HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK MEADOWS FILING 1 LOT 1 COMMON LEGALLtl C4,,, Cxpar.o,t,k flrsil'*. d-,"y 6'-C*"L lAtil*trJ4 1^ oS Jo r ^+ ?r1x*y O*"- 6- obyu *o -{1- 9oh'u+1 Rr,",-hl . 9o1- b3 3 /^^ A-" ,,J, )*' )h^ July 9, 2007 Town of Vail To Whom lt May Goncem: The purpose of this letter is to indicate no objec{ions to the plans of renovation being undertiaken by Bruce and Nora Schrutt on their condo at 5026 Main Gorc Drive, Vail, co. Sincerely, d..k Owner Unit#1 07trU07 Mr. Bruce Shrutt 725 Downing Steet Denver, CO 80218 Dear Bruce, This letter is in response to your letter dated July 3, 2007 which requested approval to relocate a door and window as well as add a small triangle window to the portion of the east vail 5026 Main Gore Drive Property you own. I consent to these changes as long as they do not cause any pioblems with the stuctural integrity of the building in which my property is also located. I_ trorittrut if any problems arise that you agrce to rectiff and pay the costs of any repairs. Best of luck with your renovations and we look forward to seeing the finished product. Sincerely,,/frL Marc Weiner, Owner 5026 Main Gore Drive, Unit #2, Vail Co 81657 Mailing Address: 908 Pinnacle Place Fort Collins, CO 80525 JilI rnd Micheel Norr{s 93811 Riviera llill+ Ilrive Grcenwood Villrge, CO 8011f Bruce andNora Scbnrtt 725 Downing Su,eet D€nver, CO 80218 July 7,2007 DearBnrce andNorq We conselrt to your relocation of one of the doors facing the north to the east side and the moving of one of the windows ft,om the east to the north side on unit #3. We also cons€ot to your addingone small triangle window to the second floorwall ftcing north. Good luck in the constnrction process! Sincerely, ]ttL+il,k fu{etr//, Jill and MkeNonis ts I I l_ .Ft<ro I I le IFt<(E 1.0z t=lo l(,lz Olo\ u.r I E v C) tn 7.AHt4 I I I I t4ltf- lo I I I I I lJ t6 Itl-ltrtototzl6 EI o\ (\l E c v l-{ E l-{E (n uJ u.l lJ- tr =E LlJ(L Itl\o-$ -{O\@€N X() lQFIl-{o<A> i;t:cre*€! EE E;t € 9:E.egGS-Ec =EfgF c96EP:i!g; !Ea;e E; EEi '.;s.eisE;si f E ='gIY(a'voo EP E 3o ';-.;= (6 s) AY--(!",c E :5E i; E -c; (D (a c t& gg;:= H 5()>=E) Y"al)Y;EF'" Plg;E * *q.g- (! > F es$ea f IL tr = olt oFo Fzoo UJz 3od L tll6z ..,3(rv f IJJ <FZrto26< ==t UJo z = z6 f o- 3 UJ qJ z 6 UJ .L o z It) C) t) UJ lrJt! E = UJ o- J oF .llHt cl Elelt&llt]l lrl I(/II HIDtzlolHl ztultdlH IrdtH Iclrdl(JtEl I cr.l Ic9to IztaJI r-.r | | .Hl .lu).J)l>lZHtztoXIOIH rd I q) | E-rlFl l<rtl | < lC)o I fQ I r-{<l llq Fl l A I F-{at14tarrllA lO&totz ; =zzu- i o_ a=Xf,>YE9 of, aroC<> !lg) (-) y.'.ozXtL<oq iuJ-$Xtraxz dNO z tr z F o R rdz tr E FJ tllJz UJolu allz u)F cc uJ o- z E o UJl -) E |lJz =F F z F 5oz Lz ttz do =fiOI rqts B U) z b dl HI Jl<l>l LIol zl 3lotFI I I I .l.,| olurl 1l <l>l Itlol pl i u v) E-rHhRl-{ gt z lF IE lFl | (-) I.hi -rlEi ,-{ E-{l '-{F{l dlklful ttr{l !4&tH()l E url < E= 4= Fll+l I(alBIolcll<lr'IIrl I b4 ltsl Irrll&lC)l Irll'do(J (, zJtr d I I -l IFoJ r\.c I\o - FlH Eo M tszo h u) ooo IJJc o ou)tt) !a F1 F B = tr *l "llFrl-l I ol =.1ol uJl 1l al>l ttlol EI tsE d Et{ FTE &rd la =c TI\Ol|nl-l I Iolzl c;l c.r llll l- ccl F.Jl n1 5* Xl co zl;lolFI t{ H l{FlFI ll FlFl 14 Ff frf g <FGOuJ<zE (nZ C) JE<oc)F fr3XFaz t2? s3]F.-6() F Fz O z 'r() UJ = d i, = lrz E.[!z B FO uJ = oz ==G UJL d zA oY tJ ZE. z(I]o H =z S 19 'oBE <{ ----oD4ll ll rfi J."i5\J \.' = =8366> t ru o uJ z @o o 0- JFul-h= o-- UJ>o-Ot!oo \ ll.jxd:> ul -J (! r! c0 o co E EIoo B€ .=gt E E 8 o E =elrlo-z9F() EF 2 @I HHI .J)a FlA uJ E(t) coo-zo Fc IJJ:< t-.,., o\ryOr oF\tt- ;A{fi<(Lx Ll{oEi>z(LO(1hz guJbEzo CA uJu,tt L =Gulo, uJ o Eo c t2 =Io I I I I I I I I II I I I lruIz!lo u, EoFo TE 2oo G0 Eul =olro CD EgpE Ee8; EEgE .