HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK A LOT 4 LEGALJol la.l !c uP,(U )tlt0 'flaracu g5 J aul JaAO laad os xtrpq sl'run asn aql Du! t [n Joj lla?!q PPUeJ o[a^op aql sPuauujo] ur40l aql 'aue1 a6p1X J:o pua laddn aq1 1p punoJp ulnl padeqs-l p pup 'uorlf,asJalu! aql anoqp a6eu1e1ar lreq paddals Jo^pJ an 'u6 lsap Aau aql l.roddns anr lnq 'slesodo.td Ja![Jpa aql qlln suJaf,uoJ auros spq u{oI aql '6ug1aaur 91 ltrenuep aq? lp paluasard aq [[f,r auel abpgX.ro3r su6lsap nap 'U,gt Japun sadols uo palpools! pup adols aq1 o1u1 sdals qrlqn '6ugpl!nq a^!snr?qoun up roJ s! u6gsap aql Jl fluo uan16 aq tpr.t t 10[ uo Eugplgnq fue g:o lelo.rddy 'flqeroneS arour u61sap aq1 ma.r.Aal lt!t.t aA 'lerroldde uollpzlun!ulruopuo] ol pall aq upl u6.rsap 6u.rp11nq aql pup S lol olu.t pale;od.ro:u! s! t lol JI 'alqeldaore t lot alpur plnon 6ugpltnq paub.rsap lam p luapUuor s1 1raford aq1 JoJ loa?lqlJp aqt 'a6p1.r aql JJo unop pa^ou aq plnor g lol uo asnoq -ur\ol xsqtr uJalsail aql pue pauauorls aq Ptnol PPoJ aql 'pa1a1ap alan t loL JI 'alqplJomun lsourlp 1! aletu t 1ol uo sadols a^lssa]xe aql uolldacxa aql qllA 'ldacuo: u6gsap aq1 sl.roddns f11e.raua6 aql Jo ueld aq1 panallal spq uo.r.ssluuro3 6u1uue13 gp1 Jo 't 101 Jo pue a6p1X uAoI aql : sJauo!ss !uuo3 6uluue 16 (nt fattp1 aql ,(lrauuo; a6pgy aqg--paslnax) td-og-il.[-nS 'oN allJ LSgt8 0J 'a16e3 6l L xoS asnoH 1.tno3 f1uno3 a16e3 sJauo!ssltutuo3 6u1uue16 f1uno3 a16e3 086L'91. f;enue6' tr9s-9zr lt0r) t9918 oPerolor 'Ie^ 001 xoq tilfl I llj1lU [7rl \," guarudolanap Ayunr.uruoc 1o guatul.redap Jolc,3J r(l ue,tu {c Iq __'palalap sT_? loT puB pe^ordrr "arB aql JI o8p!u aqx Jo IB^orcIdB 'dor]-_<-aJnssE 01 .fIaraouIS 'uol1araprsuoc .rnor( .ro3: nof {ueql s! uollcesJaluf s,aurl a8prg puno.respuau-oceJ uirlJ, aql . uolsnlcuoc u1 slIun o auou xEql JJO aq+99 pFoqs lTun ryeq s+Tr.rn ggf 01 .rasola r{ue 1 saalue-rsnt qlps aqJ roABJ ail I 'palalap aq1 pue .pacnpo.r ape.r8 'paualroqs €q plnsJ p€o.r aql Lof uo sadols anTssacxo ar.fl p€qr a(11 1T e{a! F ,91 e gocldns rou rrr^ urlor aq' 'uoT1.c.3s.ra'ul aqr ";l]}*#ii:|3:pascdo"rd ".n :1 :?1llural1" -.1o;ro ale8plsa_au1 plnorls 1uec11ddeaql 'padolonap oq prnoqs luanened.iancgpuociinl r" qjio*1s .ra'uol epw ,ZZ LS?ar lr 01 uoTl.cosJa:luT s1T 1e pouapgnirq 1*rlu o$c-J a8pTu 'Iftlr)rls d11uo.r.ma se alqelclac??wl arB p lol se IIar sl, orruI afu1g .ro3:uoTl'cosralu1 oq1 '.rarra.ro11 'ldacuo; uai*p i,ir ,+*"aJ"s {11e.roua3puu oSpIU artl Jo ueld rf-reu.ru4 1o.td oq1 ponolnar seq IIr;A Jo rr,\pJ ar[, :srauoTssTr(urrc x€aq ! (g r{a1p1 aq1, dl.rauuog: a8plg ar6---pasT^au) fd_O8_}Il_fts .oN oIId :au Itglg opuroloC .a18ug asnql ?.dnoc ^r*f4JrffsrouolsslurloC Eugutru14 f1un6 alsug aJait\ p lol JI .alqBrlrolrun luatuclolanap illlunuuoc 1o guaurl.redap 0g6I .tI d.rmrru1, rr99-9rr (totl 49919 operolor .1en 001 xog !tt 'r/' ANNEXATION AGREEMENT THrs AGREEMENT made rhis // day of July, Lglg, by and among the TOWN OF VAIL, a Colorado municipal corporation, (herein the "Townrr); LIONTS RIDGE ASSOCIATES, LTD. (herein called the "Associates")i and LIONTS RIDGE AT VAIL, a joint venture partner- ship (herein called the rrPartnership") i and NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, as title holding nominee of the partner- ship (the Partnership and Northwestern as title holding nominee being herein called the "Owners,')i and LIoNrs RIDGE VENTURES, a joint venture, (herein called "LRV"). RECITALS: WHEREAS, Associates is the proposed ',developer" of the majority of the real property outlined in red and shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, said. real property being hereinafter referred to as the ,'Subject prop- erty"i and, WIIEREAS, the Ohrners are the sole Owners and LRV is the first optionee and Associates is the assignee of LRV and is the second optionee thereof of alt portions of the Subject property, and, WHEREAS, Associates requested the annexation of and a zoning designation of Medium Density Multiple FamiJ-y in accordance hrith the Special Development District Approvals, Two-Farnily Primary,/secondary and open-space for the subject property on behalf of the Owners and first optionee; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the Town of Vail and the Town Council reviewed the request with regard to the Subject Property