HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK PARK LOT 6W LEGALDeign Review Board ACTION FOR]II Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vall. Colorado 81657 tel:S70.479.2139 fax:970.{79.2452 web: www.veilgo%com W mlt tw tEtEltttatft Protect Name: ARNOLD/NEWMAN CHANGE Prorect Description: Pailldpants: DRBNumber: DR8070302 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS TO DELETE A WALK OUT BASEMENT, REVISE THE PATIO PIAN; AND WINDOW REVISIONS. OWNER ARNOLD, NEWMAN ANN & ANDREW OilO3IaOO7 3954 BIGHORN RD W VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT TOM FRYE Oil 0312007 Phone: 970-748-3073 PO BOX 2320 AVON co 81620 3964 BIGHORN RD VAILPrclect Addrcss: 3954 BIGHORN ROAD Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Location: loft 6 Blodc Subdivision: LANDMARCTOWNHOMES PH I 2101-111-0.t01-1 See Conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Action: SIAFFAPR Dab of Apprcvah ItlO7l2O07 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not onstitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction acb'viues. @nd:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward mmpletion. Cond: CON0009478 This approval does not include the addition of a curved roof over the garage entry. Cond: CON0009479 The applicant shall obtain approval of the new fire pit from the Fire Depaftment prior to installation. The flre plt shall be a UL listed appliance. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: S20.OO Changes To The Approved Plans Appllcation for Design Review Oefnmert d Cqrrruly Oewfpment 75 Scdfi frontage Rod, Vd, Cdordo 81657 H: 9Z)..179.2r'8 ia;, 97L479.V152 vreb: rww.mlgw'on Gensal Infunnadon: All proJects r€quiriu d€ligr t€tierY md l€eiye apFu,al pric to sjbmitfiql a btdldng pennfr applcauon. Plee rcfer b u|e gb|nil*al rcqutuements for the prtirla approval that b rcqE*ed- An apdl(rtbn br Des,gn R.vis cannot be aaoepbd urtil dl r€quiGd inbrmdon b rcdved bV Un Cmrrunfty Oadopmert DepnUnent The proiect may abo ne6d b ba lcvi.ruEd by the Town Ccund an46 frte Plannturg and Ewirqtmentd Cornr{s*n.Ddfi nMsf, TFtouJ $nr udgSr hnfir Dfil{tb hnd and oormudon omoEtarullhh oncyteolof t1'caPgrcnl Descrlptim dtfrc Rqgr* 1- Delebwafxsut besementand rcvise rctrd.+ngd 3. It$n<lovrwislors(stairsellwindorcard Lodon d$e Propcl: l-oB_il_abOc_ g.DCvbin l-ardrsc Torrrtgn€s phlse I & phese ll ftyCtat Addecs: 3954 EXrhom Foad.l,Ybst{alf M llo.: 210111104011 (aofiad Eagh @. Assessor at gru-32g{eto for pard no.) Zonlng: I|am{s)d(Imcr(il: ilameof AppllcanG' op G'o \,o trlors lldlingAdfres: Pltorn;{srq 47r€045 Fmaillddrcs: flpedRaniewald Fee: E AongesbApgroved Plas $hdtblRsruirqsrtr: 3 Sets d Ptans Addrcs{*€ @ed Orarpes Signaile d tlomswner(9 or Amiatbn furrsiisrsb CansaHyArorna by krning fforthe Deigrt Ra,ievv Board. i20 7&{71 Offielr$Only: hhid: 26 - O"4no.,--t{--'g'- | -of JUL 0 22Wl TOWN OF VAIL 'OItrT PROPERTY OWI{ER WRITTET APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a lrint owner of fperty located at prwide this fetter as written apprwal of the plans datrd O+22-mT whkh have been submitted b the Town of Vail CornmuniEy Dwelopment Depaftment fior the proposed improvernents to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed imprcvements include: Revisions to previouslv approved plans including: 1. Delete wa,lkout basement and rcvise related patio design. 2. Addition ofqrrved, copper canopy above qarage door. 3. Window cvisions (stair well lvjldqlvs and window paftem in living and dining rooms). 6, '#^ AddiUonalln pleasa thed< the statement below whidl |s most appllcable to you: I urffind tlmt minor mdifiat&trls nay h n& b tle funs over tle ours of dn rcview to ensue andhtre widt AE TownS apliable ffi and tqulatiots.poqs @l ?r7a^ Qiitial here) D I rqtrct tM atl ndifiations, mins ar drenvi*, wh*h are n* b tlc plans eter& @urs of dn rcuiewpw, E btonghtb myathntion bytlea@bntfq&itbrclaprynl Morc udegoirrg furterrcview bytle Tutn. joint property owner letter revised 10/182@6 Er (nitial here) -li--^a l^ ^^-a6,l ^l^i- .a ^--- I tl I O aa|.tlA l^^ ******++******+f*+*++++***+******************************t*+**+*++**t***+***+********t****** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R070001152 Anount 3 520.00 07/03/2OO702:20 PM Pa)ment Method: Caeh FRYE/RESORT DESIG:N fnit: 'JSNotations $/THoMAs Permie No: Parcel No: Sit,e Address : Location: Thi6 Palment: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003tL2200 DRB070302 2101-111-0401-1 3954 BIGHORN RD VAII., 3954 BIGHORN ROAD . s20.00 DescriDtion [4re: DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Total Fees: Total ALL Pmte : Balance: $20.00 $2o. oo $0. o0 DESICN REVTEW FEES Current Pmt.s 20.00 /ant&m*r{ownhorws mnl|.rulY Er,Erap|f:}tt Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax2970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: Protect Descrlption: ARNOLD/NEWMAN ADDMON 3954 BIGHORN RD W VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT TOM FRYE DRB l{umber: DR8060059 031 t312006 Phone: 970-748-3073 Paftlcipants: OWNER RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CONVERSION OF CMWLSPACE INTO GRFA AND OTHER EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE FACADE AND LANDSCAPING. ARNOLD, NEWMAN ANN & ANDRE\A/ O3IL3I2OO6 PrcJect Addrcss: 3954 BIGHORN ROAD Legal Description: Parcel Number: PO BOX 2320 AVON co 81620 3964 BIGHORN RD VAIL Location: Lot: 6 Block Subdivision: I-ANDMARC TOWNHOMES PH I 2101-111-0401-1 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Modon By! S€cond By: Vote: GondiUons: Dorward Dantas 4-0-0 AcTON: APPROVED Date of Apprcvalt MlL9l2006 @nd:8 (P[AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written onsent of Town of Vail statr and/or the appropriate revierirr commit@(s). Cond:0 (P[-AN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for buildlng. Please consult with iown of Vail Buildlng personnel Prior to construction activifles' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) yeal following the date oi hnat approvat, uitess a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007976 The applicant shall utilize "Option 3", the dry stack stone option, on the sbucturc. cond: @M)007977 The boller whidr is rrecessary br the nenr heabd enryway is not shourn on the plan. If this bo|ler is to be located o<temal of the structure the applicant shall submit for rsdew and approval by statr the locatlon of the bolhr prior to installatlon. Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: l30O.0O Additions-Reeldentlal or Commerdal Applicaffon for Design Revieur Departn€nt of Cqnmunity Devdopment 75 South Forfttgtc Road, vail, &lorado 81657 Eh 97O.4A.NB fax: 9m.4n.2452 w€b: wrw.vaahw.@rn Gmnllrfrnndon: All proJects rEqulflng deslgn review ml|st rrecelve approval prior b submitting a bdldlng pernit the $bmittal t€qulr€mclts for the parucLdar approval that ls rcqucstcd, An aPdlcauon fur acccpEd tf,|gl all r€qulr€d Informafrm is rccived by the Commt.nlty Der/dopm$t Department b be l€vlar€d by tfE Town Couril ard/tr tlc Flnnang ild Envfiqlrrntd coflunbdon. Ddgn relr n|Ud tputr r hfltrg prnlt b hFd ld ortudon omnr dd*r qF Fr dtlE ponl DCCdpdon Of tlfo Rcqud: conversion of crawlBpace into GRFA aad creation of walk-ouE garden; expansion of livipg room and addlgion of balconyr replace rindous r addiliop of gtone and 6tucco; addition of entry rooft remodel entry area and landecapingi re-roof. Loca0on of t{rc Prcpoerl: Lot:or Bbck:- Subdlvlsbn:@aLon Plryrlcallddru:39511 Biqhorn Road Parcol llo.:2101111040L1.(Contact Eagle Co. Assesor at 970-328-8640 tor parcel no.) Zoning:1!o Panily Resid.ntial EGE0vtr|il "":i::'j' a ilrmc(rldOnF(al:Aadv Alaold eld A!.o Neroaa d Ng)of\ 0-o Cn \dt HrlllngAddror:3954 Biqhorn Rd., VaiL CO 81657 llrnnof APPllcrnft Ton Frye l,lrlllng Addrur:PO Box 232 0 co 8162 0 PhOnO: 97o-74a-3073 glE 11,00 pcr squaru ft* of bull Sgn aGa. For con9b1rc0on of a new bulldhg or demo/r€build, For an addluon wherr square footage is added to arry r€gdenual or @mm€rcial h.IldrE (inclLdcs 250 additions & intgior cmrrcrgons). For mtrs duEcs b hlk{ngs and slte imprur€nrents, srdr as, ref@frng, pdnttng, wirdouv ddltorq lanGcaplne ftnc€s ild rcbldng walls, ctr. For minor chang€s b bnlldings and site imprwements, srlch as, rr+oollng, palnung, wlndow addluons, lan6capim, ftncls and cEllrlng wdb, et. t20 tur rt\,blorts b dans dredy pp]orcd by Plarri{tg Statr or lhe Desfgn Re{hr Bond. No Fe€ ErnrlAddrs: Typc of Revlcw and Fe: tr SlgrE tr Conceoural Review E New ConshrdonE Addluon tr mhor AlErauon (mr.dti-hmily/cofiitfE cial) tr Minor AlEra0on (stngle-family/duphx) tr ChrEesoAmrsvd F1ils tr S€paradon Request ts0 No Fee $650 $300 t2$ $20 Sflf:-hsE**ilo. s{v5 A3lW2gEE gB:39 3839827046 JEFFCO IFEN r litfir fiffibd d* nls nrdltrrign iry b3 nd Dl'E DbtEau $e @(|t d ilc |rt'hx' troar b cnr|" ontt|E|G rriur tlG Tannl *fdh G nd tqlEdom. PAGE A1 *ffi DrrTtlilttilotlntlfrrriAtrilovrltlrTln p|ol,EtttFhtrlrGritEn{gs*dthficffi ot-U:06 dilchtlE bst q$|tltGd tD $t tum o?\r|| ClntnJtrty Dac|oF|tEt brfirg* lb. tlt propd lttUtptpntrttts b be onolrtrd * tlF ddress nobd rbre. I undtctlrd th* tfte pnpod improtft'|renE hdt'der t ry-.ta aa Ftllt +E- :ilA (Ear r-4 d-..t14 tt nrl-drt a!d.a' .r4r16_el-I.l!rl!g Ta --d .adftfr 6f htcFt. -'6r 'Gc d of orlrr roo* , tlgtiltr (Dm) r, orr* *rr*l fti lg [,htL---------- r Jdtt owru or o,opertv tott*tl st (,.ldlt'/lesd ADDITIONS . RESIDENITAL OR COMMERCIAL SUBITITTAL R.EQI IREltlElfTS General Infiormation: This application is required for all proposals involving the addition of GRFA (grcs residential floor area). This includes proposals for 250 additions and interlor convesions. See Tith 12, Chapter 15 - Glc Resktenthl Floor &ea for specific reguhtbns. I' SUBMITIAL REOUIREMET{T5** E All pagps of Apdlcatbn is cunplebE cheddiEt b ompleted and signedE StampedTopognphk SurSE Site and Grading Plan*I Landscape Plan*E Architectunl Elevations* (1 set 0f Redlined elevations)tr BErior color and material samples and specifrcatons.E ArchiEctunl Floor Plans* (1 s€t d Redlined flor plans) E Ughting Plan* and Cuts@s) br proFsed futurcsI Title report, including Schedules A & B b veriff ownership and easemenb*I Photog of the odsting site and adjacent structures, where applicable.E Written apprwal from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applkableMCI Sihspeciftc Geobg|calHazad RepoG if appllcable*tr The Adminiffir and/or DRB may requirc the submlssion d additional plans, drawings, specifrcaUons, samples and other materiab (including a model) if @rned necessary to determine whether a proJect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the propcal is not clearly indkated. Atus whrat rttu (i) ryab o/ab wztu& tM *td+i aa menirfr (2. **For interior con\eEions with !9_ettrIigIlhAlg$, the submittal requircmenb include a complete set of oGung and proposed floor plans, a tite rcpoG and writbn apprual from a oonddninium associatbn, landlod, and jcint owner, if applkabh. I have rcad and underctand t{re above ltrd submlttal rcqulrernents: Protect Name:Arnold-Newman Residence - Addition/Remodel Contracbr Shnattr€ F: \cde\r\FORMS\Pcrmits\Pl.nning\DRB\d rb-addition- I 1-2:t-2005.d0c Page 3 of 14 rLl23l200s ADDITIOI{S - RE! IDENTIAL OR COIIIIIER.CIAI suBMrrrAL R EQUIRE}| EI{TS Topographlc turuGy!! Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorD Date ofsurveyD Norh anow and gnphk bar scaletr Scale of 1"=lOor L"=20)D LegEl descri4bn and physical addressE Lot size and build able arca (build able area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40oh, ard floodplain)E TEs to odsting benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This informatbn must be clearly staEd on the surveyo ftoperty boun@ries b the nearest hundrcdth (.01) of a fuot acuracy. Disitancs and berings and a basis d bearing mlff be shovn. Slrow oGdng parB or monuments found and their rclationship to the established comer.E Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.B Indicate all eas$lents kJentified on the suMivbion plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the tiue report. List any easernert restrictlons.tr Spot Elevatbns at the edge of asphalt, abng ttc sbeet ftontage of tfie property at twenty-five foot inten/als (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on eitlrcr slle of the lot.B Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals o FIisting trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above gmde.o Roct outcmppings and other sBniffcant nfriral feafures (la|ge bouHers, inErmithnt sueams, etc.).I All exFting improvernents (irrcluding fuundatbn walb, rcdoverhangs, hriHing orerhangs, tr.).I Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flow, avahnche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)! Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerllne and edge of stream or creek in addition to the requircd stream or creak setback)O Shbw all utilfl meEr bcations, including any @estab on siE or in the rightof-way adjacent to the site. Eoct locatjon of odsting utility sources and proposed servkr lines fmm their soure b tfie structure. t tiliUes b indude:E Cable TV Sewer @sD Telephone Water ElectricE Size and type of drainage culverB, swales, etc.o Adirent madways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sib of the roadway shown for a minimum of 25(I an eid|er direction ftom goperty. Slte and Gradlng Plan:I Scale of 1"=20'or largerE Property and setback linesE Exbting and proposed easementsE E)Gting and proposed grades E Exlsting and proposed layout of buiHings and other structur€s including decks, patios, fences and walb. IndicaE the bundadon witi a dashed line and the rcof edge with a solki llne.a A[ proposed roof rldge llnes witlr proposed ridge elaations. Indicate dsdng and undemea$ all rcd lines. Thb will be |sed to calculab building height. NAn Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately ref,ect grade. proposed grades shoryn line, gamge slab and as Lt/24?jJnsF:\cd€vwRl,lswrmils\Planning\DRB\d.b_addium_1 1-2:l-2m5.doc hge 4 of 14 NAU A 4 wide unheated concnete pan at the edge of asphalt for dri\€ways that odt the street in an uphill direction.E Locations of all utilities including odsting sources and propoeed seruice lines from sources to the structures. ts Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.E location d landscaped areas.a lrration d llmits of disturbance fencingNA! Location of all required parking spaces NA! snow storageareas. NA! Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.tr Retaining walls with proposed elaations at mp and botbm of walb. A detailed crcss-section and elevation drawings shall be provi@ on the plan or s@rate sheet. Stamped engineering dnwings are rcquired for walls befvreen 4'and 5'feet in height.Nr! Delineate ar€as to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable E LandscapePbn:A Scale of 1" = 20'or largerA hndscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as tie siE phn. E Location of sisting fees, 4" diam@r or laqer. Indlcate u€es to r€rnain, b be rclocabed (induding new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading.E Indicate all o<isting ground cover and shrubs.fl Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciluous tnees, height for coniftns, gallon size for shrubs and heigtrt for bundation shrubs) d all the exlsting and propced dant material including ground @ver.S Delineate critical root zones for o(isting trees in close pmximity to site grading and construction. E Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. E The location and type of o<isting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.A Edsting and proposed @nbur lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the bp of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Arcft ltctural Floor Plans:E ftale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferred E Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at Sre same scale.A qearly indkate on the floor phns the inside face of the ofterior structural walb of the bullding.I tabel floor dans b andicate the pmpoeed floor area use (i.e. bedroofii, kitchen, etc.). E One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulatbns. E Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. E Archltcctural Elevadonr: n Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is prefened E All elevatiom of the propced de\dotrnent drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The devatbn drawings must show both o<isting and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.tr If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevauons, show these faces abo.S Ele\ratons shall show proposed finbhed elantion of floors and roo6 on all levels. A All sterior materiab and colorc shall be specifkf on the elemtions. E The following shall be shown graphbally and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.E Show all proposed ofterior lighting fixtures on the building.ts lllustnE all decks, porctres and balconies.t IndicaE fie roof and building dminage sy,sEn (i.e. gutters and dovyrxspouts).E Indicate all rooftop mechankal systems and all drer rcof sbuctures, if apflicable.A lllustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the suruey. F:\dar\mRlls\Peimits\Plilrln9\DR8\d6_addi6on_11-232005.doc Page 5 of 14 1U23120n'5 a E$erior color and materhl samples shall be submitted to stafi and presented at fie Design Reviely Board meeting. E lJghUng Plan:E Indicate t),pe, locath ard number of fr<tures. O Inclde height above grade, lurnem ouFut, luminous arcaE Attach a cut sheet for each pmposed fixturc. N IilPROVET4EXT LOCATIOI{ CERTIFICATE (ItC) E Once a building permit has been issued, and constnrction b undenvay, and before the Building Depafinent will sdrcdule a fi"ming irBpection, two @p&?s of an Improvarent location Certiftate suney GLq stam@ by a rcgisEred pofessbnal engineer must be submited. The tullowing infurmation must be provided on ttrc ILC:E Basis of bearing and tie to section cornerE All property pins found or setO Building location(s) with tft= b property @mens (ie. disbnces and angles)B Building dirnenslons, lncluding declc and bal@nies, to tle near€st ten$ of a botD Brrilding ard gErage flmr dewtiorc ard all rcof ruge and eave line elevations! All drainage and utillty seryice line as-builts, showing type of material, size and e)€ct location! All easements F:\cd6r\FoRlvlsucdnitsvrlanri0\DRB\d6_addiuon_11-2:l-2m5.doc PaCp 6 of 14 lvz3lzfi' BuiHlng llabriale PROPOSED MATERIALS TVoG of llabdal Roof Siding Olier Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Class 'B' cedar Shinqles C.olor Natural PainE Eo match exisE ing liledium Brown Blend of sandstone (see Beveled lap aiding SEucco Stone Dark brov,rn - easE uniE fa6ciaLx maEerial to match exialing will be Dainted also Rxisting Match siding color Aluminum clad Cuetom ateel and glaEa enErydoor; aluminum cl5d french doors Entry door: black Dark Brown to match Erim color - EasE uniE window will be Daincedrnatch trim/window color - French doorg: dark brown NA - No trim al l oehers NA - No trim Hand or Deck Raib custom sr.eer baruscerg w/aircrafEcables @ 4" o.c. horizontsallv Dark Brown New chimney flue : manufacEurers st.andard unit Dark Brown Copper f lashj.ngs. gutters and dohspouts Natural Patina Boulder wall-s and stone veneered Native boulderar sEone veneer COnCreCe reEaininq wall i-o metch wall veneer on horrse ExisE'g - wood siding to remain Paint Eo match siding NA - No Eraah enclosure NA - No Greenhouses 7 excerior fi-xtureB -See cut. sheet "Old Brick" - See cut sheet ilot€s: Plese specifu the manuPacUre/s name. the q)lor name and number and attach a aolor chip. F:\cde\,\FoRMs\P€rmits\Planning\DRB\drb_additjon_11-232005.doc Page 7 of 14 rLl23l200s PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS PROPIOSED LAI{DSCAPII{G Botanicel ltlrme Gommon llame Qtrantlw Si!€ cororado Brue rpruce nft5lfifffio zo, - ro' Eall Aspen 1 2' tso 3i cal. shrubs 14 5 gal E(ISrING TREES TO BE REI"IOVED Aapen 10n cololado BIue Spruce 3 12t . zot & 30 '+,/- Misc. small shrubs, aod and Derennials L95o s't'+/- Minimum Requiremenb for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" C,aliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. TvDe Square Footage 350 s.f . GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGANON L,650 e.f . EKr.gE r.nq auEomaEJ.c No increage fromEprinkler sy8Eem Eo beai.nrnrrarr .ni r--.i--A exiEtinq TYPEOFEROSIONCONTROL Hay bales, posrs an.r f:hrin o oerimetei See Site PIan, 1-A1 .0 Please specfi offier lanGcape features (i.e. r€taining walls, fenc€s, srvimming poog etc.) Boulder walls set, in a waoderinq faahion to create Dlant,inq nnooksn; one concrete retaininq wall w/ sEone venecr Eo match Ehe wall veneer on the houge (aee sEone veneer options). The exisEinq landecape will remain as is, with mogtl]| reoair and reveqetating in accegg aleas and ncw landgcapinq occurrinq alonq salks, tscrracc8 and thc walk-ou! qardcn area. F:\cdev\FoRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_addltlon_11-292005.doc Page I of 14 LLl23l200s Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Deartment of Commmlty Dectrpment 75 South Frantage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 E]l: 970.479.2L28 tu: 970.479.2452 web: www.Yaihov.com *Thb drdtW mwt b eabnftd ptu b PttHtc Wot*s tctrlcw 6t popwd &wbpncnt OwneS/MeCt Name: Irnold-New|mn Residence - Addition/Remodel ProJect Address:3954 Bighorn Road, vail, Colorado, 81657 Applicant:Tom Frye PhOne Numberi e7o-74a-3o73 $!nEto Stamped survey of property n CwiUSite plans SUn GY R€ouircmenta! o Surveyo/s wet stamp and signature !3 Landscape plan o Title Report (Section B) DaE d survey tlorth anov Proper scale (1"= 10' or t" =20') Legal description Basis of berings / Benchmark Spot Elevations l-abeled nght of way and prcper! lines; including bearings, disences and cunre information, Lot Sizetr Build able Area (o<cludes red hazard amfarcte, slopes gleaEr tian 4U/o, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouircmentr: I. Atress (check all)N!tr Driveway type and finished surface are shown on tie siE plan.o Unheaed o HeaEd (portion in ROW in a separate !one) NAtr Snow sbrage areas are shown on the site plan wlthln property boundaries (30% of driveway area if unheated; 10olo of driveway area if heated) NItr All drivervay grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the sne flan and conform to Development Standar6, p. U. SEepest Sectbn Drivervay Gnde (not the at€rage gnde):_ NIo Parking spaces and turning radii are nobd on stE plan and onfuim b De\relopment Star@rd+ pp.12&14 U. Constructlon Slte (check all)F Location of all utilities and meter piB are shown on the site plan. D Limlts of dbturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. n I am awaretiat approred Stagins and Constuction Traffic Contol Plans, as per the Manual of Unibrm Tnffc Contnol Darices, will be necessary prior to @nstruction.tr I am aware that a Re\rocaue Right of Way Permit will be rcquircd mr to aonstnictbn. o o o o o o ct o tr o o o o Erwironmental Hazards (ie, Roc* fall, debris flow, avahnche, wedands, floodphin, soils) Watercou6e setba& (if appli:able) Trees Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topography uullty locations AdJacent madways labehd and edge of asphalt br both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. F: \cdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_addiUon_ I 1-232005 doc Page 12 of 14 rLl23lzOOs III. Drainage (check allthat apply) NAtr The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 FootConcr€te Pan q 8 FootConcrete Pan A Posithre and adequate drainage ls maintained at all Umes within the proposed siE. NAtr Culverts have been provlled ard are hbded ard dinensbned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Dishjrbance arca is greater than one half acre.o A separab Erclon Contnol Plan has bear poftssionally engirreered and PE stamped.ts l-ess than one half acre has been disturbed, and poper erocbn aontrol devices are shown on the site plan. V. Fbodplain (check all that apply) E The ryolrt lies within or adjac€nt to a 100 year Floodphin. n 1fi) year Floodplain b shown on the siE plan. o A Floodplain study has been prwk ed. (Required if floodphin b witiin constructbn limits or as requested by Town Engineer) o The proJect does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. GeologicailEnvironmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The project lles wlthln a Geologii/Environmental Hazard area. (See Developrnent Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been govkied E The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area, VII. Grading (check all that apply) 0( E<isting and proposed grades/conbus arc provided on the site plan. 6 All disturbed areas have been r€tumd b a 2:1grade.o All disturbed areas not retumed to 2:1 grade have been Ptffessionally Engineercd with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped detalls are provided within plans. o Only odsting contours are shown on the site phn, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parldng (check all)I All resilential and cormerchl parkirq spac conftrm to the Derrelopment Standards, pp. 12&15. D(. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)A A[ retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.!l All retaining walb and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. All rctaining walls are shown on the site flan, with labebd @ and bottorn of wall devatiofts and type dwall onstruction. No retaining walls are required for this project. Sight Distance (check all that apply) Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per De\relopment Standards, p.12. Nep Proper sigFtt di.stane has not been attained. E<planation why: Addidonal Comments Please provitle any additional commenb that pertaln to Public Worls Applicants o X. NAO F:\cderr\rcRMs\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_addition_1 1-232005.doc Page 13 of 14 LU?3lnos ****l"l't*l *f***l'**l*+fatlal+***ftl''t*ar**l**'l******a+***+******tf't'*************++a+********rr*** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statemet+++alffafla*+*ltallta+aa*faaat+tfff*i*****'i**||'+*******++ttlfl+****'t!*************+*+++f+***** Statement Nlrmber: R050000226 Amount 3 $300.00 03/L3/200604:15 pM Palment Method: Check ARNOIJD Init: lTS Notation: 8143/A.l{. PermLt llo : Parcel No:Site address: Locatioa: Thie Palment: DRBO50059 2101-1X.1-0401- 1 3964 BIGHORN RD I,I'AII., 3954 BIGHORN ROAD $300.00 Type 3 DRB - Addition of GRFA Total Fees r TOTA1 AIJIJ PMtg : Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $0.00*+flttaaf++**+***l***at*ltt****t**taai++++f+lf*****fi*'|**+*'i**'*********r*++***************+'i{r ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Current Prnts DR 00100003L12200 DESTGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 From Land Tltle (pB3) iion Mar 13 13:58:58 2006 Page 1of 9 F LandTift Land fitle Guarantee Company CTISTOMEN, DISTRIBUTION Date: 03-13.2006 Our Order Number: V500f3799 hopcrty Addrccs: 3954 BilGHOml BOAD IjNIT W/ IANDMARX( TOqltiHOt\,tES PH r & 2! IrO'f 6W VAII-, CO 81557 If you hw eny lqldcs or rtqdrc ftrr rdslrtrg deese contrct orE of ip nders below For Tlfle AsSstrnce: Vall fitle Dept. Roger Ar'llo IOE S FRONTAGE RD W #203 FO BOX 3S7 vNI4 CO 81657 Phone:91O-476-1ISL Fsx! m0-476-O32 EMeil: ravila@ltgc.com ANDREWAXNq,D 395.I BIGITGN BD I,NIT W vAtr, cI) t1657 Phm: 36-39Gil2l2 F[| 30$tr/5-2030 SGr| Vte [h T1OVI FXY Fffi: 90-74&3@4 S€m Via Fs From Land Tit'le (DB3)ilon Mar 13 13:58:58 2005 Page 2 of 9 F l-and Tlft Land Title Guarantee Company Drtei 03-13-A)06 OurOrderNumber: V50013799 Property Addrcas: 3954 EIGIIoRNI ROAD IrNIT W/ IAI$DMARK TOqNHOil/frS PE 1 & e IOT 6w VAIL CO El5s7 &rJrer/Borrower: ANN NEWMAIT ARN(LD AND ANDXGW W. ARNOII) Seller/Owner: ANN NEWMAN ARN(XI} AND ANDREW W. ARNOLD Need a map or dlrecdonf, for your upcodng do6lng? Cleck out Lend fide's web slte at www.ltgc.com for dlrrectbhs to eny of our 5{ omce-locrfo-ns. ESTIMATE OI'TITLE TEBS It'ordonBirdcr i750. oo ,J.tl b ctotlq tJ,"!a ttaa'.cct a. aiDor. t.t $7). be cnLl.ctd !t tnrt tlf- TOTAL $750. oo Zt Itrt UttJ (lrrrrDt.. tat oCdtEl 0 3/Oa IIIANK YOU IOR YOI]R ORDER! From Land Tltle (DB3) lfon Mar 13 13:5E:5E 2006 Page 3 of 9 Lard Titk I.If{) IITTEGIJIRFNIEmT'IPA{Y I1.||OCE O*ilr: ANNNBIIIMANARI{(LDANDANDRBWW.ARNOLD Plopcrty Ardnfs: 3954 BIGE()RIY ROAD UNIT W / I"A]{DMARK TOWNIIOIT4ES PH I & a LOT 6W V c0 El6yt Yor Refercnce No.: Whl referdrg b dls order, FcGe rtfercme orr ffier No. v50013799 CIIARGES IrformdonE*r $1s0.00 -Tolal-$rs0.00 Fle8e mlc chcks peyatle tor Lcd llde fturantee Conparry P.O. Box 5440 Daner, 0O E01117 From Land Tlt] e (DB3)lion ilar 13 13:58:58 2006 Page 4 of 9 (ldcago Ttde Irsuerre Cornpry ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A f)ur Order No. Y5ffi13799 Cust. Rd.: hoperty A.fdr€s: 3954 BilGHORI{ NOAD UNIT W / I,ANDMARI( TO\trNHOMES PH T & 2. I.OT 6W VAIL CO EI657 1. Efiectlve Date! Fcbnnry 2:1, ?ffi6 ar 5:00 P.M. 2. Potrcy to be Issueil, end hoposcd Inrured: Irtrorodon Hrder Ptopoced Imrtd: ANN NEWMAN ARNqD AND ANDREW W. ARNOLD 3, The estrte or interest lu tte land descrlbed or refered to in thls Commitnent and covered. berein is! A FEE SIMPI,E 4, Tlfle to the 6trte or lntcr€st covercd hcrrln b it the elfectlve date hereof vested in: ANN TIEWMAN ARN(X,D AND ANDNSIVW. ARNOLD 5. Tbe lard rde|Ted to ln tbb Cor|lr|llbent ls descrlbed as follows: TOWNH(X'SE UNIT 6rw' IANDMARC TOIVNHOMES PTIASE I AND PHASE tr ACCORDING TO TIIE PT-AT REC{)K)E) MARCII 25, t9E2 IN B(X)r( 33t AT PAGE 14E AND ACCORDING TO TIIE TOWNHOUSE DBCX"ARATION RrcONDED MARCXI 25, 19E2 IN BOOK 338 AT PAGE 147, CDT,T'{TY OT'EAGI,E STATE OF COI.MAIXI Fron Land Tlt'le (DB3)Mon Mar 13 13:5Er5E 2006 Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Scl*dde B - Secdon I (Reqrdrements) Our Order No. V500f 3799 Thc fotrowfug arc tbe reqriremcnt3 to bc conrpllerl wlth: Ibm (d hy|mf b or for fu eocorml of fu granbrs or |noqagon of flle ftll conslderaflon for tre estate or InhJrst b be lmued. Ihm O) Proper lBtret(s) cEdng fu es& or intercst b be fuisrmd rnt$t be executed md drly liled for rccorrdn b-wlc hrn {i) hyd of dl Aes, ch8es or rsseffinb levted ud ssessed rgdnst tbe srtject prndses which arc dlE {dHdc. IEm (O Adaildod rtqftmil$ llry dscloced bdow: Tlds podrct ls for lrftrdorul Frposes orily anal abes mt cortsdhrte sny fomr of dde gu antee nor lmrmnce. Th lldIF of O|e coryry sHl not cxcccd tu chrge peld by Or rpplcant for ffrls pruducl, nor shll tle compary be Hd XaHe to my porty o0rcr fur &e apdlcant for tds poduct II|IS COMilTITMEAIT IS FOR INX(XMAIION ONLY, AND NO FOI,ICY WILI, BE ISSUEI) PTJRSUANTNENEfi). Fron Land Title (083)llon Mar 13 1-3: 58: 58 2006 Page 5 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Sc.hduleB-Secflon2 @xepdons) Our Order No. V50013799 The pollcy or t oldes to be hflred wlll conteln excepffons to the followlng unless the same ahe dlsposed of to the rafldactlon of the Compony: l- Rgb or cldrc of Frd€ h po$esslon mt sbwn by tb !ruUlc rccords, ,- E6eEn!s, or cldm of 6€milq mt shown by lb @ic rcconls. 3. Dlsrtpcrdes, orillcts In bomdily lhes, Jhortrge In area, encr,oeclnrens, erd y facb wlich e conrct surey and ll|specdon of fu frmdscs would drdose unl which rre mt sbown W lh prHic rccords. 4. Alry IerL or rlg[t to a lleq for servlceq l$or or rneterial fher€loforc or bercafter fundshed, lrlposed by law rrd mt sbown by h Ftmc rtcotrdE. 5. Defec8, ||eE, e[Ttdrtrrces, edverse cldm or oher Ea.ficrs, if any, crtnEq lirst appearirg ln the poHic rtcotds or elbctlrE sub0eq|rrt to fu ef;fecdve d& hrlof hlt prlor io the d|tc th proposed lmued acS.dles of record for vdrE &e cstrl or lrtrert or rrllgage terEon coverrd by tl s CrmdtrEnt 6. T*es or speclel as*ssnntr wllch ert ml shown as edsdr4 llerc by ee pttlc pannlc r-r dr Trasr|Ier's office. 7. Liens for rlrpdd wrler !|d scwer drugec, I eny.. E. In diildoq flre owrrcr's pottcy wlll b subJect to drc rmrtgrye, lf any, mted In Secdon I of Sclnrlule B heEof. 9- ETXSIINGLEASES AND IE{ANCIES, IFANT. 10. RIGHT OF PROPRIBTOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO ET(TRACT AND RElfOvE HIS ORE TTIEREF'ROVT $I(XJID TflE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE oR INTER.SECT TTIE PREIIIISES AS RESERVED IN UAI.IIED STATES PATENT RECORDED NO\'EMBER 22. 1939. LN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 625. 11, RESTRICIIVE COVEDIANTS T{IIIICH DO NOT CGTITAIN A FORFEIIURE OR REVFJR'IT]R CX,AITSE. BTJT OMITIING ANT COVE\IANT MNESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, LOLffi. REI,IGION, SL HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STAIUS (}R NATIO{AL ORIGIN UNLESS Ar\D OIILY To '11{E D(TSNT TIIAT SAID COYENANT (A) IS EKan{PT UNDER CXIAPTER 4A SECTION 3607 OF TIIE UNIIU) STAIES CICDE OR (B) RU"ATES TO TIANDIOTP BIJT DG^S NgI' DXS'CRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSO}I-S, AS C{)NTAINU) IN INS.IRIJI\,IOIIT RE{IORDIX) DE(EMBER 20, l96a IN B(XX 174 AT PAGE 403 AND IN BOOK l7s AT P{(i}J i3 -{ND IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE tI. 12. TEN PFI!(ENT N(Xi-PARTIqPATING ROYALTY IN AND TO PROCF.IfDS DMTVED EROM TIIB) SALE OF AI{Y MINRAI.S OF WIIATSOEVM,KIND AND NATUREPRODIJCFD AND MINFD FROM TIIE SAID PREMISES AS RESERVED TO GUST KIAIITIPFS AND EVA J KIAHTIP''.S BY INSTRUMENT REC{)BDE) NOVEMM. a 1962 IN BOOK 166 AT PAGE 4c7 ANL ;lNY A'ND ALL ASSIGNMENIS THERE(F OR INIERESTS TIIffitrN. Frorn Land Title (DB3)Mon iilar X3 13 r 58:58 2005 Page 7 of 9 ALTA COMMITMENT Sdntule B. Secdon 2 @xcepdons) Our Order No. V50013799 ThG polhy or poldes to be bsued wll conlaln excepdons to tre followlng unless lhe same ahe dlsposed of to the sgdsfactlon ol tte Company: 13. EASEIT'IENT TO WESTERN SL(XE GllS OOMPANY O!8. IiIE REAR Olirrr-riirm,iii-i i'!vr,Ni-Y CO) IEEI AS GRANTED IN INSTRUME}IT RECORDF,'D DEIEIUBER 9. 1955 IN BOOK 18? ATPAGE.t73. 14. GAS LINE EASiEMEFIT TWENTY TMT IN II{IDIII AS SHOWN ON TTM REf,{)RDED PL AT OF GORE CMH( PARK AND RESM\/H) IN INSTRUMENT RECORDH) .ANUARY 23, 1980 IN B(XX297 ATPAGE 756. 15. EASEMEAIT AND RIGftIT OF WAY FOR GORE CREH( AS IT AFT'ECTS SURE!]T PROPM.TY. 16. TERMS, C(X{DITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TOWMOIjSE DECI-ARA'IION _BLrr OtlIT'r-ING ANy OOVENANIS ORRESTRICTIONS, IFAI\I-Y, BASED TJFON RACE COLOR, REIIGION, sE)L SEKT'AL (XIENTATI(N, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STAIUS, DISAHLITY, TLANDICAB NATIOhIAL (XIGIN, ANCESTRE OR SOT]RCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTTI III APPIICABIT STAIE (R FEDMAL I-AT[4S, EK(PT TO TTIE EXTENT TTIAT SAID COIENANT OR RESTRICTId\I XS PM}IIITH) BY APPLICABI.E IAW AS CONTAINM IN IIJ1;].-PJ;^\{ENT RDC(XDED MARCXr 25, 1982 IN BOOK 338 AT PAGE 147. 11. EASEMENTS, CONDmONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RFSERVAfiOIVS AtrD liOrES Ohl IIIE RE'CONDED PII\T OF II\IYDMARC TOWNHOMES PTIASE I & PTIASE II RTJC]ORDM NIARCII 25, 19E2IN B(X)K 33E AT PAGE 1,1E. It. DETD OF IRUST DATED APRIL 2t, 2003, FROM ANN NEWMAI{ ARNOI.D ,4ND .{NDREVY W. ,IIRNOLD I1O IHE PIJH.IC TRUSTm OF EAGLE COUNTy I.UR IIIE USE OI' (. IAS'E I\{ANIIATTATT MORTGITGE CORFORATION TO SECURE TTIE SUM OF $2?f.819.0{I RECORDH) MAY 12, 2rn3, UTYDB.REffiTTONNO. E3296t, Fron Land Tltle (DB3)Mon Mar 13 13:5E;58 2005 Page 8 of 9 LAND TTTLE GUARANTEE COMPA\Y DISCI-OSURE STATEMENTS Note! P|nurnt to CRS l0-ff-122, rDdce ls hrcby gven lh: A) Th sublect ltal Fopcrty Dy be located in a special tDdrE distict B) A Cctdfcele of Tdes IhE llsdry each hdtE Jutsallcdon rney be obtdr*d firm the (:ormty Tneasuet's { Ddzed egert C) Tln lttrotm[on ngrdng speclrl dsEicb and tbe boundrries of sndr dstricls may bc obbircd fiom ft Bord of Co|Itly Coffisslomr$ be Cou|ry Clerk and RecordeB or the Corrrty Assessor. Note: Effcctve Sepaerder l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires tlnl nll docrrnents rieccrveu ror rBconiing or filirg in tb clerlr ard rcoorder's ofllce shell conlaln r bp nral$n of af least orE inch arxl a left, riglt ard bo6om mtgln of rl lcast orr Hf of m lm.h. The deda and reoorder rnay nfuse b rtcord or' file imv ilocltrtrna ll|et dofs mt corforr, excepa fui, fu rqdrcrre for |h top nurgln shal not apdy to docwrnnts usirg fornrs on rrldcb spos ls FovldEd for recorflrg or trXrg infonmflon at the top mrgin of tle docrErrl Note: Colondo lXvhlon of Irruance Reguladons 3-5-1, Prregr|ph C of Ardcle \{I requlres thst 'Every t0e erdty shdl be nfpotdHe for dl mlters whic"h eppeer of rccord prior b rle UrDe of rccording wbtEver h frle entty codrt fu clo$trg ard ls ltspondt[e for rccordrg or liling of legd doclrrEtt Esddrg ftom fie hr$don wtdch was closeal". Prrovlded lb Land Tide Guar*ntee Co4any condrcb On closlrg of h Insrnd nrnsac(on ard ls rcsponslble for reconllrq thr: legd doctmenF fron fu tmrcdon, €xcepdon mmber 5 wlll not appear on the Orrrcd s litle Fotrcy rrd fu Lenderc PoIcy ylnn lssad. Note! Anrmfye cc.hrdc'c llen protection for tlrc Orv;€r llray be avall$le (q picatiy b,; rl,'l:tion of hc:epdon m. 4 of Schftrle B, Secdon 2 of th Connnltnent lhom the Owrrcs Folic! to ntl lssrrd) rpon cou$arre wlft th followlrg condldorc! A) Th lmrf &rcdbed In Schfule A of ttds comrnlarent rrust be r $qgle ferdly resldeft'e which lnchrdcs a cordoffiun or townbrrse rtrdt B) No l$or or rndedals have bccn frrrdshed by rFcttrnlcs orrraterlel-nrn for uffx,ses of constrEuon on tre lrnd descrlbed ln Sc-hedule A of thls Co rdtrcni s'ithir; lhr t-raJJ 6 ,.lonths. C) Th Confary mt rccelvc m moprtat amdavlt irdemn vlrE the Compatly aqarnst rur-Illed rrlch[rlc's 0m mtdalmn'3 Uens. D) fh Corryny rnBt Ecetve poymeril of tbe apFoftate pr-rniun E) lf here h been consEwdoq trpovenenE or nnJ('r rcpodrs undertaken on trc propcrty to be prrrlmed wlfrn slx rmrdr ptor to ftc Dale of fte Comdtnent, the nrqrdrertEnts to oi rl]l cor d"ge for urrecorded llets wll lncl 're! dsdosu€ of cerfin constr:rrton lrforrra[ -. n: f ]rra'.cld lnfaorradon s b lh seller, fu brllder d or lb contactsri payrmnt of lbe Eipruljrirtr 1r.-: rirul lJ'y €xecltt.d Irddty Agrtemnb safsf,rcbry !o tlF cor]lFuly, an4 an' addi iornd r.:quifl-&'mr|.c rs my hc tEcessry dter en crdmflon of the rforerltld lfonmdon by tl(. ClDu'.Aaj I'r. No Govetxge wln be glven rnder my drcunBtarces for hbor or @lerial for rvtricb (h€ iluur,-.{,I b cont*t d for or agrccd !o pay. Notes Pusuotl to CnS 10-11-123, nodce is brtby given: llls mdce epfll€ b owr|er's pollcy co'rrri@nb cont{inirq a rnineral seveEuEe j.:;lr'.JI*nt excepdon, or excepdorls, In SMdc B, Secdon 2- A) Itit 6crc b rrcorded evialence ftrt s dnerd eshre lqc been severe4 lesed cr olhe,';vise conveyed from fu srrface estale ard 6nt fure ls a subchndal lilclibood dnt a thirrt tnrtr' holib som orr[ InErcst In oll, grq otlFr dnerrlq or g:.rtherml ernryy I r 1lrr l.).,,r r.r" rl slid B) Ib crlh dnerd estrle my hclnde Orc dghr to enter and use thc prol.trly ivilhorrt. tl tt srrfrce owrrct's perdsdon No{dqg bereln conldrFd wltr be fuemed b oHlgsf€ the coryrpany to prcvlde any nf the eoveEqes rdentd b hrcln def,s lhe above corddom arc ftrllv salisl'loc- Foln DIscl,oSURE 09lO7lO2 Fron Land Title (DB3)Mon [,lar 13 13:58:56 2006 Page 9 of 9 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY trlddlty Nrflonrl Flnanclal Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insrrrs.nce lorlpany Seculty Urdon T'ltle Insurane Cornpany and Land Tttle Guarln! | r C:.nlrinv Jr Y 1' 401 We Ecortlze eld nsect h ulvry exrcffions of todav's consunnn rtd lhe r:rr:lrerrc"s uf arrrrlicaHe fedenl urd sEE prlitrcy laws. We be[cvd ht fuldig you awan of liow we use yorr nonprrbli,.' lx.n,r raj intriinndon ('?ersornl Idorfunori'), and io whom lt ls dsdose{ -n'ltl form the basis lbr a riladonshiti of lfl&t htween us and tllt Frulclh we sere. Ills Ptlvry Strtsmnt provldrs thrt exdenalioD We rtserre t* dght to .jlrange tlris kivry-Si|bmff nm fu b thie oordsbm-wllh ap@catie -pivxcy laws. In thc couEe of our budncss, we may collect Personal Information about you from thr lblL-rwing sources: | trbom pp[cdorls or o&er fonrE we rcceive frcm you or yor[ sullmrlzed rcprcJrnhtir ei* Flom yb'rr trrrrdom wl6, or thom lhe servlces 6clnq pirfol.rFd by, :s, r1:rr,mllir.!.s. ,rInlhe]s;t Ftom 6|r firenEt web sltcs: 'r trloD tb plllc recods mlnhlmd fry govemnnntrl eniifcs 0rrl rve clllrer vitali, ,:l Lr:e ,l ,, irom 0xrsecriteq or fiom orr d rres or ofurs; rrdi Fllom consurnr or ohr rcpordrE ger*les. O|r Folldes Regsra[ng thc hotccdon of the Confldentlalily and Securlty ol Youl' Personal Informatlon We dntrln Mcal. clcctordc tnal nocedu,"rl safesttar,ls ro orcect your PEbor'a. 'lri,lrr,ulk,tr li!fiI Dnflutror{zed aocf,s or ltfr:r5fon we ltdl access !o' fie llelsorrll Iifon rnrion cr r to rfose cJ/triu.(.:s viru rrrr s.rtp rr,:cess in connecdon wlfr FovLilrB lrod|rb or serrlces b you or {br odFr ligltln-ate hs'lners p\n1{rses. Orn FoIcles end Precdcs Regrrdlng the Sharlng of lour Personal Informadon We may shtt yotr Petsotd ttroITdlon wl0l our afflll@s, srrch as lmuance rrir,\r{irrc.i agerris, arid o0rer rerl estrb gi:demrl serrlc! pmvldeR Wc dso rnry dlsr:lose your PesorEl llf,ornrafi(,fi' I b 4eIr!3, tmk3lT or rcpresertgtves tD prorldc you riJr set1i{cj 3ou har c i srt.(!rE(,i 'r b t rd.'p|rtJa corilrclDrs or-ser"lce provideris wh pror4de sewices L,r perfc'-l' ":.''i?J-'. ,i other fUrrcdori oli oru bchrff: andI b obel8 slb strom we enler inio hint mr*edrB agrftrnents for producb or serljces tbet wc belleve youmy f,rd of Intelt3t In dddon, we wlll dsdoce yor[ Fersol|al Irfonmilon *lxri ;ro.r direct uf gice ur l-in,D5s {'i'. rrl*rr ne arc reqdrcd by lew 3o do Bo, or whn we suspecl frardulent or crfirdnrl ncd'.lfles. We alsorr:,' i'.r',r . 'r.rDrrii,ru'Infonmdon whn ofurslse rn lffed bv rndlcable u'irat'f is.vs srtch as. fo!. err , ri ;, rrr,rr,r- r.i needed 30 e orcs or rtgS arlslrg irr of any tL'r&'nrnr" lrurx* ii,,r , I i\:!allq,'i',Dll' \r r r , - Om of be tnporturt rrspomltalldes of som of our tltlllaterl r:omprdes ls io rrcDnl docunrents in ttrc prHlcdodn Srrch'docurrnt'rmy conaln yorr k$onal Irfomredon ' Rlgbt to Access Your Personel Informetlon and Ahlllty to C4rrect ltrrrors Or I'iciluc ii r liranges t,r I)eletlon CerEln sb!e3 dori you |be dqH to access your Persornl r4fonmdon and, rtrld{ " 'c' .' : lerr-.ft:rl.c€s, to find orxb whoD yor[ Pcrsofu ttromidon ho. beeir dsclosed- Aho, certriin stelci affort, v,,o ai.e riehl lo rrqrrcst corrccdoi, IrEfurJ or dele0on of yom Persoral Inlb; urdi,.r ru \'"e rcscf v.'ll^. ,i ,., p,.rriarld by law, !o chrgc a rirronalle fee !o cover fte c6sb ho.rted In r€sporx qg to such r€quests- ' AJ| rcquesb EuMEed b be ndelity Natioml Financlal Gnr:p r.f ConTnries/( h'cr'1, , l)?! ' ''r;unrrrl ,.hmfny shrll b tn wddrg and dcllvercd to tn followlng addnss; I'ti! ey l -1r[ at.:q ()fri.:tl' l'ldelltv ririior.,.l l\rDArcinl. lll( . 4050 fall,: RedI. Sulte 2?0- Sa,rta Rtu;]are. C.t 9i110 Muldple Products or Scrvlccs If we provlde you wllh morc frnn orn nmnclel pnlduct or sen'lce. you rnay rttrcire ,-ncrc than one prlvacy noflce tom |s. We apotrogbe for qy lNr|verdence 0ds rmy cl.rr,e ye,* Fodr PRIV.POL.CHI 9044OB Kichler Ligbting l-Light Olde Brick Owdoor Wall Mount LightcBR> reffi Page I of2 Kichl6!Liqb!09 > Fiv€ Rivers' Comd4e Kichler Mssler Pric6 List > 9O0XX-949XX > Clict b onla€B Onc-Light Oldc Brick Outdoor Wall Mount Light gll.l.toB by Klchler Llghtlng from the Grenoble Collsc{lonr Style: Casualr Dimensions: 8 inches hlgh x 11 incfi long rro Heighl Fmm tho Conter of thewall Opening:2.S inches .. ,@r Lamping: Oned€g-\Alettsftledium Incand€scent Sockot ., 9/1 , k, I 5fi',1;113il?,i-,,"*" un.w^Ir,il'" , fuflP,.r Usage: Suitable fior Wet Locadons L/0' -z $) v " t ILVe Quantfly: 1 4 ,? -.r{^' o Bulb:Notindudod n^rfu " y'lY' r Weight:spounds l.tN'' t t 'Z . Shipping: Free F6dEx - UPS "]/fr'A (tw Avaffabfflty: Ugually ship6 in 3-4 h.reineos days I ' -(l 90a/l('B Klchler Llghdng l+loht Oldo Bdck Outdoor Well lount Llght 904408 Sugg€stod Retai[ $1m.00 Sale price: 379.29 Odrr I Phon€ order operators availablo Mon. - Frl. 8em to 6pm mountain tim6. vers Li htp://store.fivcivos.com/9M4ob.hml 3lru2005/ STONE VENEER OPTION 3 J _-rrr- tllt\l\l Q-__6 ---. | \\l\ -.r | \ \ )l' rl -' ... I FI t; lo\ o"n* PHOTO KEY PIINI Arnold-N evrnan Residence 3954 Biehom Road Vail, Coloredo n|omr'B.Fryc,lnc. ItrltbqrJHrn i &f;ttr ;',:l r_b lE' tt s9--_.-**---d - f 'r'r I Design Review Board Meeting Aprit 1912006 AmoldA.{ewman Residence Portion of Title 14, Development Standards handbook which addresses the architecture of duplex stnrctures. E. Residential Development (in pan) 1. The purpose of this Section is to ensure that residential development be designed in a manner lhat creates an architecturally integrated structure with unifzed site development. Dwelling units and garages shall be designed within a single structure, qcept as set forth in subsection 2 below, with the use of unified architectural and landscape design. A single straature shall have common roofs and building walls that create enclosed space substantially above grade. Unified architectural and landscape design shall include, but not be limited to, the use of compatible building materials, architectural style, scale, roof forms, massing, architectural denils, site grading and landscape materials and features. Gomuururv DeveLopMENT Rounnc Fonna Approved Routed To:Mike Vauqhn, FIRE Date Routed:03t2a06 Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:03t29t06 Project Name:Arnold/Newman Residence Proiect #:PRJ06-0077 Activity #:DRB06-0059 Description of work:Proposed addition to an exising duplex and conversion of a crawlspace. Address:3954 Bighorn Drive West Unit Legal:Lot: l6 lBlock:l lSubdivision: lBishornSub tus: Approved withconditions llDenied Gomments:Date Reviewed: 3/20/06 Need additional review bv Fire oz t =e,luo- ; Btrx a3 IE P{x EFX IE IB Fx (t IJJ IJJt! ts =e. IJJo- 7/27]0*r% \'o\ I\t C.l I CN v rrrz tsv) z t qJ o J 9ttttoozo = t tuF o at =to I =zo inul Foz oz oJl6 .a ozzo ltJ UJo =I tol! Q FN elRo ENR o EoE, -9.o6otcto6c 'oF otE ooooc6c Eo o ooco oIto C) o) E lo E =c:) E o o. CL6; .g 0) --- rD c6*8.9 FEE: Eg EEE 6PEc-o> I;:EEE!sc96E.I of orBEI: E EE; :€8E.geeP E!eeo.6 cL- SEas fEig EEEE_ o,.: I 6 0'-.:.E; O (',# --c -- gH:: Fff; eSgg - o 6 .:! rnNN \o.it ra .iI oo \' rn I I I I I I I I I I I I o o I I I I I o\Or.v == UJLozoJ .o Yotl, oz o- J EFo UJJ uJ oz io = d J c)z UJ = UJ uJ zI E UJc,oUIe o olo 'g qJ zI uJ F U'Iulocti uJ o x F ulol F1t F1 FlH3 o UJull!t =G, UJo- -tFoF oz o .o 9EF() uJJuJ (Jz 6 = G J 9z C)u,. NOIVn]YA ,: I tvt I=i*l=.9ol E!= = i*o 9 0- E p = EEa; frr|lr(o* iFEg EFd (v (9tr 2o F oc(' IJJo- F E o-ul z Eoo REz Ee uJF =IIJz tltltlll Fzlz9aF IIJkoo< =PRGX,i<z =2,. 9z d(5 =EOI l-1 ul JJ tt ooulzY iF zo F J)oz ulo. I lr -_l -_lq- :I dEr 6lEoll ft E---E {-ll- IF ll( tltl.llotlotllE tl -l _..1 o) -toa oz 6I dt .".1 I l1 t- (o(o ulFoloo? 2o Fo- uJY utdl oF E E*utxo-:bJi1OHoHrg H!!oEzo =f?;Hg EEN b =tu,o.t!oEgE<cl€fre9!irbe'=E =>E dEE Ff: =dE 8bE iuE HEa+!E ul.oo -f - z o9z<60 =z dP E =Elrl o-zIF(JfEF(r,zo C) E!! o2 ciul CEJ tto z;oF E a4 !a a 14 HH M Fl z ti'i =z coo-) I io. r-r CE ; Fo I 4 E E t Hda -.1 3 Fl 2 Br'l z uJ z c') I (\ o\ IF \T ciz c; IIJ .E J ltoz]oF H FT Hu)z z .J) q F& lr1 E u- I ciz dul CE Ji |roz]oF H F Fl t4ts z =c II oz ci IJJ = tto 2 =F I .lzl dl fl, oz 6 =Jo- i lo c GIo r{ :Eca oC' oo oo o <; o o o o o o o OE:ao III c.a 6t{ EI- CI EqlI oC' c<tn ll EIo fil.I 6 ]t o'|l ,o ts otF IEoo |o o Er .aE erXa|{E(, :i$d. ! ;EH .|tt3 n' E 1"' Fg E Ea bH 2Eilqto Eo HEoEoo fri IIo' Cl I I i ElLlallOl AIEtl H'tllol I'Et OlZlItl TI&l B'HIFId;Ito rIrl llr I I F II.|. rI I| rl rtr lIo rI \ rl..tD | 6GI' I E|\ii i I l) ci II> ' OCI IHIIl{ | |tal o I lrar | !0l9 q I DIO' I (, 8ff8 i E E 'le EHt E 6L Ell 6 To E. Es .l* -'o ETION FORM t1/ 'C PERMTT ;bb/L RECDMARO 81994 APPLICATION IIUST BE FILLED oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT I'{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED \***************************** PERMIT INFORI.{ATION * *********** ***** **** ******** \^ \,/l-BuildinS,/iJ-Plurnbing ;\-nrectricat [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other..'4/ Joll Name: Arnold Remodel Job Address: 3954 Biqhorn Rd vail, Co. Townhouse Unit 6W LandMare Townhomes Phase I & 2Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filing sugDrvrsroNt Owners Name: Andrew W. Arnold Address:3954 Biqhorn Rd. Vail P}].476-9268 Architect: N./At Address:Ph. General Description: Eemodel Kdtchen & Bath TOWN OF VATIJ CONSTRU PERMTT APPLICATTON DATE: work class: [ ]-New lx]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units: 1 Nurnber of AccomnodatLon Units: Plunbing Contractor : I{gs-e-b$l_gnb.i-ngr_Address: 44 Pheasant Ct. Avon Co. 81620 El-ectr ical Contractor : U;1ilgd_Llecgit_Address: 331 Metcalf Rd Avon, Co.81620 llechanical Contractor : Address: BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLU}IBING PERMTT FEE: I'fECHANICAL PERfiIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: twlv lz-t l_ttlt-t-t-r_r_r_ Cornments: Town of vail Reg. No.///-E Phone Nurnber : 949 -4I I 9' Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: 949-4BOL Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AI{ CHECK FEE: I'TECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITs BUIIJDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'RE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFI'ilD TO: VALUATION 75 3oulh tronlage .oad vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 oftlce of communlty devclopmcrrl BUILDING PERIIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FM[{E If thi.s peryit requi.res a Town of Vail flire Department Approval, EngineerLs. (PyUtig Wopks) reyiew and approval, a planniniy'Department review.or Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estirnated t'ime for a total review may take as ldngas three weelis. All commercial ('1arge or small) and all multi-family permits will have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand-small projects should take a lesser amount of t.ime. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wr'th regard to necessary review, these proJects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possi.ble. I,. the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, Project 3 Sheet was'turned into theDate t,lor Development Department. luwn u llal 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3osl 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE; SUBJECT: olflce of communlly developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH IHE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I4ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumnary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash duurpsters, pori,able ioirets "tra - workmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public p_1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n aff Town ofVail streets and.!9ags is approxirnateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wiLl be strillry enforcld by the Town of VaiIPyPli-c works Departnent. persons found vi6tating this ordinancewr-rr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said materiar.rn the event tlre person so noti.fied does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulric worksDepartrnent will remove sai.d urateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beappricable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furr, please stop by the Town ofvait Building Departrnent to obtain a copy. tlank you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) oOts -\-* 6h I ^* *Eud €$ o -T- I I (-l f,- I --t -- JJ ] ort :.€g lr- tv.x cL rF0') sllr t1X d r/ -Io\ ,.J'J g Eqs' :<) -r:Tt?t+li | :-.rl-lrnlllr_ r\ T l= I I I Itl--l o\I csl GI4. 1=latl'n6 ll_-s I I ' (3 ,llc\Its..r T I I I I I I I I l- t.o t4 >-o= ^F." -llllEF{. ./ \*,./-t,'Erarr. - l!-,'"*-krt "\5 \-,*t.-() .rg'uE* g-1-LL(ro a, ffi o Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: ARNOLD REMODEL . ADDRESS: 3954 BIGHORN VAIL, COLORADO OCCLJPANCY: R-t TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V DATE:3-2+94 CONTRACTOR: EARTH & SUN ARCHIIECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQTJIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete tisting of all pmible code requirernents in the adopted cndes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cndes. The following is not to be crnstrued to be an approval of any viotation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQT IRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC I21O OF TTIE 1991 IJBC. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CIODE COMPLIANCE. oo -_ Ttlttlltltl -r I I(^) '-I' Is..\l -'_. l' r' nll | ;-t, l 'l I I---o I ll j r,* | | | iil l* j +. I I j l:I l- : :J o U1 -r...lI T I -L-*J II z'(n ' (rl -r .l -'-ts_J. i h:H. F r{{ EI-.< € $oo -TT c.@*st{r m*fr *-.*,-*irtt.'.,-...,./t \a'r- t^l \{Q\ 3s5nFt ?tRisvtn r.-"-""'"?,'ru., , r- .f'-'-*\6q&b*.dd*Tffi ( ?:{9{{"^c'r'$.^O PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON WED THUR F.RI CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 IAM, PM (t.t i'/ JOB NAME CALLER TUES i' ' f iii i' ,i , i, READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING l-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ o tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr X rtrunl O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,DATE -t' .-/INSPECTOR CALLER ,**,";*oN, $FguEsr 479-2138 /l :r ,/ (.\t v AM (y:READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TU fR]THUR-., BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tu u SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL ffioveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .'it '. PERMIT NUMBER )F- LT,, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: FR CALLER l' .., 1t ,- ,,' ' 7 t, -,,1 rlrlrc;;*o5, REeuEsr 479-2138 'i 7' "J5, THUR i7,. JOB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND .PfoucH / D.w.v. gaoucH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL r] FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL z\ I O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR '1.' '. rlr#g;1*o5, TfouEst * ( /'t I 'l l--i /ru Itr PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 'rl :r'. \, , -.,9419 ..,1 - r! /' l't JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM PMFRI 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL (PLUMBING: --) tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. F ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- BOOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING ftrrusullrroru tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT fl tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OF'VAIL Project Name: Arnold/Newman Residence Project Number: nla Project Description: replace cxisting ground level wood deck with stone Owner, Address, and Phone: Andrew Arnold and Ann Newman 3954 Bighorn Road 476-926E Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Nedbo Construction P.O. Box 3419, Vail, CO 81658 Project Street Address: 3954 Bighonn Roed Legal Description: Lot 6W, Landmarc Townhomes PH I & tr Parcel Number: 210111104011 Building Name: Comments: Deck area shall be reduced with replacement Board/Staff Action Action: Staffapproved with I conditionMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:1. Landscaping shall be added where deck is not replaced Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 05/30/00 ProjectName: Arnold/NewmanResidence DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Questions? m" r,. r r, rlr'o; :: r:::;? T[)I'l.'N APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirernents for the particular approval that rs reques.ted. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT: b VJ BLOCK:FrLrNG. lAlotDrqAPati, PA l.trB, c. D. E, G. Jr ol tl oqotl (Contact Eagle Co. Assessom ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER(S): TYPE D tr H. owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: ,i 1L,-{i>L< , ft r', t],', Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commerc'al building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - $200 Addition - $50 Minor Alteration - A^, I)Xt nf t DRB fees are to be paiO itInEti##t submiftal. Later, when apptying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. 0{Srb*n,+u 3.'l;4 ,t' ;r, ?fr,-ia {, + l it { .ar 4 $'t r{ i iY (, I 1 0^^^ ^ii ^E^^ 10 10 t20.00 TIIIE;11:56:5i tat.93 m0.80 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, GO 81657 Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL 1 0000 314 1110 41112 Uniform Buildino Code - 1997 - Volume 1&2 01 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildino Cod€ - 1997 - Volume 3 lnternational Plumbino Code - 1 997001 0000 3141112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Mechanical Code -1997001 0000 31411't2 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Danoerous Bldq.'s 1997 001 0000 314 1112 of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes1 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1112 001 0000 314 1211 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1 001 0000 314 1111 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 31 1 001 0000 315 2000 001 0000 312 3000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 312 4000 001 0000 311 2200 001 0000 315 3000 001 0000 240 3300 1 0000 312 1000 Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.001 0000 230 2000 '001 0000 201 1000 '001 0000 310 1100 001 0000 311 2500 001 0000 311 2500 1 0 Torn of Uai001 0 Torn of Uail 6^1 ^ rrr CtlST[lltR RECEIPT rrr ffi mIE: 5/38i80 0l REItIPT: 098965i F:/Evtr'om/Fff r6/lsal6el.619 ilO'fi YITJ F{lR Y(IUR PAYI€I{TI rheck # ). r' Received Oyl.4{a' , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED Ir*****************************/t [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing f PERI'IIT iI OUT COMPLETELY OR IT I,TAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERI'IIT fNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-Other Job Address: Block Filin Address: 3' Address: Vob r 5A, l-Alteration [ ]-Additional nt,rcrRtcal: $ I'IECHANICAL: $-._*-__- [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* orHER: + 2/OO. ,"r./?^l TOTAL: $---' INFORMATION ********************* ** **** Town of v3i^I xeg. -llo._561_:5_Phone ltunU€eB.7zg: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI.AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNGs STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: rob Name: f/{?/1 l/Alh6s Legal- Description:Lot 4 owners Name: Ar Architect: General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New I rypnber and Type of FirepJ.aces: cas Appliancesv (* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS Number of Dvetltns units . U+ /^*A'/ BUIIJDTNG: Electrical Contra Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******* * **** * ********* *** *******FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECITANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: {rB?t-o t5.1 CLEAT UP I}EPOSIT REFI'I{D o 75 soulh trontagc road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 rn surnrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that r.t is unLawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.any ""ir,-r""i, sand, debrisor material, incruding trasrr durnpsters, port.ui" toirets andworkmen vehicres.upon any streerl ,id;;ui;;-ili;y or publicp1?:" or any porrion theieof. rne right_"i_;;t-;n arl Town ofVaiL streets and.Ig"g, is approximateiy 5 ft.-lfi pavement.This ordinance $rirr be. stri'ciiy -inforced by the Town of vairPubric works DeDartment. pers6ns found vi;latin; this ordinanceyirl. be given a 24 hour written ""Ii."-ti-;;;;:t=aid nareriar.In the event the person so notified.aoes noi--;;;piy with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine -pe-i;i;,"i;";il;iic worksDepartment wirt remove said nateii"r it-itr"-'""p]ile of personnotified. The provisions or trris-oiai""""I ;fr5ii'not beapplicabre to c-onstruction, nainienance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any util_ities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. e r.n fur', prease stop by the Town ofYil-l Building Departroent to obtiir u "opy. riru'i you for yourcooperation on this natter. o TO: FROM: DATE: SURTEC?: Read and acknowledged by: otflce of communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CI]RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL pUBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE contractor, owner) 75 louth ,rontege road vtll, colorado 81657 (303't 479-2138 or 479-2139 oftlce of communlty developmelrl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this penr-lt requires a Town of vair Fire Department Approvar,Engineer''s..(pub)ic 1giltt review and approvar,' a piJnnini'blpartnentreview or Hea'tth Department review, anb'a-".uid ;i-;i;;";riiaingDepartment, the estimated time for a total ""uiun-iluy"iu[l'u, rongas three weeks. fll cgmmgrgial ('rarge or smail) and ail murti-famirv permits wir'lhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requlremlnli. iesioentialand.small projects shourd take a'r esser amount of time.'However, ifresidenti'al or smailer.projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to necessaiy review,-il.i. i".j".ii'ruyalso take the three week period Every attempt wi'll be Tgge bV this department to expedite thispermit.as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timeframe. Communi ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: naeuonaruoum O O ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REQUIRED /^ Date:_-.-. Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? fs the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the righl of way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "public way permit" must be o "Public way Permit" applications may bE obtained at the public work's otfir YES NO X1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction lnspeclor, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. ,,,i s Signature oz ts =e,l!o- orl lli : trt rxl9 Eij iEl E giE lElg Zr'YZdt< I =ZZtL tr ^ 6zo = =oa"e 6E aaae,2>-()oo.2ozxr!<oq iH6 sE9 2-, '. trJ!-. At O r-l<l eDl al .alrlzl - >E -t(')E tr,t .{ =coN JI<l F-l zl zl .. >l uJ l!ulzo = u.l o- J z E o HJFq ()14 -o\(Jcn UJ a rt1LI Id Bq lotzF-:9- H 7@ t1a N ui =z (n -) I tltltlt<IAt< t<tllu FtlFl -1Md{qN c..lafr dHgtaa4A (\ c{ Irno\\o ic .{f, @ & 2Itl o =tr a uJg, = = o- ()=tr oz 6tuG J lroz3oF =e ll. oz ciut ac J a ttoz3ot-=c t! oz ci UJc J lto z3oF Fl & a.t) H&F =tr E I cj2 ci lrJE J lr z3o F r\(r) I @\o tr 1lo UJ :l <l>l ltlol zlilolF] ui JurF. trluz =ra. - F C) IJJ ts-ot G -.r O<FE(J LrJ <zE IJ.J Ftrzo() 9eF UJJ I Y ? J( Y- 5l gF s3 rdE 6F =3g6 E EhrrJ X+EFFo2<() Efr'l z ,rPzeoo =zlf dP oc)z&oh -r-(nuJ UJF (t, @o-zo Fo- lrJY UJ .0 o F-FX =qHs tl-lo*l>Elo- Elo FtloElrHlgu,bEzo E s o-tlo EUes€frE9ELb9'Er => = u.t :- E FE: >o-E 8bE iHE ;EEul €= HoF @ E =E UJo.zo F()3EFazoo !tr !! / O lo* oF vAilJ "o"rr*u0" O ,"*rrP{or't'!' PERMIT APPLI.CATION FQRI'I DATE: ,//rl =/, tf lf H0a t APPLICATION UUST BE FILLED OUT COI.IPL,ETELY OR IT UAY NOT BE ACCEPTED !3* ********* * ***** ***** * * * ***** pEIl!{IT TNF6RMATI9N ** *********** *** *i ********* **rl-[ ]-Building t l-Plurabing [ ]-Electricat g)d-uectranical [ ]-other - ilob Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing susprvrsroN, , t>i4 P}:. 4,99-JaapOwners Nane: Architect:Address:Ph. Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Number of Aqcomrnodatl.on UnLts: lPrr"r and Type of Fireplaces: Gas eppliances / Gas Logs_ wood/pelret_ lt*** * * * * **** ************ ***** ***** VALUATIONS *** ** ** ***************** ** ** ***** BUILDING:EIJCTRTCAL: S OTHER: $ RLUMBTNG: U ,l*************************rt* CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************t Eeneral Contractor: Town of v:ll porr NrrTown of Vail Reg. NO. General Descriptionz -fu ?otrq,+:s,/ztZ ,-z,r/. trvsfi/q,as Przra/n* reork class: [ ]-Nen fit-art"ration t ]-Additional [ ]-Repalr [ !-other_ Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: Plumbing Address: contractor: Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: kg^sza ** *** ** ******* ** ****** ** * * ***** PI.,AN CHECK FEE! Mechanical Cont actor: Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERI'TIT FEE3 I.IECHAIIICAIJ PERUIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAI, F8E: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: rOR OFFTCE USE BUILDING PLT'MBING PI"AN CHECK FEE: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! Address: Az,et Ja. -Pelvveru- 6aaa/'l CLEAil I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND !O: - oo Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: BOZARTH GAS FIREPLACE DATE: 9-7-94 ADDRESS: 3954 BIGHORN RD CONTRACTOR: FRISCO FIREPLACE VAIL, CI)I.ORADO ARCIIIIECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQI.JIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the ctdes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted ctdes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TTIE 1991 UMC. 2. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FACTI.'RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CIIAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 3. GAS LINE TEST AND INSPECTION IS REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC. 1206 OF TIIE 1991 IIMC. 4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VETITED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 OF TIIE 1991 IJMC AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991uMC. 5. FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC. 305 OF TTIE 1991 I.JMC. 6. WHEN NEW ELECTNCAL LrNES ARE REQUTRED WORK MUST BE DONE BY A LICENSED ELECTRICI.AN. oo ol o) TOWT,I OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 i03-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303.-479-2452 March 5, 1995 Frisco FirePlace P.O. Box 1330 Frisco, Co 80443 Re: Permit #'s 6204, 6447, F : \Everyone\chuck\F'inal s Department of Communiry Development 6926 & 6222 expiration Dear Sir, It has come to our attention that you have. several outstanding p.t*li" that have not received final inspections' Your permiEs have expired according to Section- 303 of Lhe t994 uniform plurnbing cocle. These permits must either be finalized, "*t."a.a by written request or repermitted' I would appreciate your prompE atLention to this problem and expect Eo hear from you wittrin-30 days of receipt of this letter' SincereIY, 6Z/z/L"d *Chuck Feldmann / /' Buil-ding Inspector xc: File 'l- | Dlign Review Actioh FJL TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Namel o^t"iloalA /,/794 Project Description: Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Description:Lot b Bloc{ Project Street Address: ZoneDistria f/^/ t Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: E Approval ! Disapproval fstattnonrovar Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid 9l4lsL 5 1994 APPLTCI,TION - TO}TN OF \TAI'., DATE APPLICATION RECEI\ED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: **tittrttt I. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($2OO.OOl ,\_uinor Alteration ($20.00) Addition (S50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: 3_954 Bighorn Rd. Vail,co. 81657 IEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot _O.u_ Block Subdivision T.andMarc Torvnhornes Phase I & 2 If property ls described by a neets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach t,o this application. zoNING: puprex.Er. LOT AREA: If reguired, applicant st,amped survey showing 1ot area. must provide a current G. NAI'{E OF APPLICANT: Andrev W. Arnold Maiting Address: Phone 416-9268 NAI'{E OF Mailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE ; Chuck Ma11oy AddreSS: Box 323 Eclwards, Uo. UIbJI Phone 926-3854 / t.NAI'{E 0F OWNERS: *STGNATIIRE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of OnS applicat,ion. later, whenapplylng for a building permit, please identify theaccurate vafuatj.on of the proposal. The Town of Vailwitl adjust t,he fee according to the table belovt, to_ensure ihe correct fee is paia. .-tl. OOt"" "otot S AfL'' FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION0 - $ 10,000 K. s 10, o0{. - $ 50,000 $ 50,001\ $ 150,000 $150,091 j 500r 000 000,000 rFEE S \?,0/.40 $ fo. oo $1qo. oo '$20p . 00 $400.00 $500 .00 T r'2da3 ab*lq't $s00i001 -$ Over s1;000,000 * DESIGN RE\TTEW BOARD IPPRO\IAIJ EXPIRES ONE YIAR }TTER FINEI, APPROVAI.. I'NI.ESS A BUII,DING PERMTT IS ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION IS SIIRTED. **NO .EPPLICATION }IILI. BE PROCESSED WITAOUI OI|NER' S SIGNATURE 't \J tsH -v11vtoq$ \... '\: \ .'\t\Y Y \r F- U r4- <>.H -.1oio \ I I.l I +-h,-,\ , I ' t i'-rr-l I rl | :- -4 wt | -al o -T -T:T,llr4 I tT--f-ll,| | | -frI I | -c- rilc.)--s I llG .l .l-J- lN'FI r. cn tllltlllllll -L \3f') $l)- l1l- l. >-'S {' l^* I ..ri g H{ts. 54) It\ t_ L II E i . )l*E i s, I I l--- '.o .4 a\ '*-.. t Y oo l) L. I :ri I K\) F 1lol1J,pi?u otu,P/t\b 9-l I II 'l . :l'il --:-il, ,'|- :-..- J I7' vo )L o & -l-r:lt-tlt-{ llF l---rFl I1- l,1r =;+ i I anent-r'=: f-AEh 1'::1L:l:,:i;- iil;.,;.r'1.!.;, i !! f i':i;a,r1.. 'li::,.-i r..ri 't :l* i:t:i * r':jt1lf, i;:iE-il.i :.::. r:1!lt! .1-,;'F: !::FF: iii:ri-,r-.!: i i. + *''1i;-'; 1r i i t.erri p= i ': i:ri Ftijir:i|i.:r. i -i-l i p,i:ii'! f:'..: _i, -1ir r-::: l ;Irr'+ij :: li , [ttj Frrr':un t P.:i'i :,it:i " i-J'ir ii r:i r:i -I-HfqT.{Fi LIDU 1,,'r-,r J f i r:-:ft 1+ i- F.tH I nF! oz E =ellJo- (n uJ uJt! E =E uJo- -yF/ t 6/L'/z2t /5c F"P P/ (r) c'\ 6l Jio (! Pv) 6 lLLlIF () t!t! (,z clJ uJ o e F t vlz =o zz at,ulFoz ozoJ @ .a ozz FJz E ll. UJo Eoti (EoFo EFz o o oc, -9.oo .9Eo. a0 cl tdorF Q)G o oc6 0)Eooo == d! E =cl Eo o o, (u '{, E c .9o ot aiotto(, co an := !fo oc G tD -oc 'oF oE o ED o ooo(! E (,, .9 = o Eco o 3(! d:gE6p'=OO sbE EEH6g€c-o'- atte;: =EFd'i =c9c'- o. -g EsE EEEsoO 5;;g=E CL(E CL FEE q)P O.E*: E6:EE E E;E_aP ueC6 0'- 5 a.g $EEE8;9 (6a .v;E ;E;9E oqEE!ocD -o6 o CN c.l @rn tr =eu, (,z =o - UJ z J IIJJ IIJ 0z @ =J oz uJ = UJ UJ z EllJEc,l! oE o @ =g uJEz(, uro Eatoc uJ o-fz uJJ x F qro U'IJul lJ- = =E uJo- J FoF z6! ao 9e ollJ uJ z 6 = o. z BT = o CJtt NOllvn']V q .! !((t{ 3r Z+ itFE.t;iul' <, trfz<lrJ c >E iurS = lD t\l zz io_ axrzrP o ooz>-ooo2l!<o1 o-- !?-6 I .l J] Iiltdt9 lcd.l -ltq,l 6( lr{I r-l{ (,1tg{ol'I til{olI trl I IIIII z tr rl. o UJ E lu z tr 6 z F uJ B uJz u,tzlz 9U' <oo< =Hxr!6o<z tsz. 9Z --l -EO3trOI I F IIOIq uJl f th <D uJz :< i IJJo- zo F Jl(I)z I ! -l _lq- :I o = lJI<l zl zl .. >lo UJ LtlulzoF uJ az E z tra Jo I l;,; (o C\J6 LO e z IIJb(E @oazo FcutY uJ @ oF F cE llJ o-6l>!la v'lH:Io "rl.-\|I -l Hr":^ Ft,zo z6 J dfian a r = =d-7-1 -': t!Eil= zo ou- t.-t r<..s\s' \s{ t Gtuo- t!o uJo- F tr Eur o- !LoEE E<ctf,6V)ne,B9!tr sgFiF- uJEF85E=,axcv9tEX Eqo'i!E uJ @ I-- E =E. lrJ o-zo Fo :) E,,, zoo DtrD oz o IIJc ! lro z 3oF () lr 't-l C)lr o =tr cil HI il bl zl il trd ,!o (J l.r ru tr F{ Hg N tr| uJ =z (Do-) Fl.at (! = I o0 .iflno\ qJ o ) = + I' ! TIJ z | | e.tI toI l3ttltto\I l-+I tqlxl I ltolt;lI olI Fqltl1fl-,156lqo 13E C.)t{ oo& ,IJ (o Et'lo {1, U' tr '|ollrl.rl Jl <l>lttl a F\ I c'l IJtltcDI oltl-tcll'Fl ITI(Jt dell('lcr uJlI tElqJl Erli:l EFI I I frl -.rlal>l t!l el * EoFo zoe) Fz I.ll tsT E <FEO r.u <zE IIJ F(rzo nnn ?5 touth fronllge ro.d Y!ll. colorrdo t1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479--.2\39 otflcr of communlly drvclopmanl If this Perylt.Igquj..res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval, Engi neel ts (.Pybl ic I'lorks ) reyi ew and a pproval ,' a pl a nni ng' Deparinentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the Euilhing Department, the estimated tirne for a total review may take as l6ngas three weel(s. A'll corrnercial (large or small) and a'll mu'lti-family permits willhave tq fc'l'low the above mentioned maximum requiremlnls. Residentialand.small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if t'esi.dential or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments. wi.th regard to necessary review, these proJects may a'l so take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermit as s.gon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. BUILDING PER},IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE &-*,-raZ fEa- 16. /qq" Corrnuni ty Development Department. I .\.l I 75 soulh fronltge rord uril, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: suanEcT: offlce ol conmunlty developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII llIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC !{ORKS,/COMMI'NITY DEVEI,OPMENT !,!ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKINC & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterlal, including trash durnpsteri, portable ioileti andworkmen vehieles ypon any street, sidewaLk, arley or public -qr?9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n ari Town ofvaJ.I streets and.19ads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance witl be striLtry enforcid by the iown of vairPy!]i-c works Departrnent. pers6ns found vi6rattnt this ordinancewrrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .rn the event the person so notified does not compry wtth th;--notice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLric worksDepart:nent wilr remove said mateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ord.inance sniff. not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utitities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in futl, please stop by the Town ofvail Buirding Department to obtain I copy. tirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and {f"ontractor, owner) acknowledged \)I ,a|{\$ s q \t)\ \1 't|}lf t <-2R INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:PMAMFRIESWEDTHUR PROJECTPERMIT NUMBER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED s'. I sFqf I I oz tr = uJ ccc cc (f ooo (\l(\l ooo € ooo sl' a LU uJ Lr-t = tL] tl N;l $F. z z >7.j;'; =-2r-I_<?,.!*il:i< l. : z F '<!! - _-i :!t;lJx ^ 9:,.ni.i> =<."4=22=J>,?<=--Y F F 3'o .:::1::r5r; =<J :F., <€C> -t.<a:.trd=aca<.l-.r I X o (n (v) or orr) (otosf or.o or\ Oo o@ oo osr oo oto(O oo oo oo oo6t ; :Tt(\l F =llJ z o!f :< lrlI z .J 9(r FollJJtu z = (L z I !! = IJJlu z tr uJ () IIJE oE 3|lJ t!E 2 6t!o F uJ (!: 2 lll () E E UJo- J F F (Jz oJlc) d F(J IJJ ur z @ =Jo- z - tu =Ih'*L2 NOrrvn'tv^ +t E =xc, o.5o o.A -j;e =ul .i zzoo :f,r9o66z>-Oc)a)z oo- d9 ;c.j =cD z tr l .i l & uJc t- ooo o(o(\l ccc c E z Eoo z F uJ =UJz ||l|l -l d lrol od<-l?eg = i E == H6 f6.,,26qPgsEiEE EB6E:E< c)|rtr)Z)tJ I lllI r{-.{ I I I I ^l I l- | l+lI cr I or (\t I.n F(?, O8g 9- -i:5;E3E :<H +UE9r;9556(,()r2<) z tr) (nz LU3 ?01 Or @(Y) l- uJ '1- l.(u+t(o =.tJo-t- a (-) ci 3 llJ UJ F;Io z E UJF 3 F z () (]. z ! i (g r.o = ll Or '(' sf(r) (v) <r O (v) IE,I = IL (5 tL (9 LL or e.aa I E<rLx=o JFX UJ o Erloo o .= f c o(, f\o cC,-EE:eP -Fei z Fout-1o (L Ictcq\Ft \IRt -|I L.lJF o F =OLlrl o-z 9Fof, E.Fazo(J =J tr "1149l'lq s1olI:< F xo CL5o c),tt' !ciUJ tlJ z -tI (JE +,Et4t (J ! 'l'EE tuJ UJ z (J 4 NI(\l(g NGI uJ oaoo = c(Fat t'.,iFNO. FIl- Il<lolrIJl-ol=ttul=t-t5 !o+,IJ(t)o-an E' (oa tr (lt =E|go!@ [oo F\r at LIJ o l<t= ooroto =fN AJi AI 6.1 .v.!o =oz. F =tr tt c,tn !o!(u |Jc.rJ .ctt) cp = Icrl "lxqIq 4tt uJE6 : o rJ)GI sf.r JisfOr o CJ o !( tltltltlI t; lto(PlTI+Pl(,Iq, IqJ OD uj.h El 4AEIflst E tllltltlq l* dlEIllEIil alr-l url.'-l clqal >l rlEt <l iEl >l (j EIolol 1l <t =l E(,) oo a:G Lru-orv t6 l;r-.o =oE=o!O<.ucoJcr o u,lt? O <FcoUJ<ZE IIJ F o <oOF -< \2uJOl t(,ozt- =#:)FJZo-O <; ::F7<)<s AFi,z =g all b2 )<c)a?. :jo l I Jz z ze coo>z O- t! J."i3\../ \-., = =r3dd= t]Du E = UJo- u- LU trr]r L l,I r N s PE rcJrJ*O N, RE O U E Sr ' ! !:.:. :.DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI ,.. t READY FOB LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH/D.W.V. - tr ROUGH/WATER - tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL / H. TUB n rl - tr FINAL MECHANICAL: _ D HEATING _ tr EXHAUST HOODS - E SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FRAMING ,-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING T] INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL .E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,t"r,o* neouisr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NA CALLER ,f::o @ tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNsilctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL oate -L-JOB NAME '/.' ", 4., CALLER IUES;.t- - .-' READY FOR INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI AM PM, }./ LOCATfON: fi /"' ;' BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr fF|AL; tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL cr Rppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR --SPECTIONTOWN OF ll,t4 " |tr, REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON €/e ,) lT- | ,. INL::l::'' CALLER TUES WED THUR C BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Fli i d* :,il rNstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: N CTION:ESI JOB NAME MON ,L&.t.L, CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL tr D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr o FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR r-t ,*, , "f -/f I tJoB NAME CALLER TUES t INSPECTION TOWN OF (t-t i lr.r,t/(. REQUEST VAIL L READY FOR INSPECTION:MON WSro rHUR AMFRI LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING 4 tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr D tr D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR D tr FIMAL FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -,-CORRECTIONS: DATE t,/ .--?/ i-.i-' / -INSPECTOR.. t, t.' G., a i- .F rN#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL . JOB NAM CALLER TION:MON TUES , WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: APPROVED CORRECTIONS: o orsAppRoveo , :. tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTO DATE --, - JOB NAME INSPECTION: MONREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING X tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr N FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr D tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL _tr FINAL 'frdrsaepRovEDtr APPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: o-() INSPECTOR rNJPctoN TOWN OF neouisrVAIL . DATE JoB NAME ../fr_ Pf,-p MON CALLER TUES L4,vt) *t Al(rc READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL (l trl tr daaaa;E t /rr*zt tr GAs ptptNcf NSULATf ON e4leA G;E 2t f/c / 27zt SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: A TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o y#*tr FINAL '{Ap"aoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECT 'NsilctoNI. TOWN OF iE REQUEST VAIL iDATE JOB CALLER MoN (i999READY FOR LOCATION:' PtNs -'. i: THUR FRI ,m) PM BU ?' trl trl trl {, 6 ILDING:PLUITIBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK{INAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr g r;2Kt tr FINAL {eeeaoveo cohfl€c+roNs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR l. INSPECTIONi,i TowN oF 1i' ,. ,' ,', REOUEST VAIL ,*, l/ iq/t't JoB NAME CALLER TUES @)FRI 0rREADY FOR LOCATION: , PEOTION:MON H BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr nffit D FINAL .4 OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr RETNSPECTTON RFOUTRED CORRECTIONS: ,or. €'- 7e -</INSPECTOR/'t t' INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INS TION:TUES WED THUR eftl ,'- Pfti"\\l\./ FRI. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / ST D FOUNDATION / tr FRAMING -ET INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK N tr_ PLUMBING: EEL STE AIL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER $ EL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr O FINAL tr FINAL IEECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr n rsfiat D FINAL yl,erc-,aoveo ]ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED co ,'..'. -.) INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME L-- .<-/'l ../ )i\ ( CALLER MON r0is ) wED rHUR FRI AM 6i, BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr o q tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr ,-:7D FryAL tr FINAL '.'--/iaeenoveo/ coRREcroNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / -./DATE Y' - '!-- f'/ INSPECTOR a. .: Sr'.l "''*I rNsilctoN *roulrrl TOWN OF VAIL ' (. (r..4,',t ,LY. t, i ,(-DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME fTPeaoveo %onRecrrorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDlNG:PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D D tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING' tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL INSPECTOR f.. 'N$htoNTOWN OF I REQUESTvAlL t DATE 7-*y JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: _-.-__r a MON ( TUES 'WED THUR fl]ad /-o7)lpu BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDt,,( RoucH / D.w.v. FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr o tr n FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING Vnoucx / wArER INSULATION SHEETROCK E] GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D o o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FIXAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTO l",-#i,o* REeuEsr ^ TOWN OF VAIL,4 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME --I, INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. q ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL -tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS:E"*:RovED CTION REQUIRED / ,t / i l,-4t ;, ty'JDATE 'l/ I Il JOBNAME I READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: rNs#cnoN TOWN OF i, REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES WED '.iH FRI r.- t 'ti BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL q FRAMTNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr n POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr n tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL o tr FINAL tr APPROVED ,TDTSAPPROVED SPECTION REQUIRED1r.-/(_--* CORRECTIONS: TNSPECTOR,'1 (___ *INS I L [-+ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND {aoucx / D.w.v. d\RoUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: S 6-c.t-o J' JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR PMFRI '/, r t- ,',- (.)n*(.. '- .-li, tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: Ir DTSAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED &tt- INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL rNsfrtoN .l/ /- oor, 3 /l/ {/ JoB NAME// TOWN OF /, CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: PECTION:MON TUES WED AM@ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V, _ tr ROUGH / WATER D GAS PIPING -tr POOL / H. TUB -tr_ O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR --r tr FINAL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr o tr tr o tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL \ orsneenoveo I.Eil BEINSPECTION REQUIREDD APPROVED CORRECTIONS: t.' DATE INSPECTOR 'Ns#croN? TOWN OF I lr, .'. REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME UES,) i' .i.-ss i INSPECTION:PM CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELI R tr tr El ECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: :.INSPECTOR il INSPECTION TOWN OF VAIL e- REOUEST /-*-.\---../ AM pM) \j) DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED -:--:-'*-!/THUR /- FRITj?^, BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE. O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr fI FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ' INSPECTION:MON fuef _w.eo CALLER PMFRI rNsPtnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL r tlu'-, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: E rrn,tp. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ,tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNstcroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON WED THUR FRI PM CALLER BUILDING: fr;oorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /'i-7.rt ",)/'4r '4 JOB NAME MON CALLER ' :/ TUES THUR INsP?cTIoN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: iXroorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING:' o uruoenenoirno tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. , tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , I r.l ,1'ttl ,INSPECTOR ' I/,: ', !, DATE rNstcroN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES AM PM l'' BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL / tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION T] GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL I] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR l:f,. | .l_..4' I ''a:, t''- JOB NAME rNSP?cnoN REouisr TOWN OF VAIL J ll t rt*' /,.DATE AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL D FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: F DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR z c = LU sa o io lsM I I l a\t\ lNt\ s \ls fo" a a i.o l\l I ^.71l U)llJ Luu- I: uJ I nl \\t*i\E'l 6\ g$i =N. * i'; \':, I. ttii; l; !l!i; q: iiiri+ i:i:iq: ;i;iqsl" q s&i i,"l C- B st4 \ $ sJ iN ota no oo rit o o o to \lt ss ds t ds .-l o :o ry Iz o( c z o 5 c] z 9cF ul z6 =f o- : F E(J E oE co 3 g. cl 6 c o-tu z o U' uJ LUu-t d.ul J F t- z o J_: @ J a uJ z6 =lJ 2 I = NO[VnlVA .A YTila Hr{tt{qa.dYq*dN(t a4 Y 3ZZtr-o ooi o- 9=Yf,>Ytr Y Lr ir;<rtr. Zt(Joo9?.()zx tL< 9rnE*;1 UJaxz -cllJ (3an -I I I I I I I I cl:l:-il I XIql EI.'t I<l-l PI ;l -l vl-lt n' zlol FI -l_il <l L ; o- G aqs o\ ry oss 6c G a E acc z F tr B z tttttlil-l l-l -l Jl,i ' | | | | lr- l:iz2li ;5 Fl5-2--y,9.i93{eEE IgEfrE:9l<c5erozlI r trr | | | || | q-r I | - | | |l*lsl lE ",l .l lc\| ,^.., a zI'jr d q.;13 irEFfU(Jz-r^ l=ll,surl!ll J < = +ed il gz2g55 ii o o (-) tz<) z ; J faz -E .F @o- F, UJ-r tr 0) -P cd =P a a)lu 3 cr o- F - o z E Lri 3 u) z 3O zY9r F \o \o --'t +iloo. d.-t tr--n4 fv.) ..t oo6 (! F TJ (t E-r .rl € U?1a I E *sg b rt--YHFl I("1 ol rq Ll e1 I l Jz z.^= =<d)0>z)) ))<<.i \-,/ v ==eft -r -: tr.l6d> o E o (l) o .: 5!-ts= C ti.o; o tr- a)-tr> |q ru z tl,-_toE Ord)laNl'l \-tcrf-l >lolzl tu eo t Exlrl o-zIt-(J :) E,l-azo() NDD * I z LL Fl cd Fr .,,I ololtll()l .lt{lol(Jl :< J Irlq'l F.o) xq) r-l+ F Lr a d ui = f co IiNIIr.\ -+ ll--1 ilrtl c.-ticr\!-+i ;-l I I I!l<t I:l!I4l'.'tlr"1 I =l:I I.l I .lol ,cl-l.l+l*l oltrldl €lFIdlHIul>l 4 \o\o I RN i .X F{ B C)z I I FOdl Fl dlottdFl I \OlOI Gll at,r{ H 3 <! I Jqrlq AI FI 1rfIft OI 1.rU .drt*FT El i!l ol I(nl lo.rr I t\ u-Frl (.\ Npt oJtrl (r\ |ot (<Po+l (.l ri -Et (.t Qlrl| | alxl * bpl Fl !4t .ltolCl .l o.-t I prt (J.dl /tPl !':1 Jl al ool 6l =-l <l <>t -lel <l Ftrl :l C ttlltltltlllilld.Hl HIr-l I(ll0tlrllq8 "lHqclqd01 <l =l :lla1 <l t[:l>i c ull GIololil n] :FI b0lql €l .-r IPrl I b'l-l "t >l trl rilal =l =l o. I o- = UJ Ct: CJn < g ofrr-u.tidz<rdE =;Ego-;:H ac)-1 l- IJJtrE O G. <'; UJ<zEt!F o <oOF -< tJ-i E6o AO E zt- =<izU JZ <; :lFz9+il-,* >Y oci:gt Fi:O?, c; J<O(aA tru--.r O a flLL l ' 75 soulh tlonLge road vall, colorado 81657 (303) '178-7000 0ctober 26, 1983 Jane t Charles Lloyd' Jr 6556 Crestmere Drive .Dallas, Texas 7524o Dear ilr. and Mrs. Lloyd, olflcc of communlty deYeloPmenl Re: Lot 6 Gore Creek Park Subdivision in checking our address maps against we find that the number you have not correct, but you should be dupl ex. This letter the numbers been using, using 3964 Si ncerely, is to infonn you that posted on residences, 3954 Bighorn Road, isfor both sides of your ./) - c) V.--Ja)*ftu/JrM SAYRE / fTTown Planner JS: br Enc'|. i,-.-'' \o SPECrrrcATroNs FOR THE CONSTRUCTTON OF DUPLEX HOUSES FOR LANDMARC ENTERPRISES, INC. BIGHORN DEVELOPMENT LOTS NO. 6 AND 7 EAST VAIL, COLORADO 3 NOVEMBER 1980 \ a David KennetJr Specter Architect PC 206l Broadw$IewYork 1O O23 2L2'724'66OO -l- SPECI FICATIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DUPLEX HOUSES FOR LANDMARC ENTERPRISES, INC. BIGHORN DEVELOPMENT LOTS NO. 6 AND 7 EAST VAIL, COLORADO DAVID KENNETH SPECTER, ARCHITECT P.C. 2061 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, New YORK 10023 2121724-6600 CENERAL NOTE: Contractor is advised that the plans of the duplex units are symmetrical, and that dimensions and/or notes given for one-half of the duplex houses are applicable to both units. Contractor will note that the General Conditions of A.l.A. Document 4107-1978 are made a part of this specification, and will be included in the contract for construction. The A.l.A. Abbreviated Form of Agreement between Owner and Contractor 1978 Edition will be the contractual agreement for this proiect. GENERAL CONDITIONS: The Contractor shall furnish all labor and materials necessary for the complete execution of everything shown, described, or reasonably implied in the drawings and specifications as being his work. He must obey all laws relating to building, obtain and pay for all permits. He must furnish workmenrs compensation and liability insurance to protect the employees, the Owner, and the Architect from all damages. He shall furnish evidence of this insurance to the Owner. All materials are to be as specified herein or accepted alternates, and every- thing shown on plans and not mentioned in the specifications, or mentioned in the specifications and not shown on the plans, must be done the same as if appearing in both. Both are equally binding on the Contractor. The Contractor is to furnish all scaffolding, forms, and plant machinery for the carrying out of the work. The Contractor shall lay out all work and shall be held responsible for its accuracy, and shall be responsible for superintendence. During the course of construction the Architect or his representative will make himself available during periodic site inspections to assist the Contractor. The Owner shall have access at all times to the work. The Contractor agrees that upon completion of the work all portions thereof will have conformed to the requirements of the Contract Agreement as to kind, quality, and workmanship, and that it will remain so for a period of one year, commencinq with the date of completion of the work as accepted and fixed by the Architect, and that during such period the Contractor will make good all defects therein and all damages caused to the'property by the Owner because of such defects, without additional cost to the Owner over and above that in- cluded in the Contract Agreement. -2- The Contractor shall provide all temporary facilities and utilities, and shall rough grade and seed disturbed areas of the site following construction. Contractor shall remove from the site all trees and shrubs from within the building, and from within lines of terraces and exterior stairs. He shall protect from damage any trees designated by the Owner, and shall finish grade, seed, and landscape in accordance with the site plans, All work shall comply with applicable provisions of local codes, including plumbing, heating, electrical, structural, and architectural work. All plumbing work will be done in accordance with the Uniform Building Code 1979 Edition. All electrical work is to be done in accordance with the National Electrical Code 1978 Edition. WORK NOT INCLUDED Carpeting and all furniture will be furnished built-in items specifically shown and detailed provided by the Contractor. by Owner, except those on the plans, which will be EXCAVATING FILLING AND BACKFILLING The Contractor shall do all necessary excavating, trenching, and backfilling to finished grades. The Contractor shall include in his bid unit prices for rock removal, should it be required; and for fill, should it be required. All footings shall bear upon sound, undisturbed bedrock or to undisturbed soil at least 4r-0rr below finished grade. All loose rock and any substance which would prohibit bond between concrete footing and the rock shall be removed prior to pouring the footing. Concrete shall have minimum compressive strength of 3000 PSI at 28 days; reinforcing shall be as shown on drawings. Furnish and install PVC corrugated drain tile around foundations where shown on drawings. All foundation walls to have exterior bituminous coating from footing to grade. Concrete floor slab in garage shall be laid over well-compacted porous flll and a 6-mil polyethylene film vapor barrier, lapped not less than 6rr and turned up at the edges. Slab shall have 6 x 6 t0/10 woven wire mesh reinforcing. Install premolded filler where any slab meets a foundation wall. Garage floor slab shall be dustproofed. WOOD CONNECTORS All wood posts bearing upon concrete shall be anchored with self-weepingTTECOil or 'rS|MPSONrr post anchors. All foundation sills are to be set on 1/2rrnon-shrink grout bases and anchored with I12" $ x 1t-9n lqt-dipped galvanized anchor bolts cast into concrete piers and concrete foundal walls.o -3- WOOD CONNECTORS (contrd) Atl ioist hangers to be heavy-duty galvanized type, either "TECOrr orrrSlMPSONrr. All clips, hangers, tie-downs, plates, metal straps and other wood anchoring accessories shall be heavy-duty galvanized type, either "TECOtr or rrSlMPSONtr. All structural wood framing members shall be minimum stress grade lumber with fb = 1300 PSl. All ioists shall have wood cross-bridging composed of either solid wood bridging or nominal I x 4 wood cross braces, or both. Spacing shall be minimum 8'-0u O.C. All joists are to be doubled under partitions which run parallel to ioist and where indicated on plans. Moisture conteit of wood shall not be greater than 193 and structural framing members must be air dried. ROUGH CARPENTRY Exterior walls shall be cedar clapboard siding, nailed over 15# building PaPerto 5/8" C-D plywood with exterior glue, on 2 x 6 wood studs 16rr O.C. All nails and screws used on the exterior of the building shalt be non-ferrou3f galvanized nails will not be acceptable. Provide mitered cedar corner boards at all corners, and a cedar cap on balcony railings as shown on drawings. Roof construction shall be cedar-shingled 'rcold roof" as detailed on drawings, on 15# building paper on 5/Srrexterior plywood on wood joists. Ceilings shall be 1/2" gypsum board fastened to roof joists with annular threaded drywall nails. Structural members shall be held two inches away from flues. Provide firestops in all stud spaces at floor levels. Floor construction in areas to be carpeted by Owner shall be I /4tt underlayment on 5/8'r plywood subfloor on wood joists. Floor construction in bathrooms shalt be 3/8" exterior plywood on 5/8rr plywood subfloor on wood ioists. ROOFING AND SHEET METAL Contractor shall furnish and install a complete roofing job. Sloping roofs shall be surfaced with 18ttclear Western Red Cedar shingles, 6" to the weather. Terraces shall have a l5-year bond 4-ply tarrred felt and coal-tar pitch roof pitched to flashed wood scuppers. Flashing shall be brake bent .0469rr thick aluminum. lnstall all necessary base and cap flashings at flues, vents, roof fans, chimneys, skylights, intersections of roofs and walls, and where called for on drawings. Provide flashing at all door and window sills. Provide waterproof membrane under hot tub area. -4- FIREPLACES Shall be "Fuego IVA'| metal metal chimney. lnstall and recommendations. fireplace with zero clearance features with integral provide all necessary accessories per manufacturerrs SLIDING ALUMINUM DOORS Furnish and install Peachtree Citation 80 sliding glass and aluminum doors, complete with screens and locking hardware. All doors and frames to be factory-painted "Nature Brown." Sizes as indicated on drawings; all doors to be glazed with 1l/16" tempered insulating glass. WOOD WINDOWS Furnish and install Seal-Rite t'Ultra Therm llrtawning and casement windows as indicated on drawings, as manufactured by Seal-Rite Windows Inc. of Lincoln, Nebraska. All windows shall be glazed with insulating glass. GLAZING All glass used in the buildings shall be insulating glass, a-nd shall carry the certification that it is engineered for use at the altitude of East Vail, Colorado. All glazing less than 18" above finished floor levels shall be tempered insulating glasi. Glass broken or damaged before building completion shall be replaced without cost to Owner. All glass shall be washed clean of all labels and dirt. Glass in fixed lights will be back- and face-puttied, and will be of thickness recommended by the manufacturer for fixed lights of the specified sizes. WEATHERSTRIPPING AND CAULKING Exterior hinged doors shall be equipped with interlocking-tyPe metal thresholds and spring bronze weatherstripping, as manufactured by Zero or apProved equal. Provide ciulking around all doors, stiding doors, and windows: Thiokol, Tremco, or approved equal, color to be approved by Architect. -5- SKYLIGHTS Contractor shall furnish and install Wasco Single Pitch skylights as manufactured by Wasco-O'Keefe. Sizes and locations as shown on drawings and to flt the conditions as detailed. Finish shall be bronze Baked Acrylic Epoxy enamcl finish; color, Wasco Dark Bronze. Glazing to be 5/8rr insulating glass, clear tempered over clear tempered. lnsulating glass shall be specifically manufactured for the sloped application. All glass shall be specially manufactured for high altitude conditions as exist in East Vail, Colorado. Contractor shall supply and install, curbs, and brake-bent aluminum counterflashing as shown on the drawings. Shop Drawings shall be submitted by the manufacturer for the Architect's approval. FINISH CARPENTRY Lumber used for finlsh carpentry shall be new and kiln-dried to a moisture content not exceeding 12t. Stair treads shall be oak, to be carpeted by Owner. Stair and hallway balustrades shall have white oak cap. All closets shall have a painted wood shelf and a chrome-plated brass clothespole. All gypsum board walls shall have a 1 x 4 painted wood base, mitered at corners. All counters in kitchens and bathrooms shall be plastic laminate on 3/4'r particle board or exterior plywood, color to be selected. Where butcher block counters are shown in kitchens, they shall be 1-112'1 thick rock maple All closets shall have hollow-core doors on heavy-duty pivot hinges. All other hinged doors shall be flush type, 6'-8r'high, solid core for painting: exterior dmrs 1-3/4" thick; interior 1-3/8" thick. Door to mechanical room shall be 36r' wide F.P.S.C. one hour rated. Duckboards for decks shatl be constructed of I x 4 redwood, clear heart, on preservative-treated redwood sleepers. Adiustable or fixed shelving called for on drawings shall be clear pine or edged Novoply (particle-board) filled for painting, supported on K 6 V strips and clips, or standards and brackets. All cabinets shatl be constructed as detailed on drawings. Contractor to proved shop drawings for Architect's approval. Aff wood finish flooring shall be 25l32tt oak strip flooring. -6- WALLS AND CEILINGS Furnish and instatl l/2" gypsum board on all celings; and 5/8t'on all interior soffits, on inside of exterior walls, and on both sides of all interior partitions. lnterior partitions shall be constructed as indicated and detailed on drawings. All gypsum board joints shall be taped and spackled before painting; provide mettl corner protection on exposed corners. Mechanical space walls--both sides, and interior of garage walls shall be surfaced with one layer of 5/8" Fire Code "C'r gypsum board. Bathroom walls shall be prepared to receive thin-set ceramic tile on water-resistant gypsum board. Exterior soffits--under overhangs--shall be 3/4" cedar boards as detailed. PAINTING AND FINISHING Materials as manufactured by Pratt and Lambert, Pittsburgh Paint, Benjamin Moore, or approved equal. 1. EXTERIOR: Wood trim on wood windows and fixed glass areas: 2 coats "Reztt stain preservative, to match color selected by Architect. 2. INTERIOR:Gypsum board walls and ceilings: 1 sealer coat plus"l coat rubber-base paint. Bathroom walls and ceilings: Wood trim: 1 sealer coat plus 1 coat flat enamel. 