction. The new water intake structure was originally proposed with rectangular encroachment into the floodplain, beginning slightly below the normal water level as shown on Exhibit 2. Our initial qualitative evaluation of this structure, based upon its impact on channel geometry, concluded that it would result in an unacceptable floodplain encroachment. We therefore recornmended modifications to the design of the intake that involved moving the structure back into the streambank and changing the design to reduce the height of the structure so that it more closely conforms to the slope of the existing bank. The prqect engineers have accepted these recommendations and modified the design so that the intake will not cause a significant deviation in the geometric bank line. The shaded area on Exhibit 2 in front of the intake control gate represents a widening of the bottom ofthe stream channel by about 4.5 feet and a deepening ofthe channel edge by about 2.5 feet. The shaded area along the upper bank above the proposed intake structure shows some additional flood conveyance capacity due to widening and deepening of the channel below the 1O0-year flood level. The additional channel conveyance capacity Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 walnut Street, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 ' Mr. Gregg Barri May 27,2004 represented by these modifications will more than offset the impacts associated with the upper corner of the structure that extends about 2 feet above the existing bank. This comer of the structure would be similar to the size of existing boulders that are found in the stream and on the banks through this stream section. The Exhibit 2 cross section demonstrates that with the modified intake desigrr, the structure will not result in a significant geometric encroachment. In the absence of a reliable, precise hydraulic model, approximate conveyance computations were made to determine the change in the channel's ability to carry water at the intake cross section under existing and proposed conditions. The results of this analysis are presented on the attached conveyance curve (Exhibit 3). At the normal flow level the channel conveyance would be increased by approximately lgYo; at the level of the top of the proposed intake strucrure, conveyance would be increased by about l"/o; and at the 10O-year flood level, conveyance would increase by about 7Yo. Since the channel conveyance is actually increased, at least a small amount at all stream stages, the intake will have no significant impact on the regulatory flood elevation or velocity. Exhibit 4 illustrates the before and after stream channel cross section geometry for the proposed location of the new storm sewer outfall. This cross section demonstrates that there will be no measurable deviation in geometric bank line between the before and after conditions, and therefore no impact on the regulatory flood elevation or velocity. In conclusion, the results of our analysis of floodplain impacts indicates that, with the project design modifications described above, the proposed bridge, intake facility and storm sewer outfall structure will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and/or velocity of flood water. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in any measurable change in the floodplain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 443-7839 or dlaiho@hydrosphere.com, if you have any questions or need any additional information. Enclosures Bill Kennedy, Vail Resorts Gary Brooks, Alpine Engineering, Inc. Thomas A. Braun, Braun Associates, Inc. Sincerely, Hydrosphere Reso Ilvdrosoherc Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Walnut Street, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 ZE{"I 1il#? ft(E:iF6aT i314;' 3.q -)-J =o UII l!Flo t I = =o trJ JJ LLF l I =LL F Ol !,J lr-<?= x>"=oLnta lJ'-J ^l =fi\ E LIJ =LUa E. Fa o a o- E. o_ z =a =UJ lF 'F\d-trr\x \IIJ \ \ oi F.. \r N0tlcls \ I I I I oN3 i i I i I Lll.Y FLI' -7U TJJ --xEvt- O- in. o-'E ntrnn t- i I F a<o>(Io(L(Y>(Iflo- l I =E __J Fa; -i (on (\ ) (o t'j N Mlrul;'i I | [;?1 ltHi:;; 'fitEii so q) (\,l tr) 9a> .ufq*I <(Eir899 ti I I I I -rt'E\. t4v/ t' / i A 3 f..ai \;l \ +lol -z o a o- E(! OLrj(, fr*v=iu*o7*E t') o- (,) l l zotr O IUaa ct)o CEo tuV Fz N hmIx tU cf) Fg x UJ o (! = ,Q .c dOpe EA t- Eo cloI - ooo-o(\ r{)- F ooo |o-g o>< aJixct!ost o cooOoo-o c)zo Fo UJ(,, IIJ,AYiA<XFuzoO 6=rr<o= HE =z6ou=o<2F<z>fgIo ==6<J> IrJzz Io oorOr{ ooo- ro (olo$(")F- i\ rs F-o- o- o- o^ @@@@ (') 6t o@@@6ooooodododd O) cO F-f- t\ F-o- o_ o_ @@@ ('g) uqprel3 m;'5 uii: 4ci, $o N(\l lr) Pt> "uT'r*I<(Elrg ?,n rt; O) +O >l ilc sl$ NI :, I I I . sHpc : If.t -l@. I ol Y 9l I : I I IIII _r-/ <w--!E YO!!EY< ( I I UJo uoo 9>d:f, zotr O IUa a)ao(r O JJ LLFfo TE tU =tUa (Eot-a + bm =Xtu H}'DROSPHERE Re so u r('(' (l () rt s u I ta n1s hlr:re2,2004 Russell W. Forrest Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Vail Mountain Snowmaking Intake Dear Russ: Enclosed you will find the notification and documentation forNationwide Permit verification by the U.S Army Corps of Engineers for the proposed replacement of the snowmaking intake. Bill Kennedy told me that the discharge permit for construction dewatering has already been approved and that he will have a copy of the permit delivered to you. Please feel free to call or send email (rweaver@hvdrosphere. if you have any questions or need any additional information. Sincerely, Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. Enclosures Bill Kennedy, Wo attachment I'Oli(.\ ..\t)all\sis . l., ngit )(,('ring . BllVir()n 1( l itl .\ss('-sSl jtent . lnl, )nnilli()n S\sl('nt-s Robert M. Weaver ioo2 walnLrl. srlirc'2(x) . H[!rruJ$!un{Jiltuc6,{shali;]qb02tiviint,}strSts.lt#}dd,dtlifo&lsc8s03t2.li'i('l:irx (:lo:rr4.t2 (xjl(i l).(). tlox :f45 . Sor rinir. N'('\\' h-lcxico 878() I t .S..\ . r.-:,o5) n:15 255(i . 'li'l('l;il\ (5o5) 835-26()9 April 9, 2004 Mr. Mark Gilfillan U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 402 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, CO 81501-2563 RE: Vail Mountain Snow Cat Bridge Construction and Snowmaking Intake Reconstruction (Department of the Army Permit No. 7628) Dear Mark: Vail Resorts is preparing to construct a new bridge aqoss Gore Creek near the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant, just upstream from the confluence of Red Sandstone Creek. The purpose of this new bridge is to provide more direct access ffom the Vail Shop Yard, located at 863 S. Frontage Road, to the Vail Mountain Ski Area for snow cats and other equipment used to operate and maintain the ski area. The project also involves the removal and replacement of the water supply intake for Vail Mountain snowmaking and installation of a pumphouse. The new snowmaking intake and pumphouse will be located on north bank ofGore Creek, slightly upstream ofthe existing diversion facility. On behalf of Vail Resorts, I would like to request your authorization to proceed with the construction of this project under the applicable Nationwide Permits. This letter provides the required notification and documentation for Nationwide Permit verification including the purpose and need for this project, the manner in which the project will be carried out, and the construction best management practices to be employed to minimize water quality and riparian impacts. Applicant Vail Resorts Development Company 137 Benchmark Road P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 Bill Kennedy, Director of Land Development phone: (970) 845-2564 fax: (970) 845-2555 email: bkennedy@vailresorts.com Mr. Mark Gilfillan April09, 2004 Agent Robert M. Weaver Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. 1002 Walnut, Suite 200 Boulder. Colorado 80302 phone: (303) 443-7839 fax: (303) 442-0616 email: rweaver@hvdrosphere.com Location of Project The project is located in the Town of Vail approximately 330 feet downstream from the Forest Road bridge across Gore Creek and 370 feet upstream from the mouth of Red Sandstone Creek, as shown on the attached Location Map (Exhibit A). USGS Quadrangle: Vail West, Colo., Section 7, Township 55, Range 80W Latitude: 39' 38.463'N Longitude: 106" 23.652' W Purpose and Need for the Project Vail Resorts owns and operates the Vail Mountain Ski Area located to the south of the Town of Vail on National Forest System Land in the White River National Forest. The Vail Shop Yard, located on the north side of the South Frontage Road at the intersection of Forest Road, is the primary maintenance facility for snow cats and other equipment used to operate and maintain the ski area. Historically, access from the Vail Shop Yard to the ski area has followed Forest Road to reach the Lionshead base area and Vail Mountain. The use of this access route has become a nuisance factor for the residential area on Forest Road and has resulted in an increase in the cost ofroad maintenance. In response to these concerns, and at the request of the Town of Vail, Vail Resorts agreed to find a new access route for their maintenance equipment. The location of the proposed new snow cat bridge and the alignment ofthe new access route were identified after working with the Town of Vail to evaluate several alternative approaches. The proposed new alignment is through a light industrial area, avoiding impacts to residential neighborhoods. The Vail Town Council has directed Vail Resorts to pursue the approvals necessary to construct the bridge and access road using the proposed alignment, and the project has been approved by the Vail Planning and Environmental Commission and the Desisn Review Board. Hydrosphere Resource consultants, Inc., 1002 walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 Mr. Mark Gilfillan April 09, 2004 In conjunction with development of the snow cat bridge, the snowmaking water diversion facility will be moved to the north side of Gore Creek, approximately 100 feet upstream from the current location. The replacement of the diversion structure is needed to provide space for construction of the bndge abutment on the south side of the river and to correct operational problems with the existing diversion facility. In addition, the new structure will include a pumping station needed to convey water from the Dowds Junction snowmaking intake to the operating reservoir located on Vail Mountain. This will eliminate the need for the Lionshead Pumping Station that is currently located in a residential area. The existing Gore Creek Snowmaking intake was constructed in 1983 under Department of the Army Permit No. 7628. The water right for this structure permits the diversion of a maximum of 603 acre-feet of water per year at a diversion rate of up to 4.5 cfs for snowmaking purposes (Case No. 82CW328). The diversion structure consists of a 12 inch surface water intake pipe on the south bank of the creek, two rock weirs across the creek located above and below the intake pipe, a wet well and two pumps. Under current conditions, the flow of water through the intake and into the wet well is not sufficient to maintain a diversion rate sreater than 3.0 cfs. Description of Proposed Work The proposed work consists of four major components: 1) removal of the existing snowmaking diversion and pumphouse; 2) construction of the snow cat bridge; 3) construction of the new snowmaking intake and pumphouse; and 4) construction of storm drainage improvements. In addition, it will be necessary to remove and relocate the existing USGS Gaging Station (USGS 09066325 Gore Creek abv Red Sandstone Creek at Vail, CO). The sequence of work and construction best management practices to minimize impacts to Gore Creek are summarized below. It is important to note that the construction contractor may recommend modifications in the anticipated sequence of work and construction approach. The contractor will not be permitted to implement any modifications that would increase the impacts described in this letter without prior authorization from the Corps ofEngineers. The locations ofthe proposed facilities are shown on the attached site plan (Exhibit B). 1. The first step in the construction process will involve the removal of the existing snowmaking intake, pumphouse and adjacent retaining walls along the bike path to the east and west of the pumphouse. Silt fencing and erosion control logs will be placed above the streambank, on the north side of the bike path, thoughout the area of disturbance. Equipment access to and from the site will be routed along the bike path from Cascade Village located to the west of the site. Prior to demolition and removal of the pumphouse, all of the equipment associated with the USGS Gaging Station will be removed and stored for installation in the new pumphouse. Removal and relocation ofthe gaging station will be conducted under the direction ofthe USGS. Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 2. Mr. Mark Gilfillan April09, 2004 5. After removal of the gaging station, a large excavator, operating from the bike path will be used to accomplish the removal of the pumphouse and retaining walls. The intake pipe will be cut back into the streambank and covered with natural rock riprap. The remaining buried portion of the intake pipe will be left in place and plugged with concrete to be injected from the wet well side of the intake. The wet well will be left in place and filled with rock, dirt and concrete. A new storm drainage pipe will be installed in a trench crossing the bike path adjacent to where the south abutment of the snow cat bridge will be located, and a storm water outfall structure will be installed on the streambank above the normal high water line. lnstallation of the storm drainage pipe and outfall structure will not require any excavation in the stream below the normal high water line. Existing riprap located along the stream will be left in place to prevent erosion ofthe bank below the outfall. The next step will be excavation and installation of the bridge abutments above the north and south banks ofGore creek outside ofthe 100-year floodplain. The bridge abutment on south will be located about 40 feet south of the edge of the stream and the limit of the excavation will be outside the 100-year floodplain. The abutment on the north will be located about 20 feet from the edge of the stream and the limit of excavation will extend several feet into the 1O0-year floodplain. Silt fencing and erosion control logs will be placed between the river and the abutment excavations to intercept and filter runoff from the disturbed areas. Construction of the bridge abutments will not require any removal of dredge material from or placement of fill material within the normal high water channel of the stream. Construction of the north and south bridge abutments will proceed concurrently over a period of approximately 3O-days. The next step in the process, which may proceed concurrently with number 3 above, will be construction of the new intake facility. This will include the excavation and installation of the wet well, pumphouse and intake on the north bank of the river. The wet well and pumphouse are located entirely below grade at the edge of the existing parking lot and will require extensive excavation to the north of Gore Creek, outside of the 100 year flood plain. Construction of the pumphouse and wet well will not require any excavation within the normal high water line of Gore Creek. Silt fencing and erosion control logs will be placed between the river and the pumphouse excavation to intercept and filter runoff from the disturbed areas. The next step will be construction of the intake structure. During this phase of construction, a Water Structure@ coffer dam will be placed immediately upstream of the construction area. It will extend from the north bank of the river, diagonally across the current to approximately the center of the river and then downstream past the area to be excavated for installation of the precast concrete intake structure (as shown on Exhibit B attached). The temporary Water Structure coffer dam will divert stream flows away from the construction area to prevent the erosion and mobilization J. irt- Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 Mr. Mark Gilfillan April09, 2004 of sediment from the area where excavation will occur. The precast diversion intake structure will then be installed and connected to the wet well with two 36" pipelines. Material excavated from the streambank will be used to backfill around the diversion structure and intake pipelines. The stream channel and bank in the area around the intake will be restored to the approximate the existing contours and the bank will be armored with riprap as shown on the attached site plan. 6. In conjunction with construction of the pumphouse and intake structure, it will be necessary to replace the existing storm drainage line and outfall structure located immediately upstream of the new snowmaking intake. The existing 12" storm drainage pipe from the parking lot will be replaced with an 18" pipe and a 3,000 gallon sand and oil interceptor will be installed. The new outfall structure will be installed at the same location as the existing outfall, which is at the edge of the normal high water level. 7. The USGS Gaging station will be installed at a location 30' to 40' upstream of the new snowmaking intake structure. The recorder will be located in pumphouse. Construction of the proposed project is scheduled to begin in mid-May of 2004. Depending upon streamflow conditions, construction of the snowmaking intake facility will be initiated in mid-July, after spring runoff. It is estimated that the intake related excavation and installation work will be completed within a period of about 3-weeks. The entire project will be completed by the end of September of 2004, prior to the brown trout spawning season in Gore Creek and the Eagle River. Estimate of Quantity of Fill The placement of fill material below the normal high water line Gore Creek will be confined to the area at the new snowmaking intake and the adjacent storm drainage outfall, as shown on the attached site plan (Exhibit B). The stream channel cross section at the intake, shown on Exhibit C, illustrates the placement of the intake relative to the configuration ofthe existing stream channel. The excavation for the intake will extend along the north streambank of Gore Creek for about 18 feet. Approximately 83 cubic yards of material will be excavated below the normal high water level. After installation of the precast intake structure, cobble and clean fill material removed from the streambank will be placed around the intake to approximately match the existing slope and contour of the bank. Riprap will be placed around the intake structure to armor the streambank and protect the intake during periods of high flow. The approximate volume of fill material to be placed below the level of normal high water will consist of the following: 1) the precast intake structure vault - 31 yds'; 2) cobble and clean fill - 48 yds3; and 3)12" to 18" riprap-4yds3. Removal and replacement of the existing storm drainage outfall, located approximately 40' upstream of the intake structure, will require excavation of 4 yds'. The approximate volume of fill material to be placed below the level of normal high water will consist of the following: 1) the storm drain headwall - I yds'; and 2) cobble and riprap - 3 yds'. Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 Mr. Mark Gilfillan April09, 2004 6 Riparian lmpacts and Mitigation Riparian conditions throughout the area where the proposed project is located, have been impacted by stream channelization to accommodate the Bike Path to the south, the Bike Path Bridge and Forest Road Bridge to the east, and the wastewater treatment plant buildings and parking lot to the north (Exhibit B). There is a gas station located immediately north of Gore Creek to the west of the proposed project. Gore Creek through this area is flanked by very steep sloped banks and riprap shorelines on both sides of the stream. Along the north streambank there are spa.rse tvillows as shown on the attached photograph of the area where the proposed snowmaking intake structure would be located (Exhibit D). The north streambank has been heavily impacts by debris and runoff from the adjacent parking lot. Consffuction of the intake structure will result in the removal of the willows along approximately 25 feet of the streambank. Following construction, the riprap material on the streambank will be replaced so as to restore the existing slope and contour between the stream and the pumphouse. The impacts to the riparian area along Gore Creek will be mitigated by post-construction erosion control BMP's that will be implemented to prevent sand and other debris from the parking areas and driveways from entering the creek. This will include the installation of 2' wide by 6" vertical catch curb and gutter along the edge of the parking lot from the new snow cat bridge to the wastewater treatment plant building. The new curb and gutter will route drainage from the parking lot to a new storm water drain to be installed to the east of the new snowmaking pump vault. Storm water runoff from the barking lot will then be routed through the new sand and oil interceptor before being discharged to Gore Creek. These improvements will be beneficial to the water quality in Gore Creek and the riparian community through this area. They will also reduce the risk of contamination entering the creek from the parking area located to the east of the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant. Disposal Site for Excavated Material The excavated material will be stockpiled in the parking lot to the north of the pumphouse, well away from the river. The stockpiled material will be surrounded with straw wattles and erosion control fencing, as needed to prevent sedimentation from erosion of the stockpile. Some of the stockpiled material will be used for backfill around the bridge abutments, wet well and pumphouse. The remaining material will be removed from the site and disposed ofat an authorized upland location. Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 Mr. Mark Gilfillan April09, P 2004 e7 Name(s) of Any Endangered Species Present Table 1 provides a list of the threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species that occur or may occur in Eagle County and their status (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2003). This list includes four listed endangered fishes that are found in the Colorado River to the west of Eagle County. Table l: Threatened, Endangered, Proposed and Candidate Species in Eagle CountY Species Threatened Endangered Proposed Candidate Bald eaele, Haliaeetus Ieucocephalus x Gunnison sage-grouse, Centrocercus minimus x Yellow-billed cuckoo, Coc cyzus amertcanus x Black-footed fen et, Mustela nigripes x Canada lynx, Lynx canadensis x Bonytail. Gila elegans X Colorado pikeminnow, P tyc hoc heilus lucius X Humpback Chub, Gila cvpha X Razorback stcker, Xyrauchen t exanus x Uncompahgre fritillary butterfly, Boloria acrocnema X Boreal toad. Bufo boreas boreas x There is no suitable habitat for any of these species at the site. The proposed relocation of the snowmaking intake will not result in any changes in the amount of water diverted or consumed for snowmaking, so there will be no impact on downstream habitat for the endangered fishes. Nationwide Permit Type Needed The following Nationwide Permits are applicable to the proposed activities associated with this project: o Nationwide Permit No. 3. Maintenance - Replacement of the previously authorized snowmaking diversion facility. o Nationwide Permit No. 5. Scientific Measurement Devices - Removal and relocation of the USGS streamflow gage. o Nationwide Permit No. 7. Outfall Structures and Maintenance - Construction of the new outfall structure on the south bank of Gore Creek and replacement of the existing outfall structure on the north bank. Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, lnc., 1002 Walnut, Suite 200, Boulder, CO 80302 by: Mr. Mark Gilfillan Apri.l09,2004 o Nationwide Permit No 33. Temporary Construcfion, Access and Dewatering - Installation of the Water Structure coffer dam and dewatering of construction sites, if necessary for the bridge abutments and pumphouse and intake structure. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 443-7839 or rweaver@.h]rdrosohere.com, if you have any questions or if you need any additional information. Sincerely, Hydrosphere Resource Consultants, Inc. Robert M. Weaver Enclosures: Exhibit A: Location Map Exhibit B: Site Plan Exhibit C: Intake Structure Cross Section Exhibit D: Photograph of Gore Creek and Streambank at Intake Structure cc: Paul Fillion, Vail Resorts Bill Kennedy, Vail Resorts HydrcspherE Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Walnut, Suite 20o, Boulder, CO 80302 soON 6 : o- I ! .A 4 ). .= € X uJ o,c Yo E =o,* o-v.cl E>(oC o.9-o6rJo 6_3 (uXO.; =bI6oco coo :fi* -/]___€- z ql < c) C) J C, a :a J] 7-: rt<CCzCq, -2\",.- -;' - z; =CZa ) a LLa) z =-lF -_AYO -LlAZJ)rt<Iat6a oz lrJ l^J =(,zld lrlz o-J !lu loo , rl li' i), '/i/, //, Y\ a'! XrI] E1 .F <l>o \f ol @ A)- €'-/,s6/ uJq 0- LrjY Fz ql =Fqx Io =LJE (t) 0.) bo ac) aa (.) bo Fr m () F V) 6EZl') :9= =Ec.o llJz<V;?* o?z :E? E Z r-,rfEs ^ ii 5z*9Es *H* AU x7,F=Z6cl l!o{t :; <Ir>[ Y =z r Fz ID (,* Lz40 E-J U IE E2 zR trc zE UA 5& s c-.l oo () -a-rs (- Xr! (9z Et!trlzoz lrJ lrJzdJ 'J(J v.fon il<lto -lll € 5l- +tr|il Hl#3 +l-Lq -Jl 3 --.r 3F HI O, lrlLl o>>lr el v^o 9( cqF.ro ..Ftl . .:a HHoo:(r() + -t -J gl3 to-dll tlr lrJ ogJ0oILo 0- lrJ =J FE.LJI.E.L +6tt g3 ,Ib "lp !*--+i i33u H 2:E ; frgn-crft9 2zTEL! .( EO O- () co I =I *t h i.'P sa $: oFJ rrJ !:'r utinx =>l!c| oo lrJ rL8opH+ * 5il.jPt:6lx .t" UIX ln J UJUJ ozo .J czo f(t z. H uleo(, J,'}J 3=E.,Po2<J =s4r'Ego]tsf;l vt P,i6E lrl -oo5=t-z=t>F<u>> oo- =tt, >xO-'t., o C)aao O C) O L.ta o5 ! g tr e € € X rI] €Oa ot-{A (€(D Vg =ctcgclY\ ri b0trtr*!trdatr,?t BdoFtr&a(l) (l) *<Q (D t-ro O IlgVlsrR \ut l\ ASSoclnl-tES, l l\ c" PLANNING and COMIYUNITY DEVELOPI"IENT June 4,2004 Mr. Russ Forrest, Director Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: VR Snowcat Access/Snowmaking System Improvements Dear Russ: As you know, Vail Resort's efforts to construct a new bridge and snowcat access route also includes improvements to Vail Mountain's snowmaking system (collectively referred to as the Project). These improvements to the snormaking system include the installation of a new water intake device, pumpivault and water lines. Further, a new stormwater drain pipe will be constructed (this will replace an existing pipe in the same location), and an existing snowmaking intake pipe currently located within Gore Creek will be removed. To date the Project has been approved by the Design Review Board. This DRB approval involved review of the design of structures and site development, colors, materials and landscaping for the entire project. The Planning and Environmental Commission also reviewed the project relative to retaining walls associated with the snowcat accessway. A portion of the intake structure and the stormwater drain pipe will be located within the Gore Creek flood plain. lmprovements within the floodplain are regulated by town ordinances. This letter outlines how the proposed project complies with applicable town regul ations. Hazard Regulations - Activities within Flood Plain Improvements in the flood plain are regulated by Chapter 2I Hazard, Regulations. Section 12-21-10 A. Develooment Restricted: E. The Administrator may require anv applicant or person desirins to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other sirnilar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with Edwards Village Center; Su te C-209 0105 EdwardsVil age Boulevard Post Ofllce Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado B 632 Ph. - 97C916.7575 Fax - 91a976.1576 .,,".wv,,. bra u na ss o c ta t es. a cfi | adiacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocitv offlood waters. (Ord. 16(1983) $ l:ord. 12(i978) S 4) This section of the Hazard Regulations make three irnportant points. If a proj ect involves modifications within the floodplain an envirorunental impact statement in accordance with Chapter l2 shall be submitted. This statement is intended to establish whether or not the work will adversely affect adjacent properties or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. The Project involves modification to the flood plain. As such, the provisions of Chapter 12 are to be used to evaluate and determine whether proposed improvetnents adversely affect adjacent properties or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. It can clearly be surmised from Section 12-21-10 that improvements within the flood plain that do not adversely affect adjacent properties or increase the quantity or velocity of floodwaters shall be permitted. Chapter 12-Environmental Impact Report Town regulations stipuiate that an environmental impact report be completed for any project for which such a report is required by other town regulations (as is the case in this situation), is required by state or federal regulation or for any project which may change the environment with respect to fifteen different environmental considerations. Section 12-12-2 lists these fifteen considerations. Chapter 12 also stipulates that certain projects may be deemed exempt from requirements to submit an environmental impact report. Section 12-12-3 Exempt Projects states "an environmental impact report shall not be required for the following projects": A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements. A phase of a project for which an environmental impact report previously was submitted and reviewed covering the entire project, provided that the project was approved and not subsequently altered. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment covering each ofthe factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2 ofthis Chapter is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessment and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. (Ord. 8(1973) S 16.300) Based on Section 12-12-3, ifprojects are deenred exempt based on any ofthese three provisions, an environmer.rtal impact report is not required. B. C. The following section will demonstrate how The Project confomrs to the provisions of an exempt project and as such an environmental irnpact report is not required. Evaluation of Project The project involves two improvements, or nrodifications within the flood plain. These include the stormwater drain pipe and the intake structure for Vail Mountain's snowmaking system. The evaluation of The Project's "exempt status" involves consideration of two factors outlined in Section 12-12-3, paragraph A. pertaining to The Project being repair and maintenance of existing improvements and paragraph C. pertaining to findings of a preliminary impact statement. Paraqraph A. - Alteration of Existing Improvement The stormwater drain pipe replaces an existing stormwater pipe. The new pipe will be located in the same location as the existing pipe. As such, this portion of The Project involves the alteration, repair and maintenance of an existing structure and site improvement. The new stormwater drain pipe is clearly exempt from requirements to provide an environmental impact report. Parasraph C. - Findinss of a preliminarv impact statement This paragraph states that a project found to have an insignificant impact on the environment based on a preliminary environmental assessment covering the fifteen factors listed in Section 12-12-2 shall be exempt from requirements to provide an environmental impact report. The following is an evaluation of The Project (including both the stormwater drainage outfall and the intake structure) relative to these fifteen considerations. The provisions of Chapter 12 - Environmental Impact Report have been "prompted" by the proposed activities with the flood plain. As such, the evaluation of tl.rese l5 considerations focuses only on those aspects of The Proj ect located with the flood plain. A. Alters an ecological unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural land form feature. Response The proposed improvements within the flood plain will alter the creek bank and in doing so affect the creek and water course. An analysis of this condition has been completed by Hydrosphere Resource Consultants (see attached letter dated May 21 .,2004. This analysis concludes that the Project will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and /or velocity offlood water and that the proposed project will not result in any rneasurable change in the flood plain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. D. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. Response The proposed project is limited to the replacement of an existing stormwater drainage outfall and the installation of a new water intake structure. This structure is a concrete box that is located a short distance into the flood plain. The proposed improvements will have no significant impact on the above considerations. C. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. Response The creek bank with The Project improvements are located is very sparsely vegetated. The landscape plan proposed as an element of The Project will establish far more new vegetation than what will be altered by The Project. The Project has no significant impact to this consideration. Affects the appearance or character ofa significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. Response The proposed improvements are very limited in terms of their size. The stormwater outfall is located approximately two vertical feet above the normal water level of Gore Creek. The intake structure is located approximately two and one half feet above the normal water level. The project is located on a creek bank that has been altered in the past. The Project has no significant impact to this consideration. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. Response The report prepared by Hydrosphere (as referenced above) demonstrates that the improvements will have no adverse impact on the flood plain. No other considerations listed above are impacted by the proposed improvements. Discharges toxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. Response E. F. The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. G. Involves any process which results in odor that may be objectionabie or damaging. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. H. Requires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal site. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. I. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. J. Has the potential to strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. K. Involves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. ResDonse The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant irnpact on the considerations listed above. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. Response The elernents of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. N. Alters local traffrc patterns or causes a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. O. Is a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may involve any of the impacts listed in this Section. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 16.200) Response The Project is not a part of a larger project. This provision is not applicable. Conclusion Of the fifteen factors to be considered by a preliminary environmental report, only on is relevant to the Project - the potential affect on the flood plain and water course. As demonstrated by the Hydrosphere report, the Project will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and /or velocity of flood water. The proposed project will not result in any measurable change in the flood plain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. It is very evident that the elements of The Project located within the flood plain are exempt from requirements to provide an environmental impact report. The stormwater drain pipe is exempt because it involves the alteration of an existing improvement located within the flood plain. Both the stormwater drain pipe and the intake structure, as evidence by the preliminary environmental impact report above, will have an insignificant impact on the environment. Subject to this same finding being made by the zoning administrator, the Project is "exempt" and no environmental impact report is required. Based on the above, the improvements proposed within the flood plain can be approved administratively. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this matter. Your prompt response to this letter would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, /-'r O{ \>rrs- Thomas A. Braun Cc: Jack Hunn, JayPeterson f{ }'D tlfJ s P I-I E tt ll May 27,2004 Mr. Gregg Barrie Town of Vail 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Resorts Snow Cat Bridge and Snolvmaking Intake Construction Dear Gregg: Vail Resorts is preparing to construct a new bridge across Gore Creek and replace their existing snowmaking intake located near the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant, just upstream from the confluence ofRed Sandstone Creek. This project has been reviewed and approved by the vail Plaming and Environmental commission and the Design Review Board, contingent upon analysis of potential floodplain impacts and compliance with section l2-21-I0E of the Vail Town Code. The purpose of this letter is to report the resuits of our analysis of floodplain impacts and to document project design modifications that have been adopted to prevent increases in the quantity, depth and/or veiocity of flood waters. Pursuant to our telephone discussions, our assessment of potential floodplain impacts involved an analysis of the proposed improvements using the 1978 HEC-2 hydraulic model that is the basis for the currently effective Flood Insurance Study, dated November 2, 1982. In addition, we completed a site-specific inspection and survey of stream channel cross sections through the project area. This information was used to evaluate the proposed improvements and implement design modihcations to assure that there will be no net change in channel geometry and therefore no change in flood elevations or velocity. The existing conditions information lbr the HEC-2 hydraulic model was obtained directly from FEMA and consisted of an undated "green bar" hard copy of the input/output summary of hydraulic calculations together with a copy of the work map of the area. We reviewed tlris information and used it to reconstruct the HEC-2 hydraulic rnodel for the area where the proposed proj ect is located. The flood hydraulics for this area were based on very simple geometrically defined channel cross sections, regulatory cross sections 18.92 and 18.93, located immediately upstream and downstrearn of the proposed improvenrents. rr r . l.t rl r l' tl;,] ,qr,q:.1|,,tl . 'lrli I tlir l -, .'.1r l|- ' : ! -{-l i.r . tl,|. "l'l \l( ..:i( rr l.i,.r.l 1 I '\.\ . i:r)51 fi jii -ll,ll(r . l|1, l:;ii Ijir r.-)rS j-',j1r1 ,i Mr. Gregg Barri May 27,2004 PageZ The HEC-2 model did not include any stream channel cross sections iocated in the immediate vicinity of the proposed bridge and the intake structure. For the cross sectlons located upstream and downstream of the project area, a sub-critical flow assumption was used for the hydraulic calculations. The repeated "critical depth" computations diagnostic indicated that the mathematical model could not balance in the assumed sub- critical flow regime so the model automatically defaulted to computation of the critical depth for the assumed 1O0-year flood florv rate at each cross section. The hydraulic grud. li.r" (water surface elevation) for the 100-year flood through this reach is the result ifconnecting the individual upstream and downstream point calculations ofcritical depth. The water surface profile through this reach can therefore only be considered approxlmate. Our site specihc survey and inspection of this stream reach revealed the existence ofa very geometric and constrained channel section with no 1Oo-year overbanks and limited oppolrrnity to mitigate charmel encroachments with conveyance improvements. The "ppro*l.nut. elevati,cn of the hydraulic grade line of the I 00-flood indicated by the model foi the area between the proposed bridge and the new intake was 8081.7 feet, which would be about 2 to 3 feet below the bike path to the south and about 15 feet below the parking lot to the north of the creek. The site plan showing the proposed improvements is attached to this letter as Exhibit 1. The Snow Cat Bridge abutments would be located at elevations of 8086 and 8087 to the north and south of the creek respectively, which would be well above and outside of the 1Oo-year floodplain and will have no impact on the regulatory floodplain. The proposed new intake structure and the new storm sewer outfail, both or-r the north side of the creek, rvould be located at least partially below the 10O-year flood elevation and inside the mapped floodplain. The remainder of this letter therefore addresses poter.rtial impacts associated with these structures. Exhibit 2 iilustrates strearn chaunel cross section geometry at the proposed intake location under existing conditions and future conditions following construction' The new water intake structure was originally proposed with rectangular encroachment into the floodplain, beginning slightly below the normal water level as shown on Exhibit 2. Our initiai qualitative evaluation of this structure, based upon its impact on channel geometry, concluded that it would result in an unacceptable floodplain encroachment' We therefore recommended modifications to the design of the intake that involved moving the structure back into the streambank and changing the design to reduce the height ofthe structure so that it more closely confomrs to the slope of the existing bank. The project engineers have accepted these recommendations and modified the design so that ihe intake will not cause a signihcant deviation in the geometric bank line' The shaded area on Exhibit 2 i1 frolt of the intake control gate represents a widening of the bottom of the stream chamel by about 4.5 feet and a deepening of the channel edge by about 2.5 feet. The shaded area along the upper bank above the proposed intake structure shows some additional flood conveyance capacity due to widening and deepening of the chamel below the 1Q0-year flood level. The additional channel conveyance capacity llydrospherc llesource Consullants, Inc ' 1002 walnut Strcel, Suile 200, Boulder, (lO 80302 t\,,f. r.t,and Flor.ri ];[nv ?.7 2OO4rvll. \Jr tr85 -D4l r r Paee 3 -.-....=- represented by these morilifrcations will more than offset the impacts associated with the upper comer of the structure that extends about 2 feet above the existing bank' This comer of the structure would be similar to the size of existing boulders that are found in the stream and on the banks through this stream section. The Exhibit 2 cross section demonstrates that with the modified intake design, the structure will not result in a significant geometric encroachment. In the absence of a reliable, precise hydraulic model, approximate conveyance computations were made to determinL the change in the channel's ability to carry water at the intake cross section under existing and proposed conditions. The resuits ofthis analysis are presented on the attached conveyance curve (Exhibit 3). At the normal flow level the channel conveyance would be increased by approximately lgVo; at the level of the top of the proposed intake structure, conveyance would be increased by about l%o; and at the 100-year flood level, conveyance would increase by about 7To. Since the channel conveyance is actually increased, at least a small amount at all stream stages, the intake will have no significant impact on the regulatory flood elevation or velocity. Exhibit 4 illustrates the before and after stream channel cross section geometry for the proposed location of the new storm sewer outfall. This cross section dernonstrates that there will be no measurable deviation in geometric bank line between the before and after conditions, and therefore no irnpact on the regulatory flood elevation or velocity. In conclusion, the results of our analysis of floodplain impacts indicates that, with the project design modifications described above, the proposed bridge, intake facility and Itor- s.*.r outfall structure will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and/or velocity of flood water. Therefore, the proposed project wili not result in any measurable change in the floodplain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 443-7839 or dlaiho@hydrosphere.com, if you have any questions or need any additional information Enclosures Bill Kennedy, Vail Resorts Gary Brooks, Alpine Engineering, lnc. Thomas A. Braun, Braun Associates, Inc. Sincerely, Hydrosphere Consultants, Inc. as R. Laiho. P.E. Ilydrosphcrc Resource Consultants, Inc., 1002 Wahrut Slrcct, Suilc 200, Boulder, UO 80302 ITT:.8 nffi;i ,dtflia€5{Hl;;*\i: C P tlt3qa' ds lz(<\J\o-ru Utt_ j-H6 TIl+\',F \mt- :c iI\x \ru \ \ i i ' NOrlC ).J =o LIJ J L!F l u LIJ =LIa E Fa O o o_ E o_ \\\ii\ol\ t-,.rJ iF<,1 ?= , i ; \J (l /_\ .'i aa=<\ ,- -=(J(Jnq \ Hff-i \ oQ-- , { atJxt F3 )1\1-----ll-! I \ I \ LIJ.Y F t,IJ -'J. o l.r ' ^v.. o-'E.0_ E LJJ =f|-Il< u') =! t-\ =<,i;\t"'1'--1 0< lzu- I a2/ ="{ tJ, I,I I \ I \i \i =9 :6 I (_) \ i I I /t l SECTION 3 o')\\il111- Il\l ilrir--jj t belql '._, i nnnn ) o_F I UJfa<o> o- x o_ vl =I ilml;'i uhuiii 4fii:l sooN ro 9t> .,7 "r *I<EF899 '--,L'l\. )f3uc llil i I !i\-< rJo E (n -- L;;?; LLL er.ro)&Nl. $.'(J><i3 z)^ oF .i @ lrJJ (L F olrla (I u o- , LrJu --J --1<',tr a<tEFFo4a ! zotro tUa a CNott C) tuv Fz C\I hmTX |.U O)(o z frv{ z Ttrul h- T I =E) trJt-a o @r') N ) (o ri N o)9 fr+'iYulLil (Y) F !o Ixul u; o= ,9s =FXNTbt- o o o I u)c{ oou.- c!N oN ()- F- u) t o oxo --.: oC\I o troo(, A rr) FJ oczI () UJow,AY;A<XF&z()(!}tzo=lJ.<.n= E=t-2 6ou=(J<z1-<z>f 99z-. 6<J>ulzz Io oo trt oro- c\I (olr)t(oF- i- F* F-o_ o- o- o_@cococo (f)No @@co@ooooco@coco oooodd<t ('g) uo;prra;3 o)@F-t- F F- iixi*'iii;; l[fi''il;ii ,{iltlilisii $o t\C\ K) 9e> .uf 'l*I<ttrh- 8Pq r.) O O-) +O O|r) + Or!J -i,r<o&=o-(Jooz<(Y O rrjO-(JI IIIII'tIEFr=joII .\ Eoo &z O- L! oFo (n<=?*< oaLt<(I zotr O lUa a(t)ottr O JJ tLFfo ff |.U =LUa (EoFa + b mIxtu IE,\III18]RAULN,ASSOC IIAIIIES, II N C. PLANT.IING a.d COYI"lUNITY DEVE:CFI"1ENT June 7, 2004 Mr. Russ Forrest, Director Department of Comrnunity Developrnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Modifications within Flood Plain/VR Snowmaking System Dear Russ: As you know, Vail Resort's snowcat access/snowmaking improvement project involves a number of cornponents. Three aspects of the project involve activity and/or improvements within the 100-year flood plain. These include the removal of an existing snowmaking water intake pipe, the construction of a new water intake structure and the replacement of an existing stormwater drain pipe. Chapter 6 of the Town's Development Standards Handbook regulates "grading" within the flood plain. This chapter of the Handbook requires submittal of an environmental impact report and requires Planning Commission approval for any grading within the flood plain. This letter provides a description of proposed modifications to the flood plain and an environmental report addressing proposed rnodifi cations. Description of Proposed Modifications Tluee activities/modifications within the flood plain are proposed: Existir.rg Snowmakine Intake Pipe The snorvmaking system's existing intake pipe is located within Gore Creek. This pipe extends above the creek bed from which point it extends underground to the pump vault on the south side of Gore Creek. The exposed portion of pipe will be cut back to the creek bed and covered with river rock. The remaining portion of pipe will be filled with concrete. Replacernent of Existins Stormwater Drain Pipe An existing 12" storm drain outfalls into the creek immediately west and south of the ERWSD treatment plant. This pipe will be replaced (in the same location) by a 12" pipe and an 18" pipe. This improven.rent will also include a 3,000 gallon sand/oil interceptor. These pipes will daylight from a new concrete headwall. LowardsVi lage Cenler Suite C-209 0I 05 Fdwards Vlllage Boulevard Post Ofllce Box 2658 EciwarCs, Coloraco 8 l 6J? t h. - 910.976.157 5 Fax 910.926.7 57 6 www braunassoclates.com New Snorvmaking Intake Structure The neu, intake structure is a concrete box approximately l0' rvide and 3' tall (as measured from "normal water level". Two 36" pipes will extend (underground) fronr this box to the snowmaking vault. The box is bencl.red into the south side of the creek bank. Low boulder wing walls will be located at either side of the box. This grading into the creek bank will essentially "lo1ver" the creek bed and in doing so rvill ailow the water to reac}t the intake. A temporary coffer darn will be installed during construction in order to divert water away from the construction site. The bridge abutments, the snowmaking vault and other components of the project are located outside of the flood plain. As such, these specific elements of the project are not addressed by the environmental impact report. Environmental Impact Repirrt Irr lieu of utilizing Chapter 12-Environmental lmpact Reports of the Zoning Regulations, Chapter 6 ofthe Handbook stipulates the environmental considerations to be addressed for any proposed grading within the flood plain. These include the following: Vegetation The creek bank in this area has been impacted over the years. Existing vegetation is sparse, consisting primarily of willows and various weeds. The steep slope of the stream bank, graveVcobble soil conditions and uncontrolled run-offfrom the adjoining parking iot have limited the ability of vegetation to take hold along the bank. The landscape plan (this plan has been approved by the Design Review Board), proposed for this project includes additional plantings in this area. In addition, the curb and drainage improvements to the parking area will route runoff from the parking lot away from the creek bank. Riparian Areas Riparian conditions throughout the area ofthe entire project have been impacted by stream channelization to accommodate the bike path (to the south), the bike path bridge, the parking lot and the waste water plant. Riparian habitat immediately surrounding the proposed improvements is not adversely impacted. The landscape plan (this plan has been approved by the Design Review Board), proposed for this project includes additional plantings in this area. In addition, the curb and drainage improvements to the parking area will route runoff from the parking lot away from tl.re creek bank. Over time these measures will benefit the riparian community. Hydraulic Calculations The proposed intprovements within the flood plain will alter the creek bank and in doing so affect the creek and water course. An analysis of this condition has been completed by Hydrosphere Resource Consultants (see attached letter dated May 27,2004. This analysis concludes that neither the intake structure or the storm drain pipe will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and /or velocity of flood water and that the proposed project will not result in any measurable change in the flood plain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Other information provided with this application includes an application form, filing fee, adjacent property owners list and envelopes, and design drawings. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this application. Sincerely, --'\ (-)/ \ rw-\"---- Thomas A. Braun Jack Hunn Jay Peterson Encl. Cc: l tr \'D Ii i) ti ir ll l-.li Ii May 27,2004 Mr. Gregg Barrie Town of Vail 1309 Elkhoni Drive Vdl, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Resorts Snotv Cat Bridge aud Snownraking Lltake Construction Dear Gregg: Vail Resofls is prepar-ing to construct a tlerv bridge across Gore Creek and replace their existing snotvmaking intake located near tile Vail Wasleu'ater Treatment Plant- jusL upstreanr from the conflueuce ofRed Sandslone Creek. This project has beeri revierved and approved by the Vail Plamring and Environmentai Conrtnission and the Design Review Board, contingent upon analysis of potential floodplain impacts and cornpliance with section I 2-21 - 1 0E of tbe Vail Torvn Code. The purpose of this letter is to reporl the results ofour analysis of floodplain irnpacts and to docutnent project design rnodificatiols that have beel adopted to prevent increases in the quantity, depth and/or velocity of flood waters. pursuant to our telephone discussrons: our assessnent ofpotential floodplain inrpacts involved an analysis ofrlre proposed intprovenrents using the 1978 HEC-Z hydlaulic r-podel that is the basis for the currently effective Flood insurance Study, dated November 2,1982. lrr additiop, we completed a site-specific inspectiorr and survey of streanr cJrasnel cross sections througlr the projecl area. This infonlalion was used to evaluate the proposed improvenrents and inrplenrenl design modifications to assurc thal tlrere rvill be no net cltauge i1 clrannel geon'letry and therefore no changc in flood elevatiotis or velocity. The existing colditiols infonrration for the HEC-2 hydraulic lDodel was obtained dircctly front FEMA and coDsisted of an undated "green bar" hard copy of the inpuUoutput suplt'tary of hydraulic calculations together with a copy of tlrc work nrap of the area. We revicwcd tlris inforrtration and used it to rccorrstruct tlre HEC-2 hydraulic nrodel for the area u,here thc proposed projcct is locateci. Thc flood hydraulics for tlris arca rvere bascd ol.l very sintple geonretrically defined chauncl cross sectiotts, rcgulalory cross scctiotts 18.92 and 18.93, localed inrnrediatcly ullstream and downstrcant ofthe proposcd inrproventents. 'l l( r')-.. 1.ll trt. il\ | i.r lj' I lili' Irzlr. Gr-egg Bani May 21,2004 Page2 The IJEC-2 model drd nol include aliy stream channel cross seclions located in tlie imnediate vicinity o{'the proposed Uiiage and the intake structur e' For the cross secttotts located upstr-eanr a1d downslr'eani of t|e proj ect area, a sub-critical flow assumptiol'l was used for ihe hydraulic calculations. The repeated "critical de'th" contputatrons diagDostic indicated thaL the matlteDtalical irrodel could rlot balance in the assunred sub- critical florv regime so the Illodel autoniaticaliy defauiled to computation of the critical depth for tire assunred 10o-year flood florv rale at each cross section' The lrydraulic g.ud" lin. (water surface eilvation) for the 100-year flood through this reach is the result If connecting the individual upslream and downstrealn point calculatiors of critical depth. The riater surface profil" through tliis reach can therefore only be considered approxullate. our site specific sun,ey and inspection of this strearn reach revealed the existence of a very geollletric and constrained charurel section rvith tio 100-year ov erbaulcs alid limited opioiuniri, to mitigate charuel encroaclulents u,ith conveyance improvements. The approximate elevation of the hydraulic grade line oi tlie I 00-flood indicated by ti.re nrodel for the area belu,een the proposed bridg-e and tire new intake was 8081'7 feet, whicll would be about 2 to 3 feet bllorv the bike path to tlie south and about l5 feet belor'r' the parking ]ot to the rroflh o|tlie creek. The sire plan showing t,lre proposed itrrprol'etrtcnts is attached to this letter as Exhibit I ' The Sno$, Cat Bridge abutmeuts would be located at eievations of 8086 and 8087 to the ltoftll aud south of the creek respectively, u4iich rvould be r'r'ell abol'e and outside of the 100-y,e31 floodplain a'd u'ill hai,e 'o iurpacl on tire regulatoryr floodplain' The proposed nerv rtrtake structule alrd the l]ew stol-nl sewer outlall, both on the north side of the creek' u,ould be located at least parlially belou, the 100-year flood elevaljon and irlside the Drapped fioodplain, The ren.rainder- of tliis letter therefore addresses poteiltial lllpacts associated u'itir these structures' Exl.ribit 2 illustrates sheanr charurel cross section geor'r'letU at tile proposed intake location urrder existing conditior.rs and future conditions follorving cot$tnrction' Tlre nerv rvater intake structure u'as originally proposed witb rectangulal encroachlent into the floodplain, begi*ing stigrrtyi:etori, the nonial rvater level as s1o*n o' Exhibit 2. our i,ritiai quaiitarive evaluat|r., of tl',it structure, based upon its impact otr chaunel geonretry' cotrcluded that it would result in atl unacceptabie floodplain etlcroaclutent we therelorc recomnrended 'rodifications to tlte design of the intake tirat invoived moving the structure back into the strearlbank and changing the desigr to reduce.the height ofthe structure so that it tl]ot"c closely confourrs to the slolle of ilre existing barrk' Tlre project errginecr"s havc accepted tlrese teconlntendatjons and modified the dcsign so tlrat tlre ir.rtake u,ill Do1 cause a signrficant deviation in the geomeLric bank ljnc Tlre shaded area ou Exhibrl 2 in fi'ont of the intake conlrol gatc represellts a rvidcning of tbe bottor]r of tltc strcant chantlel by aboul 4.5 {'cct and a deellening of thc clrannel cdge by about 2.5 leet. 'l'he shaded area along thc upper bank abovc thc proposed inlake struclure shows sonrc additional flood convcyancc capacity duc to rvidening and dccpcnirrg of thc channel bclou, the 100-year flood level. The addifional chaunel cotlveyancc capacity Illdrosplicrc ilcsourc0 CorlsulLa)lts, lnc,1002 \(aI)ul S1reel'Suilc 200' llouldcr' (lO 80302 \{r. Gregg Barri May 27,2004 Paee 3 represetrted by tlrese modifications rvill rlore than offset the inrpacts associated with the upp., "o,]ril of the structure that exten<is about 2 feel above the existing bank. Tltjs coprer of the stlucrure would be sinrilar to tire sjze ol'existirg boulders tltat are found in the streanr and on the banks through this stream secliotl' The Exhibit 2 cross section demonslrates that with the modified intake design, the structure rvill not result in a significant geonietric enct'oacllnent. In the absence of a reliable, plecise hydraulic nrodel, approxinrate conveyance conrputatiorls were made to detentrile the c|ange in tlre channel's ability to carry waler at the intake cross section under existing and proposed conditions. The results ofthis alalysis are presented on the attached copveyance curve (Eriribit 3). At 1he nonual flow level the cliantrel conveyance rvould be iucreased by approximaLely 19o/o; a1 tlie level of the top of the proposed intake structure, conveyaltce would be iucreased by about l%o, and at the 1Oo-year flood level, conveyalrce *ould in.r""se by about 1"/o. Since the cltan-rrel collveyallce is actuai)y increased, at least a sn.rall alnoullt at all strearn stages, the intake will have no significant irr-r1tac1 on the regulatory' flood elevation or velocily Exhibit 4 illustrates tlre before and after streanr chamel cross section geonietil for the proposed location of the new stonl sewer outfail. This cross sectioll delronstrates that tlrere.*,i11 be no nreasurable deviatior-r in geonretric bank line bet\\'eell 1he before and after condirions. and therefore no it.upact on ibe regulatory flood elevalion or velocrly 11 colclusiol, the results of our analysis of floodplain impacts indicates that. with the project design modifications described above, the proposed bridge, inlake facility arid .tor-r.,-r ,"*", oulfall structure u,ill not result in any increases in the quanrity. depth andror velocib, of flood u,ater. Therefore, the proposed ploject u'ili not resuit iu atl)' measurable cirange in tlie floodplarn alid u,ill not adversely affect adjacenl ploller-ties. Please feel fi'ee to coutact nle at (303) 443-7839 or dlaiho@hydr.osphere'coni, ilyou have any questions or need any additional infonlation Sincerelv. Er-rclosurcs Bill Kcnncdy, Vail Resorts Gary Blooks, Aipinc Engirreerilrg, lnc:. Thornas A. Brautr, Braun Associalcs, ll'tc. Hydrospher e Resource Cousultalits, lnc. 'glas R. Laiho, P.E. llvdx)sr)hcfc ll.csoutcc (-'orsultants, l11c , l()02 Wahul Strcct. Suitc 200, Uouldcr' ('() 110302 qFs:s - n .Y)ot ^)"1i l\ hl' \t --&) n__4--1 O \\n I nnnn I tilH t|tJ 'dry*{n p E \i ,j zE: \l i <*s\,Jq= L!<ab_3C LUO_l E o_ , ^- ^rr a\Nl a i I 5LU ll\J|t v ' aZ t2;=4iL;'E{ +t'-l =4, ,tI 5i i im (/)\ t..-.....-.-...--- ----F ^--1 rt NOllCfS r*H? rlJ O{t) \f,o @N ro \. \ i()9]ri'-a 0- l 0*F I bJl(/) <o>L OE 0- \ I.l \'.t \.\ :t \ I I \ I I \ \ I I I I \ :/lljulG O ul ccoo a =o,-t<3 c-> n -L'r aov_) =Oml =o(-, c\ O) :--l (j = t\ L 20 8' i:lar>P. l,l>!-o-l I I i t- lato lp t- (o -1- f'Y5 Iu F = 3 E.) Fa ci o (o r-) N r-) P;3!i;i";" t:j,9: zt tElfl lll,l 4 so @N lr) i\ l. I E.l,,,i_ <nF-=zn ".| lNL\l i .\o\ : \<l'\ i \Ei'. I \ctl '\ \6Pi \ \ P2_, )-( ") __-- '\ YJ ^llrl I ,---14{FtJ . lo.':loi :Fl,t' r il OLiJ() -^'' ,4Xnt>Y-< u t-)0O o a o c.(I z.otr O t_uaaao(r O LUV F-z. N F !qIX IU 6 Eoo a=, tIL cl N: ll,-iI <I (I zl-l 3. It,tj 'I ,l I I I >f,3HC E J]< .F <)<J* -F|!a)4-a o Lg. !J o !9 o l (ro = O:- ll -tli-^,l*I 358CDI> !cD9 'it v tu 0_ +t ee F E'r X r.! E I =co*(Jd FS:\ ft- (D -co o o I O ro c\l O to crN A(\ O 1f)- t- OO ro th o --, (E oo()oO- O O lr). t- cf)zIFO TU(/) t.|.l,^Yas Y,Z ()(, dzo=u-<AEu= =z6a t]uzo<zl-<z>futo-E olC)<J>lllzz. I(J o Ir)- N co f- (c, rr) <t c.)r- i.- F- F- F- F-o- o- q. c. o^ o- @coco6@@ r.-oco co (.) N o- o-@co ('g) uot1ena1l mlm:'r [[,J#i dfliii .f,o f-.(\l ro 9t>lrq*f 6bffi(,)I> O L,J --l 8p;C.OO E O L,.i C-QI -l t, )fruo =upc :, \ :41 ' og -l', ,. II I lt /,\/ ,t v 9e RI ;b9 :l I;l a=i ! tl "t! | | Ab a s i/I li l: t!a:r \<\ 3- C! L: -<< oQ*ft< 3- zotr O tua U) U)ottr O J LLt- =o(t ul =tua trot-a + hq TX LU V i __l BAII/BRAU tN ASSOCIATES. INC. PU\NNlhlG and CO|IHUNITY DEVELOH'iFNT LL/2612A63 83"94 97A-926-7576 BRAJN ASSOCIATES FAX TRANTMI'IION PAGE gL TO: FAX #; t"/\&, N#k> Plecse call if you hove nol racciued qll pcgcl or haue cny problenrr trrlth thle trarumlnion. 6i I\ G,baon / e,,-rfi.r.*t . _\FROM: L-)a^^i.t i< DATEI RE PAGET: (includcr thfu couer sheat) COMMENTT: EA^ard! Villa8c C.crmr 9.rhe GZOJ, Olo5 Edliar€s Vil.Et E€rrlcr.ard Fost Of,ica Bo< 2654 Edrivards, Colorrdo I | 632 h.970.925.75?5 Fa...9709261576 www.bnsnasociat:rcorn RAUN ASSOCIATES. IIN ['I.l{NNING and COrll'4UNffY DFTELOPI4ENT LLl26/2AA3 63t64 978-926-7576 Greg Hall Cbad Salli Public Works Department Townof Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81632 Rer Eaglc RiverlVater & Sanitation District Dear Grog and Chadr I am writing on behalf of the ERWSD with regard to the comments rcceived from the Public Worh Departne'nt, during the meeting held on Tuesday, November 18 regading the appJoved expansion of the waste water plant and new drinking water facility on Forest Road in Vail. This letter documents the District's reqponse and position on th€ comments provided. It sirould be noted that the Planning and Envimnmemtal Commission approved the project onQct,2ll, 2003. The PEC did oot place any special conditions or restictions on the prcject. Public Works Colnments and OurResponses: 1. C-DOT access permit rcquired. BRAUN ASSOCIATES PAGE g2 Iilte are aware of the CDOT access permit requirement and are working direaly with CDOT on lhis issue. A permit will be secared before a building pamit ts issu&for the project. 2.Frontage road improvements (curb/ggtter, bike path, etc). facility and therefore generated a great deal of trafic. That use has been ftom the site. The new plant eryansion only generates one additional therefore therewill be a net rcduction in trafic to andfrom the site- The ofered to malce its parking lot available to llail Resorts or the Townfor skier parking onweekcnds, if managed properly. Ih*e additional spaces will occur on weehends therefore not add to lhe typical weekd,ay peah hour lralfic. Ed,vards Village Center: Suitc C-209 0 105 Edwards Mlhge Boularar{ Fost Oftce Bol( 2658 Edr,vards, Colorado I 1 632 Ph. - Fax - 970 LL/2A/26a3 s3i14 97A-926-7576 BRAUN ASSOCIATES PAGE 63 Additionally, yoa have requested that the District build a new raised, biqtcle path that is 10'wide along itsfrontage on the S. Frontage Road, You have also rcquested lhat the Dtstrict provide anrb and gutter along the S. Fronlage Road. No improvenents proposedfor the sile gmerate the needlor such a communigtfacility. To require thk proper| owner to conslrucl a bicycle path thal semx the community atlarge is over- reaching and lt hears no relationship to the proposed darclopment. your theory is that ifyou havefrontage on a road you must improve thal section of roadwayfalls slwrt ofthe "flel;us" test or the "reasonable relatiottship" ,est rcquired to show that the requested improvments have a relatiowhip to the impacts of the proposed danelopment- Additionally, the PECfound no such requirement in its deliberutions on the project. The District is lherefore not proposing to prwide such ofsite improvenents. Il should be noted, thal the Amoco gas stalion located to theulest of the site was jwt approwdfor a substantial upansion of its buslness by the PEC and the Townwithout any requirementsfor such Frontage Road improvements, 3. Plans for rctaining wall needed. TIze retainingwall in question nay fu ellminated as the adjacent landowner has indicated that grading cen occ r on his property. If the retqining wall renaiw, engineered plarc will be provided. 4. Drainage plan necded. A complete drainaga plan will be prwided in the construction plans for the site. 5. Sand/oil intencept. A sand and oil inceptor will be provided in the constntction plans for lhe project. 6. Realigr snowcaVparking lot access (parking lot primary/mowcat secondary). Thank youfor this suggestion The access to lhe parking lot has been designed lo dccommodate snapcals, truclcs, and passenger vehicles. the prolnsed destgn will function the most ffi,ciently without the need to creale a secofid curbcul. lTe are propo,sing to leave the design as c-unently drawn and appro,ved by the PEC. 7- Erosion contolplans nceded. An erosion control plan will be providcd in the constntction plansfol the proiect. LL/28/2A93 g3ta4 97A-926-7576 BRAUN ASST]CIATES PAGE A4 $5,000 per PM peak net rip increasc impact fbe, We are undware of any ordinance of the Town ofVail that has adopted an impactfee. lfe are also unawate of any adopted methodologtt which would arrive at such a monetaryJigure. If we are incorrect, pleasefon'nrd the legislation adopling the stated impactfee- I\is is lhefirth or sla;th time Braun Associates, Inc. has received this grye of eomment on other projects we have worlcd on and have yel to see any authority for such a requat. Ve okoJind it cttiorts that in addition to the impactfee that is being requested on this project and other projects, you have abo requested transportation improvemens. Ihis would ceem to indicate a double dip. Until such time at the Toutn of Vail adopts an ordinance requiring such afee, we will continue to not respottd lo the requ*tfor cash. Parking lot grades. A civil plan is being prqared which shows all of the proposed grades for lhe site. Youwill he prwided this plan prior tofinal DRB ra,iew of the projea. Landscape Plan-includs creek side impmvements. Tln landscape plan submitted with the projed indica.tes that the stream banlcwith be re-seededwith a native grasses mix, Underground ovuhead electric along frontage road. It is our understanding tlut the Town has established a fand with Holy Cross Energ lhe putpose of which is to place utility mains below grade throughout the Town lle are only aware of an otdinance which requires that sentice llnes to a fuilding be placed undcr grwnd. AII of the seruiee lines to the District's plantwill be loeated below grdde. As the ulility lit:cs in question are main senice lines, the District is not respottsiblefor placing tlwse lines underground- We believe that the entire line in lhis mea should beplaced mderground at once and shorild be the rcsponsibility to the Town and not the landantner who hqpog to own land adjacott to the line. TTze PEC placed no requirentenl on its approval to require that these linr* be placed underground. Coineidcntally, the Amoco station which was recmtly eqnnded, to the wesl of the Districts property was also nol required to plaee these utility main below grade, 8. 9. 10. I l. LLl26l2ss3 A*s4 97A-926-7576 BRAI..T.I ASSTIATES PICG A5 If 1ou bave my qucetims rcgarding ttris lo0er, pleasc do not hesitate to cdl mc. BiU Gibcon Russ Forrcst RmSicbcrt 4 BAI/IBR.A l.{4NNltlc and C Ol'll'{UNlTY DEVELOPFIENT L2lL7/29A3 22:66 97A-926-7576 BRAUN ASSOCIATES PAG AT TO: FAX #: I.-JN ASSOCIATES IINC. FAX TRAN5MI'IION C>c.ry Q"ttrwrl 6| U G,'bsr^ . q n- LLtsZ FRoM: D*-;",;- DATE, &1ry[o'r, RE Ef.A/(D. PAcEt:{- (includer t'lrir cover rheet) COMMENTT: zA n.lfot WN( 1tr'+*' (l Pleore cotl lf gou houe not recsfued cll pcaer or horre nny problaru with thb ftsnrrnirrion' Edwerds VIIa6e Ccrrter: Suile C709 0 105 Edrvar& villrgo Banlavard Fort Ofice Box 2658 Ea[mds, Cobrado B 1632 Ph. - 970926,7s7S Farl.' 97Q.?2.6.7576 wwr,\4braun Saciatcs€ott\ l2lL7/2a93 22i66 976-926-7576 RAUN ASS]CIATES PAGE A2 BAI/BR.AU FIANNING .td COMMUNII DEVELOPHENT DecEmbcr 16,2003 Greg Hall Public Works DePartnont Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO E1632 Re: Eagle River Water & Sanitation District Dear Greg: This letter is inte$ded to confirm the agrccmenrt reached yesterday with you in a meeting with nnWSp representatives, George nuthir, Bill Gitsom' Ch"d S"tti, and me' The meeting was held to address offsitu itprovenilents being requested by y'ou and lour department' The agroernent reached in this mcaing is that the ERWSD s'ill install conduit under the p*pofu a.iueway per Holy Cross design and specifications. The intent of this conduit is to htow ne ptacerrcni of the above grade power lines below grrde if the Tolm or Holy Cross Electric dccidEs to complctc this work in the future. The District agrees that in the futnre if the Town or Holy Cross Elechic decidcs to place these power lines below grade the Disfiict is willing to disouss some level of participation in zuoh an endeavor' The second 4gr€Ernsnt reached is that the ERWSD will not be responsible for providing ourb and gutto or np"iuU bicple path along the South Frontage Road as part of the plant enpansion p.jr"a The ERWSD wiii not install ery new landscape improvements or oth€f, ncw i-i-ur**t illat will prEvent the Town from having clear access.tg th9 riBht-9f-yfY. Thc- Oistrict agrees that in the future if the Town decides to constnrct a bicyclo path in this area that the Distriit is willing to discuss somc level of participation in such a project' All other cornrnrents provided by Public Works have beem addressed in our prwious lettcr to pu. Edv'ardc Village Center Suite C-209 0105 Edwards Villa6e Boulorard Fbst Ollicc Box 2659 Eduardr, Cdorado 81 632 Ph. - 970.926.7575 Fal< - 97O,926'7s75 www.bnunassociatesrom BRAIN ASSTIATES PAGE 63 Ifyouhavoanyqucstionsrogardingthisletter,plcaredonothesitatalocellme. George Rutber Bill Gibson DmisGelvin, ERWSD DotinicF.Mauriollq I NNYNR.AUIN,\SSOCIIA-]I-IES, II]\C" PLANNING and COl"1l"1UNlTY DEVELOPfIENT January 26,2004 Mr. Geergcftfih# "R" \\ . i. ,Nu{ Thomas A. Braun Cc: Bill Kennedy Jay Peterson R nn Siehert Edwards V llage Cente6 Su te C-209 0 105 Edwards VilLage Boulevard Post Office Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8 632 Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: VR Snorvcat Access and Snowmakins Vault Dear George: Enclosed you rvill find an application and submittal information for Vail Resort's proposed snowcat access and snow making vault. As you are aware, a portion of this project is located on land owned by the Torvn of Vail and the Council has authorized this application to proceed through the review process. and the PEC has previousiy approved conditional use applications for this project. The DRB has also completed a conceptual review of this project. Submittal material includes the following: l. Engineered drawings of the bridge (a reduced set has been submitted, I will have a full-sized version to you in the next few days) 2. Civil engineered drawings (grading, drainage, etc.) 3. Landscape plan for the new snowcat access road 4. Landscape plan for bridge and snowmaking vault 5. DRB application form As you can imagine, this is not a typical project when it comes to responding to the DRB submittal requirements. I would suggest that at some time in the next few days we meet to revierv the application, at which time we can identify any additional information that may be needed to facilitate the town's review of this application. Thank you in advance for your assistance with this prqect. Sincerelv. Ph. - 97C976.7575 Fax - 974.9)6.1576 .wr,.,n v b rau n a ss oc iate s.c o m A3/8L/22a4 A4293 97A-926-7576 BRAUN ASSOCIATES Ar^*'^ +,l^,*- ,^-\.^'A 4= A'*..'"1--^^''J'- G''" u-a*K r Q<--' s '".' c. "\- a't't+ts ' U+ r,..'',. $-t-''^r ,rJ\.r.*,. 9r +o-..'- nf o*- +'{* ct*s- '.-*- ;SJ +?tvr-'lr.'tTh.l - r-TA.^\ Tlease call fi you have not ?ecetved all Taqes or have any ?roblems wrth thrs tranemrsgron, PAGE AL PIANNING rnd COI,|MUN|TY D5/ELOtt.'t ENT FAX TRAN9MISSION -\\ r Aro: - g*\\b""h5o,r" Fl+X #: FROM: Torn Draun rl DATE: 3\t \o"\ RE: PAGES: S $nclvdes lhrs cover sheet) COMMENTS: -+^-"^*\-." Eduar* Vllage Camcr; Suitc C.209 0105 Rlrrardl Vllagc Eorrler,ed Fon Of,tc€ Bo( 2658 Edf /er*, Colorado 8 t 632 nr-91lo.91e7g7s Frtr-flo.926.7576 rrra lrr.bnqnglocirtGt€ofn z3/61/2AA4 A4163 976-926-7576 BRAUN ASSOCIATES PAGE E2 [-,IN ASS IATES PLANNING ANd @i\,1}4UNITY DNELOPMENT Fehnnry27,2004 Bill Gibson Town of Vail 75 South Fron,tage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Revised DRB Application DearBill, Enclosed you will find a revised DRB application for the skier bridge: 1.. Rcvised plans (bridge, walls and vault elevations; landscape plans),2. Gatc detail, 3. Wall material brochure I have also included a copy ofour geotechnical report in r€sponse to Chad's request for info onpotential geo-hazards. I tnrst you.* g"t this to him. Let me lorow if there is anything else 1ou need. I am looking into getting the access road staked but expect to have it done for a conoepfiral revjew on March 3d. Th*ks: Thomas A. Brauq AICPCc; Bill Kennedy Cary Brooks Edwa."ds Villate Center Suhe C-209 0l 05 Edwards Vilhge Boulcvard Fost Offce 8ox 2658 Edwards. Colorado I 1632 Ph. - 970,926.7575 Fax - 97A.926.7376 vrrww bmunassociates,com 83lAtl2gg4 AAtA3 978-926-7575 BRAUN ASSOCIATES PAGE 43 UL 325Model 610 Hydrautic Operator ' an rcommy oF€rgtor i$ rndiun lerE{h beams ' designed for llght " medlum tratfic situations ' 50% d;V cyde Model 640 Hydraulic Operator ' deBignod tor heavy trEffiG situations and wlde entrances that rgqulre long beams (up to 23 ft) ' 100% duty qyclo 83/AIl25a4 A4243 979-926-7576 BRAJN ASSOCIATES PAGE A4 Page I ofl f AAU iJwrpg CaDe Operator, Barrier Gate, slide Gate and accessories Model 540 Barrior Gate Opefstors I Uuhen Long Beams ele Needed The lrrfoder 640 rs the idear hydrauric banier br conlnrlling he€vy tratfic atwid€ enUances, The e{0 opdratee codinuously, raiiinE a-lumrnum beamsftom 13 to 23 feet tong in a! fittle as 4 to Z secirirAe. - - - Fefect Behavior ]PJf. q*qf stops.srnmthty and gentty. thanks rq an a jusrabte e.|ec0bnic bfttking ayslem which elo/vs lhe bearn down beb-re tha end of Flggm* opening and closing. A heat sensor monitors th€ opersEr Empet1Nture, Bvlitching on a cooling fan when raquired. Dedlcrted Looic !\. F MPq an lrot panet is srendard wtfi the 640. The etect bnicinblligenca of the 840 ofiers lhree different conuol logics: errtomaliqserri.automstc and cer paft (p), the lelter Epecificatt! designea for ' automstic car lots. Flexibility The 640 can be outfitEcl with a skirt to stop unaulhodzed entry under lhebanier 6nh. Foreseaing The Uner(pected An Eutomatic bsnier release system for power frilure is available as anoptiofl, The 6af MPS also featrres an emagency input which, forexample,.can be conneded lo a fire alarm...wheri tni dam is'tripped, fhebanler will open and Gtay open unul re6et, Download 6,{0 Specs Btpchure NOTE: ThesB nba arE rslaii large. lf you arE wing a 5€r modem or any dial-u9 @nnsdtoq it wlll lak€ F ts,tx rnhutsr to do'vnload. Durinf donload you may aee r bli scD€D, Co mt etop tha downlo.d or hnyour b.Gt b||tlon unlil $e file is cDrpl downlosded end appears In lvit'rdort , Complete Prodrrct Brochurp Englgh Spanisi Acrlbst Reader iB reoulr€d I rievr downlotdable materials you do not haw Acrobrt Rs Ceasa dldr HEBE, \Mile c€binets ayailrble al no er|rs cost t ! A3lALl28A4 44i63 974-926-7576 FAAS Sying Gate Opcrator, Barrier Gate, Stide Gate and accessories BRAUN ASSOCIATES PAGE 85 Page I ofl ( I U0del6l5. Hy-dnul ic -qppr.ator . an e@nomy opergtor for mdium lensth beams. clesigned br light - medium lr#c situlfionsr 5d% duty cacle lflode.Lqz0-Hy.dra,uUc Ops616t . 1:1'9ry !f Favy trafic apptlcations that requtre extremety frst opening and closing limesr 100% dury cydee simple.interfec€ with mosl rerenue contrcl systems. anti-tEllg€ting availabte Mol, -Elf 40 lglilatttq-Ol.Erarqr r designed for hearry trafic sifuations. wi{t_e entrances that raquire long beams (up to 28 fi)r 100%dutysyole Doumload prlnted m€terials NOTE: Th63e iler arE re6tl lrrge. lfyou an uahg a 56X modaa or arry diaLup conne.don, fr will lak r Glx minuEs b do/nload. Durinl Cornload yqu m3y .ee q 5li scr€€n, do not Blop tht dounload o? hatyou] bach hution um the fle lE comDl do$rnloaded end appe3r8 lnulDd*. 615 Spect Brbohu|E 420 Spea! IrodruE A{0 59ec. B|bchurE Complete Pftrduct Bmchurc EnglFh Sprnirtl ADrob€t Rcadlr ts requind t vi6'Y ddnh€alalle rDa€rtrl3 tou do noth e AcEbat Ra plseGe ddr HERE. PUMP VAULT ELEVATION EXHIBIT WIDE OPENING IN GUARDRAIT INSTALL GUARDRAIL TERMINAL 60"x 60" LOUVERED INTAKI CORE TEN GUARDRAIL END SECTION (FLARED) SEE DETAIL O SHEET 5 PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE OF CURB AND INSTALL 30 LF OF CORE-TEN GUARDRAIL W,/ WOOD POSTS @ 6'-3" O.C. (DETA|L P SHEET 5) POSTS 6'_3'' ON-CEN IXPOSED PORTION OF PROPOSED PUMP VAULT FINISH TO BE TEXTURED TO MATCH EXISTING WIVTPIPROPSED BRIDGE (SEE DETAIL SHEET 5)TOP BACK OF CURB (TBC) & TOP OF WALL (TOW)GUTTER FLOWLINE (TYPICAL) PROPOSED VAULF d\ EL 8090.0'Y TOP OF VAUL T i. EL 8084.5' V-TTNTsHEDGRAoELANDScAPTNc LADDER ,r, vwvvvvEX|iAUST v..-*_,..v-v....*_.*.-...)k-. F\EL 8081.7\f 1OO YEAR FLOOD ELEVATION.l/.,.,{/V W\,\,\r.'ww PROPdSED GROUTED .,.*\ EL 8079.0'\9-rop or nrexe sTRUcTURE BOUIDER WING MLLS v v J\ EL 8074.0 VTliliirnr-rrvsr.rrocanoE 3-4' DIAMETER BOULDERS KEYED INTO SUBSTRATE 8'' MINIMUM THICKNESS CONCRETE WTH 6'' ANGULAR RIP RAP EMBEDDED SCALE: HORIZ: 1" : 10' VERT: 1" : 10' E! --i ,:. --::.=-= EDw RoS 8VgN€SS CEXrIi F.O. 6oX g',' a ED* ios, cotoar (e70) e26 $rJ fa LAND DESCRIPTION A porcel of lond locoted in the Norihwest 1,/4 of the Northwest 1/4of Section 7, Township 5 South, Ronge 80 West of the 6th principol Meridion,. Eogle County, Colorodo. Soid porcel being more porticulorly described by metes ond bounds os follows: Beginnlng ot o point on the Southerly boundory of the Finol ptot, Lot 1, Eogle River Woter & Sonitotion District 6s recorded underReception No. 871144 from which the Southwest corner of soidLot 1 beors SE4'29'12"W, 104.51'; thence olono soid southerlv boundory.the. following two (2) courses ond di-stonces;1) N84'29'12"E, 55.98 feet; 2) S14'16'09"E, 24.6J feet; thence deporting soid southerly boundoryond entering those londs described in Book-272 ot poge 6OS SaS.O'S'ZO',w,o distonce of 60.01 feet; thence N04'54'40"W, o distodce of 2J.91 feetto the Point of Beginning. EXHIBIT -" BoFo .ou.n tGBtlR"SlHi The obove described porcel contoins 1404 squore feet or 0.0J2 ocres ,r4of lond more or less. Dono B. Spigener Stote of Colorodo PLS No. 3J655 oN Ld N() |o!"ooz JOB{} 84259 3at!s'zo'v{ir+rNOICE: Accordlng to Colorodo Lqw Fu must commencq ony l6qol octtonDosco upon .onl' d.ttct In thi. cxhibit within thr€c Forr oft;r r5u fir!( 8".":,:.--1u:L d..^ro:J:- ]1_19,"!! t Toy ony oction boscd.upon' ony dcfsctIn thls rxhtbtt b. commenccd more th6n tin pois irom- ttri-JqiJ'"i tf,cccrtiticotlon shown hcrcon. Z: \Dwc\VAIL\84259_SNOwCAT-ESMT.dwo OESCRIBED PARC€L UNPLATTED BOOK 272, PAGE 663 E)w Ros EugNEss c6{ftn P.o. Box 97a tDw Ro$ coLdAoo Er6J2 * (970) 926-$7J F^x (970) 926-5Jeo trq.o.L{qj Ei" m* *iFffi# RADIUS-25.0o' L.ENGTII=47.25' DELTA=108'17'55" TANGENT=54.60' BEARING=S70'02'09"E CH0RD=40.s3' RADIUS=623. LENGTH-92.96' DELTA=832'59' TANGENT=46.57' BEARING=N60'05'23'E CHORD=92.88' K*'9,'--\ LOT .1 EAGLE RIVER WA]ER & SANITA]ION DISTRICT RECEPTION No. 871144 sl416'09'E N7 ozr@; SHEET .I OF 1 ,. . 160: (lvufucnus :!H) lrSrclroc 03€0do8d .99'28 - rnO 'ANl ro'a o d3u "91 JO Jl 0'02 'NOU33S rffir$ Vd CNuSlxS ,/tit 3Cvra3u 'rT/Hdsv Hr.vd oNlrsDG .Jo "'" 3SOdSrC ? :l\Oll3u tncilvs - ".6''1608- 4313 'g'J 6S'rt+Z VIs :lDot8g Jo 3Nl'l8ft N3c rNlrun€v J0 3CVJ ICVS -rs' srHr) lrnn lriloHs sLltltl o.[ lhto 30vut) crSgvl I .81 .- S! .6 =O90 M)UJil( (smna' s\n$ Hi 3r383M . Yrs :nrJosd) \A!n$mllV"'\' cNrNlv$lu .,sbe :+ror :ll_Jl crcv,urNoc oNhvd Jo JQ-: i"tOJ r]1x1 r 4't t''' .ow l(s r:: l(s u: llT/,$ lSsr^l-l t{01 vNv€ JO !ilC03 vf3u3 3UO9 XOUddV. Nrfld.qoouQil-mi. \ ;-*":,.,:\\ 'g/ 1 {t,l' . r* r': I {Frtoi5' s;9iEt-i| !6' '3iz.m ig uFr clItX.q!35>3d :F le flc v q I, 2I d3 +8nE gu .tl v =q EH pF =d H*!o dE 7tl! =attI ! zu, n Se= o:oq il'tt0 q o ao! c (rr. (a'x I' cl'I(ttt_Ill trl ftoatoa f;F sd''oo: ef,3 i HEH * En* il *;E ,FElFr r Fl _tl 1<'rrq $e ;4gs v, 3F !vII E q,x (t @- oFIFI! <, ?o, EI z{tFI ,,o{ eo a,FItI to atCI c> eid,trf NP;ir8 Fte.oq!t2c bi dix: =i IoIIq...' BIoX 2 Er cao.o,.D b. :j-d'ri rs' :.3 I [r @ !,1(r. r -.1-a +_4' I-+ '- let o * !,1-..Nq .L 'ot.i'''@ . ,:. s q c .ot c !tI N -9 6 6z o ct d 9{- -_i - l# g\llls l'.-+-r3 | 3'8 -8-8a,E 43F =18 ,t$E'/ cP/B -q. cil I .1: . :. . .it': "1"" " "' ' .,- -:' i..t.. ' \ tl,\r [\r' 11 15 \t_ >\I-r . ^-- J-'lo igiHgi EqB Fsd "J=e6\ EqI EsF 2 \,/\ .r'rl t t'o. .i c .E 6 c Pota I Io d,6 zc)FI Page I of I Bill Gibson - Vail WWTP Parking Lot Landscaping From: To: Date: Subject: CC: Ron Siebert <rsiebert@erwsd.org> Bill Gibson <bgibson@vailgov.com> 0711912005 9:01 AM VaiIWWTP Parking Lot Landscaping Mlke Bauer <mbauer@erwsd.org> Bill, Mike Bauer (ERWSD), Colorado Landscaping Co. and myself met with B&B and Alpine Engineering yesterday on site to review the Frontage Road work from Forest Road to the west. This project is going to disturb and remove a large portion of the existing landscaping and irrigation on the north side of our office. The irrigation system being affected is what we need to use to irrigate the parking lot area. After observing the extent of the road project and the impacts on the existing irrigation system and the new parking lot landscaping, I would like to ask you for an extension of time to complete the parking lot landscaping. We are proposing to complete landscaping afler the curb and gutter, bike path and utility work in the landscaped area is complete. The advantages of postponing this work will allow it to be done only once, B&B will not have to try and work slowly around existing inigation and new landscaping materials and we will be able lo follow the construction with our irrigation and landscaping to have a complete project for all parties with out impacting each olher. ls this acceptable? Also, have you had the opportunity to discuss the transplanting of the trees along the Frontage Road, if possible, to the area on the south bank of the Gore Creek on the west side of the Gore Creek bridge on Forest Road? Bill Kennedy notified me yesterday. Monday, they are planning to remove the trees this Thursday, 7/21. Please let me know your thoughts on the above issues as soon as possible so arrangements can be made. Thank you Ron Siebert Projeci Manager Eagle River Water & Sanitation District 846 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657 Otfice:97O1476-7480 Fax::97014764089 file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Scttings\Temp\GW) 00001 .FITM 07 /21/2005 ) THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE ;m NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on June 28, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for_a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-71-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, and a variance from Title 14, Chapter 5, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards for All Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an unpaved private parking lot, located at 923 South Frontage Road WesUunplatted. (A complete metes and bounds legal description is available for review at the Town of Vail Community Development Department). Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: Matt Gennett A recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a major amendment to a Special Development District (SDD), pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to the recorded conditions of approval prohibiting the operation of restaurants within Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, located at242East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Johannes Faessler Planner: George Ruther A final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, to allow for eight two-family residential structures (Gore Creek Place), located at 730, 724, and 714 West Lionshead Cirile/Tracts A, B, C, & D, Morcus Subdivision, and Lot 7, Marriott Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, lnc. Planner: WarrenCampbell A final review of a conditional use permi| pursuant to Section 12-98-3, Private Or Public Off- Street Vehicle Parking Structures, to allow for an amendment to an existing conditional use permit for private parking, located at 364 Gore Creek Drive/Lot P-3, Block 5A, Vail Village Filing 5, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts Planner: ElisabethEckel A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6H-3, Conditional Uses; High Density Multiple Family, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public services use, located at 501 North Frontage Road (Solar Vail Condominiums)/ Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard to. Applicant: Verizon wireless, represented by Kelley Harrison, closser consulting Planner: Clare Sloan A request for a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for snowmaking system improvements within the Gore Creek floodplajn located at an unplatted parcel adjacent to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facilities, 646 West Forest Road, (a complete meies and bounds l-egal description is available for review at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection duling reg_ular office hours at the Town of Vail Community'Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community bevelopment Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional * information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published June 11, 2O04, in the Vail Daily. QtilA Pd f,' Vail Resorts Snownaking Intake/IVlodifi cations within Floodplain Adiacent Property Owners List June 2004 l TOWNOFVAIL 75 SOUIH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 l SMITH,ruSTINEH. 43 SOUTH SHORE CT HILTON HEAD ISLAND. SC 29928 l G. LOVEN LLC 934 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 l VAIL CORP POBOX 7 vArL, co 8r6s8 l EAGLE RIVER WATER AND SAT{ITATION DISTRICT 846 WEST FORESTROAD VAIL, CO 81657 FilE clPy D ep a rtm ent of C om muni ty D eve lop me nt 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wrutv.vailgov. com June7,2Q04 Tom Braun Braun and Associates Edrvards Village Center, Suite C-9 PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 RE:Vail Resorts Snowcat AccesVSnowmaking System lmprovements Dear Tom, As the original Vail Resorts Snowcat AccesVSnowmaking System Improvements have been revised to now involve construction within the Gore Creek 100-year floodplain, the review process for this project must now be revised as well. The Town of Vail Community Development and Public Works Departments have reviewed and discussed your letter dated June 4,2004, which concluded that Vail Resorts proposed snowmaking system improvements are exempt from the environmental impact report submittal requirement of Chapter l2-2l,HazardRegulations, Vail Town Code. While the Town Staff does not disagree with your assessment, this conclusion does not address the provisions of Section l4-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, which explicitly state that "No grading is permitted in the 1)0-year Jlood plain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. " Therefore, while the proposed snorvmaking system improvements may not require the submittal of an environmental impact report, the grading associated with this project does require the review and approval of the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). Therefore, a completed application for a "Floodplain Modification" must be submitted to the Town of Vail for review and approval prior to the issuance of any permits allowing the construction of the proposed snowmaking system. The next PEC application submittal deadline is Monday, June 14, 2004, which will schedule this item to be reviewed by the PEC at its Monday, July 12, 2004, public hearing. In an effort to expedite this review, if a complete application is submitted by 9:00 AM on Tuesday, June 8, 2004, this item will be scheduled for review at the PEC's lvlonday, June 28, 2004, public hearing. The cut-offtime for distributing the required PEC public notices is tomorrow moming, so if this application is received after 9:00AM iomorrow the Town Staff will have no option but to schedule this item for PEC review on July 12, 2004. Additionally, verification of Army Corp of Engineers' approval for this project must be submitted to the Town of Vail no less than one week prior to the scheduled review of this application by the PEC. i-. L"rrruo ro"r^ , Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road ltail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 F?LX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com As you are aware, there still remain several unresolved issues reiated to ttre proposed snowcat access road. The most significant of those issues being that neither the restrictive covenants on the property nor the Special Development District #4 (SDD #4) zoning currently permit the construction of the proposed snowcat access road. The application recently submitted to amend SDD #4 is incomplete, therefore the applicatioo must be amended to meet the application submittal requirements. A revised application mu$t be submitted to the Town of Vail by no later than Noon, on Monday, June 14, 2004, for this application to be revierved by the PEC at its July 12, 2004, public bearing. Prior to the final approval ofany amendment to SDD *!4, the full compliance of this project with the covenants on Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision, must be demonstrated. Furthermore, should Vail Resort wish to construct this project in phases (i.e. the bddge and snowmaking systems, then the snowcat access route) revised architecturaVengineering plans must be submitted to clearly illustrate the construction associated with each phase. Please ensure that all proposed construction is confined within the boundaries of the easements granted by the Town Council at its June 1,20A4, public hearing. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Z*A)'h.-zlX- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail CC:GeorgeRuther, Town of Vail Jack Hunn, Vail Resorts {pl"",.uo'n""r fr{tt- 9,t( 5eP;k Qn/'il e? TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commissicin Community Development Department le' uJrtio't rrt p"il June 28, 2004 A request for a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for snowmaking system improvements within the Gore Creek floodplain located at an unplatted parcel adjacent to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facilities, 646 West Forest Road. Applicant: Planner: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. BillGibson SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, is requesting approval of a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for snowmaking system improvements within the Gore Creek floodplain located on an unplatted parcel adjacent to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facilities,646 West Forest Road. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the requested floodplain modification, subject to the findings noted in Section Vlll of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to modify the Gore Creek floodplain to allow forthe construction of improvements to Vail Resort's snowmaking infrastructure located adjacent to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facilities, 646 West Forest Road. A vicinity map has been attached for reference (Attachment A). The proposed improvements involve modifications to an existing intake pipe, replacement of an existing stormwater drain pipe, and the installation of a new intake structure. A more complete description of the applicant's request has been attached for reference (Attachment B). Additionally, engineering plans, a floodplain study by Hydrosphere Resource Consultiants, the US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit application, the US Army Corps of Engineers preliminaryapproval, the State of Colorado CDPS General Permitapproval, and a review by the Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator, have all been attached for reference (Attachments C, D, E, F, G, and H). Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, staff has determined that an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal since this proposal is an "alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements" and "on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2" this project "is found to have an insignificant impact on the environment." lt. |il.BACKGROUND This proposal is one portion of Vail Resort's proposal to relocate the ski mountain snowcat access route from West Forest Road to a route across Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The Design Review Board reviewed the design review application for this overall project, including the flood plain modifications, at its March 17,2004, public hearing. The Design Review Board directed staff to approve the design review application for the proposed improvements once all necessary Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council approvals were finalized. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/approval with conditions/denial of a floodplain modification application. Desiqn Review Board: The Design Review Board has no review authority of a floodplain modification, but must review any accompanying Design Review application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a memo containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial- Staff also facilitates the review process. V. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Town of Vail Zoninq Regulations (Title 12. Vail Town Code) Section 12-12-3, ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS, EXEMPT PROJECTS (in part) An environmental impact repoft shall not be required for the following projects: I A. Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing sfructures and site improvements. B. A phase of a project for which an environmental impact repoft previously was submitted and reviewed covering the entire project, provided thatthe project was apprcved and not subsequently altered. C. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmentalassessment coveing each of the factors prescibed in Section 12-12-2 of this Cfiapfertls found ta have an insignificant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmenta/assessmenf and the finding on envircnmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. Section 12-21-10E, HAZARD REGULATIONS, DEVELOPMENT RESTRICTED (in part) E. The Administrator may require any applicant or person desiring to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an envircnmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Tifle, to estab/rsh that the work will not adversely affect adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Town of Vail Development Standards Handbook (Title 14. Vail Town Code) ChAPtCT 14.6, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS HANDBOOK, GRADING STANOARDS (in part) Floodplain Sfandards: No grading is permifted in the lobyear floodplain without Planning and Environmental Commission approval. If an applicanf wishes to grade into the llTyear floodplain, an envircnmental impact report is reguired. The environmental impact repoft shall include impacts ta vegetation, ripaian areas, appropriate hydraulic engineering calculationsto show no increase in water surface profile and velocity, as well as sfatr'ng that there will be no adyerse impacts to adjacent properties. No permanent improvements shall be canstructed within 1'of the floodplain line. The floodplain line shall be determined by a registered professional land surveyor by plotting the appropriate elevation of the floodplain on a maximum 1"-20'topographic 2'contour map using the adopted Town of Vail flood profiles (the Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood lnsunnce Study). The topographic suruey shall reveal the method for deterrnining the starting point and the stafting elevation for the floodplain delineation. A site specific study performed by a Professional Engineer per FEMA guidelines , and approved by the Town of Vail and FEMA may be required. I I I vl.P RE LI MI N ARY ENW RON M E NTAL AS S ES S M E N T fn accordance with Sub-section 12-12-3C, Vail Town Code, Staff has conducted a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2, Vail Town Code: A. Alters an ecological unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural land form feature, Staff respo.nse: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife habitat, feeding, or nesting ground. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. C. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover, Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. D. Affects the appearance or character of a significant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are of a size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. E. Potentiatly results in avatanche, tandslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safetlr. Staff response: This proposal will have an insignificant impact on this factor. F. Discharges toxic or thermally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. G. Involves any process which results in odor that may be objectionabte or damaging. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. H. Reguires any waste treatment, cooling, or seftlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal site. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. l. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. J. Has the potential to strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. K. lnvolves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. N. Alters local traffic patterns or causes a significant increase in traffic volume or transit service needs. Staff response: This fuctor to not applicable to this proposal. O. ls a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may involve any of the impacts listed in this Section. Staff response: This factor to not applicable to this proposal. VII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS A. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall consider the followinq criteria when reviewinq an application for a modification to the floodplain: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. Staff response: The technical analysis provided by Hydrosphere Resources Consultants, dated May 27,20A4., states that this proposal will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters (see Attachment D). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed this opinion (see Attachment H). 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Staff response: The technical analysis provided by Hydrosphere Resources Consultants, dated May 27,2A04, states that this proposal will not adversely affect adjacent properties (see Attachment D). The Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator has reviewed and confirmed this opinion (see Attachment H). B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findings before approvino a floodolain modification: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties. VIII- STAFFRECOMMENDAT]ON The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approve, with conditions, the proposed floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for snowmaking system improvements within the Gore Creek floodplain located on an unplatted parcel adjacent to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facilities, 646 West Forest Road. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vll of this memorandum and the evidence presented, subject to the following findings: 1. The proposed floodplain modification will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters, based upon the technical analysis provided by Hydrosphere Resources Consultants, dated May 27,2004. 2. The proposed floodplain modification will not adversely affect adjacent properties, based upon the technical analysis provided by Hydrosphere Resources Consultants, dated May 27,2004. 3. Pursuant to Section 12-12-3, Vail Town Code, submittal of an Environmental lmpact Report is not required for this proposal. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this floodplain modification request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: afrbrr};lo funik,/il 4n*to ftaA*rs The applicant shall gdbmit verification of US Army Corp of Engineers| .. ^ IL approval of a llatt^hw;aW to the Town of Vail Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building and grading permits. I l I l I 6 2. The applicant shall submit a stamped lmprovement Location Certificate and "as-built" topographic survey to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to Town of Vail final construction inspection. 3. The applicant shall comply with all requirements of all necessary state and federal permits and approvals. IX. ATTACHMENTS A- Vicinity Map B. Applicant's letter of request C. Engineering Plans D. Hydrosphere Resource Consultant's analysis E. US Army Corps of Engineers preliminary approval F. State of Colorado CDPS General Permit approval G. Town of Vail Floodplain CoordinatorApproval H. Public Notice , Attachment: A , lr lO ll a T B I i E E t E Attachment: B ]EAil/IEIR.AUN ASSOCIIATIES, IINC. PLANNING and COf4MUNITY DEVELOPI'4ENT June 7,2004 Mr. Russ Forrest, Director Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Modifications within Flood Plain/VR Snowmaking System Dear Russ: As you know, Vail Resort's snowcat access/snowmaking improvement project involves a number of components. Three aspects of the project involve activity and/or improvements within the 100-year flood plain. These include the removal of an existing snowmaking watcr intake pipe, the construction of a new water intake structure and the replacement of an existing stormwater drain pipe. Chapter 6 of the Town's Development Standards Handbook regulates "grading" within the flood plain. This chapter of the Handbook requires submittal of an environmental impact report and requires Planning Commission approval for any grading within the flood plain. This letter provides a description of proposed modifications to the flood plain and an environmental report addressing proposed modifi cations. Description of Proposed Modifications Three activities/modifications within the flood plain are proposed: Existine Snowmakine Intake Pipe The snowmaking system's existing intake pipe is located within Gore Creek. This pipe extends above the creek bed from lvhich point it extends underground to the pump vault on the south side of Gore Creek. The exposed portion of pipe will be cut back to the creek bed and covered with river rock. The remaining portion of pipe will be frlled with concrete. Replacement of Existins Stormwater Drain Pipe An existing 12" storm drain outfalls into the creek immediately west and south of the ERWSD treatment plant. This pipe will be replaced (in the same location) by a 12" pipe and an 18" pipe. This improvement will also include a 3,000 gallon sand/oil interceptor. These pipes will daylight from a new concrete headwall. Edwarcls Village Centec Suite C-209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulerard Post Oflice Box 2558 Edwards, Colorado 8 I 632 Ph. - 970.926.7575 tax - > IU.> L6./ J / O www.braunassocaates.com New Snowmaking lntake Structure The new intake structure is a concrete box approximately 10' wide and 3' tall (as measured from "normal water level". Two 36" pipes will extend (underground) from this box to the snowrnaking vault. The box is benched into the south side of the creek bank. Low boulder wing walls will be located at either side of the box. This grading into the creek bank will essentially "lower" the creek bed and in doing so will allow the water to reach the intake. A temporary coffer dam will be installed durine construction in order to divert water away from the construction site. The bridge abutments, the snowmaking vault and other components of the project are located outside of the flood plain. As such, these specific elements of the project are not addressed by the environmental impact report. Environmen tal Impact Report In lieu of utilizing Chapter l2-Environmental lmpact Reports of the Zoning Regulations, Chapter 6 ofthe Handbook stipulates the environmental considerations to be addressed for any proposed grading within the flood plain. These include the following: Vegetation The creek bank in this area has been impacted over the years. Existing vegetation is sparse, consisting primarily of willows and various weeds. The steep slope of the stream bank, graveVcobble soil conditions and uncontrolled run-offfrom the adjoining parking lot have limited the ability of vegetation to take hold along the bank. The landscape plan (this plan has been approved by the Design Review Board), proposed for this project includes additional plantings in this area. In addition, the curb and drainage improvements to the parking area will route runoff from the parking lot away from the creek bank. channelization to accommodate the bike path (to the south), the bike path bridge, the parking lot and the waste water plant. Riparian habilat immediately surrounding the proposed improvements is not adversely impacted. The landscape plan (this plan has been approved by the Design Review Board), proposed for this project includes additional plantings in this area. In addition, the curb and drainage improvements to the parking area will route runoff from the parking lot away from the creek bank. Over time these measures will benefit the riparian community. Hydraulic Calculations The proposed improvements within the flood plain will alter the creek bank and in doing so affect the creek and water course. Ar analvsis of this condition has been completed by ' Hydrosphere Resource Consultants (see attached letter dated May 27,2004. This analysis concludes that neither the intake stucture or the storm drain pipe will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and /orvelocity of flood water and that the proposed project will not result in any.measurable change in the flood plain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Other information provided with this application includes an application form, filing fee, adjacent property owners list and e,rirvelopes, and desip drawings. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this application. Sincerely, Thomas A. Braun Encl. Cc: Jack Hunn Jay Peterson Attachment: C lUU;'ilr r l-:i lLf.Jrs5 -dili$iifrrt.1.1{&J g3i-!|;-! p ll:3r! b.?Eo r{.) {fi- Et!, =iL,l <u7= EV ':^ \ J L-F =o ztra i? )) =o LLI .f- -)) LJ.r-l E =L!a E Flf) o LJao o- o_ I L) -)LJ-J J iF< == | n,=)'7\ z- <"- = (Jl mL-rL l n-J o_ rJ.J ! \ \ I \ \ I \ \ \ vrtlt-uul cc O UJEoo .v F tlJ -)' Oir . XEYF E,'n ^-^TtrlNl a I5L\, ttwtr " ' \ \ \ \ \ { nnn \-l\--t FJ) 0- ,'f 0- o a o- E 0- ( \ ntr:'i nJ;ii 4!l $o @ C\I rr) FO tl tl 'i*I358slI> o + + ','oio t|.- G, =xa'\l!;.;-YY>oS#: ^.-=(|J*_-,d F 'v <..Fzv c)(t<J o4a I zotr O[l cr)aao(tr O |.UV F = N F mIXtu l.n c) X:LU O- +t Fg-r Xul o .^- c\t o/-; N c.iN rt)^ F- F. lr) o I .Qs 0e! ;> d- q) 0) o I u) .('t {) N; o() O (r,zo tro uJ(/)uJ i;s &=oOEzo=1l-< Q=. 9X $ou=O<zl<z>fuloz=o=(J< J>trl z.z .r () @F-(o5)$(.JF:F*F-F-F-Fo_ o- o- o- o- o- cOcO@@cOaO CD Oi O)l.- "ri t. I I I I ('g) uo11e,re;3 rurii rrJ;;i 4lii $o t.c! lo oF()Hi< PFA 'o(./)*tr< o- zotr O IUa a0o(r O JJ LLF2o tf LU =LUa E.o F.a + LaI >< LU l,\l 5\<\g\ o(J Ft!v,)-< E3^ ;!! i za?E o9 FOa) T(l tt I IiIili IEi 1l int FET E:P:N- 9t>,f, q*i<EFOOD.tr)T> NOUVnf'l: I-lnv^ dnnd t3svHd NO(IV3o'I3U ONtyVt{ AONS NIV-!NnOn ']lvn ANVdnOC INSl^rdO]3A3o SIUOS3A -lrvn -t6:Ztr-l!! rlw --r.* ror €d __-_r1-Tl! lt|Jlo '-5f,-ffi or.or.!o : I . !!E: idE!- i r I ix.Ji J$ .E J: JIJEEl" !13 gli H; Eh€19,il9 -"8 "lc iig JP 4Es + e + se. 1e6! b* E5os Eit lc: Fr t*r i ; ='5:. xE6 T:?6-i lb4B E*a E:Y DE: 5iP ?d? ga 3k E; 9 i:EI 5 6 n 3 F: 2!.;g EE 't' :<ir f;s t zotr uJ tU FIf L )0- ls:rE EFiE a lcis E PC O:9:E:et 9i LEc -/lEE .'' I Ye 5E' b: EEE Itl', I;ei 1lcii HE;; iiYge llER '' a Attachment D H \'_D_lli} s P i-J DR ll ir. :..t\!tl l,. i,,'ttt,LlliAnt5 May 27,2004 Mr. Gregg Barrie Town of Vail 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Varl Resorts Snow Cat Bridge and Snowmaking Intake Construction Dear Gregg: Vajl Resorts is pleparing to construct a new bridge across Gore Creek a:rd replace iheir existilg snowmaking iltake iocated near the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant, just upstream frorn the confluence ofRed Sandstone Creek. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Vail Plaruring and Environmental Comurission and tlle Design Review Board, contingent upon analysis of potential floodplain in'rpacts and compliauce witlr section 12-21-108 of the Vail Town Code. The purpose of this letter is to report the results of our analysis of floodplain impacts and to document project design rnodificatiols tirat ]rave beel adopted to prevent increases in the quantity, depth and/or velocity of flood waters. Pursua:tt to our telephone discussions, our assessnent ofpotential floodplain iurpacts involved an analysis of the proposed improvements using tiie 1978 HEC-2 hydraulic model that is the basis for the currently effective Flood lnsurance Study, dated November 2,1982. ln addition, we completed a site-specific inspection aud suwey of stream citannel cross sections througlr the project area. This infonlation was used to evaluate the proposed improveurents and implement design nlodifications to assure that there will be no net change in charurel geometry and therefore no change in flood elevatiotrs or velocity. The existing conditions inforr.ration for the HEC-2 hydraulic model was obtained directly fronr FEMA and consisted of an undated "green bar" |ard copy of the inpuVoutput summary of hydrauiic calculations together witlr a copy of the work rnap of the area. We revierved tlris infonration and used it to reconstruct the HEC-2 hydraulic model for the area where tlie proposed project is located. The flood hydraulics for this area rvere based on very sinrple geonretrically defined chamrel cross sectiolts, regulatory cross sectiotts 18.92 and 18.93, located irunrediately upslrealll and downstlealll of the proposed inrprovemetrts. I', 1lir. ',,'. 11..1 . | , r"rtl Mr. Gregg Barri MaY 21,2044 Page2 The HEC-2 model did pot iuclude any stream channel cross sections located in the inurediate vicinity of the proposed bridge and tire iulake structwe. For the cross sections Iocated upstrealn and downstl'eanr of the project area, a sub-critical flow assulnption was used for ihehydraulic calculations. The repeated "critical depth" cornputations diagnostic indicated that the matbematical niodel could not balance in the assumed sub- critical flow regime so the model automatically defaulted to cornputatiorr of tlie critical depth for the assumed 10Q-year flood flow rate at each cross section. The irydraulic grud" litt" (water surface elevatiol) for 1he 1Q0-year flood tluough this reach is the result Jfconnecting the individual upstream and downstream point calculations ofcritical depth. The water surface prcfile throug)r this reach can therefore only be considered approxirnate. Our site specific survey and inspection of this stream reach revealed the existence ofa very geometric and corrstrained charinel section with no 10O-year overbaDks and limited opportunity to mitigate channel errcroacbments with conveyance improvenrents. The aiproxinrate elevatiop of the hydlaulic grade line of the 10g-flood indicated by the rnodel for the area between the proposed bridge and tl-ie new intake was 8081 .7 feet, wirich would be about 2 to 3 feet below tire bike patir to the south and about 15 feetbelow the parkirig lot to the norllr of the creek. The site plan sirowing tlre proposed inrprovements is attached to tiris letter as Exhibit 1. The Snow Cat Bridge abutments would be located at elevations of 8086 and 8087 to the lorth ald south of the creek respectively, which would be well above and outside of the 100-year floodplain and will have rio impact on the regulatory floodplain The proposed new intake structure and the new stonn sewer outfall, both on the nortir side of the creek, would be located at least pafiially below tb,e 1O0-year flood elevation and inside the nrapped floodplain. The iemainder of this letter therefore addresses potential impacts associated with these structures. Exhibit 2 illustrates streanr citaruel cross section geometry at tire ploposed intake locatiol ulder existing conditions and future conditions following construction. The new water intake structure was originally ploposed with rectangular encroaclurent into the floodplain, beginling slightly below ihe nonlal water level as shown on Exhibit 2- Our irutiai gualitative evaluation of tlris structure, based upon its in-rpact on channel geometry, concluied that it would result iq an uracceptable floodplain encroach-urettt. We therefore recollmerlded nrodificatiolrs to the design of the intake that involved moving the stmcture back ilto the streambalk and changing the design to reduce the height of the structure so that it more closely confoms to tbe slope of the existing bank' The project engineers have accepted these recomnrendalions and modified tlre design so that ihe intake will not cause a significaut deviation irr the geometric bank lirle. The shaded area on Exhibit 2 i1 flont of the intake control gate repres€nts a widening of the 4.5 feet and a deepening ofthe charmel edge by about 2.5 feet. Tlie shaded area alotlg the upper bank above slrows sonre additiona'l flooil colveyance capacity due to widening arrd deepening of the channel below the 100-year llood level. The additional cl'rarlrel conveya.llce capacrty t-lw.lr6(nhilrc llrl(.rrxcc ConsulLarll-s- lnc.. 1002 Walnul Stect, Suite 200, Bouldcr, CIO 80302 \{r. Gregg Bani May 27,2004 Pase 3 represented by these modifications will rnore than offset the impacts associated with tlte up1rr, "or-rl., of the structure that extends about 2 feet above the existing bank. This cotrer of the stlucture would be similar to tire size of existing boulders that are found in the strear.n and on flre banks tiuougli this steam section. The Exhibit 2 cross section demonstrates that with tlie nodified intake design, the structure wiil not result in a significant geonretric encroach:nent. In the absence ofa reliable, plecise hydraulic model, apirroximate conveyance cotlputations were made to deteruine the change in the chanlel's ability to carry water at the intake cross section ulder existing and proposed conditions. The results oftliis analysis are presented on the attaclied conveyance curve (Exhibit 3). At the nomal flow Ievel the chamel conveyance would be increased by approxirnately L9Yo, at the level of the top of the proposed intake slruclule, conveyance would be increased by about 1o/o', and at the 1O0-year flood level, corlveyance would increase by about 7%o. Since the chaturel col'Iveyance is actually increased, at ieast a small an:iount at all strearn stages, the intake will have no significant impact on the regulatory flood elevation or velocity. Exhibit 4 illustrates the before and after stream charu:el cross section geonretry for the proposed location of tl-re neu, storm sewer outfail. This cross section detnonstrates that tlrere will be no measurable deviation in geornetric bank line between the before and after conditions, and therefore no impact on 1he regulatory flood elevation or velocity. ln conclusion, the r esults of our analysis of floodplain irlpacls indicates that, with the project design modifications described above, the proposed bridge, intake facility aud itor11r ,"*", outfall structure will not result in any increases in the quar.rtity, depth and/or velocity of flood u,ater. Therefore, the pricposed project rvill not result in any tneasurable change in the floodplain and will not adversely affect adjacent properlies. Please feel fi'ee to contact me at (303) 443-7839 or dlaiho@hydrosphere.com, if you irave anv ouestions or ueed anv additional infonlation. Enclosures Bill Kennedy, Vail Resofts Gary Brooks, Alpine Engineering, Itic. Thornas A. Braun, Braun Associates, lnc. Il,"-drosphcrc llcsout.cc Cottsu)lans, lnc., 1002 Walrrul Slrcct, Suitc 200, Bouldcr' CIO 80302 Siucerely, Hydrospbere Resource Consultants, lnc. llas R. Laiho, P.E. \vot zlt zaaq l!+:44 zlaz+Lz5aEl-ll d Avenuc, Roonr {42 (970} Z4$11S9 Ec. t5 .rnc[on, Colorqdo 81501-25q, FeE (970) 241-ASBk.rreue.army.mil raark.q,giEn6a{Auieci.armv.mfl- 'l/nf lrre A/:!rie,'. n'/' '-lic p-ra fff, w^/c o,arrr)r{, |erc,rril/)/o J: tf,'t?(i,r1 livir .{:.\ ,:tt.. rti:.rf:.':' .tt:..t l;,.i ,nr, t!+-, ;:el ztri /9,15;.:."; i 7 ,t 7ln'nrl Fax Header Sfieef U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento Distriii GoloradoiGunnison Basin Regulatory Office 400 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junstion, Golorado 91S0i.2563 970. 243. 1teg Fax 970,241.2358 Attachment: E q10-8u5- zs55 B;/l /_ , . ^: ' ! "ftu w;+4 tBFws tody" Thry are coCczl/'tL Date: 2l J,rna ) LOO+ To; /Vl R., B i , I Kenn .)7 - ya ,l lbsofiv From: , Mo-k G;lf;)1"" Colorado/Gunnison Basin Regulatory Office Regulatory OfFroe D."*[ rprrrn'ot C"nynnT €ry: Re/easer's Signature: /}ll nrq Nunber af pages Including cover: I comments: Voi I lt{t. Snrw --,1 Erille- conslrur{,on { S"o, mek',nj I^t^ke gz.onsfru^t'ion . fio^l l"ilun, c0 !erin, t/"e Aishrirr! cl"p/nfrLn nidu, * tr::+;V 7,o7,i^^.f;, a)o/y icn i f .ri" ..: w-xt:rra f roJratn,n4r t c tuo/y ica / avni.6o .'The .1flar"tr 2aod ,fu?nrr, 4grc+a*,f 6-fwee.4.t/a;/ lssot)o/es i * srir.;r,{ i, s,,rff,..c."nt, +s soo445 fir"i<r's l-'r1.. ret t[.,,.<s l/n Corps o f4)t e _r,..,e-rnill igsue ye,.nifs fu. p*pl* /", *; I'-tlUll -t my Corpr frratt €ntE Diatist Mark Gilfitla n fl 'usion +, p/ease c*// Bf ofogist/Boject Manaqer , nf- @lordorGunnison BJsln . o Ur oTtt CLt l\or|r Q, lllJCC:+, +AA7 '17 'ilnf Attachment: F STATE OF COLORADO Bill Owens, Governor Douglas H. Benevenlo, Executive Director Dedicated to protecting and improving ths health and environment of the people of Colorado 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S. Laboratory Services Division Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 8100 Lowry Blvd. Phone (303) @2-2000 Denver, Colorado 80230-6928 TDD Une (303) 691-7700 (303) 692-3090 Located in G'endale, Colorado http:/hvww.cdphe.state.co.us April 28, 2004 C,olorado Departrnent of PublicHealth : :ri.' and Environment Bill Kennedy, Project Manager Vail Resorts Development P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Certification, Colorado Wastewater Discharge Permit System: Permit Numberr COG-070000. Facilitv Number: COG-071676 Dear Mr. Kennedy: Enclosed please frnd a copy ofyour certification that was issued under the Colorado Water Quality Control Act. You are legally obligated to comply with all terms and conditions of the permit and certifrcations. Please read the permit and ifyou have any questions contact me at (303) 692'3599. Sincerelv. tlar/r.rl Aa4-* Darlene Casey, Program Assistant Water Quality Protection Section WATER QUALITY CONTROL DIVISION xc: Bruce Keng Perrnit Team Environmental Protection Agency Regiornl Council of Government Eagle Counly, Local County Health Departrnent Andy Poirot, District Engineer, WQCD Permit frle Permit Fees File PAYMENT IS DUE UPON RECEIPT OF TIIE PERMIT/CERTIFICATION PLEASE WRITE YOUR PERMIT NTII\4BER ON YOUR CIIECK TO ENS{JR-E PROPER CREDIT PERMIT # COG-071676 INVOICE # 500006262 Your oerrnit covers tlvo (2) quarters AMOLINT DIJE $ 296,00 Meke-ehqeksJeyable&: Colorado Deoartrnent of Public Health & Environment .1iCO Cher-n C;eek Drive So-rth. ASD-AR.-ts1 Denver. CO 80246-1530 IT IS ESSENTIAL TIIAT THIS FOR}T IS MAILED IN WITH YOTJR PAYI{ENT. Permit No. COG-070000 Facility No. COc-071 676 page I CERTIFICANON AATEORIZATION TO DISCEARGE WDER TEE CDPS INDUSTKIAI GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION DEWATEEING OPERATIONS (SIC No: 1629) Category 27, Subcategory 3, General Permits, Canent fee 5296.00Jor 2 quatters per CRS 25-8-502 This permit specifically authorizes, with thefacility coftact of, to clbchargefromfacifines identif ed as Forest Road Snowcat Bypass, located in Section I 2 , T5S, R81W, Eagle County, as shown infgure I, from Discharge Poiat identifed as 001, as shown in fgure 2 of the permi| and further identifed and dacribed in this table Dkcharge Point Description Estimated Flow Rate 001 Discharge is from a Filter Bag (sediment tap) to Gore Creek Avg. = 59 *^ Max = 100 pm The discharge is to Gore Creelg in Segment I of the Eagte River Sub-basin, lJpper Colorado Rtver Basin, found in the Classifications and Numeric Stindards for the (lpper Colorado River Basin (5 CCR 1002-33); last update efective January 20, 2004. Segment has been designated Reviewabte anil is classifedfor theJollowing wes: Reteation, Class I a; Aquatic Life, Class I (Cold); Watet Supply; Agriatlure Salinity QDS) monitoring of the discharge wiII be required. 'Phosphorus monitoring ofthe discharge will aot be requiretl. Antiiegradation review does not apply to this permit Refer to page 4 of the permit for applicable limitations and to page 5 for monitoring requirements . The permittee shaU implemazt and maintain the Best Management Practices @MP) for the prevention of erosion and the contol ofsolid aad liquid poliut** due n the discharga BMPs can include various options, such as: modification of the pipe discharge structure to disperse Jlows; containment ofwatr by hay bales or other comparable structures; the use of gmcloth, filterfabric, or plastic sheetingifor protection of contoinmart structures; ip-rap; ond/or any othq approved methods which might be used If groundwater conlamination is ancountered, then the permittee ts to contacl the Divisian and, daPPropriate, the own* ofthe collection systan iieiving the dischoga Since the dbcharge of contan'tinateil groundwater is not covered untler rtis permit, the permittee shall imnediately aPPIy for a groundwater remediation c*afcation which will include appropiate requitanazts for additional discharge monitoring atd on-site anvironmental r esp ons e capabilities. The permittee shall proide the Division with any additional monitoing data on the permitted discharge collected for entities other than the Oniion. This will ie supplieil to the Division within 48 hows of the reciipt of rte data by the permixee. A blank Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) is provided to accommodate the project's moing discharge points. Thepermitee is aurtorbed n reproduce the enclosed DMR as necessary to complete reporting requirements. This certification to discharge is efective for f quarters. All correspondence relatiye to this facility should refermce the specific facility number, COG-07I676. Andre*t, J. Neuhart April 21,2004 Yail Ruorts Developmmt CompanY Bill Kennedy, Project Manager P.O.Box 959 Awn, CO 81620 Bill Kennedv - 970.845.2535 This facility permit contains 19 Pages. FIGURE 1 FOREST ROAD SNOWCAT BWASS CO NSTRUCTI ON D EVATENNG P ROJECT coc-0716 PAGE 17 \.\ l(t',i)i{ :|:'-1'-\ ir-:--: *-S=--.-::F 'l"l; towARo3 0u5$tt95 c[NtER P.o. aot qt a iolaaxos. Colonloo atcsz e <izor qze-Jrir rax tizo> q26-35qo VICINITY MAP I W:.8 H ril: F OREST R OAD 3N OWCAT B WASS CONSTRUCNON DEWATERNG PROJECT I at ]U EJo fl HU' FIGURE 3 coc-0716 PAGE 19 \.rrr.\..\r-\ I ) I ll I tl t{{'t, I I tl il mffi ,rl ll:l ' t,,,,',ffi,,..fi ,1,,,il'$ ii,,,,ru4,,,,;,i# lil li$i"i'd r;! \ii I t I UI $' I I.l I I htnTxtr tlj.l II I I r I eI t F H rl ,1: II "l'&\i:$'{ tL'.r$ \'ill Paperwork Reduction Act Notice Public repoding burden for this collection of information is estirnated to vary iom a range of 10 hours as an average per response for some minor facilities, to I l0 hours as a average per response for some major facilities, witb a weighted average for rnajor and minor facilities of l8 hours per response, including tr'me for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any othet aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Chie{, Information Policy Branch, PM- 223, U.S. EnvironmeDtal Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460; and to the Office of information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC 20503. t. General lnstructions Jf form has been partially completed by preprinting, disregard instructions directed at entry ofthat information already preprinted. Enter "Permittee NamdMailing Address (and facility name/location, if different)' "Permit Number," and "Discharge Numbef' where indicated. (A separate form is required for each discharge). Enter dates beginning and ending "Mo nitoring Peio{' covered by form where indicated. Enler each "Parameter" as specified in the monitoring requirements of permit. Enter "Sample Measurement" data for eacb parameter under "Quantity" rnd "Quality" in units specified in permit. "Average" is normally arithmetic average (geometri e ave'age for bacterial parameters) of all sample measurements for each parameters obtained duing "Monitoring Period'; "Maximum" and "Minimum" are normally extreme high and low measurements obtained during "Monitoring Period." (Note to municipals with secondary treaffient requirement: Enter 30-day average of sample measurements under 2. "Average," and €nter ?-day average of sample measurements obtained during monitoring period under "Maximum-') Enter "Permit Requiremenl" for each parameter undet "QuantiDl' ^ d "Quaiity'' as specified in permit. miDomum o Under'Wo Er" enter number of sarnple measurements during monitoring period that exceed maximum (and/or minimum 7-day average as appropriate) permit requirement for each parametsr. Ifnone, enter "0." Enlet "Frequency of Analysis" both u"sample Measurenenl" (actual frequency of sampling and analysis used during monitoring period) and as "Permit Requiremenl" specified in permit. (e.g., Enter "Cont," for continuous monitoring,"l/7'for one day per week,"1/30'fot one day per month , " I/90" for one day per quarter, etc.) Enter "Sample 71pe" both as a"Sample Measuremenl" (actual sample type used during monitoring period) and as "Permit Requirement," (e.g.,Enter "Grab" for individual sample, "24HC' for 24-hour composite, "N/A" for continuous monitoring, €tc.) Where violations of permit requfiements are reported, attached a brief explanation to desedbe cause and corrective actions taken, and reference each violation by date- if"no discharge" occus during monitoring period, enter "No Discharge" aooss form in place ofdata entry. Enter "Nameffitle of Principal Execative Olficef' 'vrlth "Signature of Principal Ex.ecutiye Oficer or Authorized Agent," "Telephone Number," and'?are" at bottom of form. 13. Mail signed Report to Office(s) by date(s) specified in permit. Retain copy for your records. 14. More detailed ins&uctions for use of this Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) form may b€ obained &om OIIice(s) specified in permit. Legal Notice This report is required by law (33 U.S.C. l3l8; 40 C.F.R. 125.27). Failure to r€port or failure to report truthftlly can result in civil penalties not to exc€ed $10,000 per day of violation; or in criminal penalties not to exceed $25,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment not to exceed more than one year, or by both. EPA Form 3320-1 (Rev. 9-88) 7. 6. I]- t) 10. o G oz, = a ?F = oI E 3 = o o |.lJ oz tl L_J LJJ u, z IuFz tr o ll, o. u, =F (J ulxlu J nz ul F DE z J 6 lrJ J l-oF ane 6(t, lJJ zutqofo J F UJ U) ut z J d LU ul\5"' o- tltltltltl tl td I Olt=t lul tfllrltn tEl | trtI llr l l:<l t*ltl =lal!lltrl SlFl elkl I I I I I lIrlo t* ll0 IGlot] 8l; EIE ol€ot- -l (, Fle "l* I Elf,l6t<l"l z, tr E,Fz,ul z F J g E;=q5i € = BEHF;: I egiFa*s fiFcEgE3i = EAFF3? €-I i;EEie s q Ec;E5gfigE ;;EFEEEiE (, =o Eo trz o 5 o s1 I R.l 6 =otrlt ? 5 gP oU|ri? C 9 3'agRIe:iEoX ,I5 oE z lr- TTJ l-|:l l=lEl I lal Ll3 mI ldt BIEI lEl?l Plq eE RS.ir-id=. H O5!ft!?uEo =2.frEE9XFe^z;o E=iuJc.POiid-6< 1d 9,o t bSe.ad(t> ESH\<x:l= =d<q fiE FE ES H,F Its lo)txlo t9 t"'t* t,lo! l< o o @ Eo (u G ut E z ulo a I g o o l.tl nt a5 qE v!rznt E +tr oz o :r! :l2lr I 33aott+ P 9 3'aiqIeriEo X ,i6F (' o = uJ = ur 2 tr, aq Foz 2 3 r =t l! ll ||J(.) |ll d c B da E =o!- ulottl!o BI :lotuxtqJ ; E urJP P llt E z tlHl llil I t3l I$ [igl lEl?l H4 eE Fs.5r;E^ H o5ift3 Ptr. 1silEE9-F 76g= I uJa P Oictr-6< E5Io l1.l i,r n =c)=(\ tltl tltl iltltbl tFl tEl lEl t6] l4_l tEl lFllv- Il-l t.0llltzl loltFltzt IUr ItFltFlt?l ool CO @ o o_ll <)S*vr6 E*x\?css <oz* HFEr FF zo F x.Fz UJ C'zoo o ). =fo ?=EBPH E FEEfeE-i EEEFfrEIi i?;EF=tesl EEir:EIiE HEEEEEgFi =o oJtro Ftrz a s o e. Fzutlu+ =i u.l.={ :+ (t)vr< u.l E =o lt d) oo3o o nt t 6t! Attachment G , MEMORANPUM TO: Community Development FROM: Public Works Department DATE: June 24,2004 SUBJ ECT: Vail Resort/ERWSD Floodolain Modifications The proposed Floodplain Modifications associated with Vail Resort's snowmaking system improvements within the Gore Creek 1O0-year floodplain, located adjacent to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facilities, 646 West Forest Road, comply with the provisions of the Vail Town Code. The proposed floodplain modifications will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Chad Salli, Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator Attachment: H THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on June 28, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideratlon of: A request for.a conditional use permit, pursuant to Seciion 12-71-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, and a variance from Title 14, Chapter 5, Parking Lot and Parking Structure Design Standards for All Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of an unpaved private parking lot, located at 923 South Frontage Road WesUunplatted. (A complete metes and bounds legal description is available for review at the Town of Vail Community Development Department). Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC Planner: Matt Gennett A recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a major amendment to a Special Development District (SDD), pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for an amendment to the recorded conditions of approval prohibiting the operation of restaurants within Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, located at242East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Block 58, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Sonnenalp Properties, lnc., represented by Johannes Faessler Planner: George Ruther A final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, to allow for eight two-family residential structures (Gore Creek Place), located at 730, 724, and 714 West Lionshead Circle/Tracts A, B, C, & D, Morcus Subdivision, and Lot 7, Marriott Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts, represented by Braun AsSociates, lnc. Planner: WarrenCampbell A final review of a conditjonal use permit, pursuant to Section 12-98-3, Private Or Public Off- Street Vehicle Parking Structures, to allow for an amendment to an existing conditi6nal use permit for private parking, located at 364 Gore Creek Drive/Lot P-3, Block 5A, Vail Village Filing 5, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts Planner: ElisabethEckel A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6H-3, Conditional Uses; High Density Multiple Family, Vail Town Code, to allow for a public utility and public services use, located at 501 North Frontage Road (Solar Vail Condominiums)/ Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Planner: Clare Sloan A request for a floodplain modification, pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for snowmaking system improvements within the Gore Creek floodplain locjtted at an unplatted parcel adjacent to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facilities, 646 West Folest Road, (a complete meies and bounds l-egal description is available for review at the Town of Vail Community Development Department), and setting for details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Resorts, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regrrlar office hours at the Town of Vail Community bevelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits thatprecejF the public hearing.in the Town of Vail Community bevelopment Department. Please call (97-0) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request.with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. ' Published June 11,2AA4, in the Vail Dailv. t a! f r.lt\t r* Vail Resorts Snowmaking Intake/Modifi cations within Floodplain Adjacent Property Owners List June 2004 l TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 .l SMITH. ruSTINEH. 43 SOUTH SHORE CT HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29928 l G. LOVEN LLC 934 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL CORP POBOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 l EAGLE RTVER WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT 846 WEST FOREST ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 a?;L4i fr a4 15:44 9742412355 ilztt'lbAr xn5[oF Regulasory Branch (2004?5X90) usAcE DEPAFf,UENf OFTHE ARMY u,s aFllY EllGlllER DlSTHlgl' SAcRAI|ENTO OORPS OF EIIGIGEBS 1325 J STBEET STCRA!ffiNTO, CALFORNIA 9511 4€22 firlY 14 ' 2OO4 PAGE B2IA3 Mr- Bill KennedYvail nesorts Derlelopment colu5'any DirecEor of Land DeweloPrnelt. ii?-i"o.rt*"rk Road, PosL office Box 9s9 Avon, Colorado At62o Dear Mr. Kennedy: we are respondlng to your-Juns Q' 2oo4 1 request' for a p.parii"ii-"i-th;-A;i f"t*ii-f"r the vail Mt' Snoncat Brldsc And rnrake projecr. -rilill'pi"i:st involvee acriviticr, includi-ng ai;;ii;rG"'"i ar.ii;i ;=-iiii marerial, in warers of the united sEaEes Eo re-co!:lstnrct a snowtnakinq in;ake and a new bridge access. Tlals =ii"-i=-f"cated at G5re Creek wlthin SecEiorr 7' ;;;;[iP i soutrr, Rarrge 8o-west, IJatitude 3e" 38'28'7]t' iii!-i-d.he l-06" 2; ' 3e'-9', Eagle corrntv, colorado' coneultation wlttr the u.s. Fish and 'qLldlife senrice for threateDea or enJar.t"r"a -lp"cies protseeeed by qhF Endangered ;;;i;; Act is .o*piet= ' ;tn oplnion q745 j'esued by che se:rlrice on ;[iy-;, iOo+,- fcop]_encroced),- conc]uding rh_at the Recowery ;;;;ril f..= ^"a"--Eteiiciettt piogress to Ee Ehe reasonable and orud,ent alEernaEi""-i"-itoia tfri likelihood of, Jeopatdy to the :il;il:':e;i;;;;:- ii".a on ttris deEerminacion and our review of il;;;;i;.t-"ctitti'tiee, we trawe.determined tshat your project' can be coneEru"u"o nttEJ=-Eit. f,oilowing permit- authoritries -provlded the work meets ttte-c"ttaitions lisied on the encfased informagion sheets and is ""tic.i"iiid-according tso the Plans subml-tted to our office, Based on tlte informalion you prowided, the propoeed activities are auefiorized by fticio-nr'rlde Oeneral permit numbers ]:2, L4 ancl 33. Your work must comply.witl'.uh9 general term€ and l"ialii"iis iistea on the enclosed luationwide Generar permit informaCion Bheegs and. the following special condiEione: Speeial Cortditiola ! 1. To document pre and posC-proJect conBtructlon conditione, you .ftatt submit pre-and post-conitruction phogos of Ehe Project slte trithin 30 dayi aftcr project comBletion- ft..- 9' {uu 6rdsoN, Zs.V. FRoH. &rr, KelNEbz rlftz (es"pfs bEUE rcfne+tT cot-l PAn Y \)S4eg; ftpntr ftR_ Srt"ul .*r AetLGE zfl)} SNotJ4.4g616 /NTt+KE urrio,tu-o-'15:44 9762412354 LtsAcE PAGE A3163 z. You shaLl plant and maintain regionally approprl-ate native "itfiiJ an6 rllarian pLarts at a 1:l-replacement raEio along the aiiected reactfof Gori Creek, to mitigate project imPacLs to the aquatic resource and aesociated habltat' 7. You muEt sign and return tlre encloeed Compliance ierriii.cation c5 thls office within 30 dayE af,tser completion of the work. Tlris verificatlon is valid for two yeafs from the date of this lebber, or gLtil the Nat.ionwid,e eenlral permit ie modified "i ixpir"s, whichever comes first, The Nationwlde General permile are scl:eduled to expire-on March tS, 2007. It iB incqmbent upon you to remaih informed about ehanges to t'he Nationwide -eeneial Permit Program and Uo ensure that' all contract and const:rtctrion personnel are famj.llar wi-th the termB aod condit,ions of tbis Perrn:Lt. PleaEe refer to identification nurnber 2o0475L90 in correqpondence concerning this projects- If yog have any. queeti-ons. please contacl Mr. Mirk Gilfil1an of, chis offl-ce, Jnrail uark. i,. eil f illawilrrsace. arm)z. miI or telephone 97 O -243 -LLg 9, extension 15- You may also use Ehe negiulatory Permits link cn our websile ; www. epk.uaace. azmy.mi!. El-ncerely, ,J.,zc/ /V< - ni-chol.ae z(vrrzei AqEing Chlef , Colorado/Gunnison Basin Regulatory office 400 Rood Avenue, Room 142 Grand Junction, Colotado 81501-2563 EncloEures Copies furnished without, encloguree: !1r. Robert M. weaver, H:ndrosphere Resource Consult,ants,Incorporated, 1002 Walnut Street, Suite 200, Boulder, Colorado 80302Mr. Ron D. velarde, Colorado Dlvislon of wlldIlfe, 711 Independent .Avet1ue, Grand rlunction, Colorado 91501 Mr. Paul von Guerard, Subdistrie! Chief, U.S- Geological Surirey,764 Hos|zon Drive, Suite 125, Grand .Tunclion, Colorad.o 81506Mr- AI Pfister, U-S. Fieh and wildllf,e Senrice, 754 llorizonDrive, Building B, Grand .Tunction, Colorado 81506-3945 Eagle County, Poet Office Box 850, Eag1e, Colorado 8153L STA|E OF COLOTUDO Bill Owens, Govornor Douglas H. Benevento, Executive Director Dedicalod to protecting and improving th€ health and environmsnt of the peoplo ot Colorado ,1300 Cherry Creek Dr. S. Laboratory Services Dfuision Denver, Colorado 80246-1530 8100 Lowry Blvd. Phone (303) 692-2000 Denver, Colorado 8023G6928 TDD Une (3cxl) 691-7700 (303) 692-3090 Locat€d in Glendale, Colorado http/ dwrv.cdphe.stat€.co.us April 28, 2004 Calorado Department of ltblicHealth,.r:-- andEnvironment Bill Kennedy, Project Manager Vail Resorts Development P.O. Box 959 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Certification, Colorado Wastewater Discharge Permit System: Permit Number: COG070000, X'acility Number: COG-071676 Dear Mr. Kennedy Enclosed please find a copy of your certification that was issued under the Colorado Water Quality Control Act. You are legally obligated to comply with all rerms and conditions of the permit and certifications. Please read tlre permit and if you have any questions contact me at (303) 692-359. Sincerely, /"0a.4.u'444-? Darlene Casey, Program Assistant Water Quality kotection Section WATER QUALITY CONTROL DTVISION xc: Bruce Kent, Pennit T€am Enviromnental Protection Agency Regional Cormcil of Govemment Eagle County, Incal County Healih Departnent Andy Poirot, District Engineer, WQCD Permit file Permit Fees File PAYMENT IS DUE UPON RECEIPT OX'TIIE PERMIT/CTRTIFICATION PLEASE WRITE YOT]R PERMIT NTMBER ON YOI]R CIIECK TO ENSI]RE PROPER CREDIT PERMIT # COG-071676 rNvorcE#!