HomeMy WebLinkAboutINNSBRUCK MEADOWS COMMON ELEMENTS PART 3 LEGALo ,l Arur Howie 3600 Holmes Kansas City, MO 64109 Gary Cohm' c/o Frank McKibben Vail Valley Real Estate 22E Bridle St. Vail, CO 81657 Rob Rymer c/o Greg Amsden Arnsden, Davis,Fotller 500 S. Frontage Rd.W. #l l2 Tlte Wren Vail, CO 8t657 Feter Bbttin c/o Gtq Ansden Atosden, Davis, Fosler SOO S. Frontage Rd' W' #112 Ttte Wren Vail, CO 81657 Mike & ,IennY Friednan 3219 bick Wilson Drive Sarasota' FT., 34240 -^ - Coluntbine North l'.O. llox 5940 Vail, CO 81658 Columbine West P.O. Box 447 Vail, CO 81658 Tinrber Creek TownlPuses P.O. Box 3478 Vail, CO 81658 Canrelot Towrrhouses P.O. Box 2l2l Vail, CO 81658 hursbruck Condonritriutns P.O. Box 485 Vail, CO 81658 Meadow Creek Condominiuns 143 E. Ivleadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Rush Condominiums 2821 Basingdale lllvd ll4 Vail, CO 81657 Merv Lapirr 232 W. MeadowDr. Vail, CO 81657 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannin-g and Environmental commission of the Town of Vail wi1 hotd a pubtic nearing'i;"iicJiOince *itn SeCtion-t A.ee.OOg of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on May 13, 1996, ;iiiOO FLrf-in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a density variance to allow for the construction of additional GRFA' localed at 3130 Booth Falls Cou'rt/Lot 6, Block 2' VailVillage 12th Filing' Applicant: Planner: Planner: Brent and Barbara Bingham Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential addition utilizing me _250 ordinance, located at 748 Potato Patchilot 7, Block 2, Potato Patch znd filing' Applicant:Mario Montalvo, represented by Pat McDonald George Ruther A request for an amendment to the previously. approved.site developmentplan for the Innsbruck . - Meadows Subdivision,lociteo atzi72-2892- Kihhicxinnick Road/lnnsbruck Meadows. fi4ppticant: Innsbruck Meadows Development, represented by Bob Borne V Planner: George Ruther A request for a residentialaddition utilizing the 250 Ordinance,located at 4840 Meadow Lane/Lot 2' Block 6, Bighorn sth Addition. Applicant: John MeschPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a minor subdivision to allow for an amendment to_the platted building envelope' tocatbO at 1299 Spraddle Creek Drive/Lot ll, Spraddle Creek Estates Subdivision. Applicant:Ric Fields George RutherPlanner: A request for a worksession to discuss a proposed minor subdivision to allow for a change in lot confiiuration, located al1794 S. Frontage'Ro'ad/Lots 2 & 3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2. Planner: George Ruther A request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for the replacefgil.gf a skylight with a roof dormer, tocatbO at 201 E. Gore Creek Drive/A part of Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant:Brent Alm Applicant:Craig SnowdenPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for an inferior remodel utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 1081 VailView Drive #1 09 B/Homestake Condominiums. Applicant: Rebecca JaffePlanner: Lauren Walerlon A request for residential additions utilizing the 250 Ordinance; located at 775 Potato Patch /Lot 19' Potato Patch f 1. ' Applicant: schumacher / HansenPlanner: George Ruther fl#iTl" BJ,ffiL"filln.','tilliltllll :l?gTX?19tdgb'fJ'J1l?L?J,?i1?l?:*' request with 24 hour notitication' Prease carr 47e-2114 33il1'T#S"^3'?it3"T33iff lffi i+t' qK- ?\,, r a FfLE C0Pp TPPnoYEDJUN 10 8s6 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 20, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: -!3 STAFF PBESENT: Mike Mollica ":Jim Curnutte . George Ruther. , Dominic Mauriello Judy Rodriguez.' 1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Motfet Greg Amsden Henry Pratt Gene Uselton Galen Aasland Diane Golden Public Hearing 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:00p.m. 1. A request to renew the 1995 approval of a conditional use permit for a three week period, to allow for an ouldoor dining deck located at Garton's Saloon/Lot P, Blod( 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. (The annual review of the conditional use permit is currently scheduled forJune 10,1996). Applicant: Dave GartonPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Dave Garton thanked the statf and said that he appreciated being allowed to open for the next 3 weeks. Diane Golden asked why it takes so long to clean up the site at the end of the season? Dave Garton indicated that the ilme period allowed for clean-up could be reduced. Greg Motlet asked for any public comment. There was none. Qene Uselton made a motion for approval subject to the conditions in the statf memo. Greg Amsden seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Plaming rod Esvironmer al Cmmission Mioutes May20, 1996 r r. ' .JV rJl t I It I 2. A request to modify a condition of approval for a conditional use permit lor volleyball courrs ro oe rocatei -uiin. ii.ci, ii.fid, tocated at 620 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A' Block 2' Vail Village 7th filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrict Pidnner: George Ruther George Ruther gave an overview of the request. The applicant would like to go back to the metal il;s * ;;igirali proposeC. if,e VnO requests that the requirement of wood posts be amended *i Galen Aasland made a motion to approve the request' 'The motion was seconded by Henry Pratt. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. Greg Motfet introduced Russ Forrest representing the Open Space Committee. Russ Forrest explained that this committee designates open space and asked if a member of he PEC would like to serve on this comminee' Greg Moffet asked if the PEC would like a secret ballot. Gene Uselton nominated Henry Pratt. Galen Aasland seconded the nomination. It passed unanimouslY. g. A request for a Conditional Use Permit to use a tent at the Lionshead Ski School for Cami Vait, located at 520 Lionshead Mall/ Tract D, Vail Lionshead lst filing Applicant:Vail Recreation District Jim CurnuttePlanner: Jim Curnutte gave an overview of the request and stated that adjacent property owners had _been notified and h6 had received no complaints. He stated that whether the tent is here or not, the children will still use the play area next to the tent. He said that staff was recommending approval witr the conditibnd that a stairway, with a railing, be.added. to. the.souh dooMay, that skirting be added to the bonom of the tent, and that no signs be added to the tent or property until they are reviewed and approved by he Town. Greg Moffet asked for applicant or public comment. There was none. Galen Aasland had concerns with a Building code issue if the tent becomes a permanent structure. to metal. Greg Moffet asked for any applicant or public input' There was none' . Planniog and Environmenral Comission Minurcs MaY 20' 1996 2 'r Greg Amsden asked about the wood storage structure in he vicinity. " ' : . SusanHotter,oftheVRD,saidthatVAisusingtreshed|orstorage. Greg Rmsden said that revegetation is needed east of the tent' its Susan Honer said trat dudng Vail Glean-Up Day, she had taken extra time to clean up.fi'e area. Mike Moilica asked if the PEc wants a split-rail fence and landscaping on the east side ol the tent' . 1;i- GregAmsdenaskedstafffordirectiononwhatkindofrevegetation?\;... Jim Gurnutte said either seed or sod, Greg Amsden stated hat seeding would not work because the grass would not sprout by June 10h. Henry Pratt agreed with Greg Amsden. Dlane Golden suggested an erosion control tarp. Jim Curnutte said a silt fence is supposed to be functioning. Mike Mollica suggested considering erosion confiol matting on top until it is established. Gene Uselton said he would like childproof construction fences around the play area. Jim Curnutte suggested adding a condition, as it relates to Galen's concern regarding_ indemnifiing the Town. The 180 day allowance is over and VA should indemnify he Town for using a temporary structure for longer than it was allowed. Greg Amsden made a motion to approve the request with the conditions in the staff memo and additional conditions as follows: 1. That childproof construction fencing be installed.2. That the applicant revegetate the east side of the tent between the tent and he creek.3. That tre erosion control fence be made to function properly.4. That tre applicant indemnify the Town of Vailfor the continued use of the tent' Gena Uselton asked about the "Ghildren Playing" signs mentioned in the memo. Jim Cumutte said the signage was a request by the VRD. The motion was seconded by Gene Uselton. Henry Pratt said the'Children Playing'sign shouldnt be required. Greg Arnsden amended the motion. . PlambgodEovfumcoalC@oissim Miluta Mry20, 1996 I It was seconded bY Gene Uselton. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0- 4.A reouest for a Conditional Use Permit in the CCll Zone District to allow for a miniature lolillrii" t" Ue tocateO at 600 Lionshead MalULot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1si:Filing. Applicant: Charlie Alexander Pidnner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte gave an overview, stating that Charlie Alexander wants to e)dend his-previous. approval to operate the miniature golf course in the existing location, until VA breaks ground on tid gondola, i:unently scheduled for July 8, 1996. The move to the new location near the gondola stairs will happen when VA starts construction. He strted hat the applicant will come back in the fall and ask for a new conditional use permit for future operations once the new gondola has been constructed. Jim stated ftat the operation has never received any complaints ind is an improvement to he Lionshead area. Staff is recommending approvalwith no conditions. Greglrrlotfet asked for any public comment. Charlie Alexander, the applicant, said he did pursue other locations and opportunities. He appreciated the chance to keep the operation alive in Lionshead. Diane Golden said she was glad it was located in Lionshead' Greg Amsden noted that in the event VA does not start construction on July 8th, the applicant be allowed to stay in that location, untilVa kicks him out. Galen Aasland made a motion for approval in.accordance with the staff memo and wifi the addition that he applicant's use of the existing course not be tied lo a specific date, but be allowed to use the existing course until VA requires him to move to the new site. The motion was seconded by Henry Pratt. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 5. A request for a parking variance and a variance to locate GRFA within the front setback, to allow for the constuction ol a new primary/secondary residence, located at 2338 Garmish Drive/Lot 12, Block G, Vail Das Schone #2 - Applicant: Dave Hilb and Greg CummingsPlanner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnune said that due to the steepness of the lot (50%+), the applicant had a right to put the garages in the front seback. However, the site coverage allowance is more restrictive because steep lots are more prone to visual scars. Jim pointed out that the appticants had applied for a site coverage variance previously, but were able to redesign the building to comply. They are leaving about 500 sq. ft of GRFA unused. lf the PEC doesn't want to approve the GRFA in the plarrning 6d pnviromeoral Cmmission Mioutes May 20, 1995 t fronl setback, you won't see any difierence in the building. Jim stated there are no visual impacts associated with the requested variances.. Statf is comfortable with the tequest as iubmltteO. The Engineering Ddpartment wants 4'of paving ad!.ed-ot1 either slde ol the driveway. Jim asreo the engiieers to-be h'ere, but they are not present. He teels the intent is to park one more car off of th6 road. Staff is not pushin! the ided of one more space. He leels it should be brought to the PEC's attention for discussion. t' Greg Moffet asked the applicant if he had anything to add- Dave Hilb said that fiis was a better design than the one they looked at two meetings ago. Greg Motfet asked for any publii comment. There was none. , Gene Uselton recommended landscaping instead of the addilional4' of asphalt on each side of the driveway, as recommended by the Town Engineer. Diane Golden agreed. Henry Pratt had no problem wih the parking variance request. He did not want an additional 4' of pavement in front of the garage. Since fre GRFA is in the front setback, we need to know what sets this request apart. By making the garage a bridge with nothing underneah it, the applicant has taken his allowable GRFA and filled in under the bridge. For that reason Henry feels it is not a grant ol special privilege. This is different from previous applications, as it is not affecting the bulk and mass. Therefore, Henry is in favor of he GRFA in the front setback variance. Greg Amsden is not in favor of the additional4'of asphalt. He feels that approval of the variance will cause no adverse effect on neighboring properties and agrees that it is a much bener design. Galen Aasland agrees with Henry's comments. He is in support of the GRFA in the front setback. However, should a second story above the garage be requesled later on, he would not look favorably on such a request. lf the applicant builds a garage 24'trom the front of the garage to the street and sells the house, Galen leels that the new owner of the property should not hold the Town responsible for any damage to cars resulting from the approval to park in tront of the garage (snow plows, etc.). Greg Motfet said Galen brought up the issue of parking in the right-of-way As a condition he suggested having the applicant indemnify the Town from any damage by fie Town in exchange for parking in the right-of-way. Greg is in agreement with the rest of the commlssion. To further dlstinguish this from the Orrison request he clarified that this was a 2-story structure in he front sptback and hat there is not a reasonable alternative on the site to locate the fifth required parking space without tremendous site disturbance. He agreed with Greg Amsden that the public had not come forth with any public comments regarding it as a problem. Greg Amsden made a motion to approve the variances per the recommendations in he staff memo and tr|at additional asphalt and widening by 4' on the side of the driveway not be pursued. Also, that the applicant indemnify the Town for any damage to cars parked so close t0 the road. Plaming rnd Envircmcotal Cmmission Mirulos May20, 1996 Mike Mollica said we need to talk to Tom Moorhead, the Town Atlorney, regarding he exact worOip ot the indemnification. Henry Pratt said that the intenl was to have fhis waiver.appl.y to $tlsgqueT-prgperty owners' as *ilf is he existing one. Henry Pratt asked ilrat Greg Amsden go frrrough the findings for the record. Greg Amsden stated the findings have been met as specified in the staff memo. The motion was seconded by Henry Pratt. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0' 6. A request for an amendment to the previously apprgyg! gite-{gvelopmentPlan for the tnnsdruck Meadows Subdivision, located a12772-2892 Kinnlckinnhk Road/lnnsbruck Meadows. Applicant: Innsbruck Meadows Development, represented by Bob Borne Planner: George Ruher Greg Amsden abstained from this discussion and vote' George Ruther gave an overview of the request and stated that just he_ east-half of Innsbruck Mead=ows is being atfected. The request is to move the approved building fooPrints more than 10', to relocate two EHU's within the subdivision and to realign the bike path. Thes_e changes are necessitaled, in part, by the incluslon of garages for the EHU. The total allowable GRFA is not changing. Staff's only concern with the request is that Building #11 is too parallelwith lhe soutt property tine. Staff isrecommending that the PEC look at rotating Building #11, to eliminate the iarbttet-atignment. George stated that he adjacent property owners have been notified. To iate, staft nas received only one telephone call, it was regarding the west half, not the east hall of the project. Bob Borne thanked George for his great job of explaining the request. Bob stated that he put in garages to get cars off the streets. Bob stated there is a cause and etfect when trying to add garages since the site plan is so tight. A change in the bikepath from concrete to asphalt was requesteo to match the blacktop driveways. As far as the conditions, Bob stated that pivoting Building #1 1 will take it further away from the Camelot Townhomes, which is a plus. Building #11 can only be pivoted until the roof overhang meets the property line. Bob was concerned that the removal ol the ability to move buildings up to 10', wih statf approval is too stringent. George Ruther said condition No. 5 was put in because of the cause and effect or domino effect moving buildings causes. Greg Moffet asked George if it was more time consuming for statf if the building was shifted 1'? lf it were a minimum of 5', would it save time for you? George Ruther said tris plan conforms with allthe conditions of approval and he did not see the need to move the buildings 1'or 2', etc. Planoing md Enviromeotgl Conmiseion Miautes May20, 1995 iri 5 'I Galen Aasland asked if the building corners were tied to lot corners. George Ruther stated Yes Bob Borne stated be doesn't want to come back to the PEC for only 1'. lf there's a mistake, it's *itnin orr pioperty. The driveway_grades will remain the same' He wants some leeway3nd to know that they are not in violation if there's a 6" error. ': Galen Aasland supports staff. He does feelthe applicant should be given some leeway, just not near the setbacks. He supports rotating Building #1 1. Henry Pratt agrees with what Bob Borne wants to do. The asphalt bike path is better than., . conciete. He-encourages the DRB to tiake a look at adding some trees alongthe bjke path and south of Building *t3. Lot 10 should go back to where it was. The proximately to Cam.elot is-- cbs6r. He agrels with rotating Building #11 to make a ragged line, perhaps up to 2' with statl approval. He agrees with Galen's comments. Diane Golden agrees with Henry. Gene Uselton had no comment. Greg Motfet agrees with Henry. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval of he request in accordance.wim the staff memo. He addei] that condition No. 5 be amended to include staff approvalfor up to 2'changes in building fooprint locations and the other 5 conditions remain the same, with the addition of condition No. 7 to add landscaping and that condition No. 8 be added thal Building #11 be rotated in accordance with the PEG's discussions and encouraging that the applicant look at rotating Building #10 as well. Greg Moffet asked that condition No. 8 be completed before condition No. 5 goes into effect. The motion was seconded by Galen Aasland. Mike Mollica asked for clarification on the rotation ol Building #11 . Henry Pratt said it should be rotated as much as possible without compromising the driveway-grades. Galen's intent was to place it back to where it was before. Galen Aasland asked if the garage could be lowered. Bob Borne said the slab could be raised or lowered. He added that he will rotate the buildings as much as possible while avoiding encroachment into setbacks Henry Pratt suggested rotating it somewhere between where it is and where it was. Galen Aasland thought it should be closer to its originalposition. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 5-0-1. . Phnning rod Eavironncnlal C.mnission Minutec MaY20, 1996 Greg Moffet stated, for the record, trat Jim curnutte will be sorely missed. Z . A request for a Sign Code Amendment to allow for an amendment and reorganization of -ritrejA Signs, Gfiapters 16.20 (Sign Categories) and 16.22 (Sign Categories lor the CC3 and ABD zone Districts). Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the memo. He explained that there was only 91e . ;"bna"ti[ cnangito the temporary development sign. He did present the board with a lener from Bill Anderso-n who thinks a contact person and phone number should be on all temPorary JJutfoprent signs. He feels we should'limit the size of signs and not dealwith the verbiage. Galen Aasland said that on page 18, the information that is required is public information and should be allowed on the siln ind the information should be consistent on all temporary site development signs. Greg Amsden agrees with Galen. lt seems a mixed message. Henry pratt has similar feelings. lt is not fair that multi-family zones can have development signs and 6ot single-family zones. lt becomes an enforcement issue that the Town cannot enforce. Larger proj6cts should have a Real Estate Agent listed. He was not in favor of a double sta;da;d. it snouH be allowed for both single-family or two-family with minimal information on the sign. Diane Golden had no commenl. Gene Uselton asked Dominic if amending the sign code was an ongoing process? Dominic Mauriello said, yes, but that this was the first step in the process of reworking the entire Design Review and sign code requirements. Gene Uselton asked if it was premature to make changes to the code now. Dominic Mauriello said in the meantime we have to work with what we have. The idea with lhis revision is to make the sign code understandable and user'friendly. Mike Mollica said temporary development signs are very inconsistent. Gene Uselton agreed with Henry's comments. Greg Moffet thought the name, address and permit should be displayed. lt is not fair hat a single famity can't put a sign in their yard. Lets level the playing field. He stated that he would like to strike the reference to real estate agents, contractors, architects and developers from the commercial and multi-family signs. Mike Mollica said in the recent past, the Town has allowed renderings on temporary development signs in commercial areas. ls it your intention to do away with those? * . Planning and Environrnental Commission MiDutes May 20, 1995 a Greg Amsden said it is a good idea to leave pictures on the signs. ',, : Greg Moffet had no problem with a visual picture on he signs. He is ofthe opinion that real estite is such big brisiness and should not be on signs, since you are able to pick up free newspapers with real estate ads. {+ Dominic Mauriel6 confirmed that a display of permits and a rendering of a project could lie on signs and we should amend the paragraph to clearly state that they are allowed. Henry Pratt asked if this is only for multi-family? Mike Mollica said we should be consistent in he way that anyone uses heir sign. Greg Moffet asked if this is being recommended to go to Council? Dominic Mauriello stated that itwas. Henry Pratt made a motion as presented by the strff memo with a minor change on page 18, at the top of paragraph 2 allowing renderings on temporary signs with he rest of the paraglaph left Greg Amsden seconded the molion. Dominic reiterated that he addition of allowing renderings was the only change. The motion passed by a vote of 4-2, wifrr Greg Moffet and Greg Amsden opposed. 8. A request for an interior residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 100 East Meadow Drivef/illage Inn Plaza Phase lll, Unit 111/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant:Tom ThornburgPlanner: Lauren Waterton STAFFAPPROVED 9. A request for a minor subdivision to change the property line between Lots 2 & 7, located at2446 and 2450 Chamonix Lane/Lot 2, a resubdivision of Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block B, Vail Das Schone Filing #1 and Lot 7, Block B, a resubdivision of Vail Das Schone, Filing #1. _ Applicant: Karen ScheidiggerPlanner: Jim Cumutte TABLED TO JUNE 24, 1996 Greg Amsden made a motion to table item no.9. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. Pkping sDd Frvirc@cotal Coomissios Mbutes May20, 1995 9 o The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0' 11. Information Update , -' r l ' 1 ' .' ' Greg Moffet asked Mike Mollica for the information update' {* Mike Mollica stated that ffrere will be two sets of minules to be approved at the next mee'ting due ilitf'tlU"cf ioback PEC meetings resulting from the holiday weekend. r ,, Mike Mollica said the gondola appealwas going before the Counciltomorrowj . 1 Mike Moilica stated that the councilwillinterview three applicants for the one PEC openin! and make the appointment tomorrow night. Mike Mollica said there is a 2nd reading of the Appeals Ordinance on the Council agenda. Gafen Aasland had changes to he Fpril22,1996 minutes on page 8 regarding his comments about the gondola. Greg Amsden made a motion to adjourn he meeting. The motion was seconded by Henry Pratt. The meeting adiourned at 3:30 P.m. t I I25 SEVENTEEN'II{ STREET, SUTTE I2OO, DE}WER, COLORADO 80202.2027 (303) 294-9100 FAX: (303) 299-7901 June 2, 1994 | 't/n tgP^, . /'(/ -t(.)t / ' AM .r ^. o)CommunityDevelopment f fu{t ,,)lb Town of Vail u nll t v- t .rt 75 S. Frontage Road t ltu' r 'M)' vail, co 81657 ** t*' nU Attn: Mr. AndrewKnutdsen File: 28126-001-050 Re: Wetland Analysis - Pedotto Property " L fWestVail ,' t- , (V- DearMr. Knutdsen: // ,t L,/#"( The abovereferenced property was inspected on lday 3 0, 1994, to complete the wetlands sunrey that z was initiated in January of this year. This analysis was coordinated with Greg Amsden of g*' Cluistopher, Dentorl Keltoq & Kendall Red Estate. Three copies ofa report that document the results ofthe field inspection are provided for your N 4' information. +" ,nul* * {' /E' L i*tr /^CI*/ t- o' Please contact me at l-299-7836 if you have questions on the information provided herein. f[9 i9 Vr' L," L Greg Amsden Christopher, Denton, Keltor1 & Kendall 288 Bridge Street, Vail" CO 81657 i'oP t I1,AH /,L.L l, t/r ,;M , y'" ,W" '/'tl of'Y / (''1i,1. ,tr' omcEs voRrDvlDE Sincerely, Enclosure LRHn E:\ail\Fdo6o\&n0l 6fi lr( . t/.*r- '[ /Pa("rd""-r TVNTT.AXNDELIMuA-TION Pnnorro PnoPrnrrrs VanrCor,onnoo BACI(GROI'NI) The Pedotto property (Block 8, Intermountain Dwelopment) that is adjacent to Kinnikinick Road in westVd Colorado, was initially inspected in lanuary, I994,to determine on a preliminary basis, the o<tent of wetlands. A report on this field inspection was sent to Mr. Andrew Knutdsen at the Town of Vail, Community Dwelopmenl on January 2l , L994. Additional data were obained on the property on May 30, 1994, to supplement the preliminary assessment and to more definitively locate the wetland boundaries using U.S. ifrmy Cois of Engineers (COE, 1987) guidelines. Data were obAined on plant qrccies, oils, .and hydrology, at a number of sites (marked with wooden stakes) and wetland-upland boundaries were marfeA with yellow and/or blue survey flagging. Ttre percent cover of each plant species was estimated and the change in the species from wetland to non-wetland was noted. - Soils data at these sites was then recorded, and included color (Munsell Color Chart)' mineral verses organic composition, and relative moisture content. Hydrologic otservations included widence of past surface flow, as well as presence or absence of subsurface water in the soils. The wetlands area wat also located on plat maps of the properties. RESI]LTS Vegetation and soils that are indicative of wetland conditions were identified at two locations on the property (Figwe 1.). The small ripuian drainage that bisects the property arises from springs at the base of the hillside slope that abuts the property on the south- This wetland varies from approximately I foot to 20 feet in width and cxtends across the properry to Kinnikinick Road (Figrre 1.) . This wetland area is rnarked by a relatively dense stand of willows and bush honeysuckle (Site 18, 28; (see Plate 1.4)). Common understory species that are indioative ofwetland conditions at this site include cress and horsetail (table l.). These species along with the willow, are either obligate or facultative to wet soil conditions (Reed, 1988). Soils at these two sites also are indilative ofwet conditions, and contain a high proportion of organic matter, which causes the color to be dark, and mottles were observed in the soils at site 28 Cfade 1.) Mottles are caused by iron deposition from a fluctuating water table which are oxidized to a bright color as the water recedes. The wetland-upland boundary is marked by a change from species considered to be obligate or frcultative wetto those inhatiting more upland siteg or are tolerant of a broad range of conditions. Such species include wild geraniurq c,urrant, and Wood's rose (Site ld Table l.). Soils at this site werc liglrter (dark reddish brown), another indication ofbetter aeration and less saturation The hansition from wetland (ripuian) to upland is sho'wn on Plate lB. Most of the site is dominated by a stand of grasq mainly of smooth brome (Bronrus ircrmis) md bluegrass (Pm spp.),with oatgrass (Defhonil sW.), elk sedge (Cuex geyeri)' yarrow (Achillea nitte1oliun'y, and vetch (Vicia oneicou) the other prominent species. The soil of this area is moderately well drained. A second, smaller wetland occurs near the south-western edge ofthe property near the base of the hill (Plate 2A). This wAland also originates from sweral springs (Site 34 Table l.). The flow from this area has apparently been diverted to a tire track that extends north toward Kinnikinick Road. A dry natural channel o<tends form the springs to the east along the base of the hill into a stand of aspen with cow parsnip in the understory (Plate 2A.). Although not a jurisdictional wetland, the plant species in the aspen grove require this moisture, thus, the original flow regime should be reestablished. The wetland in this area covers approximately a l0' by l0' area at the edge of the property (Frgure l.). Prominent wetland species at this site include willow, redosier dogwood and sedge 6fUte Zn;. Aspen trees and cow parsnip were also cornmon in this area (Table 1., Site 3B), although not considered to be indicative of wetland conditions. Soils at this site were very dark gray and saturated at the time of the field investigations. CONCLUSIONSIRECOMMENDATIONS Based on the characteristics observed in the field, jurisdictional wetlands occur at the two sites on the property (Figure l.). These wetlands have developed in conjunction with surface and subsurfacJwater flows that arise from springs near the base ofthe hill that abuts the property on the south. Both wetlands are characterized by a riparian stand of willows and several other herbaceous understory species that are indicative ofwetland conditions. Development should not be planned for the area that has been delineated as jurisdictional wetlands (Figure 1.), so that a Section 404 (Clean Water Act) permit is not required. Moreover, a lg-foot Luffer should be maintained between dwelopment and wetlands to minimize any impacts, zuch as sedimentation from orcavation activities to enter into the wetland area. REFERENCES CITED U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers (COE). 1987. Corps ofEngineen wetland delineation manual. Waterways Experiment Statior\ COE, Vicksburg MS. Tech Rpt. Y-87-1. Reed, P. B., Jr. 1988. Nationd list of plant species that oocur in wetlands: Nationsl summary. National Wetlands Inventory, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. U.S. Department of the Interior. Biol Rpt 88(24), Research and Development, Washingoq D.C. . 30 faet o ()rt A'b t&...-,-a ---1-ffi I i- .;. \ oe4" \I -M.H.tltv..; .. l' r.o'i'9 !i iisi.i CAIJLF fl'.lrrrl f1 !5 rlbqr t /otutrr looN^%* M9-c8=Ng6'36'1 or !ri o Deuns & Moonr Trblc l. Phnt Spociel Compo.rition (perccnt covcr) end Soil Color of TYctland Arer Semplc Sites SfethndIndhrtbf Fecultrtlvc Frcoltrillvc Mcedwtrc Frcultrtfuc Fecultettvc trcndoldcr Frcuftrtivc Frcultetlvc Frcultrltvc Fecuftrttvc Woodtr rolc Scdgc (Cercr rpp.)Obllgrtlvc- Frcultatlvc Wct Facuftrtivc Wct Derhmddbhbrwl sYR231,DhcknrilrLwlthSYR nddlrL vcllow mottlcr Cd4odcr follorr Rccd (l9t8): Ob[3rlc-Atnort dwryr ocorn hwctlaudr (907r) Fecutrrillvc Wct o Urur[t oocun h wctlen& (67-997.) trrroltdvc- Eqmtry llkdyio occnrh uplrndr or wctlrudr lrnEltvc llphnd - Urndlt occon ln uphndr I\lI-Nobdlcrtorvduc d.rlcv SOILCOII)B Plate 1A. Typical willow-dominated vegetation of the wetland that bisects the property (Table 1., Sites 1 & 2)). Plate 1B. Wetland-upland boundary showing the change from willow to smooth brome vegetation. Plate 2A Area where water has been restricted by diversion caused by vehicle tracks. Plate 28 Wetland site (background) at southwestern edge of property with willows, cow parsnip, and sedge. 1125 SEVENTEENTH STREET, SUITE I2OO, DENVER, COLORADO 80202-202'7 (303) 294-9100 FAX: (303) 299-790r Itne2,1994 Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Andrew Knutdsen Re: Wetland Analysis - Pedotto Property West Vail DearMr. Knutdsen: 10!' C0l[t'l\' DE\'' DEPTT File: 28126-001-050 The above'referenced property was inspected on May 30, 1994, to complete the wetlands survey that was initiated in January of this year. This analysis was coordinated with Greg Amsden of Christopher, Dentoq Keltotl & Kendall Real Estate. Three copies ofa report that document the results ofthe field inspection are provided for your information. Please contact me at I-299-7836 ifyou have questions on the information provided herein. Sincerely, DAMES MOORE Greg Amsden Ctuistopher, Denton, Kelton" & Kendall 288 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 LRHmr p:Vdlecdodott0l cc: Enclosure OFFICES WORLDWIDE * Dauns er Moonn Wnrr,exo Drr.,rxrarrox Ppporro Pnopnnrrps V.ut, Cor,onloo BACKGROUNI) The Pedotto property @lock 8, Intermountain Development) that is adjacent to Kinnikinick Road in west Vail, Colorado, was initially inspected in January, 1994, to determine on a preliminary basis, the extent of wetlands. A report on this field inspection was sent to Mr. Andrew Knutdsen at the Town of Vail, Community Development, on January 21,1994. Additional data were obtained on the property on May 30, 1994, to supplement the pretminary assessment and to more definitively locate the wetland boundaries using U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE, 1987) guidelines. Data were obtained on plant species, soils, and hydrology, at a number of sites (marked with wooden stakes) and wetland-upland boundaries were marked with yellow and/or blue survey flagging. The percent cover ofeach plant species was estimated and the change in the species from wetland to non-wetland was noted. Soils dataat these sites was then recorded, and included color (Munsell Color Chart), mineral verses organic composition, and relative moisture content. Hydrologic observations included evidence of past surface flow, as well as presence or absence of subsurface water in the soils. The wetlands area was also located on plat maps of the properties. RE.S[]LTS Vegetation and soils that are indicative of wetland conditions were identified at two locations on the property (Figure 1.). The small riparian drainage that bisects theproperty arises from springs at the base ofthe hillside slope that abuts the property on the south. This wetland varies from approximately I foot to 20 feet in width and extends across the property to Kinnikinick Road (Figure l.) This wetland area is marked by a relatively dense stand ofwillows and bush honeysucHe (Site lB,2B (see Plate lA)). Common understory species that are indicative of wetland conditions at this site include cress and horsetail (Table 1.). These species along with the willow, are either obligate or facultative to v/et soil conditions (Reed, 1988). Soils at these two sites also are indicative of wet conditions, and contain a high proportion of organic matter, which causes the color to be dark, and mottles were observed in the soils at site 28 (Table l.) Mottles are caused by iron deposition from a fluctuating water table which are oxidized to a bright color as the water recedes. The wetland-upland boundary is marked by a change from species considered to be obligate or facultative wet to those inhabiting more upland sites, or are tolerant of a broad range of conditions. Such species include wild geranium, currant, and Wood's rose (Site ld Table 1.). Soils at this site were lighter (dark reddish brown), another indication of better aeration and less saturation. The transition from wetland (riparian) to upland is shown on Plate lB. Most of the site is dominated by a stand of grass, mainly of smooth brome (Brormrs inermis) nd bluegrass (Pu spp.), with oatgrass (Danthonia spp.), elk sedge (Carex geyeri), yarrow (Achillea millefolium), and vetch (Yicia americana) the other prominent species. The soil ofthis area is moderately well drained. A second, smaller wetland occurs near the south-western edge ofthe property near the base of the hill (Plate 2A). This wetland also originates from several springs (Site 3A' Table l.). The flow from this area has apparently been diverted to a tire track that extends north toward Kinnikinick Road. A dry natural channel extends form the springs to the east along the base of the hill into a stand of aspen with cow parsnip in the understory @late 2A.). Although not a jurisdictional wetland, the plant species in the aspen grove require this moisturg thus, the original flow regime should be reestablished. The wetland in this area covers approximately a l0' by l0' area at the edge ofthe property (Figure l.). Prominent wetland species at this site include willow, redosier dogwood, and sedge (Plate 28.). Aspen trees and cow parsnip were also common in this area (Table 1., Site 3B), although not considered to be indicative of wetland conditions. Soils at this site were very dark gray and saturated at the time ofthe field investigations. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the characteristics observed in the field, jurisdictional wetlands occur at the two sites \ on the property (Figure l.). These wetlands have developed in conjunction with surface and '/ subsurface water flows that arise from springs near the base ofthe hill that abuts the property on the south. Both wetlands are characterized by a riparian stand ofwillows and several other herbaceous understory species that are indicative ofwetland conditions. Development should not be planned for the area that has been delineated asjurisdictional wetlands (Figure l.), so that a Section 404 (Clean Water Act) permit is not required. Moreover, a l0-foot buffer should be maintained between development and wetlands to minimize any impacts, such as sedimentation from excavation activities to enter into the wetland area. REFEREI.ICES CITED U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers (COE). 1987. Corps ofEngineers wetland delineation manual. WaterwaysExperiment Statioq COE, Vicksburg MS. TechRpt. Y-87-1. Reed, P. B., Jr. 1988. National list of plant specics that occur in wetlands: National summary. National Wetlands Inventory, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sendce. U.S. Department ofthe Interior. Biol Rpt 88(24), Research and Dwelopment, Washingtor\ D.C. 4[,1la3[ cAriLF fl"rr.,tr *-go f..l--, :.=:* o-cB=Re6'36' 1 Ot " ffiP !ol />': I _r{ -M.H.l|tv. r.oi- 9 ii ij.Sr.i RtM 57.8O-' :.49.tot{ -.-- .{\ l-n x: o DeuEs & Moonn Table l. Plant Species Composition (percent cover) and Soil Color of lVetland Area Sample Sites Wetland Indicetion' Fecuhetive Fecultrtive Meadow rue Frcuftetivc Facultative tremuloides Fecultetive F acultetlve U Frcuhative Acteee rubra) Facultatlvc Wood's rose Sedge (Carer spp.)Obligative - Facuhative Wet Facultetivc Wet sYR 3/2,Dark reddish brown sYR 2.5/1,Black matrlx wlth SYR 6/6, reddish yellow mottler Categorles follow Recd (198t): Obligete = Almort elways occurr in wetlandr (90%) Facultetlve Wet = Usually occurr in wetlandr (67-99t/.\ Fecuhetlve = Equelly llkcly to occur in uplandr or wetlendr Facultative Upland = Ucually occun ln uplandr M = No indlcator velue NI soILcol.,oR Plate 1A. Typical willow-dominated vegetation of the wetland that bisects the property (Table 1., Sites 1 & 2)). Plate 1B. wetland-upland boundary showing the change from willow to smooth brome vegetation. Plate 2A Area where water has been restricted by diversion caused by vehicle tracks. Plate 28 Wetland site (background) at southwestern edge of property with willows, cow parsnip, and sedge. :.- - tar-\ -xIr)\I.vL// MEMORANDUM File Community Development Department ") ^y'Q N{"/ L,r}"* li,^ U TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: May 19, 1994 Summary of conditions of approval to be placed on the subdivision plat for the Pedotto rezoning. The conditions listed below include those put on the project at second reading. 1. The developer shall submit the subdivision plat, site plan, and recording fees to the Town prior to issuance of any building permit for a structure on this property. The plat and site plan shall include the plat restrictions listed below and all future development shall conform to these. a. All construction shall conform to the standards listed below and shall comply with the building fooprints shown on the attached site plan. b. There must be a minimum 15 foot separation between structures, including all decks and cantilevered portions, but excluding eaves. After the construction of the first structure and prior to any subsequent buibing permit applications, the applicant must provide survey information verifying the location of previously built structures to show that the '15 foot separation requirement shall be met given the construction of the proposed unit(s). The height limitation for the development on this parcel shall be lowered from the 38 feet allowed by LDMF zoning to 33 feet. All driveways to be constructed on this site shall not exceed 8% slope. GRFA, site coverage and height shall be allocated for the structures as follows: d. th* f* / 2a'- l Z .?o* I s z**' 'r', z/ ;/a @ ' 5 -/@.@6 -lrcq 7 /as.o 8 1 /o /l /z "1 ,r* * 'o --v Bulldlng Enfolope ,Drnlllng Unltl Credlt GRFA Td.I GRFA Allofl.d Sfta Cov.r.go H,.lght I 2 ,150 6q. i.2,080 sq. lt.2,$0 sq. fi.1,800 69. ft.3il fl. 2 I 225 sq. fi.'|,425 sq. ft.1,650 sq. lt.1,400 sq. fi.3!t fr. 3 I 225 sq. lt.l.,lzs sq. ft.1.650 sq. n.1,400 sq. lt.3:l tr. 4 225 sq. h.1,425 sq. ft.|,650 sq. tt.1,,100 sq. lt.gl lt. 5 2 450 sq. tt.1,680 3q. ft.2,130 8q. ft.|,683 sq. tt.f,l lr. 6 I 225 sq. ft.1,425 sq. tl.t,650 sq. lt.|,400 sq. lt.3:t tt. I 225.sq. fi.I,425 sq. tl.1,650 sq. n.lJ00 8q. ft.3it ft. t0 I Us aq. n.| ,425 sq. ft.1,650 sq, fi.1100 3q. lt.33 ll. l2 225 sq. lt.|,425 sq. ft.|,650 sq. n.I J00 sq. fi.3il fr. 14 2 450 sq. fi.I,680 sg. i.2,130 sq. ft.|,683 sq. ft.3!t fl. f. No fences shall be allowed on this property. g. Phasing - The applicant shall provide four employee housing units according to the phases shown below. The Employee Housing Units shall be restricted as Type lll Units and shall include restrictions requiring that the unit be rented and that the rent shall be comparable to market rate. i. Prior to the issuance of a final CO or TCO for any of the first six structures constructed in Innsbrook Meadows, the applicant shall secure a final Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate' of Occupancy for the first of lour deed restricted employee housing units. ii. Prior to requesting a final CO or TCO for any of the seventh through tenth structures constructed in lnnsbrook Meadows, lhe applicant shall secure a final CO or TCO for the second of four deed restricted EHU for the development. iii. Prior to requesting a final CO or TCO for any of the eleventh through fourteenth structures constructed in lnnsbrook Meadows, the applicant shall secure a final CO or TCO for the third and fourth deed restricted employee housing units. 4. 5. The developer shall have the Environmental Assessment updated and shallhave any required amendment to the site plan pressnted to tne pec for theirreview and approvar prior to the issuance of any buitoing p"*it o- inis' " property. The driveways serving Building Footprint #1 shall be modified to reduce thelength by shifting the curb cut to the west. The Town community Development staff .and the Town Engineer must approve the change prior to any DRB ' hearing for any dwelling unit on this property. The existing aspens located to the west of the green space area in the center of the site shall be transplanted or replaced on i t:t ratio based on the caliper of the existing trees. For example, and eight inch caliper tree would have to be replaced with two 4 inch caliper trees. staff believes this is reasonable since larger trees do not transplant well according to the Town's Landscape Architect. 7- The applicant shall provide a minimum garage area within each structure of 4g0 square feet. 8. The +plicant shall amend the site plan and subdivision plat according to the / Public works and Fire Department comments listed below. These chinges shall be done prior to any DRB hearing for any dwelling unit on this site. Fire Department '$) The fire access easement on the southwsst corner of ths site must be defined and then recorded at the county clerk and Recorder prior to DRB approval of any dwelling unit if a common access on the soulhwest comer of the site is provided. The easement must be posted in field with "No Parking" signs. staff wiil aflow the site pran reviewed by the PEC on February 28, 1994 or the site plan revis6d on April 11, i994 to be constructed B. All driveway surfaces must be ,all weather driving surfaces." C. Hydrants must be installed according to Town of Vait standards. o Public Works A, Dotailed regrading and lsndscape plans for lhe Eidowatk and right.of. way arc9 must be provided prior to a DHB hearing for any dweiting units. The Town Engineer is requiring a hard surface sidewalk, curb, gutter, storm sewer, inlets, engineering drawings and/or grading plans to be provided by the developer. The Town Engineer must approve all' engineering drawings for public improvements prior to any DRB hearing tot any dwelling unit on this property. The construction of the curb and gutter'.storm drainage infrastructure, sidewalk and any other required public improvement shall be completed prior to June 1 , 19gS. prior to issuance of any buiHing permit for the development, the applicant shall enter into a Development lmprovement Agreement. The agreement shall include a bid for all public improvements, provision for an irevocable letter of credit covering 125h of the cost set forth in the bid, and a time schedule for completion ol improvements. ln addition to all public improvements, the work listed in the Agreement shall include lhe cost of removing or burying one foundation. lf the Town uses a portion of the funds to remove or bury a foundation, that sum of money must be reimbursed in the revised letter of credit prior to the issuance of any additional building permits. B. Easements must be dedicated for the sidewalks, drainage, utilities, road side ditches, streeflights, etc. prior to a DRB hearing for any dwelling unit. 9. Eithor site plan, the one reviewed by the PEC on February Ag, 1994 or the one reviewed by the PEC on April 11 , 1994 may be constructed by the applicant. 10. Approval of the minor subdivision shall be contingent on approval of the f rezoning. + 1y No 250 square foot additions shail be ailowed for any dweiling unit on this parcel. A homeowner's association shall be established prior to the issuance of a TCO to insure maintenance of the common area. The deed restrictions for the four employee housing units shall include language requiring the units to be rented, and requires that the rental rate be comparable to market rates. The maximum GRFA allowed on this site shall be 25,900 square feet. Prior to the issuance of the Certilicate of Occupancy lor the building envelopes listed below, the applicant shall provide landscaping according to the quantity shown in the table below: 13. 14. 15. 4 o-o Euilding Eruebpc I Ou.ntlty ot Lrndlc.plng 5 a3psn nonh ot envelope I 5 aspens, I ooruco southwest of envgloDol 2 significant berm and hndsc+ing per Town Coundl on tho nonhwsst cornet ol the rtavat^hh-^r 2 spruce nodh ol €nvslop€ 5 aspsm, I spruco gouthwesl ot enveloDe 3 5 aspens nonh ot snvelope 1 I spruco oa$ ol envolooe 5 I spruca nodh of ortvelope 5and6 the oquvalent ot 66 indl calip€| ot aspen (z rncn mnimum per t pel gsne.ally around enwlope3 5 and 6 4 sapon €83l ot onvelope o no landscaping roguirod by pEC 9 3 espen norlh ol envelopo t0 ll aspon soulheag ol env€loDo t1 7 aspon sast ot env€lops t2 I spruce wesl ol envelooo t3 6 agpen east ol sw€looe v t4 5 aspen gasl ol €nvglooo 8 aspen nonh of envelopo t4 | spruco nonhw€sl ot elwolope t4 lrignificant bem and lendscaping p€rTo n Coundl on lh€ nodh eest comer ot the devologmsnr II\NSBRUCK MEADOWS Staging Plan Bre.iect Ss@!s!s: July 1 - 15 Start of Construction Units #1,3,4,5 rnd 14 Staging Area: Site #2 and #13 for immediate uses Sites # 10 - 12 for material storage August 1-15 Start of Construction Units #2,6,7,8 and 9 Staging Area: Site #10 for immediate uses Sites #11 and 12 for material storage ScpL 1-15 Start ofCongtruction Units #1O 11, 12 and 13 Staging Area: Site #11 and area to west of Site #12 for all staging needs at TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department May 17, 1994 4l1 ftri1,*v .kl'D Summary of conditions of approval to be placed on the subdivision plat for the Pedotto rezoning. Staff has summarized all of the conditions which have been discussed pertaining to the Pedotto rezoning. These are to be placed on the subdivision plat which will be in effect only if the rezoning is approved. Conditions 1 through 10 were recommended by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). Conditions 11 through 14 were included by Town Council at first reading. Condition 15 is a detailed listing of landscaping requirements referred to in earlier conditions. Please note that the text in bold reflects the changes made by the PEC. 1. The developer shall submit the subdivision plat, site plan, and recording fees to the Town prior to issuance of any building permit for a structure on this property. The plat and site plan shall include the plat restrictions listed below and all future development shall conform to these. a. All construction shall conform to the standards listed below and shall comply with the building footprints shown on the attached site plan. b. There must be a minimum'15 foot separation between structures, including all decks and cantilevered portions, but excluding eaves. After the construction ol the first structure and prior to any subsequent building permit applications, the applicant must provide survey information verifying the location of previously built structures to show that the 15 foot separation requirement shall be met given the construction of the proposed unit(s). c. The height limitation for the development on this parcel shall be lowered from the 38 feet allowed by LDMF zoning to 33 feet. d. All driveways to be constructed on this site shall not exceed 8% slope. e. GRFA, site coverage and height shall be allocated for the structures as follows: t. s. s-l^--cl h. .<-oa-g{rzf<J No fences shallbe allowed on this propefi. ,/- 4 Phasing - The applicant shall providdttsemployee housing units tr##wl^Y":"!ti'li. u' Prior to the issuance of a final CO or TCO for any of the first six fL* Ur,..,l m#r rnt-/./ r+/<- - a structures constructed in Innsbrook Meadows, the applicant shall secure a final Gertificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy tor the first of thrce deed restricted employee housing'units . {-n ii. Prior to requesting a final CO or TCO for any of the seventh through tenth structures constructed in Innsbrook Meadows, he applicant shall secure a final CO or TCO for the second of thrcc o4*,- deed restricted EHU for the development. iii, Prior to requesting a final GO or TCO for any of the eleventh through fourteenth structures constructed in Innsbrook Meadows, / the applicant shall secure a final CO or TCO for the thirdrof tlils 0-4'"' deed restricted employee housing units. ( e"...4 ._._ a 2.The developer shall have the Environmental Assessment updated and shall vetq /, have any required amendment to the site plan presented to the PEC for their review and approval prior to the issuance of any building permit on this property. Bulldlng Env.lop. ,Duclling Unltr C'r.dh GRFA TdII GRFA Alomd 8h. Cow'.go l{rlght 2 ,150 sq. tt.2,080 sq. tt.2,530 rq. ft.1 ,800 sq. tt.gt ft. 2 I sq. ti.1,425 8q. ft.1,650 sq. tt.1 ,,100 sq. i.dl fr. 3 1 225 sq. ft.1,425 sq. tl.1 ,650 sq. tt.I ,,100 sq. tl.33 fr. 4 1 225 sq. ft.I,2125 Eq. ft.1,650 sq. ft.t ,,100 sq. tl.03 fl. 5 2 ,*t0 sq. ft.I,680 sq. ft.2,130 sq. ft.t,603 sq. ft.3:l ft. 6 I 225 sq. tt.1,425 sq. ft.1,650 sq. fi.|,400 sq. tr.33 lr. I 225 8q. fi.1,425 sq. tl.I,650 6q. ft.1 ,400 sq. ft.33 ft. n 2 450 Bq. ft.1 ,6E0 sq. fi.2,130 sq. ft.1 ,683 sq. ft.33 fi. 9 I 2-54.fi.1 ,425 sq. tl.1,650 sq. ft.1,/O0 sq. ft.3Kt fr. 'r0 1 %4.1r-1125 8q. fi.| ,650 sq, ft.1 ,400 sq. ft.3it ft. t1 2 450 sq. fi.1,680 sq. ft.2,130 sq. ft.1 ,683 sq. n. t2 I 225 sq. ft.t,425 sq. ft.1,650 sq. ft.1r00 sq. ft.33 fr. 13 t US s9. A.1,425 sq. ft.'| ,650 sq. ft.I ,,f00 sq. ft.&|tl. 14 2 ,*t0 sq. fi.1,680 Bq. ft.2,130 sq. fi.1 ,683 sq. fi.3g fi. duplexes and the empleyee heusing units ehallbe releeated te ether building feeFrinF en this site= The revieeC eite plan 6hallbe reviewed and apprevsd by the PEe prier te any gRB hearing fer any dwelling unit sn thie preperty' 4. The driveways serving Building Fooprint #1 shall be modified to reduce the length by shiftlng the curb cut to the west. The Town Community Development stafi and the Town Engineer must approve the change prior to any DRB hearing for any dwelling unit on this property. 5. The existing aspens located to the west of the green space area in the center of the site shall be transplanted or replaced on a 1:1 ratio based on the caliper of the existing trees. For example, and eight inch caliper tree would have to be replaced with two 4 inch caliper trees. Statf believes this is reasonable since larger trees do not transplant well according to the Town's Landscape Architect. 6. Staff may approve up to 10 foot shifts in building footprint location from those shown on the plan approved by the Plannlng and Environmental Commission on February 28, 1994 or April 11, 1994 as long as the 15 foot separatlon between the units is maintaaned. 7. The applicant shall prov:de a minimum garage area within each structure of 480 square teet. 8. The applicant shall amend the site plan and subdivision plat according to the Public Works and Fire Department comments listed below. These changes shall be done prior to any DRB hearing for any dwelling unit on this site. Firs D€partment A. The fire access easement on the southwest corner of the site must be defined and then recorded at the County Glerk and Recorder prior to DRB approval of any dwelling unit if a common access on the southwest corner of the site is provided. The easement must be posted in field with "No Parking" signs. Staff will allow the slte plan revlewed by the PEC on February 28, 1994 or the sits plan revised on Aprll 11, 1994 to be constructed. B. All driveway surfaces must be "all weather driving surfaces." C. Hydrants must be instralled according to Town of Vail standards. I sjo{a-,< "}/ *-J /,-.44 Fe.,*.,y' f'tl'- B. . ft*- .,/y.-2, -*( ".L.4 *.^ eL- , -6 ^- g, Per./-f-.,- * 4*.7rry.". --f $"*---a 7L ^f.,^"-t s--i ul .u-.a,L._ 11' a' hl o+ a-z/ p ett 12. ,>'n7l>t<--..-^.6 ez cl srto-r-f 13.\:3*^:^ l-t olt4 o / c+er/.,/ 14' ,*J 15. /?fZ o/ /-/v c-ot / &il '\^7rtvz.av*r$, rL Vt " tn L'- f;"" 10. Public Works A. Detailed regrading and landscape plans for the sidewalk and right-of- way area must be provided prior to a DRB hearing for any dwelling units. The Town Engineer is requiring a hard surface sidewalk, curb, gutter, storm sewer, inlets, engineering drawings and/or grading plans to be provided by the developer. The Town Engineer must approvs all engineerlng drawings for publlc improvements prlor to any DRB hearlng for any dwelling unit on this property. The construction of ths curb and gutter, storm drainage infrastructure' sidewalk and any other requlred public improvement shall be insta#c+prieFte detlelepmon+.-f1r 'r l. /?'r.f. P^.- h Easements must be dedicated for the sidewalks, drainage, utilities, road side ditches, streetlights, etc. prior to a DRB hearing for any dwelling unit. EIther sits plan, the one reviewed by the PEC on February 28, 1994 or the one reviewed by the PEC on April 11, 1994 may be constructed by the applicant. Approval of the minor subdivision shall be contingent on approval of the rczoning. No 250 square foot additions shall be allowed for any dwelling unit on this parcel. A homeowner's association shall be established prior to the issuance of a TCO to insure maintenance of the common area. The deed restrictions for the three employee housing units shall include language requiring the units to be rented, and requires that the rental rate be comparable to market rates. The maximum GRFA allowed on this site shall be 25,900 square feet. Prior to ths issuance ol the Certlficate ot Occupancy for the building envelopes listed below, the applicant shall provide landscaping according to the quantity shown in the table below: o6"*< .\ f-/- 4.d V &* ../J-/->^ of .<-L(Oc-.ot4'._ &- L"r,C-( ft. L-Ll t/ rj.''4zt', 'r- tr/.,- n,q4 4 y'r/eJ ,n f-d-_ ,tn ,),J tyrl- /l^^d. of-, rtdrr'-'-*"-"^ / tt4r4 ..l 7tZt.x ,// /f* d-" A, /lJ'rvrz,V-< tuwf 6- f;t-/ -.; as /-/4- o/ a:eJ'/ ^4 fin^-/^1,n, taq, .s.a+,a a/ *.1/*-? reatz<J ,"55,n aurt I ?'*l a#r5:-.1 6.;/4 ft*,.,4 /.r* fr' ft". oo Building Envelope * Ou.mhy ol Lrnd$.plng G.D.rl Locatlon 5 aspon norlh of gnveloDe 5 aspem, I spruca southwe3t of enveloDe 2 2 sprucs nonh of snv€lop€ 2 5 €gp€ns, I spruco southwesl of envelooo 3 5 asPons north of enveloD€ 4 1 spruce eesl of enveloDe 5 1 spruoe noih ol enveloo€ 5and6 th€ equivalani of 66 Inch calip€r of aspen (2 inch minimum per tree) generally around env€lopes 5 and 6 4 aspen €asl of envelope I no landscaping requir€d by PEC I 3 Espsn north of env€lope t0 11 aspen southoasl ot envoloo€ 'tl 7 aspen sasl of envslop€ 1 spruce we6t of envelooe 13 6 aspsn easl ot envelooe 14 5 aspsn easl ol Envelope 14 8 aspan north ot envelop€ 14 '| spruce nonlftvesl of enveloDg rli>|fr*t ltz --,-* D<-i 4tl"tlta4d ( cr4- a.tc 4/)1.) #<# p+r #,L6-^ fru.*.- t T T hoYu nc td-!o-- firtiiffi wo,'\tdvl-) fU_!r^{., : dr< f-L- a orfl ,i.^+ (arxz-. a ( /LLz "'l 'F b*-^ atu-d ld'--L.-flf flt'-- T-ntu( h-r.t / d>1 fa- ,z-nX{<- aazl aarnel-a/ fl" t4 , tritil TO: ilETIOBANDUII Planning and Environmental Commisslon Community Devalopment Department April 11, 1994 A request lor a minor subdivision and a r€quest to rezone a tract from. PrimarylSecondary Resldantial to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick RoacUmore speclticaly describecl as foitows: A parcel ot |3rd in fie soutficr clryr.r ol s.d.n ta, rdrd+ s so|,tr. nrng. !r wbt of rhc 61h prirxip.t M.ritir'l, mo.o prricularty daacrit ed |' tollom: 8.ginrtrrpoandtdE |bf|a e-t hr$ni onfrh||l WA Ctflar of .-dS.crin ta, b..| 0{crh 29 d.gl .s-28 1[qra3 5t !6n.| Wd, tqfS.A b.t D..d) ( o.fi € D.gn- t5 nn,r.. 02 rcon bfir.rt 9t5.$ bot||Enrd): Th.rb t{odh 7a rL!rr.. (5 rirr'' t9 ro|tdr Edr, 10.76 bd: T}r.|r t83.8ilhd lone 0r. rrc ot r arm to fi. rigti riich -! rfrJld! r dE d brb ttlortt !s d.on r 12 mirrtc 30rco b E|l, I 8t .76 || q Ih.rE Sourh 7 (hgrr.. .t0 mifln 2r |.on.b Ed, 6aZ bct lh.nfl t47rtghd long i| rE of . q|'v b ir m |'ich rc rlh.|Ib r chont b.fhg ibrtt !6 ataer|c 36 ri rE t7rcontb Eu, trt5.80 Lc Th.rB l{ontr m (h0...! il dni.s 55 |.6||.l En, a{r6.55 b.[ Ttrmco s4.10h.| Jong lh. rE ot r cuw. !o tt: ritn d€l !|c r^tatir r ffi lari't Souh a7 .|g..3 20 mhur, A7.con& Ea, 4a20 b.r: Th.nc. Soutr t4 d.grE 25 rt ,rs S0 160|| W6r, f f OS.| t er: Th.nca Souh 66 &9n r tE mirrnr 9t .Hrtr tha. d!O.m hft . Ttsr. llor'| 19 d.grt- tt d|n.05 .s|.. W.d. SO.q, lG Thilo. Soufi 71 rr.C[s.lE rnau|o at a.cod. Wd. f 60.t8 Lt; Ilr.nc! Souit l0 |bg||r. gl n-U..El r.cor.b fu..t, SaE ad: Th.no. t{orfi 0? OCr.6.l0 niur.t tl8 |.con& nhd, Sft.72 hd: Th.nc! { d|h tl &gr..r 52 r r.r t3 r.corrb EEt, lgO.0O hat Daad) ilorfi d.9r!.8 SS minu.3 gt r€||{b Ed, 1a.75 b.r M..ard) ro fi. Fof{t oF BEGI${ c. 8.Jing nott Gl-O. |lcrrl br South hdt of S.6in I|| bdf..n S.dirr t+ts. (GLO. nco.d SorJrh Ol(|.9r.c5 302 minu!.! E!t) (Sostr 0t d.grrr 38 mil|n€ ga !.con b E..t f$a|,.d) FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedoto Andy Knudtsen I. BACKGROUND (Please nots changes to u|e memo slnce the February 29, 1gg4 rsyiew are shown In bold.) on February 28th, 1994, The Plsnning and Environmentat commission (pEc) votsd eD 1, wlth Greg Amsden abstatntngr rcoommendlng approvat of the propoiert r6zonlng. Thsre werc several condition3 thet the PEG reguested be added io tire slte ptan and treplot. One ol them Psrtained to the common rcoess on the southw$t comer d the slte. The aopllcant was requlred to get approval from the adlacent property os'ner3 regarding the common acogss. Thls was to b9 done prlor to flrstreadlng at Town Councll. The hrc ownetB to $re southwest of thls prdperty haw rleclderl they dld not went to share the common ecoess. As a result, the appllcant tras rcdeslgned utg slb plan and provlded access for bulldlng envelopes one and four trom Klnnlcklnnlck Road. Thare are no new curb cuts. The two westsmmost driveways have been erilended further Inlo ths site to provlde aGsess to these two enwtope$ /lI tlqc-agse of the change In the slle ptan, the appllcrnt has been requtred to return to PEC for a revlew st the changea. All other dCielooment t$ues rshsin as aoreed tc Staff belleves that the origlnal 3lte plan ls morc comprehemlve and addresses acoessto neighboring propertier better thln the site ptan proposeo tt thF umo. Howeyt;;; believe that fis developer of the Psdotto property 3houtd not be required to sotve in - acoess issue in a manner that reguires adfacent proporty owners to lpproye the acces3plan. Strff feels that the tpplicurt has done eyerythlng irttrln trf coit-rol to achieyethls solution; however, the-neighboring property owneis haw not be€n wllllng to Participate. Therefore, staff recommgnds that the Town allow elther slte plen-to be leveloRed. stdf prefers the stte ptan reviewed by the pEG on February ig, tgge wttntlre shared aoBess. l{orever, steff does not believE thet trere are rtgntttcairr negaiiwlmpactll trom the slle phn under rlview for thc Aprlt 11, 1994 headnl lnd that riirrouroalso be approved. III. PRO'ECT DESCRIPnON The applicanl Juanita Pedotto, and her representiative, Greg Amsden, would like to rezone aparcel of land in Intermountiain from Primary/Secondary ResirJentialtcj Low Density Muld-Family. ll rezoned, the applicant is planning to construct nineteon duvelling unlts in fourteen lructures. The parcel of land is 2.49 acres. o| lfiis, thsre are 2.36 acrss that are consideredbuildable by the Town ol Vait standards. In addition to a rezoning, the proposal includEs a minor subdivision request. In the fufure, theapplicant intends to use the single lamily subdivision process to seil ofi the indlviduat oweilingunits. Prior to this, howwer, the cunently unptatted parcel must be platted as a lot. Thisprovides an opportunity to document building fooFrint locations, GRFA restictions, and otherdBvelopment standatds on the plat. These stiandards will be listed on th6 plat and will beapplicable to any developer as well as luture home ownsrs. Since the previous worksession, the applicant has deleted one single family dwelling unit fromthe slte plan. Another change is that the building envelopes have-been oeieteo anjreplacedwith specific bnilding toqErints. Previously, a prototypicat foop int was shown within anenvelope. lt measur€d 37 feet by 37 feet. The updated toopiints havE bean increased to 40by 54 feet for the targer type of unit and 38 by 3o feet tor ttre smatteitype. The foolprints will be a minimum of 15 feet apart, T-he applicant is requesting the abitity toshift the fooprints as much as ten feet, if needed. cnanibs fi dp;;i bcaton wourd have tobe approved by the DRB. Fifteen feet of separation would have to be maintjainEd for borh thestructures and decks. The pEG approved these standards at the prwious hearing onFebruary 28, 1994. 7€m8in as soreed to b f The cunent site plan propoled by the applicant is made up ol nineteen drreiling units in burleen structures. Nine of these wlll be single family residences. Three of thbm will be single lamily residences wih a deed restdcted caretiaker unit located above the garage. Four ol the dwelling unlts will be located in two duplexes. The total numb€r of stuctures would be fourteen. Total GRFA for these dwelling units is anticipated to be 25,900 square feet. A site plan is attach€d at lhe end of this memo whidr shorvs where thEse stuctures would be locat6d. The chart below shows the break down of the sfrustlres and units: 9 single family 3 single family witr EHU's 2 duplexes TOTAL: North: East: South: West: Number of Unib I 6! 19 Number of Struc{ures 9. 3 z 14 The architect has designed three styles for he fourteen structures. These are shown in the porspective attachsd at the End of the memo. Each type will have the same materials, which include a stucco frst story and horizontal cedar siding on the second story. The roofs will be shake shingles and will havE clipped gables. There wlll be colbels b support the second story cantilevers as wsll as the eaves. The windows will all have shuttea to help create a bavarian appeatance. Though there are three diflerent interior plans, lhe exterior mass and bulk is almost identical tor two of the units. Therefore, there will app€ar to be only two different types of exteriors. The larger home, with the caretaker uniL will have.a fooprint measuring 40 fo€t by 54 feet. The smaller home will hav6 a footsdnt measuring 38 feet by 30 feet. The neighboring properties to the parcel under consideration include: Columbine North Primary/Secondary development Camelot Townhouses and single lamily development Primary/Secondary development The property to the. north and east is zoned Residential Cluster. The property to the south and west is zoned Primary/Secondary. The Land Use Plan has designatbd dre parcel under consideration as Medium Density Residential. Per Land Use Plan, a range of seven to thlrty- lhree units is possible based on the 2.49 acres. This translates to three to'fourtsen dwelling units per acre. IV. BACKGROUND/FORIIER REOUESTS ln October of 1990, the Professional Development Corporation proposed employee housing developments on ssveral sites in the Town of Vail. The Pgdono site was one oi them. ln heir reguest, they proposed Medium Family Multi-Family (MDMF) zoning. ln the memo dated october 29, 1990, staff recommended that tre applirant roduce the numiber of units on this site to LDMF densilies and maintain the amount of GRFA on the site to RC standards. The proposal tor the sitE is shown below: o: &r!,.!t! Efirbncy Ljnitr orr Brdoom Unib '.. Trc B.dlom Unit TOTAL }lrnb.. of tffi 6 I g- il9 SctrnFou ,135 .q. ft ,182 rq. ft. €0e rC. fr Owdfng Urfr Alil.d 12.*.liErdlr la *.fho uit 21 (hliEurn Tlo3it(hrfElnitr 16 dvelhg uitr :' ltsEA 2,610 rq. tt. 2,802 tq. ft. 16.rllil ro. ll. fi,3r9 q. 1. V. ZONING ANALYSTS Todtn &r: 1(F,882 &frrs t€et c 2.49 rorrr &rfr$b A|rs !02,788 rqre het d 2.35 .c'r. ' Alouncl Danriv *ir||'y,srcotUry: 15.0@ rq. ft. of bufd$bnqftd p.r b (.L h) Rorkhndd C||rrJ: 6 drultng mitr p.r buldrbla rm LilD.miy Ml|||i'b Fily: Pmgold: 9 dwrllry |'|itr pr hrl&blc |crr 8.5 (hche innr pcr buld|H€ .crr grpOyr ttouriU unal3Ald.(' 6 EHU.r bt oonanio||lil,l.t' 3 EHU'r GRFA Aloncf" 2f,388 +5,1@ - 29,a68 rq. lt. 25,59| + 3,150 - 8,47 q.lt. O,8il6 + 4.725 - 35,561 rqft. 4,68 + a275 - 25,90 rq. ft. Lla Ur Ptrr Urfrm Omrity RoriOadd: 3 to 14 dwrlhg rntr FrbukldrLsr 'Th.$ 6 EHU'r world no or'|t in thnsity c*ullbnr.-Gmgrr ml induded h GRFA o.tculatinE. 4 t I SLft h.s .n lfz.d the popoced eite phn aftn*tod by thc rypllral rnd h.r prcvidld ! ao.ing .nalyris bdfl. Totd Et. Arsr: 108,682 rq. tt. o. 2.49 rc.rs Build.ble A'3a: 102,788 aq. lt. or 2.36 ecrcr ' Zoring whidr would bo h attact: Low Denrny Mdti+iily Allowad Per LDMF St ndards Prooosed Usas: Single Family, Two Family, and Multi-Fanrily Single Family and Trvo Family Lot Area: Minimum size: 10,fl)0 sq. tt of buildeblo 1g2,7fs8q lt of buiHabte ... Setbad<s: RecFrir€d: Front ZgFont 20' SiJe: 23 (west) Side: 2C SiJe: 20'(eest)Sir:h: 2g ' Rear 2VRear 2V Hoigh[ 38' g3' GRFA: 30,836 + rf,i25 = 35,561 sq. ft. 21,625 + 4,?5 = 25,900 sq. tr. . Dansitv: ;rH',hTffr buildablc ac'l or ?;t#i1'ffr""is pcrbuil&bb ecrc or ' Slte Coverage: 3:i% of btal area or 38,038.7 sq. fL 19.5% or 21.137 sq. lt Landscaping: 40T"otbtal6itearoaor€,472.8sq.ft. Z1.g%cr73,761sq.ft Pa*ing: Per ott-su66t pa*ing rlquirarncnts Meots code VI. REZONING CRITERIA A. Suitabilitv of the orooosed zonino. Staff's analysis of the suitability of the proposed zoning focuses on density, compatibi|itywithsurroundingdwe|opmsnts,andwaysthattheproposeddeve|opment can be buffered from existing neighboring uses. Staff recognizes that many ot the sunounding properties adiacent to this parcel are multi-fatnlly complexes. The applicant has estimated their densities to exceed Residential Cluster (RC) standards and statl has confirmed this information. The suroundlng multi:family developments have densities that range lrom 11.3 drvelling units per acre to 22.2 &telfing unib per acre. Please see the cfrart below. There are also sunounding single family and primary/secondary dwelopments which have densities that are lower than the proposal. 5 o Though the density of the gunouading properties are highe than Resldential Cluster,q" qpe of dwelopment (singts ramity, duprex or mutti-tamiry; eftects the way thedensity appears on this slte. For example, many of ne owliopmenb ars made up oftownhouses. Since the uniF are more oompact-than cletracfreo single famlly homes,lhs structures do not cover as much ol the iite and are likely to hive hrger arsas ofuseable open spaoe. Staff believes that tho proposal strouli be modifiect-'m improvJ lhe amount of useable open space, b reduce the amount of asphaft, and to increase archltectural variety within the clustors on tre slte. specifically, staft believes that unlE t3 and 14, Unlts 7 and g, anct Units 1 and zshoulrl be combined. The unlb to be consolttabd, hflevor, should be tre smaller ofthe two styles. At this time, the larger unlt wtilr rre employi housing caretaker apartmant is shon'n in aach of the three areas. we ari c6ncemeo rria ne struct rss Tay 0e too large if tplexes are created. Therglore, in addition to consolidating thesefooFrinb, staff betieves that the emptoyee housing units should be shlfted to otherfootsrints in th€ dwetopment. we believe that thdvaiety ot massin! createo uy acombination ol untts wifl hep the development be more iompatibte ditn nesunounding properties, as they have been dwdoped in moie of a townhouse style. Inaddltion, statf believes t.h?t tho resutting open spabes will be targer ano wil| be able toaccommodate additional landscaping, particularly on the noropist, northwest andcentral portions of the site. Landscaping is a key issue in staff's opinion, as ths amount of density to beconsidered under the rezoning proposal shoutd be evaluated based oh how it is luftepd from adiacent propertie. statf is pdmarily concemed about the perimeter ofthe site. At this time, the appticant has committed to the foiloning: ' 1. six clusters ol aspen located around the perimeter of the proiect alongBellflower and Kinnickinnick. These clusiers range from trrei to elgnlaspen each. 2. On the east end of the site, there will be ten to twerve aspen along Basingdale. tr 4 ?pllt? t|r||.Unhr Ar!Dr|rlly hElod(.n 30 1.9)2r.6 C.;olumbhc l,loft 16 .92 17.1 Flurdr.im 4 .21 13.8 Inmboolr 8 .35 2,2 Coludrine Werl 7 .8'l 11.3 Csn lol 8 .35 2,2 o '- */' 3. Two planting areas of aspen made up of a total of fifteen to twenty trees will be located next to the Camelot Townhouses. stafi understands trat the drawings submitted to he Design Revieur Board (DRB) will include additional lanGcaping and that the lanGcaping shown on these plans reflects the basic landscaping needed to buffer adiacent properties. The landscaping tisEd above must be incoporated into he DRB dravyings and must be planted prior to issuance of a final cErtiticats of occupancy for the dwelling unit adjacent to the landscaping. Anoher key'bsue that relates to landscaping is the preservation of the green space in lhe center portion ot the site. since the last worksession with the planning and EnvironmEntal Commission (PEC), the applicant has hart an environmental assessment (EA) done for the weiland area This repod is attached to fte back of his memo and delineates the boundary of thE wetand area Els well as a 10 foot buffer area along all sides of the weuands. The map from the EA was drawn on the prwious plan which showed a building fooFrint within the buffer area This has been conected. The revised location sites the building outside tie buffer area. Stiafi belisres hat any rezoning approval should be conditioned with a requirement that the consultiant rEhjm to the site in the spring or summer to confirm ttrat his analysis made during winter months is accurate. Any modifications hat would be generated by the consuttant would have to be included into he site plan. Building footsrinB would have to be shifted if the update indicates hat they are located in he buffEr area. lf tre fooSrints need to be shifted, staff believes he project should be reconsidered by the pEC. There are some large existing aspen in this area adjacent to the weuand area to the west. They range in size from two inch caliper to eight inch caliper. Staff believes thal any trees that can be transplanted should be. lf hey are to be cut down, fiey should be replaced on a 1:1 ratio based on the caliper of the tree to be removed. For example, and eight inch caliper fee would have to be replaced with two 4 inch calirper tees. staff believes this is reasonable since larger trees do not transplant well according to the Town's Landscape Architect Stiafi understands trat the applicant desires to change he zoning from PrimarylSecondary Residential to Low Density Multi Family to allow additional units, not necessarily more GRFA or site coverage. The applicant has ag-reed to reduce he amount of GRFA to below Primaryisecondary standards and maintain the amount of site coverage and height to Primary/Secondary standads. These restrictions willbe recorded as plat restrictions. Staff does not have a problem with the number of uniB lf . they can be sited in such a way to provide adequats opefl space, buffering and minimal site coverage. ln order to achieve [rls, we beliove a more dustaed design concept is necessary. We feel an adequate landscape plan has been provided, the wetland area has been protected, and that unit layout is good as long as he unlls are combined as suggested above. B. ls the Amendment Providino a Convenient. Workable Relationshio with Land , UsEs Consistent Wtr Municioal Obiectives? 7 '.i: .:ri l.l ri .l I:i a'under this critena, statf has waluated fre rezonirg proposal to ensure that it will. provide workable relationships to hose properties arouia ure iitL -m acuition, trerszoning proposal must be consistsnt wifr the Municipat Objectvis. Ensuring x1at hefuture dwelopment will have a reasonably compalible rerai6nsrrip wiur-u,e er-lsuG - - neighborhood has been he bcus of muctr of his rwiew. ort Jaiiuary lZ 1994, fr€,€was a neighborhood meetng afiend€d by approximately ilrirty neighbors. RttactreO toti6 memo are all of the lettels fiat have been receivecrbv $atf rri'n ur" neighbors.The primary concems of the nei,ghbors ssern to revofue ai.*o p"o"atia, safety andti"ffic safety. staff has contasted the police Deparrnent and fi; pubtic works \ : .Departrnent sinca hE neighborhood meeting to isk nem to loo[at incr"a"ing patsol aswett as increasing he number of stop signs-in h9 ar9a" nis ap-ars to oe i i*0r",thal needs to be sofued independent of the rezoning issue. However, ura proposal will have some positive impact on frese issues, since hera willbe public improvements ma!9 by fie dweroper.. The Town is requirini ure deretoperto provide a sidewark that wilr run rhc lengrth of tre prop*ty. ne'apdlad isproposing a 6 foot wide walk urat wiil be debched trom rri eqe of iavement onKinnickinnick. The Town is requiring that this be a hard surtaci *am nat can bemaintained during winter months. lt will be he responshility of fire tromeovners association to keep he walk clear. This is a Tovn wirje requirement hat applies to alldevelopmenb that have adjacent sidorvalks. The apglicantis proposing a iiiro* wat;however, staff believes it must b€ hard surface. pt6ise see uie drat ,toons at heEnd of this memo regarding tre sidewalk and other pubric impmvements. A concem related to safety involves the number of qrrb cub on Basingdale, Bellflower,and Kinnickinnick oiginally, tre applicant had submitted a ptan wifi foe cuo cuts on.Kinnickinnick and tiree on Bellflower and Baslngdale. Since he oalinal suOmilal, thearchitect has removed all curb cub ofl of Basingdale and Beltflower.- sar belioresfrgt this is a significant improvement as the driveways were previously locatodrelatively close to he intersec-tions. At this time there are five curb cuts for the entire project which access fromKinnickinnick. These curb cuts access shared driveways. staff believes that he lwised plan provides a more efficient use ol the site ano leaves more of the land'aslandscaped area and open space. Though there has notbeen an increase in nenumber of curb cuts on Kinnickinnick from what was originally suUr4ined, staff beliaresthere.is an opportunity to improve he situation. ay reb;afin6 nE aicesi to Building - Envelope #1 from Kinnickinnick to he shared access on he southwest comer of hesite, lhere would be more open space around Building Erwelope *t, ano one less curbcut on Kinnickinnick. statf believes that this would be an improvement. Another ooncem ol ffre neighborhood involved parking, storage, and general appEarance of fie project. The neighbom were concimed frat inOiviluats lMng in thisdevelopment would not have adequlte parking and frrat adclitonal cars would be qark"d in $e neighboring parking tots. staff has reviewed tris concem with tre cleveloper and believes that the two car garag€s for'each unit and the driveways infront of each unit will accommodate the p"*ing demand. An altemativE would be tocreate.a parking lot for guests. However, staff believes trat the parking apron in frontof each garage can accommodate guests most of the time. e -r "n Regarding storage, dudng the neighborhood meeting lt was srggested that there be arl area on the side of each garage for bicycles and other miscsllanoous items. The applicant has designed one of the garages to be 480 square feet. Ths drawings show a template of a Suburban and a Gherokee to indicate how much ot the garage will be taken up by automotiles. The rsmaining area of the garage will be avallable for storage, and statf believes hal thas will be an adequato amount one of the goals with the sbrage area was to ensure that the two parking spac6 will alwalrs be available for parking. Though thas cannot be guaranteod, stafl bEliwe that providing the storage fiat is shown on the drawings is a reasonabls assuEnog that the spaces will be available. Staff beliwes lt is critical that the other units (with garages approxid,atety 387 square feet in size) be expanded to the size of the larger g"og". A significant concem to the planning staff was how the developer was going to work out agreements with the nsighbors adjacent to the southwest comsr of the site conceming palking and access. Cunently, there are parking and driveway encroachments onto the Pedotto prop€rty by the neigfrboF. The applicant has worked closely with the two existing homeowners in thls area and has worked out agreemenb with them tor shared access. This access also indudes a firg truck tumaround. All of the driveway in this area willbe paved. The adjacefi os'ners will share the expenses with the developer. Staff believes that this is an excollent resolution to a problem that has occuned for some time. Staff wants to emphasize the positive benefib that result from the solution have been negotiated by he applicant. one of the final issues of concern by the neighbors involves the appearance of the projsct. The applicant has provided prototlpical elwations as well as a perspective of hree homes sharing one driveway. staff bslisves lhat the design character of the homes is positive, including the materials, detailing and general massing. staff beliwes hat the three employee housing units proposed in this development are consistgnt wifi the Land Use Plans goals of the Town to have employea housing units added to our community. We believe that this component of the dwelopment actdresses a larger community need. By dispersing the three deed rGtricted employee housing units among the nineteen cturelling units, staff belie\res that there is a good balance of free market and employee units within the development. Attached to the end of this mamo are employee housing restrictions that have been taibred for this devetopment. They are based on the Ttpe lll EHU;however, they do not indude provisions that allow the sale of the employee housing unll. c. Does the Rezonino Provide for the Grouffr of an ordedv. viable communitv? In order to ensure that the luture development on the rezoned parcel will be dweloped in an orderly mannsr, staff has prepared the following plat resfictions which will ba located on the plat and recorcled at the County Clerk and Recorder: 9 o' Plat Bd|dht Enf,loF. ,hlngl,hl3 Cri otFl ToadOFl a[{d !bCori.H.ldr 1 2 ,150 aC. tr.2.080 ro. fi.2.530 |q. lt.t t00 rq. fl.93 fi. 2 I 284.fi.r.a25 q. n.1,650 ro. tt.1,,a00 t. tL E'lL 3 t 225 rq. n.t,a25 rg. ft.l.gsrD .q. tL lJ|00 q. n.3n. 1 ZBq.fi.|,425 .q. ft.I,6!t0 q. n.|,400 rl t.Elfr. 5 2 4SO tq. ft.t,680 ro. lt.2,130 tq. n.1,68i! {. lr.*t fr. 6 I 225 tC. n.t.a25 tq. tt.I,650 rq. lL t ra00 .q. fi.3tlr. 7 I ?254.tt.I ./|25 rq. t.1.650 .o. tr.l.aoo tq. i.g|tt. I 2 450 sq. ft.1.680 3q. t.2,130 |q. t.1.883.q. ft.3|lr I I %4.n.l.tlils {. ft.t,650 tq. fr.1,.|{104.lr.3ltt. t0 t 225 rq. n.1.a25 !q. n.1,650 tq, ft.t.a00 q. n.E!lt., tl 2 450 rq. fi.t,6E0 rq. t.2,130 sq. tt.t.6&l .q. i.3|fi. r2 t ZE4.n.1.a25 rq. t.1.650 !q. fi.1..00 rg. t.$n. r3 I %q.fi.1,a25 .q. tr.| ,650 rq. ft.|,'l{X) rq. t.3lfr. t4 2 450 {. n.I,6t0 tq. lr.2,130 q. ft.1,613 tq. ft.q! tt 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Restrictions Allconstsuction shallconform to the standards listed below and shallcompty with the building fooFrints shown on the attached site plan. There must be a minimum 15 toot separation between sbrrstures, including all decks and cantllevered portions, hfl exduding eanes. After comdeton of the first sbucturs and prior to the application tor any subsequsnt building permat, the applicant must provids suwey inlormation vedfying the localion of previously buill structures to show that ths 15 foot separation rsquirement will be met. The height limitation for tha development on this parcel shall be lowered from ths 38 feet allowed by LDMF zoning to 93 teeb All driveways to be constructsd on fhis site stralinot excsed g% slope. GRFA and site coverage and helght shall be aflocated for the structures as lolloua: 6. 7. No lences shall be allowed on this propsrty. Phasing - The applicant shall provide the employee housing the phases shown below. units according to 10 "l A Prior to tha issuance of a final CO or TGO lor any drrvelling unlt located on Building Foolrints #l through #6, the appticant shail secure a final C€rlificate of Occupansy or Temporary Certlficate of Occupancy lor the fi]st ot lhreo deed resticted employee housing uniB. B. Prior to rsguesting a linal GO or TCO for any dwelling unit on Building FootsrinF 7, 8, 9 or 10, the applicant shall socurg a final CO or TGO for the secrnd of three deed resfricted EHU for the dweloprnent. C. Prior to requesting a linal CO or TCO for any ctweiling uhlt located on Building Fooprints 11,12, 13, or 14, the applicant shall secure a final CO or TCO for the third ol three desd restrictod ernployee housing unib. The Fire Dapartrnent and PuHic Works D€partnent have revierved the proposal and support the proiect with the following conditions. Flre Depsrtment 1. The fire :locess easement on the southw€st comer ol the site must be delined and th€n recorded at the County Clet|< and Recoder prior to DRB approval of any duvelling unit if a common aoc6s on the southwest comor of the sile is provided. The easement must bo posted in fteld with 'No Parking'signs. Strff wlll rllow the stte ptan revtewed by the pEG on February 28,1994 or the sits phn revised on Apdl 11, 1994 to be oonstructed. 2. All drivaway surfiaces must be "all weather driving surfiaces.' 3. Hydrants must be instralled according to Town of Vail standards. Public Works 1. Detailed regrading and lanctscape plans for the sideytralk and right-of-way area must be provided prior to a DRB hearing for any ctwelling units. The Town Engineer is requiring sidetryalks, curb, gutter, storm sdver, inlets, engineering drawings and/or grading plans to be provided by the developer. 2. Easements must be dodicated tor ths sirjewalks, drainage, utilities, road sida ditches, streetlights, etc. prior to a DRB hearing for any drrelling unit. D. Does the rezonino comolv with the Vall Land Use plan? Stafi has listed he relevant goals and ogectives from the Land Use plan below: 1.1 Vall should conlinue to grow in a controll€d environment, maintaining a balance between resklential, commercial and recreational uses to ssrve both ths visitor and thg p€rmanent resident. 11 1.2 The quality of the erwironment including air, walsr and other natural resources should be protected as the Town grows. 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the adclitional growtr in existing dweloped areas (infillareas). 5.1 Additional residentalgrpyvh should contnus to occur primarily in existing,phned areas and as appropriate In new areas whsre high hazarcts do no-i exist. 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be presewed and upgraded. Additional employee housing needs should be accommodatd at vaded sites hroughout the community. The Land Use Plan designates this site as Medium Density Residential. Under this designalion, the dwetting units alloved on this site range iomT to 33. Based on the MDR designation, staff betiwes some increase in units by rezonlng is raasonable. The goals and objectives in the Land Use Plan clescribe development genarally like theone being proposed. Goals 1.12 and 5.1 call for Infflt development tral is not iocateOin.hazards. This plan complies wtth these goals. Also, he Land use plan calls for additional employee housing, which will be included in this proposal. Stal believes thethree employee housing units proposed are posltive. MINOR SUBDIVISION CRITERIA T.he Subtlivision Bs$ttations In the zoning ordinancs establish mlnlmum standerds torthe creation or moditicltion of loul. The Subdtvtcon Regutasons itto* tor tho rlivtnionot eristing lots wlth the creatlon of new lots trom prrevtoisty unpritteo properttes. rnezoning ordinance €tablish€ the requirements foi lot dimensioir, lot size and roedtrontage. These zoning $andiards hive been rnet by the pedottoproposal. rneloningcode requires a minimum lot slze of 1O,OO0 sguere t6et ot buildabie a'na. rne propos&lot sizs is 102'788 square teet d buildabte arce. The mlnlmum tronttge requlrdo ti solinear fest on a pubilc right d-way. The proposed frontage ts affroximatety r,ooolinear tgel Thele is also a requirement that'ttre tot oe aoTe to Jiitose a shape 80 festby 80 leet wtthtn ltl boundaries. This st ndard has a|so been fumllod. ljr addlton to the specific standards tasted In the zonhg code, the suboivlstonRegulations have Pulpose statomsnts whlch are also crlterla to revier subdlvlslonproposals. The purpose $atemsng ot the gensral provlslons an the subdlvislonRegulations (Socilon 12.04.010(A and B)) ar6 provtO'eO betow: '17.04.010 - Purpose. A. The Subdivlslon Regutations contained In thts $fls hsye beenprepared and enasted In accordance wlth n$e 31, Arucle 23, hrtof c.R.s.' 1973. - For the purpose of promoting he heatth, satetyand welfare of the present md tuture InhabltanE of the Town olVall, Colorado. 't2 o ? B. To these end3, tf|e regulailons are lntonded to protect the envlronment to ensun etficlent clrcuhtion, adequate lmprovements, Sufllcient opsn spaog, and in general, to assist the orderln etflclent and Inbgratsd development of the Town. These rsgulatiom also provide lor the proper arrangetnent d streets and ensure propsr.dlstrlbuuon of popute0on. The regutailons atso coordinate tha nesd for publlc sarvioes with governnrental lmprovement progEms. The sttndards tor d$lgn md construction of improuemenb at€ mrcby setlorth to gnsu]e adequate and convenient trafflG clrc{lrtion, uffll0es, em€rgEncy. sccess, dralnage, r€cl€ation, and llght and air. A|3o intended |3 the improvgmsnt of land records and surveys, plans end plats, and to sateguard the interssts ot ths publlc and subdlvltlgr ancl ptovide common probstion for the purchaseB; and to Egulate other matteB and the Town Plannlng and Environnrental commisslon and Town Gouncii may deem nso€sary in ordsr to protect the best interesils of the pubtic... The proposed pht wlll be taklng a cunen0y unpLtied parceil and crsailng lt as Lot i, lnnsbrook msadows. stafl befieves th8t the change lrcm an unptatbd psrcel to r platted lot wlll not nega$vely lmpact the crlterla [sted above. As pan d the subdivlslon apProval, the design and constructlon of improvemenut In the publlc rlght of.way wlll be revlewed by the Town Englneer. The developer wlll bs fully iesponslble Tor providing a public sidewalk end dreinagE iaclllffes adlecent to u|ts parcet. Staff believes that these rsqulremenE tu]fi|! the 3tandards llsbd aboyg. The Subdlvislon Regulations ar€ further Intended to servs the tollowing spscific purposes (17.040.010 (G)): "1. To anform each subdivider of the standards and cdteria by which development and proposals will be eyaluated and to provide informauon as to the type and extent ot improvements required.'. The developer is fully aware of the requiremsnE of the subdivFaon. *2. To provlde for the subdivision of property in the future wlthout conflict with development on adlacent land... Staff has evaluated the proposed rezoning and subdlvision proposal telatiye to the slnoundlng propslti$. As prevlously rliscussed In this m€mo, the developmenE to the north ot the slts all erceed the proposed denslUes" Furthermorc, staff has worked closely wlth the d,eveloper, the Fi]e Deparumnt and the publtc wodcs Department on the propGed slte plan. The slte plan wlll be recordsd at ths Eagts Gounty Cterk and Recorder'3 (Xfice as an erhlblt to the lnnsbrook ileadouus plat The site ptan has been carefully deigned to mtnimize conflicts wlth devetopnEnE on adlacent tand, to preserve the envlronmentBlly 3emltive erea In the oentet of the 3lte, and to ensule thtt all luture deyelopment wlll be an compliance wlth Town stmderd& 13 (r '3. To protect 8nd consslw the urlue of land throughout the munlclpallty andthe vrlue of bulldings and improwmonGr on thailend.., ' steff believss m* tupre-lerdopnrnl In eccorhnce wtth the proposed stte ptan endpla$ wlll not.dveraety dtect the value of bultrllngs and lmprovementr In the surroundlng aroa "4. To onsure thet lubdiylllon of propertler lr In compllance wlth the Town,szonlng ordlnancs, to tchlcyo a lrermonloug, conyeh|eil, workablerelailonship among tand us83, oonsi3tent wlth municlp8l development oblectlve3.,. As discuss9d prevlou3ly In this momq the propossd rezonlng md deElopm€nt on thereplatted lot wlll be In contormance wlth the proposed zone dl$rtst ot loti DensltyItlulti-Famlly (LDllD. '5. To gut(b pubjc and prtvab poficy and ac00n In order to ploytde adsq||tb and stficisnt ulmlportlton, u!br, rew|gl3, sctrbots,park+ praygrounds, recrusonar lnd d'er pubilc foqurremenis ancfacilttes and generaily to provtde that pub[c taclil0es wilt hane$rtftclent capaclty to lsrw fre proposiO rtrbrllvlston., Staff belleves that the tevlew by tlre Publtc works Depertnont h13 ldentttied ell Fsue3such as tmnsportEtlon, wlter, sewags, 9tc. and that the edssng Infiesructtre wlll beable lccommodate ths new development rhe clewloper wllt d r€ponslble forproviding drainago lmprcYementl and sldewalk lmpro-rnments on tha pslimelor of thissl!e. Th€e wlll ue ln wlth e$sting amproyenrents tir mc era and wllt b conststent wtttrthe work the Town has done in the Intermountaln neighborhood In the recentp6t '6. To provlde tor eccurate legal descrlptlons of newly subdivlrled.land and to "3tabrish ressonabre anrr d€hebre constru-abn desrgnstandards and procedures.., The appllcant wlll be requesilng S|ngte Famlty SubtllyFion rsvlew for each unlt as tt lsconstructed. Onca the toundation has been pourerl, the applicant will be able to sub;lta slngle Famlly subdlvblon applicatlon tor iliat slte. Statt 6erieves thet ustng theSl1-ele Famlly SubdlYFion process, the land wlll be further subdivaded In contormancewlth the Town standards. "7. To preyent the pollution of alr, streams, pond3, and to assur€adequscy of dralnage taclllfie3, to sateguard the water tabte and tosncoulags the wise use and management of netunr resourDe3 throughout the municipa[ty In ordir to pnesarve the Integrrty, stablltty, md beauty ot the communtty ind the vatue ot fro idnd.,. Stafl believes that the onvlronmental assossment done tor ths oentrat weiland area ofthe slts adeguately d|sclr3ses the issues a$ociatsd with thet area. The weuand areahas been dsllneeted and a bufter area has been added to furtherprotect the green 14 space. A condition ol approval of the rezonlng ls that the corcultant who provided the enylronmentel assessment retum to the slte In spilng or summer to wrlty hlg estlmat$. steft understands that during wlnter months, eccuEte wetlend dellneations cannot be done. ff there is any change to hi3 orlg|ntl $timates, the lpptacant wlil have to reum to th3 PEc wtth the slte plan modltlcatloG. The vertfication must be done prlor to any bsuanoe ol a bulldlng permit lor thls property. vm. STAFFRECOilmENpAnON Staff recommends approval of the proposed rezoning and minor subdivision. The minor subdivision approval will be contingent on approval ol the rezoning. We believe the proposgd LDMF zoning is consistent with the rezoning criteda and subdivision criteda ancl wiil be compatible with thE sunounding properties. Specifically, staff believes that the requested zoning is suitable tor the sits given that it wlll be integrated into the neighbofiood per the design of thE site plan. We belive that the request provirles for workable relationships w1h sutrounding land uses and is consistsnt wih municlpal o$eclives. Specifically, it is consistEnt wlth five diflerent goals as well as the MDR land use designation of the Town's Land Use Plan. Finally, staff believes that the plat restrictions will insure that fre development will confibute the viability ot the community. The proposed subdivlslon meeB all of the platting requiremenb of the Zoning Code as well as the purpose section of the subdivision sec{ion. Therafore stiaff recommends approval wilh the condltions that: (Plsase note thet the conditlons shown below In bold t€'flect the changes per the Plannlng and Environmental CommFslon.) 1. The developer shall submit the subdivision plat, site flan, and recording fees to the Town prior to issuance of any bullding psrmit for a structure on this property. The plat and site plan shall include he plat restrictions listed betow and all future development shall conlorm to these. a A[ aonsltuclion shdl cmlotm lo lh€ sl,tnd.rds |i3Ld bebfl .nd shCl oomply wif| the brdktng lootpints sl|own on rh. dt&h€d siie pLn. b. There tnusl b€. nini|rlrn tS tool s€par.lirn b€ln oen smjduras, hdlrfng 8ll ded(r and' canlil€rr€.€d ponbm, btn ddulng eses. Afiar 0!a co|r.tr|c0on ot tha lftt atruc-tura l$ pdor ; ' lo .ny 3u!..quml bulldang pcmh .pplha0onr, fie spplic.r trusl prorride 3urvey infomafion w,ifying lh. locdion ol pteviouely buih tlructuras io slw thst th. 15 bot sopararpn recpargmor Cdl b€ rnelglu.o 0t con tn ctbn ol th. proF..d unqt). c. The h€ighl limilelbn fot lhe dewlopm€nl on $i3 p.rorl 3halt bc lowered lrom lh€ il8 to€t dowed by LDMF zoning to 33 le€t. d. Al diwwaF to be con$nrted on this 3ib sh3l not erc€€d S96 slop€. €. GRFA siL col/eragB and h€ight sh.lt bc.lloo.t€d lof the ttn|cu'rs !s bllows: 15 o 3uodhf Ennlot ,Dnt|||3t,||nr q.t OIFA Td.l OIFA Alond SbOonqr lLlolil t 2 ,t50 .q. lL ac0.q. ft.2530.q. t.1100 x. n.33n. 2 I 225 q. ft tJli6 {. n.1350 r. tL l,,a00 I' lL 3fr. 3 I 2E4.lr.t,alF q. ft.1,3t0 to. tL 1.a00 rg. ft.Ettt. I I ZE4.L r..2iq.r t,860.q. fL t ra00 rq. lt 3n. 5 2 450 .q. n.t,6t0.o. ft.al30 ro. tr t,6tll I. i.Eltr. I I Z6|q.tt.t,.125 rq. n.t.050 {. n.lra00 tq. n.3n. 7 I t>'a4.lL I iils r{. lL l53O tq. ft tI004ft g3 fL I 2 490 .q. n.1.6!0 rq. ft.a!30 x. tL tt!3.q. n.8n. I I ZEq.n.l.tl35 .q. n.t,650 ro. tt.lra00.q. fr.3ft. r0 z!5 rq. ft.l/aCs.q. lt l.Cgro.q. lr r/.ooi.tt tg lL 1t 2 ,||'0 .q. n.t.6t0 ro. i.el30 q. lt l,ottt I. fL 93n. 12 I Zl5q.lr.iJ25 |q. ft.1380 tq. fL l/aOO 4 ft,$n. t3 t ZEq.n.I i25 .q. tL 13510 |+ tL l/aqr.$ fL 3tL 11 2 450 st. fi 1tto .q. fL al30 |o. n.lrttl {. fL &t tL o 2. ,{o ff,E ddl b. afod a| ta prog..rt Ph.i|tg - fh. .Fpfcrt -d povidr |ha rnpbyaa hadrg urnr rung b |ha ph.s $dn b.ln. i' Prior !o rh. ir.r' of a rirc oo d Too b rry of rh. id ir amrurl3 ooMrrar.d in rflb.oorhifir, th. Sti:|rt tEl aon r fid C.rtiti of OasrpGl c T!fl?orrry C.rtlo ofOca4ury tor rho |il d$rr. d..d,6icrd !reb'r.,Itrt,ro ifr!. Prior to rtqraring r lind OO o TOO lor oy ot th. avanth iro.rgh rn rrucori onsuad intt-!to+]!ld1 t|. Tpti:Jlt rhJ ror. r il @ c TCO-brtr -srd of rr't, r,rd|r|'Kr.d Elt br tha (bvdon . fri' prior lo nqs.dtng a itd @ o. T@ b rry ot rh. .h ih rhudr bun .ntr mrcn .r cof,j1ruqadin hnrbmk bda|' tra |pPlcJ|r atdl:.orr r firl co ot TOO tor fia t rd of ir .. rLadn}lr|aad .fiTtotra horrri,to um. The developer shalt have the Environmental Assessment updated and shallhave any required arnendment to the site plan presented to fie pEc for theirrwitr_and approvat prior to the issuance b any buiHinS Grmit o; thi;property. The drivervays serving Building Fooprint #1 shall be modllted to reduoe the !:.ng$ by shllilng the curb cut to the urest The fown Commfiity-Development steft end the Town Englnser must approw ttre cnaige priorto any DRB hearing lor any dwelling unit on this property. 4. 16 't 7. The existing aspons located to thg west of tre green spaoe area in the center of the site shall be lransplanted or replaced on a 1:1 ratio bas€d on the caliper of the existing trees. For example, and eight inci caliper hee would have to be replaced wtth two 4 inch caliper trees. Stafi believes this is reasonable since hrger Aees do not transplant well according to fia Town's Landscape Archit€ct. Stdl may epprove up to 10loot shlfb In bullding footpdnt location trom those shown on ths plan approwd by the Pllnn|ng and Enylronmental Commission on February 2E, 1994.es long as the 15 toot separation betuueen the unlts ls maintalnod. The appllcant shail provide a minimum garage ffea wiiltin aach structure of tl80 square feet The applicant shallamend the slte plan and subdivision plat aocordang to the Public Works and Fire Departnent comments listed below. These changes shall be done prior to any DRB hearing tor any cnrefling unit on this stte. Flrs Department A. The fire access easement on the southwest comer of the site must be defined and then recorded at the County Glerk and Recorder prior to DRB approval of any dwelling unit if a common aocess on the southwest com6r of the site is provided. The easement must be postad in field with "No Parking'signs. Stafl will ailow ths site plan reyiewed by the PEC on February 28, 1994 or the sito plan reyissd on Aprll 11, 1994 to be constructsd. B. All drivolay surfiaces must be 'alt wgaher driving surfaces." C. Hydrants must be insAlled according to Town ol Vail standards. Public Works A. Detailed regrading and tandscape plans for the siderralk and right-of- way area must be provided prior to a DRB hearing for any drvelling unib. The Town Engineer is reguiring a hard surface sidewalk, curb, guttsr, storm sewer, inlets, engineering drawings and/or grading plans to be provided by he developer. B. Easements must be dedicated for the siclewalks, drainage, utilities, road side ditches, streetlights, etc. prior to a DRB hearing for any dwelling unit. Elther glte plan, the one reviwed by the PEC on February 28, 1994 or the ono reylewsd by the PEG on Aprll 11, 1994 may bo constructed by the rppllcant. 17 o 10. Applorel ol tho mtnor llriltMdon dtdl be con0ngmt on rpprouet of thetunlqg. Glect E:t0fr,Ol 18 gDaurs e. Moonsl II25 SEVENTEENTHSTREET, STilIE I2OO, DENVER, COLORADO W.2M7 (303) 29a-9100 FAX: (3(B) 299-7901 January 21,lgg4 Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Fronage Road Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Andrcw Knutdscn Rc: Wetland Analysis - Pcdoto ptoperty West Vail Dear Mr. Knudtrcn: .The above-referenccd property was inspectcd on January 19, lgg4, to ditcrnine whcther wetlands (rccur on the site. This inspection was conducled with Greg Amsden of Christopher Denton Real Esate urd Russcll Forest, Town of Vail staff. This analysis must be considered prcliminary because of snow, which covcred most understory vegetation. Thercfore, shnrbs and treas werc used to indicatepotential wetland areas, along witfi site hydrology along a strcam. Tbe results of the field itrspcction are provided in the anached lener rcport. P'lease contact me at l-299-7836 if you have qiestions on the information providcd hcrein. ec: Greg Amsden lIl*F F\rdnFddol&tol Filc: (2442{50 Sincercl OORE Enclosurr otflcEs ro !!rnr a' t,ll IIII ! I r. 'rtIIr f!t!ililrriii ;ll toGIlTEo=G.g'l o u,I'F lro c,ru = I F i f tI 1?It l.t,l !iIt!t !:i :li IJ Iit ;!iLr:ii.i:r!f:--rll ti! I ',';t-' ;iF:.rllod'c, rt>o 'tt H* !:!ai liitrtr iilo: lil; !E i!:i o.3 .o t!o fiiiljj ili# Fou,3I Doo lLIF =olrl ()O.o6l e6'.!6-(,Eoj" ;-2 -f,FO<(,!uJ .-o:< ,.. OD..OO ffi il$ '$;fl G r! n r! rl F :l r *:lr Iliii ig *i Fir!i Il li*/#$fltft d IR t\ Ni I|| it { d II t/ dl N$N RS l/i, ir!) !!, il! ,!!i': /!r iti*I!r' t';! EoVn F tF!vis+L_ u f- t' II \\ ,9-ury ri Fal fiT Fv st: u J 6. l , : '{ s t --= tl.t ' .i; -. Plate l. Willow-dominated stream that flou's southeast to northu'est across the propert-y. Area of propeny on the left side of photo is non-forested. . Plate 2. A small seep may be indicared by the presence of corv parsnip and cos'bain (center background). u"' i: *i,;t|'ii: g {{!'i; r'i o zAfffD _ ltv?6tt r . :- -' Go-ce=ItaEE-I ffip 1:: I I \ \ .t I I I\L '1: I ,# &Titri I -- a :sfF_-t'-ieE :___=__= -u.x. nlu 5?.gO- . --IilV. 4 g.tow \'; .. I L.o'i 9 '-- \ ii ijSi{ r',t'].t{)irif i{,U iyls -, -. -_rr, ton *U nl<l .* 1 |.r|&flt Ial6-l(.1 :i ', :f1i I 1"8:{9 PA6E ?n !O: Grcg lnsdca - ArrdZ f,nudtscn FROII! Kay chcacy 27S,t Ersingdalo Blvd.{76_t935 L-i:I-i'" *-ot:.:: -.11!9 thc ncighborhood ncctine .thir€v.n:ng, so.t uanted !o convcy oi-iJ"fi,,g" o" tfr._iidr_Ia. dcvotosncnr on thc redotio- ii,.oli.il' T h:r? to say that r don,t uadercrand thc op. Docition sbichrs Dcrng iountcd ::-:1" dcvciogncni, -rrrr... rt 3cens to Dcto convcy a v€r?.13sifengi1f -i;ll;;, ..rorcn :'s nbat r think. nost peoplc in rnt-c-flr,eun:.in "r.-r:oiing to.havc, iasofaras it is gossiblo sith ths "";;;;I;tho ncighioth;;. a Prolects alrcady ir r rhink ir is a "g4 if:f to.build sinslc faaily hoacs,siace.rhat j.s uhit f:.rirics-ii-ili-r-il.."on thar rrc rrcco:oins of ase. *,o t*i,iII.-In.iT.Jl rrved herc lons::::*,!?". groun_rro: .ronting apart:nenEc, to ctninq€ondoarnr.urls, then cu5rlexea "ia irtir.t;ii ;t;i:-il,"ir"nonss . Resarciles: of -.rhsthei "rloiifr.t- i;;;; b:;;;:"ot ou.r li.aitec sDscc, tl,oi-i" iioi?Jo.. ,*.. Euildirig the hornc s for. lale, _rather than rental, also adds.* ro the rcsidentj.al cr"fity-it-ii.-irJ1."".. ' f think thc revjsed- site g1an apperils to bc an inproveuentacethetically on the originil- ;i;;;i.". As I nentioncd at $: prt scssion in Dcccrubcr, ny onlyconcrrn sould bc that a. rezoning -io--iow acnsity pulti_f,-ily,3o that tho natu.rc of_*,i-J."!iJni]ni"l""J.ct nor bc chaagcdoace -..hc inc:eascd densicy ,"" "ppror.o.f'a sor:T that f niglrt ngg bc able to attcnd-the nectiag.rrnce 30 often only:negativ--v;I;;";; neard at thcscncetrngs. If I cai ""':.i-Jio'g;, i iiirt* il:t:"' nv other .ppoi."t-Jii .lj 1 'a t 1Io.[)lr*- +.-I tsN \2s o\ilA \o o$€rn,\ \-\A \o*cr {\^r4}\,1q \o*o_h} l€ncr dl^\ \\n_')*Aelh(S +(op€A\\{-zovtr.,ng(. tDr wo.Ad 'tfui *o l di:toulesL o'nLr, (.?AyrL^c\ .:nte() n"".,nyfX ; --i,.*4. {o,\ \,,,,\\o Q).ao*n 'J.=o-V u0 or\t^ {.;,' J T\ar$ ac.tL .0.*\ V{nr^-l- rvnOforxyr^qn\:L t\,-r"V u>€- G: ses,l&r.Ft= c{-u rlr-r la+ uofrl. 1ro.r.d C \\nrs [o*U\.q"V<ot'*) \\A-0 slo.<-0-I A-ern=I-* LDaA& A \n:pr^C\' ",..\A1 r n,C r rtj trn I\n 0 \\u*a\Motb<rNE\\'ol u o( r.-r.sj in !\^.-a- v,-uq\Anot - \nocd, --t'#' tR =d idr e-xQ) dd,nr Geeo., Rnn-dcrn +\.n- \r:\inq c,q&v't\ -D=d.,d\ \re\,u.ul- Trr\+l'd--\0r"it n- \ \ \ ' .\ \ r rr\[:rfterA\ Zor,"irnff.' tJnou\d be- UAa,nqSrwv\t-:: '* b&Alk\Y: c\.. fvrtc^.-to[fr,.^. 0Tnnh.Yiulo./ \<t^^ t-CAO\r<_ {tiodrn : .225 Wall Strcet Vail, Colorado 81657 l303l 4761477 Oulside Cololado l '80G327'UE rr{itaKtee.rssocl{:E .:. DcccnQcr 2Q 1993 : Planaing Dcp* Vail, Ciilorado Tlre ci$of vdir Planaing Dcpqdoenti Vail. Cdloredo ! ! qnrmrTosncs n0nlYS:f. r€Lslo}lTEt^s.;?ri! ;u€9.trnru'fftu perf tl FN*STilJCttOt:C!!:sl;Lt,rNf !!f atcr{ttc[Ur,g ... ..:: cinlonllrlface tt l rftv!\nn$Itfl Fftr.cr9!c,tTuEl rJ,!'rostjcl$t.sc, F^tt ' Flanain! ::i ATr,.i; Andyiftudrjea i ;; : I -rrili SF; zIf0 Kinirich'u,iick Rojad zoning'i!i t. Dcar Mr.Ifuuiltseru i:iiil' Pursralt to our rccedt discusioas,'I *isir.to foqafly gggine rirj objeaions regarding rbePedotto. Puccl dcvcldpnenr plans,,al orrcntfy p.r$ented.:. Tio indea'se ia densiiv b-n-rfi rto."dn t-.*uprco dltrr thcsignifiianr anount of hard surfsceareas, will result ia afr increixirt iun"oir d freriminary invesrigarion revears a grear dcalof rhls run'off:has oofenriariio channel iaer'inro rhe adjs-cenr.parccl ur tlre existing vair l1*#l;1ilii1gl::.::j:1"* _11';l;;;;;:h yn;orr wirr not onry erwc probremsassociatcd witli rhe edtrane; but it wiil tu"u . -;e:g;trc-liliuil.f,'. ;ililillTlHiiruc ruri s' i rnni e d i atc iy i.rj. i.;i ; i;;;tliiri no..r. : The secbnd concern ri,tic'l vp trav.c:r:qqq,.og. r[c. increascd .g:qitt qud tbe propo-ccd plaqrblatcs lo thi drchitedturar disign *:ti91,.rr'u.iru-nlonoseo. we highry rccommend rhar rhc,developer softin tbe i'erv haio t"incs orlis piii"lr.rrtrougtr rhe ulilizatioo of perlnrcrcr eaflhhyg, and i gencfoui inirslarioo "i6;ii;;;'.nd dcciduous ueei ro sofren rbe visualrmDad.: . i :-;:. L"ith to rdtjse. y"ti U:li 13.lol in pbjection to Fc dcveloper,s proposed project. F.T..:::r"l"Prr.b.:L'll-.:,:91.r|r9,*.lsiiiili*,oprnrut in ihs ro$1r of Vait, rhe aborc erl.Em,[AcffKEshHiftffia t!+t{r{IJ t!.t r.:06 FAd, I '' i .l :l Cbrrlcr Ovcry 2833 Kinniclinnickg3 Veil, Colorzdo 81657 a0E) 479-9133 : Sun, Dec 19, 1g93 To The Planning and Environmental Commission, Toiyn of Vait, \ql v{l *'f"/ I must lodie, in the strongest possible terms, my prolest to your "onu.ning a plannini 1[:t5andzoningworksessionregardingtherezoningofthe.Pedottoparcefin Intermountain dudng what is certainty one of the yafley,s most busy periods. I received your notice for an initiat meeting on the 13th of December and was able to' '--{ake tims lo attend. I spent one and one half hours waiting for the 'request for worksession' on lhe 2850 Kinnickinnick parcel to come on to the agenda After the first ilem of the agenda had not been tinished, it was evident that the meeling was going to progress slowly. I had not planned to spending the entire afiemoon at the meeling and had lo leave. In addition, I was frustrated by the fact that I could not lind anyone in the front office of the building who knew what a'request for worksession,' 'was. lf lhe request was a minor procedural matter, might it not, more democratlcatty, have been disposed off at the beginning of the meeting? lt'a request for worksession is a scheduling matter shbutd it not bE stated as such. In addition, t have not received - a mailed notice of lhe meeling on 20th December although l;w3s oo your list to receive a notice about the initial meeting. I am unable to attend the.meeting on Monday the 20th as t have had prior work commitments for over 4 months, I am very interesied in the proposal as I live at 2g33 Kinnickinnick #3 and my residence looks out across Kinnickinnick road at the property in'question. I am not unfavorably disposed to thE development of the Pedotto parcelas I believe that suitable devetopment of a significant portion of this tand wilt improve the " lntermountian neighborhood. Furthermore, I am very encounrged by the open discourse that your department nurtures regarding all of Vail's planning questions. t do not feelthat I have adequate information regarding this.development and, at this time, I am opposed to the plan as. outlined in your memorandum of Dec. 13. I feel that lhe timing of your worksession on this property is most inappropriate. The neighborhood in question is certainly a lvorking'neighborhood and most residenrs will be very inconvenienced by this meeting if, indeed, they are able to attend at alL .'.. Should there be any question that the submittal or scheduting of this worksession 635; . in any way been affected by the above concerns I wilt fully pursue my legal . .. . " alternatives. In addition, l.willbecome vociferous anO oUitiepero,Ls in niyopposition lo lhe applicants proposal. -,t- :' II : ri t Qpp=^,,,=n rv rHE t ,.i,,irtrii ,,.L) ENV! p0,..: t.,: i: ir!-iAL C(j,\,, i", I SS ION DATF W puqNpea. l-L-^^-r- ?--4'-.{ A request to modify PEC conditions of approvalto allow for driveway grades up to l1h'andchangesio the approved employee housing phasing requiremenF for Lots 1 - 14, lnnibruck trrteddows Subdivision, generally located a12772 - 2892 Kinnikinnick Road. BACKGROUND On April 1 1 , 1994, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) reviewed and recommended approval (4-0-1), to the VailTown Council, a request for a minor subdivision and a requeii to rezone a tract of land from Primary/SecoldaE__ Residentiaf to Low Density/Mufti-Family Residential generally located al 2772 - 2892 Kinnickinnick Road. lnclubed within th-e recommendation of approval from the PEC were numerous conditions. Condition 1(d) requires that: " Alldriveways to be constructed on this site shall not exceed 8% slope." Additionally, Condition 1(g) requires thatr The applicant shallprovide four employee housing units according to fie phates shown'5elow. The employee housing units shallbe restricted as Type lll units and shall include restrictions requiring that the unit be rented and that the rent shall be comparable to market rate, and; i. Prior to the issuance of a Final CO or TCO lor any of the first six strucures constructed in lnnsbruck Meadows, the applicant shall secure a Final CO or TCO for the first of four deed restricted employee housing units. ii. Prior to requesting a Final CO or TCO for any of the seventh through tenth structures constructed in Innsbruck Meadows, the applicant shall secure a Final CO or TGO for the second of the four deed restricted employee housing unlts. iii. Prior to requesting a Final CO or TCO for any of he eleventh through founeenh strucurres constructed in Innsbruc-k Meadows, the applicant shall secure a Final CO or TCO for the third and fourth deed restricted employee housing units. On May 17, 1994, the VailTown Councilapproved on second readlng, Ordinance No. 5, Series i g9l, an ordlnance rezoning a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density/Mulli-Family Resldential, generally located at2n2-2892 Kinnickinnick Road. IIETIORANDUil Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department AprilS, 1996 TO: FROM: DATE: SURJECT: t I ll Applicant: Bob Borne e'?q 4' fiE'ai4 planner: George Ruher 5_ O - | *ffo"O FTR'ERYONE\PEOUIEIIGNN}.ISBRUCK.'$ The approval ol Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1994, included each of the conditions recommended by $e PEC at thelr hearing on fie request. . On May 1, 1995, Bob Borne, President of Snowshoe Developmenlr 1n9., purchased the develoiment rights to Lots 2 - 13, in he Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision from the originaity devel6per Greg Amsden of AmBros. Development Cop. Developrnent dghE to 16E t a 14 were reAined by Ms. Juanita Pedotto, the original owner of the Innsbruck Meadows property. o On June 2, 1995, the Town of Vail Building Deparment issued the first Bullding Permit for construction in the Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Since that time, five additional Building Permits have been issued and construction of the units has commenced. To date, bur Temporary Certificates of Occupancy have been lssued for unlts in the Innsbruck Meado'rivs Subdivision. Temporary Certificates of Occupancy have been issued for Units 5A, 58 (t|e first of the employee housing units), 6 and 7. Temporary Certificates of Occupancy are pending for Units 1A&B, 3 and 4, none of which are employee units. Each of these units is currently under construction and nearing completion. II. DESCRIPnON OFTHE REOUESTS The applicant and developer of the Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision, Bob Borne, is requesiling that tte Planning and Environmental Commission reevaluate two of the conditions of approval placed on the development by the Planning and Environmential Gommission_on April 1 1 , 1994. The applicant is requesting thal he PEG reevaluate Conditions 1(d) & (g). Condition 1(d) requires hat all driveways to be constructed on the site shall not exceed 87" slope and Condition 1(g) specifies the phasing of the four required employee housing units associated with the development. The applicant is reguesting that the Town of Vail Private Street and Drivervay Development Standards be applied to the lnnsbruck Meadows SuMlvlsion. According to Sec'tion 17.08.170 of the Town of vail suMivision Regulations, a ?ivate streer shall mean any street not dedicated to the public for purposes of vehicular use and meeting one of the following: a. Exceeding 75 ft. In length;b. Providing access for more than two dwelling units. According to Section 17.28.330 ol the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations, pri\,ale sfeets shall be a minimum of 22'wide and have a maximum grade ol9%. Driveways shallbe a minimum of 12'wide and have a maximum grade of 8%. Driveway grade may be cons[ucted up to 107" if the Town Engineer's approval is obtained. lf the driveway is proposed to be heated, the grade may be up to 127"_if he Town Engineer's approval is obtained. The applicant is proposing that allportions ol the common driveways that are classified as private streets be constructed 22'wide wlth a maximum slope of 9"/". The applicant is further proposing to construct all driveways serving each individual structure 12'wide witfi a maximum grade of 87o, with the option to exceed the 8% maximum slope subiect to the revien, and approval of the Town Engineer. An exhibit has been attached illuslrating the proposed, typical driveway grades for the lnnsbruck Meadows Subdivision (See anachment #1). The applicant is also requesting to amend the appro\red phasing plan for the four required employee housing units in the lnnsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Currently, the applicant is required to phase the four required employee housing unlts according to the following phasing plan: FTEVERYONBPEG\|E]I|OSI\INNSBRUCK.408 2 Exlstlng Phasing Plan phasing - The applicant shall provide four employee housing units according to.the . pnJses-snown #tow. The emptoyee housinj unlts.shattbe restricted as Type lll units ind shalt inctude restrictions rdquiring that th-e unit be rented and that the rent shall be comparable to market rate. i. prior to the issuance ol a Final CO or TCO for any of the first six structures constructed in Innsbruc* Meadows, the applicant shall secure a Final Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certilicate of Occupancy for the first of four deed restricted employee housing units. ii. prior to requesting a Final co or TCo lor any ol the seventh through tenth _. structures bonstru-cted in lnnsbruck Meadows, the applicant shall secure a Final CO or TCO for he second of the four deed restricted employee housing units. iii. Prior to requesting a.Final CO or TCO for any of the eleventh through fourte_enth structtres bonstru-cted in lnnsbruck Meadows, he applicant shall secure a Final CO or TCO for he third and lourth deed resticted employee housing units. Proposed Ptrasing Plan The applicant is proposing the following phasing plan lor the four required employee housing units: ( italics - denotes where changes have been made to the phasing plan) Phasing - The applicant shall provide lour employee housing units according to the phases:shown below. The employee housing units shallbe restricted as Type lll units and shall include restrictions requiring that he unit be rented and that the rent shall be comparable to market rate. i. Prior to the issuance of a Final CO or TCO for any of the first six structures construcled in tnnsbruck Meadows, the applicant shall secure a Final CO or TCO for the ftrst of the lour deed restricted employee housing units. ii. Prior to requesting a Final CO or TCO for any of the seventh hrough tenth structures constructed in Innsbruck Meadows, he applicant shall secure a Final CO or TCO for he second of the four deed restricted employee housing units. iii. Prior to the issuance ot a Buiklirg Permit tor any of the eleventh through thirteenth struclures, awritten deed restriction must be rsorded with the Eqle County Clerk 8 Fecorder's Office for the third of the four employee housing units to be constructd on Lot 14. lnnsbrud< Medows SuMivision. Pfiotto rquestlt g a Final CO or TCO tor the unrestrhted, free market unit on Lot 14, lnnsbrtd< Medows, a Hnal CO or TCO shall have been seured for the desd restdded emptoyee housing unit on Lot 14, lnnsflrud< Medows SuMMslon One a written deed restrmlon is resorded wtth Eqle County, the employee unit on Lot 14 will be anstlerd completed for Employee Housing Phasing Plan puryoses only. iiil. Priot to requesting a Final CO or TCO lor any of the eleventh through thirteenth structures constnrcted in lnnsbrud< Medows, tf,e applicant shall secure a Final CO or TCO tor he lourth of the four ded resticted employee housirg unib. F:\EVERYONBPECWEMOS\I}I{SBRUCK.Tm The appticant is proposlng to amend tre approved phasing plan for the. four required.employee trousin! units bebadse the applicant does_not retain hedevelopme! lights to all of the employe-e housin! units in the Innsbruili Meadows Subdivision. Ms. Juanita Pedotto, the originalowner ol the hnEbruck Meadows property, has retained ownership of Lot 14, Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Lot 14 is one dt toirr lots with a proposed duplex slructure containing a required employee housing unit. Since the applicant does not own Lot 14, he is concerned that the exiiting phasing plan for the emfloyeb housing unlts will adrrersely aftect his ability t9 receive a Tempo-rary or fidat Certificate of Occupancy for any 9f the elevenh through thineenth sffrctjres construct6O in the subdivision. Additionally, the applicant cannot requlre lhe owner of Lot 14, Ms. Pedotto, to construct her duplex, which includes a required employee housing unit, therefore, the applicant could not receive a TCO for his eleventh, twelfth, or thirteenth structures in Innsbruck Mdadows Subdivision untilthe owner of Lot 14 decided to construct her duplex structure. In the opinion of the applicant, since he does not have any rlghts to build Ms. Pedotto's duplex until sh6 decides she wants to build, lt would be uniust to not allow hlm to complete his eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth structures untilthe tourteenth structure has been completed. A copy of a letter from he applicant to the Planning & Environmental Gommission dated March 5, 1d96, exptaining the applicant's position on this issue has been attached lor relerence (See attachement #2). ilt. zoNlNG AI{ALYSIS The lollowing is a list of the relevant development standards approved by fre Planning & Environmental Gommission lor the Innsbruck Meadows SuMivision: Addresses: Zoning: Total Lot Size: Density: Total GRFA: sabad<s: DdvewayGnde: Totel Site Goprage: 21,132 sq. ft. maximum m2 - ?BgZ Kinnkinnick Road Low llensity/tvttti-Famity Resitenilial 2.49 acres / 2.36 acres ot buildeble bt area EXISTING 19 Dvolling Unils in 14 Stnrctutes (four deed restrbted EHU's) 25,9(X) sq. ft. maximum 20'to the subdMsbn prcp€rty lin€s 1$ separdion b€twoen strucfums All driveways - 87o PROPOSED N/C Prlfio Sbst poilbm - 996 Ddwwry porilom - 8%' N/C N/C N/O 'Driveway grades may be up to 127o if h€at€d and apptwal i9 oheined fiom the Town Engineer. IV. STAFF ANALYSF llaxlmum Drlvmay Grade The Community Development Depafiment staff has reviewed the applicant's proposalto amend two of the conditions of approval of the Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Upon review of the FIA/ERYONE\PECUI EMOS\NNSBRUCK..08 applicant's proposed request, staff is generally in support of the. proposed change to Condition i[il; t"rinirni drivevtray grade. The ipplicant is reque-sting t9 in9r9as9 the maximum drivervay giai'e to 996, for those ioitions of the driveways chdsifted as ?rivate str9ets." The Town of Vail Fire Oepartment has eipressed that should this change be approved and applied to those . structur'es which have aiready received TCO's, or are currently under construction, a site plan must Oe resubmitted to the Fire Departmentfor their review and approval. lt ls possible' that reiro-sprinfting of the structures mdy be necessary, depending upon the proposed driveway configuration and maximum grade. stafi understands the appticant's <tesire to be governed under the same Private street and Oiiueway Development'Standards as ahyone else in the Town of Vail' We feel that this is a reasona6te and dppropriate request. Staff is concerned with the request as it relates to the eiiJting itructurei'and those under construction. We would suggest that the proposed change in the ma-ximum driveway grade, if approved by the PEC, be applicable only to those structures not yet under a building permit. The applicant has been informed ol these issues and wishes to proceed with the propose<l change to the permltted maximum driveway grade. Employee Houslng Phasing Plan In staff's opinion, the applicant's requested proposal amending the phasing plan for the four. required ehpbyee horising units in the Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision is reasonable and his concern is understandable. When this development was originally approved, lhe developer at the time had development rights to Lot 14. When the development was sold to Bob Borne, Ms' Pedotto retained the development rights t0 Lot 14. The request, as proposed, does not negatively effect the ability of obtaining deed restricted employee housing in the Innsbruck Meadows SuMivision. lnstead, it simdy resrudures the . timing-ot the construction of the units. The applicant will be able to complete the proiect and.the community will continue to benefit from the lnnsbruck Meadows Subdivision approval by getting. a written debd restriction for the fourth employee unit. The tourth and final employee housing unit willbe completed when the structure on Lot 14 is built by Ms. Pedotto' V. STAFF RECOiIIIENDATION Staff recommends approval of the applicant's request to amend Conditions 1(d) & (g) of the April 1 1 , 1994, Planning & Environmental Commission approval lor the lnnsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Staft belaeves the request is both reasonable and appropriate as described in fire Staff Analysis, outlined in Section lV ol this memorandum. Shoultt thePEC choose to grant an approval of the request, tre staff wouh recommend that the approval carry with it the following condition: 1. Should the applicant propose to apply the amended maximum driveway grade standards to hose structures already completed or under construction, the applicant shall resubmit the appropriate site plans to the Town of Vail Fhe Dipartment and Public Works Department lor their review and approval. Such review may determane fiat retro-sprinkling of the structures may be necessary, depending upon the proposed driveway conflguration and maximum grade- FTE\,ERYONE\PECUIIEMOS\INNSBRUCK.4(n PROPOSED DRIVEWAY GRADES (tYPical) --l' I '1i- | !' ';-' t-v++ t4b1 l,rr1 lytrtl'rrl r.f l\& \ INNSBRUCK MEADOWS DEVELOP}IENT, INC. P.O. BOX 420s VAIL, COLORADO 81657 30347G5263 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission tr'rontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 Att: Greg MolTat, Chairman March 5, 1996 Dear Greg, By this letler I am formally making application for an opportnnity to go before the Planning end Environmental Commission on April 11, to ask for two minor modificetions in the conditions placed upon the subdivision plat for Innsbruck Meadows. The lirst one, is a request to modify condition D which states that all driveways on this site shall not exceed 87o slopo I would respectfullSr request that the wording be modified to state that all driveways on the site conform to the Town of Vail standard development standards. This would allow us to have some leeway in design and interior road grading so thrt if a grade was not lvorking at 89r/o we could et lenst heat pnrt of it as long as it was within tbe guidelines thrt are used for the rest of the town. I havc discussed this issue with Andy Knutson who was the original planner for the project' with George Ruther who is the current planner and both of them seem supportive of this request. I also have discussed the issue with Terry Martinez, Town Engineer and she too has indicated support for this requesl '' : - I sincerely believe that the grenting of this request would cause no hardship to the Town and not meke this project live up to a higher stendard than is placed on driveweys in the rest of the Town. All driveways have to be approved both conceptually and in the field by the Town Engineer's office and the granting of this request would not give us any preferential treatment to any one else in the town . ATTACHMENT #2 The second request, is to change pert of Paregreph G, phasing, more particularly sub paragraph iii of the conditions. As you know this project was zoned by a Mrs. Pedotto who was the original owner of the land. When she sold the land she retained rights to lot l4 which was to contain one of the four deed restricted employee housing units. The condition that I am discussing required that before a linal CO or TCO would be issued for any ofthe eleventh through fourteenth structures constructed in lnnsbruck Meedows, the applicant shall secure a lind CO or TCO for the third and fourth employee housing units. I am requesting that the wording be changed to require a CO or TCO for the third employee housing unit and to complete and record a decd restriction for the fourth employee housing unit. I am making this requcct for the reason that I do not have any rights to build upon her lot until she decides thet she wants to, has thc moncy to do so and puts the money into an escrow eccount for seme. Since I have no control over Mrs. Pedotto who incidentally is over eighty, if she does not or clnnot build her unit, I could theoreticatly not build our units eleven, twelve or thirteen. Since unit eleven is a dupler with an EHU there would be two less EIIU's evailable. We do however own the land subject to her rights and therefore could and would protect the Town with the deed restriction which woutd be recorded immediately upon your request I respectfully submit thet this request protects the Town by insuring that unit fourteen could never be built without a EllU in it and allowing us to go forwerd with our third EHU witbout having to take into consideration someone's preferences over which we have no control. I wish to take this opportunity to tank you for your consideration, Respectfully, 7a o {4jacent ilroperties to Irursbruck \{eadous Columbine North P.O. Box 5940 VaiL CO 81658 ColumbineWest P.O. Box 447 Vail, CO 81658 Timber Creek Towrrhouses P.O. Box 3478 Vail, CO 81658 Camelot Torvnhouses P.O. Box 2l2l Vail, CO 81658 ' InnsbruckCondominiums P.O. Box 485 Vail, CO 81658 Meadow Creek Condorniniunrs 143 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Rush Condomuriums 2821 Basingdale Blvd #4 Vail, CO 81657 Merv Lapin 232W. MeadowDr. Vail, CO 81657 Ann Howie 3600 Holmes Kmsas City, MO 64109 Gary Cohar do Frank McKibben ValI Vauey ReaI Estate 228 Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 Rob Rymer do Greg Amsden Amsden, Davis,Fowler 5fl) S. Frontage Rd.W. #l 12 The Wren Vail, CO 81657 rHts trEil ui"rt[tjfiErouR PRoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Gommission of the Town of Vail r11l nofO a puOfic nEiring'in aCcoiOance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code.of the Town of Vait on lpril a, i9C6i"t ZtOO p.U. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a parking variance to allow-for the construction of a new..singlelamily..residence with a garage in me tr6niiefiack located at 1799 Sierra Trail/Lot 17, Vail Village West Filing #1 Applicant: Julia WatkinsPlanner: Randy Stouder A requesr ro modify PEC conditions ol approval to allow for driveway s.t"9::-ll-P_1.T./:^?!!. a/ chanies to the apiroved employee housing phasing requirements for the Innsbruck Meadows -L Subdivision. !I Applicant: Bob BornePlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss a major.exterio_r alteration, conditional use permit and a stredm setOacf viriince in tfri CCtlZone Oi'strict to allow for rellacement oJ the gondola located at iract D, Vait-f-ionineid tst Fiting;tract B Vail-Lionshead 2nd Filing;Tract A, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant:Vail Associates, Inc., represented by Joe Macy Jim Curnutte A request for an interior residential addition, utilizing the.250.Ordinary9:_!9 allow for an addition to the living area, located ar 295 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Pat WelshPfanner: Lauren waterton ,**rl Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call479-2114 vofce or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Pubf ished March 22,'1996 in the Vail Trail' Planner: {r- :'I illiggggigggggg*i! Ei$$gEgiggHEgF$F! :F*-gagfiigrqiilg5ranf,fiEE1EFi; Ifi.*e[gitg'idtFdFl o .^ ir -!ttl- :;!.; '1 '1 .fIt; !;o E9'50 -<r4E5xoEx.c'qd9F6.0art6oqtr^i,gRB6 9; E58EgE ;E EH EE gxd-gExEo; ;8.E:,EgE6 8; EE bF=S,!!-.9*8dLgcco +'EinB3F'6E.06F6.; E E€h'ts'=oo,;bL6Y!5c'F.E.,i.EEE.OFE6*,E6 F 6 E E:bsj: E 6€5oo:E @l gi te Fl -G e 6F E €l FB F F.EAIgqdo>(t)E6'ttio'tE?;EE s = e ; i: 6 B b iEEs $ ieE*g :2 i; :EgEg E E5EgE gE Ees:f€gF F EEEgF EE iEEgEEEggEggEEEEEE€HFFE;Ef!!gE$f;ggEfESF;EEEFgE€EEEEE;F3iflE; E f;EgEE q$ EEH€EF8g In FEfrq=t €g €EEgfi EggiSEiEEEEEEFEEEE.i E;H Ee gEfigg f, csE iFEEE Et F E E 5HE iEl i! r *; Et E sE E| $i a FF E, E;H$Hr nE$r dEEFldf;l pFE;|lggEc sEE E gc;EE EE EBgE f"'t4.b 'n Io-{P=Hi:JO6E*El'il'BF F3Itlot<LMrgE;';63t FEerEEg-q EgS= = 'TloccL t-or5Ofz CLD o I I L (o(o$ ; oto.!' 3 3 5o c)oc5o o =!t3Id o :to g ;C 2_o D' ;E e =GI It o0o'it CLo Im(t{ -g !- I F =8 -={g =ao* Im 0 zo .lt !Io mg oz CI'mooz0 ftm I2o z0 o10mf,mc' Tc @tr(t,-mc, =.o I CLo g. @(o$ F dt!td oltd 3oo =ao Im(t{ I 9.-!- Fc) (, =tIF{ot =Io* =!t GII d o6o 3atoto o tili a-^ |U V't r ' -i 1 v.tr et^ April19, 1994 Town Council The Town of Vail 75 S: Fronage Road West Vail, Co 8L657 RE: Pedotto Parcel f,,s2ening The Pedotto parcel is being presented for your review and approval for rezoning. The proposal shows 14 buildings They are being presented as affordable housing for young families at approximately $315,000 for each home; but we feel that this is somewhat out of the lange of most young families atrd that, in fact, these homes will become second homes. As a result we will have additional non-resident owners. While we do not object to non-resident owners, we would like to see InterMountain remain the last bastion of local ownership in the Vail Valley. At this time the majority of the people who live in InterMountain are local and we feel that retaining primary/secondary 2sning will maintain this permanent resident nature of this neighborhood. Although the present zoning allows for six primary/secondary duplexes on 6 15,000 sq. ft. lots; we feel that the size of these buildings would be more in keeping with the surrounding area which consists of townhomes and condominiums than 14 small alpine buildings that do not fit into the architecture of the neighborhood. As residents of InterMountain we would like to ask that you deny this request for rezoning. We are very much aware that this area will be developed and we have tried to give our input. It is of utmost conceflr to the residents of this neighborhood that a formal trafFc study be undertaken to actually know the amoutrt of traffic that is evident in this area. Seven road cuts off of Kinnikinnick, which presently has an exceptional amount of traffic seems to only add to the danger of negotiating the streets in InterMountain. With all due respect, Residents of VailllnterMountain I PEf,MONTOTOWN COTJNCIL We, the rmdersigled resideots of Interlvtountail Subdivision, reErest tlat the menbers of the Ve Town Cor:ncil leave the zonpg on th9 Pedotto Site at Primaryl.Secondary, rather than apptoviag upzoning this parcd and the proposed nrbdivision, to Low Dosity Multi-Family: Cetu Lb'2,! ,ni L t-iZ'- 7'-', , r l/' q0v TELEPHONE # 76 7(-282. +16., -zl : -1/4b 17L i-G'. 's='7? oQIJ 7 /t rr zl- -52A ,r.' ,lG ie '* ci ln. h*- 3zt,i /o,'Jt0,t &s,'rtacU. //n* PO. &,-u /6?? 1Vu--l \ ,, ,,/ | . tt-t \r\ ^t .Ylr: 7 ,Q (, t Fz\9 r r-..r ti D el i l7i1 (,Ny.,t rlr't,z'ft'( -,i f /lit<'- t-.t PETMON TO TOWN COI,'NCIL We, tbe rmdersigned resideots of InterMormtain Subdivision, r€Ere$ that the -errber: of the Vaj Town Cor:ocil leave tbe 2sning on the Pedotto Site at Primary/Secondary, rather tban approving upzooing c this parcel and the proposed subdivision, to [o]v Density Multi-Family TEI^EPHONE # ,4 4?t- 1A - l7z V.'GGq 7e /6 '6- PETTNON TO TOWN COUNCtr. We, the rmdersigned residents of InterMountain Subdivision, request that the mesrbers of the Vai Town Council leave the 2sning on the Pedotto Site at PtimarylSecondary, rather than approving upzoning o this parcel and the proposed subdivision, to Low Density Multi-Fanily C-G Ar\ 5usr.nA,kinS ? TELEPHONE # 4'1b-s?€3 l7t ' ir s: ?zr-r32 75, '{a4,- '-fft6- [-rt :oEtx #b \R\L,co <rNN\y:tNtg.t4 I 391'r' ba'.ztonr'ch. . /r4 r 'ClLr rlnr t, 1;)'X'*g 3rd May, 1994 Dear Vail Town Councilperson: I have been a bit overwhelmed recently by all of the irons I have in the fire so didn't get the telephone calls made that I would have liked to make. I hope you will have time to read this note, then, before making a decision on Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1994 (rezoning of Pedotto parcell. While Ernie and I are not as affected by the rezoning as some of our neighbors may be, we do feel that the number of buildings planned for the Pedotto Parcel is out of porportion with the near neighborhood. True, there are a number of condominium and townhouse projects across the street to the north of this parcel, but most of the homes to the right, left, and behind the property (except for The Camelot) are single family or primary/secondary homes. The ambiance of the area will certainly be lost. Now when one crosses the bridge one appears to be driving into the forest; if this project is allowed and completed, one might as well be driving into a Denver Subdivision. Some of my younger neighbors are concerned as to what the completion of this project might do to real estate taxes. While we are in a position to handle an increase, many of the young families who have recently purchased in the neighborhood, while prices were down and interest rates low, may be very much affected. Their ability to make the payments may be marginal, and they may be forced out of the area down valley. We would really hate to see this happen as we feel we need young families in this end of the valley; they are Vail's future. Thank you for your time. I respectfully request that you consider all of the ramifications of allowing a rezoning of this parcel before you make your decision. ; 3rd May, 1994 Dear Vail Town Councilperson: I have been a bit overwhelmed recently by all of the irons I have in the fire so didn't get the telephone calls made that I would have liked to make. I hope you will have time to read this note, then, before making a decision on Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1994 (rezoning of Pedotto parcel). While Ernie and I are not as affected by the rezoning as some of our neighbors may be, we do feel that the number of buildings planned for the Pedotto Parcel is out of porportion with the near neighborhood. True, there are a number of condominium and townhouse projects across the street to the north of this parcel, but most of the homes to the right, left, and behind the property (except for The Camelot) are single family or primary/secondary homes. The ambiance of the area will certainly be lost. Now when one crosses the bridge one appears to be driving into the forest; if this project is allowed and completed, one might as well be driving into a Denver Subdivision. Some of my younger neighbors are concerned as to what the completion of this project might do to real estate taxes. While we are in a position to handle an increase, many of the young families who have recently purchased in the neighborhood, while prices were down and interest rates low, may be very much affected. Their ability to make the payments may be marginal, and they may be forced out of the area down valley. We would really hate to see this happen as we feel we need young families in this end of the valley; they are Vail's future. Thank you for your time. I respectfully request that you consider all of the ramifications of allowing a rezoning of this parcel before you make your decision. I.r F!!.8 f;OPV Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the smoked glass to match the existing entry way glass, that the rool be deslgned in accordance with any DRB recommendation, white minimizing the height, the planter will be expanded if it is possible structurally (if it is not possible to expand lhe planters, trees will be added to the existing planter). Dalton Williams seconded the motion. Diana stated that aspen trees should be added to the planter to provide vertical landscaping. Kathy Langenwalter stated that glass to match the existing needed to be used. A 7-0 vote approved this request. 4. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract trom Primary/Secondary Residentia|toLowDenSityMu|ti-Fami|y,|ocated31ffiore specifically described as follows: A parcol ol land in rhe Soulhwest Clirafler ol Sedion 14, Township 5 South, nange 81 Wesl otlhe 6th Pdndpal Msridiatl, more paniculrrly dascribed as follo{vs: Beginning d a poinl whenco a brass cap set for a wihess @rnor tor lh3 We$ Oustter of said Seclion 1,1, bears (Nodh 29 degre€ 28 minues 51 ceconds West, 1073.08 to€l Desd) (Nonh 43 Degr€es 15 minutes 02 Boconds Wesl. 915.96 leel Measured); Thenca Nonh 7,1 degrees 05 minutos 19 seconds E8st, 10.76 t6et; Thenca 183,62 t€€t along lhe 8tc ol a dJ e lo th€ rlglll whidr ate sublends a dlord bearing North 88 degre€s 12 mintn$ 30 ssconds Ea$, 181.76 leel; Thence Soulh 77 degrees 40 minules 2l second3 East, Q,.77 tea]. Thenco 1,17.,t3 fe3r along the arc of a curve to the lofi whi.h arc sublands a ciord bearing Nonh 86 degrees 36 minuss 17 ssconds Easl, 1.15.60 fes( Thence Nonh 70 degrees 52 minules 55 seconds Ead,406.55 ts€l; Thonco 54.10 fe€t along lhe atc ot a curve lo th€ riglrt which gc subrends a chord bearing Sodh 47 degrees 20 minues 37 seconds Easl, 4420 fed; Thenc. Sotrh 14 degrees 25 minul3s 50 seconds Wesl, 110.5f tseU Thsnce South 68 degrees 18 minues 91 seconds W€st, 320.00 fesU Thence Nonh 19 degrees 07 minules 05 seconds Wesl, 50.00 feel; Thence Soulh 77 degr€es 48 minu€s 4t seconds W€sl, 160.18 f€sl; Thence Soulh 10 degress 53 mindes 33 seconds wesl,36.48 teet: Thonce Nonh E7 degrses 40 minues 06 seconds Wesl, 337.72 teel; Thence (Norrh lt degregs 52 minutes 13 seconds Easl, 130.00 fed Deed) Norlh l1 dsgrees 55 mlnuos 31 seconds Eesl, 129.75 feol Moasur€d) to rhg POINT OF BEGINNING. 8elring trom G.LO. rscord to. Souh half of S€ction line between Seaions 1+15. (G.LO. r€cotd South 0l degtees 302 mimnes East) (soulh 01 degrees 38 minutes 32 seconds East Measured) Applicant: Juanita l. Pedotto Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO FEBRUARY 14,1994. Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this issue and Dalton Williams seconded the motion. A 6-0 vote tabled this item until February 14, 1994 with Greg Amsden abstaining from this item. 5. A requ€st to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the F70 right-of-way. Applicant: VailValley Medical Center Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO FEBRUARY 14,1994 Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon Iteetlng lllnut€s January 24,ls94 I 4 a a\ I 6. F ILT OOPV Kristan stated ftat expanding the landing pad for the helipad had been requested by the hospital. She stated that the hospital needs to bring in a solution to relocate the pad per Town Council's request. Bob Armour, Vail Mountain Rescue, stated he was putting a letter together regarding a new helipad. He stated there was a need for an authorized, controlled access for the landing of emergency vehicles. The cunent location is not controlled. The pad needs to be large enough to accommodate larger aircraft. Air Ambulance Service needs a larger access available. Jeff Bowen made a motion to table this item until February'14, 1994 with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote tabled this item until February 14, 1994. Review of proposal. egarding the Pedotto rezoning Andy Knudtsen reviewed the Pedotto Neighborhood Meeting with the PEC. He stated there was a good turnout, with approximalely 2 hours 9f discussion. Comments focused on traffic and parking. Existing problems that need to be addressed now include stop signs on Bassingdale and Bellflower. A citizen in the audience stated that these stop signs had been installed, but traffic was still travelling too fast. Andy stated that both the Town Engineer and the Town Police Chiel had been brought up to date with the concerns expressed at the meeting and were trying to solve the problem. Several neighbors emphasized the need lor better sidewalks in the area. Pedestrian safety was a concern of most of the neighbors. Many people expressed concern about the parking. They are concerned that cars will be parked not only within the development but will overflow within the existing developments. One of the specific concerns was that people would use their garages for storage which would prohibit the use of them for parking. Two solutions that were suggested were to include as part of the homeowner's declaration, standards identifying parking locations for owners and guests. In addition, someone suggested that the architect include a small slorage area adjacent to the garages to increase the likelihood that the garages will be used for parking. Another major concern was in regards to the architectural character. The sizes of the homes as well as the character of the homes was a concern. People wanted to see more than "cracker boxes". People also wanted assurance that the wetland area in the center of the site would not be impacted. Neighbors were concerned about phasing, specifically that the proposed developer would get an increase in density, but not complete the project per the standards described at the meeting. ln response, statf made it clear to the neighbors that the platted building envelopes would assure the neighborhood that any developer who worked on this project would have to conform to this subdivision plat. Lastly, some of the neighbors expressed concern about the increase in density. Some expressed a desire for the Residential Cluster zone district with the belief thal there would be too much density on this site. Planning and Environmental Commlsslon Meetlng Mlnute3 January 24, 1994 Greg Amsden stated that architectural elevations for the area are to be presented at ths next meeting. Parking regulations will also be adclressed. The Environmental Assessment will be reviewed by staff. The Police Department has also been requested to patrol the area during more frequently used times. 7. Approve minutes lrom January 10, 1994 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes with Dalton Wlliams seconding the motion. A 7-0 vote approved the minutes from the January 10, 1994 meeting. 8. Council update: .Helipad Jeff Bowen was appointed as the PEC representauve and Dalton Williams as an altemate. Kristan stated that all were welcome to attend meetings and statf would try to provlde a schedule when meetings are set. 9. Review of Planning Services for the PEC. Phnnlng and Envlronmental Commlsslon lreetlng lllnutes January 24, 1994 6 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTIGE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vall on February 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Munlcipal Building. In consideratlon of: 1. A request for a major CCI exterlor alleration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek . Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village lst Filing. 2. A request lor a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment ol the Covered Bridge Building located a1227 Bridge StreeULots C and D and a part ol Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicanl: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Appllcant: Planner: Appllcant: Planner: Jose Guzman Andy Knudlsen Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Mike Mollica Hans Wemann Randy Stouder Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Andy Knudtsen Robert Schonkwiler Randy Stouder Juergen Krogmann and Monica Roth Randy Slouder 3. 4. 5. 6. A request for a variance for required parking to be located off-site for a single family residence located a|2642 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. A request for a wall height variance and drfueway slope variance to allow lor a driveway to exceed 8% located a12445 Garmisch DriveAots 10 and 11, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback and a varlance to allow alternative materials not listed in the Design Review Board Guidelines for a fence located at 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. A request for a side and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residence located al2757 Davos TrailAot 1 , Block F, Vall Das Schone 1 st Filing. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Muttl-Famlly, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Boad/more . speciftcally described as tollows: A pJa.t ot t|td h rh! So.dluad Ourrtar d Srqlon 14, Tfln$F 6 Sot tr RJta 81 Yltrt ol f|. dh Pdnc?d f,hddb|r tno|r F derhry t'.rctt d ! lglo}l: gaghofE d r pold rn |lc. r b.!s q r.t lo. r r|n.r! cfi|..lo.oa lvbtl Orurr ol tald Srcdo|| ra, b-n Ncrh 29 drgcra 28 hhttct gl t cd|dt Wit rOiAO irr Oo*t Oqrn ag tter.. 15 rnhot. Oa a.cdrdr W.d. 915.98 ttd .sutto: th.nc. i&.rh 7,1 d.9'|.3 ('5 ifiul|| t9 !.cstd3 Ertt tO?8 hrf Thaoca ISS.GA hat rboe th| !c d r arrw !o rh. detr rt|l$ |'. auuard I dod b.doe tlodr 88 ttog.to 12 rftu.| O :.Goidr E.rC t8t.73 txt lhrra Soirt t ?7 dre; aO nrlnl,tr 2f 'tco||{f a|ti. 82.7, lt..! Tlmar t4zall t.i do|t th. 8c d I o.va b th. Ht uhbi !r .|itfi& a Ghorn ba.rbe t{odn E d.gnar 53 nlut.. t7 racoodr Eut, tiff.3o Laq Tharcr No.lh ?0 dogrr3 62 ilhuln 55 t co.|d3 Es|.4065,5lrat Thf,rc. Ea.lo te rUrg ttrc lc a r cum o 0[ dgh rfildr r't r6t.ndr I dord b.rlng Sou||| ,|7 rte !. 20 nlnut| 37 |.codt Esl ,Lloltat T|l||ro Sodi l,l dag''.. 25 rnh@r 50 ''codt w|.l I t0.51 t|rl: throc. gouor 88 rhgr|.t 16 ||l.|nn.. gl rtaondt W.4 320,00 |||c Th.r*r t{o.U r, t'|grr. 0' nhdr 06 r.roa6 W.4 50& |rl: Ihaf|oa Sot th 77 d.i['t. at rlrutr at r|coiab l{ltl l80r8 t-r: fh.rEa Soudr '10 d.!trr.t 5! iind.t gt t.coidt W.rt 33.a8loa; lhtnc. Nor$ 87 d|!'t.r a0 rtorti C t.€ida Wttl slt'?2 Ln: ll|.rE. tl{ordr tt dQrttr 52 rSl'n t! t.€ort EEf l!0.00l.d D.|O Noih ri tberct| SS nlrut.t 31 t co.rd. E|l. 12t,75 t||| M0rundl lo ttl FOINT OF EEGIN'IbIO B.Jhf t|!tn 6!0. .tcod lo. Souh hCl oa S.clon Lx bnl t Scdbm tat3. (Gl-O, nco{d SouU 0l d.gr.aa S.2 tnb r.. E4 (Sodh 0t dt'|6 3E nburaa 3e xcondr Est l,|t|xrdl L 9. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow lor the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighom 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Cumutte Walter Kirsch Randy Stouder A request for a mlnor subdiviston located at 4316 Streamslde Gircle WesVLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighom 4th Addition. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 MICHELE THRAPP/BEVERLY ANN VIKLUND 2823 KINNICKINNICK RD. #4 vArL, co 81658 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commisslon of the Town of Vail witl hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request lor a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek . Drive/a pan of Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jose GuzmanPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 2. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment ot the Covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge StreeVLots C and D and a part ol Lot B, Block 5-8, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partnerslanner: Mike Mollica 3. A request lor a variance for required parking to be located off-site lor a single family residence located at2642 Gortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Hans Wiemann ; Planner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a wall helght variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a drlveway to exceed 8% located al 2445 Garmisch DriveAots 10 and 1 1 , Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant: Steve Sheridan and Adam SzpiechPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback and a variance to allow altemative materials not listed in the Design Review Board Guidelines for a fence located at 5118 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Robert SchonkwilerPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a sidE and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residence located at2757 Davos TrailAot 1, Block F, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. Applicant Juergen Krogmann and Monica RothPlanner: Randy Stouder o 7. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezgns a tract from PrimaryiSecondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more' . specifically described as follows: A pr,cal ot ||'d h ttx Sot trrart Ouatur ol Sldoo !f. TowmnF 6 Sotnh. R&ea Sl ftm ol ma dh Pdndpd Matidlr4 noti p|'firbly dncttcd |t 'tolonr: E gtn rhe d r Fold rttaic. r b.e.. ap t.t tq I rii.|| coffi lo. tb Wdr Ct |ll.r d t||d StCloo r{ brt! (l,lodh 2t drgrer 28 nht,l|. 5'l tccqidt W,h. tOieOO i..t O"cOt 0foO rS Orim rf rhu.r @ trq b W||( 9r5.e0 btl Mr|3urtoi li.f|€ t{odn 7a d.gtt t 05 Inht,tn t9 rc(rrdt E.tt t0.73 hrt lhriaa tEiI62 hrt do.l th. !s d a a,t[ |o rna igh ltit$ rn aubtnrl I d|od b.dng tlo|l'l 88 dcgtlr. t2 nhu.r gt lc.ondr Err. lEl.78 faai: lh.no south 7' d.gnra aO mhdr 2i r|CD|ldr €.|L 3Z7f f|ti Tlr.rEa liazag lra d(rrg t'|| |'a d r arw.lo th. Hl httldl re tutnan& | chofit brrhg ilodi A d.e..n !6 nlruri 17 |.coodr €||f ia5.6o Ld: Thop Norri ,O tbgna3 te nhdt' frt aacoidr E.l. {6.55 t..t: Thlnc. 54.10 tre dong tti erc d r cu^| |o ri. dgtt wlrlch arc lri||f|dt a drotd b.rhl Sosti {? dcena 20 lt&|u.| 37 t.cood3 EEt ,1410 hlt l}att . Soulh ta d.E aa 25 nlnrtaa 60 saoodr W.rt I10.5t t|rl: Thmc. So|.'i 8t d.gn6 18 oln|nn 9l rlaondt W.||. 32Om hi: Th.nr Nmh t9 rtry... (,? dnut. 05 s.roodr wrrt t0!0 b.t: Ihaio Sosrh ? drgi|ta {E nlnurt al l|cond3 W''l t80.l8 Lal: Th.ncr Soutt l0 d.!rt . dt tind.t 33 3.rondr W..l 36,1t l i Dteof Nodr 8? drgrtr a0 t nt4r 6 tt€odr Wbtl 9r.72 l|f,'li n n. tfonl rf C.e,t r 5if rf!!r.a 13 r.€odt €rf !30.O loat Da.dl tloltt It dr!tr .| 65 mlrui; 3t ..cq|dr €.i. 129.75lr.t M.r.{ntd} !o th. PONT OF BEGNNN(I Btsho tton GLo. ,!€oid lo. got 0l hdl d stcalm In b'tur'o 8'c om l+11 (G'Lo' t6otr sos{r 0't tttgrttr $J mln|,'r Ed) (sotth 0t d'gtr'r 38 mlri,iar 3e rcoidr Ei Merurdl Applicant: Planner: 8. A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal Code to allow for thE construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Blghorn 3rd Filing. Applicant: MlchaelLauterbach/BAB PartnershipPlanner: Jim Cumutte 9.. A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamside Circle WesvLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighom 4th Addition. Applicant Walter KlrschPlanner: Randy Stouder Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen re_{.( "'-r* \?rz' \ '"'t1"i'.i\\CO LO_:.' f ,i :,,a I : ==) 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 MARK & CAROL WHYTE 2821 BASSINGDALE BLVD. #3 vArL. co 81657 |j.s.p0siAcilIItIT l't., IS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Envlronmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 14,1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A reouest for a minor srrbdivision located at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr./Robert TylerPlanner: Mike Mollica z. rr lvquglt{. tul a wUt.(5e55r(Jrl lul a tlrajut Cvli rr^rrirur ,i,,titrtir.uur | <erru 5siriJaun vo,licilrr-e to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc.Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a worksession for a major CCll exterior aiteration and setback variance to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209,308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc., and Jose Luis ChainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4- A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamside Circle WesVLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4th Addition. Applicant: Walter KirschPlanner: Randy Stoudel 5. A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1358 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 21 , Block 3, Vail Valley 1 st Filing. Applicant Chris Kempf ' Planner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a worksession to discuss proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District;Chapter 18.32, Agricultural and Open Space District; and Chapter 18.36, Public Use District of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Jim Curnutte ar\. I 7. A request for a worksession for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bridge StreeUlots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. and East West Partners Planner: Mike Mollica 8. A request for an SDD to allow for the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a conditional use for the off-site relocation of three existinq employee housinq units. located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more speciflcally descrlbed as lollows: A part of Tract'B'and a part of Mitl Creek Road, Vail Village, First Filing, Gounty of Eagle, $ate of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Co.nmeneino ?t thc N!.(heesl corncr of Vail Vllace. Firsr Filino: lhence No(h 79'46'00'West along lhe soulherty line ot u.s, Highway No. 6 a drstance of 36/,06 teet to the,t'{onneast corner of saro lracl, 'b ; thence douth 10o14'OO' West along the Easterly line of said Tract '8": a dislance of 198.31 feet 1o the Southeaslerly corner of said Tract '8"; th6nc6 North 79"46'00' West along the Southerly line of said Tract "B'a distance of 100.00 feet to lhe true point of beginning thence north 09'10'07" West a distance ot 41.67 feel: lhence South 88'27'11' West a dislance ol75.21 teet: lhence Soulh 27"13'37" East of distance of 77.37 feet: thence North 57'24'OO' East a distance ot 55,11 feet, more or less to the true point of beginning. a 10. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: David Smith Jim Curnutte Rod and Beth Slifer Kristan Pritz A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterlor alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and C, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing. A request for a minor subdivision and to Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, spe.fifically described as follows: rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more A pscal ot land h lhg SodhvJesi Ou.rlsr ol SBdlon l,a, Tonnshlr 5 Soulh, Rangg 8t WEsi ol the 51h Ptindpd MotidLn, molg p.nbuLrly desc.bed a3 lollo$a: Beglnnhg at a pot r{nenca . b..sr cep set for e wln.$ com.r lof lh. West Oueicr ol 6.jd Sedlon :4 b..B (Nonh 29 dsgress 28 mhdes 51 secmds West, |073.08 t..t tle.d) (Nonh 43 Drgre.. tS mindos 02 locondi W€sl, 915.96leet Mo..ur.d): Thenc. Nodh 7,1 dcAreet 05 min|^|r 19 secondt E$t, 10,76lset: Thsn6 183.62 tegt along lhr rrc d r qJlvr to the.ighl whlch a,9 subten& a chord bsadne Nodh 88 degr96 12 rnlntiss 30 ggconds Easl, 18t.75 l.et Thcncg South 7? degree! a0 ninut€ 2l recond3 E.ct, 62.7, ls!t; Th.nc€ 147.43 l.5t doog lir .Jc d a qrrvo lo lhe lell whlch rtc Eublendi r cfiod bo.thg Nodh E6 dolf€er 36 mltr|,,lrt 17 s.condr Easr. U5.60la.l: Tha.Fe Nonh 70 degre$ 52 tnh|,ei 55 s€conds E$( ,()6.551e€!: Th.nc. t{.'10 ll|l rbng $. rrc ol s curye to ths dgh whlch arc lublondr a ciod b3ling Souh ,17 d.gr..a 20 mlnue! 37 locond3 Eail {,1,20le.q Thencg Soulh t4 dclro.r 25 mlnd.t 50 secgndg W6sl t t0.5t leol; Thoncr South 68 degre.r 18 ninulBr 9l racgnd8 wesl,320.m feet: thenco Nonh t9 degre$ 07 mlnule! 05 seconds w€tt gxxt h€li Thenc. Sourh 77 degle€r 48 nlnul6 4t socond3 We.L 160,18 l€el; ThenEe South l0 d6gre.! fS trtnutes 33 secon& wesl, 36.48 leeli Thenco Norlh 87 degroes,l0 mlneles 06 rlconds W.6i 337.72 teel; fhonce (Nonh t I degre€s 52 mhurea t3 ssconds E.s! lso.(x, |od OeGdl Nonh I I dcarees 55 mlnnes 3l s€conds Erst. 129.75 teot Me$ured) lo lho POINT OF BEGINNING. gerrhg tlgm G,LO. record tor Souh hJt ot Sesion lnE be$/een Secllon3 'l+15. (G.L.O, recod South 0l degrees 3t 2 mlnur! E.!0 (South 0l d.9ra8! 38 minute! 32 6econds E.st Me.sured) Aoolicant:Juanita l. Pedotto -* I 11. A request for a minor exterior alteration and a site coverags variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-B, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant Charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin Clak and Tom ArmstrongPlanners: Randy Slouder/Shelly Mello ',i. ,'.,-n-.,-i. l- ;;l;;;i; i.i,, l,-i,--.i l- ll,; ,;-l c,,J -l ll.; lc,;'J I-::1, "*,.i.i,t; l:l i:;:l-J;l 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcellocated between VailVillage 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: VailValley Medical Center i,<r,i,,.-r . ;i,;-y ,.,,--.;vri ;".;L:: ;;;::l-lili;al'.' 13. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21 , Sectlon 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of ths Vail Ridge Subdivision. . Applicant John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Planner:Jim Curnutte TABLED TO THE MARCH 14, 1994 . PLAN NING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING 75 South Fronuge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 GREGORY LYNN SHARP 13714 FOXMOOR DRIVE HOUSTON, TX 77069 / o< L? "t TOWNOFYAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 Department of C ommunity Deve lopment February 9, 199+ Greg Meister 2783 Kinnickinnick, #6 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Planning and Environmental Commission review of the proposed Pedotto rezoning Dear Greg: The Pedotto rezoning is scheduled for a Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) revior on February 28, 1994. I am writing you this letter to provlde you with the most up to date information regarding the revier,v process of this project. We had schedulod it for earlier PEC meetings;however, it has been tabled untilthe 28th. After the PEC hearing, the project will be scheduled at Town Council for two readings. These are tentatively scheduled for March 1 , 1994 and Marcfi 15, 1 994. Thank you for your interest in this project. lf you have any questions about the schedule or about the rezoning, please call me d 479-2138. Sincerely, 4:4 g,-'#< Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner ,HF'€839f;'?-" ---*.',/' ',/- :/ A,lb)'u!-L/ FEg - 9'34 egjl',' 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado E1657 Greg Meister 2783 Kinnickinnick, #6 Vail, CO 81657 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of tho Town of Vailwil! hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Munlclpal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an addition to the south side ol the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek . Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at227 Bridge StreeyLots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Jose Guzman Andy Knudtsen Hillis of Snowmass, lnc. and East West Partners Mike Mollica Hans Wiemann Randy Stouder Steve Sheridan and Adam Szpiech Andy Knudtsen Robert Schonkwiler Randy Stouder Juergen ltogmann and Monica Both Randy Stouder A request for a variance lor required parking to be located off-site for a single family residence located at2642 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. A request for a wall height variance and drlveway slope variance to allow lor a driveway to exceed 8olo located al2445 Garmisch Driverlots 1 0 and 1 1 , Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the front setback and a variance to allow altemative materials not listed in the Design Beview Board Guidelines for a fence located at 51 18 Gore Gircle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. A request for a side and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residencE located at 2757 Davos TrailAot 1 , Block F, Vail Das Schone 1st Filing. o A request for a mlnor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more . specifically described as follows: A prral ol ||'d h Or Sqd|fi|t Ou|ir d Slclon ta, TounhF E Soul\ Burea 8f Vllrt ol tra db Ptlttdd H *nrA ||roit P.ttbAtlt -r€tD.d |l tolfln: 3a0!uhe ! | Fl| ,taoo I b.||. c.p 3d to. r ib.|| cq||.r fof d! W.rr Ctrt . .a tJd S.clott lar brrr (tlodr , dQrta tt nlI,L. 5l ..c{'tt't Wif rO OS i|tl D.rdl Nodi i|l! Dt.tr 15 mhur. (E t.srdr Wd. 915198lxl lrrurno; llrm. odn 74 drgr|.. 05 r*tut6 it .ec d| Eul. t0.78 het tiaiaa tqr.Oa frf Ung rtro rcar q|rw !o tha de r||Li |'r at.t.flf r d|o.d b.|rl|le }fot$ €18 &gtt.r f2 nht.| $ Econdr E|n. t8t,76Ldi Tharra Sosth 77 d.giaa {O rnlnut 2l rrsdr €r! gLZt ti lhr|c l47A trd dm9 th.lc r, I qnv. lo lh. Ht trllloi |'t atbhdl I rttord b.ltrg Nonh 83 d{r..r 38 nlrr,i|' 17 trcoflh Ed. t45.O lr.t Thono Nonh tO dtg..aa fA mhU.. 55 rcondl E|t( 46.55 Latl Thanca 54'10 tsa rtonO Ui rrc U r c,r,vr to $a dgtt rilch Jr !t.t.ndr | $od b.dr|9 Sou0r a7 dren6 20 dnu.. 37 tlcoda E|,!. aa20l.!t ThatE Sotih t,a dcg.ra 2l nhu.r t0 3aco.rdr w..t I l0.5l Lrli Thmc. sorrfi 8t d.gn' t8 |tln|rt| tt tre.dr WB, S20.O L.G thanc. Nodh rg drlrt|r ('7 r*Mr (F rr(o.rdt fr,.d. lOAt Ll: fhr||r 3osd! 17 d.F.a ag tr$rtar at r.o.rda Wb|t l30.tt ld: Th6c.soul,i l0 rt 9't|. St rfid.t :1E t.oidr W.|l $,at ba3 lhir(! No.tr E drF|t a0 nltit,ta € r.€cidt wtll 39t'?2l..l: lh|no (No$ fi d6n . fl2 nhut.r 13 |.€idr Er|t. r3o.(Dlott b.dl Nor$ ll daer..r 65 nltr,li 3t |.Gq|dr E||t. 129.73lod ..rund) to ir| POINT OF BEGII{N6E; Barhe trgfi OLO. r.s.d lo. Soui hd ol Saath lm b.tbrj| S.clona l+14 |G.LO. ..ord South 0l d.etaar O2 mlnu.a Ert{ FoUh 0l d.gtrx 38 rnhurar Jl rco.rdr E..t M.tturdl Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricted) of the Vail Municipal CodE to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes grealer than 40% located at 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighom 3rd Filing. Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Cumutte 8. L Juanita 1. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Walter Klrsch Randy Stouder A request for a mlnor subdivision located at 4316 StrEamside Gircle WesULots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4th Addition. 75 South Fronmge Road Vail. Colorado E1657 Dean Marsh ii+g xinnicxinnick Road' #b-1 Vail, GO 81657 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmenlal Commission of the Town of Vailwitl hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 28, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. In the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey lo allow an addition to the south side ol the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek . Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-B, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Jose GuzmanPlanner: Andy Knudlsen 2. A request lor a major CCI exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge StreeUlots C and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis sf Snowmass, lnc. and East West PartnersPlanner: Mike Mollica 3. A request for a variance for required parking to be located otf-site lor a single family residence located at2642 Cortina Lane/Lot 6, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Hans Wiemann :, : Planner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a wall height variance and driveway slope variance to allow for a driveway to exceed 8% located al2445 Garmisch Drive/Lots 10 and 1 1, Block H, Vail das Schone 2nd Filing. Applicant Steve Sheridan and Adam SzpiechPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 5. A request for a variance to allow for a 6 foot fence located in the iront setback and a variance to allow alternative materials not listed in the Design Review Board Guidelines for a fence located at 51 18 Gore Circle/Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant Robert SchonkwilerPlanner: Randy Slouder 6. A request for a side and rear setback variance to allow for an expansion to the existing residence located at2757 Davos TrailAot 1, Block F, Vail Das Schone lst Filing. Applicant: Juergen Krogmann and Monica RothPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a minor subdivision and to Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, . specifically described as follows: A Frcal d Lflt h th. Soud|ut|r OU|,br d Sadon 1,1, Towtlrhb 5 3ou0\ BJ|eo St W.|t d th 3Ot Pdn*d Maddltq non prdic{,bnt &sct!.d rt loloun: B.gltrthe d I pol{ rtt rp rbr.rr c.p td tc I uln ! co.flf lof t'| Watl Orraia. d tdd S.cbo ra' b-tt (Nodn 29 &gn|. 28 tnhd.t 3l r.csdt Wir. rdaOO i.a OroOt No.th 40 D.9n6 15 rnlnu.| 02 .icoor,| W||t 91t93ld M{3und); thmct llo,li 74 dtgt cr 05 |nhdn 19 t.c(ffi Eul, rO78 t.; Iifiaa 18332 t|.i .lone |'r rc of r qayt !o th. dgt |t*rr rt rdt|rli I do.tt b.|tlog tlo.$ tlt dQtr.r t2 nhun tO t.co tt E|!' 18,1,76 |t|r; thrno Sarih n Argnir rO nlnrar at lGoodr E|ti 8aZ htc llnc. l47.as t||l |}lt tha arc d a qrry. !o th. m v, ch J€ ttttrndt r .nont b.|rfig frodn B (|graa 36 dn 1|| t7 t|cofx| €rS. r,r5.dt l.tt Tlr.IFa tloirn 7! da9,r.r 5a nftrtar 66 raoo,td Er* {6.35 L.r: Tbnca 54'10 tce rtoog rtr- Jr a r o,.i io th| rtgh wttldr tE r|Jtftndr r clod b.rlrt Sosir a? drgno 20 nhut6 !7 t|coid. E|31 a4l0l.at l|l|tic. Sorrlh l,a dolrr.r 25 tnhu|| 60 sacoidt wr4 I 1051 td; lhrrH soslh 68 d.!n r 18 ttint,t|r 9l tf€|ldr Wtd. 320.00 l..r: Thano Nc$ rt drgn a (I, mlnul- Ot 3fto b WH. 50& brt: fft nc. Sorrtr 77 drgr|r {t dnd.| al 3ro.xl fttl tt0.l8 L.l; lh.r*r Sou|'| t0 d|enr| g3 rlnd'| g! r.6|rdr W.al3Aa3 |.l: Ih.n . tlodr t7 dtedt aO mlnut C t.coidt wH, 3g?.?2 l..r: l|l.||! lNodh tt d;ttrs 52 Dhrr.. 13 r.€.rda Ert ISO.(D L.r D..dl tlo.$ ll rhir..r fg drul;3r r.co{td Est r29.73l.d M.ruttdl lo lh. PO|t{l OF BEGII{I{bIG B.rbe t|!nt O.LO. rccont tor Sotnh hd d S.rtioo trx b.tw..o S.dioar l+16. lGl-O, t.aod sa,th 0r dQlr.| 32 mhun E { (Sorrth 0i dAnaa 38 mhffr 3? r.ondt Ed Ma$urcdl rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary located at 2850 Klnnickinnick Road/more Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen for a variance from Section 18.69.040 (Development Restricled) of the Vail Code to allow for the construction of buildings on slopes greater than 40% 4335 Bighorn Road/Block 3, Bighorn 3rd Filing. Michael Lauterbach/BAB Partnership Jim Cumufte Walter Kirsch Randy Stouder 8. 9. Applicant: Planner: A request Municipal located at Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamslde Circle WesVLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighom 4lh Addition. s J\wNoFVArLly 75 South Fronnge Rmd VaiL Colorado 81657 REC'DFEBt tt99l ELLW 2821\ AVON : couRr&e (NNTCK RD,'Cf,1620 ,A 2 a IS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commisslon of the Town of Vailwillhold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vail on February 14, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision located at 363 Beaver Dam Road and 383 Beaver Dam Ckcle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: John Tyler/John Tyler, Jr./Robert TylerPlanner: Mike Mollica z. n lt,qucst lul a wuir(scssrLrtt iul d iltalul a\.,ri tj^rsltrJr ir.lirrl.atuur r daru sslud.un vql latr\-c to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc.Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a worksession for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209,308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc., and Jose Luis ChainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamside Circle WesVLots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4th Addition. Applicant Walter KirschPlanner: Randy Stouder 5. A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1358 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 21, Block 3, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicant: Ghris KempfPlanner: Randy Stouder 6. A request for a Worksession to discuss proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District;Chapter 18.32, Agricultural and Open Space District; and Chapter 18.36, Public Use District of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Jim Curnutte \ 7. 8. L 10. A request for a worksesslon for a major CCI redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village exterior alteration to allow for the focated at227 Bridge StreeULots C and 1st Filing. and East West Partners A request for an SDD to allow for the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a conditional use for the off-site relocation of three existing employee housing units, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: A part of Tract "8" and a part of Mill Creek Boad, Vail Village, First l-i||ng, Uounly of Eagle, Slate ot Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Conrmancino ?l the NlorlheFst corner of Vail Villaoe. Firsl Filinf': lhence Norlh 79"46'00" West along lhe Southerty line ol U.S. Htghway No. 6 a dtsrance of 3ti/,0tt leet to tne.tlonneast cornct ot saro lract'tJ; thence Souh 10.14'OO' West along the Easterly line of said Tract "8"; a distance of 198.31 feet 10 lhe Southeasterly corner of said Tract 'B'; thence North 79o46'00' West along the S'oulherly line of said Tract "B'a dislance of 100.00 feet lo the true point of beginning thence norlh 09"10'07'Wesl a dislance of 41.67 feel: thence South 88'27'1.|'West a dislance of 75.21 feet; thence Soulh 27"13'37' Easl of distanca of 77.37 teel; thence North 57"24'00" East a dislance of 55.1 1 feet, more or less to the true point of beginning. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Hillis of Snowmass, Inc. Mike Mollica David Smith Jim Curnutte Rod and Beth Slifer Kristan PriE A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and C, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more spe-cifically described as follows : A D.r..l ol lrrd h the Sgrnhwest Ourrler ol Scslion 1,t. To$'nghb 5 Sodi. RanOe 8t West ol fie dh Principal Meddia , mole p.tticuhdy de8c.bed as lollowE: g€glnnlng .l a pol'|t nfien.9 a t|..ss crp sgt fg. . r,in.5r corn.r lor th| Wesl Ouener ol dd Sedlon 14, be3ri (Nonh 29 degriet 28 hhuot 51 3.cmds W.sf, lO73.08l.rt Deed) (Nonh a3 Dogre€. 15 mindor 02 re.ond3 Wert, 9t5.96 leel Me.lureO: Ihenc€ Norlh 74 degtegg 05 minutei 19 secmds E.st. 10.76l€qt: Thsnce 1€8.62 tad elong th..rc ol I cre to $e dght f,hlch ars slblen& a chord bearint Nonh 88 degrses 12 mhutes 30 soconds Ea-{, tgt,76leeti Thence South 77 degEes 40 minutes 2t seconds Et!! 62.7,leeti Tlenc! 1,47.,13leel slong the rrc ol s sJrvo to lhe hll wlrbh 3'9 eublends r cfigd bg.rh! Nonh 85 d.gf.6 36 minues t7 ..condr Eas! 1a5.60 leel: Thorra Nonh 70 degre€s 52 mlnules 55 eecon& E19t. {08.55 leqt: Thonca 51.10 teet dong the ars ot a cu.vo tio the .igh whlch arc subtendg I dord b9dh9 South 47 d|!r r Zt mlnue! 37 lecondt E.sl ,tl20 l..t Th.nct SoUh l,{ degreer 25 nlntnes 50 s€conds W6t | 10.51 lesl: Thenae Soulh 68 d.gnes tB rdnuo8 9l seconds Wosl.320.m leel: Thenco North tg dege* 07 nlnuter 05 3Bcondr Wert 50.00le€t: Thenra Souh 77 deg.ees t8 rlnutes 41 seconds Wesl, 160.19 leol; Thenc! Sou[l l0 deg.ees 53 rnlnut$ 33 seconds We3t 36.18le€l: Thence Noih 87 degr..r 40 nlnut€6 06 secondr Wert, 337.72legl: Thence (Nodh I t degGes 52 mhutes 13 eecondr EEr. i30.m lert Deod) Noni i I d€lroe! 55 lnlrunEs 3l raconds Ean, 129.75leet Measlred) l0 $e POINT OF BEGINNING. Be.rhg lron c.LO. record tor Souh halt ot Sedlon lne betw€en Secttons t+15. (G,L.O, recod Soulh 0l degrees 30,2 mlnuieg Easl) (South 0l degrees 3E minrrl€ 32 gecgndg E.sl Ms|rured] Aoolieant:Juanila l. Pedotto - 11. A request for a minor exterior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-8, VailVillage lst Filing. Applicant Charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin Clair and Tom ArmstrongPlanners: Randy Stouder/Shelly Mello 12. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 589 :. Frontage Road,EasVan unplatted pa.rce| lo^categ, between Vail Village 7th Filing qrllr Jdll Vlircrgu 9rrr I i||rrg c,Lrlq cl Pwruwrr vr t (, r'/ \J rlVrrr vr irlrJ, Applicant: VailValley Medical Center I fdrff fVl . t \rrv, rr,,uvrvwt i-n rrl,bl 13. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 1 9 and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north t of f-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. ,- Applicant: John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway DevelopmentPlanner: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO THE MARCI'I 14, 1994 . PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING From the desk of...Shelly Mello \vq ^r""1/ ,+fuP'br;w NL hrn ' h - ir/tart'Wnrf\/ - rA tl"v s )aM Catr(*rr--@# 4lu-1+60 @.a{l,o^t't 4ta - zb2/4/* /'n k' [2t-dnt+t d-g"tl- AW6w ^,: w Affil4"'; .rMil'fr,*u- urlotvtf ''^u, " 1,u; 11 tr u W.%'r,*'\^W #K- 6)t+/,JjmrMY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 ,ffi"PETER & SUZANNE APOSTOL 2771 KINNICKINNICK RD, G6vAtL, co 81657 ' .',\. IS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 14,1994, at 2:00 P.M. In the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: l. A requesi lot a Inlnof SUOOlvlSlOfl locateo at JbJ treavef Ualll HOaA allO J6.J oeavtrt Dam Circle/Lots 2 & 3, Block 3, Vail Village 3rd Filing. : 6'1nli^rnl. .1rr6a T. qrlarllnhn T1,16; .lf /Elnharf Tr.rlpr Pianner: Mike Mollica z. A lgquest lul a Wo((sessrLfir iut a lllajul a\,lt t Arq;lrul atit,rau\.r aUU >crudu^ v4l lalr\,(, to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc.Planner; Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a worksession for a major CCll exterior alteration and setback variance to allow for tf're expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208,209,308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon lnvestments, lnc., and Jose Luis ChainPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request for a minor subdivision located at 4316 Streamside Circle WesVlots 2 and 3, Block 4, Bighorn 4lh Addition. Applicant: Walter KirschPlanner: Randy Stouder 5. A request for a conditional use to allow lor a Type ll Employee Housing Unit to be located at 1358 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 21 , Block 3, Vail Valley 1 st Filing. Appllcant: Chris Kempf ' Planner: Bandy Stouder 6. A request for a worksession to discuss proposed text amendments to Chapter 18.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District; Chapter 18.32, Agricultural and Open Space District; and Chapter 18.36, Public Use District of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant Town of Vail Plennpr: ,lim Cr rrnr llio 7. 8. o 10. A request for a worksession for a major CCI redevelopment of the Covered Bridge Building D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village Applicant: Planner: exterior alteration to allow for the located at227 Bridge StreeyLots C and 1st Filing. and East West Partners A reouest for an SDD to allow for the redevelopment of the Cornice Building and a condtuonal use lor lne ott-stte telocauon ol Urrce exlsulrg elllPtuyce llouslllg u lrs, located at 362 Vail Valley Drive and more specifically described as follows: A 'rrrt ^t Trect .F' end a oal. af hilill Cieek Rnarf. Vail Villaoe. firsl Filinq. Counlv of Eaole. Slale of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Co.nmencino et the No(hoasl corner of Vail Vitleoe. First Filino: thence North 79046'00'West along the Soulnerly line Of U.S. Highway No. 6 a dtstance ot 3ti/.06 ieet lo tne.f,lonneast cotner ol sato I ract "6 i thence douth t0.14'OO'Wpst along the Easlerly line of said Tract "B': a dislance of 198.31 feet to lhe Souheasterly corner of said Tract 'B'; lh€nce North 79'46'00' West along lhe $utherly line of said Tract ,8. a distanc! of 1OO.OO feet 1o lhe true point of beginning thence north 09'10'07" Wesl a dislance ot 41.67 feet; thence South 88.27'11' West a distance of 75.21 feet; thence Souh 27'13'37" Easl of distance of Z7.it feet: thence Norlh 57,24'OO' East a distancE of 55.1 1 feet, more or less lo lhe true point of beginning. A request to modify the landscaping plan associated with the previously approved exterior alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and C, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Hillis of Snowmass, lnc. Mike Mollica David Smith Jim Curnutte Rod and Beth Slifer Kristan Pritz A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more spefifically described as follows: A prrcel ol hnit h tha Sorrthwel Ou.Jter ol S.lion la. Townehh 5 Soultr, R. 99 8t W*t d lhe 6lh Pdns'p.l Mo.idia . more Panbuhtty d$.tbed a9 logor3: a.ltnnho .l e Dotnt whsnci r bresr c.p t.l to. a win.$ cgmcr to. $e W93t Oeanar ol !.ld Secion t,l, brtr (Nonh 29 delrees 28 nhut.3 5l s.cdd3 W"'.i rOif.OA i*r O."d) (Nonh a3 D€l..Gr 't5 tninuer 02 r.condr W.3! 915.98 l..t Moas{rred}; l}.nc. Nonh 7,t de9t8.! 05 mindet 19 r.c$dt E8t 10.76 Let Th.Dca ,t83.62 t|ri .lont thr .rc ol r (rr clothr dght which sr rubl.nd. r chord b€.rlng Nonh 88 dsgto€ 12 mhuto! 30 Escond3 €ast' iii.iei"a: n"ncc Soulh 77 degrcca.O mind6 2t secondt Eas! 6aZ hei: Thrnc! 1a7.43 teel dqtg lhc atc ol r crrva lo th! Li trtrkh rrc rublendt r JoiUartrg Ho* ee oegr.r| 3a ml rr.r t7 rocondr Ea3t t45,60 teet: Thrn Noni 70 degr€er 52 tnhtnet 55 rtcondr Ers! {06'55 leet: Thenc! ta.lo f"a J"9 rfti "tc of . "ury-. to tho .ight lr,hlch src rult.ndr I drord be.rlng Soulh a7 degrc6 20 minue! 37 r.condt Esst {a20 le.t: l}enco Soulh 1'l degreer 25 rnlnues 5() tecondr W93l t t0.51 leel: Thcnc. south 69 drlf.rs 18 nlnur.t 9l rccondt WsrL 320.m legl: Thencs North 19 degreei 07 srlnuler 05 secondt W.s! 50'00leel: ThaDc. Sotnh 7, degees a8 r{nlnes 4l leconds Wesl 160.18 leel: Thenc! Soulh l0 degtee3 fg nlnules 33 seconde Wesl36.48lPdi Th3nc| Norrh E7 d.9rc.r 40 mlnd.a 06 36cond3 WosL 337.72leel; neica tNonh f f Oe-gre$ sZ mlnute! 13 seconds E|t! t30.m feer Deed) Nonh t I delreer 55 hlnulet 3l second3 Ea-.l, 14.75 led Messu.ed) lo lho POTNT OF BEGINNINO, ii"rirgi.. C.f-O. r"-d lor Souli h.[ ol Sedion lnr betrcen stctbm t+15. (G.LO. recod South Ol degreet 30, lntnutes E.50 (sovrh 0l d.eEer 38 ninlrlet 32 t€cond3 Elst Me$uted, A nnlica nl:.h ranita I Perfotio 11. A request for a minor exierior alteration and a site coverage variance to allow for an enclosed trash and grease dumpster at the southwest corner of the Gore Creek Plaza Building, specifically located at 193 Gore Creek Drive/Part of Block 5-B, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant Charles Rosenquist, represented by Kevin Clair and Tom pranners: A'ffll"J3rter/shery Mero 12. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasUan unplafted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant VailValley Medical Center I rclr ar rvi . 13. A request for preliminary plat approval of a major subdivision (Trappers Run) on Lots 16, 19 and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. . Applicant John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Planner:Jim Curnutte TABLED TO THE MARCH 14, 1994. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING {Ne R\r= \mF<:o:ol=: ffi l$ilgl a13#11 olEiliFENlHi sla,og130gFH 5|a =^ril t<lmlr 1'ft P mo{ o -{mac tIJ c)o mz-{v,zmmomcf TDs oo 3 3of U' D =ett,Is. =a o (D -g o CL o =ro f! 6 0(DE A'a3(D:t5+ l, g 6' €o*la 0tlo.r Ot5o- 3t,o!tE.f(ct o:f I I IRt^ +=-- l-\ -|-,trlwI II I I I 0t (D (, 9'o g a(! tDIt ffi'n Cf m @ort 1'{ozo-n {-m TIoT'oa, !: A \ x 12-t! '1-t F(\ f il 9-6 c s Fr b. (\ r \\s a {j >( \l (\ J' T. F t f\. F. .\ II(\ F0 a \ tf\ N$ : N F(\ itI tI(.\ ttF I'm(D=;8.{6I_E.g ,e ,)o 6'€ 8. cr oo3 3oJ U' 9F+fs.lD A HEfr;r:N rt ^\ I {m o-rl l,C TD =o 1 D\. \, \tt t >: F I IF lfr t?0 l= .It tImoJ 0Im u,c @ c)o mz -lo)zmmomo t!5 (I, J] m'ng mv,c)nT{6zo11 -{-m -oI,o-goa !; A\ i ;1 L 3 a.*r F(! crl\ { () \.\3 aca I T & t\f r. il l( F. Ft|.I t F'0 \Iq 6 tf\ N(\ I t F t\( t {. I N : \ (\ I ofloo=<46'*€i(D =o-?.6l no 6'€L ct oo3 3 @5 U' 5'r+ 3a fisn;!: {I =m oo rnm onrno J F m,E rF-J{.>.Dt3. NrEI\{ R'-n .a"F t\ r!t =CLoa)ol9.3(C' C'(t 5.oc {D CL o =(D f! 6oo<t!, 3(D5.r 1'cct ct €o isI 0t5.o.r A'Jo.U'c'q, E.5(o of II I-F-- l\ I It\ ' t'lul I II II C, 0to E!)o g 9' (D ftog 3 o lol5 dRtlxftf $F'l I o {m o'n 1' G'trc) {I x m c)o rn m oxmo T rr {oUU o-o.It mz :E m =rnn N o$ \,\ \J N Tt ,_ili:lm:In :.lsl lT,t>ln l=lmlz t; Ear l=P ctml€ ,ut>l5JIO-o'F€lxJl= 5|a-l I I .It l,o(- mo{ tljs o +m (nc(D o -{ m o -o C @ro ;Eg 2 G) oo mz-{azm tllc]mcl @5 II L -f-t-' L$ I F96tr? Fli[ Be I [s afr i+ IIF:f { 'i, gfi a lf r n 6i "el I Eaf^ e i^4a, d3oo a a;* ir :t6, rEK,tf ,JozZ 7Z 6q 6_ \. tttIl m-n c]ma,o :o !{oz o-n { :E m -It Io-uo(n !: A L.l >Y 12-.t( --F F 6 c-[ ) F. .\ NtN Po \ t n Ir f\. JJo 6' €(D CLo lc t6l(t) l* t2 0q, o r[ q sI3vfi It;6 n /<.)td?).7Xz'/ ')itax 1.,+ *o ! $ o n 46 4 $ oY4 oe fi.1 o qt BAvqnX(4 6(-> 0tJo. @ C)ol9.J(cI ll(D s. (D €oo-o o A) (D oo 3 3o U' S d Rg" 9.',A'\,{v o9frK4{ f R"182 *E7 ea9, Z? 1Q2UAO *1ttd.t- 2a-b Y RqE6 xtt?; LA6 b"o r/^ 6v,f&.\ \o \; 2. .<(/ >rIt,1 at 24 83+r<c'ie'c,9E€fr;i: m €. f"s ={,P.DlqNr. J\LtCl rft \.-e-rs,lAF|}-r^Ao-t .\ t ft-- o\t t\ a-,..iTF\'*"sE ir,.'4e {(\>lu \N (\ ':{t'{rAFtf ai. t1.\vla f. fl(iI'\. U 0) g u, =. oo. o o -rl o(f (Droq, 3(D 3- -0 g o o.lt -(r, 0)fo.r F):to- u>c)A'p. (O o I II IT<\lr t--\ Ild I I I I I E RN 5c !, l<5 ?9\ e {I x rn oo mm o7mo I rr -{-\or\E \cl \o i-tr i-It rm:z 1-im/<//m//n no =o No$ u\ \, \ T; f\ : I I}. l,fto mo-{ gtmacu, t-lz l+ lc]lmlltt> I:Dl-l t< tmtzt{t> t; IP lm l€ (3 {m o-n T'C l,u =o -,1-g llzo oo mz{azmmcfmo qt L I I I I qt :D m-n o m(no'fl TI6z o-11 {-m -tt l,ol,oa f: n > {1 >x n E- T! =*r F$a 6 r!.a 5 \ t\ I. ?\vl l ( F. F t(\ P'c a ; n f\" NN i't r t c t e tt olto(Dfs.-!(DR€q(D =o.gl ct m le. T F-=\>.Dr3. Nr =\L(cl r[. \".ir-nah&r 1\ NR.sE a f f\s.\u\ 0p, (D qt =o.ooqlp. 5(cI !(D s.(D €(D o_ C' c] A' (D oo3 3of U' l! o oo!t cta =.(t o CL o =o It 6o(Dro A' 3(D5.!r 1' g o o if :n F):to.r0):fo.ooo,p. 3(o o:t \ \-l \ N \ \ $ \ Xb S,F 3g \*g A, ) 7 3ilY\\',j|\\\ t\Xi;i H"\E\ -- f c,, \ SP\ ?(\ Nr:-\: \'\N l;) $ \Nr\ l\I I N ]l\ [N \ \vi\ \ \..'\ts N \\ \l q \\\ $\ "\t'i',, N\ [r)t\ R {o€f T' 0)ff(D THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 24,1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A oarcel of land in lhs Soulhwesl Ouarter of S€dion 14, Township 5 South, Range 8l West of the 6lh Principal M€ridian, more padiculady described as tollor'rs: Eeginning al a point whence a brass cap set tor a witness corner for the West Ouader of said Seclion 14, bears (Nonh 29 degrees 28 minutes 5l seconds Weslt, 1O73.Og feel Deed) (North 43 Degrees 15 minutes 02 seconds Wesl,915.96 leet Measured): Thence Nonh 74 degrees 05 minules 19 seconds Easl, 10.76 feeli Thence 183.62 leel along the arc of a curue to the righl which are subtends a chord bearing Nonh 88 degre€s t2 minules 30 seconds Easl, 181.76 fe€l; Thenco Soulh 77 degrees 40 minules 21 seconds Easl, 62.77 leeti Thence t47.d3 teel along lhe arc of a curve to lhe lefl which arc sublends a chord bearing Noflh 86 degrees 36 minules 17 seconds Easl, 145.60 leet: Thence Nodh 70 degrees 52 minules 55 seconds Easl,406.55 feel; Thence 54.'t0 leel along lhe arc of a curve lo th€ righl which arc sublends a 6hord bearing Soulh 47 degrees 20 minutes 37 seconds Easl,4,{.20 feeti Thence Soulh 14 degrees 25 minules 50 seconds Wesl, 110.51 feel; Thence Soulh 68 degrees l8 minules 9l seconds Wesl,320.00 feet; Thence Nonh 19 degr€es 07 minules 05 seconds Wesl, 50.00 feet; Thence sourh 77 degrees 48 minules 4l seconds wesl, 160.18 leei; Thence Soulh l0 degrees 53 minules 33 seconds Wes1,36.46 feet; Thence Nonh 87 degrees 40 minules 06 seconds Wesl,337-72 leel; Thence (Nonh I I degrees 52 minules 13 seconds East, 130.00 feet Deed) Nonh 1l degtees 55 minules 31 seconds Easl, 129.75 feet Measured) to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing lrom G.L.O. record lor South half ol Secrion line between Sedions 14-15. (G.L.O. record Sor-rth 0l degre€s 30.2 minu(es Easl) (Soulh 01 degrees 38 minutes 32 seconds East Measured) 2. 3. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasUan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Vail Valley Medical Center Andy Knudtsen John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Jim Curnutte Vail Associates, Inc. Jim Curnutte A request for a worksession for variances for road grade and wall heights and a major subdivision (Trapper's Run) to create thirty Hillside Residential lots to be located on Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge and Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. A request for PEC review of the Vail Associates shop expansion conditions of previous approval. 4. o A request for a major CClt exterior atteration and a height variance io allow for the enclosure of the'elevator shaft for the Antlers Condominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Antlers Condominlum Assoclatlon Rahdy Stouder Applicant: Planner: e:9,:::;:;;,Y Richard Duke 2923 Kinnickinnick Road, #7 Vail, CO 81657 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 24,1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Besidential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parcel ot land in lhe Soulhwesl Ouader ot Secrion 14, Township 5 Soulh, Range 8l West ol lhe 6lh Pdncjpai Meridian, mora paniculady described as lollows: Beginning at a point whence a brass cap set lor a wilness corner for lhe Wesl Ouaner of said Seclion 14, bears (Norlh 29 degtees 28 minules 5l seconds Wesl. 1073.08 teel Oeed) (Nonh 43 Degrees 15 minutes 02 seconds Wesl,915.96 feel Measured); Thence Nonh 74 degrees 05 minues 19 seconds East, 10.;6 leel; Thence 183.62 feel along lhe arc of a curve 1o lhe raghl which are sublends a chord bearing Nonh 88 degrees l2 minutes 30 seconds Easl, 181.75 feel; Thence Souih 77 degrees 40 minules 2l seconds Easl, 62.77 leeli Thence 147.43 feel along lhe aro of a curvs lo lhe lefl which arc subleods a chord bearing Nonh 86 degrees 36 minules 17 s€clnds Easl, 145.60 teet; Thenc€ Nonh 70 degrees 52 minules 55 seconds Easl,406,55 teel; Thence 54.10leet along lhe arc of a curve to the right which a/c subtends a chord bearing Soulh 47 degrees 20 minules 37 seconds East,,l4.20 feel: Thencs Soulh 14 degrees 25 minutes 50 saconds W€st, '| 10.51 feel; Thence South 68 degrees tg min!,les 9l seconds Wes1,320.00 feetl Thence Nonh l9 degrees 07 minutes 05 seconds Wesl, 50.00 feel; Thence Soulh 77 degrees 48 minules 4l seconds West. 160.18 feel: Thenca Sourh 10 degrees 53 minules 33 seconds Wesl,36.48 feel; Thence Nodh 87 degrees 40 minules 06 seconds Wesl,337 -72 teer: Thence (Nonh | | degrees 52 minules 13 seconds Eest, l3O.O0 teel Deed) Nonh 1l degrees 55 minutes 31 seconds Eag, 129.75 leel Measured) ro the POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing trom c.L.O. .ecord tor Sourh halt of Seciion line beMeen Sedions 14-15. (G.L.O. record Souh 0l degrees 30.2 minutes Easl) (Soulh 0l degrees 38 minules 32 seconds Easl Measured) 2. 3. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request approval. Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Vail Valley Medical Center Andy Knudtsen John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Jim Curnutte for PEC review of the Vail Associates shop expansion conditions of previous Vail Associates, Inc. Jim Curnutte A request for a worksession for variances for road grade and wall heights and a major subdivision (Trapper's Run) to create thirty Hillside Residential lots to be located on Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge and Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South' Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. 4. 5. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and a height variance to "tto* for the enclosure of the blevator shaft for ttre Antlers Condominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Fillng. Applicant Antlers Condominium Associatlon Planner: Randy Stouder JAN -6'94 Cnr O: 75 South Fronuge Rd Vail, Colorado 81657 Otdet Ex AddreFs Lch \o Ad<lress Lncla,mod I Hrrl'rscd . : AtlernPrr'd Not Knovr" ELLEN }'ARIE COURTOIS 282I KINNICKINNICK RD, vArL, c0 81657 c-1 Nc Stt'jh str't'l il Fortlarding Ordd Foired il liufiicienl Addr'[ D /oud. Left No Addr'ss fiIJnclaimed t' Rsluseo R Artempted ' Not Knovrn I i',ic S{rc!' Sl":ol L-l llc ( "cr 'r'r.rh{'r :.:.: :. , -D:le-__- '- C,lti l'\!rr' t' '- -*4 J.^,N 1 s 991 UARK & CAROL WHYTS 2821 BASSINGDALE BLVD, vArL, co 81657 ll3 o Other LtenE fron the floor.Vr'.'l'* Meeting echedule 1994: qaluary 2L, L994 apritr 22,.L994 October L4, L994February 25, L994 June 17, '1994 Novenber 16, 199ED,tarch 25, L994 Augrust 19, 1994 Please plgn -to attend. If you have rnissed the laEt two meetings,you missed alot. d".{""*-U ULFr/sln Sincerely, THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 24,1994, at 2;00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parcet ot land in lhe Soulhwest Ouaner ot Secrion 14, Township 5 South. Range 8l Wesl of the 6lh Ptincipal Meridian, more paniculady describ€d as follows: Beginning al a point whence a brass cap set for a wilness corner for the West Ouaier ol said Section t4, bears (North 29 deqlees 28 minues 5l seconds Wesr. 1073.08 teet Deed) (Nonh 43 Degrees t5 minules 02 seconds Wesl, 915.96 feel Measuted): Thence Nonh 74 degrees 05 minules 19 seconds East, 10.76 teel: Thence 183.62 feel along the arc of a curve lo lhe righl which are sublends a cho.d beating Nonh 88 degrees 12 minules 30 seconds East, 181.76 teel; Thence Soulh 77 degrees 40 minules 21 seconds Easl, 62-77 leet Thenc€ 147,43 teer along lhe arc of a curve to lhe lelt which arc subtends a chord bearing Nonh 86 degrees 36 minules 17 seconds East, 145.60 leel; Thence Nonh 70 degrees 52 minules 55 seconds Eas1,406.55 feel; Thence 54.10 leel along the arc of a curve to lhe right which arc subtends a chord bearinq South 47 degrees 20 minules 37 seconds Easr,44,20 leel; Thence Soulh 14 degrees 25 minues 50 seconds Wesl, | 10.51 feel: Thence South 58 degrees 18 minutes 9l seconds Wesl, 320.00 teet: Thence Nonh 19 degrees 07 minules 05 seconds Wesl, 50.00 teel; Thence South 77 degrees 48 minules 4l seconds West, '150.18feel: Thencs South l0 degrees 53 minules 33 seconds Wesl,36.48 feel; Thence Nonh 87 degrees 40 minul€s 06 seconds West.337.72 feel: Thsnce (Nonh lt degre€s 52 minutes 13 seconds East, 130.00 feet Deed) Nonh ll degre€s 55 minues 3l seconds Easl, 129.75 leet Measured) lo ths POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing from G.L.O. record lor Soulh hall ol Seclion line between Sedions 14-15. (G.L.O. record Sotlh 0l degrees 30.2 minu'les Easl) (Sourh 0l degrees 38 minules 32 seconds Easl Measured) Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen 2. 3. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of lhe Ford Park parking lot 580 S. Frontage Road EasUan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. located at 7th Filing A request for a worksession for variances for road grade and wall heights and a major suMivision (Trapper's Run) to create thirty Hillside Residential lots to be located on Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge and Lots 16, 19 and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request approval. Applicant: Planner: Vail Valley Medical Center Andy Knudtsen John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Jim Curnutte for PEC review of the Vail Associates shop expansion conditions of previous Vail Associates, lnc. Jim Curnutte 4. I i 5.A reouest for a maior CCll exterior alteration and a helght variance to allow for the enclosure of the'el6vator shaft for the Antlers Condomlnlums locatEd at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Planner: Antlers Gondominium Assoclation Randy Stouder 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 Order AddreFs Le{l ijo Adt.es: iAlletrpli)d NotKnovrrL ELLEN UARIE COURTOIS 2821 KINNICKINNICK FD, vArL, co 8L657 c-1 Na a{tch 9Ir'rlr '^ ' I rr1'')1'r_ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 24,1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parcel ot land in lhe Southwest Oraner of SecIon 14. Township 5 Soulh, Range 81 Wesl of the 6lh Principsi Meridian, more panicularly described as follovis: Beginning at a poinl whence a brass cap set for a wihess corner tor the Wed Quader of said Seclion 14, bea.s (Nonh 29 degrees 28 minutes 5l seconds Wesr, 1073.08 leet Deed) (Nodh 43 Degrees '15 minules 02 seconds lvcsl, 915.96 feel Measured); Th€nce Nonh 74 degr€es 05 minules 19 seconds Eesl, 10.76 teel: Thence 183.62 leel along rhe arc of a qjrve lo lhe righl which are sublends a chord b€aring Nonh 88 degrees l2 minures 30 seconds Easl, 18t.t6 leeli Thence Soulh 77 degfees 40 minules 21 seconds Easl, 62.77 leeti Thence 147.43 leel along lhe arc of a curve 10 the lefi which arc subrends a chord bearing Nonh 86 degrees 36 minules 17 seconds Easl, 145.60 feer: Thence Nonh 70 degrees 52 minures 55 seconds Eest,406,55 feet; Thenco 54.10 teet along the arc ol a curve to lhe righl which arc subtends a chord bearing South 47 degrees 20 minutes 37 seconds Eas,l,,14.20 fe€l: Thence Sodh 14 degrees 25 minules 50 seconds Wesl, ll0.5l feell Thence South 68 degrees l8 minutes 9l seconds Wesl, 320.00 feel; Thence Nonh 19 degrees 07 minules 05 seconds Wesr. 50.00 leel: Thence Sourh 77 d€grees 48 minules 4l seconds Wesl, 160,18 feeli Thence Soulh t0 degrees 53 minutes 33 seconds Wesl,36.48 feer: Thence Nonh 87 degrees 40 minules 06 seconds Wesl, 337.72 fesl; Thence (Nonh I I degrees 52 minures l3 seconds East, 130.00 leel Oeed) Norlh 1 I degrees 55 minules 3'l seconds Easl, 129.75 feel Measured) lo lhe POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing from c.L.O. record lor Soulh hall ol Secrion line betvveen Sedions 14-'15. (G.L.O. tecord Soulh 0l degrees 30.2 minules East (Souh 0l degrees 38 mindes 32 seconds Easl Measufedl 2. 3. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request for PEC approval. Applicant Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Vail Valley Medical Center Andy Knudtsen John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Jim Curnutte review of the Vail Associates shop expansion conditions of previous Vail Associates, lnc. Jim Curnutte A request for a worksession for variances for road grade and wall heights and a major subdivision (Trapper's Run) to create thirty Hillside Residential lots to be located on Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge and Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. 4. 5. A request for a major GCll exterior alteration and a height variance to allor for the Enctosure ol the'elevator shaft for hE Antlers Condominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3. Block 1, Vail Uonshead 3rd Fillng. Applicant Antlers Condomlnlum Association Planner: Randy Stouder -... : OF A PARCEL OF LAND LOCATED IN THF SOUTHWE EAGLE GOUNTY. COLORADO PLAT OF SUBVEYST I/4 OF SECTION I4,TOWNSH|P 5 SOUTH,RANGE 4 N A t%+=+:s Hi*:rn:::i.+!i:::!::,:::r..i"L.:.:-*l.-ltr.:-*i, ]NNSBR,UCK ffitr* Cot'lrlg;ile Nocrd i, Vesr '':tt, 81 WEST OF TH.E 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, iliiiii,li;lii.i.-i:!.liili* ci3r..!.i:.i::i'::. l::.::-:::! ilEADod IEEE]T TWNTI THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 24, 1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parcel ot land in the Soulhwsst Orarter of Sedion 14, Tolrvnship 5 Soulh, Range 8l West ol th€ 6lh Principal Meridian, more panicularly described as follows: Beginning at a point whence a brass cap set for a wihess corner for lhe Wesl Ouader of said Sec?ion 1 4, bears (North 29 degrees 29 minlrtes 5l seconds Wesl, 1073.08 feel Deed) (Nonh 43 Degrees 15 minules 02 seconds West,9t5.96 feel Measured): Thence Nonh 74 degrees 05 minules l9 seconds Eesr, 10.i6 le€l: Thence 183.62 teel along lhe arc of a cuwe lo lhe righl whici are sublends a chord bearing Nonh 88 deg.e€s 12 minu'tes 30 seconds Easl, 18,|.76 feet; Thence Souh 77 degr€es 40 minules 2l seconds Easl, 62J2 leeti ihence 147.43 leet along rhB ars ol a qrrve lo lhe letl which arc sublends a chord bearing Nonh 86 degrees 36 minules 17 seconds Easl, 145.60 feet; Thence Nonh 70 degrees 52 minules 55 seconds Eas1,406.55 leei; Thence g.l0 feet along lhe arc ol a curve 10 the righl whioh arc sublends a chord bearing Soulh 47 degrees 20 minules 37 seconds Easi,4,1.20 leel: Thence Soulh 14 degrees 25 minures 50 seconds Wesl, 110.51 feet: Thence South 68 degrees 18 minules 9l seconds Wesl,320-00 feel; Thence Nonh 19 d€grees 07 minules 05 seconds Wesl,50.00 teel; Thence Soulh 77 deqrees 48 minules 41 seconds Wesl, 160.18 leeli Thence Soulh t0 degrees 53 minules 33 seconds west, 36.48 leel; Thence Norlh 87 degrees 40 minutes 06 seconds Wesl. 337 -72 leeli Thence (Noflh I t degrees 52 minules 13 seconds East, I3O.OO leel Deed) Nonh 1l degrees 55 minues 31 seconds Easl, t29.75 leet Measured) 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing trom c.L.O. record lor Soulh half of S€ciion lins between Sedions 14-15. (G.L.O- record Soulh 0l degrees 30.2 minutes Easl) (Soulh 01 degrees 38 minules 32 seconds East Measured) 2. 3. 4. A request to relocale the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasUan unplatted parcel located between Vail Village 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion of the l-70 right-otway. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request approval. Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedofto Andy Knudtsen Vail Valley Medical Center Andy Knudtsen John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Jim Curnutte for PEC review of the Vail Associates shop expansion conditions of previous Vail Associates, Inc. Jim Curnutte A request for a worksession for variances for road grade and wall heights and a major subdivision (Trapper's Run) lo create thirty Hillside Residential lots to be located on Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge and Lots 16, 19 and 21, Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. -a 5. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the enclosure of the'elevator shaft for the Antlers Condominiums located at 680 WeFt Llonshead Placer/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing.' Applicanu Antle'rs Condomlnlum Assoclatlon ,,Planner: Randy Stouder -7 .- RICHARD & LORRAINE BENSON 32 VIEENNA NEWPORT BEACI+ o TO N75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 a,r**u*-#o -!'rr v - lF--... r4-- --.'-f- I j-- e----,- --.--.:.---*1;,"---*:e.--.--*-.-,- CHE}IET llon r." rT PAGE Z/Z10:49 TO: Greg Amsden Andy Enudteen FROM: Kay Cheney 2754 Basingdale B1vd. 475-4935 I may not be able to attend the neighborhood meeting thisevening, Eo I sranted to convey ny feelings on the pioposeddevclopnent on the pedotto lrroperty. T hprg to eay that I don,t understand thc opposition whichie being mounted to the developmcnt, since -ii =eems to meto convey a vcry residcntial feeling, which is what f, thinknoet people in Intermountain arc hoping to have, irrsofarag it is gossibte with the condominiurn-projects' "ii".Jv-:""thc neighborhood. I.think_ it is a good idca to build single farnily homes,since that iE what families in Vail want now that wc arecoming of age. The families that have lived here longenough.havc grolrn from renting apartments, to owningcondorniniume, then duplexee and ultj_rnately single timifvhornee. Regardlese of whether or not that ie the best u-seof ous lirnitcd space, that is what people want. Building the homes for sa1e, rather than rental, alro addsto the residential quality of the project. I think the rcvised site plan appears to be an improvenentaeethetieally on the original eite p1an. As I mentioncd at the work session in Decernber, my onlyconcern would be that a rezoning to low density nrufti-lami1y,so that thc nature of the developrnent could nol be changedoncc the increased deneity was approved. f'm sorry that I might not be able to attend the nccting,sj.ncc so often only negative voices are hcard at thesemeetings. If I can ge+- away fron my other appointmentearly enough, I will be there - JAN-1,4-1994 g8:21 ROCKI,JELLo P.W1, n/:Ttr' IU: t'ntv:E,ii'v,t vl ri i-ir L i l?l lrvl tI l\\/' t! (llH rir l, F:X: 3N'_q7.2:_A@__(4.,Cs,e 4t/ _tL _9gl_!_:-!g$r j.sue Oigilll Co.n..r u n:€.lionr Oivigion Rocturll tntcroational Coiporalion 5o0o giidl St cel Suil€ 400 Ne$/pon Bcad. Cdiiomia 9?6€0 ItL; (714) 6J5-4655 FAX: (/14) 851-6898 ,J!t Rockwell lnternational PAGE / OF THIS I5 A FAX TRAI{SI'II55ION, I,I.EASE [JELIVER IiVII'iEU iAl ILY. fropr',-4'W €ae - fa6- 6et/ RtC'0.161r1 14 1994 flg---:E-t-Ee -#-+arr/ ,'^t,tA - cLe L Ji,u,',ln AL *^ +tu6 +/ T qqv- dot^ r; .,. +tv- uq v- trMb TOTffL P,AO1 AMEN,IOADI a Jan 20,94 16:08 P.01 rlrr ln+ ,-To' -T?ro:nh+^^{\Jrf 5, + :I r.,.:N \"{. ur.^o\il-n \ o cxte/r& \'\'A \q.r{r wrr.E\\,4q \qu*qh! \{,q*t d..r,nq \ \. u- }e.\e"\L^ kn -*,op*\il \{-tor4\tr\q. L55r wo.r\A 'hqi tc J Cr:0o,^[ect Gul\\ (c?An-L^c\ \an\q0n".orn\cp-\,.\ \-> rtt* Jcu\rno.\o Q)c,.x, t\*-tY u0 \$t\ \\.1 J s\ar,---) ec.tL **\ \tw^--t rvrrO{owrrnon\a t\'rV- u>€- G: s.tsCe'-t= crk-, uo{'ur 1ro''rd d \\us [o-t \.TrVq.os\no\ \\A,0 *rre[-\ Aar.,=tr-\ tuc^r.\A't\ u-^dt-to-r,w.r( $sJ \n $\-a- wi-totr\oo' - v Y)LL\ , - -U \-..h\-rt\-^urtv r\ G^ ec,'R*;darn :\h- \:\'nq qgPn\ t"-'d\'' \i\i*.tl- T-r'\<-r. nqAt^\oiui = Suaren\ ?cr^infl r -5how\C \o'4- $^Arnq3r,l'r'v=t"' il- ba^"$F*s. fno-'.orN'\. u ,-e^^ffi1, k$,,S^' 225 Wall Street Vail, Colorado 81657 BO3l 476"1477 I ,Jl o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION December20, 1993 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT Allison Lassoe FlL T STAFF PRESENT Kristan Pritz Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello coP y MEMBERS PRESENT Greg Amsden Bill Anderson Jelf Bowen Diana Donovan Kathy Langenwalter Dalton Williams 1.A short presentation by the applicant regarding a request to rezone a,tract from Primary/Sec_ondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, A parcet of land in the Soulhwest Quaner of Secrion 14, Township 5 Soulh, Range 8l West ot lhe 6lh Princjpal Meridian, mote panicularly dessibed as follows: Beginning al a poi wh€nc€ a brass cap s;l tor a witngss corner for lhe Wesl Ouaner of said Seclion 14, boars (Nodh 29 degress 28 mindes 51 seconds W€st, 1073.08 feel Deed) (North 43 Degrees 15 minules 02 seconds West,915.96 feel Measured)l Thence Nonh 74 degrees 05 minules 19 seconds East, 10.76 feet: Thence 183.62 feel along the arc of a curve lo lhe righl which are sublends a chord bearing Nonh 88 degrees 12 minutes 30 s€conds Easl, 181.76 feet: Thence South 77 degrees 40 minules 21 seconds East, 62.77 leet: ihence 147.43 feet along lhe arc of a curvs lo lhe lell which arc sublends a chord beating Nonh 86 degrees 36 minules 17 seconds Ean, 145.60 feet: Thenc€ Nonh 70 degrees 52 minues 55 seconds Easl,406.55 feel: Thence 54.10 feer ajong lhe arc of a curve to the righl which arc sublends a chord beadng Sodh 47 degrees 20 minules 37 seconds Easl,44.20 feel: Thence Soulh l'l degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds West, 110.51 feel; Thenca Soulh 68 degr€es l8 minules 9'l seoonds Wesl, 320.00 feel: Thenc€ Norlh l9 degr€es 07 minules 05 seconds Wesl, 50.00lsei: Thence Soulh 7/ degrees 48 minutes 4'l seconds weat, '160.18 leel: Thence South l0 degrees 53 minules ij:l seconds Wesl, 36.48 legt: Thenc€ Nonh 87 degrees 40 minules 06 seconds Wesl, :li!7.72 fe€l; Thence (Nonh I I degress 52 minules 13 seconds E8sl, 130.00 teel Deed) Nodh I I degrees 55 mindes 3l seconds Easi, 129.75 leet Measured) lo the POINT OF BEGINNING. B€adng from G.L.O. record for South half ot Seclion line belween Sections 14-15, (G.L.O. recold Soulh 01 degrees 30.2 minutes Easl) (Souh 0l degrees 38 minules 32 seconds Easr Measured) Applicant: Juanita l. Pedotto Planner: Andy Knudtsen It should be noted that Greg Amsden stepped down for this item as he is representing the applicant, Juanita Pedotto. Benji Amsden, the architect for the project, stated that they are attempting to create more open space as well as buffer the site more from adjacent properties. He said that the footprints would be the same size as what was presented to the PEC on December 13. 1993. He added that three ol the caretaker units would be permanently deed restricted. Plannlng and Environme slCommission Minutos December 20, 1993 I r.t Greg Amsden stated that the total GRFA for the site would come out to over 25,000 square feet. He said that they were going for less square lootage than what the zoning would allow and that there would be a total of fourteen structures, nineteen units, sixteen free-market units and three restricted units. Kristan PriE stated that staff has not reviewed this proposal yet. She said that staff will need to thoroughly review the plans and that the purpose for today's presentation was to get the PEC's opinion of the LDMF scenario being proposed' Kathy Langenwalter inquired how many structures were on the previous proposal. Benji Amsden stated that the proposalfrom the December 13, 1993 PEC meeting had fifteen units. Diana Donovan said that she felt this proposal was an improvement over the proposal presented at the December 13, 1993 PEC meeting. She felt that some of the proposed units could be clustered. She said that it would be important to see where the driveways would be located. Diana DonoVan said that she still had the same philosophy as last week concerning the RC versus LDMF. Bill Anderson stated that the applicants had done a good job of reducing the amount of "hard surface" on the lot. He said that he agreed with Diana's comments that some of the units could be combined. He said that he felt comfortable with LDMF zoning since the numbers and structures would be the same. Nolan Harris, an adjacent property owner, said he was concerned that there would not be enough parking for the proposed units and that the parking should be screened. Jeff Bowen said that he was in favor of this proposal and that he did not have a preference concerning the LDMF versus RC zoning. He said that there needed to be adequate parking on the site. He added that he was concerned with the amount of asphalt being proposed. Jeft said that he would like to see some of the proposed building envelopes shifted. Dalton Williams said that he agreed with the other PEC members' comments concerning this proposal. He said that he would like to see extra landscaping to screen the parking. Kathy Langenwalter felt more comfortable with this proposal than the proposal presented at the December 13, 1993 worksession. She had a concern with the proposed curb-cuts and that they should be consolidated. She said that some of the units may need to be pulled back. She said this was a good solution for the northwest corner. She asked the applicant how future requests for additions would be handled. Greg Amsden stated that it was their intent that the buildings would remain at the square footages that they are built at and that the 250 request would not be an option. Phnning and Environmentel Commission Minutes December 20. 1903 2. Kathy Langenwalter slated that Nolan's ideas conceming overflow parking were good suggestions. Greg Amsden stated that they intended to pursue the LDMF zoning scenario and that a final plat would be presented to the PEC during the approval process for the zoning. Jo Brown asked how this project would impact the traffic flow in this area. She pointed out that a blind corner exists at Bellflower and Kinnickinnick and this is an area where "an accident is waiting to happen" because of the location of a bank of mailboxes. She would like to see the Town address this issue. Greg Amsden stated that the applicant was aware of this corner, and that they would try to remedy this situation in conjunction with this proposal. Kristan Pritz stated that the Post Office owns the mailboxes located at this corner. She pointed out that the Post Office was part of the Federal Government, not local, and that it would be necessary to relocate the mailboxes. lf necessary, the Town could support Jo in her efforts. Greg Amsden stated that they would be dedicating some open space as part of this proposal. Kathy Langenwalter inquired whether the PEC objected to the proposed LDMF zoning. None of the PEC members objected to the proposed LDMF zoning. A request for a worksession for an amendment to a previously approved development plan at The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick Road and a request for a conditional use permit for four employee housing units/a portion of the SW 1/4, Section 14, T5S R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. Applicant: T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole Planner: Shelly Mello It should be noted that Kathy Langenwalter stepped down from the PEC in order to represent the applicant for this request. Shelly Mello made a presentation per the statf memo and summarized the proposed modifications to the previously approved development plan. She said that each unit would have a two-car garage and that the applicants would be meeting the parking requirement. She said that there were some Public Works Department issues concerning the turning radius and that additional buffering is necessary between the buildings and the roadways. Shelly said that this request had two components. The first part being the proposed modification to the previously approved development plan The second part of this request consists of a conditional use permit for four Type lll employee housing units. She said that the applicant is proposing to cantilever decks into the floodplain. .She stated that staff would like to see the building pulled back 5 Planning ard Environmentsl Commissito Minut6 D€csmbs. 20, 1993 ITEIiI MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 20, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a wall height variance to allow for the construction of an avalanche mitigation wall located at 4229 Nugget Lane/Lot 6, Bighorn Estates. o @,,,, A request for an amendment to a previously approved development plan at The Vail Sr",im and Tennis Club, 2893 Kinnickinnick Road/a porlion of the S'vV 1/4, Section 14, T5S RBlW of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. A request for a variance. to build in 40Yo slope and for a wall height variance to allow for a duplex to be located at 2560 Kinnickinnick Ftoad/a parcel of land located in the N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14 T5S, R81W of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. Bobi Salzman AnCy Knudtsen A request to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi- Family, located at 2650 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parcel of la'ld in rhe Soulhwesl Oianer of Seclion 14. Torvnship 5 Soulh, BangE 8l l{est ol lhe 6ih Principal l,leridial, more panicularly Cescribed as toiions: geginning al a point nhence a b.ess ce.9 set lor a nihess corner for ihe yy'esl Quener of seid Section t,{, bears (Nonh 29 degrees 28 minures 5l s€conds \4,1e$, 1073.08 feer DeeC) (Nofih43 Degfees 15 minules 02 secoods v,'esl,915.95 feet Measufe'r'): Thence Nonh 74 degrees 05 minues 19 seconds Easl, 10.76 lee[ T],enc€ i93.62,'eet along ihe a.c of a eJ e lo lhe righl wh;c.l ze sub:eids a cho.d bea.ing Nonh 88 deg.ees 12 fiiinries 3C seconds East. 1et.76 i€el: Thenca South 77 degfaes 40 minuies 2l seconds Easl, 82.77 leeti Thence 147.43 teel along lh€ arc ot a arrve to lhe lEit which arc sebrends a chcrd bearing Nonh 86 degrees 36 minlnes l7 s€conds Ea$, 145.€0 feet; Thenco Nonh 70 degrees 52 minLles 55 seconds Easl.405.55 teet: Thence 54.10leet along the arc ol a cunr'e to rh€ right which ejc su5:ends a chord bearing Souh 47 degrees 20 mhures 37 saconCs Easl,.14.20 fe€l; Th€nce Soulh 14 degroes 25 minues 50 saconds Wesr, I10.51 teeq Thence Souih 6E degrees l8 mrnuies 9t seconCs Vy'est,320.00 teel; Thenco Norlh 19 degrees 07 mhules 05 seconds West,50.00 feel: Thence South 77 degrees 48 minuies 4l second3 WesL 160.!8 teel; Thence Souih l0 degre€s 53 minues 33 seconds lvest. 38.,f8 le€t; Thence Nonh 87 degrees 40 minrres 06 secondr Wesl, 337.72 feer: Thence (Notlh ll degrees 52 minu?e3 13 seconds Easl, 130.00 feet Deed) Nonh tl deqrees 55 minutes 3l seconds East, 129.75 feel lvieesured) ro rhe POINT OF BEGINNING. B€aring korn G.LO. record for Souh hall ol Sectioo tinE beMe€n Sedions 1,t-15. (G.LO. record Souh 01 degrees 30.? minues Easr) (Souh 01 degrees 38 minutes 32 seconds Eesl l,{easuredl 2. ^ Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: ' Helen Dickinson Shelly Mello T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole Shelly Mello Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen S. A determination for the review periods of the Exterior Alteration requests in the CCI and CCll zone districts: Sfaff is recommending 90 day revlew periods for all of the followlng prolects: A. A request for a maJor cclt exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the enclosure of the elevator shaft for the Antlers Gondominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1' Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing' Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association Planner: RandY Stouder . B. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration and a height variance lo allow for the redevelopment of the covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge StieeVLots i and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Hillis of Snolmass, lnc' Planner: Mike Mollica c. A request for a major ccl exterior alteration for the Laughino fr/9n!el!o aJlow an addition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore creek Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jose Guzman Planner: Shelly Mello D. A request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing' ApPlicant: Vail Associates, Inc. Planner: AndY Knudtsen E. A request for an exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of dwelling-u-nits at the Lionshead Center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, Units 208, 209, 308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing' Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc', and Jose Luis Chain Planner: AndY Knudtsen F. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration to allow for the construction of an addition to the Lionshead Arcade Building located at 531 East Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Robert Lazier - Planner:.. JimGurnutte :, ?itrfllF"fv#* l I \ 'outh Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 , ,,J ; 1+/^ P.L#, f 1/ t/ F--l lz 2,,,,>4 / 6- p"*/. , o/ { u'c,'d{*irr u '{p, tpo oTrc n*ncelJTt MARY PEC]VSCOTT PETERS THE VAIL FUND 2773 KINNICKINNICK RD. D5 288 BRIDGE ST. vArL, co 81657 vArL. co 81657 PETER & SUZANNE APOSTOL MICHAEL D. KROHN 2771 KtNNtCKtNNtCK RD. 6E P.O. BOX 1517 vArL, co 81657 vAtL. co 81658 CATHERINE ANN HOLONITCH CHARLES W.H. OVERY MICHELE JANENE THRAPP 2833 KINNICKINNICK, #2 2833 KINNICKINNICK RD, #3 BEVERLY ANN VIKLUND vArL, co 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 P.O. BOX 2384 vAtL, co 81658 SCOTT, SUE, GERALD AND ELEANOR & HELEN FINLAY GEORGENE B. PRISCILLA LAURIE FRITZLER P.O. BOX 3032 P.O. BOX 461 2823 KINN|CKINNICK. #5 VAIL, CO 81658 VAIL, CO 81658 vAtL, co 81657 STEVEN MACDONALD P.O. BOX 2824 vAtL. co 81658 . ir-' RICHARD & ANNA DEMARCO DANIEL K. GRAVES 2701W.84TH AVE.. tr205 P.O. BOX 2011 WESTMINSTER, CO 8OO3O VAIL, CO 81658 WILLIAM JEFFREY HUNTER 402E. WASHINGTON ST. APPLETON, Wl 5491 1-5417 W. VINCENT/F. ISABELL JOLLIFF 2783 KINNICKINNICK ROAD vArL. co 81657 DEAN KRAFT P.O. BOX 3112 vAtL. co 81658 I I 6l q+ - ocdcLc{rrs sLrt cLLf €lv BILL & DONNA CAYNOSKI P.O. BOX 3116 vArL. co 81658 JOYCE & CLINTON DENNIS 3816 WENIG ROAD NE CEDAR RAPIDS. IA 52402 GLORIA MEISTER RICHARD & EILEEN DUKE KEVIN J. MULVEY 86 EAST SHORE AVE P.O. BOX 485 215 MILLINGTON RD GROTON LONG PT. CT 06340 VAIL. CO 81658 PEEKSILL. NY 10566 LEO & LAURA MARX 730 MARION DENVER. CO 80218 MARILYN.DOUGHERTY 255 MOHAWK DRIVE BOULDER. CO 80303 T. CHARLES & M. OGILBY 2938 S. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vArL. co 81657 TIMBER CREEK LODGE CA PETER & VICTORIA GLADKIN ANDREA FOSTER P.O. BOX 3478 105 LEE DRIVE 537 69TH STREET vAlL. co 81658 CONCORD, MA 01742 HOLMES BEACH, FL 33510 JOHN CONLEY TIMBERCREEK A-4 LTD. LOIS WHATMORE P.O. BOX 481951 P.O. BOX 181467 4126 GLENMOOR DRIVE DENVER, CO 80248 DALLAS, TX 75218 CANTON, OH 44718 E. BJARNE BLUME TRUST A. & M. CONNOLLY JAMES & SUSAN MAURER P.O. BOX 405 2174 E. BRIARHURST 9060 OLD SOUTHWICK PASS CHEYENNE, WY 82003 HIGHLAND RANCH, CO 80126 ALPHARETTA, GA 30202 DAVID LAIKIN MARIE C. SCHROEDER MARK & CAROL WHYTE 626 TOWNCENTER DRIVE 2821 BASSINGDALE LANE, #2 2821 BASSINGDALE DRIVE JOPPATOWN, MD 21085 VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL, CO 81657 ROSS DAVIS RESOLUTION TRUST CORP. ROBERT & ROSALINE JONICK P.O. BOX 190 % COLONIAL SAVINGS & LOAN 2422KOMO MAI DRI.VE vAtL, co 81658 P.O. BOX 2988 PEARL CITY, Hl 96782 FORT WORTH. TX 761.I3 PAMELA & MAX SCHNELL P.O. BOX 1424 AVON. CO 81620 WONNE & KEVIN CALABRESE 2531 KINNICKINNICK RD. A1 vArL. co 81657 JANE SHAPIRO P.O. BOX 782 vArL. co 81658 GREGORY LYNN SHARP 13714 FOXMOOR DRIVE HOUSTON. TX 77069 RICHARD & LORRAINE BENSON 32 VIEENNA NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 PETER CUSHING/ANNEGRET KESSL HOWE 2821 KINNTCK|NNTCK, C-3 vArL, co 81657 CONNIE ARCHBOLD P.O. BOX 2871 vArL, co 81658 PETER & PATRICIA FRANKE 2712 KINNICKINNICK COURT vArL, co 81657 K.E. ANDY/KIMBERLY ANDERSON 6733 E. STROH ROAD PARKER. CO 80134 C. HOWE/D. CARLSON P.O. BOX 2618 vAtL, co 81658 WILLIAM & MAUREEN MASLER 13674 W. UTAH CIR. LAKEWOOD. CO 80228 JAMES R. TOUT, D.G.53 WIDDICOMBE HILL BL WESTON. ONTARIO CANADA, MgRlYE C. & C. BERNHARDT P.O. BOX 2012 vArL, co 81658 J. & M. HOLROYD/ P. RODGERS 20210 N.57TH WAY HOLLYWOOD, FL 33021 SHARON L. HECKMAN 2883 KINNICKINNICK RD. D3 vAlL. co 81657-4118 EDWARD WALKER 4675 S. YOSEMITE DENVER. CO 80237 ATROPOS HOUSING CORP. 725 sTH AVENUE NEWYORK, NY 10022 JOSEPH & CATHERINE CHENEY P.O. BOX 1094 vArL. co 81658 J. ROSSMAN/1. EASTOM 2773 KINNICKINNICK,4D vAtL, co 81657 ELLYN MARIE COURTOIS P.O. BOX 567 AVON, CO 81620 NOEL R. HARRIS P.O. BOX 1192 vAtL. co 81 CHARLES & BEATRICE DEBUS P.O. BOX 4676 vAtL, co 81658-4676 WALTER ALLEN KNOX DRAWER 6200 vAtL. co 81658 J. & J. HARRISON P.O. BOX 3513 vAtL, co 81658 JAMES & PATRICIA KEPHART 2843 KINNICKINNICK RD, 84 vAlL, co 81657-4125 S. MAYNSP. ROCHE 2744 BASSINGDALE vAtL, co 81657 KIT WILLIAMS 605 N. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL. co 81657 TIMBER CREEK CONDO ASSOC. P.O. BOX 3478 vAtL, co 81658 PATRICK M. MCCRANN 199 EUDORA STREET DENVER. CO 80220-6313 ROBERT, LEONARD, TERRELL AND D. BLODGETT 4852 S. CARSON STREET AURORA, CO 80015 SARA NEWSAM P.O. BOX 753 vAtL, co 81658 RICHARD GOLLUB 2753 KINNICKINNICK ROAD. 85 vAtL, co 81657-4148 MERV LAPIN 232W. MEADOW DR. vAtL, co 81657 MICHAEL O'MEARA P.O. BOX 3801 vArL, co 81658 DEVON KING BILLINGS P.O. BOX 2646 vAtL, co 81658 ANN HOWIE 3600 HOLMES KANSAS CITY, MO 64109 JOHN & JOHN FITZGERALD 4 PENROSE BLVD. COLORADO SPRINGS. CO 80906 KEVIN & JOHN KRIEG 2743 KINNICKINNICK, A6 vArL. co 81657 ROBERT & GLORIA KENDALL 288 BRIDGE STREET vAtL. co 81657 LEE & MELODEE CURTES 5899 SHANNON RD HARTFORD, WI 53027 RODNEY GRUBB 1O FAIRWAY DR. NORTHFIELD, MN 55057 JAMES NOWAI(JAMIE TURNER P.O. BOX 982 vArL. co 81658 JEANNE RANELL NELSON P.O. BOX 2121 vAtL, co 8't658 G. RODRIGUE/R. ALBRIGHT 1261 OCEAN FRONT. #C LAGUNA BEACH, CA 92651 ANGELA JO, JOE & LARUE SUMREI 3636 LAKE SHORE DRIVE HOPE MILLS, NC 28348 HENRY & EMMA MAY PALACE RESTAURANT 223 EAST GORE CREEK vAlL, co 81657 LORIJEAN ZIEGLER P.O. BOX 3173 vAlL, co 81658 CAMELOT TH ASSOC. % MIKE CHAPMAN P.O. BOX 2121 vAlL. co 81658-2121 PANORAMIC HOLDINGS, INC. 2801 BASSINGDALE BLVD., #2 vArL. co 81657 ELIZABETH STENHOUSE 470 VILLAGE PLACE, #216 LONGWOOD.FL 32779 Charles Overy Scott Fritzler Gregory A. Meister 2833 Kinnickinnick Road, f3 2823 Kinnickinnick Road, #5 P.O. Box322 Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81658 Richard Duke Garrie Howe-Cadson Elizabeth Crawford 2923 Kinnickinnick Road, #7 2501 Bassingdale, #6 2801 Bassingdale, #6 Vail, CO 81657 Vail, GO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 Lorraine Denson Dean Marsh 2771 Kinnickinnick Road, #E-2 2843 Kinnickinnick Road, #b-1 Vail, CO 81657 Vail, CO 81657 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 24,'1994, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a minor subdivision and to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parc€l of land in lhs Southwest Quart€r of Secrion 14, Township 5 Soulh, Range 8l West ot th€ 6th Ptincipal Meridian, more panicularly described as follows: Beginning at a point whence a brass cap set for a wilness corner lor the West Quartgr of said Secrion 14, bears (Nonh 29 degrees 28 minues 5t seconds Wesl, t 073.08 feet Deed) (Norlh 4i| Degrees 15 minutes 02 seconds Wesl, 915.96 feel Measured); Th€nce Nonh 74 degtees 05 minutes 19 seconds East, 10.76 feel; Thence 183.62 feel along lhe arc of a curve lo lhe righl which are sublends a chord bearing Nonh 88 deg.ees 12 minutes 30 seconds Easl, 181.76 leet; Thsnce Soulh 77 degrees 40 minules 2'l seconds Easl, 62.77 leali ihence 147.43 feet along fie arc of a curve to lhe lett rvhich arc sublends a siord bearing Nonh 86 degfees 36 minules l7 seconds East, 145.60 feet: Thence North 70 degreos 52 minules 55 seconds Eas1,406.55 leet; Thence 54.10 feet along the arc ol s curv€ to lhe right which afc subtends a chord beaing South 47 degrees 20 minules 37 seoonds Easi,,14.20leel: Th€nce Sodh 14 deg.ees 25 minules 50 sgconds West, 1 10.51 feel: Thence Soulh 68 degrees 18 minules 9l seconds Wesr,320.00 feel; Thence Nonh l9 degrees 07 minules 05 seconds Wesl, 50.00leel: Thence Souh 77 dogrees 48 minules 4l seconds West, 160.'18 feet; Thence soulh 10 degrees 53 minules 33 seconds W€st, 36.48 feel; Thenca North 87 deg.ees 40 minules 06 seconds Wesl. 337.72 feel; Thence (Nonh 11 degrees 52 minutes 13 seconds Easi, 13O.OO teet D6ed) Nonh 11 degre€s 55 minules 3l seconds Easl, 129.75 feel Measured) lo the POINT OF BEGINNING. EearinO trom G.L.O. record lor Soulh half o, Secrion line between Seclions 14-15. (G.L.O. tecord Sodh 0l d€grees 30.2 mind€s Easl) (South 01 degrees 38 minules 32 seconds Easl Measured) 2. 3. A request to relocate the helipad to the east end of the Ford Park parking lot located at 580 S. Frontage Road EasVan unplatted parcel located between VailVillage 7th Filing and Vail Village 8th Filing and a portion ol the l-70 right-of-way. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: A request for PEC approval. Applicant: Planner: Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen Vail Valley Medical Center Andy Knudtsen John Ulbrich, represented by Gateway Development Jim Curnutte review of the Vail Associates shop expansion conditions of previous Vail Associates, Inc. Jim Curnutte A request for a worksession lor variances for road grade and wall heights and a major subdivision (Trapper's Run) lo create thirty Hillside Residential lots to be located on Lot 8, Block C, Vail Ridge and Lots 16, 19 and 21 , Section 14, Township 5 South' Range 81 West, generally located north of l-70 and west of the Vail Ridge Subdivision. 4. o i:'' .. :-r'4: l ':\5. A request for a maior CCll exterlor alteration and a height variatrce to alow lor the enclosure of the blevator shaft for the Antlers Condominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant Antlels Condominlum AssociatlonPlanner: Randy Stouder JAN-Bs-1ee4 tt328 FROr'r fl?ISTUFHER DENT0N KELTUN T0 o 4te24s2 P.A1 Facsimile Cover Sheet Tu; AndyKnudson Compuy: T.O.V. Planning Dept. Ph0ne: 479-213E Fax 47}-?,/.52 :From: CrregAmsdenr^. t^Company: Ctristopher Denton Kelton & Kendall Phonc: (303) 47&7990 , Fax: (303) 476-7994 Date: 145-94 PagpsSput 4 Me$agp: Attached are the address changps requested. It appers that only 9 actual letters wffe r€tumed - this represens l0% of the toal scntout. Call me with any additional questions. '' Grcg .,{* ulc JAN-65-1994 71.'ffi FROM d'RISTOPHER DENTBN KELTO',I TO O'''j' ,'.'': n\ i '', /" \ U f-oennruE -$zuscnt (R,ctrnnoJ Z+7J,, K,u^rir<{Nilic#- + EL rltr'r -'lt-^V*iu. CD. Btbsl.1 . , :A9$treR. [Ouf DG, bro-*D'stl 4792452 P.Az 53 Uimicor-{Bg BlVs" rr:rr\r/ WgJib6l, rJrnt'R6 ':' I Cn*Aon: ilg Rr- ys a,'(3\r .A fYr blrY'hl 't"[flrrr (.o;,rriois $tE @ry ,, - KrNr-rir-ir)$icrc RO, Vn;i-,Co. Ews+ @ ?*rrdce t..'1, rlcCenc il JFtl-85-19*t tL321 FRtill CI"RISToFHER DENTII.I KELTII.I T0 e o ?$2;b Ki$'-:isirroicP Vair, (-a. 3itS? A A .',: __L} fnrngtoT Tur'ctodlf,r 7 r 'l I (-.tonrt^Al 1){r llltuf \-rr{-r\v"' (Fil!' ,j,i tt ;' ,,' , I I ll All fi' 4*^ho* ch'rvLors Ur{dv" u., .r .q' ,[fl et'tt bB, otd- *ite- . o Til './L/ @ :'--nt]r :' . \ ,t "f€igtt i Jrcnr'tr-lE t'1pcsrAL --- . t - Gn Ff fE+J, KruPiPr$r.)clo \cD. --bts €s,:+ 11:21 FRtl'l CI+IST(FIER DENTII{ KELTtl.l T0 oI C\,, rJlrE**r JKR.sFi- nAS Kior:irioht'rr r: 't A V,fti,-,, (CI. BtA57:li I':1": .: .. ::',.:, :.t \.'i', '.. ' M 'kjir-liru-,t r I-tflr,tagsd Y{*sig Avvrr.{i rt.r I . ?3+b ,(ircr.tirir.xoicrc, Rp. :r VnL,CJJ, EtbT+ li': Ps, Re: Pedotto Parcel Rezoning January Sr1994 Dear Resident or Property Owner: As representative for Mrs. Pedotto,I am writing each adjacent property owner to inform you of a "neighborhood" meeting to be held at 7 P.M. on The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the actual development being considered on the Pedotto site and to hear any concerns from adjacent property owners concerning this proposed devetopment. The meeting vi'ill be informal and your attendance is encouraged. To update you on the rezoning process for this parcel, two work sessions with the Town of vail Planning and Environment commission were held in December. Since the holiday season had a negative effect on public attendance at these meetings, the planning department suggested a neighborhood meeting be held prior the next PEC presentatlon on the development. The revised proposal is requesting a rezone to Low Density Multi-Family with the following development: Single Family llomes @1,650 sq.ft. GRFA 14'850 sq.ft. Single Family Ilomes @1,650 sq.ft. GRFA with attached lBR Locals Housing Unit*@HU) @ 480 sq.ft. GRFA 6'390 sq.ft. Single Family Home @1,650 sq.ft. GRFA with attached lBR rental unit @ 480 sq.ft. GRFA 2'130 sq.fl Single Family Home @2,050 sq.ft. GRFA with attached lBR rental unit @ 480 sq.fl GRFA 2.530 sq.ft. g-9ltgslsres * deed restricted 25.900 sq.ft. 9 3 19 Units A zoning analysis is enclosed to show the proposed development in relation to potential development under Primary-Secondary, Residential Cluster and Low Density Multi-Family zoning. The developer will provide a plat designating defined building envelopes and restricting development to the above density and square footage numbers. , The homes planned for this site lYill be 2 stories in height and utilize a stucco and wood eiterior with stone accents. The minimum distance between homes shatl be 20 feet with the homes being clustered in groups of two and three on the site. The treed area in the middle poftion of the site will be designated as open space with no development or structures allowed. No driveway cuts will Ue maUe on Bassingdale Drive as the slope and curvature of this road create slick road conditions during winter months. If you have any sdditional questions' or cannot attend.the meeting and would like to discuss your concerns with me, don't hesitate t6 cail me at (303)-47G 7990 or -47G8610 evenings. Thank you for your time and interest- Sincerely, Greg Amsden ZoningAnalysis Size: 2.495 Acres (108'682 sq.ft-) 2.360 Aces (102,788 sq.ft.) that is less than 407o slope' CurrentZoning: Primary-Secondary Originally zoned commercial under County when vaif Intermountain subdivision was platted and recorded. Adiacent Prooertv Uses: The subject parcel is bordered by the following properties: North Vail Intermountain Swim and Tennis Condos', Columbine North, Columbine West, Innsbruck Condos. and Meadow Creek Condos' (LDIffi or greater zoning) East Btocks 2 and 3, Vail Intermountain Subdivision (Primary-secondarY Zoning) South West Ridge Condominiums, Rush Condominiums' Camelot iownhouses (LDivfi' or lreater zoning) lVest Block 6, Vail Intermountain Subdivision (Primary-SecondarY Zoning) Potential Develonment on Subiect Parcel: 1. Priman-SecondarY (P/S) Use 1021788 sq.ft. divided by 15,000 sq.ft./lot = @BA@ts 102,788 sq.ft. divided by 6lots = 17,965 sq.ft./lot 17,g65sq.ft. tot = 4,O46sq.ft. GRFA 31U3 n 850 sq.ft. Credits o'6>2 - ... \r - 500 sq.ft. EHU Credit (5))/4-.\ \ 5"396 sq.ft. / tot (3 units) (U'' 6 Lots @ 5}96sq.fl/lot (3 units) = @ 81k l' tr,) r* 2. Residential Cluster (RC) Use 2.36 Acres @ 6 units/acre = !4J@ ''/ l}2r788sq.ft @ 25o/" = 25,697 sq.ft '/, 225 sq.fllunit @l4units =-315!g;ft. / 2.36 Acres @ 9 unitsttcre = 2!.24 units. / = 301836 sq.ft. r'', =Jr7afil,/t'../ @ Apolicant's Proposed Development: 9 Singlefamily residences @ 1'650 sq.ft. 3 Singlefamily residences @ 1'650 sq.fL with 3 EHU @ 480 sq.ft. 1 Tlvo-unit residence @ 21130 sq.ft. 1 Two-unit residence @ 2'530 sq.ft. 19 Units 14,850 sq.fLl, 4,950 sq.fLJ .. lr44D sq.fL/. 2rl3l sq.ft.'- 2.530 sq.ft. 3g'29@ / 28.847 sq.ft. (14 units) / 3. Low Densitv Multi-Familv (LDMtr) Use I02,788sq.ft. @ 30% 225 sq.ft./unit @ 21 units Developer is requesting but is willing to: 1. Limit GRFA to 25.900 sq.ft. (a20o/. reduction from LDMF or P/S allowances) 2. Establish defined buitdine envelones on subject parcel' 3. Limit heieht of anY structure to 2 stories or 30 feet l. Afvocate minimal site disturbances, maintain the natural character of the grassv meadow and preserwe the existing asDen srove for open space use. (Vail Intermountsin Subdivision) # of Units Lot Size Units Per AcreLeeal Description Lot2, Block 4 Lot 3' Block 4 Lot 4n Block 4 Lot 5, Block 4 Lot 6, Block 4 Lot I' Block 8 Lot2, Block 8 Lot9, Block 8 7 .59 acre 8 .40 acre .21 acre .31 acre 8 .19 acre 6 .62 acre 8 .68 acre 4 .24 acre 1l/acre 2Olacre 43lacre 25lacre 42lacre 9/acre 12lrcre t6laere . l2ltereMeadow Creek @hase I) 12 1.00 acre Subject parcel was originally zoned Commercial under Eagle County. All of ttre aOlacent properties shown above were zoned and developed under Eagle County. They ali show densities equivalent to or ereater than the Low Densitv Multi Familv zoning designation within the Town Of Vail' It is the intent of the l)eveloper to blend the existing high densities of the valley floor with the low densities of the hillside within the Vail Intermountain Subdivision. The intent is to develop a small single family home product (for resale) and provide the town of Vail with 3 local housing units (EEU's). Initial design *o"k is aimed at 2-story chalet style homes with heavy support beams' hip ioofon front and rear elevations, good use ofglazing(glass)' and 3 different exteriors utilizing stucco first floor and wood siding on second level. Local housing units would be 1 bedroom, 1 bath, kitchen, great room and deck 9 Single-family homes @ 1'650 sq.ft. GRI'A Totat GRFA for project Total number of dwelling units 1ftis Lfll{t( dlti Jetut- 3'r n 7H{ 36JEu vte- ftn nq- I)ecember 28,1993 14,850 sq.fl 35p9@ l9 I Ir Richard Duke 2783 Kinnikinnick #7 Vail, CO. 81657 Re: Rezoning of Pedotto Parcel Dear Richard: As a consultant for Mrs. Pedotto, I am writing in response to your petition regarding the public hearing to consider the rezoning ofthe Pedotto Parcel in Intermountain. contrary tJthe published notices, the meeting that was held December 20th ended ui U"ing a worksession and no voting or rczoning action took place. We are attempting to rroih a neighborhood meeting with adjacent-property owners' neighbors, town planning staff, t-he developer, the planning consultant and architect for-the project Th. t"nti'tin" date is Monday evening, Januaryr 17th, at a public meetinj facitity to be.announced. The Planning Commission hearing on the rezone is scheduled for Monday, January 24th' The revised proposal is now requesting a total of !! structures in the following formnt: 4 Singlefamily homes with attached L-BR rental units ( f,ESo sq.ft. + 480 sq.ft. =2,130 sq.ft. GRFA) 8,520 sq'ft' 1 Single-fnmily homewith attached l-BR rental unit I ZJSO sq.ft. + 480 sq.ft = 2,530 sq.ft. GRFA) 2'530 sa'ft' Gregory M. Amsden 2BB Bridge Sl.reet Vail. C0. 8165? (303)-476-7e90 % OF Bcx,485,,la\a,\rust I The minimum distance between any two buitding envelopes is22feet. The height of each home witt be two stories (versus 33' allowed by code). The trecd area in the middle portion of the parcel wilt be preserved as an open space tract. Thc largc "tpuor", of asphault Jhown on the initial site plan have been eliminated and reptaced with common driveways servicing clusters of 2-3 homcs. Four to five road cuis (driveways) are proposed along Kinnikinnick Road, one to two driveway cuts on Bellflower niive ana no road cots on Bassingdale Blvd. Three to four different exteriors are proposed to diversify the curb appeal of the homes. There will be a homeowners association to maintain snowplowing, trash removal nnd_enforcement of the protective covenants. The parking area around the westridge condominiums' subjeci to approval ofthe property ownerr shall be paved and formatted into a .,noit rUt. pu"f,ing solutior(putting an end to the "vehicle storage areail). I am looking forward to hearing comments and concerns in the upcoming n"ilr,uornoid meeting.It is the intention ofthe developerto construct a project that witiOtend into and enhance the existing neighborhood' Gregory M. Amsden 2BB Bridge Street Vail. C0. 81657 (303)-476-7eeo Charles Overy 2833 Kinnikinnick #3 Vail, CO. 8L657 Re: Rezoning of Pedotto Parcel December 28' 1993 Dear Charles: As a consultant for Mrs. Pedotto, I am writing in response to your letter dated December 19,lgg3, regarding the inappropriate timirrg on the public henring to consider the rezoning of the Pedotto Parcel in Intermountain- Contrnry to thc published notices, the meeting that was held December 20th ended up being a worksession and no voting or rezoning action took place' We are attempting to troih a neighborhood meeting with adjacent property owncrs' neighbors, town p-ianning staff, thc developer, the ptanning consultant and architcct for-ttre project. The tentative date is Monday evening, Jnnualy 17th, at a public meeting facitity to be announced. The Planning Commission hearing on thc rezone is scheduled for Monday, January 24th. The revised proposal is now requesting a total of !! structures in the following format: 9 Single-family homes @ 1'650 sq.ft. GRtrA Totnl GRFA for project Total number of dwelling units 14,850 sq.ft. 4 Singlc-family homes with attached 1-BR rental units ( 1,450 sq.ft. + 480 sq.tt. = 2,130 sq.ft. GRIA) 8'520 sq'ft' 1 Single-family home with attached l-BR rental unit ( 2,050 sq.ft. + 480 sq.ft. = 2,530 sq.ft. GRFA) 2.530 so'ft' 25.900 so.ft. t9 The minimum distance between any two building envelopes is 22 feet. The height of each home will be two storics (vcrsus 33' allowed by code). The treed aren in the middle portion of the parcel witl be preserved as an open space trnct. The large opunt.t of asphault iioron on the initiat site plan have been eliminated and replaced with common driveways servicing clusters of 2-3 homes. Four to five road cuts (driveways) are proposed aiong Kinnikinnick Road, one to two drivcway cuts on Bellflower Drive and no road "uit ott Bassingdale Btvd. Three to four different exteriorsareproposedtodiversifythecurbappeatofthehomes.Therervi|lbea homeowners association to maintain snowplowing, trash removal_and^enforcement of the protective covenants. The parking area around the westridge condominiums' sun;eci to approval ofthe property own"t, shall be paved and formatted into a loo*unt"p"rtingsolution(puttingauendtothe"vehiclestoragearea")' I am looking forward to hearing commcnts and concerns in the upcoming n.ignnort oid meeting. It is the]intention ofthe developer to construct a project that witibtenA into and enhance the cxisting neighborhood' o Gregory M. Amsden 2BB Bridge Slreel Vail. C0. 81657 (303)-4?6-?ee0 Jim Marz 730 Marion Denver, CO. 80218 Re: Rezoning of Pedotto Parcel December 28, 1993 Dear Jim: As a consultant for Mrs. Pedotto, I am writing in response to your letter dated December 20,1gg3, regarding the concerns about drainage and landscaping in the p*po'"arezoningofth.ePedottoParcelinlntermountain.Thehardsurfaceareas 't u"" U."o reducel significantly through the use of common driveway approaches to lioup, of 2-3 homes.-Site araioage witt be thoroughly reviewed by theTublic Works iepartment in the Town of Vail. It is the intent of the developer to utilize a combination of berming and evergreen trees and shrubs. Groups of aspens will also be used to create an extension ofthe existing woodlands into those open arens between structures. Thepumber of buildings has also been reduced and I believe the present site plan witl be'aesthetic plus for the whole neighborhood' contrary to the published notices, the meeting that was held December 20th ended up being a worksession and no voting or rezoning action took place' We are affempting to hold a neighborhooa .eeiing with adjacent-property owners, neighbors, town p'ianning staff, ihe developer, the planning consulfant and architect foritre project. Tt e tenti-tive date is Monday evening, Janrrary 17th, at a public meetinj facitity to be announced. The Ptanning Commission hearing on the rezone is scheduled for Monday, January 24th. The revised proposal is now requesting a totat of14 structures in the following format: 9 Singlefamily homes @1,650 sq.ft. GRIA 14,850 sq.ft. 4 Single-family homes with attached l-BR rental units 1 t,eSO sq.ft. + 480 sq.ft. =2,190 sq.ft. GRFA) 8,520 sq'ft' 1 Single-family home with attached 1-BR rental unit 1Zi'SO sq.ft. + 480 sq.ft. = 2'530 sq.ft. GRFA) 2'530 sq'ft' 25.900 so.ft. 19I' Total GRtr'A for project Total number of dwelling units I l. I The minimum distance between any two building envelopes is22feet. The height of each home will be two stories (versus 33' allowed by code). The treed area in tlte middle portion of the parcel will be preserved as an opcn space trBct. The large expansei of asphault shown on the initial site plan have been eliminated and reilaced with lommon driveways servicing clusters of 2-3 homes. Four to five road cuts (driveways) are proposed along Kinnikinnick Road, one to two driveway cuts on Beuflower Drive and no road cuts on Bassingdale Btvd. Three to four diffcrent exteriors are proposed to diversify the curb appeal of the homes. There will be a homeowners association to maintain snowplowing, trAsh removal and enforcement of the protective covenants. The parking area around the westridge condominiums' subjeci to approval ofthe property owner, shall be paved and formatted into a ,"ott ubt" puiLing solution (putting an end to the "vehicle storage area"). I am looking forward to hearing comments and conccrns in the upcoming neighborhoid meeting. It is thJintention ofthe developer to construct a project that will blend into and enhance the existing neighborhood' o TO 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 nFcw.t'*ttQ761?|j16 DlnrutbltAf- Dllo2l,Lrfb/5u trUr6a.h-OHi..adrrd.blrn'rtlbLtlr.r tlrb&*rllrnL. Dean Marsh 2843 Kinnickinnick Road, #b-1 Vail, CO 81657 iotrr fir-----Oe Cfillnit|3- COPYF ILE 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e pa r un ent of C ommu nity D eve lopm e nt December 22.1993 Dean Marsh 2843 Kinnickinnick Road. #b-1 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Marsh: Thank you for your interest in the rezoning request for the site located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road. The Planning and Environmental Commission received copies of your petition. We are interested in your thoughts about the proposal and want to include you in the public review process. We will be having additional Planning and Environmental Commission hearings on ihis project in January. We have added each of your names and addresses to our list of adjacent property owners who are notified of the upcoming hearings. The meetings in January will be held either on the 1oth or 24th, and we look fonvard to seeing you at these hearings. lf you have any questions about the proposal between now and future hearing dates, please call me at 479-2138. lwould be interested in hearing your thoughts. '^Wk/*re Senior Planner xc: Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 t 39 FAX 303-479-2452 December 22, 1993 Department of Community Development Charles Overy 2833 Kinnickinnick Road. #3 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Overy: Thank you for your interest in the rezoning request for the site located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road. The Planning and Environmental Commission received copies of your petition. We are interested in your thoughts about the proposal and want to include you in the public review process. We will be having additional Planning and Environmental Commission hearings on this project in January. We have added each of your names and addresses to our list of adjacent property owners who are notified of the upcoming hearings. The meetings in January will be held either on the 10th or 24tn, and we look fonrvard to seeing you at these hearings. lf you have any questions about the proposal between now and future hearing dates. please calf me al 479-2138. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. I"?'A Senior Planner xc: Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Community Development December 22.1993 Scott Fritzler 2823 Kinnickinnick Road, #5 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Fritzler: Thank you for your interest in the rezoning request for the site located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road. The Planning and Environmental Commission received copies of your petition. We are interested in your thoughts about the proposal and want to include you in the public review process. We will be having additional Planning and Environmental Commission hearings on this project in January. We have added each of your names and addresses to our list of adjacent property owners who are notified of the upcoming hearings. The meetings in January will be held either on the 1Oth or 24th, and we look forward to seeing you at these hearings. lf you have any questions about the proposal between now and luture hearing dates, please calf me al 479-2138. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Sincerely,#4/*'il- Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 30s-479-2452 December22, 1993 Departnent of Community Development Gregory A. Meister 2783 Kinnickinnick Road. #6 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Meister: Thank you for your interest in the rezoning request for the site located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road. The Planning and Environmental Commission received copies of your petition. We are interested in your thoughts about the proposal and want to include you in the public review process. We will be having additional Planning and Environmental Commission hearings on this project in January. We have added each of your nanes and addresses to our list of adjacent property owners who are notified of the upcoming hearings' The meetings in January will be held either on the 1Oth or 241h, and we look forward to seeing you at these hearings. lf you have any questions about the proposal between now and future hearing dates, please call me at 479-2138. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Sincerely, / / ,-/fr_*q fr^&*_4 nno'y xnuten Senior Planner xc: Planning and Environmental Commission o TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e p artrnent of C omntunity Deve lopment December 22,1993 Richard Duke 2923 Kinnickinnick Road, #7 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Duke: Thank you for your interest in the rezoning request for the site located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road. The Planning and Environmental Commission received copies of your petition. We are interested in your thoughts about the proposal and want to include you in the public review process. We will be having additional Planning and Environmental Commission hearings on this project in January. We have added each of your names and addresses to our list of adjacent property owners who are notified of the upcoming hearings. The meetings in January will be held either on the 1Oth or 24th, and we look forward to seeing you at these hearings. lf you have any questions about the proposal between now and future hearing dates, please call me at 479-2138. lwould be interested in hearing your thoughts. Sincerely, ^K*kSenior Planner Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 t 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Comnuniry Deve lopment December22. 1993 Carrie Howe-Cadson 250.1 Bassingdale, #6 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ms. Howe-Cadson: Thank you for your interest in the rezoning request for the site located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road. The Planning and Environmental Commission received copies of your petition. We are interested in your thoughts about the proposal and want to include you in the public review process. We will be having additional Planning and Environmental Commission hearings on this project in January. We have added each of your names and addresses to our list of adjacent property owners who are notified of the upcoming hearings. The meetings in January will be held either on the 1oth o( 241h, and we look fonrrrard to seeing you at these hearings. lf you have any questions about the proposal between now and future hearing dates, please call me at 479-2138. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Sincerely, tt/./,(^q p-^/rbn Andy Knudtseh tSenior Planner xc:Planning and Environmental Commission TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 December 22,1993 Department of Community Development Elizabeth Crawford 2801 Bassingdale, #6 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ms. Crawford: Thank you for your interest in the rezoning request lor the site located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road. The Planning and Environmental Commission received copies of your petition. We are interested in your thoughts about the proposal and want to include you in the public review process. We will be having additional Planning and Environmental Commission hearings on this project in January. We have added each of your names and addresses to our list of adjacent property owners who are notified of the upcoming hearings. The meetings in January will be held either on the 1Oth or 24th, and we look forward to seeing you at these hearings. lf you have any questions about the proposal between now and future hearing dates, please call me at 479-2138. lwould be interested in hearing your thoughts. K*,a--e< Senior Planner Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Comnunity Development December22, 1993 Lorraine Denson 2771 Kinnickinnick Road. #E-2 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Ms. Denson: Thank you for your interest in the rezoning request for the site located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road. The Planning and Environmental Gommission received copies of your petition. We are interested in your thoughts about the proposal and want to include you in the public review process. We will be having additional Planning and Environmental Commission hearings on this project in January. We have added each of your names and addresses to our list of adjacent property owners who are notified of the upcoming hearings. The meetings in January will be held either on the 1oth or 241h, and we look forward to seeing you at these hearings. lf you have any questions about the proposal between now and future hearing dates, please calf me al479-2138. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts. Sincgrely,/r./ilr{- H,-,&{-4/L Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner Planning and Environmental Commission COPYFILE 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departtnent of Community Deve loptnent December 22, 1993 Mr. Charles Overy 2833 Kinnickinnick Road, #3 Vail. CO 81657 RE: Dear Charles: I received your letter today and want to let you know that we welcome your comments. One of our roles as planners for the community is to include the individuals affected by a land use decision in the decision making process. I will try to address the concerns you raised in your December 19. 1993 letter in the same order that you expressed them. First of all, I apologize for the time you had to spend waiting for the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to move through their agenda. We will try to be more accommodating of the neighborhood in the future when we develop the order of future agendas. The phrase "request for work session" means that the request is in the preliminary stages and the comments from the PEC are recommendations to the developer. No decisions or conclusions are made by the PEC during "work sessions". I understand that you were not able to attend the meeting on December 20th and acknowledge that this is tfre time of year which keeps all of us very busy. As I have explained in a separate letter to all of the individuals who signed the petition, we will be scheduling this item in January for another hearing. Hopefully, that is a time of year which will allow more neighbors to attend these hearings. l'm glad you're not "unfavorably disposed to the development of the Pedotto parcel." I agree with you the an open discourse with all of the parties involved will influence and improve the final solution. Mr. Overy December 22, 1993 Page Two At this time we are anticipating the next hearings to be scheduled for January l Oth or January 24th. Please call me in advance if you are unable to attend and I will be able to pass on your comments to the PEC. The developer is also considering scheduling neighborhood meeting. I spoke with representatives of the Intermountain Homeowner's Association about doing this, and they were trying to determine the best time and location for a meeting like this, the last time I checked. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at 479-2138. I look forward to working with you on this project and believe that your input is important to the planning process. Sincerely,t,rilz/ J-o"L' P"*'ct '.rN/ ^J- /', \ Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner cc: Sara Newsam Sue Dugan Jo Brown Kristan Pritz Planning and Environmental Commission ULt/-ZU-U December 20,1993 The City of Vail Plannin! Depehdenti Vail, Colorade i irl NORTH*?ST OmCt , 6Cl SIE!'AR? S'REET, S'.*ITE ?0?i 5!A11Lq Y/^sHl^,*GTdlJ l$t0t w-6zr-9t22 :o$4rr-90.r iF4x) : Zouing CAFPNT.IIA OFFICE go i'.ciu'r$rNo h'r'E, sl.rrri ul o)$'rA MESA, CAr.tRILl.li.rfl 6?5 ?l{.5.r5.6220 ?l+5{5.J$?r' (FAr() : SOLTHTVEST OFFICE el0 TR.{vts sT. xousri:H, ilxas iroo: 1lt,uE.lr77 ?lJ,1tl.rdu, GAx) I I coNsTRUCTrOr.: CA!,rSL1TANTIy ARCHIIECTURE CCRPOSATE OFFICE I iol nov/N:N6 gTttuFr D€N\€R, C0|L)RAID B0r:0 ioj.&1t 4100 .10J.861.6565 (F^X) iii. Dcar Mr. Knudtseu: ii:iii iiiil' Pursuant to our recerit discussions, I wish'to formally outline rhy objections regarding the Pedoito Parcel devel$pnrent plarrs, as currently prmentid, ::l Tbe inci'ease in densiiy on th'e progcrty, couplcd *ith thc signifiiant amount of hard surt'ace areas, will result in an hcleased run-off. A preliminary invesrigation reveals a great deal of this run-off'has poleutial:to channel itself into the adjacent parccl ut thc existing Vail Swim and Tennis Cllrb entiance. ltis increascd nrn-off will not onJy cause problens sssociated witli the entranc+ but it will have a negative impact,on rhe site drainage on rhe itructures inimediately idjaqent to Kinnickinnick-Roed. i The sedond co;rcern which we havcr telates !o the tirchitectural desigrr w regardjng the increased density and the propo-sed plan, telates !o the tirchitectural desigrt which is being proposed. Wd highly recouunend rhar the Qeveloper soften the i'ery hard lines ofhis project,through the ulilization of perinrctcr eanh fq.tmin$ and a geflefoui initallstion of eonifers and deciduorls trees to soften rhe visual impact.' I wish to advise ,vori that I am not in objection to the developer's However, in the best:interedt of thb imag€ of dctreloprnent in ihe rown proposed project. of Vail, the above \t Qe-\ tl'f ,rqt iz\Ztt' This petition is directed to the Town of VaiI in reference to the request to rezone the parce I of I and I ocated at 2850 Kinnickinnick. The reason is the time and date at which the meeting is scheduled. This could not be at a worse time for anyone i trvol veci in the tourism business, which encompasses the whole of VaiI. These property owners are unable to attend the meetlirg EE scheduled and are opposed to the rezoninq at 2850 Kinnickinnick. NAME ADDRESS --i<EC- ci -AEaU[---:::---::--"2?as-*tu't"ki't,=k-4E-- '__4.__t!-E_t_.1r&_____---af Z3-KIJ.'*r-<.-tt'-l,J.:-,-cjltG-_--- n Charles Overy 2833 Kinnickinnick #3 Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 479-9t33 r-'!:^0, Sun, Dec 19, 1993 To The planning and Environmental commission, Town of Vail, i.{l*r, I must lodge, in the strongest possible terms, my protest to your convening a planning \\: t> and zoning worksession regarding the rezoning of the "Pedotto parcel" in lntermountain during what is certainly one of the Valley's most busy periods. I received your notice for an initial meeting on the 13th of December and was able to - take time to attend. I spent one and one half hours waiting for the "request for worksession" on the 2850 Kinnickinnick parcel to come on to the agenda. After the first item of the agenda had not been finished, it was evident that the meeting was going to progress slowly. I had not planned to spending the entire afternoon at the meeting and had to leave. In addition, I was frustrated by the fact that I could not find anyone in the front office of the building who knew what a "request for worksession" was. lf the request was a minor procedural matter, might it not, more democratically, have been disposed off at the beginning of the meeting? ll"a request for worksession is a scheduling matter should it not be stated as such. ln addition, I have not received a mailed notice of the meeting on 20th December although I was on your list to receive a notice about the initial meeting. I am unable to attend the meeting on Monday the 20th as I have had prior work commitments for over 4 months, I am very interested in the proposal as I live at 2833 Kinnickinnick #3 and my residence looks out across Kinnickinnick road at the property in question. I am not unfavorably disposed to the development of the Pedotto parcel as I believe that suitable development of a significant portion of this land will improve the Intermountian neighborhood. Furthermore, I am very encouraged by the open discourse that your department nurtures regarding all of Vail's planning questions. I do not {eelthat I have adequate information regarding this development and, at this time, I am opposed to the plan as outlined in your memorandum of Dec. 13. I feelthat the timing of your worksession on this property is most inappropriate. The neighborhood in question is certainly a "working" neighborhood and most residents will be very inconvenienced by this meeting if, indeed, they are able to attend at all. Should there be any question that the submittal or scheduling of this worksession has, in any way been affected by the above concerns I willfully pursue my legal alternatives. In addition, I will become vociferous and obstreperous in my opposition to the applicants proposal. o -- charlcs overy o-- , 2833 Kinnickirrrri.t +a , I Vail,Colorado 81657 0r" - (303) 479-9133 lV-\ ,.rD\\--. -,\qf\ 2\'- Sun, Dec 19, 1993 \?^ To The Planning and Environmental Commission, Town of Vail,dl*" I must lodge, in the strongest possible terms, my protest to your convening a planning l[: l) and zoning worksession regarding the rezoning of lhe "Pedotto parcel" in lntermountain during what is certainly one of the Valley's most busy periods. I received your notice for an initial meeting on the 13th of December and was able to . . take time to attend. I spent one and one half hours waiting for the "request for worksession" on the 2850 Kinnickinnick parcel to come on to the agenda. After lhe first item of the agenda had not been finished, it was evident that the meeting was going to progress slowly. I had not planned to spending the entire afternoon at the meeting and had to leave. In addition, I was frustrated by the fact that I could not find anyone in the front office of the building who knew what a "request for worksession" was. lf the request was a minor procedural matter, might it not, more democratically, have been disposed off at the beginning of the meeting? lf "a request for worksession is a scheduling matter should it not be stated as such. ln addition, I have not received a mailed notice of the meeting on 20th December although l;was on your list to receive a notice about the initial meeting. I am unable to attend the meeting on Monday the 20th as I have had prior work commitments for over 4 months, I am very interested in the proposal as I live at 2833 Kinnickinnick #3 and my residence looks out across Kinnickinnick road at the property in question. I am not unfavorably disposed to the development of the Pedotto parcel as I believe that suitable development of a significant portion of this land will improve the Intermountian neighborhood. Furthermore, I am very encouraged by the open discourse that your department nurtures regarding all of Vail's planning questions. I do not feel lhat I have adequate information regarding this development and, at this time, I am opposed to the plan as outlined in your memorandum of Dec. 13. I feel that the liming of your worksession on this property is most inappropriate. The neighborhood in question is certainly a "working" neighborhood and most residents will be very inconvenienced by this meeting if, indeed, they are able to attend at all. Should there be any question that the submittal or scheduling of this worksession has, in any way been affected by the above concerns I will fully pursue my legal alternatives. In addition, lwill become vocilerous and obstreperous in my opposition to the applicants proposal. o I feel that my rights as a taxpayer and my duties as a citizen have been violated by your lack ol concern over the lntermounlian residents' commitment to the fundamental business base of this community. At this time of year, our service to our guests and the tourisrn base must be paramounl. I suggest that this is an excellent week to consider Planning and Zoning malters that affect our non resident citizens. I hope that you can appreciate my concerns. A prompt reply is requested. o o ilrc0Pr Deparunent of Comntuniry Developrnent75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 December 15, '1993 Mr. Greg Amsden % Chrisiopher Denton Real Estate 288 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 RE: Schedule for the Pedotto rezoning Dear Greg: I thought that the Planning and Environmental Commission's (PEC) review of the proposed rezoning on the Pedotto parcel went well. lt appears from their comments that they are interested in rezoning the property to RC or LDMF, depending on the site plan that you can develop. Prior to scheduling the item for a final hearing (or possibly another worksession), staff will need three weeks to review the revised drawings. Also, we will need to see the site staked according to the proposed drawings no later than two weeks prior to the hearing. The next hearing, based on these review times, would be January 24, 1994. lf you have any other ideas for the schedule, please call me and let me know. Sincerely,ffi#4 Senior Planner ,t \t/\ This petition is directed to the Town of Vail in reference to the request to rezone the parcel of land located at 2A5O Kinnickinnick. The reason is the time and date at which the meeting is schedui.ed. This could not be at a worse time for anyone involved in the tourism business, which encompasses the whole of Vai l. 'Tfraco ,-^ -r--.'ty owners are unable to attend the meetlng as scheduled and are opposed to the rezoninq at 2850 Kinnickinnick. rt: ,ft,r"1 NAME ADDRESS Cherlcs Overy 2833 Kinnickinnick #3 Vail, Colorado 81657 a$) 479-9133 Sun, Dec 19, 1993 To The Planning and Environmental Commission, Town of Vail, \.{l r+"P I must lodge, in the strongest possible terms, my protest to your convening a planning 1\: f ( and zoning worksession regarding the rezoning of the 'Pedotto parcel" in Intermountain during what is certainly one of the Valley's most busy periods. I received your notice for an initial meeting on the 13th ol December and was able to take time to attend. I spent one and one half hours waiting for the "request for worksession" on the 2850 Kinnickinnick parcel to come on to the agenda. Afier the first item of the agenda had not been linished, it was evident that the meeting was going to progress slowly. I had not planned to spending the entire afternoon at the meeting and had to leave. In addition, I was lrustrated by the fact that I could not find anyone in the front office of the buibing who knew what a "request for worksession" was. lf the request was a minor procedural matter, might it not, more democratically, have been disposed off at the beginning of the meeiing? lf "a request for worksession is a scheduling matter should it not be stated as such. In addition, I have not received a mailed notice of the meeting on 20th December although I was on your list to receive a notice about the initial meeting. I am unable to attend the meeting on Monday the 20th as I have had prior wok commitments for over 4 months, I am very interested in the proposal as I live at 2833 Kinnickinnick #3 and my residence looks out across Kinnickinnick road at the property in question. I am not unfavorably disposed to the development of the Pedotto parcel as I believe that suitable development of a significant portion of this land will improve the Intermcuntian neighborhood. Furthermore, I am very encouraged by the open discourse that your department nurtures regarding all of Vail's planning questions. I do not feelthat I have adequate information regarding this development and, at this time, I am opposed to the plan as outlined in your memorandum of Dec. 13. I feel that the timing of your worksession on this property is most inappropriate. The neighborhood in question is certainly a "working" neighborhood and most residents will be very inconvenienced by this meeting if, indeed, they are able to attend at all. Should there be any question that the submittal or scheduling of this worksession has, in any way been alfected by the above concerns I will fully pursue my legal alternatives. ln addition, lwill become vociferous and obstreperous in my opposition to the applicants proposal. o I feel that my rights as a taxpayer and my duties as a citizen have been violated by your lack of concern over the Intermountian residents' commitment to the fundamental business base of this community. At this time of year, our service to our guests and the tourism base must be paramount. I suggest that this is an excellent week to consider Planning and Zoning matters that affect our non resident citizens. I hope that you can appreciate my concerns. A prompt reply is requested. a Chtlcs Ovcry V 2833 Kinnickinnick #3 I llt .f ,'\ | | ^a..dVail, Colomdo 8L657 n r u (3o3) 47s-sr3u w". . *\\.-\ 2\\ql Sun, Dec 19, 1993 V To The planning and Environmental commission, Town of Vail, \.t[ *", I must lodge, in the strongest possible terms, my prot€st fo your convening a planning t\: f f and zoning worksession regarding the rezoning of the "Pedotto parcel" in lntermountain during what is certainly one of the valley's most busy periods. I received your notice for an initial meeting on the 13th ol December and was able to take time to attend. I spent one and one half hours waiting for the 'request for worksession" on the 2850 Kinnickinnick parcel to come on to the agenda. After the first item of the agenda had not been finished, it was evident that the meeting was going to progress slowly. I had not planned to spending the entire afternoon at the meeting and had to leave. In addition, I was frustrated by the fact that I could not find anyone in the front office of the building who knew what a "request for worksession" was. lf the request was a minor procedural matter, might it not, more democratically, have been disposed off at the beginning of the meeting? lf "a request for worksession is a scheduling matter should it not be stated as such. In addition, I have not received a mailed notice of the meeting on 20th December although I was on your list to receive a notice about the initial meeting. I am unable to attend the meeting on Monday the 20th as I have had prior work commitments for over 4 months. I am very interested in the proposal as I live at 2833 Kinnickinnick #3 and my residence looks out across Kinnickinnick road at the property in question. I am not unfavorably disposed to the development of the Pedoilo parcel as I believe that suitable development of a significant portion of this land will improve the Intermountian neighborhood. Furthermore, I am very encouraged by the open discourse that your department nurtures regarding all of Vail's planning questions. I do not leel that I have adequate information regarding this development and, at this time, I am opposed to the plan as outlined in your memorandum of Dec. 13. I feel that the timing of your worksession on this property is most inappropriate. The neighborhood in question is certainly a "working" neighborhood and most residents will be very inconvenienced by this meeting if, indeed, they are able to attend at all. Should there be any question that the submittal or scheduling of this worksession has, in any way been affected by the above concerns lwillfully pursue my legal alternatives. In addition, I will become vociferous and obstreperous in my opposition to the applicants proposal. I feelthat my rights as a taxpayer and my duties as a citizen have been violated by your lack of concern over the lntermountian residents' commitment to the fundamental business base of this community. At this time ol year, our service to our guests and the tourism base must be paramount. I suggest that this is an excellent week to consider Planning and Zoning matters that atfect our non resident citizens. I hope that you can appreciate my concerns. A prompt reply is requested. Since Charld ,t 'r ,f,"\* This petition is directed to the Town of VaiI in reference to the request to rezone the parcel of land Iocated at 2850 Kinnickinnick. The reason is the time and date at which the meeting is scheduled. This could not be at a worse time for anyone lnvolved in the tourism business, which encompasses the whole of VaiI. These property owners are unable to attend the meet l trg aEgcheduled and are opposed to the rezoninq at 2850 Kinnickinnick. NAME ADDRESS EGO oa AdwF\ ,a,r rrEt'{ MAY EFFE.T YouR PR'PERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that lhe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Tor,'vn of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the MunicipalCode of the Town of Vailon December 20, 1993, at 2:00 P.tr,l. in the Tovvn of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a wall height variance to allow for the construction of an avalanche mitigation wall located at 4229 Nugget Lane/Lot 6, Bighorn Estates. Applicant: Helen DickinsonPlanner: Shelly Mello 2. A request for.an amendment to a previously approved development plan a] The Vail Swim and Tennis Club, 2693 Kinnickinnick Foad/a ponion of the SlV 1/4, Section 14, T5S R81W of the 6th P.M., Tor,vn of Vail, Colorado. Applicant: T. Charles Ogilby and Stanleigh H. Cole Planner: Shelly Mello 3. A request for a variance to buitd in 40o/" slope and lor a wall height variance to allow for a duplex to be located at 2560 Kinnickinnick Road/a parcel of land located in the N 112otlhe SW 1/4of Section 14T5S, RSlW of the 6th P.M., Town of Vail, Colorado. Applicant Bobi SalzmanPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request to rezone a tract from Primarylsecondary Residential to Low Density Multi- Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Roacl/more specifically described as follows: ' A parcel ot land in the Souih$,esl GJer€r of Seciion t4, ToYvnship 5 Sorih. Range 8l i{est ol $e 6ih Principel l'4aridian, more panicuiariy descr;bed as !oiloirs: Begiining al a pcint r,,/hence a b:ass c:g set tor a wilness corner lof ihe \ryest Ousner of said Seclioi l,l, bears (Nonh 29 degrees 28 minsles 5l seconds \{est, 1c'73.OB leel Deed) (Nonh43 Degrees 15 rniouies 02 seconds I'Gst,,o15.95 feet h.{easuie<i): Thence Nonh 74 degrees 05 rcinues 19 seccnds Eesl. 10.76 leet Thence 183.62 feet ajong rhe arc ot a carve lo lhe righl \yhic.\ aie suble:lds a cho.d beaiing Nonh 88 degrees l2 rnin..Ies 39 seconds East, t81.76 ieer: Thencs Souih ?7 deg.ees 40 minutes 2l seconCs Easl, 82.77leeli Thence t47.43 fe€l Elong th€ arc of a cuwe to fie lei whiclt arc su5lerCs a qhold beafing Nonh 86 deg.e€s 36 min!4es 17 s€conds Easi, 145.60 leer; Thence Noflh 70 degrees 52 $inuies 55 seconds Easl.405.55 ieel: Thence S{.10 feel along $e arc of a cLrwe to rhe right which arc sub:ends a chord bearing Sourh 47 degrees 20 minules 37 seconds East,44.20 feel; Thence Souh 14 deqrees 25 minrnes 50 secands ll,esr, fi0.51 leer: Thenc€ Soufi 68 degrees l8 minl,es 9l seconds Vy'est,320.00 teeti Thenco North 19 degrees 07 minules 05 seconds \ryest,50.00 f6el: Thsnce Soulh 77 degrees 48 minui€s 41 seconds West, 160.18 teel: Thence Souih f0 degrees 53 minules 33 seconds lvesl,36.48 leet Thence Nonh 87 degrees 40 minut€s 06 seconds Wesl,337.72 leet: Thence (Notlh l t degrees 52 minuies t3 seconds East. t30.00 feel Deed) Nonh t I deg.des 55 minul€s 31 seconds Easl, | 29.75 feel l,ieesufedl lo lhe POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing lrom G.LO, record for Sou'lh hall ot S-"cion tine b€tween Sedions t,t.ts. (G.LO, record Souh 0l degte€s 30.2 minutos Easl) (Sorth 0t degreeg 38 mirutes 32 seconds Easr Lieasured) Applicant; Juanita l. PedottoPlanner: Andy Knudtsen S. A determination for the review periods of the Exterior Alteration requests in the CCI and CCll zone districls: Statf is recommending 90 day review periods for all of the following proiects: A. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the enclosure of the elevator shaft for the Antlers Condominiums located at 680 West Lionshead Place/Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Applicant: Antlers Condominium Association Planner: RandY Stouder . B. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration and a height variance to allow for the redevelopment of the covered Bridge Building located at 227 Bridge streeuLots c and D and a part of Lot B, Block 5-8, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicanl: Hillis of Snolmass, lnc. .Planner: Mike Mollica C. A request for a major CCI exterior alteration for the Laughing Monkey to allow an adOition to the south side of the Creekside Building located at 223 East Gore Creek Drive/a part of Tract A, Block 5-8, Vail Village lst Filing' Applicant: Jose Guzman Planner: ShellY Mello D. A request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Center Building to allow for the expansion of the Vail Associates offices located at 520 Lionshead Mall/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Associates, lnc. Planner: AndY Knudtsen E. A request for an exterioi alteraticn to allow for the expansion of dwelling units at the Lionshead center Building located at 520 Lionshead Mall, units 208, 209, 308 and 309/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Victor Cano Faro, Transcon Investments, Inc., and Jose Planner: Luis Chain Andy Knudtsen F. A request for a major CCll exterior alteration to allow for the construction of an addition to the Lionshead Arcade Building located at 531 East Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant Robert Lazier Planner: . Jim Curnutte sW Vail, Colorado 81657 RICHARD &. LORRAINE BENSON L"VfeUtEAcH' cA e2660 P q2669-6t3e .{ 1, $P THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 13, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for variances for setbacks, density and parking in the front setback for the development of a condominium project and an employee housing unit to be located at 44 Willow Place/Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. 2.A request for site coverage, density and landscaping variances to allow the construction of a new garage and the conversion of an existing garage to an employee housing unitlocated at 1045 HomestakeCirclellot3, Block 1, VailValley 1st Filing. Applicants: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Frederick H. Larson, Dorothy H. Larson, Lawrence K. Larson, Frederick A. Larson and Lance V. Larson Shelly Mello Rod and Beth Slifer Mike Mollica Juanita L Pedotto Andy Knudtsen F-* A request for a worksession to rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to l-ow Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land in the Soulhwest Quarter of Seclion 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point whence a brass cap set for a witness corner for lhe West Ouarter of said Section 14, bears (North 29 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds West, 1073.08 feet Deed) (North 43 Degrees 15 minules 02 seconds West, 915.96 feet Measured): Thence North 74 degrees 05 minutes 19 seconds East, 10.76 feel: Thence 183.62 feet along the arc of a curve to the right which are subtends a chord bearing North 88 degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds East, 181.76 feet; Thence Soulh 77 degrees 40 minutes 21 seconds East, 62.77 leeti Thence 147.43 feet along the arc of a curve lo the left vrhich arc subtends a chord bearing Norlh 86 degrees 36 minutes 17 seconds East, 145.60 feet; Thence North 70 degrees 52 minutes 55 seconds East,406.55 teel; Thence 54.10 feet atong the arc of acurvelo the right which arc subtends a chord bearing Sor.ith 47 degrees 20 minutes 37 seconds East, 44.20 feet; Thence South 14 degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds West, I10.51 feet; Thence South 68 degrees 18 minutes 91 seconds West, 320.00 feet; Thence North 19 degrees 07 minutes 05 seconds Wesl,50.00 feet; Thence South 77 degrees 48 minutes 41 seconds West, 160.18 feel; Thence South 10 degrees 53 minules 33 seconds West,36,48 feel: Thence Narth 87 degrees 40 minutes 06 seconds West, 337.72 feet; Thence (North 11 degrees 52 minutes 13 seoonds East, 130.00 feel Deed) North I I degrees 55 minutes 3l seconds Easl, 129.75 feet Measured) lo lhe POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing from G.LO. record for South half of Seclion line between Sections tq-tS. (C.t-.O. record South 01 degrees 30.2 minules East) (South 01. degrees 38 minules 32 seconds East Measured) *--'+ffIffii$!Y'* o Rlchard D. & Lorral ne ll. Benson n ' 32 Vlcnna llqort Bcrch, CA 92560 v t*A ' \ -!'.! 1*fi, ::i' o THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 13, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for variances for setbacks, density and parking in the front setback for the development of a condominium project and an employee housing unit to be located at 44 Willow Ptace/Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Village 1st Filing. 2.A request for site coverage, density and landscaping variances to allow the construction of a new garage and the conversion of an existing garage to an employee housing unit located at 1045 Homestake CircleiLot 3, Block 1, Vail Valley 1st Filing. Applicants: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Frederick H. Larson, Dorothy H. Larson, Lawrence K. Larson, Frederick A. Larson and Lance V. Larson Sheily Mello Rod and Beth Slifer Mike Mollica Juanita l. Pedotto Andy Knudtsen #A request for a worksession io rezone a tract from Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multi-Family, located at 2850 Kinnickinnick Road/more specifically described as follows: A parcel of land in the Southwesl Quarter of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal lv'leridian, more particularly described as follons: Beginning at a point whence a brass cap set for a witness corner for the West Ouarter of said Section 14, bears (North 29 degrees 28 minutes 51 seconds West, 1073.08 feet Deed) (Nonh 43. Degrees 15 minutes 02 seconds West, 915.96 feet Measured); Thence North 74 degrees 05 minutes 19 seconds East, 10.76 feet; Thence I 83.62 teet along th6 arc of a curye to the right which are subtends a chord bearing North 88 degrees 12 minules 30 seconds East, 181.76 feel; Thence South 77 degrees 40 minutes 21 seconds East, 62.77 leeli Thence 147.43 feet along the arc of a curve lo the left which arc subtends a chord bearing North 86 degrees 36 minutes 17 seconds East, 145.60 feel; Thence North 70 degrees 52 minutes 55 seconds Easl,406.55 feel; Thence 54.10 feet along the arc of a curve 10 the right which arc sublends a chord bearing South 47 degrees 20 minutes 37 seconds East,44.20 feel; Thence South 14 degrees 25 minutes 50 seconds West. 1 10.51 feet: Thence South 68 degrees 18 minutes 91 seconds West, 320.00 feet; Thence Nonh 19 degrees 07 minutes 05 seconds West,50.00 feet; Thence South 77 degrces 48 minutes 41 seconds west, 160.18 feet; Thence South 10 degrees 53 minutes 33 seconds West, 36.48 feet; Thence North 87 degrees 40 minutes 06 seconds West, 337.72 feet; Thence (North 11 degrees 52 minutes 13 seconds Easr, 130.00 feet Deed) North 11 degrees 55 minules 31 seconds East, 129.75 feet Measured) to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Bearing from G.LO. record tot Sourh half of Section line beiween Sections rq-tS. (C.t*O. record Sourh 01 degrees 30,2 minutes East) (South 01, degrees 38 minules 32 seconds East Measured) TOWNOFVAIL **,*gisfrifEgFf*"' vAlLco 816s7 ftffiffiH#$ ilanes R. T Brad [ey, D. Weston, ' Camda 1* .B- ,'i .. 'lY ! TY