HomeMy WebLinkAboutINDIAN CREEK LEGAL (2)( TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 l-"t+( Atta.4It Ltu"": V,'Lv- \ (v DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT fr,O:ut "'7Jtrn'Cn"l' Td,-tnt,+t'^ttt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ETECTRICAI, PERMIT Job Address: L139 SATiIDSTONE DR tocation...: 1l-39 SANDSTONE DR # 2, Parcel No. . : 2103-014-18-006 Project No-: ON iIOBSITE AT ALL, TfMES Permit #: E00-0010 staEus...: ISSITED INApplied. . : 02/07 /2000Issued...: 02/08/2000 E>cpi.res. . : o8/06/2000 Phone: 970-328-t27L Phone: 970-328-L27t Phone: 847-501-3288 APPLICA}TT FORSYTH, INC. P.O. BOX 2056, EAGLE, co 81631 COIVTRACTOR FORSYTH, INC. P.O. BOX 2055, EAGLE, co 81631 OWNER GREENHII,L MARK Descriptj-on: INSTALI-, 220 VOLT WIRING FOR PORTABLE SPvaluatsion: L'000'00 *******r***{t******{*t*tr.**r****a**ira*tt*r'r*ft}*ttt*t*i*r FEE SUMUARY Total calculated Peca---> 53 .00 Addit.ional Fe€e-- - - --- - -> Iotal Perifli! Fee-_-----_> Pa)rdents------- .00 53 .0O 53 .00 BAIAIICE DUE. -. ' ElecErical---> 50.00 DRB Pse InwesEigagion> .00 will call----> 3.oo AOTAL FBES---> 53 .0O Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPAR!T-{E\m- DepE-:- BUTLDING Division: 627 tid t ioo0 -I{AfirY---- -actioni APPR APPRoVED PER: Kw -.rtbm: 05600 FrR.E DEPARTMENT -D-ept: FrRE Division: 017 rie tz-ooo-KAiiiY ---a?iion' appn w/a t * ****t**tt*ilt* CONDITION OF APPROVAL l-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. *rar**trr*r.rrt **t:,* t t t* * * * rrii t t tl t iir rt tJ r * DECI,ARATIONS r heleby aclcnolrl.Edge thats I have reed chis application, fiLled oug in full rhe infonaeion r€quircd, cooPlcted an aecurat6 plot p1an, and 6tsat6 Ehat all ehc infortacion prowid€d as required i.B correct. r agree to eomply ltith thc inforfiatsl'on and plo! Plan' to conply siEh alf roln ordinances and 6tat6 lars, and ro build this structsr.Ec according to lh. Tovn's zoninE and aubdivision code6, deBigtr !.6v!ei. approvcd, unj.forB Building cod€ and other ordinances of tha aown applicable th€r'to' REerrBsrs FoR rNspEqrroNs sltAr,rr BE MADE TwERry-FoqR Horns rN ADvAtilcB Bt TELEPHoI{E ar 479-2138 oR Af otR oFFrcE lRott s:oo al| s:oo PH ,,ioo * *ii t !r* tttil** * * t *ttf ti t *a!r** lt{ *tt tt***tr!l*tt*'t t!t*il*rl* i*'l*tlttl tt TOflN OF VAfIJ, CTIORADO ateout *i ***+*!}:a **tt*tillttrtratllt|ltt t **,it'l t t*tt*l!l* **'*til **t t*'t' t * tt gtatemt l{wber ! RBc-0506 Anount:53.OO 02/09| oo 14: d6 Inlt ; ilRllPayE€ot lleEbod: CK Notation: 1816 Pomrit No: Boo-OO1o' T14re I B-ELBC ELECIS'ICaI. PERI{IT Pa:icel No: ?103-o14-18-006 gite Addre6s: 1139 SAI|DSDOI{E DR rrocation: 1139 SANDA$OIIE DR * 2, IIDTAN CREEK TOflNHOUES Thle Pa)ment Total Feea: 53. O0 Total AI,I' Ibta ! Balance: 'oo t*****ttr**tl!tf*****tlll**+!tttt!r**tl***l*l*r'l*t"t**********'l*tt Account code DeEcrlptiOn BPOO1OOOO31114OO ET'EC1IRTCIqIJPERMITFEES nc o010ooo31128oo WILL CALT, rNaPBelrol{ FBB 53.0() 53.OO Anount 50.oo 3.00 Fcb O? OO O2:O4p FORSYTH INC.970-3ZA-t?71o tlo kI+7.4o Ass€s6016 Percel l. Offtce 1I!O|{N OF PERTTT vArL CONSIRUCTTON APPLICATTON FOR}' PEUIT f}*Contac r Eagle Counry/ ii"iio:ria:iito-i'. frencer t.Jlat.''/i DNIE:4-2:t2tZ . APPTICATToN UUSE BE TILIJED OUT conpl,srsl,l OR IT l.lAY NCXI BE ACCEPEED It************t********!t*t*t**rr PERUIT INFORIiIATION ********ttr*****rr**** *** r* ** -'1 1-auilding I J-plurnbinq 1y(nteetrtcat I J-Meehanibal I t-other .tob Nanes 6rf i:r',',// Kp.. Job Addressz r/,7ZSay'.ty'aaf Dr #2,. Legal Description: LILA.J_ BLock/_ riling owners Nane: t?4fK /^rps.At// Address: Architectr Address:Ph. ceneral f,tescription: tfork Class: lrf-Xew I l-Alteratton [ ]-AdditionaL [ ]-Repalr t l Nunber of, Dnelling Units:Nunber of Accornnodation Unlts: -Other FtB 0 ? 2000 Contractor: Contractor: ,42 nlectrlcal2' Address: Plunbing Address: Hechanical Contractor: Address: l* * ***** ***t* *************l!r**** FOR BUILDING PERUIT TEE: PIUT'IBING PERilIT TBE: MECTIA}IICAL PERUIT FEE3 EI,ESI'RTCAIJ FEE3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE8 Town of Vail Reg. NO..?A I F- Phone Nuuberz <TV /27i-- Tonn of VaiL Phone Nunber: Town of Vall Phone Nurber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ***********r******************* BUTIJDTNG PIAN CHECK TtsE: PIIJ}IBINC PIiN CHECK TEE8 UEC'ITANICAL PIAJ CITECK FEB: ffililhffix'Recema- BUII,DING: SIGNATT'REI ZONING: SIGNAfl'RE! . ryFrber and rype of Firepraces: cas Appliances cas Logs_ Ifood/pelletVf**************************t****** VALI|ATJONS *!r***************rl******** *******tl't lyllPll:9: +- 3ggTlql9zlJe,T.- orHER! \Lz *-:- rorAr,;tf,*** ************************ C0NTRACf,|OR INFORIIAIrION *:r**!.rr********** *** !r**.***Eeneral contractor: _ Tonn of Vall Reg, NO._Address: phone Nuuber: &l'lfi.*{TY c€llElllF*tElll Design Review Board ACTrOttt FOnFI Department of Community Development 75 South Frontag€ Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2{52 web: wrrw.vailgov.(orn Project Name: ERICKSON VVINDOW Project Description: ADD A BAY WINDOW DRBNumber: DRB060280 Participants: owNER ERICKSON, BARBAM J. 0710512006 1139 SANDSTONE DR 3 VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT STEVEN JAMES RIDEN, AIA ARCH0Z05/2006 Phone: 9494LZL PO BOX 3238 VAIL co 816s8 License: C000001738 ProiectAddress: 1139 SANDSTONE DRVAIL Locatlon: INDIAN CREEKTOWNHOMES #3 Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block: Subdivision: INDIAN CREEK TOWNHOMES Parcel Number: 2103-014-1800-2 Comments: standard conditionsapply Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: S|AFFAPR Date of Approvah A7 A812006 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond;202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO 1t-Yna/hr9 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE nm fr* Pernit ALL TIMES M9 5-00 6 6 Department of Community Development MECHANICAL PERMITTOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 Job Address. . . Location Parce] No.....Project Number 1139 SANDSTONE DR INDIAN CREEK 210 3 -014-18-0 01 PRJ95-0067 Sfatus. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: fof Gas Logs: f-ot A \ $\kA Phone: 389-0106 11,900.00 fot !ood/Pa t Let: APPLICANT LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J PO BOX 3451, VArL CO OWNER LAUTERBACH MICHAEL J PO BOX 3451, VArL CO CONTRACTOR RAD HEATING SYSTEMS P.O. BOX 21540, AVON, Description: INSTALL MECH. FOR NEW SFR 81658 81658 co 81620 Fi rcpt€ca lnfornation: Rest ri cted:#0f Gas Appt i ances: t$Jrt*rHiffi**t rt*trffir*fihhttttffi *,***tc**t*ffi***Jr* FEE SUl4ltARY echanicat---> Ptan Check---) lnvest igation> tlitL Cal.l----) 240.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> 60.00 DRB TOTAL TEES------ .00 303.00 303.00 .00 303.00 303.00 .00 3.00 Item:05100 06 /0s /1995Itbm:'05400 o6 /05 /te95 DEPARTMENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:AcIion: APPRDEPARTMENT DEPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hcraby acknovtedge that I have read this application, f il.ted out in full, the information requi red. conpteted sn accurate ptot ptan, and ststc that a[[ the information providcd as requi red is correct. I agree to compty vith the infornation and ptot ptan, to co[pty vith atL Toyn ordinances and statc [aus, and to buiLd this structure according to thc Tom's zoning and subdivision codes, design revier approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and othcr ordinlnces of th. Tovn appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE oFFlcE FRon 8:00 An 5:00 Pr L^.'rn>^..tg ($ ISSUED 04/27 /Lees 06/07 /reest2/04/Lees .0O Total Catcutlted Fees---> Additiona! Fees---------> Total Pernit Fce-------> Paynents------- BALANCE OUE----ffiffiftffi*ffi****tit*ffi***tikr.t****trffi******Jitffiffi*Jot*fii*rHr******ffi***tffi**H*ffiffiffi****Jr**t*****l***t* BUILDING CHUCK PLANNING DAN TELEPHoNE Ar 179-213E 0R AT (xJR SIGIIATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HTIISELF AND OI'NER {g r"*oruo TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt * * * * ** * * * * *'l !* * ** ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * Statennt Number: REC-0034 Amount: PaYment Method: CK Notation:2064 303.00 06/07 /e5 16:35rnit: AB M95-0065 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMTT zLO3-0L4-18-001 1].39 SANDSTONE DR INDIAN CREEK Total Fees:303.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payrnent Account Code 01 0000 4L3L2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILt CALL INSPECTION FEE 303 .00 303 .00 .00 Amount 240. 00 60. 00 3. 00 PARCEL iI: Electrical Contractor: Address: TOWN OF VATL CONS PER,MIT APPLTCATI DATE: PERI'IIT 1i , AppLrcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our coMpr,'rEt{0|.tml,|.mLffF[cEprED r****************************** pERMrr rNFoRltATroN **** ** ****** ***** *** *** ** *i **n-t l-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [X]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: L Job Address: Legal Descriptl.on: Lotj alock :{- eitin owners Name: /NL b€Ebp.*Ga.f Addressr frE .41/,/*tc Ph. Architect z 519/€ Pt)A)Address:Ph. Iceneral Description: Work Class: D4-New [ ]-flteration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: N,urnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs- Wood/Pellet-vIl********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* '!gutL,olNe : ELECTRICAL: $_ Otnrn: $- - BLuMBTNG, F- MECHANTCAL, $@- TorAL: $- **************************:r* CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************rEeneral contractor. &L belELoP/M4/T Town of Vail Reg. No.- Address: Ws 74Sl Phone Number: ;1.76 . a"{ Plunbing Address: Contractor: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUT.{BING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAIJ FEE: Town of Vail Reg. No. /8t-/q Phone Nurnber: agq , o(o 6 FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: wdtDtlL-4.e- DRB FEE: gaoe' DR . aT 3 PLI'I'TBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: !.IEcHANIcAL Pr,AN cHEcK FEEz @V'T RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATITRE: VALUATION CLEAI| I'P I'EPOSIT REFTIND trO: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 i03-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 3e FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2. IXFORI.TATIOI{ NEEDED 'IITEIT APPI,TIIIO FOR A MECHANTCAL PERMIT Department of Community Development - ur/ uluOaat E ' Ult'tE b;sz"nila> /.'2e, *eaa*+!-? ac$E e HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCAI,E FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAT DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATTNGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICaI -noor.l. Qt dWAc) SHOT{ SIZE A}iD LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. trt.f 3. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOU,IPMENT WILL AISO BE INSTALLED IN MECHAI{ICAL RooM. //O/yE . FEILURE TO PROVIDE THIS II|FOru4ATIOTT WIIJ DEI..AY YOUR PERUIT. %,,es. e .z&rco Daue r1.6.*'--Lb*^ . pr4a $ r.- (r>,^.J bn.t@ gq*L Lfr &;;rnV;; ";;";;, oi, ;tu ),f" *ffiI:r- 2 ) / i',*,G n"'* ^/-J 4'd&)*'" 4n*.=*( A7 /o pi '14 ,4/h^" Lry/; ;f4;- ./ ,o/'^"{ v4-^* ; f'- d*L. '/ -tD" F D-if - HEAT &@SS' W@RKSHEET ZOtt! t- E -HIJ -iI7El. -<5 I>R Fjb'_aa-- lLl _,__.1 G -5i .>at- 'E'3D\F',;^*" r"t8r, .- chGb E lot 7 fiatz"+r"a 6oo SQ.FT. GFOSSWALTS: wtNDows: Dooffi: 7O NET WALL: 6ZO 504/o WALLS: CEILING: FL@HS: hOO SLAB/GMDE: 7 INFILTRATION:6 orto 6ro tP tex _ tPx fo t&x 1.a tPx - tt2x- BTUs/ft2 = BTuslft2 = BTUs/rt2 = BTUs/ft2 = BTUs BTUs BTUs BTUs BWs .BTUs /?/41 BTUs BTUs BTUs BTUs BTUs BTUs BTUs BTUs BTUs 1€oo zaSL BTUs/ft2 tPx 3.1 BTUs/ft2= lSGo t.t..X b5.g BTUs/1.f. = tqL # x /.1 BrUs/ft3 = J,!00 TOTAL BTUs/ZONE 17,C@ lii( er u s/rt2 ZOC'IE Zot ?1 Dr</ E&E*IS fro sQ.FT. GFOSSWALIS:432 \WINDOWS:/d6 r€ tPx 5o fr2x- rPx - rt2x- t& x 4.3 BTUs/ft2 = fToo BTUs/ft2 BTUS/ft2 BTus/ft2 = t4tu BTUs/ft2 = SVdt NET WALL: 'ZC 1P Y 4 3 BTUs/ft2 S(P/o WALLS: CEILING: FI-oORS: ,f0 STAEVGRADE: f NFf LTRATION: 4 ' 4'JO ZO['!E J of 7:DN reEC GROSSWATIS: 424 WINDOWS: /rO 2/ FLOOFS:fzf SI.AB/GRADE: INFILTRATION. 4ZOO BTUs BTUs NET WALL: Zf3 1P Y 43 BTUs/ft2 5r/o WALLS:tr2 x - BTUs/ft2 ft2x- BTUs/ft2 1py 43 BTUs/ft2 1.f.. x _ BTUs/1.f. CEILING; l.t'.x -BTUs/l.f'= tF x 1.4 BTUs/ft3 = _kJttO BrUs TOTAL BTUs/ZONE t6,t/.7 BTUs /b BTUs/ft2 fz/ SO.FT.1E, fao te 1Py 5r BTUs/ft2 = 1500 tP x f) BTUs/t2 = tofo = t000 = tLt1 Brus BTUS t& x t'4 BrUs/rt3 = f000 - Brus TOTAL BTUs/ZON E t11,11 BTUs ,t4,0 BT u s/f t2 aa et r:D-t B/ fu('LIrA /a4c"4lt'-, h/aatTra'ac' BTUs BTUs BTUs erusx60f"= ffi NOTES: i7, foo' ZOqqE 4 ot 1 . 4r/ - LF,b, r< /1.7q SA.rt.uE( ,.-- ,, $7! i^ol,n*r.*L. ,<ti tp //0, (-ztr> 4r/prr{,_Jry" wtNDows: 732 t?x 5o BTUs/ft2 = 36.//b 2BTU" /1/ttw'" ,,rl' .frfr r' DooRS: t& x - BTUs/ft2 BTUst'"rfuLo net 1a1a[t: a/€ 1pv y' t BTUs/ft2 = 'tfo; BTU''-./.r-- \ ..- ---4-.-.2- r . ., ntt( ) 509o wALLS: tt2 x - BTUs/ft2 BTus - L& ,''.o CEILING: b't4 1py 1/f BTUs/ft2 = 95o BrUs , t 'nr l.F I/w bg ' t"4 FLooRS: tt2 x - BTUs/ft2 BTU' O' f!',"61L SI1B/GMDE: t.t.. x _ BTUs/t.f. BTUS '.1 L-'T ,.-,'t ^ tl ,; 7 r/.y'tI fi,*6e SrIB/GnlDE: 1.t.. x - BTUs/l.f. BTUS ,rl -'' tNFtLTMTtoN: lf ,t7f t{x /'4 BTUs/ft3 = 212 BTUs TOTAL BTll_s/ZONE- bz 7tf BTUs <--4 =rg!4l1)jt/4iooo zotr{E f of l1't). 5D."/,tua.':t:P '/'/O SO.FT. cFOSSwAtlS: 455 WfNDOWS: 74 { lrO tt2 1Pv {e BTUs/ft2 = llzt BTUs ttz X & BTUs/ft2 -_ 3@ BTUs /7, 3czo d8'r'" 4-3 BTUs/ft2 BTUs/ft2 BTUs/ft2 BTUs/ft2 = Ttfu BTUs BTUs BTUs BTUs -r@ NET WALL: t69 ftax rt2 x5$6 WALLS: CEILING: 1OO FLOOTIS: S|jUGRADE: INFILTMTION:A\€0 ELEVATION: O OOO FT. X .04 LOAD FOF BLDG / (.83 (Boiler eff.) =0@ 1Py /Z:.BTUs/ft2- /'7{ BTUs tt2x - BTUs/ft2 BTUs l.t..X -BTUs/|.f. BTUs tF x \.\ BrUs/ft3 = V\14 BrUs TOTAL BTUs/ZONE /2'6c P,TU9 BTUs/ft2 @ NET WALL: 14V.( sp y 1"1 BTUs/ft2 : t< 7J BTUS 5@/o WALLS: CEILING: ROOFIS: SHB/GRADE: BTUs BTUs BTUs TOTAL grut/zoNE tZ95l @ ZO0\08 6 ot 7 7 d? Ff,D/e4:'rd -- 4'/.) SQ.lFlf . GROSSWALTST 7^4 t& wlNDOWs: to1 tt? x DooRS: 40 f t2 X I t2 x _ BTUs/ft2 BTUS t t2 x _ BTUs/ft2 = tt2x_BTUs/ft2= l.f..x - BTUs/l.f.= INFfLTRATION: 1416 rt3 x i.{ BrUs/ft3 - {fIZ BTUs BTUs ryttfu4 TOTAL BTUs/ BLDG = U.0,4/O BTUs BT U s/f t2 = 71'4 AvG. BOILEH MODEL: JI/' 7zr^/Dz / 1000 Ff = 3 /- o/o x ,GB (o/o etev. cor.)) = Zi4@o}oiter Siza (lnc. vent damper, electronic spark ignition) t'<' 6 'tt, /,t- tt:yy:tn'<Zfrk- ffiAr E@gg wffistrtnr ZOilE 7 of -7 :mStR )ota76 6R055 WALL: WINDOWS: furf70 ftz x D00RS: 60 1:2Y I'IET WALL: 74k 1$Y 5O?Z WALL5: tElLiNG: t?p fFx FLCORS:rt? v fzo 9q,71. 50 BTUs/ftr = 79a BTUs 60 BTUs/ftr = 4@ 3rUs4,8 BTUsi fic = DTUs rtz x BTUs/ft2 = /4aea Htttc I?F BTUS/ft2,1 BTUs/ft! = '59J tsTus,= ETUs SLAE/6RADE:_ l.f. X _ BTUsll.f. = iNFILTRATION: lto(n f t3 X 1.4 ETUs/f tl = TOTAL BTUs/ZONE: BTUs/ft2 Zgt{E _r-ri_i GRO55 WALL:tt5 tt? x ft? x lt!'i ftr x ! '. - ,r', ftr i: t.t.. n itj x ir'FT \^IALL: TOTAL BTUs/ZONE: BTUs/ft2 = ZOilE -,ii - i s0.FT. Gkt-t15 V7ALL t ,r. ?i L- -. -) ..+ t- .: u ttZ u ftz x I L- h ..1, .,I t- A fr2 x t.|.. .t I{ET WALL: 30.FT. BTUs/rt2 =!.J I U: FTt Ie t€L ! - F.Tl lcLrtu:/lL- BTUs/ftZ =ETUs RTt tc.iit t = RTt t*. STU','iij=-- i,TUg STUsrf*rj = :JI U:/ I1 - -{tt!r1ii-,= BTUs t]TI l-iJ ! U) BTUs 2? Lr ! ti:' BTUs ETUs trr't_l l-L' I U: LI ! L') ; iU: l-) I Lt: E'l-| l^ BTUs BTUs 6fz,=6- vt'ii\.ll:ilw5: UI-JU:''r'J. 5Q,E ,TALLS: ti ii ii'iG: F,-'lirl3: SIA.ci GRAIi: i l''iF i rl RAT lC)iJ. rt : i iL. ri vY -'. 50fr wALi_S: ar r! !|,tr:. l- i r_it_it-1J: 5Li.B/6RA.DE: b I Us/lt' = tsTUs/It2 = BTUs/itr = ETUsi itl = BTUS/il. = BTUs./frr = BTUs/ftr = tsTUs/ft2 BTUs/I.i. = _ ETUs lliFiLTRATl0l'i: _ ftJ X TOTAL BTUs/ZONE: NOTES: PIan Review Based on the 1992 Uniform Codes NA]VIE : FERMANI S MECHANICAL ADDRESS : 1139 SANDSTONE DR. vArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCY: R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V <l 4) s) INSTAI-,I,AT]ON MUST APPENDTX CHAPTER GAS LINE TEST AND OF ANY EQUIPMENT CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO 21, OF THE 1991 UMC. INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION PER SEC.!206 OF THE 1991 UPC. GAsAPPLIANCESSIIALLBEVENTEDACCORDINGToCHAPTER9oF 1991 UMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF 1991 UMC. 6) DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLYBoILERSSTIALLBEEQUIPPEDWITHAFLooRDRAINPER sEc.2119 0F THE l-991 tMC. 7) BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE (SEE DEFINITION) CONSTRUCTION UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON CO}'IBUST IBLE FLOORING. THE THE orrftlsffipr, DATE:6/5/95 CONTRACTOR : RAD HEATING ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER:NA PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirernents in the adopted codes' It ie a gruide to Eelected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- vieions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of vail. 1)coMBUSTIoNAIRISREQUIREDPERSEc.60ToFTHEI99IUMc. 1OO" OF COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED TOP AND BOTTOM IF OPENINGS ARE DTRECTLY TO THE OUTSIDE, IF DUCTED 2OO" IS REQUIRED TOP AND BOTTOM. 2\ ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 and 703 OF THE 1991 UMC.. -., J 8) FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE PER SEC.305 OF THE 199]- UMC. 9) PERBIIT, PLAlfs AI.ID CODE ANALYSIS MtSl BE POSTED IN MECIIN|ICAL ROOI' PRrOR TO A]'l INSPECTTON REQUEST. 6) coNsrRucnoN PERMITrs4t _nn\ffi/ lT',,,o, department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E[ aurlorNc EFpluMerNc Etr elrcrRrcel ! FouNDAroN M MECHANICALI139 SAN LEGAL DESC. LOT 3 BLK- FILING LIONSRIDGE 1. INDIAN JOB NAME: FERMANIS SFR OWNER NAME\,i.T I AITTFRRATn MAILADDRESS Bey 3/r 5l clrYvArL 81658 PH 476-6944 ARCHITECT FIRMSJ RIDEN MAfL ADDRFSS BOX, 3228 crwVAIL 81658 pn 949-4I2I GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnurql. DEVELOPMENT 3Ttr-B TOWN OF VA|L REG. Nq 4@-6944TELE. I ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRMTRIANGLE ELECTRIC rowN oF vArL REG. No. L26-E 453-s424 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM ccr P&H rowNoF vArL nts. No' lq2-P r€LE. 233-8199 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR rrnrfiCl P&H TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 'I 07 -P OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWi.I OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 95g 0CTOBER 2s, L994 4\"k \a -- 7075 , , 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP t I t rv v ABEHIRM 122a34DtvrstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE PERMIT NO. z E J BUILDING ?(o nnn nn ) ELECTRICAL 8 ,000 . 00 PLUMBING 9 ,000 . 00 MECHANICAL 9 ,000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES R3 3872 sF BUILOING PERMIT 1880.00 I t4L334 + b- o:n-q= {C EEK M1 660 PLAN CHECK 1?7),OO ELECTRICAL ton nn NEW (A.} ALTERATION AODITIONALI REPAIR(PLUMBING 135.00/Pc 34-O0 DWELLTNG uNrrs I ^""ouuoonrtoru urutrs 0 HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL NO PERMIT ISSUED RECREATION FEE 1360.00 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 200.00 PP CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 500.00 USE TAX 9.00IIILL CALL TOTAL PERMIT FEES 5330.00 CR FELDMANN LO-24-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL s-. cur I | | BUnDING oFFtctAa - - DATt #,lftfffiHH^h-R- -lo-rFeL o-rr.- - -a BLASTING zoNrNG & BUTLDTNG t{oreSWCEl PARKING 5' IIEAD HEIGHT BETTJEEN THE SURFACE OF TI{E EARTH & THE FLOOR A3OVE I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to com all Town ordinances and state and subdivision codes, designlaws, and to build this structure according to the Towl review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher own applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: 6.6 7*f IVr' 7 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOB HIMSELF AND THE OWNER.L-'f--(- v(- o \€o. \a---\t4 tr \. -*o \r t..of.\ \n*-\\'e*\ t SCALE I': 20' a v ,/r/ BASTS OF ELEVATION: ,/ ,/MH A = 126.8.27 '/ '/ /w ,/r/ , RIM ELEV : 6246.31 ,/ ,/ ,/wiiDr: 8244'0' ,/ ,/ ,/^'/r/ ffitat*)iaa la llahtnia ktt t'ott must commQncC ,/ TLC ^ss Ad J'!& -, ,,{ rt f a's :ertificote wos PrePored for the u thot it is not a lond surveY iot to be relied uPon {or thc imDrotament lhes. I ntrthq cnted porcel on this dote, excePt ries o7 thc Porce!, exccPt os shovn, ribed premises bY imProvetnut ts ond thot thcre is no oPPorent rdanhg onY Port of soid Porcd' itulc o titlc scorch b)/ iD or eosqrrqlts of recorL For rbv or titte of recor4 lntt- tfitt pur oF Lor 3 ANo Lof A-r, ony legol oction bbscd upi- *y defect in this surtey ,/ ,rtfV-/ t'/ilihin- three pots ofter pu frrct discovq sudt defect- ,/ \"./ / tn no crsrt,-moy otty oction boscd upon ony defect in ,/ t this stnay ba itrzmenccd muc thon tan lcors from ./ t s 86626(nG oglg oI cerlllr9\larart -trvir, ,tcr evt.. IMPROWMENT LOCANON CERNFICATE ffiE- _=Zf sTt-3t]f, s#7ss o firrrtc"-Uooot"U itfl*#-*,,, AE qinccrinrlu" 'i; ---:----F P.O &X 9n @77 EfCAlf ROp AtO , A.A er6 ,(v3) 9.9-972 oArE RA'rgcw orA* tn Mm ''i!ij,; c. t+te'.1.KS-aszze/e5 l'= 20'-o'LOr 3, INDIAN CREEK TOMVMOMES TOWTV OF VA|L, EAGLE CAJNA COLORADO otfi@m 2DF fiq4'r$' tat w JO0/66 PEE s€t N I OF I Job Nane: F-.tn.n,'s kt,'{.'.-u ilob Address: //37 5-,-4+,*- )r-,.,,- L,,egal Description: Iot-L Block- filing suBplvrsroNj olrners Nane: ' hf L--/-,(.n Address: 6'" r+sl r/...r prr. .n6-L1 ++ General Description: 6 ,'*t l! Fn ,^-.'l ) Q.; ,'1.,-.-- work class: 1,zJ-llew [ ]-Alteratlon [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Architect: 5 $ (.,d-.^. Nunber of Dlrelling Units: Address: 6o* lLL ? y'^ .'I Prl. 1(?4'zl Number of Accommodation Unl-tis: -o- #*"" and Type of FirepLaces: cas Appliances fffi ::" .,. . : w;. . . ..; ;:;._ ::::": cas Logs J Wood/pellet I* * * ** * * * * ** * *** * * * * ***** ** * * * * *** 'laoo- ,^'orBER: $ 5{.q *t * ** t rt** * * ** f,***f** * * * *** * Town of vait Reg. No. 37kB Phone Nunber: 1tC -ttq+- Town of Vail Reg. No. ltC-EPhone Number3 +gl-S:T Mechanical Contractorz 5.r,.- f Tosn of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: * ** **** ** * * * * **** **** * ** ******* * IroR Address: Electrical Conlractor: T.'.<,--r /( ft.cfe ,'sAddress: $tr 4oog@ Address: BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUUBTNG PEF.IIIIT FEE3 !{ECIIANTCAIJ PERITTIT FEEs ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: oFFrcE usE ************ *tlbi*************** BUTLDING PIAI{ CI{ECK rEff E - /.9?.4 - CAL PIAI.I CHECK FEE:FECT'ANIC.AIJ PI'A}I CHECK F RECREATION FEE: e 3Q CL,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: DRB FEE: I ryPE TGRoupl_l te? l_l__E1r VALUATION BUTLDTNGs SIGNATT'RES ZONING: SIGIIATIIREI Conments: ht lr--{-.6.-L /a 6.* 34tT gT.t^{ I'P DEOSIT IEFI'f,I' fi'3 Vq-,'r. Cc 8,( SB Boyle Fngineering, Inc. 143 E. Meadow Drive, Suite 390 Va4 Colorado 81657 303 I 47 6-217 0 F AX 303 I 47 64383 June 14, 1994 Chuck Feldmann TOWN OF VAIL BI'ILDING DEPT. 75 S. Frontage Road Wcst Vail, Coloredo 81657 Subject Fermanis Residence I 139 Sandstone Drive Vail, Colorado Permit # 7075 Jlr ts95 TOV.COlI{lu|. DEU DEPT Dear Chuck: This is to confimr that I have approved a couple of modifications to the design of the residence noted above. The first one is the use of two bolts connccting the top of the valley b€ams for the dormer roof framing in lieu of the three originally specified. The second item is the clearance below the joists and beams in the crawlspace. This clearance does not meet code minimums, but I accept the situation providing a vapor barrier is installed on the crawlspace floor in this area. Please give me a call if you have any questions or comments on this matter. r$l:i,i%\S':;t";i'd;::iK'.t;'\srEo# Fi^ 14e clin and associates, i?c. CONSULTING ENGINEERS D:XYn, COIOIADO tol:lt SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED EARTH INTEGRATED SHELTERS LoTS A-l 6 A-2 Lloils RtDGE, FtLING #l vAtL, coLoRADo PREPARED FOR: DAVAL I.TESTERN REALTY P... O. DMWER W vAtL, coLoRADo 81657 tg,17',..7rO5 soltt Folr.oArlo0l EXGtXEtrlr6 96 SOUIH ZUM Snltr L, ,,, T0! -[0 2 1 i"l'l iii,rit, U's'v, UEP[' FEBRUARY 6, l98lJoB N0. 21,285 oflrctS: cotolADo ttttacS, corol^oo / outflrooD tr ftot, cololADo / c^lttl, wYomno t'tt I TAELE OF COIITEIITS coNcLUs | oNs SCOPE PROPOSED COIISTRUCTION s ITE coltDlTloNs suEsolL c0lt0tTlol{s FOUNDAT I Oil RECOI{I{ENDAT I O1'IS FLOOR SLABS LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES SITE GRADING SURFACE DRAINAGE r.r lscELLAl{Eous FIG. I - LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIG. 2 - LOGS OF EXPLOMTORY HOLES FIGS. 3 - 5 . GRADATIOI{ TEST RESULTS TABLE I . SUI{I,IARY OF LABOMTORY TEST RESULTS I I I 2 2 , 4 5 6 6 7 ! at\ t coNcLUs l0Ns Subsoi Is consist of dense, coarse granular upper soils overlylng col luvium and sl ltstone bedrock. Numerous cobbles and boulders were Incl uded ln the soll proflle. Bulldlng foundatlons may be placed on spread footlngs des lgned for a maxinumsoll pressure of 5r000 pounds per square foot. Upper granular solls are e1pectcd^to have an angle of Internal frictlon of 35- to 40-. Other soil- related dcslgn and constructlon dctails arc dl scussed In the body of thc report. SCOPE The report presents the resul ts of a soll and foundation Investigation for the proposed earth Integrated shclters to be located on Lots A-l and A-2 of the Lions Rldge, Flllng ll In Vall, Colorado. Discussed ln the report are the slte and subsoi I condltions, recornmended type foundation, maxlmum soil pressure, latcral carth prcssures and other sol l-rclated design end sonstruction dcta | | s. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION We understand it is proposed to construct the residences wlth the uphill slde dug into the hlllslopc. Rolnforced earth retainlng structures will be used for the uphill wall of the unlts. A parking garage wlll be constructed at thc lowcr end of thc slte adjacent to Sandstone Drlve. A loop road wlll be graded to service the structurcs, but no automobl le traffic is proposcd. Some type of llft system from the garage to the .. ; fl -2- units is proposod. lt ls estimated that the maximum cut could bc up to 20 feet, but generally thc cut wl ll be on the order of l0 feet for the unlts. We assumc thc foundation loads wl ll be rclatlvely llght. No speciflc slte plan was avallable at the tlmc of thls study. SITE CONDITIONS At the time of our Investigltlon' the site was vacant. The ground was sovered wlth grasses and wecds and some aspcn and oak. The ground surface slopes down steeply to the southeast with a meximum dlfference In elevatlon of alnrost 100 feet across thc sltc. The slopc varlcs from 252 to \52. Bedrock crops out above the site. some loose blocks occur wlthin the study lots; however, these do not aPpcar to bc of recent origin and no recent rockfal I ls evldent. Southeast of the slte are numerous condominlums four to flve storlcs high and of falrly rccGnt construction. They appear to be In good conditlon from a foundatlon point of view. We undcrstand excavatlon for some foundatlons cncountered large boulders. SUBSOIL CONDITIONS Six test holas werc drilled In buildlngs to determlnc the subsoll are general ly fairly cons I stcnt but depths of layers. lt appears that the general area of the proposcd cond I t lons. Thc subsoll conditions vary considcrably in gradatlon and Test Hole 4 encountered bedrock at a ! -3- dcpth of J feex. 0rllllng was extremely difflcult becausc of numerous cobbles and boulders. Practical rig refusal was met ln all the holes. Several of the t6st holes were offset and redrilled to obtaln a greater depth. A trall was dozed for our access. The test holes unre drllled on thls trall and start 2 to 3 fect below the orlginal ground surface. In general, the subsolls conslsted of a shallowr 4 to 5 feet dcep, loose layer of soll overlylng a dense to very dense sand, gravel and cobble stratum. Tno of thc test holes encountcred a dlfferent type stratum below the coarse granular solls. In Test Hole 2 a sl ltstone mlxed colluvium was apparcnt and in Test Holc 4 apparently a slltstone bedrock formation was encountered. Thc colluvium materlal consl sts of sl ltstone pieces In a sllt and sand matrix. Prcsence of large cobbles and boulders was indlcated by the dlfficult drilllng condltion and the presence of large rock on thc surface. Gradation analysls of samplcs obtained from the standard spllt spoon are shown on Flgs. 3 through 5. These represent only the ll Inch fractlon of materlal rccovered in the sampl ing process. No free water was encountered In the test holes at the tlme of dri I I Ing. FOUNDAT I ON RECOI4}IENDAT I ONS Spread footlng typc foundations appear to be flpst feaslble for thls slte. The followlng dcsign and constructlon dctalls should be observed: at -4- (l) Footlngs placed on flrm, undisturbcd soils or rock may bc deslgned for a maxlmum soll pressure of 11000 pounds per square foot. Generally, thcse solls arc capable of supportlng higher pressures; houever, I lmltatlons are In ordcr because of thc stecpness of the sitc and the varlable naturc whlch may be cncountered throughout the project aroa, Footlngs wldths should be a mlnlmum of 24 Inches for square footlngs and 18 Inches for continuous footlngs. (2) Contlnuous foundatlon walls should be well reinforced top and bottom to span an unsupported length of at least l0 feet. (3) Footings should be placed on undlsturbcd soll. lJc suggest thEt the excavations for foundations be inspected by a representatlve of the soil engi neer. l,lhere solls arc dl sturbed by excavatlon such as remova I of boulders, the footlng should be extended to lower, flrm soll or compacted backflll placad to the desircd grade. (4) All exterlor footings should be placcd below the frost depth. (5) Footlngs should be placcd back from the edge of thc slopc at least I feet. We assume that no footings will be placed on downslope fi l I materlal. FLOOR SLABS The upper natural solls arc capable of supporting moderately loaded floors. Slab-on-grade constructlon ls fcasiblc. Wc suggest that floor slabs be separated from bearlng walls and columns wlth an expansion ra -5- joint. Slabs should bc provlded wlth adequate constructlon Jolnts to reduce damage due to shrlnkage cracking. A leveling course of gravel may be requlred below the floor slab to provlde a norking surface for cast I ng. LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES The uphill sldc of thc buildlngs wlll servc as a retalnlng wall. We understand that thls wlll bc constructcd by the rclnforccd carth technlque. The upper granular solls appear to be satlsfactory for use as backfill. Colluvlum and si ltstone may contain exccssive flnes for this type of construction. Thc upper coarsc granular solls can bc expected to develop an angle of Intcrnal frictlon of 35o to 40o whcn compacted to at least 951 standErd Proc,tor denslty. For standard cantilevered walls whlch can tolcrats 3omc rotstlon to develop actlve pressures, wc suggest lateral earth pressures be calculated on the basis of an equlvalcnt fluld welght of 35 pounds per subic foot where the backfil I surface ls level. Where the backfll I surface slopes up steeply then an Increase In this prcssure ls recorunended. For the approximate 2:l natural slope, thls should bc Increased to 55 pounds per cublc foot. Reslstance to slldlng can bc takcn as .5 tlmcs thc normal dead load. Passlve earth pressure can be calculated on the basls of an equivalent fluid welght of 400 pounds per cublc foot. -6- SITE GRADING fJe assume that some slte gradlng such as cuts will be requlred both for the access road and the bullding slte ltsclf. Wa belleve that the maJorl ty of the materlals encountered in our cxploratory holes can be excavated wlth conventional equipmcnt. The siltstone in Test Hole 4 appeared to be hard and may rcqulre r rlppcr or llght blastlng in conflned excavatlons. Cut slopcs wlll stand temporarlly on thc order of l:1. Permanent slopes should be not stccper than 2:1. lf flll is proposed for thc development, lt should be placed on a prepared surface. Thls conslsts of removlng vegetatlon and benching thc present slope to rccclvc thc flll. General ovcrlot grading should be compacted to at least 90t of standard Proctor density. Flll to support floor slabs should bc compactcd to at lcast 95t of standard Prostor density. We do not recoflncnd a comblnatlon of flll and natural soils for foundatlon support. Thls could be accomplished satlsfactorlly lf special attention is glven to the placement and compaction of the flll. On-site soils are sultablc for usc as fill throughout the .rca. Somc selection of material may be needed for thc relnforced earth technlque. SURFACE DRAINAGE It is important that surface dralnage bc dlrected away fron the buildlng sites. Thls may requl re swales or diversion ditches ebove the .a -7- units. In additlon, thc following detalls should be observed durlng and after construct lon: (l) Excesslve wettlng or drylng of the foundation excavatlon should be avolded durlng cons truct i on. (2) Baekfill around the foundatlon should be moistened and conpacted to at least 901 standard Proctor dcnslty. (3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the buildlng should be sloped to drain away from the bulldlng In all directions. We rec,ormend a minimum slope of 6 inches in the first l0 feet. (4) Roof downspouts and dralns should dlscharge well beyond the limlts of all backflll. H ISCELLANEOUS Thls rcport has bccn prcparcd In accordance with generally accepted soil and foundatlon enginecrlng practlccs In this area for the use by the cl ient for design purposcs. Thc concluslons and recormendations submi tted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory holes drllled at thc locations Indlcated on the exploratory hole plan. The nature and extent of variations between the exploratory holes or areas outside the drllllng may not become evident until excavation is performed. lf, durlng constructlon, soll, rock and ground water condltions appear to be different fronr those dcscribed hercin, thls rl -8- offlce should bc advlsed !t onss so thet rc-cvaluatlon of the recormendetlons may be mads. I'lc recocncnd on-rltc obscrvatlon of cxcavatlonc end foundatlon bearing strata by a soll cnglnccr. cHEl{ AND ASSoCIATES, lNC. Rlchard G. HcP|{()rth, P.E. RCH/Jehcs: l.lathewr AsroclatesAttn: l,lr. Gary Larson By ') oJEcclFoJGo-9FC't;li6t/,n6 i I i il :!il i a o I lllilltr 'l/ r N dr.l Iaoc,o;==l:-oa \.r e.F:: B ; I t-:El ;-e 3-:F *e s 5 I50 . o:.3.e ; 8l :.; ; *Fa"i : E: rA i : iF:i -i ; IF E3 ; I Fg"o t ? ;3l:: ;; i: :ttg: .eiFii i r :* :l !i E elil{-"? i -_ i: +E ia;. r.,Eniic : : :E ;; dr Ei ii;isrc s e H3 11 ;." != 5:!git? a € it .o L_yr833 t 3 3! :i t" !: leifti€ a i *: lo ib !: i:E.;:S 3 : :o 'E 3! co r r.eils:! !i;'Ji;gEi::;irElr i-i I Pl - J ; i i-3.jIAB-6;:t I e:xo!I . g *F;3 E TYo 5 t!c>;s3 . ;cu{E E =}o> g 93!"c€ i "[€; i; 5'-E.,' el ::;: '.o =res sc e;i- U at lt'arr ! > o ore t > L E -- jI r':r r ar ao;g 3g Tg ^ 5 et ar! t 6E .r o ovo || -!-a! >. e >€-! r! qt oo Lo., r, L |,! rrr It lr | | | lr | | | lr | | | lt | | | lt | | | lr | | | l't | | |cr'^9SRSRn I-9 l..N .a- | N .tco r!SIFi! | S -<r'gFrrJ.! | N -9.1 ,kqs€_ EI E8 E] -.it 5-\ro a I oa - lr, oo oorrn IO tl to a I g€ (ra tlt -lt- -t-- oa E rr, -ao. {>f 3 TT e= -! | Jo. l-l- >N5 s: I \o _F I\ x- |{ €; IF..d.. r- i! I| | oe Il-l'- { 3 | ^l I.{ .l I -NO | 6\lo | \l(n\ot I I l\ .. 1 \IO r\:! | \a I I It,t'1,'t'1,r,'llrrlrtrtl'rttl,"'l t"n and associates, in..O 'r@ '50 .ae'gtHR MIN 60 MtN. t9 Mtt{.a MtN. r MtN CLAY 'O SILT cRAvEL \7 x LIOUIO LIMIT SAMPLE oF Silty 2.HH 7HR I5 MIN 60 MlN. 19 MtN. a MrN. r MtN. CLAY TO SILT GRAvEL 48 * LIOUIO LIMIT SAMPLE oF Silty u2 OIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS SAND 25" c I ayey 33 x srLT ANo cLAy 20 % PLAsrcrrY rNoEx 6 tr gravel FRoM Hole l at depth l9l 'r@ '5O .a0'3o 7 HR. I5 MIN o 4 z (.) .E z6 o z- z .o.il 2.0 OIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS SANO 37 q SILT ANO CLAY t pLlsttcrrY rNoEx c I ayey g rave I FRoM Hole 2 r5 ql af, th' 3' 5-6' dept h 3', Fig 21,285 GRADATION TEST RESULTS 7HR 15 MrN. z Fz c A 6 z 2a a5 60 MrN t9 MrN. a MtN. I MtN. CLAY TO SILT u2 2.O DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS HH 7HR I5 MIN o z z on2 508 z 50(J 70 '1@ '50 .a0'30 GRAVEL 5 LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE OF ve ry 21 ,285 % srLT ANO CLAY 45 % PLASTICITY TNOEX 6 % sand FRoM Hole 5 at dePth l' % SAND 50!l 3rsilty clayey Qn.r, and associates. in9 HR. MIN 60 MtN. 19lltN.a MlN. I MtN, GRAVEL 25x LIOUID LIMIT SAMPLE oF Silty 'l@ '5o 'ao'30 'ta 'tP't sANo 4 | t srLT ANo cLAY 34 % * ,a "t,crrY tNDEx 9t clayey gravel FRoM Hole 5 at depth 18' 3- 5'6' 8" OIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS GRADATION TEST RESULTS Fig *.r, and associates, irr.. O 'r(xt '50 'ao'a,2a HR 7HA MIN T5 MIN. o ? F z o o.og sorE z 60()at 4 to = z I a F2 60 MrN 19 MlN.a MrN. I MrN. CLAY TO SILT CLAY TO SILI .u2 DIAMETER OF PARTICLE IN MILLIMETERS SANO i SILT ANO CLAY s pLlsttcrrY INDEX FROM GRADATION TEST RESULTS GRAvEL 3l * SAND 4y slLr ANo cLAy 2\ * LlourD LrMrr * "*r,crrY rNoEx $ SAMPLE oF Clayey-silty. gravel ly FRoM Hole 5 at depth l8' 'l(x} '5o',to'O 't6 'tqa rh' 3- 5- 6- 0{l 2.o OIAMETER OF PAFTICLE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL r| LIOUIO LIMIT SAMPLE OF sand 2t,285 Fig -(Jl!o-FJo(n ooIJttcoU'ItuItuT'coq,7-Q'oLcntuoo+,at,ooLcno)ou+Jtrl (,co+,o+tv,oou-ocott tuoLctloou+tat oou!coah {)(oL0ll)oI+,tn I ,+, oroc corU - c-,1 {,O(aLvl rO{, o o-a- 6- z, ah .f o(\'tn (\s (n$(! an,-at lrtF E t|J-v,) =x sEF (9 lrl2G^ ==|! =frt8E G 9frc:rgl! oDo 39- E H;E :Eb an tsI 3(' Eld @EtdFF i:ra = tr, -1:oF =t- a- \o o,l \o :-3lg =r (\tn(\a FN atct> -r !:-<(''. aE zX>ur=lo2 J trj <GEl- 3Ed<oz= or \o N N qr tt\ (Y Or \o (\ N o \o @ \o Eg o .it o J o (n 'o o 6l o o @ o o @ t! JoI (\.1 +,tn \o IJ\@A'(\Ioz,4o- aFJ:ta ul tr F2o:rdlF :x _G;oo urF : ?rzt-o .1 | E|l-uo tr : =f,a Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail-, Colorado 8l-657(303) 4'19-2L38 Plan analysis based onthe L991 Uniform Building Code Town of \hll OFFICE OOPY Address: 1139 SANDSTONE DR. Contractor: MJL DEVELOPMENTDesigner: MJLEngineer: BOYLE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are noL intehaea to be a completein the L991 UBC. It is a quide to Name: FERMANIS RESIDENCE Date: October 24, 1994 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N I NOTE:The code items listed in this report listing of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. NAME AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Bedroom #42 Bath room #42 Master bath2 Master bedroom2 Office2 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1 Living room L Dining room 1 Kitchen L Laundry room1 Bath room1 Bath room#31 Bedroom #31 HaI1s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOORB Bedroom #2B Bath room #2B Bedroom #1B Bath room #1B GarageB Farnily roomB Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL t46 69 tJ5 298 119 232 997 591 386 23'7 111 30 4L 148 224 1768 r,50 49 226 62 660 320 300 t7 67 4532 L4.60 0.00 0.00 29.80 11.90 0.00 59. r_0 38.60 23.70 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 L4 .80 0.00 r.5.00 0.00 22.60 0.00 0.00 32.00 0.00 7.30 3.45 6. 65 r.4.90 5. 95 0.00 29.55 19.30 11.85q qq 1 .50 2.05 ?.40 0.00 7 .50 2 .45 11 .30 3. r.0 0.00 16.00 0.00 Yes No NO Yes NO No No No No No No NO Yes No Yes No Yes NO No No No Yes 1 L 1 L 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t- t- l_ t- FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris requi$ed from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meetthe fo1l4wing. -- sec. L204.L) The minimum cLear height is 24 incbes2) The minimum clear wldth is 20 inches3) The minimum elear area is 5.? square feet I t I o 4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation systen nay be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1-205. (c) 4) The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. 1204. ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable dpace shalt have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 5 inches. Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projection. ff the ceilingis sloping, then the minimum height is required in onJ-y !/2 of the area. --Sec. L207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feeL of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec.120'1 .(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. L207. (c) GLAZING REQUTREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing materiaf. -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2) Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in st.orm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors. 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartmenLs where the bottom exposed edge of the gJ-az:-ng is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazj.ng is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than those Iocat.ions described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefollowing condit.i-ons :A. Exposed area of an indlvldual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed bottom edge less than 18 inches above the floor. C- Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the fIoor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizont.ally of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardfess of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fiLI panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A snoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. l-210. (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleeping area. -- Sec. 1-210 . (a) 4. A smoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4, A smoke detector is reguired on all stories. -- Sec. 121-0.(a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a snoke detector is required in the ceiling of the upper leve1 close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Smoke detectors are required t,o be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 3. Detectors shal-l sound an alarn audibLe in all sleeping area of the dwelling in which they are located. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE R.EQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705.(a)2) Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval . -- Sec. 3705. (a) & (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturer's approval and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for Lhr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors betweenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-cl-osing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec.503.(d) exc. #3 {STAIR REOUIREMENTS:A stairway in a dwelling nust be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the ninimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 330p. (c) exc. #lProvide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3305. (i) Provide a guard rail- where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inchesr maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec.I7l2.(a) exc. #l- The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under Lhe stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:l-) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more Lhan 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints l-ocklapped. The outside must be l- hr construction. AI1 openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door l- 3,/8 inches thick or equivalenL. -- Sec. 1-706. (f )2l Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in L hour shafts. -- Sec. l-706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, facLory-built chimneys, piping, or ducts that donot extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in l- hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 4) Afl other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. l-706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REOUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by nechanical means or by openings in exteriorwaIls. Opening shal1 provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as cfose to corners as practical. -- Sec. 2516.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and thebuilding official approtes.2) Provide l8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be reguired to be larger if mechanical equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2.3) Unless Lhe wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the minimum clearance between exposed earth dndfloor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders isis 12 inches. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancyTbis proJect will reguire a site inprovement surwey. Sucb surveysball be gubnitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. .l1l crawl apaces ritbin the Town Of Vail are limited to a eartb tostructural floor ceiling beigbt of, 5', be earth floor only, beventilated as per ttBC 2516(C)6 rith minimum accelrs as per UBC 2516(C)2 and naximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shalL address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall not be permitted wj-thout prior approval . Address numbers shal1 be posted plainly visible and legible from thestreet. I For ML occupancy Slope garage floor to a1low for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and o11 interceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected Lo sewer must be approved by Upper Eagl,e Valley Water & Sanitation District. I In garages with li-ving area above, the wall-s of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shal1 be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503(B). Name: FERMANIS RESIDENCE Date: October 24, L994 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N OPY This project will require a site inprovenent surrrey.Tbis survey shall be subaitted and staff approvedprior to a request for a f,rame inspection. Under no circumstances rrill a frame inspection be donewithout an approved gite improvenent survey. A1l areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonbabit. basenent shall bave less tban 5'ht. from eartb tostructural floor/ceiling above, be ventilated as per UBC 2516, ritb minimun acc€ss ae per tlBC 2516 and max. accegs of 9 sq. ft. Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided withexterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to be adeguately flashed(not with just screed metal). Alath inspection is required prior stuccoapplication. A]-l. ner construction yithin tbe lown of VaiI will berequired to bave a Public 9lay pemit plus an initialinspection by tbe T.O.V. Public Works Departnent to approve site drainage and culvert installation prior to any Building Dept. inspections. This project is restricted from the burning of woodin fireplaces. Unless the lot j.s a restricted Lotin size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures shall be one hr. protected. Glazing in a hazardous location is required to beglazed with safety material . -- Sec. 5406. In bathrooms with a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecteddirectly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a water cLoset or Iav. may beventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Town ofVa[ Torn of VaiI t\FFlfif* ,r*r25 Soutb Frontaqe Road t ,F"l"ii ."* iVaiI, Colorado 8165? \t; ! l'\-r-- L' (303) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe L991 Uniform Building Code Address: LL39 SANDSTONE DR.Contractor: MJL DEVELOPMENTDesigner: MJLEngineer: BOYLE Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN 10 1_1 No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 508. Cross connection control devices shall be installed to protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC l-003. Plunbing fixtures with mechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection andrepal-r of equipment. UPC 904. Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMC 1901. A chimney enclosure for a wood burning fireplaceflue sha1l be protected by a one-hour fire resistive construction. UBC 1706. This involves lining theinside of such chase with 5/8" Type X sheetrock andfire-tapinq joints. Approved gas logs may be installed in soLid-fuelburning fireplaces provided the installation is according to the listing instructions, any damper sha11 be removed or permanently blocked, and asafety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Gas fireplace appliances are required to beinstalled as per listi-ng installation instructions -with a rrBrr vent only. Combustion air must besupplied from the outside for all new constructionin the Town of Vai1. Supply a mechanical- drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, ventlocation and terminat.ion, and combust.ion air to be supplied prior to any j-nstallation. This factory-built fireplace must be an approvedunit. Include the manufacture's name, model number, and approval information. -- Sec. 3705. (a) The enclosed usable space under the st.airs isrequired to be protected by thr fire-resistiveconstruction. -- 3306. (1) At eaves and valleys an adequaLe underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid moppedto sheathing and between layers or a conmercial water c ice shield may be used as per Table 3281 . t2 l-J t4 16 L7 18 .t 1(l 20 2L Any building site with a slope greater than 30 degrees shall require engineer designed drawings. Avalanche areas shall require such engineered drawings also. Drainage and structural integrityshall be addressed by such drawings. Because of this project's location, the foundationis required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC L?07(d) The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with L/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional. requirements. -- Sec. 290'1 . (f') Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 22 Boyle Fngineerhg, hrc. 143 E. Meadow Drivg Suite 390 Vail" Colorado 8165? 303 I 41 6-217 0 F AX 303 I 47 64383 Oclob€r21, 1994 Chuck Seldnann TOWN OF VAIL BI]ILDING DEPT. 75 S. Frontage Road West Veil, Colorado 81657 Subj ea: Feroanis Residence Building4, Indim Creek Vail, Colorado Dear Chuck: This is to clari$ a few ryecifics regiarding the foundation sectio$r on the above noted residence. First of all, Section B varies in height. In the area where it is designated as B/Sim, it will only be minimum height for frost protection. At this location, the vertical steel will be tA @ 24"o1c., and the only horizontal steel will be the 2 #5 lop and bottom. Section C varies in heigbt from 4' to 6'. Minimum frost protection will be maintaine4 md the top portion of the wall will not exteod more than 2' above the floor elevation. The intoior portion of the foundation betweeo the garage and the crawl space originally specified as a Section B is going 1e chrngo to a Section D with wolmanized framing for the wall. This wall will be framed of wolmaniz.ed 2x6 studs @ l6"olc and wolmanized l/2" plywood. The plywood is to be nriled with 8d @ 6"o/c at panel edges and 12" o/c in the field. No more than 3' of bacldll will rest against this wall. Finally, Section E may become taller thm 9' in some areas. ffigrs this wall is l0' tall, the vertical steel bEcomes Grade 60 #5 @ 16" o/c and the horizontal steel is #4 @ 16' o/c. If the wall is between l0' and 12' tall, the vertical steel should be Grade 60 #5 @ l0' o/c and the horizontal steel should be #4 @ 14' olc. Please give me a call if you have any questions or @mments on this matter. 6$r'1&r-i t4e6s i Wh-t.fr$cc: Mke Lartrerbach {t qFrt-Tl'w Y; -'it-?rrlT9?|r--" , INSPECTION REQUEST *1Y' t '!. I ; TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE JOB NAME READY FoR TNSpECTToN: MoN iles) weo rHUR FRr - AM pM LocArloN: .: :?\Y/Ztt'e f / !y' 773 IT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr Co LA FINAL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAT: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: RFINS CTION REQUIRED A Jal'c*el /&//e,/€INSPECTOR tu ':r'' ' Ita * l';j'nINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138(aztk */ CALLER TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:t3q @ FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGFOUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE ,t, - ,..,)r,t' ;?Za INSPECTOR *INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138, /t/t r'q CALLER \tl READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:-.TUES THUR PROJECT JOB NAME PLUMBING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL EI UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr 0 tr tr tr D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED taD./ 3futrt /fH t t t f,r{rhrf " '' INSPECTOR lr'llqT -R*'r- -'. r_-'-'tn-|r<-F.r'- i"TEl,w.f.r"|q-!lF, i.rrr,\!f[,Flnc|rFi .fI t ri'* TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE r 6-t3''?f JoB NAME f<'mtq's SALLER -- n"-l r - t t" ..l. 6l V/@ THUR FRI -AM @READY FOR LOCATION: -/o tf PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: MON ll5? 5*-,/t TUES to^-)E; I Il. r T] FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. g/rRRul.tc (o-eH tr ROUGH / WATEB n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H, TUB tr tr u tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED RRECTIONS: O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 'N#CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT l\ I-.. I n .-. READY FOR INSPECTION: 479-2138 CALLER TUES BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr tr B tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELE€TRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AtR t/NAL tr tr FINAL l']^-<,tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: lo t-1{ CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ' DATE JoB NAME jll Lt 't '(PfF f CALLER@READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT THUR BUILDING: *dor,*o, / srEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLvwooD NAtLtt{c tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL ELE trT trF oc tr_ MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /,'D^rE 4'/h /?'- rNSpEcroR a t{tr^---lt- * !*. I*t PEtNs ,ll'/l;,je lr'tr- CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 7'"r NAME /!//).it'/ CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED ,K, ,,'/.)t {,,,1;1." REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FRAMING tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL 'O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR B FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED DATE f i ./-?' -) /'.\) / r!INSPECTOR ri l {rl}* *-7cl € PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT , n'-\ -" INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 * JOB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:(,Jarrt co-ra_ aur (* ' t(.1 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL -^Xnouo-r / D.w.v. ,,b-nouoH / wATERO FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING faes PTPTNG tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o o o otr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D EI FINAL tr FINAL OVED O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 4org PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOB INSPECTION:MON TUES WED LOCATION: tru^ @ ----4 '. isilrIr lqt4ratr *E;: lii.s!r. +!ti,,ii rrr-. r,l j5ltr rr Itrr 'r-'i+': "-...i.'q"t. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING ,ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILI GAS PIPING INSULATION O FINAL ELEOTRICAL: tr rEMP. POWER tr HEATING ' .4, T] ROUGH .-]tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR ,l tr APPROVED SAPPROVED ,)ry6err.rseecrtoN REou tRED ONS: DATE INSPECTOR il INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR \ WEDI ,'FRI L. 1 !i ..4 , 2 CORRECTIONS: BUILDING:PLUMBING: D FOOTTNqS / VrEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER lt tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr ntr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: .]D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR _ -- 'v.ir r*,4' .ia !t.'r +b" '!,!qq.r!-t EFTf .FYtr rF-t MON .'./.l /*, |rrt \- tJ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER ?i!tl ruES eD -----@ PMTHURFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROQF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR '' '"3'i' ' .' |,,\cf ll --') ^ 1U PERMIT NUMBE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: OJECT INSPECTION: ON REQUEST THUR FRI AY,' PM TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL -tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTR!CAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR cl o tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4-- t- r'(aDATE ,/ ' <: .z '-t PERMIT NUM PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 NAME , ! '' CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: i I ' (.,tr I ./\AM T PM, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr FOUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP- POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr o O FINAL O FINAL n{'neenoveo CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED 7lDATE INSPECTOR _V UNJ.VNOIS .lVNOUddV ;(|'Jnouddv 0JVCI -*' a a>z :cNn:l'Jtt Jo JNnoNV z00zz 0000 r0 :ll'J0nnNrNno33v :oof co ghlvN / at /r.ru uod qNndflu rrsodgq dn Nvo'Ic :rsNEdx'd co NorJdtuJSiICr :uirBWnN uooNgn ,,-------- ,/ :tl^lvN uocNltn /6 ti,ro :Afl OiIUVdAUd JSgNOgU )IJ{IITJ 1tfl o*n+t ----- xl?e of{'tro - aPt-7-- *iw h.r-.-r'^.-"-,.-.7-.Wwt)7- r4++ar ! I t o VAIL PERM /J ;t TOWN OF PUBLIC WAY IT INDIAN CREEK TO"ir\rlOMES LOTS A-1 & A-2. LIONS RIDGE 1139 SAIJDSTONN DRIVE PERMrrNo.cc2S3J Contractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. (Job Name or Location of E oo I oo o l] t 3 o- I E B hf coltsTRucTlor.r 3. Work is for (circle one) PermitFee $75.00 P0 BOX 502 IAG!,F. . CO E I 631 (Ercavaling Contractor's Name, Addrsss, Phono, and Lrconss WATER SEWER GAS ELECTRTC TELEPHONF. CABLETV OTHER LANDSCAPING TEMPORARYSITEACCESS I I <= '' {Conlractor's Signature) Bill to: Paid:JAIiEIL TUR.\]JUIL Receipt #:5943 INSPECTION REMABKS: (Public Works) SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED tE{> ,\ ,-. E3! l'*'i * b=bg eYl .., t?><g - ( 'l rrEs :.:t s'a - '!gr o'{{ *Jx(o 5l6 l.o'l- r t-t(a I a^ It\) rr v7 F \o IJD tr mrt n F o o I .<o a)Z .A aln ai r- (o oo Q'o alio ci X t\) Io\,5t Va IE)<g e d !m o)re3 !@ o = o zD3o o t-lo o>t-t cl-o i., E ()t .It = o -{o o o- o tr oz 3 o (o lr7, 5 .6) @o o l @ t \J f1' It o-oC)fo i<. <3!)q) Q=rY0l1x5 ' = /ri '.(6' 0):t-oC) .<= ea l-{ 1o \,i) -jF ;C'n I (t n) o o F 6' o a-o o 3 d 0 0t o 5-F*qo0, ='@QD o€o I s€ -o- f{,tFI Fl< f, EEE E$ fri gg3g *F *E * efl; e$ oe !E.!fr 4€ ;o F=.- *d +qgtr3 sq t iHg* [* ; dFAfi;€ I&eaP e€ ct isE eq I $3A FE E-'6-€ I E:gBgI .6-9 J-5d i:.*91 6 -- si=. EF,'€ ;aB pqE$ FI m c =lo a)o 3oo o 3 0) @ (o tu r\) @\ -o g) Iza 0) 0)ao c A O)@ 1\)(rl t\)@ - € ao m oc) ooo 3 !) (o 5 (tl @ 1\) s c'9' oo o (o l\)tu (o @\ l- \- -la o o, 6- o o' :to It o-oo l(O,5 (o ol(,l ooo # lI (o o' 5\ N) o, c-\ (-i .I cg xo A..1(o l\) (no ; -nT 6 gt. O : c I =qqI*s;ea : g5 ;ag a t:ggl s A:€iE H €; gsi ; i;;l ='i, o t2m6.