@Q90@ Your permit covers two (2) quarters Make checks pavable to: Colorado Deoar&nent of Public Health & Environment -1,100 Chern Creek Diile South. ASD-AR-ts1 Denver. CO 80246-1530 AMOTJNT DUE $ 296.00 \ IT IS ESSENTIAL TE.A,T TIIIS FORM IS MAILED IN WTTH YOTJR PAYMENT, Pernlt No. COG470UD FacilA No. COC47|676pqct CERNFICINON AWEORI.'ANON TO DISCEARGE UNI'ER TNE CI'PS INDASTRIAL GENERAL PERMIT FOR gONSTRACTION DEVATERING OPEfuITIONS (SIC No: 1629) Category 27, Sabcdegory i, General Permi/I,, Cunent fee E296.00 for 2 quatters per CRS 25-8'502 This permit specifually aurtorizes,Irail Ruo* Developmat Cotrpary Bill Kanedy, Projet Manager P.O.Box 959 Awn CO 81620 Bill Kennedy - 970.845.2535with thefacility contact otr to tlischargefromfacilities identifed as Forest Road Snowcd Bypass, located h Section I 2 ' T5S, R8l W Eagle Counfl, as shown infigwe l, from Discharge Poht identifed as 00 I , as shown in figure 2 of the prmit, and further iilentifed anil described in thb nble Dkcharge Poiat Dcscriptton Esttmuled Flotv Ra/,e 001 Discharye is from a Filter Bag (sedimmt trap) to Gore Oeek-Avg. = 59 *^ Mat = 100 mm The dbcharge is to Gore Creelc, in Segment 8 of the Eagle River SuLbasin, llpper Colorado Rivs Basin, found in the Classifications and Nuneric Standards for the IJnoer blorado River Bosin (5 CCR 1002-33); last update efective January 20, 2004. Segment lrns beat desiguted Reviewable and is classifedfor thefollowing uses: Recreation, Class Ia; Aquatic Life, Closs I (CoId); Water &tpply; Agriaiture Salinity (TDS) nonitoing of the dbcbarge will be required. Phosphorus monitoring of the discharge wlII not be required. Antidegradation review does not apply to this permit Refer to page 4 of the permit for applicable limitations and to page 5 for monitoring requirements. The p*mittee shat implqrrent and maintain rte Best Managemant Practices @MP)for the prevention ofaosion ad the contol ofsolid arul bqdd poltutants due n the discharge BMPs can include vaious options, sudt as: modiftcation of the pipe discharge stntcatre to disperse tbws; contaiflment ofwater by hay bala ol other comp@able shufitres; rte use of geocloth,fltafabric, or plastic sheethgfor ptobction of corttoiwta,l sffircnlrres; riFrup; and/or arry orts approwil netlads which might be ued. Ifgtormdwater antamination is stcotmtse4 then the p*mittee is n conUa the Division and, if appropriate, the ownt ofthe collection systant receiving the discharge. Since the dischorge of contmninated grouMer is not avaed under rtis Wt tit, thePerrnithe slall immediately qply for a grotndwater rqnedtation cqtifuation which will incluile appropriate requirernqtE for additional ilischarge monitoring and on-sib anvironmantal respons e capabilities. The pmfittee shall provide rte Division with any add'ttional monitoring data on the permitted dbcharge collectedfor entitia othq than the Divbion: Ihb willbe supplidto the Divisionwirth 48 hows of thereceipt of rtedan by the pamittee. A blank Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) is proided to accommodate theproject's moving discharge points. Thepqmitee is authorizedb reproduce the enclosed DMR as necessary to complete rqorting requbalents. This certifcation to discharge is efective for ! quarters. All correspondance relative to this facility should refuence the specifrcfacility nwfier, COG-071676. Andraat J. Neuhart April 21,2004 ISSTiEDANDEFFECTIYE: APRIL27.2004 EXPIRATION: OCTOBER27.2004 This facility pernit contaitts 19 pages. F1RESTR1ADSNOVQATBYPASS I CONSTRUCNONDEWATERNGPROJECT :, FIGUM 1 coc-0716 PAGE 17 //-) w,Tll,ffi VICINITY MAP Si=S : :1 .- --,:. - L:- -: - i -:ff----:--- towlRo3 !u5ltca6 ccNrcR P,o. 00x 'ttt lowARog. coroRAoo at652 a rizor iec-srb ru <izo) c26-s5*, !i! FOREST ROAD SNOVCAT BWASS CONSTRUCNON DEWATERING PROJECT I I cn lUtr -J-r-O fi lU 6 ll FIGURE 3 _=\rr\- __\rr-\ , coc-0716 PAGE 19 .g' 'itri , kir I llll lr 'tl ll t iiiil'trl) [# ilr!l r hll i$ lltil I I irl ,t, tr' W) ti!t\i i# I ( { ll liI t III III I F -trl =xrt Iu.l r i E I il lll#-&,''l{i 'i;ilii',",,i$! ffi fi)ilN-/, t\!j Paperwork Reduction Act Notic€ Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to vary fiom a range of l0 hours as an average per response for some minor facilities, to I l0 hours as a average per response for some major facilities, with a weighted average for major and minor facilities of l8 hours per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Chief, Information Policy Branch, PM- 223, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 401 M Street, SW, Washington, DC 20460; and to the OfYice of information and Regulatory Affairs, OIIice of Management and Budget, Washinglon, DC 20503. General Instructlons l. If form has been partially completed by preprinting, disregard instructions directed at entry of drat information already preprinted. 2. Enter "Permittee Name/Mailing Address (and facility namey'location, if different)," "Permit Number," and "Discharge Number" where indicated. (A separate form is required for each discharge). 3. Enter dates beginning and ending"Monitoring Periot' covereA by form where indicated. 4. Enter each '?arameter" as specified in the monitoring requirements ofpermit. 5. Enter "Sample Measuremen!" data for each parameter under "Quantity" and "Qualitf' in units specified in permit. "Average" is normally arithmetic average (geometr-ic average for bacterial parameters) of all sarnple measurements for each parameters obtained duing "Monitoring Periot'; "Maximum" aad "Minimum" are normally extreme high and low measurements obtained during "Monitoing Period." (Note to municipals with secondary treatment requirement: Enter 30day average of sample measurements under"Average," and enter maximum 7-day average of sample measurements obtained during monitoring period wder "Maximum."\ 6. Enter "Permit Requirement" for each parameter undet "Quantity" uld "Quality" as specified in permit. 7. Under "No -Er" enter number of sample measurements during monitoring period that exceed maximum (and/or minimum Tday average as appropriate) permit requirement for each parameter. Ifnone, enter "0." 8. Enter "Frequency ofAnalysis" both as "Sample Measurement" (actual frequency ofsampling and analysis used during monitonng period) and as "Perrnit Requirement" specified in permit. (e.g., Enaer "Cont," for continuous monitoing, " l /7' for one day per week,"lBA'for one day per month , " 1/90" for one day per quarter, etc.) 9. Enter "Sample Type" both as a"Sample Measurement" (acttal sample type used during monitoring period) and as"Permit Requirement," (e.9., ErLtet "Grab" for individual sample,"24HC' for 24-hour compos ite, "N/A" for continuous monitoring, etc.) 10. Where violatrons of permit requftements are reported, attached a brief explanation to descnbe cause and corrective actions taken, and reference each violation by date. I l. If 'ho discharge" occurs during monitoring period, enter "No Discharge" across form in place of data entry. 12. Enter "Nameffitle of Principal Executive Olficer" with "Signature of Principal Executive Olficer or Authorized Agent," "Telephone Number," and "Date" at bottom of form. | 3. Mail signed Report to Oflice(s) by date(s) specified in permit- Retain copy for your records. 14. More detailed instructions for use of this Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) form may be obtained from OIIice(s) specified in permit. Legal Notice This report is required by law (33 U.S.C. 13l8; 40 C.F.R. 125.27). Failure to report or failure to report truthfrlly can result in civil penalties not to exceed $10,000 per day of violation; or in criminal penalties not to exceed $25,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment not to exceed more than one year, or by both. EPA Form 3320-l @ev. 9-E8) xtsI Ia I! IItl t Jltc FIl a|r| ut -=v <tFg ID qJ kct 6 ot F'! s 4.Itl ||l-o-!||l H E!to-fz < !,1 UE<(, edI zo EF= f$ zo(, eo Fa-i ro 3so so B{1tiog ?zt =o Jo = Jo- {o. .t. n = tttttt latl tl Hg aHOE st E? b5 Hrtr9 Eb*o UJ ?0tl|t ?It .3 ==-o 7oulz, = - 2IEulc ul ?-; F =I o Ea2ujo.ttu,oz E El!o EHBEE*i EiFiEiis (9z e 9gi O9 FU 2 5c, F8od Ee cl ezD +lt+ =G(9 ttt - = ={. tl uJ ? E, uJ ? ltlltt FzqH =t!=cs=;? Itl- 2 "tHdgq)a? uJ- 2 qH =ul=t=)D? trl- 2qi = r,l =ct)Dfi - -qH =tll=tt=a? u.l- F-qH =ut=dt=d? u!- -qH =ut=qa=a? ul. rl trtoulxtrl J<cBrl69 E5 :lF F :z o HzaA E o|rlcI eg +D<s o 4 uJ.a ulE(' o e Jo oo =oooluozltllofo cFoF tl! J =eoule c g I ig €!E oc oc E 8 o ,9oe a o of a ! oE tiiFo2 I gJ u -oa,5oz $ ?gP EggqR 5 5EE E8F |! :z tr..!tE tr- a r:, -:g Fuoo. IJJtoz EoEzo =LrJ(,E -(tLo a $-|llF !,-ItIJtn ulo 5I flE F e E-too-{ a E- $ I =lsEl H€El* F$;li -oe,l|. E tl - 3 ,A E6Bo 3 a g s E aa E ?FIEo !tl B 3Gg tIt e II Ec J G tg tE e fr UJJur6qo- \ =Fgo Ho o oa F'le u lrJ ulzo-Gtu EIF E||lo-,2 <l|lrdOEO(o eil3 zIk.tr9i6 uJo =oC'eo Ea cg3-g s6 O6!Q. og oF =f f at J o = trtl Jo- =3 =d- !Jlr-e2 EHUo rHLEIt E? b5 Ertr9 f;E to UJI G,lrl -3 =--oz oltlz, ={ f z Et!o- l! ; F I r.i z tl- z E Elu =gaE6=?! BEHF EH'Iz- r,Jz12 6EEg HEE $ EEEE 38fi; FsHi =E;<r'2!e *gE: =2EF uJ =lr o EJo6aa96E'- I! .,tIY ODZ..tE*'Jz9: ;-3 <(JZutxits9 UEl*L2 s! EETE =o-6= EO ee s s E b E s € E} I l$ gE IIrisE {E 8eo (,zo oJ E=o9 EEF = =o c|oO6 Ega q al,t- =t oo.(9 -f =T = qJIEul ? 2qH =ul=ct=D{t! = Fz,{5 =ut=Ett)a{ ltl- =qH EUq=a? ut. FzqH =ut=E1t=6t ul. FzqE =||J=E==a{ UJE F-qH EH64 ut. FzqH =uJ=c4t);1 ut- Gtu9l!tto uJ F =o!tx tr,l J oz EA |rl etr DI 2 o Flz c,Gc ou,A F E UJilF ed o- e ,E .tl !g A otto eluan.OE2<6-t;io 6io;z8 E! ..:ul oz c 9ii .=lEtr { ItP EE$ FgE Iotxoo o G oU' UJEoo FF.If, Fg uEl EE,ffi o Htt 'lilslil € €Se(ab(n: g'F?i gE <qz< urE E* EF I Page2 Permit No. COG470000 CDPS GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING OPERATIONS AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER TIIE COLORADO DISCI{ARGE PERMIT SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of the Colorado Watcr Quality Control Act (25-8-101 el. seq. CRS, 1973 as anrcnded), operations e.lrgaged in constustion dewatering of ground watcts and i$ormwaters (excluding minc dewatering activities) are authorized to discharge from approved locations tkoughout the state of Colorado to specified watqrs ofthe state. Such dischargcs shall be in accordance with the conditions ofthis permit. This pennrit specifically authorizes the facility tisted on page I of this permit to dischuge grormd water and stormwder from constuction dewatering activities, as of this date, in accordance with the permit requilenr€:nts flrd conditions set forth in Parts I and tr hereof. AII dischuges authorized herein strall be consistent with the terms and conditions ofthis permit. This permit. and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, December 3l' 2flX Issued and Sigrred this lst day of February, 20(X COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF 1IEALTH Sr*"-. K4e-,h*I Mark T. Pifher, Director Water Quality Control Division DATE SIGNED: FEBRUARY 1,2004 EFFECTTVE DATE OF PERMIT: DECEMBER 31' 2004 Prge 2a Petmit No. COG-070000 TABLE OT CONTENTS PARTI A.COVERAGEUNDERTHISPERMIT ....... '3 B. EFFLI,JENT LIMITATIONS AND MONTTORING REQUIREMENTS . . . ' . . . . . . . . .4 l. Efiluent Limitations " ' " ' '4' 2. Monitoring Requirements """"'5 3. Footnotes """"5 C.REPORTINGREQIJIREMENTS '.'.........6 1. Representative Sarrpling. " " " ' " 6 2.Reporting """'6 :. Teit Procedures . . . . '. " " " " " '6 4. Recording of Results . ' " ' ' " " ' "6 5. Calculations 6. Records Retention . . . . . " " " " " " 6 . T.Additional Monitoring by Permittee . . .r. " " " '7 PARTtr A.MANAGEMENTREQUIREMENTS. ..... """""8 l. Change in Discharge '. '.. " " " 8 z.SpeciilNotifications-Definitions... "'"'8 3. Noncompliance Notification " " ' " 9 q. Submission of lncorrect or Inconplete Information ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 9 5.B1pass """"' 9 6. Bypass Notifrcation . . """""' 9 7.Ups€ts """"' 9 8. Removed Substances " " " " " ' 10 9. Minimization of Adverse trpact ' " " " " 10 10. Discharge Point.. " " " 10 I l. Reduction, loss, or Failure of Treabent Facility . . .. " " " 10 12. Proper Operation and Maintenance " " " ' 10 tr.DischargiEffluentSaryling "" "" " ' l0 r4.SignatotRequirement " " " " ' 10 B. RESPONSTBILmES. . .. . '... ' -. ll I . Inspections and Right to Entry ' ' ' ' ' I I z. Duiy to Provide Infonnation " " " l l 3. Transfer of Ownership or Control '..... "'" " " ll 4.AvailabilityofRe,ports "" """ l1 5. Modification, Suspension, or Revocation of Permits By the Division " " ' " " 12 6. Oil and Hazardous Subshnce Liabilrty . . ' . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 13 T.Statelaws """13 E.PermitViolatiotrs..... """"' 13 g.ProperryRights .... " ' ' ' 13 1O.Severability ""' '""' 13 ll. Renewal Applicatiou. " " " " " 13 l2.Coafidentiality..... """""' 14 l3.Fees """""14 14. Requiring an Individual CDPS Perrnit " ' " ' " " ' 14 15. Requesting an lndividual CDPS Pnnit " " " " ' 14 16. Requesting Coverage Under the General Permit . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 14 Page 3 Permit No. COG470000 PARTI COVERAGE I,JNDER TTIIS PERMIT l. ln order to be considered eligible for authorization to discharge under the tenns and conditions of this Permit, the owner, operator, and/or aulhorized agent of my facility cngaged in constuction dewatering and desiring to dischargi nnrst submit a compleed application form obained frorn the Water Quality Control Division. Such application shall be submitted at least thirty (30) dap prior to th€ antisipated date of first dischuge to: Colorado Deparnnent of Health Water Quality Control Division wQcD-P-82 430O Cherry Creek Drive South Denver, Colorado 80246- | 53O' Attenlion: Permits Unit The permit issuing authority shall have up to thirty (30) days after receipt ofthe above application to request addiional data anfuor deiry the authorization for any particular dischage. Upon receip of additional information the permit issuing authority shall have an additio:ral 30 days to issue or deny authorization for any particula discharge. If the person proposing the dischargc does not receivc a request for additional information or a notification of <teniaL from the permitiszuing authority within the specified time frame, authorization to discharge in accordance' with the conditions of thc penrit shall be deerned ganted. Authorization to discharge shall be site specific and hot transferable to alternative location If rhe petmit issuing authority determines that the opemtion does not fall tmder the aulhority of the general permit then ttre information reCeived will be teated as dr individual Permit, discharge is not allowed mtil l8O days after the application has been received. Authorization to discharge under this general permit strall commence on February 1, 1999 and shall expfu€ on Decemh 31, 2OO4 (a result ofthe 12 month administrative extension from the original January 31 20O4 expiration date). The Division must evaluate this general permit once every five (5) years and must also recertify the .applicant's apthority to dischage under the gencral permit, at such time. Thcrefore, a permittee desiring continued coverage under the-general permit must rc-apply by July I , 2004. The Dvision will determine if the applicant continues to operateund€r t€rms of the gen€ral p€rmit. An individual permit will be required for any facility not reauthorized to dischaige under the reissued general permit. For facilities wishing tp terminatc authorization under the new permit, provisions of Pat tr.BJ will be appropriate. 2. This permit does not constitute authorizafion under 33 U.S.C. 1344 (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act) of any stream dredging or frlling operations. ln order io be consideted eligible for autborization !o discharge under the tenr6 and conditions ofthis permi! the owner, operator, and/or authorized agent of any facility desiring to discharge must submit the discharge application forn! available from lhe Water Quality Control Division, which generally requires the following information: I . Name, address, and dcscriptive location of 0re facility; 2. Name ofprincipal in charge ofopcration ofthe facility; 3. Name ofwater(s) receiving thc dischargc(s); 4. Description of tlrc typc of activity resulting in the discharge including thc anticipated duration of activity and/or the discharge, antiqipated volurne" and rate of dischage, and Ote source of water which is to b€ dischsrged. Page 4 Permit No. COG-070000 A. COVERAGE UNDER THIS PERlvflT (CONT'D.) 5. Description of any waste water treatment system and recycle/reuse utilized; and, 6. A detailed site map that identifies all discharge points, and a schernatic diagram showing the goreral area and/or routing of the activitY. 7. Analysis of the water to be discharged. 8. Storage ofpetroleum or chernicals on site. B. EFFLUENT LIMTTATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS l. Effluent Limitations - Construction Dewaterine Activities a. There shall be no discharge of any process generated waste vr'aters excePt those waste waters resulting from dewatering of ground water. b. There shall be no discharge of sanitary waste waters from toilets ol related facilities. c. No chernicals are to be added to the discharge unless permission for the use of a specific chernical is granted by the Dvision. In granting the use of such chemicals, additiolal limitations and monitoring iequirernents may be imposed or an individual permit may be required' d. Bulk storage structures for petroleum products and other chemicals shall have adequate protection so as to contain al1 spills and prevent the material from entering discharged waters or waters of the State' Additional requirements are set forth in Section 31 I of the Federal Clean Water Act' 2. Monitorine Requirements - Construction Dewaterine Activities In order to obtain an indication of the probable cornpliance or noncornpliance with the eflluent limitations specified in Part I.B.l, the permittee shall monitor all effluort parameters at the following required frequencies. Self-monitoring samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specifred above shall be taken at the point of discharye prior to entering waters of the State. 10 No visual sheen Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l Total Phosphorus (as P), mgll See Part I.C.7.c Page 5 Permit No. COG-070000 3. Foomotes a/ The thirfy (30) day average shall be determined by the aritbmetic mean of all samples collected during a thirty (30) consecutive-day period. Samples shall not be used for more than one reporting period- b/ - The seven (7) day average shall be determined by the aritbmetic mean of all sarnrples taken on separate dap in a seven (7) consecutiveday period. Samples shall not be used for more than one reporting period. c/ - This limitation shall be deterrnined by a single saople or set of sanples as required by Part I B.2, Saryle T1pe. d/ - When the measurernent frequency indicated is quarterly, the samples shall be collected during the permit quarters as shown on page 1 of this certification, ifa continual discharge occurs. If the discharge is intermitten! then sarnples shall be collected during the period that discharge occurs. If the permittee, using the approved analytical methods, monitors any parameter more frequently than required by this permit, then the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the Discharge Monitoring Repod Form or other fomrs as required by the Division- Such increased frequency shall also be indicated. e/ - Definitions of Sa4ple Tlpe l. A "corrposite" sarryle, for monitoring requirements, i5 4 minirrlrrm sf four (4) grab samples collected at equally spaced two (2) hour intervals and proportioned according to flow. 2. A "grab' sarnple, for monitoring requirements, is a single "dip aod take" sample. 3. An "instantaneous" measurement, for monitoring requirements, is a single reading, obsewatiorg or measulernent performed on site. 4. A ncontinuous" measurement, for flow monitoring requirements, is a measurement obtained from an automatic recording device which continually measures flow. 5. An "in-situ" measurement, for monitoring requirements, is defined as a single reading, , observ'ation or measurement taken in the field at the point of discharge . 6. A uvisual' observ"ation, for oil and grease monitoring requirements, is observing the discharge to check for the presence ofa visible sheen or floating oil. fl - In the event an oil sheen or floating oil is observed, a grab sample shall be collected, analyzed, and reported. In addition, corrective action shall be taken imrnediately to mitigate tbe discharge ofoil and grease. g/ - Where based on a minimum of 5 samples, the permittee demonsFates, to the satisfaction of the Water Quality Conbol Division, that the level of Total Dissolved Solids (IDS) in the efluent can be calculated based upon the level of electrical conductivity, the permittee nray measure and report TDS in terms of electrical conductivity. h/ - Total Dissolved Solids monitoring is re quired only for discharges to the Colorado River Basin. See specific facility certification rationale to determine whether TDS monitoring is reouired. Page 6 Permit No. COG-070000 C. REPORTING REOUIREMENTS l. Representative Sarnoline -Sarrples and measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge. 2. Reportine - Monitoring results for each calendar quarter ar€ due by the 28th day of the following month. The results shall be sumrnarized and reported on apptcable discbarge monitoring report forms @PA Fom 3320-l), postmarked no later than the due date. Ifno discharge occurs during the reporting period ttlo Dischargen shall be reported. Drplicate sip.ed copies of these and all other repods required herein, strall be submitted to tbe State at the following addresses: Colorado Department of Health Water Quality Control Division wQcD-P-82 4300 Chcrry Creek Drive South Denver, Colorado 802461 5 30 Attention: Perrnits Unit Failure to submit the reports shall constitute a violation of the perrnit at which time the "Division" may access a monotary 6ne of not greabr rhan $10,000.00 per day, per violation, and/or institute the revocation of the permittee's certification to discharge under this pemrit' 3. Test Procedures - Test Procedures for the analysis ofpollutants shall conform to regulations at 40 CFR 136 published pursunnt to Section 304(c) of the Act, and Colorado State Efluent Limitations (62.5), wrder which such procedures may be required' 4. Recordine of Results - For each measwernent or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this perrrig the permittee shall record lhe following information: a- The exact place, date, and time of sarrpling; ' b. The dates the analyses were performed; c. The person(s) and laboratory who perforrned the analyses; d. The analytical techniques or E.PA. approved methods used; and e. The results of all required aplyses. 5. Calqulations - for all limitations which require averaging of measurements slnll utilize an arithmetic mean unless otherwise specified. 6. Records Retention - All records and information rezulting from the monitming activities required by this permit including all analyses perfomred and calibration and maintenance of instnrmentation and recordings from continuous monitoring instnrmentation shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years, or longer, if requested by the Regional Administrator or the Water Quality Contol Division. PageT P6mit No. COG-070000 ?. Additional Monitorinq bv Permittee - A. If the permittee monitors any pollutant at the location(s) desipated herein mo're frequently tnan required Uy thiS permit, using approved analytical methods as specified aboYe, the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the Discharge Monitoring Report Fonn @PA No. 3320-l), or other forms as required by the Division' Such increased frequcncy shall also be indicated. B. The Division reserves the right to rcquest further monitoring of any pollutanB outside the requirements of this perrrit, as described in Part 1.C.7. of this permit, to ensure that the conditions of ihe general permit are met and/or to ensure that the antidegradation presuoption is overcome by site specific reasons specified ia Section3l.E(l)(c)@(ii)(iii) of The Basic Standards and Methodologies for Surhce Water. If any of the additional monitoring indicates pollutants of concem that may irnFact the receiving waters, or need limitations set, then the Division shall detemrine that an individual permit is required and reserves the right to require that the discharges cease until an individual pelmit is in effect. Table A desc,r:tes thc additional monitoring that will be required for this facility. Additional monitoring shall be included with the Discharge Monitoring Report @MR) and shall be subject to the permit's monitoring and reporting requirernents, C. Total phosphorus (as P) rnonitoring is required for facilities which discharge into the following . drainage basins: Cherry Creek basin" Chatfield Reservoir upsheano of the USGS gage at Waterton and on Plum Creek" Dillon Reservot basin (i.e. Ten Mile Creek, Snake River, Blue River, all tributaries to the Dillon Reservoir), and Bear Creek basin. The Division also reserves the right to include phosphorus moaitoring for any receiving waters that may later enter into phosphorus monitoring requirements, If phosphonrs monitoring is a reguirement of the permit than it shall be included within the terms and conditions of the individual Certification Rationale of the permit. Additional monitoring forphosphonrs shall be included on the Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) and shall be subject to the permit's monitoring and reporting requirernents. If phosphonrs monitoriag is required the measgrement frequency sball be on a weekly basis, taken as a grab sarnple. Page 8 Permit No. COG-070O00 PART II MANAGEMENT REOUIREMENTS l. Chanee in Discharge The permittee sball inform the Division (Permits Unit) in writing of any int€nt to construc! install, oi alter any process, facility, or activity that is likely to result in a new or altered discharge and strall frrmish the Division such plans and specifications which the Division deerns reasonably necessary to evaluate the effect on the discharge and receiving steam. The permiuee shall submit tbis notice within two (2) weeks after making a deterrrination to perform the tlpe of activity referred to in the preceding paragraph- Process modifications include, but are not limited to, the introduction of any new pollutant not previously identified in the pennit, or any other modiEcations which may result in a discharge ofa quantity or quality different from that which was applied for. Following sucb notice, the permittee shall be required to submit a new CDPS application and the permit may be modified to speci$ and limit any pollutants Dot previously limite4 if the new or altered discharge might be inconsistent with the conditions of the existing permit In no case shall the permittee inrplement such ghange without fint noti$ing the Division. 2. Special Notifications - Definitions a) Bypass: The intpntional diversion ofwaste streams &om any portion ofa treatrnent facility. b) Severe Propeay Darnage: Substantial physical darnage to property at the heatnent facilities which causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss ofnahral resourc€s which can reasonably'be expected to occur in the absence of a b14ass, It does not mean economic loss caused by delap in production. c) Spill: An unintentional release of solid or liquid material which may cause pollution of strate waters. d) Upset: An exceptional inciderrt in which there is unintentional and temporary noncoryliance with perrrit ellluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of.the permiltee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent caused by operational error, improperly desiped treatnent facilities, inadequate treatnent facilities, lack ofpreventativs maintenancs, s1 careless or improper operation. 3. Noncompliance Notifi cation a) If, for any reason, the pennitree does not comply with or will be unable to comply witb any rnaximum discharge limitations or standards specified in this permit the permittee shall, at a minimurn, submit in wdting to the Water Quality Confrol Division and EPA rvithin five days of becoming aware of such conditions, the following infomration: (i) A description of the discharge and cause ofnoncompliance; (ii) The period of noncoryliance, including exact dates and tirnes and/or the anticipated time when thc discharge will retuxn to compliance; and (iii) Steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurence of the non-cornplying discharge. b) The permittee shall report the following instances ofnoncornpliance orally within twenty-fou(24) hours from the time the permittee becomes awarc of the noncompliance, and shall mail to the Division a report within five (5) tlays aftet becoming aware of the noacornpliance: (i) Any instance of noncompliance which may endanger health or the environment; (ii) Any unanticipated blpass; (iii) Any upset which causes an exceedance of any efluent lirnitation in the permit; (iv) Any spill which causes any effluent limitation to be violated; I I Page 9 Permit No. COG-070000 A, MANACEMENT REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) . (") Daily maximum violations for any toxic pollutants or hazardous substances limited by PART I-A of this pennit and specified as requiring 24 hour notification' c) Tbe pemrittee shall report all other instanccs of non-cornpliance not reported under A.3(a) or A.3O) at the time Discharge Monitoring Reports are zubrnitted. The reporb shall contain the same information listed in sub-paragraph (a) of this section. 4. Submission of Incorrect or Incomplete Information Where the pemrittee failed to submit any relevant facts in a perrnit application, or submitted incorrect inforrnation in a permit application or report to the Divisior, the permittee sball promptly submit the relevant application inforrnation which was not submitted or any additional information needed to correct any enoneous information previously submitted 5. Bvpass The pemrittee rray allow any blpass to occur which does not cause efluent limitations to be exceeded, but if and only if it is for essential maintenance to assure efficient operation . Bypass is prohibited, and the Division may take enforcement action agafuBt a permittee for bypass, unless: a). Bypass was unavoidable to prevent.loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; and b) There were no feasible altematives to thq blpass, such as the use of auxiliary heatuent facilities, retention of untreated v/astes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime, This condition is not satisfied if the permittee could have installed adequate backup equipmant to ptwent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative mainteDance; dtd c) The permittee submitted notices as required in "Blpass Notification", Part trA.6. 6. Bwass Notification If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a blpass, a notice shall be submitted, at least ten days before the date of the bypass, to the Division and the Environmental Protection Agancy @PA). The bypass shall be subject !o Division approval and limitations imposed by the Division and EPA. 7. Upsets a) Effect of an upset An upset constitutes an afrnnative defense to an action brought for noncorrpliance with permit effluent limitations if the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section are rnet. No determination made during administrative review of claims that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for nonconrpliance, is final admirristrative action subject to judicial review. b) Conditions necessary ior a demonstrafion of upset A permittee who wishes to establish the affirrrative defense of upset shall demonstrate through properly signed contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: (i) An upset occurred and that the permittee can identiff the specifc cause(s) of the upset; (ii) The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; and (iii) The permittee submitted notice of tbe upset as required in Part II A.3 of rhis permit (2+ hour notice). (iv) The pemrittee complied with any remedial measures reguired under Section 122.7(d) of the federal regulations. Page 10 Permit No. COG-070000 A. MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) c) Burden oforoof In any enforcement proceeding the permittee seeking to establistr be occrmence of an upset has the burden ofproof. 8. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, or other pollutanb removed in the course of beahent or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering waters of the State. 9, Minimization of Adverse Imoact The permittee shall take all reasonable ste,ps to minimize any adverse impact to wat€rs of the State resulting from noncorrpliance with any efluent limitations specified in this perrni! including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to detemrine the nature and impact of the non-complying discharge. 10. Discharee Point Any discharge to the waters of thc State fiom a point source o(her than specifically authorized by this permit is prohibited. I 1. Reduction. Loss. or Failure ofTreatnent Facilitv The permittee has the duty to halt or reduce any activity if necessary to maintain compliance with the effluent limitations of the permit Upon reduction, loss, or failure of the teatment facility, the p€rnittee shirll, to the extent necessary to rnaintain compliance with its perrnit, control production, or all discharges, or both until the facility is restored or an alternative method oftreatnent is provided. This provision for examplg applies to power failures, unless an altemative power source sufficient to operate the wastewater contol facilities is provided. It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would be necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. " 12. Prooer Ooeration and Maintenance The permittee shatl a1 att 66"s properly operate and rnaintain all facilities and systerrs of heahent aod control (and related appurtenances) which ale installed or used by the permittee to achieve conpliance with the conditions of this permii Proper gperation and maintenance includes effective performance , adequate fimding, adequate operator stafhng and training, and adequate laboratory and process conFols, including appropriate quality assurance procedures. This provision requires the operation of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systems only when necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit. 13. Discharee Etrluent Samplinq Discbarge points strall be so designed or modified that a sarryle of the eftIueot can be obtained at a point after the final treatnent process and prior to discharge to state waters. I 4. Sienatorv Requlement All reports required for submittal shall be signed and certified for accuracy by the permittee in accord with the following criteria: a) In the case of corporations, by a pnncipal executive officer ofat least the level ofvice-president or his or her duly authoriz€d re,presentative, if such representative is responsible for the overall operation ofthe hcility from which the discharge descn-bed in the form originates; b) In the case ofa partnership, by a general parher; c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor; Page I I Permit No. COG470000 A. MANAGEMENT REQUIREMENTS (CONTINUED) d) In the case of a mutricipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive ofrcer' ranking elected official, or other duly authorized employee' Within sixty (60) days of certitrcation the permittee shall frle a statement with the Envircnrnental Protection Ageocy and the Water Quality Conhol Division which shall contain the names of the person or persons who are designated to report conditions on discharge monitoring reports and as noted in "l.loncorrpliance Notification", Part tr4.3. The permittee shall continually update this list as changes occur at the facilitY. B. RESPONSIBILITIES _ l. lnspections and Rieht to Entry The perrnittee shall allow the Director of the State Water Quality Conhol Division, the EPA Regional Administator, and/or their authorized representative, upon the presentation ofcredentials: a) To enter upon the pemrittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or in which any records are requAed to be kePt under the terms and conditions of this permit; b) At reasonable times to have access to and copy any records required to be kept rmdet the terms and conditions of this permit and to inspect any monitoring equipment or.monitoring method required in the permit; and c) To cnter upon the permittee's pr€rniscs to investigate, within reason, any actual, suspectd or potential source of water pollution, or any violation ofthe Colorado Water Quality Control Act. The investigation may include, but is not limited to,0re following: sampling ofany disoharge and/or process waters, the taking of photographs, interviewing permittee staff on alleged violation, access to any and all facilities or areas within fhe permittee's premises that may have any affect on the discharge, permit, or alleged violation. 2. Dutv to Provide Infomradon The permittee sball fumish to the Division, within a reasonable time, any information which the Division ruy request to determine whether cause exists for modiSing revoking and reis5uing, or temdnating this permit, or to determine compliance with this permit. The permittee shall also firrnish to the Division, upon request, copies of records required to be ke'pt by this permit' 3. Transfer of Ownership or Contol A permit may be tansferred to a neu/ pertnittee if:- a) The current permittee notifies the Division in writing 30 days in advance of the proposed transfer date; and b) The notice includes a written agreement b€tween the existing and new permittees containing a speci.fic date for transfer of permit responsibility, coverage and liability between them; and c) The current permittee has met all fee requirements of the State Discharge Permit System Regulations, Section 6. I 6.0. 4. Availabilitv of Reports Except for data determined to be confidential under Section 308 of the Federal Clean Water Act and Colorado Discharge Permit System Regulations, 5 C.C.R. 10O2-61, Section 61.5(4), all reports prepared in Page 12 Permit No. COG-070000 B. RESPONSIBIUTIES (CONTINTIED) accordance q/ith the tenns of this pemdt shall be available for public inspection at the offices of the State Water Quality Contol Division and the Regional Administrator. 5. Modification. Suspension. or Revocation of Permits Bv the Division All permit modification, termination or revocation and re-issuance astions shall be subject to the requirements of the Colorado Discharge Permit System Regulations, Sections 61.5Q),61.5(3), 6l.7,alrd 61.15, 5 C.C:R. 100261, except for minor modifications. Minor modifications rnay only correct tlpographical errors, require a change in the frequency of monitoring or reporting by the permittee, change an interim date in a schedule of compliance or allow for a change in ownership or operational control ofa facility including addition, deactivation or relocation of discharge points where the Division detemrines that no other change in the permit is necessary a) This pemrit rray be modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part during its term for reasons determined by the Division including but not limited to, the following: (i) Violation of atry terms or conditions of the permit; (ii) Obtaining a permit by misrepresentatioa or failing to disclose any fact which is material to . the granting or denial of a permit or to the establishment of terms or conditions of the pemrit; or (iii) Materially false or inaccurate statements or information in the application for the permit; o'r (iv) Promulgation ofa toxic effluent standards or prohibitions (including any schedule of compliance specified in such effluent standard or prohibition) which are established under Section 307 of the Clean Water Act, where such a toxic pollutant is present in the discharge and such standard or prohibition is more skingent than any limitation for such pollutant in this pemit. b) This permit may be modified in whole or in part due to a change in any condition that requires either a temporary or perman€nt reduction or elimination of the perrnitted discharge, such as: (i) Promulgation of Water Quality Standards applicable to waters affected by the permitted discharge; or (ii) Efluent lidtations or other requirements appiicable pursuant to the State Act or federal requirernents; or (iii) Contol regulations promulgated; or (iv) Data submitted pursuant to Part I.B indicates a potential for violation of adopted Water Qualiry Standards or stream classifications. c) The certification for the individual facility authorizing discharge under the general pennit rnay be modified to allow for a chairge in ownership or operational conEol ofa facility including addition, deactivation or relocation of discharge poins where the Division determines no change in the general permit is necessary. d) At the request of the permittee, the Dirision may modify, or terminate this permit if the following conditions axe met: (i) In Ore case oftermination, the permittee notifies the Division of its intent to terminate the permit 90 days prior to the desired date of termination; I Page l3 Permir No. COG-O70000 B. RESPONSIBIUTIES (CONTIN{JED) (ii) In the case of tennination, the perrnittee has ceased any and all discharges to'state waters and demonstrates to the Division there is no probability of further uncontolled discharge(O which may affect waters of the State. (iii) The Regional Administrator has been notifieil of the proposed modification or termination and does no obj".1 in wrifing within thiny (30) days of receipt of notification; (rv) The Division finds that the permittee has shown reasonable grounds consistent with the ieieral and State statutes and regulations for such modification, amendment or termination; (v) Fee requirements of Section 61.15 of the Colorado Discharge Permit Systert Regulations have been met and (vi) Requirements of public notice have been met. 6. Oil and Hirzardous Substance Liabilitv Nothiag in this pennit sha be construed to prectude the irstitution of any legal action or relieve the permittie from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be zubject to under Section 3 1 I (Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability) of the Clean Water Act. 7. State Laws Nothing in this pemrit shall be constnird to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any applicable State law or regulation under authority granted by Section 510 of the Clean Water Act' 8. Permit Violations Failure to cornpty with any terms and/or conditions of this pennit shall be a violation of this permit 9. Propertv Riehts The issuance of this permit does not convey. any prop€rty or water rights in either real or personal property, or stream ito*r, oi *V "*clusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private Property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, state or local laws or regulations. 10. Severabiliw The provisions of this permit are severable. If any provisions of this pennit, or the application of.any provision bf this pe"mit to any circumstance, is held invali4 the application of such provision to other circurnstances and the application of the remainder of this permit shall not be affected- I l. Renewal Anplication If the permittee desires to continue to discharge a permit renewal application shall be submitted at least one hrmdred eighty (180) days before this permit expires. If ttre permittee anticipates there will bc no discharge after the expiration date of this permit, the Division should be promptly notified so that it can terminate the permit in accordance with Part tr.8.5. Page 14 PermitNo. COG-070000 B. RESPONSIBILITTES (CONTINUED) 12. Confidentialiw Any information relating to any secret process, method of manufacture or production, or sales or marketing data, which may be acquired ascertained, or discovered, whether in any sarryling investigation, emergency investigation, br otherw'ise, shall not be publicly disclosed by any meurber, offlcer, or employee of the comnission o'r the Divisioa, but shall be kept confidential. Any person ss6Ling to invoke the protection ofthis Subsection (2) shall bear the burden ofproving its applicability. This section shall never be interpreted as preventing full disclosure of efluent data. 13. Fees The pemrittee is required to submit payment and annual fee as set forth in the 1983 amen&nents to the Water Quality Conftol Act Section 25-8-502 Q (b), and ttrc Colorado Discharge Permit Regulations 5CCR 1002-61, Section 61.15 as amended. Failure to submit the required fee when due and payable is a violation of the permit and will result in enforcement action pursuant to Section 25S-601 et. seq,, C.RS. 1973 as amended. 14. Requirine an lndividual CDPS Permit The Director may require any owner or operator covered under this permit to apply for and obtain an individual CDPS permit if: a) The discharger is not in compliance with the conditions of this General Perrnit; or, b) Conditions or standards have cbanged so that the discharge no lo'ager qualiEes for a General Permit. c) Data becomes available which indicates water quality standards may be violated. The owner or operator must be notified jn writing that an application for an iodividual CDPS permit is required Whe,n an individual CDPS permit is issued to an owrrer or operator otherwise covered rmder this General Permit the applicability of the Ge,neral Perrrit to that owner or operator is automatically terminated upon tbe effective date of the individual CDPS pemft. 15. Requestine an Individual CDPS Pernrit Any owner or operator covered by ttris General Pemrit may request to be excluded from the coverage by applying for an individual CDPS Permit. 16. Requesting Cov€raee Under the General Permit The owner or operator ofa facility excluded from coverage by this General Permit solely because that frcility already has an individual permit may request that the individual permit be revoked and tbat the facifty be covered by this General Perrnit. Such request shall be cvaluated by the Division per criterion specified in Pad I of this pgrrit I It 1 Btt loilr.dy .tXlarbrotLdd D€odoDm€|lt P. O.Bo(950 A\6n,@8{@0 Ptx (Yt0rU5-2564 Rc (Tto) 84lt-2551t sma[: H(.nnldy@mll]€sort3,oom rb: Brr- G,gsoN lnm Bill Kennedy net 4€11,1 Aep LETfae tr Urgetrt El For nprlcur tr Plcare Gomment tr Ploa.c R.ply tr PLer. nrc|rcf €,,,, frs l6a c*$ G,rft*+l k s EE Flo *t Tlfts NoTE F€on h*er Ttg ae(P, 'ilfe (euteat frAE <ohf747p' lfA ftP ntTs' l'lt0 Js frts*trntG K*c-trtPT oF ftte usFt"s LETrEc Ttl*f Doorl HEpTs ateK gEvea /tA) frPft1ott*t- 86rc8 /SsrrruG tts B*, (nnuttT 068'ot'l '/\]O SIUOS]U V/\t\ldIE:i i00z't['|\lnl MEMORANDUM TO: Gommunity Development FROM: Public Works Department DATE:June 24,2004 SUBJECT: Vail ReSoTUERWSD Floodplain Modifi cations The proposed Floodplain Modifications associated with Vail Resort's snowmaking system improvements within the Gore Creek 1OO-year floodplain, located adjacent to the Eagle River Water and Sanitation facilities, 646 West Forest Road, comply with the provisions of the Vail Town Code. The proposed floodplain modifications will not increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Chad Salli, Town of Vail Floodplain Coordinator ilffi;'+ TilJ;;i a!.' -..Jaw t.