HomeMy WebLinkAboutINNSBRUCK MEADOWS LOT 1 LEGAL/n&.u& Design Review Board ACTIOIT FORITI tlepartment of C.ommunity Decelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Veil, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.f9.2139 tax: 97A.479.2452 web: wwcr.v:ilgoY.com /7t2"/ot* Project Name: SMITH LANDSCAPING/FENCE Prorect Description: Re-appllcatlon of o<pired 2004 DRB approval of new landscaping/rock fence to be placed at southwest corner of property line in order to prevent further erosion by neighboring traffic pattems. Paldclpants: owNER SMmt, JEFFREY I(ARL - EGU, 0r'.ltA2006 28328 KINNIKINNICK RD Vail co 81657 APPUCANT SMITH, JEFFREY I(ARL - EGLI, OqIA2OO6 28328 KINNIKINNICK RD Vail co 81657 PrcJectAddressz 2892 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Location: 2892 KINNIKINNICK RD A&B Legal Description: Lot: 1 Elodc Subdivision: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS Parcel l{umber: 2103-143-2301-1 Comments: DRB ilumb€r: DRB()6(X)99 Motion By: Second By: Vob: Gonditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Acton: APPROVED Dab of Approval= 041 t412006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not onstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiues. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not beome valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followlng the date of flnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and @ns0uction is commenced and is dlligently pursued toward completion. Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO .. .l-Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review ,A i= -;a---t."LeUV/E Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t28 tux: 970.479.2452 web: www.\railgov.com APR 1 1 2006 TOWN OF VAILGeneral Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: LocaUonoftheProposal: Lot: / Block:- 0 n) 6too c o -o-s (Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)4 LDnT Phone: Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: fr^/-Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr. Signs E Conceptual Review E New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-fami lylcommercia l) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request n tr Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additjons & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ww*\trb"] ,. .nF f++atal*t'3*a*l*llafaa*a*l'i*tt't++aafttaa',*a*a*t{'**flrt*++aa+*tlt+***a**t'3+****+taa++*******+*'a TOWNOFVAIL COI,oRADO Ststem€ot+a*+*a**a**'3**al*+****tl+*+taa*f+****aa****+*all+aa*a+***aa*ta*r*a***tf+++*+***+atta*a*a*a** Statenent lnriber: R050000357 Arnount: $20-00 04lL2/200608:40 Arrf Palment l,letbod: Caah Init: iISNotation: $/usrr surrH Permit No: DR8060099 T14re: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DI'PParcel No: 2103-143 -2301-1 Site Addreee: 2892 KINNICKINIIICX RD \TAIIJ I,ocation: 2892 KINNIKTNNICK F.D A&B Total Feea: $20.00This Palment: $20. O0 Total AL,IJ Pmta: $20.00Balance: $0.00***'l*'|*****+ttl*+**'|*******ra**'|***fl+t+'l'l*******f*****l'++*ala+t'l|}*'*'*'i**r****++++++l'i***r**r ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcription Current PmtsB DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESTGTI REVIEW FEES 20.oo ho!F T I C)o (t I I -9 ooo; \4 o -:. o o ol a! EEE iE EFNSOo- eo o, E (\l o io o i- t\ rt vrta=\ Pv .:-..2 i o ?i o Uc 0)p (n c)!.- _c =Ett) 1/l Att4 4 0' ll 'p0 >lol;lqJl.zl lDl>l o)l ol o !o IT ?-1 rljI )lJ {Il YY r7 14 d .ri na 4A t-r l- tn u/ -J \ -!/,f / /nnk'ct'tT'ludo* Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax| 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us :\ .2 Project Name:'' SMITH/EGU FENCE DRB Number: DRB040557 Project Description: addition of four aspenas, three blue spruce, +l- ten 24' retaining boulders and a 2-4' eafth berm at rear (southwest) side of home in order to restore lawn and protect propefi from neighboring traffic encroachment Pafticipants: OWNER SMITH, JEFFREY KARL - EGLI, 10/2612004 Phone: 28328 KINNIKINNICK RD Vail co 81657 License: APPUCANT SMITH, JEFFREY KARL - EGLJ, L012612004 Phone: 28328 KINNIKINNICK RD Vail co 81657 License: Project Address: 2892 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Location: 2832 KINNIKINNICK RD A&B Legal Descripuon: Lot 1 Block: Subdivision: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS Parcel Number: 210314323011 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SfAFFAPR Second By: . Vote: Date of Approval= 1212812004 Conditions:. Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Gond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced rt and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 I I ffi M inor Exterior Alteratrons Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2139 fax: 97 0.47 9.2452, web: www.vailoov.com RECEIVED ocl 2 5 2004 TOV€OM.DEV. TOil/N General Information: All_ projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Deveiopment Departmlnt. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cJnsiruction commences within one year ofthe approval. ' Description of the Request: Location of the proposat: t-ot: { atock: I suuaiurion, VoV;Uz-ik0ar*SL,- Physical Address: ParcelNo.: uc3tl14 olt (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor ai 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Mailing Address: O Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( multi-fa mily/commercial) \Ef Minor Alteration t'-' '/ (singte-tamity/duplex) o ffioproved ptans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and -_.,...-_ ret'dining walls, etc.( $20 ) For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,x--/ reroofing, painiing, window additions, landscaping, rences and retaining walls, etc. 4''-- $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: Page 1of 12/04/28/04 *****laa*t*tl{"}**l*rtaala**l++llll*a***t+faa*lllll**+*l**alraa*at****!t**t**l*l++**lllrtll*at* TOWNOFVAIL, COIJORADO Stat€,ment ftl.*'l'll*l**********ra**:l{r**++{.*tai*rt***if+*t*ttt*t***+'t*{.**r*a*'ttr*****t*i*f*'t***t**t**t*'tf** gtatement Nu$ber: R040006984 Anrount: $20.00 to/26/2oo4o1 :10 PM Paltment llethod: Check Init: its Notation: #1040/ROGBR BGIJI/{TEFFERY SMITH Permit No: DR804056? f14re: DRB-Minor AIt; SFR/DI'P Parcel No: 210314323011 Site Addrees: 2892 KINNICKINI{ICK RD VAIL Location: 2832 KfNNIKINNICK RD A&B This Payment: $20.00 Tota1 FeeE: $20. o0 Total AIJL PmtS: $2O. O0 Balance: SO. O0 **t***'ld.'r'|*,|**{r+** +:}'}r.*r * *rtt +*:}** *r. r.* *.* **+ '|*r.******f ++:i*'r*r.,}r*'r*{'i** * *'r,r,r,*,r*'| * * **'} * '}*'t*!t+*{r* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Current Pmt,s OR OOIOOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 20.00 Description *ffi ]OINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETTER 7:^,L-l M'J I, (print name a joint owner of property located at (address/legal descripUon) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulaUons. ,-, ro/rel6t, Page 2 of ttl97l]5lA4 completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: lr Buildinq Materials PROPOSED I'IATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: \ Please speciry the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" C-aliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape feafures (1.e. retaining walls, fences, swimminq pools, etc.) TOV - Dept. of Community Development Fromr Jeff Smith / Roger Egli Farc 970'4792452 Prgc6: 5 Plm 970-4792139 rbr 10EnW Request for property line Fence Dear TOV Community Development, We would like to petition the TOV Community Development for a vrood split rail fence to define our fperty line on the south/south t!,est comer of our lol. On June 16, 2004 we bougif 2692 elb Kinnikinnick Road ftom Juanita Pedotto. During the purchase process we had a survey preformed. (pase 2) This requesled fence uould meet or connect to the exislirE TOV approved fence permit (SE comer), submitted by Gerry and Susan Semrod (2832b Kinnikinnick, DR8010099, u2ag1) Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely,, 1'\il vt \qq\ \,4 '\ir\ ol V Nt ( (,/'Itrr\ \ \ ^*otnD /)Cr-\< \+, : -\ -\ \;- { iJ(> (Y t{ NLb \z S4 -..-_t o \ ri 1'1r- f 3..-' /r- 1a er"'# -.,,( 4 II f-r*J -Q--,-- J1t-', \ ( /,.AJ ac-n,tr( 8J/€A"-t) ,/ \Ar,Y LX -: *'--rz\-i-i \3 \{ '\.._ \:\uh -Js-ut\ \ nc/r-< !n (-sr-re,, ., (".1\ c*(h i'.DO .J --.-? r-r1 \ \' q.. N (: \< - --i,\\- .--l- (f t')'J {N u\ \,VN October 28, 2004 Mr. Jeffrey Karl Smith 2892 A Kinnikinnick Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 2892 Kinnikinnick RoadA/ail, CO 81657 Lot 1, Block 8/lnnsbruck Meadows DR8040567 FttE cuPy Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for submitting an application for design review of a new fence at the above address. I visited your residence yesterday and noticed the heavy fooUvehicle traffic that is occurring at the south and west portions of your lot, necessitating a protective measure of some sort. However, per the Development Standards Handbook, a section of the Vail Town Code which directs much ol the Town's design standards, "the placement of walls and fences shall respect existing land forms and fit into land massing rather than arbitraily follow site boundary lines. Fences shall not be encouraged except to screen trash areas, utility equipmenfe efc. " (Title 14-1 0-H-1 , Vail Town Code). Therefore, I have scheduled the application for the soonest possible Design Review Board public hearing, next Wednesday, November 3'. As you may know, the DRB will visit the site at their pre-meeting that day and then convene in the Town Council Chambers with lhe representatives of the applications at 3pm. Please plan on aftending that meeting. lf the Design Review Board or Staff agrees to approve the application earlier than that time, I will give you a call at 949 4998. Meanwhile, feel free to conlact me with any questions or concerns. 970.479.2454 November 18, 2004 Mr. Jeffrey Karl Smith 2892 A Kinnikinnick Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 2892 Kinnikinnick Road/Vail, CO 81657 Lot 1, Block 8/lnnsbruck Meadows DR8040567 Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you lor attending yesterday's Design Review Board meeting, during which the proposal was discussed to erect a fence on the southwest corner ol your property. Upon referencing a condominium map for the West Ridge Condominiums, it was found that the Gondominiums already have a sixteen foot (16') access easement upon their own propeny and therefore should not be using any part of your lot for access. lt is likely that the condominiums may have undergone construction at the north side of the building, in the absence of knowledge that the meager lot's access would be substantially limited. However, the Design Review Board is sensitive to your concems regarding neighboring access and suggested several solutions, including the planting of trees and shrubs, placement of boulders, and even a combination of vegetation and rocks with the split rail fence originally proposed. The Design Review Board is most interested in a proposal which incorporates several different defining elements that would provide both visual interest and the desired physical barier from neighboring ac@ss. In sum, the Design Review Board has directed that Stafi approve the application upon receipt of a proposal (site plan) which retlecls their comments. As we discussed, the utility companies' sign-off will also be necessary for final approval. Please submit the Utility Approval and Verification Form at the time that you submit a revised site plan. Please let me know if I can be of further help and thank you for your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 Fttt cuPr \-' 1lov ,4?O1 (rtz21p HOI.IE OUTFTTTERS s?o-+?6- laao Jeff Smith / Roger Egli p.1 970{.79-2452 Prg..: E Ffpnes e7G47*2# al/</ m$ fmfrNu DR8040567 Doar Elisabeth, We hope your holid,Ey break w6 rcstful and fun. Atach€d ple33e f nd 5 out of 6 of lhe utilily appmvals. As I mentionod in the w[ce mail to you I am still waiting on Comcasil" I cant lm4ine win tri frve offrers have given aPpfo\r{ that ComcaS has an lssue. lt just se'ems to be slulng-on the wor€ do6k at the momont, I have fo(€d and r€faxed atd mo€sage lfier m6sag€. ls there a problem in doeing this case with Gomcas{ to follovf? l3t tn€ knorr- I have also sttsohed the requested landscape drawins shonins mch bm and trees rather lhan ihe split rail fence. We have nb probtem upgaOing the p]oj€ct fmm a tenc€; il will only enhance botn propedics. We will be travellng fiom Monday 11ftlSlBlo Sunday 1215, horewr I will be able to retum voice mail' IS F\ Roger Egli .' lrlov,2? O.$ O1:?5p t '. Drclil ff Ull mllil fmtnl lilnilE S7O -.+76- 182O 97',4Ber4[,L TO 9709491O30 !?o-{?6- ra80 l{l l.oryul t{l HOME OUTFITTERS SILUERTHORNE HP HO]IE gUTtsTIIE.I's p. rt P,9lp,9NOU IA 2Ag4 6E:28 FR llov O9 O+ Ogt lgp lFe'l-il Utllr FE .b ..t,J flMtvllCl\ll,ll# f-Onb, /X/N&//k l/Elutlutvttttor|ltrElFrsur Thb hm -illt b E lt ftc EE ltoF d lno,urrsc ntr ncins_ru ?qirtg B F!F! sil, rgyrcr,and -trn b vurtf sqr,tc? rr t[4irid bqu& q v-coifrltoi ang girfo ur -rd-n ffir,ban mrrp.l€Fliltg y*rtlttty ggl nj Sldr*r InE|EFrrr' t+. rrn-ilr;&; -dhs C"!,;;F" r., *,oo*slE[ ne i,Uflnrrrt t Ur6 fdhrhg uillfir flr lprctat.dffiar- Csrttnrlr D!! eu,rf970.$r.mtftr)rlrtcE; EEE6,rl€m tt$,re-6ctoJrsr$dDtDsoa.@t EEH.ITEfl'TEfl'If CIIIat25a{0r5(ul &a(adRidrSb:ou HOLVcno5a!fltlc e0,9{e509t (ED sto.gro.{rf6 (?aO Coohd Tldl{rdv GreE|-HE6Y 370.24.{|l:lt{r.{ fuIE.G: l(ft&gut9rOZ!.{(n{ ftrOhcdYn.f6Z{04 l|ldlI|lrH,$rrEr, $ETA|':!q|DlgtilcT 97G475.7{S(bDgtqfrA,m9trut) Ctrrff REd|5lh! oIClSf drllt ero.94D.r:zH r rn (ql t709€.tltE (frxJ &nta4 Hald Sbr Hov l0 ilt s' L If UE udflty |P v.l e rr{tqtrr fo,ril h jggrrt fronr dt of UG t.lq tlrFI|iE and ne f!|ilftt lttfiEle dldy fi tftc fqn, frc 7qyn uil FEertE rtet?rtrn re no prubtar rd trc ditsriJr ett rcL 2" f f_toWCilt9an!lS cilqnsu,ilr thr purd sfirtlrrfirdllGflr{filipddn$ tsrrttyqtt,te'rilry€lfrffitlfrrati*,trn Fo prdbnuudr ndtofriErdrql. liegleuro Uror !c dEbt5rth E]l iltrctrrt & E dr Tom.6rvrl. !0rl€fi, dE rtlg h nm dlil t ir rFn rgurffiy d tE rtfyo4ay d uc *cdrtto rrdv. rbdH pmmr 3. llu- *rlGaabr do nctdtrrn llr sms dfhc c*md&E dhln a ffi $/tEllttflun dEhF u'|car dr tubtE urFt$ .E UE Tbrr Ot lfiL IIJF Elh nr*-h,oEd bglho fim ; rU gblc rtf+d4ilycr||illrEnBfr$lnlttluErdvfr. -rba'.a - f|Frdv. Tha Dwtb9iblaul'lrlfltd ililccb$b|rllt-oytsrE(rx||rErbrhawllcrfvr+,soderHnrfu4| ll|t|r.srmtEd c.rE rt3ffit In Eny Fy !frE ur.rdErbd JgnruE dG(urtertdptr't3dHiiory n(Etwfttln 6t Cermsnt la of 0fr |bnri terrFFCt'rStgrtnft ET ' ) l.lov. ,A7 O+ (l1i 25p r'r-1 i-o4: r :SatMil-g wEsT Nov O9 O4 o3: l6P HOl'lE OUTFITTERS 9?O-.t?6-1AaO i9aOa,tAnAT, 9?0-,+?B- I seO ,Hre ,.!ol^ot Flt2 Ga|hnGla Drtr HO},IE OUTF I TTERS p.5 i ?/ ? Pi3 llc-l!-8l !t:l2r Fnrlff G V lt l0fUln EtSt0DlHt et017tUnev '/.