with several conditions attached thereto, and the planning Board recommended to the Town Council the approvat of the Annexation and Zoning Application for the Subject property; and, WHEREAS, the Town is interested in insuring that certain things will be accomplished by Associates and O\,,rners in order to Protect the public health, safety and welfare. COVENANTS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals, pronises and covenants hereby set forth, and other good and valuable con- hwunxerroN AGREB,TENT Page 2 sideration herein receipted for, the parties agree as follows: 1. Upon annexation, t,he zoning shall be as follows: (Parcel designations are as set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto, which by this reference becomes a part hereof): (a) Parcel B - Medium oensity Multiple Family for 30 condominium units; (b) Parcel C - Tiro-Family Primary/Secondary forfour residential lots and MediumDensity Multiple Family on oneMulti-Family lot for 48 condominiumunits; (c) Parcel D - Two-Family Prinary/Seconddry for 27 residential lots and Medium Density Multiple FamiJ-y on oneMulti-Family lot for 15 condominiumunits; (d) Parcel E - 6 residential lots for T\^ro-Family Primary/Secondary and approximately4I acres of Open Space/Green Belt; (e) In summary, there will be 32 residential lotsof Two-Fanily Primary/Secondary and 93 Multi-Eamily condominium units located on three sites, zoned Medium Density Multiple Family, with anadditional approximately 4l acres of Open Space/ Green Belt. (f) All areas zoned Medium Density Multiple Familysha1l be developed in accordance with theSpecial Development District approvals. The Developer agrees that prior to development ofsaid areas, approval of the appropriate applica-tions for Special. Development Distrj-ct designa-tion has been received. 2. The Developer agrees that for all areas of the Sub- ject Property not previously subdivided shal-l be subdivided in accordance with the ordinances of the Town of Vail prior to the conmencement of any development, the granting of building permits or any further action taken. 3. The Developer agrees to dedicate upon request by the Town all public right-of-way for streeL purposes, to the fullest extent that present or^rnership interest will permit said dedication. Said public rights-of-way shall be as shovrn on any subdivision plats submitted to the Town for its approval. It is expressly agreed and understood between the parties that the pro- posed right-of-$ray necessary to serve Parcel E will not be accepted by the Town and any attempt to dedicate the same to the Town will iannuxerro* o.*"ur"O Page 3 b; be ineffective except at the express reguest of the Town that it dedicated to the Town. The Developer agrees that a homeowner,s association will be formed for the owners of any lots or parcels in parcel E. The :purpose of said association will be to own, improve and maintain the right-of-way serving said parcers of property. No buirciing permits will be issued by the Town for buildings, structures or improvements on parcel E until the reguirenents of this paragraph 3 are fully satisfied and submitted to the Town for its prior approval. 4- The Developer agrees to dedicate to the Town Lot 29 prior to the issuance of any buirding permits for parcer D. The Developer also agrees to d.ed.icate to the Town, prior to the issuance of any buiLding permits for parcel E, that portion of parcel E which is designated as open space,/Green Beil.t, such dedication to be subject to the right of owners and Developers to ent,er upon the such open space,/Green Bert for the purpose of erinrinating any existing or future rockfall hazard.. 5. Prior to the second reading of the ordinance for an- nexation of the subJect property, the owners agree to fire a Petition for rnclusion in the vail Fire protection District and theVai1MetropoIitanRecreationDistrict,Co1oradoguasi-municipat corporations. rf the subject property is not etigibJ.e for inclu- sion in said districts, the owners agree that they will, upon request of either or both districts, file said petition for rnclusion. 6. This Agreement may be recorded at the option of any party hereto. 7. A release executed by the Town Attorney or the Town Manager shall be binding upon the Town and release the subject property from any claim by the Town und.er the terms hereof. 