€€otraa EF' EE o o E IEd o!to() o)c E ID o Eo o o 3o !' o ',F o o ,o ooo€ o (J a o o 6 v, '' -o6goc,!o oa6 o4D;8oc --6 gE ;o6tC .t]6.OOFl=o6 5E =>,EE oo o- =C--gDO.!;ra D* ;G -.:B; ;Eio. )-io 0-.is' iF:) >'-=' I U.a.' Lo:E ) (!. :(,iE io,o'o io ic'ol o(t oE G E o ,6 t! o (u at, 6 o F: 6' oo. o ro o G o o o Gs 6 o Go' o 6 o o E JI Gr >.,1 o'i ol ol! ITJ|r ts =E UJG o g Go =l!ozo E() uJ J Iuz u,l(, <, zz ;a 2 at, o6dQZ l!<o1g8 FO J .'i g,tt .. >loul uJ LIJz 31, IIJA z 9F 6 tl I l'{ ttJI tJt<t? l" I ft18 3l? Hlitlol =lI t|rl tl>I tF rl I E16zl=;t< HI;itz o!z z tr == I tsz o J !J3 q sl \l $ $o =l! ao o \ N $ $ $ ii =z fr(| { I I I rl ollrllEl JI <t>l rl.l Ya 3tg F zo() ogs oz E =El!G /Jtl tl I tlJF 'z oYzQ(oo =z=f,dP !8tr =l J il=gE =E IJ.|g ttoEE2Ze5€aE9vEbeEEat =uJEF:=;95(F6iEsi l!.0oF ,rsc\z/r= -.J= E =IY lrl o-zo F(J :) E,F_ozo.o EXD uJ tso6 zo uJY uJo o ts uJ o- lto o- o I uJFoz o' <.. F- Lna 75 3oulh lrontago road vall, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlce of oonmunlty doYclopmcnt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE If thi.s penni.t fequi.res a Town of Vail fire Department Approval ,Engineer"s (lublic Works) reyiew and approval, a Planning Department revtew or llealth Department revi'ew, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estinated time for a tstal review may take as long as three weel(s. All conmercia'l (large or sma'll) and all mu1ti-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of.time. However, if resi.dential or smaller projects impact the.various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also talte the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permrl't as sgon as possible. I, the undersi'gned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh fronlagc road Y.il, colorado E1657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT; olflce ol communlty developmenl ALL COMTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OT VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !,!ARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsteri, portable toileti andworlqen vetricles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publ,ic -q1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on aff Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced. by the Toin of vailPy!}i_" Irorks Departnent. persons found vi6lating this ordinancetn-rr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, ttre pultic WorksDepartment will renove said naterial at the e)q)ense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff_ nor beapplicable to construction, uaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-i-way. To review Ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. rilani< you for yourcooperation on this natter.' Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date oz E = IIJ4 otl qi a6tl I 6q\s t 8. oas q Ftrs \s Ch IJJ UJ ==c uJ tl N NJ d Gu,z3o UJ Foz t!o: Eo Eo Gulz3o tto u,ElF o o o o 3)6(J cl 6 .ET ED-\SQ t\s .\sCE EPFO 9ao*E oo 3E E€oo8o6cD oE a!:-dl Ee c)o trl .!tog e3 oo.c6t3 s, -9 6E )Eio iq,'ort, lo,oIEiot0 iO g, .1' -o ltl I E 6 EDg ch.o\ '\\-q J|lo o o CD o 8(6 @, tt1 atI !tcl6. drl arl -.96gorniEoco6 .22r6!Dtr.=6 og 3c..']6.oDF>=o6 EE =>sa o o'E(J o-l:i -66A' o:. Fa lDn- = =.66 t'r C-or-=' ;sji o.i iol D--:iS:j;: .) >': ;EI rYi( v'rioiY- aIO:gt! ato o 6 o ,6'o o G o o: (E. o6' 6 o. !o o o oc o o o 6(, 6 o 6o' o 6 ;l JI >,];- -t \ {j { -l ! I U(r'Ff'o o \\9 0c N ) li F:g u,c = lo -0 UJ (,z J o C) UJ uJ oz a0: J oz u,E Itllultzo F gJ E tl, oG o |D;LItulczI attluo F og ltoAtt UT o x F ujo o UJ uJ ts' =9ErIIIr o N$i, NNl O)tlll o2 = rL-I =,fu o lr ;{d oz o @ C) E F(, UJ l! c' =o = c I = () gJ. NOIVnlV t! @ 2.\v =( t4 q * t{ a (! s N t/lt uJ I o =ZZtL F^@Z E E ;E ', cl cZt-C)R9 8 lr<ot 4HJ ;i &, =;iuJaxz.'