{ -1I|; ! p tlt3U-lb' dssl- \ E \, ,' z9: \l i <?= \ id =<\,E"t;-> Ly == = ltdIFF 3-: i,ru 1= T;-r ;6 , FI 0a ' rffl - : 1t No,lSls 4 r") i '- -Y.)''o) /_. \1\>.: C) L-C)F v 0_ 3a \tu i ----r r.\Nl 1 | 5L\. ttr-"r' " >! ..qr Or;il ! \ I =-o L.) 0o =e ri O --.1t.lJ IF-< '' ==, !J a.) /--\rY = --Jl-tL4- -=(-)'--r ,r rY i_.- adlo Q-'|'\n-J \- L!= -\ [ t-rr11-".-rLllr __._J _-\\_j' D 11 11 \1 r-. \'. er_'-j'.1.-..F-6 T rP\I \ \ I :i\ 0- ) c_F r!)a<o>LoE 0_ \ \t,_ir I I \ \ I t1-)\ .Y F'z \.\;a (JI'O x..D- :ZUJ\ruEiol ul ccoo il\\ ILl. 'lrli \.r i,/-_\ i '--.-2. I\)l-. I\""\l il, .,i LUiM lF O lvFa nnnn \1 ,\ 208' Il-- nffi:'a rrJ*: 4i:i rfo @c! lr) 9o "uTtlr\f <(Eir 899 o t ^OL!^ &2.o.L! I ii ll I o T- J v z = )3=U3 o a o- t o- r. O,o Er a =tl9VO> ^<-\;FE.,r d.4a L Z rJJ: ',-- v> FO N Lr,l .1, o- E <.,F <J<= tFt"ro=6 z.otr Otua CN cno(tro LUv F =N bm =><tu i I:tsF L lll>!+;I i t3la IAtv l" { +q) (o zT fr Tt!th- 3 =t JL!*th d ci (o r-) c\l !- (o f,') rl ;,1 l\\gi.'. I \3l \,.i ' \6zt ,>a\T-4 ).i', t--:i is, $l ,:; ol1i vl Iri ce =m Xu Nc! oro- r-- N F atzoF() UJ(/,D),^yas YZ (J(J}tzoE|.|-<a>t=fro =z'o u) vtz(J<zF-<z>3t!o2= () <J> UJzz () (l o-vo =F;N6^- g- 0) o-c o I rf, U' (J o -'- (Ec{o ooO ,.i tr) c{ O O, cO f'- (D lf) :f ctcocoF-FF-F\\FS6bbooqooArddocoadcocdco c') c{@@ *; I I {'g) uo1pra13 rnXIu, =+ a+of, CNm =ma oc-l'Tl rr ofloa @ cnmoIoz =AirT^:4>aFX I -! >In'n 0;T: =;;Zt-11 9a4 l1 z .; GqRE CREEK n-oz2 ^o \>\C) IIII II @ ,o-o -o -0 :EO-OF1on>zoO')Tano>r'1qlFr5 FI:Fli cle li O (o tr c,.r <Igluoo4n> JFfi'- lrrad (Jr t\)! o5 ililP ii:flfi !.!rurury A6!;qx 1!rf, E*i I -g* -i 8r' ET;: I 6 Ei $g :: I I I I I I I : a€,6P I EE I.iig9 8i4Ei!p ci? ori 2 I i ?iI:EY 3iJ4 56E !:e I6 AI :i. Hs;a iE 9.^ a :i :E €a Eg .Itc 1' c T ml-m -{oz : rdSE i dagu E B:ii H*Eii c -,2 toll 6FE iqclrc !460 ;ii 89 q? lc e oe s Ql_ ar :l- el€ ^E HlE clg:B rli l'r: :iE;r ir tr 9l;Ei t:-! q t Eh VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY VAIL MOUNTAIN SNOWMAKING RELOCATION PHASE I PUMP VAULT ELEVATION ESC{40 uca ra 0€^h !g_I!_ o^n s41lg a I oz.+L zSau t-AlaE gLf 6L Fax Header Sfieef U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacnmento Distrtct Golondo/Gunnlson Basin Regulatory Offlce 00Rood Avenue, Room i42 Grand Juncton, Golorado 8i501.2563 970.243. 1tsg Far: 920. ?i1.2359 Date: 2l J,rna , LOO+ To; /t{R,, f3i ll Kenn.At - Vq',| Rxorlv From: , Mo-k 6;lf;11"" f.r,. .qio-8v5- zs55 ilhrk Gllfllhn Blolo gl#F'oj€cl lbnagcr Ooloredcrqrnnlan Bdn RcgtuleloryOficat Arry Corp.Indrnrr :tsnsrb D'trtld Rood Avrru.' Roonr lrl2 (g/!) ?{g tCg d. t5 nd.tuncton, Cdsdo tl tt01-AtF3 Fq ptO) 241_ACEry.?L|r3-,..rny.ra rnartr.agitfiltclfirirsi.*rnv.rnt mleo mi Lha Netlfra t rg.laih '|9olr?t;ft wbill aI.^t, !J E.strd//, lhd+t/Ct/t.'h/?,..l t'|fl.i:ll ^lr.' lrt:;f,i:it.y,/ lrifSt.l.r+.!ilttax; ibfr,rr:\r::r L 'd 268'0N 7 *ttion 1, p/ eas'e e*r// , n l^-, ohr ottt <e, /f/orl, 8, his miffirricnsis D"".( opw^t Ct1n"7 Colorado/Gunnison Basin Regulatory Ofice Release/s Signafure; /nftq Number of pages lnctudlng cov*: I Comments: Vall rV\t. $rw A-; Brille corrslTurl,on I Snwr^okt, Inl^ke l?z.crnstnttfr'o, . f3,ll , a!, '7, ,srykc w;+1 BFWs,ludy, T\ry arz coy'.h'y fio"l l"fler, co a*iaj +Ac Ais/zrir*0 ,t"p/nfi, ul/r, * ox^3h'^4 p,o7rio,.f;, ilo/1, ico t- $nia, .3 {.x':nnA fratraa^m4Tic hofurica/ ophiAo. The .1)'/ar"tr Z6od ,Rtcaueur, 4grc+,to*,f hfwe.aVq;/ lsso<)o/es i * sei,;ri is suffi;c;r^t, fu soo,tas fio"i<ci lort.. r.cJ.,,.<s t/w Corps o fQrJr. _tr.lcr"'ill igsue ye,,aits (v. p*p[* L, *; '/\l0 sluoslu v/\ ndIE:i i00z'tl'Nnf I gnrmR.AutN ASSocllAtilES" ltNC. PLANNING anc COlll'lUNlTY DEVELOPf4ENT June 7, 2004 Mr. Russ Fonest, Director Departrnent of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Modifications within Flood Plain/VR Snowmaking System Dear Russ: As you know, Vail Resort's snowcat access/snowmaking improvement project involves a number of components. Three aspects of the project involve activity and/or improvemcnts within the 10O-year flood plain. These include the removal of an existing snowmaking water intake pipe, the construction of a new water intake structure and the replacement of an existing stormwater drain pipe. Chapter 6 of the Town's Development Standards Handbook regulates "grading" within the flood plain. This chapter of the Handbook requires submittal of an environmental impact report and requires Planning Commission approval for any grading within the flood plain. This letter provides a description of proposed modifications to the flood plain and an environmental report addressing proposed modifi cations. Description of Proposed Modifications Three activities/modifications within the flood plain are proposed: Existine Snowmakine Intake Pipe The snowmaking system's existing intake pipe is located within Gore Creek. This pipe extends above the creek bed from which point it extends under-eTound to the pump vault on the south side of Gore Creek. The exposed portion of pipe will be cut back to the creek bed and covered with river rock. The remaining portion of pipe will be filled with concrete. Replacement of Existins Stormwater Drain Pipe An existing 12" storm drain outfalls into the creek immediately west and south of the ERWSD treatment plant. This pipe rvill be replaced (in the same location) by a 12" pipe and an 18" pipe. This improvement will also include a 3,000 gallon sand/oil interceptor. These pipes will daylight from a new concrete headwall. Edw,ards Vi lage Center SLite C-209 0l05 Ed',vards Village Bou evard Post Oiflce Box 2656 Edwards, Co orado 8 I 512 Ph. - 970.9261575 Fax - 970.,o)6757(, r,,,"w-w brau nassccra:es.com New Snowmaki[q Intake Structure The new intake structure is a concrete box approximately 10' wide and 3' tall (as measured from "normal water level". Two 36" pipes will extend (underground) from this box to the snowmaking vault. The box is benched into the south side of the creek bank. Low boulder wing walls will be located at either side of the box. This grading into the creek bank will essentially "lower" the creek bed and in doing so will allow the water to reach the intake. A temporary coffer dam will be installed during construction in order to divert water away from the construction site. The bridge abutments, the snowmaking vault and other components of the project are located outside of the flood plain. As such, these specific elements of the project are not addressed by the environmental impact report. Environmental Impact Report In lieu of utilizing Chapter l2-Environmental Impact Reports of the Zoning Regulations, Chapter 6 ofthe Handbook stipulates the environmental considerations to be addressed for any proposed grading within the flood plain. These include the following: Vegetation The creek bank in this area has been impacted over the years. Existing vegetation is sparse, consisting primarily of willows and various weeds. The steep slope of the stream bank, graveVcobble soil conditions and uncontrolled run-offfrom the adjoining parking lot have limited the ability of vegetation to take hold along the bank. The landscape plan (this plan has been approved by the Desigrr Review Board), proposed for this project includes additional plantings in this area. In addition, the curb and drainage improvements to the parking area will route runoff from the parking lot away from the creek bank. Riparian Areas Riparian conditions throughout the area of the entire project have been impacted by stream channelization to accommodate the bike path (to the south), the bike path bridge, the parking lot and the waste water plant. Riparian habitat immediately surrounding the proposed improvements is not adversely impacted. The landscape plan (this plan has been approved by the Desigrr Review Board), proposed for this project includes additional plantings in this area. Lr addition, the curb and drainage improvements to the pmking area will route runofffrom the parking lot away from the creek bank. Over time these measures will benefit the riparian communitv. Hvdraulic Calculations The proposed improvements within the flood plain will alter the creek bank and in doing so affect the creek and water course. An analysis of this condition has been completed by Hydrosphere Resource Consultants (see attached letter dated May 27,2004. This analysis concludes that neither the intake structure or the storm drain pipe will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and /or velocity of flood water and that the proposed project will not result in an1, measurable change in the flood plain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. Other information provided with this application includes an application form, filing fee, adjacent property owners list and envelopes, and desigrr drawings. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have regarding this application. Sincerely, Thomas A. Braun Encl. Cc: Jack Hunn Jay Peterson r-t y D i1() F; ir ittE R rl 1' May 27,2004 Mr. Gregg Barrie Town of Vail 1309 Elk]rom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Resorts Snow Cat Bridge and Snowmaking Intake Construction Dear Gregg: Vail Resorts is preparing to construct a new bridge across Gore Creek and replace their exisling snowmaking intake located near the Vail Waslewater Treatlnent Plant, just upstream frorn the conflueuce ofRed Sandstone Creek. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Vail Plan:ring and Enviromrental Comtnission aud the Design Review Board, contingent upon analysis of potential floodplain irnpacts and compliance witir section 12-21-108 of the Vail Torvn Code. The purpose of this letter is to report tlie results of our analysis of floodplain ilupacts aud to document project desigu modifications that have been adopted to pr event increases in the quantity, deptli andior velocity of flood waters. Pursuant to our telephone discussions, our assessment of potentral floodplarn irnpacts invoived an anaiysis of the proposed improvements using the 1978 HEC-2 hydraulic model that is the basis for the currently effective Flood lnsurance Study, dated November 2, 1982. ln addition, we completed a site-specific ilspection and sun"ey of streanr channel cross sections tluough the projecl area. Tliis infomration was used to evaluate the proposed improvenrents and implement design modifications to assure that there will be no net change in channcl geornetry and therefore no change in flood elevalions or velocity. Tlre existing conditions infomration for the HEC-2 hydraulic model was obtained directly frorn FEMA and cousisted of an uudated "green bar" hard copy of the input/output surnn'rary of hydraulic calculations together u'ith a copy of tire work rlap of the area. We revierved tbis infonlation and used it to recoustruct the HEC-2 hydraulic nrodel for the area where thc proposed projcct is located. The flood hydraulics for this arca were based on very sinrple geonretrically defined chanr.rcl crcss sections, regulatory cross sectiolts 18.92 and 18.93, located imnrediately upstream and downstreanr ofthe proposcd improvements. l ";lrr r ',1 ;;11" r.1' 1 | ..,1 .,.. , t l'() lt(l\: -l-lI; " 1-()( (rl {r. Mr. Greee Barri MaY 27 '2004 Pase 2 The HEC-2 model did not include any stream channel cross seclions located in the imrr1ediate vicinity of tlie proposed bridge and tlre intake structure. For the cross sections located upstreatn and downstrearn of the project area, a sub-critical flow assutnption was used for the hydraulic calculations. The repeated "critical depth" cornputations diagnostic indicated tlrat the rrathematical rnodel couid not balalce in the assumed sub- critical flow reginre so the model automatically defaulted to computation of tire critical depth for tire aisunred 1O0-year flood flor,v rate at each cross sectiou The hydraulic gr"d. li,.r" (water surface elevation) for the 100-year flood tluough this reach is the result ffconnecting the individual upstream and downstream point calculations ofcritical depth. The iater surface profil. through this reach cau therefore only be considered approxiraate. Our site specific survey and ir.rspection of this stream reach revealed tire existence of a very geornetric and constrained chamrel section',r'ith no 10o-year overbanks and limited opportur.rity to mitigate channel ettcroaclments with conveyance improvements' The uppro*ilnut" elevation of the hydraulic grade line of tlre 100-flood indicated by the model for the area betrveen the proposed bridge and the nerv intake was 8081-7 feet, whiclt rvould be about 2 to 3 feet below the bike path to the south and about 15 feet beloq'the parking lot to the north of the creek. The site plan showing the proposed iurprovements is attacl.red to this letter as Exhibit 1. The Snow Cat Bridge aburments would be iocated at elevatious of 8086 and 8087 to the north and south of the creek respectively, whicir would be well above and outside of the 100-year floodplain and will have uo impact on the regulatory floodplain' The proposed new intake structure and the ltew stolrlt sewer outfall, both on the nortl't side of tl-re creek, would be locared at least partially below the 1O0-year flood elevatior.r and inside the rnapped floodplain. The remaindel of this letter therefore addresses potential inrpacts associated rvith these structures. Exiribit 2 illustrates stream channel cross seclion geometry at the ploposed intake location under existilg conditions and future condilions following construction. The new water intake structure was originally proposed with rectangulat- encroachment into the floodplain, beginning slightly below the nonlal water level as shou'n on Exhibit 2' our initiai quaiitative evaluation of this structure, based upon its impact on channel geometrJ' concluded that it would result ir.r an unacceptable floodplain encroaclulent. We therefbr-e recommended modifications to the design of tbe intake thal involved moving tire structure back into the streambank and changing the design to reduce the lreight of the structure so that it nrore closely confonrrs to the slope ofthe existing bank. Tlie project engineers have accepted tlrese recourttrendalions and modified the design so that ihe iltake will uot cause a significant deviation in the geonletric bank line. The shaded area 01 Exhibit 2 in front of the intake conlrol gatc represellts a widening of the bottom ofthc strcalrr chantrel by about 4.5 fect a1d a deepening ofthe chanlrel edge by about 2.5 fee1. The shaded area along the upper bank above thc proposed intake structure shows somc additiorral flood conveyance capacity due to widening and deepcning of the clrannel below the 100-year flood level. The additional clraruel conveyallce capacity HvdrosDhcrc llcsoutcs Consulratrls, Inc , 1002 Wahut S1roel, Suilc 200, Bouldcr, (:O 80302 Mr. Gregg Barri 2004 e3 represented by tlrese modifications will more than offset the impacts associated with tlie upper comer of tlte structule that extends about 2 feet above the existing bank. This comer of the structure would be similar to the size of existing boulders that are found in the stream and on tlie banks through tiri s strearn section. The Exhibit 2 cross section demonstrates that with the modified intake design, the structure will not result in a significant geometric encrcachment. In the absence of a reliable, precise hydraulic model, approximate conveyance computations were made to determine the change in the channel's ability to carry waler at the intake cross section under existing and proposed conditions. The results ofthis analysis are presented on tire attached conveyauce curve (Exhibit 3). At l"he normal flow level the channel conveyance would be iucreased by approxirnately lgah; at the ievel of the top of the proposed intake struclure, conveyance would be increased by about lYo; and at the 100-year flood level, conveyance would increase by about 7%o. Since the channel conveyance is actually increased, at least a small arrlount at ail strearr stages, the intake will have no significant impact on the regulatory flood elevatiolt or velocity. Exhibit 4 illustrates the before and after stream channel cross section geometry for the proposed location of the r.rew stolrl'r sewer outfail. This cross section demonstrates that there will be no measurable deviation in geometric bank line between the before and after conditions, and therefore no irnpact on the regulatory flood elevatiot't or velocity. [.r colciusion, tl.re results of our ana]ysis of floodplain impacts indicates that, with the project design nodifications described above, the proposed bridge, intake facility and stomt se\ver outfall structure will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and/or I'elocify of flood rvater. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in any measurable change in the floodplain ar.rd ivill not adversely affect adjacent properlies. Please feel flee to contact me at (303) 443-7839 or dlaiho@hydrosphere.com, if you have any questions or need any additional ir.rfomration. Sincerelv. Enclosurcs Bill Kenncdy, Vail Resorts Gary Brooks, Alpinc Engineering, lnc. Tlromas A. Braun, Brauu Associates, Inc. I Iydrosphcrc Ilcsource Corsullants, lDc., 1002 walnul Slrcct, S!ilc 200, Bouldcr, CO 80-102 May 27, P Hydrosphere ResourceConsultants, Inc. oc.i .lt?t oEUEroF[c{f Design Review Board ACTION FORl.l DeparUnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te|r 970.479.2139 taxi 97A.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name3 DRB Number: DR8030475 Protect Descrlption: APPROVAL OF PROPOSED SNOWCAT ACCESS ROAD AND BRIDGE Pafticipants: OWNER EAGLE RTVER WATER & SANITATI1LILZIaOO4 DISTRICT 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL CO 816s7 APPUCAI.IT VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) lDl23la003 Phone: 970-845-2354 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO A/rqA vRD @NSTRUCnON CO. 81620 CoNTRACTOR VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) L012312003 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO 81620 License: 115-A Prolect Address: 845 FOREST RD VAIL SOUTH OF 934 S. FRONTAGE WEST Locatlonl l-egal Descrlption: Parcel Number: 2101-072{000-1 2101-072-0900-1 2101-072-0900-3 2103-121-0001-0 2103-121-0900-2 Comments: LoB 1 Block: Subdivlslon: EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANI 2101-072-1@0-1 staff approved per DRB O3llil04 BOARD/STAFF ACrION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of ApProvalt 04l2Ol2OO4 Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review ommittee(s). Cond: 0 (P[-AN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Page 1$ Application for Design Review DepartflEnt of Cdllrunity De \€loprnent 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 970.q9.2452 Ir€b: r,!rwlY. ci.vdil,co.us ceneral I nformation: Al poFcts requiring design review fiust |e cei\€ appror'al prior to submitting a building pemit application. Please refer to the subnittal requir€rnents for te particular apFo\al that is requesH. An QPlication br Design Review cannot be accpted until all required infonEtion is received by tre Orrrunity De\€lopment DepartrrEnt. The proFd rIEy also need to be relie!€d by the Toufi Co uncil and/or the Planning and EnvironrEntal Coryfission. Deslgn revlqv apprd/al lap3es unl€ssa buildlngpormil ls brud and cc.rslruction commence3 withln one yo{ of lhe approval, Descriplion of the Request: Location ofth6propo3al: Lot-I[a(Ll(---Block: - srJbdivision: Jpbted-aflLcle!-Lyo!- Sub Physical Ad dresr: parcel No.i_2lq!!2!@002.210192q8--t0gl( Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-85 40 for parcel no.) Zon in g : Oritdoor Rec and SDD#4 Name(3 ) of owner(s) :Town of Vail Mailing Addre3s: Phone: Ownet(s) Slgn alu re(r) :TOv Aooroval Granted for AoolGtion Submissi on. Nam€ of Applicant: l/ail8es0lts-I[c Mailing Addre!!:PO Box 7. Vail. CO 81658 Phone:L E-mail Addre3s : domini c@braun associates.c om Fax'&,S- Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr ConceptJd Revieu, O Ne\,v Constructiontr Mdition { Minor Alteration / \[nu lti{amily/ connercial) tr MinorAlterauon (single-farnily/ duplex) tr Oanges to Appo\€d Plans tr Sepaction Request $50 Plus $f.00 per square foot of total sign area . No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. 1300 For an addition vrheE squae fmtage is dded to any Esiilential ol coflnercial building (includes 250 additi ons & interior conversions). $250 For ninor chanqes to buildings ard site impm\€rnents, sudr as, reoofing, painting, window additiont landscadng, fences ard rctaining !,Yall9 etc. $20 For r nor changes to buildingE ard site irpo\€rnents, sudr as, reroofing, painting, windovr additions, landscaping, f€nces ard retaining walls, etc $20 For revisions to plans already appmved bl, Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee From: "Dominic Mauriello" <dominic@braunassociates.com> To: "Bill Gibson" <BGibson@vailgov.com> Date: 1012212003 1:42:26PM Subject: Snowcat Access Road Attached is a DRB application form for the snowcat access road. Please use the $650 fee submitted with the Conditional Use Permit application as our application fee. Can you please schedule this ilem for the Nov. 5 DRB hearing. Please let me know.if we are good to go on the Nov. 5 date. Thanks, Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Braun Associates, Inc. PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 Phone: 970.926.7575 Fax:97O.926.7576 Email: dominic@braunassociates.com I014,h,ffi Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fa><: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: SNOWCAT ACCESS ROAD PEC Number: PEC0'10007 Project Description: RETAINING WALL HEIGHT VARIANCE Participants: OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 02/09/2004 Phone: o/o FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT VAIL RESORTS (VAIL CORP) 0210912004 Phone: 970-845-2354 P.O. BOX 959 AVON, CO A/tvA vRD CONSTRUCTION CO. 81520 License: Project Address: 890 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: Legal Description: Loe K Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB' Parcel Number: 210312109002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Lamb Vote: 6-0 Dateof Approvalt Q3/0B|2QO4 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-CN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: CON0006308 This variance request approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval of the associated design review application. Cond: CON0006309 Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall enter into a lease, license, or easement agreement with the Town of Vail for the use of Town property. Cond: CON0006310 Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall prepare a - .YI Plannen Bill Gibson constnrction staging plan for revieur and approval by the Tom of Vail. Cond: CON0006311 Prior to ttre issmne of a grading permit, the applicant shall survey and then install all limib of disturbance fencing and all erosion control rnethods for review and apprwal by the Toiln of Vail. Cond: COM006312 The applicant shall properly rnaintain the limits of disturbance fencing and eroslon control methods throughout the construction of this proposal. Any modification to the location or confrguration of the limits of disturbance area shall require rerrierv and apprwal by the Totrn of Vail. PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 L I Application for Review bY the rIcEtvED -:i CI I lii;1; I il i1 i'l Planrring and Environnrental Commission Dr1,,adn..t'rt c;f C'rtl'rr',u tlity De velol-,tl-rent 7': 5:,t:'J' Ficil'La.L ra.car1, \/aii, Col'"radrt 8)657 ..et.') / 0.A7lt. 2i il iax, 97iJ.17't.24:2 i,,la"t,: wYvv,,.Ci.t'ail.CO. Us General I ttf o rnration: A|||)|''jcj..r€cLJlji|l.jPlalirriri9ar]c[l1.,/iIr|l'ilei-rial|-oriiri:lr,ll buildirlg;.lelrl.lr.a''4)il:alk'il'Pl.:alcrci.'.:. recii',reC l)y tilc Coltn'rur,iy l-tr'teltl,rr*:",r'. Di-t,o:tn'iettl. The 1-rro.1er- rltay also need to be revievled by tlre Town Cour"-tl ar,Clor tl're Dt:lgrr |r'3iri6v'' [1,;ri. Type of Application and Fee: i,65J s,400 ::"65C J;800 s,1500 :l)u s 1?a'fr.@=5f , i r , < \ l! DeSCriptiOn of the Request: . V'r.o\alri.<-- Ft-1v of- --\-r Lc r e -tx,v.;'-'s.- - .-^:"-t-r' \ - r.r-- l' \- --- q -b-A6 { l^-l-\:l4a Location of the Proposal: Loi:_Block:_ subdivision: lsee leoal/atlaclred) Physical Address: parcel No.: tlo3t2iLr9o!2,210107200031 ( Eagle Co. Assessor ai 970-328-8640 for-parcel no.) Zoning: Outdoor Rec:'eatralf & SDD-{-4 Nanre(s) of Owner(s): Town oi Vaii Mailing Address: il:loufl npnlage-&o. lci Vdl, CO 816t Phone: Ov'rner(s) Si gnature(s) : Nanle of Applicant: Vall Resorts Dey Mailing Address: _ PO o ['.c: urf,rtg i.i?U: c l'\ajcr Su ird lvr:rorr s''-itJtJ o l'lirrr-ri'SubCii,isror' 5,650 cr E>rr:rrr[,tiorr Diai sL\3 c l'1lrr.rr ./- ltt,:i,o tlr 3 r)t tc ail SDD 5 r00il o llevi Sl'.oal bev"-k')rr,'.n', litii iG s,600r'J c l(tz',at i.'t'rcf it-;,ef,: !.'J zf''""D 5i,1r'a' a l!,?,'t\i Lil?:-)rllcil "t e:t9D- Sl:5'J It,:' t,:;t:,it ! i,t;,":.itczi'Jr': ) c -.undii ional Use f'ermit o Flor,iplain l"locjifrce tari n t-, i'1inor f>aieiior Aiteratlcn c l'tejcr E)terior Alieration O L,:.,,elOl,:rreiitplan(J /-.lr'rerrdmeni to a Developnrent PJar, r, 7-ortire Code l,nrerrdnienr y'',rz..izi,-'. 'r :l- | \ O, r, r-: P lt one: ()9/03/03 Fax:E-nrail Address: tv a'' ******r.f ****t :f * * * r.*** tr. r!**. f 1.*** *,r.* 't * * !t******'t !t!* 'F**'Ni. * ********d.*** ** * * {. * * * * * * ** * * * * r.** +,1.{.,*,t *rt TOWN OFVAIL, COLORADO Statement 't*#******************i.r****************:t**+*,f'1.*******+*******1 1.****:t********i.{.****{.:lr**r.*,1**r( Statement Nunlcer: RO4OOO5413 Amount: $500.00 02/09/2OO4O4:06 PM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: ,JS Notation: Permit No: PECO4OOOT I:Pe: PEC - Variance Parcel No: 210312L09002 SitE AddTESS: 890 S FRONTASE RD WEST VAII., Location: SOIIrI{ OF 934 S. FRONTAGE WEST Total Fees: 5500.00 This Pa)menE: $500.00 Tocal ALL Pmtsr $500.00 Balance: 50.00 *+*r.1.****:r*******:k*+***,r+**:r.*.+***'1.****r.*r{********************1.**********rF****:******:h****,**t * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 8. 2004 A request for final review of a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels, a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Vail Resorts Development, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Bill Gibson il. SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Resort Development, is requesting a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels to facilitate the construction of a new snowcat access road generally located south of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) and Vail Amoco sites (846 West Forest Road and 934 South Frontage Road) to the Westin-Ho trail/catwalk. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance to allow the conslruction of retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to construct a new snowcat access road generally located south of the ERWSD and Vail Amoco sites (846 West Forest Road and 934 South Frontage Road). This proposal will facilitate the re-routing of Vail Resorts' winter mountain maintenance traffic from West Forest Road to this new access road. This new access route will start from the western driveway of the Vail Resorts maintenance facility, cross South Frontage Road and continue south along the western ERWSD property line, bridge across Gore Creek, continue southwest across Town of Vail owned Tract K. and connect to the Westin-Ho trail/catwalk. The proposed access road will be a 25-foot wide gravel road surface. Due to the steepness of slopes on Tract K, the proposed access road will have finished grades as steep as 16% and will require the construction of both cut and fill retaining walls. At their tallest points, the cut walls will be approximately 14 feet I ilt. in height and the fill walls will approximately 12 feet in height. These proposed retaining wall heights exceed the 6-foot height maximum allowed by Chapter 14- 6, Vail Town Code. The applicant is proposing to construct both the cut and fill retaining walls with a Keystone Retaining Wall System. Architectural plans and material descriptions have been attached for reference (Attachment C). Additionally, a Geotechnical Report for the proposal has also been attached for reference (Attachment D). BACKGROUND On July 15, 2003,Vail Town Council granted Vail Resorts permission to for the snowcat access road which crosses Town of Vail property. On December 8, 2003, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved a Vail Resorts' application for Forest Place Subdivision located at 615 West Forest Road. One of the Planning and Environmental Commission conditions of approval was that Vail Resorts discontinue the use of West Forest Road as the ski mountain. The applicants' proposal was conceptually reviewed by the Design Review Board at its November 3, 2003, February 4 and March 3, 2004 public hearings. The snowcat access proposal was previously reviewed in association with a proposed addition to the ERWSD facilities. The proposed construction of the ERWSD addition has since been put on hold and the design review application withdrawn by ERWSD. At its March 3,2A04, hearing the Design Review Board focused solely on the snowcat access proposal. The Design Review Board discussed the proposed access road design, retaining wall designs, bridge design, and landscaping plan design; and at the conclusion of these discussions, the Design Review Board was supportive of the applicant's proposal. IV. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for acceptability of use and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action; The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial/approval with conditions of a variance. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect o on light and air,oT popurailon, the reT transportation facilities, and other oublic facilities utilities, schools, parks and and public facilities needs. recreation facilities, 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district Lot area Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overtum the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review Drocess. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: V. TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Chapter 12-17: Variances 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from ceftain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the sife or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason forgranting a variance. TITLE 14: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS HANDBOOK Chapter 14-6: Grading vt.SITE ANALYSIS Legal Description: Lot K, Glen Lyon Subdivision Zoning: Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential (P/S) Land Use Plan Designation: Open Space Current Land Use: Undeveloped SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONINGvil. Land Use North: Gore Creek South: US Forest Service East: Undeveloped West Residential Zoninq Natural Area Preservation Eagle County Natural Area Preservation & Outdoor Recreation Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residential Location or Type Maximum Height Additional Review or Approval P.E. Stamp Required Regular Walls (Detail 10) 04'Staff Review or DRBNo +-o Slaff Review or DRB Yes Bench of combination walls (Detail 10) 4' or lz lhe difference of exposed height Staff Review or DRBYes Right-of-Way 0-3'Staff Review or DRB No J-o Staff Review or DRB Yes 6'+Staff Review or DRB PEC Yes Setback (10' from paved surface and 2'from adjacent property lines) NA Staff Review or DRB PEC Yes ln Front Setback 0-3'Staff Review or DRB No On slopes greater than 30% and related to access 3'-6',Staff Review or DRB Yes VIII. CR]TERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Setback Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff does not believe the granting of this variance will have significant negative impacts to existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Similar retaining walls have previously been constructed in association with other access projects such as the nearby pedestrian and skier bridges. Due to the steepness of this site, the proposed additional retaining wall height associated with this snowcat access road design will reduce the amount of site disturbance to the hillside when compared to designs using tiered walls in strict compliance with the wall height req uirements. Furthermore, the ERWSD has granted formal easements for permanent access across its property between Vail Resort's maintenance facilities and the proposed snowcat access road. Additionally, Tract K is identified as "TOV Owned Lands/Open Space Use" by the Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan and no future development of the site is anticipated. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes this proposed variance request involves "exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same sife of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone" as this proposal is associated with the construction of an access road to the ski mountain and not the construction of a residential or commercial development project. Pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Vail Town Code, the proposed retaining walls may not exceed six feet (6') in height unless the proposed walls are located within a street right-of-way. Within a street right- of-way, retaining wall heights may exceed six feet (6') in height without a variance. Examples of retaining walls greater than six feet (6') in height can be found throughout the Town of Vail's right- of-ways. The proposed snowcat access road will be located on Town of Vail owned property; however, it will not be located within a designated street right-of-way, and will therefore require a retaining wall height variance. B. The applicant has explored design alternatives with retaining walls not exceeding six feet (6') in height. The applicant has demonstrated that due to the steepness of Tract K, in some locations along the snowcat access road a series of tiered six foot walls may be feasible; however, the use of a series of walls creates significantly more disturbance to the existing hillside than single cut and fill wall. The applicant has also demonstrated that in some locations along the snowcat access road, six foot tiered retaining walls may require terracing the entire hillside to "catch grade." Therefore, Staff believes the proposed additional retaining wall height associated with this snowcat access road design will reduce the amount of necessary site dislurbance when compared to designs using tiered walls in strict compliance with the wall height requirements. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes the proposed retaining wall height variance will not have a significant negative impact on the light and air, distribution of population, public facilities and utilities. Staff believes that the proposed re-routing of Vail Resorts' snowcat access will have a positive affect on transportation, traffic facilities, and public safety; since Vail Resort's maintenance vehicle traffic will be no longer occur on a public street (i.e. West Forest Road) through a residential neighborhood. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance At its March 3, 2004, hearing the Design Review Board conceptually.reviewed the snowcat access proposal. The Design Review Board discussed the proposed access road design, retaining wall designs, bridge design, and landscaping plan design; and at the conclusion of these discussions, the Design Review Board was supportive of the applicanf s proposal. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not special privilege inconsistent with the properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not public health, safety or welfare, or materially or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: constitute a grant of limitations on other be detrimental to the injurious to properties 2. J. tx. a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properlies in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 4. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. This variance request approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval of the associated design review application. shall enter into a the use of Town Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction staging plan for review and approval by the Town of Vail. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall survey and then install all limits of disturbance fencing and all erosion control methods for review and approval by the Town of Vail. The applicant shall properly maintain the limits of disturbance fencing and erosion control methods throughout the construction of this proposal. Any modification to the location or configuration of the limits of disturbance area shall require review and approval by the p+ann+ag-dnd ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Statement C. Architectural Plans D. Geotechnical Report E. Public Correspondence F. Public Hearing Notice 3. Prior to the issuan"" of \/ing permits, the applicant shall demonstrate compliance with the covenffi of Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. 4. 5. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE %,% NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a request for a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels, a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Vail Resorts Development, represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Developmenl Department Published March 19, 2004, in the Vail Daily. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Vail Town Council Russ Forrest June 1,2004 Request to authorize the Town Manager to execute an easement,to fqqflqb15:tne. construction of a bridge directly south of the Waste Water Treatment Plant ' DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST Vail Resorts is requesting that the Vail Town Council approve of an easement which will allow the construction of a bridge that would support a water line. lt would also provid€ access to a new snow cat access if and when that snow cat access is approved by th€ Town of Vail. The snowmaking facilities that Vail Resorts has historically used were located on Forest Road. They have now been removed as grading occurs on the Forest ,CbVfi Sgbdivisipn. Vqil Regart* FUFtr.nQy{ rgggnrlect the snowmaking system to their waterlines along Gore Creek through the easements requested below. The easement request includes; ,.'o ., . : :. : I a BridoeandUtititii..s' .'i .:: : ::. :' This easement extends fi"irin the'EfW'& SD property to the south bank of Gore Creek. lt will accommodate the new bridge and related utilities (snowmaking water line will be suspended beneath the bridge). This is located on a portion of Tract K and an unplatted parcel of land. r.-\ . -' The proposed snowcat'acbbss project implements a condition of approval for the previously approved Forest Court Subdivision. The new snowcat access will change the route taken by snowcats from the Holy Cross/Maintenance Facility to Vail Mountain and will result in the removal of snowcats from Forest Road. The following project approvals have been obtained from the Town of Vail; . , , Town Council granted VR approval to go through the Town's review process, PEC approval of a variance request for height of retaining walls, DRB design approv.al (final landscape plan"still needs to be approved), Town Council uphoids PEC vbiiance 'approvat. " r ' ^' '.- l' i : '' " I To date, this project has been reviewed and approved as one project. lssues with private covenants (access road across Tract K) within the Glen Lyon Subdivision and recent questions about process that were raisqd in a-1996'letterifrdm the Town and VR to the Glen Lyon residents have come to light. Giveri the'previous commitments made to the homeowners of this subdivision; Vail Resor,ts ryould like to proceed with the project in two onases: t. Phase I r r I The first phase is critical as it involves completion of the snowmaking elements of \tAr.Jl! the project, specifically the new vault, intake, bridge and water lines up the -/ ^ mountain. Approval of the three easements requested will allow VR to move 'Jffr -foruvar4 w.tthgeconnecting the snowmaking system on Vail Mountain.* lir(z' . L,liltr\ Phase ll \-o.,^,{nZ Phasp ll would involve construction of the snowcat access road up the mountain. "it++.a'aa**Urould occur after resolution of the covenant issue and after amendments have been made lo the Glen Lyon Special Development District. These amendments would clarify any confusion regarding current and future uses permitted on Tract K. Following resolution of these matters, VR would return to l%* the Council for approval of an easement for the snowcat access road. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council authorizes the Town Manager to execute an easement that will allow for the construction of a new bridge on a portion of Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and an unplatted parcel ofland' cor.-"r.,,paioa oF co*a.t"tut= Attachment 1 : Easements 3 I I LoCv\rior-t o€ Ac-ue* . \,rt.-*,zkcea= +o lrM'Q'liue Se;\e lo xb vrhe ae l"r fltorioJ ftw-e.r.l 6- t rtle.qhb"ea Cou,+t t 7 \AIhy ii-?E < ior:rrl*r1 T o'..t- F:\Users\cdev\COUNCIL\MEMOS\04\snowcat access0601 04.doc DAvio -Limzte Co...rrn, tuivtl ilu*. Dic-\a Zuo Ve-r TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Community Development Department April 20, 2004 Appeal of the March 8,2004, Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a requestfor a varipnce from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels (a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department) and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Appellant: Planner: Vail Resorts Development, represented by Braun Associates Vail Town Council Bill Gibson Vail Resorts Development is proposing to construct a new snowcat access road between the Vail Resorts maintenance facility and Vail Mountain, generally located south of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) and Vail Amoco sites (846 West Forest Road and 934 South Frontage Road) to the Westin-Ho trail/catwalk. There are several legal procedures that must be completed byVail Resorts Development before construction of this project can begin (i.e. Town of Vail retaining wall variance approval, Town of Vail design review approval, conveyance of easements, resolution of private covenant issues, etc.) One of these required legal procedures is for Vail Resorts Development to acquire Town of Vail approval of a variance for retiaining walls in excess of the height limits prescribed by the Town Code. On March 8, 2004, the Planning and Environmental Commission granted approval of the variance request, which was later "called-up" for review by the Town Council. This "call-up" was scheduf ed for review by the Town Council on April 6,2004. On April 6,2004, the Town Council tabled the "call-up" of the Planning and Environmental Commission decision to the April 20,2004, Town Council evening meeting. As this is only one of many required legal procedures Vail Resorts Development must complete, should the Town Council choose to uphold the Planning and Environmental Commission's variance approval, Vail Resorts Development will not be able to begin construction of this project until all other required legal procedures have been finalized. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Community Development Department April6, 2004 Appeal of the March 8, 2004, Planning and Environmental Commission approval of a request for a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels (a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department) and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development, represented by Braun Associates Appellant Vail Town CouncilPlanner: Bill Gibson il. |il. SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject site, Track K, Glen Lyon Subdivision, is a Town of Vail owned property zoned Special Development District No. 21, Glen Lyon. The applicant is proposing lo construct a new snowcat access road between the Vail Resorts maintenance facility and Vail Mountain, generally located south of the Eagle RiverWater and Sanitation District (ERWSD) and Vail Amoco sites (846 West Forest Road and 934 South Frontage Road) to the Westin-Ho traillcatwalk. STAND]NG OF APPELLANT The appellant, Vail Town Council, has standing to "call-up" any decision of the Planning and Environmental Commission. REQUIRED ACTION The Town Council shall uphold, modify, or overturn the Planning and Environmental Commission's approval of a request for a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow tor retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Council is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the following: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the sfandards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title 12) have or have not been met. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 8, 2004 A request for final review of a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels, a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development, represented by Braun Associates Planner: Bill Gibson il. SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Resort Development, is requesting a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels to facilitate the construction of a new snowcat access road generally located south of the Eagle River Water and Sanitation District (ERWSD) and Vail Amoco sites (846 West Forest Road and 934 South Frontage Road) to the Westin-Ho trail/catwalk. Based upon Staffs review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance to allow the construction of retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height subject to the findings and conditions noted in Section lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing to construct a new snowcat access road generally located south of the ERWSD and Vail Amoco sites (846 West Forest Road and 934 South Frontage Road). This proposal will facilitate the re-routing of Vail Resorts' winter mountain maintenance traffic from West Forest Road to this new access road. This new access route will start from the western driveway of the Vail Resorts maintenance facility, cross South Frontage Road and continue south along the western ERWSD property line, bridge across Gore Creek, continue southwest across Town of Vail owned Tract K. and connect to the Westin-Ho trail/catwa lk. The proposed access road will be a 2S-foot wide gravel road surface. Due to the steepness of slopes on Tract K, the proposed access road will have finished grades as steep as 16% and will require the construction of both cut and fill retaining walls. At their tallest points, the cut walls will be approximately 14 feet Attachment: A 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effeci upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. ,5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district Lot area Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overtum the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANN!NG DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: V. VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Setback Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff does not believe the granting of this variance will have significant negative impacts to existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Similar retaining walls have previously been constructed in association with other access projects such as the nearby pedestrian and skier bridges. Due to the steepnessof this site, the proposed additional retaining wall height associated with this snowcat access road design will reduce the amount of site disturbance to the hillside when compared to designs using tiered walls in strict compliance with the wall height requirements. Furthermore, the ERWSD has granted formal easements for permanent access across its property between Vail Resort's maintenance facilities and the proposed snowcat access road. Additionally, Tract K is identified as "TOV Owned Lands/Open Space Use" by the Town of Vail Comprehensive Open Lands Plan and no future development of the site is anticipated. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to aftain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes this proposed variance request involves 'exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same sife of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properlies in the same zone" as this proposal is associated with the construction of an access road to the ski mountain and not the construction of a residential or commercial development project. Pursuant to Chapter 14-6, Vail Town Code, the proposed retaining walls may not exceed six feet (6') in height unless the proposed walls are located within a street right-of-way. Within a street right- of-way, retaining wall heights may exceed six feet (6') in height without a variance. Examples of retaining walls greater than six feet (6') in height can be found throughout the Town of Vail's right- of-ways. The proposed snowcat access road will be located on Town of Vail owned property; however, it will not be located within a designated street right-of-way, and will therefore require a retaining wall height variance. lx. b. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or regulation would deprive enjoyed by the owners of district. enforcement of the specified the applicant of privileges other properties in the same STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 4. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following conditions: 1. This variance request approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval of the associated design review application. Attachment: A Response The T own h as i dentified a goal of r emoving s nowcat access from WestForest Road (i.e. Lionshead Master Plan). This new access road will result in the removal of snowcats from West Forest Road. 2. Toposraphic Survev Response A topographic survey has been provided in the plan set. 3. All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x I l" reduced format. Response Reduced plans will be provided prior to disnibution of the PEC packet. 4. Landscape Plan Response A landscape plan is included in the plan set. 5. Site Plan . Show percent slope ofthe road and spot elevations as necessary along the centerline ofthe road to accurately reflect grade. . Show proposed surface drainage on and off-site. e Show location of limits of disturbance fencins. Response Limits of disturbance is depicted on the site plan. Drainage improvernents are depicted on the site plan. Arrows have been added indicating where water is being directed. The site plan depicts 2' contours the entire length of the access way, we assume that this should satisfy your request for spot elevations. Road grades are depicted on the profile of the access way (see sheet 4) 6. Architectural Elevations . All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. . Path profiles must be drawn at the same vertical and horizontal scale. . All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. Review Criteria-Variance to 6'Retaining Wall Height Before acting on a variance application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: a. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing orpotential uses and structures in the vicinitv. Anplicant's Analvsis: The proposed variance to wall height will provide a more sensitive design solution for the site and in doing so provide an improved relationship to surrounding uses and structures. Given the existing grades ofthe hillside surrounding the access road, if maximum 6' high walls were used it would require three terraced walls on the cut side (upper) of the accessway and two terraced walls on the fill side (lower) of the accessway. This design would be much more impactive, both physically and visually on the hillside. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives ofthis title without grant ofspecial privilege. Applicant's Analysis: The existing grade of the hillside and the width of the proposed snowcat access road are the two factors most directly ilfluencing the height of the proposed retaining walls. The width of the road has been minimized to the extent feasible while still allowing for adequate drainage and safe passage. The design of the walls has been done in order to balance the degree of cut and frll slopes. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Applicant's Analvsis: The proposed variance will have little, if any, affect on any of the above criteria. The wall variance will, however, allow for a land use (the new snowcat access) that will irnprove public safety by removing snowcat traffic from West Forest Road. b. = i\\iS$,lN1NS*r*,** il-$* ' "i ,,'':: '\\\\\\\\\\\N$\\$.'l$lj ;. i\$Sr\itllr$"rlli$t\rirt'iiit\11 l, , rt,,,ill)lili,liliil\\tl,\\rir ',,i,ltliliitnitll,\,1 i, NNNffi is ,\W $N \\$$ilililt(, 'i\lllii\iiiitiii"illill$ri t\ \,-\"t l.\\Ni\t\iiiil\ \\\)lll ]'i'i'\ H+- r I 1 1 lrrrrrlrrilii+\g)i\\\\$\\ \ , r \ Ii, iur N,rr) ili\':\sirIur rii I(-'., : \i)itii)')',,'il)4il,iiiiliiil[ ) f'jli \i i i i I ltt jiiiuiii*i,,,',.' i'r \llliiilji)wl;iiiiiili,u:,'., : ,' \it'lltliliil,'llliliyi11yiy11;111'i{6 ",i +t$\,qr* "'$tl)lii ' ffi i",'il['fui iiilili-, ', iiiiiflli),jH'l ''t \ tti,tlttui . ..'ilill'ii,='n ifl( t:r., : li,lliiii;ll,t;ll,'l,,fiirlji; : ;iFiffFii!HE iff'ffii ff '. ,TOV02001\dwg\EagleRiverSite\Master\SNOWCAT-BYPASS.dwg, 2/9/2004 9'.45:21 AM, VIRGIL CNzo €o h-It JamIo1 c4 ;Ioz A+oo ++ LJ iiiM ;:iru E-itmtm NSS.S *"1 I T= N P |,'li ]l\:}r n= J --\..] l I ^'O*.,,i a€P1I (tt l- I*,l/ p zIrl b -o ' --.tI I I t_ = \ \ >o arn 1l =a- /= NN\\,\\ O ,'ts 'r N\8/ o./ -nT .-c t) I I c)-o >o na>g N\\N >U t-C T. {o € =o p. llo p. 2. =(o €g @p =op.l o- co @ co O) O)o <:fC/)moo4r>JFfi ! "-! ll -* llqd I AJ l\) G'hn:=.=>.ed o€ - -81 SF"?8.(tO ,lll ! dewtwvy Wwgd Uwdss S impli 6iry of C o nstr u cti o n Wall Solutions from GravitY to Soil Reinforced *unit dimensions, weight and cotor may vary Dy reglon THE PINI..IED 5Y5TEM fp'es{w&&w{6sY& 5f ePs . Units may vary due to texruring processes and unit sizes by region V-erify unit qpe, size. weight availabiliry by region. Unirs may var)i uP to I" i (25mm) due to t€r:tur€ variations. . Clean out pin holes and receiving channel as required to assernble wall' During manufacturing, some concrete cnunbs may deposit in these areas and sh-ould be removed to p€rmit Pins to be placed in the appropriate holes and receiving channel. . Cut or split u.nits as required (u'ith a mason saw, h1'draulic$reak or chisel ani hammer) for corners, caps or wherever units need to be altered to aUow construction to be firta]ized ,\4hen cutting concrete uDits, ah,ays wear safety goggles, gloves and filter mask per manufacturcr's tecommendations' .t THE PINI'IED SYSTEM Cgsffivffi{ter & ffi s&wtY Large scale units for tall wall applications with appearance of natural stone. THE PINNED sYSTEM Attachment: D REPORT ASS, VAIL MOUNTAIN RADO . ; :'t_.4\ .'f*i ..tt o{ i.,S "4*, f?, 6F{ S; *i . I n ,4* -4., "iie; J'.P r ."4# ) _t r .|F.. 'li{'q* . 'Bi , -* -:a#,# December 2003 -1-033-212s 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report Presents the results ofa geoteclurical investigation and engineering geology study for the forest road snowcat bypass for Vail Mountain, on behalf of Vail Resorts Development Company ryRDC). VRDC's curent concept for the road is a cut and fill construction with unpaved finished sutface, with cut and fill retaining walls as needed. In addition, a bridge will be constructed to cross over Gore Creek. The purpose of the study is to provide preliminary recommendations regarding engineering geology and potential geologic hazard conditions of the prope(y along with recommendations for bridge foundations, abutments, retaining wall design parameters, identification of potential wall types with a discussion of the applicability of each q,pe, and recommendations for final roadway design. Golder Associates December 2003 -J-033-2125 H ffi g H B H q m E H 3.0 SUBSURFACE GEOTECIINICAL II.IYESTIGATION 3.1 Subsurface Drilling Program The drilling program was conducted during the weeks of October 13 and October 20,2003 by Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) and the drilling subcontactor, Spectrum Exploration lncorporated. The drilling progam consisted of drilling a total offive boreholes at the locations shown on Figure l, and installing one piezometer and two inclinometers. The results of the drilling progam and iaboratory tests were used to determine the physical characteristics ofthe subsurface materials at the site. The boreholes were drilled using ODEX methods in the overburden soils to depths ranging between 25 and 50 feet, followed by 2.5-in. ID HQ core drilling into bedrock. Standard penefiation test (SPT) samples lvere collected./attempted in the overburden, but the rocky subsurface conditions limited testing and recovery. Contractom and others reviewing this work should note that this ODEX drilling method allolvs penetration of maerials that would frequently cause refusal to auger rigs. SPT blorvcounts in the ODEX borings may also be influenced by the ODEX method. Contractors are urged to interpret data from these borings with caution. ln general, the boreholes encountered gravelly colluvial soils or landslide deposits over sandstone, siltstone, and shale of the Minturn Formation. Th.icknesses of colluvial soils and landslide deposits that may excavate as soils are expected to be quite variable. The colluvial deposits are characterized as compact to very dense silty sand and silty gravel, with cobbles and boulders. Landslide deposits have the same charater as the colluvium, or may exist essentially as relatively intact bedrock. The bedrock encountered below the colluvium in the boreholes was slightly to highly weathered, exffemely weak to strong, tan to gray sandstone with some shale and limestone. Groundwater was encountered near Gore Creek during drilling of boreholes SCB1 and SCB2 at 15 and 22 feet respectiveiy. Groundwater was not encountered in the boreholes drilled on the slope along the proposed road alignment. The borehole logs are presented in Appendix A, with the borehole locations shown on Fisure I . 3.2 Laboratory Testing Samples obtained from the field program were collected, tested, and analyzed for index properties (Atterberg limits and grain size distribution), and shear strength at Golder's laboratory in Denver, € H E E € E @ € ffi Golder Associates December 2003 v) J-z tz) 4.0 ENGINEERINGGEOLOGY This section of the report describes observed engineering geologic conditions at the site that are pertinent to site planning and development. Approximate locations of some features observed are shown on Fisure l. 4.1 GeologicEnvironment In'conjunction with the field reconnaissance, we reviewed available published information for the area, including tbe U.S. Geological Survey's 2002 Geologic Map of the Vaii West euadraagle, Eagle - County, Colorado (Scott, Lidke, Grunwald 2002). : Most of the area is covered with overburden soils overlying Mintum Formation sedimentary bedrock that dips approximately north-northwes! in a similar direction and grade as the grognd slope. The study area is characterized by dip slope topography, with rhe slope dipping about 20 to 30 degrees to the northwest. The USGS geotogic map shows the slope covered with coliuvjum, below an area which has been identifred as a quaternary landslide feature. Most likely this large feature has not been active in a recent time frame- However, the slope within the area of interest also has geomorphic features indicative of landslide activity. Some conditions may exist or could develop which could result in localized stability concems, either naturally or as a result of site modifications associated with development. The thickness of colluvial soil and landslide deposits overlyilg bedrock appea$ to be variable. In mary cases' landslide deposits may exist as relatively intact, but displaced bedrock. 4-2 SiteReconnaissance Observations A field reconnaissance of the property was made on october 14, 2003. the following section presents the results of field reconnaissance. In a few locations, specific conditions were noted during the recomaissance that couid affect the proposed road alignment. These are summarized as foilows: ' lrnmediately above the existing pump house, which is at the approximate locationof.the proposed bridge, the srope was observed to b" hu,o-o"ky and showingevidence of several smaller lobes of localized slope movements. In addition, the t\03u125\0400\0401\03:2t?5-0401.093Jo.DOC Golder Associates December 2003 -7-033-2125 5.0 5.1 GEOTECHMCAI-, RECOMMEI{DATI O]"iS Earthwork and Grading On-site soils are suitable for use as general fill, although select granular fills may be needed for some construction. Some processing will be required to remove the larger material such that the soil can be placed and worked in lifts. The large cobbles and boulders, landslide deposits, and weathered bedrock il the on site soils may result in difficult excavation. Contractors reviewing this report to evaluate excavation difficulty should note that an ODEX drill rig was used, which will readily penetrate materials that usually cause refusal to an auger rig, or be difficult to to excavate with conventional earthmoving equipment. The SPT blowcounts may also not be indicative of excavation difficulty. Rock or difficult excavation may be encountered at any depth along the snowcat road alignment. We tberefore recommend that the roadway construction bid package contain at least an item for difficult or rock excavation. We are available to assist Alpine Engineering wrlh quantity estimation of this item, and other aspects of the bid package. However, it should be noted that any aftempt to estimate a quantity of difficult excavation is only a rough estimate, and variations from this estimate should be anticipated. :We recommend 2H:lV or flatter for all slopes. Surface water should be drained away from all strucRres. 5,2 Slope Stability Evaluation A preliminary global slope stability evaluation was performed for the snow cat road. Using the available topographic information and tentative grading plans provided by Alpine Engineering, lnc. the existing slope geometry was modeled using the SLIDE (Rocscience 2000) software. Surveyed topographic hformation was not available for the complete slope, so some of the topographic information generated by aerial survey was used to complement the data. Some engineering judgment was needed to develop an overall slope geometry using the two data sets. The evaluation of the existing slope was compared to an additional model which included the modifications required for construction of the snow cat road. The results of the fwo analyses show that, construction modifications to tbe slope do not result in a decrease of the overall slope stability and may improve Itolu | :J\0400\040 l\o3l2 I 15.Glo r.093 50,Doc Golder Associates December 2003 -v-033-2125E r*-* I VISE walls appear to be feasible for the fill side retaining walls. Near surface soils encountered in theI borings are variable in consistency, but often very rocky. With processing it appears that they couJd fI be used for MSE fill; they generally do not appear to be excessively plastic or to have high clayI contents. The primary consideration will be excavation difficuity, and'processing as needed to I remove oversized rocks from the MSE fills.! i An internai drain system, at approximately the back of the lowest reinforcing layer (or the "heel" ofI' the wall) should be provided. This drain should consist ofat least a 4-inch slotted pipe embedded in I clean gravel, fabric wrapped, and sloped to a suitable outfall. Wall design parameters areII r"commended as follows: Friction Angle 34 degrees Cohesion 0 Unit Weight 125 pcf Ir The following criteria, which are independent of backfrll type, may also be utilized: II . Minimum Reinforcement Lengtl: 0.7xTotal Wall Height; il . Minimum Footing Depth: 18 inches;I . Factor ofSafety for Sliding: 1.5; . Factor of Safety for Ovemrrning: 2.0; . Factor of Safety for Bearing Capacity: consider as part of global stability analysis. Additional criteria such as required geoslnthetic strength, interaction coefficients, and rna.rimum I uertical spacing of reinforcing layers will be determined during lvall desip. Wall elevations (profiles I along the roadway) with reinforcement layout should be provided with the design, as well as specifications for the wall construction. Gnldcr Ascnr:iafpq ffi E H g E Ifr December 2003 -11-033-2125 for permanent soil nail walls outlined in the Federal Higbway Administration's "Manual for Design & Construction Monitoring of Soil Nail Walls" (FIIWA 1998) should be foilowed in the desisn. 5.4 Bridge Foundations and Related Geotechnical Issues Foundations The conditions encountered il the boreholes suggest that several altemate foundation systems may be considered for structures on this site. Final selection of foundation type and design parameters will depend on a number of factors, including: . . Soil or rock conditions at tbe specific structure location; . Elevations, geometry, and bridge hydraulics; and . Performanceexpectations In discussions with the bridge desiper, Ivlr. Bill Rose, a subconsultant to Brown and Caldwell, we have jointly agreed that driven H-piles are appropriate for the north abutment foundation, and a footing supported on an MSE wall is appropriate for the south abutrnent. H-Piles. North Abutment Steel H-piles, driven to substantial refusal ia the underlying bedrock may be designed for full axial structural capacities (AASHTO recommends 9 ksi). Such a foundation would be highly scour resistant, and could likely be desigred to provide good lateral restraint. A potential drawback to this foundation type is that boulders in the overburden soil t)?es are likely to lead to early refusal, unless the pile locations are pre-augered. Pre-augering and drive shoes are reconmended. Pile lengths of25 to 35 feet (vertically) would likely be requied ftased on current ground surface elevation) to penetrate the bedrock surface and achieve fuIl capactiy. Driving criteria and capacites should be confirmed by wave equation analysis. Wave equation analyses are also recommended to avoid overstressing piles in hard driving. Golder Associates December 2003 -13-0??_r1?< portion of the MSE wall supporting the bridge footirg must be designed to accommodate the significant surcharge loads applied by the footing. Elements of the this design will include higher strength, closer spaced, and longer earth reinforcing elements; as well as more stringent compaction criteria or select granular fill. Also, it should be recogrized that differential settlement is likely, between the two abutments, since one involves deep foundation on rock, and the other does not. Based on our experience, and anaiyses conducted on bther projects, we expect that I to 2 inches of differential settlement are Possible. We expect to provide a foliow-up proposal to VRDC to add desip of walls for the bike path and abutment in this location to our design scope of work for this project. Aooroach Fills The discussion presented in Section 5.1 is applicable to the approach fills for the proposed bridge- Special attention should be given to compaction of approach fills if the bridge does not also rest on fill, but uses a foundation type bearing on bedrock. If project performance criteria includes smooth transitions from apporoach fiils to the bridge structure for vehicular traffic, compaction of the approach fi11 to 98 to 100% standard proctor maximum density to reduce settlement on the bridge approach could be considered. However, if use of this road is limited to snow cats and snow rnobiles, this is not necessary, in our opinion, as these vehicles only use the road and bridge when there is substantive snow cover, which wouid most likely mask the affects of any minor differential settlement. 5.5 Future Geotechnical Work In accordance with Vail Resorts' direction, we are prepared to proceed with retaining wall design. We are available as needed to meet with other designers regarding this report and the project. euality assurance testing of filI soils, pavement materials, and concrete will be required. Qualifred inspection of embankment construction, excavations, cuts, foundation installation, and retaining wall c onstruction is also recommended. rr! tunr mllo t.'.)a Golder Associates a3/82/2ea4 15:59 3833219855 CANNON OFFICES Attachment: E Sue McCan Cannon {55 Srrcrr|,| Sn'cr }46, DFNWR CoIOMDO t020t IEIE}HONE t03l12l-r0l 2 February26,2004 Town of Vail Design Review Board 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colo. 81657 Dear SirMadam; My late husband and I purchasod the home on 616 Forest Road in 1968. At the time it was one of three houses on the road, Lionshead did not exist, and wo loved the silearce and the serenity of the area. There have been a lot of changes to the a.rea since then but the one constant is that my George and I understood how important skiing is to Vail. When Vail Assooiates first wanted to use our road for snow operations, my husband met with other neighbon to allow the use rather than take the company and Town to court. He was a man of groat integrity and wanted to do what was best for the people in Vail. Since thit time, West Forest Road has, at times, become a Panzer division of snow cats. But, we never regretted our stand on the issue. We knew that Vail neodod the snow cats, As early rtsidents of this great town we did our part. Now, my understanding is that there's art enorrnous renaissance planned for Lionshead, and coupled with the new shops, and buildings is a proposal to move the snow oat operatron away from our neighborhood where very fcw if anypeople would see it - at no cost to the Town of Vail. I ask you to allow Vail Resorts to proceed with rhis endeavor, if nothing clse, as a thank you to those of us on West Forest Road who choose to live with the operation for the good of the commrurity. Sincerely, .,,..1 - ) ,^- l( /,,-----....-.. Sue M. Cannon CC: Vail Department of Community Development Attention: Bill Gibson l l l South Frontage Road West Vail, Colo. 81657 Mr. Jack Hunn Vail Resorts, lnc. Post Office Box 7 Vail, Colo.8l657 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on February 20,2004. (EXCERPT) PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING Monday, March 8, 2004 PROJECT ORIENTATION - Community Development Dept. PUBLIC WELCOME 12:00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT John Schofield Gary Hartman Erickson Shirley Chas Bernhardt Rollie Kjesbo Doug Cahill George Lamb Site Visits : 1. Slifer - 230 Bridge Street 2. Hughes - 303 Gore Creek Drive, #7 3. Shirley - 303 Gore Creek Drive, #84. Yare - 2434 Chamonix Lane 5. Vail Resorts Development Company - Tract K, Glen Lyon Driver: George Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 5. A request forfinal review of a variance from Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, localed at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels, a more complete legal description is on file at the Community Development Department, setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Braun Associates, Inc. Planner: Bill Gibson MOTION: Kjesbo SECOND: Lamb VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH CONDITIONS: 1. This variance request approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval of the associated design review application, 2. Prior to the issuance of grading permits, the applicant shall enter into a lease, license, or easement agreement with the Town of Vail for the use of Town property. 3. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall prepare a construction staging plan for review and approval by the Town of Vail. 4. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant shall survey and then install all limits of disturbance fencing and all erosion control methods for review and approval by the Town of Vail. ' 5. The applicant shall properly maintain the limits of disturbance fencing and erosion control methods throughout the construction of this proposal. Any modification to the location or configuration of the limits of disturbance area shall require review and approval by the Town of Vail. Attachment B FOREST ROAD SNOWCAT BYPASS LIONSHEAD _ VAIL. CO :,. 1,.. ' , : ,,,::- t '.:,, , ,, :ir. . t . . .4, ., ,;.t . ,. . ., ..,,.::..1,-,,,, .';,.,,. _,., ,. i l: i I .'j :. ',i i: ,.i , l, ,, I..'.,': ,,' ':. r , ' ':.,,,.: ,', ' t , .'...'...'|'''':' ; ', ' l l:' :.' ..' ' ii$illi tr rli ,:, x t' i -,\\\\\. ,'H,T ;ii):,trpfu ',tiili,;*',' i li !{#1, V,tfiii tt##n t?d:3#d,+ ffii $f ril ffi'.S .O 6 4iffii Attachment: C \* -o T_ z -lr (n i R Itcd SNO\^/MAKING PUMP VAULT Ll(-Jf.l SHEAD -',/AtL. CO t-- FN G\rnz.a$Rriiiri{rr F$€$$$F{f{t €i;5€{ !lE iite: ti c g9ggg'r g9seesge c EEITB! oCOoooOOOO6 i6,n' 'FqI,, .- ..I Id' ffF gi EFE i; !g 'rf;Eii$$ilEEi3.iF'i 6 e!c-n6* { o_ ;t $!j.*s$$i i.ts F si 3$-$i$ i5 t$t$ $€ ?rr 9 t ttt 9 .-\ '\ Ililr: NJ i'" e,t,it'g c\l;!rcEEEq !'Eii*==s= Hsiiisssss urrn TNg '2.c\zo rn(t' :'i :ili r:jl iiiti il:il :.il )! iil ii i:.: ii: rit ,l t2 ti .3. iiri: ii ii ::ilii ,!1 i-t* :3 ii in :.i Attachment: THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE ,Wo, NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, April 6, 2004 at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: ITEMffOPIG: An appeal of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmential Commission approval of a request for a variance from Chapter '14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels, a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Department and setting forth detrails in regard thereto. Appellant: Vail Resorts Development, represented by Braun and Associates Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published March 19, 2OO4,in the Vail Daily. e{h;bi* F ( a lzolo^t\ Snowcat Access Variance Correspondence FRO'1 :FRX NO, i Feb. 13 2El@1, L?i4ffin Pl advance of id h;aring;-tr ttre eth of april...-41y.-sl$hlqqm$ucati"Oq.mlgltt,fuc"ug.og -&el161p-o$ffc.p-of r.eir.p.:r.lr.rg-$no.r '---c.e.l.eccess..f-r..qpr !ryFst"F-q,resl $m4.,G-af9!y,-gutet 6f^/ /, Loa / D t ^, j o'r*r, (r*r".rl u- sfrt, Ttre purpose of this letter ls to call to the attention of owners and reslderrtj of tlre affeced nJigtrborhood the importance of the Council's conslderation of the matter described above, and to if vouwlsh to see the ternrlnatio4p[gnoyv-caq Forest Ro - whictr ffi th. more limited impact of construction of a new road at a location where it can be seen by virtually no one who does not choose to be focused on it. ff you wish to communicate wtth the Vail Town Couucil (with a copy to the Depafiment oI Communlry Development and Jadc Hunn, of Vail Resorts) ttre required address and telecopier inforrration is as follows: Town Council of the town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road Wes[ Vail CO 81657 Telecopier No, 97 0.479.2757 Vail Department of Community Dwelopment Agenuon'ltU9!ro. 111 South Frontage Road West Vail CO 81657 Telecopier No. 97 A.47 9 .?A32 Mr. Jack HunnGii16ffi,Gc. Post Office BoxT Vail CO 81658-0007 Telecopier No. 970.845.2555 LJULl: -.tlU^,rr1- ttr,4ft:/. .b lzuyr,-r><- U"L Aaat-,-+- cL..t* *,1^-r* 3n,--* Zrt-,t- -l-.- ,tA"- ys,---zfL zi"/;;",i:/LcD c,,,.Lf ,.:.N P,---:t elrt) Sincerely,tutu /Cc,Vail Department of Community Attention: Bill Cibson lames R. Cannon a55 s,lc.rrn Slreea #468 DENVEK COLORADO 8OM3 IELEPHONE to3/32r-7012 March 26, 2OO4 Town of Vail The Town Council 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sir/Madam: My name is Jim Cannon. My parents have owned the 616 Forest Road home for thirty-five years. The purpose of this letter is to encourage you to moVe the Vail Mountain snow and mountain operations away from West Forest Road. West Forest road is a quirky neighborhood. lt is one of the oldest in Vail. People walk up and down the road to ski or shop in Lionshead. There are kids playing in driveways and people skiing down the road. And with the addition of four new single family homes and the new pedestrian friendly ski bridge, the area surely will become even busier. Unfortunately, Vail mountain operations also use this road for mountain access. l.have personally witnessed snow cats passing people with skis on their shoulders, narrowly missing them. lt is not the driver's of the snow cats fault, they are world class drivers, it is simply the nature of the street. There are no turnouts. People come and go down the road either by car, foot or skis at odd times making navigation around them by snow cats dicey. This year, attorney Art Abplanalp, asked Vail Resorts to stop storing snow cats and dozens of snow mobiles on the road and the old tennis court site. Obviously this area is not zoned for heavy equipment but it is hard to blame the drivers and their supervisors who want to minimize driving through the neighborhood. Fortunately, Vail Resorts is leading the effoft of removing Vail mountain operations from this neighborlrood. The fact that they are going to pay for an entire new access up the mountain is exemplary. lt is my hope that the Town Council is also supportive of their efforts. In this spirit, I hope the Town of Vail grants Vail Resofts its new access route and thank you for supporting the West Forest Road neighborhood. : 111 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colo. 81657 Development FILE No.623 04205 '04 11 :57 ID:FIELD-C0lTAINER-DEC.FAX:8479569250 PAGE lt Ll FIELD CONTAINER COMPANY, L.P.I,arry t'icld (ihief Erecutrvc Oilir, or April2,2004 Town Council of the Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, GO 81557 Sent via Telecopier No. 970-479-2157 Dear Members: As a resident of Forest Road and in advance of the Town Council meeting on April 6h, I would like to voice my strong position in support of the relocation of the Vail Resorts Snow-Cat Access from West Forest Road. In addition to the obvious adverse effects of the Snow'Cat Access from West Forest Road such as the noise and the nuisance factor, the physical safety of our residents should be of great concern- | oppose this intrusion on our othenrise safe and serene neighborhood. The termination of snow-cat use of West Forest Road to a new road at a location where it can be seen by virtually no one would cerlainly seem the obvious solution to this significant problem. I would appreciate Your helP. /pm cc:Vail Department Of Community Development Attn: BillGibson Jack Hunn VailResorts I 5oo Nicholos Boulevard tlk Crove Vllate, tL 600n7 586-W West Forest Road Ieleohone 847 956.121tt facsinrilc d{7'i56.q.]50 ti\ 'l Vail Resofis Snowcat Access Adjacent Property Owners List Scptember 2003 'I TOWN OF VAIL 75 SOUTHFRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 l ADAM, NA}ICY SHAPIRO 4975EPRESERVE GREENWOOD VILI-AGE CO 80124 l SMITH, ruSTINEH. 43 SOUTH SHORE CT HILTON HEAD ISLAND, SC 29928 I b. rcvnN lrc 934 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL, CO 81657 I VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VAIL, CO 81658 J WESTHAVEN REALTY LLC II27 LAKE AVE GREENVNCH, CT 0683I l GLEN LYON OFFICE BUILDING C/OANDREW D. NORRIS IOOO S FRONTAGE RD W STE 2OO VAIL, CO 81657 l U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERViCE 24747 U. S. HIGHWAY 24 MINTURN, CO 81645 'l f gnynR.AUtN ,\ssoclAttEs, lNC. PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jvly 2,2OO3 Georqe Ruther Chref of Tlannnq Town of Varl 75 South Trontaqe Road Val, CO At 657 Re: ?eqvesL Lo Vroceed throvqh the Vlannnq ?roce35 Dear Georqe: Braun Assoaafes, lnc. has been htred by Varl Resorts Development Company to aE5sl them wfth obtatnnq lhe necessary approvals to allow a new 5nowcal access route to Varl Mountarn lrom the marntenance laclfty n Lronshead. Thrs wrll entai the constrvchon of a bndqe acroes the Gore Creek at the sfte ol lhe new waste water treatmenl plant (the Old Town Shops) and a new trai connechnq to Lhe current Westrn flo trail. The proVosed bndqe and Lrai occur on land owned by the Town of Varl. Varl ResortE Development ComVany s reqvesttnq aVVroval from the Varl Town Counci to allow Varl Resorls to proceed throuqh lhef own'g revtew ?roceis to esLabltsh thrE bndqe and snowcat accel5 rouLe. The new access rovle may replace WeEt Torest Koad ag Lhe wmarv snowcat accei5 to Val Mountarn. Once q:en the qo ahead, Val Resorts OeveloVment Company wil be maAnq aVVlcatton for Condhonal Uge Termtls to allow lhts new snowcat access route. Thank you for your consrderafton. Edwards Vi lage Center; Suite C-209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Offlce Box 2558 Edwards, Colorado 81 632 Ph. - 970.926.7575 Fax - 970.926.757 6 www.braunassocrates.com I nRynR.AUIN ASSOCIIATIES, IINC. PLANNING and COIYMUNITY DEVELOPI'1ENT October G.2OO3 Georqe Ruther ChteI oI Tlannnq Town ol Val 75 )outh frontaqe Road Varl. CO 41657 Re: Relocated Snowcat Access Tovte Dear Georqe: lncludczd wrth thrs letter p Vatl Resorts' svbmfttal lo relocate Lhe snowcal access rovte from Forest Road to new loca\on drectlv south ol the Varl Resorbs Mantenance sfie. As you are aware, Town Counal has aVproved Val Resorts to Vroceed throvqh the develoVmenl revtew ?rocess for thrE new access rovle as the malorfty oI the route s located on Town Vroperty. fhe rovte s also located on VroVerty owned by the Eaqle Rtver Water and Sanftabon Dgtnct. Ovr qoal e to obtan all oI the necessary approvals so that construclon of thrs new rovte can occvr nexL g?rnq. Encloged you wrll lnd all ol the necessary submftlal requrements Ior ths condftronal vse aVpltcalon. We aVVreaate your asEtstance wrth thrs appltcahon. ?lease let me know the schedvle tor Vrocesstnq thrs aVV\calon. Mavnello, Edwards Viliage Center; Su te C-209 0105 EdwardsVillage Boulevard Post Olllce Box 2558 Edwards, Colorado 8 1 632 Ph. - 970.976.7575 Fax - 970.925.757 6 wra,ry,r. brau nassociates. c om I sRlzgrR.AurN ASScclAl-lES, lNC. PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT February 9.,2004 Mr. Bill Gibson Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: VR Snowcat Access/Retaining Wall Height Variance Dear Bill: Enclosed you will find a variance application for Vail Resort's proposed snowcat access route. As you are aware, the proposed access includes retaining walls in excess of 6' in height. The variance request is for reliefto this standard. A portion of this project is located on land owned by the Town of Vail and as you know the Council has authorized this application to proceed through the review process. Submittal material includes the following: l. Engineered drawings of the access way. 2. Application form. 3. Filing fee 4. Adjacent property owners list 5. Title report A landscape plan has previously been submitted for DRB review. We are in the process of modifying this plan in response to DRB comments from last week. I expect to have this revised plan in to you in the next week or so. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have or if you need any additional information. Sincerelv. Thomas A. Braun Cc: Bill Kennedy Jay Peterson Edwards Village Center; Su te C-209 Ph. - 970.926.7575 0105 EdwardsVillage Boulevard Fax - 970.925.7 57 6 Post Ollce Box 2658 www.braunassooates.com Edwards. Colorado 8 1 632 tt| r'-:ili J;j 'l'-", 9b. r Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FlX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us February I'1,2004 Tom Braun Braun and Associates Edwards Village Center, Suite C-9 PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 RE: Snowcat Access Road Retaining Wall Height Variance Dear Tom, Thank you for submitting a variance application addressing the proposed retaining wall heights for the Vail Resorts snowcat access road. Town Staffhas reviewed your variance request application and . determined that the application is incomplete. The following information must be submitted to complete the variance application submittal requirements and to better clarifr the details of the proposal: l. Written Statementso A "written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specifc regulation(s) involved, including an explanation of why the vaiance is required and why the strict or Iiteral interpretation of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship-or practical dificulty. " o A written statement addressing: "d. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. " 2. Topogaphic Survey 3. All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. 4. Landscape Plan 5. Site Plan o Show percent slope ofthe road and spot elevations as necessary along the centerline ofthe road to accurately reflect grade.r Show proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Show location of limits of disturbance fencine. I RECYCI,ED PAPERs Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.w 6. Architectural Elevations o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. o Path profiles must be drawn at the same vertical and horizontal scale. o AII exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. Please submit revisions addressing these items by no later than Wednesday February 25, 2004. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2I'13. Sincerely, z,/.Zz-: ffu./fu- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail z EECYCI,ED PAPEBtb I gNynR.AUIN ASSCCIAIIES, INC" PLANNING and COMI'lUN TY DEVELOPMENT March 15,2004 Bill Gibson Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Revised DRB Application/Snow Cat Access Dear Bill. As you know, during their March 3d meeting the DRB asked us to evaluate altematives to a number ofaspects ofthe snow cat access project. These included the concrete color, landscaping along Gore Creek adjacent to the proposed vault, guard rails, and the possibility of"artistic" treatment on retaining walls. We have considered each of these items and will be prepared to discuss them with the Board on the l7th. Concrete is proposed to be colored a medium-dark brown. The bridge deck will be intregal concrete (the color is "Kahlua-677"),by Davis Concrete. All other concrete will be stained to match the "Kahlua". A revised landscape plan dated 3/12/04 is attached. This plan reflects changes we discussed last week and changes to the area adj acent to the vault. This plan would supercede a previously submitted landscape plan dated 2/23/04. Let me know if there is anything else you need. We look forward to obtaining our final DRB approvals on Wednesday. Following DRB approval we will provide additional information requested by Chad prior to construction and will also have the alignment staked (limits of disturbance, etc.) as stipulated by our PEC condition ofapproval. Thomas A. Braun, AICP Cc: Bill Kennedy Garv Brooks Edwands Vrllage Center; Suhe C-209 0 | 05 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Office Box 2558 Edwzrds, Colorado 8l 532 Ph. - 970.9)6.7575 Fax - 970.9)6.757 6 www.braunassoctates.com I nNymR.AUIN ASSOCIIAITIES, IINC" PLANNING ANd COI'II'lUNITY DEVELOPI'4ENT February 24,2004 Bill Gibson Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Response to 2/17 Letter, re: snowcat access retaining wall height variance Dear Bill, Thank you for your letter of February I 7'h regarding the staff s review of the retaining wall variance request. Enclosed you will find a revised set of plans. So you have a clear idea of our response to your questions, below I have copied your letter verbatim and provided a response to each issue you have raised. l. Written Statements o A "written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulation(s) involved, including an explanation ofwhy the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpretation of the specifc regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical dfficulty. " Response The specific regulation involved is found on page 19 of the Development Standards Handbook which limits the height of retaining walls to 6'. The retaining wall is needed in order to construct a new snowcat access road to Vail Mountain. Proposed wall heights vary along the length of the cut and fill walls and are depicted on the wall elevations plans that have been provided under separate cover. Given the existing grades ofthe hillside surrounding the access road, if maximum 6' high walls were used it would require three terraced walls on the cut side (upper) of the accessway and two terraced walls on the fill side (lower) of the accessway. This design would be much more impactive, both physically and visually on the hillside and present a practical difficulty. . A written statement addressing: "d. Hov,the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. " Edwards Vilrage Centei Su te C-209 0105 Edw,ards Vi lage Bou evard Post Offlce Box 2558 Edrvards, Colorado 8 I 632 Ph. - 970.9)67515 Fax 970.9)6.7576 'wr,rrl. brau n a ss ocrate s. c o m Response The Town has identified a goal of removing snowcat access from West Forest Road (i.e. Lionshead Master Plan). This new access road will result in the removal of snowcats from West Forest Road. 2. Topoeranhic Survev Response A topographic survey has been provided in the plan set. 3. All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. Response Reduced plans will be provided prior to distribution of the PEC packet. 4. Landscape Plan Response A landscape plan is included in the plan set. 5. Site Plan . Show percent slope ofthe road and spot elevations as necessary along the centerline ofthe road to accurately reflect grade. o Show proposed surface drainage on and off-site. o Show location of limits of disturbance fencing. Response Limits of disturbance is depicted on the site plan. Drainage improvements are depicted on the site plan. Arows have been added indicating where water is being directed. The site plan depicts 2' contours the entire length of the access way, we assume that this should satisfy your request for spot elevations. Road grades are depicted on the profile of the access way (see sheet 4) 6. Architectural Elevations r All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. r Path profiles must be drawn at the same vertical and horizontal scale. o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. Response Wall elevations are drawn to scale and with the same vertical and horizontal scale. Profile information is provided on the elevations in order to provide dimension information. The material proposed is Keystone Block. Color of the block will be provided via material sample at the PEC meeting. It should be noted that we are current evaluating an altemative wall material and should have a decision on this material in the next few days. As you know, we are in the process of putting together a DRB application for this project. If a change to wall material is made, it will be defined in our DRB application. Thanks Bill, I hope this takes care ofthe questions regarding this application. Sincerelv. .---"--1------\ ?1 dW\>'----------' Thomas A. Braun, AICP Cc: Bill Kennedy Garv Brooks Review Criteria-Variance to 6' Retaining Wall Ileight Before acting on a variance application, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: a. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Applicant's Analvsis: The proposed variance to wall height will provide a more sensitive design solution for the site and in doing so provide an improved relationship to surrounding uses and structures. Given the existing grades ofthe hillside surrounding the access road, if maximum 6' high walls were used it would require three terraced walls on the cut side (upper) of the accessway and two terraced walls on the fill side (lower) of the accessway. This design would be much more impactive, both physically and visually on the hillside. b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of heatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Applicant's Analvsis: The existing grade of the hillside and the width of the proposed snowcat access road are the two factors most directly influencing the height of the proposed retaining walls. The width of the road has been minimized to the extent feasible while still allowing for adequate drainage and safe passage. The design ofthe walls has been done in order to balance the degree ofcut and frll slopes. c. The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Applicant's Analvsis: The proposed variance will have little, if any, affect on any of the above criteria. The wall variance will, however, allow for a land use (the new snowcat access) that will improve public safety by removing snowcat traffic from West Forest Road. .. -€!: **-!c-r89._- iE;,F.,li iiiiii!'ii afiii:i:iiii jl!i;i ,'\ r Crl! , i!fiiii d iVjt, [,tl :[fl rfl t fl tll, , m I i:l r Ed z ..,1 - z 5 I =F (J o- F o =zlh .2 ;; IN I E ir-,..-n i"'Sj l, .,,i-1. :, . t:,. .t,. ::a1t,.1 :::f ir: t.l.l' ' .1 : 'j, . . ..,''...i , ,. f,i..t l ir:ir: ' ,(A:a{1' | . ll,1.-'l #'la fl -t*l ;l:l ;l I ; l[ , i*l' r/ il-l 'ui4|-]'l #-i i "'iFl li lr'l I gg; -r 1-"*-l: Ii:r ,l ll'|: I il ifil 'l' [1'l. i[*l IjH'l it/r?,t_], //"1 Ii " ff:' -f#l' ii ,ll - H ,i*;is ll il,,\J rll: /J -- I ,-+i''-,r, l;r 11 i I; iiii #i i,ir f*t': ]l ,' r>4a # iiis H,l Ullls, l1 .ll; : ili\ -. *--l E il $* L*1,,6 [,] I li t!'t " - - Fq I/l iil, 1 lli dz - 6 5 lrJj - Fzlrj g! t^,1<9 E(D F Ioz :.. . ,,:-:. :- . :. t:., ,:1, r1.',' .' .':.-' . ''.:.' !3C :1 ,ri :+ t* 1.". , , t t, *^ ,'" ',,,'{,-.,r-r+\ ,..i, 0..' 'leXeorgf ,.t.r,.d a *. ..;,r- F dlid#lT. ! rr t5'tJ iffi ,,: t '- **E ,'j REpoRT "i ;, ; ASS, VAIL MOI]NTAIN I I I t t I t I t I I I I I I I I 1.0 2.0 December 2003 -l-033-2125 LIST OFFIGURES Figure 1 Boreholelocations AppendixA Appendix B Appendix C AppendixD LIST OFAPPENDICES Borehole Logs Laboratory Testing Results Photographs Slope Stability Analyses I I Golder Associatestwjut 25\0400040t\o332125.0401.09150.DOC l I I I I I December 2003 033-2r2s 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of a geotechnical investigation and engineering geology shrdy for the forest road snowcat bypass for Vail Mountain, on behalf of Vail Resorts Development Company (VRDC). VRDC's current concept for the road is a cut and fill construction with unpaved finished surface, with cut and fill retaining walls as needed. In addition, a bridge will be constructed to cross over Gore Creek. The purpose of the study is to provide preliminary recommendations regarding engineering geology and potential geologic hazard conditions of the property along with recommendations for bridge foundations, abutnents, retaining wall design parameters, identification of potential wall types with a discussion of the applicability of each type, nd recommendations for final roadway design. -l- ttr3ul25\040o\atol\o332 | 25.040 l.oct50.Doc Golder Associates h t t t T t I T I I I I I I I December 2003 033-212s 2.0 PROJECT BACKGROIJND 2.1 Background The site is located south of the town of Vail, to tlre west of Forest Road in Eagle County- Colorado. The snowcat road, to be used by ski slope maintenance equipment, trends soufh over Gore Creek, then tums to the southwest and gains elevation to interest an edsting forest road at an elevation 140 feet above Gore Creek. The road will require conskuction of a bridge where it crosses over Gore Creek- Retaining walls will also be used to construct the road and potentially parts of the bridge abutments. 22 Scope ofWork The scope of work for the study included preliminary field reconnaissance, a subsurface drilling investigation with installation of piezometers and inclinometers, laboratory testing, and a preliminary report of geotechnical conditions including a working stability model of the slope. The purpose of the report is to provide a preliminary evaluation of geologic and geotechnical conditions for planning of the site layout and bridge design information. 23 Information from Previow Studies Previous shrdies have been completed for the snow cat road bridge site by Koechlein Consulting Engineers (see Section 7.0, References). This report recommended the snow cat bridge be conskucted using either spread footings or piles for the foundation, and that furtber investigation of the fill materials on the north side of Gore Creek be done. This previous study did not do any subsurface investigation south of Gore Creek or provide any recornmendations otler than those associated with bridge construction. -2- t\08'\2 I 25\04{XX)401\yJ32 I 2J.0401.091 50Doc Golder Associates December 2003 -3-033-2125 3.0 SUBSI]Rtr'ACE GEOTECIIMCAL II{YESTIGATION 3.1 Subsurface Drilling Program The drilling program was conducted during the weeks of October 13 and October 20, 2003 by Golder Associates hrc. (Golder) and the drilling subcontractor, Speckum Exploration Incorporated. The drilling program consisted of drilling a total of five boreholes at the locations shown on Figure 1, and installing one piezometer and two inclinometers. The results of the drilling program and laboratory tests were used to determine tle physical characteristics ofthe subsurface materials at the site. The boreholes were drilled using ODEX methods in the overburden soils to depths ranging between 25 and 50 fee! followed by 2.5-in. ID HQ core drilling into bedrock. Standard penetration test (SPT) samples were collected./attempted in the overburden, but the rocky subsurface conditions limited testing and recovery. Contractors and others reviewing this work should note that this ODEX drining method allows penetration of maerials that would frequently cause refusal to auger rigs. SPT blowcounts in the ODEX borings may also be influenced by the ODEX method. Contractors are urged to interpret data from these borings with caution- In general, the boreholes encountered gravelly colluvial soils or landslide deposits over sandstone, siltstone, and shale of the Minturn Formation. Thicknesses of colluvial soils and landslide deposits that may excavate as soils are expected to be quite variable. The colluvial deposits are characterized as compact to very dense silty sand and silty gravel, with cobbles and boulders. Landslide deposits have the same charater as the colluvium, or may exist essentially as relatively intact bedrock. The bedrock encountered 6elow the colluviurn in the boreholes was slightly to highly weathered, extremely weak to strong, tan to gray sandstone with some shale and limestone. Groundwater was encountered near Gore Creek during drilling of boreholes SCBI and SCBZ at 15 and 22 feet respectively. Groundwater was not encountered in the boreholes drilled on the slope along the proposed road alignment. The borehole logs are presented in Appendix Ao with the borehole locations shown on Fizure l. Laboratory Testing Samples obtained from the field program were collected, testeq (Atterberg limits and gain size distribution), and shear strength and analyzed for index properties at Golder's laboratory in Denver, Golder Associates : December 2003 033-212sI : Colorado in accordance with applicable ASTM standards. Selected samples were classified according to ASTM D2487 based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The results of tle laboratory testing are presented in Appendix B. Index testing was performed on samples of the colluvium overlying the bedrock. The insitu moisture content ranged fron 2.6% to 6.1Yo on the borings in the slope, with moisture contents up to l4.3Yo closer to Gore Creek in the Bridge foundation investigation borings. The liquid limits ranged from 20 to 23 and the plastic index ranged from 5 to I l. The material was measured to have a pH from 7.7 to 7.9, a resistivity from 5165.3 to 7215.0 ohm+m, and a soluble sulfate content from 0.001% to 0.002Yo. A suite of direct shear tests was performed on samples of the colluvial silty gravel - silty sand material. The results of the direct shear testing indicated a shear strength angle of 38 degrees with low cohesion. : : : t I : : : I t t t t I t I Golder Associates I I ll I I I I I I I I I I I December 2003 033-212s 4.0 ENGIMERING GEOLOGY This section of the report describes observed engineering geologic conditions at the site that are Pertinent to site planaing and development. Approximate locations of some features observed are shown on Figure l. 4.1 GeologicEnyironment In conjunction with the field reconnaissance, we reviewed available published information for the are4 including the U.S. Geological Survey's 2002 Geologic Map of the Vail West euadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado (Scot! Lidke, Grunwald 2002). Most of the area is covered with overburden soils overlying Mintum Formation sedimentary bedrock that dips approximately north-northwesl in a similar direction and grade as the ground slope. The study area is characterized by dip slope topography, with the slope dipping about 20 to 30 degrees to tle northwest' The USGS geologic map shows the slope covered with colluvium, below an area which has been identified as a quatemary landslide feature. Most likely this large feature has not been active in a recent time frame. However, the slope within the area of interest also has geomorphic features indicative of landslide activity. Some conditions may exist or could develop which could result in localized. stabilify concems, either naturally or as a result of site modifications associated with development. The thickness of colluvial soil and landslide deposits overlying bedrock appean to be variable. In many cases, laldslide deposits may exist as relatively intact, but displaced bedrock. Site Reconnaissance Observations A field reconnaissance of the property was made on October 14, 2003. The following section presents the results of field reconnaissance. In a few locations, specific conditions were noted during the reconnaissance that could affect the proposed road alignment. These are summarized as follows: r Tmmediately abovetre existing pump house, which is at the approximate locationof-the proposed bridge, the slope was observed to be hummocky and showing evidence of several smaller lobes of localized slope movements. in addition, thi -5- l\03ul2fi xoo040 tvyj32l25-O.t0t.()ErsoiDoc Golder Associates December 2003 -6-033-2125 aspen growttr pattems suggest soil creep is also occurring between the existing pump house and the existing forest road. . The existing slope, where tJre snowcat road will steeply climb between the proposed bridge and ttre existing forest road, was observed to have older large landslide features. The tie in with the existing forest road appears to be located on a bench formed by the top of a slump block, There is another horizontal bench below this, where Borehole SCR-3 was drilled, which also appears to be the top of another slump block. These appear to be part of the enechelon failure block of the larger landslide feature mapped on the USGS maps. The exposed soils and drilling suggests these failures occurred within the colluvial soils. o The slope above the existing forest road is likely part of the older large slump block complex, and is covered with mature trees. Exposures on the slope show colluvial soils, possibly deposited through landslide movement judging by the material's random orientation. Golder Associates December 2003 -7-033-2125 I I I I I I I I t I t : : I : I I I I 5.0 GEOTECHMCAL RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Earthwork and Grading On-site soils are suitable for use as general fill, although select granular fills may be needed for some construction. Some processing will be required to remove the larger material such that the soil can be placed and worked in lifts. The large cobbles and boulders, landslide deposits, and weathered bedrock in the on site soils may result in difficult excavation. Conhactors reviewing this report to evaluate excavation difficulty should note that an ODEX drill rig was used, which will readily penetrate materials that usually cause refusal to an auger rig, or be difficult to to excavate with conventional earthmoving equipment. The SPT blowcounts may also not be indicative of excavation difficulty. Rock or difficult excavation may be encountered at any depth along the snowcat road alignment. We therefore recommend that the roadway construction bid package contain at least an item for difficult or rock excavation. We are available to assist Alpine Engineering with quantrty estimation of this item, and otler aspects of the bid package. However, it should be noted that any attempt to estimate a quantity of diffcult excavation is only a rough estimate, and variations from this estimate should be anticipated. We recommend 2H:lV or flatter for all slopes. Surface water should be drained away from all strucfures. 5.2 Slope Stability Evaluation A preliminary global slope stability evaluation was performed for tle snow cat road. Using the available topographic infonnation aod tentative grading plans provided by Alpine Engineering, Inc. the existing slope geometry was modeled using the SLIDE (Rocscience 2000) software. Surveyed topographic information was not available for the complete slope, so some of the topographic information generated by aerial survey was used to complement the data. Some engineering judgment was needed to develop an overall slope geometry using tle two data sets. The evaluation of the existing slope was compared to an additional model which included the modifications required for construction of the snow cat road. The results of the two analyses show that construction modifications to the slope do not result in a decrease of the overall slope stability and may improve Golder Associates December 2003 033-2125 stability slightly. This comparison is ofvital interest to the projecl since the roadway and associated retaining walls are sited in landslide terrain. Vail Resorts and other consultants should understand that this evaluation of global stability is not in keeping with more conseryative routine practice for roadway design, such as prescribed by AASHTO and others. AASHTO generally recommends a global stability safety factor of 1.25 to 1.5. Calculated global stability safety factors for this project using the approach outlined above, are likely to be below 1.25 in some cases. We have employed this approach on other roadway projects with performance expectations higher than for tlis snou/ cat road, and so we believe that this approach is reasonable and viable. The stability analyses are presented in Appendix D. More detailed global stability analyses will be required with final desigr of the retaining walls. 5.3 Retaining Walls General Pro-ject retaining walls are likely to be either MSE walls for the fill side of the roadway, and soil nail for the cut side. Either side likely will have a rock masonry veneer, similar to other recent Vail Resorts projects. Given the steeply sloping ground conditions, our general recommendation is that the road layout favor cut walls somewhat over fill walls, for two reasotrs: ' Providing adequate reinforcement lengtJr for larger fill side MSE walls may drive the "heel" ofthe excavation so far into the hillside that the foundation ofthe.cut side wall is undermined by the excavation for the fill side wall. We have discussed this iszue with Alpine Engineering already, and they are aware of it. r Adequately stabilized cuts generally perform better in this type of setting than the larger fill walls. Specific criteria for design of either type of wall are presented below. -8- Golder Associates I I I I t I I t I t r r r r It I I T December 2003 033-2125 MSE Walls MSE walls appear to be feasible for the fill side retaining walls. Near surface soils encountered in the borings are variable in consistency, but often very rocky. With processing it appears that they could be used for MSE fill; they generally do not appear to be excessively plastic or to have high clay contents. The primary consideration will be excavation difEculty, and processing as needed to remove oversized rocks from the MSE fiIls. An intemal drain system, at approximately the back of the lowest reinforcing layer (or the "heel" of the wall) should be provided. This drain should consist ofat least a 4-inch slotted pipe embedded in clean gravel, fabric wrapped, and sloped to a suitable outfall. Wall design parameters are recommended as follows : Friction Angle 34 degrees Cohesion 0 UnitWeieht 125 pcf The following criteria, which are independent of backfrll type, may also be utilized: r Minimum Reinforcement Length: 0.7 x Total Wall Height; o Minimum Footing Depth: 18 inches; o Factorof SafetyforSliding: 1.5; o Factor of Safety for Overturnng: 2.0; o Factor of Safety for Bearing Capacity: consider as part of global stability analysis. Additional criteria such as requied geosynthetic shength, interaction coefficients, and maximum vertical spacing of reinforcing layers will be determined during wall design. Wall elevations (profiles along the roadway) with reinforcement layout should be provided with the design, as well as specifications for the wall construction. I:D3\2125\0400040 l\0332125.040 I.09'50.DOC Golder Associates t I I I I I I I l I I I I I t I I ti t December 2003 - l0-033-2125 Soil Nail Walls The cut walls for the proposed snowcat road are likely to be most economical if constructed as soil nail walls. Soil nail walls can be constructed from the top down as excavation proceeds and do not require additional excavation for placement of wall reinforcement members. However, given the variable ground conditions ofthe landslide deposits encountered, attention to these ground conditions rvill be required on the part of the designer to minimize construction difficulties. Specifically, stand-up time for the excavations may not be very good, at least where boulders or gravels are present with few or no fines in the soil matrix. The design and specifications must provide guidance to contractors for bidding and constructing in such conditions. Slot berms or flash coating of the excavation face may be required. Similarly, drill hole stability may be poor, and cased holes may be required. As was the case in the soil nail walls at Arrowhead in 2001, communication between drill holes and/or large grout takes are likely. The design should consider either grout socks or other methods to manage grout takes, and the specifications and contract documents should be developed with this possibility in mind, so that contractors can bid on and build the wails with reasonable risk and direction. The following soil nail desigr parameters are proposed for this project: Friction Argle 32 degees Cohesion 25 psf Unit Weieht 120 pcf Unit Ultimate Bond Stress 12 psi The unit ultimate bond stress identified above is representative ofdense sand and silty sandisandy silt (FHWA 1998). A unit ultimate bond stress of 12 pounds per square inch (psi) results in an ultimate pullout resistance of greater than 2 kips per foot for a drillhole diameter of 6 inches, as rvould likely be recommended as a minimum drillhole diameter for this project. Soil Nail designs should incorporate permanent drainage to relieve hydrostatic pressures and provide an outlet for groundwater conditions or seepage that may develop seasonally. Other design measures Golder Associates : t I I T T : I t I I I : I I : t I I December 2003 -l 1-033-2t25 for permanent soil nail walls outlined in the Federal Highway Administration's 'Manual for Desigrr & Construction Monitoring of Soil Nail Walls" (FI{WA 1998) should be followed in the desip. 5.4 Bridge Foundations and Related Geotechnical Issues Foundations The conditions encountered in the boreholes suggest that several altemate foundation systems may be considered for shucfures on this site. Final selection of foundation type and design parameters will depend on a number of factors, including; . o Soil or rock conditions at the specific structur€ location; o Elevations, geometry, andbridge hydraulics; and o PerformanceexDectations In discussions with the bridge desigrer, Mr. Bill Rose, a subconsultant to Brown and Caldwell, we have jointly agreed that driven H-piles are appropriate for the north abutnent foundation, and a footing supported on an MSE wall is appropriate for the south abutnert. H-Piles. North Abuhnent Steel H-piles, driven to substantial refirsal in the underlying bedrock may be designed for firll axial structural capacities (AASHTO recommends 9 ksi). Such a foundation would be highly scour resistaa! and could likely be designed to provide good lateral restraint. A potential drawback to this foundation type is that boulders in the overburden soil types are likely to lead to early refusal, unless the pile locations are pre-augered. Pre-augering and drive shoes are recommended. Pile lengths of25 to 35 feet (vertically) would likely be required (based on current ground surface elevation) to penetrate the bedrock surface and achieve full capactiy. Driving criteria and capacites should be confinned by wave equation analysis. Wave equation analyses are also recommended to avoid overstressing piles in hard driving. l\03\2 l2to{@\&f ot p332, 23. uo t.w} fi Doc Golder Associates t t ; t t ; t t ; I ; :t : I I l I I December 2003 -12-033-2r25 Pile spacings of greater than 5 effective pile diameters are recorlmended to avoid group effects. If closer spacings are necessary, we recommend a 75 percent capacity reduction for piles spaced at 3 to 5 diameters. In discussions with Mr. Rose, we agreed that a row of battered piles would be preferable to resist the lateral loads imposed on the abutnent by the 8% bridge grade, rather than relying on lateral reskaint from vertical piles. This is due to the soft, orgarric ciay layer below the north abutnent; it is possible that the likely low stoength of this layer would affect the lateral restraint ofthe piles by the overlying soils. By using a combination of vertical and battered piles for this abutrnent, all pile loadhgs are axial. Footins. South Abutment Footings are a viable option for support of a simple span bridge, especially if they can be located to avoid scour issues. We also have experience in the desigr of MSE abutnents to support bridge footings, and have discussed this approach to the south abutnent with Mr. Rose. Tentatively, we agreed that this appears to be a viable and economical altemative to construction of this abutment. We recommend allowable bearing pressures for the bridge footin of no greater than 4 ksl bearing on the MSE fill. The near edge of the bridge footing should be at least one foot behind the back, or inside edge of the retaining wall face. For a one foot thick facing block, this puts the edge of the footing 2 feet from the front face of the wall. For thicker wall faces, a somewhat greater offset would be indicated. We intend to coordinate this issue with Mr. Rose as MSE wall svstems are evaluated. Abutnent retainine walle MSE walls as discussed above may be applicable for bridge abutment retaining walls. Some consideration will have to be given to the bottom elevation of the wall type, the resistance to scour, and ttre design flood predicted elevation. If the abutments are located at a location such that scour is not likely to be detrimental, a MSE wall system may provide the most economical abutrnent wall. If the abutnents are to be placed at a location where there is a high risk of scour, a cantilevered deep foundation wall type may provide better perfonnance. In discussions with Mr. Rose, it appears that an MSE abutment, in combination with retaining wall replacernents along the existing bike path in this area, will be a viable and economic altemative. The Golder Associates T t ; t t I t : t ; December 2003 - l3-033-2125 portion of the MSE wall supporting the bridge footing must be desiped to accommodate the sigrificant surcharge loads applied by the footing. Elements of the this design will include higher strength, closer spaced, and longer earth reinforcing elements; as well as more stringent compaction criteria or select granular fill. Also, it should be recognized that differential settlement is likely, between the two abutrnents, since one involves deep foundation on rock, and the other does not. Based on our experience, and analyses conducted on otier projects, we expect that I to 2 inches of differential settlement are possible. We expect to provide a follow-up proposal to VRDC to add design of walls for the bike path and abutnent in this location to our design scope of work for this project. Approach Fills The discussion presented in Section 5.1 is applicable to the approach fills for the proposed bridge. Special attention should be given to compaction of approach fills ifthe bridge does not also rest on fill, but uses a foundation qrpe bearing on bedrock. If project performance criteria includes smooth transitions from apporoach frlls to the bridge structure for vehicular trafEc, compaction of the approach fill to 98 to 100% standard proctor maximum density to reduce settlement on the bridge approach could be considered. However, if use of this road is limited to snow cats and snov/ mobiles, this is not necessary, in our opinion, as thes€ vehicles only use the road and bridge when there is substantive snow cover, which would most likely mask the affects of any minor differential settlement. Future Geotechnical Work In accordance with Vail Resorts' direction, we are pr€pared to proceed witb retaining wall design. We are available as needed to meet with other desigrrers regarding this report and the project. Quality assurance testing of fill soils, pavement materials, and concrete will be required. Qualified inspection of embankment construction, excavations, cuts, foundation installation, and retaining wall construction is also recommended. : : : : : ; t ]; h E. FEt t[3\2125\0400wrol\0332125.040r.09t50-Doc Golder Associates December 2003 033-2125 6.0 CLOSING Golder appreciates the opportunity to work with VRDC and we trust that this report for the forest road snowcat bypass meets your curent needs. Please feel free to contact the undersiped if you have any questions. IA Golder Associates A3/A2/26A4 15:48 3933219055 CAhINON OFFICES PAGE A2 Sue McCan Cannon 4t5 cLr" Str.l aa50 DE lvti, cot4aao raret rfrtP|toNE t01821.70r2 FebnrarY 26,2N4 Townof Vail DesignRwiew Board ?5 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colo- 81657 Dear Siritladam: My late husband and I pruchased the home on 616 Forest Road in 196t' At the time itwo onc of three houses on the road. Li;;;di not uxist, and we loved the silence and ths serenity of tho area' There have been a lot of changes to the area since thern but the one constant is that my George and I understood how important skiiirg is to Vail. Wn* Valf Associates first wanted to use oul' rcad for snow operations, rny hosU.nC meifitil other neighb;; allow the usa rather than take the company and Town ro cow1 He was " ** of g""t intcgrity anal wantJ to do what was best for the people in Vail' Since thet t;ne, West fot frnotA nit, it times, become a Panzer divisiorr of snow cats' But' we nEver regretted our stand oo ,t u lrruu. We knsw that Vail needed the snow cats' As early rcsidcnts of this gfeat town we did ouPart. Now, my understanding is that there's an cnomtous renaissance planned for Lionshead' and coupled with the new shops, and buildrngs is a proposal to t]lot" tn" snow cat'operation away ftom ou neigbborhood whoe very few if any people would see it - at.no oost to the Towrof vail' I ask you to dlow vail Resorts to proceed witt -tfi, e,nA"avor, if nothing G ; a thank ]o1 to those of us on West Forest Road who choose to 'live with the operation for the good of the community' SincerelY, .4) ",- A /"---.---- SueM. Cannon CC: Vail Deparfnent of CommunityDevelopment Attention: Bill Gibson I1l South Frontage Road West vail, Colo. E1657 Mr. Jack Hunn Vail Resorts, Inc. Post Offrce Box 7 Vail, Colo.8l657 3S33219455 CA.I{N IFFICES PAGE . 61. a3la2l2ga4 15:48 FAX COVER SHEET | rt"'..t |:J:::J-E From: .-', ,' ,!.,t, " 6Fcanno4-.Pfficeslr[F SoAsss.oaa Date: 321'7012' lf you nave Prooiems I Page I of I Lynne Campbell - Re: Appeals publishing From: Lynne Campbell To: Pam Schu ltz Subject: Re: Appeals publishing Thanks Pam. >>> "Pam Schultz" <pschultz@cmnm.org> 03/17 /2004 10:09:19 AM >>> REC'D AND WILL PUBLISH ON MARCH 19.2OO4IN THE VAIL DAILY Eagle Valley Enterprise Pam Schultz PO Box 450 Eagle, CO 81631 Hours: 8:00 am-5:00 pm (970)328-6656 (970)328-6393 Fax Location: 200 Lindbergh Drive, Airport Gateway Center . Gypsum, CO pschultz@cmnm.org "Lead, Follow, or get out of the way" about:blank 03/17/2004 J'VAIL CASCADE CONDC MINIUMS FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL EHE :T COMPANY:i ?4-o1 FAX NUMSER:rolA! No. oF P^G S/CLUDING covER: PHONE NUMBER;SENDER'S 965E6! ICE NUMSERI Itg.YOUR REFERENCE {UMBER: E uRcerur E FoR nevtEw E please coMMENT E plEp iE REPLY E pleese REoYcLE NOTES/COMMENTS: fl2rs f*d.r4(h/ (?bt* ytve '^.1 a- k/( 'tltfl^Ail5 +wb.v \ -th^k VA IL CASCADE CONDOMI NI 1'76 WESTHAVEN DRIV VAIL. COLORADO 8I65: TOLL FREE 800.543'480 e?0,476,$100 970.470,4946 FAX ra 39vd socNoc Sqvcsvc -]IVA MS 9r6V9LrAL6 aiitt ,aazft|rca From: 9enl: To: Subject: MacLachlan, Don Friday, March 26, 2004 0i38 PM Nonis, Andy Fwd:VallTown Council Highlights for $16 andy- note belou where va ie golng inEo Eract k glen lyon appoval"? --- Forwarded Me6sage --- From: Tow:1 oE Vail community hf,oHnation office <vail-maiL sent. Fri 3/26/2004 5:48 Put To : dmacf achlan@deFtiraElonhotels . com Subjectr Vail To*n Council Hfghlights for 3'15 MEDIA ADVISORY March 26. 2004 conEact: Suzanne Silverthorn, 419-2LI5 eommuni cY Informagion Office VAIIJIOWN COUNCIL HIGIIIJIGHTS FOR MARCH 16 work SesEion Briefa Councll memberg p!€9enE; Cleveland, Donovan / Hitc' Irogar RuocoJo, Slifel I - -ErnploYee AnniversarieB rfr" c^ounsiL recogaioed eight ernployeee lor their yearB ol service co the Eown. Tncluded were vail ilunicilal Judge Buck Allen' ceft )raEing 25 yeare and Public worke Direccot et"g HaIl, recognizcd fo: 15 years of iervice. Six employees receiwed five year awarde: Paul D( 1en' itoyce nii,.n"t, Erent -schnell, Craig Bettts. Melvin Vafdez and I lry Caster' . -DRB,/ PEC REPOTT In reviewing the most recent meeting of ehe Plarsring and iormiesion tpECt , the Council voted unanimously to call-' of a variance request' by Vail ReForEs Development c?mpilt' ;;"; "ti;;d retJtning warls in excess of, six f,eet in he o" rr"it K in Ehe elen r-,yon subdivision' The varianse re lrl over-ff proposal by VliI ResorEB co eliminate Enowcac w""i iotttt Ro-ad and Longcruct a new access route from i "iop io"t".d ats 862 soutb Frontage Road co the Westin-Ho u""iiaii", tn volirig Eo review t'he variance requeee' whie io ue he"ra by Ehe Toltn council ac its Aplil 6 rneeting' erq)resseal concerBs regarding the +::ig?. of rhe PropoEed roi-"aaiefonal cLetail!, coniact BiIl Gibson ln the Commu During an updale an the EEatus of con6truction of, the Fc Reaort, Eo be locat.J-ot' ti" site.of :l".Y"il-:111"1.1:-l;;i;;;.-appro',ur grarted to lPe sl!1'a current owner .*pii.-" itry i-0, zoo+1-gowever' the property is ln the I sold!otsheFoursu""o',"-p""tnerehip,whichhasreceivec .ipi"t.r-itorn she "o*r,-i"-i -omprecion of the redevcropmt --Board and Commiselon IncervlehtE rr,-pt"J.""tion for the evening meeting' Department aej:!:: glre Councl l inll t 1'71 %Se how can chey do that' w,/out ?ereply.mso0.neE> Mof fet , Bnvironmental p PEc approval thag would ght co be bulls uegt ls part o! zraffic atong s maintenancetrail on vail is scheduled ounc i lmembers etaining walls . .ity DevcloPmenE rr Seasons : wae noted the Wa1dir Prado, :ocees of being a three-Year rt. ryiewed numerous za 39vd sooNoc Sqvcsvc -]IVA 9D6F9LNAL6 aritt naazt6zlEa Septcnrbcr I I, 1995 To thc Gleo Lyon Subdivi-sion Propmy Orrncrs: Ve arc wrfui.ug m you and your ocigbbors ,n rbe Glm Lyor assistaqce in addnsdrg sr issur of inerest tn.ihG counrlri nsson vehiclc acccrs ro Vail lvbusrain by Vail Associxcq limitcd to, snowcas aad soownobites c dcfmcd in ailacha nrute utilizing W€st Forcrt RprrJ bctrrreen Eom f'rcc eod V. Fromagc Road ranains legal aad prup€r urd has becn ia us residcnts of llIcst Forcst Rroarl bave asked tbe Tovrn sf VaiJ shemati'ire ski aree acccas routca TOV ard VA bavc i&ndfrcd a viablc altcrsilive rourc q&il srnrounding ncigbHoode- tuplsmcntilg rhis altcmaive amelding the Gkm Lyon Subdivlsion covcnents. Wc hnrc anachcd r copy of tbe proposcd arnsrdrocnr rc dre rcrricn tfiis rlllucn with pur ucighbcs, your anomq'. repr VaiL V{l Assocjsm. or any o$fli who can assist Srou witl qracndEaBtlrlvuld rcquirc appruvd by 75 pcrcent of tic su; Thq an eersnsive apprunal plocesr, involviag public heari rcqqircd bsforp final apprrryal by thc vail To'rra Cotncil. Ifthir grncDd,mcrrt is acccptabtc to yru in irs cunent form, ; docurnerrs with 0re reqrrired noury acknowledgr.nent aod n Town of VaiI. Or, if you have quesrionsr pl€ass contacttot Gorrcmrnmral Atrat$ with Vdl Associecs, ar (970) 47F3( Town Atiornef, ar (9?0) 479-2107. We would Iike ro hcar 1996. Subdivision to ask for your y. ItinolvcsmotutEb r. (VA) including, but nor ,il #1. Although the qsrsEt ,'s shop oa.tbe South since the 1960's, somc fOD md VA to explore r docs nor impact equircs you panicipadou b,n' Frunatrts aadasktatyou sentativcs fiom ttp Ibm of you decisicr- Thc tivilio[ ptspcrty olqtcts. rgs adra€aiBgs wouldbc ease sip tc corresponding urn to ToraMoorhead at0re N{rcy. !4znagaof [2. orTomMoorhga4 Vail nm youbeflorc 0ctober 15 / av2tLaaz/62lEaEA 39Vd so(htuD SqvcsvD 9t6F9LiAL6 Hccc ir some background informarioq to assist in yorr revi Thc Altcnrrivc Ski Ar:a Aoce.r Routa Thc vebislBs wct{d cross tho South Pronragc Roarl bcrtwc Old Town Shop and would ooatiurc sout ro Gore CreeL crcck or a rclocad and reosratod bridge ar trc V.4, snonn Then, g route. apptoxirnarely 1.000 ftcr loag. would bc cor mounrain ro intersccr rrith rhc axining wesd! tlo! skiway. approxinrately 1,ff)O fcct easr ofdre ngaresr laus (39 and 4( Ho! skhay would need to be modified to accomrnodarc tb inrcrsecrion ard Siqbs ftln. Allltorrit/c Sld AIE Accals Routc Rrguirta prolgdiv! covt . Protccrirv Eovriranrs of tbe Glen Lyon Subdivision prrcvi& by the Town of Vail, "rnay bc tadscnped aad uscd as a plc bc aonstrrrct d and nairruisEd pirizric tables, parF beochcs, ersh sorndncrs.'r 'Nor can rlrrr bc any orbcr act..whictr- prqp€rg owncr, ot ofthc appropriute officials of tre Towq dc6ce. altcr, dcstoy or damagr thr nanrrarl condirion of thr yalul of fhe natr.rrl cnvirounqttat qualiry." Therefore, u route qrToss T.rtcl K, as is proposed. wuuld ncccssirae an a c01,c!38trS. Pert ChrrSCr L rtc Covcruu (C.ff.d. Vtllegc IJi, Rraor Thc coverarts for Glcn Lyon have bccn anesdcd on twg pl signilicail chnngs war.^ Iilcd in Augusr l9E7 aad allowed fo Villagc ski li.ft. The..rcurlmcnt providcd fllr rhc addhion c follorrs: *Pcrlcsrisn bridgx, ski lifts. lifl rnrzr lbes. ski u surusnues Eay be consrnrcted on Tracr J, Tract H and the sr ln Mcy 1990, rlrt pmraivc covcnaBN were aucodcd for rlt foUowing paragdph #t 7 in is entircry ftorl rhe covenanB: eitlcr ona or trvo living ruirs shdl be permiaed or crcated c r€sidmdal floor arca (GRFA) (as tba rc:m is dcliaed in thc Otrdiaaacc) cxslusirre ofopca porche+ pado1 r€rtacet carp I,500 rquarc fcet nor -ercatcr Gan 4!200 squarc tber," By dt rcsnicrion of dwclling unis nas remotcd. Covcr*t Cfe4c Proccsr As q'irb rbs trvo p'reoeding arncndments. Emendurg rhe sorrc Fropcrly clrcrrtcd vrrirten suasrn( of ?Jo,/o of the otlhers of : o*'qcd land wirhin the boundaries of Glcn Lyon. w: tbc Cherrrnn Sradon aldths 'hc vchicles wgUld cross $e rkinE divcrsioo fasilisy. uuacd sourh;ren up thr This iatqscction is ia Glen Lyon. Thc Wcsrin sDo$/cats betwreg the l.lrt Chrgr 'lat Tracl K, which is ovficd ic ata upoa which thcre oay irc plares, bailcclr pis and ttejudgnear of any fVail Cotcado, may regcurion o( &s aasrlE4c oDsurcl a ski arca access le'nd!'rEor lo lrour protesSlvc I of Dor.ity $rudardr) or occasiotrs- Ihc mosl constncdon of rhe Cs.rcade 'a ncw paragnph ro rcad as ils.and rtlared equigncnr rad ?am traEt-" sccood $rnc by delaing the 'No dweUing containiug r any sirc with gross .-own of Vait Zouing n and garagn of lcss than ctlag this paragraph. rhr size ans would rcquire rhc ttface asa of thi privatcly va 39vd sochnc fqwsvc 9r6D9LrAL6 at:ILBAZ/62lEA Apprwrl Drocor: Towl of Vril Ia addition ro the ancudmeat ofyor.r covrnanrs, thsre urc prccess ard oth€r t€quirGocnits to bc mer befoE the sti a Mounain could be constuced- Thcso proccsscs are srurl. Amendmeut of the arterigl brsiness disricr zooing acse$r rouE as a condhional ure on thc Old Torn. Ameadtrcan ef thg zoning code to ellow ski uee s .Eross To*D of Vail sucam rtct. . Aoendcrcor of Special Dado,pnccr Distric{ #4 (( arEt acacs louer on Tract K. Graorisg of rig}s of rray rc V.d by TOV across O. andTracr K Tlic zoni4g chauges and Condftionel Usc pcrzrfu r€quirpd considcration by rhc PlaDnistg and Environoenal (bnmis Vail Tovm Counqil wirh rhc requircd public noriec aud hcz of *ay would havc re be 4pproved by the Vail Tovrn Cotu Procctrs would nor begitr ultil rbc cownans rnerr anendcc Orher eppmvd ?roerrrs Otber pcrritr 60@ rho Amly Corp$ of Eogirucrs for thc br Dcparrnenr of Trarrspunatiou fo,r itrc Fronrags Road ctossi Eavlrcluat:l Iupcr Bryort (!ln) TLc applicarion fot rbo zonc changcs will requirc an Elvir< TIrr: EIR 'nill disclrss asd srzluate possible impacts of ths Inritigatioa measurEE. if necesrary, The spscilrc areas ro bc below: Hvdrolocic Corrditions.lnpacrs on Gore Creekn if Biotic Corr4itions - IUrpanS of the ncw bridgc md r wildlife. Visgal Conditio'rs - Thc visrnl impacrr associaGd v 9;*a Ut compuer gelsrarEd gbomgraphic imagr Circr{atlorr and,Tran.rnorrdon Condirionc - Compa proposcd rcglrdir6 rraffic iucluding vchicutar and; Laad Usc Condirions - Thcrs dould be a oiscus.siol rclario,nship of the ploposal on lq.sd usc objecrives o l I dd bc ao erraasinc appmval a asxcss loute ro Vail urizcd bclow: ;ode o bcludc aski arca ibop sirc. er.c$ rourcs ts g corrrJitional rxe rscedc Village) to rllow slii t'fora Shop sitc. srcan Eact ruuld neccssirau llon as urell as approval by- 6e ings. Tte graadag of righa il as uvell. The ap'prrval dge rnd bythe Colorado g would dso bc nceded rncmt tmpact Repon(EIR). oposcd projccr and d&essed arc summarlzed ny- ute oo vegetadon and tb rbe pmject will be : thc existing siuadon ro dre desgias. a rhc rcpon reg$ding dr tbe Tourn- 9A 39Vd s0cNoD 30vcsvc -]rvn I I9V6F9LVAL6 AVitT VAAZftZIe\ I:c, WcrtFon$ Road. Loti 39 aDd 4O', A cog wcsrForssrRpa Noise - An analy:is of imfss fiora use oftl complced by Dyn:aaics. Thc mdy (: pmposcd soowcar blryass will rcsulr in no ncr tlte oueidc balconics ar Wssron (sic) Ho!.[ au ; grcInstd rouc has bcco zal%Iwrc,lr;dled&ar.\hs or ddirionel noisc igpacr a tbc rcsidtnccs on 1l/6gfuysn ard rh; Wcsdn Ho1 Trail and om TomMoortrcad. sis of wtrcdrcr tbe Froposal (nro vierrs) wodd affcct rhis sirc be qrndrrctcd Obviousln approvel and i of Ois prroposel n tl rcquirr exrasive coopctaridn by ttrc coormlniry, Glar Lyon popfu'or*" Vail .lbqa Corrncil aoa sraEyvl, T\. T": Trytrucr qi:,Foj€c,r wirf ue subs@ti I aod wilr rcq,:ire rha Pl td:ip*y by'roanr ditr6r agcncics, grroup4 . e asd Ucoefrtlg pqrics;bowevn' rtre Glcn Lycn $ubdivi.sion oqrao *rdd-nmir , rr."a . p.ra.iF"ii tai, this rcport is anailablc - Aa aual cost. klA'-- Robcrt W. Mclaqsb Maaager, Totm cf Vail altachmats: #l proposcd cnvenafi amcrducsrfZ cornprncr dcpicrioo of alrragrlve sH ara a,cccss rourt3 nap of proposcdmua we cnco'rage yo'r qucnions end conmc s abou ilriE pq )sal aDd took fotrreld tohe*ing liola fou ia rh combg wecks. Sircercly, c/-4chd:Rygfn Scnior \lfce Pn vailAssosiaer ddeug irc. I I naazftz/819A 39Vd 500Noc 3(Ivcsvc -trvn 9nffi9LpAL6 Ar2ll lt EAI/B CIATES MEMORANDUM 63/3A/2AA4 81 :55 TO: EROMr CC: 97s-926-7576 Eill Gibson Tom Braun Jey Peterror Blll Kennedy Gerry Arnotd March 30, 2004 Easementg for Snowmrllnglsnowcat Access BRAUN ASSOCIATES PAGE Z2 D,{TE: RE: I I I Ar you are probably aware, the proposcd snow cat acccss and snow making pump/rauit arc partiallylocatcd on land owncd by.,ttre riwl olvait. This past zuuuner the Town isrrrcrr granted approvat for $cse-projecls to plroceed tlrough the Town's rcvierr pnrcess, Since that time both the pEC and the DRB(conditionally) have apprcved these prdects. It is assumed that the Towni Councit's final approval ofthese projccts would be douc via affio"al of easEments that would give vuil ne5o*s tlre right to access,construct and maintain these improvements. tht|ll ate exhibits depiglng the two easenrent that are neoeEsary for tlre projecs to proceed. A briefdescription ofeach is as follows: htake Structure 4o *" ap'proximately 1,400 square fca is size is needed in ordcr to accommodate the intake stucturc fqtle new snow making pump vault' Improvcments in this area atso include;;; stomr seu6 outlet (thisreda-ces.a1 existing pipe)' Thc case,rneqt r,rould allow Vail ResoJthe.igrtiio r"our. this area tocoostruct (in accordance urith approved plans) these improvornents and to access the atea for ongoingmainFnance. Snowcat Accese This easement area isjust under one acte in sizc and provides a corridor for the proposed snow cat aocessroad' The casement extendstom tle proposed bridg! behind the wats teatc,mlnt plant to the existingwestin Ho Trail easement The easement is of suffiIient width to accornrnodatr ths access road and arcasto be diehlbed (and subsequantly re-vegetaH) dr:riag consEgotion. This easemert wo'Id allow VailResortsthe right b access this area to cinstruc't the ttad, to usc the road for motmtarn access and toaccess the aea for ongoing rbad maintenancc, Wttl the Council's "call'up'' of the PEC rctaining wall height varisncc scheduled for thc April 6th, itwould make sense to aonsidT th_9t. easement reiuesg at the same time. oiniourrv ir tn" counciloverturns ttre PEC dccision tlrc discussion of these easements would be a mute point. However, if thecounojl upholds the PEC decision, we woutd thcn "rt m. C"*"il ;;-oij;.;ftsc ea'emenr rcqu€srsand if amenable. dircct the Town Manager to work out nnut "rscrnrntl*g,r"g. ;th vail Resorts. We alprcciate lorn help wi0r this msttet. Please do not hcsirate to contact me with any questions youmay havc. l Eduards Vitlage Centcr; Suile G209 0 | 05 Edr,var& Village Borlemrd Fost Offi(e Box 265S Edwards, Colorudo I1632 P6.- 970.926,7575 Fzx - 97Q926.7576 wwwbrau nassociatelcom a3/3A/28A4 A1:56 976-925-7576 BRAJN ASSOCIATES PAGE gT BAI/B i FAX TMN9MIgsION ro; 8",.\ [^\rJ CC: FAX #: FROM: Tom Braun DATE: RE; S*o-' t.,-\ h'-'-ua ta^a-tw-dU' FAGE9T 5 hncludes thrs cover sheet) COMMENTS, Pleare' call i yov have nol receved all Vaqes or hava any ?rcblems wrth thre tra1smts,"an. EdtrerdsWqgE C.anrar; Sr,itc C_209 OlO5 Edr:rG Whja Boulaard Fort Oficc eox Zele Edvnrd*. Color:do 8 | 532 Pf -t7o; 2e7s7s Fex - tlO.9f2S:lS7 6 wlvrrbnn$ocirl€*Om l3gl2ga4 61:56 97A-926-7576 BRAUN ASSOCIATES PAGE A5 i I LANO DESCRIPTION I Porce,l of lond locoted in _ the _ Northwcs.t 1/1 ol the Northwest 1/4 of Section 7, Township 5 South. Ronge 80 West ond ln th€ North.o€l .1/4 ot the Northeost l/4 of Scction 12, Township 5'South. Ronge .El $/ost of the 6th Prlnclpol Meridion, Eogle Coun ty, Cblorodo. Soid porcel beini moreportlculorly described by mctes ond bounds os follows: BcAinning. ot -o point on the ll/bst llnc of the Northwest 1/1 oJ lhe Northwest 1t/4 ol soid Section 7.soid Polnt being the Southwest corner of the Finol Plqt, Lot 1. Eogle River Wotor & Sonito on Districtos rccorded undot Reception No, 87ll44t thcnce olong the South linc of soid Finol Plot N84'29'12"E,o distonce of J6,Jl: thence de_po4ing soid South line ond crossing those londs record@d in g,o* 2?2of Poge 653 the following eix (6) couraes ond distonces; 1) S13'14'09"W, 86.96 t6et; 2) N73'5O'58'E, 106,06 fcet; 5) S16t9'02"E, 11.70 fcct;4) S27'48'26-w, 38.28 fect; 5) S72'45'56"W. 91.11 teet; 9l-99r_9i feet olong the 91q of o curve -to. th.e right hoving o rodius of 75,00'. o centrol ongte of 29'+4'OE- ond o chord which beors S26!6'13"w, 38.49' io interscct the West lin€ of the Noithwest1/4 ot zhe Northwest 1/4 of soid Section 7 snd th. Eost line of Troct K. Amendad Flilol ptot, Gten L,ron Subdivieion os recorded under Reception No. 168773; thence continue 30.58 feet olono the orcof o curve to the right hoving o rodius of 75.00', o centrol ongle ot 23'21'41" ond o chori whioh beors S54'39'08"W. J0.37'; thence S6619'58"W, o distonce of 116.22 feet; thence 45.58 fect olonqthe orc. of o curvc to thc lcft hovinE o rodius of t75.00', o centrol qngle of 14'55'22" ond o chor-d wtrlch bcors S585217'U 45.45'; thooce S5124'56"w, o distonce of gg,iO feet; thcnco 104,1.5 lect otongthe orc of o curve to the iight hoving o rodius of 225,OO', o centrol onEle of 26'35'49" ond o chordwhich beors S64'42'30'W. 103.51'; thencc S78'00'25"W. o dl3tonce of 39,f5 feot; thencc 59.46 fcet olong thc orc of o curvc.to_lhe left hoving o rodiua of 175.00', o eentrql ongle of 19'27'56' ond ochord which beors S66'16'26"W, 59.17'j thence S5832'27'W, o distonce of IS.JZ feet more or less toinlersect the Noith line of the "Westin Ho Troil' easemont (200' wide) os recorded in Eook 597 ot loe.9 19t; !!9l_":._o-!gls soid North line S69'27'16"w. o distonce ot 97,32 reet; thence deporting €oidNorth fine N58'32'27'E. o distoncs of 95,67 fcet; thence 76.44 feet olonq the orc of o iurrc [o ttrerigh-t-hoving o rodius ot 225-00', o centrol onEle of 'lE?7'58' ond o chor? which beors N6B'16'26'E,76.08'; thence N78O0'25'E, o distonce of 39.15 feet; thence 81.2rl feet olonq the qrc of o curve iothe-left hoving o rodiu€ _of 175.00', o ccntrol onglc of 26'35'49' qnd s chord which bcors N64'42'30"E.80.51': thencc N51'24'J6'E. o distonce of 99.10 feet: thmce 56.60 feet olong the orc of o curve tothe right hoving o rodius of 225.00', o centrol ongle of 1+'35'2t ond o chori which beors N5852't7'E,58,44'; t.hence N6619'58"E, o distonce of 120.53 ieet; . thence N8'/rc'02"W, o distonce of 26.J4 feet; thenee N70'5t'57'E, o distonce of 61,45 feet: thence Nl5'14'09"E, o distonce of 9b.25 feet to thc Point of Beginning. Ihe oborrc deseribcd porcd contoina 0,910 ocres of lond morc or less. Beorings contoined hercin qra bosed on the llbst tinc of the Northwest 1../4 of the Northwest 1/4 ofsoid Sectlon 7 beorlng S00'35'57"W. JOB# fJ1259 : Accortlrg io Cddodo L6r tE! must cltnnanca arry lac€upo|l qnt .r!t(rct h lhlr adrlbil rlurh thrtc Fdrr o^af tA.. aldr dctcct.. 14 no atrnt moy sty octllft botcd uoon or(rtcconr aldr dctcct. In no alrnt moy sly cctl -botcd ugon- onyh thlN .*rlbil bo corrrrrncld ncG than l6n Fra frmr rhi dcto i crrutlootlon tiorn harucl. sHEEr I OF 2 z: \0wG\vArL\84259-SNOwcAr-ESM T, dwg Stol: of Colotodo PLS l{o. 33655 sP,g'$p..i ei o*r j.q r.. ...1.t-q-\ {t tlrr9# PAGE A3BRAUN ASSrcIATES I A3/3Al2Ag4 Al.:56 978-925-7576 |||mlill;'E HE;i 4gH Rs f;o? Ito trJlrJrt1 * \tr r"tqrls ^$?"**#Sx;'t"' -""+usfi d = rt((t to9,td(Jtrf -J (l *Nlo- oE oa -d, ,rl^ 6- "iz a BEo[. $H 7 er il ,LI'OLL 3,z9.sEooN!to .Jo (\lrto0 o q, o qt o +o o: t,-=l!g.|flogrlg'l C'CI _J'Y-?|!r0'Ex U'-€so9E3oo5 t-s fiu*=3 >iDe ?*E Fi;, ;rli;i ;;{E is:i;E eEE;- ft;;;g :;:l; u:;Ssr tt !r't ;tf qe is E t;:E €ts;s'i€ 3:i;; E€$-EE^z i€::5 ;;e;f€f ;E€5; e5j ';:q; :;5;;gu*o t :E5; ii:$5$r;;F il;f g:flgHi€i o|-T =r,tllrt Io =tft Iorn 2J 4 31ctl .,1t\t I ffi li$il l#H I ffil o!9 rtldto =lO(J i.i EcozAvt6d E Itr .,a di \ tr?E\ \ H", \ e-\, \E \ / r+ ll ._ ctb=.z =z6ito.o IJ E Io It s=2o-6aFtzicEF'E*b .eH9 E 5 llE,{:Ev3 s$tccvqw rnun ,52 \ \+- IB \ \ \ 1 fr;' t! 'olP'oX 3Fh ii?Et<t I ts=ez<a<uaFE(J aoU) N aoo tlf 'rrtfl Q.l Foz5 h .N - . i.QiA 6l lr1 Y-;;r!-ioo*'$TEf-ibraAg ETEE"Az. JZ<95HfH6 sj3 191'.D PAGE g4 A1 :56 97A-926-7576 BRALT.I ASSOCIATES s9Nrw38 Jo SEVE.tt'eos ,,t.t9.qt00s I be/sarzaa+, BoB64 ;sl HEi i5i fr.t 3t?.F.iaa'i 6 Et: :H{ lE 3r;rgfi B LIeg 1!.i 5F)y clI(D 2-3qs[s =i=8 b:Pa zi eE H gttDF ='onq.lIPE oFA@lfEiisor6E1 7I2 rii Irst* lHt! IE:Ei lrE! P It€ !r lil: ttE.i.iE fl!:l ffti€ ms ltJ 4 gtl(l6lt t? EE g) I*ct E: =iac-at . 