8. The Ajreement and Covenants set forth herein shall run with the J-and, be binding upon the Developers, their successors, representatives and assigns, anc all. persons who may hereafter acquire an interest in the subject property, or any part thereof. rf it sball be determinecl that this Agreement creates an interest in land, that interest shall vest, if at all, within the lives of the individuals signing this Agreement, plus 20 years. 9. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each to have the effect of an original. ( ANNEXATION o AGREEMENT Page 4 10. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create a partnership or agency relationship among any of the parties hereto. lr. rn the event that the Town does not compry or conform to the terms of this Agreenint in zoning the property upon annexation, the owners or Developers may elect to disconngct from the To\^rn $rithin 90 days of annexation and the Town agrees that it wirl_ not object to such disconnection. EXECUTED on the day and year first above written. ttTowntt TOI4IN OF VAIL Corporation [Associates rl ],TON I S RIDGE By ASSOCIATES, LTD. ttOwners tt TIONIS RTDGE AT VAILBy Indian Creek, Ltd., ByConsolidated Oil and Gas, Inc.,General Partner of fndian Creek, Ltd. By LIONIS RIDGE AT VAIL By Percy Wilson Mortgage andFinance Corporation By LroNrs RrDGE VENTURESTE=E!'_ NORTHWESTERN NATIONAI, INSURANCE COMPANY By By Attest: A Colora lt4 qtrl!- LIFE F $5,'t:ileb=i=. vZE tt d $$ H =so.E sl $hh rll'$ {\$|z ll DETABTIilEIIT OT TI.AIINII{! AI{D McDonald Bldg. James R. Wade, Esq. Grant, McHendrie, Haines and Crouse Attomeys at Lal 1700 Westem Federal Building Denver, Colorado 8O2o2 Dear Mr. *uo:t Enclosed is your check in the amount of $35.00 which was to hre appl ied to the High Country Development Corporation Zoning Appeal - File No. Za-2-77- Since the Board determined that it was not within their power to hear the Appreal , the fee no longer appl ies. lf we can be of any further assistance, please contact this office. TK/kP encl. Check for $35.00 I'lnnning Dopirtment/Planning Commission: SuMivision. Rezoning, Applications and Review (803) g2g.6g3g Ituikling officirl: Building Permits rnd Inspection, Zoning Administration (30J) gz8{lgg DTUEI.OPIIIEI{T Ergle, C.olorrdo 81631550 Brordwry 16 May 1977 P.O. Bor l?9 laltE c0uNIt Terrill Knigh Planner o HO P.O. Box l?9 Eagle, Colorado 81631 James R. Wade, Esq. Grant, McHendrie, Haines and Crouse Attomeys at Law 1700 Western Federal Building Denver, Colorado 80202 Re: Za-2-77 High Country Development Corporation Vai I Westridge Project - Appeal to Zoning Board of Adjustment Dear Mr. Wade: On Aprif '14, 1977 rthe Eagle "orn,, Zoning Board of Adjustment considered your request for a hearing on appeal from the ruling of the Board of County Commissioners denying the above referenced PUD appl ication. It was the decision of the Board not to set the above referenced matter for a hearing as the grounds of your appeal are not within the ar.rthorized power of the Zoning Board of Adjustment, i.e., appeals relating to uses and densities. Th6 Board reviewed your letter appl ication for appeal dated April 6, 1977. Said letter contained al legations of error by the Board of County Commissioners to uses and densities. Section 9.04.01 of the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado, subparagraph 1 of said Section, specifical ly prohibits the Zoning Board of Adjustment from hearing or deciding appeals involving questions of use or density under the provisions of said Zoning Resolution. Sincerely, ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MSB,/kp cc: Board of County Commissioners; George Rosenberg, County Attorney I'lanning I )r'lurrtrncnt,/l'la n ning Contmission: Subdivision, Rtzoning, Applications and Rcviow (303) 328-633S lluilding Official: Building I'crmits and Inspection, Zoning Administration (J0J) 928{i3J9 OT PIAI{NI 550 Broadway April 1977 AND DEtlEIOPIfiEIIT o EP0BI$rlEHI McDonald Bldg. 21 D IAOI.I COUNTY Secretary WILLIAM GRAN? DOUGLAS MGHENDRIE CHARIES H. HAINES, JR. PETER J. CROUSE JOHN N. OAHLE J. ALBERT SEBALD DONALO M. BURKHARDT GAI L E. OPPENNEER DONALD E. OENTRY JAMES R. WADE RONALD C. BUTZ JEFFREY H. KATZ JOHN E. BURRUS KENNETH A. MGNERNY CHRIS?OPHER NORGAANO JOHN G. SALIi.ION JAMES E. BROWN oF couxeEL ERL H. ELLIS GRANI McHENDRIE, HAINES AND CROUSE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS ANO COUNSELORS AT LAW ITOO WESTEFIN FEDERAL EUILDING DENVER, COLORADO AOeOe TELEPHoNE (3o$ azs- 5[ l ApriJ. L2, L977 RfC:I"J:D Mr. Michaet s. Btair APR r 3 1€77 Director D€., .i,.,. - - rrvet. Eagle County Departnent \Fslo cgunty. coro.of Planning and DevelopmentP. O. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Mr. Blair: Thank you for your letter of epril I r L977 regardingthe notation of the Vail Westridge Plan on the Board of Adjustnent meeting on April 14. I enclose a check in the amount of $35.00 with theApplication and wil-l be pLeased to learn from you the date setfor the public hearing. It i-s my understanding that the Board of Adjustnent meets the second Thursday of each month. If this is the meetingtime, rny schedule is open either lrtay 12 or June 9. Youra very truly, oLr**,1+ ilames R. Wade JRVtlcc: George Rosenberg, County Attorney High Country Development Corporation EAlII COUNTT Mr. James R. Wade Attomey at Law 1700' Western Federal Savings Building Denver, Colorado 8O2f2 As noted on the enclosed agenda for the Zoning for appeal will be presented to the Board on 14 consider your appl ication for a Publ ic Hearing. OT PI.AI{NI AND DTllIIOIMTI{T 550 Broadway P.O. Bor 179 April 1977 Ergle, Colorado 81631 Board of Adjustment, your request April 1977 at which time they will o EEA[Ilrlt!tI McDonald Bldg. I o NE Respectfully, lLJ"-(<7?A;Michael S. Blair Director MSB/kp cc: George Rosenberg, County Attomey Planning Dt'partment/Planning Commission: SuMivision. Rezoning, Applications and Review (303) 32&6338 Building Official: Building PermiLs and Inspection, Zoning Administration (3031 32E{339 \ GRANI McHENDRIE, HAINES AND CROUSE wrLLrAr. cRANr PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION JoHN E. BuRRus B|ISSS I'$^',t?!]=.r". ArroRNEys ANo couNsEloRs Ar LAw xE|rNErH a' r'.NERNY CHRISTOPHEF NOEGAARD PTTEN J. CFOUSE ITOO WESTERN FEDERAL BUILOING JOHT{ G. SALXON JOHN N. OAHLE JAMES E. EROWN J. ALaERT SEEALE) DENVER' COLORAOO 8O2O2 OONALD I.{. BUR'(HARDT TELEPHONE (gOS) AAS.SIIIGAI! E. OPPENNEER DOHALD B. GEN?FY JAMES Fr.wADE April 6, L977RONALD C, BUTZ OF COUI{3EL JEFFREY H. KATZ EIIL I.I. ELTIS RIC'-i'./5D r!r. Michael Blair APR Z jgllsecretary Eag1e County Board of Adjustment IJ6!!. vi ,,ri,iiri,ig & ij.,vet. Eagle County Courthouse .&gla eountv. colo. Eagle2 Colorado Re: VaiL WestridgeFile *FP-L7-73 Preliminary Plat SF-17-76 Final PIat sr-17.L-77 PUD Gentlemen: I am writing on behalf of the owners of the Vail Westridge project' identified by the file ntunbers above. Citations of applicable zoning resolution sections are to the Zoning Resolution of Eagle County, Colorado, adopted October L9, L974, as annended on March 5' L975. It j-s tuy understanding that some re-nunbering may have occurred in subsequent editions of the resolution. I have reguested from your office a copy of the most recent edition of the resolution, and upon receipt of sane it may be necessary to amend certainportions of this letter. On or about March 28, L977 the Board of Eagle County Conunissioners denied the owner's request for preliminary approval under the PD Section of the zoning Regulations together withplat approval of Filing No. I under the Subdivision Regulations. The purpoee of this letter is to appeal , under Section 9.04.09of the Eagle County Zoning Resolution, this action of the Board of Eagle County Comrnissioners. This appeal is authorized under Section 9.04.05 since the owner is, or may be, a person aggrieved by the decision of an agency, the County Conmissioners, nade in the course of administrationor enforcenent of the provisions of the Zoning Resolution. \ -2- It iE the position of the owner that there is errorin the order of the County Comnissioners in the followingparticulars: 1. The Board erred in applying to this submittal standards set forth in the Eagle County Zoning Resolution for the reason that this submittal- is specifically exempted from such standards by Section 4.02.06. 2. The Board erred in failing to approve the densities and. land use sought sj-nce these had been previously approved by both the Board of County Cornmissioners and the Planning CommiEsion. 3. The Board denied approval on the basis of allegedtechnical failures and an alleged failure to follow the proceduresof the Zoning Resolution. The method of proeeeding had previously been agreed upon by the owner, the Planning Conmission, and the said Board of County Commissioners. 4. As to the alleged technical deficiencies, the Boarderred in its interpretation of the open 6pace reguirement provision, Section 3.1I.03 (a) . 5. The Board also erroneously interpreted and applied 3.1L.03(c) regarding the density of uses other than residentialin that: A. The density of other u6es had previously been established and approved by the Board of County Commissionersi and B. The Board failed to consider the County Master Plan and the indi-vid,ual characteristics of the subject land. 6. The basis of the Board,'s ruling under 3.11.04(a) and 3.11.0a(c) is unclear. Alternatively, and without conceeding that its rights depend upon the availability of a variance, the ovrneri requestsa variance from the Etrict application of the terms of the Zoning Resolution on the grounds that unnecessary and unreasonable hardship will be imposed on the owner if the provisions of theregulation are strictly enforced and that the variance ig consistentwith the intent and purpose of the County Master PIan. O\ -3- It is ny underatanding fron Mr. Rosenberg, the CountyAttorney that the Board of Adjustnent cloes not have preecrlbedforns, ae au'Ehotri.zed by Section 9.04.09, and therefore our applLcation Ls provLded Ln the form of this letter, irRvtlcc: George Rosenberg, EBg. Eagle County Planning Cornnission Board of Eagle County ComisgionersIqr. Bennett Grove Bigh Country Development Corporation D,f ,'l€ -{u.-' f!-*---,/,n.., f ,iI l,.f it -; Irat --t. //,o-o(4 ,' -.1. +-'.4 .-.-ZO, .t,t '*u &?t/e.,, ,r)a./"r/.en-1- (/ At ''{ct-c "" J do atL;/' "o "" ) -l.r-.t- R-t-t **t.+^t/*r*.*- e+-cL (/^*" - ,-r%o-o -g"k'd-J*|-,- l- &"1,& &" ? us- €//,/ ),, AprlL 2I , L977 James R. Irlade , Esq. Grant, Mcllendrie, Ha ines and Cro use Attorneys at Law 1700 Wes tern Federal BulldingDenver, Co 1o rado 80202 Re: Za-Z-77 Htgh Country Devel-opment Corporatlon Vail Westrldge ProJect - Appeal to Zoning Board of Adj us tment Dear Mr. Wade: On Aprl1 14, L977, the Eagle County Zonl-ng Board of Adjustmentconsidered your request for a hearing on appeal from the rulingof the Board of County Commissioners denylng the above- re ferenced PUD appl-ication. It was tltg ^^-ct *,.4-r* decislon of the Board not to set the aboye-referencedmatterforahearingas@.t4zJttl,13 fr .ffi not nithin- the aucho ri-zed porrer o f the Zonlng Board o f AdJ ustment, +*a,Sil'fac.r appeals reiating to uses and densities.'/*"r'- TJlJs+c+€{:€'ar+rt fhe foard @ revrewiirr€ your letter appllcatlon for appeal dated April 6, L977. Sald letter contalned aJ-legatLona of error by the Board of County Comnlssloners jn dan{ oi nns r'y c-{rl R^erC relatlng to uSes anddensities. Section 9.04.01 of the Zonlng Resol-ution of Eagle County, Colorado, rrn d-e.rr ldubparagraph 1- of said Section, specifically prohibits the Zoning Board of Adjustment from hearing or declding appeals involving questions of use or density under the provLsions of said Zoning ResolutLon. S ince re ly , ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Michael S. Bl-air Secretarv I.:'i'! O t .,",/ 7gl ,:, i",./ |I 01 y', qrye,l MSB:GR:jk By: I fi. l','y t6, LyTz :l I I l 'l l :l i t I.1 lI i Ii tI C'}(D siq. aYlo (, Itl o: UJ?a =(o|nsooz6 JEnO ilc) 'gr-n 9.2 o\.o p>frzuJ ulzi6"zlrJ \' oZ o.r I(o-x60z@'8od Tot Eagle County Plannlng Connlsslon SubJectr R*fng #IO-TZ - Id.onts Rldge Subdlvlslonl &.e'l!'{raa4r PIat, Category I During the sketch plan revlen of thls dwelolnent, the developers rerE asked to state Ltnits on the ulttlate nrnber of wrlts pro- posed in the develotruent. this submlttal ineludes, tn eddittqn to thE requireuents ca11edfor ln tbe reguletl.on, e break-dorm of proposed densltles on sn area by area basls. 1u =6U? 2etr<ulE 29 98 3Ho trooJ UJ Jerone F. Garnbar + A.-.