2 coats rubber-based paint, Stair handrail and all balustrades (white oak): 2 coats Minwax Antique Oil Finish. INSULATION Fiberglass blanket insulation shall be placed between studs in all interior partitions around all Baths and Powder Rooms, for acoustic purposes. Instalt 5" fiberglass batt insulation with integral vapor barrier in all wood- framed exterior walls, all first floors, and in garage ceiling. lnstall 9-1 12" fiberglass batt insulation with integral vapor barrier plus lrr rigid Thermax insulation in all roofs and exterior soffits. Install 3t' rigid insulation on inside of exterior foundation walls, as shown on drawings. All corners shall be packed with insulation so as to maintain in all locations the thicknesses specified. -7- FINISH HARDWARE The Contractor shall include an allowance for all finish hardware in his proposal. CERAMIC TILE: Ceramic tile on bathroom floor shall be set in mastic on 3/8" eii: piywooA underlayment on 5/8" plywood subfloor. Ceramic tile base throughout; on walls up to ceiling aroung bathtub and where shown on drawings. American Olean or Mosaic Tile Company, colors and style to be selected. Showers to be constructed of ceramic tile on water-resistant gypsum board with premolded base; Powers/Fiat Cascade Series molded stone, sizes as indicated on drawings. lnstall marble thresholds at all bathroom doors. lnstall ceramic combination soap dish/grab bar in all bathtub and shower enclosures; color to match tile selected. KITCHEN CABINETS AND COUNTERS: Contractor will base his estimate on familiar, subiect to approval by the Architect. In general , the following requirements must be met: l. Plastic laminate countertop, backsplash, cabinet doors, and edges- 2. Full-suspension glides on all drawers. 3. Doors shall be flush-type, surface-mounted with offset cabinet hinges, magnetic catches, interior birch plywood for paint. 4. Visible frames shall be plastic laminate. 5. All pulls shalt be Stanley wire pulls, 5" centers, brushed stainless steel. 6. Interiors may be painted plywood or particle-board, with fixed or movable shelves as shown on drawings. KITCHEN APPLIANCES Contractor shall furnish, wire and install the following equipment, where shown on plans. Color to be white. Quantities given are per unit- One. Refrigerator: C.E. #TFF-24 DW One double Oven: Thermador #CMT-20 Double Wall Oven One Dishwasher: Kitchen-Aid Patrician #KDP-19 One Cook Top: Chambers #GSU-42E Electric lgnition One Range Hood: Chambers #CH-117 42'r'long o o O -s- KITCHEN APPLIANCES (contrd) One Clothes Washer: White/Westinghouse #LT-'l 70A, Spacemate One Clothes Dryer: White/Westinghouse #DE-170A, Spacemate One Garbage Disposal: ln-sink-erator Model 77 or approved equal One fnstant Hot Water: In-sink-erator Model H 770 or approved equal One Trash Compactor: Kitchen Aid Model KCS-100C One Food Prep Sink: Kohler Epicurean K-5904 AUTOMATIC CARAGE DOOR Wood flush sectional overhead door shall be Overhead Door Corporation Door #724 series, of size as indicated on plans. Door to have Model EL trolley mount type door operator. Operator to be activated by remote control in the vehicle. Bid as alternate: Apply cedar clapboard to exterior face of overhead door. BATHROOM FIXTURES Contractor to furnish and install fixtures per following schedule. All fixtures to be white, except for hot tub. BATHTUBS: American Standard 5' Contour Recess Tub, with pressure-compensating shower valve. as manufactured by Moen or Delta, and Speakman #2 shower head. BATHTUBS: American Standard Ultra Bath, 5r x 3r-5rr. HOT TUB: Contractor shall furnish and install Nautilus Hydro-Spa as manufactured by Hydro-Spa K2rModel HS 'l 01, color to be selected. One Spa shall be installed in each unit. Spa shall be installed in accordance with manufacturerrs requirements, complete with all plumbing and electrical connections. Contractor may suggest alternate spas for Architect's approval. WATER CLOSETS: American Standard "Carlylerr Series 2010.031 with elongated bowl. LAVATORIES: Crane "Carlottarr #1-251 self-rimming with 8-2079A Capri Dial-Ease fittings. O -e- BATHROOM ACCESSORIES lnstall as directed; all finishes to be satin chrome. For all Bath Rooms and Powder Rooms: One chrome-plated brass shower curtain rod (where applicable) Two towel bars: Hallmack #495F, 30" long One double robe hook: Hallmack #482F One toilet paper holder: Hallmack #475F One medicine cabinet: Charles Parker #1024 or approved equal One plate glass mirror: full width of lavatory counter from top of splash to ceiling. FOLDING ATTIC STAIR Contractor to furnish and install one wood triple-fold disappearing attic stair. Stair to be 2t-2tr x 4'-6n. Stair to be as located on drawings, in the hallway of the second floor of each unit. MISCELLANEOUS METAL All metal railings at exterior balconies shall be 2-112n diameter painted steel pipe, welded constrction, with verticals 4'-0" O.C. Provide metal pan under heating equipment in attic mechanical space. Pan to be 2rr deep and be connected to floor drain. Snow grating in front of main entrance door shall be hot-dipped galvanized steel grating of standard flat bar design. Prefabricated crawl space vents shall be of size and location shown on drawings. Wire mesh shall be not less than l/4'r square and not more than 1/2" square. ELECTRICAL Contractor to furnish, wire and install a complete electrical system in full compliance with all national, state, and local codes having jurisdiction. System to include primary service, distribution panels, wiring and lighting devices and fixtures as shown on electrical plans, and as required by all mechanical systems and appliances. Contractor to furnish circuit plan prepared in accordance with electrical plans for Architectrs approval. #12 wiring shall be used throughout. Switches and convenience outlets shall be Slater I'Decoratorrr series. System to include prewired telephone service, with outlets as indicated on plans.o o - 10- PLUMBING Contractor to furnish and install a complete plumbing and sanitary system in full compliance with all'state and local codes having jurisdiction. System to include domestic water supply from local water servicerand sanitary sewer connection. Domestic hot water system to be sufficient to provide minimum 140oF water to all fixtures and appliances at all times. Provide water connections in Living Rooms and Master Bedrooms for humidifiers. HVAC Contractor to furnish and install a complete gas-fired multi-zone hot water system in full compliance with all state and local codes having jurisdiction. System will be manufacturer-designed to meet the following criteria, and the design (including placement of baseboards) will be submitted to the Architect for his approval. Furnish and install a gas-fired 65 gallon high-recovery domestic water heater. System shall maintain even interior temperature of 70 degrees F at 0 degrees F outside temperature. Carage shall have a blast heater with hot water coil. Contractor to furnish and install exhaust fans for all bathrooms, kitchens, and powder rooms. END OF SPECIFICATIONS o UGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE Destqnation Type 8,Manuf?cturer Catalogue # Lamp A. Rece:sed Downlight Lightolier Specular 46H24-Al 150 W A-21 Gold Alzak Cone B. Regressed Lenslite Lightoller 45H32 100 W A-19 C. Adiustable Accent Llghtolicr Specular 464-13-A0 150 W par 38Lighting Gold Alzak Cone D. 6rr square surface Ughtolier mtd. brackst lamp exterlor use 12E24 150 W par 38 E. Mirror Light Lightolier Series 40901 40 W G25 length as required F. Step Light McPhilben 93H-7t0E 100 w A-t9 pC porcelain Socket Door-Activated Switch H. Recessed Heat Lamp r00 w A-tg !?'' ! i'r It':\+ tr'3 riii-:-. s i'..S. \:,- 15. =q\>-;t'\ :-l$ sN ,,/ : \9:K $ I*^lI{{\it;iIr ;{t! I It l, s T t: le N I- I ilt"- titil !I I *,sI- ld'l\SIR r,N\. \'-i 't' I :i \ .. J FoF )iltr.\\tr\\. Ia It II tItI ? tIaaaa Is tatI tIaI t TI J {t IFg: b E ailltJItre \ I NIaI JIIt ItI \ \ s \l {\a F tJa (fij N\ {,o aTIfJl<lrlOA t S(1r rd iv II I Fg Ih t \\i \ \( \,l5le ti ! \'. L \' g 3 I tlutata II It tIIo ? Iaa ItI J {! !I I / ylJ bF 3IIAJz<trloo i ! I \9+ f T ;"1Lits : . t--- { 3_- 'r -*.--o l'r.trJl'cT N|r. t773nrf{lL 2rr. l.t?6 \flH€ ,rn"A./ fraeezz A26u f'l*$' l'tTxtN (--lttj r.. x lrlttrr|l At N lrrrN ll n::r . ltrA(l A tlt t ttlril{ Stllo r yt:i tuN vAlL. LAGLE L.uuntv. (:tl rrn^tll PlclelEo lonr 0 G S ErreHpnrsestox lrtaVAtL. Coroneuu at65t .!, TAETE OF CONTENTS Coxcuus toxs ScoPC Pio"o3Eo CoxsrRuct t oil Frtr-o lilvttrtcATlux L^lonAroRv lxvcst t cAt t(Dl Sr.csurrecE CoNot r to.rg Dl 3cu3s t oN Gnot'tD Fuoon SLAO coN3rRuCTr()N DESIGN ^No coNsTRucTIoN D€TAILs CoNsrRucr ton IHspecr tolr Tesr Ptr LocATtoH puex Tesr PTT LoGs Leaonerony Tssr Rcsrr_?s PA([ r PAGE I P^6€ a Pecf, ! P^GE 2 I'AGC t PA(f 3 Pece t PAGE 4 PA6€ s FIGURG No. F t GrnE No. T^6LE No. t 2 1i: qoil t foundo*rn'J-- - dngiraering EsEd, Ge'gff uj a E? ;-* foNcLUs I oNs l ) tx ouR oPtNloN, THE PRoPosED srnucruREs sHot'LD BE st'P- PORTEO BY CONVENTIONAL SPREAO FOOTING FOI.I{OAIIONS' TNE Fott{oAT rons-i"o't'D-6E PRoPoRT l(lNEo FoR A rAllHUn ALL'I- ABLE B€ARtnC-"*ess'R€ oF 3'ooo PSF' lr rtlu Nor BE NEC- EssARY 'o" ite-io'"o^rtoNs To cARRY A l'ltNltrull DEA' L.AD PRESSURE. 2l Txe rouHoAT toNs sHouLo lllE sul'PoRrEo BY rHE MEDIUF DeNsE To DEN'E n^i'*^' sANo ANo .RAvtiL srRATu'l oR NEr coMPAcrEo srRucTuRAt iit'' ^s FuRrHE*'oitl"teo tN TtrE rrxr oF rHls REPORT 3| Auu rlLL usEo FoR suPPoRT 9F FuuNDATIoNs ^No/oR FLooR sL^Bs "o"i-"t-io'prcrEo ]'o ot r'EAsr esx oF MAxlHur StrNorRo r*ocio" DE!:l-rI 1!; *trHlN 2r oF oPrtt'rutil xols- luRE coNTENTt PER ASTil D-698' FLooRs r ILL tlE LoCAIED ABovE FlNlsHEo SUESURFACE OR^IN TILE SYSTE}TS TtLL NOT B€ USCO IN ALL CONCRETE' PRESENTEo HERErltTH ARE AND FOUNO^TION INVESTTGATION AT IHE CREEK TOI'{T^TX TOTT HOTI:S PROJ€CT TO APRTL 25. r978 RE r Sotu nHo FouHoat loN INvEsr l( PITKIN CREEK MOUNTAIN TOUN I TRecr A BlolroRN SUOOtvlsloN vAlL. Eecue Cot}lrY. CoLoRAo' PRoJECI NO. I ?75 s-78-2-18-O TH€ RESULTS OF A SUBSUTTFACE SOIL strE oF THE PRoPosEo PtrKll BE LocATEd oN TRAcT A' OETERI'INE ETIST' FORHT'-AIE APPRO' rl 5l Jlzlb r|o|th d Polo Cd.,afl tgrStdd.b'00s,ccl.4t5.ns 2Gt9 b),ur tue"t cbnrel(cftodo'mfi c}3.47'0m Srxce ALL GRouNo SXTERIOR GRADES ' BE REOUIREO. TvPe t CEMENT MAY srreE, EtGtloRN SuaotvlsloN' vAlL' EtGuE cot'ilTY' CoLoRADo' THE PuRPosE oF THts tNvEsrtGATtoN lAs To T NG STJSSURFACE CONOI T tONS AT TITIS SITE ANO TO FOR TTIE PR.OPOSEO STRUCTURCS' RI^TE FOLNDATION DESIGN CRTTERIA PRo.lect No. t 77sApRtL 25, t978PAGE 2 Tr TS UNOERSTOOO TI-IAT S€VERAL TOYN HOI,IE i,{tTS rtLL BE CONSTRUCTEO tN TH€ AREA COVERED By THtS INVESItGATtON. THE PROPOSEO STRUCTUR€S TILL AE ONE rO TYO STORIES HTGII ITTH NO 'ASEHENT OR GARDEN LEVEL AREAS. THE GROUND FLOORS TILL 8E SITHEN CONCRETE SLA65-ON-GRAOE OR STRUCTURAL FLOORS rITX E CR^TL SPACE EENE^TH THEM. CONSTRUCTTON rtLL BE TOOO FRAi,IE ^NO LO^OS ARE EXPECTEO TO 6E LICHT. FlEr n lrvvesrlcertoN NINE TEST PITS UERE EXCAVATEO WITH ^ EACKHOE AT THE LOCATIONS APPROXIMATELY SHOIN ON TF.E TEST PtT LOCATTON PL^N, FIGURE NO. I. SIUPUES OF THE VARIOUS SUSSURFACE STRATA ,ERE .RECOVEREO FROI.I TI,I€ SIOES OF TFIE TEST Pt T EXCAVATTONS. THE LoGs oF THE TEST PTTS ARE PRESENTED oH FTGURE No. z. Leaon^ topy INvesr I crT rox Auu nEcovERED sAxpLES IERE TAKEN To LABORATORTES T}I€RE THEY I€R€ CLASSTFIED ING PROGRAX UAS TNTTTATED BY T}TE PROJECT TEST RESULTS ^RE PRESENTEo oN T^BLE No. ouR CoLoRroo SpRrNcs ANO A LASORATORY TEST- EN6l NEER. LeooReronv t. SUBSURFACE .CoND t I I oNs suesuRrecE coNolrtoNs AT THrs srrE ARE FAtRLy r,$rIFoR[. AT THE NORTH|EST ENO OF THE SIIE. IN THE ^REA REPRESENTEO EV TEST PIT T{OS. I, 2 AND 3. THE SOIL OVERBUROEN CONSISTEO OF APPROXIHATELY 6 TO I2 INCHES OF HIGHLY ORGANTC TO'PSOTL UNOER- LAIN AY LOOSE TO. VERY LOOsE. IIOtST. SANOY. CLAYEY SILT. THE PRo.lEcr.zNo. ttt6APFIL 25. !97!Pece r SILT LAYSN EXTSNDEO TO DGPTHS Oil TlrE aELor pRESENT strg cRAo€s. Bglor rxe IEST PTTS ENCOI,{TEREO TGOIUH DENSE TO rlTH COSBLES ANO OOULOERS. OROER OF IrO TO FOIN FtG, SILT OVEROUROEN. T}IE o€NsE sAr,J ANO GRAVEL tx Txe ARE^ REPRESENTED oY TEST PTT Nos. r rrrRoucn r. THE TOPSOIL ANO ORG^NIC SILT OVERBURDEN IAS ON THE OROER OF6 TO I2 TNCHES THICK. ITIEOTATELY BELOU THtS T}IIN OVERBURDEN LAYERT rHE HEotuM oENsE To oENsE sANo ANo GRAVEL urrH coBBLEs ANO SOULDERS STR^TUM rAS ENCO${IEREO. TxE cRourorATER LEvELs ENcoLDtTEREo ountNG THE FTELD INVESTTGATIoN ^RE tNotc^TEo oN THE TEST PT7 LoGs. FIGURE No. 2. DlscussroN Tne oveReuRoEN solLs (uHtcH coNstsr€o oF (JRG^NIc ropsotL ANO LOOSE TO VERY LOOSE StLT' HAVE VERY LOI DENSTTIES ^NO HIGH MOISTURE coNTENTs (sEE LABoR^ToRY TEST RESULTs. T^BLE No. I,. THES€ XATERT^LS ARE NOT CONSID€RED TO BE SATTSFACTORY FOR SI'PPORT OF TH€ STRUCIURAL LOAOINGS OR THE GROUND FLOOR SL^1tS. OIJE TO rHEIR LOT 3TRENGTH ANO HtGH COTPRESSTBILTTY CHARACTERTSTICS. FOR. TTIIS REASON. IT t5 RECOil'IENDEO TH^T THE OVER'URDEN SOtLS IE REHOVEO FROI,I TITHIN THE AR€AS TO BE OCCTJPIEO AY THE PROPOSED STRUCIURES. TxE UNoEnLYIN6 HEotUr. o€NsE To oENsE GRANuLAR tIATERtALs I'^NO ANO GR^VEL ItTH COBBLES ANO BOULD€RS) HAVE XOOER^TE SIJP. PORTING CAPACITTES. TXC GRAN.,.AR O€POSITS ARE NONEXPANSIVE IN THAT THEY rILL NoT ExpERtENCE voLUgE SHANGE5 (.sreultNG) oR o i:: i.'.1,:" i , lJ, o ' PAGE ( EXCESSIVE CONSOLIOATTON (SETTLE}'ENT ) UT.IOER THE EFFECTS OFXOISTURE CONTENT CHANGES OR STRUCTURAL LOAOINGS. TneRerone. BAsEo oN THe REsuLTs oF oun FIELo ANo LABoRA_IORY TNVESTTGATTON AND OUR UNOERSTANOING OF THE PROPOSEO CON-STRUCTION. tT tS RECOMMENOED THAT THE PROPOSEO TOrN HONE STRUCTURES AE SUPPORTEO BY CONVENTTONAL SPREAO FOOTTNG FOUNDA-TloNs. As pREsENTEo IN THE ,, CoNcLUstoNS,, oF THts REpoRT.TXE TOUHOATIONS SHOULD EITHER STEP DOIN TO OEAR ON THE UNDTS-TUREED NATURAL GRANULAR STRATA. OR SHOULO 8E SUPPORTED AY NETCOI{PACTEO STRUCTURAL FILL. ALL NEf FILL MATERIALs I,IUST 8EAPPROVED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER AND '..IUST OE COMPACTEO TO THEsPEcIFlcATtoNs coNTAINED tN THE ,,coNcLUsloNs,, oF THIs REpoRT. Ir rxe PRoPosEo sTRUcTuREs TILL HAVE SLABS-ON-6RAOE. THEN THE SLABS SHOULO AE TH€ tt€OlUH DENSE TO O€NSE GRANULAR STRATA SIRUCTURAL FILL. IT tS POSSTBLE THAT THE GROUNO FLOORS YtLL BE CONSTRUCIEOAS STRUCTUR^L FLOOR SYSTEMS rITH ^ CRAUL SP^CE EENEAT}I. trrTHls cAsE' lT rtLL No? B€ NEcEssARy ro suBExc vATE THE LoosESILT OVERBURO€N SOILS FROI.I BENEATH THE GROUNO FLOOR AREAS ANOREPLACE tT ftTH NEI COMPACTEO FtLL. AS WOULD BE REOUTREO FOR CONVENTIONAL SLAE-ON-GRAOE CONSTRUCTTON. AS DISCUSSEO AAOVE. GROUND FLOOR CONCRETE SUPPORTED BY ETIHER OR THE NEtr COHPACTEO ALL ExTERtoR DEPTH oA ^T FOTJI,IOATIONS SHOULO BE PLACEO LEAST 48 INCHES BELOU FINtSIIED tJELOT FROST EXTERIOR GRAO€S. o Pnolecr No. t7?3APRTL 2S. t9?oP^GE 5 2l ALL FoUNorrTorus .sHouLo BEAR oN THE t,.IDtsTURaEo N^TURAL GRANULAR SOILS OR THE NEf COHPACTEO STRUCTT,RAL FILL. ANY LOOSE OR OtSTI,RSEO M^TERIALS SHOULD BE RE}',VED FROI{ .OENEATH FOUNOATION AREAS PRTOR TO PLACEI4ENT OE CONCRETE. ALL FOUNOATION |ALL EACKFTLL SHOULD AE COilPACTED TO Ar LE^ST 92t OF ilAXIIIUM STEXDERO PROCTOR DENSITY. PdR ASTM D-6es. Txe cnou.lo suRFAcE sHouLo B€ Gtv€N A postrrv€ sLopE AIAY FROH TH€ STRUCTURES ON ALL STOES TO CONTROL 'URFACETATER RUNOFF. tr oeretentNG oF THE FowoATtoN ExcAvATtoNs ls R€outRED. TftIs sHotx-o BE ACCOrrpLtsft€D 8y pui{ptNG FRO}| tSoLATED Suf.tp roLEs LocATEo AT LEAsr T'REE'ro ,or* FEET ArAy FR'M rHE FOWOATION AREAS. TI.IIS UILL 8E NECESSARY IN ORO€R TO PREVENT THE DEVSLOPIIENT OF A " OUTCK" CONOITTON tN THE BEARING }IATERIALS LOC^TEO tH}TEOIATELY BENEATH THE FOOTTNGS. Ir excepttoNALLy Loose pocKETs oF NATuRAL soILs oR tso_ LATEO LAYERS OF ORGAN I C },IATER I ALS ( SUCH AS PE^T ) ARE €N- COt'{TEREO BY THE FOUT.IOATION EXCAV^TIONST THESE TRREGU- LARIIIES SHOULO EE REXOVED. TrrC POUNOATTONS SHOULD S'EP DOIN THROUGI{ SUCH L^YERS TO BE^R ON I,IORE COMPETENT STR^TA OR THE UNOERCUT AREAS SHOII.D BE 8^CXFILLED ITTH NEI COil- PACTEO STRUCTUR^L FTLL. 3t 4) 3' 6) Txe exruvs€s ^RI B^SEO IPON THE VATTONS PERFORHED ^NO RECOXI.IENOATTONS SUBMI TTEO IN OATA OBTAINEo FRoI..I THE IITNE TEST AT THE LOcATIoNs INoI cATEo oN TIIE T}IIS REPORT Pt T ExcA- TEST PtT o PRolecr No. r?73nPRIL 25. t978 P^GE 6 LOCATTON OIAGR^M. THtS REPORT DO€S NOT REFLECT ANY V^Rt^TIONS :xtcH ilAy occuR SET|€EN THESF ExcAvATtoN LOCATtONS. Txe xetuRe ANO EXTENT OF V^RTATIONS BETIEEN TTIE TEST PtT EXC^V^TIONS IIAY ilor eEcolc EvtDENr wrrL couRsE oF coNsrRucrror. FoF THts REAsoN. lT ls R€cot4l4ENoEo TIIAT THE sotL ENGINEER INspEcT tHE OPEN EXCAVATIONS. Ir V^RIATIONS TH€N APPEAR EVIOENT. I, ItLL EE NECESS^RY FOR ^ RE.EVALUATTON OF THE RECOilIIENOETTOHi OF THIS REPORT TO BE I'IAOE AFTER PERFORiIING ON-SIT€ O8s€RVATIONS OURING THE CONSTRUCTTON PERIOD ^ND NO'tNG THE CH^R^CTERTSTICS OF ANY VARIATIONS. TXTS REPORT HAS BEEN PREPAREO TN OROER TO AID IN TH€ EVALU- ATION OF THtS PROPERTY AND TO ASSIST THE ARCHTTECT OR ENGTNEER IN IH€ OESIGI.I OF THIS PROJECT. IX THE EVEN' THAT ANY C}TANGES IN THE OESIGN OR LOCATION OF THE BUILDTNGS AS OUTLINEO.OR PRESENTEO tN THls REPORT ARE pLANN€o. THE coNcLUstoils ANo REcorr- XENOATIONS CONTAINEO IN THIS REPORT SHALL NOT BE CONSTOEREO VALIO I,}ILESS THE CHANGES ARE REVIE|,EO ^ND CONCLUSTONS OF THTS REPORT HOOTFIEO OR APPROVED tN IRTTING BY THE SOTL ^NO FOUNDA- TION ENGINEER. RESPECTFULLY SUoTII TTED. Txores E. PREstoeNr SUMHERLEE. p.E.3 COPIES SENT TESzrrp I it liT t.lT I ncAltttlLt.tAll llrtl llr t.rl T|\lr{ t:trLrix Itlua tA t N 'l'urN llrltrtl-':i TNACI n U I CnruRN Suutrl yt g I rrNvAlL. cnur)Rerrn g:Ar E I rr.0o' )1 /L ll0. 9 I L- lftt.; / il{r.o llt t. r,o llu. so A lruorcere llo, s flrr. s Tt qt ttr" tnaa?rrr! f 'Rrr.rt ( r i1r. l.;7., a, r;r l,l J lll .o Y, . .,' .i 5. ['ricl.,f(:l llli. t tz5 lluLI thr. r lltr . .r iltr. s ilr). 6 Ii( | . /Nt r. ,, tt$J"Ilo T0f:;(tlt nill) tlr,lr',Ailrc ::il.'r vt'r,iy L.rr.;r . vr ri\ ilrrr..r. r r,i\ f.. :-. | 1.1' . :iANl)y. I (1.:;t- .t' vt.lil, I rrrt::t . r:rrl..t ttr vt tt' ,t,r:.rl.'l t)i.l':tl trtir||lN. ttl tlt I lr (. A :; t I rl I ,\ | ,,tiAVl | ,\l:t ,(r,ltlt... tFt bEl SAllD AtlD olin\/l l- 11 tril (.rtt.trrt.t.:; Arlr) r..|s1.Jy1 t..:i. rrr.[rtr.ilr sr1 11.,1.. l0 ot:fl:'l-. trll.O lUr\t ut:lT Tt) t.jl. |, l.rtir)r1r; n 1t) til l,t)t..rll:AtlV''Fl ' R - lltt)lin r[:] tll r'tr:i^t. rrr riut{ tlrr-' r.\(AVArrrt' t,*r. r.rr irr fr:,r(.t tt.it t.:, ,1Nt) tJtrut l)t l::,. t 7 - lNt', lfAIt::i (itirtut.turr^ttil{ Lt.Vt:t 3 AT rtt,U trt r).CAvArtrrlr. lt(tTl :t lll lli: t:xcAVAlC O u t I lt A ItACX (|t. 1'rr A|,r: tt | ,i , Al)1,tt(rX f ATE gOUt{oAr:lt :-, trt I r,lr.t t, ,,,, v,riil|,,,.UATCS At,io Loc^T tr.rrlr ll:tltcA tr A t. t I l:., ti,rI.T t-Y ARf_ Rr.pR|::it: T A T lVt, r.!f :;r.rt!f,l,t,r A( t {,r;lttrlt.ocArlutrs Atto Ttr.rf :;. l$! l'l'l t-rlt]! I a I t , F ll, U IA .a.r' F o tr,c) l- IJ UJr- 5.r Fo LJcf I a I 7 lr, U |l r Fg gl ra E] ffi F L, lr. l! t- u. (-r r)'l'rrE trr;'t ptt:; 1978. I lrt' t.(|r,:i lit r0u SIRATA AI 'rII|: UARRA I l:O I A r T I ONS AT C)TI I[II lh). 4 lJr r, rr ?) Project Applicatlon Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -.Ita' i Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: 4r-'"-+^A'" AttlritGl-Address and Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board ,^," T1/o/ DISAPPROVAL Motion by: / fntcr-lloodrh F.ugtncrlng r.re July 28, 1981 Mr. Rick Bolduc llountain High Enterprises Box 333 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Installation of "Grass Blockrr Drives Iots 6 & 7, Gore Creek Park Vail, Colo:rado Dear Rick: Per the request of Mr. Bill Snith, we have looked into the use of "grass blockr on the above referenced lots. Due to the rrpumping nature" of the soils at the site, differential settl-ement of the blocks could result. Because of the problens that could occur, it is our recorfirendation that a reinforced concrete slab be used an an alternative to the blocks. If we can be of further assistance, please call. Sincerely, Jeffery M. Spanel, vice President PE Jl,!S: cj n BOX C-100 AVON, CO 81620 Itl&flr72: DENVER 893-r $1 1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD. CO 80215 232-0158 ZONE CTIECK o for P/S ZONE DISTRICTSSFR, R,R , ,/, Zone District ( Proposed Use_T__ Lot Area Hei ght A1'l az GRFA: Prima'ry Allowed - Secondary Al lowed Site Coverage: Allorved i.la ?o Landscaping: Requir ea (eO?o owed 6'/L Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposcd Propc:ed Actual Conments : Flood Plain Sl ope a-L Legal Description: Lot U Block rilhsGtrE€ Cz€e€ /,7f p. Orr"r rchitect ' --_.*...-.'-f ' ' ,' -.:-Setbacks: Front-Required 20' Proposed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required l5' Proposed Waterccurse-required (,O' Pro-posed GRFA: A'noned i-4?z( Primary Secondary Proposed ll i i.. ( .,.J . .'t',. '',-a't 9"tp$r.1f9-39_ . l,l jj't' ()tr ilA't't,:til At,i; NAllli Ol,' )tltO.II'lO'l' Itoegsed DuDfex_neefuiei1..e:f,or r!4,r--r.c nlr!c*,,rl.ccr_;Iao.r__ 'LliGAI, l)li,'icllI IxJ'.t0N 6 1.,()'1. N/A ly,Ocli Gore Gbeek Park l)tt{icltIl'TIOll OI,' l)1i0,) i:iCl'Proposed Iluplex Resldence ITI I,I N(; Thc f<ll lowinll Jrrfot'rnltl. jon to tlrc Dr:'sign ll<;vicrv llo:rrd A. ) I}I'II,DING IIATI|ITIAI,S: j.s rctluj t'r'rtl fot' :;ulutj. t.t:tl b}' tltc APlll J cant trcJlor'c ir I j.rrll. ll)l)r'ovll. cnn bc glvcn. lloof Sidlng' Othcr llal l Irascla Sof fits l?lndows lrlatcriruls {ypc' of }.latcriaJ Color ldone Ceatax ftey/Betee RoSheawn Plwood Stalned U,eht b€lge fooct Seal-rlte 9ta1ned. tlerk horn fooa (mfnfnaf) . Stalned. dark.tromllindow Trim Doors Door Trlm Iland or Dech Ralls Flues Plnshings Chlmneys Trash 'Enclosures Grecnhouses Otlrer' Ilo l-..rn tcn l. iilnnrc---___'- Iood, (soil.d)Palnted one unlt Real Palnted one. unlt BIue .Sanne as slcle-lngfiood cap Metal exposed at tqr of chlmney Galvanlzed Palnted to natch roof Sa,ne as flues N/^ Uoodr/glBse Stalne<l Derk bown D.)' PLANT !"1ATI,:|{IALS(Vcgetativc, Landscarrinn }tatc::inlsand Grt>urrd Covcr) including Trces, Shrrrbs , $rg"tUrCorrnron li,rr:re Sizc. l/8" Cedarshlngle tlood : .'Ia o llayrc 2 PlanC Mr4crlnJ...r ConE j.nrrcd I,otanJ.c:rl. Narnc 'SlzcConmrorr llamc :--4r-- t c.)OTHER IANDSCAPE TEATURES(Retalnlng t'talls, Fences, Swlrrning (Plcere Speclfy) Pools. etd.)i- f" dDo.., ft" *" of ,"t*ko b[o"L" drlot 1" . f*t -rlnt .o t' proi.ct Name: Proposed DuDlex Resldence fOr l€ndmarc ltlteliprls ee r Inc. Proiect Descriptio" Propos ed DuDlex Resldenee ownerAddressand phone: I€,ndp?rc tintertrElses, Inc. 27522 Paclflc Coagt Hlgh$ay, Mailbu, Callf. Project Application O p"1" October 3,1980 Architect Addr€ss and phone: Davld Kennei;h Specter. Archltect ?.C. 2061 hoadray, lier York clty, New York too24 (212) 724-6600 Legal Oescription: Lot etocr -IA-- , ritins Gore Ceeek Park Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board l',,,,-t,: 5; '?,, t> o -Motion by:/ seconded by: ? ()o nt7 T '. ^ .. ( APPRovAL DISAPPROVAL Ll naq 1t4.o^) Summary: A. k h)-. Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Off icial \ f'lrrr..rt'cT Nn. tz?inFftf L zb. l,r?a /VrY€ 'r/r4*/ /lar4zL A26U fln /,L s0tL ANn rouNoAlI0N INVI SrtG^Tl0N I'tTKtu Crttjt..x ihttrNrAtN lurN llrrf,n::r C*_klnlcr n 4,.+q"*/C Btct lJnN Stllolvt:;tuN / rt ,2^ / v^rL. L^6LE curr.f ry. (.-rrr rrrn'r , /tc44L \"1 L*ft n u'7 PnEprnEo ronr 0 r S €xteHpnrses8ox l?t2VAIL. Couoneou ot6sz r a, TABLF OF CONTENTS CoNcuus t or.rs ScoPE PRoPoSED CoNsTRUCT I cIN FrELD lNvEsrtGATtoN LAooRAToRv lnvEsr I GAT toN SugsunrrcE coNorTtoNS 0l scuss r oN GRowo FLooR Sues CoxsrRucrrrtN DESTGN ANO CONSTRUCTTON DETATLS CoNsrRucrtoN INSpEcr toN TEsr Ptr LocATtoN punH Tesr Prr LoGs LAaoRAToRy Tesr RESULTS PAGE t PAGE I ITAGE 2 P^G€ a PAGE 2 P^GE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE q PAGE 4 PAGE 5 F I GURE F I GURE TABLE No. No. No. I 2 \ 'E* Ed E.g ;t-.*l 3t2lb north el Poso ccbdjo Pr€[ aedb'0OqSt 303' 475.7J00 rug b)dl src"t @m,Cf c$.odo'002fls3.477'0m APRIL 25. 1978 REr Sotu eHo FouHoatIoN lNvesrl( PITKIN CREEK MOUNTAIN TOI{N I Tnacr A BtcrloRn SugotvISloN VAIL' Elcue CouNrv. CoLoRAo' PRoJEcr No. l77s s-?8-2- rB-D oF THE PRoPosEo PlTKll LocATEo'oH TnlcT A' EXI sT- U/ a Ee ,-.+ CoNcLUs I oNs l) Ix ouR oPINloN' THE PRoPosED srRucruREs sHouLD BE suP- PORTEO AY CONVENTIONAL SPREAD FOOTING FOUNOATIONS. THE FowoATro"'-ino't-o-ae "*oooRTltlNED FoR A MAxIMUM ALLor- ABLE BEAR'nc-"*e"'RE oF:'ooo PSF' lt wtuu Nor BE NEc- ESSARY 'o* int'io'no^tto"' ro cARRY A MINIMUM oEAo L'AD PRESSURE. 2l Tne Fout'toATIoNs sHouLD IJE supPoRTED BY THE MEDIUM DENSE To DENSE toi'"o' sAND AND ooouttt sTRATUM oR NEw coMPAcTED sTRUCTUR^t iitt' As FURTHER-oitiuttto tN THE'IIxT oF THIS REPORT. 3) Auu rlLL usEo FoR suPPo*i It FouNDArIoNs AND/oR FLooR sLABs,touti-"'-louplcreo Lo ot l'-EAsr esx oF MAxlmu' stnHDrRo Pnocron DE!:l.rI ii; ;lrHIN 27' oF oPrlMUM Mols- TURE CoNTENT' PER ASTM D-6e8' FLOORS W ILL I}E LOCA IED ABOVE F I N I SHEO SUBSURFACE DRAIN TtLE SYSTEMS WILL NOT BE USED IN ALL CONCRETE' soil b foundationJ ArPirvenrp SrNcE ALL GRoUND EXTERIOR GRAOES ' BE REOUIRED. TYPE I CEMENT MAY {) 5) sr$eg AND FOUNOATTON INVESTTGATION AT THE SITE CREEK MOUf'ITATru TOWH HOMES PROJECT TO tsE BtcnoRlt SugotvlsloN' vAlL' EnGuE coti"lrY' CouoRlDo' Tng PuRPosE oF THIS INVESTIGATION UAS TO DETERMINE TNG SUBSURFACE CONOITIONS AT TI1IS SITE ANO TO FOR}IULATE APPROf RIATE FOUNDATION DESIGN CRTTERIA FOR TTIE PROPOSEO STRUCTURES' PRESENTEo HEREHITH ARE THE REsuLTs oF A suttsurrFACE solL r PRoPoSED CoNsTRucTIoN IT IS UNOERSTOOO THAT SEVERAL TOIVN HOME UO{ITS WtLL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE AREA COVERED BY THtS INVESTIGATTON. THE PROPOSEO STRUCTURES UILL 8E ONE TO TUO STORIES HIGH IITH NO SASE}IENT OR GAROEN LEVEL AREAS. THE GROUNO FLOORS WILL BE EITHER CONCRETE SLABS-ON.GRAOE OR STRUCTURAL FLOORS fITH ^ CRATL SPACE BENEATH THEM. CONSTRUCTTON TILL BE TOOD FRAIIE AND LOADS ARE EXPECTED TO BE LIGH'. F I ero INvEst t Gnt toN NINE TEST PITS WERE EXCAVATED WITH A AACKHOE AT THE LOCATIONS APPROXIMATELY SHOIIN ON THE TEST PIT LOCATTOT{ PLAN, Ftcune No. r. sAMpLEs oF THE vARtous sutssuRFAcE sTRATA wERE .RECOVEREO FROM THE SIDES OF THE TEST PtT EXCAVATIONS. THE LoGS oF THE TEST pITs ARE pRESENTED oru FtGuRE No. a. LABoRAToRY INvEST I GAT IoN Auu nEcovERED SAMPLEs T,ERE TAKEN To LABORATORIES IHERE THEY YERE CLASSIFI€D ING PROGRA'4 UAS INITIATED BY THE PROJECT TEsr REsuLTs ARE pRESENTED oN TleLe No. ., PRolecr No. r ?ts APRIL 25, t978 PAGE 2 ouR CoLoRroo SpntHcs AND A LABORATORY TEST- ENGINEER. LABoR^ToRY t. SrrRsunrrcr CoruD tTl oNs SuBsuRrecE coNDrrroNs AT THrs srrE ARE FAIRLy rJr,rrFoRM. AT THE NORTHflEST END OF THE SITE. tN THE AREA REPRESENTEO gV TEST PIT T{OS. 1, 2 ANO 3. THE SOIL OVERAUROEN CONSISTEO OF APPROXIMATELY 6 TO 12 INCHES OF HIGHLY ORGANIC TOPSOIL UNOER- LAtN By LoosE To vERy LoosE. Molsr, sANDy, cLAyEy sILT. Tne PRoJEcr./No. t ?tsAPRIL 25. t9?o PAGE 3 SILT LAYER EXTENOED TO DEPTHS ON THE BELow PRESENT sITE GRAoEs. BEuou rxe TEST PITS ENCOUNTERED MEDIUM DENSE TO WITH COEBLES AND SOULOERS. IN Tne AREA REPRESENTED aY TEST PIT Nos. q THRoUGH 9. THE TOPSOTL AND ORGANIC SILT OVERBURDEN UAS ON THE OTIOER OF 6 TO I2 INCHES THICK. IMMEDIATELY BELOW THtS THIN OVER'UROEN LAYER' THE MEDIuM DEN.E To oENsE 'AND AND GRA'EL wrrH coBaLEs AND BOULDERS STRATUM WAS ENCOUNTERED. THE GRoUNDwATER LEVELs ENcoUNTERED DURING TI.IE FIELD INVESTIGATTON ARE TNOICATEO ON THE TEST PIT LOGS. FICURE NO. 2. NISCUSSION THe oveReuRDEN soILs (t{HlcH coNstsTEo oF (JRGANIc ropsotL ANO LOOSE TO VERY LOOSE SILT) HAVE VERY LOW OENSITIES ANO HIGH MOISTURE coNTENTs (sEE LABoRAToRY TEST RESULTs. TABLE No. I). THE'E MATERTALs ARE Nor coNsTDERED To BE sATtsFAcroRy FoR suppoRT OF THE STRUCTURAL LOADINGS OR THE GROUND FLOOR SLAI]S. OUE TO THEIR LOY STREN.TH AND HIGH COMPRESSTBILT TY CHARACTER ISTICS. Fon' rnts REAsoN, tT IS REcoMr,rENoeo rHAT TrE ovERBuRDEN sorLs BE REHOVED FROM YTTHIN THE AREAS TO BE OCCUPIED BY THE PROPOSEO STRUCTURES. ORDER OF TrilO TO FOUR FEET SILT OVERSUROEN. THE O€NSE SAI.J ANO GRAVEL Txe ulroeRLytNG MEDtuM DENSE (SANO ANO GRAVEL t{ITH COBBLES AND PoRTtNG cApAcITrES. Txe GRANuLAR IN THAT THEY WtLL NOT EXPERTENCE TO DENSE GRANULAR MATERIALS BOULDERS ) HAVE MOOERATE SUP- DEPOSITS ARE NONEXPANSIVE VOL UII,IE CHANGES ( SwELLING) oR o PRoJ€cr No. ttzsAPRTL 25, t9?8rAGE 4 EXCESSIVE CONSPLIOATION (SETTLEMENT) UNOER THE EFFECTS OFHOISTURE CONTENT CHANGES OR STRUCTURAL LOAOINGS. THEREFoRE. BASED oN rHE REsuLTs oF ouR FIELD AND LABoRA_. TORY INVESTIGATION AND OUR UNOERSTANDING OF THE PROPOSED CON-STRUCTTON. IT IS RECOMMENOED THAT THE PROPOSEO TOWN HOME STRUCTURES BE SUPPORTEO BY CONVENTTONAL SPREAD FOOTING FOUNOA-TIoNs. As PRESENTEo IN THE ,, CoNcr_usloNs, oF THls REpoRT.TnE rouNoATIoNs sHouLo EITHER sTEp oown ro BEAR oN THE uNots_TURBED NATURAL GRANULAR STRATA. OR SHOULD BE SUPPORTEO 8Y NEW COI.IPACTEO STRUCTURAL FILL. ALL NEg FILL HATERIALS MUST BE APPROVEO 8Y THE SOIL ENGTN€ER ANO MUST BE COMPACTEO TO THESPECIFTCATIONS CONTATNEO IN THE " CONCLUSTONS" OF THIS R€PORT. IF THE PRoPosEo sTRuCTUREs wILL HAVE SLABS-ON-GRADE. THEN THE SLABS SHOULD BE THE MEOIUM OENSE TO OENSE GRANULAR STRATA GROUNO FLOOR CONCRETE SUPPORTEO BY ETTHER OR THE NEY CO iIPAC TE OSTRUCTURAL FtLL IT TS POSSISLE THAT THE GROUNO FLOORS WtLL BE CONSTRUCTEO AS STRUCTURAL FLOOR SYSTEMS YITH A CRAUL SPACE BENEATH. INTHls cAsE' tr rvtLL Nor B€ NEcEssARy ro suBExcAvATE THE LoosESILT OVERBUROEN SOTLS FROM BENEATH THE GROUND FLOOR AREAS AND REPL,qqg IT TtTH NET COMPACTED FTLLI AS WOULD BE REOUTREO FOR CONVENTIONAL SLAB-ON-GRAOE CONSTRUCTION. AS DISCUSSEO ABOVE. ALL EXTERIoR OEPTH OR AT FOUNDATIONS SHOULO BE PLACEO LEAST 48 INCHES BELOU FtNt STTED TJELOT FROST EXTERIOR GRADES o 2l Pno.lecr No. rzzsAPRTL 25. t978 PAGE 5 ALL FOUNOITTO'NS -SHOULD BEAR ON THE UT.IDISTURBEO NATUR^L GRANULAR SO ILS OR THE NEI.I COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FtLL. ANY LOOSE OR D I STUREED MATER I ALS SHOULD BE REMOVEO FROI.I BENEATH FOUNOATION AREAS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OE CONCRETE. ALL FOUNDAT ION WALL BACKFI LL SI-IOULD BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAsr gzt oF MAxIMUM Stlxorno pRocroR DENsITy. pER ASTM D-698. TnE cRouHD suRFAcE sHouLD BE Gtv€N A postrtvE sLopE AY'AY FROM THE STRUCTURES ON ALL STOES TO CONTROL SURFACE rATER RUNOFF. Ir oEwetentNG oF THE FouNDATIoN ExcAvATtoNs ts REoutRED. THIS SHOULO 8E ACCOMPLTSHED BY PUMPING FROI.I TSOLATED SUI.IP HoLEs L'CATED AT LEAsr 'HREE'ro ,or* FEET AwAy FR'M THe FOUNOATION AREAS. TTTIS TILL AE NECESSARY TN OROER TO PREVENT THE DEVELOPMENT OF A " OUICK" CONDITION IN THE BEARTNG I4ATERIALS LOCATED IMMEDIATELY BENEATH THE FOOTtNGS. IF ExcEpTIoNALLy LoosE pocKETS oF NATuRAL sotLS oR Iso_ LATEO LAYERS OF ORGANIC MATERTALS (SUCH AS PEAT) ARE EN- COUNTEREO BY THE FOUNOATION EXCAVATTONS, THESE IRREGU- LARITIES SHOULO BE REMOVEO. TNC TOUruDATIONS SHOULD STEP DOIN THROUGII SUCI.I LAYERS TO BEAR ON MORE COMPETENT STRATA OR THE UNOERCUT AREAS SHOULD BE BACKFILLED WITH NEY COM- PACTEO STRUCTURAL FILL. 3l 4, 5) 6) TxE txruys€s ARE BASEO UPON THE VATIONS PERFORMED ANO RECOXTTENOATIONS SUB'{t TTED OATA OBTAINED FROM THE TIINE AT THE LOCATIONS INOICATEO ON IN THIS REPORT TEST PIT EXCA- trre Tesr prr PRoJEcr No. l7?s APRTL 25. r978 PAGE 6 LOCATION OIAGRAM. THIS REPORT DOES NOT REFLECT ANY VARTATTONS UI"IICH MAY OCCUR BETT{EEN THESE EXCAVATTON LOCATTONS. THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF VARTATIONS BETUEEN THE TEST PtT EXCAVATIONS I4AY FiOT EECO}.IE EVIOENT UNTTL COURSE OF CONSTRUCTTON. FOR THtS REASON I I T I s REcoMl"tENoED THAT THE so lL ENGI NEER tNSpEcr rHE OPEN EXCAVATTONS. IP VARIATTONS THEN APPEAR EVIOENT. IT |rtLL BE NECESSARY FOR A RE-EVALUATION OF THE RECOMMENOATIONS OF THIS REPORT TO BE MADE AFTER PERFORMING ON..SIT€ OBSERVATTONS OURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERIOD AND NOTING THE CHARACTERTSTICS OF ^NY VARIATIONS. TNTS NEPORT HAS BEEN PREPARED tN ORDER TO ATO IN THE EVALU- ATTON OF THIS PROPERTY ANO TO ASSIST THE ARCHTTECT OR ENGTNEER IN THE OESIGN OF THIS PROJECT. IH THE EVENT THAT ANY CHANGES IN THE OESIGN OR LOCATION OF THE BUILOINGS AS OUTLINED.OR PRESENTED lN THIs REPORT ARE PLANNEO, THE coNcLUstoNs AND REcoM- MENDATTONS CONTAINEO IN THIS REPORT SHALL NOT BE CONSTDEREO VALID UNLESS THE CHANGES ARE REVTEUEO AND CONCLUSION5 OF THIS REPORT I.IOOIFIEO OR APPROVED IN URITING BY THE SOtL AND FOUNDA- TION ENGINEER. REspecrruLLY suBMt rrEo. THoil^s E. PREs toexr Sumueauee, P. E .3 COPTES SENT TESzrep L ,' ' t- -o it':iT I'l T l-ncAl tttil__t.t all rll'hlN t:trLr.:x l.l(lw rA I N'l'uf,N lhlr\tr.::i Ttr^c r A llt Grrr:nn Suutrt vt sr rlNVAtL. CouuRlrro g:ALI I lro80l 11 /l ll(). 9 I lr rt (. l.lr r. 1 I'lrr. ao Iil.o tlt.t. t'o Jlr I . (' u.8o A l^rnt.^ I L- llo. s tFe TFa? llr= r nr f'ttrt.rt ( r ilrt. t','7n, o ['ticl.,rcr llll. | ?t5 -l'l :iL I'l't Lrt(I HUL llrr . R a I tr t F u,.U ,lt .'at- Fo tr,c) iftJ.rn B'E' KI l,f a t a 7 ilrr. / I a I 7 F IrJ LJ lJ- r l-g u,.2 F Ll lr. u- 1,. (1 E] ffi TOfr:lo I :', I t.'t' .. |JqLto L Alll) rllif,AfllC :ill.l - vCtiy Lrrrri;1 . vr ti\ sANl)Y. t rr(tl:t: .t.(t vt.ny I r r:r,l . ,t l:.t ltrl{l t)ii l::t | |'|t{r[lN. l{ ] l lt!(: A:;ttt ^r r,tiAVt ' l'i I I || (.r[tttt-t..!; n lJl) l.:UUt.t)t n:i . llt:D I Ufl tlu | 5T Ir) I'jl:I . Lrt{rtr:rri.. IrJ t)liilftl' IlRt IL'l'l ' R - tttDtcAt'L:., (:I ltl l.iL t. 1, t 7 - tNDt(ArCs t r{l:l'iJt;At- ltr t.'Uf{I L t...\CAVA I lutl Irtll. lrI t)t ll:'t.ANt) tJr tul. t)I :i. (;lirluNDttAttiR LcVt:t : AT rttrti l lXCr\VAtlrttt. t, lft).4 ihr. s Itu. 6 llrr.lt H sAND AuD Grinvr.r- I{TLTJJ Trre lrl;t t''tl:; Ll tti: cxclvATGO ttllt A ttAcxltot_ otr Allitt t,;.r 978. T t: t.(|(,:; Strot,f Alrl,ttrrx rHATE UOUN(rAil tl.S, trt trjt-l i: I lri V.,\ir I r,rr.,SIRAtA AI TllE DATES Allt) LOCATI(Jtt5 lt:l)tCr\.rt tr Alt!. t r t:, ilrtrr'rARRAftTt:D TltA'r .t Ly ARI- REpRC:i[]tTAT lvf.- (!f :;rJu!lu|r /t( r Li;tr, IT loNS AT CrrtrElt t.0cAT Iulrs Atto T tMr::-,. f lt trr'.- ?lt, iltrl'.1, I t,'.\ i.. Vl l,iY ltrrl::t. I Alll , (rtlrl tl:,. . tlf tr I trlt Lll .,l n t) t.'l.l,l) t :.r I 2,