HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 39 LEGAL (2)I I ;fus.@B] ffErDocr.szoa4ie_ CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Receipt fqlds to:'l-ega! Desoiptiqr: Lot 3Q. Z ,Bloc[_:l_ Name: Developer: DEVELOPER IMPROVEM ENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this l}ftOav ot zo o4 by and among -l{o f 'Ll*,a fua (the "Develo er"), and the Town of Vail (the "Town"). Wlrsd,rrlvcr.r! t-LC. WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Occuoancv for (address, legal descrip and project number)to enter into a lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS.in the judgement provements set forth in the and specifications filed in the lopment own of Vail: and WH to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including of the following: to in this Agreement, by means The Developer agrees to blis[ a cash deposit account with the escrow agent, in the amount of $ 83r15b .'oo ltzsX attached estimated bid(s)) as collateral for the completion of all referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agr the Developer. Town of Vail, as total costs of the *agreemenls,NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the _ dayof lgptannb'ge:Azo}4. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all ilnprovements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. Mailiqg {ddress: Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash d ra tl _121202.doc Page 1 of 5 :: -'-le o 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for agffrer form of gF-qurity or collat€]al, acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful comp)etibn of those iriifrovements referred to herein ib$p n$seglept arldJtqet.pgtformance of the terms of this Agreement, Such acceptance by the T.ou4,olrdlg.qtlv€.,sgc,!ity or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 1; . . rtrTgg [oyl-shal.l,1nt,1-q1spell Tvfffiggt.o,Fgmqlp]te.A,tb?.Eqf, be liqple o.1 responsrDre tor any accroent, ross or oamage nqpBFngES';89#rnng*r*worKsro)o|lreq rp- tflq Agreement prior to {he completion and acceptbnce of the same, nor sfidrll-the Town, nor any officer or employee thergpf, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but q1l of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developeffiereby agrees to indemnify anb f,otO harmless the-Town, and any of its officers, agents and employrles against any losses, claims,.darilages, or liabililies to $rhich the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to,.ins'ofar as any such losses, claims, damages or lia6ititids 1or aitions in respect thereof) arise od6t or are basei upon any pedormance by the Developer hereundei and the Developqg shall reimbuf the Town for any and all legal or other expenses'reasonably ,incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Dev$loper my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the{EyelgEglpEfFpply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral depositAd with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount iif thqcollaleral that iu$eing held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to compliite all u4.completed improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town deterrfr.ir{bs, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications flled in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date get forth'in'ftqrggrEBh,ft5lJ.this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements refened to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Aqreement. 2.4" To secure 6hd g[arantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, t[re Developer agrees to providetcoHateraladdbllows: ir-9err": "rv3 ; -r)': il'uio(b)J-s cottateral for tre completion of all improvements referred to in this is a default under this Agreement by the Developer.Agreement, in the event there Flcdev\Bill\Pro.iects\DlA\DlA Cash drall_1h29z.doc Page 2 of 5 i lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annurn, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified io the tr:easurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as dellnquent ad valorem taxes lbvied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses.to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Tiile 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements refened to in this Agreement localed on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said imorovements. 8. The parlies hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcdev\Bill\Projects\DlA\DlA Cash draft_121202.doc Page 3 of 5 i Dated the day and year first a STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. COUNTYOF EAGLE ) The fore going De.veloper lmprovement Ag reement 4 ouy of lk -atr s {- , 206( by I Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE Town Planner ) )ss. ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Day of 20_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public :rp:o$X"fore me this Flcdev\Bill\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash dratt_1212O2.doc Page 4 ot 5 oi ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S) FJcdev\Bill\Proiects\DlA\DlA Cash draft_1212Q2.doc Page 5 of 5 -93{s4/tp63 22259 3034 ?68855o A PENK Ii.IC PAtr OI PROFOSAL .fEllSOAT TSTSTT,TFA\TNC E I:ITTNA|IEI'PATCHIN_Gffi;6,idjA'n".n Plo *rrlrs'P- lttf' tlll ttdilrilnt ' 1?6rrJr,t*rzg4ttr lr*c: ffi/t)+4ilo3 lo} lrhrc: Itsivcsry Cdruuclifll tob t ccrtlo: lt50 tlycc$fid GtdG' llw* R'bErRrd F.Bo!|drccdrfirdlfil P.O.Bulffr Vril,CO' 81651 Etr*ry Td 319'7{S.fi Ydc bbluh Sc D?!utin! Di{tst,tlrr caffr*; t33 tfi lt' *|dc - 3't{6 q'i' DdrnnrqohSl.ri =3.gl.4'L fdiat -?'6$e'$n' AihtPllloc; Dw0q 3 hdu lffi D4{r; r infu O#flr Fira Ttl* Tun irroro{ EdFJ. te +n' Snd$tr: fralls€dll#F;ld" {Srld'Fdiltrr teid'olo') fiioo Td l azaz lloB! BIa tr o rncFrLlr lr itd.udPd- !tt6 k e b. ttrdsd { r gndar lre h uEca*) Of,n!!. rurr t yc Eclilldofdl did!!- Glapdslt6dtcogc C*ifg ccmom ardr rl rtellow rdliric. 4rilrftld nnci" drbilitdlan of $fr n&erda qc'".h mt t$tldcd' ffi$*ttcdwdcr#ftrrtafixs- gF .5.t ry.n - !s tr trril. dft'dil i' r'd rtr'r rnrt b sruhlrd tlc *?nxfur* rnn trqfurc*r If pt lu*t tq 5rcd.lr', !lt||c & mr hi|I.nE ro Mlhcl rtrc. . nmarfrtroEurili iu trtl siurin TEN DAYSff Fr rDtlict rD l'*t lh .rT*. fl| lr lirEd fo G $flEH q D Gl|r u ;6[d;-* AS ffi ,, rodm-rurt rinr rldfcdlii ir"ir"rn1 c*ri-* *itt u mr*a er| rgcr viur ailcrt sd sflr ham n ctat cbtr or,r d dorc .1. d1*. elr r"ora-iifrii.r q[*i1{.;;drl1r&lrr-brndcos*d. o'mrlol*'y Glri timdr.,8 dltv rn.l lorrw' or sarqr |rffltd tlo*olourydchnu rufE: tl$!q{a t? L rinr&tabt r ori:i{nnn !!| tr mi*acrrfr*ro ra;*trlp!ttA+E*. Tt |l.r,r tilrr, tFifiGti rrrt rc*ir 5r- !d+6at rl- !,1 ll.|rlt s+rs* vL n rinal rD lb rb ftt r -T*if.a. F!st:..tln [t-Tt =;;ii. d; .tc rrmr rfi nor c rh* & e*l rbn slll b3 ln as t fri* e itlt i.'yC ts! rb di: ri:97cr udf rdnd. Ir A&r. * u L "*ti;xl trd swcri{r n LSra rry c dl d sr lndr-0n tL ]tfi ilillJllll frffllfiil ililfilxlt{,1fr[' CEUST LAHI'sCAP I }16 9?A 1 15e51 U.C.L./page 3 of4 Boymcr/Roseo 4ft$fts $T:CTION F. I,AND$CATIF{G. JOB DESCffPTION rf - Ialdscaping bfrl begins after all hkfill, rosgh grade ard topsoil spreadirg are complete. BouHcr placcoeot ard plaff natetial trdffiphMing are rnt included in cost. Fhmt lrees ed shrubo to phn kepale perenrdal gErda with corryos tilled into the $oil, placperunialslhrnrilch{'ilhranodohips. Renninirysrcf,sgrad€dsrdseededq*rh wildflowcr and rnrire graes saed, tlren rmkhed with straw. Appty tarnifier. All rnatsials sre feflili#4 $ite clearsd ofal kr*dsoepc debrts. PEEo 524o t'. Et4 tlqtrdr! Spnrce Spruca A$p€n Cottonwood Rockyffmaph Canndianred chcrry Cuna$'Woodsrose Pote*ilh Snowberry Chokecberry Percdalmk Perwnialmir/gmudmrm WiHflowcr sced Native grass*eod Fertilirr Taetifier/Sharv CompGst Woodcttpq MATERIALLT$T $Le 12ft 14ft 3.0" diafr 3.0" diafir 3.0il digm 3.0u dqn 5 gal 5 eal 5gal 5 gf,l 5 gal t gfil 2J5"dif,rn Amount ) l5 10 l0 2 5 l0 l0 l0 l0 10 ?50 320 4lb6 50lbs 50lb$ I1,0{X} sq ft 10 cu yds l0 cu yds CO$T: S4S,lXl0.00 PAYMENT FLANI 5117" do*n poyhGnt,25?4 rfter tnnec rnd s*rubr lre phnted end brbnce upon conpletlm. . - | Department of Gommunity Dev€lopment 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81857 a.."iptr,to. 9951/ o",. fl r!-t9-L Please mage checks payable to the TOYVN OF VAIL 1 0000 314 1110 001 0000 314 1112 Code- 1997-Volume 1&2 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildinq Code - 1997 - Volume 3 001 0000 3141112 International Plumbinq Code - 1997 001 0000 3141't12 Intemational Mechanical Code - 1998 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1996 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 of Danqerous Bldq.'s 1997 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 of Revisions to '1997 U $12.75 001 0000 3141112 0000 314121't 100003141111 001 0000 3141111 001 00003141111 0000 314 1111 0000 312 3000 Greenslar Program 110 0000 f dd*d3 t*t*eE 4 f, EES;= P ;F T EF?'43 HA <ee+ =HB-{+- - -g9--- ,-i @@trrf slsljF FSSE; asa u=s"FE *affiEU*= EF BfmsE Rs3* e ea ;i, S 1 15 000( Comments:io af' Gash_ MoneyOrd6r#Check#tgTt1 Recaived by= L.1-. 001 0000 319 3100 'tsoz ox t. j .i o2 .z (oFU Ftr O(,eo Hga & AF! a o d o r4t{ F1 (,) U (, N o -{a d) d) at Fq Qe Er |]rr Eoa o.o al Flon (aCD o\o F] I QFzz Pq: F Fi EiZA totrE !D|4 frFoz 'oFE EIq F, Ftt-r v ooA:Et44 F o 4 z F =UZA rd =Fqo 9BEr ftAm doB 6" F U o F{ o FI& Azp o e E>oH:q1 El 0 ! I TYPE II EMPLOYEE HOUSING UNIT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT WHEREAS, Westhaven Realty LLC is/are the oune(s) ("the Owne/') of certain property legally described as: Lot 39-2 and commonly known as: 1150 westhaven Lane, vail, co ("the pro'pertfl;;ni WHEREAS, the Owner wishes to place certain restrictions on the use of a unit or apartment locabd on the Property for the benefit of the Ovner and the Town of Vail, Colorado ("the Town,,') NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner does hereby impose, establish, acknowledge, and declare for the benefit of all persons who may hereinafter purchase, or lease, or hold the subject bnl the following restrictions, covenants, and conditions, all of which shall be deemed to run with the land and inure to the benefit and be bonding upon the Owner, its respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 1. The Employeetlousing Unit (EHU), contraining approximately 590 square feet is hereby restricted as a Type ll EHU which must comply with all the provisions of Chapter 13, Tiile 12 of the Town Code ofVail as amended as ofApril 1, 2004. 2. The Type ll EHU shall not be subdivided or divided into any form of timeshares, interval ownership, or fractional fee. 3. The Type ll EHU shall be leased to and occupied by tenants who are full-time employees who work in Eagle Coun$. The Type ll EHU shall not be leased for a period less than thirty (30) consecutive days. For the purposes of this paragraph, a full-time employee is one who ruoks an average of a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week on a year round basis. The owner of the Type ll EHU shall rent the unit at a monthly rental rate consistent with or lower than those market rates prevalent for similar properties in the Town. The Type ll EHU shall be continuously rented and shall not remain vacant for a period to exceed five (5) consecutive months. 4. The Type ll EHU may not be sold, transferred, or conveyed separately from the unit with which it is associated. 5. No later than February 1 of each year, the owner of the Type ll EHU shall submit two (2) copies of a sworn afftdavit on a fiorm to be obtained from the Community Developmeni ' Department,.to the. Community Development Department, setting forth evidence'establishing that the employee housing unit has been renbd or owner-occupied throughout the year, the- rental rate, the employel and that the tenant who resides within the employee houiing unit is a full-time employee in Eagle County. 6. The Type ll EHU shall be operated and maintained in accordance with Chaptert3, Tiile 12 of the Town Code of Vail as of April 1,20Q4 T.al J S lmont on lilftill Eagle,ilililIilt 373 Type ll Revised April 18,2000 Page I of 2 7.The conditions, restrictions, stipulations, and agreements contained herein shall not bewgived' abandoned, terminated, or amended eicept by the written consent of Ooitr the Townof Vail and the Owner of the property. By: STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE ss. was acknowledgedThe foregoing instrurnent My commission expires: ,tl, ,a) before me thisTz( dav at Lfu4z.n 20 A ( , Town Manager. Property Owner By: srnre or C,6!qrdJ6 couNrY or Eagta I 6n%{'ryIA}x The foregoing instrumentwas acknowledged before me uis !aa1ot fti<,Tutl ,zo_oL{ ov f*berl rdoc€.^- and_ Notary Public: My commission expires: Tlpe ll Revised April 18,2000 Page 2 of 2 TOI,fN Project Name: ROSEN RES, CHANGE TO APPROVED Project Description: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: rvww.ci.vail,co,us DRB Number: DRB040356 REQUEST TO ALLOW RETAINING WALL TO REMAIN IN E(CESS OF THE 6 FEET ALLOWED AND APPRO'/ED, Participants: OWNER Robert RosenAffesthaven Realt0/2712004 Phonel 914-559-8117 1127 Lake Arrenue Greenwich CT 06831-2748 Licensel APPUCANT BOYMERCONSTRUfiON 07/2712004 Phone:970476-2958 P O BOX 1001 VAIL, CO 81658 License; 152-8 CONTMCTORBOYMERCONSTRUCTION 0il2712004 Phone:970'476-29s9 P O BOX 1001 VAIL, CO 81658 Licenser 152-8 Proiect Address: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Location: legal Deccriptlon: Loti 39-2 Block Subdlvlalon: GLEN LYON SUB. Parrel ]*umber: 210312109ff)4 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Planner: Warren Campbell Actioni WITHDRWN Date ofApproval: DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 , Mrnor Exterior Alterat5ls pplication for Design ReRiew Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97A.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com RECEI\/ED JUL 2 6 7tJ04 General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request: Location of the Propos alt Lot;A Block: -?-4ubdivision: Physical Address: Parcer No.: : la3 Ffi Qn4 Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Name of Mailing Alteration mulU-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) {Ch.ng* to Approved Plans tr Separation Request at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of tohl sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), 9250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, paindng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ,*''1'''r6rd5 ;ii,i:, ,irli':r:"9, : I'r'1, :: !.. Page 1 of I2104/2UA4 o '* *{.*:* * *** i ** * * *,lr t(* {r* *** * * * * * '}*.:r.{.*{rx * {t * * * ****.,f r' *:r. *:* *:} **d. + * * *..* {. * r':f * r! * * * * '* r. * {. *. * * 'f * 'r.*** !i * ** +*:* * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * {. * '*:i * ** + ***,}* *{.{. *,* * *** + * ** * * * *x. * * *!F* * 't * **** *:} **r.,t ** *{.4.** +* * *:} *:r.x ** ***** f * * * * * * * * 't *** * * *:l* Statement Number: R040006286 Arnount: $20.00 07/27/2OO4t1 :55 AFI Palment Method: Cash Init: ,fS Notation: CASH/BoYMER coNsf. Permit No: DRBo4o356 T1rye: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No: 210312109004 site Address : IJocation: 1150 westhaven Circle I'aL 39-2 Tocal Fees: $20.00 Thia Palment: $20. 00 Total ALL Ermt s r $20.00 Balance: 90.00 *{.***{.{.***.{r!'r,}r'{.'t ****t *** {. * 'r * * * r. * ** * * * * * f i.* ** * '* r.,* *,8 * *{.** * * '* !N. *. * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * + * ACCO{'NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN RTVIEIi FEES 20.00 I ,,-ffi MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features , grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** B All pages of Application is complete Q Checklist is completed and signedU Stamped Topographic Suruey*, if applicableB Site and Grading Plan*, if applicableE Landscape Plan*, if applicable O Architectural Elevations*, if applicableE Exterior color and material samples and specifications. O Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicabletr Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures. if applicable D Title repo( including Schedules A & B to veriff ownership and easemenb* E Photos of the existing site and adjacent structt-tres, where applicable. E Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicabletr Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable* Q The AdminisVator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (induding a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. - Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title repoft, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: l r-rBrr: rmr 66tG lo: 6{rs Uolnner LX[e: tl4uia.[,r4 rl{:. lu:rll:{4 Boyle Enginecritg; Ins. 141 E. Mcadow Driv:; Suite 390 Vail" Colorado 8I657 303/4?62170 FAX 303/4764383 hily23,2Ot4 Cbrrlie Drvte TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEfT. ?5 S.Fr0fi.geRof,rl Weft Yrfl, Colorsdo t1657 Subjcee: Sih Rsr&iDilg wEll Rsgcn REcidsficc I 15O Westhavext Circle VsiL Colorado De*r Charlis: This is to confirm 6at I havc rcvicwed the sitc retainiqg wall around &e south sidc of tlte etr6ve doted rcsideicc. Thjs ffilt uar design:d b be . toa.l beie&t of ?' {6' of diffswti ai rcte,rmon end i' of corrcr over tie toc of tf,t botirg). The rnll in place is 1' ratkr ttsn srigimlly dcsigr€d- I ftsw dsttrmintd ihrt the tocl of tbf footiag wwld ftave to be 6" q.idcr to accorrfiodate &e overtunring morcat due to thb additiolsl l' of beigld- Therebre, I reconurwnd trat the grade behifld ftis wall be reduced I ' so fiefi lhe wal ia place dres not ran thc risk of being overstressed Plcase give me a catl ifyou bave any qucsdsre or corntrenls otr this rnrtier' Sincerely youa BOYLE ENOINEEBINO, INC. Tirnxhy M- Boyle, P.E kesidsrt ar/l a r4agc 2 ol2 I I I I I I I o I I I I I I I I -q Is '.s $ Y f Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com '71ululi),,, Apm24,20A4 Mr. Robert Rosen I 127 Lake Avenue Greenwiclr. CT 06831 Dear Bob: Thank you for taking the time to meet with Jay Peterson, Brian McCartney and myself last Wednesday to discuss the possible snowcat access route on Tract K of the Glen Lyon Subdivisiog adjac€nt to your new house in Vail. I appreciated your willingness to approach our discussion with an open-mind and a desire to better understand the proposal. As promised, I have assembled the copies of the six plan iterations for the snowcat route and a copy of an envirronmental noise assessment for the snowcal operations. I am hopefirl that your review ofeach ofthe six plan iterations and the conclusions and findings of the environmental noise assessment will help answer sone of the meny questions you have about the possible access route. In addition, the Town ofVail and Vail Resorts remains willing to reimburse you for reasonable expenses you rnay incur to hire a professional engineer to review the plans on your behalf. I do ask, however, that prior to retaining a consulting engineer you contact me so that we can mutually agree to an estimated cost for the consulting services. On behalf of the Town of Vail, I want you to know that your issues and concerns relating to the possible snowcat access route are important to the Town. I am available at your convenience to help seek answers to your questions with the hopes of resolving this matter to everyone's satisfaction. Please do not hesitate to call or send me an email message with any questions. You can reach me most easily on my cell phone at (970) 376-2675 or by email at eruther@vaileov.com I remain confident that with your involvement a mutually agreeable outcome to the snowcat access route can be reached and that a longstanding community need can be met. Sincerely, rGQa' George Ruthel AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {p ^t"*"uo "^r", o Design Review Board TOI4'N# ACTION FORM Depafinent of Community Development 75 Sorrft Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2139 fax: 97 0 -479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Rosen Residenae DRB Number: DRB030508 Project Description: Change to plans - windorus and ridge heights Participants: OWNER Robert Rosen/Westhaven Realtll/1U2003 Phone: 914-559-8117 lL27 l-ake Avenue Greenwich CT 06831-2748 License: APPUCANT BOYMERCONSTRUCION 1U11l2003 Phone:970476-2958 PO BOX 1001 VAIL, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: Location: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Legal DescripUon: Lok 392 Block Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312109004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovah lUlZlZOO3 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitube a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ffi T0t{fti0I i/,{ttpn Location of the Propos al= Lot&Lillockz Physical Address: Parce|No.!:W(ContactEag|eCo,AsSe5sorat970-328-B640forparcelno.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Address: E-m'ail Type of Review and tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) n Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E/ Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building p€rmit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiUons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:i Arr. - vr.I Planner: Date: , * * * * *** * + * *** * * * * * * * *,* *4. *** {' **** * '* * {' l+ * +**'t+ * f * ** * * ** * * ****'} * * i. * * * * 'l * * * {.** * * * + + + *+i* + f** * **,s * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 11-11-2003 et 07:40:52 rr/tr/2003 Statement * +**** + *** *,* + * **'*** **'t'r* * f * t * * *:r* * *** * * * * * * * * ** *+ + +,t'!*+ + + + *** ***'l* *'l'r* * * * l' * l' *'i* * * * {' * * 'l' + ++ **+ Statement Nufiiber: R030005099 Amount: $20.00 77/Ll/2003o7:40 AM Palment Method: Check CONST Init: DF Notation: #5707 R BOMER Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddreEE l Location3 This Pa)ment: DRB0305o8 Tytrle: DFJB-Chg to Appr Plang 2lo3L2LO9004 1150 westhaven circle Lot 39-2 Total Fees; $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: Descripti on $20.00 $20.00Balance: $0. oo * * * *'* * ** * * + ***+ * + + * + * * * * * * * ** * * * '! * * {. * ** '} ***,i,} * '* {r * * * * {r *** * * * **+ ++* s + + ** * * * * * * ** * * * '* * ** *'1.*r} **,t ACCOT,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIElJ FEES 20 .00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.44.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Rosen Residence DRB ilumber: DR8030199 Proiect Descdption: rotation of house Pardclpants: OWNER Robert RosenAl/esthaven Real05/10/2003 Phone: 91+559-8U7 1127 Lake Avenue Greenwich CT 06831-2748 License: APPUCANT EricJohnson, Architect 061L012003 Phone: 203-637-8730 Alisberg Parker Architect 210 Sound Besch Ave Old Greenwich Cf 05870 License: Proiect Addr€ss: location: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 legal Description: LoB 39-2 Blodc Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Number: 210312109004 Comments: BOARD/S|TAFF ACTION Motion By: Actlon! STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of APPrcYal= O7l@12003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrltten consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate reviev, committee(s). C.ond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buildlng. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO O A T0i{nr pplication for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 rax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.\rail.co,us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the patticular approval that is requested. .An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaltnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Propos aE tot:&fjllock: Physical Address: Zoning: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) ' Parcel No.: Description of the Request: Name(s) of Owner(s): Qwner(s) Signature(s): Narne of Applicant: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (m ulti-fa mi lylcommercial ) tr Minor Alteration E! Changes to Approved Plans . Separation Request NO Fee ., il .t . r,:iri.:,' l. , , '- , ' $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 .For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). ' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, srJch as,. . reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, ' $20 For min6r changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. :.r,i . ' No Fee ",,. 'lrl:t:**+a'f +:l*{.rt*t**:t***********+*****r''r**t{.****+*:*t 't{t*+*++f l'!*'r'***'*'t*rd(rr***d.********a**'t*+ ***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-10-2003 atl4:37:23 Statement *,f *****t l.*+**,1. *'i*,****t' 'f ** l****** **'l+l'f '* statement Nunber r Ro3oo04138 Arnount: $20.00 06/10/2OO3O2.37 PM 06/L0/2003 Palment Method: Eoymer cash Init : iIAR Notation I caBh Bob Permit No: Parcel- llo :git,e Address 3 tocation: This Payment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 $20.00 Descri pti on 39-2 Tot,al FeeE : TOTAI AIJJ PMTS : Balance: Current Pmts DRB030199 TIT)e: DRB- Chg to Appr P1ans 210312109004 1150 WeEthaven Circle IJog $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 +* ****,r r. **r! * * ****** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I * * * 't *** ****'t +,**+at******'l * **:1.'*:* ** 'r.** ****'l+*+**++*'f **:r. ***:8{! DESIGN REVIE|'J FEES 20.00 TOWN OFVAN Depailment of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwvci.vail.co.us August 16,2002 Steven James Riden PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Pal Residence, located at Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Steve, The application for the Pal Residence, located at Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision, was received on May 13, 2002, by the Department of Community Development. As no activity has occurred on this application for a few months, I am withdrawing the application. At such time that you choose to proceed, a new application will need to be filed with the Department of Community Development, in accordance with the submiftal deadlines and application requirements as outlined in the application. At this time, I am also refunding your check for $650 which was submitted with the application. lt may take a couple of weeks before you receive the refund. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970479-2369. Planner ll Town of Vail {pu""n"o'*o ffi IOI44V OF V,{ITFfl Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel 970.479.2139 fax'. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us one year of the aPproval' Description of the Request: Location of the Proposall Lot:3?'2 ebck: Physical Address: 0 Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): 5 Mailing Addressi Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of ApPlicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review a D Signs (Contact Eag at 970-328-8640 for Parcel no.) K1 Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' i:OO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as, reroofing, painiing, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved Design Review Board. No Fee by Planning Staff or the REC E IV EB For Office p99 OnlYr Fee Paid: b50 Check No': Date: li.r rr " -"an? friotryn * *'t***+ ++t t | * t t+ ++ * + 't' i + + + + + 't * f ++'r****++'t**+ 'l',t'l' ** * + * * ** ,} t *trt f, * |l ** ** t * tt*'|* + * f +* t * * +++ +'|+ + +**'r TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO statcment * *i {r+* +++*tf+ t + ++++i a*++*++ t * *++***++ + * * **** * t+ +*t t *af,**{'al** i**r' a l***'}'t**'*** ++*+* + tt+++*** statement, Number: ROO0OO235? Amount I $650.00 05/L3/200204:53 PM PaymenE Metshod: Check rnit! JAR NoEation: 5951 Steven ilames Riden Permit No: DRB02O139 Type I DRB - New Constructlon Parcel No: zto3LzLO9Oo4 site Addrese : Location: 3 9:2 Glen LYon Total FeeE: $550.00 Thle Payment: $650.00 Total ArJrJ Pmta: $650'00 Balance: $0.00 :f *:i*,1't *'+ * *,i't * {r * rr* * 't *{.* 1**'t * + * * * * * *'i f ***i.*+***t******,ta{'****t++a*+**+f +t*******a*++*'}******{'' ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REV]EbI FEES 650 .00 fl**P.S4...^, a.r-.rtLl l!.tlrlr|ll-tg'Grra- aJ'lFr r*Fq ptnFN ale Application for Design Reulew o*tna*of CffirnlyOtlffillta 75 Sq[l hqE Rod, VI' &trb lr5lt? ut 9r.r79,tl,lF fe ',o{ltt€l' rcb;rfi-d.ul.dtL €frrrlldgn$il:# giarili b -r* q erulcc ltqiie oce9n qry:qFq!' rllv F 'ct t9d1q *riln rsbr tn'Er firntiur I ncg.ca ur ar r.frimirtv o9iteilil o'pattrE i- tq r -*1ry ttrccd b bc cftnr ty Urel51rn Ax.f il.t&Un na'iifrrfo-il'1fi1m6ig6l&6 tLil1G,iil r.d rf1111l lg- ;";; hdff16 ljrr*f p1f-l'1 rrrmrsa cmrmra ffihflr I;1t of tlr +nnc' Ducrl*ionof $anaueb ldiot|dtf*l|ornt uff4Aoac-- stsdhisint Gl+ f f Llo'fn tfrglrsdrddls ,ilctt'ft :t| 03|alO? F^{ FortrE sfr6. *.'*tl1}34n6{0bf '"tsd tn } zoiftEt r|rl'{r)dorn{qF tilSltuAfilrtte! Ourr(llttuum{r): ilf,t|.dlF ftl||} rditrlddnrrt F.a'ccnUCffr oilr rEr ir|iElg of CrqrltD||6. ;;; dffi riu! src r;qc I "ltd b rry iltl=illd a ;ilr drldru tnd* ro romor a rub qtr$srl' E-;F;;;-o arurl d * lt".dfrdr, l'dr a, ;rqme e*rf;E rrnw -rorr, htllrpftg' frl!6 rls ]ln|InrL. *il;nb,E io dir. eltir rnaucd bv Ftr*ts $dt I dE OcC$f,ati*lolr{t tk7 ry*ar.Yir|tu Fl: Eflarrlgtarto ^lilninC| Hlrferdirr 5} Ostgrst6lEFstdltbtE tzo tro Ptlllst suffif Tt|ls rmtrlItil, Alt sDftrr^t quBegtfs-iffiG-io n* oaunsi s omffrY-oa4fnfir'^* "i-d;il Cornat mrq YrL qrsrm Er66?' REQETId.EU .ttAY 1 31001 t[l IA SHd lRloztlsl ,*,"!9gpv'o6i ?e:aI eaaetttlgiaI)S:H S[T}{ l'GlD z[ze6g9tts Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorodo 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 10,2002 Steven Riden PO Box 3238 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Pal Residence, Lot 39-2, Glen Lyin Dear Sleve, The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Pal Residence, located at Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon. The following commenls and concerns must be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval: 1. Revocable right-of-way permit required for landscaping in right-of-way. 2. Two different fire tumarounds are indicated (sile plan and landscape plan). Please provide plans which are consistent. In addition, please provide written verification to allow the fire turnaround 1o be on the adjacent lot. A fire sprinkler system is required. Please contact Mike Vaughn al479-2252 for additional information. Please revise lhe snow storage. No trees are allowed within required snow slorage areas. Please indicate on the site plan the location where all foundation, roof, vehicle courtyard, etc. drainage will daylight or flow. A culvert may be required at the bike path. Please indicate a limits of disturbance fence/erosion control belween the bike oath and the lot boundaries. Please provide a stamped drawing from a licensed P.E. for boulder retaining walls over 4 ft. in height. Please provide civil engineered drawings of the drive connection to the existing Westhaven Lane; topographic survey of the existing drive access, and profiles of the drive access. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. R {p *"n"uornr", I 9. Planning staff has not done a complete analysis. Planning issues will be forth-coming. Comments from the Design Review Board: 1. Generally, the Board was ok with the concept. 2. The felt lhat the entry needed additional consideration. 3. The roof on the entry appears awkward. 4. The entry does not fit with the home. 5. the house appears'Uipped in stone". Vary the height of the stone to give it some interest. The above comments and concerns must be addressed prior lo final Design Review Board approval. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to conlact me at 970-479-2369. Sincerelv. r,lu ' lflll [/[u,? w Allison Ochs, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail Jun-f0-01 0e;6?ar Fror T-e88 l.0ll01 t-30Cuoeuiltw DEVELopruErrtr noClrra Fonm E apprcwa wiilt oondttions Statro: O apprcvad 8 OeniA Cornmenb: Date Reviryedl.5-23e2 i'lc:{E"Bgf if"H,i't,iffi ;"* iffifru;U1giffiF"d;il1;tH Sfut-o,@ be requilaO to Oe Gla-rcb' ;,1#'#; *urvarq anee ilg*r?:if ffi"# PosFlF Far t.|ole Boyle Engineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303/47 6-2170 FAX 303/476-4383 Jamary29,2004 Charlie Davis TOW\ OF VAIL BUILDING DEPT. 75 S. Frontage Rord West Vail, Colorado 81657 Bor D ootr Subjec! I150 Westhaven Circle Vail. Colorado Dear Charlie: This is to confirm tlnt I have nade a final framing inspection of the above noted residence. The stucture has been built according to the plans and specifications issued by this offrce on June 9, 2003 with the exception ofa couple of modifications that were coordinated between Bob Boymer and myself during construction. I hereby approve of this residence as framed. or comments on this matter. TimothyM. p.Higrj;,.4 fr;/';i'ts TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN, O uo,,, FIREDEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2r3s NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Permit #: 404-0004 3O3{Ogl Job Address: 1150 WESTIIAVEN LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Location.....: 1150 Westhaven Lane Int 39-2 Applied . . : 0lBOn004 ParcelNo...: 210312109004 Issued. . : 04/07n004 ProjectNo , ?q:6S6os? Expires. .: 10/042004 OWNER Robert Rosen/westbaven ReaLtol/30/2004 Phone: 914-559-8117 1127 Irake Avenue Greenwich CT o6a3t-2748 License: CoIITRACTOR THITL ELECTROIITC SYSTET.IS 0L/3O/2OO4 phone: 970-949-4638 P O BOX 534 AVON, CO 8t620 IJicense : 112 -S APPIJfCANT Eric ilohnson, Architect OL/30/2O04 Phone: 203-637-8730 Alieberg Parker Architect 210 Sound Besch Ave OId Greenwich CT 06870 License: Desciption: Install anew fire alarm system Valuation: $2"200.00 Elcct'ical------> DRB Fo€-> lnvestigatisn---> lvill cslt----> $0.00 $0.00 $o.oo s3.00 FEE SLTMMARY trt+rrrrrrrrilr.rtr..rrr.rr.rrrrrtrrtrr{rrrrtrr.lr..*'.t*.*.. Total Colculabd F€€s+ 5317.50 Additionrl F€€s--------+ 5116.00 Toial Pcnnit Fcc----> S433 .50 PeymenE--------------> 943 3 .50 BAt {I{cE DUIE_---> 50.00TOTALFEES.} 931?.50 Approvals:IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARI.II{BST O2/Lo/2oo4 mcgee Action: DliI Plans do ttot reflect existing. Sulcmittals are inconplete. O2/20/2oo4 rnvaughan Action: AP CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Cond: CONO006296 Entry: 02/20/2004 By: nnraughan Action: AP Cond: CONO006297 relocate detector in top bedroom +trtttt,tttt,tttta*tratttattatttattaalaaataattllll*lttataltl*aata1*lllaa*a*lt{'taf*ttllltlltltit++lllltllltarlllllllllllaallalatltttaat*atta*tlttt* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in ftll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information ,, ,"Outr$i rorre,ct. I agree to comply with the irf"r*?* and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure aocording to the top*ns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Tolvn app REQUESTS FOR INSPI,CTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS AT 479-2135 FROM 8100 AM - 5 Pltd, TUREOFO RFOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF * +***'i *** * * r' !i** +**rt* {r'1.**t' *:} ** *'t'trr* * '1. 't 'N! '} * * *r! *l* *{' i * *'} *+**'} *'} + | * * '}t+ * + +*+ +**** * t tf ta*tN l*** + +*!* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement *+*++++ia'a't{r***{r******f**'t*'}*l***+++*'r*taf,f'r*tlf,*********'}**'}*'t****'**+*+*+***laftatt++***+** Statenent lflumber: Paymene l,tethod: Electronics Ro4OOO5557 rmorJnt: $433.50 04/07/2OO4t0:04 A Check Init: DDG Notation: Thul Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: L,OCation: ThiB Palment: A04-0004 T14re: ALARM PERMIT 2LO3L2LO9004 1150 TIESTHAVE}I LN VAIL 1150 Ylesthaven Lane Lot 39-2 Total Feea: $433 .50 Total. AIIJ Prnta: Balance I Descri pti on $433 . so $433 . s0 $0.00 ******t {.*'}*{.'t**{.**'******f ttt I t*a** + +**:F+ + +* * | * f {,!**'}*!k't *** !t't !t* * {'*** ***** +**** t * ** * **'l *'}*'& * {,* * ACCOUNTITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmts BP PF l.iC 00100003111100 00100003112300 00100003112800 FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES hJILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 82.50 348. 00 3.00 TT)R4VOF 75 S. Vail, I Fire submitta CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Fire Alarm Contractor: PLETEvALUATIoNsFoRALARMPERMIT(Labor&Materia|s) Contact Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or Job Rddress: //fOJob Name: Rae*" Resdoace ,aog-gs8-qrce * ress:Z3o lh$r/,- Bl. : (i.e., floor, unit #, Work Class: New (S Addition ( )f ) nepalr( ) Retro-fit( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-familY (rY)) Restaurant( ) Other( ) ffiiti AccommoA;tion units in thisffiiffigEwefingTnits in this buildino: ]@Yes?<) No( exisr les ( ) No ( ***,r*****.*****,r*rr*********rr*****rr*,r****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***t<****tr**rr*tr*****'t**tr*******'r****** E Accepted BEFuOlic waY rg4litlgg!- D \WAi I\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMiTS\ALRMPERM' DOC 0717617002 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: I -5- A Colorado Registered Enginger's- stamp. .,,f'7W Device locations on reflected ceiling plans. '-r- _-_!_ \< )c lc )f ,f, x x A- x t( x -x- This check list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. read and understand the above li submittal requirements: Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each Upe of device. / The number of each type of device. _rsb*J Information indicating the specific zones. - /-' Circuit diagrams,. , ,, jo*.2 Point to point wiring diagram. " ? - Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. / The source of AC power circuits. ,r, - .n/ - r"n'.JFire alarm panel locations. - .-c7- 5& Knox Box focation. :;::=-J/"--f /rt, -- ,'o' / Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring - JMagenG}' - y''' tiformation regarding property managers and contact numbers. --JerOwner's primaly residence location and contact numbers. - *--+*' Instructiins forfire alarm system operations and any peftinent, -; code numbers for proper operations ,ror 't^ Date Sig TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON-EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Depaftment Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you ane working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Depaftment. Determine with the owner or manager of the propertyr which alarm company services the system for them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins, Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you start, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Depaftment so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. Pfease contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshal, Mike McGee at 479-2L35 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughn at,479'2462. I have read and understand the above guidelines. Project Name: Contractor Signature: Date Signed: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 ot*rru*r oF coMMUNrrt o"ur"oil*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0035 io3t)087 JobAddress: Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Applied . . : O4|28DO03 ParcelNo...: 210312109004 Issued. . : 06/05/2003 ProjectNo : -YRSO:3 - oo3-7 Expires. .: 12102/2003 OWNER Robert Rosen/Westhaven F.ea]-Lo4/28/2003 Phone: 9t4-559-8tL7 1127 Lake Avenue Greenwich CT o683L-2748 License: COMrRACTOR F.D. IAyLOR EITECTRICAL 04/28/2003 Phone: 970-453-0726 S6L SI{EKEIJ LANE BRECKEIilRIDGE, CO 80424 I-,icense: 242-E APPL,ICANT F.D. TAYLOR EITECTRICAI-, 04/28/2OO3 Phone" 970-453-0726 I51 SHEKEL L,AIIE BRECKENRIDGE, CO 80424 IJicense: 242-E Desciption: New SF residence with Type U EHU Valuation: S42,000.00 +.t{.irt {'**'a*d,l :t** ** Electrical----> 9755. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $759 - 00 DRB Fee------> 50.00 Additional Fe€s--> 50.00 l yestigation--> 90.00 Total Permit Fae---> $?59.00 Will Call__-> 93 .00 Payments--------> $759 . 00 TOTAL FEES-+ $?se.OO BALANCE DUE---> $0-00 t+++t'tt**t*ttlt***************l*!t* Aonrovals:I€6m: 06000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEIiIT o4/28/2OO3 DS Action: AP Item: 056O0 FIRE DEPARTIT,IENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate pFj plf' and staie that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tolvn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. o AT 479"REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE .FOUR HOURS IN ADV o TWENTY 79-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF +****{.,|< ** *****,*,1.** {.*it***X.:1.*** * ******* * * * * * * * + d. * * * * * * {. * * d. * * * * {. {.**** * * !F * * {. * * * + * * * ** + + * + + *+ * !F ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 06-05-2003 at 15:38:34 06/05n003 Statenent *:t ****:t t! * * * * 4. * :1. * * !F * :t *.*:1.*****:t**********{.{.:ir.**{.t *f ******++**:} *********,}*{.* **d.**:t*:1.+*,t**:1.lti**{.* statement Number: R03oo0411o Arnount: $759.00 05/05/2oo3o3:38 PM Palment Method: Check Init: KF Notation : Permit No: 803-0035 \4le: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel- No: 2t03I2109004 Site Address : Location: 1150 westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Tot.al- Fees: 5759.00 This Payment r $759.00 Toual- Af,L Pmts; $759.00 Balance: $0.00 *:!***:t******+* *'l++*** ** * * * * * * * * * +:1. * '* * + * * * t + * *'f * * + + * * * * + * * 't* + + * * * + * {. * * * * {.* * * * * * * * * ** * * {. * * * t! {' * ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunrent Pmts TP OOiOOOO31114OO TTMPOMRY POI,.IER PERMITS |'lC OO1OOOO3112BOO l,'lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 756.00 3.00 From: Tim Boyle To: Greg Boylc Engincering, Inc. 143 E. MaadowDrirac, Suitc 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 303t476-2t70 FAX 303/476-4383 Iuly 7,2003 DateiTnn@3 Time: 4:06:00 PM tso: - oo87 1g10"15*1_qgT rydT glq rr.[drq or peft't rre issuatr€f^fgi["l,! ry-a.lpptoyrl d-plrar, gcincrrioac ara come"Lcoq$au nor Dc cmstlEd b Da I Ftd fe. a o gD8ovd of, any violarioa d f-r_"lPj-T.Sj"T{aqc.-oc.f u,odiru-*"rG;,i"ai"i* ::tll: p.p"--".3 b 3w-&rty o vlolo q craet rte prwisioas of rtlCodeor oth€r otdheccr cf t[c JuLd& $a[ ad be ralid-rDc rssuErcc.of I P1di t!!d o phs. ryocificarimr |!d odcr dsta ji{lot prcvent dE buildilg officiat fttm Odaft.,,lqunllC,ho ;;; *cnors ia said plans. rpccificarions ud orh* a"," ", iro_, ir,_tg-Uiid"lopcrations b€itrg carried or rheipun&r uher rs violrtioo'o( iii" iL-* * Page 2 ol2 Charlie Dnvic TOWN OF VAIL BTM.,DING DEPT. ?5 S, Frontrge Rmd Weet Vril, Colorrdo 81657 Subjectr Garage Foundation Walls Rosen Rcsidencc I 150 Westhlven Circle Vail, Colorado Dear Cbadier This k to confirm that I have coordina@d tbe foundation reinforcing for the garage foundation walls at thc above notcd projcct with Bob Bolmcr of Eoymer Cousruction Basically, tlrc footings for tbese frost wrlls are deeper than originally intendcd in order to achievc good beari4g conditioas Thcse frosr wrlls will sfrll be bactfilled on both sidcs, but they are substantially taller than originally intended' I instuctcd Bob to usc a fl4 rcinforcing bar mat at 16" on center in botlr directions for these wafls dur to their ircreased beight. or contnelrts otr this mitter. APPROVED Community Devclopmenl Departmesl BulElng Safeir* & Inspecticn Serviceg uy other ordinanges lflir jurirdicriou Plcase givc rne a call if IIIITTALS:OATE: ! APPLIC 9-2149 (Inspections) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 4L. @ Town of Vail Reg. No.:n4z 4.Contact and Phone #'s:'ffiD'/7,.tlrrrz- -r-J'i,) t44 z- E-Mail Addresj:I COMPLETE SQIJEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR Att OTHERS (tabor & Materials Contad Assesturs Ofltce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Patel # Parcef # ZtO4t2/oQ,crZ to' ^"'"' ia)Ean / E6In;a F-E rob Address: I /5t; l,J*rn/rnn;J ilJ, Legal oestription wtz $-flerccr:Filing:Subdivision: |-l-fl ) ilJnt ) Tntril.VWin" J na* ,. url Mffti ru.", ,t, - L-a.:.f,t..r2,!r .Fho%'rz zr rtt, 4,-t Engineer:/ ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: utrt'J 6,fust DEil/*L WorkClass: tr|ew(,f Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (.-t Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (uf No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-famityll.,f Oupla<( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (-{ No ( ) DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes( ) No(vrY ll OoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No('-)- ******'t******************ri*'t****fr******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****************,s******************* \WAiI\dATA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\ULECPERM. DOC RECD APR Ah,Aq,O3 tr I D n o o A#ehdment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-5. Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail. Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel. The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible. All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench. In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted. NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories. No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES All installations of elterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). if this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. if this permit is for installaUon of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. u If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I haveyead and understand the above. If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pf ease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at 97O-479-2147. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and gam. You may also leave a voice mailand the inspector will call you back. TOWNOFVAIL FM.EDEPARTMENTO VAILFIREDEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F03-0046 JobAddress: Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot39-2 Applied . . : lA26/2003 Parcel No...: 210312109004 Issued. . : 0l/27/2004 Project No : ?q1(r3 -oo 31 Expires . .: OI{NER Robert Rosen/westhaven Rea]-Et2/26/2003 Phone: 914-559-8117 1L27 lJake Avenue ereenwich cT o6a3a-2748 Iricenge : CoNTRACTOR WOLF FIRE PROTECTION rNC. L2/26/2003 Phone: 303-949-0536 7584 S. Brentwood St. Littleton, CO 80128 License:553-S APPIJICAI{T WOI-,F FIRE PROTECTION INC. L2/26/2OO3 Phone: 303-949-0535 7584 S. Brentwood St. IJittleton, CO 80128 I-,icense : 553 -S Desciption: install automatic fire sprinkler as per NFPA BD Valuation: $10,500.00 t*:i{r!ri!t'lt**,tt*l'}* M€chsnical-> 90.00 Reshrarant Plan Review-> S0.00 Total Calculated F€€s-> 5799.25 Plan Check--> S350.00 DRB Fee----------> S0.00 Additional Fees-----> $0.00 Investigation-> $0. 00 TOTAL FEES-> $799 .25 Total Permit Fee--> 9799 .25 Will CdL--> $3 . 00 Palments-----> 5799 .2s BAT ANCB DUE-_-> 9O.OO a*****tt*tt.tttataItem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEIII Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARIT'{ENI oL/L2/2oo4 mvaughan Action: AP changes made per request of AHiI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condr 12 (BLDG.): FfEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPIJfAITCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sffucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REeuEsrs 'oR rNsp'crloN ffiA'tADE TwENTy-tr'orR Eo'Rs rN -nfrr "" TELE*H'ND, AT 41s-2r3s IROM t:00 AIVI - 5 PM. t I 'l' 't * | | tf ** * '* * * * * '* * *'l' 't ** * {.'*** * '1.*** ***'* | if** * * * *rr* * {' * 't tr* * * * * * * 't*'* * * * * r' * t*'f * '* 'f r!* * * lNr* * * *{.* * !t '1.* * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment * * {' 'f '} * *'t* * {' 't 't* + '}** + * * *t ***** *{.**'} {. * *'} * *'}{r* * {' '} *:}* * {' !t *'}* * {' '* * * *{r** * ** ** * $** * {' 't ** * '} * * * {' 't'}* *'} '** {. 'igtatenent !fluriber: RO4OOO5378 Anount: 5799.25 Ot/27/2004!0:1? A]l Payrnent l{etlrod: Check Init: DDG l{otsation: woLf Fire Protsectsion Inc. 1787 Permit No: F03-0045 Type: SPRfNKIJER PERI4IT Parcel No: 210312109004 Site Addreee: Location: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Total FeeB: i799.25 This Pa)ment: #799 -25 Total ALIJ PmtE: 1799.25 Balalce: S0,00 **f t* lf t'l ff t*a * l*+*+ +**++ +***+ +++'t * 'i'i * ** 't*'i* * *'t'l'at * t'lt'i* t ***'t* +**N ***'*'l' {"} 'l' * *,1'll * **'1"} t'}'}ir *ir{r't * ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO SPR]NKLER PERMIT FEES 446,25 pF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 350.00 t.,C OO1OOOO31128OO l'lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AppLrcATroN J nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplEril. urusrcn Project #: _ Building Permit Sprinkler Permil 970-479-2735 fil NVNWUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 without this information: Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of pern must include the following. Permit application will not t . A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E, stamp.. Equipment cut sheets of materials,. Hydrauliccalculations.r A State of Colorado Plan Registration form.o Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protr CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Sprinkler Contractor: t^)a/f f/'r?E PrzAk cf ;o,t, T,.t c ^ t"*'g;.1*?*".' Address: Contact and rcn /ar OMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (LaboT & MateTia Fire Sprinkler: g Assessors Otrie at 97O-328-864O or visit JobAddress: 1/Jo uEsf Contractor Subdivision: ****** * ** ***** t ****tr***** t * * * * ** * ** ** * * FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***:i**:t*rr*****?t* * \WAi I\dAtA\CdEY\FORMS\PERM ITS\SPRKPERM. DOC 07 /26t2Q02 AppLrcATroN J not BE AccEprED rF rNcoMplErl u*rrun.oo Project #, ,\t50J-On31 C_n7,- hhTIn Buitdinspermit#:_YV) v\-/ !Y :Bl1!1"'-*.-Tilfr_9 7O -479- 2 7 3 5 fi nspedions ) 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado without this information: Rd. 816s7 Fire sprinkler shop drawings ane required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permit applicaUon will not be accepted . A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or N.I.C.E.T. Level III (min) stamp.. Equipment cut sheets of materials.. Hydrauliccalculations,. A State of Colorado Plan Registration form.. Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire Protection Contractor. CONTRACTOR INF'ORMATION Fire Sprinkler Contractor: Qo/f f/'re PEO| cf )ort,Trtc ^ Town ofVail Reo.K3 -t No.:Contact and Phone #'s: fu4 /alh,--/ , ft"s) ft?-6sse E-Mail Address: Contrador Signaplg4r, T PLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $ lD ( Iln. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # /'Parcel #/)t o3 \7/l DqDbL 'Y6Name: /?o18il R,e>;oa"ra JobAddress: 1/Jo LtEsf /faoe,J (t Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:SuMivision: owners Name: Rn,e/Address: S*qe . Phone: Engin@rt5a4nda /at /a Add'ot' /zsi4 /./. fr/*rqet*Phone"3ut q"s- sje Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) Detailed description of work: Ip5-+// 14v7ar/aTL fi'EEStp/ok/.t <s,>Ez ,J.4P,/9, R19 WorkClass: NewQ( Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-familyJ\ Two-family( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiHing: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No bd Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No X) ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r.***:r**!r*******:i******************* \WAiI\dAtA\CdCV\FORMS\PERMITS\SPIi]<PERM. DOC 07/26n002 D[C 2,i 2003 t 06lU(03* IIYDMULIC CALCULATION ANALYSI non Town of Vail OFFIOE COPY THE R,OSEN R,E5IDENCE 1150 WESTHAVEN CTRCLE VAIL, COLORADO FIRE PROTEGTION GONTRACTO WOLF FIRE PROTECTION, INC. --A 'ALCILATTON5 BY, ROBERT cOONTs 4 SNrcET #O7559r This hydraulic analysis has been designed to meet contract specifications and applicable guidelines set forth in NFPA 13' They have been revlewed for accuracy and conformance to these requirements' Any inconsistencies that may occur that will seriously efiect the system or might otherwise rendel the system insufficient must be brought to our attention immediately. SDG'S expressed liability extends to the correction of the original drawings, hydraulic calculations and stocklisting reports onlY, Gopyright: Scandaliato Design Group Inc' 2003 @ 7684 BRENTWOOD 5TREET LITTLETON, COLORADO 80128 123/54 West Alarneda Parkway s'luire ,7O' hkewood2 CO AOaZA (3O3) Ae5-?gOO . FAX (?Ost se5'54s4 \ Fire Protection Ergineering REC! DEC 2,i 2003 HYDRAUUTC CALCULATION SUA,\A,IARY RE^^oTEAREAREQPsIAVATLABLEPgIREQFLowToTALFLowSAFETy%/PsT 1 48.8 106.3 20 20 45% - 47.5 5IN6I-E 5PRTNKLER FLOWING RE^,loTE AREA REQ PsI AV^ILABLE PsI REQ FLow ToTAL FLow SAFETy %lPsT 2 g2.o to6.? 40 40 t3% - 14.2 TWO 5PRINKLER5 FLOWINa RET OTE AREA REQ PSI AVAILABLE PsI REQ FLOW TOTAL FLOW SAFETy %lPs.I 3 59.4 106,3 20 ?o 4% - 46-S SIN6LE 5PRTNKLER FLOWINo RE^OTE AREA REQ psr AVAILABLE PSI REQ FLOW TOTAL FLOW SAFETy %lPs.r 4 87.3 106.2 rto rxl 18% - 18.9 TWO SPRINKLERS FLOWINa DESIGN NOTEST 1. NOT€: VELOdITY PRESSURES HAVE BEEN USED. 2. FPS <= 32fps 3. QUICK RESPONSE HEADS ARE BEIN6 USED THROUgHOUT THE ENTTRE PROJECT. 4. RET OTE AREAS HAVE BEEN ESTABLISHED PER NFPA 13 1999ed dHAPTER I | 2354 West Atameda Parkwar/ g|uite l7Q, Lakewood, CO eoeaA (3O3t 9A5-33OO . FAX C3O3t 9.A5-5594 Hydraulic Design Criteria O Fre praLent pn Enqtneernq Project The Rosen Residence Date: 19 December 2003 A flow test was taken by Wolf Fire Protection, lncorporated on I December 2003. Their findings were: Static = 105 PSI Residual = 100 PSI Pitot = 100 with a diameter ol 2l'^ q = 12g.83) (Cd) (Dr - (^431 q = 129.83)(.9) (2.50) (^/100) q = 129.83) (.e) (6.25) (10) Q = 1677,9 Q = 1678 Therefore: Static = 105 PSI Residual = 100 PSI Flow = 1678 GPM Using the VailFhe Department's conversion factors and Freeman's Formula: December's (Qpkd) = 82.22o/o Therefore: han x .8222t= P [29s3xsxo;si ffi OStt l"t*" Deaqn Grovs, nc. /tgzg.osto\1 = p k6il$7 (8.22306)1 67.6063 Therefore: Stalic Residual Flow =p =p = 105 PSI = 67.6 PSI = 1379 GPM DEC-16-AAB3 14:41 FROl4r TotJ FIRE OEPARTI"IEHI 9iA419eL76 ut Llc VAII, TTRE DEPART}EHT coNvERsrolt FACIORS roR coI'IFtnATXON Or IVAIIaBLE I'IRE PISW$ F&OI{ I'TRE flYDSAN1l8 Ibr foltelting conversisn factors need to be aFplied to lhe resulti of,fire flbs teats condustrd flthtrr ths lown of VeiI . The Eonvcrsfon f,actor ie Sppllod to thr ria\rtrta t,o cofrFensatc lor tPgaF a&and. rr lihi conversl-o-n festorg are licted fof eaoh nonth ln which i tire flow Lest le candsctr{. lhq faator shown 9E Qpkd Is nurtiplieo against. th. gallent P9r nfn}.tc ll-oowJ.1q =(F.,t).' rcprelented by ngtt in Freamanrs forntula q = (29.71 d'{ F} x Qphd. coN'JERSIoN fAcrons (epra) l{onth ln trhlch FLow Tcst wss conducted.......Fastor (Qpg6} tenurry...,:.. . '6o.s98 Fabfuary. r I t . t . t | . I r . . . r . . . .58.558 !{arch. .rrrrlr'.'.. ....74.?9t Apfll. ,..rr..r...,, .-.-E3-324 ilay'..' '.... I t. t r.r. t..... r I t. r..rr..."56'elt Ju$e.. ,...., . '..81't6t nrr1y.. :....,.... 1oo+ Au$rst. . '.83.238 septcnher. 69.12* O$tober. ' r 'r..r'..!'. '46'99E lilovEnber, .3S.06t Dcccnber. 8l$t{pl",E: A ftow teet ls conducted tn l,larctr. The results lndleate a statls preagure of 135 PSI , rosidual pr*ssure 9o FEJ, with 1600 OFll fLotirlnE. ltllc floff rato 6f ltioo eplt Ls uu1tlpll€d by the eonvercion f,actor (Q^r.a) for ltarch, 74.794 (1600 GPM x ?4.19t = ' 1197 6F!{). SOllEr Tf,i"-L600 CFff haB been treduced fson 1?61 GPM by the coefficlont of Aisehargs, .90. Reconpute the preEsure u$lng Prechan'F fornula, by replacing the valug for Q (1600), t{lttl thr_nrw Q valqe tI197}, bo derive the new derated reeldual p{ea_sure (IPr"), in order to allow for peal{ danand (ff97 = ?9.7 x dd {P). 6lven So is a constant (6.25), the new pr€65uro ;t€ = tQ197/29.7L't/6,257d * 44.55 Pr. ifl: 91?eE*ege3l [EC-15-aaE3 14r{1 FFOI'I!T0!FIRE DEFIIRTI,E}..IT o 97A4?941?6 io: cL fcu:f,:cYd;r F ic"s o VAITJ FTR,g DEPSRT!.fEITA FIRE gI.OW TEST DATA CO}IYEftSTO}I TACtORS PACE E Ithe factsrs are baeEd, on internation obtained fren thre figLergvFtal!-,tla3tcr Pt+n for, Vall Va119E qonsolldatqdl-xlaEEI-,Dlstrlq!' Gted -July, 1990, wrlttea Merrlck & conpany, EngLneers and Arshltects, D€nvef, Colofado. oRrroN #1. A derLva!.lve 6f the t{aaen-l,f ll l J.ane eguatlon may be used fls an Elternatlve *quatlon, rcheretnl Q = 29.83cd2 fP q - guantlty of, tfater s - coeff,icient of dlecharCe f.9) d = dl*hat€r ot dleebarge orlfioe P - reelduel pregEura Glven that the aoefflslent of dl*cbarge hsa besn establishedas ,9, anil that pitot gauqe readingc are tahen on the 2 L/2 tnci- diecharge (d), the equatlon oan be redueed to! Q r 29.83 J( .9 x o.zl x fP Q,.= 15?.79 {Ef uhere{P, - the E$tafe nrst of the recldual Fr€s6ure. the local fire hydrant flow test reeu.lts rr111 tben bc nodlflod by appltcatLon of ths CocffLcient of peak Denand (Q,.,r.a), to obtalnquantltl6d and guallftrd' dlata f,of flre eFrintrl-dr hydraulic caLculations and fire eprlnkler Fystefl de*19n, 4/93 ROSEN RESIDENCE Job Name: ROSEN RES TDENCE Location] ]-150 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO Drawing Date:. 72/17/03 Contractor: WOLF E.IRE PRoTECTION 7684 SOUTH BRENTWOOD STREET LITTLETON, COLORADO 801-28 Designer: Tim Swankowski Cal-culated By : SprinkCAD wl^rw . sprinkcad . com 451 N. cannon Ave. Lansdale. PA 19446 Drawing Date : L2 / 1.7 / 03 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION STIEET / 18 /03 Remote Area Number: l- Telephone : 303. 949. 0536 t L2 Construction: SMOOTH CEILING' UNOBSTRUCTED Occupancy:RESIDENTIAL Reviewing Authorities:VAIL FIRB DEPT. SYSTEM DESIGN Code:NFPA 13D Area of Sprlnkler Operat Density (gpm/sq ft) Area per Sprinkler Hose Al"lowance fnside Hose Allowance outsi-de Ha zard : RES .System Type:WET RES 400 U n sg ft sq ft 9prn gpn Sprinkler or Nozzle MaKC: CENTRAL Model: TY2596 K-factorl 4.2O Temperature Rating: 155 CALCULATION SUMMARY gpm Required: 20.0 1 Flowing psi Required: outlets 58,8 e Source WATER SUPPLY Water Flow Date of Test Stati-c Pressure Residual Pres At a FIow of Elevation PumP Data Rated Capacity 0 Rated Pressure 0.0 Elevation 0 Make: ModeI: Tank or ReservoirTesL L2/8/03 105.0 psi 6?.6 psi 13?9 gpm 3r0rt gpm psi Capacity 0 gal E.levation 0 Well Proof Flow o gpm LocaEion: Source of Information: ON SITE WOLF FIRE PROTECTION, INC. SYSTEM VOLUME 37 Notes: COPPER' ANTI-FREEZE, NFPA 13D RBMOTE ARBAS I & 3 = SINGLE HEAD FLOW REMOTE AREAS 2 d 4 = MULTIPLE HEAD FLOW RosEN RESTDENCE Dtawing Date:12/17/03 gYDRAULIC CATCUI.ATION DETAILS I 72 /18/03 L7: 7 HYDRAULTC FLOI,V LOSS QTy DESCRTPTION LENG$I c ID gPm psi TOTAIS Hydr Ref W Required at Hyd Area L 20 41.9 psi 1 1%" Sweatd 90 EfI 4' 1-20 1-610 20 0.1 Elevation change 5r0" 2'2 1Pipe 1r7tt Cu 5'150 t.52'l 20 0'1 1 lk" Thrd Back PIow Valve FEBco IB25 CHART LoSS 20 L2-2 Tota] Loss for THRU RISER Hydr Ref BOR Required at 6 1L" Sweatd 90 811 1 Pipe 1k" CU 1 1k" Thrd Gate Valve KennedY 1 1k" Sweatd Tee BASE OF RTSER Total Loss for 24t t20 1. 610 120 ' 150 1.52'7 a, t?o 1.610 8' 120 1.610 THRU U.G. Required at source static, 68.9 psi residual I 1379 gPm 20 20 ,n 20 14.5 psi 56.4 psinc L.1 0.0 0.2 2.4 psi 58. B psi 1O6.3 psiHydr Ref SOR WaEer Source106.3 psi 20 20 gpn SAFETY PRESSURE 47.5 Psi NoTE: ltater Source has been adjusted to include a change of el-evation of 3'0" flow test to point of connection Available Pressure of 1O6.3 psi Exceeds Requi red Pressure of 58.8 psi Thj.g is a safety margin of 47.5 psi or 48 * of supply Maximum Water velocity is 7 ' 4 fPs o 12 /18/03 17:ROSEN RESTDENCE HYD REF K FACTOR s rzE ID TYPE l* ETT|Itq Drawing Date:12/17/03 LEGEND Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram- rlow factor for open head or path r^rhere FIow (gpm) = K x -\/P Nomina] si- ze of pipe. Actual internal diameter of pipe Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor Type or schedule of pipe number of fittings as follows: 90 - 90 deg EII 45 - 45 deg Ell T - Tee LT - Long Turn 90 EII- sPEc - Fitting other than above or fittlng with hydraulic equivafent Length specified by manufacturer. TotaL pressure (psi) at fitting Friction foss (psi) to fitting where Pf = I x 4.52 x (A/C)^L.85 / rD^4.87 Pressure due to change i-n elevation where Pe = 0. 433 x change in e.Ievati.on Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv = 0. O0I1-23 x Q^2/ID^4 Normal pressure (psi) where Pn = Pt - Pv Pressure loss in pipe rise or drop to an open head. Pressure at an open head. elevation from branch tee to open head. pipe length from branch tee to open head. fitting equival-ent length from branch tee to open head. Pressures are balanced to 0.001 gpm. Pressures are listed to 0.01 psi. Addition may vary by 0.01 psi due to accumul-ation of round off. CalcuLations conform to NFPA 13 edition. Veloeity Pressures are not considered in these Calculations Path #1 is from the most remote head back to the water source. Later Paths are from the next most remote head back to previously defined paths rL t,I Pe Pv Pn Dd rnn Phead TJ!TJ V PIPE FITS NOTES: o 72ROSEN RESIDENCE REMOTE ARSA *1 rLolr (GPM) Drawing Daxe : 1-2 / L7,/ 03 /18/0s PAGE 1 PRESSU&E BRANCH IINE SUMMARY TO HEAD *or PIPE FITS I,ENGTH FEET HYD REF OUTLET K E.ACTOR PIPE C srzE 90 45 rD T ],7 TYPA OTHER PIPE VELOCITY FITTINCS I,OSS PSI./FT TOTAL ELEVATION Pt Pt Pn EI.EV Pf Prr Pdrop PXPE Pe Pn Phead FITS PATH 1 FROM ITYDRAULIC REFERENCE 2 TO W (PRIMARY PATH) HEAD 2 20. O 0.05 gpm/sq ft K: 4.20 20. 0 L" 1.055r1 r.50 cu 22.2 0.8 0.0 0000 0 911" 7.4 fps 0'r 0.094gt'7, 0" 22.2 -30"-0.5 30" 22 -'1 2g'l REF 20 9 r 9t 5 | 0' 14'9" 1rt 1.055n20.0 l-50 cu 7.4 fps 23.A0.084 r.20' 0.0 00'rn 0 REF A1 1'' l" , 055 w 20.0 150 cu 4040 0 56r5 2g'0,' 84 r 5rl 7.4 fps 24.20.084 1 .122'2" 9.6 REF A2 lvsr 1,291r' 150 cu20.0 6 t 0t 30'3 " 5.0 fps 0.031 -r,4u 00 n 241 4A .9 nq -0. 6 RHF A3 20r0" 0tt 20r0" L4tl 1.291" 20.0 150 cu 0000 U 5.0 fps 41.3 0.031_ 0. 6 0!! 0.0 REF !{20.O gpm PAfH 1 K=3.09 41.9 psi ROSEN RESTDENCE Job Name: ROSEN RES IDENCE Location: 1-150 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO Drawing Date:. L2/L7/O3 Contractor: WOLF FIRE PROTECIION 7684 SOUTH BRENTWOOD STREET LTTTLETON, COLORADO 80128 Designer: Tim Swankowski Calculated By: SprinkcAD www - sprinkcad. com 4 51- N . cannon Ave . Lansdal-e, PA 194 4 6 Construction: SMooTH cEILING, UNOBSTRUC.TED Reviewing Authorities:VAIL FIRE DEPT. STTEET Remote Area Number: 2 Telephone: 303. 949. 0536 Occupancy : RES IDENT IAL o /18/03 17: 7Drawing Date:12/17/03 HYDRAU].IC DESIGN INF.ORIVIATION SYSTEM DESIGN Code:NFPA 13D Hazard: RES System Type:wET Area of Sprinkler Operation Density (gpn,/sg ft) Area per Sprinkler Hose Allowance Inside Hose ALlowance outside Sprinkler or Nozzle MaKe: CENTRAL Model: TY2596 K-Factor: 4.20 Temperature Rating: 155 RES 400 0 0 sq ft sq ft gpm gpn CALCULATlON SUMMARY gpm Required: 40.0 psi Required: 2 Flowing outlets 92. O G Source WATER SUPPLY Water FIow Date of Test Static Pressure Residual Pres At a Flow of EJevation 12/8/03 105.0 psi 67.6 psi 1379 gpm 3t0rl PumP Data Rated Capacity Rated Pressure Elevation Make: ModeI: Tank or Reservo .i-^-^i +.., n\-at/a\!,rLJ Elevation 0 r o gpm 0.0 psi ve)- Well Proof Ffow o gpn Location: Source of Tnformation: ON SITE WOLF FIRE PROTECTION, INC. SYSTEM VOLUME 37 GaLfons Notes: CoPPER, REMOTE AREAS I REMOTE AREAS 2 AN?I-FREEZE, NFPA 13D & 3 = SINGLE HEAD FLOW & 4 : MULTIPLE HEAD FLOI|I olr) o|r)\f oos Eo.o"9 ci3 otr o<)rf, oa',c! <>c) C\l r!r) oo o('ilos0(of{o*o6 &U)- I 7 J 5l II o U'(, ftloq scnE E,E: g q, o-oI oo,Eoo 3 €<,.P aSEoh=r co F'6 ad oo$le.i$*o) u o..6 E UEE.T JIL:r:!t rD - ;J-F 1? (0,grugo(Euo-l- a eE 5*o(o(D'- EbFg ,.H €gui €AP Alsd INE E ggEFt UJJ Ir urdoz^ EHH*f{lF6 3ilf|?i& n?io x-6oiE:oYabiEi->tr ROSEAI RESTDENCE . EYDR;AULIC QTY DESCRIPTION Hydr Ref !'T 1 1'," Sweatd 90 EII- 1 P ipe l-lt" CU l- lLtrr Thrd Back Flow o Drawing Date:12/17/03 CAJ-,CULATTON DETAILS HYDRAI'LfC LENGTII C ID Requlred at Hyd Area 2 4t ].20 1. 610 Elevation Change 5 r 0" 5'150 ].-527 Valve FEBCO '1825 CHART LOSS Total l-,oss for THRU RISER BASE OF RISER 24' t20 1.610 120, 150 1.52'1 0, 120 1.61_0 Bt L20 1, 61 0 THRU U.G. Hydr Ref BoR Required at 6 ltr" Sweatd 90 EIJ- 1 P ipe l-1r[ CU 1 1re" Thrd Gate Valve Kennedy 1 1rt" Sweatd Tee Total Loss for 12/18/03 77: 7 ELOW LOSS €tpm ps5- AN 40 0.3 2.2 40 0.2 40 13.0 TOTALS 67.7 psi 15.7 psi 83.4 psi 2.0 6.0 0.0 U.I AN 40 40 40 40 Hydr Ref SOR Required at Source Water Sourcei-06.3 psj- static, 68.9 psi residual @ 131 9 qpm SAFETY PRESSURE NOTE: Water Source has been adjusted to include a change of 3'0" flow test to point of connection AvailabLe Pressure of 106.2 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 92 -O psi This is a safety margin of 14,2 psi or 13 t of Supply Maximum Water Velocity is 14. B fPs 8- 6 psi 40 92.O psi 40 gpm 1O6.2 psi 14.2 psi el-evation of ROSEN RESIDENCE HYD REF K FACTOR sr zE ID TYPE # FTTS rI Pe Pv Pn Pdrop Phead ELEV PIPE FITS NOTES: Drawind Date : 1.2 / 17,/ 03 12/L8/03 1-7: LEGEND Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanyj-ng flow diagram' FIow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P Nominal size of pipe, Actua] internaf diameter of PiPe Hazen Williams pipe roughness factor Tl.pe or schedule of pipe number of fittings as follows: 90 - 90 deg EII 45 - 45 deg E1I T - Tee LT - L,ong Turn 90 EfI SPEC - Fitting other than above or fitting with hydraulic equivalent length specified by manufactuxer. Total pressure (psi) at fitting Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf : I x 4.52 x (Q/C)^1 .85 / ID^4.8? Pressure due to change in elevati-on where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Velocity pressure (psi ) where pv = 0.001123 x e^2/ID^4 Normal pressure (psi ) where Pn = Pt - Pv Pressure loss in pipe rise or drop to an open head. Pressure at an open head. elevation from branch tee to open head. pipe length from branch tee to open head. fltting equivalent length from branch tee to open head. Pressures are balanced to 0.001- gpm' Pressures are listed to 0.01 psi, Addition may vary by 0.01 psi due to accumulation of round off. Cal-culations conform to NFPA 1-3 edition. Velocity Pressures are not considered in these Calculations Path #1 is from the most remote head back to the water source. Later Paths are from the next most remote head back to previously deflned paths Drawing Date: L2/L7/03 o 72 /18/os 1-7: 7ROSEN R.OSTDENCE REMOTE AREA #2 FLO?J (GPM)PIPE #oF FITS LENGTH FEET PAGE 1 PRESSURE BRANCH LINE ST'MT.{FiRY TO IIEAD HYD REF OUTI"ET STZE 90 45 ID TLT K E"ACTOR PIPE C TYPE OTHER PIPE VELOCITY FITTINGS I.,OSS PSI/PT TOTAI" ELEVATION Pt Pf Pe PI Pv Pn Pn ELEV Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS PATH 1 FROM IIYDRAULIC REFEF'ENCE 2 TO W (PRII4ARY PATH} HEAD 2 20. O fl fl6 anrn /ca f+' K= 4.2O 20.0 1rt 1.055n 150 CU 9r7' 0' 9'1u 1 .4 fps 0.084 0' 22.2 0.8 0.0 22.2 -0.5 22.7 -30" 30rt 2Btl REE',20 20.0 PATH 2 1' 1 n trE tl 150 CU 9 r 9" 5 r 0' 1_41 9" 1-4,8 fps 0.302 0rt 00l_0 23. 0 4.5 0.0K= 4.18 40.0 I\E f J1'I 56r5' 28r0" 84r5" 14.8 fps 0.302 22'2" 27 .4 25.5 9.6 l_.055"40.0 150 cu REF A2 24' 3" 6r0, 30 r 3' I+4" L.291' 40.0 150 cu 2000 9. 9 fps 62.6 0. 1t-3 3.4 -at 4n -0. 6 REF A3 20 t 0r' 20t0" t4" L.297"40.0 150 cu nn 9.9 fps 65.40.113 2.30" 0.0 REF W 40. O gipm FA?H 1 K= 4.47 PATII 2 EROM HYDRJAULIC REFERENCE ]. TO 20 67.7 psi HEAD 1 2O.A 0.06 gpm/sq ft K: 4 .2O 20. 0 1. 055 |, 150 CU At1 5 r 0t 9 | 1' .4 fps 0.084 0rt 22.2 0.8 0.0 22.2 22.1 -30" 30" 28" 0010 n REr 20 20.o 9Pm PATH 2 4 .18 23.O psi ROS.EN RESIDENCE Job Name: RosEN RESIDENCE ' Location: 1150 WESTHAVEN CIRCLE VATLT COLORADO Drawing DaLe: L2/17/03 CONTTACTOT: WOLE. FIRE PROTECTION 7684 SOUTH BRENTWOOD STREET I,ITTI,ETON, COLORADO 80128 Designer: Tim Swankows ki calculated By: sprinkcAD www. sprinkcad. com 451 N' Cannon Ave. Lansdale. PA 19446 Drawing Date: L2/L7/03 EYDRAULTC DESIGN INFORI4ATION SHEET o 1_2 /1-8/03 17: 7 Remote Area Number: 3 Telephone:303 . 94 9.0536 construction: sMooTH cElLrNG. UNOBSTRUCTED Occupancy:RESIDENTIAL Revj-ewing Authorities:VAIL PIRE DEPT. SYSTEM DESIGN Code:NFPA 13D Hazard: RES System Type:liET Area of Sprinkler Operation Density (gpm,/sq ft) Area per Sprlnkler Hose Aflowance Inside Hose Aflowance outside Sprinkler or Nozzle Make: CENTRAL Mode1: T'12596 K-factor: 4.20 Temperature Rating: 155 RES JbU n sq ft sq ft gpm gpm CALCULATION SUMMARY gpm Required: 20.O 1- Flowing psi Required: Outlets 59.4 E Source WATER SUPPLY Water Flow Date of Test Static Pressure Residual- Pres At a Flow of Elevation Pr lmr"\ I'lat e Rated Capacity 0 gpm Rated Pressure 0.0 psi E]-evation 0 Make: Mode]: Test L2/B/03 1nE n ncirvv. v IJv+ 6?.6 psi 1379 gpm 3r0' Tank or Capacity Elevation Reservo U 0 I gaf WelI Proof Flow o gpm Location: Source of Information: ON S]TE WOLF FTRE PROTECTION. INC. SYSTEM VOLUME 37 Galfons Notes: COPPER, REMOTE AREAS I REMOTE AREAS 2 ANTI-FREEZE, NFPA 1.3D & 3 = SINGLE HEAD FLOW & 4 = MULTIPLE HEAD FLOW oorDaJ ( I I }| ) I I l Eo.og3= o ]L ott7{ oo$ ooN ooc, o!o C{ rtl o o aE g oooc!aq a- oc{oso @ I(, €9S ,-r o. ro aR e3 =Yii63.50- E EFA o o_ o.I o, o,Foo 'e4..$ 6p. IOrtSr eo 'a 6-'aooro so@oj r\l @rf) .rf ;iY ..8g;:lPgE;r' 3fr;E &&t,B EEEr"o<oorE pbEA g; Ede c{30 ,.iE 4 5FEFfi luJo ur6 Z'ua HiSrf{l*6 3cili6<zeogut- -if EHgSF t RosEff RESIDENCE Drawing Date: L2/77,/03 ITYDRAULIC CA]..CUI,ATION DEIAILS Qrv DESCRIPTION Hydr Ref W l-krr Sweatd 90 Pipe lU" CU 1b" Thrd Back o J-2 / 18/03 77: 7 l- 1 1 HYDRAULIC FLOIT LENGTS C ID gPm Required at Hyd Area 3 20 E1l A', L20 1.610 20 Elevation Change 5 t 0" 5' 150 1.52't 20 F.l-ow Val-ve FEBCO "825 CHART LOSS 20 LOSS psi ToTALS 42.5 psi 0.1 0.1 14.5 psi 57.O psi nn ^, Total Loss for THRU RISER Required at BASE OF RISER Et t 24' L20 1.610 120' 150 L.52'l Valve Kennedy 0' 120 1.61"0 8 ' t_20 1_. 610 Totaf Loss for THRU U.G. Required at Source psi statict 68.9 psi residual G 1379 gpm Hydr Ref SoR Water Sourcel-06. 3 Available Pressure of 1O6.3 This j-s a safety margin of Maximum Water Velocity is 6 11'" 1 Pipe 7 !tt" t 14" Ref BOR Sweatd 90 llrtt CU Thrd Gate Sweatd Tee 20 20 20 20 20 SATETY PRESSURE NOTE: Water Source has been adjusted to include a change of 3'0" ffow test to point of connection 2.4 psi 20 59.4 psi 20 gpm 106.3 psi 46.8 Psi elevation of psi Exceeds Requj- red Pressure of 59.4 psi. 46.8 psi or 44 * of Supply 7.4 fps o Drawing Date:72/17/03 o L2 /78/03 17: 7ROSEN RESIDENCE LEGEND HYD REF Hydraulj-c reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. K FAcToR Fl-ow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\/P SIZE Nomj.nal size of PiPe.ID Actual internal diameter of pipe c Hazen Wil-f iams pipe roughness factor TYPE Type or schedule of PiPe # FITS number of fittings as fol1ows: 90 - 90 deg E}1 45 - 45 deg E1I T - Tee LT - Long Turn 90 Eff SPEC - Fitting other than above or fitting with hydraulic equivalent lenqth specified by manufacturer- Pt Total pressure (Psi) at fitting Pf Frictj-on loss (Psi) to fitting where Pf = I x 4.52 x (Q/c)^t-85 / ID^4.87 Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe : 0.433 x change in elevation Pv Velocity pressure (Psi ) where pv = 0.001123 x e^Z/ID^4 Pn Normal pressure (Psi ) where Pn = Pt - Pv Pdrop Pressure loss in pipe rise or drop to an open head- Phead Pressure at an open head. ELEV elevation from branch tee to open head. PIPE pipe length from branch tee to open head. FITS fitti-ng equivalent length from branch tee to open head' NOTES ! - Pressures axe balanced to 0'001 gprn. Pressures are lj-sted to 0.01 psi. Addition may vary by 0.01 psi due to accumulation of round off. - Cal-culati-ons conform to NFPA 13 edltion. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these calculations - Path #1 is from the most remote head back to the water source. - Later paths are from the ne:.t most remote head back to previously def i ned naths o tawing Date:72/17/03 LENGTII FEET o 1_2ROSEN RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA f3 FLOW (GPM) #oF PIPE T'ITS /18/03 PRESSURE SUMIIIIRY t/: / PAGE 1 BRJANCII LINE TO I{EAD HYD REF OUTLET K I.ACTOR PIPS srzE 90 45 ID TLT C TYPE OTITER PIPE FITTINGS TOTAL 1rELOCITY LOSS FSr/Ff ETEVATION Pn ELEV Pdrop PXPE Phead FITS Pt Pt Pf PV Pe Pn PATH 1 I'ROM TIYDRAULIC REFERENCE 12 TO W (PRIMARY PATTI) HEAD 12 20.0 1" 0.06 gpm,/sq ft 1.055" K= 4 .2O 20. O 150 cU to 00 0 9t'l 11 13 r 7 " .4 fps 0.084 -6rt 22.9 1. l- -o.2 22.9 o,2 zz - I -1" l- tt 28" REF 21 REF A3 l-.055" 1"50 cu 1t7" L.294" 1En a.TT 65 ' 3' 19 t 0" 84 r 3rt .4 fps 0.084 25 r 3rl 5.0 fps 0.031 0rf 23 .8 'l .L 11.0 41. 9 0.6 0.0 20. o 20 .0 , ('l 30 U 20'0 0' 20t0'l REF W 2O.0 g|pm PATH 1 3.07 42.5 psi o /t8/os 77: IROSEN RESTDENCE Drawing Date:12/L7/03 HYDRAULIC DESIGN INE'ORI'{ATION Job NAME: ROSEN RESIDENCE Location: 1l-50 WESTHAVEN CIRCL,E VAIL, COLORADO Drawing DaLet L2/t7/O3 CONITACIOT: WOLF FIRE PROTECTION 7684 SOUTH BRENTWOOD STREET LTTTLETON, COLOBADO 80128 Designer: Tim Swankowski Calcul-ated By: SprinkCAD www . sprinkcad . com 451 N. cannon Ave' Lansdale' PA 19446 RESIDENCE SHEET Remote Area Nun cer: 4 Telephone : 303. 94 9' 0536 construction: sMooTH CEILING, UNOBSTRUCTED Occupancy:RESIDENTIAL Reviewing AuthoritiesrVAIL FIRE DEPT. SYSTEM DESIGN Code:NFPA 13D Area of Sprinkler Operation Density (qpm/sq ft) Area per Sprinkler Hose Af ]ol^Iance Inside Hose Allowance Outside Hazard: RES System Type:WET RES 360 n 0 sq ft gpm gpm spr er or Nozzle Make: CENTRAL Model: TY2596 K-Factor: 4.20 Temperature Rating: 155 CALCULATION SUMMARY gpm Required: 40.3 2 Flowing psi- Required: Outl-ets 87.3 I source WATER SUPPLY Water Flow Date of Test Static Pressure Residual Pres At a FIow of ELevation Pump Data Rated Capacity 0 Rated Pressure 0.0 E.l- evatlon 0 Make: Model: Tank or Reservoir Capacity 0 gal Elevation 0 Test 12/B/03 1-05.0 psi 67.6 psi 13?9 gpm 3r0tt gpm psi Well Proof Flow o gpm Location: Source of Information: ON SITE WOLF FIRE PROTECIION, INC. SYSTEM VOLUME 37 GAI].ONS Notes: COPPER, ANTI-EREEZE, NFPA 13D REMOTE AREAS I & 3 = SINGLE HEAD FLOV0 REMOTE AREAS 2 & 4 = MULTIPLE HEAD FLOW oo(t) cl(,t oos Ectog3=ItI. oa(o o|r,(\I oo C\l o!O <) o(\loto(oo @ [(r)- oc)o(\loI -, I I ! al , I I at, () =!tesaLto>E pT EEEI irr r- C, =E CL >.=cl(aF= EEqt o-orJ c', o,Foo3 .9<.. q s g'e= €e6 '6 d'AQ.orC({)o(D F-sd€O r- E ID--o E EEfi'iBlarR-eeortro$ELF(/) ssFu ETES EH E mf; ifiE Eb.eE;*g#PrE ulJ (r gO EHF,frtqE E5sg EHgSF v RO.s,sN RESIDENCE Drawing Date:72,/L7/03 HYDRAULIC CAJ.CUI.,ATION DETAILS /18/03 1"7: I SYDRAULIC FLO!{ IOSS QTY DESCRIPTION Hydr Ref W 1 1k" Sweatd 90 Ell Elevation Chanse 5r0"2.2 1 Pipe 1rr'r CU 5' 150 L.52'7 40 0-3 1 1-lri' Thrd Back Fl-ow VaLve FEBCO "825 CHART LOSS 40 L3.0 Total Loss for THRU RISER 15.8 psi Hydr Ref BOR Required at BASE OF RISER 40 ?8.6 psi 6 1rz" Sweatd 90 811 241 L2O l-.6L0 40 2-O l Pipe |,t" CU 1-20' l-50 1.527 40 6.1 L 1k" Thrd Gate Valve Kennedv 0t 120 l-.61-0 40 0.0 1 th" Sweatd Tee I' 120 l-.610 40 0.7 Total Loss for THRU U.G. 8.7 psi Hydr Ref SOR Required at Source 40 eZ.S psi Water sourceL06.3 psi static, 68.9 psi residual 0 1379 gpm 40 gpm __13!:3 n"t SAFETY PRESSURE ---it.n o=t NOTE: Water Source has been adjusted to include a change of elevation of 3'0" ffow test to point of connection Availa^ble Pressure of LO6.2 psi Exceeds Required Pressure of 87-3 psi This is a safetymargiin of 18.9 psi or 18 * of Supply Maximum Water Velocity is 14.9 fPs o IZ 4' L20 t-.610 40 0.3 LENGTH C ID Required at Hyd Area 4 gpm psi TOTALS 40 62.9 psi o SOSEN RESIDENCE Drawing Date:72/77/03 12/1-8/03 17: I I.,EGEND HYD REF Hydraulic reference. Refer to accompanying flow diagram. K FAcToR FIow factor for open head or path where Flow (gpm) = K x -\,/P SIZE Nominal size of piPe. ID Actual internal diameter of pipe C Hazen lililliams pipe roughness factor TYPE Tl4)e or schedule of pipe # FITS number of fittings as folfows: 90 - 90 deg Ell 45 - 45 deg E1l T - Tee LT - Long Turn 90 El] sPnC - Fitting other than above or fitting with hydraulic equivalent length specified by manufacturer. Pt Totat pressure (psi) at fitting Pf Friction loss (psi) to fitting where Pf : I x 4.52 x (O/c)^L.85 / ID^4.87 Pe Pressure due to change in elevation where Pe = 0.433 x change in elevation Pv Velocity pressure (psi) where Pv - 0.001123 x Q^2/lD^4 Pn Normal pressure (psi ) where Pn = Pt - Pv Pdrop Pressure loss in pipe rise or drop to an open head. Phead Pressure at an open head, ELEV elevation from branch tee to open head. PIPE pipe l-ength from branch tee to open head' FITS fitting equivalent length from branch tee to open head. NOTES: - Pressures are balanced to 0.001 gpm. Pressures are }isted to 0.01- psi. Addition may vary by 0.0L psi due to accumulation of round off. - Cal-culations conform to NFPA l-3 edi-tion. - Velocity Pressures are not considered in these Calcul-ations - Path #1 is from the most remote head back to the water source. - Later Paths are from the next most remote head back to previously defined paths o L2ROSEN RESIDENCE REMOTE AREA #4 FLOVI (GPM) Drawing nate : 72 / 1-7 / 03 /18/0s I PAG|E 1 PRESSURE BRANCII LINE SU!,'T'IIARY TO HEAD #oF PIPE TITS LENGTH FEES HTD REF OUTLET K FACTOR PIPE srzE 90 45 ID TLT C TYPE OTHER PIPE \IELOCITY FITTINGS LOSS PSI,/FT TOTAI. ELEVATION PT Pt Pf Pv Pe Pn Pn ELEV Pdrop PIPE Phead F]TS PATH 1 FROM EYDRAULIC REFERENCE 12 TO W (PRIMARY PATII) HEAD 12 2O.O 0. 06 gpm,/sg ft 1 . 055 "K= 4.20 20.0 150 cU 2000 0 9t'1u 4 | 0" l_3r7" 22.22 -9 0-2 22.1 -1rt ltt 28" 7.4 fps 0.084 -6tl r.1" -0.2 REF 21 20.3 PATH 2 K= 4.1"5 40.3 1_.055" 150 CU 19 t 0'r 84t3" 14.9 fps 0.306 25t 3" 2030 0 65'3 3.8 25.8 11, 0 REF A3 It71' r.29L" 150 CU 20r0rl 60. 6 2.3 0.040.3 0000 0 0tt 20r0tl 1-0.0 fps 0.L'1"4 0rt REF' w 40.3 gpm PATH 1 PATH 2 FROM IIYDRAULIC R.EFERENCE 11 TO 21 5. 08 62.9 psi 0,06 gprn,/sq ft 1.055'r 1 0 K= 4.20 20.3 150 cu 0 9" 7.5 fps 5'0. 0,086 5 r 9t otl 23 .4 -'1 tl n 1 1tl 23.3 28u 23.4 nE, 0.0 RSF 21 20.3 gpm PATH 2 4.t5 23.8 psi TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 or?*rru*r oF c .MMUNTTY DEVELo*?r*t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0142 Job Address: 1150 WESTHAVENLNVAIL Location.....: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot39-2 ParcelNo...: 210312109004 ProjectNo : ?RlO3 OOS? coMrRAcToR WHrTE WATER PIUMBTNG 08/06/2003 phonet 97O-328-37O8 P.O. BOX 4290 EAGITE, CO 81631_ License: 255-M APPI-,rCANT WHI?E DilATER PT,I]MBTNG 08/06/2003 Phone: 970-328-3?08 P.O. BOX 4290 EAGLE, CO 81631 License:255-M oWNER Robert Roaen/WesthavenReal-t08/06/2003 Phone: 914-559-81-17 1127 l-,ake Avenue creenwich CT 0683L-2148 License: Desciption: NEW HEAT SYSTEM' Valuation: $36.000.00 Fireplace tnformation:Restricted: Y # ofGos Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 2 # of Wood Pellet: 0 :l. t:N;* {. + *,}++****'1.:}* Mechanical--> g?20. oo R€stuarant Plan Review-> $0 .00 Tolal Calculat€d Fees-> $9o3 . o0 Plan Check-> S180. 00 DRB Fe€----------> S0 .00 Additional F€es-'----> $0. 00 Investigation-> 90.00 TOTAI FEES--------> $903.00 Total Permit Fe€-----> $903.00 Willcall---> $3.00 Payments----------> $903.00 BALANCE DUE---.-> SO. OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/o7/2oo3 cdavis Action: AP It,EM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE- Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTfONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond:23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTIIRES INSTRUCTIONS AllD TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IIMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 3oS-oort Status...: ISSUED Applied..: 08/06/2003 Issued..: 01/14/2004 Expires . .: 0711212004 (BI,DG.): GAS APPI-,IA}ICES ,*f"" VE,}TTED AccoRDfNG To CHAPfER 8 AND SITAIJIJ TERMTNATE AS SPECIF'TED TN SEC.8O6 OF THE L997 (MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF'TI'E L997 AMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENIr MUST COMPI-,Y WTTH CHAPTER 3 AIVD SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 I'MC AI$D CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILTERS SHAI-,IJ BE MOI]NfED ON FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. IINI-,ESS IJISTED 8OR MOITNTING ON COMBUST]BLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMTT,PLANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AN TNSPECTTON REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRATNAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS COI{IrAINING HEATTNG OR IIOT-V{ATER SUPPLY BOTTTERS SltALr, BE EQUIPPED WrrH A FTJOOR DRjATN PER SEe. 1022 OF THE l_997 UMC, OR ::::l.T- -T-ll ;-i--lJ- -lTI--ii.i.l.- ill;{.:*+, +:,:} + +,,*,i,,.:}:, DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structu{e according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher ordinances of the Town applicable theteto. REQUESTS IOR INSPECTION SHA]-L BE MADE TWENW-FOT]R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. *+****{.,1.,1' *{.*****,},F*+* 't,F*** * * * * * * + {. * + + * * 'N. 'N. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * '& '} :} + :t ,r !F * * :} ,i ,t * * ,} ,F * * * * * * * * ** ****3}* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemeflt * * * * * + * {. ,i * * * '* * * + + + 'f * * * * * * * * + + {.,1. *+ 'N. * 'N.**+****************'1.,1.,1. * * * * * * * d. * * * *:1. * * * * * * * * t( 't *:t *'r** ***d.* suatement Number: R040005350 Amount: $903.oo 0t/t4/200411:24 AM Payment Method:Check Init: WC Notation: check no. 5800 Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Irocation: Thi s Palzment. : M03-0142 2103L2109004 1"1"50 WESTITAVEN 115 0 westhaven TYPE: MECIIANICAI, PERMIT $903.00 I,I{ VAII, Circle Lot 39-2 Total Fees: TOIA]. A.IJIJ PMIS : BaLance: $903.00 $903.00 $0.00 +,t ,t*+*,1.'t****++,t ******************{.*,}!t*{.{.***,t **{r*{.4.,t ***d(,r,t*r.,t *!t*'i,t ***!t ,t !F**,** ** * **** ***** *** *:F ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Desc ri pti on Cunnent Pmts MP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 hlc 00100003112800 MTCHANICAL PERM]T FEES PLAN CHECK FEES I/,I]LL CALL INSPECT1ON FEE 724.00 180.00 3.00 Building Pennit #l Mechanlcal Permit #: - 97 O-47 9-2149 (InePectiotts) 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 permit wilt not be accepted without the followin Room layoutdr scalel inlde Dimenslons Duct Size and Size RINFORMATION ?Q Gcl 70 {('F * :r * * * :f * * # * * * * * * * * * * * * x FoR 0FFICE UsE oN tY* * * * 1 :* :* :"1 :H.::: \WAiI\dAI,A\C.dEV\FORM S\PERMITS\MECHPERM'DOC 9?E' 32A3E5€l 7el-03 Town of Vail P. g7 '%r/ 40,@fu?il > &afu €say'x%: ffira,q,?6tr /,Ro 41A", "ua#ifrafu k),fdrdfl#@ @ rcV OFFIGE COPY (R)golt t14 ,ndu.,'t *rffir4nal J-tu??? fuW' -r darr; rzWfr4r4-4 Salety & dP.EIL bbor!.d of irlr codG atogiwrdttt ry&rl&c wben in I I 0t SECT P, €15 ll !Ff;Hfl 3B='Ifi-iEFE T TH fiiI f, E' =6qEfl E $E' fi3 $r ET iE 4U 5r t$ rd sF 0 !TE' 6I - Er #Fqil Eg lllz 6 Eo ooI l' H||l g d {Btn t-|l irtHSH*9il;SiH $s$ r $iE *s; $ H$ .+ !O J 19 aa { ar 4 i,t -..^ r rObrolt-'r'l-.|C''-€ .r -r tr o..r |.hl }|t .r trl fiSS*arofiS;iS*S oo6oocfGlf,gpgaq--A'a{d{+fddhhhhhh sEtSE SSE H# -s$8SE-EEE-ilH Jrll.r.+J--+-JJ+r-888898S888s88 PFFi'- iP- P.r{, {{t c{ ato riitt iis iE u*fifF$$fif;f;8frf; Ef;f;if; EEg $58 5 {.\ ?Et 32€t5g6A ,?,.; - * ,. EgFHf;$FF so PLU}IB I NGl'lH I TEI.IATER o*o*nds gEHEHHHH -H H85q8 HE HHHEt: AUG:E 1-El3 63 :39 Al"l ddiEsiidorq HHptHEsrqEF figF HF =; nEFh =[$ F 5 s*$ a tf;Eq*E fiFF CI Elll { EIcIo f;tx?t-c,t!{ E Io Et F E E-{ P fitg 6 va? rt It EF*ssB$f;tSsd$$Hs f;ilEH*-*gEf;$fin$$$H$ i!:SsSl-*i-tBiHtEs Hg*...-,.,it H rs-*rr Q E asSS$n-'r-,-SS rSS6 - E *s$3+s*+s3s+s+ E-t i3e;ta* H s HEEH d f;ile *sEE-$-s-s$Hs IDi !!: r -r J, -r -r J.. r -l-r J a.lJst88Egs888B8tggg f,Ffsflsls E fi rtrrx F|PPrt-9 i !,r :.-F|F{ } trtsl rt * oract.| #f;FHF*fifif;5FTFH $$g$$$$$3 F P-449?S 32eB56A UII'g A-UFT€rr -ss BE :39 Al'l I'IH I TEI.IATEE PLUT'IF I HG!..r, r 5r tLrL L lll ll l P,g F!fi g 3 T rFl EHf, 4H Tro sIil g {l < .rrtfrrat f;'o a.ur-e1-65 lA.28 PH l,tHITEl.lATEFl FLUHETHE o GI3,4X and Ggg/lx$erles 976 32e3364 P.g2 f6r JolfrM Fig. I Rear Ut€w Fig- 2$iderftw DrnEosions in brackeb apply b Gg34X nprtets, Relbf yalve instib on 'TltE Net l-B-R Ratings arc baeed on.a plping dtorrance of i.lS. Goneull fasbry before seledinga boiler for inslafiation havlng unrrsuar piping?rO p"t"p *qr*rrcnh such as exposod piping, l AFUE Ratings aFply onh lo bollers with an AGA input below 800,000 Etu/trr. Fuderus Ftg, 3 Fronl View Suply heedsr, Fig.4 TqpView (llhstrating clo$et insialafi oill $ubig;t lo aterilirf,li slttout nol,co.gl{scrt4x/c t3$Gn.t ro0 s3,a'{ilt'} *ooo.(Eb|rrt, mlr|, l. -a##EE# $erlce Hodel G?3.x i fr t G334X 132-n*2 1 451 | 3E ta I;l-;7t 92 378 314 t16 476 ;; AGA lnp'rl MBH 160 187 n8 266 301 DOE Heatlng Capaclty/ GIe$s Output M8F{130 15,1 188 219 249 Nel l-&R Rating' AFUET/Combusthn Ef. Boiler Harght H widrfi A i MBH 113 134 163 190 217 273 344 3r, 1 %84.5 84-1 84.8 E4.3 8i,.5 82,S 83.8 ---J83.2 I -l +oQr l 56 1 12s5 IloI_._.1 15.6 I Indtes firn lg1n #1n 3S 1/2 +O Q*40 3/4 n4+ ' Incies 253t4 ?f53t4 a 32 314 uq4 413t4 483t4 Water Contenl Gss Connection ff*n*-** et 20'FAT Lbs.487 487 562 684 758 930 r093 lnches 7 l at I I I 10 Gslhns 6.1 6.1 7.r 8'2 i ry4 I 9,2 11.4 13.5 Inches NPT 4t 3t4 3t4 t ltq 1tt4 l;l 11H r tn-l lrches W.C.10.1 n.1 25.8 ;l u.1 ,+.2 -l 60.? I tltDloryrc rrirrri 16 IndustriatWay. Salem, NH 03029 Phone: (603)B9B{S0S . Fax: (609) s9&1OSb P. E}T832 o 9?AU6-6 r -gg 16 :29 r"TH I TEI,IATER FLUI'IE I HG o F*4E Fg g s F ,Et s.(! { '-1F {t) fD F.(Dw SF E$ rggf H4 trz F 4 CD { r E{r c ,iBrl R $s $ r+0F fnt { FgF ES t DI % tJ --t-'+i- IE tElr lu,tvl(f tr EIol FI tfrtg Ftt,|IE stf) ilF tf, l"i TF F ?t (rJ ts hJ oo tao *F F r*\o ep o"l..t €r o{I!f A a\l co *tct\ (, l-1F ib }\}A a o\ Bg l\}l*)I :*l ,;J *l F hJ N}l\J \o hJ -.!of AUG-qt 1-93 I El :29 PH lrH I TEI"IHTER o PLU]'IB I HE 97 Eg36e P. A4932I =- c G 0i tLq sf NF Ftlll {ri hJ o }\, c} (! o I .l I $GFR AEOVE iIfN6 EtsLOlri L -+ftt _liltIIl--L- Ii--t-- I I I I I t- i-"-2.-,ft" x)tNlt'@&il b'/ | PA- -'i: I I I { t' I I -!l*'-:.--.-*r.l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9'10-479-2138 o#*rru"r oF coMMUNrrY DEvELott NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0261 BO3'ooK1 Job Address: 1150 WESTHAVEN DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot39-2 Applied . . : 12/16/2003 ParcelNo...: 210312109004 Issued. .: 0112612004 ProjectNo : ?\35O?OOS7 Expires. .: 07124/2004 OWNER Robert Rosen/Westhaven F|eaItl2/L6/2003 Phone: 9L4-559-8117 LL27 Lake Avenue Greenwich CT o6831"-2748 I-,icense: COMIRACToR Main Mechanical L2/L6/20o3 Phone: 970-984-3250 6560 County Road #335, Unit 1 New Castle, CO 8L647 I-,icense: 277--14 APPr-,fCAlflf Main Mechanical L2/1"5/2O03 Phone: 970-984-3250 5550 County Road #335, Unit r New castle, CO 81647 L,icense: 27t-Yl Desciption: GENERAL VENTIALTION,ERV SYSTEM HUMIDIFICATION Valuation: $20,000.00 Fireplace llformatiotr: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas lngs: 0 # of WoodPellet 0 *:t+t *+* ++:1. *** **'f t Mechanical--> $4OO . oO Restuarant Plan Review-> $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees--> $503 . 00 Plan Check--> $1oo.oo DRB Fee------------> $0.00 Additional Fees-----> $0.00 ln€stigation-> $0 . 0o TOTA.L FEBS--------> $503 . 00 Total Permit Fee----> $503 . 00 Will Call--> 53. oo Payments-----------> $s03 ' 00 BALANCE DUE-----> SO. OO Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMET(II L2/26/2003 CCD Action: AP ftem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITTONOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.)I COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI.,DG.): INSTAI,I,ATTON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCT]ONS AIVD TO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 199? I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond; 25 (BI.,,DG.): GAS APPIJIANCES STWf;e VEMTED AccoRDING To CHAPTEF 8 AND SI{AIJI,, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 t'MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond:29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEMI MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND SEc.101-7 OF THE 1.997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAL,L BE MOITNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORIIIG. Cond:32 (BI-,DG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE TO A]iI INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANIEAI, RooMS CoMTAINING BOII-,ERS SHALI-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRjAIN PER sEcTroN 1004.5 0F THE l_997 TMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S}IALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRTOR HEATING OR HOT_WATER SUPPLY sEc. 1022 0F THE 1997 UMC, OR r#,rwz-cu1F,ftn'l 'tiffrfl:ffi"E-}+t{, ll e7047s-2r4e (lnspectione) fiMTINYAfr,,dy' | ?nurN .,E lrar .,tr.'ualrrA^r trtrE*,rr ^EDr rnarrnlt \WailUatatcdcv\FORMS\JERMII SWECmERM.DOC t CONTRACTORINF TION Mechanical Contractor: wil la€cllplJlupL, lPot Town of Vail Reg. No.: z-t l-A Contrad and Phone #'s; u+u' lfi+r-yl, a nt 1b*-jzco E-ilaif Addrots: lrua i u (a Sufrt<, u-e i Conhacbr Sigpafure; f,L"- /.4@ MECFIANfCAL; $ /o,ooO .Assessore Offlce at 970^?28-8U0 or visit :\x!,,S_r\r\-) (L', ' o7l24l2w2 \ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 o,?*rrr*T oF coMMI-rNrr" ouu""o#*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0025 33-o6.1 JobAddress: Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Applied . . : 04/28/2003 ParcelNo...: 21Q312109004 Issued. . : 06/05/2003 ProjectNo : ?f<$g oo3) Expires. .: 12/02/2003 OWNER Robert Rosen/Westhaven ReaLLOA/2g/2003 Phone: 9L4-559-8L17 1127 Lake Avenue Greenwich CT o683l.-27 48 License: coNTRAeTOR WHrTE WATER PLUMBTNG s. HEATIo4/28/2003 Phone: 970-328-3708 P O EOX 4290 EAGLE, CO 81-631 License:104-P APPIJTCANT WHITE WATER PT,UMBTNG & HEATTO4/2g/2003 Phone z 970-328-3708 P O BOX 4290 EAGI,E, CO 8L53L License: 104-P Desciption: New SF residence with Type tr EHU Valuation: $37,000.00 Fireplace Informalion: Restricted: ?? # ofGas Appliances: ?? # ofGa$ Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallel ?? :*** +,r:! '1.,|+,|+{*'l'*'l t plumbing---> 9555 . 0O Restuaranl Plan Revi€w-> $0 .00 Total Calculat€d Fees---> $695.75 Plan Ch€ck--> $138 . ?5 DRB Fe€-----> $0. OO Additional Fe€s--_-_> $5s .00 Investigation-> $0,00 TOTAL FEES---> S596.?5 Total Permit Fee-; $?51'75 Witl Call---> $3 . o0 Payments---__'> S751' ?5 BALANCE DUE*__> S0. 00 ITCM: O51OO BUIIJDINC DEPARTMENT 04/28/2003 DF Action: AP IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI,TENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan' and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thefeto. o AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:00 AM - 4 PM.REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE -FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE I TWENTY FORHIMSELF AND OWNEI +* ***+**:B:***t ** {.*****************,t**.1. *'1.{.++* *+**:ttr********++*****'}* ** *{.*:f ****.****'}**** *:}* ***dr TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemetrt +{.'1.**{.t***:t:F***:l**++*:}****:t*************+t*tl.*****:'r********+***+*****{r****{.******'$++,t ,t+*** **** stafement Number: Ro3ooo411-l- Amount: $?51.75 06/05/2OO3O3:40 PM Payment Metshod: Check Inlt: KF Notation: Permit. No: P03-0025 Tlt)e: PITUMBING PERMTT Pareel No: 2I03f2L09oO4 Site Address : Locaeion: L150 westhaven Circ1e Lot 39-2 Total- Fees: $?51-.75 This Payment: $751-75 Total A]JL Pmts: $?51.75 Balance: $0.00 **********+*'ir{.*{.******.**.*+*******4.**{.t r.***:}*******,i*4** **+** **+* **** ************'1.+*:s*+*{. **** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescription Curnent Pmts cL 00100003123000 c0NTMcr0R LrcENsES 55.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 138.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 555.00 |.jC 00100003112800 l,illl CALL INSPECTI0N FtE 3.00 VALUATIOI{ FOR PLUUBING PER}IIT (Labor & }laErish) \WAiIUAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITSWMBPSRM.DOC RESDAPRz52OO3 07DWJW \,J Olncr Phonc Architccr Zonc disFict Lot sizr Total GRFA Prinrary CRFA Buildable arca wfr * *6 =!pg!_* ffi-= _+(42j) (675*) =Jfi04 Eristing Proposcd *OIffi = --. Nfi6 hwln = 7T7rt 4fi ?0' .l5' i)' Encloscd Proposcd Slopc _.--% (!- 4.J -,r-4u- a) SnorvAvalanchc b) RocHall c) Dcbris Florv Sitccovcragc ltr/r) qW Hcigbt Sctbacks WMWd D*liltrg u,tttp r4{n _ {:olQy Front Sidcs Rcar Landscaping hnyl )WMinimum Rctaining Walt Hcights Parking Caragc Crcdit Drivovay Require Complics rvith TOV Ligbting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50p0) Enrironrn cn tal/}Iazards Pro,ious conditions ofrpproval (cbcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: (1200) Pcrmiftcd Slopc --.-% y"s. a/ No--- Ycs--{.- No- iH:@(t Allorvcd Docs this rcqucsr involvc a 250 Addifion? Horv rnue'h of rhc allorvcd 250 Addition is usc,l wjrh this rcqucst? 43il,b 3'[') 05" ffi,@ l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) l?gfr 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Course Scrback (30) (j0) 5) Gcologic Hazards *w+* idLlhhl7q,fu-etq-il aa dr6bN*,tj l,g, 4 noodit \b wt^wd k +WaUt. I NonroN HuenARD RuzocaE KRpRveR t Februarv 25,2003 J. Matthew Mire Town Attomey Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr, Mire: At the recent Town of Vail annual meeting I discussed with you an issue relating to our home and other residences similarly siiuated in Glen Lyon relating to an access easement for a private road serving six or seven lots accessing offWesthaven Circle. In the summer of 2001, several owners of lots 39-1, 39-2, 40A,408, 4lA, 4lB and 42 of the amended plat of Glen Lyon Subdivision approached the Town of Vail for permission to install an automatic gate for Westhaven Lane for the purpose of restricting unauthorized automobile access. I am enclosing a copy of a notice, which we received from owners of the lots on Westhaven Lane, marked as Exhibit "1" for your review, dated August 9,2A0I. At that time, I visited with Brent Wilson, the Senior Planner in the Department of Community Development regarding the construction of the entranceway to Westhaven Lane. At that time I leamed that an application by residents on Westhaven Lane for a building permit to construct the automatic gate restricting access was approved by a member of the planning department or the planning commission. It was my understanding that the entranceway was specifically approved to continue to allow the residents of Glen Lyon to use pedestrian access to Westhaven Lane. Westhaven Lane had been utilized by the residents of the Glen Lyon community since the approval of a Glen Lyon plat in 1978 as access to and from the village and ski access. The plan as approved, I believe, provided for a separate pedestrian entrance without a gate. I am enclosing a copy of the easement agreement Ermong the owners of Westhaven Lane (attached hereto as Exhibit "2"), dated October 1, 1998, which states in paragraph 4, "it is the intention of the parties to restrict public access." I am one of the owners of 1260 Westhaven Circle, which is a duplex. We have been owners and have utilized Westhaven Lane since 1 981 . The Lane had been utilized by other residents of Glen Lyon following the plat and construction of homes in 1979. We have recently learned, during the Christmas holiday season, that a sign was placed at the entrance to Westhaven Lane indicating that the road was private and not to be utilized by pedestrians and skiers. I bring this to your attention since the original plat (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibitoo3") refers to Westhaven Lane as being an access easement. I have ATTORNEYS AT LAW 130 North Cherry P.O. Box 550 Olathe, I(arxas 55051 Telephone 913-7A-2350 Facsimile 913-782-2012 E-Mail info@nluk.com lnt€met www.nhrk.com Joe L Norton James R. Hubbard Thomas E. Ruzicka Scott Hafrison Kreamer L. Franklin Taylor Kenneth C. Jones Gregory D. Kincaid Frank \[ Lipsman Allan E. Coon D. Todd Amey Christopher M. Reecht Of Counseh Joseph S, Davis, Jr. Dwight D. Su&erland, Jr. Amelia J. Mclntyre J. MatthewMire February 25,2003 Page2 been told that the Town of Vail interprets such an easement to allow pedestrians, bicyclists and others to utilize Westhaven Lane for access pu4roses. I would appreciate yoru researching the issues which I have raised in this letter and provide us your opinion as to whether the residents of Glen Lyon have the right to utilize Westhaven Lane for pedestrian and access purposes. Please call should you have any questions. Thar* you for your assistance. Very truly yours, 76-^ Thomas E. Ruzicka TERjck Enclosure TO: FROM: DATE: WESTHAVEN LANE RESIDENTS Neighbors of Westhaven Lane Residents Westhaven Lane Residents August 9, 2001 SUBJECT: Westhaven Lane Entrance Dear Neighbors, We wanted to tell you about the construction of an entranceway to Westhaven Lane. For a number of years, people outside of the Glen Lyon community have used Westhaven Lane (which is a private road owned by the residents) as winter access to the ski trail and summer access to the mountain. ln doing so, they have illegally parked for extended periods of time, blocked driveways and roads, and on occasion have been exceedingly rude and difficult to deal with. We have received Town of Vail approval for an entrance at the top of the private road which would be an automatic gate to prohibit such unauthorized automotive access. However, in doing so, we have specifically provided a pedestrian access for you and your guests to continue to use Westhaven Lane for your access to the skitrail or mountain as you see fit. In no way do we wish to be unneighborly to you with this action, but rather to deal with uncaring and unthoughtful outside people. lf you have any questions, please feel free to call any one of us- Lot 39-1 Timothy M. Pennington Lot 39-2 Gary Brandt Lot 40-A Fred Blume Loi 40-B Julianna Dews or Arthur L. Gould Lot41-A James Beltz Lot 41-B Hugh McCulloh Lot 42 Michael Freeman Lot42 Alan Goncharoff Lot 43-A Alan R. Hassman Lot43-B Gary OateY (310) 231-1e99 (970) 479-2811 (970) 476-5190 (970) 476-5372 (631) 427-3444 (952) 807-0101 (303) 3994e47 (516) 482-8253 (914)667-8200 (717)761-6448 (216) 267 -7 100, Ext. 21 6 Exhibit "1" EASEMENT AGREEMENT { THIS AGREEMENT is entercd into as of Odober 1, 1998 among HAGOPIAN & PENNINGTON, LLC ('H & P"), BLUME FAMILY PARTNERSHIP ("Blume"), JULIE DRlt/S ("Dews"), HUGH McCUILOH ("McCulloh"], LARRY R. GRACE and SARA L GRACE (collecfively "GEce"), and MICHAEL l. FREEMAN ("Freeman"): 1. fie parties to this Agreement are the owne$ of lots in Glen Lyon Subdivision, according to the Amended Plat recorded July 18, 1978 in Book 272 at Page 730, and subsequent amended plab and re-plats thereof, County of Eagle, State of C,olorado ("Glen Lyon"), as folloua: a. H AP, Lots 39-l and 39-2; b. Blume, Lot 40A; c. Dews, Lot40B; d. Grace, Lot 41A; e. McCulloh, Lot 418; f. Freernan, Lot42. 7. The lots owned by H & P, Blume, Dews, Gram and McCulloh include ownership of a priuate roadway ("Wesdtaven Lane") whhh is approximately twenty (20) feet in width and o<tends from Westhaven Circle, a public road, notdt to l-ot 39. 3. It is the intention of the pafties to prwide Freeman with an easement to use a portion of Wesilraven Lane for access to Lot 42 in exchange for Freeman's agreement to (i) pa*icipate in the @st of constructing a gate, mainbining such gate and maintaining Wettrarlen Lane, and (ii) ptovide a 20 amp electrical line and powei to such gate and an easernent for consbucHon of a gate, the costs of which shall be shared equally by each lot represented ln this fureement. The easement for Freeman shall not e,xtend nofth of the north boundary of Lot 42, 4. It is the intention of the parues to resfflct pubtlc access to Westhaven Lane and protect the property righb of the pariles by consffucting a gate across Westhaven lane at its intersection with Wesharen Grcle. The pafies agrce to cooperate reasonably with one another ln designing, obbinlng town approval for, and constructing and operating such gate. 5. Freeman shall pay a proportionate share of the firture cost of the maintenance of Westhaven Lane, including snonr remoral' ,.:l I IlIil ililt lllHl llll llll lllllll lllll lll lllll llll lill ?69C8? OAlz3/let|/| lZzE?P l?l 3rrr FlrhrI sf il R 21.00 D 0.98 ll 0.00 Eegh C0 1 Exhiblt "2" 6. Freeman shall provide the following in connection with the gate to be mnstructed: r 1' a, A permanent easemerrt on Lot 42, notto el<ceed ten (10) feet in width and forty (40) feet in length as required by the Town of Vail for approml, for the location and maintenance of a gate post and maintenance shed; b. Reasonable access to Freeman's properfy for mnstruction of the gate, 7. Freeman and all other lots represented in this Agreement shall pay an equal prcportionate share of all o<penses assoclated with the constuuction, design and operation of such gate. g. H & P, Blume, Dews, Grace and lvlcculloh shall provide Freernan with an easement to use a portion of Wesffraven Lane for access to Lot 42, with such easement to be on the forms attactrd hereto and as lirnited on such easement, 9. In the event any party to this Agreement fails to pay their pro raE share of the cost of (i) designing and consfrucdng the gate, and (ii) maintenance of Westhaven Lane, the ownerc of four (4) or more lots current on their obligations under this Agreement shall have the right to file a lien against the property of the party not paying such pro rata share. Further, if Freeman fails to prcvide the easement tontemptateO herein for locating the gate, as provided in Secfion 6a, this Easement Agreement may be rescinded by $e other parties to this Agreement 10. Freeman shall have a pro rata share of all liabillty, if any, associated with the use of Wesffiaven Lane, such share to be fte same as that of H & P, Blume, Dews, Grace and McCulloh. lt. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inurc to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors, successors in tide b Lots 39,40& 408, 41A' 418 and 42, representatives and asslgns. This Agreement shall run with the land consttutlng each of the lots lishd in the preceding sentence' 12. This Agreement may be executed by the parties and recorded in counterpafts H/^GoprAN & 'ENNINGT'N, LLc By: Tim Pennington I l||ilr ilill lllllll llll llll lllllll lllll llllllll llll llll l6C6{tddnaiTieg rzr;pp l?f srrr Flrlrni-;i-l n zt.ao D o.oa il o.oo Eern co BLUME FAMILY PARINERSHIP Fred Blume JUUE DNA/S HUGH MCCULLOH IARRY R. GRACE SARA L, GRACE t!#l$,$1!U|}.'#I$:I.Hl$l''!';lilt*rill tr.'rb€ri usA l,' ;r*'*ootii , Fruto# STATE OF ) ) ss. )COUNTY OF McCullsh on lsEALl The foregoing instrument was acknowledged be-fore me' a Notary Public' by Hugh l9-' Witness my hand and oflicial seal' STATE OF My comrnission exPires: Notary Public rhe foregoing instrument was acknowledged *ln::::)# H:h:I"iffi R. Grace and Sara L' Grace on ii-- . *it"ss my hand and official seal' My commission exPires: NotarY Public lsEAL] STATE OF couNrY oF v c5\ €--' A..; ((,r.rturAr A*,F &^ S*- .)J3q *.8,#)"[,m";-*;$;i';rg:::*lry"l*ic'bvMiihaer,^lTj:,Tt5ffi{ff---wiu** 'v hand and official seal' ) ) ss' )COT'NTY OF J. Freeman on ) ) ss. )r ruq'ilI|;l[r,u$|,tr,lu#:t.H |$tl!$il | ilr r ilr I My commission expi*r: t l-+) 1l r \C{ 1( , 3053\19\479815. It : ti il H 0Z/1t/2003 TIIB 12:23 FAI s13236ry IRR K[ I. , AI\J4ENDED A PORTION OF SECTION I2. Boozlool - 70 L'?-. ''i PLAT GLEN LYON SUBD TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH. RANGE EI WEsT, TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORAOO SHEET I OF Z .t+;:::!:--;,fi l-Il. I .r..rr-!. r...r f. rr..' ?o|!l.t ra.F ,e.atl O.l. lt-t.17 Pf,EPAfrFO 8T alil6 ffi Y ASf.O CtA TES, t M C. *U Etf,lfr,'',Str zttl Y b9. PtaQ Ctr',t ttrivt, ahfllo 8'60I attUtErC AePROVAL oF PLAt iiii$*u'[ii*#'":#'l'+ I D 'rt:t T';: -:E----.---:'" " -g-g!2\,L.'.SN\--.kR*.tuElgtrstarkrtjrrr f.fir:r|.5 tplT;;t*ffi '?ff;lTi':*.ffi ':Jiffiqr;&'':"' rg etiOrt,.r ir a,rrt i'dr {otl ciErl,ilr<latl= #,%Hfi?-.-i* ffiffiffi'tm'm*l r. qriEri,;of .,.rr: - l:.tn-4.-'ulrr:!6$ r$ l'AI' "" */ f dkrni- '4*'' " N r.o i i.t Y t't' ,tal It'^ Exhiblt "3" 02/18/2003 TIIE L2:24 FAI 913236 ? IRR KC @oolloot t::.:tr'i I ! sl:r 31 I + ii, , .,, x.r! :.=$.-- -...;,..,, ! ?rihft: APPROYAL OF PLIT AIIO ACCEFTANCE Of DEDIEATIOHS r:i rrr Lrr,r ri||1.,.'rrtrrr li t[Alrf iflr'lrllrL! .|r :a|G ' -t:,ar a r.x iqi. 'f ftrr,.!g. rtr.'r..{r..'. "{ trlti 9tltt?t6t AtD trDA, E 6E!E l lirnnm atr.Gt rt ||LtrlJt rL:al-tlt! al !|! tq|i { va& .;111, ,1 ..1.aa,or l.rr.t. .. .., r,. i " r r toEctttlc allrr.?ta^t! o! qa ta6|ll! anE DF tE^Ttg rrlt l(-ElalltElr' ' nroliE 13 ts 3[ sr r -J*t----., .'-D., Lr|!$.i?\1b,*/r2 ' -L-&t..--t t?rss}Ict 5' ortr r. $rasLt ra ",(at st'4r1k4 D T*^ .-2,-. t rltlra o- llota.t!' tltl' if Prtrlqut ol ctt'- ltac^l l:tBol'!tl(:|. ' --^WWffitu" t CERTHCATE OF THE CLERX A O RE@ROER ttltlr :ltf r^F ltttt rln )FErollr, li ll|t Dn'lcc/* '|[ sstr ritu !:rr-i!,f-ifT,g[''r f'**n* . e#t$if* t12t-''n';',2'' -J'tA_Al ci..a'_Z:_u..$x 'a- . .4? "W6&.'fry'-.*fu.€;tw f L.. . lr.ltl l..ilj.lirt rtGllrr'| .'t.- l-',t '27 -,.-.-,JlLlnL!-; ISION H PR1NCIPLE MERIOIAN, -i;rlil:jl:.L,.'j'i1,ii' '' rl'i'! .'tu *}ic ;.'r*-l:.-a AEla ova .t lfb*rJr h| nltt_::+-.'.n.- gURVEYORS CEFTIFICAfE ::i:i,.,i:ii,liiii3$Lr,;H#.:-g[il*ifi."it'li*:i r. .ts r.Lrt l'r 'i A.|: rt'l' !'.:r". :..i:..' i.;. r.i;r.,.r.. .; in r,r, _,i**JT,i'LH1I^15.,.,: ..,1i'.*, n|! ar-i .:' I lit I lr I I '.' ;:;':.f .;;i,.; .ii,r'.-.i-J: :d 'r .,itllr.,r .{ t.r,. LEG^L o€scgtpTtoil q!: pLAtTeo LANpI ,--.d "r rr{., rrxi.i a, lr{rlr: aa. figW fAF, |r! n|l: rortt a/Z F tla t..:.r.t t.!. r,rrxr &aq! .rfi I'f ?rf |ranrrrr rt:t|?{|r-rr, r-irs_or i,s.-rtcrr, _'-'. -:...3_,. j--rtt:l!.! !x.r.l: JlJn rr.r (rstr .r.rtrrr.y]rn| irt rr i7r,'G il*- :'. .T-qI .1 rrs t:. tl|E .tr.|.ttE of tt|d r.xiir: L!...Ilf (i.tt{ .|o tE(lrtr r.:Tl Il!!I ti. 'r'.41. titr, I lr,l*r.- Gr rsr rrrt.r' tr! e t/r E tra f tq:lthrj ..rri x..rrt,rir .f t!: sr5tx !r.Ltg l.tr.:r,. :- J!$.r ora ltltB !t.A! t trltrE q{: |f+ll'a:..|t' tnc u4.: {lntr||t fir:ll .mr ,.r(i!&ft ali lfrrro:-r T. t?att.-|s,.q|. rF.l -l rc t/t d, lttrtlrf lil, rrt A |<rrtrrr .r. nrrt t^tt or |rr rl irrl,r l.Y.r: *atr|,i!l .rt. rr|i lrrrntfirLt |(tgtrl-(|'.at LtrE c-',r. I e3 isnG tJ rnr r.r$ r- l,|l,t, t,a : : .rfflc$ rt nt al;ttrr.ir-r {J:kr -gr rot-rr9ttt rr Fr.llr|:rt Fr. rralv, aEr.r.r 4C irrlurat- rDcErt, !. tr.! t a1t. !r5-nl|lr rL ||la lol i? Dl:.: :ll j. ra|l li|lt.l, t:.I(a!ED l'| rr.r lrt nl 4:r: i ri $'tlr.. l!./ riB-rlr. ! ra r rr-.rr:l .r r,nr. !1. .trh'lrr L atrrr,as, .^rl r.r.t{j !r.ltr. tli.li cl!?I.'$latk r{l|(t rrur ^l rr{r,iJi orErr;trr: ir ?rt. r[n.r:cr.ttrrr rr T r: :9intrtlti r.rc:.f rat! $lfti*i t, a .'tttr tll iartfr.f Lr$: rd' $rD : t,'t rt, l'a. rdnr..L trtl rrttru*r {r|.tlr {t :r tDFrfflOr l.r [ralt:r r't'.:a'U. .H.?tl l'u.-li fln*t *. tr'll'll- r. da Fllll-lrtr. I l{,!1. lL{a.i '|n. s.$ArrJ rtnrlt-{*'-.t AV Ltrtt ttt ,.rD nt||rlr rb "Grt|r. n[-/r 3||' rE:lieln; !$r(l t. tt.g!.!l- r, au.tt rSLT lt .|.g att! a4i3]I,htur.rr.x l rrrl:t rlrt r: d. iartr'a7r L, tt{.aa ttlf it trit rltt ,urflt:||frr:aF.{'r n tl :. trlrrtt r. lr_11!!.!. |:. rlt.ra ru?r atgar'tr i. tt.ao.e!. t-,l|r.(r rr!t! rr4.r t, t.'!tr'|t- E. tra,J. l'ti:lr filFra.t l.aal.al'aa. C.l||l'('? ntta 1.r lll! :sirtsr|tt r rrr{rt.rr-r r ' !-r. uairi r |Ir. + lrrr lrrEFrt:it r{ uLltfial:ti rr? rt *{r:t. i.- ot(:; l..:l!atl!!,.r't i Frr.fi,4 ta. |?,da lJnt r.' krttr t: | 'l r{-rtr, t{r! ..irt'r|q fl.riirr rr rrt. ru I a. !d t..{ lltll ||. lt.tt.It. ti. loq.at .l|:crr r||rartr rt'l.':lr L !rL-J.3 "G|:r: ara.*'r. r- lo!l!l.oa- B- :rlt.o.l rtElr l|r$cci. $t.llr7r'r. ttr.lr a'tllri ftt|t t. ftr"{ria. r. la!-o. fE r irE€?*. .a-ta'-rt' a. ltl.t{ al:|.rr ttt.rra! tt llrat'l?r ,r larla FFFI, IiEEEJ, n0.ltrit' L. l:r.al rlort ilr|(r f,, ll-tt't?. L. lll.rt fllt tt nG lt rIIr.r !r'rtl ,r5 tjt. L[ l,a3 l|tr*t t. l_r.ll.rl!r- t- r:a-.lt :.rr ltrtrr F. na'?,lt r. tt..oc rtsrr lI|!I1: f,. tt.tt,ar. t. ta.,. ta rErifr rtrtEr. r?. .l.al'tf r. rrt.cr r rrli, trxtr!{! a. tt-tt.il- k. raa.tt I'Gtrtr lrc*lF. ll'll'll. I, al.to l'Llltr ,||!lstlcl |t. ll.ta'!{' G rrl. ra rstr rltt€rEA trlc'lz' lr ltt-r" d3!ti alll;C l. t!'la'ar' r. llr.ll n+ir IIE<E. t!-ra.!|. E- rt! tr a'u!!, |.rL ot tarttr n" 'ta! r't:dt.'trti.s al..rit rtlEartL. icE raltf,lLtGltl ? lF{C ltlq ('|fi$I|rt Of i,trl, CIEI:I r- ta'la'l'.' t.ar,ll l.Eltr l$M.al:*l tlrr Grilrrlt,E ta. i!.a:,la' r. I Lrt tl.|r ! Dtl ,:.l: *, lrt.arr.aa.... l!l-.:l r,-tr rrratcE r. .ortr!!.!r rt trt-ta ftLtin$r-t *! tt.la].a. t_ la{-$ n!r, itdcE a- rGrt....L. r- toi.tt rtJjtts.|*{r! r. lr.rr.ir- r. itl l. |3 frFt, 58.|r L,arrr nr ilf || .rnt !,rta: { ?r3r*r! d..[ r.r'rtll, *lrTtdi l:t tUtSct: 3. !t'lt!!r' l. a3ri(] 1^rr, iot'll. Ll.l, 0{.f0 lut iir ru: EErr, ra ratta, sDcttrri llr n{*F nlr:tl.Nlt .taE tn$ ir-t tlxE qr flfi lM/l 5. C'll'tl. l. llla.ll; fIAf .rr llrll Jljtllll:tt' grtct:r of 'tlrl lw I I rt 1,. liarr *E,sr&t ttr tnrncr t. at'tr! tr t. tr.r"llaf|;Ir rult: al{i sr'-a.lr r l,t'- r.rE r l/aa lr lta tr ltr l|ittrill:t firlicr r *r|{rrl.{:.c i,.i rrr:8rF:i a.tt'tl- li, lrdatlti [f,r;!.94;tllE lbt Llnlr*'|. :* | ., r- | 'r tu ntl! t}^i.lrll tt rnhrl rl r,Llr. ! lra {: l'{! !1. r-lt'll' G, Ma-.a: l!:.? ant^ nc ErEt tr!.t '|r :trt rl l { sl. r'r (,f ,l.la,,ts?lr! l.! t tn$ t9|*tlrali r ir|:- rf lIlL tB :/{ llE :rtl !hg:.r. Lr..grlr, | | t ht-t6a tttl;T .rr.* t|r ,|t.trlcrnr t.:* o? || rG tr. {r: tr. tr.1lt,| t! n' n$: rflnfl|ls fi€st nr F$9 it :,rl E irlr rattf' - lr. .!.oi',i{'r. ta7.{t ?ELT.rt,{ri tl!: rrtnclcf !r'll ut t ll, ll i'r ic l'a ]-j.' tr. i t irl|: l[t.t?.a rrr rsiri r] p['&1.$. trr,l:Y,'rrr ah? rrt1i.4J..'rl0a- l'- tl|li tr-rit rrt4t t- A$r , 'irtiti.l|r: t.r.r'lL-t:i. CER'IFICATE OF OW'|CRSHI P ANo omE4rlol'l -.n !t ilt lY :iriti tlEf,!!'rt llat Ierf c!'ii |lrqi:.l'Li, a ttrEt ttt tD L;lt'I?D ?lt!!t rttlt! lrrD crotqttattlr lltil,otrr'tt6. l dao.E Gorlctdiio{. !!!lc Scar qdalS tr tE: atxDlS c Alr::5; !9rl' It+t!l! strtir.e tl Nt- air. rrrll.|t nt al -r'ij|nl$ ri-l+' r';.' L! lit-r:- -lrri!61:f |rr&.rn. 'tirn.| t|J. :ll altacilr:o n *itl li.lr' rt.r lJr ,r'rFl aa {hr.r ||!rU$ *{ Er Jlriltr.tt| ltd. t}rs ra r:l.l l.lr,r lH F-r,lYh.l. t r$ l|n ll ll rx. vttl. (ra!.ty rf D^r3Lr, '|tatl .a' rltr lt.r. r}T rr.rrr'ir| r1, |r rfl r. tnl rnr ..1rr.r5 r.:rri grtr.i, rlf'|rltlt ttlitt4r? r4.r'it$' tll'l.r Il*'.rr|t '\iri fl. r{l 'r|lli ;atl(|! nH. Or.rh&t. l.'|ttle:,':$ }|i!$ |'|rr't -rr! l-l l-!r:r, n;tr.,rt|^r.&I t{ lFlJrs. n:!i-fi ltllr tgNtY !h (. (.. (r r'. 'l' l'. ,. r.r:: ! 'all'rFljl ali.::t&lll .r.tr.,lrt..lt Etit :lt-nl lll.ltt t'ltl l|(4!|:l.I nil5 Itr||rtvrltr.ii li n0: t'l.r(t ut tt! . u:rf /Lo tsta'.*ot r .r r*ra .t.ritl, ]'lll,lLtD. ,-,,,'* t.r.r 3 -,, -r--!U..-.--4--'. - e!!L .:.$ r.h r. *. rtj|.r.i l|rroF lrr;'.. ill!a!1, r-rl llrr,trll!ll DrrEm (rilnl rt\rlt ColAl^||d Collfl^tlq,, rrs^tru-: i.lat !"!&, oo (,", o Reque,jted lnstrect DatE: Frlda r. Auuust 06. 2004' lnspedtion Area: JRM '' ' Sloe Address: <llone Listed> 'l t 50 Westhaven Circle Lot 39.2 SUbTF€: NSFR Use: vN Phofi€: 91+569-8117 Phon€: 97H7&2958 Phon€: 970.47S2958 Page 20 Status: ISSUED Insp Ar€c' JRta AP/D lnforniatron A{iivrly. Cortgr Typ.: clwnef: Applicont: contr'ctor: Derscrlodon: !'fotlce: comme i Commor,t: Comment: Cgmmef,t Comment: Rsqucs!€d tnspecbon($j it6m: 530 BLDG.Temp. CrO Roqu€stor: EOVMER CONSTRUC Commer*s: AsEEn€d To: Action: Item: Requestor: Assigned To: LSANDOVAL !rclEglgrlE!:to!y BQ3OO67 Type: SB{JILD -lO2 r)ccuffiy: 7 Rob€n Rcen/ WaBthsven R€elty BOYM€R CO|,TSTRUCT|ON BOYM€ R CONSTRI'CTIOI.I Nslv SF resklence wlth Typ€ EHU TvD€ l! de€d reslrtcton mijst b€ record€d D or lo lssuancs of a TCO. - AOCHS Ebitd tor 983,?',0 nccep?ed by ttre Towr| on lugurt a, ?ff)4, tor hnr'rc€plng, the dflvBrd|ay. and a re{otntng watl whlch must be reCtrced tn h€fqht. - WCAMPBE1L Englneers r€port recetued 1-9S0.{. Plsced In acwe tll€ bv DDG - CDAVIS recaived ILC anC rouled to BUI - CDAVIS SCILS REPORT IN FILE. CDAVIS ROUTED TC JR. LEONARD Al'lD ALLION FOR REVIEW - CDAVIS wlll call , CDAVIS R€guceEd T,me: Ot:00 PIV Phone: .o.. 97G3q)"!t239 €rttGr€d By1 DEOLDEN K ^ Co,,tlft.ErrZ Ge60 Fvrc'{Ltt* !i€m' 5OA H r-Rouqh orad€ Item: 5O3 Pl /-Fhal.rfirewav qrade fiem' lo BLDc-Fooflnos/St(fur (16&?103- tnsneclor: Itern; 20 BlDc-Foundatlonstoel 07 07103 InsDector; G( comin€n13. FouiiDATloN 503 PlV BOYMER Tim€ EIp. G-Framrng " App.ovad Oel0:tr04 lnsp€ctor: JRM ile/vt'u,z.rM${vgn t&enr:5i0 ll6nr. 30 RE:II.ALL HEIG FLAN-ILC SliB Flan l2r tviu3 InsD€c[or. oorbs<h .1 E.-.hL^n ' .Y s^^.-.a/ r.BLDG-Framrng Adnrn: APAPPROVED AcTIn: AF APPROI/ED COMrr|eNti: FRAMIT.IG APPROVED. IET'IER FROII{ STRTJCTURAL EFIGINEER IN FILE Item: 50 BLDGlnsulrllon '" AppfoEd " 1OP21O3 fn$p€clor: JRM Acrhn' Pl PARTIAL fNSPECT|ON COMMENTS: APPORVED CEIIING ONLY IN zuNKRM.MASTER EYF AhID GREAT RM O}JLY.. COVERIhIG WffH T & G OZ|O9O4 hip€{ror: cdavB A€flon: APAPPROr'ED Comm€nts: cofirpFre.lndana on ot flreblocxfng (lnsulatlon) at drop cenlng anrt stalr sfflog€rs. Thls ls b€hg dona \,vtlile lnsp€c{on was occurdnfilem: 5O BLDG-Sheetrock Nall '* .Aprproved -gai19i$4 Inspccter: GCD " AcUon: APAPPROVEDItem: 70 BLDG-Mrsc. It€m. 90 ELDG-Fiilal itern: 53O ELDG-i€mp. C/O Itgrn: 132 PIV.TEMP, OO Requested Tlme: 08:00 AJll' Phone: 97G47&2968 -or- 97$39$ 9?39 EnteredBy: DGOLDEN K APAPPROA/ED RECEIVED LETTER FROM BOYLE ENGINEERII.IG "' Approv€d "' Run Id: 2L66| : il * P:ft{'rEMP &o I REFT131 I:.- o TEffiEOO'-_Inspection Requa*t Reportlng Requ$ted lnepect Oate: Frldsy, August 06, 2004 lnsoec-tion Area: GD - SlbAddrcss: ll50 YVESTHAVEH DR VAILtt50 Vuesthayen Clrcle lot 39-2 AJP/D lnformaton Aclhfiy: ID:HI261 TyD€: &MECH Sub TyD3:ConstType: O$uDaity: 0!e:()tflhe.: Robart RocervWeSrswo RGglti ptrcn€: Apdlcrnt: lvbin ltlecianlcal ptror€: Conb6cto{: fvbh itechanhrl phone: Descrtptlon: GEi.IERAL VEI-ITIALTiC'N.ERV SYSTEM HtnltDlFtCATlON Comment: ROUTED TO GREG FOR REVEW - trFLORES Reouesbd Insoecton(sl ASFR 914€{l*8fi7 97t.9E+32sO 97G98+3A50 ISSTJ€O GO $trtB: Inep Afsa: Item: Requesior: Cofiiment3: Assigned To: Actlon: f nEp€crdon Hlston, Bob Bo wltl call 390 MECH#lnal RequesEcl Tlme: 0E:00 Alf,' Phons: 390'93S1 Entirod By: DGOID€N "ADoo\rEd*GCD'' 'Pt Y Al.tD EHXA,TST Dt CTS. AND 1O FAN I}JDUCEO COIIB AIR Dt.K Ac$on: APAPPROVED UST Dt CTS. At'tD DRYER DUCT /:o colrB AIR Dr.rcT, r0'vEhmLA AFFROVED. \TION AIR DI.IC?, AND ltr RELIEF DUCT. &\GNTFRO}i&\GNT FROM BOITER ROOM TO 5'SHORT OF ROOF PENETRATTON. REINSPECTWHEN ROoF PENETRATIOI.I lS IilADE. t'JO KITCHEN EXMUST.tbm: 310 Item: 315 Item: 32O Item: 3|il0liom: 34O Itam: 3S MECl-l-l-telino PLkFC'as Piilno MECFT-Exh.fi Fbod6 riECH-SuFply ArllEcFl-ltlh. MEC}}Flncl REPT131 Rurr Id: 2L66 Resucsted Inspectn5: EB*" August 06,21)04 Slb Addrcas' lf 50 yT ESTHAVEN LN VAIL '1150 YUesthaven Clrcle Lot3g.2 A/P,O lnfornEbon Activf,y: m!0142 Tygr: &ttECH Sub TyD.: ASFR SEtus: tg.gUEO Con6t Typ€: OccupqiiV: ULre: ln6o Aree: CDOm€r: Robort Rocsrv\lYalhann Rolty Phono: 914€air+,81t 7Appilcant WHITE WATER PLuMB,lllG Fhonc: 97(}3e6i37o4conhcbr: WHm WATER PLUMBff{c Phone 97O32&37t6 D€3crlF{on: i.lEW l'€AT SYSTEMcomment RoUTED TO Cl{ARLlE FOR RElltEW - DFLORES Reouesbd ln3oec{onf sl Iterni Requeslor: Comrn€nts: Assigned To: A.ibfi: i[ECH-Flnal Requesbd Tlme:' Phona: Enbr€d By: 08100 AI|l 3SS923St DGOLD€N K 390 Bob willr tem: AX) Item: 3f0 Item: 31S O1/1ryO4 Insp€dor JRM Aclbn' PIPARThLINSF€CT|OiI CoflilnenI$: IN FLOOR HEAT AFPROVED FOR EHTJ COT,PLETE. PARTIAI- II.I FLOOR HEAT ATPROVED FOR UPSTAIRS LE\IELS ONLY 1OOT AR TEST OII?g,Iod- ImD€dor: JRM fuTon' APAPPROI/ED CoMmo'rt$: ALL N FLooR HEAT LhIES l(xil A|R IEST PTMBGIS Pbino O'/,|SO4 lnsF€ctor: JRM Ac0on' PIPARTIALNSPECTD}.| comment$: 20 ll AIR TEST 15 Mil{UTES MECH-Exhau3t Hood3 MECH.SUDDIY AIr MECH-Mrid.' MECH-Flnal ti€m: 32O nem: 3i[t Item: 34O Itsm: 3gl Run Id: 2L66 ? Requested Inspect O.te: Frtday. Auoust 06. 2004' Inspectjon Area: JRM -- - Sltr Addre3i! <None LisFd> I | 50 lYesthaven Clrcle Lot 39i ArPrD Information AdMty: F(Ffi)2s Tye.: SPLttB Const Type: Occrpciriv:otflner: Robcrt Roe€n 'llvadtryen R€rfryAppllcrnt Wl-fiTE WATER PLUMBIi|G t FEATNG Coribsclor: WHITE WATER PLtJfrtA${G & HEATh|G D€ccrlpdon: Fl€w SF r93&, Reouesredhspecdon(sr *ffilfl/ '"fr0Item: 290 PLMB-Flnal I $ubType: A$FR lJs€: Ptpne: 914€69.8117 Ptro|ls: 97O34&,37tF Ftro'lo: 97t'32&37O8 $Bur: lr|3p Ar€.: ]SSUED JRM RecuesbdTlm€: 01i00 Pllf' Phone: 390'923St EntgedBy: DGOLDEN K fnsp€cton Hlstorv ltenr: 21o *ffit'dffi1l$s* '.iW*Y{MffiCommenb: PARTIAL I,NDER CRT'{' Etr}IEAD NORTH 07.€0/03 lnsoector: JRM \ 4 Actlon: Pt PARTIAL INSCommenb: APPROVED UNDERGIIE DRATNS tO FT HEAD _ o€y(}gos l!'Egodor: cdtvl$ Acflon: AFApPROVED Comments; l(I'watet column te$ . O.k tro conceal vlder lln€s ard had mahs Mu* provldc t sl on !o& sy$smsItem: 220 Pl-M&RoLrctuD.W.V. rA&rorwed* Ollzgod IniFechf: JRM " Aclton: ,{PAFPROI/EDConmed:: S1A|R TESTlbm: 230 PLMB.StqrOtvWdu - ADprov€d "O1t29lo{- lmp€cto,fi JRM ' Ac{on: AP AppROVEDcomm.ntr: lool AIR TESTilcm: 240 PLM$'C''3 PlDlno 0|i24nn InsFector: JRM Ac{on. Pt PART|AL ftrSpECTtON Commgnb: 3OI AN TEST ON 8AO GRILL THRU ROCK WALLItem: 290 PLMFnnsl REPTl31 Run Id: 2L66 orfii,rr'ilipy Code DaLe: ,June 2, 2003 Contractor: R.BOYMER CONST Arehitect : AJ.,ISBERG/PARKER Engineer: BOYL,E Report BY: ,JMONDRAGON FIRE PROTECTION 15.0 Feet 60.0 FeeE 40.0 Feet 35.0 Feet TOWN OF VAIL BUII,DING 75 S. FRONfAGE RD vArL,co. 81557 970-479-2t43 Plan analYsis based on Etre L997 Uniform Building Project Number: PR.703-003? Project Name: ROSEN RESIDENCE Address: 115O WESTTTAVEN IJANE Oceupancy: R3, Ul- consurucEion: V-N SEPARATION DIRECTION BOT'NDARY AREA INCREASE NORTII Property line 15.0 FeeL EAST ProperEy line 60.0 Feet SOUIH Property line 40.0 Feet WEST Property line 35.0 Feet NOTE: The code items listed in this report. are not intended Eo be a-"*tr"i" listing of all possible code requirements in the 1997 uBc' ru is a gruide to selected sections of the code' Reporc created ueing Plan Anal-yst sofEware by b w & a. oLg') 599-5622 po-rtions of Lhe mat;rial conEained in this program are reproduced from the uniform Building code with uhe permission of the International Conference-of Building Officiale' := = == = = == = ======= = = == ========= ======================= Page # 5 Code review for: Project rd.: ROSEN RESTDENCE AddTCSS: 11-50 WESTHAVEN I,ANE STAIR REQUIREMENTS: i) a tt"irway in a dwelling mu6E be at least 35 inches wide' - - Sec . 1003 .3 .3 .2 2) The maximum rise of a step is I inches and the mlnimum run is9 inches -- Sec. 1003.3.3.3, Exception 1 3) A handrail ls required on one side a etairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if thdre is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. L003.3.3.6, Exceptions 4) provide a guard rail where drop off is greauer than 30 inchee. The minlmui height is 36 inchei and the maximum opening size is 4 inches. -- Sec. 509.1 & 509.2, Exception 1 5) The minLmum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec' 1-003'3'3'4 5i Encloeed usabLe space under the gtairs is required to be protected as reguired for 1-hr. fire-resistive construction. -- Sec' L003.3.3.9 Page # 5 Code review for:Project Id.: ROSEN RESIDENCE AddTESS: 1150 WESTHAVEN I,AIIE GIJAZING REQUIREMENTSAll glazing in hazardoue locations ie required to be of eafety glazing material . -- Sec. 2406.3 e 2406.4 L,ocations:L) Glazing in ingress and egrerst doore except-jaloueies' 2l G1azlnd in rfied and sliding panels of sliding door aesemlclies and paiele in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors' 3) G1az{ng in st,orm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) elazin[ in doors and enclosuiee for hot Eubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtube and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wail encloeing Eheee comparEments where the bottsom e:rposed edge of-the glazing is-lese Ehan 60 inches abowe a standing eurfaee adjacent to a door where theis within a 24-inch arc of a cloeed position and where the ie less than 50 inches above the 7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable locations described in items 5 and 5 above, following condilions:A. Expoe-d area of an individuaL pane greater than 9 square feets. B. Exposed bottom edge Lees than L8 inches above the floor. C. E:cposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor- D. One or more watt:.ng eurfaces within 35 inches horizontal-ly of the plane of the glazing. 8) Glazing-in railinge regardlese of heighg above a walking surface. fncluded are struct,ural baluster panele and nonetructural in-fill- panels.g) -clazing in walls and fences used as the barrier for indoor and outdooi swimming pools and epas when the bottom edgeg_ie lees than 6o incheE above-the pool side and the glazing ie within 5 feet of Lhe pool or spa water'e edge. 1-O) Glazing- in !ual}s- enclosing stairway landings or wiuhin 5 feet of chen boutom and top of stiirways where the bottom edge is less than 50 inches above the walking eurface. and drain inleE.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels nearest expoeed edge of the glazing either verLical edge of Ehe door in bottom elqlosed edge of the glazing walking surface.panel , other than those Ehan meets alL of the Page * ? Code review for:Project Id.: ROSEN RESIDENCE Addrese: 1150 wEsTI{AvEhl rrANE SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS:1) A smoke detect6r ie reguired on the ceiLing or wall at a poine centrally locatsed in tlie corridor or area giving accesE to each Eleeping area. -- Sec. 310 -9.L.4z) R enbke-ael"ctor is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 310.9.L.43) A smoke ,detecEor is required on all stories. -- Sec. 310,9.1.4 If the upper level confains sleeping room_(s), a emoke_ detector is reguiredin Utre ceiling of the upper level close to the sEairway. - - Sec. 3L0 .9.1-4 NOTE: A smoke delecEor is required in the basement. -- sec. 310.9.L.4 4\ smoke deEectors are required to be wired to the bullding's power source and ehall be equipped with a battery backup..-- Sec. 310.9.1'3 5) DetecLors shall sound-an itarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwelling ln which they are located. -- sec' 3L0'9'L'4 FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPI,ACE:1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec' 370?' (b) Z') the -firebox must be it least e0 inches deep and walLE of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If the Iining is of- firebrick Lhen the wal1s may be I inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c, 3) Tha minj.mum clearance to combustible maEerial is from Lhe firepl-aee, smoke chamber, and chimney wa1la is 2 inches. Combuetible material may not be placed wibhin e inlhee of fireplgce openinS agd combustible within iZ incheg may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of cleararrce. -- Sec. 3707.(h) 4) The hearth must be noncombuEtibl-e, a minimum of 4 Eupported by noncombustsible maEerial . The hearth If Opening size is: Front extenEion lncheE thick, and eize muet be at leagt:gide extension 8 inehes 12 inchegLess than 6 sq.ft.5 Fq.ft. or greater -- sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney height must be per l-6 inches 20 inches Table 3?-B OCCUPA}TEY SEPARATION : Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for l_hr. fire resietive coistriction are required on the garage side only ald any doors between the garage and the residenee are to be a self-cloeing L Z/g inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 3-B & Sec. 302.4 exc. f3 Page # I Code revi-ew for:Project Id.: RoSEN RESIDENCE AddTCES: 1150 WESTIIAVEN IANE SHAFT ENCLOSIIRES: 1) Chutes and dunbwaiter shafts wiEh a crosg-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may l-ined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvaniz6d sheet metai with all jointe locklapped. Ttre ouEside must be i hr conslruction. All openings into any such encloeure shall be proEected by not less thln a ielf-closing solid $tood door L 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. -- sec. 'ltL.6 2) Gas vents alnd noncombustible piping installed in wa1ls passing through 3 floorE or l-ess do not need to-be in t hour shafts, provided the annular space around the vents or piping is filled at each floor or ceiling wiEh noncombustible materiala.-- Sec. 711.3 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts_ that do nob extend tshrough not mo?e tb|an 2 floors need not be in 1 lrour shafts, prowided thE openings around the penetrations are fire etopped at each floor. -- Sec. 7LL.3 4 ) All oLher shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assenlcly. -- Sec. 7LL. 1 & Table 6-A CRAWTJSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventitaUion eigher by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening shal1 provide a net area of not less Chan 1 square foot for each-150 equare feet of area in crawl- Epage. operiings shall be distributed on lwo oppoeite sides and be 1ocated al cloie to corners as practical . -- Sec.23A7.? Notse: VenE openings may be reduced Eo 10* of the above if ground surface area j.g covered wilh an approved vapor barrier and the building official apProves. For a 504-0 sq.ft. crawlePace area: Ratio Minimum sq.ft. of vent 1/150 3.36 2l Provide L8-inch by z4-inch access opening to the crawl lPace-area.Note! opening may Ue reguired to be larger if mechanical equipnent ie located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 23L7.3 3) unless the wood is listed agr an approved wood ofto decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum and girders is 12 inches. -- Sec. 23L7.3 natural resistance between ercposed clearance to beams f I Page # 9 Code review forlProject Id.: ROSEN RESIDENCE AddTCSB: ].150 WESTTIAVEN I,ANE 1) provide a window or door to the exterior from every room.Teed for' eleeping and basements. -- Sec. 3L0.4 A windowmusE provid" 3 clear op.n-ar6a of 5.T sq.ft., a clear.height, of ?!-inches(minimum), and a ciear width of 2o fnches(minimrm) - -- Sec. 310.4 4) The minimum ceiling in a habiEable space is 7 feet 6 inches excepe kitchens, halls, aid baths may have a ceiling hetght of 7 feet. -- Sec.310.5.1-5) Provj-de a smoke detector in all eleeping rooms and areas having access to eleeping rooms. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 6) If there is a 6as6ment, provide a emoke detector that' is connected to an alarm audible in a1t eleeping areas. -- sec' 3L0'9'L'4 ?) Provide a smoke detector on all- floors t,hat is connected to an alarm audlble in all eleeping areas. -- Sec' 310.9't'4 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD otrtro* oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL..*",6{"4-t?J'^ VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 (,*I 61 -'2- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Permit #: 803-0087 -T63-oo25- €63-o03f JobAddress: Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot39-2 Applied . . : 05/20/2003 ParcelNo...: 210312109004 Issued. . : 06/05/20A3 ProjectNo : PRI03-0037 Expires. .: 1?/02/2003 OWNER RobertRosen/WesthavenRealEO4/28/20O3 Phone: 914-559-81L7 t1,27 Lake Avenue Greenwich CT o6a3t-2748 License; CONTRACTOR BOYMER CONSTRUCTION 04/28/2003 Phone: 970-476-2958 P O BOX 1001 VAIL, CO 8165 8 License:152-B APPr-,rCArE BOYMER CONSTRUCTToN o4/2e/2}c3 Phonet 9'7o-4'.76-2958 P O BOX 1001 VAIIJ, CO 81_558 L,,icense : L52 -B Desciption: New SF residence with Type II EHUOccupancy T)|tr)e " Factor Sq Feet VaLuation Dwellings zone 3 v-N 138.55 3,934 $545,055.70 Private Garages zone 3 V-N 36.21 1,070 $38'744,70 Totals... 4,953 $992,460.58* Number of Dwelling Units: I Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $992,460.68 Fireplace Information: Reshicted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 2 # of Wood Pallel 0 ,t+ltil**+'l,l l*,1**a'l la'i *l{r 'i** lr** **+* Building---> 55,5?5.50 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $9,69?.88 Plan Check-> S3, 524 . 08 DRB Fee------*---> $0.00 Additional Fees- - $0 - 00 Inv€stigation-> g0 . O0 Recrealion Fe€-.-> 9495.30 Total Permit Fee-----> $9, 597.88 Will Calt-> $3 .00 Clean-up Deposit-----+ $0.00 Paymerts-------> $9, 697 .88 TOTAL FEES-----> $9, 59?.88 RAI.ANCE DUE--> $0.00 Approvals:ItEm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEIflI 06/02/2003 JRI4 Action: AP Item: 05400 PLATIINING DEPARTMEIflI 06/05/2003 ao Actionr AP Ttem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMBTI Item: 05500 PIIB].rIC WORKS 06/05/2003 Ls Action: AP Item: 05550 ENGINEERING See page 2 ofthis Document for any that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS IOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS tN ADY Icondltlons BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 +:t **t******** * *{. *+ 'F* + {<*{. ** *.*** **+:1.**** * *********'&*+ *+*,F*'F*********'}*+*.****{.,1.*******+*++****+.**********'f * Permit #: 803-0087 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 06-05-2003 Status: ISSUED {.**:t *+:r.**{.*+'t *tx.*:1.++************ {. {.+**++{.*+**t*{< ** *:}*** ++* i.******* +**++ ++ {. ****,kt!**+*.*1.*++*********** *.**+++ Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applicant BOYMERCONSTRUCTION Job Address: Location: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot39-2 ParcelNo: 210312109004 ******t***+t******ri.*.*1.***+i(t***********'++++***:&**x.***!t******;t *:t * x. * + rr * * * + * * *,r. ** *******'l+++* * * * * *:F {. * {.:t * * * * CONDITIONS ***r:r:r<r.*{r***x.**'t +* *:t * {. * * * * * *:* 1. * +:t+ * {.{.x.*{.**:s+* *d.*+* *+**{.** ********,F**:}********+*****'k* *** ***** ***+** !&* *{r*t< Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRXD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0005889 Deed restriction for EHU must be submitted prior to issuance of TCO. Cond:11 (PLAN): NO CRAWL SPACES SHALL HAVE A IIEAD HEIGHT GREATER TIIAN 5 FEET AS MEASURED FROM TIIE SURFACE OF TIIE EARTH TO THE IINDERSIDE OF THE STRUCruRAL FLOOR MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLY ABOVE. Cond: CON0005890 No access panels into crawl spa.ces shall exceed 12 sq. ft. Applied: 05120/2003 Issued: 06/0512003 +,t't**+,t,N.**+'t+*++'t,t,F*++,t ****'t,t++*'t **+i.'!'F*****+******++,r**+***'t*,t,!*,k+*,!,i***,!'!**+*4.++**.*****,s:F* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *:t******* * * * * 't * * *:l:|*:* !* {.:* {. **:t:F***** *******.}:}** **{.***:}*:t * * * *:} * + * * * * * * * + + + + * + * * + * * * * * * * *. * * * * + {. * Sfatemenu Number: R030004109 Amount: *9,697.88 06/05/200303:36 PM PalmenL Method: Check Init: KF llotation: Permit No: 803-0087 Il4)e: NEw (SFR,P,/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 2l-0312109004 Site Address : Location: LL50 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Tocal Fees: $9, 697 .88 This Payment: $9,597.88 Total AIJIr Pnts! $9,697.88 Balance: S0.00 *****{.********+i.ltt**+***{.****t+*:t ***i.**,t* * * * * * t,l. * * + +4( X.,1. * * * * * * * *,1. ****{. {.***:* **** * * * * * * * * * 4! * * * * * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Curt'ent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUlLDING PERMIT FEIS PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHTCK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO I.IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.575.50 3.6?4.08 495 .30 3.00 I ll Building Permit#:- e-7-64re."!"4!tfl #p"rf-lifu rH) etc.!NWNWVilL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED lF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: o WILL Separate Permits are CONTRACTOR INFORMATION F VAIL B ING PERMIT electrical, plum MPLETE V TIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials BUILDING: $ TOTAL:$MECHANICAL: $PLUMBING: $ Far Parecl # Contact Assessors Office at 97G328'8640 or visitffi2to7 lzlo4 rry JobName: EreW JobAddressi I5,o rila<rt'lhntl t t'w Legaf Description llLot/+2ll Block: ll Filins:Subdivision:A<t I IXOL) oYf -Il9€*o,aa^ Archit,ecVDesigner: t[u,<Fa.er- eMzt&rz-TdaiEss --?-t l\Ztt t'^)h E€t /'J AlE zzas, rt t, z"t N9)\. a+- *=^ =Wry1zn ett-Lrsqazr- ll^f$Esta- hAat@) av-' r'a,t tnlw Detailed description of work: UOt l F,ry <,rrtx - workclass: New(4/Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: lnterior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (tf lltUe$e"EHUexistry iype of Bldg.: Singte-famity 12{fwo-IamIly ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:ll No. of nccommodation Units in this building: NolTvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) wood/Pelld ( ) No/Tvpe of Fireplaces proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs (zt WoogiP,ellqt ( =) Woog Pqrnin,o*lI9lALlrP=fVP ffi) No(ef _ltD""."Ftt"sP **J.*s**:t*****ir*********r.'r**tr*#r****FoR OFFICE USE ON LYn"*************r|t********************* RtcDMAy 762003 \vailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 7s- p-v<o'[T Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 T0l'l,H Department of Community Development Project Name: Project Add / Thr's Checklist must be completed before a Buildina Permit aoplication is accepted. u/ Rll pager of application is complete d Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form u Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex d Complete site plan submitted B Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) I Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkino or material storage allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoprloval o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringa Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi farhily) d full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commerclal) ry' Window and door schedule d full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) s/ Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Famity) o/ Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated a Smoke detectors shown on plans d Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Si gnature: Date of submitta F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: r4f1az I ruril0F BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time, However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Print na F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 "qoB8? oFff[H'iiipy a. (7L9', s99-5622 are reproducedof Ehe # SI{EET IDENTTFICATTON CORRECTION REOUIRED L Al-,L Al-,L state. -- sec. to6.3.2 AJ.l, AIJL Plans must show t.he Size and type of all windows and doors. -- Sec. 106.3.3 TOUIN OF VAII-, BUIIJDING 75 S. FRONTAGE RD VAIL,CO. 8L657 970-479-2t43 Plan analysis baeed on Ehe 1997 Uniform Building Code NOTE: The code it,ems listed in this report are not inLended to be a compleEe lisCing of all possibte code requirements in the 1997 IIBC. It is a guide to selected eections of tshe code. Project Number: PRJ03-0037 Project Name: ROSEN RESIDENCE Address: L150 WESTIIAVEN LAIiIE Oceupancy: R3,UL Conatruction: V-N AI,I,AI.,IJ AIJI,A].rIJ ALI-,AI.,IJ AI,I,ALL Date: ilune 2, 2OOg Contraceor: R.BoYMER CONST Architect : Ar.,rsBERG/Peernn Engineer: BoYLE Reporl By: JMONDRAGON Report creabed using PIan Analyst software by b w c Poitions of the material contained in this progran from the Uniform Buil-ding Code with the permiseion InternaLional Conference of Building Officials. A11 sheets are required t,o be eEampled and signed by an Architect and/or Engineer regist'ered in this Provide a truss drawing for each tlpe the trusa manufacturets engineer. Include a complete foundation designproject baeed on the soil condiEions -- Sec. 106.3.3 This exterior wa1l is required to be assembly. -- Table 5-A of truss by Sec. 105 .3 .3 for this aE thie site. a t hour fire The minimum ceiling height in this area is 7 t -6n Sec.310.5.1 10 Page # 2 Code review f,or:Project Id.: ROSEN RESIDENCE Address: L1-50 VilESTHAVEN IJANE A1IJ ALI-, Glazing in this hazardous location ie required to be glazed-with safety material . -- Sec. 2406.3 & 2406'4 AI_,L AL,L This area requires glazed opening(s) having an area equal- to 1/10 or more of the fl-oor area. -- Sec' t203.2 AI-,L AIJIJ this area requlreg operable exterior opening(s) having an area equal Eo L/zo or more of the floor area.-- Sec. l-203.3 AIL A!1 This bathroom iE required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation syatem. Where tshere is a bathtup or thower. such system shall be connected directly to Lhe outside. -- Sec. L203.3 1L AIJIJ 12 AI.,L 13 AIJIJ 1"4 AL,IJ ].5 ALL 16 AIJL 17 AJ.,,L 18 AJ,I-, 19 AIJL, AI,L ALIJ AIJL AIJIJ AIJL AIL ALIJ AIJIJ AL,L This area requires axl exEerior opening for emergency escape or regcue. The minimum area iE 5.7 sq.ft' and the rninimum dimensions is 241 X 20'r- -- Sec. 310.4 A smoke detector ie required in this area since it provides acceas to roomF u8ed for sleeping purpoEes. -- Sec. 31-0,9.1.4 A smoke detect,or is required in all rooms that may be used for sleeping purposes. -- Sec. 310,9-L.4 A smoke detector is required on all levels and they are required to be wired to an alarm in the bedroom area(8). -- Sec. 310.9.1.4 A smoke detector is required in the upper level ceiling at the etairs. -- Sec. 310.9.L.4 A smoke detecEor is reguired in the basemenE. -- Sec . 310 .9 .L.4 The minimum clearance from the fireplace and chimney to combuEtible materials ie 2 inshes. -- Table 31-B The size of the hearth at. Lhe fireplace does not meet Ehe minimum requirements. -- Sec. 3LA2-5-2 The chimney iE required to extend 2 feet above any roofing within l-0 feet. -- Table 31-B Page # 3 Code review for: ProJect Id.: ROSEN RESTDENCE AddTCES: ]-1.50 WESTHAVEN I,ANE 20 ALL AJ.,I-, The garage must be separated from the dwelling by f hour-fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 3-B and 302.4, Exception 3r' 21" AIJI-, AIJIJ The door between the garage and Ehe dwelling is required t,o be a t 3/8n thick solid core or 20 miriute self closing door. -- Sec. 302.4' ExcepEion 3 22 AT,,Ir AL,,IJ The stairway indicated does noe Provide Ehe required minimum width of 36 inches' -- Sec. 1003.3.3.2 23 AIJL AI,L The maximum rise of sEeps is 8 inches. -- Sec. 1003 .3 .3 .3, Exception 1 24 A],T, ALL, The minimum run on each etep is 9 inches. -- Sec. r- 25 Arrrr The minimum head clearance wertj.cally from a line along the nosing is 6- - 8tr. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.4 26 AIrL A continious handrail is required along one side of the stairway. -- sec. 1-003 .3 .3 .6 27 AI.IJ The minimum height of the handrails is 34'r and the maximum height of the handrail is 38n' -- Sec- L003.3.3.6 28 AIJIr The maximum opening in the handrail/guardrail is less tshan 4 inches. -- Sec. 1003.3.3.6 & 509.3 29 Ar,I' A 35" high guardrail with openings less than 4 inches is required where the drop-off ie 3O 11 or more. -- Sec. 509.2, Exception X & 509.3 30 ArJIJ The enclosed usa.ble space under the stairs is reguired bo be protected by t hour fire-resistive construction. -- sec. 1- 31 AJ,IJ Show an access (1S X 24 minimum) to the cravtl space area. -- Sec, 2306.3 32 A1IJ The crawl space area is required to be wentilated by either an approved mechanicaL means or by openings in the exterior walls. -- Sec. 2306.7 Page # 4 Code review for:Project Id.: ROSEN RESIDENCEAddress: 1150 WESTHAVEN I-,ANE 3 3 AIJIJ 34 ALL 3 5 Al,L This colunn is not adequate Eo support the load onir. This bearing waII is not supported to the foundation. The studs in this wall are inadecruaEe for the load on it. -- Table 23-Iv-B DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, April 02, 2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION 11:3O am PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department 12:00 pm %*, 2;00 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Margaret Rogers David Viele SITE VISITS 1. Cocchiarella - 5198 Gore Circle 2. Turilli - 2960 A Manns Ranch Road 2. Cook - 1A12 Eagles Nest Circle 3. Potato Patch Townhomes - 770 Potato Patch Drive 4. Rosen - 1150 Westhaven Circle 5. Beaver Dam - 363 Beaver Dam Road 6. Mountain Haus - 292 E. Meadow Drive Driver: Warren MEMBERS ABSENT PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Swearing in of re-appointed DRB member Bill Pierce (4th term) and appointed DRB member David Viele - Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. 2. Election of 2003 Chair - Clark Brittain MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: David Viele VOTE:5-0 Vice-Chair - Bill Pierce MOTION:Clark Brittain SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 3. Rosen residence DRB03-0051 Allison Final review of proposed new single family residence with Type ll EHU 1150 Westhaven Circle/Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Robert Rosen MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 3:00 pm APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: That prior to submittal of the building permit the landscape plan shall be revised to add additional screening along the berm. A minimum of 5 trees shall be added and the landscape plan shall be revised to appear more natural, with staff reviewing the changes for compliance. That prior to the submittal of the building permit the drawings be updated to reflect the details as presented at the meeting. That prior to the submittal of the building permit there be a detail for the transition between the log siding and the wood siding. That prior to the submiftal of the building permit all Public Works and Planning issues be resolved by the applicant and approved by staff. Whiterock LLC DRB03-0036 Bill Final review of proposed exterior alteration 1249 Westhaven Circle/Lot 35, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant White Rock LLC, represented by Tab Associates, Inc. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 16, 2OO3 Turilli residence DRB03-0065 Bill Final review of proposed addition 2960 A Manns Ranch Road/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village 13* Filing Applicant: Penny & Steve Turilli, represented by Peel/Langenwalter Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 DIRECT STAFF TO STAFF APPROVE WHEN COMPLETE Cook residence DR803-0054 Final review of proposed new stucco wall and fence. 1012 Eagles Nest Circle/Lot 2, Block 6, VailVillage 7th Filing Applicant: Sam Cook, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects MOTION: David Viele SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL APRIL 16, 2OO3 Sun Vail DRB03-0053 Final review of proposed grading, landscaping, and new pool house 635 N. Frontage Road/Sun Vail Condominiums Applicant: Sun Vail Condo Association, represented by Design Workshop MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. The applicant shall satisfy Public Works and Fire Departments concerns, prior to issuance of a building permit. 2. That it is recommended that additional shrubs be added on the south side of the berm with sprinklering. 8. Potato Patch Townhomes DRB03-0063 Warren Final review of proposed exterior alterations 770 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 6, Btock 1, Vail Potato Patch Applicant: Potato Patch Townhome Assoc., represented by Prima Associates 2. 3. 4. 4. o.Waren Warren7. MOTION; Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 9. Cocchiarella residence DRB03-0046 Matt Final review of proposed remodel/addition 5198 Gore Circle/Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn 5m Addition Applicant Kate & Carl Cocchiarella MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant relocate the 2 trees to be removed to a suitable location. 10. Mountain Haus DRB03-0055 Matt Final review of proposed sign program 292 E. Meadow Drive/Block 5D, Vail Village 1"'Filing Applicant: Mountain Haus Condominium Home Owner's Association MOTION: Margaret Rogers SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH I GONDITION: 1. That the sign color be neutral and submitted to staff for approval. 11. Town of VailDRB03-0079 Allison Final review of proposed recreation path guardrails Town-wide Applicant: Gregg Barrie, Town of Vail Public Works Department MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. The railings shall be painted black.2. That each railing location must be approved by the Planning staff prior to construction. This approval does not apply to the Village or Lionshead. Staff Approvals Vail InternationalDRB03-O020 Matt Exterior modifications 300 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead l"tFiling Applicant VaillnternationalCondoAssociation McClusky residence DRB03-0039 Warren Deck enclosure 1476 Westhaven Drive/Lot 53, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Dorothy McCluskey Hamelin residence DRB03-0068 Matt Change to approved plan 5167 Gore Circle/Lot 12, Block 3, Bighorn srh Addition Applicant: R. Hamelin Hyatt residence DRB03-0076 Judy Replace retaining walls '1200 Ptarmigan Road/Lot 1A, Block 8, VailVillage 7th Filing Applicant: Eileen Charles Hyatt Ferguson residence DRB03-0058 Matt Replace balcony railing Meadow Vail Place, 44 West Meadow Drive/Lot 1, Vail Village 2no Filing Applicant: John Ferguson Timberfalls DRB03-0045 Matt Re-roof Building 20 4564 Timberfalls Court/Timber Falls Condos Applicant: William & Linda Ragland Pattison residence DRB03-0077 Bill Change to approved plan for 23 sq. ft. addition 5126 Black Gore Drivellot 2, Block 12, Gore Creek Subdivision Applicant: Pete & Carol Pattison The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. I0lllrv Project Name: Rosen Residence Project Description: New SF residence with Type II EHU Participants: OWNER Robert Rosen/Westhaven Realt03/11/2003 Phone: 914-559-8117 1127 lake Avenue Greenwich CT 06837-2748 License; APPLICANT EricJohnson, Architect O3ltIl2003 Phone: 203-637-8730 Alisberg Parker Architect 210 Sound Besch Ave Old Greenwich CT 05870 License: Project Address: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Location: Legal Description: Lot:39-2 Block; Subdivision: GLEN LYON SUB. Parcel Numben 210312109004 Comments: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us DRB Numb€r: DR8030051 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Pierce woldrich 5-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 05/15/2003 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff andlor the appropriate review committee(s). Condr 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005891 that prior to submittal of the building permit, the landscape plan shall be revised to add additional screening along the berm. A minimum of 5 trees shall be added and the landscape plan shall be revised to appear more natural, with staff reviewing the changes for compliance, Cond: CON0005892 That prior to submittal of the building permit, the drawings be updated to reflect the details as presented at the meeting. Cond: CON0005893 That prior to the submittal of the building permit, there shall be a detiail for the transition between the log siding and the wood siding, Cond: CON0005894 That prior to the submittal of the building permit all PW and planning issues be resotued by the applicant and approved by staff, Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paad: E650.00 / IOI4/NM Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Coloraclo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects reguiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also nedd to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Physical Address:I t6o Ut4d+ra"s--- CvcJ,e- Parcef No.: ?11 ,l'Ll ' o q o o + (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: rat q@S Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: 0 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: OWbtta'r^ E-mail Address: Phone: Type of Review and Fee: tr. Signs E Conceptual Review /1lew Construction'tr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-fa mily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/d u plex) E Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request UC already approved by Planning Staff or the 3 u{'$4! %e,A.d, $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to Dlans Design Review Board. No Fee @rKvEk For Office-Use Only:c'ec*no.,7fioV By- dr4uu/-Zr.o,-. RECEIVEB o JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print nu'",-]!a4 F4,^4 a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) lat ql provide this tetrer as written approvat of rhe ptans our"o' _2!_?__/Q_-- which ?.1 have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations, z lq {o+ (Date) Z\O Page 2 of 1.2/o2ll7l02 10 L+ n50 ff,.sthav.ri Vail, CO 81 657 -orrtr /be*p-p $'V A..TTFf-J ircle .: $r. c L*optqe F A+ c-- ', F=?lPtt-'-t(2 ,/rF.tr-1 4-T o Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting PNq PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material ftowa C-eAz,r AA-Azu 1N qsz> ah.,l ?s:-t zN b / tx to *-dx-fr>rr,rlrho,ru.e- 9.A) aS f& I x v C-eAe',-@zt.p>&q. =ttl a5zl CtrJ D- broqzz. 7-.X to / zx 4 &.Avl. b. ?mwn +W Z6zz-ct)4 WorJ D. fufttre Zx Lo / zx+ UAb/ ?.2too'lt-, Ail ?S"-z- Color Nv+lnvl zx(e / tx=- F.edued Ctte;zrt'l>4.+ srtl +srl W a2- h*+w)4 F{css fuet - ft'e,,,r- /e +>H,o== ?qk-/c.Pc{,* =b,^a- fJa,en"r /AAa,* F{og= Fo.l* ftrra4o &rno,--,.w?g,e+.4 t^Jht. @l* Notes: Please specify the manufacturefs name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Fyt-'; Mitat.ir1-, bnr^t-- Log +rd;"^A1 chrurL- 6. fuo,om 1g1o ,,/t x z Fqare baite-- c.?oa}+ Page 6 of 12102107102 I Botanacal Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name W' L:"^f t>(--Ue*'4 Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ca".AV*u.< Ouantiw lq 6*o + 14' a. X+p.---@tu- C -'Cl,svrrt NA lzl 7" ql 3:-e*\ 'zztt or!be&'t-€ ug Psfz-f.0te -!,-i:1-9 9 aul2e\Qyret^t&v Minimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper C-oniferous Trees - 6' in heiqht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Type Ntf< NA a-^e- 541r*l'-"4 (t\rZA, +€/4d @t Tt/,.1', Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Q Tva,=O"\ Please specifu other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of 12102107l\z illtnscAPE r,Ecnxt Syrr$ol-Descdplion ___Srzr-- Quantity 8'- 14'hr. 20 2" - 3" cal 40 Spruce / l). Pine Aspen / Coltonrvood Ornamental liee: 3" - 4" cal 5 Box Elder Maple, Clanadian Cherry Ornamental Shrub Massing: -5 gallon 25 Spirea app, Curranl app. Potentilla app, Serviceberry, Dwar{' Spruce, S.Junipers Native Shrub Massing: 5 gallon 25 Snowberry, Sage, Native Rose Perennial Flowers: I gallon flats l0 Yarrow, Columbine, Paintbrush, Daisy, Blue Flax, Lupine,, Pentemon, Lousewort, Meadowrue. Aster Revegetated Disturbed Arcas with Native Grass and Wildflower Seed Mix with the following mix at a rate of 42 lbs. per acre 15% creeping red fescue 5% sheep fescue 25% arizona f'escue 30% canada bluegrass l0% idaho fescue l5o/o slenderwheatgrass one application of di-amonium phosphate fertilizer, 184-6-0 at the rate of 8 lbs. per I 000 SF shall be broadcast prior to seeding. Mulch all seed sown areas with 2"- 3" of weed free straw. Tacifu with approved organic tackifier at the rate of 120 lbs. per acre. All seeded areas with a slope of 2: I or greater shall be controlled wth erosion control netting. Shrub beds and tree wells to be mulched with 3" shredded mulch. Planting beds to be separated from sod and native grass by 1/ 8" x 4" galvanized steel edging. Landscape Contractor shall install an 24" wide river rock drip edge at all roof driplines. Line river rock with filter fabric. All nalive grass areas are to be temporarily irrigated with an above ground systgm for a period not to exceed one year. UTIUTY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk llnes or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) n a.r.y\r /art 970'384'0257 (fax)L"' Contact: WgalV-r_* Co'ntr^ 1- EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAs 970.262.4077 (tel) Contact: Brian Sulzer HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.949.a566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4024 (tel) 970.252.a038 (fax) / alue- 4r*rit*^ CFr*r^-.f Contact: KitBoga.rt 4q91miE Co EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITANON DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 11? (tel) - 970.949.9138 (fax) C,6ntrl/1 Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 7. fi a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified oroblems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at.the Town of Vail. Utility locations must be ob'Lained before - dioging in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail, A building permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seoaralelv. Page B of L2lOZl07l02 n,HFE. Z.eEagHil1l 3SieR'l ry vAlLn)+r*orto tr m'ffi.*rrr+Frf B&E E(ftl },[GI{' FRESSURE GAS f/0.26a.4077 (Ef) .ftfitacL trlan Strfrer vfr'st-yctlosselrctntcndsou'"' . . 97.0.9+9.5894 (tel) . 970.949,+566 (fEx) ronbct: TEd Husky E(CEIENERGY szo,aei.roz+ lta) .' ' 970-462.4038(fdx) - conbct: KftBogErt EAGLE RIIM WATER & 5ANTTATION DXSTRICI* 4 rNd 1fafta6ip-fir Rre u rnta 970.476.7480 ftrt) e7o:476.40ss(fa{i . Contact: Fred Hastee . ATETSROAOSAi{O 970.9a9.I?24 x t1Z (tet) 970.949.9138 (ftsx) Contactl Floyd satazar -..:.1i ':'ir '.1t' 1-' '"::,,.:, I laOrES:. 'i.; rpttblgms.. ?',:lt gltY.tornpElty'has-mnems wiBr,tjre preposd ftnstrudon. fte utility reprg$entHriva shhtl .:,',,nst€ dircdy on r|tc uuliry vErffi'rarior!.tbrtn troi tnuF is s pmllgrr"*htii'+4,n.be f€€"Jved, ,'rte tseue shoqta if*n be 'deriihd n riir atta*i*i'rerci m tt Jrirt:JiGTi: .ffift,a;;TiGse_-E# ' , ' ' h fiiild that it .ts ttre-n:sporctbitiq/.of Ure utllity company .anO .fte spFlica#O rc€ohc iffified, , " ,. A buiHinqsmft rs agta F?€,eedf fiJWoViz e Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f ax 970.4 /9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us *This checklist must be submitted prior to Public Works review of a proposed development Owners/Project Name:?-orFLl F.e=rl--1.Jc-ei Project Address:tl6o uJ (*U/wA_--Cirrl'u Applicant: Submiftalo Stamped survgy of property o Civil/Site plans Survey Requirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signature Date of survey North arrow Proper scale (1"=10'or 1"=20') Legal description Basis of bearings / Benchmark Spot Elevations Labeled right of way and propefty lines; including bearings, distances and curve information, Lot Size Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) u Landscape plan tr Title Repoft (Section B) o o o o u o o II. tl U D o o o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setback (if applicable) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topography Utility locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in eittrcr direction from property. D n tr o o Slte Plan Reouirements: I. Access (check all)n Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. u Unheated u Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 109o of driveway area if heated) All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_ Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 Construction Site (check all) Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction. I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 o't 12lo2l07lO2 @ oor!{Juvz \307 ?34 8434 P,82 OhrD &. rlalol 27 YJffii,X,'L 7z: ffiJaitaEar='| lrE ErlhiF FEIL qry' t *4'd--.--^- ffi,*lwatat-,tl lnrrritdlilft Io rl$it 6rt ilatir 4lH n l'e-At tltfi=Err:-F grcf= trn€loH Fll|E|'nO # nE,lrrr*an.s!f,tts lfea#r/dnrllri> ffin*rg-.tx,-l'6;rdd66r rrlrlEtn'- rt l rEr o) e DF d.irdtt(G'Bqr' drfdl tEh'|drll alrg-.t#jbtflnq w anp,|il' sattan4'a kLa' ri tlhltrl+6'6;-= qtua-te-a- R E *:g*-. J;rtc 4''- = b ry-'"t-aq. E Eil-rtt l-rr - --t i Fbt|dDHtE(FSil , ' t Fg|| s||.F.re lPFr folr €F ttr kdil tr fr3 Offrrf r|r'n alssrtG || cj!', d.r& Enor YFG! E ct|rria.fldr{tl.Ftrkt tl F-(n glti'r-rfilEt (IFrEFdr trEr||tshg|d l >(||r|cEIt-fltbt o r. gtEgl ttnr it- E r telt|*lGErrrFr=E I F-.F,*tEGtrrrorlqrtalFrlr tgqt bralFl.PErtd'lrr# D gF.ry*.'#t'-;l..,Ebt*d rshisr(+'ry!Fl l--]r/GtDdd*tltdEr .drlittrJ clrrdrtur6+dtqtr,! liEr Frt I lrrC(d dt||E! 4r/9/03 q,ecco,bat 3r trtrutr Flrqour|plr,ntattrlulr|!rsffi1r t{llirar ru;*< qdctf rJl ts lr *a bd-r rflt.tl ritt fbolgt^t lrottnrdarr'5' cr.SrHrbrdffi-l!?.** ? _--:-* FHrizr TTTin'ise-gsat prtr, 3S.l| tF-, a-rit a. te C rDCheEthr96l E uu 65- /-f4/3 .s , ffir-rtrtrIt-tl ./o A"eonI'\)'lzl l..B 6.g.4drnF.l6' Arr al,{l e #CT 066t1 '/ratdt{aJ,l',laat*trF8.qE4. ;ffiFiEt.rnrlf Robarl J' r'e6etlt *ttt111f Fchs-,rnElleibfa r-9tra.cd, tac- r€lFli Ldtlti TOTFL P. EZ \i,l t, u_l fsaacsonl, RosnnrnAuM, Woous & Lrw, P.C. ArroFlrYs & CoUNsElr&s AT LAw FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: NAMI. COMPANY Eric Johnsos F^X NUMB€R: 970/926s293 PIIONE I\UMBER: 97AtE26-5292 .SDNDER: Lonny Donovan DAIE: March 7, 2003 CLIE^*T NO. 4123t2-003 IE: Vail Residence ORIGTNAL DOCUME},fl'S WILL; O FOLLOS'BY R€CI'LAN MAIL d FOLLOW BY OVERNIOHT I'IAIL A NOT BE SENT FoR rMNsMrssloN p*orLEMs cALr- 303-29-5656 ANo aSK FoR F^x OPEx^roR (DCr. 259). N9TE5ICOMMEN?S: PER THE REQUEST OF ROBERT ROSEN, ATTACHED ARE COPIES OF SCHEDI'LES A AND B TO TIIE TITLE COMMITMENT FOR II5O WESTHAVEN IANE, NOTICE: The iryfo.rnation contaircd in or atrached ro this FAX messsE€ ls intended only for th€ confid€6tl8l us€ of th€ individvsl(e) named above- ll you a(€ not $re nafied leripisnt. or Fn agBnt restonaible lor de$vsring t to the namqd reciDient. you sre h€rebv notifiad thst y9u have rec€ived lhie document ;n €'fior EnC thar rev;ew. digsemioation or cqpying of lhis communication is prghibited. l{ yog have.€ceived thi6 commlnicaion in error, please notify ue imo€diatelv by telephone a.d rgtum rh€ origingl documents to Gs by .haii. Thefik you tor your cooperstion. rOTAL NO- OF P^GES INCLUDING COVER: 633 l7* STR I, SLr$E 22fi). DENvEn., Colon rpo 802O2 o 3o3-292-5656 t Fax303-292-3152 *** * * * *,! + * * * * * + * 'l ******* * 'B* l.*******'F** ******+,t:* !t***+ **:l{.{.'1. * {r tl. * 't * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * + +:1.!+ **!t***i.*** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * *******+*+* +** * * * {r it 'r * * * * * .} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + * * * * * * {.* * * * * * '},F *:1. r.:} * * '1.** * ** * * * *** * * + * * * * * *4. * * **** Statement Nr-uriber: R030003697 Amount: $550.00 03/LL/200304;52 PM Payment Method: Check Init: iIAR Notation: 7804 Robert aI. Ro6en Permit No: DRB030051 T]4)e: DRB - Neht Consuruction Parcel No: 2L0312109004 Site Address: Location: 1150 Westhaven Circle Lot 39-2 Total Fees: $55o. oo This Payment: $650.00 Total Alrrr Pmts: $650.00 Balance: S0.00 **+*'t + + {. + * * * * 'F 'l * * * r. * + {. rN.{. * * ********* *:tr* +**{.****.1. '******* * ************'t't'1.**i.*'}******{.{i **** *:*:*** ACCOI-INTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DTSIGN REVIEI./ FEES 650. 00 Status: I Approved Corunrtunrry DEVELopMENT Roul t'tc Fonna J Approved with conditions ffi Denled Routed To:Leonard Sandoval. PW Date Routed:o3112t03 Routed By:Allison Ochs Date Due:03t14to3 Rosen Residence Description of work:Single Family Res with EHU Address:1150 Weslhaven Cr. Legal:Lot:39-2 Block:Subdivision: I Glen Lyon Comments:Date Reviewed: 3-17-gg Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review by Fire Driveway grade on west side of home exceeds 10% grade. Adjust and revise. Max unheated cannot exceed 10% as-built or driveway will be required to be heated. Add two feet of asphalt to entrance into garage on West side of SFR for a total width of 12 ft. As we discussed on phone. show grade elevation or step between driveway and Belgian Courtvard. Also show on sheet A301 . Provide a stamped approved drawing for retaining walls over 4ft, from a license PE. When Readust limits of disturbance fence to include the proposed new sewer line down towards bike . Erosion control will also be required. As shown on site plan. all drainage will flow down driveway towards the grade elevation of 8068, that is just east of bridge. Where will drainage flow from there.? Show ditch, Rip Rap, culvert? to keep drainage flow from As proposed, the Fire Truck turnaround area doesn't work, needs to be extended to the south 27 ft and driveway needs to be widen to 20 ft on west side, 17 ft on east side of turnaround area. Please call me for detail information. Tuning radius was based using a 40 ft truck . Show all require parking spaces on site plan. LSandoval |,[aR 11 '83 mar- 11-O3 ."',J" ?elt?_ t sa6-5?93 %fl-2.' Gt@h \u- 3. rl-.o3 15:52 FR XCEL FI.JFPCV ;OCIAT€So '^( ^t[t(f ' &*-4) -Y"l gre 262 4838 rO A7g7qyfr5?93 P.@, P. 03 ,cFf ,./ .t \ 9mie{.0238 (H)lP.'t- $\ czo.3s+.ozsr ir"it \r/rr- contacr: wea,+t*_() DrcEL HIGH FRESSIJRE GAs CATIOI{ VERIFICATIOH Thlsbrm is - --,., *.,^= ov.rEoNlcy and lGuon fol n€ilv corlstruction aftl st$rrld be useit ln conjonctbn lvith prcparing your utility plan and q'|€duling Instalbtions. TI|e locadon end avF;bbility of utilities. whett*r they are main trunk lines or propos€d lines, must be agproved aad verified by the following utilittss for the rcmpanyirp site plan. Asfhori:ed SioL.t|(r DrtG QwEsr 9m-76z.4ott(H) 14 n Cortadr fE'K(ar D rg^t,llos> HOI.Y CROSS ELtrTRICASSOC. 970.949.589t1 {tel) 970.9rt9.{i66 (fax} Co.*acti Ted Husky Oqtrr-eftencY 970262.402/+ (?€l) 970.262.4038 (rbx) Contact; KtSoCan /qtryt- i51y.,+Jn +o*{b, Q 3J),a3 EAGtf RTVER WATER & SAI{ffATIOIV DISTRICT* e70.476.7480 (N) 970+76.4089 {fao Conbct: Frcd ]lasl€c ATET SROAOSAND 970.9{e.r224 r r12 t!et) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contac$ fuyd 9rdaat rPbst prcvide a siie pbq lloor ptstl, and devations when obbining apprsvd from the Eagb River Water & Ssrlibtftrn D!!si6. Fire frfrr neds mqstb€ addrcssed. NOTES: I.If tfte utilfy vefillcatbn form has stgnatures torn eadr ef ths utility companles, and no eommentsote m& dir€dv on the form, the Town will presrcnr $at urerc gre no problems and the dev'doprnert can proceed. If a utifiV @.npcny h* conernr with tt|e prpposed construction, the stllity npresantath/e sh.tlttotc drecdy on the utility vedfic.tbn form tht there ts a probtem wftt& rre* to be |€rolrred. The is$ue shcuH then be deiailed in an atladrcd lctter lo the Town of Vail. fhrrever, please leep tn mind $at ,t is tfte rcspoasitiliV of the riitiv codpany and d|€ applicant O n:sotne lOentinsO tltobtsrns. These vrrltieti|'ns do not relieve tt|e contracbr of ttre l€spmdbility to obt in a fiom tf|e oep€rrrE* of Puuh ribrkl * tlre Tovn of \ra;t. .tauttt tb6tiolll must 9!Sgi!S in any prblic right-of-w6y or easemeff withln the Tom of vail, l, OuiFino aermit is not apublk W4 p€trnit rnd rntrglbe obtaind serpraEhl. Perrnit +1. gM % W3 wEE.63lix TOTAL FHGE. 82 Pa€,f.,Bofrztworya2 t#R t7 ,w L2:32 r$s?. 11.2@ 4: 15Pt1 TCI o UTIIITY TOCATIO'T VERIFICATIOT{ This ficrm ls to veriil seMce availabillty and locqtlon for new construction and should be used in aontuncion with preparing your utility plan and scfreduling instanaqons. The leation and aveilabinfy oi utllities, whether thsy are maifl trunk llnes or proposed lins, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the ammpanyhg site plan. / ortl\I{- 6ui+r,- cto*trl.tb, co A\rt3ft cd_o Authorized Siqnature Date QwESr 970.384.0238 (teD e78.384.0?S7 (f#) Contacil lassn Sharp D(CEL HIGH PRESSURE GAs 970,262.40n ttet) &ntacfi Brhn Sulzer HOLY CA,OSs ELECTRIC AsSOC" 970.949.s8s2 (tet) 970.9a9.as66 (fax) Contacfi Ted Husky EKCEL ENERGY 970.262,,m24 (tef) 970.zez.4g3g fftsx1 conEct' Klt Bosart EAGLE RNER WATER & SANTTATIO''I DISTRICT+ e70..r76,?480 (el) 97D.476,4089 tfax) Contac$ Fred Flslee AT&T BROADBAND 9m.949.1224 r 112 (tel) 970,e4e,913E (lbx) Contacil Floyd Salazar 3 -//d3. & Sanitation Di;ficl Fire flow nds must be addressed. NOTTS: 1. If the'utillty rrer'rficathn form has signatures from eadr of the utility companies, and no comments are made dlrectly on the tbrm, the Town will presume tfiat therc arc no probbms ald the devefopment can pneceed. 2. ff a utility company has conceflls with the proposd @nstrucbbn, tfe utilfty |"presenbthE shall note dlrecdy on the utility verificathn form tlrat there is a problem whi$ rds !o h re6olv€d. The issue should then be detailed ln an atlached feher io the Torn of !bil. llowerer, please keep In rnird that R is the responsibility of the utiliry company aod the applhant to resolrc ldenuf,edPtoblems. ' " 'r I 3. These verlfications do not relieve ttp contractor of the rxponsibihly bo obin a Public Way Pennlt from the @artrnent of Publlc Works at.the Town of vall. Utllfb.-loaEfforls mu+ baobtalnd be&E cl'rooing in any public right-of-+ray tr easment withln the Town of Vall. A buildinE permit ls nqt,a Public Way pemiLand must-be obtained $rpF6tely. Page 8 of 12l02lO7lOZ NO.348 P, LlL t- !. .loI, v m. Drainage (check all that apply)u The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.D (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o B Foot Concrete Pana Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) W. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)n Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.u Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site ptan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)a The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)a The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)tr The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been provided D The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VIL Grading (check all that apply)a Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. u All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade.n All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection andlor stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans.tr Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check alt that apply)s All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.n All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans.u All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction,s No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)B Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12,DProper5ightdistancehasnotbeenattained,Exp|anationwhy:- Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that peftain to Public Works Review. Page 12 ot t2/02/O7lO2 12- 3-O3 ; 9: 42AM; US R. Boymer conslruction WEST i s7o46e0672 012:U PM # 2/ 2 o rFTo!4ie-e11e *U n?n UTILMT .LOCAIION VE RI FT€ATIUH ; This foim;F to verifo service availability and loea0on for nesr:construcdoft and should be used in . conjttneion with preparingryour utilltyiplan andlgchetluling installaHEnsi':.Ttie:lciubtiuir and.availabilig of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed llnesf must be approved and verlfled by ttre..' follpwing utilifles for the accompanying site plan. . r " r.i .:. :,..,.. r:..' : t -' r':: ;: :'i 'i. Aulioflzed Sinnature QWEsT 970i384;0238 (teD ' ' 970.384.0257 (fax) .. Cohtach Jbson Sharp. EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970,262:4077 (tel) . . Contacti Brian Sulzer 970,949.s894 (tel). 970.949.,1566 (fa<) Conbctl Ted Husky EXCELENERGY 970,282,402+ (tel) 970.262,4038 (fax) Contacti Kit Bogart EAGLE RIVERWATER & 9{NITATION DiSTRIGT* 970.476,7480 (tel) e70;476,4089(far(i .' . ''' Contact: Fred Haslee . AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 97'0;949.9138 (fax) ConhcB Floyd Salazar Page 8 of tzlOUOTl0Z ;970468067212- 3-O3 ; 9:424M;uS WE ti o ride t(Jwest\|[; Yr To: 1u ty FROM: Scott SUBJECT: # pages including this one: REMA,trIKS.. Network Services 71"-,:';/g? *ZVs < C arringto n,' (9 70) 4 6 I -68 6 0 oo Our Order No. V77E73O-5 LTGAL DESCRIPTIOIU PARCEL A: LOT 39-2. A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 39, AMENDED PLAT GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION, ACCORDINC TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUCUST 28, I986 IN BOOK 447 AT PACE 679, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO, PARCEL B.- . CONVEYANCE OF ROADWAY EASEMEM RECORDED AUGUST 21, 1978 IN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 61I, AUGUST 25, 197E IN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 98I A]'iD MARCH ]4, 1979 IN BOOK 282 AT PAGE 883 AND EASEMENTS AS CONTAINED IN DECLARATION RECORDED FEBRUARY 28, 2OOO UNDER RECEPTION NO. ?23599. to ALTA COMMITM.ENT Schedule B - Seaion 1 . (Requirements) Our Order No. V2'18730-5 The following are tle requiremelrts to be complied with: Item (a) Paymelt to or for the account of the gf,astors or slortgaEors of the full corsidcrsuos for the esrale or iawrcst to be insured. Itcm (b) Proper instrurrent(s) creating rtre esrate or intercst to be iasured mu.st be executed and duly lilcd for record, ro-rlit: Item (c) Paymem of all rsxes, charges or assessmelrs levied atrd assess€d againsr the subjert premises wbich are due aad payable- Itcm (d) Addidonal rcqyiremenrs, if aay disclosed below: T. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS. CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TTTETOWN OF VAILTRANSFERTA){ HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 2. WARRANTY DEED FROM 6392EI ONTARIO LIMITED TO WESTHAVEN REALTY LLC, A COLORADO LMITED LTABILXTY COMPANY CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. RESOT-U-T{oN OF 639281 ONTARTO LMrn:p AUTHoRUES JoSEPH M. PAL TO E)(PCUTE ALL DOCUMENTS O.N B.EI{ALF OF 639281 ONTARTO LE{rrED. NOTE: ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION FOR WESTHAVEN REALTY LLC, A COI-ORADO LIMITED LIABILTTY COMPANY DISCLOSE(S) ROBERT J. ROSEN AS TT{EMANAGER(S). THE FOLIJOWING DELETIONSA{ODIFICATIONS ARE FoR THE OwNER's POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS l-3 OF TIIE GBNERAL E (CEPfiONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. UPON TI{E APPROVAL OF TIIE COMPANY AND NIE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FNAL L]EN AFFTDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WIII BE AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITIM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAT EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED AS TO ANY UENS OR FUTURE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL zuRNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF 63928I ONTARIO UMITED. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SHALL HAVE NO LIABILMY FOR ANY UENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURMSHED AT TIIE REQUEST OF WESTHAVEN REALTY LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED 1IABILITY COMP$TY. : NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEFIIONS WIll BE DELETED IF 1AND TITLE OL ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Secdon 1 (Requirtfn ents)Our Order No. V278?30-5 Continued: RECORDS TI{E DOCUMEMS REQUIRED UNDER SCHEDULE 8.1. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, 1TEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXFS AND ASSESSMENTS FOR TITE YEAR 2OO2 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS' ITEM ? UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WIII- BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE I#ATER AND SEWER CHARCES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. +rr+**rr,t**,t NoTIcE oF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTI\|E SEPTEMBER l, 2002 +**,.r*+++r, Fursuaar to Colorado Revised Siatute 30-10421. "The couaty clerk and recorder shall collect a $r$harge of $1.00 for earh doqrme*r rcceivcd for recording or filing in his or her officc. The surcharge ehall be iD addidon to stry other fees permitted by $a$te.' -' 'ngi{'1't.''F' e'' o v ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Scction2 (Exceptiom)Our Order No- v27E?30.5 The policy or policies to be issu€d will contain €xceptions to the following uutess l}le same are disposed of to the selisfection of the Compa.ny: 1. Ri8bts s1 gtzirns ef padies in possession not sbowl by rlre public recotds. ?. Easemmts, or.clalns of easemens, not sho"m by rhc public records. t. Discrepancies, conflicts ia boundary lines, shonage ia area elcroachmetrt$, atrd aly facrs wbjcb a corred survey and iaspecdol of *re premises would disclose and *tich are nor showa by tle public records " 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material rlcretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law ard not showa by rhe public rccords- 5. Defects, liens, enormbrances, adverse claing or olh€f, ldaners, if any, crcarcd, fuv appearing il the public rccords or anachitrg subseque'rt ro tbc effective dare hercof bul prior ro the dare the proposa( insured acquires of record for value rhe esrare or intsrest or mongage dercon covered by th-ls e-ommihe[t. 6. Taxes o,r qpecial asscssrncds which are not shoum as exisring liens by the public rccords, 7 . g"* 161 rrnpaid water atd server charges, if aay. 8" In addilion, lhc owncr's poticy s,ill be zubject to rlc mongage, if any, noted in sec{ion I of Schedule B bereof. 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A 1EIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TIIE SAJ',IE BE FOTJND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMI5ES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEM RECORPED DECEMBER 29. 1920. IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 42. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCTIES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIE AUTHORTTY OT rHP UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED DECEMBER 29. 1920. IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE42. II. RESTRICTIVE CO\ENAMS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT Oh{ITTING A}fY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON F"ACE, COI3R, RzuGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMTlIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS FJGMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF TI{E UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRI'MINATE ACAIN$T HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED A}RIL 04. 1978. IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST ?5, T987.IN BOOK 468 AT PACE 447 T}IROUCII 4?2 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RI,CORDED SEPTEMBER 3, i987 IN BOOK 469 AT PAGE 38 AND 39 AND IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, I987,IN BOOK 459 AT PAGE 8OI AND AS AMENDED IN IIISTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 2. 1990 IN BOOK 528 AT PAGE 16i ll ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Secdon 2 @xceptions) Our Order No' V2?873O'5 Tbe poticy or policies tq be isetred will contain exceptioDs to the followiag usle$ the ssme are disPosed of to the satisfactior of the Compaay: 12. EASEMENTS. RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERV€D ON T}TE AMENDED RECoRDED FI.AT OF GLEN LYON STIBDIVISION. 13. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF CONVEYANCE OF ROADWAY EASEMENT RECORDED AUGUST 21, 1978 iN BOOK 273 AT PAGE 6T T, R,ECORDED AUGUST 25' 1978 IN BOOK 2T3ATPAGESSIANDRECoRDEDMARCII|4,|979iNBooK282ATPAGE883. 14. TERMS, CONDrnONS AND PROYISIONS OF CONVEYANCE OF EASEME}M TO BE KNOWN AS THE .WESTIN HO TRATL" RECORDED SEPTEMBER 28, 1984 IN BOOK 395 AT PAGE 935 AND AMENDMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY T1, 2OOO UNDER RECEPTION NO' 7U446 jJlD AS sHovrN oN T1IE Pll,T RECORDED AUGUST 28, 1936 IN BoOK il47 AT PAGE 679 AIID AMENDMENT RECoRDED FEBRUARY 11, 2000, UNDER RECEPTIoN No. ?22445. 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TRENCH. CONDUIT, A}'ID VAULT AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 12' I 999 AT RECEPTION NO ; 689570' 16. TERMs, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF HOLY CROSS ET,ECTRIC ASSOCIATTON, INC.' UNDSROROUND RICI T OF WAY EASEMENT RECORDED MARCI' !2, 1999 AT RESEPTION NO. 6E9571. 1?. TERMS. CONDIfIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT RECORDED JTJNE 23. I9SO AT RECEFTION NO.700658. r8. TERMS, CONDMONS A}I[' PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT RECORDED JUNE 23, 1999 AT **TI* NO.70065s. 19. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT RECORDED JUNE 23' 1999 AT RECE,PTION NO.700660. 20. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT RECORDED ]UNE 23' 1999 AT RECEPTION NO.70066T. 2I. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMENT RECORDED JUNE 23' 1999 AT RECEPTION NOS. ?00662 THROUGH ?00667. .i r-tv ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB.Sectiou2 @xceptions) Or.n Ordsr No. V27873Q-s Tbe pslicy or pollcies to be lssued r*ill colialu o<cqltlons to the following uDl6s the sa@e are ilisposed of to tbe sstisfaction of the Company: 22. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DECLARATION RECORDED FEBRUARY 2E,2OOO UNDER. RECNPTION NQ, 7?3599. NOTE: VACATIONS OF TI{E {.]-IIU]"Y EASEMENT SHOWN ON TI{E PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 28, 19E9 IN BOOK 447 AT PAGE 679 RECORDED: MARCH 24, 1986 IN BOOK438 AT PAGE 628, OCTOBER 16, I99O IN BOOK 540 AT P AGE 22O, DECEMBER 23, I99 I IN BOOK 569 AT PAGE 492 AND MARCH I, 1993 IN BOOK 602 AT PAGE q)4. NOTE: LAND TITLE GUARANTBE COMPANY IS IN RECEIPT OF A SATISFACTORY SURVH. PREPAREp BY PEAK rANp CoNSULTANTS. JOIBI{9. J78.1 pATEp r/10/03 ffACANI tANp\. a4fiifiMa l1ilF. g?Rq?nqfitrl t KF FIFTFFFRTTF lNN PATjF ftl ) CL Engineeriugr lnc. CfVIUOEOAECHMCAL gOIL A}iD TOIIIiTDATIOIT INVT'"CTI{iATION s'oR TROPOSED NESIDEHCE JANUARY 142003 R$.ISSIIEDI.ORI WESIUAVENREALTYiLLC I$AACSoNTR0SENB.AUM' wooDs & LE\rr' P'c' cio LAfiRSlccT J. DONovA$[' JA" 6ffi T.?,lE $TBEETI $TJIIB 22OE DEIWER'CO fl020x P.o. Bd 283?, Edwards, CO 31632, (9?0) 9?6-9088 Tel' (9?o) 926-90EP I{x LKP EI'EII'EERII'Eg4lzilZgA3 15:1E TABLiI OTCOIYITNTS EXEC'TJTIVE$T'MLIARY . '. "..2 scoPEoFsTUDY ... '.2 SITEDESCFFTTON t PROPOSEDCONSTRUCTION ""'"-j FIELDINVESTTGATION... ....''"-..3 SUBSURFACESOILANDGROUNDWATBRCONDITION ."".-3 FonNDATIONRFCOF$ffilDLTIolts ."'---'4 EXCAVATTONpTFTTCLILTIE$ '........4 SI-ASCONSTRUCTIoN.. ---..-4 RETAININCWAILS . . -..,....5 UNDERDRNNSYSTEM. .....''5 SITECRADINGA},IDDBAINAGE.,.. '....."' 6 LAWNIRRIC}ATION "''".....7 LIMTATION ^."...'.7 fiGURSS LOCATIONSKBTCH. "'-'pB'Awt{GHo'1 SUBSURFACEE]$LORATIONIOGS.. .,.. FIC{JRENO'$ l & 2 PERIMETERDRAIN '"'-.'FIGURENO.3 9789259RBS FAGE g? .g4tV5/2963 15:1.6 ei6e26eff LKP EhEI.EERt"u U PAGE 83 IXECUTWE$UMMARY The antire foundafion ofthe proposeal r€sideoce $outd be urpported onthp urdistufo€d beftoch with sonventional typo spread footings, designed for a maximum allowable soil beatiug pcnsaurc of 300$ psf. See Foundr{on Rccarrn+ndation, SCOPE OFSTIJDY This ruport pesest$ &o r€.iult$ of a nrbsurftce Soil and Fowdarion lnvwtigation fot thp pmposed residence to be corstnrcted on Lot 39-2, Gltn Lyon SuMivision, Town of Vail, Eagle Coulty, Colorado. The pupose ofthe suhsurfrcs soil asd ftundstion furwstigttion wus to d*ermirn the engineering chracneristics of the fousdation soil and to provide r,eeornracndations from a Geotechnicel point of vicw for lte fqndetion deeign, Esding, and drainage- SITEI}ESCEXPTION Lot 39-2 is a 1.221-*,re lot"rsth and east &om the switohback on Slesdrsven CirclE in the Tovsn ofYail. Eagle County, Colorsdo. The topography is nroderate to steep, slopiag to the north and northeasl Vegetation cn tbe lot coasisted ofaspea fteec, pine heet end era$s. Drainage ia to the uorlh and northeast. North of the site is Gore Crwk and to the south is tbe Varl ski flrsa and U.S. Forest $e{vice. Lot 39-2 is vac.aot. A4l25l?gE3 15rL6 5769269A89o LKP Er-rGrhiEERt* 5 PAffi E4 PROPO$ED CONSTRUCTIOF{ We baw assugred tbst tbs propo*d residexrce will coUsist of I two-story, $,sod frarne corutructiorg with a csncrete foundation and a walkout basenent. Loads are antieipatsd to be light, tSpical of resideatial co**fruetim- ffthe finelized plaas ditra sipificautly from tbe above understatding, we should bc notified lo reevqlupta tbe rccorruuEndations ofthi$ report' NELDINVESTIGATION The field iuvestigation conduc*ed or lauuary 17, 2000, consistcd of boring; loggitlg Esd sampling t*,rr testhorings. Drilling of t[E teuf borings vE$ rkno wi0t a 4-isch dileeter, corrtinuous flight power auger, on a track mounted &ilI rig.. The test boring locatiots ,fie shown cn Drewing No. 1. We show the soil profiles of the test borings on lhc Subcuface E4plomtion LogF, Figure No's o,ne aild twu. Soil smplee fur laboraory analysis and okvation w€re ta}ffi al sel€ct+d hrffvatg by advancing $tandard Eplit Spooa and Cahfornia Sanplcrs wilh a l 0-poundhammer' fu$ing 30 itrch€s- S{IBSURtrACT, SOIL AND GROTJT{I}SIATER COIIDIfiON The soil profiles encourtered in tre test bonngp were faidy uniform. Boring No. I hatl one foot oftotrBoil overtbree &etef silty, saudygravelover satd$t,ode bidrock BoringNo- 2 at$g hdd one foot of topsoil, over three feet of silty, sandy grevel over weathered to firft saildstone bedrock Practical dritl rig refir$al wss encounteced inbothborings at 5 sd 11 feet, respectively. Gromd vmfer w8s not encolxrt€red ir the te* borin$. .. g4l2v7aa3 15:16 97692696€L PACE E5 TOUNDATTON RECOMMENDATIONS Thc propored resiil€nac ahoullbe srryported urith c+nvefltionslryp€ sprcad footings' dcsigued for a maximrm allor+able soil beaingpsessrlrs of 3000 psf' The footingS should be pt*ccd on the undisturbed firmbe&oclc We recommef,d a minirnum width of td insbcs for tbe csrrtinuouc footiage snat 2 fget for thc ieolated footiug padr. Continuous foundation wqlls shordd be reinforsEd top andbottomto spen an unsupported length of at leagt l0 fept' A rninimum of48 inchss of baekfill covsr is rexomm€f,ded for &ostptotection ofthe fogting eubsil s. The understgnnd angineer should obse*e the lowdation #cdlrtdion to vefify tlrat tttc sqil eatdittffi$ re wlfotm thrawlrottt the ftundatton ueavatian, The folrndation exeavation should be fres from expavatiori spoils, frost, organics and stanrting wat€f. voidr left it the formdation e:{cavation by tho temcval of rocks, should be fill€d with lean cbncrEtt. Footings should be qoo,stnrsted ou t lcvel srrface' EXCAVATION DIF'FTCILTIES Wc asewtre that the eficavatisn can be done with large ercavatiou mnehiilery' Hydra*lic bffii$ils drd btssting, to taorco the roc,ls, raigb also be secdd- F;tca\ratioa of nmmw dility tatches $ight be more di$ficult' SLAS CON$TRUCTION The nmrral oa-sitE BoilF, Enrolusive oftofsoit snd orgtiliq tre suitable tp srypdliEhtly loaded elab-on-graile construction. The subgrade for the slab-on-grade construotion rhould be proof compacted to dg1ee1 and rennove soft rpots. An unaerstab filt if nesess€ry, should be constru,ctqd with on-sitg coil or ofhe,r Buitsble rnaterial" compasted to a minimum of 95 peroem of tbe ma*ftorurn standsid grcctof dessity (ASTM S69S). Suitabls marerial sbo'uld be ft€e ftom topsoil, orguics and .au25l.2aa3 L5: LE 57e5?6qq81 LKP EhrsrhEERt* U PAGE A5 5 rock firgments grcater thfln 3 incbes. The concrete sleb *houldb€ co$strirctdqver a,t-inch layc of clean gravel courisfing of - 3/4 inch grnvel with at least 50% rEtained on the No. 4 eiew ssd less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. The concrete alab-on-grade should be reinfors€d aad conaoljoiots scored according to the Americal Concrete Inslilute rcquircments end pvr the recrrumend*ioru of the designer to reduce darnagg due to The concrete slsb should be seperat€d &om tbe fousdfltian wnlls and columns with enpansion joints to allow for iudepeudent movemcnt witlrout causing darnaga. RETAININGWAI.LS Foundationwells rebinirg ccth endrEtaining strushrrcs tbat nte lsterany zupporGd should be desiped to resist un equivnlent fluid density of60 peffor an "at-rest" condrtron. I,aterally unrestuained scuctur*sr*ainiugthe on-eite eer& $hsuld ba designedto rcsistancquivalent fluid density of 40 pcf for ths n'astive" sase. Tbc above derign recornsrendatioru assrme drsirrd bsrkfill conditisns md a horiaontal bsckfiU surface. Sureharge loading due to adjac€nt $trustwes, weight ofternporary stored cof,$finrctio! Eateriats mrd cquipoa.eat, instincd bac&fiIt md hy&ostafic prescure due to urdmincd brc.I$il ehould be incorporuted in thc desip. Every ettcmpt sh$uld be made to preveut the buildup of hydrostacic prc,rswe behindthe rataining unll. I'NDAru}RAIN SYSI"EM F$chetl rlrdetr cnudition is very common in formdations cons'fuc'ted on bedrsc*. To rcduee lhe risk of surface wwer infiItnating thc formdation subgoil (aod fte development of * perohed *ater aonditio'u) installation of a foundatioa pedmeter drain is rpcomrrenileil" ThB foundation perimater drflin sbould corsist of a4'inph diamaterpedoratedpipe slopedto a suihbtc gravity or*let, wto a sump pump location. The draia should dope at 1/4 inch per foot if fle:tible or at 1/8 of an inch if rigid pipc is ussd. The bottom ef thc uEnch adjaserrt b ths foottry Ehould be lined with a tsAlznl-ZgB3 L5:1.5 9789265fll LKP ENGil-EERrnu U PAGE A7 6 polyetbyleoe moisture bd$ier ghrd to the foundationwall. The drain pipe shorrld be placed ovcr the moish$e bagiEr md covcr€d with a minimrm of 6 inches of -3l4 inch free-draiaiag granular uaterial. Geotextile (Mirafi t40ll cr slrould be used tq cover tbe fts-draining gravel b prcveirt siltation and ologging of tho drain Tbe bmkfill abrvvc fhe ilrein ehould be granular Eatetial to within 2 feet of the grormd zurface to prevcnt a buildup of hydrostatic prassure. The top one foot ofthe backfill mntcrial shpuld consirt of a relatively funpervions fiIL The bsckfiU should ba sloFitrg away from the building. SITE CRAI}ING AND IIRAI}iAGE A site plan was rot availsble for rcview et tbie trrile. Thc following recommend*tions *re generai in rmtsre. The aite currouncliag the buildir4 struchne s,hould slope auay frorn tbe buildiilg in all direstions. A ruinimurn of 12 iuches lo ths first 10 feet is rteqmmendeil in unpaved ueas, ard thr€e inchss in the first l0 fect in pwed ueas. Thn top of the gramrlar fouudation bacldll should be qovsrcd with a mininnxra of I foot of reldively iupervious lill to reduce tbe poteotial of surface wd€r infilbstingthe foundation s!$soits. Fxtsior backfill should be qompact€d at arnear th€ optimunr moisture cont€nt to at l€ast 95% of the maxfunum stendatd ftocor deasity under pavemen! sideuralh ad pdio ffeas €rd to st lecst 90Vo of tltt maxiruun EErdd Proctor dsitsity under landscspcd arcas. Meobflnical medhodr of eompaction shonldbe usotl. Do trotpuddlelbe fourdation Exoavation. Srrfioe watcrnalunlly dreiningtowErat ttrc peopse4 building site shouldbe diverted around and eway Som it by meens of draiangc s.rilales ot othe,r approvad meftods, The roof drains od doumspoute siro'uld oeteod and dfuohsrge beyo d tk limits of tre bflpldtl- .AU?V?4ag 15:18 97e9269aqj v U{P ETSINEERING IFE PAGE B8 LAWII{IRruGATION It is not recommended to introduce E rcess $'ater to &e foundation soils by instalting eFinkler sy*tem+ adjacent to the hriiding. Th€ inctallation sf the spinklet heads should irsure that the spray ftom the heqd$ wilt not felt within 10 feet of foundation uralls, porchee ot patio slabs. I.awn furigatioumust be coBfi$lled- LIII{ITATION This r€port has beeu peparerl accordhg ts locally accopd professional 06ot€chdcat engirreering standards fsr similar methods of testiag and soil conditiols at lhfu time. Thare is no o(her wqrarty either expressed or i*plied. lbe findinp and rccoffrrndations of this repart are based on field explor*tion, laboratory testing of samples obtaine.d at the specific locetions shown on the Looation Skertch Pigue No. I and ou assumptioo.r stated in the report. soil conditious st other locations may very, whicb may not becoup evidemuutil the fturrdation ecrcavalioo is completed" If goil or rryarer cotrditioos sem differeat frorn those described in thi* *port ure should be contasted inrrrdiately to rsevfllusts the recrnnurendations of thir rrpon fhis rcport hss been prepqe{ for t}e enelusive use of Westtraven Realty, LLC, for tbe specific epplication to the proposed residsnce to b€ corutucteil on tot 39-?, Olen Lyon SubdivisiorL Town of Vail, Eaelc Coutty, Color4do- Sirrcerely, LKP ENGIIIIE,AruNG, N{C. LuizaPehov$k4 fE hesident {6e*syffiu8llPto.r$0ltiE80c* r.iDd E4/25t2863 1.5:16 976925947 PAffi gg TOVUV OT VAIL STREAM TRA6T TBACT M E' ) B-2\s LOT 39-E UNPLATTED u.s. FoFrsr SEFI4CF - sar?/ir49 LacAfED 8Y PAANo - Et)tlJDlNE F rlrLOFf HAtn?ED flR&{ FA.I{D S'TE PtAlf. k t'.*$ tr clwfifiFllEQmrt Englneerlng, Inc, F.o. acl rA'? tlf,*fl, Co l|l:ntd (t7o! 9,ti-fds tur $m) ItB-rs il)cl.twN srEIuE Fa&7f8, O:nOs ll7,ht d,E] Lrali eanffit tDlf, f rltE Bld€ daaflt H.qauo EDIA * ra t 44)'sE' or-t+-zoo:, lrt hE rn! , ,84/25/2AE3 1.5:1.6 97B92Eeqf LKP DA'IE oBSERvEDi Jofluory 17. e00o BOAD{C NO' I EI"EVATllhlr n*'l;TvlillslolLI s A N PIf AESCEIPII&,I OF'IA1EfrJAL,ilD SAfrPtE LOCAIT(N L'AAARTORY tEsr REsU[tS REITARRS i- I It--- I I I It-t_ i to -ts -e0 I Topdall Light brown, stltY, sandY groval oo,lfr tr Sondstdrtc bedroct Refusdl O 5 feat No Ground llbtcr Encountarad ISGENIIT tr - a-brdl o.D. fulirDra/@ Ltrrr $ampleI - $P/lt $raon 2+./12 * Ddw soft d. hJar counl laffir,q ,hd]t xl htor ls' df a | 1o-parnd h*firner ffittg fr indle4 v*. rcr[rfr'Err ti d+E tha Hrf*ila n tttc +fit +oo4 saina,u 12 hdt?ED0 - Nature{ Dry DuatY (Pcf) UC - Naturd t alttrrr? Canfcnt {f,) -2OO - Fsceot Pa*tnt N^ ztN) sic€U - Llwld LhnttPl - Pli,cflcitY lndexGW - &eund qa{e I.$P SNGII{EffiI}IG, INC.SUBSI'ATACE ETPIORAJIIOI{ LOC ficrEl ra: OSOU, ffillls llrr,! | EI€IhEERII.16 PAtr 16 s4t25/28a3 15:16 LXP ET-IGIFEMING PAtr 11 PftT"m*, Jsnusry t7, 2000 EOnING NO. g DEFI'{ FE{T floils PER FI, s Y M E o t 5 A N P L E DE$dHIFI?S{ OF NATERUL AM) SAHFIE L@AfiN r.ABO{Frtrr tEsZ AEg,{175 FSI'ARTS -6 -to * lt _30 Topxoll Light brown, ailty, sandy grovel Weathared badrock Sondr{one bedrack Refuzol 6 tl fect Na Ground Watar Encountcrcd I.EtrEND: Cl - a-iltelt A.D. Cdtlomia lhx s*tplcI - .F#f $oo,t2+lr2 - Brlra sdiltplc b/ar crunt fulcote+ thdt g+ brarlrcof e I ltdl-paund hqtwts fc//lihg fr Indtao ngpt|,quffi to &iw tha Cali'ffinio or th. & t &aafifuinpl* tt indh6s,.DD - ttotuml Dry tunalty (pct)NC - Nofuml noi/'t re Cutent (i) -2@ ^ Perdarrt Prsr,''p Na 2OO SEwU - Lleuid LhnilP, ^ Plos efty thdax6W - &oqnd |ro''r I.trF ENCINE$ftING, INC.SUBSUBFACE EIPLOniTION IAE f,sE tn' aroaf r|EJrr Ig. z .Bqzgt.'.Zgg3 L5: LE 976326 LHP E|-{iI[\EERIFI6 PAGE L2 s-M rrArFMt 8&4NO COIER BACTFil.L HH OIITE FDOT F MUNWLY I$PEF$a.|S W. fil.|ffi FAaflc (NEt4n H#'l ffi EWVAIENT) PLASNC U ER, &IJEDta IHE ftXIfiAflON $AU (ao nnr tEE Pb4snc uil& NEil cEsJt{D tMTEn E Pfrf'sEllt) lrttl lf,ss fltAM 5F nArS 4*NAg AfuIIEIffi FERfrRATI}gpt y*w m A SuttAfrE aUTLETAl t/t' 4p f@7 fvf, FLfidSLE At'D A7 t/t'PER FWT nn EHD PtE flvtl,./sloflcH!{rcal. Engineering, Inc. P.O. Ss l+6e &ur. CO &aAOrd (O?o) l*6-e0tl f* (9i'0) }2F-|olN PEETEE'EN NAAIN LOr &r*2afrv Ltdt s,rE0'l4soH TO|'l'' ff UAIL EA6|E CAINr'V, t&&ADO *raG Nt$ ot-t4-2043 UEG A'2 J TOWN OFYAIL Department o! C ommunity Detelopment 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us ane March22,2002 Stanley Beard 2121 N Frontage RD 210 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Pedestrian easement and gate located on Westhaven Ln. Dear Stanley, On September 11,2000, the Community Development Department approved a gate located at Westhaven Lane. The application was made by the owners of the following lots: Lot 39-1 Lot 41A Lot 39-2 Lot 41B Lot 40A Lot 408 The above lots own Westhaven Lane, which is a private road, maintained by these owners, lor the purpose of accessing their property. lt is identified on the final plat for Glen Lyon Subdivision as an "access easement". The subdivision regulations for Glen Lyon state that all easemenls Iocated within the subdivision are also pedestrian easements. The applicants for the gate agreed to maintain pedestrian access on Westhaven Lane. The original application included a third pedestal, adjacent to the gate, which was to allow for pedestrian access. However, adiacent property owners requested that the third pedestal be removed to allow for a greater area for pedestrians to pass through. The approval for the gate includes a stipulation that pedestrian access must be maintained. The Community Development Departmenl has inspected the gate on multiple occasions, and found that the gate and pedestrian aecess have been maintained satisfactorily. Therelore, any remaining concerns or issues that you may have with the $ate are considered a privbte issue and will not involve the Town ot Vail. Any additional concerns you may have should be addressed to the owners of the above-listed lots. Should you have any questions regarding the approval ot the gate, please do not hesitate to cortact me at 970-479-2369. Planner ll Town of Vail {g ""n"uor^r"o Department of Community D evelopment 75 South Flontage Road l/ail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 rux 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us June 10, 2002 Steven Riden PO Box 3238 Vail, CO81658 RE: Pal Residence, Lot 39-2, Glen Lyin Dear Steve, The Community Development Departmenl has reviewed the plans for the Pal Residence, located at Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon. The following comments and concerns must be addressed prior to final Design Review Board approval; 1. Revocable rightof-way permit required for landscaping in right-of-way. 2. Two different fire lurnarounds are indicated {site plan and landscape plan). Please provide plans which are consistent. ln addilion, please provide written verification to allow the fire turnaround to be on the adjacent lot. 3. A fire sprinkler system is required. Please conlact Mike Vaughn at 479-2252 for additional information. 4. Please revise the snow slorage. No trees are allowed within required snow storage areas. 5. Please indicate on the site plan the location where all foundalion, roof, vehicle courtyard, etc. drainage will daylight or flow. A culvert may be required at the bike path. 6. Please indicale a limits of disturbance fence/erosion control between the bike path and the lot boundaries. 7. Please provide a stamped drawing from a licensed P.E. for boulder retaining walls over 4 ft. in height. I. Please provide civil engineered drawings of the drive connection to the existing Westhaven Lane; topographic survey of the existing drive access, and profiles of the drive access. {g n""r"*r"or* I Project Name: Brandt Residence Project Description: new SFR with EHU Owner, Address, and Phone: Gary Brandt 1650 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 479-2817 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Namita Khanna Fax: 303-623-2262 Project Street Address: 1150 West Haven Lane Legal Description: Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Parcel Number: 210312109007 Comments: Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectNumber; prj00-0102 Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Votel 4-0 Conditions: Town Planner: Date: 6l7lt0 Project Name: Document2 BilI Fierce Ilans Woldrich BoardlStaffAction Action:approved with conditions 1. 7 3. all PW and Planning conditions must be met window mulHons be approved by staff submittal of EHU deed restriction prior to permit issuance Allison Ochs Brandt Residence DRB Fee Paid: S200 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, June 7,2000 3:00 P.M. MEETING RESULTS MEMBEIIS ABSEI|T no PEC qrember present /;f "Uir' PROJECT ORIENTATION /APPRECIATION LUNCH - Community Development Dept. 11:30 pm MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bitl Pierce Hans Woldrich Melissa Greenauer SITE VISITS 1. Cummings Residence - 5146 Gore Circle2. Dreyer - 5114 Grouse Lane 3. Meadow Creek Condos - 2500 Kinnickinnick 4. Reeman/Randalt - 2865 Snowberry 5. Cascade Village - 1300 Westhaven Drive6. Brandt residence - 1150 West Haven Lane 7. Vickers - 375 Forest Road f :00 pm 8. Dorrance - 97 AJB Rockledge Road9. Nine Vail Road - 9 Vail Road10. Whitewater Park - Gore Creek Promenade11. Vail Athletic Club - 352 East Meadow Drive12. Ford Amphiiheater - 540 Vail Valley Drive13. Rembert - 1547 Spring Hill Lane Driver:George PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNGIL CHAMBERS kffiqe - Final review of a new single-family residence with EHU. 1150 West Haven Lane/Lot 39-2, Resub Lot 39 Amended Plan, Glen Lyon Subdivision.Applicant: Gary Brandt, represented by Segerberg Mayhew Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That all Public Works and Planning conditions must be met.2. That the window mullions be approved by staff. i. Gerald R. Ford Amphitheater - Final review of proposed expansion. 540 Vail Valley Drive/Part of Tract A, Vail Village 7'n Filing. Applicant Jim Morter MOTION: BillPierce APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: That there be a flat roof at the concession booth. That the west entry feature be revised. 3:00 pm Allison George SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:4-0 1. 2. 3. Gore Creek Whitewater Park - Conceptual review of the placement of boulders and planl Brent materials within the Gore Creek Stream Tract. Gore Creek Promenade/Tracts | & A, Block 58, Vail Village 1"t Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Tourism and Convention Bureau & Town of Vail CONCEPTUAL. NO VOTE 4- Meadow Creek Condos - Repaint. Ann 2500 Kinnickinnick/Lots A-N, Meadow Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Meadow Creek Condo Assoc. MOTION: Bill Pierce $ECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 APPROVED 5. Reeman/Randall residence - Final review of minor addition and roof change. Allison 2865 Snowberry/Lot C, Resub of Lots 2&3, Block 9, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: Clive Reeman & Louise Randall, represented by Railton McEvoy Architects. MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Clark Brittain VOTE:4-0 DENIED - lncompatible with existing architecture. 6. Dreyer residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residenee. Allison 5114 Grouse Lane/Lot 6, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Raymond & Margarita Dreyer, represented by John Railton MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 TABLED 7. Nine Vail Road Condominium Associaiion - Removal of 5 trees. George 9 Vail Road/Loi A,B,C, Vail Village 2d Filing. Applicant Nine Vail Road Condominium Associalion, represented by Bruce Gillie MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the staff review the landscape plan. 8. Cascade Village - Final review of a subdivision sign. Allison 1300 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village. Applicant: Merv Felman MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That only na{ural/real stone be used; nol fake stone. L Dorrance residence - Conceptual review of proposed access. Allison 97 A/B Rockledge Rd./Lots 2,3, Block 7, Vail Village 1''.Applicant Resort Design CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE t- I'a 10. Vickers residence - Conceptual review of new.secondary residence & EHU. Atlison 375 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 3'. Applicant: Gwathmey Pratt Schultz CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 11. Caster residence - Final review of a proposed garage addition & EHU. Ann 2490 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 17, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing. Applicants: Mary & Sonny Caster, represented by Ben Aguilar MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND; Hans Woldrich VOTE:3-0 (Melissa not present) APPROVED WITH 1 GONDTION: '1. That the architectural design be approved, but the landscaping and site plan require further revision and review. 12. CummingsiReske residence - Review of revised site plan. Ann 5146 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 2, Bighom 5'n Addition. Applicants: Greg Cummings & Brian Reske MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND; Clark Brittain VOTE: 3-0 (Melissa not present) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDTION: 1. That the applicants and owners of Lot 7 attempt to come to an alternative agreement regarding the use of the side setback of Loi 7 to locate the proposed senirrer line, wlse the applicants post a $5000 bond to be held for a perior of 18 months to guarantee revegation in the easement. 13. Rembert residence - Final review of cleck expansion. Allison 1547 Spring Hill Lane/Lot 2, Vail Valley 2nd. Applicant: Marleen Rembert MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 3-0 (Melissa absiained) APPROVED WTH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the new rails be painted to match the trim. 14. VailAthletic Club - Review of landscape plan, signage, mechanical venting & lighting plan.George 352 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract 3, Vai! Village 1"' Filing. Applicant: VN4L, L.L.C., represented by Tom Braun MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Melissa Greenauer VOTE:4-0 APPROVED WITH I CONDITION: 1. That there be no ramp at the east end. 15. Pearson residence - Final review of proposed 250 addition and extedof remodel. George 303 Gore Creek Drive #2clLot 2, Block 5, Vail Village 1"t. Applicant: Vickie Pearson, represented by Ron DiehlMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: TABLED UNTIL JUNE 21,2OOO Staff Approvals Rubenstein residence - Addition of stone. Allison 1463 Greenhill CourUlot 8A, Glen Lyon Subdivision.Applicant Jeffrey and Susan Rubenstein Tezla residence - Replace existing deck and retaining walls. Allison 2613 Cortina LanelLot 2, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Anthony Tezla Vail Conoco - Replace existing railroad tie planter with interlocking block. George 2154 S. Frontage Road/ Applicanl: G.B. Caster Coldstream Condo - Pool decking. Allison 1476 Westhaven Drive/Lot 53, Glen Lyon. Appticant: ColdstreamCondominiumAssociation McLean residence - Dormer addition, replace windows and garage door. Ann 4284 Columbine DriveiStreamside Townhomes. Unit A. Applicant: Margaret Mclean Finishing Touch of Vail - New hanging sign. Brent 122 Easl Meadow Drive/Village Center. Applicant: James & Ruth Wilson O'Loughlin/Stearns residence - Window addition. Allison 4708 Meadow Drive, #4A, Lot A1/Bighorn Townhomes Subdivision. Applicant: Susan A. Stearns Moriiz residence - Remodel and addition. 788 A Potato Patch/Lot 13, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch, Applicant: Terry Moritz Mill Creek Circle - Staging lot. A portion of Tract E/Vail Village 5'" Filing. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company Arnold/Newman residence - Replace wood deck with stone. 3954 Bighom Road/Lot 6W, Bighom $ubdivision. Applicant: Andrew Arnold and Ann Newman Alpine Standard - Shed and dead tree removal. 28 S. Frontage Road/Lot 9A, Vail Village 2nd. Applicant: Jeff Moellentine Cohen residence - Door replacement and skylight addition. 2721 Kinnickinnick, Unit B-1/Meadow Creek Townhomes. Applicant: Harvey Cohen McCartney residence - Residential addition and deck. 1984 Buffehr Creek Road/Lot 19. Buffehr Creek. Applicant: Brian McCartney Ann Allison Brent Allison Brent Brent The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. a utingCommunity Development Plan Ro Form Approved -X_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Big Tom or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Allison Date Routed:8/00 Return By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Brandt REsidence to be assigned I.at39-2, Glen Lyon REVISIONS! As noted on plans a grading plan and profile of entire driveway, showing match line with existing bridge on Westhaven Lane will be required. As noted a PE stamped erosion conhol plan will be required. As noted a boulder wall detail will be required. As noted a properly sized culvert will be required from proposed inlet to daylight and beneath bikepath. lnverts on patio drains need to be revised to reflect 2% fall. Bottom of Wall elevation on west side of patio reads 81', looks like it should be 86'6" or 87'. Reviewed by: Tom Kassmel Date reviewed: 8-14-00 -_) Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 8j,657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 28, 2000 Nametha at Segerberg Mayhew Architects Fax 303-623-2262 RE: Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Dear Namita: The Community Development Department has reviewed the modifications and corrections for the Brandt Residence, to be located at Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon. The following issues remain outstanding. 1. The Brandt Residence is approximately 1 ,132 sq. ft. over on GRFA. The maximum allowable GRFA for the lot is 7259 sq. ft. The EHU is included in these calculalionsas required by the Special Development District. All "void" spaces are included in GRFA calculations, as all are areas nol labeled "open to below." Should you disagree with my GRFA calculations, please provide redlined floor plans with your GRFA calculations and I will compare lhe two. 2. Any area considered crawl space must be less than 5lt. in head height, and have an opening nol greater than 12 sq. ft. Please adjust and revise. 3. Many changes were made from the original building elevations to the current building elevations. I am unable to staff approve these changes. The next available Design Review Board meeting is scheduled lor August 16. I will schedule you for that meeting. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369. Singerely, //t/ I l/')t/// - f ,/ /,/ryU/-,-U/-.-- Allison Ochs Planner ll Town of Vail {g *"""o*ru* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us July 3, 2000 Nameka at Segerberg Mayhew Architects Fax303-623-2262 RE: Lol39-2, Glen Lyon Dear Nameka: The Community Development Department has reviewed the application for the Brandt Residence, to be located at Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon. All of the commenls from the letter dated May 18, 2000 must be addressed. You cannot submit for a permit until all of those issues have been addressed and approved by the Planning and Engineering Departments. Here are the issues that remain outstanding: 1. Please provide additional information on the ice rink. For example, please indicate the appearance of the ice rink in the summer time, drainage outlets, additional detailing on the shed, etc, 2. The house will need to be sprinkled. Please indicate on the plans. 3. Please revise the radius on the driveway to allow for a fire departmenl truck to enler your driveway up to the lront door. 4. Please indicate boiler location for the driveway/palio heating. 5. Please provide plans for access from Westhaven Lane, with grading, driveway grades, and match line to existing pavemenl. 6. Please show on the site plan where utility access will come from. 7. Please provide a limits of disturbance fence and some sort of tree preservation plan. 8. Please provide additional details on the water fealure, including drainage and pumping. 9. Please provide a ditch along the north side of the property to mitigate runoff. A culvert will be necessary under the Town of Vail's bike path to Gore Creek. 10. Please show patio drainage. {,7 *u*""'o'"' 11. A P.E. stamped erosion control plan will be necessary. 12. Please show all proposed grading, including lhe areas around the proposed slide, informal path, and ice rink. 13. Please provide additionaldetails on the trampoline (i.e. will it need drainage, where will it daylight, etc.) 14. Show all drainage daylights. 15. Please provide a detail for the boulder walls. All benched walls shall be detailed to show they are outside the combination wall zone, or a P.E. stamp will be required if the walls or combination walls are over 4 ft. in height. 16. Please provide additional elevalion details for the steps on the west side ol the patio. 17. Please provide more elevalion details for walls in the pool area. 18. A culvert or valley pan should be provided to allow water to cross the driveway at the gated entrance. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate lo conlact me at 479-2369. Planner ll Town of Vail Dto Community Development Plan Routing Form Approved _X_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions PI Provide plans for access from Westhaven Ln., including grading, driveway grades and match line to existing Davement. ,|Uar ru ytewL vMr Wfww+ fr,{lr,ryitt0nt Please show on site plan location ofdrain pipe and recirculating pipe for selfcontained water feature. Please provide a ditch running along the north side of the property to mitigate runoffl snow/ice melt. A culvert will also be necessary under TOV's bike path to Gore Creek. The 6" PVC pipe to inlet and then under the driveway may not be adequate, please increase size or show drainage calculations that is adequate. Also show connectiontoStormSewerorculvertrunningunderbikepath.(En drain into Gore Creekdkr*{) A PE stamped erosion control plan will be necessary for this project. Please show all proposed grading including areas around the proposed slide, informal path and ice rink. Please detail sunken trampoline, will it need drainage? Where will it daylight? Show all drainage daylights including foundation drain. Provide a detail fbr boulder walls. A11 benched walls shall be detailed to show they are outside the combination wall zone, or a PE stamp will be required(if over 4'). A PE stampcd detail will be required for all walls and combination walls over 4'. A boulder seems to be missing at the west steps between elevation 9l' and 88'6" t\o olvM rJ\ {'rri mtu*c t,V Date received: Routed To:Big Tom or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Retum To:Allison Date Routed:5t31t00 Return By:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Brandt REsidence to be assigned Lot39-2, Glen Lyon New SFR with EHU - new plans il l fit{copy May 18,2000 Matt Prince Segerberg Mayhew Architects 1000 South Frontage Rd. West #300 Vail, CO 81657 fax: 476-4608 RE: Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon Dear Matt: The Community Development Department has reviewed the application for the Brandt Residence, to be located at Lot 39-2, Glen Lyon. The foilowing concerns must be addressed prior to final Design Revrew Board approval: 1. Please show all crawl spaces and note as less than 5 fr. in heacj height, or they will be counted as GRFA. 2. Please label all spaces which are'open to below'. 3. Please provide a site plan showing only the proposed house, driveway, and existing and proposed grades (i.e. do not show landscape improvements). On thrs site plan, please indicate all ri;lOe, e-gye. and chimngy elevaUons so staff can determine building height. 4. Please label the platted buibing envelope on the site plan. 5. Please provide details of the fence, entry gates and columns. and the slide. eff Please provide additional information on the ice rink. For example, please indicate the appearance of the ice rink in the summer iime, drainage outli-:s. addilional detailing on the shed, etc. Note the material of the inlormal path. TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 7. L Show all required parking on the site ptan (5 are required). Wn 9lldall 9. Please show all required snow storage on the site plan (10% of driveway area.) 10. The house will need to be sprinkled. Please indicate on the plans. {,7 *""'""'o " "' 1 1. Please revise the i'adius on the driveway to allow for a fire department truck to enter your driveway up to the front door. 12. Please indicate boiler iocation for the driveway/patio heating. 13. Please provide plans for access from Westhaven Lane, including the required fire department turnaround. 14. Please show on the site plan where utility access will come from. 15. Please provide a limits of disturbance fence and some sort of tree oreservation olan. '16. Please provide additional details cn the water feature, including drainage and pumping. 17. Please provide a ditch along the north side of the property to mitigate runoff . { culvert will be necessary under the Town of Vail's bike path to Gore Creek. 18. Please show patio drainage. 19. A P,E. stamped erosion control plan will be necessary. 20. Please show all proposed grading, including the areas around ihe proposed slide, infcrmal path, and ice rink. 21. Please provide additicnal details on the trampoline (i.e. will it need drainage, where will it daylight, etc.) 22. Show alldrainage daylights. 23, Please provide a detail for the boulder walls. All benched walls shall be detailed to show they are oulside the combination wall zone, or a P.E. stamp will be required if the walls or combination walls are over 4 ft. in height. 24. Please provide additional eievation details for the steps on the west side oi the p,atio. 25. Please provide more elevation details for walls in the pool area. 26. A culvert or valley pan should be provided to allow water to cross the driveway at the gated entrance. The Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the Brandt Residence at their May 16,2000 meeting. The following were their comments and concerns: 1. The lawn area at the SW corner of the lot needs additional landscaping to buffer the adjacent property. .4;p-O in thqjence, along with additional landscaping, would be helpful. 2. The landscaped areas need to be softened to provide better transitioning to adjacent properties. 3. Consider revising where the entry-feature meets the tower. 4. 5. 6. 7. The dormer over the living room a\ is awkward, please revise. The wall above the double garage appears very large. consider breaking with a roof or belly-band. Consider additional dormers above the EHU as snow shedding could present a problem. Consider introducing other materials as too much stone can become very monolithic. The Community Development Department has reviewed the plans for the Brandt Residence according to the survey provided and SDD #4 Development Flequirements. The analysis presents the following: Zoning: SDD #4 Lot Size: 53,187 sq. ft. Standard Allowed Proposed EHU 500 sq. ft. sVsite Coverage 13,297 sq.lt. Landscape Area 31,912 sq. ft. GRFA Primary Unit lV zqzg 7259 sq. ft. 6759 sq. ft. 57q 5b.oz please show on site planParking5 required (l apologize profusely. Our digitizer is cunently broken and I have not calculated your GRFA, landscape area, and site coverage. This will be done as soon as it is fixed.) All of the above comments and concerns must be addressed prior to final approval. Please submit all revisions no later than noon on May 26th, to remain on the June 7th final Design Review Board agenda. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2369. Sincerely,4it /^tt////L-U1.. Alliddn Ochs ...- Planner ll Town of Vail 740+ fr ltel HL: "111 ,\ UL: 1271 ivuid' lm ry) \o"ray,1t+ Vvlu: oz1 a'1 Fr: | 4rn,| / \r \.,t' uir[d tfr164 ft'm sr,rli,{ daa6n .ti Community Development Plan Routing Form Routed To:Big Tom or Leonard Sandoval, Public Works Return To:Allison Date Routed:5lst00 RetumBy:ASAP Project Name: Project Address: Project Legal: Project Description: Brandt REsidence to be assigned Lot39-2, Glen Lyon New SFRwithEHU Approved _X_Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Please show snow storage areas on site plan. Is the home sprinkled, it will need to be. Provide plans tbr access from Westhaven Ln, showing fire tumaround. Show on site plan where utility access will come from. Provide a limits of disturbance fence. Is the water feature self contained? Where will it drain, how will it be pumped and where? Please provide a ditch running along the north side of the property to mitigate runof7 snow/ice melt, A culvert will also be necessary under TOV's bike path to Gore Creek. Please show patio drainage. A PE stamped erosion control plan will be necessary for this project. Please show all proposed grading including areas around the proposed slide, informal path and ice rink. ls all the required parking inside the garage? Ifnot please show on plan. Please detail sunken trampoline, will it need drainage? Where will it daylight? Show all drainage daylights (i.e. foundation drain, patio drain, ...) How will the ice rink be drained? Show oulet. Provide a detail for boulder walls. All benched walls shall be detailed to show they are outside the combination wall zone, or a PE stamp will be required(if over 4'). A PE stamped detail will be required for all walls and combination walls over 4'. Please provide more elevation details for steps on west side of patio. Please provide more elevation detail for walls in pool area. A culvert or valley pan should be provided to allow water to cross driveway at gated entrance. *Suggest another meeting x Date received: Reviewed by: Tom Kassmel Date reviewed: 5-9-00 TIIlVERYONT\DIUP\ROUTING"98ROTITNG\PTJBLICWO\. I MASTER,FRI\ lD.97A4?924s2 PAGE I/EMAV-O 1-OO 1B ' l4 Questions? TOt#.I\I APPLICATIOI{ FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL SENERAT INFORT'T TION This application is for any projed requiring Design Review approval. Any proje<t requiring design rerie',v must rcreirre Deiign Redeur agprurral prior to submitsing for a building pennk For Wecific infonrntioO se dte etbmittal requirernents fur the portkular approral that b requested. The appli€tixr cannot be acceded until all the required informatbn b submiUert. The project rnay aEo need b be rc\,ietiled biy dre Town Gourrcil and/or the Plannirg and Environrn€nhl Commission. Design F.wierrr Boetd approrral expires one yer after final apptoval unlese a building pennit is lssued and construction b setted. A. DESCRIFIIOiIOFTHEREQUEST: A:',new 7?q,n s f . recidence .with EuTr! 3 story wood with stone veneer. ,, B. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: 39-2 tsLOCK:- FIUNG:@IAI pHySilCALADDpg5g; L150 West Haven Lane pARcH. *, d1c4'Pt'oq (Conec Fagle Co. Assessors Office at 9Zl-32S-4540 fur parel #) 7gp1r16; Specia - Development District 4 MMEOFOWNER(S): Garv Brandt .. MAIUNGADDRESS: 1650 Lionffridge rnnl..' ,, vail, co 81657 PFtOr'lE: (970)47q-2R'll F. G. OWITIER(S) SIGNATURE(9 NAME OF APPUCA|,IT: se ga rlra rg Mayhew Archileels MAILINGADDRBS: 1000 er-,uth Frontage Road tdes{-#?nn Vail, CO 81657 PHoNE: (970) 476-4433 Planning Staff gt 479-2L38 Pmru__c [cL D. E. TYPE'b- tu OF REVIEIJV AND FEE: l{wGonskuctiron - $200 Addition - 95O Minor Altergtion - $20 Construction of a new building. Inc{udes any addition where square frotage is added b any reddenfnl or cornmercial building' Includes minor dranges to buildings and srte improverwlts, such as, rerwfirg, painting, window addtboru, landsoping' fetces and r@ining walb/ etc- D DRB fie€s are tD be paid at the time of slbmilAl. LaEr, when apptying fur a building permat pEas ideiliry the accurate valuation d the poject The Town of Vail will adjust the fte aconding PLEASE SIJB}IIT THIS APPUCATIOT{, ALL SUBIIITTTAL AilD THE FEE TO THE DEPARN{ENT OF COMMUNITY 0 i ZL;l 75 souTll FRoNTAGE ROAD' VArL COLORADO 41657. Siding Othcr Wall M*€rids Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doocr DoorlHm HaM or Dcck Rails Fluqs Flashingr Chimncys. Trash Enclosur<s Grccnhouscs Rcerining Walls Exterior Lighting"* Other f RoM ' to"t""v-DEPr.MAY- O 1-OB 10 . 16 I rD.s?oT4s2 PAGE 6/8 COLOR:' Natural 081 54 YooFwood Mahogany Natural-0-6T-6----_ MooF,,rood Mahogany 081 64 MogFwood Mahogany Wedgewoo.{. P204,- Natural Grey Wedgewood P204 Natural Grev 081 64 MooFwood Mahogany Torl.e COff: Natural Natural .BUILDhLG MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPI}SEp MATERTALS TY"EOF MATERTAI-: Slate Cedar Stone Cedar Cedar Clad Cut Stone Clad Cut Stone Cedar Copper Stone N,/A N/A Stone T. B. D. Roof Natural N/A " Please spcciff the manufacturr's color, numbcr and athch a srnall color chip *+ AII o<tcrior lighting must mcct the Toua's Lighting Ordinance I 8.5a.050(J). lf exttrior lighting is propgsed plcase indicate the nunrbcr offixtur€ add locgfions on a scparatc lighting plan- Identiff each fixtrre Drpo arul pmvide the hcight abo"c grade, lurncns output, luminous arco, and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixh*es. Upddtcd 6/97 May-ol '1oo =...T.nes LA PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: 2L6'2 P -02 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Conrrnort Namc Ouantitv Sizc: co.*e_ lL lo-tD' @|os?n Er zHcJ tdd"oL4@ \7 2g{[t^ @ n*lero<-- Lz gstlo^ :^f"r 4 B 'Mininrum rcquircmcnts fbr landscapi ng:dcciduous trccs ' 2 inch calipcr couifcrous trccs - 6 fect in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Squarc Footage CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTITOL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES lreraining walls. fenccs. svimrning pools. crc.) Plcasc specify. lndicare top arrd bonom clcv.ltiorrs of rctaining walls. Maximrrnr hcight of walls rvithin rhc front scrback is 3 l'cct. Maxirnunr hcighr of walls clscwhcrc on rhe propcny is 6 fcct. / RECETPT - The Town of Vail N9 506?8 Permit Numbers ./4'4') HOW PAID-Cash-Check '7 t - '/ Tonr of 0ail *TT TIETffR NffIIPT i|{ ---ma: ilsa/fr-m- ngcgtPt: mEa3 *?ff$[l#" T 'ffi$* il 6RNY BRSIIT TEIER IETAIL'df---- e?3a l?m.m frre: sletice TtE: l5:51:J!- --ffifl- giu{-- r4t Qffifrr-iiliieno €m.s IISII( YITJ F{N YilR FATF{T! O41p1s/aA<st PARTNERS LLC September 5,2001 Ms. Alison Ochs Planner Tourn of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Westhaven Lane Entrance Gate Dear Allson: Enclosed are two copies of the letter from the Westhaven Lane Residents regarding the change to the approval of the Westhaven Lane entrance and gate. Please sign and return one copy to me in the enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. Please call me if you have any questions. Thank you for your assistance. Timothy M. Pennington TMP:p Enclosures ncerelv,6Si I I150 SANTA MONICA BOULEVARD, SUlTEr200, LOS ANGELES, CALTFORNTA 90025 (310) 231-t999 FAX (310) 231-7014 Westhaven Lane Residents September 5,2001 Ms. Alison Ochs Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Westhaven Lane Entrance Gate Dear Alison: This letter memorializes a change to the approval issued by the Town of Vail dated 9/ll/00 regarding the Westhaven Lane entrance and gate. The Town of Vail has agreed to the elimination of the small pedestrian pillar on the south side of the gate as shown on the attached diagram. The Town ofVail approves that change and incorporates it into its previous approval. Thank you very much for your help. Sincerely,66-PM. Timothy M. Pennington u TMP:p Enclosure APPROVAL BY THE TOWN OF VAIL By: Alison Ochs, Planner or--{I Irt N -F I I I I I I I I I Iv f\r--r TIJ .\ot:$ hN \\f.-F R*lt\ lz r\r filo(nrl \ \F,- > s3 4700w 160rh st P0.80x35906 CLEVS-AND.0Ht0 44135 PHoNE (216)267.i 100 FAX 1216) 267,6538 WATS (800)321 9532 WWWOATEYCOIV September 26,2001 TO: Town of Vail Design Review Board Members RE: Freeman Home Under construction on westhaven Lane in Glen Lyon our home is located directly below the above-captioned property. My questions deal with the sky bridge which is being constructed up the hill frcrn our living rcorn: 1. There are numerous altematives for parking and garage location and access on this property which would have avoided the necessity of a sky bridge. I listened to the audiotapes of the DRB meeting when this property was submitted for approval, but did not hear any alternatives discussed. was the sky bridge approved? why was it approved? How does this approval achieve the objectives set forth in chapter 12-11-l: INTENT of the DRB ordinance? where in the ord.inance or in the guidelines would a sky bridge be defined along with prerequisites for its approval? 2. What DRB approved precedence can you list which demonstrates how the installation of a sky bridge has not interfered with neighboring property owners' view of the landscape and natural topography? I found several examples where property owners have constructed parking structures uphill from their respective homes, but none where the sky bridge was located down the hill directly in front of a contiguous property owners' living room window, as in this case. why did you not ask us ifwe might object to such a design? we had not notice that such a controversial design was submitted. In fact, we had no notice that any design was submitted for approval. I will next be in vail on october 3-7. Please respond to my questions at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, OATEYCO. /1ll /.\ ,,2\aU6, Gary A. Oatey Chairman & CEO 12258 Westhaven Lane (970) 476-428r Cl'EVEtAND 0H ' ATtANTA, GA . 0AttAS, TX . NEWARK. CA . l\4tNNEAP0LtS. tVN . B0ST0N. MA . i0RONT0. CANADA PAGE A2PAGE S/A it iEil i $"$x1 i 1*[h n$ I fi[I$r-ili-_A E.4. ll.|lI '--Tffil Llt./ gHf\'Sl^\ -,i <,-frH.--E_.,r Ei \4-Fi \,$i E \ilI I st i I Ih-r | /9l Hi /! 5.i /, I Jl ii.+{4 f\,.;!,1:fl,.<-ccC4,# qlvr ,;; '/"' b* oJe/. ta?;X'; i"?i'v sTo'/iilole: ThaffiJ I f I it l r- I *' r*,- - hil)t !b .-r +e- iI .t ,f- lei 'cr',i AttttoP-- ts /lr;s e*f:ta r.r'14'1fi a59ha I f-4 i altc'r I 6l# \',' da" I loqfrlj" -t"JO Po<tt k'el( cor'rsTrrrcf ""J -ttr.. o utsi dz e 47t -- e ac \ _' y' os t ? orr"ff !i{;ttifiF{*1i.f;r'r';-&. f-9" "14,,li'a i, t n,^f IAl23lzBgL L5:22 191 55834834I BEARD PAGE B1 ffi* * *x 4 sr*lfrrtftr S 8€,4R2 500 W- Texas Armre Suito ?05, Mitlrvl, Tt( 79701 Phme: 915/583-4824 Fan: 915/683-{834 r-.Aultd4/ U t/ qzd/frtzrtz a.i.- P/? TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department December 15, '1998 Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1998 - Amendment to SDD #4 - Revising the GRFA standard for Lots 39-1 and 39-1, Glen Lyon Subdivision DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant is requesting a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village, Development Area C) to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 (both lots are restricted to singleJamily structures) located in the Glen Lyon Subdivision. The applicant is requesting the following: 1.That the lots be subject to the PrimaryiSecondary Residential zone district calculation for Gross Besidential Floor Area (GRFA)(Section 12-6D-8 of the Zoning Begulations which is consistent with all of the other residential lots in the Glen Lyon Subdivision. Currently, each lot is limited to 3,100 sq. ft. of GRFA per Resolution No. 10, Series ol 1982. Under the proposed calculation, Lot 39-1 would be entitled to 6,446.65 sq. ft. of GRFA and Lot 39-2 would be entitled to 6,834.34 sq. ft. of GRFA. That the lots be subject to the height limitations of the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district (Section 12-6D-7 of the Zoning Regulations) which is consistent with all of the other residential lots in the Glen Lyon Subdivision. Currently, the building height for these lots is restricted to 25' per Resolution No. 10, Series of 1982. Under this proposal, building heights would be restricted to 30' for flat roof structures and 33' for sloping roof structures. That each lot be entitled to a Type ll EHU (which requires conditional use approval). All other lots have been allowed to go through the Conditional Use review process for the establishment of Type ll EHU's in this subdivision. The current ordinance is silent on the EHU issue and is proposed to be amended to clarify this issue. The actual number of EHU's allowed will also be limited based on the access to the site. The skier bridge was constructed at a width that will only allow three dwelling units including EHU's on these two sites. 2. The applicant is proposing building envelopes on the property which will prevent the removal of any existing trees and prevents development on slopes greater than 30% (see attached survey). The envelopes are more restrictive than the typical setbacks for a PrimaryiSecondary Residential zoned lot. The applicant has proposed more restrictive building envelopes since the Nov. 4, 1997 council meeting. Please note that the applicant[s original request proposed to calculate the GRFA for these two lots according to the Single-Family Residential (SFR) zone district but has amended their application at the request of staff. The SFR calculation results in GRFA for Lot 39-1 of 6,843.3 sq. ft. and Lot 39-2 of 7,618.7 sq. ft. II. HESEARCH SINCE THE NOVEMBER 4. 1997 COUNCIL HEARING The Town Council at its November 4,1997 meeting, tabled Ordinance No. 21 , Series of 1997, in order for staff to answer some questions regarding the history of Special Development District No. 4 (Cascade Village). Since that hearing the applicant has developed some massing studies of structures on the lots (aftached). Specifically the following Council questions were to be researched: 1. What was encompassed in the original SDD? 2. Why did Resolution #10, Series of 1982 require that structures be limited to 3,100 sq. ft. and 25' in height? 3. ls there an issue ol the exposure of these lots along the Frontage Road? In response to these questions, the Community Development Department researched every ordinance and resolution (1 5 ordinances and 2 resolutions) that amended SDD #4 and have created a spread-sheet (attached) which clearly shows the changes made with respect to the number of dwelling units, the GRFA, and the commercial floor area permitted in each of the development areas (Areas A (Liftside, Cascade Hotel, CMC, etc.), B (Coldstream/Millrace), C (Glen Lyon residential lots) and D (Glen Lyon Office Building Site). The table shows the changes that occurred over the past 20 years and indicates the final standards as they exist today. Hislorv of GRFA. Dwellinq Units. Commercial Squale Footaoe This property was annexed to the Town in December of 1975. SDD #4 was created in March of 1976. When SDD #4 was originally approved, it included the four development areas described above. Each development area was to be specifically master planned at a later date, however, initial limitations on density were established in the original ordinance. As development and master planning proceeded over the next twenty years, there were several changes. Notably, the number of units in Development Area A increased due to changes in plans regarding hotel uses. The number of dwelling units allowed in Area B (Millrace), decreased trom 240 units to 65 units. Area C (Glen Lyon Subdivision) was reduced in density from 171 units to '104 units, and the number of dwelling units allowed in Area D (Glen Lyon Office Building site) was increased from zero in the original approval, to three units, of which two were employee housing units (EHU's). Again, the GRFA requirements lor Area A increased over the years, due to reconfiguration of hotel and employee housing-type development within that area. In Area B there was a substantial decrease in GRFA from 26'l ,360 sq. ft. to 65,000 sq. ft., or a 75ol" decrease. The f,-, ," VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1998 2:00 P.M. AT TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon todetermine at what time Gouncil wilt consider an item. Mark Benson - 20 Year Anniversary. (5 mins.) J.R. Mondragon - 10 Year Anniversary. (S mins.) PEC Report. (15 mins.) Request to Use Council Contingency Funds for permanent Site for Mt. Buller (Skier) Donation. (10 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Alpp seeks approvat to utilize funds from the 1998 council contingency to permanenfly site the donated "skier" statue from Mt. Buller, Australia. Budget: to be determined. Presentation of Investment Report. (5 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: None - information only. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Town's investment policy requires an annual presentation of the investment report to the Town Council. Discussion of Draft False Alarm Ordinance. (1 hr.) ACTION REQUESTED oF couNclL: provide direction to staff on the draft false alarm ordinance. BACKGRoUND RAT|ONALE: The Vait Fire Department and the vait potice Department are required to respond to many needless calls due to false alarms due to many different causes. These false alarms create unnecessary work, drain Town of Vail resources and cause a health safetv protection deficiency when emergency equipment is responding to false calls and not available to respond to real life emergencies. The proposed ordinance will provide a regulatory system that will incentivize property owners to remedy deficiencies in their systems. Discussion of Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1998, a request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to allowable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1 150 westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1 & 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane Larsen. (30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Review and discuss Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1998. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at its October 27, 1997 meeting, recommended approval (unanimously) of the proposed amendments to SDD #4 (Cascade Village, Development Area C). Subsequently, the Town Council tabled this request at its November 4, 1997 meeting in order to research the history of this SDD. See materials included for a complete description of the request and the history of this SDD. 1. 2. 5. George Ruther 4. Sybill Navas Nancy Sweeney Chris Anderson 6. Dick Duran Greg Monison Mike McGee Corey Schmidt Dominic Mauriello i 1. z. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL EVENING MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER I5, 1998 7:00 P.M.lN TOVCOUNCTL GHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon todetermine at what time Council will consider an item. CITIZEN PARTICIPAT|ON. (5 mins.) CONSENT AGENDA: (5 mins.)A. Approve the Minutes of the meetings of November 3 and 17, 1998; Rebolution No. 16, Series of 1998, a Resolution designating an additional signer Susan Cody and removing signers Katie Laubengayer and Simone Spector on an imprest checking account for Library deposit transactions for the Town of Vail. permitted by the Charter of the Town, its ordinances, and the statutes of the State of Colorado. Resolution No. 17, Series of 1998, a Resolution directing the Town Manager to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement for Animal Control Services with Eagle County. Ordinance No. 19, Series of 199b, second reading, an ordinance Repealing and Reenacting Tiile 10, Chapter 1;Adopting by Reference the 1998 Edition of the lnternational Mechanical Code, the 1997 Editions of the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Fire' Code, the Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings, the Uniform Mechanical Code, and the International Plumbing Code; the 1996 Edition of the National Electric Code; the 1995 Edition of the Model Energy Code, and the 1994 Edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code, And, with Regard to the Above- described Codes, Adopting Certain Appendices, Setting Forth Certain Amendments Thereto, and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. B. c. D. Dominic Mauriello Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1998, first reading of an Ordinance Amending ordinance No. 8, series of 1995, Revising Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), Building Height Requirements, ind Employee Housing Provisions for Lots 39-1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdiviiion, Development Area C, SDD No. 4 (Cascade Village); Repealing Resolution No. 10, series of 1982, which provides special provisions for Lots 39-1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision; Deleting Outdated conditions and References to Expired Development plans; and setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. (10 mins.) Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane Larsen. (10 mins.) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCTL: ApprovelModify/Deny Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1998, on first reading. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: The planning and Environmental Commission, at its October 27, 1997 meeting, recommended approval (unanimously) of the proposed amendments to SDD #4 (Cascade Village, Development Area C). Subsequenfly, the Town Council tabled this request at its November 4, 1997 meeting in order to research the history of this SDD. See materials included for a complete description of the request and the history of this SDD. 4. Steve Thompson Tom Moorhead Russell Forrest t Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1gg8, amends Ordinance No. g, Series of 1995, which regulates development in SDD #4 (Cascade Viltage). Area C (Glen Lyon residential lots) is being amended as it relates only to Lots 39-1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The proposed text changes are highlighted in the ordinance. Additionally, staff has updated the ordinance to remove expired projects and update completed projects. 9TAEE RECOMMENDATION: The Community Devetopment Department recommends approval of Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1g9g. on.first reading. Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1998, second reading of an Ordinance Making Supplemental Appropriations from the Town of Vail Booth Creek Bond Fund and Health lnsurance.Fund, of the 1g9g Budget and the Financial Plan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and Authorizing the Expenditures of Said Appropriations as Set Forth Herein; and Setting Forth Details in Regard Thereto. (10 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve, modify or deny Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1998 on second reading. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: The Council has passed two supplemental appropriations for 1998. This will be the final one. No additional appropriation is needed in the General Fund since the full budgeted transfer for the Red Sandstone housing project won't be used. That project won't be complete at 12131198. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1998 on second reading. Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1998, second reading of an ordinance Authorizing the Conveyance of Fee Tiile to the Following Land Owned by the Town of Vail: A parcel of land situated in Government Lot 3, Section 7, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the B.L.M. brass cap at Corner 2 of said Lot 3; Thence along the North line of said Lot 3, North 99"41,00,' East, a distance of 206.61 feet; Thence South 59.12'40" East, a distance ol 26.74 feet; Thence North 88.59,20" West, a distance of 229.76 feet to the West line of said Lot 3; Thence North 00"00,00,, East, a distance of 8.42 feet to the point of Beginning. Containing 2394 sq. ft., more or less. (See Exhibit A aftached) To Paul E. Raether and Wendy S. Raether. (15 mins.) ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve, modify or deny Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1g98 on second reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: In the early 1990s the VailTown Council directed staff to begin working with the Forest service to address private and public encroachments on Forest system lands and to identify ways to discourage private exchanges around the Town oi vait. tn t gg+ tnl community completed the Vail Comprehensive Open Space plan which identified properties that should be considered for land exchange. In June, 1995, the Town of Vail and the United states Forest service signed an agreement to initiate a land exchange. The land exchange involved three parcels of Town of Vail land totaling 76 acres and 11 parcels of United States Forest Service land totaling 62.2 acres. This exchange essentially removed Forest Service lands from within the Town of vin oy L Dominic Mauriello Russell Forrest Ethan Moore ordinance No.23, Series of 1g98, amends ordinance No. g, series of 1995, which regulates development in sDD #4 (cascade Village). Area c (Glen Lyon residential lots) is being amended as it relates only to Lots 39-1 and 39-2' Glen Lyon subdivision. The proposed text changes are highrighted in the ordinance. Additionally, staff has updated the ordinance to remove expired projects and update completed projects. Discussion of Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan and Resolution No- 14' series of 1998. The Lionshead Master plan Team is seeking final adoption of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master plan with the Master Plan Dated December 15. 1998 as an Official Element of the V I Comprehensive Plan and as a Valid Planning Document to Used to Guide Redevelopment and Growth in the Lionshead Study rea. Review and discuss Lionshead Redevelopment Master and Resolution No. 14, Series of 1998. The comments and recommendations of the Town Council, the Pla and Environmental Commission, and the Design Review Board have been i and Environmental Commi unanimously approved the to the following nine (9) ch into the document. The Planning at its November 23, 1997 meeling, Redevelopment Master Plan subject implementing Resolution Resolution No. 14, Lionshead Redevel Change language landscaping shall Gardens and planti study area where screening, and to eliminated or substa should be provided. o. 14, Series of 1998. (45 mins.) of 1998, a Resolution Adopting the the site development guidelines to state that incorporated within existing and new modification/increase of the standard 1. construction to em ize and create niches. beds shall be located within the Lionshead add to the pedestrian experience, provide for vtews. Stronger language under grounding of to be added which directs study to the l-70 corridor and use of the air rights above. The plan needs to language about the study ofthe parking pay-in-lieu fee. Add lly, the plan should provide for the study of parking which reflect a uses' parking need. 5.The plan language be modified to encourage the immediate formation of a Development Authority and enabling of tax increment financino. A Gross Residential orArea (GRFA) limitations should be 7. 8. Plan language shall Language should included in the plan to allow for additional modified to compel development on the core site to be oriented south. height (additional st ) for properties adjacent to the S. Frontage Road and in the end of the study area by conditional use permit or other regulatory icle. Map W is currently too restrictive and should be modified to show the entire study area, including the Red Sandstone Site, as potential employee housing in fill areas. q I GRFA allowance in Area C (Glen Lyon Subdivision) changed over the years from a straight GRFA ratio of .25, to conforming with the Primary/Secondary Zone District calculation, then subsequently being capped at 4,200 sq. ft. per lot and then again, changed to go back to the PrimarylSecondary GRFA calculation, creating an overall decrease in GRFA for that development area. Commercial floor area in Area A and Area D both increased over the years quite substantially from their original approvals, based on changes in master planning for those areas. Although the history of exactly what decision makers were thinking when approving this SDD is unclear, one thing that is clear is that each of the development areas have been treated as independent entities. lt also appears, after reviewing staff, PEC and Council memos and minutes, that the restrictions generally imposed on the Glen Lyon Subdivision lots were originally proposed by the developer and approved by the Town, Resolulion No. 10. Series of 1982 With regard to the discussion that occuned in 1982 when Resolution #10 was adopted, which allowed Lot 39 of the Glen Lyon Subdivision to be divided into two parcels (Lot 39-1 and Lot 39- 2), restricted the GRFA to 3,100 sq. ft. per unit, and limited the building height to 25" it appears that the applicant came fonarard with the proposed density and height restrictions on these lots. Staff, at the time, recommended that this lot be treated just as all the other lots within the Glen Lyon Subdivision. At that time the lots were restricted to 4,200 sq. ft. of GRFA, and therefore, the staff recommended, Los 39-1 and 39-2 each be entitled to 2,100 sq. ft. of GRFA in keeping with the restriction in the remainder of the SDD and the neighborhood. The PEC, however, recommended to the Council that the applicant's request for 3,100 sq. ft. be granted. Subsequently, the Town Council (with not much discussion as reflected in the minutes) approved Resolution #10. In the stall recommendation, there was discussion about trying to keep these buildings to a low rise and a small size, in order to preserve views. In addition, Council made a linding in a whereas statement in the Resolution that states: "Lot 39 of the Glen Lyon Subdivision possesses characteristics making it appropriate for two single-lamily struclures ol a high-quality low-rise nature." It is clear from the staff memo dated February 1, 1982, that the staff believed that GRFA should be treated the same as the other residential lots within Glen Lyon Subdivision. The memo states "we feel that we must be consistent in judging such requests." At that time, the 4,200 sq. ft. limitalion was the "consistent" regulation, today it is not. Exposure of Lots It appears that staff and the applicant in '1982 may have been concerned about the visibility of Lots 39-1 and 39-2. In the February 8, 1982 PEC minutes, it states; "Andy Norris explained that the lot was planned originally for CMC and was very visible from the frontage road." The staff memo lo the PEC, dated February 1, 1982, states: 'He [Andy Norris] proposes two low rise (1 or 2 story) luxury single family homes with extensive landscaping and water features." The memo goes on to statel Visually, the site is quite open and contains only one tree, a large evergreen lying very close to the proposed common lot line of the two new lots. Thus, any development on the site will be readily seen by passersby on the South Frontage Road and l-70. [,\ \ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I'EMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department +*o*emterl#9S6F &* 7?, nq7 A request tor a malor amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to allowable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1& 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane LarsenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village, Development Area C) to Lots 39-'l and 39-2 (single-family residential lots) located in the Glen Lyon Subdivision. The applicant is requesting the following: 1. That the lots be subject to the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district' calculation for Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFAXSection 18.13.080 of the zoning Code) which is consistent with all of the other residential lots in the Gten Lyon Subdivision. Currenuy, each lot is limited to 9,100 sq. ft. of GRFA per Besolution No. 10, Series of 1982. Under the proposed calculation, Lot 39-1 would be enlitled to 6,446.65 sq. ft. of GRFA and Lot 39-2 would be entitled to 6,834.34 sq. ft. of GRFA. 2. That the lots be subject to the height limitations of the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district (Section 18.13.075 of the Zoning Code) which is consistent with all of the other residential lots in the Glen Lyon Subdivision. Currently, the building height for these lots is restricted to 25' per Resolution No, 1 0, Series of 1982. Under this proposal, building heights would be restricted to 30' for flat roof structures and 33'for sloping roof structures. 3. That each lot be entitled to a Type ll EHU (which requires conditional use approval). All other lots have been allowed to go through the conditional use review process for the establishment of Type ll EHU's in this subdivision. The current ordinance is silent on the EHU issue and is proposed to be arnended to clarify this issue. The actual number of EHU's allowed will also be limited based on the access to the site. The skier bridge was approved at a width that will only allow three dwelling units including EHU's on these two sites. The applicant is proposing building envelopes on the property which will prevent the removal of any existing trees and prevents development on slopes greater than 30% (see attached survey). The envelopes are more restrictive than the typical setbacks for a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot. r '/._i I Please note that the applicant's original reguest proposed to calculate the GRFA for these two lots according to the Single-Family Residential (SFR) zone district but has amended their application at the request of staff. The sFR calculation results in GRFA for Lot 39-1 of 6,943.3 sq. ft, and Lot 39-2 ot 7,618.7 sq. ft. Please see applicant's statements attached. II. BACKGROUND The Glen Lyon Subdivision, when originally planned in 1978, under SDD #4, contained a provision that'no residential lot shall contain more than 4,200 square feet of GRFA." This provision was also included in the restrictive covenants for this subdivision, which the Town is a party to. At that time, Lots 39-1 and 39-2 were one large duplex lot, Lot 39 (2.4853 acres). On_Fe_bruary 16, 1982, Resolution No. 10, Series of 1982, was adopted allowing an amendment to SDD #4 to allow Lot 39 to be divided into Lots 39-1 (1.0,1i1 acresi and 3g-2 i.ZZ1 acres). The lots were restricted as single-family residential lots, therefore not increasing the overall density of the development. _The proposal resulted in 0.2213 acres being dedicated to the Town as parf of the stream tract. The resolution restricted each lot to a maximum of 3,100 sq. ft. of GHFA and 25' in building height. see attached Resolution No. 10, series of 1982 and ilre statf memorandum dated February 1, 1982. On July 3, 1990, SDD #4 was amended by Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1990, which removed the 4,200 sq. ft. of GRFA restriction for all "duplex" lots within the Glen Lyon Subdivision. The amendment allowed the lots to be calculated under the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district for GRFA. Lots 39-1 and 39-2 were specifically not amended by this change as these lots were single-tamily residential lots (see Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1990 and the itaft memorandum dated June 1 1, 1990). ln July of this year, a minor amendment to this SDD was approved allowing the development of a driveway and bridge to access the site via an easement across Lots 40 and 41. The bridge provides access for skiers to travel beneath the driveway. The applicant worked closely wim tne owners of Lot 40 in order to develop a plan that was acceptable to all parties impacted by the development. o IIt. ZONING ANALYSIS Listed below is the zoning analysis for Lot 39-1 and Lol 41, which are located nearest the site, Zoning:SDD #4 (with no underlying zoning) and Lot 39-2. In addition, an analysis of Lot 40 have been included for comoarison. Propos€d Standard nla 6,446.65 sq. ft. (lncludes 425 sq. ft: credlt) 30' flaV33' sloping 600 so. ft. 1 du + 1 Type ll EHU nla 6,$4.34 sq. ft. (includes 425 sq. ft. credit) 30' f laUS!' sloping 600 so. ft. 1 du + 1 Typ6 ll EHU Standard Lot 39-1 Lot size: Allowable GRFA: Allowabl€ Building Height: Allowable Garage Credit: Allowable dwelling units: Lot 39-2 Lot size: Allowable GFiFA: Allowable Bullding HolEht: Allowable Garage Credit: Allowable dwelling unib: For comparison: Lot 40 Lot size: Allowable GFIFA: Allowable Building Height: Allowable Garage Credit: Allowable dwelling units: Lot 41 Lot siza: Allowable GRFA: Allowable Building Height: Allowable Garage Credit: Allowable dwelling units: Existino Standard 45,433.08 sq. ft. 3,100 sq. ft. 25', 600 sq. ft. ldu 53,186.76 sq. ft. 3,100 sq. ft. 25' 600 sq. ft. I Culrsnt Standard 37,392.6 sq. ft. 6,469.63 sq. ft.' 30' flaV33'sloping 1,200 sq. ft. 2 45,713 sq. ft. 6,885.65 sq. ft.' 30' flau33' sloping 1,200 sq. ft. 2 .Note: . .- Lots 40 and 4j1 include an a(cf,tional 42s sq. fl. of GRFA for thE second dwelling unn and are allowed an addlional 600 sq. lt. for th€ *acmd dwelling unit. IV. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL As stated in the zoning code, the pupose of the special development district is to: "... encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of new development within the town; to facilitate the adequate and economical provision of streets and utilities; to preserve the natural and scenic features of open space areas; and to further the overall goals of the community as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development plan for a special development district, in conjunction with a property's underlying zone district, shall establish the requirements for guiding development and uses of property included in the special development district." The following are the nine special development district criteria to be utilized by the Planning and Environmental Commission when evaluating SDD amendment proposals: A. . Design compatibility and sensitivlty to the ammediate environment, neighborhood and adjaeent properties relatlve to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and . orientation. No specilic building or design is being requested by this amendment. Any proposed development will be reviewed in accordance with the SDD #4 ordinance and the Town's Design Guidelines. With this requeqted amendment, development on thesb lots will be consistent with development allowances on neighboring lots and with this subdivision as a whole. While homes on these lots will be quite large, impacb to the site and neighboring properties will only be minimally impacted. Single-family structures will be oriented within building envelopes on the properties and will be generally low on the site. IJrgt" is adequale room for buffering Oevdtoiment on these lots-from neighboring lots. This property is mostly adjacent to Forest Service property and is only marginallyadjacent to neighboring duplex lots. The applicanl is providing building envelopes which protect all existing trees and prevents development on slopes greater than 30%, Staff believes the proposed modifications to the development standards will provide equal treatment t0 similarly situated residential lots and will not negatively effect the surrounding properties or the environment. B. Uses, activaty and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationshlp with surroundang uses and activity. The proposal does not change the approved uses for the property. These lots will continue to support development of single{amily homes. The potential intensity of development will be similar to that of adjoining lots. Staff believes that the proposal is compatible with adjacent development and provides for an efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses- . C. Compliance with the parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 18.52. The applicant is not proposing to change the parking requirements as they relate to these lots. .Development on these lots will continue to be required 3 parking spaces, assuming development of structures ol greater than 2,000 sq. ft. in size. D. Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design plans. 1. This area has been platted and zoned under SDD #4 for residential development. The proposed changes do not change the use of the property. The Town of vail open Lands plan, adopted by the Town, identifies these lots as private development sites. The use prescribed by zoning for these lots is consistent with the Open Lands plan. Diane Golden said she was sympathelic to bolh parties, but the Town has made a statement that B&Bs are permissible. Will Miller said that directly across the slreet was a multi-family project and this use wouldn't change anything and he would go back to 3 roommates in lhe summer. Diane Golden said a conditional use permit could have conditions to see how it goes. Greg Moffet said the PEC could sunset this. He said, knowing some of the players with small children. ihe etected officials said B&B's were a desired usage for every zone district. He said that the conditions were clearly met and it was unfortunate that the neighborhood couldn't get together. He said more covenants could be deployed, but as it appeared, lhis was a case where the PEC was compelled lo grant approval. Greg Amsden asked for information about the kitchens. Will Miller said the 2nd floor kitchen was not installed. He said it was a rough-in and contingenl on what happened with the usage. He said it had only a microwave and a sink. John Schofleld made a motion for approval with the condition that an approval would not be required by the Aspen Grove Lane (Lionsridge Filing No. 4) Homeowner's.Association and that the conditional use permit will expire in one year from the date of approval. Diane Golden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 4-1-1 , with Gene Uselton opposed and Ann Bishop recused. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to allowable cRFA and building height limitations, located at 1 150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39- 1& 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane Larsen Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff memo' Greg Moffet asked if lhe applicant had anything to add. Diane Larsen, representing the applicant, concurred with the staff's recommendation. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were none. Ann Bishop had no commenls, but thanked Mr. Nonis for his letter that described the history. Diane Golden had no commenls. John Schofield had no comments. Gene Uselton had no comments. Planning and Environmental Commission Mihutes Ociober 27 , 1997 Greg Amsden said he was involved in the changing of the GRFA in the code and saw nonegative effect in Glen Lyon. Greg Moffet agreed with Greg Amsden, but asked to applicant to please not come back withsnowmell boilers in the setback. Ann Bishop made a motion for approval with one condition, in accordance with the staff memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 5' A request for an amendment to Seciion 18.54.050 J (Design Guidelines - outdoorlighting), to allow for the exemption of low waflage lighting"from the outdoor tightingregulations. Applicant: Roy & paura May, represented by Dare smith/ Fritzren,prerce, BrinerPlanner; Lauren Waterton Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff memo and explained that this was lo allow lowlevel lighting to make a property safer, after the DRB final review. ne ifren exptained the newlanguage. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. John Schofield thought th.e.25 watt output was on the low side and he lhought it should be in the40 watt range' He said srairs rypieaily have wattage in the 40-60 watt i"ng" Gene Uselton said this was a sensible proposal. Greg Amsden said he was in favor of this, as it was a safety issue. Ann Bishop had no commenls. Diane Golden agreed wilh the safety issue. Greg Moffel said he agreed with the safety issue. John schofield made a motion for. approval with a change in the language to include a maximuminilial lumen output of 400 (or equivalent to a 40 watt bu-ib). Gene Uselton seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of 6-0. 6' A request tc review a .draft of the proposed Vail Strategic Housing plan, which is intendedto set the direciion of the Town in its effort to address iocats nouiing. Applicant; Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes octoberi7,lggT 6 fr) :D E gE 5,e.^ tpEi E;,o 9.ED io <- o .E:! lo q 5 '6 o.f (t z q d Fai9 i {e .=EF edg =- o r{;.E d I €l E3lrfil !9 El <ol-N-+tt<p.:6 9l t. II e E ro EEE .t { iE!{{ d sl €-l 6i { I s c.i {t Ei d ii ql Fa 5Fe Egsaui6 E=EIii :;g E;5 sn e'Egti'Eii..t::505::l;lE6 F8 ! I ?aE 9Fsfl :*EiE=BE 6::.i-fl {! Ei .1 Fe 3bd {r E!ct<" Ei3bt s !E 3xR-II EE; : 61 E =cot i : G =a'=rts!t {{{ Et) ot €Q e { 5a e s €€e s E4 ot K iE.3oE9 IEiET =:t!o-oi39:o S s E E { E3D< o- iE,E}E E3<o is=?E i s .g {E a n d o R o c0 a1I E Ec (\ gl Ia 0 6 o E 6 o MINUTES VAIL]'OWN COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1997 7:30 P.M. 1 rcaurar meeting of the vair rown councir was herd on Tuesday, November 4, 1gg7, at 7:30P.M. in the councir chambers of the Vair Municipar Buirding. The meetrng was calred to orderat approximately 7:30 p,M. MEMBERS PRESENT:Bob Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor pro-Tem Rob Ford Michael Jewett Paul Johnston Kevin Foley Ludwig Kuz Bob Mclaurin, Town Manaoer Pam Brandmeyer, Assistani Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first item on the agenda was citizen participation. There was no crtizen participation. The second item on the agenda was rhe consent agenda approvrng the Minutes from theoctober 7 and 2'1, 1997 r-e"ting.. ccuncirmembe#aut .,roirnsron made a motion to approvethe minutes of the october 7 and 21 , 199z.meetings, Mayor pro-tem sybifl Navas seconded rnemotion. A vote was taken, there was unanimous "pprouil, 7_0. The third item on the agenda was the first reading of ordrnance No. 21, series of 1g97, anordrnance_requesting a major amendment to sDD #4 (cascade vilage), to attow mooiflciionsto allowable GRFA and building height limitations. Dominic Maurie|o, community Deveropment staff member, expra,ned the pranning andEnvironmental Commission, al its October 27, f SSZ meeti;g, recommended approvallunanimously) of the proposed amendments to sDD #4 (cicade virtage, Deveiopm;nt nreac). He described in fufther detair the ordinance request lnJine october 27, 1997 pEC memo. ordinance 21, series of 1992, amends ordinance No. B, series of 1995, which reguratesdevelopment.in SDD #4 (cascade ^vitage). Area c (GIe; Lt;n residentiar rots) is beingamended as it rerates onry to Lots.39-1 and 39-2, GrLn Lyon subdivision. rn"'ptpo.Eo t"*tchanges are highlighted in the ordinance. councilmember Mike Jewett has a concern with this ordinance. There were seven questionsraised at the worksession earlier and the Town councir directed staft to research these ' - '- Sy"rll?nr: Arthough staff did provide much of the requeslec information, tne rown councithasn't had time to review the additionar information to make an educated decision on thisordinance. cou;rcilnrember Mike Jewett made a motion to tabre this ordinance to aflow time for staff toprovide additionar research and so the Town councir wiir have time to review that i"roir"il".Councilmember paul Johnston seconded the motion_ There was further discussion regarding this orclinance and the information needed to crarify therssue6 Involved. Bob Armour stated the staff shourd proceed with their presentation of the reauest. Dominic Mauriefio exprained the originar ordinance which estabrished this speciar DeveropmentDistrict. The staff arso rooked at other singre famirv rors in tne iown orvarioi com-pa*Ii"'-'purposes as was directed by councirmember sybiir trtavas at the wort( session. councilmember syblr Navas asked for crarification of the GRFA formura. Mike MoIica, Assistant Director of community Deveropment, exprained the formura in furtherdetail. There was further discussion of GRFA. Jim Lamont, representing the Easi vilage Homeowne/s Association, stated these areas maynot have been subdivided at the tinre th; sDo *ur "ppiou"a.-r, o *"** an appfopriate orcisien, tf,c;e needs to b.: rnoic ,nrt,o,, :l,.gardir.i i,.,e tic.:r,.:ion making pricess ,r.1x|Ucn and to trai:k the decisions l[ti wefe made ior this atea. Bob Armour asked if there was any fufiher discussion on the motion. 'i vote was taken, the motion to tabre this ordinance passed with a vote of s-2, with:iouncllmember Sybill Navas and Mayor Bob Armour opposed. There rvas further discussion regarding the intent behind the original SDD. Tom Moorhead stated ihat council members should not rely on of make significant decisionsbased rn persons memories of past history, but should relyon wrifien documentation. The fourth item on the agenda was the revisions to the 1998 Budget ordinance. Bob McLaurin stated the Town council has reviewed this ordinan ;e on first reading and theonly-significant change is an additional $6s,000 for Art in public F races and spe"i"i "uenisln1998. steve Thompson stated he has spoken to Frank Johnson, vair vafley Tourism and conventionBureau' and they have agreed the funds wili not be disbursed until the actual time the eventscome uo. Bob Armour asked Steve Thompson to ctarify the transfer of funds. steve Tiompson explained in further detair how the transfer of funds works. Technically, theTown of Vail has a $28 million doilar budget. councilmember Sybill Navas made a motion to approve this ordinance, it was seconded byCouncilmember Rob Ford. There was further discussion. Mayor, Bob Armour reiterated the real estate transfer tax shouldbe reviewed and would iike to see money be used for a park in west vail and to use runoi i* "park near Vair commons. Bob stated this is a priority of his and for residents in west Vail. Bob Mclaurin stated the new council will make the decisions for lhe funds at their next retreatto prioritize their goals. A vote was taken, there was unanimous approval, 7-0. The fifth item on the agenda was the Town Manager Report. There were no further guestions regarding the Town Managers repon. Bob Armour stated the fund raiser for Holly Mccutcheon was a success and the communitycame logether in strong support for Hofly and should be proud of its accomptisnments. 