. Y uJr.tcJ (\ T\tl \ { j s\ $ * Na 2 DJ |! tr uJlo-l>lFI I $ \ o- t-l<z x 8z F FJ 3llJz JIslFI 2l !J ooItlzv F i tr J at,z at 2.. 9= 60}E lltltltltl at,!z z9e? <oo< =gxra6o<z zl .. >lo uJ IIJluz u, = l! J z Eo :|ll z: A o2 o J& e fal ! =$"{ol E g ={E B =E\i E =F{E ['rc4 Li H tl =sl'Ei r il Qb+ r=E F il =HE= €- i Fvrn luoo NI ]d :tr x L ,s \ R |t fr \e 'i;=zof N $l NI ulE 4 t[^\g a,l s $ U\l DI a rJt dccJ - o. €a N N;K{lJ (, ql il arlr{ E 3 rl $ N g \ s I C) $ $\l rh $. Ir rd IJ N!rv) I Nil d l!F HI I -4 I lol 1e,ulq J{>l q f, In N \ I N ui ltlF ol =.1 sl JI 3l t!lq g g= LL il il 3tEc Eulz3o Foul =()E e, -rO<Foaour<zeLrl F(.t 2o() Joa69 fiE - 2F 3E 'La(, i5 33 E6 otrhg+oao2 o(J <ctfrfr=l * ! UJ =v) @oazo; Fan4--ul ., :z trt "@-o*F{ =rsE XN,, lltNl6>l i \Fl lrJFP rJzo E =tvt! o-zoF CJ EF@'z o.o lnwn 75 routh trontage road r!ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflcc of communlty devdopmcnt BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If thrls permi.t fequires a Town of Vail flire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (-Publ ic l,lot'ks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or t{ealth Department revi'ew, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as th!"ee weeRE. All corrnercial ("large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits wi'l'l have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a 'l esser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the.various above mentioned departments wlth regard to necessary review, these projects may also talte the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to exped'ite this permi.t as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. P!'oject Name DeTe-fioiF5hEet was turned into the Comrnun'i ty Devel opment Department. 75 3oulh tronlage road vail, coloredo 8'1557 (3031 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: offlc. of communlly deyclopment AI.,L CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT l{ARCIt 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunnary' ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to litter, lracl< or deposit any soil , rock, sand., aeliisor naterial , including trash dumpsteri, portable loilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pubLic p_1?9" or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxiruateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance vill be stri--ly enforced by the Toin of vaileg!]i_c !ilorks Department. persons found, vi6tating this ordinancewrJ-r be given a 24 hour written notice to reDove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tiroe specified, the puitic worlcsDepartnent wirl renove said naterial at tbe ex;lense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shill not beapplicable to construction, uaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-l-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain I copy. rirani you for yourcooperatlon on thj.s natter. Read and acknowledged by: PositionzRelat@(i. e. contractor, owner) Date lDrunvo,rse, Date, tlav ?@, fg3- Subject, Res idcnt ial Remodel 50ZE Main 6ore Orlve Vai I, Co I orado Boyle Engineening, Inc. 143 East Meadou Drive, Suite VaiI, Colorado 81657 303/476-?t7@ FAX Bauer Home I mprovemen t P.0. Box 2894 Vail, Colorado 81658 330 Thts is to confirn that I havc revleued the fnaming for the conveFsion of the greenhouse in the above noted nosldence to an extenior deck. As you knour, this deck must bc able to support a 100 pound per squar€ foot llve load. The existing 2*10 816" o.c. joists fulfill thls nequirenent, but I found thai the 4 - 2*10 bealr support ing thclr is dcficient. This bean nust be bolstered r^rith the addition of either 2 - zrLO' s or a 13/4 * S l/?" micro-lam. Please Oive me a call if you have any questions ncganding this matter. I J Please Rep 1y [x] No Reply Req'd BOYLE ENG Tinothy M Pres i dent INC. tr f,;'*st:P F*i 14e6s 3F hrr^,"*rt{i(editti$ I I I I I I oz tr =t uJo- c{(7) @ UJul lJ- F =&. uJ dr€ru+Qo1 t?g&H o\o\ o\ F & x l-{ B ri HE t$r lo JsIu- z H H F'X z z HF{k H}l c Ll a UJ o linltuIt- FI; El=al J =l;ol06<1."zlzzl z: FHE zH Flt-t Fcl aH ts EitsHB r'ltsts t b4 3 u,z3 uJI z &coOi lnE\ol-l Fa.S cO EcoO(\tO XEO . ld fq Fl<o<raa> E-{ z Fl ^q) q) o .c)(6 o) o O o) ; = c0 E o =cl;o 3 o o v,o o <,, u.-o' o (E c N \o\ o c oo() (o o) ol a,) -c = '(5 (D aU o E (g oq)oc(g ; o 3oF (5 .=3i c(5 cd c 't (5 E o c o -c =-> -oo o E: ri E3 c.2o_ F.:C-;o crr'-o rDO.cn =€;> o.9.ct(E og =r- ;'( --=- d(6 .n$'-E -(D -(E O(E (!c-c! (n0 9rgtJ, G ;6o(! -Y: >,9-o c) Eo.oE -LO -o Nrn ralc{.if \T o e{6l6l {* == uJ oz oJ l d) Y() UJI z -) E uJ.J TJJ z6 = J Iz Iotu ulul z F qJ u.l o =g UJ z 6 uJ F6 (L uJ (L f z IJJJ x gJo o UJ UJt! c = IJJ J z 4 C) t- IJJ llJ z o- 2 qJ = d E-r NOrrvnlv^ FF F Fc F Y ;=Z Z u-'-o I oE F ^ <h z<q 5 5 e>d. 9. o i.,ut o EzZ r ()F8e frE* s :<; : <B S X Ez.i6 ?.8.i $i 5< (\ OJ H E-r Ea (A l-{E FT U) |-r F |l I & Hz E EH z9F l TL cr df o- cr) o_ g. z E o X >< z F E J 3llJz l l Ezf,z -L!<Oo< =ft>arRd6o<z :z Itz -iF -- (, BuJOI Fo o(! X i{X x Fl() Fa z tr o z E uJo Jl<lr_l zl zl .. >io UJo uJ llJzaF (r UJ rL) z E oE r.,- <>og I z I OIr) @ .! OOrJ)4 Fl z t,lJ =o dto-)z |- UJY IIJ d) F Fo\ =9ul(L@ btl>Elt^ zlxolI,zltHl H !!rbkzo z ze @ozz o--P .-i5 =F=a-58 F E IJJq- u. uJ(Jz U)o oF E JFlrJ -!i=:E(L llJ>cOL()o - LLjxdx>Er- =tr IJJ q, -9o oat I E E o --- E =E, lrJo-zIF(Jf E.FazoI !!! i .:- Irtll;ll*llco ItBltoltAll<l -'H I6vl lHll1'] |l&lol(j '"rlIl(,lz.F -'i JLL V) Fi E & rh HHh r:{H& il z (D _-1 a HHhhts H E1 =z. H& E&IrI CN ql uf oal J = r B Fl zrd =c) t tr o = Fo zl-l 14E & =tr I @ oz d UJ = lr z3I \?.J' c\I.v Io\.it o\ u I ts F]FlEl F FfFi3 14Fl =tr F] I\oIrl .iz ,; ltr J a l|-oz = Nr\ F\rn It\c! @ =E z ci UJ ar J a t! z3 F = tr oz uJ = IIo z3I =e z ut J oz BoF IJJ uj E. t.lJz = F uJ ='r C) <F uJ<ZE,ulF(rz <oOF FS ;F =zr!o ^d E 2Pc?=c]Fd6 ix :IFz() =*i/, z =g vil LU (JZ )<O<5 ?. lo F]FlN}( )( " t,, /U -q / *+ JOB NAME MON r'- .n r4<t ] PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT WED THUR. 4-/.Lt,.(<) -/ t INSPECTIONTOWN OF I .1. i REQUESTVAIL ' DATE TL trJREADY FOR LOCATION: ECTION: S0 2 C .77t"r-,\.il,'. ll d/neeaoveo-,t / coRREcrtous' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEERu PLYwooD NATLTNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOT / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: O HEATING Souc*D D D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR niffissop va{b F'I S- i)-qI JoBNAME . !Fi. . "ra U INSPECTIONTOWN OF ' .' ,t. REQUESTVAIL .PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT I : ";'l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .-.\1 MON ruEs PM.k.,* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPINGIPING -tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL { neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED hffiq{op 4sn OJECPERMIT NUMBER OF DATE I JOB NAME TOWN OF VA|L tia, READY FOR lo"f/r*, INSPECTI ? I -BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO 4(;L PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DAIE /l/l/-// JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: Er - THUR I t I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: 'i, tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL Ul.q']RovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nffi*op / oor= 7-z{-?/ rNsPEcro qr;o ]t INSPEI /.,o, *o", /L) fi TION REQU WN OF VAIL L,t'", PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOGATION: OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PM --/.