--. r May 25 L972 The Eag1e County Planning CommissionEagle County CourthouseEagle, Colorado 81531 Attn: Mr. Hubert Peterson, Chai.rman Dear Hubert: Thank you for setting-up the site tours of the two subdivisionproposals. It always helps me to get out on the ground and have most questions answered at that time. However, a fewquestions remain in my mind about the Lions Ridge second filingpreliminary subdivision plat: 1. Due to the general steepness of the topography, it isobvious that many special considerations are necessary withrespect to road construction and alignment such as the timbercribbing suggested by the developer. It appears from thepreliminary plat that the utility corridor is paralleling orwithin the roadway. I wonder if the utility companies canlive with the criteria proposed. Perhaps a meeting should beheld by the developer with the six utilities to resolve the narror,rr corridor guestion. It rnight also help the utility engineers and the commission if the planner provided an overlay showing the percent slopes (e.9. 0 to 15, L6 to 25, 26 to 35, and greater than 36t slope) and another overlay showing theproposed utility corridors. 2. Quite a few dwelling units (500-600) are protr)osed onthe upper dead-end road. Is this a safe and workable numberwith the potential for stuck vehicles on icy roads, and withrespect to fire equipment, ambulances, etc.? 3. The developer I s geologic consultant stated that aminimal rock fall hazard is present on the site. It appears -2- to me, however, that a significant rock fall hazard may bepresent during the road, utility, and building construction phases. 4. As a director of the Upper Eagle Valley SanitationDistrict, I do not feel that the UEVSD can unequivicabtyoffer sewage treatment service due to plant/line capacities: a. During t.he Easter weekend, L972, the Avonplant was at about 3/4 of the theoretic capacity b. The UEVSD has an agreement with the Vail Water and Sanitation District to treattheir excess effluentEi'l'Ut aL this trrcintin time we do not have any estimates of how much effluenc.e Vail will be providing.AIso, the UEVSD does not have the datato predict effluence from those subdivisionsalready approved within the UEVSD. 5. As we all know, the Denver Water Board has a proposed diversion on Sandstone Creek. Therefore, the conunission will need specific stream flow water right analyses to judge the lilJy'adequacy of the proposed systen. We should al-so be careful .AOD7if an Eagle County subdivision helped to dry-up a creek, we I i'' may anticipate considerable public and private reaction onboth sides of the Continental Divide. 6. Apparently the total population of the proposed sub-division will be about 3,500. Some offsite impact is probable and I suggest that we should solicit the school boards adviseon potential students, school bus routing, etc. Also, the employee housing situation should be discussed. With respectto the fire and police protection, we can anticipate about 10,500 resident and guest beds within the Gore Valley by thiswinter. About 7,500 of these beds will be within Vail Village and served by the existing police and fire protection. Ilowever, about 3,000 beds wiJ-l be outside of the Vail district. This may cause the Eag1e County sheriffrs department to be understaffed.As a practical matter, requests for emergency fire and police services are provided by the Town of VaiI. However, they arestaffed to handle the Vail- population demand onIy. 7. I am quite concerned that we provide the opportunityfor public information on Planning Commission activity. Atthe last few meetings you will note that attendance is primarily by developers. I feel that we must publish commission meetingdates, agendas, and other news releases to provide the public and interested agencies the opportunity to participate. r-11 I -3- Public information is going to be particularly necessarywith the proposed road and utillty construction on BLMand along the water and travel influence zone of Buffehr Creek. Very truly yours, -b Chan Chlwi ss cc: J. Mitchell Hoyt Rod Slifer Eldorado Engineering Gerald E. Brown PHILLIPS . CARTER REISTER AND ASSOCIATES, lNC. ORLEY O. PHILLIPS, PE E. H. CARTER, PE FLOYO M. REI9TEF, AIA DONALO S. RAND, PE W. B. COLWELL, JFI., PE JAMES D. McGlLLlS, PE ENGINEERS . ARCHITECTS. PLANNERS . 