-- "t,r. f'rfvtyllclht\ll6p Htb,. I']ILTTTI"RDVTLIYEn:FIEffiFil Aueuhlgfh.hrg Q|nEsr 971t38{.0z't(hx)clihdc soB turtrgol *p,{6e5850 .Eon Shrp 9tL384.0ztE ffE IIIEI?REI'REGTS !rttl,26:24o76 (tEl) ettGtcbftttsbnEE IBYCESII.EIRIG 9?0,9.4.5892(H) 9?OJ't9.aS56r0Cffi.! TedHudV ErcA-EHTT e7q.z6a{GE(H 6nEc!i: XlEbgstgt0fEr@4 XtDoltd970,?5iL{0C r GtrnlYtn,trtTBr,silm^TdDltrrErgtu{?tttflt srG{75{(Fg(ufrcr Hd Et^u r t/rrlot/ (td) 04 rETT CDrG|srG|nr 970-9{Al20r ttz(|lI) 90.q9Jr:t8(E)ffi Hqd3rbr utfuB f- f tll3 ufitt Trord I vE frcrtan fum }Er ngn&rcr frun radr of the uf,y ccfiFrlq rd |! unEnE a! ma(b tfEcfyo.r tlE fttq, hToun rd prcnllt tn|t Ucrltr! no Fobl'rr' rnd |lc rSrdpun €n F@. Z S a uElity cillwv tE orrrns y|ift lh| tDncd sgndct thi r&y eprc=:rt|&r dr.I r|ot' dnaty on theufi[ryvdfic.dmfo|tntEfi€r€baproErttf,t{drnc.dtrobarcilhrd. Ttrch|eJ|orldE!]rbeffih an allodrd l$r' b dre Torsr .d vuL Hmrr, dG4 llrp h firr, uEt t b ttG tlrpfldb[y il gre ufty 6lumy ar$ tio aplatb rsolt'. E dftd D.otrte|tr, 3- Thes t e*lElitn3 do ndlelerre he oonlrete d the r+dmry b obtrtr a hlbls WEy krrrtlfDor Cre D:partnent of R$ltc $JA|.' il thrlomr Cf \/l[ of.rtEy crffiirulrttt !FTokoof lrl!-saar$t. The D.|'ebDer E rEs&Ed ard alrs tr sJbanfr.ty lEldsE drr,titg6 b Er uultr ftr rcepg@ & e{ffcoao r d|esuDtdhl4e|Ulrrlrfad [ranyuny ftrticudrorHsiO]EUJc&E(rtfEEnhlrtlitl**dlc*yndd uitn:h dto Onrrlrltaee d thb bnr). /7/Nffit//p- l/87 This frm srrer b vErttr that trrre psp$d imprownrts rrlll notjrrFat any a.Ifhg ,rroped uty tetat!+a]s abo b lcri& cErrE a/rrbury .nd bdidn tb rsv aridon' rnd drhrtd br -,r;!Tffi,c- rnr,grrrrE vof {ftv tE| and sdridr*'rng hGrfuss l* par id*ro grane lf;; fl-fFi6n, ana "aruresfiall berrbm[tEd bthe folor{ino uuln; fE .ptrilJad,rd*hr,r. .DltrchlErbggrgtrre . tf ov. ,2? 04 O I : 25p HOl'lE OUTF I TTERS I !h.0l.0l 9?O-.+?6-I8eO s7o-4?B-rBarllo.306E P, b,g F€g F.002rH Fr[ p.6 ilov!ov. 9. 10041+j3l,m Hsl|OLY CR0$trrees ! !!rt|| FIt-IL r UrIt dm[V lu.nfi elamd-t '(- '.t.r l:tyvll(lwll&- Htf,b,UAwerrnowilefurm T1|lftatsubrsnFrrlnfi*##HH gtrr,"effisffi'"+iffiffiffi ffiffi$fficH** Addr.{qr*TS fuimrtr fiIJWarA ilEt ET s40{9rq5 Sn|a.l THt{i}' !Eq,H48tF!.2e{0!tGgeEl 'il,lJ"tJL-,fuLb nFgrt9!^lEsi.fir(lifltu,aEtfc| drhta EiC!.EEilNHIIE]$[tlTtglEtrED su./otE7{O(utr-ltEltrosg0dqqte Hditio cblclsitcFnt 5,Utttt2l+rrr3(EDq{oJeerld@ - 'qEC Foydshn i@J.T#Jffitffiffig-ffiSffi*, L_.*i*",3*ffit"H*mH*#*tg*rl1{psryq'E,.g".'Ed'qurtrgJHgH *YiF.ifEffi frffi ffiliffifiEffi ffiHniffi.ggf*g3#Hrffi rffi A ffi fi iffi,EffiqiFV ntd te amrst I il*e-rt"tiffii1si *HffiH**IU"ldE{,![;,F-*ry b &h r ftrB lk, lrc rrul bffix=*-*FE -.- iQqrsr i9i0.x+.UsttEdffi Fdo,|t|oomrcee€o.Erstupy0jt{.!zt *!!.,|EITTETUJtrEELItsEJffitkrtEattHtiraac'Ef,raa$EEtrE 9[9ltJuznct , Npv' -e?O4 O1:25p HOME OUTFITTERS lsJ 19 'A4 t4:46 FR '{CE- EIGREY nog gg O.t O3;E3p HOIIE OUTFITTERS 9?o -.+?B - 18eo vn %2 4ffi TO 9f,4,9ts39 P-Or sz0-rl?B-r880 p.2 p.a llF0-lf 0l:ltr F Ft!f, 0t Ytll ililn mUnEI erltrum.Fu,+ '.tz) l:yvtluwl#_ Htrb,Ut!.fwlDf, E|Ar t rrEraE[Drr ]5ll=s qW tr* 9! rru iryunrrb ril n* : ffiffi##H#: T-nI P.0!tr!!t Ftn Cl|'urat, Efr lt/ptwur4 HE Qlult?g0!t{.0fsUiD0 ETNE4 bEOlrtng66grJO-{6AGSOE gEPgDstr-qag &E mF165ru319 9!,262,tm6(qlQirct Fdr Ss*m l]LYF'+q,T|lE9C9t sffirG)ct0fre.45E6hi) ontuts T.dFIdC sBtilHSiY emzEr{to@} cflD.tr!lQtogart$rE4{a+ tDcldlr0.a6zHG tr.tTo4E|dlrltElwrrErr. El'lluHtoilDsgttlCr 5ro.{r6.7tro(H}9Gflt.{mgEl6rb& HadHasL COrcl|sTEAII.E !t0,9+r.r2,!r x rl;r (tql FBE|SJUD(F0CnH! fuylsrhar 1. ! q ry.tiltr| f um!!ot| htn luc Cgr*|. fr,r,r dt ot d,c,rtry srFrra d Ip oluEEi !r!tllted|rryArdnfcur,ticTqr*ruafpter*h*firrerttp pnHaEoE'tEr*t$irrrrcer nrreU_ 2' lf arlllvotryrry ls cl|tgnc wlfi d; roF orryrEqrl !E rdilV |!FEIEI!vG Jr! 8ts rtecry onthc udryvrlffio fqn tE dtg-l !1a pmtfun'r*|dr neaJD tanEd.d.' lil-brffitd urst b! daoEc hrn dldrsr Frr t0 t|r Tqm€t vri- lElsni FeEG beO h |ttd drt {E r- ;ffifre, d 0E -nFv rtryry ad t|te4gbt o crtrlc CnUU fddrn 3. Thq urrfrdi*a do d tl-|E_$e E!t@ Gt tf|! trsorffryb dtCn r h* {Er A;ilr tu! tt . Effi ffi'tr#ffi $*^#tt!ffi lltt**r*.|grde- :tlh|5per E t€llttb ai Tle urtrnqu c|qt .'riEF E fte rffi t rsrFqyrl t G{uttur tdc rtrud cars ar -nu L.r.,.ryrcy *rfi uircu *furrl e turc cildJi-;d6tiffir|'-| ErqflErzcr d[fsftrn] O.dogcr/striltl e6r?F TDTH-MI,I 69 '84 1S:38 cf,n .a.E lB'a vi,PAE.91 {ti 'Nov '??o4 O1:25p HOI'IE OUTFITTERS 9?O -4?B - 1420 p.7 1{w-18-?001 l0:tE Fror.fiSD . ' tlrtf-la 0t:lb trrf0il C trtt -L. taL-, t rlt l) mfirll Ers.onHt t101781[8! u!4nil8 T-re2 P.001/001 F-e02 (nryrV&lhfi,ll& Hr'|1D.utan"|ltrirtflvnrmr.rn Iipqltl|q! E Eily rr,4uE rnrd hE ovl'|r'b $ilt.r'd cp b v,'dt dfiJ ifr abd.{c-uffi E-frff ;Effi H,ffi,Sffi 59ff * ry?AC yur trtflV *D lrtd stitfrrc rnsu;fi ffiirEi bEi;d;t, S'o-rfr';p urc *.po,* -t *ffi@ erdrs DFn tbor iur, ru ileE l-llt 9,ltl/!!l Fm fuirlrlnf, Drl &Hry1asP 4ffi $rErtgD5{0257(far)clilnb!l$QrlkgEr 9n$g.6ltoJarstsp3|70J!+045#Hffi** 6|tuERiChSEEE r|["fiocsatctn!3 9il.9{e_5a9t (u} f79,9slrNi6{hi)@ Trdmr+, qEEtlrEOY eo'3oeiESffdt&tCc xllAcgur]r0.Z62r@+ Jimohd90.zE{003 l flrneEBtf,tE,rslEflTlolt DEstfrt?gm{r6rr0(E0 s0rfTlilne lb|frtocl F|d}!lr rrnc|sTclt|I 91tlL9O.1t24a9316silgre"9r.il(tao - etbet ffi5blr r- r ne ttrJw lFPlUlr! e vsifictian h|l hc {m!.lt fiom ach ddr l@r EmlEJe+ id rE corusilr rnrEde dhdlyonfEbrnrrhcrourngptslr"ir*trgrrn,Dttil€rr"ad-fEdffiffie,rt{fllHtE, -- 3' If ._try anrtrrrrv trrt coanr udEr tt= prpd g;rg1etgt, !E n6ty cpeflfath. jr6 mb dt4ly qllie tt[ry trtffiffii tunr rtrrt drere ts o prricrn' *rl+-ifrE-d ind' iil xm il,,Jd ri; b, a|ft tidr dmra r€Er E rhe Tar.sf vtr, -lEqFlrr, r#d-na 6-;t-ft it-EE-Smid"Fffionpry rd thr rpprem D c*lw enel protidf tl-ts-df rsrqq qf,FF E tlr rtflttsfu nryurrf & |grseqlhr trd|abi {nGr" e (trs drric ffiny !E * T=sfnsl!.g'!d!Itl!_ft cGIu d rtr reonGry ts e, a hrbEc riEy E;oft ftun urtlp*tlrr|td hArE uvstr d U|c luh ClbaC.lF IEre6rrgyr lf Tgrr g-VrneEdrr. il Drrcop F llqltEi ttg tg[Gb rj!|nhuYEl qmr lb|E e|r |rEr€d n ertylE rb. 6lu{|Erltt tr Otrrrrt ur C !* fo+nr). hE Dec.28 O4 O1:52p HO}IE OUTFTTTERS..'No.,EC. ?.36q$rLsJzlAr'r xJEtl3s{, F*htrs ------_ e?o-.?3-lEuB'377 P'? P. r r*'0r'0f orrzr hn{il il_filL gtlrn TEELET T!|'lUn t-m ?.rn/!D r-or'c-'r'''-''t Q "H',lwlffi -'iiiadtttz t/@ffi s?o-+76-1eeo p.3 .trc s-quEl enr.!!{.orsr(tu1 CltDrtusffisffffi'ffiF*OllcbAar*rinr ffiLffitff*gzascrigdt;tAUC foanur*r EEtt* frt !o!ilttr0ltl{@4 JmOhrttro.?p.igB ffiHffiH; ---- sto.rz6.{GdbllOlG.f Ftrl-lEia corc|5|rc|!lE ----ffffit# dffi* rr, " -;lTg.ffi ;ffi E",S*g,:ffi gffi ," 2- !t! {try qrE tE qtFSffiffiffiffiHHffiffi l.rht-tsfltrb|rrdordtdffiffi.#Hffiffiffil#fl " r! I .Deq 28 O4 O1:5?p HOME OUTFITTERS 970 -4?6 - 1820 P. t{ ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, is made Bnd entered into this l6th day of December, 2004, by thc Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (Dieuict), a guosi-municipal corporation of thc Statc of Colorado, hereinafter refened to as "District", and Jeffrey K. Smith and Roger Egli, hcrcinafter referred to as'?roperty Owners". WHEREAS, Property Owners are presently the owners of certain rcal property described as 2892 Kinnikinnick Road (Lot 1, Block 8, Vail Intcrmountain), located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the District is presently in possession of an easernent, I 0' in widih, running through the aforementioncd property, said easement is described on Exhibit A, attached hercto and incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owners desire to consfuct permanent strucfures rhat will encroach upon said easemenl in an area approximately l0' x 60'. Said encroachment is herein described on Exhibit A, wlrich is attached hereto and incorporated herein byreference. WHEREAS, said casernent is an active casellent presently in use by the District. NOW, THEREFORE, in considsration of thc covcnanls and promises herein, thc partics hereby agree as follows: L The District shall permit lhe permanent structure to encroach upon said easement. 2. The Property Owners shall indemni$ thc District fiom the costs of anyrcpairs to the Distrjct's utility lines which may occur as a result of the conslruction of the permanent structures over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owners shall hold the District harmless from the cost of repairing any damage to lhe structures that may he caused by the installation of new utility lines in said easemenl, orby a break in presenl and ftrture ulility lines ofthe District, or by the repair of such break by the District or by olher maintenance of ils Unes. 4. The Property Owners shall indemnifu the District ftom any increase in the cost of couslruction of any new utility lines or in the cost of any repairc to rhe District's utility lincs, such increase, if any, due to the proximity of the permanent structures lo the utility lincs. 5. This Agreement shall bind the successors and assigns of tlrc Property Owncrs, and shall be appurtenant to and deerncd to run with and for thc bcncfit of the aforernentioned property in Eagle County, Colorado until such rimc that thc District abandons said easemeut. This Agreement shall be recorded against said property in accordance with the laws of the Srate of Colorado. FTI sWSDUREGSUORIVS\ENCROACHMENT\I{NNIKINNICX,DOCJANUARY 2(x)I t- .? dr.e . ?r ZA O+ O1:5Zp HOFIE OUTF I TTERS aE of thc day and year frst abovc written STATEOFCOLORADO COUN1Y OF EAGLE The 20O4bY Blobk D. ^. ) )ss ) rygs 6etgrowred*t "1]55*-",}}rtt11#ffi fload s-ot r' and Rogct EgUjrg€rops{ My "ftvl5 \6) | OcDb fut"rv .. . STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss fr-ot"ryPotti" My Comnission exPircs: B- \\ -?S'1 97(,-rl?6- laao ----\-_ p.5 B:- Gffisd"nifrffi i'*" "'ri::Or:r'+- ' -''., , fu*,# fl tr tlli smith residence t lo bbe toruce 2-1' refokrhg boulder 2-1' corlh bem {donfod wlth tre€s ord wldflowen for prtvocyl \',"n.,,,o*\f- 15' 9e\^et mcrrhole lO r)PA[ra(re Adc) rjTrr.rT\ t=a1€J.lENT p-edge of govel ddvet'troY o+ o (rl+! Io3 m oc -J'rl l-l -{-{ rfldo .D{o I+..to I o No ! N 3' o.-/ ;ol I tt wooo sratns wTH :l ,!,- It tt tt U -sts= uJI o-() ) I I I t[!J , ct) \@- I I It I I I I I coricRErE LANDING I I a8. (o 8',7.6s (is.r--2 STORY WOOD FRAME DWELLING ovl t LOT 1\ 12,524 Sq. Ft. 0.288 Acres(.1.r' F\t )-_2nd FLOOR r!,ooD DEC €o-.E-;.iR=-4E.;=---l dho=----.--.-- f*7.r'-t €^; l,;, o q- E.fN o to r-' N cE ! smith residence \'A \ \ \ ?P I l bluegros .2'colrrll l€N lO blue Ffuc6 rf44E 6 (/)-tl!o # o. o. Il.b F u) relolning bouHen berm -$ \nK, with Its€i ond wldflowes for ptvocvl \"t"n.",.r: mcnhde g-edge of grwel ddvewoY /nrtahwcbflbrdnws IoH certfitT(rvEuntlft Deign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Deparhnent of Communlty Deydopment 75 South Fronta0e Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,<om Proiect ilame: SMITH ENTRY Prciect Description: DRB l{umber: DR8070505 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ENTRY IMPROVEMENT Parffcipants: OWNER SMITH, JEFFREY KARL - EGLI, O9I24I2OO7 28328 KINNIKINNICK RD Vail co 816s7 APPLICANT SMITH, JEFFREY KARL - EGLI, O9I24I2OO7 28328 KINNIKINNICK RD Vail co 81657 Project Addrcsst 2892 KINNICKINNICK RD VAIL Location: 2592' A' KINNICICNNICK RD Legal Description: Lot 1 Block SuMivision: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS Parcel Number: 2103-143-2301-1 Comments: According to plans dated 9.20.2@7 MoUon By: Seond By: Voh: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalt 0912612007 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Tot rn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 dap following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued bward completion. Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00Planner: Minor ErGerior Alterations Application for Design Review Depiltnent d Community Devdoprnent 75 Sq.{i Fqttage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 H: 97).479.2128 tdj g70.ffi .2452 w€b: www.vallgo\r.coan Gemnl lnfonnadon: Af p]oi$ reql*E deign r€triil mLEt r€chre appro/al prior b $ibmiuirE a building permit apdicauon. Please r€tu b trE qtrnand Grf*ernerfs br lhe petirja #ord E|at is rcqrlesbd. An apdication br Design Rs/iew cdnot h @ted t.rilt d re$ii€d hlbrmalbn is re@hr€d by UE Csnmuity Dardoprnent Departmenl The proi?ct may also need b be rcvhrcd by the Town @undl ddlq the PlannlrE and Environmental Commission. tleign rwicw approt,rl l4ec rnlccc a hdldm pcmft ir icancd rrd concbrrcdon conrmences witlrln one ycr of thc agprou.l. Description d the RequerG location dthe Prcpcal: PhpicalAddrcee: llam{s) of Owner(e): llailing Addrccs:,(J. Phone:D. Oumer(s) Spnatr{r):Jcffrey t(arl Smilb ilameof Appllcanu Jrllreg Hart Snritb llailing Addresc;51qr-*z .zparcef n"., Aloi lV3zlotl Zoning:sr? (crntact Eagre c.o. oo"*o, ", g?6-g2Grrcet no.) \......---/ e g v,o \ / olm: iJ. Typeof Rwiewand Fee f\<":e <tirtG' I W\\ 1ffr0'r".-lD SiSns tr Ccnephd Re\rkrv O ltew CsrsfrnclirrO Addition B Minor AEratixl (multj-fdnily/qnmerci{) Z MinorAbratiofl (srnde-fanily/ddoo n Changes b Appro/ed PlarB tr S€paratim Reflest tCl PtE lt.(x) per sqtne foot of td {p aea. lb Fee $660 Fr qEtuctbn of a rEw tuildE a derno/r€hild. $3(x} Fa 't addirr r|tF€ sq,fie fudee is dd€d b any residential or Fa mlna dd|ges b brlldngs and slE lmprov€menb, sudr as, 'e{od.rgL pahu.rg, wlndovy ddtbns, lilGcadng, fenc6 and rffingwdb,eE $an F6 revbixrs b pla6 dr€ady approrcd by Planing Staff or the Deslgn Realew Boad, lb Re -@mmercid haldng 0nddes 250 addtons & Interior comrerstons). ffirt ntrr om6s o- uinnf ard $E amprove nents, suctr 6,\-/ rero*E pdrffng' wifibyr dtbns, laxbcaping frnces and 67- ov6-0 TOIilTPR@ERTYOWTIER WRITTE]I APPR(ryAL LETIER Jclfrey Hart ffil a trint owner of property located at provide this tvhkh have been submifred to the Touyn of Vail Cornmunfty Dendopflr€frt Depaftment br ttre propced impro/ements to be letter as written apprc\ral d the dans dated completed at the address noted abor€. I undemtard that B|e / 12-ik* Addltionalln plee clncl tlr statement below whhh b moet apdicable b you: I unffind ttpt flrlw tffitatixE my E nde b tE plaw a*q tE @urs 6 the rcvbw b ewure unphnce wfl, dE Townl aplbbb fu and tqulatflus. D I rqu& dretal nman+ mtq q W nhirt arc Ne b the ptarc o.Er the coar* of tle Eview ptw, E btought to ml auurtbt by tl'€ aplbnt fu &diwl arynnl Efore undergpltg furdrs twav btttlE Tortr. (/nt/ia/herc) je4twtt c;" Ae Ed lufllalw gr F:W fonc\fr6_dmr_+&2&'ApTdoc Page 2 of 13 *aa*aa'.aaaafa*fflttft+lt*****aaaafaf||ffaaaaaalaalaa+*ta**+*'3***tafaala*alt*fftaaaaa+a+**a*** TOWNOFVAII. COLTORADO Staremsrraal**aaafalalllaaaallaaaa++ff+tffa+ttaaaattfaafataal*aal**+afalaff+afaaat***+l*aallraaaaar}*+* Statenent Nurober: R070001950 enount: $20.00 09/24/2OO7L1 :2? Alrl Payment Method: Cash Inl!: iIS Notation: $/,'BFF SMITH Permj.t No: DR8070505 Tl4)e: DRB-ltiuor AIt,SFR,/DUP Parce1 No: 2103 - 143 -2301-1. Site Addreee: 2892 KINNfCKINIIICK RD VAIIJ Location: 2592 tAt KINNICrINNICK RI) Total Fees: $20.00 Ttrie Payment: $20.00 Total ALIJ Prnts: $2O.OOBalance: $0. oo +ltal*llltf*aalla*alaall+f++fffa+ffftfatla*****aal'tfa*ll***l*l*alalaaa*aaf,+++++aftftfltlltla** ACCOUNTITEMIJST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 CONCRElE TELE. PAD KINN\CKINNICK ROAD ( 5O' R.o.w') ASPHALT BIKE PAIH ! rr.r. ,ro 4F1020'33" R=372.55 L=57.25 CB-S7915'36"w CH=67.16 /d WATER SI]UTOFF k/ a:-- -o-_5 l)/ =^.s tt-o^ ,J6 -- () a/ FOTJI{O SURVEY MONU|rENT r-ll4' RED PLASITC CAP('qi RSEAR sr,.,MPtD LS 26526 *Y/ TRACT A LOT 4 FOUNO SUR\€Y MONUMENT 1-1/4" REO PLASTTC CAP UNREADASLE, ON '5 REEAR /: I 2 STORY WOOD FRAME OWELLING 12,524 Sq. Ft. 0.268 Acres GRAPHIC SCAI-E ( rx rEsr ) BLOCK 8 VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT SUBDIVISION ulo =Hxrx frEetr[g =f 8" H:3 -TFI =o If')6) 1\'/ \./ I FIi--l , as*cwooo _.--___!Fll | |m r-${ o.,'o6f IrEwsroMc^P \ ll] ll | |r ."Yfrsf,e€f!_-_\ ll''ill I i| "*"".ffffi t.N\fl l-*,""" iI ,.1 n )l i'l /l ,-su_r t'*n Itl i '' "., |- /,V ooo" I=ii:--ir#ffi i!fft: | |n**^*n t "-:'f, r. ". I i \,vrH Fra6slo)€ ;l t-1].-:.J IFAvRs f, l. :.. : Iil Ii''.' .. I iFewcof€r€tr ------1-l ,-.t..-.,r.,., _! i.-------'; /3\ ENTRY SEGTION J I /.1(8) (^J i'rli.n+i IlLli Iq6'xc wooo - ---ll ll l--r1111011r.916rco(uMN ltll I r ftwsronlc,P-\ lFll I I\tHt I i sro*r *.*," ^' - \ ll-ll I sAsr or rxBllrc -.- \ l; .il | 'co(uMN - -r-+ -\u-n- | |i'-.'---{.F.---1-l u; \1 '. 1 - I-l &, ra|lz .l r. _ | i i.;--.- 1.:|-:J_-'-l--{ L11+---]-| -+t-11 ,'.-::-:--::i-NE 'coNcFEE__ I,1 | .. .. . .l P^o ffrH Fr^Gsror cexx --2. pavERs oN ro'arr I il | ,aoNr,^cE ll -r r I _$y9o-tclFJ -----|-_-j __ | IFOOlirc !EYoND - i I I i i/?\ ENTRY SECTION : \ 14, / *-, 1/4-.1.{r re #ffi 't -A\\ i :| \ i-1,' ltl-l| _ \r_ll__-------Jil-l\/ //// l\ 1 Irurc l-:- #-- ,",tvrrArrr i ffi .J=T:.tI llill:t--i1--I il#l=[r-:t]-H--- l** uocsnocx- rsri - lm l_triliJilfiflfilil l:l T- l[ --j-*o'*ycq /7\ PRoPosED sroNE vENEER :i 'll ll- -- r'onlv'!r"R I ln flilUilutllltli, EJ)-T l qryq* l ll ll , Ery&E| ) Ellnlrn nlrrrla_+;: ffi.hgt c4 u - _- -:jffditH.'--:: ffi_""*l:;i.,FTffiH;;"'"| .;:--.--t-F"r-+r- l. ' f+=-ir\_* urlf-!,"'l 5vu.,'r"rcI \-'f*\-l-**""" ffi ffi ! -- cotoi^Do 'u,t I/T\PROPOSEDSTONEPAVERS iVrf sar No scarE j I -_t t_l ltloz Hxrx frEa trEgjf I, fr=.3r!F - =o llliEDf4 aa|f oEscrnfl€v ,rlot l;,;- -l I ** *-*-l i A2,I lli IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE LOT T, INNSBRUCK MEADO}TS KINNICKINNICK ROAD (50'RqW,- TOWNT OF VAIL County of Eagle, State of Colorado ASPHAI.I AIXE PAlll 10?0'33' CONCREIE TEL€. PAO 72 0EscRtPlloN Loi 1, SECOND AMENO ENI TO THE flNA! PL^T OF TNIiSBRUCk MEAOOIVS, occddhs to th6 Pl6t tnc.ol tlrld Jvly 17. 1996, in Bel 690 ol Po96 999 o. R.c.piio. No. 595989 ln th. Ollb€ of th. Cld* 6d R..ord.r. Town of voir. Eogr€ CoiJnln Stot. ol Colorodo NOIES 1) OAIE OF SURVEY: $rn.0l, 2004. 2) S]RE ADDRESS: 2692 klnnictlhnick Rood (po€l.d) l) Ih. l.9ol dr.crlptbn, ond r.cord a€..6.6t. t€.. dalwd tm th. SEcoND AI4ENDMaNT TO lH€ FINAI PIAT 0f TNNSBRUCI< ttEAOo$/s. o! r.l.r.nc!d h.r.in, ond Tiil. Co.nfrllmcnt Ord.r t Oa044E7 dol.d Moy 25. 200:1, prondld by Ih. Tlll. Compo.y or th. R6li.!. Inc. /t) hprov€hcnt3 ond Appor.nt D.cd Llno locotid. do bcld upon mmum..ts rol]nd oith. tihc ol thls &.8y, c $orn ond (!3scrb.d har.on. 5) S.tbocl{ hlo.notlo.r p.ovid.d by th. Tos or voll. 6) This propcrty ho/ bq sbj.ct to o Holy Crosr El.ctric A$ocl6tlo. l^c Unddgtqnd Right-of-rby Eosddt 10' in iidtt' o. rEdd.d o. .Iln. lO. 1995 ln Sook 670 Pog. 64'1. Tn. c. t.rlin. ol loid oo..m.nt i! on undrlrdnd por{ liDl rhicn opp.ff6 lo b. rithi. thc 20 P.d.st.ldr, Utlllty ond oroho{. Eosmal on lh. no.th.riy pdtion oi Lot 1, b{t4ii 6trrh€ -€ not .D.clllcolly d.3crib.d. 7) S.clion 8.3 ot th. Ah.nd.d R.stotcd Oat.rolrd ol Covtnools, Coodit,ois, R€'tri.tions ond Eos@at6 ol In.lb.ucl v.o<loi6 r.co.d€d O.c.nb.r lJ, 1996 h Book 7lJ oi PoE. 85?r o. R.c.ptlon No. 609aJ2 .rcot.n o 9!nsd .0.@61 upo, oc'o.3, ov.r, in qx, !.dtr lh. prop.rty lor Ingr.$ od .9r.$ ond ld i.6lollotion, r.Plo.e$t, ..pon, ond moht..onc. 6r orr utilitr.!. cERlncAIot{ b ."\ .U' DSL FEPEATER {--l "*"",',I l*tt "oo L-67.25 CB=579'1536'W CH=67.16 WATER SHUTOfI a rg o llr,f,t/EY xor$/fxrr-rl,r'i@ ?L^slE crt LS 2662t TRACT A I hd.by cc.tlfy thoi th! hp.ow-@t L@dtion Cdtificdt€ ror 9r.por.d ld J.fi..y (rl 56ith. Rogd Egli @d Ih. nti. Cmpony ot !h. Reti4. tnc. 6d th.l this i3 NOI o lo.d SurEy Plot, d lmp.o\€hart Suruy Aoi, od tfiot ii is no{ to b. r.li.d upon tor th.Btobli.hhat ol/dc., buildbg, q oth.r fqtw. ihprovchdls ri^6 /tu.thr c..tity ind th. in9ro€m.nt! d tb.6bovo dnlcrib.d porc.l on this dot€. $n6 oi. 20O,{. .rc.pl utlity c6.cctioi5, or. cntf,slt ,ithh th. boirndori.s ot tha Po.c.r, .rc.pt 03 Eboin, thot th... €. no.ncro.tchh.nb upo thG d.&.ibcd p.cmi*6 by ihproEmats on ony.dFhhq p.d|! s, .r@pl o€ lndicot.d, ond thol th.r. l! no APPARENT didanc. o. !ig. oi 6y co3em.ni c.o3th9 o. burd.nhg o.y port ot soid po.ccl. .rccPt os noted. I4 GRAPHIC SCALE td!{D 9JiVEY rorxfr{r (nElr) BLOCK 8 VAIL INIERVqJNfAIN OE!€LOPMENT SlJBDlVlSlol./ FOJNO IOICE: A.cd.0n9 to C.lo.o.lo ld" J6u lUSt Mm.n@ qly l.!€l ctkr bord lpo o.iy &t..1 h thl. Nruy *lthln th.o Fa.cftd FJ ftrt dl..ow.d sh d.f.ct. h ho Nnt. 6oy 6ny octio. bo-d op@ o.tt (.tGt h lhlr sNy b. .o|nddcat Do.. tno b lE! frm th. &tr oi cdlncoton $m h-.o.r, l-rl:' ar..|Jr crP I l,nfrD^arE, c F REEri l-1,2r' RED PIASIC CAP UNREAOABIE. CIN '5 RIE^n ASPI1ALT DRI\EWAY /\ ts wlH IANOTNG MARCIN ENGINEERING LLC P.O. Box 1062 P.O. Box 5018 AVON, CO 81620 EAGLE, CO 81631 rc70]l 748-0274 (970) 328-1900(e7o) 748-s021 FMTo) 328-1s01 F IUPROVEIIIENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE LOT 1, INNSBRUCK MEADOWS TOWN OF VAIL coutt ol E6c., at.t. ot c.ror.do NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PRO.JECT TITLE: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS #1 NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMTT Permit #: h-rt-...{- r(*-L-ss\ TIMES s9 5-017 2 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 Occupancy DwellingsPrivate Garages Table Date: 04/OL/L992 Fi reptace Inforoation: Restficted: YES 8ui Lding----) 1,128.00 Ptan Check---) 733.20 Investigation> .00 D ep artment of C ommunity Development APPLICA}TT SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE, VAIL, CO CONTRACPOR SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE LANE, VAIL, COOWNER AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 8L657 Description:NEVI P/S Job Address:Location... : INNSBRUCK *1Parcel No.. : 2L03-743-00-006Project No. : PRJ95-0101 81657 816s7 Type Zone 1 V-N Zone 1 v-N Number of Dwelling Units z 002Factor Sq. Feet Valuation 74 .0O 2 ,535 187,590.00 18 .60 489 9,095.40 SubtotaL l 3,O24 196,685.40Total Valuation: 1.96,685.40 Adjusted Valuation: 195,685.400 dof Gas Logs:fof l,,oo'd / Pa l, L et : .00 Totat Calcutatcd Fees--->5,017.80 200.@ Additional, Fces---------> .@ 453.50 Totat Perrit Fee--------> 3,017,80 Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . ISSUED 06/05/ree5 07 /3L/Lee50L/27 /7ee6 Phonez 3034'165263 Phonet 3034765263 Town of Vail fof Gas Apptiances: 2 ffiffiffi**ffffi***# FEE SU 'IARY *iffi*****ffi**#**ffi**ffiffiffi*l**** l.litL Catl.---) Restuarant Ptan Revie!r--> DRg Fre------- R!creation Fce----------> C Lean-Up Drposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- 5m.m 3,017 .W 3,O17.U .O *****fr t*ttffi**ffi **f,*****ff *ffi ****ffi ffit*****ffi ***ffi ffiff *ft ffi ffi ff *ffi ffi t*t*t*t*ffi ffi ffi **** 1.00 rteM: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT o6/05/L995 DAN Acrion: APPRItem! O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT O6/05/L995 DAN Act,ion: AppRItEm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/05/L995 DAN Acrion: AppRItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKSo6/o5/L995 DAN Action: APPR BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division: FIRE Division: PUB WORK Division: Dept Dept Dept Dept ffi tffi *r****ffi*#ffi *******H#****s****t****t****tr*****ffi ffi See Page 2 of thiE Document for any conditions that rnay apply to thie pernit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorl'cdgc thlt I have read this appl,ication, fil,l,.d out in ful,! the infornation .cquired, coqrtatcd an accurat! plot plan, and stltc that at[ the infornation provlded as requirld is correct. t agrcc to conpty rrith the infolnation aM ptot pl,an, to conpty Hith.tt Tovn ordinanees and ttatc [avs, rnd to buiLd this structuf! accofdinE to th. Tovn, s zoning and subdivision code3, design rcviev approved, Unifom Buitding Code and other ocdinancas of thc Toyn appticabte thcreto. REqUEST9 FOR II{SPECTIOI{S SHALL BE TIADE TI.'ENTY-fOT,IR HOIJRS II{ ADVANCE sSend Ct.rn-Up Deposit fo: SORNE RECYCLED ******************************************************************************** 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Permit *r 895-01?2 PAGE 2 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of o'1/3L/9s Department of Community Develapnent SIaIus: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMITApplicant: SNOWSHOE DEVELOPMENT Job Address:Location: INNSBRUCK #1Parcel No: 2103-143-00-006 Applied: 06/05/L9e5Issued: 07 /3L/).995 ******************************************************************************** ***********************************:?I3]TI?I:-.-******************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME INSPECTION.2. ATTIC SPACES SHALL HAVE A CEILING HEIGHT OF 5 FEET OR LESS, AS MEASURED FROU THE TOP SIDE OF THE STRUCTURAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTURAI-, MEMEBERS OF THE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. {p'n'o-'uo ft !***********************************************************it**** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt *******************************l******************************** statemnt Nurnber: REC-0050 Anount: Palrment Method: CK Notation: L532 2,8L7.8O 07/3L/95 11:49Init: AB Fernit No: Parcel No: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 TotaL Feee: 2,8L7 .80 Total AL,L Pmts: Balance: Description BUII.,DING PER],'IT FEES PI.,AIT CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILI CALL INSPECTION FEE 3r017.80 3, 017 . 80 .00 Anount 1, 128.00 733.20 895-OL72 Tl4)e: B-BUTLD NEW (SFRTP/SrDI'P) PE 2103-143-00-006 INNSBRUCK *1 ********************************!t******************************* 500.00 453.60 3 .00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PCrNit #: E95-0115 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTFACTOR OWNER Description: E tectri cat---> DR8 Fee Invest igat ion> tli tt cat t----> TOTAL FEES---> Department of Community Development TRI PHASE ELECTRIC P O DRAWER 920, GYPSI'M CO 81637 TRI PHASE ELECTRIC P O DRAWER 920, GYPSUM CO 81637 AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 NEw P/s Phonez 3039490249 Phonez 303949O249 Valuation: Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 133.00 .00 .00 3.00 136. 00 ]NNSBRUCK 1 2t03-t43-00-00 6 PRJ95-0101 Status... Applied. . Issued... Expires. . ISSUED 06 /0r /ree5 07 /3r/Lee50r/27 /ree6 8, 000 . 00 ffi*ffiffffi*ffiffi***ffiffit**ffi FEE SUllt'IARY #ffit***ffit**ffiffi***tr****iitrffi*ffi*rffi****t#* TotaI catcutated Fees---> Additiona[ tees--------> Total Permit Fee--------> 136.00 .00 136.00 136.00 BALANCE DUE-_-- 't***ffi *'tffiffi ffi ffi *ffi *ffiffi H*ffi ff **ffi **ffi ffi **ff ffi ft *****ffi #******* Item: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: ***ffi*'(iffiffi******ff*t**ffi*t********fl**tr*ffi*ffi**ffi****ffff*ff#ffi*********1ffi*td***Hff********ffi* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ,r*ff ffi ffi *ffi *!t**'t******ffi *fi ffi H*****tffi ffi **tri*ffi ***ffi ff **ffi *****ffi *******ffi DECLARATIONS I hQrcby acknouledge that I have read this application, litl,ed out in futl, the information rcqui red, conpLeted an eccurat! ptotptan, and state that atl the inforoation provided as required is conrect. I agree to cornpl,y riith the iniormation and pl,ot itan,to.compty lrith al,l, Tovn ondinances and stste [aus, and to bui[d this structure according to the Torrnt s zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and othcr ordinances of the Town appl.icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOT{S SHALL BE IIADE TI'ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY {S*oto"oruo ************************************************************!a*it* BOWN OF VAIL, COLORN)O Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-OO5O Amount: 136.00 o7/3L/95 11:51 Payment Method: CK Notation: 1532 rnit: AB 895-0115 r]pe: B-EIJEC ELECTRICAL PERMTT 2103-143-00-005 INNSBRUCK 1 Total Fees:135.00 Total ALL Pmta: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Location: This Palznent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES I{ILL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 136.00 136.00 .00 Anount 133 .00 3 .00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLIJMBING PERMIT Pernit #: P95-0081 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorado 81657 97 0-479 -2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Pl,an Check---> 45.mlnvestigation> .0O l,litl, CalL----) 3.00 Department of Community Development APPLICANT BEAVER CREEK PLT'MBING & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BEAVER CREEK PLTIMBING & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVON CO 81620OWNER AM BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRTDGE ST, VArL CO 81657 Description: NEW P/S Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. INNSBRUCK 1 2103-143-00-00 6 PRJ9 s-0101 StatuE. , . Applied. . fssued. . . Expires. . Tota( Catcul,ated tees---> Additional Fers---------> Totat Permit Fee-------> ISSUED o6/oL/Lee5 07 /3L/teesor/27 /Lee6 Phone: 3Q39497523 Phone: 3Q39497523 Valuation:12 , 000. 00 *iffi**ffi*#******fEEsul'|l.|ARYff****ffi*lr***ffiffi**$****fi****ffiffi*itr****t PtunbinE----->180.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--).00 TOTAL FEES----- 228.00 .00 228.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---_ffiffiffi****ffiffi**itf***tffi*****t********t**i****tl#ffiffit******rtffi**i****#***ft*ft**i** Item: 051OO BUTLDING DEPARTMENT06/0I/1995 CHUCK Action: APPR Dept.: BUILDING Dj-vision: *lk**'tlr*rk,tffi***fi ***#*ft lt'r*t****lrJ(ffi **ff ***'. *,t*ffi ***t**ffi ffi ff ***ff *ffi **ffi **fi ff ffi****#ff ff ****ff ****ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAI, ffi'rJr*,.****ffi*ffi****ffi****ffi*******ffiffi******ffi**************#********fi*ff*ffi******ffiffi#*#* DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknontedgc that I hav? read this apptication, fil,ted out in futt th! information required, conpleted an accurate plot ptan, and state that att the infornation provided as required is correct. I agrcr to cornply vith the infornation and pl,ot ptan,to cottpty vith al,t Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structur. according to the Town's zoning and subdivisibn codes, design reviev approved, Uniforrn BuiLding €ode and other ordinances of thc Torn appticabtc thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIEIITY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY {2"ono"o'u* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt *******t*******!r*******!r*********!****************!******!r!r******** statemnt Number: REC-0050 Anount: 228.00 O?/3L/95 LIz52 Payment Method: CK Notation: 1532 Init: AB Pernit No: Parcel No: Location: This Palanent Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41335 Total Feea: 228.OO Total ALL Prnte: Balance: Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI,L INSPECTION FEE P95-0081 Tlpe: B-PLI,IB PLITMBING PERMTT 2t03-L43-00-006 INNSBRUCK 1 **************************************************************** 228.0O 228.00 .00 Anount 180.00 45.00 3.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Pernit #z 1495-0227 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970479-2452 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: Department of Communiry Development INNSBRUCK MEADOWS #1 PRJ95-0101 Status. . Applied. fssued.. Expires. ISSUED L2/2L/Lee5 L2/22/:-ees 06/te /ree6 APPLICANT BEAVER CREEK PLUMBING & HEAT - P O BOX 62s, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR BEAVER CREEK PLIJMBING & HEAT P O BOX 625, AVON CO 81620OWNER A},I BROS DEVELOPMENT INC 288 BRTDGE ST, VArL CO 81557 Description: MECHANICAI FOR MAIN UNIT AND LOCK OFF UNIT Fireptacc Information: Restricted: Y gof Gas Apptiances: 1 Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: .