HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK MEADOWS FILING 1 AKA TIMBERTACK TOWNHOMES COMMON AREA LEGAL,'DATE-ez.aeg__ A.NAME OF APPLICANT APPLICATION FOR John C. 0hrt dt MAILING ADDRESS 6147'Holly Springs Road Houston. Texas 77057 PH0NE713-467 -9668 B. MME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATI\,I Ken Long of Johnson, Kunke]- f. Assoc., rnc' MAILING ADDRESS P.0. Box 409 Eagle, CO 81631 NAME OF Ol^lNER'S MAiLING D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT r BLOCK FEE $IOO.OO PAID SUBDiVISI0N Gore Creek Meadows PROPERTY 0WNER (print or type)l See Attached PHoNE e4e-496e .PH0NE__?4_L__?? 6? Nooaess Flg?D i7) "E.,J1J!" Ey,. r, t, t FILING 1 E. F. .MATERIALS TO 8E SUBMITTED l. Three (3) copies, two of which must-be mylars of a site map followinq the ...,rgquirements of Section-17.16.130(C) 1,2;3,4,6,7,8,i;ib,ii: ii ;il iA #-' ..the Subdivision Regulations Y !"e r-r \" 2. The condominfum or townhouse plat shall al.so inc'lude floor plans, elevationsand cross-sections as necessaiy to accurat'etv aeterrtne inoivio'ujr-iir-iiiijes - and/or other ownerships and tr ttre project wis uuitl lrust"niiiiii ii; ;il". '.' as .the approved plans. 3. A copy of the condoniniun documents for staff review to assure that thbreare maintenance prov'isions included for all commonly owned areai. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl.t CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 17.22 of the subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shal'l be the final signature required on the plat sothat the Department of Community Deve'lopment wit'l le resionsible for oi"omotivrecording the approved p'lat with the Eab'te county cteri-5nJ-i".Jra.r. H. tt DATE_.gZZ*s APPLICATION FOR A.NAME OF APPLICA.NT Jdhn C. Ohrt ,rl MAiLING ADDRESS 6L47.HoLLy springs Road Houston. Texas 77057 PHoNE713-467 -e668 B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Ken Long of Johnson, Kunkel [r Assoc., Inc. MAILING ADDRESS P.o. Box 409 Eagle, Co 81631- PHoNE 949-4e6s NAME OF 'owNER 'S MAILING D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOT 3 BLOCK FEE $100.00 PAID SUBDMSION Gore Creek lleadons PR0PERTY OWNER (print or type)_See Attached ?Honr__?4%_,t? 6? noowss a):9""h 5T "2ro31!1" 2y,"'" s, 6, I -FILING 1 E. F.MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED 1.Three(3)copie.s'twoof-whichmust.bemy1arsofasitemapfolIowingthe rgCuirgnlgnts of Section.l7.l6.l30(C) 1,2-,3,4,6,2,e,9,ib,ii: ii';ili ia;;- :;' .theSubdivisionRegu'lations "!'' 'vY"Y '-tvr 2- The condominiun or townhouse ptat shal'l a'l.so include floor p1ans, elevationsand cross-sections as necessai'y to iicurit'eiv i"i"r*lne indiVidual air spacis . - and/or other ownerships and ir"ure project'wis uuitt i"uitiriiiiii;il ;ffi. '.' as .the approved p'lans. 3. A copy of the condominitrn documents for staff review to assure that thereare maintenance provisions included for a'l I commonly owned u""ui. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl.l CRITERIA These can be found in chapter 17.22 of the subdivision Regulations. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator sha'l'l be the final signature reguired on the plat sothat the Department of Conrnunity Development wi'tt le-reiJonsiUle tor o'romotivrecording the approved plat with the Eagle County Cteri-5nJ-fi".ora".. H. a+n fr" 1"-.-. /' ^) M) INTEP..OEPARTI'ITNTAL REVI El.l P?.OJECT: DATE SUBHITTEo: tls /f o ccLi.tENTs nn*@ ERIEF OESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPA.RTI.IENT PUELIC VIORKS ^r"_V4fuConnents: U' /qLs o/. , ,€nta.// c*.rzr,t' ^/ Jw.- '/'- ' t ilo""'o* ,*T 'w<4s'-*qn- Er;ue at e"hJA',nh of i..*w'+l Y,l ,*, JL.-, za , J/,,., ,wr/n.t:" J^" o{ J,._<- .*'.,J 7; P-' Reviewed by:0ate Conments: POLICE DEPART]4ENT Revieved by: Connerrts: Date t 'tl r. Reviexed.by: Co-;'ents: OATE OF PUELIC HEARING Date \ DtrFMRTMtrNT @Ftr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT fXTXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCATION FEES 1 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI.I EUILDING CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}.I PLUI|BING CODE 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFOR}/ MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42415 1988 UN|FoRM flRE COOE I 0000 42+15 1987 NATIONAL EI-ECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42+15 OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 PRINTS (M\LARS) 01.0000 42+12 XERoX CoptES ,/ SruOres 1 0000 42371 ENALTY FEES / RE-INSPEcTIoN 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FE= 1 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS UCENSES fEES I 0000 41330 or 0000 41413 .SIGN APPLICATION 'i|,' t Or TOtrlH OF LJF I L- Pliscel lanedts C6h s3-r?-?B --- --i:iiT-- r,-.--d i r,r. * 644161F.ts L-s r r. - 'lr r:f.: {+ E}96 !;;;il'l il,-*t':E.-ierP reE lBs.EF Flrl,f,unt tenderE'f Iren Paicl frnount Paid FTBBBO41336FEB IEB.EB rlhenge re t'u rne'J i il' BE -rHJaHld vou '/our cashier 5'T oz E =t UJo- c N F. (\ an uJ uJt! 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R F C) c\o h(U =Yo (D {} c((t Q'Eoo ctt =(D E o f !'q) CI6 ''o't {, .9:(A'{\ n\.0 tt ol {E Ot, oN 3r 'oF o ot o(,a G o () o aDc E 'f,lt o E CI aD.3'6 F ui Li"l F E ut(L Va c{'/ ru: .E.:'--oU'i*ior E3E F.e 3- PgF c-o i "E:5.;gf. ; >=cY', EsEoEigsHeoo' 1--F .) .EteE5e,Y- (6 o.G o.o=-,s-E9 r!- qE*: 9i6 oiiu E qr6*aii:Er!: euC(g o-!:0) 9.9::,$ } * E'-o 6=Crl*6=;p 6aiey clq)f5g -o6 F o .',|'t{ o ot{r'ro di eHz 1$oj..o ,\J3!n tr J (,(J ! ir i(n b4JIJ =UJc. 61F t!E9E.*a-o@-Bg:oir EEI i,- =urt-5 b=OxJ:: =oE FIE ixE ;Iii. rrl€3 H'o lal!. -G' z,n9 -Foo =z5fJc, TL I! ntr a .z t FI <: trl 6l ut? Fo I o7 (o 3!! z uJ lrJlll tr (J UJE t- tu o- * z tr ci .i (, uJ j (u (ltlu o .Fl+d ,q +J.r{ 'rt-l oo H d {I .ot d <1 El dl 'Fl I $l EI t 'l:ts| s6l*Hl-t ; o =Z r!-oo6 '2. =eof, E(Jult J =0G. uJl Ol 4fo or>c)z o-3(l) 8.i z ()l Fatlzo(J .o u,l ut z F o z tr Itl =UJ2 I,l l ull TI <l>l xl :l;t ygl ulFIF I I I I I dt =.1 uil :l al>lr!lol zl 3l PI g 3 rd g z tt -l tl '-]l IFo (\ rO rO rn I @ \ot\o ,lrlsrlAtl '-r I II .lolzl uJl cEl JI <l>l rLlol -l 3tolFI iul ''-{lq{l oloifrl .,l ;l a II' I l.. lo. I l )valu clqqJ><! =(J tltttd IHIHJHi1E rr{I rrlrH c\l HCqHtdJ<tl ag ;z ,- =EfF)z&O F t-- J 9 UJ F LU F I() -iO<r- l!, <z&t!F(\z-o .a(, _o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ r\ri.' 5DATE \- ,=\ '- l i JOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR \ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / O.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERu pLYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE tr1 trF trC tr_ MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR