HomeMy WebLinkAboutINDIAN CREEK PART 1 LEGAL2ois&aqrt t /n/,;ilt Ariz.l4A^. Design Review Board ln> DQi,rir{fi EltloPr,f iaT ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontag€ Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.(om Project Name: ERICKSON WINDOW Project Description: ADD A BAY WINDOW DRB Number: DR8060280 Pafticipants: OWNER ERICKSON,BARBAMJ. 1139 SANDSTONE DR 3 VAIL co 81557 APPUCANT STEVEN JAMES RIDEN, AIA ARCH0Z05/2006 Phonei 949-4L21 PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001738 ProiectAddress: 1139 SANDSTONE DRVAIL Location: INDIAN CREEKTOWNHOMES #3 Legal Description: Lot:2 Block Subdivislon: INDIAN CREEKTOWNHOMES Parcel Number: 2103-014-1800-2 Comments: standard conditions apply 0710s12006 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah 07 | 1812006 Cond: 8 (PLAN)r No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OOPlanner: *m Minor Exterior Alterations Applicadon for Design Review thpartm€nt of Comfiunty De\relopnefit 75 sd.l0r Fiontagp Road, vall, Cobrado 816t U: 970.f9.2128 lilt 9tmA79'2452 web: nuw.trdlgpv.om Gcosal Infiofiiauon! AA pru1e.ts ;gquklrq dedgn r€vlew must recehre apgorrd prbr b $bmlfitg a hdlding pemilt apCidon. PkBs rcfir t6 Ure submroa rcqufenrents br tlre mrtlcular apprord t'|* b lqu€sto.t. An a]plcdon fur teC$ R6,l€rY caltmt be eaaepted unUi a[ rcqufeA hfoflEdon S l@lv€d by the Conmurlty Devdo[r( ent DeparunenL The prdect nry abo need b be rcviaved by ttn Town Counci and/or the Plannhg and Envtonmental coflrmlson. ilsitgr rritel approval bpeer unterr a bultdng ponnft b bucd end oncurdqr ontr|sn€ wltHn onc ycar of, trc appovat D€scrtpuonor$€Requst! fOO f, a"^ F fJfffOoUJ Physlcal Addrer: pard ilo.: 110-? a lu /2a a 1 (contact Eagle @. Assessor at 97tr328-86.10 for parcel no.) Zoning: tlame(r) of Owne{e): llailing tt o$rncr(i) Slgnabn(r): v . ^,,,fw Dr ,-o-'\) 6o tlrmeof Apdlclnt: ilailing Addr6r! E+nall Addreos: Type ofRcvlcw and Fce: O 9gns 0 &neDhral Re\rievr tr New Construdirntr Adduon tr Mrpr Albratlon (multi{amly/omrPdd) MircrAlErdon (dmlefamtly/duplor) Oranges to Apfoved Han: Separation Rcquest tr tr f50 gl5 l1.m pcr sCuac bot of bbl Cg| ar€l. f{o Fee i650 For onstuUcfon d a rrcsv bulldng or detm/rcbuld. f300 For an adfion wherc sqtrae foGge ls added b any residenUal a' commcrdal bulHlrg (lndudes 250 additiots & InEdor convercbm)' S250 For nans d|anges b bufldngs rnd sne fnp|ovetnenlt qrch as, rc-roofirU, paidng, wlndov additbn+ landsradng, f€nc€s and r€talilng mT6, eE, $20 fur n*rc dratrges b bufdngs and Cn lnprorcnrenE sudt as,' r€-roofrng, pGffing, wlndow deons, landscadng, fences and retalnlng walb. €8. $20 For reviCons b pbns alrcadY apptot ed by Plsmitg SHf or th€ D€Can Rstten eoant- No Fce W**.,78L1 Br,-s unoDrto 3'Ltf.. DRBto.: ***aaatt*+la+lttllalfaal+aaa**aaaa'34*tta*l*aaa*a**tl*alaa**lrt**af+alaaaaa***t+fat'tt+t***f+ta TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Sbtenelrtfa*ta++ai***!aat**+la++**rr*rr**taaa+*afa***at+a*f*+*rr**ffa*a**frlfraf+lt*rr*r***tt+****frr gtatenent lfimber: R060000925 Anount: S20.00 07/05/200603:51 PM Palment Method: Check Init: algNotatiotrs 9e2L/R.K. BRICKSOIT Peflnit No: DRBo60280 Tlrpe: DRB-I{inor Alts, SFR/DIIP Parcel No: 2103 -014-1800-2 Site Addrege : 113 9 SAIiIDSTONE DR \IArIr Location: MDIAN CREEK I.IOIWHOIT{ES #3 Total Feee: 920.00 ThJ.e Payment: $20.00 Total AIJI PmtE: $20.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOUNTITEMUST: Account Code DegcrLption DR 00100003L12200 DEsre{ Rt\,:rEw FEES Current Ptnta 20.00 4,q aafr::9 5\t\_( If : zlH\ <a xSli >..;<:;; t:'->?lsl ;I frl Z+ ASoaasl! ,,, -e21OH F1 l^ v=- ii<i*iq' Y: frl -"rl|-' J,*,-. n A1 tlrU bxl tlrutrail Vsar*Jb iltatPat Ta Ve V*eYaJEp PROPOSED scALE lf4" - l'-0" NORTH ELtrVATION II{DIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION I I 39 SA}.IDSTONE DRTTY'E VAIL, COLORADO 81657 June29,2@6 Department of Community Development Townof Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Bay window for the Ericlson Residence located at I139 Sandstone Dr. #3, Vail, Colorado 81657 To whom it may concern: Please accept this letter as written approval ofour association concerning the proposed bay window for the Erickson Residence (single family) which is located in our associalion area having a total ofsix homes. The bay window will be installed in place of an existing window on the north side of the Erickson residence. This new window will not increase the GRFA. Please refer to the design plan (north elevation) attachd to the Application For Design Approval. The bay window will be installed by Nedbo Constnrctioq Inc. Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at (970) 479-0761. Very Truly Yours, 6/,*#r'/'- Barbara Krichbaum President of the Associatioa cc: Nedbo Constnrction v o, D ::9 51\ s\_t zlt\ E l;;<:a; z.:. E]?>zl '\JFI t,,ll r r'l Z* t+t ul ^>oI{?EJ t\/=\ -A=t-> - L)t1 'u1 V=-rt\z<i;_<> \-/ g rrl -- rJ -" t*,a,, t{ A1 tJrtj bxl l,ltilPafl V+arn-lb ilriltzal Ta Ve v?\1al?p PROPOStrD NORTI{ ELEVATION SCALE \14" : l'-0" ffi! l;fl} iHi E. El-hr3 EEg HEtrl n*En e. tG=- AI EXISTING NORTH ELEVATION SC.{LB Ua'= 1'{r /-/onb K,lq*€ t t lnli.t,6af,-6;nhn . Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Commun ity Development 75 South Ftontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 fex,:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com lofY cc{l,ttt_stw aElEllPlfx' Project Name: ENCKSON ROOF Project Description: DRB Number: DR8050277 07 10512006 Phone: 970-845-1001 07 10512006 Phone: 970-845-1001 FINAL APPROVLTO REPI.ACE CEDAR SHAKE ROOF WITI{ BROWN METAL ROORNG MATERIAL Participants: owNER ERTCKSON, BARBAM J. 0il0512006 1139 SANDSI-ONE DR 3 VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 81658 License: 251-A CONTMCTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCNON P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 81658 License: 251-A ProjectAddress: 1139 SANDSTONE DRVAIL Location: INDIAN CREEKTH #3 Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block Subdivision: INDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES Parcel Number: 2103-014-1800-2 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS Mouon By: Second By: Vote; Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 07105/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Gond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date ' tiii ''. r'" I ' dRnatapproval,unlessabuildingpermitisissuedandconstructioniscommenced -.. and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO Jun 28 OB O7:3Oa En i ckson 303 316 ?495 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review DeFarbnert of Communlty Development 75 Soufi Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657td: 970.479.2t?8 fa<: gm,47g.Z4iz web: www.vailgnv.om General'Informatlonr All projeds requiring design revie*v must receive a-pprovd prbr_b sbmitting a building permit applbation, pleaserefet to the submittal requirerneots for.the particulai upp-d""itrut.r requested, .An application for Design Re^ri€rvrr€nnot be aci€pted until all requlred informaton is riceiveo uv rre communitv Dd6;;m Departrnent. Theproisa may also need to be reviewed by the Town couno ana/or tlre planning and Environmentd commisdon.Dcsign r€vicw apprwtl lapses unlccs a building frii ia io,*c and consfuucrim comn*nces withinone year of the approyal. //? De*ription orf tfie Reques;t /-/EtZ, ,(f : Locadon of the propcal: Lot:?Block: Physical Addrcss: p.1 Cir'&<Vod4/. /J-, paref No.: 3/oJ o/q/?06 2_ (contactEasteco. Zonang: Ourner(s) Si g natrre(s) : Type of Reviw and Feer tr Signs tr Conaeptual Reviat/ E ll€w Consbudiontr Addi6on D Minor Aheration (mulH-family/@mmerctat) '{ Minor Alteration' (dngle-famtly/ctuplex) tr Changes to Approved plans tr Separauon Request Et vfl #s oo o r\| {v $50 Plus 91.00 per sguare foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 fur onstsudion of a new tnrilding or demo/rebuild.$300 For an additirx where square f6g€ is "OO.O to "ny ,esidentbl or 4,E^ 3t-n1trylb-r]Ldjng (indudes 250 additions & inErior conversions).tzru ror mtnor cnang€s b buildings and site impro\rements, qrcrt as,rHoofing, patnting, window additions, ' landscaping, fences andrebining waltg eE$20 For minor dtanges io buildings and site impiovement, sucfi as,re*ptrng, FinUtp, windofl addittons, ' landscaping, fences andr@ining walls, eE$20 !or. relsbr]s b phns already approved by planning Staff or theDesign Revia,v Board. No Fee Assessor at 97F328-8640 for,parcet no.) l{ame(s) of Owner(s): Name of Applicant: 3::#.*"2 w rnor',@*. MeerinoDatF. 8-Z-OO aa*fataa*tata*ftl**!tafaa'}*+al*++tl'ia+*atlr'i*t***+taa*++a**ttaatttrtt't+t*tt'*fta*af*faaa*aaat** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€mentr*+*fa++*aff+a+tlt+f'i'tt*l****t*ataff*l'*{r+rlll**l*l*+al**+aaaf*fta**tfa**lttf*f+t**ltafat+t*a Stat ement lart|iber: .Ro60OoO922 Amount: $2o.OO O7/os/2oo6o2:e7 IEtt! Palment lrlethod: Check Init: iIS l{otation: 29875/NEDBO CONST Permit No: DRBO60277 Type: DRB-Minor AIt, S!T.,/DU'? Parcel No: 2103 -014-1800.-2 SitE Addrees : 1T.3 9 SAIIDSTONB DR \TAIIJ Location: IIIDIAN CREEK TlI #3 Total FeeE: $20.00ThiE Palment: $20.00 Total ALIr PmtB: $20.00Balance: $0. O0f**f***{'t*++'}a'}+ff***lf***la*f*tattf+a*ttf+*atftaf*+{'+*'}****al*++***t+l**+*t**+*t*tal*r***tl ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriptl.on elrrrent Pnts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES 20.00 INDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES ASSOCIATION I I 39 SAhIDSTONE DRIT/'E VAIL, COLORADO 81657 June 28, 2006 D€pafinent of Community Developmert Town of Vail 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: New roof for the Erickson Residence located d 1139 SandstoneDr. #3, Vail, Colorado 81657 To whom it may concern: Please accept this letter as approval ofour association for the replacement roofproposed for the Erickson Residence. The new roof will be installed by Plath Construction" krc. and will be a Super Insulated Roof The shingles are to be made of maal and be "midnight bronze" in color. This style and color of roof is the same as house #5 in our Indian Creek Town Home Association as well as the duplex across the street (Sandstone Drive) from the Erickson house. The general contractor isNedbo Construction. Ifyou have any questions, please contact me at (720) 635-2E72. Very Truly Yours, Barbara Krichbaum President of the Association cc: Nedbo Construction PROPOSED MATERIAIS Buildlno Materials TVoe of Material Color lle4* SHr-uecal ln.O4tt€af B.?o4z€ Roof Siding Other Wall Matedals Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior tjghting Other ilotes: Please speciff the manufacture/s name, the olor name and number and attach a color cilp. F:\cderr\FoRl4s\PermiE\Planning\DRB\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 6 of 13 11/23/2005 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Desciotion: New Sinsle familv residenceoccufancy " fype Totals. . . Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y Building-> 92,480.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Ctrcck-> $1,512 . oo DRB Fee-> lnvestigation-> willcall->$3 .00 Clean-up Deposit->$0. 00 Payments-> $4, 9s4 . 50 TOTAL FEEg-> S4 , 9s4 . so BAIr{}ICE DUE->$0 .00 Approvals:Item: O51OO BUIL,DING DEPARTMEfiIT o4/o9/20o3 GCD Action: AP Iten: 05400 PL'ANNING DEPART{IIENT o4/o9/2oo3 Matt Gennetb Action: AP Item: 055OO FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PttBIJfC WORKS O3/L7/2OO3 Is Action: DN Pw need6 a stamped approve drawing from a PB for the boulder walls 4 - 6 ft in height. I called Zeeb Construction - Bob and notifyed him. He is to drop off copy at Com . SO . 0O Recreation Fee-> S859. S0 Total Pemrit Fe€-> S4, 954 . 50 o?*^ *oFcoMMrrNrry DEVEL;ME (tr! Tfr"r' ha;-t6uffi"'a NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PRO}ECTTITLE: NEW (SFR,P/9DUP) PERMT Permit #: 803-0009 ]ob Address: 1139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1109 Sandstone Drive Applied . . : 02/27 /2003 Parcel No...: 210301418010 Issued . . : M/11./2003 ProjectNo: PRI02-0180 Expires..: 10/08/2003 CoNTRACTOR ZEEB CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION r,r,C02/2'1 /2003 phone: 9?0-390-L501 P O BOX L997 AVON CO 8L620 License:349-B APPLICAMT ZEEB CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION r-,LC02 /27 /2003 Phone: 970-390-1501 P O BOX 1997 AVON CO 8L620 License: 349-B OWNER Freedom Famity LP 04/]-4/2003 Phone: 5500 Fallon Court eharlot,te, NC 24225 License: Factor Sq Feet Valuation 2,A65 $535,000.00!t Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $535,000.00 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas [ogs: 0 # of Wood Pallet 0 FEE SUMMARY 90.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $4, 954 .50 S0.00 Addidonal Fees->s0. 0o PAGE 2 *'|*****'}tt+***:*'|'}'}**'t't!t***++:t'}'t*'}'}'l'}'}*'}'}**|+*{'*****'.*}*****t**'+*'}*'}l',}**!t**'t{tt'}'f*{!**,tt***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0009 as of 04-l l-2003 Status: ISSUED *lt'|**lt'}******'}{tt'}***{r*'},}+'}***|++'t'}*'*!tl.!t{.*'}***t|:}*'}***!t't**!t**'t***,}************++t't!t!t*'}:****,r************* Permit Type: NEW (SF&P/S,DUP) PERMIT Applied: 02/27D003 Applicant: ZEEB CUSTOM CONSTRUCTION LLC Issued: 04/1112003 Job Address: I139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Location: I139 Sandstone Drive ParcelNo: 210301418004 *'t*+*rt*'i'l*:trl't***'l*tt*******t****t,l+'i'i*'.*{.****'lf ***,}**'t**********++'t******rt**!t*+*!i**rt**t*****:}'}:*!i**'t*rf *** CONDITIONS *'|******:|,|++*******,|t{.{''t**t|**'i{t***,t*,}**'|**'t*!il.'|t**,}'|,},}'t***|**'|*'|.*t't*'|*********,}'t!t,|||*|t******* Cond:33 (PLAN) THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. i'Iten: 05550 nKilllEm,It{c faafalatllaaaaraaaa*aaaa.raaaat?ataaaatlataaaa*laaaaraaa.lrtaraaataatttttataaaalttarra$aratatatalit*aaaaaaaa.aaarrfatiittatatttaaaaraa.arrra''ria See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARAIIONS I hercby acknowledge th* I have read this ryplication, filled out in fult the information required, completed an acourare plot plan, and state ftd all the infomation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanoes and state laws, and to build ftis sfructur€ acoording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approve4 Uniform Building Code and other o'rdinances of ihe Town thereto. REQUES'IS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI,'RS TN ADV 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF O tfalallalfa*ta**aff+*al**lalaaaa*tala*lfl+taa**taalla*ala****fta+l*f*l****aa**aafa*'la**lllal. TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€lacot aaataa*laaa*at*+tltafaaat*faa*a+**tta**+t+aaaa*aatafti*fa*|'+++a**a*aaalta*a*+t+t+*+tta*aa*** gtaternent Nunber: R030003787 Amount: $4,954.SO 04/tL/200301:24 PM Palment Metsbod: Check Init: DDG Notation: Zeeb eustorn ConEtruction 501.4 Permj.t No: BO3-0009 Tirl)e: NEI| (SFR,P/S,DI'P) PBFfiIT Paice1 No: 210301419004 Site Addrees: 1139 SANDSTOIIB DR \IAIL I-ocation: 1139 Sandatone Drive Total Feea3 S4,954 - 50 Thie Palment: $4,954.50 Total ALL Pnta: $4,954.50 Balance: S0.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Oescription Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PER}'IIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES I,JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPTCTION FEE 2,480.00 1 ,612.00 859. 50 3.00 o +aalttafaat*l**flaaa*+***a*a*a**l+t*+*+afartaaaat*'lr*+a+ti*far*a+*taa+a+aa+arr+*ar*rff+aaf* TOWNOFVAIL, COITRADO Srat€o€Nrt***ftt***'i**la*+*****r:ta*lr***tl*+ll**att**t***+t+**f++t*r****'l*+fa++****'tfaffti**a*+*ftf*t+f Statenent Number: R04000593? Amount: S198.00 !0/20/200409:44 AMPalment Method: Check Init: LTNotation: Zeeb Cu6tom Renodel ing / ck 57 L3 Permit No: 803-0009 I\4)e: NEw (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMITParcel No: 210301418010Site Address: 1139 SAIIDSTONE DR VAIIJLocation3 1109 Sandstone Drive Total Fees: S5, 1.52,50This Payment: $198. 00 Total AI-,L Prnts: $5, 152 .50Balance: S0.00+++f**t*f+**l+********ra*****tf++lt****!al'}**'l***l++f'i+*a+**+*tt++'}*ttt**+t*t+++*tt'.at'.4*at+ta ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts o BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLA}I CHECK FEES 120.00 78.00 APPL}CATIoN wtLL NoT BE ACCEPTED IF INCoMPLETE oR Hl'P[ttte-ol,6o Building Permit #: 970-479-2l49 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plu l, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials General Contractor:Contact and Phone #l'l BUILDING: $ -#I5^.-,-, Lo PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ lrz.rr.rrn a9 For Partel # Contact Fees: F:/everyone/formVbldgperm ,IE As;sessorc Office at 9ZO-J2B-864O or visit Parcef # zt o?- otg. f A (applieation will not be accepted without parcel number) Job Name: R,o6*ou ,?ot.Job Address: ll74 tatWxe fttdlle Lesat Descriptun ll t6tf A w:.f? "'llff*"ffi*ffi@aiu,'ion Owners Name: L*dr, R "\*-_^*'*sspoan-Lr,+Z,TWArchitecVDesign"r, RtJt -ooo'"tt' ?.t1.&r* 3zst \l;l 'nonttq!?. 7/2 t Engineer: BorT /a E qr*rr*Address: /zrz &r/ /At.r/o- Di.pno"e:776_l/70 Detailecl description of work: NW +ttc*A pmaq l&arOgil.tE, WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) Irlo (X) Type of Bldg.: single-family () Two-tumity ( ) Mutti-famity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buildinq: I-l No. of Accommodation Units in this building: O - No/TvrE d Fireplaces Ex o/pettet ( t wqod Burning ( ) - No/Tvpe of Fireplac ood/pellet ( ) wqgd Buminq (NoT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) NoQ1 Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist- Vesl ) TG (1e *********i****************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy************************************** I0l{'iv 0r I'Alt Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Community Development / This Checklist must be ompleted before a Buildina Permit application is accepted. ( eltpug"rof application is complete Ary (n^ro-nauppr*ur obtainedtirrequireOl Provideacopyofapproval form otrF'Lt Dg5q26tl5 / Condominium Association lefter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex cN fnE {}/ Complete site plan submitted ./ o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Nh o Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaqe e../ allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval _ o Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrinq p/4 , U -o Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) ,/+ "{ fun floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) d window and door schedule ,i5utt structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) (. K d,rroural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family)-'d-Soil, Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection atfnt'. (nnmt;c) 4 o Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated /Smoke detectors shown on prans v/-types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq permit Aoolication.If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "public way' permit is can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up io 4g hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic controldevices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). Thisplan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration forapproval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, widthand depth of work), This may be drawn on the traffic control ptan or a site plan for tne ;oU. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place inthe morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or denythe permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may beneeded. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow upto one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the"Building Permit" to be released. please do not confuse the ..public way permit,, w:th a"Building Permit". NorE: The above process is for work in a public way oNLy. public wayPermits are valid only untit November 15th. A new public w-ay permit is requiredeach year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does notmean an automatic renewal, required. You South Frontaqe ,/4tI Date Signed BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) revieur and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made. by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items belou,: o The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culveds at access points from the road or street onto the construction site, Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Depaftment for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approVing all final drainage and culved installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBTTED o Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlavvful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice/ or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof, o Notice; Abatement; The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works, In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-l AND 7.3A.3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TMFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in. storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord, 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) g 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationshio to Proiect: Date signed: 1l a'n" F:/everyone/formVbldpemrT Y al Frutn: Iim BotlG To: Bo! Zeeb Boyle Engine*ring, Inc. 143 E. Mcadow Drive- Suite 39O Vail. Coloado E|657 Dde: l(fAnzo(B lime: 12:1824 ru fhfic: gn1nX .trob Number: U237 Prded: Robason Residencel,ocatisr: Yail,Colca& Cotracta: ZecbCcrsuaicn Orvner: Thc Robasm's Wectha: Sunny,68 @ Present * Site: Bob Zocb Tim Boyle Stcvcn Jrct RHcr P.O. Bor3ZlE Vell, Colondo 8f 6S&323t The following items werc obscn'cd: The frrming for this resllare is 1009o complete at this time. It ha$ be€n framod sccording to th plans and specifieatirx th* pr profuoed and nfiir:h rrcnc catifiod by this office acept fr a curple ofrwisios thil rruc coordinrtcd between the cmtractm and mc durhg cmstucticr. as oonstnrcted Plcasc ftcl frco to call me if ),ou have anyI hcreby approvc of tl qu6tions or adnmfitg TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,CO 81557 970479-2138 ot* ^* oF coMMrJNrrY o"*rt** Additional Fees-> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0055 333-60o1 Job Address: 1139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1109 SANDSTONE DR Applied . . : 05/79/2N3 ParcelNo...: 210301418010 Issued. .: 05/23/2003 ProjectNo : -PR$?{(S Expires. .: 71/19/2W3 OWNER Raady D & Donna Robason O5/L9/2003 Phone: 7O4-332-L407 Freedom Family Irtd Partnership 5500 Fallon Court Charlotte, NC 28226 License: CO$TRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC O5/t9/20O3 Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSIJM, CO 81537 License:276-E APPrrrCAriE SABO ELECTRIC 05/L9/2003 Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSUT{, CO 8153 7 ti.cense: 276-E Desciption: TEMP ITOWER FOR NSFR Valuation: $200.00 FEESUMMARYElectrical_> s42. oo Total C-alculated Fees-> 5{5.00 DRB Fee-> InvestiSatidl-> willcall-> TOTALFEES-> S45. OO 90. oo Total p€rrdt Fee_> 945 . O0 Payments--> $,15.00 BALANCE DI,JE-_>s0. 00 90. 00 90. 00 s3. o0 Approvals:I€dn: 06000 EIJECTRICA! DEPARTMENT o5/L9/20O3 Ds Actsion: AP Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPART'IIIENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICB. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required comPleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is couect I agree to comply with the inforrration and plotplan, to comply with atl Town ordfurances and state lawt and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp i 'i .uignr".ri*r?p*td,UnifomBuitdingCodearand zuHivisioncodes, desigr r".ri*,?pg*ta, Unifom Buitdingcoa" *a trordinances of the Tourn applicable thereto. REQTJBSISFORIT{SFECTIONSHAIIEE MADETWH{TY.FOTJRHOT'RSINADVANCE NTTELEP}IONEAT{'}A49OR ATOUROFFICSPROMEdNAM -4 PlvL fr.-€-ftlz SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIvISELF AND OWNET *++ t * * 'l {.**'l** *'} * * a+++ **** ******* t** *f+ + t t***r} *** ** *ta+** f+******lt***'} +**++++ +* ** **a**tt * *** * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ++ +* ** * + * *tt***** ++ ++*+ ** *** * * ** ****l +++{t*+* * * * * a f, *t****l*+{' fi* *t **** ** | + ++* ** *r **'t'}'}{.* '}*+ | t statement Number: R030004032 Amount: s45.00 os/23/200308:09 AM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #5519/Sabo Electric Permit No: 803-0055 T14re: ELECTRICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 2103 01418010 Site Addreas: 1139 SATiIDSTONE DR VAIIJ L,ocat.ion : 110 9 SATi|DSTONE DR Total Feee: $45.00 This Palment: $45.00 Total AIIJ Prrts: $45.00 Balance:$0. oo '! *l' ** *at***** rr * *{r'}***++ +*'} *{rt '} *'} * '}* *{r+++a** + * * t{rt ** * ** ++++t'{'* * *t *** * ** | I + + +t * *r**r.***fl ++ + 't ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current PmtsDescri pt'ion EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POWER PEMITS t^lc OO1OOOO31128OO t.lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 42.00 3.00 aYLs/2ss3 .o7ttB 7go97A52473 SABO ELECTRIC INCo PAGE AL wltl NoT EE ACCEPTED rFlrlcoHPtETE OR Ut|SrG4!E9+ - - ^, ^..,Prctect *3, (Hi=Dt uJ=ou= Buf ldlng Permlt:# @!2-'lDool- Electlcal Permil #:i 970-179-2L49 F".trFal conbatur:" ', 5,o.l$- Eleul.,c -+nc -Tovvn of Vail Reg. No.:elb'E Entactand Phone #'s: 5z1-1a1? Itattl Sab" Jql" q5-'b - sQ, FEET FOR tttEw BUlLbS and vALUATIOI{S FORALT o?HERS (rahir & llaterlals) AMOUI.IT OF SQ FT IN STRUCfURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: I EPO-9 s. it, Yrrtt "- - l Pdrcel # zt oJOl cl | 0O4L/ nl Job NameP olzson ?<li'livr.cl-tobAddress: llsg Sa.aAs?A* 1,lrrlu r-U.ld*crlpuon lmt,Ea siocr: ff Filins:SuMlvision; Lroasfr ,Jtc- 5.,rb . dfners|'lame:mdress:Ttotte: --l -Detalled alescription of urork: ,le-wr7 lct uooL I :tEl--E- - - Wo[Oassr New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPowerY) Other( ) Does an EHU odst at thls location:'es( ) No(,) mily( ) Comm€rcial ( ) Restaunnt( ) Other( ) -= :E:E- No. of ExisUng D*elling Units in this buildlnE: i No. of Acommodation Unfts In thls bu lding: .Is.this Dermlt fbr a hot hJb: Yes ( .): .NolX) , ,s(1 No 0() ': I, 'l*ri********+t*****t*t****tt***t*lttt**FOR OF|itCE USE OtlLY"*ti*t*jl**t******t*ori"lre tt*+***l*** I I f PlannergFqfr- ,f,.nrr.-r,r*r^oM.q\pFnM,ts\F.r,Eep'RM nrn orn6r2fi2 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2738 o?*tr** oF coMMUNrrY or*rlir** NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE TJOSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #: E0&0187-b3 aoal Job Address: 1139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED [.ocation.....: 1109 SANDS'TONE DR Applied . . : 70/03/2003 Parcel No...: 210301418010 Issued. . : 1,0/08/2003 ProjectNo : ??SO4 -o(KO Expires. .: 04/05/2004 OWNER Randy D & Dorula Robason L0/O3/2OO3 Phone: 7O4-332-I4O7 Freedom Family L,td Partnership 5500 Fallon Court Charlotte, NC 28225 Iricense: coNrRAcToR SASO ELECTRTC L0/O3/2OO3 phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSUM, CO 8163 7 I-,icense: 276-E APPIJICAI|T SABO ELECTRIC LO/O3/2OO3 Phone: 970-524-7970 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS ROAD GYPSW, CO 8]-637 License:276-E Desciption: NEWROUGHANDTRIM Valuation: $1.00 FEESUMMARY Elech.ical_> 9149.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5152 . 00 Pf,.! Pgq--; Investigation-> wiII ca[-> $0.00 $0 .00 $3 .00 Additional Fees->$0.00 Total Pertrrit Fee-> 5152 .00 Payments-> 9152 . 00 BALANCE DUIE->s0 .00TOTALFEEg-> S1s2.00 Approvals: I€efrn: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENI a0/03/2oo3 Dg Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'{ENT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIOIIS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp ani *bai.,isor,codes, designr".,i"-Qr*a, Unifomr BuildingCoa" *a of ordinances of the Townallplicable thereto. REQT]ESISFOR INSFECTIONSHALLBEMADETWENTY-FOUR HOTJRSIN ADVANCE BYTELEPTIONE AT47}A4gORATOI,JROFFICEFROM 8dDAM.4PM ft,6s*ur SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET Ol '**laf+*'l*a**'l*tfa'}faai*l*,}aaat**llaa+fat+'tatlfaflfa*af+f+a*af*f+tfaaart*tf****ftt+af**r**aaa TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADOCopyReprhtedon lll0&2003 etlD:lt:32 tUOA20f.3 Statemat ++a*a**+a***atf*tlt**+*+tf++**a+**a*l'raa't*'i*+'t+++lft*++*'lri*trrr*a****f*+*+tf*******+*t*aa*** gtatenent lttliber: R030004874 Anprurt: $152.00 Lo/o8/2oo3o9:18 AIrl Palment Method: Check Init: DF Igotation: Pe:rf.t No: 803-0187 T14re: ELEerRICAIJ PERUfT Parcel No: 210301418010 Site Addreee: 1139 SaIIDSTONE DR VAIIr Location3 1109 SaIIDSTONE DR Total Feea: 9152.00 Thia Payment: $152.00 Total aIJIJ Pmta: $152.00 Balance: $0.00 '|'*'it'f ++tf f *+***+*f t**f,'t'+*r*+*+*+******t*'i*'|*t**f f t+**'i*******{'t*'tr*:t'****+**+****!t'}**t*'t'**f t++ ACCOTJNTITEMLIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Pmts O EP OO1OOOO31111OO TEI4POMRY POI,{ER PERMITS I.JC OO1OOOO31128OO I.IILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 149. 00 3.00 V{#-& bL\3- 75 S, Froltage Rd. Vail, Colondo COMPTETE SQ. FEET FoR NEW EUltDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTllERs (labor & Mrtcr|irls) S^.bo €b*-L t-*.lolo(€tn)?o-l Sa.b Szt{'PT-a.t" eVz.*-L e ao l- o Contrcctor Signa0rrc: -,- 1-hr*la Srrxn A.Jv|OUr,rT OF SQ FT rN STRUCTURE: 3€O.O I errCrnrClL VAUJATTON: g I or Pai€el #zloio | 4 c8 Oa.l . lob Name: ?obr,so ^ pc-g.clz 4.*Job*dress: ,DE senil6,,o,r- Dr Legal De*rfpdon f, t*zlq ] rtocf:.re, I r:tlng:SuMividon: Ltt,1s ctd? 5"b . Orners Name:Address:Phone: €nglne€r: I Address:Phone: Detalled descrlpuon of worh . tJ 4.)Pa1-< T't'n WorkClass: N.t"()(, Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) TempPow€r( ) Odrcr( ) .Woi*Type: InErlor( ) E><ttrior( ) Eothffi Does an EHU exist at this laatlnn: Yes ( ) No ( ) TpeofBl@.: $ngl+famlillj Oupter( ) Multi-famlV( ) Crmmercial ( ) Restaurantl l OUrer( ) I l,lo. of Accommodauon Units in this bulldlng: 'Is this permlt for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (d) DoesaFireAhrmE:<ist: l=l ) NoK) lDoesaFircSprlnklcrSystarrE<lst Vesf) noJ4i) \ I I \Vril\daa\cCanlFORJrfS\PERMlTSlEt.E pFeM nr|,. TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 816s7 970479-2138 o"!l*t"r"r oF coMMr.rMt" orurrot", NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0091 Job Address: 1139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1109 SANDSTONE DR Applied . . : 0612412003 ParcelNo...: 210301418010 Issued. .: 06D6n003 ProjectNo : QpiOL- ol ?D Expires. .: 12.23/2003 OWNER Randy D & Donna Robason 06/24/2003 Phone: 7O4-332-L4O7 Freedom Family IJtd Partnerehip 5500 Fallon Court Charlotte, NC 28226 License: coNrR.,AcToR R & R HEATING 06/24/2003 phone: 97O-524-L2LO P O BOX 1154 GYPSI]M, CO 8163 7 L,icerxse: 145-P APPLICSTrT R & R HTATTNG 06/24/200? phone: 97O-524-I2LO P O BOX 1154 GYPSI'M, CO 81637 License: L46-P Desciption: radiant heat system Valuation: $37,000.00 Fireplace Information: Rosfricted: Y # ofcas Appli.nc€s: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical--> 5740.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> $185.00 DRB Fee--------------- S0. o0 Toral Calculated Fees-> $928.00 50.00 AdditionalFees-->$0. 00 Investigation-> wilt cal-> 90.00 TOTAL FEES----------; i928.00 Totrl Pemir Fee----> $928 . 00 93 .00 BALAIICE DUE..-._-> Item: 05100 BITIIJDING DEPARTI,IENT 06/25/2003 rRM Action: AP Item: 05500 FIR-8 DEPARIT{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI,DG.): FIEI.TD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPIJIA}TCE. Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 I,MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTAJ.,LATION MUST CONFORM TO !,IAI\ITFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS At{D TO CHAPTER 10 OF rIIE 1997 I,I.{C, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 ' Payments----------> $928. O0 so. oo (BLDc.l, eas AppIJrAlIcEs "*0"* \rENrED AccoRDrNc ro crrAprER I ArfD sHAr,r, TERMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.805 OF lTrE 1997 I'MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMe. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCBSS TO HEATIIIG BQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITII CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.1O17 OF TIIB 1997 I'MC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 199? IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SIIAIIJ BE MOIINTED ON FIOORS OF NONCO!.IBUSTIBIJE CONST. ITNLESS IJISTED FOR MOITNTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMfT,PLANS AIID CODE ANALYSIS UUST BE POSTED III MECHAIIICAL RooM PRIOR TO AII INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): DRAIIiIAGE OF MECIIAIITCAL' ROOMS CONTAINING HE,ATTNG OR HOT-WATER SITPPIJY BOILERS SIIAIL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. !022 OF TIIE 1997 I'I{C, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APP NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPIilR Project #: Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81 will not be accepted without the following: Room Layout Dimensions Duct Size Line Spec CONTRACTOR 4,'nl .{echanical Contractor: R*,Q,I\o^*'^^ --cnn Town of Vail Reg. No.: \qu-P Contact and Phone #'s: B-,.,r' z'q n -O,5AA Contractor Signat0re: 4-^^--'t/'{ u-Jt---> MECHANICAL: $ 3'1 rr"rl . oO Conbct Assr;ssors Offrce at 97O-328-86.m or yisit for Parcel # #ired if no bldg.# is provided above) WorkClass: New(\) -Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interiorfl) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeoJBldg: Single-family()() Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Nofype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ***,|.**************{.*****FoR oFFIcE USE ONLy************r.*t *****{.x*****{.* Other Feec:Planner Sion-off:AaeoEd BY: DRB Fees:DaE Received: F: / etrcryone/f orm3/ mcdrpe]m l64y^ {*^B*A.^* g33t{Y - -?3 Aq 6Tuu 3ot,ooo 6B*"t Ihz* $t'pP\7c;o a-di,o" [] gO5^( Tdv""tI,H 8'o HT *Lo'-r: Ccmb:i"'"nc^ir 14, o oFiiilH'dfipy }}rcllatrrilulullrl. L o,rse| Lc ue\ EErr togs crrrrru rn rbrbdr-r t*l hr a-'{t'l(i |rurrh\EO'I! qI Aarl. +i llt9' ruERE Pdl oC' HI E ry) a rtt :nHNFU n|JI hllrGdaltl!r turrt-r !!9€&!3!9-- D.r o 6l zzl oi SplrtdDrdrr} EgSe-iro l,6qo Itlo -g.ele. I r t E T , g II ts g 'r!rnara @.*r. fu$S$l-trst 66.is-tF.ll !s "Lui H;rlrllrtlt:I!m liATto i .tqq z{rrrol? tflorrcltllclilar.D. H<^iq 1..-wcl HEAf tosS Clrrrrf" fE Ltrlniq,lr-frUr;frrlrfGE ql Op!. ed \oF - Ngl{8 e Ot c"-- R] R p51 oalaa/o: &rr trrdtarQH-lD T I 'io $ 3 3 f; EEfrrlla qR26 Goo --llg 130 C,eo ,6.eqo t\:1b l\tlf,O I,GOA t--t$ll9n;fl-'alI attnrrtE 3(|| t-t :n finnr+ ; Soegtrfricr\\qtlliir (16a;3. tflcltclltrlioDlril. tr-dlrrrQ!fflb \) 1 g.. Lcvr \ TIEAT IOSg qarrU D,L-l-|ri--rr.lltbrrt rE fot3 o* c l.zloz rtrdhlrr'l E d |;J<g pQ l'F $ o ! 1 E g ? b qI &Fl. s$6..- HE fr Filrntir Boeo s,lro \,?{o l*3Go -lslg trto -lfdo?9'zt--- ,{613rA Ht r-e|'[,rtl'|flrint ! It c-! ln Fh Ri t'\<.r\ {Lt\ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2138 o,t*rrr"T oF coMMrJN,* orurrort*t NOTE: T}IIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0152 S3-mo1 Job Address: 1139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1139 SANDSTONE DR Applied. . : 08/2212003 Parcel No...: 210301418010 Issued. . : 08/27/2003 hoject No : t,K97 -o t(O Expires . .: 02/23/2004 APPIJICAM SUTTON INSITLATING WEST, INC. 08/22/2003 Phone: 97O-945-L313 5398 CR 1s4 #1 GI,EIIWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81501_ License : 21-9 -M OWNER Randy D & Donna Robason O8/22/2OO3 Phone: 7O4-332-L40'7 Freedom Family l-,td Partnership 5500 Fallon court Charlotte, NC 28226 License: CoNTRACTOR SIIITON TNSnTTATING WEST, rNC. 08/22/2003 Phone: 970-945-131-3 5398 CR 1s4 #1 GLEI{WOOD SPRINGS, CO 81501 License z 2L9 -ti Desciption: INSTALL I HE NG FIREPLACE AND HORZONTAL VENT I PATIO LOGSETNC Valuation: S1.750.00 Fireplac€ lnformotion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-> Plan Check--> InYestigation-> wifl csll-> $53 - 00 $0 .00 953 .00 $s3.00 $0 .00 $40.00 Restuamnt Plan Review-> $10. O0 DRB Fee--> $0. 00 TOTAL FEES-> s3.00 S0. o0 Total Calculated Fees-> S0. 00 Additional Fees--*> S53 . 00 Total Pemit Fee-> Payrnents.-._-.-....-_> BAL{NCE DUE-> Iten: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARII4EIf,I 08/27 /2003 ,tRItt Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DBPART!,IENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIiICE. Cond: 22 (BI.,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRSD PER SEC. 701 OF TIIB 1997 IJME, OR SECTION 701 0F THB 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALI-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GRS APPIJIAT{CES SI|AIJIJ BE \tEllTED ACCORDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 I'MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST EOMPI,Y WITH T}IA 1997 I,II{C AIID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BIJDG.): BOILTERS SHAI-,L BE MOITNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL'E CONST. ITNLESS I.,ISTED FOR MOI'MTING ON COMBUSTIBI-|E EIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PLAT.IS Al.lD CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECI{A}IICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTIO}I REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): DRAIIiIAGE OF MECHANICAII ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII,ERS SI{ALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI,OOR DRAIN PER SEC. IO22 OF THE 1997 I'!{C, OR sEeTroN L004.5 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. o CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER 8 A}ID SIIAI,IJ 8 OF TIIE 1997 TMC, 3 AIID SEC.1017 0F DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ATURE OF OWNEROR AND OWNEF aaa**afaflatlallffa*+fttffftaaittff+ftatfataat**tfftt*ttaaattt*ffatf*aatt+*fta+fffa*f*aff+aa TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Srafiemenrlafl+fl++l**alaaalt*alla+**aatafll*tta+lffaalf*alttaaaalla+tt+++a*r*at}a'ialr**a+*aaa*aaa*'l++*l Staeernent Nurnbcr: RO3O0Ort574 Anpunt: $53.00 08/27/2OO3O9:21 Ail Pat/rn€nt Method 3 Check Inlt: DG Notation: Lopez 1650 Permit No: M03-0152 TY?,e: MBCIIAIiIICaIJ PBRfifT Parcel No: 210301418010 Site Address: 1139 SN{DSTONE DR VAIIJ Location: 1139 SAIUDSTOIIE DR Total FeeE: $53. O0 This Palment: $53 . 00 Total AIrL [tnts : $53 . 00 Balance: $0.00a*****l*a'**lf*aa**l*l+*lf+t*:!'lat***{'t**+*****t'}{'**+*+**r*'}*'tt*+*+****t*tff*t*****{'**t++aa**'} ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts HP OO1OOOO31111OO MECMNICAL PEMIT FEES 4O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 10.00 t,lc 00100003112800 t^rrLl CALL INspEciloN FEE 3.00 08/2L/2001 lEU 14:19 E! ooz Permit'will not be accepEl witlrotrtthe follodrg:75!i. FroEOe Vaif, Gohrado Gh 'JobAddres: li3t Sa^Js{"n€- sroovrnn'1? kS A;JE< €55:Phone: ZgD -obgA Engineer;Addrcss:Phone: Qt'+A {lori >e"tu|' Va*Y /-' p-1"i,. Lbt o"{ {leo_---.' Wol|(Oas: Newbo MdiUon( ) AlEnOon( ) Ftepalr( ) O$er( ) Boihrlocation: Inerior( ) EGdor( ) Odter( )Drc an EllU exist at$is locatjon: Yes ( ) No ( ) :ruo: qnccomrpOation Udb in thb buiHlng; No/Tvoeofnrcobccsadstinq:iesAibll"tst.LAdbosi;l wmAlpett*t t WooAeurninq( I : COTTITRACTOR IilFOruilTTIO[I 08/2L/2003 TEU 14:20 FAX, 19709456888 I NightFirf 'Ngw yorr an ojoy yrrr mu rodag slr4fir. dlb dld& yorr drck iloari ltcHcdbry trr l$gbrFirr, ElddlPCDfrIl (lrhud gtl)Et PCFflIL 0-B 3lE), omrr ecgovroircruddupb durr$vcotuildhge oaapfue, fud it ceotc cqioyed droori ay. whec. Ioirn ccodr, 6e lli$t Fhc escr bcardflrl dclghl flonal tldryly cona*tit o g urtrel *L9, gar linor plrcc lt oo your dcok or gluo-adnlrl! Tbc Ni4[fit! otr!ffi Dslablg ooavmirlna .s well. Attgcl ft u a luldrtd Ll' r.nL.ruoh q! lhe oas urcd or you grr EriU, Now ys! cts qiqy it oa'tf,ole wackoid cerpbg aud firf i:'gtript, at thc uirhbcatood darl pEV - lvto illrbE tbose pc.gloc grtl€EiDgll Ttre Mgbt Firo i! cdaEoE[.d of rodfutig sofrelc fbcrl,ogs rm$cal b siEdab !h acrual aropfre, lLg odsgr$bb flEer arr ccrtttt whh as anroh as ?5.ooo Btr iErgholE GlE l gts) 8d60,000 Barlaput/[our(LF' sti). Tha clid.a th.t fuss as&pr il a$Slo fH outdcsuga The NigbFlrr s[owryou !o doocsb &r brs€ h rry wly yourd ULc, :le optioartRockl&g (Acmidp tigb9 qMcntue (stowabotton 4Eb0 ptdridc r &aEafie lcolc Or iou ou 6ooce bdcL. tb+ lu&orFilg rocl+ sc. rdrbaigrtos!oqaIEllUFNidbt8'tr, SIIITON INSUI,ATING IIEST E oos Oiltror tr'ireplace gtirdbtqrlmE&ecrtle SrtsvcrEu6.hrrld oudoofft+lEnal NwpuouoJoyarcLxb& wooabuhbtfieqyosrctio. Ilia pcairultalistmoporp;l nrbb$ #rdcogorou wltL bomivrrhriabg8rdooolhgrylbol,corblh6ttb odE!ntatcw liflib*Nchlte ilblrcr ctE tfdtb€pEE$etrdditimto yotbuddccpdrg der' Aerrfudldlyr th! o|t{A hrr ! iplrtuu trrtbot( DPdbt !f 4A" wirft !Dd.24'rd:. ThE Eleas ico ltd tldlet.bd|[ rugqlr yotrro ryPIy fiirrhril llltGi.tr dl6e *zyrp !o 6c tsbq opcgilt! [r rildifio, rh! oJureer!@/lfoh& sEtolE||lEor Eil[Fodrtriols saelrefcy fte rccclu Fwl& a Eu! dr.'cbty &qtlrcc lPPcssnlEc. lfu OurAz hsi rlblDi'dvchdt&coolintarm. AuaFdddtrue.rFtcf rlsor rdqfahg corrcrha uo drc evrll'blo. Thc ftt|il itTJL LtsEd frr rrarnse CreA cd {nltty llC b goeteil by Hrdleu'o Z$:y.dEuVdlFbc{6?tt& Scbo drrora hphd! 6r Onr43 b yorr orrdsor dcri3r plane ao you oul coJqf ttp woadlr cbfu odbcery olt Hrrdlator at )tsts um ottdoo'grtbdgl . Sbial*r rtool cmcEosti@ FtbbcB it AE otttlo4 clcotro. Dntl olqelr b sisbiza l[c o&o d6t w.il[6. Clcrafioc drig1dlo,qrfu &ltbhgduldsto b. bcsEglrt rigbtr+ o tLc sDahiat 6r rb Etrthotip [rrsy loo&. 4z-&ctcx qailS. nrdirdc HdtdrFtort. gbodsd rtrblac rncl Srrts. Urrr llserilrrc 8L1100 Sclio crhiroalyr oaFqellr. Ondood bl'btd.t6otr. Optlolalllatiqgotf oowhg fu oDEinS. Il:rrlbu ZGYcar BuycrProtrcto Pln H:rrtTcch$lcCcr. hc. a ECIII hIDUSTTJBII o@DlqY 1915 W Beuoitc 8t lfr ?lcuel t6o1 52641 80e8/$t.z3r! irt 30lL,Ulr54, hprclhq.e Hradhbq,NiiEFin rld(hEF tNoookslrgircrcdrrdlolrtsof H0rrtbllobolsdE!, br. Spodierdrnr uc rubjostto ohnga Favrrr Erick XFct . fuatisdc cgurptra dcrig. Couvmlot tis ud couplrtaly portrblc: DiecFn 15.3/4", Hliibl l7-lE' (wtrllogr). 7J,000 BTUIrrroUhour![O. 60,0008T{t IlDItlApttrI*. Rtdlirtlo !!@Fft! log slt eil bnso. tIVcIlLIlrbd Camp'N Cook Tvavcl wiih ihe Canp'N Cooh lor Comil&Convenbnce ltcHcodlruCaop'N Coakis bc Elytlaf yotl'tlD!.{EEEkdst ti& yorrrfart on yoo' uort cru|Pll! lrrp EoC it &est evq ckr rrrlt $@. It'r i eorbltr rur rill thrr sro bo coovertcd to a ougtrv! Itc Conp 'N Cool toilnpto 6 $tup. 1t6o1t 15 o 1lrurtt slJ,6glim' rlth cor!r+ rolid ura& au q1cir. The ecuic fiber logr co oary o uqp ilto a ruIirdc oarapfte tr oycscrrioa, It'r I gSortrdrtidoao prrutaciglbdood ricrio,wo*-i gFt ."y,grrrw rdou"gorpctyayortrbo*rb*l. tr1xlidp oa4fts ddc. 8uldsd colqEirill. Ealrl,crs Btrdt'ra€t. F[bB6!tfL€! loF. barg of30.000 B1tt&!|!ft$a, Eundsiltso6ctiva csrs F rrSlurrd rgriltt tt! eh!^*i' lbcnLcccnctbr il!.t&t fil| GrtF IS09ml AfiA, -rrrlq|h 7{o23A 6 l7J0r 08/2L/2O03 Tf,U 1{:19 FAI 1870s468688 @ oor FINISIIING MATBRIAI,S Wltcfl ffnithing tha Cntrihor, coth*spihh watorial mry be bo*ght uf 'to tha sida of tha ftroplocc httt wa$ nevn ovorlnp the blnck oret. The bhak watnl rcy bc co*phto$ cwutil pith nowomh*rtihh rotcrinl ortry, weh ns morbh, tila, stana, rte. UNIT AND FRAMING DIMENSIONS Warningr You c.nnot oover.ny ot the gdllar on this unlt ac thir nat/ cra-tr a tte htard. STIITON INSULATING : 'Intsrlor flrebox th: 20" ROUGII FRAMING DIMTNSIONS Cstribcr 60: width - 42u't'; haight - 3Nf; cavity'd.cilfu - 23ut" Colibn 80: width - 4Evr"; hcigbt - 3Na'; coviry dzrt.lh . 23ut" "_. 3o to 6" Marth kojcction - 47n*1. 6'to 9" Mantlc btjaaio* - 44u'1. 9' to L2u** Mantlc Prol'cctiot - 45"*. Mhim*m whdow hcight - 4K)'***. Miniwum rccarsad shalf haigh ro bonom ft nming - 3F f * * * . lbp of stnadoffs - 0"; Floor - 0'; Bsch nnd idcs offirepldca'vzn; Ceiling - 30' .in ',tlr h,Abc litti il fiin ebe '"ASE uf Cfi *pplhtc4 'lI2' it thr s*rtirn t fr utnch gujroiot alhmd. "'Thptt dill*ndotfi stt , onlt h lhtit cl nhn sitg *a roer uc* tyvtt . cBRTIFICATI0NS/CENERAT CONSIpBRATIOI{.S O|tiaw not ficturcd:fCtOftYtZ Fnn contvok F[4 'Il*ttsa'xial fool[160 160 QFtrtfan Cf,YP LPgss convarsioa hh Cfnt Notaral g*s cotwcrtiot hit QXE3B, QlG48 Qniek Tib wiw RCA60D, RO!80D Refr*ctory li*ing Ttr6B/s, 11(78/l Polishcd bras/Sssinla$ srccl rrhn hiet Tf(478/$ Polisbtd bras/Stainles rtael trhr hits DtrBC36, DIIBC42 Boy ftont 186, rez Polkbad bas b*y door nim hit lnc. 1915 \V. isaundqs St . Irr Pleasant ,l[5?fr11 . Ccnifud for insralhsion im hcdToomt, bed/ittitrg roomr and mobih bomcs.. !w*h locat b*ikling codu.for local instnllotionr nnd.oparathnalgti.tlclina. VENTINs-.SpBCIf ICATI0NS. ne.nu4h frlming dimcwiot t sllryr! obooc rcprcsm,t ilta d''inowe fro* t*d,,!ro . S" A"* pen A, o*tet pipc stad only nnd do nos rahc into co*sid,wntion tfu rddition of $cctrocUdrywall. :.':':' .t7' ". wirin/ftr o* aptionnl jnn Lt* i rtion tontlot ;,ratti; ir* 2*or i f,"itt- ' Horis'ontel runs: 1' ohnroncc hg *7 iffiattf,iot. - bowont and $d,cq 3P chnrnncc top. Eir be* ruvlw, do no, co?uttruc, fue trawing *ntil tbe wit it itt flacc. ' Yamicatr runt: I' ch&rfrncs. A bccr* astouiott b not rcytittd. M0DBTS AVATJ,.ABLB Go)C80 47e widc stondins pilod nfrtfltfrltf,s C'CDC808 47'wideehcwoniiigniio4tztiralgas CrCDC8OL 47" pidc stsndi*g piht, L.P. gas G@C80II 47" widc ekctronia i.gnigio4 L.P. gas 80G84#2848 . fax80G25$1549 For ceni$umer informal^ion: &0-927-@L beadlarcir. conr ' ft'eplaces.com IIEJIIII,AfiIORis a lqistficd !f,d<ma* dl*flrth Tccinlologia tnc Tlrls lnfrrmatkrn is pirvided hr phnning purposcs ooly, Plcase rcfer to inscallado insmcions wheo iosulline tltls oruducl C'@C60 47P pide stnrdiw oilot, nntrrnlt* cmc60B 4L'wide clcefioiic'igptition,nttirolgns CrCDC60[ 4]D vidc xand.ing pilot, L.P.gns Sutbn Insulating West 5398 CR 1s4 #'l Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 1€00€71-1011 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ot*tr"*r oF coMMrNrt" orurroil^, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M03-0205 Job Address: I139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.....: 1109 SANDSTONE DR Applied . . : l0ll5?003 Parcel No...: 210301418010 Issued . . : 10122/2003 ProjectNo: Expires..:. 0411912004 OWNER Randy D & Donna Robason L0/L5/2OO3 Phone: 704-332-7.407 Freedom Family l-,td Partnership 5500 Fallon Court Charlotte, NC 28226 License: CONTRACTOR SKYLINE MECIANICAIJ 1-0/1-5/2003 Phone: 970-524-5aO9 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPStt!4, CO 8153 7 License z ]-2L-M APPI-,ICAIIr SKYLINE MECHANICAL T0/L5/2O03 Phone: 970-524-6A09 P.O. BOX 1258 GYPSW, CO 41637 License : 7-27- -l'' Desciption: VENTING 7 BATHROOM EXHAUST FANS(SUPPLIED BY ELECTRICAL) New single family residence Valuation: $5,000.00 FireDlac€ Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Locs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical-> S100.00 Restuannt Plan Review-> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> will cau->93.00 S0. 00 Total Calculsted Fees-> 5128 .00 S0. 00 Additional Fe€s--->90.00s25. 00 DRB Fee--_> S0. 00 TOTAL FEES--> 5128. 00 Total Permit Fee------> $128 . 00 PaymenS----------> 5128.00 BAI^ANCE DUE >$0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII!{EII! Lo/21-/2oo3 cdavis Act.ion: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEIJ INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 oF TIIE 1997 I'MC, oR SECTION 701_ OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLfAIICES SHAI-,I' BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AIiID SHAI-,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 IJ},TC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 32 (BL,DG. ) : PERMIT,PIJANS Ar.ID TO AI{ INSPEETION REQI'EST. ANAI.,YSIS MUST BB POSTED IN CAIJ ROOM PRIOR o MECHANI DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE A'T{79-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. o CODE TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRA FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ILAlrc:l2A93 Agig6 t 37A5246 81Ao SKVLINE I"IECI-IANICAL PACE a2 LslL4l2gqg ggtAE I' I 97s52464L6o sKVl-il€i€O{ANICA-o PAE 63 ffi$ffiflm 'f Bulledn 2G20"tt / Jun6 I €!t ..M" SERIES HEATING MODULE . APPLICATIONS Unico dcsigned aart bqilt heating units can bc carily installed s,lfi os matqtlng ur||q)s$tEm blowsr urd cooling modules. Fr)r nitEhups scc taHc below. Thc hcaring nrodule con be matchod trr a blowg{ modrlc fu r hearing only system c it can , he matchcd wrth hoth fi blorvcr rltd I c@lmg modulc tor r system that heafs and cmls. Fctr cooling rnly syslcrng tDc modulc Fovldce a $a.er for batef airllos and r plec. fc ary tutur! tEarlns coll. Tlre Slldc-ln hot wotcr/gyaol hca!.ing coil is supplied scpflrf,toly. TablG 1, rFsring flo(dule Mqtchins Unit Blorvrr Module Cooling Module MH2436)M82436(L,H)Mc21g9(cA,f-{.,.ry}. MC426o{C-A,H,W}MH4260 MB4260(LH) CAE'NET CO'{STRUCTION The cabinst is fully in:wlaed witft drick fibcrglaso rbat is ccaed on thc cr(polcd srrfasc, Tlrc s.binct is sonst ctcd "t 2 gautp galrnnized steel with rnmowblc sclrrs pmcls on both sidos for ease of cervicc. Scc Diflrcnsion &awing. Easy snag latcheg crc iaeludcd fu gui* ficld anrcmbly with thc rnating modolcs. COIL CONSTBUGTION Unico designcd and fabticated bot waer coils are consntecd qf ovcnly rpaccrl cqrugrtcd aluminum fino mcchanlcally bonded to cqrpcr tubca. ThG tubc.r qe l/2 in. diorootcf,, Full filr collor' pmvidc the gra*osr ruba-fin conract ftn ercellent heat rms(cr, TIte coil is prc$sur€ tcslod at thE factofy. Blcpd and drain vrJvc.s uu ptovidcd oo tlrc bcedqt oroidc ttp cahiner. CEffiIFIED TO UL STD IS95 CIONFORIIE TO CAIVTCSA sTD C22.2 NCt.236 Unfc!, fnc.4160 Meramco Srcel rSt toub, lrflrsouri 61t116.(31{)-71-70D7.Flfi.l314l7n'A?sl copyrtghr @ I99.-199{t Udco. lrE. Flgure 1. Hearing Module (acca$ pancl r€moved) TyplcalAttic Installatlon wih Unico Systemc Blower Module and Cooling Module lJ't0@0? IIOTE- Spodfcdonr, F ir|gF, nd Dhc$o|r3 rtr auDtrad b €[vEr |ltut.tdo. lAlL4/2AO3 A9: AE 9795246AL9o SKYLINE }'ECHANICA-PAGE A4 Model No,MH2436 MH4260 HW-24ti6 HW-4260 Heating Coil Net Face Area, sq. ft. (nf)2.45 (O.a3)s-80 (0.36) Tube Diarneler, in. (mm)1t2(2.n Number of Hows 4 Fins per inch (m)12(4721 Connec{ion Size, in. (mm) sweat 7t8(2,.2:, Shipping welght, lb. (kg)20 (e)28 (1e)33 (15)47 (21l Dimensions, In. (mm) A 25 (63s)38 (e65) B 23 (s84)36 (e14) I.ATCH HOOK l I l+-raFost+{ SIDEVIEW Copydgmo 199{-'l0gg Unioo' Inc- LA|L4|,2AO3 69:66 97s52458t SlryLINE I,ECHANICA- ]lot Water Goil Pertormance Capacity*, MBH (kW) Leaving Air Tamperature ('F) = EnterittE Nr Temperaturc ('F) t MBH x lM / (l.M1)(trM) Water Flowrate, GPM (US aP, ft. w-a1gq-{ltEa} HWzt 36 l-|W.1260 4 0.25 s.9 2 2,2 o 0.3 8.1 Q4 4.s (141 I (0.s0 t3,4 40)75|.,12 10 (0.63 11.'l (33 DrgP-aP x F PreE A5 Bulfetln 2o-2f.4- Page 3 I\tt\ I LalMl26a3 a9: aE 97952468 SKVI-I].IE ]€C|FIANICAL PAGE g6 This produc{ is designed br use With any natural gas or LP bumlng furnace, wate; heater, or boil-er with a 24 VAC control system. lt may be used with a 'rnllllvr.rlt puwered system with additional hardware. lt mly also bo uscd with more than one aipliance. The CAS unit mechanically draws alr into a' structure and disperies it near tfrd comhrstion air Intake of an appliance' lf an optional Vacuum Relief Valve (VRV) is used, the incomlng air-ls tempered UiEfore entering the structure's airspace, Refer b Dlagram.A and B for guidance in sefting up ifre CAS system based on the slze and length of the conneding dua-wilrk and the input rating of the applianca. t \ ITEMS ITICLUDED IN KIT: 1) Motorized Blower l) 4'galvanized intake air Vent I lood 4 UounUne backets lb secure tie CAS to a wall 2) Wrclconduit connector(s) 1) 4'x6'Pirr- lncreasar Fifting 1) i'or ifrce Rlng 1) lnstruction sneet 1) Hlgfuow Motor SPeed sw,fcl THESE INSTRUCTIONS MUST RFMAIN WITH EOUIPMENTa2630 Aimott Road'Klnslon, NC285q1 phone: 252-52?'3031' tAK 252-f22'0214 nfiffr.flddontrolccom 1l'tAl1.4/2aA3 A9: AE 'l II sKYLrr.,E ***t5 PAGE g7 accidental contact with s7s5246sT ffi t,-oraquasuQg:'lig.,h:1,*1T"i,?''^H:,fl ?#HirlSiJ*;1. The thermostat (wall thermGtElr' or aqualt4l' \'e"'' 'v' 'fvv' -" ;j ;i; pfessure ivtcn doses and the CAS unit. Afterih; cAS tan'has comq u1!o ?P11d'-1i,l1|el^ ra n^war venred. the venter andthe cAS unit. After the GAU tan nas solf rtl uP fu 'resu' -" " ''-" I po*"r vented. the venter and corpplebs the circult o i|i-, t19 b{,ryti?I::I$",,t^oll1"."^f a oressune switch in the unilcorppleEs tlte gircYlt,to al|ow me surrrnr ur rrrE' '! r..v e'r'r'- -- , L pr""aut" switch in the unit t$l'r'"=irri"]-i,i'rrdy^":,li,l1elrhecAScomesuptospeed' ctoLes and allows the appliance to fire' \2.ffi;;;;;r,"r"nt has been satisfied, the thermostat circuit wlll open and deactivate the bumer and cAS unit' , -- -r-^ r,-^ -^.,^. ate fur a For power vented systems with a Po-st Pirge device' the porer venter and GAS opet period of time atter tnei.lri"i'ft""s'nui oif td;"r# ;thiinrn'g n" siasss from sre vent svstem' z This device must be installed by a quallfled instalterin accordanre with the manufacturer's instructions. ill'"i#;lffi;; system must be instarred bv-llllHli,1:9l|1 "Qualined Instarrer' shall #'ffi"J',iliribn J ri"l'u[i,n b.p"rlv tral nect or a |lce nsed installsr. ls. 1,. Plan the eystem layout beiore installation to avoid the possibllitY of conceaieO wlting or ftumbing inside walls' \ 3. Dlsqurtttect Power I eeuipment damage. pumDlng Inslqe warrtr' supply beficre making wiring 6enngc'tions to prevent elec'trical shock and stzlNc ANP SETUP Diqgrerqs A and B anrl Table 1 shgryq the maximum e.quivalent length and size of,duct pipe that shdurd be used when instating the cns #teri."uliig tn'ese cnarts ilttt trerp ensure thot thE proper amount of air is drawn into the ,trr.t,r" L'i;H;i ;y th" tppl6;' fie denned regions shown correspond to the cAdls';i,fl;t "naoa"riJn-o;6o,. using + "nli;li"-"ter sheet metaldud pipe and the inctuded orlice ring. Follol tne guideiines below to properly size and setup the CAS' 1'Determinetheinput.firingrateoftheapp|iance,orthetota|firingrateofmu|tip|eapp|iancnsthat willbe used. 2. Position the motorized cAs unit according to the guldelines in the "lnstallatitrrf section' 13_ Deterrriine where the intakE air vent hood wit be rocated based on the recommendations in the ''lnstallation"section' I 4. The cAs ls equlpped witl ? High/Low motor T.eea control s{'ltch' \lvhen-calculatlng $e maximum equiGlent feet, determin" fri*,'=peed'is rpptopri-at"-ioi*te application' (Refer to DiagramAorBorTable l) r5.Ca|cp|atethetotalequivalent|engthofductpipeinc|udingelbowsandffttingsneededtoconnect tne gnS untr to ii\;;;ih";d- (R-efer to oi.jti- A or B orTable 1) 6. On Diagram A or B, locate the qo$ that corresponds.Jo the flring rate along the horizonal axis \ and the equvadntGtgintt tne buot pipe along the vertical axis' 7.'Thepointshou|dfal|withinongotttrethrceregionsoljh?tab|e.Eachreglonconespondstoa dust pipe oiameteiot 4;, 4" uslng th; #'ffi'riiO, 91,1 o'. t"ff"iii*l'':ftl"^nl"t falls near the rrqhrward border of a particurar ,."gion ti;;T.,;'fiv is. not ie[siary. tt tne point falls awav from thL rightwa'd border, inen a VRV is #ffi toioJr"" the arnorrnt of air drawn in' I t LalLAl2ggg A9:65 e7652458t SK\t Il€ I'ECHANICAL PAGE SB 8. Draw a horizontral line on Diagram A or B that passes through thg polnt locatecl in step 5. The position of the point along thls line relative to the left and right borders of the region lt falls into Indicates the relative position that the balance weight of he VRV should lre arJjusted to. lf the point falls.near the feftvyard border of a region, then the VRV balance weight should be adjusted to ifs minimum position. This oorregponds to turning the balance weight souw as far counter- clockwise as posslble. EXAMPLE: A gas flred appilance frring at 100,000 BTUlhr where fne CAS unlt needs to be pleced 30 equivalent feet from the intake hood, \ fpm Diagram A or B, the point at 1O0,0OO BTU/Hr on the lGas Firing Rate'scale \ and 30 equivalent feet falls in the 14 inch Duct, Hood, and Orifice Ring" region.\ The polnt ls approximately 213 of the hodzontal dlstance between the left and right boundary.of the region. The left boundary is the edge of the graph, the right boundary is the diagonal line that says "4 inch Duct, I lood & Ortftce Ring.o t Therefore, place the Orifice Ring into the inlet of the CAS so that it slts on the \ ledge above the fen. lt does not matter.which way the Orifice Ring is tumed as \ long as it ls pushed down against the ledge completely. Use 4" diameter pipe to I connect the venl hood and the CAS unit. Install a VRV-6 and the lncluded 4x6 ' lnch Increaser on top of the.CAS unit and adjust the balance weight to 2/3 of the I distance of it's full adjustment range fiom it's minimum setting. The minimum | \ setfing ls with the balance weight tum6d all of the way @unterdoclcwise-t\ ,\I Tabte I \\ t\ \\,1t\ 50,000 300 300 s00 300 300 300 75,000 300 300 300 300 300 s00 100,000 300 300 300 300 3ff 300 125,000 300 no 300 uo 300 s00 1S),000 174 108 232 11E 300 300 {75,O00 99 L3 1F,2 63 300 3{X) 200,000 52 't4 102 32 300 300 225,OW 20 NA 68 13 300 239 250,000 NA NA 45 NA 300 150 300,000 NA NA NA 16 NA 300 53 350,000 NA NA NA 193 I ,t00.000 NA NA NA NA 109 NA 450,000 NA NA NA NA 56 NA. Pr6e 3 LAlL,4l2AA3 E9: gE "l \ o 50 lolt oP tlA,t n['c R I! fco snntt'l ; 4s soo !s DiagramA s70s2458t s]ryLrhE bfct-hNrcALo PAGE 69 rflGH SFEED SEtilGEIAEI.' iffiTffinr \ 0.00 :t B-[ El 0. \ \t \rt r Otrtr I rl "t Di.dltE fru.f 3 ll.- oE Hoq.I I I It \ \ i \ \ qlt'. \t I t \\\ Nt.I 'ditEED-E@9gas*,[frmTEH'##.i*n !00 "olI.t1 :!i* E E',t t E 1oo T EO ,MN ci-irnur rerxa nrrr troro lruftr'l LAIM/29A3 A9:95 45818o SKVLI].IE MECF|ANICAL PAGE LA ilREqDED NUTATTTCHED C(UNTERBILMCE TIEIG|}IT ASSEilg-Y Figure 3 OFN'IECAS UIN ti\t. \ I motorized CAS unit should be located on a flat horizontal surfuce within 3 feet of the combustion air intake of the appliance' Two mounting brackets are provided for securing.the unit against a solid structurd, such as e wall, 6qlumn, or ths side of the appllance ibelf. Use the included scrcws to attach the brackets to the CAS troubing qs shown In Figure 3. Secure the brackeb to a solid strubture with aPPropriate fasteners. lt ls not required to use the brailkets as lons as the unit is located so that lt may not be bun{ped, moved;or tipped over' The opalonal Vacuum Reliel Valve {VRV-6) should be placed directly on the air lnlet of the CAS unit' iSeb fisur" 1) Reier to Diagram A to determine if tho VRV is neebeO.-me VRV€ should be oriented so that the axis of the sdnging gbte is horizontal. AssEMBLtNG TneWercurs Ol Tne vRV6 Refer to Figure 2 to assemble the weight assembly' hex nut' am hnurled nu-t to the VRV gate. After the weight is conectly pbsitioned, tighten the hex nut agairrst the gate to prevent the wleight assembly from moving during operation. lxtlxe Arn HooD LocATlotl The 4,'galvanized vent hood should be located on an outside wall maintdii'ing minimum clearances to other intake and exhaust vents ln accordince with the National Fuel Gas Gode, ANSI 2223'1, manuhcture/s recommendations andlor looal codes wlliclt are applicable. The hood should be located at least 10 feet from a powgr vented exhaust outlet and should be on the same wall' t lNsrALr-ATloN or lrraxe AR HooD Afrer determlning the location of the vent hood, cut a 5 inch round or square hole In the wall. Insert tha vent hood and secure with appr6pdate iasteners. Take precautions to avoid interfurence $/lth wiring'or ofher plumbing in the wall to be cut. lxsrruunot oF Ducr Refer to Dieoram A or. B to determine wlrat slze pipe is needed. Connect the-duct pipe fom the top of the CAS unit to the Vent Hood in the wall. f using 4"diameter pipe aftach the provided 4" x 6' Pipp Increaser Fitting to the top of the GAS unil (or the VRV-6' it instaitAO.) The duct sfrould be supported wlth approprlate mountlng str:aps fr6m flmr Joists, walls, or other sr.llld structures' The straps snoltO be placed so as to keep the ducrt work out of passageways' (See Figure 1) . ' ngf,|rEig'?ITD TI'CTP3E wvpProrf,l Flgure I Pag6 6 97952468t9o SlflLll{E I'ECI{ANICAL PAGE 11 ;' -AS *it in accoroancawith the Natidnd Electnc code and appticablc local codes' UNlr M U$r BE G Rou N D E D. checr< rhe s rcu rd' llliiirr"-. riii! *q l. sl.-5:^t *_i5t"-o?: t"H:*I t,i I $:tt lf fft"#,|ir'3;":?f"f"T;Y#H'),:;'.*"'yr*i'",iti*i"' pted nt {5 ampere's' CA1ITION must be Ax"n to "nluri tt "t the wiring does not come.in oonta* wtth any heat source' All line lvoltage anO confol circuits bet'Yeen in":CAS unlt and the appllanca MUST be wired in accordancewiththeruitlon'iEri'tricalcooefurG|ass|w|r|ngorequ|valent. Remove the Wiring a@es5 Cover tO acgess the wirln-g ler'minals' Use the enClosed conduit connector(s) to route the appmpriate wirest#iigh in"'CASn"yfin The incoming grorrnd wire must be attached to the green botoreO SruuLq tor6" near thc wire ftiminals' The blldwing sections describe the most common apprications- rrrJ-reGrences to various series of control kits'implles that anv krt in ilrat serics may be usod. rf ru*r,"i rit"*"tion ot aaomonat wiring drdgrams are noeded piJ"t" con.ult Field Controls' technlcal support' INTERNATWININO COUNECNONS FORTHE GAS UNIT Refer to Figure 4 forthe intemal wiring of the GAS4 unit' \t''1 \ t \ i Errenn* Wrntro CoNNecnoNs hefer to Flgures 5-12 f'or appropriate widng method' -l{ew.wire applied by.hdler - lnoutDourr and inrper ntre cfinec{on* ii["i[. tr ure singpdditya equHnmt Blod ocgr. *l.r *l cAs4 UNM II?TI tt!ltl I IA'L Thenno c lr r[ TR TH Gas Vdv. C,'spa*lglifrm Figure 4 ffiE chimney Vent Single V Fumace I I \,l\ t i \ ,\ i( I , ,) \I !' I iiliti LslL4/2AA3 97A5246 dmqEn.Ydrr- t 89:66 - Nuw sfto 'lPPlod tY h8*l heotDolF r t InD€' wrE sfleuhJ|* liiu*-G 5tt! eine'Pd{w d qugnd't st+LrhE l€cftANrcALo Fffi-a-or/ervenf sinEle 24V Fumace aLao P€ L2 HITKNIO|6 ftlril'! &ful ltuntdclFFralCP(ft qt rESr hrlr gr! udF art 69(tf,{D$i6tcr ltbd mtL' Erh€erflnhod iaterWth HWK Clga tihgBld( (E SCrffir cqrd$frrul --Iro *r sr'Ficd ttltdc. , In tpoFadi rF rt dnESr ' iltiLof rrnr'gddUd{lrrl.lnl.tLY@r' P.€F 7 , Lg/L4/2993f,l I I I 9795246918o SKVLI]€ I'ECHANICA-o PAGE 13 ), I t I t { ,f ;\ 4;*ta-'. gF.1Fsnfift -f,t-tr* @b24VBoile @24vBoil6r \-rrn-/flitro a,!rt rlr PAGE T497A52468L4o IOWTOLTACE BURIER OCT{TRd IERilII{Ats GNCilA strcr DAUPER 'L, tptrc.k 'q: c,rs 4n rh€ Bld lff*g z4\rOLT HcclNtlEgl|(x{8 = \-'1' -/t'{Rlt{c t1l Gtsval/E 6p11C{A- sfroK Dd{PER t-rlaJ UltRlt'lc IO ' GISVA\,E \r LOWIOLTTGE tdJrsrAT CONTRCffi AURNER cot{TRot LOYV\OLTAG€,, Af,'A8TAT co{1R4 OR EU${eRoilfiRc,- ./ 4l6EiFc DIRECTSP'$U( lsfliot{llotlt lE EF ORE TSPTR( lGNrTtq{I00uE T @ 24V Gas Fumaces with cAc-24 Faqa I r * ,i,o,*- AJEiER oc{rng.rmfl fls IOUVCB6E {NER osnlFLftruttE --.---.|rrnr*Cra:f''|* ^ brlPri trlrt*tdd' ffir'$u rnr-r&tvr*b rr' Gt{rrrydr. <t r*be b(*ltrl 8trcxDTF c,ear&lhc oorEgnc|t I omsrrmt Effilo{xnrE nnrllID ErlY'LTE \-/\A-/ unilcTo GAIV'LIE --i.tf- -.-- GI .-s t\'-€-- UJ t€Y et !9 6qL ro{ cn(rlNA(n--e -=U- Rr 2m f;o-9 -c)ItP atl EI il.-l 3l>l|Dl sl 2l *l 3t EI sl gl 0rl5lIo ==I T fr F(rl ItqlI4l2AgS 89:45 SKYLII€ **5 PAGE 16 \ 3, r {. 12 howthe DIP-1 to the 2. Nste that thr 1/4' O-D. plastic tubing on the lop of the CA,S unit must he r:rt 'and a &way male bafu TEE suitable br3/16'l.D. fubing placed as shonn in' order to connect the Dfp-1. the system annually to ensure prope; operallon hy observing that the fan activates whcn a callfor heat occurs and deactivates when the call br heat is satisfied. I Disconnept P+wer to the CAS unit and,repeat Stop 1. Note: Thc unit should not run ald the appliancf sho$d not fire in this condition. Inspoct tfre Outrf pipe for cracks and security to the GAS unit, VRV (|f tnsta[ed), and vent hood. clear an[ obstructions, if present, from the inlet of the vent hood and the ouilet of the CAS unit. Pedodioally, the fan blade chamber may need cleaning. First, dlsconnect the power supply to the CAS. Next, disconnect the duct pipe from the unit. Then remwe the top pan and dein tne fan housing area as needed. Reattach the top pan, rg@nnect the duct pipe and the power supply. . 1*CUTTUBfNG INSTAI TEEI#RE DNP.I OR GICSERIES PRESSURE sYttTctl HERE iiti'ri \l Motortsed Fan Alr Presslru S'witcfr 24VAC RelaytorCAS-4 Capacito'r, 3pF Capacilor,SpF (\ Conf I rmat I on Rtrport - Memory Sgnd Pue : 001 Datc I Tlre: 0ct-ll-03 09:38ar Llne I z 9101f92152E-rail : lhchlnr lD : TOt 0F VAlt OUtllTY lEVEt0reilT 7-ArE_ L/A I <- t< z fll : oct-lf 0g:37sr : t95693221 : 002 : Oct-l{ 00:37rr : 0ct-14 09:38ar : 002 :0K *** SEND SUCCESSFUL *'it e.-G E-L<-..r '5-(n 3'zz ,lLo--' l-a7.a-<-e"<=rS l- <_- 21vC- (tu G4-tuteS Job nuftEr \ t' .. Date \to I ilurbg of pac6s Start t lrs I,tEld trrol \ Pares s!n\ Status \ Job n\unber : 71,1 Iit A,'*= I I '+ I ,'4-ro t l\ r\ ' l\tt\ .JOVVNOF.VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970479-2738 o?enn** oF coMMUNrrY o"*rG^ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Perrrrit #: P0&0O57 3o3-O@.1 Job Address: 1139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Location.....: 1109 SANDSTONE DR Applied . . : 06/77/2003 Parcel No...: 210301418010 Issued. . : 06/78/2W3 ProjectNo : ?tt5ol -O1EO Expires. .: 72/75/20[lg O$INER Randy D & Donna Robason Oe /n/ZOOg Phone: 7O4-332-L4O7 Freedom Family Ltd Partnership 5500 Fa1lon court Charlotte, NC 28226 License: CoNTRACTOR R & R HEjATING 06/17/2003 phone: 970-524-]-2LO P O BOX 1154 GYPSI'M, CO 4t537 L,icense: L46-P APPLTCATim R & R HEATING 06/L7/20O3 Phone: 97O-524-t2tO P O BOX 1154 GYPSI]M, CO sr637 L,icense: !46-P Desciption: plumbing system for New single family residence Valuation: $36,905.00 Fireplace Inlormation: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances:, ?? # of Gas togs: ?? # of Wood Pallel FEE SUMMARY Plumbing-> $555 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> S138.?5 DRB F€e-> $0. o0 Total Cakulated Fees-> $695.?5 90.00 AdditionalFees-> lnvestigation-> will call_> $0 . 00 TOTAL FEES > $695 . ?5 Total Pemdt Fee-> 5696 . ?s s0.00 Payurenb-> $596 . ?5 BALANCE DUIE->$0. 00 Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARII'IENT o5/L7/2oo3 DF Action: Ap IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIiTf CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB RBQIITRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COI.IPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiort filled out in full the inforsration required, completed an acclrrate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforsration and s3 .00 un 19 O3 O3: O?p R f -8- Hcrg i ng, I nc. 'Jt[r.19.2G1 ?zEFn I (9?o-) s24-1215 P.3 O t*.4d? P.?/6 phplrr,, to cmrply wi0rallTownordlnanccs and stabehwr, end rc bufld Erts stilctttre rrcrdhgb the towtls zmtnt and subdivlsion codcs, dcaign rcviov approve4 Unifurur Euilding Code urd otlur ordinancca of thc Town appltcable thraeto. REOUE9TSIORtttspEgno'{${ Lt lEtLADSTnEtry-K'uRHOUnSNADy NcEEYTE.Eplg{Err|n4fieolATotjRffilcgtRolr4amAil.r SIGI.JATUIIE OP OWNER ORCONTRACTOR IOR HIII{SELF AND OWNEI '* * * * * * * **** ** * ****** ** ** * * ** ***** **tl +*++ + +++ +*t* |t+* ****** **a** *** * *** * a a*****t*** *++ + ***+ * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprintd on 0G19-2003 rt 13:45:12 06ll9l2D3 Statement ** * * * * * * ** l'+ *'l* *,i * * * ** ***** * * * **** t++r+ ++*++++*t f+**** *** * * *** **t* * ** aaltt * *****at** *l ** +*** Statement Nurnber: R030004198 Amount: $695.75 06/78/2OO3O7:05 AM Palment Method: Credit Crd Init: DF Notation: cc wiga Permit No: P03 - 0057 qzpe : PLT MBING PERIr{IT Parcel No: 2103 01418 010 Site Address: 1139 SANDSTONE DR VAIL IJocation: 1109 SANDSTONE DR Totsal Fee6: $595.75 This Payment: $595.75 Total ALL Pnt,a: $595.75 Balalce: $0.00 * * l.* * * * ** * *'i * * * * * t,l *** ***** * * * * * * * * +ti + ++ +*+ +*++ +* +**+* * * * *t** * 'til *t+ + * * **+*** **+++++ + *++t* + ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 138.75 PP OO1OOOO31111OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 555.00 ItlC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ffi:'ffire 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbing Contractor: ?*LV\"".\.no T-nt Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s; 3qD-rr.sng COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $-oo Conbd Eaale Countv Assssts Office at 970-328-8ilO or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Name;--., , OK o\r:nann k Job Address:t\i9,.<YrJ<L^r", Q.A Legal Description I Lot: ll Block ll Filing: ll SuMivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ?\,,^*\.'l^,' (rr .(,\czvr workclass: t*"*il) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family fi) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) ******'r********************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********************************:t**'L* O{frer Fees:)ate Recdved: DRB Fees:'@oted BY; Planner Siqn-oft: F/everyonefomrvdmbperm .l.t. it l Town of Vail Survey Gommuni$ Developmed Deparfnent Russell Fomst, Director, (970)479-2139 Check all that appfies. 1. Which Department(s)did you conhcf? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin Planning_ - DRB_PEC 2. Was your inilialconbct with our sffiimmedide no one available_? lf you werer required to wail how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your proiect reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? Was this yourfirsttime b fle a DRB app_ PEC app BldQ Permit I\YA Please rate fie performance of fie sffiperson who assisGd you: 5432lName: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall eftctiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 I What is he best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you br taking tire lime to complete this survey. We are commitFd b improving our seMce. slow 0r o. 7. 8. - MouNz P. 0t/01 Qa 8ttro t frFSrr:eNrr Ac\ FA){N0, sry681208 Pcrmit #-{pplicrtion #--- Job Addrc-ss: Legal Dcscr: IT APPLICATION owner: J€E'. 6, e. rl rJ ll-i "- t -( 11 9C. l,taitinp, naaJss u)t, ) 1'l'7 -,--A40N t c I Phonc#: c1''10, 9!lO," t';ol Elcvrtor ConFacfor: Itailirrg ArftJrcss:l-ECIg---\So-.- , rl uly K3, Phone#: 9'/0, rli15 lqg I Class of Work: Dcsciibc Worlc NOrlcE I hcteb,y cmify rhin t hevc rErnJ cod osarnincd this runllcariurr oud Lnour 6c same to bc tuc and contcr- All umvisiolu ol taws urd ordirnncc gotcrrhg Uis lyPe 0f s'ork rvilt be conplicd rvith whethq sPccili{il hcrcin or nol Tlne gonting of a'pcrzrir doc tut P.Egufi' ro givc tttltitodry ro riilcre oicaoeci rhe pmvisions of rry other srara or local lrrr regularing cotusnrction or thc atrformancc . of conslrustiCo. ,--d; @/ L 5ignarur$ of com{cmr or authorized 4ew (Dac) (Dutc) NEW IIiSTALLATION FELS: Pecscnscr or frtilbr clwror' erGthtor' rnoving wrltc Ur ri and lrrcluldinc 550,000.00 ofvaruarion - 3350'00 Oi'cr S50.000.0{t of rdrnrion - 5350-00 plus 3400 for coch Sl.o0o.00 or frrcdol [rccofovet 55O000'00 Dunbrlritlr or priveta reidracs cllt'rtor: L'p o and Including 510,000.00 ofvaluarion - 5?50'00 Oi'cr 5!0.000.00 or'raluodon - 5250-00 pks 53'00 lbr crsh 5 I ,000-fi) or fncrioo rhscof ovcr tX0.000'00 M AJOR TI,IEEAIIQII-EjEE5i Fce for mljor alnrarions shall bc s sct fortlr in Tablc 3-'{ of thc Uniform Admtrlstnlirt Codc or Tabtc No' l'A of thc Unilorm Bullding Coda 6' -- vALuATroN ' E,Seo.0O' -Sip*wc uf orvn* eMia, Tolal Fcc 't Rcccipt ff Elevatur ptan rodc'w and 6c&I lnsDcttions wilf bc-conducted Co"iiotdoe Plrnr wil bc fonrrrrdcd to I{IVCCOG for rcvicw ;;#try thc NIYCCOG Elevator hspcclor at (9?0) {6e0295 N-rvccoc. by thc N-ortbwcst Colorudo Couocll o[ ind lpproval. Schrdule Inspcctions by x t0E. Plca$e mgkc chccls payeble to JAN , 0 2004 . l{AY-?5-2004 TUE 03118 Pll Nl,fCS FAI{N0. s758r208 P. 01 To: Frorrt: Datel Cf.rrrl,'e |avi, Tot n ort Vo,'l Bidg OF' Wayte lvlaltn, Irrsffior, Elevalor Inspection Prognm 97 946q-0295 ert 108 or eleva tor@ nwc.cog. co. us e/as/ol Pro3iect Namq Rol:nse,n H$ids.irr.t tr d Commenls: d Elevator Plan Review lllevator'Ie:t and Inspcctiolr t t 15 Rd fu,",Ls{une 0rLccauon' \f;1,'iO. Siei;i Permit Nunrber NW CCOG Oy-Oo-7 Ete'/atorJype HY D PAss 4r5;ala11*rhl 'fhe plans have been reviewed and found b conform to atl appllcable ANSI L7.l and IJBC codes Tlre ele,rator / ecmOf /m / dunffilter at tlre above location was insFedred and tcstad on 5/aS/o!.. .and a: tr J tr TTMPOMRY Certificate has ben lssued. FiN.a.L Inspection Cerflficate has been issued. N0 certlficate is being lssued. cleor"c.nct .6el'"q^ cf' ancli koluce- lorud lu"dir*.tr , cleoro '/arding sr/l /o nguial disfq'nce )s';;i^]o t.s"mw< Norr.rwe:: Color:co C;unot r:f Gouemncnit r FO Box .l3DB r 0i'CrSB.llSg o Fux 970-6&';!CB r wvrw nwc.'.icg.s!.ls _35J_ffi1__'":Jtfir"HlEiffH11_ Requested Inspect Drb: Wednecday, October 13' 20(N Insp€cf,on Arer: GO Sltc Addrc6s: tl30 SANDSTONE DR VAIL I tog Sandstone Drlve AJPID lnfiormadon Acttultv: B0$O009 Consl Tyf: !O1Ourner: Fro€dom Famlly LP DIICanI: ZEEts CUSTOM CONSTRIJCTION LLCAppllcant: 4EEq cuqJom TYpe: &BlJlLD Occupoity: Stalus: ISSUED Insp Ar6a: GD Corilraclor: ZEEB CUSTot, CONSTRUCTIOiI LLc Phone: 97G3qFt5Ol Phone: 970,39$150'l D€EcrtDfon: l.levr Slnol€ lbmllv resld€nc€ COMiNENI REVISTON ROtffED TO MATT GENMTT - BGIBSON CoMmsnI: REVISPNS SU$'TTTED AAJD ROUTED TO GREG DET{CKLA AND BILL GIBSON - JSUTHER Comm€nt: Plans routed to Dlannlno 8nd Gr€o - CDAMS Comm€nt: Reci€v€d SEmp€d Emfneer dnylfm ftom Lk€ns€ PE, fof COfiM€Nt REVISONS ROTJTED'IIREG FOR FEVIEWAPPROVAT . Reci€v€d SEmD€d Enofn€er drawinq ftom Lk€ns€ PE, fof bouH€r I REVISONS ROTJTED'IIREG FOR FEVIEWAPPROVAT - CDA\'IS .€tahlngwElb. - COAVIS R€qu€stof: Asslgn€d To: Acton: n€m Commonb; Commont: ^w€qng lgr stamp€d apprwed drawlm ffom a licansa PE for tha Bouldar w6ll +6 i in h€bhl. ZosbCon*ftdon hos'b€€n'rifify€d. - LSAftDOVAL Reouesbd lnsp€cflon(ll Item: 9{0 BLoG-Fln.l C0 ZEEB CUSTOM COtISTRUCTfff,N LLC GDEhICKLA Tlrn€ Erp: lnspection HistorY 5O2 Pvlr-Rouoh ora.b 5O3 Pt/V-Fineldifoer*av oradel0 B|-Dc*Footlmgst if - ADorov€d " 05/15103: Inspoclor: @D ' ' Actirn: Comm€nb: CA,I.ICELED PER ROf.l W EACLE VALLEY * AtD{orr€d "AVIS Action: APAPPRO\IED PLAN-ILC SNe PIsn 0€i/O{(B Insp€ctor: CDAVI At{-llc Sne Plan n Affro't ed t Com.n€nb: Itra rldge lU22lO3 Insp€ctor: Waneiir' Ac{bn: APAPFROVED 'mm€nb: Tha rfthe eh\ratlons on the ILC rle mearured to the bo of tlTh€ rldoe eh\ratlons on the ILC wtIe measur€rl to the bo of tha cold roof shlnoLs. Stril sublradcd 5 lrrchd from the rldge ebvatlons to comp€nsat€ for lh€'shlngt€s and cold rod sysierm addttlonal measured.to_tfie bp o{ th-€ cold foo{ strlnoles. Stdl su h€lcht. BlDer-Fremlno - *ADoorrod - 1ry22u] -lnspec!o.: GCO' Actlofl: Oil D€l,lED Cornmenb: ltc i.lOT SUBMITTED TO PIANM]{G FO|R AI'PROVAL. 1Cy23O3 In$.dor: ART Aclbn' APAPPROIGD CoMM€Nis: APPRO/ED WTTH CORR€CTIOI.I TO RRE PROTECT KNEE BRACE IN GARAGE. LETTER FROTT BOYLE EI.IGINEERIT.IG APPROVIT.IG FRA d$IG IN FILE.bm: 50 BlDerlnsuhthn - Approwd " 1U31/G! ]n$.ctor: C'CU Acflon: PIPARTI LINSPECTIOI{ Comrnenb: PERilEIER WALS At'lD CELhIG Ol'ltY. 1.lO INTERPR WALLS APPRO/ED. lNs[rtAnCr.t USED AS FIREBLOCKII.IG REQS INSPECTION.1tlo{03 lntp€ctor: JRM Actlon: APAPPRO\,ED Item: 50 BL DC'-S heef€k I\h[ 11/13/03 lnrp€clor: JRM Acdon: PIPARTIiALINSPECTION Comm€nts: ALL APPROI/ED EXCEPT FOR STORAGE OFF GARAGE EXTERIOR AI\ID WR^P AROI,ND STEEL KNEE BR/ACE INGAR/AGE It m: 70 BLDC-MhG. " ADprorrEd 1Cy07/O3 Inspocloc cdii,b Aclbn: APAPPRO/ED Conrnronts: shi:cc/ffiie lnrp€cibn'irfiob bullilng cDrnpl€loilem: q) ELDCrFlnal nem: 53O BLDGT€mp.CO "App{o,ad" 0ry26/(X lnspeclor: JRM " llem: Itsm: Itom: Commonts: Foodno3 comdote RemoVe looed mstqrbl fiom boilom of fooilngs Frhr lo concr€te plsc€rmilt Oglgo3 lnsp€ctor: cdavls mmonts: FoodmB compbte l.lOf.lOTlRED Acoor|' AP A)PROVED Item: 20 BLDG-FouMdorVSled tt€m: 52O llem: 30 REPT131 Acdon: APAPPfiOVED R:rr Id: 2464 i0-1320u 6:29 am tnspec{on Request Reportlng Page21 _ _ l{AlL- co -Towl{ oF nffii: 532 PW-TEMP.C/O llsm: 5*l PII!+TEMP-CJO -Ap9ro,bd*0g3g(X lmpector: MRG It m: :iii? PLATSFIML CJO oggY(x hspoctot: MRG Acdon' APAPPROVED Acilon: DN DENIED Acdon. APAPPRChIED Acdon: APAFPROVED Comrn€nb: ha*kall In lornl must b€ paldod io mslch r€rt of ndlm form; llootllhhb m.|s{ be removed; srDocsd ry.ll b.briy hot hrb on E. dle!,aton must b€ sffe€n€d v{ffi aoolorod hnd$caDlm 9|lof to llnal CO h€ndrlll In tofif musr D€ pdn&d !o malcn 1€8l ol nlllm torm; moo wtll b.bry hot fub on E. dlelratlon must b€ scre€n€d ,aiffi apflorod p|ng pdoftofinal CO aPPrcvEl nem: 5S Pw-FII.|^L CJO - Approt sd " O9A1/O4 Inspecior: b ' ' Actbn: DN DEMED Comm€nts: lryd[ supporung drhrew8y must bo hlgher than &lt srv.y, or I gua]dr.ll murl bo lnCallc<|. Thls b b protact itdhicles ftom rolllng of drintrry ard dorvn towir& Sottthtono Drhn. ggtzTlm lnsp€cior: ls Coflrm€nb: cub siop ldd to drt,3wgy. dctureslrken. 540 BLDG-Flnal CJO - AtDfcrv€d " 8,l28lo4. lnspoctor: JRM 21 PLA'+|LC Founddon P|!n lldr: Item: .u lAf REPT131 Rnn Id: 2464 f Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Greenhill Spa ProjectNumber: PRJ99-0331 Project Description: Portable spa on slab at rear of building Owner. Address. and Phone: Mark Greenhill 847-50r-3288 Architect/contact' Address' and Phone: F.Kil:#o:'irll,:33"'comrort Pool and Spa g4s-633g Project Street Address: 1139 Sandstone Drive #2 Legal Description: Lot A1, Block A, Lion's Ridge Filing I Parcel Number: 210301418006 Comments: Building Name: Indian Creek Townhomes Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Condo association approval is required (if applicable). Staff approved with condition . t : Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: lll08l99 Project Name: Greenhill spa Documentl DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 EV-DEPT.tut?I-osS t' PAGE 2/2ID'9?o Questions? building pcrmit is issued and construction is sterted' A- DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: LOCATTON OF pROposAL.. Lgr: ! ? , BLOCK:- y1L11.16;jsbofi 4raz,L-laawrv42- 'H''T.ALADDRESS: tlu34 \ar,u[.,lelra OC. * Z - ..- ZONING:n^ -\, n \ ,l NAMEoFowtiER(S1:-l\\af( LecaaN'lt - '- MAILINCoDD*tt, OWI\-ER(S) SIGNATURE(S) NAME OF APPLICANT: B. c. D. E. I 1| { F. c.'31, H. TYPEOFREVIEWANDFEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - S50 f X4.MinorAltcratibn' $20 PH}NE qqq-6337 Consuuction of a nevri building Includes any a&btion where square fooragc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building nifuA"t minor changcs to buildingg and site improvcnients' such as' ,"rooing, painting winaow additions, landscaping fenccs and rttaining wall$, etc. DRB f6€s ar. to be paid at the time of submitral. I:rer. whar apptying for a building permit" pleasc igeng8 thc accrrrate valuatior of the project. Thc To'rm oiv"it *itt "dj'rst-tn" r". ocording to the project valuation' PLEA'E SUBMIT THIs APPLIcATIoN, ALL SI'BMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO TiTE DEPARTMENToTcowlwlTyDEVELoPMENT.T5SoLTTHFRoNTAGERoAD. vAIr+ coLoRADo 81657. APPLICATION TOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL lOTflVOF' cEITIERAIINEORMAIJON This application is for arry frjcct rcquiring Design Rwic,w approrral- Anyqoject r.cquiring dcsigt roriew rnus* rcccivc Design Rer,iov approiJ p1;o| to o]U*mog fon " Ouii&ng pcrmij ioispecific inforrnation' see fhc s:bmittal rcquircmcrts for thc particuillfriti*JtU, it r.q,l"stea Thc aip'tication carurot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infomration is subrnittcd. m" p-iJ;*t *uy also nccd to bc rwio""O Oy thc Town Council and/or tbc Plarming and Environrnental conrmission. tiesign R*iew Board approval cxpircs onc ycar sfter final epproval unlcss a pARCELit 7lO3 d q [$ bO 6 ., (Contacr Eaglc Co. Assxsors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) MAILING ff.oPMENr rNc "5',;"'P-A2 INDIAN CREEK TOWNEOMD ASSOCIAIION FOBOX345l VAIL, COLORADO EI658 0FFICE(970) 476494l FAX(e7o)47tr%7 MEMORANDUM TO: TOWNOFVAIL COMMUilTTY DEVELOPMf, IiiT FROIII: MICEAELJ.LAUTERBACE,ASSOCIATIONPRDSIDENI DATE: NOVEMBER l0' 1999 RE: SPA PLAI\[S, UNIT#2 MARK GREBNHII,L RDSIDENCE Pur$ant to Town of Vail require,rrurts, thc architectural plans ascoiated with SPA installation at thc rborr rcferenced single-family residence harrc bcan rwiewed and approrcd by the Townhome A$osiation. Please feel ftee to contact me should you have ury additional questions tr conc€f,ns. FILE tI c0P TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopmen 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 97G479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Kathy Langenwalter P.O. Box 1202 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Process of a rezubdivision at Indian Creek Townhomes Dear IGthy, The following is a zummary of the process involved in the Single Family Subdivision for Indian Cfeek Townhomes, Lot 4: Zoning: Residential Cluster Lot Size: 10,552 sq. ft. The approved development plan for Iudian Creek allows for the development of 6 single-family homes. Because the zoning is Residential Cluster, the process of platting individual lots for ownership pulposes isthe Single Family Subdivision, which is Title 13, Section 9 of the Town Code. I have included this section of the Code for reference. Single Family Subdivisions are allowed only when foundations have been constructed at the time of submiual for the subdivision. Hgwever, because Lot 4 will only be subdivided into two lots, only one foundation will be required to create the two lots. The Single Family Subdivision is approved at the staff level and does not require review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. I have included the application for a Single Family Subdivision with this letter. Ifyou have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact ne at 479-2369. Sinccelv. ./, //rt,,:,, 1%flUnlI c'u '- Aliison Ochs Planner II tpu*ruo ta 13-9-313-9-1 SECTION: 13-9-1: Approval And Submittal Requirements 13-9-2'. Completion And Maintenance Of lmprovements 13-9-3: Criteria For Review 13-9-4: Appeal Of Administrator's Decision 13-9-5: Filing And Recording 13.9-1: APPROVAL AND SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Required Approval: A single-family subdivision shall only be permitted on property that is recognized bY the Town as a legally subdivided lot. No single-lamily subdivision shall be approved unless the lots to be con' tained within the subdivision have foundations constructed thereon at the time of the submittal. (Ord. 25(1989) s2) B. SubmittalRequirements: 1. Site Map; Statement: Two (2) mYlar copies of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Gom- munity Development. The plat shall include a site map as required bY subsection 13-6-18 ol this Tltle. The plat must contain the following state- ment: For zoning purposes, the lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one lot with no more than two CHAPTER 9 SINGLE.FAMILY SUBDIVISIONS dwelling units allowed on the com' bined area of the two lots- The statement shall be modilied to indicate the number of units and par- cels proposed. 2. Declarations And Covenants: A copy of declarations and/or covenants relating to the subdivision which shall assure the maintenance of anY com- mon areas which maY be created. The covenants shall run with the land and shall be in a lorm suitable for recorda- tion with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. C. Procedure: The single-family subdivi- sion procedure shall be as set forth in subsection 13-6-1C of this Title with the additional requiremenl of an im- provement location certificate. (Ord. 25(1s8e) S 2) 13-9.2: COMPLETION AND MAINTE- NANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS: The requirement for the guarantee lor com' pletion and maintenance of improvements shall comply with Section 13'3-14 of this Title. (Ord.25(1989) S 2) 13-9-3: CRITERTA FoR REVIEW: The burden ol Prool shall rest with the applicant to show that the subdivision complies with the Zoning Ordinance' with respect to building location and other as- pects of the slructure and grounds, with the original plans as approved by the Design Review Board of the Town and lhe accu- 1. See Title 12 of this Code. Town of Vail 13-10-1 1 or cover become damaged as a result of mishandling by the contractor, it shall be replaced by the contractor with a ring and cover of comparable weight, size, and quality at no cost to the Town. Debris shall not be permit- ted to enter sanitary or storm drain conduits. All loose material and debris shall be removed from lhe excavation and the interiors ot structures prior lo resetting frames. a. Manhole sidewalls that require E. adjustment shall be constructed at least eight inches (8') thick by the use of common brick and mortar or Class A concrete. b. Additional manhole steps shall be added for each fifteen inch (15") increase in the height of lhe manhole sidewalls. c. Manhole frames shall not be finally set until the pavement adjacent th€reto has been completed. The manholes shall be lett or lowered sufficiently below grade so as not to inlerfere with or form an obstruclion to the preparation of the subbase, base, and pavement. The manhole openings shall be temporarily covered by suit- able means and the work constructed thereover. Due care shall be exer- cised to prevent foreign material lrom entering the manholes. After the pave- ment has been constructed. the nec- essary portions ol the subbase, base, and pavement shall be neatly cut away, the manholes built up, and the cover frames set to grade, following which any surrounding atea f rom which the pavement base or subbase has been so removed shall be bacKilled with concrete. t 13-10-11 3. Adjusting Valve Boxes: Adjustable cast iron boxes shall, il possibfe, be brought to grade by adjustment of the upper movable section. lt may be necessary lo provide an extension to lengthen the box enough to match the required grade. An excavated shall be filled with six inch (6") crete to the level of the existing ment, or as directed by the Engineer. Concrele Curbs, Gutters And walks: a rea con- pave- Town Side- 1. General: The work covered by this Section consists of Portland cement concrete curb and gutter, curbwalk and driveways complete in accor- dance with the following specifications and the dimensions shown on the plans. 2. Concrete: Unless otheruvise speci- fied, concrete shall be four lhousand (4,000) psi minimum crushing strength and approved mix design. 3. Subgrade: The subgrade shall be constructed true to grades and lines shown, on the plans. All debris, roots, vegetable matter, deleterious, soft, or other unsuitable material shall be removed to a depth of not less than six inches (6') below subgrade or, when necessary in the opinion of the Town Engineer, to a greater depth and replaced with material satisfactoryto lhe Engineer. The finished subgrade under curb and gutter shall be compacted to ninety five percent (95%) of maximum density as deter- mined by Standard Proctor Test. 4. Placement: Concrete shall be placed on a compacted subgrade or rtI Town of VaiI P.gt o (, !.o N) lY^.rd Et Itvaid t4tn r{tdHF()Fr>zZrj FI o Fl KIrl otr ',Irt H(,l, ]{HFZotsbr\t t{ l,.tt N lrl ttt(Jtttht -BH<HclPtsIPHKHts{H(no<qzqE,ztJ;4HHOo<FHHturPxts{oaooU tsl s }J trHz P aa o0J<atooP rdo =lnG,O ci<o ^r 'Ut) L.: l-i a; r'r oo f:'c)"cl5 t=tcl-,1t:-IFt< t! r'o ru trt It otrr(, 30lr€Hztrr ElHFz6)a PA(tH(foFZtrtP(t) H@c wd <n Fi Nc)trt !, F]H FZUrto t{|.//lru ru U>t, Er tr }{t- I II I ul t1 ,^ I I U) H H lt)H z Prct lrt FHo!,Fl H z r{ 4J>ts ttH oool-t) 9F35f F: aHfl: fiFFfE_5 si 3 FsssB3RBs'tsE3EEfi[A 5FEfi €"gs; I,s I sa$s;;:5Hs5ts=5ry5vt oqP'i. l-.rdoor,.o ild I F.ii-iDl,.ooo0,FrfifE-E-{:F F33[ qFrfiH:g F6; bsE'"FEffi$ H orrdrrort,. .A o r.o r-.or it qF E or'bprscntf,. o'i'lqEI'P g3: 5'5Ag[[ 9$ B ;gIf*oooP.proop P-r-Frr rio *lg :;i;Hi' g5'I g?";fl38e5'Bopts.oirl qlrl v.(4@J q. 5. p F_rdp,6s,proloulogEHtto 9td fgrgRil t't'p ;itSbbFtra;'5*..cptrF, . p< v ad'ri' ffE i o..oB3o3[rp.IB'gEg' [$s ip,Ril5 '[ ! 6i3i5',96[;5ls?=iE l[[ FIBqss 5[ s sgEPBH.ss;a??33H0 3efi SBgiic S6'i 66fR;";,6t P9c,E5E u'E' "'"$$F' - q b v'nf;b'v1'6nio'':Fssi6 1E[ :fii:[; Fu $ :[;fri€;fBFrg-.sfs: F38 gqSE;s E: F ii bru; "trIe;_ep 7 r.u odoBon+irb.cetp _ Fs ad':.-d, f,g P ,,S.,Bdglgl$o orrl55 gt.Fb Sol3r..orii :'^' FF.ijd.q,ao ohrrD ooco s,q p. r f h-; ;;f 5'f-il ^ e A[::t-J r+ ooiFsEsa i:riHiaS.Hi tirr$r;t;Ipu:.q oo p,r; g,"gF;i 3'E iHeiE,Sl*[giiIgt; ;E$;f3-;$H[ ..;[F;tp.;;i sg'?FE T[s [F;:il:6! [H;'sH;Egi*F3l gEF lsEfi! 3'6 gBFs.Fa6-5-s'iiri-in', .5.+ F.r6-F.E He 38.EaE8.6BiloooS 0r--."o,i E':F gii[f ;H, 33:,[**a!* (-r . _ }c| 5 5 !-r, i-_ r.- cr i-.i _..'SESF:i [,!'3 t6'[;; FE 3;HssseB',''Ha;'3 iF* g$il frg [; Ei frc r5ory , il't *!'tg qP b6bo Pary< ni I _c ct5 F Fg trg;Eg,E' Be $ s EFft oo g v- *!.,$[; BFr O P rn if g, F. t-JP iD r-, tsF.P F] Hq, €t, 'r fr. =rir{ FooJo trP@. ro P!OrfFh(-ttsHFl pf.olDiro5i' pr tt}- Oa O P'O9.O rtO pJoc1 rtB P.P- E t!o{ ctF !, Fn a6 trt. o crK 3 P. !'tr OO I P-3 pJ tto a l-j. , o.-) !] oJ F ='u C? 9 P.! TiF }-P.P. Td9_?XH-.. rto tsiro o 'lc P.d@ HO P.FiO P 5 O FJtr, ts-5 o r-1 g, o og, }Jpot-J cf P 5 F]9 Q.!tp.o t ct0. oD iro(trrb Q.oaP55 (D 0rro <O9r (-r5!'H 0r t-l P (-t5(Do 5E P 5(DP p.\< 0r - o rdtso) Pd tt tfo,o 11 o o tto FhoUt-i'tQ 5l-l (, O ld OriO 0j-cto. tsp hFJ ts EJ H PH0r P{50r o(-ro5€ F-ct { {300.P-(td P-5 P.OlJrro !'g, :J 5KO it Ftt rO ct-5 q)oo 3 d F-O o o.t.9r 3 o q, H|Fh5 t-l 0r o F 0J rQ 5 tr FJ c)(-t|.-P.th|'/,fta o5hl O F.P-|Q 5 OooJooP- 3ts- ts55u, caDOO \ rr 5do. Fh o o r,. tt7 OFhOB rfOoFn 5(D <P.Q5 ri Q.5(D0{pr u },.5(D tt otn0roo5r-ttr <ts.P5 cro Fl o otsP.!t<u < rJ5g I t-Jo oo o 5 r-to< 'rJ ucr5p.0o.0 3t-FO l-JgC r-J OOo toFto 5rrF :'0 P- P. rtp, utt5 .F- r.< Ft-h o trlH trr Hz !J o x s" E E$r* t-g I.I $ q, r, i .. .r s :i:'i - *i'fu -'*;iu €ffi r=;i ;,il; lru:*l*fi :'$, iriill f :iiiE ;iliit i;l; ;iir ;Hi:E i;-,:Ef;ilr ;{;i*!.glt; ; usi:; ti?$ii in:l f:lt ;r;s; i;.rfr!;Eii; iEi; ;ffff i 'l[$i, ailg;i EIIEn iEEl iiij; Iif;8:Eiiiff EiEi:i;srn; ri;:;;'rir;ii HEiir !!Ei aE;;; Efr:qi;:ilEe i!'r :f;;i;E i ;iiEIs i!EEtl ;[$#; i;Efi E [!il# ;iri;!:'!{l ;:iing&-i3a" d, ax3".9g ..9 iii:r; i i;Is;i iic;r; ;l*i ii*; I :;;;= E*ltifi€*iEt g;fig; til;i$ ;* ?Elfrt' i*;iiE n ltff,i i;rir i fi ffril lllgiiggr;! E*r*; llg:iH sfi fini;;:l ;i;:i; Eti:it rli;s; r ii€t; {lirrEr:iEs iltili:,ri€ I; r';ir; ir;if,l I ffii; *i;;i ; e fi;fg :r:;iiiix*l u .Er?*; i;;ige il 5t*E: iil*ilt E Ei;fli :er#l ; -' ii;;; EnsEi:irlr; a iel;; ;f;ETEE f;T itESEf; JUEEEEfi fi T$;,Ei :i€E: i B ;:E;I T}:Itr.ggTii F TIiIN; ii d"'"",t[:ri;fisr5 Eg:.ffiiltill;fifili gff€c; ff ,i1,'ot 5'"Ed'Jb.fsb.3r r "r380"i ; R f a;f Fd, gEb€63s.idaFi. e f gEtS q>-.{ 0) .ot{ --t-loca) q-.t --l Era oE > >r fnlr o-qFOO or> t{ C.{o50)>oEoHOl.|q)5 (0 0po r|-|5 O l.r {J'IJ.q o (d o or)-{Oop (dd6 Bq)ou, ttl{ d >t-.ro or>!or>c,Q.1 A&'.r {J 5Ut'.t o Oo{J 'dr] odo.d l{O--llJOEE .-.1 {J .rJ P Od(J >r q{ ,C.Q OrJ.q '{JO N O:.1IJ(n C Br0.(d O F- (D.l-,t r{ \olr)r+-{ JJ q..rl{(!(do +J O-{O-lrrpQ.t{o 0) P" O'.to(0do4J *|<lr.{l{c)dd4 {Jo ((l .a -.4 l-{il a.)e ,) !: -) --l cd F{ o 0) tl o .:-t (0 _{ o +J hlcga) ]J .-l .-.og -E A.) -o.!(d13 Qtto43 tn i O1 eB3€#3dBu*iH'g :j.! fiF fi[i[iott'd!3to<Jor rlflFF3lfirlFH*i: lpIrg H[fr[; ini;$;;lini;i Eiifi[ ';:ir liliilliig#iiruig'giii iiiillilrliiii irff iru iiiiilliiiliiiiigiilff !l7!r7lr77.or9.{r( r.gr.6 o*ttoOOOOOOO<rrOrrrO OOtaii r-rrO O X {EEz cf,_Tl n r (ftl =rl|f:l{ E EesF *FFH s$ai g$*s trg or, ocfo h,6 roI(n gtUf5-EEEi55lFF a FE gg$E g sF uue E gc EFIE gE $ 3g E:ss E :iEgFEigg:* re Fga€ g i e' FE $gFE tie$, =r EgEe F' E.*r: lg+* * ) Fi'\ ltF: .. lt' : 13ri ^ilt- I- -vl' : 6{ crts't8 -, 1 \Rbrl la\ -lt :q ta\i +I\ O 9€ =F Ftr s5 :9 ;'3=rakE E.C' F E B l)a> g oq !'oFELi 5 F Eq IIlJ t-L'lc) ttclm{f;,+' 5 'ile4lri 7,o o(-)-{s -llt- o -s I..1r.tF troro o+{ t!:, UI z.o TJ a.rl ! -(r.o(:. N s*tT 3I $t\\(\'\ *:' \-\ ) Ft b\ bf 3qT e,I =*FIq F Fg :r.T:t I It a to Ubl ?nHg Fht H 5 uto E FrdruFHtH ? I e U B * ttl 1o:EU:b,:OBI io tr,ird-lsH t{ trlF]HH<z6OU 8l t\H IB:En<n-- DUo !H ld B Hn l- E Edt trH E *tl**t*ttt* trt ll '-lll 4ll rttl.L t{vzoo otr, { r':tt |J.rtO n F.,- o Elot5ltt Hc? t{ ^Fl EaluoOrt.P.ooOF lb Noo oo !-r DUUFttllna ta E{trtsltro9rPF. t{ P.U @ trjP. Uroc)dFH N rrrltHO oorrrZoH r? Ottz !t Fr Ho P-P.O.. t0 tt ttcrO F, 1.. ltlCOcrT' 5K F. P.Ott orF'HrrOE P- Ir Oo(,t,'5 (D C).rltt F.FItroo<cLP.otro r,( tlI t\tloE p5ooo t-ltlr'! ],FP9, rrHO r-lF0tOrr<P.F.OOT€ ^a.e' Noo oo o0,5 5pro ourrfOoltt0, 0,ry!lFIQ CrOUojaCJUooO0lfiH0,otrqoe,Hp(r cfp, oJ EI ah F' r{oF z Etd ortl o etdF ta ; F P H F F < 0,P.HF. Ea v cl,a,Floql @ c{H =z9, ItP.EP ttjH.FOald vltttFHovzlt ]t O.a, Floo ul =z9ryP.BPt{ P.loAE },tt ttt t{HovzFl ; l'rrtl oogt H'U ttJ;Hfr FEF3 H FgH #*,rarJ,,*,,* EEg _3G.- F?a O oooo6tt- O OooooP tr tsl oooo l,F tstsPr-oLrEt ,,,, EF E <'.elre)#.6.b Hu lrt tsF oHt tt.* z o< oooururFr9 000000Ir, FE ooooooIt ul oooooo E!r| oooooo rHav,tttJo Eo I I f- c\ ^$ .jo Y-i H9 H E * l't",t*hl}{ UrANPE E oooo- t oooo,n4 ooooUt oooo oE 9FutHtr,!H HF€FHg F,.Fn<pc?U O L ;ETEHH E, E0, F, F,K rd o Fr E8 s.E'gE i. B. O OrO .. 5 ll $lr$x i H ..ge$F E fi :,3 Hs.g E r H,5ERs s Er? o!'rf F. Efl:88 ; H ;"$E: g H :HrF T g oi'srorg, uO r" F.l l.l rir's E rifBE EItt'r b l'l O {rt ttO Lt. gr !r }{-gFEg* Bl'h lt anEFfr H N trlrd fr trlut F'z}J BH ttj rd3o5o ttItoEo D. F ll. i .f;B n Er b6. E-ru.n o qE g ''' !",*."6 o d U.? oBion I' E!,.H ^hH 9.. ;;g;iiJ;Ei,FE 3 .# k,.3 "t 'fi e":EdE; st [838 8tf; f8 fig;$H{pf;irtii 'l8 EE :srgi:fifl#*iH fiegn- EHi ;; ;f,in!;lni;Ets r; rs sl,: girifitr Er fili$ ri$ i$ E;i;ii Eqf{$ii fii ffg fi;l BEiEHXE.slall:FI he.;ls xaf;rE$rfitsiti* f: $fiEBir :;ilYEq EF* .lli:a fii;F f;! icFDsi Bttt:;nH - nH :l; €3;E;fE:;: BE: fl.Fgg: iHje fi* Ii;l;* giir;#f;i fi frH Efi 60i En!sEEE iee Enr:# -Hufl;; i#ififlE lffEfs;:E g rg ;;H ieI€:"qli" E"'f, tEBIo dtni -. En 6-.qF'o; ;"oiiE-.rE F E- qFE ii.;p, :e *:: qBi ril [gt$; ei;; r; i- E itt Edi; f$sf 3 ; I E; i 6t gt'|dOO..{tdk Htr tr rrjl (l, 0!iqr EqI'EH i€EgF ;dgF ffi ;s*f;t'ff g$il:lt; y si ;fi: TH;sn;f,;ei nf; Efi:E; ff;f;i s;; fiHF$;l lg:$nsr; i Enn ufi 8;;siu:n*i Fdfl ;;sig i$6g *ll !3:g;$ ;;13;g3; * 3ji i:s ;e;}, q E\'{ .Ft r, k -' O .C.- fti..t tcEfltEt, o.orF EUEr-, {'l:E oeA qil;g- lf ,iE;H;E g ;;ii gEg gp..i n;:-5iF aqr lil,:iE EEEfi ,Eti Eexf,E! iEEiirEg f; f;s I;I H;3!tro.oo|'' .-t{t CEqqFE iiEE E.i:.r .J'gD. q 9rr,:oatroE! oo.,l'd8f;ngi€ bBe ll6'48;i 1- E- 'FFt )tHigg;i; ::E iEEsE€ irffr BE" aaHHu; :!E.E;.!;# * JfiE EEi Ilpr s $E H;B,E 8E 5 $f;'F H.$g # FEH d ri ; HE* ilai* H .; i ;Efi E. oAO .r,otD r,O+rO. tr q+rCFi 'A td O.'{Ei O t+t E.{E: .F{ r}| O EruFt'{.6hadF{ d Orr.'{ OQtrQatriO.! tr+J0r."{ O O o.q!o.qHaJ.rt "Ci r, r{ E lJ Flr{tH .Ct ,c ttt.'{O6o+J+r'.?l -.1 Dk > 3.'t trEtr+, Eo€"*E€'!QT{ O a ntE'.1 :E O 'Et +J Fl .'{ tU O O C dF{ . - tr 'Ct'"{ Fi O. +JE-Fl O O O O.UrrFOQ..r.dO EboF#r'BJ-, (0 'U Er l{ P3'" FHS.'Fl tr Akd3.9SflBe H.fiEdu>'OE Ofi,htr U|H o k oO d Or, O l,r+{.'{ H t}r .ct .d! t c >!.4 a|I' O'.t r, r, OU U .rl tH O-'{ g tr F{.r{ O U '{ O O.Ft rJ OFL .d.QOOtlqor{..tcco. lU .Fl a6 Ul .r{ i'*.98ESbl{ r+{ F{ ll. o rd.'{A.UP.o+rO>-.' O.O o '-{ Or{tocth€&k o ofr.EIA()md HHH HH MICEAEL J. II\UTERBACE POBOX345l VAIL, COLORADO 81658 (970')476-694 MEMORANDUM TO: Dominic F. Mauriello. AICP FROM: Mchaellauterbach DATE: October 16. 1996 RE: lndian Creek Landscaping Pursant to your request, I have documentd the existing'island'landscaping with the enclosed photos. Mditionally, the hinges on the electrical box have been painted since the photos were taken. Bonding to assure that the metal box attached to the side of the wood enclosure which allows us temporary power to complete the two residences yet to be permitted should be included within the completion requirements of the fifth and sixth single family stnrcture when a building permit is iszued. Prior to a permit being iszued, I would assume that a portion of my $7,600.00 bond would insure that result. Please contact me ifyou have any questions. MICHAELJ.II\UITRBACtr PO BOX 3451 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 970 47ffi944 MEMORAI{NI]M TO: DominicF. Mauriello, NC-P4//tFROM: Michaellauterbach W/\DATE: September 7,1996 RE: Indian Creek Iandscaping I am in receip of your letter dated August 29, 1996 regarding the Developer Improvement Agreement for Indian Creek and concur with your analysis ofthe issues with one exception. I am requesting either DRB or staffapproval of the landscaping "as is' in the infield area to the east ofthe driveway switchback subject only to replacement of several lifeless sspens. I concur with your review of the landscape plan which identifies thst twenty-nine asp€ns are shown for that area. However, I believe that your conoenu regarding the reduced number of plantings are unjustified as Et least one additional spruce has been planted in that area and the aspens which have been omitted were designated for ttre area just inside the switchback where a greater portion ofthat area was sodded to allow snow storqge as snow Etorage on the outside ofthe switchback is unavailable. Additionally, rderencing your 2'diameter oonc€rn, an ary€n comprised as ngrnerxrs srnaller trunks has bistorically been acceptable if the diamaer of the multiple trunks totals in o<cess of 2". lastly, the landscape plan was approved without an agtomatic inigation qystem. As an automatic irrigation system has been installed, Slowth will b€ zubstarrtially enhanced in the future. Please contact me ifyou have any questions and I look forward to your response. { >o f,t'o ckt qc, t DEVELOPI'IENT INC MTCHAEL J- I.AUTf,NBACH PO BOX 3451 VAIL,COLORADO 6165E 9'10 4764944 MIMORANNUM 9?O4?6694?t TO: FROM: fIATF,: II JL ) Dominic F. Marriello, AICU4 Michaellantcrb *n /r( Sqrtemhet 7, 1996 RE: Indlan Crwk Lanrlu,apirg I am ia rcceipt of your lett€r dated August 29,1996 regarding thc Developer Improvcncnrt Agrcenrent for Indian Creek and eoncur u'ith your arr,alysir of the i*srres qrifh one cxcoption. I am requestittg cithu DRB or staffappoval of the ludscaping "as isn in the tnficld sroa to the east ofthe tlriveway swltc,hback subjeat only to replurcurcnt uf sevcral lifeless aspens. I concur with your rcview of thc landscape plan which identifies that trrcnty-nine aspcns are ehown for that aree. Howcver, I bclisre thai your conc€ms rcgtnding thc roduccd nunrbe'r of plantinge aro uniu*ified *s at leaet one edditiond spruce has becn planted in that area and the rsp€ns $rhich bave been omined were designated for the arca juSt inside the witchback wlgt a greater portion of that areA $,as eodded to allow snow storage as flpw storagc on the rnrtside Of the rwitchbaok is unavailablc. Additiondty, ncbroncirE your 2" diemctcf, sonccri! an osPcn cortrprieed as nurrrrouJ smallsr tnurks has historlcally been acceptablc if the diameter of the multiple trunks totals in cxces$ of 2'. Lasly, thc landscapc plan was approred without an autonutic imgation cystern As an antomatic inigiation rystern has bccn fuBtalled. grotffth will bc sub*antially Emhancod in the future. Pleose contast mc ifyou have any quc$ions and I look fotwud to your re$ponsc. P.Al alF MEMORANDT}M INDIAN CREEKLEGALFILE BRENTWILSON APRrL 29,1999 INDHN CREEK DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Allowed Units: AllowedGMA: Allowed Site Coverage: Constructed Units Building I GRFA: 9 (development plan shows 6 units approved) 17 ,363 .0 sf + 225 sf for each constructed unit 28,356.0 sf 2,865 sf 1,470 sf 600 sf 2,800 sf 1,451 sf 500 sf 2,509.5 sf 1,470 sf 600 sf Building 2 Building3 Site Coverage: Garage Credit: GRFA: Site Coverage: Garage Credit: GRFA: Site Coverage: Garage Credit: JT Building 4 GRFA: 3,937 sf Site Coverage: 1,965 sf Garage Credit: 600 sf Remaining GRFA: 6,l5l.5sf + 225 per constructed unit (6601.5 sf totel) Remaining Site Coverage: 22,000.0 sf f, FII*E COPY 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-24s2 D e partnte nt of C o nunu nity D eve lop me nt Dccembcr ltt. 1996 Michacl Lautcrbach P.O. Box 345 | Vail, CO 81658 RE: Cornpletion of guardrail improvcmcnt for thc Indian Crcck dcvclopment Dcar Mr. Lautcrbach: Thc Town of Vail has approvcd thc rclcasc of funds rcflcrcncc<l in thc Dcvclopcr lmprovcmcnt Agrccrncnt for thc Indian Crcck clcvclopmcnt for thc installation of guardrails. You havc installcd a guardrail of a dcsign that was agrccd to by thc homcowncrs of this clcvcloprncnt. Thc Town of Vail has not cxarnincd or approvcd thc guardrail frorn a safcty stanclpoint. Thc Town of Vail docs not acccpt any tiability for damrgcs or injurics which may occur f'rom thc opcration or failurc of thc guardrails Thc amount of thc funcls to bc rclcascd will dcpcnd upon thc costs of thc othcr outstanding irnprovcmcnts rcquircd for this dcvclopmcnt. Plcasc submit official bid cstirnatcs for thc following uncornplctcd itcms: I . An adclitional I I Aspcns and installation pcr approvcd landscapc plan; 2, Rcvcgctation of thc all disturbcd arcas on sitc; and 3. Final complction of thc utility mcter box. No funds will be rclcascd until staff has approvcd thc bids submitted anct you have cxtended the Devcloper Improvcment Agrccmcnt. Pagc I of2 {grnnuoruo t ,..r / i ' ffyou havc any qucstions. plcasc fccl frec to call mc at 497-2148. Sinccrclv. oeilltuJb Dominic F. Mauricllo, AICP Town Planncr cc: Tom Moorhcad, Town Attorney Elizabeth Hintz, Property Owner Barbara Erickson, Property Owncr John R. Fcrmanis, Propcrty Owncr L. Richard Pirog. Jr., Property Owncr Page2of 2 7-' FII.E COPY TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 r 39 FAX 970-479-2452 Departtnent of Connrunity Developnent Novcmbcr ll. 1996 Michacl [,autcrbach P.O. Box 345 | Vail, CO t3l65lt RE:Landscaping and Dcvclopcr lmprovcrncnt Agrccrncnt for thc lndian Crcck dcvclopnrcnt Dcrr Mr. l,nutcrbach: ThcDcsignRcvicwBoard,atthcirNovcrnbcr(r, 199(rmccting,dcnicclyourrcqucsttorcduccthc amount of landscaping as shown on thc approvc(l plans lor thc Indinn Crcck dcvclopmcnt, 'l'hc board statcd that thc nutnbcls ol'trccs rnust bc providcd. but that such trccs nrly bc rnovccl around in thc sarnc arca to accornrnorJatc snow sloragc. 'l'hc board also rcqucstcd thtt thc rcquircd ground covcr bc provitlcd in thc spring fol thc clisturbcd arcas on-sitc (scc attrchcd). A sitc visit, on Novcmbcl tl, 199(r. rcvcalcd that thclc arc 6 cvcrgrccns and lll "qualifying" Aspcns locrtcd in thc sub.icct arcu. Thc plan rc<;uircs (r cvcrgrccns lntl 29 Aspcns (2" calipcr) (scc attachcd). Thcrcf'orc, you arc rcquircd irn additional I I Aspcns in this arca. Thcsc improvcrncnts trc currcntly covcrcd by a $7.600 cash dcposit and a dcvclopcr irnprovcmcnt agrccmcnt. Thc $7,600 cash dcposit also covcrs thc construction of thc guardrail rcquircd for this sitc. In ordcr for thc guardrail to bc consitlcrcd approvcd. you lnust obtain approval from thc Town Enginccr. Until all of thc landscaping issucs arc rcsolvcd and thc guardrail is approvcd. this dcposit will not bc rclcascd. lf thc guardrail approved. you must submit a bid cstinratc f'rom a landscapc profcssional for thc trccs to bc plantcd ancl thc rcvcgctation rcquircd to thc sitc. A portion ofthc cash dcposit nray bc rclcascd bascd on cstimatc providcd. Pagc l of2 {S *r"nuoruo lf you hirvc any qucstions. plcasc fccl frcc to calllnc at497-2148. Sinccrcly. O3,Ll.-rJ,L Dorninic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planncr cc: Tom Moorhcad, Town Attorncy Pagc 2 of2 - 1o'---:'--.-):--- =--l-.,' 'W:dt+J, ,\ \\1./ -il-\ {-' - -.Lfrir<':./ r t-\--.- .o -'-, --..r/^\ =-4Kl>-/-#"*x-lffi,ffi{i \ .-J-{ ;'r1l' \-\.zzg)*.-/,t \ \-\ -/t -J l-[t'I- l'\ (=;\ :a-\:-t--i tlisnrrc o_(c. I,tarurcr rl,lt\ttc RrH (p - 1:;t,.1q.2 :ffiffila'rr-/\7 '.,'ci -'--\-\. s,l.r-- 22:- >- I --:.'.co. Ib-r\/.^tl-l ( o p,1 )on aVStn'te J t a^Jralc --ilJ- | ' \.1-'--. -- t-\ ---Q \ Y\ -4--.-.-,,.-(l I r-. /ai Ytf : t I iIi\t\i\.tt ,.t \1 \\ ,Jt DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA WednesdaY, November 6,, 1996 3:00 P.M. PROJECTORIENTATION/NoLUNCH-CommunityDeve|opmentDepartment QUORUM - (Novembcr 20, 1996) Arnett tr Alm n Brittain tr Hingst D Amsdcn o SITE VISITS - Agcnda last rcvised I l/01/96 irlr" ,rZ 2:00 2:15 t. 2. J. Driver: Lauterbach - I 139 Sandstonc Drive Lions Manc - | l6 Sandstonc Drivc Pctcrs - 4 193 Sprucc WaY Dirk l.Lauterbach - changcs to approvcd landscape plan I 139 Sandstonc Drivc/ Indian Crcck Townhomcs. Applicant: Michacl Lautcrbach MOTION:SECOND: 3:00 Dominic Dirk VOTE: 2.Petcrs - Scparation rcqucst 4193 Sprucc WayiLot 12, Block 9' Bighom 3rd Addition' Applicant: Stcvcn Pctcrs, reprcscntcd by Stcvc lsom MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 3. Lions Mane - Request for approval of existing paint I 16 Sandstone Drivc/Lot A5-1, Block A, Lionsridge Applicant: Lions Mane Association, represented by StevelvlcSpadden MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Dirk MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT a\. StaffApprovals Lodgcs at Timbercrcck. units C-17 & C-18 Dominic Z98i timbcrcrcck Drivc/Lodgcs at Timbcrcreck Applicant Charlcs OgilbY Valley Condominium Unit #D3l - New patio door Tammic Lot D/ The VallcY Applicant: Sherry Dorwood Phillips - Exterior modifications Lauren 2696 Davos Trail/t ot 6, Block C' Vail Ridge Applicant: Mikc PhilliPs Golden Peak - Tcmporary trailer for tickct salcs Lauren 45tt Vail Vallcy Drivc/Lot F/8. Vail Villagc 5th/7th Applicant Vail Associatcs. Inc. Covcred Bridgc Building - Sidcwalk improvcmcnt Tammic 227 BridgcSt./Lot C,D, Block 5-B. Vail Villagc lst Filing Applicant; Covcrcd Bridgc Building Condo Assoc' Aboriginal Arts - Ncw sign window Laurcn 143 E. Mcadow Drivc/ Crossroads Applicant: Linda Fricd Mcal Tickct Cafc - Ncw mcnu box Laurcn 244Wall Strect/Onc Vail Placc Applicant: Kicndra Hoovcr & Julic lvcrson Casa Del Sol - Landscapc improvcmcnts Tammic 2056 W. Corc Crcck Drivc Applicant Casa Dcl Sol Homeowncr's Association Douglas - Transplant tree from privatc property to Town of vail Property Russ 142 W. Meadow Drive/Lot 2. Vail Villagc 2nd Applicant Cathy Douglas John - New deck and new sPa Lauren 42848 Columbine Drive/Lot 20-1, Bighorn Subdivision Applicant: Jan John Town shops - Regrading of slopc, addition of boulder wall Mike 1309 Vail Valley DriveAJnplatted parcel Applicant: Town of Vail, Department of Public Works i'? fl Vail Transportation Ccntcr - Ncw sign Tammic 241 East Mcadow Drivc/Block 5D, Vail Villagc lst Applicant Town of Vail Thc applications and information about thc proposals are available for public inspcction during rcgular olTicc hours in the projcct ptannli.s omce, located at thc Town of Vaii Conununity Developmcnt Dcpartmcnl" 75 South Frontagc Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Plcasc call 479-21 | 4 voice or 479'2356 TDD for information. 1rFql$Y.|.q-'.]-"l-ra-TlEF.,'ndtqrtq.-'.Eq\f'-.-"''r-'t''rn4llF'F|-.']-.r'lrr'e'!!!|qynl.|.tEl|. I *' l-"' dlign Review Action Fn TOWN OF VAIL ,^" tt #r"lqtCategory Numbef Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: owner,Address ^n1pxon", Mih< I-.,.brLn.A .Av,o. rJ," Tqsl . V a, I ( a-, 2l a<V ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: p /k Legal Description: Lot _ Block subdivision J.,/,a -. ( lrt f,-.zone District PL Project Street Address: Commenrc: 0 i, r oard lStaff Action Motionby: Ht\ll volrrt 1-O seconded oy: ft"lr,a fl Approval ![Disapproval ! StaffApproval d(+ Town Planner / /- serrsz (/ 6 / 4L DRBFeePre-paidII L2o. 66 - t'-:' \=--_)__ I l-7i'l-\ --F-- I r-\ [ '. I = -t^Fdqe, '--z' ')' .7'1") Zr+-;=+K< -+- -' ': :'- N I \ -)- 't- .J- -' f .. :-/r4\. \ _-/l\\'\ 7:>' i\,;i -+ | <'; I- l--rl'l \- ...-'l- - _.._--_.1. t ato (nsnHc tLtc ltAtltc!.F07sn c RrM EL - 0?,.6.2 PROpOSED Rtu tL. - F.51.2 ffi'u=-*{effip,-U4^Vtr24a6?\f trlae FFI .\ ^ fi.r.>i-,- . - ,.-ta-:,;.' _./J_\-:-- x (op3fo,1oryrrue7 lanJr"V< 4/"'1 #6 \l s) -,- t\ -'ti -- \l t- i-'l t.'--lI t---\ , t| \r ss $5sY\A SA \YNR \s\N h\.,\ +II \--'..$ \\ N o a FIIE COPY TUn'l 0F VAIL 75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p ar n,rc nt of C onu nunity D eve lop n e n t August 29,1996 Michacl Lautcrbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Dcvclopcr Improvemcnt Agreemcnts for thc Indian Creck developmcnt Dear Mr. Lautcrbach: I havc perfonncd a site inspcction ofthis projcct pursuant to thc approved plans and thc Dcvclopcr Irnprovcmcnt Agrccmcnt. Thc relcasc of your cash dcposit of $7,600 has bccn dcnicd duc to the non-complction of thc landscaping and revcgctation. As pcr my prcvious lcttcr and a sitc inspcction pcrfonncd on August 28, 1996, numcrous Aspcns approvcd on thc landscapc plan havc not becn plantcd, Also, sevcral Aspcns which have becn plantcd on-sitc arc no longcr living and thcrcforc must bc rcplaccd. I havc cncloscd a copy ofthe arca of conccrn from thc landscapc plan and suggcst that you revierv thc landscape plan and provide thc concct numbcr of trccs on-site. All trces must have a miuimum diarncter at brcast hcight of 2" pcr codc. Also. the area that you stated was sccdcd has not produced grasscs and therefore must bc rcseeded or re-vcgetated. The cxisting wccds arc unacccptable as a ground cover. It is my undcrstanding that you wish to continue a performance guarantec for the utility enclosure until the TCO for the 5ttr unit is rcquestcd. This can bc accomplished by the exccution of a new dcvclopcr improvemcnt agreement or the extension of thc existing agreemcnt. Also covered by this agreemcnt is the guardrail/curb-stops for tbe existing units on-sitc. If you wish to install thc curb-stops, all owncls must execute and record an indemnification agrcement prior to thc rclcase of your cash dcposit. If you arc unable to securc the appropriate signatures, then a guardrail must be installed. All ofthcsc issues must be rcsolvcd prior to the releasc ofthe $7,600 cash deposit for this project. {g rrrrnto rut* .:' The $40,000 Letter of crcdit from westStar Bank has bccn releascd. Ifyou have any qucstions, plcase fcel frce to call mc at497-2148' Sincerely, 0!tU ."*,xL Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner cc: Tom Moorhcad, Tonn AttorncY Greg Hall, Town Engincer / - . .' /.r--_,! / ./-.../ 7 ..7-.,-;, ,.1 t":z -G-$; / l\H trv"' t ,,' - ,. a,o FnsnNc FLEC LtAt,l Ct.F €nSnHC RrP tL - r.i2\6.2PF@O'n Rtp tL. - 8231.2 \ -+I .-/l'r;lI-[t'l1- \- T 4.,e: I ra-I etrELtu.- - :JF'ffi ii5:r {),1.;)-- -l !!!oo' \ a x (oplfo,laVPrretr laaJc'aPe- 4h''ver*{qgffi . a.- '..- 5.''. I - .)-- /,,/ #6 \ S) --\ l-l r ..- \l /I \r- I\.^1 - - z- t--:1I l^--\ ..-\-a' DEVELOPT{EHT IHC 9'tg4't66947 MICSANT. J. T,AI'TNRBACE PO BOX 3451 vArL, coLoRADO 81658 97047ffi944 August 25,1996 Mr. Dominic l. Mauriello, AICP Mr. Torn Moorhead Tovmof Vail 75 South Frontogc Rord Wost Vail, Colorado 81657 nF' Dcvclopt Improvement Agrcements for Indien Credc Dorelopment DeffDnurirliu & Toru" I am in reccipt of Dominids later dated July 3 l, 1996 which denies mc the rcleasc ofeithu bond until th€ cut stop ltrdcmnification Agrurrcnt is cxcouted and rsturned to the Tourn. In Apri! I agreed to tnro DcveloJrcr lmprwement Agreonents. The first bond totallo{ $40,000.00 and was pdrtuily crcat€d to insur€ that various rstaining wall deficlencies wero oorrcct€d. Thc #t,uill krudh,d S7,600.00 and iusuled in addition to s€v€rrllandscaping for'installatbnoftheapprov-edgrrardrril". Currvttg I heve Dominic's condurreoce th* the iterng identificd within the $40,000.00 burd rre comphp. Iterns sssciat€d withthebond for $7,600.00 are complcte wth soverel mlnor enceptions whlch mry require thru etthu a building permft bc isnred for tuildLg mrrnbcr five or tbat r smrll amoufit of ttrc bond be rarined. Therdorg I am rcquestfurg tlp rdeere oftb $40,000.00 bond which ie collrteralized by a construction loan for nrcidenao in Ea$ Vqil oa which I will b€ unsblc to coatimre consruction unless thc bond b rdcss€d, Quitc ftankly, I ditl not knowtlrat the Indian Creck owtr€tr$ would prefer not to sigr yorr lndcmnification Agrecmcm, How$\retr, if a $dtable Letrer of Agrocment is rct forthcoming fi,o,til tltosc owtcr4 I arrycct that I will bG in thc burdcnsomc position of iftctEling ths rppmved guard ilil idjrceft to the exisang curb stops. As thc futdu rcquirtd to inrtall thc qpprwod gwrd mil have b€sr id€iltifid within thc Agrcfirent fur $?,6(n.00, I rE rrr rcerrrn wlryr thc $40,0fi).00 bond should not hc releac€d immcdietely. }tJLo P.6t Tlrurk yuu in advanrc for your r;rrnsidaadutr all I lurk forwtrd to l,uur r'cntruusc. ,/tenWffi,q Mchacl Lartnrtach Printed btr [tqrtintc Mauriel lo 2:301ltr From: Tom ltoorheadroi oominlc uauriello, Greg HalI iGje"cr rndian ereek Ghrardrail ===NOfIE=============== 9 /17 / 96==2 '26pm==Mike Lauterbach ha8 informed me that ne inte"ae on going foreard with the E"""i*.iioi of-the guardrail' rhis-is a6 a reault of the homeowners retusar io retease uike or lhe Town f rom any -ii"biiitt for the failure to put in the auarttrair. I tolcl l'tike that it was my inaeistanAfng that he could I'rithout Gi;t-o; anv6ther appro-val put-in the auardrail' Please aclvlae ne 1r r frisspoke (again) - thanks Page: 1 DFILE COPY atw 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2r3V479-213e FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development July 31, 1996 Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Developer Improvement Agreement for Indian Creek development Dear Mr. Lauterbach: I have performed a site inspection ofthis project pursuant to the approved plans and the Developcr Improvement Agreemort. The release of your cash deposit of $7,600 has been denied due to the non-completion of the landscaping, revegetation, and utility mcter cnclosure. A site inspection performed today rcvealed that numerous Aspens approved on the landscape plan have not been planted. Also, numerous Aspens which have been planted on-site are no longer living and therefore must be replaced. I suggest that you review the landscape plan and provide the correct number of tees on-site. All tees must have a minimum diarneter at breast height of 2.5" per the approved landscape plan. There are several areas on-site which have bare and exposed soil, including the area that you claim was re-vegetated earlier. These areas and the arca previously re-vegetated must be re- vegetated. Ifyou plan to seed the area, please provide evidence that the area was seeded by providing receipts from a landscaper. The utility meter enclosure as constructed is inconsistent with the March 17, 1994 DRB approval. The enclosure has exposed wiring or meter panels which were not approved. Also, it appears the hinges have never been painted to match the remainder of the stxrcture. The required landscaping around the encloswe does not match that approved by the DRB. The base of the enclosure also appea$ to be washed out exposing zupport posts and wires. The water meter enclosures in this area also appear to be broken and inappropriately placed in this area. This enclosure and the area in which it is located must be improved to meet the requirements of the landscape plan and the DRB approval of the e,nclosure. Also, I have found no evidence that the Indemnification Agreement for the curt stops \r/as ever tP unuo'*" o release of fimds c any new permits being issued o future phases oftbe projecl. All of these issues must bc rcsolvod prior to any releal€ of fimds fd' this project. If you have any questims, please fccl firee b call me af-4n-2148' rrll.rt rEl9r t . ^.'n , llI \cy,t u o-,IT,tJffi bo-ioi" F. Mauriello, AICP ToYm Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 1 07/Fax 970- 479-2 I 5 7 ffice of the TownAttorney May 9, 1996 Mr. Michael lauterbach MIL Development Inc. Post Offlce Box 3451 Vall, Co 81658 Dear Mike: Enclosed is a suggested lndemnification Agreemenr regarding the placement of an 8 inch curb as opposed to the log railing barrler. lf the agreement is acceptable, please have it executed indMdually by the properry owners and retumed ro tlm Curnutte for filing wlth the Eagle Counry Clerk and Recorder. lf you have any questions or commenr please feel free to contact me.W Town Attorney RTM/awxc: fimAmutte .,/ {p*,"o* INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Anne HinE; and Rick and Teresa Pirog; and Kent and Barbara Erickson, hereinafter refened to collectively as 'Declarants', are individually the owners in fee simple of the following described real estate, situate in the County of Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: Lot 1 (HinE), Lot 1 East (Pirog), and Lot 2 (Erickson), A resubdivision of Indian Creek Townhomes, Block A, Lion's Ridge Subdivision. V\FIEREAS, in connection with the construction of a driveway on the Property (the 'Driveway') which serves the individual properties of Declarants, the Town of Vail, a Colorado municipality (the 'Town'), has taken no position in regard to installing an eight inch curb stop on the south perimeter of the driveway which serves the abovedescribed westerly residences; and \MIEREAS, the Town desires Declarants to indemniff the Town in connection with the placement of an eight inch curb as opposed to the previously approved log railing barrier and Declarants desire to provide to the Town such indemnification. NOW THEREFORE, Declarants do hereby publish and declare that the following terms and conditions shall be deemed to be covenants running with the land and shall be a burden and a benefit to the Declarants, so long as Declarants retain an interest in the Property, Declarants' successors and assigns and any other person acquiring or owning an interest in the Property, their grantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, so long as any such person retains an interest in the Property. 1. Indemnification. Declarants shall each individually indemnify and hold harmless the Town ftom and against any losses, damages, claims and/or costs, including, without limitation, reasonable attomeys' fees, resulting from the placement of the eight inch curb barrier rather than the log railing barrier. 2. Governing Law. This Agreement is made and executed under, and in respect will be governed and construed by, the laws of the State of Colorado where the Property is situated. 3. Counterparb. This Agreement, plus any modifications or addendums, may be executed in counterparts, which, when taken together shall constitute the entire Agreement. lN WTNESS V\II-IEREOF, the undersigned being the Declarants herein, have hereunder set their hands and seals this _ day of ' .1996. Anne HinE Rick Pirog Teresa Pirog Kent Erickson Barbara Erickson STATE OF ss. GOUNTY OF The bregoing instrurnent was acknouyledged befure me this _ day of Anne HinE. \Mltness by hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF The bregoing insturnentlns acknorledged before me this _ day of Rick Pirog. \Mtness by hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF The bregping insfrurnentyvas acknodedged before me this _day of Teresa Pirog. Witness by hand and offcial seal. My commission expires: 1996, by 1996, by 1996, by llotary Public o STATE OF COUNTY OF The bregoing insbument was acknorledged bebre me this - day of , 1996, by Kent Erickson. \Mtness by hand and official seal. My commlssion expircs: Notary Public STATE OF COUNTY OF Thebregoinginsfrumentwasacknor|edgedbeforemethis-dayof-,1996,by Barbara Erickson. Witness by hand and official seal. My commission expires: Notary Public F:\curb.agt I .a Fo g d.sg=3 q9s r gFFfi :-CIF I EEE *E? iB* Fl' Hilo oo'l f =l E-,.| (D-il cLF)l ='.ab 6 l=9 3 llP s.6'l;ar* l,* Q'l;.lr o l!'llpB ili 8el^+oI (Dl I Fls'I <t'.| 8t- lE.l hEr $ Fr:FLO €-m!m a =(D'o(D (D o- Bt crtn g, oo o. 6' o A) € o FI o o t- 16. l0tlf 1., lo t(D l= lAo t.-_ t' t p. 9)3g, CL$ (D o. t< lo,l-l t{,.l I I I I I I I IL r6l\Ol\n L € U' =(D u, o (D5d =d erl9lol<lolollcr Iol gi ggpg ' gtu F sE ug iF He i$ gi FF Egf-o o{ :6 diio-B A+ sF ;g iqi*EFii;' gg $igiiFgf ? 'Fq F fF g e oB-TU .{' \, ($ 6',\ & o Fl=Hg- FISg FH E KLg:I ,s.haE: x I HFr gi lI:IIF$II t5l l"ir- t;]t -t -Aq (o o ,-,-J\./ }i\ ., -v;$ *;5\\rr^.) -} -L/: .\,<I'r ! /-\ l S <rt \J -- U }/ rA \f\ rr -v ' 1l\s!v r{ \/\.) ) L\5v +,")r, -, .\.\-.\: Y.q)\l i r- ---r'F\ , L \.--,.\l .< \Y \\ U-+ - l,l --*+'t' .- !r\ '-'\< $- ?"p!'n+ \.,\ {. -t"-" I rY ,I \ q !=e =\\!./- \-) Y {I -\j c-} i e.--. \-, ! ::<- -R -JJo.r j 0- ...\-s.-L .- J t,\V! :'-F-'-) i !:-\)-\. ---) ! t? \ Q\ '\ .{ \ \!_ i \ I J g ( G V\) B)r{. )lF\\-l l.-j\/(- .\)-\J )'i\' .\ =t-;v 6\J 'i\' ---*+-. tt v_:, .-+\ a\\l \i ') v is\x t { \, V\s-}- (l+ i\ I ft '-Y \.-l \C i\ 3tc 0., E o) oo .E C) U' o q)tl E o).c o)c'6 lt .9 (EE 6 c) (E o C) oE E6, :3 Eo Eco C'oE (|,ocf i3oF (|Jc .ct occt E- o .c'= o()c .g o. Eo() .E Doo .Aco C'o (! oJ at tU c 0) E o- E G lU'lct! 19b lor IFOt- ct)oo !(EtY() d-iEot(EFlo0,t:rl; :B>pa'fqo(E.G astrl holegtu'6'qro 68TJE EE .d (u5EEc) EEo)*(E0 3SE(!.J -g =E/.e.g =:J 9J= - = X C i< ..=- *EEF E=:;E ggEfi ggi F:$fi #gsF+ i"sE€ SEEstE3:S 995.s= gE€EEEgEi PE.Ee EFEEC=;Eb :EEFi*EEF =tgei \\) \ * Y'-+ v Y7 I I c)aP; =rq3mo FHmc,o h K'.t' IB:::6 ,-dtdr\o $€FU f-. PlotoIEl(DtitElot<l.D l-alol= aq l^\sft\-= s3t-l- o) Ntr N3 N3ls' (Dli\- CLKE NrB =ooo 3 A' o. 9)fo. o E- oo P oo =3 ahg. o =ox E. oU' =oo =36al, ct =mxG' F'(t, a\)B =a oa8t =re3mO FFmgo IIt.t\' B-r:d ,-dt60\(Qt\ ot\=Rc]l"El(DIOlElctt-t3IE'tot<l{Dt=l(Dt= ,dq Ng bsN€tLa OU,P; =te3mOFgmoo c)o33 th2.ofo)<p. (D TA =:Joot/, :J 9'f CL !,:o- o 0:g anog oo3 3 ah @5'f (Dxp. (D qt, = 5'336u,d =lttt<E' B- s d IF oo C' @ 3.D a' a IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT #223 DATE OF ISSUE: PLACE OF ISSUE: kwrrt5tar Bank o APRIL 2, 1996 VAIL, COLORADO EXPIRATION DATE: JULY 1 ,1997 ACCOUNT PARTY: MJL DEVELOPMENT, lNC. BENEFICIARY:TOWN OF VAIL WestStar Bank hereby issues this lrrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor for the amount of Forty Thousand and no/100 ($40,000.00), which is available by drafts at sight for payment accompanied by the following document: 1. Written certification signed by an authorized official with the Town of Vail that the account party has failed to perform under the Developer lmprovement Agreement dated April 'l , 1996 between MJL Development, Inc. and the Town of Vail. This letter of credit shall not be transferable and it shall be governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. This letter of credit may be extended or otherwise renewed with the consent of the Beneficiary and WestStar Bank. WestStar Bank hereby agrees to honor each draft for payment made in compliance with the terms of this credit if duly presented, together with any documents specified herein, on or before the expiration date of this letter. Sincerely, flt }z'n Lisa M. Dillon President and Chief Executive Officer VAIL.AVON . DENVER . STJMMIT COUNTY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138/479-2139 FAX970479-2452 May I, 1996 Michael Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, CO 81657 Department of Community Development RE: The Developer Improvement Agreements for Indian Creelq Buildings #l and #4, ll3gSandstoneDrive,/LotsAl&M,BlockA,LionsRidgeFiling#l' Dear Mike: Euclosed please find your copies of the Developer Improvement Agreements for Buildings #l and #4, Indian Creek Subdivisio;. You will note on page 2 of the Agreemenl I have modifid paragnph 5 to disallow any partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town. As we '"g".0 on March 10, 1996;no partial release of the $40,000.00 collateral will be allowed for work associated with rebuilding the retaining walls, regrading and revegetating the site. As stated in the Developer Improvement Agreement, all work associated with the Indian Creek Subdivision Developmint, wiil be completed no later than June 30, 1996. Please contact the Town several weeks in advance of this date to request a site inspection from the staff, so that we can make sure there are no complications which would prevent us from retuming your funds in a timely fashion after the June 30, 1996 expiration date' Ifyou should have questions or comments conceming the information in this letter' please contact me at your convenience. I may be reachdat4T9'2142. Sincerely, A. r t/ )l/.r/l-(-u1/v?v4/l/l!/( JimCumutte Senior Planner {7^nto*'uo .".-\ "ATfAA .*"""$ffi "9!lillJ'31f,r''^"';4"Subdivislon 4,t*4x_ Ecount Numuor: 9l:9@9?9 DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT rdc and ontercd tLr?rY:1#:ry.1:"r r^:'#-iil ^nd^nro;,;EEDl!;-443At(herclnattcrcallcdthcOF VAIL (hcrclnaltcr callcd tho 'Town-)' *HEREAS, tho DoYolopor, as a condilion ol approval ot noT'vli^'Crokn'( nul or^n', iii'fiEEiii-iA'i6t, *iinos to entcr into a Developor lmprovomont Agreemenl; and WHEREAS,thoDcveloperisob|igaledtonrovidcsecurilvorco||alera|su|ficiont|nlhe iudgmcnt of the Town ro ,oro"ior-ono6"te provisions for complction of ccrlain lmprovements set lorth below; and WHEREAS' lhc Dcvctoper wishos to providc collateral to ouaranlcc pcrformancc ol thls Agrcomcnt, Including "onri.ction ol lhc abovo-rclcrcnccd im-provomcnts by mcans ol tho lollowing: Develooer aqrees to establish a cash deposit with lho Town ol Vail in a dollar amounl ;;;"i:d;;dzii;5%;fi; tiJ "o"i[irn" *ork shown below) to provido securitv tor thd lollowing: IMPROVEMENT Tns.+q( t q.4o n o€ < ff r.,ve'el5"4r={n< "L'€r^lt ^ Lnr ^)=.o7)'i1 ,per oiPl'".d pLen s ' i;i1r:ix;#M*qs,:f eqer fii n, I s (^ r'"erk'";;J:'*i ""1' efr' ('+r "ne{e r e^cLoSor-Q-' NOW, THEREFORE, in considcration of lho tollowing mutual covenanls and agreements, the Devcloper and tho Town agrcc as lollows: 1. The Developer agrees' at its solc cost and expenses' to furnish all equipment and material nccessary fo'purtoit and comPlotc allimprovcments' on or boloro iJ;2-'i;O;-iiiEi.--in"'o"""r"p"i srrirtt compet6, ln a qood workmanlike manner, all tmorovements'as rirtoo uoou-o,ji i".6riun." witn ill plans arid spccilicattons lilcd In ths ;iiffiiil;ffi;;ilv;;;;6;;ioupo'r"nt, 1!i loryn or vait' and to do arrwork in"fO"nioi it uinto accoiding to and in compliance with thc tollowing: a' Such olhor ctcsigns, drawings' maps' spccilications' skolchos' and othcr matlcr submittect by the Devolopcr to bo approved bv anv ol thc abovo'rolerenced gouornr"n,"t'iiilnor. ili.oio wori'shatt bo done under tho inspocllon ol, and ro me sarsracrion ir, tn" f"*" Engineer' lho Town Euilding officlal'' or oiher olficlat rrom fitl1,,ih'"ivJi, a. oite"tod by special dislrlcls or servlco dlstrlcts, as thetr rcspc;iv"'jrii"ii.r-"i"v "ppcar, ani shall not bo dcomcd completo until approved uni-"..uptoo ot co.lnp!9O.ly tho Town ot vail Communlty Oovelopmcnl Department and Public Works Ocparlmenl' 2. To securo and guarantce perlormanco oI ils obligations as set forth herein' the Dovolopor agroes to provlde sccurity and collatcral as tollows: Pago I ol 3 A cash doposit account in no amountjl.$J7l&2? ro be held by the Town' as escrowagent,snarrproviociic'tcutiryrdlrfnprouniGtssellorthabovoitthereis i-Jeiautr -unaor tho Agreemont by Dcvolopcr' 3. The Dovotoper may at any timo sub.slitute lho collatoral otiginally sct torth abovc for anorhcr form or corra'r'JrliaiJpio6L ro rno Town lo ouaranloe thc laithlul complotlon of .thoso tmprovo#il';;#;i;-horoln and th.o,D;rlormanco ol thc lcrms ol thls Agreement. Such acceprance'ili"tii'ii*i ir ;itsrnatlvo colliteral shall bo at tho Town's s.ls discretion. . 4, The Town shall not' nor shall any ofliccror emoloveo iheroof' bo liable or responsibto for any accident, r"!t'.i i"-"i"S" h'appentng or.odcuirino to tho work spoclfled In hls Asreemont prior to tno "tiiltiioi-ffiiti"*"::: lhe samelnor shall tho Town' nor anv olficer or employee m"r"oi,"u" tirut" for any personsor property lnlured by reason ol tho naiuro ol said work, uut arr or s;''i-riaf,jiil; ;;fi lno aro nereuy assumed by the Developer' Tho Devclopcr hcreoy ag'cbs to indcmnily and.hold tlarmless tho Town' and any ol its otficers, agenrs .no o.proyoulii".,ili jlivlljii;;,t, "trms.damases, or liabilitics to which tho Town or any of ils ollicers, ag;ni; or employees may become suElect to' insotar as any such losses, claims, damagos or niiiitias t* Ltittnt in respect thereon that arise out of or ars basod upon any perlormanco;;il; b;*'il;;i hcreunder:.and lhe Developer shall reimburss tho Town tor any and "rr r"gor? iiio-t-otpcisos roasonably incurrcd by the Town in conneclion with investigatlng ;i;iilil;t sucn toss'.ciatm' damage' liability' or aclion' ili!ft.;;;iil;;oui"io-n ,niriu" in "oJrLn ro any orncr fiability which the Developcr may havg, 5. lt ls mutually og'"cdithar thc Dcvelopcr may. apply to lho Town and tho'Tow-n shafl authorizc ,or partiat ,o,"xr-u? ino .oitaicrat olpositcb with thc Town for each category o'improvement"t,u"nme-a-s-s,.hi'p,onu'"nls-aro-construclodincomp|iancowitha|| Dlans and specilications ", '"iJt"nt"o hereunder and accepted bv the Town' Under no tondirion wi' the amounr ", r;;';ii;;r;iin"i it u"i"s hctd'be roduced below the amount nscossary to comptoto such improvcmcnts' 6. lf the Town dctermines that any ol thc improvamonts conlemplated herein aro not constructed in .o.pri"n.J'n'iil'il;pffi.ffi. i*ltlg:"* set forth herein bv tho dato set forth in paragraph 2' lho Tow-n may, bui shall nol bc rcquked to' withdraw from the cash dcposit such funds as,ov oo "oll'.Iory io comptctc rhcunfinishcd improvcmcnts. The Town shall toloaso such 1,";""';;;;il;'*atrcn i"q'o"r ol tho statl ol tho community Dovoropmcnt Dcpartmcnt t,;rttiltil;iiili;fi"ydt""ri gyo not bccn complctcd as roquitcd bythoagroemcnr.ThoTownsf,al|notrequi'olhoconcurrcncoo|lhe'dovc|oporprior|olho release of the functs, nor.nufi it u"io*n Ui-rcquireO to verify independently that.tho. lmprovemenrs t,auu nor unui'Jo;dt;i;;; ;;d;lr"d by thls Agredment, but shall rolease such lunds solcly upon the ,.q,"tf of iftn Gommuniiy Oovolopmonl Dopartmsnt' llthocostso|completingtheworkcxceedthcamountolthgdeposit'lhoexcoss' tooethcr with intcrcst at ,*"il:E;;;'G;aini1il :h9l1!9 " lion asainst the propottv and ;ilH.;iLi; ui'"i';ii;riiiitiv bc ccrtilicd io lhe.iroasurer ot Easle countv to be coltected in the same ,.,.'"nn"r-""'oltnqulnt ad valorem taxes levied against such property' ll tho Dermit holder tails o, 'uti'JJ r" t"illi"t". rn" cloanup and landscaping' as dolined in thls H#;::#;;id;;;"ri;;;i;;t be ionsidered a vioiaron or the zonins code' ' 7. Ths Developcr warrants all work and material lor a period of'one ye'ar after acccplanco ol all worft *roitiio'in ittit Agrecm-ent by the Town Dursuant lo Scction 17.16.250 ll such work i, r"""i"J"" iown"or vair property or within Town of Vail right-of'way' 8. Tho partlcs heroto mutually agree lhat this Agreement may be amended' lrom *mo to timo, providcd m* "i,"-n-nrJnar'"nii uo in writing ind oxecutcd by all parties horelo' Datcd the day and yaar lirst abovc wriltcn' Pagc 2 of 3 "--:1';' ,& rho loreqorng,De*"*i rtq[f;"1n9ifir;ru"*I daY ot ftlYt I STATEOFCOLORADO ). ) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE , ft,L*,"T,%"H. ?*"Ti lvi;; - day ol 19 Wtness my hand and olticlal scal. uod.rld er&Da Mycommlsslon "rrr*ffi nd Pago 3 ol 3 .6,--e-fop,,,.e-4 as qck4owlgdgod baloro mo thls Au,4CrhF LIJ'IN,ERFMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . A-1 ,A-2 LETTER OF CREDIT FORiIAT kgat Dos€,iplioo: LoL- Bbdi A L I onsr I dg€ subdMsiixLLruLLa!_:qEe9L ^,lr,ooj.ij!tE;;;;[6;6-6iru fl w#L{ Dolo ol Erri.arhn: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, madc and ontercd into this f I rsf day oJ Apr I | . 19 96 by-and among MJ L pcvo ronmcnf r nc (hcrcinarter aalca the DeveropeF ;nd fr6-TOWN OF VAIL (hereinafter called the .Town,,) and wests+ar Bank "(hereinafter called the 'Bank"). WHEREAS, the Oevclopcr, as a condition ol approvat of the tndtan Creek fl & fr4 plans, datcd var lorrs 19_!!_, wishcs to ontor into a Dovclopcr lmprovement Agreement: and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligatod to providc securily or collateral sulticient in thejudgmcnt ol the Town lo make reasonablc provisions for complciion ol cerlain improvcments sellorth below: and . WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee perlormance of this Ag-reement, including construction ol the above-refercnccd improvements by means ol thcfollowing: Developer agrces to establish a letter of credit with a Bank in Eagle county in a dollat amountot$ rr0,.999"!lq9__ (125% ot the total cost of the work shown belilw) to provlde security lor the tollowing: t|, IMPROVEMENT Rebul ld por+lons of retalnlng walls, regrade and revegetafe a portlons ofthe slte necessary +o ob+aln conpllance wlth Town of Vall standai-ds, _ Now, THEREFoRE, in consideration ol the toltowing mutual covcnanls and agreements,the Oeveloper and the Town agrco as follows: ___ _ -l. . . The Developer.agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, lo furnish all equipment and material necessary to pcrlorm and complctc all improvemcnts, on or before .rrrne' ro. 1996 _, Tho.Dcveloper shall complctc, in a Oood workmanlikc manner, allimprovcments as listcd abovc, in accordancc with all plans and spccllications lilcd In the ofticc ofthc Community Development Deparhent, thd Town ot vait, and tb do a work incioentai ttreretoaccording to and in compliancc with the following: a. Such othar designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches. and other matter submiltcd by tha Dcveloper to bc approved by any ol the abovc-reteronced governmental enlities. A said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to lhe satistaction of, the Town Enginecr, rhe Town Building ollictai, or orher olficial from thc Town ol vail, as aftcclcd by special districts or seruica districts. as thcir respective interest may appcar, and shalt not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by thc Town of vail communily Devetopment' ' . Dcpartment and Public Works Dcpartment. _ . 2. To secure and guaranlee pertormance ot its obtigations as set forth hercin, the Developer agrecs to provide sccurily and collatcral as follows: lrrcvocablc lettcr of crcdit ,rltl3__ in the amounl ol $!0._OOO..0A_v|,;6 WegtSfor Bank (namc ol bank in Eaolc County) as the security lor lhe lmprovements set torth above if there is a delault under the Agreement by Developer. litp I of .1 - 9. The Dcvelopct may at any limc subslitutc lhe collatcral originally set lorth.abovotor anothct lorm ol collalcral acceptabtc to thc Town to guarantcc thc tailhlul c6mple on of thosclmprovcmcnts retcrred to hcreln and rhc pcrlormancc oi the tcrms of rhls Agrcom6nt. such . acceptance by tho Town ol altcrnativo collatarat shall be at the Town's sole discretion. , 4.''. '.Thc Jown shall not, nor sha any olliccr or cmploycc thercot, bc tiablc o,'' rcsponsibte tor any accidant, loss or damago hippcning or oicurring to tho work sfcciiicd in thisAgreemcnt prior to tho complotion and acccplancc ol tho samo, nor-shall thc Tow,i, nor any ollicer.or employee th€reol, be liable lor any persons or property Injured by reason ot the n;ture ol sald work, but all ot sald llabllltles shall and are hereby assumedby ihe'Developar. __. Thc Dcvolopcr hercby agrees Io indemnily and hold hafmlcss tho Town, and nay of its ofticers, agcnts.and cmployecs agalnst any losses, clalms, damagos, or abllltlcs to which ttrcTown or any of its ofiiccrs, agcnls or cmployccs may bccome sub]ect to, iniofar as any suchlosses, claims, damagos or liabilities (or actions in respcct thefcoli that arise out of or ;re basedupon any pertotmance by the Developet hereunder; and the Devetoper shall reimbutse lhe Townfor any and all legal or other expanscs rcasonably lncurrod by lho Town ln conneclion with ry:,:,ligit,:p_gr-qelcndjng any such loss, claim. dimagc, tiabitiry or acrion. rnis inOcmniryprovtslon sha[ bc in addilion ro any other liability which the Devclopcr may havc. 5.. ll is mulually agreed thht tho Devctoper may appty to the Iroleasc ol thc collatcral improvement at such are conslructed in compliancc with all plans by lhc Town. Undor no condi on will collaleral that is beino held bc tosuch improvoments. 6. l, thc Town dctcrmincs, at its solc discrction, lhat any ot thc improvemenlsconlomplalod hereundor ar() not constructcd in compliancc with thc plans and'spccilications sotlorth in this Agrecment on or bcrorc thc date set fortir in paragraph i, thc Town may, but shalnol be requhed to, rcdcem the lertar ot credit as neccssary to-cohgoto the unfinistrciimprovcmcnts. Tho Bank shall rclcasc such lunds upon writtcn roqucst from Ihc Town statingthat tho improvcments havc not bccn complclcd as icquircd by thii agrccmcnt. Thc Bank sh-allnot requirc lhc concurrcncc ol thc dcvclopcr prior to rclcase oi thc luids 10 thc Town no, "t,ittlhe Eank be. rcqu.irod to vcrity indopend.cntty ihat such improvcmonts ttavc not oaen compta'tioas requlrod.by thls agreemcnt, but shall rclcase such lunits solcly upon lhe Town's rmi eh '-' requesl. _ . lf thc costs ol complcling thc work cxcccd Ihc amounl ol lhc deposir, thc exccss,togother wih intcrcsl al twetvo pcrccnt pcr annum, shall bc a lien against the properry and maybe collected by civil-suit or may be certitied to the treasurer ot EagtiCounty rd rJcoiieiieo'in irresame manner as dclinquent ad valorem laxes levied against suctr property. It the permit holde,tails or refuses to complcte tho clcanup and landscapiig, ad dcfined in tnis cnaptcr, suctr atLieor rotusal shall bo considcrcd a violation of thc Zonirig Code. 7. The Devcloper warrants all work and material tor a pcriod ol onc year atle,acceplance of all work refcrred to in this Agreement by the Town ii such work is iocated on Townol Vail property or within Town of Vail right-ol-way puriuant to Sccllon 17.16.250. B. Thc parrics hcrcro_murually agrce that this Agrcement may bo amcndcd from timeto timc, provlded that subh amondmants be ln writlng and aiccuted by alipartias hereto. - - Dated the day and year first above wrinen. No ftor/,.r L ruL-kree o € -H,< co(-Gr'frt'q L '',''( L'J'- [o(kru,-t+J . ff^" a.P{-t'r{. ^*r.",u..1 o{ c'a>(G{e/"L W,tC b-z fq-fut,naal -Le -PL,e- AeveGfet ufeN Cen-c-ftuo/, o,,t o tr l4 t rnfJ t'coc',1t/4.a. A {S i tn Ccr*,f(,nttt2^-ru;'p1^ c1 LL llt (,, ri s--., *,,,( lltn c,'c7. n t;r^rz c-I -e re'cn ro,-*l hq l+ tt r"ole[\ aMat ctc(,(f '/ 'r) L" f -l(p' Jfi 41 4 , own shall cach calegory ol and lhe rlI -1. /.r,t I t'te I'rgc ? ofl a STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE " '!hu tgrWgrg Developer tmprovement Agregment was i-a-i;:iii-W"7'-* .,'z^,, 1W)i!jfHli),,T,)I' Witness my hand and ofticial seal. My commission W Commbsbn Expirss 12P7AB STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF.,EAGLE ) ) ss. ) r' , Jhe loresojlg Devetopcr tmprovcmcnt Agreemont.-2.- oay ot { (,'4.t1 / . lg-%_by STATEOFCOLORADO ) couNw.FEAGLE i"t' Witness my hand and ollicial seal. My commission ex[rires:My Comnbsbn Erphrr 1Pi;nl/9/fr anner, Comilunity Devetoprnent was agknowledgod beforg me thls lt'La+/a" fun/<t e-W:flWPilY.'***^rwy Witness my h#d and olliciat seat. . My commlsslon ItovorF.ovo.ifiorlnpael|, P$o f off, TOWNOFVAIL 1309 Vail Vallcy Dritc Vtil, Colorado E1657 3 0t -47 9 -21 t 8 | FAX t0 t -47 9 -21 66 Apil24,1996 Mr. Michael Lauterbach MJL Development, Inc. P.O. Box 3451 Vail. CO 81658 RE: MEMORANDUM DATED APRIL 17,1996 Dear Mike: Dcportm cnt of Pillic WorkslTransportation The Town rcceivcd your memorandum dated April, 17, 1996. I have reviewed it with both the building departmcnt and the Town Attomey. It is the Town's position that thc 8" high curb will be acceptablc if an Indemnification Agrccmcnt with the Town is executed. Plcase contact Tom Moorhead, the Town Aftorney, to finalize the agreement if you would like to proceed. Sincerely, bq il"ia. Grcg Hall Town Engineer GIMsr DR:cLlr.lltlT cc: I: Tom Moorhead }I JLo I}EVELOPI,IENT I NC MJL T}EVELOPMINTINC. POBOX 3451 vAlL, COLOIIAITO Et65E 970 476-6944 MEMORANTTUM 9?94766947 P. 6l TO; fROM: DAIE: RE: cregth[ Town ofYail PrfilrcWorksr4 Michrellauterbach K Atril17, 1996 Indian Cr€€ft Toumhomes IhivcwayButicr Purqnnt to orr rGcfit di.rarsions, I am prooccding to instdl tho e{gh inoh otrb Sopr to bc looTtcd on tb€ south porim€t€r of the drivoray which e€rtres thc throo tuost rrrurterly recidencss. As wG dlscuss€d, the threc residcfltill own€rs locatcd rdrccm to th* portion of tlrc ddrcway barc requosed tbat thc qrrb bsrritrE be inssllod rdher thrn the previouoly opg,rovod log railingc u/hioh wtll bo dolacd. Plcesc contact mc ifyou have any quo$ims. co: llm Curmrtts/ Indian Crcck Torynlromo Arsoafution $fiE piE R.lt'-' !Hd f-F; Ef,N(t h 1-t{ l' (f, m mro m J) =T!o m =mz{ o :Dmm =mz.-r8 oc =_zc (to OPtt o.fsr-o -1 d;a s llB FHil:!l,m I lpf; EI^ =4ln -r -=+L AJIJ (D Eftg? t{o:- -! o da0.6 =o.D-. E6o+g;' (Dlo lts,*l-st d-'"\t F.P<oo .r' €F EF- ;L i,q QL'' 2s I ?\€ so ="lg s /\,7'--.-6-t"^ A Effig#tuHil a€as:t{Fs i $t'4[ EiaBa**:E F * ftleEdT3i ,HS Q {.t\La;i'=19E,p-!? "-J .\l'L-' = =; -6-g o oHd3eirq e= { L\t =*rEFg 33 gd*r F;F-:Ea ;E >l\s sigEgfi '-F, 5$+* FE€sgq F t tRo,*P56 R i N-.i*qee a $ t-rgags: n 5 q,js3g € d *=Q E S -f.' ot 3 \Aro/ E(D (D6€p P q,(o EEEEElalEa EE P$E*q;$q EEEEEEEEaga 3a 6Fa.s n s E elegggflI SsB 4eqFFa gg gBgEs3 =BsEa$Ba €E E aaH gi ggr-P's . d z.F 6.q €-rnum a) o(f @qoio (D o)q, 9' C)o q:=o =o o)-o-o-o Itt-o .= (D qo'o (D p- 9) I o. F) oo. ls tx- tt frh: lvt =. 1,4 I l.r at) (D U' o (D (D o F) I(D (D oro (D 5'o o (D 3(D = ggigE-eE E*fi i a"l 'a d"iE3' le EE AEEH EE6'€. 8 6'il *tr 60 p6 BE BEqF EEAg eF Aq aeE€ E.E flggf;e3 eE gE Egl* *r o o tn o oU' g)g @ F)oq) U' o(D'oo9. =. o -to€ o 'E. F' o-.o q) rAlt=iO := ;E .rB lE )6 l8H gc <A$| .cstab\T,ll \l .16,Ptn;I lv( ^!nrtil(o\(ot+( -J( (D: FI oloOl Ol o =ox a o€ ogo€ o ! os.o.(D anoo.c =. o (D. o o€ rO \ Elil ; {'r6-.S 6t ,l- 1t.o.' o' l:rE:_hc-c Bq-+,; r\ -s:'qsP-?0^l t -+f o Ili { \H<' S r.t'. I f tl \*) \'t\ 6- '-Dr'!\ t4 .>(b I \'\\s\ '?\Hs ffi.a/ ^lt\l.sl ht>l r l.\ l.o \ 0 T ,L t IL |x -- .l 0 m mro m! \ S b(I( (. \ \l't' t\ o@.9;Jz' ni?oq; mgxb inE o ato l-l€. (Doo3ro'o (D ooE(D 3 6 (D 3o =->(o-6 o-3(Df -{g-o(D ol6'IE .(o= FAoct rQ o-qt o o@,PE1ni?oq; m9E9inE o caP 10Ng .It 0r(o (.) o o) It I CL.P+ c}(D FEtalo|'o $a la M FA N6l' v, t\8 f(D U' U' 3 =lor'fo- F'5 CL o 0.E oo er oo3 3 UI9.o (Dxp. (D v,2\ lw t- ;o $ F i\o\xtr HD\o oiet6lolol6l:lol=l0t 6t"ol 9t EI =l olml m 5.It =mz-l oo MICHAEL J. LAUTEBBACH P.O. BOX 3451 PH. 97G47e6944 vAtL co 81658 WA \J L<--+V - 5! WESTSTAF BANK ra a{'tm FEOrIACE aoAD WESI vaL GO alatt /-r s 9( 9408 &t€1111021 $7,cor2 6ffi': H o OUOTATION From c.-,.7-x-tco 6*-"" ) B,e,.;,(87 U*-!-bgtos> ro&JLSW a' A+-5a-l.etde"^.lSO \."-U^^- C^*n , Cgn*t.c,^4,^tgd-o . We are pleased to quote as follows: TO: FROM: MJI . nEVTr.OPltyf ['.NT tr{C. PO Box 3451 Vail, Colorado 81658 970 476-6944 MEMORAIIUIM Charlie Davis Town of Vail Public Works Michael Lauterbach DATE: December22.1995 RE: Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Indian Creek Townhome ll4 1139 Sandstone Drive Purzuant to your inspection of the above referenced premises this moming, I have reviewed your criteria for issuance ofthe Temporary Certificate of Occupancy and have summarized your concerns as follows. l. Crawl space vents have been instafled and approved by Chuck in the Building Department. 2. The temporary toilet is being retained upon the site until construction on unit one at the west end of the site is complete. 3. Fire department hammer-head will be cleared of vehicles and snow today with the existing gravel graded for future fire department use. 4. Outside corner of driveway switchback to be cleared of snow. Signs to be instafled by Dec,enrber 29, 1995 which disallow parking on the outside of the radius. Cost. $200.00. 5. Construction equipment is being retaind to remove snow from driveway and to regrade disturbed site to east as soon as weather permits. Cost $1,0fi).@ to regrade and revegetate disturbed portion. 6. Developer to apply for variance to allow,existing retaining walls or remove-and replace when weather poitiitt Cost $tie0€0. # #, 4O 7.^-n2, nt^b,i- @t't* 7. Dweloper to install approved guard.rail prior to^January 15,-1996. CoBt 8. Developer to orecuteDeveloper Improvement Agreernent today. 9. Permit for Indian Creek fl4 was issued with no requirernent for additional fire hydrant installation or movement. Specifioally, it was stat€d by the fire department Prior to issuance of a building pennit that no fue hydrant changes would be required for this residence. 10. Developer to remove real estate signage today. I am prepared today to bond these item. Please contact me if you have any questions. wr> Til =4 44 t tt' ^ b9% R!^h,4'tr,./L, i 4( /i*' F @83'3ZA = + 33/4/5'' lflruprrrul W.Y. CONSTRUCTION, INC. Box 30 AVON. CoLORADo 81620 Phone 949-5613 Page No, JOB LOCAI ION JO8 PHONI We hereby SUblr|t Soe(rf L'atrOns ind estr.rdtrs lor -Tae o?oo 3u 'Goc. tbfb trrAtL !a.t\$ 1=rNE -* (l,N ff 4 = 2roo (rt.'/") dltsahr q R; JfC* lt+rE *9r-n* 5;TE br LrNrr +4 Dtrl -,)- {j: = l,@zl ffif $fUpUef hereby to {urnish rnaterial and labor -- complete in accordance with atl:ve specrfications for the surn 0f: ii]" b. nrixt" a: to"lon . Authorired Stgnuture Note: I hts Proposal fl)ay withdrann by ur rf not lrEtoted wrl Signatur€ ,^onill, CITY, Start oorru,"o-3.fl24--), /lll rnllriral G Euirarltaa.t to U'.t Fs rFccitled Arl wi,tk lo bc rorrplet€d rn ! wo'rmrnl;ke rgru$r lccord||rt to ittart6rd Prlct'c€s any 'rlcrgtl0n or dlvrrl'']n frod !inv' 3!€crlrc!' r,nn, i*,rfr,ng c;tr. qoitr will tt.xccuicd only uourr wrrtlcn ord6t6 nnd wjll ocEonr€ Fn .rir! clrart. ovEr !na, 60ovd lhe ellimrrc All sgncmtnt! LohtrnEcnt uUoi rtdk'!.Fcr'id!ntt "t_1.|.V. i.y""a olr control O$rre' ro rtrrv lir€, tn?n!d'r lrrd 'rth'r n+t86trry Ingtrrrncc' D a w6rt!rr !rg tlllly cov.r{d r,tv wortF.o'! c'trllDcn'/6i'ur In:er'Flr AfffgtAruf Af flfnpnfUf -111 "u'''neprtcrs' spr"crr'|c'tions - encl 'jorlrlitionr $re sati3fdcld/y 3n4-'rrn iarchv accepl$l You a/e autharr/ed Sigt'irtur€ ,-- 1q lo thc sork as sprcilied. Pavrlient will bc made nli outlincd obove Oate ol Accepti!t)(:+: - -- ?-!z;!, Lr _ 610rr. M'r 9'4ial -C.alculohicns Go. UniF lrun.|bcr 4lCOl r. {ol uneq F€:e\ oc (r'htqh r€t4rnrnq watl rc $9 rsb,rrt!. tQq5 B9b 6*cavar,r'.1 i.A 6r rcgrYorr coninuchon Lz,oa/9F 4ot l( v &' nrqn uali' 1{orr 6F )2*/5r (zaoo/se) .$52,432. oo ooo a3a *na l riLtrYtnFI a I Guordroil - llol'rar fc€b Tlrno+rb,rr c6t p rrsc^U CD6t socrdrcrt\ (?cr trrcn tlcnA -\c^r.to. tifcat S,.4ernfardont) 56*/rf -gruS fSoO nrlrllrzcttron gtuo {&-ger hdredard *txoi . fio t6ec* feet I lln'/t ? . 5trto. oo ,5OO'oO ttrobtlRAtton. lzoo. oo (a f aruJ end rearr.r) Totat ;? 83lo,oo fur eqotd uad rs uort nemb€ilt Tco,52r q32.oo 81 3ro.oo @\,2t1 .oo Mol l iea 10:03an From: Terri MartilaezTo: itl-m curnutte, Mlke Mollicrtsubject': frrdl.an Creek *4 :==NoTE:=: ==L2/22/95==9 s 11arn=Thj-s l-s uo rej.terat€t some of the Publlcworks,/ P 1 annlng,/conunr:.nl Ey Deve 1 optaen ts and Fire lssueg associatsed \^riEh tsh1sproj ecE - 1. The drl-\re wafzone Bdction orr arr 2. Marrlr retsainingexce€rs of 6r andrebuilt - grade exceeds 1ot in'un}.eated drive. wa.].Is on siee are l-nwi].]. need tso be 3.Reqradingr work bas to be redone inand arourtd retairrl-ngt wal1s. 4. !7O I of grrardrail must be instal].edin f ront of rrnits 1, 2 and 3 . 5. The corat-ra.ctor rteeds to remove bttegrawe1 pl-ts and equitr)tment from the sl.teand cor:)'seruct ctte fj.rg department turrtaround above Itnit 4 - 6 - La.ndEcaping seeme Eo be incompletseor dlting,. Mike, ctrarlie Davis is tr]tlnq| coorqfarrl-ze a meecirtg a.t 11! oo today ats rndLan creek about tshis tr>rojects- Areyou comming? Page: 1 Printed by 'lin Curnutte / 02/ 96 42am Fro'[: Terri ldart1rr.zTo: Jl-m CurlrlrttesuloJect: Iladl.a'l cr€ak ---NqrE:-*------------a2 / 2 2 / 95--A.l Oa.b- Larrderbacb is r€qucsting a TCo today. f an' lrot gol-ttE to sigrrr off far Pulclie works becaua€ of tti.t borrdirrg isau€ otl ttle gradllrg, Ialldscapirtg at-td r€tailtilrgl }ra].ls. we also naed to add to €tre bond 1?o If of gr.rard!..i]. aE 30. Oo,/If P:.us 2 flared etad sectl.olrs ai 600. oo,/€a t)]-u. a Erobiaizatiot! fe€ of 15oO.OO all- borrded at a25*. Mf/ ca]-crrJ-atiorr6 tr>rrt ttre gmardral-l- aJ.orre at 9?5o.OO. Page: PrinLed by Jin Curnutte L7/96 1:1Opn Eroe, Terli llartiDczfo! atl-D CurDritt€SultJectt tarrderbactl ,--NOTE-E---------'---3 / L5 / 96-- 4. 2sp --atlm, I wat dlscutBiDE tltG Larrdarbach l'ssu€ tbLs aft€ltlooD gittt GEegl. I be].iav€ ttr.t wc ar€t ultttrltportCd by Tom 6rrd Bob oD ttrl- t i 3 st-tc and ttrat ewentual lf. rte ' re Eoing to lte l-rung oltt to dry ora tttis one. I thlnk rrc sttou]-d Bkip ttre mestltrg rtith lLatrd€rbactr oar llonday, artd juat acccPt ttttatcvet t!c's will trtq to glvc us. r atn sorry attotrnt back1ttq orrt of the lssuc, but I thirtk Lauderbactr i.t qloirtg to do rrhat€\ret tta l,anta out ttlerc artd s€ dorr I t ha\re tttc lruPPort to tro].d tlim up. A mGetirrg tti]-]. jrrat 1.ad to frustEation and wcrbal- altusc. Let tne knott rl'hat you ttli.rk rtherr you qfet irr o!.r r{onday. Page: INIIIAhI CREEK OWNERS OF RECORD - December26,l995 Lot I (2103-014-18-001) Miohael J, Laute,rbach lvlJl- Development PO Box 3451 Vail, CO 81658 970/476-6944 Lot2 (2rB-Al4-18-002) Bartara J. Erickson 1193 S. Williams Denv€r, CO 80210 Lot 3 (2103-0 l4-18-003) Jobn R. Fermanis Retained Income Tnrst 1627 Colmial Parkwav Suite 100 Palatine, IL 60067 Lot 4 (2103-014-18-004) Michael J. Lauterbaoh Common Areas-Indian Creek Townhome Assoc. (2 I 03 -0 I 4- I 8-005) Michael J. Lauterbach :' g m m 5!m1 =T!o m mz{ 6,H E.s Bitr i'r4 Dhtr iiKi1Fzl ?FI:.lFltot leFlQl lEh lBl lBl -l-.6 oImm mz ;-| 3g,o- (D 9) =o o5 (D (Do '5'o =iV, .lv : lt,t'-o-iot:<:o ;lrlF Ll3 ' lit lhr lriL\ "30jLx aoz<. A' =CL qt 3o-ff-a l>)la-r r|I n- ll-'fiL-n lF'5li!lrjti-T\=lrelt: ( t_\ 0t]: 'l ( ?!E!@r =1q, Eio:qr! :l(Dr o. l FI o. ec.o!to v D'J CL =o+oez o-n r 5lo 9. =E o oqt= otf =o +o =f €.-mIm sn =oo(D 9-o!o r- :A'lU) F'oofg ofg 0t'E,E o , lt- r9i4, lo:li lt{ :- I tr'I tL !l-., tc ) tfll;t^1ll |llrIt+ o. 0, 8_ Ja(o .: .ai !.r41, I og, o (D =o =,o pt (fo 9.oEot 5o o o3of p. F' -(' o. 0, oo I I I I t\ t .atrlr o o€5(O o7o= (o69Ei9= dEet i E rn 3 edi f5,*ooo lo*aoo gE t -u;lo0rcr s€' Bg1*6ioq'qd?qF gH E=q€ 9eqg 8Efo P_d -'9. E= Egd= aF =n; (o $r a*1g =gsn +66E gB 66El!co()-r 5'=.5gt 3d e6"orEgg. EBdo $-s3E 8. 0t- =d=(cr 3E a6qBq3 J:l Egd89g =o trI- I f Iin fttFt;(:t.ra t |:,Fr 9,f- .l tf)eP + -bP I t/lfr I Jn - f 7 PT F In- f ,\,.f :1i r5-Lef.:- ls lstJr ( - F?i.-t?r. .r.Alf tv'. 1labr +-o(q -\. t :. .rr'' aitr lr 'at l tr -:aovfo+\ pf'r; tr^ HYt. i ( bl P TFfct-lrrt IF$ ro.at e.('oo c.o ;o I L @!oral7 I aE CL 3.,9.o:t 'n a l op oo mxg !t 6' = 6'q, 6_8 oQ srB OE -o= tt, a1q5 F=.gg6 ct -l =go,5OQ Ef -3o5' Poro-*EOF 8E3Er<5 $ 9l \s ooo Jo CLo Jo{,o P.B o!t 10J o-oT'o9' 0t(, c,o f :5 .='o A' 3oc;= io te o>8;-qtrt 10 =td! O-.6O(aEaO? t2. ilH=uIrc6f<-. Ofo4 =6lo qt(,,l ,B E r.< Ci --'9pl+lt6llF 3t.!t t.6l 6t3l(Dlrl. oi at,o a F'o'o o =o o -v; ea AeB ggggeE 'lEgg?El?a gAlg EB Ega ,BFBH E*?E=iaEH iilE? a aF .t .rl - It ?l tl .' ) : >f a 9Imo-n oo 5! c,o oo =€gg 5@ *€gs 'ocLAs6cLct. o r:3l&ItlPzo D Q.It Eg. o a,{T m q ooroI 0o ;-I Tf z oocz 1 o1t m o m + =o oaGI C' =€o P !9.oEo,5 !t.a o3o5 .cI 6o3oa 2 B Bx5oagt|crtolotEt9.lolel3lol:t Igt I CL0t o rq =€sa3_3glgs OOEs6CLaDorBlsItlP I zopeTccr=o tl!a s E ! cro <ps (D rote €= 1 ,*3. q ls H|0IPlotollrr/ lto 5lp.ser(Dl3lol=IEl6tol3lel€l8la teIFleI('lg.l3lal5.l- o l a., I.t'l.T tt.D6' =no s.o € o+.o =-Tl 6 = $Exoz.?Pzd5 lrt lf-'ll\l $.h Ill^lh)l {lil oFl €h,' z loOIts 'rtlr fI l^ F |ls I lri. llutl tltltl o N N '") , o€3o ...1 Bo do at, 3o. 1'Jo P Nt\l> (^ \(s { {I p ?'.\ L)'.) a o ='oo oo !,oF CLo. doo q) fo. T' o !q I Ilt ,r t\';1IIt\ t-o(o o) Iooo =.E 6' =t-ol\t\+L*- K1 (p oo- aS r.1 '\ t.' 9J .It 3.osa B CLo. d .D 9. t--t> l\I\ t$ I IA t$ tfn RF*- K.tlIt> ls I IN | \-,t\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ] c\)+$st o a \ "0 ^\p d I ,f {.b n 6t o 6'fo I .,_> : i-_ l\* \7 5 .k ln' l' a CNoc)o:JooaqIt--\ t- Ils- t<: l6|.\Int\- t--lo't\\ t' I I I I I trRO>\B E\€Pdo5s o t\ T \ 3: 9,\\4 ! a o = EE o 0t ^t\ll I \ (\\ o ! rA\,w nA--rn c' N t .\ I rf\ -\\_. C ata iH;frSg'r F EHItr{ ut0 E !rd trd ErHcl EH 9 2 ot{ E'ItE *El!oi",g!ufiiH* iEH* Et c) El trlHHH<ztrt6,U ta ..lrl'rt (ct eoc.rl '1 tsHttt, TJUFtrlut u) BI Eld E IHd E E E H E *ttI*ttt*It U FI IAoFH Fd€Hoz \ D b ll €ll l<ll trttl trlvzp.O Oo{ ElP.crO FF. O trjot5!o HrftrI^H =<>F(,o'o ff.F-oo :'lr 16 No Poo tll|\ tlo=oP-t5oooltUrt!IPfi, f?H(D FlF0tOr?(t. P-Ooil€ ^a.e' Noo oo Ug5 NozHz6) \ I \ Erhl6) F U td TDo7Hrd€H 9 vtFtroP. P.(o P.o!t rfoHooPnoc"Ott!t r-l HF.F.O ur tt t,doF' P.HttOr"rd 5<Fr\P. P.Ord U|fi, Hc"Ofl,- F, oolro5(Dc|. r,lld P.Ft ttoo<n,tr.- o,tto< oc,5 39rooof"ot, 'lt0, l,Ftl0rorrottoral!'5opour(? Hn|olaop,H Fr r? cr Ftou 3 z Ett o "tJ ]tru ldt{HoItzFl I AI('t\ FI n 'ttJo5o 9' z Etrt oltl t, 'orot{Ho ztl .; 3 0,H.HP.ttas,'Clr<o.Fto ^8 B 0,P.HP. Eq ],9,o..no. UI m FtdtdF'trta trtzFl PEH t{ z E R' orll o =zttlF Ut t\ $ \Io ft o EF5 3 hHn s€ ilt{ E 0,P.Hl--!liO ),oo.Flotltt ru!top o t+'<0rfiU O ! EBET.H 9 [tr HO 9, tr9' pr< El o Fl 8 s.5'sH 7. BOOq .. 5 r.'ltf 5 ul P- lio ntru tr ci EsnFH 3 fr ct p, cr ln tt -(r it r"O tt Floottpro Fr E{.,uF.--' I Er if H t-o p, t'89.*H ts S(tOSrr F.0, UlQ ltm Fi t!tt F, o !r hH FJIS O Oo. ou{ r, }U B"Hd; E HH itrr 0, tt O td-3'.8? B B. Fl tt HO H hi-8b'H" o u oitFrpr9, Et'l f?-E f.iO O O F.O lil!t rn o lii E <Hl8 g }iF,O No F.5 ttts(r o o$: HF'u EoP-|<('p, HH OP. .ltoH("tto.O it. taFl 9rO p,FIGL €rr tDou.0, !t ti3FEEf, Btt H lrlO cro, dO it rr '.|oo b F. td ttp, ts- P N \\ c{H rd5oto H}'U lll(n rdH hl\,(,| Elut ItH IrlOGl ta><z t,)EF" HEoE E. ZH €.9'-E.el.El<' liFld urlr I11E E o l, lrl l-r 1..tt, ooooc)(a UtO o ooo<) F |JuFrFrOt:uu cq- ..yXIY lf E1 ru I .e'.8':8i:B' € t-{ E' \' Fts OH?9 Z2O oolJllrcr< ooot,turtstr oooo<rorrt tsltr oooo<)oF!{ oooo<rotx oooocroH16€HFHhlv, v, HOut4ul tdA €+l}.e!}<l+r-e'hl|< (,r|E\rrrU!d ooooulNlr,P OOOOOOtTIYF t. tdz ooooc.roU!r oooocre)|nodOlnzn IA€r{I'Hd2oltHFHoz I o o Bq t For FI|nIolnl<l' f' I NItl I q I I I I I Itl|.lINt) I l-llI tqlI l-lI t>lI tt-lININ s s A 5 8+8+Is 5 5 $s rt t!c r! r. 2 t!t!(t) +}J -! t 5 t tv N' l.JtJ t-) --J +A -J 5 5 NJ$5 5 s t 5 t-l +N + Nj I AN . 5N5 N 6 5N t9 .5 5N5 N I 5 s- x 5l..l sN$ E 5}J$ sN5 l'.Js N+ 5 5 it 2tt 2 rt F' z !.1,x q FI tt F ulrt c .i z ir-t\l\r- I\ N !EEEEtrl9,n a ..1 :T |r N z z N z z o z z -lU) zo rn uc F a z u F a -|- lrrc iiz -j t"1 a! n- z 3r|lz u frc l- l-l rr i'r':r z -j U1-l aI = F lnz t, lcc |- |- lnz t- U)i oi zrfl{ Fr.x t-i I z -t z ap i xiF t-i I z -ln U)tt i z u)I "iI t') zFI :/'\z -ca i F fa i z t- rt l.J c i-I- z z tr1(n -l -l z x r G: FJ5x 1z tx t-t! € 5.\ a z at iI l, zQ lr1 -rlcz -la T z cz z ai i Lz -r,l i:': FNc t-F z F r (t z - F -ln i fa i1tni F z I z |- l- z t- a, cz ti.|: E t|: :- i. (t ''.l :i (t 2 t-(, l,l z F1 a za 11i(^ (r) t- 6 zarrjv) -tFi i'ri(t) a ! C rt zu iIc -t z <t - z { o rTox.n FN 5 t z t- u z an Fioi zu - rt: u oa'l c I rrt o (t)-lc U) x axca- (t t-c z,la (- v) FF ra..- - 1A F(t 2 z - Fr eIco -n(^ F c2 T- ! l+ F lt c2 "r 3 n z o t-IF c2 .l 3 t-c z ra F F: cz 3 cr F z e N z z z v1v) 3 v) uN Y1N b 6N e:\ N c q)vtIJ N uN N i'J ! urlvl {lO, e ! et \C| .A 5 4 I t I I a I I t e9roeFri e.n \.&.t& ri gl Ec i;' .1 I L L '; I it I D GIfuo s.o € of.o ='n a_ :7 {o {z o'n Et- !o =g€ z.?Pzd5 tolr-tl Frl bFl.."-l Itol l'Inl l)-l l,b I $ [,*tlI l-a I T'\ll+ |'tltl tltl (D g. o_ 5'(o zo 3o T "0.oo 0ooo .t\ nj 't 6 :^fi. R 0-' tl o€fo o-o" do at, ofo.-It Jo o o =.oo oof 0to ; CLo ooo q) o. l, o o ! N[\) ax ,-t l-.\r_ u7 c\ l ') D' $\ \ I n v$ 6 b L 6 J -q { -a I r .S \/ dgt.trgc"9€'f.Bstr IB TR l-. l$1,^, hs lw I"FNttlIrn a l=tv I c | \In' E lS' Ng: F- lxe- lf--lnn h lr-r. ff.U'['l) li'lti1il\lsl ldNl lurilPoltltNltoltflloltol| -s I tol II hbl I r'I o 6'au C"ooo (I'o- ! !Fur(]lqR'a\ sE s\ P!,-lE a A 1 'l ( ri, ea}'6' il q r\ R-- o ia iU.H;n;.cl.z Flil H td- uto x E vrtttFHcl BH ? rt :a < ot{ fH -r' cl U 'yF:l *t{aalxs!uEIrdr{:trtiBt-Et()t{ tslEHH<z ttl6)U h l+ -+{g l- <ED(I9 =F L.tr'sr=E cllt .Fr HP E Hul FHa Eld F-F:H P t.|1*It Itt***t u,Uc)ttl ), ll '.JIil Ef; ru '.n Eo oc,r 0r € trt . cr() FI P-O trlL ge fl./ ^ff g f" fif;I odl.P.ll g8 lfINtrll 3lrb l- r[l* 95'l= 8ffI Er| 0l rtI HOInI F9,I O("| {r'I F,. OI E"t^| ^'EI rel l,I ooI -.lole t:trlo D E{ Ut{uclFHttFl Hoz v)IttoP. F.tt P.oil N r" OrHo ootnZulH ct Ottz 5t-t Flo F-lao.. rn tt ttrrop, P. t-lttOrtrt 9K F. P.olt qt 9, FJrfopf.- g, OOrrut5(Df).tsitt P.Fl ttoo<p.P.p,ttOK o0, ='79roout r?OUItt0, !,NFFrOt?otto]AF!ri'.OQo rrlrrPFro5la Or 0,ts Fr Cfcrpoit ttHoor J f t,\ trlo zItEt{ oEl o€zttx I lo F H EH F tp, H.HF.Iq )too,Flo v, or c{H =z9,},r-3tst{l.-!rotord !, 'ttE E-{Ho],zFl !, CLp., r-lot'l @ p,oFlo ur 3 7 EIront{u) tstzFltt EIH t{ =zIry. r-EHtrI P-toQEI ]trdr!tlHr) P. =u, cru O I5'H I *oot{ RH E I gx : Hsil E tF,O Fl tlHO ? tst 3* ; E B8 ; H Fg E T Es $ BF.I' F' B3fi EF; E trH flEHoP. 5Fl 9,ir ilsF g F F. Flr < 9,Ui O F' IJo HltrJ lFc,or9r<F.Oc"F-PO P.D. o oQr-t !,arnP.O OE FN FIq rr P,rr!'oottIct tt P-5Ft F''OOPrtt F.rrO !tg, taqtt n,H t- tto. oFltrBo4P.P!tcroo-€-4rJOPrr{oo!'9, @oooFFNulP.g <9,t-l gr o.o P-5 * HffrfP.it{ Fn\ o P't',<HO t-(T'o itt-l 9, oFtoou-0,oiorfororrtrrtHocrp,O !t croo \s$ Hl'U I{ UT I' EI TlJula ldstltH Ilao6l kaH-fr7 F€ts{}u tdtr .D{ uUc!< E.4H tAA+&At tt1E rrP FJtd{ _ o(ru|Fr F.Ul O oOOCr(,r ut. g o oooctPU l'l oooc, ItF tsptsr-oHtru cCi- | | , ]tHP Htrr t rps+*++*s.+a xUI' tsP Ot1 EzZo oo(,FO< ooourtJ|lrP oOOOc'OrdFtr ooooc'oFht oooocrotX oooooo' H trt€HFHHv, tD H9 8li +-,s>s>r*,16tr( UTANFtttr oooouNrrrl- u ooooc o trlEF bbbbtt'dUH ooooco O13 9F GDl:|l{I'H EF€FH 2 .\ tttFo5o rd Froi'o ld/o5o rr r- h t N * at &9a .9 $ t!t h ]r\ tt\? ?* _P\$t F\i ^tf€ I ) "r- t\ t+ Sn'i$ I q. { $ sveojt $b -St Its'i o o 6R:f*fi L;9 -.y. 'flI rHtga 3fi*[i PO a 0 t\ rFld t$ EF 3qrhNvi L 1l ) I IG" +*r di''i x s T Yl- t3/1',t-v.s xtsrFFar fD!t sL :t -Nx r$ FN tt t',T..|- | '...l\/I F,,I/".. lrl,r r$-l l2sDtetbi rla a BUOhl RSo'|t.< Fq H BIE tto E vht\, tsrH tH ? B e ord IrH U}'E EI oEIU UB,d t{tut BHtdot{ td€HH<zdOU bE H:rtln IHtd E I E E ,t IttIt***** t+ O : OO = =(=tTl =cfrf'l:!:l ;-t U td UIoFHttHHoz trt ll €ll '.<llrull trl'>z 9,(D O 9., € fd F..rro F1.,-o trlo55r/! H.r?trl ^Ft €t}Futoorf.P.oo9p 3'No Poo },UU )u trtaa tltl |\ OF"5toooFttct .1 yFPDrr"HO FlFF,Or?<F.P.Oo5{ ^a.EN 9Poo \n 2IN\q I z Etrt o trt o etllF UI 3p P.P P.!'q It0, ,o.Fl o ,o TA E' td U() rdJo5o 9, zIt 'trl oEl Pro ru E{Ho ',z€ d F trtvF tdvr ttjz FJ>€H trt B F'P.H P. a P9,o r-to. tnIt EioI'o F.Fn< 9, r"U O Io O Prtt l-.F O !|'OHt,Btr' 5 Etr tPo 0, tiFr 9' pr< El O F{H.O rrP-O trl 3 ()pJOt.EFntd F. l. oota .. D Hr-t 5 tt P. FlE..8FF E g' D rit H 3 tt UiAP.J'rrA, (" in tt -(?it c"O lJ Hoougro Ft HgPa O t{c" E l--ifnxo 0,, EOOOr+,D p O.rE5'..' P. t'l F, g! rQ 5Ur Frr t!tt F, o F t{HPO O 9,O. OU€ lJ rrFtIS tt xtt itbd H OO FJF- P r,- c)H!tr" [t tt O t{OO.tlO gr 6€ U< t' C,i.qtHO H hiQr-p.- o gcr€oooll 8rFrF, EUl rft-l Ho o o P.o |{F frt O tsE<EP6 g HB.E tr H ts.T o o9* H5'nc EOP.Kr?F, HH OP. hiOHr?HOO!f. lat-l 8, o 9,l-l P {ct tao Lr.g, 5 Hotrood cirtotQFit =rag (D Dit F{ FtOrr!, dO !t ci 5oo ht Hc{H r{ tdov E{ U trlvt crFHio Fl Hoz taFtrp F- ts- UIP.,ou croHooFhacrottF t-t Ft FJ. l.,. oottttrro9, lJ. tst||ror"IJ 5K lJrP- l,-otl oF,Prro oF- p' oouloloo. r-,1U l''r't ttoo<p,P.o.tto< I I !rd 'utrlHot,zrl )tp,oFlouo tttHoox op,F 79rOoutrf Oql 'l,0, p,HP0rprrOtroal!r5oooo Cr H. 9ro9qo0,ts p, rrrr 0loj t t- =Z Np, Ir oF.3 Ztstd Hr-'. z50 c)QtrI HFt' bur ro ut ldro ur EtU'',JH Itlo6l kaH6E. El,il F d IFJEcE E. AH &+/l3'{l'.3.+ l:E{ ht uts lEtdE outlnFr l"v, oooo<'raE. O oooocrpy r'l oooc'F tslJ|.F otjrEE cA_ | | | , ,lyH'' Flt{ \, e#+&s..a HU'O PP OH?9 ZZO ooulP,6l< ooorJtu Ptr ooooc ottt tsltd oOOo<:otd trl ooooc o3X ooooc.oHrd}fHfrHhtu, v, Hq 3 td *'a>i>et4tt* trJ }< UIANPUhl ooc|oUr\)ld- P oooocrotslEF btttt,btrtUP ooooc'oido€ot{ZF(,l€qrItH 8FHFH 9 " ,# ,r8$ f; 3i p , i*-$i; ., -E li ,',q;'*q , *,f ii +; Eflri *iF $* riEa# jgi*rF! .f* .f; n_.9HH; 4 :;irii lu siai ;EE 6: 'IE1E* g5s!:i it !E :3H i;$iiE H H:;iiig ei {rifs ;ffi i; ili:ii ieagiEl t; ll, €i!;{:;rt t irergfii i; #arE: HHi ti Eggii; *i;elg;r gi $fE l[;i;;li; H ciffiii pig gfi;E* i::; ri I;*se ; arrslirE ;' itg t*itiliEi ff iif,E:5: asi r*a: ;f;Jt Hr if;i;H 9ii;;*ti i if rrr lii ieta,Fs qtfl:tiii Fil $iiii ;r!{ ff :fftti ;ffiffif Eil l:i fiiFit*iEEi d FiE:fi;E ict iEr;H l;EE al '; ''u;o dqiN di',!d o {'ij teErsBS fl !*rflI"r r;; it:l; riir ilr lsiEit itI;;6Ei. ii-'!: :tu :eHti:t E,rBitds ssf;;sr? il6; aii !ii3[* li:;;;ei e:ii rt; u;' EHi;:r; H r;;,ffir *[l ;ffiit g€ff i;i iilE$i EE!;il{g t ;:; !;i aff {sil;sn Ht{rHftE l$$ ff!$ga E;F; rE: Ht?rtr llEiiffi; tr: ::n: i$$i l,l.gEEsa flne.FsdE,s€isesseFsrsgs; r iFlg$Biig, , ;EtI Etdag 3 3 B{#8gedfl Hi qi d .i ai d d ;HH t I I I i i----',t---' {\ -.-I--\ .r -,2e--s / '.+J7<-rf) ^:.'f- \9rcq-(--\ (s -{C\>r {v t\nD\..t ---T\ .2,/t 1\ .}* P q x-(n-il_ on-FFFFF-'2 t ct rt! o o!, o(o az 3 o Tp. oc, z 0)3o (Dc. ='(oz A) 5o 1' .9.oo Iooo !t*of, I oq) o lst N t' I I t\l(t|-t\ |(t t(^ lin \ -i I I f. ,1 ot GI5 To s.o € o*o ='11q- ]t {o €z o'n Et- $ o€ o: o- o ana, gt o_-It Joto 11 >f \l b o do oo !lc).:-r o.o o(to Itfo. l, o I I I Irn l.j I Ai \ 7\ $: \'F .J h {, n ( "1 ".L'i t-. ax (.\\ r..Jj Lrt cn )rIt : I \, \ E .t4 ro@ 9) Iooo =.Ef.o 5 LJ-Ir..\ 1...*'Fl--N (D 6-ox It\ I I a oo. @.oJ NoJo(f CN _<.o htnll ' I l, -d.(Do U' og CLo- doa I +-,t\ [^l lcr I Itl) l.l t1t\ l\ lif\ ld-, t\n\ I' b, 1\l) I I I I I I I I I I I I c)of 3o o n@o\o .io<o.o)* _l -(\U(a\oq\\ E - \IEc'\P = i\P.o I ltt)'< /l-o)i @o!) CL o o o*.o5 Eg_ s[E g$,$ gi$ F *sg frgAF- grF F i[H. fr:;F g ss$ g*3o: A $[$ FEHa ggF81[+[sFpF cs: dFEEg R;5$g€g [ggg- -$s IF; agrSg eeF +asg'aFs* iri++ ag Eg-E i ?,, EF = \\tr$\o EtnkS '-;-$\R\\ >|lNS\N-t\Xe(q-' L NI q No U \t q T) .a4 h t' € o € ,\ a\ h N I ;l) 3A tI a-a -@ L}.D5- Fl *l{*r..' lEgXUFIiEr{*w*lsH EEz14OU ff Hv rt,l* rtt|t* r*,t* U|lor{ lFv) lOo lc.rF ItEHloE |rlFllHIH914.. to IFnlE ilPt r-l t'\ il : .<-_ c:c =.-' C_-r' r-r =-g.' l-1-lT (1 L cIJ. t f l- tdo F ll FlU ll F(ull trFtt trtfd '>Za p,o oa) o{ trl crO frts-o t{OF5UI HCtrIJ^n €AFutoorr.P.oo.op tt)N :oo lttltt\tt\n<OP'. pFoooFtttctFIFp, c?HO r-1 ,u p,,Or"<F.r-. oo5€ ^+trNoo oo U catrrtrtdtt6)OPP- Ei r-. U(o t{P. ('or)9FHEFl H z Ei fT N cTpJHo ooFhZulH crOlJz Fn ry O FJ.|J.O.. olJ\JrrO 0J P. rlrf,O.ru p<\ 5.' ".n o\J urgJtscrOOP. PJ Oo(n(npoo.EroP' HCroo<9.P.9,tto< r utHoo 7r o !.1!-t 79rooortoo 15g, g')Fttrpr 9, crottoal!rEop,oul cr H0rotrqpp, H 0trt (-t g.| oI' l.tt zIt3 rd fd FEro trrHoFzts Ff}\ rt N P 3 FI IIr B FJ P.H H. tA Ito o, Boao {f\ I s..o N + q H a.\ zP3t{ €z rq (n s (t- l\ 3zPJPP.<.Pt{ P. qtrl 3 9, F. nSF' <to NErO Ft fi) -^ urJtr' N ,< bJ\ HIU l"t lEl p-rtr{ P ctu O burutd lfd ltd vr (D o'iJ P.F o }did ur ltd ltd OHrJtsu' p brnFH I I U tr P(D 9, T,.€OO lrn l?d q,o, 0,< rrl O Hy<Z lc) llr p.Odt..Ot{ 3 r)F> M IH pO ts.p rn td P. D€FF ltd lU . oo'q .. F '.]t{ ld lU 1.. ryP rn F' F{UC< lC I p, Ff,CU tr 6. zH e6#{r{j2<7 ll lb P-o o trio 7 z,t{ trt urts lt{ | 5 Fnry 3 ut trjH€ otJr Ur P 1.. I ,A P' Pu, ooooo I cr Fr f" Fh 'lJ Eu2l'- O o ooooyp r'1 oooo P I c P(/, o brX Pts}.|'.C)F I ci|d P.E: F I B'359' P 3HP Fl l_ r5P' tn '.4E{ tt €l}€{a.e}€}t} H lr) rrOPcr P-u rrt tsP o lFi pr tr)q !'tn h bEB tt-* z lE SBu'8' ' s o< oooLn(nFr lx o. ou€ lJ \tP ooooo<) | nFF llJ ,Utr, F H+ tr 3tD ts o!d ooooo<) 1.. odts- pr P. (1 ,r, l{ ooooo<) | ri'dq,u o t6gX ooooo<) | OO. \JO Pr taEH I S':rE6 g *F I e_".. o tsHld I r? {OOut u, I o I p 0, p, :EHo lF ro$[.il Hvtz ll3 E Fh o sqld ltd (a P-tsct cj H]< (JraNts I Hqro HUtr ooooult\rirl I o t'' 5 tt. P oooooc)trl | tscr O OPF ''''''tq | - P'E{ =z- oooooc) | it{ t'lrlJ EUP oooooc) | OF.<ctg, Ei_h! | p ots. ItQ€ | OpriFtpJ a9F! ltr o F- ra4F h< Fllro g, - ut 1.. Fl P, { rt taEt{ | og.pr!' riEH h ocooc" cjEF [\T -3P5H F€Fk\rtl}]E lY. 893 SI ._rl \v oo hr*}()-\ 1\y R ,\s \\.- rr.\\\\: -\\\\' lrPo,Eo,EF1 E.IOH(/loaP..2 F:l ; Ft{fu t{a rrlzFlt,Fl H t{ru o o 3 ^ fi -nti E .lE e " i.*"i.Ed q "E E.E ** i,ri , * .$dst ix E;,: ,,;H g" iiE;ti .*HI,EE #" :; b,oE E;gI il rlittl $e qrlr r'ib rr 58"$sE sdt.se^'! Er .ojEri!.flF il s.li$[$;:E .ieEs :E! lr lrb.n. i.i"EE.q ;q a3 3'i:lct:e5 fl 6;riiiE EI siife i5e i; eiiirs EIEi;il 8: f,i, i:Elss:;i g i$p;tH; Er Eirs; rE5 iE rsgEE: r:lBi;:, E! 8i5 Efl; IF;ii; H Effifii Hft f;g:g! rut g i;H![ H*s:ruru , st !j; i$IE;:E€E Hl f:iE:;l Eai:iiE: ii.i:* i,.e!iri, a Eeis:re :le EE$iE :e;g ;: :i:;91 li9Eiiil s ii :ea igli;taqEE ;l 5i6;Fi; ri,i g;{;; i3E; E# E:li$i:::EE;:t E:l gfi3 Ii$iEiHI;$ il ;;d;ff,; i!: ii':i airi qr e'Eili iiE;q$il H li ss, *EIe'El*f;El El iriitrl e$I i€!gf :b'EP S; isEdaff g;!:;EEc : flfl {sEEcSi El EfilflJ.S fiia E{irt Eiig irE E'!anq'! i6-6n'io d dai'o <aH '(do eqEpi?l Ht q, "8.;s rsi a,.Hle "o^ "q. .3llig *:::;:E; ; :*i ;:l ili i$E:gE; sl i:irrii ;*; Iifi:il f€;! g;f latsgr sl;ir;xg s ilf r:l B€: tgsi:rg El frsi5:{i EFt t;;g{i E;E; ;E; Et€€;s litgll;i i lt; ca'! aBs $ilili; 3l :Eifriae !rg esrHrF nngl ; ; IHEsa$i; r , ,-" HE#g r{q4 pio d.a ol !Aor0,Ho lt .{a6l'oar. Ht d rc o a !r !i o / -; H , g,2H E{HET 2n --{'{(, HrlAftf !Eil At H H Geologic Hazard Review May 10, 1995 Lots A-land A-2, Lionsridge Subdivlsion, Block A, Lot 3 The undersigned has read the Rockfall and Debris Flow Hazard Report, dated May 20, 1995, prepared by Nicholas Lampiris, Consulting Geologist. I understand from the conclusions that portions of Lots A-1 and A-2 known as Indian Creek Townhomes are located in a rockfall and debris flow hazard zone, and there is a potential of rocks and debris reaching portions of the site and causing damage. We are facts and request the Town of Vail Building Department grant f,-ro - Mike Date STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 10 day of May, 1995, by Mike Lauterbach, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. ./ . / My commission expires: *J:- 5 / lcl 1( UU F :\areryone\imVnemo\hazard.rev a Geologlc Hazard Review May,1995 Lots A-land A-2, Lionsridge Subdivision, Block A, Lot #l The undersigned has read the Rockfall and Debris Flow Hazard Report, dated May 20, 1995, prepared by Nicholas Lampiris, Consulting Geologist. I understand from the conclusions that portions of lots A-1 and A-2 known as lndian Creek Townhomes are located in a rockfall and debris flow hazard zone, and there is the potential hazard of rocks reaching the proposed house, causing damage. We are prepared thest facts and request the Town of Vail Building Department grant f-ro' ike Lauterbach Date STATE OF COLORADO COUNry OF EAGLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 10 day of May, 1995, by Mike Lauterbach, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. ) ) ss. ) My commission expires:loq 7| ( te F :\€ rerymelimvn€mo\hazsd.rev --r-n a I*-)L- {.' c r- Lr < -- f.i ^0t\ PPt"-, <-d( t114 Io'=,-[-o.,,--<-J C,lo.S it 'rNtJ =gotl' o€ = ;\a\"a\q ta v 1{t-.-o E E iLoc\I Jim Curnutte -neeA t- s(g^ k=-"J rW* (or lp?* -eU' +un nc'Qs i - LeT 4 I ts tr{aYe( .'6 M"/Y - sii$,tis)bn 'T ulnt''i"ts esq ir"t,'irJ ,b d4*t;*r t7'R 5 ='/ "d [;-Tag tuc'sP tcifa6 G"<s€ ' { \ l{,ottr The exercrre of these rtghts. ls srrbJ?ct to thc\ (t2on r ng qegu r oi i on s-iia' oint" oth"r opp I I cob trrcqutrcrhnts trposed by the torn of Votl. € lak-/o6-u{ Qc7,/O s,ee-PT.f @ff @' e&os\ neteE From the desk of... libtrr; 1. Irct No. { te subj'cct to subdlvieion r.guhtlonr a3apcclfled ln Cheptcr L7,25 of thc Town of ValIltuntoipel Codc. 2, Thcgc lotc ar6 rubJcct, to the zonlng regulat,lonr rndaII othcr rpplloable ordlnenccg lnpomd by thc forn of,Vall. 3 iIlJd 4{l a82ll 56, 68 ,tJil,| .ehalI be solely responeible to contract,ors, laborere, materialmen . and other peraons furnishing labor or maEerials t.o such Owner's Lot. Nothing herein contained shall authorize any Owner or anyperson dealing through, with or under any Owner to charge the Common Area or any Lot other than that of such Owner wit.h any mechanic's or mat.erialman's lien or oEher l-ien or encumbrance whatever. On Ehe contrary (and notice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against the Common Area or against any Owner or any Owner's l-,ot for work done or materials furnished to any other Owner's Lot is hereby expressly denied. (b) irf, because of any act or omission of any Owner, any mechanic's or materialman's lien or other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the Common Area or against any other Owner's LoL or against any other Owner, Declarant or the AssociaEion (whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such) , the Owner whose or which act or omission forms the basis for such lien or order shal1 at such owner's own cost and expense cause the same to be canceled and discharged of record or bonded in an amount and by a surety company reasonably acceptable to the party or parties affect.ed by such lien or order within 20 days after the filing thereof, and further shall indemnify and save all such parties harmless from and against any and all cost6, expenses, claims, losses or damages, including reasonable attorney's fees resulting therefrom. 3.10:Riqhts of Decl-arant. (a) Declarant hereby reserves the following "developmenErights" (as such term is defined in the Act): (i) the right Eo subdivide Lot L into lwo Lote and create an additional Lot in t.he Project as a result of such subdivision and (ii) the right Eo subdivide Lot 4 into two Lots and create an additional Lot in t.he Project as a result of such subdivision. In order to exercise either or both of such development rights, Declarant shal1 amend the DeclaraEion in the manner seL forth in Seetion 2L0 of the Act in order to subject the additional Lot (s) created as a results of such subdivision(s)to the Declarat.ion. Upon the recording of each such amendment, the Sharing Ratio shall be auLomatically revised to take into account the additional Lot (s) created as a result of such subdivision(s) and such automatic revision sha1l constitute the reallocation of the t'allocated interestsrr (as such term is defined in the Act) required by Section 2l-0(3) of the Act. The foregoing developmenE rights apply only to Lot 1 and Lot 4 and must be exercised by Declarant, if at all, during the 20 year period following the date of this instrument. (b) Decfarant hereby reserves the following "specialdeclarant rights" (as such term is defined in the Act): (i) Ehe righc to complete any improvements which may be indicated on the Plat; (ii) the right to maintain sales offices, managlement 9 629252 8-633 P-196 02/23191 tOt27A PG 10 oF 35 'offices, signs advertising the Project and models as more . specifically described in Section 4.02 hereof; (ii) the right Eo utsilize the easements described in Section 4.02 hereof for the purpose of making improvements within the Project; (iii) the right Lo make the Project eubject to a master association in accordance witsh the provisions of Section 22O of the Act; (iv) t,he right to merge or coneolidate the ProjecE wiEh another planned community in accordance with the provisions of Section 22]- of the Act; and (v) the right to appoint or remove any Director or officer of the Association during the Period of DecLarant control as described in Sections 5.03 and 6.o4 hereof. AIl of the foregoing special decl-arant rights apply to the entire Property and must be exercised by Declarant, if at all, during Ehe 20 year period fol-Iowing the date of this instrument. 4.01: ARTICI.E 4 RESTRIETIONS Use Restrictions. Only Residences may be constructed on the Lote, only one Residence may be conscructed on each Lot and no Residence may be intentionally constructed on more than one l-.,ot. After a Residence has been constructed on a l-,ot, no modification of such Residence which would have the effect of increasing the floor area of such Residence shal1 be permitted. Each Residence constructed on a Lot shalL be used and occupied primarily for residential use by Ehe Owners of euch Lot and such-Owners' Guests and secondarily for a home office by such Owners if'the home office complies with the following criteria: (i) no goods or merchandise may be produced, stored, displayed or sold as a part of the business conducted at the home office,' {ii) the home office sha]1 be operated by a person whose principal residence is in the Residence and only one other person not resident in the Residence may be employed or associated wit.h the business conducted at the home office; (iii) no separate entrance to the home office shall be permitted; and (iv) no signs identifying the home office shall be permitted. A11 of the uses and occupancies described in this Section 4.01 sha1l be only as permittsed by and subject to the appropriate and applicable governmental" zoning and use laws from time to time in effect. An Owner shal-l have the right to Lease such Owner's Lot upon such terms and conditions as such Owner may deem advisabte; provided, however, t.hat: (i) any such lease sha11 be in writing and shal1 provide that the lease is subjects to the terms of the Declaration, (ii) a Irot may be leased only for the uses and occupancies described in this Sectsion 4.01 and (iii) any failure of a lessee to comply with Ehe terms of the Declaration, the Articles, the Bylaws, or the RuLes shall constitute a default by such Owner under the applicable document. The use and occupancy restrictions contained in this SecEion 4.01 ehall not apply to Declarant to the extenE Declarant exercises any of the rights of Declarant sets forth in Sectsion 4.02 hereof. 10 8-633 P-196 02/23/94 l0z2?A pc 1t oF 35 q 629252 rt TRACT A (couuou AREA)bdJ l'"bk+,b+ #*r *.\NUijill,8 U v D f--. IIE't|. DffT, bLAJ +g LOT 6 LIONS RIDCE FILING No. 2 ,: ,il 145.65'2nd FLOOR DECK lst FLOOR DECK oRtwwAY (UNDER coNsTRUCnoN) 406.64'--+ I I I| rcrz I I I hu&y ccrtify thot thls linpronauot locafiott stlflcatc vas prqtad I f* thc mutgogc lcndcr ond thc titlc insumncc campqy, thot lt ls not oI rq .nc mqrgqga tcnoGr ono tnc ftaa naunonda campqy, mot ft E not oL- - - - lond survcy plat * rimprovorttcnt suney plat, and thot lt ls not to bc rClad upon for tha astoblishmat of fcncq buf,dbtg t oh* futurc llnprcvvnantlincs. I furthcr ccrtify thot thc tnprovuttutts on tha &ovt dcstbod puccl on thls dot4 axccpt utfllty connoctlcnl ca qrtttly vlthh tha boundq-lcsof thc parccl, exccpt as shotn, Utat th*c orc no qttoadtmants upon thc dcetlbad pratniscs by inprovantatts m any adlottlitg prunlsx axryt as htdlcotad, and that thcra is no agparant cvfdqrc. t sfgn of any casantcnt crossing * burdcnlng ony part of sald pu,rd, cxqt as notad. Thls cstillcatc docs not constltute a tldc sctch by lnt*llountah Enghcehg to datatmhc ovta*tp t cosctnqtts of rccord Fq all hforrnotim rcg*dttg aosqnqttq rlghts-of-toy q tl$a of rcctdlntt-llountah rdicd upon: flNAL PUtr A R$U@{Wg$'l tr INUAN ffiEEK TOWNHOIIES TOWN 6 UAIL EAd.E Cq,NTY COI.ffiADO. r*zv& '.-'(ffu s4522'54'W NOIICE: Accqdlng to Colorodo lov you must cqnmanccaq/ lcAol action b:osad upan dry dcfact ht this suneyrlthia thrcc 1sorc oftcr Sou lltst dlscotv such dcfcct ln no ctant mq/ ony actlott boscd upon any dcfact h thls survcy ba cqnmaccd mqo than tcn yarc fron thc dota of cqtlllcation dtorn hqcqt. s452256'W TRACT A (COUUOU AREA) SANDSTONE DR|W (s0)EASIS_2EALEJAIAN (N o r sHo w) UANHOLE A-128.A.27RtU ELEU - 821828 INWRT OalT ELEV. - 621L00 TWO STORY WOOD FRAME(UNDER -c-oNsintIcn oP. A AA( 97E @77 retoatt Ecno AVq,4, M-A t 6fr(&t) %e-e72 hldcrnonftein AE sirccrirg g)lE ,u,lm UANCE SlnfEftat€ttw, d.d EonSrn (n, 2J2-ot5E DAIE trwgot IMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNFICATE Eftt@ an '4-,b-l l*..rr.* g444gs''//ti;.f 'r;al LOT I, lNDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES TOWN OF VA/1, EAGLE COUNTY COLORADO anAn an UFD "ul d&rED th DDF fuTE f'- 2O'*^ 292 J6 PAec s,fETtlia. I OF I o FtLr c0Pr TO: IIEIIORANDUII Planning and Environmental Commission Commu nity Development Depanment April24, 1995 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 9ee poles otJ W7 of /+{lt-\O A request for a minor subdivision to modify the boundaries of an existing building envelope and to relocate a twenty foot wide drainage and utility easement at the lndian Creek Townhomes, 1139 Sandstone Drive/Block A, Lionsridge Subdivision, First Filing. Applicant: MichaelLauterbach Planner: Jim Curnutte I. DESCRIPNON OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting approval of a minor subdivision in order to modify the boundaries of an existing building envelope, Building Envelope #3, and to relocate a twenty foot wide drainage and utility easement at the Indian Creek Townhomes, located at 1139 Sandstone Drive, Block A, Lionsridge Subdivision, First Filing. As described in more detail in Section ll of this memorandum (Background), a portion of the single family residence on building envelope #3 was inadvertently constructed outside of the eastern line of the platted building envelope. Additionally, approximately 4 feet of a second story deck encroaches beyond the same building envelope line. Although deck and roof overhangs are permitted to extend beyond building envelope lines, the applicant would like to shift the envelope to the east so that all improvements associated with this residence are contained within its boundries. The current dimensions of Building Envelope #3 are 55 feet x 55 feet. The applicant is proposing to shift the entire building envelope 3 feet to the east and then add an additional 1 foot of width to the eastern side, thereby increasing the size of the building envelope by 55 sq. ft. In order to accommodate the new location of building envelope #3, it is necessary to relocate a 20 foot wide drainage and utility easement currently located immediately adjacent to the eastern side of the building envelope. The applicant has contacted all affected utility companies and, since there are no utilities located in the easement at this time, they have agreed to vacate it with the understanding that a new 20 foot wide easement will be platted approximately 10 feet to the east of its current location. ii II. BACKGROUND On May 24, 1993 Michael Lauterbach received PEC approval of a minor subdivision to vacate the lot line between lots A-1 and A-2, Block A, Lionsridge Subdivision, as well as variances from the Town of Vail subdivision road standards and wall height standards. The PEC's approval also estrablished a development plan for the property (See attachment #1, development plan for the property showing the six building envelopes and common driveways and landscaping). Upon receiving PEG approval, the applicant created the subdivision plat for the project. This plat reflected the vacation of the common lot line between lots A-1 and A-2, and established three large tracts (A, B&C) to accommodate the future development of the six single family residences (See attachment #2, approved minor subdivision plat for the project). During the summer of 1993, a single family residence was constructed on the eastem end of Tract A. Upon completion of the single family residence, it was necessary to create a separate lot around the structure so that ownership could be conveyed to the purchaser. Therefore, on January 28, 1994, a single family subdivision plat was approved which split Tract A into two properties. This plat also changed the lot numbering system on the property from Tracts A, B and C to Lots 1,2,3 and 4. Although these building sites are identified as lots on the plat, they are actually considered to be building envelopes for zoning purposes. (See attachment #3, first amended plat). In March of 1994, a building permit was issued for a second residence in the subdivision. This building was constructed on the eastem half of lot 1 and upon completion, a new plat was submitted which created a separate lot around the residence. In October of 1995, a building permit was issued for a single family residence on lot 3. Upon completion of the improvement location certificate (lLC), it was discovered that a portion of the eastern wall of the residence encroached approximately 1 foot beyond the platted building envelope line. (See attachment #,4). The applicant has stated that the footings for the structure were laid out in an "L-shaped" grid by a local surveying company; however, the stakes which identified the location of 3 of the four corners of the building were displaced during the excavation of the foundation. Upon replacing the stakes, the excavator inadvertently offset one of them in the wrong direction. The concrete contractor then formed and poured the foundation in the wrong place, causing a portion of the building to be located outside of the eastern line of the platted building envelope. lll. zoNtNG ANAtYsts Although this request does not affect any of the below listed zoning criteria, staff is providing this zoning analysis in order to give the PEC an idea of the development potential on the entire Indian Creek Townhouse subdivision, when fully built out: Zoning: Lot Area: Buildable Lot Area: GRFA Allowance: Density: Site Coverage: Size Of Building Envelope 3: Allowed per the Approved Development Plan Residential Cluster 113,428 sq.ft. 69,457 sq.ft. 17,363 sq.ft. plus a 225 sq.ft. credit per unit 9 Units 28,356 sq.ft. 3,025 sq.ft. Allowed perthe Proposed Amended Plat Same Same Same Same Same* Same 3,080 sq.ft. *Although 9 units are allowed on this property per RC zoning, only 6 were proposed and approved per the development plan. The applicant intends to utilize all of the available GRFA allocated to the property for these 6 units, thereby precluding the future construction of the 3 remaining units. tv. iltNoR suBDtvtstoN cRtTERtA One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that applicants must comply with minimum strandards for new lot(s). Although this building envelope and drainage and utility easement amendment involves the replatting of an existing property, there is no other process for review of such a request other than the minor subdivision process. Therefore, this project will be reviewed under the same criteria used for all minor subdivision requests. The flrst set of review crlterla to be consldercd wlth a mlnor subrllvlslon appllcation are as follows: A. Lot Area The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that the minimum lot or site area for a property located within the Residential cluster zone district be 15,000 square feet, containing no less than 8,000 square feet of buildable area. The Municipal Code defines "buildable area" as any site, lot, parcel or any portion thereof, which does not contain designated floodplain, red hazard avalanche, or areas in excess of 40o/o slope. The existing site currently exceeds the minimum lot area requirements set forth above and the proposed minor plat amendments will have no effect on the existing size of the property. B. Frontage The Vail Municipal Gode requires that lots in the ResidentialCluster zone district have a minimum frontage of 30 feet. The site currently has a frontage well in excess of 30 feet, and the proposed minor plat amendments will not affect the frontage of the lot. C. Site Dimensions The Vail Municipal Code requires that each site be of a size and shape capable of enclosing a square area, 80 feet on each side, within its boundaries. The site currently exceeds the size and shape requirement for lots in the Residential cluster zone district, and the proposed minor plat amendments will have no effect on the size and shape of the lot's boundaries. The second set of crlterla to be consldered wlth a mlnor subdlvlslon rcquest atD outllned lh sectlon 17116.110 of the vall subdlvlslon Regulatlons, and are as follows: "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this chapter, the zoning ordinance, and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under Section 17.16.090. The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, etfects on the aesthetics of the Town, environmental integrity and compatibility with surrounding uses." The subdivision purpose stiatements are as follows: A. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development and proposals will be evaluated and to provide information as to the type and extent of improvements required. Staff Response: One of the underlying purposes of subdivision regulations, as well as any development control, is to establish basic ground rules with which the staff, the PEC, applicants, and the community know will be followed during the public review process. The amended plat and the criteria contained in this memorandum are the appropriate review vehicle used to review and approve the minor plat amendments being proposed by the applicant. B. To provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land. Staff Response: The proposed minor plat amendments being reviewed by the PEC would not appear to create any conflict with development on adjacent land. Notification of this request was provided to all property owners adjacent to the Indian Creek Townhomes property. To date no responses or comments have been received concerni ng this application. C. To protect and conserve the value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land. Staff Resoonse: Staff believes that this proposalwill not be detrimental to the value of land, buildings or other improvements throughout the Town, nor in the immediate area of the Indian Creek Townhomes. D. To insure that the subdivision of property is in compliance with the Town's zoning ordinance, and to achieve a harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consistent with municipal development objectives. Staff Response: Staff believes that the proposed minor plat amendments will not preclude a harmonious, convenient and workable relationship among land uses consistent with municipal development objectives. 5 E.To guide public and private policy and action in order to provide adequate and efficient transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreational and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the proposed subdivision. Staff Response: This section of the subdivision regulations is intended primarily to address large scale subdivisions, as opposed to the minor plat amendments currently being considered by the PEC. We do not believe that this proposalwill impact any of the above facilities. To provide for accurate legal descriptions of newly subdivided land and to establish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures. Staff Responqe: This is an inherent goal of the subdivision regulations and legal descriptions will be provided on the plat for all of the changes being proposed in conjunction with this minor subdivision application. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds, to assure adequacy of drainage facilities, to safeguard the water table and to encourage the wise use and management of natural resources throughout the municipality in order to preserve the integrity, stability, and beau$ of the community and the value of the land. Staff Response: Staff supports the applicant's proposed minor plat amendments. There are no trees located directly east of building envelope #3 which would be atfected by its relocation. Additionally, the proposed shifting of the drainage and utility easement, approximately 10 feet to the east, will not be detdmental to any surrounding natural resources. V. STAFF RECOililENDATION The staff is recommending approval of the applicant's request for a minor subdivision to modify the boundries of building envelope #3 and to relocate the adjacent twenty toot wide drainage and utility easement at the lndian Creek Townhomes. We believe the applicant has met the review criteria outlined in Section lV of this memorandum. The staff recommendation for approval carries with it the following conditions: F. G. o 1. For cladty, the applicant shall amend the plat to identify the western end of lot 1, and the entirety of lots 3 and 4 as building envelopes. A note should then be added to the plat which states that the building envelopes shown thereon shall be for future development, are subject to future subdivision requirements, and are not currenfly platted lots. 2. The plat shall not be signed by the PEC Chairperson untit staff has completed a technical review of the plat. '.3, 6*,GV- L,r=nrJ- /\ePrf- sa[*',{tQ 6oL - terc reh : frf *,.*3ff c-'J't16't io 347 s'i!:4 d f oueP+r fted lo2 ?P4-- S -o -ff *,"r4 F:\ev{yon€F€cVnerrc[ertr..t2l II{IIb\s*l:-r,lriri 1r;ilj I€ *tlIA -s \z s ea, H 14 P 6 I I ,I I I 1 h{ I\rl tl I !li iiiir 1 . llfiil tl-iillil IIIiI,;'l. II 'l'r'.li ft:##1=!t:/. r..r. )a:'/i\ t !-,: I YWffi, t' 'tl Jiii';'l',' ' ;; .'i,4i ' , r '-ft!. , r | | Is'tu,!l : : -1 ')" , i'^n i:.,','\ ii ffii ffi 'ttrtl :l:ii \1,\.'\', I lliI t grt ffr,'.'NNfi*N lNi ,tiN r{ o A Fl AJ'{>+o FzttdoE>tro()l]<AtiaF< rowlv ut vAtL, LAuLE ?nu'*"*,"o,,an ,a' ,tto trrl aage, LS t'n _. LOr 6 ! ul v's RtDcF FtLtNC No. "il Qte,, a ss d.H*q F F*lc LOT A-J s9 ltf ,Vt rU .n aJtSrE C4? 22 a LS 2ta2a (rD) I I I i ,dro ,t t a),ttta olt tt , ATTACHI-IENT #2 (FIRST PLAT APPROVED FOR INDIAN CREEK IOWNIIOMES) - hIODERAIE TO HI6H EN NR ONhIEN TA L Cil'IS IRAIN LOT A-I ,tt 0E, sd ft 2.596 ACRTS t ItI 55-OO'ti COUUA{ AREA iii c9t7e so, fr, .. 2.051 AdtS COIIIION AREA rFACf C ,4652 SO, ff, 0.215 ACRES TRACT A,,gffi d22E 'ACRES (re1d papuaBa lsrTd) g# TNSNHCVIIV - v.-r e, |a,4t.t,t .r+ 4?t uA -t -a ..4 ,.r-Le.. .a rttr wa ttt4t .- -- ,.-, qr- t- b., td ., arr.l ,F -.ry L d.!. .at -4 t'Bt.t- qtt .a .tqr a- - Fq .4rt y'q a-.b@ ,.e d -q *2., aiot i'o{lro|t, I - -tira .araa t(, ,rt{ Jr.) ttt..y .lOJr 0U .Ve qap! tt6rl,/d lrTt v,t t1 -e t 34e1:) _ &, t abtt ,A A a&! X .O arn4.trc oa tf dE t w&t at 4W tqt ad ir@rt c,fr aav grant*.ta te tt iat t crtjrr.rt tto.*at AtO rror.a t4r!d lI taa, .n , r,/n .e ,td fcr tr1 ,'.t x F tto pa no ., -o trffi F',tr f-, n'F.a ,e, oi g,Ea 9!t r, .Frara, er..,<E.' UrrO, _ t jza n^ t .'dD.', ytrt E ,, , ot f,, ,rc, ft . .un t, oE r, 8fr r &!. 'd.y. ayoa,,aa t-. tcr e .o*8, tttdd X a, .aia a ,;tct-'t .r, *r..y ce o.r..r.r dltVltiii_7-iA.o tts rtt 4tot X tott t .otctt n slt stL i-zit n ulg,o- -?.-t rd-. cr@t ",..#tr t&t# riw&.LEatL ot tlr At e ,.''J'o - atr. a.ra- i rEfi;E tE 2-.,t a4t to btra at t.Dt, t.7t ,rg la @o, a!tuunt ,.t .a 4t @ /.t a,:to. t/Nt'., r*, iy.-rtfr tr ' q.t tr *an r@-7,iEA?of,*f1if,, t - *trrtor, , .a eAlr' x er Drjts.t t t t toit e .tu e! o oaa ..t E;ii{aa- -i t Z ON ENNA i9qlt S,flOo 9 JO|3-.-.n1tt 4r-,rtW#!, 'gE (os) \rrr, t, ,.'u,6r4/a trttt .Qrt OtP!€/UO/7 lra,at ' fJD ,Ert! JTJ | 7d ar2u5tr4. t$Jt .Ua Jtt I I ll Stf'rl I-.r ;\ q FI l']t9r, 09aoItlJ .yt;6 " aat, -r'TEt- t&a atto l-tttt ,Yrttt tagt 1! hli rro' [tr .'l s3ytf r90zl23t 3a/nos 9/r'5ev.taf No rp?. -Y-rrwr 9M|USM1 tflNJrlrat^NtgrN,fgrsr*t !,frrrotult totH--\ I I il I R t t H9tH Ot Zl{Xpn -'***"""\t,l I -rz aczn t a4 ar. Qr9 a 31t/p I' | *o. tr. I t.... "\ t.r. A 't.. '' v I I I I SCALE t'= 2O' , " ::,',o,^.,,,o lnproven cn,,c,/ ./ Fr,,y;;"12,y,! X1:!'fr:i*#r"i^ BASts oF ELEVA!1N: ,/ ,/ ,--r.T :,JtilT"?L7!ffi;*J',[o-nn2'.11*lH A = ,28.E.27 ,/ ,/ ,/ -t:5 uttitj conncctbtq-tc cntid, tithh th. r,!tzir_= zlfi:;, ,/ ,/ ,< *gf:#H,',#,"q",:ry#s.ii ,/ ,/ ,/.*t^*o% aTH1tf:,f:##!L:&:liri;, Nor6: Accq{mo to cottodo to, 1o, mu6t cotntnancc '/ *" ftfil7u#f '3fr'8i ""*o* nu ( 3'"Fil"ff"fr:*#*"ffi H!,H?.|J llii!tr!, ./ ruY/'/ 19 h no clqrl, mql qry octiot bogccl wotr dDl dcfcct )/thit snnt !. iutticncca. m*c. noi u lcors trom / / tha &tc of cttlficotlq, drom hcaot . o ?1tffim nr*ts"H;fr[,nW_#^"ryr) ol*sn ryg OAE Err$lt IIIPROWUEN T LOCA NON CERNNCA 7E JA olatD E' LOT J, tNDtAN CREEK TOWlVl,lOl'lES TOWIV OF UAIL, EA6LE COUNftr, COLORADO ATTAGb{ENT #4 Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 srLT, COLORADO 81652 (303) 876-s4oo (24 HOUFS) Apri 1 1I,' |SSS I'li ke Laurterhach FO Eor 34.51 VstiL..C0 8165t1 REr Indian EreBf. fobrnhomes lr,;r- rr,er I y [.,o'L; A*1. A-?l [..inn's Ridge Sutrdivisiun DE ar- l'l r'La.r.r'L er b.rc h l At yolLr reqltest I recentl v re-vi si ted th* above reFerenred s.i te rnt16 rr,f,Lr ,fn l,laF':h .'11. .l{t?S" t-,: .f ur-ther r-e.ri. elll:he clebri s .f 1ur.,t haeard ts t-he" ltni t nn Lnt 3, Rocf,: f "r1 I is nnt mappod inte thi:; n;.t-f i i-r rl.:,r- rli l-":.. r.ls I =t;rt.ed ta .r.nr-t i.n my I,-rtt'tr ,l"f llsV 2{l "199I0 a xepa.r-ate br:,rm sih c'r-rl d be tronstrLlctr?rj (orre is al re"rdl' p.:r{:i.nl lt1 r::crrnl: l,i!f-€ at tl-ie .;rnFroFri;r'Le Lnc;tiorr) ':n Lfrn tqe=1: = j. Cr: of thar r.ll.r:l t"+Li nq ns.tnre,l qr-rl I i., tn prc,Lect tl-re L.rrri L f ron, rJehr j, E. -f 1.,:rr.r ilcti!, j.*:lri t,jl-ri ':l-r rn.t'/ ocr:t_ - .f rum t.imel t_a tirle, 'i-he r-rnit r*i1l tre 1:rcttt::c L. e.cl f rnm thi s fr.r.:ra.rd i f Lhr+ herm i e. cnnrpl ef'hr:rj ,?. fi 'lirecl:erj pr,avi au:1.1 and the 'lebris { l,rt4s in thi.e ares trill be l,:ept i rlh.Frr* n:.ri sti'nq qr-tl l y" It is ni'y r-Lrr rJ er st nrr C i ng tha'L the t-erenhl.y f r',r.med r-r.nit on 'L,l-ri* l*c,tI i s s-,*ver.r l -f eet 'l-g the ea st ':{ l:he T,:r,ln n{ t/a i I approved locatic'n. Even so, if the protect:ivF beFm is cc,nstrlrcted prnper-Iy p 'Lhe r-i;;k r:.f dehr-is 'f 1i:r,ls tot',r."-rr-d the r:ni.t ::hor-11,1 nnt be increased hy thi s reFclsi.tic,ning nf the Lrni'b to its presenl l orat i nn, 'lhn ':onstrr-rct i on n-f 'l:. fr i. s rln i t ,, or- the L'irop'f secl mi ti. natir:n, wi 11 nr:t i ncrea.s.e the ha:a.rd to c'ther property crr st.r'r,-r':tLtt-'-q; r cr- l:o Fr-.rbl j.c r- i,:"'ihts--,:l-f -i'i.:r'.,/,, b'ui1'linesr r-',-r,id =i rstreete.,| r.rc1.st"mE1nt$o r-tti I i ti ee Rr 'Ferci I i ti e|3 nr nther FiroFFji-ti E:l o{ anv [r i n,J. Upnn initial cc:mpleti c,n r:.F the berm, I w:i11 reviFW r.rith y irLr. sn siite th* si: in,g .:rncl positi,rning *,:r- .edeqr-racv. I-[ there rrreqlfeeti run= pL eage contact me. SincereLyn %r?,m,,= Corisutl ti ng Geni.0gi st fo' t... '% t*o \ o4 S} ]'.,. ""t ei 1 SCALE: l" : 20' ,(tfffi '(o '09' W un/ BASIS OF ELEVATION: I hcreby certify thot this improvanent tocation certificote vos prqored . for the -it-jrig" tqtiq ond thc tlile instronce conlpon)4, thot it is not a lond anrvey ptot t lmprovuttant *roy iUt' ond thot ii.is'not to be relied upon for.the Eioumiit of fence, oin,nj' or oths tuture rmprowment tines. I turths crtify thot u" ,np**rriiii'b't- th" oborc descnicd parcel on this dota' cxcqt uliinj conncctim",'-. niiay- itiin tn. boundties of thc porcd, -except os shovn' thot thqc oo ,o *ooo.ii:ni" up* the dcscribed Pryni"c" by imProrcfl'd'ts i-ory-oZpiirg prcnises,"'iii$t-Ei nautta'.ond thot therc is no oPporent ;;A;; ; si6'of *v nii["i eossing o burdaning .ony port of .said pucd' "i6i-oi ,ii"a. fhis'ccrilftcotc docs noi cmstitutc a tiu. scorch by iniJiUwnUn Engineahg"'to Jctermnc ovncrshp ar eosdnalts of record' For'ii- naiitt* rcioraing -*i*rili,''ch!::Zl-yo.l.or tittc of record' tntt- uountoin rctiad upon u" iiilii"a rtituoeo nuet ner oF Lor 3 AND Lor A-1' MH A : 128.8.27 RIM ELEV = 8246.J1 tNV OUT : 8244.0' INDIAN &EEK TON'IHilIES $\iHll NO\\CE: Accrding to Colorodo lor Sant mus.t, commence onv leool oction bosed upon ony d.fcct in this sun'ey viiAin'threc saorc afte pnt llrct discor'q suclt def*t' ln no evant,'moy ony oction bosad uPon ony dcfcct in thls anrvey-be 6qnicnccd muc thon tcrl, Seors fronr the dote of ccrtiflcatlot, shom hqeon. IMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNNCATE Mtu ",,zfi' LOT 3, INDIAN CREEK TOWNMOUES rowv oF vAtL, EAGLE COUNry-CAffiArc *Ef t*, 1 oF I ffiua,s urlli w6re 1a!a5Fr'1 STE t p2 Slnctf,.Y arr Cortlncl EITEI'VART lfITLE OT EAGIA COUI{TY Fos Olll.| Bd e000 Vtlt, Cdo?$O ll att (t6l t 9'1011 F X: 0$) e!|0.?,|3 IndlVail, RE: Dear Plca April 19, 1995 Creek Townhougc Aesociatlon Colorado eted Earemcntg on Indian Creek AII daede from the variour utilltlee have been receL SLnc LY' . l{tIIiamr 4r{ |.1 gc! o!licer LrlMadamr reqard ihiE letter as alfirqrtion EhaE the - "- EiE-"i"n[i-o"- inatan- ciEi[ rownhouree' whlch 6 il-il;;[Eal trave been ao vacaged' l-m Curneutte, Town of Vail o,,.il,i roN 3:26 P,,n ro**i,,,FA,.Nc ,finuun,ltlr. I MARK E. WELCH r ATToRNEY AT LAW 92OO CHERBY CBEEK SOUTH DBIVE NO, 41 . DENVEF, COLOHADO8Oz3l PHoNE(30s) 745-8507 . FAx (303) 746'6972 SENT BY FAX (9?o) 476-6947 april 10, 1995 Mr. Michael J, tauterbach MJL Development, Inc P. O. Box 3451Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Indian Creek Townhomes Dear Mike: I have attached a draft of a First Arnendment to Townhouse Declaration for Indian Creek Townhones which is intended to subdivide Lot 1 of Indian Creek Townhomes into two Lots' I wanted to point Out again the problen that you and I disCuseed which arises because of the way in whlch the recorded Anended Finalplat of A RESUBDMSION OF INDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES, IroT 1, was prefarea. As we discussect, the amended pl?t.subdivided the old Lot i ii.to twO parts, one with solid line6 containing the worde rrLOT l- EAST" and the otirer with dashed lines containing the words "FUfURE DEVELOPMENT,'. You told me that the amended plat was prepared in the manner it was because of the TOwn Of Vail's requirementE and that it would be extremely difficult to corregt the anended plat at this time. Again, as we discussed it would have been preferable for the p6rtion of oltl Lot 1 in dashed lineS to also have been in solid iines and to label that portlon "LOT 1". The nanner in which that portion novt appears on the amended plat raises guestione about the lntention and legal effect of the amended plat. I have drafted the first Anendnent to explain the lntention of the arnended plat, but I cannot be certain that a title company reviewing both the anendedplat and the Firet Anendment will accept that-both the amended plat ind the First Amendment, taken together, are legally adequate to eubdivide oLd Lot 1 in the tnanner you wish to have lt eubdlvided- If a title eompany does not accept that these documenta are legally adequate for that purpose, you may be forced to prepare and file a corrected plat in the future and you may need to have all of the Lot owners at the tine Join ln that ptat- You previously told ne that you are willing to accept that pos6ibility and that I should prepaie the draft of the First Anendrnent in the menner I descrlbed above and which is reflected by the attached draft. ' a<i 'r' '* APB-10:95 uoh 3:2? Pu unnrircn FA](t{0. fiuurrz P.2 Please f€el free to call me if you should have any gueetlons aboutthe Firtt Amendment or the natters outllned tn this letter. Theorlginal of the First Arnendnent ie in BilI postts offlce ao thatyou can obtalrr that fron hin. Sincerely, Y&'L Mark E. Welch Fax copy to: William J. Post, Esq. a MEMORAI\TDIIM TO: Jim Curnutte Town of Vail FROM: Mchaellauterbach DATE: April12,1995 RE: Indian Creek Amended Plat Enclosed are ssr/eral blueprint copies ofthe arnended plat proposed to be recorded for Indian Creek Townhomes as well as an ILC for l,ot 3. As you can see ttrc plat strows the previous location of Lot 3 with dotted lines while the ILC strows only the new Lot 3. Additionally enclosed is a letter from my attorneywho is preparing an Amendmert to the Declaration so Unit tl2 osl,at I East may b€ ltlgally deeded to the purchaser. Pursuant to the plat which was recorded which srbdivided Lot I East from Lot l, Mr. Welch and Stewart Title agree that l,ot I West or the remainder of Lot I may not orist. They base their conclusion on the fact that whcn the plat forLot I East was file4 Lot I West was Sown with dotted lines which often indicat$ tbat the entrty has ceased to exist. Th€ situation is acute as the plat refqred specifically to the zubdivision of the former Lot l. There'fore, both Stewart Title and Mr. Welch propose that the remainder of l,ot I be included within the unended plat for lot 3 and be signed by all Indian Creek owners and Mortgagees so as to reinstate the remainder oflot l. I have contacted a[ ofth€ utilities vfrich have each agreed to vacate at least ten feet ofthe utility easernent to th€ east of the former Lot 3. I orpect to have the last Quit Claim H recorded by the lgth of April which is well in advance of the PEC neettuE on the 24th. Also, Mr. Welch has asnred me that wen if the Towtt of Vail refirsed to allow us to amend the plat, the Declaration allows the Declarant wtrich is me to build the rcsid€nce qrtside tbs lot ard b€ ganted I p€rmanent eas€ment. Mr. Lampiris has returned to his home as of today and assures re his lett€r supporting th€ relocation of Lot 3 wifl be fiorthcoming no later than the lfit of April. Please contact mc if 1ou hane any questions and thank you in adrrance for your assistance with this rratter. Unfortunately, I will be out of town much of no<t week due to my children's spring vacation. cc: Ivlart Welch Stewart Title 14 JL I}EVELOPl"IENT INC ItilEMOn ilmIIU Irm Currnrfie Torvn of Vail CommunityDwdopnacnt //] Nficilvell'iltterbroh //r'U,(A Itdrr&26, 1995 lnt 3, Indian Crtek Townbonrcs REquc$t to Anend a Pht 3534'?66947 P. A1 ,\ TO: FROM; DATE: RE: Pursurrt lo gur Go[vcrcatior4 a *pood floor ovcrlnog and a third floor dcck urrharacteri*ically havc bcen locst€d outside the lot line on the above rcftreocod lot and thcrtfore I hrve nrbmitted an Amended Pht uftich will mo'tro lot 3 four feet to the cast otl the eect si& rod tbree fest to thc ea* on tbe west cide to thur rccommodffe the owrhangp. Thc lot wiU be incre$ed in dze by approxinatdy fifi-stx square feet. As th€fe is ooly Ooe property swtrcf withinludiilt Cfeek Townbnes whishil rut tParty to this error, obtsining the nocessary mgrtg3gof and mortgpgpe sigtratures ou thc Amcnded Plat struuld be quirc sirylc. Sittc€ tlr lot wilt bc movd fouf ftGt ino a utility and dginage easanoA, I hrw requceted thc fve locrl utilitier to vacste that pottioo of thc c$Gn€6t ard c$rti$te an equl portion to thc cast with oftc utility ak€ady in co'ttrpliance. In rdditioq I hrvc Inct with Nicholas lfftpirit, t regi$oed geologi*., who has rdvi$d me thrt uloving the lot lineto *€odrrnodlt€ the overtrngswill not incr€$atbe risk of dctris flon'afhotiug tho reoideaoe. He hus viewed thg prodously reqdrod protcction bum uitich is pmirlly h place and hae made coCain rccomm€Ddstions which will bc incorponfed inthc camplclcd bcrm. Wh€n ttt EEuc'trre was laid out fof footingr, thrac poilus in att L Srped gid wcre locrtcd by tlc arrvuyor, Tbc pobrts rrcrt intrndcd to aot a'r a pcrinctcr for tho progor location ofthe building. Duc to the aoryl*ity of thc exccvrtion, runcrorrs sfictnpts urcrc rnrdo by thc ecavator to propsty locat€ thc vancnrs foundatiou stepq imernnl walls and pic-r, rrd trcnohc* ftrr thc srtcrirn fcrotingr sn all fortings corrld hc porrcd at rmc timc. As o$en hrppenq ono of thc ocerior poits ofthc L sttaped sfid wrs loct c$h in thu prrx:cu Thc solrrrcts srrolru:t{n prt lxilt€d to trlr r uinuty tlqrco tr.uu ullpfthc twooriginalpointc ad placcd alargp saheontbc p'mpalim!o agnin crcitcthpL $spd gid within which thc buildingwes to bc $c€d. Unfo'rnucely, it appearc thrt ths *dnd:tor st 3om€ timc end inods to rdoontmddcbig rurohinryo6ctthst rtrlccten fcet q*sidc tln gfrd tinc rltha thm ou thc grid line vocior. TbErcftrs, dnco tho cdttcr€tc coilrrcflr hrd ahwdy relocs€dtlro grttt rndthe sake ecoM tobc nndistulbe4 B0 one doublooheoled tltc lo$tion. I"4JL DEVELOP''IEHT I NC 3654?66947 P -O2 Prge 2, I$tcr to ftn Crrrmrtre hfithcr, bcceuF of thG rsc0 to b€8t tbs wimer conditions which wwc rapidly rpptolinnttg t"t" lasr ftll, recheaking the pof,nt was overlooted" Thomfore, in order to avokl truncaing the eart sidc wcrhrngs rrd dec'ks on the recideacg lt tGclrs pfopGt' ro iu* rm€oC the pitU Ultrornrnatdy' tllrt rrny rcqrriro a good dpal 0f tilr ure 6srt -on four pert for whch I apologize in advuc€. In conchrcion' I ;'dri;ffi-,i.,;ri$-* t*t tnc utihty conprnicsi ths owner ofTownhorre urril #3, not m"ft if- f,".girir. Ar Mr. Lonpirie i" orniclyont rncetioa, he h"" sr$tiooad 'oe that bic i.n*,og.oflirgtlrc drc will not6e cocrphtc uatil his r*rx.nilou1d tbc twthltof Apri[ Ar I mcrniomd, I will be oo rracstion rrutil ftG foutth of April. Ilowas plorse feel frao to contrct me uPdt my rEtun ifyotl trave my $rc*ions' 1ti H oo =Cz -{ c,m m .It -o tro z E 0toH c-p) -i I.Y Eo'(D0r 0,o at,JO E -t.3 o Eo I 3= ^$35+!> edel EEgg I!8c ;Eng-T; b{arba ==: ? -Eu, a* -zo oo!ma U, X .F.' F) H (rl .It -oz t; IR (D l,ftoTm!{ zm :0 odoo € { o Fa(t P. a't 3 m4thIoztc! = =zo ooftmo -oz o t-I {6z o'Tl t7oTo @ t- .Dci (DI q, & ooo t..t:. lGrl-I tJ)l0tlelolrr lo I lFlItst<lo -n m(f t-o{ @ TD 5o c @o 6 6 t; l3l0! ta) lFtlo ls ls tfi - E gFli $BEg * i$' g€E+ g a€fu AEgr d aeF- qgFB Hrn if is ii * E*Ei EtI; FliF €$t EaiE ir t "sgrr 5#l;d o d lt' P'u \ $(tl P gF qi g Is 5gggfiEgggEIgEEEE,F{rEes-s.-1I *il FE E gH ilsse**tFf *E 'e a aa rs:;i3€c5 ;; e i eil33*si$fri: gg s F *rg rBFq'=F qfi EE=d=B-=B-B gH A =* Fq iEliBEirq F f ; i;-tro, f ii c= =A =lEE#gBFEFd E g Fe EF*tEF€EE g i Faga[segdei q E o'*;[$igEE* g t€ *qF -, - '.Asr ai:' =a-csJ(o ooo cro 3'o. q,f CL !)o ov,o o oo 2. THIS ITEM ITIAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on Aprll 24, 1995, at 2:fl1 P.ltl. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for the expansion of the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road WesVArea #4, SDD #4, Cascade Village. Applicant: Glen Lyon ParhersPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a parking variance and a conditional use permit to allow for a temporary buiHing to house a laboratory for the Vail Valley Medical Center, located at 181 West Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, VailVillage Second Filing. Applicant: VailValley MedicalCenter, represented by Dan FeeneyPlanner: RandyStouder A request for a minor subdivision to allow for the relocation of a building envelope, located at 1139 Sandstone Drive/Lot 3, Bloc* A, Lionsridge, Filing #l/lndian Creek Townhomes. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte 4. A request for a minor exterior alteration in the CCll zone district and a landscape variance to allow for the addition of handicap a@ess located at the Lifthouse Lodge/549 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing. Applicant: Robert LazierPlanner: Jim Curnutte 5. A request for a worksession for a major Special Development District amendment to allow for the expansion of the Cascade Club located in Area A of the Gascade Village SDD (SDD#zl)/1 295 Westhaven Drive. Applicant: L-O Westhaven, Inc. represented by Bill PiercePlanner: Andy Knudtsen 6. A request to amend the Vail Land Use Plan for 16 properties throughout the Town of Vail. Fifteen properties are proposed to be changed from thelr current designation to open space and one property would be changed to the public semlpublic designation. See the attached Exhibit A for legaldescriptions. 3+ LIfIT OF AI'JACTITT PROPERTY OWNERS IodianCr€ck Tos'nhm€s Idsnch22,1995 I 'rt 6. Rlock t , I ;onts Ridge Sulrdi'viri tn, filitt #4 Fr€d W. Pool tr 1149 Smdstonc Drive Vail, Colo 81657 Tracts A & B, Uon's Ridge Subdivision, Filing #4 Lion's Ridgc #4 Homeovmeds Associdion POBox4l9l Vail, Colo 81658 tlnilttted Shapiro Con*ruction Co., Pension Pbn PtO Box 56{0 Avoq Colo 81620 Iot A-3, Block,\ Iion'sRidge SuMfuision WdtsR€El 13275W. Burt€igh Brooldel4 WI 53005 Casolar at Vail Horrcstake ec Vail Casolar c Vail Hmegakc Condominiun Associdion c/o Greg llarynon l08l Vail Vicw Drive ll85 CasolarDrira Vail, Colo E1657 Vail, Colo 81657 r ion's lVlane I Indian Creek To*mhomc* Lirm's Ivhne I Association Indiat Cr€€k Tondtome Associdion c/oEdlhqcr c/oMchadlarcrbac,h P{OBo( 10000M PrOBox345l Vail, Cob 81657 Vail, Colo 8165t at ilQn Review Action Flt TOWN OF VAIL Gatesoryruumuer 6 Dav (>c+ 5/ lqqL( proj.atane, I-nJtar'1 (-"f<Q k\ Building Name: Project Doscription: Owner, Address and Phone: )'15 / ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone: tf < t'-itl7- '/r; 2:/6 \-:> f "-^Zone District n (- Prolect Street Address: comments: _. u:*, L;1, . <- o'( c , :: t-t-t r ( <'--EGDstaff Action Motion by: ', .)/". /-'..(?r'n-2- Seconded by:t:j tL';u-'- r '--,?r'r] c c,'cli/,-,, =,verpt,<(,"t lro*, s ,,n. Cf:! ^gl^1,:.LrZi:iit'*,1i1(u'-,uj +-Lr;i3 r{,r,\u "|?.:():t, .: *:::ol ,*o eq9,-{ * rde 'f ;i,L'j,":J;;J;i oloJ',','c t.sZr-rL i'a r^oq.o( VApproval ,,. / ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval Conditions:1.L/ ', /, 'r((e L/-.'of k) ts ue..[,ed€ b+ea c' I, t'' -tt lown Ptanner , .,' ,/'Oate: /r:. / s,/ rl ,/. c a.)./ ^.__-::.DRB Fee Pre-oaid // r- Li I D€,8F l) rrol ,a,o Cree{(d{ - - -7.--1 -4,\0./ p.@fe eteQfe-{'t) *tvces ,)J 'gl'6a{ od r--'-t\ J' -'^"' " AW = @q'j \-'/ e' /a!* lc:)zL* o t,pt ra,w {/ r'a) @t't-'' r" )'/e 7) (o 'c a )"r1r^lq, C g *i tc Aq l4-a E*"-a l"/e 6)"t' t'ot* .{a o/ | Co(,rrttQ( I QWl.y: (*.*6la**fi5' ,i ,.t,r).u i:,A' '' t;;'ri:'1 {" "j *r,t/, r u d, u"o )' , -ceCorg t -L f'[outr'' -{a 9t4,t , | /,t.'l.n- eCorg t -!- :"tu (A!r"' -{e tJN t(,1, i - u{, Chas c<,'(d * "f a*= .r1 ,i;'&, t* i: ^! '7!,?. ,',- (,.*'o'4 - )|C't' ';ituZa c'tq-r{- tt ( '#Lg rlart ztQ'-(r:i'c'r t"'+ I .c,crr-'fu, *,e4: 4r!:,"'tufu;Sii:": :Y* u,uo," o'''3' %A.Y_!_l"r{i*,r,JTb-;:l; .*l;t i^4,' i s. i:i *, i-' 5< CC,f RF*^ ^-, - eA D(5(ac1 i ,.- bob r\^@-crL 4" 4f r'ato-