- t t I,g NUMBE BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: o HrXrrruc O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL )<leenoveo COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor= 7- z4-?/ rNSpEcroR rhe r tens o"r.T:.:-::'::rr":"':::- glvlng a ge::ult a flnal C of O. Please check off ln the bor provlded. FINAT PLU{BING DATE: tl l FINAL }IECEANICAL DATE: I}IPROVEMENT SI'RVEY R"ESID. NA}IE: DATE: tl tf-l--T- EAST SIDE:TIXST SIDE:BUILDINCffi-"* DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCT'PANCY DATE: I"A}IDSCAPINC DITE DATE: FILE NAilE: -aa ,f ' proiect Appllcation Proiect Name: -Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconcted by: APPBOVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner E statt Approval .c tFn \ 'r I | / / ua'e - /t-/ '/tt//tr/I ProjectName: \-)f t1'+ tl/t\ C'^Jc/'- / Project Application ,//ttIA\ c-\J./._ I Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone I I I Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot / , Btock /a r-/1 Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner E statt Approval Bevleed 2lL9l9l O r '9"'' n,t- - TotfN oF vArL,, coroRADo J9!DRB APPI..IC.ATION DATE APPI.ICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRA UEETING: r'.s/'7t EarB rppr.t"ottHiTi#iion "" rccEErED m|IIIr l!& nEgUInED INFOR}IATfOII I8 SUDIIIITED atalaaaaaa /rtr h/t/"u*r'i' /(ftrlr.PROJEST INFORUATTON: A. DESCRISI'ION:3fu0€ E+7snlw cdeeu/{tzEL B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Constnrction ( ntrror Alteration conceptual Revl.ew a rneets and bounds legal on a separate sbeet and c. D. Addition ADDRESS: I,BGAL DESCRIPITON:rcx I Block snbdlvislon GOke. ff property lp described by deseription, please provlde attach to tlris application. G. H. Phone I.K- J. x. n U' I|,xJ4 4l?-11 4l tl rEE 70P $ ad. oo $ zs.oo $ 50.00 $100. oo 9200. o0 s300. o0 E. F. ZONING: 84, IOT AREA: ff required, aPPlicant stanped su!:vey showj.ng 1ot area. must provide a current NAI.TE OF APPLICANTIS RSPRESETTATTVE: Q "^"ffl?tu:=;E NN,TE OF OWNERS:.<kre.eA .SIGNATT'RE(gI3 Maillng Addreqs: Phone Condonitrium Approval Lf applicable. DRB FEEs DRB fees are paLd at the time of I'ssuance of a butldinrr--pe:ni!. FEE SCHEDUIiEi I$ 10,001 50, 000 9150,00.t - $ 5oo,ooo $50orooJ. - 91r000r000$ Over 91rOo0ro00 NA!!E 4F TP9LTC4}IIX:Mailing Address: "fALUATiON rNO APPIICI|ETON r:IDI, EE DBOCEEEED I|I!EOT'!I OXNERIS SIGNATURA ,*-,. v DEFHHTmg-mr @F\.------I-t ,E@MMUNNTV DEVEL@FMENT XXXX XXX sArjs AcnoN FoF,M XXXXXXX t 0cc0 41330 csu. DF/. AFFUCAION FE=S : ccco 4,!:4c lzcnrNc AIID ADD.iEss uAps I 0c30 4z+is lrsee unrrcnr BuultNc ccDE 1 0cc0 12+is :9E3 UNIFORU PLUUETNC CCDE r gclo 12+i3 IS!3 UNIFCRII UESIANTCAL C!!E t 9cc0 1Z+iS,1933 UNIFoFJI FiRE CCe: r cc00 42+:5 l:saz ne::cxAl EcGlcAL colg 1 0cc0 12115 o::.i=R coDE BooKs I 0cc0.,ns.+e F:Jg pRtNTs (MrrLARs) 01. cc00 121i2 ox coFtEs ./ sruons I occo lzzzt B / nE-NSFECTA{ oFF Hotns wspgfiioH ti: ucE{sEs1'E3S ONiER FE=s 0t 0000 4t4r3 .slct tttuc[tto[ oo " ,-t \o o oz F =cluo- o .n v,qJ IIJt! E =G IIJo- \ss$N'\I I orl@.3l .lc{ ||!NE .lotslkllOr.(/ll I I Sr glzl ar ii:i ro,IE t3rZroti UJF o coF E FU' =-o o =z v, uJFoz ct =oIf @ €(,zz ltJlrl U' = CEott GoFct .EFzo() Go El+ $t+ tto()co .s Eo oE ot,trqt ottoo olc E =d) E o.E f Eo o CLo.6; .9 E 8gEEI lliOnr5 60\rocF .9.5 'ld';o = (lt I!c "3gro oF EE 9-Eo 5ENO J'Etrc 3PFO !co 9O-,E PE;oEE0c' Eooo o.s:tt Ed6E.no EJ Ee eE ooc6t; lr.9a> .EE c ID a,oE 6otto(, g .9o, .EIlt!, tt 6 !t: g969'=Oo) sbE EEE €sE :gEc96'- o,! E.EE E EE.FOO E;;g;E SEao!EE€e E6:g E.E EEs -+.C,6 0'- 5 a-8 gEi P Ilo ;fi: Egg -()6 \o (\ <t) !n 4 E =curc (J26J5 ao -C'ul-oz Jc i9cFogJ UJ oz .E =3 c icz ao lrJ- ulu,ttzo F uJ.e() u,c oc o ao 'UJturE2o at uJo F a,Iulo a.t 2 gr Jo x F ut attf ollJl!lt E =e. IIJo- J oF o =6! o J ()c Fo uJ ul (t =oI =G J I--o IJ,|t l{orrvfIrA Hffl Fl C,lzlHI AI&lol(Jl()I<l HI 3 ;l Fll =l |lH -co =ltoz9t-o-a 8lrloIc uJz uJo - >E -ltr)iur& =.oN zz99ho-t2 =B e .1, o1>E91r.