(P Totat Catcutated Fees---) 17E.00 Totrt Permit Fee-------> Phone z 3039497523 Phone: 3039497523 7, 000.00 #Of [ood/Pat Lrt: *lr******|*ffii*ffir***ffiffi FEE SUnnARY *****tfrffiffi*ffi*1ffiffi**ffiffiffi* l,techanicat-_) Ptan chcck-> lnvestigatiorDuitt catt--> 140.00 35.00 .00 5.00 R.sturrant Plan Revieu--> DRB F TOTAL FEES-*------>> .0o Additionat Fres------>178.00 .00 178.00 178.@ BALANCE DUE----**ftffir******.i***ltffittt*t***t*lhtffi***tt**trHr*t**tfff,ff**H*t*iffiffirh**rffi***ffi*ffiJr:ffittffiffi* IteT: 051OO BU]LDING DEPARTMENTl2/2L/7995 CHARLIE Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divisionr CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. CoI{BUSTION AIR rS REQUIRED pER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 ItMe.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIOIIS AWOTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ SEALI, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED rN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 rrMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEE.sO5 AND703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. BOILEtsS SEALr_, BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING;_7. PERMIT,PIANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED rH MeCHaNTCeLROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERsqpplJy BorLEB.s-$HALI., BE EQUTPPED WrTH A FLOOR DRArN Fnn Sne-.2119 0F THE 1991 tMC. *********!*********************************************************************** DECLARATIONS l.hcreby ackmrledge thEt I heve read this apptication, fil,ted out in futt the infornation rcqui red, compteted an !6curate plotptan, cnd state that alt thc infornati.on provided as required. is correct. r agrer to conpty riittr tirc iniornation and pl,ot il,an,to coopty vith alt Tot{n ordinanccs and statc [avs, and to bui td this stfuctur! accordlng iothe Toyn, s zoning and subdivisibn {j*oouoruo tniton AIi tding cod. lnd othcr ordin ncca of thc Tom applicabtc thcEto. BE i 0E IIE!{TY-Foi R }tOrJRS lr{ ADVAflCE 8Y TELE?}IOIE 0R AT otl otFlCE iRoll E:m Ai 5:00 Ptl D ep artme nt of Community D are bpme nt75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138479-2139 FAX970479-2452 $*'* .".;;:;:il1 .?t.:filiit-Hr# ilffi:. - I. *.. r,r:;" l;;;ffi ,n:it tx111ry-t111!rq!"+ : =* nluetrroa-_91"-ll--::::---------::[-w.nANrcAr,PERMrtr tt*tex TK-'gl3l* "IsBn'"lT;, FeeE3 li::33 'hig PaJrment 1?8'OO Total ALL Pmts: 'O0 , * * * rt rr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :: ::* * * * *??l:l:: I " * * * * * * * * * * ;;;.. \cqll: :?:?, ..'iiffi'*t:il"P'Rryrr FBE' '::,* i;";il6 4\1t^7 l';i*&icx-gr-3^,nror FEE 1193l H;; -'\111 iH Elli"'iG""'i9l-1'-"-ii 6ooo +rg16 Dauf*oas^ owners Name: /1 n^ hz6 P 4 L)Address: RO -Ary- gb gr /* L pn.4)6. f?A' Architect z IWV Address:pn.rl7t. l>d Generat Descripti on VLt !4,q-tZ ^ 5Z? , on-r"aoz A4'work class: 1p/vE1'v [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: fuA Number of Accornmodation Units: O J ^Xd"" and Ttrlpe of FLreplaces: Gas Appliances #--cas Logs_ I{oodlpel}et_ &*** **** * ***** *** ************ ** * * * VALUATTONS ***** ******* * *********** *********t I *4,* ,> ^;\BUILDTNG: $, 06z)ELEcTRrcAr,: $ Bz @ PLI'MBING: i t'2- oa MECHANICAI-,: $- Address: Electrical Contractor: fE-, Address: T-own of Vail Reg. No.4?/-4' Phone Number: Town of vaiJ, neg. No. //9-F- Phone Number: Toqrn of vail Reg. no. /414Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: 7Jf .o PLUMBTNG PIAN CHEcK FEE: -TMECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: _ Plunbing contractor: [4,0 Aaen-- c+er e &C-Address: ,/, ra z- ^.?d t Mechanical Contractor:Address: - ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE *** ** * ****** *** **************** BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: I.IECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: OTHER TYPE OF FE;f.r U.,tLLqltLDRB FEE: \ oo E BUILDING: STGNAII'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE! CLEAN TIP DEPOSIT BEN'r|D *,JJah<ra- pa++t . MEMORANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY9,1994RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMF'lS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit': NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ts demolition work being performed thal requires the use of the right ol way, easements or public property? 3) ts any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ,t/ -/ _/ ./ ,/ YES7 / ,t' 7) ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permil" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Developmenl. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, thE Town' of Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-215f. I have read and answered allthe above questions. [ANgULtcKt{t^PlNgapSf( f/ro",r5(€ -QcrL {->?-?__s Job Name Contractor's Signature Date 75 soulh frontrge road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: off lce of communlly devclopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WITII THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC !{ORKS/COMMI,NrTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to r'itter, track or deposit any rJirr-"""r, sand, debrisor materi'al , incruding trash iumpsteri, portabre toi.lets andworkmen vehicles. |pon-any streetl siaewaik;-;ii;y or pubric -qf?:" or any portion theieof. The right_"i-wiy 6n arr Town ofvail streets and.:g"9" is approxinateiy 5 ft. Lfi pavement.This ordinance srirr be. striltiy -enrorcla-uv-it"-i"wn of VailPublic works Deoartrnent. peri6ns found vi6rating this ordinanceyill. be given a 24 hour writren ""1i""-ti-;;;;"'=aid nateriar.In the event the person so notified.does not cornpfy with thenotice within the 24 hour.tirne speciii;;,-'ti"'iiitric worksDepartment will remove said nateii"i-"i-irr"-'"rilire of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shaLr not beapplicable to c-onstruction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in ttre-iltti-"_r.y. To review ordinance No. e in furl, please stop by the Tovrn ofY:l_1 llilding Department ro obrain a copy. tlani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) lmn 75 aoulh lrontrg. road urll, color.do 81857 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 olflcc of communlty dcvclopmcrrl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this p"rTit 1equi1e9 g Town of Vai.l Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s. (.pubric l.rorks) reyiew and apirovai,'i iiiiiiini'bepartm"ntreview or.Health Department.review, anb'a_review uy ttre 6uiiorngDepartment, the estinated time for a tstar ;""i;;;"i'Lii'is r6ngas three weel(s. A'll corrnercial (larqe or small) and all multi-family permits wi1lhave te follow itre ilove menti6nec-maximum requirements. Residentialand.sma'l 'l projects_should take a lesser annund of time. However, ifresidential or smaller_projects impact the various auJu" mentioneodepartments with reoard to-necessaiy review, tf,ir" p""j".Ii"*valso take the three-weef perioJ. Every attenpt wilt be rnde by this department to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Corrnuni ty Development Department. lnwn 75 .oulh tronlage roed vrll. colorado E1657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ofllcc of communlty dcyclopmsnl BUILDING PERt'iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this peryrit lequires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s (.pubri. wgl[:l review and approvat,'i piaririini'bIp.rt "ntreview or.Health Department review, anb'a_review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estimated time for a totar ""ui""-ilay LIE'is rongas three weeks. f]] cgrrngrgial ('rarge or smarl) and ail murti-famity permits wilrhave to fol'low the above mentioned maximum requireminii."iesioentialand.small projects_shourd take a resser amount or lime. Hoiever, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various auove mintioneodepartments with reqard. to necessary review, tt"t" p"oj".tl"*yalso take the three-week perioa. Every attempt wilr be made by this department to exped.ite thispennit as soon as possible. - I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time fFF,rEWfu Corrnuni ty Deve'l opment Department. 75 soulh f?onlrgc rord Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECI: offlce ol communlty deyelopmcnt ALL CONTRACIORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED I{ITH TIIETO!{N OF VAIL TOWN Or VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COUMITNTTY DE\rEIOpltENT ltARcE 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,TATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track.or deposit.any ,Jif,-r"ri, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trash iunpsteri, po.i.ri" toir.ets andworknen vehicles. upon. any streetl =ia""aix, -;ii;y or publicpl?ge or any portion theieof. The right_"i_;;t-;n arl_ Town ofVaiI streets and.:g"-ds is approiinateiy 5 ft. 6ti pavernent.This ordinance wirl be. striLtry -entorc-ea-ry-irr"-ror' of VaiIPubLic works Department. persins found viiratinq thi_s ordinancewill. be given a 24 hour written i"ii""-ti-;;;;;'="id rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified-aoes noi--cornprv witb thenotice within the 24 hour.tine--feciii;,"if"-t5ric worksDepartrnent wirl remove said nateiiii-"i-iil-;6;;;e of personnot_ified. The provisions or irris ordinance sharl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, r"int"ratce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in tte-ri9ii-"_*.y. To review ordinance No. 6 in full , please stop by the Town ofYil-r Building Departrrent to obtar.n a copy. tlani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledsed bv:Y B."L,U- 4rp zzutza/ac-.t:7 \ (i.e. contractor, owner) f= == q'--f U t-ilEMORANDUII ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTiIENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 1) 2) YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? fs a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" ? 1required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, pafting or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? ItJgY. "lgyttgd yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at Cg.TTgItttV Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, d 479-215€'. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 3) 4) s) 6) 7l 8)K Y REPT131 TOI^,N OF VAILr trOLORAD0 PAGE ALIOA/i6 Q6:4Q REGIUESTS FOR INSFECT.IBN I^IORK SHEETS FOR: L/ E/96 AREAI CF Oee: OOtZtT Use: V N F,hone: 31034765363 F,hone: Fhone: 3034765t6f, Fhone ! 479-8781 Activity: 895-O17P L/ B/9A Type: B-BUILD Statr-ts: ISSUED Constr: NSFR Address:Location: INNSBRUtrK *1 Far.ce I I llO3-143*lZtO-AUt6 Desc'"iption: NEH tr/S Appl icant : SNOI^ISHOE DEVELtrtrMENT Owner': AM BROS DEVELUFMENT INC f,ontt.actor': SNOI"ISHBE DEVELOFIYIENT Inspeet ion Reqr-test Inf ot'mat ion. . . . . Request or': St ual"t B0r"ne r.rnitsReq Time: tZtS:OO Conments: both Items reqr.rested to be Inspected,. |AO03O BLDG*Framing Comme Act i on : BtrFR AF'F'ROVED Actionr AtrtrR AFPR0VED Act i on : AtrtrR AF F'ROUED Inspect ionIten: Itemr -l I l DN DN ILC NOT APF'ROUED ILC NOT AF.PROVED I I .] NR VENTILRTIT]N -ni ffdrv! . : . .=Jr*t u/'-y I 00514 trW-Drive bf Inspection c'araltzt BLDG-Foot ings /$t ee I A8/Og/93 Inspectot': CF Iten : arzrDerzr ELDG-Foundat ionlSteel AA/eA/53 InsFector: DS Iten: ftet. Btl trLAN-ILC Site Plan fil/A3/96 Inspeetor: GE0RGE Item : 0tAraSO Bl-06-Framing Ul/b?/96 Inspectot'! CF Action: AI/A4/96 Inspeetot': CD Act ion I Item: 6@fi4(r BLDB-Roof & Sheer trlywood Nail Iten: 0A05Cl BLDG-Inst"rlat ion Iten: 80060 BLDG-Sheetroek Nail Iteml OO08O BLDE-CounteEy Iten: 0'AA7A BLDB-ftlise. eL/A4/96 Inspeetor: CD Act ion: Iten ; 0A69rZr BLDG-Final Iten: 44530 BLDG-Temp. C/A Itenr O054O BLDG-FinaI C/O I l-Ol-lSr95 I l,!r2Pf'1\ P.I Gerold J. Schle el mnsufingengircer October 9, 1995 Field observation of Pedotta Resldence,VaiI, Co. ehon. ll0ll a:r'9415 6t03.stca tiv., rvdi. cdhrtdo Sdloa #1. fnsbrookr'Meadow$, For garage slab, place adrlitional slab ovcr €xistingr use 5" thlckness at.inside end, slope to 3'r thickness G overhea.d door. This slab to be bonded to existing grade bean € outside walf. The exterior posts at the entry appear Lo Ue more than adcquate- Floor joist @ first floor are space 0 16o oc rather than 24" occalled for on the plans. Ihis wlll provide a stiffer floor. Add hanger at intersect.{on of mlcorlan beams at the rear. At theinside end, add bent plates and bol.ts, similar to other connections used - The lumber with wane- bark or lack of wood at cdrners of somestuds- is acceptsabl,e since the menrbers were graded and stamped. At the front entry, the Lower header is adecluate with a eingle trimmer G each end since the header supports only the qlass,A'rall frami.ng above. Over the fanily room, add straps to rafters over the ridge to tie together. Aleo add 2-2x10 to cantllever-beslde J.-2xL2 ridge beam* extend into roon to second rafter, nail and use framing angles-L5O or equal on each side 0 ineide end. Adct addtional stud each side of big window, fulI height each side. wi*r the minor adrditions or.rttir,"a above, the f,raming is ingeneral cooformance irith the plans and ls approved. <"- / \r- i(,3279 ,1"; f&"*--.,-*tilAH6i-P PAGE 18 AREA: CF REPT131, Lr /ee/96 TUWN OF VRIL, CULI]RADO 06:58 REfiUESTS FOR INSFECTItrN WORK SHEET$ FURTII/ee/96 Fletivity: Flddress: Loeat i on r Ftaree I : De scn i'pt i on : Appl icant: Owner: Eont t aet or r Statusr ISSUED tronstrr NSFRE95-4115 Ll/Ael96 Type: B-ELEC INNSBRUCK 1 4103- 143-0@-006 NEN tr/S TRI F'HASE ELECTRIC RI{ BRT]S DEVELT]trMENT INC TRI PHASE ELECTRIC Oec: Phone: Fhone: Fhone: Use: 3O3949qre49 3039490449 Inspeet ion Reque st Requestor: STUART Req Time: O1:€ttZt'Items requested to Cua190 ELEC-Final Information.... BT]RNE Eomment s : be Inspected,. . Fhone:479-8781 Act i on Cooment s --i /, Ti 7/ me Exp Inyrect i on Item: Item: Item: Itenr Ite.m: History..... OO1lA ELEC-Tenp. Fower 60leta ELEtr-Rough At/AE/96 Inspectors LPU OI/64/96 Insnector"r EG OOl3O ELEC-Conduit 06146 ELEtr-ltlise. AI/V4/96 Inspector: EE AAl9A ELEC-FineI //-z/-24 Act i on: AFPR Aet i on: A Act i on: A MnIN UNIT 0NLY, GFISIBnTH I I I e County Aeseesors 8640 for Parcel /1. l)offlce Y TOT{N OF VATL CONSTRUCTTONI/, 95-oto lPERI'IIT 'IPER}IIT APPLTCATTON FORM DATE: UfucAddresE: l-Alteration I l-Addltionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-otber Nunber of Accommodation Units: *t**** Architect: ceneral Description: l{ork Class: [ ]-New I Reg. No. BUILDING PERI.TIT FEE: PLUUBING PERUIT FEEs I'fEC!IN{fCAL PERUfT FEEs ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ** *** * ** **** * ** * ** ** * *** * * * **** BUTLDING PI,AII CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PLAN cIIEcK FEE8I.IECHANTCAI PI,AN cIIEcK FEE: RECRE.ATTON FEE: CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES3 l l BUTLDTNG:t-t_t_t_l STGNATURE:l_l_l_l_l zonnc:!-_t-_l_t _t STGNAflIRE: Legal Description: r,ot ,L. efocf- ,rrrn owners Narne: llll2tau+ nauga-b,fu/"ddress: n.d_ B af +>a"f _rn,Q- sslg Nunber of Dwelllng Units: >._ ftu"t and Tlpe of Firepraoes: cas Appli.rr."=l Gas Logs- wood/pellet- J|f** * * * ***************** ** ** ******* VALUATTONS * ******************************** BUIL,DfNG: $ PLTIMBING: -,tI ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * **lEenerai conEractor: -K. ELECIRfCAL: S orrrE:p. lrEciiAt*'icA t, rZW- idil ; Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Address: * **** *** ***** *** *** * * * * * * ** ** *** FOR Mechanical contracxorrbf ,tqL t&Yer? Pbcc-- Town of Vair Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail I enone Nunber: Town of VaLl Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Connents: 75 3oulh f?ontage rold Yril. colorsdo 81557 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECI: otflce of communlly devclopmcnt ALL CONTR,,ACTORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED WITH TIIETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMITNTTY DEVELOPMENT !,IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STOR,,AGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.any,oifr-"o.L, sand, debrisor naterial, inclu-ding trash it,,rnpster3, p-ii"Ui" ioilets andworknen vehicles, upon. any streetl sidewalk, alley or publicPl?ge or any portion theieof. rhe right-of-way on arl Town ofVail streets and.:3ug= is approiinateiy 5 ft.-lti p"*r"r"r,t.This ordinance rrll b..;at-i;irt--lnforced by the Town of vailPublic works Departrnent. pers6ns found vii,riiing this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour written-n"ii""-t"-;;;;;"="id nateriar.In the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within the-24 hour.tiur"-sp"cified, the pultic worksDepartment wirr renove said nateii.t "t it"--""i.ise of personnotified- The provisions "r-trti=-"raii"iliI :f,fii'not beapplicable to cbnstruction, -ruinl=nuttge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ,i!ni-"-r.y. To review ordinance No- 5 in fur-l, please stop by the Tovrn of:::i"::ii:i"3"o:f,ifff*":a--oriii" a copv. rirani vou ror your ositionTnelaEl6i6j.p= 75 roulh tronlrg. .oad Yrll, color.do 81657 lsut'l 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otflcc ot oommunlly dcyclopnrtrl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAiIE If this perylt requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (public rgllrl review "nd app"ouur,'i iiinnini'b.pu"un"ntreview or Health Departmint review, ani'a_review uy ilre 6uiioingDepartment, the estinated time for-a tstar ";;il*-;"i"Lil'i, rongas three weekE. A'll conrnerc-ial '(]arge or smar]) and alr murti-famiry permits wi.[have to follow ttre iuove rentioneJ-raiimum requirenents. Residentialand.small projects shoutd take a teiier-amount of time: However, ifresidential or smarrer.projects tmpaii ttre vJrious;;;;" rlniloneadepartnents with reoard' to- necessai"v r"uiir,-ih;;; ;;;j;";;';yalso take the three-weef perioA. Every attempt wiil berlFge bv this departrnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - l:-I!. undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timerrame. Comrnuni ty Devel ooment Department. rb, FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a'Public Way permit.: NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easernenls or public properg? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4') ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditlerent acc€ss needed to site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atlecling the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the righi of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? - B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? YES / ./ / ,/ ./' // -/ !f19u- a19wet9d yes to any olthese questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or atCg.r.nqu1itf Development. lf you have any questions please callGharlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construc'tion Inspector, at 479-2158. read and answered allthe above /s Signature ( ,t /Ur,ltd4utL# //2-rf,-7t I 3 Town of \ruf BorL-Era Rr\LCOFH$ECOPY ?Jor LFrc / st ",.rr tco.ooo BrU\ . ) t'a *o*a sEqVtCE +"T3 v€,\,rr -Tt ttrSBQt-lCk 1 +-r r "gl ,l" roA \:tl..} . [o" r-<tsrtt i< ' To ovrfsio€ t + Rs-rr6e.vr looroued ,-;',it'l,C Flre n I ni'l lr rl LJ Valiijjty of Permit S-"c. lJ.1i (c) i3 U.B C. \ - Ioum ol Vall CommunlU.# DovoloomentKo,rlP' ,r,o Hoar$ DATE: p53ritT' .ron r.raNr=f^ ":h, !_IJA ffi rrorLER rene /8O KAxeil- Fox suFpLy co /odl Dsi )\ttC|.J! DccR Al:e* 550 R w vt t_t W t{ w H h, F TEI"IF D I FF Roor4 NAr,rE f ,,,,.., Pr^+ ---*.ru"t /i.5 J te-ncru / 4 t,lrirrH /J,5 EXFosED T,JALL LGr-r.{ _eL TJALLS l{/opENrrvos 2 __ t4lrlpoNs & D00RSHqr-rTw- 3- n-7- r.r I !Jwt- H3 rlw-T- cErlrrue O-l _ ,r-ao* 0 /\ <--YlHLLir , L./- ) ROON NAME nEreHr //,5 LEN6TH WIDTH EXPOSED NALL LGTH TJALLS W,/OFENINGS WINlDOl^Jg Er DOORS t-l t4 H t^l -HHt^t- LxFtc{^r1 IX ,- ,- +i)I:A KJ t,J cerlrr.ie .c)5 etooa ,4 I4ALLS , O 'olRooH NAt,tE Dclry* nercw // 5 teqsrn /1,5 worn //.5 EXP.'ED *ALL LGrH /l.S NALLS W,/OPEN I r'TgS / WINDOITS fr DO0RSs Cs ut4-ff cerlruo . dl ^'FLOOR- U wells , 05 i tDil$ou? AAES H w H t4 H l^l H tl, Roorl NAr-rE B lLr^ HE r cHr_fl, 5 lrnroru,5 wtl''ru I EXPosED wALr- LGTr-r <.5 h,At-LS W,/OFENINGS 6 U,Ii{DOWS Er DOORSH-_ tJ IJ w LI t.l t,.ir.$orl : hrf( At*n- ceir-rl.ro .Oj ,rrsua, fr -runr-'-s- ,05 ROON T.JAME r-TEIGHT-- LEN6TH_ ti I DTH EXFOSED WALL LGTFI WALLS W,/OPENIN65 I4INDOWS E( DOORStJ_ l^l_ H--tJ_ H-tl_ CEILINB FLOORS WALLS H t,J H w i Wlulorrr:}r AFTS H- w ROOH T.JAME HE I GHT- LENGTH- I,I I DTH EXTJOSED WALL L6TH I,JALLS t4lOPENINGS WINDO'*IS 8z DOORS FLOORS ihali --fia-l.rALLS mS Hamen Supply tro. Fcrx 436 -:5O Nattinqham Eoad Av,.-rn, Eo Bla2ct Fhsne (:3C13) 949-4300 FAX 949-4C)48 INNSBRUf,I{ MEADOWS LBT 1 LBI]K OFF FOP TOT4 I:RONIN BTUH LOSS 16880 6AIN 92QO 30.69 EASEBBARD FT. G 55C' ETU,/FT € 18{., F. ROOI-I NUNBEFI 1 ROOI'I NAME LIVING HEIGHT 11 .5OLENGTH 1"+. OO WIDTH 1:.5O EXFOSED WALL LENGTH 27.AO + HALLS WITH OFENINES 2 EXPT]SED GLASS AF:EA 71.OO E },IITCHEN r I .5C, 6. s(l 12.5{} 19. OO 1 14. OO .c, 1': 1121 , crs 244 BEDRM 11, =O11 .50 11.50 11 .50 1 13. t5 .f-,Maz5 .o3 397 o.os 565 c!. 56 107A .l.+ BATHEM+?t I q.'r 5.0(-, 8. OO 5.50 L INFILTRATION O CEILIN6 S FLtrOR SO FT S SLAB LINEAR FT E COLD PARTITION S I,,'ALL I:LASS .o18 36'.r-i- .03 5?5 o. o5 1198 o.56 3976 {:). c)5 1O230.56 794 . f-)3 120 r-1. 05 316 ToTAL LOSS e 10c' DTD 9321 3t72 3865 5:4 ETASEBOAED FEET G r80 16,9 5.€l 7.(:r 1-{-} / EAIN 24f.I? O ROOM NUMBER ROOt,t NAt"tE HEI6HT LENGTH t^IIDTH EXPOSED I^IALL LENBTH* I^IALLS IIITH OPENINES EXFOSED GLASS AREA L INFILTRATION O I:EILIN6 S FLOOFJ scl FT S SLAF LINEAR FT E r-:91-P PARTITION S I^IALL '3LA55 TOTAL LOSS € lC]C, DTD BASEBOAFID FEET G lgo riAIN L -c N]SBqUCK +L Goltee. Rna Foe. MAIN ur.Jir '?orLsq', We.tu M.Lsinr I C-e b l'-l5l600 B:i:U . #6 of Va[ Ccnrmunlty Dovaloomnt . tl _(2 r€6H AI|a OFffiffiPV t"B veur G'r-ess siu- il q3 t=LuE Bulld E tr Hrl0l tf firrnes \q" \ ) rl tr Valldity ol Permit Sec. 30c ic) 19 !l.B C. ' , 11/ol-3 KAt-,|eil- Fox suFpLy co tllrIAB xAnE Jnr''th<uc k fl1.^L,ts /.o* I sNILER rENF IfrD /- R LI L w t}ci L.E FL 9JA E trl l.{ W ll w IJ tll Dccl? rlUB TEMF DIFF RooM NAI'1E Fe lo*.,*r HEI6HT 9 r-rr'roril /3 _ vtLDl'H /3 ExF'osED pJALL L6.l-r{ /2 f,lALLs ht,/SFENINGS / __ r4INI)OW5 & DOORSH< Hr r--.-t--w/w_ H.-- H-h,_ w_- H__ H__l,J 9l EILING IV LooR ,o1 ALLS 'q) vu tIJ )oi^i r t1*itrt. ROOH NAI'IE HE I6HT LENGTH { wr9'tH /o EXFIOSED hJALL LGTFT t,ALLS W./OFENINFS I^JINDOWS & DOORS Hw- H CEILIN6 FLooR,_ ,oq WALLS A< Ht^,- Lxrrtc+r1 A 1-\r. ^tt-l <a=l+ Hw- Dr lrJ Rool-.1 NAME 4.)t,^*2 HEI6HT 1.....-'- LENCTH ,/J5 wlDr.j /35 EXFosED T.JALL L6rH JaS I{ALLS W,/OPENINGS / WINDO9IS & DOORSuffLrhr=- -l lJiLn$lJ 1 AAEA .-1CEILIT,IG (2 '.\ ',FLOOR_. (,7 ^2.I,JALLS , CJ.\ H l^, H- t4 H tl| H w oon N.IHE C)o.rcl e__ ErcHT ? EI,IGTH 7 TI)TH 7 xPosED WALL Lcrr-tls_ AI-LS W/OFEI,IINGS ,A Ir{DOWS Er DOOF<S 1\r,r;pg -r ;51f{ r1i\ i_ ^Fll\{:rr- 1"1 w H t,^, H w cErLrNc e .- FLooRs ,0t/ I.JALLS . 05 ROOTI NAME HE I GHT LENGTH I,J I DTH EXPOSED WALL LGTI.I t tALLS l,J,/ OPEN I l'{6S 14 INDOWS & DOORSl-l itw .1.5 H vt ?s..< e 3H3w7 H(w /"' ntw-T- wlrrDo'p:Ur AR6+ t4 CEILIN6 FL.OORS tIALLS I I tt ROOtl NA1E //c // a)-HEIGHT 7 ,/,LENGTH A,J '?TJIDTH 6, ) ,,Oo';r^ral-r- Lr;TH / I,JALLS I,J/OPENINGS d TJINDOUJS & DOORSH- H-w_ tJ_ HH VJtt-51rty "- '.,- A.>EA ht_ w_ '^.r'CEILII\IG 9 FLOORS , OI, ^-WALLS , (J5 )of,] KAgeP- Fox supFLy co RooH NAIIE Rlt^.-, I HE l GHT LENGTH WI DTH EXFoSED wALL LGrH /a1 NALLS W,/OPENINGS hIINDOWS Er DOORS q-.+- 7 H w H hl FI 14 w H w IJ vt VU tF Dcr',"t. rLiEn. H t^, H t^, H 14 i^JiLfu$r ? tlst IrRta\ CEILIN6 Ft_ooR ,o1 TJALLS ' OS _)tJ4; r r.reows _-7-- 3.5 I3,s vl H t-{ w H w EXFOSEI) I,.J/r\LL LGT'I.I 3f__ I,.JAI-LS W,/OFENINGS 5 {r IlL.lOf(5HU'w-F- H- w f'Flr t trrr: a'\7 t:LooRs "d __._ [^,ALLS , D .' wiu)oD,1 bcR A0€A- w--6- H?WQ u 1.5 w--7i..-- CEILIhIG FLOORS TJALLS .03 FI w r.of toB nanx-T wLp<LAsnJors * I EfoILER reneJZQ_BF Bru rr 550 TENF DIFF /bO RooM NAr'rE /nr^)o H€ICHT 1 LENGTH 25 VlIDTH 7 EXF'OSED I,JALI- LGI'II A WALLS f.,,/OFENINGS wIhrDDws & ll00RslJ t-{ t.J H w H w RoDfl NAI'IE 4*,,1u R^ HErGHr //. t / LEN6TH /7 WIDTH EXF}OS ueru /)?.s tIALLS W,/OPENINBS -J WINDOWS & DOORS 7wo- '1 na.s =-?- w-T-- 'l x 3.<l.< 9J (n cet-me / etooa ,Ot/ ITALLS . dj RBoH r.rAME //lorl, k),*, JIFfE ltfH I l I LENCTH /q.5 t4 IDrH /5 EXFosED wALL LGrfr 30 WALLS W,/OPEN I I.J6S / I{IUDOWS tr DOORSt] / Hw-7- w- H2 H-wa h,_ u 4.5 H_vlo w_ ce lulr.ro .(5 FL.ooRS / certtna 4 rtaaa-_,O/ walr-s , &5 RooM |'JANE,/7)n lr ho.lh nerc*-, ll LENcTH / C wtorrt 1.5 EXFosED vtall tet'l /'/.5 TJALLS W/OPENINGS I bJINqOrdS E4 DOORSH'"IH t^J H N H t,J Wtu63z 5.* AREA RooH NAI'1E 6*JR-_---- FIE I GHT LEI.JGTH 14 I Dl l-l JOF NAHE KAHEF/- Fox suFpLy co TENP DiFF 3,€3 RooM r..rAME R lJr^) tur r sxr 7 ler'rsrs 5 tlr DrH /O,S EXP''ED *ALL L6TH A WALLS W,/OPENIN6S d tlINDOl,lS Er DOORSHH t4 H tJ H I,J LIO I LER TEI"IF FB BTU FT RooM NAmE -KtkJ^-",__- HEi6H LENGT u t ilT.H t{ vU tr'j )c,ii' r ll,, tuf1 tl /?tJ. --.2 EXF'osED T,JALL LGt-r{ _135 WALLS hI,/ OPEN I NCS / _ WiN0OWS t{ DOORS11 YHw-€<- t,l-- H t,J H t.l t^, H hj H hi H vt i^JiL.Idr-t ? *ci r+DE$ CEILING Ft_ooR r,rALLS .o< ROOH NAME rlE -t tll-1 | LEI.I6TH t!IL)Tf-r EXFOSEI) I4ALL LGT'I.I WAI-LS UJlOPEN I NGS UJ I r'{DOt4S Er UO0RS ,a? o ARL'* \urtr)C,D r D.R ANEA. FLOOR WALLS t{ w IJ t{ W IJ t4 H tt FI t4 H tJ H hJ H w CEILIT\lG "D\l-tDrrl DccA AREA H l,t H I,J t-l t,J t-trIt-It\|tl F-Lr-loRs tr,Al- L 5 FLOORS t^,ALLS RooH NANE 6*U.*+ HEICHT // LEN6TH 9.5 T4IDTH '/.5 EXFTosED I{ALL LGTH fl WALLS W/OPENINGS 6 WINDOLIS & DOORSt-t HW t^, CEILII.J6 , N< FLooR a WALLS- ,05 ROOFI NAME I.IE I GHT I-ENGTH I/J I DTH EXFOSED WALL LGTFI I,.IALLS W,/OPENI I.]GS I4INDOWS Er DOORS CEILIN6 FL.OORS WALLS cEiLIt'lc ,a - ,o? o5 ROON I.JAHE HE I GHT LEN6TH WIDTH EXPOSED I^JALL LGTH WALLS I,J,/OPENIN65 WINDOk,S Er DOORS Kamen Supply tro. B,rx 436 950 Nottingham Rr.radAv$n, CO 81620 Phnne (303) ?49-43C,O FAX 949-4049 INNSBRUf,K MEADOI^Is LOT 1 VAIL CO FOE TtrI'{ CRtrNIN BTUH LUSS 92915 |SAIN 40438 169.94 BASEBOARD FT. e SSO BTU/FT e tgcr F. ROI]M NUMBER ROOH NANF HE IEHT LEN6TH I,I I DTH EXFOSED I.JALL LENGTH + WALLS I^IITH OPENINGS EXPOSED ISLASS AEEA 1 BEDRT,I 3 '3. OO 13. 00 13. O0 12. O0 I 35. C)C) .ot: la25 .o4 676 0.05 365 0. EG t 96Ct 2 BATHS+?O 9. CIO 5. CrO 1Cr. C,0 15. OC) 1 7. 5C, . O 12 54Cl . 04 ?oc) o.05 6380.56 42(, 2t37 3.9 3 BEDRI'1 9. C,f-, 13. 5Cr 13. 50 28.50 I 19. 25 . cl12 136€l .o4 7"9 0. (:,5 11€]6c).56 LQ78 4962 9.O 4 f,LOSET? S. OC) 7.OQ 7. rto 8. 5C, L INFILTRATION O EEILINI3 5 FLOOR 5O FTS SLAB LINEAR FT E COLD FARTITION S WALL I-JLASS TOTAL LOSS G 1(}O BASEBOARD FEET G DTD 18Ct 4826 €.8 .04 o. 05 196 383 379 1.1 CAIN 2766 t22j: ROOI'I NUI4BER 5 ROON NAME FOYER HE I |SHT 19. O0LENTSTH 13. O0hJIDTH 12.50 EXPOSED I^IALL LENI3TH 25.50 + WALLS I^IITH OPENINGS 2 EXPOSED GLASS AREA I77.AO 6 HALL 9. OC) 6. 5{} 6.30 '7 LAUNDRY 9. OO 7. 50 7.OO B FAM I LYRM I 1.50 19. Of-t 19. 50 4'3. 50 3 1c}0. c,o .036 15339 . 04 1482 o. 05 2346 o.56 5600 ?4747 45. O L INFILTRATIONO I]EILINIS S FLtrOR SO FT S SLAB LINEAR FTE CBLD PARTITIONS WALL ELASS . cltB 5558t . cr3 4€8.04 650 o.05 1538o.56 ZAtz . 04 ?10 s423 .04 169 TOTAL LOSS BASEBOARD EAIN € too FEET € 1B 145 33. O DTD lAO 2to o.4 a ROT]M NUI'IBER ROOH NAME HEIGHT LENGTH I.IIDTH EXFOSED WALL LENIITH {+ WALLS WITH OPENINGS EXPOSED GLASS AREA L INFILTRATlON 11 CEILINGs FLOOR Se FT .O4S SLAB LINEAR FTE COLD PARTITIT]NS WALL O. 05 TSLASS TBTAL LOSS G lOO DTD SASEBT]ARD FEET € lgo GAIN I BATHl+2O 9. OO 7. OO 7. OO 10.00 196 450 775 1.4 o 10 GREATRH 11. OO 16. 50 16.50 37.00 3 93.50 .036 107S1 . 03 aL7 o.o5 1568o.56 5236 18401 33. s 6465 11 I'IgTRBED 11. oo 14.50 15. OO 30. oo 1 51. oo .or2 2871.03 653 o.05 1335o.56 2856 7773 14.1 4449 t2 FISTRBATH 11. OO 10. oo 9.50 14.50 1 44.25 . o1? 1254.03 245 o.os 376o.56 247A 4593 8.4 ?947 ROOM NUI,IBER ROC]M NAME HEI6HT LENGTH T^IIDTH EXPOSED TTALL LENGTH* WALLS I.IITH T]PENINGS EXPOSED GLASS AREA 13 KITCHEN 11. OO 14. OO 13.50 13.50 I 28. OO l4 BATH4+2O 11.OO 4.50 4.50 73 o.1 o 15 BATHz+2O 9. OO 5. OO 10.50 252 o.5 o 16 L INFILTRATIT]NT] CEILINISS FLBOR 5A FTS SLAB LINEAR FTE COLD PARTITIONS I{ALL BLASS .cr12 2493.o3 567 o.05 503o.56 1568 .03 61 .04 210 TOTAL LOSS C IOO DTD BASEEOARD FEET G lBO GAIN 523.2 9.5 3125 Slant'En ratings RATINGS FOR SENTRY BOILERS-NATURAL AND L.P. GAS DIMENSIONS l-' lt-6 1\N'7 tHt KYol0{lcslfsrrulf f r-"t'4 L 8!ri^e' I .--fitcl\ ?/ ?2--:--\ \ //tri^f .^\ i(5@Z) )\v4;'.y/\-*ji-,' -(-)- \_v INTEGBAL DRAFT DIVERTER 4" 4" 5" 6" 7" 47" 4Al/ " 4g3tr," Nel ratings are based on a pLping and pick up allowance ot 1 15 SlanVFin shorild bc consulled beiore selecting a boiler lor installalton havlng unusualprping and plck up requtrements Ralings must be reduced by 47o at 2.000 teel elevalion and an addltional4T" lor every add tronal 1,000 ieel elevaliorl over 2.000 feet 1 Type ot qas atler model numbe: specily oas by name Nalural or ''Propanc. Notc All Se Iry boilers are 1es1ed and rated lor capacity under the U.S Depl of Energy (D.O f )Tesr ProcedrJre lor boilers. MODEL NUMBER 1 A.G.A. INPUT (Btuh) D.O.E. CAPACITY (8tuh) NET BATING WATER (Bluh) ' WATER (sq.Fr.) EFFICIENCY (A.F.U-E.) STANDING PILOT INTERMITTENT IGNITION s34 s60 s90 s 120 s 150 sx-150 sx- 1 80 sx-210 34,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 150,000 150,000 180,000 210.000 29,000 51.000 76,000 101,000 125,000 126,000 151.000 175,000 25.000 44,000 66,000 88,000 109,000 1 10,000 131 ,000 152,000 167 293 440 587 727 733 873 1 013 80.4 81 6 823 83.0 82.4 82.1 82.1 82.0 84.0 84.4 84.2 84.1 83.4 83.2 83.1 83.1 8'/s' 11"0" 1 4't8' 17, ts" 20,/s" 20'ts" _" 3 261ta" EXTERNAL DFAFT HOOD Dimensions MODEL $34 Dimensions MODELS 5-60 to S-1 50 -.t c 3/a" to ai eliminating syslem (by athers) 11/z" supply Conlrol Circulalor: , 1t/1'Citc. Ftange 1U2" Retum Tarying Cornblnauon Figurc 2- Ftont View (gashpping t/2') Right End View Blocked Vent Salety Swilch High Lim Control lgnition Control Combinatlon Gas Valve (gas lappngl/a) Jotnl unian Gas Valve (Dotted piping l:'2 (Dofted piping Ground Pressure/Temp Gauge SuWIy Piping +' (b! olhe/s) .14 Drain Rollout Sarely Figure 4- Left End view Switch /behird F- A -nonl t\anel) | ^t-_ E Figure 5. Front View Figure 6. Bight End View 2'rl16 Rollout Saiety 11/2" supply lL - "l cF l Y Damper'Dimensions MODELS SX-150 ro sx-210 11/2" supply Figure 7- Lett End View ' Vent damper may be insialled horizontally on all mode,s with use of a common vent elbow. 3/o" to ai etiminartng syslem (by olhers).--..--...-ii Gauge Suqly Piping I I I (Doned pipinq by others ) View zBTl$ Carculalor: 'r"6i Rollout SaIely Svritch fbehnd ,11/4" Ctrc. Flange Figure 8. 7 B Combination Gas Valve (qas tappin1t/2") Figute 9.Right End A (Flush Jacket)--+l Front View iatings -SlantiEn RATINGS FOR SENTRY BOILERS-.NATURAL AND L.P. GAS D.O.E, CAPACITY (atuh) STANDING PILOT 34,000 60,000 90,000 120,000 150,000 150,000 180,000 210,000 29,000 51,000 76,000 101,000 125,000 126,000 151,000 175,000 25.000 44,000 66.000 88,000 109,000 1 10,000 1 31 ,000 152,000 84.0 84.4 84.2 84.1 o1 A 832 83 1 83.1 DIMENSIONS _@_ THT HYI)POIICSlxstllurt -c-,'r"4 ,--6ryeD\,61-d\ {(\-@)Z) )\\.evl\s&-,_g-l @ NET I=B=R RATING WATEB (8t'rh) ' EFFTCTENCY (A.F.U.E.) INTEGRAL DRAFT DIVERTER C.-VENT DI WATER (Sq.Ft.) EXTERNAL DRAFT HOOD Nel ratings are based on a pipi'rg and p ck up al owance oi 1 .15. SlanVFLn should be consulled before selcclrng a boicr io. ilrsla lalion having unusual p prng and p ck-up req! .enrents natings, mLrsl be rcdLjced by 4% al 2,000 leet elevatron and an addLlrorial 49b lor every additional 1,000 feet elevatlon over 2,000 ieei t I ype ol gas. aller nrode nunrber. spec ly eas by name Nat!ral or ''Propanc' Nole. All Senlry bor ers are lesled afd rirled lor capac iy under lhe U S Depl o1 Fneroy (D O F ) Tcsl Proccdure lor bo lcrs Dimensions MODEL S.34 Pressure/Temp. Gauge Integral 11/2" supply Drall Divener Saletys*itch y' q._ Orain Rollout Safety Svrilch (behndi;;;i;;r#;"1 ro'-___ 6r/2_ k_ B Figure 2. Front View Circulator; -- -11/a" Ctrc. Flange 1t/2" Rctu.n lapping Combination Gas Valve (gas tapptngt/2")Joint Union by olhe(s ) Figure 1. Left End View Figury 3. Right End View 2B7l$ Dimensions MODELS 5-60 to S-150 s/1 to ah etihinating t!syslem (by othe/s) '+-1.3: Gauge .: i Figure 4. Left End view Switch lbehnd F- A -ttont panet) L_ B Figure 5 - Front View Blocked Vent $tety Switch High Limll Conlrol lgnition Control Crrculalor: 1'/2" Retun Tapping (gas tepping t/21 Jotnl Union by olhers.) Figure 6. Right End View Suryly Piping '(by ahers) 3/r " braln Rolloul Salety -_'15 Sedimenl TEp i:'? *l cF 1'/2" Relurn Tippinll Damper' Join! Union by olhers.) Right End view c I Dimensions MODELS SX-150 ro sx-210 1rl2" supply Figure 7. Lett End View ' Vent damper may be installed horizonlally on all models with use ol a common vent elbow. J/4 to an ahnnatng systen (hy others) "----..._ ii Salely Switch I I I cauge Supply Piping (by olhers) rl Ci.culnlor: Combination (gas tappingl/2) Figure 9- 2a1$ Sediment fap ,r"G( Bolloul Satety 'i;:ii;:",::;' F^i""*f._ B Figure 8. Front View 7 o tuEll-ft14l 1l o It AilERTCA'S I|OST COI|PLETE L|NE OF CAST tROt{ BOILERS RESIDENTIAL.. . COililERCIAL... I}IDUSTRIAL,. . INSTITUTIONAL GG SERIES 11 HIGH-EFFICIENCY GAS BOILER NET LOAD RANGE HOTWATER: 37,000 to 1m,000 BTU/Hr. Design certified by American Gas Associatlon Net ratings are approved bV The l-Mronics Institute DOE Heating capacities based on standard tost procedures prescribed by the United States Deparlment of Energy ,-f;.\ \-:/ Built in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code GG HIGH.EFFICIENCY GAS BOILER MICHIGAN CITY INDIANA The Weil-Mcl-ain CG cast iron gas boiler is available in two modcls: . CG-SPD - 80% efficiency modcl with standing pilot . CG-PID - 82% cfficiency model with intcrmittcnt elcctronic ignition system Both models are furnished with an automatic vent damper to increase opcrating efficiency and savc fuel- 'f he CG boiler is available in ser en sizes with net I B-R ratings frorn 37,000 to 176,000 BTU/H R. The unit is designed for forced hot watcr heat- ing systems in new homes and apart- ments . . . or for replacemcnt of old, incfficient heating rrluipment. The CG is designed and engineered for fast installation ... reliable opera- lion ... convlnicnt servit.ing ... high efficicncy... and long life. Most important, the CG is made b-v \!'eil-McLain. Americai leading name in cast iron boilers for over 110 years. HIGH OPERAING EFCENCY. CG-SPD operates at 80%; CG-PID at 82%. FAGIORY-TESIED. Every boiler is $raier- and fire-lested to assur€ reliable operation. AUIOilAnC \rEifT DAIIPER. Prevents heat from escaping up the chimney when the burners are not operating. Saves fuel. VEifT PROI ING CONTROLS. Bollout thermal fuse element and spill switch shut down the boiler if blockage occurs in either the boiler or venting system. COIIPACT DESIGN. Saves valuable space. NEW PARTS APPROACH. Repair parts turnished in convenient kits with everything needed. CONVENIENT SERttlClNG. Easily accessible controls ... simple wiring ... top cleaning .. . vertical tlueways. STEEL JACKET. Durable powder-coat blue finish ... insulated to retain heat and clear of the floor to orevent rust. PR(mCTVE CRATE" The boiler is mounted on a pallet in a sturdy wirebound u/ooden crate. Ready br fast installation. ALUilINIZED STEEL BURNERS. Feature quiet ignition and extinction. Burners provide fixed primary air . .. no air adjustm€nt required. $YEAR HOMEOWNER PROIECTION PLAN-OfiONAL Covers boiler oarts supplied by Weil-McLain and labor tor all eligible repairs. Available through participating installers. Roiler sections ale made of durable cast ircrn lbr stt'enEth and long life. It's not uncommon fol Weil-Mcl,ain cast irun boiler.s to last 35 years or mofe. Thc vertical flue passages arc studded u'ith heat pins that cause the hot gases !.r swill about, scrubbing the enlir.e surface of each section for maximum heat transfer. Radiation plates fur'- lher increase heat lransfer for mrximum el'ficiencv. Modern elastomer sealing lings in the port upe;ings assure a permanent w:rter-tight seal. 'fhe flexibility and elastic memory of these seals (unlike mctal push nipples) prevent lcaks caused by thermal expansiun and contraction. A special high-tcmperalure sealant between boiler sections assures gas tightness. Keeping the CG in top operating condition is a simple matter. Removing the back half of the top jacket panel, collector hood, and radiation plates exposes the flueways for easy cleaning. Removing the front jacket door and front base panel allows access to the bumers. CG.SPD ':,, . a:.... ...aa.,.. The CG-SPD is furnished with a standing pilot system elec- trically interlocked with the automatic vent damper. When the thermostat calls for heat- . Circulator starts and damper begins to open . When the damper is proven oflen (in approximately lb seconds) the gas valve opens to ignite the main burners When the thermostat is satisfied- . Circulator stops; damper begins to close. Gas valve closes . Damper is fully closed within approdmately 15 seconds If boiler water temperature reaches the high limit setting-. Gas valve closes . Damper closes in approximately 15 seconds. Circulator keeps running The CG control system is design certified by A.G.A. and all components are Ullisted. CG.PID Operating sequence is the same as above except there is no constant burning pilot. Instead an electronic spark igrrites the pilot. The PID system features a Weil- Mcl,ain UCM universal ignition control module. A tcsted and approved auto- matic vent damper is furn- ished as standard cquipment. The damper prevents heat from escaping up the chimney when the boilcr is not operat- ing to increase ef{iciency, save fuel. Simple plug-in conncc- Lors assure mistake-proof wiring. ,,s :4 ,.,N 'ffi*' ; :: ::..',, i,. :\.. .: {''' ::i::":" _--r,,_ :. ,\6 CG HIGH-EFFICIENCY GAS BOILER Add "SPD" lo designator lor boller with 3landing pilol. Add PiO" to dosignstror ior boiler with intermlttent electronic ignition syslem. For SPD modols add "N" lo{ nafural !Es, "L' tor propane (propane nqt a\ailable lor PID)- 'Bas€d on standard te3t pfocedur€s pr€scrlb€d by the united stales Depsrthent of Energy. _ Net FSR radno3 ers basod on n€t indrll€d radlalion of Bufficient quantly ior the r€qui€nonts of the building 6nd nolhlng nood be add€d br nonnal piftng and pick-up. Ratings alg baaocl on a pifing and pick-up allowance ol '1.15. An additional allowanco should be mada tor unusuel piping and pick-up loads. tlolE: Cc boilers ior r€sldgnliel redianl panel systems, contartod gravity heating syslems, or othor low waler lempe.alure applications shoutd be indatted with balsncing vah€s and by-p6ss pidng oqual to the supply and lefurn grze to al/oid €xc€Eatve tlue gEs condensation due to lor|sr op€reting v"ater tempsratures. LOTE: CG boitsrs sre AG.A desltn cortifod lor installation on combusdblo foonng- Teslsd lor 50 P6l worklng p.essure. Not available lor nilliroh 8y6tem3. 0;.cnouro JOINT UNION FRESH . AIR \ OPENING. TOPVIEW SIDE ELEVATION IINIr|UH CLEARANCE FOR CLOSET INSTALLATIONS I 6" LEFT END RIG}IT END -.^.. E-"-lc!!-ll I rnt-.,.*-tt *- crar Din'.n'io'r'str. i - Gd Coina.ritn s&r" (olrbida i'Ladl|t|nqrra{n.)8oll.r t gtpdf i .. C.t - l{.b..|.nd Proocn. w"rdt! r{iC,lxiin6er i o{Phl I tn "r"'rii:u.t a D w r't.ltrl lcc-zs 1 i-tn" i t*' Tlslt ; q I 10 h 27 27y. 31h I cc-3 r-rk" t-t' I 52ll | 4 l0 h 27 27h 3lu oo-4 f-11i' 1-1' 549| 5 13 k 27 27h 311' I cG5 l-rk" r-1" \Vt 6 16 q 30 27U 31rt 1-1t/." r- ." I -z{-tv" 62h 7 22 s( 36 zTh 31h cc-s ] r-r,r' ]- t-rh' i 64L , 7 L 25 , e{ 9. '. 2!h I 31}1 '1v." slpply tspplng In lott end 6€ction. gu$r b qa'br G-25; increase to th" lor CG-8 -Sizes shown alr girs conneclion sizes. Ga3 piling lrom mstor to boiler to be sraed according to local utility requi€ments. Factory Fire Te3ted lnsulated Extonded Jackel Bullt-ln Air Separaior vertlcal Draft Hood (in separate carton) Automatlc Vent Damper Badiation Platss Combination Gas valve tor 24 Volt Non-Linting Pilot Burner Aluminized Ste€l Burners combination Relay Receptacls and 40 vA Tianstormer Electrical Junction Box Plug-in Circulator Rolay SDill Switch Follout Thermal Fuse Element High-Limit Temperatura Control clrculator {Taco 0O7, B&G sLc-30 or Grundfos UP15-42} 30 PSI ASME Reliel Valve (boilar sectlons tested tor 50 PSI worklng pressure) In ihE interest of continual improvemenl in products and p€rtomance, Weil-Mclain reserves the right to change speclfications without notico, @H"lt-lt,Tl,'.*ll#, Combination Prcssure-Temporaturo Gauge Drain Valve HIGH EFFICIENCY MODEL - SPD Constant Burning, Thermally Supervised Pilot System Thormocouple HIGHEST EFFICIENCY MODEL - PID Intermittent Electronic lgnltlon Pllot System Taco 110 Clrculator 8&G lm Clrculaior Gas Conv66ion Klts Fill-Trpl System (comF€ssion tank, filland ch€ck valve, automatic air veni and fittings) - fl09 gzes 25 thru 5; *1lO Slzes 6 thru 8 - shipped in sepgrate csrton Weil-McLain 500 Blaine Street Michigan City, lN 46360-2388 ha. Boihr 1{umb..a A.GA Input BTU/Hr. DOE tL.ting Coprdty 8TU/Hr.' il€t F&n Rltings.lf,lter BTU/Hr.- IX)E So8soml Elftcitf|ct Forcont (AR E) Chlmnoy Sizo Hish- Effcienct lro&l (SPDIU High- Elfciqrcy [odol (SPOL) Hlgho6t- Efficioncy fodel (PlDl{) oG.25 52.000 43,000 37.000 EO.2 80.4 83.0 4" l.D. x 20' oG-3 70,000 58,000 50,000 80.1 80.7 82.2 4" l.D. x2O' cG.l 105,000 88,000 77,000 80.4 81.4 82.9 5" l.D. x 20' oG-5 140,000 1r7,000 '| 02,000 80.4 81.5 82.5 6'LD. x 20' cG4 175,000 145,000 126,000 80.5 81.6 82.2 6' l.D. x 20' cG-7 2r0,000 174,000 151,000 80.5 81.7 81.8 7" LD. x 20' cG{245,000 202,000 176,000 80.5 8't.8 81.4 7" l.D. x 20' SIDE ELEVATION Form No. C-553R18(1093)01993 weil-Mclain Litho in U.S.A. Town of \lrll Plan analysisthe 1991 Uniform Name: INNSBRUCK #1Date: September 26, L994 Occupancy: R3rM1" Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this reportlisting of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 OFT!CIN COPY based onBuilding Code Address: KINNICKINNICK RD. ConlracLor: KED DEVELOPMENT ArchiLecT: ARCHISTRUCTURE ONEEngineer: NA Plans Examiner: CHUCK FELDMANN are not intended to be a completein the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to FL AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom2 Master bath2 Living room2 Kitchen2 Apt. Bedroom2 Kitchen/Living2 Apt. Bath Room2 Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAI FOR FLOOR1 Bedroom #21 Bath roon #21 Bath room #31 Bedroom #31 Farnily roomL Bath roonL Garage1 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOOTNOTES: 1_ 68 93 28L r.0 0 L32 246 40 232 ],292 L82 53 48 t52 373 49 489 386 L732 3024 .80 .00 .10 .00 .20 .50 .00 .00 .20 .00 .00 .20 .30 .00 .00 .00 8.40 4.65 14.05 5.00 6. 60 12.30 2.00 0.00 o 1n 2 .65 2-40 '7 .60 18.65 2 .45 0.00 0.00 Yes No No NO YeS No NO No Yes No No YeS No No No No L6 0 28 10 l_J 24 0 0 1A 0 0 15 37 0 0 0 1 1 L 1 't 1 L L t 1 1 I l_ 1 1 _.t_ t 1 2 L) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris required from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet the following. -- Sec. 1204.l-) The minimum clear height i"s 24 inches2l The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The ninimum clear area is 5.7 square4l The maximum sill height is 44 inches The number of exits is based on Table 33-A A mechanical ventilation systen may be used openings for ventilation. -- Sec. 1205- (c) 2l 3) feet (Dwellings) in in lieu of exterior ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6inches. Kitchens, haI1s, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the Lowest projection. ff the ceilingis sloping, then the minimun height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 sguare feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. -- Sec. l-207.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec . 1207 . (c) GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: A1I glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) 1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2l Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of s1j-ding door assembl-ies andpanels in swinging doors other t.han wardrobe doors. 3) Glazing in storm doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Gfazing in any portion of a building wa11 enclosing these compartments where the botton exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain in1et. 6) Glazing in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where the nearest exposed edge of the qlazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed posi-tion and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.7) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoselocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet. B. Exposed botLom edge less than L8 inches above the f1oor. C. Exposed top edge greater than 36 inches above the floor. D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 lnches horizontally of theplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface. Included are structural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fill panels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A snoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. l-210 . (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall in each sleepingarea. -- Sec . 121- 0 . (a) 4 . A smoke detector is required on all stories. -- Sec. 121-0.(a) 4.If the upper level contains sleeping room(s), a smoke detector is reguiredin the ceiling of the upper level close to the stairway. -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Snoke detectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shatl be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. f210.(a) 3. Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in all sleeping area of the dwellingin which they are located. -- Sec. 1"210. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : FACTORY BUILT FIREPLACE: 1) Unit must be an approved unit. -- Sec. 3705.