'inl fundraisers for Horry Mccutcheon and shane Hansen prove we have a strong.cornnlunitv. - Bob also stated Holry had a message for everyone, she roves all of us and is proud to be part ofthis community. And when she is abre, she wifi be wiling to offer her herp to others that need ir. As there was no further business, councirmember Rob Ford made a motion to adjourn,councilmember Kevin Foley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the moiio;;assedunanimously. The meeting adjourned at g:10 p.m. ATTEST: Town Clerk F1'TTVNCLERK\WPFILES\COUNCILV,/iJNUTES-97\1 I.O4.97,OFT Respe lly sub t t/. -?_l_ :- I +s A' re lrl i^L rr JurI N sl- $'n+ a -.-\ I +s q \J! I r'J i- I I__ L_ -l------'- '}-----i--I ": .\)a- Aa oqL F{ I -r' L..l < e}'L -t/. .e/.t *=4 t-.xa-"-.-€JaOS 1_- --l I --. ll ""i * --+-- I i llrll{ Lll1Pi I[+ r'T 1J liJ .l r- I ;lll !l -l I I .+1I r.' ++mj*qt -\, \15 SG.s q -. 0 z n r-rnFri(.a J ut T I I i_i ,l iii 'j -\, I Nt:ir-r|::l.i:ll:l i'l<)l-L,N l N r{-=1":l '!' I L -l 1- '[ {. rU ii: i e ,41, |5i'.:tNN=.::_r tt g -l$,\ oJ -tq tr.Q- (u o \) FCIaz0( 3d ntu a@ o.e 4 | -"1Ye! .* o!{ ?s+* .\rr d<, =T,rt-4v4!r orr{. - d< o9L aar/tt >ztt - A+ eLa C r r/t . =rr'tdl€-t J!+,1fi lTl-?-i= 'u42 4ll"'_rvJ.r- ,L I I .tl9.aa t. ME J4 .L.t +' 1ta J4 aae ^1tr.14a Jq?.r1..-.-.:--r=JJ n lrJt a itlr :' ' i5.tI5:.:;::l! N(lI5 t! | r\t Nl= L I \t1 , ta\ \ ---: fi t- ttl 'rf $0 { d {- q)+ \/1 q,tIsq \ L {I \\ r.l t :v"y ."-{l L______ i Fii\ \(\\r\ s ^lson +I _J -t-(/) s uJ I - vsq \J t= \} ulI lllillFlJ x;Hl, =t'Fiiitiil r il l:E? :: t; iitl rEEl9tHJtalt ;r" EI '^f t,'t . .:.. \\L)..*::"=-+ * \ \ ',$fl*$ :u,'iqrrs'''tl:ffis!h\\',\\' ; fi*lir, $i\l +\3'l*' rij9l$\\ia,,.ma; '+,, !.\ffi=-- \'\, \i\$ilffi\ \\ \ 'il{\ "';R\*'ffi %'.,1*\S,lN ,,,,\\*i vl $ q./ Eu {:3 46 7) $a- a,9ir- a May 11 , L99O Town of Vail Planning Department Attn: Shelley Mello 75 So. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Shelley, In accordance with Paragraph #18 of the Protective Covenants of Glen Lyon Subdivisioo, 75e" of the property owners of the prJ-vately-owned land included within the boundaries of Glen Lyon have given their written consent to amend the said Covenants (Recorded 5/2/90 in Book 528, Page 154. A copy of recorded document is attached). The amendment deletes Paragraph #L7 ofthe covenants. This paragraph establis\ed a ceiling of 4200 sguare feet on each lot within the subdivision. It was the developerls intent at time of recording the original covenants to "lock in" a specified amount of GRPA to protect against any future downward trends in interpretations of GRFA. As it turned out, this lirnitation actually had a negative effect on all-owable GRFA in relation to other property owners within theVail Va}ley. The implementation of this ceiling on GRFA into the Special DeveJ-opment District and Town of Varl Ordinances was doneto accomodate the Protective Covenants and property orvners of Glen Lyon. The applicant asks the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council to consider and approve the following admendment tothe existing Special Development District No. 4. Area C, asdetined in'Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1990, Section 18.46.100, Paragraph C: Deletion of the following sentences "No residential lotshall contain more than 4200 square feet of GRFA per the Glen Lvon subdivision covenants". If any members of the Planning and Environment Commission or the Town Council have any questions regarding the proposed amendment,please contact Greg Amsden at 476-7990 or Andy Norris at 476-6602. Thank you for your consideration and cooperation j.n this Amsden GA/meb o $."-VALLI HI \ v.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the reguest. to delete the statement that rtNo residential lot shall contain nore than 4200 square feet of GRFA per the cLen Lyon Subdivision covenantsrr as stated in Section 18,76.100 of SDD #4ordinance $l-o, series of l-990 as applicable to Lots L-38 and40-52. The staff feels that this restriction was used as a means of guaranteeing GRFA to the Glen Lyon lots andinstead, the maximum became a restriction. We feeL that the del-etion of the maxinum will have no negative irnpacts on the surrounding properties. The amendnent will allow the aboveIots to be controlled under the density reguirements that are used for all other Primary/Secondary lots. trhere will be no chanse in tbe density recruLrementl f,or r.otE-3ffi?Ferles o 19'|2. deleting the 4200 square foot maximum, the mass and bul-k wil-l be increased over what is currently aLlowedin the subdivision. However, the mass and bulk of thestructures will be no more than what is allowed onother comparabLe Primary/Secondary lots in other areasof Vail. c. A circul-ation system desiqned for both vehictes andpedetrians qddressing on and off-site trafficcirculation. There will be no change to the circulation systern.Since there will" be no inerease in density, there areno expected increases in use that would requlre a change to the circulation system. order to optinize and preserve natural features,recreation. views and funct,ions. There wilL be no change to the existing landscaping and open space p1an. Individual lots will be reguired tolandscape 6O8 of lots as per the Section L8.46.L7A -Landscaping of SDD #4. Phasinq pldn or subdivision nlan that wil1 rnaintain awgrkable, functional and efficient relationshinthroughout the development of the special devel"opmentdistrict. There wiII be no effect on the phasing or subdivisionplan. 23 of the 50 lots involved have either existing homes or are under construction. No additional lotsare proposed with this application. IV.: DEIIET,OPMFNT STANDARDS A11 dbvelopment standards for SDD# 4 are very site specific,For Area C, development st,andards including height,setbacks, site coverage, parking and landscaping are in accordance with the reguirernents for the primary/Secondary zone district. This request would allow the Area C densitycontrol (cRfA) to be in accordance with Section LB.13.OBO ofthe Vail Municipal Code, H. I. wiLl increase the mass and bulk because the allowable GRFA will,of be the buildings increased. The following is a chart depicting the range ofadditional GRFA that would be allowed for a nunberlots:of # of Lots 11 ,l_8 1-O 5 6 Additional GRFA o1-250 sq. ft. 250-50O sq. ft. 5OO-750 sq. ft.75O+ sq. ft. c. D. CompLiance with parking and loadinq recruirements asoutlined in Chapter 1,8.52. Off-streeL parlcing shall be provided as stated in the SDD Ordinance. Thls would require dwelling units with up to 2,000 square feet of GRFA to provide 2 parking spaces, and dwelling units over 2rOO0 square feet toprovide 2.5 spaces per unit. These are the standard Town of Vail parking reguirements. Conformitv with appLicabte elenents of the Vail Comprehensive PLan, Town policies and Urban Desiqn PIans. The application does not request any additionaL GRFAother than that which is allowed on other comparable Primary/Secondary lots in the Town of Vail. There are no planning studies that relate directl-y to thl-s request. Identification and mitigation of natural and/orqeoloqic hazards that'affect the progerty on which thespecial development district is pronosed. GeoJ.ogic hazards will be identified and mitlgated asrequired by Section L8.69 Hazard Regulations of the Town of VaiI Municipal Code. Site plan. building design and Location and open spaceprovisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features. vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the communitv. The onLy elernent of the above criteria that will beaffected by this request is building design. By .8. F. The applicant has received.signatures from 76.072property owners approving the change in the GRFArequirement. The amendnent will not include Lot 53 (Coldstrean) amendment will only affect duplex lots located in of the . The this Area x c... and a maximum GRFA of 310feet per lot. rTT. SPECTAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRTCT CRTTERTA Section L8,40.080 of the zoning code sets forth thefollowing design criteria to be used in evaluating themerits of a Specia] Devel-opnent District. It is the burdenof the applicant to demonstrate that subnittal material andthe proposed devel.opment plan conply with each of thefollowing standards or demonstrate that one or more are notapplicable or that a praetical sofution consLstent with thepublic interest has been achieved. A. Desiqn conpatibilitv and sensitivity to the immediateenvironrnent, neiqhborhood and adiacent propertiesrelative to architectural design, sca1e. bulk, buildingheicrht, buffer zones, identitv, character, visualintegrity and orientation. The granting of the request will allow for an increaseof the allowable GRFA for many of the duplex lotsIocated in the clen Lyon Subdivision. Currently thelots are regulated by the density requirements forPrimary/Secondary zoning with a maximum allowable GRFAof 42OO square feet. 40 lots in Glen Lyon arerestricted by this maxinun. It is inportant torecognize that by deleting the maxirnum for GRFA, theywill only be allowed to build what is alLowed under - Section L8.L3.O80 which regulates the GRFA on all_Prinary/Secondary lots. The mass and bulk of thebuildings will increase in comparison to what woul_d beallowed with the 4200 sq. ft. of GRFA maxinum due tothe increase in aLlowable GRFA. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible,efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The request will have no effect on the uses oractivities of the area, The application will have noeffect on the number of units in the subdivision. It B. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental commission Department of Community Developnent ,fune 11, L990 A najor anendment to Special Development District No. 4-Cascade Village, Area C, Section l-8.46.L00, ParagraphC: deLetion of the following sentence trNo residentiallot shall contain more than 4200 sguare feet of GRFAper the Glen Lyon subdivision covenantsrr, which amends .the GRFA requirement to conform to thePrirnary/secondary zone district, Section 18.L3.O80,Density Control.Applicant: creg Arnsden for 752 of the property owners. L * I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting a najor amendment to Special. Developrnent District No. 4, Cascade Village. The request isto delete the requirement which states rrNo residential- Lotshall contain more than 4200 sg. ft. of GRFA per the GIen Lyon Subdivision covenants.rr The amended code will readITGRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section18.L3.O80, Density Control A and B for the prinary/secondarydistrict of the Town of VaiI Municipal Code. .With the overned Because ofthe lot sizes, the amendnent will alLow 40 of the 5L duplexlots to increase their GRFA over what is currently allowedby the SDD No. 4 density requirements. Holrever, these lotswill not be granted more than.what is all-owed under the Towrtrs density controL for Primary/Secondary lots. Theapplfcant is not requesting any other changes to the deve-lopment standards. II. BACKGROUND At the tirne that SDD #4 was adopted, the GRFA definition wasin the process of revision. By putting a maxirnun GRFA inthe density reguirement for the SDD, the developerrs intent was to lock in a specified GRFA allowed for the lots. This was intended to protect against future changes in theinterpretations of GRFA. The ceiling, hobrever, became arestriction for the Glen Lyon property owners, as the GRFA requirements did not become more restrict,ive (as the. developer had anticipated) . ,tim Rubin, the Conrnunity. Development Departrnent director at the tirne of the originatadoption, confirns that the GRFA naximum was initiated bythe developer to guarantee the GRFA for Glen Lyon lots. l Section 4. The Town Council hereby finds, deternrines and. declares that, thisordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety andwelfare of the Town of vai.l and inhabitants thereof. Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and reenactrnent of any provision= of ' vail Municipal code as provicled. in this ordinance sharr not,affe;C any right which has accrued, any duty irnposed, anyviolation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof,. anyprosecution cornenced, nor any o.ther action or proceeding, as conneneed under or by virtue of the pr6vision repealed orrepealed and reenacted. The repeal 0f any provision hereby shaLlnot revive any provj.sion or any ordinance previously repealed orsuperseded unless expressly stated herein. Sar.f i ar < Arl byla*s, orders, resor.utions and ordinances, or parts thereof,inconsist.ent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only ofsuch inconsistency. This repealer sha1l not be construed torevise any bylar.r, order, resolution or ordinance, or partthereof, heretofore repealed. TNT8ODUCED, REID AND July 1oo^ ordinance on the 3rd in the Counci-I Chanbers Colorado. PASSED ON FTRST READING 11119 3rd and a public hearing shalL be held day of on this day of of the Jury , 1990 at ?:30 p.n. Vail Municipal Building, Vail, ordered published in full this 3rct day of July , ;.gge. trTTFCT. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READ]NG AND ORDEREDPUBLISHED hy trrie onl], tnfs rirr'r -aiy-tt .r,j, --'--"-l rSSO. Town clerk a ATTEST: ORDTNA]'ICE NO. 20Series of 1990 AN ORDINANCE A}IENDING ORDTNANCE NO. 10, SERIES OF 1990,SPECIAIJ DEVEIPPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4,sEcTroN 18.46.L00 c, DENSITY r.lOOR AREA, AREA cGLEN LYON DUPLEX LoTS TO PROVIDE FOR GROSS RESIDENTIAL PIOOR AREA TO BE CALCUIATED PER THE REQUIREI.IENT.oP THE pRrUARy/sEcoNDARy zoNx DrsTRrcT SECTTON 18-L3-o8oDENSITY CONTROL; AND SETTING FoRTII DETAILS IN REGARD THERETo. WHEREAS, Chapter l_8.40 of the Veil Municipal Code aut,horizes Special Development Districts rvithin the Toun,. and WHEREAS, the Toirn council approved ordinance 116- J,0, Series of 1990 Special DeveLopment District No, 4 Cascade village; and. I{IiEREAS, a najority of the property or,/ners r.rithin Area C. Glen Lyon Subdivision of Special Development District No. 4 have requested to anend Section 18.46.100C of Special Developnent, Disirict lio. q; and IIHEREAS, the pl.anning and Environnental Conmission has reconmended that the Gross Resid.ential rloor Area for Duplex lots t^,ithin the clen Lyon subdivision be calculated per Section 18, 1.3. O8O of the vail Municipal Code; and 'D,/< -ir_ _ , t- ,./ ) \4n:. jt^ C"*{"p. WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it. is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town ancl its citizens, inhabitants, and'visitors to amend Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1990 to provide for this change in Special Developnent District Il^ , ^----r- rr:rr^.re. q, uascaoe vrlrage, Area C Glen Lyon Duplex Subdivlsion. NOW, TTIEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS T.OLLOWS: Sectign L, AI1. the .lirocedures required for a Major anendment to an SDD as set, forth in Section ta.40.1oO have been conplied vrith. Section 2. Section 18.46.100 Paragraph C, Density Floor Area, Area C, Glen Lyon duplex Lots is hereby anended by the deletion of the following sentence 3 rrNo residential lot slrall contaj.:r nrore than 4ZOO sq. ft. of GRFA per the GIen ],yon subdivision covenants,rl Section 3. ff any part, section, subsect,ion, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason hel-d to be inva).id, such decision shal1 not affect the validity of the renaining portions of this ordinance; and the To$rn Councj.L hereby declares it wouLd have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or nore parts, sect,ions, subsections, sentences? clauses or phrases by declared invalid. 1 Iv Ca scade Villtrgc -3- 2/L/82 Mr. Norris is proposing and will conmit to a naster pla' for the develop-rnent on these two lots.. Hc proposes two low-rise (I to 2 story) luxurysingle fanily homes with extensive landscaping and water features. IleIequests that each house be allowed sl00 square feet of Gross ltesidentialFloor Area and will Testrict the houses to a 25 foot height .l inritation . B. TMPACTq gF REQUEST currentlL the lot could be developed into a duplex with a maximun floorarea of 4200 square feet. This is the covenant restriction of whichthe town is a co-signator, and consequently, enforcer. The p.op"rur#ould increase the allowable GRFA by 2000 square feet to 620-0 square' feet total visually, the site is quite open and contains only one tree, a rargeevergreen Jying very close to the proposed corunon lot line of the thronew lots. Thus, any development on-thi site will be readily seen bypassersby on the south Frontage Road and r-70. Dividing the lot andacceptin! the devel0pnerlt plan allows tl{o separated structures of alow profile nature, but covcring more of the site than under presentrestrictions. Thc 25 foot height rimitation reduces by approiinatelyten feet the a1 lowable height of thc structures which could be builtunder current regulations. The rlevelopnent pran refrccts a very highquality design of stxuctures and their surrounding grounrls, and wourdassurc such high quality if thc amcndnent is approved. Access for the new easterry rot wourd be providecl by an access easement.on the northern side of lot l. 'i'he acccsl drive woulct be heavily plantedon. the north side to reduce the visual inpact from the north. In sunmary, the resurt of approvar of the requestcd anendmcnt is thatdevelopnent of a larger portion of the site wourd occur, but the developneniwould be of a guaranteed high quality with rninimar negaiive visuar inpait. C. \RECOI&ENDATION The Department of connunity Development reconmends approvar of the proposeddivision of Lot 39 into two single fanily lots with iire condition thateach residence be restricted to 2100 square feet of GRFA. lrle feel positive 1!:yt !h9 qevelopment plan proposed, but we consider an increase ofGRFA of 2000 square feet to be-exceisive and a grant of speciar privilege. Jhere- is no special circumstance or hardship :.nioivea-in-iiu ,,"qu"r,for_ the extra GRFA, and we feel that we nusi be consistent in judgingsuch requests. Thus, we recommend approval 0f the amendnent requestedt'ith a revised deveropment pran refliiting a naximum GRFA for eachresidence of 2100 square feet. a s cadCa c Villagc -2- 2/I/82 IMPACTS OF TI-IE PROPOSA-L The building is Proposed to be located 50 feet from the existing pavencntof the South Frontage Road, except where the new right turn lane willbe located, the structure will be 45 feet away fron the pavement. As one travels west on the road the grade changes so that one experiencesless and less of the building impact the further r.rest one get;. I'hebuilding is 12 feet high at eave line on'the north elevation with approxi-.nately a 6 in L2 roof_ pitch. The roof material proposed is a.gray ln-etalsirnilar to the Millrace Condominiurn roofs. No unsolvable problems exi.st .with regard to utility locations, A substantial landscaping proposalwith a large amount of evergreen trees is proposed for the .rla betweenthe building and the south Frontage Road, rt is highry untikely that ,i the south Frontage Road will be expanded to four lanes due to physical(grade on the side of the road) and t,raffic anount factors. The conclusion from the above facts indicate no significant negativefactors in moving the building close to the property rine. I{aintaining 50 feet from the road is a sufficient "breathing" distance for snowrenoval, minor road improvenents (widen shoulders) and visual proxinity. A physical hardship exists in the givens of mandatory clesign ciiteria(tennis courts) and the existing road and adjacent bLifdings. RECOIIIIVIENDATION The Dcpartment of Conununity Developnent recommends approval of the arnenclnentto sdd4 allowing the Parking structure/athletic club io encroach Ig feetinto. the north property setback and to qualify the requircrnent of no parkingin the fronr setback to apply to parking other than eritiroly undergro-und. The staff feels that there are minirnurn impacts of this amendment due tothe large -distancc to the road surface. i'he building is designed to mitigatevisual inpacts on the north side, and the landscaping should provide a viiual' screefl-, further improving the aesthetics of the site development. lve agreethat the setback exception should be made only for this buiiding, with iheprovision that other underground parking could be located within requiredexterior setback areas, subject to Design Review Board approval . .\r r . . DlyJ slgg-*gr loljgr-c-LEN ryoN s.unprv r s rol7 o.-sE_Juur* Lo! 39 of Glen Lyon subdivision (Areaic of sDD4) was created with thegriginal approval of sDD 4. The duplex lots are developed basicallyin accordance with primary/secondary development regulations. The 1otcurrently contains 2.48 acres of total site area., and the proposed divisionwould easily rneet the requirenent in the Single Family Oisiriit of contain-ing 12,500 square feet of buildable site arei. propoied is to haye two Lots/. one of.888 acre and one of 1.48 acres, while dedicatingto the town .ll5 acre of land along Gore creek. The siream tract proposedto be dedicated is adjacent to property already owned by the town irrriugtra previous dedication. I'mNIIIRANDUM T0: Planning and Environrnental Commission FR0M: Department of Conununity Development/peter patten DATE: February 1, 1982 SUBJECT:TwoanendnentrequestsforSpecialDeve1opnentDistrict4.- Cascade ViIlage/Glen Lyon. Applicant: Andy Norris Andy Norris is requesting two amendments to special Developnent District 4.0ne-is..for area A of the District- -Cascade Village, to allow the parking structure,/athletic club building to encroach into the exterior property line setbick.The second request is to allorv Lot 3g of Glen Lyon subdivision (Area c)., anexisting 2.48 acre prirnary,/secondary lot to be resubdivided into two singlefamily Iots. I. AI\IENDMENT REGARDING PARKING STRUCTURE SETBACK A. rrlE-_8!!!!sr The request is to al 1ow the relaxation of sections 18.46,100 setbacksr,rith regard only to this building and i8.46,170 parking of sDD4 56 thatthe buildi.ng containing the parking structure and athletic club canbe constructcd to within 2 feet of the northern property Iine, abuttingthe south Frontage Road, rather than the reQuirea zb fect. The parking scction dictates that no parking 5ha1l be located in any front setbackarea. The p-roposal is for gll9:{g3pg!.1 parking to bc so located. Thereason for this request at Tf,iTEfreTs- an eairier oversight in theoriginal Master PIan for Cascadc Vil1age. B. BACIGROUND The original Master Plan was approvecl as a basic guide for placenentof each structure, but was not a detailed design for each individuatbuilding. Indeed, nrinor ddjustments in the placing of eactr structurenaturally has occurred at the Design Review Board level , In terms ofthe parking garage and athletic crub, the master plan sinply did notallow for adequate roon for a full size viable tennis couit'facilitywith regard to the north-south dinensions as restricted by the existingroad, As the cascade village project progresses according to the adoptedMaster Plan and regulations contained in soo4, each build,ing site isrestricted by such givens as buildings both existing and planned, roads,utility locati.ons, etc, This piece of the .puzz1e"--the parking'structure and athl-etic club--has simply been squeezed into the exteiior propertysetback by some of these restrictions, a situation not envisi.oiredl of'course, in the 1979 Master PIan, SGc' Rn+?. J,/*r Section 3, {he ftaximum beight of buildings on Lots 39 (A) and 39 (B) of the Glen Lyon Subdivision, as herein approved, shalL be tlventy five (25) feet as d.etefmined in aceordAnce with the -- applicable provisions of the Vail Zoning Code. Section 4. The maximum allorvable gross resid.ential floor area (GRIA) on Lots 39 (A) and 39 (B) of the Glen Lycn subdivi_sion as herein approved, shall be thirty one hundred, (3100) square feet ea.ch. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS 16TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1982, ATTF.cT. -- (t,( RESOLU?ION #10(Series of 19BZ ) A RESOLUTIO}I OF TI.IE TOI?N COUNCILAMENDTNc !!!9IAL prviioijunur DTSrRrcrNo. +-ro-_pnovii,n i;;;toi 3e oF rHE ?ii5 *I9-.lYEPIYIgicry uii gr DrvrDED ",", Ti]X-ii3"i i"!i..1"itil,1H,',gl:i l*8","o",,sE"tlTg_IgRTu a rrve,.rii-i:ivr <zsr rtjoi"niiirirLrarrrArroN nNo rnrnii-oiri nuivpnro iiioijJ-_..^seuARE^rooT usxruUrl,i-cn5Si nnsrorxrrAL FLOoRAREA (GRFA) i,rltftaff ON,-,r$n Sfttt,.qC fORtUDETATLS RELATTNc rirniio] WHEREAS, the Town Council has previously approved Special Devel.opment District 4, comrnon].y knorvn as Glen Lyon Subdivision. to insure its planned and. coord.inated developnent in a. mannersuj'table for the area in which it j.s situated; a.nd II]iEREAS, the Town Council rvas of the opinion tha.t theexisting Lot 39 of clert Lyon Subdlvsion possesses characteristics naking it appropriate for two (2) single family structures of ahigh guality, low-rise nature; and., IIIHEREAS, the planning aBd EnvironmentaL Corffnission b.asrevi.eved sa.id anend.ment to Speej-al- Development District 4 and recomrnended j.ts approval; arid IVHEREAS, the oivner of Lot 39.and the developer of the Glen Lyon Subdivislon have agreed to the cond.itlons and Iimitations:placed upon the div-ision of said 1ot into trvo (2.) separate lots; and, NOt{, THXREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By TI{E TOiyN couNcIL OT, TEE TOITN OF VAIL, COLONADO, THAT: Section 1. Lot 39 of the Glen Lyon subdivision, a part ofSpecial Development District 4, shaLl be clivided into rrvo (Z)residential. lois in accord.ance tvith the }taster plan thereof. section 2. The ffaster Development pr.an for Lot 39 'nd thedivision thereof is hereby approved, and the deveropment of said.divided Lot 39 shall be in accordance \r.ith the rvj.thin approved ua.ster Developmen plan and conclitions here]'n imposed. )a Dominic F. MaurielloElCP Depanment of Community Development Town of Vail September 9,1997 PageZ the GREA revision approved. The amendment applied to all Glen Lyon lou, including Loa 39-i and'39-2. However, since Glen Lyon Subdivision is in Special Development District No. 4, Town approval was required for any chaage in GREA. A proposed amendment to SDD No.4 was submi*ed to the Town to provide that Town GREA standards would apply to all Glen Lyon lots. By this time ithad been discovered that portions of the access road to Lots 39-l and 39-2 encroached on For€st Service land and that the planned on-grade skier crossing with the driveway would be unacceptable to Vail Associates. Vad Associates insisted that a separated giade crossing be constructed. AJso, utility easements across Lot 39 needed to be vacated. Town staff reguested rhat no change be made in the GREA standards applicable to Loe 39-l and 39-2 until all such issues surrounding the Lots were resolved. It has required several years to resolve all ofthese requirements, the final one being approval of the skier underpass. It has always been my understanding and agreement with the Town that once all tire issues sunounding Los 39-1 and 39-2 had been resolved, the lots viould be brought into conformity with the Town of Vail's then current development sundards for residential lots. If I can provide you with additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ADN:sg bc: Diane Larson EXHIBIT A Andrew D. Norris 196 Lo Veredo Rood Sonlo Borboro, Colifomio 93108 September 9, 1997 Dominic F- Mauriello, AICP Department of Communiry Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: GlenLyon Subdivision -Lots39-1139-2 DearDominic; I was the developer of the Glen Lyon Subdivision and was therefore responsibte for the project's planning, permitting, constnrction and saleS. Development confols for the project were established by the recorded plat and the Conditions, Covenan6 and Resuictions (CC&R's). An important element of the CC&Rs were limitations on the amounr of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), as defrned by the Town of Vail zoning regularions, that could be constmcted on each lol At the time it was considered .- importanuto establish GRFA standards because there was considerable "looseness" in the Town's definition of GRFA. Glen Lyon's CC&R's were more restrictive- in 1989. rhe Town approved the division of Lot 39 into rwo lots. The approval esublished Lot 39-1 and 39-2 as a minor development plan. Each lot was limited O a single family home and ttre GRFAlimitations were esablished by me in consultation with Town staff to be consistent with the existing Glen Lyon CC&R's. A minor development plan was developed that included establishing building envelopes and a landscape plan. Following the Town's approval, significant components of the landscape plan were implemented by the owner. These included earthwork and tree planting for screening. in 1990, the Town made refrnements and clarifications to its definition of GRFA. Town council was interested in creating a uniform standard for all residential lots. The Glen Lyon property owners supported this proposal aad requested that I conduct an election by Glen Lyon property owners to seek approval to amend the CC&R's to bring Glen Lyon's GRFA standads into compliance wittr the Town's standads. The amendment passed and t EXHIBIT A IV. CONCLUSION Lots 39-1 and 39-2 have different GRFA and height restrictions applied 1e ftgm rhan other Single Family Lots within the Town of Vail for reasons that are no longer justifiable. In 1990, the Glen Lyon Homeowners requested that the lots within Glen Lyon be.teated the same as all other lsts tvithin the Town, which request was granted by Town Council with regard to all Glen Lyon lots except Lots 39-1 and' 39-2. Due to other issues unique to those two lots, GRFA and height limitations for the Lots have continued to be governed by Resolution 10 from 1982, which were self-imposed by the developer of Glen Lyon and the then-owner of the Lots, Town files indicate the restrictions were proposed by Mr. Norris, and have not been removed due to other issues unrelated to GRFA and height. lVith the resolution of the iszues concerning the access road and the vacation of easements, and, most recently, the approval by the Town of a skier underpass separating vehicles from skiers, there is no rational basis for continuing the rcstrictions in Resolution No. 10. Town Code requires that development standards not deviate from the underlying Zone District unless the deviation provides benefits to the Town that outweigh the adverse effects of the deviation. There appear to be no benefits to the Town that oufweigh the adverse effects of contirnring the severe GRFA and height resEictions now imposed on the Lots. l,ots 39-i and 39-2 are two of the largest lots in Glen Lyon, are zoned Single Family, and are located near two very large structures, Liftside Condominiums and GIen Lyon Office Building. The visual impaet of Single Family residences built in compliance with SFR Zone District GRFA and height standards will be negligible compared ro the visual impact of those two neighboring structures. Applicant's Single Family Lots should be treated thi same as other Single Family Lots in the Town, and should be governed by Sections 18.10.080 and 18,10.090 of the Town Code with regard to GRFA and building height. To deny this application to remove unnecessary restrictions on the Lots in order to treat them the same as other Single Family Lots would be arbitrary and capricious. UI. LEGAL ruSTIFICATION FOR AMENDMENT Town Code Section 18.40.090 governing Special Development Districts provides: ...before the Town Council approves development standards that deviate from the' underlying zone district, it ihould be deterrrined that zuch deviation provides benefits to the Town that oufweigh the adverse effects of such deviation. This determination is to be made based on evaluation of the proposed special Development District's compliance with the design eriteria outlined in Section 18.40.080. The basic premise of Section 18.40.090 is that development standards for a lot in a Special Development District should comply with the underlying zone district and that any deviation therefrom should not be taken lightly. It follows that since Lots 39-1 and 39-2 arc Single Family Lots, they should be treated the same as other Single Family Lots. Among the criteria in Section 18.40.080 that must be considered in deterrrining the appropriate standards to apply to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are "design compatibility and sensitiviry to the ifilmediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrify and orientation.i' Applicant contends that any residence to be built on Lots 39-1 or lg-i ,n^t complies with the square footage calculation under Town SFR Zone District requirements will be compatible with the immediate neighborhood and adjacent properties. As discussed above, neighboring property owners who were required to be notified of this application for amendment include Lifuide Condominiums, a relatively recent addition to SDD No. 4, and Glen Lyon Office Building. Both are large strucnrres and are located closer to South Frontage Road tiran wouid be any residences to be built on Lots 39-1 and 39-2. The visual impact of any residence to be built on Lots 39-1 and 39-2 under SFR Zone district requirements will be substantially less*1*u litTl.ryp.Tlof such. existing structures, especially with the large trees already growing . on Lots 39-1 and 39-2. Furtherrnore, any residence proposed to be built on either loi witt 31s6 be subject to Design Review Board scrutiny, which is sufficient to ensure quality, site- appropriate residences. Under Colorado law, the PEC and Town Council must not act arbitrarily or capriciously in exercising their discretion in evaluating the criteria set forth in the Zoning C-ode. See Senonv. Manitou Springs,745 P.zd 229 (Colo. 1987). With no rational basis in the file for discriminating against Lots 39-1 and 39-2 when compared to other Single Family Lots within the Town, to deny this application would seem to be arbitrary and capricious, and, therefore, void under Colorado law. 4 o Thus, the Town's files on SDD No. 4 show that Mr. Norris proposed the GRFA maximum, but that the unanticipated effect was not fair to Glen Lyon residents compared to other Town of Vail property owners. The Glen Lyon homeowners' proposed amendment to SDD No.4 was passed by Town Council on July 3, 1990, as Ordinance No. 20, Series of 1990 ("Ordiaance No. 20") eliminating the Glen Lyon GRFA covenant as to duplex lots, but without mention of Lots 39-l and 39-2. Since there is nothing in the Town's file to justify treating Lots 39-1 and 39-2 differently than other lots zoned Single Family, why was the allowable GRFA on Lots 39-1 and 39-2 r1.6rt specifically amended in 1990 to be govemed by Town standards, as the other GIeh Lyon residential lots were? Mr. Norris' letter is helpful in answering this question. His letter states there were several issues unique to Lots 39-1 and 39-2, but unrelated to GRFA or building height, that fte Town staff wanted resolved before the l,ots would be brougbt into conformity with Town of Vail SFR Zone District requirements. For example, portions of the access road to I-ots 39-1 and 39-2 encroached on Forest Service land, Vail Associates had raised concerns about an on-grade skier crossing that intersected the proposed driveway, and cerain utility easements needed to be vacated. The Towu stalf requested that all these matters be resolved before the GRFA applicable to lrts 39-1 and 39-2 be amended. Applicant has recently completed resolution of all these matters, the last one being the approval by the Town of the construction of a skier underpass. Applicant now requests that SDD No. 4 be amended to treat Lots 39-1 and 39-2 the same as all other lots in the Town of Vail zoned Single Family. Applicant and Mr. Norris believe that the process that was begun in 1990 to have all Glen Lyon lots treated the same as other similarly-zoned lots within the Town, should be automatic, based ontherecentresolutionof theissuesfomrerlyaffectingLots3g-1 and39-2. Nonetheless, if the Town desires to re-examine the GRFA and height limitations, the facts that support the change in GRFA and heigbt to match the Town Zonrng Code, are compelling. Presently, Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are 1.043 and L.2zl acres, respectively. (Lot 39 as originally platted consisted of 2.4853 acres, but a portion of Lot 39 along Gore Creek was .$eeded to the.Town when Lot 39 was resubdivided into Lots 39-1 and 39-2.) They are still the two largest lots in Glen Lyon, and are therefore large enough to support additional GftpA, as calculated under Section 18.10.090 of the Zoning Code. The marginal increases in GRFA, when compared to neighboring structures such as Liftside Condominiums and Glen Lyon Office Brrilding, are insignificant. Lots 39-1 and 39-2 ate a significant distance from South Frontage Road, compared to both Liffside Condominiums and Glen Lyon Office Building, which are directly on South Frontage Road. Many Spruce and L,odge Pole Pine trees were planted by Applicant, which have already grown to significant heights, and will continue to growlnd screeu more fully any residence to be built on the Lots. The limitations to low-rise, 3100 square foot residences on each lot is simply not justifiable considering the neighboring strucnrres, the size of the Lots, the landscaping and the current Town Code governing Single Family homes. I The Town's files on SDD No. 4 provides helpful information regardurg the history of the zubdivision of Lot 39 into two lots and the reason for the severe restrictions on GRFA aad height set forth in Resolution No. 10. A staff memorandum to PEC dated February 1, 1982, shortly before Resolution No. 10 was passed, states that Mr. Norris oroposed the limitations. Mr. Norris' letter confirms that the GRFA limitation of 3100 square feet on each of the resubdivided lots was established by bb in consultation with Town staff "to be consistent with the existing more restrictive Glen Lyon CC&R's. " Minutes from the PEC hearing of February 8, 1982 show that Mr. Norris requested 3100 square feet of GRFA, and that tUelimitation on GRFA was not a Town-imposed restiction. Mr. Norris also voluntarily proposed an extensive landscaping plan to aid in screening the L"sts from view, which has been implemented by the present owner. In May, 1990, the Glen Lyon Covenants were amended by the written cor$ent of more ttLar,ls% of the owners of the Glen Lyon Subdivision, as required under such covenants. The qole purpose of the 1990 amendment to the Glen Lyon Covenants (the "Amendment") was to delete the more rcsffictive Glen Lyon GRFA restriction, thus allowing the then rnore-liberal Town of Vail GRFA restrictions to govern all lots within Glen Lyon Subdivision, In fact, Lots 39-1 and 39-2 (then designated 39 (A) and 39 (B)) are specifically identified in the Amendment as lots to which the GRFA increase applies. Thus, the GIen Lyon home owners' intent to iacrease the GRFA allowable to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 is clear. In May, 1990, shortly after the Gten Lyon Covenants were amended, properfy owners who had voted to pass the Covenants Amendment proposed an amendment to the ordinance governing SDD No. 4 to delete the more restrictive Glen Lyon GRFA resfiiction that was still reflected in said ordinance. A letter in the Town's files dated May 11, 1990 which was zubmitted with the application to amend SDD No. 4 explains that as a result of the Town of Vail's adoption of the GRFA standards in the Glen Lyon Covenants, Glen Lyon property owners were negatively impacted in relation to other similarly situated properry owners in Vail. The property owners were requesting parity in the Glen Lyon GRFA standards with the rest of the Town. A staff memorandum to the Planning 4nd Environmental Cornmission dated June 11. 1990 confirms the GRFA restriction was initiated by the developer, with unintended negative effects on Glen Lyon lots. It provides in pertinent part: ...At the time that SDD #4 was adopted, the GRFA definition was in the process of revision. By putting a maximum GRFA in the density requirement for the SDD, the developer's intent was to lock in a specified GRFA allowed for the lots. This was intended to protect against future changes in the interpretations of GRFA. The ceiling, however, became a restriction for the Glen Lyon properry owners, as the GRFA requirements did not become more restrictive (as the developer had anticipated). Jim Rubin, the community Development Deparfinent director at the time of the original adoption, confirms that the GRFA maximum was initiated by the developer to guarantee the GRFA for Glen Lyon lots... LARSEN & KOVACEVICH. P.C. Dominic F. Mauriello Town of Vail October 22,1997 Page 2 Please call me if you have any questions. Also please let me know the time that we will be on the agenda for the PEC hearing on October 27, 1997. Very truly yours, LARSEN & KOVACEVICH. P.C. Diane R. l,arsen DRL/kes Enclosures cc: Mr. Tim Pennington STATEMENT IN STJPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAI, OF AN A}4EI{DMENT TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 I. INTRODUCTION Lots 39-1 and 39-2 (sometimes referred to herein as the 'Lots") are Single Family Iots in Glen Lyon Subdivision that are treated significantly differently than other Singte famity totsin the Town with respect to Gross Residential Floor Area ("GRFA"1 and building heighr limitation. Applicant, Hagopian & Pennington LLC, seeks equal treatment with o*rer lown ofVail Single Family I ots. Applicant is requesting approval of an amendment to SDD No. 4 to provide that GRFA and building height limitations for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 be calculated pursuant to the requirements of the Single Family (SFR) Zone District, Secrions 18.10.080 ana tg-.t0.0g0 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. II. BACKGROUND OF EKSTING GRFA AND HEIGHT LIMITATIONS The protective covenants for Glen Lyon Subdivision were recorded in April, 1978. At that time, Lots 39-1 and 39-z were combined in a single lot, designated I,ot 39. Lot 39 consisted of 2.4853 acres and was the largest residential lot in Glen Lybn. From ttre inception, the protective Covenants of Glen Lyon (the "Glen Lyon Covenants") contained the following restriction: "No residential lot shall contain more than 4200 square feet of CPJA., Andy Norris, the developer of Glen Lyon Subdivision, explaias in a letter to Dominic Mauriello datei Sepember 9, 1997 , a copy of which is anached hereto as Exhibit A, that when he developed Glen Lyon Subdivision, "there was considerable looseness in the Town's definition of GRFI.,' He voluntarily restricted each lot to 4200 square feet of GRFA, even though the ordinance governiag SDD No. 4 provided that allowable GRFA on any lot in Glen Lyon was governed by a forrnula based on lot size, which would have allowed more GRFA in many c"res. SOD No.4 was thereafter amended to match the more restrictive 4200 square foot G-RFA restriction of the Glen Lyon Covenants. In 1982, Mr. Norris applied for an amendmenr ro SDD No. 4 to resubdivide Lot 39 intotwo Single Family Lots. Resolution Number 10, Series of 1982 ("Resolution No. 10,'), subdividing Lot 39 into two Single Family Lots, was approved by Town Council on February16, L982. Resolution No. 10 provides the maximum h;ighr for-buildings on the rwo Lots islimited to 25 feet and the maximum allowable GRFA is f,tOO square feet for each Lot. Resolution No. 10 states in the "Recitals" that the lot "possesses iharacteristics making it appropriate for two single family structures of a high quality, low rise nature" and that 'the owner of Lot 39 and the developer of Glen Lyon Subdivision agreed to the conditions and limitations placed I pol the division of Lot 39 into two separate lotJ. " Except for the statement that the developer of Glen Lyon agreed to the conditions and limitarions, theie is no explanationin Resolution No. 10 which gives insight to the reasons for such conditions and limitations. Therefore, Applicant researched the Town files and consulted with Mr. Norris to see if there was a legitimate reason to restrict GRFA and heisht. t LA a P.C.RSEN & KOVACEVICH. Couns€lors at Law 953 S. Frontage Hoad West, Suit€ 1Os Vail, Colorado 81657 Diane R. Larsen Jill E. Kovacevich Tel: (97O) 476-A711 Fax: (97o) 4i6-e1672 October 22- 1997 VIA HAND DELIVERY Dominic F. Mauriello AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Amendment to Applicdtion for Amendment to SDD No. 4 on behalf of Hagopian & Pennington LLC Dear Doninic: This letter is in response to your letter dated October 17, t997. As we discussed over the telephone, you do not believe that staff would support an amendment to SDD#4 that would allow Lots 39-1 and 39-2 a GRFA calculation based on t'wo dwelling units per lot, because this would change the density of the SDD. You indicated the amount of allowable GPSA proposed in your October 17, 1997 letter is tlte maximum staff could reasonably support. After discussing the alternatives with Mr. Pennington, he has decided to accept your proposed ehanges to his applicaaion, in order to expedite the approval process by having staff support of the amendment as it will be presented to pEC. Enclosed please find two full size surveys of the Lots showing existing trees and setbacks, and an 8 112 x ll copy of same, as you requested. My client's agreement to amend the Application as set forth in your letter is conditioned upon GRFA and building height being calculated exactly as set forth therein, and the Building Envelopes being as depicted in the enclosed survey. As we discussed on the telephone, he would also like staff sup,port of a Type II EHU for each of the lots, and he would like you to specifically provide in the ordinance that the bridge and driveway may be constructed outside the building envelope and within tlre setbacks. lHllJl|lFhtriil a \ '+ ti\ *o t\ \.?" \ '%" \.1 Ii \\\i \\'N --ft+,N %\n-'i \.\ Oa N'*o }N\X At'c$.d t'h+ o+ lot 31 4"C0,!lrlON >s .9r SSEe io ,'9'ZlZ J ; f-F Jl!d, aFz= U'j a I! ti 5:e;'_i : e< :dr-.ii F 'J4.EF 2 t €t J --z .:-. 2,o? o. !r. '%"'.' to- zl :l 'l al9l o\""+* ' ---t \_-\.-_t..\ -.---.... \* --.t-..---"""--'.'-'- .\v \.,(\i\ 31Pt 'Fa* - ! a ,l IF= ! ltF 2=49fFFZ oL 2 < al, !..: rz cEO:.15r= ezLiz >ttl-FH=FaaOF.<lrl -l oz<o&< L) zzaooJ <FC< 9>ibC-i! tr- I l-: FltiE?t =<i.c= F2!.:F!L :E O-ir:'1. T-c < =xz LZ>zici|lac ':Fa.:>'.-: E Ui F .&:oa6 zi<a 7-;t-t-c L:Z::l)< .-:l:i tl ol -"il;>l; Gl 5 =l ^(/)ld ; Z j F ;- 1 : Olt l<t: F t'\ lo za z E !,(,!r? 3 'fl|a,XE'l|l.EEiHli!r "ePg!. FJ l,||(a-5-sEtia -tdi i4!l|aFliH6 tr A U .! lF.ok.442J.l!{ tr iN'g, "x9F,.loo|6{tq4tra {dtz i;Eg., ,5*E! iSpE: iaESea9gtklrl,fE sa ?3JrI ti'i7I _o#-"ii,! ;: -::3r 'l :: Ej ai tl ll \"{ 'L =!Ll -nio! ta, \, s 'YaJ E ' _o, t) 6c, Eto il' 4 1 I..1\ sl IL'o I I Irll \{ I Ivl F olrl . 5.Y Hb.l l8t.- slb o.lE odg .loF (J-:<tlaEZ 4.(' =l|,rF At= = dl< R't-:t3nlOOHO'J> z@BtllD t!Fzo<o OtJ".r lltIA'z4 1,2tttfFt-,(, F6F o o o (, !lz z t o d ol-oE " $ ,: lgFE = 1l > l'o? $ 3 lllef t ltiE $ o r3rh___+ :EFr.r sFfr . i *S*i.-.. 2 0?zx3. t& O, *o6, A'-l{o!l u.*irE H {:E8E ETSg: t E EE;$ t " 168HI r.I Eo"t $ E\AOZO i*f;rfrs &L6 l'EJ \^^. OO't<Fo| ""3 ^!9. I fE'8"" B Fll fd;Es; * F$l tHFHlf s Ie'Hses;fi fr rg 3cRHEi s F() iaFtor<Ed >.u) (J FrG|,-rtra.(, E o o trlr{ o E H z Ittz a c--t { : FHt !J 6\ =.-!ir.i tl :l ol3rle\l ;TJzl F F E z F :<i : et o &lu!{g6h{a Ot I+4 lit U? !l F.z4 H1 9A t Frrlg U Fz F F *)"io Y- - _r,,,^ - i-"::,u- ''qrx - -:1 i o"l -:'i3 j -- r--T-- Lu'-ilXii: "l:l ;\t\-Eit -\ 5',1\&E -<FO . a liriiT,i, ,*.t. -.-: tttlt H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and lunctions. The applicant has proposed building envelopes which respect existing trees, steep slopes, and setbacks. The property, when divided into two lots in 1982, included the provision of land dedication for open space and slream tract. Any development proposals for the property will be reviewed by the Design Review Board and will be subjectto ine' design review guidelines. The building envelopes provide adequate buffer aiea on the site. Staff believes the proposal is sensitive to environmental teatures of the site to a greater exlent than exists under the current allowances, l. Phasing plan or subdivisaon plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. This criterion is not applicable to this development. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends lhat the PEC recommend approval of the applicant's requesl to the Town Council for a major amendment to Special Develo-pment District No. 4, subject to the following finding: 1. That the proposed amendments to Lots 39-1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision, within SDD #4 are consistent with the nine development criteria contained herein and are consistent with the development standards allowed on the other residential lots within this SDD. The recommendation of approval is also subject to the following conditions: 1. That the following language be placed on the development plan and included in the ordinance for these lots: All future development will be restricted to the area within the building envelopes. The only development permitted outside the building envelopes shallbe landscaping, driveways (access bridge) and retaining walls associated with driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5' of existing or finished grade) will be permifted to project beyond the building envelopes not more than ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (%) the distance between the building envelope and the property line, or may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-fourtfr (7e) the minimum required dimension between buildings. F:\EVERYON E\P EC\I\TEMOS\gnPENNtNc.O27 2. The following are the applicabte Land Use Ftan goats and poticies which relate to this proposal: Goal 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and permanent resident. Goal 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (injill areas). Goa|5.1Additionalresidentia|groWthshou|dcontinueto occur primarily in existing, platted areas and as appropriate in new areas where high hazards do not Goal 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the markel place demands for a full range of housing types. The stalf believes that the proposed amendment to the approved development plan is in compliance with the Town's Land Use plan. E. ldentilication.and mitigation of natural and/or geotogic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. e property is not located in an area of natural or geologic hazard. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. . The ffoposed application allows the same type of development currently allowed on the site. The applicant has_Proposed building envelopes which respect exidting trees, steep slopes, and setbacks. The property, when divided into two lots in 1982, included the Provision of land dedication for open space and stream tract. Any development proposals for the propertywill be reviewed by the Design Review Board and will be subjeci to ihe Town's Design Review Guidelines. Staff believes the proposal is sensitive td environmental features of the site to a greater extent than exists under the current allowances. G. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians atldressing on and off-site traffic circulation. The applicant is not proposing to change or affect this criterion with this proposal. It is clear from these documents that visual impact was a consideration. When staff reviewed the current proposal, with knowledge of the issues raised in 1982, staff decided to take an objective review of the request with regard to impacts. The lots are situated on the south side of the Stream Tract on a relatively flat bench. The area is now well vegetated along the siream tract boundary. This bench is located about 30'below the elevation of the South Frontage Road. While the site is visible from these public areas, potential development on these sites will not block any views of the mountain or any protected vistas. The lots are also substantially lower in elevation than neighboring Lots 40 and 41 , and there{ore potential development will have little impacts on views of the South Frontage Road from Lots 40 and 41 . While we agree that the lots are visible, we can not find any compelling reasons why visual impacts are an issue here, The remainder of this SDD is very visible from the South Frontage Road. The Cascade Club, the Liftside Condos, and the Glen Lyon Office Building are located very close to the road and are extremely visible. Compared to other development within this SDD, the potential visual impacts of development on these lots is lar less than the existing development. Attachments The full staff analysis and recommendation is contained in the October 27, 1997 memo to the PEC (attached). The following is a list ol attachments: Attachment A - Building Envelopes Attachment B - Conceptual Development Plans Attachment C - Photo Simulations Attachment D - GRFA and Dwelling Unit History for SDD #4 Attachment E - November 4, 1997 Council Minutes Attachment F - October 27, 1997 PEC Minutes Attachment G - October 27,1997 PEC Memo Attachment H - Ordinance No. 23. Series of 1998 Becommendation The Community Development Department and the Planning and Environmental Commission recommend approval of Ordinance 23, Series of 1998, on first Reading. F:\everyone\council\memos\98\sdd4l39.doc t Glen Lyon - Lot slzes and GRFA cRfA UnderExistlng Ner., AdditlonalSize GRFA Amendnent GRFA Avallable status ofLot (Acres) (sg. ft.) (sg. ft.) nl.th anendment Lot 7 0.4272 4L11 4111 unchanged2 0.4026 4OO4 4004 uhchanged Built3. 0.4827 4200 4353 1534 O.513L 42OO 4495 2S5 Built. 5 0.4607 4200 4256 56 Bullt6 0.45?4 4200 4242 42.7 0.4694 42ao 4z9o 90 BulltI 0.4628 4200 4266 569 0.5381 42oo-- 4594 394 Built10 0.7851 42oo 5210 1010 Built11 0.7056 4200 5037 837 BuiltL2 0.7698 4200 5L77 97713 0.808s 4200 5261 61' 14 o. ?418 42oO 5116 91615 0. s626 4200 4701 soL Bulll16 0.5123 4200 44e2 2AZ BuiltL7 0.5448 4200 4623 42f,18 0.4536 4200 4226 26 BuiltL9 0.4730 {2OO 4310 11O Built20 O.492O 42oO 4393 193 Bu1lt2L 0.5011 4200 4432 23222 0.509? 4200 446a 26A Bullt23 0.5175 4200 4504 30424 0.4374 {1-55 4155 unchanged25 .0.4634 4200 4269 6926 0.7087 4200 5044 84427 0.5244 4200 45X4 33428 0.6598 4200 4935 73529 0.6171 4200 4a44 644 Built30 0-6237 4200 4858 658 Built3t o.57?O 4200 4757 55732 0.5078 4200 4462 26233 0.4289 4L18 4118 unchanged34 o.425o 4r.or. 4101 unchanged Built35 0.4416 4L74 4L74 unchanged Built36 0.4467 4L96 41,96 unchanged37 0.4268 4LO9 4109 unchanged*38' 0.4609 4200 425a 58 'r39A 1.2353 3100 n/a n/aB 1.2500 3100 n/a n/a40 o.s584 42oo 5370 11?o Bullt' 41 1.0494 4200 5786 1s8642 0,4914 4200 4391 19143 0.5?05 4ZOO. 4474 2i444 O.41Ll 4O4O 4040 unchanged45 o.476L 4200 4324 L24 Built46 0.4350 42Oo 4225 25 Bullt47 0.4534 4200 4205 5 Bullt48 0,4489 42Oo 4200 unchanged.49 O.51O5 42oO 4736 536 Built50 0.5009 4200 4431 23L51 0.4474 4199 4L99 unchangedsz 0.4826 4200 4352 152 Built 'r*53 4 .2I2L n/ a n/a n/a***54 L.'1477 n/a n/a n/a 35.9L92 * glngle Fat0lly Resldence I€ts not lncluded in amendment. * *coldstrean***clen Lyon commercial Building *NoTE*3 Built neans bullt or under construction. ORDINANCE NO.23 SERIES OF 1998 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.8, SERIES OF 1995, HEVISING GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA), BUILDING HEIGHT BEQUIREMENTS, AND EMPLOYEE HOUSING PROVISIONS FOR LOTS 39-1 AND 39-2, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION, DEVELOPMENT AHEA C, SDD NO. 4 (CASCADE VILLAGE); REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 10, SERIES OF 1982, WHICH PROVIDES SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOH LOTS 39-1 AND 39-2, GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION: DELETING OUTDATED CONDITIONS AND REFERENCES TO EXPIRED DEVELOPMENT PLANS:AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Hagopian and Pennington, LLC, has requested an amendment to the existing Special Development District No. 4, Development Area C, Lots 39-1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has unanimously recommended approval of the proposed building height, GRFA, and Employee Housing Unit restrictions for Lots 39-1 and 39-2; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and benelicial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1995 and repeal Resolution No. 10, Series of 1982 to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village. Note: Text which is underlined is being added and which is sfrieke* is being deleted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1995, is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Resolution No. 10. Series of 1982, is herebv repealed. Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 Section 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Planning Commission Report. The approval procedures described in ehapter '1 9,40 Section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal Code have been {ulfilled, and the Town Council has received the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission for an amendment to the development plan lor Special Development District No. 4. Section 3. Special Development District No.4 Special Development District No. 4 and the development plans therefore, are hereby remain approved for the development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail. unless thev have expired. Section 4. ehap{eF+8-46 Special Development District No. 4, Gascade VillageS-he+eby amend€#+r€aC shall read as follows: lg-'l6,Ug Purpose Special Development District No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character ol the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectives of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 4 is created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning Commission, and because there are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area. Ordinance 23,Series of 1 998 1846420 Definitions For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. "Special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research cenler or performing arts theater or cultural center. B. "Transient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be delined as a dwelling unit located in a multi-family dwelling that is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum ot 35 square leet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated lrom the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks, or balconies without passing thmugh another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or a transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set forth in €hapter-+7*6 Section 13-7 Condominiums and Condominium Conversions, Subdivision Flegulations. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half ol a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirement shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit, 4w Estabrished A. Special Development District No. 4 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising 97.955 acres as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A. Special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as "SDD No. Ordinance 23,Series ot 1998 4." B.The district shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes: Area Known As DeveloDmenl Area Acreaqe Cascade Village A 17.955 Coldstream Condominiums B 4.000 Glen Lyon Duplex Primarv/Secondarv and Sinqle Familv Lots C 9.100 Glen Lyon Commercial Site D 1.800 Dedicated Open Space 40.400Roads 4.700 TOTAL 97.955 l9-46-gIg DevelopmentPtan-Required-Approvat Procedure A. Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shall be subject to a single development plan. Development Area A shall be allowed to have two development plans for the Cascade Club site as approved by the Town Council. The Waterford and Comerstone sites shall be allowed one development plan each. Development Area D shall be allowed to develop per the approved phasing plans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the right to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in the development statistics section ot this ordinance S€€+i€n 19,46,103, 1 ,,t- B. Amendments to SDD No. 4 shall comply +8-40-. Section 12-9A of th C, Eaeh phase ef develepment shall require; prier te issuanee ef building permits; aBBreval ef the Design Review Beard in aeeerdanee with applieable previsiens ef Chapter r€g Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 7W Permitted Uses A. Area A. Cascade Village 1. First floor commercial uses shall be limited to uses listed in 'l 9,2'1,030 n G Section 12-78-3. (Commercial Core 1 ). ol the Municipal Code. The "first floor" or "street level" shall be defined as that floor of the building that is located at grade or street level; 2. All other lloor levels besides first floor street level may include retail, theater, restaurant, and office except that no professional or business otfice shall be located on street level or first floor {as defined above in See{ien 18.421,030 A ef the Tewn ef Vail zening eede in Area A) unless it is clearly accessory to a lodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square footage of 925 square feet located on the first floor on the northwest corner of the Plaza Conference Center buiHing; 3. Lodge; 4. MultFfamily dwelling; 5. Single Family dwelling; 6. f#s.FamilyPrimarv/Secondarvdwelling; 7. Transient residential dwelling unit; B. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code 1€46.H1): 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1. Two-familydwelling; 2. Multi{amily dwelling. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Duplex Primarv/Secondarv and Sinqle-Familv Lots 1. Single family dwelling; 2. Two-family dwelling. 3. Type ll Emplovee Housino Unit {EHU) oer Chapter 12-13. of the Municipal Ordinance 23,Series ol 1998 Code. D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Business and professional offices; 2. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code +W. 78'46A6g Conditional Uses Conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 12-1 6 J€€g of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. A. Area A, Cascade Village 'l . Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 4,500 square feet. 2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Section 1 2-2 1 8,04,1 35 shall be a conditional use for dwelling units in the Westhaven multi{amily dwellings. Fractional fee ownership shall not be applied to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units, Ownership intervals shall not be less lhan five weeks. 3. Special attraction; 4. Skilifts; 5. Public park and recreational facilities; 6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or mall area. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums '1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Skilifts. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Duplex Primarv/Secondarv and Sinole-Familv Lots 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Skilifts: Ordinance 23,Series ol1998 6 D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vail Municipal code, Chapter 12-2. 18464#9 Accessory U*s A. Area A. Cascade Village 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12. Zoninq Requlations, Town of Vail MunicipalQode. 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 4. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. ies €Bera+ien+h€+e€{- B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with lhe provisions of Title 12. Zonino Reoulations. Town of Vail , Municipal Code. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, er other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. Ordinance 23,Series ol 1998 4- Swimming Beels, tennis eeurts, patie+ er ether reereatienal faeilities eBe+arien+nereer' C. Area C, Glen Lyon Duplex Primarv/Secondarv and Sinqle-Familv Lots 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12. Zonino Reoulations. Town ol Vail Municipal Code. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12. Zoninq Reoulations. Town of Vail Municipal Code. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Minor arcade. 7W Location of Business Activity A. All offices, businesses, and services 18,46,070 shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display of goods. Ordinance 23,Series of '1998 I B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. 7&/rW thnsity-tXreiling Units The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following: A. Area A, Cascade Village ln Area A, a minimum ol three hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation or transient dwelling units and a maximum of ninety{our dwelling units as defined by the tables in Section 18.46.103 for a total density of two hundred seventy (270) dwelling units. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Sixty{ive (65) dwelling units C. Area C, Glen Lyon Duplex Pfimarv/Secondarv and Sinqle-Familv Lots One-hundred four ( 104) dwelling units. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 4. Three dwelling units, two of which shall be employee dwelling units as defined Chapter 12-13. of the Municioal Code @. $r46Jeg Density-Floor Area A. Area A, Cascade Village The gross residential floor area (GRFA) for all buildings shall not exceed 289,145 square feet. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Sixty{ive thousand square feet (65,000 sq. ft.) GRFA. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Duplex Primarv/Secondarv and Sinole-Familv Lots GRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section 12-6D-8 i€,+€Sg0 {Density Control) for the Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code. Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 I D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8. Series of 1998 for previous reouirements. residential fleer area ler the free market dwelling unit shall be 1;630 square feet, 18ffi Commercial Sguare Footage A. Area A, Cascade Village Area A shall not exceed 35,698 square feet of commercial area. €emmereiafuses a+tra€{i€n-use= B. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development olan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8. Series of 1998 for previous requirements. Phase l, lA & ll er 15,58'l square feet ef efiiee fer Phase lll per the appreved deverepment eevetepmen+ptan tg'!6,tgg Development Sfafrbt cs tor Area A. Caseacle Village, and Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site CHABT 1: Area A Completed Projects Ordinance 23,Series ol 1998 10 I W&HSmith,Vaurnot Theater/Meeting Room 2J Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 11 tII Oifice in club 12Ordinance 23,Series ot 1998 "Plaza space has akeady beeo counted lor a parkng rcquirement.belrreen the retail and otlice pa*ing requirements. *t"For the purposes of calculating GRFA for the Cosgrilt parcel (Milkace lV), no credils shall be given excepl for 300 s.f. to be allowed for each enclosed parking space. -perSeetien-13*l€*10{e}5)ij} Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 IJ I CHAFT 2: PROPOSED PROJECTS AU or TR DU GRFA Commercial Square Feel On-site Parking Cascade Structured Parking Develooment Plan Expired Uni+6 61 TR 2.g-l:ra 53 EFploy€€-UFit6-3 +800 l+J€o 3 C€ta*J#€e TOT{"5 61 TR 3C,1{O 11,10O a3 2, WATERFORD Unil€ Eng€tosusits "Heo 2 +eEAts TT 47#po 58 WESTHAVEN CONDOMINIUMS (HUINS) Devalopmcnl Plan Exgired Units 20 24690 4D Smpl€y€€lBitF$ae++)cl00 30 TeT'rts p 33,500 6e Ordinance 23.Series ot 1998 14 5€onalr+1-{.\4bln€664€Fle4 er S€oneio"3{eyEnasiumi TOT'\tS -ScaFa;ie4 -Scrnalie-3 *Employee Unitsshall not count toward densityor GRFA lor the purpose ol this SDD '*Plere Epees heE alrsady bBen gesntsd fsr s reteil perl{ng reqsiremsnt, Ths new parking requirsmsnt i6 baEed en th€ diiler€nEe betwssn ths r€tail eFd4+{r€e+eddng+€qsi€n€Ft€' "'Tetal iigsreE rsprsEent high^61 danEity anC €ornmerdal Epa€a €€enarioe Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 '15 CHART3:AREA A HEQUIRED PARKING Parking for Completed Projects per Chart 1 in Cascade Parking Structure Parking Spaces 4%.7 449.9 @ Seenarie'1 WellflessCenter __oR Seenarie*-eymnasium Plaze€#iee oaE nn A'? Subretel lAO O Less 17.5% Mixed-Use Credit -78.7 Total Required Parking at Build-Out of Area A in Cascade Structure 371.2 Existing Parking in Cascade Structure 421.0 Required Parking in Cascade Structure at Build-Out of Area A With 17.5% mixed-use credit 371.2 Ordinance 23.Series of 1998 to 18r46J94 Development Plans Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans lor Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and other developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plans submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership. The following documents comprise the development plan for the SDD as a whole, Waterford, Cornerstone, Cascade Club Addition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace lV, and Area D-Glen Lyon Commercial Site and is not all inclusive: 1. Waterford, Sheet #L-2, dated 1 1-12-92, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson. 2. Waterford, Sheet #'1 .1, dated 11-13-92, Site/Grading Plan Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 3. Waterford, sheet #2.1 , dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 38/43' 3', Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 4. Waterford, Sheet #2.2, dated 1 1-13-92, Plan Level 48'-6'753'-0", Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 5. Waterford, Sheet #2.3, dated 1 1-13-92 Plan Level 59'-0:/64'-3" by Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 6. Waterford, Sheet #2,4, dated 1 1-4-92, Plan Level 69'-6Y74'-9", Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 7. Waterford, Sheet #2.5, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 80'-0'785'-3" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 8. Waterford, Sheet #2.6, dated 1 1-13-92, Plan Level 9016" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 9. Waterford, Sheet #2.7, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 101'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 10. Waterford, Sheet #2.8, daled 1 1-13-92, Plan Level 1 1 1'-6' Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 1 1 . Waterford, Sheet #2.9, dated 11-13-92, Plan Level 122'-0" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 12. Waterford, Sheet #2.1 0, dated 'l 2-14-92, Roof Plan All Levels Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 13. Waterford, sheet #3.1 , dated 1 1-13-92, Elevations Gwathmey, Pratt, schultz. 14. Waterford, sheet #3.2, dated 11-13-92, Elevations, Gwathmey, Pratt, schultz. 1 5. Waterford, sheet #4.1 , dated 11-4-92, sections Gwathmey, Pratt, schultz. Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 17 'f 6. Waterford, Sheet #4.2, dated 11-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 17. Waterford, Sheet #4.3, dated 11-4-92, Sections, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 18. Waterford, sheet #9.1, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, schultz. 19. Waterford, Sheet #9.2, dated '10-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 20. waterford, sheet #9.3, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, schultz. 21. Waterford, sheet #9.4, dated 1 0-20-92, Unit Plans, Gwathmey, Pratt, schultz. ?2. Waterford, sheet #9.5, dated 10-20-92, Unit Plans Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. P+atFehul++ Sehu+tz' Sehul{2. 29. Cascade Club Addition Site Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 30. Cascade Club Floor Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 31. Millrace lll, Sheet #1, dated 5/6/93, Site Plan, Steven James Riden. 32. Millrace lll, Sheet f2, dated 4113193, Floor Plans for Single Family Residence, Steven James Riden. 33. Millrace lll, Sheet #3, dated 516193,, Elevations for Single Family Residence, Steven James Riden. 34. Millrace lll, Sheets #4 and #5, dated 3120193, Floor Plans for Duplex Building, Steven James Riden. 35. Millrace lll, Sheets #6 and #7, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Duplex Building, Steven James Riden. 36. Millrace lll, Sheet 11, dated 5/6/93, Site/Landscape Plan, Steven James Riden. 37. Millrace lV, Scenario l, a|kla Cosgriff Parcel, Site Plan, Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, 10t28t91. 38. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, 10t22t91. 39. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Floor Plans Arnold Gwathmey Pratt, 10123191. Ordinance 23,Series ol 1998 18 o 40. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alWa Cosgriff Parcel, Landscape Plan, Dennis Anderson Associates. 41 . Cosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, Inc., 10/31/91 stamped. 42. Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner, 618187. 43. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 10/10/88. 44. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental lmpacl Report: Peter Jamar Associates, Inc., revised 11122188. 45, The Ruins; site plan; Kathy tangenwalter; AIA; 1/'1 6/95' ,16, The Ruins, basement and firetr fleer plan Kathy tangenwaller; AIA 1/1 6/95' 47, The Fluins; seeend and third rleer ^lans; Kathy I angenwalt€r; Al+1/1 6i9* 48, The Ruins, elevatiens and feurth fleer plan; Kathy tangenwalter; AIA 1i1 6/95, 49, The Fluinsi eleva+ienq Kathy tangenwalter; AIA; 1/1 €i/95' 51, The Ruins; tandseape Plan; tand Designs by Elliser; 2/2/95, * A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved plans, may be added to the Waterford project to allow for compliance with the Uniform Building Gode, Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The staff shall review all such additions to ensure that they are required by such codes. Area G. Glen Lvon Primary/Scondarv and Sinqle Familv Lols 1. Buildinq Envelopes for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 per sheet, L-1 , prepared bv Desion Workshop. Inc.. dated 1 1-9-98. Area D, Glen Lyon Commetcial Site The develooment plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8. Series of 1998 for previous requirements. 1, Area BMaster Site Planr Geedesign by Sheny Derward' 2/22190' 4, Vail Miere brewery; Seraeuse; tawler; and Partners; Denver; Ce'; sheets 42,1; A2A, A?,& A3,1, 43 6, Glen tyen Parking Garage Fleer Plans and Site Plan' Flema' 11/28/88' Ordinance 23,Series of '1998 1 I 7, Glen tyen Parking Garage Seetiens;/Elevatiens' Rema; 1 1/28188' 10, Deek Enelesure (Phase lA) te Glen tyen Offiee Building; Pieree; Segerberg and spaeh;datedsl20/9+ 1 1" tandseape Plan, Phase lA Deek Enelesure, Pieree; Segerbe'g and Spaeh; dated StlgygH= '12, Offiee Additien te Glen tyen Offiee Building' Buff Arneld/Ned Gwathmey 13, Caseade Village Speeial Develepmenl Distriel Amendment and Envirenmental lmpaef Repert; PeterJamar Asseeiatesrlne,-Revisedll /22188, tetter lrem Peter Jemer nsseeiateE; In6'; dated January '1 6; 1990, '1 4, Deeeleratien lane design fer Seuth Frentage Read; RBD; Oeteber 18' 1988 as @ 15, A resubdivisien ef tet 54 amended plat Glen tyen Sub divisien; Eagle Valley @ 16, Vail Brewery Parking r\nalysis; TDA Celerade; Ine.; August 10r '1 988 and V+il Brewery Parking Analysis Update; TDA Celerade; lne'; January 16; 1990 pages 1 g 18,'lg,tlg DevelopmentStandards The development standards set out herein are approved by the Town Council. These standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council. 18c46-#lS SetDacks A. Area A, Cascade Village Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, with the exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on February 8, 1982, by the Planning and Environmental Commission. All buibings shall maintain a 50 loot stream setback from Gore Creek. The Waterford buildino shall maintain a minimum 20 foot Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 , setback lrom the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Duplex Primarv/Secondarv and Sinqle-Familv Lots Required setbacks shall be governed by Section 12-6D-7 Seeiienl€J€Sge Se+bael<s of the Primary/Secondary zone district of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. For sinole-familv Lots 39-1 and 39-2. development shall occur per the aooroved buildino envelooes and is subiect to the lollowino: All future development will be restricted to the area within the buildino envelopes. The onlv develooment permitted outside the buildinq envelopes shall be landscapino. drivewavs (access bridoe) and retainino walls associated with drivewav construction. At-orade patios (those within 5'of existino or finished qrade) will be oermitted to proiect bevond the buildinq envelopes not more than ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (%) the distance between the buildinq envelope and the propertv line. or mav proiect not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-fourth (%) the minimum required dimension between buildinos. D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans. 1&46"119 Height A. For the purposes of SDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically trom the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved development plan drawings. B. Area A, Cascade Village 1. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Learning Center, Terrace Wing, Plaza Conference Building and Cascade Parking Structure/Athletic Club is 71 feet. 2. Cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet. 3. Waterford Building: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation shall be 55' (South Frontage Hoad), 56' along the west elevation Westhaven Drive, and 65 feet along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade. Ordinancs 23,Series of 1998 21 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum ol 55 feet. 5. Millrace lll: A maximum of 36 feet. 6. Millrace lV: A maximum of 36 feet. 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet. 9. The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 48 feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The maximum height shall be 48 feet. D. Area C. Glen Lyon BuBlex Primarv/Secondarv and Sinole-Familv Lots The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat or mansard roof. E. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 51"/" ol the roof shall have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49o/" ot the roof area shall have a height under 32 feet. On the perimeter of the building for Area D, height is measured from finished grade up to any point of the roof. On'the interior area of any building, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point of the roof. Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D. 19,46,169 Site Coverage Areas A & B: No more than 35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or educational center, 45Y" of the area may be covered unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. Area C: No more than 25% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, unless the more restrictive standards of ehapter 18,69 Chapter 12-21 of the Vail Municipal Code apply. Area D: No more than 37% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure. 18-'16179 Land*aping At least the following percentages of the total development area shall be landscaped as provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent, and in Areas C and D, sixty percent, of the area shall be landscaped unless otheruise indicated on the site specific development plans. Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 22 18,,t6-tgg A. B. Parking anct Loading Area A, Cascade Village 1 . Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-1 0 4852, except that7s/" of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace lV, Scenario l, where 66.6% ol required parking shall be enclosed in a building=-{t+he'deve'tepmen+ table in Seetien 18,'16,'1 03 is amended; the parkirg requrrements shall be amenOee-aeeerging!', 2. There shall be a total of 421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parking structure. A '1 7.5 percent mixed-use credit per the Town of Vail parking code, See+iep18.5?+e has been applied to the total number of required parking spaces in the Cascade structure. 3. There shall be a total of 58 on-site parking spaces on the Waterford building site with a minimum ot 75y" of the required space located below grade. No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site. 4. There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located within the Cornerstone building with 37 of the required spaces available to the public for short-term parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot. 5. The third floor of the Cascade parking structure shall not be used to meet any parking requirements lor accommodation units, transient residential dwelling units, employee dwelling units or dwelling units. 6. Phasing: All required parking for Cornerstone and Waterford shall be located on their respective sites. All required parking tor the Cascade Club Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Cascade parking structure. 7. Seventy-five percent of the required parking shall be located within the main buiHing or buildings and hidden lrom public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm for Westhaven Condominiums, and Millrace lll. 8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildings or as approved in the development plan. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden lrom public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 C. Area C, Glen Lyon 9uplex Primarv/Secondarv and Sinole-Family Lots Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 12-10 of the Municipal Codg t€Sz. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 7. Once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to Area D shall be managed per the TDA Parking Report, Parking Management Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 1988, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery Parking Analysis Update, dated Januayl6, 1990, both written by Mr. David Leahy. L No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right-of-way along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development. 9. The owner of the property and brewery management shall prohibit semi-truck and trailer truck traffic to the Glen Lyon Commercial site. The only truck loading that shall be allowed to the site shall be vans having a maximum length of 22feet. 7846?lgtg Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapter 3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty{ive cents per square loot ol the floor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rale not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permits. $463A5 Conservation and Poilution Controls A. The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollution from surface runotf. B. The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water conservation conlrols as general technology exists at the time ot construction. C. The number o{ lireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in Seetien4SS-ef the Town ol Vail Municipal as amended. D. lf fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists at the time of development. E. All water features within Development Area A shall have overflow storm drains per the recommendation ol the Environmental lmpact Report by Jamar Associates on Page Ordinance Z3,Series of 1998 24 34. F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt from draining into Gore Creek. G. In Area D, a manhole on the brewery service line shall be provided so that the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District may monitor BOD strength. H. In Area D, the brewery management shall not operate the brewery process during temperature inversions. lt shall be the brewery owner's responsibility to monitor inversions. l. All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within Special Development District 4. J. Protective measures shall be used during construction lo prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D. K. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall only be allowed to have gas fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances governing fireplaces. 18'n463'p Addittanal Amenities and Approval Agreements for Special Development Disfict No.4. A. The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provide adequate private transportation services to the owners and guests so as lo transport them from the development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the approved development plan. B, Devele^er shall previde in ifs appreved develepment plan a bus shelter ef a seffe+h€-aree€ener€il1+ C9. Area A, Cascade Village 1 , The develeper shall be respensiblefer previding a break-aWay bellard far the emergeney aeeess read between Eagle Peinte/Parlr Meadews' 1472 lll, Millraee lV, Westhaven Cendeminiums; Waterferd buildings; er easeade €lub additien, The bellard shall be ineluded in the permit plafls, The bellard shall be issuanee ef +ternperary eerti{ieate ef e66upaney fer tl'e Cernerstene; Millraee lll; Millraee lV, Westhaven Gendeminiums; Waterferd buiklings; er easeade elub Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 edditi€n' Z The developer shall construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the Cascade Club along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the Westhaven building to connect with the recreational path to Donovan Park. The walk shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for Westhaven Condominiums. The sidewalk shall be part of the building permit plans. The sidewalk shall be construcled subsequent to the issuance ol a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for Westhaven Condominiums. 3. The developer shall provide 1O0-year floodplain information for the area adjacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail Community Development Department before building permits are released for either project. '1, The eenditiens ferArea A in Seetiens 18,46,020 B; '18'46,180 A' t7; 18,46=200 A F' I' J' 18,16,210 C; 1 3; and 18,'16,220 ^'{^"'/ h^'^:^ shall be set ferth in restrietive eevenants subje€t te the appreval ef the Tewn Atterney and enee se appreved shall be reeerded en the laHC reeerds ef Eagle eeunty, The Millraee lll, er Millraee lV; Westhaven eendemhiurnq er Waterferd buildings; er €aseade€lub+ddi+ien= 5, Westhaven Brive ether seurees te be used by the Tewn fer the repair and reeenstruetien ef Westhaven Brive, The T€w+further aeknewledges that the ti+le e{ Westhaven Drive has been transferred te the Tawn, The date fer the eemmeneement el the repair and reeenstruetien ef the right ef way imprevements shall be entirely at the will-for\,vard any ameunt remaining after ell eenstruetien related eests haye been W Ordinance 23.Series of 1998 adjaeent te the eastern beHndary ef the preperty eerFmenly celled the eesgriff Pareel; whieh is mere speeifieally deline*in Exhibit A; attaehed te this erdinanee and ine^rperated herein by referenee= The easements shall be suffieient te permit the eenstruetien; maintenane+and reBlaeement ef retaihing wall$ fer the purpeses ef grading-and beulder retentien all aleng the western prepert" line ef said adjaGent preperty, The eesement shall be in a ferm ae€eptable te the Tswn Eagle Ceunty prier te Design Review Beard revie'nl the Tewn with written eensent frern the Upper Eagl+Valley S'ater and Sanitetien Distri€t ^ermitting the en€reaehment ef certain de€ks speeified in the dev€lepment +en 18,'16,1,10(18) ef this erdinanee inte their sewer easement reeeCed in Beek 2'1 7' Page 4oB et the land reeerds ef Eagle eeunty, This eensent shall be submitted e, The develeper shall reeeive final appreval el thesite grading plan fer the ien Review Beard revieri'A snewn tnereen snal preeertv tine et tne eesgrl @ Frentage Flead adjasent te the easead+ebb building' an45 (6' 10') evergreens ts he south ef the Westhaven nBartment f€undatiens and nerth ef Westhaven Brive, The develeiershall ebtain the written appreval el the €elerade Department ef Highways (GDOH) permitting the installatien ef these tFes aleng lhe Seuth Frentage Read prier t+said installatien' lf OBOH appreval €annsl be ebtained, then a minimum ef 10 (6' 10') evergreens shall be in€talled adiaeen+te @ f, The develeper shall apply fer and eemplete the miner subdivisien preeess fer the Cesgri{f Pareel and a subdivisien plat signed by the Tewn ef Vail shall be reeerded en the land reeerds ef Eagle Ceunty prier te the release ef any building Ordinance 23.Series of 1998 27 shalt be reviewed by the Design Review Beard te insure a suitable buffer area ines, h= The Design Fleview Beard shall review the arehiteeture and landseape ing-efee, i- Thedeveleper and the adjaeent preperty ewners shall submit a landseape i, fer purpeses el $v€F 7= Cornerstone The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1998 for previous requirements. in the Terraee Wing and e ernerstene building shall be revised prier le the review ef @ing-weys= 1 , Fer emergeney serviees, a+aeeess lane shall be previded frem*he @ DeveleBment DsBartmsnt staff; tho wat€r featHre en the lands€aBe plan may be remeved er revised, The landseaping in this area shall be part ef th+Cernerstene ge\el€pmentr and; t @ develeper fer the area ef Westhaven Drive under whieh parldng is leeated fer the Ordinance 23,Series ol '1998 28 I o Gernerstene preiee', The amended miner subdivisien plat shatl be submitted by the develeBer belere a building permit is released fer the Cernerstsnesite, The Westhaven Drive, Uunieiparcee* frem the uses, Puhlie parking en the Westhaven Drive level-ef the Cernerstene pre 8, Waterferd Brevided in the Walerlerd Develepment Plan ^' ^"^"ri^d h^'^r^ in aeeerdanee wilh Seetien 18,'16 220 ef this erdinanee" release ef any building permits fer either the Generstene er Waterferd C€velepmen+sr €, The recreatien path shall be releeated a^ set fsrth en the deyelepment Blan and shall be amended en the rniner subdivisien plat fer the Waterferd and ien= the west and east ends ef the eite, The DRB wirl review the nerth elevatiens si e€€ess-may+emain: Vait+l++neiparcede, 8. The Ruins / Westhaven Condominiums The development plan for this area has exoired. See Ordinance No. L Series of 1998 lor previous reouirements. Ordinance 23,Series ol 1998 29 Envirenrnental eemmissien en FebFuary ^7' 1995; and te the drawings identified in Seetien 18,'16,1 '10 (develeprnent plan9 numbered 45 +1 , Deed restrietiens fer the 17 emBleyee heHsing units, The deed restrietiens shall ien !e the rest'ietiens ineluded in the TyBe lll trHU deed restrietien; the apptieant egrees te future restrietiens that the TewrFwill adept that ?ertain te deed'estri€ted empleyee heHEing, ineluding; but net limited t€; a three pereent eap en resale pr€€eduFe€-:- imprevements must be reviewed and appreved by the Tewn ef Vail Engineer, Read imp"evements shall inelude eurb an4gutter frem the eastern edge ef the e Prier te arissuan Department ef Transpertatien (e DgT) right ef-way; se that its nerthorn slepe dees nefex€eed 2;1 , Pri€r te rhe issHan€e €f a Teg; the eppri€ant shall remsve the $#e utility peles in the €BOT righl-ef way and shall bury the Htility line te the third @ f, Prier te theissuanee ef a TCO; a sidewallr shall be eenstrueted that begirs at the in frentet the-Westhaven Building to cenneEt with the reGreatienal path te Donevan PaFk D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site. The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8. Series of 1998 for previous requirements. 1, The develeper shall agree te eepstruet a bus lan+per Tewn ef Vail Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 30 standards in the area ef the perte-eeehere ef the Miere brewery in Area D, The lane shall be eenstrueted subsequent te the issuane+ef a building permit and prier te tne issuanee maintaining th+new bus lane' ineluding snew remeval' llthe lane is net bus+en+iee+e+lp-sile' a new bike Bath easement aeress the Glen tyen preperty and CDOH preperly per the develepment plan fer Area D- The bike path shall-be eenstrueted per Tewn ef Vail standards, The bike path shall be €enEtrH€ted subsequent te the issuange ef a building permit and prier te the issuanee ef a temperary eertifieate ef eeeupaney fer either the br€wery additien, effiee expansien e)€luding Phase l4 east effiee the issuanee ef a lemperary eertifieate ef eeeupaney fer eithepthe Brewery s+rs€+Hfe" e{ the Glen tyen preperry frem the nerthweslcern€r ef the preperty te the nertheast €erner ef the preperty, Thi6 utility y/erk shall be Genstru€ted subsequent te the issuanee ef a building Bermit and prier te th+issuanee ef a temperary €ertifi€ate ef eee ien- exeludingiPhase lA east effiee building er parking strueture, 4, The develeper shall be respensib,le fer releeating the 20 feet utility ining ing 5, The develeBer et the Glen tye+Offiee preperty shall-netfile any remenstranee er pretest against the fermatien ef a leeal imprevement distriet el Ordinance 23.Series of '1 998 31 ether finaneing meehanism appreved by the Vail Tewn eeuneil whieh may be R€€* ire e lire hydrant shatl be erevided subsequentte the issuanee ef a bsilding permit and prier te tne issuan ing s{fu€+u+e; 7" The Develepershall eenstruet a deeeleratien lane aleng Seuth Frentage appreval betere a submittal building permit is released fer eithepPhase I exeluding Wien ive resBensible fer submitriing the wFitten €enditiens te the Tewn Atterney fer appreval ie" exeluding Phase lA; east elfiee building; er parking strueture, 9, The miner subdivisien fer Area D shall hd develeBed Ber the fellewhg €endit+ens: a, The develepment ef pareels A; a' C' and D' shall be limited te the SDD Ne, 'l develeBmenl plan and geve"ned by the SDD Ne' 'l erdinanee as appreved by the Tewn ef Vail and en file with the Department ef CemmuniV nevelepment er as amended and appreved by the eemffunity M inenees= e, The eemmunity Develepment nepartment and Tewn ef Vail Ordinance z3.Series of 1998 "Agreements el Tenants in Cermen"r "Genveyanee sf Easement and Party wall Agreements'; and any ether easemenfer ewnership agreements related te the develepment ef par€els nr B; e r aHd D te @ d The develeper shall be respensible fer replatting the 20 feet- utility iens-er amendments te the miner subdivisien esnditiens ef appreval agreern€nt in e The eenditiers fe '++rree+tii+S€€ti€tff 18,'16,210 (D9) A; B; C; and E; shall be set ferth i+restrietive eevenaRts €euntfr appreval ef the sprinkler an+fire alerm systems shall be required hefers a building 10, The develeper shall submit a set ef amended plars te the Celerade Bivisien ef Highways fer review and appreval, The imprevements en CHOT exelsding lA, ll, apd lll are presented te the Tewn ef Vail Design Review Beard fer gnefapprevat= 12, The east building ineluding the twe empleyee dwelling units shall be units.a*o-{euil+ Ordinance 23.Series of 1998 33 184ffi Employ* Housing The development of SDD No. 4 will have impacts on available employee housing within the Upper Eagle Valley area. In order to help meet this additional employee housing need, the develope(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 17 employee dwelling units within Area A Westhaven Condominium building (Fluins). 3 within the Cornerstone Building and 2 within the Liftside (Waterford Building). Each employee dwelling unit in the Westhaven Condominium Building (Ruins) shall be deed restricted as a Type lll EHU. Each employee unit in the Cornerstone Building shall have a minimum square footage of 600 square feet. There shall be a total of 2 employee dwelling units in the Waterford Building. One shall be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum ol 800 square feet. The developer of Area D shall build 2 employee dwelling units in the Area D east building per the approved plan for the East Building. ln Area D one employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 795 square leet and the second employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet. The GRFA and number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for SDD No.4. All Employee Housing Units shall be deed restricted per Section '18.57, as amended, of the Vail Municipal Code prior to issuance of building permits for the respective proiect. $46230 Time Requirements SDD No. 4 shall be governed by the procedures outlined in Section 12-9A f€+40:449 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Section 5. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions ol this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless ol the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 6. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment ol any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any Ordinance 23,Series ol 1998 34 other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 7. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the e)dent only ol such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, hereto{ore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL ON FIRST READING this 1Sth day o{ December, 1998, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance sel for the _ day of January, 1998, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Robert E. Ford, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Cierk Ordinance 23,Series ol 1998 35 READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this day ofJanuary, 1998. Flobert E. Ford, Mayor ATTEST: Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk Ordinance 23,Series of 1998 36 |jXIiJ;JIT'A" KOI]LBEL PROPER'IY DEV:]LOPT,iJJNT,,\IUTA A Vail-Rose 12.370 acrcs A part of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Scction 12, Township 5 South, Rangc 81 West of the 6th P.M., descdbcd as follows: Bcginning rt a point on thc West iinc of sriid SW l/4 NE 1/4 from which the North one- quaficr comcr 0l said Section bcal s Nonh 0 " | 5' East2269.48 fcet; thence North 0' 1 5' East, along said West Lrnc, 152.36 feet to a point on the Southcasterly right of way linc of J. S. Highway No. 6; thcncc, along said Southcastody light ofway line, as follows: North 52'27' East, 102.31 feet; North 49'20'East, 519.57 fect; and North 48'13' East, 549.09 fcet, more or lcss, to a point on the North line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4; thcnce North 88"13' East, aiong the Nonh linc of said SW l/4 NE, 368 fecr, more or icss, to a poirit on thc centcrlinc of Gorc Creck; thcncc, along thc ccntcrlinc of Gorc Crcek, as follows: South 3b'49' West, 101.04 feet; South I 8"21' West, 54.08 tbct; South I "24' Wcst, 205.02 fcct; South l2'10'West, 110.25 fcct; and South 28"4i'West,242.35 .!ct, thci'rcc St uth 75'l5' \\'est, 1064.10 feet to tire point of beginning. Rosc Parccl 3.190 acres A tract of laud situated in thc SWI/4NE1/4 of Section 12, TP 5 S., R.81 W., of the 6th P.M., lying Southeriy ofthat ceilain rract ofland dcscribed in Book 199, Page 197, Northerly and Wcrterly ol'the centcr linc ciGorc i]rcck. ancl iying Northcrly and Easterly ofthosc ccrtain racts des.;Libcd ir Book 211 at Plge 106, Book 21i at Page 108 and Book 215 at Page 36i, described as iollows: Beginning at a point on the Nonh-South center line of said Section i2 whencc thc Nolth quailer corner of said Section 12 bcars N. 00" 15' E. 2269.48 feet; thenccN.75"15'E.346.26fcettotheirucpointofbeginning,saidpointbeingonthe Soutl:lineofthattrzctdescribcdinBookl99,?agc197andwhichbearsS.08"26'8.2205.34 lcct from thc North quartcr corner of said Section 12; thcncc N. 75'15' E. 711.84 fcet along thc Souther$ iine ofthat tract desoibcd in Book 199, Page 197 to the ccntcr of Gorc Crcck; thcnce S. 28"41' W. 130.6i fcct aiong tlic ccnter line of said Creek; thencc S. 05"2430" E. 104.50 fect along tlre ccnter line ofsaid Creek; thence S. 49" 29' W.95.50 feet along th: ccntcr line of said Crcek; thcncc S. 22'34' W. 124.47 fcet alongthc center line of said Creek; thence S. 54" 00' W. 1 19.34 feet r long the center linc of said Cr:eek; to the Southeast cor i:cr of that cerlain tract of lald descril ,cd in llook 21 1, Page 108; thsnce N. 33' 16'30'' W. i40. 12 lrct along thc Eastcrly linc of that tract described in Book 2l I at Page 108; thence N. 57 " 42'30" W. 169.88 fcct along tlic Northeasterly line ofthat tract dcscribed in Bouk 2l l ar Pagc 108; thcncc N. 86'02'30" W.162.92lcct along thc Northcrly linc ofthose tacts dcscribed in Bool: 2l I at Page 108, Book 211 at Pagc 106 to a point; thence N. 32" 57'30" W. 76.0lJ fcct along the Northeastcrly linc of that tract dcscribed in Ilook 215 at Pagc 365, to the point ofbcginning. !':\e!'eryone\dom\koelbcl.lcg o Hecde Parccl 1.260 acres County of ijagle anc State o1'Colom iio, to !vit: A tract of hnd siruatcd in thc S!Vli4NElA of Scction 12, Townsl:i1, 5 Sr: riii, Range Sl Wcst of the 6th Principal t.,,1cr.idian, Ccscribcd as follorvs: Bcginriag at a point ol fhc North-South ccnrcr li.ne ofsaid Sect;or 12 whcnce tho Norlh Quartcr Con:er ofsaid Scciion 12 bears Norlh 00 degs. l5 rnins. East 2269.48 fcct; thencc Nonh ?5 degs. I 5 mins. East 346.26 fcct; thcncc South 32 degs. 57 mins. 30 secs. East 76.0E feet; thr'ncc South l1 dcgs. 00 mins. 30 sccs. West 279.99 leet to a point in the ccntcr of Corc Crcckl thc;rce North 50 degs. 32 mirrs. West 1 1 1.31 fect along the center linc of said creck; thcncc Norlh 38 degs. 40 mins. West 239.09 fcet along Lhe ccnter line ofsaid c:cck; thcnce South 76 degs. 35 nrins. Wcst 89.91 ibct along thc ccntcr linc ofsaid creck to a point cn the Norlh-South ccntcr line of said Sectioir 12; thcnce North 00 dcgs. 15 mins. East 13.95 fcet along the North-South ccnicl linc ofsaid Scction 12 tr the point ofbeginning. Total !tr-820 acres CORE CR]:l]K ASSOCIATES PROPERTY DEVELOPMENI' AREAS B. C & D &Q.J00 acres Lcgrl Dcscription ,.\ll that part of Scction 12, Township 5 Sr:irth, Rangc 81 West of thc 6th P.M., describcd as fbllows: All that part of thu Nl2NE1/4 of ljcction r l, lying Southerly of the Southerly right-o[way line of U.S. Higi:way No- 6 ani Northcrly of thc I outhcrly lincof said Nli2NEl/4, as showr ontheplat o.r file in thc officc of thc Eaglc Ci:unq. 61,'rtr ,r4 llecorder as DocumentNo. 97489, de.scrjbed as follows: Bcginning at the highway survcy monument at the intersection ofthe Southerly line o1'said highway and the Easterly tine ot'said N1/2NE1/4, lvhcnce thc Northeast comer of saici Section 12 beart Norlh 0"03' West 634.785 feet; thence South 73"26'30 West 11 12.13 fect along the Southerly right ofway line ofsaid highway; thence South 70'34' Wcst 125.10 fcet alolig thc Southcrly righr of way line ofsaid highway; thcncc Soutli 69'25'Wcst 100.00 fecl along the Southcrly right ofway line of said highway; thcnce South 65 " 50' West i 00.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway; thcnce Soutli 62'15' West 100.00 fcet along the Southerly right of way line ofsaid highway; thcncc Soulir 58'40' Wcsr 100.00 fcct along thc Southerly right of way Iine of said highway; thcnce South 55 "05' West 100.00 fcct along the Southerly right of way li ne of said highway; thcnce Soutir 51"32' West 100.00 fcct aiong the Southerly right of way line of said higirway; tl:cncc Soutir 47"57'Wcst232.58 fcct along thc Soutberly right of way line of said highway to a point on the Southcrly linc ofsaid N 1/2NE1i4; thcnce lrbrth 88" 33' East 497 .67 fcct along tlrc Slouthcrly line of said Nl /2NEl/4 to die cetrter of the NEl/4 of said Scction l2; thencc North 88'31' East 1379.35 fcet along the Southerly linc of said N l/2NE1/4 to .he Sou reast comer of said Nl l2NE1l2:' thcncc Nofih 0"03' Wcst 760.95 fccl along the Eastcrly line of said N1/2\Eli4 to its iutersection rvitir the Southerly line of said highrv.,-v, thc point ofbeginning, Flcverr'.Nuom\j{oc: bcUcS AND All that paft of tirc SWI/4NE1/4 of Scction 12, lying Southerly ofthe center .'f Gorc Cresk as shown on tiic plat c:: filc in t,re officc of the Eaglc County Clerk and Rccolt.cr as Docuurcnt No. 97489, dcscribcd as fo,iows: Bcginning at the Nonlicast coflrer of said SWli4NEl /4; thcncc South B8"33' "Vcst 131.67 lcct to apoint in thc ccntcr ofsaid Crcck; thence South 40'C9' 'i/cst 94.04 fcct along the ccnter of said Creek; thcncc South l8'21'ii est 54.C3 fcct along thc oentcr of said Crcck; thcncc liouth I " 2.i' \\ :st 205.02 fccr xlong thc ccntcr' ,:l' said Crcek; thcncc ljouth 12'i0'\Ycst 110.25 Icct aiong Lhc ccntcr of said Creek; rhencc South 28'41'West 320.00 fcet; thcnce South 5 "24'30" East, 170.00 fcet along the center of said Creck; thcncc l:iouth 27'00'02" West 85.24 fcct along the center ofsaid Creek; thcncc Surdr 54'00' Wcst 259.34 tcct along the centcr of said Creek; thence So,.th 65'34' Wcst 109.62 fcet alcng thc center of said Crcck; thcnce Soutir 69"04' Wcst 186. i3 feet along the center of said Creek; thcnce SoLith 85 "25' Wcst 68.88 feet along thc center of said Creek; thcncc North 77'36' West 26.96 fcct aiong the center ot'said Creek; thcnce North 50'32'West 199.19 feet liong thc centcr ot'said Creek; thcncc Nofth 38"40' West 239.09 fcct dong thc centcr of said Cleck; thcncc South 76'35' West 89,91 fcct aiong thc ccntel of said Creek; to a poii,i on the Wcstcrly line of said SWI/4NEl/4; thcnce South 0'l5' Wcst 461.90 1'cct to thc ccntcr of said Section 12; thcncc Nolth 89.02'East 1382.65 ltci aicng the Southeliy line of said SWI,/4NE1/4 to the Soulhcast corner of said SW1/4NEli4; thcncc North 0'06' East 1384.32 fcct along thc Easterly I cof said SWl/4Nir1/4 tothc Northeast corncr of said SW1/4NE1/4, thc point of bcginning, AND Thc NWI/ISBI/4 of Section 12, Town:;hip 5 South, Rang: 81 West of the 6tir P.M.; AND All that pafi of thc SEli4NWl/4 of Scction 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West oftbc 6th P.M., lying Souiberl;, qf the Southcrly right of way line of U.S. Highway No. 6, as sbown on the plat on file in thc ofhce of the Eaglc County Clcrli and Rccorder as DocumentNo.97489, dcsclibcd as follows: Beginning af thc Southeast corncr of said SEl/4NWl/4; thencc South 89'02'West 836.95 fcct along thc Southcrly line of said SE1/4\W1/4 to a point on the Southerly right of way line of said higirway; thencc No(h 52"35'East 1057,07 feet along the Southerly right ofway line ol'said highway to a point on the Easterly line of said SEli4NWl/4; thence South 0" l5'West 628.21 fcrr along the Easterly linc of said SEl/4NW l/4 to thc Southcast corner of said SEl/4N\ii r/4, th,: point of bcginning; EXCEP'| THE FOLLOWING: that pan descdbcd in Book 188 at page 545; that pan dcscdbed in llook 191 at pagc 24i; that paft dcscribed in Book 203 at page 231; that paft dcscnbed in Book 203 at page 531; Ilcvcryonc\dom\,koclbcl.lcg that ccflain island adjaccnt to tlic abovc-cicsci'ibcd propcrLy, and locatcd in thc middle of Golc Crcek, which thc parlics intend to cxclude fiom this transaction; County of Eaglc, Statc of Colorado r\, LSO TIili FOLLOWING PARCEL FORIvIERLY KNOWN r\S TIIE 'COSGRIF;. PARCEL" A tract of land situated in the SW l/4 NE 1/4 of Section 1 2, Township 5 Sourh, Range 8'l West of the 6th Principal Mcridian, lying Norrhwcsterly of the centci linc of Corc Creck described as follows: Bcginning at a point whcnce thc North Quartcr Corner ofsaid Section 12 bcals N. 11"03'W. 2292.72feet; thencc S. 86'02'30" E. 89.50 feet; thence S. 54"42'3U" E. 169.86 feet; thence S. 33'16'30' E. 140.12 feet ro a point in the center of said creek; thence S. 65'34 W. 109.62 feet along the center line of said cleck; thcnce S. 69'04' W. 90.78 fcct along th,-r ccntcr line of sard c|eek; thcnce N. 23' 12'30" W.317.54 fcct to thc point of bcgiming, containing 1.05 acrcs, morc or lcss. ALSO DESCRIBED Beginning at a point whencc the North Quarter Comcl of said Section 12 bears N. 11'03' W. 2292.72 feet; thcnce S. 85'43'14" 8.89.84 ieci; thence S. 57'25'3C" E. 169.46 fect; thence S. 32 " 59'30" E. 141..47 feet to a point in the center ofsaid crcck; thcncc S. 65'31'36" r.'\''. 109.62 foet along the centcr line of said creek; thencc S. 69"01'36" W. 103.02 fect along the ccnter line of said creek; thence N. 23"?4'09" W. 3 i9.09 fcct to thc point of beginning. ' TOGjiTHER WITFI an eascmcnt as dcsclibed in Documcnt recorded August 5, 1980 in Book 306 at Pagc 443 and recorded in Book 307 at Page 80 of thc Eagle County records. Also including all water and wcil dlhts appu$enant to the above described pri,perty, including without limitetion, Wcll Pclnit No. 94702,water ights decrced in Civil Action No.2375 in Eaglc County Disuict Coun, and all that portion ofwater iights decrccd in Case No. 80 CW 410, Watcr Division No. 5, (Core No. 1 Well - 0.(;5 cfs) A pan of the Northcast Quarter Southwest Quarter ofSection 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Pri;rcipai Meridian, dcscribcd as follows: Bcginnir;; nt thc ccnter of said Scction l2; thcnce S. 0" i5'00' W. Along the east line cf ;aid Nofiheast Quarter Southwest Quarter, 162 fcet to a point on the north line ofa tract dcscribed in Fcok 1E9 at Pagc 591; thence along said north linc S. 88"59'31" W. 353.7 feet; thence s ;uthrvcsterly along a curve to the left whosc radius is 78.93 fcct, and whosc chord boars S. 52" 25'32 W.9.i.05 fcct, an arc distancc of 100.7 4 feet; thcncc N. 10 "05'39' E. 222.12 feet lo a point on the north line of said Noftheast Quartcr Southwest Quartcr; thence N. 38'59'31" E. along thc nofth linc of said Norlheast Quafter Souihwest Quarter 390 feet, more or less, to a point of beginning, Eagle County, Colorado. Unplatted parcel addcd to Cascade Metropolitan District (copied from Land Titlc Policy No .81672770) I Jcvcryoncldom\koclbcl.lcg TILE CCIPY MINUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1997 7:30 P.M. I regular meeting of the Vail rown council was held on Tuesday, November 4, 1gg7, at 7:30P'M' in the council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. rne meeiing was called to ordera[ approximately 7:30 p.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: to allowabte GRFA and buitding height timititiffi. Bob Armour, Mayor Sybill Navas, Mayor pro-Tem Rob Ford Michael Jewett Paul Johnston Kevin Foley Ludwig Kurz Bob McLaurin, Town Manager Pam Brandmeyer, Assistant Town Manager Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney Series of 1997, an allow modifications The first item on the agenda was Citizen Participation. There was no citizen participation. The second item on the agenda was the consent agenda approving the Minutes from theoctober 7 and 21 , 1997 meetings. councilmember Paul Joi'rnston iraoe a motion to approvethe minutes of the october 7 and 21 , 1gg7 meetings, Mayor pro-tem sybill Navas seconded themotion. A vote was taken, there was unanimous approval, 7_0. I*_,1]i1 item on.the agenda was the first reading of Ordinance No. 21,Orolnance requeSting a major arnendment '.s&-|'Gt..-d-"!4riEJ Dominic Maurieilo, community Deveropment staff member, exprained the pranning andEnvironmentar commission, at its octobe r 27 , 1gg7 meeting, recommended approval(unanimously) of the proposed amendments to sDD *+ lcicade viriage, Development AreaC)' He described in further detail the ordinance request and the october 27 , 1gg7 pEC memo. ordinance 21, series of 1g97, amends ordinance No. g, series of 199s, which reguratesdevelopment in sDD #4 (cascade Viilage). Area c (Gren Lyon resioeniiat rots) is beingamended as it relates only to Lots 39-1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon suuoivision. The proposed textchanges are highlighted in the ordinance. councilmember Mike Jewett has a concern with this ordinance. There were seven questionsraised at the worksession earlier and the Town Council directed staff to research thesequestions' Although staff did provide much of the requested information, the Town Councilhasn't had time to review the additional information to make an educated decision on thisordinance. councilmember Mike Jewett made a motion to table this ordinance to allow time for staff toprovide additional research and so the Town council wlll have time to review that infonnation.Councilmember Paul Johnston seconded the motion. There was further discussion regarding this ordinance and the information needed to clarify theissues involved. Bob Armour stated the staff shourd proceed with their presentation of the request. Dominic Mauriello explained the original ordinance which established this special Developmentoistrict' The staff also looked at othlr single family lots in the Town of vait tor comparisonpurposes as was directed by councilmember sybiil Navas at the work session. councilmember sybill Navas asked for clarification of the GRFA formula. Mike Mollica' Assistant Director of communlty Development, explained the formula in furtherdetail. There was further discussion of GRFA. Jim,Lamont, representing. the East Village Homeowne/s Association, stated these areas maynot have been subdivided at the time thl sDD was approved. To make an appropriate king process from 1976 Bob Armour asked if there was any further discussion on the motion. A vote was taken, the motion to table this ordinance passed with a vote of 5-2, withCouncilmember Sybill Navas and Mayor Bob Armour opposed. There was further discussion regarding the intent behind the original SDD. Tom Moorhead stated that Council members should not rely on or make significant decisionsbased on persons memories of past history, but should relyon written documentation. The fourth item on the agenda was the revisions to the lggg Budget ordinance. Bob McLaurin stated the Town Council has reviewed this ordinance on first reading and theonly-significant change is an additional $65,000 for Art in public places and specia-i events in1998 . Steve Thompson stated he has spoken to Frank Johnson, Vail Valley Tourism and ConventionBureau, and they have agreed the funds will not be disbursed until the actual time the eventscome up. Bob Armour asked Steve Thompson to clarify the transfer of funds. Steve Thompson explained in further detail how the transfer of funds works. Technically, theTown of Vail has a g2B million doltar budget. Councilmember Sybill Navas made'a motion to approve this ordinance, it was seconded byCouncilmember Rob Ford. There was further discussion. Mayor, Bob Armour reiterated the real estate transfer tax shouldbe reviewed and would like to see money be used for a park in West Vail and to use funds for apark near Vail Commons. Bob stated this is a priority of his and for residents in West Vail. Bob Mclaurin stated the new council will make the decisions for the funds at their next retreatto prioritize their goals. A vote was taken, there was unanimous approval, 7_0. The fifth item on the agenda was the Town Manager Report. There were no further questions regarding the Town Managers report. Bob Armour stated the fund raiser for Holly McCutcheon was a success and the communitycam€ together in strong _support for Holly and should be proud of its accomplishments. Th;fundraisers for Holly Mccutcheon and shane Hansen prove we have a strong community. Bob also stated Holly had a message for everyone, she loves all of us and is proud to be part ofthis community. And when she is able, she witl be willing to offer her help to others that need it. As there was no further business, councilmember Rob Ford made a motion to adjourn,Councilmember Kevin Foley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passedunanimously. The meeting adjourned at g:.10 p.m. Town Clerk F1TWVCLERK\WPFILES\COUNCILWIN UTES.97\1 1.04-97.DFT --, decision; there needs to bFmore information regarding the on and to track the decisions that were made for this area. o decision ma Arttsut: LaL-<' [u'"u&t- NorEr Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon todetermine at what time Council will considei an item. VAIL TOWN COUNCTL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1997 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA CITIZEN PART|C|PATION. (b mins.) CONSENT AGENDA: (5 mins.)A. Approve the Minutes from the October T and 21 , 1g97 meetings. TOPIC/ITEM: Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1997, first reading of an Ordinance reqqg_sting a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to allowable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1 & 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane Larsen Planner: DominicMauriello ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNGIL; Approve/ModifylDeny Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1997, on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at its October 27, lgg1 meeting, recommelded approval (unanimously) of the proposed amendments to SDD #4 (Cascade Village, Development Area C). See the October 27, 1997 PEC memo for a complete description of the request. Ordinance 21, Series of 1997, amends Ordinance No. g, Series of 1995, which regulates development in sDD #4 (cascade Village). Area G (Glen Lyon residential lots) is being amended as it relates onty to Lots 3$1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. The proposed text changes are highlighted in the ordinance. STAFF REGOTUIMENDATION: The. Community Development Department recommends approval of Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1997, on first reading. (aS miiri.) ITEM/TOPIC: Revisions to the 1998 Budget Ordinance. t. 2. Qr r^oMaurietto 4. Steve Thompson Bob Mclaurin 5. 6. AgIlgN. REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve, modify, deny Ordinance No.20, Series of 1997 on second reading. BAQKGROUND RATIOIT|ALE: Staff requests that the 1998 budger be modified by $65,000. This inctudes $20,000. For Art in pubtic prices an $45,000 for special events in 1gg8. please see the Town Manager Report for further details. (10 mins.) Town Manager Report. (10 mins.) Adjoumment - 8;S0 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL N ES ARE APFROXIflITE AND SUEJECfiO CII,ANGEI THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION. WILL BE ON TUESDAY, lll11/97, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNGIL REGULAR WORK SESSION' WILL BE ON TUESD AY, 11t18t97, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M., lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNGIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BE ON TUESDAY, 11118/97, BEGINNING AT ?;30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS,||tll Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 419-Z33lvoice or 479-2356 TDD for iniormation. C:\AGENOA.TC Afu"*Qa"."la TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1997 2:00 P.M. AT TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon todetermine at what time Council will consider an item. 1. Andy Knudtsen tTEM/TOptC: Review housing related issues, including a drafi of the proposed Vail Strategic Housing Plan, which is intended to set the direction of the Town in its effort to address locals, housing. (60 minutes) Q***Mauriello ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNCIL: Provide direction to staff as to the potential housing actions to emphasize within the Strategic Plan. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Please see memo included in the packet. ITEM/TOPIC: Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1997, first reading of an Ordinance requesting a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to allowable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1 & 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicani: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane l_arsen Planner: DominicMauriello ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNGIL: Approve/Modify/Deny Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1997, on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at its October ZT, 1gg7 meeting, recommended approval (unanimously) of the proposed amendments to SDD #4 (Cascade Village, Development Area C). See the October 27, 1gg7 PEC memo for a complete description of the request. Ordinance 21, Series of 1g97, amends Ordinance No. g, Series of 1g95, which regulates development in SDD #4 (Gascade Village). Area C (Glen Lyon residential lots) is being amended as it relates onty to Lots 3g-1 and 39-2; Glen Lyon Subdivision. The proposed text changes are highlighted in the ordinance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends approval of Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1gg7, on first reading. (45 mins.) ITEMffOPIC: Revisions to the 1998 Budgei ordinance. (20 mins.) A-CTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve Ordinance No. 20, Seriesof 1997 on second reading, per Town Manager,s Report. VAIL TOWN COUNCIL J. Steve Thompson Bob Mclaurin BACKGROUND MTIONALE: Staff requests that the 1998 Budget be modified by $65,000. This included $20,000. for AIPP and $45,000. For speciat events in 1998. Please see the Town Manager's Report for further details. 4. Information Update. (10 mins.) 5. CouncilReports. (10 mins.) 6. Other. (10 mins.) 7. Adjournment - 4:45 p.m. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING STARTTIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXTMATE AND SUAJECT TO CHANGE)|||1l THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULARWORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 11111197, BEG|NN|NG AT 2:00 P.M. tN Tov couNcrl cHAMBERs. T}IE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION' wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 11/18/97, BEGINN|NG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL cHAMBERS. THE NEXTVAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wfLL BE oN TUESDAY,11tlgtg7, BEG|NNING AT z:30 p.M. tN Tov couNctL GHAMBERS.||il1 Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. please call 47g-2332 voiceor 479-2356 TDD for information. C:\AGEN DA.r,l/S OrJivr<, au^c",\ SDD#4 Ordinance 28,1977 Ordinance 31, 1978 Ordinance 2,1979 Resolution 10, 1982 Ordinance 10, 1982 Ordinance 20,1984 Resolution 10, 1986 Ordinance 40, 1988 Ordinance 12,1989 Ordinance 10, 1990 Ordinancc 20,1990 Ordinance 45, 1990 Ordinance 4I,I99l Ordinance 1, 1993 Ordinance 7,1993 Ordinance 8, 1995 MINUTES First Reading Second Reading L0/18t77 r0t03/78 0t/16t79 02/r6/82 04/06/82 06/19t84 04t01t86 r2t20t88 06t06/89 03/20t90 07t03/90 L2/18t90 1UL9t9l 0r/05193 05/18t93 04t04t95 rr/0r/77 r0/17/78 02l06/79(Missing) 04/20182 07l03/84(Missing) 01/03i89 06/20t89 04/03/90 07/17/90 0r/08/9r 12t03/91 03t16/93 06/0r/93 04n8l9s f \everyoneUom\tcord.n 14 o I TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 'icl''tember 25, 1998 Diane R. Larsen 953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 105 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Proposed major amendment to SDD #4, Glen Lyoq for Lots 39-l and 39-2 (bpplicant Mr. Pennington) Dear Ms. Larsen: Due to the inactivity with this proposed amendment, the Community Development Depaftment considers this application inactive and withdrawn. I[ in the future, you would like to propose an amendmcnt to SDD #4, you will need to file a new application. The last activity on this project was Novembcr of 1997. If you have any questions, please call me at 479-2148. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Chief of Planning {P """uo' "'* Agenda last revised l0/23 l0 am PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, October 27, 1997 AGENDA Project Orientation /LUNCH - Communitv Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT 12:00 pm 1:00 pm 1. 2. 4. Driver: Treelops - 452 E. Lionshead Circle Pennington - 1 150 Westhaven Lane Miller - 1477 Aspen Grove Golden Bear - 953 S. Frontaoe Road George fr.d.{:;Hsij\qtizl NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Gouncil Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request for approval of a major exterior alteration, to allow for the construction of a new entry and common area in lhe Treetops I building, located al 452 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Treetops Condo Associalion, represented by Larry BarnesPlanner: DominicMauriello 2. A request for approval of a minor exterior alteration in CC1 and a site coverage variance, to allow for the renovation of the exlerior and improvements to The Golden Bear, located at 935 S. Frontage Road, #302/ Lots A&8, Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: C. Lee Kirsch, represented by Frederick W. Dietrich Planner:George Ruther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a bed and breakfast operation, located al 1477 Aspen Grove/Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing. Applicant: William H. Miller Planner:Lauren Waterton A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to allowable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39- 1& 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timolhy Pennington, represented by Diane Larsen J. 4. Planner:Dominic Mauriello a Agenda last rcvised l0/23 10 am 5. A request for an amendment to Section 18.54.050 J (Design Guidelines - outdoor lighting), to allow for the exemption of low wattage lighting from lhe ouldoor lighting regulations. Applicant: Roy & Paula May, represented by Dale Smith/ Fritzlen,Pierce, BrinerPlanner: Lauren Waterton 6. A requesl to review a draft of the proposed Vail Strategic Housing Plan, which is intended to set the direction of the Town in its effort to address locals housing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen 7. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow for a revision lo the development plan for the Glen Lyon Office Building site, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd. WesVLot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Gordon Pierce, AIAPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 10, 1997 8. A request for a final review of a conditional use permil, to allow for the construction of the Alpine Garden Education Center, located at 620 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represented by Helen FritchPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 10, 1997 9. To approve, deny, or modify an Environmental lmpact Report for the proposed Booih Falls Townhomes rockfall mitigation wall, located at 3094 Booth Falls CourULot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12th. Applicant; Booth Falls Condo AssocialionPlanner: Russ Forrest TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 10, 1997 10. A request for a major exterior alteration and a variance from Section 18.26.070 (Setbacks), to allow for construction of a parking garage at The Lionshead Inn, located at 705 S. Frontage Rd./ Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 4th Filing. Applicant: Lionshead Inn LLC, represented by William PiercePlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 10,1997 Agenda last rcriscd l0l2l l0 am 11. Information Update 12. Approval of September 22, 1997 and October 13, 1997 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation avallable upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published October 24, 1997 in the Vail Trail. I MAILING LIST FOR AIITACENT PROPERTY OWNERS APPLICATION FOR AMENDMENT TO SDD NO. 4 FILED BY HAGOPIAN & PENMNGTON LI.c Dirk Mason has confirmed the following adjacent property owners are the only penons requiring notice of the application for amendment to SDD No. 4 filed by Hagopian & Pennington LI,C : Lifuide Condominiums c/o Sean Fleming Resident Manager 1234 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 U.S. Forest Service Minturn Office P.O. Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 Blume Family Partnership P.O. Box 504 Cheyenne, WY 82003 Ms. Julie Dews West Shore Marha 100 West Shore Road Hunrington, NY 11743 Ms. Julie Dews P. O. Box 362 Vail, CO 81658 Glen Lyon Office Building Parfrrers Attn: Andy Nonis 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 200 Vail, CO 81657 Town of Vail (Streamside TracQ 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 27,1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for approval of a major exterior alteration, to allow for the construction of a new entry and common area in the Treetops I building, located al 452 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 6, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Treetops Condo Association, represented by Larry Barnes Planner : Dominic Mauriello To approve, deny, or modify an environmental impact report for the proposed Booth Falls Townhomes rock fall mitigation wall, located at 3094 Booth Falls CourVlot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12th. This wall, as proposed, will be'12 feet high and 320 feet long. Another wall to the west will be approximately 70 feet long. For more information contact Russell Forrest al 479- 2146. Applicant: Booth Falls Condo AssociationPlanner: Russ Forrest A request for approval of a minor exterior alteration and a sile coverage variance, to allow for the renovation of the exterior and improverrents to the property known as The Golden Bear, located at 935 S. Frontage Road, #302/ Lots A&8, Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: C. Lee Kirsch, represented by Frederick W. DietrichPlanner: George Ruther A request ior a major exterior alteration and a variance from Section 18.26.070 (Setbacks), to allow for conslruction of a parking garage at The Lionshead Inn, localed at 705 S. Frontage Rd./ Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 4lh Filing. Applicant: Lionshead Inn LLC, represented by William PiercePlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to \ q[owable GRFA and building height limitations, located at | 150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39-1& 39- -&f Gren Lvon Suoqrvrsron.t\7 Applicanl: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane LarsonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor an amendment to Section 18.54.050 J (Design Guidelines - outdoor lighting), to allow for the exemption of low wattage lighting lrom the outdoor lighting regulations. Applicant; Roy & Paula May, represented by Dale Smith/ Fritzlen,Pierce, BrinerPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit, to allow lor a bed and breaklast operation, located at 1477 Aspen Grove/Lot 3, Block 2, Lionsridge 4th Filing. Applicant: William H. MillerPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow for a revision to the development plan lor the Glen Lyon Office Building site, located at 1000 S. Frontage Rd. WesVLot 54, Block K, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen l-yon Oflice Building Partnership, represented by Gordon Pierce, AIAPlanner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and inlormation about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 21 14 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Communily Developrnent Departrnent Published October 10, 1997 in the VailTrail. TELEPHONE (91s) 683-4824 Sreurnv S. BEeno 500 WHr Trxes Avrmn Sunr 705 Mlpr.eno, TExes 79701 April 16,2002 TELEcoPtER (91s) 683-4834 Ms. Allison Ochso AICp Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Pedestrian easement and gate located on Westhaven Lane Dear Allison: Thank you for your letter dated March zzrz002. r take issue with your positionthat t5any remaining concerns or issues that you may have with the gate areconsidered a private issue and will not involve the Town of vait,'. The Town of vail acting unilateraily without notice to the owners in the Gren Lyonsubdivision approved a gate which alters the original pedestrian easement providedfor in the plat and covenants for the Gren Lyon subdivision. The recorded documents clearly state that a vote by the ownens would be required to alter thecovenants. I believe the Town of vail acted improperry in appioving the gate,disregarding the right of the Glen Lyon owners. I will be contacting other owners in the subdivision to make them aware of what hastranspired. I will be surprised if many of them do not share my assessment of thesitu-ation, especially in view of the effect such actions by the Town of vail may haveon future property varues. prior to the construction oithe gate, our easement consisted of the full width of westhaven Lane as is clearly indicated on the subtirvisron plat. we are now relegated to a narrow strip around the gate which may be all or partially on BLM land. I feel certain you will be hearing more on this matter as others become aware oftheir rights which have been greatly diminished by the actions of thewesthaven Lane owners with the approval of the Town of vail. If you and George care to attempt to resolve this matter before it escalates, please call me at 9lv6g3-4g24 or send email to stanleysb(0msn.conr. Yours truly,,fu STATEMENT IN ST]PFORT OF APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF AI{ AMENDMENT TO SPECIAL DEYELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 I. INTRODUCTION Applicant, Hagopian & Penninglon LLC, is requesting approval of an amendment to SDD No. 4, commonly known as Glen Lyon Subdivision, as it affects lots 39-1 and 39-2 of said SuMivision. Applicant's request involves two separate issues which, for the sake of economies in rhe review and approval processes, are presented together. First, Applicant is seeking approval of the design and construction of a skier underpass to be located on Lot 39-1. Applicant's position is that the skier underpass requires a minor amendment to SDD No. 4. Second, Applicant is seeking clarification that the Town of Vail GRFA and height restrictions apply to I-ots 39-l and39-2. Applicant contends that no amendment to SDD No. 4 is necessary to impose Town of Vail GRFA and height restrictions on Lots 39-l and 39-2. However, Applicant proposes that the amendment to SDD No. 4 regarding the skier underpass also clarify that Town of Vail GRFA regulations apply to Lots 39-l and 39-2. II. SKIER UNDERPASS Irts 39-1 and 39-2 are vacant lots located at the eastern end of Glen Lyon Subdivision and are bounded on the south by U.S. Forest Service property and on the north by a Town of Vail streamside tract and the bikepath along Gore Creek. A ski trail easement, the Cascade Way Ski Trail (forrnerly Westin Ho Ski Trail), crosses Lot 39-1, providing skier access from Vail Mountain to Cascade Village and Glen Lyon Subdivision. The location and lay of Lots 39-1 and 39-2dictatethatthedrivewayprovidingaccesstoLots3g-1 and39-2mustcrosstheskinail. Vail Associates, Inc. ("VA") insists that a driveway across the ski trail easement is incompatible with the safe use of the ski trail by skiers. Thus, Applicant has engaged Design Worlahop and Alpine Engineering to design a skier underpass, with the driveway to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 passing over the ski trail. Applicant has an agreement with VA regarding the underpass design and the regrading of the ski trail to accommodate VA's needs, including a safe gradient, relocated snowmaking facilities, and a height and width sufficient for VA's snow grooming and maintenance equipment to pass through the underpass and access its snowmaking pumphouse upstream on Gore Creek. (See copy of Agreement entered into with VA attached hereto as Exhibit A.) VA has also obtained t]le verbal approval of the underpass by the U.S. Forest Service. VA will submit to the U.S. Forest Service an application for a grading permit for the regrading of the ski nail in VA's general 1997 summer construction permit. In connection with the skier underpass, various utility easements will be relocated, and Applicant is in the process of obtaining utility company approvals. (See letters from Alpine Engineering, Inc. and Holy Cross Electric Association attached hereto as Exiribit B.) Additionally, Applicant has the support of Vail Cascade Hotel and Club, Cascade Village Association and Cascade Metropolitan District in connection with the skier underpass. (See supporting letters attached hereto as Exhibits C, D and E.) Applicant contends the skier underpass requires only a minor amendment to SDD No.4. Section 18.40.020, zubparts B and C provide in pertinent part as follows: B. "Minor amendment (staff review)" means modifications to building plans, site or landscape plals ttnt do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special development district, and are consistent with the design criteria of this Chapter. Minor amendments may include, but not be limited to, ...changes to landscape or site plans that do Dot adversely impact pedestrian or vehicular circulation throughout the Special Development District;... C. "Major amendment (PEC and/or council review)" means any proposal to change uses... I,ots 39-1 and39-2 are located within Area C of SDD no. 4. (Apparently, there is some question by Town stalf as to whether Lots 39-1 and39-2 are included within Area C, because area C is denominated "Glen Lyon Duolex Irts" (emphasis added) and Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are in fact Single Family lots, not Duplex lots. This issue is addressed in part Itr of this Statement. For purposes of the skier underpass application, Applicant is presrrming Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are located within Area C of SDD No. 4.) Section 18.46.050 of the ordinance governing SDD No. 4 lisa Single Family and Two-family dwellings as permitted uses in Area C. Section 18.46.070 governing Accessory Uses within Area C permits "...uses cusomarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. " The purpose of the skier underpass is to accommodate skiers that would otherwise have to cross the driveway to Lots 39-1 and 39-2. Since it is customary to separate skier traffic from vehicular traffic, the skier underpass is a use "customarily incidental and accessory" to the driveway. Obviously, for safety r€asons, the skier underpass passing under the driveway is "necessary for the operation thereof". Thus, the skier underpass fits within the definition of a minor amendment. Since there is already a ski trail existing and the ski trail will remain in the same location, tlrc proposed skier underpass is not a "proposal to change uses" that would require a major amendment to the SDD. M. GRFA AND HEIGHT LIMITATIONS To understand Applicant's position that Town of Vail GRFA and height limitations already apply to Lots 39-1 and 39-2, it is necessary to track the history of the two lrts. The protective covenants for Glen Lyon Subdivision were recorded in April, 1978. Ar that time, Ints 39-1 and 39-2 were combined in a single lot, designated Lot 39. Lot 39 consisted of 2.4853 acres and was the largest residential lot in Glen Lyon. In fact, Lot 39 was almost two and one-half times larger than the second largest residential lot in Glen Lyon, and five times larger than a majority of the residential lots in Glen Lyon. In 1982, Resolution Number 10, Series of 1982 ("Resolution No. 10") was approved by Town Council, resubdividing Lot 39 info two Single Family lots, Lot 39-1, consist'ng of t.2353 acres and Lot3g-2, consisting of 1.2500 acres. Even after the resubdivision, Lots 39-1 afr,39-2 are the two largest lots in Glen Lyon. (There is a question of fact as to the exact acreage of Lot 39. One survey shows tle acreage as 2-264 acres. The plat and the covenants shows the acreage as 2.4853 acres. For purposis of this application, the discrepancy of .2213 acte is not material.) Resolution No. 10 from 1982 which divides lot 39 into two lots also provides the maximum height for buildings on the two lots is limited to 25 feet and the maximum allowable GRFA is 3,100 square feet for each lot. Resolution No. 10 states that ttre lot "possesses characteristics making it appropriate for two single family structures of a high quality, low rise nature" and that "the owner of Lot 39 and the developer of Glen Lyon Subdivision agreed to the conditions and limitations placed upon the division of lnt 39 into two separate lots.; No other reasons for the limitations are given. Resolution No. 10 mentions a "Masier Development plan" for Lot 39 which might explain the specific restrictions placed on the Lot at that time. However, no such Master Development Plan for Lot 39 was ever implemented. Furthermore, the Town's file on Lots 39-1 a\d 39:2 contains no information regarding the history of the zubdivision of Lot 39 into two lots, the Master Development Plan for Lot 39 or any other information in support of the GRFA and height restictions set forth in Resolution No. 10. In May, 1990, the protective covenants of Glen Lyon Subdivision (the "Glen Lyon Covenants") were amended by the written consent of more than75% of the owners of the Glen Lyon Subdivision, as required under such covenants. The sole purpose ofthe 1990 amendment to the Glen Lyon Covenants (the "Anendment") was to delete the more restrictive Glen Lyon GRFA covenant, thus allowing the more liberal Town of Vail GRFA restrictions to govern all lots within Glen Lyon Subdivision. In fact, Lots 39-1 and,39-2 (then designated 39 (A) and 39 (B)) are specifically identified in the Amendment as lots to which the GRFA increase applies. Thus, the Glen Lyon home owners' intent to increase the GRFA allowable to Lots Zg.1 ana3D-Z is clear. In June, 1990, shortly after the Glen Lyon Covenants were amended, a majority of property owners within fuea C of Glen Lyon Subdivision of SDD No. 4 proposed an amendment to the ordinance governing SDD No. 4 to delete the more restrictive Glen Lyon GRFA restriction tlat was still reflected in said ordinance. As a rezult of the petition by Area C property owners, ordinance No. 20, series of 1990 ("ordinance No. 20") was passed. by Town Council eliminating the Glen Lyon coveuant that had limited GRFA on lots within Area C to 4,200 square feet. Despite the clear intention of Glen Lyon homeowners to increase the GRFA available to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 as evidenced in the Amendment to the Glen Lyon Covenants, no specific mention of Lots 39-1 and 39-2 wu made in Ordinance No. 20. Town staff has recently taken the position that Ordinance No. 20 does not cover Lots 39-1 and 39-2 because they are Single Family lots, not Duplex lots. However, an analysis of the ordinances governing SDD No. 4 shows that l,ots 39-1 and 39-2 were not intended to be excluded from Area C oi SDD No. 4 based on the reference to "Duplex lots" and the failure to mention "single Family" lots. First, there is no Area in SDD No. 4 designated 'single Fa-ily." In fact, the four categories within SDD No. 4 are: Cascade Village (Development Area A), Coldsrream Condominiums (Development Area B), Glen Lyon Duplex l,ots (Development Area C) and Glen Lyon Commercial Site (Development Area D). Therefore, Area C is the only category in which Lots 39-1 ad 39-2 could be included. Section 18.46.050 of the ordinance goveming SDD No. 4 pernits Sinele Family as well as Two-family dwellings in Area C. Applicant conrends the reference in the title to "Duplex Lots" is not intended to exclude Lots 39-1 and 39-2 from SDD No. 4 based upon their classification as Single Family lots. It was more likely an oversight that Area C is referred to as "Duplex Lots" and that Single Family Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are not specifically mentioned. Second, at least since 1982, Lots 39-1 and 39-2 have been corsidered by the Town to be part of SDD No. 4. For example, in order to zubdivide Lot 39 inro rwo lots, Resolution No. 10 from 1982 specifically amended SDD No. 4. Nonetheless, Town Staffnow differentiates Lots 39-1 and39-2 from all other residential lots in Glen Lyon, sayhg Lots 39-1 and39-2 are not intended to fall within the classification "Duplex Ints" found in sDD No. 4, because Resolution No. 10 from 1982 approved the division of Lot 39 into two Sinele Family lors. A logical conclusion from Staffs position would be that Lots 39-l and 39-2 are not governed by SDD No. 4, because Single Family lots are not included within Area C governing only 'Duplex Lots". If, as staff coutends, Lots 39-1 afr 39-2 are not included in the term "Duplex Lots", as used in the ordinances adopting and amending SDD No. 4, then such Lots are not included at all within SDD No. 4, and no amendment to SDD No. 4 should be required to approve the skier underpass. However, Town Staff has determined that the skier underpass described in Part II above requires an amendment to SDD No. 4, because Lots 39-1 a1d 3g-2 are included within said SDD. Town Staffs Eeafinent of Lots 39-1 and 39-2 with regard to the skier underpass is inconsistent with Staff's treatnent of Lots 39-1 and 39-2 with regard to GPJA and height limitations. IV. CONCLUSION The inconsistent positions aken by Staff with regard to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 can best be resolved as follows: Lots 39-l and.39-2 are part of Area C of SDD No. 4; GRFA and height limitations for lots 39-1 and 39-2 are governed by standard Town of Vail requiremeDts for Single Family lots, just as all other residential lots within Glen Lyon Subdivision are govemed by Town requirements; a minor amendment to SDD No. 4 is required only as to the skier underpass, which is addressed in part II of this Statement; and such minor amendment to SDD No. 4 should also clarify that Lots 39-1 and 39-2 ue governed by Town of Vail GRFA and height limitations for Single Family lots. o AGREEMEI\T REGARDING SKIER LINDERPASS This Agreement is entered into by and berween Hagopian & Pennington LLC, a Delaware RECITAIJ A. VA is the owner and operator of Vail Mountain in Vail, Colorado. B. The Cascade Way Ski Trail (the 'Ski Trail") provides skier egless from Vail Mountain to Cascade Village, the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club (forrnerly the Westin Hotel, Vail) and Glen Lyon Subdivision in Vail. C. H&P is the owner of Lot 39-1 Lot 39-2, a Resubdivision of Lot 39, Glen Lyon Subdivision, Vail, Colorado (Lots 39-1 and 39-2 are collectively referred to herein as "I-ot 3i";. The Ski Trail crosses I-ot 39 on its way to Cascade Village, the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club, and Glen Lyon Subdivision. D. H&P and Andrew D. Norris, III, a former co-owner of Lot 39, executed a Conveyance of Easement dated August 23, 1984 and recorded September 28, 1984 in Book 395 at Page 935 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, conveying to VA a 100-foot wide, nonexclusive, perpenral easement and right-of-way across a portion of Int 39, for any use reasonably related to skiing activities on Vail Mountain (the 'Ski Trail Easement"). The Ski Trail lies within the Ski Trail Easement where it crosses Lot 39. The Ski Trail Easement is depicted in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. E. The Ski Trail Easement provides that VA shall defend and save H&P, its successors and assigns, harrrless ftom and against all liability or loss for injuries to or death of persons or damage to the Ski Trail Easement or Lot 39 caused by any act or use of the Ski Trail Easement by VA or anyone using the Ski Trail Easement pursuant to the Conveyance of Easement. F. It is contemplated that one or more residences will in the fuurre be constnrcted ou Lot 39. A driveway providing access to any residence located on Lot 39 will necessarily cross the Ski Trail Ea.sement. G. VA desires that skiers be separated from vehicles and that a skier rurderpass (the 'Skier Underpass") be constructed so that skiers using the Ski Trail Easement will pass under the driveway rather than crossing it on-grade. H. The portion of the Ski Trail Easement that is maintaiued by VA for the Ski Trail is less than the Easement granted. VA has agreed to vacate a portion of the Ski Trail Easement in order to narrow the Easement, but the exact width of the Easement will be detemrined after redesign of the Ski Trail Easement based on as-built plans. EXHIBIT d I -1- T I. The parties have the common desire to foster cooperation, including the sharing of costs of designing, constructing, maintaining and operating the Skier Underpiss, and rhi driveway to Lot 39, among the Vail Cascade Hotet and Club, Cascade Village Association (an association of properry owners in Cascade Village), Cascade Village Metropolitan District (a Metropoliun Service District) and certain other people and entiries which benefit from the Ski Trail. J. By Conveyance of Easement dated, August 30, 1984 and recorded January 24, 1985 in Book 405 at Page 580 of rhe records of Eagle counry, colorado, H&p, among others, granted to VA a nonexclusive perpenral easement and rightof-way across a portion of Lot 39 for purposes of ingress and egress to a pump house facility located on Gore Creek, upstreafii from Lot 39 (the "Pumphouse Easement"). Although unrclated to ttre Ski Trail Easemlnt, the panies desire to clarify in this document their agrcemeff with respect to said Pumphouse Easement- NOW TI{EREFORE, in consideratioa of the foregoing premises and for good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby agree as follows: I. SKIER UNDERPASS 1. H&P has the right to Gtuse to be constnrcted the Skier Underpass wirh a driveway crossing over the Skier Underpass. H&P shalt determine the time of commencement of constmction of the Skier Undeqpass upon conseut of VA, which consent shall nor be unreasonably withield. The Skier Underpass approximate dimensions : 2gf2/l:: ,,,P Width: Length: Height: 20-22 feet 12-14 feet Nonrithstanding the foregoing, the final dimensions of the Skier Underpass shall bc zubject to VA's approval, which approval shall not be unreasonabty withheld, with the objective of minimizing the size of rhe Skier Underpass while accommodating VA's needs. 2. H&P will pursre architectural and engineering services in connection with &e design of the Skier Underpass and will deliver tbe ptans to VA for approval. VA's approval shall not be unrcasonably withheld. When H&P and VA have agreed upon the architectural and gngineering plans, said plans shall be submined by H&P to the Town of Vail for its approval. VA hereby agrees to cooperate fully with H&P in ob6ining Town of Vail approval, including joining with H&P in zubmining the proposed projecq if deemed by H&P ro be necessary, and sending a reprcsentative of VA to meetings and/or hearings to support the zubmittal, including, but not limited to, an amcndment to Special Development District r\o. 4, fuea C, within which Lrt 39 is located, if necessary, and any wall height variances which may be needed. It is contemplated &at the costs and expenses in connection with the design, constnrction and -2- t [il'frenti ties- maintenance of the Skier Underpass will be allocated among the bdnefitidd \i'itld{ln a cost sharing agreement to be entered into by and among H&P, Vail Cascade Hotel Cascade Village Association, Cascade Village Metropotitan Districr andry other Club, entities who benefit from the Ski Trail; VA hereby agrees to cooperate with H&P ro obtain cooperation and financial commitrnent of the other entities o the design, construction maintenance of the Skier Underpass. The contracts with the archiecs and engineers (the "Professionals") hired to design the Skier Underpass shall provide that the Professionals be required to mainain, at their own cost and expense, Professional Liability Insurance claims arising out of errors and omissions of said Professionals and any subcontractors of said Professionals in relation to the design of the Skier Underpass in the sum of at least $1,000,000.00, which inzurance policy shall include full prior acts coverage under a claims made policy. Such irsurance shall provide that VA and H&P, their successors and assigns, and eruities involved in the sharing of the costs of the Skier Underpass, are eutitled ro coverage under such policy and that proof of such insurance satisfacrory to H&P and VA shall be delivered to H&P and VA prior to execution of the contracts wirh said Professionals and upon request during the terms of the contracts. 3. VA hereby agrees to cooperate and work closely with the Professionals in connecdon with the redesign and regrading of the Ski Trail, both where it crosses Lot 39 and above and below Lot 39. The final design of the Skier Underpass shall be subject to rhe approval of H&P and VA, which approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld. VA hereby agrees to use its best effons to obtain any permits or approvals which may be required by the Forest Service to redesigl and regrade the Ski Tnil in connectior with the Skier Underpass where ir crosses Forest Service properry. VA agrees to describe in VA's srunmer operating plan for 1997, or upon sufFtcient prior notice of H&P at such later date as H&P may derermine to be appropriate, the work to be performed in connection with the redesign and constnrcrion of the Ski Trail and Skier Underpass. 4. VA hereby agrees and acknowledges that the indemnifrcation provided by VA ro H&P in the Ski Trail Easement shall extend to and include the use of the Skier Underpass and the regnded Ski Trail within the Ski Trail Easement, including injuries to or death of persons or damage to the Skier Underpass caused by any act or use of the Skier Underpass by VA or any one using the Ski Trail pursuant to the Ski Trail Easemenr. 5. VA hereby agrees to execute a Partial Vacation of Easement in form anached hercto as Exhibit B, vacating a reasonable portion of the width of the Ski Trail Easement, to be agreed upon by H&P and VA after redesign of the Ski Trail and to be measured from the easterly boundary line of the Ski Trail Easement. tr. CLARIFICATION OF PUMPHOUSE ACCESS 6. VA hereby acknowledges that despite the existence of the Pumphouse Easement, VA has accessed the purphouse via a route that lies outside the Pumphouse Easement, with the consent of H&P. VA further acknowledges and agrees that upon request by H&P, its successors f and assigns, and in any event upon commencement of constnrction of any improvements on Lot 39, it will cease to use the route lying ouside the 39 within the Pumphouse Frsemgnt/and/or the 7. lf aay clause or provision of tttis Agreement shall be held to be invalid in whole or in part, then the rcmaining clauses and provisions, or ponions thereof, shall nevertheless be and remain in full force and effect. 8. No amendment, alteration, modification of or addition to this Agreernent shall be valid or binding unless expressed in writing and signed by the parties to be bound thereby. 9. If any party hereto shall bring any zuit or action against another for relief, declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing parry shall have and recover against the other parry, in addition to all court costs and disbursements, such sum as the court may adjudge to be reasonable anomey's fees. 10. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. 11. Aly and all warranties, provisions, rights and obligations of the parties hercin described and agreed to be performed subsequent to the termination of this Agreement shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 12. Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of each of the covenants and agreements herein set forth. 13. This Agreement may be exmrted in counterparts which, when taken together, shall constitute but one original Agreement. Facsimile signahrres shall be enforceable as if they were original signatures. 14. This Agree'ment (and any attached ExhibiB) contaiqs the entire agr€e&ent ,nd understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and there are tro rcpresetrtations, inducemenE, promises or agreemenB, oral or othenrise, not embodi€d herein. Any and all prior discussions, agreemenB, proposals, negotiations and rcpreseutations rclari'g thereto are merged herein. 15. This Agreement shall inre to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their successors and assims. H&P may assign this Agreemenr to its srccessor in interest in Lot 39 without the consenr vA. 16. The parties reprcsent and warrant to the other that the execution of this Agreement, the carrying out of tbe tansactions contemplated by this Agreement, and the performance of their obligations under this Agreement have been duly authorized by all necessary corporate or entity action. - IN WTINESS WHEREOF the parties have entered into this Agreement as ot the ft dayot Oft . ,1996. HAGOPIAN & PENNINGTON IJ-C, a Delaware limited liability company-@,M -_- VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., a Colorado corporation -5- ^tSTATE OF calcca.b) ) ss. COUNTY Or fnale- I -'Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4- *, ot OAotraz , 1996 by as Manager of Hagopian & Pennington LI,C , a Delaware limited Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 3 - ll-e tr,ty Commision Expires Miiffi STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. EAGLE COIJNTY ) Subscribed and .sworn to before Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: lt Iot lUrtup,nn b-q , 1996 by f Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado -rr.!jr:IJ:J_!-|J--J5liability tompany. eravelolrs cEmrfrcrla rr rLnnt& corcot.n, . Proa...i6.l l.r'd sorayo. r.ttrlrrd un.! rh. l&. ot tit ln,ldr ny rlFtvr.ion, r.d thAt e .urley la .cc\r..t. !.d o,(": \a-z-t*t D..nrs Co.@r4 color.do PtL.s. 16027 OArt 0f IOPOGFTfHC uFo^le . 5/2/90 .l I /,/./ SEWER MANHOLE ./ I RIM EL.:8045.9 ,t / \NV. EL. '-ao35.a / /tL/ //*o,07 .r/ /rY,/ / ///rz:pr/7,r'//;7=+;*',r'' x"ltitl sp-nt ,"./ ,/', ,EDESTRIAN ]RIOGE ,/-,. --'/ ,/t '// -&/f 7-7i \ r2" PrNE--A- accEss I.UTIL ITY EASEMENT 1go3q!2a..w CENTERLINE OF IOO.SKIWAY EASEMENT 595, PAoE 935 ,// TRACT Lo.o34 AC. '// ,"' ,/t"t' 1. \. / -:. ./,!"2'. t:: F^/ \!".' T,t- EDGE OF SK IWAY /r LOT EASEMENT BOOK 273 | PAGE 6ll " 282 , ". 883 " zl3, " \r.981 " 4o5, " 'seo LDIRT ACCESS ORIVE GLBN LYON SUBDTVISION SKTWAYEASEMENT UNPLATTED ).# EASEMENT V / \ E33I iT' t-/f, ll.!t' /s%I*W /*K 3 EXH]BITin l0l03196 . _!fAEREAS, Hagop.ian & pennington, a generar parenership (nH&p")and Andrew D. Norris rrr execuEed a co-nveyancd of Easement d,ated,August, 23, L9a4 and rec^orded Sepcember 28, i9a+ in Book 395 at. page935 of che records of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle count|,colorado, co-nveying to vA a roo-foot, wid.e, nonexclusive-, perpetulieasement.and right-of_-way across a portion of Lot 39, GIei f.,,yonSub,division VaiI, colorido ("Lot jg") for any use reasonaUtyrerat,ed eo skiing act,ivities on Vail Mountain (t.he nski traiiEasement,'r ) ; and WHEREAS, Lot 39 was resubdivided inE,o LoE 39-1 and 39-2 byPlat recorded AugusE. 28, 198d, in Book 447 at page 579 of tharecords of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle county, cororad,o; and lfr{EREAs, rhe wid.r,h of che rx i t, ^ i/' i,yffittl&?rT'.iilo t&f trrarr- Easement t/i / ht{st{ 1 6pgy6*nnddf. EAry / I p / t/d# / ffitaC ; - and I EXHIBIT B PARTTAL VACA?ION OF EASEMENT VACATION OF EASEMET{'I is made r,his _ day of1995, by Va1l AssociaEes, Inc. , -a Colorado TI{IS PARTIAL corporacion T'vAE) WHEREAS, VA has aqreed Easement, as more specifically DaEed ATTEST: SecreEary NOw THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideraEion, thereceipt of which is hereby acknowled.ged, vA hereby vacates,abandons and releases t,hat, portion of- the ski Traii Easementdescribed and depicted in- Exhibit A atE,ached. heret,o andincorporated herein by reference. Eo vacaEe a porcj-on of the Ski Trailqei fart-h harai rr 1qo4 VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. byt President STATE OF COLORADO EAGLE COUNTY ss. Subscribed and surorn Eo before me this - day of by _ as andof vail Associaces, Inc. wiiness my hand and official seal . My commission expires: NoEary Fublic , I:t:t O AE ',1. ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC,'' =:#€.. -: , Mr. Tim Pennington ' . Hagopian & Pennington I I 150 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 1200' Los Angeles, CA 90025 February 26, lggT RE: Michael J. Sliper' . enclosure cc Sherry Dorward . Dennis Hallahan Diane Larsen Holy Cross Electric Corresponrlcnce Datcd February lg, 1997 & Dear Mr. Pennington: ... Enclosed is a letter from Holy cross Electric regarding teimi and condiiions of relocating the electric facili;ies ., for the proposed driveway and skier tunnel. Plelase be-aware tttut ttre .rtirut" quot. oo", not reflect the totalcost of relocation. Not included is trenching, conduit installarion, and *ri, inJ,irr"iioi. ilr"* li"r, *riii,covered in the contract price of the drivewai/tunnel construction. -'].':.-' "'--- '"". . t-, "'. In talking with Tom Allender (V.A.), the grading permit for the u.S. Forest service property will be submitted' with rheir general summer construction permit. He indicated there would u" no probt"-, with getting approval.. He also said that a utility easement across the u.S. Forest Service property.would need to be aoi" s"i"rut"ry u'na, foresees no problems with attaining it. Responses from the phone and gas companies are still pending. we have contacted them and are still waiiing for' their correspondences' Paul Fillion (v.4. snowmakin!1 las rtiewed the plans and is satisfied.,ritrr tr," piop"os.a' layout of the snowmaking lines. He still believes that his original. estimate of $1g,000.00 is accurate. This willnot be a part of driveway/tunnel contract and will be construcied by vail Associater- ; . -. - *-. ".'- . l::,t1""-:t:::.Ti:ln"{h the Town of Vail Buildins Department, theii estimated time for buitding permit . appttcatton review will be from I to 3 weeks. Easements'andaU.S.ForestServicepermitwillberc-quiredforal|oftheproposedutilityrelocations' Thcrefore, Holy Cross Electric shouldn't need to do this separately. This may bring theii estimate down ' : somewhat' We will discuss this with Holy Cross Electric una str...y Dorwari to work out the details though a' joint effort between Diane Larsen, Tom Allender & Arpine Engineeiing, Inc. ' We will let you.know whcn Holy Cross Electric will require this payrnent. Sincerely, I I! EXHIBIT Sliper' fdwards Business Center . P0. Box 97 . Edwards, Colorado 81632 . (gt)) g26-J373; Fax (970) 926_3390 . .'. ; . ', ;HoLy cRossaLECTRtC ASSOO|AT|ON, r NC. 3799 HICHWAY 82 P.O. DRAWER 2I50 GLENWOOD SPRINCS, COTORADO 8l (r02 February 18, 1997 Mr. MichaelJ. Sliper Alpine Englneering, Inc. P. O. Box 97 Edwards, Colorado 8l 632 RE: Glen Lyon Skler Brldge Dear Mr. Sliper: Holy Cross Lot our Prlmary Electrlc Relocatlon (970) 945.549 | (FAX) 945-4oB r We have completed a deslgn and cost estimate for relocatlon of our facilities for the above referenced proJect. The estimated cost is $l0,l0O.OO, and will be due as a nonrecoverable contribution in ald of construction prior to beginning work on the project. The above figure is only an estimate. After the Job has been completed, the actual cost of construction will be determlned. Your contrlbution will be adjusted to reflect the actual cost by making a refund or funher assessment. Execution of this document congtitutes agreement to pay any further assessment In a tlmely manner. .. Our power faclllties must be Installed on an easement. Please forward me a copy of the latest deed showing current ownershlp of the proJect property. Thls copy must also show i6e book and page of its recordlng at the County courthouse. We wlll use this informatlon to prepare the easement for signature. S. Forest Service permit for its facilities. needed to ensure thatl. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Holy Cross Electrlc has lmplemented a pollcywhich requires that proJect owners provide all excavation, backflll, compaction and cleanup needed for installatlon bf the undergroundpower system extension to serve their new development. The owner must also set all vaults and install all conduits as specified by Holy Cross Electric's design for the proJect and the enclosed construction speciflcations. Holy Cross Electric wlll zupply all matirial which can be picked up by the owner at the appropriate storage yard. Tire cost of this material ls included in the job cost estimate. A Trench Rgreement will be prepared for execution by the party responsible for thls project, No excavation will be undertaken withln five (5) feet of existlng underground power lines except under the on site supervlsion of a quallfled Holy cross Electric imployee. The ro_ute ofour proposed underground power line extension must be at final grade and free of obstructions before powei line constructlon ls started. All water lines, sewer llnes, or other excavations in conflict with our proposed facilities must be completed, backfilled and clearly marked before power line conitruction can bestarted. ' Secondary voltage available wlll be I ZO/240, single-phase. It will.be the developer's responslbillty to hire a licensed electrlcian to relocate the existingelectric servlces from the residences on lot 40 as well as the service to Upper Eagle Valleyto the new pad-mount transformer locatlons. All underground services shall be installed In conduit ahead of the meter. All undergroundservices must be in conduit beneath roads, driveways, and other areas of difficultexcavation. All residential services must have an outside dlsconnect accessible at all times to Holy Cross Electric person nel. The meter housing must be positioned so the meter faces a driveway or road.10. Mr. MichaelJ. Sliper Alpine Englneerlng, lnc. February 18, 1997 Page Two I l. we attempt to complete all projects ln a timely manner. However, highest priority is given to malntalning service to our existing consumers. This fact, along with inevltable constructlon delays, will not allow us to guarantee a proJect completion date. 12. All Holy Cross Electric rules and regulatlons will be followed. When Holy Cross Electric Assoclation is in recelpt of your check in the amount of $ I 0, I 00.00, all necessary executed easements, the U. S. Forest Service permit, other permits, if required, and the signed orlglnal of this letter agreement (below), the Job can be scheduled for constructlon. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. .d? .,-,.? /'-.{// //rt"r*,"- | ., / Ted Huskey, Englneering Service Supervisor TH:rJm Enclosure The above terms and condltlons are hereby agreed to and accepted By: Title: Date: W/O#97.15526:51-59:Clen Lyon SkierTunnel l@ Reloc.hurk.y\rllp!..1.! x/*/BIT A I tl Lor 40 Lor 39-l Leo eNo S wate- Pues e Peo- Mounr TRAN' ronM eR PilMaav Etecrntc SpAt6E VAutr S tnate- PUAsE PAD- MbuNr TreNs ro f MaR Pnrianv ELEcrFtc Lor' f I t{J \\, orI $ F. td ul 3 o . IzXlsrr^rc E7 tstttv c Pfrop'oszo PRoFost o ':'PRoposso I March 4, 1997 Town of Vail Community Development Staff 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Construction of Skier Underpass Across "Cascade Way" Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Vail Cascade Hotel and Club to express support of the construction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will facilitate skier ftaffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specificalty across lot #39. I can be reached at 479-7033 should you wish to discuss this matter further. Managing Director Vail Cascade Hotel and Club DfiIBITlc 1300 Westhaven Drive . Vail Cof orado 81657 o 970.476.7111 Fax 97 O.47 9.7 O2 5 . I nternet http://va i l. net/cascadehote I' March 4, 1997 Town of Vail Community Development Staff 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Construction of Skier Underpass Across 'Cascade Way' Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Cascade Village Association io express support of the consfruction of a skier underpass by Tim Pennington, which will facilitate skier taffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across lot #39. I can be reached at 479-7033 should you wish to discuss this matter further- President, Cascade Village Association EXHIBITIQ 13OO Westhaven Drive . Vail, Colorado a1557 . 970.476.7111 Fax 9 7 O. 47 9.7 02 5 . lnte rnet: httot/ / v ail. neV cascadehotel March 13,lgn Town of Vail Community Development Saff 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Constnrction of Skier Underpass Across "Cascade Sy'ay' Return Trail, Cascade Village To Whom It May Concern: I am writing this letter on behalf of the Cascade Village Meeopolitan District to express suPPort of the construction of a skier underpass by Tin Pennington, which will facilitate skier traffic on the Cascade Way return ski trail, specifically across Lot #39. Sincerely, ilnffi*- honnLohre President Cascade Village Metropolitan District clo 333 Logan, Suite #203 Denver, CO 80203 (303) 733-0330 EXHIBIT d I VIA HAND DELIVERY Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Amendment to Application for Amendment to SDD No. 4 on behalf of Hagopian & Pennington LLC Dear Dominic: As we discussed over the telephone, Hagopian & Pennington LLC will be on the December 15, 1998 Council agenda to seek approval of its Application to amend SDD No' 4' The only amendment to the Application as previously zubmitted is the reduction in size of the proposed UuitOing envelopes tor tni tots. Phihppe Troukens of Design Workshop has already delivered to you concep1ral architectural drawings and one frrll size and two reduced copies of the site plan showing the revised building envelopes. As you can 9ee, the proposed building envelopes are signifiiantty smaller ttran initially proposed. Mr. Troukens has also provided you a 36', by 24', computer titnutut"d picture of the houses on the lots and reduced versions of the pictures. Enclosed, as you requested, are ten sets of the pictures for inclusion in the packets you put together for Council members' The following recaps our request for an amendment to SDD No' 4: 1. Irts 39-1 md39-2 will be treated under the Prirnary/Secondary Residential zone district. Z. Lots 39-1 and.39-2 will be subject to the GRFA and building height regulatiors for the Primary/Secondary zone district, resulting in the following: Dmu R. Iansnu, P.C. Attorney at law 953 S. FYontage Road West, Suite 10S Vail, Colorado 8165 7 Phone: (970) 476-8Zll Fax: (920) 476-8672 E-rnail larsvail@aol.com November 25,1998 Lot 39-1 I{t size:1.043 acres or 45,433.08 sq. ft' Building Height: 30' flat roof/33' sloping GRFA Oase): 6,021.65 sq. ft. GRFA Credit: 425 sq. ft. GRFA Total: 6,446.65 sq. ft. DIANE R. LARSEN, P.C. Dominic F. Mauriello Town of Vail November 25, 1998 Page2 Lat39-2 Lot size: Building Height: GRFA @ase): GRFA Credit: GRFA Total: I.221 acres or 53,186.76 sq. ft. 30' flat roof/33' sloping 6,409.34 sq. ft. 425 sq. ft. 6,834.34 sq. ft. 3. The building envelopes for the two lots will be as shown on the Proposed Building Envelope zurvey prepared by Design Workshop and dated 11-9-98, copies of which are submised herewith. These proposed building envelopes preserve all existing trees, as requested by staff. All future development will be restricted to the area within the building envelopes. The only development permitted outside ttrc building envelopes shall be landscaping, driveways (access bridge) and retaining walls associated with driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5' of existing or finished grade) will be permitted to project beyond the building envelopes not more than 10 feet nor more than one-half the distance between building envelope and the property line, or may project not more than 5 feet nor more than one-fourth the minimum required dimension between buildings. 4. Each lot will be entitled to a Type tr EHU (which requires conditional use approval and will be subject to all TOV regulations). For your information, at the Council meeting on December 15, 1998, Sherry Dorward, Andy Norris and Tim Pennington will each be doing a brief presentation. I will be there, but will only address legal issues if necessary. I DIANER. LARSEN. P.C. Dominic F. Mauriello Town of Vail November 25, 1998 Page 3 Please call me if you have any questions. Very truly yours, DIANE R. LARSEN. P.C.n n.t1 di/A'^!J K /Vt yJt,^- "Diane R. Larsenl DRL/ Enclosures os: Mr. Tim Pennington Ms. Sherry Dorward :,*.' t**l ; -,,e ll :."\ TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Oct.rbcr 17, l99l I)ianc R, T.arscn I.arsen & Kovacc','ich. P.C. c)-53 .(.l. {;rontage R.oad lVu-st, Suitc 105 Vail, (lokrradn 81657 llE: ProposcdmajorarxendmenttoSDDil4.Cilenl.yon,forl-ots39-1 and39-2(applicantl.,lr. Pcnn ington) l)ear Ms. I.arscn: 'l'itc (-lommuniti, i)cvclo;lmsnt l)cp3rtment has had an opportunity to rcvicw youi pron(rscd atncndmcnt to SDD #4, As discussctl wirh you last rvcek in our phorre convcrsations. staft'hiis rcscarchrd this propr:sal. cornoare<l it with devclopn,ent allowanccs on neighboring lois. an<l has dcvcltlped somc idcas which u.c belicvc will makc the prcposal accepiable to thc slaff, t"hc Plenning and Environrncntal Commission, an<l the 'l'own Council. We bclievc thai thc rcqucst can be fully supported by staff if the following issue s and concei-ns are amcndcd in the application: l. Your application rcqucsts thet both lots b: treated under tlre Single Family zonc disirict for the purposc of calculating GRFA and building height, A1l of the other lots in thc Glcn Lyon Subdivision arc subject to the GRFA calculation and buitdiug height restrictions ft,r t-he PrimaryiSccondary Residcntial z.one rlistrict. Tt'is zone district allows the development of single-farnily and two-family residential stuctures. Staffbelieves that Lots 39-1 and,39-2 should also bc subjec'i to the GRFA and building height regulations {br the Frimary/Secondary Residentiai zone district. Under these regulations Lots 39-1 ancl 39-2 would bc allovred the follor:*4nE: Page I of2 {p'un""too o* r,0!19:1 Lot Sizc: Building Hcight: GRFA (base): GRFA Credit: GR.FA Total: Lot 39-2 Lot Sizc: 1.043 acres or 45,433.08 sq. ft. 30' flat roof/33' sloping 6,021.65 sq. ft. 425 sq. ft, 6,446.65 sq. ft. 1.221 acres or 53,186.76 sq. ft. Building Height: 30'flat roofi33' sloping GRFA ftase): 6,409.34 sq, ft. GRFA Credit 425 sq. ft. GRFA Total: 6,834.34 sq. ft. 2. Thcsc lots contain and are surrounded by numerous large trees. Staff is concemed about potential impacts to these trees. Staff rccommends that a condition be placed on the approval that none of thc trecs on-site may be impacted or removed by any development on these lots. Staffrequests that you provide a tree survey of the sites showing "building envclopes" established that will prevent impacts to tree$ on-site. Thc building envelopes can bc shown on thc survey and thc survey will become an exhibit to the ordinance for this amcndment. Thcrcfore, you will not bc required to go through another process to cstabli sh building cnveiopcs. This item is scheduled for review by the Planning and Environmental Commission on October 27, 1997. t'leaseprovidcarcsponsetothisletterandasurveybyOctober22,1997 inorderto remain on this schedule. A major SDD amendment requires that the ordinance for SDD l4 bc amended and hence requires two rcadings of the ordinance by thc Town Council. Thc proposed Town Council schedulc is Novembcr 4 (first reading) and November l8 (second rcading). Tfyou have any questions. pleasc call me at479-2148. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner . Page2 of2 F F 6A LrJ 9 (r F d-uzxrx U) = asrS I ii-" f!! >i j EJ >dd 224 <g d9 to n"go,'r"lox,v9 ZbZ F(J v 2 d Ptl,) 7 d9 ( o, z {*: 3l:l 1 >l "izlll 9l F31 -)1 \J\ ri ebpe fiGFA'. 6rq6q 6.tts.bs+'l t t'?-B--rr il1grrr|J. G?.PRt 'rS,l FF. t A? A A. . Er Gvrts;b,'.' s ofosa'37"w 294.06' o . r ; r;':,: ;', :1g6poR;",'*;;"b" tt zil offi Zone 0isiricts Ra ijo/ P e tc cn ta gr C re d i',s (addcd to resslis oi.pplicato!.i of pcrcon'!a9e) HR Hillsidc Rcsidcntial 20% oi loi area cf flGl 21,730 sq. n. + 5% of lol area ovcr 21,780 sq. tt. None SFR S inglc-fanily Rcsidcniirl 25% ot lot area oi first 12,500 sq. n. + 10% oi loi area over 12,500 sq. ft. 425 sq. fl. per allovrabic ClvetticE ucii fwo-Family Re s ide n,ia I 25% oi lot arcJ ol f,rst 15.OOO 5q. fl. + i 0% oF lol irea over 15,0C0 sq, ft. and up tc 30.000 sq. ft. + 5% of lol area orer 30.000 sq.l. i25 sq. ii. p:i elio,/ablc dviclling unii P/S Primary/ Sccond! ry Rcsidcniial 25% oi lci area of first 15,000 sq. fi. + 10% al lDl arca olcr 15,000 sq. ft. and up to 30.000 sq. i,. + 5% of loi area cref 30,000 sq. i. (the seccrdary unii sha ioi. exceed,iO% oi GRFA on-siic prior to applicat;o.r ol credlt) 425 sq. ft. pef allo\yable d\,/ellifi9 unit Residcntial Clusici 25% oi buildable ioi erea 225 sq. ft. fcr single-iamily and ivo-famity slruciuies cnly LDI,lF Low Dcnsii-v l,lultiplo Fanily :0% of builCable loi rrea 225 sq. t. ',br sirgle-iar,rity aad i,,.o-famiiy sli.jcir.Jigs onii [lDlilF l,4cdium Ocnsiry MulJple Family 35% oi biitdaSle !.: aiea 225 sq. ii. fc: sir:l:-ia;nily an: txo-ianily siruciuies onlv H DiIF High Oen6iry llulijptc Family e0% oi buildable lot aiea None PA} Pu blic Accommodition 800,'o cf buildabie loi area None Conmcrcial Core I 90% oi buildeble loi area None Commcrcial Cc.c 2 00% of builCeblc loi area None Comrncrci!l Core 3 30:4 of builCable toi area Non e Comm crci3l Scrvicc Cenier 1,00/3 oF builiable loi aiea GRFA shall not exceed iO% of total buildino floor erea on an,/ site Ncne A8D Arlerial Eusiness 60% of buiidable loi afea Nooe Hea\y Service None perniited None AEricullural and Opcn Space Up lo 2,00C sq. ft. totat None (JX Outdoor Recreation None perrnitled None Parking None permifted None General Use Per PEC approval None NAP Natural Area Prescryation None permitied None Odinanc4 i3, Series of 1997 ilLt c0PI F4+5D 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 April 15, 1997 Dianc R. Larsen Larscn & Kovaccvich. P.C. 953 S. Frontagc Road Wcst. Suitc 105 Vail. Colorido 81657 De p arnnent of Comrnuniry D eve lop me nt RE: Proposcd amcndmcnt to SDD #4, Glcn Lyon, for applicant lv{r. Pcnnington Dcar Ms. Larscn: Staff has rcvicwcd your rcqucst to arncnd Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District #4 (SDD #4). Thc application involvcs two scparatc issucs: thc proposed acccss bridgc/skicr undcrpass and thc modil'ications to thc CiRF'A and hcight rcquironcnts for Lots 39-l and 39-2. Staff agrccs with your intcrprctation rcgarding thc approval proccss lbr thc proposed bridgc. Although notcd at a prcvious rnccting with Town of Vail staff that such an amcndmcnt may rcquirc t "major amcndmcnt," upon furthcr rcvicw, thc prcscnt staff bclicvcs thc addition of thc briclgc is a rninor amcndrncnt sincc it is acccssory to thc proposcd rcsidcntial uscs, docs not involvc a changc to usc within thc SDD, and docs not altcr thc basic intcnt of thc SDD. Thc plan has bccn routcd to thc rclcvant Town of Vail dcparhncnts and a complctc rcvicw of thc proposcd sitc plan will bc pcrlbnncd by statl'. Staff docs not agrcc with your interprctation that Lots 39-l and 39-2 wcre affccted by Ordinancc No. 20, Scrics of 1990. This ordinancc, passcd on July 3, 1990, affcctcd only "duplcx lots" within SDD #4, and docs not includc singlc family lots. Furthcr, thc staff mcmorandum datcd Junc I l. 1990. spccifically statcs that "thc amcndmcnt rvill not includc l,ots 391 and 3911. Undcr rcsolution #10, Scrics of 1982, thcsc lots wcrc subdividcd and zoncd Singlc Family Rcsidcntial with a hcight rcstriction of 25 fcct and a maximum GRFA of 3 I 00 squarc fcct pcr lot" (Attachmcnt A). Also containcd in this memorandum is a sprcadshcct indicating which lots arc affcctcd by the amcndmcnt, Thc spreadshcct clcarly shows that Lots 39-l and 39-2 wcre unaffectcd by thc amendment. Additionally, Rcsolution No. 10, Scrics of 1982, is still a valid rcsolution and has ncver bccn rcpcalcd. Staffbclicvcs that it is abundantly clcar that Lots 39-l and 39-2 arc governcd by thc rcstrictions in Rcsolution No. 10. Thcrcforc, any charrgc to GRFA or hcight limitations will rcquirc a major amcndmcnt to SDD #4 and a rcpcaling of this rcsolution. Pagc I of2 {j rr"ro*or*o Staff furthcr docs not support any changc to thc GRFA or hcight limitations on Lots 39- I and 39- 2. prior to 1982, Lots 39] I anA lg-Z *"r" on" lot, Lot 39 (a duplcx lot)' Thc propcrty owncr at that tirnc proposcd an amcn<lment to subdividc t-oi fS. The appiicant (Andy Nonis)' according to a staff mcmorandum dated Fcbruary l, 1982 (Attachmcnt B), rcqucstcd that thc lots bc subclivi<lcdanclproposcd..twolow-risc(l-2story)luxurysinglcfami|yhomcswithcxtcnsive landscaping and watcr fcaturcs. Hc [Andy Norrii] rcqucits that cach housc bc allowcd 3 100 ;;;;;;i";,"; Gross Rcsidcntial Floor Arca and will rcstrict thc houscs to a 25 foot hcight limitation." Thc issuc of hcight and density was of pararnount conccrn to thc staff and thc Council at that time. ttre apflicant made ihcsc concessions in ordcr to obtain thc amendmcnt and cvc.ntually subclividc thc lois. One of thc "whereas" statements in Resolution #10 statcs' ..wHEREAS, thc Town Council was of thc opinion that cxisting Lot 39 of Glen Lyon Subdivision posscss charactcristics ,-nutlng it appropriatc io, t*o (2) single iamily 'structures of a high quality' low-risc naturc" (cmphasis uiO.ai(ettu.hment C). S'tuif ao"t notbelieve this subdivision would fro* n"cr't approvcd if it wcrc not for thc proposcd conccssions' Additionally, thc subdivision plat contains a notc stating "this rcsubdivision subjcct to rcsffictions on thc Dcvclopment Plan for this propcrty on rccord *ith th. Dcpartmcnt of Community Dcvclopment, to*n of Vail, fagie C'ounty, Colorado" (Attachmcnt D). Thesc rcstrictions arc containcd in Rcsolution 10. Serics of 1982. Staff rccommcn<Js that your rcqucsts bc scparatcd into an application for a major amcndmcnt for GRFA and hcight issuc.s and a ininor amcndmcnt for thc proposcd bridgc' If you choosc to scparatc thc rcfucsts, plcasc submit an application for a rninor amcndmcnt for thc proposcd bridgc. ffyou havc any qucstions, plcasc call mc at479-2148' Sinccrclv.i( \d>,1 0 nn'"\AWt)o-rninic F. Mauricllo. AICP Town Planncr Shcrry Dorwood, Design WorkshoP Tom Moorhcad, Town AttorncY Mikc Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development Page2 of2 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECl': e\b*rLv,te',t A Pl.anning and Env j.ronmenta I Commission Department of Cornurunity Devel"opment June l-1-, L99o A najor: arnendment to Special Devel.opment District No. 4-Cascade Vi1lage, Area C, Section 18.46.100, ParagraphCr deletion of the following sentence I'No residentialIot shall contain rnore than 4200 sguare feet of GRFAper the Glen Lyon subdivision covenanLsrr, which amendsthe GRFA r:equirement to conforn to the Prirnary/Secondary zone district, Section l-8. l-3 . 08O, Density Control . " Applicant: Greg Amsden for 752 of the propert,y owners. I.DE.SCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicanl- is requesting a rnajor amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village. The request isto delel-e the requirement which states !'No residential Lotshall contain nore than 4200 sq. ft. of GRFA per the GIen Lyolr Subdivision covenants.rt 'fhe amended code wilI readrrcRFA shal-l be calculated for each lot per Section 18.L3.OBO, Density ConLrol A and B for the prirnary/secondarydj.strict of the 'l'own of VaiL Municipal Code. With thedeLetion of this restriction, the density controls forduplex Lots 1-38 and 40-52 of Area C will be governed b1lSection 1B.L3.080 of the Vail- Municipal Code. Because ofthe 1ot s:j.zes, the amendment wil. I alIow 4O of the 5L duplexlots to j.ncrease thei.r GRFA over wtrat is currently allowedby the SDD No. 4 densj.ty requirements. I'lowever, these J.otswill not be granted more than what is allowed under the Townrs density control for Prinary/Secondary lots, Theapplicant is not requesting any other changes to the development standards. II. BACKGROUNI) et the time that SDD #4 was adopted, the GRFA definition wasin the process of revision. By putting a maxinun GRFA inthe density requirement for the SDD, the developerrs intent was to lock in a specified GRFA aLlowed for the lots. This was intended to protect against future changes in theinterpretations of GRFA. The ceiling, however, became arestriction for the Glen Lyon property owners, as the GRFA requirernents did not becorne more restrictive (as the developer had anticipated). Jirn Rubin, the Conmunity Development Departrnent director at the time of the original adoption, confirms that the GRFA naximun was initlated bythe developer to guarantee the GRFA for GIen Lyon lots. ( L The appl.icant has received signatures from 76.O72 of theproperty owners approving the change in the GRFA requirement. The amendment will not include Lot 53 (Coldstream). The amendment will only affect duplex lots located in this Area(^ c. Also, the arnendment will not include Lots 39I and 39II. \ Under resotution #1o, series of L982, these lots were I subdivided and zoned Single FamiJ.y Residential with a height / restriction of 25 feet and a maxinum GRFA of 3l-oo square / feet per lot.L- TTI. SPEqI,AL DEVELOPMENT DTSTRICT CRITERTA Section 18.40.080 of the zonlng code sets forth thefollowing design criteria to be used in evaluating thernerits of a special Developrnent District. It is the burdenof the applicant to dernonstrate that submittal material andthe proposed development plan conply with each of the following standards or demonstrate that one or nore are notapplicable or that a practical solution consistent with thepubli.c interest has been achieved. A. Desiqn cornpatibilitv and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neiqhborhood and adiacent properties relative to architecLural desiqn. scaIe. bulk, buil-dinqheight. buffer zones, ident,ity. char:acter, visualintegrity and or:ientation. The granting of the request will allow for an increaseof the allowable GRFA for nany of the duplex lotslocated in the Glen Lyon Subdivision. Currently thelots are regulated by the density requirements for Prirnary/Secondary zoning with a naximun allowable GRFAof 4200 square feet. 40 lots in GIen Lyon are restricted by this naximum. It is irnportant to recognize that by deleting the maxirnum for GRFA, they wiII only be allowed to build what is allowed under Section 18. L3. OBo which regulates the GRFA on al-l Primary/Secondary lots. The mass and bulk of the buildings will increase in cornparison to what would be alLowed with the 4200 sq. ft. of GRFA maximum due tothe increase in allowabl-e GRFA. B. Uses, activity and densitv which provide a conpatible,efficient and workabl-e rel-ationship with surroundinq uses and activity. The reguest will have no effect on the uses or activities of the area. The application uiLL have no effect on the nunber of units in the subdivision. It will incrcase the mass and bulk of t,he buildingsbecause the allowab1e GRFA will be increased. The following is a chart depictl.ng the range ofadditional GRFA that would be allowed for a number oflots: # of Lots i.L IO L0 5 6 Additional GRFA oL-250 sq. ft. 250-5O0 sq. ft. 500-750 sg. ft.75O+ sg. ft. c.Cornpliance with parking and l-oading requirernents asoutlined in Chapter IA.52. Off-street parking shall be provided as stated in the SDD ordinance. This would require dweJ.ling units vrithup to 2, O00 square feet of GRFA to provide 2 parking spaces/ and dwelling units over 2r000 square feet toprovide 2.5 spaces per unit. These are the standard 'Iown of VaiI parking requirements. Conforrnitv with ar:plicable elements of the Val-l Comprehensive PJ-an, Town poLicies and Urban Design PIans. I'he application does not request any additionaL GRFAother than that which is allowed on other comparable Prirnary/Secondary lots in the Town of VaiI. There are no planning studies that relate directly to this request. Identification and rnitiqation of natural- and/orgeologic hazards that affect the property on which thespecial developrnent district l-s proposed. Geologic hazards wilL be identified and mitigated asrequired by Section l-8.69 Hazard Regulations of the Town of Vail Municipal- Code. Site p1an, buildinq design and location and open spaceprovisions desiqned to produce a functional developnent responsive and sensitive to natural features,vegetation and overall aesLhetic guality of the comnunitv. The only eLernent of the above criteria that will beaffected by this request is building design. By D. E. F. deleting the 420O square foot naximum, the mass and buLk wilI be increased over what, is currently allowedin the subdivision. llowever, the mass and bulk of the sLructures will be no more than what Ls allowed onother comparable Primary/Secondary lots l-n other areasof Vail. c. A cj.rcul-ation systern designed for both vehicles andpedetrians addressing on and off-site trafficcirculation. There will be no change to the circulation system. Since there will be no increase in density, there are . no expected j-ncreases in use that would require a'ihange to the circulation systern. H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in r:ecreation, views and functions. There wilt be no change to the existing landscaping and open space plan. Individual lots will be required to landscape 608 of lots as per the Section l-8.46.L7O -Landscaping of sDD #4. I. Phasinq plan or slrbdivision plan that wiLl maintain aworkable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the developnent of the special developmentdistrict. There will be no effect on the phasing or subdivisionplan. 23 of the 50 lots invol"ved have either existing homes or are under construction. No additionaL Lotsare proposed with this application. IV. DEVBLOPMBNT STANDARDS AIl developrnent standards for SDD# 4 are very site specific. For Area C, development standards including height,setbacks, site coverage, parking and landscaping are ln accordance with the reguirenents for the Prlmaryr/Secondary zone district. This request would al-l-ow the Area C density control (GRFA) to be in accordance with Section L8.L3.080 of the Vail Municipa)- Code. V.STAFF RBCOI'IMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request to delet,e thestatement that rrNo residential Lot shaLt contain more than4200 square feet of GRFA per the GLen Lyon Subdivisloncovenantsrr as stated Ln Section L8.?6.10o of SDD #4Ordinance fJ-O, Series of L99O as applicable to Lots j.-38 and40-52. The staff feels that thls restriction was used as a means of guaranteeing GRFA to the GIen Lyon lots andinstead, the maxirnurn becarne a restriction. We feel that thedeletion of the maxirnurn will have no negative impacts on thesurrounding properties. The amendment witl aLlow the above J-ots. Fo be control-Ied under the density reguirenents thatare uied for all other Primary/Secondaiy :-6ts. There willbe no change in the density requirements for l-,ots 39I'and39II rrhich are controlleal by Resolution No. 10, Beries of 1982.$ t ENI' GL a9 f, .'l te <lolz:fom Jg b-o z =P VALLI HI o TNACT K N SUBDIVISION -l vr(.- wal +1, 1'r \tt- May 11, 1990 Tor,rn of VaiI Planning Depa::tmentAttn: ShelIey Mello 75 So. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Shelley, In accordarlce with Paragraph #18 of the Protective Covenants of G.Ien Lyonr Subdivision, ?53 of the property owners of theprivately-owned land included within the boundaries of Glen tyon h.ave given their wrj-tten consent to amend the said Covenants (Recorded 5/2/90 in Book 528, Page L54. A copy of recorded document is attached). The amendment deletes Paragraph #17 ofthe covenants. Thj.s paragraph establis\ed a ceiling of 4200 square feet on each Iot within the subdiVision. It r,ras the developerr s intent at time of recording the original covenants to " locJr in" a specified amount of GRPA to protect against any future downward trends in interpretations of GRFA. As it turned out, this limitation actually had a negative effect on al1owable GRFA in relation to other property oivners lvithin theVail Valley. The implementation of this ceiling on GRFA into the Spec!-al Development District and Town of ValI Ordinances was doneto accomodate the Protective Covenants and p::operty olners of Glen Lyon. The applicant as)<s the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council to consider and approve the following admendment to the existing Special Development District No. 4, Area C, as defined in Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1990, Section 18.46.100, Paragraph C: Deletion of the following sentence: "No residential lotshall contain more than 4200 square feet of GRFA per the GIen Lyon subdivision covenants". If any members of the Planning and Environment Commission or the Town Council- have any questions regarding the proposed amendment, please contact Greg Amsden at 476-7990 or Andy Norris at 476- GA/meb Clan lyon - l,ot slzas and GIIFA GRFA UndcrExlsLlng Ncw Add I t,ional GRFA Amendment. Gnt:A Ava ilablc (s<1. fb,) (sq. fh.) lrlth amendmcnb of L l,oL I 4 6 B 9 10 1l T2 IJ 14 15 IO L7 1B 19 20 22 23 25 7.7 ?.4 29 30 31 32 'lt *38 *394 B 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 .49 50 5l 52 **53 ***54 si16 ( I\cres ) o.4272 o ,4026 o.4827 o.513t o.4 607 o.4574 o.4684 o.4628 o.5381 o.7851 o.?0s6 o.7698 o.B0B5 t;o.74Ls0.5626 o.5L23 o.5448 o.4536 o.4730 o.4920 0.501r. o.5092 0.5r"75 o,4374 o.4634 0.7087 o.52.44 0.6598 0.61?1 o . 62J7 o .57 7 0 0.507B 0.4289 o.4250 0. 4 416 o,4467 Q , 426a o.4609 1.2351 1.2500 0.8584 1.O494 o.4914 0.5706 0.4111 0.476L o.4350 0.4534 o,4489 o.5lo5 o.5009 o .447 4 o.4826 4.2L2L r.7 47 7 41!.1 4004 4200 4200 4200 4200 4 200 4200 42OO.= 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4155 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4200 4118 4ro!. 4t7 4 4196 4109 4200 3100 3100 4200 4200 4200 4200 4040 4200 4200 4 200 4200 4 200 4200 4199 4200 n/^ n/a unchangod rrnchanged 153 285 56 42 90 66 394r0lo 837 977 6t 915 501 242 42J lro 193 232 26S 304 unchanged 69 a44 334 735 644 658 557 262 unchanged unchanged u nelranged unchanged unchangad 5B n/a n/a x170 1586 19r 2,7 4 unchanged 124 .J 5 unchanged 536 23L unchangecl I52 n/a n/a s ta bus Lot Built DullhBullt DUIIT Bul ltBUIItBuiIt Bu ll"t BulLb BUI ItDulltBulIt BulIt BUIIE DUIIT BulIt BUIIt BulIt BuiltBulltBullt BulrE Built 4111 4004 4353 4 445 4256 4242 4290 4266 4594 52IO 5 017 57.7 7 5261 5LL6 47 0L 44A2 4623 4226 4 310 4393 4 432 4468 4504 4r55 4269 5044 453 4 4935 4A44 4B58 47 57 44 62 4 118 4 101 4L7 4 4 t 96 4 t09 4259 n/a n/a 5370 5786 4391 447 4 4040 4324 4225 4205 4200 47 36 4431 4L99 4352 n/a nla 35.9192 | * stnere Fanlly Residence r,ots not lnctudeal ln anendnent' L * *cordstreanr * * r,clen Lyon connercial Building *NoTE*3 BulIt means bullt or under construction. AfVo,J"*r-+ b I'lU[nRANDUitl 't'o:Itlanning ancl llnvironmcntal Commis sion FRoiil: l)cpartnent of Cornmunity l)cvelopnrent/Pr: tcr. Pattell DATII: February l, 1982 SUBJ[C'l': 'i\,ro antcndrlent requests for Speci.al Dcvelopnrent District 4-- Cascade Villagc/GIcn l,yon. Appl5.cant: Andy Norris Andy Norr.ig is requesl:ing tt,lo amenclnents to Spccial Developnrent Uistrict 4. Ortc is ,f or arca A of the Dj.strict--Cerscadc Vil lagc, to allorv tlre parking structur:c/athlctic clrrb bui-lding to cncro;rch into tlre cxterior proper.ty linc sctback.'l'lte sccond request is to allorv Lot.39 of 6len Lyon subdivision (Area c), ancxisting 2.48 acre prilnar:y,/ s ccondary Iot to be rcsubclj.vided into vo singlcfanrily Iots. I. AIIINDIIII]NT RIIGARDINc PAIIKING S?RUCTUIID Stil'l]ACK ilr[_!]tq!!isl' 'l'ltc rc<;ucsl: j.s to all.ow thc rclaxatj.on oli Sccti.ons lB.4(r,100 Sctbacks r,ti1:h:'cgaltl only to this buildirrg lnd 18.46.170 l)alki.ng of Sllll4 so thatthc bui.Icli.rrg contailing the parking structur:c ancl athlct j.c club cau bc constructcd t.o witlrin 2 fcct of thc northcrn propcr.ty l.ine, abtrttingthc sorrth lrrontu.gc ll,oad, rtther than thc rccgttircd 20 fcct, 'l'he Parki.ng scctj.on dic.ta.tcs that no parki.nli .i;lrall bc Loc€ltcd in any front setblrckalcir., 'l'hc 1lr:oposlrl j.s flor: undcrground lllrlkitrg to bc so locatccl . Thc l'eason llor this trcqucst lt Tlii;'tji;c^Ts'an carlicr ovcrsight irr thcoriginal Mastcr l)1an fol Cascaclc Vill.agc. I}ACKGROUND The original N{aster Plan was approved as a basic gui.dc for placernentof each structurc, but was not a dotailed clesign for cach individualbuilding. Indeed, nrinor adjustlnents in the ptacing of each structur.enaturally has occurred at the Design Rcview Uoard level. In terms ofthc parkj.ng garage and athletic club, the naster plan simply did not a1low for adequate roon for a ful.l size viable tennis court facilitywith regard to the north-south dirnensions as restricted by the existingroad, As the Cascade Village project progresses according to the adopted Master Plan and regulations contained in SDD4, each building site is ' restricted by such givens as buildings both existing and planned, roads,utility locations, etc, This piece of the ttpuzzletr--the parking stTucture and athLetic club--has sirnply been squeezed into the exterior. property setback by some of these restxictions, a situation not envisioned, of course, in the 1979 Master Plan. B. (lasc:r<f c \'.i I lagc -2- 2/l /tj2 C.It',tr)Ac't"s 0r Tiltj pRoPosAL 'I'hc brril dirrli is proposcd to bo locatccl 50 flcct florn the cxj.sting pavcnrcntof the Sotrtlt Frontagc lload, cxcc.llt rvhclc tlre rrcrv ri.ght tur-n l.anc yi.l Ibe l ocated, tllc stluctrrrc rvj.l t bc 4s fcct ar,Jay J: r'orn the l)avcncnt. Asotte tlilvcls l,lest on thc roarl the g,r:rdc chirngcs so that onc exyrcricnccslcss nncl Iess of thc buildi.ng i.mpact the fur..ther.. vcst onc gets. 'i'hc buj.lding j.s l2 fcct hi.gh at eavo Iine on tlio nortlr e l.cvatj.on rvith apl)roxi-mately a 6 in 12 roof Pitch. Thc roof nlatclial. yrr.oposcd is a gray rnetal sinri lal to thc l.'lilllacc C ondorni.rr iurrl roof s. No unsolvable problenrs cxiiitrvith }cgard to util ity locations. A substantial lanrlscapi.ng proposall,tith a I ar:gc anoltnt of cvcrglccn trees i.s proposccl for the area be ueenthe bui.lding ancl the South Frorrtage lloacl . It j.s higlrly unlikely tlrat ,r the sor.rth Frontage lload rvi.l I bc cxparrcled to four. Ianes due to irhysicalfglaclc on the sicle of thc r:oad) and t_raff ic anount f actor.s. 'l'lte conclusion frotn thc abovc facts indicatc tro si.gni.ficalrt negativeflctors i.n ntoving tlre building closc to the Propelty linc. lrlaintaining50 fcet from thc road is a sufficient rbreatiring,' distancc for snow :'ctnovztl, tninor road intprovencnts (wj.dcn shoulclcrs) atrcl visual llr.oxillrity.A pltysical hzrrclship cxists j.rr thc gjvcns of nandatory design ci.itcria(t.c.nis cor.rrts) :rnd thc cxisti.ng loRcl erncl acljaccnt buildings. Il I iCOi"ii,tiNDA'l'I 0N 'l'lrc l)c1lar:ttnent of Contntunity l)cvolol)nent rcconrncnds appr.oval of the arncncllrcntto Sdd4:tllorvj.rtg tltc pnrking.structurc/athlctic club io encroac[ lB fcct i.nto- thc north pr.opcr.ty sctback and to qual ify thc r.crluirctnent of no parkingin tltc froitt -sctback to apply to parki.ng othcr tlran critir.cly unrler.gro-un<[. 'l'hc staff fccls tlrat there arc nlininrunl inqrircts of this arncndrnent due totlrc large distancc to tlle ::oacl surfacc, tl'he building is designccl to nlitigatcvisual inqracts on tlte north sidc, and the lanrlscaping should provide a viiual scl'ecn_, fulthcr irnproving tlte aestltetics of the site clcveloprncnt. l{e agrccthat thc setback exception should bc nracle only for this buiiding, with iheprovision that otlier undergror"rnd parking could be located within requiredexterior setback areas, subjcct to Design Review Boarcl approval. TT \DIVJSION OF LOl' 39 GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION SugliEquEr Lot 39 of Gren Lyon subdivision (Areaic of sDD4) rvas created with theoriginal approval of sDD 4. The duplex lots are developed basicallyin accordance with prirnary/secondary' development regulaiions. The lotcurrently contains 2.48 acres of total site area, and the proposed division would easily neet the requirement in the Sing1e Farnily Disiriit of contain-ing 12,500 square feet of buildabl.e site area. propoled,is to have two lots, ' one of .888 acre and one of l.4B acres, while declicatingto the town .115 acre of land along Gore creek. The siream tract proposedto be dedicated is adjacent to property already owned by the town i:trrirugtra previous dedication. (l;rscirrlc Vi I l;rgo -:i- ?/ I /52 l'h'. Norri-s i.s propo.si.rrg nrrd r.ri I I cornnr j.t to n mas tel rlan fof tlrc <lcvclop-nlcnt on ljllcsc two Iots.. llc l)r.oposc.s trvo low-risc (l to 2 story) luxlrr.ysinglc frrrnily honrcs rvith cxtcnsivc Ianclscaping irrrcl watcl featur.es. llcIcqucsts tllat cach hotrsc bc al lorvcd 3100 slFrar.c fect of Gross llcsidcnt j.alIrloor Area ancl will t:cstrj.ct the houscs to a 25 foot hcii;ht Ii.nlitltj.op. B, f t"lPACrs 0F IMtr,Sf Cttrrsnlly, tlrc I ot coul cl be dcvel operl into a duplex lvith a maxi.nun f loorar:ca of 4 200 -scluar:c f ect. 'I'his is the covenant restrj.ction of wh j,ch tlte .'totvn i.s a co-siglator', and consequently, enforccr. ,l.he proposal ,voulcl j"ncrease thc allor.rablc 6RFA by 2oo0 scluare feet to 620b sluare' fcct tota l Visually, thc sitc is cluitc open a'd contai.ns only one trcc, a lrrl.gccvcrgrecn Jying very crose to thc proposcd colnmor'r rot rinc of rc t'uo.ew lots, 'fhus, :r'y dcvcloprnc^t o^ thc sitc wirl bc rcacti.ly scen bypasscr'-sby on thc.Sorrtll;;1.6n1agc lload antl I_20. Diviru.ng the lot:rniacccpti ng thc dcvcl optncrlt yrlan al lor,ls tr.ro scplr:atcfl structtrrcs of alorv ltrolij.lc natru.c, llut covcrj.ng nlor.c oll tlrc' sj.te thart undcl Irrcscntrcstr j.ction:;. 'l'lrc 2s foot hclght I j.nrj.tation rccltrccs by appr:oxinntclytcn fcct thc al lorvirblc hciglrt of tlrc str.ucturcs w1i.ch touiit bc built-Itnclct cttrrctlt lcgLrlati.otts. 'l'hc dcvcJ.opnlcnt l)I€ur rcf lccts n vcry liighqual.i.ty clcsign of structttrcs irnd thcj.r surlouncling gr:ounrls, ancl'woui4assrrrc such high quali.ty if thc {uncrr<turcnt is approvccl . Access for thc ncw castcrly lot woulcl bc proviclocl by an acccss cascfircntotr thc noltltern siclc of 1ot l. 'i'hc acccsi clrj.ve r,rould bc hcav!.ly pl.antedon thc nortlr s j.clc to reclucc thc vistral i.nrpact f ron the nor.tll. Itt supvnilly, thc result of approval of thc requestccl anenclncnt is thatdcvcloPrnent of a Iargcr portion of the site ;ou1d occur., but thc developneltwot'tld be of a Sirarantced high quality rvith nrinimal negative visual impact. c, \Y{ECOMUENDATI0N Tlte Department of Community DeveLopnent recorunends approval of the propose6division of Lot 39 into two single family lors with i.ire condition tirat-each residence be restricted to 2100 square feet of GRFA. l{e feer positive 1!gYt lhe development plan proposecl, but we consicler an increase ofGRFA of 2000 square feet to be-excessive and a grant of special privilege.Jhere- is no special circunstance or hardship iniolved ln ihe requestfor. the extra GRFA, and rve feel that we must be consistent in jridging such requests. Thus, we recommend approval of the amendment rlquesteawith a revised development plan reflLcting a naximum GRFA for oachresidence of 2i00 square feet, ( .ii l, ,i' .. ffi+ag.V,11u+1:L ) ,{ RISOLUTION #10(Serles of 1982) .q, RESO.LUTIO}I OF TI,IE 'TO\?N COUNCILA lnNDrNc splcrAI, onvrt oir,rsNr DrsrRrcr' No. a ro pnovir,r iuri-ibi"ig oF rHEcLEN LyoN.rsunorvrsiCN ldi G DrvrDEDrNro ?ryo (.2) srNcr.E naiiiiv-i,ors; pno_. VIDING^A_IIA5.IER TT.BVELO'UENI- pr,eN tisnrronr;sErrrNc_DoR?H A rivENry Fivi rz;l rooi_inicirLTMTTATION_AND THr RTy Orr-i uu*onso < sioor_ ____ seuARE^rroor lrAxr!,u cno-ss iisronurisr,r.ioon 4lEA (gRlll ._l,rurrnrrou; rrNo snmrNc roniir--'DETAILS RELATING THNNSiO.- - IIIHEREAS, the Tolyn Council has previously approved Special Development Distlict 4, commonly knorvn as Gten Lyon Subdivision, to insure its'planned and coordinated developnent j-n. a manner suj.table f,or the area in tvhich it ls situated; and. IY'HEREAS, the Town CouDciL ivas of the opinion that the existing Lot 39 of Glei Lyon SubCivsion possesses characteristics makiDg it appropriate for two (2) single family structures of a high qua.lity , ).orr,-rise nature ; and., IfHnREAs, the plarnirrg and, Environmental CoBinissign bas reviewed said amendment to Special Deve-lopment Distrl,ct 4 and recommended its approval; and LHEREAS, the owner of, Lot 39 .a,nd the developer of ihe GIen Lyon Subdivisioa have agreed to thei conditions and limitations placed upon the division oJ said lot into' t$o (2) separate lots; and, NOI\', TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Ti{E TOITN COU:\CIL OF THE TOITN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: . necrlon t. Lot 39 of the Glen Lyon Subdivision, a part of Special Development Dlstrict 4, sha1l. be ctividecl into t$,o (2) .. residential lots in accord.ance $1th the Llaster plan thereof. . ' Sectlon 2 - 'nh6 116 -l^* r.r^..-.r ---. .. ' Section 2. The llaster Development plan .for Lot 39 ancl the divlsion thereof is hereby approved and the developnent of said -divided Lot 99 shal} be in accord.ance with the tvitirin approved llaster Developmen plan and condltions herein imposed. t5.8 4' Thls restrbttlvln{on eul:JccI to ractrlcLlons on chls properuy on record ulLtr lhe Dopar:tmant of Tol.rn of V;rll, lln13l.a Courrty, Colorndo. ..: TRACT L O. O34 oc. :d'/ ^dy sKrwAY EAsEMENT .6,x/' (Book 395, Poge 9351Y' I 0 TRACT Sel PinlCop L.S. r6 827 thc Dcvclopmant llnn . for Community DcvelopmcnE, 99loe"i,v ,./ AW*en+D r-oT 39 - 2 | .Zzt oc./ / .9 B n _o ; 6z r:i I trFIL SKIW r 395 ,tJ s{' :;l:' ;l' : CEN ro o' (8oo 20' ACCE S S EASEMENT (Bk.405 P9.5Bol $, ':r s 5lB.OO' I o ) RSEN & KOVACEVICH. P.C. a LA Counselors at Law 953 S. Frontage Road west, suite 105 Vail, Colorado 81657 Diane R. Larsen Jill E. Kovacevich Tef : (97O) 476-8711 Fax: (97O) 476-A€'72 September 29,1997 VIA HAND DELIVERY Dominic F. Mauriello AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Application for Amendment to SDD No. 4 on behalf of Hagopian & Pennington LLC Dear Dominic: Enclosed please find four copies of a Statement on behalf of Hagopian & Pennington LLC in support of its Application for Approval of an Amendment to Special Development District No. 4. Also enclosed is a mailing list of the persons required to be notified of our requested Amendment and pre-addressed envelopes for your use in mailing the notices. You have confirmed that the filing fee has been previously paid. After you and the Community Development staff have reviewed our submittal, I would appreciate an opportunity to meet with you and Mike Mollica to address questions and/or concerns you may have. Please call me if you have any questions. Also please let me know the time that we will be on the agenda for the PEC hearing on October 27, as my client and Andy Nonis plan to attend. Very truly yours, LARSEN & KOVACEVICH. P.C. d^^- 4/f R!4- Diane R. Larsen DRL/kes Enclosures cc: Mr. Tim Pennington I t ORDINA}ICE I,IO. 37(Series of 198O) AN ORDINANCE Ai\IENDING CHAPTEN, 18 ''ZOI.IING''OF THE VAIL IITUNICIPAL CODE; PNOVIDING FOR I...IEIII DIJFINITIONS OF TTiE FOLLOWING TERIdS: CREBK OR STRBAM, GROSS RBSIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA, EXISTING GRADE, FINTSHED GRADE, AiiDHEIGI{T; PBOVIDING FOR NE\[ BUILDING IIBIGI1T STANDARDS; PROVIDII{G FoR A CHAI{GB TO THE SPECIAL RESTRICTIONS SUCTION OF THE HAZARD REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR CHANGES To TII]] PERMITTED USBS SECTION OF THB RESIDENTIAL CLUSTER ZONE DISTRICT, TIIE PURPOSE A}ID CONDITIONAL USES SECTION OT' THE I{EDIUtr{ DENSITY IUULTI-FAI,IILY AND HIGI{ DENSITY TIULTI-FAIIILY ZOI{E DISTBICTS, AND THE PBRIUITTED USES SBCTION OI' TIIE PUBLIC ACCOIIIfODATIONS ZONE DISTRICT; PROVIDING I'OR CfiANGES TO T1IE PABKING, DESIGN REVIEIY, AIID EI{VIBONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT SECTIONS PERTAINING TO THE 208 IYATER QUALITY CONTROL PLAN; PROVIDING r.OR A NEiT APPEAL pROCEDURE; AI.ID SETTING FORTIT DETAILS RELATING TIIERETO, WHEREAS, the Town Staff, the planning and Environmental commission, and the Town council of the Town of vail have been discussing certain changes to the Zoning code for the last 13 months; and IYHEREAS, the purpose of these changes is to improve eertain sections of the existing Zoning cocle that are felt to be deficient; and WHEREAS, the proposed amend.ments to the zoning cocle have been properly considered by the planning and Environmental commission .after notice was given and. the recommenclations of the planning and Environmental commission forrvarded to the Torvn councir; ancl IIHERBAS, the Town council is of the opinion that the zoning code should be amended as set forth belorv: It Section 2. Sections 18.10.080, 18.LZ.OB0, 18.13.O?b, 18.14.080, L8. 16, 080, 18. 18.090, 18.20. 080, L8.22.090, 18 .24.azo, 18.26.090, 18.28. 090, 18. 30.080, a.nd 18 . s2. 080 "IIErGllr" a.re repealecl and reenacted to read as follows; ,Hffi$#S; 18.12.080, 18.13.0?5, 18.14.080 and 18.32.080 HBIGIIT &or a flat roof or mansflrd roocl , the height of builclingc sha"llnot-exceed thirty feet. For a sloping roof., the heigJrt o{.buildings shall not exceea tnirty-ihree feet. Sections 18.16.080, 18.18.080, 18.?8.090, and 18.30.0g0 11.8 I \rll'I' For a frat roof er mansard roof, the height of buildings shallngt- eTgged thirty-five feet. Ior a sloping roof, the heightof buildings shall not exceed thirty-ei-gnt feet. Seetions 18.20.080 ancl 18.22.OgO HEIGIIT For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of buildings sha11not_exceed forty-five feet. Tor a sloping roof, the h;ight ofbuildings shal1 not exceeci forty-eight feet. Sestion ]-8.24.LzO IIBIGHT For a flat roof or mansard roof, the height of builclings shallnot_exceed tbirty-five feet. r'or a sloping roof the treisht ofbuildings shal1 not exceed. thlrty-eight feet. These restrictionspertaitr unless otherwise specified uy ttre Vail village urbanDesign Guide Plan and Urban Design Cousideratlons. Section 18.26.090 HEIGHT For a flat roof or.mansard roof, the heights of build.ings sha1lnot_exceed forty-five feet. For a sloping roof, the height ofbuildings shalL not exeeed forty-eight feet. These restrictionspertain unless otherwise specifiecl by the vail Lionshead, urbanDesign Guide Plan and Urban Design Considerations. Section 3. Seetion 18. bB. 1OOrlExceF Fns To Height Limit" is hereby repea.Ied, *g**o*J. The title and introd.uctory paragra.ph of SectionL6.69.05O 1s repealed and reenacted to read as follorvs: 18.69.050. SPECIAL NESTBICTIONS FOB DEVELOPIIBNTS ON LOTS IIIHERET}IE AVERAGE SLOPE OF THE SITE BENEATH THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE ANDPARKTNG AREA rs rN ExcESs oF THTRTY pERcEI'rr rN srNcl,E-nar,riii -RESTDBNTTAL, TIVo-FAMTLY RESIDENTTAL, AND Tlllo-rAtllLy pRr[tARy/ SECONDABY RBSIDENTIAL ZONES. The following addltional special restrictions or requirementsshall apply to development on any 1ot 1n a single_fimilyresidentiaL, two-family resiclentlal or two-family primai.y/secondary residential zone district rvhere the avbriee slbbeof the site beneath the proposecl structure and parking arlai-s in excess of thirty pereent. Section 5. Sectlon 18.14.020CPermitted uses 1s repealed ancl reenaqtecl to read as follorvs: 18.14.020C Mu1tipl.e-fa.mily residential clrvellings, includingattached or row dwellings and condominiunr drvellings rvith nomore than 4 units in any new building. -3- ( Revegetation - revegetir.tion slra1l be an integral part of the erosion control plan. Topsoil shal1 be saved during construetion and used for revegetation of disturbed areas. Revegetation landscaping - Such plan shall be required of any applicant proposing three 01. nore units (dwelling, commercial, etc.) in any one project. The Design ReviewBoard, or its authorized representative, may impose therequirement upon any other applicant at the Board's option. Numbers of units notwithsEancling, potential damage toexisting landscaping/vegetation shall be adequate reasoufor requiring a la.ndscaping p1an. At a minimum, plans submittecl under this subsection sha11 inclucle revegetationof land disturbed by development. The Community Development Department shall esta.bllsh and maintain a list of revegetationbest management practices. In addltion to the a.bove requirements, the Community Develop-ment Department, with the approval of the Board, oay requireany or a.11 of the following: (1) Tlming of disturbance(2) Disturbed area controls(3) Stabilization during disturbance(4) Monitoring during disturbance(5) Post-disturbance monitoring(6) \Yater quality impact report The Community Development Department shal1 establisb andmaintain quidelines supportj-ng and explaining the require- ment of these measures in appropriate cases. Inpervious cover mitigat j.on p1a.n The effects of increased, impervious cover due to development (roofs,parking lots, streets, driveways and sidervalks) shall be mitigatedin the following manner: a. The developer shaI1 attempt to minimize increases inimpervious cover through the use of techniques, such asunderground parking. The Community Development Departmentshall maintain a list of such techniques. b. Maximum use of open space shall be encourageci to mi.tigatethe impact of increased impervious cover. Tlre developershal1 present figures indicating the percentage increasein impervious cover projected as a result of d.evelopment. c. An approved NPDES permit for storm rva.ter discharges tosurface waters resulting from developments draining tlvoor more acres sha1l be presented. In lieu of such permit,the developer of an area of two or more acres may presenta 'tno discharge" storm water draina.ge plan, rvhlch may includesuch structural measures or detentlon ponds, high curbs, andinfiltration gallerles. The Community Development Departmentshall establish and maintain a list of such ,'no discharge', measures. 'r 8. -5- Section 1-3. The Council hereby finds, deLermj.nes and declares that this or<iinanee is necessary ancl proper for the health, safety and welfare of the Torvn of vai-l and the inhabitants thereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED pUBLISHED oNCE It{ IULL T}rrS { frJ aa,y ot ?;?.tz n"--,/it <--, 1980 , and a public hearing on this meeting of the ?olvn Councll ordinance shaIl bc of the Torvn of Vail , hel-d at the regular Colorado, on the ,/ffu -,.clay of 4AA4*J^-__ , 1980. T ",ATTEST: .'\ 4 ".t'.. l,/ ,/,/, INTiODUCED, READ, ADOPTED tu\D Ei.IACTED ON SECOND READIIIG Ai\fD OEDERED Pi'tsLISIiED BY TITLE ONLY THIS /TU' DAY OI 7 ^ ' . 1980. ATTBST: -7- ,' !'.:i/.'i ll ) 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970-479 -2 I 5 7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Office of the TbwnAftorney MEMORANDUM Dirk Mason R. Thomas Voorn ta ffi March 11,1997 I I Hagopian & Pennington application for amendment of SDD No. 4 Attached is a copy of correspondence to me dated March 10, 1 997 and a memo regarding Lots 39- 1 and 39-2 of the Glen Lyon Subdivision. I have discussed this matter with Diane Larsen on the telephone and, as is evident in her statement, she disagrees with the conclusion that 39-1 and 39-2 are not subject to the same requirements as all other lots in the subdivision. After you have an opportunity to review her statement, I would appreciate sitting down with you and reviewing it again prior to a meeting with Diane. She has suggested a date of the 17th or 18th, but lwill be unavailable until March 24th. _/Thanks!. .4n L.,/ | WlvlRrM/aw I U' Attachments {P "n'""'o 'o"uo 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 O7/Fat 97047 9-2 I 5 7 Office of tlle TbwnAttomey March 11, 1997 VIA TELECOPIER Diane R. Larsen, Esquire Larsen & Kovacevich 953 S. Frontage Road, Suite 105 Vail, Co 81657 Re: Hagopian & Pennington Application for Amendment of SDD No. 4 Dear Diane: I am in receip of your correspondence of March 10, 1997 , and your statement concerning the GR['A and height limitations as to Lots 39-l and 39-2 of the Glen Lyon Subdivision. I have forwarded your statement to Dirk Mason for his review and consideration. We will be available to meet with you to discuss these issues in further detail. I will be unavailable rmtil March Town Attorney RTIWaw xc: Dirk Mason R. Thomas Moorhead tPo*uo'^'o 3-1eFl997 lD'37Al,ri Dlene Fl. tar€€.r Jlll E. Kovaco\.lctl rnfnsa'rzKovAcEvrcN-{ s7a tz6 &?{ LARSEN & KOVACE\/ICH. P.C. Cguncoloi:c at [-eut 959 S. F ontag€ Fload Wct Suhe 1Os Vail. Cotorado Al Bsz P-2 Tol: (970t 4fti-afil FA',;lqror4v8-g/wz March 10, 1997 vIA IACSIMILE: 479-ztfi Mr. Tom Moorbead Toum Adorney Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Hagopian & Pennfugon Applicariou for Amcndmenr of SDD No. 4 Dear Tom,: As we discussed over thc tclepbom, I rrprcscnt Ilagopian & Pcnningtou, who will eoon be zubmiting an Applicatiou for an Amendmcnt to SDD No. 4. I anr mlosiag for ycnr leview Td .1on{de?tion my pmposcd draft of our srahnrcot in suppmt of ths Applicariou. specifically, I would like your tboughts on part ltr, GRFA ana rdiltrt r;miadons.- My hope is tbat you, Dirk and I can sit down the week I retrrn from my vacation to discu$s this.- I wtu call you upon my return to the office ou tr4arch lTtb or lgth. Thark you for your dme and consideration- Vory truly yours, IARSSN & KOVACEVICH, P.C. {,lrr"-P- /-rr.r^-rsDiane R.Larsco DRL/kcs Enclosure cc: Mr. Timothy M. Pennington 3-lA-1997 lEl:38AM rn$ser.r,zKovAcEvlcH s7a a7a g'72l^P_3 STATEMENT IN STJPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR PEC APPROVAL OF A MA.IORATT{EITTDMENT TO SPECIAL DEVELOPMEIIT DISTRICT NO. 4 I. INTRODUCTION Apnficant, Hagopian & Pennfugton LLC, is reqr.resting approval of a Maju Amcndnoot to SDD No. 4, commonly known as Glen Lyon Subdivi$ion, as it affects Ints 39-l and 39-2 of said Subdivision. Applicant's re$rcst involves tfio separate issocs which, for tbc sakc of ecoaomies ia the rcview and approval prose!$les, ae presented together. First, Applicau is seeking appn>rdl of the dcsigu uul ctmstruction of a skier underpass to bs locarcd o,rr Lot 39-1. Second, Applicant is seeking clarification that the Towu of Vail GRFA and hcight resuictions apply to Ints 39-1 and 3F2. N. SKTER IINDERPASS Lots 3Ff and 39-2 arcvacaff lor located at the eastero end of Gleo Lyon Subdivision ard boutrdcd on ftrc south by U.S. Forpst Scrvicc property ,nrl on the uonh by a Town of Vail stream$idc tract and the bikcpath along Gorc Ciwk. A ski ilail ca$elnent, the Cascade Way Ski Trail (fomerly Wcstin Ho Ski Trail), c.rosscs Lot 39-1, prorriding skicr access from Vail Mountain to Cascadc Villagc a.nd Glen Lyon Subdivision. Tha location and lay of I-ots 39-1 and 3$2 dicate thar a driveway providing access to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 nnrst cross thc ski trail. It bas been recognized by Applicutt, th Town of Vail and VaiI Associates, Irc. ("VA") tbat a driveway across thc ski trail ea$crnent is incompadble with the safe use of tbs ski trail by skiers- Tbus, Applicant bas cngagcd Design Worlshop and Alpine Engineerhg to designfigffiwith tbe driveway to Lots 39-1 and 39-2 passing over the ski trail. Applicant has successfully ncgotiated wifr VA an agreemcut regarding tlrc urderpass desip and the rcgrddilg of tbc ski Fdil to accorffnodate VA's mcds, ircluding a safe gradient, relocated snowmating facilities, and a height and width zuffrciem for VA's snow grooming aod maintenarce equipment !o Pass through the underpass and access its snowmaking pumphouse upctrean on Gore Creek. (See copy of Agreement.efiered into with VA anached Dcrcto as Exhibit A.) vA has also obtairtd tbe verbal 4pproval of the U.S. Forest Scnice. VA will submit to the U.S. Forest Senrice an applicarion for a gfadiry p€rnit for the regrading of the sXi trait in VA's general 1997 sumrner cotrsmrctiotr permir. In comection witb ttre skier underpass, various utiUty eascoents wiU be relocalcd, and Applicant iE in the process of obaining utility company appmvals. (Sw Holy Cross Electric Associatiou letter attacbed as F-xhibit B.) Additiomuy, Applican hrs obaincd tln zupport of Cascade Village Hotel, Cascade Village Association anil Cascade Meao Distri$ in counectiotr wit[ tbe construction and maintenance of the skier underpass. (See zupportiag letters attachcd hcreto as Exhibits C, D and E,) 3-tA-1997 lEl:38AM rnfnserv,/KovAcEvrcH s76 a76 8r,72O M. GRFA AND HEIGHT TJMTTATIONS The protcctive covenants for Glen Lyon Subdivision wcrc necordcd in April, lnE. At that time, Lots 39-l and 39-2 werc combined il a singlc lot, designated l,ot 39. Lot 39 consisrcd of 2.2& acres and was one of thc largest rcsidcntial lots in Glen Lyon. In 19f2, Resolwion Number 10, Series of 1982 ("Resolution No. 10") yas approvcd by Town Council, subdividing l,ot 39 ino rwo singlc family lots, 39-1, consisting of l.Ot3 acrcs ard 3F2, consisting of l.El acrcs. ResolutionNo. l0providestbemaximumhcightforb'uildingsonthc two lots is limit€d to 25 fcct ard the naxirnm allowable GRFA is 3,100 square feet for earfi lot. Resolution No. 10 s'tates tlat tltc lot "posscsses c,haracteristics making it appropriate for rwo siugle family stlrctuf€s" ?fld thar 'the owner of I,ot 39 ard the developer of Glen Lyon Sttbdivision agrcd to thc conditioru and limiations placed upon the divisio,n of l,ot 39 into tlrro s€Paffie lots. " No otber reasons for tbe linitations are given. The Towu's filc on Lots 391 and 39-2 coutains no further idormation rcgadbg ttrs hi$tory of tbe subdivision of Lot 39 into two lots or the rcason for thc GRf'A and tpight rcsrictious sct forth in Rcsolution No. 10. In May, 1990, the protcctivc covernots of Glcn Lyon Subdivision wcrE anffidcd by rhe writtcn cousent of more than 75 % of the owrars of tbe Glen Lyon Subdivision, as rcquircd undcr srch covenants. Tb6 1990 arneudment !o the Glen Lyon mvenants (the "Amendment") elininarcd thc more restictive GRFA requirrments of thc Glen Lyon covenants, allo*ingr#mr oFV.ail"GRF&lesuictionsto"goverrrd!,@.withi*,Glen&yon.Subdivisiom 'Inufactr..Loe€b asd 39-2 (then designated 39 (A) and 39 (B) to which the.GRFA increase appliesa Tbus, the Glen Lyon home owtr€f,s' iutent to ircrcasc thc GRFA allowable ro I-ts 39-1 ailil 3F2 is clear. Iu June, 1990, sho$ly after tte Glcn Lyon coveirants were ameudcd, a majority of Property owrtcrlt within Area C of GIcn Lyon Subdivision of SDD No. 4 proposed an anendnent to the ordinqnce Amendrueil to the Glen coveDanls. tb clear intcntion of GIcn Lyon homeowuers to increase &c GRFA available to Lots 39-l and 39-2 as evidenccd in Oe -Amendunsg{etbs6l€&tr Jt(l4*mvF[a$s-"ne$peeifumcilion of.Iots".S$l*and€9'Z.werao# "sl*gliffiMegHocre\ter, an analysis of tbe ordinances governilg SDD No. 4 sborns that I.ots 39-1 and 39-2 must be irrlude&in {*e*.G.of.SDD4lo:,*&spite-thetlftrcneetc,If,[rflllr .lot6,1.erd-thB failuIe" to.E€otion,:!$iwlr* Faurry l"lote. First. therc is no Area in SDD No. 4 designatcd "Sinqlc Fapily._: In fact, the fom caregories within SDD No. 4 are: Cascade Village (Development Area A), Coldsrream Coudominiurrs (Developurent Area B), Glen Lyon Duplex Iots @evclopurcnt Area C) and Glen Lyon Commsncial Site (Developmeut Area D). Lot$ 39-l and 39-2 have always beefl considercd by tbe Town to be pail of SDD No. 4. Applicant conterds said loB are co,nsidered to be part of the residerrtial area desiguated "Area C" in SDD No. 4 and that the term 'Duplex I^ots" in Toum of Yail Ordinances adoptiDg ed P-4 feocnt 3-1A-1997 16:39AM FRlRsENyKovAcEvrcH s7a L76 8e7{P.6 !!. t... t'.-: amending SDD No. 4 is not intended to exclude Lots 39-l and 39-2 from SDD No. 4. It wu morc likely an oversite tbat Single Fmrily Lots 39-l and39-2 are not specifically mentioned as bcing subject to Town of Vail GRFA ad hcight limitations. Nomtbelcss, Town Staff has iliffereniatcd Lots 39-1 aud 39-2 from all othpr residcdial los in Glen Lyon, saylng LoB 39-l ard 39-2 are uot inreflded to fall withirr the classification 'Duplex Lots" fouDd in SDD No. 4, because Resolution No. 10 ftom 1982 acknowledges tby should be rcgarded as Singlc Family lou. A logical conclusion fiom Staffs position would be tbat Los 391 ard 39-2 arc gg governcd by SDD No. 4, bccause Sfugle Fanily lors arc rot addressd at d! wi&iD SDD No.4, and tbrefore are Dot included withiu ArEa C governiug only "Drrylex Lots". If lrts 3g-1 end 39-2 are not inctuded in the terrn "Duplex Los'. as ussd in.t$F-.o-dinarrcEs adopting and amc4dir-tg Spq No. 4. as qtaf.f.contc.nd$. then.they arc not includcd at elt wirhin SDD No. 4. and no amcndment to SDD No. 4 sharld be rcouild to aDprovc tbs Skietun- dcroass. Howerre;, Town Staff has detcrnined that the skier undcrpass dcscribed in Part tr abovc rcquires a }{ajor Amcadnnent to SDD No. 4, because t.ors 39-l and 39-2 arc iruluded within said SDD. Town Saff s reatment of Lots 39-l and 39-2 with rcgard rc tbe skier bridge is inconsisrm with SafPs treafite$ of tots 39-1 ad 39-2 wirh regard to GnfA anC Height limitations. IV. CONCLUSION Thc inconsistent positions nken by Staff with regard to Loa 39-1 and 39-2 can be resolved in only onp way: Lots 39-1 rfr39-2 were innended to be pan of Area C of SDD No. 4; GRFA aDd h€igbt linrfietieas for Lots 39-l and 39-2 ate governed by sandard Tocm of Vail reguirements for Single Fanily lots, since all residential lots within Glen Lyon $ubdivision arc governed by Town tequirements; an Anendment !o SDD No. 4 is rcquirEd only as to tbe skier uldcrpess, wbish is addresscd in part tr of r}ri-c submittal; ald a slarification should be nade in tbe Amendmem to sDD No. 4 that Lots 39-1 afr,3}a art governed by Town of vail GRFA aDd height limitations for Single Family lots. ,O TOW OF VAIL 6/a 7l Soxth Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 01 -47 9 -2 l t 8 / FAX t 0 j -47 9 -2 1 t 7 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: D e p artm en t of P ah Iic Work slTr an sp or tati on UEI'TORANDI]I'f ShellvMello^,,r Gres i{all ,Dfl -. February I, 'L99). Private Road Standards for Lots 39t AOt 4J. And PossibLe ],ot 42; Glen Lvon Subdivision 'v t'd) $r s/ */ l-- The Town of driveways as tl Sectj,pn L7 .28 -streets. olt defines It appears that the access easenent granted to access the lotsmentioned above meets the definition of a private street The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section |Z.ZB.330 provides thedesign criteria of rninor (private) streets. built, 40. existinq on lot The issue at hand is howdoes 24t of roadway surface fit into a 201easement. There are two solutions, one is to contact, the ForestService to see if an encroachment onto Forest Service land ispossible, as currently a part of the existing roadway encroaches.The other solution would be to provide at a ninimum 18 t of pavedvridth and two l-' shculders as Long as the Fire Departnrent signs offon the substandard road. I would prefer the first option, however,if the Fire Department signs off on the latter solution then Public Works will too and the second nay work, If you have any guestions or need additionaL inforrnation, pleasecontact rne. cc: Dick Duran as currently there are two dwelj.ing units Vail Municipal Code Section L7.28.320.E /nl Westln Sklnay Undcrpass, Mee ng Notf s, g/U/94r Dtrgc 25' f.fil;;;:;i1ilrf:'.ll* art other opcn issurs on rhe r.or 3e *iair, li-tr,e i,;i;;f resotved ar thc samc time (i.e. ,eauciion of thc "tiiiry e*ri.;;1;l::::*tnl; vcrific.ation rhat a partial vacalion of rhe "ll";;bt. ;i1;)."" o*on approvcd; change in trt" ttno*r'oi;;i;;ir1i;g 6' I^,'., ff : H:,:,'l1 ; i:::,i,li ;::','$,i ril: jl r::1 !h e i r c on, n a t i b i r i r v e q u i p m en r, r c wi-r i " ro cr, e" I, r,r, i," ri'il^f;Til ""ill I fi i' l::XlJ;modificarions ro sno-wmrkine.d.;iir.;irn"iiu, ur"r. Ir was agrccd rharl:::l;ii:r,,:r rhc drivcwavi,ioei _r,""rl'i" zr, *ia" rarhcr ihan 20, 7, :i_111 Tim pcnningron,will coo.p.eratc in drafring arr opcralins andmarnrenance al]ccn)cnl for thc sfiway, V.il-fcgat deparlmcnt willdrafl the docu;rent ono.ron_"iniion;, ir"ylrlirr rcvicw. ThcBsrecmenl wiil also cj:fly*liw v; ;i;, J;; its purnp srarionupatrcom aftcr the two homes aru "onstru.i"Jon I_ot 39.I' Phetps and ungari reconrmc-ndecr rhat vA incrudc the skiway undctpassconsrruction projccr in^irs 1994,u;;;; ^uini"on., program in orderto expedirc rhe Foreer $ervice,s;;;i;t;;;il;ls, (rhis was done3122194.) .--- v uLwrcrvrr vrescs 9. The Forest $ervice will requirc a sedimentarion fencc and pond durineconsrrucrion ro avoid sedirneni ii;;;ill;i;,iore creck. % "#\ EIDON 8ECfi ASSOCTATTS I ntd I'l,rrrrrirrl Reitnt I )(.riHrl Urban Dcsi4n li ds( a p(' Ar( hitc( lrrrc tBA Al[|ne 500 [a Liclshcad Circlc Vail, Colotadu Sl652 (30J),t7(,.0d68 tAx 476.7u,O tttA paciiir l7l ( .rrkrr llr il'r' S.l|l l,lriJ(.1, ( ,rliiorIi,r tj.lt,{l.l (4lt) 491.47];| lAX 47_q.67ltt ( A f95tt Morch 26, 1994 3II1I94 MEETING NOTES SubJect: To: Fronr: o t Separated Crosslnc at Glen Lyor Lot 39 rod Weetln SklwayPartlclpante: Kriian pritz ana Ore;-rifiiffi of VailMite Litson, Vail Associqtei lich phelps atd Bruce Ungari, White River NFRob Lowe and Chrir Hanei, Wcstin Hotctlln Pennlngtoh, Lot 39 owner G_erl Araolil, Vail Associates tegst departmentSherry Dorrvsrd The purpose of the two mcetiugs w8s to ev.trate two srrernativris forsepsrating skiere aad car6 on tb'e lower Westiu Ho Ski;;v askie;onriorm l:"dr:l:.:_11d.._'pass),.thcn ro aeree o" , p*rrrrua;i;;;;'rti;;;iiiJ",,ry lastc6 to galn approval. Thc conclusigne of tbe groupl t. After reviewi-ng three-dirnensionsl models a'd aB eDgineer,s costcouparison of tbe two alternatives, the group agreed wlth the owncr ofLot 39 tbat tho ekrer uuderpafs rs prereiobte foi t.uiooi or.ori, - visibiliry ard impact oo Gore creik. tt is doubtfui iic towo wouro ,n approve the overpass scheme, whicb would rleo be harder to fund. \ | :-r:,11:_r,o.t sl-js in a speciat developncnr dietrict, and becgusc tf,.'tOn .ri \JorolnaEcerortbat.l.rearlidnotaoticipateaskierbridge,KristanPritz feeh the proJe cr vnt requtrc approval by rh;ii;";i;;";J ----.- - -- Envlroumental commrssion triblbr a rna;or rmendu-ent to the $DD, asvellartworcad|ugratTow[Counc|taudrpprovalbyDer|3lRcv|cw Board (DRD), PEC_ witt also bave to approvi wall height virianccs.Kristan recouuended an initial joint ivirr Bession wiir pec uoa nnnto identify any major problemr eirly in the review proceos. 3, Thc plans for the.underpass will be revised to (a) realig,n tbe skiway rothe wesr so rbat tbe.rropigradient and tbe snouit of gladrng on Forestland can be reduced, pir Mlte Larson's recouocndati6n; (b)-add adrainage provisioa.to taudle rrope runoff undcr rhe bridgii (cl aoo a-totreer otr the dowatilt side of the btidge to ocrccn the wafc; (di sbowkeystooe bloc* rather tban cast-lo-plice corcrcae as tbe building material, 4, .The application for PBC/DRB revlew must include a revised plan'drawing, an- elevalioa drawing of the bridgc, and written tettirs ofagreeatetrt from VA, the Westin, tbe Cascale Metro Districtl and the Cascade Village Association. Poet lt' brand fax trensmittal rnomo lt7l tolpre.r ) a ffi,-, 3? ^2 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT (SDD) SUBM ITTAL REQUIREMENTS This application is for any projcct that is applying for a ncw SDD, or making an amcndrncnt to an cxisting SDD. DEFINITIONS Major Amendment - Any proposal to change uses; increasc gross residential floor area: change the numbcr of dwelling or accomurodation units: rnodifu. onlargc or cxpand any approvcd Special Developnrent Districts. Minor Amcndmcnt - Modifications to building plans, sitc or landsuapc plans that do not altor the basic intcnt and character ofthc approvcd spccial dcveloprncnt dishict, and are consistent with the design criteria for spccial dcvclopnrcnt districts. Minor anrendnrents ffay include, but not be lintited to. variations ofnot more than five fcct to approved sctbacks and/or building footprints; chauges to landscapc or site plans that do not adversely impact pedestrian or vchicular circulation throughout thc Spccial Developrncnt District; or changes to gross floor area lexcluding residcntial uses), ofnot rlore than five pcrcent (5%) ofthc approvcd squarc footagc ofrctail. officc. comnon arcas and other nou-rcsidcntial floor arca. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-apptication confercncc with a planning staff mcnrbcr is strongly cncouragcd, No application can bc acccptcd unless it is complctc. It is thc applicant's rcsponsibility to nrakc an appointmcnt with thc stall'to dctcrminc additional subrnittal requircmcnts. SUI]MITTAL REQUIREMENTS FEE: S1.500.00 - EstablishnrcntofaSDD $ I .000.00 - Major Anrcndnrcnt $ 200.00 - Minor Amcndment Thc tbc must bc paid at thc tirnc of subrnittal. Stampcd, addressed cnvelopcs and a list ofthe names and nrailing addresses ofall property owners adjacent to the subject property, including propcrties behind and across shcets. Thc applicant is responsiblc for correct nanes and mailing addresses. This information is availablc from thc Eagle County Asscssor's ofticc. A massing model depicting the proposcd devclopmcnt in rclationship to developmcnt on adjacent parcels. I. It. I II. iort usrJ t/fr gDg r er.d.* )4".05 &)6;x' 6 / Pagc I of3 Four t4 ) copics of thc following: {11 '-,;=:t' A survcy starllpcd by a liccnscd survcyor indioating cxisting conditions of thc propcrty to bc includcd in thc special dcvelopnrcnt district, to includc in location of inrprovcrrrcnts. cxistirrg contout lincs, natunrl fcaturcs, cxisting vcgctation, watcr courses, and pcriurctcr propcrty lincs of thc parccl. A viciniry plan showing thc proposed inrprovcments in relation to all adjaccnt properties at a scalc not srnaller than l"=5()'. A proposcd sitc plan, at a scatc not snraller than l" = 20', showing thc approximatc locations and dinrensions ofall buitdings and structurcs, uscs thcrcin. and all principal site devcloprncnt featurcs, such as landscapcd arcas, walkways. service cntries, driveways, and oll'-shect parking ard loading area.s with proposed contours aftcr grading and site dcvelopnrcnt; A preliminary landscape plan, at a scale not smaller than l" = 20', showing existing landscapcd features to be retained or rcmovcd, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped sitc developrnent features, such as outdoor rccreational facilities, bikc paths and trails, pcdestrian plazas and walkways, water foatures and othcr elcnrents. An opcn space and recreational plarr sufficicnt to nrcct thc dcmands gcncratcd by the dcvcloprrrcnt without undo burdcu on availablc or proposed public fbcilitics; Ar'&tr Prclimina$.b*rilding elevations, scctions arrd floor plans, at a scalc not snraller than onc- cighth cquals onc foot. in sullicicnt dctail to detcmrinc floor area, gross rcsidcntial floor arca. intcrior circulation, locations oflusc.s within buildings, and gencral scalc and appcarance of the proposcd dcvclopmcnt. A complctc set of plans dcpicting cxisting conditions ofthc parccl (sitc plan. floor plans. clcvations), if applicablc. A conrplctc z.oning anirlysis of cxisting and proposcd dcvclopnrcnt to includc a $quarc footapc brcakdown of all proposed uses, parking provided, and proposcd dcnsitics. bU.!e .** eatdle5,t 5 1;h r o"ter.g.' A written statoment dcscribing thc nature ofthe projcct to includc information on proposed uses, dcnsitiqs, nature of the dwelopment proposcd, contemplatcd owncrship patterns and phasing plans, and a stateurent outlining how and whcrc the proposed devclopment dcviates frotrr thc devclopnrent standards prcscribed in the propcrty's underlying zone district. Photo overlays and/or other acccptable tcchniques for dernonstrating a visual analysis ofthe proposcd dcvelopmcnt in rclationship to existing conditions. An Environmental Impact Report shall be submittcd to the $,dministrator in accordance with Chapter 18.56 hereofunless waived by Scction 18.56.030, exempt projects. u ,c at +"[r* Sn."rtftripr [,'.$5u cn.'L .€.ji-Page 2 of3 o u Additional infornration or ntatcrial as dccurcd ncccssary by thc Adrnirtistrator. PLEASE NOTE TI{-AT ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMPLETE, TIME REOUIREMENTS A. Thc Planning and Environnrental Comrnission rncets on thc 2nd anil 4th Mondays of each ruronth. A conrplctc application lbmr and all acconpalying nratcrial (as describcd abovc) must bc acccptcd by thc Community Dcvclopnrcnt Dcpartrncnt by the appropriatc submittal d:rtc, which is a nrininrurn of four (4) wccks prior to thc datc of the PEC public hearing. Incourpletc applications (as dctermined by the plamring staff) will not be accepted, B. All PEC approved conditional use permits shall lapsc if construction is not conrmcnccd withirr onc year ofthc datc ofapproval and diligently pursued to conrpletion, or if the use for which the approval is grantcd is not commeuced within onc year. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requircs a scparatc review by any local, State or Fcdcral agency other than thc Town ofVail. the application fce shall be increased by $200.00. Examples ofsuch rcvicw, nray includc, but arc not linritcd to: Colorado Dcpartment of Highway Acccss Pcnnits. fumy Corps of Enginecrs 404, etc. B. Thc applicant shall be rasponsiblc for paying any publishing fecs which arc itr cxcess of 50% ofthc application fce. If, at the applicani's rcquest, any rnattcr is postponed for hcaring. causing thc Inattcr to bc re-publishcd, then. the cntirc fcc for such re-publicatiou shall bc paid by thc applicant. C. Applications dccrncd by the Conununity Developrncnt Dcpartmcnt to havc desigtt, lalrd usc or other issucs which nray have a significant irnpact on thc corlrnunity ntay requirc rcview by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a dctermination bc nade by the Town stiaff that an outsidc consultant is needed, thc Cornrnunity Dcvelopmcnt Dcpartrncnt may hirc the consultant. Thc Dcpartrncnt shall estimatc thc amount of nloncy ncccs$ary to pay thc consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to thc Town by the applicant at the tilne of filing an application. Expctses incurred by thc Town in cxcess of thc amount forwarded by thc applicant shall bc paid to thc Town by thc applicant within 30 days ofnotification by the Town. Any cxcess funds will bc returncd to thc applicant upon rcvicw coutpletiott. IV. VI. Pagc 3 of3 I i =- oa-zl .l ---A oodt -A*l'-t=* 9;"^rk--- -?r:e-L: t28o - &,SAt Q-;n: fr lr^r.a. --te/== atrl;co$le. o /9, e/€. /o-o e 4o$p 3-24-1 9Sl7 lat: I 3AM Diane R. Iffs€rx Jill E. Kovacevich TO: MR. DIRK MASON FIRM: TOWN OF VAIL FROM: DIANE R. I-ARSEI'I ACEVTCH 976 4-76 ffi72 LA8SEtr\I & KOVACEYICU, P.C. Cornselors at IJw 953 S. Ftontag€ Road We*, $ui& 105 Vail, Colomdo 81657 Much 28, 1997 TACSIMII,E CO"VDRSHEEIT Office: WA'4JffiTll Ftx: 9701476,l86ij/i2 FRS4 LARSEN,/KOVo P_l FAX NUMBER:47*2/.25 MESSAGE; COPY OF LETTER TO TOM MOORIIEAD ENCT.OSED NTJMBER OF PACES N{CLUDINC CO\IER SIIEET: 4 IF YOU E)ffERIENCE ANY PROBIEMS OR DO NOT RECETVE AI.L YOUR PAGES, PLEASE CALL (f/0) 476-8711. fiIAf.IIt you. G0!{TIDET'{TIALITY NorrrcE: The docrments eocmparying rLis f3;5 Fansmlsdon contain confidentiel inforuation which b legnly prfUtet"i. 'ite-infornadon is htffdedonty for the use of the recipient named above. tf you trave ruceived this fsx iD emqr,pbase immediately notiff rsbytelephoue tourmgeforrttrunof ttreori$nd doqrst€ffiitou+ andyou arehenebynotifred thtanydlsctsune, copying, dltributboctletaung of any actron fu relianoe on the ontentc-of this fex fofoiluion ls drlcfly prohibftf4. " 3-28-1997 lQl:l3AM FROvI LARSEIVKOVACEVICH g7A 47A gE72 LARSEN & KOVACEVICH, P.G. Councelorr gl t.Bw 953 3, Foftrge Flotd We*. guiF rOS Vat. Colorarb Ale$7 P-2 Trl! (97O) 4?'E-4711 tuz1g7ol47oJ#72 Di6ne R. l-crEen J E Kovaoerrich rr&Ich 2E, 1997 via fax 476-2L57 Mr. Tom Moorhead To*n Attomey Toum of Vail 75 South Front4ge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Amcndncrit to sDD No. 4 to Permit skier underpass on rot 39-1, Glea Lyon Subdivision Dcar Tom: I lcft you a voice rnail message Wednesday, but thougbt I should elaborate id a leficr. I have bccn adviscd by Sherry p*""tC of De$ip Workshqr, w[o is also represenring Ha_gopian & Pcmiagton IJ.C in its applicaflon !0 ased sDD No. 4, tbat Dirk lrdason stggestoo !o- her tlat a trqjor amendm€'*t to SDD No. 4 is rnceseary to cotrf,.tnror a skier ud€rpass on Int 39-1, to acconnodate skier$ $o lby will not have to crcss thc drivcway to Lots 39-l and 39-2. It is my 'rndcotanding ftom Sherry thar the $ason forDirt's corclusionthat a major anenduent is necessary are sosrc tr\dssting Notes" Dirk found in the Town of Vail file on h6 3g-l snd 39-2. The Meeting Notes were pr€eard W snerry Dorward aDd dated Malch 26, lgg4, and state in pafl "Because Lnt 39 is in a special develqmct district, and because tbc SDD ordinance for that arca did not anticipate a skier bridge, Ifti$tatr hitr fcels rbo project will require approval W tbe Plenning rnd Environmenf,al conmissiotr (pEC) of a major amendmed to the sDb..." After some discussion, Shcry and I dicagreo with the conclusion that a mejor amendrcnt is nece$sary with rcgdd !o the skier udcreass. Section 1E.46.050 of the ordinance governitrg SDD N9. 4 pctmits Single and Two-fmily dwellings as a usc by right in Ar€a C. Con6itionar uses include public park and rccreational facilities. Scction 18.46.070, Accessory Uses, pcrmits i..'*o cttstonarily incidsntal and accessory to pErnitrcd or corditional uqes, and ncce*ry for thc ope'ration thsreof. " The purpose of the skicr ruderpass is to accomrnodatc skiers that rrrordd othEm'ise haYe to cnoss thc driveway to Lots 39-1 d 39-2. Ccrtainly, tla stder underpass is a use customarily incidcnlal- afid accessory to the driveway, and nccessary fq tbs o,peration thercof. It is not a c;hangc of usc that would require a m4ior amcudurcm to&c sDD. - 3-28-1997 1@:l4AM DRUcc: Mr. Tim Penningtoa Mr. Dirk lvlason rc,t 976 476 &72 Vcry truly youm, I.ARSEN &, KOVACBVICII, P,C, Diass R. I^a*gea FROTI LARSEN,4<OVAC€VI o P-3 I.ARSEN & KOVACEVICH, P.C. Mr- Tom Moorhead Tov.rn of Vail March 28, 1997 Page2 Ratbcr, thc skier uuderpass is esse,uially a modifieation to a lardscape pla$ that do€$ mtalter the basic intont and character ofthe ap,proved speciar dcvelopncnt di$Eict o, tlc unccrfi is a charrye to a landscape ptan that does noi aotc*rery iqeact pcieffian or vchicular cirsulariom luoygno.ut the special dernlopmcm district, uotb of bucl arJ "rrmin"a a" miror a6dmcnrs. See Section 18.40.020 B. If the skier urrderpass is dcrcrminod b be a minor ammdment, my clients wiu pmceod scpararcty on the underpa$ approval, which will hasten the "pptoroi procgss as well ascommeEEem€fi afld completion of consfrtrction, the GIIFA i;tter would be addr€sged separately. - I have not yet hrard a reqtonsc to m1r let&er t0 you regardhg G1FA. Ilave you had achance ro discuss my analysis with Dirk l\dason? on-Mondiy, rrdr.nI, lwr, we witl be Suniaing tbc applicationoa behatf of Hagopian a Pcnnington LLC for an amendment m SDDNo. 4. In accordance with our tclephorrc com,crsatiou whco y* wene in Arizona, we rnay haycto fiIe the application ard then resolve the issucs I bave raised with rqard to whether theulderpass ftluirel a rnajor or minor arnendmenr and.wherher Towq of vailEnrn r;qrrt;rr*r;akeady apply to t6ts 39-1 ard 3$2. or wM to discuss this furtlrer. .t RESOLUTION #10(Series of 1982) A RESOLUTION OF TIIE TOi?N COUNCILAMENDING SPECIAL DEVELOPI,IENT DISTRICTNg:-_a To PROVIDE iHnt LoT 39 OF THEGLEN LYON SUIIDIVISION I,,tAy BE DMDEDIIIg--Tlvo (2) SINGLE IAI{ILY i,oTS; PRo-VIqINC A MASTER T)EYELOPMENT PLAN THEREFORE;SETTING FOR?H A TWENTY FIVE (25) FOOT HEIGHTLIIUITA?ION AND THIRTY ONE HUNDRED (3100)SQUARE FOOT MAXIMUIII GROSS RESIDENTiAL T,LOORAII+_(cnFA) LTMTTATToN; AND SETTrNc FORTHDETA]LS RELATING THBRETO. *HEREA., the Town council has previously approved special Devel0pment District 4, commonly known as Gren Lyon subd.i-vision, to i-nsure its planned and coordinated devel0pment in a manner suitable for the a.rea in which it is situated; and- WIIEBEAS, the Town Council was of the opinion that the existing tot 3g of Glen Lyon subdivsion possesses characteristics making it appropriate for two (2) single famiry structures of a higb quality, low-rise nature; and., I{HEREAS, the planning and. Environmental commission has reviewed said amendment to special Devel0pment District 4 and. recommended its approval; and WHXREAS, the owner of Lot 39 qnd the developer of the Glen Lyon subdivision have agreed to the\-conditions and r-i-mitations placed upon the division of said. lot into two (2.) separate rots; atld, No'ltl, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE TowN couNcrl oF THE TOI{N OF VArL, COLOnADO, THAT: 'Sect ion l- .Lot 39 of the Glen Lyon Subdivision, a part of cl iv idecl into two ( 2 ) I\,laster Plan thereof . Plan for Lot 39 and the the development of said 4, sha1I be with the Development approved and t ql- )-.,- a"ccordance condit ions with tbe within approved. herein imposed. I ,\ t Wb),;..;4 ry bEEJ ). V-7\%a e,. ( -2- Section 3, $be maxlmum height of buildings on Lots 89 (A) and 39 (B) of the GLen Lyon Subdivision, as herein approved, shall be twenty five ( 25) feet as determined in accordance with the applieable provisions of the Vail Zoning Code. Section 4, The maximum allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA) on Lots 39 (A) and 39 (B) of the Glen l-,yon subdivision as herein approved, shal1 be thirty one hundred (3100) square feet eaeh, TNTRODUCED, READ, ApPROVED AND ADOpTED THIS 16TH DAy OF FEBRUARY, 1982. ATTEST: Colleen K1ine, Town Clerk -*J, I ORDINANCE NO.20Series of 1990 AN oRDrNANca AMENDTNG ORDTNANCE No. 10, sERrEs oF L990, SPECTAIJ DEVEI.OPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4,SECTION 18.46.100 C, DENSITY FLOOR AREA, AREA CGLEN LYON DUPLEX LOTS TO PROVIDE FOR GROSS RESTDENTIAL FLOOR AREA TO BE CALCULATED PER THE REQUIREMENTOF THE PRI},IARY/SECONDARY ZONE DISTRICT SECT}OIT rE.r1.OSODENSITY CONTROL' AND SETTING FORTH DETAIIS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS' chapter l-8.4o of the vhil uunicipal code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town; and WHEREAS, the Town councir approved ordinance No. 10, series of 1990 special Deveropment District No. 4 cascade village; and WI{EREAS. a najority of the property owners within Area C, Glen Lyon subdivision of speciar Development District No. 4 have requested to amend section l-8.46.1-ooc of special Devel0pment oistrict lio. 4; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environnental Cornmission has recommended that the €rce.e Reeid,entia]. Floor gr€a for Duprex 4ots within the Glen Lyon subdivision be calculated per Section r.8.r-3.o80 of rhe Vair uunicipal code; and ?/s TJeng:{x cJftQ WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town ancl its citizens, inhabitants, and'vj-sitors to amend Ord.inance No. 10, Series of 1990 to provide for this change in speciar Developrnent Distrj.ct No. 4, Cascade Village, Area C Glen Lyon Duplex Subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. All the procedures required for a Major amendment to an SDD as set forth in Section L8.40.100 have been complied rvith. Section 2. Section L8.46. 100 Paragraph C, Density Floor Area, Area C, clen Lyon duplex lots is hereby amended by the #i&tffirm of the following sentence: 'lNo residential lot shall contain more than 4200 sq. ft. of GRFA per the GIen Lyon subdivision covenants. il Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha1l not affect the validity of the rernaining portions of this ordinancei and the Town Council hereby declares it, would have passed this ordinance, and. each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or rnore parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases by declared invalid. Section 4. The Town council hereby finds, determines and decrares that this Ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety andlielfare of the Town of Vail and inhabitants thereof. Section 5. The repeal or the repeal and reenactnent of any provisions of : vair Municipar code as provided in tbis ordinance sharl notaffect any right which has accrued, any duty irnposed, anyviolation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, anyprosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as conmenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed orrepeared and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shallnot revive any provision or any ordinanee previousry repeared orsuperseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 6. AlI bylaws, orders, resorutions and ord,inances, or part,s thereof,inconsistent herewith are hereby repeared to the exlent only ofsuch inconsistency. This repearer sharr not, be construed torevise any by1aw, order, resotution or ordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. rNT[toDUcBD' READ AND pAssED oN FrRsr READTNG THrs 3rdJuly , t-99o, and a public hearing shaLl be held ordinance on the 3td_ day of July , l_990 atin the Council chambers of the Vail Municipal ,Building, day of on this Z: lO p.rn. Vail, Col-orado. Ordered published in full this 3rd 66y ^€ hrlrr\J r- 9 9+/, L990. ATTEST: INTRODUCED' READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDEREDPUBLISHED hv rirte on.ly this lTrh aay "f-- -.l"iy , 1990. ATTEST: 2 Rose, Panela A. Brandmeyer, gown CtEiE Town ClerkParnela A. LARSEN & KOVACEVICH, P.C. Couns€lors at Law 953 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 1O5 vait, colorado 81657 Diane R. Laraen Jill E. Kovacevlch T€l: (S7O) 476.8711 Fax: (97O) 476-a672 March 4. 1997 via hand delivery Mr. Dirk D. Mason Deparfinent of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Amendment to SDD No.4 as it Affects Lots 39-1 and 39-2 Dear Mr. Mason: This firm represents Hagopian & Pennington LLC, the owner of Lots 39-1 and 39-2, GIen Lyon Subdivision. I met with Sherry Dorward and Tim Pennington after your preliminary meeting with them on February 21, 1997 , regarding preparation of the Application for a Major Amendment to SDD 4 to approve the skier underpass to be constructed on Lot 39-1. Tim and Sherry mentioned that Lots 39-l and39-2 were treated differently with respect to GRFA than other duplex lots in Glen Lyon. I did not recall anything in the Town's file on Lots 39-L or 39-2 that treated said lots any differently than the other residential lots in Glen Lyon, so I did some research regarding this issue in preparing the written statement to be submitted as part of the Application for Amendment. My research has confirmed that l,ots 39-l and 39-2 are governed by the GP.FA ar.C height requirements set forth in SDD No.4 for all duplex lcts in Glen Lyon. If you will recall, Lot 39 was initially a single lot, designated Lot 39. In 1982, the Lot was approved for subdivision into two Lots, then designated 39(A) and 39(B) and now designated 39-1 and 38-2,by Town of Vail Resolution #10 (Series of 1982). Resolution number 10 provides the maximum height of buildings on Lots 39(A) and 39(B) shall be twenty five (25) feet "as determined by applicable provisions of the Town of Vail Zoning Code. " Obviously, at that time, the Town applied standard Town Code provisions to Lots 39(A) and 39(B). The GRFA for each of Lots 39(A) and 39(B) was set at 3,100 square feet each. At that time, the Glen Lyon covenants (recorded April 4, 1978 in Book 268 atPage 698) limited the GITFA allowable on any lot allowing either one or two dwelling units to 4,200 square feet, less than would be allowed under the Town Code. However, in 1989, the Glen Lyon homeowners amended the Glen Lyon Covenants to eliminate entirely the 4,200 square foot limitation on GRFA . The Amendment was recorded Mav 20. 1990. LARSEN & KOVACEVICH, P.C. Mr. Dirk D. Mason March 4, 1997 Page 2 IUy research shows that in 1990 when the horrieowners amendcd the Glen Lyon covenants, Section 18.46. 100C of SDD No.4 governing floor area in Area C read as follows: GRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section 18.13.080 density control for the primaryisecondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code. No residential lot shall contain more than 4,200 square feet of GRFA per the Glen lyon subdivision covenants. See Ordinance 10, Series 1990. At that time, and as of today, Section 18.46.140D governing height of buildings in Area C reads as follows: "The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat roof. " A majority of the property owners within Area C, Glen Lyon Subdivision of SDD No. 4 then requested the Town to amend Section 18.46.100C of SDD No.4, and PEC recommended that the GRFA for duplex lots within the Glen Lyon Subdivision be calculated per Section 18.13.080 of the Vail Municipal code. As a result, Ordinance No. 20, Series 1990 was passed on second reading July 17, 1990, deleting from Section 18.46.100C the 4,200 square foot limitation set forth therein, thus imposing the requirements of Section 18.13.080 on all duplex lots in Glen Lyon, without any further limitations. In neither the Amendment to the Glen Lyon Covenants adopted by the Glen Lyon hcmeowners or C)rdinance No. 20. -\eries of 1990 are L,ots 39-1 and 39-2 treated any differently than any other duplex lot in Glen Lyon. Based on my analysis, therefore, no action is required with regard to changing the GRFA allowable to Lots 39-l and 39-2 or the height limitation, as long as my client is not asking to change the GRFA from that allowable to Lots 39-l and 39-2 under Section 18.13.080 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code or the height limitation set forth in SDD No.4 Section 18.46.140D. I would appreciate it if you would review the documents referenced herein or any other documents of which I am not aware to confirm my analysis. I will be out of the office for one week beginning this Saturday, so I will need to know before Friday if you find anything contrary to my conclusion, so I can adequately address any issues in my client's Application to Amend SDD No.4. LARSEN & KOVACEVICH, P.C. Mr. Dirk D. Mason March 4, 1997 Page 3 Thank you for your expedited review of this matter. I will call you Wednesday to answer any questions you may have and to obtain your input. Very truly yours, LARSEN & KOVACEVICH. P.C. dl,*.*-t4&',-"^ Diane R. Larsen DRLi cc: Mr. Tim Pennington Ms. Sherry Dorward ,i0 *Tf ,''ArriL 's AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. L2,SERIES oF L989, To PROVIDE CHANGES To AREA D REQUIRBMENTS THAT CONCERN PARKTNG PROVISTONS,. AND MICRO-BREWERY AND EAST BUILDING ADDITIONS; AND SETTING FORTH DETAIT-,S IN REGARD THERETO WHEREAS, chapter 19.40 of the vail- t'tunicipar code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Towni and WHEREAS, the Town councir approved ordinance 12, series of 1989 Special Developnent District No. 4; and WHEREAS, Gren Lyon office Building, a colorado.partnership, has reguested to amend the existing special Development District No. 4, Area D,. and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recornrnended that certain changes be nade to speciar Developnent District No. 4i and WHEREAS, the Town Councit considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Tovn and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact ordinance No. L2, series of L989 to provide for such changes in special DeveLopment District No. 4, Cascade VilJ_age. Now' THEREFORE, BE rT ORDAINED BY THE TowN couNcrl oP THE TowN oF vArL, coLoRADO, THAT: Ordinance No, 12, Series of 1989, is hereby repealed and reenacted, as follows: Section 1. Arqendment procedures Fulfilled PIanni Commission Report. The approval procedures described in chapter Lg.4o of the VaiL Municipal code have been futfilled, and the Town councit has received the report of the Planning and Environroental Commission recommending approval of the proposed developrnent pran for speciar Development District No. 4. Special DeveJ-opment District No. 4 and the development plans therefore, are hereby approved for the development of Special Development DistricL No. 4 within the Town of VaiI . ll.tlv Section 2. Spe ial DeveLopment District No. 4 A11 offices,. businesses, and services perrnitted by Sections 18.46.050 through 18.46.070 shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for pennitted unencl-osed parking or loading areasr and the outdoor display of goods' The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishrnent displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property' Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shalL not be obstructed by outdoor display' l-8. 45. 090 Density--Dwellinq Units nunber of dwelling units shall not exceed the following: tlwo hundred eighty-three point five (283.5) dweJ-ling units, total maximum with a minirnum of three hundred thirty-eight (338) accommodation units br transient residential dwelling units and a maxirnum of ninety-nine (99) dwelling units as defined by the table in Section L8'46'Lo3 A-D' 1"8.46 30 Locatlqn of gqEineqE-Is-J-ity The A. t4.8.45. 1.00 A. A. B. I B. c. D. Sixty-five (65) dwelling u4its Area c. Glen LYon Duplex Lots one-hundred four (L04) dweLling units' Area D, Glen Lvon Commercial Slte Three dwelling units, two of which sbal-l be employee dwelling units as defined by the table in Section L8 . 4 6. l-o3F. Densitv--Floor &rea Area Af c-Csgqqg--villagg The gross residential floor area for all buildings shall not exceed 289'445 square feet, excePt that the total maximum GRFA shall not exceed 292'245 square feet if Millrace Iv scenario 2 (32 A.U.'s) is constructed' Area B, Col.dstream Condominiurns sixty-five thousand square feet (65,000 s'f') GRFA' B. ffi;lculated for each lot Per section 18.'L3.080 density control A and B for the prinary/secondary district of the Town of Vail rnunicipal code- No residential 1ot shall contain more than 4'2oo square feet of GRFA Per the GIen T'yon subdivislon covenants' Area D Glen Lvon Comnercial site Tbe gross residential floor area for the two ernployee dwelling units shall be 795 sguare feet and 9oo sguare feet respectively' The gross residential floor area for the free marFet dwelllng unit shall be 1'630 square feet'' I8.46.102 Co,mmercial Sguare Footaqe A. Area A' Cascade Villaqe Area A shall not exceed 56'538 square feet of comrnercial area' commerclal uses include retail' office' theatert restaurant' uses listed in Section 18'46'050 A-l-' and the sPecial attraction use' D. Ii.,0 B. Area D shall not exceed L6'73o sguare Phase I & II or 15'584 sguare feet of per the approved development plans' associated uses shall be constructed develoPment PIan' feet of office for office for Ptrase aII Tbe micro-brewerY and per the aPProved 18.46.103 ve1 tistics for aA Site J Setbacks 1l Area A. Cascade Villaqe Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each developnent plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, witlr the exception that ttre setback requirernent adjacent to the existing cascade parking structure/athletic club building shal} be two feet as approved on February B, L982' by the Planning and Environnental Commission. AII buildings shall maintain a 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek. The Waterford and cornerstone buildings shalL maintain a 20 foot setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Coldstream Condoniniums setbacks shall be as indicated on the developnent Area C, GLen Lyon Duplex Lots Reguired setbacks shal-l be governed by Section 18.13'060 setbacks of the Prirnary/secondary zone district of the Town of vail Municipal Code. Area D. GIen LYon Commercial site Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the apProved developuent Plans. B. t.' t /l c. D. $t8.46.140 Heiqht A. B. For the purposes of SDD4 calculations of height' height shatl mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or Inansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved developrnent plan drawings. Area A. cAeqgle-V.rllare. 1_. The rnaximurn heigtrt for the westin Hotel , cuc Learning center, Terrace Wing, P1aza Conference Building and Cascade Parking Structure/Athletic Club is ?1 feet' Creek. Area B Reguired plan. [,. ,, I9 ( cornerstonfuildi j Maximum height I tt t"lt. Waterford Buitdinq: Maximurn height of 48 feet as measured frorn finished grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation (South Frontage Road) and west elevation (Westhaven Drive). A rnaximum height of 40 feet as measured from the lowest floor of the parlcingr structure to the roof eave is approved for the south and east buiLding elevations. A rnaximurn height of 61 feet as measured from the l-owest floor of the parking structure to the roof ridge is approved for the south and east buiLding el-evations' Westlraven Buildinq: A rnaxirnurn of 55 feet. l{illrace III: A rnaximum of 48 feet. Millrace IV: A maxirnum of 48 feet. Cascgde cl-ub Addition: A maximum of 26 feet. cascade Entry Tower: A rnaximurn of 36 feet' The remainder of buildings l-n Area A shall have a maximum height of 48 feet. c.Area B. Coldstream Condorniniums The rnaximum height shal-l be 48 feet. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. E. *D. Area C, Glen Lvon Duplex Lots The maximurn height shalL be 33 feet for a sJ'oping roof and 30 feet for a flat or mansard roof. 51* of the roof shall have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 49t of the roof area shal"l have a height under 32 feet. on ttre perirneter of the buil-dings for Area D' height is measured frorn finished grade up to any point of the roof' on the interior area of any buildlng, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point of the roof' Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D. F 20 J <ftrD 11 IU tabte in section 18.46.103F. ffid'S,100 :Ildnsjty--Floor Area A. Area A. Cascade Villagg The gross residentiallloor area (GRFA) lor all buildings shall not exceed 2g9,145 square feet. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Sixty{ive thousand square feet {65,000 s.f.) GRFA. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duolex Lots GRFA shallbe calculated for each lot per Section 18.13.080 density controlA and B for the Primary/secondary district of the Town of Vair municipar code. D. Area D. Glen Lyon Cornmercial Site The gross residential lloor area for the two employee dwelling units shall be 7gS square feet and 900 square feet respectively. The gross residential floor area for the free market dwelling unit shall be 1,680 square feet. 18.46.102 CommercialsquareFootaoe A. Area A. Cascade Village tuea A shall not exceed 35,698 square feet ot commercial area. Commercial uses include retail, office, theater, restaurant, uses listed in Section 18.46.050 A-1 , and the special attraction use. B. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercialsite Area D shall not exceed 16,730 square feet of office for phase l, lA & ll or 15,Sg4 squate feet of office for Phase lll per the approved development plans. The micro$rewery and associated uses shall be constructed per the approved development plan. 18.46'103 Develqpment Statistics for Area A. Cascade Village. and Area D. Glen Lyon CommercialSite *E { '?s 7 Required sehacks shall be governed by Section 18.13.060 Setbacks of the Primary/secondary zone district of the Town of Vair Municipar code. D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site Required setbacks shall be as indicated on fie approved development plans. :S0.46.1tfil Heqht A. For the purposes of SDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is rnore restrictive)' at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard root, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved development plan drawings. B. Area A. Cascade Village 1- The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Learning Center, Terrace Wing' Plaza Conference Building and Cascade Parking Structure/Athletic Club is 71 feet. 2. Cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet. 3. Waterford Building: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished grade to any portion of the root along the north elevation shall be 55' (South Frontage Road), 56'along the west elevation Westhaven Drive, and 65 feet along the south and east erevation as measured rrom finished grade. 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum ol55 feet. 5. Millrace lll: A maximurn of g6 feet. 6. Millrace tV: A maximum of 36 feet. 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 96 feet. I' The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 4g feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The maximum height shall be 4g teet. 8. Area C. Glen Lyon Duplex Lots The maximum height shall be 33 teet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat or mansard roof. E. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 51% of the roof shall have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 4gv" of the roof area shall have a height under 32feet. On the perimeter of the buildings for Area D, height is measured from linished grade up to any point of the roof. On the interior area of any building, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point of the roof. Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D. 18.46.160 Site.Coverage In Areas A and B, no more than 35"/o of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or educafional center, 45a/o ot the area may be covered unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. ln Area C, no more than 25% of the totalsite area shall be covered by buildings, unless tre rnore restrictive stiandards of Chapter 18.69 of the Vail Municipal Code apply. In Area D, no more than 37% ot the total site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure. 14 J_ ORDTI.IANCE NO. 5series of 1976-- AI'I ORDINA}ICE..ESTADLISHING SPECIT\T DEVELOPI,IENTDrsTRIcr 4 AND-Ari4ENDrllC ure- idfri,{o oRDri.rANcEAND TIIE OFFICIAL ZONIN' M$---''- IVIIEREAS, Article l, Section l.Z0l. of Lhe Zoning ordinance, ordinance No. g, serics of lg?3, of the Tolen of Vail, colorado, as amended, establ-ished thirleen zoning dis_ tricts for t.he nunicipaLity| one of rvhich is the Sl:ecial Development Dis Lri.ct ; limited $IHEREAS, Mansf ier.d corporation and core creek Associates, 4>artnership, submitted as oe/ners applications requesting that the ?own establish Special Dcvelopmcnt District 4. hereinafter referred to as xSD4", for bhe development on its parceL of Land comprising 92.52 acres in the portion of thc tions Ridge area, County of Eagle, SLate of Colorad,o, which vras annexed to the Town effective on the l6th day of December, I9Z5; !,IHEREAS, the establishnrent of the requesled SD4 vilL { ensure unified and coordinated deve l0pme nt . ancl use of a crit.ical\ sitc as a whol-e and. in a manner suitable for 're area in rvhich it is situated; and I{HEREAS, the Town Council. consi.ders tha-r it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficiaL to the To\.rn and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to estabr.rsh said sD4; NOI{, TI{EREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE TOI.IN COUNCII, OF THD TOVIN OF VAIL/ COLORADO, AS POLLOI{S; Section I. Title. This ordinance shall be knorvn as Establishing Special Development District 4,,. Section 2. Amendment procedures Comnission Report. I I\ ll (The amendment procedures prescxibed of the Zoning Ordinance have been fulJ.y complied Council has received the report of the planning -1 the "Ordinance FuIfilLed; PJ.anning in Section 21.500 lri th and the Town Commission recommending - ) (_, t.hc cnactmcnt of this ordinance. , section 3. socci.al DevelopmenE District 4 Estabtished; Arlcndments Lo Zoning Ord.inance and Offic].al Zoning :,lap. pursuant to the provisions of Arhicles f, 13, and 2Lof the Zoningi Ordinancc, Ordinance No. 8, Scrics of 1973, of the To',/n of VaiI, CoLorado, as amencled, Special Dcvelopment District,4 (SD4), a special developmcnt zoning disbrict, is hereby cstabLishedfor the development on a ccrtain parcel of .Land conorising 97.52 acres 1n thc Lions Ridge area of the Tol,/n, and the Zoning Ordinance and the ofriciaL zoning llap are hereby amendcd by the addition ofche folJ'owing provisions which shalr becoxilc thc Fourt,h chapterof Article i.r, the caption of which shall be ,,Srecial DevelopmentDistrict 4", and a map vrhich shal_] become an addition to the Of f icial Zoning ryap: A. purposes. Special Developmcnt District 4 is establishcd to ensure comprehensive devclopment and use of an area in a mannerthat will be harmonj.ous vrith the general character of the Tor,rn,provide aclequate open space and recreaLional amenities, andpromote the objectives of the Zoning O.Edinancc; Special Deveiop_hent District 4 is created to ensure that the development densityrr'il' be rclatively r-ow and suitable for the arca ancr the vicinltyin which it is situaLecr, the deveropment is rcgarded as conpLernentaryto the Town by the Town Council and the pl-anning Cornmission, andthere are significant aspects of the specl-aI clevelopment trhich cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zoningdistricts on the area. B. Special Development District 4 Established. (1) special. Deveropment District 4 is establisheafor the deveLopment on a parcel of land comprising 97.52 acres asnore particularly described in Exhibit A Legal Description attachedhereto and made a part hereof; Special Devel-opment District 4 and said97.52 acres may be referred to as ,,SD4,,. l2l The District. shaII consist of four separate 2"/-2- u development alcas, as identified on the aCtacbed map consisting of the follorving approximate size: pEVr:,-t,OpIlENT AREA ACRI;ICE A 16. 8? u ,o* t tt * t1 ." 3+ Ilcvcropmen t Area rr is norv o'necl by the iransf ielcl Corporation, nominee. Development Areas B, C, and D are norv otvned by Gorc Creek Associates, a Limited par-tnership otganizcd under the 1aN,s of the State of Coloraclo. C, Development plan Rccluired. (f) Befoxe the orvner commcnces sitc preparation, building constluetion or othcr improvments rvithin SD4, there shall be an Approvccl Dcvelopmcnt plan for SD4. DcYclopment of SD4 m.rv be phased by Dcvelopment Area and rvj.thir Dcvclopnlent Area but a sufficlent amount of informa.tion shall be supplied rvith respecr to all Devel0pmcnt Areas in orcrer to alro*, ,re pr.anning comrnission ( and Tolyn Council to ensure thc compatr.bility of any proposed Devclopment plan with the rcmainder of SD4. (2) Each DeveLopment Area shall bc subject to a single Development Plan. Devclopment plans for a portion of Development Area must conrpry with thc provisions, terms, a.ncl conciitions of the Developnent pla.n for the Development AIea. (3) A proposecl Deveropme't pra. for sD4 sharr be sub- mitted to the Zoning Aclmini-strator rvho shalr refer the Deveropment Plan to the Planning Commission and to the Design Revierv Board, which shatl consicler the plan at a regularly schccluled rneeting, and a report of the pl.nning cornmission setting Jorth i.ts findings and re commenda.tions shall be transmitted to the Toryn Council in ac- ( .o"dance rvi r the appJ.ica.ble provisions of Article 2l hereof. \ J\-h I (4) Upon rcceipt of chc proposcd Dcvcloprnent plan and Planning Comrnission report, the Toryn Council shall determine rvl:ether the lrlan is aceepta.ble to thc Tolvn in accorclancc rvitn theapplicable provisions of Sections Zl,SOS and. 21.506 hereof. Thisdetermination by the Town council srra1l be made through its enactmentof an ordlnance arnending the provisions o-t sD4 to ineorporatc theDevelopment plan as an amenclment thereto, anct shal1 become the approved Development plan. (5) The Approvecr Devel0pment pran shali. be used asthe principal guicte for al-r cleveropment lyithin sD4. Amenclemncs toan Approved Devslqprosnl plan rvhich do not change its substance andrvhich are duly recomrnencled in a report of the planning Commission may be approved by the Torvn Council by resolution, Eaclr phaseof development shall require, Drior to issuance of builcling permits, approvaL of the Design Revietv Board in accordance with applicableprovisions of Article lS hereof. D. Contcnts of proposecl Development. plans. (1) Before any site preparation, builcling cons[ructionor improvements of any area tvithin SD4, tha cler.elol:er shall submitto the ?oning Administrator an overall Environmental Impact Reporcfor sD4 in accordance with the appricable pr.ovisions of Articre r.6hereof; provicieci that suclr overarl nnvir.oumentar. rmpact Report sharlbe supplementecl lyith respect to each Devclopment Area as hereinafterprovided. /.,\\-./ j.s not limited to I A Proposed Development plan sha-Il inclucle, but the following data: 1. The complete Env:.toget hei -wi;r-;' i;;;Tff $i.i'g;;l"ff;:;1",rmpacr Report whicL' brint.-ir.I'."iiii""rReport to a current status, supplementingsuch report wj.thment Area "" D;;"i:;fi:il li"ll"r3;;ii:5-and is acceptable to the zo" i"s -;diin istrator. 2, trxisting contours-having contour intervalsof not more than five 181-i""i-ir^""",the_average srope or-trie'"ii!"ii-zo pu.cent or less tvi r.contour intervals or notmore than ten (10) feer if ir,"-.ulioiu "rop"of.the site is grearer that ZO pex cent.TI:"lilg and pr6posed ";;;;.;; iii"i=s"oaineror each phase. {!\-,\\4 rovr-;-81-eF--- l'. fl I 3. n conceptual sitc plan, at a scalc notsmaller rat one (i ) f ncn = .10 J.cet,sholing thc locat j.ons and c.li.rnensions ofalI buildings ancl str.uctures, uscs thereln,and al1 princrpxl sitc clcvclopment .teatures,such as landscapccl ,r'r.cr= .c".Lattiou:rlfaci 1i t ies, peclistriltl plazai-ancl *,:rll<rv:rys,service cntries, drivcrvays, ancl ofI_sLrcet pat,king and loatling al_cas 4. A preliminary l,anclscape p1an, at ascaLe not smaller thrir one (i) incfr =40 feet, shorving existing landscapefeatufes to be retaj.llca 6r rcmoved, andshorving, proposecl lanclscapi.ng andlandseaped site clevclopn.ot i"rtu""u,such as an outdoor r:ccieational Jacillties,bicycle paths, trails, pedestrianplazas and lvallirvays, woter feaiures andother e.Lements for each clevelopment area, 5. PreLiminary building elevations, sections,and floor pLans, at a scale not smallerthan 1/B inch = I {oot, in suif j.cientdetail to cletei.'mlne ftoor arei, grossresidentj.aL floor arca, interior circulc.tion,Loc:rtion oI uscs rvithin builclings, andthe general scale ancl appearance of theproposed developmenl foi'each devclopment area. 6. A proposed pl.an of per.hing, Ioading,traffic circulation, and lransit ficilities;and a proposed progrurn for satisfyingtraffj.c and transportlrtion neecls generatedby the cievelopment for. each development area. 7, A volumetri.c model of the si.te ancl theproposed developmcnl, at i. scale lrotsms.l1er than.l inch = IOO fcet, porrr.ilyrngthe scale ancl relalionships of tfre proposeadevelopment to the sitc ancl illrrqtr-"r.i,,.,the foim anct mass or. urie prop;;;;";;;i;i"g.for each clevelopment' :rrea. 8. An architectural model of each pl.oposedbuilding at a scale deemecl apprbpr.iate totlte development by the Zoning Aclministratorportraying design cietaiLs for each phase, 9. A proposecl program inclicating order ofconstruction phases , tra.nsportation f a.ciJ.ities,and recreational amenit ies-. 10, A proposal regarrling the cledication to the Townor private ownershj.p and maintena-nce of thatportion of the Devel.opment Area rvithin the IOO_year floor plain of Gore Creek, In the event theL0O-year flood plain is not dedicatecl to the Toivnsuch lands shall be subject to a. right of public. access to Gore Creek, and the right to use aportion of such lands for a .bicycle path, andfor pa.rk purposes providecl that tbe Location anduse of such facilities ancl access shall be deter_mined by mutual agreement betrveen the Tolvn andthe orvner of the clevelopment areas involved. E. Permitted Uses. i i drve I (, r'-\lings, t\.ro-f amiLy *SingIe-f ami J.y residentia.I rcsidentj.al dlelIing and rcsidentiaL clustcr drrcllings shall bc permitted uses in Development Areas A, D, ancl C. Tr,;o family drve)-Iings, residential cluster drvellings, and multiple family dwellings shall be permittecl'uses in Development Areas A & 8,. Professional offices and business offices, nith a total gross floor area not to exceed ten thousand (10,000) square feet, shall be a permitted use in Devclopment Ar.ea D. F. Conditional Uses . Thc follorving conditiona.L uses sha.l1 be permitted. subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accorclance with the provlsions of Article 18 of this orclinance, for the various Development Areas as hercin specifiecl: CONDITIONAL USNS ]]EV]iLOPIIENT ARIA-A B C D Private clubs, civic, cul turaland fraternal organizations Public urility and puUfic services Public buildings, grounds and facilities Public park and recreation facitj.ties Ski lifts and tovs Institutional or educational center: proviclecithat if said centex is constructecl , th-cn thefollo|ing shal1 be conditionaL uses inconjunction theretvith: lodges inclu clingaccessory eating, drinking or recreationalestablishments--not occupying more than 20%of the total gross floor area of the lodge tovhich it is accessory;Public or commercia.L parking facilities;Professional offices, business oJfices andstudios. The term "Institutional or Ed.ucational Center,, shalL mean a. public or private institution for learning, instruction or continuing education. such fa.ciLities may be utilized for seminars or educational programs and may incrude conference and meeting rooms, audio-vj.sual facl-Lities ancl necessary accessory useage such as dining rooms and efficiency drvelling units; The phrase "efficiency d'elring uni-ts" sha1l mean any roon or group of rooms without furr. kitchen Jaci.lities, but lvhich may include a refrigerator, sink and cook top of no more than two heating units, clesigned Ior or adapted xxxx xxxx XXXX xxx IA ( N\-. =-i,=a-__r or{n L rerk b, to occupancy by inclj.viduals attending [he Institutional or Educational center; the cfficienty chvelring unlts shall be acccssiblq rrorn cornmon corridor's, rval[<s or ba].conics lvi Lhout passing tltrough another efficicncy .rvc1ling unit, accomrnoclation unit or c^velling uni.t, 'nd each said unit sharl not exceecr 4oo squarc feet, anci sharl be consiclcred in detcrmining the total GRFA :rllorvecl for each (lcvclopmcnt afea, G. Accessory Uses. The follorving accessory uses shalt be Dermittcd in Development Areas A, B, & C, The follorving accessory uses shal1 be permitted in Development Area C on1y. i l. Atta.ched garages or carportsr private gr.ccnhouses,swirunj.ng pooIs, tennis courts, patios, ot otherrecreational facilities cus torir:ri,i 1y lnciclcrItalto pelmitted resiclential uses. In addition tlte following accessory uses slrall be per.mitted in Dcvelopment Areas A and E. 1. Ilome occupations, subJect to issuancc of a homeoccupations per.nit in accorcl ryith the provisionsof Section l?.300 hercof 2. Other uses customarily inciclental, to permitted or condiiional uses.for the ope.ra.tion thet cof l. Srvimming pooIs, tennis courts, patios, orother recreational facili.ties' customar.ityincidentaL to permitted .or conditional u!es,and necessary for the operation thereof. H. Density Control. 1.. The number of dlvelLing units shall not exeeed and acc.essory and necessary the following: DeveLopment Area A - 2S2 units Development Area. B - 240 units I. Development Standards. The follorving dbvelopment stanclards are lter.eby approved by the Tolvn councir; these stancrard.s shal1 be incor.por.atecl into the Approved Development p1a.n pertinent to each Developmenr Area to protect the integrity of the deveJ.opment of sD4; the folrolving are minimum development standards and shalL apply unless more (-.,: restrictive standards are incorporated i.n the Approved Deveropment plan rvhich is adnntorLti,' fh.r T^r.- r-^.,-^.i - * . l. Sctbacks. ltequircd setb:rclis sillrII bc in each DeveLopment plan \yi t,h a minimum selblck on the of the property of not lcss than 20 feet. 2. Distance petrveen Buildings. The minimum clistances betrveen all buildings shall be as indicated on each Devclopment Plan rvith a minimum of 15 feet, providecr th:!t one foot of arlditionar separation betlveen buirdings shall be requirecl for caclr 2 feet of building height over 15 feet, calcurated on the basis of the average height of the trvo buildings 3. Height. The maximum height of a buil<iing in Area shall be 45 feet. The maximum height of builciings in Areas B, and D shall be 35 feer. as indicc.tcd perlphery area. qf all .35 GRIA in ' /\tVl-,Io_'{r'.,Trr_- 4- Density Control . The gross residential Jloor buildings in each development area sl.rall not e.\cced Area A, .3O.GRFA in n rea. B, an t 5. Site Coverage, fn Areas A an€t B, no more thr.n 35% ot the total site a.rca shaLl be covered. by buildings, pro'ided, if any portion of sai.d areas is deveroped as an institutional or educational center, 45% of the area may be covered. In Areas C and D, no more that 25% of the total site arcr shall be covered by buildings. 6. Useable Open Space. Useable open space sllall be as indica.ted on the Development plans but in no case sltalL the same be less than 25O square feet exclusive of rcquired front set_ back areas shall be provicled at ground Lcvel for cach dte).ling unit, Useable open space rnay be common space accessible to more than one drvelling unit, or may be private space accessible to separate dwelling units, or a combination thereof. At reast s0 per cent of the required ground Ieve1 useable open space shall be common space. The minirnum dimension of any area qualifying as ground level useable open space shall be ten (10) feet, ( 7 - L0.ndscaping. At Least thc folLorving proportions of the total Dcvelo.prncnu Area shall bc ]cndscapccl as .pr.oviciecl in rc Dcvclopmcnt plan ( ris shall rncluclc rc[oncion of nat.ura] landscx.pe, if appropria.tc), Arcas A ancl B, 50il ancl nrcas c and ( D' 60%' rf any portion of Al'eas A rncl B is devclol)ed .rs xn iustitutiona.l or educationar centcr" rcsc limitations m;ry be nrodiJj.ccl in accordancc lrith amendment proceclures specified in scction 21.Soo of the Zoning Ordinance. S.' parking. Offstreet parlting shall be pl:ovideci in accordance with Article 14 of the Zonlng Ordinance except that '7 5"n of the requirecl parking in Area A shall be loeated rvithin the main builcling oI builclings. Irl Areas B and D, S0% of the recluired pa.rking shall bc ]ocateci rvithin thc main building or buildings. On-site parlting shall be pt,oviclcd for common carrlersproviding chal'ter servi.cc to the cleveropment; said bus parliing sharl be indicatecl on the Development plan. No par,.liing or Loacling area shall bc located in any requirecl front setbacli area, If any portion of Areas A ancl B is developeci as an institutional or educational ccnter' these limi'tations rnay be modified in accorcrancc vith amend.- ment procedures spccifiecr i.n scction 21.500 of tre Zoni'g ordi-nance. J. Recreation Anrenities Tax. The recreational anenities tax d.ue for the dcvelopment reith SD4 undcr Ordlnance No. 2, Series of 1974, of the Town of Vail, Col,oraclo, shall be assessecl at a. rate not to exceed $0.25 per square foot of the floor area in cievelop_ tnent Areas A, B, and C, and at a rate not to exceecl $0.75 per square foot in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the issuance of a buildrng permit K.Conservation ancl pollution Controls, (f) DeveLoper,s drainage pLan sha.).I include provision for prevention of pollution from surface run*off. (2) Developer shall include in the building construction energy and water conservation controJ.s as general technology exists at' the time of constructj.on. ( Recroirtionitl Arqenities. (1) The approvscl Development f ol lolving recreational amenities: (a) Bikc and ledcstr:.an from east property line to west property.linc developer with exact location to be lnutua.lly and Town Council. Flan shall include the path traversing property sha11 be provided by acccptablc to dcv al oper )J . Additional Amenities. ( r ) Developer shalr provicl" oa"quuPtl)"rortn?sportrt i. on services to the olvners and guests of the devel0pmcnt so a.s to transport them from the devel-opment to virlage cor.e ar.e a ancl Lionshead area as outLined in the approved Development plan. (2) Developer shal1 provicle in its approved a bus sheLter of a design and location mutually agreeable Town Couniil. Said shelter to serve the area generally. Development to developer Distrlct 4. PLan and N. I Prior to the adoption of the Approved Developnsnl p1rr, the Torvn council reserves to thc Tolvn the right to abrogate or mocrify SD4 for good cause througlt the enactment of an ordinance; proviclecl , however, that in the event the Torvn councir finds it to be appropriate to consider lvhcther to abrogate or modify sD.r the procecrures shall bc as providcd in Section 2I .SO0 of thc Zoning Orc.linance pertr.ining to amendments. t Special Development District 4 on a nap tyhich amends and shall become an Zoning Map. shalJ. bc i ndi cat cd addition to the Official rD Scctlon 4. E-f f ective Da.Le. This ordlnance shaLl take effcct in accorclancc u,ith thcprovisions of the Charter of the Torvn of Vai1. INTNODUCED, READ ON TIRST RIADII{G, API)ROVED, ANd ORDERED PUBLISUID ONCD IN FULL, this lorh clay of Fcbruary, 1976,and a public hearing on this ordinance shall be helcl at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Torvn of Vr.il, Coloraclo, on the 2nd day of March, 19?6, at ?:30 p.Il., in the ilunicipal Building of the Torvn. ,iii in fuII INTRODUCED, this 2nd c.lay o-t READ, ADOPTED llarch, I926. and ORDIiRED pUBLI SHED TOI|/N ';Lk, AI,l-++,i/ rt FVlITNTrn X:\ T KOELBEL PROPERTY DEVELOP|4ENT AREA A Vail-Rose I2.3?0 acres A paxt of rhe sw l/4 NE I/4 of Sect.ion 12,Torvnship 5 South, Range B1 !,iest of t.he 6ch p.t\l. , descrii:ed asfollows: Beginning at a point on the t,lest line of saicl Sti 1/4NE 1,/4 from which the North one-quarter corner of said sectionbears North 0oI5r East, 2269.48 fdet; thence i.lorth 0015' East,along said west linc,--r52.36 feet to a point on the sout.heasierryright of ruay line of U.S. l{ighway Uo. 6l thence, a}ong saidsouthcasterly right of way 1ine,-as fo1lor.rs; Nort.h 52o27, East, 102.31 feet;North 490?0' Dast, 519.57;feet; andNorth 48013r East, 549.09 feet, more or less, to a pointon the North line of saicl SW l/4 NE I/4; ih.n.u North 8Bo3J,-East, along the North. l-ine of sa j.d Sr{ I/4 NE, 369 feet, more orless, to a point on the centerrine oE cbrc c::eek; ih""iu,-arong tnecenterlinc of Gore Creek, as follows: South 36049r West, 101.04 feet;South IBo2I' West, 54.08 feet;South Io24' I{est, 205.02 feet;South 120I0r I,Iest r 110.25 f eet; andSoueh 2Bo4I, l,Iest, 242.35 feeL, thence SouthVlest, 1064.10 foet to the poj-nt of beginning. Rose Parcel 7 5015 ' 3. 190 acres i A tract of land situated in the SI.lkNEk of Section 12,TP 5 S.. R. BI w., of the 6th p.U., Iying Southerly of that certaintract of land described_ in Book I99, iage 197, Norlherfy anat'lesterly of the center l_ine of Gore Cre6k, and Iying Noitherl_y andEasterly of those certain tracts describcd in Bo6x iii it nugb roo,Book 21I at Page 108 and Book 2I5 at page 3G5, described as'fol lows : Beginning at a point on the. Nol-th-South ceneer lineof said section 12 whence the llorth quartc: corner of said section12 bears N. 00oI5, E. 2269.4g feet;thence N. 75015, D. 346.2G fecL to the true point ofbeginning, said point being on the south line of that tiact describedrn tsook I99, Page 197 and which bears S. 08026, E. 22e5.34 feetfrom the North quarter corner of said Section 12;thence N, 75oI5 | E. 7L7.94 feet along the Southerlyline of that tract described in Book 199, page tgZ to the centerof core Creek; thence S. Zgo4l' I{. 130,6I feet along the center LinenF <t i.l ar6aL. thence s. 05024'30" E. 104.50 feet along the centerLine of sa ici Crcek; thence S. 49029' w. 95.50 feet a1ong the center lineof said Creek i thence s - 22034 ' w. 124 .47 f eeL along the cent,e.r l-ineof said Creek; thence S. 54000 r W, 119.34 feet al_ong the center bneof said Creek; to the Southeast. corner of that certain tract ofIand described in Book 211. eage I08;thence N. 33"16'30" \r. l4O.12 feet aLong the East.erlyIine of that tract. described in Book ZIL at page 169;rhence N. 57042,30" W. 169.e8 feei ilonq iheNortheasterly line of that tract described in aook'2iL-at page r0B;rhence N. g6002'30" v.l. \62.92 feet along 1r.,"-lloitt., ryline of those tracts described in Book zrl ae rag.'ro-e--uo"t -i-ir at Page 106 to a point; A /thence N. 32057'30' W. 76.08 feet al_ong the tr t/ T::th::"::r1y line of rhar rract described in r""i zrS ar pase ll)l, f a. Fh^ -^ L^-:*-:-- ORDINANCE NO.23 SERIES OF 1998 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 8, SERIES OF 1995, REVISING GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA), BUILDING HEIGHT NEOUiNCUENTS, AND EMPLOYEE HOUSING PROVISIONS FOR LOTS 39-1 AND 39-2, GLEN LYONsuBDlvlsloN, DEVELOPMENTAREA c, sDD No. 4 (CASCADE vtLLAGE); REpEAL|NG RESOLUTION NO. 10, SERIES OF 1982, WHICH PROVIDES SPECIAL PROVTSIONS FORLOTS 39-1 AND 39-2, GLEN LYON SUBDIV|S|ON; DELETTNG OUTDATED CONDtTtoNSAND REFERENCES TO EXPIRED DEVELOPMENT PLANS;AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Hagopian and Pennington, LLC, has requested an amendment to the existing special Development District No. 4, Development Area C, Lots 3g-1 and 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision; and wHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental commission has unanimously recommended approval of the proposed building height, GRFA, and Employee Housing Un1 restrictions for Lots 39-1 and 39-2: and WHEREAS, the Town council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1 995 and repeal Resolution No. 1 0, Series of 1982 to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO. THAT: Ordinance No. 8, Series of 199S, is hereby amended as follows: Section l. Resolution No. 10, Series of 1982, is hereby repealed. section 2. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, planning commission Report. The approval procedures described in Section 12-9A of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has received the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission for an amendment to the development plan for Special Development District No. 4. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 Section 3. Special Development District No.4 Special Development District No. 4 and the development plans therefore, are hereby remain approved forthe development of Special Development District No. 4 within the Town of Vail, unless they have expired. Section 4- Special Development District No. 4, Gascade Village shall read as follows: Purpose Special Development District No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectives of the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 4 is created to ensure that the development density will be relatively low and suitable for the area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning Commission, and because there are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area. Definitions For the puilioseis of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply. A. "Special attractioni' shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or performing arts theater or cultural center. B. "Transient residential dwelling unit or restricted dwelling unit" shall be defined as a dwelling unit located in a multi-family dwelling that is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hotel services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental for a period of time not to exceed 31 days. Each unit shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet. The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common conidors, walks, or balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or a transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set forth in Section 13-7 Condominiums and Condominium Conversions, Subdivision Regulations. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional Ordinance 23, Series of 1999 fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. For the purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as one half of a dwelling unit. The transient residential dwelling unit parking requirernent shall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit. Established A. Special Development District No. 4 is established for the development on a parcel of land comprising 97.955 acres as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A. special Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as',sDD No. 4.8 B. The district shall consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes: DevelopmentArea Are A 17.955B 4.000c 9.100D 1.800 40.400 4.700 97.955 Devel o pm ent PI an-Regu i red--Ap proval proced ure Each development area with the exception of Development Areas A and D shall be subject to a single development plan. Development Area A shall be allowed to have two development plans for the Cascade Club site as approved by the Town Council. The Waterford and Cornerstone sites shall be allowed one development plan each. Development Area D shall be.allowed to develop per the approved phasing plans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the right to proceed with the development plans or scenarios as defined in the development statistics . section of .this ordinance. Amendments to SDD No.4 shall comply section 12-9A of the Municipal Code. Area Known As Cascade Village Coldstream Condominiums Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single Family Lots Glen Lyon Commercial Site Dedicated Open Space Roads TOTAL Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 Permitted Uses A. Area A. Cascade Village 1. First floor commercial uses shall be limited to uses listed in Section 1Z-TB-3, (commercial core 1), of the Municipal code. The "first floor,, or ,,street level,, shall be defined as that flooi of the building that is located at grade or street level; 2. All other floor levels besides first floor street level may include retaii, Ueater, restaurant, and office except that no professional or business office shall be located on street level or first floor (as defined above) unless it is clearly accessory to a lodge or educational institution except for an office space having a maximum square footage of 925 square feet located on the first floor on the northwest corner of the Plaza Conference Center building; 3. Lodge; 4. Multi-family dwelling; 5. Single Family dwelling; 6 Primary/Secondary dwelling; 7. Transient residential dwelling unit; 8. Employee dwelling as defined in Section 12-13 of the Municipal Code; 9. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Two-familydwelling; 2. Multi-family dwelling. C. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots 1. Single family dwelling; 2. Two-family dwelling. 3. Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) per chapter 12-13, of the Municipal Code. D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Business and professional offices; 2. Employee dwelring as defined in section 12-13 of the Municipal code. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 I Conditional Uses Conditional uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as ouflined in Chapter 12-16 of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations. A. Area A, Cascade Village 1' Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 4,500 square feet. 2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal 'Code, Section 12-2 shall be a conditional use for dwelling units in the Westhaven multi-family dwellings. Fractional fee ownership shall not be epplied to restricted employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units. Ownership intervals shall not be less than five weeks. 3. Special attraction; 4. Skitifts; 5. Public park and recreational facilities; 6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or mall area. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Skitifts. C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Skitifts; D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1- Micro-brewery as defined in Town of Vail Municipal code, Chapter 12-2. Accessory Uses A. Area A. Cascade Village 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Town of Vail MunicipalCode. Ordinance 23, Series of l99B B. t 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 4. other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of rifle 12, zoning Regulations, Town of Vail MunicipalCode. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary forthe operation thereof. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in dccordance with the provisions of ritle 12, zoning Regulations, Town of Vail Municipal Code. 2. Aftached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3' other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary forthe operation thereof. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of rifle 12, zoning Regulations, Town of Vail Municipal Code. 2- Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. C. D. Ordinance 23, Series of i99B I 3. other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary forthe operation thereof. 4. Minor arcade. Location of Business Activity A. All offices, businesses, and shall be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except for permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the outdoor display . of goods. B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goods and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by . outdoor display. D ensity-Dwel I I n g U nits The number of dwelling units shall not exceed the following: A. Area A, Cascade Village In Area A, a minimum of three hundred fifty-two (352) accommodation or transient dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-four dwelling units as defined by the tables in . Section 1 8.46.103 fqr a total density of two hundred seventy (270) dwelling units. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Sixty-five (65) dwelling units C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots One-hundred four (104) dwelling units. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site Three dwelling units, two of which shall be employee dwelling units as defined Chapter 12-13, of the MunicipalCode. Density--Floor Area A. Area A, Cascade Village rhe gross residential floor area (GRFA) for all buildings shall not exceed 2gg,l45 square feet. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Sixty-frve thousand square feet (65,000 sq. ft.) GRFA. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots GRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section 12-6D-8 (Density Control) for the Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. B, Series of 1998 for previous requirements Commercial Square Footage A. Area A, Cascade Village Area A shall not exceed 35,698 square feet of commercial area. B. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1998 for previous requirements. Developmenf Sfafisfics for Area A. Cascade Village, and Area D, GIen Lyon Commercial Site CHART 1: Area A Completed Projects Ordinance 23, Series of lggS t b€en counted requirement. The new parking requirement ofllce parking requirernents. "**For the purposes of oalculating GRFA for the cosgriff parcel (Milkace lV), no credits shall bs given except for 300 s.f. to be allowed for each enclosed parking space. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 CHART2:AREA A REQUIRED PARKING Parking for Completed Projects per Chart 1 in Cascade Parking $tructgry Parking Spaces 449.9 Less 17.5olo Mixed-Use Credit -78.7 Total Required Parking at Build-Out of Area A in Cascade Structure 371.2 Existing Parking in Cascade Structure 421.0 Required Parking in Cascade Structure at Build-Out of Area A With 17.5% mixed-use credit 371.2 Development Plans Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans for Area A are comprised of those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. and other developers. The development plans for Area D are comprised of those plans submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership. The following documents comprise the development plan for thb sDD as a whole, waterford, ' ' Cornerstone, Cascade Club Addition Scenario 1 and 2, Millrace lV, and Area D-Glen Lyon Commercial Site and is not all inclusive: 1. waterford, sheet #L-2, dated 1 1-12-gz, Landscape plan, Dennis Anderson. 2. waterford, sheet #1 .1 , dated 1 1-1 3-92, site/Grading plan Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 3. waterford, sheet #2.1, dated 1 1-13-92, plan Level 38/43' 3", Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 4. Waterford, sheet #2.2, dated 1 1-13-92, plan Level4S'-6'753i0", Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 5. waterford, sheet #2.3, dated 11-13-92 plan Level s9'-0:/64'-3" by Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 6. Waterford, Sheet #2.4, dated 1 1-4-gZ, plan Level69'_6'/74'_9", Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 7 . waterford, sheet #2.s, dated 1 1 -13-92, pran Lever Bo'-0y85'-3" Gwathmey, Pratt, Schultz. 8. waterford, sheet #2.6, dated 11-13-92, plan Level 90'-6" Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 9. Waterford, sheet#2.7, dated 11-13-g2, plan Level 101'-0" Gwathmey, praft, Schultz. Ordinanco 23, Series of 1998 10 t 10. waterford, sheet#2.g, dated 1 1-13-92,plan Level 111,-6'Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 11' waterford, sheet #2.9, dated 1 1-13-92, pran Lever 122,-0" Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 12. waterford, sheet #2.10, dated 12-14-92, Roof plan All Levels Gwathmey, pratt, Schultz. 13. waterford, sheet#3.1, dated 1 1-13-gz,Elevations Gwathmey, Fratt, schultz 14. waterford, sheet #3.2, dated 1 1-13-92, Elevations, Gwathmey, pratt, schultz 15. waterford, sheet #4.1, dated 1 14-92, sections Gwathmey, pratt, schurE 16. waterford, sheet #4.2, dated 1 14-gz, sections, Gwathmey, pratt, schultz. 17. waterford, sheet #4.3, dated 1 1-4-92, sections, Gwathmey, pratt, schurtz. 18. waterford, sheet #9.1, dated 10-20-92, Unit plans Gwathmey, pratt, schulE. 19. waterford, sheet#9.2, dated 10-20-92, Unit plans, Gwathmey, pratt, schultz. 20. waterford, sheet#9.3, dated 10-20-92, Unit plans Gwathmey, pratt, schultz. 21- waterford, sheet #9.4, dated 10-20-92, unit plans, Gwathmey, pratt, schultz. 22. waterford, sheet#9.5, dated 10-20-92, unitplans Gwathmey, pratt, schultz. 23. Cascade Club Addition Site plan, Roma, 10/10/gg. 24. Cascade Club Floor plan, Roma. 10/10/BB. 25. Millrace lll, sheet #1, dated sr6/93, site pran, steven James Riden. 26. Millrace lll, sheet #2, dated 4113193, Floor plans for single Family Residence, Steven James Riden. 27. Millrace lll, sheet #3, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for single Family Residence, Steven James Riden. 28. Millrace lll, Sheets #4 and #5, dated 3lz}lg3,Floor Plans for Duplex Building, Steven James Riden. 29. Millrace lll, Sheets #6 and #7, dated 5/6/93, Elevations for Duplex Building, Steven James Riden. 30. Millrace lll, Sheet L1, dated 5/6/93, Site/Landscape Plan, Steven James Riden. 31. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Site Plan, Arnold Gwathmey pratt, 10t28t91. 32. Millrace lV, Scenario l, alkla Cosgriff Parcel, Elevations Arnold Gwathmey pratt, 10t22t91. 33' Millrace lV, Scenario l, atkla Cosgriff Parcel, Floor Plans Arnold Gwathmey pratt, 10t23t91. 34. Millrace lv, scenario l, atkla cosgriff parcel, Landscape plan, Dennis Anderson Associates. 35. Cosgriff Parcel, Survey, Alpine Engineering, Inc., 1)l31lg1stamped. 36. survey, a part of cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Lechner, 6t8t87. 37. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 10/10/gg. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 11 38. Cascade Village Special Developmeni District Amendment and Environmental lmpact Report: peter Jamar Associates, Inc., revised 1 1 lZZlgE. A maximum of 1000 sq. ft. of common area, in addition to the approved plans, may be added to the Waterford project to allow for compliance with the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Fire Code and American Disabilities Act. The staff shall review all such . additions to ensure that they are required by such codes. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Singte Family Lots 1. Building Envelopes for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 per sheet, L-1, prepared by Design Workshop, Inc., dated 11_9_98. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site The development plan for this area has expired. See Ordinance No. 8, Series of lgg8 for previous requirements. Development Standards The development standards set out herein are approved by the Town Council. These standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD No. 4. They are minimum development standards and shall apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council. Sefbacks A. Area A, Cascade Mllage Required setbacks shall be as indicated in each development plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, w1h the exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on February B, 1982, by the Planning and Environmental Commission. All buildings shall maintain a 50 foot stream setback from Gore Creek. The Waterford building shall maintain a minimum 20 foot setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore creek. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums Required setbacks shail be as indicated on the development pran. C. Area C, Glen Lyon primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots Required setbacks shall be governed by Section 12_6D_7 of the Primary/Secondary zone district of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. For single-family Lots 39-1 and 39-2, developmenl shall occur per the approved building envelopes and is subject to the following: . All future development will be restricted to the area within the building envelopes. The only development permitted outside the building envelopes shall be landscaping, driveways (access bridge) and retaining walls associated with driveway construction. At-grade patios (those within 5' of existing or finished grade) will be permitted to project beyond the building envelopes not more than Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 12 ten feet (10') nor more than one-half (2) the distance between the building envelope and the property line, or may project not more than five feet (5') nor more than one-fourth (3) the minimum required dimension between buildings. D. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the approved development plans. Height A. For the purposes of sDD No. 4 calculations of height, height shall mean.the . distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless othenrrrise specified in approved development plan drawings. B. Area A, Cascade Village 1. The maximum height for the Westin Hotel, CMC Leaming Center, Terrace \Mng, Plaza Conference Building and Cascade parking Structure/Athletic Club is 71 feet. 2. Comerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet. 3. Waterford Building: Maximum height of feet as measured from finished grade to any portion of the roof along the north elevation shall be 55' (south Frontage Road), 56' along the west elevation westhaven Drive, and 65 feet along the south and east elevation as measured from finished grade. 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet. 5. Millrace lll: A maximum of 36 feet. - 6. Millrace lV: A maximum of 36 feet. 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet. L The remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 4g feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The maximum height shall be 4g feet. D. Area C. Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots The maximum height shall be 33 feet for a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat or mansard roof. E. Area D. Glen Lyon Commercial Site 51o/o of the roof shall have a height between 32 and 40 feet. 497o of the roof area shall. have a height under 32 feet. on the perimeter of the building for Area D, height is measured from finished grade up to any point of the roof. on the interior area of any building, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point of the roof. Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area D. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 13 Sife Coverage Areas A & B: No more than 35% of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or educational center, 45% of the area may be covered unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. Area c: No more than z5o/o of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 12-21 of the Vai.l Municipal Code apply. Area D: No more than 37olo of the total site area shall be covered by buildings and the parking structure. Landscaping At least the following percentages of the total development area shall be landscaped as provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent, and in Areas c and D, sixty percent (60%), of the area shall be landscaped unless otherwise indicated on the site specific development plans. Parking and Loading A. Area A, Cascade Village 1' Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance w1h Chapter 12-10, except lhat 75o/o of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a parking structure or buildings with the exception of Millrace lV, Scenario l, where 66.6.0/o of required parking shall be enclosed in a building. _ . 2. There shall. be a total of 421 spaces in the main Cascade Club parking structure. A 17.5 percent mixed-use credit per the Town of Vail parking code, has been applied to the total number of required parking spaces in the Cascade structure. 3. There shall be a total of 58 on-site parking spaces on the Waterford building site with a minimum of 75o/o of the required space located below grade. No mixed use credit shall be applied to this site. 4' There shall be a minimum of 93 enclosed parking spaces located within the Cornerstone building with 37 of the required spaces available to the public for short-term parking. No mixed use credit has been applied to this lot. 5' The third floor of the Cascade parking structure shall not be used to meet any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwelling . units, employee dwelling units or dwelling units. 6. Phasing: All required parking for Cornerstone and Waterford shall be located on their respective sites. All required parking for the Cascade Club Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Cascade parking structure. Ordinanc€ 23, Series of l99B 14 O 7. seventy-five percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm for westhaven condominiums, and Millrace llt. 8. All loading and delivery shall be located within buildiags or as approved in the development plan. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main builfling or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. Area C, Glen Lyon Primary/Secondary and Single-Family Lots off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with chapter 12-10 of the Municipal Code. D. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site 7. Once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to Area D shall be managed per the TDA parking Report, parking Management section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 19a9, and rDA Report, Vair Brewery parking Analysis Update, dated January 16, 1990, both written by Mr. David Leahy. 8. No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right-of-way along the South Frontage Road adjacent to the Area D development. 9. The owner of the property and brewery management shail prohibit semi-truck and trailer truck traffic to the Glen Lyon commercial site. The onry truck loading that shall be allowed to the site shall be vans having a maximum tength of 22 teet. Recreation Amenities lax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due for the development within SDD No. 4 under Chapter 3.20 shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed twenty-flve cents per square foot ofthe floor area in Development Area A, and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area B; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceed seventy-five cents per square foot of floor area in Development Area D; and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to lhe issuance of building permits. Consenration and pollution Controls A. The developer's drainage plan shall include a provision for prevention of pollution from surface runoff. B' The developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction. C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set forth in the Town of Vail Municipal as amended. D. lf fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists at the time of develooment. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 15 E. All water features within Development Area A shall have overflow storm drains per the recommendation of the Environmental lmpact Report by Jamar Associates on Page 34. F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt from draining into Gore Creek. G. In Area D, a'manhole on the brewery service line shall be provided so that the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District may monitor BOD strength.. , H' In Area D, the brewery management shall not opeiate the brewery process during temperature inversions. lt shall be the brewery owner's responsibility to monitor inversions. l. All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within . Special Development District 4. J. Protective measures shall be used during construction to prevent soil erosion into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D. K. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall only be allowed to have gas fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances governing fireplaces. Additional Amenities and Approva! Agreemenbfor Special Development District No. 4. A The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provide adequate private transportation services to the owners and guests so as to transport them from the development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as ouilined in the approved development plan. B. Area A, Cascade Village 1' The developer shall construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the cascade club along westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the westhaven building lo connect with the recreational path to Donovan park. The walk shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for westhaven condominiums. The sidewalk shail be part of the building permit plans. The. sidewalk shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for westhaven Condominiums. 2. , The developer shail provide 100-year floodplain information for the area adj6cent to the waterford and cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail community Development Department before building permits are released for either project. 3. Cornerstone The development plan for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of 1998 for previous requirementq 4. The Ruins / Westhaven Condominiums The development plan for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of 1998 for previous requirements. Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 16 t t C. Area D, Glen Lyon Commercial Site. The development plan for this area has expired. see ordinance No. g, series of 1998 for previous requirements. Employee Housing The development of SDD No. 4 will have impacts on available employee housing within the Upper Eagle Valley area. In order to help meet this additional employee housing need' the developer(s) of Areas A and D shall provide employee housing on site. The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 17 employee dwelling units within Area A westhaven condominium building (Ruins), 3 within the cornerstone Building and 2 within the Lifiside (Waterford Building). Each employee dwelling unit in the Westhaven condominium Building (Ruins) shall be deed restricted as a Type lll EHU. Each employee unit in the Cornerstone Building shall have a minimum square footage of 600 square feet. There shall be a total of 2 employee dwelling units in the waterford Building. one shall be a minimum of 300 square feet and the other a minimum of g00 square feet. The developer of Area D shall build 2 employee dwelling units in the Area D east building per the approved plan for the East Building. In Area D one employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 900 square feet. The GRFA and number of employee units shall not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for sDD No. 4. All Employee Housing Units shall be deed restricted per chapter 12.13, as amended, of the Vail Municipal Code prior to issuance of building permits for the respective project. In Area C, I-erChapter12-13oftheZoningRegu|ations[n Each lot shall also be entitled to 300 sq. ft. of garage area credit for the employee housing unit, in addition to the 600 sq. ft. garage area credit allowed per residence. The driveway width of 12 ft is allowed to remain (no increase in driveway width is required) for all allowed/required dwelling units and employee housing on these lots. Time Requirements SDD No. 4 shall be govemed by the procedures outlined in Section 1Z-9A of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Section 5. lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affeqt the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance. and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless ofthe fact that Ordinance 23, Series of 1998 4'7 any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 6- The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed gr repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 7. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof , heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED oNcE lN FULL oN F|R$T READTNG this l5th day of December, 1998, and a public hearing for second reading of this Ordinance set for the 5th day of January, 199g, in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IN FULL this5th day ofJanuary, 1999. ldson, Town Clerk Ordinance 23, Series of 1gg8 18 Vail-Rose A part of the sw 1/4 NE P.M., described as follows; EXHIBIT "A' KOELBELPROPERTY DEVELOPMENTAREA A 12.370 acres 1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the 6th Beginning at a point on the West line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4 from which the North one-quarter corner of said Section bears North 0'15' East 2269.48 feet; thence Nofih 0'15, East, along said west Line, 152.36 feet to a point on the southeasterly right of way line of u. s.Highway No' 6; thence, along said southeasterly right of way tine, a's follows: North 52'27'East, 102.31 feet; North 49"20'East,5l9.52 fee! and North 48" l3' East, 549.09 feet, more or less, to a point on the North line of said SW l/4NE 1/4; thence North 88 "33' East, along the North line oi said sw li4 NE, 36g feet, more or Iess, to a point on the centerline of Gore Creek; thence, along the centerline of Gore Creek, asfollows: South 36'49'West, 101.04 feet; South I 8'21' West, 54.08 feet; South I "24' West, 205.02 feet; South 12'10' West, I 10.25 feet; and South 28'41' west, 242.35 feet, thence south 75 " 15' west, 1064.10 feet to the point ofbeginning. Rose Parcel 3.190 acres Atract of land situatedin the swl/4NEl/4 of section 12, Tp 5 s., R. gl w., ofthe 6tlP'M., lying Southerly of that cerlain tract of land described in Book 199, page f f, rrlortnerfytO Westerly of the center line of Gore Creek, and lying Northerly and Easterly of those certain tractsdescribed in Book 2l l at Page 106, Book 211 ut rage t08 and Book 215 "t fug. 365, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North-South center line of said Section 12 whence the Northquarter comer of said Section l2 bears N. 00" 15, E.2269.4g feet:- thence N. 75'15' E' 346.26 feet to the true point of beginning, said point being on thesouth line of that uact described in Book 199, page 197 and which biars s. 0g'26' 8.220s.34 feet from the North quarter corner of said Section 12; thence N. 75" 15' E. 717.84 feet along the Southerly line of that tract described in BookI99, Page 197 to the center of Gore Creek; thence s' 28"41' w. 130.61 feet along the center rine of said creek; thence s. 05 "24'30.' 8. 104.50 feet along the center line of said creek; thence S. 49 " 29' W . 95.50 feet along the center line of said Creek; thence S. 22'34' W.124.47 feet along the center line of said Creet; thence S. 54'00' W. 119.34 feet along the center line of said Creek; to the Southeast comer of that certain tract of land described in Book 211, page l0g; thence N. 33 " l6'30" W. 140.l2 feet along the Easterly line of that tract described in Book2l I at Page 108; thence N. 57" 42'30" W. 169.88 feet aloug the Northeasterty line of that tract described inBook2ll atPage 108; thence N. 86"02'30" W, 162.92 feet along the Northerly line of those tracts described inBook 2l I at Page 108, Book 211 at page 106 to apoint; thence N' 32" 57'30" W. 76.08 feet along the Northeasterly line of that tract described inBook 215 at Page 365, to the point ofbeginning. FleveryoneHom\koelbel.leg Heede Parcel 1.260 acres Total -16-820 acres GORE CREEK ASSOCIATES PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AREAS B. C & D EOJ00 acres Legal Description All that part of Section 12, Township 5 south, Range g l west of the 6th p.M., described asfollows: ^,- - - . . 9iunay of Eagle and state of cororado, to wit: A tract of land situated in theSwl/4NE1/4 of Section 12, Township 5 sout[ Range sl West of the 6tl principal Meridian,described as follows: Begin_ning at a point on the North-South center line of said Section 12whence tlre North Quarter Corner ofiaid Section 12 bears r.fortfr OO Cegs. ts ,nior. Etst2269.4gf"i S:ryt North 75 degs. 15 mins. East 346.26fee! thence South 32"deis. 57 mins. 30 secs.East 76'08 feet; thence south 1l degs, 00 mins. 30 secs. west 27g.gg feeito a point in (he centerof Gore Creek; thence Nor*r 50 Oegs. :z mins. west I I I .3 I feet along the center line of saidcreek; thence North 38 degs' 40 mins. West 239.09 feet along the ,roim lio* of said creek; thence louth 76 degs' 35 mins. West89.9l feet along the center line of said creek to a point on theNotth-south center line of said section l2; thlnce Norrh 00 degs. l5 mins. East 13.95 feet alongthe North-south center line of said section 12 to the point of bJginning. All that part of the N1/2NE1/4 of section 12, llng southerly of the southerly right-of-way line ofU'S' Highway No. 6 and Northerly of the sout"herly line of iaid N1/2NEI/4, as shown on the platon file in the office of the Eagle Cbunry Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 974g9, describedas follows: Beginning at the highway survey momrment at the intersection of the southerly line of saidhighway and the Easterly_ Iine -oisaid NI/2NE1/4, whence the Northeast comer of said Section l2bears North 0'03' West 634.7g5 feet ) thence south 73"26'30 wcst lll2.li feet along theSoutherly rigbt of way tine of said highway;thence South 70"34'west J?l lg ft"t along theioutherly right of way line of said highway;thence South 69"25' west lg9 99 ft" aton! the southerly right of way line of sai.d highway;thence south 65'50' west lgg.gg f-." aton! rhe Southerly right of way rine of said highway;thence south 62" 15' west ]!! !o reer aton[ tle southerry right of way rine of said highway;thence Sourh 58'40' West 199 99 t.r aron! the Southerly .i[nt or*ri, iine or saiO nighway;thence south 55"05' wesr lg9.gg f-.* alon! the southerly right of way line of said highway;thence South 51'32' west 199.99 t"" aton! tne southerty right of way line of said highway;thence soutb 47"57' west 23?58leeJ alon; the southerly right of way line of said highway to apoint on the Southerly line of said N ltZXBln: thence North 88 "33' East 4-g-7.67 feet along the southerry tine of said Nl/2NEll4 to the center ofthe NEll4 of said Section l2; thence North 88'33' East 1379.35 feet along the Southerly line of said N1/2NE1/4 to theSoutheast corner of said N1/2NE1i2: thence North 0"03' west.76o95 feet along the Easterly line of said Nl/2NEl/4 to its intersectionwith the Southerly line of said highway, the point of beginning, F:\everyoneUom\koelbel.leg AND At that part of the swr/4NEr/4 't!-rror* 12, rying southerry of the center of Gore;;:.#TT;1r;i Ji: fj:ffih, XnJf .. or tn. ru!i,?"*,r? r.* .o a n". o,oo L . _ Beginning at the^Northeast comer of said SWI/4N81/4;thence south gg"33'west r:i^ei ietto a point in the centerof said creek;thence South 40"09,W.r, qaJa r.* uroog tl,. rrit , orJiicr."t;thence Sourh t B.2 I , West s+.os i.ri aton! the ,.** "i ,ri j C*.t,thence Sourh J:?1:W.rr ZOi.Oir.Jiuroog the center of said Creek;thence south 12 " r0' w.rt r io.ii r."t utong tne "eni"r oiiuiJ cr""hthence Sourh ?1"41, W"*,:iO.O6 f.",thence South 5_"_?4,30 f*r, f Z6n'O h.t along the center of said Creek;thence souri ??.:?9,!_?,,w; i;;; r..t ur*E tr,, .."i". "i_",0 c*_r.,rhence South 54.00, West zsgi+ ie"turo"s fi, "."i*, "irriiar.rt,thence South 65"34, west roq.ii f.r, apn[ the .""i., "i rrii c*rr.,thence South g.:g! west r se. r r iJr, uron[ rnr r.ii", "i r"ii c*.r,thence South g:?ll We*t OS.d8 f.et-u1ong tt " center of said Creek;thence Nofth Jl"lfl yru zi.si i".i"l"ng rhe cenrer of said Creek;thence North :g^3,?:west i;t it;;;*oig trre r."ir. "i_rjjc*rr;thence North :9:1gl w"r, z:s.d6 d.t ur*E tn. "."iri "ir_ij br*r,**",#iil'J:;ll 3fl;i,l^H:u see i r..i"rongihe ,;;*;;;;il?,..r,; to a point on the thence south 0'15.west +el.gofeet to.the center of said section l2; ," *., f"llll,T:;tx ::"K ff t #iig ff; 'ar on g th e s"*n.iry j* Ji,,r d s w r z+Nb r r+ thence North 0."0-6' Easr r:g+:z r*i "r:o ^ jh" Easterly line of said swl/4NEl/4 to theNorlheasr corner of said swv+r.lsir-il;;", of beginning, AND The NW1/4sEr/4 0f section 12, Township 5 sourh, Range g1 west of rhe 6rh p.M.; AND Alr that paft of the sEr/4Nwr/4 0f section 12, Jowryllp 5 sourh, Range 8 i w.*t of ,h.6th P'M., lving southerrv ortne soutt.r,,,uiri oi.*ly ri"" "iu:'s. riigiray No. 6, as shown on[:iJffi"rli:,il'jl*: *i* "r,1,, srer,2""."r, .,"**o nr_".i.r rr.toru.n.ot No. e748e, Beginning at the Southeast corner of said SE1/4NWl/4;. rhence South 89"02, w*, 8:69l f.rilipoint on,the s*Grlv 1gr1"J*.y r,"" "#;;iln*,^fr:,t"utherlv line orsaid sEl/4NW1/4 ro a thence North 52,"3j' Easg igii ii iliuioogft. sourherly right of way line of saidhighway to a point on the-Easterly lt;;;f *td ft t/4NWt/4:thence south o ,1:-Y:lti;zt.iirrri"r""g^the Easterly rine of said sEr/4NWri4 to thesoutheast corner of said sEricuiri+l *" oJirT"roeginning; EXCEPT THE FOLLOWIITtrG: that part described in Book lgg at page 545; tharparr described in Book l9I atpage24l; that paft descrjbed in Book 203 at page 231; tJrat part described in Book 203 at page 53 l; F:\everyoneUorn\koelbel.leg l I that certain island adjacent to the above-described property, and located in the middle ofGore creek, which the parties intend ;;;;i"d";"- rhis transacrion: County of Eagle, State of Colorado ALSO TIIE FOLLOWING PARCEL FORMERLY KNOWN AS TIIE .COSGRIFF PARCEL. A tract of rand situated in-tlre sw '4 NE l/4 0f secfion 12, Township 5 south,Range gl west of the ott rriocipaivreiiian, lying Northwesterly of the centerline of Gore creek describ.d;_--fi;ll";s.o'' rJ'rB r\orurwesreny oI i Beginning at a point whence the North euarrer corner of said section l2 bears N.l1'03' W' 2292'72 feet thence s. aiilio's. 89.50 feer; thence s. 54"42,30,E' 1 6 g' g6 feet; thence- !, 33' r 6'30'; ;. -uo.tzfeet to a poinr in tre center ofsaid creek; thence S.65.3 a, w. t'g.ii't"ri urong rlr, ;J";;il;;iliic ,rr"hthence s' 69"04' w'90'za r".. iong;h;;;* fine of said creek; rhence N.il;:r;i[y . 3 t 7 . 5 4 feet ro il, e po;i,'li i.e"i*,, g, containing I . 05 a cres, ALSODESCRIBED Beginning at a point whence the North e'arter corner of said section 12 bears N.I I "03, w. 2292.72 feer; thenc; s. si;a:.1+y E.89.84 feet; thence s. 57"25,30,,E.169'46 feet; thences. :z'spi:o'iv.i+i.n feet ro a point in the cenrer of saidcreek; thence S- 65 .3 1,36,, W. r Og.6i f.* atong tne ceni*rlin" or ,uia .rr.hrrence s' 69"0r'3^6"w. 103 02 f;;;;rr"g rrg center rine of said creek; thenceN.23"24'09, W. 319.09 f*, ," if,, p"i* of beginning. TOGETHER Wff! a1 easemenr as described in Document recorded fiii:H;,:t3:il#::iilf " P'c';a uno,e"o,oeo in e""kliz at page 80 Also including at water and werr rights appurtenant to the above described property,including without.rimiratioo, *.ir'p'Jr-i, No. g+zor, water rights decreed in civilAcrion No' 2375-i-n e;a^sr-e counw niti'i., c""r,, ;; ;il;ilil;iin of water rightsdecreed in case wo. s0 cw ar', w"rJbrr"-iffi ;d;Jfiii , *.,, _ 0.05 crs) +'3fl il*il?,Tfl:il:ffHft: i:tT:,T#:lti,lfi :.', oo, 2, rown ship 5 s outh, Range 8 I Beginning at the center of said section 12; thence s, 0o 15,00,, w. Along the east rine of saidNortheast euarrer t*'or:T a: unir, iii;;;;; , point on the north rine ora tract described inBook 189 at page 59r; thence along said oonh ;;. s. gg"5931,, w. 353.7 feet; thencesouthwesterty arons a curve to tre iet rnor. ,#u, is 7g.93 feet, and whose chord bears s.52"25'32" w. g+.oj feet, an arc distance "f id0J4 feer thence N. 10o05,39,, E.222.r2feet to apoint on the north rine of.said N"nh.;rid""n., i"*rr*"st euafter; rhence N. 3g.59,3 I ,, E.;Hi iffi#,lt, W lil:ffi:, g# i " i** o, a;;; 6b;il to.. o,,e ss, to a Y"pl.q"g parcel added to Cascade Metropolitan District(copied from Land ritte roti.f uo .,;i;;;;;;;" , F:\everyoue\dom\koelbel.leg o i o { ORDII{ANCE NO. 5series of 1976- AN ORDINAIVCE ESTABLISHING SPDCTAL DEVELOPI.{ENTDISTRICT 4 AND AT4ENDTNG THE ZONIIIG ORDIIIANCEAND TI{E OFFICTAL ZONING MAP. WHBREAS, Art,icle l, Section I.201_, of the Zoning Ordinance. Ordinance No. g, Series of 1973, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, as amendedr established thirteen zoning dis_ tricts for the rnunicipality, one of which is the Special Development District; l-imit.ed IVHBREAS, l4ansfield. corporation and. Gore creek Associates, Tpartnership; submit.ted as owners applications requesting thau the Town estabrish special Development District 4, hereinafter refe*ed to as "sD4", for the deveropment on its parcer of 1and. comprising 97-52 acres in the portion of the Lions Ridge area, county of Eagle, state of colorado, which was annexed to the Town effective on t,he 16th day of December, 1975; WHEREAS, the estabtishment of the requested SD4 wj_Il f ensure unified and coordinated. d.evelopment.and. use of a critical 1\ site as a whole and in a manner suit,able for the area in which j-t is situated; and ?IHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable' appropriate, and beneficial- to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to establish said sD4; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDA]NED BY TIIE TO!fN COUNCIL oF THD TOWN OF VArL| coLoRADO, AS FOLLOI{S: Section l. Title. This ordinance shall be known as the ,,Ordinance Establ-j-shing Special DevelopmenL District 4,,. Section 2. Amendment procedures Fulfilled; Planning ( Commission Report. The amendment procedures prescribed in Section 21.500 of the zoning ordinance have been fully complied. with and the Town Council has received the report of the Planning Commission recommend.ing \'- --_:..-_town' uterk ( ': o. the enactment of this ordinance. Section 3.Special Development District 4 EstabLished; Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning :4ap. pursuant to the provj-sions of Articies 1, 13, and 21 of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No, B, Series of L973, of the Town of vail' cororado, as amended, special Devel0pment District 4 (sD4), a special clevelopment zoning district, is hereby establishedfor the deveropment on a certain parcer of land connprising g7.52 acres in the Lions Ridge area of the Town, and the Zoning Ord.inance and the official Zon'ng Map are hereby amended by the addition ofthe following provisj-ons which shalr becorne the Fourth chapter of Article i:, the caption of which sharl be ,,specia1 Deveropment District 4", and a map which sha1l become an addition to the Official Zoning Map: A. purposes. special Development District 4 is estabrished to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that wirr be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide ad.equate open space and recreational amenitles r dnd promote the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance; Special Develop_ ment District 4 is created. to ensure that the d.everopment density will be rerativery row and suitabr.e for the area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the deveropment is regarded as complernentary to the Town by the Town council and the pranning commi.ssiotr, drld there are si-gnificant aspects of the special devel0pment which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of stand,ard zoning districts on the area. B. Special Development District 4 Established. (1) Special Development District 4 is established for the devel0pment on a parcer of land comprisi-n s 97.52 acres as more particularly described, in Exhibit A r,egal Description attached hereto and made a part hereofi special Development District 4 and said. 97.52 acres may be referred to as ,SD4,,. (2) The District shaLl consist of four separate I ) /': r.li"r F---P:----:_rown L,lerK :' -2- o I l. development areas, as j.dentified on the of the fo:l1oling approximate sizel I attached map consisting DBVNLOPIIBNT AREA II fr L. rtr-Aulj B C J-tJ.6z tn .L 57+ D 3+ Development Area A is now orvneci by the Mansfield Corporation, 'ominee, Development Areas B, C, ancl D are now owned by Gore creek Associates, a limited partnership organized. under the la"rvs of the State of Colorado. C. Development plan Required. (1) Before the owner commences site preparation, buirding construction or other improvments rviilrin sD4, there sharl be an Approved. Deveropment plan for sD4. Development of sD4 may be phased by Development Area and within Development Area but a sufficient amount of information shall be suppllect with respect to all Development Areas in order to arlorv tire planni-ng commission and rown council to ensure the compatability of :r"ny proposed Development PIan with the remainder of SD4. (2) Each Development Area shall be subject to a single Development Plan. Deveropment plans for a portion of Development Area must conply with the provlsions, terms, anci conciitions of the Development Plan for the Development Area. (3) A Proposed Development plau for SD4 shatl be sub_ mitted to the Zoning Administrator who sha.l1 refer the Developmeot Plan tothePlanning commission and to the Design Review Board, which sha1l consider the plan a"t a regutarly schecluled. meeting, and a report of the Planning commission setting forth its find.i.ngs and recommendations shaLr be transmitted to the Town counsll in ac- cordance with the applicabre provisions of Artlcle 21 hereof. I ,#y*-it -3 -(4) Upon receipt of ilre proposed Development plan and Planning Commi.ssion report, the Town Council shall cletermine whether the plan is acceptable to the Town in aecordance with theapplicable provisions of sections 21.505 and. 21 .506 hereof. This determination by the Town councir sharr- be made through its enastmenrof an ordinance amending the provisions of sD4 to incorporate the Devel0pment pr-an as an amendment thereto, and shal1 becorne the approved Development plan. (5) The Approvecl Devel0pment plan shall be used as the principal guide for all development rvithin SD4. Amendemnts to an Approved Development Plan which do not change its substance and which are duly recommended in a report of the planning commission may be approved by the Town council by resolution. Bach phase of devel0pment sha1l require, prior to issuance of builcling permits, approval 0f the Design Review Board in accordance lvith applicable provisj-ons of Article 15 hereof. D. Contents of proposed Development plans, (1) Before any site preparation, building construction or improvements of any area within sD4, the clevel0per shalr. submlt to tbe zoning Administrator an overall Environmental rmpact Report for sD4 i.n accordance rvith the applieable provisions of Arti_cle 16 hereof; provid.ed that such overall nnvironmental rmpact Report shall be supplemented with respect to each Development Area as hereinafter provided. \z) is not limited to .- - L A Proposed Development p1a.n shal1 inclucle, but the following data: , 1. The complete Environrnenta.l fmpact Reporttogether with a Supplemental Lnvironmentalfmpact Report which- brings ihl originatReport to a current status, supplementingsuch report with respect to ttre-Develop_-ment Area or Development Areas lnvolvehand is acceptable to the Zoning Administrator. Exlsting contour$ having contour intervalsof not more than five (S) feei-itthe.average slope of the'site-ii-ZO percent or less with contour i.ntervals or not T?"9,-!h?1. ten (10) feet if the averase slope:t ..19 site is greater that 20 per cent. :I1.:1nF and proposed contours after gradingtor each phase, t z- {u Town iC'leFk ffiF. -4- o A conceptual site pl:rn, :rt a scale notsmaller that one (l) j"nch = 40 feet,showing the locations ancl climensions ofall bui.ldings and structures, uses therein,and all principal site clevelopment features,such as landscaped areas recreational f acilities, peclestrial plazas ancl rvalkrvays,service entries, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas. A preliminary landscfl.pe p1an, at ascale not smaller than one (I) inch =4O feet, showing existing lanciscapefeatures to be retained or removed, andshowing, proposed landscaping andlandscaped site development features,sueh as an outdoor recreational facilities,bicycle paths, trails, ped.estrianplazas and walkways, water features andather elements for each development area. Preliminary building elevatj_ons, sections,and floor plans, at a scale not smallerthan 1/8 inch = 1 foot, in sufficientdetail to determine floor a.rea, grossresidential floor area, interior clrculation,location of uses within buildings, andthe general scale a.nd appearance of theproposed developmenL for each development atea. A proposed plan of parking, loading,traffic circulation, and transit fa.cilities;and a proposed progratn for satisfyingtraffic and transportation needs generatedby the development fot each development area. A volumetric model of the site and theproposed development, at a scale notsmaller than I inch = I00 feet, portrayingthe scale and relationships of the proposed. development to the site anci illustratingthe form and mass of. the proposecl builclingsfor each development area.. An architectural model of each proposedbuilding at a scale deemed appropriate tothe development by the Zoning Administratorportraying design details for ea.eh phase. A proposed program indicating order ofsonstruction phases, transportation fac,ilities, and recreational amenities. 10. A proposal regarding the d.ed,ication to the Townor private ownership and maintenance of thatportion of the Development Area within the I00-year floor p1a"in of Gore Creek. In the event the}0O-year flood plain is not dedicated to the Townsuch lands shalL be subject to a right of public access to Gore Creek, and the right to use aportion of such lands for a.bicycle path, andfor park purposes proviclecl that the location anduse of such facili.ties and access shall be deter-mlned by mutual agreement between the Town andthe owner of the development areas j.nvolvecl . Permitted Uses. Single-family residential dwellings, two-family I il t!' 4 5. b. of. tt. 9. t' E. A"KV -".:i-.r_lown rrerK (.o residential drvelling and residential cluster drvellings shall be permitted uses i-n Development Areas A, B, ancl c. Trvo family dwe1l1ngs, residential cluster dwellings, and multipre family dwellings shall be permitted'uses in Development Areas A & 8. . Professional offices and business offices, rvith a totar gross floor area not to exceed. ten thousonodro,ooolsquare feet, sha11 be a permitted use in Development Area D. F. Conditional Uses. The following conditional uses shall be permitted subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Artiele 18 of this ordj-nance, for the various Development Areas as herein speeifiecl: CONDITIONAL USES DEVELOPMENTAREA-ABCD il I Private clubs, civic, cultural and fraternal organizations Public utllity and public services Public buildings, grounds and facilitj-es Public park and recreation facilities Ski lifts and tows Institutional or educational center: provicledthat if said center is constructed, then thefollowing shall be conditional uses ineonjunction therewith: lodges including accessory eating, drinking or recreationalestablishments--not occupying more than 2e%of the total gross floor area of the lodge towhich it is accessory; Publj.c or conmercial parking faeilities;Professi.onal offices, business offices and st udios . XX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX! XXXX XX I The term "Institutional or Educationa.l Center" sha11 mean a public or private institution for learning, instruction or continuing education. Such facilities may l:e utilized for seminars or educational programs and may incLude conference and meeting rooms, audlo-visual facilities and necessary aecessory useage such as dining rooms and efficiency dweL1i.ng units. The phrase "efficiency dwelling units" shall mean any room or group of rooms without fu11 kitchen facilities, but which may include a" refrigerator, sink and cook top of no more than two heating units, designed for or adapted -6- \ to occupancy by individuals attending the Institutional or Educational center; the efficienty dwelJ-ing units srra11 be accessible rrom comrnon corridors, walhs or balconies without passing trrrough another ef f iciency dwelling unit, accomrnoclat j-on unit or clwetl-ing unit ancl each said uni-t shart not exceed 400 square feet, and sha11 be consiclered in determining the total GRFA allowecl for each clcvelopment area. G. Accessory Uses, The following accessory uses Development Areas A, B, & C. t 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a homeoccupations pernrit in accord with the provisionsof Section 12.300 hereof. 2, other uses customarily incidental and accessoryto permitted or conditional uses, and necessaryfor the operation thereof. The following accessory uses shal1 be permitted in Development Area C on1y. 1. Attached garages or sarports, pri.vate greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patios, or otherrecreational facilities custor:iarily inciclentalto permitted residential uses. rn addition the following accessory uses sha]1 be permitted. 1n Development Areas A and. B. 1. Swimmlng poo1s, tennis courts, patios, orother recreational facilibies customarilyincidental to perrnitted .or conditional uies,and necessary for the operatlon thereof. Density Control. 1. The number of ilwelling units shal1 not exceed the following: H. Development Area A - Development Area B - 252 240 uni-ts units shall be permittecl in (_*, I. Development Standards. The foltowing d.evelopment stand,ards are l:ereby approved by the Town councir; these stanclards shall be incorporatecl into the Approved Development plan pertinent to each Development Area to protect the lntegrity of the development of sD4; the foLlowing are minimum d.everopment stand.ards and sharl apply unless more rest:rictive standards are incorporated, in the Approved Development plan which is adopted by the Town Council. -7- 1n of ' l. setbacks. ltequired setbrcks sharr be as indicatecl each Devel0pment Plan with a minimum setback on the periphery the property of not less than 20 feet. ,Dj-stance Betrveen Euildings. between all buildlngs shal1 be as i.ndicated on Plan with a minimum of 15 feet, provided that one foot of additional separation betrveen buildings shalr be required for each 2 feet of building height over 15 feet, carculated on the basis of the average height of the two buildings 3. Height. The maximum height of a building in Area A shall be 45 feet. The maximum height of buildlngs in Areas B, C and D sha11 be 35 feet. 4. Density Control. The gross residential floor bui.ldings j-n each development area shall not exceed The minimum distances eaclr Development area of a]] .35 GRFA in Area A, .3O-GRFA in Area B, an I 5. Site Coverage. In Areas A and B,.no more tiran 35% ot. the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, lf any portion of said areas is developed a.s an institutional or educational center, 45% of the area may be covered. rn Areas c and D' no more tl.rzt 257o of the total site area. shall be covered by buildings. 6. Useable Open Space. Useable open space shall be as indicated on the Development plans but in no case shall the same be less than 250 square feet exclusive of required front set- back areas shall be provided at ground level for each dwelring unit. useable open space may be common space accessible to more than one dwelling unit, or may be private space accessible to separate dwelling units, or a combination thereof. At least S0 per cent of the required ground leveI useable open space shal1 be common spa.ce. The minimum dimension of any area quarifying as ground level useable open space shall be ten (10) feet. L ( f -B- 7 - La.ndseaping. At least the foll_orvlng proportlons of the total Deveropment Area sha11 be landscapecr as provided in tlre Devel'pment Plan (thi-s shal1 incrude reLenbion of 'aburallandscape, if appropriate). Areas A and B, s0% and Arcii.s c and D, 60%' If any portion of Areas A and B is cicvclopecl:rs an institutional or educational center, these limi-tations may be modifiecl in accorclance rvlth amendment proceclures specified in section 2r.500 of the Zoning Ordinance- 8.r Parking. offstreet parking sha1l be provideci in accordance with Article 14 of the zoning ordinance except that 757o of the requirecl parking in Area.A shall be located lvithin the main buildlng or buildings. In Areas B and D, 507o of the required parking shaLl be located within the main building or buildings' on-site parking sha11 be provicrecr for common carriers providing charter service to the d.evelopment; said bus parking shatl be indicated on the Deveropment plan. No parking or loading area sharl be located in any requi-red front setba"sk area. rf any portion of Areas A and B is developed as an institutlonal or educational center, these limitations may be modified in accorda.nce lvith amend- ment procedures speclfled i.n section z1.soo of the zoning ordinance. J. Recreation Amenities Tax. The recreational amenities tax due for the development with sD4 under ordina.nce No. z, series of 7974, of the Town of vair", cororado, shalr be assessecr at a. rate not to exceed $0.2b per square foot of the floor area i.n develop- ment Areas A, B, and C, and at a rate not to exceed. $0.75 per square foot in Development Area D; and shal1 be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the issuanee of a build.ing permlt. K.Conse.rvation and Pollution Controls. (1) Developer's drainage plan shall incLude provision for prevention of pollution from surface run-off. (2) Developer shall include 1n the building construction energy and water conservati.on controls as general technology exists at the time of construction. ( i t {._ --, a Recreational Amenities. (f) The approved Development following recreational amenities : (a) Bike and pedestrian from east property line to west property line developer rvith exact location to be nutuallv and Town Council . Plan shall include the path traversing property shall be provided by acceptable to developer i L.I . Additional Amenities. (1) Developer sha11 provide "d*.t""pt:?Ti:?sportationservices to the owners and guests of the development so as to transporr them from the development to village core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the approved Development plan. (2) Developer shal1 provide in its approved Development Plan a bus sheLter of a design and location mutually agreeable to developer and Torvn Couniil. Said sheLter to serve the area generally. N.Limitation gn Existence of Speeial Development District 4. Prior to the adoption of the Approved Development plan, the Town council reserves to the Town the right to abrogate or modify sD4 for good cause through the enaetment of an ordinance; provided, however, that in the event the Town council finds it to be appropriate J to consider whether to abrogare or I r.".,-z' be as provided in Section 21 . S00 of modify SD4 the procedures shal1 the Zoning Ordinance pertaining 4 shal1 be indicated addition to the Official to amendments. Special Development Distrlct on a map which amends and sha]l become an Zoning Map. owrii -10- -. - i. EXHIBIT "AU KOELBEL PROPERTY DEVELOPI4ENT AREA A Beginning at a point on the tlest line of said SW l/4NE r/4 from which the North one-quarter corner of said sectionbears North 0015' East 2269.48 feet; thence liorth 0015' East,along said west Line, 152.36 feet lo a point. on the southeasterlyqight. of way line of U.S. Highway t{o. 6} thence, along sai-d.Southeasterly right of way line, as follows: North 52()27 ' East, 102.31 feet;North 49420' East. 519.57;feet; andNorth 48013'Eastt 549.09 feet, more or less, to a pointon the North line of saj.d SW 1/4 NE l,/4; thence North g8o33' :East, along the North line of said SW l/4 NE, 368 feet, more or1ess, to a point on the centerline of Gore Creek; thence, along thecenterline of Gore Creek, as follows; South 36049' West, 101.04 feet;South L8o21' West, 54.08 feet,. South !o24t West, 205.02 feet;South l_2o10r lrtest, 110.25 feet; andSouth 28o4L' West, 242.35 feet, thence South 75015'West, 1064.10 feet to the point of beginning. Vail-Rose A part of the SW .l/4 NETownship 5 Soulh, Range BL West offollows: Rose Parcel Iine ofof Gore of said Iine of of said. of said A txact of l_and situated in the SWkNEk of Section l-Z,TP 5 S., R. 81 W., of the 6th p.M., lying Southerly of that certaintract of land described in Book I99, page l_97, Norlherly andwesterly of the center line of Gore creek, and lying Noltherty andEasterly of those certain tracts described in gook 2tt at page 106,Book 211 at Page 108 and Book 2I5 at page 365, d.escribed. asfollows: 12.370 acres L/4 of Section 12,the 6th P.M-, described as 3.190 acres at page 108; Northerly Book 211 at Page il of L2 Beginning at a point on the Noi:th-South cent.er linesaid section 12 whence the North quarter corner of said sectionbears N. 00ot5r E. 2269.48 feet; thence N. 75015' E. 346.26 feet to the true point ofbeginning, said point being on the south line of that tiact describedin Book 199, eage 197 and which bears S. 08026, E. ZZOS.34 feet.from the North guarter corner of said Section 12;thence N. 75oI5' E. 7I7.84 feet along the Southerlythat tract. described in Book 199, page 197 to the center Creek; thence S. 28041' w. 130.61 feet along the center lineCreek; thence S. 05024'30" E. 104.50 feet alonq the centersaid Creek; thence S. 49029' W. 95.50 feet along the center line Creek; thence S. 22034' W. L24.47 feet along the center lineCreek; thence S. 54o00r W. 119.34 feet along the center lineof said Creek; to the Southeast corner of Chat certain tract ofIand described in eook fll, page l0B; thence N. 33"16,30" w. I40.12 feet along the Easterlyline of that tract described in Book 211 at page 108 ithence N. 57042'30" W. I59.BB feet along theNortheasterly line of that tract described in Book 211 thence N. 86002'30" w. 162.92 feet along theline of those tracts described in Book 2I1 at page l0Bat Page 106 to a point; thence N. 32057 t30u W. 76.08 feet along theNortheasterly line of that tract described in Book 215365, to the poinL of beginning. I : il INTRODUCED, j.n full this 2nct day of READ, ADOPTED and ORDERED pUBLISHED Ii{arch , 1976. : ,e Section 4. Effective Date. This ordlnance sha]l take effect in provlsions of the Charter of the Town of Vai1. INTRODUCND, READ ON TIBST READING, APPROVED, ANd 'RDERED PUBLTSIIED 'NCE rN F'LL, this 10th day of February, 1976, and a public hearing on thls ordinance shall be her-d. at the regular meeting of the Town council of the Town of Vail, colorad.o, on the 2nd day of March, 1976, at T:30 p.M., in the l{unicipal Building of the Town. aceordance rvith the TOl'/N Dobson, son, Itlayor - 11- I FIL E COPY 4. A request for a major amendment to SDD #4 (Cascade Village), to allow modifications to allowable GRFA and building height limitations, located at 1 150 Westhaven Lane/Lots 39- 1& 39-2, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Timothy Pennington, represented by Diane LarsenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Diane Larsen, representing the applicant, concurred with the staffs recommendation. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were none. Ann Bishop had no comments, but thanked Mr. Nonis for his letter that described the history. Diane Golden had no comments. John Schofield had no comments. Gene Uselton had no comments. Planning and Environmental Commlssio'u Mnutes Ootober 27, 1997 appnorf,DUgC O S|l Greg Amsden said he was involved in the changing of the GRFA in the code and saw no negative effect in Glen Lyon. Greg Moffet agreed with Greg Amsden, but asked to applicant to please not come back with snowmelt boilers in the setback. Ann Bishop made a motion for approval with one condition, in accordance with the staff memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. The motion passed by a vote of &0. Planoing and Environmental Commission Minutes aebber 27, 7997 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT \\SD$rx\qs$rsa l_J PLUMB|NG \-.S\\a_ LJ FOUNDATION IXX Gf,T ERADING hm department ol community danelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PERM NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE e41s SEP. 1.3. 1990 nnn WPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL JOB NAME: Nme TIM PENNINGTQNrc ARCHITECT F|RM SHERRT DoRIJARD/GEODEST MATLADDRESS BOX 3766 clrY vArL PH 6-9537 FIRM SUMMIT LANDSCAPING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. .|.EI E IT T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll l lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : RANTNC ANN I.ANNq(:ADI' IJ6AT' PERMIT NO. zIts BUILOING ETECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL I,ANDSCA?eRADrNc 20,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 66 Ct# ct# 173 rffi & PLAN CHECK 22 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ATTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL( ) REPATR fi)o PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CIEAN"UP OEPOSIT EXT wALLs| - lnotln - I USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF HEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ee MICHAEL WHITAKER 9II7I9O ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED UiLolNG OFFteiAL - - DAT-E KRISTAN PRITZ )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING CNING A BUILDING NOTES:*-"*- l l ALL DISTURBED AREAS REVEG. DUE TO CONSToer',ro I l^l I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corr€ct. I agree to comply \with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design icable theretoordinances of the T CTOR FOR HIMSELF review approved, Uniform Building Code and E3r Z1/94 l5! a5 JO3 475 7569 EEfr/nlPlrle P.01 til)0t\t ![ct( AStoctAIrs InxlJ,litnli,rg ii(",iorl IrrtiBa Urban Dcsirin t n uat*.'op" Ar( hill'( lurc Marcb 26, 1994 3II7I94 MEETING NOTES SubJect: $eDarrted Crrnsl,,., q. irr-- rro: ;#iffiffl.if:lj-ij,",,il :#""HilJi:9ry;:,,s,rlj;i* rilf iti,TtffIj rru Fe u n I a s r * :ii girL ;ff : H'Y:f :ii/.:llJ'fi fi li " * "From: Sfil;l!:l*.l.ll a"*i.t"itgar deparrment The purpose of tf,e two l.-T:ll;*,i jil;;:::1j'lf:;i:.:,i;i,',11i",U_li'Ii?,i,,,,,iJ."j,*,, l,lX i T;]"'i I iTI,"i:|, :H n ilkh,: l;UXs *te,n a t i "c a n d i d rn ti ry l' it'ltr:nn"",1:h,T.'i1i:::tionar modets sod a! engiueer,s cost Lot ie tbat ,i"';ilJ:i":'-111atives, lL-c aroup,osreed?rn tl.llr,., or ,11lj1l;q];;i*"lu',1:*i::ifi+l'ir,!!:.Jffi fi .,T."',:ll;il;' approvf tLe overpaso 6che6s, wlict wouldllo be berder to fund.2. Because Lor 39 ir i" 11ry.1iuf developnenr distrief and because rhc $DD;J:","ifl1i"::ll T, ii: I o'l o or, oii.'if, tl' Ji{i,, bri dge, K ris ! a a pri. z rui*rfi*:t*r*l':lr;*#*.-*t,'ry'';ilit'',l ;11'J::ffJfi.ff0:'rffif.ls wiil be reviccd ro (r) reatisn thc rkiway to l::t-:ru;*a'...a,'nt'#|!!:ii[l1!H*:*:llii,,il-Jfr i:t-;orarDage provisioa to trodle stop-e ruroff uoji, tl, bridge; (c) add g_10rrees or tbe downhitt side of ,r,..triJgo ii rJr-# ,o. naue; (d) rhow(eystoDe bloct rather than cast-in.pil;";:;; m rhc buitditg natsrict. LX'-il[:t;:t:i:"li[:T f l" rcvic w.mugr i acrud e a rc vised pran ;*:fj";hui*,:tiff ,1f":lJlr::::f; :,;:i;i**.T,r*lf " 3. tEi Alptne 500 ta* lio ihcarl Circh Vail, Ctloradogt6IT (303t476.066$ EAX 476.V6(fr ISA lacifir l7t(.rkrsIlrirt, SrD l,lJl,ri, (,rlifu(,ri,r {,{qt, t (41 tl ,19t.4 712 rAl{ 4i9.671$ (.A t95B t," g3/29/9+ 1!rg4 J0s 476 7660 E8fl/filFine P,62 --- Westfn $kfway Undrrplss, Mrcfing Noteer 3/l?./9{, F[ge z 5. Kristan recornmended_ lhat alt other operr issues on th€ Lot 39iil:l':fffJ J*'i;.l: '.,oru"o 'i ii. #;;;il. (i.c. red,crion or rhc t,iri,y .rr.r.;;;ij:l::tttrt; vcrific.rtion that a partial vacation of rhu . I l;;;,bk ;R F.Ajl't o"o" approved; ch an ge i n tr'. io. o o ur'Ji;;il i"i i. g 6' L{"t i :i;lilff ',:* i,T #:',.,$.i :ffi jI 1,::j: r ! :,, com p a ( i bi, i, y ;qJJ,.,T.T I ; J ", "*l : * " . r,, " i * i, r, ; ; ; ffi:.il", rT::-r: I i # l, I i:X 11"",; the span under rhc oll"ki''e,"gyipment in th1,^:t"l: It was agrccd rhar for snow crre. rltvcr?ay bridge should be 22, wiJe inir,_rlTr"iiii, 7. VA and Tim pennington.will coo.peratc in drofting an operaling andmrrntenance Esrccnrert lo, tf," .iiu."y. 'i,ii",.*u, oeparlmenl willdraft the docuirent nnd.penningron;, i"*y.r"*ill revicw. Theagreenenr wiil rtrio qllrjtr troilva;;i,";;* irs pump srarionupsrrean afrer rhe rwo homee .r" ;;;:i;"";;on Lor 39.8. Phelps and Uugari ,::oylu..lj-ud lhat VA includc rhe skiway underpasscon$ttuctior prr:ject in^ils 199{.u*i., *ui'"t""onaa prograln in orderro expedirc rhe Forest service,s ;;;i;;;;il,;., (This was done3122194.) --- - -vw'o'vrr Pr{'sG{ 9. The Foresl Service will requirc a scdimenlation fencc and pond durinecons.rucrion ro avoid eedimenr ii;;i;;j;il;"re Creek_ table Provided siting, design re lots. Lots 30 rw avalanches. ,vingdebriswith .lnds persquare I of foundations r condition of ct Report dated \.rli F3 se Homesites within Glen zoning dislrict recenlly Primary/Secondary Rr provide sites lor single I in which one unil is a l: second unit is a smalle dwelling unils must be On any site containing dwelling units may not allowable tolal Gross F Accessory uses would houses, patios, swimm lacilities customarily in residential uses. The zoning also establ slandards for the hom( Residential Dislricl, the A. Setbacks: In oeneral, the minir ts'#,l[:'fl:,:: height exceeds l5 l 8. Height Not applicable. " I:f'"''"3ill"j;"', tloor area (GRFA) s square feel tor the fl plus not more than ' permitted lor each 1 15,000 and 30,000 I & #"'-e;€ s Open Space 6\ coNsrRucnoN PERMTTtnoffil I*"*, depsrtment of communaty dw€lopmont TO BE FILTED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANGE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT [_ autorr'rc tr pluMerNc ffi elecrnrcru [ rouruoRrroru D uecHnntc* n OWNER HNUSVAIL VALLEY CONS. WATER vqrPnToqqts 846 Fonsst ED FIRM un -loonEss CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRU TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. plpi, DOU3I,E DTAMoND SBRVICES TowN oFvArL REG. No. 134-B rFf E 476-6272 PLUMBING FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REC. NO. UUN IKAUIUK TELE. MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO.UUNIKAUIUK FIRM TOWN !f14il. REq- NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE MAY 20, 1992 DATE 005481 fr*;t^ &sr"rk/*]ryp ml,s G/s 75 So*tb Frontagc Road Vtil, Colorado 81657 3 03 -47 9 -2 r t 8 / FAX r0 3 -47 9 -2 1 t7 ?o3 FROM: DATE: RE: D epertment of Pablic WorhslTransportation !.TE!{ORANDU}T Shelly MelLo r rrrGreg Hall ;}fl - February 8,'L991Private Road Standards for And Possible Lot 42; Glen tots 39, 40, 4l- Lyon Subdivision fhe ?own of Vail Municipal Code Section 17.28.320.8 defines driveways as rrAny private access for two or fewer dwellinq units.rlSection L7.28.320.D defines rninor streets - which incl"udes private slreeEs. ft appears that the access easement granted to access the lotsrnentioned above meets the definition of a private street. The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section ]:7.Zg.33o provides thedesign criteria of minor (private) streets. From the design criteria, a 22t wide paved width rrrith 2r shoulderson each side would be reguired once the next dwelling unit isbuilt, as currently there are two dwelling units existing on lot The issue at hand is how does 24t of roadway surface fj.t into a 201easement. There are two solutions, one is to contact the ForestService to see if an encroaehment onto Forest Service land ispossible, as currently a part of the existinq roadway encroaches. The other solution would be to provide at a nininum Lgt of pavedwidth and two Lt shoulders as long.as the Fire Departrnent siqns off on the substandard road. I wouLd prefer the first option, hewever,if the Fire Department signs off on the latter solution then Public Works will too and the second nay !,rork. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me. cc: Dick Duran iJ I 17.28. 300 STREETS ( GENERAL; CLASSIFICATION; DESIGN CRITERIA; CONSTRUCTION },IATERIALS, A]iID CONSTRUCTION METHODS ffion*.l1::5""li'1u!:::":i:5;:il'I!'3il"till3",nu"'" Plan. 17.28.320 CLASSlFICATION: { A. Arterial sEreets (Frontage Roads) _- ere those which pertit lfr"-i"t"tively rapid and unirnpeded-movemen! or large ".ir-"t of triffit from. one plrt of the comunity to another. ro.B"rs+ffiil".5n?ii"Elli'.E:::;:"":'i5'i;"5i"?":*?i:"'generators. Coliector streets-ilclude the princiPal .. . : Entrance sgreets to a residential developurent, those.linking such adjacent developm_enEs, and those streecs providing circulallon fi"$il"such develoPnents' - --:--:j!_.. --i:i;:*-:. -- C. Local sTreetr--"t" those used prirnarily _for direit "cces-s-'toDroDerEtes ETutting the righC-of-way. Local-strgets carry il;iii" having an origin oi destination within the developroent itta ao not carrt through craffic' D. Minor sEreets-(includes private) are those u-sed pri,lar-ily-.fo:l direcE acce;E' ro propertles abutting the right-of-w_by.-._Ulno3 etreers carry fer.Lr-vehicles than local stre_ecs-. 'I'hey._dg-1Ot- . carrY throug! traffic' :::r'-:.. ,{ I 3. Strelt Na,nes - StreeE names' shaLl not duplicate an exist{.ng screet #me. 6"16T3 tle said streeE is an extension of the existing sgreeg. rSir.iC narres'shall be subjec! Eo the .approval of the Town Cou'scil. a Curves -.ihe duiqn curve radius sha1l be as designated in-'6E!5"9h I bclcr- S. Allevs - AlleJs shall be-provided if-requir"i-b.y the Planning Com- I"'fiiiitin. -Therinilnrn width of chc-a1igl shall-be- 20 feet. Dead-end\- "ii"y" shall soc Dc permicced. All alleys sha1l be paved. 6- Easemenrs - F-asdots sha1l be provi<ied for all uciltEies, drainage 7 BH##T'',8 Hffi ',!r$'*;,*r,ilri*,*ffitiHii,irri:iirrili:. tion and safety Gtreet-trafr-ic, andr'rvr c*r 5.,rqLJ ssLreeE rrarrlc, and limrtationsllrd opportunities of topo-graphy. For repairs, a block will be defined as tjre distance between-iny-'-two consecutive lntersecfions of pub]ic sireeti. ,(8. fu!-de-sacs - Cul-de-sacwiE;li9Ft-of-way bu 9. Street !,lidth - Street width shall conform shall be aesigneO as minor or localand pavement radius of 40 feet. to the following: 300-750 150-300 0-150 streets, however, of 50 foot radius irrontige) n 12' per lane 8' 50 6 650 750 and over Collector 50 24 4 40 7 ZSO Local 50 22 3 30 8 eo l,linor (Pr ivate) 40 22 2 30 so Driveway 12 ({ B. c. Horfzonta't A't iorunent: The major considerations in horizontal alignment design are-:, safety, grade profile,road type, design speed, sight aiiiini.l'una iopog"ip[v.-'iit tr,.r. factors nustbe balanced to orodirce in ailgnmeni-iiii it satisi,-fio'si eCinomical, and adequate'for the type of'road proposedl Horlzontal aliqnment must provide at least the minimun stopping sight distance forthe deslsn speEd at alt poinii.--Tiir';;idiil riijilii'iiy"l["int.rrections, as wer.ras around curves and roidside encroachrents.- - - . Vertical Al iqrunent: The grade line is the reference line by wtrich the elevation o, *. paygt|ent and otherfeatures of the road are.estabrished.-"ti is coni"oii.a;;iriy by topography, thefactors of horizontar_arisnment, Jiiitv,-siihi;i;;;il, idiiin speed, drainase,:,and construction costs. ne conriguiiiion ir-r,"i;i ilti v.rriEre, must a.tso be-cons idered. l' Grade Line - The grade line should be positioned nith relation to the cross-ieffin as fol'lows: rvr'e'ur'€i'rrr'tr rsrc a' It should coincide witlr the road centerline on tuo-lane and multi-lane undividedroads. b. Separate grade llnbs may be required on divided mu.tti-lane roads. *Maxinrum.grade for driveways may be up to l0l if the Tovmobtained. If the driveway is -propoiea to be heaie;.'ih;if the Town Engineer,s aplrovai fi-oUiainea. Engineer's approval is grade may be up to l2i ( 10.207-10,301 uN''*rRE coDE widths and clearances esublished under this section shall be maintained at all times.- (l) Signs. When rcquired, approved signs or other approved notices shall bc provided and maintained for frre apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof or botfi. Premlses ldentificatlon Sec. 10.20E. Approved numbers or addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Key Bor Sec. 10,209. When access to or within a strucilre or an area is unduly difficult because. of secured openings or where immediae access is necessary for life- saving or fre-fighting purposes, the chief may require a key box to be installed in an accessible location. The key box shall be a r.vpe approved by the chiefand shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the.chief. Division lll INSTALLATIOII AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE. PROTECTION, LIFE.SAFETY SYSTEMS AND APPLIAIICES lnstallatlon Sec 10.301. (a) Bpe Required. The chief shall designate the type and number of fre appliances to be installed and maintained in and upon all buildhgs and premises in the jurisdiction other than privare dwellings. This shall be done iccording to the relative severity of probable fire, including the rapidity with which it may sprcad. Such appliances shall be of a type suitable for the probable class of fire asiociated with such building or premises and shall have approral of the chicf. Portable fire ertinguishers shall be in accordance with U.F.C. Standard l'lo. l0-1. (b) Special Hazards. In occupancies of an especially hazardous nature or where spcial hazards exist in addition to the normal hazard of the occuPancy,or where ccess for fire apparatus is unduly difficuh. additional safeguards rnay be required consisting of additional fire appliance units, more than on9 type of appliance, or special systems suitable for the Protection of the hazard involved. Such devices or applianccs may consist of automatic fire alarm systems, autornat- ic sprinkler or \rater sPray systems, standpipe and hose, fixed or portable fire extinguishen, suitable asbestos bhnkets, breathing aPPatatus, manual or auto- matic covers, carbon dioxide, foarn, halo-eenated and dry chemical or other special fire-extinguishing systems. Where such systems are installed, they shall be in accordance with the applicable Uniform Fire Code Standards orstandards of the National Firc Protection Association when Uniform Fire Code Standards do not apply. 42 \ 19S5EDmOI ,O.*u-',o.ro, deter or hindff dE fue dcpartment from gaining immediate access to said e{uipment or hydrant. A minimum 3-foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumfercnce of the fire hydr:rnts except ils otherwise required or approved by the chief. Flre Apparatus Access Roads Sec. 10.2117. (a) Genenl. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section. (b) When Required. Fre appara&s access roads shall be required for every building lrcreafter constructed when any portion of an exterior wall of the fint story is located more than 150 feet from fire department vehicle access. E{CEPTIONS: l. lVhen conditions prevenr rhe installation of an approved firc. apparaus acccss mad. the chief may permit the installadon of a fire-protection systen or systems in liat ofa road, provided the system or systems arc not otherwise requind by &is or any dher code. 2. Iilten tbcrc are lot more than two Group R, Division 3 or Group M Occupan. cies, thc requiremns of this section may be modified, provided, in the opinion of' the chief, firc-fighdngor rescue operarions would nor be impaired. (c) Pernisible Modilications. Clearances or widths required by this section may be increued when, ia the opinion of the chiefi minimum ctearances or widths are not adequae to grovide fue apparatus access. For high-piled combusti ble storagc, see Sectbo 81.109. . (d) Surhce. Fire appamus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support thc imposed loads offue apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so u to provide all-wea$rcr driving capabilities. (e) 1{iillh. The ninimum unobstructed width of a fire apparatus access road shall be notless than20 fecr (0 Vertical Clearanct All fire apparatus access roads shall have an unob- structed vertical cleaance of not less than l3 feet 6 inches. EXCEPfIIOI* Upo approval vertical clearance may be reduced, provided such rcdlction does n iryir access by frrc appararus ald appmved sigps arc installed ald maintrircd iadicehg the established vertical clearance. (g) trning Xada Th turning radius of a fue apparatus access road shall be as appmvedby thectbf. (h) llrnarounrb. All &ad+nd fire appararus :rccess roads in excess of 150 feet in leng& shall bcprovirkd with approved provisions for the turning around of fire apparatus. (i) Bridges. Whcarbridgc is required to be used as access underthis section, it shall be constructed and nainlained in accordance with the applicable sections of the Building Code andusiry designed live loading sufficient to carry ttre imposed loads of firc appanfitr $ Grade. The gndient for a firc apparatus access road shall not erceed the maximum appmvedby tlrc chief. (k) Obstruction Tte rcryired width of any fue apparatus access road shatl not be obstructed in aly 'nrnner, including parking of vehicles. Minimum rcquired 4l |i \ rJ,.-\' 465612 8-569 F-492 J2/r"/9J Ja:31 FG I 0F 3 REC Ooe JaHNNETTE FHTLLTFs FAQc.ruNTy cLERK, coLoRAoo J-oo tJ.oo .a. VACATION AND ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT This vacation and abandonment of a utility easement is made this 16th day of April, 1991, by Town of Vail, (the Easement User") and Hagopian & Pennington, a California general partnership (the "Owner). WHEREAS, a certain easement on the recorded plat of the Glen Lyon subdivision (Amended), more lully described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Easement"), is currently encumbering a certiain parcel of real estate (the 'Property") more fully described as follows: Os Lot 39, Amended Plat, Glen Lyon Subdivision !4 Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Colorado, and \''/ WHEREAS, fhe easement allows the Edsement User the use thereof for the conslruction, mainlenance, and reconstruction of transmission or distribution or systems to provide services by the utility, and WHEREAS, the Easement is not presenily used for such construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of actual services and systems, and WHEREAS, neither the Owner nor the Easement User realize any beneficial use in allowing the easement to remain; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF TEN DOLLARS, the mutual covenants and promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency ol which is hereby acknowledged by the parties hereto, the Easement User and the Owner covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Easemenl User, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever abanOons, vacates, releases and terminates the easement and hereby conveys all the right, title, interest in and to the easement to the Owner. 2. The O,vner hereby accepts and ratifies the vacation, abandonmenl, release, termination and grant of the easement. 3. This vacation shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Easement User and of the Owner and their respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED ON THE DATE AND YEAR FIRST ABOVE WRITTEN. I./\ STATE OF COLORADO ) couNTY oF EAGLE ) 1991, by t ) The foregoing insfrument was acknowledged before me this :f4aay ot ss. oo tJ(:)o ot Towl g UaLLT Pam Brandmeyer 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 4b56J2 A*569 F-492 J2./25/9J J6:3J FG2DF3 I EXHIBIT *A" Legal Description Parc of a lwent:r foot r.ide utilitv easemeni, to be abanCcned,, Iyingri-thin Lots 39-1 , 3g-?,, and tract t't, A Resubdivisl0n of L,ot -:g] Amended Plat Glen Lyon Subdivision, according to tlre map thereoirecorded in Book,ll7 at paqe 679 in the office of the Eagle count1,.Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follor..s; Beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lbt 39-2 whenceuhe southeasterll' corner of said Lot 39-2 bears Nggo45'57"8 1?s.00feeE; thence, a1o-n^9 the southerly line of said Loc 39-Z and 39-i,S88o45';51"W 27g.Zg feet, thence, Aeparting said soutberly line,N01ol'4'03"I{ 20.CI0 f eet, thence N88o45'57"E 265.94 'f eet,. - thenceN25o00'00"8 234.89 feet to the northerll'line of said Tracr M,thence, along said nort,herly 1ine, Ngoo54;57"8 24.1S teet, thence,departing sai-d northerly line s25o0o,oo"lf 260.g7 feec to the pointof beginning, concaining 0.2309 acres, nore or 1ess. Date:+. t<9 ' '/.-1 tJaP _G- 2_./i=__- St,an Hogf eldE ./ Colorai'o P.L.S.25:98 I I I L | fiAr- | --... 39_l.\ === : - - wF. nrNT r//7 7 /77 7/ 4656t2 B-559 F-492 J2//2J./gJ ld:31 F63OFJ RS1ITSED 9lt9/90 6$sEP ?o^st I X).n.',rin the Town of Vail A request to amend section L8.04.1_30--definition of FLoorarea, gross residential (GRFA); 18.09.080 HillsideResidential District density controlr 18.10.O9O SingleFanily District density controli L5.L2.090 Two FanilyResidential District density control and; 18.i-3.080Priroarl'/Secondary Distriet density control , of the Municipal code.Applicant: Town of VaiI A request to amend sections L8.04.36o--definition of sitecoveragei L8.09.O90--HiLlside Residential District sitecoveraglei l-8.1-0.LLO--Single Fanily District site coverage, L8.l-2.1LO--Two Fanily District site coverage; 1-8.13.090-- Prirnary Secondary District site coverager 1S.14.11-O--Residential Cluster District site coveragei l-8.16.lL0--LowDensity Residential District site coveragei t-9.L8.L10-- Medium Density Residential site coveraEei L8.20.LtO--HighDensity Residential District site coveragei L8.22.L1O-- Pub1ic Accommodation District site coveragfei L8.24. 150-- Cornmercial Core I Distriet site coveragei l-8.26.12O-- Commercial Core If District site coveraltei LA.27.090-- Commercial Core III site coveragJe; 1S.28.1-20-'ComnercialService Center District site coveragei IA.29.09O--Arterial Business District site coverage; 18.30.lL0--Heavy ServiceDistrict site coverage; t8.32.LlO--Agricultural and Open Space District site coverage and; 18.39.Lg0--Ski Base/Recreation District site coverage, of the Municipal. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE rs HBREBY erVEN that the PJ.anning Commission of the Town of Vail sil-l hold accordance with Section L8.65.060 of the Town of VaiL on October 8, l-99O at ?:00 Municipal Bullding, Consideration of: and Environmental a public hearing in nrunicipal code of the 1. 2. . Code. f,1, Applicant: Town of Vail-trtrt: a1!. rrA request !o amend section 18.52,L60--Off Street Parking and-'' {.'Tllggding Exemptions. of the l,Iunicipal Code.-ffipicanE: Town of Vail 4. e creguest for a major amendnent to SDD No. 4, CascadeVillage, Area c in order to modify the Master DeveloprnentPIan for Lots 39-1 and 39-2 of the Glen Lyon Subdivision j.n order to increase the height linitation from 25 ft. to 35ft. and to increase the maximum aLlowable GRFA per lot from 3L00 sg. ft. to 5500 sq. ft.Applicant: Andrew D. Norris A request for a side yard setback and stream setbackvariance in order to rernodel Unit Ll., A & B of the vaiL Rowhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive, Lot Ll, Block 5, Vail-village First Filing.Applicant: B. A. Bridgewater 5. l- lse pernit ilota"" to construct ,6. A request foUa conditional ra four foot antenna on the roof of the Solar Vail building Ioeated at soL N. Frontage Road Vilest, Part of Lot 8, Block2, vai]. Potato Patch.Appllcant: U. S. West Conmunications/Storms Consultants 7. A reguest for a conditional use pennit in order to sell beerat wholesale and to sell beer for off-site consunption at L43 E. Meadow Drive, Lot P, Block 5D, VaiI VilJ-age 1stFiling.Applicant: First Brewery of Vail/Dean Liotta 8. A reguest for density and setback variances in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lodge Located at 355 Ilansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village lst Filing.Applicant! Paul R, Johnston 9. A reguest for a for a rnajor change to existing developnent approval for the Valley, Phase Vf.Applicant: Edward Zneimer 1.0. A reguest for a height variance in order to construct anaddition to Condominiurn unit E-5, Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage First Filing, 14L East lleadow Drive.eppJ.icant: H. Willian Snith, Jr. lL. A request for an amendment to the approved access plan for Lots 5 and 6, Block 7, Vail Village rstFiling, 146 and 126 Forest Road.Applicant: Ron Byrne 12. A request for a variance to allov,r a satellLtedish in the Gore Creek 5Or setback and a reguest for a floodplain nodification on Lot 3, Block 1, Bigtrorn Lstaddition, 3907 Lupine Drive.Applicant: Ron oelbaum The apFlications and infornation about the proposaLs are avaj.l"able for public inspection in the Cornmunity DeveloFment Depaltment office. Town of VaiL Cornmunity Development Departrnent Published in the Vail Trail on September 21, 1.990. o,t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Connission connunlty Development Departnent July 9, 1990 A requeat for a work seesion for a maJor anenclment toSpecial Development District No. 4--Cascade Village, Area B, Anending Sections 18.45.090 Paragraph B -Density, 18.46.100 Paragraph B - Floor A.rea, Section 18.46.220 -Enployee llousing and Section 18.46.230 -Tine Requirenents, in order to sonvert an existingracquetball facility into an empl.oyee housing unit, onsite nanagenent office, Laundry and owner storage areaat Lot 53 Glen Lyon Subdivision, 14?6 l{est}raven Drive.AppJ.icant: coldstrean Condorniniun Associatl"on I.REOUEST The applicant is Cascade Village.to be amended and requesting a najor amendment The following is a listingthe applicantts proposal: to SDD No. 4--of the Sections X8.46.090 (B) Densitv - 65 dwellincr units: PROPOSED -Applicant would reduce the nunber of allovableunits to 46 which includes all existinE units anda new employee unit. 18.46.100 (,8) Floor Area - 65.000 sq. ft. GRFA: PROPOSED -Convert the existing racguetball facility into a 1591 sq. ft. ernployee unit and 750 sg. ft. officefor on-site nanagement. They are also reguesting 1032 sq. ft. of GRFA in order to allow for futureadditlons. Presently, the GRFA for the project is- 681206 sq. ft. llhe request would increase total GRFA to 7ot829. The naxlmun GRFA approved by the SDD is 6510oo sq. ft. (Please see backEroundsection on cRrA calculations). This results in an inerease of 21623 sq. ft. of GRFA (including the empLoyee unit). 18.46.220 'Employee Housinq - no mention nade of Area C: PROPOSED -One employee unit; Applicant does not want GRFAof unit to be counted touards total allowable GRFAfor project. I L !t 18.46.230 Time Reauirements: PROPOSED -Applicant would restrict employee unLtpermanently as per Town requirements. unit would be used for on-site manager. There is no reguest to amend the alLoyable site coverage. The existing site coverage is 34,878 sq. ft. The maximumsite coverage allowed for the proJect is 64,2LG sq. ft. Theapplicant has also proposed to add the required 5 parklng spaces (2 for the enployee unit and 3 for the office area)for the proposed additions, (508 covered parking reguired). II. BACKGROT'ND Upon application, the staff researched the available GRFAfor Area B--Coldstream Condoniniuns. According to theexisting available infornation from building permits, theproject appeared to have a total GRFA of 53,968 sq. ft. which incl-udes the existing 45 units and subsequentadditions to 2 units that were approved by staff using thebuilding pernit numbers for GRFA. t{ith a new GRFA check asof June 28, L99o, it was deternj-ned that the existing GRFA on site is 68,206 sq. ft. Because the staff calculations from the initial GRFA checkare not available, we can only speculate the reason for thedifferences. one reason may be the measuring policies. For example, staff currently includes the area of the walls between units as GRI'A. This area may not have been includedin the oriqinal GRFA calculations. (See chart for GRFAcalculations and GRFA requests). GRFA Cbeclr tune 28, 1990 Unit tlpe # of units Sq. ft of unit UNIT T'NIT I.'NIT T'NIT UNIT UNIT UNIT 6g 11e 8e 3e 6e 5e 5e 2153.5 176S.5 1409. s L377.5 L427.5 1161 726 A B c c1 c+ D E TotalL2,92L sq. ft. 19r453.5 LL,276 4132.5 8565 5805 3630 Total 45 units 66,777 GF,EA GRFA of Interlor tlalls 1308 TOTAL 68,085 GRFA Additions to units previouslv approved 121 EXIsTII{G GRFA TOR PRC'iIECT Proposec adcltlons to GRI'A E:nployee Unit 68r206 GRPI 1,591 Additional GRFA Proposed 1,032 Total 70 1829 STAFF POSITTON The staff feels that the addition of an enployee unlt to theproJect wiII have a posLtive inpact while not increasing the nassand bulk on the EitE. How€ver, th€ staff fee1E that the employeeunit nust count towards the total anount of GRFA on tlre site. The staff has concluded that because of the dl.fferences in theprevious Etaff GRFA analysis and the recent Etaff GRFA chesk, itis reasonable to allow for a change ln the allowable GRFA ln thisproJect. The staff finds that by increasing the allorable GRFAto 701829 sg. ft. the applicant would be able to add the proposed employee unit and stiU have to32 sq. ft. of GRFA renal.ning forfuture additions. The 1032 sg. ft. is the difference between theprevious building permit GRFA and the approved GRFA. (631968 sq.ft. building petmit GnfA - 65,000 sg. ft. = LrO32 eq. ft.).Attached please find the applicantrs proposal that furtheroutlines the request. PANAI}IGU DESIGN ABCEITtsCTUNE Ms. Shelly Melfo Couununity Developnent Departnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, Co, 8L559 July Z, L990 RE: Coldstrean Racquet Facility Remodel Dear Shelly: This letter wiLl address several issues involved in SDD for cascade Vi11age, specifically the Coldstrean ].. GRFA The projeet is allowed 65,OOO s.f. PLII,T{ilING II{TEBIONS anending the Condominiums. 44 units Srnall D unit TOTALAdditions to date TOTAL TOV FILE 62 ,853 994 63,947 L2L 63',968 STAFF CHECK E?, o9t- 994 68,085 T2L 68 t2Q6 2. PROPOSED REMODEL AND ADDITIONS An existing racguet facility wil"I be rernodeled into a lE91 s.f. GRFA.enpLoyee housing unit and 7bO s.f. of office. The enptoyeehousing unit will be pennanently deed restricted. The office wil]be used for the internal nanagernent only of Cascade ViIlageProperties. Also included in the office portion of the renodelare awner storage, housekeeping, and laundry facilities, We are asking ttrat this 1591 s.f. employee unit not be counted as GRFA since it is a permanently deeded ernployee condominiurn unit. In unit 26, a Ll-O s.f. GRFA bedroom expansion is proposed. In unit 1, a dining room addition of 38 s.f. GRFA is proposed. With this renodel and two additions, the total GRFA for theproJect would be 64.,L16 s.f. using the numbers in the TOV file, We also propose that the allowed nunber of dwelling units bereduced to 46. In the current SDD the allowabLe number of unitsis 65. This results in a density decrease of L9 units. P.O. BOX ?81 VAIL, COLOBADO 81068 (aosl lzo-6ssz 3. SITE COVERAGE Allowable for the projectExisting for the project BOTAL REI,TAINTNG Proposed additionsl. Racquet building2. Unit 263. Unit l- TOTAL 4. PARKING (see site plan) 64 r2L634,874 29r338 s.f. 2L L4l- ZOS s.f. Four standard parking spaces wilL be added by placing then in anexisting berm. No trees will be removed. One compa-t parking space will be added by restriping an existing parking area. If you have any further questions please call me at 476-6397. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Erich HiIlArchitect cc Coldstrean Condominiun Association m0 NOy Andr*v D. Nornb 70o0 S. Frontrye RoadWest VaiL Colorado BL6ST n$0 ocT 3 1990 a 2 3 1990 October 1, 1990 Mr. Larry Eskwith Town of Vail Attomey 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosures DearLarry: At long last, I have received agreements from each of the utilities for the vacation of the easement across l,ot 39 of *re Glen Lvon subdivision. I would appreciate your review. I have included a blank copy of the vacation document which I believe was prepared from a Town form provided to me. I appreciate your assistance in completing the vacation. D. Norris Sincerely, il,1 I lgg'i o R$0 TOWN OFVAIL 75 Solltb Frontage Rotd Ytil, Colords 81657 ,03 -47 9 -2 1 t 8 / FAX tqt -47 9 -2 1 t7 TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Deputmcnt of Pfi lie Works/Transportation UEUORANDI'}! ShellvMello^,r creg iia1l ,Dfl - February 8, -l-991- Private Road Standards for Lots 39, 40, 47- And Possible Lot 42 t clen Lyon Subdivision The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section L7.2A.320.8 defines driveways as |tAny private access for two or fewer dwelling units.rlSection L7.28.320.D defines minor streets - which includes privatestreets. It appears that the access easement granted to access the lotsmentioned above meets the definition of a private street. The Town of Vail Municipal Code Section a7.29.330 provides thedesign criteria of ninor (private) streets. From the design criteria, a zTt wide paved width with 2t shoulderson each side would be required once the next dwelling unit isbuilt, as currently there are two dwelling units existlng on 1ot 40. The issue at hand is how does 24t of roadway surface fit into a 2Oleasement. There are two solutions, one is to contact the ForestService to see if an encroachrnent onto Forest Service land ispossible, as currently a part of the existing roadway encroaches. The other solution would be to provide at a ninimum l-B I of pavedwidth and two l-1 shoulders as lon-g as the Fire Departrnent sign! off on the substandard road. I would prefer the first option, however,if the Fire Department signs off on the latter sol-ution then Public Works will too and the second may work. ff you have any questions or need additional information, pleasecontact me. 53 \17.28.300 STREETS GENEML; CLASSIFTCATION; DESIGN CRITERIA; CONSTRUCTION MATERIAI.S, AND CONSTRUCTION METIIODS " . t';'loir:Et*#; nHlt.l"l::5" "l;' lo3:::": i: 5i r l,: :' ::i"l;ll3,,ghr", "'plan. v.n.3N CLASSIFICATION: a ({ A. Arterial stteets (Frontage Roads) _- are those which pennit irr"-i"t"tively rapid and uninpeded_movement ot-Latge volumes of traffic from. one Part of the cornmunlgy to anoghet. B. Collector streets-are those which collect traffic from mLnoror local streers a.ti-carry it to arterlal streets or'to local traffl'c generarors. -Coli""tor stleets^include-the priniioal engrance "ir"Iii-io a residential- developrneirt, th6se-ltnktng ;;;h adiacent d-evelopm-ents, lnd those streets providlng ciicufailoo gi-tbin,such developrnents' --.--i-! --:-j;,- ;:.-.. - C. lgcalslreeti-are those used prfunarily for'direit accesl'to DroDer Ele s :abuiting the right'-of -way .' Local - s tre e t s carty-t;;'ffi; having an origin oi destinacion wLthin the develoPment and do not carrY through traffic E.' griveways - |ny private access for tlvo or fewer dwelling units' --t{--. tTjzg:llg =pEstc,tt-cRIIU' j-1":--- = .L,'.f;i+;.-. . -.,-330= DES=lGl{ CRITaU . A. UbJo.r Polntsi .':l :c D. *t?::#,1r;*i::.il:"*il.iiE !$":d;:1,8:i$l' inif:; atreets carry ferLr vehlcles than local streets. They-_d9.got_ ""rty througfi traffic. - :.irr--:.. eli3o,=ptffiTnrrntA j-:':--- = .:,-'{;:*_- lE-iAi p"t*i; .';1 :-s .,..i.. r.i j. : ' '-1:m''' , . MLng,-t:$,il'iiEi,inan t*;inl3if* ffiil' ;iii b" disiriragerl..:,' ' ' --:-sY - ':: ' :'.1.:-lry*g_i.- ,. i:J*;"::';:i;oi*i'iri*tl"!i"l aid ouc' o'i;o'io ii'd&$eJs=i" . , ''1] 3. Strelt Names - Street names'shaLl not duplicate an existing street name, unll$ the said street is an extension_of_the existin_g screec. rStreit nanes -shall be subject co the approval of the Town Cou':rcil. 4, ry -.ihe riniqn curve radius shal1 be as ae"igrr"t"a tn' -Par-agraPh I bcla' 'i E Allevs - Allefs shall be provided if required by the Planning Com- t"'friiffin. 'iil"iri-n widlh gf ch9_at|9i shall 6e 20 feet. Dead-en4-- . ;iiuy" shall ot bc perrnicted. A11 alleys shall be paved. 6- Easemenss - g6ere"ts shall be provided for all utilltles, drainage ."'AVf=f""nels. or streams which craverse across the subdivision. 7' frfrSffiifriillil.'liiibil!,:nr3:;,"t ro;it:tl ::,::::Tlrt,..tion, and safety it7lltreet-traff ic, ano . I rmr tations and opporirn iii.i'oi'iJiil-graphy. For.repairs, a brock wiri be defined ui u,e'aiilinci uetween-ini-'-two consecutive lntersections of public streets. (8. Cul-de-sacs - Cul-de-sac Hr-'Th-TrJ-0h-t-of -waybu streets, however, shall be designed as mlnor or localof 50 foot radius and pavement iadius of 40 feet. 9. Street llidth -Street width shal'l conform to the following: rteriaiiroriiiet 70 12' per lane 8' 50 6 650 750 and over Col I ector Local Minor (Pr lvate) Drlveway 24 22 22 12 50 50 40 250 60 7 8 I 3 40 30 30 300-750 | 50-300 0-15050 208* i B. c. Horf zonta'l AJ iqnment: The major considerations in horizontal alignment design are: safety, grade profile,road tvpe,.design speed, sight aistin..l'rno iopog"ipf,v.-'iit g,"r. factors mustbe batanced to produce in aiignment ttr.i is safesi,-fioii eCi,idi;;i,';;j-;;.il;;.'for the type of road proposedl Horizonta] al'ignment must provide at'least the ninimr.rn stopplng sight distance forthe desisn speed at a'll points. This iniiui.i riiiuiiiiv-l['t;t;"ieiti6nil"ii *.iras around curyes and roidside encroicnments. Vertical Al iqnment: The grade line is the-reference.llne by-wtrlch the elevation of the pavement and otherfeatures of the road,are.estabristiec.-"ri ls conir;ii;d;;niy by topography, thefactors of horizontal -al ignment, -..iity jiiihi;i;;;il,"idiibn speed, drainase,.:,and construction costs. ne coiriluriiion 6r heavy Juii ve[icres must arso be.cons idered. 1' Grade Line - The grade llne should be positioned with relation to the cross-ter-tlofi3 follows: a' It should coincide with the road centerline on two-lane and multl-lane undividedroads. b. separate grade linis may be required on divided mulil-lane roads. *Maximum_grade for driveways may be up to l0Zobtajned. If tie driveway is lropoila-io beif the Town Engineer,s apfrovai ti-oUiainea. Jf the Town Engineer,s approval isheated, the grade may be up to lZfl ( 10.207-10.301 ,n,re,.EcooE widths and clearanccs established under this section shall be maintained at all times. (l) Signs. When rcquircd, approved signs or other approved notices shall be provided and maintained for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads and prohibit the obstruction thereof or both. Premlses ldentiflcatlon Sec. 10.20E. Approved numbers or addresscs shall be placed on all new and existing buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property. Said numbers shall contrast with their background. Key Bor Sec. 10.209. When access to or within a structure or an area is unduly difficult because of securcd openings or where immediate access is necessary for life- saving orfre-fighting purposes, the chiefmay require a key box to be installed in an accessible location. The key box shall be a type approved by the chief and shall contain keys to gain necessary access as required by the chief. Division lll INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF FIRE. PROTECTION, LIFE-SAFETY SYSTEMS AND APPLIANCES lnstallatlon Sec 10.301. (a) Ilpe fuquired. The chief shall designate the type and number of fire appliances to be installed and maintained in and upon all buildings and premises in thc jurisdiction other than private dwellings, This shall F d* iccording to the relative severity of probable fire' including the rapidity with which it may spread. Such appliances shall be of a type suitable for the probable class of fre associated with such building or premises and shall have approral of the chief. Portable fge extinguishers shall bc in accordance with U.F.C. Standard No. r0-l. (b) Special Hazards. In occupancies of an especially hazardous nahlre or where special hazards exist in addition to the normal hazard ofthe occuPancy' or where access forfire apparatus is unduly difficult. additional safeguards may be required consisting of additional fire appliance units, morc than one typc of appliance, or special systems suitable for the protection ofthe hazard involved. Such devices orappliances may consist of automatic firc alarm systems' automat' ic sprinkler or uater sPfily systems, standpipe and hose, fixed or portable firc extinguishers, suitable asbestos blankets, breathing aPPararus, manual or auto- matic covers, carbon dioxide, foam, halogenated and dry chemical or other special fire-ertinguishing systems. Where such systems are installed, they shall be in accordartce with the applicable Uniform Fire Code Standards or standards of the National Firc Protection Association when Uniform Fire Code Standards do not apply. 42 t 1s8s EDmoH I 0.20&10.207 deler or hindcr dE lin dcpartment from gaining immediate access to said eq-uipmcntorhydrant. Aminimum 3-foot ctear space shall be maintained around the circumference of the finhydrants except as otherwise required or approved by the chief. Flre Apparatus Access Roads Sec. 10.2117. (a) Genenl. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance vith the provisions of this section. (b) Whn Rcquired. Fire apparatus access roads shall be required for every building heieafter cmstructed when any portion of an exterior ,,rall of the flrrst story is located more than 150 feet from fire department vehicle access. EXCEPTIONS: l. When conditions prevent rhe insrallation of an approved firc apparanu acccss mad. the chief may permit rhe installation of a fire-protcction system or sysnm in lhu of a road, provided the system or systems arc not otherwisc rcquired by this or any other code. 2. $rhel then are rol more than two Group R, Division 3 or Group M Occupan- cies, tlr rcquircmnr of this section may be modified, provided, in the opinion of. the chief, firc-frghring tr rescue operarions would nor be impaired. (c) PernissibleModifications. Clearances or widths required by this section may be increased when, in the opinion of the chiel minimum clearances or widths are not adequac toprovide Fre apparatus access. For high-piled combusti- ble storage, see Sectfun El.l09. (d) Surhce. Fin appamus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the Lnposed loads offre apparatus and shall be provided with a surface so as to providc alhrcather driving capabilities. (e) Widtt. Tbe minimun unobstructed widtb of a fire apparatus access road shdl b€ mt lcss than 20 f€d. (0 Vertical Cltannca All fire apparatus access roads shall have an unob- structed vertical cleaame of not less than l3 feet 6 inches. EXCEffiOI{: Upo approval vertical clearance may tre reduced, provided such rcducion does n iryir access by fire appararus and approved signs arc installed ald nrbuircdindicehg the established yertical clearance. G) lltrning nad6. Tb turning radius of a fire apparatus access road shall be as appmvedbytrcdid. O) Ilrnarounrt All dead+nd fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150 feet in lengh shall hpmvi&d with approved provisions for the tlming around of fire apparatus. (i) Bridgc. Whea r bridge is required to bc used as access unde r this se ction , it shdl be consmced ad naintained in accordance with the applicable sections of the Building Code adusing designed live loading sufficient to carry rhe imposed loads of frn apparau. 0) Gradc. The grdicnt for a fire apparatus access road shall not exceed the maximum approved by thc chief. (k) Obsfrrlion. Tte required width of any fue apparatus access road shall not bc obstructcd in aly qrnneq including parking of vehicles. Minimum requircd 41 luun TO: FROM: DASE: RE: 42 west meadow drivevail, colorado 81657 (3O3) 479-2250 fire department * * * * * lIEllO RAN DUU * * :r * * Shelly MelloDick Duran r.0 February 11, 1991Fire access for Lots 39 , 40, 4l and possible Lot 42 atGlen Lyon subdivision. *********** The Uniform Fire Code Sec. IO.207 sets fire accessrequirements to be as follows: Width: Minirnurn unobstructed width shall be not less than 20feet. Surface: Roads sha1l be designed and uraintained to supportimposed loads of apparatus and shall fe proiriaeawith a surface so as to provide all-weather drivingcapabilities. Turnarounds: Al1 dead-end roads in excess of I50 feet inlength shall be provided with approved provisionsfor the turning around of fire apparatus. After reviewing Greg Ha1l rs memorandum of 2/g/gl , r recommend !h*t.we acc-ept a tventy (20) foot road that wil-l provide a harddriving surface and a turn around for fire apparatus, r wourd alsoask that we mandate the twenty feet to be "rniintained,, due t,o ourwinter months. As f bave expressed nany times, there is adifference between private drivg and pubric -road when it cones tonaintenance. we need to let them know that if the road is notmaintained, we may not be able to assist them when we are needed. I hope this will clear things up. If not, just ea1l. qc: John Gulick, Assistant Fire ChiefMike tlcGee, Fire MarshalGreg Ha}1, Town Engineer September 4, 1990 Andrav D. Nonis 70(n S. Fhontqge Road Wast Vail, Colorado E7657 Lot 39-1 (45,435 s0 Lot39-2 (53,187 sf) ^i\ \ Ms. Shelly Mello TownOf Vail Dep_arment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Shelly: I have enclosed a completed application to amend the Develooment Plan for Lots 39-l and 39-2 of the Ghh Lyon SuUaivision. Also included isi check in the amount of $500.00 for the application fee. In addition, I have included three copies of the revised Development P1an. Finally, I have provided a rc{raft of the ' ordinance requested for this application. - . 4l you are aware, l.ot 39 recently received approval from DRB to make substantial improvements to the landscaiing on Iot 39. work on that plan will legin during- the week of September 4. The revised Development Plari incorporates the approved landscape program. This_request is consistent with the recently approved revision to the covenants of the Glen Lvsn"suhdiyisisrr which elirrinated the GRFA resriction in.,' favdfbrthe ciln$sGnffiplication of the Town's density control standards.' $pplyl"g the Town's srandards ro these lots would result in the following GRFA limiation: 6,022 GRFA 6.409 GRFA The applicant proposes to limit the maximum GRFA for each site to 5,500 and to restrict the buildings to the designated envelopes. In addition, the height limitation would be baseilupon the Toin standards. Neither site hai any impact on views for another building site and *re visual impact of the sites to each 6thef is being mitigated by the su6stantial landscaping progmm and considerable distance between the building envelopes. - -. At the request of the Fire Deparmrent, we have added a vehicular turnaround and a fire hydranr Request to vacate the easements have been submitted and are expected to be completed by the end of the month. Vail Associates has agreed to a reduction in their skier easement. This submittal is for the PEC meering of October 8, 1990. Should you need funher inforrnation, please do not hesitate toiAl Ms. Shelly Mello Town of Vail September 4, 1990 Page? Enclosures DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVEI.,OPMENT D]STRICT DEVELOPMENT PI.,AN I.This procedure is required for any project that would gothrough the Special Development District procedure. The application wilr not be accepted until all informationis submitted. (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE) c. D. E. F. A.APPLICANT Andrew D. Norris MAILING ADDRESS 1000 So- Fronrage Rd-, West Vai1. Colorado 81657 pHoNE 476-6602 B.APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE Andrerv D. Norris ADDRESS Same As Above PHONE 1+76-6602 PROPERTY O OWNERIS SI Lon & Andrew D. Norris oNE 476-6602 MAII,ING ADDRESS LOCATION OF PROPOSAL! STREET ADDRESS Iiesthaven Circle IOT__ 3 g_BLOCK_SUBDTVIS ron*__GLen_lye_FrlrNc APPLICATION FEE $5OO.OO PAID-_X- DATE 9I5l9OCH'ECK # 4243 II. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to / the subject property and their rnailing addresses.. (l{ext page Four (4) copies of the foilowing inforination: A. Detaited written/graphic description of proposal; ' B. An environmental inpact report shall be submitted o thezoning adrninistrator in accordance with Cnalter L8.56hereof unless waived by Section L9.86.O30, exemptproj ects; C. An open space and recreational plan sufficibnt to meet.the demands generated by the development without undueburden on available or proposed public facilities; D. Existing contours having contour intervals of not morethan five feet if the average slope of the site istwenty percent or less, or with contour intervals ofnot more than ten feet if the average slope of the siteis greater than twenty percent. E. A proposed site plan, at a scale not smaller than oneinch equals fifty feet, showing the approxinatelocations and dinensLons of alL buildings andstructures, uses therein, and all principal sitedevelopment features, such as landscaped areas,recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas andwalkways, service entries, drivel,rays, and off-streetparking and loadingJ areas with proposed contours aftergrading and site development; Vail CO 8L657 a F. A prelininary landscape plan, at a scale not smallerthan one inch eguals fifty feet, showing existinglandscape features to be retained or removed, andshowing proposed landscaping and landscaped sitedevelopment features, such as outdoor recreationalfacilities, bicycle paths, trails, pedestrian pJ_azas and walkways, water features and other elernenti; c. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and fl_oorp1ans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth egualsone foot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area,gross residential floor area, interior circulation,locations of uses within buildings, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed devel_opment. fff. Time Requirements The Planning and'Environmental Comrnission meets on the 2ndand 4th Mondays of each month. An application with thenecessary accompanying material rnust be submitted four weeksprior to the date of the rneeting. It is recommended that before a Special DevelopmentDistrict application is iubrnittedl a review an-d commentneeting should be set up with the Department ofComnunity Developnent. NOTE: F.I.Adjaeent Property O'runers 1. U. S. Forest. Service - tr{hite River National Forest 2. Town of Vail 3. Glen Lyon Office Building 1000 So. Frontage Rd., ltrestsVail, C0 81657 4. Colorado Department of Highways 5. Fred Blume 1200 Westhaven CircleVail, C0 81657 6. Charles Acherman 1200 lJesthaven CircleVail, CO 81657 n ,$" tr il 5a 0J ,rffi gt I INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW lo /-e7PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:l/7y/aa DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Vrc I PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Connents: n ,/ irtilzth / /1//A- ac(2t"2 Date: ilol&' P tr,ll' FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed nyt E*:dez/ Dare:2-t 7'7 c Reviewed by: Date: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: f- 2,o7 comments.. - / f ) -/t'-.-e- /'/7-/n''- o^,/' 'uot' 6?-<- o&-frnz'- 5a-a'' t / "t, / -'z ---' ' '/ uFc ./'o- z--o E fr''o y'.*) 14 1- y'l'.*t"/L' ^-*'a"k'r:'/t.s ( 3?' /o' s r -') c..,rr7t'z-;{ y,'r*o/t r' frf:r{ 'd 2//* ttSc/t*€' 39-l * 3e-2- 4 7) nr/ -/--/h/r 1'-'a /pr' /17va I L |J .lory' n'Wt J'r ' 30 /k) ",:*,${qfrfiro' \ o(\' Comments: Date: R/r{ * 061764 I Exchange VAIL by the conpany- o.r lF ae-a-r.9nora-unier tnat certarn-iiqhf-JiH; QUITCIAII.! DEBD Kllow AI& UEN BY THESE PRESENTS that TIIE I{OUNTAIN sTATEs TEIJEpHONEAND TEfEcnAPII col,tpNlr, a colorado cortroratlon, hereinaftar catiiarconpanytr' for and in conelderatl,on of, f*r****iottE EDr,r-rq**rrrr andotber good and valuab.le coneLderatron@i;a :!:f:?f ,ls hereby c.onfessed and acl$owlcdge, OoaL rreteoy relcaii,IpH: 111 Surtclaiu all the right, tltla 'and tnteres€ acqutrii grant, recorded in nay app€ar An eas€[ent reaenE, own€r ortherein, ln the following deserl.bed property, to wlt: own3rs, aa th€ir resp€ctive 178.00 feeti lhance, along the southerty line of sald Lot 39-2and 39-1, s88oAsrs7nw 278.28 f,eet, thanci, departlnf iiia-rouin:grly Ilne, NO]-c 1{r03rlf 2O.OO faet, theice 'Nge.'C5rSZ"E 265.g4feet, thence N25c oo'ooxE 23{.89 rebt to the northerly llne ofsaid rract M, thence along sard northerly llne, Ngocs4r6z"E 24.Lafe€t, thence, departlng said northerly -llne S25o oo'oo'w 260,97feet to the point of beglnninE, containing o.23o9 acres, nore orIess. :_pa+ ot-!lr-€ NE l/j _: s_ectlon LZ , Townshlp sSRango ,811{ of the eth nrlnerparEi.dran, situaffi-EEeCounty _of EAGLE, , in the St-ate of Colorado, and herebyd(prersly exceptlnE and ressnrinE to the Conpany. my and all interest othenrlse acqulred in said property, exceptag above stated. rN l{rrNEss !{HEEREOF The conpany has caused these presents to beexecuted by its duly_arrthorized officers tr.ls ,1 i nt day of beinE Eegrnnrng aE a polnt on the eoutherry llne of said Lot---tE:2uhenca the southeasterly corner of saLd-LoE3g-z beare N88o45rE?nE 4La cqL ig'ic ATTEST:THE I,IOUI.ITAIN STATES TELEPHOT{E AND TETEGR,APH COUPANI SIATE OF COISRADO COT'NTY OF ARAPAIIOE day of wledged bef,ore ne this^LeTO , uv_.ime-F tiei@The- foregoLng instnrnegrt acknowledqed aa the Manager t:--4,- , eY !!4rtea /' r n-]_ rurJ( Facilities of the Mountain StatesTelephone and Telegraph conpany, a Colorado Corporation, onbehalf of the Corporation. tty connisslon expi t"a, ,i'- /3- 7y' BY ) ) ss. #ilJ"i t?q7 F:' la*'u Atr- Facillties t{ltneas ny hand and offlcial, seal. VACATTON AND AI}ANDONMBNT OII EASBMEN'I' I'his vacation and abandonnrent of a utilily easement is rnade this 21st clay o[ S ep t ember , 90 ,by TIOLY CN.OSS I'LECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (tlre "Easenrcnt User") and Ilagopian & Penrrington, a California geneurl pilrtllcrshil) (the "Owrrer"). WHEREAS, a certailr easenl€nt on the re,corded plnt of tlre Clen Lyon subclivisiott (Anrended), nrore fully described on Exhibit "A" attached lrereto and incorpolatecl het'eirr by refererrce (the "Easement"), is currently encurnberirrg a certairt pitrccl of rertl estilre (the "Property") rnore fully descritred as follorvs: Lot 39, Anrended Plat, Glen [,yon Subdivision 'l'own of Vail, County of liagle, Colorado, arrd WI]EREAS, tlte easelrrent allows the Easenrent User the use lhereof for the consttuction, ulaintenance, and rccotrstruction of transrnission or distributiorl or systetlls to prcvide services by the utility and WI1EREAS, the Easetnent is not preserrtly used for sttclt constrttction, rurnintenance, nnd recottstruction of nctttnl set'vices arxl systertts, antl WIIEI{EAS, neither the Orvrrer rror the Easerrrent User realizr any bencl'icial ttse in allowing the easenlcnt to rerrrairr; NOW, TFIEREFOI{E, IN CONS|DERATION OF'l-EN DOLLA R.S, the ntuIttnl covelrants nnd prorrrises contained herein antl otlrer good lntl valLurble cortsitlerittiorr tlrc receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged by the pnrties hercio, the Easetnertt User atrcl the Owrrer crovellant arrd agree as follorvs: I . 'I'he Easernent User, on behaltot itself, its successors artd assigns, by this instrunrent hereby forever abandons, vacales, releases alxl temlinirles the e[sellrent iltl(l lrereby conveys nll the right, title, interest in atrd to tlre easernent to the Owner. 2, 'I'he Olner lrereby acccpts arrd rltifics thc vacirtion, abatttlorr rtertt, relcitse, tenrrination ancl grarrt of the enserrrcnt. 3. 'l'his vacation slrall be birrcting upon uld inure to the benefit o[ tlre Eitsenrertt User and of tlte Owner and tlreir respective successors nnd assigns. EXECU]ED ON TIIE DN'IE N ND YEAR FIITS'I'ABOVE WRII-IEN. HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. (Courpany Nante) ,l STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) COUNTYOF GARFIELD ) The foregoing insLrument wim acknowledged before rue lhis 2Is t Sep t ember , 1990 [y_ David Sage, Presidenr Ho_D' Cross Electrlc Assoclatlon, Inc.a Colorndo corporation. Witness rny hand and official seal. ss. duy of of Address Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81602 bti Drawer L. I I-.,egal Description Part of a twenty foot wide utility easement, tobe abandoned, lyingwithin Lots 39-l-, 39-2, and Tract M, A Resubdivision of Lot 39, Amended Plat Glen l-,yon Subdivision, according to the map thereofrecorded in Book 447 at Page 679 in the office of the Eagle County,Colorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of said Lot 39-2 whencethe southeasterly corner.of said Lot 39-2 bears NBBo45 178.00feet; thence, along the soulllerly line of said Lrot 39-2 and 39-1,SBB"45 278.28 feet, thence, deparling said southerly line, N01o14'03"W 20.00 feet,'thence NBBo45 265.84 feet, th6nce N25o00'00'E 234.89 feet to the northerly line of said Tract M. thence, alonq said northerly 1ine, N80"54'57"8 24.L5 feet. thence. departi.ng said northerly line s25o00'00"Id 260.87 feet to the point of beginning, containing 0.2309 acres. nore or less. Date:7'AL- 4o' 26598 Stan Hogfeldt Colorado P.IJ. S. ] f,,|Pubtic Service'Public Sorvica Company of Golorado 2701 W. 7th Avenue Denver. CO 80204-4114 September 19, 1990 Andrew D. Norris L000 S. Frontage Road Westvail, co 8L657 I,ETTER OF INTENT sir: Re: Your request to quitclairn a portion of the existing (2or) twenty foot utility easement within Lots 39-L, 39'2t and Tract M, a Resubdivision of Lot 39, amended plat GIen Lyon Subdivision as described on Exhibit A After reviewing this rnatter, we have determined that we have no objections to quitclaiming the portion of the easements as requested. I will forward you a copy when this process is complete. I am enclosing an additional c6py of this letter, and if you have any further questions, please contact ne at (303) 57L-3522. ot,4 / i/4'4^&'JL Edward M. Barella Right of Way Agent EMB: lm Enclosure Itr. ed2 . In. pg2 VACATION OF EASEMENT KNOVI ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS! TttAT the VAIL VALLEY CONSOTIDATED WATER DISTRICT, a guasi-municipal corporation of the state of colorado, whose legal addresB Is 846 Forest Road' Vail, colorado 81657, hereby vacates and abandons to the present owners of the hereinafter legally described property in vail, colorado' a twenty foot (2O') wide general utility easement described in Exhibit A' a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. *L SIGNED AND DALMRED this 6't day of September, L99O. VAIL VATLEY CONSOI,IDATED WATER DISTRICT STATE OF COTORADO COUNTY OF BAGLE The foregoing instrument wag acknowledged before me this september, 1990, by Edmund H. Drager, Jr., aE the Chairman of the vail valtey consolidated Water District. Witness my hand and official seal . (sEAL) <il\., Board day of of the My cornmission expires: ,a\a\tZ Notary PubLic | .'.,: l " ,.- ,.,t I ffir0 ocT 3 1gg0 Andrwv D. Norrrs 7000 S. Frontage RoadWe.st vail, Colorado Er657 October 1. 1990 Mr. Larry Eskwith Town of Vail Attomev 75 So. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Enclosures D. Norris o [1,/ S; ., brud{t" firqqu DearLarry: At long last, I have received agreements from each of the utilities for the vacation of the easement across Lor 39 of the Glen Lyon subdivision. I would appreciate your revi. ew. I have included a blank copy of the vacation document which I believe was prepared from a Town form provided to me. I appreciate your assistance in completing the vacation. Sincerely, \ -/ 9it:lt RESOLUTION- (Series of 1990) A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COI]NCIL AMENDING SPECIAL DEVEI,OPMENT DISTRICT NO. 4 TO PROVIDE THAT ICIT 39 OF TIIE GLEN LYON SIJBDIVISION MAY BE DIVIDED INTO TWO (2) SINGTE FAMILY LOTS; PRO- VIDING A MASTER DEVEI.OP]\4ENT PI,AN TTIEREFORE: SETTING FORTH A THIRTY- FIVE (35) FOOT I{EIGHT LIMITATION AND FIFTY-FTVE HUNDRED (5500) SQUARE FOOT MAXIMUM GROSS RESIDENTIAL FI-OOR AREA (GRFA) LIMITATION; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS REI.-A,TING TTIERETO. WHEREAS, the Town Council has previously approved Special Development District 4, commonly known as Glen Lyon SuMivision, to insure its planned and coordinated development in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and WHEREAS, the Town Council was of the opinion that the existing l,ot 39 of Glen Lyon Subdivision possesses characteristics making it appropriate for two (2) single family structures of a high quality, low-rise nature; and, WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has reviewed said amendment to Special Development District 4 and recommended its approval; and \ryHEREAS, the owner of Lot 39 and the developer of the Clen Lyon Subdivision have agreed to the conditions and limitations placed upon the division of said lot into wo (2) sepamte lot$ and, NO!Y, TI{EREFORE, BE ru RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF TT{E TOWN OF VAIL, C0ICIRADO, T}IAT: Section 1. lot 39 of the Glen Lyon Subdivision, a part of Special Development District 4, shall be divided into two (2) residential lots in accordance with the Master Plan thereof. a Section 2. The Master Development Plan for Lot 39 and the division thereof is hereby approved and the development of said divided Lot 39 shall be in accordance with the within approved Master Development Plan and conditions herein imposed. /4. \ lv section 3. The maximum height of buildings on Lots 3{frnadd 3q,gyf the Glen Lyon Subdivision, as herein approved, shall be ttrirty-five (35) feet as determined in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Vail Zoning Code. Section 4. The maximum allowable gross residential floor area (GRFA) on L,ots 39 (A) and 39 (B) of the Glen Lyon Subdivision as herein approved, shall be fifty-five hundred (5500) square feet each. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS - DAY OF 1990. ATTEST: GLEN LYON VACA.TION & ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENTS SENT TO: WESTERN GAS SUPPLY CO. 1050 17th St., Suite 500 Denver, CO 80265.050f (303) s34.r26r HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. P. O. Box 2150 Glenwood Springs, CO 81602(303) 945-5491 U. S. WEST COMMTJNICATIONSAttn: Kenneth A. Freeman P. O. Box 3050 Dillon, CO 80435 (303) 468-6860 HERITA.GE CABLEVISION P. O. Box 439 Avon, C0 81620(303) 949-ss30 UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOLTDATND SANITATION DISTRICT and VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT t46 Forest Road Vail, CO 81657(303) 476-7480 LNDfi.fl' D. Nontws 1000 So. Frontage Road, West Vail, Colorado 81657 July 16, 1990 U. S. West Communications ATTN: Kenneth A. Freenran P. O. Box 3050 Dillon, Colorado 80435 Anachment Gentlemen: At the request of several of the grantees, we have revised the area for which we are requesting an easbmerrt vacation. Accoidingly, I have attached a revised drawing and legal description. Please review and execute the attached agreement at your earliest convenience. Shottld you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call (303) 476-6603. Sincerely, /7 Ar€{^- t4""* Andrew D. Noris L I Legal DescriPtion Part of a twenEy foot wide utility easement,. to be abandoned, Iying within Lots 39-1", 3g-2, and Tract M, A Resubdi"vision of LoL 39' Amended PIat Glen L.,1ron Subdivision, according Lo the map thereof recorded in Book 447 aL Paqe 679 in Ehe office of Lhe Eagle gounty' Colorado, C1erk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at a'point on the southerly l-ine of said Lbt 39-2 whence th6 souttieasteriy corner of said L,ot 39-? bears N88"45'57"8 178.00 feet; thence, altng the southerly line of said l,ot 39-2 and 39-1' S88o45,57''W 2''.8.28 feeE. thence, departinq said souEherl!' line, N01"14'03"W 20.'00 f eet. thence NB8o45'5?"8 265-84 'f eet. thence N25000'00"8 234.89 feet to the northerly line of said Tract M, ;;;";;, along said northerly line, N80"54'57"8 24'1-5 feet' thence' departingr suia trorttrerty liie 525o0O'00"W 260.8? feet to the point of-beginning, containing Q-2309 acres, more or less' Date:7. AA ' rtt-, Colorado P.L.S.2659I L I fl { 60 t9'a !5.l6: 5"€ $'.9z \' N 8Bt45'57"E 1,3 B .^ir ) Hr conrrrn swl ond Ullllly ssqgJ:g4 SltADtr$ TNOTCATES TR^CT PREVIOUSLY COIIVEYED TO TOWN OF V lL. 4;EY:ieP "9 l*:{g Nra(v' r5'37 ?5'"p rurl Earrmrnl -\fs, AY'e, ft# ,,,,,19 ,0,' #/ -iI I B,l".M; ! I .050{ AC. 5'tt" o UJ ! I 43 ,831 ,5ro |e ,tt I .i tl 'I aAst uttl il{t I TRACT J 6,087 8+ft. .ll0 0 Ao. I sc.rr B6AC. O*o 1.n '16i'# {t d1.t$f o I - vACA't'lON AND ABANDONI\IBN'I' Olr llAslll\',lliN'l' This vacation nttd nbnnclortr'ettt of n utilily easenrent is lttatle tlris ---.- drry trl -' by u. s . UBST colll4UNrcATro-l'ls --' (tlre "Easelrent User") a1d Ilngopiur & Pennirrgton, a Ctlilortriit gcttcrnl partrtclshi;r (the "Owtrer"). WIIEREAS, a certain easellrent orr the recorded pllt of tlrc Glen l-yon subtlivisitrrr (Arnen4e6), rlore fully described orr Exhibit "A" altncltecl lrereto arrd incorPolnled hcreirt by reference (the "Easetncnt"), is currently elrcutrlberirlg a certnin pnrccl o[real estate (the "Property") more fully described ns follows: Lot 39, Anrelrded l'lat, Glen Lyon Subclivisitrtt lbwn of Vail, County of Englc, Colorado, nrtrl wtIEltEAS, the ensernent allows tlre Ensenrent user tlte use tllercol'lof llle corrstrlclion, rlniutenalce, and reconslruclion o[ trnnstnission or distr ibtrtigrl or systcllls ]o providc services by the urility anr.l WIIEREAS, the Easenrerrt is rrot preserrtly used for such constrtlctioll, nrairrlenance, anrl reconstrttction o[ ilcttlill scl'vices nntl syslettts, nrrcl WI1pREfi S, neither lltc O;per rror tlre llaserirent tJser rcalize nrry bcncficinl ttse ilt allowirrg the ensetnettt to retrlailr; NOW, 1I IEREFORE, IN CONS I DER^IION OI;'l'tiN I)OLI-A RS, lhe rttutttitl covenants arrd prourises contained herein arrd other good nld vnltrnblc consitlcrilliort llte rcce ipt an<l sufficiency of wlriclr is her'eby acknowlc<lgcd by tlrc l)ilrtics hclcto, tllc Ensetnent User atd tlte Owtter coverlilnl nrtd nglee ns lollorvs: l. 'l'[e Easetrrent User, orr behalf of itself, its successors itttd nssigtls, lty this instrunrent hereby forever irbandons, vacales, releases and tenttittitlcs tlte easetttetlt ittld hereby conveys all the riglrt, ritle, ilrtcrest in and lo lhe ensctttettl lo lhc Owtter. Z, 'I'he Owner herelty nccepts nnd rirtifies lhe vncntiort, itbntxltltttttettl, teleitse, tennirration arrd grant o[ tlte easettrcrtt. 3. 'I'his vacntion slurll be birrding u;nn and inure lo lhe berrefil of tlte llnsctttcrtt User arrd of tlre Owner nnd tlreir tespective successors itntl assigns' EXECU'I'ED ON 1I lE DA'lIi n ND YEAR FIRS'I'AtlOvli Wltl'l'lt1N' (Corrrpany Nlrre) lly: (A utlrr.rr i z-ed S i gnatttrc) I STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. COUNI'YOFEACLE ) l'he foregoing instrunrent wns acknowledged before nte lhis .._---.- tlay Q[ of n Cololitdo corporation. Witness nty hnnd and oflicial seal. My conunission expires: Notnry Ptrblic Addless o IHTER-OEP.qRTNENTAL REVI EI.I PP.0JECT: &/{rl'2,.,. .5p7). *tt:rt//tt,.r.'1 /r't'//ru-,/,r, h/ t C)tr'f/l DATE SU3I{ITTEI}:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING /5 '51'' / 1' _i/,4 ERIEF OESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSALI PUBLIC UORKS P.evierr.ed by:Date Corrnents: . FIRE DEPI.RTI'iENT C0I.',,',,ENTS IIEEDED BY : Coments: POLTCE DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by:Date Revieved by: Conraerrts: RECi;EATi OII DEPARTI.:ENT Date t '-i.r.'{ r. ..1 -! Reviewed.by:Date Co;;ents: nt*'::t,u-1"i3 r qeodesnn 4,6.10 T'4au42M rffo-1* fr,6tt" aP Vk!Anuw@@v.W{*, {ra^,Aow1tfu,rn"4 t Afdrt&nz) W.,f of Wuelop,,rg*fu^ lo+ 94, Ah^'Lq*, cTufitinLan W^ ry1Nhnffirt'^ (€a),t+ (W Aethuttdl4 oI(a qra :iherry [)orv;a'.cl asla landscace architect bcx 3766 vai coloradc 8] 658 303 476 9537 Project Application Projbct Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and I --l\1 'tr'- l")l/JOwner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone - Comments: Design Review Board '^'" Tl8l'[o DISAPPROVAL Su m mary:('-(lYi \r*,r .li' t I'li\ t \\ \ , r\'\l).- Ci t v!\L\' ft)\r tr !' i- ,[,rr E staf f Approv '''+, (' $ka- ^1 -v geodesgn 1.q".ao frb+{*trtrbL,-{a,W u: 4 7 0'Q, b'@n \o^4tbA,iwb fr" WUA v,Ltl" -e".- U ; [;t wa4i€ {aa vveb wvre1, furqHAW \a,^ (fuvu)g,rt 4 ff "4^,ftclo.."fttabryfh+ fta*-, (.{* in^*t f>. r+ptuu. fu (&;*of) W!:y?W^\ry,4w would l;b( Co: lululWrb n'w^Yanniaqbn !-;frerrv I )orward as a andscape arciritecl box 3766 vaii co orado 81658 303 476 9537 July 18, 1990 ltEI.to To: Design Review Board, Toun of Vail From: Sherry Dorward, representing llr. Tin Pennington, ovner Re: First Phase Landscape Plan, Glen Lyon Lot 39 (l & 2) Request for DRB Approval A first-phase conceptual Iandscape plan has been prepared for Glen Lyon Subdivision Lot 39 (1 & 2) yhich describes landscapevork to be done prior to the construction of hones on the site.In brief, the proposed work includes: earthyork (berms, slope restoration) along the northproperty I ineplanting of approxinately 50-75 trees instal lation of an irrigation I ine native seeding of regraded areas The intent of the plan is to begin establ ishing a screen betweenthe tno lots and the highway and bike path, and betveen the two bui I ding envelopes. The owner would like to complete alI of the nork shonn on the accoupanying draving by the end of this sumnsr but may delay someportions of the planting until next summer, based on costestimates and the need to obtain approval for changes in certain easements. Outl ine of Proposed llork 1. BERHS Grading, using some inported fill dirt; Placenent of large boulders (col lected on-site) along the berm edges (approxinately 25O'); Slope restoration at west end above the bike path; Grading of 2 pedestrian paths for access to bike path; Cobble swales uhere berms concentrate drainage 2. IRRIGATION Trenching for a new yater line; Fire hydrant, temporary meter, and 3/4t hose bib;(llr. llcGee has been asked to locate hydrant) Instal latir:n of drip irrigation lines to new trees, including an automatic control ler ( battery -powered;electrical line not anticipated at this tioe) * * t ll|re'rv l.)orward asla lar rdscape arch itect box 3766 vai colorado8l658 303 4 /6 9b3/ r I 3. TREES alonf the berns. north property line: 10-12 Aspen, 2-L/2a caliper, some clunps4-B Aspen, 3n cal iper 16-26 Blue Spruce and Subalpine or tJhite, Fir, 8'-1O'alonl the property I iner bertyeen lots 1 & 2:6-10 Aspen, 2-L/Zft caliper, som€l clunps6-8 Spruce and Flr, 8t+ at the entry and west edqe:(contingent on approva I of reduction in skinay easement sidth)4-6 Aspen, 3' caliper, some clunps4-6 Spruce, lOr total: 24 Aspen; 26 conifers mininun3ti Aspen; 4O conifers maximun 4. OTHER Erosion control netting nhere neededalong regraded slopes above blke path; Berms to be seeded rith native grasselr and sildflorers;Bark chip mulch to be spread under nen trees iil crry Dorivirrci .is it landscape archrleci box 3766 vai colorado 81658 303 476 9537 ilr\U'l fr+"nU ft$N\rffif,t I NTEP,-DgPARTIIENTAL REVI El,l P?OJECT: D.(TE SUSI'IITTED: C0I",|,'ENTS ttEEDE0 BY: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF . 't, . r1: if ii... f,-+--\. I t-.l l:r*-=::, I t-''..\ -PUBLIC_ltoRKs '., . i-..\/l' P.eviened by: '- Connents: Actass TE OF PUELIC HEARING ff i"tt (,,'. //o,^', et,,L 7*-**, ,-.'/( lz' a' U-J. Revi ewed Conments: tL-t(SytoUSiBic,Ty t).tc.c- rf &E ,u '/ xr,,62 A/telz-ra /LttO, RtCi;:ATi OII DE2ARTI.I:NT E Reviewed.by: Cf.;ents: rif,i ,' . f'l ,/Ir,i{.' -'Li: \,,-".?. L-'f \ i /t Eate _3LE/1o_. c', 4f* toeJ tud ./d t1*"4 tz' cu V.Jz- . aJso pr,>r'. .l.e- attrlE *4" ghL-T-* ';t' ool t*$ ISlto,^"s ^. /7' Jdr;g- i> vro{ ,\ -'l{*' alteLs lau 4 4-Ls- loJs - 7nuq k &to-J fJ^J*J, ' cu /Jt- sec . n.l- e^t .( Ctzrzss + 4L'- 4-. paV,fibs a/s*Fe+4 Ott -{,*- *d7-/-*a( 4) D;.,^o- a-ecLss el*t tJ t' hLA2- ,a: k- etu-'l- U Connerrts:, L''t^r'o9tap,+tr- ttr4'r?L' /l/c'L^-'t.olLs Ext)7/^t6 u€ 6 ' aLlcy"' t ? ..-\/S .7Lt1-tL E tl'<e ,e tL ,' $-rLlrr.7 ,LtftMa t oxt F D P'4t7'.<"t I ^'f l /l S I f-EA,,q 7ft4c 7 L.Ur,L&-,<- i5 tT iv t [' t/ tuut a 's &t4tN/ c 'tjr. ..:j; Revieired byz-B> Date TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECTs Planning and Environmental Commission Departrnent of Cornmunity Development June l-l-, 1990 A major anendment to Special Development District No. 4-Cascade Village, Area C, Section 18.46.L00r ParagraphC: deletion of the following sentence [No residentiallot shall contain more than 42OO sguare feet of GRFAper the Glen Lyon subdivision covenantsrr, which amendsthe GRFA reguirement to conform to tbe Primary/Secondary zone district, Section L8.L3.O8O, Density Control .Applicant: Greg Amsden for 75t of the property owners. I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting a najor amendment to Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village. The request isto deLete the requirernent which states rrNo residential Lotshall contain more than 4200 sg. ft. of GRFA per the Glen Lyon Subdivision covenants.rr The amended code will read TTGRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section 18.L3.O80, Density Control A and B for the prirnary/secondary district of the Town of VaiI Municipal Code. vlith thedeletion of this restriction, the density controls for duplex Lots I-38 and 40-52 of Area C will be governed bySection 18.L3.080 of the Vait Municipal Code. Because ofthe lot sizes, the amendment will allow 4O of the 51 duplexlots to increase their GRFA over what is currently allowedby the SDD No. 4 density requirements. Ho!'tever, these lotswill not be granted more than what is allowed under the Townts density control for Primary/Secondary lots. Theapplicant is not reguesting any other changes to the development standards. II. BACKGROUND At the time that sDD #4 was adopted, the GRFA definition wasin the process of revision. sy putting a maximum GRFA inthe density requirement for the SDD, the devetoperrs intent was to lock in a specified GRFA allowed for the lots. This was intended to protect against future changes in theinterpretations of GRFA. The ceiling, however, became arestriction for the Glen Lyon property owners, as the GRFA requirements did not become more restrictive (as the developer had anticipated). ilin Rubin. the Comnunity Development Department director at the tirne of the original adoption, confirns that the GRFA rnaximum was initiated bythe developer to guarantee the GRFA for Glen Lyon lots. The applicant has received signatures from 76.072 of theproperty owners approving the change in the GRFA reguirement. The amendment will not include Lot 53 (Coldstrearn). The amendment will only affect duplex lots located in this AreaC. AIso, the amendment will not include Lots 39I and 39II. Under resolution #10r Series of 1982, these lots weresubdivided and zoned Single Fanily Residential with a heightrestriction of 25 feet and a nraximum GRFA of 3100 squarefeet per Iot. III. SPECIAL DEVEIOPMENT DISTRICT CRITERIA Section 18.40.080 of the zoning code sets forth thefollowing design criteria to be used in evaluating themerits of a Special Developnent District. It is the burdenof the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material andthe proposed developrnent plan comply with each of thefollowing standards or demonstrate that one or more are notapplicable or that a practical solution consistent with thepublic interest has been achieved. A. Design cornpatibility and sensitivity to the j-mmediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale. bulk, buildingheight, buffer zones, identitv. character, visuaLinteqrity and orientation. The granting of the request will allow for an increaseof the allowable GRFA for many of the duplex lotslocated in the Gten Lyon Subdivision. Currently theIots are regulated by the density requirements for Prirnary/Secondary zoning with a maximum allowable GRFAof 4200 square feet. 4O lots in Glen Lyon arerestricted by this maximum. It is important to recognize that by deleting the maxinum for GRFA, theywill only be allowed to build what is allowed underSection 18.L3.080 which regulates the GRFA on all Primary/Secondary Iots. The mass and bulk of the buildings will increase in cornparison to what would be allowed with the 42OO sq. ft. of GRFA maximum due tothe increase in allowable GRFA. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible,efficient and workable relationship with surroundincr uses and activity. The request will have no effect on the uses or activities of the area. Tbe application will have no effect on the number of units in the subdivision. It will increase the mass and bulk of the buildings because the allowable GRFA will be increased. The following is a chart depicting the range ofadditional GRFA that would be allowed for a number oflots: # of Lots L1 L8 l_0 5 6 Additional GRFA 0 L-25O sq. ft. 250-500 sq. ft. 500-750 sq. ft.75O+ sq. ft. c. D. Compliance with narkincr and loadincr requirements asoutlined in Chapter L8.52. off-street parking shall be provided as stated in the SDD ordinance. This would require dwelling units nith up to 2,OOO square feet of GRFA to provide 2 parking spaces, and dwelling units over 2,000 square feet toprovide 2.5 spaces per unit. These are the standard Town of Vail parking reguirements. Confornitv with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Town policies and Urban Desiqn Plans. The application does not reguest any additional GRFAother than that which is allowed on other comparable Primary/Secondary lots in the Town of Vail. There are no planning studies that relate directly to this request. Identification and rnitiqation of natural and,/orqeoloqic hazards that affect the oropertv on which thespecial development district is proposed. Geologic hazards will be identified and rnitigated as required by Section L8.69 Hazard Regulations of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Site plan, building design and location and open spaceprovisions desiqned to produce a functional developnent responsive and sensitive to natural features.veqetation and overall aesthetic qualit.i/ of the communitv. The only element of the above criteria that will beaffected by this request is building design. By E. F. deleting the 42oO square foot maximurn, the mass andbulk will be increased over what is currently alLowedin the subdivision. Horirever, the nass and bulk of thestructures will be no more than what is allowed onother comparable Prirnary/Secondary lots in other areasof Vail . A circulation systern desiqned for both vehicles andpedetrians addressincr on and off-site trafficcirculation. There will be no change to the circulation system. Since there will be no increase in density, there areno expected increases in use that would require a change to the circulation systen. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and onen srrace inorder to optirnize and preserve natural features,recreation, views and functions. There will be no change to the existing landscaping and open space plan. Individual lots will be required to landscape 608 of lots as per the Section L8.46.170 -Landscaping of SDD #4. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain aworkable. functional and efficient relationship throughout the developnent of the special developmentdistrict. There will be no effect on the phasing or subdivisionp1an. 23 of the 50 lots involved have either existing homes or are under construction. No additional lotsare proposed with this application. IV. DEVEIJOPMENT STANDARDS A11 developnent standards for SDD# 4 are very site specific. For Area C, development standards including height,setbacks, site coveragte, parking and landscaping are in accordance with the reguirements for the Prirnary/Secondary zone district. This reguest would allow the Area C densitycontrol (GRFA) to be in accordance with Section 18.1-3.080 ofthe VaiL Municipal Code. G. H. I. V.STAFF RECOII{MENDATION Staff recommends approval of the reguest to delete the staternent that rrNo residential lot shall contain more than 4200 sguare feet of GRFA per the GIen Lyon Subdivision covenantsrr as stated in Section L8.76. IOO of SDD #4 Ordinance f10, Series of l-990 as applicable to lJots 1-38 and40-52. Ehe staff feels that this restriction was used as a means of guaranteeing GRFA to the GIen Lyon lots andinstead, the rnaximurn becarne a restriction. we feel that thedeletion of the maximurn will have no negative impacts on the surrounding properties. The arnendment will allow the abovelots to be controlled under the density reguirernents thatare used for all other Prirnary/Secondary 1ots. There will be no cbaDg€ in the denslty requireuents for Lot3 39I anal39II whicb are controlled by R€solution !fo. 10, Series of L942. 7 Nor?nis REALiY ..MPANY -I December 4, 1981 Mr. Peter Patten Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear PeEer: Pursuant to our discussions of December 2, 1981 ,,I would lik" to rnodify the Request to,Amend Special Development District 4 to'include the following: 1. Request subdivision of lot 39, single'family 1ots. 2. Request variance from set-back to enable construction of Parkingfacility in north setback. 3. Reouest removal of Parcel D (Glen Lyon Office Building loc) fiom Special Development District 4, and inclusion of said parlel inLo Couunercidl Core 4. It is understood that these three requests will at the same time and would first apPear before and Environmental Cormniss j-on in Januaty, 7982' Should you require any further informaEion, please call me' Norris ADN/jh fib*' ,1 - 6r4utt'4' //t/h f -f-TI- -.hr fi14-{l'*'::j tzn--,-.r.*i';"' w b{^r' k' L*- O,tal'- Laa jl Gt"--t"4"'' - ,"u-'['^*" L''t - L't ='I V:f o, " ^ r, " { o,7, # ; rt*.k2 mx ;, *, ^ * ;'kJ(t ",, " Parcel C, into Ewo recuirements in Parcel A structure/athletic be considered the Planning I Sinc_erely, Andrew fr4,,,ft/ ftr 200 . Vart, co 81657 . (303) a76.0838 o EXHIBIT A (Attached to and nade a Part of Colyey:l:: of Ronrh,rai Eeselenc da:c Jenuary I). lv"' fron G{)RE'CREEX ASSOCTAT€S, r Rhodc Islano t-iiired Partner3htP, to AnDRE'H D. NoRRIS "nC niCOfUf:l ar fE|{i{INGTON, a Gencral fartnershi;t . ) l.tCAL DiSCkI PT l0ll A ti{cnty ft,o" x:tlc parrt l of land located uirhln lots 39' 40 lnd 4i of th6 A:'$:|'JED I l-1'l Gi-Eli L)'Oli si'JiJlIrlSIOS, Tor'n of Vall ' County of Eai.lc,, Coloratir:r re tor,!cil as d' L'ur'cnt Nunber 16E773 1n Book 272 rt Pe'c 3?0 of '"ltt Ear:lc C.'tr:nt v Clefk lnd Recorder'3 recofds Eore frarLJculo: rv rie scrlber! ar follous: hr.y'innlni ..i tl,e So"'th('ast corner of the Sil l/4 of the llE 1/4 of Sectlon 12. ic.rrship 5 South, Racge 8l ttelc. of the 6th Prlnclprl \*.'r'.d:rn, T..;'n of 'fRI I , County of Ea81e ' Colorldo, the IRL'E FOlrsl O,' liEGINiiI'i(:. th('ncc S 00' 16' 19" $ rlotrE lJert ltne of rrld SH 1./4 r.J tlre liE I/4 cf arld Sect{on 12 and along the Eatt boundary of sa ici /{'ILNDED PIJT cl.Ett LTUII SUEDMSIOH, a dirra:lc' of 756 ' 54 fcct to s point on t curve chence .long I cutYe to thc lcfl and ! lont the t{orth boutldary cf lleIttrven Circlc. artd curv' h'vtng r redtur of 80.00 lnd a cenlral anllc of l,L" 21.' 35', a ltc dlctanc' of J7'8? fclt t}rnceH0rJ'16.49.'Eadlstancaof713.44fe€ttoEh€l|o'ther't co:'ne:' cf sald Lot 40. Ehencc S 88'45' 57" E r dtgtrncc of ?0'O0 frct trr Lli( 'Iltul, POIiiT OF UEGINHIIiG. a !t ExHI-lrT B (Attacbed !o rnd Eade ! Part of Convelrance of'li"ra'iy eaeeilnt-d"i"a 3i"ury 15, 1979 ' fron coRE chEEK AssocrATES, a Rhodl lsland I'lslrcd iarinerehtp. to N|DREI{ D. IIORRIS- and }tACoP IA!{ & PENN lNGTbil. r General Partnerehlp') Lot 39, Gull LYOII SUBDIVISIoN, accordtng to the recorccc pla: t;r€rdof, as alr'ndec. ret of fee t o Pi,A}iN iNC ANO nNI'IRON|\IENTAL coll.ulss ION Monday, February 8, 1982 2:00 p.rn. Work session, Architerra project revisions 3:00 p.m. PubIic Hearing i. Approval of ninutes of January 25 ureeting. 2. Request for a density control variance in gross residential floor areato constTuct lofts in 20 units and a request for a parking variance forthe Sandstone Creek Club Condonini-uns on lots 84 and 85, Block B,Lionsricge subdivision, Filing No. 1 Applicant: Vail Ridge partnership-- Jack Perlnutter. 3, Request to amend Speciat Development District + to SBffiiTd=Ib*i*iiil Glen Lyon subdivision into 2 single fanily lots fron" one Prinary/Secondary duplex lot. A second anendnent le.qupsted is for a setback changefron thc SDD4 requirement for pffi: Tto enabie construction oe tne parking structure/'athl etic club to encroach on the north side. Applicant: AndrewNorris . 4, Req'rest for a conditional use permit to operate a real estate office on the basement level of the lrloun ta in Haus at 292 East Meedow Drive, Suite #2. Applicant: Earth Sheltered Realty and Invesrinents, Ltd. Request for exterior alteration and nodification in Connrercial Core Ifor the Lodge at Vail to construct Harryrs Bar-. Applj.cant: Lodge properties Request for exterior alteration and nodification in Conrnercial Oore Ito a11ow the Red Lions Inn to enclose with glass the northern portionof their front deck on the west side of the building. Applicant:Jeff Selby. Published in the Vail Trail February 5, 1982. 5. 6, L rowndvill- lpartment of community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 3r I t Fta^6i^iNl^ 5D6=| 'vvv,Pr I rv,_ make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No,Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $s.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 $50.9s 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Building Code - .1997 - Volume 3 $57.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbing Code - 1997 \.E $36.00 001 00003141112 International Mechanical Code - 1998 $3s.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 314 1112 Unitorm Fire Code CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code trtt $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Abatement of Danoerous Bldo.'s 1997 001 0000 3141112 lvlodel Energy Code - 1995 s10.00 001 0000 3141112 Analysis of Revisions to .1997 Uniform Codes $12.7s 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books l,lf 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copjes XC $0.2s 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1.80/$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 s14 1 111 Studies, l\ilaster Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re-l nspecttons PN 001 00003112300 Plan Review Rerheck Fee {940/Der hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Otf Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractofs License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Sign Applicauon Fee SP 001 0000 s11 2200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR Sr>rt. e' 001 0000 315 3000 Building Investigation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Develop€f lmpro./ement Agreement D€p6it D2-DEPI 0 001 0000 3r2 1000 Restaurant License fee {TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.5A '001 0000 201 1000 Taxable @ 4.5ol" (State) - Tax pavable TP -001 0000 310 1100 Taxable @ 4.0% ffown) - Retail Sales Tex IT Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 31 1 2500 PEC APPUCATION FEES 001 0000 311 2500 Additional GBFA - '250"PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 00'1 0000 3 t1 2500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 1 00 so. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2500 Exterior Alteration - More than 100 so. ft.PV $500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Derrelooment District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Develooment District - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Special Development Diskict - Minor Amend p\/$200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2500 Variance PV $2s0.00 001 000031 12500 Zoning Code Amendments PV $2s0.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:\2e- Comments: L )t " \ (,/ ^ 'f/, Cash _-- Money Order #Check #Received *'y/'-' F/Everyone/Forms/Salesacl.exs