9IO-I5TH STREET OENVER . PHO CONSULT NE 266- ANTS 2481 JuLy 22, 1969 Mr. Jerome Gamba, Engineer Eagle County Planning Cornrnis sion 213 - 8th Street I Glenwood Springs, Colorado 8f601 Dear Mr. Gamba: As per your request of July ZI, 1969 regarding the Filing Map for the Lyons Ridge Project, near Vail, Colorado, and the deaign of the road intended to serve Tract A of the subdivision, enclosed herewith is a sketch showing a possible revision to the intersection of the Tract A loop and the East loop of the roads. Also enclosed are print-outs of the perirneter of the subdivision and print-out of tbree lot closures, to indicate the accuracy of the corn- putations. Very truly yours, PHILLIPS - CAR TER -REISTER AND ASSOCTATES, rNC. %'g-zu- JDM/d11 cc: Richard Zinn Encl: oEECD July 15, 1t6t Mr. Jerornc F. Garnba Eagle County Planning Comrnlsgion c/o Eldorado Engi.necrlng P. O. Box 669 Glenwood Sprlnga, Colorado Dear Jerry: Enclosed 1g a ect of prlnta whlch rcflect out plopoged filing for Lionrs Ridge near Vail. Stncc wc w111 bc presenting theee rnaterials to the Eagle County Planaing Comrnig slon at their next rncetlngr 'we noed your c ornrnent a as aoon as posalblo. If changea to thcee drawinge are requlred, letra 6ct up a confercnce call with Jtm McGlllte of Phillipe-Carter-Relitct 266-248L and rceolve all the problcrna. Be et rogarde,6,/ Rlchard G. Zinn Stalf Englncer P.GZ/JJ EAGILE CC'IJNTY E EVELCIFMENT CCtFPClHATIClN LIilGOLil TOWEB BLDG. 1830 rrtGoLr a?REETDEilVEn, GOLO. 8O2O3PltoilE 308.ztt-.l7ll hwn box loo r vail, colorado 81657 r 303.476,s613 Septemben 18, 1972 Eagle County Planning Commission Eagle County Commissionens County Count House Eagle, Colonado 81631 Gentlemen: The Town of Vail wishes to expness its concenn oven not having had adequate time to fully study and neview the final plat fon Lion's Ridge Subdivision, Second Filing. Aside fnom the fact that such neview is pnovided fon by Senate Bill 35, we hope that such a neview and comrnent pnocedune can and will be of help to you in youn deci- sion-rnaking pnocess . In the futune we would welcorne the oppontunity to study and comment in a stnictly advisony rnannen on all subdivision plats withtn the two- mile statuatony limit and pnefenabty on atl ptats and pnoposed devel- opments within the Gone Vatley. As we all ane keenly awane, the gnowth pnesently occunning in the eastern pontton of Eagte County, is of the rnagnitude and scope to necessitate an intense coopenattve planning effont between municipal and county agencies if it is to be contnolled at all. Recent studies by the Vail Planning Commission indicate that as a finst step we will lowen the land densities allowed within the Town of Vail in the next few months in onden to pnesenve a quality ard livable community. We ane also cunnently examining the townrs abilit5r, both financially and physically, to pnovi.de the additiornl amenities necessany to rnaintai.n and enhance the pnesent quality of life in oun valtey. Hope- fully, yourn neview and planning pnocess on the county level can be coondinated with ouns and plat neview s lowed down until such time as the new County Plannen is hined and the vanious distnict planning commissions Jrave had time to get organized. It is vitat to all of us that we gnow, but this gnourth must occun in a natioral, planned and systernatic fiashi.on in hanmony with the cannying capacities of oun county and negions . Page 2 Eagle Cotrnty Planning Commission Eagle County Commissionens Septemben 18, 1972 In necent weeks sorne stantling facts have corne to my attention that i llustnate oun pnesent dilemrna: 1. A necent study by Beandstey, Davis Aseociates, Inc. irdicates that an additional population of 36,9@ pensons can be expected in this valley oven the next 5 to 10 yeans. 2. Summen necneational f;acilities within the Town of Vail have been heavily oventaxed for the finst tirne this past summen. 3. The United States Fonest Senvice has set an uppen limit on the numben of ski.ens the Vail Mountain can accorn- modate in a given day innegandless of up-hitl lift capacity. 4. The Vail Fine Depantment necently nesponded to a call in an uninconponated anea west of Vail and in just foun minutes they pumped that developmentrs entine waten supply dny and the building bunned to the gnound. These ane signs of the fi.rtune, unless we will wonk togethen to establish a rneani ngfi..r I masten plan and tota I planning process fon oun region. Thank yotr fon youn patience and we will be mone than happy to coopenate and assist in any \ray you feel would be helpful in this effont. Respecttully, /T- 1^ n u ]",^,-e.l'vl WJ**- Tennell J. Mingen/ \Town Managen ' ) TjM:lh \ \ \ l\r \\ l) li ilt \\,\' lt\ l,i tilt ', / /t-,*r/ I I l Itl tl %1----'- --- -;-= lB I'30.r t i\k h' lr jt rlt &" Pro.i t,f Roe/ flevtsroa sr-l L\l\J t' ') : '& --_a.