HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASCADE CROSSING SIGN LEGALDeQn Review Action FoO TOWN OF VAIL \- , fl .- oa, JE( . (t r"IJCategory Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Project Street Address:1-, n' Zone District Ai=o Staff Action Seconded by:5-OMotion by: Conditions: ffApproval E Disapproval ! Staff Approval Town Planner ,^r", lZlVl 46 DRBFeeere-caialT4)TA' APPLrcArroN Dn wlgh'r = . srcx/*rxrne ePPr.,rcntron LOCATION OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Nofrr-ldtt z o{ rHE FoLLowrNG INFoRyllr gI^I3 "P8Y**P.iihiYEI'#i3-8"THE FOLLowII9^iN:"KItA'rrvN re !='v-SCHEDULED BEFORE iilp"icot t PRroR ro rHE REQUEST BEI :-.2 woNe ?Yf Ys(F ,no*" ?7& 1,5 d *l6< I rcvi*,d l2l9l* r ' ( P Iease NAME OF NAI,IE OF ADDRESS NAME OF Print or TYPe) PROJECT -G' = G'PERSON SUBMITTING I-II{C a^t- .lq* Wu 6 OWNER ADDRESS-l-j (>..>X SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER -. trrz" THE mqEi DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A - DESCR]PTION OF THE PROJECTING, ETC) ' srcu/ewtlruc INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STANDING, WALTJ/ MESSAGE. "c4tF/<<-s a SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL 272-@ OF OVERALL SIGN,SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO fot'x/f" = /, b. H. OF SIGN GRADE t' D. HEIGHT OF 51UN AD\,VI' E. DESCRTBE LTGHTTNG (EXrsrrNG oR PRoPosEol lu//a'a/f4 /zLu,n //a+tz// .A -F^r,rnr,-E! /F'F, 2 4f tF LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUT4 ASSOCIATION APPROVAL ;i;,U i,il*' $"17 z?HF'""."i["::4 3i::.ll3ls showilre.?*1"t location of sisn or -."ti"S on the, building * 3il3i3E'3lt!"!r'iii"i-piopos"a location colored scale drawrng. --: -r ^ PhotograPhs - showrn i;.ii"-"t PrgPoleg T?t:::?l: 1 z 3. 4, 5 6 , PAI rt, S ign Fdministrator ;i'Ji;;';;n'il'"is; ir availabre \'- ,4 7 *o \ 0 Y4 9e 2, o& t C \ o2 e|9 |o\ \r- E\ V\IL zII r..l ldtFl 't \\ \ {\ r\\I \ \ I 1 \ I tf) \q f; d. F olrlJg (J .E9.2 LuJ C) N 6 lrJ tr6 FJ -o-o -*.o c, =xE f, g' .> ? I r|J(D soo(9|!24Ui<fD68 5_iEEFr.r O-o6t!(, =oJ e \Y \\ \' \f \d J s v() B \\\ \V \-- 4 \z IGlr, o \?) s ,$u z fi:-xj--_':r YJ g t!F lrJEo 6o,Oo ot!Eo o Flr- I 8!t !t I Jlr,() c 0c IUFlh UJFlrlG() A(J Elr,Fz JL i e,t!j- F5(9 6 :<IG,(I' o.l to ;* 7)^.- ?t/rtu/ |u'#u 2aost"tl /Jr'''4 oo TOWNOF VAIL NECE'PTNO.6 CHf,,CKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF V JL ACCTX'NTN(l ITE}I !'fo. ' :. aax " c(Ef trr. Ttlrr.r- 0l 0@0 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0G)0 42415 UMFORM BUILDINGCODE s54.00 0l 0ffr0 42415 UNIFORM PLI'MBING CODE $39.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0l 00(m 42415 UNTFORM FIRL CODE s36.00 0I 00fl) 424t5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $J7.O0 0l 0000 424 l5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 00r)0 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0l 00m 42412 XEROX COPIES s0.25 0t 0w 42412 STUDIES 0l offrc 42412 TOVFEDS COMPUTER PROGR]M $5.00 0r 00(}0 42371 Pt,NALI-Y F EES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0l 000041332 PLAN REVIEW RE.C}IECK FEE i$40 PER HR,'I 0l offn 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTIONfEES 0l oc[n4,!jtr CONTRACTORS LICENSESFEES 0r 0000@l4l SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 ztq 0l 0000 .{T4l 3 AIJI]II'IONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI,OO PER SO.FT.I ot oaffi 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 00{x}41331 PREPAIDDESIGNREVIEW 0l 0000 4237r II.N/ESTIGATION FEE (BUILDINC) 31 00m 45ilo TOV PARKING FUND ol 00u22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSERTUID'* 0t 0000 211t2 TAXABLE @) 4ol. (STATE)* 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWli) 0l 0000 42371 tsUILLIINC INVESTIGATION OTIIER f!;L APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 41330 ADf,}II-IONALGRFA "250"5200.000l 00m41330 CONDITIONAL USE PEI{MIT s200.00 0l 00flt 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ITESSTMN IOOTOTTI]$200.00 0t 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TI{AN IOOSQ.FTJ s500.00 0l 00m41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDISTRICT TNEWI s1.500.00 0l 00{n 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPM ENT DISTRKTTNMJOR_IIIEND s t.000.00 0l 0000 4 1330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRIETTNTINOtrTNTEND s200.000l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0t 00u,4t130 VARIANCE s250.000l 000041330 ZONINO s250.000l uour 41330 Rb - ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER iE-,'t ffi 1,lher.,ntp j,rr,n/ h - CASEr-t c*.a1t.,' / / U \Y.gS1 REc. BY: CASCADE CROSSING SIGN PROGRAM APPRO\MD BY DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 8/U9O Each sttre ig allowod one (1) wail sigg *Letters are to be not higber than 18" *Letters to be iodividual-pan-cbanneld white or oflwhite wift blaok m bronze cans *Fascia lighing will be only one (1) fluorescent tube - white *Size = each business is allowod 2.5 square feet of sip per 5 lineal fegt ofbusiness ftrontage. No business sign' may exceed 20 square feet v Projecl Application ,^" afrfqn Project Name: wfProject Descnption: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: tO7 / 5oari funflfF Legal Description: Lot -, Block -------..---------------._'/ET ,zon - Po Filing commenrs: €tt 6aa'J Design Review Board o^," lftftd t/ Morion by: //lwlffvN ltnaSeconded by: /-0 DISAPPROVAL 6 fulc{ , Town Plan nero^," af r fTo D statr Approval Proiect APPlication Proiect Name: Contact Person and.Phone , tl"r{ -7-o/8 7? /- / 6o Architecl' Address and Phone: /D3 4 I I i I I ,'-l I I 'i ."i ! i-t I I ...,1 I --t APPROVAL Design Review Board l,/r /t /7aOate I OISAPPROVAL /-a L "7/zSummary: @ h r, ctb,'t e-lc n rf l- -+,> 1-l uA-L<' Lat- : i . s ', 3)+ ASC.Ito /r,/1 n!/oLt ed&4: sac4 -1o Ex(*L lt-I /t /7(lOale: ' /' E statt ApProval Rm'0 JUL 1 61990 APPLICATTON DATE -48-aIcN/lrNINo lPPLrclEIoN ^ ,\ *1 ,,"0b rlpe) <A.€,<AD€- CP,,gS;ucS $ 'rnr ' tv NN{E op orrNER L) qi\ E-^..lia,e-fetreg ?RSrx prtouE-363-ff-?o14 ADDRESS O AA AIGXITUNE OI OTNER r.ocATroN oF pRo-rEcr lb3t Ss.l*t^ -rao"*ac. R^oQ-\+:t DescRrprroN oF pRqrEqr Re'k-J. Cr---.-t-- rFE FOLIOI'ING INFORI'TATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBUITTAL BY THE APPT CA}flT PRIOR TO IIIE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE .:IHE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN,/AT{NING (FREE STNIDING, .WAI,I" i. PROJECTING, ETC) ' INCLUDE SIGN IIESSAGE. rnnlc-rriNc. c-Rt+$tta 6Ta(-€+tlc..t+io) #t$c- ,/ rrJD(o rr^)D(d L*^r glz,Le lllrq ?ar" cfar,r,..{,. OR AIINING UAbERIAL (Please NAI{E OF NAI.TE OF ADDRESS Print or PRqIEqT PNR$ON SUBUITTING Qa ,/4 \ "----B;** srGN Le lr4 Jr,-f 5t?1 c. D. E. F. G. H. SIZE OF HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIZE OF I,ETIERING AI{D SIGN ABOVE GRADE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) coNDor.rlNrt u Assocrotloil .APPRovArr s2o.oo FEE ,orrallu cHEcK * 954 I 2 3 4 5 6 - Slte Plan Elevations showing exact location of eign or awning on the buildlng Photoiraphs showlng proPoted location Colored scale drawlng sanple of proposed materlals Photograph of slgn if available lh ,/ OVERALL, SIGN,IOGO mA'r^ifJso-) tL tztt7.^\ Sign Aalninistrator . SIG}.I CATE@RIES FOR CC3 ZONE DFTRICT AIIID ABD ZONE DXSTRICTS H. Landscapin3. at discrction of desigrr rcvieu board: l. Special provisions shall be as follows: l- All joint dircctory rigns must bc kept cutrcnt: l. Fivi rquarc feet may be included in a projectiry 9r hrry- ingjoiit directory sign for thc purposc of identifying the UuiiOing. in lieu of rny othcr sign for thc suae purPosc' (Ord. 3( l9E2) $ Upan).) 16.12.090 Publlc Informrtioo 3itm. Public information signs shall be reguhtcd as follows: A. Puroose. displav boaid or kiosk with the intended usc of locaiing postcrs. handours and cards idenrifying community acdviriis. spccial evenr and pcrsonal informadon: B. Size. the siie of displa,v boards or lioslts shdl be the dcrcrmi' nation ofthe design review board: C. Hcighr. subjecr to the approval of $e design rwicw board: D. Nuriber. subject to the aPProvat of the design rwiew board: E. Locarion. subject to the lpproval ofthe design revicw board: F. Design. sub.ltit ro the aPProral of the design revhw boerd: G. Lighring. indircct or pan'channeled: H. La-ndsciping. at the discretion ofthe dcsign rcview board' (Ord. 3( 1982) $ l(Pan).) be regularcd rs follows: A. c. rirpbscirnc intent of tfie sign Program is to encoun3e e comnrehensire approach to the design. size. number. rhrpc' coloi and placeminr of all sijns penainin3 to e peniculer developmcht or building connlni-ng r busincs or group of busincises. Thc sign prograrn rllo*'s for thc possibility of .:.:. .:!.... i... :. ' D. r-um B. innovative. uniquc approrches to signs: -L- ---:---- -: 25615 (vr! 12.2$t9) SIGNS E. Location. subject to thc approval ofthe design-rliggulLoard: F. Dcsie!_. subjecr ro thc ipproval of the design rcvicrr.beqrd: C. @proi. subject f6'ihe epprorat of ihc design rcr-iew -5oard: --f*ffil. At thc timc that any sign on a building locatcd witlrin Commercial Corc III or Anerial Busincss Distrio is rcmoved. changed, or dtercd in any way, a sign Progran for thu partiorlar hritding is ercomged n bc subnired o the dcsigr nview board prior o the erccdon of any ncw sigt on dr building. a. A sigr may be rcmoved and rc-erectld for tbe purposcs of normal maintcnancc of the sigt" 2. As a pan of the overall sign program for a buildingthe @ lYi Hilt g tr3l-lelPPe4isEcd' along the building fronlaEe in any manner thc appllcanl T6'ooses" provil;i thar rhi size oiany one sign shiu nor excecdthimaxim@ato*.o iiralion oflincEl 'fronrage for sign allowance PurPoses shall be made at the structural foundation or building line at finish gradc. I v-On-lti[-E[]-ldint fi,int *hiE[ mosr closclr pat e'i+ffi 3. Tfiinffibcared on the first floor and having erterior frontage within a buildinS mar- be allowed one sign with a ma.\tmum a'iE-of threelquare feet for thc purpose of identifl-ing tne busiiiss" eniEFCe. location and design subject to the lPp1gI3Lgl-thc dcsign rcvie* board. 4. In t E casc wuFiurlaing raarcc iirttn CCi or ABD hrs a busincss ftonngc which is Dot rdjeeos o thc North or Souh Frontagc Rods, hrt brs calqileble ftoruage rtbicb is locued aloni e$rlcsriaq wsy r tie cod of a hilding aCiaccn o tlr iocrior of CC3 or ABD ad brs dircct rcccss oiaisplay area along tbat pcdcsuian w.y. qe prwisious apptlc.ilti shall bc ng samc rs for r hsirs @-tilg-qq-rn @*j*,Jg$c@iiiat: Oril l2-29.t9) 25616 b. SICN CATECORIES FOR CC3 ZONE DISTRICT A}.TD AAD ZONE DISTRICTS Under this provisiou a hsincss or organization wiich fionts on Uotl Oc scadc Dd th€ cod of ttc building nay bave I naxiErrrn of two signs wit! a naximum sizi of tweoty square feet @ased upon ftonuge) cornbined, rllocarcd in ury manncr &c rpplicutl choos€s, nbjec !o tbc ryProval of the design review boad. llris pmvision is mt rpplicablc to h$inesscs with tmmrge rOjaccnt o crclior boundad€s of CC3 or ABD odrcr tban tbc Nonh and Scittb FrontaSp Roads. 5. Aay rirn crpcrcd which ir grn of tlc liip 9sp8ru EulE recii"c-ryrovrl of tbc tlcsign twiltw boad' 6. In tbc iisc wberc ttrc rpplicmt wisbes to rmead a p'reviously granrcd sigr ptogran'.nt t:f do so' but all hgrs b ilc progran wiu bc rcviewed in crms of tbc Dr@os€d addition (ord. 28i19's9) !$ 4-6: Ord.3(19t2) 5 l(Part).) 16.22.110 Tenporary site devetopmcnt signs' Tcnporary sia 'developncnr signs strall- be rcgularcd as follows: A. hrrbse, ir inOicare oi iOarrify r dcvelopoent of rcal plopeny rmdcrcoostnraion in CC3 orABD; g. -Slle Jail not exceed twenty square fcet' with a horizontal dimension no Sreater than'ten feet' Combincd maximum area for more than one sign shall not cxcecd twcnty squarc feetl C. ii.i"ft,.,r,c rop of a freesranding sign or wall sign shall be no- rtiinlt itran eight fcet from exisdng grade: D. Numbcr. one slgn; ;. l;;;; ;hall b-e subject to the approval of thc design rcview- board, A wall'mounied sign shili be ptaced parallcl to the .i*tiot wall adjacent to thc street or major pcdcstrian way *iii.i tt . Uuifding abuts and shalt be subjcct ro the approval ofthc dcsign rcvicw board; F. 6.tig". iEi.., to thi appiovat of the dcsigrr.revicw board: G.Lishting.indrrectorpan+hannelcd:providedthatsignsonly bc-tishtcd during houn of constructton: H. ipec'iar provisions shall bG es follows: l. Tcmporary ,,t. Jt"ttoptcnr signs rhall bc tcmoved 25or7 Orit l2.}}|9) f7 a'l SIGNS d. Windou rips: c. Ohcr tenp-onry siSns rs pcnnittcd in the provirionr of this codc. D. Folloving in Scaioas 1622.920 t[lolgh 16:2.160lt rlldnS by sign typcs of tbc rcquiroccs udcr&is tcdioo (Ord.28(1989) ! 2: ffi.3(1982) ! l(pan)) irtt-rnotrnrca or frccstandinS, s$icct b 63 roproval ofthc dcsig revicw boutl: fiisgq nrbjerr o rnc +groval of tlr dcsiglt twicw bed;F. G. govemed by tbc prwisions in Scaim l6-n.l55. (ord.28(1989) ! 3: tu.3(1982) | l(Pan).) 16.22.020 Dlsphy bor:r. Displry boic rhell be rc3ulared by the follouiry: f . Purpoie. to displry currcnt rnenus. surttnt rcel csutc lietinis or cutrcnt SnGnalnmcnt: B. Size. no jretter then threc squere feec C. Height. io prn of tbc displey box rhell cxtend rbovc rir fcct from existing gnde D. Nunber chrll bc u followr: l. Permincd. one disphy rign: l.a Rryosc, b idcui$dtc nrmc of r No put of dre sigg sbell crrod rbove trmry'fwe &a ioo exising-gradc orrhe platc linc of rhdldiry' rfiicbcvcrirlc* byiltllnttre6oa I6ZLtHt> o?-t ' 2. e waf-nountcd buildinS ldcotific*toh slg $rll bG Orit l3.t9-t9) Effi ^*b W'"*/ ne-/67/&. l) v s J)".( /. -. )gt-+ s'/-4-b nl (,+ wtu-f hj- pt, *tr.rr--o 4k w"*J- I st1'- futAu^lto (9 d D=(/<" a'o-$, 6 21 a4 f o w^-t--'- 4 |ot- t-fu/ffi"; T---req'c*',!-- .zn ( e:t / - f^-/") /=nu /@ , / rl/,/ ku /.& //t / PI .+'L'- -J.-1ne rY- )qa{ ,?at "" L.*- i 6,r/ 4,r.- n.,car7 .7 *- "1',-- T f 2f '--t/9, ' /1-, "a'/ui eKB /r.z-r./ /*(, / ,/ 1/ J',- 2ry,*. I o,r. (? /r / -1 --/'l.n;,,-i +\ / { ,,'Lt ffi['0./UlJi€g0 DATE: NAT'IE csl[+rdwf..- ADDRESS CITY, STATE OR COUNTRY REcErvrNG uAcHrNE pHoNE no. ,bhl 4J1:Afl- NO. OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PACE) FROTII! SENDER coNTAcT PHONE No. (3031 89Q:0615 - * * ** **************t********tt *** PLEASE CAIJL BACK IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES * * * * * * * * * ** * * * +,r * * * * * * * tr * **** * * * 1600. D0 SENDER FAX UACTIINE PHONE NO. DESCRIPTTON OF MATERIAT/REI,IARKS : ts.'t'd I'lElflr\)iHfd-I5tlf-StsEl. E'[ :Ei EE. TE -ll-lf * \tffit\ \\EN \Vf,r\\+i tl \ \ffit,tl rll;i' 'n i i$l t $rur\[l. \ ru"HF (tHi ' $t$ \ \ ,\.Ii \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \$\ ,s l.l til ilT\9\ \ t6t T \\ l.' \ \t \ Aa \l-\ \ l r-{1lIt,lllf lzl,tsli I ftlI i ttlll6l-i+ H;5 d GI rrl \)l 3 I \ $ .h i I $zIt)u _\dLi$ ------, * o atA av \"'-.t + s $ *f; T. \5 ijT r) -r, \J E ti fr'rQ I >Ev\ ,Pi 6 I{I $*bs2.. $$ $r r*$ -1ils s $ $ t--\ sz u s dg 3 ll ts $\sllt I \ \ \ H . :1 ''ttl lEt:15 7:45-EFST F , 4./.1 ll il tJtl