6€ztfi=u 3E cts9E a9 z =-qe rF FS'onEx THgFO ,{qE0( $:o" ET rEE :dg; EE;F '6$uq #i# R"% + Snowcat Access Variance Correspondence lames R. Cannon 155 Sh.tm.n Sficct *a58 DENVEB, COLO*,'DO 8020"3 |EIEPHONE 303/321-7012 March 26,2OO4 Town of Vail The Town Council 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sir/Madam: My name is Jim Cannon. My parents have owned the 616 Forest Road home for thirty-five years. The purpose of this letter is to encourage you to move the Vail Mountain snow and mountain operations away from West Forest Road. West Forest road is a quirky neighborhood. lt is one of the oldest in Vail. People walk up and down the road to ski or shop in Lionshead. There are kids playing in driveways and people skiing down the road. And with the addition of four new single family homes and the new pedestrian friendly ski bridge, the area surely will become even busier. Unfortunately. Vail mountain operations also use this road for mountain access. I have personally witnessed snow'cats passing people with skis on their shoulders, narrowly missing them. lt is not the driver's of the snow cats fault, they are world class drivers, it is simply the nature of the street. There are no turnouts. People come and go down the road either by car, foot or skis at odd times making navigation around them by snow cats dicey. This year, attorney Art Abplanalp, asked Vail Resorts to stop storing snow cats and dozens of snow mobiles on the road and the old tennis court site. Obviously this area is not zoned for heavy equipment but it is hard to blame the drivers and their supervisors who want to minimize driving through the neighborhood. Fortunately, Vail Resofts is leading the effort of removing Vail mountain operations from this neighborlrood. The fact that they are going to pay fur an entire new access up the mountain is exemplary. lt is my hope that the Town Council is also supportive of their efforts. In this spirit, I hope the Town of Vail grants Vail Resorts its new access route and thank you for supporting the ,,t. West Forest Road neighborhood. -_ , Development Attention: Bill Gibson 1 11 South Frontage Road West Vaif, Colo. 81657 1 Ronrnr J. Rosnx 1I27 I.AIIE A\'ENI]E CREENWICE. CT 06431 Mr. George Ruther Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Apm D,2004 Re: Application of Vail Associates ("VA") to the Town of Vail ("TOV") Planning and Environmental Commission for retaining walls in Excess of six feet in Height on Tract K Glen Lyon Subdivision ("Glen Lyon') Gentlemen: Westhaven Realty LLC ("Westhaven"), the owner of Lot39-2 in the Glen Lyon Subdivision ("Glen Lyon"), is writing this letter in opposition to the application of VA to oonstruct a retaining wall on Tract K of Glen Lyon. Westhaven purchased Lot 39-2 at the end of January 2003 with the express intention of constructing a private residence for its two members, my wife and me. We expect to become long term residents in Vail and retire in the house we are constructing and were looking forward to the peaceful solitude offered by a private residence with a restricted national forest at its back door. While Westhaven received a notice of the application of VA to construct a non- complying retaining wall, the notice was defective for several reasons. First, it did not speciff the true purpose of the retaining wall - to allow VA to construct a trail for snow cats to ffaverse Tract K. Second, the notice sent by TOV was not sent to all of the interested parties in Tract K - all of the private property owners in Glen Lyon. Lot 39-2 is directly adjacent to Tract K and my wife and I were extronely concemed that Tract K would not be developed or used for any purpose that might interfere with the tranquility of a private residence that was protected in the rear by a ski mountain with a natural forest. As part of our acquisition, we made note of the following: r Tract K was owned bv TOV. o The use and operation of Tract K and various other Tracts within Glen Lyon were govemed by Protective Covenants of Glen Lyon Subdivision Town of Vail Eagle. Colorado ("Covenants") acknowledged April 4, 1978 and recorded the same date in Book 268 at Page 698 of the records of Eagle County Colorado. Section I .4 of the Covenant specifically limited the use of Tract K in a number of ways including, but not limited to, "any private or public gatherings" or "any other act by any person or persons (except as hereinafter expressly permitted), which, in the judgment of ry1IgIjIly-SgI [Emphasis Added] or of the appropriate officials of the Town of Vail, Colorado, may deface, alter, destroy or damage the natural condition of the vegetation or the aesthetic value of the natural environment quality of the Subject Tracts." . Any amendment to the Covenants requires the written consent of "owners of 75Yo of the surface area of the privately-owned land included within the boundaries of Glen Lyon ..." o In order to change the use ofTracts J and H and the Stream Tract to allow the construction and operation of a ski lift, an amendment to the Covenants was made that was consented to by owners of 75o/o of the surface area of the privately-owned land included within the boundaries of Glen Lyon. Subsequent to the acquisition of Lot 39-2 and in connection with reviewing the actions of VA in connection with the subject application, we became aware of a letter from VA dated Septernber 11, 1996 to the "Glen Lyon Subdivision Property Owners ("1996 Letter") wherein it was requested that the Glen Lyon Property Owners consent to the use of Tract K snowcat and snowmobile access through Tract K. In the 1996 Letter, VA acknowledged that "Implementing this altemative requires your pafiicrpationby amending the Glen Lyon Subdivision covenants." This letter shall serve as notice to both TOV and VA that Westhaven, as a property owner in Glen Lyon, believes the proposed use of Tract K by VA will deface, alter, destroy or damage the natural condition of the vegetation or lhe aesthetic value of the natural environment qualrty of Tract K. Such use would therefore clearly violate the provisions ofthe Covenants. If TOV and VA atternpt to violate the provisions of the Covenants by allowing any use of Tract K not provided for in the Covenants, Westhaven and the other property owners in Glen Lyon will suffer substantial damages. Westhaven believes that no further action should be taken on behalf of the VA application until such time as VA has obtained a duly authorized amendment to the Covenants allowing for a change of use of Tract K. In this regard, it is requested that a detailed description ofthe application ofVA be sent to all of the owners of the privately owned land in Glen Lyon. Westhaven would also request that TOV delivers to Westhaven an address list for all of such owners so that Westhaven and other property owners who may agree with Westhaven may communicate with the Glen Lyon property owners. There is already an existing snow cat trail that goes along Forest Road that is not subject to any legal restrictions. We believe that most of the owners of the Forest Road houses acquired their houses after VA commenced using Forest Road as a snow cat trail and had knowledge that such use would have an impact on the use of their houses. While we have a great deal of sympathy for the property owners on Forest Road who want to rid themselves of the nuisance of snow cats driving adjacent to their property, we believe that it is totally inappropriate for TOV to move such nuisance so that it will have to be suffered by other property owners in a different section of the community who never expected to be subject to such a nuisance and were never advised of such risk prior to acquiring their properties. It is even more inappropriate for a govemmental body to allow a private entity to use public land in contravention of legal restrictions and in a manner likely to cause damage to the other property owners. There are other altemative routes for the snow cat trails that do not have to traverse public land that are not restricted by covenants. If the construction of such alternatives are more costly than the Tract K altemative, that should not be a reason sufficient to consider using Tract K in violation of the Covenants and in a manner that will move a nuisance from one residential area to another one. We would appreciate a response to this letter and reserve all of our rights to commence action for damages and injunctive relief. We await your response. cc. BAI/Braun Associates. Inc. E lEn|lzIEiR \un\ ASSociiAtlES, lNC. PLANNING and COf'llYUNlTY DEVEIOPI'4ENT June 4, 2004 Mr. Russ Forrest, Director Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: VR Snowcat Access/Snowmaking System lmprovements Dear Russ: As you know, Vail Resort's efforts to construct a new bridge and snowcat access route also includes improvements to Vail Mountain's snowmaking system (collectively referred to as the Prqect). These improvements to the snowmaking system inciude the installation of a new water intake device, pump/vault and water lines. Further, a new stormwater drain pipe will be constructed (this will replace an existing pipe in the same location), and an existing snowmaking intake pipe currently located within Gore Creek will be removed. To date the Project has been approved by the Design Review Board. This DRB approval involved review of the design of structures and site development, colors, materials and Iandscaping for the entire project. The Planning and Environmental Commission also reviewed the project relative to retaining walls associated with the snowcat accessway. A portion of the intake structure and the stormwater drain pipe will be located within the Gore Creek flood plain. lmprovements within the floodplain are regulated by town ordinances. This letter outlines how the proposed project complies with applicable town regulations. Hazard Regulations - Activities within Flood Plain Improvements in the flood plain are regulated by Chapter 2l Hazud Regulations. Section 12-21-10 A. Development Restricted: E. The Administrator may require anv applicant or person desirir.rs to modify the flood plain by fill, construction, channelization, grading, or otirer similar changes, to submit for review an environmental irnpact statenrent in accordance with @,roesta.blisLthattb EdwardsVillage Center Suite C-209 Ph. - 970.926.1575 0105 Edwards Village Boulevard Fax - 970.926.757 6 Post Offce Box 2658 ,^/wwbraunassociates.con' Edwards, Cclorado B I 632 adjacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity offlood waters. (Ord. 16(1983) $ 1: Ord. 12(1978) $ 4) This section of the Hazard Regulations make three important points. lf a project involves modifications within the floodplain an environmental impact statement in accordance with Chapter l2 shall be submitted. This statement is intended to establish whether or not the work will adversely affect adjacent properties or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. The Project involves modification to the flood plain. As such, the provisions of Chapter 12 areto be used to evaluate and determine whetherproposed improvements adversely affect adjacent properties or increase the quantity or veiocity of flood waters. It can clearly be surmised from Section 12-21-10 that improvements within the flood plain that do not adversely affect adjacent properties or increase the quantity or velocity of floodwaters shall be permitted. Chapter 12-Environmental Impact Report Town regulations stipulate that an environmental impact report be compieted for any project for which such a report is required by other town regulations (as is the case in this situation), is required by state or federal regulation or for any project which may change the environment with respect to fifteen different environmental considerations. Section 12-12-2 lists these fifteen considerations. Chapter 12 also stipulates that certain projects may be deemed exempt from requirements to submit an environmental impact report. Section 12-12-3 Exernpt Projects states "an environmental impact report shall not be required for the following projects": Alteration, repair and maintenance of existing structures and site improvements. A phase of a project for which an environmental impact report previously was submitted and reviewed covering the entire project, provided that the project was approved and not subsequently altered. A project which, on the basis of a preliminary environmental assessment covering each of the factors prescribed in Section 12-12-2 of this Chapter is found to have an insignifrcant impact on the environment. The preliminary environmental assessrnent and the finding on environmental impact shall be made by the Administrator. (Ord. 8(1973) S 1 6.300) Based on Section 12-12-3, ifprojects are deemed exempt based on any ofthese three provisions, an environmental impact report is not required. A. B. C. The following section will demonstrate how The Project confomrs to the provisions of an exempt project and as such an environmeirtal impact report is not required. Evaluation of Project The project involves two improvements, or modifications within the flood plain. These include the stormwater drain pipe and the intake structure for Vail Mountain's snowmaking system. The evaluation of The Project's "exempt status" involves consideration of two factors outlined in Section 12-12-3, paragraph A. pertaining to The Project being repair and r.naintenance of existing improvements and paragraph C. pertaining to findings of a preliminary impact statement. Paragraph A. - Alteration of Existing Improvement The stormwater drain pipe replaces an existing stormwater pipe. The new pipe wili be located in the same location as the existing pipe. As such, this portion of The Project involves the alteration, repair and naintenance of an existing structure and site improvement. The new stormwater drain pipe is clearly exempt from requirements to provide an environnrental impact report. Parasraph C. - Findinss of a preliminarv impact statement This paragraph states that a project found to have an insignificant impact on the environment based on a preliminary environmental assessment covering the fifteen factors listed in Section 12-12-2 shall be exempt from requirements to provide an environmental impact report. The following is an evaluation of The Project (including both the stormwater drainaee outfall and the intake structure) relative to these fifteen considerations. The provisions of Chapter 12 - Environmental Lnpact Report have been "prompted" by the proposed activities with the flood plain. As such, the evaiuation of these 15 considerations focuses only on those aspects ofThe Project located with the flood plain. A. Alters an ecologicai unit or land form, such as a ridgeline, saddle, draw, ravine, hillside, cliff, slope, creek, marsh, watercourse, or other natural land form feature. Response The proposed improvements within the flood plain will alter the creek bank and in doing so affect the creek and water course. An analysis of this condition has been completed by Hydrosphere Resource Consultants (see attacired letter dated May 27,2004. This analysis concludes that the Project will r.rot result in any increases in the quantity, depth and /or velocity of flood water and tl.rat the proposed project will not result in any measurable cl.range in the flood plain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. B. Directly or indirectly affects a wildlife irabitat, feeding, or nesting ground. Response The proposed project is limited to the replacement of an existing stormwater drainage outfall and the installation of a new water intake structure. This structure is a concrete box that is located a short distance into the flood plain. The proposed improvements will have no significant impact on the above considerations. C. Alters or removes native grasses, trees, shrubs, or other vegetative cover. Response The creek bank with The Project improvements are located is very sparsely vegetated. The landscape plan proposed as an element of The Project will establish far more new vegetation than what will be altered by The Project. The Project has no sigaificant impact to this consideration. D. Affects the appearance or character of a signihcant scenic area or resource, or involves buildings or other structures that are ofa size, bulk, or scale that would be in marked contrast to natural or existing urban features. Response The proposed improvements are very limited in terms of their size. The stormwater outfall is located approximately two vertical feet above the normal water level of Gore Creek. The intake structure is located approximately two and one half feet above the normal water level. The proj ect is located on a creek bank that has been altered in the past. The Project has no significant impact to this consideration. E. Potentially results in avalanche, landslide, siltation, settlement, flood, or other land form change or hazard to health and safety. Response The report prepared by Hydrosphere (as referenced above) demonshates that the improvements will have no adverse impact on the flood plain. No other considerations listed above are impacted by the proposed improvements. F. Discharges toxic or thennally abnormal substances, or involves use of herbicides or pesticides, or emits smoke, gas, steam, dust, or other particulate matter. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. G. Involves any process which results in odor that may be objectionable or damaging. ResDonse The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. H. Requires any waste treatment, cooling, or settlement pond, or requires transportation of solid or liquid wastes to a treatment or disposal site. Response The elements of The Project located within tbe flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. I. Discharges significant volumes of solid or liquid wastes. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. J. Has the potential to strain the capacity of existing or planned sewage disposal, storm drainage, or other utility systems. ResDonse The eiements of The Project located within the flood plain wili not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. K. Involves any process which generates noise that may be offensive or damaging. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. L. Either displaces significant numbers of people or results in a significant increase in population. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. M. Preempts a site with potential recreational or open space value. Response The elernents of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any sigrificant impact on the considerations listed above. N. Alters local traffic patterns oI causes a significant increase in traffrc volume or transit service needs. Response The elements of The Project located within the flood plain will not have any significant impact on the considerations listed above. O. Is a part of a larger project which, at any future stage, may invoive any of the impacts listed in this Section. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 16.200) ResDonse The Project is not a part of a larger project. This provision is not applicable. Conclusion Of the fifteen factors to be considered by a preliminary environmental report, only on is relevant to the Project - the potential affect on the flood plain and water course. As demonstrated by the Hydrosphere report, the Project will not result in any increases in the quantity, depth and /or velocity of flood water. The proposed project will not result in any measurable change in the flood plain and will not adversely affect adjacent properties. It is very evident that the elements of The Project located within the flood plain are exempt from requirements to provide an environmental impact report. The stormwater drain pipe is exempt because it involves the alteration of an existing improvement located within the flood plain. Both the stormwater drain pipe and the intake strucfure, as evidence by the preliminary environmental impact report above, will have an insignificant impact on the environment. Subject to tiris same finding being made by the zoning administrator, the Project is "exempt" and no environmental impact report is required. Based on the above, the improvements proposed withiri the flood plain can be approved administratively. We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding this matter. Your prompt response to this letter would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely,-,---\ o' \)A^\- Thomas A. Braun Cc: Jack Hunn, Jay Peterson [-x],'D11t.-isi]UERD May 27,2004 Mr. Gregg Barrie Town of Vail 1309 Elkhom Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Resorts Snow Cat Bridge aud Snowmaking Intake Constructjon Dear Gregg: Vail Resorts is preparing to construct a new br-idge across Gore Creek and replace their existing snowmaking intake located near the Vail Wastewater Treatment Plant, just upstrean frorn the confluence ofRed Sandstone Creek. This project has been reviewed and approved by the Vail Plaruring and Environmental Con-rmission and the Design Review Board, contingent upon analysis of potential floodplain irnpacts and compliance with sectior.r 12-2 1 -108 of the Vail Torvn Code. The purpose of this letter is to report the results of our anaiysis of floodplain impacts and to docutnent project design rnodifications ti-rat have been adopted to prevent increases in the quantity, deptlr and./or velocity of flood waters. Pursuant to our telephone discussions, our assessment ofpoteutial floodplain impacts involved an anaiysis of the proposed improvements using the 1978 HEC-2 hydraulic model that is the basis for the cunently effective Flood insurance Study, dated November 2, 1982. ln addition, we compieted a site-specific inspection and survey of strearn channel cross sections tirrough the project area. This information was used to evaluate the proposed improvements and implernent design modifications to assure that there will be no net change in charurel geometry and therefore no change in flood elevations or velocity. The existing conditions infomration for the HEC-2 hydraulic model was obtained directly frol-r FEMA and consisted of an undated "greett bar" hard copy of the inpuUoutput surrurary othydraulic calculatiolrs together with a copy of the work nrap of the area. We revierved tlris infon.nation and used it to recoustruct the HEC-2 hydraulic nrodel for the area where the proposed project is located. The flood hydraulics for this area were based on very sinrple georr,etrically defined channel cross sections, regulatory cross sectiotls 18.92 and I8.93, located immediately ullstrearn and downstreanl of tlle proposed imoroveruetrts. Mr. Gregg Barrr May 21,2004 Page2 The HEC-2 model did,not include any stream channel cross sectious located in the immediate vicinity of the proposed tiioge and the intake structure. For the cross sections located upstream and dowustreanr of the project area, a sub-critical flow assutrption was used for the hydraulic calculations. Tlie repeated "critical depth" cornputations diagnostic indicated that the rnatirematical model could not balarrce in the assumed sub- criiical flow regime so the model autoniatically defaulted to computation of tlie critical depth for the assumed 10O-year flood flow rate at each cross section Tlre hydraulic grud" Iin. (water surface elevation) for the 1QO-year flood through this reach is the resuit Jf "on recting the individual upstream and downstream point calculations of critical depth. The iater surface proil" througlr this Ieach can therefore only be considered approximate. our site specific survey and inspection of this stream reach revealed the existence ofa very geometric and constrained chanr-rel section with Do 10o-year overbanks and limited opportlrnity to mitigate chamel etrcroaclunents with conveyance improvements' The approxin-r*e elevation of the hydlaulic grade iine of the 100-flood indicated by the model for the area between the proposed bridge and the new intake was 8081 .7 feet, whicir rvould be about 2 to 3 feet bllow tlie bike path to tire soutl.r aDd about 15 feet below the parking lot to the north of the creek. The site plan showing the proposed irnprovements is attached to this letter as Exhibit I . The Snow Cat Bridge abutments would be located at elevations of 8086 and 8087 to the norlh and south of the creek respectively, which would be well above and outside of the 100-year floodplain and will have uo impact on the regulatory floodplain- Tl.re proposed new intake structure and the new stonl server outfall, both on the north side of the creek' would be located at least par-tially below the 1O0-year flood elevation and inside the rnapped floodplain. The iemair.rder of this letter therefore addresses potential impacts associated with these structures ' Exiribit 2 illustrates stream chamel cross section geometry at the proposed intake iocation under existing conditions and future conditions following construction' The new water- intake structure was originaily proposed with rectangular encroachment into the floodplain, begiruring sliglitly below ihe nonlal water level as showtt on Exhibit 2' Our initiai qualitative evaluatiori of this structure, based upotr its iilpact on chaturel geometry, colcluied that it would result i1 an unacceptable floodplail encroaclunent' We therefore recommended nrodifications to the desigrl oithe intake that involved moving the structure back into the streambank and changing the design to reduce the height of the structure so that it more closely confonrrs 1o the slope of the existing bank. The project eltgilteers have accepted these recontnrendations and n.rodified the design so that ihe intake will not cause a significant deviatioll in the geonretric bank line. The shaded area ol.l Exhibit 2 in front of tl-re intake control gate represents a widening of the bottont of the streaur channel by about 4.5 feet and a deellening of the cliamel edge by about 2.5 feet. The shaded area along the upper bank above the proposed intake structure shows sonre addrtional flood conveyance capacity due to rvidening and deepcning ofthe channel below the 100-year flood level. The additional cha]xlel conveyance capactty HYd'osgherc llcsoutcc Consul''ruts, lnc,. 1002 wa|trul strcct, Suile 200' I]ou]dcr, co 80302 Mr. Gregg Barri May 27,2004 Paee 3 represented by tliese modifications will more than offset tlre irnpacts associated with the uppercorneroftlrestructuretl:atextendsabout2feetabovetheexistingbank. This comer of the structure would be sirnilar to the size of existing boulders that are found in the stream and on the banks through this strearn section. The Exhibit 2 cross section dernonstrates that with the modified intake design, the structure will not result in a significant geometric encroachment. In the absence of a reliable, precise hydraulic model, approximate conveyance computatiotls were made to determine the change in the chanriel's ability to carry water at the intake cross section under existing and proposed conditions. The results ofthis analysis are presented on the attached conveya.nce curve (Exhibit 3). At the nomral flow level the channel conveyance would be increased by approximately l9%; at the level of the top of the proposed intake structure, conveyance would be increased by about lYo; and at the 1O0-year flood level, conveyance would increase by about 7Yo. Since the channel conveyance is actually increased, at ieast a small amount at all stream stages, the intake will luve no significant impact on the regulatory flood elevation or velocity, Exhibit 4 illustrates the before and after stream channel cross section geometry for the proposed location of the new stoml sewer outfall. This cross section demonstrates tirat there will be no measurable deviation in georretric bank line between the before and after conditions, and therefore no impact on the regulatory flood elevation or velocity. In conciusion, the results of our analysis of floodplain impacts indicates that, with the project design modifrcations described above, the proposed bridge, intake facility and stoml sewer outfall structure will not result in any increases in the quautity, depth and/or velocily of flood water. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in any measurable change in the floodplain and will not adversely affect adjacentproperties. Please feel free to contact me at (303) 443-7839 or dlaiho@hydrosphere.com, if you have anv ouestions or need anv additional information. Enclosures Bill Kennedy' Vail Resorts Gary Brooks, Alpine Engineering, lnc. Thomas A. Braulr, Braun Associates, Inc. Sincerely, Hydrosphere Resburge Consulta:rts, lnc. as R. Laiho, P.E. Itydrosphcrc llesource Consuttants, Inc , lO02 Wrlnul Slrcct, Surlc ZOO, goutOer, CO 80302 Hnt't rffii diii\i"e p ui3rrlb ds{9- lzt<\J\o-Lurt_ t-n6 \; \- 'L\m c -i I-\X \ur \ \ r Nou3 O ---.1t-! JF<:=u>r'r =-= OLJtr Cn L'-l ^lr-L = O_m SECT1ON- 1l a:-tlt, Ll-''r __r_t_\H-I !.I 'l.Icl lr I I I \ \ \ \ \ I I \ L'|J'.Y F r..lJ F' o;.1 '78YF v. i -J<ic)l -tL!r>-lFi I I I v UJlllEo ulEo(, a trt= n )L F rJfa<'o> o_ E 0_ I \ I tf)\I \o' ra)a \ I \,I{l x\;\ _lJ =o LLJ t LLJ =Lr.Ja u. F E.LUr =-Lrl <u7= J /_\ =a /'h \t-{ ---1 o<lzv/ -Fis2tx"| -l I I?-) r!<ab,(J r- u a_ nnnn 20.8' [ru;'a ilJ;;i 4iil $ooN ur) O;- [-tli-.urr'l__rxi<(Eiyooilo):f> I I o c| o -a o Lrl l,-- E o 9J O a o- K o- r, I ct).\ -l-- (/) FlPV9:6<#3 ^.--LrJ .F ozl & F v1 Rlrj z o-, I c.t u >ir!i I o_l F] I I (, Lrl O-(Jo7&L) i t < .Fzv9()<; =F*aLa z.otr O IUaaaotr O LU\Z F = C\I bm :EX |.U F):) (L :) o- =a I t--a o r? N t!) f.) N It: Iluo 9:o'Y = .E 'i Lll t I CE =m x uJ t/; l ,9svo 9:: ^N4b&a o, q) o- o N e{N c{ o 1f)- F- (v)zo trO lrJau,^Yi;s Y-Z c)oEzo=r!<a=,g3 =z6au=o<zl-<z>fr,!l o a,=(') =() <J> LUzz I() N ooo- |r)- c{ Oolr@F-(Olr)5tc.),. r\-- t- F- F- t'* |= F-6Sobboooo;oooidcocococo@ cqN oo r- I I I ('g) uotlenal3 $o t-N !o IIII 1l act Y< oF() (r<<-x;-<.o(n*(t< (L tr fii =<a=(J? = zotr O uJa a ct)otr O JJ |'LFfo (tr Lu =IUa ttro F.a + LmIX IU O\<\v\o- cz O- LL o 14 E oJ tr z oG(9 F i Pt>lr-l *., I<EFOOiuCI-> ao,ek Vail Resorts Snowcat Access Lionshead Prepared For: Vail Resorts, Inc. PO Box 7 Vail. CO 81658 Prepared by: Braun Associates, Inc. PO Box 2658 Edwards, CO 81632 I. Introduction '4- Sumrnaty of Proposal Vail Resorts, Inc., in cooperation with Eagle River Water and Sanitation District @RWSD), is proposing a new snowcat access route to Vail Mountain from their maintenance facility in Lionshead The proposed route runs across the ERWSD site, over Gore Creek via a new bridge, and up the hillside to the Cascade Way trail. This relocation of the snowcat access route is being proposed as part of the redevelopment of the Tennis Court site located on West Forest Road. Both projects, the Tennis Court site redevelopment and the pr<posed snowcat access route and bridge, are proposed to begin construction in the spring of 2004. The proposed bridge and access route are located on Town of Vail tand as well as ERWSD land. The Town Council authorized Vail Resorts to proceed through the development rer-iew process inJuly of this year to esablish this proposed snowcat access route. !-ail Resors, Inc. - Snowcat Access Braun Associates, Inc. To facilitate the rerouting of the snowcats a conditiond use permit application for a snorrcat access route and bddge in the Outdoor Recteation zone district and Special Development Disttict #4 (Cascade Village) has been submitted. A Design Review application will be submitted upon PEC approval of the use. B. KeyElemen* ofthe Prcposal Key elements of the plan indude: . Improvement of vehicular circulation and reduction of conflicts with snowcats oo West Forest Road o New sno\ycat route that eliminates impacts to the Fotest Road neiglbots . lmplements goals of the Lionshead Redwelopment Master Plan by telocating access toute C.ReuiewPmcess The Outdoor Recreation zone district aod SDD #4 allow ski runs, lifu, tows and related accessory facilities (i.e., grooming access) subiect to the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit (CLIP). The PEC has 6nal rcview authority on a CUP. Towo Council mustgive 6nd approval for the use of Town propefty. Yail Resorts, Inc. - Snorycat Access Bmun Assocbtes, Inc. II.Description of the Proiect A. Baclrground For more than 30 years Vail Resorts has been maintaining and storing snowcats and snou'mobiles at their facility h Lionshead. In order for snowcats to be propedy maintained they must travel to and from the Vail Resorts maintenance facility in Lionshead. Snowcats and snorvmobiles currendy travel on West Forest Road to Vail N{ountain and the ski slopes. In the last 10 years, Vail Resorts has de'r'eloped more on-mounain facilities to store and maintain snowcats which has reduced thc amount of snowcat travel on West Forest Road. llou'ever. more significant maintenance of snowcats must still occur on the Lionshead site. Vail Resorts and the Town of Vail have recognized the desire of the residents on West Forest Road to have a new mountain access route estabiishcd to remove snowcats from this residential Ltez. West Forest Road Vail Resorts, Inc. - Snowcat Access Braun Associates, Inc. B. Ptoposed Access Route The proposed snowcat mountain access route takes snowcats direcdy across South Frontage Road onto the westem portion of the erpanded Eagle River Watcr & Sanitation District site. ERWSD is proposing to grant Vail Resorts a 25' easement from its drivervay-cut on South Iirontage Road to the rear property line along Gore Creek. 'l'he route then crosses Gore Creek via a proposed bridge to the f'own property on the south side of Gore Cteek. The bridge also crosses over the Town of Vail recreation path with a 1a' (min) clearance. The route then proceeds up the hillside ^t ^n ^'verage grade of 16% until it reaches the existing Cascade Way trail. An easement is proposed be cstablished on Town land to allow this proposed access route. Refer to the plan on page 5 which shows the proposed route. Area ofproposed access lhil Resorts, [nc, - Snowcat Access Braun Associates, Inc. {'!F PRFUSED SNO}TCAT TRAIL Vail Resorts, Ioc. - Snowcat '\cccss Braun Associates. Inc. Bridge Location C. Trail/Bridge Design As explained above, the proposed route includes the construction of a new bridge and snowcat trail benched into the hillside. The trail cut will occur on a hillside where there has been excessive beetle kill of trees and therefore will have little impact on rrnture vegetation. The trail will be maintained as a dirt/gravel road with access limited to sno'wcat use only. In the summer months a g te Lt the top and bottom will prevent vehicular access. The bridge is designed as a single span structure with supporting abutments on either end of the bridge. All bridge supports or located outside of the 100-year flood plain. The structure is proposed to be a similar design to the West Forest Road bridge recendy reconstructed by the Town. D.Construction Schedule The construction of the bridge and grading of the trail is proposed to occur in the Spring/Summer of 2004. Completion of the bridge and trail is anticipated by November of 2004. Vail Resorts, lnc. - Snowcat Access Braun Associates, lnc. III. Conditional Use Permit Criteria Belorv is the criteria used bv the staff and the Planning and Enr,'ironmental Comrnission w-hen revierving a request for a Conditional Use Permit. Each criterion has been addressed and we find that the proposal fully complies with each. A. Re/ationship and impact o-f tbe u.re on deuelopment objatiaet of the fown. Our Anal).sis: Relocating the access route for snorvcats from West Forest Road to a more d]ect route has been a goal of the To',vn for many years. 'l'hc Lionshead Rede'i'elopment Nl2ster Plan includes discussion of relocating that access to the atea being proposed. The proposed access route will reduce conflicts rvith pedestrians and vehicles and teduce disturbance to a more densel,v developed resident-ial area. The proposed route is consistent rvith the Torvn's development obiectives. Tbe efet o1 the ase on light and air, dittibution oJ'popu/ation, trantpoftationfatilitiet utilities, schools, parks and rereation fadlities, and other pablic fad/ities needs. Our Analysis: The proposed snovcat access route and bridge are being developed in confunction with the expansion of the rvastervater and water treatment plant on the Eagle River \yater & Sanitation District site. The plans for the District site rvere developed to accommodate both the utility facilities and the snorvcat access. Based on the nature of the uses being proposed and the lirnited scope of this project, it v'ill have little, if anv, impact on these criteria- Efect upon trffic aitb patticular refercnn to congestion, automotiae and pedestian saJery and conuenientv, trafic fow and tvnlrol, atcer, maneurcrabilit1, and remoua/ of tnowfmn tbe $rvel and parking areas. Our Analysis: The proposed relocation of the snowcat access route v-ill improve pedestrian and vehicular safety afld improve the traffrc florv and congestion on West Forest Road. Currendy sflo$,'cats travel across the South Frontage Road and then along West Forest Road, v-hich creates conflicts with pedestrians and othet haffic on that road. The nerv location will isolate sno$'cats on a dedicated route and thetefote significantly reduce vehicular conflicts. B. (,- Vail Rcsons, Inc. - Snowcat Access Braun .\ssociatcs, lnc- As pat of the expansion of the ERWSD's plant, access to the site is being modified and improved. There ate currendy two curb-cuts along the South Ftontage Road for the existing Old Town Shops. Access to the site will be modified to one curb-cut to comply with CDOT requirements, thus creating mote safe and efflcient access. D. Efect npon the character of the area in uhicb tbe pmplred lse h to be located, inchding tbe vah and bulk of tbe pnposed use in rctation to snmunding uset. Our Analysis: \,(/hile the proposal does not invoh'e the construction of any buildings, there srill be visual impacts to the community. The proposed access route will include the cut and fill of an access way on a steep billside. The impacts of this access way will be mitigrted by re-r'egetating disturb areas. The impacts to the environment are also reduced by the fact that the hillside today is littered rvith trees killed by beedes. Overall the character of the area will be improved by moving snowcats from a residential area to an isolated hillside rvithout nearby residential uses. Vail Rcsons, lnc. - Snowcat Access Braun Associates, lnc- IV. Land Use Plan/Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Goals Below is a list of Goals from the Vail Land Use Plan that ate applicable to the proposed snowcat access route. The proposed conditional use permit request is consistent with these goals as the ptoposal is responding to the needs of the community. Land Use Plan l. Genetal Growth,/Development 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance betrveen residential, commercial and recreational uses to sen'e both t}le visitor and the permanent resident. 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, rvater and other natural resources should be protected as the Torvn grows. 1.10 Development of Torvn orvned lands by the To'*'n of Vail (odrer than parks and open space) may be permitted where no high hazards exist, if such development is for public use. 1.11 Town owned lands shall not be sold to a private entity, long term leased to a private entity or converted to a private use rvithout a public hearing process. Skier/Tourist Concems The ski area owner, the business community and the Town leaders should work together closely to make existing facilities and the Tovrn function more effectively' Lionshead Redevelopment Mastet Plan 5.17 West Day Lot/ Yzcl Associates Service Yatd/ Holy Cross Site @xcerpt) ".... a snow cat access route to the mountain could be developed through the old town shops site and across the river to the Cascade Ho ski trail." 2. 2.2 Vail Rcsorts, Inc. - Snowcat Access Braun Associates, Inc. I I ! I Jtt'..-*-,-../ tI Irl I II3-t-f.t l-t I',-.') )ri!) rlJ .{l cr p.$ $. $$ ,g. pr &ffe.e $ $ f,J es g $ s Keystone Retaining Wall Systems is proud to bring you another great wall systeffi ....Century Wall. This dry stacked yet mechanically connected wall evokes the old woild charm of a mason crafted structure, Designed specifically for taller wall structures and heavy loading conditions, Century WaII blends the distinctive look and character of natural stone with structural integrity that lets you build with confidence. l, , , ,,.,' 93 lbs. (42 ks) 8"hxrz"dxr8"w (zoommx3oommx45omm) 58 lbs. (25 kg) 8"hxrz"dxu"w (2oommx3oommx2Somm) 37 lbs. (r7 kg) 8"hxrz"dx7"w (zoommx3oommxr8omm) (lwo sides textured) 3o lbs. G4 ks) 4"hxrz"dxr4/8"w (roomm x 3oomm x 355mm/zoomm) :',' 't ,,r' t;,..,' .,.,t i .,,,, ,'. , I . '' f,.,,1 ,','t'ir,t.lii .,.) . I r,r:,.,,, ,i,r,'l,, r'i.,. ,,it,,.r,r r::..i:ili:.. :.,.,r..:,,, 'i,;-.:r'.r :ii i,r l. i:l .,:,i,:, r;l *unit dimensions, weight and color may varV by region Festurtr$tr # $,s tr fld f s Century \Aralt is c sfrrlrf utuf rr:lairrirtr l'$il -\'1'sfr:rr Jiu" lli.qlllrtill cttrntxcrtisl, illrllrstriuaJ, *srl irrsfill.lfirrurrll sll*; ie r.'r:e.ls" 'l'hese ntg-qrrl dnrJ r.tirrl{}fx sl:*'rJ llrgil sllvru.qffr r.'*rirrsir rilorfl.r/c"i llrrvc Jirl' coltlr' rulrd f {:-r.l Jd 11? r:f ' ruerl rl rrtl "{ti) *r. l-[r' ".{'i;;:li*'il $i'Sll';::" g:;':: JJ:r' .ii.,.,1:.9rrrru*" illn"., j.l ^,;jl'*lll{illl ijlr;":l"tl,rl"cs pil'ls.firr slrcdl- ;'e.sisfcl;le, *llgr,,l ilr'll I ri llrr' ecrrgrirf i'rrl;rr:ifirxt. T'ht oqtr:n r:ore clrsign o/ {-r"l;I;;r;' ltr'r:ll rrllr:rrs irilr't rli'rlirrcga:,S/i lo intrrlock llrc uuits focr,f/ier, 1x'olfr/rrn,JirLlc/ sfc{rilit"l, nird srirdirforrnf t o n f'i n e t n en r r:f tl'errgrf rd re' r' rr.f ir l'cr r ll *lr l. Largt:r unit dimr:nslorrs rrrc Itrtc rrplrropr'iridc s*:*rla-firr t*trJ r.vcJ/ cgl'lsil'lrr:ll*ru" Fllre t g/rt"cs f:)jrtc 5 l/4" (130mm) long I 1/4" (32mrn) shor.rldcr length I/2" ( l3mnr) di,lmet(r al. pin shaft 3/4" (20mrn) diameter at shoulder High strcngtlr pultruded fiberglass ASTM 4475-85 Short bcarn shear 6,400 psi (44 kPa) frrl iiiirll ri( ''ll{i r }r li r /{ il rItal ttri!i r1r/ijjr'rl I rofii, (.i:rrlr l' ll'rrJ/ rr"c,. -r I.,r,,r' arl* tff l{)r'.s /rlr ttlr:r'ltilr ii'r lJ /il"i/l'l,lr'r.-i ol ill )J)l; ':," irl;'l i-i'rrglirl.i. THT PINNED SYSTIM Insf allation S teps Prrpurr tht ]Juse Ltyeling Pul Ittttnll lltt'lJir.rt' (. o l lst'I scrl tlrc fi&crglass Pirr^s Remove all surlice vegetation and dcbris, Do not use this matcrial a.s backfill. After selecting the location and length of the wall, excayate the base trench to the designed width and depdr, Start thc leveling pad at thc lowcst elevation along wall alignment. Step up in 8" (200mm) increments with the base as required at elevation chirngcs in dre foundation. L;cvcl the prepared ba.se with ll" (200mm) of well-compacted granular fill (gravel, road base, or ll2" to 314" (10 - 20mm) crushed ston€). Courpact to 9570 Standard Proctor or grcatcr. Do not use PEA GMVEL or SAND for leveling pad. I tr st tll I)rainnge titl, IlnckJill tr Ctt rtr prtt'l iart Onc€ the pins have been installed, provide l/2'- 3/4" (10 - 20mm) crushed stone drainagc fill behird thc units to a minimum depth of 12" (300mm). Irill open spaces between units and opeu cavities/cores with the same drainnge matcrial. Proceal to pla<r backfll in maximum 8" (2(X)mm) layers and cnmpact to 95oi6 Standand Proctor with the appropriate compaction equipment. Notq Do not rur hcavy ridc-on compaction equipment within 3 -0" ( I m) of back of wall. GENERAT N 0TEs: Place the first course of (intury Wa.ll unis end to end (with tont corncrs tolchia3) on thc preparei biuc, Thc sidc of the unit with the long goane (receiving dwuel) near the 6ont face of the unit should be phced down and the opcn pin holes should fac,e up, as shown. Mate sure each unit is level - side to side and fiont to ba& l€veling the first cou6e is critical for accuratc and acceptable results. For nlignmcnt of straight walls, usc a string line positioned along the unit pin holes for accuracy. Minimum embedment of basc course is 8" (200mrn) bclow gradc. In stgll .4ddit i ou,ll ( lol{f-t...{ Placc thc fiberglass pins into the appropriate holes to achieve the desired setback position of the Century Wall unis. Plac,c pins in the front most holc(s) for near vertical alignment or the holes nenrest the embankment fbr a 8.0p setback per course. (--apprrig tlv \4'dl Place the next coursc of CenturyWall units over the fiberglass pins, fitting the pins into the long receiving chalnel recess of the units abovc. Push/pull thc Ccntury Wall units toward the face ofthe wall untilthe channel wall makes full contact with the pins. Clcan off the last course of (hntury Wall in preparation for the cap or copiDg to finalize the wall. With units dry and clcan, usc Keystone Kapscal construction adhesive or equal lbr a mechanical bond. Install the Gntury Wall 4" (l00mur) capping unit, architcctural precast concrctc or cut stone as a coping element. Cap may be flush or overhanging as required by aesthetics and design. . Units may vary due to texturing processes and unit sizes by region. Verifu unit type, size, weight availability by region, Units may vary up to l " I (25nrnl) due to tcxture variations. ' Clean out pin holes and receiving channel as required to asscmblc wall. Durinll manufacturing, some concrete crumbs may deposit in these areas and should be removed to permit pins to be placed in thc appropriate holes and rcccivine channel. . Cut or split units as required (with a mason saw, hydraulic break or chiscl and hammer) for corners, caps or wherever units need to be altered to allow construction to be finalized. . Whcn cutting concrete units, always wear safety goggles, gloves and filter mask per manufacturert recommendations. THE PINNED SYSTTIVI S tructurffil FemSrurss Po s it iye &t[e t:lrsn i c ut Curu itcc|lorr Keystone's patented pin system provides dcpendable strength where it's needed most. High strength fiberglass pins providc built-in alignment for thc Century Wall System and ensures that each unit is securely interlocked within thc wall face. L.t addition, this unique pinned system allows for a mechanical connection with gcogrid soil reinforcement, securing its placement between units and allowing {br proper lsnsjen of the geogrid. Produrl De-rigru The Century Wall urit design provides important features needed but not always found in a segmental retaining wal.l. The center core area of Crntury Wall provides an open cell in which unit drainage fill is placed adding weight, facial stability and additional interlock for each wall module. This gravel fill provides a critical function as a drainage filter which helps alleviatc hydrostatic pressure and assists in locking the geogrid within the wall face. Ils ndo m LI n it Pl uc em e nt Century Walli random face appearance provides thc look of hand laid stone with the design and construction advantages found in a segmental retaining wall. Three f'a.cing elements 8" in height, with varying widths fiom 7" to 18" each randomly placed within the wall, give Century Wall the character of a natural sltxrc wall. All Century Wall units are 12" deep providing the stability required for construcring taller wall structures. THE PINNED SYSTETV1