\ >/rz/cz .1f0";;t n /e CanOFF,r* lvrtl iln ' v't +53- ? "- r 7 AREA DISTRIBUTION *n_z4 4 3 Lionrg Ridge Subdivision Fitiag No. I BLOCK A BLOCK B BLOCK C BLOCK D EXCEPTION ROADS Total Groes 10,884 Acres 13,004 Acres L8.9?.3 Acrea 1.769 Acres Z.lZ4 Acreg 9.6'17 Acrea 56.376 AcreeArea H!-ADY. 'IAPI RL:ADY. 2000 DA'lA 2010 DAlA 2O2O DA'IA 203 0 DA'iA 20 40 DA',iA Zfr 50 DATF. 2060 DA1A 2070 DA'iA 20EO DA'IA 2090 DA'1A 2100 DAIA 2020 DATA RUN CLTxIS t2/ lB/ 67 12: l{t9 45. 7 54, 9 8 1 4. 9 O3 3 Ct2O2 64/:4t 4 t26?t, I B O99O44OO8r -3r 95. OUr 1732.43 l800O0OOOr0r lOO.00 I BO0OO0O0.' -2' 127 . it6t 59 6. 6<) l27O1OO4OtOt77.66 1O02 1035,0r 62.68 6lA28A23r Ot79.BO 53O42CtO2t Ot 97 .34 229OO 1009, 0r 93 . 63 l4lO4703 lrO' 129.61 096033O55t -3t 9 lr.tj 6r I 732. 13 16.23 PX SYSF T/A9/ 69 VIlRSI SN AZ iilLJTI-i DI STANCE \ Nti. I 2 RAD = 3 4 5 RAD = 6 7 a 9 lo tl l2 302026041 26AtAO 2950520 49 1732A30 ARC I t20 42036 t7 32430 LG'j'H = 9586...]DELlA 22A42036 22A42036 59 6690 l7 32430 I00000 6417 6 LA'i I 'l irDE l43A7A 7 56192 - 668633 92247 59200 34C590I 5 87048035 15702700c 175056037 2Q20 | 6C3 5 1530I 5025 19102?055 PERI METER ! AFrC LGTH =t27A60 52578 296A - 57868 -796Cs - 9007 5 -83615 6At7 6 77660 6268A 79800 973A4 93 630 129 640 I 132650 - t27 053 4 367 9A 77 603 24037 5599 -36899 /2132 - 257 69 -2 I1381016 972a2C2 I 13839r,5 98058r)5 tt326097 9829842 I l2t'6tt93 983544 I ll1564lB 97985a2 t1o72803 9810674 ra9 427 50 I 09 4ai 54 EITROR 0F CL@StiRE = I FT IN 263560 sG FT 67rt2 \..-..--F-td' ACFEAGE 1.541 'at5l-i.rF--.-,36.-'- L (r4 \ro' DE.PARl I.'RE -22631A - 155668 I = 30lool3 t 59ti I l? 38 607 2477 6 DEL1A = 12015039 NOK.IH EAs 1 I toag632 9588585 | 181t582 4 842990 /. 'tAN = t7 912 ttl7699r 962B02l t1269238 9666627 | 1328/39 9 69 | 1A3 1AN ='64176 161AL AREAs , oo \: t" I 3>t*t .71 N tS to f) N tD fu N lu ru fo NG*-oQelOC)c)ocroozea\om{c,u.b.cl'iJ_cJol?c)c)oS.?oor)oc 99Sru(fvutrrrfrf,oEP},r>>Irb>DD>D>-l + { *t _.1 _t *t -t _4 _t ,{ t_lDD>D>>.DD>>b> Fr c,r !-.!- -l.F:d 6t r zln -s{ Z-! -l '0x t-azu.nNO-J o o Orv) :0 tlt cco{,z tn ttt t, -l ('lOr.\c@o c., tlz () t-lCt-{ott () F{ lJl o 7t z n7 cr -l O!el ' r \ ZZ;il4i,3., ;e b !oe\oNat.,i}:i6, N) c) s. O, -t C0 O.NNNo\o\oqoNtlcgoc)oaogqSqll :!€f,i.bc]Ctc)()\t-lo-e' gq.loo"bfFirpN^)ol€n\o\o\o?oo\ott l{C)El i({tr.Lntu-to\\ol)v)\ouN\ou.qejo.rou('|,J0wr\oIoo:o\a9..q.borr(!z@o c) ll C c|. or () a) C toO()CJT"Z O\, H ;Jc{o\i)tUnltt-f.O.bo(''..-l(.),$' \aJoc,D.b.-r.o-toic) () ('l Cil \C. 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LrS Eit NUi4EER- -F I 90110 Pir0Jucl ID--- 69- 2.5 sYs'lEM--BASrC NE1.J Ori ALD--aLl) 6LD FIL[: NAM[--CL1Fi1 $ r., A I',i . R[ADY. .IAPE READY, 2OOO DAlA 9t lOO22.9 l21 9325. O69 20 t O DAlA 0130O6038 +o aBt 4',2O0.00 2020 DA'iA 093052001t Ot337 .A1 2030 DA'i'A 09e024035r0r 172.15 2040 DAlA O92O32O23,Ot l2Oi6't 20 50 DA',IA 270000000: 0: 75. 0l 2060 DA',IA t lBo200 43tat'to.a9 2070 DA'iA 0900040 12r0r o.30 206O DA'lA 180OCO0CG' -3,25t.O5r3ti-/. 56 RUN CLTF]T$ l2/ ta/ 67 VLF;SION t- f'x sYs F- 7 / 09 / 69 'L1Y 32 o tt vh f ooran, o lyoozzttz N0. 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READY TAPE Rt]ADY. 2000 DAlA 5r 10288.57 1t86?-4.3Aa 201O DA'lA 000003O25 .t 4,,348.27 202O DA'lA 143032016'-2t 13C.63 t/.28.47 203O DATA 09803 6A22t Ot2/17.94 2040 DA',iA 090000000, 0r375.00 R LiN CLTR I $ t2/ l8/ 67 122 42 PX SYSF 7/ I l/ 69 VERSI U N NO.AZ IMUTH DI sTANCE t+A'\ vo' | 3025 34A270 2 36031OC9 65A26 RAD = 42AA7O ARC LGTH = 3 53059014 65826 4 135022052 21794A 5 225022052 375000 LATI 1L'DE 3/A270 5290I r30630 DEL1A 38703 - i aaez -263395 3 UEPAFi I Liii E 346 39 172 = l7028O05 532 45 174r50 -266923 9 NOR'i H EASl 1O636841 8624654 t06897 42 86631326 TAN = 55826. 107E,a415 1o551963 f,oz"esdaI I ro28Ss7l \ .oo3 87.17072 88g1222 (l8624?99 |Ia6243OA \--_'J '001 PERIIYIETERT IIOTS40 ERRAR 9F CL@SUFiE = I FT IN ll24ae IOTAL AFEAS SO F'I' 62996 USED 9tOO TJNITS ACKEAGE 1.446