*o = b+:qt + EBs53 I +eE*i 1fiuq_a$ F l:dltu ? E'j$ ; ?bx $ Rre d 5E; s q B.E. i d ='9 le 8€d l8q d;= E1x l4EiHS $ il€ a;3 s{F d q) (t @' !) di o (o oo 3of t-o =.= .tP3AI E'l=otra g o1!.<ql- cD d' lot>totc)-{l(Do'I E€_ ,J oJHoE = d 6' ;Pol -o- ao+ <q+u,;o) 1?aiq.oo--(D0)€:0) =ln9q or+ c(u=.< o< >c)\u ='8E.EO fo-oo i5- o- ar O)o- -C E< ='o --l .) o!)oo (t o 9\o-{{>oO ErqEt.z3g) f 't'l9=60:t, 7tsF=--;z =oEE;.oa; $e =^. zY -'l =uoOEIsrogZU'ImftrrD*. 'll |aa4-o F() =29; ,!,! o 3Fq>JZ -Ti \J)?.\ {fJ *t -\ -i'2 \-\ \l ,1i ),;r \ f;.)<fi- €f o I l, g €o* =J{=t(n -' (t,\zRO*{ !llcfq,:roo3€ =R3r<m0tr2= ::1 -l 3o = 9. Ioofil s l. V "lq llo 3 =*^i'-n oo @ \ n : TJ 't F..it -:- I ;:'\< \, n sl l-..L-) 9tag. : R -,Ei6 9.tr9b'n -d."6 To 3 -Tl oo lown 75 aoulh frontrgc roed f!ll. colondo 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2139 Bldg. Permit f CttS oftlcc ot conmunlly devcloprncnl 7-:ft-?) SPECTAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative :lOtt'ad te- / Lr,-:l<, b n. L Specific Request and Rationale: 1.-,(sf.,-,' b'-..-.- l.-y'5p'-- bn,,-- Requested Date(s) /Times : Applicant Signature: *Please return completed Name/Position form to the Building Department. A,-f Cot+t,.-k f.'on-- r,'7 /.h -F u .(T t // 3f ztu o b<--f.orz--t--* 4zC-L t4( Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development : Police Department: Fire Department: Public Works: Date: .o chen and associates, fnc. CONSULTING ENGTNEERS s0lt t touH0ATK)tl txGlxEttlllG 96 SOUTH ZUNI TIIEET DEHYtt, COLOTADO tO223 SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED EARTH INTEGMTED SHELTERS LoTS A-.1 s A-2 LloNs RIDGE, FtLtNG #l vAlL, C0L0M00 PREPARED FOR: DAVAL WESTERN REALTY P... 0. DMl.lER l.t vAfL, coLoRADo 81657 3o3171+7ros FEBRUARY 6, I98IJoB No. 21,285 OfflGigr COIOIAD9 g?tlNc3. COIOIADO / Gtll{WOOD tttlt{Gg, COLOiADO ., CAtPlr, YTYOMING TABLE OF CONTENTS coNcLUs l0Ns SCOPE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS SUBSOIL CONDITIONS . FOUNDATION RECOHHENDATIONS FLOOR SLABS LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES SITE GRADING .\ SURFACE DMINAGE H ISCELLANEOUS FIG. I - LOCATION OF EXPLOMTORY HOLES FIG. 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIGS. 3 - 5 . GMDATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I . SUI,I}.IARY OF LAEORATORY TEST RESULTS o o I I I 2 2 3 \ 5 6 5 7 t coNcLus l0Ns Subsolls consist of dense, coarse granular upper soils overlying col luvium and siltstone bedrock. Numerous cobbl es and boul ders were lncluded ln the soll proflle. Bulldlng foundatlons may be placed on spread footlngs designed for a maximumsoil pressure of !r000 pounds per square foot. Upper granular solls are expectcd^to have an angleof lnternal frlctlon of 35" to 40". Other soil- related deslgn and construction details are dlscussedln the body of the report. SCOPE The report presents the results of a soil and foundation investigation for the proposed earth Integrated shelters to be located on Lots A-l and A-2 of the Lions Rldge, Flllng ll In Vall, Colorado. Discussed ln the report are the site and subsoil condltions, recommended type foundation, maxlmum soil pressure, lateral earth pressures and other soll-related design and construction deta | | s. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION L/e understand it ls proposed to uphl I I s lde dug into the hll I slope. wi I I be used for the uphl I I wal I of ' constructed at the lower end of the loop road wl I I be graded to servlce traffic ls proposed. Some type of I construct the res idences wlth the Reinforced earth retalnlng structures the unlts. A parking garage will be slte adjacent to Sandstone Drlve. A the structures, but no autornobl le lft system from the garage to the un its is proposed. lt 20 feet, but generally un it s. ly'e assume the spec if i c site plan was -2- ls estlmated that the maximum cut could be up to the cut wlll be on the order of l0 feet for the foundatlon loads will be retatively ltght. No. avallable at the time of this study. SITE CONDITIONS At the time of our investigatlon, the site was vacant. The ground was covered wlth grasses and weeds and some aspen and oak. The ground surface slopes down steeply to the southeast with a maximum dlfference ln elevatlon of almost 100 feet across thc site. The slope varles from 25i., to \5%, Bedrock crops out above the site. Some loose blocks occur within the study lots; however, these do not appear to be of recent origin and no recent rockfal I ls evldent. Southeast of the site are numerous condominiums four to f ive storles high and of fairly recent construction. They appear to be In good condition from a foundatlon point of view. We understand excavatlon for somc foundatlons encountered large boulders. SUBSOIL COND ITIONS six test holes were drilled ln buildlngs to determine the subsoll are generally fairly consistent but depths of layers. lt appears that the general area of the proposed conditlons. The subsoil conditions irary considerably ln gradatlon and Test Hole 4 encountered bedrock at a 'i -3- depth of / feet. Drllllng was extremely dlfflcult because of numerous cobbles and boulders. Practical rig refusal was met In all the holes. Several of the test holes were offset and redrllled to obtaln a greater depth. A trail was dozed for our access. The test holes were drllled on this trall and start 2 to 3 feet below the orlginal ground surface. In general, the subsoils conslsted of a shallow, 4 to 5 feet deep, loose layer of soll overlylng a dense to very dense sand, gravel and cobble stratum. Trro of the test holes encountered a dlfferent type stratum below the coarse granular solls. In Test Hole 2 a slltstone mixed colluvium was apparent and in Test Hole 4 apparently a slltstone bedrock format ion was encountered. The col luvium material conslsts of slltstone pieces In a sllt and sand matrix. Presence of large cobbles and boulders was indlcated by the dlfficult drilling condition and the presence of large rock on the surface. Gradatlon analysls of samples obtained from the standard spllt spoon are shown on Flgs. I through l. These represent only the l* Inch fractlon of material recovered in thc sampl ing process. No free water was encountered in the test holes at the time of dri I I lng. FOUNDATI ON RECOHMENDATI ONS Spread footing type foundations appear to be most feaslble for thls slte. The followlng design and constructlon detalls should be observed: KRM .o*sr,LTANTS. rNC. structunal engineering and design August 12,1993 Mike Lauterbach P.O. Box 3451 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Indian Creek Unit #3 Job No. 9304-04 This is to verify that the design of the foundation for the above referenced project is within the maximum soil bearing pressures recommended in report # 2L,285 by Chen and Associates, Inc. , dated 21618l. This report recommends a maximum soil bearing pressure of 5000 pounds per square foot. We have allowed a minimum continuous footing width of 16' because our maximum design bearing pressure is 3000 pounds per square foot. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if we can be of further service. Sincerely, KRM Consultants, Inc. Structural Engineering and Design '..:: $ { rl lJr?"lt,l* P.lTL,A/,u Kimberly n. JcCne", P.e._".$$J-"% %;*N p.O. Etox 4S7p - Vait, cO A1554 - t3(fgl 949-9391 - FA>< g4g.1 577 -' KRM coNsuLTANTs, rNc. P.O.80X 4572 vAtL cotoRADo 81658 t303t 94$9391 F X 9491577 FIELD REPORT TO: M.J L DEVELdPMENT F, a, Bo r z+El ATTENTION: MIK.E IIUTERBACH PROJECT: DATE: ARRIVE: DEPART: WEATHER: ||15 F.M- ry" +f q3 l2z 15 P, M- DPtzzLe_ JOB NUMBER: l, suppoer FoR (z)-t7+x 14 M.L. Froqs BEAM: ^, AT NDPfiI slDE oF eIAtPr IDD 7l-l%x.*lz M.L. roET Feo|4 Rltx.E..To UPPE? FI-o0.P ) TIIEN FUR oI,JT I^IALL BFLoT^I N/ zxt.o,e FLAT.FR^MSDA4NN3a e!€T6. h'Au_ AT .MA|N FroOF LEV7L IND eo1k sOLlD lNJOI€T E?ACE Ae,OVE IJA?-|C FLOOR. LEVEL TO TRAFISFEE LOADTHEouaiH gTUDg 'fo THtdKENEb &NCp,eTe 3LAB,f. rt SourH sDE aF sTAlpr ADD (z)-lthxSlz trt,L. tu't FFoMADqE TO UFPEP FLaoP- 'NI+EEE IT EEAEE ON F-X,ftO, H.-EADET,THEN bLOCk SLID BENETTH €OUTH EI.ID AF HEADET TO NFW(3)-zxlz HEADE.P ovep, 3!o ooaR,. NEN FEAbEp HAg (t)-Zxtt TRIMMEIA EACH END TO SEAE OTI TI{ICKENED €t-AE, 2, Itlz' uGH?NEtqHT coNcFere TapplNq AT plA3,TeF BeDRooM FL,,ple oK, ?, LOOEOUT LJ)v'aeP.' BEAM9 A? ?6OF DO Nd? HAVE TO EE. 'TEEATED REVIEWED: COPY TO: