HomeMy WebLinkAboutGLEN LYON LOT 43 LEGALBY: o'r I I t t T t t T t I I I T t I I I I o /2/5 CALCULATIONS FOR (."o { 3 qtr,^(1,, ruut-t/,trJ*U STRUCTURAL SENTRY CONSTRUCTTON vArL, cotoRttDo PREPAREI' FOR: PREPBREI) ELPINE I.OG ITOIIES P.O. tsOX 85vrcroR, uol{rnNB 5987ti (406) 642-s1s4 AEAUDETTE COSISUL.TING ETiICINEERS 211 NORMT HIGGINS, 4th FLOORltlgsoul,r, ltoSlTtrNA 59802 (406) V2L-73L?' dF$'-q oFFr$&w T I t I I I I I I I T I t I I I I I I oI TEBLE OF COilTEITTS Index, .....e1 - G6 Roof Frauing.. ....RFl - nF53 Headers. .......H1 - H19 Floor FranLng. .....FLl - FL Foundation ....F1 - 10 Lateral ..t1 - L19 Wnlf fuea - 6o' ' ''/ - //Y/ L/'v &tp /oto.:--"' * ,4 5?CIare SHtKEg ' % gl op fis,a /d'd/& ,; rt .,.li. 'fc ff6 , ' I I I t I T I I I BEAUDDTTE CONSUTTING ENGINEERS, INC. o*u4r/o'7LurFH- SHEET NO. o i:1:.: : : : : : " _-_:'- ^:-- ' !3p 8F /3 ,/,5 : /,a fa,3 p 'F li i .4 ,'i,;,, :,1 ':,':':l:,:lt,t. i ..r. ,, I li, I I I I I I I BY PAIT- DN\E?,/, '?{' , BEAUDPTTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. l t:'t: : BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT fr,t/rre,f 6t/sre, 6t@s,ac on uQ'/o '9t' 1. I I T I I I I t I I I T t I I I 1. -?. GEilERAL HOTES ':- SEI|TRY COHSTRUCTIOH - VAIL,COL$RADO EEIIERAL Contractor ahrll verlfy sll. dtmensions end Job eLte conditionr before commencing York and Eh€Il report any diacrepancies to the engineer. 2. Uee uritten dimensions. Do not use scaled dimensions. llhere no dimerrsion ia providedt sonsult the architest or engineer for clerification before proceeding slth the usrk. 3. The designr adequacy and safety of erectisn bracingr shoringt temporar'y supForte etc. is the soJ.e reeponeihillty of the contractor and hes not been considered hy the engineer' The contrantor ie responsible for the stability ol the structure prior to the conpletion of a.ll ehear ral.Ls, roof and floor diaphragms and finieh materials DESIGII CBITENIA CCIDE r 1991 UBC VERTICAL LIVE LOADS; ROCTF - Se PSF LATERAL LOADSI WI}ID - *€t ItPHr Exp. B SEIST'IIC- Zone l- I=1.6 FT]UIIDATIOH The buitding ls suppor'ted on continuous footinge and ieolated peds bear'ing in undieturbed nstur'al soile. 2. The bottom of all footinge arrd slabs to bear on nativet inorganic, undisturbed soil. Botton of aLl exterior footinge to bear l'-Ar minimum belov exieting grade. 3. Contrastor ehall. provide temporary shorirrg to prevent mov€|rnent of walLs if bEckf iJ.l is placed hefore the floor eyetem or slab ie ln place. 4. There shall be a mlnimum of 95X conpectLon {ASTI1 t}1557 llodljied Proctor Deneity) of atl backfill. eoil under sl'atra on grade. 5. Extend al..I footirrge a rninJ.rnum crf 48n belo* grade' ( froet I depth).r I I d/+ I I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I CAST-TI-PLACE COIICRETE 1 CITNCFTETE: f 'c = 3OSA PSI at 28 daye, nor'$el *eLght' l{ax. e}ump = 3r for slgbs end footlnge' 4" for ual.ls, columns and beams. Curlng compourrd I ASTII C3O9' Type 2, Clese B' Conatruction to be in accordance sith ACI 318-43' Location of conetruction or pour Jalnta muet be approved by the engineer if di{ferent fr'om t}roee shorn on theee draringe. Concrete shell be air-entrained and ehalL con{orm to eection 3'4-1 of ACI 361-Sa for durahiLity' ?. REINFOACINE STEELI ASTII A615 - Grade {O for *3' Grsde 66 for *4 and larger. Provide clear emtredment af rebar as deaignated in AGf-3t4. FIBEFI'IESH; ASTII C-1116 Type 111 4.1' 3? 16O% henopolymer polypropylene fibrilLated fibere - 1.5# per Gu' yd. HASORRY 1. Concrete lasonry Unite tcllu): AsTIl C9A-7O. 6rade H-1, running bond - center ecored. - Typical Belnforsement - ilS verts B 48n o'c' 2 - ,3 horlz. € 4Si o- c' Ilortsr: ASTt't C-?76t Type S, mLn- cornpressive strength of l8e& PSI at 28 daYs' Grout: ASTI{ C476 tith a ml.n. compresaJ.ve etrength of 2ooo PSI aL 28 days. Brlck TLee: iAA l{ire Pr'oducte - AA4OIJ rith AA{OOi' or approved equall for wood etud construction. lnstall at 4i veneers spaced at l$i oc- c. max vertical and 16r o' c' max' horlz.. Use 2-a6 gal-v' nsLle per anchor for uood etud construction. FitI ell eellg containing reinfclreLng rith grout in lifte not exceeding 4'-6t o'e. in height. Ftlf aLl se.l'Js uith grout as indicated on t,heEe drauings. All reinforcnEnt ehEll be in pl.ace prLor to grouting rtth ver.tical bare held st top' bottom end 19? bar dismeters maximum o, c, , corrtractor sh€ll pr'ovLde' temporar'y bracing, for masonry ralle. ae required, untj-l connections to roof diaphragm 3.a completed. Fireplacel FlrepJ.ece design and connectione to floors and roof, shal.J. meet Uniform buildt ng eode eectlon 37€t4 ( e ) urrl'esa otherviee noted' I 6/s 2. 3. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I T I I STRUSTURAL STEEL 1. Shapee. Flates snd bersr ASTII A35r Fy = 36 KSI Pipe: ASTI'I A53 or ASOI' Fy = 35 KSI min. ?. BoLtsl ASTlt A307 mschine bolts (]'1. B. ) unleee other'else indicated as A325 hlgh etrength bolts {H.S.B.} Expaneion boltstE.E): iHl'lti- Xvilr BoLti or approved egual' 3, Helding Eleotrodee or lfires: Alts A5. I or A5.5, E76XXI AWS A5, 19, E?OS-X. lfeLding ehall conform to AllS i Code for Arc snd Gae llelding in Buildingen. ALl. I'elding ehB.ll be performed by a cer'tifled rel'der. UOOD L SEvn Lunber: Ho 2 & ruIes. 6.l'u-LamLnated memberg : Loge: LodgePole Pine: Better Douglas Fir/Lsrch' ICWPA gr'ading Slmp.l.e Span treame: ?4F-V4 Continuoue or Cant. Besme: 24F-VB Roof Purllns and Floor JoLeter l,lal.le: \dall Log 4€l Headers: Premium Gr'ade ( unLees Sarrr Bound Ho. 2 nated otherylse ) Sheathing: Soof:5,/8i - 4Qt2@ CD'X. APA approved eheathing. Nailtng: 8d O 6' o.c. at panel edges. Sd e lzi o' c. at intermedlate rafter'e. (Unleee otherriee noted ) Flsor: 3/4n ' 48t24 CFX. APA eppr'oved eheathing. 6l.ue and tlailing: €d € 6i o.c. at panel edgee' 8d € l0i o. c. at intermediate Joists'(Unlese otherriEe noted) Framlng Anchors and Connectors: iElmpson" or approved equal ae indicated on these dravinge. For nal-Iing not ehosn on these drarlnge or ln these notee, use UBC l{ai}lng Schedule, Table 25O. 4. €/a I I I F-------r I' r- :: r r.. li I I t t I I I I I ss ---.- BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEDRS, INC. PROJECT 6A/.ssvg?'o,?Q SHEET NO. KF, L l t I I I I I I I I t T t BEAUDETTE CONSUI.JTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRo.JECT {rs'nw &irsr,(.n*tn4,6,44 ,€wr fraw{a Alo t i fl, 4 T CONSUI,TING ENGINEERS, INC. BEAUDETTE PROJECT Se,vfPv &{srg,nrne fid ,fc SHEET NO.(f/ /3 I I I rfo :----r -, I l ' i-, , i.l ! tl . i -.i ,- r':., "",-"^' -,-"-..i,,.-:, ':", r^,, . .: i.^"'i-^- a-"'I-- i" ^ - - ' r' '-' 'i'"- 'i l,lir l '"'i- , i ' I l :,:l' ,'i ,i | ',, ' t'f(^?;l :SN-, /6: tP,f a r;if "'%)!;'t','rU,.f i i,,. i. . ', i,,a'iet| o- *1 r {b'5I n,-.0,4ol- /0,.F' a, g8g )tA<,f / !, .1 I l 'i'-- " t'&,o* it, 'i I l i .:.'. tl ':: : I I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT &,fie'/ (a1/Sra,o*t7'7'f4 w F<,+/ SHEET NO. KT 4 -r-1 -- T-KW frau*r/$ i i,i' . t/ .// ,, r-l'/f r/l '/ /,-a 1/\ / : ..,.....,.1,''.,:: .|''''. t':: 1..... : j r' _l ,; tr : :i /we flor.,/ .: ',f2i*f daq ;..:4:"/,]-. II rA ' :: I :. /z tc" I A '-l 7J . .: .: i {fie n ,\rr * ; .': ., . i: ',5{' f#,b I - *"t it 'ttt tl /.! :# 7! ! {rtv .i -J'o ' t't ta€ : I : ., H"r ,sF, A/aQ ,4. /t3,?.5' t|fl #' "'r;"iq,sf'"" "-' I j , l( a * /i t/?E t,: a4- . il,r:,",1 'l'-, ', "'i :,,, ll ..'if". ) : . . .i l,i,i I : .! :i.'i r.,t'::l. :i'"'l: . ",.-i, -,*' . - ; -, .. , \ '^J = 4, t*g Kl ,t 4). d, {6 # 'I n ret;*r: I w .. / ldot t&,,' I'.:'l U-./,,t b w?'I ::: : '/t . ', in,{1 d,/oa ,{, l'l' l,. ,8 L I i-t, I 0i [\t AIut t8 :" .i .. g ,(,rlllil ,4",.. :. . .. 1l BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, [NC. PROJECT &rrnr6,+srs,-;,sys f'l'46 SHEET NO. Rr /5 ,-Raf franwJ? I I 1:' ""'" '"- -_: I I -4 i ,/t-' l-i :'- 1 l' t. !,, t-,'- tl I'{,8€"( '4 'li{' a . '/r& r tu .i ot /o0 |{t ulir J; i, ,?4; : !- _ l,i: r .. : 't"' ,- :.1 j't: ::ii..] " ii ,",: BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. D^TEqr7'?L BY p6h{ SHEET NO. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I t : 4tX BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. orrc,4,7,Qb svkt/ I I t Line 1 Line 2 Ltne 3 L,ine 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Number:Misc' : Dsnggr :28-Au9-96 SINGLE SPAT{' BEAM AT\TALYSIS Pagie I ---------?r-ti7T' DESCR'IP rON >> | KJ I>>{r-.--.{- t I I I I I I I t T t I CANT.: #1 -- tta - t?.r -#4= #5=#6= #7=#8= SPATf LENGTHS CENTER SPAN = 26 ft LEFf CANfILEVER = ft RIGIT? CAN?ILEVER = GENERAL DA"A ---- FIXTTY CODE ----->>> 1 << 1=PinlPin 2=Ftx/Fi,x 4=Pin,/Fixft 3=FixlpinI: INERfIA = 248 in:4' E; ELASTIC M9DULUS =2900O00O psi--:::;,-;;;-;;;;;;;;;-;;;;-.3"i:1i",13i3.;, ;;-;:;-;;;- ;;'.-;;;; ;;;;, ..... UNIFORM' ;. CENfER:, #1 = 0.262 \LE *z= #3= #4' = ..... TRAPEAOIDAI-, G tEFf @ RIGH" *1 = hlf *2= X-LEFT N-RIGIIT ft #3LEFT Ri€liT #4 .. COT{CEIiTRETED #i = 7.66 k ii = i3'ft *o=$= IU =11 =.LZ =i3= 14 '= K',il= )l= ll=x-$= J(= fr-k I1L ft #2=*3= #4= {f5= #6= #v= /rL = $= fi.=ll= ,,|t= J(= MOMENTS.#1 =#2= #3=*4 - ft-k 0 G (g G. I MOMENTS i MAX. Span Moment = 73.?29 ft-k t .... @ I;ocation = i3 ft', l MIN. Span Moment = -28-13 ft-k I ..,. 0:Location = 26 ft I[ @ teft Support = ft-k I @ Right Support = ft-k II MAXIMUM DEFI.,ECTIONS I Center SPan' L? X =I Left Cant., G X =I Right Cant:, G X = I SHEAASLeft SuPPort =Rigfut'SuPPqrt = REAC?IONS Left' SuPPort =Right SuPPort = ft #5 +f6 *7 #8I I I /.JJO rt I?.336 k I I7.336 k /. J50 r MAXIMUM MOT.IENT 73.229 tt-k T ll' (Pos. = Up) L3 ft Deflection = -1.05Defl.ection =Defleetion = Hsrnent Shear(.ft-k) ( h) DefiesLisu ( in)I OUERY VALUES i""' "' "' 'i - t'" " l i:1 i:i Ii:,,:: I tatt 4..;. I l,4: : *-fl &'€,t t t....-1 1.8 /,I: o,+ f ]1.: E g,q?u/ : ' i- i . - lt4c-tnn' )l' -10 nl I /{id I ,ft t 6 71 I I I .'1l,-i ; r 1,".",---::!i . i l- , , : f : ; i i t''l I ' ';l --'.* -': &,-&,r/, {4f :. ! I I r,\ l .--: ! . : CONSULTTNG ENGINEERS, INC. BEAUDET"TE aere-4,1,?0 nv RNT- I I Ling 1 Line ? f .i h^ 2 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Misc : Dsngr :28-Aug-96 t I t I I T I I I I t I I I I DESCRIPTION >> :-------- SPAN CE} TER SPAN LEFT CANTILEVER RIGHT CANTILEVER SINGLE SFA}T BEAM ANALYSIS 16.?5 ft f+- 6.5 ft Page GENERAL DATA -.**FrxrrY coDE ----->>> 1 << 1=Piny'Pia , Z=Fix/Fix. 3=Fix/Pin , 4=Pin,/Fix I: INERTIA = 1018 in^4- E: ELASTIC MODULUS = 11O0000 psi CENTER: *1nr, -*t-17li -rl? *1?.J -*i -7f= - CAIIT. : ta.tlt} -*a- 77.t -#4= o.289 klf LEFT RIGHT 0.289 O LEFI' E RIGHS #1 = klf *2=+at -lTrt -*A -n'i -f5= #S= #7= #8= CONCENTR*TED .. X*LEFT X:RIGHT ft #8 = - k X=9 = X= 1.0 = ]{=ltr=[=L2= [=!3= l{=L4= f,= !40}4ENT$ #L #2 {+2lT./ *AtT= J+EIf .t #6*., o.44 k - .t., .,tr 4+x x x x x ft Ja.|t?{ -*2-#3= #+= ft-k --*- SUII{MARY --* MOD{ENT$ l4AX. Span !4osent @ Location MLN. Span Moment.... g Location HA)(THUM DEFLECTIONS Center $pan, @ X Left Cant., @ X Right Cant., @ X Q{JERY VALUE$ 5.5932 ft-k 6.2359 ft -8.965 ft-k 16.25 ft fto e e e #5 *6 #7 #e ft-k ft Left SupSrort = ft*k Rlght SupErsrt = -8.965 ft-k !4AXIMTM MO}4ENT SHEARS Lef t SuflPortRight Support REACTlONSLeft Su14>ort Right Support L.796425 2.899825 L.796425 5.218325 l( k k k E @ = &.965125 ft-h {Pos. = 6.9&42 = 22.75 =4.r- up)Deflection = -O.18 in Deflection =DefleCtion = *'&rh*** Monent Shear(fr-ki (k)Deflection ( in)I I -w.w T Et\li1fFtrq TRAPEZOIDAL ... RFlo BEAUDETTE CONSUI,ITING ENGINEERS, INC. ??J4,/7R{ GyUS|R.onBfr 7'?b I I Line 1 Line 2 Llne 3tine 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Nunber:Misc : Dsngr :28-Aug-96 LENGT}iS I I ---;;;ilil;;-;; --------- SPAN CENTER SPA}T SINGTE SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS = 19.27 ft GENERAL DATA ---- FrxrTY CODE ----->>> l" << Page 2=Fix,/Fix 4=Pin/Fix = 170 in^4 ftftIEFT CANTITEVER = RIGHT CANTILEVEft = CENTER: #1 = 0.045 ktf #2=*3=*4= L=Pin/Pin r. 3=Fix/Pin rI: INERTIAI I I I I I I I x x x x x x x E: ELASTIC MODULUS =29000000 psi ..... UNIFORM CANT.: *1t?r -#2= #3=*4= LEFT RIGHT G LEFT G #1 =#2= #3=#4= #5= #6= *'7 =#8= TRAPEZOIDAT RIGHTkrf X-LEFT X.RIGHT ft CONCENTRATED . #1 =#2= #3=*4= #5=#6= #7= 4.04 k 4.42 4.07 3.62 3.85 ft 7.7L 11. s6 15.42 #8 9 10 11tz 13 t4 MOMENTS ft k'X= ft [= ]{= )(= ){= {= [= ft-k @ e G @ ft-k --- SUMMARY -------MOMENTS SIIEARS MAX. Span Moment = 49.905 ft-k Left SupPort = 8.669625 k .... G tocation = 7.7465 ft Right Support = 8.347524 k MIN. Span Monent = ft-k REACTIONS @ Location = ft Left Support = 8.669625 k Right Support = 8.347524 k #1 =t*2 =#3= #4= ft #5 #6 t*7 #8t I I I e 0 Left Support Right Support ft-kft-k MA)(IMl'I{ MOMENT = 49.90587 ft-k MAXIMUM DEFLECTIONS (Pos. = UP) Center Span, € X = 9,5964 ft LeftCant., GX=RightCant., 0X= Deflection = -O.67Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) in I I I Deflection ( in)OUERY VALUES Krlz lr'7o i ,ej .,.... f 5r 5 /?7/6 ) .;:, a i:i.; l,..t]. : :1:;..i,. .. i i.. .. ... - .., .... . BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEERS, INC. onrc,ft 7'Qo t Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Nundrer:Misc : Dsngr :28-Aug-96I I SPAN BEA.I'{ A}.IALYSIS Page SPAN LENGTHS --.-- I CENTER SPAN = L8 ft t LEFT CANTILEVER = ft RIGHT CANTILEVEft = ft DESCRIPTION >> CENTER: #1 =#z-#3- #4= CANT. :. #1 =#2= #3=ln -It'l - GENERAT DATA ----FrxrrY coDE ----->>> 1 << 1=Pin/Pin ,' 3=Fix/Pin ,I: INERTIA 2=Fix,/Fix 4=Pin/Fix = 170 in^4IE: ELASTIC MODULUS =29000000 psi LOADS support, use '-' for left cantilever TRAPEZOIDAT ..t I I I I I I I I I 0.43 kl-f LEFT RIGIIT G LEFT 8 RIGHT JtII 13ft * X-LEFT X-RIGHT ft k [= - ft ft-k lr'lItt -#2= #3= #4=#5=#6=*7=#8= CONCENTRATED . #1 =#2= #3=#4= #5= #6= #7= 8.66 k x x x x x X x [= fi= ){= [= [= [= I 9 1-0 11 L2 L4 MOMENTSft-k G e @ @ --- SI'MMARY ------MOMENTS SHEARS MAX. Span Moment = 45.244 ft-k teft SuPPort = 6.275555 k .... @ Location = t2.996 ft Right Support = 10.L2444 k MIN. Span Moment = ft-k REACTIONS .... @ Location = ft Left Support = 6.275555 k Right Support = 10.12444 k Left SuPPort =Right SuPPort = ft-kft-k (Pos. = UP) 9.576 fr MAXIMUM MOMENT = 45.24447 ft-k #1 =#2= #3=#4= ft #5 #6 *7 #8 ft tg @ t I I I MAXIMIIM DEFLECTIONS CenterSpan, GX=LeftCant., @X=Right Cant.' @ X = qUERY VALUES Deflection = -0.48Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) 1n Deflection ( in) sil+ t I I I t I I I t I I I t I I I ? 49- :] L '4/th gt,tb BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT Eaunev (avse,o,*',r ?'?'?L SHEET NO. K7 /rrRffi tine I LineI Line l- z 3 4 5 Title : Scope : Nurdber:Misc : Dsngr : Line I l:i:28-Aug-96 SINGTE SPAN BEAM ANALYS]S Page I DESCRIPTION >> CENTER: #1 =#2= #3= #4= CANT.: #1 =*2=+l? -l? (, -*4= 0.03 krf SPAN LENG?HS --.--. I CENTER SPAN = 19 ft t LEFT CANTTLEvER = ft RIGHT CANTITEVER = ft GENERAL DATA ---- FIXTTY CODE ----->>> 1 << ft I I I I ftI 9 10 tL L2 L3 L4 I t_, I E: ETASTIC MODULUS =29000000 psi---::;;-il i -il;;;;;-;;;;-.3'i:lto"l333l.; -;-;-;-;;;- ;;;;-;;;;i;;;, ..... UNIFORM . 1=Pin,/Pin,. 3=Fix,/Pin ,I: INERTIA TRAPEZOIDAL RIGHTklf 2=Fj-x/FLx 4=Pin,/Fix = 96.3 in^4 X-LEFT X-RIG}TT #t=*2=f3=RIGHT *4 =#5= #6= #7= #8= @ LEFT CONCENTRATBD #1 =#2= #3= #4= #5= #6= #7= 1.66 k 3.37 4.16 x x x x x x x = 4.75 ft #= 9,5 = t4.25 = = = lg )(= =X==X= =X==X== X= =X=... MOMENTS ...ft-k @ ft #5 ft-k ft e @ @ G G I I I I I I I t #L= #2= #3= #4= #6 #7 #8 --- SI'MMARY ------MOMENTS SHEARS MAX. Span Moment = 31.183 ft-k Left Support = {.255 k @ Location = $.5 ft Right Support = $.505 k MIN. Span Moment = ft-k REACTIONS @ Location = ft Left Support = 4.255 k Right Support = $.505 kLeft SupPort =Right SupPort = }IN(IMIIM DEFLECTIONS (Pos. CenterSpan, @X= 9.728Left Cant., @ X =Right Cant., G X = QUERY VALUES I.'AXIMI'M MOMENT = 31.18375 ft-kft-kft-k up)€rrl-DefLection = -0.58Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) in Deflection ( in) Kf//h I I I T I I I I I I I t I I I I I CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 'H7fle^/ 6itgt - .-- A 2.+/I tA't'k: / 'r. frj :---7-'-* SHEET NO. I Line Line Line Line Line l_ 2 3 4 5 Title : Scope : Number:Misc : Dsngr : o 28-Aug-96I I DESCRIPTION >> SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS Page 2=Fix,/Fix 4=Pin/F'ix = 394 in^4 SPAN LENGTHS ----- I cENTER SPAN = 25 ft I LEFT CANTTLEvER = ft RIGIIT CANTILEVER = ft GENERAL DATA .--- FrxrTY coDE ----->>> 1 << l-=Pin/Pin ,. 3=Fix/Pin rI: INERTIA = k [= ft =X==X= =X= =X==X==X= I I I I I I I t t t I E: ELASTIC MODULUS -29000000 Psi--:::;;-;ii;;;;;;;;-;;;;-.3'i:lto=13331.;-;;;-;: ;-;;;-;;;;-;;;il;. UNIFORM CENTER:*1 =#2 -- #3=#4= CANT. : JllItr -*2=#3= #4= TRAPEZOIDAL .. 0.06 klf LEFT RIGHT O LEFT RIGHTklf X-IEFT X-RIGHT ft*1 =*2=f3=*4=f5= #6=#7= #8= t{t #z #3 #4 #5 #6 *7 2.4L k 3.37 4.16 11.71 3.03 CONCENTRATEDX= 4.75ft #8g = 9.5 9 X = L4.25 10[= 19 11 X = 23.75 12[= 13[= 14 MOMENTS MAK. Span Moment = 90.981 ft-k .... @ tocation = L4.25 ft MIN. Span Moment = @ Location = SHEARSLeft Support = $ -54?Z k Right SuPPort = 16.6378 k ft-K REACTIONSLeft Support = 9.5422 k Right Support = 16.6378 k I"IAXIMIIM MOMENT = 90.98197 ft-k@ G Left Support =Right SuPPort = MA)(IMT'M DEFLECTIONS CenterSpan. @X=Left Cant.' 0 X =RightCant., @X= QUERY VALUES ft ft-k ft-k (Pos. = Up) 13.05 ft Deflection = -0.86Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) Deflection ( in) 1n I Il t B% : I --i '/ ! i /"-: :?, nrn..i-..1. :. - i, ., .1 -t ,El ..-'"'" 1'"'' I r{':"' : .:.,.,, .-1."..,.,.a,* .-., : ii ::1 Lt t'al''/,t/e tta f" " ''_-'- i- _ r" ', 1%, t::i ':-' "' I " '-- : . i.,. -, ..,",.,',; ."-,,- .... :r.: I I I T I I I ! BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINDERS, INC. {,Euf,er/ &rVSrB o*uQ,7d7o u, R47[--t-- i : ''l \,;l :.... ..',-'',* i ! ::... : .i.',.- : l 'i'"' ,. BEAUDETTE CONSUI;TING DNGINEERS, INC. onB?7,f4 SHEET NO. I T I I I I I t T I I I I [io''-+ ,i ...',-,.,'.". -. .t.. ..:, i i: .. f.'. - '. 4,' ". : t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRO,JECT Sqrrrn, 6^/srr4_o,,...e ?'7,?6 SHEET NO. ,F/ /!lRe fuoun;uut,.( t t I I I I I Lrne ILine 2Line 3tine 4Line 5 o 28-Aug-96 SINGLE SPAN BEAI'I ANALYSIS Page DESCRIPTION >> GENERAL DATA ---- FTXITY CODE ----->>> L << Title : scaPe : Nunber:Misc : Dsngr : I SPAN TENGTHS _---- I CENTER SPAN = 13.5 ft t LEFT cANTTtEvER = ft RIGHTCANTILEVEII = 6ft l=Pin,/Pin r3=Fix/Pin ,I: INERTIA RIGHTklf 2=Fix/Fix 4=Pin/Fix = 1018 in^4 CENTER: 411+L -Jaa -il- ' #3= #4= CANT.: ttlItt -#2= #3=#4= f1 #2 #3 *4 #5 #6 *7 0.69 k - 19.5 ft fr-k @ @ E: ELASTIC MODULUS = 1100000 Psi LOADS support, use '-' for left cantilever TRAPEZOIDAT .. 0.35 k1f LEFT RIGHT 0 .35 @ LEFT e #1 =#2=f3=#4= #5= #6= $t7 =#8= X-LEF'T X-RIGHT ft T t I I I I t I I I t )(= )(= $= [= )(= CONCENTRATED .ftx x x x x X x #8 =$= 10= 1l- =t2= 13= L4= k $= )(= MOMENTS *1 =*2= #3=#4=l--- SI,MMARY I MOMENTS ft #5 #6 *7 #8 ft-k ft @ @ I I I I t I I I I I I I I "l I I"IAX. Span Mornent =.... @ Location MIN. SPan Moment = @ Location = Left Support =Right Support = MA:I(IMUM DEFLECTIONSCenterSpan, @X=Left Cant., @ X =Right Cant., @ X = QUERY VALUES SHSARSLeft Support Right Support REACTIONSLeft Support Right Support 3.6077 ft-k 4.5260 ft -10.44 ft-k L3.5 ft ft-k -10.44 ft-k (Pos. = UP) 4.9552 ft 19 .5 1.589166 3 . 135833 1. 589166 5.925833 k k k k @ @ MAXIMT'M MOMENT 10.44 ft-k Deflection = -0.05Deflection =DefleCtiOn = rktrtt t' * * Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) Deflection ( in) in Fr/, I ,G // iq/- ,tOrt€ /r l , /,?6J /,d{; I ' i:' I jPt : ;F'. li i ,t ' 1|h{o', ' '-l 'ilri /o,t ,r6, /fr ' ' ,:, ."1 ;i :'r 'a]; i ll!i l. l BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. (a,,lsrf DffiE?'?,?b u" Rfi-7-- SHEET NO. I tine L Line 2tine 3 Line 4tine 5 Tit1e : Scope : Number:Misc : Dsngr : I 28-Aug-96 e @ I t I I T t I I I t I I I I I I t t SINGLE SPAN BEA},T ANALYSIS Page DESCRIPTION >> CENTER SPAN = 18.5 ft GENERAL DATA ---- FrxrTY CODE ----->>> l- << LEFT CANTILEVER = RIGHT CANTILEVER = ftft l=Pin/Pin ,. 3=Fix/Pin , 2=Fix/Fix 4=Pin/Fix X-LEFT X-RIGHT ft ft-k ft UNIFORM I: INERTIA - 96.3 iN^ E: ELASTIC MODULUS =29000000 Psi LOADS support, use r-r for left cantilever TRAPEZOIDAL ..CENTER: #1 =#2=#3=#4= CANT.: .41ttL -*2 -' #3=#4= 0.02 klf IEFT RIGIIT @ LEFT #1 =*2= #3= #4= #5= #6= #7= #8= RIGHTklf CONCENTRATED .k X=ft#1 #2 #3 *4 #s #6 *7 L.93 k 2.4 ){= ){= )(= [= [= [= [= [= [= [=-[= [= [= 4.625ft #8 =9.25 $ =1O= 11 =L2= 13= 14= MOMENTSii'=ft-k @ @ 0 @ #2= #3=#4= ft #s #6 #7 #8 --- SUMMARY -------MOMENTS SHEARS MAX. Span Moment = 16.418 ft-k Left Support = 2.8325 k .... G Location = !.25 ft Right Support = 1'8675 k MIN. Span Moment = ft-k REACTIONS .... G Location = ft Left SuPport = 2'8325 k Right support = 1.8675 k teft Support Right Support IIAXIMI'M DEFLECTIONS CenterSPan' @X=Left Cant.r @ X =Right Cant., G X = OUERY VALUES ft-k ft-k (Pos. = Up) 8.917 ft I.IA:I{IMUM I'{OMENT = 16.41875 ft-k Deflection = -0.32Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(fr-k) (k) in Deflection ( in) Kfu+ I Line 1tine 2 Line 3Line 4Line 5 t Title : Scope : Number:Misc : Dangr :28-Aug-96I I SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS Page SPAN TENGTHS --._- I CENTER SPAN = LB ft t LEFT cANTTLEvER = ft RIGHT CANTILEVER = ft GENERAL DATA --.- FTXITY CODE ----->>> 1 << 1=PinlPin r. 3=Fix/Pin ,I: INERTIA 2=Fix/Fix 4=Pin/Flx = 1885.7 in-4 G @ T t I I I I I I I t I I E: ETASTIC MODULUS = 1100000 Psi -----;; -;; ;-;;;;;;-;;;;;-.:'i:1to"13333.;;-;:;-;;;l;;;-;;;il;;;' UNIFORM TRAPEZOIDAL ...CENTER: Jt1It.l -#2= #3=#4= CANT. : *1 =#2=#3= #4= 0.262 ]K]-t. LEFT RIGHT @ LEFT*t=#2= #3= #4=#5=#6= #7=#8= @ RIGIITklf 6ft #8 =!= 10= 11 =tz --t3=t4= X-LEFT X-RIGHT ft h X= ft )(= [= [= [= )(= fi= CONCENTRATED . #r_ *z #3 *4 #5 #6 *7 2.83 k x- X x x x x x MOMENTS ft#1 =#2=*3=*4= ft-k @ @ G @ ft-kfr #5 #6 #7 #8 --- SUMMARY -------MOMENTS SHEARS MAX. Span Moment = 2O.750 ft-k Left Support = 4.244666 k @ Losation = $.012 ft Right Support = 3'301333 k MIN. Span Moment = ft-h REACTIONS .... G tosation = ft teft Support = 4'244656 k Right SuPPort = 3.301333 k Left Support =Right SuPPort = MAXIMUM DEFLECTIONS Center Span, 0 XLeft Cant., G X Right Cant., @ X QUERY VAiUES ft-kft-k up) MAXIMUM MOMENT = 20.75009 ft-k (Pos. = 8.64 = in€+Deflection = -0.54Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) Deflection ( in) I I I ffrs I I I I I ut I I I t I I I I I I I I I I ,i :. BEAUD CONSULTING ENGTNEERS, INC. PROJECT DATE ' SHEET NO. Kr/ //+ : .:::t::!', ., ...i .l :./',k , 4lillL'? \{-,{,4 'i,-l \- i r\-!: Itr I t I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I t I BEAUDETTE CONSUI.ITING ENGINEERS, INC. o*"7'7'fb PROJECT I I I T I T. I I I I I T I I I T I I T l: l '"':-l .''' .. ;., .l ) BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEDRS, INC. PROJECT SHEET NO. ffi ,# I t I I I t I I I I I I ;,! :!'. :. t'- 1 :!'. :. t'- 1 il .**-.. .,"-.,1*,*n.-- : '.''|.''' i.,r: l | :-" : a 1 i-; 'it: BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT BY DATE- I "i' r '' r rV'/ pcl ..-t'-''"-' rl: :l /s-t -f /tz o 1l '1. ,'1.fl4.. tt' / 4f : ! f . A2 t$Wt"a '.,..: -/.{ I fl\ ':lr :1: i; -. t. .,r: ..,,!.i,.. : a; /F* t. rll ; JO : ,tiL : ) ,/, I :t ,,.t'.....-"' t',t . : . ; 'i . -* .J';4a / ./^. | | 8., 4 {e/ ',.!| : :'"' v{, : i ! I I I I .- BEAUDETTE ---.-_.'--"..... CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. GoNftN,onsT'6'?knvFN- I I I I I I I I I t t I I I .: t t ) BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC.wass L D$8f,8'qh ""@- I I T I I T I .: t(rt , .,.,,,i: *---",ff; i8-/ BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJDCT --o----Gtobal DefauIY Temperature = 0.00r-------------;;il-;# L 2 3 4 5 6 I I I CoordinatesXY ( ft ) _________ Boundary Restrainta X-dof Y-dof Z-dof --- ( 0, t, 2, in, K-in, radians ) -- 1 Node Temp --- (F)--- 0 15.75 3L.5 7.875 15 .75 23.625 0 4.5 I 4.5 0 0 BEAM DATAI I Beam DefinitionI-node J-node Property Label-or- Tag End I-endxyz Releases I J-end I xyz BEA}I LABEL Beam Length ( ft) I I I I l L-Zz-31-44-56-53-62-42-52-6 A A A A A A A A A L L l_ L 1 L L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8I 15. 750 15.7s0 9 .070 9 .070 9. 070 9 .070 9.070 9 .000 9 .070 .l I AISC/OtherPropertyl SECTIONTag IPROP. LABEL BEA}' PROPERTIES I-xx Modulus Density Therm Ex(in^4) (Ksi) (K/ft^3) (/100F) Area trnertia ELastic Weight Coef. of Fy Y-Y Axis Flag( in^2 ) AI I I I I I t I 12"LOG 113.1 L0t7.9 L100 0.03 NODAT LOAD DATA NODE I Nodal Loads (K,K-ft) | Load Case Factors __:i::l_-_1_:1:::1_1___:1:::1_:---fT:::i---1 -----1-----1-----:-----:--- -3.27sl I tr/rt I BEAM POINT LOAD DATAtBEAM LABEL I Magnitude Location l(K,K-ft,Deg) (ft)I Dir lFIag Load Case23 Factors 4 I I I I t. I I I t t I I 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 -3.65 -6.9 -4.2 -5.02 -f,. JI -4.13 -5.92 -5.92 4.03 8.06 3.02 7 .05 3.02 7 .05 4.03 8 .06 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v L L 1 1 1 1 1 1 LOAD COMBINATION DATA 1 : DL+LL 2: 3: 4i 5: 6: 7i 8: 9: 10: 11: LZz 13: t I t I I I I Combination lRunl Stress IDescription | ? llncreasel Load Case Multipliers I Factors Y-Load L 2 3 4 5lXgravYgrav Flag 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 1 .00 1.00 1 .00 1 .00 1.00 1.00 1..00 r..00 -1 -1 -L -L -L-L' -L -L -L -L -1" -L -L NODAL DISPIACEMENTS AND SPRING/SUPPORT REACTIONS NODE IABEL I Load II Conb. I DisplacementsxY (in, rad) |Rotation I ReactionsXY ( k, k-ft) Rotationt I I I I I 1 z 3 4 5 6 L L L l" 1 L 0.000 0.054 0.110 0.080 0.056 0.030 -0.000ro.23L -0.000 -0.211- -0.218 -0.2L5 -0 .0020 -48-L7 0 .00208 -0,0010 -0.0027 0.00076 -0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 22.60 0.00 24.!6 0.00 0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.o0 0.00 0.00 R{s I BEAM END FORCES T BEAI,I lload 1....... I Node End . --:i::l--i!:9: I -- -itiil -- -:ffi i:- - -T?5ti- - - 1l 1 l-35.746 A.254 0.000zi t I-36.841 o.ltz -1.081sir i 42.Lzz 1.666 o.ooo + i 1 | 29.584 4.351 7-757 si r i30.o28 -s.L28 -9-482oir i43.846 -2.476 o.ooori r i t4.Lzs -0.093 o-oooair i-15.037 o.ooo o.ooogi r i15.387 0.093 o.ooo .. J Node End . Axial Shear Moment --- ( K) ---- - ( K) ---- ( K- ft ) - -3s.746 0.117 1.081 36.841 0.254 0.000 -36.782 7.680 -7.757 -24.904 3.840 0.000 -25.140 -3-427 -0.000 -37.866 -7 .990 I .482 -14.019 -0.093 0.000 L5.249 0.000 0.000 -1s.280 0.093 0.000 I t I I I T I l, I t I I t I I I I K#, I I i : ,!l rl BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT {etr@ oxaT'0 'Qb ""Ed - SHEET NO. Kr/ /nRus- il I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT Serttw 6,r/sE, *tRuss ll : ,^rufl'6 'qb sv RdN SHEET NO. K7 /76 I I i l: t' itt': ii' 'r ',i i t r,: ; .r I . , .r ': f ;f:lj i l1 'i ./l\ r!.r?qti-ir. ; , fl.to -:, ; ' i',.\\Y '.. r '-_! ":,, I "r.... t) BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT {ertnqt 6ilfr,DATE?,8,qb ," Riitr- ' SHEET NO. t: .l I A "al4€ , : a:: 1 .;. .. l i' r ..",-".,." ., ,.,...".,",. t, : ..|: il : : i- : ft f ,(7E w :Ii :", "., :. ., BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJDCT {airqs a&ry,DffiEq,8,fl SHEET NO. Rtr, ,fuTEUSY ll BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT &ntPtt &/4sfg o*s7,6,fG SHEET NO. KF/ frrkuss ll 0.00I t t T 0 9 18 4.5 9 13.5 Coordinates.xY (ft)--------- Boundary Restraints X-dof Y-dof Z-daf --- ( 0, L,2 t LniR-Ln, radians ) --1L L DATA Node Temp --- (F) --- L z 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 I 3.3?5 6.75 3.375 BEAM I BeamDefinitionI-node J-node Property Label-or- Tag End I-endxyz ReLeases I J-end I xyz BFAM LABET Beam tength ( fr) 9.000 9 .000 5.625 5. 625 5. 625 5,625 5. 625 6.750 5.625 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L 1 t L L 1 A A A A A A A A A 1-22-31-44-56-53-62-42-52-6 I I I BEAM PROPERTIES'lt I I AISC/OtherlPropertyl SECTION ITag IPROP. LABELI Area Inertia Elastic I-xx Modulus.(in^2) (in^4) (Ksi) Weight Coef. ofl Fy Density Therm Ex I(K/ft^3) (/100F) | Y-Y Axls FLag I I L13. 1 L0l.8 1100 0.03 NODAL LOAD DATA | 12"LOG Ill I NODE LABEL I Nodal Loads I Global X Global (K,K-ft) |Y Momentl Load Case Factors L2345 t I t t t 5l I -2.74 K/qz I I I I BEAM POINT LOAD DATA BEAM I Magnitude Location I Dir I Load Case Factors tABEt l(K,K-ft,Deg) (ft) lFlag | 1- 2 3 4 5 1 L 1 L Y Y Y Y { 4 6 5 -2.53 2.92 -2.94 2.29 -2 .53 2.92 -2.94 2.29 I r---------III I IOAD COMBINATION DATA Cornbination lRunl Stress I Load Case Multipliers I Factors Y-toadDescriptionl?llncreasel L 2 3 4 5lXgravYgrav FIagt I t I I T I I I I I 1:DL+LL Zz 3: 1..00 1 .00 r. .00 1. O0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 L .00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 -t -L -1 -L -1 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 -L -1 NODAL DISPLACEMENTS AND SPRING/SUPPORT REACTIONS NODE I toad I Displacements (in, rad) | Reactions (k'k-ft) TABEL lComb. I x Y Rotationl X Y Rotation 1_t L L L L 1 z 3 4 5 o -0.000 -0.000 -0.00040.007 -0.029 -3E-200.015 -0.000 0.000440.012 -o.026 -0.00020.007 -0.026 -0.00040.003 -0.026 0.00023 0.00 7.53 0.oo0.00 0.00 0.000.00 ?-53 0.000.00 0.00 0.000.00 0.00 0.000,00 0.00 0.00 I f/4t END FORCESI I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I T BEAM ltoad 1....... I Node End . i r. i... LABET lComb. I Axial Shear Moment -- (K) ----- (K) ---- (K-ft)--- -8,562 0.157 0.000 -8.562 0.055 -0.459t7.273 0.760 0.000 8 ,72! L.7t4 t .4978.727 -1.7L4 -1,497rL.z73 -0.760 0.000 3 . 307 -0 .053 0 .000-4.163 0.000 0.0003.307 0.053 0.000 . J Node End ... r... IAxiaL Shear Moment --- (K)------ (K) ---- (K-ft)-- 8.s62 0.05s 0.4598.s62 0.157 -0.000-9.676 1.370 -L.497-6.878 0.744 0.000 -6.878 -0.744 -0.000-9.676 -1.370 t.497 -3.227 -0.053 0.0004.322 0.000 0.000 -3.227 0.053 0.000 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 1 1I 1 1 1 L t 1 Krfrq III,b r\I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I Lb' CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. BEAUDETTE PROJECT Snfrrerf (atlszY, SHEET NO. ffi/ lsTRass c T I T I I I o ' I .t\ \-\ t I '-l,! I I I I I t I I.l *-F &1 ' n* ih : I .': .l: il,l'l : :t'//t N : l $ l I:l:l::l'.[' lo / /\\ i. I1.ii ;,:! ......i _-.-.. ,-.i.. i: ' LY)' BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRo.JDCT Sentrret &l€w, t4ass C I I I I t I I .a i' i ;l,! ;:1 i. .. i I : \.(N .rS < \\\r I ..'l ._"_...;,.,.,.,.-. : !-l //+ A-, ,l 1-::\\;\F '. : !\-rN i{- :ii,i: t- _\ ,i/S" \i-..., \:N BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT Snrrn( (xW DATE BY SHEET NO,r7 /++T4ilss e I I n 1,, BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT Sgatrreq (at/-frK, SHEET NO. R? //str<uss 0 )' I ': A-t /Ll /, : t: i. '. 1 :ir ji I BEAUDETTE CONSULTTNG ENGINEERS, INC. PRO.'DCT ,.+ 4\F:L/Tfr/ {'a,vSTE. SHEET NO. KF vq-TEUSS 4 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I :'-4&''..- i , t,.,.,. i l, i? waw,€irt I , : i I .... . r" , -l --.i I , :.. ab7aP 6HaBn- G'/'1 &n (aaw- s'/ki ; ', I i '" '' '." , ' '- - i:rj 1 . ... i , -.1. . r. .,. ... . ; . :, 1.....'':,',ii;i : ', t. i i ] I , i . , . : f i . ,"i i ;".. . , . i- .. . .r : a/r //A /, 6 : /tdL I:,]: ,g : : t,IA't ii; i :i lr /1b)<t' -lofl' . oo !t l; I '/f.IO,'L I f ,lt'-''::i:rl,i It p#. \t{ .,n ,i &rr (toin 4 TL ] nE" : t. r-':iill,,) ,;.. : . L '.; f I- l!l | . : i i i. ."i..;.."i',.1 ] )' t :*- 5' : : t..l.1t'/,,n6 '.": : IfqI "\. I t\r I CONSULTITiG ENGINEERS, INC. ,-'? ,?t>E/,//W (o^/S7F, wass' I D^TE/'/0'fG BY PW-i--- , ffstftR(. F6----;il;-;;f -------i Globa1 oefaufTTemperature =0.00I l_. I I NODE LABEL CoordinatesXY ( ft ) --------- Boundary Restraints X-dof Y-dof Z-dof --- ( 0, t 12, in rR- in, radians ) --11 I Node Temp --- ( F) --- 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 13 .5 27, 6.75 13.5 20.25 0 0 0 3.66r_ 7.32 3.66L BEAM DATA BeamDefinitionI-node J-node Property LabeI -or- Tag End ReleasesI-end I J-endxyz I xyz BEAM LABET Bean Length(ft) I I I t I l_ 1-22-3t-44-5 b-53-62-42-52-6 A A A A A A A A A I L L 1 1 1 L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 r.3.500 1_3.500 7 .679 7.678 7 .678 7 .679 7.679 7.320 7 .679 BEAM PROPERTIES I I AISC/OtherPropertyl SECTIONTag IPROP. LABEL Area Inertia ElasticI-xx Modulus ( in^2) ( in^4) (Ksi ) Weight Coef. ofDensity Therm Ex(K/ft^3) (/100F) Fy Y_Y Axis Flag I I I I 12 " LOG 113. 1 L0L8 1100 0.03 NODAL LOAD DATA NODE I Nodal Loads (K,K-ft) |LABEL lGlobalX GlobalY Momentl Load Case FactorsL2345 -9.4sl I tf#r t I I I BEAM POINT LOAD DATA Ss,/rnt, fff BEAI{ LABEL Magnitude tocation I Dir I{K,K-ft,Deg) (ft) lFIag I Load Case Factors234I I t I t I I T -5.22 -7.14 -5. s3 -5.53 -5.55 6.57 3.27 3.27 2.L9 6.57 3 4 3 5 5 1 1 L 1 1 Y Y Y Y Y LOAD COMBINATION DATA Conbination Description lRunl Stress I| ? llncreasel Load CaseL2 Multipliers345 I Factors Y-Load I Xgrav Ygrav Flag 1: DL+LI, 2z 3: 4: 5: 6 7I 9 10 11 t2 13 -1 'l -1:J -L -1 -1 -1 -L -1 -L -1 -1 1.00 1. O0 1 .00 1 .00 1_.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1_ .00 L.00I I I I NODAL DISPLACEMENTS AND SPRING/SUPPORT REACTIONS NODE TABEL I Load II corib. I DisplacementsXY (in, rad) |Rotation I ReactionsXY ( k, k-ft) RotationI I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 t 0.000 o.442 0.08s 0.060 0. 043 0.o24 -0.000 -0. 184 -0.000 -o.L67 -0.176 -0. 170 -0 .0018 -1_E-16 0,00186 -0.0018 -0.0013 0.00062 -0. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17. 89 0.00 22.35 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. oo 0.00 0.00 0. 00 I I I t Fr/!;, t -------&{r-er&t _t BEAM END FORCESt I I t t T t BEAM LABEL lLoad I lconb. I I Node End .Axia1 Shear Moment ..... J Node EndAxial Shear Moment---(K) (K)----(K-ft)--32.020 0.053 L.42733.247 0.265 -0.000-33.977 4.577 -3.929-24.727 2.24t 0.000-25.152 -L.457 -0.000-34.396 -6.318 5.322-10.438 -0.080 0.000 Ll 1|-32.OZO O.26s 0.0002 | 1 l-33.247 0.053 -7.4273l 1 | 36.552 0.23L 0.0004l 1 | 28.216 4.t95 3.9295 | 1 I 27.874 -3.564 -5.3226 | 1 | 39.7s5. -3.563 0.0007l 1 | LO.524 -0.080 0.000I | 1 | -r.0.947 0.000 0.0009 | 1 | 1r..920 0.080 0.000 lL.t20 -11.834 0.000 0.0000.080 0.000 I I; T t I I I I I I I R$4e +N$ I tt+ttr' 6 tl -C] i-fi I I t I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT EarrB,,/ 6tt srrz a e rLn{o*r4'6,?o SHEET NO.rl HFACIEKS I I I I I t I I I I I I I ra I I I I .. i '- da -t h4'- i2rl? ''' : , , .l) ' -1'. ." .; iil ,.:::'/ii ln a*aaffi .{* . ar t :i J4TC,//4c b Au, /i?;/ ( a:J '(, d,/,1i - ,. ..r ., ...'.i e /o /t ,il !i:i 't1 : # &t frgqrc',f a:, il ll .). .- I t'TloN ('.t l :- t.i 't,f {s€, ..,.'' '| ,! :1 BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEER'S, INC. PROJECT Sd,vtrev 4o1nn oneV' 6,fb SHEET NO. f/&nffis 4'; '00 ll' : ,j. : : ': 'i' t. -af5,/- r /1 ta t/'d + lte 0/ .:. ' . !.. : /t V" furt . ,).ti,:,{tn? a: , i'il i , ,.r. :'j :ll c l. :. - i .i ll ,.I il lait'{&s t: 1: .. , 44b, fff, ;. //!: ,i) :i :- :-"_" i _ i'. l. l il :1 BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEDRS, INC. anufl,8,1b SHEET NO. /// /3 '/'/,34 P a 6,45F -. tt-F t /vo" sw 4rf Ij ,4P*vbnz ; '. i * : :. I .4, y'a4'€l G4, t ,a T To 3t/,"ti---',.i ?J .9|/ru ;:rl :I'/' a s5 ktf t't,,r !€all .: /a',k)r' 4 o '/1 M" f&"r{lc t,ft t] :.-':ll1 IrL | .tl) t'l l :]:/('f ,,/{t :.,] : :.t: 1i. -{r L'/ 4 , i' --i[/r', l'e ii l': :- l ':rt - '4Ttan/ . ,/tA r ; :'"", '-':; '"'-i-----:-. '. - :].:: /tlttt /.t/-vg?L/ v.,w l,tI , A,1''il ,+1 . a "rl 4 t, I,t:'tl i i. :It: .-t,.n'*-'''.,...-.i Itl . t:i 'i !i ! -..".. .il:l?i.. *^ l I T I l_ I I t I *ol Fr l, 'n /,13 /3 I i l. li I l l. ; t. l l. f: I ] i:.:, CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. BEAUDETTE PROJECT SErJreu &MtrP,o*u4,8,?h u" N-4rw#s ! i /ib I I t I I CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. fi,Vsrn llE,aaeffi ,*u 7,4,fh ur iJT-]_-_ I t ,l :i i ': :. E- it t I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT SpggL_@srs.oerefr /o,tt, BY SHEET NO. % ?-/ ."i I t I I I I I I I ::, :i" : . .... l,: ;.-: l 4:{ --. '- t-.' 1ftlJ/2e'i ' , 1:ii'l'' l :"-. ::ii". : ..... i ili: : "i"" " ';*"- :- ---*- '" l: 'i--' l)l ; '-' I :):,:j" : --: i ,.. -. -,--. - . . ... . ..:;:: ri' 1 :i, 1 i:l 1"' "' :- -'':.. ' ' ": l .1 ,i l -^ r'ut# +a 4 i : : ', .i W- ::- a : e' i: 'le4Y &.,'..f$tt t CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. BEAUDETTE D$Eq4'7L I iil:iLine 5 Scope : Nurnber:Misc : Dsngr : t SINGLE SPA!.T BEA}T AT,TALYSIS SPAN LENGTTIS ------CENTERSPAN = 9ft LEFT CANTITEVER = ft RIGIIT CANTILEVER = ft 30-Aug-96 Page GENERAL DATA ----FrxrrY coDE ----->>> 1 << ------|ffil DESCRIPTION >>/H!ILI I I I T I I I I I CENTER: #1 =#2= #3= #4= CANT. : *1tlr -,la-fia- #3= #4= 1=Pin,/Pin r3=Fix,/Pin rI: INERTIA 2=Fi rr /F'i r 4=Pin/FLx. = L018 in^4E: ELASTIC MODULUS = 900000 psi--:::';-il;-il";;;;-;;;;;-.3'l:H""13ffi1., -il;- ;-;-;;;-i;;;-;;;;;;;;;' . , .. . uNrI'oRM -..... TRAPEZOIDAL klf #L #2 #3 #4 #s #6 #7 #8 E LEFT @ RIGHT0.1 0.1 k]f 1- 9 1.9 X-LEFT X-RIGHT6ft68 LEFT RIGHT #L #2 #3 #4 #s #6*.,1ft = J.125 k CONCENTRATED6fr #$ = k X= ft$ = )(= 1n - \z -Lv - ll -11 - rt -l! - .al -11 - 'tt -La.-lr-L3= )(=t4= fi= [= )(=x- [= [= != ](= MOMENTS #L=#2= #3=#4= ft-k @ @ @ @ ft #5 #6 *7 #8 ft-k MA:KIMIJT4 MOMENT = 19.89854 ft-k ft I t I I I I I --- SUMMARYMOMENTS SHEARS MA)(. Span Moment = 19.898 ft-k Left Support = 3.619444 k.... @ Location = 5.994 ft Right Support = 7.905555 k MIN. Span Moment = ft-k REACTIONS ' ' ' ' 0 tocation = f' lffi. 3x35::i = ?:313f 33 ILeft SupportRight Support I'{A](IMUM DEFLECTIONSCenterSpan, GX=teftCant,, @X=RightCant., @X= QUERY VALUES G @ ft-kft-k (Pos. - Up) 4.914 ft Deflection = -O.25Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k)Deflection ( in) lt/s I I I t I :l 46t lt I I "', : :l :i, .. .: ,,....r.,"-.,.,* -.-.i... I I I I I I I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. o**4'4,tlb I tine 2Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Nunber:Misc : Dsngr :31-Aug-96I I t I I I I I l, I t CENTER:#L-*2=tl? -tt rr -#4= CANT. : #1 =#?=#3=#4- SPAN LENGTHS CENTER SPAN =LEFT CANTITEVER =RIGHT CANTILEVER STNGLE SPAN BEAI{ ANALYSIS Page----- *=::t DEscRrPrroN >> l/llq GENERAL DATA ---.FrxrTY coDE ----->>> t <<1=Pin,/Pin , 2=FLx/FLx3=Fix/Pin , 4=Pir/FixI: INERTIA = 1018 in^4E: ELASTIC MODULUS = 1100000 psi ...,, TRAPEZOIDALklf 9ftftft LEFT RIGHT #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 = 8.0600 ft-k- 5.994 ft = -Q.000 ft-k= 9ft = ft-k= ft-k (Pos. = Up)4.68 ft @ IEFT @ RIGHT0.45 0.45 klf0.8 0.8 X-LEFT X-RIGHT 6ft69 .. CONCBNTRATED #1- - 1.48 k )( =6ft#2= #3=#4- #5=#6= #7= MOMENTS MAX. Span Moment.... I Location MIN. Span Moment.... @ Location ft#8 =$=10= L1 =L2= 13=L4= $= )(= {= [= [= [= k X= }(= [= )(= )(= ]{= )(=..... MOHENTS .#1 = ft-k @ ft f5 ft-k ft*2= #3=#4= @ @ @ #6 *7 #8t t I I t t I SHEARSLeft SupportRight Support BEACTIONSLeft SupportRight Support = 2.693333 = 3.886666 = 2.693333 = 3.886666 k k k kLeft SupportRight Support MAXIMUM DEFLECTIONSCenterSpan, @X=teft Cant., @ X =RightCant., @X= OUERY VALUES G a MAXIMT'M MOMENT = 8.060031 ft-h Deflection = -0.10Deflection =DefLection = Moment Shear(fr-k) . (k)Deflection ( in) IN tt/tu I T l a4 BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC.HEIfrERS o*u4,4 '?6 sv RdN t I I I I I I I I I t I I I I ..f a. : ff: '"'.*' 't t ....] BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. o*u4,Qr?b BY R'A/_--- - l .' r"" r :l I I I CONSULTING ENGINEDRS, INC. DNTEqq,40 sv R.6MT- SHEET NO. date, i t,,/-,/ I I I T t I t T I t BEAUDETTE -- CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ,Sr-,un €0,{srx. HEapsBs I Line Linetine Line 2 3 4 5 Titte : Scope : Number:Misc ; Dsngr :30-Aug-96I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I SINGI,E SPAN BEAM ANETYSIS Page DESCRIPTION >> SPAN LENGTHS ----- CENTER SPAN = 19 ft LEFT CANTILEVER = ft RIGITT CANTILEVER = ft GENERAT DATA ---- FIXTTY CODE ----->>> 1 <<L=Pin/Pin ,3=Fix/Pin ,I: INERTIA 2=Fix,/Fix 4=Pin/Fix = 349 in^4E: ETASTIC MODULUS =29000000 psi - -::: ; ; -il ; -il;;;;;-;;;;;-.3'i:lfl "1333i.; -;;-;:;-;;;- i;;;-;;;;; ; ;;;, UNIFORM klf ''@';#i''a Hlt#torDAt #1 = O.27L O.27L klf*2 = L.25 L.25 #3 = 0.27t 0.27LLEFT RIGHT #4 =#5= #6= #7=#8=.. CONCENTRATED CENTER: #1 =#2= #3=#4= CAIfT.: 417+t -#2=#3-#4= #4= #5= #6= #7= #2= #3=#4= X-LEFT X-RIGHT3.5 fr3.5 L4 .514.5 19 #1 = 1_.81 k' #2 = 4.L25 #3 = 4.L25 1.8L X = 3.5 ftX = 6,5 J( = 1L.5)( = 14.5[=](=fi= #8 =t=10= 11 =L2= 13=L4= k )(= ](= )(= )(= [= ft @ G @ #6 #7 #8 MOMENTS MAX. Span Moment = 84.571.... MIN. Span Moment =.... 0 Locatlon = Left Support =Right Support = SHEARSft-k teft Supportft Right Supportft-K REACTIONSft Left SupportRight Support = t4.48976 = L3.29823 = 14.48976 = 13.29823 k k k k @ @ ft-kfr-k I'{AXIMT'M MOMENT = 84.57!27 tt-k }4AXIMI,M DEFLECTIONSCenterSpan, @X=teftCant., @X=RightCant., @X= QUERY VATUES (Pos. 9.462 up)inftDeflection = -0.53Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(rt-k) (k)DefLection ( in) H/s rii ' - ffeo,d?e *--7 / I i, 4,, ': t' t:': '. ) : . :'i : .. ] : ..' i : l ..: l :'l .)a BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINDERS, INC. PROJECT Si€,vrp"'41u,4 DffiEg'11'qL SHEET NO. %/JErtpanS -- --IJLng t Line Linetine Line Title : Scope : Nunber:Misc : Dsngr :01.-Sep-96 I - I 2 3 4 cI I I I I I t I I _, I I SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS Page DESCRIPTION >> SPAN LENGTHS CENTER SPAN LEFT CANTILEVER RIGHT CANTILEVER = 16ft =ft=ft GENERAL DATA ---.FIXITY CODE ----->>> t <<L=Pin/Pin r 2=Fix/Fix 3=Fix,/Pin , =?in/FixI: INERTIA = 2036 in-4E: ETASTIC MODULUS = 900000 psi------:;;-;il-il;;;;;-;;;;;-.3"1:lfl"13131.,-;;;-;_-;-;;;-;;;;-;;;;il;;, ..... UNIFORM . CENTER: #1 = 0.35 klf #2=#3= #4=CANT.: LEFT RIGHT #1 =#z= #3=*4= TRAPEZOIDAL @ LEFT G#1 =#2= #3=*4= #5=#6=#7- #8= X-LEFT X-RIGHTRIGHTklf ft ''ii'=''';:;i';' " :i' :''' ;.8o}:un'*o*fio*2= #3=#4= #5= #6= #7= ]{= )(= [= X= X= l{= ft$= $=L0= L1 =L2- 13=74= k X= ](= )(= [= [= {= )(= 41ttr -#2= #3=*4- ft-k @ @ MOMENTSft #s #6 #7 #8 ft-k ft @ @ k k k k Ln e @ I I I t I I I MOMENTS MAX. Span Moment =.... G Location =MIN. Span Moment =.... G Location = Left Support =Right Support = I{AXIMW DEFLECTIONSCenterSpan, GX=Left Cant., @ X =Right Cant., @ X = QUERY VALUES STIEARS19.146 ft-k Left 5.536 ft Rightft-K REACTIONSft Left Right Support Support Support Support 7.449062 3. 660937 7.449062 3.660937 MAXIMUM MOMENT = 19.14637 ft-k fr-kft-k (Pos. = Up) 7.552 ft Deflection = -0.48Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k)Def I-ection ( in) H/rr ll r\ : tr dfafte : o#,{ ri't*r:t'":' - '" " ' ql/, Jtl 4&ff'm 'I :'..,..:.'.'.-., : l' ' 'i-'" i'""' !. : ! lr BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJDCT Sqrygt 4r,vsre.DATET/I / /?4 BY SHEET NO. %trttpe,qs &J t a,aaa( ' ^/1'" 'l::ifrr nItt' l.t-,I f-rfu*T-."r_Tqd*.-*llll tl I *? . ' [,ft'I . i'' l I :i -+ N F\-$ I I I I iR \- N ', tr ,F ll:..; : 'l ;,I .\I .:t: i I'' 1 ,l,li 1::ali,t ili:3!.:: " lt- ,t, ':, t' : i: !l: !, l.; '.. i.. !i: 1.: : r '\$' -I ! i)ii i ltc-- , it: i:: t I I I I t T I I I .: BEAUDETTE CONSUI,;TING DNGINEERS, INC. PROJECT Savrny' 6,vsrnauL,,[mrt4aril Enz Ftauir,iA ,*u?'6,?6 SHEET NO, 7 l : ! 'r{l td, ii ,l :1 :i ! tl I '4.. : i : qu . .\(/,rr) c Ei aa,l(rcr), da t l :. .: .: .-. -.. ". :i ir :l l,'. : .. .. ] i,!".',-.,..-.."^'..: : , i i.. {I I l rJa,, i : I, SP' WLL 1 .l /2C : 6Ur(. t :: , t t t1 r t, :: --'r ': ) :::a:. i : l ;.:.i,r:t- ; ": l*'i'-1 r i 1'I i E/e I--r t) l : SF t ::: I i-l i ;.rl: BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEERS, INC. PROJECT Sa,vut 6ntur, SHEET NO. % I I t I I I I I t I I T t I I I , t, .l :': - | : BEAUDETTE CONSUI.JTING ENGINEERS, INC. DHIEq'/A'qb sv fuN :- _''l _-' t: t: .TUT, : I'-:'"" ! t, !" - :.!'-, : ' ': : : : t, bftla 1 0,1 # .: l: t .,. I ! *L/^ .' ttat7B Y I \':',/{-l z"l lv: '6t /8!rtt,4,, trfr {4 : i : /I t : .. i ''i ! tN. -:: tn,'/4(i , * /q,{ .....;. , t ffiry I I flrl* /,5,/ I fr " tf'{I *-ffi ! taI! :i, l.I. :l "''*'"''' - -il'""' :j IIr WII rp'tIIh), tl: -- r" i : ' ',..I ill' gdz' 1 ; :'"----- , ' -*"..i '"- -- 'r - &"&;. --TT l, I . j ','" :t: :::i; |lIr .I II: : i BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Seilrar 6,,/sre, ,-E faoup, f4tBtrrvlt on ?'// 'fb u" RT--r- T I /fulto,11, i,::"= i I i ' : : l,: i" t...._ .:a --;..,r.-. , . i- :. ..,.l. _ "-,-" ::l:li' t' r : : : : '{,q+'ftr lfutr'1 ' ' /,4tr;."" -,^'.j' 8,, :,t i 641v',t.t.: il,l:1. {: L L,lt lL. ;1:ti. ,il TTI ,J4 Lf ti+ {l I"-T-"""'*il , ;il i|oil'l ', , 4i,':', i :: I.-. i I . !, .i :iI":r: i : ;'i ; : .l ...: I . ..: 'i 'i l BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. . pRoJEcT --_--_ !funnru hilrrn taruR frnaa{6 o*rfr/o,f/c BY SHEET NO.t/,l I I t I t t I t I I I I I I , (d* O,/6('{W )" /,K 1 : i ', i : , 1 t , . ii:i1;'i: i: i , i I I , : iO/' : , , I I '1 . , ' , i' ,n ',:l'" l' 1" i''' ^"'"'-..' r "I -,-"..':.. .] d"-*=-: i:: )) BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT &lrrp DNII_ 4, ft 'f(, BY ndha- sparll , d,,/A{ .-'v tt-/', /t- : BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT Se'urRq 6"tstR 'J- f .:ft,a:n frequri/4 DNTEA,/0,f(" SHEET NO. # /7 I I,. -:; I i't';''.':' 4ffi6 NaF €o, Jre " /d8'6'-| :i ': it,:. : : i ' ;,. '. l' :'l: , ' i,i"r li, j' t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. onefl // 4ro KdAl]-- SHEET NO, : ) '4)t ://, : .,/q+ .J' //v.r- I : : :' ..') ..] .].i,l,i'i''i4] i F, i6g 4 .r a.;.' ,' :-"'J . J!&' ,j i "'''1, l '.J..: : :: l '.: '.: '.. i ..'....'''t... '{,.:' BEAUDETTE CONSUI,TING ENGINEERS, INC. oete?'//'4b sv ,e,aAJ ''-- SHEET NO. t T I I I I t t I I I T I t .t / / 1h),. a,afo(lo,y'Aj + d, . I , ',,,r{r/o, 4i64u't" '3 1 ', I : , i ... I :.iitarl iI t:':if ri.,,i -,",:" . .",-..:.^.- . ....,i..... 1 :rri r'i 1. 'i .i I.; ;l .:ti BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. o*f,//,V1, ut Fdi-.7- SHEET NO. fieaa'r , ] 'qg ,{tf, ] *, * Ei xl,y ,.,66 ac1 : :,i :;: ' ...:'..]-.r' . |..i.. | .t. '4-t fr' ,4 U Ir' \ zruo(/'a7r ) e,67o('fry, 1' #tpff,a (ru/ ' ,LJ/6,dr{ * a I ': O,dea { g/; .".1: Fqr* #"!f,0 g, .':1. Ft, : ... -... :li 1:ri,,r fr7A ""f'l' i ,Y ?ZrA | </t ^.1 /-,%J of/')rv'I {,tJre A, :: ?LA/a s e,I tl{rJtu tl € f pn*t/. : 6<J/ e '0' /Y l:f .'l' i..,i ,F &,t# '"FI{ Y : t. .t i '! : ': l .. I : i'l--,- i: ::,i:: : ! il--,,.' ... " -' -"," I i, ri. t! !-- , ..I ....,lt::].: I I I I I I I I I I t I t I CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT oneV'//'fa Iil ,I.'| IIIE .L tine 2Line 3Line 4Line 5 I A LIE ; Scope : Number:Misc : Dsngr :01-Sep-96 ft I I I I I I t SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANATYSIS Page DESCRIPTION SPAN LENGTHS ----- CENTER SPAN = 15.5 ft LEFT CAI,ITILEVER = RIGITT CANTILEVER = GENERAT DATA ----FrxrTY CODE ----->>> 1 <<ftft 1=Pin/Pin ,3=FixlPin ,I: INERTIA 2=Fix/Fix 4=Pin,/Fix = 394 in^4 E: ELASTIC MODULUS =29000000 psi LOADS support, use I - I for left cantiLever TRAPEZOIDAt X-LEFT X.RIGHT CENTER: rt.|lll ' #2= #3= #4= CANT. : #1 =*2= #3= tli -tf= - 2.3s ktf LEFT RIGHT @ LEFT @ RIGHTkrf#1 =#2= #3= #4= #5=*6= #7= #8=I I I I 16.64 k 4.5 ft *8 9 10 LL t2 13 l4 kx x x x x x x CONCENTRATED #t #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 *t ft)(= fi= )(= )l= )l= )(= {= MOMENTS #1 =*2= #3=fi4= ft-k @ GI e ft #5 #6 #7 #8 fr-k ft I I I I I I I .-- SITMMARYMOMENTS SHEARS MAX. Span Moment = LL2.97 ft-k Left Support = 30.02153 k.... G tocation = 9.704 ft Right Support = 23.04346 k MIN. Span Moment = -98-13 ft-k REACTIONS.... @ Location = L5.5 ft Left Support = 30.02153 k Right Support = 23.04346 kLeft Support =Right Support = M.LI(IMIJ}4 DEFLECTIONS ( Pos . Center Span, @ X = 7.44Left Cant., G X =RightCant., @X= QUERY VALUES MAXIMTJM MOMENT = 1L2.9?89 ft-kLd s ft-kft-k UP)Deflection = -0.41Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) Ln Deflection ( in) frl, I ,: i : ,; ,...-li i l ,c 4,fd i' . .1..... ,ltt ' /t, i t ,4d HI , 68, ,Af {6 : ,. BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. oerl f //'fb BY K6il '- I I t I I I I T I Line 1tine 2tine 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Nunber:Misc : Dsngr :01-Sep-96 SINGLE SPAN BEAI'I ANALYSIS Page DESCRIPTION >> SPAN LENGTHS CENTER SPAN LEFT CANTITEVER RIGI{T CANTILEVER ----;------= 15.5 ft -.F+ =ft GENERAL DATA ---- FrxrTY CODE ----->>> 1 << l=Pin,/Pin , 2=Fix/Fix 3=Fix,/Pin , 4=Pinr/Fix I: INERTIA = 350 in-4 E: ELASTIC MODULUS =29000000 psr LOADS support, use '-' for left eantilever TRAPEZOIDAL RIGI{T k1f CENTER:f1 =#2= #3=f4= CANT. : #1 =#2=#3=*4= 2.325 klf IEFT RIGI{T @ LEFT @#!=*2= #3= #4= #5= #6= #7=*8= X-LEFT X.RIGH?ft CONCENTRATED . #1 = 10.12 k #2=*3=#4= #5=fi6=#7= 10ft - #8 =$=10= 11 =t2=. 13= 14= )(= [= l(= ](= ](= {= [= k X= )(= {= {= [= [= ft I _' t I I I I I I I MOMENTS fr-k ft*1 =#2=#3=#4= ft-k @ @ @ @ ft #5 #6 '#7f8 --- SUMMARY ------MOI.'ENTS SIIEARS til.Ax. Span Moment = 100.42 ft-k Left Support = 2I .6097L k .... @ Location = $.3 ft Right Support = 24-54778 \ MIN. Span Moment = -1E-12 ft-k REACTIONS .... @ tocation = L5.5 ft Left Support = ZL-6097L k Right Support = 24.54778 k Left SuPPort =Right SuPPort = },IAXIMIJM DEFLECTIONS CenterSpan, @X=Left Cant., @ X =Right Cant., G X = QUERY VALUES ft-kft-k (Pos. = up) 7.936 ft e @ MN(IMUM MOMENT = L00.4257 ft-k Deflection = -0.41DefLection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) Deflection ( in) ftl+ |:. e&kq ,g/ kq . i ifl {e. ,& . .. .llrl - iitlF Tas . "\i-!el4'"'!!tF!{ t {s,tr{n: !...-; ., :-. a!l /8 ti7'I : ,a : :.. .t i: i :ii.: 'l /{i /6::i,:l .l i:l . : i,i I ,,#lo .'. .'.: i ,. " """1"' *1 I - dfr'. Utt'Yt .'. | 1'5 :: I t" 'i-1:; i ir: i.. ,... , .,.- I I t t I I I I t I I I t I t I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT -a ./tSen/tPct Qvrrg'oxre4'//'?a SHEET NO, ft7 //f-fuo&;i;iE- I I Line 1 L7-l)e z Line 3Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Nurnber:Misc : Dsngr :01-Sep-96 SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS Page I I I I I t t DESCRIPTION >> SPAN LENGTHS CENTER SPAN = LEFT CANTILEVER = RIGHT CANTITEVER = ---.-.-- GENERAL DATA _.-- FrxrTY CODE ----->>> 1 << 1=Pin/Pin ' 2=Fix/Fix 3=Fix/Pin , 4=Pin/Fix I: INERTIA = 204 in^4 E: ETASTIC MODULUS =29000000 psi LOADS support, use '-' for left cantilever TRAPEZOIDAL .. X-LEFT X-RIGHT5ft 521 zL ftftft CENTER: *11?! -#z= #3=*4= CANT.: #1 =*2=t+2 -7?J -#4= @ LEFT @ RIGIIT #1 = 0.81 0.81 klf *2 = 0.66 0.66 *3= #4= #5=*6= #7=#8= frfi klf LEFT RIGHT CONCENTRATED . I I I I I I I *1 =*Z= #3= #4= #5=#6= #7= k X= [= [= [= )(= [=x-- I 9 10 11 L2 1.3 L4 k X= ft [= )(= !(= [= f= l(= MOMENTS *L = ft-k @ ft f5 ft-k ft #2= @ #6#3= @ *7#4= @ #8--. SUMMARYMOMENTS SITEARS MA}(. Span Moment = 37.326 ft-k Left Support = 7.590714 k ..., e Location = 10.374 ff Right Support = 7.019285 k MIN. Span lrloment = ft-k REACTIONS . . . .Right Support = 7.01.9285 k Left Support =Right Support = MA)(IM(IM DEFLECTIONS (Pos. CenterSpan, GX=10,458Left Cant.' @ X =RightCant., @X= OUERY VALUES MAI(IMUM MOMENT = 3'1.3?601 ft-kG @ ft-kft-k up)it Deflection = -0.50Deflection =Deflection = Moment Sbear(ft-k) (k) Deflection ( in) Filo I l. : .* /, (,; BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. ont?//'7o sv R6,{7- I I Line 1 Title : Line 2 scoPe : Line3 - Number: v Line4 - Misc z Line5 Dsngr; 01-SeP-95 SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANATYSIS PAgE --- ----r-F"€Tt DEscRrPrroN >ilf6ry GENERAL DATA ---- FrxrrY CODE ----->>> 1 <<SPAN LENGTHS ----- CENTER SPAN = 18 ft LEFf CANTILEVER = ft RIGHT CANTITEVER - ftI I I I I I ll I I L=Pin,/Pin , 3=Fix,/Pin 'I: INERTIA 2=Fix/Fix 4=Pin/FLx = 156 in^4 I I I I t I E: ELASTIC MODULUS =29000000 Psi --:-:;;-il;-;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;-'3'l:1".o"13fl"1.,-;;;-;:;-;;;-i;;;-;;;ili;;' ..... UNIFORM . CENTER: .... TRAPEZOIDAL--*i : krf @ LEFT G RrGHT X-LEFT x-RrGItr #2 = *1 = 0.555 O'SSS ff f 1'1 ft f3 = *z = 1.05 1-05 11 18 #4= #3= CANT. : LEFT RIGHT #4 -_ #1 = #5= *2= #6= #3= #7= *4= #8=.. CONCENTRATED #1 = k X= ft #8 = -k )(= ft *2= l(= $ = [= #3= X= 10= [= #4= [= 1]' = [= *5= [= L2= [= #6= ){= 13= [= #7= [= 14= [= MOMENTS- #t = ft-h @ ft #5 ft-k tt *2= @ #6 #3= A +7 #4 = o #* .