<o*H6E8;ni "lHI<l il t{tHI<tol 91-rA t'l \o F'or) F r'lH Fl HAo 14E z9F f ci o. ot Iuo. .$ E Cut z9 Eoo \ zoF CE uJ 3 UJz I 2 z tr o = R g) =z zfJ u,l; ouloI uJ E oz tr =F EI lu oo uJzx =F uJ 2s F Jl U'z I 14z z I aJ i Fx uJ oo = o o lllrt Itft Itztl| ---l I .X IlzlltlI -]| .. >l Ilo. I lffil= >) I UJ ,ll: It< |lz IE Elo Fl< o I --l t I l "l=luJIol --1 I --.1 I ?4 ?l z F at 5o -I -+I ,/la'l IolzlYI(rI<lo. l I& -$oo O(:) UJ Eo @o zo Fo-utY luo oFEo' E3 o-tr o{o-l EEIofrlrl H u'lbkza & o zH t \oN ---rtlU zo9ze coo =3dP t! tEE lr,lo.tto EgE;EoIPa9'EE E .l FlE H=Io dtrt E 6EIE irlT HEI5i u,ooF ./G. / / Y- \ I -'.--.7tr- \ t./t | |- .- ,' E =Elrlo-zoF C)fE 6zoo =fiE grn .ABoA E *tr:trl (J frl ct F4 H at) ii =z @o-) t\o j o- FlH E() tt) o (f) c!c! 8 uJ oo =t =d u F B UJt z I ILl" I dr.ugcq iE F @\o.v I\ot\.ir I c! 0z eiluG I tto 2 'oF z HH &Hv)z vE: tc lt oz dulc J lto z]oF oz (, uIG J lto 2- F ciz ciIJ .E J ltoz3oF oz6 ==J o- z Iotll = E irsi l-o2 I I I II sl UI .I'l ctz ..=:6DG 0)2,) Luc u o Ia t, tr cce\'J i! )a\ U' uJ uJll. E =euJo- I I I s-t{ts trr I I I {r l1 NT IEiolX-V3 lg El5 ;ts It,a- o llJlrJU' =I Eo GoFo Fzoo E,o v,o(,c6 .s!t o o =oErCoottoo cDs!t f @ E o cf E.o o o. CLo 'o o e.9oo,I' o'q,Eoo c .9 .9.:.r5.o5,r, !tcqt otcg'o -U,cto oE o o) .5D, o(rlo ao o. !:o.JI o tt =. 9''5' .o o ttc6 o.t6 d:g965'=0rU' gEE E€H €gE €eec96 E.E'E BEE =iEr'.oogi; g;E $Ei fEi EE€ iEE 6 6.sc;o s*: E;E: t Ht' if;E $EEr- o crt - o 6. 1u s El (-( cl 'rl \JI $u 8l U.ls FrG H0 =o!Dl0 r()ul az d J () E (, 3u, oz toI =d {o =(,u,I UJ|r|tL-o l- 6c,() UJ4 og oo 'UJ utBzIv,uto d R UIo Gl+I5(J I UJ anJ an u,r UJ E =G,u,G Fo c' =oJDo {(, EF(t u, UJ c'z6I3 d {II (, lr,I NO[Vn]v /E',c *;< Y,-lf, "rld,\k ts =Elrl c9:5i -<9( Hiu,o:{"g) o .I\>E trGl{ur {ioNl'J299 €a 2 HE Ei-i .{ 2o F f lt G ct G oc,I H F E o-u,c z9tr z FJ I UJz I e 32Pn<oo<9da lr,:.EAE6o'<2 aElrE2 d6}Eoa u,f fc, u,agtzxI u,lq 2 tr 5f.hz I I l 3lglkl!Jl -l -l I I I I I Irltl(rl Flol fl :l .. >lclu,oulu,z a',F =.c lrJG 2o F6o 0z t-oIo o.)/ Zt 2e')tDo =z',iEi Dtrd EI =l J sl :r: @- 9 ,\ )o =J -r@ (. (' rlt zo l-o =El-3nzoo cE!E:ii;E Ei!!;r u, =z @o 9:3; :st *9 6 $ $ Eo =G U' aau/Goo : E E C' c d1t oz (, UJtrJ ltozto *u\:) \ v ct u lr =6! trJ c2 fiE Itc ziI =G =q =clt E HEI #€il tr lr,ooF $g trtr c UJz =o (,t uJ C' E -rO<( l-CC'r!<zEU.|Fa6 () JE6P =C't<ir E;F=zooo (,z 6 =f,Jc ) :, :?)) EF =3gE oc,hgE o2 O <()a, u, r-, I UJJO '( xxt(K r( ,._(. I 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: To review Ordinance No. 6 inVail Building Department tocooperation on this natter. offlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpster!, poriable ioilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewaik, alley or public P1?:" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-r.y ln alt Town ofvarr streets and.I9ags is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent.Thi-s ordinance wilr be striilry enforc3d by the iown of vairTPli: works Department. persons found vihat:"nt this ordinancewrrr De grven a 24 hour written notice to renove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not compry wiitr-ah;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, tne-puf,ric woircs---Department will remove said rnatelial at ih" exp"nse of personnotified_. The provisions of this ordinance sfilfi not beapplrcable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. full, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your ,t."@ owner)onlRe1at onship COHEN CONSTRUCTIONnTc. Community Development 9/ 19/89 Town of Vail RE: Permit Application lor Sibley Deck Dear Sirs, The following is a brief description of the work to be done at 5026 flain Gore Drive, East Vail, accordlng to the attached drawing. Phase 1 of the project has been completed. Basically the existing deck was replaced with new materials without changing struclure or design. Proposed Phase 2 will be a new deck where an existing palio is located, The piers will be standard 8" concrele columns buried 4'0" below frost line, The deck will be conslructed 0f standard dlmensional lunber, painted to match lhe existing deck. The railing detail will be the similar to lhe exisling rail. All work will be accordino to existino codes. Sincerely, Jelfrey A, Cohen P.O. BOX &r7 / VAIL, CO 81658 / n3476-ffi7 Xov a-.\ ,/l) o F{cv I { UJtr .9 tls txI {w VI l--)o _1 { IJe -136o1,-l?E >?"O \Do l;e H luto :r e- X _o rl ;S L[J {U \/) L o t-l-(t \iln I $ ,ilJ ,t\ 7.f < L-- B9ett6 .6r; (r tHAtts >(oa, o'd oclnzol@).1tVn ,3n\UG zu.o2 Nlvl,J v)Neq\eau AfigtE rtHA'.tN1tt-tp;177otsJ9 N3H2 / DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: -') rl'.,t €(k.-.- CALLER Lt MON TUES WED <lo ve cl l iri INSPECTION TOWN OF t-v --, REQUEST VAIL -za'r' ( l t. BUILDING:PLUMBING: D FO9TINGS / STEEL _ wdu*oorloN / srEE. tr UNDERGROUND D BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr D tr D tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL X""*ouro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,or= 7z/& rNSPEcroR >b erlue/uvrod t tf,he #Vl l,l[|l illis urIF eEg'Egr:iEiEl, 1 E gE:E J € iE:sE l! J uJ att:? Eolr :E*E oFo tFzoo :3E si ---ocE i t.9' :s3€a-rOC s-o(t(, .;3 9=ebE6- z-:9Eo E,o $oE:-6=J-O<(l, fre.z uJ =>E - - -rr(' iur.S =@N Jl<l F-l z_l zl .. >l UJ u,tuz @F Eul o- J z Eo 'o :r'-{ r'_lrl oz ts =e uJo- IJJ b U' @oazo Fo- IIJY lrjo oF ts =G UJ o-bli3 xol\., qril g Lr.lakzo ts =E lrJ o- z o9z-<: dlo =zJOtL u- tlo uJ z oLI afo ;Ei = uJ ;'idd= JFuJ- EEo- uJ>o-O|!9oi u.txo-x> l!' JJtr ul oF D!! -( 1..-'/ !) lz FI fl =ldqIFoJ ,o q,Loe,t E .E =r.o(\lotr) g() (uo -Y EE(CcGlo*-l I I I'dq .q€(.1 EI Hoq ulE 4 tltl _ll EI 8Hl Etli3l HPI =.1ol ol zl FI .lol IIJItrl il>l r'|.lol fl I I "lzl sl 5l flol Pl E tJO<FE()ur<ZE,U'F(rt Z-oo 2? s3]F-.6 E,h uJ o2 t' q--l.}' .=-tfJE!^ 'vtir. ErgE6€' E.F ;zo(J Qtr! ,rtl . oz. L =E UJo- s C'r+ a UJ Lt- tr =E trJ rlrs l>1" i'N $I r3 tltl tltltttltltl tlt;lylIF lit^ IJlilolz f6 qJo G Fo Fzoo o ll,z3\JC l!uloz.;.3EoIUJ <F .i o 0) q) <t(Eo c 3o. F. (l' o. o)oc t\t .s o E o o,oo() o) ! e o =l do o o. C'; .9 (lt I E.Y:I o):i (u.Y'| =u;n| *Ircii r3F;I s e c?3litPel E rg EI S6P:AI c-o> I eI sl | : s'e:I G >=:I c966l'-oc^I E s:5 I :EieI =Ee ,l:€3il€esP | !lteI oo o--I o=-o| .s>o-I otEo I s*e€ | :o'vo I :E€ H I EE F: i !; o (, i $t;Eo I3rc}U>.EI Y"o-ol*EFsI 6? 60i hSeFI 9Eor - I c5g,: l - o 6: ah {n 1s \\ r\ o e \\ \\) a /l r -l c IrJ z I tll z J I F UJtrl z =J J 9 7- Io uJ = ttlr! z tr lu u,(r 6 .D =llJ; UJ z -a UJ 6o ulo o- z IJ )< F u'| U'l t/, uJ tL b E ul J F F z !f co J F llJ J UJ 0z.d 9z ou, = NOTIVntVA I I I=dl: "l- r .')Jf =:lq.. \. <\d.\ot =qzz!-o .oo^tr - ii zt\ 3 B = F"a a) oa ).Z r. (J\8? E{E<9 C *ci s gi d(\t(, z tr u- C' uJ F ao-ul *z E :z6 FJ 3 z tltta 2:l z aFz .- t2z [(,3uJOI lu = (E o 3 F o io JI<ltrl =l zl .. >ld ltl ululzotr ul J zo Eoo ozi- 4' z Y(! \ I I I I.lcol<stduJl(/, uJ a--o-Ll-<>oLu u.l JJ B i lrl ll. E z F Jlo2 lE iF& i:-' '-_') 'F .-a r!F o UJ tradto.) zo F 1! :< ltJ @ oF E (E ut o- u- oo I LuFoz !n! z /n=z2coo2Z dP J..i5 =uft :{ ;:l E Er:n F Gulo-t!ouloz loIo GI .Eo- JFu.t -h= rL LlJ =cOu-9oltuxo-:>fiFJ:ir! lu(ll oF ot E CLo o o'0 .E Eo(, b E u,trl o-zoF()fEFazo() I -lt; / z J IL I I Jo F J $ ^{a { \\ \ \! ^ls9 \ r-J\\ i,.; z -1 V N $!t a\ S: ulE z o\ ..|* Fvl x \.1-'i\\\ ul Gq n--f = r\{ r;hx.L o.. ..1s {o \t \' E tr g) llJEoo - L F s\, s l.- ikF ts U \ a. = rL s. s s N olz ou,(r >l ;l]l lrt o.s 0c fr I\ c{ !a lrJ IJJF c oz o uJ j lr- z3o g. t! oz o !l J a u-oz 3p u I F r o^z ci uJI = ]Lo z1 31pi g o z. otuE -J <l'>l tl.oz3p u,J uJ uJz3 H< F\ 8:F(r(J rlJ< Ezl <o(JFg? -r i' (tsl!:r-g t!ro1t- ;#fF)zo-O <x :/F 2l)i< . -Fiz>U crl;LUN bi-,<C) - o (5 =F at', xEI L)F =oF I I I l. tee IEz t= le lp- lo I I I I I I t_, tct IE t3tzr6rf (o @ or(\l Or z. g E == &. (5 l! u,o i Fo EFzoo luz3o l!o uJEDF o E c)t -go6 .9 CLo6 E;oF o.I o E (g oooo cDc; (,@ = (U@ = FOdl oNle TxE 3s.-'= Gt: >0(oJ rJ o- > Do..lcrYFclo. o-6= az..g<B"t -a- o c EtiE P BEE: *fr eE E1E5 € EE:3 :E*E.l oE or 3 5't.: E EE; :€ 8E €eePElteo.6 cL- SEeeoiEsrefi:€ EEEE - o..y o (!0'-Et; o.n n' ql i.9 gEi! P !lo5 ;ffE eEg: - o (!: (t uJl! LL E =E UJL J FoF I EJt V, F>H F frFv t-l- tF B FFF EFv F E=bffi+cffi€ =>c --ir)3u$ =lDGl zz Fo- Ax=EP O .to56o2l!<o*Hd;(JFOjGi l! E f t! (r (,) frz :< i zo F J oz atF 2.. (5>z=-iF fio}E (\I F z. =J LIJoI UJE. >z(J z.d 'ii=z co @rn Ir.ot\sf oz oul ac J e ltoz30F a^ UJ Joo IU'z, LJ =tr 3l IJJIcl JI <l>l ol =.1ol uJlEI 3l bl zl d I I frl JI <l il- (,z E = - xb =*E t-o2 J:'|tq(\fclg oz E =G, uJo- 6 t z ..e Izeoo =z=:)dP =f;? J;'i () A;E !ntr ts =t UJo-ttoEqEAo. l€vB9?ir sgE ;tE 5E: >o-i 86E irE ;TEuloi.lri uJdt oF Ir-Entr / lJl E U'c)o-zo F(L UJY ulo oF F =E lrJo- l!l ;€lO rolo\lt-l HuJbkzo E =E,lrlo-zoF(Jf &, 6zo() t\ ? (t) rU z o1o Ni J \N*Y\+lo.-/ I Idl ,'{t ll$t lrSl l,N l;" lr! ld I tt,t: t?t- loll! v O F2 o UJz3occ (! uJoz ,,, - ss- o fuJ <Fz^v2o< ?i- o c6-E.9'=o(/,X:O r5E; EF.e:?#=*lgagC.= (g - (Ut-fc:o :EE3& IiEs E:'i=pF s g.::t E SE.E,; iEaF s ---€ B'IE eee€5 a!3:€o:o-E.Fi3es =E HE€ :Ee sg iEEi: e*;e€o?BEJ E H:Ea t6F99lE:: s*ls- c > 6FEEE:8E.GO F TIJ z = c) o 31lI =q.l z 6t!o u, uJ IJJ lJ. Fg 03 uJ o- J F z =I |lI z. F.o-Xf,c.Y 1>9()tJ Zq< d- C,t(JFc| < a\j z tr o uJ zo F J fv)z uJ zo olol :l z tr IIJF =u.lz aJ',r!luu- F = UJ { N NJ q ,o a-ct(/)c((JOCl,!.F C Oc-- o- r+ {J(5 o-.- (t = .tt v g atJ(F tner<.e Ol O_Ia- v C X.- OJca .>oc6o.r|J- (, s- +Jt/|E oo< O O{J Elrl E 0.J OLtJ C- (J L)EO(/)_o=H E (J +'o(5 LIF .ZrF c) (, . tt) -sZ =t-(4C!-O oe.- oJ +-, oJ = =Jp(./lroo o r- q-lr-tGr! C oF F. =E UJ4qs4> t-l H4 ,!,o1FP2= )< -.1 UJ <i Ir 9la) Eltr <l.a =ls =lg rl: tsl': Fl E sl- F =l=E =tsE rltE 516o L..c J t:fi ,--, l9F l!IF or ... Irr ;! Jo- =E- sCrOtZ 2o ) Lla a) 4-/ Y) 2 7 )LU 4,flv' NOrlVn'lvA UJIa^ F Fl (\l z.n9zkcr)o =zDf dP if;3dd= !!tr I J co ;l I 3 3 3 f,, >2 >< t< tr!t Prolect Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: '' 1 ' Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval I Project Applicatlon Proiect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Deslgn Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Date: Town Planner E statt Approval \rr\rr\-\\\ INS;CTIONTOWN OF ruEs t€D 6 REOUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: '--.. \ JOB NAME MQN THUR FRI l'\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGtr ijiii,i,ob"ci r.r-ii L r ru c tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr D trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr ryNAL tr FINAL -1{IPPROVED hnecrtorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -- i ,i' ,/,*J#"rroNTOWN OF ! REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PRPJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME fr MON CALLER TUES /.THUR FRI i\\ ri- 'J I AM PMWEDREADY FOR LOCATION:tt/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND r] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILIN O GAS PIPING F',\t- E\'S tr POOL / H. TUBINSULATION HEETROCK NAIL o E rl FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr f rNAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: