HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE CROSSING DEVELOPMENT LEGALCascao\e- &ossm1 Dca.rcJopme/t|. oz ts =E uJo- , N -t I o @ 'x X "'l .ir (n UJ UJu- E = UJ \\hns 1"s1\^\\\ !{ c 1'l .{- M F{z Hv) z l-t:a lrn r .it lo t-{ 'Fll--.r rl<o6E Eorotz>z 6J (a At) z]-{u A FIH 1 tsz q) hol*i tslf4l HI 14l>l UJ loIuJIFql z tl= at| J =laol!6<1."2tz 616 Fl 4 rn an H H M H& A.{ hlcnl *l>l<t*l E-r I aal EI\./| HFI!{ H HF E .t) V'HzH (nFz z 14F FfFf Fr rr UJz3 UJIF oz tt{ a,t ')-.5 '/' ./I--t- ic.s\< ,*1Yoi.!n ITl* t-t ta l.t lr t\ .n u, * a{A "-) 'g?l) ) e e; *l EI o o Q) -9t)do o .Do (5 .= o oE oEo (')c =l dt c o = :l ; .c) (D o)'6 o !;oE () c ,'2 I' o N -at 3 F o ct) o ooo c: o a = o (u o =(! ot: c, '=g)(,,) ;.8g8E cottt€;g E=E .0 8pc-o'-oe:5iee€'l = i= EI JE EEitEi {i:o ieee;tq=cl==Sro.(5cL FEE vr- d =*:E;(! EE; o o* EEE_as eeC t:o- --csf;; E:E '6>,c-=.Y;EE:3 -it e9E q> e5g rhsrs xX H ('lrn cr) ffiftfixxXXxx w cnN(\ X "( ..t. N $XXX H F\ rn c\| a g E |..t(\I fi'{rl rt( ta)(!\0.tr & n FXX $ = uJ z J d) Y uj z C) F() u,JJ uJ z o- 2 out = L! u.ltI-z tr IJJEo c o 'llJ lrl z 6 IIJo o-gJ z uJJo X ll,l U':) q, UJ UJtLt uJo- J FoF oz. J co o trF()ltl uJ z6 f o- 2 gJ F F NOrlvnlvA I I I l(9lzIHo l"l:IH "i lc.:_ .tz<< ocf) =iBooia z-r>9E6 ai,z;<or{ H5 JIJ<) ;rtl =iuzgr{ =>E i lr, =l! z - .nA7-ozrL <( >(J ;^i lolz IE lFl l* lc)IHleIEr l14 ItrD{ l!4 lr:1 IMt<tF{ t14 a Hz E z tr u- cr (, o-: t! F il ) tl t r.lJE j z Eo zo F IIJ F t z tl tz:)zootl:urkoo< > iii>ac 8o<z tr 9z do3trOI I I I I l I I i l i i I iL- I Ilcc lcIn ll, lJ c z iF t! zo F -.) U)z I z z I ; J 3t o(! X X X X Fl F z F z (!luo JI i_l zl zl .. >i UJo uJ uJz g) L E uJ o- J z Edu-<:og 4iE I Aco.\_d!Jn KJT \J -r@| -J.H \rJq(f6O z 2 <Az uJF U)dl -z F uJY uJdl oF F E llJ(L |! <..1olI>zl*olo?lr-ltl'I u,tF!JOEzo = H E 9S =€" a\xEB 9. ==7; E-N;FE S{55.'nE i *r:- = El :l5 b=l; i ..1 "3E E bI =Ea E fl;H€= mm H F --- F =E,lrl o-z9F() :)EFazoo =T c) uJ = (, z_ Jtr J @ F J d t6H lcoAl6l P{l\oI O.|l N(4 rnl o\ cq '-rl *Ht-cxlF.t ot odmt (Jr'l IHOIZot-lcn lutdri f'{I < 3HEr., qeiE4=o =E_ a ttr -o- E() MrllA =tr rq I6 ; z ciut J o z3I Itlrn e{(n Ic{ 1\o\ ul J UJ ts F4 14tlrtl rrl.t) tr{ IH'&,ts v SE{.I! Ioet FT I:{s ctz o llJG = l!o z3o Xs {c: 'I .-s c<\. rtl .F -{lqr uiJ uJF =c G IF\ oz o uJ ar It z3o o'\ln(\ I\0No\ :I 4F{ t{ HF =Etr z llJ 5 u-o z1;lI coo\\oo\ I.s c{|n tr z uJ = IL z3 F llJ ul t- IJJ =z m uJz = t- uJtr E. (r -rO<F uJ<ZE|r|Fgzo JE<5P SE Ee i&tu t('oz,* =#)zrro ex:IF?<) =<+lr Y,z =g Eir = rJz rc) i <_><5 9.3E ..1 l :E? =qg6tr=!trtr =UJrlro EHE5€fr39!a '9'=E B 1v E FE: =o: Or!E 90E iHE ;=4 3'ii HoF I I F: ql \"1 I I ltJ uJ at,: .lo G,o G UJz =o tto IIJ D F o oE oo.6 5oF ar ooa (tg Eo {, ott (3 o!,oo ol I = E oEcf, Eq, o l !1 (J -oc-.: = cD E;EEtttt9C.96dt $st.!aEa)-g 6 EPE gEl >=;908 3Eg Eas €Ei;eg *€eE;s Eis666 EE g F-E g E.9 6eE,E :oc) O;.9Efi6s:!i;6 H9 E;;cLo - Eggo 6:: co o E o c o3 : c Io !o Co oo CIo6 .9 !a! E o o t5 o CD o 'ocJa6 .lto q, -IEo =ltoz9 g E C) u,lo J c uJz UJ(9 fi=Y- rt --n) =6 I zz99}-cg;a e vro 69r!<oqgs j.i c uJE z Fo .. >logJoul UJz U'tr: CElrlr J zo F 6o urF 'llJz IIJ =z o ;? oz ciu,G ! slro z3oF :(,hz izYJ s? $ :3 \ EDE EI\l ctz E =E UI o- lrrrk:o ts =E, UJo-zoF(JfE azo(J Plan Rovicr Based oatbe 1988 Unif,orm Codes PROJECT NUMBER: 489 NAME: CASADE CROSSIMG-INT. FINTSH ADDRESS: 1031 S.FRONTAGE RD. DATE: 4-8-91. CONTRACTOR: PERCO OCCUPAIiICY: B ARCITITECT: DONALDSON TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-1HR ENGINEER: DRB APPROVAI REQUIRED: Y PI-,AI{S EXAI'IINER: DAN STA}iIEK CoRRECETONS REoUTRED The Lteus list€d belov are aot iatended to b€ a coupleta listiagof all possible code requiren€nts ia tbe adopted cod€s. It ig aguide to selected sections of the codes. tte folloring ig not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of aay of tbe pro-visions of the adopted codes or any ordinaace of the Tora of Vail . ].. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM APPROVED BY MIKE MCGEE. 2. HA}IDICAPPED REST ROOMS TO MEET ALL CODES?3. COMBUSTION AIR NEEDED FROM OUTSIDE ON A],L MECH.ROOMS.4. PRIOR TO TCO VERIFY 35 PARKING SPACES5. LIGHTS ON NORTH SIDE OF BUITDING EXTERIOR TO BE SHUT OFF.6. THIS PERMIT IS FOR INTERIOR WORK THAT OWNER HAS AGREED TO DO: DEMISING WAI,LS, MECHANICAT HEAT AND IENTII,ATTON FOR THE BUILDING ELECTRICAL LIGHTING, ETC. ?. AIL TENENANT FINISHES REQUIRE ADDITIONAI PERMITS BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE DONE. '=FPCa:8i FE:; ;i;=€ i;Ej:Fl = E::: t F.:: E:: ,gg ii: ;i.! 1 .='i = ;;E tl; €gsFi: 58!.E5; =-: o i 9.! = ji€ ie= H u) 2 F.r4 A FlIA H Afr Hzr4 t-l 3 '! ! U c. a z o0 (r) .n FlFl tn z lrl& q, U (.'2l-l VJtDo& frlc (J ah c) z lr1 l{t {1dF:urH9Ls6isiz>E<< 3E2 l.\av 'YA-2UQ-<i E=!,a=Qou: FtZ6!a<F\a< coS=ooE zlrJ I- -*!l.:<H:iF<YolEl=z>F=S:9 ?Eq. llFFTXt rr.: ,, a{ Eto>P;nO€QU3 HF:x F95p SEFhq.'FYl FgSE tl{,ts -C. FrF!-a+rtarf O. FR ENF -a.|rta t{ .ilJt -H -lff- Ehr?= if-l ^-,.v -trF --!?|e :aLIl-ata *FTFl{ La +h\--tv ir-| Fr{ e.F}af-l fiFa ra-l.Ptlrll.e.g ot uJ J o o (, g,z (J =o o uio J tt, oz z F liii€E: E+;: r f E : ;5: ,g€ ii: ;i n l.: i= ;;E t I; .s ,.'- U E: :Aeti: 58EE:;'::: E ! i s; i€;c; oi o1 -1 'lH CA = cl -tq.i "lH "i H CA fdI Pl H2o&I l:1 =q '1 -l(Y'lq I ag o0 = AH lh trl2 Fg A u,nutH Ar rdFz l-{ o! 3 I U F dr @.$ z EO 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .l?nl Frl =ll-l I F.l r,lal<lzlFlHl I '- .9 3(J v() 14 z AH r/) &E (92t{u)u) x() tslA ortt ct (!z Et|{t- utHpLs<>xQoru Ri=i=i YIAF:ap.z= IJl I-r32,.=Q11 lr: \./- a< ,-FtrZ Gqnits= gqla or zlr,l L ;-(;tFiiF<!?oiil.z:tx<-y EE+3PF=A\ ,., ' trl il*o>B*fi9*.-Y\< HFEX SoxNF.ZU:ffi:rHo=xHrr'f-Yl FSSE tl{ ta -te.e -t-atlt|ra -|4.f. FR rnF -trFE t{.Fts F5 -a.lJ etF q-a =vFi*fr -l-FrEl9 F\aaLIts -atrtFaf-ll{ --.1v tFt trl a.rFf trtt{ fPif..PtFlLA.t=t\, J o o oz z F th 5€ E.'!I ;iiE€ E;:ji F i: E{i:: r E : E:: s€ si: ;i .E ! '= j.. -= :;; i: iza.!1.E-i € iEE i!iis::i Ei!€;ie O'lo\ rn tsrt)p(,p ot alol ol'l 1l l-{l<l>llHI(nl FIEl AI<lol*l t:fl <Itslzl \zl&l :l -.1FI -l aq I 8 E P = tr.H vl r:tzH4 ctt vt l-l tsl EIH2trl H oo , z o! E at)HzHk Hz zFIH U o oEI l-t Ho ==g vHtt) CA &(J FIe () ch u z l.lKJN 6F:trrH 9L56ir R?= 3iial < \,.YrnFz"vf,z: FrDr>iop: FtrZeqi<x=rfJ F- -,/!aqca "_'r q) f '1 SFF*t{<Hii,-sH 9;(l=z>x><-9p=s3 :_rL.:\A -'f-il\ ,.r ' ltl ilto>):qOnIU= H$:x EoEhF-ZlJ.-fri<Do3x3,-F:- =<{9.1Fr.!sF ttt F -A. --t-t{itrItr+ C. FR tn F -rtsa -f}F -dF -lff-at rr. 6T\ €, a-t{: --11|e F\aaHrJ -d *Fl LrHf?\€v it El e.tFfat-loP!{-l.Ft|.the. € .; U F. clq*l t Ig { , Ix # \l rl ;tl \l I I IJ,J f crrEcK REQAEST PREPARED BY: z-- 12,.2->DArE: ,/rZf (.7,/\ VENDORNAME: [Va.zW VENDORNUMBER Daa s z7 DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAI{ UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # /8a s NAME OF JOB: ?.2,o-a^. L A--o-o-o o ACCOUNTNUMBER OI OOOO22OO2 d AMOUNT OF REFUND, i .I,8, D DATEAPPROVED:t-'2,1-ta a\ AppRovAL srGT'rAruRE' al^*l; K/r.-v (\ \o\o.ir @N N lnNrn F'|F{p( 6e-8-tr tb ol a I I r.lF{l EIf'1l(,tutztovlHotH<lHgtatl lzIOHlov)l< lErh tEt 6v) Hr 9r I I l_ IE I I l I l. te G, tb2 t= l2 o @g\ BIBIIE F () o\ @o\ .f z .t)HEfr z El FJ ll.J uJo: =GoII GoFo c.Fzoo Go E uJ2 =OE rL llJ6z;3Eof ltJFI<F7aYZ /1.-< I @ F\OO\ (, zxo .FOH zH Hz E 4 t rr]H Ha Fl '-t -l AIpl z,l dt dl ;Efi9C Eg EEE EieE; gEEEE g"; ge E EiEgg iiiiE IJ1 c.l o tl X o ulujt!2o F utEc)uIG aft uJ UJlt E =Gu,o- J oF I x F{z |lt-l H 14 h a rn E IAlFl IH 3_Et4oo]vZoozL 9Ft EE E-s;tai() EruZ(J I >c -afnfutS =lOsl 2Z99F^V'o=?x=EY ano E9l!<oq o-- dFtjni c{rn G o-ul4 J zo Foo zo F e UJ .. >loutoulqJz U' tr:Eul o- J zo tr oF 2,. 2= E(53Ei oo 1'1 .if @.il IF.o\|.\ tJ- z ts f:1FlHHH Fl 6 t x uu c t .l@ F.{ | 01(/)llrl lF{ztl 14 lr-alttr>lr'.HI ;-l . u)l ,-lolrnlNIElt{sl>ga dAqAIlo ut EJkt{(J U) .A zH FT E =e lt CJ t-{ FT F EIE F\ F\ I.+ o\ F\ zHcE Ff z IA FI tc II (,2 co = Jo al irg=+EFt-o2 c,- E-E UJo- E2 F I 'Et E E 8 E EI t! @ t-c! -I\., II _l tll,.-)- (l an 7 (t)z FtA ulF <t @oa 2o Fo- lr.lY ullo oF F =olfr3o.Fl l! .lO o'l>-lo. .t 8Ell-lgr^lbEzo F 16 = tiE. IJlrJ |- o.z9F()q EFOez:aI{r, 5 rm YE t II I II I I oq ftl7l'l C'- ..=sG:ultq )t a) L u c ta 0\) $t $ $ ) 8t /\ q r d0 ui df t4 v, UJul ts =Elljo i!(a lrdoIi Eco (.t G 2o() G,o GUI =ad LU' 9EEo:t uJ <tr ?-aY::o<x cID E€ $e 83 E"ggE .€o-otraErF FT E; 68xo :3E TEFO ts 6O gF E€8or,cD o.5:rt EE |DE r,'O?= =cEf Eg eR to.c6--' 6-O-'t69 d:9E6s =oc| EFE €;sc:6F5C€6P5;o €€Esg: EEE EEE-ooiEoe;9Fgi eE*.$E; sE= P6o iE€ ,EEE_agettr60-5a9 $;iiP:E ;$;g ctoSEEsoc,t ftu. K) -',a\ rl n I 0lU\ s l-- dt ;v\J 8t to ("l"i c( ;r ! = $r I C( # ,j] t bt 0 dt $.i=Yrl 3ll Il,llI Ie H C'-oJ =,o g C'u, (, z d 6 EFC'tll ll, oz 6 T3 d { C)i (, UTI 0 = UJ FI zIF ufc()gI G o EI:lgl ltcz(, UJo u, Rt!oc9 ul (, T ulof v,lrlt!E E =E UJA oz6 l.o dE bu, ut (,z ao:l5 d 1C' =(, u,t .'l 1 ilJI -__-J N=litr lElu 0 ) ts =Glrl 5N isI rrr Z\E -J+ ri$;- _31 E$ f;: $ o4 9: FUJlE o lI o 'J Ero,F a fiE Eil.i .{ n $ zI ED t!do c-Io t F G u,G 1zo F6o zI E TUts 4 'u,z ll P 32Pr6?36iETgllII thF g5 fEd0tg ltJI ? .B oU'u,zxL)i u,c 2 9F 5f.nz I! I! i l EI tlFIxlgtl Jl<ltrlil =l :l ,. >l EIu,otllll,zp =Gul4 zI tsoo F5o ljo il"d o-z $hl w d$ fs f fi =z .llq N f; el aUIado1 I \l \J s T N s JJ T6 I s $ c{lq-E UJ lv1ls $l\J.l rl $ a UTGdda aI t$ t$ l{ d E(, I__i\ ) cOq 4 c4 4.4'f1H'l lElrl I -lJI ,":1.\ lo|zl dl uJl 5l 3lltlq zl H E 0 I C( f- d TJF tB, z/1 v1 .a 4v'1'v2' 4liE lrJ -'tt-Y-/ - z* si uJF ): -P JGtr lo 7 criufq q t!q d3 CTH ui |rlF =EE ciz ci UJE lroz E tc d ur lo 1lolIJI GI =ltrlq 2l 3lolFI culz3o C'ulE-oe ElO<Fo.()u, <(zE rtZ-oo J.<(()lF: Ei u.r ( -( a) J( V a)) (,z to =f c tft I zfJ 6F =EgE Eoerb =+e5i o() ,<xr<t( oEU =Efi*ETE iF E $'ffi EEflffR UJool- o E:fE 6zo C) f-I ! tl-,.\ rt I o, l61l_ .F <n t6 -l.l Brzl I c'\ o\ cr) z .t)H 2 FJ lrJ UJo =Eol! EoFo G,Fzoo CEo .E UJ23od rUJ62.-3HolulFI<FZaLZ at, < ci Eo.c g TI6 .9 CLo.6 c,ioF o o a,oocG .g Po o o EcE oEoo ct .cs 3 d) E o =cl Eo EFclJd\]-,o>>\)g\) EEgg €E gE Ffc= .9 6PEE-c,> iE*E E€EF Et;E c.;6.9 SEaeo!-o.or E €e€ EEEE -o,Yo-l,cf6 0'- !E=Og' gEi; ;fis;9Eo - PEgS - o 6 .:! |t\\o CN & att IIJ UJtt E =& uJG J FoF ts Flz F1 z ElHa*El ts P F U) ozHtsa H '< z HtsHJ E Td -c,o!} ll.ozo Fq- ao ul J E, uJz uJo ->E -ri) = LrJ Al =.o(\l zz99F^ta =d=ar, o1>9C)9Zt! <(oqH6;()FOjtri rn e, I uJ J z Eoo z EE uJFJ .. >lo uJo uJutzo ts =ul o- J z Eoo E an zH a.t) V) & 14 (/J ti,i =zoo-! .ir @\t IF\;g\i- l'\ - 2 FltstsH Fl F6 o\ Ln IF\rn F.ic Hl zlE1 | >lfr: I ;l g aJ 3 F{ H .t)vl z H EE rr ro Icl\o F\ z €jutE = t|.oz =o F zl sl :l <l>lttlolz H 3|t E -rO<F0.()ur<zoc IIJ F6Zo C) oz (n = Jc z ? UJ = E,h -r! ,e' Z oz E =G,uro- z, zEEtOOc) ==E t*x !nE -) "dgAEfi =HE tr:E UJc l!o EgE<8AieIP 5EE'J|- =ut:-E 5E! 6tE 9ot iutE XO_E ;TFi!E UJ.ooF !!! C\J O uJ Et/, @o-) zo Fo. IIJY UJo oF E =Eo\llj @o- o\ r!lolr- Cl6. 1olo >,{t? Hur'^F(Jzo ts =E,ut o-zo F C)fEFlnzo() @ $ Al, Hi= o=-oe.g :: o-!t s=aPF E 6.= E:c=o(,)tr $s=fE \ ulv, = G,o e.oFo zoo lco utz3 l!l!oz;=EOluJ <tr 6 6b E e =EF! EgE E ,\Ib\d\J- ,? --rl = 6'.*- v\J ( $ oz buF:trr) o- 0)t 2) ;uc u 0l E. uL ) L ) I IJ ) z UJ F o $ D N z <r9 =<coo =z dP 6 EgE<taE9ETb0.EE =>E JF E FE: :EE 88t EurE stF !'!i lttoo F EE UJo-zot-oDEl-azoo Etr =EE d a+ OAox ot 5'!r13 -!'. tl,ri! , ';. 11 (, =J to o $s sq) ni- z |Dq u il $l U 6l JI -4clzu{- I Er { Uo{ EJ-at'tflr.l iE 83 belt rtt?'IFtGlr liG ld€ il +J F C)ld{I \ JEid ui UJh e,t!z =o a UJ () EJO<Foaour<zEltFo6 o JE 5P =()i< ft? E a3 ^9 9F =() =Ed5 (J x6 =3Eg Gngi o2 <()(q v,rn UlJO Fx{1, trtrtr o 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 3r' 'r I l'! TO: FROM; DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter: lTack.or deposit any soit,-r".f, sand, debrisor nateriar, including trash durnpsrers, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any streetl siaewailcl -;li;y or publicp1?9" or any portion theleof. The right-oi-r.y 3n art Town ofVail streets and.I?ug= is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wirr be. strillry enforcid, ry the-iown of VailPublic works Denartment- pers6ns found vieraain; this ordinanceril+- be given a 24 hour writren ""ii""-t"-;;;;;'.aid rnarerial.rn the event the person so notified_does not conrpry with ttrenotice within the 24 hour.time speciiiee,--irr"-p"tric worksDepartment will remove said urateii.t_"t tt"--""p."se of personl"tifi"9: The provisions of thii ordinance shall nor beapplicabre to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any utilities in ttre-ilg[l-"_r"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in furr, prease stop by the Tohrn of!3ir nu1]ding Department to obtain a copy. ri:ani< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. acknowledged PositionrznelationEffi (i.e. contractor, owner) .? {.Town of Vai I25 S. Frontage Road Vai l , Col oracJo 81657(f,o3) 47&*TCtACl FIan analysis ha6ed on the 1985 Uniform Blrilding trode Frojerct Id: CAStrADE CROSSING Addresgr 1Of,1 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD, h,EST Occupancy: F3 Type o{ Eongt: V-lhr FL NANE Date: November 14, 198]9 Contractor: RAS BUILDERS Archi tect: ttj, l-1, JEIN A65OC. Engineer: THE I{ANDEN GROUP Flans Examiner! N0RRIS NOTE: The cade items listed in this repor-t are not intended to be a compl ete listing of alI possible code requirementg in the 1985 UEtr. It is a gutide to gel ected sectione o{ the code. SEPARATINN DIRECTION BBUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE F.KOTECTION NORTH Furb I i c way lcr(,. (:, Feet g(:1. r-, Feet EAST Froperty I i ne 57. {:, Fa(?t 57. l-t pssl SOUTH Purb I i c way 8f,. O Feet 63. t-, Feet hJEST F'roperty 1 i ne 235. l:) F'eet 335. {t Feet Area i ncreased 1(l(--r. Otl7, f cr stren area on 4 si des, trCtr T,IAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS I Retai I Sal esi Room Et: t:l: 11(){)(J :S0{)0 {1" 39 r.:[,: TflTAL FOR FLNOR EUILDlN6 TOTAL 1lf_l(J{-r ?8()00 fi.39 olr l1(l{}{r lgc}(:!{:! 0.39 {]lr EXTHRIfJR WAI-L FIRE RATINGS AND OFENING PROTECTION Table L7-A ?'t Table 5*A NORTH EAST SOUTH t4E5T OCC BRG NON-BR6 OFNG FRG NON-BRC} OFNS FRG NON-BRG OFNG BRG NON_BRG OF'NE [',ALL tr,ALL FROT WALL WALL FROT WALL IAIALL FROT hJALL NALL FR0T E3 thr lhr None thr lhr None thr thr None thr thr None The exterior walls may be of COMTIUSTIFLE material . Sec.?3O1. None *- No {ire protection requtirementg for openings. Frot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr {ire assembl iFF, 507. of the area o{ the wa1 I max i rnnrn. Sec . 2lOS. ( b ) 9r Tab Ie 5-A l"laximum sinqle window si:e is 84 sq.ft with no dirnengi ongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) oFage * 3 t Code r-evi ew { gr: Project Id. r trASCADE CROSSING Addregs: 1r-t31 SBUTH FRONTAGE RD. I^IEST NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wal 1.{t -- Thege wallg may be requi red ta have a parapet wall 30 incheg above the roofing. The parapet wal I is required to have the game {ire rating as t-he wal1. See gect-ion 17t19. {or details and excepti ons. OTHER BUILDING ELEI"'IENTS Table 17-A ELEf4ENT HATERIAL RATING NT]TES Interior Bearing wall Any I hr Interisr nonbrg wall Any t hr See Foatnote *5 Structural Frame Any I hr Exterior Struct Frame Any t hr See footnote *1 Floor/Ceiling Assembly Any t hr Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any t hr Stairs Anv None FOOTNOTE$; 1) l'linirnum on exterior gide also based on exterior brg. wal 1 requi rements. 5) Nonload-beari ng walls within a tenant space that are not part of a Ihr corridor may be o{: a) Noncombustible (nonrated) mater i aL s L,) Fire r etardant -treat ed wood c) One-hour construction (any material ) -- Sec. 17{}5. (b)1, OCCUFANCY SEFARATIONS None requi red ADDITIONAL SEFARATIENS FOR B? OCCUFANCY: A thr otrcLtpancy Eeparelti on ig requrir*d around rcrorns containing a boi ler or central heating nnit greater than 4OCrr0(ril ETU inpurt. -- Sec. 708. FXIT REEUIREI'IENI"$: FL NANE OCCUFANT NUI'IFER EX IT FANIC RATED DOER NETES LOAD REOUIRED WIDTH tft.l HDh,ft CtrRRIDOR S[^,ING I Retail Saleg Rcrom J67 I 7,3 No Yes Ourt TOTAL 367 ? ( ?) 7 .3( 7. f,) No Yes Ourt Rated corridors are to have thr fire protecti Bn on both sides of walls and ceiling. -- Sec. 33(t5. (g) Openings are reqr-rired to be protected. -- Sec. 3305, (h) In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is 1/? of the ma:<imum diagonal o+ the area or {1oor. -- Sec, 33O3. (c) Exit signs are required {rom all areas serving an occutpant load of 5tl) or rnore.*- Sec, 3314. (a) Door swing is baged on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occurpant load is based on Table 33-A. Nurnber o{ exitg is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is based on Sec. 33Ct3. (b) FOOTNOTES: *to= Code review {or: Frsject Id.; CASCADE CRO$SINEi Addresg: lt]f,1 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD. b,EST HANDICAPFED ACCESS: 1) HanrJi capped access is requri red to at I east one prirnary entrance to thig br-rilding -- Sec. 33O1. te,) & Table 33-A ?) If a ra.np is Ltsed {or handi capped actresso the max slope is 1r1?. -- Sec 3f,tt7.(c) Fravi de a landing within I inch lL12 i nch at doorg nsed *or handicap access) of the threghold. -- Sec. 3304. (h) The minimnm width is: same as dc:clr width and the minirnL.m length is 44 incheg. -- Sec. 33r-r4, ( i ) The maxi mutm travel distance in this br-ri. ldinu is l5O {eet. -- Sec. 3503. (d) ROOFING REOUiREPIENTS: 1) The roo{ing on this building is reqnired to be {ire retardant, -- Sec.3301 . (b) 3) See section f,?Cr.l. (e) and ICFO regearch retrortg {or requrirementg. AUTOf'IATIT SPRINI":LER SYSTEI,IS: I{ opening are not provided in aach 3{:} +eet o{ extericr wall or there is floor area rnore than 75 {eet from an exterior opening, an at-rttlfiatic =pri nl':1er system is requrired. -* Sec. f,?i13. (b) | STANDFIFE REOUIREf'IENTS: 1) A standpipe =yetem may be requtired, -- T;rbI e 18-A ?) The location i:i t-o be perr Sec. 38t15. {c) ,' (d) ,'and/or'(e} NALL AND CEILING FINISH: t) hJal 1 and ceiling finish matarials are requri red tt: comply with Sec. 43(:!4. (a) and T.rbIe 4?-F- :) Darpeting on walls and ceiling are requrired tn have a Class I {l arne spread rating. -- Sec. 4?04, (b) INSULATION NOTES: 1) A1 I ineurlation material includj.ng facings are reqlri red tn have a {lame* spread rating clf 35 or legg and a maximurm smoke density o{ 45O urrrless it is in a concealed space and the {acing is in trDntatrt with a wall or cei I i ng " -- Sec. 171f,. (c ) e:rc. #? ?) Foam plagtic ingulationg are required to be protected. -* Eec. L7 12. 6LAZ ING REOUIRET4ENTS: 1) AlI glaring in haaardous locstions is required ts be of safety gIa:ing material , -- Sec. 54O6. (d) ADDITItrNAL REGUIREI"IENTS: For B? EccLtpancy In aII areas customari 1y occupi ed by humans, provide naturral or arti{icial ligtrt and ventilation. -- Sec. 7O5. I aFage * 4 Code review f or: Prnject Id.: CASCADE CROS$ING AddreEsr 1031 SOUTH FRONTAGE RD. WEST If water f olrntai ns are provided, one .nLrst have a spout within f,f, inches o{ the floor and up-frant controls. -- Sec. 511. (c) HANDItrAFFED TOILET FACILITIES: 1) AlI doorways leading to a toilet room {or handicapped are requrired to provide 3? inchee clear width. -- Sec. 511. (a) t) Frovide 44 inches clear on each side o{ doorways. ** Sec. 511, (a) 1.3) Provide a 6O inch di ameter clear area within the toilet room(g). -- Sec.511. (a)2, 4I Frovide a clear area 4E inches wide and 48 inches long i.n front of at lesst one water closet. If in a compartment and door ig on the side,provide a clear access width a{ 54 incheg, Door may not encroach into clear area, -- Sec, 511. (a)3. 5) A 4S inch accesg width is reqlrired to the handicapped compartment. -* Sec, 51 1 . (a) 3. 6) Grab barg are required behind and on one gide or on both gides of handicapped water closet. Side bar is requi red to be 42 inches long (min) and extend ?4 inches in {ront o{ water closet. Rear bar is to be ?4 i nche:ilong in a room or 36 inches long in a cornpartment. Earg are to be 33inches to 36 incheg above the floor. *- Sec. 511. (a)4. 7, Provide a clear area nnder at I east one lavatary. 3t) inches wide X 39 incheg hiqh X 17 inches deep mininrLtm. -- Sec. 511. (b) 1" 8) The bottom of one rnirror e opening o{ a towerl {ixtutre, and disposal {i:ltlrre ig required to be within 4{t inches o{ the f loor, -- Sec. 511. (b) ?..c2.1 . .t lnttn 75.ouh lrcntrgp rc.d rrJ|, colo3aafo dfi57 (36)|7$u|38 (s).7$?|30 orlfice ol conrmunlty dcrCopment June 26, 1991 Mr. Robert LaPoint The MutualGroup (U.S.), Inc. 401 North Executive Drive Brookfield, Wl 53605 Re: Cascade Crosslng Retall Center Dear Mr. LaPoint: The current status of the Cascade Crossing retail center is as follows: 1. The lease spaces have been tumed over to individual tenants for fixturing, and the "Sports Rent' space is currently occupied under a Temporary Certificate ol Occupancy. 2. Certificates of Occupancy may be issued for the lease spaces upon completion of all building code requirements, Town of Vail approved landscaping and highway improvements (per the Colorado Department of Highways access permit). 3. The owners have arranged for a letter of credit to guarantee completion of landscaping to coincide with the Town's planting requirements. Said letter of credit is due to expire on July 31, 1991. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, lLJ. 14,(L Mike Mollica Assistant Director of Planning lab cc:Dan Stanek lnwn 42 west meadow drive vall, colorado 41657 (3031479.2250 fire department MEI'{OR,ANDttl.l TO: FROU: DATE: RE: @nuur4tsso DAN STANEK, BUILDING fNSPECTOR T4 ,-.UTCHAEL llcGEE, FrRE MARSHAL UAUGUST 13, 1990 CASCADE CROSSING I was reguested by Chief Duran to attend a meeting scheduledfor l- P.M. today with representatives of Cascade Crossing, BassettEnterprises, and the electrical contractor. No one met me at the job site, but I took the opportunity tomeet with a forenan and obtained his pennission to look around thejob site. I want to relay a few of the items I observed. 1. An emergency light is reguired in the electrical room. 2. The fire alarm wire in the unfinished portion was fastened over some dryrwall seans. The drywall contractor has apparently tapedand mudded. over the fire alarm wire. 3. The fire hydrant on the west end has been obstructed by thebackfill. I left infonnation with the foreman as to whatclearances are required. 4. Bassett Enterprises has left several coils of fire alarm wirein the circuit wiring in the finished and unfinished portions. I have directed the foreman and Bassett to remove the excess wiringin the west store and directed that the remaining coii.s should be removed as each space is finished. PRO'ET TD: o6rPAl.rcY: 1'= PENUIT ISSNTG Sec.3O3. (a) fte tilitdfug official may iss:e a permit for ttre otstructiqt of trnr{ of tilildirq or sirucluc before tne entire plarrs ard 4ecificaticrs for t$e whole trritdirg on stnrcfitre have been strnittecl or al4lorred, ptovided aae+tate info:nration ard d€taifed statsrenits have been filed ccrpfyirg with a'l'l peltJrcrt t€qufreents of tbe oode. 1&e holde ICIIN OF \ATL 75 S. FROITXAGE ROAD vArL, @rrRAE 81657 BESD (lI SIE T985 T]NITEFiI E IIDIIG dT gTS IS A EAST SJECK PE8I{II EPPtf,Cafrt(rf PIiN EXAMINR: at ttteir tlre ermit or IPPTJCAflICII PNOCETINts D Yctn PI;INS $nr srE rollowrrG?Irus ltARKm x ene ldo rs /J & A site plan? *1J tn electrical plan? /J ritt p,rpofing? Z sprir*rer shcps? D rit" alarm strqls? PLAN CIIffi TTIII IUT ffiIN U}TTIIJ ATt.. OF EIE ETCFT LS CUPTE@ CR q'E{TTIE)' trl reqtdrcd.- (z) narurirq,/zc'nbg final apprrrral frm AcnmniQr Devefcgnert Staff. i:i Hf recorls, agr.eenents, title r:eports, letters of czedit, bords, etc. rust a€qnp ycr:r application. lJ /J /J- /J ..- q & & lEq D- I. EIE Itr{DEASIGIED, BvE reAD AIID IINDERSf,EI|D. SIGN: **T ADDI?IONAL PLAN REVIET{ REQUIRED IY CIIANCES, ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO APPROVED PI.ANS, A FEE OF $3O.OO PER. HOUR WITH A MINIMW CHARGE OF ONE HALF IIOIJR. lJ & Fordaticn Plan? Rm. alv &q lxq & A soiL test? Stanpea stnrcfirral? El@r plans? All elevations? a mlanical plan? Rn. & Fp w q /J-/J/ oE}rer? t€p N && u& D speciflcations? TY?E OF @I'ISI: ll- LtrTTlF @F TRANSnfl 0TT4]L ZAI S.,k4Jeu_6-er,l 6db)..L wzL fr)T1-(frb E Copy ol letter 0 Change odcr D Undcr s€p.ratc covcr via E Plans tr Samplcr tr Spcciffotionr D thc iollowing itrmr: THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as check€d \,/ AFor approval D For your use C As requ€sted bclow: tr Approved as submitted n Approved as not€d E Returned for corrcctions E Rasubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copios tor distribution O Roturn -corr€ctld print3 K"t revi.rv and comment tr D FOR BIDS OUE T9- tr 'PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS t, a,rdo{{t rr tlrl ioa,r t&d, ,kragt ttLr, oa tt otba. l'. IIrl I III l ; ; CTL/THOMPSON, INC. CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERS SOILS AND FOUNDATION IN\ESTIGATION VOLITER NURSERY PROPERTY vAtL, coLoRADO Prepored For: Voil Commerciol Portners, Ltd. c/o Chorles L. Biedermon 2696 South Colorodo Boulevord Denver, Colorodo 80222 Attenf ion: Mr. Chorles Biedermon Job No. 13,913 Jonuory 27,1987 r97l WEST IzTHAVENUE . OENVER.COLQRAoOAO2O4' (3p,3raffi777 oo TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SITE GRADING BUILDING FOUNDATIONS FLOORS CONCRETE SURFACE DRAINAGE LIMITATIONS FIG. I-VICINITYMAP FIG. 2 - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIG. 3 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS I I 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 SCOPE This reporl presents tlre resulls of our soils ond foundotion invesfigotion for fhe proposed Voliter Nursery building in Voil, Colorodo. Our investigotion wos to evoluote subsurfoce condilions ol the site ond provide recommendotions for foundotions ond for floors. This report includes o descriplion of lhe subsurfoce conditions in explorotory borings ond our opinions regording foundotions ond design soil pressures for ihem, guidelines for ground floor ond construction crilerio for detoils influenced by the subsurfoce condiiions. A brief summory of our recommendotions is presenled in the following seniences. More complete descriplions ond tlre results of field ond loborotory tests ore included in lhe reporf. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS l. Subsurfoce conditions in our borings were 7 to B feet of fill underloin by dense noturol grovels of the norlh end of the properly. Our borings ot tlre south end of the property penetroted dense nolurol grovels. The fill is not, in our opinion, suiloble to support foundolions or slob-on-grode floors. No f ree ground woter wos meosured in our borings. We recommend founding the proposed building with spreod footings beoring on o combinotion of the nolurol grovels ond structurol fill replocing the exisiing fill beneoth footings. The exisling fill soils exclusive of debris, lrosh ond orgonic motter con be used in struclurol fil t. The exisiing fill should be removed beneoth slob-on-grode floor for betler perf ormonce. The existing f ill should be reploced wilh slructurolfill compocted fo high density. The exisling f ill soils exclusive of debris, trosh ond orgonic motter con be used in structurol fill. Surfoce droinoge should be plonned to provide ropid runoff of surfoce woler owoy f rom f he building. Wof er slrould not be ol lowed to col lecl oround foundolions or obove povements. 2. 3. 4. -2- SITE CONDITIONS The Voliter Nursery properly wos o triongulor lot belween fhe Highwoy 70 right-of-woy ond lhe soufh Frontoge Rood in Voil, Colorodo (Fig. l). Two existing buildings were locoted on the wesl side of the property. The buildings will be removed. Along the north side of the property, in the eost one-holf of fhe property, 7 to B feet of fill hos been ploced. The fill slopes down ot opproximotely 1.5:l (horizonlol to verticol) to the noturol ground surfoce. Eost of the property is on existing three-story professionol building. South of the Frontoge Rood, there ore porking lots ond severol one-slory buildings. In generol, the site is flot, except in the creo where ihe fill slopes down to lhe noturol grode. The site is divided ot opproximotely the center by o row of lorge boulders which divides the property into two seporote porking lots. The site wos snow covered ot the lime of our invest igotion. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION A one-story building, opproximolely 180 feet long ond 50 to 80 feef wide is plonned for the site. The building floor will step up from fhe south lo ihe north to follow existing grodes. A slob-on-grode floor is preferred. No bosement consfruction is plonned. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurfoce conditions were investigoted by drilling five explorotory borings in llre oreo of the proposed building. Boring locolions ore shown on Fig.2. Logs of our borings, resulls of field penetrofion resistonce tests, ond loborotory test dolo ore shown on Fig. 3. -3- Subsurfoce condilions in our borings in the norlheosl porl of the site were up to 8 feet of brown grovel fill wifh cobbles overlying noturol dense, brown, sondy grovels mixed with cobbles ond boulders. The fill moteriols were errotic in density ond nol, in our opinion, suitoble fo support foundotions or slob-on-grode floors. In the south ond west oreos of the proposed building, ihe noturol grovels were found from lhe surfoce. Procticol drill rig refusol wos encountered in eoch of our borings ot depths ronging from 1.5 feet to 10.5 feet. When refusol wos encountered, severol ollempts were mode in the vicinify of the boring to penetrole post the refusol. Somples of the soils were returned lo our loborotory for iesting. Grodotion lests on the motrix of the noturol grovels meosured 24 percent silt (porticles possing ihe No. 200 sieve). The motrix hod no plostic or liquid limits. SITE GRADINC The building siie will need to be groded to oclrieve lhe proposed stepped floor ond to shope the site to droin. The existing fill moy need to be completely removed to occommodole the proposed floor levels depending upon how the owner chooses lo hondle it under slob-on-grode floors. The exisling fill soils fhot ore finer thon 6 inches ond free of debris, trosh, orgonic motter ond other deleterious moteriols con be used in slructurol fill beneoth foundotions ond slob-on-grode floors ond poved oreos. Allvegetotion should be stripped from surfoces to receive fill. The surfoces should be scorified ot leost 6 inches deep, moisture conditioned to lhe optimum moisture content for compoction ond compocted to 90 percent of modified Proctor dry density (ASTM D 1557). The hondling of the existing fill beneotlr footings ond floor oreos is discussed in tlre severol following sections. -4- BUILDINC FOUNDATIONS The noturol soils ore dense grovels ond suitoble to support footings' The soils ot fooiing level will be both noturol grovels ond exisfing fill. In our opinion, the existing fill is noi suitoble fo support footings ond should be removed ond reploced wifh struclurol fill. Slructurol fill should be consirucfed wilh sonds' sonds ond grovels or grovels with 100 percent finer thon 6 inches, moisture conditioned to wilhin 2 percent of oplimum moisture contenl ond compocted lo 95 percent of modified moximum Procfor dry density (ASTM D 1557). The existing fill soils thot ore finer thon 6 inches ond free of debris, trosh, orgonic motter ond other deleterious moteriols con be used in structurol f ill. Spreod footing foundotions should be designed ond constructed using fhe following criferio. l' Spreod foof ings should be ploced below frost depth (4 feet is normolly ossumed in lh'is oreo) ond b.or on the noturol grovels or o combinotion of the noturol grovels ond slructurol fill replocing ihe existing fill beneoth foofings. Spreod footings should be designed for o moximum soil beoring pressure of 5,000 paf. The strucfurol fill should extend down ond ouf'from the outside edge of footings on o 0.5:l (horizontol lo verticol) slope. 2. Continuous footings should be ot leost 15 inches wide. Pods below isoloted columns ihould be ot leosf 24 inches by 24 inches. Footing sizes moy vory depending uPon the building loods. Foundotion wolls for conlinuous footings should be reinforced both top ond bottom. We suggesl os o minimum; the reinforcemenl needed for o simple spon of l0 feet. Reinforcement should be designed by o quolified slruclurol engineer. Compleled excovotions should be inspecled by o represenlofive of our firm fo confirm fhe soils ore os onticipoted from our borings ond lhof oll existing fill is removed from beneoth footings. Plocement. ond compoction of sfructurol fill should be observed ond tested by o representotive of our f irm. 4. -5- FLOORS There is existing fill beneoth building floor oreos which is not, in our opinion, suitoble lo support slob-on-grode floors ond, it oppeorsr structurol fill will be needed lo roise portions of the site to floor subgrode. We believe it would be best to remove ol I the existing fill from beneoth slob-on-grode floors ond reploce it with sfructurol fill. lf the owner wishes to sove moneyr 3 feet of the existing fill could be removed ond reploced wifh slructurol fill but there is risk the remoining existing fill will seltle ond couse slob domoge. The grovels will supporf slob-on- grode floors. All the structurol fill beneolh slob-on-grode floors should be moisture conditioned wilhin 2 percent of optimum moisture content ond be compocled to oi leost 90 percent of modified Proctor moximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). The existing fill soils thot ore finer thon 6 inches ond free of debris, lrosh, orgonic motler ond other deleferious moteriols con be used in structurol fill beneoth floors. Off-site soils needed to supplement the on-sife soils should be similor lo on-sife grovels with 100 percent finer thon 5 inches. The floor slobs should be constructed on o fine grovel loyer. We believe the floor slobs sl'rould be seporoted from building foundotions ond construcied os lote in the construction process os possible to reduce differenfiol settlemenls. Slobs should be independent of structurol members, plumbing ond portitions. To reduce crocking ond curling, slobs should be designed in smoll ponels. CONCRETE A somple of the fi ll soils wos tested for sulfole concenfrotions. Test results indicote o concenlrolion of less thon 0.01 percent woler soluble sulfotes. Type I cement be used in concrele exposed to foundofion soils. -6- SURFACE DRAINAGE Performonce of foundotions ond concrete flotwork is influenced by tlre moisture condilions in the subsoils. The risk of wetfing foundolion soils con be reduced by corefully plonned ond mointoined surfoce droinoge. Wetling or drying of the open foundotion excovotion should be ovoided during construction- The ground surfoce surrounding fhe exterior of the building should be sloped to droin owoy from fhe building in oll directions We recommend o slope of ot leost 5 inches in fhe first l0 feet. Bockfill oround foundotion wolls should be moistened ond compocted to ot leost 90 percenl of moximum modified Proctor dry density (ASTM D 1557). Roof downspouts ond droins should dischorge beyond the limits of ollbockfill. LIMITATIONS Our borings were spoced to obtoin o reosonobly occurote picture of the subsurfoce conditions ot the site. Procticol drill rig refusol wos encountered in eoch of our borings ot depths vorying from 1.5 to 10.5 feet. Voriotions in the subsurfoce conditions not indicoted by our borings ore possible. We should inspect lhe completed footing excovotions to confirm lhe soils ore os indicoted by our borings. Plocement ond compoction of fill should be observed ond tested by o represenlotive of our f irm. This report wos bosed on conditions disclosed by our borings, results of loborotory tests, engineering onolyses ond our experience. The criferio Presented reflect lhe proposed construction. Should chonges in the plonned sfructure or ils configurotion occur, we should review our work ond evoluofe tlre effect of lhese clronges on our recommendolions. -7- lf we con be of further service in discussing the confents of this reporl, or in fhe onolyses of the proposed building from o geotechnicol point of view, pleose coll. CTL/THOMPSON, tNC. 3cc: Morter Architects 143 Eost Meodow Drive Crossroods oi Voil Voil, Colorodo 81657 Altention: Mr. Kirk K. Aker KAD:FJH:gl (2 copies sent) r.rrd((H 6?85 q: Qnit# N w v E ,( '&:-% EST AIL ::?' Flc. 1 MAPvlcrNtTY Jot ro. 13,9 t 3 I acc do tl J o I a '0 ! t;; (, \\. \- 4 a3oo F oaIo:(l G II a oo =Goo EoF Eo J o.x lrl z 9F ooJ ILo a oc ul(, -oclt - foo = F E aoc t\ o\t t ot ao I, G A o c 0- Y G c e og o Gc iE o t 2 oIr)r8Yd o380aoca oIoaa (t:+iF F z2; F 6b = ;P- J -:?6oH 01 ..o!! Z'-oF< OF N\>.HCFJIII(!FOZbdttftPt '285q6." io<ua.|,9I O9>t!tur -x EiFe!HH:! f,iE:cii:rcZ.,te<<2o:y:IHEpH5! flFEa::Eid;l=zl#Sgnns9S9V<6!it:gH:;qi;E;; |: L- rr .. o H H x Hii:xFs:gsHE?c:r; 1 'i i '/i 7 t5 |!p f, t! J E lir 2 Scd dd. ;;;l,g.ti! "i3:Ed'<ouJ EIE Eue Bfi FO EE;,tIq.l!4lJiv:9:*e--ioc 1,";\:l Oh d Ec ci;trui z o'"..: ( -:f6'- =fi3E rl-[ Ere f,di ;v J Jd, 6,2mg6 5F ": 9 6btil= ifr'H* F}-.; u rE>FZz E trtB t,,r is ;2Fx 76 do ahI .l!-.; dts3i€ ;ds ooJ lrlod 3elrl It O('fl'l <t!z 590 Eo I J(''l 6.2 -!{q.5d tnff q E'9td -1 -FtoJ,5i:!u-.x4E#rg;? $HFz-uHE 8HH'9ft ,h*62 lr{5.ZlaI. q q I3fJ - r{Otl.VA3Tt IlrrllI r at Illllrltlrl OV'o6 de9lIt toJo J z o 2 .;I sc j lrJ O uJo.{ o,I 2 Ir')o('oi,|oooooi,,,, i,,,, 1,,,,1,,,,1 r:BJ - r{,ltv iru CASCADE CROSSING RETAIL CENTER vAlL, coLoRADO OUTLINE SPECIFICATION PRELII,IINARY PRICING sET August 4, 1989 Cascade Crosslng Retel I Center Vat l. Co I orsdo Date: August 41 1989 Pre I lninary Prlctng Documents OUTLTNE SPECIF ICATIONS Thls outllne speeltlcation ls to accompany Prellotnary Draulngs 1-g and togethef shsll eonstltute the Prellmlnary Prlclng set. LIST OF PRELIIIINARY DRAIJINGS 1. Stte Plan 2. Gradlng Plan 3. Landscape Plan 4. Foundgtlon Plan S. Roof Franlng Plan 6. Butldlng Floor Plan 7. Bui ldlng Elevatlons 8. tJa l Sectlon and Detal I s 9. Overat t Bulldtng Sectlons (outllne only) CT}NDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT A. Constructlon Contract: Negotiated AIA Contract. B. General Condltions: AIA Document h-2C)L. Articles 1-1+. C. Suppiementary General Conditions: Modified supplemental conditions to General Conditions of the gontract- DlvlSl0N 1 GENERAL REQUIREHENTS 1. 01 1. 03 1. 04 I. Uf 1. 06 Sumoary Of Llork This proJect consists of the construction of the shel I Portion of a one-story retai I but lding and related site developnent. Llork ls to include but is not llmited to the follouing: demol ition and removal of exlsting structures' general slte gradlng and preparatlon, excavation. foundations. concrete floonr concrete masonry, steel columns, glued-lamlnated beans and wood Jolsts and rough-1ns for future plumbing ( lncludlng fire sprinkler systetn) t heating' ventllatlon, electrlcal and gas. Also included wl I I be stte utt l lties as shoun on site pian. asphat t paving and drives, concrete walks and curbst . exterior pavers. landscaping and irrlgation system' site I tghting and other site eiements as shown. tJith the exceptlon of denislng wal ls in locatlons shown' finished plumbing, heating, venti lation and electrlcal plus lnterlor partitions, cei l lngs and interlor wal I flnisheE Ehal I be consldered Tenant lmprovements and $, ll I not be a part of th 1s contract. OZ Al I ovances Not appl icebie. Unit Pr i ees Not app I icabie. A I ternates hlot appl icable. Coord inat i on Contractor shal I provide project coordination r.,i th the Owner. Archi tect. and each enti ty invo I ved with the project. includlng other contractors and local code and/or regulatory agencles. Cutting and Patch i ng As reoui red and shoun. Cascade Crossing 1-1 DrvrsloN 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS l. 07 Regulatory Requir€rents Al I r.rork shal I conf orn to governlng codes and regulations of the Tor.rn of Va I I , Co I orado. Code Classlflcatlon: 1988 U.B.C. Occupancy: A-3. congtructlon! Type-V, non-rated (slth .f lre sprlnkler syEteo). Stor les: One. Feeg: Al I permit feesr lnspection fees, and taxes shal I be pald by the General Contractor- TaP fees and speclal development fees shall be pald by Owner. 1. OB Reference Standards As cal led for. 1. Og Subrlttals As requi red. 1.10 Qual ity Control Inspectlons and testlng wl I I be scheduled by the General Contractor. 1. 1l Teuporary Faci I ities Ternpof ary faci l ltles shal I be provided for water. electric. heat, teiepho_ne, ciosures. rubbish temoval. f ire Protectlonr rences. oitice. toi lets. signs. Parking and roacis. and scaf f olcis as requl red. 1.12 Project ldentification Sign As 3 holtn. EilD OF DIVISION 1 Cascade Cross I ng L-2 DIVISION 2 S I TET.'ORK 2.OL Subsurface Exploration Recommendetions found 1n "Soi I s Report' provided by Owner. 2.02 Bui lding Denol ition Provide cornplete demol ition of existing structures ancl completely remove f rorn slte. Al I subgracie items such es foundations and basement f loor slabs shal I be lncluded. Disconnect. caP and identlfy al I utt I ities. 2.b3 Site Glearing Verlfy site conditions atrd complete selective ciearing and grubbing, disposal and uti l lty protectlon. Remove, stockPl le and reuse extstlng topsol l. Protect exlstlng slte and adJacent vegetation. Repair, replace and revegatate tf damaged at Contractot's expense. Provlde fenclng as requlred. Z.04 Obstruction Reuova I See sectl on 2. 02. 2.OS Shoring Not appl icable. 2. 06 Rock Remova I Rock removal. trenching and excavation shal I be non-exPIosive. ripPins with |reavy equipment. as required. 2.07 Site Grading Provide rough and f inish grading in non-structural f i I I areas as required. Provide structural fi I I placement as oetermined by Soils Eng i neer . 2.OB Excavating, Backfilling and Coupacting for Structures Refer to requirements of soi I s Report. Remove and replEce structural fi I I for bui lding and parking areas as wel I as backf i I I lng against toundation ual I s aE requi red. 2. Og Cai ssons As s holrn. Cascade Cross i ng DMSloN 2 S I TEt.'ORK 2.70 Asphaltic Concrete Paving Drives and parktng shal I be 3' thlck asphaltic concrete on lr' base cour5e. 2.LL Curb, Gutter and Sidesalk Portland Cenent (mtnlnun 5 bag mlx) as shoHn. Decotatlve paving Ehal I be nlnterlocklngr concrete pavers get ln sand bed utth contlnuous 8n vlde x L2n deep concrete curb. 2. LZ Subdrainage Syster Conplete al I dralnage systems at exterlor footings and under slabi per Solls Report and as sholn on drauings. Culvertst surlace dralnage and dralnege durlng constructlon, per Solls Repo r t. 2. Lg lrrigation Provlde stub-out at bul ldtng and complete electronic control led sys tem. 2. LL Landscaping Provide materlals as shor.rn. Selected existing plant material urill be removed, stacked and relocsted. END OF DTVISION 2 Cescade Cross i ng z.- z DlvtstoN 3 CONCRETE 3. Of Concrete Forlyork Conforn vlth al I appl icable requiDenents of Anerican Concrete lnstltute's ACI-347 and ACI-3O1. 3.02 Concrete (llasonry ) Reinforcelent Conforn urlth al I ePpl lceble requirenents of the Concrete Relnf orclng Steel I nstttute's (CRSI ) nl'lanual of Standard Practlcen and Amerlcan Concrete lnstltuter s ACI-318. Shop drar.rlngs per ACI-315. Subnlt steel produeert s nrl l I analysis cert lf I cates. 3. 03 Cast-ln-Place Gonerete '. Conply. with al l appl lcable Federal, State' and Local Codes' safety r.egulatlons and referenced ACl standards (rDore stringent requlrements wll I govern). Footlngs, retainlng wal ls, slabs, construction .'lolntsr anchor bolts' hot and cold $reather placlng, lnterlor and exterior hrork shal I be provided. END OF DIVISION 3 Caseade Cros s i ng 3-1 DIVISION 4 MASONRY 4.OL Concrete l'lasonry Units Provlcie standard f inish concrete masonry units where not exposed to view and spi it faced and ground f aceci units as cal led tor on draulnqs. END OF DIVISION 4 Cas cacie Crossing DIVISION 5 METALS 5. 01 Structural lletal Fraring Reference Standards: Standard Speclflcatlons for the Design and Fabrlcation of structural steel Bul ldlngs, the Anerlcan lnstltute of steel construction (AIcs). code of standard Practice for Steel Bui ldlngs and Brldges, AlC5. Code for tJeldlng ln Eul lding Constructlon, D-1. c of the Anetican l,leldlng Soclety. Provtde structural Eteel columns wlth steel saddles to accept uood beems a3 shown. Provlde structural steel tube franework aE Ehown. Shop drautnga requlred. EHD OF DIVTSION 5 Cascade Cross ing 5-1 DIVISION 6 I.,OOD AND PLASTICS 6.Of Rough Garpentry All 2x lunber shall be Douglas Flr Larch S4S No. 2 and better' and alI solid tlnber beans and Posts shall be Douglas Ftr Larch No. 1. Partitlon studs shal I be Standard grade and better (Douglas Flr Larch of Hen Fir 2xrs at 16'o.c.). ToP and botton plates shall be Douglas Flr Larch No.2 or Hen Flr No. 2 and better. Ptyuood roof 6heathing shal I be 3/4tt (C-D EXT-APA) trlth exterlor glue, graded tn accordance with AOA standards eE s hown. 6. OZ Prefabricated Structural Uood Roof s shal I be plant f abrlcated r.rood ueb Joists bearlng on plant f abrlcated g lued- lamlnated r.rood beEns as shourn. Shop drauings requl red. END OF DIVTSION 6 Cascade Cross I ng 6-1 DtvlstoN 7 THERHAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 7.Ol Eitulinous Darpproofing Hot nop 3-ply asphalt f elt systen on f oundation wal ls be I or.r grade. Protect before backfi I I ing wlth 1-L/2n r lgld lnsulatlon. 7.OZ Vapor and Air Retarders Frovlde contlnuous polyvlnyl vaPor barrlers at inElde surface of al I wal I and roof framlng. 7.03 I nsu I atlon Roof lnsulatlon shal I be R-3O flbeDglaEs batt insulation. Exterior wal I insulation shal I be R-1S fiberglass batt lnsulatlon. See sectlon 9.Ot for exterior insulation and finish system. 7.04 Preforned Rooflng Provlde L-l-l2n standlng seem netal roof lng aE shovn wlth 2O-year guarantee and a 2-year westher-tlghtness guarantee. 7.OS l,lenbrane Roof ing Provlde three-ply build-up asphalt applied glasEfiber reinforced roofing system uith gravel aggregate. 7.06 Flashing and Sheet ]letal Gaivanized iron f lashing painted as required per SMACNA. 7. 07 Joint Sealers Jolnt fil ler, gaskets. conpresslon seais, seaiants and caulking as requi red. END OF DIVISION 7 Cascade Cross ing 7-L DIVISION S DOORS AND T.J I NDOT.IS 8. Ot lletal Doorr and Frares Provlde standard steel doors and frenes as shourn. A.02 Special Doors Provide sectionel netal overhead doors aE shorrn. Shop drawings requi red. 8. 03 Entrancee and Storefronts Provlde alumlnun thermal-bresk storefront system as shown. Shop drauings required. 8. 04 Hardyare . As requlred. Schedule by Architect. A. OS Glazing Provlde double insuleted glazlng. Tempered where required by Code. END OF DIVTSION A Cascade Cros s lng 8-1 DrvlsroN I FINISHES 9.01 Lath and Plaster Provide exterior ual I insulatlon and flnish sytstem referred to as "synthetlc stucco' such as STO, Dryvit or approved equsl wi th lntegral co I or. 9. 02 Gypsur Provlde 5/8n type iXn gypsun boerd on resiltent cllps on one slde only at demlslng ualls to underslde. of structure. Flretape only. Provlde sound lnsulatlon. 9.03 Exterior Painting Palnt al I sheet metal trlm, structural steel r trinr hol lotr metal doore and frames' and overhead door. END OF DIVISIT}N S Gescsde Cross ing 9-1 DIVISION 1O SPECIALTIES 10. O1 Slgnage But ldlng ldentlficatlon signage and bui lding directory NOT lN CONTRACT. Tenant slgnage NOT IN CONTRACT. 10. 02 Flre Extinguishers Cablnets and portable extlngulahers as required by Code uith flush door. Shop draulngs requlred. END OF DIVTSTON 1() 10- 1Cascade Cross ing DIVISION 11 EQU I PMEl.lT 11. O1 Security Systen Common Areas! Intrusion, tire, smoke. cold temperature. Leasab I e Space: Fiie, smoke. END OF DIVISION 11 Cascade Cross ing Lr-.1, DIVISION 12 FUP.NISHINGS Not applicable. DIVISION 13 SPEC I AL COAISTRUCT I ON Not applicabie. DIVISION 14 C0l.lVEY I NG SYSTEMS Not app l icable. Cascade Crossing DtvtsloN 15 HECHAN I CAL 15. Ol Basic Haterials and llethods [,leter: Servlce to naln, fire hydrant, house neter' rough-in for future tenants, provlsionE for lrrlgatlon systen. Seuer : Servlce to nain, rough- ln for future tenent use' ventlng Gcs: Servlce to main, provistons fot lndlvldual meterlng by future tenant 6. 15.02 Plurbing Systea( Sewer, venting, uater, roof drainage, hoes bibs' irrigation stub-outs (see sectlons 15.Olr 2. 13). 15.03 Heating and Ventilation Leasable Spaces ! By future tenants. Conmon Space: Heat, ventl latlon, controls, registerEt d I f fusers as required. END OF DIVTSION 15 Cascade Cross l ng 15- 1 DtvtsloN 16 ELECTR I CAL 16. Ol Basic llaterialr and llethods Electrlc: Service to maln, house meter, provlsions for lndlvldual meterlng by future tenants. Condult as requlred by Toun of Val l. Telephone: Service to nain, back boerd for future tenants. Televlsion: Service to nain, back board for future tenents. 16. 02 Servlce and Distributlon Underground Eervlce. 16.03 InterloD Bullding Lighting As requlred by Code. 16. 04 Exterior Lighting [,lal ks, drlves, slgnage. 16.05 Security Systen see sectlon 11. 01. 16. OG Teuporary Heating Electric space heating at unfinished interior spaces tprovides heat until spaces are leased). END OF DIVISION 16 Cascade Cross ing 16- 1 STF|UCTUF|AL CONSULTANTS C- e- og: DEIIGT CIITBIA Phone nr.nbcr.......4lq- 2t33, Contact.......,,.,. GAr., Morqrl (C Bulldlng code/ycar Snorr load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . bO PSF Slopc reductlon alloved Load duratlon alloved? ?_Ya 3 YE' Speclal enov load ordlnancea: tl'z'c' -D B rFTrLJq p-u a\'\\ ?'€r4asr+ts *s ?€g Yrroxe 4 nuq. i-r,+-rrrrr .N -1 )/4/11>erpr U""='"c t"r a tllnd Speed........... MPt| (c/a/ rl Erposurc....... Preseure/hclght 4oesrvssln Speclal vlnd load ordt naneeg: ISclssic 2ooro r e r Froru deprh..,...-A ilcHEli Balcony loading ,O(2 PSP Addttlonal ordlnances or aruendoentg: C-^**>o',^1- B u>a-s. ?saurrPs eLess A P.-ao p #tEEtwtNE e a*octATEs Q",6l oF o o - HEDHTI€ E ASIiCIATES o ROOF DEAD LOADS PFO.JECT Cn".ooo Cg-ogs r ilc snt lL ot- Job # 3qoq4 By Ggs oate-L1Zful fr1 o o Component welghta Fange Actual Rsmankg dH CE TUFI 2H b R EPDM membnane 1.5 PSF /.5 S-ply butlt up nooflng 2.5 PSF Tapened stynofoam lnsul..85 PSF,/IN Rtgld lnsulatlon t.5 PSF,/IN 3 Closed cell lnsulation .5 PSF,/IN /< Asphalt shlngles 2 PSF x Shake shlngles llght-heavy 1.5-3 PSFr Cement tlle 11 PSF Ballast 6-10 PSF /o vo H Plywood 3 PSFIIN Metal deck r.5-3 PSF B Fo l{oocl noof tnusses 3-5 PSF Steel ban lolsts 2.5-4 PSF 4 Tlrben naftens 1.6-3.2 PSF 3 2 dctaH: CtzHJH U T-gnicl plus tiles 2 PSF Sheetnock lt/z'l 2 PSF Z Wood celllng ,olsts r PSF Reslllent funning channels 0.7 PSF .7 Spnlnklen system .5-1.5 PSF FvAc ductwonk + ltghts .5-2.5 PSF Batt on blow-ln lnsulatlon .25 PSF./IN /{ TOTAL USE z5.z 2,5-o f|EEIWINE A A*GICIATEEI Jsm Cb OF o STF|UCTURAL CONSULTANTS PROJECT: /lL-,ASCAtr6 Ce.oss,xa BY'Gg3 SUBJECT: -50tLs REFRT CRIfERIA oArE:'6-21-gq 5: OoO PsF -.--'' Q$f /a FT,o% PCI Ft6uEs5 FBol"\tIt"Je-i ^.i. ^, "-' r r'{ FF FF l.l.L'-r D'qY -acrL/rt,x 7/ t.lgr ; A:at"*'e D 3g O6 Loo r.r r go - .SO ('5,4 e \ZO?4F FOUNDATION CRITERIA: Solgs E;qB? gT L /ftnon'rYaog .' \xc- Rgpaar * 13,q\3 oArz, oF pr,Fpr: I / 21 | g1 FooTtNqSs Au.ordlDLg graRtrvi (ot- + .LL) . . . . . MrxtMura Dt o ta^t) v/ruu SPl*r Rr,Qore,€D . T^,TLL POTENTIAL RANqE Seru t4oouLus (vrerl<AL) R ccorar.rz3.|DATto Ns otr, €oHt,l61g731 Co*trrr. f,rrr$c ,, ) tc' €"'Dg.- i.-.*-.o P*Pg >z 24"xz4' Letgcru I Noug Ltar'zs lrr P-eloFr AcTtv€ (rrxeesrnntNED) A't e'e.f,'r Cersrn{*t,D) . . PASgNE rcr ( so) ear (4:s) ?e-F Suona Fcrcrrax coGFF|clexr. . . RcconrtattDA'TtoNs Oe CzA?1g,N73"p"-**a -.,t ,-rr. (r^) .-Derxrcr 4--r'*tot- L.rarrl g\sHT3 o > E recvr'l ?Egl tQ'LAi r+c,\rvr= n, .33 - . ZL :i' qse O'7€ * q3r &T ?crT u o(o - .oo + 45€ o'ge 'pAttr". .t' a-tl +' 4se- F - 3a albf SI.AB -OH- 6eaDg R.ca'onr'' *rDATrgNst R.emo16 exrsr lht6 FruL ( 3' mt*t D eYrl., , '?Pertr fL t+BLy F^!L D€:Ft{' E €er-'ec-e: 1 €fp*c, - Fruc. S€?€?Atg FlBe ^,r Erlc> r r,l 6 p-rrrr9 6.r tsd . Cor,a-t {a-c-r u/}Sr 'F- y'dl|r,h*rrG Gi D' FF|5?5}{?ltU 3Et]LErn€lrr5. Svrrqu. PA$3LS T. fi t{rrrr ra E' a Ftc *trt. /.,. SPECIAL PR,OBT.EMS c€lrl}.|r TYPS gEconneHogP: E- yorD caqvtzeD" o o i;;il I jli lirI ! i : i'.i I ' - J : t I -'-+ l 1':,ii];'r . .. lli j"i't, ,.:l l'i',,,L:98 .",: i : 4 ... ::tr:] ,.;rj'l. ;In .:.:.i' "i+3,:{. .: -t:i'l . .!' irll"'-- -'-'-'-J- :-':- : -.' FtEEtwrNE a aGoerATEs O.", d\ oF t/wo , tNau sPhLI &ttotrbu, DL- LL. @ 21" @ l6q f,S- " 3+lo '= lJ2$ +t l,S73,F >/o?ttz $O p:e 14rr spr> bL + )c'>rart cL-€:::-!. b?,.ct^'a: 34" A.f n. f*-t 1g{z+ Exregtot.- 5lcrrfirg6 Czoss r 6a F Per. TA3LT, NO. YI - ALLOWASLE UIIIFOFT BOOF LIYE LOADS FOR APA RATEO SHEATHINO ANO APA RATED STURD.I.FLOOR WITH LONC DITEIISIOiI PERPENDICUIIR TO SUPPOBT8I ,?t itlto $tuililto i00F $il mril8 ?tr&rilcrff$ tultuttPil||||3bl trtouAtu uut l0l0t bdl tultut t'il [icid UIO ttol &llcdl Ullnttdl. &rxrl It|c|f d tuDg0rt C.nbr-|}0.al.r ll||3n|tl Xi/flrrt'|l lhoil t2 It m 2l n o It o t2lo t6lo mt0 zalo alt6t lt5.olm utza ,!it {tr ll ltr X r;,!.'2* t7 l6 20 24 t2 t6 20 ff t0 t5 70 90 30 50 -6t fiod 16 r20 3{t 55 7S 75 tq) .$a- 5J .d JO 55 55 t0 50 3' 0 0 0 0 .16 lol 20... A ";ffi-tl|Atl,4-X,N,k -,-t+r{9Jx- t2 40 2t 32 r35 t65 r'I ilIED TTUND}'LOON i00t Ittl mnm ?tttt lilctfftt ilnrUl $At llacirrl ltrotreu uuE mr$ bdl Ul[r Ed$ errlort' $hdtlgr tutlerl trrchl I trDt rl Cr|lr.|.{mhr lloCrd llocfil t2 t!m 2l n o o t0 l6 o.c. 20 o.c. 24 o.c. It o.c. r?rl Xr rt/n tlt\ rA, N rTrr :1& lZtr 2l 32 lo 6n 21 t2 36 48 It5 r65 2t0 tm r20 rtJ 65 lqt t30 {t 60 t00 3?5 30 50 205 t{r lqt 6J lo l0l: |" Ttx allowabla sprns r0r.dct.fmincd u3in0 rdG.dload ol l0pst.ll lhrdlrd lord dcc.ds10 9sl lhcn li! liva loed 3hould Dr rcducld rccordinely. lolt I longu!.trd.groova rdg?s, ganll crlgc cllg3lonr bilscan cach support, ucspt two bctwrln suppotl346 inchas on c.ntao,lun0cr blocline. o. olh... onlt lurnbcr Dloctine will 3rlitly blockad dhphr.en r.quit.m.nl3 ol TaDlr ll0. lV. Ilt e Trcnty-lour imhC3 lor }lioch p.o.l3. IoTt 1 tlay br $!d ovrt tr.ming spacad 2l imhlt onc.nllr tor ltoors whGr. I hch of approvadgypsumconctrt! or 1'Ahchar olc'llul.t 0t tieht$leht concr.lr 13 |9plicrl ovrr thc A.nGl3. t0tt a. May b! usld ovar l.rming ol 2{ l0chrt 0n ccnt!. whGr! naelnch mqd $tl, tlootl0C ls Inilallcd || righl angla! lo ioi3l. o >?e*rp<'.tt o 0rte 0?-17-1989 TRUS J0IST C0ftP0RATI0tl AE Sales Autoution Progrus Salertn's llo.: EP0IH Sllesran'e llrre: Ai{ll IIAPIER Estiute llo.: Srratch Ped fot nare:fffiffi1$F.-?H luilding Code: llSC ilor R00F ffiffiffi.l ffif!#uem,1pt $F,ttrlttiiFrt'1fr tJffitffiftffip ll Pro, U mffiPffitlpcs. I}EPthSt ReP o. c. ller ffiHml Y mogvgoev lnr t I 1"tJg REDWINE&ASSOCIATE5 v?.5.1 Tim ?l:0li:01 Sgecifier: R[0TIIiE-6ARY 337-58?8 PaEe Title: R00F PL el0 llrrt I SrrieE tltP0RIAtlMhe analysis presrnled belor is outgut fror mftnre developed by Trus Joist [orgorrtion. lllorrble i productvrluesshornarginagcordrncerithcurrentlrugJaistCorporationrrterillsandcoderctepteddesignvrlues. Tha sperific produci application, input design loads rnd strted dirensions hrve been provided by othersr hrve not been chesled for ccnfor.ame rith the desiqn drarings of the building, end hrve noi been reviered by lrus Joist Corgontion Eng i neer i ng . ll el00 { 3l5l l50I LEFI end SPAII I under lt5l Etress I0TAL load ,' ll t0501 ( !1631 tlll ltl0 SPAII I under llSl stress T0IAL load ffilif 40. rLu LI|JE L[|AI} OEFLECIIOII 0 0.5e? T0Iet L0A0 0l{ fitL llEltBERS FtlR STRISS = llSIar00 -e100er00 et00 1030t Y Ri D 0.69? DEI! LOCDv 500 -500 n 500 il $01 0 TJI rnd lllCR0=Lfill rre registered trrd:rrrkr of IRUS J0ISI C0RP0RtTI0ll.il indintes r trrdemrt of TRUS J0l9T C0RP0RfrTl0X, 500 Drtr 0?-t?-l?89 IRU9 J0l$ C0RPtlRATI0il At Srles eutotation Progrns v?.5.1 Srlesun's lto.: 6P0lH Sllesrln's llne: Alltl llfiPl€B Estimte llo.: Srrrtch Prd Job llerer Cf,SCtDt CR0SSlll6S Euilding Codr: UBC Specif ier : REDlltt-GARY Prge litlel R0lF offi tilPlnlAn ! The rnrlysis presanted belor is outgut fror softrrre davatopad by Trus Joist Corporrtion. lllorrbh product vrlues sholn ars in rtcordrnce rith current Trus Joist Ccrporetion nterirls rnd code atcepied design vrlues. The rperific product rgplication, input design loads and stated dirensions have been provided by othrrsr hrvr not been checked for ronformnce rith the design druings 0f the building, and hrvc not beer reviered by lrus Joist [orporrtion Eng ineering. Design Allor. Control: e0l6 ( 3l5t t56t RIBHI end SPAII I under ll5[ stress I0IAL lord 9b77 < 1163l le0l illD SPAX I under ltSI rtress T0IAL lord 0.6Pi ( t.33Hl.?qt sPAll I under ToTAL load GffiTu 100.3 {1.8 rrvE r0e0 0EFLEcil$tD -0.e45 r.ln l0lAt L0AD 0ll AIL ltEllBERS FttR SIRESS = tlSlt, -8$ et& -e016 R 30?{ ?0t6 il 96??-t680 0 0 -0.3er 0.6e& IJI rnd ItICR{l=LAll rrr registered tndenrks of TRUS J0ISI C0RP0RAfl0il.ri indicrteE I trrd rrt of IRUS J0I$ C0RP0RAflil. DITD I{IADv -e00 5e0 -$0 R 7?0 f80 il $0r-r00 0 qv 0ate 07-l?-1989 TRUS J0IST C0RP0RfiTItlt AE Saler Autoretion Prolrets v8.5. I Sper ifi er: Prge litlc: ECSlfDB.' Tiltt 1 I f98.r REDTUH€ & ASSOCIA'II, :. Iirr 2l:06:18 REDSII{E-BARY 33?.5878 R(lllF Sal$mn's llo.: 8P0lll Estirrtr llo. r 9crrtsh Prd Building Code; UBL Salesran's llue: Alltl IiAPIER Job llme: IASCADE CR0SSIII6S il Pro. U Rep llerllrrf f -,i '',\.'uii'i:,-::,. |} v ft tl D IEAD LMO v I fl TJI rnd lllCfi(l'LAll rre reqistered trrderarks of TRUS J0IST C0fiP0RATl0ll. "i indintes r trrdemrk of TRUS J0IST C0RPffiATI0H. sx0|| nooF ffitl ffii#"lll ffiffimHHru' ffi fiffi$|srPAfiAlpcs. Depthm MHYSeries ItlPtlRTAl{T I The anrlysis presented belor is output fror eoftnre developed by lrus Joist Corporrtion. lllorrblr product yatues ghorn rre in accordance rith current Trus JoiEt Corporation ratarirls rnd coda rctepted drsign vrluer. Ihr specific product appliration, input derign lords rnd steted dirensions hrve been provided by othrrs, hrv! not be€n cherted for conforrance rith the design drarings of the building, rnd hrve not teen reviered by Tru: Joirt Corporrtion . Engineer ing, 0asign Al lor. Control; V l{00 ( Itta t0Bl LEFI end SPAI{ I unrler llSl stress I0IAL load ll ?000 ( 905{ lefl ilI0 SPAll I under lt5l stress I0IAL lord D 0.$e ( !.33{ilgwSPAll t under ToIAL lord LI9E L(}AI} I}EFLECII(Iil 0.63t PL t{0 trffiffifr t3.5 T0TiL L0AD 0ll ALL ]tEllBERS F(lR STRESS = t15I lr00 -1100 l|00 l{00 ?000 00 0.$a 333 -3q3 333 333 1667 Salesun's l{0.: BP0IH Estintr llo. r Scrrtch Prd luilding Code: tlBC Srlesmn's tlen: Alll{ llAPliR Job Nuer CA$CADE gR0SgIil6S RECf,l,DBY .ll ll Tim ?l:08:tl Spxifien REDtIllt-EeRY 337-5878 Page Titte: Rtl0F ,.. : ,.i Drte 0?-l?-1989 IRUS J0IST C0RP0RAIl0ll AE Srles Automtion Progrus v?.5.1 eroI R00F ffififrnt/ sfitr i:ifiiohdqsffigffi{ffiF-fffi tffi ,., ,. lt Rap t- *, .i-.,,'. 't llerl Series Pro. U Depth 0.t, ller Pt:, , ,. l, TJI/3Si J0ISI PARA I pcr. 16 16.0 Y t{0 ,,. ,i -- ;' .r " '; . ;: 'r ,, . '.'." IIP0RTAIIT ! lhe rnalysis gresented belor is output fror softrare daveloped by Trus Joist Corporrtion'. lllorrble product vrlues shorn lre in accordlnce rith current lrus Joist Corporrtion mteriets rnd code accepted deiign vrluer. lhe specific product application, i[!ut design loads rnJ steted dirensions hrve been provided by others, heve not been cherked for ronforranre riti the design dr*ings of the building, and havr not been revisred by lrus Joist Corporrtion Enginerr ing. Design AIlo*. Control: l3{t ( t5te llSI fil8Hl end SPAII I under ll5l stress T0IAL load 6t5e ( 9051 l10f flO SPAll I under ll5l strest T0TAL load 0.?s3 ( l.334lF-qF?SPAI{ I under T0TAL load v v tt D Ft,o,.mY1 'n tl LIUE L|t{O OEFLECII|IilD -0.e69 0.573 , T|IIAL L0All llil eLL ilEtlSERS F(lR SIIESS . tlSt t, -560 t{t6 -13tf 20t6 t3lf 6$e-lte0 0r'' o -o.gi:t o,?i3 r, -133 34?-3e0 R q80 3e0' l| 1536-?67 0 IJI rnd ltlCR0=LAll rre regirtererl trade.trls of IRIJS J0l5T C0RP0RAlt0lt'ti indicltrs r traderark of TRUS J0ISI CtlRP0ReTl0ll. l: tliji ., ..1 :f !: : o o 1/tc / ArS, i'i., I y t7..9, ; I lrix l6,P ,;,ri. :l 'ilili'!i 4,67'rzoi= '."6 n1 rxa) '1.- o o o q )+ r Zo L.{ ) + -* / 1;: 'i ?z I , S>, t 1 i 52t l i S>z 42,L ,54 314 I , Er€-sc .' : ': ', | ...- "(.J-?1D .? . - l4- 'i I -; l ,l: ,:' I o o CALCULATION Pnoject: C*-^=- Q:-o+-s, r ^Ja t*NE sASSo"^t==.,*c STF|UCTURAL CONSULTANTS Qqbject:Date: F,F* \," zlsz'l : thsz O,t \ 21t9z..IF? ztr s7 \. zl,7Z 2rhzz ?l zltzz ,7 21122 Y" ) zaor{fz \ I ,fZ 1, ',:l\, ui": 16 i @-- o @ -*-- @ t tt ld F (I @- d o_- CALCULATIONSO o----- ..,'..'..'. j I i , -_' ':ti |' : :'^l--' l ! r' t: DWI \'z il I I { I I i. Ft- lZ '_l i '@ (n' :l tt.ac\ - ,\i a n' (z^t\ * (z.lt7?,tr'z,j- cs.,f er-t i1 ' 3?t 3z 1,1 t . /b4 t,.ts -+'f, r .\ Irtz\ +(,lrz1) = I. b3Z tl* :- I s: rra j"| ,- E*,2/O,s:..tt '; ;11, , t.r I j"r;i l3-t.l t L ,TES; tNC" ULTANTS, , t_l i I I -,:,..). './. ta x /,/O. r. * Sezl.is Fnaa It::ir r r ' I ' i . 1 , . , i i. i I Ijil 7= l.9k -,! /.63 ttf.a -\hrt @.lo-1.3j)=o,4 7 Ll+ . i liririi,I ll l'.5X";'2 rr-'d. i rii:1.....t'ii.',;;t.il; I ,i,ii:i' ,___QLLex2L . , = So 't r.-t- 6>7 $D tut *l.f = 44,u' + ' -UlllAJ- , = XO.lrr-v- j . I I i : i : I r I r ', -lil,' i:t i' t ',', i- 'i;i-;-ii"--r-=;--l-l .i =rs7sj., : , , "ll',,. ,,.,:ita :,..i r .-.. l.a. G'"@, e.:r , l, , .: ', ,1i" .r:' ), ru';,1,i1 '; f,--/'zr .sl)* lr.lx str,'rr.) -- .6r I ---'- - :": a :;;i'ii:tlijZ i).a 14:,.f. 'i-IIf "r itii Ir. ,' :'-: j 1'._: iif;:, 14e .4,11, i, '''Ii:'' '.-.. t,rl i ,,J, _z il .!l o Subject: @ r if I : j .. :-:ll l-r Iitl -.j -- I o ,; i,lili ri :i , ii"i -'iil,, -1i..,i:.,ili f;-:-: if ii ..., i I p-, : , i r ii i -r , .._:... i;,^il :i'; ljililt'''l . _ i-i"i_:_i *_ .j ,jj.l',i t:i,i'-itjr,iri,i, l ' i-l '-' j*r i:i-i llri;,.,i,i iiili.:l ' :rir-r_.r i-t-_ i_i Il-;, i t*i*l .,* -":*l .1 ,l-::i : :l.l .i ti::],;.::. z?q :1 '-4C*tL- i i.:r; .l rir' , t'r. 46-i Z4+= I ii':^: I Pe*> L"r,s r , a.r - 8a'. * S.if I :- ts'erqv\< 1:^ '::i ii fr.l+,S*...,, Lr*. I I Zol sv^,] : : | - Z--' /6^ /45'-t"-: t+t: /{ s,. zc 1 i i C.-),ao , tat' /t ; -,. -.pvat--tqt| i{i r{,4 ,. I Yt " +r '-^ I FE SI|fr N 6 \-' ii'r fl. ' lSzt' ; : o ,?o." at-.?€ - o o o 3a*vn I 1. 157 J -'o-l 9lzl - -'l24 -" '. ,t z/ ita I t l,\?t j,1 :' -ii'4o' :' l, ir 4t Iir t1 tx,2 20,a 24,3 I21,8'i 3l'z;' 5s,r' 43,? 42,o 3,11 S, L3 L:LS ?'27 /4.b ' t2'2 ls.o t6,3 : /c tYZZ 'Azb ,t3o ir 33 t'r31 t19 141 ,?1, , rbo ,Li Z3,L 4.' I 3i,a 42.t, 4lJ, 51'u . -l s.-1 j.l't 1,'11 5Q5 ./t,3 it.3 t 1,1 2e,t i 25'o 26.4 1,L ,21 , 66' :23';:1d' ?5.:1s;',: ' 'go,'a6' I ,lsb: 1"5, 3L,'ac:":. I4l;3L: !3;31' 4s - lo', 4s. q4 t7 ( z2 2C 3o Z:al ' s,34 t,:2 4 1:4'1' tll'oo I z'40 l3.eo II,zo 2t,(Q ?1;le ! 1.r 1' i€13-l 21,' 36 ' Zjtl O': ' 34: X1, gO; 7l:, t 31, ll . 44',o1,--, i9i3g, €lr T1 r' 35 4o '1{ so s3 "' sil (.{. , n ,.-,. _iPnoject: L-rqrtcApet \-E oss lNg , ,Client: T>BI-l-J -. ' By: &Bo '-r , iSubjecg: R-o.eSc-c-r:,=,l;= -' II : D"t".7-24-A?i 'r'i' :'],.l.il'::l.,j.]. | -g- -*^ I a. | 5v I -{ rnou I I i )^ ^ , 'r- -, r rffi Q).x' 211 >ti , ] I i-- l, i iif-i. I t I i .-;- t lf i-: lr 'i, . . , I ' if.' 4ls 't,/,'rt,f1:: .41'/Viii ,-*.-r,:, ,.-j',,i, , ,iii-l,if i"iiiprs,L= 4o' 4'e A id747 i: ':-: * ,-i ui ,4t.- tt,; ito;t:a.pf+1 |_i:l*;: "',,,i' , i-:ll+l'-i":li;r | , ! _ i I I | | I I ; .l *" | :tE1 l<z,ol tt,s | 4o. r^z' | ! .lTavZz lzs,zl r.11 | zl ,66' II nza lr',,q I t,vq | ,2. q"' I '- i".l ,nza lrrrll,el| ',23,;1a' I ..-t" ",ti;1llH=fn**1-lI r3o lsr,+l",ttl zs:',1t,', | : ll,11,:-, :jii,1 , I '::: l::: | :': | ?: ::' | : i rill:.'i', ,..,i i::ri,:l rs1 l*,olzo,t l lz,zl | ;; ii I tbo ltt't12s'ol4s.to I ' i : | . /^i. l-'..r I zt.4 l 4cr. q4 I -'i - '" 'ii I ,bo lunlzs,ol4s.to | ' i i| ., {@/' |rJ.rI,---rI ;r /r. I.r i , I II Itzr r, lull z:at',I ! 1.r i Ii I zc lsz.cls,scl is;zt I i:.l rri, i I ?o l3E,6 lL.zl I 21 '?A | , i ta l'-.;-. I I t.6- I t -.- -li lr I I I -1 i;--- I'i l1; i: - I I r i -.-. ,: ' t tt, ir I :i' , , i," lt'i ,,-' i;i , ,,-il,,i,ii:irii6t lrri l ?1rel st:11 | , , ,,i, 1, ,1 ,"i; ,ti' i i:i:ii ll'lit,-... i -;-,.'."*, t.'...:'..:.tl1':*,:,.i']:..l----.:":.'.-----.'.-.-'-.'....1.:,-]-.1-.:],-:-l_:-], ii:i, i-,1,,,,i-lri.,ii,:, i, , ,-l ,',,.1:.j t1.t? l s l: ll Itl .*': --*f*---;*_-. I I,r-.,.:;i ;i ". i,i.i^, . I r j, i.li,t:-l.ii ::,,1.:i,,,:iii ----: ' ;,1,.1 I---1 l:i . -. il:i',,,,i-:,liilj.';,i,,i,' l, , .,.-i ii -11:, 1,, i -"--:r,rl ll ,..i t i ir; .",.r ii'".,,.,,...' r,i!.,,- .i, ....1",.1^"..1 ."..-...-t1 ,' ., i ,:ri,,,i ;f ,;.--.,i; , . : , i i , i ., j , i . , '. , ; , , i ,,rrrti -... ,;l t ..i '1. r.: i,.- 'J-.r irl..' v.. NA,-oD ,.i : i ., it"t: ,,... ,: : 1'l: '" ' 1 i , : i.. ] i .,.,....ri :li,l-.ril: lr,:i ir1 i":''*"-1 I i 'l : r-; I I,.-.i., I j :']1 I - ri li ..---.,,-i-,:*l iiATES.INC =ULTANtS i i;;;;4wir'- lttltl' Dete;-la:m ,f -,ij|l I :-" r' ' ' -!_' 5i 3q;l/'i* lo.-s*l l,l l ,ll li ,i ft It t. L1'17 ill '22'lz Z4 lsrr,ic4s.g 14,2;< t4s.r 1s4€ t9?t.1\ ll.lgj 6 3,liltr.l 31q,,L 4a'4':6 4,99,+ 4 6t;3-l , : i' 411: I sz-p.o i-.l ' -j g si;'-z; i- 3:{;ol''" 3,q;75, ', 98, 1* t i' .1o;iel..:__ 4|-.'.G* i t, 4g;\l'i' 'zsl^ z1 'E:-y sx lsils', l: i l il ', ,lL'/z i: /8' ': / 1/z t. zl . /€-: 2t€. { 21,5;1 271,'ll I tt,3 134.1 I Ll:3 I 91' lo 2\:3 31. 1 34,a 3b; b 3i; I 244 z6'1 lo. \s-, to- -tz- lt, zb' I l- 1'l lL, z$ lz. -t b \3. 23 ZL:b z4 €'kri ts. -:, : te-'/,2 " t1'12 '. 2l L+ :, zs'n 21 I E7;s 7--24:S zq4. b 3a1:7 3tf 1"3:Z 4ss.€ sloi,g sc7 '6s.1 - l-L. a- 7a:8 1s.4 q l.q 1r,€ /a5.1 l/t b il.1 , ?, l€, 8l ',1L, 76 \-1.. 6 t :19. Sl t1'33 zo.t+ zo.1l 21.6t 22. 11' ./s /L'11 16 t 1tlz ..zl zzlz L+ L-sttz /-1 L4C, z1g 91',1, 4o€' "1bb 63|,, 6dt L7z, 141ii, q ,to + .3 .2 I ,o. g 5 \\?.q \L€,3 t3L.1 tlt.l 151.€ l-1o:l l7Z:2 I 113,b 2o€.o zo. ol 71,,29 z?, 4:1 23.41 24 .11 z€.:1L 26.,11 21, 11 Zt), 13 lila, : .- I l-: i lf . 'tdt\ r6 - ,trlla'zl zi'lt L4 zs'E s+5 Lo1i 6',|1(" 1'11, q1Z ,l i.? 1 tf. t s , ,I l1l '.4, zto."b j l z 4: x't 7-6, 46 ZX,OL z1 ,'1i 30.12 32, 21, 39.6L A4,qol r2,1,1 z.41,.:6 ZQl :.P esli I 96.3 3?.5.4 LCULATI ,l.i: a\rct: ( AsdA' lcA t. I iPnoje 4,zIl.-\ o qw o t'I \paftr.zJ ..aa-Fe* -6r+--.:. -r -F+r._q=t-.F!. - :.-!lF I t \ N\x \${ t -\c s rt\c thr{. L \tl \ \r t' E $$ 06 ts vl\t -\,\ ta qjts 2 E H dH E \, \ € o a. 0l u, AI t, I / $ah l l1H I I ptll*z-l T\s Xs1at. ti A7 lxil \-i Wt- \ -r-' o.:. .:: .ii -ir.''.,:. .,;fi :. :1 ,!. ':i. ,:, O Carcur,qlo*0 Pnoj*t: STFIUCTUFAL TANTS'1 "a"i Q1 D -r6c"_) FooT tA : 5 tJout oNLf , 1- r 1 -' z',2t x/ L 21'FZ * a'tlo x/L l '1 l. , : 7ntv-4LF -Ts4r{l ?ht'l -.-,. a)t.z 7'{ fB ! Ne't [tapresr Stzct SrEt'l+ Auanarq Lttb O tzt t' 23 | ,/ tl |. tJs,; Ts 4t1) t/tctt .att, )l*- C o t.., -rt.ts Boor Lo^b 5'\o ?B\Pr b6oo ES GBt>l-oa;Co..-.*, ,., LaL.Fr.-' L 'l}^ -: /o fr, -'1. ,n -t1 :8 :L,i.'6-ll- E-X'a-1 .iE- lo , E1 tl E-tZ c-1 c-3 c-1 c-t C-b c-? c-6 c-1 c-/o C- tt c-tz p-l P-L . P-1 ."--t- t P:9 D-5 , P:4 Ib:s D-b P'lo -e tr 21 33 8"+ 2;t 3l 31', 4z- 4z 4a 3Z z1 21 35 3t 3'l 31 3q 31 ?q 3L 33 32 +l '4|. 31 +l 4l +l . 11 . +l'+t. 33 I r4 F/i'c-l 29rz2 32 rs" At' g? ?,9, z L 32 tg? 39,g9 39r3I 32,se 3Prg9 Z!, z9 Zlrzu 3'" t "z 'l Z!,29 5"ito F:I F.Z F.L F:l r-l F-L rZ FL FL FL FI rl rL ft G*t> /n!.Lo As (-o r-,,,^., C- ('L:i,i.Frxc. E-l e-L e-5 tr-1 z1 ?< a< 71 ztrlL Firi I ?-:1" Snrtd 2ttzb FI Fz FI .l i'' .i jl lt I I l- ir . i <5r Flo..r+ ^. '?!b" LLI lor*"t- 't-- t{:i""!*: -..., t_-*-j_r i z, A*i,+.^'i t't'c7fu-, 1 J : {J i 8:.13=- si3: ,',t **',.,*c. I zcli iii,t, iE /o'.*,:* i 7 I, I :i I fi.i' .t! :r' __l i i o cub o Q cr-t3 To? ? -BAYfo lrr 1c; fsTEE- t{F GIFDER -/ SPAI{H- BEA},I 108'0'lrlN)or{ I{ALL cL+oo O o fsrEfl- l{F cIffiR -/ t3/4'x3r)' q-llAtl SPANtrL BEAI'I l0g'0'WIN'O{ I{ALL o C *tc,,qF6: E\^ i .il ' ., 1 .'l I I ri 7Ert, , L)),!D / r\ .//4r- =Ftq,,s.tl )- (foxs-,r ,*:-,... ,.-.i :'i:'i (lors,r7',,rt/7.) =l i ,l i P+l; ;, .ili,; i l,i:i rjli-trrf iif i , l : ' t ; : : i' .r r i ' : l i r , '-" l i i.- ,,iI I a rt-^ I 1:.: -. I1 lfs- Qqoz]"2;'2li' 'l+ (i,1q/;; oi t , , ' i'r ,i: .i i..,.f-- :sqtil ,;i;f $rrZ' | "'^ t' .,' - '' -. ' l,.,i-- =s1?,.o.5,,1 p+t,,, i, I 'ili r,i!1..iiii, i,lilr ,$'rrz"' , ' , if , 'l'l;i, l:i;' :i,r -. li1 , , ',2 * tt- = €--:Z ;-gEL - o.az*o.11- l.oZ , :."ou. ,ar.iio,J ,i----ifl Fr,..-.-'81 r t::*, :... ..; ,i. -,i--.-'. r . :-: :-l -----i L"i- o C.. s 'Pqf,,J (l-tags f)i:r<- o-t 5o -z;t1, T oS ,1:ttlNc 'a,rurs,iillt :F4 --EilEt? : \-- '.v!/ /i ui- " r;). . -f1-la*duL.E- TBgrs,.-?5- D Fsfp-rr.a1to,, _ ?",,.r*{1,-155:t3)tCntz- 5J. 1bl tb .: l\ 1 -) ,..t .i -":.1i, : ?** r r.:i ,' - ; f i ' ji : Foi-r*o.'Rer*eo='-erLr1- , 'i ' I TT I .1l9* 11.,,fls)jre ..t'/o-44 lttlb= G= 12, b. - . ad<-yf: b, ), .:' A./fls -_tta.l4z_ 24 r o o'': ' Y' i .,'i , . '... I i^.-1*i-. iill ,.i Ii : '-1 il{li -t-- l- r i -^" -i ". : I 11. O,i "'," i"11i,,' . i, i, i,'. + iI P, /i,7,i,, :^iI . i , , I"f I lor 'o o7,1,,, ?^ i : i2,l ;, illl, ,1]lr;1il ,,ri: I .l,;_ ,t,_titj;, l .:.l :i \TION] ::! ! i--.-. i tl: ) : i-. I .CULATIO t-*-* *r ^ 48" 6iir- :' 2: .. I .lir l l I .',,frrll.l. ; -".1. -L .. i333 @ -i l! o::: i 'il .l ''i-l-' i-,+ r. 11iiiIt EqrftltvtM Tr/oo ltf Yu,/ '7) ltcl qf +tt't . -,-'r* ra .-CULATIC]NS -*=l',*= & ASS..IATES, tNc /or' Art STFIUCTUFAL CONSULTANTS vvo (/9,7e) t /(gt, .t. | \-22 l*- llool\|l-- Itu) ! 7 5,, Hrz 1.12 Far tu/ /000 II1L LL,Z WV /'qL /,t)tl lTht l*ooo lZaso I I )r 2,t 610Y 1Ar,,tg/ / UJLz- - 4 -a/4fi!- Qtu ' trr' / 7tl? > 't'L 2n, P 2tf0o ?b r /07 = 521r,? r2 0r //bPg-/70N p.o",fl6 V w tb aornt NOINST'IATTON NATI.ABI,,EDECI( &I[YSASIU}I 9PECIRCATION NO.: B€P-{IIFN MrELI llcrcdpdon: 1. BRi{I membrane conslst8 of a tough, non-$rovEh FIFbr fabric impegnated on both eidea with ERAImodtfiedbitum€n. 2. BaseSheeh .tr a p[J Bnse s+tee.1. The bare sh€et is b be an asphalt oaturad or poly- mer modified fibetglals baoe sheet. The base oheet may eitherbe rnechanially attached or fully adhercd in hot bsphdt, lnhc Bare or lntec Modified Basc is r€c. ommended. Tlpcolltcdr: 1. The roof decl for thio ap'pliotion ir b be plprcod, r+ood plank, $htwefht iroulatirn conclete, maal or poured ard precast g)psum. hocdtrcl L ffrc Cr€n€tral Requirnrents on hgee 57 are a part of tnf rpcOffcrdon and must be adhercd o wherc appli- crble. Apfllcdm: DANGER rcRT1OUNOWNSAI'ENY Apptrcrdon of nodncd beunm @ucb n$utrciurtd md dlrtlbued by U.S. lnbc, lnc. rrqulrer the ure of m opur 0anc, ard/or m dccficd hcating deviae. tM?ROEn U88 OF INAI PNODUCM AND THESE AP?UCATTON DElrlcts8 CAIit nEgul' rN SElrEnE BrrnNS, Er,,ECtnI. cAL SHOCK AI{DrOn On|BR PtIt€tCAt lNtttRl AS wEtt AS [iAIllAGE TO PRO?ERfY. h order to insure lour safttv and the safe use of these producrs and application ;;fu, t"* appliotion ptocedrn'€s must conform t'o the t"f*tr-tfuuudrig and pitcedunl safeguards outlined on pare'l6 of rtrie epeciftation manual' Do not bcSin epplice' Uoig.lfto" Sia,tcta lntil tou hnle read and tully tT*' tstand all ptocidures and precautions set fonth on ltge 4( 1. Oter the gudaae of the twf deck inshll one ply of base sheet, The base she€t must be mechankally fas' tmed ar pct the hstening specifrcatione on Rges 19 A of this'book. lap each Ense aheet three inches (3')' 2. Instatt DRAI arembrane orm entirt surface of base sh€et. The BRAI membrane mrutbe applied petpen' dicularto the roof slope and heat welded in place as per ihe Gerctal Reguirements. fffi -Otg tnurt be applitd ae pcr coating manu' hcturcr rpccifi catioru. Bdhd 1. A cold epdlrtl annrldon kutelted a pct the manu' trcuar liccimtona muc bc urcd b hltall thc btl Llt. 2. llrr bdtd nur !r roun4 rrnoodr tlvrt lotbtll - -rtltrtt |DDlld ln th| ut t cmuLlotr d I 'llt of 'm D' icr lo li. tt. tcc C,cnent Rcqulcncnu). $ Sce Gcncnl Roqumnentr fur orh€r t'?e! o[ ballaet endapptlcatbn. - 10- Note MDIAIN c bc qn.rltuql ft. thb d.t ll. r.4;S"ur lloE Al nrtra illr||tj l'd.?lh.hrh rf|'loti fl.. of Rg md !o b. Drhrd.fdlm ti.L o, tb b !.1 h Cdk .t|r. . loof Dnh DcirllBlj.t frFn&,r road ndh! hrl.|rrt .0r.o& g (trc. 7 -]drn.r la,fa.*.i! rrdrlhl|.d -67 - $??|ochriffT{ i cpecificatione ry ltlcE fcfidd.r of;t ild b. prLr.d.ldun ridt oa Ft b r.t h Cdic cr.|: NoIB MYENT c.n bG fltt'dlluLd for thk dct il. a aFlar6eTygc fhshing Detdl (Plumbiry \tnt) BIF .7 $11 NOtt: MVENT c..t bG t|rb.rhdd for thls dctell. t,rrrltlr klhf ltnt Drtjl BlE .8 #rf itt a fd ia. C th. rl f. rrh.d.loalm rldr oa Ff. b d h Crtk c..rrr. -6E- :F 7foffbruonr Wdf !,.N*ilil - llctia of t t, Lb5r.' t5' b !a' tt' b aa',4' ryt'5..' ar'dd& (8 ||rtcl|rrlcdy fat.|td .rd c Ld. It librFlt|n l||.4 b|cl lullill1 ol f,drlaa rol rr{l|lnd, lrnnbtbn fl .09 *ttt^/ f.d!r dLdc!t* niha fh. DT6 ot lrd/Htr trnhdon $r?"?"* \' -65- SILVEB 80 m€rnbrane b d€tign€d to provido complete waterprooling protection tot both flat and sloped roofs and on wrtical walls. SILVER 8() membnne b manufaclured trom the hlghsst quality metorlals on exactlng apeclflcrllonr. An exclusiw lormula of straight asphaltic titumen and modifying resins helps insure SILVER 8qs sxtr& ordinary heat resistance, lou, temperaturs flexibility and unique lvorkability. SllYCR t0 Fll||Drlo.bd l.rrDmr. Easy to apply and inspect. High rsgistance to lemperature sxtremeg, puncluro and oxldation r High tonsile strength, cold weather flexlblllty and bondability. High elasticity-superior lor llashings, expansion joint6, etc. r Numerous applicalions-roofing, rerooting.water tanks, canals, foundations, patios; landtills, etc.. Malerial warranty Phtdcal Chrrrolrrlrtcr: The pol!€ster fabric used in the SILVER fl) membrane provides a highly elastic body with excellenl lensile strength. The high p€rcentage of plastlcizlng reslns PRODUCT FEATURES Compo'und: Straight Bitumen & Thermoplastlc Resins Rrlnforrrmont Non-woven Polyest€r R.B. Soflenlqg Polnt 302'F Low-temporalurc Flerlblllty: -10oC Appllcetlor: PropaneTorch Aglng: No change noted after 45{X) accelerat€d exposure hours on non-Protected material (ASTM G-2981) Sclcctlon: Standard Foll Size 30f5" X 32'9", 107 square test prolent in the biluman compound insurse extraordinary heat rodrtrnca, low-temperature flexibiliry, extreme aging endurance and unique workability. egpilcrto|| ldrd{f,|: The SILVER 80 membrane ia a !€lf-contaln€d, complota rooling and waterproofing system in a roll, approxl- malely 107 squar€ |eet. SILVEB 80 F torch.applied, climinating ex;rensive heating equipment, hor asphalt and special adhesiws or sealants. The membrane is rcadily hardled by Bmall crews, using tevver steps than lraditional mothods, thereby decreasing thc risk of application error. Application is easy even on irregular $rlaces such as slopes, gulters, valleys ancl vertical walls. Much l€8s time and labor ar€ rcquired to sot up a jobsite. I'ong.Trrm Advnfrgo.: SILVER 80 provides an absolutely water-resistant membrane. lts perlormance characteristics continue in any climate. B€cause of the plasticizing resins contained in the bitumen compound, il remains llexible at low temperatures and resists cracking and blistering. -APPLIGAflOilIISTFUCTIOI{9: ChrprrrUon: The surface owr whichElLVER 80' srembnne is to b€ installed must be designed and lr|st8lled in accordancg with the standards sf the manufacturer, industry (x acoeptable assoclation. Tho surface musl be rigid, dry, srnooth and clean of all debris and foreign mattor. Any surface defects must be corrected before membrane is installed. End laps ate to be staggered. All seam owrlaps are lo be 3" side laps and 6" head laps and installed so lhat the flow of water is over or perpendicular to the laps and never into the seam overlap. This can be accomplished by alwalrs corn- mencirg the applicatlon at the lowegt point ot th€ surlace to be covered. 1. To align lh€ membrane for application, unroll the membrane approxlmalely tour to six icet. Using the edge of lhe unrolled membrane a8 a lelercnce polnt, align the nrembrane. Then, using lhe prcpane torch, heat-wsld the m€mb-rane remaining in the roill to the Qubstrate as oullined in inslruction number two. After ibmpleting this application reroll the lour to six feet used for alignmenl and apply in the same manner. lnstall the remaining rolls in the same way. 2. Torch wsldlng is accompllshed by heating the exposed outer surface of the roll, playing the torch slowly along th€ entire exposed surlace, Seam overlap areas musl be heated on the roll to establish proper bondlng. lf excessive smoke can be seen escaplng lrom the heated surtac€, membrane has been exposed lo too much heat. 3. A Brai Roller can be used on all seams on the roof proper (all flashings, parapets and proiections should be hand-troweled.) Wher€ compound llow-out in the seam areas on the roof proper is not obtained, the seams must be heat-troweled. cAtfnoN: Eercbe erttrrelrre o,rllon when voddrq wlttt opcn frocp. Bodrc oI gbes to wttkh lbtm hor been opplled drring ondbff,et oppmcolon br smoldedng or bur*rg corxfiliorrs. Do not use open fronre on or neor cornbu*ible moredob. Follor.r oll locol fire codes lpve Clo$A ord D fie en|rptlslea,teody ond codlly dollobb. U5. Inte<, |lr., econrrnendt thot one nrecrber of *F roofog oew remoln on job ite ot leosr one hour ollrer <ompbtion cf wodr eo<tt doy b rnonror the od opplicofion for thot doy. CHARACTERI$T|GS: SILVER &) is av-ailable in prefabricated, ready-lo'apply rolls as tollows: Area oJ rotl unapplled ...107 sf Weight ol roll . . 80 lbs. LengtMUl/idth -.. 32'9 X 39+6" Applicatlon ... ProPane Torch Workable TemperatuE .ooF lo 120" F Weatherometer Aging. . none after 4,500 hours on non-protected membrane USAGE: SILVER fl) roofing and waterproollng membrane is specilically designed for all rooflng and waterproofing applicatlons. Snlha*!h$?rt. lral iotl.d.rr ncdnad, rryUh*rgbo 26€O5-grP u.s. III/,TEC, rnc.-,t Foofl w enc, lfv-aterp roofl ng PnoctuatJ Bchnlcal ]loUlne 1-80-624|NTEC co,tdrLHtderrrr'P o Ba 2815 Fbrt Arhu?. b6! 778ag((}r$b€Ol$Zll-1631 Pfure 0n bod l.fln {P2.{2|6 (LcaDl()9'72+?U1 Soo|||Crrilfebn an2 W. Vlcby Forl tbrth. Dar 7l't@Piur (ln tcr) 8t7.Sn2a (OuilJ.t Dc!) t${a20t53 frrilli|ql;O ldB ItU$ E wr. titr.,arty Gtlt PLm (h l{c|v.rmqt 1&4.1121 (Orbath t{,r.J.rEyt 1;gIhZA241?8 l|orftqddhtlor PO Bd( lo9 rtil. tulp.cl, lL dlGo s2-z&anE &|||hrf n gbl 21(X N.lldffi( fr6a ArLs|s 852@ dt2.&lig.tfl, ]{od|fiinbn tstt 9-t{E ald l*nrI-ttt \rhr Ddrnl, Ou.b.o lm ar3 6ra.€$drl firlned ll|iYKng3*ernlg f$C \An@uvsr, rc, VTI 2C'7 &9,2-?'42 IGYEAR TITITED TATERIAL WARRA}ITY OT{LV WARRANTY ilOTICE ANO DISCLAITER U.S. Intec. Inc., as a manutacturor, is responaible only tor aupplylng materlal and r€commgndationg lor proper urage. U.S. Intec, lnc., wlll undsr no clr- cum8tanca!'accept rrsponrlbllity for damages or Inlury to porronnol or property bcfore, durlng, or ttter appllcallon, Thero are no wa?ranllcs whlCh cr. lend beyond the dsscrlpllon on the face hereof, and U.S. Intec speciflcally dlsclaims any and all other warranties, including the implled warranty of msr- chantability, wilh regard to producls not slored and applied in accordance with ils recomm€ndations and th€ application directions hereon. F { g oE t,oco '6 E T'oIo =-6og c 1. PRODUCT NAIE BRAI SP-'l A TAilUFACTUBER u.s. rNTEc, rNc. 1212 Bral Drlve Porf Arlhur, TX770/,9 Phone: 8@231-46it1 Nat'l 80G392-4216 TX only Technlcal Hotlln6: 800€2lNTEC 3. PRODUCT DESCBIPTION Srrlc Uscr.' BRAI membrenes are d$ignsd to provlde compl€to waterprooflng prolectlon for both flat and sloped roofs and on ver- tlcal Yvalls. -New roof congtructlon -Reroof lng exlsting. roots -Flashlng systems for bullt-up roof s Umi',]0onts Do not us€ adh6. slves oi sealants on membrane, It should be torch applied only. Contacl manutacluror for techni- cal sp€cif icatlons and application Instructlons. Roof deck musl meel minimum speclflcatlons ol manufaclurer for deck worthl. ness prlor to applicatlon of BRAI membreng. Comqosttlon and Natciltls: BRAI membranes, flashing, and tape aro manufactured from lhe hlghesl qualily materlals to ex- acting speclllc8tions and are wllhln lndustrlal tolerances. Color Black 'Slror: Standard wldlh 39318' x 32'9'. Mlnl-Bral flashlng is avall. able ln 10', 11',18'or24' wldlhs by 32'9'. llrlgftt Average wotgtil l! 0.8e pounds per square loot. lpprrcrDr. St ndt'dr' Bsllailod syslem: UL Class A flarne regls- tance, FM Class I, end FM Glass l-fl). Membranowith roof coallng: UL Class A flame reslslancs, FM Class I, an<l FM Class 1.90. Con. tect manufacturer for speclflc construction essombly. 'I. TECHNICAL DATA Compound: Straighl bltumon and thermoplastlc r6slns. RclnlorcancaL' Non-wovgn polyester. Apptlcttto n, Propane torch. tgrngr No change not€d atter 4500 accal€rated expoaure hours (ASTM-G.23-81). e|ongttlon lo Btc.t: 72.38o/o . elongalion at 208 lbrft. S.rrcfron Standard roll slzo 3S3r8' x 32'9'i 107 equare feet, 4mm thick; Mllll-Bqal Roll Slzes, 10", 14", 18' and 21' x 32'9', 4mm thlck. 5. txsTALtATtOll U.S. Inlec, Inc. provldee com- plete detelled Inetallatlon lnltruo It.r t9ac.g||| tlr.l cotlor'|. lo .d$od.l .ltL t'|.crll.|l Itlll Corwctbo ar.cncdr lr|||rtr lb nr||||.Gtr.r l. r.. t c|ulua lor Lchnbra accoract, Pnprallon for SuDrtarfc Tha torm-'iroof deck" whgn usecl ln th€sE speclf lcatlons, shall dcslg. nato the surfece over whlch the BRAI Roollng syslem ls io be In- stall€d. (All roof decks must be designed, lnstalled, and cured, It poured, accordlng to lhe manu. facluror, induslry, or eccepteblo association stendards.) All rcof decks.must be rlgld, dry, smoolh, and clean of all debrls and forelgn materlal. Any roof d6ck detect must be correcled belore the ln- stallatlon of the BRAI membrano. The dssign of the rool shall be such that when the rool is under tull load, th€ deflsctlon is nol enough for the roof lo retaln any waler. l,ppllcatlon ol Ncmbnno: All' BRAI membran€s must bo he8t wetded lor appllcatlon. Adhsslon wlth 'ths adlacent surface ls echioved by heatlng the roll wlth an approprlate prcpans gag torch, laklng care that all overlep seern ar6as are always totally e€el€d. Hoat trowellng musl b€ used In areas where UE' llow€ut has nol occuned. Whan applylng thd BRAI membrane, tho rgqulr€mentg and Fecommendatlong In lhe latest U.S. tnlec, Inc. €p€cltlcatlon book musl be followed, ttons forthe tppllcetlon o crfrc BRA, sysrem. rh"'.ilffiH $[ arc general lnslrucllons. m -{E t Itl- I (o aog, a([lo ,E 5abD : nF9p H=€8 $il. =Itl36t 2|ll !oo:!-o toD *o o.I !It o otto =o lr l.r.loiil txc.Dm |' l rn bar f|'||.ar- frr 'rDtcrlicr rotrtillL l' Cll. lt!+lll. lL. l$r. ra rtn t |.ttinit t n GraLrtfta torcift.rlhr lslllrL. l*.. trLl'tr, c. c. tos 0?500 Appllallon Prcrrfbar: Do not apply over loose or improper- ly anchored roof decks. Do not apply over wel Insulation or mois- ture trapped in the exlstlng roof. Do not apply over primed sur- tac$ untll after the solvent has evaporated (cured). In extremely cold weather, BRAI material and insulatlon should be stored In covered areas and brought to the lob slte previous to installatlon. O. AVAITABILITY AI{D COST Atdltblllty: BRAI products arc avallable through dlstrlbutlon cenlero throughout the United States and on a wodddde basls.Cort Gosi will d€pend on frelghl and wholegaler margin consld€ratlons. Sp€cific cost estl- matos mey b€ obtaln€d through U.S. Inlec, lnc., or lts represen- tatlves. 7. WARRAI{W A twelve year non-proraled ma- terlal and labor warranty may be avallable to qualified parlies. For specific detalls, please contact U.S. Intec, lnc., or its representa- tives. 8. TAII{TENANCE BHAI membranes need no malntenanco. However. it ls rec- ommended that a perlodlc lmpec- tlon be giv6n to the BRAI mem- brEne installation due lo th€ pos- slblllty thet through mechanlcal changes, Yandalism, elc., the membrane may have been punclur€d. 9. TECHNICAL SERVICES -U.S. Intec, Inc. malntalns a toll. lree teohnlcal hotllne number. ?r,*rra ro provtde qutck, prolessional answors to all tech' nlcal questlons. -Technical personnel are arall' able inhouse to answer tele' phone questions or aPProve de' tails by mail. -U.S. Intec, lnc. techhical lnspoc' tors inspect every iob where a U.S. Intec, Inc. warranty is re' quested. -The U.S. lntec, Inc. sp€cltlcatlon manual showlng dstalls of th€ BRAI system ls avallable lo as' slsl speclllers and roollng con' lractors. IO. FILING SYSTEMS SPEC-DATA 1lo, Sweel's Cata' logue Addition product data and samples available upon requesl. 2-8e-1287 y'wre '* K4?348a(a P.3r1a t I . an indtpmdent, notfor"profit organization hsting for public safctyApril 22, L988' U. g. Intac, Inc.Mr. thawn frlker 1212 Bral Drl"veP. O. 8ox 28{5Post Arthur, EX 77649 Our R.f,e!€ncc! bllc R9684 Daar Mr. t{allcerr This lr in rrlponse to out tel.Dhonc eonverration ofAPI+I.14, 19E8, conc€rnJ.ng ',BRAt-Weld" and trBRAI-Weld cranular'lnodlflcd bltunen rnanrbranai Beeed on our telcphonc convcrtationl nE&Ar-tfeldl! end 'BnAr-lfeldgl?lufg' arc rquivalont ro 'rBnAIgp-4"_ and ,rcB-gp{r',rcap€cttv.ry. Acaordlngly, thcsc mrterLalr nav bc ueedlncuchengcably in Claeelfled rooll,ng ayetene.- upon r€ceipt of writtcn requrat and authorlzatr.onr we wlrlproceed.to revirc Follow-ui gervicc procrdure nio6l and theclarslf,lcatLon cardr ro tnltuil.lncee addttlonal rnaterlab. vsry truly yourr, 1n,", -roe, L*,4' EDMUND C. Ir{Ar{gXt (gxt, 23td)Senlor ProJect EnglnrcrFlre ?rotection Departrnent ECI rpr I-EITN3 I'\./ ; Look For ?h. O LbUne or Gtrrdftodton M|'|. On Thr prcduor n n ||llt lt!'l'6 ttGN tffll r..,r u.'tt l odbt Uuflo lo'rfl ".r.'q I mol t hr tr,r .'ou.ot4t- - :f *.1 lrrrJ ,_rrlllt UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES l'| tlltlOlitltl IOAD . xOltnllool. tt,tt ort ac0rt!.{U ..iRR 26 ',S Ly?€"?1{?:ts€.{{ nNDEnWRtTEBg I"ABORATOITIES rNC' at tfltrca?tt Bt.rrtFxrnd,llr.lkl |!rr o d^t, nii'hiprqfit organizat ion leeling for publr sq/ely Novcrnbrr 17, 1996 u, F. Int€c Inc. Mr. thawn t{alker 1212 Brel Drive D. O. 8ox 2845 Port Arthur' Tx 71613 our Refcroncer R9684 Dltr Ur. tialkerr Thlc nrpontr to your lcttcr of October 23, 1986r concerning your rnoatttrA'Bltunrn Shcathlng natcrlal deslgnated Bral GBSP4. It lc our understandllng that the naterial ll ldentlcal to your currcnt Brai 8P4 ,ln thit it urcs the cane reinforccrnent and has tio tana nodlficd Bltunen sentent lla undcrstand that it dliff,ers only ln that conventlonrl mineral Eranules are uscd as a eurtrclng on I phare lnetead of th6 currsnt anti-etlek materlat. Aceordlnily, it-te Judgcd that Bral GBSP4 Is a cuitable Bubrtltu[,c'ior erat-SPi whcn rur{aecC wlth rooting graval or a cold applled aurfrce coattng found to bc rul.trblo f,or use in a epeelflc acrembly. On thlr barle, twi src proceedlng to tevlac thr appropriatrClarritlcatlon Cardl tor your cotnpany to lnclude the tubjcct tn!t6rle1. V.ry truly yours, dr*l ct,,s,"h EDUUND C. IV{ANStrI Scnlor Projcct EnglnrerFlr. Plotectlon Departnent Rcvlcwcd byl dn &ffi*^EnElneerlng Grgup L:aderFlrr Proteotlon Departmont i ECI/I"AP r rbtfoRK2 . P.? f., Look For Thc Q Llrrlng or Clsrtificrtion Mark 0n The Ptoduct 4* *\*orf $ rt tdcnt, wl.for.Vrofit os pnieation |allltng lot Prtblia qfctV U. 3, Intco, Inc.l|r. thlvn |fal|cor 1212 Eret DrlvrP, O, lo* 2815. Port trthur, EX 77613 Our Rcferciccr R96t{ Dear lr|r. lfrlkcr: Shlr conffumc our convcrratlon durl'ng your vlrlt to thc I,rboratorlar on Junc 9' 198?. tr tndlceted i,n our eonvrrtatlonr rBral'6BSP-{'r'"nC F$Iiiliitb"\.. have been detarnincd to be tuitabls subttttuteg for 'Erai SP-ln [ ' notr ehown ln currantly Classified roofing eyatcns. . AIro, lt was ftrtrd that whcn preparlng the dcecrlptlonr of the eystine for thr Clarrlflcation-caiat, it rer Lntrnded thrt thc lnculatlon uould bc optlonal whcn thc argenbly rrr ured ovcr noneonburtlble roof dickr. Etnco thc curnnt nethod ol rhowlng thc thtckncls of lnculrtlon on noncornburtiblc rool dcckr is caurLng confurlon, wr ulll revler tbc Cardr to rpaclflcally ttrtc that thc Lneulatlon lr optional. a BIES INC. P.4 )oa&d4c rilwtc l0r 1907 Alror tn conpllanec rtlthrcvlrc the Clrsslflcation Balgt. lftrr exanrlnlng the data ln our fllcrr Lt hrathat the folloulng rurfaelng 1r rultablr forroof ryrtrnr. your reque3t' v! ttt ProcGcdlng to-Card t6 oclite refcrincr to 'Brel/Flcx bacn detennlned usc on Clatalfird 'Mcmbrene k coveredl rlth r fhld-mlxed lnrulatlng cottlng congorcd ol 3-213 ftr o! perlltcr ? lb of llrrlf Corpr 18C-500Itrstc5brtch', 9{ lb of, Porttrnd Cemant and 17 gal of wrtrr'thlr aortlng lr lPlry-rPPl[6 to r rnlnlnun ll2 Ln,thlckncrs. r T'NDEBWNITENS I/LBORATO tl rnxofitl nrD' ElillH. lulrsr r A- .'a - a,r.ra' rFr il*rilTid*t Lto*l's INo, . or @rrt, trohfor,rrofrt uwnslrilbn tutkq lbr pblu P.?,,}ffi 27 tr \-J lrPturrr lc, 1t87 g. !. htro/lno.llr. fhrrn ttllhrrll11 Dsrl Drtrv.t.O. lot lt{liirt rrtburr tt ?761t Os! Ltrt.nc.t llb lt6tl D..t llt. trrlhrrr ' o U Il tnillG$| art. filtilltil, ll&ldt m lhlr 1r to'rdlvir you on thr atatur of our lnvrrtlErtlon 'ot your nodlttrt blt'rnrn r6ot tng_rylt.sr *iiif,-ioia- apif f crtlon rur lroc corttng (Drojrst 8?Nr106?71 . Errao Utotr tro.nt tlsr ttrt rclultr, thl.lollordng lycten(r) nlll il-cirrirtlr6 ar clarl g roof covcrtnE (rl : D.€kr c.1t/!2 rnolfnq: t/2 ilil'tn..d --' *rilf:!;rl'El sz,-iiiriia-or ict'"rcd rith hot Irilflnot rDttl 89-lr, hrat tulld. lurfaclngr''rirnir'ciicnrlsrr Eiip.'trarnalc-No' 9? flb8ftrd iiffiiiuii-rjpt'lit-i"5i coitrng", L'rl 2 Ear/rs, glrr taftlng et ttrr rboll r3l -!o.-thl--purpot-?-2? rladLng to a ii:i:n':ii:i: t i$lti:i%:ili#l ::[Hio:!:ii'!i :rlifi;l^p"oauo'g ta rooordl.noc rili-i-alr-iioittc-stinaerc, -tt. rlto lnvolvcr tdlrnttttortlon ot rnd ,licrlon ;i;;aiialr to bc tcgtdl rt the taorory rbcrr eiSau-drc. - rt rnioiieJ-itq rrcaaratlon ot r .' d.rrtl-c rnrpr5iiii-iil,rtlit-'ii-li--ei6c9i3 -fu - lound to sontorar' tr lnvolyrr tni-iilIililfi;ioi-oi--in- ongolrng prociln of .'unrnnouocrll lneprcttone- rt.thc- ;l"fgty'-;na ioint5rchcck t"tt to vuitv oo . ooilii'ifii-fiili--irrii-i[c'protioci' m producrdl lr iJinllorl to thr Produot tertGd. ttnrtrlyr Drolluot Clurillortlon lnvolvrl thr ulo ol r €lrlltlortton tfgk on thr! pait;i-;-;*ulioturrr-' 3 ltroauotlon;i;i,'i;-lEiii"ti-it ii i6aioiniiorl -shl uro'. purclrurr rndr 6tttrtburton ot ruch ltar;.. .ro-'iliirouify coitioUcd by tbc hbontotl... .i .\".' l.ml lotftrOLlrrtnC or Oudtlodton Mril OnTtrr lroila ;;;rL rlrrrll,t tt.lrt rh tl'h' rcr rri'G I' rc t'l'r ttt'r 'rtrrf"rd.ri,' lll tta,arn - 'r,.r 'f-i a rl p n.t a . SlligJ F alLl rl Ftr - ik-pc,"i P [i eon{J I P.3 ! , -N4FR e7 '9A @:53 724"348+ 'r t9-6tl Drcr ?fsitmnrr 16, 1987 Vlry SrulY tourt? O,,',*t)C"J'*lr' lDtltJP e. tnlnfxt (t*t. 231{} gonlor ProJrot Engtnlrrlltr Drotrotlon DaDrlt$.nt tCt reoJIrtllfl2 lbr Clmrltlortlon l|rlh-o! Undlrwrttert trboretorlrr tnc' on thr i#:ffilliiiilstiii'1i- *.1 *tlii'iilHliitiiilebilr ""'la'l r riiiett brvr bmn.proOueril undrr o Beport torilr rrr DI.-t!l!H-ln thr Proa.lt ::r3:t1ill"l"lli."Jl[frio-ir,r'.r',tiiojrot. 0?rrlt6??t. You rhould rr' tlr rrrll . It teir hrvl rny gualtlonl on the absrflr pharc sontrot th' trtrtlr. Rcvlcmd bYt il*n('"MW,,,,, trii'-{ii jit"s. Groue !o1f: I--Ftio Protcction DePartmont .:te I |lnl||J 6gH.t a\J: I r u*!\.t l/l!ra 3$e7o'+ a 22 UNDENWRITENS LI,BOAATONIES INC.Ottt lruotrtx totD. r|orrnrocl| uuilgu iltll-til an indrfcndtftl, tLot_for-lrofit orgenlutiur Urtiu ,for pubtti nfiqt.!,t.nbrt 9, lgsl U.8. Intror tDg.!la. Fhlwn ltqllctrIIIS tsrl Dr1vrD. 0. Eox l8ltEort trttrus, Tlt 776tt Our Rtftrono.! sl}c Rg6ga D.tt ur. ilrlhtrr tlrl,r 1r Ln mltonrr_to_youc lrttcr o! ittrac 9; lg!E, rnd iifi !ii* iri :ti$" illi;#ij:F. ii*#lii.Fi"i:riii:.'*."nrnufrotqrcd by rour congr;t,=-'' ConttruotloA No. I lr rtrqllar tocvririt{rilil ili Lro;,ioJ;iil ila."ilfif il':S,Bliii"Eill.rr*.0.conrtaucrroa rfoe. a *i. 5-iii liirirr-lb-ioJi-liit"*, erevlourl.y?$::i*!.r|iliir;suicui"-i;"i-e;k; ii ;;;";ilur rnvratrsatron orpinrinc;-ili;n iit .*iue"3rl:;3i*;-#;i";iiBi.:iixJF'""*'ryrtcnrr tt tr our. jul'frii.it-Enii ttrr-c{f!sr.ne.r tn conetruottonrould ner arlrct ttri-riruil; fi-i_ ;rgnltroant ar.g*.. ThrsrfotrsrLl^l"l.b.3n Jydsea tnri-urj'rJirlrltl e.-raqurrirnrnt J og _ gri. -;iilIlH,'ffi:" ;tf llnirll"lS.iltl*I"er Rool covcrJ.ngr',, u& zgo,-roi drirJ'r 6i-f il-lhown. crilr I Incllnrr Lll P.4 ..! l. lgEr C-r,Ilaz Eara gh.?"f,r ,tlype Gl, ntohlnlcally lratcncd. *HffFl.;llil'ot'Ex 8" 'rdhr.! rrth hot r orlv€l. Lool tcr ttr O tfilng or Otmrlfbdcn Mrilr Oa ?hr Irc{uct t|l.|n Oll ll|'rrt xo fii fru rr+ff.t ilrrr urfao ror't|root t[ m rl|r rr.r ||San t ^ , r*r|ql Flil ?llt,il, p n I LJ . .. r!f,R 7V '% q$34 ?"4234+14 , _ 1. prge lSrptrnbcr g1 fgg0 e P.5 2, lcoll.r NC inol*lgr tl z {qr$+ggtgEr Eolyfrooyrnuratcl Erarr ttbrt,,., p.rrtt., any thlolcarr-, ntshrnlirlly fartcicd. Etftf;!*i' *ililT.3'#!lll"*:;ill.:'c *ned S$+ncr ttgRtl/rl8|t Fg-|.!i, adhtmdw',tb hot footlnE arDhrlt. cll38 !; 3. $!r a4E / sZ Inorlqqr sl I iif€#ftl "ff:,ll';i!,'ilEt l3eolffnliifl:itT $rnbilngl r,ER,Ir Bir{rrr heat_f,ulad. i Hft*iti"o9:"ll'/I";li}iict 'ltl !{8 Al'rrillnull \"'' l!ho, cort o! tlrr work lnvorvrd rn con(tuctr.ng thr '"vla,, hee beenbtlhdl to proJcet aaf-lXtilOC.- --- Vrxy truly youtr, Rrvlrnrd lyrfute,sJ mpfue* EDUUND c. rwAlr8t(I IEIWESS D, AHODISSenior lroJrot &ngrn'r gngtn.rlng-riroup lradrrtr.t. ptoteotlon D-prrtmont riii fiorrotlon Dcprrtrneat tCI r r!hr2t ,e ),' --. ,:' lmn ilt 3oulh frontlgE ro.d rd, coloGdo C1657 (3os) 47$438 (303) 47$A39 olfice ol conrmunny derclogment To: Joe Norris J , ,/ From: Mike Mo11i"*Y Date: December L, t989 RE: cascade Crossing building permit application The following conditions should be placed upon the above named permit when you are prepared to issue it: 1.) The demolition of the existing building on the si-te shall occur upon 50? occupancy of the new building, by TCots for tenant finishes, or May 1-, l-990, whichever occurs first. a) The requirements of the CDoli (i.e access and lane improvernents) shall need to be cornpleted and approved prior to 50? occupancy of the new building, by TCOrs for tenant finishes, or May 1., 1990, whichever comes first. 3.) No signs are approved as a part of this application. lnun 75 loulh honlagc rc.d Yrll, color.do 81657 (30:l) '[T2138(300) {r}2139 olf,ce of conrmunlty dcuelop|nenl February 2L, L99O RAS Builders Inc. l-8O East Hampden Ave. Englenood, Colorado 8oL10 RE: cascade Crossing lo3L south Frontage Rd. weEtVail, Colorado Dear Mr. Christian, Architectural drawings subnitted for review and approval for continuation of this fast track proJect have been rejected. The following list of issues shall be addressed and approvedprior to any work proceeding past foundation. r-.) Structure has a type V l-hr designation, exterior walls detail-s are not clear on proposed fire rating. (see notes on A-3) 2.) Roof covering type and fire rating is not specified on drawlngs, U.B.C. tabl-e 32-A reguired a cl-ass trBil rating. Provide U.L. listing specifications. 3.) Structural qolurnn and bearn fLre rating is not shown on detaits. Submit details showing l-hr flre rating. cascade crossing cont. 4.) Roof drainage system is incomplete, provide system diagram and material speclfLcations. 5.) Handicapped access requirements to buildinq are not shown on site plan. The State of Colorado along with the U.B.C.chapter 33 requiresr access and parking for the physically handicapped. 6.) Fire alarrn plan submitted per Town of Vail fire at-arm plan review requirements. (see hand out attached) If there are any guestions reguarding the6e issues or others please feel free to call anytine or stop by ny office. SINCERELY -)4Y'/lor'"+'ttJoe Noris Plans examl-ner Town of Vail o DtrFMRTMtrNT @F,tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT Wr*r, ocroN F'RM xxxxxxx 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES I 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 +2415 1988 UNTFORI/ BUILDTNO CODE 1 0000 4241s 1988 UNIFORM PLUMBINC CODE 1988 UNIFORM MECHANTCAL CODE 01 0000 424'ts 1988 UNIFORM FIRE COOE I 0000 42+15 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42415 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 oooo 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MX-ARS) 01 0000 42412 XERoX CoptES ,/ SruOreS PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTION r 0000 41322 oFF HOURS tNSpecnoN r.EE coNaACTORS UCENSES fEES 0l 0000 41413 .SICN APPLICATION COMMERCIAL CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR FINISH 18O E. Hampden Ave. SuitE 2ol Englewood, Cdorado 8o1 10 (g)3) 762-0505ETUILtr,EF|S June 13, 1990 Vail Building Department 75 So. Frontage Rd.Vai1, Co. 81 657 Attn: Gary Moran Re: Cascade CrossingVail, Colorado Dear Garyf The owner/developer of the referenced project has terminatedtheir construction contract with R.A.S. Builders, inc. I want to make it clear their motivation was financial . R.A.S. has workedprofessionally while on this project, and wishes to remain in good standing with the Vail Buitding Department. As of 6/12/90 Perco Development Corp. will be the new contractor of record. Please forward all responsibilities, problems, questions, etc.,through him. R.A.S. Builders has vacated the site, and termi.nated its responsibilities in the project. If you have anyquestions, don't hesitate to contract me, and I look forward to the opportunity of working with you in Vail again. $s JuN i 51eeo Sincerely, Andy Proj ec I ]ar, rnsrucrroN's CoITPLETEI) The itens belos need to be conplete before glvlng a perrolt a final C of O. Please check off 1o the box provlded. . FINAL PLI'MBING ),r" Co'nLJ 141- bT rj t_ DATE:ll FINAL UECEANICAL DATE: IUPROVE}IENT SIIRVEY nssro. rlAlc: C*rcAl€ Vi{1 t- org:r,' 0L P/. h&.'. s./'7o FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: FINAI, BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: TS,IPORARY C OF O i I DATE: !- i CERTIF]CATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCAPING DI'E I IL I DATE: FILE NA}.TE: @ /eaa,e r?cBr csF a-//y /r,ca/a.r'X .4eVzzf (le<l< trrtrh k Eefi.<a //a/O \ y'rf,nrT FLqcS P-f c-- t /afozr f< d t ?' 75 3outh frontroc rcrd Yall, colorado 81657 (3{t3) 4792138 (3{Xr) 4792139 offlce ol communlty development To: Joe Norris l - ./|,t .a From: Mike Mollic{lVt/r// Date: December 1, 1989 RE: cascade crossing building pernit application The following conditions should be placed upon the above nanedpermit when you are prepared to issue it: 1) The dernolition of the existing building on the site shall occur upon 50? occupancy of the new building, by Tcots for tenant finishes, or May 1, 1990, whichever occurs first. 2) The requirements of the cDoH (i.e access and fane irnprovements) shatl need to be cornpleted and approved prior to 50? occupancy of the new building, by TCOrs for tenant finishes, or May 1, 1990, whichever comes first. 3) No signs are approved as a part of this application. .H 1 $TOP 0R[ WARM AtR FURNACE *'EJ=LECTR|C WtRtNG GAS FTTTTNG AND VENTTNG zFsto BUtLDtNG pERMtT ZONING tr tr tr tr tr TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO OFF]CE OF BUILDING OFFICIAL NOTICE THIS BUILDI NG Has Been Inspcted, and - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION tr CONCRETE MASONRY tr PLUMBING tr OTHER: Do Not Remove This Notice! Building Insp€tor Offbeof Building Offbial, TOWN OF VAtL, COLORADO l{] I g dt|} t-.. .r -\lf\D A-l __ti I Nl rttt-x {iE \1 | ri 1tlR;F(' {L. .it jl I l.l I Tr! CIIECK REQUEST vENDoRNAME= fu6ZoZ., 7za-- a-.q/ -,.-.-/,-Q -- .. DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAII UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP * /*t4 @oo.&- 4zt*n ACCOUNTNLTMBER 0l 000022002 s Z6^d e)AMOUNT OFREFI.]ND: DATEAPPROVED: l-3,4-7A APPROVAL SIGI{ATURE: II {I It d .t-.i: .8 Il I \l TtirL a CHECK REQUEST - vENDORNAME: >/i/,s 6,&,_2r'r,-e) VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN IrP DEPOSIT REFITND FOR BP # y'azz ACCOUNTNUMBER OI OOOO22AO2 d AMOUNTOFREFUND:o.za.D DATEAPPROVED:l- Q,t-%. APPRoVALSTGNATuRE, (J))*',Ji Vl^\