---l--- SUMMARY ------MOMENTS SIIEARS ,. I I,[AX. Span Moment = 28.950 ft-k Left Support = $'66875 k I .... G Location = 10-?,?4 ft Right supbort = "I'78625 h I MIN. Span t'to.*r,t = -0.000 ft-k REACTiONS ,. E,,6''E ', I .,,. 0 Location = 18 ft Left Support = 5'66875 k I I Lert support - rt-k ---:1:l:-::i::::---:--]:ll!31-n . i @ Right suppor{ = ft-k MAXIMLI,I MoMENT = 28.95017 ft-hl I I,IN(IMU{ DEFLECTIONS (POS. = UP)A;i:; ;;;;;"@-i-= ;--tte rt Derlection = -0'37 in I I\-gll r.sr uyq.. t Ei .- |leftcanl ,, @x= Deflection= | Right Cant., @ X = Deflection - | I Moment Shear Deflection I QUERY vALUEs (ft-k) (k) (in) I t f//a I ffil sM /oQ* ', 6,<* 6' , o : ', W €N PE*' trre1^ut - I /vlt{5,'6, /V"csrTr,,: ,J fwu"{/:..rti; .", , i , , -,"....,.,;,"*'.,::1r't:i-,.--,",'.';,'--..,-."",".*-" t ' .. . : - . .. i- I i :.. , : I. r !it:.-''-'i-..' ,irl I L li i I , : : -iri.:ll-jt-l , ,' t M sba,v /o't't ' ---- '" , \ : : /J' d' floa (r/7 ) " a'foo rcF I *,1 : *.ffi.€6.76w7 7AB'4t i#-94/rn# , t T: i , I ,*u4 /l 'r7h sv FdilT- BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. g-\r'(F \'r I t I t I t t: :i ,i i: ir 'l'^ -*.i!l ii:,: il il I I'r l , -,rf,. j 'l I I T I SHEET NO. D^TEq,6'?Q , BEAUDETTE CONSUI.;TING ENGINEERS, INC. to* [tl 4 .'gh, '.. i. a: n/,.tc I I ,!li: r - i"- ,:'i' ,*u7'?'fQBEAUDETTE CONSULTII.[G ENGINEERS, INC. I I T t,. 'rl . {d,il6!,' . i.-- I /- l?'. 4, //f' lt t;'' lo 8,1 ', iq,h | .l8' , i :' :1l I ll -_ j - l;,: ;- --i.-. : /{zltr .tt'. i:: - /3/ >u '; vr1 ll .;,..'.' .i...-i :'. ll 4,/?4an,E CONSULTING ENGINDERS, INC. ffir€.i5 NODAL DATA t t-- It-I Global Default TemPerature =0.00 I I T t I NODE I TABELt----------lr.lzl3 I CoordinatesXY --------- ( ft) --------- 0 7.25 15.75 Property LabeI -or- Tag Boundary Restraints I Node X-dof Y-dof Z-dof I TenP 0 0 o --- ( O rL rT rinrK-in, radians ) -- I --- ( F)--- 1_11 1l BEAI',I DATA BeamDefinitionI-node J-node End Releases I-end I J-end >ryz I xYz BEA}4 IABEt Beam tength ( ft)I t 1 - 2 lAz-3lA I I BEA},I PROPERTIES 1l2l 7,250 8 .500 I AISC/OtherlPropertyl SECTION ITag IPROP. LABELI Area Inertia Elastic1-xx Modulue(in^2) (in^4) (Kei) Weight Coef. ofl FY Density ?herrn Ex[(R/ft^3) (/100r) | Y-Y Axis Flag I t t ,l.. 1 | 12"tOG Ill 113 .1 1018 11-00 0 .03 tlt.l BEAM POINT LOAD DATA BEAM TABEL I Magnitude Location l(K,K-ft,Deg) (ft)lDirllFtag I Load 2 Case Factors34 4 | Y I5lYl-0.36 -4. B r_l2l BEAM DISTRIBUTED LOAD DATA I I t I I I I BEAM I SMAg LABELI (K/Ft,EMag Deg F) SLoc ( ft)ELoc lDirl(ft) | | Load Case Factors 234 0 5 L z z -0 .3 -0.3 -L.1 -0.3 -1 .1 5 8.5 Y Y Y L t 1 I I I L fr/rs lrtl l o- LOAD COMBINATION DATA I I I Combination IDescription I 1:Dt+tL 2z 3: 4t 5: 6: 7t 8: 9: 10: 11: tZz 13: Load Case MultiPliers I3 4 sl L Run I?l 1 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1. OO 1.00 1. O0 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Stress I Increase I Factors Y-Iroad Xgrav Ygrav Flag I I I -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -L -1 -1 -1 -L -L -L -1 I ---------I I NODAT DISPTACEMENTS AND SPRING/SUPPORT REACTIONS NODE I Load LABEL I Comb. I Displacementa lxY (in, rad) |Rotation I ReactionsXY (k,k-ft) Rotation I I I t I I I I I 1 1 1 L z 3 0.000 -0.000 0.000400.000 -0.000 -0.00150.000 -0,000 0.00363 0,00 0.00 0-00 4,26 7,28 5.51 0.00 0.00 0. 00 | ---------I I BEAM END FORCES BEAM lload 1....... I Node End . ....... - - :i::: - - 1!39 : I - - -itii: - - - :Ei: - - -?i5ti- - -Ll 1 | 0.000 0,264 -0.000?'l1 I 0.000 4,84L 7 ,76t ....... J Node End .i.i...iAxial Shear Moment --- (K) ------ (K) ---- (K-ft) --0.000 2,442 -'1 ,76L0.000 5.509 -0.000 ft/rr I I T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. D/fJE qfl,fc sv Ria/7.- ,.lTts I NODAL DA ]l TA I Global Defaul emperature =0.00]tT NODE LABET BeamDefinitionI-node J-node CoordinatesXY 00 10.5 23.083 Property tabel -or- Tag Boundary Restraints X-dof Y-dof Z-dof --- ( 0, 1 1 2 I inl K-in, radians)-- 1L L 1 L 2 3 0 0 End ReleasesI-end I J-end>ryz I xyz Node Temp --- (F)--- Beam Length ( fr) BEAI-I DATA BEAM LABET t-2lAz-3lA I t l-' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BEAI'! PROPERTIES 1 2 110.500| 12.583 t---------i t AISC/Other[ Area Inertia Elastic weight coef. ofl ry I Y-Y ipropertyi sscTro$ I r-xx Modulus Densitv Tlqry-lTl I e*is i tis -innoe. IABELi (in^z) (in^4) {Ksi) (K/ft^3) (/100F)l lFlas t---------ia | la"toc | 113.1 1018 1100 0.03 I Ii. i - | I I BEAM POINT LOAD DATA BEAM IABEt I Maqnitude Location I Dir Il(KrK-ftrDeg) (ft) lFlag I Load Caset2 Factors34s -1..35 BEAM DISTRIBUTED LOAD DATA BEAI4 | SMagIABELI (K/Ft,EMag oeg F) SLoc(ft)ELoc lDirl(ft)l l1 Load Caee23 Factors 4 T L 2 l-o.0975 I -0 .0975 lYl 1 lYl 1 ft/ro II t I I I t I 1:DL+Lt 2i 3z 4z 5: 6: 7z 8: 9: 10: 11: t2:, 13: LOAD COUBINATION DATA Conrbination lRunl Stress I Load Case MuLtipliers I Factors Y-toad -:::::t*1::-i-:-11::::=:l--1----:----1----1-----:-l-I::::-:e:::--:l:1--1 I I t--------- ---------:'I NODAL DISPTACEMENTS AND SPRING/SUPPORT REACTIONS NODE I toad I Displacements (in, rad) | LABET lCornb. I X Y Rotationl Reactions (krk-ft) X Y Rotation 0.00 0,27 0 -00 T 1 1 t 1 ? 3 0.000 -0.000 0.000110.000 -0.000 -0.00090.000 -0.000 0-00178 0.00 2.880.00 0.99 0. o0 0,00 BEAM END FORCES I I I I BEAM lLoad 1.... ".. I Node End ..... i. i - - :i::l - - J!:9 : I - - -Ti?l - - - :?ii:- - -Ti5t;- - -1l 1 I o.oo0 0.270 o.oo02 | r. | 0.000 1.881 3,842 ...... " J Node End " i..... i Axial Shear Moment --- (K) ------ (K)---- (K-ft) --0.000 1.00L -3.842 0.000 0 .993 -0.000 I I fl/fr o-trl ,l/3*a; a : _t_' f, A<.' : r l-,/7ffi, /65 6, {3t /.o,f6, r {.', f6gi ':'-, i lir lll ; '- I ,'_ I.,,. { \i€ : (l tl- l: w t' ,6 I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEERS, INC. PROJECT furrA,t&alsrq,onuq4,4h SHEET NO.u //s --.-"-- t a Ftaan frqeiqf#z -- tine 1tine 2 Line 3tine 4tine 5 Title : Scope : Nurnber:Misc : Dsngr : t 30-Aug-96 f I I I I I I I I SINGLE SPAN BEA.T{ A}TALYSIS Page SPAN LENGTHS ----- CENTER SPAII = 16.25 ft FrxrTY coDE ----->>> L << LEFT CANTITBVER RIGHT CANTILEVER =ft=ft l=Pin,/Pin , 3=Fix,1Pin rI: INERTIA 2=Fix/Fix 4=Pi-n/FLx = 2804 in^4 E: ETASTIC MODULUS = 1100000 Psi LOADS support, use | - ' for left cantilever TRAPEZOIDAT ..CENTER: #1 =#2= #3= #4= CANT.:f1 =#2= #3=*4= krf LEFT RIGHT @ LEFT @ RIGHT 0.42 0.42 klf 0.97 0.97 ft #5 *6 *z #8 X-LEFT X-RIGHT 10 ft 10 16.25 ft-k #1 Itz #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #8 = k $= ft9 - )(=10= )(= 11 = [=L2= )(=13= }(=L4= [= l,, I #1 =*2=f3= #4=f5= #6=*7= 2.25 k x x x x X x x CONCENTRATED . 10 ft MOMENTS ft (g @ t I I I I #1 =#2=*3= #4= ft-k G @I 0 --- SUMMARY ------- SHEARSMOMENTS MAX. Span Moment = 28.374 ft'k Left Support = 4.938942 k .... Location - 10.01 ft Right Support = 7.573557 k MIN. Span Moment = -Q.000 ft-k REACTIONS .... G Location = 16.25 ft Left Support = 4.938942 k Right support = 7.573557 k Left SuPPort =Right SuPPort = MAX]MUM DEFLECTIONS (POS. CenterSpan, GX= 8.45 teftCant., GX=Right Cant., @ X = QUERY VALUES MAJTIMT'M MOMENT = 28.37420 ft-kft-kft-k up)=f+DefLection = -0.40Deflection =Deflection = Moment shear(ft-k) (k) Def l-ection ( in) I fr/zr I :olru {Pa'r F(' ' '1 ,(),, .dopsF 0,AgJs gS pLf - -,t'6 ' -.f;r tl ^o 1' ,J r-' t .-i -r"t\, , dt: (hss ) ; fO' 'pt 7 : '' t >a//- -,, / -ti , ,, h . I a ./., r tafia c {O ,ef y r ' lt .-,L/ I . -,.'...i. -.. :-,. ' . I l i , r 'l -: - -"'' " ' ""l i-" i"''- .i.' ,,i: -t:' " :" '' ':i" ',lra :/3,'ri, Ai,li .l.|.. . ^t /5''/t' r (itt0l 7s )< fe t7? )e /,k)v , M.6, ( /,'il)a,a, /05 'a --:' ilI trllJ.ttp 'L{ : '1 lt I Itltl'l t i!tt\ I I tEl . ..- - :.1t::W 7 Aa0'tlp 0t 48 t: n {|tt,l Et iU," 'it,i"','-, i , , . ; ' BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT {m,/ Coisw,onp?,?,?b nv R,jt/...'_ SHEET NO. FI /ro I I tine 1 Line 2tine 3Line 4 Line 5 Title Scope Nunber Misc Dsngr 31--Aug-96 k I I t I T t I I I T I I I I I I t DEscRrPrr oN >>J FJL.I >J SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS Page X-LEFT X-RIGHT ft ft SPAI.I LENGTHS CENTER SPAN = LEFT CANTILEVER = RIGHT CANTILEVER = l;t;-;;-- il;;;-ao3fi"::i:-3ll^ -----;--.. L=Pin,/Pin , 2=Fix/FLx 3=Fix/Pin , 4=Pin/Fix I: INERTIA - 98.96 in^4 E: ELASTIC MODULUS = 170000O Psi--:::;;-;i;-il;;;;;;"-;;;;;-.3'l:1".""13Si.;-;;-;-;-;;;-;;;;-;;;;;i;;;' ...,. UNIFORM . TRAPEZO]DAL .. ft 5.17 ft CENTER: #1 =*2= #3=#4= CANT.: #1 =*2=#3= #4= 0.086 klf LEFT RIGHT 0.14 G LEFT @ #1 =*2=f3= #4=#5= #6= #'1 =#8= RIGHTktf #L=#2= #3=#4= #5= #6= #7= #8 =!=10= 11 =L2='t2 - L4= x x x x x x x CONCENTRATED . ft-k X= ft [= [= {= {=x= [= MOMENTS #L=#2= #3= ft-k @ Ld G ft #5 *6 *7 ft-k #4- @ #8 --- ST'MMARY MOMENTS MAX. Span Moment = 1.6268 ft-k SIIEASSLeft SuPPort = 0.528972 k Right SuPPort = O.775647 k Deflection = -0.33Deflection =Deflection = 0.035 Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) 1n MIN. Span Moment = -1 .871 ft-k REACTIONS .... @-Location = 15.17 ft Left Support = O'528972 k e Left support = ft-k ---::gl:-::lT::---:-1-il111l-* e nfght Supbort = -f.871 ft-k UAXIMSM MOMENT = 1.871O23 ft-k TIIAXIMIIM DEFLECT IONS CenterSpan, GX=teftCant., GX=RightCant., GX= QUERY VALUES (Pos. = UP) 6.8326 fr 20.34 DefLection ( in) ft/sr ,l .i,i'".".-'":r l-: , r--,',:::i,:ri: :: Ir": I:r t/t 't //,,.,..4'ft0oc 0,43' ? Wi€ ag r.:i,.':, ffa-,*'f6otga* ' " . i lt:,1' At4. ttt, t; : : l. I '...-'' t. r I ): i i_ il : l I t I I I T I I I I I t I I I I I l8 '. !j'. o,isi, , E" I , ; . ) : 0/; : i.: rt:i:i ii ,(f .''.-"',."..." l i , It )| +, L i ; Atw i * -..".;-. -, .- . ....t.,...." ,1. I ::'. rua, l '" 1',"" : I & ,. t,tl tI II / +' ,t lt'*r.li*i_b 6,gt , ,.9,/lP /F57'Z * C I : ::! I I Line 1tine 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Title : Scope : Nu-nber:Misc : Dsngr :30-Aug-96 k I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I CENTER: #1 =tta -7ta -#3= #4= CANT. : #L=#z=#3=#4= - - ;il;; ;;;-, ; - -a4s z- - - - SPA].I LENGTHS ----- GENERAL DATA ---- CENTER SPAN = 15.17 ft FIXITY CODE ----->>> 1 << LEFT CANTILEVER = ft l=Pin/Pin , Z=FLx'/FLr RIGHT CANTITEVER = ft 3=FixlPin , =Pitt/FixI: INERTIA 250 in^4 E: ELASTIC MODULUS = L800000 Psi APPLIED LOADS ..... UNIFORM . TRAPEZOIDAL .. SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS Page @ LEFT @ RIGIIT #1 = 0.4 0.4 k1f *2 = 0.067 0.067 #3= #4= #5= #6= #7= #8= CONCENTRATED .. krf LEFT RIGHT ft f I =p= 10= 11 =L2= 13=L4= ft #5 #6 #7 #8 X-LEFT X-RIGHT6ft 6 15.17 k X= ft [= [= fi= !(= [= )(= ft-k ft *1 =#2= #3=#4-*5= #6= #7= x x x x x X x MOMENTS #1 =#2= #3= #4= ft-k G e e G--- SUMMARY ------MOMENTS SHEARS MAJ(. Span Moment = 5.57O7 f|L-k teft support = 2.111073 k .... G Location = 5.279L ft Right Support = 0.903316 k MLN. Span Moment = ft-k REACTIONS .... @ Location = ft teft Support = 2'111973 k Right SuPPort = 0.903316 k @ @ Left SuPPort =Right Support = ft-k ft-k MAXIMT'M MOMENT = 5.570786 ft-k MA)(IMUM DEFLECTIONS (Pos. = UP) Center Span, @ X = 7.0692 ft teftCant.' GX=Right Cant.' € X = 9UERY VATUES Deflection = 'O.47 Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k) (k) 1n Deflection ( in) t fr/ra I I I I t I I l I I I I I I I t -'te i:'t:: '.. A't ,l::]t- I6ffo Lt J -rt,D&? tzt!- ll)lr.l?tt tlllf'-L-^-L*T-l{r+----:-*d-.s.+*** *k /oi6g 4f i , i 0*0 0'rTT* ..- ....i " . , v. .l :!i :',.'..". '........-, | .'.' "--.' '"'-',..;- :'-'-r,-.: lr/r 7, gt4n ?+ l/" 3,?Z rt 7'6 17' ),* Zftaa. /,18' loo c'l' j0,14 ' 'n ' h.,v tll ', ffR"'-,f,4', ,.-.. {'36 ''f,t(t t: .l o*u?,t|,fb sv Rdl BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. I I Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 L].ne 5 Title : Scope : Nunber: Misc : Dsngr :30-Aug-96 SPAN BEAM ANALVSIS Page I SPAN LENGTHS ----- CENTER SPAN = 15.17 ft GENERAL DATA ---- FrxrTY coDE ----->>> L <<I t T I I I I ,_, I LEFT CANTITEVER = RIGHT CANTITEVER = ftft l=Pin/Pin '3=Fix,/Pin r 2=Fix,/Fix 4=Pin/Fix --::-;;-il;;;;;;-;;;;;-.3'lllt" ..... UNTFORM . I: INERTLA = 30.8 in^4 E: ETASTIC MODULUS =29000000 Psi LOADS support, use '-' for left cantilever CENTER: #1 =t*2 =#3- #4= CANT. : Jl1t?r -#2= 41 -It., -*4= klf TRAPEZOIDAT ... G LEFT @ RIGHT #1 = 0.67 0.67 klf #2= #3=RIGIIT *4 =#5= #6= #7= #8=.... CONCENTRATED ft X-LEFT X-RIGHT 9.t7 L5.L7 fL ft #.8 = 2 k X =g = J(=10= )(= 1L = )( =t2= ](=13= )(= L4= {= ..... MOMENTS . ft #5 ft-k ft *6 *7 #8 *t=#2= #3=*4= #5=#6= *7= #1 =*2= #3= #4= k [= l(= )(= )(= ){= fi= fi= ft-k G G e @ I I I I T t t --- SUMMARY ------HOHENTS SHEARS MAX. Span Moment = 7.7616 ft-k Left support = 0.794990 k .... G Location = 10.345 ft Right support = 3'225009 k MIN. Span Moment = -Q.000 ft-k REACTIONS .... @ Location = 15.1? ft Left support = 0-794990 k Right SuPPort = 3.225009 k 6 r aEt Q..-*a*.F - €+-lt @ @ teft Support =Right Support = ft-kft-k T"IAXIMUM MOMENT = 7.761613 ft-k !4A)(IMLTM DEFLECTIONS (Pos. = UP) Center Span, @ X = 8.4041- ft LeftCant., @X=RightCant., GX= Deflection = -0.30 Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(fr-k) (k) Deflection ( in)QUERY VALUES fl/er : ' -, -|' I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT '*'ttf,et&tlsre. o*"4r4, ?b SHEET NO. ry/4fuazf " E, aI I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I t T Title ;Line 1 tineZ ^ Scopei -Line3 - Nunber; -Line 4 Misc : tineS Dsngr; .31-Aug-96 DESCRIPTION >>wffr SINGLE SPAN BEAI{ ANATYSIS Page GENERAL DATA ---. FrxrTY coDE ----->>> 1 1=Pin,/Pin , Z=Fi-x/FLx 3=Fix,/Pin , 4=Pin/FLx SPAN LENGTHS --.-. CENTER SPAN = 2L ft IEFT CANTILEVER = ft RIGHT CANTITEVER = ft I: INERTIA = 350 in^4 E: ELASTIC MODUTUS =29000000 Psi --::-;; -;ii-il;;;;;-;";;;-.3'i:it""li#l.;-;-;:; -;;;-;;;;;;;;;;il' ..... UNIFORM TRAPEZOIDAL X-LEFT X-RIGHTklfCENTER: .tt'lttr -L1 -7+1 -#3= #4= CANT.: #1 =#2= #3= #4= @ LEFT @ RIGHT #1 = 0.845 0.845 klf #2 = 1.39 1.39 #3 = 0.845 0.845 *4= #5= #6= #7=f8= L3 16 13 ft 16 2L RIGHT CONCENTRATED . +1 #2 #3 #4 #s #6 #7 x x x x x x x 1.84 k 3.22 L.84 5ft 13 16 #8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 = k $=_ ft =X==X= =X==X==X==X= ft-kMOMENTS ft#1 =#2= #3=*4= ft-k @ @ @ @ ft #5 #6 *7 #8 --- SIJI4MARY ------MOMENTS SHEARS !4,A)(. Span Moment = 75.750 ft-k Left Support -- 12'44523 k .... @ Location = !2.558 ft Right Support = 13'83476 k MIN. Span Moment = -0.000 ft-k REACTIONS .... @ Location - 21 ft Left Support = t2'44523 k Right support = 13.83476 k teft Support =Right Support = }TIu(IMUU DEFLECTIONS ( POS . CenterSpan, @X= 10.71 LeftCant., @X=RightCant., GX= QUERY VALUES I.,TAXIMUM MOMENT = 75.75090 ft-kLd @ ft-kft-k up) !t-Deflection = -0.58Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear'(ft-k) (k) Deflection ( in) ft/sr I I i.: -, . . BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRO.IECT ,Sa,vreul4aFsrP.DxrEq////Eb SHEET NO. ft7 /ss t I Line 1 Line 2tine 3 Line 4 Line 5 o Title : Scope : Number:Misc : Dangr :0?-Sep-96 SINGLE SPAN BEAM ANALYSIS Page :--i----ai;-----r--I DESCRIPTION >> SPAII LENGTITS .--..- CENTER SPAN = 15.5 ft GENERAL DATA ---- FrxrrY coDE ----->>> 1 << l=Pin/Pin , 2=Fix/Fix 3=Fix,/Pin ' A=PLnlFLx I: II{ERTIA = 375 in-4 E: ELASTIC MODUTUS = 1800000 Bei LOADSsupport, use '-r for Ief,t cantilever I I t I I t l, I t t I #1 =#2= #3=#4= #5=#6= #7= LEFT CANTITEVER = RIGHT CAI.ITILEVER = 2.34 k frft G IEFT Gf1 =#2=#3=f4= #5= #6=*7=f8= TRAPEZOIDAL BIGHTklf X-IEFT TC-RIGIIT EL.l.L ---:: ; ; ;il-;;;;;-;;;;;-.:'i:i:"..... rrNrFORM. CENTER: #1 = 0.086 klf #2=f3=ff4=CANT.: IEFT RIGHf *1, =*2= #3=#4= CONCENTRATED ..-ftx x x x x x x 4ft- #8 =$=10= 11 =L2= 13= 14 -- k x- $= }(= ](= )(= ](= [= MOt'tENts *t=*2=f3= #4= fr-k G e e @ fr #5 *6 *7 #8 ft-k ft I I I T .-. SUMHARYMOMENTS SIIEARS MAJ(. Span Monent = 8.9204 ft-k Left SupPort = 2.4O2629 k .... €-Location = 3.999 ft Right Support = 1.2?0370 k MIN. Span Moment = -1E-13 ft-h REACTIONS .... G Location = 15.5 ft teft SupBort = 2.402629 h Right Support = 1.270370 k teft SuPPort =Right SuPPort = MN(IMU}JI DEFLECTIONSCenterSpan, GX=Left Cant., @ X =RiqhtCant., @X= QUERY VATUES ft-kft-k (Pos. . UP) 7.L6t ft. I @ I,IAI(IMT'M MO},IENT = 8.920457 ft-k Deflection = -0.49Deflection =Deflection = Moment Shear(ft-k):(k)DefLection ( in) in fr/sr tA/flA :'.. '...' ; ..|- !: -g*;n*j6n.-.*.'1'. i .a ::|::. i: : i :'': ". - ' F .rfr 3e6 : 1_ : i : 'i'' - ":*". . : if"'"i, " -'/- . {1, vl l' "':"" : :' ':'i' ::. 1. l,i. ,,ij:'..1it .",,-i'-".' ''iil i l- i i- : I j n l-'u:' , ."i : tp, gag i ::.tl a,54/d,, e . r ,! ,i.i. - ,, : f y ,#'ra6 e' .' , i"i , ".i ',ii'rii] -. '':i:.a ',t,t: I: ,. : ', ; v 4l :4:ir t./'L/)'\/.t.vrJltt. ..-\ft't/& t/ a. ,stu-t '- ! i Il:.. :..i.'. -. '..'.. l. : .t I i !J,".-" t'" , ,t : -l'_'j' -.,,i ] oa fae ,..i- " . ,., ...i. ..-a2 .": _ 'l:' : :' : 'l I i : :y':" iEl : : l, l, ri I i'.." : li I I i': :l, l, li ll :ll li l'* -tl I ll BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT z'"? -/t@1r'7617 (ft/'/sfE.o*r€'/?'4t SHEET NO. ft7 //" re -daafr fFatu,/rt t I I : Q. /-.O/- r.f A-l-F-- r'.t.17 BYPil._ PROJDCT Savrrer/ G,vsrrzutrLnl #u,t/uanan/ BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. )6 |; {r, BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT ,feilreL/ fuUtrB.osye 8://'f{ sv &aN SHEET NO. /Z).-- r ; r-ftltil0,fftaM ', ., :'.: '" t" '| :: il :li ".--.. ...., '.-'; BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. es',o ?,//r?t ut KtT- I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I /rtuu A,/AL(,- '- r.-.. -:r ..-' " : ' /A,,/-^r-f'l I | -t'1t /, ria\t46tL tn,\"7 ' :, l4ra ( ::'/*{/i A,#& t ..:. Uttr''',:' Nw .i: t.n d,dda - ..1 ,4.4,' 'U tv.tl : wfrni: l l,. I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJDCTW o*uQ//'fo SHEET NO. ,4T. futwr,u I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I l; I I ' rl. itJ I gTft El ts stf t t .!i/. € lt. ta 't,r/g j , lt'(a) : ,edi :tfr &//t|' : D$E?'//,q6 u, frw-7- BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. I t I I I I I t I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINDERS, INC. PROJECT #atrct4,,&n onrc,4,//,fb SHEET NO. I-'44 , r fut{aaY7a17rS I I I I I il ii il :! ':t' i_: : -- I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINDERS, INC. PRo.IECT SHEET NO.f/ /u v6\ ,,ffi ' fy /0ft4,s z,i{,sF : &,*W.. ffi,ed, -/ J6',4 X 6',4 .f N/ 8. #6 txrl :':'-':'.-r"'i'-" '"'ill: .i1 l _": ' _l ii,i r;'-":l {4x //4'( 1tn'Fil/4'f { frAlt' ,, ..., .,-...-",-*.".,1-....-,,",.,.",,.,,.,,.-..,"*.,., : .. ..- 1- ' :o /?' f, : i I ! l t.i ,, ', /, et tJl i rl ' : ' i l- i ll j t: -^)7(J,. ,t @rlr '| lrE R!'n,-l -n F,. : .tfif P/4, la €'ra rffa '6 . l .: .t , BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT ?,1/,76 SHEET NO. '/r tt,futr40tltott/ : -*/b O &69 /€, )- I I I I t I I I I I I I I I t.34 %, BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. nxrefi//'/f/t' u" fral- SHEET NO. I I I I I I 0,# I U I f,(,, l.,.'':' : : : '! I : : : ""_ a .: i:i f,4 ,f c -f :l:!: ' 'j : '1_ _ l', .:i 'lZ .!* 4 BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PRO.'DCT J4 S:EA/TR,/ 6bN!rE,ontT /z'{6 BY Fat---.r- SHEET NO.7n- /ra IIL I I I I I I : .-."o :! ..-: ..,-. i, -it .,i I I I I I I I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEDRS, INC. PROJECT Sdvrre'/ AUWsind LLA:-P''AL - ps71,7'6,?t BY SHEET NO. '/, T I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I \rs BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT Savrnv hilsrnuerLil L-Lr-LE^.L - 1,art?'4,?b SHEET NO. L/ /2 I al,II.t II IIIIII I.T II ..: .t..i il:' :: :r,, ., .( : , i'': ; ;al t,: ': ] .- '_:'' I : .: .t-,.",.. , ".0-r'.17 :': BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJDCT S EATTRy C olrlST,DffiE gl 6lqb SHEET NO. L7 /aI *TFRAL I I I I T T I I I I I I T t . rUw< b4n_t r l'lL z( to') *? \' t ,,'' 2t32e'. ::,',;, '. i Iti.Il:',\:: f r I x.J l :iz}J " I l' t4', ( r. .' ....'." :"')' -t f , t ,t 1 rsF) '. ! I :;\ i ;l,Pf 2,9 8 - | | ^ -rr | -UP?6 ^J L1 +Z 3P"r.'trl 'i : rr I lttt I t- 'f'U>Q.-al g"d P tPt .: M,+sf(LEN:OrF.l +It lo ?Lf j f .. : . t'lt^'t:- f$ 't v rl> |; : .. ill/v2 +,,ln,r+?,r '.|,I u LEMcTI-|, ' 110't{bo i ui,L '/o'4 ... P pf -, 4g t'o,(, :: I i:: I ! i L :: : ! : :. :: i ! l :l i r' : I .. , -' .:.., *. ,-l . , ., i,,.. . .,. I I I ct : e1. N .E L{ a, BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT 3 fUTR Y CortsT. I I I I ?, "o, Q, F{ G7 : Lt I t I I I I I l I /U5L. t::l;/!L: A ,ll I Ftr PRO.'ECT 5 ErutFY €or-t.sT, - L,qrrgp-+L _ o*,9f a htsv TLL SHEET NO.BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. I I T I I l, t I t I . i BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT SENTr-{ EoNST.o*uqlelqt ev '[F.L SHEET NO. 'l I '| ''i e I r-?.t trI LlA I z$ tt1- I --*- i :: I r .\"t*l,t ,J t..8Y fAlsPs(I -: f.,i :1 - 6Y f61r Jtlt-L: sPECrtbN: 'b (iii,,s '' '"'t" :ili 'r6 (rs.i Oa | ?-:t>. :OF:"" ,..1, 6'1,I i. ': VgK.I '( t! -i" (:,i. I i JS -l't1 ,it ir F ,ST 3F ) .' : : ,UP '6t, t u Lt o : t-tlH t6 I F-J'7 I L )<L 'l la"{>)A s c. ds ,lE !C : i rltJ,k ln u ,bFS L ctlf TLJ =Lt'4U2|ta.]: (/ld s-t ,5 t I5E :-7 : ,l lA ^"i plMs 6l 4e te c Lttz,. AJt,C *rt - trIn' trt ..'.: i.L:l2 E T1 rbM i I I <a f I ..', I <r"u_s/s ,E 6r z4'a:c, : : j .:.: : I : .: BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT S AMTKY c ot.{ST,pnrel /alqb uv -T@L SHEET NO. zL A-TERAL I'l )<J,\*zL',lz(32' ; i I t t I I t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT 1ZrtTeV Co t,t gf . tt oerc,9/ blQb BY -fU- SHEET NO.,l L*TET<*L : tr) BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT 5 L+Tfttt carL{,D$tr'l/1/qb SHEET NO. L/ /toL kIER*L I I I I I T t I t I I I I I I I I -'-.'i" '' ':'*"- r '- -, :::i :'l - ,...,.,." '. 1 la)u]ArL 4ffi .i uPrrn . , LC "ntT, ) ..:.: \4ALL'. >v ii ,:', '.i. : '-'1 PLF--l ii:.: ll U SE- 1/o :t4 7"t?_ ,8.^ 48'.'.9"c.:,1 ,l m ,fl ^J Ll *r-t- D 'S )6 tr, Lr ILEN 8' MCLU> ) N z :et F ': : : i" : I i : /5i ar 7 rl +P PI tQ'€.J o : " i _ ,_ i Eob :[b- . :1' 6t K 2 I-EN 67H =3't :+a t,PL f- lr :,,,-r I : ',l l,UtFL t/su F t l?"I 6 tlD ,q_t e"TH', =l: J: : FEK ?l i LI 1A|3 -LL ,+a 7 ?r.JU rt P F a 'a l;t1 i,rlr 'l rt: U9L ,/a t4'*E "'g.q / t : : I t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEDRS, INC. PROJDCT -SM- omnl lel4 BY 1EL ] SHEET NO. //I +TERI+L L- I"l/k( H ., j :. .,.,.,; .,.:,: ,i + t(z(21 l : :.,'l 2:,1 - a-, 5 . o1 , e r')#q Jt ,i:] :l b,44, r,, i : t\ : : l : :. r4 a a t)5 F :1 ) , ;leEK U : t6'.+KLL . DEs '6N ,i L .t/-t;cTH F 5 1 P -F- ' '' ': '' - 5E '/e ,''4 et^,s q 4fi t'o. (u ll '.' : tbil ,L : E'r^..1-tl-tc [t4 b I l-l - ;:tut L.I D,€S z?-,3 .P r .-l ', t :l LlG B i : v5L ,l g'tr+P tte' c '"'.1 .'','' ?:IC t'PTrI l .I-ENGI/,I :... .. I U5L Vt c": :' I : 1 l i 1, l ii: : BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINDERS, INC. PROJECT 5Ap6EY coru ST,DffiEq lq/q[ BY -TEt- SHEET NO. t*tae*L I I t I t I I I t I I L'o c-r' e I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT t€llj-tlY c*r/.{sT,D1g1Eq/4/q/' BY ?F't-. SHEET NO.L/ /tsL,+TEFAT^ I, rl I I I t t BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJECT STNTRY Conr ST. tl one9lQ/46 BY TEL SHEET NO. '/rL,+TER4L BEAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJDCT S€I{TRY cc2,\r sT LTVTEr"+L ,*u qlqf qt BY -TEI- i:t : . BDAUDETTE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. PROJDCT ,4, ,EtffFtt ftil{'fft. L/7€,<AL o/siu,f,/7'{& ", frd{--7- lr' I I I I T I t I I T I BEAUDETTE CONSULTING DNGINEDRS, INC.lzr,e,eru ,*" ?' /?'fl ur FZil-T- aoI I I I l\ I I I T I t I I I t I I I I I 3 o LJ (- \) \) -.l A$ ,q .q(L\s LJ -J_)cl t T] (tz =(D zo kclzl L. \.J =$\p\r 6 AO \ ** TE u dvN Yd ^itt'1 1ivl-l-tAl tA* | !o \9 ^4 0o \l _+i q9 lbtl \ \ d$ G \ \- U ot N G c0l n-f-l<-l NI U ci $v q AO \ Jr * \J s i \9 f\.) \1 &3 1i _19- I ln\ |"l u d*sv q -+l (4-l ! oz N G &t =trE It:lv Ilct sY 6 Mi+ -cD lvl€tst+t6 l& =\e x $ "Sl11 - I l$lrssoiv g &; o F.s;\.v) I tsl\ \ 5s '_s- N" l. |\t$t\st:i\rl\cl\ \ \ ig. N. l() t:II t<1l>lt--'lio:l<ltrJ I-rlnl I I I Ir iltl tl il ll zoF(.) -z o() vJ CJ x )F <)3 (;s\i. Ni 6 frl$s =N) x $t isl'l ! s s o I5l i'l -lxl €-l-i NI $s CDv c (/l Ia \)lt-1).i +l -lstt'l !: o \S e1 6 q\95 t9\s lA- { I'i.;tx rb \- t \1 "q ? .t.J x -* *. 'r4 lq cl !l.rsi*\ *L +-"s. o l9 'l ir rHi# J -J 3 v, a aO.t 6 \*lA. if $I \9 N) 6 LJ A- Gr I_tl "q L. o EOv c tc A, '{-l - odl 1.. -l = iv' r.9vN G E s q 6 s\f,t -' c-s- toF Io =-ES\i- \dg =+ R.r' )*; .vP\s f6 t0 NJP{_-f. sx vsi \ R- \ N vq3 * Q .k \-$- N JJ.(y 4 A'{J rlstv1 $,/1 \ J rg !;.1 J a {L Llt L- I t I I lr t I t t I I T I I I I I I T /r/ //d/'J y's///qf e/Y/r TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL/ co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE I THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: SENTRY DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Addrestion..1225 WESTHAVEN 2103-121-06-004 PRJg 6-017 2 Parcel No.. ect No. APPLICANT CoNTRACTOR SENTRY CONSTRUCTTON CO., rNC. P.O. BOX 7005t ELGTN, rL 60175 OWNER Description:NEW DUPLEX WITH EHUOccupancy TypeDwellings Zone 3 V-NPrivate Garages Zone 3 V-N 99.'79 36 .2r Subt.otal : 6,77O 7 ,285 7 t455Table Date: 05/17/1996 Fi reptace Information: Restricted: y P lan Check---) 3/503.50 Invest i gat i on> .00 ili L l. ca L t----> 3.00 .O0 Total CatcuLated fees---) 500.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> 9?5.50 Total permit Fee-------->Recreat i on Fee----------> BALANCE OUE---- *************************************************************)t***************Jct*************************************************** ITem: 05lOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT l0/L6/1.996 CHARLIE Action: NoTE L0/L8/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppRrtem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1,0/16/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTElO/22/1996 GEoRcE Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT L0/16/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPRftemr 05500 PUBLIC WORKS L0/t6/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE lO/24/1996 LARRY_P Action: APpRItem: 05550 ENGINEERING 70/L6/L996 CHARLIE Acti-on: NOTE70/LB/I996 TERRI_M Action: NOTEI0/24/t996 TERRI_M Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Divieion: PLANS TO CHARLIE CHARLIE DAVIS Dept: PLANNING Division: PLANS TO GEORGE Dept: FIRE Division: N/A Dept: pUB WORK Divj-sion: PLANS TO LARRY LARRY PARDEE Dept: ENGINEER Dj_vision: PLANS TO TERRI SEE NOTICES SEE CONDITTON TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up approved amount date ***************r(******************************************* FEE SUl'|IIARY **************************************************tr******* BuiLding-----> 5/390.00 Restuarant Ptan Revie'/--> ] SSUED r0/L6/tee6 to /24 /ree6 o4 /22 / teeT 6atz/ SENTRY CONSTRUCTION 2740 MEADOW DRRATION, ST. CHARLES, ELGIN IL Total Val-uation: Town of Vail Adiusted Valuation: #Of Gas App I i ances:fOf 6as Logs: 3 Number of DwellingFacLor Sq. Feet JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES io status... AppIied.. Issued,.. Expires. . Phone: 630-584-1133 Phone: 630-584-1133 Phone: 630-584-1133 60175 Units: 002 Va luat ion 6L5,704.30 46 ,529 .85 662,234,15 662,234.15 1, 350 / 000 . 000 fof Uood/Pa t tet: 1't t322 .OO .o0 't1 ,322 .OO 11 ,322.OO .00 it Refund .o. Box '7005, ELcrN, t********************************************************************Jr*****************************************ffi*******ff******** Sge Page 2 of this oo.urnl' f or any conditions that ly apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHledge that I have read this app[ication, fitled out in futt the infonnption required, completed an accurate p[ot ptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and ptot ptan, to compty with atl, Town ordinances and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according to the To!,n's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved. Uniform Euitding code and other ordinances of the Tosn appLicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE HADE TI,]ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE gY TEL OFFICE FRotl 8:00 AH Send Ctean-tlp Deposit To: SENTRY CoNSTRUCTlofi PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OT APPROVAL as of 1,0/24/96 Status: TSSUED********************************************************************************Permit #: 896-0326 Perrnit Type Applicant Job Address Location Parce1 No NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT SENTRY CONSTRUCTION CO. r rNC. 1225 WESTHAVEN CR 1225 WESTHAVEN LANE 2103-121-06-004 Applied: ro/16/Lee6Issued: I0/2A/1996 *******rfr*******rl**************************************************************** CONDIT]ONS******************************************************************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. 2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURSD FROM THE TOP SIDS OF THE STRUCTURAL MSMBERS OFTHE FIJOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. 3. IJOG GRADING REPORT AND TRUSS MANUFACTURER REPORT REQ'D ATT]ME OF FRAMING ]NSPECTTON4. GARAGE DRATNS MUST BE DAYLIGHTED AND IS NOT ALLOWED ?O BETIED INTO SANITARY SEWER SIGNATURE OT O|'lNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OUNER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprintedt IO/2a/96 13r12 Statemnt * * * * * ** * * * * *'f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * * * * Statemnt Numberr REc-0220 Amount: 1I,722.00 l0/22/96 11:18 Payment Method: CK Notation: #11239 Init: CD * * * * * * * tt*** *rt rl * ** *** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * Perrni-t No ParceI NoSite Address Locat.ion Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 450320t 0000 41336 896-0325 Type 3 B-BUILD 2103-121-06-004 1225 WESTHAVEN CR 1225 WESTHAVEN LANE NEW (SFR/P/S,DUP) Pg 1" 1., 322 . 00rI | 322 .00 .00 Amount 5, 390 . 00 300.00 3,503 .50 1,000.00 925. s0 3.00 This Payment LItL22.OO Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: De s cri-pt ion BUI'-,DTNG PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE I IHo2.ooe t4oa .a H-2s9Ev HFI 20 6A z t F. zo.O' NUC A FIUzt Pr (,!o tots, oo Era o at? oo tlH tsl -4 ci ta t)h rT n E>,DI'&.oata d TT F'2ZEl il EC defRr.E |Do tra FrE'EF .4 F a XH zo ril !4E(.l 2br o EFIo oErtr tro!t 4() UU AH Hd D tsl o x a H4 FTH o ETa :: di FD E> lllErlq|{ol<Eat Itto I Assessors Office PERI'IIT , APPLICATION IIUST BB I'ILIED OtIt CoUPLEIfEL,Y OR XT !,IAy NOT BE AccEpTED I*******i********************** PTRMXT IIiIFORI.|A?ION ***************** ************tlt I tl-Building I J-Plunbing [ ]-Etectrical [ ]-Mechanibat I J-other _ rob Name: ,'4W-b,W'tr-- ,rob Addrer", tl,MtAresh lil(.ffimn tarc Lesar Descriptionr Loldl- Btock- riri.s--sJaDgr5loN&-nrym Owners l{a:ne: Architest: Address: fk4tffi"*, l}mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas f,ogs .3 !!ood/pelJ.et_ ,f********1'tc****tctc-HaTj|{t(br***** VALUATTONS ***********rf *******iF*********i}*** **f:;.W!" i#f;Ifiis!:iftpP:, ffi#it: @4iriili:ffi'*.::diffiilffi U'ff *:**'lfi .liT:iiT:i:H:iP:; Addrees:' in"ne-uu*a;;r-ifu Electrical Contractor: _ Town of Vail Req. No.Address: .Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: * * ********* * * ** * ** ******* * * *** * *E'OR BUTIJ)TNG PERMIT FEEI FLUI'{BING PERUTT FEEI UEC}|ANICAT, PESIiIIT FEE : ELECTRTCAII FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Tonn of VaiI ReE. NO._ Phone Nurlber! :---" Torm of VaiI Reg. lfo. Phone Nunber: orFrcB usE ******************************* EUTI"DTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEESMECfiANICEL PI,.IIN CHECX F8E: RECREATXON FEE! CI"8AN-UP DEPOS TOTAL PSRI''IT BUTLDING: STG$ATTIRE: ZONTNG: srcNArgm: PhgfueHtg pnfufrb&il ceneral Descriptlon: work claEs: 1y{-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Additional [ 1-nepair I J-other Nuraber of Dr,relling Units; 3__Nunber of Acconnodation Units: CLEAI| I'P SEF.OSIT SEFTIf,D TO: o ,-gr,.t', ?,}3r*lrrgt €\\n,&ba>t lffi-*tf4l3z lnttn TO: FRO}4: DATE: SUBJECT: t5 iouth irontege rord v.ll, color.do 81657 (3,as, 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 ofllca of communlty deyelopmanl ALI" CONTRA TORS CT'RRENTLYIJ REGISTSRED WTTH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OA VArL PUBLIC lroRKs/co!{MrrNlTy DEITELOP}IENT MARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I{ATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawf,ur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit iny-""if]-"i"i, sand, debrisor nateriat, i":1:lils-!rasl i,,rnpsterl, -p"#."irf' toilets andvorkmen vehictes.upon any streetl siaewaircl-;tt;y or publicprace or any portibn trreieoi.:rrr. right-of-way on arl Tor.m ofvail streets and.fga-ds is approximat"iy 5 ft. 6ri pavernent.lhis ordinance wirr be ai-i;iit':nforced by rhe Town of vailPublic Isorlcs Department. -p;;;"; found "ilrr"[i"g this ord,inancesirl' be siven a ?4 hour *nrlii""-'""ii""-to-;;;;:'=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.oo"s-not-""iipry with thenotiee uithin try_:1 froui-tiare-iiecitied, the pultic worksDepartnent wirl remove saia niteii.r-ii-inJ""r.iil=e of personnotified- The provisionJ-or-trris orainance strirr not beappricabre to c-onstruction, -ruiit.nunge or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any utiLities in ttre ,igfrt-._"ay. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fult, please stop by the Town of:3:i"3:tt3*%":Hi:'*:*;:a-'oriii" a. copv. rhank vou tor your Read and acknowledged by: ons 7€r#b irii Eo-FrojEt-(i. e. contractor, owner) loun ||fll 75 .outh ,rontage road vrll, colondo 8tES7 (303') 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 offlce ol communlty devclopmanl BUILDING PER||IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAilE If this permi.t requi.res a Town of vair Fire 'epartment Approvar,Engineerls (publ ic {:.ll:l review ano -ipb"ou.t,' a ptinntni.bepartrnentreview or Heat th Deoartm6nt. review, -ani'a-"evi"; ;i-il'Eriioing lyiil*E'h.the estinatiJ iirn"-tr'u-iJtur ili;w ;";"Lil'as rone All comnerciar (raroe or sma'il) anc all murti-famiry permits wi.llhave to folrow itre iuove menttoneJ maiimum requirements. Residentiala(.rya]I projects-shourd taL" i-ieiier"anrount or-tirne.' Hoiever, ifresidentl'al or smar'rer.projects tmpaii tr,e various ;b;;" *int.ioneadepartments with reoard to-necessiiy-"eu.ieo, these projects mayalso take the ilfee-weet perioa.v! J s' Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thlspermi't as s.qon as possible. - I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time 1"r {J Commun'i ty Develooment Department. I MEMonANpUM ALL CONTRACTORSTO: FROM: DATE: RE: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'IS REOUIRED 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7l Job Name: Date: P lease answer @arding the need lor a'pubtic Way permit": YEq t/ NO ls lhis a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed that requires the use of the right oi way, eassments or public propeqfy? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site olher than existing dnveway? ls any drainage wor* being done atfecting the righl of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Bevocable Fight CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public propefty to be used for staging, pafting or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Developmenl? !|_v99.answeredyestoanyo'|hesgqUestions,@'"mus|beobtained'?ublic Way_ Permit" applications may be obtainffi-ine-public Work's oflice or at C.o-TTryttV Development. ll you have any questions ptease call Charlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construstion Inspector, at. 479-41 59 I have read and answered allthe above guestions. Contracto/s Signature TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81"657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PROJECT TITLE: SENTRY DUPLEX NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PBRMTT Job Address:ation. . . : Parcel No,.: it Refund 3.00 fr ject, No. : 2103-121-06-004 PRJg 6-017 2 SENTRY CONSTRUCTION CO., rNC.P.O, BOX 7045, ELGTN. IL 60175 SENTRY CONSTRUC?TON Pf.an check---> 87.75 DRB AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Pernit Fee-----*--> Paynents------- -00 3?5 .75 325 .75 ********************ff*Jr*******ff***lrl****t***********Jri***t**trt***************ir,(***************trt****.i*tr*******td************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknouledge that I have read this appticatjon/ fitted out in fu . plan, and state that atl the information provided as requi red is cornect. BALANCE DUE---- the information required, compteted an accurate ptot I agree to comply vith the information and ptot p(an, - JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: La/a3/7996Issued...: L0/70/L996 Expires. . I 04/08/1997 Phone: 630-584-1133 Phone:630-584-1133 Phone: 630-584-1. 133 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up approved amount 2740 MEADOW DRRATTON/ ST. CHARLES, ELGrN rL 60175 DescriptionlGRADfNG PERMIT ONLY FOR NEW DUPIJEXNumbeT of DweLLins Units I OO2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuationi 81500.000 Fi reotace Information: Restri cted:#of Gas Appt iances:tof Gas Logs:#of Uood/Pa t tet: t**********)ttr****#*****ft[**:t***************rot************* FEE SUl4l,tABY ***************Jr**********i********rrr************:k******* 8ui Lding----->135.OO Restuarant Plan Rev i ew-->.00 Totat catcutated Fees---) 325.75 date APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Investigat i on> l,J i L t cal.l.----> IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:to/04/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHART,IEL0/o't/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAV]Srtem: 05400 PLANNTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: rLANNTNG Division:10/04/7996 CHARL,IE Action: NOTE PLANS TO GEORGE !0/07 /L996 cEoRGE Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMSNT Dept: FIRE Division:LO/O4/1996 CHARLIE Acrion: AppR N/ArLem: 05500 PUBLTC woRKS Dept: puB woRK Division:10/A4/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE pLANs TO LARRy1O/09/L996 LARRY p Acrion: AppR LARRY PARDEEItem:-05550 ENGIFEERING DepI: ENGINEER Division:to/04/1996 CHARLIE Actionr NOTE PLANS sO TERRI70/10/1996 TERRr_M Action! AppR pER cREc HALL :t****ht*t****************1h***r||t***rt***********************ir**********f,**#**)t**t^l********#*******fi**:t****ffi***********ff* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. - p.o. Box Toost ELGTN, "it -tctts la/2/ Recreation Fee----------> 325 .75 to comply witb alL Town ordinances und "afun", and to bui td this structure u""o"aif tn" codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding Cod6 and other ondinances of the Town appticabie Town's zoning and subdivision thereto. REOUESIS FOR INSPECTIOMS SHALL BE I'IADE TIJENIY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP Send ctean-Up oeposit To: SENTRY CoNSTRUCTIoN PAGE 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:k * * * * r* * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 1,0 /70 /96***************rr************************************************************rk*** Permit #: 896-0302 Status: ISSUED Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/SfDUP) PERMTTApplicant: SENTRY CONSTRUCTION CO., INC. Job Address: 1225 I^IESTHAVEN CRLocalionz 1225 WESTHAVEN LANE Parcel No: 2103-121-06-004 Applied: lo/03/Lee6Issued: 70/LO/1996 * * * * * * * )k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.** * * * * * * rt * * * * CONDITIONS * * ** * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *** * * * * * * * * * * 1. THIS PERMTT IS GOOD FOR GRADTNG/EXCAVATTON ONLY. NO CONCRETE FOPUNDATION WORK ALIJOWED' 2. Construction fence must be installed prior to any rdork conment:i no on the eite. )y!:Fl LcE FRo 8:00 A{tl ONTRACTOR FOR ***************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO *******rfr Statemnt 32s.'7s I0/Io/96 15:09Init: CD t*** **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0217 Amounl: Pavment Method: CK Notationt #Lt228 325.75 * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * Permit No:Parcel No: Si-te Address: Location l This Palrment Account Code 0L 0000 4131_0 01.0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4t336 896-0302 Type: B-BUILD 2l- 0 3-121-0 6-004 1225 WESTHAVEN CR 1225 WESTHAVEN LANE NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PE Total Fees: Total- ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUIITDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 325.75 325.75 .00 Arnount 135.00 87.75 100 .00 3. 00 tle2.o tJ u za.ot .{tg a F(,ar Ft!qo. or AF. oo a '0. o !oD |1s IFoz OE j ..2 dc F. Fr zo U AI I E H 6 t1 d () U d @ (, E'C EO!qE tr ht{z2I{5 E9 l-, H6Z4>'oFE aog Fr ti ilBoo92 F, CI kcl XF e H :EU 2fjl O rll trrF, dAg1 do t_, t) tiqlD ;r iN z Fl o E :1 o\ FD BdE> Eixqrnt{o ao eEOtaid o PER}IIT # N.Uraber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- Gas Logs*l Woodr/Pe1let-It Pry-q'_?_t.7?,...F*********##-trt|*IHmPN5!_*********************************' Eur"or** z y$,$E1s El,ugr11gll:.!-,-*- gTItI: .1--- Legal DescriPtion: rot$-Etock- ririns suBgrvisloN@1lfm-- Ouners Narne:Address:)r1DE, Elqlt tatN pu$hsp-l!fr Architect:r.2[- ceneral DescriPtion: Work Class: 1yf-rew I J-Alteration [ ]-AdditionaL [ ]-Repair [ ]-other- Number of Dwelling Units, 3 Nunber of Accommodation Units: - ;ffi;iii;; to'-T ;Ecr{Air;cAi; i-*'* ^ rorAr,: s--'- .tX;l;lr#-ffir't,; * * * * * CON1RAC3OR INFORI,IATXON * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *:f * * * * !r * * * ""-'t';;;;;; -A.k1llftg:rlr$ei,'o';t- -- rown or ValI \"5. J?-' /€t4;;;;;;;,-A'o-6,1t:nffi - Phone Nurnber: {H{X/rz-i- Electrical Contractor: - Tohtn of Vall Reg' No'-.- Address: Fhone Number: PlunrbinE Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO' AddreRs! _Phone Nunber; Mechanical Contractor:Tolrn of Vail Reg. No. Address:Pbone Nunber: * **** * * ****** ******* **tr*i.*******FOR OFFICE USE *******13********* ************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: FLUMrTNC PER$IT FEE: UECIiANICAL PERMTT FEE: ETECTRICAL TEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING PI,AN CHFCK FEE: BUILDINGI SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! FLI'}'IBING PI,AI{ CHECK FEE: I.IECT{ANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: rO?AI., PERI'IT TEES T ACCEPTED $ffif."', VALUATION CLEAN UP I}EPOSIT REFTT}ID ,gr. ?,D,3 ,rlts t E\\n,T- (rlc.l>t b&D-*44lr3b TOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8165? 97 0-479-2738 Invest igat ion> l.tiLt Catt----> TOrAL FEES---> 260.00 DSPARTMSNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9?-0011 Job Address Location... Parcel- No. .Project No. .00 3. OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT I.225 WESTHAVEN CR ].225 WESTHAVEN LANB 2103-121-06-004 PRJg6-0172 Status. . . AppLied.. fssued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 01, /2e /t ee7 0t/2e /1,ee7 07 /28/Lee7 OWNER P O BOX 95?, AVON CO 81620 SENTRY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 7005, ELGrN rL 60123 Description: ELBC WORK FOR NEW DUPLEX AND AHU Valuation: 65,000.00 **********************t******t**********i*****fi**********)t FEE SUlltlARY ****fttrt****rt****rt**rt****rt***********f,*!t****tr************** E L actr i ca [--->257.00 APPLICANT NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 95?r AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR NEW ELECTRIC INC DRg Fee TotaL catcutated fees---> Additional. Fees---------> Tota( Permit Fee--------> PayDents------- Phone z 303949465L Phone z 3039494657 260.00 .00 2&.00 260.00 AT OUR OFFICE FROI.I E:OO A}t 5:OO PIII ********************l************************f*******************************t****************************t***********t*****tr***** Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTOI/29/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR FORIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT BALANCE OUE-.-- Dept: BUILDING Division: ERNST Dept: FfRE Division: **********rt*************************************'t************************irk*********************i**********irt********************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD ]NSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITF 1996 NEC. ******************************************tr*****************************************************!t***************t**i************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read.this apptication, fitted out in futt the inforrnation requi red, compLeted an accur.ate ptot pLan, and state that atl the information provided as required. is correct, I agree to compty with the in{ormation and pl.ot i:Lan,to.compty with att Toun ordinances and state [aHs, and to buiLd this structure according tothe To],n's zon.ing and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, Uniform EuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn applicabte theneto. REOUESIS fOR II'ISPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR ll ************************* *.* * * * ********************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *******rt***rr**************************************************** StaLernnt Number: REC-0245 Amount| 260.00 0l/37/9'1 L3:33 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #15805 Init: cD Permit No Parcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131_3 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTR]CAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE E97-0011 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAI-, PERMIT 210 3 - 121-0 6-0 04 1225 WESTHAVEN CR 1225 WESTHAVEN LANETotal Fees:260.00 Total ALL Pmts: Bal-ance I 260.OO 260.00 .00 **tr************************************************************* Amount 257,00 3.00 PER}IIT /I PRW6 - otTA Job Name:LmF Legal Descriptionz Lotft/erocr$-Ftllng Architect: General- Description: Work Class: p(1 -Ner+ 6 Address: Ph. Ph. l-AJ.teration [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units; 3 Number of Accommodation Units: BUILDING: S Address: Electrica Contra or! Address: Plumbing Address: 5 MechanicaL Address: Contractor: ********************************FOR BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: FLUMBING PERMIT FEE: }fECIIANTCAL PSRMTI FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TCPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: Wood/Pe11et OTHER: $ TOTAL: S INFORMA?ION ****** ****rr************** ** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaLI Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. oFFrcE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECX FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: ITfECHANTCAL PI,AN cHEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: EI,ECTRTCAL: MECHANTCAL: Contractor: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Rect. NO. 71o-%, VALUATION CLEAN I'P IIEPOSIT REFTND f,. I - 75 soulh fronlage road vall. eolorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 ot 479-2t39 rn sumnary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to l-itter, track or deposit.any r"irr-r""i, sand., debrisor materi-ar, incr-uding trash dunpsteri, p-iiurie-'toilets andworkmen vehicr-es.|pon any streetl siae#aik;-;ri;y or publicpr?9" or any portion theieof- rhe right-of-way on arr Town ofVait streets and.r?"9" is approxintal"iy-s-it.-lti pavemenr.This ordinance wirl be. =t"ibtiv -entorcla-ry-irr"-i"wn of vairPubric works Department. peri'"ns found viorating this ordinanceviIl. be given a 24 hour written notice-ti-;;;;;;'="id rnareriar.rn the event the person so notiriea.aoes-noi-'""iplv with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine sfeciii;;,'ii"-i"[ri.c worksDepartnent wirr remove said mateii"r ai-[n""J"p!i"e of personnotiried- rhe provisions or irris-oiai"."II ;il5ii not beapplicable to cbnstruction, -r.int"tt"nce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any utitities i; il"-;i!fri_"_*.y. To-review ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail Building Department to obtaincooperatS.on on this matter. TO: FROM: DATE; SUBJECT: ad and ottlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISIERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\TELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCITON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE Re Y please stop by the Town ofa copy. fhank you for your acknowledged F?.lnxr* / NEtxlEl(osrE,ron/Relationship to t--Projec-(i.e. contractor, owner) 75 south trontage road vall, colorado 81657 l3o3) 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 ottlco of communlty development BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMIIT If this peryi.t.requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer Ls. (.pgb] ic works) rev'iew and approvat,-i ii'iilirilfi"b.prrtment leviey or.Heat th Departm6nt review, uni'.-"euid ;i-;i;;"trira;n9Departunent, the estirnated time for a total ""ui"n-ilav"iu[l'u, t6ngas three weeks. A]l commercr'a'l (large or small ) and a]l multi-family permits willhave to follow the above menti6ned maximum requiremlnli.""iesioentialand.small projects shourd take a'l esser amouni or iimJ.' However, ifresidential or smaller.projects impact the various a[ove mlnfioneodepartments wjth reqard to necessary review, til;; i;;j;.ii rnuya'l so take the three-week period Every attempt will be Tgge by this departunent to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - -- -'rrvs'Y! v' I' the undersigned, ulderstand the plan check procedure and time T rame . - 28- Community Development Department. I rofilc on verr, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-4? 9-2138 Job Addregs... i Location...... ! Parcel No,....3 Projeet Number: 1225 WESTHAVEN CR T225 WESTHAVEN LANE 210 3- l" 21-0 6-0 04 PRJg 6-017 2 Status...: ISSUED AppJ.ied. . : 03/03/t99'1 Issued. . .: 03/03/1"997 Expires. . : 08/30/1997 AT ALL TIMES M97-0026 Phone: 303792OO22 Phone l 303792Q022 ? r 000 .00 fof Hood/Pa l. Let: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTS: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT APPI-,ICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGL,EWOOD CONTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD OWNER SENTRY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 7005, ELGIN IL 60123 Description: FTRE PROTECTION SYS FOR NEW DUPLEX Fi reotace Information: Restricted: Y #Of Gas Appl i ances: co 80112 co 80112 Valuat,ion: #0f Gas Logs: *****************t***************************************#ft FEE SUt'll.lARy ***t*****t*********************t*************************f llechani cat---> PLan check---> Investigation> t i tL ca(t----> 140. 00 35.00 .00 3. O0 Restuarant Plan Revi e|,--> TOTAL FEES----- .00 Totat catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL Fees---------> Total Permit Fer-------> 178.00 .00 178.00 Payments------- 178,00 *********i****************************ri*************r********rrr************************S*tllil-lff;;;;;;;i*iiiii***n********ill*** I!e{',i ,q5-190 BUJLDING DEPARTMENIT' _, Dept: BUILDING Division:03/O3/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AItemi'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept.! FIRE Division:03/.03/)-997 CHARI,IE AeIion: NOTE FIRE DEPT HAS PI,ANS03'/03'/199'1 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR MIKE MCGEE CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.IIANCE. *:& * ** *** ** ** * **t? t * * *** ******** *rr*** *** *t * *** ****** ***** * *rr*** * ** *** *** ** *** * * * ** DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknow ledge that I have read.this apptication, fitted out ln futt the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan. and state that all the infornation provided as required is correct. I agfee to conpl.y.uith the iniormation and ptot ptan, to.compty Hith atl. Tovn ordinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure according to the Tolrn's zoning and subdivis.ibn codes, design revieu approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabLe thereto. FEoUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'{ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR oFFICE F Rol'l 8:OO At't 5:OO Pfi SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OTIN€R **{********************************************,'v**************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0250 Amount: 178.00 03/03/97 14:07 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #11488 lnit: CD M97-0026 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2103-121-06-004 1225 WESTHAVEN CB ].225 WESTHAVEN LANETotal Fees:178.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * *** ** ** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * t * * ** * * * *** * * *** * * * ******* Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Descripti-on MECHAN]CAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WII,L CALL INSPECTION FEE l-?8.00 178.00 .00 Amount 140.00 35. 00 3.00 L€gal Descgdpllo!: trdt owDers ilaue: _-llBU :1':k-- Pttt Architect: GeqCfal Deceription; t lilrrntrr- I --- t J --bys'{' L J -(Itl'iNueber of t)trellingr Unlrss LJ__ Nr&ber of Accouuodadion Units: __, ^Iffi"t and Tlpe of Flreplaces: Gas ApSrliancesV^. . . ,._*,.*_^]--:. .: * -* GaF rogs-.- lfood/petlet_ {::_::l********************lr**** vrruAtro$s ***r****r************************ BufIDIlsG; $ .It{IuBfi;; f--- ffifff!lll!=r-*-'.-. _oryER! r_y>,:1. --'-' &_.-__ trEcrranrclL. $-??rffFt) 4il::ii#ffj:::::.j#Li:l ^rrFonHArrox r rcTA3:|-.-'k ffi:I;.1,"'nrracror: l fO[ **a 11a******!r***f* ****t*t **ftfown o-{ Vail Reg. NO,Bhone lvubbe;:---Electrlcal Contrastor: Aqc.f€ss: Phohe l{ubber: tuE ll:alfng co'trrctsrs - Aclqress; , , --_--.* Pll oj v3u trteg. tto._ t{ec}ranl Phene Nunberr ---Mdrcss; "$#::r **r!:il* *r*rr* **** * i* *;mtr**r w p,'one rf*nbE; 3 6)3aiffi *tr"l3I3g 1I$1IT i*, '--:-"--- doR ot#F}-Y.tI ::::*I!"*,r***:rr*************.HItt-u:Sq.renuii itpi _---** *.r-!gMq Pr'er ctrEcx #ei 'Ue+\--- Addressr \J ._ ,Mdrcssl ff:Illieal, pERl{xT FEE, -._.--*+rgqrrLItrAIrFEEl---b..b ffitlLEI* oF FEs: - ----l-.--_-lI tvfitot---t- ,f -l -J sr-dtrlenrae:r r r ble__-f zoNrNG:c6EEffil:_-_r_-...-_t_ . __"; s.rGNAltERE: -b.-_+' I'IAR-S5-97 I 1 :55 A I"I I,IESTERN STATES F I RE 49= 792 9949r0,97e4?ge{52 P- 65 PASE N/? luytt tt_-rot tt trrntsg! .crd[rr. aoltit.t! t155?flor, 47r*z{JB or {?9-?ll9 ollloc of cornmsnlw dcfrcP|r;|tt $o; Eno!{3 DATE: ffi-Tl?rff* cs*Rnmt* necrsrER'o ,*ro, lE TO!{H Or vAr& I'rr&rjtc BoRKs/couugNrf,r DavEtopt&NTITARCII 16, 1988 cr-'cantractorr ownet:) sll!tgg.1'. goltstRuc"roN pnRItINC s IE\IIeRIAL SmltAGE $*"x.ri:Fijffir*l#tif'til d;; ;.;# si r:r";* c*t.a- ed by: r4AR-99-9? I 1 :5s fiH I.|ESTERH STATES F I RE luun foH$Stiir.o(lot) 679-A13g or 4?9_2139 363 792 9449 r r, , 970{ ?92{ 5e P. €14 FACE 4/' atilce d *armrnlif Crorhplnrl EUILOI}|C PES,,IT ISSUA|fCE rIilE FRAI,E triffi;i nffi ,;*P Ir ffiH,i; ffd;ffi ". frtfnril$$i,+d,i;fi iiifry:* j'H,i;ilrTii,!ryri,i;lr,,., resroential or $rall -oil;.ffi !.t,,g,tp'i:,ilg;q:ff#1ltr.,.;$friii.#;ffi ," 5;ffi.".TT3i"T'l t Jr"ffi fe. rr $r s deparrrent to expedi te thrs i;.f31 undersignedr understand tJre plan cbecft prrcedure and 'me sffiI-- t'tAR-og-g? 11:34 At't HESTERH STATES 792 9849 o N COMPANY yPsTEIfr srArEs FIRE PRorEcrroNE6 S, TUCSON WAY Eili""y*ff ?r"lif; ?,ff i, j,ift FACSIilII L[,TRANSDIITThL TO; CH.{RL|[ lr.t]'I$FAX NUIIBIR: (glilt 17e.z4sz COlVtP,lNy: TOlytf OF VAIL FRO.VI: BRIND.{ NELSON DATE: 0310Jt97 SI..'BJECTT f ERMt't. APPLICATIOf\| # OF PAGES TO FoLLOw, r { $PEcl.'tL Nor-'trlory$; I A$r 0\''TRNTGHTMG.{, cfiEcK FoR $r7s.00 FoRPERIII'T.4,ND PLAN RfVIf,W FEES, HARD COpy To F0LLOW VLA M.ilL:1 gyEsbcu flno ,' i..OWN OF VAIL 15 S. FRONTAGE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT permit ROAD Job Address I 1225 WESTHAVEN CRLocation...l 1225 WESTHAVEN IJANEParcel No., I 2103-121-06-004Project No. : PRJ96-0172 AVALANCHE PLUMBING & HEATINGP.O. BOX 2994, AVON, CO 81620 AVALANCHE PLUMBING & HEATINGP.O. BOX 2994t AVON, CO 81620 SENTRY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 7005, ELGIN IL 60123 AT #: ALL TIMES P97-0006 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . Phone r 949-03)"7 Phone: 949-03']."'1 I S SUED 02/04 /Lee7 02 /13 / teeT oB/L2/Lse7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description:PI-,UMBING FOR NEW DUPLEX AND EHU Valuation:55, 000. 0o r*Jr***'t*J<************************************************* FEE SU ARy *tt******************************************************* P Iumbi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Invest igat ion> Iti Lt catl.----> 825.00 206,25 .00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--) TOTAL F€ES----- .00 1 ,0!4 .25 TotaI catculated Fees---> Addi t iona L tees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Paynents------- 1 ,O34 .?5 .o0 1 ,O3tr .25 1 ,O31 .?5 i****,t******************************r***rr********r********************i***************?lltlii-lf;;;;;;;;iii*ii************ill*** I!er!i,9!i90^pplI,DING_DEpARTMENT _ Depr: BUrr,DrNG Division:9?/.Q4-/,1997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR CHARLTE DAVrS QZ'/,067.1,997 qttARr.,rE Acrion: CAWC WATfTNG Fon-r,rew VALUES02'/13'/1997 DAN Rction: AFpnrI.em:' 05600 T'IRE DEPARTMENT DepI: FIRE Division:02/1,3/1997 DAN, AcEion: AppR N/A r****Jr*rtJr**rt:t***************r****************************************i***t*******i*t*i*****i*****i******************************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEL,D TNSPECTTQNS ARE REQUIRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITfi 1994 UPC :***rt**rt*f<*********************************************************************************************************************** DECTARATIONS I-hereby -acknowIedge that r have read.this apptication, fil,ted out in fuLt the information required, compl.eted an accurate ptotplan, and state that a[[ the information provided as required. i.s correct. I agree to.compty with the information and ptot plan,to comPty tith 8l'I Tolrn ordinances -and state [aus, and io buil.d this st ruct u re*accord i ng to'ttr" ioun;. r."i.g-""a subdivisibncodes, design revieH approved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thefeto. IEQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY *************************************************************** 'OWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stabemnt*************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0249 Amount: 1t034.25 OZ/|B/97 1.et57Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1725 thit: CO P97-0006 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2l_03-1_2r_-06-004 - ]-225 WESTHAVEN CR 1225 WESTHAVEN LANE Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location i This Payment Account Code01 0000 41311 01 0000 41"332 01 0000 41336 Total Fees: TotaL AI-,L Pmts: Balance: Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CAIJL INSP,ECT]ON FEE 1 | 034 .25 ***********************************rt*************************** I I O34 ,25 I ,034 .25 .00 Amount 82s.00 206.25 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 9't o-47 9-2734 E Iectni cat---> DRB Fee Invest i gation> !,itL Cal,l.----> TOTAL FEES.--> Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 55.00 1.225 WESTHAVEN CR 2103-121-06-004 PRJg 6-0172 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSI"E AT ALL TTMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PETMiT #I 896-0303 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . ISSUED L2 /o 6 /ree672lA 6 /rse6 o6 /04 / LeeT APPLICANT DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDWARDS CO 8L632 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC P O BOX 975, EDV{ARDS CO 8!632 OWNER SENTRY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 7 005 , EI_,,crN rL 6 012 3 DescripLion: TEMPORARY POWER NEW CONSTRUCTION Phone : 3Q3926367 5 Phone z 3039263675 Valuation:500.00 FEE SUI'IMARY ****************-t*f,**ir***************ff*fr*****S******** Totat Catcutated Fees---) Additionat tees---------> Total, Permit Fee--------) Payments------- BALANCE OUE_-- 53.00 55.00 53.00 .00 *******************************fi******ff************************ffi****t***ft**********lr*t****i******t***ff*******ff************** Dept,: BUILDING Division: DepI: FIRE Division: ********************************************************-i***********ft****************t****************ff******************t****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL i*******************************lrt***************************ff*************************************************ff**************** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this appLication, fil,ted out in ful,t the information required, compteted an accurate plotptan, and state that a[L the information provided as required is correct. t agree to compty tiith the iniormation and pl,ot ilLan,to.comPty vith sl' I' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according iothe Townrs zoning and subdjvisjbncodes. design review approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinarices of the town appLicabLe thereto. REaUESTS FoR IllSPEctIoNS SHALL BE llAOE TIJENTY-F0UR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIEPHONE Af 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFIcE FFott 8:00 Att 5:00 ptl IIe.m3 -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTl-2l06/1996 DAN Action: APPRIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTL2/06/L996 DAN Action: AppR ******.********************************************************** ?owN oF vArL, coLoRADo Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0238 Amount: Payment Method: CK NoLationt #5t29 53.00 12/06/96 0e:28 Init: DS 896-0303 Type: B-ELEC EIJECTRfCAL PERMIT 2to3-721-0 6-0 0 4 1225 WESTHAVEN CR Tot,a1 Fees:53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit, NoiParceI No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code01 0000 413L3 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRTCAL PERMIT FEES WILL CAI-,L INSPECTION FEE 53.00 s3.00 .00 Amount 50. 00 3.00 at 970-328-8640 for Parcel PARCEL /l's: Owners Name: Architect: General Description: tact Eagle County Assesgo s Office Frr Tcaal fti1r.ltq .39H"?f, X#l,Elffi;il"Flip D^TEI ]Q I6/qL I PERMTT ttfe& , APPLICATION I'IUST BE FILLED OUT COI'IPLETELY OR ft UAY Nor BE AccEpTED Xr********************.t** ****** PER!{IT f}{IFORITIATfON ****************** ** *******!r *rl [ ]-Buitdlng [ ]-plurnbtng (-nrectrl.cal I l-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Narnel Address:Za-ae- L,,egal Description: Lot Block Address: Address: Ph. Nunber of Dwelling Units: L Nulnber of Acconnodation Units; r}rb"r and Type of, pireplases: Gas Appriances_ cas Logs_ wood/pelret_vt***rt********!h************* ******* VAI{'ATfONS *******************r**** ********* pg119gne: !_ ELEcrRrcALrr fu P or$aR: f Town of Vail Reg. No. /?dEPhone Number: 4 \,. -9.ZR: work crass: M-new [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Adctitional t J-Repair [ ]-other ElectricaL Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: l{ecbanicaL Contractor: Address: ********************************FORBUfLDfNG PERMff FEE! PI,WBING PERMIT FEE: I{ECIIANTCAL PERMIT FEE: EUSCIRICAL AEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vdil Reg. No.Phone llunber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: oFFIcE usE ******************************* BUUJDTNG PI,A}I CHECK FEE: PLIIMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEEI II{ECIIANTCAE PIAN cEEcK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: zoNrNc: SIGNAETIRE: CLEAN I'P DIPOSIT IEN'ND TO: 75 soulh lrontage road rell, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2!38 or 479-2139 lo: fRoM! DATEI SUBJEET: offlce ol communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONSRACTORS CURRENTLYL FAGISTERED WITH IIIETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMITNITy DEVEIOP}{ENT Ii{ARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & IIATERIAL STOR;LGE rn sunnary, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawfur. for anyperson to litter, track or deposit inv =oir,-t""i, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash lunpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicLes.upon any streetl =i;;;uii;;i;y or pubricpll:" or any portion tt"i.oi.--irr" right-of-way on arr Town ofvail streets and-roads is approiinateiy 5 ft. -6ri pavenent.This ordinance rlll b"-;a"i;ii;-enforced by the Town of vairPubric works De'artnent. pers6ns found .,rii,riiii"i this ordinancewitr be siven a 24 hour *riii."-""ai; t;-;;;;;;'r"id nareriar..rn the event the person so notified,aoes noi--coipry with thenotice within the-24 hour tin"-"p""riiJl,'i "-iilf,ric r{orksDepartment wir.l reuro-ue saia nateii"i-"i-trrJ"!*o#=" of personnotified. The provisions-or--utii-"iai;";; =f,fii nor beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,.irri.rrurrge 9I repair projects ofany street or aLl.ey or any-utilitres in the right-a_way. To review Ordinance No. e in fuII, please stop by the Town of:::1.::i13i"3,":ffif;il:ll:a--"rill" a copv. rirani< vou for your (i.e. contractor, owner) lutryn 75 routh trontrge .ord trll, color.do 81657 (3o3't 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otllee ol communlty d6vclopm€||t BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUAI,TCE TTME FMME If thi.s permit requi.res a Town of vait Fire Departrnent Approval,Engineer's (public lltlrl review and app"ouat,' a piinnini.i"purtmentreview or Heatth Denartmint.review, ani'a-.euie; ;y-il;"d"iiuinsDepartment, the estimated time ror'a-totur review may take as rongas three weelts. All commercia'r {]arce or smalr ). and a].t rnurti-family permits wilrhave to follow itre ioove rnenu6neu'-naiimum requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd talre a tesitr-anrount of time.'nowever, ifresidenti'al or smaller.projects itnpiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to-necessai"v ""uie",-il;;; ;;;j;"ii'ruyalso take the three-weet perioa. Every attempt will be rya$e by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - YY v'rree' es '..' I, the under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Communi ty Develooment Department. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address. . . : !225 WESTHAVEN CRLocaLion : 1225 WESTHAVEN LANEParcel- No..... : 2103-121-06-004Project Number; pRJ96-0172 APPLICANT AVALANCHE PLUMBTNG & HEAT]NGP.O, BOX 2994t AVON/ CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR AVALANCHE PLUMBING & HEATINGP.O. BOX 2994, AVON, CO 81620OWNER SENTRY CONSTRUCTION INC PO BOX 7005, ELGIN II_, 60J.23 Description l MECHANICAL FOR NEW DUPI-,EX WITH EHU l,techani ca t---> Ptan check---> lnvest i gat ion> Uil,L cat t----> CONDITION OF'APPROVAL ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMBS Permit +: M9?-0009 Status... ! ISSUEDApplied..: oz/04/79e7Issued,..:02/t3/t99i Expires. . : OB'/I2'/Lg97 Phone: 949-0317 Phonel 949-A317 Valuation: fof cas Logs: 40, 000 . 00 #0f ttood/Pattet:F i reptace Information: Restricted: Y dOf Gas Apptiances: 3 r******rt*****Jr****f********************************rt******* fEE sull ARY *********************************i**i******t*i************800.00 Restuarant Ptan Reuiew--) .00 Totat CaLcutated fees---> 1,001.00200.00 DRB tee--------.00 TOTAL rEES-----3.00 payments------- ******************************************************r****************************n**ll*tllli-ll5;;;;;;;;iiiiii***********ill*** Ite$i.q51q0_QQ,I!plNG DEPARTMENT .Depr: BUTLDTNG Divieion:0z /.04 /.i"ge Z . qHABLrE Acrion : AFFn CHARLTE p/ssE -iofrbitIoirB "' o2'/.06'/,tse7_ 'cHARLTE Acrion: CAllc w;iiTrNG 6ft uew VAtuES-- - 02'/13'/L9e7 DAN Aat.Ioni ApFn]tbmi'O56QO EIRE DEPARTUENT DepT: FIRE Division:02/13/1997 DAN ectionj AppR N/A 1 . TIEI.,P IN$PECTION$ ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. gouEuggroN Ar-R_ Iq BEQUIRED pER sEc. '607 br--rHn-rsei-'uMc;-'--'3. rlisTAr-,LATroN MUST CONFORM T0 r'IAN0FACsUneS- rfrstnrjeiiofrs"ar-ru. TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]. OF THE ].991 UMC.4. gAS APPLTANCEq_SFALI? Eq VENTED ACCORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ gsar.,!_TEBMTNATE-_AS_EqEqrErED rN sEC.906 OF rHn- r9gr ur,rdl-s. AqqEss ro HE4TINq- EQUTPMENt-Mts? e6Mi'r,t wirfr'-sne .50s-tillo703 0F ?HE 1991" UMC.6. EOILERS SHALTT EE_MQqTTED QN FLQQRS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST._ uNI,ESq trsrED_EQR_UqUNTINq gN COMBUSTTBLE rtooRiNc;7 . pEFl{r T, E!4N! ^ANp qQDE ANALYS r S - MTUst -BE-Fo-s;TsD-'iN -MECHANTCAL _ ROOM PR]OR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST. _ _'-__- 8. DRAINAGE OF MEC$ANICAL ROOMS .COL{TAINING HEAT]NG OR HOT-WATERFUPPLT_BQILEB.S_$HA!-L BE EQurppED wrrfr A FrdoR- DRAtN"Fen"iiEd.'2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. _ 9. T$F MEtgHANTC4!-qgN?R4cTgB MUS! EE ON SrrE DURTNG rNspEcTroNs10. ALL MECHA EQUTPMENT SPECS MtSr FE oN SITE *-"- r************************** DECLARATIONS I_hereby.acknorrtedge that I have read.this application, fitted out in futL the infornation required, compteted an accurate p(otptan, and state that atI the infortnation provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the .information and ptot i:tan,to comPl'y lrlth al.l, Town ordinances-8nd state.taws, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, tlniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl.icabLe thereto. I *** REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I1ADE TI,,IENTY-FOUR HOURS.IN SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER **********************rt*************************** Y IELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE fROII 8:OO AI,t 5:OO PI4 . ._. ,.t ******* ******************************************************** 'OWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt*************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0249 Amount: 1,003.00 O2/IB/97 10:5? Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *L725 Init: CD Permit NoParcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131,201 0000 4!33201 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALIJ ]NSPECTION FEE M97-0009 Typer .B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2L03-121-06-004 " 1.225 WESTHAVEN CR 1225 WESTHAVEN LANETotal Fees: 1,003.001r003.00 Total ALL Pmt6: 1r003.00 Balance:.00*************************************************************** Amount 800.00 200.00 3.00 , "' Legal Description: Oloners Name: Architect: General Description: r,ot-!-1 BJ.ock_ Filing susprvrsroN, Address: 23ud ha\bo."t bE. at 6o,:tph. -/-liork Class: gzf-neut [ ]-Alteratj.on I Nunber of Dwelling Units; 3 Address: l-AdditLonal Nunber [ ]-Repair I l-other of AcconnodatLon Units: EIJE TRICAL! MECHANICAL: OTIIER: $ 7^ csoa ?oRt'tATIdlr Electrical Contractor: Addressl Reg. NO. Plurnbing contractorl Address: ltechanical Contlactarr A\lAra.ryul Wv''tBl icdr/;-+&t6Bown of Vait Req. NO. /?y'_1y1Address: ' -phone n"*"i.-- dti PLUMBTNG PERMTT TE8: MECHANICAIJ PERUIT FEE: ELEgrRICAL, FEE: OTHER TYPE OT FEE: DRB FEE! BUITDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: OFFICE USE *rt* **************************** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: Pf,TJI'fBTNG PI,AN cHEcK FEE;*.I'IEC}IANICAL PI,A}I. AH4€T J KEERECREATfON FEE:. j:.i.VJ-:,. : i.t CI,EAN-UP DEPO8I.IIJ".roiAt piRllii-6BEi: rflg pg n)ynrer and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances J Gas Logs_ wood/pettet_ 1|f**** * ** * * **** ********** ********** vAtuATroNs **** ******* ******** ************** EUTLDING: $ PLI'MBING: $T9TAL:t.@6T-_- * * * * * *** * * * ** * ** **** * ** **** Town of Vail Req. No.Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: twttl ttlt-r-t- comnents: CLEA}I I'P I'EPOSIT NEFT'Tilt TO: o 0FiiUfl6hPv 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 'I OWn OI VaA.t 75 South Front.aqe Road Vall, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildj-ng Code Proj ect Number: PR,J96-0172 Addresst I225A + B Westhaven Lane Pl-anner : George Ruther Occupancy: R3.ML Type of Const: V-N Name: Sentry Duplex Date: October L8, L995Contractor: Sentry Cons tructionArchitect: Snowden and Hopkins Engineer: Thomas BeaudetLe Plans Examiner: Charlie Davis All electrical work is to be complete to therequirenents of the latest National Electrical Code,all Town of Vail Ordi-nances, and Holv Cross Requirements. This project will require a site improvement survey(ILC). This survey shall be submitted andstaff approved prior to a request for a frameinspec1:ion. Under no circurnstances wil_l a frameinspection be done without an approved. srte improvement survey. A bathroom is required. to have an openable window ora rnechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in l-aundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecLeddirectly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrmswhich contain only a water closet or lav. may beventllated with a recirculating fan. UBC L205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shal-1 beinstalled as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 5, in lenEth and shall notbe concealed within construcLion. Ducts shal1terminate outsid.e the building and not exceed 14'length. Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated bymechanical means or by openings. Such openingsshall have a net area of not less than 1_ sq. ft. foreach 150 sq. ft. of und.er-f Ioor area. UBC 25j-6(c)6. {7 ""'"""o "*"^ t 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 L5 10 t-1 Department of Community Development No domestic dishwashing machine shalt be directly connecLed to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fittinq. UPC 608. Cross connection control devices sha1l be install-edto protect pollution of potable waLer supply by useof approved brackf f ow prevenLion devices. UPC 1003. Island fixtures sha1l be .qneci al vFnt F.l Ac nor ITDa 6t4, Plumbing fixtures with mechanical apparaLus shaI1 besupplied with an access panel for inspection and repair of equiprnent. UPC 904. Heating and cooling equipmenL located j-n the garage sha11 be instal-1ed with the pilots and burners orheating elements and switches at least 18" above thefloor fevel of the garage. UMC 508. Equipment located in underfloor area shal1 rest on aconcrete sl-ab or be suspended from the floor above, be provided with an access and passageway. and havea permanent el-ectric outlet and l_ighting fixture? In buildings of unusually tiqht construction (aIl new construction within lhe Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside, Such combustj-on air openingrs sha11 be a6 per UMC Ch. supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipmenE. venclocation and terminaEion, and combustion air to besupplied prior Lo any installation. Gas piping shall not be install-ed in or on ttreground under any buildinq' or structure and exposedgas piping shall be kept at least 5I above grade. uMc 22L3 (b) The open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc.which are more than 30r' above grade shall beprotected with a guardrail. Openings can not exceed4". Within R-1 occ, and all R-3, height min. is 36" -outside R-1 occ. heighL min. is 42',. UBC j.?Lj-. A one-line eleetricat d.rawing for each tevel isrequired for this project. Failure to provide such may result in field. corrections at the exDense of 1') IJ t4 .t_ o 17 tpu*uo"*"* 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Provide a complete site plan showing all struchures, dimensions, and. publie ways. -- Sec. 302. (d) All electrical work is to be complete to the requirement.s of the latest National Etectrical Code,all Town of Vail ordinances, and Holv cross Requirements. This project will- require a site i-mprovement survey(II-,C) . This survey sha11 be submitted andstaff approved. prior to a request for a frameinspection. Under no circumstances will a frame inspection be done without an approved site rmprovement survey. A bathroom is required to have an openable window ora mechanical venLilaLion sysLem. -- Sec. 1205, (c) In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecteddirectly to the outside shalt be provided. Bathrmswhich contain only a water closet or lav. may beventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205 (c) . Domestic clothes d.ryer exhaust ducts shal1 beinstalled as per UMC 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in lenqth and shall notbe concealed within construction. Ducts shall-terminate outsid.e the building and not exceed 14' length. Crawl spaces are required to be venLilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openingsshall have a net area of not less than l- sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of und.er-f Ioor area. UBC 25j.5(c)5. No domestic d.ishwashinq machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved. dishwasher air-gap f it.ting. UpC 508. Cross connection control devices shal_1 be installed Eo protecL pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UpC L003. IsIand fixtures shall be special vented as per UpC 614. In buildings of unusually tiqht constructj.on (atl new construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shaf l_ be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shaLl_ be as per UMC Ch. 6. L8 19 20 2I 23 25 26 27 28 {pun"*on*o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Comrnunity Development Supply a rnechanical drawing indicating design of system. size (BTU and volume) of equipment, ventlocation and termination. and combus!ion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Gas piping shal1 not be installed in or on the ground under any building or structure and exposed gas piping sha11 be kept at least 6" above grade. uMc 2213 (b) Due Lo Colorado State Statutes, aII sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flowrestriction devices. Also. the maximum water closetflush usage is linited to a maximum of 3.5 qallons per flush. A handrail is required along a staj-rway, It isrequired to be 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ofthe sbeps and if the side is open. the maximum sizeof an openinqf in the railing at the stairway is 4inches. -- Sec. 3306. (i) & 1712. The open side of all decks, porches, stairs, etc. which are more Lhan 30" above grade shaIl beprobected r/rith a guardrail. Openinqrs can not exceed4r'. Wj-thj-n R-L occ. and all R-3, heiqht min. is 35" -outside R-1 occ. heiqht min. is 42". UBC l-7 j_1. A one-line electrical drawing for each levet isrequired for this project. Failure to provide such may result in field corrections at the expense ofcontractor. Because of this project's location, the foundationis required to be dampproofed to prevent damaqe toareas below finished grade. UBC 1707(d) . The crawl space area is required to be ventilatedeither an approved mechanical means or by openingthe exerior wal-Ls. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 6. 29 30 Jt 32 33 34 35 35 by an {pouo"*"*"^ 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Pro'iect Number: PR,J95- 0172 Addiess t L2258 Westhaven Lane Planner:George Ruther Occupancy: R3.Ml Type of Const: V-N NORTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WAI,I] PROT Ohr Ohr NoneOhr Ohr None Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 479 - 2138 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code EAST SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG WAIJIJ WAIJ].J PROT WAI-,I., WALLOhr Ohr None thr* thr*Ohr Ohr None thr* thr* Name: Sentry Duplex Dat.e: October 18. 1996 Contraclor: Senlry Construction Architect: Snowden and Hopkins Eng'ineer: Thomas Beaudette Plans Examiner: Charlie Davis Department of Community Development WEST OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG PROT WAI]L WAL,IJ PROT NOP Ohr Ohr None NOP Ohr Ohr None SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 78.0 Feet 78. 0 FeeLEAST Property line 16.0 Feet 15. 0 Feet SOUTH Building 0.0 Feet 0.0 Feet WEST Property line 51.0 Feet 51.0 Feet EXTERIOR WA].,J., FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A R3 MI The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBI",E material . Sec.2201. None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protecCed wilh 3/4 hT fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. 5ee.2203. (b) c Table 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. - - Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this waIl.* -- These walls may be required. to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wa11 is required to have the samefire rating as the wal-l. See section 171_0. for deLails and exceptions. FL, NAtr{E AREA MIN. LIGHT MIN.VENT No.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #22 Bedroom #3 140 L43 1-4.00 r_4.30 7.00 7.15 L 1_ Yes Yes {,7 *'*uo"*u* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 2 Bedroom #42 Bath room#2 2 Bath room #32 Bath room #42 Halls. closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FIJOOR 1 Garage 1 Bed.room # 1/ S tudy L Bath room I Kitchen 1 Dining/Great room 1 Powder room 1 T,e'rnd.l-\r r.t.\m 1 Halls. closets. etc. TOTAL FOR FI.,OOR BUI LDING TOTAIJ rof 49 37 57 559 115 0 472 -Lb U 34 205 580 25 34 3 r-5 L826 2985 15.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0. 00 0.00 15.00 0.00 20.50 58. 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 . Z3 2 .45 r.85 2.85 0.00 0.00 8.00 L.70 10.25 29.00 1.50 t.70 0.00 Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No No 1 1 1 I l_ 1 1 L 1 1 1 1 l" I I 2 FOOTNOTES: l-) EGRESS - An operable window or door that. opens direcLly to the exterioris required from this room, The minimum clear openable area musr meet Lhe following. - - Sec. 1204.1) The minimum clear heighL is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum si1l heiqht is 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Tab1e 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exreraoropenings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS : Habitabfe space sha11 have a ceiling height of not less than T feet Ginches. Kitchens, halIs. bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. rf the ceilingis sloping. then the minimum height is required in onLy t/2 af the area,- -sec. 12 07. (a) Every dweJ.ling unit shall have aL least one room which has not less than 120square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall havean area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen sharr not be less than 7 f eet- .in an'dimension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GIJAZING REQUIREMENTS : A1l glazing in hazardous focations is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sriding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe d.oors.3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in aLl unframed swinging doors.5) Glazins in doors and encLosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas. steamrooms' bathlubs and showers, Glazing in any portion of a building wa11enclosing these eomparlments where the bottom exposed edqe of the {p *"n"'"o "*"o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of C omrnunity Deve lapment -1 --l-- .l^ 1^^^ L1^^- an :-^1-^^vraar'v lhan 50 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et.5) Glazing in fixed. or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxinq is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edqre of Lhe door in a closed posj-tion and where the bottom exposed edgeof the qrl-azinqf is less than 50 inches above the walking surface.7l clazing in an indj-vidual fixed or operable pane1. other than thoselocalions described in itens 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefoll owing conditions: A. Exposed area of an individuaL pane greater than 9 square feet,B. Exposed bottom edqe less than l-B inches above the floor.C. Exposed top edge qreater than 35 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of heig'ht above a walkj-ng surface.Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-f ill-panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke deLector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally l-ocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area, - - sec. L2l0. (a) A A smoke d.eLect.or is required on Lhe ceiling or wall- in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on all shories. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) a.If the upper level contains sleepingr room(s) . a smoke detector is reguiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. - - Sec. l-21-0. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source andshall be equipped with a batt.ery baekup. -- sec. 12L0. (a) 3. DetecEors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwellingin which they are located.. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE: 1) Fireplace musE be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707. (b) 2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and walls of firebox areto be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney wa11s is 2 inches. Cornbustj-ble material maynot be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project more than L/8 inch for each 1 inch ofclearance. -- Sec. 3707, (h) 4) The hearth must be noncombustible. a minimum of 4 inches thick, and.supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at l-east iIf Opening size is: Front extension Side extensiontess than 6 sq.ft. L6 inches5 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches-- Sec. 3707. (k) & (1) 8 inches 12 inches $RECYCLED PA]?ER 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 1 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment 5) Chimney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garagre and the residence. material-s approved for thr fireconstruction are required on the giarage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and hhe residence are to be a sel-f -closingr 1- 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling musE be at Ieast 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the rni-nimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1_7\2. (a\ exc. #1 The minirnum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. - Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cros s - sectional- area of not more than9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gagegalvanized sheet metal with all- joints Ioeklapped. The ouLside must beL hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure sha11 be protectedby not less than a self-closing solid wood d.oor 1 3/B inches thick orequivalent. -- sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible pipinq inslalted in wa11s passing througrh3 floors or less do not need. to be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1.706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents. factory-bui1t chimneys, piping, or ducts that donot extend through not more than 2 f l_oors need not be in t hour shafts.-- Sec. 1705. (c) 4) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a L hour assembtv.-- Sec . 1705. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : 1) Provide ventil-ation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwa11s. opening sha11 provide a net area of not less than l- square foot foreach 150 square feet of area in crartl space. Openings shall, be distributedon two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical .-- Sec. 25L5. (c) 5. Note: Vent. openings may be reduced to 10% of the aboveif ground surface area is covered r^rith an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves. For a 1352.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratio t/ r50 Minimum sq.ft. of vent 9.012) Provide 18-inch by 24-inch access openi-ng to the erawl space area. Note:opening may be required. to be larger if mechanieal equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (cl 2.3) unless the wood is listed as an approved hrood of natural resistance todecay or treated wood, t.he minimum clearance beLween exposed earth and {p *"no"o '*"' 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21s9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of C ommunity D eve lopment floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis 12 inches. -- Sec. 25f6. (c\ 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy This project will require a site improvement survey. shall be submitted and approved prior to request for inspection, A11 crawl spaces wit.hin the Town Of VaiI are limitedstructural floor ceiling height of 5'. be earlh floor ventilated as per UBC 2515 (C)6 with mj-nimum access as 2516(Cl2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. such survey frame to a earth to on1y. beper UBC Any building site with a slope of 30 deg'rees or more shall require anenqineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and structural- design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted withouL prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the sEreet. For Ml occupancy Slope garaqe floor to aLLow for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain wiEh sand and oil interceptor to dry weII or to sewer. Any garag,e floor drain connected to sewer must be approved. by UpperEagle VaIIey Water & Sanitation Districh. In garages with livinq' area above, the walls of the garage wiichbearinq' the area above sha]1 be protected with one hour fireresistive consLrucLion. UBC 503 (B) . $ r""'"""*"' CFffiffiPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 't own o r val _L 75 South Frontage Road Vai1, Colorado 81657(303) 479-21-3B Plan the t9 91 Proj ect Number: PR'J95 - 0f 72 Address: 1225A Westhaven Lane Pfanner: George Ruther occupancy: R3,M1 Type of Const: V-N NORTH OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG WALL WAIJIJ PROT WAIJIJ R3 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ml Lhr* thr* NQP Ohr The exterior walls may be of analysis based on Uniform Building Code SEPARATTON DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Building 0.0 Feet 0. 0 FeetEAST Property Line 16.0 Feet 15.0 Feel SOUTH Property line 78.0 Feet 78.0 FeetWEST Property line 51.0 Feet 51_.0 Feet EXTERIOR WAIJIJ FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Tabl-e 17 -A & Table 5 -A Name: Sentry Duplex Date: OcLober 18, 1996ContracLor: Sentry Construct ionArchitect: Snowden and HopkinsEngineer: Thomas Beaudette Plans Examinerr Charlie Davi s SOUTH WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAIJIJ WA].,'I' PROT WAIJL WALI PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr: Ohr None Ohr Ohr None EAST NON-BRG OPNG WAIJIJ PROT Ohr None Ohr None COMBUSTIBITE material . Sec.2201. None -- No fire protect.ion requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. Sec.2203. (b) & Tabl_e 5-A Maximum single window size is 84 sq.ft with no dimensiongreater than l-2 feet. -- Sec. 4305. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the samefire rating as the waIL See section 1710. for details and. exceptions. AREA MIN. I.,IGHT MIN . VENT NO . EXITS EGRESS J r.^F | / c l- r,4"e/ vesulr 2 Master bath 185 18.60 0.00 9.30 4.80 No No 1 L {p *""'"""o '*o 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Development 2 Master bedroom 340 2 Bedroom #2 203 2 Bath room 35 2 Living (caretaker) 111 2 Ki tchen ( caretaker) 1-012 Bath room(caretaker) 37 2 Bedroom ( caretaker) I22 2 HaIIs, closets, etc. -1401 TOTAL FOR FLOOR L97 71 carage 597 L Laundry room 34 1 Kitchen 249 1 Dininq/Great room 664 1 Bedroom #1 L85 1 Powder room 23 l- Bath room 3 5 1 carage (Caretaker) 2L6 1 T-,aundry/Mech (careta) 80 1 Ha11s, closets, etc. 408 TOTAL FOR FLOOR 2492 BUILDING TOTAL 4459 34.00 20.30 0.00 11.10 10.10 0.00 L2.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.90 55.40 r-8.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.00 10.15 r-.80 5.55 5.05 1_.85 5.t0 0.00 0.00 L.7 0 L2 .45 5 5 . ZU q ,6 r-.50 1.80 0.00 4.00 0.00 Yes Yes No No No No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No No No 1 1 1 L L 1 1 I 1 1 L I L t_ 1 l_ 1 1 l_ 1 2 FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door thaL opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meetthe following. -- Sec. L204. 1) The minimum clear heiqfht is 24 inches2) The minimum cl-ear width is 20 inches3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sil1 heiqhb j_s 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellinqs) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exrerroropenings for ventilation. -- Sec. L205. (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space sha1l have a ceiling heighL of not less than 7 feet 5inches. Kitchens, hall-s. bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. rf the ceilingis sloping, then the minirnum heiqht is required in only 1"/2 of the area, - - Sec. 1201 . (al Every dwelling unit sha11 have at least one room which has nol less than 120square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall- havean area of not less than 70 square feeL. -- Sec. 1207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be 1ess than Z f eet_ in anrrdimension. -- Sec. T207. (cl GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: AII qflazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5405. (d) 1) clazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. {,7'""""'"o"*"" I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 2) 4) 5) 1l Department of Community Deve lopment Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of slidingr door assemblies andpanels in swinq'ing doors other than wardrobe d.oors, Glazing in storm doors. Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs. whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wallenclosinq these compartments where the bottom exposed edgre of Lheglazinq is less than 50 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et.clazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edgre of the qlazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of hhe door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edgeof the gLazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface,Glazinq j-n an individual fixed or operable panel. other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 5 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions: A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the ffoor.C- Exposed top edge grreater than 35 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontallv of theplane of the grf azing. 8) Glazing in railings regardfess of Included are structuraL baluster panefs. See exceptions. heiqht above a walking surface.panels and nonstructuraL in-fi]1 SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS :A smoke d.etector is required on Lhe ceiling or wall at a point centralLylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.-- Sec. 12r0. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4.A smoke d.etector is required on all stories. -- Sec. !2L0, (a) 4.If the upper level contains sleepinq' room(s), a smoke detector is reouiredin the ceiling of the upper levet close to the stairway.-- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke detectors are required to be wired to the building,s power source and.shal1 be equipped with a baLtery backup. -- Sec. L2L0. (a) :.DetecLors shall sound an ararm audible in all sleeping area of the dwellingin which they are located. -- Sec. 12t-0. (a) 4, FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREP]-TACE: 1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- sec. 370?. (b)2) The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and warrs of firebox areto be l-0 inches thick. rf the lininqr is of firebrick then the wa1ls may be 8 inches thick. -- sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum crearance to combustible material is from the fireptace.smoke chamber, and chimney warls is 2 inches. combustible maherial mavnoL be placed within 5 inches of fireplace openinq and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project more than L/8 inch for each 1 inch ofclearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) {,P *""'""'o '*u* TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Deve lopment 4) The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size rnust be at least;If Opening size is: FronL extension Side extension Less than 5 sq. ft.15 inches 8 inches 12 inches6 sq,ft. or greater 20 inches-- sec. 3?07. (k) & (1) 5) Chimney heiqht must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for Lhr fireconstruction are required on the q'arage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closinq 13/8 inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 35 inches wide, -- Sec. 3305. (b) The maximum rise of a step is B inches and the minlmum run is 9 inches.-- sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 j_nches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec, 3305. (i-) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 j_nches. Minimum heiqht = 35 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. 1,7L2. (a) exc, #1The ninimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (1) SHAFT ENCTOSURES : 1) Chutes and. d.umbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 square feet may lined. on the inside with not less than 25 gagegalvanized sheet mebal with all joints locklapped. The outside must. bet hr construction. A11 openings into any such enclosure shall be protectedby not less Ehan a self-closing solid wood door l- 3/8 inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. l-706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping instal-1ed in walls passing throug'h3 floors or less do not need t.o be in L hour shafts. - - Sec. 1"706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-built chimneys. pipinq. or ducts that donot extend through nob more than 2 floors need not. be in L hour shafts.- sec. 1706. (c) 4) A1I other shaf t.s are required to be enclosed in a j. hour assembly.-- Sec. 1705. (a) CRAWI.,SPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechani-cal means or by openings in ext.eriorwal1s. opening sharr provide a net area of not less than 1 square foo! foreach 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shafl be distributedon two opposite sid.es and. be located as close to corners as pracLical .-- Sec. 25L5. (c) 5. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10% of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approves. For a 1570.0 sq.ft. crawlspace area: Ratio Minim,lm c.. Ff of vent 10 .47L/L5O {,7 *'"o""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Comnunity Development 2) Provide l-8-inch by 24-lnch access openinqr to the crawl, spaee area. Note: opening may be required to be larg'er if mechanical equipment is locatedin the crawl space. -- Sec, 2516. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is lisled as an approved wood of natural resistance Lo decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed- earth andfloor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis 12 inches. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 2. ADDITf ONAL REQUIREMENTS : I'.lr P ? .\.. rr11r h.rrt This project wilI require a site improvement survey. Such survey sha11 be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspec tion. ALl crawl- spaces within the Town Of Vail are limiLed to a earth tostructural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, beventilated as per UBC 251-6(C)5 with minimum access as per UBC 2515(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site wiLh a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage and slructural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted. without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and. Iegible from the For ML occupancy Slope garag'e floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any qaraqfe floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by UpperEagIe VaIley Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above. the wall_s of lhe garage wiich arebearing t.he area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503 (B). {,7 *""o"'o '*"* Prlnted by charlie Davis 10 /24 /e5 1:02pm TotCharlie Davi 6. ceorg.e Ruther.creg llall, IJairy pardee. TerriMar Linez::91::::.:?::?-t::1g:i::i-::i::Y ?YY}:1 === NO'r'E== -- ==70/24/96_'t 1:34amI JusL met wi Lh Pam HoEkln6, thearchlLect' on t,his projecL. Stre beliewes t'traL she can address allof my i€6ues which include!1- waLls over 6. in trelqhL2. watls nor. shown per 6ngtheereddeta11 3 - !rall..s conf 1lcLing wlLh t'tre turningmotlon out of the garage She cannot geL me plarrs ulrt'1lW€drresday, L)ecause someone ig oul: ofbown, and she.€ working Che ski swap.Ofcourse, they need to sLarL bheirfoundatior! Loday. I told Lhem f $rouLdrelease Lhe permit wi t-h ttre conditlonthat I wl.ll j.ock up the comptrter onWednesday 1f l-hey hawen,t' supE iectsupplied adequaLe plans ]/et.Tt\ey don. t real-ly need a pub11c wavpermll; t)ecause l'trey accesE off of aprJwate road, allthough Lar:rfr, theie i6a Bign of f f or )4ou.I guess we call go ahead arrd reLeage t_hepermi i: . ** Did you know how t.ttese promlnentarchltects in Lown check thear hurnLngradi1? wlLh a t-lLLle green mat'chtrox JNN ?1'97 A7I57flN G.T.SFNDERS/SILVERTHONE,CO.P, L/ ( b (IDRGEt Iffi;HT.OMPANL I9I WEST 9TH STREET SIL\MRTT{ORNE, COLORADO 80498 (9?0) 46S.3254 OR l-Eo0-333-2547 FA)( # (303) t93-0t30 DATEr ltrlffi rAX TRANSMISSION TO: AVAI.ANCUI P&g ATTENTIONI JEf,F 9UBJFCT: YOIINGDUPI,EX MES$AGE: Attec[cd b tbc latut quote ud hcat dcrfn for thc Yeung duptcr. I addcd thc lndlrcct wrtcr hcrtcr rnd rcrLod tho boUerr for iomqtic hot vatcr. I took the lluo chsrs for tbc owncr ruppllad wttcr b€ltcr rnd urcd it for thc bollcr for oc rccondety lHe' r rur rrruming thir wlil worlc It ir r 7" ouc' Yodcr rhowr s{rrt tookr like a rldc wrll vcoting for the prlnary rlde boller out of thc grrego but I don't llnd eny nontion of rldc wrll vcndng on tic prlatr I rhow both rido wrll and &vcnt vcntlng on tho quote. Thc crrctekw bollcr/watr hcrfu combo fu rldc wrll verted but will rcqulro courburtlort sin TItc mowmdt Doltcr b r vcrtical &vcnt vcnting fptcut with comburdon eir piprd dtrrctly to tbe Doibr- My hcrdorr rmlyrfu rhorr thot thgrc wlU aot be a nccd for rupptcmcntrl hGrt ir rny of tDe rrl|r rr l'ong lihc Ooor coociinp arc goiag to be whrt I ,heve llrtd. If crrpct ir to rcplrcc any of tte arilr I lirt u hrdwood, wc rhould trlrc rnetherlook ettho* arcar. tlrcrr arc rti$ arcar whst wc crn rrve monqf on equlpment lf nccarary, Tio uort obuiour b lhc rnowmett boilcr. Another b tbe ringlc loop ol rnowmclt off tle primery ridc bollor. If tht chrrc pmvldcd ir lerjc cnough to handlc r 10" flue rnd r 7t' tlue lnd wc c8tr provHc comburtion ilt for thc trowmdt Uoild, *r "nild go to I lcn crpcnrlvc tasn Mlglrty fberm bollcr to cut cortr. Wc could alro put thc rin$e toop of tnqwmelt on thil boller to cut coctr if that h ocecPtrblc to thc ownff. Let rap know if I crn hdp ltrthcr. I would bc happy to mect with tbc owntr to clcrr up tomc of tbc qucrtlonl mrtlo if thrtwiJll bdp Ttr,rlt ErnT IEt EEFEIft EE o{ E E eo?o-ts\rr5erwwn,-''"PF EEEE!?XsEHnp E *g5 '{ xE VERTHONE, CO iEss I*EF IEHE i EEE IEEE IEHE IgEH NHEE aY,x gfrE HEg tH lldl FHsg UH JCN Z1 ',97 A7:58er4 G.T.,. T8 FIraq TTIii $rat5P EE Hg HE Ef, ot €c EtE *o€ Hu*$HHduaH Eu$nngE;r$ UtsB\EST.NU ttlt Nl.) X*l*t\'lro.r.l s393B$$83 I EHsBs i i S65FF6F F -r* -_ -^hFFilHfiArEE ss3 euH *Hg FP-. EE" ssss FuF 8*.tEB trJel..FFBBSSFB i33*- Fr99tP\e{9r5|9 vf, [r r 1.,Db l,| :. ,EEEIt,egrHEE FTE EEH ?E EEOtt Fgftr EF FT f,il FrLr LU. " -s HigE BiFEii'l* E a RTHOp- w ILVEI to ia i8 i6 iH !H ifi iE iE !E IEiil4g a3 F3 $Eek flHx trlxg FE 9E gE EH EE,,7, gE fiF EHxa EH EEol EEt! ': EH3TEb 'leyu F{ 22 '-r ! Hi $izlYI FI EI rEi i$i iqiiEl iFl iF i9 is ,E EE.A ;r, g ilIH F $I'{ 9c!r EI EI ai Hi9l FI =i-llsr g:, gr aivl g E Hp B d E E Y P E fFw - JgN 21 ',9? 