(a) 2') Clearances and hearth size must be per manufactures approval . -- Sec. 3705. (a) 6, (b) 3) Chimney height must be per manufacturerts approval- and Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fire construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door or a 20 minute fi-re door. -- Table 5-B e Sec. 503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3305.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc. #1Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greaLer than 30 inches. Minimum height = 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L'1L2.(al exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is requi-red to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (I) SHAFT ENCLOSURES:1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on the inside with not fess than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must bet hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure shal1 be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustibfe plping installed in wa11s passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. L706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents, factory-buiIt. chimneys, piping, or ducts that donot extend through not more than 2 floors need not be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1705. (c) 4) A1f other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1706. (a) CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS :1) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exteriorwalls. Opening shal1 provide a net area of not less than 1 sguare foot for each L50 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings shall be distributed on two opposite sides and be located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec. 2516.(c) 6. Note: Vent openings may be reduced to 108 of the aboveif ground surface area is covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. t 2) Provide L8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening nay be'required to be larger if mechanical. equipment is located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2516. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved erood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the ninimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REOUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancyThis project will require a site improvement survey. Such survey shal1 be submitted and approved prior to request for frame inspection. AlI crawl spaces within the Town Of Vail are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5', be earth floor only, beventilated as per UBC 2516(C)6 wit.h minimum access as per UBc 2516(C)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shal-I require an engineer design. Such design shalI address drainage, soil retainage and structural design. Excavation below slabs on grade shall noL be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from the streeu. For Ml" occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside to provide afloor drain with sand and oil i-nterceptor to dry well or to sewer. Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Upper Eag1e Valley Water & Sanitation District. In garages with 1iving area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction. UBC 503(B) . Gerold J. Schlegel oonsultitqetqineer .gho.. llo3l a2l't/l!i September 28, L994 Building DepartmentCity of VailVail, Co. Re: Insbruck Meadows, Vail, Co. Dear Chuck, The desigp loads used for these houses Floors- 40psfRoofs- 8OpsfExterior decks- 100psfI{ind- 80mph, Exposure B 6993.d..dha, rvada. cobredo E@f lbvyn of Veil OFflCr fi-*PY are as follows: truly yours, w3279 . ,& Name: INNSBRUCK #1Date: September 26, 1994 Occupancy: R3rMl Type of Const: V-N OFFIOE COPY Tovrn of Valt Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe 1991 Uniform Building Code AddrEss: KTNNICKINNICK RD. Contractor: KED DEVELOPMENTArchitecl: ARCHISTRUCTURE ONEEngineer: NA Plans ExaMiner: CHUCK FELDMANN This project will require a site improvement survey.This survey sha1l be submitted and staff approvedprior to a request for a frame inspection, Under no circumstances wil-l a frame inspection be donewithout an approved site improvement survey. There shall be only one kitchen designaLed per dwelling unit allowed by the Town of VaiL ZoningRegulations. A11 other such labefed areas are not approved and shall not be rough-in constructed as such. Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4706 with 2layers ofpaper, Windows and doors are required to be adequately flashed(not with just screed metaL) - Alath inspection is required prior stuccoapplication. A1l new construction within the Town of Vail will berequired to have an initi-al inspection by TOV Public Works Dept. to approve site drainage and culvertinstallation. Thj-s approval must be complete prior to any inspection by the Building Department. This project is restricted from the burning of wood in fireplaces. Unless the lot. is a restricted lotin size, three gas logs fireplaces and three gas appliances are permitted per unit allowed. Gas log chimneys enclosures shaIl be one hr. protected. THIS PROJECT REQUIRES A ONE HOUR WALL BETWEEN UNITS CONSISTING OF ONE LAYER OF 5/8" TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD. 7 10 tt_ t2 IJ fn bathrooms with a t.ub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecteddirectly to the outside shall be provided. Bathrms which contain only a lrater closet or lav. may beventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC 1205(c). Donestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per UMc 1104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 5' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts sha1l t.erminate outside the buildinq and not exceed 14' length. No domestic dishwashing machine shall be directly connected to a drainage system without the use of an approved dishwasher air-gap fitting. UPC 608. Cross connecti-on control devices shal1 be i-nstalled to protect pollution of potable water supply by useof approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Plumbing fixtures with nechanical apparatus shall be supplied with an access panel for inspection andrepair of equipment. UPC 904 Domestic ranges shall have a vertical clearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMC L901. Approved gas logs nay be installed in solid-fuel burning fireplaces provided the instaLlation is according to the listing instructions, any damper sha1l be removed or permanently blocked, and a safety shutoff valve is provided. UMC 803. Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent locat.ion and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Due to Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilize flowrestriction devices. Also, the maximum water closetflush usage is linited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per f1ush. This factory-built fireplace nust. be an approvedunit. Include the manufacturet s name, model number, and approval information. -- Sec. 3705. (a) The minimum rdidth of the run at the narrow end is 6 inches and the run must be 9 inches at a point 12 inehes out from the narrower point. -- Sec. 3306. (d) L4 15 Lb t'l 18 19 20 The enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fj-re-resistive construction. -- 3305. (f) Hinged doors serving a sauna or shower shall swing out and have no positive latching device. UPC 5407. Winding stairways may be used if the requlred width of run is provided at a point not more than 12" from the side of the stairway where the treads are the narrower, but in no case shall any width of run beless than 5". UBC 3305 (d) . At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and yrater damage. Trdo layers of felt solid moppedto sheathing and between layers or a cornmercial water c ice shield may be used as per Table 328L. Because of this project's Location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas beLow finished grade. UBC 1707(d). The structure is reguired to be anchored to the foundataion with l/2 inch anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 6 feet apart. See code for additional requirements. -- Sec. 2907.(fl Include a copy of the soils report for the site to be built on. -- Sec. 2905. 2t 22 23 24 [b i.,.,,- 9,'-lJ-l! /r /\ J-\+7--aE. .(_ ij -*" PERMIT NUMB OF OJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: rrustcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL I 45 .,o, *o"= CALLER TUES WED.:THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: ,. tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED RECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE -4 /t JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 4 WED THUR FRI or@ *INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138'rt/ s f;rZ. ua rt pprLDrNG: {roo-,*o, / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER tr 19.9I^LSi.qFl..,^ -q PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_o T] FINAL tr FINAL th OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: REtrT 131 TOWN UF VArLr EOLORADU F'AGE EI A6/ge/97 @7:56 REOUESTS FtrR INStrEETION WORK SHEETS FORI 6/ E/97 AREA: EG Activity: E96-€t115 6/ ?/97 Type: B-ELEC Statusr ISSUED Constr: NSFR Address:Loeation: INNSBRUCK MEADOWS tf lEl Par.ce I r €1O3-143-Oe-EAg Descr.i pt i on: ELECTRICAL I^IORK FOR NEll SFR Applieant: FRENCH ELECTRIC Owner": AM BR05 DEUELOPNENT INCI Contractor: FRENtrH ELECTRItr Occr Use: Fhone: 3O3-674-0€€7 Fhone: trhonet 3[t3-674-Q?77 Inspect ion Request Infonmat ion. . . . . Reqnestsr: STUART BORNE Req Tine: Etl:O0 Comments: Fhone: Items r"eqrrested to be Inspected... Action Connents _ ^ Time Exp" fu# 6-': r,,4%a- 11/95/96 Inspector': EB Aetion: AtrFR AF,pROVED t-c/rl5/96 Inspect or: LV Act i on : AF,trR AF,F,ROUED V3/ le/97 Inspect on: EG Act i on : AF,F,R AF,trROVED Item : 44130 ELEC-Concluit It em : tzt014ra ELEC-Mi se.Item: OOl9rA ELEC-FinalIl/Ee/96 Instrector: EG Action: AFtrR AFFROVED Item : IZIIZ'EE4 FIRE_ALRRITI ROUGHItem: IZIO538 FIRE-FINAL C/O 'i Inspect i on Hi st ory. . . . . It em : ta6t lra ELEf,-Temp. PowerItemr OAIeB ELEC-Rouqfr T ,a REpT131 TOI'N OF VAIL, CULIIRADO 66/o6/97 68:OO REOUESTS FOR INStrECTION I^IBRK SHEETE FOR: 6/ 6/97 PAEE 16 AREAI EG - Activity: E96-0115 6/ 6/97 Address: Locat i on: INNSBRUCK MEADOT^IS S F,arce I : 3IO3-143-AA-AA6 DeEcri pt i on : ELECTRICAL t^fORK FOR Appl icant: FREIIICH ELECTRIC Owner"I AIY1 BRT]s DEVELOF.MENT Contractor: FRENCH ELECTRIC Inspection Request Information..... Req ue st or: 5t ewart Req 'l'inrer O1;6O Conments: Items requested to be Inspected.. gr0l9O ELEE-Final Time Exp Typer B-ELEC 10 NE[^J SFR INC . Action Comments Statrrs: FINAL Constrr NSFR Ecc:Use I F,hone: 30t3-574-OE?7 Fhone: Fhone: 383-674-0887 F'hone r 986-1€61 It ern : OOf era ELEC-Rough ; '* n' Item;p l7/Ee/96' Inspectnr: lg/A3/96 Inspector: 03/Le/97 -Inspector:Otat9gr ELEC*FinaI Aetion: APFR Ar:tion: AFtrR Action: fftrF'R fletionr AFPR Act ion: OFtrR EE LV EUt AF'F'ROUED AF.F.ROUED AF,F.ROVFD AF,F'RT]VED numben lO Item: Item: 1l/ee/96 Inspector: EG o,6/Q?,/97 lnspect or': EG BAA34 FIRE-ALARIYI RT]UGH IZ'O538 FIRE-FINAL C/O rffrE. -d' r BAILEY & PETERSON A ROTES$ONAI, OONFM.TNON 1660 Lincltn srcci, suarc 3 t75 Dcnw. Colorrb 802dt-3 102 Tclcpbone (3O3) 837- | 660 Faeinilc (303) 83?{GJ7 Writula trnril' smith@b'p'law.com May 25,2N7 VIA HAND DELIVERY Town of Vail Ilesign Review Board 75 S- Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 R€: Smith and Egli L,andscaping Dear Design Review Board: ltis office represents Jeftey Karl Smith and Roger Egll in an adverse po+seeeion suit currently pending before Judge Gannett in Eagle County District Court, West Ridge Condominium Investors. LLC v. Ouinn. et al., case no- O5 CV 328. Judge Gannett beard the case at trial on October 19 and 20, 2fi)6, but has yet to issue a judgment or opinion resolving the dispute. Meesrs. Smith and Egli asked us to write to you to update you on the status of this matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further queetions. Sincerely, BAILEY & PETERSON, JeffSmith Roger Egli tn(nGG Wrf$.r BN* AUg. 16 Sorft FrmSc R@.t T{bsr, SdE zOE VtlColmdo El6trt TtlcpLr: (9(})a7C{fF2 Facsimilc (9r0).t76OO99 TO\,VN OF VA]L Edxards Oilce P.O. Botr 449 175 Mdn $EGt, Suire Cl04 F/rads.Colorado 81632 TdcphotF (90) %69255 Frcrimile (97O't 92G9t98 eeeIvE Dzts 6'L, ooil ]ob Address: Location.....: INNSBRUCK#1 Parcel No...: 210314300006 Project No : ?? APPI.,ICAIiIII SNOWSHOE DEVEIJOPMEMT 5032 SNOWSHOE IJAIIE vArL, co 8l-657 L,icense: 451-B TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 OT{NER CONTR.ACTOR Desciption: NEW P/S Occupancy Occupancy Unknown occupancy Unl<nown Number of Dwelling Units: Firmlace Information: Restricted: PROIECT TITLE: NEW (SF&P/'DUP) PERMIT Also is AM BROS DEVEIJOPMENT INC 288 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ CO 8L657 License: SNOWSHOE DEVEIJOPMENT 5032 SNOWSHOE rJelIE VAITT, CO 81557 I-,icense: 451-B TOV/Comm. Dev. Valuation s187, 590 . OO $9, O95.40 $195,685.40* qPe Zone 1 V-N Zone 1 V-N Totals... 2 Sg Feet 2,535 449 3,O24 FEESUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Feee--> Total Pemdt Fee-> Paym€nte--> BAI-ANCE DIJE_> Wood Palleh 0 s3 ,622 .60 ( 9604 .80) 93, 017. 80 s3 , 017.80 $0.00 Building-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> willcall-> $1, 128 . Oo 9733.20 s0. oo $3 .00 Restuarant Plan Review-> DRB Fee--> Recreation Fee-> Clean-up Depos'it-> TOTAL FEEg--> $0.00 s200. oo s1,058.{O s500. oo J3 ,622.60 o?a*r** oF coMMUNrry DEVEL?N* *" t b M'-"' NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 895-0172 Status...: FINAL Applied. . : 06/05/1.99s Issued. .: 07/31/7995 Expires. .: 03/28/2nz 06/os/L995 Phone: 3034765263 Clean-up Deposit Refund Phoflcproved >1_a_Tamount date 06/os/L995 Phone: 3034755263 Also is Applicant COIITR.JACTOR 06/0s/Lees Factor 74 .00 18 .50 # of Gas Appliances: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $196,685.40 # of Gas [ags: 0 # of Approvals:I€dm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEtiff 06/05/1995 DAlr Action: Iten: 05400 PI-,ANNING DEPART'II{ENI o6losl199s DAI{ IIeM: O55OO FIRE DEPARI.I{EIIT o5l0sl199s DAN Item: 05500 PIJBITIC WORKS 05/0sl199s DArr Action: Action: Action: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thatl have read this applicatio& filled outinfuIl the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforrration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniforur Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLJESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4n-2r49 oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(n AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE2 CONDMONSOFAPPROVAL Perrrit #: 8954772 as of 06.18-2003 Status: FINAL Perrrit Type NEW (SFR P/$DUP) PERMIT Applicant SNOWSHOEDEVELOPMENT Job Address: l,ocation: INNSBRUCK#1 ParcelNo: 210314300006 Applied: M/os/799s Issued: 07/37/7995 CONDMONS Cond:33 (PLAITO THIS PROIECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEil/IENT STIRVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SLIBMTTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQIJEST FOR A FRAME INSPECTION. Cond:10 (PLAN): ATTICSPACESSHALLHAVE A CEILING HEIGFITOF 5 FEETORLESS, ASMEASTIRED FROM THE TOP SIDE OF TTM STRUCTLIRAL MEMBERS OF THE FLOOR TO TFM UNDERSIDE OF THE STRUCTL]RALMEMEBERS OFTHE ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE. ++* t + ++ala*+ ****f *+**{':}****++++ + +***f*+t **t*aa +*r a*++++*++**+* +*a* a*r***+*++t + a *+ +* + * | 't***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCqy Rrprhtod o 0Gl&20G1 et lil:0tt:3J O6/lBt2OO3 Stat€ment + +*ll*f * 'l *'t ** *,1| **** + *f*+ + *l f*+{t* * * * * * * lr r*f* * +f 't'}+ +t t ++ + * *'} ff* * 't 't*{.+ **+* a ***{r*t}** 't***'} * * 't '} + Stat,ement Number: REC-0050 Arnount: 92,81?.80 g7/3L/L99SL1 :49 AII Palment Method: CK Init: AB Notation: 1532 Permit No: 895-0172 rype: NEW (SFR,P/S,DUP) PERMIT Parcel No: 210314300005 Site AddresE: IJocation: INNSBRUCK #1 Total Feee: $3,01?.80 This Payment: $2,817.80 Total AIJIJ prnts: $3,017.80 Balance: $0.00 * *{.t** * ** *+ ++ ++ * *** * * * ** * *t * * ****++*+ * * * * * *** '}** **** t + +*t * * * ****{' '}* ***+++*+ * * * * * * ** * * * ****+a ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 5OO.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1.128.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 733.20 RF 11100003112700 RECREATIoN FEES 453.60 t,lc OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO PnEPITED 7 hLlOS, 15 r a9:11 9ROOnrl| rR{150Io[r of Vtll DIBOEIT RtFttF nlFort-OtDttt Dtgl 1 t CUAT-ID CUSIqGB nl|B fYPE ?r-Drr! Air-DArr Tffi; DrPosi;# *;m Atr*-mcHli(|Bcltlrl DEsctrPrtd a55 895-017, grorysbo€ DGvGlopnaat D2 DIPoE Dct'-Ctc!q{, LlLLlgS TlLLlO3 500.00 500.00 500.00- IOfIt! tOR qUgTorER riPl: DZ o/! BllCH CiTATED: BtSCB-o2la? 2OO3l07 gAlRrD-rxorarct lp nEtlD COSI{T-1.00 rlioutrT- .00 s00.00 500.00 s00.00- @ltrD !Oll!! 500.00 500.00 500.00- DBPOSIT @lt!lT3 1 .00 500.00 ' t'. tT''q_- r! r. t' \-" ilign Review Action Ffrn TOWN OF VAIL _t/ Category Number /l-o,r" sf zof 16 proieanamet a--rt1.-tp+1 4 , ,rr// z'l L*.o./--.t-.-.-+t Building n^ ", .Tzt-.ta-b o (, I / Project Description: . 3-'t-t / t .t'r.a J -b,t--- .'- I - c-'1^.1 . Owner, Address and Phone: ddress and pnone: 8**A 8 ^-o-.*2'-' Ar't-.---.o-A-^ ' ' Z 277,-,--^-,..,/cz.--o Legal Description: Lot /Block - SubdivisionA.rt-ttz1., Z ?fL'-a-ht*istictl U//y' Project Street Address: Seconded by: t'T-lclff-er fl Approval ! Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner oat, s/ Zo/qd DRBFee pre-paia fl.q--a,J. no It a { FH U6laHI Fhl Ht{- t!o nU PtluttFHrlttHH ? €o e ont E.H.-a gE E=oo<.) *(=F- Ut,Fl *t{loT'dPluEiH' iKH-ttl() td trJFtHH<zt4OU ***t r+***tt U [E )HtE FJ [3 -3 I utUr) vUUF t{t ca !3 Ulr{trrtttoPPP. t{ P.Uut ElP.(ooo5FHIrol--€li€Fz M N5G-llFF-ll Irlrl )l 1l \ DP R8\ ti' Vt ll €ll F{ll rott Et'','Z9.,o o9,€ r{ ts.r-lO FP.O ttot5m Hc? trl ^Ft €al('|oOcr ooo!t &No 3oo rrQHoornorrOttF r.t FlP.F.OmlJtlrrO9' F.HttOcti, lr(tJrP. P. O t'd (np, F'riO fP. pr oO(,mFoo.Fl\t P-Httoo<oF-gr ttOK o0,i'7pro oorfotatt 9, 0,Ftl 0, o, f"otto.AF5AOBoorrH0ro5Ao!,H p, r"ti!,oJ sIt Tt h \I N E EP. To Ft Hrtort p, r?P.o5 3'N 3oo toIoott crc n,P Fo P.o{ .€ao EI ttjocrH =,2 Nprlr or.3 ZFJ tll Hr-. Z!'0 c)QtrI Ittd rd E{Hr) Etl ttoonoo v, 7Z0, l,. |-,.EP ttlP.!roQEI Ittttt E{Hr)FzFl ,; p.p l-lo Ul 3 F trlE,F trl IAtllz|JvFl H trl z Et{ or{ o atrlF ul \0 ) { o E H 0 crr H $Eth HtsE, ttIla'UH f{rul,| lg.NF H IFgg ka *t't E€t{lr ld!d td ttYEfi #.',,,t',<,# FErH (rts ElUl€ ouurF, t.th oooocrraEO o oooctvF l-l oooc' J,N PtsPF.oE{tru cCi- . | | | , J,HP F:F tt 64r+A4,sHUt, PP OH'U ZZO oouttsO< ooourur PP OOOOC'Ot! E{td ooooc,otrtd ooooc'oEX ooooc'oHIU!3HFHDd@@ crE, r) b 5.H 8 HooEit4OF. RH 7. BO E.H 9E E Bilr'g E9ro Fl ttHUl g F Ro, B Eo13CT ts.BT ] H Fg E Htr F. I,tB' g H\J < tt r,i F.{D F' EHH H5'o HP8 g tt !E [EHoF- hiFt CL t-orta9'' nsff $E H ul Fh< gto prl|Jo HttlF8r 9r<O rr P.O F.Eo oqHTP, inP.O O5 rn F,lq l?gtc?tooErtr?tt F.F F.l r-,'oootl5 F.r?otsp, (,qtt p, H p rtJo. o BtrEOEP.HFrtOo.d. tsttOFJc?€oo5s,oooolln(Ats.tr <9,r.l g, oo ts. ElH(r(" ts.Frd rt O P.t<Ho Hr"o!tHproFl Pro Ll- 8,ogocrOOngtn Flo rrF,O !t rtoo ts- ao tt 9,, H.o f, G\0 s\ G F t roito Do ruFo Fo &ir1**8.*UlrfNtPoooou NEIooooc.otrl..tdooooc.oooooc,o it'i.orgr(D aa sF,t HP EHHX:U6 ExUD .,8ohlZFttle ql ,'H 8FHtJH e - fi -n$F x iEs , gr-iirc-Ele o s i'ri " *"8*'l g; Eg'i ref $u r;{igi *siirff !* fi ieet"!xf,i 4 .rigi;. :t tfil :EE s: siiiri q:siE;r ;r iisiil B E;iiiil ti iilfs ;ff i! 3ii;ii iE€i;lt i; {i, i:i*.E"aii J 'i6gid84;;:ii; H s*:is,r iir iifni li:r Ii iHtlEi filgiifu ff :XE i[; a;:a€r H r:$riii aEi lffi{ iEit fi iii:;B fiEt;$Ei g EE 'fff ;ii ;.HEfti* g Egi:3{i Eii $*fii ltr; :i EiEE#f i:ifiiiiB i i; ;er isi E$:s{Hr H s;nffii :g! ;t;ii l;ii ii. i;fiiEi igiilgii I ;i. iii $lgE;€ilii fl :lgff-i cE* ;:i;c it$g iit ii*ir* rs;i,rFr; ;sl €ri ;r; igEil;: t i:*rEf;;rl iifili gilE E;s $ttgBi tEij:iiE$ i i:g ii$ Bi3 6irilsf H t{sgii! l3E ffig{i i;F; EE: H;?s;l F:Egiffi ; ii: lE: rrH,; fII3E;il f s5.i6dEE i55 Fiiee,FE HFAi; d EtE$$$Er 5; ; HsEsr{si o|o d.i alor|!ae!o> al<tFfl€dg H d !i ,i ci Fi d d HH OE aaH BH H F( UH AA( a E f; 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e partment of C ommunity D eve lo pme nt March 22, 1996 ' Bob Borne. President Innsbruck Meadows Development Corporation P.O. Box 4205 Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Proposed changes to Unit #1 , Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision Dear Bob: On Wednesday, March 20, 1996, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed your request to change the exterior color ol Unit #1 , Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Upon review ot your request to deviate from the previously approved color scheme, the Design Review Board voted unanimously to deny your request. The denial of your request was based upon the lack of compatibility of the proposed colors with the rest of the Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision. As you are aware, the Subdivision was approved as one comprehensive development. To deviate from the color scheme for just one OuilOing, in the opinion of the Design Review Board, would negatively effect the entire development. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. You can reach me most easily at 479-2145. Sincerely, rllJet- George Ruther Town Planner GR{r R*-* {g*n"uoruo $st$s' il"ign Review Action t t TOWN OF VAIL category nu o", lZ Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block- Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Date Zl Zl *o,onor,ft,- @tT*ru Seconded by: {npprova ! Disapproval 3 Statf Apprwal Conditions: Town Planner on", Z/*lf qd DRB Fee ere-caia 1/1.@ ,,-?n J Fil.ECIPY 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 t 3 9 FAX 970-4p-2452 Febnrary 22,1996 Mr- Bob Borne lnnsbruck Meadows Development' Inc. P.O- Box 4205 Vail, Colorado 81658 Department of Community Development . BE: Request for changes to the previously approved plans Dear Bob: Thank you for your letter requesting changes to the previously approved plans for Building #f in the Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision. Upon review of your request to change the exterior balcony rail system and change the e-rterior c6br of the buiding, staff has conclu-cled that the proposed changes.must go before the Design nevi"* eoara 1On-a). Staff is specitically concerned'with regard to the exterior color change of the building. Ab you'will recall, the Innsbruck Meadows Development was approved as.a compreneisive project. Three ditferent color schemes have been approved for the project. Statf is concerned that to deviate from that original color scheme for just one house in the project vtill not be beneficial to the project as a whol6. Therefore, staff will be forwarding the exterior color change request to the Design Review Board. In order to get the proposed changes scheduled for review, please submit a Design Review AoarO appfication ind the appropriate fee to the Town of Vail Office of Community Development. tn orOer'tb get on the Oesigh'Review Board agenda for March 20, 1996, you will need to have st6rnitted icomplete appliiation to our office-by no later than 12:00 noon, Monday, February 26, 1996. ShOuld you have any questions or concerns with regard to the information addressed in this tlter, ai always, pteade do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can most easily be reached during regtrfar office hours at (303) 479'2138- Sincerely, GR4r ce: r14?ut*t George Ruther Town Planner Susan Connelly {7**"uo'u"' fT' . *ign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL category nu a", 6 ^J..., Q*i.L, -.-., oa. 4/SA/q4 Proiecl Name: E-rz-t >^;t t. ,-.., . L *t t l- .o ."/-,', .n-t Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecUOontact,AddressandPhone: '?,nrt-, 7.-.o, J\ .tt-,r.'-,, -, /, tTtt Legal Description: Lot / Block Subdivision Zone District 1- nrr/F Proiect Street Address: Commenls: ,@ Motion by: & r--' " U Seconded by'. &o o--)- --',-n/ Staff Action Yote: 5'O tr Approval a Disqpproval a Staff Approval Conditions: T\. ,.,-/ -, u,u.t- , / . rtt.* F 'rJ - Town Planner oate: /0/tz/Q4 DRB Fee Pre-paid H P.P P.Ja *3,tn zprH yP.6) 3Pz trtP.y5H Oaq |''J F},Hl o0,-... €0. Ut zHr/ trlo.. F ***aZ HYt'o Pldtrln4tu,! HrdH }( c.lrd E oord u<ztsr.},H FFo - trl qt 1,r> 4r, .t, th vt lqt o € F, 0, rr U c)5, c!< urP lt!, UP-o}(J!'F OH drt ocn(JrF ltrt o Fo'do trt JH HF Ooooo I CPGP o.o ldtZ vt ooooo lc) o ar o, P'l"tt 706 Boooo , : l;c orr5 3 r.J P-{ I O PH|Jtso< lgt rtLr-OrQ O.. aH ]' l' ' )' lc, 5tr tstsr .-' H | | | ! I F{. lC! Oo<ttOtrt '6 E{ UtU cl lt1 dDrot-trid 7C! <r, u, U, 1/, 1J, 4> Y ltrl O H l-t lDtd HY Pts E 1.. ofiC vt 'V t, g116 H t-t !t!r 9, c Fn vurd ooorH o nocr tt(D 5 'rt HF ooo tJttJtp4 O },-tt 3 (D FfF ZO oooooo O lto C P-('' Oo 6)< rio 5 P'rt-o }{ oooooo o Prt 9,El Fd tr oooooo Flt o g, !, g, Pv, F' oooooo O 0, tr|P.PU,@ It Fl oo 5 P-H F tX ,o cfrQ o s, Frru HE P'o!l, Fr !r>tH s, l'l o! o o,ir5 -n O o(]{ Ei H H ftl . UP-U,-li'i5 €l: vro Fr5r-t3@ P!C : r.'to Q l" 9, P'O HO o, U rto, Cf oc UrZ u, !> u, rJ> <r, <r, . dO- E O tJ}: U, trI UIANP OO E< trct oooo(,|Nt{ lt{ 0r! l+o Po t'l F< ooooooE lt'l r-f tsHP.\ o€ trrFl ... . .. Ht lbl !r. ooz' y oooooo I o Dr 9,0,tst Vn oooooo |trt (,' rt t'tn 2- lts rfHoP'o. trt Ir lH gr !r O@ ,4 lu. tt O P.5 rroHl..Pp..oa oH I o€oH zn lo) 05 tto vr- I u{rr og FE h{ g'*E'.c H AZ E' O Or< rr!,fr BH P.{*.,fi5.El H (!Y-o I riq, o F,Z Ft oF- €rtH r tsr ur5 U},H trt ),tt fo P r,o€rrtrlH.oODrt !-lHUOFZtrtF< tt,t{ott, trtF: l-rH<zvt6)t' lv 18 lc{IHtol€ cttzlF{ }:12 HHlF'J tst trloHtN vv, lE ts fH *t to lO t,FlZ rOH€oH},n.j IEE Ilyl I IEH I IEe I Hlt.2v EIHtnVo(,lr) cl trlttt € FH}IO}l tr, E P t, trl U'oFHro !JHoz oopItrfFl .c-,o C" P.o5 v,l\too oo t- .isP.Jort t,tsnort 9'rtP.o !J 1t, No oo J'' It . lr,}'o(,ot,P.nntrt P-tJ' ovri, <,,(tlo oo -l '1., or5ooErt,I v F rrjav E{ tf trl anoFHttEHoz 'uort l' ttP v,tttoP. P.o P.o:' LP Ol{{r< r'trtoH U E HttFH B EHoz I ltotz o]{ !rozHz6) otrlcrOprd =t5 )taF OFJv6..tF'H<Fnor<n oo'Q oP-€ I't P.O5o.rQ\ p, oHrt O r'bfto ar .o UOF|FI!tP-ordu.rtr"oo P- l'locrr}5r<5i..P. P.aru 6PAroO.ro9rOrcooPO OP-F|o5 P-9rnttrtOOP-< 9.oP.5 o,tt. Or< z K trl ott id ro trH P.) |a tso.o r-tobb zv3r{ otll ),rdfo FH c)vz ,B (n trtro Ftrt @t{z '-l}, HIH tt v rlo{F. l0 @r ro A tots $H5 oorlon -PHrC' .c-'e - (rl rOE -F o a-:-T-t-ao OD,J 3!rooa, frouUp, 0,l'l p'Iro. cfocroocUJooo(,t"P!ro5qQF,P POotdrt'dP9' P.|loo9'D'P.rr 5 Gurt ! ryo P.p o .F' oc r-l Flo5rt ,o ts trt6l!,F c, tr, @oFHru HHo -z Fo aa r ut t--oox Et P.F*5q Pc'(, FItaln c'PFlt{ qt 3 3 F lsr|o lo\lz '31*N r0loo llEz ltrttrl lo ",lxH U,€FH ffo oa'z rt,F ''8 Hlt trl'o Fl Noz trl UH @€ HoFl *tO*xtlootgHO @IN FJHO Ntt, q . tJ' E E!Eoort P-O,QPJrrovrit tn ruo t'toP.oa50,o r-t9' r< Fl F6)rdFYqt lnodtt n,otf (n tho|:? Foaltt o P.rt0, q, cLOo r'to5?f |,ar ttt tP. 0,rr rroorlooo<oocnFt0, ctQOo t'ofdi,tsF9r0ro0,P- r-l |.t rr 5<qr;doroO(oF-P-6..o3ao QP.q,o5uF'tqP.o5a.€toP. D,r"P t-' .1. oP. rO) rT @ HaP.<oP-€ r-too50 =tlortlP-ft4.0rOHE gr5NO!,Ftnootroo..5 ao5rr u,o t-tI (,l I ^--- I N ( H I lr -tl N ffiu ;h;lFSqq*l:lllo hI-FI-HFFFh N A EortH!,pog, rd' rto t.otr a, oo:'oP.ftP.oJo o FN oUtt Ft o D,H oJoo' T,nt' r-loUonrrK !Et'oo€o u,I7oOJ7*6o|rr tlo cr .Q oo tnarr"tsPP.o:,€<oog.H NO(,oat }'NOUIoo P.r'>P.o.oo5P.rt P. P.uro5C .\t 6ool {lx flb slP. u, Foetro v, aa 'rtl.\ t\ I I c|a u, Ft oP() !+P-o o o o uo *3r-to0r3- nzo3r?r?50(D0Nt..4C Or ffo 5 0 P-t o o = o 5 r) P- ts..E=andrrgroPr? P.<,Q rr CO Pr-O . (n ]1K< co5 O o.o . o FnN Oo ft IJIJ < fro FrooNr-to.56. OP O@orro<oP.oo Fn H r.o P.lt 5 r,F-o.O 3 €ctr?o,^oo!r€P-i''crc0o.5nooo P.- r?o 55 r? 0, El glCQ 0r !'tr' ou.5(D(D35F.Er'o tl q, P.coo i' !, 0,< }J.FIOFlcFI KI-cott t? 5 N,lltt. 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DEPAN,TMENT OF C'MI'UNITY DEVEI)PMENT * lr5,7, E q 6ra*"= ar ot a^YABLE To rowN oF vArL ACIOI'NT NO.ITEM N(I TAX o(x|TEL ToTAL 0l 0000 41540 ZONING ANDADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 000042415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $36.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $32.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORMFIRECODE $36.00 01 0000 42415 TATIONAL ELEE1RI CAL CODE $30.00 01 0000 4241s OTHER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0L 00c0 42412 XEROXCOPIES $0.25 0Lw00 42412 STUDIES -o100cn 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01 0000 42371 I PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 000tc 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE t$40 PER HR.I-nrcrrna::f2--,-OFEOUM-INIS-PEMNTEE- 01 0000 41412 ffiS lmmo?i413-'l SIGNAPPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l 0000 41413 ADDITIONALSIGNAGEFEE [SI.OOPERSQ.FT.I 01 onnn 4?r'40 Vrc ART_FR OJEET DbNATI ON -?6r:-oootrltl PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEEmlurrlrlI}.IVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 3l 0000 451 10 TOV PARKINC FUND 0twn22a7 TOV NEWSPAPER D]SPENSER FUND * 0t 0000 2l112 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE) + 01 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 01 0000 42371 BUILDING I}WESTIGATION OTHER --_- PEEAPPLrcATIONFEFS 0l ffnO41330 ADDITIOTIAjrRFFr25O-$200.00 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS THAN IOO SQ.FT.I $200.00 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TMORETHAN IOO SQ.FT.I $500.00 0l finO 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT INEWI $rJ00.00 01 0000 41330 $1,000.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMEND $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 01 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 01 0000 41330 ZONING CODEAMENDMENTS $250.00 0l 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTI]ER IToTN-: /ttU0- COMMENTS: V)/)NFf.BY, L4_ | ao Uf g oo d! F t! o 6 ffi# FO' R.o.vt) NNNIKINT'IrcK *N: I € s -tJs (- S-j IRACT A LOT 1 !!E&dtqu'tli n'&+*q to Nt lltf tr.?], tuarI M ltb4t' ld s..J fr. dfirr!#t: s'-t /4 dt iltd tr - rc' t"t ttt' ,-n e -oi 3*d d *r 2K-" - elt lta.ry.*etn io t 3X r"Q e'| 5. *rra*-6 t .F aCca 1*cttttt pe il-*o &c aqt -ttfr-. ca*rta Gr -tflf ffi '.,i*ntr.d tE{, Et:- *.-a'- E:tad4ca@':EP -a.t'a;t drAir' b, h.nrte e oet dlaiq ,'tiaa' -$ t .&t+! *l I.t El' ar rY *.r: .*c. - ,1, a-11 t-C: €rE tat f a.l*rtt -lt 2-l ot d Fl Ttnrl c tctt' ,f zH.* !.a.a4ttlt t tEb d(a af rry'!* sirfadta ,' af,ar i.r '.'ic'-i o l'l.'G.rrb cI tet fC u-&i.ii m on-.* tgrl;'al-.rr'.. GL ."Gttl ,F-a.F.-''t- '4.' * +i 4*','-tt k k t{'hb' J il;|.d r;!G' o stt*&A b bG ot }tt fqa tu4 ffi tppe f\'^'-/- :t'd,..t.tf al$€rr &oei( 'tAF- jttitFlaui !1# LEtficl'NE,{t 5r,u|r1-*SDr. !.L e' NE tr &98ADh : { tF &,tfi.ff P,fr air' t40? tr stt fifr { rlT i lrtcr + K- r6yl,ffil(' IFFN EreYf IMWN CEFW'ICIN4# Inn#*---EF,#.;rlttfitAuoR tElnrs i33r f u4:- EAM @ati!|, &'PA'Y) I s ri