67:58RM dfis$ $xxiHsseHs H8 EsEs Esns$s$sH$HHI cyxu sssE\sti==f;Et ,'l- a*i*i=lil- Nf FFs o"EstsB6FFF gF gg$ $EgggBBEEf;EE E*i i F*iutEi i iEsgE cE-E $s.ao$.,o"eHH$ EFFE 6EEEEEEsu-EEH tiil rtiiitiii- $ cdil t;i:isiii: $t fie,6!fi!,e,E'El 4-2fYl995 16:55PM FROM g6lg3lL997 l5:.17 48/664233 Mikc: The rcrssernbty of loru log fircalc bol(pllco &om Desdb€r 4 fitough Dcocobcr 20' i99c, D,nt"g rltt eirt"a "f"t C Alpirrc tdg HomF$ had r workiry advisq d ihs jobsia' Thc advisor's p,rrposo is to enrurs ftit *c log stucnlfc is reassrnbled in the scqprcac'c tlut it was ori8hatly cr.Itd ", *" V.A -O to [sirt Oe cm[iacbr in foltowing lhe smlchfd pfrt f"ffiirrdr;bgs rdifi U"rr*, su.tpt+ ud spacus; ac I into''olPgtof 0t' reassco$ly Focess. Orr rdvisors baw bcat in$ru66.l o infcm our officq if dring lhe cous€ of ilre rcasscmbly of thr loguork, ftcrc is ruy dcvirtirn b thc srucrural_PlP. I" I rwicw of thc filc lDd rcesseribly jourml ofyorrUoiec( uo oestion ofuy dsvirnonsw$ tolnc I crn oly oonchdc thrt thc ft*tcnus, rc ddineal sd deicdbed h ftc plans darrd 923t96' rrcre insntlcd. lf I cur be of furtier assistancq dm't tgsiftrc to coltact mc' Cordidly,Z"&U/'* Bob fuidersoa Itanager Tcchicd Servicer BA/js P.2 A-PII€ Lffi rOE o PAGE El -dAlpine 6|,ol9c|lon1ec. Juae 3, 1997 Mike Young Senry ConsruOiott FAX: 971F476-Cll76 Subjcct Senry Consuuctiur DuPlor f.O. &F !t t I tE lLtD S t Yi!.d. rronr 59tl'll nft6 ({6) 64D3"f t^t (iltr} Itc}t2'z 1A-17-1996 11,5741'"i FROI''I SNoVIDON AND HOPKINS 57A4767491 Snowdor,r and Hopklne . {}hitects 201 Oor3 Crsel( DJhn \All, Colorado 81657 870 476.2201 FAx 476-749r 6 I I 4dxretx'dP,w, 4&.r{ptryNp*irf tt{4t)li,{f t0t1 '--;- tlI ht?a7v* rrfutrlpv I xt gpy7. t*Ith I,w t#vl/ -Jt. r+lL Torn of Vail l,.lAlrt hwtaffi OFFICE COPY lllolt,.all FH uHni Youda Fffit2te+td& t tuAfi rYail 1A-17-1996 11,57ANt FROM SNOV/DON AND HOFKINS S7A4767491 P_l o Snowdon and Hopkins . Architects 201 Gors Cr€ek Drlve Vall, Colorado €'1657 . FAOSllfllLE TRAt'l$MlTTAt e70 476.2201 FA)( 476.?49l DETE; TO: FROII NUMEER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS TRANSMITTAL SHEET A,lnttltahdn $ 1 foruaa Wadaua Pbw Ml,( t"uril4 {tnffl ('ue+ffi't --bfil'a-- rL.F t';itr- i )l'l iq; tlb l r{'-il I o Chen€Nortlrcrn" Inc, Scptembcr 30' 1993 AJpert ComPanies Attn: Lca NPart 4643 S. Ulster Sttcet Suitc t 130 Dcovcr, CO E0237 .-.;'r-'rr') Er,/, "!, ri l'd $9ar'l.t(' qfill F11t1 lla G,rF$ € !'i SonFgl c :'t.t' sr{ 01eor SuhjealSubsoil$tudyforForrldltlonP*tigqtProposedDuplex'l'ot43'We$thaven' tane, Glcn Lyon subdivislort' Vail' colorado Job No, 4 535 03 Dcer Mr. AlPcrt; ' . , AS rcquBsted, Chen-Notthern, [nc., pcrfornred a subsoil study for desisn of foundatlons at the sdbiecr Slte. ffle iruOy .*as'conducr"J in .r*rdance with -eu' esrc€mcnt for ll}rJii'i'iiit *iii*iiing se*i.r, drted Aueust 20' 1ee2, rhe dara obuincd aird our recommcndations ossed on rhe p'opostfi' constructlon und subsrrrfacc conditionr encquntered ate prcscntcd in tttls report' BrOpOlerl-QOnfffrfdi0nr Thc proposcd cqrt$truqtiun is anticipat&d to he a 3-ttor1' wood framc tluplex with a ,*itttout baiemenr locuted on thc site as shl'vn on Fig' l ' Ground floor will be a Slab.on-graOc. fVL anticipnte cut depth will be about-10 fQct' Foundation tuodlngr for this type of constrtretion are igsumecl to'be retatiuely light' ..lf buitding condltiofis or foundetlon lOadings are slgnificahtly rliffcrcnf }ton, tlrosl rJlcri{cd *b've' rvc should bc ;;lif,ed to reevelfate the lecornmendatlotu presentcd in thls repprt' $ubsu{sce cqndltiq+r: The substrrfacc condltions at thc slte werd cvaluated by cxcavattng r$,o explorf,tory pir3 ar the locarions shown on F g, i. rn* logs of thc Pirs.are 9rc11nt:-d- o: il. ;'fi; i df io n' en;:;,;i i; i ; ; ! *r t " 11 : n" n: n :" X*' lj : i:11 il:i' ?.il'f* ffil:ill,li'1"1J'J#;iii'ffi;;uiJ*,s, m'ntred ;t ;''hil-1TP--'-1,Qnc root thick whcrc sx6su nt er€d) layc r o,,'p*ol *io E' riii' s "'.i ;l -:l l :lf f :.::. ::,:t1ilif : l*,lltffillitx6ggPl0reo) laycr oI tslJ$urr drre/ vr ""' --"*dir"ti*iiio tloo"tste foundatir]n loads tlpical;;;;]'.ip"la io ita"c liw compres*ibilitlyl-.,..----^r.,.,. nrrrnnnrprr .n e sRmote'of thcl"',,:l''jl'l,lli".l""jlffiffi,'"ril;ilr,iTi;;il;;;;";;li'lilr:lll:.:9:l:.i.i:illl?:ll: :lffl'r1li:1Jili;:ffi:l'ri;il;;r"*J-,,",i"i ,i" Frg. a.'N" iree warer.,'as obscn'cd in rhe pits at thc timc of cxcevation' @dsris$i: co ns i d e r i n g : l! : : : I g': : 5i'-::T.i til, * :.":fl,l:fi ': 3,tr.: lll,'i,i'illl1"Jil i "'[ i i ffii;il iil ;; -;ir ";-h b. -',1 1.,i1 : t J':: i: l' ^: r., ltf" fl:: 1::l,ffiTlJli",ffid*ilffiil: i;;;sil;ri.r u. a minimum widrh of 16 irrchcs for ..,l,rii,ruous walls and Z fret for columns, fiioio-*ng rtisturbctl+*Ils^g.11{&!.tt:rgillcontifluougconunuous wllllr d|llJ li.i,t"ittiia st ttt" foundation bcarlng lcvetwithin tfe excovli ffi jlli*x *t* ".:*, tl s.fil ?t J "".,* E llu, :,,flffiilJ piiuittia with adaquate covcr abovc th latlng fill bvcd and Npart ComPanies $eptcrphcr 30' 1993 Pagc 2 Flaccrncnt of footings at teest 48 incheE bciow thc extetlor grade is.ryp.lt'l::ll",jlli *i*r. Conrinuous 6undation wrlls should bc, rainforccd 1op q-1d. bottom lo 6P-rn loc.al anOmaties tuch as by *tsuming an unsupP6rtcd lcngtb of at lcist '10 feet' Forrndatlon walls ectins a$ retBipint stru.lutitiftoutO Ue'destgned tO-rcsisl a tateral certh flrcssure bared on an c{'trtvalcnr fluld unit wolght of {5 pcf. Flqpr-$lgb,i: The notural on-slte soils, exclusive of topsoil and exlsrinr fili' arc sultablc to ffporililttrylo moO.i",-iy roiiJJittU.on-eraO-; *o"'ii*.iion, "l'o rlducc the cffccts of some differentiel movctnent, floor sts,bs tho;d Ut *ttt",td.ft9* all bcaring w{ltt t4 colurnas with expansi"n yJirifr whi.t attor" uniesrrairisO verticgl movement' Fld'or slab conrrol joints shoulO bJ uicO -to reduco Ou*.i. luo. i? shrinkage llatl1ttq , The' t"q"iiinirn" for ioint tp*d;3;d iftU i"i*ot*nrclt shoutd be 6tablishcd bv thadosigncr bascd on erpcrlence "tiO tniin,ended steb ,ti. n minimum 4'inch laver of frca'dralning gravel rhoutd te ptree] l,enc"if ba,o*rnt f.""i sitts to f..ifltatc drainogc' This *atc.naf shoufd consist ot minuie.in;h-;tg;;l;i;-with lcsitlra n50To paasing the No 4 sicvc erd lers thtn}Vo pssslng thc No. 200 slcvc. All till matsrials for lupport of floor slabs sboultl bc compactcd t9 at lcEst 9570 of mdxlmum rtandard Procror density at a moisturu .on,.nini;;;piil;;;' Rcquired filt can crirsist of thcon.ritc5ravelsdevoit|ofvegetatlon,topsoltan.lovcrstzcoroeK. Ilnclcrtlraip.Systcm: AJthOugh free water was not cncountered during our exploratl"ll:^11 been Our Cxporicnce in mO-untUinous arcaS thnt local pcrched groundwatcr mey develop during dmes of hcavy precipitation o, rrtrnnul runOff' Ftcnen giound during sprinl runoff can also cre.etf, I pr'iitrJ '.onOitiOn. Wo rec'mntcnc! bclow grirde consrructlon, tuch as renining wallg, crawl sPlce lnd basamsnt utt.i, Uo ftotectcd frhn wettirrg and hydrostatic pt€ssurC buildup by an underdraln system' The drains should consist of drainpipc placed in the bottom of the wall backflll surrgundcd abovc the irwert lcvel with fiec.dtaining granular matcrial' Thc drtin should bc placed at cach lovel of cxcavation ;";;t ii*titf iolt Ueiu* fowest adjacent flnlstr gratle aud:slopcd ar a minimum f fo m i'ritaUfo giitity ourlci, Free'd*ining granular material uscd in the undcrdrain Bystem srtiuftf c,rniaTn leis thun i% pttt,^ng rhJ fro. 200 sievc' lcss than 507o passlnE thc No, + si+", 'onO h"ue . maxlmurn.*fJ" of f inchcs. The drain grovcl backflll itrould be rt lcsst 2 fect deeP' surf4cc brgineFq: The follou,ing drolnage.precautions,sho.uld be obsela,cd durlng constructiort anA matniuii*Joi*iiti*cs afte-r the structure has bccn completcd: l) InundatlOn Of the foundation cxcavatittns and untlcrdgb arcas slrould bc nvoidod {urlng cor$ructlon' AJpcrt ComPonies $epterybcr 30' 1993 Pagc 3 2) 3) Exterior backfill should bc adiusted to neat oPtimurn *t-!ry:-t*-comPactcd to &t l+xtgnvoof thc mocimum siinoorc Procror ricnsity in pavcment,and slab areas and ro ar learr 90To 6lrt.'i*,*f*ut" starrdnrd^ Pri.int i"i*l,V in landscaoe areas' Froc' draining wall beckflt ril|ilffi;;il,"6wirt ai"ur7i""iof ,5" 6n'site' ftner gtadcd rolfi roirOucc surface' water lnftltratlon Thegroundturfaccrurroundingthe.extcriorofrh.ebuild|ng-'-1":'-|bas|opodto drain eway from thc fi;;;lfiin all direcrions. wc rccommend e minimum rlope of 12 inchcs rn tr,, r,r!r'i0 f;; il;rp*rd o1'J"t .ni u minimum slopc of 3 Inches i; th, frrti l0 fect in pavcmcnt and wallnvay arcrs' 4),Roofdownspoutsanddrainsshoulddischorgewcllbcyondthclimitsofall.hackfill. Limitatlonr: Thir tcport hal trecn prcplretl in accortJancc wlth gcncrettv gcccntcd toil und foundetion "ng,n."rrn[pii.",rco, iri,hir arca ilil"#ii; tii"niiot Jtiign purposes' 'l]rc conclusions "nO ,.ro*oolo,iiitii""i r"tri'tf,t"d i;iht;;tpoit "t" barld uoon the deta ob*rlreo ftom rhe cxptoretory;i;'il;ioo ui ,r.,o l;;;il* ffircaiiJ on rii' I and thc ptoPoscd rwe of consrrucuon. fii; ffi;;and.e*tcnt ilffi;'ffiwtiutionq icross the site may not uicome evidcnt until iu'ir''?"it"uo-i10" is pi't**itr' It ouring consruction' fill' sqll' rock or wrtcr conditions #;;;iffi iiff*'.nr fil;iil',-; ;t;;;iffi-d. hcrcin' this offrcc shourd be sdvised at oncc '"iI;;;;ti;n of rtre "i;;il;1lttL*113""ade wc r€commeno on.site oblcwation of t-*-tJuit]io*-anrj fr'rundriti'on t'ua'ing straro and tcsting of structurat rttr uy lititCt*ntivc of thc soil cngincar' SinccrclY, CHEN.NORTHERN' INC. $ran Hotcnschmldt Rovlc*ad BY: Thotnm L' Nlcn. P'E' SHlth Attachqncnts -i I .a ilAlc! ?+ r tlquD uilr f IAn 0f Oovrt rtr ryrO r ilt Alo cr.AY 8 |flltnCfi Hilr r oI Frt I rt I t fl rgJF ! frt Cl r totfi ofru+lf GRADATION ]ES' REEULTS B E ffi F tld 14168 FFltJl l Fll.Jl lirlrl'rltjll LflL'l{"1'rrji-..f rL:"' flll; tllty to clopy' adndy. mcdlufi dcnee' moltt' dott brorvn I Toprolli londy gro\rsl, bobblcr ond bouldcru of turloqc' rtlghtly orconld' (GM) orovcl; sondy, rllghtly allty, wlth cobblcs ond bouldcrc, dQhtc' rltghtly molrt' browh, rplrturbrC bulk romPla. ! NOIES:' It. Exjlorotory pltr wcri sxcovotfd on Augurt 20, 1099 wlth 0 backhoc. 2, Lcdouon of explofqtory plte wcro mtd|Ur.d opproxlmotcly by poclnE frorn thr trcturcr lhown on thc dtc Plan' I J, Elgivotionr of tha sxPlorotory pltr wctc obtolned by Intcrpolotlon bctwccn contourl on tho dtt Pton Provldcd' 1. Thr cxglorctory plt locotlonr ond.cle\tf,tlont ihould bc contldcrcd oocrrrotc only 'tJ lnt orgrro irdpltro by thc mcthod ut€d' S. Thc llnc bctwccn mcteriob rhown on the txplorotory. ptt loge rrrrtrnt thc "'oiiiloirtoil.'ffi;#;"l;; iiiwilii moi"rioi tyil", tnl ironrtttino rirov bc aroduol, 0, grdund wqttr wor not rncountaptt In ths pltr ot thr ttmc of 6xocvotlng' t {Eofi ArQFLlss$lG EF$UJ'SI, *+*Pcroentog0 ratolnod on f4 rlrvr' -2$6rPerc0nta9o poarlng No' 200 ahvtt LEOEND A{D NOI€S4rr5ls no. 3 o 8070 6060 I I I I I II / I I I I 2ltl I I I , I I F040 LOCANON OF EXPLORATORY PITSClnnOl.lqtlst,lrc PIT 1 EltrV. r EOS$ FIT 2 ELEV. - C01{ E I 6 F H F H It f|l{ EI *=7{ -ZOQ - 2 N0TE; Explonstlon of srnbdr prrrcntod on flg' 5 LOAS OF EXPLORATOf,Y PITS ot fiEiliil-'e oB: 3E REEUEsTJ?HU"gLX"lbi-"HhEE?3u'o*f /e4/ te',s PAEE 16 AREA: JRI'! Activity: Address; Locat i on l Farce I l Deseription: Appl icant : Oxner: Eontraet or: p97-0006 Ale+l15 Type: B-trLllB 1ee5 HESTT'|AVLN CR IE?s }IESTHAUEN LANE e103-141-O6-004 PLUI'IBING FOR NElf DIJFLEX AND EHU ff9ALANCHE I,LUIIBIHG E HEATING SENTRY CONSTHUCTION INC AVALNNCHE TLUTIIBINE & HEATING Btatriq: ISSUED Constrr NDUtr 0ccr Usc: Phoner 949-O317 Phone r Fhoner 949-0317 Inspect ion Request Requestor: ltlIKE Req Tire r ttBzo'$ Iters requested to 0,A?98 PLltlB-Final Inforration.... Cornentsl [.lILL be Inspected... Fhonec 376-EOAS CALL Aetion Corrents Tire Exp lnspeet ionIter: It er: ft er: Iter: History..... OBeIO PLFIB-Underground Q5/te/97 Inspeetor: CF 0$eerd PLFIB-Rough,tD. tr. V. 0.3/le/57 Inspector: CF E6/e5/97 Inspector: DS OOe30 trLlttB-Rough,/l.fat er A3/72./97 Inspector: CF Oi/19 197 Inspectorr ART Aetion: AtrPR 6psi air sec & c.t. unit Actionr AP[.'R TFSI AIR TEST SEC UNIT Aetion: trA BASEHENT BRTH & hlET BHR Aetion: AFPR SEC UNIT APPSI flIR TEST Action: DN See Notations: Notes: l.fat er lines apprear to eorply, however, shorrer control do not appear to be pressuFe balanced type and is nEt aFPr ov unless it can be verified to be FFessure balanced type. I I I I I I I I I I I I l I I t It er:IterrIter: o,A?48 PLl4B-Eas Pipinq 63ll?197 Inspeeton; CF o,5/o,4/97 Inspector: CF Notes: CANNNOT HAVE 6RS ' 9,5ll?197 Inspector: CF o,oe5g PLf'lB-Pool/Hot Tubg9,?66 trLltlB-Hise- Ao,?96 PLltlB-Final ta&/L4/97 fnspeetorr CD Action: AtrPR SEC UNIT TPSI AIR TEBT Flction: DN BOTH UNITS HAIN LINES PIPE UNDERBROUND UR UNDER BUILDING Aetion: FIPPR l5psi sec unit S$psi e.t Actionl PA SECTJNDARY UNIT ONLY REPT131 OA/?+l l9i9 OB:3P REQUES Activity: Addregs: Locat ion: Parcel: Descri pt i on l Appl icant: Owner: Liontract or: uF vf,rL, INSPECTN I.IORK e+/ t999 t497-gSO9 B/24/19 Type: B-ilECH Statubr ISSUED 'Constrs HDUF 1EE5 HESTHAUEN CR 1EE5 HESTHAVEN LAT€ e103-1e1-06-004 ]'IECHtr{ICAL FIJR NET", DWLEX }IITH EHU AVALANCHb. PLUIIBINE & HERTING SENTRY CONSTRUTTIt'N INC HUALTNCHE PLUFIBING & HEATINC Use: COLORADTI SHEETS FOR PAE 17 AREAr JRltl _l I I I I I I I I I Ecc: Fhoner 949-O317 Fhone; Fhone: 949-6317 lnspection Request Requestor: ltlIKE Req Tire: O8:OOIters requested to 66390 ttlEtrH-Final Inforration... trornents: HILL be Lnspeeted.. Phone: 376-2ldPO CNLL - Action Corrent s Tire Exp lnspeet i on History..... Iter r OOEOS ltlECH-Rouqh Itel:, OA?+Q PLltlB-Gas Piping Iter: GOslA i4ECH-Heating A5./gA/57 Inspectorr trF Action: APtrR INFLIIOR EAST UNIT Notes: TUBING SFACINE tK RECALL trRESSURE TEST INEPECTION Af.lt?/97 Inspector: CF Action: APPR all ecept c.t. garage Notesr l0l0psi on {4) different gauges' Iter: OO3aS ilEGH-Exhaust Hoods A3/o,Sf97 Inspectorl EDNotes: ROOF HAS BEEN SHEETED UENT INSTALATION fter: 6ttjjtt ltlECH-Supply Air Iter : 0C34S iIECH-lli:sc A-l/t[tl9? InspectoF: DS Actionr APfrR INFLTOR HEffTING 60 pSI F7/?.5/97 Inspector: LtrV Action: APPR APFROVED A7/36/97 Inspeetor: LFV Aetionl Atrt'rR RE-SCHEDULE. E7/31 /A7 Inspector: LtrV Aetion: AtrFR AFFROVED Notesr PAHTIAL IINLY 5g* UF DRIUEI{AY. '4AIN EHTHAHtrE FIRST FUUR 5ECTIUNS F}IIIII T.IEST. taE/U6197 lnspeetor: LPV Aetionr flPtrR TO I{ANIFOLD AREA. Iterr ldSJgO FIEDH-Final AE/L4|S? Inspector: CD Flction: trR SECONDARY UNIT Notes: DAIIIPER DISUT BE REI{OVED UR TJELDED INtttrERABLE Aetion: AtrFR SEti UNIT BATHROOiI FANS PRIOR TT] IH9trECTItrN trOiIPLETE STIFFIT I I I -t REtrT131 O9lU1/1999 GB: 13 REUUESTS oF VAIL,COLURJIDIJ SHEETS FOR PAGE AREAr trD ffctivity: Qddress: Locat i on r i Parce I : Despript ion: Appl icant : i ownerl Contractort --i-----_--- INSPECTN I.IORK I / 1999 896-63e6 Sl lll9 Type: B-BUILD Status: ISSUED Constrr NDtp tees lESTHfrvEN Ut{ IEES }JESTHAUEN LANEP1O3-1A1-O6-OS4 Oce: OOOT lJse: U N NEb' DUPLEX I.IITH EHU SENTRY CONSTRUCTION SENTRY CI}NSTFUCTION SENTRY CON5TRUCTION co., Ihtc. co., INc. Phoner 63O-584-1133 Phoner 63S-5S4-113J Phone: 639-594-1133 IIn{pection Requeat Inforration..... Reques tor'r IIIIKE YOlJllG Req Tirer OB16O Cotoents: HILLIters requested to be Inspected... OO54O BLDE-Final C/O t;fiLL-Re-Inspaet ion Aet ion Eorrents trhone t 376-?6?tt Tire Exp Inspect ion Historlt. -.. 065Og PW-Backfill Inspeetiongld50l trl.l-Terp. aeeess/drainage o,A5tie trLl-Rough grade SO5O3 Plf-Final driveway grade AE/t5/97 Inspector: Ltr Actionr Atrtrlt OO5l6 dnivexay grade final BOO1O BLDG-Foot ings/Stee IItllel96 Inspeetor: trFIter: OOOa6 BLDG-Foundat ion/SteelIt/o,6/96 Inspeetor: CFll/Lgl96 Inspector: trFNotes: eng letter approving r einforeerent off of rrall as drawings speeify Iter; It er:Iter: Iter r IterrIter r lL/?6/Sg Inspeetor: CFIterr OSSP0 PLAN-ILC Site Plang4/?,8/97 Inspectorr GRfterr OSSSO BLDG-Fraringo4/69/97 Inspectorr trF o4/?3/97 Inspeetor: trF D6/o.3/97 Inspeetor: DS A6/o.4/97 Inspeetor: DS Action: FltrtrR Actionr APtrRAction: AtrtiR Action; AtrtrH Actionr APtrR Action: FA Actionl trA Action: APtrR SOUTH UNIT Action: AtrPR APPRUUED APTJ'{OUED east un it r*est unit-blankets reqrd insulated blankets req. centered instead gf e" east half, wntr prot reqd DONE DEAL UPPER LUL CONCLT' FLR seeondary unit Notes: add nal. l in garege under caretaker uint to cerry floor syprir & sec flue chase approvedfloor strueture oveF sec unit garage approved earetaker unit fraring approved ta3/?9157 Inspector: DE Aetionl DN DENIED Notes; NEED ffF{rROVED FLANS ON JtlB SITE AND EI{GINEER LETTER APPRtrVING STRUCTURAL LOTJS E9l19/97 Inspector: ART Action: AtrPR Lo*er floor w/notationsr Notesl Fire bloeking is required to separate rechanical roor frohorizontal spaees at floorr. joists. Fire bloeking is required to separate concealed vert ical and horizontal sp:rcps.Iter : OS0SO BLDti-Insulation A9/e6/97 Inspector: ART Action; APPR per notations: Notes; trorplete stuffing nith insulation around doors and Bindow I I I I I I I I I I I I I I RHFTl3t TOIfN OF UAIL, COLURADU S9/Oll1999 88:13 REOUEI]TS - INStrECTN l.lORK STFIEETS FORr 9/ 1r'1999 PRGE AREAI CD Iter: 00860 BLD6-Sheetrock Nail fi6/O3/97 Inspeetorl DS Action: trA E6lPEl97 Ins;reetor: EE Actionr AtrPR Iterr gggT6 BLDG-ltlisc. Id4/3O/97 Inspeetor: EG Actionl AtrtrR fireplace Iter: SO09O BLD6-Fi.nal Iter: SO53G BLDG-Terp- ClO NORTH ANI} south unit EHU gare9e sheetrock I I I N I I I I I I I td$/15/17 Inspeetor: CD Action: AtrtrR SEtrUNDARY UNIT Notes: TCtl IS AFFROUED PENDINE PUBLIC tlORKS' trLffNNING RND FIRE t) API{ROUAL HOUSE *S REI]UIRED LOSFIETICS Nt]T COI'IPLETE trATJLK TOILET BASES I{EMTJUE DAIItrER IN GAS F/P NOP AS IjF YET IN F/P Hf.INI,RAILS ARE RETJUIRED TJN ALL I I I l t t I I II Iter: O653E Ptl-TEFlP. C/Obgll5l97 Inspector: LP fter: OO533 PLAN-TEI{F. C/tr OAlt4/97 Inspectorl GRIter: 90537 trLAN-FINAL C/u OS/e5l99 Insp'ector: EEORGEIter: 40539 PII-FINAL C/O o,S/?4199 Inspectorl Lfi fterr OO5/10 BLDG-Final trlE o,B/?.5/i9 Inspectorr CD Notes: trRIIIIARY UNIT: EUUIPiIENT HAS tsEEN INSTALLED STffIRI.TAYS Act ion: AFFR API,HTIUED Aetion: AtrPR APPR0VED Action: AtrtrR ffITtrROUED Action: APPR RPPROUED Action: DN DENIED -LOAD sEI-F TJLOSINIJ HINGES FOR PED DO[]R IN BARAGE -A LANDINE IS REEUIRED AT DT]OR TO DECK FROT{ GARREE THE DOtrH trAN NOT SIIINE T]UER A STEP EHU -LOfID HINGE IN trED DI}OR TO GARAGE -INS-TffI-L HANDRAIL IJN EXTERIOR STAIRS -ADJIJST INTERIOR HANDRAIL TO trRT}UIDE 11/8" CLEARNCE FRO]II sEC. UNIT -INSTHLL HfINI,RAIL UN 'r. i ou I January 6, t997 Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: Young Residence Encroachment - Lot 43N, Glen Lyon Subdivision a.k.a.: 1225 Westhaven Circle - Vail, Colorado Dear George: This letter is to notifr you that the District has agreed to grant an "Encroachment Agreement" for the portion of the residence ofthe above referenced property that will extend approximately seven tenths of a foot (.7) into the easement for distance of about seven (7') feet. The formal documentation is currently being prepared for execution by the owner. Ifyou have any questions please contact myselfat 476-7480. Sincerely, Taq[\-I\*.,LA"rr- Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator cc: Pam Hopkins - Snowdon and Hopkins :\users\fr ed\wp\youngenc.agr WnteR, WnsrcwerEn. OpeRelorus & MnNncrvsNrr SERVIcES N Printed by Charlie Davis t0/24/96 1:02pm From : Terr1 Ivlar t1n€z o charaie Dawls, Georqle RrrLtrer, Greg Hall, I-arrtz Pardee. TerriMara]:inez subject: Younq Residence/ sentry Duplex o ----- --- -- l O / 24 / 96- a I | 34am- I juse met wiLtr Pam Hopkins. t'ttearchi|:ect orr ttrls prol ec t -stre believes Ltrai: she cah address all of my issues whicb .incaude: 1 - wa l.1s ower 5 , in treight 2 - walls not shown per engflneereddel;ai a 3. walls confllct.lnq with the turnlngmotaon out of the garaqe she cannoi; q'et, me paans unLal Wedrlesday, h)ecause someone .is out oftowil, artd stte's working Lhe ski swaf)-of courser ltrey need t:o start ttteirfourldal:iorr todav. I told them I wouadreaease t'tre perm1t wlth t,he condltlon tha! I will- lock up the 'loml)uLer onwednesday l.f l-hey haven't] suppied supplied adequate plans yet. They dorr,t real1y need a publj,c waypermib t)ecause Lhey access off of apravate road. allthough Larry, Chere j.s a aign off for yor"r. I gruess we can go atread and release t,trepermi t - ** Did you know how €he.se promlnent archit,ects in tol/l'n ctreck thelr hurningiradii? With a lit'tle g'reen mat'chbox Page: 1 '97 E7: 5?g}1 G. T . SNNDERS/5ILVERTHONE, CO.P,L// A DATEr lnUYl FAX IN.TNSMISSION TO: AVAI,ANCSS P&g ATTENTIONT JSfF SUB,[FC{: YOIjNGDUHEX MEIISAG}E: Attac6ad 6 grc 6tert quore ud hrrt derlgn for thc Young duplg. I-rddrd thc Indlrcct wetcr hsrtur rnd rclbrd tho bolterr for donc'tlc hot vanrl I took thc fluolhere fqr tbe owrur ruppltd wf,tor hsqtGr rnd urcd it for thr bollcr for tbc recondety rlilq r nn ruumlng fhir wln worlt. It ir r 7rr 0uc' Yodor *mrr wtrr 1ootg llkc r ddc wrtl vcatirg for thr prtmrty rlde boller out of thr glilgG but I don't lild rny ncrrtioa of rldt wrll vcnilng on tic prlatr I lhorv both rido walt rnd &vent vootlng on tho qugtc. Thl cerctekrr bolhr/rrrtr n31t& couUo ir rldc wrll vcntcd but will rcgulrc comburtlon eh' Thl rnorYndt Dolhr lr a vs61hrl &vcrt vcntlng ryltCm with comburttsn air pipcd dirretly to tbc bollcr. My herdotr rsrlyff rlowr fiat tlrorc wllf not bs r ntcd $ rupilolrcnttl hcrl lo rny of the rcrr rr long lit c 6cqt covc*ngp aru goirg to be vhrt I have lktcd. lf cerpct ir io nplrcc eny of tbe effir I lirt rr hrrdwood, wc rhould tdrc enothcr loelr et thor arcrr. tlrue erc rti$ arerr whuc wr ctn lavc monq on egulpment lf nccctrary, Thc uo$ obvioru fu lhc mo*n.tt boltcn Anothsr h tbc ringlc loop oiroo*ircit olf tDe prtmrry ridc hollor. If rhc chrrc pruvidcd ir l"rfc cnou3f to hlndh r lon Ru;r$d rit' flue rnd r'c ctn provlde comburtion ilt for tbc tBowrrclt .lroltci, wc *uild go to r hu crpcilivc Lagrr ldlghW tberm bollcrto c$ cortr. lto could elro put the riqlr loop of rnofmett on thb bollcr to cut cortl if thtt It aceeptsbh to thc o*'ncr. I*t mc know if I crn hdp l1rthgf, I would bc hrppy to mcat with thc owntr io clerr up mmc of the quutlnl marlir if thet wlll hdP' Ibm*r Sryry RGE T. SANDERS COMPAI"TL PO BOX 169 19I WEST yIH STREET SILVERTIIORNE, COLORADO 80498 (9?0) 468.8254 OR l-Eo0-333-2547 FA)( # (303) 893-0t36 f,Et EEif: T2 gE a,it il EuipgH?i*iH*pE F T8 Es UTtd f;rep.!rr aH Hg ;E f;f, o T cno FuH **f; NT N' ssH $s3 euHtl **$ Hs*SHHdusH iluEnseE;n$ Utst{5tr4'.BU ts*l*h,uorr.r sggB*g$93 Ii Nh, I HHHss i i s6BFSr F d FsF $u Et" SBHI9g|.JtsFSBgBES .8EB ifi3** !ep9iP\A{tr519 !19ha hJ Ia :rl FP-l lvb BTIt r HE E3rEza ,EEEHceefrua VERTHQI'{E, Co iEEB IEEH IEEE lfrgHI HfiE IEEH 'HgE HEF EEFHHE HI EH tlt ,.. JnN et '97 67:58ef{ G.T. EEE EEF EHIF HE E;l dss$ ExxrHssef;E H8 EsEs $se$$Egs$$HHI cyxs ss$issHi==f;FI **l- u-i*i=lil* f;f Ess r.5Fstrg.trFF €F 3$g $3gB8E8gHEEE F*ii Eui=tEitissgfi $E*E $s"$.,$oo"$HHE rFFF HEEEHEEuu-EE! riil s;i:itiii- $ c;il t;iii;!ii: [r [t,ggEE,r,E'EE S/SIL\€R E3E EEE EgE EgH EHE gHH gHH HEE 688 gHH EE9 'EE 5HHF HBx2 EH H |*.rrrr lrJ ll l., t\, - -$ EEFE*E's* n rLU'. JCN ?1 '97 A7:SBflM EESH tfiPqg Ea 4*28-1S95 06/8311997 lEl:56trM l5:.17 FRC['4 4EE6{23ll P-2 Ar.P$€ L06 ilr€9 I FAGE sl -ehlPine clrog tlorr11lc' Jrne 3, 1997 Mike Yqtttg Scdry Coustr$$tion FAX: 9{1.476-fI}76 Subjcct Sentry Cqrstnrcrim Duplex Mila: The rcrsscmbty of )our log srrucnn'c bqPtqry ftom Dcccobec 4 mrough Dcctuber 20' itil.-filng i["t el*oa "t"ti-t, rryinc fig Homcs bad a workins adviss ai tha jobsit' Thc rd*risc's prrposc is to c,ururc til tc log suustnc is rerss@bt€d in the scquffi'thrt it was ciginstly r*"ait r"Vtt6 *Om i.itttl* coluacbrinfo[owitlgthe structurd pr,ilf"ffi-ir"h ;ks #A 6org so.l pto t' md qpaccrs; ut m integrd put of tltc reasccmbly ptoccss. or rdvisrrs htw bcen insBucmd o infqm onr orfficc if fuing the corse of fie ruer*cftly of thc loeurorlq lhst is ruy dcvierion o rDc structrrnt.t!ry " " TIcrY of thc filc aud .""*t nrUty 5orrn"t of yun nnoiect m mentim of uy devlrtlsos wrs !qns- I cm mly conslude thct sc hrBDifi8, r3 dclircil tnd dcicribd in ffrc plant dd 9tl3l96' wcre instrllcd. If I cor bs of fintfrcr assisunpq don't hmiftF to cmtast mG' Cordirlly,@t&* Bob Anderotr Mangcr Tachnicrl Ssvic*r BA/js ?.{}&Flt r lltlftblt t ltidd. Fnnr S9Fl5 ohr (.6t 642-3a51 l^r (i106) C€'3anz lA*17-1996 1l,57Al'4 FROM SNOVJDON AND HOPKINS 97A4787451 $nowdon and Hopkine 'thitects afl Oor€ CrsEk Ddve \fril, OolorEdo 81667 4dxwtN'frP.w, 4,ffi I-tAq- NmffItl&Ut;/ttt?H '.---*- tttxt*+ra ftlgl-twv, t'r.yy,wr rl I l&*fr lrqt P4frU,- 870 476-2401 FA,r 4?6-7491 6Y I l^.{At'|' hWtoft lllol''all Jr, _l+l[.__ Town of Vait OFFICE COPY ') .'l Bv r4,,!'r oAE_y,lJ,LL3E- r.tAtrvawfvll (we o - YaUfiA WWv## r tuEtl LyaFl 1A-17-1996 l1 :57AM FROM SNOV/DOhI AND HOPKINS 3744767491 I P-1 $nowdon and Hopkin$ | Architects Anl gors Cre€k Drlv3 Val!, Coloratlo 81657 . FAC$ITIII.E TRAi{$MITTAL s70 476-2201 F$( 478.74S'l OATE; TO: rRgiit . NUMEER OF PAGES, INCLUDING THIS TMNSMITTAL SHEET dnrt$ufun # l /auaa Fmdraaa PbW {til|,( tilfil( tln,tll f/e$#"t 'fi,,,-.- * stf r -itf.l 334 i4l '.lb t !'lL!l I o . ChenQNonhern.lnc,, : i '1 -!lr t F'''/, 1 lr 11 t 69 F' "li;ll' qfrld F51{ lla 6lrfi$ I ?'i tsSnttl't Cf'1.''f,(ri.0'901 Scptomber 30' 1r)93 AJpert ComPantes Atin: Lcc NPart 4643 S. Ulster Street Suito I130 Dcnvor, C0 80?3? @dstissE: c:l y:! ::S :l: :: I*': : i:,":J:.li iil,l: :.'lil:;l T f il fficonstructlon.,.1vcrecommt.ntIspre{tdtoot|ngsPlaceo(}nlnE undisrurbed neturar ;iiffi-d#i;;"i; il*l'l':.l'l 1',i1::J'::Tl-"?t,1*111fl:: t;; X,H#Hl?i,X-ryffi;i;"fiil:" F;;;s;;;-i,r r' a rninimunr widrh or 16 inchcs ror ...,nii,ruous wrlts and 2 feei for colunns. roott-*"o Jisturbccl+j#HO"hf:t:till Sutriecil $ubsoil $tudy for Foundation De1!fn-, Froposed Duplex' t'ot 43' WesthBven*--r'- Ltne, Glen Lyon Subdivislon, Vail' Colorado Job No, 4 535 93 Deet Mr. nlPcrtl As rcquestcd, chen-Northern, ltlc., perlolrrred a subsoil study forldesirn of foundatlons 4t rho sribjecr slte, 't1.'e study was'conducrJ in a.l.otdance wirh -our s*tscncnt fcrr {eotcehnicat enginceriig-scJicer dlted Augrrst 20, 1992' 'Itre tlata ohtaincd and our iccomrncndations ugsiE on the p'opos"I consiructlon and' subsurface conditions enceuntered ate proscntcd in thls repqrt' ftopo+d co4slfucti([t: The proposcd coflrtrucdun is anticiprt+d to hc a 3-rtori wood iramc ctuplax witb a ,rilt out balement tncrtuO c*itte site as shlwn on Fig' 1' 6round floor will be a slab'on'gra6p' we anticipnte cur'depth witl be about l0 f$ct' Foundation toodlngs for this type of constn.rion are issumerJ trj be retatiuely light' tf buildlng conditions ot foundeilon t.adings are stgnificantly diffcreniiton ttrosc rJlscri{ed Rbove' rvc should bc nOittieO tO rqevaldate th" I"ro*.on,l^tiorr* pfe,'entcd in thls repprt' fiubgurfaee FppCitions: Th.e subgrrrfacc condltions .1 ths slte werd evaluatecl by cxcivating n{,o explgrf,tory pltr ai the locationg shown .;F,g, i. rno logs of-thc Pits are prcsented on Fin. 2.' The subsoils *nrrn,ntci*,1 in ttre exgrtoruiiu- piS. *,,*Irt of san<ly slightiy silty gr*vcl co-ntaining .66$les ;;;'t;;ilt's, qunlio lv ;'til.-!:l--t-1,ono fcror thick whers encountsred) layer.iltp-.if*id/or filt. Bssed on our experience in this area the sitc soils ara anticipatco to t Euc-i5-";-'ffi.es^tibjiity ffi;ittBti ro mode'at+foundatittn lnrds qpical of residentiril .onrnuoiJn.'ileiurg or r gruouii,in"*naiyris perfontner! {rn a sample of thc on-;ite soils obtainec irom Fit t are pr*r..utriin iig. a.'H" fro" wuttt''"as ohscn'cd in the pitc at th+ timc of cxcgvrtton' cQ$tifluouscotltifluotts wrllF aru' ll#t iiri"*a' a t ittt rn unoati o n bc arl ns leval :{-itli lt he ex.cagSi op ;;I;;;ilil*iinc"e <r own to adcqu a te ""':J::l l11 l,s- :'il nnd Npcrt ComPrnics $eptcrpbcr 30, 1093 Pagc I Flecerncnt of footings at leatt 48 inchss below thc exterlor grade is.typically uso{-tnrhh er€a, Continuoua founOaiion walls shoul(i bc reinforccd -rop *'d bottom to 6prn locel anomaties such es by rssuming an un$upportJ'fi"iiit-"i " 1tfi', 'i0 fcer' Foundail6n wells acti's aS rct'1,1ing stru.iuiis r-ttould bc'designed tiresisl a lateral carth prcssure ba'ed on in c{utuatcnt fluld unit wolght of 45 pcf' flcol-$lsb$:Thenoturalon.sitgsoiis,cxclusiveoftopsoilandcxlstin8fi|l,arcsultsblcto supporr lightty to rnooirateii roaOtO-ttuU.on-gi?qc construction '['o reducc the cffects of some differontif,l movctnent, floor slabs sho;lJ t. tcftt.ttd.ftl* all bcaring wills and colurnns with expnnsi;; itild *hictr ailou' uni.iu'ortbO verticsl movcmanl' Fldor slab ccnrrot joinm rhouid bi used -to reduce ;;;A; iuo. Jg shrinkage gttT*S: ,Th: rcqulrcments fo.r ioin6p*fij;d ittU i"intot.untcnt should be cstrblishtd by thadasigncr ba.ged on oxpcrtetrcc qrlJilc-intended sleb.uiu. e lnini*um 4'ineh lsver 0f frcc'draining gravclshould bC ilacil b;;*lh brro*rnt tivet $lahs to facilltatc drainagc' This fiatcrial ihoutd consist ot min,tJZ-in.i-iggiil:"iJ*iti, r"*s titan 5070 passing the No 4 sicvc end lers thrn 29a Pa$slng thc No. 200 slevc' All till matcrials for SUpport of lloor slabs should bc compactcd to at lc*t 95Vo of mdxlmum standard Proctor density at a moisture conJ;i;;ut opti*utn' Rcquired fill can mnrist of it'iii:'i.l.iraveraeuJloofvcgetation,topsoiIandovcrsizGdrock, usrtcrdrain tvglcm; ,AJthough frpe watcr was not cncounlcred during our exploratlon' h hal been Our Cxp€ri6nce in mointdnou$ arca$ thnt locai perched grgundwatcr moy develop during drnes of hOavy precipitation o, rr,qrnnut iunoff' Fr*zen giound during sprlni runoff can atao cre.$rc, * ptrii-i'ioiltd;: -fri' i**t *niencl bclow [rade consrructlon' such rs reUinin* wcllg, crawl spacc end bascment nrr.i, U-'ptotectcd fiom wetting and hydrostatic pressurtbuildup by an underdraln sysem' Thc dryins should consist of drainpipa placgd in the' bottom of the wall backflll rutrgundcd ebgvc thc invcrt lsvei witrr frce.diainin'g granuiar rnaterial, Thc drain should bc placcd at cach lavet of c*cauarion;;;;i ro*r, r T"ii6ii"* rowesr aojacent flnlsb srade andrslopcd sr a minimum I% to a suitablo gr*vity outtci,-.F ci'Oretnini granular maierial usod in the undsrdrain ry3tom shil,l ;;;itfii teis than z% pa$ine rni fro' 200 sievc' lcsr thrn 507o 9€sslng rhc No. A si+, ano-iii"i r maxlmurn'*rJ" or f inchcs' The drain grovel backflll itroutd te rt lcast 2 fcat docP' Sutfaca trrelqtiq: The follou'ing drolnage .precautions.sho.Yld bt obscrved durlng corutnrction aoO **intuin*J ti-ii fitncs dtelt thc" structure hes becn complctcdl 1) InUndftlOn 0f the foundation excavations and un<lcr$latt srcas slrould bc nvoidcd ' {urlng constructlon' AtpcriComPanies $ebrembcr 30' 1993 Pagc 3 2)Erteriorbackfitlshouldheadjusted't0nearoptimurnmolsttlrcandcompuctcdtoat lcast gqvo ofthc maximurn standard Proctrrr ricnsity in Favement and slab areac qnd to ar le.sr g*Vo olthe maxlmum ,,rnAo-Jiri.*. l"n*i'y in lendscape areas' FrQc' draining watt Uactcfitt should U, ,upp#Jitn'ii"-itTit"r'oi tt'e on'site' finer gradcd soifJ ioitCuce $urfacc water lnflltratlon 3)Thegroundlurfaccturroundingtheerteriorofthebu|ldtngshouldbeslopcdtc drain a**v rro,ri?i; il;;;,b-in arrciiJ.tions. wc rccommend a mininum stope of tl inchcs d'ld; ffi to ieet i" unptt"l"-t*- and a minimum slopc of 3 tnehes in *t, nnf t0 fect in pavcmcnt and wathvay areu' 4i'Roofdownspournnddrainsshoulddischargewellbcyondthelirnitsof*lt,backfill. Limi+rloru: If,llll?T:1i".1,:ff1.0fi.[Tii*'l,l',',Tti','n".:iil,11H'iHif]'ffi,"i:ilJ#: foundation cnginccn conctusiorrs *nc ,..olsoloT;;,ffiilil',ffi iliht;;;i*' are basri upnnirri oaia obtairred frorn rhc cxptoratory";ii;-;or;;il.u, tr,rio*iio* in,iirutta gn F[ r and the propostd twc of eon$rrucnon.' iil il;;; "nO.i*,ourliilililtiil;tirtiont icross the sitc mav not dicornc cvidont untif n rit ri'"icava,rion tt ;;;#;;'i:-iiO"ring,titr^*ruction' fill' sqil' rock or w$cr conditions ;il;; b. oiTe.rcnJr'#;;;;;; riescritrio #;h' this officc should bc sdviscd er once rJil;"ir"",i.n of tlre r#;ilff;,[n'intv b;;;; we recomtnend on site observetton ot t*t'"attons ano f'runi'iiion r'e"ing st'*d anc-tJing of structural fill il;il;;;nutiva of the coil etsineut' $inccrclY' CHEN.NORTHERN' IHC. $tgn Helcnschmldl : Rovto'{cd BYI Thomlr L' Allcn, P'E' SH/rh Attachlncntt ,ai. i -r t a ilfi,B t+ iuuD uHtT lAllttl 0f Avqt $th r+rd lr,{o ?l t lr? lr,lD flrr 2 | fi.AfilgrT ttfuu( riol| Ht I rt | ftd tirqtgn n trr qr* r|rr; rol|r f,tAr t0ril glo.|t* GRADATION ]EST REEULTS m E ffi F tld 14iE8 t"Fl:ll'l F{Utli rltLrltJll LrlLl{"r'$-i"'rrL:':' inh atrty to clopy, aondy, mcdlum drnae' moltt' dort brown'rl Iropron rondy gro!,sr, bobbrcs ond bourdcrs of rurrooc, rlghtty orgolri. (GtJ) Grovct; eqndy, cllghtly atlty, wlth cobblcs und bould6fl, doilf6' cllghuy mollt' brown. '0lrturbrC bulk ronPlt' ti,'itl"fiiiri.ffiico bv thc mcthod usod' i';";-;;i;;-oteriotr rhown on the.cxplorotory. plt lo.9r rcpfutcnt thc -r- u-..^.r-or-- r---r-1.-^'iatedal fr,olr- the troneltlOn! moy bc Arolriroy nc Aroduol'''$lJffi 'il'lilliffi:f fii-,'i"'IhJiil'r"'iid;L:'ih; 0, Ordund wqtcr tror not lncounterctl In tho pltr ot thr ttmc of trocvotlnE' ++iecrocntogc rctolnco on f,'t rtcvri *!60-Pcrccntoga pus'lng No' 200 elcvcl 1. Exfltorotory pltr werc cxcovotod on Augurt 20' 199$ wlth 0 bockhoe 2.Lcdot|onofexp|ototorYpltawcrom|€3urcdopproxtmotclybypoclnEfromthcfmtuflr ahwn cn thc r|tc Pldn' I tr,ElcFotlontofihctxFlorotoryp|trwcrcobtolnedby|ntcrpolot|onbcttvcendontour|-'oi itro dtc Pton Provldrd' 4. 11,C cxqlOrCtOry plt loaotlonr cnd.clevotlonl tttould bo contldcrcd oocurot+ only -'rji'irrl"iirirc iniollco bv thc mcthod urod' LEOENF AND HOI€S n0. s I eAFfiilEN1 7 60s0 L *otu t I I LOCATIOI-I OF EXPLORATORY PI S PIT I ELEV, - 00Sg FIT 2 ELEV. * CO{S H I E fi 15.1 - 74 -200 - ? F I E fid NOIE; Erplonstlott ot slmbotr Pr$entsd on Flg' 5 LOBS OF EXPLOFATORY FITS Ir[ti'I i .'] I TnNN r:lF UnlL, nnl..ilFRI][}t-tturf.. .L r. IIREA; [,:tiOl. l16,/9il ilg:i17 l"i[:FUHSIS F:UR tNliFF:nTIffil'.| tJl]Rl{'$f{HSiTS F:OR} i.i th./98 Activity: !:17-fird1. I |/1.{}/18 fype: B-[Lb.ll 5t;rhr'ts 6irjclr*e: s : 1;--;::i t"lF:i"i-l'hilVIN trE l--oEi*t: iort i I.;l;:ili l"li:.$T| .|tlVff:l'l l.-t:li\ifi [-,*rr.rel: Eltzt;-. lel"fi6..frra4 Llc.rt Irr,,'r;c:'i1.-''ti.cin: F-l-t:il l,ll.iRK fjnR N[--t'l UtJfii-EX fiNn i:.i"il,.l .ltrFll lc,iirit ; lrli: ht F-i" F-flT RIi.: I fiil: f :'lirti* I {Jwrier''r SFldTlrY (j0l.'l5TlltinTI{]ft Iilfi FhotiFr! f,ort ract ir r' : Niil.^l Hi-.Etl F? I f ' I Nf-: [i'ft rr rt e : : l lii:it-JLil.) llonstr'; N*l.jF: . uEe: .:iiil ,l' i zr!i rtfi ij L -rrlr:J?4i)4h51 I rr+tr;tt+<:{: i q:, n R*q,.t*:s b R t*r.-1r-t s 51 fi rr I ['A'i' ileri Tirn*: tl8:Otl i L t*rns t"+:rlr-tegt ed t o r7Jilr l9rzr F-i'iitl*.f: j. n a it Iritormatlorr,,,.. r,fl msntri ! ftF-lhl$FEII'r |]N be Insf:ofLEd",.ftct ! ir.r F'hr:tre : ti4ii "'4fi:il F 1r.,1fli.- -, *1itB5I I f_ LIF,HN Timt: ilxp{-;eimmer,t s Inspectinn Hi*t:;rr'y... ", / - /6- 7E-.: f/?{2fb--Itenrr tAUJlltzt FlFf,-1enp" Fstiev" - -,/ j. #'6 lAe'/n'7 Inr;pertcr'; HS flr"tjiori: lipFR qie It en ; ttrztl*tA [i-E{-'-Rough r:tllfitS,197 In:,pectcit'l HG f{et i nn I CIFFR Af-'lJRilUEt) t7t.i/ 1;1/']7 l[ r'rspr+ct sr': l-[:U ilct i on : flf-:'F R nFF Ff]tJr0 &4/IA/q? Irilpec-tor-I EG Ftrt i&ri, tlFIlR Lo1::. f loc,f' orrly sei:'anrlary '{rt4/A#/r;17 ln*pentor": HG t:lctionr ilFF'R CF'll!f:- if+XER{$ l"JI'lIT {lt5lfl9./97 Inspector'; f:G Fictionr FlF f.:'R under-qr'ntrnd L:finclt..lit !:i il\/i:::3i€j'/ I nspect sr'; l;IG F'tr:t i on ! fif-'frR pai't r a 1 *ie*'rndary Ui:;/ i:::tJ /97 Ilspectot': F-E Ac:tian: flFF'R tr*enr:h s*r'vine B&/fi3197 Inspector: E{l Ariion: AFF'R gat'ige it6iL7 !97 In*p*r:torr Ftl Fltt ian: AFFTR kitcheri bci lerronm Item s rAdtl::O FL-EU-(:(]nduit Itpm : €tftlrril ELEC-mi E,r. gt4,/iil /97 IrrsErert or.: FG fjlct i srr: fitrFR sor..t{:ir r-trri.t uppet* clerk Ar)/IQ/1'? Insprector! LpV Actian: flFtrll FARTiill.- DfitiN STtlIRs Item; flrll$st E[_.EC-.F in*l V[il.e/17 Inepec:tnr": L-FU llc,fiiiin: []hl RE*SCFIEDULH lA8/t.j/9? lnEpeutnr"l LF'L| llctinn: illlF'R AFFRiIVEn Nnl-:r$.: r:tF,F,ROVELt {:RRE 16lf([F$ IJNIT nNL"Y. FFhIIED $ii::{:fiNDARV tJNIT. CIIVER trLRTEs NEHt] TfI FE INSTTILL.ED. C$I4F.LF:-TE UF,5TfiIRS BfiTHROBI'1 LT.GI{T. N[:fI] SFfff,F-RS IN Pflt.,*lil.. Ihrr;TAL-L COUERS F0R Ft.t-r0R REf:taF:''1'FlUt.8:S LJFSTAI HNL[- RHTJEF." (:ENSS UIIREil BY GAHf;$g. 1, IIHN'f IFY f{ilT ILJR AREfl}1.8f{$ FCiR .}fiCU}Z g F!-tr{iFili ljEilTfiill$ REi:i:p, Ii{ }lfit-1.- frFL1Sg tilRED,' TO 6PrIN ENT. t fr$ FEufltif"lf'1f;i. A f D -r *i:ifiF,ll',lE{: I tdLli .14 /9"f Insper:tr:r': LFV i:lct i ori: 0$:'f-'R AFF'RllUEn Notps: lf,jii-flli..-l- l"lEAT TRAff {:ifI BREf{KfiR FIND BL.fihlH FnF f'lr-lt{" ire-'rfleter'E lEilli I -'e 68 : Bp REEUEBTJ?HH#5'X"ibi*"HhEE?B,''*f / ? 4 / Lzei trAGH 16 AREA: JRftt Flctivity: Address l Locat i on: Farcel: Description: Appl icant : Owner: Eontractor: Fr97-6S06 SlE4l19 Type: B-trLllB 1EE5 h'ESTHAVIN CR 1EE5 }JESTHAUEN LANE 2103-141-A6-0,A4 trLUiIBINE FOR NEt.' DTJtrLEX AND EHU AUALANCHE TJLUITIBINC & HEATING SENTRY DONSTHUCTION INC AVALANCHE PLUFTBING & HEATING Statriqr ISSUED Occ: Phone:949-6317 Fhone: Fhone: 949-0317 Constr: NDUtr Use r Inspect ian Request Requestorr ltlIKE Req Tire:0€:0O Iters requested to GOe96 PLttlB-Final Inforration.... Conrents: !,lILL be Inspected... trhone: 376-eOeS CALL Action Corrents lnspeetionIterl Iter: fterl It ea: Iter: It er:Iter: History..... SSeltt PLl{B-Underground A5/I?lg7 Inspectorr CF SUPeg PLFIB-Rough/D. tl. V. o.3/lel97 Inspeetorr CF A6/?5/97 Inspector: DS o,o.?3fi trLtttB-Rou gh /[.lat er A3/t?/97 Inspectorr trF A9/ 19/97 Inspector: ART Tire Exp Action: fitrtrR 6psi air sec & c. t. unit Action: ffPtrR TPSI AIR TEST SEC UNIT Aetion: PFI BASEIIENT BATH & l.fET BAR Action: fltrtrR SEC UNIT AetrSI AIR TEST Action: DN See Notations: Notes: l,lat er lines apprear^ to eorply, honeverr showeF eontrol do not appear to be pFassure balanced type and is not approu unless it can be verified to be pressure balaneed type. Qo.e4g trLFlB-Gas tripingg7lle/97 Inspector: CF A5/fi8/97 Inspeetor: trF Notesr CANNNOT HAVE 6A5 'o.51 1?/9-7 Inspeetor: trF SSe50 trLfttB-troo1^/Hot Tub 8lA?6A PLFIB-ttlisc. 60e90 PLtrlB-FinalfAAll4f97 Inspector: CD Action: AFtrR Aetion: IIH trIPE UNDERGROUND UR Action: APtrR Action: PA SEC UNIT TPSI AIR TE6T BOTH UNITS T4AIN LINES UHDHR BUILDING 15psi sec unit P0pei e.t SECTJNDARY UNIT ONLY REPTT3l O8/e4lt999 OBr3P REOUES UF UAIL,CTILORADIT SHEETS FOR PAG€ 17 AREAI JRttlINSPECTN IIORK e4l 1999 A/?4/lS Typer B-ltlECH Statu\l ISSTED \Constr: NDLItActivityl Address: Locat i on : Parce I r Description: Appl icant l Owner: Contract or r Irfg7-OOO9 IEES $'ESTHAVEN CR rEES }|ESTHAUEN Ltr\E e103-1e1-06-G04 I'IECHA}IICAL FOR NEI'| DUpLEX IIITH EHU AVALANCHT PLUl{BIlrlG & FEATING SENTRY C{}}|STRUtrTION INC AVALfINUHE PLUFIBING & HEATINC Oce: Phone: 949-O317 Phone l Fhone:949-O3t7 U6e: lnspection Request Requestor: I4IKE Req Tire: 8B;OO Iters requested to 6S390 IIECH-Final Inforration.... Corrents: l{ILL be Inspected... Phoner 376-eUeS CflLL Action Corrent s Tire Exp lnspection History..... fter: EIOPOA ilEtrH-Rough Itelr, o,o.?46 PLltlE-Gas triping Iter: OOSfO HECH-Heating ,l,t I 05/o.A197 Inspeetorr CF Action: APtrR INFLOUR EAST UNIT Notesr TUBINE SPACING tK RECALL PREBSURE TEST INEFECTION U1/te/A7 Inspector: CF Flction: ffiPR ell ecePt e.t. gerage Notes: l00psi on t4) different gauges Iter: S{ISES HECH-Exhaugt Hoods Ia3/O3/97 Inspeetor: CD Action: AtrtrR SEU UNIT BATHROOIiI FANS Notes: ROOF HAS BEEN EHEETED PRIOR T(J INSPECTION COtttFLETE SOFFIT UENT INSTALRTIONfter: Ort.33U l4EtrH-Supply Air lter: SS34O ltlEtiH-ltlisc.A'Ilgl/97 Inspeetor: DS Actionr AtrPR INFLUOR HEATING gS tr6l A7/?S/97 Inspeetorr LFV Action: AtrPR AptrROVED A7/3(d197 Inspeetor: LFV Aetion: AtrPR RE-SCHEDULE. O7/3I/97 Inspeetorr LPV Flctionr f,PtrR APPROVED NOTES: PA'{TICL ONLV 5S" TJF' DRIUET.IAY. I'IAIN ENTHANCE FIRST FUUR SECTIUNS FRUII I.IEST. Ag/{a6/97 Inspeetor: LPU Action; AtrPR Ttt FIANIFtrLD RREA. Iters gO39O l'IECH-FinalgB/14/97 Inspector: CD Flction: CR SECONDARY UNIT Notes: DA'IIPER I'ISUT BE RET'IOUED tIR T{ELDED INOPERABLE REPT131 A9/0L / 1959 OBr 13 HEUUESTS CELUHf{DTJ SHEETS FOR PAGH AREA: trD oF VAIL, INSPEtrTN IJORK I ./ 1999 Activity: 896-63?6 gl L/19 Type: E-zuILD Stetus: ISSUED Constr: NDUP Address: lPPE l.lESTHtlutN cR Location: teeS !'IESTHAUEN LANEj trarcel: P163-1E1-66-6A4 Oec: 6O67 Usel V N Despription: NEI.J DUPLEX l.fITH EHU ipplicant: SENTRY CONIiTRUCTION Utr.' INC. Fhoner 63O-584-1133j Owner: SENTRY CBNSTRUtrTIUN Fhoner 63G-544-ll3J Lontraetorr SENTRY CONSTRUCTISN CO.f INC. Fhoner 630-584-1133 lpect i on Request Infortation... Request or': f'IIKE Y0UHE} Req Tire: 68:6O Eorrents: IIILL IterE requested to be Inspected... OO54O BLDG-Final C./n Fhoner 376-a0e{l LALL-Re-Inspect ion Action Eorrent s Tire Exp Inspection History..... 06500 trtl-BackfiII Inspection Slr5Ol trl,l-Terp. aecess/drainage SO50a trH-Rough grade elSSSs trtl-Final driveway grade OA/I5/97 Inspector: Ltr Action: RtrPlr Iter: OS51O driver,raY grade final fter: BS{|1O ELDE-Footings/StaeI LL/[E/96 Inspector: DF Iter : o,o,Aefa ELDG-Foundat ion/Steel lI/o16/99 Inspectorl CF ll/lA/96 Inspeetor: trF Notes: enq letter aPPFoving reinfoFcerent off of wall as drawings sPecifY Iter: It el.'lter:Iterr LL/?6/99 Inspeetor: CF Iter: OSSP0 PLAN-ILE Site trlan U4l?elST Inspectort 6R Iterr 60S3O BLDG-Fraring A4/o9/97 Inspeetorr CF o'4/P3/97 Inspector: EF o,61o.3/97 Inspectorl DS AE/04/97 Inspector: DS Notes! edd $all in garege under caretaker prir & sec flue chese aPProved IA3/?9197 Irrspectorl DF Aetionr DN Notes: NEED AFpROUED FLANS tlN JOB SITE AND AFPRT]UINE STRTJCTURAL LOGS floor strueture over sec unit gaPage approved caretaker unit frarinq aPProved Actionr AtrtrR Aet ion t AFF-IR Actionr APCR Action: AFtrR Action: APtrR Action: PA Actionl trA Action: APtrR SOUTH UNIf Action: AtrtrR AtrtrRUUED RTJIJROUED east un it west unit-blankets reqrd insulated blankets req. centered instead of ?" east half, wntr Prot reqd DONE DEAL UPPER LVL CONCLD FLR STR secondary unit uint to earry floor sY DENIED ETIIEINEER LETTER A9/L9/i7 Inspector: ART Action: AtrtrR Lower' floor w/notationsl Notes: Fire btoeking is required to seperate rechanieal roor fro horizontal spaces at floor joists. Fire blocking is required to separete eoncealed vertieal and horizontal spaces. Iter: GO05O Bl-Db-InsulationgJi/?6f97 Inspector: RRT Action: fltrtrR per notationsl |,lotes: Corplete stuffing with insulation around doors and windot{ REFT131 O9/O1l1999 O8:13 TOtfN OF Vf,IL, REAUESTS - INSPECTN WT]RK COLURADTJ SHEETS FBR: 9/ 1/1999 PAEE AREAI CD Iter: 0O060 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail IA6lg3/97 Inspeetor: DS Ob/e3/97 Inrpeetor: EBIter: 0ro$74 B|-DG-ltlise. $4/3O/SZ Inspector: EGIter: OOO90 BLDE-FinalIter: SO53S BLD[i-Terp. C./0 Action: FFI Action: AtrPR Actionr fltrtrR NtrRTH AND south unit f ireplace EHU gerage sheetrock UNIT AND FIRE I) A8/15/97 Inspeetor; ED Aetion: APtrR SEtrtlNDRRY Notes: TCtr IS SPPRtrUED PENDINE FUBLIC l"ltrRKS' trLANNING fftrI{RtrVAL HOUSE *S REI]UIREI) LBSTTETItrS NIJT COI{PLETE CAULK TOILET BASES I{EI||UUE DAittrER IN GAS F/P NOP AS OF YET IN F/tr HANI,RAILS ARE REfJUIRED TJN ALL I I I I Iter: OSS3€ PH-TEI{P. C/Ofagll1tg7 Inspeetor: Ltr Action: AtrtrR Iter: 09533 trLAN-TEilP. ClD66/L4/97 Inspectorr GR Flctionr AtrtrRIter: 9S537 PLAN-FINAL C/0 o.Ele9lgS Inspeetor: GEORGE Action: AtrFR Iterr 60539 trtI-FINAL C/tlglle4lgg Inspectorl LS Action: APtrR Iterr OS54g BLDG-Final C/O o,$/e5/99 Inspector: CD Aetionr DN Not es : trRIttlARY UNIT: -LOAD SELF CLOSING HINGES FOR PED -A LAI.IDING IS RENUIRED AT DOOR Tt} DOBR CAN NOT E}I|INE OVER A STEtr EHU EUUIPT{ENT HAS BEEN INSTALLED STAIRT.IAYS AtrFHUUED APT]RUUED AT'PRTJUED AtrPROUED DENIED DOf}R IN BARAGE DECK FRtrTI GARAEE THE -LOTD HINGE IN trED DOOR TO GARAGE -INSTfiLL HAHDRAIL UN EXTERIOR STAIRS _HDJUST INTERIOR HANDRAIL TO PROVIDE I1/8" CLEARNCE FRT]T{ SEC. UNIT -INSTRLL HfINIJRHIL UN --I t_ 1/**::.::*:,1:1"'"",.:i:""' (970) 476-7480 . FAX (970) 476-4089 January 6,1997 Mr. George Ruther Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Young Residence Encroachment - Lot 43N, Glen Lyon Subdivision a.ka.:1225 Westhaven Circle - Vail, Colorado Dear George: This letter is to notify you that the District has agreed to grant an "Encroachment Agreement" for the portion of the residence of the above referenced properly thatwill extend approximately seven tenths of a foot (.7) into the easement for distance of about seven (7') feet. The formal documentation is currently being prepared for execution by the owner. If you have any questions please contact myself at 476-7480. Sincerelv. \,"CS-U*$!rc-- Fred S. Haslee Regulations Administrator cc: Pam Hopkins - Snowdon and Hopkins :\users\fr ed\wp\youngenc. agr Wnren, WnsrewrrER. OpERATToNs & MANAGEMENT Senvrces d\ \1. title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that lhe survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statures 1973, Thle 38, Article 5l . ^' j. A certlficate by an attorney admitted to pr:actice in the State of Colorado, or corporate tille insurer, that the owne(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or faiilities as shown thereon arelhe owners thereof in fee simple, free and crear of ail liens and encumbrances exceot as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder. l. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgags hoiders on said real property will be required to sign the certificale of dedicalion and ownership in addirion to ihe fee simple owner thereof. m. All current taxss musl be paid prior to lhe Town's approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed out but are not yet due. The cerlificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessors Ciffice must be provided wit the submittal information stating that all taxes have been oaid. n. Signature of owner. 2. The plal musl contain lhe following statement:. "For zoning purposes, the lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one lot with no more than lg. dwelling units allowed on the combined area of the two lots." The statement shall be modified lo indicate the number of units and lots proposed." 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenanls relating to the subdivision, which shall assure the maintenance of any common areas which may be created. The covenants shall run wilh the land and shall be in a form suilable for recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 4. SchedulesA& Bof aritle report. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving lwo copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the sile map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning adminislrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and return comments and notificatidns to the zoning administralor who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning adminislralor shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to Inconsislencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plal. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Developmenl will record the plal and any related covenants wilh lhe Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The !, .r. Community Development Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will , 'l record the remaining mylar copy. H. lf this applicalion requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency olher than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased bv $200.00. Examples of such review. mav include. bul are nol limited to: colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army corps of Engineeri 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50e/o of the application fee. lf, al the applicant's request, any matler is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed bylhe Community Developmenl Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultanls other than town slaff. Should a determinalion be made by the town staff that an outside consultanl is needed to review any application, the Communily Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicanr at the time he files his applicalion with the Community Developmenl Deirartment. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consuhant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consullant which have not been paid 10 the consultant shall be returned 10 the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount foruvarded by the applicant shall be paid tir'the Town by the applicant within 30 days of nolification by the Town. t ,ti E. F. b. o. e. s. h t. o Revised 5/?92 Date Received by the Community. Development Department: APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW (Chapter 17 .24 Y ail Municipal Code) (PLEASE PBINT OR TYPE)A. APPLICANT MAILING ADDBESS au eotzs B. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRE}I 7qLL C-ARL4TSC4 I/41,PHoNE_j/nk&_fu_ C. PROPERTYOWNER-ZLZ-,/A€L Yc)axlCc OWNER'S SIGNA MAILING ADDRESS D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: 1 . Two mylar copies and one paper copy ol the subdivision plal shall be subrnitted to the Departrnent of Coi'nmunily Develcpment. The plat shal! include the .rcllowiirg: a. The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other subslantjal solulion, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) wilh dimension of twenty{our by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger wilh margins of one and one-hali to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, struclures, areas lo be reserved or dedicaled lor oublic or common uses and other important fealures. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the rad jus, cenlral angle, are scored dislances and bearing. All dimenslons, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate conlrol survey in the fi6ld which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. North arrow and graphic scale. A systemalic idenlification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all slreets. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof 1o the public use. An ideilification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved lor future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriale significant figure- The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. A description of all survey monumenls, both found and sel, which mark lhe boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perirneter per Colorado statutes. Two p€rimeter monumsnts shall be established as major control monuments, the matedds which shall be determined by th€ town engineer. A slalement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as oullined in Chapter 17.32 of this i-!3-eLoc r-suB D rvrs roN toiorrDocT r.4 ffi STAFF PRESENT: Mike Mollica Dirk Mason Dominic Mauriello George Ruther Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Molfet at 2:00 p.m. 1 . A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll EHU, to be located al1225 @ Applicant: Sentry Construction, rep. by Pam Hopkins Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request and stated that staff was recommending approval with the two conditions listed in the staff memo- Greg Moflet asked if the applicant had anything to add. The applicant had nothing to add. Galen Aasland stated that access to the lot was a concern, but he had no concerns with the conditional use permit request for the EHU. Diane Golden was in favor of the employee housing. Henry Pratt shared Galen's concerns with the access and had no problem with the conditional use permit request. John Scholield had no comrnents. Greg Moffet, since Greg Amsden was not present for this itern, stated Greg Amsden's concerns thatiame up at the pre-meeting. He reminded the applicant that it was the PEC's understandihg, with ihe granting of the conditional use permit, that no -variances would be requested. Greg Moffet also stited that the applicant had met all the findings. Henry Pratt made a motion to approve the request in accordance with the staff memo. The motion was seconded by John Schofield. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutss SePtember 23, 1996 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION September 23, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Gene Uselton MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Greg Amsden Henry Pratt Galen Aasland John Schofield Diane Golden Public Hearing It passed by a unanimous vote of 5-0. ( Greg Amsden was not present for this item on the agenda). Pam Hopkins asked what the concerns were' Galen Aasland said there was nol enough room to turn around vehicles. Pam Hopkins stated there was enough room to turn around' Greg Moffet said the lurn around concern was in relation to the Fire code. Z. A request for a condiiional use permit to allow for a miniature golf course in the CCz and AG/OPEN zone Olsfios, tocatid on portions of Tracts B & D, Vail Lionshead lst Filing' Applicant: Charlie Alexander Planner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request and stated that staff was recommending apprWal with the one condition, as stated in the itatt memo. Units #206 and #306 in the Lionshead Center Condominiums t au" i*nt in two letters in favor of denial' :it' Charlie Alexander stated that the only requesl he would ask of the PEC was to change the one year requirement to a five year perio6. Charlie stated that when spendinS lli: lTTl!9lil3n"t' iris Oantier would like to se-e a five year period of time before appearing before the Board lor renewal. Greg Motfet asked for any public comment. There was none. Greg Moffet disclosed, lor the record, that Charlie Alexander was a customer of his and Greg Mofiet didn't see a conflict of interest. ll anyone did see a conflict, Greg would then excuse himself from this item. There was no objeclion voiced to his remaining on the Board lor this item. John Schotield asked il this item could be recalled by the Board if the Board chose to grant a term tor more than a one year period of time. Dirk Mason stated that the application could be called-up if any problems or complaints arose. John Schofield asked about the Lionshead Master Plan. Mike Mollica stated that by late spring or early summer of 1997, the Lionshead Development Plan should be completed. John Schofield asked if this operation was moving east from its present location? Charlie Alexander said, yes. Greg Moffet asked if this would be the existing, temporary, wood golf course. Planning and Environmental Commission Minuies S€ptember 23, 1996 Charlie Alexander said that this was a permanent structure. Charlie also said that Vail Associates owned the tanJ anO if they 'determined that the land could be better used, then that's rnii ro"tO happen. He also mentioned that this condition was in his lease. Dirk Mason suggested an additional condition be placed on-the approval, which would allow for the conditionat use permit io be called-up, if the Lionshead Mastdr Plan suggested an alternative use. Galen Aasland said it was a great use and agreed with Dirk's proposal' Diane Golden said it will be made more attractive than it is now' lt was a nice addition to Lionshead and also gave the youth of our Town something to do' Henry pratt stated that it was a good location. Henry addressed the.complaints from Units #206 anO iiaOe and said that Garfinkdi's Bar and Restaurint poses a much greater threat on their [riua"y1n"n this use. Henry said in fairness to Charlie hnd the bank, as long as the PEC can call-up this application, he was in favor of a longer term' Greg Moflet was in favor ol this use. The units that complained.had trees to screen them from firis"operation. Greg was in favor of a longer term, to give charlie an incentive to spend more money on the site to enhance the property. Henry pratt made a motion for approval, in accordance with the staff's memo, with the addition of a seiond condition that if the Lion'shead Master Plan required or suggested a different use, the approval could be subject to a call-up. Greg Moffef asked Henry to indicate in his motion, the term length of the conditional use permit. Henry Pratt amended the motion to include a 3-year period of time. Diane Golden asked the applicant if the 3-year period of time would work' Charlie Alexander said, yes. The motion was seconded by John Schofield. It passed by a vote ot 5-0. (Greg Amsden was not present for this item). 3. A request for a site coverage variance to allow for the construction of a one-car garage' located at 742 Sandy Lane/Lot 3, Vail Potato Patch 2nd Filing. Applicant: JeriCamPisiPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of this request and stated that staff was recommending denial, because thd request does not meet the code criteria for a variance' Although it may not negatively impact othei properties in the area, it would be a grant of special privilege' Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had any comments. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes $eptember 23, 1996 Kerry wallace, the attorney on behalf of Jeri campisi, stated that the ornmer of the other half of the duptex, Betty culty, t":iJLiJ. X"iw tut"O tti"t t'he lack of storage and the odd floor plan' with little or no closet space within the residence presented a hardshp, in particular' in relation to ihe storage of recreational goods. The present two-car garagg is.not enough' She stated that - in" "ppriiJ"i n"J a probi;;;-ith p.*inb in the winter, as sne nao a lot of guests' Kerry went on to state that the Campisi's have significantfy imqoveO tne ptop"tty since p-urchasing it and that in" ",it gai"ge wout rrrtnet-itpft"e tn" s19 'The propoied'9!ra99 was as small as the architect could possibly maXe it ind the architect asdurdO mem maiit would not encroach into any ol the setbacks. nighinow inere existed.a Oriinage problem and by raising up the front of the new proposed gur"g';, ihit-Oi"inlq" problem *orf"O O'" corrected' There was also an existing security issue for Bety G;ity, sinc" tn!-doo.to her unit went past the bathroom' This security issue was a serious c6ncerri. Kerry wallace went on to state that this property was an eyesore' ,rntif tnJC"rpisis maOe sor" "naiges. There. are a number of 2 and 3-car garages in the area' so this requeit was not asking anything out of the ordinary' Greg Motfet asked lor any public comments. Betty Guffy stated that she has owned the other half ot the duplex for S.years, which is the yp.pgl third of the house. eery stated init the campisis are the perf'ect neigh6ors and have certainly fit ine rnorO as neighbors thit ine would have chosen to lolnity improve the propeltY: _ Pglh_-^',^_ neignUors agreiO on the stucco improvements. The architect could solve the drainage proolem wit[ tfrls nei proposed addition. Wnen the Campisis unit was rented short telm, there were a nrmneior prriorems. aetty ititeo mat she lived hlone and security was a problem' Betty stated that 50 sq. ft. over,lhe allowed site coverage is a minor overage' Greg Moffet asked for any other public comments. Joe Staufer stated that he lived at 746 Sandy Lane. Joe was in lavor of this request and said that it would not negatively affect any property owners. Under the safety, welfare and health iinJing, Joe stated [nar tn6 seCurity isiuewai the reason and the right to grant this variance. _lt was idark neighborhood, which presented a safety factor. Joe.stated.that when he was gone' eetty Cutty wai all alone on tne 6loct<. He stated that granting this variance would give someone a better plice to live. Joe said he saw no conceivable reason not to grant this variance' Dominic Mauriello stated that he had reviewed recent DRB plans. Dominic stated that the applicant had just removed the tormer storage.space, which was used to store snowmobileS, and hbb created living area out of it, so therefore, the result was a lack of storage. Betty Guffy stated thal her neighbor to the right of her, was in favor of approving this request. Galen Aasland asked how big the existing 2-car garage was. Dominic Mauriello said 600 sq. ft. and that it had one garage space for each owner' Galen Aasland asked if the new garage would be the Campisis? Since the lot is over 15'000 sq. ft., Galen doesn't think the size oi the-lot was the problem and therefore there was no justification tol i iiie coverage variance. The deck could be 6uilt without a variance lo correct the security issue. Galen wis somewhat bothered by the argurnent lhat the Campisis didn't have enough. . s-tonge,;fien in fact, the remodel that was hapfening right now, did away with,the storage' He state; that the owners, with the remodel, have'ireated some of their own conditions and hardships. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes September 23, 1996 Betty Guffy said that any staircase would be buried in snow. she stated that both sides of the house were short on cfoseiJ. Betty stated that she uses part of the garage for storage lor her o*-season clothes. She also stated that the existing entry door was ugly. Diane Golden asked where the snow will be put? Dominic Mauriello stated that snow storage was up to the owner and there were a variety of solutions lor the doof. Betty Guffy said that architect Bill Pierce said that this garage and entrance was the best plan andirom tfie lront of the house, this looks like the way lt was meant to be- lt seems silly to pay $28,000.00 to just correct the drainage and not do the addition' Henry Pratt told Betty Guffy that she was extremely lucky to na.v.e gwngrl tike the campisis who take briOe in their ownersnip. Henry felt that identifying wnere the front door was less important tnan tne security issue. He stated that lhey are entitlea to a garage' but without the variance' inis garage had no impact on the neighbois and so Henry would be in favor ol such a variance' if there was a hardshiP. John Schofield agreed with Henry. John stated that the door was in a lousy location- t"l'l. ^ , tended to agree iitn Henry, that ihe hardship would be getting a parking tict(et' whlle parKeo out in the street. Greg Amsden said that these were self imposed problems. There was no drainage problem. when the house was tirst Ouilt; it happenei with the expansion. The lack ol storage doesn't hold an "rgu*"nt. A small deck would jilitify fne safety concern. There were no justifiable reasons to go over site coverages. Greg Moftet was in agreement with Greg Amsden, What you have herewas a unit that was maxed-out over what was permitted. Ttiere was a lot ol square footage in the mass and bulk that could have been us"d for storage. The storage problem has been self-created. Greg said he doesn't see how this was not a granl of special privilege. Henry Pratt asked what the area of the garage was? Dominic Mauriello said each garage was 300 sq. ft. Greg Motfet asked for any more comments from the public. There was none. Greg Amsden made a motion for denial, per the staff memo and he added that the hardships were self-imposed. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Galen Aasland said the lot was over 15,000 sq. ft. lf it was under that size, it might be different. Henry pratt asked if this should be tabled until the applicant came back with a better design' Dominic Mauriello said that he did not believe tabling would produce alternative designs, since it would still involve a site coverage issue. Ptanning and Environmental Commission Minutes Seplember 23, 1996 Greg Moffet asked staff if a carport was proposed, would it then not be GRFA? Mike Mollica said that could possibly be a staff approval, and it may not be GRFA, depending on how the carport was designed. The motion for denial passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0' 4. A request lor an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroorn and adding ? grq- tloor,'utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1 , Vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL OCTOBER 14,1996 5. A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the construction of a walk-in lreezet' IocatbO at 536 West Lionshead MaluLot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Mitch Gartinkel Planner: George Ruther WlTHDFAWN ililililil1 6. Information Update Mike Mollica had no information update. 7 - Approval ot September 9, 1996 minutes Mike Mollica suggested tabling the minutes, as there were more corrections on item #5 in the minutes. Galen Aasland had two changes for the minutes of 9/9/96' Diane Golden made a motion to table item #4 and the 9/9/96 minutes' The motion was seconded by Galen Aasland. The motion passed unanimously by a vote ol 6-0' Greg Amsden made a molion to adjourn the meeting. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote ol 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 3:00 P.m. Planning and Eovironmental Commission Minutes SePteinber 23, 1996 TOWN OF VAIL Category Number o^t /o//y'% eroieaName: /c,u^nt6 - /Je,^, -P/9 rLr/ o /gfz ,t/ El/t,l 3uilding Name: Project Description: I ' ilign Review Action Owner, Address andPhone: l/ik'E /ountd ,/ (aat72 r loatsnzu cr t aJ - gru < T-. o '?'o*. ndo< E/*;^ , 7z Co/Zt ,/, Zo - 581-//=,s --i\ ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: lj {^ro 20 t (-toi?E <-Ee-z/< 7)t" uArz- 60 g/r{} '/?(-22A/ Legal Descripti on:tot t/3 Block- Subdivision /,4,- /vo,,t ZoneDistrict '!5r';' Project Street Address: /, Comments: <-Eti /2E U'<eD ./z\'w7tSr4?€ /1t4^-tS @Staff Action Motion by:/ru ,, .r Seconded by ,An<zct't flAPProvat ! Disapproval I Staff Approval Conditions: Vote: Af.:- Town Planner oae: r.o/E/ zd DRB Fee Pre-paid t t T0v{N0Fvm, APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND COMMISSION 41b tr Amendment to an Approved Dwelopmant Plan tr Employec Housing Unit (IyPe: )tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altsation (Lionshead) tr SpecialDwelopmentDistsicttl Major or tr Minor Amendment to an SDD DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQLJEST: fuoa If EHU. c.LocATIoNoFpRopoSAL: I-or-13-eLoCK-- Fu.INC Alal LyJ BUILDINGNAME: ---\l-/- - ! |7^\TTNT/':. .-|/lar arrerrrJ NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE:- OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): NAME OF REPRESENTA TNE:N MAILING FEE - SEE THE SI.]BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TI{E APPROPRI,ATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SI]BMITTAL REQIJIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAU VAIL,COLORADO tr657. For Office Ure Only: Application Datc:- PEC Meeting Datei- D. E. F. G. *r*l Cdl the Planning Staffat 479-2138 GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Pluniog and Commission. For spocific information. see the submital roquirements for the particular approval that is requested Tho application can not be accepted until all required information is submiffed. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/orthc Design Rwiew Bocd. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION:p. naotiona GRFA (250) tr BedandBrealf,ast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning B Sign Vriance tr Variancc tr ZoningCodeAmendment kvirod 6D6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJBCT: MEMORAIIDttM Planning and Environmental Commission Commuuity Development Departnent September 23, 1996 A request for a conditional use permit for a Type II EHU, to be located at1225 Westhaven LaneA.ot 43, Glen Lyon. Applicant Senky Construction, represented by Pam Hopkins Planns: George Ruther r. pESCRIPTION OF TIIE REQTIEST The applicant is proposing to comstruct a new duplex residence on Lot 11, Glen Lyon - is requesting a conditional use permit to -construct a Type II EHU In Septernber and December of 1992, the Town Coucil passed Ordinances 9 and27, Series of l992,to create a new Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing, for the addition of Employee Housing Units (EHUs) as pernritted or conditional uses within certain zone districts within the Town of Vail. The definition in that ordinanoe states: Section 18.04.105 "Employee Housing Unit (EHU) shall mean a dwelling unit whioh shall not be leased or rented for any period less '^n thlrty (30) consecutive days, and shall be reated only to tenants who are full-time employees of Eagle County. EIIUs shall be allowed in certain zone districts as set fo'rth in Chapter 18 of this Code. Development standards for EIIUs shall be as provided in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing. For the purposes of this Sectionn a full-time employee shall mean a pe,rson who works a minimum of an average of thitty (30) hours per week. There shall be five (5) categories of EHUs: Type I, Type II, Type III, Type IV, and Type V. Provisions relating to each type of EHU are set forth in Chapter 18.57 - Employee Housing ofthis Code.' Pursuant to Section 18.57.050(8) of the Vail Municipal Code, in part, a Type Il Employee Housing Unit shall be a conditional use in the Two-Family Residential zone distrist; be permitted on lots which meet the minimum lot size requirement; be attaohed to, or located within, a two- family dwelling; not have more than two bedrooms; shall have one parkrng space per bedroom with a 300 square foot garage credit available to help meet the enclosed parking space requirement. The Type II Employee Housing unit proposed by the applicant meets the requiremenb above in tnat tne Sf f square foot, ooe d6-o* "nit, will be locited in the centet of the structure between tn" pioporra dophx units. Additionally, a 300 square foof one-car garage is proposed 'nd-will be located underneatn tne "nrpfoyee housing unit. the proposed pa*ing fully complies with the parking requirement established in the Vriil Municipal Code' II. ZONINGANALYSN Please note that proposed square footages and height had not yet been determind by.the applicant when tlith"-ot*Oorn *as *ritt"o. However, staffwill inswe that all zoning standards are rnet prior to final DRB approval. III. CRITERIA AI\D 4NDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community Development DeparEnent recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following faotors: A. Consideration of Factors: I lg"fo.. acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Envilonmental I co-^irsio. (PEC) shall consider the factors with respect to the pro'posed use: ' , . Reletionship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. When the Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing study on November 20, 1990, it recognized the need to increase the supply of housing. The Town encourages EHUs as a means of providing quality living coaditiom and expanding the supply of enrployeehousing forboth year-round and seasonal resideirts. The pmposed unit will have a positive impact on the Town's housing needs, by providing housing for ernployees. 2. The effect of the use on llght and air, distribution of populrtlon' transportation facilities, utilities, schools, perks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staffbelieves that there will be little impact from the proposed Type II EHU on lighl air, populatiou, transporiation, utilitieg schools or parks. 3. Efrect upon traffic with perticular reference to congeetion, automodve and pedestrian safety and convenienee, trlffic flow and control' eccess, meneuverrbility, and removal ofsnow from the ctreet and parking areas. 3 4. It is likely that there would be additional vehicles driving to the reside,nce, and a slightly larger parking area. Stafffeels that this would be an insipificant impact on the above-referenced criteria' Effect upon the character ofthe arer in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and butk of the proposed use in relrtion to surrounding uses. The scale and bulk of the proposed stuctune is very similar to those in existence in the surrounding neighborhood. This is due to the fact that the lot on which the proposed duplex and Type II EHU wiil be built is comparable in size lo other lots in the neighborhood. The amount of GRFA in this proposal is not greater than what ultimately could be consfucted on the lot. Employee llouslng units may be allowed as a conditionsl use in those "one districts as specified by fitle 18 of the Vail Municipal Code for Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1992, Employee Housing and shall be subject to the following conditions: a. It shalt be a conditional use in the Single-Family Residential' Two-Family Residential and Primary/Secondary Residentlal zone districts. The subject property is zonetl Primary/Secondary Residential pursuant to SDD # 4, b. It shall be permitted only on lots which comp$ with the minimum lot size requirements of the zone district in which the lot is located. The minimum lot size for a Type II EHU in the Primary/Secondary Residential zone district is 15,000 square feet ofbuildable site area. The applicant's property has 24,855 square feet ofbuildable site area. c. It shall be located within, or attached to, a single-famlly dwelling or be located within, or attached to, a two-family dwelling pursuant to Section 18.54.050(1) - Design Guidelinec Duplex and Primary/Secondary Development. It may also be located in, or attached to, rn existing garage provided the garsge is not located within any setbaclq and frrrther provfuled that no existing parking required by the Town of Vail Municipal Code is reduced or eliminated. 5. The proposed Type II EHU will be integrally looated between the duplex units above the garage. It shell not be counted es a dwelling unit for the puraoses of calculatlng density. However, lt shrtl contsin kitchen facilltiee and a bathroom, 8s defned in Chepter 18.ffi - Deftnitions of the Municipal Code. It shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two dwelling units which mey already exist on the lot. Only one Type Il EHU shall be ellowed per lot. The proposed EHU will be a third dwelling unit on the site. It coutains a full kirchen and full bathroom faoilities. It shall have a GRFA of not less than three hundred (300) square feet, nor more than nine hundred (900) squere feet An applicant, however, shall be permitted to apply to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vril for additional GR.FA not to exceed five hundred (500) squere feet to be used in the construction of the EHU. The applicant is proposing to apply for an additional 500 square feet of GRFA to be used for the construction of the EHU. The request will be reviewed by the PEC on October 14,1996. It shall have no more than two bedrooms. The proposed EHU is a 531 square foot, one-bedroom unit and therefore complies with this criteria. No more than two (2) adulh and one (f) child not older thrn sixteen (1O yerrs of age shall reslde in a one (1) bedroom Type II EIIU. No more than two (2) adults and two (2) children not older thsn sixteen (16) years of ege shall residc in I two (2) bedroom Tlpe II EHU. Since this unit will function as a one (l) bedmon Type II EIIU, the fint part of the above listed regulation will be complied with. Each llpe II EHU shell be required to heve no less than one (1) parking space for each bedroom located thereln. Ilowever' ifa one (1) bedroom Type II EHU erceeds six hundred (600) squere feet, it shell hrve two (2) perking splceo. All parklng $paces required by this Code shell be located on the srme lot or site as the EHU. If no dwelling exists upon the property which isproposedforaTypellEl{Uetthetimeabui|dingpermitis issue{ or if an existing dwelling is to be demolished end replaced by a new dwelling, not less then one (1) ofthe parking spsces t"quiteO by this paragraph shell be- enclosed' A 300 Squarer*tcnrlcreditshallbea||owedfortheconstruction of one enclosed parking space for the Tlpe II EHU' TheproposedEHUhasone(1)enclosdparlcingspaceallocatedto it. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followlng findings before granting a conditional use permit for an Employee Housing Unit: l. That the proposed location of the use in accordance with the purposes of this Ordinance and the purposes of the distict in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detimental to the public health, safety, or welfare ormaterially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicintty. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of Title l8 of the Vail Mrmicipal Code' IV. STAFFRECOMMEI\DATION The Community Developmelrt Departsnent staffrecommends approvd of this application for a conditional use pemrit for a Tlpe II Employee Housing Uoit. Staff believes that the criteria bave been met as discussed in the memo. Regarding the findings, staffbelieves that Finding Bl is met as the proposed use is in accordance with the purpos€s of the zoning ordinance as well as tbe zone disbict. Finding 82 and B3 are met, in stafs opinion, as fre.proposal complies with all of the standards of the Zoning Code. Staffrecommends approval of the request with conditions: 1. That the applicant execute and return a Type II EHU deed restriction to the Town prior to the Town's issuance of a building pennit. 2. That the project comply with all of the relevant Zoning Code requirements prior to final DRB review. Please note that under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and becsne void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligentty pursued toward completion, orthe use for which the approval has been granted has not oommenced within two years from when the approval becomes final. rlr ffitrffirT August 27,1996 Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 RE: Lot43, Seutry Duplex Glen Lyon Subdivision To Whom it May Concem, Regarding the above referenced property, we are constructing a duplex with an employee housing unit built in, similar to the concept that Larry Grace used on Lot 41, three years ago. He has had a young couple lMng there year round, both holding firll time jobs in the town of Vail for the last three years. The employee housing concept has worked for Larry not only keeping working residence in the town of Vail, but also keeping a sense of presence in the Grace residence year round. I know Larry is very pleased wi& his situation. I thought the concept would work with my project and help another couple that have jobs in Vail to live in Vail providing another source of employee housing which is an objective of the town of Vail. The unit is a 500 square foot, one bedroom, one bath, kitchen and family room layout with a one car garage for storage and laundry. This particular unit will have no effect on light urd air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities anC public facilities needs There rvill be little effect on traffic. and parking per our site plan there is a garage and extra parking space for the employee unit. I feel architecturally the employee unit has added character and conforms with the surrounding uses. Thank you for your consideration, feel free to contact me at the number below ifyou should have any questions. Sincerely,F- Mike Young President sentry construction Inc. P.o. Box 7oo5 Etgin, Iltinois 60r2l 70s.sg4-1133 " l,F .:l .o ' .{\ ll t;t:. i I rlt j f-''a'"i ",#i-"hq *?$;+ &a sot LOT Aq SITE I bol t---!- (;ku,rrl rsl (11r-f D- Frir3 F$z { $fi flH 1- f I I r ll,]tt ; I I I I I , I, g i l!I|llrr' lriii if T I h rlll sll r ri II Tt I tIt I II F F I I il Ffi,a sf, Fl ,a I 'F:ffilr.att5wi Iz I ,r. it I'\l\ I i { h.'W; lil t :f,':l ,/ \ilr, t,) l'\, #itt t--, II )d I I { H $ T_ i \li \ $', |,tf{n, Ctr I I .ll\.t\ I \ \ I ixt /i'/.1/ /l / il ,, / ,'tI i', |) ll I -F -1. TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDT]M Design Review Board George Ruther, Town Planner October 16, 1996 SUBJECT: YoungnewPrimaryiSecondaryresidence On October 2, lg96,the Design Review Board completed a conceptual review of the proposed young ncw Primary/Secondary residence with a Type II employee housing unit, to be located at 1225 Westhaven Laneil-ot 43, Glen Lyon Subdivision. During the Design Review Board's conceptualreviewoftheproposedplans,tbreeissuesofconcernaxose. Theissueswereas follows: l. Additional landscaping was required at the northwest comer of thc deck off of the westem most unit; 2. That the applicant and the Town Planner work out a resolution for a tree preservation plan; and 3. That the applicant provide additional landscaping (aspens) along the southerly property line, adjacent to the proposed driveway. The applicant has submitted a revised landscape plan indicating the addition of landscaping at the northwist corner of the deck on the western most unit, as well as ten additional 2" caliper aspen trees to be planted in the area immediately south of the proposed driveway. The ten aspeo trees will be planted where possible in aud amongst the boulders of the proposed boulder retaiaing wall. Lastly, on Thursday, October 3, 1996, I met with Mike Young on Lot 43 to discuss the tree preservation plan. It is my opinion that the resutt ofthat discussion is a tree preservation plan- suitable to thi Town of Vail. The tee preservation plan is indicated on the landscape plan and meets many of the recommendations providedby theNational Arbor Day Foundation for preserving mature trees during conshuction. Based upon the review of the new Primary/Secondary residence and the comments of the Design Review Board on October 2, 1996, staff would recommend that the Design Review Board consent approve the proposed new Primary/Secondary structure. Our recomrnendation is based upon the iu"t tUut tU" applicant has addressed each ofthe issues discussed during conceptual review. fleveryone\george\memos\young.drb s.p 8'6. ,r Please revise the chairlift section you provided to include the exterior deck' According to the Uniform Building code, the washer and dryerplatform arca in the g"rug" foith, EHU must be a minimum of 18" above the garage slab' once you have had an opporhnity to discuss access to the site wittr the Town of Vail Fire Deparlmen! please contact me to determine whether additional information will need !o be submitted. Please submit a sct of reduced (8.5x1 l) floor plans and elevations, for inclusion in the staff memorandum tothe PEC. A calculation of the proposed GRFA was completed. According to my calculations, the proposed *t o"t*" now is in couriliance with the total ailowable GRFA on the properly, assuming the Planning and Environmental Commission approvcs your request for two 250's to be incorporated into the construction of the Type II Employee Housing Unit' Should you have agy questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. You can reach me most easily during regrrlar office hours at 479-2145' Siocercly, fJry?''ra*n George Ruther Town Planner GR/jr FfLE 0t .- , 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 e70-479 -2 r 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Scptember 27,1996 Department of Community Development Pam Hopkins Snowdon & Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: The proposed Young primary/secondary residence with a Type II EHU, to be located at1225 Westhaven Lanellnt43, Glen Lyon Subdivision Dear Pam: I have had an opportunity to complete a full Zoning Analysis of the Young residence. Based upon the revised set of plans submitted Monday, September 23,1996, therc are several iterns you must resolve. The purpose of this lefier is to summarize the items which must be resolved as a result of the ZoningAnalysis. l. .. Please provide a partial section drawing through the mechanical pads in the crawlspace.ov' The purpose of this section is to veriff that the head height in the crawlspace will not exceed 5' from the mechanical pad to the stuctural floor members above. 2. o* Please revisit the proposed building height in the area immediately above the proposed hot tub. According to my calculations, it appears the building may be over on building heigfut. 3. According to staff s interpretation of the Municipal Code, the front setback for Lot 43 issa along the eastem properly line. According to thc retaining wall elevations provided on the site plan and landscape plan, it appears that a portion of the proposed retaining wall exceeds the 3'height allowance. Pledse indicate on the proposed building elevations the locations of any outdoor lighting fixtures. In addition, ifoutdoor lights are proposed, please provide manufacturerns specifications of the light fixtures. tp u*uo'*o Datc: il-+;#ffifi;xlJo'f Parccl Numbcr: Projcct Namc: lluilding Namc: Owncr, Addrcss and Phone: ,-.---'\.\ Arclritcdf/CorrtactiAilrlrcss an4vUonc:-yl4; Le \at+l' *'rAl (pst: fue' \.------"'/ , I ! ^ ., 1 t-Jn Lcgal Dcscription: Lot 43 Block - Subdivision 4la t g" Zone District - llrojcct Street A Commcnts: / Staff Actio Votc:Motion by: Sccondcd by: n Approval tr x Condi Disappoval Staff Approval tions: oat", 8f zbf 9'7 DRB Fee Pre-Paid ..1 Qucstions? fr Planning Staff at 479-212{t TOlriN OF VAIL APPLTCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is lbr any prolcct rcquiring Dcsigrr Rcview approval. Any projcct requiring dcsigr rcvicrv nrust reccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infbnnation, scc thc submittal requircmcnts for the particular approval that is requcstcd. The application cannot bc acccpted until all thc rcquircd infbrmation is submitted. The projcct may also necd to bc revicwcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Plannirrg and Environtrtcntal Commission. Design Rcvicw Board approval cxpires onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: \.J nTQrr'aC Co 71 gle{*gi o 6 B. C. D, D. E. F. G. NAME OF APPLICANT: LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOT:BLOCK:FILING: PHYSIC]ALADDRESS: I77S ct\/c^ | drc_ PARCEL t: ?loi i? ( o6 o3 o (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Oft'ice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) --' , -ZONING: fl> NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE (Sll J y'r'C,own 8n MAILINC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Constnrction of a new building. Includcs iury addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. \aaoition -$s0 U Minor Altcration - $20 Includes minor changcs to buitdings and site irnprovelncnts, such as,. reroofing, painting. window additions, landscaping. fcnccs arrd retaining walls, ctc. E Conccptual Rcview - $0 For ariy application whcre the applicant wishcs to urcct with Desiglr Rcvrew Board to detemrinc whcther or not thc project gcnerally complics with thc design guidelines. The DRB docs not vote on conccptual rcviews. DRB fbcs are to be paid at the tirne of submittal. Later, when applying for a building pennit. please idenfify the accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee accordingto the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT, TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 81657. \ t -tt=!.+f-1 fr.t i-'i* g L- ta =; Ea * \ i .-;lt* r";'a f- -'1;11 ir|:r- . :JI -..,:::i::' ,i.,l t,:1.., i. : t !i :1',.":11-: : i i.q.----, 1'' l ,ii i i'' '|i: : l':'i:l i';;l ---,.'-,r;1,.. i.l,-r: l.1.1ili i\':i:' . ji':;a t: tit:: i!:''r:t!:.ii't i i I::r'i:i 1':r r l-'r"t -.! t'.+cir i'= r 'l t).;. i:i:.t.ilt :i j "'1.'uli-i!:i :...i r ,,,r,,':,,',, f: :' 1. : 1:'i':rfi ' TH!=t--!ld '-'Jt:!l-! r..:,-.:,, r.::-!: r,r::,r f,ii.'.i'! ::': i:l:': ,, xt:: *.,,;;1att-r7..+.-. t'., a1 i ii,, tlii t:,, ;:,.. 04/22/8r 15: lE trroT.on,E V SURVETINC Eoor EEEIfFAX l[RA.trStdrItrAr. nq,row; '-Eotcr ff ary of theeesecrL_ve tts rsrr aobcr of8t 970/el9-1*O6. far cqntteg atlapagss .tatait Ufoglrrfo, orabcva, plea:e pn do nrtcortast us @ 4ilsFh'r.y-6&24 Egbvail.COBl6a) su*e P.O- Bot i23O Ecluratts. CO 81632 'PlfrE sl€491r[(FBrr S3+{S{[i()4 !f10 ' 04/22/97 15: 17 8070 845S504I @002 ouzz/s7 1ts: t7 s07004s0504t E V SURVEYIIG @oort (rr ii I -{ r):l v 'rl-{ tt, EI @ (rx ! e{mI nrrArtt-sto t-r ur-lr:'g tfiit-(.}QTzPlo _ r.l 'FA5I &g lo ',- I J tA- - o T(flf,iF{ t}F LfFl I I- Ftigcel l ar':ecnrs Cesh ttl -:g-?7 1?:43: rj , R*c*iF,t f ?154S4 I gccc,l'nt. S r:H $ 11458 ESHTRI' (:0H5TPJ-l*TI'll.l\5ugti Ir.lISI'ltl I flrr{,unt tendered } lEri'08 lr.ern Paid ftmtnrt Paid rjttt$Era;trl3sElEr$g 1r8' FE Ch.snge r€ttJrn€'J i' iif iili THrer.ll{ \ttflj 'Jc,ur carhier REFITHFI ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this i3\ay of January ,lggT,by Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "Disttict"and Michael D. Young hereinafter referred to as "Property Owner". WHEREAS, Property Ov'ner is presently the owner of certain real property described as Lot 43N, Glen Lion Subdivision akal. 1225 Westhaven Circle, Vail, Colorado, located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of a sewer easement 20 feet in width, running tbrough the aforementioned property, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owner desires to construct a permanent structure that will encroach upon the described easement in an area approximately 7/10 feetxT feet" said encroachment being described on Exhibit A: and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently in use by the District. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: l. The District shall permit the pemanent structure to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnifu the District from the costs of any repairs to the Dishict's utility lines which may occur as a result of the conskuction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shall hold harmless the District from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a brealc in present and future utility lines of the District, or by the repair of such break by the District or by other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the District's utility lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanent structure to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed to run with and for the benefrt of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such time that the District abandons said easement. This Agreement shall be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of tle State of Colorado. IN MTNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. PROPERTY OWNER(S) sv4 ATTEST: By Assistant Secretary STATEOFCOLORADO ) )SScouNTYoFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was r/4f7 My Commission expires: 7 /rr /adt> DISTzuCT Isu,ld\ar g\comtrvw\egrcr.Dntu225whvn.clc STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ) )SS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis /fhay of lr;uuZ,U/) 1997,by Dennis Gelvin, General Manager of Fnats ,Iuret tlAlef I U il ,54n/T/?t/oil h/st4/or My Commission expires: Notary Publi I 5u,ttM€,ngkortwcirgrc€Elt\l 225whvn.cnc im {liryqffiiffiffl liiiriifiiiiiiiiiiifii ,l,i 5 a tV i i"l ''ft1 b:/,,, t \X' ,.1 t Di /,/ \, ,\. \. i -t-.t ti/t !i ,:|: !l; :rll :ll1.:. :ti.Ll 3ti l_ ti 5 : ,l lsItF lrr I Site PLn The Young Residence Lot 13, Glcn Lyon Si6dlvirlon, v.il, Erglc Countt, color.do st??r;ffig*EiT B F-< :E E siffi{iH t'e "-'rIfft- $,'"''*u :r. 7 /,/ -/"",e\ Yi, (- \ -l- rl rll '' :li 1T i'l. i:ll ili 1i \ ?1b;a !. 4.4 +isi B!lt\ iitri-l I t',| .N, I I .tis \'. i 5 ,\. ..1 - | | ,N l! fl ls^'#, q,,p ll F-l F -t |'* ^4Frrq,I t\r | \-;;. tl Landecape Plan The Young Residence Lol 13, cl.n Lyon Subdlvbioi, Vdl, Erth Coonty. Colorado r.o. t.r rarl Ayo., co rr62a|galsr.gon F rlrxrls!.nm t_jl_ -*_,_€ --,-€ il *l lf l$;tt ll |r tlftriti t, + IF 'I I I I I I li,i 'l', l! I il I i ii": ii', Ir I I \ t f, I ? , jAl P t*,1"::l*;1nti9.1ttu t " itlIt Irl Itt aI f ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this \3\ay of January , lgg'l,by Eagle River Water & Sanitation District, a quasi-municipal corporation of the State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "District"and Michael D. Young hereinafter referred to as "Property Owner'n. WHEREAS, Property Owner is presently the owner of certain real property described as Lot 43N, Glen Lion Subdivision aka: 1225 Westhaven Circle, Vail, Colorado, located in Eagle County, Colorado; and \tr/HEREAS, the District is presently in possession of a sewer easement 20 feet in width, running through the aforementioned property, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Oumer desires to construct a permanent structure that will encroach upon the described easement in an area approximately 7/10 feetx 7 feet, said encroachment being described on Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently in use by the District. NOW, TFIEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and promises herein, the parties hereby agree as follows: l. The District shall permit the permanent structwe to encroach upon the aforementioned easement. 2. The Property Owner shall indemnify the District from the costs of any repairs to the District's utility lines which may occur as a result of the construction of the permanent structure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owner shall hold harmless the District from the cost of repairing any damage to the structure, which damage may be caused by the installation of new utility lines in this easement, or by a break in present and future utility lines of the District, or by the repair of such break by the District or by other maintenance of the lines. 4. The Property Owner shall indemnify the District from any increase in the cost of construction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairs to the District's utility lines, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanent structure to the utility lines. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed to run with and for the benefit of the aforementioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such time that the District abandons said easement. This Agreement shall be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. II tI IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above lwitten. PROPERTY OWNEKS) DISTRICT ATTEST: By Assistant Secretary STATEOFCOLORADO ) )SS cotiNTY oF EAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this l3s aav of fttnro.r.S lsnTav=,f, j#771 ?.-) A ^ P.',n?<nt'.,/ D",n",-- T or 0 )"/a t 7 My Commissionexpires: f ,/rt /atw I5u6d\4.ng\6 trvw\.gccmnt\l225wlNn em tI STATE OF COLORADO COLiNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before methis /'ffaay of 'jr; i:ital-D l997,by Dennis Gelvin, General Manager of trtarc Ftl t ti4Et 'i T-d ,5.0/) ir/] F/t,tu h /5f.8/(/' My Commission expires: 7/f / g c,c c tO ) )SS ) I 5wsdveng\.onrtwl,ragr€nnAl 225wlwn.enc to It IILECOPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V47e-21i9 FAX 970-479-2452 September 11,1996 Dep artme nt of C ommuniry D eve lo pme nt Pam Hopkins Snowdon & Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: The proposed Young primary/secondary residenoe with a Type II EHU, to be located at 1225 Westhaven Laoe/Lot 43, Glea Lyon Subdivision Dear Pam: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me on Tucsday, September 10, I 996, to discuss the proposed Young primary/secondary residence with a Type II EHU. The purpose of ftis letter is to summarize our discussion and provide you with a list of outstanding items which must be resolved. The list of outstanding items are as follows: .f Please provide a copy of the recorded plat for Lot 4 I , Glen Lyon Subdivision, illustrating the platted access easement across Lot 41 to Lot 43. 7. Please indicate on the proposed site plan and landscape plan the limif of disturbance aad a aote indicating that a consfiuctioD fence will be crected along the limit of disturbance line and will remain in place until constuction is completed' )4 Please isdicate on the site plan and landscape plan the top of walLibottom of wall elevations on all proposed retaining rvalls' Please provide a section drawing ofthe area ofthe proposed structure which encroaches into the 17 l/2 R. chairlift setback. The purpose of this action is to deterrnine whether or not any portion ofthe building encroacbes into the required setback. Please label all crawlspace areas as having a head-height of 5' or less, as measured from thc ground below to the structural {loor members above. Please label all crawlspace access points as being l2 sq' ft. or less. tgnn"t*'uo lr O1 --.I . ;,:d7. The platformed area, in the one-caf garage decicated to the employee housing unit, must be af least 18" above tbe garage slab, as required by the Uuifontr Building Code. tg please indicate on the topographic survey the 50' setback from the center line ofCore Creek, as well as the 100 year flood plain, as defined by FEMA' 9. The total allowable GRFA for Lct43,including crcdits and 500 sq' fL for the employee housiag udt, is 6,086 sq. ft. According to my calculations, the total GRFA being proporld for the Young primary/secondary residence, with a Type ll employee housing uoit, ir 6,554 sq. ft. Therefore, the proposed residence is over the allowable GRFA by approximately 468 sq. ft. Please amend the proposed floorplans accordingly. As discussed during our meeting, i am committed to moving your project tbrough the review process as quickly is possible. I understand your desire to break ground on this project yct this construction season. Proposed plans have been routed to tbe Town of Vail Fire Deparfrnent aud public Works for their review respectively. As soon as comments are reccived from eaoh of these departrnents, I will forward the comments to you promptly, Should you bave any questions or concerns witb regard to the information addressed in this lerter' as always, please do not hesitatc in giving me a call, I can be reached most easily during rcgular offi ce hours Lt 47 9 -2 1 4 5. Sincerely, I 11 !,lJ.-..'rg^ K<'-ppa George Ruther Town Planner GR/jr TOWNOFVAIL .4.TYPE OF APPLICATION: E Additional GRFA (250) tr BedandBroalf,ast Ef ConditionalUsePermit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variance tr ZoningCode Amendment D. E. B.DESCRIPTION OF TTIE REQUEST: NAME OFREPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS: bl fusa tn'*. e- '- LocATIoN oF pRoposAl,: Lor-43 sLocK - FILING AldJ LJ n, I apOnESS: /2ZS rA[==rl"q,,a-r f,r'ie BUILDINGNAME: .r/anYrrr/1^ <_:\taZ,rJNlr\U: NAMEOFOWNER(S):'rilittE Y4r4 MAILINGADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): PHONE: 47b, ?,bl FEE - SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR TTIE APPROPRIATE FEE. SI]BMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SIJBMITTAL REQIJIREMENTS AND THE T'EE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEYELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, F. G. oo GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Plarning and Environrnerntal Commission' For spocific infornration. sce the zubmittal requirements for the particula approval that is requostcd. The 4plication can not be accepted until all requircd infornration is submitted. The project mry also need to be reviened by the Tovrn Council and/or the Desigr Rwiew Board O"Ot{lnlt the Plannin-e Staffat 479-213t APPLICATION FOR PLANMNG AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL tr Amcndment to sr Approved Dwolopmant Plan -{ EmployeeHousingUnit(Type: a )tr Major or tr Minor CCI E:rteriq Altemtion (Vail Village)tr Majoror tr MinorCCII ExteriorAltc'ratim (Lionshead) tr SpeoialDwelopmentDsticttr Majcorfl MinorAmendmenttoan SDD For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:- Ck#:- By: Application Datc:- PEC Meeting Darc vArL. coLoRADO t1657. Rsvird 6D6 TO: FBOM: DATE: SUBJECT: In 1985, the VailTown Councilapproved Ordinance 4, Series of 1985, which created Qlqptet fig.iit'giih"-viii naunicipar doo'e, entiUeO- "Additional Gross Residentiat Floor Area'" This bnapt"r allows for up ro iso iquiie-teet of additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be aOC6O to a dwelting ineyonO in'e maximum allowance), provided certain criteria are met- The ilG;"f tne najidonit GRFA Ordinance is to providd an inducement for the upgrading of 'eii&ing Owerrings units and also lor the provision ot employee housing units' In August 1995, the Town Council approved O-rdinance 6, Series of 1995 which amended Cn"p[eii A.zr , ior the purpose of eliminating the.ability to use- the additional GRFA when a ffiili^g unit is .OemolieUiiilt." This Ordinanice also requires that all requests for additional enfA,inat involve exterti Cnanges to a building, be rdviewed and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission. According to Section 18.57.050 (BXS) (Type tl Employee Housing Unit, General Conditions)' ,,An applicant shall be permitted to apply to the Community qevelopment DeParfnent of the Tdrirn tor additional'GRFA, not to'dxbeed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construction of the EHU.' With this proposal, the applicant is requesting to.use all 500 sq-. ft. of the two 250 allowances' in irrJconitiuciion oi a fvfjrj tt Emptoyed Housing Unit at 1225 Westhaven Lane/Lot 43' Glen Lyon SunOivision. In tnis pr6losal, th'e a'pplicant wislhes to construct a 526 sq. ft.,Jype ll Employee Hili^g Unit, betwe'en ine proposeO primalY and secondary dwelling units. The Tnti911t' o1 SepGniO"r Zb, tggO, receiveO'a condiilonal'use permit approval ltgm I: Town of Vail Planning ini gnvironmental iommission, allowing for the'construction of a Type ll Employee Housing. Unit. The applicant will be deed restricting the 300 sq. ft., 91qlos9d, one-car parldng space-' lor the use of th6 occupants;f the Type ll Eriployee Horising Unit. .The. applicanf s proposed floor . ptans anO builrting 6tevationi, illuiirating tfie Type lt Empioyee Housing Unit, have been attached for reference. ,FILECSY MEUIORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development october 14, 1996 A request for two, 250's in order to construcl.a Type ll EHU, located at1225 Westhaven Lane/Lot 43, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Sentry Construction, represented by Pam Hopkins Planner: George Ruther f :bveryone$ec\mEmoo\Young.o1 4 GRFA: Site Coverage: Setbacks: fronl: sides: lear. Landscaping: Parking: * includes two 250's Allowed 6,085 sq. ft." 6,214 sq. ft. 20' 15" '15' 15' 14,91 3 sq. ft. BEuired 7 spaces (one enclosed) II. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Address: Lot 43, GlEn Lyon Subdivision Lot SizE:24,855 sq. ft. / 0.5706 acres Zoning:Primary/SecondaryResidentialperSpecialDevelopmentDistrictNo'4 Uss: Primary/Secondary dwelling units with a Type ll Employee Housing Unit Proposed 6,02s sq. ft. 4,831 sq. ft. te, qz' 31' 17,928 sq. tt. Prooosed 7 spaces (5 enclosed) III. GRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Chapter 18.71( Additional GRFA) and Chapter 1€.57 (Employee Housing), ther Community Development -O"pittt"nt recommends apPrgva-! of this-request for 500 additional ;q;;" f""t of -cRFh ro be utilized in the construction bf the Type ll Employee Housing Unit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission-snail coridiOer the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. structurcs. ln the staff's opinion, the 500 additional sq. ft. of GRFA being incorporated into the fype fl Employee Housing Unit, will have no negative e{fects upon inii di'sti,ig topogripny, vegetatioJl, drainage or other existing structures in the area. bndnges io ine existing topography-,prop€ ed by the applicant' will result in regiading that complies wiih the Town's 2:1 maximum slope' Currently, gradls exiiting on the site ale in excess of the 2:1 slope standard. With regard to vegetation, the applicant is proposing to save allthe existing-targe reds on the site. of g-reate^st concern, is the existing ueoetaiion itong the south bank of Gore Creek and the one, large 3' AL?neier sprucd tee. The applicant has agreed to take tree preservation measures iuring the Constru'ction process and],vill install a construction tenie around th6 trees that are to'be saved. This will occur prior to the Town's issuance of a building permit. f :\everyone\pec\memos\Young.o1 4 Itisstaff'sopinionthattheproposednewprimary/secondary-residence *itnl iype ir Employee n6using Unit' including,the 500 sq' ft: 0-f aOOitionii enFA, wiliconform aichitecturally with the other existing siructures in the Westhaven Lane neighborhood' lmpact on adiacent Properties- ln the staff's opinion, the proposed new primary/secondary residence with it;"'iydiiEniprovei Housiris unit and ine soo sq.ft'.91adg'I9qjlFi will n6i have any negative impacts on adjacent properties' rne apqfll is proposing ad6quaie parkinq, pel !!e Mu-nicipal.Code, to accommodate. "L[ii6i p"i,xing on tnd site. th'e S00 sq. ft. oi additional GRFA proposed Oy'ine ifipiiCaniwitt result in a minimal increase in bulk and mass of the ilruitrre. Staff believes however, that this minimal increase in bulk and r"rlriff not be readily noticeable from adiacent properties. Staff would further point out that tlie primary/secondary residence currently coniiru'cteO on Lot 41, to tne eist of the applicant's lot, already has a.Type 1-fip6t;" Housing Unit buitt in the structure. Accord^ing to fte applicant, that Jnit has been occupied by an employee of Eagle County for the last three years and has had positive impacts on the community' develoPment standards. section 18.71.020 (F) of the Town of vail Municipal code, requifes that: " Any dwelling unit that proposes to use additional GRFA shall comf$ with the standaids outllned in the Town of Vail Design Guicieiines (1 8'54). These standards include landscaping' undergrounding of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance and upkeep of the property"' Uponreviewoftheproposedp|ansbyqtaf!'thenew|andscapingplan'o.r th'e property wiil be in iompliance with tne landscape standards: the utility line'servicing the structure will be underground; the new driveway willbe paved; anO ii is expected that the general maintenance and upkeep of the property will meet Town ol Vail standards. B. Findings: The ptanning and Environmental Commission shallmake the following findings before granting approval lor Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting ot the requestecl Artditional GRFA would not negatively effect exi!1ng topography, vegetatign, drainage and existing structures. 2. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent properties. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with alf Town zoriing requirements and applicable development standards. f :\everyone\pec\memos\You ng.ol 4 IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The community Development Departmext staff recommends approval of the applicant's request io ,tifiiJSOO s{uare fetit oiiO6iiona eRrn, in accordance with Chapters 18.57 and 18'71' to allow for the construction iri a-n"* iype tl Employee Housing Unit at 1225 Westhaven Lane/Lot 40, Glen Lyon Subdivision. St"tt U"fiives tnai th6 review criieria have been met as discussed in ttre memoranoum. negaiiingihe Findings,_statfbelieves that: Finding 81 is met, as the i;;;";p;;;ffi oi ine so6 sq. ttl or aooitioniLegrA will have rninimal, if anv, negative impacts on irr6 e,iistiig iiie; Finding-d2 ii met, as the 500 sq. ft. of additional GRFA will not negatively impact the adjacent prop"ttitt; inir Filui"g g3 id. met, as the proposed 500 sq' ft' of additional 6riFn j"o it']lllpe'rr dmp-iJv6e nouiing Lnit will result in th6 cdmpbre compliance of the site witn tnJfo*n Zdning reqriireinents and applicable development standards. Staff would recommend that should the Planning and Envilonmental Gommission choose to orant an approval ol m" i"qu"ti"O 500 additionil sq. ft. of GRFA, th.at thePlanning and E*iifrm[rita] Cbmmission make lindings, similar to those outlined by stafi above' I Lot 4q SITE I I{ I I g ri.l n-o;;r,..';. .,..'.; "';r . ',r. trito;!..,'i'J, rrr ',r: " ' l: :(1"S.:jl -r].-i..tt'll.ttlttl,.'.t .!d iqr$r.{. laa.rt :; !,'st. s*l;!i u;'i iii' ;' l,Ri: ". ,r:. P..'c i.. t,,J i1r1 i; cf'^i {o ,.f (.:\ ._'r i, $4?^sd"lrtflO (}" ei! so {[.'f';qffi iliiHi- i.ii'11.'i.:"r$ ,r 4 r:'.' t) ,qr tl,.r. ii ,.,. (r fr' i Z^r'')l-r{;i r:: i'.,:u iil ri' er,- il'i.:''.lr fAr:!11.;i /ff tJ} l' -:' ii.) !::.'ffiiii*iii'nfi. brctfi'o"I qe$.1-'o Single Family ZONE CHECK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DTSTRTCTS U Primary/Secondary DATE: 1l?illA ARCHITECT HeighL ToEal GRFA {J35t8€t+@ PHONE Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA a{u SeEbacks Sides Rear Si t,e Coverage Landscaping ReLaining Wall lteighr,s . Parking carage CrediE Drive: 15', 15, z4 br 6,2J4 k!.qE 3AL4+# 3'/6' J Regrd 316 '7 5 Pncl (3oo) (6oo) (eoor@'Ii3o = t*!H,tsfi Permitred Slope Rt proposed Slope M complies wit.h T.o.v. Lighting ordinance Yes WaLer Course SeLback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:L (50e.) Environmen Ea1 /Hazards :1) Flood PIain 2l Percent. Slope l< > 30%l <d/a 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) nockfallc) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands View Corridor Encroachment,: yes No-rz-- Does Lhis ilEeiiesl irrvuive a 250 Addition? \r€aHow much of the artowed 250 Addition is usea Efris requesL? @ Previous conditions of approvat (check properEy file) : 6y_ zoNE Drsrmcr ?b F- S#4 PRoposED usn ?S -/ ftfpe -f i,oT SIZE SIO|^, ncf 24,re, - BUILDABIJE LoT AREA Allowed Existinq proposed Tot.a1 (30)E 6fs<* + 425 =JrZ66_ 1814 + Azs. =J.Fl9 FronL * @ =20, 3lt 10 Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) -Approved with conditions ,r.v!r.{ itlt7l9a DESIGN REUIEI| BOARD APPIIICITXdIT ' TOIIII OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEEIING: I. A. *t******** PROjIECT INPORMATIdI: B. TYPE OF REVIEW: a meet,E and bounds on a separate sheet 1-egal and attach ZONIIiIG: I{AME OF !{aiLing APPIJICANT Address: F. G.NAI.{E OF MaiLing APPIJICANI 'SAdd,ress: Phone H.IIIAME OF OWNER(S): Mail-ing Add,ress: APPrrrCAlrroMs wrw No.{r BE PRO€ES9ED wrt-Eovr onilER,s srcfrilAr?RB Condominiutn ApprovaL if app1ica"bi.e. DRB FEE: DRB fees. as shown above. are to be paid at thet,ime of submittaL of the DRB appJ.icaEion. Llter, whenapp1ying for a building perrnit, please identify the accuratevaruation of the proposal . The Town of vail wilr adjust thefee according to the tabLe bel.ow, to ensure the correct feeis paid. I. ,t. ttl I 7?B nl"F aitry .4.:r! Lril I i. \,rlt$ o $ L0,000Siu,uur-$ tu,uuu $50,001 -$ 150,000 9150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000g Over 91,000,000 DESIGI{ REtltElf BOenD AFPBOVAIT EXPIRES APPROI'AIJ ITNIJESS A BUILDMG pBRltIT ISIS STARTED. FEE s 20.00 $ 5U.00 s100. 00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 OIB YEAR Af,TER FIIIAI, rssuED r}rD coltsTnucrloN c. D, -y4lr"* .Constnrcrion (g200 .00) Minor Alrerarion ($20,00)Addition ($50.00) Conceptuat neview igO) ADDRESS: IJEGAI.' DESCRI SubdiviEion If property is described bydescript,ion, pLease provideto this application. rr.t In addition to meeting subnrittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines, Uuitaing iin6s ana Urriiai"gcorners. All trees to be renoved must be taped, ALlsite tapinqs and staking must be conpleted piior to theDRB site visit. The appLicant must ensure lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried Uy snow.- - The review process for NEw BUIIJDINGS nornal.ly requirestwo aeparate meetings of the Design Review Aoarctj aeonceptual. review and a final review. Applicants who fail- t,o appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduLed meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their iten bepostponed., wil1 have their items renoved fron the DIIBagenda untiL such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following itens hay, at the discretion of thezoning adninistralor, be apBroved by the ComflunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not, be required): a. Windows, skylights and sj_milar exterior changreswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. suilalng additions not visible from any other Lotor pubLic space. At the time such a pioposal issubmitted, applicants must' incLude Leitels fromadjacent property ourners and,/or from the agent foror m€rnager of any adjacent condorriniun associationstat,ing the association approves of the addition, If a property is Locat,ed in a mapped hazard.area (i.e. snow aval-anche, rockfaLl, flood pl.ain, debris flow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study nust be Eubmitted andthe owner must sigm an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buiicling peildt.Applicants are encouraged to check lrith a-Tiwn pl_annerplio-r to DRB application to deter:rrine tlre reLationshipof the property to alL nrapped hazards. For all residential construclion: a. ClearJ.y indicate on the fLoor pJ.ans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on tbe site plan afour foot d,isbanee from the exterior facl of Lhebuilding walIs or supporting colunns. If PRB approves the appl_ication with conditions ormodifications, att conClitions of approval must beaddressed prior to the appJ.ication-ior a buildintpelmit. A plg-epplication meet,ing with a member of the planningstaff is-encouraged to deter;-nine if any additioiraLapplicauion information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to make an appoinlment with the iiaff todetermine if there are additionaL submittal requirements.PLease note that a coMprJETE application wiLl. st-reanline thereview process for your projelt. rrr. A. B. c. D. E. F. G. ZONE CHECK FORSingle Family Residence, Duplex, t Prinary I ; ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT /Secondary Allowed (30) (33) @ltgx: | +*=JffiL ?JOt,tqr + Azs =_&1L l-_ /W6:.tPi9 | I e, JO-tffiT 3U a) Snoht Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4) wetlands View Corridor EncroachnrJni: :Yes---No, Dses Lhis requ€st invoive a Z5A Adriitiorr? ltnHowmuchor[nea]-1owed250Addiii;;-i;-;"-ffio.H*'egueser5@- Previous conditions of approval (check properLy file): PHONE PHONE 4n'fiu-Beol hfre)PROPOSED USE rJoc srzE D, Height ToE.al GRFII Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks FronE Sides Rear wat.er Course Setback Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 Environmen t.a1 /Itazards : Proposed % 2A' 15, 15' (300) (600) (s00) |l.20at-loti_ (sor) 1) 2l 3) NO WenFial Dbr,t{_ BUII.,DABLE Existinq Flood Plain YES Percent Sl.ope (< > 30t) Geologic Hazards LOT AREA Tot,al _EncL Slope F No ffa'l SiLe Coverage Landscaping Retaining .WalI tleighhs Parking Garage CrediL Drive: 3' /6' Regrd PenniLLed SLope $ Proposed Comp3.ies with T.O.v. Light.ing Ordinance yes (30) (s0) i.0 vbrc r6'lr.il 8,/17l9a .'OB }IAIVIE r kfr*uno atwqr+ lIrOlNN OF VIIL UTILIIry I,oCAIII(II VERIFICATIpT\T FORU SUBDTVISION LOT BI]OCK F'rIJING ADDRESS The form is used to verify service avaiLabiLity and location. Thisehould be used in conjunct,ion with preparing y6ur utiLity pran anaschedul-ing instal-lations. For any new consirirction proposll, theapplicant must provide a compJ.eted utility vErification- fonr. The Location and availability of utilities, whether they be main !rylk lines or proposed lines, trrtrst be approved and verified by thefoJ-i-owing utilities for the accompanyins iite p1an. Al-1 authorizing sigmatures need to be originals. Authorized. Sionature Date u. s. west Communicatious 468-5850 or 949-4530 Public Service Comlrany 949 - 513s Gary Hall/Rich Cooley Holy CrosE Electric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty **TCI CabLevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves r.Upper Eagle ValLey Water& Sanitation Dist,ricE "47 6 -7 48A Fred Haslee NOTE: **A site plan is required. pbygicaL Location of knoyn utilitiesnusc be ghona on the site plan. utility l0cations Eay or nay notoffer sq:\rice to tbe xrroperty rine. eai utirity extersion requl.redsball be the responsibility of the property owner. 1. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed.construct,ion, the utility reflresentative shouLd notdirectly on the util.ity veriiication form that thereis a probLem which needs to be resol_ved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail_ in an attachedletter to the Town of Vail. However, pLease keep innind that it is the responsibility of the utilitycompany to resolve identified problens. 2. If the utility verifiEaLion form has signatures fromeach of the ut,ility companies, and no conunents arenade directly on the fonn, ttle Town wiLL presumetf'aL there a.Te no probLeuns and tbat the developmentcan proceed. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofbis responsibility to obtain a street cut pemitfron the Town of Vail, Department of public WorkEand Eo. obtai0 utilitv locations before diacrinq inany public right-of-way or easement in the To$n ofvai1. A building permit is not, a street cut perniL.A street cut permit must be obtained separateJ.y. Installation of service lines are at the oq)ense andresponsibil-ity of the property owner. 4. Botanieal Name oCommon Name TTffiJ tur#4aq/4 Ela^\rj-r\ rees. Mininum calioer rndicaLe heighb, for shrubs. Uiaimun size of shrubs is TvI)e Sqrare Footaqe Nrtr''g{n'.192- CAAPffGROI'}TD COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ Pafr.rt/lrt,r.fr'c,r^tcf 4o'-'-. Mry ALtTojA tfilL 6fu{ ('gpglu;ll,!q- ca9-Pgr\ c.tAr{DscAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior righting is proposEd. pleaseshow the number of f ixLures and locat,ions on- a ieparat,elightinq p1an. IdenEify each fixture from the 1i;hting planin Lhe space below and provide Lhe height above gia.ae, -tlpe oflight proposed, lunen oucpuL, Iuminous area ana i cut sneLu otthe l-ight, fixture. (Secuion 19.54.050 ,f) OTHER IAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimrningpools, etc.) please specify. IndicaEe heights of reraininiwalrs. Maximum height of warls within the front setback i;3' , Maximum height of waLl.s elsewhere on the properEy is g, . D. ,PIJAI{IT *'TOO'' PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRUBS ftAttu'ffutuor{,a ntca Q).\14^v- 4;€r:r rc- €rlr n\l6r<PA ErSj'flu A 6a-l m&lF4 *IndicaLe caliper for deciduous tfor deciduous crees is 2 inches. conl t erous trees, Minimum heioht for coniferou.q Ouanti t,v Fizet* +1 z4cm, b r-SatpAJ -"- *a +o.sr4n:rEn,4 1 +E r4P{4.)T)l\r55A&)fJS ueD6JgP+ -?3- #E trees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of proposed 5 qal-Lon. [IS1' OF UaTERT^ILS I NAl,tE OF FRO,IECT: r.*_ZflY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTIS- STREET ADDRESS: The foll.o'lring infornation is Review Board before a final BUIIJDING MAITER,ISI.S I Roof Sidinq I Other waLL Material.s Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RaiLs Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash EneLosureg Greenhougeg Retaining lrlal-Ls Exterj.or Lighting Other suBDrvrsroN required for submittal approvaL can be given: lrrPE OF UAEERIAI. lrb r" s l,r ,4b \f*] Irt,o n to the Design COLOR BIJOCK A. f,{lwnry lg;nr€ t Desigmer: Phone: B.I,ANDSCAFTNG: Name of ,* ...r*.. t" ouantitv. rir* PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRT'BS *Ind.icate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum ealioerfor.deciduous rrees is 2 inches. rndicat,e-treillTtorconiferous trees. Minimun heigrht for eoniieroustrees i-s 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed shrubs.5 ga]-l-on. fi/pe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON COIITROL Itrinimum size of shrubs is 'Square Footac'e c. T,ANDSCAPE r.,rGIITrNG: rf exterior righting is proposed. pLeaseqloy the number of fixtures and toiations on a EeparateLighting plan. Identify each fixture frorn the lighting plan 1{r the space below and provide the height, above giade, -t}pe ofliqht..proposed, Iunen output, luminous area and i eut shaat ofthe Light. fixture. (SecEion 18.54.050 ,J) OTHER ITAIIDSCAPE FEAT{rRES (retaining walls, fence6, swimingrpooLs, etc.) please specify. Indiiate heights of retaininiwaLLs. Maximum height of warrs within the front setback ii3r. Maximum beight of walls elsewhere on tbe property is 6'. D. I 1l ]liI ilif . I I ;i ,t il I II:lI tl r.v8..a l/ltlta itOB t'iltt-lE SUBprVrg 1,0lf ADDRESs tJ. 0. l{ctt cofrlEunlgrglqnt l0D'6S00 ar tlt'0550 Publte 6crvtcr gol|lPany rae'61!S G0ry Hsll/itcn coolty rrtgl Crblgvlllan 9r9 - ltlt l.larh Sravtt tu tharl.Eti--El4ElllllEl PrIC ,L,tna.fiaft\ ,;. :!h€ form fa nfeo Lo ver'trfy.strvlo€ evailo'btlltv and tocat.lon' Thlt arroul6 br ured rn-ionj"iii,roi-*ii; ;'il;tr;i f:*^uttlit'v plan. and tehedultng ttrrLallatlanr. For "ny ie"' cotteiruculOn.propoeql' thg appllcant rnurr proii;;--l-compirrei *riirrrv vsrif leatlon forn. ?he locatlgn and rvrtrablltEy o! ullltbtcH, wtrethat't$av be mairt r,runk ttnae or prlpii;d iffi-g, tuli-i*-lpploveO-and vrtifled by the iiri-d*ini "errrii"i-for tlre reso$Prnvlng' rltr plan' All eubhPrlrlng tlgnaqurct neco Eo be orlfllnals'-' HolY Cr{rat llrgtrlq lrtoc' ttt' tOtA Englngerlrrg D€Pt' Ttd tfutky/t{lcnelr &nvGrt}' ot she toaklet .*Upptr $AgIt vorlcY waEcr c, tanlEBElon pltErlcg ' a?6 - ?lg0 rEcd HilIfl !lO*E; 1 .r! r{ utlrlEv ceftI}r$Y nli ce?9:-I1-:ll1r..:n3"t;Tl"::tt! r{nElrlEy ceftI}r$Y nri cencernl-r"lth the proPotes conttructlon, tnr-'"'tr-rfty rtPrctonbrtlvt rhiruld not rrr*rr' A'' **r. .infiiii.'.rcrrircotion form thlE-thcr *.1 rtr! Dlrn lf rrq$lrt{r -Fbvrl,crtr lecr!+91-?f--I"* uttlltlct aurb bs rhom en rb- rrtr ortD.. uirliii iggf*g-"| ntv or lly DqE otllr lr,.lcr Eo Ehl groD.lEy-rf"l.--iii itttfUy-e*trilrloa rrqulrr4 ;ilii [l-tui-t*nenirLrricv or bbr ProPtrgv ottDra' *ts"Frd1-{+_ tsrvlctc rlnft trt lf o! Elrr gfoplr$Y d'firer' dlsrclly on stre ufll'ltY'v*r i-ien torm thrt' therrErr'srl;r.*y v.r !b..!- e?-i-t. tolv*it. Thg lrru€fr-e pr-oUlern wlrloh Telila !o,l-*-:?!.i 4i r?t,rer-rchedlf itoo-tillfr'HT#ri:;;;" ; - rn' or 111 tl, :l.:':::l"tllltil ll'tnl"'#i'ii*ulii " .]rsiilqr El:*.l:,T?tl tn iiii"lr'il ii'rl"lii'-i"ifr iii rtii itt. *. - thr ut I 1 I tv 7. ;"*{grny-to irsstve lafntttlfd problrm' ' It etlq uBlltty vorlll+rEt'on lortlt brt tlgnatur+' frcdl raeh of ehr usfrii! cornpenlef I li-d no comenEt ar' rnado dlttct,lY sn iit"-iii-' sht T:"11 wlll Prftg:^- thrt ttrrre *r. no"fiIn[lffi ina enrt thc alvclopnant crn proarrd. 3.lbrlr vqrtlfeltlonr {o hoE.flllt:i-:}e-::n::x::t ot til1Jil;:iliii;;- ri-"t;;t -L::'::' *t;l r t"ff li,[l;"'1f;'"Ti#' ii "i.ii' Tilii *t": -:t-l*i::.H'T:larnd barny Fubllcvall , A"-h t'ol-rrty gr tliln of I .triGg 6ut F;dII trturt bf obcr -rprnhelY' lht rt{trsrar andInrErlla$lon of rclponrlbtlltY F-r * a. I53l"l 5n ii913-8ts r,-E 8f :lt:e{ 966I/18lqq r|ilrrfi l/ltltl ,J"' atoB ltAl{t ST,EDIVI L0! ADDREig llhe locatlontniilk Lirres ofol.lowins utl AlL authorl.slng !:lsnaturee need t,o ba or{glnrls. AuthorLtcd F:lcnr f rrr.* Itlfvrrylll \JI The forrn ls used Eo verrfy. rirvlcr avarrability and loeabron. Thtgtbould ba ucrd in. aonjun"'tt"i-*i[i DreDerrns yo,r, ,rttir;;-;;;" in;'Schrilurrng lnst*rlatt6ns. -rJs ;;v ;"*-congEr;rctron propoaar, eheepplicant nurt prswlde a ""*pi.lei "urriJ-iliiiiii.tron rorm. awallnbllity of ut.llicieer wberher Ch€y b. tnll$ fgpog?i llnrr, musr b€ approvcd anc vcritli*'ili"tt,:'€s fof the accorttlanyLng elte pXan. and Irt U. g, Wrrt Conimunleatsiene 468-6860 or llt,{Sl0 Publle Senrler Conpany 9.9.5135eary flatl/htch Cootey tloly Crorn Electric Acnoc.949.6892 Ensineerlnf Depb,Tid Huaky/Hlchael lJ,rvtrty efll g{- /*rg *rlgf Cablavlalon of 9{9 - 12e{N|fk Crrvei rhe RochlaF **Upper tagle Vnlley water & genlratlon Dlstrlct * 4?6 -7090 rred Hrrler rrl rlbr plra lt rcCu{rad. lbsr!.aet locrtlan of bor+a ueLlltLgrrurt be rhora o Lla rLtr Dlu. Uelltsy losrbLoos any or ury s,9totfcr trrrrlor to tbc.pgoprrry tLne. rrnr utJ.tLty r*trtrion riqu{rcdthall bc [hr ratpou:lbllltv of r.ho grogertv o{rarr, NOllE r t .If a utllLty csruraay har coneerns wl.th the ;ttogoaedconstruetlon, the uelllty reprebenElEive sfrbulll rrottlirectly on thr uclllty verlil.caelon fonr that bhereh a problcnr rrhtch nnedr to be rgtolved. 1!hr lgauerhould Lhen bc.spell€d out lntdetrtl ln aa'tttachadlrtter to the tror*rr of Vrl:,. norrgvar, p1eegG kfep lnntlnd thct It ls thc resBonrlbllley ol Lne ubtltti' sonpelly bo reeolve ldsrtlfled groblefi3. tf'the utLlltv verLfl.crtlon fonrr haE eltnetureg fron aaah of thr utll{ty co4rrnls;, .and no cffirGntt ars nada d{rsctly 6n Lhe f,orrnr rhe ro*n rlll pfiftntthrt th*ra rr€ no problmrs and ttutt th€ derralopment trtn pfocttll. !!hur varlllaatlone do not nlleva uhe coile*6Lor ofhll rcseonribllltv to obraLn a atr€ot cut DarnLtfrosr the fowr nl vall, Dntrrtwrilt of Drrblll worke 2. 3. A eLf0e! drrrt b nua! be lnata,llitLon otr€cFo$rlblfltv r€parrirly. ruvJ.se llner ue at the e*p+ns6 $rdlof the proparty osrrtr. cnd to ohkalrr rra{l{ err lacrt.{ant befan dl ca{rts :ln eny publia rlsht-of-rvcv or raF€rneilt la thr lot'ra OlVell. ^r, h,u{lllnc rlna{t :lr--raatre rusrFt aut tiliL}.. {. i,- r'l Jt 1i:+l'.1 | Sealry LbhsEfuctioh rnt: F't''l1-r.lI t.elfra 0/lt/ta toB NArdEtttBDrvlt LOr IDDRESS U.6 r wG!b €qwnrnlcaEloat, a63-6860 0r t{9-t610 ?ubllE gervlce conDany 9{9'61356ary rrall/ntctr $oorey $oIy crorE Elsegrlc Attog. 9{9'509t lnglneerlng DePB' tEd lruEhy/ulaha€l lrver8y tllr$tr t tl I t I tl I r tlhr lorn {s used ro verlfy rcrvfoa rvrlhltltry.r,Ua locaglos, Thlrrhould be uged ln conjunctlon yith trraperlng your uElllty 91an rndschedullng lnrtrllrtloilt, For eny.aar oont?ruotslon prcposel, Eheagplleent musb grortlda e €cnpletce utlllty vsrlficltlor- forn, lt'he locablon an6 avitLrbirtey of uttltt!,r., rhrEber thcy be ft*trn Etunh ll$es or proporsd llacr, BusB b. r,DProv;d rsal 1rrrlflcc by tha followlnE utiltElct for lhe iccemErlrtltlag rltr Plen, tll auEborltlng Elgneturer nearl bo br orlg-laala. @ Dlls *oUFper Bagle valrFy.waEetr r--ganlterlon DltErlot t t?6.7480lred Hrtleo r.ECr Crbl€vlslOn O! 919 - 133r Hark @revsc Lhe ROChieF 'rr rtEs Dras 1r fseultGc. -PHfrroll locrtt'oq-?!-F'm sBlltEltr rqrar ba .!ffi! oE ED. ElEc Dur-.. iEUiii-igq?fl:Pt- lile ot Esy roE H* fiffi,:l#ijfii;it#in#'Ht'ifi*i':t*1s'o';irrs 1. rt e utlllEy conDrny.l?t c9l9cf,nf rttlr tb;-ProDoEld sons uruchron, -[[E-"irirty .epiumeettvc thbuta not {l'roctlv o$ ir'J"it'*ilirl"nuriloetroo totlr ?hrt ehete lc r probl"t'ffirli-iir-cr c'o,ls ltrolvgrl' tlre ltlur rhould .n* billilrl{a__;gg rn-clEiir ro-3T-1t'Etclrec leoLer r:o cnE-rffi-oi-vrtt' ..'nonwri' p-l!ntc,fiiB ln rnlnd Etrrt rt-rl-iiie-iergone*rltly- gl-tD" ubllr H' conFany to rgiotve tdcBlttto(l pfobltrll' ll 'Llre ---L -t uutlicy rerillcaulon fofrtr p1^rl?3rBulc' ttron .r.- ..eJ t f -" ---tll -- 6-'' Ga aE!*"iir lt t -tt ' .. :;';J t{OtrE I 8. '' f.vrrro r/rrllr t *ruFPer Eagle Vallelr ltatar & ganltrtslon Dfut,rl.cE * {?6 - 7{80 FrEd Hrrlae {IOB Nll.{E SUBDTVIE IrOT ADDtrEgS U.6. WrEb €ommrnlccblonr It68-6860 or 9{9.{610 ru.bllc S€rlrlo€ eonlrarly 9{9.6135 Gary Hatl/ntcU Coolry uoly croEs Eleecrle At3oc. 949 - 8893 nnglnaerJ.ng DepL. Ted lluaky./ulchael lavergy rrTcl; cAb1rv1810n of utrg 9{9.12e{ Marlc Gfivat FILXNO Th€ fattn ls urtd to vef,lfy aervlcB avallabtttEy lhd lqgatlon' fh{r rhouldl bc used in co*Junelion wlth PgePaf{gt your utilltV nf.an _rndllchsdullnE l$tEallati6na. Fof any nerconltfiretlon.proFOral' bh! ipptica$t-murE provide a eonplebed uEi,Ilby vorlflatbioa fonn, ThB locacion afld avall..blliey of uttrlttrl' htheDheE tsh,iy t e mitn -trunk Linel or ProFotedt llneir $uat be approved_and varlfiad by the fotlo$ing utilltles tor Ehe ecco$Danylng rlte Flaa. hll auEhorlzlng rlgnauurcl need to be oslglnnLr' @ Illlr Rockler P/.?A t.t rAEa pfrE t-r rrgui,rac, Iblrrtcfl lcErElo|l Ot llo,ora uBulEltfEUrE bE rnona oD EbC flts pltrr. urlrlEy LocrgloE uty or Ely BsEotf,er Norlrl.o. to bh. Drop.iry rr.Bs. rni uurlrty utsfrloa riqurrrdrhatl br rh. r.rgoBrlbttlty o! rb6 Drogirf,y oralr. NOTE: 1.If, a uelllty con{lany hir coqcernr wtEh the FrolrotEdconsBrucElon, Eha utlllEy feprstsnEluLve rboutil aordlrrcrtry on Ehc uElIlG,y iiriltcatton forrl EhaU Uhere Ile il lrfobrEm wlrlah seods ro ba raSotvrd. Ttrc llru!Ehould Etren b6, sDrltlat out tlr| a6tal1 ln an, sutoclrBa Hletter to Eha ronn of vtL1. ltsw.v€r, DIeilsE |tcrn {n imlnd thBE lt ir Eho rrsDonribtltty of ihr ur,ttiti conpeDy ro re8olvo l{eattflco problent. - E {qff FF V}rL udrll|trv r0c,lllrqu.-tlEf,,rTlfitElo[r J-olrr gU(. B. 19SE $:5{+fi1'1 rcl cflELEvlsiort 13 Ehr rssponalfilldty ofrc;.?{p ugi[.*z';? cotspany eo rg3otve lilentlftrd problmu. It thB uetLlty vislflortLolt fgrD Dtt fi"Enaturil frm rcc_h of Eho urlllLy 6ouD|Nrl.r, ,aill no c6nfrratt rfemadr {trrecgty on uhe te;m, sbi ronn rllt preiUd - Ehat rberr ttre no Frob!,mr asil that rbc divelopnentom prooitl, 3. 3. ,lthctl vrri,f tcctl,onr oo not salttvr Ebc conBra6t0r ofobtaln e rgfect eut perntf DsPrrtnGnt of Rrbl{F tfor*f Irl 'sey otr a3tillint, ltl Eo$n of hlr rer;loaslblftty rotron chr To*B ol Valt,antl t6 rrry Dnbllc rlEht.Vai,l.e ILTGEL dut perfil mrit {. lnss4llatltrll ot rGff!.ce l+ncs arF rE th6 il|p]ltg rnilrecponr{blllry of, the proDcrty ownerr i l, II :, l: ..?OB NA}IE OUEDIVIS LOT ADDRSgS Th? fordr fu ured to werlfy.rsrvlcr rvatlr,btrtty rhdl loslblon. fhlschoutd ba urrd tn"oonjunoiri"-wirir prep*rtnt you{ ndiitv-irin ilii-rchadullng {nstelletloni. ror rnv irgrrconrlrisEfon proDosrt, thgapptlccnt murL Dtrovtdr- i comiirtcl iillriii;-,iiiiiiiicron f,orn, lhs tscrtlon rnd avittaltrtty of ublltttrf, r*ttth+rlrg]rL llnsa gr proDomd llnei, nufr br rDprov.l lndtoIlot{tns utlllttrr for ehe rccoilpanytng-ittr pfan, All, ruth0rlulng rlgnatutlr aesd io br ortglnAlr. l\Hfi,hct*ft$. {lpaewn u.8. wart Coruunlaatlonr {68-68C0 or e{9.t6t0 gubllc $tcrvlcr conpnny 9r9 .6lt$ Gary Hlll/f,tsh coolcy HOIy Crorr Sl.trtrlo AFsoc.9{9-589e tnglnrartng Drpb,Ted Hurky/ltteharl l.,averey rrtr rLtr Dlr[ Ir rrguirrd, thyrlgrl tosrbton of ltnoilB uttltB,lff aurE br rhora on Etrr rltc prrn. uElIlEy loorttoar il|y or Ery totottrr mrvlcr to cbf _DroD.ity l,lnr. rqy utLrtty rxtdtlsn rigr,lradrbill br bhr rafDeorlblttty oC tUr prslrarby onaor. 1. Ii r ut,lrtty conDrny hra €onccrnr wlth thc proFotad donrEf,uet.ton, bhr uttflgy ErDrcrenErglvr fhguld noEdtrteglytgn bhl utllity vrrlf l,carlon lorm thit thrrrlr a problrrn rdrlah ntidE to br rttolvcd. lrhf lErutrhotrld thur be.rptllcd out ln"dttrlr ln ln,ebur,chtdlrtErr to th. towrr o! vrll. gofltvrr, plcut hrrD tronlnd thab lt lr thc ffrporrstbtliBy of the ut,luty ccilr5lrny to raroXvr ldmtlflr0 psoblsns. v|rlfloiglpn form hec rlgnrturBt frornlltty conp*niur .tnd trc ooffiatrll are on thr fornr thr Tonn Ttrl Pfituneno Droblmr and thrB Ulre d.vilognnrnt 3. Thilc vrrlllerE{onr Oo tlot 'ttllU'rs thc oo$Bilotof qf lhey b. mlnv.ri,ftrd by tht nrlr rrTCI Clblcv.lcion 9.9 .11t0 UBrk Ofavo8 of tbs nocklcF **uppor ligl6 vtllty tfrtrrr Brilbitlorr Dlrtrlst * a?6. ?lg0tred lltrlor e Ap g*r- *.{"n$noA'I$*to.a| ,**p NOTEr l.It 'the ultllEyilsh of Lhr utnrda dlrseblylhat therc are oan proomd. i.; f\lt,n\ M*-,\t\, . -ll rffi,D liN"'- --'**|t ,,*.E 68rirF?/Ftr.rE: rl I-l /J. e+ .,r, \ ..4 \. \\ \ t\( ]-.. ED'd FEO'ON EOiII t .{ ${ /\ \i(iJ.' , I,aN(r, /ril \E/ :,J I d : --l rfl f r15lfiln -*s(_ /0 rl Y/.-, o F 1 rrl a z Fl q, z F t- 'n O tt m v1 -{ ffiffiH 96, 6I $nB I r' I ?oNE CHEeK i F@.Family Residence, Duplex,Primary/secondary ZONE DISTRTCTS a Single . IJEGAIJ DESCRTPTIoN: I,oT 43 zlocx ADDRESS:subdivision fut tyaJ 4,eF/J* 5 encl (500) (900) OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRT5 fu* 4 I *AEAL PROPOSED USE Sihe Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaIl . Parking caraf crppt4'6.2t4 i l4,qt3 d 3, 16, J neqra ..-li-- -l ::::ry Complies wit. ted Slope 8 t proposed Stope t Ordinance Yes YES 1) Flood plain 2l Percent Slope l< > 3O%,t 4 &o/" 3) Geologic Hazardsa) snow Aval_anche y',b) nockf all ---=-- c) oebris rtow 4 ) wet,lands No--/ Water Course Setback (30)r56t - Do Finish Grades Exceed Environmen tal /Hazards : 2:L (501) View Corridor EncroachmenE: yes NO No-r' Does lhis i-egiiesL iuvuive a 250 A<iriition?How much of rhe allowed 250 AddiCion-is--useffiTEtTis Previous conditions of approval (check property file): regues t,? Community Development Plan Routing Form j Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) D/ Approved with conditions ,aot"*/ OzJ C-o,we/. -'-,te zia<& tS /rt6)2't n 2J-.- 4 b.:,<4tz'vtza44 7rz /4-/ 2/t /-Auro-J 2*c rfu,z.Z 70. Reviewed av:46€Date: /"2o" 't "/ i sNI BYI S{n\ -llrlt L-i" r,rir"lir-r.) ii, 1,, v i s- ?-gE i 4l51Plt| I ' '''l,,f,n;lrrrrltllr f , u_1 (1} 't st q trP. o ol,t\tl \ t asBrg{Elu=gncAnn rrig, _nts wgul;iln coN qE$rcI.:}N L'r brFo -t a It-l I tq srtrt{l.'(tOJ\ OPOroF\tl tJ'rtA K Fn 'tJo 6-*oorlctoo 1r! rt Fo oBF- ,.Or.r't -.t!f rd $Frc'frtrOe(t h<dat ,xffi 30s4?631ri0i# 3/obo.-e I'l{IS AGREEI{E}IX' RF,GARDING EAS.E}'E1{T nND CONFITRUCJION ( hhle 'Agt'eemnylttt;, datad ns of, the rlth rlEy of npri.l| \994r lo by and beguadn L,ARRY R. GF.i\cE and 6AI{A fr, GRACE (oolleetlvely, rrGrnc€rrr) and LEI,AND J. AI.,FERT (rrAlp6rtil) r UTTUEg&FfH: I,lHbREfis, Larry R. orae6 ind, Sarg L" €race qra tha ovlnars olcertaln real property located ln tlre County of, Eagla, stabe of Colosafr,o, more partlculanly de*orlbed ar follows (trLot 41rt) t IJot, 4:., Gl6n lJyon EuFdlv{elonl aooordlnE to the Arnen<ledPItrt r€oordid July 18, 19?8, dn Booh e7z Et Pag6 370, county of Eeglr, Stata of Colorado, ae rrplatted to bE Paroe1 A and Farcal E, Flnal PIab, a heeubdivlalon o€I,ot 4x, Arnendad Plat dJ,€n Lyon Subdllvlslon, Toun of Vail, EagIe Countyr Coloradof aoforcting to th1r toRp therea{rscorded In lhs rccordg of tha clerK *nd P.acorder of Eagl.e couhty, stat€ of Colorado (rrFinal Pl.sttt); and Wltm.EAs, L,elenci;I . A]part 1e tlre (Jwner of oertaJ-n r'ralprop€rty located ln the county of EeEle, $tate 6g colora(io' motrcparbicularly deecrlbed ag fdLl,awd (rtl'.ot {'3rr} t r.ot {3, Glen Lyon subdivlalon, gdc.lfdllhg ta bhr Anelld$dPlat recorded fiiLy 18, 1978, ltr Rook z?1 at Pagc 3?0, eounty of, Eaglo, statE of coloradol and 1{I{EREA5, Lrarry R. Clracg and SEra L. HracB, aa onn€rs ol l,st {1, lnd r,eEll€ W, Findell and Btth B. Flhdall (collectlvrly,rlFlndell") | aE o\.rnbrs of L,ot il!r antered Into that' certBln Eassnent and Jolnt Mlintensnce DaclcraElon dated fBhruaLY L5r !993 anq. reoorded F€bruary ea, 1993, ln Bpolt 60l st PeEr 986 Ol the ref,rpf,operty recardi oi ErgI6 County, colorqdo (tho ?'Edsesant Detiaraiion'r), pursuf,nt to whlch Eaee$ent Deolaration Gracl oonveysd t.o'flndetf q non-excluslva pem&nent easennnt lnr - onl ovclf acrone and threugh Lot 41 for lngterc/rgrree in and ta Lot 43i and I{HEREAs, Irarry R. GrEca and S&ra L' ExsoBf as ownars of, Lot 41, anrl Lealle-l{. Flndgll anql BBth B. Flndell; 86 oHrl€rg of Lob t3, alao sntered lnto thrt oertain AgrEenent dated Sabruury 151 1993 and recorded S6bruEry 22, tggx, ln bcok 601 at,PBga gBt of.thH' real property reocrds of fagle County, Colorqdo (tht |tdonEtrucelon Agreeirsnit'),- whloh sonetrultlon ngi+enrnt provldeo' among otlrar thlnga, fof'the conatruotlon of, a drlveway qoirtinuat,lon from Lob 41 t;-ilt'lr ae diptotea on Exh.lblS--E ntteqdod therato (th€ nDrlYeway Continuatlsnttl t and Il.6r.r [603!,00r91 \t'L*:fl , ,- ,-ru i 4r5rPtl i fu+ol,rs"3034?03100 i# 4 rrOilst ln lntereat to Flndalf uncler conatructlon igreemrnti and WHEREAS, Albart la ths ;u€osEgorboth tha Eaaimcni Dcolaratlon and the wHnREJ\g, tho locatlon df the eaaenant grtntnd by. Graqta ln the Eaerneni niciarriiron is-not 8eE forth ln td. Eaaenent D60larrtl'on and the tocatton of thB orlvewny eontlnuf,tlon lc only rqughly Fat forth ln thr conetruotlon Agrlrnrnt; and WHEREAS, tha partlEd h6reto f,ealre tp docunenL tha locatlon of th€ €asen6nt'Eranded by tha Eaaenent Dtolarttlon and the locnhlon of Lhe nrlVaviny Contlhuatlon ta ba oonattuotc.<l purfuanb to thd Conqtruc!1on Agrctnent, NOW, |IHnREFORET for goOd and valUn]:le- cnnRlderaLlott, th6 recnlpt 'and .Uif,loi+ncy of whloh ara h.rsby acknowlodgndr thr Bartiee hcreto covsnanL and agrea aE f,ollowE! l. to+5tfuis of -EatEE€Jll. Exntbtt A dcearj.ttJng_ tha rrglrs$rnhnt Arean for tha gdsiilfrf-FanGl fy Grecs to Flndell tn Paragtaph. I of the EaCornant Dtolaretlon waB n'oE atBaehed to thn docurnsnt it the time of the recordlnE theresf,. subject to ptrngrePh 3 Eet fotth belowr EXhl"U[CitiiEn*O nrreto anO by tnlg refrrrndo Inoorporated trrialitG-[EGEv--aeEaraa to be ana- rhrtl be EtthlblL Ir to tha ii"i[cnc oeEriiatron ana aegerlhat th€ rrEsBce€nt A:'eqrr def,Ineil andl rqfcrenoed ln the Easenenu DadlarBtlon. 2, . (ftlTh€prrtlgnheretgsok$owl€dgethatcongLrqctlonoftha dr{vewdy'on-i.ot' ii-irort Weethaven Lana 1o tha lmprov€Bente on Loh 41 purairant tJpiraeraph i;i tha construqtlon nst::Tglt !11been oonplEt,ed {Ertoipt fbr itre top-coab of pavehar,rt) qnd that' sal(r drlvaway- conpllee ;ifi €h; ilr""-it the Cottltruohloir f\greernant and haa been accrpted by tha part'iaa hcrtEo. (b)Thepartlagheretoacknowl€dgethatc-onef.ructlonofthe ortvew'af eonif'n"oitlon ,:rstl r',oL 41 tb r,ot 43 pursy3nt-^f! Faragraph r ot iii conatrucblon Agre€nent ha€ lob ya.t .bc!ncorrnincld. rhO partlag achnoryledlge -6-nd sgrs6 thBti E\rbJfl.ct to pnraEraph I i.t^-Jortfr ilI&, tf,e location of the Drlveway iliiliriitoir, iilo"o wtren bhe eana ahalt be construoted' Ehlll b€ "r.lt, iJr{rt on'qx.hthii s Etteahed hereto and by thln rsf€ronqe lncorForated herrln. ('| (t fJl.-t I s^l\l \t I6 90(rt trr ts ro A e aJ1 F -.1 \J x l\, 'oi4 (3 3, (a) Thr Partlrl h€r€by aaP-nowleagg lqat Gxnca Le or shall be attenptfng';; .-"freit"-ihe Orlv*wuy--co.nt:lnuation eo that it croceaa a portrl'n ;i ili-il;-qiil ;-ryn syil$v11r-o;r, accordlns-to th6 Anended FlEt rit"raii July 16 , tize, ln Boolt.272 ^t Puqa 370r county of Easra, Eta{;;i coforado "[;i.it-a2nff-tnarcby p_r6_vldlng €tra rlstdentiEt'uni{'ioo.tea qn the' touthtrly porqlon of l.,ot '11fraplatted aE ParJef !i wittr nora tront yaia- ar€a' ,. AIry ?utt"tieflcatlon of thE Drlveriay Conttnuatlon rhall regulre ull€ consBnc "i-ALi""t, wnfitr oons""t' ehall no; br unroaaoniibly wltlrlreld or 3!1d1.! lororl,!oltt llAR'-26-96 TLIE 1g | 55 SENT BYI AII]DESS CADI1US R, E, i 3_ 1_S5 i 4|53Pll i ,,,r ro,Qro?,'3rBB $0309 4 $445' P,05 3034?SB',lB0 iH 5 t {:i}Sie del{ryed i.fI (1} the Drlvaway Contlnuntloll al| so 16loefltqld prcvldnn reeEonabry equrvarlrif ;;;";i to- tnq ii"t-l'ot +l'- conpJ':Lss wlth il]1 reuulternnnts for eiilll*i"! br. r,op *r.-rtpog3a-PI g-a-":tnmental or duaal-qovernrnental authorltlal havlng Jurfedlotlon avtrr Lct 43 and iil;;;i';;;a;;';;" dltf rculh.o. ooelr'y the dnvrloptnent of Loe 43' ahd(tr)$,ettretr-CIwnar-;itnt.raeralniigrunl!-looated.onthe soubharry portton oi"'#t nI ii,iprrttaa eE Parcel B) pave (x) any oontldtrablon to "fe "iato- do 'urt ownar of Lot 12 ror Eucn rclocatlonl plue (v) any cogta autoola{.d wtttt tns conEt'ructJ-on of tlra Dr rvewav cont rirl"Eiln-; ; ;" T?it-;Rdd t;lgncqng-o3' the costs o r conatrucblon of rhe Drtveway conttnuati;; iilTfrE-location cleacrJ-bed en- lxnfn$-l attrcb*d herabo ' (b) In thc event that. the Drlvoway contslnuatlon lc rEloqarrd !,ursuant'iJ piiiii*ptt.itai--ir"ve, the ownErs of t',ot '11 (raplattnd "" p"rJ"fi ona-}1t'""r i)'B;A-t;; own"r-or l',ot 43 nhall intbr lnto a furthrr rElendllenL to trrc-ilieJ""ni _oaotatatrcn and thE conerruqblon ngr*i;;r,t, -iJ tne _ "or"'It-"- "rninciea by thlE Aoreenent I whlch furbher "rri'iiiil -"["ii- ua pr.JJe',o li'iioor& to rsd;f ine the Er'crn.nb AreE sat iocth on Efninil.f :"11""111-ttcreLo and bhe locatlon of, tha Driveway contln-uaET6i eert forth. .on Fxhthi!-B atstaohdd hcreto t"-i"i;-ip;ratt rnd ttireat suoh partled' agreentnE aa to thc relocatio"-'l?iii" nrtvoway contlnuqtlort' (c) Under no clreunltancen bhdll llF!*}'e rlqht t'o oonatruot tlre prfl'reuay contlnunt{on'ue ttelayea 6y'ieason of the tcrna or thle p"tiillii' i;it;.; In tt'i"?Elt+-;nllid r\rner! declre ro oormenc, "orr"ittTiii ,i'Tni brtiewiy-contlntratlon pi:lor to Lhe rubnlttal to nrpe?i- fi"' -p'ipf".'a. i'lill"liiilfilli-:"d desrsn ror the Drlveway cotirnti"tGti-"fir"rr ni" r*rrr appro-ved bv tlre t-hen ownerE or l,ot cr'[fipiuttecl ae -p-"to'Ji A in; iiig9t n) air<l the thrn avrntrB of [,ot *r*; "ii;;;t" "r'ai1 tr*vc - tn" ri'ght ' to Bo conunetrc€ conetruct:Lon or -ii'i'-[iiu9"iy. cotriii"ofion ln lte- rocatlon as ::ffi [*:t;Jl"ffi "*i"I-i#,1*#:;',"11il't":H[:{+iilrrroqa.' tne prrvlw-afi;;ii;t"tLon prliJ'Jant €o rai:aq.rapn 3 (a) abovr eharr auronnrrcaf+"i#i;;i;;d ;Elra uirhour alry rurth.r retron of anY klnd. Lh (r:*: bJ I (/, ".1 Trc cttcr A {+ +\ (n -.1 ft (.J 16 o enoV. I nonixq]uslve e-asomsnt4. lce64q-ElarenEn?--f,er-ri&ErlrEr$i|l'- it'ii'i--i;iio", ghorlfffor lngteaE-GaGErell il !j-t*J-jj:rntrar .*tnerq.nc.7 aeltt"la" an 4 r r -t;l'J|IEL __r.6.l|rr!=14 ' F--in{gd to all po}loe. FnEf rr-r tror tnsreaE-lna esresr ie halan1 q"lili?.i"JiJo5"Ii; "el""ia" ani ! I r e pr o be st I on,. .' fil; ";;-l$."-€l* ". J lt'":'T:ts il Tv*i' il; ; ; $; ;llre proLectlonr. anbulanoe Errlfi u'-rrt',- "ad" a-io" i6'l'+g r-to-entar uponilii.ill-now or'harsot!:f "Hyl:1",s^1,*o" ut-rh'n r,ot -aJ'-i" tt,.psrcons-r no\'t or harsatter servrsr'rre "Iiri- .iitfti.n l,irt 41 inili--iii"li; dr{v"-e 1".d. . }"ht" roc a p"tf"itonci of thtlr dutles' 5' AnEFdmtDtF. (a) Both th€ Egranent' Deolaratlon ?I'd thd conEtrustlon Asreenent are.treri'nv-lit""ata ana noiiii;-t; [ira' axtent eet forbh tn the prEcedlns ;ii"g'$1i--f,tli;;ii'"'ent' lll et ehe terdo'' pr ovle lone and cond itfqni canta rnea In"[ua i-a aasrent o"TfJftt t"l'nllt the conetruotlon ngr""orlnt'- a6. arlended ln this Agrs' opntlnue lil tuf r roicc And etfdct'o "ni-fitJ;aaeruenu beolsr:etlon and !t.l6t'! [0JoJ3.ml9l iU4tja4r' tha, -Construotlan J\gtrarH.rnt, aE nodlfl-ed harcby, ar6ratlfled, realflrroed-and rdpublkh6d. _ (b) The acepee easeltrlnt phown Rs oross hatehod on thiFlrial PIat le hareby rbandoned rnd fBplrsed by thr aecear eaeenentdoecribed on Ft{hlhft A ettidbed herBto, hrhtch aoqreg eaeemcnL l"agglllltqd only for lhe bansf,lt af Lob 4s and for the purpoeeaFtat€d in paragrnph 4 abova. Thr partleF BckrowlEdge itra€ theFtnal ?Iat nay ba anendad aubrrquant to ttra date of thls Agrcendntto r6tle6L the aforcrald changei ln eush qarenent, ln wntcU event!h" lqtetnant relleot,edl on Eutrh-a$Bnd6d plat nnd tha acceee eaBen?ntdrscr{btd on Exhtbtt 4 atteohrd heretd shall bo one and tha aatre. 6. 4l,ecelJana-elrilEilrylr;lc.ul. (6) Er]rarf.hj.l.lfg' rl any provJ"alon of thla ngreenent otrthe.appllcatlon theraol ho any rntlty, p*rrEon or olrcunBterlloc Eharr.bc lnvalld' lllegal or unenforceahla to eny dxlenL, the rernalnde-rof- thla egreemeni. and the appllcation of t.ha provlir!.ons her+of !ooeher entltlEr, BarBon€t or clrcum*tanaee Fhall not b* aff,cotadtheraby and 6hell be Inforced tso ths full*et axtent pernibted bylav. (b) g,gLt'llclll-!s--I.sw. Agreancnb ehell, br conetrucd inlawE of the Etatr of oolorado,lawa prlnelplee. (c) 8j,ngj..qS,-nf,$J:S' Thta Agrsemetrt ehall run with thsland cornprlelng Lot 41 and Lot 4g and ehall be bln<llng upon andlnurs to t,hc brrrellt of tha parblee harabo and thelr rnepeeblverhcire, lagal reprettntatlv€g, sucqerEoro arrd amJ.gne - (d) Ci-LgtCnE. TtrE paragraph nnd caohLon cnptlonautillzeil hereln ara ln no way lntsndeit to lnterprit or llrnlt thn terrne and oondltlone hereotf but ftther, thcy Era lntended forpurpolts cf convrnlenoe on1y. (o) grn{ef.. AII vtorda harc.ln whloh ara ltxpt€seed l-n tho neuler gcn,iei sl'iTf la dleentd tq lneludo the naucullne, fenln{na and neuier gan.!€rE and eny vrord herein whloh la expr*raid ln thr singular or-plural Ehall'br d66lrsd, whenever apprSpriata ln tha oontext, to {notudo thc plurtl and the cingular, racpecLlvely' (ft counttrl:etts. rhls AgrcrYltnk nay be exequted ln.any numbe; ot tiountEFar{il caoh e! vhtjrr rhall be-deem+d an orLg.tnal and all of whloh itratt'be talC,en to bs on.l and ttra raroe ineLruncnt'for th€ eerna efieot Es ii ilf ot tha Partlad hereto had aigrrad ths Fatne elgnatutl page. Any elgnature Ffige of, thla Agrreement nay.be tlEtachad frorn any oounLdrpart of thlg Agraenent wrtllout. llnparrlng th€ lrEdt cffeo!-cf any olEnaturra therson And rqf,y be atbachQd to anothri countelpart ot'thti Agracrnent ldontlqal ln form horeto ltub havlhg attaohdd'to lt trnr or rnors addltlonal elgnature pagrr. :JllJ,t/iiJtdlj'il ,r ot\353 lrerebrlr Th€ t+rne and provLelonn of thLa socordancn lllth tnd governe<l by the wlthoub rlsqrd bo lte qotlfllct of (Jl (Jt 6 9'+l t! tel rl9..ll I(o cxt(,l <t ''\ Fro utF |n ts-lr.d t!.{* or{ F(5 3l{rtl I lrn(l3t.ml9l - 1-v5 i 4i54Fl't i WHBRJOT, thr Frrtlesthe driy and year flrsb fu40445+ 3U347S310Uifi i I}{ 19I1'NnssAgreenent aE of hareEo have execurcd 9rt:'*ahove wrlttan. Le1and fr, Alpert B*63? F-985 Q4lL8/94 oE!l?F PG o oF 10634d3? A-lrF.l lG0Jr.C019l -':.. ' !)t -,. tl iil rN WrTNEES AglreBnant 66 of 04trJ l0l0!!.$rtl WHEREOF' the PartleFthi day and Year lirat r.rus55 hercbo have aneoltted ttr lF abov€r wFJ.t herr ^ , t I,arry R. Graoa 6340g? B-83? P-e86 04/18/S4 O6!l?F Po 6 OF IO ; 3" t-95 i 4i55!.ll i t{ie4l)445"' 3Ut+l0JiUri ifl g gfATE OT corJNry or COLORADO )) tt. ) cccS,Li HEr I cn I|rfttt F- i! (Jl P.n fB tr ..:ffi o tt. Tbi faa€Bolng lnatruroitlt tvaa aoknoil.J.edgnrlday of AFrIl, 19$4, by Lelsnd J. llpert. WITNBS8 ny hand and offloial gaal . tly tromnilrlon erplratr before na Hotery FulrLlo thla _ ' ..tl.-.- _Thl fgT"S?lnS lngtrument var aoknolrt€dgfld bnfore me thJ-a Jkday af Aprll, 1994, by trarry R. crae6. WITfiEgg ny h6nd and offlolel frcrL, Hy connrerlon cxplra ", 7/*o/f l STATE OS cou$rY 08 g!ATE OF COLORADO COUIIrY oF - !h" foragolag instrunenL wae acknowledg.ecl befora ne thte 8*d6y of )lprll ,-lgFi, by Eara L. cra(!e. lfIlINEEg ny hand and otflclal aeal. uy conntlsElon explreng OAIL BWL FERRY NOTAf,Y PUBLIC $TATE 0F CotofitDo lrty comrtrrton hlhl 9i09i A-Ert.,' [Nn!!.00ttl o <rlr STATB OF COUNTY OF 6TATH OF COIJORADO 6f .qJ+6(d\t0", o|ninill:ti*H lnerrunrnr wcF a.,knowrrdsadr Df f.,arry R. crfiCr. NrTltEgg $ry h*nd and ofrlislal.. naql. Hy oorarnlaalon explraer hFf,ore bafore rna thj.e tr,Ifit,*t I 10 @grl ('t H -€ E6t c6 rrat c' I I I I i coutrrY or .I).f&are- _ .- d"v' olhiplil:tlill, tli$H* 1i" ^l#T.t edseq he{ora s,E th rr,-&t* wITNEsg ny hand and of,flcl&l rraL. Hy oonnJgglon rxplrear fiF$HE, ffi$;t-Er-j;- HFr E5. o o, o Ininf ?i:tl ;i?, *i?t:H.l.w6 r? rsknorgr edsed I{rrllEEF rny hrnd, Fnd offlplal eeat. Hy comtlaslon explret: 0eJ5? ne thl.s "#*n^I a1rr., lotot!.F et TUt lgr0l BRANDESS CADIIUS R. E.' i 3- ?-85 i 4r56Pl'l i ENHrIrr A - rAsE!{E}q_-4$.4 PROFERTY I}ESCRIPTIOI{ A_16 Poot rtd? rtrtF of lgnd.tyrng-c.lthtn Ftncl plo.t, 6 R?rubdtvrftDnof Lot-4t r Ananded F tat S!:n _Lfpn'$rAd tvls I on, ucsori, tos'[o-[hi ""pthr.rro9 r+cardrd rn thp trff te.-qf the fq$ir-C6unti,' Ci'i6riio,"6trrf.:11-IfS:ttl,f !9.!t"lF lvtns E rrrt on-tadr e tui'rF-'i[i-iotri'rnsdEstrrlFrq cmtrnl llltr Begtnntng tt o potn.t on thg rrrttrty llna of sllot Lqt {t rthrncerhr ndFthrcrrrFly c6rntF af.Le* 4l h:qn N00ft6'at.E {2.p7 FreirthFiea. departlng lold fd.ft$"!y llne, B+.tB ftct olotro tht ors oFo non-tonBfirr r_r4ryg_!! !ry-lrftr hoylhE a rndtui op S,00 fstt, IFEntq!.g{Ftt oF lE7r3l'il'r qnd o chofo iAqt brqrrqqt:!5:t8'9 58.17 frf+t t*rmer BilrE6,t0rE 64,15'frru thencrat,9! tSel atong thr_aFg oF +icur^vr to thJ riphl,-tivini"o"""aru,oP 83.00 fr;*r i E n*ral anglq of. 6Er0!r00., i;d-a-;ft;il tf.,it-bserr EE0{33,q7.y t{.78 frrtrr llhrncr sss.m;Eili taiijg' F.rii-thenct 49'86 Frrt clong thr 9rr of ! crtrvs to tht iri*, t,ovino q T-adluF 165,!0_fgt.-c irntrlgtlsnglt Ef l7'lB'{6'f mC i chord-thot brart g{4'e+'09:l{ 19,67 Frct *o thr pornt oi trrntnus'onthr.foutfisFly tl!1!. g!-t+!{..tg! fl rhrner thb southrcrtrnty cornerof lot {l broru l{F r4t'll'9 60.06 frrt, Tha ctdr llhlr of sntd ctplp art lrnglhrnrd on shonttnrd tatrrn lnctr st 'thr pr@Erty t tnf r, s00 6810{ togethrr rt*hr Tha rartenty 6,6? frrt oF thr abqve sotd Lot /tl. r:rtfndtne fronthe coruton ltnE pf Lot,ft qnd llirttnwn Clrclc north "to tFr th't€rsastlon vlth thr qbovs drrcrlbrd. t6 foot rtFtp. i n*:, -{4lrt,- ,. DI(.,rr ^t .0t) t?o0 I +l tfr t (btn A F rP qiA (p tJl F rp or{ p ffoe46445-' f,/.y' Til t &eF tureftr tsoB * 6W *64v's* Deparmant qf4'annnalty ltwalopntcnt 3034'lS0100is ? 0ENr .i S- T-uS i llSlPll ; rumv0r 73 SawhfirrrlltagtRoad ValI, Colorado 81657 tils -419-t | 38 1 47".!r3p FAX tAg-179-2452 Aprll14, 1994 Mr, LcrtY Otroo ! Ohuruhlll&lvr Englowood, CO t0110 Rt: Apcrrf ecms Ltit flr Olsn Lyon nubClvlrlon to Lgt 40' Olcn Lyon subdlVlelon Dcrr Larryr Aft$ trtf{ns wlth MIG ltrlaoer ln ill| Fltc D6partmtnt -hr hla oonooptually applwod the iirirlm-too,i wUt rcsari rirrmrnt 4010.0 your lot to Lot tls' Comilenoe wlth tlt Unil6fll1 Flri Oodtloosrr ilildrHt-wllt bf l$ukid.whrn Lot 4g tl il';ifipil, fhi| #i 1;13iild ; fi ;i;mur]tyliin tor 6ra rtrnturt rnc/or provldlns e flre tril['ifii-gr!fi4 ;n'toi 43;ThrrliiruiJwiin6a to nr worked o-ut yvttlr lhr Town of Vnll wlin uiviioilrnni on uoiib il'ffih6i;.i. if *rq 1m3r-t19.!lil6en foat wldr lccill nrdlns to Lot 40 apiaarr h Provld€ rdlqrfti lln rEs|rr to |nr l!r' I you hev0 Rny addnionrl quiltlon3 abqu!t!! R$ OtFerbnsnt rrqulnmfntt, plaasa do not h41rb t0 cill Mr, rtlm r*ri[i-j'ii'i6| i;il nt" Oipgtmrnt- Hr cin-b-r.rorch'd tt 479'2260' Fiiiira cdfr rne n rcrn Ai'ir rnyiritrtrnor, lfln'be rernhrd rt 47s'4190. {,, Mlkl McCisc Oeorua Lrmb Lerry Eik$rlth t r-,.AND rO", cuARANTEEIoMPANY SENTRY CONSTRUCTION, INC., AN ILLINOIS CORPORATION P.O. BOX 7005 ELGIN, IL 601.23 Dear Customer: Land Tj-tle Guarantee Company is pleased Eo provide you wiEh your Owner's Title Insurance Policy. This valuable documenE insures good and marketable Eitle to your property. Please review the policy in its entireEy. We at Land TitLe GuaranEee Company believe in providing you, our customer, wiEh a qualiEy producE which will serve your needs. In Ehe evenE you do find any discrepancy, or if you have anyquestions or comments regarding your final policy, please contact the following department and we will gladly handle any request you may have as efficiently and guickly as possible. TITI-,,E DEPARTPIENT TEr_,EPHONE # (303) 4'75-225r. FAX # (303) 476-4s34 PI.EASE REFER TO ORDER NO. V2525893 Should you decide to sell the property described in Schedule A, or if you are required to furnish a new uiule commitment for mortgage purposes, you may be entitled uo a credit toward future t.it1e insurance expenses. Land Tit,le Guarantee Companywilt retain a copy of the enclosed titsle policy, and in the event you do need future services, we witl be in a posit.ion to again serve you prompEly and efficiently. Thank you very much for giving Land Tit1e Guarantee Company Ehe opportunity to serve you. t 0 wner's Policy I{o. American Land Title Association 0wner's P0licy 10-17-92 SUBJECI TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROIV COVEBAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDIIIONS AND STIPULATIONS, 0LD REPUBLIC NATI0NAL TITLE INSUBANCE C0MPANY, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company. insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss 0r damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of. L Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested other than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on the title; 3. Unmarketability of the title; 4. Lack of a right 0f access t0 and from the land. The Company will also pay the costs, attorneys'fees and expenses incurred in defense of the title, as insured, but only t0 the extent provided in the Conditions and Stipulations. lN WITNESS WHEBE0F, the said 0ld Republic National Title Insurance Company has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed bv its dulv authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the p0licy to be valid when countersigned by an aulhorized officer or agent of the Company, EXCLUSIONS FROIV COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded lrom the coverage ol this policy and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' Iees or expenses which arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordinance or governmentai regulation (including, but not limited to, building and zoning laws, ordinances, or regulations) restricting. regulating, prohibiting or relating to {i)the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land; (ii)the character, dimensions or location ol anv improvement now or hereafter erected on the land; (iii) a separation in ownership or a change in the dimensions or area of the land or any parcel of which the land is or was a pan; or (iv) envrronmental protecti0n, 0r the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances or governmental regulations, except t0 the extent that a notice 0f the enlorcement there0f or a notice of a defect, lien or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged vi0lation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. (bl Any governmental police power not excluded by (a)above, except t0 the extent that a notice 0f the exercise thereof or a notice 0f a delecr. len or encumbrance resulting from a violation or alleged violation affecting the land has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy. 2. Rights of emanent domain unless notice of the exercise thereof has been recorded in the public records at Date of Policy, but not excluding from cOverage any taking which has occuned prior to Date of Policy which would be binding on the rights 0f a purchaser lor value without knowledge. 3. Delects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters: (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company, not recorded in the public records at Date oi Policy, but known to the insured claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the insured claimant prior to the date the insured claimant became an insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or creating subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained i{ the insured claimant had paid value for the estate 0r interest insured by this policy. 4. Any claim, which arises oul of the transaction vesting in the insured the estate 0r interest insured by this policy, by reason oJ the operation o{ federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that is oaseo on: (a) the transaction creating the estate 0r interest insured by this policy being deemed a fraudulent conveyance or fraudulent lransfer; or(bl the transaction creating the estate 0r interest insured by this policy being deemed a preferential transfer except where lhe preferential transfer results from the failure: (i) to timely record the instrument of transferj or (ii) of such recordation to impart notice to a purchaser for value or a iudoment or lien creditor. i-$j lssued through the lffice of: LAND TITLE GUABANTEE COIT|PANY 108 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAO W P,0. Box 357 vAtL, coLoMDo 81 657 3qi/476 2251 OTD REPUBTIC iIAII(lI{At TITTE II{SUBAl{CE COMPAI1IY A Stock Conpany 400 Seclnd Avenue Sluth, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 1612) 371.1r I l Jfi*q 4tufl- Authorized Signatory oFI Fonn 4{n0 - ALTA owrer's P0|iy i0-l /-91 Secretary CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1. Definition of Tems. The following terms when used in this policy mean: (ai "insured":the insured named in Schedule A, and, subject to any rights or defenses the Company would have had against the named insureo, those who succeed to the interest of the named insured bv ooeration of law as distinguished from purchase including, but not limited t0, heirs, distributees, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of kin, or c0rporate or fiduciary successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or damage. (c) "knowledge" or "known": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by reason 0f the public records as defined in this policy or any other records which impart constructive n0tice 0l matters affecting the land. (dl "land": the land described or refened to in Schedule A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property. The term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area described 0r referred to in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement an abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes. ways or waterways, but nothing herein shall modify or limit the extent to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": m0rtgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other secuntv Instrument. (f) "public records": records established lnder state statutes at Date of Policy for the purpose of imparting constructive notice of matters relating t0 real property to purchasers for value and without knowledge. With respect to Section 1ia)(iv)of the Exclusions from Coverage, "public records" shall also include environmental prolection liens liled in the records 0f the clerk of the United States District Court for the district in which the land is located, (S) "unmarketability of the title": an alleged 0r apparent matter alfecting the title t0 the land, not excluded 0r excepted from coverage. which would entitle a purchaser of the estate 0r interest described in Schedule A t0 be released trom the obligation to purchase by virtue of a contractual conditi0n requiring the delivery of marketable litle. 2. Continuatizn 0f lnsurance After Conveyance 0f Tttle. The coverage ol this policy shall continue in force as oi Date of Policy in favor of an insured only so long as the insured retains an estale or interest in the land, or holds an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a purchaser from the insured, or only so long as the insured shall have liability by reason of covenants of warranty made by the insured in any transfer or conveyance of the estate or interest. This policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from the insured of either (i) an estate 0r interest in the land, or (ii)an indebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given to the insured. 3. Notice of Clain to be Given by lnsured Clainant. The insured shall notify the Company promptly in writing (i) in case of any litigation as set forth in Section 4(a) below, (ii)in case knowledge shall come to an insured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate 0r interest, as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy, 0r (iiil if title t0 the estate or interest, as insured, is rejected as unmarketable. lf prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then as 10 the insured all liability of the Company shall terminate with regard 10 the matter or matters for which prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure t0 notify the Company shall in no case prejudice the rights of any insured under this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the prejudice. 4. Defense and Prosecutiln 0f Actilns: Dutv of lnsured Clainant to Cooperate. (a) Upon written request by the insured and subject to the options contained in Section 6 ol these C0nditions and Stipulati0ns. the Company, at its own cost and without unreasonable delav, shall provide for the defense ol an insured in litigation in which any third party asserts a claim adverse to the title or interest as insured, but only as to those stated causes of action alleging a defect, lien or encumbrance 0r other matter insured against by this policy. The Company shall have the right to select counsel 0f its choice (subject to the right of the insured t0 obiect for reasonable cause) l0 represent the insured as to those stated causes of action and shall not be liable for and will not pay the fees ol any other counsel. The Company will not pay any fees, costs or expenses incurred by the insured in the defense of those causes 0f action which allege matters not insured against by this policy. {b) The Company shall have the right, at its own cost. t0 institute and prosecute any acti0n 0r proceeding or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest, as insured, or t0 prevent or reduce loss or damage to the insured. The Company may take any appropriate action under the terms 0f this policy, whether or not it shall be liable hereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this policy. lf the Company shall exercise its rights under this paragraph, it shall do so diligently. (c) Whenever the Company shall have brought an action or interposed a defense as required or permitted by the provisions of this policy, the Company may pursue any litigati0n to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its s0le discretion, to appeal from any adverse iudgment 0r order. (d) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to pr0secute or provide for the defense of any action or proceeding, the insured shall secure t0 the company the right to s0 prosecule or provide defense in the action or proceeding. and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name of the insured for this purpose. Whenever requested by the company, the insured, at the company's expense, shall give the Company all reasonable aid (i) in any action or proceeding, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, prosecuting or delending the action or proceeding, or effecting settlement. and (ii) in any other lawful act which in the opinion of the Company may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate 0r inlerest as insuted. lf the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the insured to furnish the required cooperation, the Company's obligations to the insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecute, 0r continue any litigati0n, with regard to the matter 0r matters requiring such cooperation. 5. Proof of Loss or Damage. ln addition to and after the notices required under Section 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations have been provided the Company, a proof of loss or damage signed and sworn to by the insured claimant shall be furnished to the Company within 90 days after the insured claimant shall ascertain the facts giving rise to the loss or damage. The proof ot loss 0r damage shall describe the defect in, or lien or encumbrance on the title, or other matter insured against by this policy which constitutes the basis of loss or damage and shall state, to the extent possible, the basis of calculating the amount ol the loss or damage. lf the Company is prejudiced by the failure of the insured claimant t0 provide the required proof of loss or damage, the Company's obligations to the insured under the policy shall terminate, including any liability or obligation to defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, with regard to the matter or matters requiring such proof of loss or damage. In additi0n, the insured claimant may reasonably be required to submit to examination under oath by any authorized representative of the Company and shall produce for examination, inspection and copying, at such reasonable times and places as may be designated by any authorized representative of the Company, all records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether bearing a date before or after Date of Policy, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. Further. if requested by any authorized representative of the Company, the insured claimant shall grant its permission, in writing, for any authorized representative of the Company to examine, inspect and copy a records, books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda in the custody or control 0f a third paq, which reasonably pertain to the loss or damage. All (Continued on inside back coveL) bor* oo t/gs. C Order No. V252593 norQ, uo. LTEHzszse3 AmounE $800,000.00 SCHEDULE A Address l-. Policy Date: ilune 04 , L9g6 aE 5:00 p.M. 2. Name of Insured: SENTRY CONSTRUCTION, INC., AI{ ILLINOIS CORPORATION 3. The esEat,e or interest in t.he land described in this Schedule and which is covered by this policy is: A Fee Simple 4. TiE.1e to tshe estate or inEerest. covered by t.his poticy aE tshedate hereof is vested in: SENTRY CONSTRUCTTON, INC., AN II-,I.INOIS CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in Ehis policy is situated in EAGL,ECounty, Colorado, and is described as follows: LOT 43, GLEN I-,YON SI'BDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE AMENDED PLAT RECORDED JUI-,Y 18, L978 IN BOOK 272 AT PAGE 370, COUiVTY OF EAGI,E, STATE OF COLORADO. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANYPage 1 This Policy valid only if Schedule B is attached. Form AO t/95,rder No. V252593 I pori"v No. LT,,H252ss3 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of Lhe following: 1. Rights or cl-aims of part,ies in possession not shown by thepublic records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortsage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey andinspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, ormat.erial EhereLofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by 1aw and not shown by the public records. 5. 1995 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TRE.A,ST'RERS OF'F]CE. 6. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENETRATE OR I}MERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 16, L909, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542 - 7. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IINITED STATES Ag RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Augiust, 16, 1909,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 542. 8. RESTRICTIVE COVENAI\ruS, WHICH DO NOT COTTAIN A FORFEITT'RE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORrGrN, AS COMTATNED rN TNSTRWENT RECORDED April 04, 1978, IN BOOK 268 AT PAGE 698 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED Augmst 25, L987,IN BOOK 458 AT PAGE 447 THROUGH 472 AND AS RERECORDED IN INSTRI'I\iIENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 15, 1-987 IN BOOK 459 AT PAGE 801, AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMEI{I RECORDED MAy 2, L990 rN BOOK 528 AT pAcE t-54. 9. SEWER EASEMENT 20 FEET IN WIDTH ACROSS SIJBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GIEN I,YON SUBDIVISION- CONVEYANCE OF SKI I.,IFT EASEMEMT TO VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. A}TD CASCADE VILLAGE METROPOLITA}T DISTRICT RECORDED JI]NE 23, 1-987 IN BOOK 464 AT PAGE 934. 11. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICT]ONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED AMENDED PLAT OF GLEN LYON SUBDIVISION. Page 2 Form AO A/95,O norr"y No. LTEH2s2s93rder No. V252593 SCHEDULE B 12. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMEI{T AND JOINT MAINTENANCE DECLARA'TION RECORDED February 22, L993 IN BOOK 601 AT PAGE 985. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMEIfT RECORDED February 22, 1993 IN BOOK 601- AT PAGE 987. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT REGARDING EASEMENT AI{D CoNSTRUCTTON RECORDED April 19, 1_994 rN BOOK 637 AT PAGE 98s AND RE- RECORDED ,JUIIY ].5 , L994 IN BOOK 545 AT P.AGE 521.. ITEMS ]- THROUGH 3 OF SCHEDULE B ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE STANDA.RD EXCEPTIONS ]S HEREBY DELETED AS TO ANY LIENS OR FUTIIRE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FI'RNISHED AT TIIE REQUEST OF I-,EI.,,AI[D J. ALPERT. OIrD REPUBLTC NATTONAL TITLE INSIIRANCE COMPANY SHAL,L HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY IJIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FIJRNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF SENTRY CoNSTRUCTTON, rNC., AN ILLINOIS CORPORATTON. Page 3 I ' :::::'::^::::;::;n:';'"':1,^*,^, by rne int c,aimant provided to the Company pursuant to this Section shall not be disclosed to others unless, rn rne reasonable judgment of the Company, it is necessary in the administration of the claim. Failure of the insured claimant to submit for examination under oath. produce other reasonably requested information or grant permission to secure reasonably necessary information from third parties as required in this paragraph shall terminate any liability 0f the Company under this policy as to that clatm. 6. 0ptions t0 Pay 0r ]therwtse Settle Claims; Termination of Liability. ln case of a clarm under this policy, lhe Company shall have the following additional ootions: (a) To Pay or Tender Payment of the Amount 0f Insurance. To pay or tender payment ot the amount of insurance under this policy, together with any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses incuned by the insured claimant, which were authorized by the Company, up t0 the time of payment or tender of payment and which the Company is obligated to pa!. Upon the exercise by the Company of this option, all liability and obligations to the insured underthis policy, other than to make the payment required. shallterminate, including any liability or obligation l0 defend, prosecute, or continue any litigation, and the policy shall be surrendered t0 rne Comoanv for cancellation. (b) To Pay or 0therwise Settle With Parties Other Than the Insured or (d to pay or othe*r'se settle with other parties for 0r in the name of an insured claimant any claim insured against under this policy, t0gether with any cOsts, attorneys'fees and expenses incurred by the insured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay; or(iil to pay or otherwise seftle with the insured claimant the loss 0r damage provided for under this policy, together with any c0sts. attorneys' fees and expenses incurred by the insured claimant which were authorized by the Company up to the time of payment and which the Company is obligated to pay. Upon the exercise by the Company of either 0f the options provided for in paragraphs (bNiI or (ii), the Company's obligati0ns to the insured under this policy for the claimed loss or damage. other than the payments required to be made, shall terminate, including any liability 0r obligation to defend. prosecute. or continue any litigation. 7. Deternination. Extent of Liability and Coinsurance. This policy is a contract of indemnity against actual monetary loss or damage sustained or incuned by the insured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of matters insured against by this policy and only to the extenl herein described. ia) The liability of the Company under this policy shall not exceed the least of: (i) the Amount 0f Insurance stated in Schedule A; or.(ii) the difference between the value 0l the insured estate 0r interest as insured and the value of the insured estate or interest subject to the defect, lien or encumbrance insured against by this policy. (b) In the event the Amount 0f Insurance stated in schedule A at tne Date of P0licy s less than 80 percent of the value of the insured estate or lnterest 0r the full consideration paid for the land, whichever is less, or if subsequent to the Date of Policy an improvement is erected on the land which increases the value of the insured estate or interest by at least 20 percent over the Amount 0f Insurance stated in Schedule A. then this policy is subject to the following:(i) where n0 subsequent improvement has been made, as to any partial loss. the Company shall only pay the loss pro rata in the proportion that the amount 0f insurance at Date of Policy bears to the total value 0f the insured estate 0r interest at Date of Policv; or (ii) where a subsequent improvement has been made, as to any partial loss, the Company shall only pay the loss pro rata in the proportion that 120 percent of the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A bears to the sum of the Amount of Insurance stated in Schedule A and the amount exoended for tne rmprovement. The provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to costs, attorneys' fees and expenses for which the Company is liable under this policy. and shall only apply to that portion oJ any loss which exceeds, in the aggregate, 10 percent of the Amount of lnsurance stated in Schedule A. (c) The Company will pay only lhose costs, aftorneys' fees and expenses incuned in accordance with Secti0n 4 0f these Conditi0ns and Stipulati0ns. L ADDottionment. lf the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more oarcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is established affecting one or more of the parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount 0f insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as t0 the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel t0 the wh0le, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as t0 each parcel by the Company and the insured at the lime of the issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement or by an endorsement aftached to this policy. L Linitation of Liability. {a) lf the Company establishes the title, or removes the alleged defect, lien or encumbrance, or cures the lack of a right of access to 0r from the land, or cures the claim of unmarketabilily oJ title, all as insured, in a reasonably diligent manner by any method, including litigation and the completi0n of any appeals therefrom. it shall have fully performed its obligati0ns with respect t0 that matter and shall not be liable tor any loss or damage caused thereby. (b) In the event of any litigati0n. including litigation by the C0mpany or with the Company's consent. the Company shall have no liability for loss or damage until there has been a final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction, and dispositi0n of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title as Insured. (c) The Company shallnot be liable for loss or damage to any insured for liability voluntarily assumed by the insured in settling any claim or suit without the pri0r written consent of the Company. | 0. Beducti1n 0f lnsurance; freducti1n 0r Ternination of Liability. All payments under this poliry. except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount 0f the insurance pro tanto. 1 l. Liability Non-cunulative. It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Company may pay under any policy insuring a mortgage to which exception is taken in Schedule B or to which the insured has agreed. assumed, or taken subject, or which is hereafter executed by an insured and which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this 00licv t0 the insured owner. 12. Paynent of Loss. (a) N0 payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of the payment unless the p0licy has been lost or destroyed, rn which case proof of loss or deslruction shall be furnished to the satislaction 0f the Comoanv. (bi When liability and the extent of loss or damage has been definitely fixed in accordance with these Conditions and Stipulations, the loss or damage shall be payable within 30 days thereafter. 13. Subrogation Upon Paynent or Settlement. (a) The Company's Right of Subrogation. Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vesl in the Company unaffecled by any act of the insured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated t0 and be entitled to all rights and remedies which the insured claimant would have had against any pers0n or property in respect to the claim had this policy not been issued. lf requested by the Company, the insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and (Continued on back covet.) (Continued fran inside cover.) remedies against any pers0n 0r properly necessary in ordEft0 perfect this right 0f subrogati0n. The insured claimant shall permit the C0mpany t0 sue, c0mpromise 0r settle in the name ol the insured claimant and t0 use the name 0f the insured claimant in any transacti0n or litigation rnvolving these rights or remedies. ll a payment 0n account of a claim does nol fully cover the loss of the insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to these rights and remedies in the pr0portion which the Company's payment bears to the whole amount ol the loss. lf loss should resu t from any act of the insured ciaimant, as stated above, that act shall not void this p0licy, but the Company. in that event, shall be required t0 pay only that part of any losses insured against by this policy which shall exceed the am0unt, iI any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment by the insured claimant of the Company's right of subrogation. (b) The Company's Rights Against Non-insured Obligors. The Company's right ol subr0gation against non-insured obligors sha exist and shall include, without limitation, the rights of the insured t0 indemnities, guaranties, other policies of insurance 0r bonds, notwithstanding any terms or c0nditions contained in those instruments which provide for subrogation rights by reason of this policy. 14. Arbhration. Unless prohibited by applicable law, either the Company 0r the insured mav demand arbitration pursuant to the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. Arbitrable matters may include, but are not limited to, any controversy or claim between the Company and the insured arising out of or relating to this policy, any service of the Company in connection with its issuance 0r the breach ol a policy provision or other obligation. All arbitrable matters when the Arnount of Insurance is $1,000,000 or less shall be arbitrated at the 0ption of either the Company or the insured. All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance is in excess of $1,000,000 shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the company and the insured. Arbitrati0n pursuant to lhis policy and under the Rules in etfect 0n the date the demand jor arb tration is mad'fr, at the option of the ii'3ured, theffules in effect at Date of Policy sha I be bindrng upon the parlies, The award may include attornevs' fees onlv if the laws 0f the state in which the land is located perrnit a court to award attorneys'fees t0 a prevailing party. Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrato(s) may be entered in any court having iurisdiction thereof. The law 0f the situs 0f the land shall apply t0 an arbitration under the Title Insurance Arbitration Rules. A copy of the Rules may be obtained from the Company upon request. 15. Liability Limited to this P1licy; P1licy Fntie C1ntract. (a) This policy together with all endorsements, if any, aftached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. In interpreting any provision of this policy, this p0licy shall be construed as a whole. (b) Any claim ol loss or damage, whether 0r not based on negligence, and which arises out of the status of the title to the estate 0r interest covered hereby or by any action asserting such claim. shall be resricted to this policy. (cl No amendment of 0r endorsement t0 this policy can be made except by a writing endorsed here0n or attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, or Validating officer or Authorized Signatory of the Company i'6. Severability. In the event any provision 0f the policy is held invalid or unenforceable under the applicable law, the policy shall be deemed not to include that provision and allother provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 17. Notices. Where Sent. All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the C0mpany shall include the number 0f this p0licy and shall be addressed to its Home Office: 400 Second Avenue South, Minneapolis. Minnesota 55401, {612]' 31 1 -1 11 1. o The WestinResort-Vail 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot 4l Mr. & Mrs. Larry Grace 3 Churchill Drive Englewood, CO 80118 Mr. HughMcCulloh 375 St. Paul Street Denver, CO 80206 Lot 42 Mr. & Mrs. Letschert C/O Galleon 1510 S. Tuttle Avenue Sarasota, FL 34329 I-at 44 Mr. & Mrs. Stone 615 Palisades Avenue Santa Monic4 CA 90402 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE ls HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning. and Environmentalcommission of the Town of Vait wi1 hotd a pubtic nr.r-itig i''i ir"l6rlld.J niitn Section 18.66.060 of the Municiolal Code oJ the iir" or Viir ori septemoeiz'i, rbge, n iioo i.rrl. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: Planner: A request for a conditional use permit for a Type ll EHU, to be located at 1225 westhaven LaneAot 43, Glen LYon Applicantr Sentry Construction, rep' by Mike Young George Ruther A reouest for a site coverage variance to allow for a one car garage' located at 742 Sandy LaneiLot 3, Vai[ Potato Patch 2nd Filing Applicant: Jeri CamPisiPidnner: Dominic Mauriello A reouest for a conditional use permit to allow for a miniature goll course in the CC2 Zone District, located at Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing Applicant: Charlie AlexanderPlanner: Dirk Mason A reouest for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the construction ol a walk-in freezet,located at S3'6 West Lionshead MalULot 5, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead l st Filing Applicant: Mitch GarfinkelPlanner: George Ruther ililililil The applications and information about the proposals are available in the ptoject planner's office Ourindieguiar office hours for publlc inspeciion', located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. PleasE call 479-21.|4 voice or479'2358 TDD for information. Community Development Department Published September 6, 1996 in the Vail Trail. q\' {M \nu o &4 .t o\ iliicellreers Gtdl Iten Paid 6rB6ss??s26g0g 16-B?-e6 -Ifli--- Pcr:eist * ?8?6€4::::.T;; cK*1122?Hrr:oLqri' Fgn gRmlhl6 siHrev coHslR\'BcND twgg,ss Hrl'ount t'endered ) ftroutlt Peid rB0oB.0B , E.as *- - burrcuUrltr,frue4paratuaqAeutlslioO.il***.l"r* agpsqeflriluufu*pun1,e;ou,ocoeuouadde1 -gyj}ly-0pT'fo41- ourlte a.d e ol ssat.srtatdfe perie ot rnoc e {und 'sapouraJoqqouilnurona mnm111r rqwsrra,{rrulpeu4ep palmol $ Flel aql lptryr^ u! els aql Jo snel ap 11 lpo seel .sr{aurone apnpug pu0s14 e[ lo atueu a[ a6n ol pe luqqqJ pnw ql ,o supt €tfl q ontas ro ileu preme eq1 'saryed aql rrdn Burpun sq tBF hltod p qeg te pat1a aslur6tduoo .effi ot Aueduro3 orfl UUsd ldli Ueuotr'p"rg4 aqf :,ooebiorsns I :a_-,...- lll c.r$. '!6 '-^6d& -- 16 t.n'l^ d- rh ' .^...a.. -{- 16,4'l ^r r!ra,|.r l.d... r..-,.-., .-.-rvt I.6 tqnrfp Seft[rg, *.-:a | The Westin Resort-Vail 1300 Westhaven Drive Vail, CO 81657 Lot 4l Mr. &Mrs. Larry Crrace 3 Churchill Drive Englewood, CO 80118 Mr. HughMcCulloh 375 St. Paul Street Denver, CO 80206 l'at42 lvfr. & Mrs. Letschert C/O @lleon l5l0 S. Tunle Avenue Sarasota, FL 34329 Lot44 Idr. & Mrs. Stone 615 Palisades Avenue Santa Monic4 CA 90402 i ', THIS ]TEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning an-d Environmental commission of the Town of Vait wiil hold a pubtic ne",ilig iilcciroance nfim seiiion1e.ee.060 of the Municipal code of the Town of vait on o"rou"r iii i'gdd, ii ztio p"r,t. in ine town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor' LiilrfidihJrtq oroinance]lo'tiid; ;i8o2it Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, vail Potato Patch Applicants: Planner: Planner: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Dominic Mauriello A reouest for an interior remodelto add a bedroom and a bathroo4 -o! qpPro.IFately 250 square- ili:;fiffi ft'd"d'fiil;;:6cadd ati7i6 sunourst Drive #e//ai[Golf course rownhomes Applicant: Anne & Peter Mounsey and Joan & Marcella Fox Planner: Lauren Waterton R iequest for a major subdivision of Lot P-2, located at Lot P-2, Vail Village 1st Filing Applicant:P-2 Association, represented by Art Abplanalp George Ruther A reouest for a major SDD amendment to allow for a modification to building 5 of SDD #5' tocatbd at 1230 Lidnsridge Loop/Savoy Villas, Phase ll and lll Aoolicant: Woodstone Homes Pidnner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor two 250's in order to contruct a Type ll EHU, located a|1225 Westhaven Laneilot 43, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Sentry Construction, represented by Pam Hopkins Planner: George Ruther ttlllltlll The aoolications and information about the proposals are available in the project planner's office il;,ilidilfi i?ni noris ioi puUiic inspechon, tocated at the Town of Vail Communitv Oeveioprient Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notiFcation. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479'?356 TDD for information. Community Development Depattment Published September 27, 1996 in the Vail Trail. r "[ ,,{ ^tnt,. ,P- ' LY l^il 11/Vffef q['t " Printed by George Ruther Frgm:.Mike Mcgee?o: George Ruther 9ubject: Mike Young Permit Application l-sr 13,6lat q*l . ===fiteff,-==============L0 / 22 / 9 6--3 : 59pm= The Fire Depu will approved the buildingpermit with letter of comnitmen! Eo installfire sprinkler with shop drawings to fo11ow. ll-''.+-'.+-------_ -- -- ---'-=:::-'-'=?:= Page 3 1 Printed bY George RuEher t0 /24/A6 11 :43an From: Terri MarLinez TO:Charlie Davis, George Ruther, Greg Hal1, LarrY Pardee, Terri Martinez ::lr ::: : -T:::? -i:::9=::{ ::i:4.?:l1T =j=NOTE=== ============L0 /24/95=11 : 34am= r jusc met. with Pam Hopkins, the architect on this Project.in" u"ril.te! ehat she can address all of my issues which include: 1. wal1s over 5' in height i. walfs not shown per engineered detail 3. wal1s conflicting with the t'urning motion out of the garage She cannot get me plans until Wednesday, b"cause someone is out of town, and she's working the ski swap.of course, bhey need to sta;t their foundation today. I Eold them r would release che permit with the condition tshat I will lock up the computer on wednesday if bhey haven'L suppied supplied adequate Plans Yet. rfrEir ao"'t really need a public.way permit beciuse they access off of a private road' allthough Larry, there is a sign off for you.I guess we can go ahead and release the permit. ** Did you know how these Prominent architects in town check their turning radii? with a 1iLt1e qreen matchbox car. Page: 1 Printed by George Ruther 10/2:48tm From: Terri MartinezTo: George Ruther Subject: Young Residence ===|{[Qtf,============= ==L0 /23 /96==! 3 J, $p6= George, there are sti1l some ptoblerns with the site plan on this project. wal1s on the 6outh side are up to 8' in heigrht. The wa1ls need to be redrawn per the engineerre detail at 3/4:1. If the walls are redrawn correctly, the turn arounds don't work. It looks like theyrre placingi a drainagre structure and large trees in an Eagl-e River $fater and Sanitatlon easement- you may want to have tshis approved. r had alredy communicated these concerns to Mike Cl-osure yesEerday, allthough I had not 6een the revised p1an. The concerns arestil1 almost the aane. Should we wait for a new revised site plan? Page: 1 lh$ao marlol mm Frvrhnl lor dhllrr FlF ll.r h thr l5f Vdl. rhr T!{v6 ot vr{ HotJ|lN AAillv ill t]l|ftlha tif m*l 'lir b.r..l Dn lh. drdy ol othrr enlt ol oompffobh dr.. l0ollon, $rfty rnd urnhl|r tnaulhsut fia tfi*r. Thr nrrtot r ale il l t, brrrd DA rt rvrnp of r nrtdmum d flw ronfl ntlr ot Fnprr$lr u ir, ll ' ih| |J|ln b nsl rerrt{d fhd b nol rytitbh rl ll* tltlhll fllr I lhrll br dfhn ln d lo br In 'r$ncrxrt0l|'rs, hr ddtlon lc w uhr' podlrt ls nrtd0lhlr pov5fil hi h, r uni lound b bs In nouoruluo dd bo atblr,ce b plUbrdon u drtrrtttt$ bt tt{a }tgu.tng Arnhofly, Thr pmvhlonr sl thro rrrtblvr covr ntr mr; b rrtktood hry Ittr O tt.t dd rri Tom. Tlu catrdltlenr, nHrhthn$ rdpulrlbnr, rnd rg:rmrn|r 00ltlrlt||d l|t h rhrll i4 br u||vd, $mdal|4lrrirltftdr cr rrnir# rred ly du rrtttrn ooil|e|t d bofi thr Tom nt vrt ffid tlr ttr,n.r d t|| prop|(v, TOWw OF VAIL' r O6lo.r.lc rnurr'totsrt oorpsrrlpn hltl Bob Mot.trrh, Totrl HinrtC|r Tho hrojolng fururrent n.r r*t rlttid htlol' mr lrlr - dtf ol -..,-J[iuiiliffiE- 7, M, o.tndtlfllon t$tatl By: $i4-,y (a,rea .I?iFer /nike'/o,',+1 r,*-Trtn#--===- lhr foryda trrrrrumnr no stnorrtdrro lclot nrrn& oq a -Wfrk N{rr.ry Frl h tl[flrtrit]latt/il PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION aPPR0rjf Drq-, aPPn0vE$ccT ? 2 o(, MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Molfet Greg Amsden Henry Pratt Galen Aasland John Schofield Gene Uselton october 14, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Diane Golden STAFF PRESENT: Susan ConnellY Mike Mollica Dirk Mason Tammie Williamson Lany Gralel Todd OPPenheimer Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m.Public Hearing The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:00 p'm' Aoolicant: Sentrv Construction, represented by Pam Hopkins Erannar- f-"rrnerwr'r,iE Mike Mollica gave an overview of the staff memo. Mike slated that statf was recommending approval with no conditions. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Pam Hopkins, representing Sentry Construction, had nothing to add' Greg Moffet asked for any public input. There was none' Greg Moffet asked for the Commissionels comments. There were no comments from the Commission. Greg Amsden rnade a motion for approval per the statf memo. John Schofield seconded the motion' The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 2. A request for a major subdivision of Lot P-2, Block 3, Vail Village First Filing'-and a. .. vaciieO portion oiiianson Ranch Road. The site is glnerally located east of Vail Valley Drive between ttanson Aanch Road and Gore CreeliDrive. A complete legal description is available in the Community Development Department' Applicant: P-2 Association, represented by Art Abplanalp Planner: George Ruther/Dirk Mason Planning and Environmental commission Minules October 14, 1996 1. Galen Aasland disclosed, for the record, that he had done work lor Bob Lazier in the past' however, he didn't see il as a problem with lhis request' John Schofield disclosed, for the record, that he was currently working for Bob Lazier, but it had nothing to do with this ProPosal. Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request. Based on the stalf analysis, stafl was recommending approval with the two conditions as stated in the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant would like to comment. Art Abplanalp, representing the P-2 Association, expanded on lhe history of the request' .He stated that tne property wai established in the early'70's and orryned by VA. The ownership OounOaries now wbre ihose that were established in the 70's. The owners don't want to be liable tor inyone's actions. Of the two conditions presented by_stalf, h.e stated we would like to make a cnang'e on the 2nd. lt needs to be changed to read, the Town ol Vail must take action on any. probosafs within 30 days. Art also stated that the sidewalk conflicts with trees,vegetation and irari.ing. Art suggested that this was not the place for the sidewalk, therefore, Condition No. 1 should be removed. Diane Milligan, Manager of the Ramshorn, was in favor of the resubdivision, if only to make . liabitities eisier to nanOte. She had a problem with Condition No. '1 . Less than a year fgo' tfe pEC voted unanimously by a vote ol 7-0, that the sidewalk not be located on the east side of the street. There was even diicussion at the November 27, 1995 PEC meeting regarding the Golden Peak Redevelopment, that the sidewalk that existed be removed. The most that was to be in this location was a crosswalk only. The process was to come before the PEC and the Council also agreed not to take out the trees. The issue was not about one or two trees, but the aesthetics ol the area. Diane advised to stick to the original decision, as it was thought to be a done deal. Diane stated that we have to say no; we don't want this sidewalk. Greg Moffet asked for any more public comment. Dirk Mason said that he spoke to Greg Hall prior to this meeting. The granting of this pedestrian easement would preserve the six 30' tall trees. Greg Moffet said the Golden Peak discussion did not include a sidewalk on that side of the road, on the east side ol Vail Valley Drive. Council felt it was not the appropriate time to put a sidewalk in at that time. However, it did not become a dead issue at that time That was the Town right- of-way. Jim Lamont, Executive Director of the East Village Homeowner's Association, stated that there_ was not to be a sidewalk on the easl side of Vail Valley Drive. We requested the main sidewalk be on the west side of the street. The decision was for the east sidewalk to be yanked out' The tralfic flow was to be evaluated after this season. We want to suggest to look more seriously at the Chalet Road access. The right-ol-way has been abandoned in lront of the Texas Townhomes. The Town Engineer should not press an issue, when the PEC and the Town Council voted no on it before. We are not in favor of easements being granted. Diane Milligan showed photos and demonstrated the traffic flow ol people in that area. The tendency of people would be to not walk around the island on the sidewalk, ralher they would take a straight path on the road. Planning and Environmental Comnxssron Minutes October 14, 1996 Jim Lamont stated that when the Golden Peak Redevelopment linal plan was submitted' including all improvements, tne sidewalk was back on the plan. Jim stated that at that time they registered a complaint and the sidewalk came out of the plans' John schotield was familiar with the area, as he drives it daily. He echoed what Jim and Diane hive said. He could only iee people using the sidewalk in the summer' He felt that the Town should bond the life of the tiees. He statei his concern, that a sidewalk with so many curbcuts would not be safe. John stated that he couldn't support the sidewalk' Gene Uselton, having read the minutes of the November 27th meeting, agreed with John on the sidewalk. He didn't have any problem with the rest of the proposal' Greg Amsden said it was appropriate for staff to request.easements wltft.tjtis type.of proposal' This location was a strat;a';:it" in to*n. Greg stated that the Town of Vail should sign the covenants. Art Abplanalp stated that the Town was not a party in this request. Art.would like to see the condition redd, that if the Town didn't react wiinin bo days, they would then waive their rights. Mike Mollica stated that he agreed with Art, but the Town would like some say regarding certain elements of the covenants. Art Abplanalp stated that he would like assurance that if we couldn't get the Town into action' we would like to be able to proceed. Galen Aasland, although he agreed with the comments, said this didn't serve the Town's interests. Galen explai-ned tha-t applicants can place restrictive covenants on their property' and that the covenants may not be in the interests of the Town. Art Abplanalp stated that the covenants were VA's and we were reinforcing them. Jim Lamont said we weren'l prescribing any other use other than what was originally adopted. Henry Pratt said il there was a need for a sidewalk, it could be done when the trees died. Henry was not in favor of an easement. Henry stated that it would be taking away an opportunity to put something nicer in than what's there now. Greg Moffet said despite the fact that the easement issue had been discussed and turned down' it wis appropriate for the staff to ask. Greg said Chalet Road was much more appropriate for a secondiiy p'edestrian path. Greg said thaf if we voled to include the covenants, the Town Attorney should review those covenants. Henry Pratt said that it was his understanding we were not adding new covenants. Art stated that there were new covenanls added that the Town had required for maintenance. They were delivered to the Community Development Department three weeks ago. The Town involvement was the only new covenant. Galen Aasland asked if the new covenants that were being created would supersede the old ones? Planning and Iinvilonmental Commission Minutes Oclober 14, 1996 Art Abplanalp explained that you could not supersede the old covenants; the new covenants were added as a response to the Town's request. Greg Amsden asked il the Commission was in agreement with Condition No' 2 on page I of the stalf memo. Greg Moffet said that this was a preliminary plat. Greg Amsden made a motion that the preliminary plat for the major s-ubdivision request be appioved, per the stalf memorandum, with lhe deletion of Condition No' 1' Henry Pratt seconded the motion. John Schofield amended the motion to include Art Abplanalp's comment that il the Town did not iiXe aciion within 30 days, they would waive their involvement and the proposal would be approved. Henry Pratt seconded the amended motion' The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. g. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for a modification to Savoy Villas, of SDD *5, ldcated at 123d Lionsridge Loop/Savoy Villas, Phase ll and lll. The site is generally localed east of Timber Ridge Apariments, west ot Simba Run, north of the North Frontage Road and south ;f Lidnsridge Loop. A full legal description is available in the Community Development Department. Applicant: BWAB, Inc., represented by Chris Klein Planner: Dominic Mauriello/Mike Mollica Mike Mollica gave an overview of the request. He explained the history of the SDD and said the reguest included the most recent modifications. He said that staff had concerns with the enilosed parking. This proposal would eliminate the 2-car garage. Thus, the enclosed parking of Savoy Vittas ioutO Orop io 471" trom the original proposal ot 52%. The intent was to keep the total pa;king in the entire'sDD to 85%. Since it has dropped lo 82/", stalf has concerns. Due to the reduction in the enclosed parking, some findings have not been met. Overall, though.,.stafi is recommending approval, witd tne c6ndition that a2-car garage be added and to stay within the building tootprint'ot the 1995 approval. Stalf is recommending approval with the 3 conditions as listed o-n paje 1o of the staff n'idmo. Mike also mentioned that staff had included a draft ordinance, attached to the memo, to illustrate Condition No 3. Chris Klein, representing BWAB, Inc. stated that he had challenges with this project. He stated that he took away the office area. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were no public comments. Mike Mollica answered a question that came up during the site visit regarding the employee housing units being made smaller. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutcs October 14, 1996 Galen Aasland said lhe applicant would need to include enclosed parking with this request' otherwise the applicant is not working with the Town's interest in mind. Since the applicant.is making the emilbyee housing units Jmaller, Galen would have to vole against lhis proposal. Henry pratt stated, he felt the same as Galen. Since the Town granted additional density' the Towri should be given something in return. A multiple bedroom employee housing unit has been taken out and so-therefore, Heniy is not in favor ofihe request as presented. Henry suggested iJ tne appticant to table the request until the applicant can come back with a different solution. John Schofield echoed Henry's comments. Gene Uselton echoed Henry's comments. Greg Amsden echoed Henry's comments. He said the applicant.can't faclor economic reasons, justbecause it's cheaper to'build. Greg is not in.favor of 'the applicant gaining square.footage for 'a tree market unit, by iaking out square footage lrom an employee housing unit. He also agreed with the suggestion to table this item until a better solution is found. Greg Moffet said this proposal reduced the employee housing unit's sizes and covered p.arking waia problem. Greg was in lavor of denial, but lie said if someone moves to table this item so the applicant can come back and try again, he would agree to that. Chris Klein would like to table his request. He stated that a problem lor him was to stay within the original footprint. Mike Mollica said to stay within the original footprint was critical, however, the applicant had a right to propose a modification to that iootprint. Mike said that he recommended the applicant stay within the looFrint. Greg Moffet stated that when the request became more in conformity with the Town's objectives, lhe PEC would look at it again. Henry Pratt made a motion to table the request. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Greg Moffet asked lor any more discussion. Henry Pratt suggested a dale to table the item to. Mike Mollica suggested tabling the item until the October 28th meeting. Henry Pratt amended the motion to include tabling the item until the October 28th meeting. Galen Aasland seconded the amended motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Plarming antl Environmental Commission Minutes October 14, 1996 4. A request for an interior remodel to add a bedroom and a bathroom of approximately 250 .qrJrl feet, utitizinj tn" ZSO Ordinance, located al1776 Sunburst Drive *9/Vail Golf Course Townhomes. Applicant: Anne & Peter Mounsey and Joan & Marcella Fox Planner: Lauren Waterton STAFF APPROVED 5. A request for an exterior addition to a masler bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor, urilizing rhe 250 ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL OCTOBEF 28,1996 Henry Pratt made a motion to table item No. 5 until October 28' 1996. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. llllltlllll 6. Information Update: . Ford Park Management Plan update - Larry Grafel Larry Grafel gave an overview of the Ford Park Management Plan review process and.passed out i concepiual outline for putting together the plan for Ford Park. The handout included information about the public'process. Larry stated that he would like to talk to the PEC about the lramework. Larry said lhere were a wide variety of things that go on in Ford Park. He said that it was a large responsibility to know how to take care ol the present issues. The public processes start out by defining the ilroblem. The handout has outlined the givens. Larry stated that the Town musi adhere to linancial and safety issues and he informed lhe PEC that the Town Council would have the final say. Larry stated tfiat the public was told, during these meetings, that all ideas would be considered. The Colorado Department ol Transportation had a say in fiddling with the Frontage Road. Larry said a long term vision of the park was needed to include the goals and objeCtives. There were access conflicts. Larry hoped to deline relationships between t-he uses. Th-e financial issue was always around. Larry explained the project timeline. He thought it optimistic to have a final decision by December 17th. Larry explained that tomorrow an upda-te would be given lo the Town Council. Larry stated that that this would come back to lhe pEC in November. He pointed out that the packet included the ordinance defining the reasons for the purchase ol that parcel, in order to give a perspective as to what the original inlent was' including potential uses and possible uses. He explained that the next four pages in the.packet were th; i:ntire range of comments that was received from the public meetings on the following issues; open space, access, the Education Center, the Alpine Garden and the parking issue. From suih a vhriety of comments, the staff team tried to synthesize what was heard. The conclusion was that open, green space was most important. There was an analogy to Central Planning and Environmental Cornrrussron Minutes October 14, 1996 park and how il should be preserved. Through the conversations, people liked the idea of multiple accesses tnrough ine parX. There wlre m3ny comments to make available more public iriniportation and paths-. The Alpine Garden and Education Center produced lively discussions' ln all the discussions, no one was adamantly against anything. lt was agreed that the Education Center should be in a neutrat location anO ttiat it should be very close_to the existing Alpine caro"n. Most people believed that parking was a serious problem. comments ran the gamut from no parkinl fo'a part<ing structuie. So-me of discussions centered on who was parking there before ahd if w! snoutO acc-ommodate all the needs for everyone. A preliminary framework was OevltopeO to further Oetine tnis. The existing Master Plan has stood the test of time' The Town just ne'eOeO to polish it up with modifications. "Don't screw it up," was heard over and over igiin. f t alt came back tb status quo. The public doesn't wanl 10 add anything more, but wanted to"irproue upon what we have. fhe Town needed to deline the allowable uses. The Town neeO'eO to hive design guidelines. Maximum heights needed to be formalized. People don't like the intrusion of loading and delivery. How then d6es the Town accommodate that need and still not reduce the enloyment of peopl6 engaged in activities in the Park? Maintenance was being done very well. Fiowever, it neeied to-bdformalized to get to a world-class level. The Town needed t6 get a better handle on the coordinating and scheduling of events' Larry mentioned that we tho-ught we could cooperatively help manage those demands and.conllicts that happen at certain timeJof the year, such as tne +tn oi.tuty. ihe linancial responsibilities would continue to be imposed on peofle who use the park. Useri will determine what kind of demands and impaits were Oiougnt to the park. Mitigation would be picked up by the organization of the users' Lairy "taf"O that th; parking issue cauied mixed comments and many solutions. The Park had a 600-car need, with a 275 car capability in the summer, which was the worst season' Greg Moffet asked what the Village parking structure experienced when the park was being used? Larry Grafel said the Village structure experrenced very little impact. People would rather walk the slreets, than get on a bus. Greg Moffet mentioned that the Chalet Road shortcut by Manor Vail doesn't get used at all. Larry Grafel stated that most of the right-of-way is CDOT. Larry said_that he didn't have a clear definition of the parking needs. The Education Center at the Alpine Garden was the catalyst for developing tne $arX. He asked what things were needed to make our decision. The framework tor mafin{ a decision still needed to be put together. Reaction had been mixed, whether it sfroutO nippen at all. There have been conversations both ways if it's needed. Larry stated that a preliminhl'y aclion plan had been put together. Signage and transportalion needed to be improved. Tirere weie some short t'erm tnings that the Town could do. We still need to put a capital plan together. John Schofield was in favor ol increased parking and more signage. He mentioned that Ford park was heavily used on Tuesday nightd. lf the Village structure was not heavily used' then the Town needed to get people bacf indiortn. John said thal access from that area would be helpful with lhe n6w ieOdvetopment of Golden Peak. He stated that the soccer lield parking lot *"i frtt by 7am all winter tong. He agreed that the uses were wonderful, but just needed to have the rough edges smoothed oft. .lonn-arXed how the financing would. be done. He mentioned that it c;rtain-ly would be helptul if the users would pay for it. lohn didn't feel the need to get into it from a zonirig and use standpoint. He felt it was'noi a great idea for the Town to get involved in the scheduti-ng aspect of it. He thought perhaps the Foundation should handle that' Plannin g and Environtnental Commission M inutes Oc-tober 14, 1996 Gene Uselton asked about moving the ball games down valley? Larry Grafel said the public definitely didn't want to give up the ball lields' They added color and vibrincy to the park. lt was an overwhelming "no" to change tnat use' Gene Uselton said the traffic was a problem. Helen Fritch stated that planning and fundraising have been started, but we don't know where the building was going to be tociteO. lt will be dislgned when we know where it will be located' Gene Uselton mentioned lhat Ford Park parking was free and well received. Larry Grafel stated that there is minimal revenue from that parking' Greg Amsden stated that this was a summer dilemma, with regard to p_arking. Th.ere could be a lot of creative ways to get people from the Village parking structu.re to Ford Park; including rio"*irri, signaje and'nJs service. He thougit that pu6tic sentiment would not be strong for a structure. Ud tetitfrat improving the park, by getting people to their use., was important' However, he felt there was a maior concern for salety, which was very important . Galen Aasland felt multiple entries were good. There seemed to be an endless number of uses available, however we don't want the plaie overdeveloped. The Town has to set this up' so that ,s"s "oriO overlap and share. Galen stated that the Town should be the ultimate authority' as they could see th6 broad schedule. Galen felt a parking structure was not needed, as the preient one was underutilized. Galen stated thai how the people were brought over from the structure needed to be addressed. Henry Pratt felt by burying the interstate, a lot of these problems would go away. Henry.stated that ;ith Bravo moving to Beaver Creek and if we were to move the ball fields down valley, we wouldn't have any pedple left here after the Beaver Creek Performing Arts Center was done. Henry felt tfre fOuiation Center was a good idea, as long as it was to be used by the public.and not tlie Alpine Garden administration otfices. Henry felt that the structure was not a good idea. Since the Town lost 150 parking spaces, due to the Golden Peak redevelopment, this ski season would be the test. Henry stated that he could never find which bus went to the concerts this past summer, so he used thsstreamwalk. Henry has long been an advocate of parking at Ford Park.. ll it was buried, landscaped and had access to Golden Peak, it would be used. The Town should also find a way to not have to charge so much at these locations' Greg Moffet asked about Donovan Park. Larry Gra{el stated that Donovan Park was not going to be included in this process. Greg Moffet stated that Ford Park was a great resource. lf adequate signage could be. installed to sf,ow that carpooling or handicapped were the only allowed parking in that lot, with the remaining cars directed lo the structure, it would be good. Since the parking structure was - . glneratty"available, the emphasis should be on transporting people over to the park. Greg felt ihat sooher or later, increased parking needed to be addressed. Greg stated that he was not crazy about turning green space into asphalt. Galen Aasland stated that the green space could be seen by all travelers to Vail. Anything else would be negative from a public perspective. Planning and Environmenlal ComJrusston Minutes October 14, 1996 o Henry Pratt mentioned putting a deck on the underground parking, so one could not see it from the road. Jim Lamont, representing the adjacent property owners, stated that the idea of moving lhe Education Genter to the ;occer field site received support from neighboring Northwoo9l:. fn:. Frontage Road access could be achieved through electronic siSlaSg- .Jim. stated that if the Blue Cow C-hute didn't llow, then there existed a bacliup, which could be helped with a roundabout. The neighborhood didnrt want to encourage any niore traffic on Vail Valley Drive. Parking on the ,oc"er iield should be by a reservation oimanaged system. We should make sure these systems that we have aie already paid for and then we could have a performing arts center lo "i,rp"f" with Beaver Creek and h6t iust another cold structure. The parking structure. notion. should be referred to in the plan as a long range goal. Jim stated that the uses should be limited io ,nd"tgtound buildings. li a structure was neeOeO, it should be brought back to the public to decide. Helen Fritch, President of Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, said a plan was put together with an ;ft;tgr;;;i building. She stateb that handicapped access needed to be addressed, as the park now his grades thaiare too steep and don't foitow ROn guidelines. This.new site worked in conjurntiSn with the Nature Centbr, as it was on the bus ioute and could be used in winter and in srrr"r. The purpose of the Education Center was for exhibits showing Vail as an extension of the environment, and to teach people how to mitigate. lt would be a lot more lhan a display of flowers and would work very w'etl witn the Naturebenter. The Center would be a link with the natural environment. R wh6le concept would be put together which would be a resource for Vail' The Alpine Garden was trying to promote more than a prefty garden- Helen stated that more benches were needed. ine-Olsiance lor elderly people to walk was a more serious situation' than lor handicapped people. Helen stated that the existing 57 parking spaces would be kept. John Schofield asked about the timing of completion of the south sidewalk at Golden Peak? Larry Grafel said it would be linished in 1998. Jim Lamont said he understood the purpose of the high altitude garden for flora and fauna' Having just relurned from South Africa, Jim stated thtt Capetown had one and it was one of the malor"aitractions, very heavily attended and very popular internationally. This facility would be exliemely crowded. iim statad that the neighborhood and community wanted to see the ball fields rerirain. Jim mentioned that in 1974 lhe community didn't want development there, when it was supposed to be another Lionshead. The passion in the community wanted to protect it as green rp"ce. Jim stated that we needed to tooX at Donovan Park and the east end of Lionshead for a convention center . Geologic Hazard Report update - Dirk Mason Dirk Mason mentioned that several members of the Commission questioned why we needed an updated hazard repo(. The geology report viewed walls as too low in a hazard zone' Dirk told the PEC members thal this was just an FYl. Henry pratt lold Dirk that when staff made a requirement for a hazard report, staff should use c0mmon sense. Dirk Mason stated that staff used hazard maps to make that determination. Planning and Enviroruncntal Commisston Minutes October 14. '1996 Mike Mollica gave the example that if a hazard lalls below a lot, in the case of a Rockfall Hazard' *J Aon,r requ'ire a hazard report if the building envelope is above the hazard. He then asked the Commission if Chris Klein could speak again on Savoy Villas' Chris Klein asked the Gommission if he added a two-car garage and two employee-housing units on the ground floor, with one large employee housing unit and garage on the main tloor' woulo this then be accePtable to the PEC? Galen Aasland thought Chris would have trouble with Federal Fair Housing guidelines. Chris Klein said he has suggested three employee housing units instead of two. Galen Aasland stated that access and housing guidelines haven't been addressed. Chris Klein said a lift would be needed, as there is no access to the lower level. There would be a common entry level and a free market unit on a new 4th floor. Henry pratt said that Chris was offering three one-bedroom units, when there was more of a need, in this town, for larger units. Chris Klein asked if the entire bottom floor had one unit with three bedrooms, the main level a one-bedroom with garage and the top a free market unit, would that work? John Schofield thought this concept was going in right direction. Gene Uselton and Greg Amsden agreed. 7. Approval of September 9, 1996 and September 23, 1999 minutes Greg Amsden made motion lor approval of the 9/9/96 minules. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. Gene Uselton had one change, that was submitted in writing to Judy. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Greg Amsden made motion for approval of the 9/23196 minutes. Gene Uselton abstained from the 9123196 vote on the minutes, as he wasn't present at that meeting. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0-1. Greg Amsden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Gene Uselton seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 4:15p.m. Planning and Environmental Conmission Minules October 14, 1996 10 k*DECLARATION OT covEHAt|rg, eoilIlITrONS nND RESERVAIToNS FOR 'encel, A AllD PARCEL B, LOr 43-, \N\ $r 1. Sentry Construction Inc.r Eo Illinois corporation .-(,'Declarant"; ii th€ Owner of the real _property situated in the 'iown of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as Lot 43, Glen tyon Subdivision, according to th9 Amended PIat recorded ,ruly iB I L978, in Book 272 at Page 370, Eagle County, Colorado (the "ProPertY"). 2. A building is or wiII be located on the above-deecril:,ircl property, whieh Uui-iding consietg of two (2) unite, each_deaigtr'ircl and'int-ended for o"e and occupancy as a residential dwelling ""itl designated herein tJ "u;it l" and "unit 8", respecliY:}yt ;hi"ir are 6ornetimee referred to herein separately as a "Unit" o.: iollectively as the "Units". 3. Declarant hae subdivided the Property into two (2) parcels for ownership in fee eimple consisting of Parcel A and Parcel B, as herein Provided. 4. Parcel A of the ProPerty contains Unit A and Parcel r ! of the property contains unit-B. Parcel A also contains a a iiretaker irnit. t 5. Declarant desires to and does hereby establish a plan for the ownershit of Parcel A and ParceL B as estatee in fee simple. DECLARATION Declarant does hereby pubtish and declare that the follow:'r';' terms, covenantg, conditiltts, e*semente, reetrictions ' usest i"="rir"tions, Iirnitations and obligations sha1l be deemed to ritL" with the 1and aeecribed herein, efrift be a burden and a benefil; l"-t""f".i"i, its personal representatives, heirsr successors itt::i assiqns, and any person acqurr!-ng or owning an interest in the ;;;:;ii. riii.tt--'i"-a"="iif",i here.Ln or the impro,t"m"nte located | ililr lllll illlll llilll llll llll llllll lltilll llll llll a{iszeottzs/199? o4:45P B7t7 Pr 135 1 of l? R 66.00 O O'OO t{ 0.00 Eagle Gountv Clcrk AIID thereon, their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. ARTTCLE 1 DEFINITIONS rn addition to the terme hereinabove defined, unLees thecontext shall expressly provide otherwise, the following terms shall have the following meanings: SECTION 1.01. "Assessment Lien" shall mean any lien arisinri pursuant to the provisione of Section 11 .Q2 of this Declaration. SECTION 1.02. "Caretaker Unit" shall mean the Caretaker Unit attached to Unit A and located on Parcel A of the Property. SECTION 1.03. "Declaration" shall mean and refer to thie Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions and Party Wall Agreement, as they may be amended from time to time. SECTION 1.04. "Defaultinq Owner" shall have the meaning given to that term in Section 11.01 hereof. sBcrroN 1.05 .aqe" Bhall mean and refer to anY unpaid and outstandinq mot'€Eage, deed of trust or other security inltrument encumbering a Parcel recorded in the records of the office of the Clerk and Recorder of the County of Eagle' colorado, having priority of record over all other recorded lie:rs except those goveinmental liens rnade superior by etatute ( sueh .rr: geneial ad valorem tax liene. and special assessments). SECTION 1.07. ulgp' means the engineerinq survey of theSECTION 1.07. 'Map" means cne engrneerl-nq survey or Lne property entitled final plat, a Resubdivision of Lot 43, Anended Plat, Glen Lyon Subdivisionr Tohtn of VaiI, Eagle County' Colorado, prepared by Eagle Val}ey Surveying, Colorado P.L.S.COIOraCIO, pfepafed by gagle VaIIey Durveylngr L(JICrl.rLrL, r..u.D. _.._ _, depicling and locating with specificity.thereon the Parcels .na' tn"-improvements loeated thereon (including, withoutimprovements loeated thereon (including, without limitationl ttt" Unitsf, such land and improvernents being hereby. subrnitted t.o this Deeiaration. Such Map shall be recorded in lhe office of the clerk and Recorder of Eagle county, colorado, prirr to the recordation of this Declaration. sEcTIoN 1.08. "Orqanizational owner" shall mean an Owner which is a firm, corporation, partnership, association or trusl: "or other legal entity, and not a natural Per6on. SECTION 1.09. shall mean a Person. persons, firm, corporation, partnership, association or trust, or other leqal entity, or an] cornbination thereof, owning an interest in a Parcel. | ffiilt llilt l]il l|llll lil lllil llllll lll lllll llll lll 6129?5 Ol/23/l9{r7 04:45P B?17 Pl 135 2 ot l7 R E6.00 O O,OO ll 0.60 EaElc County Clrk A F| sEcTIoN 1.10. "Parcel" shall mean Pareel A or Parcel B ae shown on the Map, together with all appurtenances thereto. SECTION 1.11. "Partv Wall" shall mean the cornmon waII between the Units loeated on the dividing line between the two Parcels. SECTION 1.12. "Propertv" shall mean all of the real eetate legally described as Lot-43, Glen l-,yon Subdivision, EaSlg County. coiora&o, aLeo known ae 1210 Westhaven Laner Town of Vail, Eagle County, dolorado, aecording to the Arnended PIat thereof recorded .ruty ib, 19?8, in Book 272, Page 37Q, of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado' ARIICLE 2 DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATION Every contract of eale, deed, leaee, mortgagef deed of trust, wiil or other instrument relating to the.ProPerty shall legaliy describe a parcel or any real property interest therein,, as f ollotnts: Parcel [A or B], Final PIat, a Resubdivision of I-'ot 43, Amended PIat, Glen Lyon subdivision, aceording to the Uap thereof recorded ;Iuly 18 ' L978 in Book -212, Page- 3?-0, of the recorde of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, State of Colorado, and according to thepeclaiition of Covenant', Conditiona and Reatrictione and Party Wall Agreement for Parcel A and Parcel B, Lot 43, GIen Lyon Subdivisign, Eag1e Countyr.Coloradot recorded i-n gook -,r'Page , of the recorde of the Clerk and Recorder of nagle County, State of Colorado. Every such deseription ehall be good and sufficient for all lrrrpi""" to sellr'"orrrr"y, .transfir, Iease, encumber or otherwise affect the parceil the funit and other improvements located thereon and all appurtenant rights, beneiits and burdens thereto as created by the irovisions oi this Declaration, and each such deecription shall be eo construed. aa N ARTICLE 3 PROPERTY DIVISION SECTION 3.01. Two Parce1s. Declarants hereby this plan for the subdivieion of the Property into Parceis for ownerehip in fee eimple, consisting of Parcel B as shown on the MaP. establish two (2) Parcel A and r l|lil lllll llllll llilll llll lllll llllll lll lllil llll llll 6129?5 0l/23/1997 04:43P 3 of t? R E5.00 D 0.00 N B?17 o.oo Pl 135 Eegle County Clerk sEcrroN 3.02.action for partition SECTION 3.03. No Merqer. In the event Parcel A and Parcel B are owned by the same person, the doctrine of merger shall not apply. SECTION 3.04. Concurrent Ownership. The parties, if more than one, having the eoncurrent ownerehip of a Parcel , shall agree among thenselves how to share the rights and obligationa of erlch ownerstrip; provided, however, that if an Organizational Owner shall become the Owner of a Parcel, or if more than one party have the concurrent ownerahip of a Parcel, then such organizational Owner or concurrent Owners shall, no less than onie each year, deeignate one individual who shall represent such organizational Owner or concurrent Ownera in all mattere concerning all rights and ob).igations pursuant to this Declarat,ion. Any such Organizational Owner or concurrent Owner: shatl give writtLn notice to the Owner of the other Parcel designating the individual to act on its or their behalf, and euch-notice shall be effective until revoked or suPeraeded in writing by such Organizational Owner or all concurrent Orvners. Any act oi onission by such deeignated individual ehall be binding on the Organizational Owner or all concurrent Ownere having-deeignated-him in fav.or of the Owner of the other Parcel or any perBon who may rely thereon. SECTION 3.05. SeDarate Taxe6. Each Parcel, together with the Unit and other inprovements located thereon, shalJ- be considered a separate Parcel of real ProPerty and shall be separately assessed and taxed. ARTICLE 4 EASEMENT FOR ENCROACIIMENTS If any portion of a structure located on a Parce1 nor'I encroaches-rrpon the adjoining Parcel, or if any such encroachment' ehall occur -hereafter is a r6solt of the settllng or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment on the surface and for subsurface eupport below such surface, and -f or the maintenance of the same e6-lon9 as it etands, shall and does exist. In the event any building located on a Parcel shal1 be partially or totally deitroyed at a result of a fire or other Lasualtyl or as a rieult of condemnation or eminent domain proceedinge and then rebuilt or repaired, encroachments of any'portion oi such building on the adJolnlng Pareel due to such iebuilding or repair shitt be perrnitted as long as such encroachments ari of no greatel extent than those previouely existing, and valid ea'efrents for such encroachments on the Eurface and for subsurface support below Euch surface and for the No Partition.or divieion No Owner shall bring anY of Parcel A and Parcel B. P1 133 Eeglr Count y Clerk *a IrililtililtililIilililtil ilil ililtiltililil] till 612975 Ol/23/tE97 04:43P 4 ol 17 R t6.00 D 6.00 N B7t7 6.OO maintenance of the same shall exist so long as the building shall stand. ARTICLE 5 PARTY WAIL SECTION 5.01. General Rules of Law to Applv. To the extent no inconeisLent with thie Declarationr the general rulee of law regarding party walle and Iiability for damage due to negligencet witlful icts or omiseions ehall apply to the Party Wall. SECTION 5.02. Riqht to Use. The Owners of the Units both ehall have the right to uee the Party Wall, provided that euch use by one owner does not interfere with the use and enjoyment of the Party wall by the other owner. SECTION 5.03. Easementl Damaqe or Destruction. The Owner of a Unit shall have a perpetual eaeem€nt in and to that part of the other Unit on which the Party WaII is located, for Party Yfal..L purposes, ineluding mutual support, maintenance, repair and inspection. In the event of damage to or deetruction of the Party WalI, the following provieions shalI apply: (a) In the event the Party WaII is damaged or deetroyed through the neglig6nce, willful act or omission of one adjoin-ing Owner, or any of tri. family, agents or inviteesr so as to-depriie the other adjoining O\^tner of the full use and enjoyinent of the party WalI, then the first of euch Owners shall foithwith proceed to rebuild and repair, or contract for the rebuilding-and repair of, the Party WaIl to its former good condition. without cost to the adjoining Owner. (b) In the event the Party WalI is danaged-or deetroyed iincludinq ordinary wear and tear and deterioration from lipse of time) by some Lause other than the negligence wiltful-act or omission of one of the adjoining Owners' or any oi his family, agente or inviteee, then unlege both of euch owners otherwiee-"gr6e, both such adjoining O\,rners shall-proceed_ -.forthlrith t5 rebuild or repaii, or iontract for the rebuilding and repair of, the party Wltt to ita former good condition' at their joint and equal exPense. SECTION 5.04. Structural Inteqrity. There shall be no irnpairment of the structuraf integiity of the Party.Wall without: thl prior written eonsent of all Owners having-any interest therein. Further, penetration of the Party wall ie prohibited without the approvai of the applicable gov-rnmental authorities because euch llnetration irnpalis the fire reeistant qualitiee of the Party Wall. I Lllll lllll llllll llllll llll lllll llllll lll lllll llll llll 6129?5 Oll23ll997 04:45P 871? Pl 135 5 of l? R 86.00 O O,OO N 0.00 Eaglc Countv Clcrk A A SECTION 5.05. Mod:Lflcation or Addition. No addition to' modification of, or rel-ocation of the Party Wall nay be accomplished by the Owner of one of the Unite unleEs the Owner of the other Unit agrees in writing to the eame. ARTICLE 6 COMMON FACILITIES SECTION 6.01. Utilitieg. Cornmon utility or service conneetions or linee, common facititiee or other common utility equipment or property located in or on one of the Parcels or the United located thereon but used in common with the other Pareel or the Unit located thereon, if any, shall be owned by all of the Owners of the Property ae tenants in common. with the owner of Parcel A and the Owner of Parcel B each holding an undivided one" half interest in and to such common utility or service connections or lines, conmon facilities and other cornmon utilit;r equipment and property' Except for any exPense or liability ciusla by the negJ-igence or willful aet of one owner, his family' agent or-invitee, which shall be borne solely by such Owner, al.l. costs, expenses and liabilities related to said conmon utility 'rreervice connectione or lines, cornmon facilities and other common utility equipment and property, shall be shared by the Owners proporLionat-1y with such ownership. The.Owner of the Parcel or tnit on which Euch cornmon utility or aervice connections or lineer conmon facilities or other cornmon utility equipment or- property ie not located ehall have a perpetual eaEement in and Lo Lfra[ palt of the adjoining parcel or Unit containing the same a6 is reieonably neeee-ary for purpoEeg of rnaintenance, repair and inspection. SECTfON 6.02. Acceas. A driveway is located on theproperty, a portion of rr*hich is on each Parcel ae ehown on the Map-. there ie hereby created a perpetual eaeement and right-of- r"! for the Owner of parcel A over, across and through that part of- the driveway located on Parcel B for the purpoee of vehicular and pedestrian-access. The owner of Parcel A shall have the righi to the use of such access, and the Parcel B owner shall not niia". or permit his fanily, agents or invitees to hinder aueh """"=". Ii is presumed th;t snow plowing of the total driveway will be require-d from time to time, the.coste of which will be shared "qtritty by the owners. other maintenance, repair.or improvem6nt oi tire total driveway may be- required-from time to tiie, and the same shall be undeitaken when needed to keep in good condition and repair and both the owner of Parcel A and Farcel B shall share all coete and expenses equally' SECTION 6.03. Caretaker Unit. The Caretaker Unit is attached to Unit R and located on Parcel A. It shall be used to houee a caretaker to provide interior and exterior maintenance Irililtililrililr ilIilil[ ]||l ililtiltllilr ilrLll 6129?l Otl23/1997 04:45P 871? Pl 135 6 of 1? R E6.@ D O.OO N 0.00 Easls County Clck A ql and repair services to Parcel A and Parcel B, as may be contracted for by the Ownere from time to time. Any auch contract ehall provide for the equal allocation of the caretaker's time between Parcel A and Pareel B. It ie contemplated by the Owners that the only consideration to be paid to the caretaker for the servicee set forth in any eueh contract shall be the right to reside in the Caretaker Unit without charge. Nevertheless, should the owners agree to pay wages or a salary to the caretaker, the wages or salary shall be a eommon expense shared equally by the Owners. AII utility costs attributable specifically to the Caretaker Unit' any costs or expensea incurred in connection with the caretaker's duties, and all coets attributable specifically to the maintenance or repair of the Caretaker Unit shalt be common exPenses shared equally by the Owners. In addition, fifteen percent (15t) of the real eetate taxes levied on Parcel A shall be deemed allocable to the Caretaker Unit and sha1l be a common exPenae shared egually by the Owners. The Owners shall also thare equally the coet of property insurance on the Caretaker Unit, as set forth in Section 9.02 hereof. SECTION 6.04. Allocation of Expenses. Costs and expenses of all activities !"hich costs are anticipated hereinto be shared' except those caused by the negligence or willful act or omission of an Owner, shall be allogated in the followinq proportions: Fifty Percent (50t) rifty Percent (50t) ARTICLE 7 MAINTENANbE AND AI,TERATION SECTION ? . 01 . Exterioll Ueint-enence . Parcel A Parcel B (a) Landsc+pinq. Each Owner shall from time to timet at his sole cost and ex;lense. irrigate, rnaintain, preserve and ieplace, as needed, the trees, shrubs and grasses.located withilr thL property boundaries of his Parcelf cortmen6urate with the etaniaris "Lt Uy the original develoPer's landscapinq of the parcels, and eaih Ortr"r ltratt frorn time to time, at his sole cost. and expenee, undertake euch landecaping and general outdoor improviments on hiE Parcel as the Ot'rners.may jointly q"9T neiessary and proper for the harmonioue irnprovement of the parcels in a "omon theme. The Owner of one Parcel shall not unreasonably damage the value of the other Parcel such as by ehoddy upke-p outiide, but both ownere shall make all reasonable efforts Lo preserve a harmonious colnmon apPearance of the Parcele. I I lillll lllll llllll llllll llll llll llllll lll lllll llll lill ?'::'i'ul'33113'3 3i;3'i Blil ll"ff.ounrv c,*k A o) (b) Unit Exterior. Except with respecL to conmon facilitiee addressed elgewhere in this Declaration, each Owner shalI, at his sole cost and expense, provide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon hia Unit and the other improvenente located upon hii ParclL as well as the unimproved portions of the Parcel up6n which hiE Unit is located, including, but not limited to, the exterior walls and the roof of the Unit. SECTION 7.02. Maintenance of Unit Interior. Each owner shall be solely responsible for the rnaintenance and repair of the interior of hi-e Unit, ineluding fixtures and improvementtl and all utility lines and equipment located therein and serving such Unit only, for which purp-ae windows, glass and frames shal.t be deemed part'of the inteiioi of the Unit. In performing.euch rnaintenanel and repair, or in improving or altering his unit' no Owner shall do any- act or work which impairs the structural aoundness of eithlr Unit or the Party WaI1, or which interferee with any eaaement granted or reeerved therein. SECTION ?.03. Maintenance of Service Facilitigq,Sgrving One unit, utility or eervice connections or linee, facilitiea or offit utility'eguipment or property located in, on or uPon :i!f:t';i ah" unite'which'are used-soiely-to supply a service or utiliLy to one unit ehall be owned by the owner of the unit ueing eueh "iifity or eervice, and aly'- loatsr_expensea and liabilities for repair'and maintenance of 'eu'ch utitity or service connection6 or ii;;;; iicitities or other utility eguipurent or- proPerty shal1 be f"i""'eolely by the o\tner of the bni€ uelng. euch utility- or-ervice, wh6 sfiall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the adjoining Parcel or-unit containing such utililY or ""r"i"" c6nnections or lines, facilities or other utility equipment or property, a? is'reaeonably neceesary for purposes of maintenance, repair and inspection. SECTION 7.04. t"laintgrance Per Recorded ,Dgcrlnents' The owners hereby acknowledge ttrat several recorded documents iiiecting titfe to the Froperty nay require the Ownere of the piop"rtv-to mainiain or reiair-ceriain-improvements, both on-'ite (suln .i, the driveway) and-off-site_(such as.t{esthaven Lane),. ind/or to contribute-to the coete of euch maintenance or repliJ. Iti "orts ana exlenses incurred by.any.owner in connection with ""V .""fr maintenlnce or repair oUiigalionar or.any obligation i^b"""a on the Owners of tie Property to -contribute to the eosts of'eame, ehall be a conunon exPense shared equally by the ownerE' sEcTloNT.05.Alteratione.Noonrlnerehallmakeorsuffer ".y "iio"tural or design change (including a color scheme "tr'""g"1, either perman6nt or aemPoraYYr of any type or nature whatioever to the exterior of hie Unit, or construct any "aliti"""l building or structure of any type or nature whateoever L|,|Ju',|l|,|,!!|lLll'lll !!llJ|[ll||ll! [!]r |r| ||ll i-li'iz-n'ae.oo o o'oo t{ 0.00 Ergle countv clcrk A =\t upon any part of his Parcel, without first obtaining the prior written coneent thereto from the other Oetner. Owner types ARTICLE 8 HECHANICS, LIENS' INDEMNIFICATION SECTION 8.01. Prohibition. Except for items incurred as a comnon expenae as provided for herein, if any orrner ehall cauge any material to be- furnished to hig Parcel or Unit or other irn-provements thereon, or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, such owner shall be solely responsible to contractors, Iaborers, materialmen and other pereons furnishing euch naterials or labor, and the Owner of the adjoining Parcel or Unit shall not, under any circumstances, be liable.for the payment of any coet or expenae aeeociated or l-ncurred in connection therewith or for the vaiue of any work done or material furnished. all-such work being at the g61e cost and expenee of the_owner causing.the same to b5 done. Nothing herein contained ehall authorize either: Owner or any person dealing through, with or under. either Owner. to charge the- Pareel or Unit of the other Owner with any mechani6,e lien or other lien or encumbrance whateverr andr on the contrary (and notice is hereby given)., the.right and power io charge any lien or encurnbranee of any kind_ against one owner or agaifret oire Owner.B Parceltor Unit for work done or materl-als frirniehed to the other ownerls Parcel or Unit, is hereby expressly denied. SECTION 8.02. Indemnification. If, beeause of any-act-or omission of an OwnerlT[!-tEEhanic's or other lien or order for if,"-p"V."nt of money shait bg filed-against the adjoining Parce-l or U'ni-t of the othei Owner, 6r any improvements therein or [t"i""", -r against any otirer Ownlr lwhether or not such lien or order is valid or enfoiceable ae such), the Owner whoEe act or ornission forms tn" Uiti" for euch lieir'or order shall-, -at- hie ovrn cost and expense, cause the eame to be cancelled and dischgTsea of record or bonded by a surety eompany reasonabll acceptable to such other Owner, witfrin ten 1i0) dlys-after the date of filing thereof , and furiher shall indennify-and save the other Or,,tner harrnless from and against any and ail costs, exPenses, clairns' io".", or damages, includingl witnout limitation. reasonable attorneys' fees resulting therefrom. i*3ffilfi.3 sEcTIoN 9.01. Ineurance Maintained by each ownef' Each-"ft"if maintainl-Ef-EfE sole co6t and e)<Pense' the fotlowinq of insurance'or r'sur cr r'"| lilill lllll llllll llllll llllf llll llllll !!L!|lll llll llll ltzsfi'difzeiibsii ol ilip 8717 Pl 135 s "r iz-i't6'66-o o'oo-tt g'00 Eeglc countv clrk A 0D (a) A policy of property insurance covering hia Unit and all" fixtures, equipment. furnishingE and other items of personal property locaLed therein, excipt for land, foundations, Lxcavations, and other matters normally excluded from such coverage, in an amount equal to the maxirnum replacement value thereoi, and, in any event' not less than necessary.to comply with any co-insurance Percentage stipulated in the insurance policy. Said policy shal-I contain a "Replacement CoEt Endorlement" and an "Agreed Amount Endoreement" - Such insurance ahall afford protection againat at least loas or darnage by fire and other per-iIs normally covered by the etandard "all-risk" policy 1in-luding vandalism and malicious mischief). (b) A policy of qeneral liability and property danage ineurance agalnet clalne for bodl-Iy inJury or death.or Property damage occuiring uponf in or about his Paicel or Unit or other inpr6vements locatld thereon, in limits of not less than s5-00,000.00 in reepect to bodily injury or death to any nunber of pernons arising oul of one accident or disaster, or for darnage Lo property, and if higher lirnits ehall at any lilg F" customary- to- |rolect-against posiible tort liability-, such higher limits shall be carried, and each Owner shall name the other o'\tner aa an additional injured party under such policy' SECTIoN 9.02. Insurarlie on the Caretaker Unit. Thg Owner- of Parcel A ehall slaintain inBuranci on the Caretaker Unit of the iype eet forth in seetion 9.01(a) hereof. such ingurance may be li-r.nia"a by the policy of properly ineurance covering Unit A' but l-n such evint th; O\dn;r of-parcel A shall cause the insurer to allocate the prenium for such insurance between unit A and the Caretaker Unit. The cost of jhe property insurance on the Caretaker Unit shall be a coninon explnee ehared egually by the Owners. sEcTloN 9.03. Insurance Policies. Each owner shall deliver to the other owner cffiing all insurance required to be carried under Seetione 9.01 and 9.02 hereof, each containing agreements by the ineurers not to cancel or modify the p"ii"i"" iitf,out giving'the other owner prlgr-written notice of It ieast thirty (50) aiye. Each Owner shall have the right to inspect and coiy'ati euin insuranee policies of the other Owner' and'require ",rid"n"e of the pa'ment of premiurns thereon. sEcTIoNg.04.SinqlePolicv.Nothingprovidedinthis Articl-e shall preven-Efie owner-from jointli acquiring a single lolicy to covei any one or more-of the-hazardg reguired in thia irticie to be aepaiately insured against by each owner' L|,|,luI.|ll,!!|!lt!ltl!l !!l!!rHl[u[lllrr rlr rrlr rs .i-ri-ifiblo6'o-o'so ll 0'00 Eeelc countv clork A (, 10 ARTICLE 10 DAI'IAGE OR DESTRUCTION SECTION 1,0.01. Repair Obligation. In case of damage or deetruction of any Unit or any part thereof by any cauae whatsoever, the Owner of such Unit shall, at his sole coet and expense, with due diligencer cause the Unit to be repaired and restored, apptying the proceeds of insurance. if any, for that purpose as hereinafter provided. Such Unit shall be regtored to a condition comparable to that prior to the damage or destruction, and in a harmonious manner so as to promote the eommon theme of both Units. SECTION 10.02. Procedure. (a) In the event of damage or destruction of a Unit by fire or other dieaeter, the ineuran-e proceede ahall be depoeited into a bank aceount which requires, for withdrawale, the eignaturee of both the Owners. The ownera ehall then pronptly authorize the neceseary repair and reconstruction work, and the insurance proceede ahall be applied by the Owners to defray the costs theriof. "Repair and RLEonetrultion" of the Unitsr 6a used herein, means restoling the improvements to substantially the same condition in which they existed prior to the damage or destruction, with each Uni.t having the sane boundaries as before. (b) If the ineurance Proceeds are insufficient to repair and reconstruct any damaged Unit, such damage or_ deltruction ehall be pronptly repaired and reconetructed by the Owner using the insurance proceeds as above prowided, and the proceede oi a special asee8ement againet such Oltner's Parcel. iny such assessitent shall be" equal to the amount by -which the coite of reconetruction or repCir of the Unit exceede the Eum of the insurance proceeds allocable to such Unit. Such aEeessment shall be due and payable not Booner than thirty (30) days after written notice thlr-eof and shall be deposited into the bank account referenced in the preceding elause (al .to! withdrawal as therein provided. rhe epeiial assessment provided for herein shall be- a debt of each bwner assessed and a lien on his Parcel and the improvements located thereonr.and,may be enforced and collected Ly foreclosure proceedings in the courts, all aa more fully set forth in Article 11 hereof. (c) Notltithstanding the above, the Owners and First Mortgagee"'oi.ny or all of the destroyed or damaged Unit(s) nay "gr"5 [h"t tt" dlstroyed or damaged Unitls) shall forthwith be d5molished and all deLris and rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the Parcel(s) regraded and landscaped. The costs of such landscaping and demolition work shall be Paid for by any and all ineuranci pioceeds available. Any excese insurance proceeds LHIlr,UHll t,qrlll !H rltt![uLlrrr | | Lr ril I rr or'ri-h-Ebloo'o-o'oo tl o'00 Erslc countv Glcrk |lr sha1l then be disbursed to such Owners and their First Mortgageesjointly. ARTICLE 11 ASSESSI'IENT LIENS SECTION 11.01. Perfoqmance on Others'Behalf.If an Owner (the "Defaulting Ordner") ehall at any time neglect or refuEe to perforrn any obligation reguired by this Declaration, or shall heglect or refuee to pay hie ehare of any obligation required hereunder, the other Owner may, but shall not be obligated to, after twenty (20) days' prior written notice to the Defaulting Owner of such failure and the fal-lure of the Defaulting Owner within said tine to cure the default (unless the circumetances require imnediate action, in which case prior notice ehall not be required) or to perform or pay such obligation, and, in connection therewith, contract with responsible parties and expend guch sums aa may be neceesary, or make euch Payment r as the case may be, including, but not l-imited to, the payment of any inourance premiurne required hereunder, the payrnent of any sums required for reconstruction pursuant to Section 5.03 or Section 10.02(b) hereof, or the undertaking of any work required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance, each Owner hereby grants to the other Oetner, ite agents and assigns, an irrevocible easement to perform the aforeeaid obligations aB conternplated herein. AII sums so paid or expended by an Ownert with intereet thereon at the rate of eighteen Percent (18t) per year from the date of such payment or expenditure, shall be payable by the Defaulting Owner upon demand of the other Owner. sEcTIoN 11 . 02 . r,ien niglits . (a) AII surns demanded from a Defaulting Owner pursudnt to Section'11.01 hereofl but unpaid by the Defaulting Ot/tner' shall eonstitute a lien'on the FarceL of the Defaulting Owner irr favor of the other Owner prior to all other liens and encumbrancea, except: (i) liens for taxes and special aEEeBsments;'and (l-i) ihe lien of any Firet Mortgagee of record encumbering the Parcel or Unit of the Defaulting Owner. Any Eueh lien ie reierred to herein as an "Assessment Lien". The Aasessment Lien shall attach from the date when the unpaid aum shall beeome due and may be foreclosed in like manner as a mortgage on real property, uPon the reeording of a notice or claii €hereof exeiutld fy tn6 Non-Defaulting Owner, setting forth the arnount of the unpaid indebtednesa, the narne of the Defaultirig Owner, and a descriplion of the Parcel . In any such foreclosure, the Defaulting ownei shall be required to pay the coste and expensea of srich proceeding, the coste and expenses of.filing the nolice of lien, and all reisonable attorney6' feeg, which costs and expenees shall be secured by the tien beinq foreclosed' LHIJ.|lr,UllLlf lll llltlrt||'lll,!| IllJrrrrr rrr rrrr ''" o' " R 86'00 o s'ii; io'in'Eeili co'.,ntv ct*r Ahrl. (b) A release of lien shall be executed by the Non- Defaulting owner and recorded at the Defaulting owner's expenee upon payment of all aums eecured by the Aesesoment Lien whieh has been made the subject of a recorded notice of lien. (c) Any First Mortgagee may, but shall not be obligated to, pay any amounts secured by an Assessment Lien created by thie Article, and upon euch payment, such First Mortgagee ehall be subrogated to all rights of the Non-DefauLting Ownei with respect to such Asaesement Lien, including prJ-ority. (dl Each Owner hereby agreea that the Assessment LienE herein described shall be superior to any homestead exemption now or hereafter provided by the lawg of the State of Coloradg oT any exemptl-on nott or hereafter provided by the lawe of the United Statls. The acceptance of I deed to land eubjeet to thiE Declaration ahall-constitute a waiver of the homeetead exenption and any other exernptions ae against such assessment lien. SECTION 11.03. Priority of Lien. The Assessment Lien provided for in Section 11.02 hereof shall be subordinate to the iien of any First Hortgagee recorded prior to the attachment of guch Aesessment Lien. Sale or transfer of any Parcel as the reault of foreclosure of a Firet lrlortqage, or any proceeding in lieu of sueh forecloeure, ghalt extinguish any Assessment Lien attached subsequent to the recording of such Fil9t !-199tgage' but ehall not relieve any forner Owner of pereonal liability therefor. The First Mortgagee of such Parcel , who acquires titl.e by way of forecloaure or itri tatcing of a deed in lieu thereof' sfrafrl however, become liable for future assessments on the date it becones the owner of euch Pareel. No sale or transfer of any Parcel shall relieve such Pafcel from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming duer or from the Assessment Lien thereof. In the event of the iale or transfer of a Parcel with respect to which sums shall be unpaid by a Defaulting.ownert exclpt tranefers to a First Mortgigee- in connection with a forellosure of its lien or a deed in lieu thereof, the purchaser or other transfereeg of an interest in auch Parcel shall be jointly and severally liable, with the seller or transferor thereof, for any such unPaid sums. SECTION 11.04. I{ritten statement. upon written request-of- any owner or prospecti./e transferee of a Parcel , the owner of the otirer parcel in"fi issue a written Etatement settinq forth the amount he is owed under thia Article 11, if any, with respect to such parcel. such statement is binding upon the executing owner in favor of any Person who may rely thereon in good faith' Unleee a request- for sueh stalenenl ehall be compl ied with within fifteen (15i days after receipt of the request, all unpaid sume which Ueiam6 du-e prior to the- date of making such requeet shall tHllr,[u!!lt!f tll !l!!IHl![] [lrrrrr rrr rrrl rs'Ii-ri'h-ta'so-o-o'gg N o'oo Eellc countv clcrk ial.N be subordinated to the lien or other interest of the person requeeting such statement. ARTICLE 12 ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT Both Pareel Ownere ehall be mutually responsible foradministration and management of the obligaLions created Declaration. theby this ARTICLE 13 USE RESTRICTIONS Declarants hereby decl-are that all of the Property shall be held and shall henceforth be sold. conveyed, used, improved, occupied, owned, resided upon and hypothecatedr subject to the foltowing provieions, conditions, limitations, restrictions, agreements and covenants, as well as those contained elsewhere irl this Declaration: (a) Use. Each Parcel sha1l be used for residential purposes only and each Unit shall be restricted to a reeidential dwelling as a permitted ustl , .which use shall include all ancillary uaes p€lrmitted by applicable zoning ordinances. (b) Parcels to be Maintained. Except during any period of reconstruction, each Parcel at all times shall,be kept in a clean, sightty and wholesome condition. No trash, litter. junk, boxes, containers, bot{lee' cane, implemente, rrachinerYt in b"r or oiher building rnatdrials shall be permitted to rernain exposed upon any Parcel ao that the same are visible from the neighboring Parcel or any street. (c) Temporary Structures. Except as hereinbefore provided, no'structure of a teurporary character, including. but iot lirniied to, a houee trailer, tent, ehack or outbuilding, shall be placed or erected upon any Parcel; provided, however, that duri-nq the actual alterition, repair or remodeling of a Unit: or other ilnprovement, necessary temporary structures for storage of material-s nay be erected and maintained by the Peraon doing such work. The-work of altering' rePairing or remodeling any Unit or other improvement shall be proeeeuted diligently from thei conmencement theieof until the completion thereof. (d) lliscellaneous Structures. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave. television or any other type of antenna whatever. or tank of any kind, either elevated or buried, or clothesline, dog run or incinerator of any kind whateoeverr or outside etorage-of any personal property, shall be permitted or | ililt lllll llllll llllll llll lllll illlll lllllllll lll llll eizg?r oL/23tr997 o4r45P B?lt Pl r35 i4 of 1? R 86.00 D o.oo N 0.00 Erslc Countv clcrk Al.gt maintained on either Parcel !,tj-thout the prior written approval of both Owners. (e) Siqns. No advertising or signs of any type shall be erected, placed, permitted or maintained on any Parcel, other than a street nunber, and except for a "For SaIe" or "For Rent" sign not to exceed five (5) square feet. (f) Pets. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon either Parcel or Unit located thereon, except that each Owner may keep and maintain within hie Unit two (2) dornesticated dogs and/or domeeticated cats, provided, however, that the domesticated animals are kept so that they do not constitute a nuisance or danger to other PeraonB or their property. Each Owner, at his ovtn exPense, must vaccinate or caule to be vaccinated all animals he keepe, even temporarily' within the Property, which vaccinations shall cornply with all federal, etate and local lawe, regulations, resolutions, rules and ordinances appticable thereto. Each Owner shall be financially reeponsible and liable for all damage to the Parcel of the other Owner caused by any household pets possessed by such o!'rner, and shall be responsible for the pickup and disposal of excrement or waste deposited by his household pets. (g) Vehicular P+rkinq. Each Owner may- keep no more than two (2) automotive vehicles permanently on the Property. Uncovered'pirrking apacea shall be ueed only for parking automobiles and not- for any other etorage PurPote. Parking-of boats, trallere, camPers, rnotor homes or recreational Vehicles of any type on either Ptrcel is expressly prohibited. (h) No "Time Shartns". No "time sharing", "interval ownership"'or aimilar interest-whereby ownership-of a Unit is shared b] owners on a time baeie, shall be eetabliehed on either Parcel or Unit. (i) No Subdivision. Neither Parcel A nor Parcel B shall be further subdivided. (il No Hazardous Activities. No activities shall be lrA conducted on any Parcel or within any Parcel which are or hazardous to any Person w.itlfn lmprovements conetructed on or or might- be considered to be unsafe (k) No Annoyinq Liqhts' 9oun4s or Odors' No light shallbeeirit'te@hichisunreasonably-brightor causes unreasonable glare. No sound shall be emitted from any pircel which is unreisonably loud or annoying. No odors shall be perrnitted to exude from any Parcel which are noxious or offensive or propertY. |ililtililtilil] ilil ril ilil ilil ilrlilllillllll 5129?5 Ot/23/1997 04r45F B?17 Pl 135 15 of 17 R 86.00 D O,OO N 0.00 Easl: County Clcrk to others. (Il Garbaqg And Refuse Dieposal . No garbage, refuse,rubbieh or cuttinge strEff TJaelosited on,any gtreet or anyParcel, unress placed in a suit^abre contairr"l suiiaury rocated,::.1:! for-the. il'qg"" "f s;;;;;"-ar"pJ""i""na-ii"r"p. Arlequrpment for the storage or diiposar'of such mlteriils sharr bekept in a crean and eanita.y "-"iiti"n. H" g.;;"g" or trash cansor reeeptacres sharr be maiitained in "n .*p6""1 3r unsightly-----manner. (m,l zoninq Reslrictigns. The oq'ners shalt not commitany act which is inconEi;G;t;m appticanie-"""i"grequiremente. ARTTCIE I.4 NOTICE Each Owner shall regieter his nailing addrese with theother owner and arr notices oi demands intended to be ,"..r"a "[""9:?:r"_!:rsuant to this Declaration ehall be eent by certified'mall, postage preplid, addressed in the name of thi owner atsuch registered nailing addreae. rn the altern"tiv., notices rnaybe delivered, if in writingr personally to the Owners. I ARTICLE 15 DURATION; AT"TENDMENT' REvocATIoN SECTfON 15.01. Term. Each and every provieion of thisDeclaration sharr- run with-ffi bind the land f'or'a term ot twentv(20) years from the_date.of rqcording of if,i"-p""f";;tf";; ;;;;;'which time thie Declaration sh?lr be-effective when duty recordedin Eagle County, Colorado. ARTICLE 16 UISCELI,ANEOUS SECTION_ 16.01. .Effect of provisions of thisDecl+ration. Each provisi agreement,promiae, covenant and undertaking to compry with each piovision'of this Decraration, and any ne"6ssary "i"Lption or reservationor gralt of titler_eetater -iigtrt or iirteresi to effectuate anyprovision of this^DecrarationJ (a) sharl be deemed in--rp"iai"ain each deed or other instrument'by which any rijtrt, titrl orinterest in any portion of parcel A or parcei s i= granted,devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or reierred to ineuch deed or other instrumentt (b! shall, by virtue of acceptinceof any right, title or interest, in any portion of parcel A orParcel B by an Owner, be deemed acceptei, ratified., adopted anddecrared aa a personar eovenant of =uih onner and., as a iersonar Illliltililtilil] il]til[ ]til Iilil iltilililllt|l|l 6129?5 Or/23/L397 O4t46? 871? Pr 135t6 of 17 R 86.00 D 0,00 H 0.00 Eeglc County Clerk ial.r Crn linit any other provisione trhich shall remain in full force and ef fect. SECTION 16.07. Captions. The captione and headinga inthle Declaration are for convenLenee only and ahall not beconsidered in construing any provisiona of thiE Declaration. SECTION 16.08. Construction. lf,hen necessary forproper conetruction, the masculine of any word ueed in thieDeclaration shall include the feml-nine or neuter gender, and theeingular shall include the plural , and vice veraa. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarations h,aven aa rf, +L^ t-l? roor {t/executed thisdeclaration as of the /-16 , $gr.*f SENTRY CONSTRUCTION, INC. Ay f+rF- STATE OF COI,ORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE ss before rne thie J:A,'iJ i ,- xfl3jClt{oTuT 0:Jli'-q[f[rfrl.s i : \eett mf,uc3 ,,,, I i '''i1l'',"'l'J'#lf [l[1HrylT{|ll,Illllll1.'.A hro 18 !Yl' I I I I I I I I i I I I I G/t"t Lya"> /,* y'3 box lfl) uall, colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 Andy Norris eox 2941Vail, Co}o.81657 REF: Dear And,y: If you have rqg office. The parcel of land directly west of subject lots are in ttre 1OO-year Flood Plain as indicated by study conpleted by Hydro-Triad and adopted by the Town of vail. sectionl8.69.040 of tfre.Town of vail uunicipal Code does not al-low any type of structute to be built within the desigmated flood plain. department of community dwelopment 10 July 1978 I..ots 41 & 43, GIen Lyon Subdivision further guestions Please free to contact I DSTr/gew iana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator