HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 2 LOT 13 LEGAL (2)TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 97G4'79-2138 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 5129 BLACK BEAR LN VAIL [ocation.....: 5129 BLACK GORE DR #A ParcelNo...: 209918210019 ProjectNo : -RRS-O/ 4l1G owNER colrygRs DAvrD iI os/29/2oo2 844 BLK PARK DR RIVA CIIASE GOIJDEN CO 80401 License: CoNTRACTOR PINYON BUIr-,DERS O5/29/2OO2 P.O. BOX 9002 AVON, CO 81520 License:106-A APPIJICA}IT PINYON BUILDERS O5/29/2OO2 P.O. BOX 9002 AVON, CO 8L620 License: Description: REPI,ACE 2 SHOWERS WITH PAIliflI, REPIJACE R AIITfNGS WITH NEw IJANDSCAPE WELL, Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $15,000.00 Add Sq Ft: Fireplsc€ lnfomation: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Phone: SAI4E, DRYV{ALL PATCH AI{D IN STAIRWAY, REPAIJCE OIJD WINDOW ACCESS Phone: Phone: 97O-748-5793 Total Cslculoted Fe€s-> Additional F€€s---------> Total Permit Fee---"> Pa)'rn€nts-----------> Building-> Plan Check--..> lnv€stigation-> Will Call----> $195.00 Rcstuannt Plsn Revi€w-> E126.25 DRB Fc€----> So. oo Recroation Feo--------> S3 . oo Clean-up D€!nsit--> s0. 0o $0.00 $0,00 so. o0 i324.7s $0. 0o s324.75 s324 .75 Lsf t3,3\k4 Qzr"-- C^^r"l. S.*b Permit #: 802-0168 Status...: ISSUED Appfied. . : 05/29/2002 Issued... : 05/3012002 Expires...: ll/26/2002 TOTAL FEES--> S32r .15 BALAI{CE DUE------> $0. O0 ttatattaaataa,ttttttaatttata.rtli'l:t Approvals:IEen: 05100 BUILDING DEPARIUENI o5/29/2oo2 DF Action: AP OK PER JRM To REI,EASE Item: 05400 PIJAI{NING DEPARl'l{EllT Item: 05500 PIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PIBIJIC WORKS ! o"ro*r"ENr oF coMMr.iNrrY ot o.r^t NOTE: TI{IS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES WEIJIJ # ofGas lags: 0 # of wood Pellet 0 FEE SUMMARY arata+t'tlllt*:l't**trl.:r*r:ataara'ttaaa.*.|.lltatrrtaaara'raa'la**r See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have rcad this application, filled out in firll the information required completed ar accurde plot plan, and stat€ that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to compty with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfructur€ according to the towns zoning and suMivision codeg design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofihe Town applicable thelpto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC'TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47q2138 OR AT OuR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Cleen-up Deposit To: N/A SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR .' I PAGE2 *+'t:l*'t**|*'}'}'}'t'}*'t|*!t|*:l***'}**!t'}*,t*'*,}'ti+'}*t**+:}'}***'t*|*'l'}**|*'}**+*|t{.*|+*|t**|+'}t't**t|tt}'t|t**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 802-0168 as of 05-30-2002 Status: ISSUED *'}'}*'}*l|t'}'|'}'}l'|**,|'*:t:i*l{t'}'}:}*'t***,}*****'},}*|*'t***t}{t**:t*+'t'}*'}**'|'**:*{t*'t:t'}********* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 05/2912002 Applicant PINYON BUILDERS Issued: 05/30/2002 970-748-5793 To Expire: 11126'2002 Job Address: 5129 BLACK BEAR LN VAIL Location: 5129 BLACK GORE DR #A ParcelNo: 209918210019 Description: REPLACE 2 SHOWERS WITH SAME. DRYWALL PATCH AND PAINT,REPLACE RAILINCS IN STAIRWAY, REPALCE OLD WINDOW WELL WITH NEW LANDSCAPE WELL ACCESS **+'t**'|*t:i'|*'t*!i'},|***!t!'.ti**'t*:t.'|.|t*****|*t:F'}..******d'**+Conditions:}*'|.***'}'}******{'***,|{t,t**{.{t'}*'|t*'|************* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Entry: O5/29/2002 By: DF Action: AP WTNDOW WELL EGRESS MUST MEET SECTION 310.4 OF THE 1997 UBC Cond: 16 (BLDC.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.6.I OF TI{E 1997 UBC. +ft *ll **'t *l* +f*t*a+ * * ** **+***la*t+l | +*** +**t't * ++ *** t' + !t + | * *a'i**a** *'l *+ + * * * *'t + +* *r a'| ** * * * * * *+ * TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ta* +++ + * f++f*r * **++** *'t r ** +++ +** t++ *t f*+*a+at * *+ t* **r * + t* * * * *+*** *'i ++t * * * **t t* ******f * | r *r++ Statement Nurnber: R000002483 Amount: ;324.75 05/30/20O2O9:20 AIr{ Palment Method: Check Init: LrC Notatsion: #3988/Plnyon Builders Permit No: 802-0168 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERII{IT Parcel No: 2 0 9918210019 Site Address: 5129 Br,ACK BEAR IJl{ VAIIJ IJOCATiON: 5129 BI.'ACK GORE DR #A Total Feea: 9324.75 This Palment: 5324.75 Tolal- AL,L Pmta: 5324.75 Balance: $0.00 *:t * *l * * *l lr+** * * t * + + * ** * * ** * * t* * +** * * * * + + * * * * f + * * ** ** * + * * * * + *+*t'i * | +i* *t *++* * * *+ | *** * | | + * a*i + ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI4IT FEES 195.00 pF 00100003112300 PrAN CHECK FEES 126.75 t,lc OO1OOOO3112BOO I^/ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ( COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (tAbOr & MAtETiAIS BUILDING: 5 | o. O 0D ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$ ,-/D0 MECHANICAL: $rorAl: $ iS , s-fl^ fn) For Parcel # Contad Assessors Office at 970-328-86/m or visit lobAddress: ,D1A ll^.L 6,r-- lf,Job Name: C_e ay ef S Phone:7Or r,tr_ress: t t>t4 B l"-L6rc /r aze 7- S tVqlc /T tvt Ea.*r9 Vfy ,p"a ,'r't s'hrl"uo ,-,VLt ,,,'',lf ifl n* 1*, WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(z-l Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (-)Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (d Type of Bldg.: Singte-family ( ) Twofamily (z') Mufti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: WoodBurnino ( \ M Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System bdst:Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X) No ( ) **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*"************************************ Other Fee: Ees: Public Wav Permit Fee: F:/everyon€/formtbldgperm Type of Construction: )ccuDancv Gttuo: e Received TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 97U479-2138 Plumbing-> $50 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> g15. oo DRB Fee-> peilnnasom oF coMMUNrrv psvErtvrENr NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMT Permit #: P024073 Job Address: 5129 BLACK BEAR LN VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 5129 BLACK GORE DR #A Applied . . : 06/20/2002 Parcel No...: 209918270019 Issued . . : 06/27/2C{J,2 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 72/78/2002 owNER CONYERS DAVID ,J 06/20/2002 Phone: 844 EI,K PARK DR RIVA CHASE GOI.,DEN CO 80401 Lricense: CoNTRACTOR iIERRY SIBLEY PT,I'MBTNG 06/20/2002 Phone: 970-A27-5736 P O BOX 340 MINTI'RN CO 8154s IJicense: 134-P APPLTCAIII iIERRY SrBrrEY Pr-,ItMBrNG 06/20/2OO2 Phone: 970-827-5736 P O BOX 340 MINTT'RN CO 8154 5 License:134-P Desciption: REPLACE 2 SHOWERS WITH SAME, DRYWALL PATCH AND PAINT,REPLACE RAILINGS IN STAIRWAY, REPALCE OLD WINDOW WELL WITFI NEW LANDSCAPE WELL ACCESS Valuation: $3,195.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ??# of Gas Appliances: ?? # of Gas Logs: ?? # of Wo(d Paleb * FEE SIJMMARY so . oo Total Calculated Fees-> S?8 . 00 SO. 0O Additioral Fees->s0. o0 s0. 0o Investigation-> will call-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES---> $78 ,00 Total Permit Fee-> $78 . o0 s3 .00 Payments---> $?8 . O0 BALAIICE DUE_> ItEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARIT{ENT 06/20/2002 DF Actioa: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII{ENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIN.ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have r*a tuppti*tioo filled outin fuIl Ur" iofortti*require4 courpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrration as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot pla+ to comply with all Town ordinances and state liaws, and to build this structuxe according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, desig;n review Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JES'IS FOR INSPECTION SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOT]RS BT TELEPI{ONE 4792138 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. TI.'RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR ANDOWNET APPucATToN vO 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ruT;: Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: -INFORMA b;€ito\o Contact and Phone #'s: ft ?SIsL COMPTETE VALUATION FOR PTUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: $ Contact Assessors Office at 970-326-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) !.O%,l,BL ZbO\q rob Name: Opqd fuin\€r3 rob Address: s\"q N 6urv- %r\n.e- Legal Descripuon Lot:Block;Filing:Subdivision: owners Namel|1n na OhElflAddress:Phone: Engineer: u Address:Phone: Detailed descriDtion of work: ?-eP\e<g [z) <t\r,rrgs\rc' :k) s\,n*rGAges WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(K) Repair( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) DuplexlQ Muti-family( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Odrer( ) No. of ExisUng Dwelling Units in this building: Z_No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ves( ) NopQ *** *** ** * * ** * *** * ************** * ******* FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* ************** ***** * * ******* *** ***** O'lfrer Fees:DaE Received: DRB Fees:Ac€eobdhr: Planner Siqn-ofi:J"A u,. F/et/eryondfonns/plmbperm Y,i* Town of Vail Survey Community Development Departnent Russell Fonest Director, (970)47e.213e Check all that applies. 1. Which Departnent(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin Planning DRB PEC Was your iniUal contact witt our std immediate_ slow _or no one avdable*__,_? lf you were required to wait how long was it before you were helped? 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was ttris yourfinttimeb file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit_ ttUA Please rate fie performance of the slaf person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overallefiecliveness of fte Front Service Counter. 5 4 g 2 1 What is the best time of day for you to use fie Front Service Countef 9. Any commenb you have which would allow us to beter serve you norttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. o. t. c TO!{IT OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPI-,ICAI{:T CONTRA TOR OWNER Description: Enclose lofE, add bed/bath Occupancy: R1 IlE)e Construction: V NI\pe Occup€rncy: DEPARII{EMT OF over garage Multi-Family Type V Non-Rated StaEus...: ISSITED EastApplied.. : 04/23/L999Issued...: 05/05/L999Expires..: LL/OL/L999 Pbone: 970-949-4L86 Phone z 97Q-949-4L86 NOIfE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT AI,,L TTMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit, #: 899-0084 Job Address: 5129 BLACK BBAR I,l[ tocaEion. ..: 5129 Black Bear tane Parcel No. . : 2099-L82-L0-019 Projects No. : PR^f99-0020 BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRU TION P O BOX 701, VArr, CO 81658 BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 701, VArr, CO 81558 coNYERs DAVrD ,r _- -TO^V/Co mm. Dev.coNYBRs DAVID 'J TOV/CC844 ELK PARK DR RrvA crrAsE, GotDEN 8?a83.,.-t,tp p FireDLac€ Infotuation: Regtricted: y *Of +tttt.tr.trrtr* F8E sul'tr{ARY .00 Tocal CalcuLagcd Fcc6---> 1.5e3.0o 1Oo. oo Addition.l E6es---------> .0O 33.75 Tocal Peruic Fa.--------> 1.5a3.oo 2So.00 P.l||n€n!6- - - - 1,503 .00 BAIANCB DUE---- Valuation:96, 150 Rc.tuaranh Pl.n Rewier--> DRB Pae ------- Racreauion Pac----------> c16an-Up [reposiC- - - -- - - - > TOTAJJ PEES.- ..- *of wood/Pa11.c. Building-----> Pl,.h Ch6ck- - - > Inw€6tigaELoh> 725 . OO 47r.28 .oo WilI CaIl----> 3.o0 'rrtt r *t ', r r rtt* trtrt * tr.?rr ttr t tt *tt rrrrrr rtt tatt r.r Item: 0510004/27 /L9990s'/os'/L999IEem: 0540004/27 /L999 05'/ o5'/L999IEem: 05500 04/27 /L999rEem: 05500 04/27 /1999 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Diwision:KATIIY ACTiON: NOtrE ROUTEd EO iIR\TRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JRM PI,ANNING DEPARIII{ENT DEPE: PI,ANNING DiViEiON:KATI{y AcEion: NCrE Rout,ed to Al]-isonJRM Action: APPR approved per allisonFIRE DEPARIIVIEIIT 'Dept: FIRE Diwision:KATITY ACTiON: APPR N/APTBLIC WORKS -. Dept: PIIB WORK Division:KATIIY Actsion: APPR N/A 'riri 'rr t a t *l} r firrtttttt t a t tr rit'! ta I hcr.by rckrtorlcdg. chag I hav. r.rd thi6 aplrlic.tion, filtrd out in ful,1 che inforution fequlred, coEPI.t.d an pl.n, and .Cat. lhats rll tshc lnfon tLon provl,ded a. rcquired i6 correc!. I .grGG to cooply tith th. {nforaaEion acculrbr ploc .nd plog PI.n, 6ubdi]ri6lonte c.fitrly rlth al.L Tovn oldinance6 .rtd sg.te 1avr, ud lo build thia aElucturo cod.r, d.6i$r revl'.* approwcd, lJniforn Buildlng cod6 and other ordin.Dceg of gh! See Page 2 of this Document for any condj.t,ions that may apply Eo t,his permit. Refund approved amount date Add Sq Ft,: 225 Ga6 Appli.ances: #of eaa Logs r REQI'ESTS EOR IIISPECTIONS SHAI& BE IIADE TT|EITTI-FOI'R HOI'RS IN IDT'A.IICB BY FROI| S:00 Al| 5:0O Ptl ******************************************************************************** Pernrit #: 899-0084 Job Address: tocation: Parcel No: CONDTTIONS as of 05/06/99 elo olrsR Status: ISSIJBD Appliect: 04/23/L999 Issued: 05/05/L999 To Br<pire. LL/oL/L999 ***************:t*********************************************************:r****** Permit tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BITILD PERIr{IT epplicant : BROWN-WOLIN CONSTRUqTION 970-949-4L85 5129 Black Bear Lane East 2099-L82- 10-019 Description: Enclose loft, add bed/baEh over garage Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIMCK FOR EODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. AI.,L PENETRATIONS TN WALLS,CETLTNGS,AND FTOORS TO BE SEALED WITH A}I APPROVED FIRB IIATBRIAL. 3. SMOICE DETECTORS ARB REQUIRSD IN AI,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.I_ OF TIIE 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTI,TENT APPROVAI, IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAI.I BE STARTED. Prlu'|t lt slDd: Cf,lCtr f,ot CioD! | 8028 Palll,t Bo. P.rrcrl lfo ! giEq lddr...: tpcatlon. rht. P.trranc lol|l Fo..: 1,553. OO Totirl M, PrC.: !t9-ooa/a rytr.3 l-l|E rID/rIjf ||? Bqfi.D PR 2099-182 -10-019 5129 BI.ICA BAAR l.lf 5129 B1.ck 8.ar Lanc B..e Balanca: 1.S93.0O 1,583. OO .00 lccor.|rlE Coda BP OO100003111100 DR 001000031le200 P? OO1oOO031123 00 ID D2-DEPO' Rl 11,100003112700 tfc oo100003r12800 Dc.crlption BI'ILDII'C 9ERIIIT PEIS DBgIGII RIIIIET PEBI' PLTI CSECK FBES CIJAINUP DEPOAITg RICRBAIIOd FEEII IIIL! CI.LL DIgPBCTTOI PBB .lrcurt ?2S.00 80.00 47L - 29 2S0.00 33.75 3-00 DBPOSII nl'UIID NEPOPI- UEDIIIPRlPInID 610?loo' 9r:a ! o0 PRdnAr gRalsg tovtr of v.Il Plca 1 cgat-tD ctts5otGB n |E TI?E DBPO TT DEPO!'IT-ID' TD'IXII EFT TrIR-ru'UDID tI-DrA! lt-Dll lxnnT rlbull ll|on|T rrcUl}IcHlnoa@Dt DBSCnTPTIOII 1a69 899-0084 BROtOI-LOL @r!|lREer D2 DaPOS DEPOSTT 5/07199 6/07/00 2sO.00 25O.0O 250'OO- rotf,Ar, PoR cnltroiiti rtPE! D2 ------;;;:;;- ------;;;:;;- -'----;;;:;;: .oo .oo OR ID TgIuJ | 250'00 250'00 25O'O0- DIPOSIT @I'ITT: 1 c/r, BATcg cnElIlD! EATCtt-01a79 2000/06 OSBrD-iIPOPBCR lP HlElt COItnr-1.00 itrorrNT-250.00 t -3llz 4.. --^ LOnf,act ^-^L ?J-2.!u w Llh-7 PE5Q'6A0 APR 2 s ru99 , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDUIt***************************** PERI{IT TNFORMATION *****************************tl'-Jf,1-nuiraing 1/1-rrurnuing fi]-nlectricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Eagle C 28-8640 20 nEy work class: [ ]-New 1y'1-arterat{"{, frl-edditional [ ]-Repair t l-other Number of Dwelling Units t L Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: . , nA^) iurr,oruc, 1 93,15o , 2tErJEcrRrcAL, lSJn OTHER: $ Address z f. o.Bot 7of U",itT.6-/GB Electrical Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiL Req. NO.Phone Number: -qffi - zJl . No. /od-A Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: roR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:Date F^aived- BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: CLBA}I UP DEPOSIT REFIIND r{}: APR 25 lqn 6 rn,"^' h.lrt l,'n Q'oJ. )r-, P, o. Bov 7" t Q"\1, Co g /69E 75 roulh tronlrge road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ottlce of communlly deyelopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VArL ,,i TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTy DE\IELOPMENT r{,ARCH 16, r.988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE ?lf .grJ.*Er^* -h)o/,n 6,*t, T* rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any ""if,-r""i, sand, debrisor naterial , inctuding trash iunpster!, p"ii.ui" toilets andworkrnen vehicres, upon-any streetl ;i;;;"ik;-;ii;y or pubricp1?:" or any portion theieof. rhe right_"i_;;t-;n aII Town ofVail streets and.Igag, is approxirnateiy 5 ft.-Lfi pavement. !This ordinance wirr be. striiliy -lnforced by the Town of Vair IPublic works DeDartment. peri6ns found viataiin; this ordlnancewilr. be given a 24 hour written ""Ii""-ti^;;;#;'=aid mareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi--';;;piy with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine-speciii;;,"d"-;ffitic worksDepartrrent wirl remove said nateiiai-ii-irr"'I*i!ise or personnotified. The provisions or irris ordinance sharr. not beapplicable to c-onstruction, -riirrt"r.nce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in it"-rigfri-"_ruy. To review ordinance No- G in furl, please stop by the Town ofIlll Pfilding Departrnent to obtiin a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Rea Y on/Ia ect (i.e. contractor, owner) BUILDING PERI.JIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If this peryrlt requires a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval,Ensineer'.s (.publ i. tll_:l review ano approvail-i iiii,,iini'b.pr"*untreview or.Hea't th Department review, anb' a-r"uie; Li-il.;;"ErTioingDepartment' the estimated time for-a totar "eui""-iluv"i.i!'a, tongas three weeks:. fl] cgmmgrgiar (rarge or smail) and ail murti-familv permits wi'Hhave to fol'low the above rnentioned maximum requirem'enii.""ilsioentia.land.sma'l 1 projects should take a resser amount of time. However, irresidential or smaller.projects impact the various auou. m!ntioneadepartments with reqard to necessary review,-ur.i" ir"j..ii'ruyalso take the three weef< perioJ. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit.as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. /l-lng^B*r"-lrlrl," h,,?r.. , 75 3oulh trontage road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2139 olflce of communlty devclopmelrt Date WorI Devel opment Depa rtment. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED NO7 t/ t/ ,/ / Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Works otfice or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, tho Town. qf Vail Construction Inspec-tor, at 479-218. 1) ls this a new residence? 2') ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4') ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed lo sile other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfeciing the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a'Bevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community I have read and answered all guestions. C^ur* Qr^u)" Contractor's Signature YES t/ / Job TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGB ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DBPARII,IEN:T OF COMMT]NITY NOTE:TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI'MBING PERMIT PMENT .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: P99-0082 o DEVELO ,Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: ProjecE, No.: 5129 BLACK BEAR LN 51.29 BI,ACK BEAR LN 2099-L82-L0 -019 PR,t99-0020 staLus...: IssIlED Applied. -: o7/29/L999 Issued. . -; O7/29/L999 Erqrires - -: OL/25/2OOO Description: PLIJMBING FOR REMODEL rr*ir*t*rlr.tl FEE Phone: 970-904-5516 Phone: 970-904-5516 Valuation:5, 000 . 00 suuMluay rir* r ** APPTICAIiIT SI]NDANCE PLI'MBING & HEATING , AVON, CO 81620 COIflTRACTOR SI'NDANCE PLIJMBING & I{EATING , AVON, CO 81620 OWNER CONYERS DAVID .J 844 ELK PARK DR RIVA EHASE, GOLDEN CO 80401- PluEbing-----> Plan Check- - - > Inve6Eigation> 75. O0 - o0 rii 11 call---- > 3-oo Restualanc PLan Revier- - > TOTAL FEES- - - Tota1 calculated Feea---> 96.'rs.00 Addilional Fee6---------> Totsa1 Pcrmits Fee--------> Pay0ent6------- 96.'tS ",...""...TH::.?Yl:;;.;;;.::;;;:...,.....,-.;::".. ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIiIENI DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: O7/29/L999 JFJT4 ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED .]RITfirbm:'.ose oo FrRE DEPARTIjIEI{:r Depts: FrRE Division:O7/29/L999 iIRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAT 1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIANCE. rrrr*arar*trart rr*t*rrr*arrl,trt trtt*'tt*irr*t*rr*ftar*trttarttatrrtt*riritti*tt DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledEc €hat I have lcad this applicafion, fitled out in futl fhe informrtsion required, coupletcd an accurrte plot plan, and gtsaee lhae all thc inforBacion provided as r€quir€d is colrecE. I agree Co couply with tha infoldaEion and plot plan, to couply rrith atl Tovn ordinances and E|tsale latE, and to build t'hi6 strucEule according !o ghe Torn'6 zoning and rubdiviBion codc6, de6ign rewier. alrprowcd, UnLform Buildihg code and other ordinanc66 of fhe To$n aPplicable th6reto. REQUESTS FOR tNSpEefIONg SHAT IJ BE MADE TV|EFTy-rOUR HOttRS IN AD\nNcE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213A oR AT OnR OPFICE FROII B:00 Alt 5:00 PM ,./ rr, IE-' "-- \^':i\-"-/\'/\ -SIGNATN'RE OF OWNER OR(CO!@ACIOR FOR HIIiISBLF AND OTJNER m t ot vAtti, ctloRlDo 8taE.!nE ECrt.urC llrnbarr nlc-0549 Munt ! P.lrDrnt tLthod: ct( xotsrgion: 96,73 o7/29199 ro.ta 1|72lslrNDNlcE hlt ! l,c P.rois No3 P99-o082 rypc. B-PItlB PLITSBMG PERI,IIT P.rc.l Noi 2099-182 -10-o!t gLCG tddtrst i 5129 BIACK EEAR Llf Locllion: 5129 BLACR BEIR I,lI Thl. P.lmants Tottl PaG6 ! 95,75 ToCal N,Ir Pars: Ealanc€: 96.75 96.75 .o0 Account codc DasctlpcLon PP 00100003111200 PIJIrltBItlO PERIIII IBEA pF o01oo003112:too P! Dt cttBc$ PBEa rC 00100003112900 nILL cALl, DISPECIIoN PBg ldounE 75.00 ts.75 3.00 Permit # TowN oF vAilaoNsTRUcTtoN pERMtT AatcATtoN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE RTJECTED Contac't the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-326-6640 for Parcel # larcel# >-oQR \ $IL\OG \\ n",", z[re tqa jobName: (- rNte-f- JobAddress; K\rA. B\acL- b.:oc-L,r., Building ( )Plumbingftf Electrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other ( ) LegalDescription: t-ot-/E-atocx--,? Filing s',ooivision &NE &E* OwnenName: f ,-.*f,,..-te-{- Address: Architect: Description ofloU: Rp.-rrSJ..e-\ Alterationft Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances \ Gas Logs BIJILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ PLUMBING $ S€CC,. Oer MECHAMCAL$ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Wood/?ellet General Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. \Cr\ P Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: v CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: JUL 21 1gg9 Date Receivet TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CTJRRENTLY REGISTERED WTTTI THE TOWN OFVAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JMTY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE A. B. C. D. E. CODE 5-2-10: ITEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unland.rl for any person to liter, track or deposiq or cause to be littere4 tracked or deposited, san4 gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of zubsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mu{ dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agen! may cause any such sand, giavel, rocks, mud, dirq snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at tlre expense of the notified. Exceptions: The provisions of subscction A hereof shall not be applicable: t . Wittrln ttre immediate area of any constructioq maintenance or repair proj ect of any street or alley or of any water maiq sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurlenance thereto; Z . To deposits of san4 dirt or materials necessary for the protection of th€ prrblic safetg and 3. To pu-blic areas designat€d for the dumping or depositidg of said materials. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes anotler to violate the same, may be issued a summons to ippear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l ofthis code. notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fril or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereoi and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incuned by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be p*irttuUt" as provided in Section 14-l of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Readandacknowledgedby: /-"= r-,€- \- \ (i.e. contractor or owner) Position or Relationship to Project: TOWI,I OFVAIL Departmcnt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAIi{CE TIME T'RA}T[, If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review ofHealth Deparunent review, and a review by the Building Depaf,finent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-frmily permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparunent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time firame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was nrned irto the Community Dwelopment Dept. {p'nt"uo" o' MEMORANI'UM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWNOFVAIL PUBLIC WORKSDATE: JANUARY l. 1999RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED JOBNAME: DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNATRE REGARDING TI{E NEm FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIP t ,- l. Is this anew residence? YES NO f 2. Is demolition work being perfonned that reguires the use of the Righ-of-Way, eas€rnents or public property? YES_ NO__L 3. Is arry utility wort nceded? YES_ NO__ '_ 4. Is the driwway being rcpaved? YES No_{- 5. Is a diferent access needed to the site other than the oristing &iveway? YES- NO-{ 6. Is any drainage wort bei4g.done that affec'ts the Rightof-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO T/ 7. Isa"RwocableRight+f-WayPermif rcCuircd? YES_ NO 8. A. Is the Right+f- or public property to be used for shging, ptrkiry or fenciry?YEs_ No_ B. If NO to 8d is a p,9ffirg staging or fencing plan required by Communig Developmem?YES NO V/ If you answered YES to ary of these questions, a'?ublic Way Permif must be obtained 'Public Way Permif applications uay be obtained at the Pubtc Wort's office or at Comrnmity Dwelopment. If you have any qucstions please catl Leonard Sandoval from Public Worts at 479-2198 I IIAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Conhactor Signatue Company Name II Date: >tr?tn \ l. , J. 4. 5. 6. 1 PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Constructioq Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffrc control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5s. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,, CO 8L557 970-479-2L38 APPLIEANT CONfR.ACTOR OWNER Elcctrlcal---> DEPARl!,tEtlT OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.OPIJIEIIT NCIIE: TIIIS PERITIIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEqTRICAT PERMIT .Iob Address: 5129 BLACK BEAR Ifi I,OCAEiON. . . Z 5L29 BI,ACK BEAR IN Parcel No.. : 2099-L82-10-019 Project No. : PRJ99-0020 BI'RNETT PLI'MBING, HEATING, ELEC. P.O. BOX 250, Mint,urn, CO 81645 BT'RNBTT PLT]MBING, HEATING, ELEC. P.O. BOX 250, Mintsurn, CO 8L645 COI{YERS DAVID .' 844 ELK PARK DR RIVA CHASE, GOI.,DEN EO {IOBSITE AT AI,L TII4ES Permit #: 899-0133 SLaEus...: ISSITED Applied..: 07/3O/L999 Issued...: 08/02/L999 Ercpires. . : 0L/29/2000 Phonez 303-82'l-5562 Phone: 303 -827-5562 80401 Valuatlon:3,600.00Description: EtECfRTcAL FOR ADDTTToN rti*rtirrrrra.r.'rrrtrarirtttt.trit.trttl'rt*rtrti*ttttt'r'rtrri FBE suul,lARY trtttt*rrrirrl*rrit!r*ttitt***rl' *i*ttt*ttrt'rttttwJat,*r'rat DRB F.. .o0 Total calcufated Pees- - - > Additional Pee6-__---_-_> Total Pcnde Fec--------> Pa)m€nEs - - _ - - - _ - hv6Etig.!lon> 72 .OO , o0 ?5 ,00 . o0 75 .00 75 .00will Crll----> 3 .00 TOtAr, FEES---> 75. OO BAIINCE DUA- - -- - rl'rrrrtrttrrrrr rritr*rrrr*rrrrrttrtttrrttttrirr.lt ttr*itrlr rrti t* *ir ttttt*ttrttttta*ttirttt *lat * IEem: O6OOO EI,ECTRICAI-. DEPARIT'{ENT DCPE: BUIIJDTNG DiViSiON: 07/30/T999 .'RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED J-RI'[itaft;'65660-it1-ne DgPlii.llrEl1i -Dept: FrRE Division: 61116/7999 'rm'l AcEion: APPR N/A rrrtrtra*rrrtararriitrrrl,rr,rtatrrt,rartrrrilrr rrrtttrrrt*ttt*rrrrt* lr1*t**tttrtttrrttttt tta ttfta *.rtl'ttatttttttttt!l 'lttt CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1 . FIELD INSPBCTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIATiICE. rrr,irrrrrrrrrt. rrrr.rrrrrttr,rr,r*t*,tlJirratrr*rrtr.rrrltr.rrttaatrtttttaalttatitilttirrrJ'ratttrrttittat DECI-.ARATIONS I h.Ecby ecknorlldgG th.t I have r.ad bhi6 rpplicablon, fill.d ouc in full thc infolsrgion r.quired, cooE L.ccd an lccurtE' ttlot plen, end .batc thrts .tl th€ inforuaEion prowldad as r.quirad io corr!c!. I .gr.G to corlltly rtgh the I'nfor6.!1on rnd PloL plrn, io coupty rlth all To|.n ordinanc.s and Berca lars, and to bulld !hl,s .lructura aecording co tshc Tot|tr'6 zonlbg thd lulcd''wL'ion codca, dccign ravlct approvad, uniforb Building codc and othcr ordittanc.r of tsh. Torn aPplicabl. gharGEo' REQUBSTS FOR INAPECTIONA AHAIJT BB MADS TWBfTY-POITR HOURS I A.DlA.lreE Ba IBIJEPIIONB AT {79-2138 OR AT OUR OIFICE FROII 8:00 AU 5:00 srolltruRB oF coNTRACTOn FOR tllilSELP o IOE Ot Vrn. OOrcnrDo at tfilC atarrtttrarir''rttrr|ratta**tttriat!rotf aa Scrta[nE llllb.r ! IIC-05a6 lDunt! Prltrne l|.ehod! Ctr XoE.Clon! 33700 '75.00 09/02/99 08 340 lnlt e BR P.I|!il l|or 199-0133 ll|I'r ! B-EJBC BttEelRtcl! PERt|ll Prrs.l f,o! 2099-192 -10-019 8ic. Addr.... 5129 BLA€( AAIR lll lJoorEl,on: Et29 BLICK BEln ltt ll|l. P.ltrant Iocal Fa.a s ?5. 00 lobl N.tJ hca ! Btlrncs ! 75.00 ?g. oo .00 lccounE Coda Dercrlptlon lP 00100003111400 llrteltlclll pERtIT FEut nc 00100003112300 mLt ctIJL IttBpEeIIof plE trlounl 72.00 3.00 1 lfContact Eagle County Assessors {,rudi'; :'i-iw,'; ; : ;; :t Ilv '3[X"?[ Xill,8lffi 3$'s3ip DATEz ?- 2.?-?/ t APPIJfCATION UUST BE FfLLED OlIl COI'IPIJTBLY OR IT ltAY NoT BE AccEpTED x***************************** PERI{IT INFORI{ATTON *****************************rl [ ]-Bullding t l-prunbing [pf-Electricat I J-Mechanlbat I J-other Offlce 89?-oo?t PERI"IIT iI d Job Address: Block_ Filing susprvrsroN, Appliances_ cas Logs_ I{oodlpetlet VAI;UATTONS * * * * ** *** * * ** ** **** ***i * * * * * ***** Job Name: Legal Oescription: Lot #tu"t and T11pe of Flreplaces: Gas ,t********************************* BUILDTNG: S PLI'MBTNG: $ I***************************tlF Eeneral Contractor: OTHER: $ TOTAL:- Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI.AN' CHECK FEE: PLI'I{BING PIAN CHECK FEE:UECHANICAI PI.AT{ CIIECK FEE3 RECRE.ATION FEE: CIJEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUIITDING: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNAtrI'RE: owners Name: Copyel_< f u'J f Address: A@pin.q%_2?f S Architect:Address:Ph. ceneral Description:y'J + c*t t?* t-,, /J o o ,rvt-4 6o s.a- -44T9e G.-i /1 *CA work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [r]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dvelling Units:Nunber of Accomnodatlon Units: Address: Ae*_t- Plunbing Contractor: Mechanica Address: PUtl'tBING PERMfT FEE: }IECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: ELECTRICAL: $ 3,6oo.o MECHANICAL: $- coNIRAqIOR INFOR!,!A!IoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: !.own o! v-air neg/P;E Phone number fy'$ ca'r : iTL Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nunrber: Town of Vait Reg. NO. Phone Number: clErx uP tposlT REtrItf,D lO: hwn 75 roulh Inontegr road uall, colorado 8165? (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2t39 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: rn surnrna4r, ordinanse No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to titter, track or deposit.;t-r;iti-"Jt?, sand, debrisor material, i":t:gllt_trash h.rnp=ter=, portable toilets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl siaewaixr -;ri;y or pubricptace or any porri6n tn.ir"il--rn" ;i;h;;i;;;-ln arr rown orVail streets ind.rg"g= is afiroi-ir"I"iv-s-it.-iri pavernenr.This ordinance w1t] be.;ari;Il;"enforced by the Tohrn of vaitPublic works DeDartment- pers6ns found .rii,r"tr'g this ordinancevi1l be siven a 24 hour r=iii;;';"ii""-ti-;;;;;"r.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within a':__r1 frour tine-lieciried., the puitic WorksDepafrment wilr remove said nateii"i-"i-[rrJ'!*pIi=e of personnotified' The provisions-ot-tirl orainance shirr. not beapplicable to cbnstruction, ,oirri"rur,ge 9-r repair projects ofany street or alLey or any utiiiiies in the rijrrl-u_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tolen of:::i"::ti:i"3"Tf;i**:lr":i"";;;i" a copv- rira,,i vou for your Read and acknorrledr:rert trrr. offlcc ol communlty developmcnt ALL CONTRAETORS CTIRRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITTT lHETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC LoRKS/COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT IIARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & UATERTAI.. STORAGE acknowledged F*te-ee (i.e. contractor, owner) luwn 75 louth tronlrgc .ord utll, colorrdo 81657 lso3't 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 offlcc of cornmunlty doy.lopmcnl UILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,EngineerLs (pubric !11=) review anJ ipp"ouut,'a ptJnnin!'D"pu"t "ntreview or Hear th Departrn6nt review, -an['"-r"uiJ ;i-;;;;";rTt oi n9 SSri[SE',1;"ll: ."t'. ted tine tor'a-totar ;";i;,-;";"Li!'u, r ons A'll cornmerc-ial (1arge or sma'n) and ail multi-family permits wirlhave to for'row the ibove menti6niJ-maximurn requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd take a teiier'amouni or time. However, ifresidentiar or smarler,projects impiit the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to-necessiiy-rev.iew, these projects mayalso take the three weet perioJ.- Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - vv s^P\-s' r's el I:-j!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. Communi ty Devel ooment Department. o DEVETOTOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8t657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIII{ENT OF COMMT,NITY NOTE: TITIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MBCIIANICAL PERMIT 8L645 8L64s PMBNT ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES PermiE #: M99-0109 Job Address... z 5t29 BLACK BEAR rN Location......: 5129 BLACK BEAR LAl.lE Parcel No. .. .. : 2099-L82-10-01-9 Proj ect, Number: PRiI99-0020 APPI,ICANT THE HBARTH EXCITANGE INC P.O BOX 570, MII{'TURN CO CONTRA TOR THE HEARTII EXCHANGE INC P.O BOX 570, MTIiITLTRN co OWNER Descriptsion: INSTAI,I-, HE,AT AIiID GI,O GAS APPI.IAIiICE Lof 9.6 ApPlirnceE t staLus...: IssItED Applied..: 08/L2/t999Issued...: 08/L2/L999 E:qrires. . : 02/oe/2ooo Phone : 82"1 -9623 Phonez 827-9623 COI{YERS DAVID J 844 BLK PARK DR RIVA CHASE, GOTDEN CO 80401 Valuation: *of Grs Loga: 2, 000 . 00 *of tfood/Pallsb:Firoplac. Inf orllacion: R€Fcrictad: y ttr**rrrrr.rtrrrr.r.trrrrrr.rtrr.trr'rfrr'rrrtrrr!rr+rt.*,r.rttr. PBB ftullli{AnY rtttgttrttrttt**t'rrtat*.|lt*atti*'}tttt*'rrtirr**tttttttt" 40.00 10 .00 40 .00 will call----> 3.oo BAIA!{CB DUE---- .0o a r at 'rt tt*trrtat t trirltt*t*rrt***i'ttt'*itir*"**'rlt**'itt***t**t'trtrtt*rr*r:Jttittt|rt'"rtt*ttatti*t'rrtltttt*attrttirttt BUILDING Divieion:ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIT'TENIT- _oe7lztl999-dwt Action: APPR APPRoVED Itsbm:' 05600 FrRE DBPARTIIIENI-o67T2/1:999-ont'l-- - AcEion: APPR N/A 146chrnical---> Plan chack- - -> Inv€atlgatlon> RagcuaraDb Plan Ravieir_-> .00 DRB F.c---1---- .00 TOTA! ABES----- Tolrl calculats.d Fea6- - - > .lddition.l F!€s- - -- - - - - - > total PcrBiE Fe€--_-_---> Paymant6---_---- 93 .00 . o0 93 .00 93.O0 Dept: iIRM-Dept:FIRE Division: 1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. s. COI{DITION OF APPROVAL FIELDINsPEeTIoNsAREREQUIPSDTocHEcKFoR-cpDE-qoMPLIAIvgE.b6ffi6stl6fr-iiR-f5 irsoul-nEn -pEn sec. 701 0F rHE LeeT IrMc, oR sEgrroN 701 oF fiIE 1997 rMq. ______ " - ifrEinii,A+i6n-l,ru5t-c6frFonr.,r io,.l"rAlnrFAcrlngs rNsrBgcTIgNs-ALrDtit- ffi-prER- i o''6F - rfrE-' i 5-gf' tdS, -elAfrn 1 0 -oF TtIE-le e 7 ruc' Sffi}E*#fiX+;3H!'E-.'VISE?o'^Sf; 8$6H"oFo''ffi*iBB+$"f, o* CIIAPTER S Op TIIE 1997 IMC._i"Cci35"t6 Fi'Atr-fre-E6ur Fi,iffrr Mu€T couPlY - wrrllicI-IAPTER 3 Al{D'sEEli 6 r ? - oit-r"uE- - i s5 7 -ItMC-ti!,ID-E14 grrn 3 9E -T-H-E--l e 9Z. rMc' E6 iLEi.S' sFAr,i- Es *MoItui'ED -qN - r-i-ED4F - o F NONcq!'trgq T-r-EtE coNsr' sHHfi tillItfr"E^Fg.;88H*ififfi ;gi;:ff "qf, 'f; E'FoEt88*lNn'EcHANrcA', Bf;ffiitEdS;ifi"HofiI8if 'H58il'*88ffi81u'"q EFATrNe-eB. Hor-wArER 5tsi"x;Esfi-=f8#HFlil'sgl+rsp l6ffi e gFqft""lt6ry ifiE.'*" ********************************************!t*!t********************************* DBCT,ARATIONS t h.r.b!r tdcrorhdgc thrt t h|r. r.rd tl|t. Trfrlicrtlon. fllhd ouh {n full t}rr infoar.cidt rrquia.d, ooqtl.t.d.n rccunc. Plot plrn, l|rd at.t. thrc .ll ch. infor rtlcn provldrd r! r.quir.d ir corr.ct. I agr.. to coqtly llth th. lafotr.closl |Bd Plot 91.n, to coq)ly rlth rll ?oln ordinrnc.r tnd abata lrr!, .rld go bulld ghlt atructurc rccordlng to eb. Io'rlr'l rcrlng rnd rubdivlllon cod.., drElgn ravr.at attplovrd, t nlfotr Eultdlng Ooalr lnal oth.r ordlnmcaa of thr 1oryn qDlicrbla blrcrato. Rlot,ltls lon lt|a?lcllof,3 gHlt r. Bl IIDI lllfu|la-totn !$uRa rf, lD\tAllcl 2131 OR It OIR Ofllcl FRO|| a:OO ll| 5300 P$ ard|tT{na or or En oR @Fl?AcToR toR llll,sEr.F NID OtlNSr, ,r"..r.r*ttrt;trt.tttt.t.ttttttt lEn Or Vtt!. @!.oirF 6CTCSC SErElBlt trLEb.r ! l!g-0550 le)ung 3 Prtrr.nt Lthod 3 Cl|lct( Iocrclotr r f51aa t3.00 0r,/1a,/9t 0l t!5 lnlE: Rltrf 9.!rlC f,os I9t-010, lltDr t B-IEeH r|lcHllncl'r PlRllIT P.rc.l no3 2ot9-1el-!,o-o19 Sllq lddr.!.. 5129 BLICN BEln Llf Loc.tlon! Al29 II|ACr BErR, tllrE BaLrrc!: .00 r iitrtttttt ttta*'taftaa t'ttt!, ttt'| fit i ttttt tttt+ tt tata rtttttti trtt tt lotrl t.ar ! 93.00 Tot l l!! P!t! !t'lrl. Pryrang lccgunE coda Daacripglon 93.00 93.00 lDlurl a0.oo 10.00 l|P 00100003111300 tllCtDlflCAl.r PlmtT 1883 Pt OOlOOOO3ll2rOO PfJ$l CHfCf, Fltg rc oolooooSlt2eoo Er.rr clr.! tlfggreftotr Fll 3'o0 Pf, OO10OOO3153OOO fmtEgTICltrTI4f tlg (BI'DO)a0.00 a. 2. 8AlLLlI999 15:45 9?98279222 PAG€a2 -t l-Buil ifob Namet IregaI j.',{ncilg r;elrel-'a1 norlc Nqnber of drrrrorto: PIJ'}I8ING! F::.:: Pn.a.4qfltL . no.124-?1 Qo* oF vArr, co's'Rugrro-t{ O_PTNUTT APPI,ICATION FORI{ DNEEz E'//1€ FII,IED OUT COI{PI,ETEI,X OR IT }TAY (*'"ia [ ]-Plunbtng I t-Electrl'oal I rf-Meananlcal a,IoU ldaresez 5 bE-!.! Brock;l Addressl Addrcss: G;:::r.; criptlon: 3 [ J-Nes I ELECTRICALT l- uEcrtANrcAL z +-,A.@-*- * * * * * t * * :l * :f, * * * * * * * @NTRAqIoR INFORUAIIION ***i********l********tl***i Town of vail Reg. No'-. Phqne Nuuberci Tartn of Vail tfown of Vail Addressi Electr Address: Plwnblng Address: ilechanl Contractor; Addresst ********* BUIIJ'ING 9LU}TBING UECHANI EI,ECTRI O:$IER DRB FEEI F"s- Nb--- 'i heg- No.-- Nuruber f Vail Nunber Plrone . Town Ptrone fown of Vail Phone l{unber: ********.*******l*****r FoR oFFICE USE a*****r*****tt************ltt FEEs EEE: PERIIT FEE: 8EE: OT FEE:' BUTLI}ING: SISNATI'RE: ZONING! 9IGNAITTIRE: EUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE! I PH'UBING PIAN CHECK FEE: i ttscnANrclr, PraN cHEcK FE4r RECRE,ATION FEE: CIJE.AII-UP DEPOSITc TOIAL PERUIT FEESI Typ€ of, Fireplaces! Gas Appll'ances / cus rl"ogs-l wFod/Peuet-' *** * ******* ****** ** *r*** VAIUATJ olls *** *****i**** * *****ir***********'t* Contractor: I Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Narne: Conyers Residence Proiect Description: Master bath addition over garage and enclosure of loft C)wner, Address. and Phone: David Conyers 22525Tree Top Lane Golden. CO E0401 303-548-5067 Architect/Contact, Address. and Phone: Pam Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 476-220r Project Street Address: 5129 Black Bear Lane Legal Description: Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision Parcel Number:Building Namc: Comments: Additional Proposed GRFA : 250 sq. ft. (not a 250 request) Total GRFA allowed; 3638.5 sq. ft. Existing GRFA: 3296 sq. ft. Remaining GRFA: 250 sq. ft. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions:l. Materials to match existing Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 212199 Pro.iect Name: Conyers Residence VAILDATA\[VERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ I DRBAPPR Na Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApproved with conditions Na DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 REF,T131 TOt^lN OF VffIL, CSLORADO F,AGE 4 o5/e4lgotto rzrT:49 RE0uESTS^-. INSpECTN WORK sHEETs FOfi:J/?4/74 AREAr CD========= ======+========= ======I- =========Activity:899-rata84 3/e4/'etil fype: A-FIF StatnF: I55UED Constr: AlvlF Address: 51Eg BLACK tsERR LN Location: 5lE9 L{lack Bear Lane East Farcel: ErZr99-1Ae-18-tZl19 Ecc: Descripbionr Enclose loft, add bed/btath over qal'age Flppl icant : BROIJI{-WULIN trgNST RUCTION Fhone: Ownei'; CONVERS DAVIII J Fhone; Contractor': BROI,JN-I,JOLIN CONSTRUCI IOhl Fhone: Use: V N 970-949-4166 I7A-949-4146 1n s pect i on Request Requestor'; RICH Req Time: E6:0ti1 Items reqlrested to ti;lri4tr90 BLDG-F i. na I I n format i on. . 949-6647 f-AX f,omments: KEY be Inspected. RESL SLAB I{ULE. Fct ion Fhone: TB THE RT Eomment 949-41S6 UF GflRflGE Time Exp Inspect i an History.,... EE5lra driveway gnade final ftrzrtAlCr FLDG-Foot ings/5t ee I t;ittAaeta iilil-lt6-For-rndat i onlSt ee l EIZilA3B BLDG-FPaming &A/W5/99 Inspector': GRG ta€tt;lSta BLI")G-I n suI at i on grBl lrzr/99 Inspeetor: JRf,l A'aff60 HLOii-Sheetrock Nai I AA/L7/ii Inspectcir: URii Ftction: AF,FR GOOD FAtrK UI{DER JfiCUZZI Ftct i on : AF I-'Fi dlF f'liEVEIr Ftction: AF'FR 5/8" TYPE XI THRU_trUI Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item l Itern : rAErZr'7tZl HLI"TE-I4i sc, Item : rarzr0g0 HLD6-FinerI UJ/eJlVtUl Irrspector: GiR[i Actir:n: NO LEFT I{OTE t'{E CLOSEIi... Notes! UUT FAR FLUIYIFING FINRL-LEFT NOTE RE IIEED GRRABE TO HOU5E DOOR Ttr AE SELF-CLOSING & LATCHII{}.y' NL5O. IS THERE ACCES ri] JftCUZ Z I MOTSR ? A3/U7/UUt Inspector": ART Rction: IIN Appr [.]/corr'& exceFtion: Notes: TORRECTItrN: FROVIDE SI4OKE DETECTORS AT EflCH LEVEL AND INs AND OUTSIDE OF ALL SLEEF.INE ROOMS EXI;EFTIGNT ACCESS I-'ANELS IN GARAGE CEILIFIG Dtr NOI F'ROjriDE FOR REI]UIRED FIRE 5EF.flRRTION. FANELS ARE/. SUF.F.ORI.ED ONLY BY 3/4'' I^IOOD FRflME. CALL FOR REINSF.ECTION AFTER CORREC1 ION. E' TIEPTISl TOrlI OF VAIL, COLORADO PA6E 4 AREA: CDOSlOTfmW O€dl RECUESTS - IIISPECTI| fORl( SHEETS FORz 3/ 7l2O t, t I ActJ.vLtyr 899-OO84 3t 7lm Type: A-ltF Inforrstlon. . . . . EROTI|-E,AST I/2 DUPLColrenter I(EY/UI|DR RIGHT be Actl-on Stetue: ISSUED Conetr: AllF Phone: 949-4145 GARAGE DOOR/COIICRETE HOLE Connente Tine Exp ear? < t4r f,/7f4 Z rt?iz- E?2 Addregs: 5129 BLACX BEAR LllLocatlon: 5129 Black Bear Lane Esst Part:elz 2O99-L82-1O-OI9 Occ: Use: Y NDeecription: Enclose loft, edd bed/bath over garege Appll-cant: BROlll-IOLIll COIISTRUCTIOI| Phone: 970-949-418G Orner: COIIYERS DAVID J Phone: -::t::::::::-::::l::::1i-::::::y:ll:i----------:1:i::-:!'--?n-?-!!3:------- fnapectLon Requeat Regueetor: RICH Req The: Otz@D Itera requeeted to OOO9O BLDG-FInel llls/r'4 d .?/7t/28. +r'Ht? Inepectl-on Hlatory Iter: tDO226 FrRE DEPT. IIOTIFICATIOIIIter: OO5IO drlvevay grade fl'nalIter: o,OOtO BLDG-Footlnga/Steel Iter: A$OAO BLDG-Foundation/Steel Iten: OOSZID PLAil-ILC Sl-te PlanIter: OOO3D BLDG-Frarlng OAIOS|99 Inepector: GRG OOO4O r r llot 0n Flle r r OOO5IO Bl.DG-Ingu].atLon SAlLQl99 Inapector: JRll 0o,o16;6 B|.D6-Sheetrock llell 6Al17/99 fnepectorr GRG OO9,AO r r llot 0n FiIe r r @O7O BLDG-ltlec. of,l0gO BLDG-F1na.1 O2/23/OO Inepector: GRG Iter: GO53OIterr e053lIter: oe,532Iter: OO533Iterr e;O5,37Iter: @534Iterr OO539Iter: o/0,54O CHtt Foa Reus'F/.7/a/J r?Fnr-4 coRft€rrrar- -6 Actlon: APPR GOOD PACI( UIIDER JACV?,?I APPROYED 5/8T TYPE 'X' THRU-OUT '/?:3.-Fa3 Iten:Iter: Iter: ItenrIter:Iter: Action: Actl-on: APPN APPR llotee: OUT FOR PLUIIBIIIG FIIIAL-LEFT ltOTE RE DOOR TO BE SELF-CLOSING & LATCHIIIG. TO JACUz,z: IIOTOR? BLDG-Terp. CIO FIRE-TETP. CIO PT-TETP. CfO PLAII-TEIIP. CIO PLAN-FIXAL CIO FIRE-FINAL CIO Pr-FrlrAL c/tl BLDG-FlneL CIO LEFT IIOTE RE CLOSER.. IIEED GARAGE TO HOUSE At.so, rs THERE ACCES Actlon r llo 4luaz,tt:_ h li I' REpTt3l \ TOUI| OF YAIL, CoLORADO PA6E 15 OgtOTl2O@ 98:11 RECUESTS - IXSPECTI| I|ORK SHEETS FBRz 3t 7l2e AREAs JRll ---J---------/------Actlvlty:'ll99-efO9 31 7l2O Type: B-ltECH Stetue: fSSUED Conetrr ASFR Addrege: 5129 BLACI BEAR LX Locatlon: 5129 BLACK BEAR LAflE Parcel : 2O99- LB2-f O-Ol9 Occl Uee: DeaarLptt'on: IIISTALL HEAT AllD GLO tiAS APPLIAIICEApplicant: THE HEARTH EXCHAHGE InC Phone: 8'27-9G'23 Orner: CUIIYERS DAYID J Phone: Contractor: THE HEAnTn EXCHAIIGE ItlC Phone: o.27-96'23 Inapectl.on Requeet RFgH'FIgEi 8I9BoIters'requeated to Inforration.. E8!$HtET T6?be lnepected.HBh nrsm urn[EB"66ofl13at8BtrE HoLEActl.on Corrente TLre Exp[eS55 llE[ll-Flnal. Inepection HiatoryItenr OO2@ IIECH-Rough eAl 18199 Inepector: JRllIterr AO24O PLIIB-tiae PipingellLgl99 Inepector: JRltIter: OO31O IIECH-HeatlngIter: oi0l326 IIECH-Exhauet HoodeIter: OO33O ltECll-Supply At.rIterr odl310 IIECH-lliec.fter: Og39O ItECH-Fl.nal Actlon: Actlon: APPR APPR approved under preeaure Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Building Name: Project Name: Conyers Residence Project Description: Window additions, entryway overhang addition Owner, Address, and Phone: David Conyers 2252STree Top Lane Golden, CO 80401 303-s4&5067 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Pam Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Dr. Vai[ CO 81657 476-2201 Project Street Address: 5129 Bleck Bear Lane Legal Description: Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision ParcelNumber: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 614199 Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApprovedNa DRB Fee Paid: $20 Project Nanre: Conyers Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ 1 DRBAPPR SnoWdon and Hopkins r lhitects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 970 476-2201 Fry.476.7491 vre ?a\D"doa SHEET NO. :L .Snowdon and Hopkips . ]hitects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 j w4 w^tDat+(E 970 476-2201 FAx 476-7491 w7 Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Conyers Residence Project Description: Master bath addition over garage and enclosure of loft Owner, Address, and Phone: David Convers 22525TreiTop Lane Golden, CO 80401 303-54&s067 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Pam Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 476-2201 Project Street Address: 5129 Black Bear Lane Legal Description: Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Additional Proposed GRFA : 250 sq. ft. (not a 250 request) Total GRFA allowed: 3638.5 sq. ft. Existing GRFA: 3296 sq. ft. Remaining GRFA: 250 sq. ft. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: 1.Materials to match existing Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 212199 Project Name: Conyers Residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\I DRBAPPR Board/Staff Action Na Action:StaffApproved with conditions Na DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 FROI4 :' 2-84-i996 ll,g3a1'1 .rrn-!b-9t. t5.!z llxui' LOCATION gF pRgFotiAL: Lgr: PIIYSICALADDRISS: ?l P^.RCEL': zoND{G L,Y NA'r|EOf OqhGR(ST:r,AVIr',; MAIlJl.lc oyvtYER{s) Elcilat(rRt$! NAI{E OP At?LlC.rtNt: MAtLtNO 1.{0. : HETPKINS 9-te,ll.767^ii1 r u . 9?€t7sa.|!2 * IH6{E: of c. D. E F. G. TYFE OFRSVIEW AIITP FEE;Cl NGrr CorrrrrG.t|or - tbO El ltoror. trMirctltbfior- t50 tr0 D' RB fcce ',' !o D?Fit., rr*do,. 'r*Ddtrd' Lrrcr-wharppryrat&rrhdrd*t"dten..ncrdaadry. 'rc r*v'rc vr&..ic drtc oojrr. Tro T; ofwi riii.irl * e rmil"g b Ec rfu vsdo* Jan. 1s SFlEuALgEeBuaraN Plf ll- eo"t-o Rffil5z::n::::-:*r-tg .*-+'*r ^,rf !'qh6 ;,n!E orsrrrcvrq mrs;S#ffij;1:g11".-*:?F4;;i j'=&'ffirF.ffi -ffit'*5g 'qgl$86,ilffi8ffififfiq;jff#ffi J-*rs*H:_T3iF{iffi ffi 'Envirurngril ciomrnirg-r; riclin i*;;;;--;_IJ.- -, .,* .vr;l vessst lfrqroluc nutningrdd . lr'u.io. Dcrar ir *"- --. $$i*LTti grEyu cp.L o* pt .rn*Fii-6t"'rr rrrcs r,hsding pcratr & txlu uacoiruito" ilr.id 1999 61:A-|PN P3v-z PAC8 Z/3 :Q\/pft JAN-OS-gg 0e. 03 FROn = tOV-DEV-DEPT.cou-o I D ' €r"04 ?92rl S o PAGE 3/S BUILPING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Orhcr Walt Matcrials Faqcia Soflits Windoua Win<low Trinr Doors Door J'rirn l{aud or Dcck Rails FluCs Flaslrings Chirnnsys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctainirrg llratts Extc.riw Lightingrr Otter TYPE OF MATERIAL:COI OB:. IXP 2,Vr*e-- lxk ftz*,? 2>AD lX OVmz fu-YM?xq'<a, wry w00D YYRbfr ?X4r,la tx? CEDp W#a 'Pleatgspcgifythcnunufacret'sco|or'numbqrandathchasrnallco|orchip ;'# tilffiii:tlJ"1#:#::lTlY's Lighting ordinancc t8,54.050(I). rrcrtcriorrisfiring ispoposcd.ii,"r,.rgttuuou.ilffi;J':H;,ifffiT-J;ffif :'fl;rgr*;1i$x,Hig"-6-fr;"'r 2'.UDdrrcd 6/a? N \ --s ro(t:l Dr o.o ot."o o;rl"lr-Iol ?R dfi k()7;'I rNoo 9.oNA *lo !, c'F>rt .U f. !1 € c)F.4 U, 8o5o. a? c) 4 + AN''g Or\| * tl I I I t. +!t\){, ch\| + .lt' I I I H H F rtD:F' 7f F I Fn 50ar k- F F R IL tE* t[ lrrt 14. l3lra H F E' l3L >u >v ooit !too\Joa/,oo. o F IE \$\;d \ ls + F tl F b U'oO Oroo \.c|oo t-)oo ata p. U' o o s r' 'c' o U' TJ(t f I I I 'I,o aoc U' oEo s I.,J ooo..o o, I I c, A'tJ A € o ootr (D U,actD'c)n €> o C)()go({3. o $ o- A' (n Eo erpl o q noatfi.:i = o Uc)cr \ 1 zoz l" I I I I fr,5 C)o oAs goo it' ts "o oA .'g o &r h) o a*Ro\Er, {o tlilr,,rJ tt,AllJlul{z-3lE$l\p.IEltI tJlurloto, F. 1tl'.o to 3Eo o ft'o o, o o NJ <) A E: o otr- s. a),o () !rJ > ? gFs d;,'oF's3orl| U:Io H .H t\)vl u] Q :v'Erlfctu-*Ft]Jg, E, o-,iE.K3 f.r(rr E.4::;0a = o Ba E: E Fad aP I Ilr:t'\lo\ I l'lPPc)s.9 H 2' Sg lE g €7+8Qog&3_. EE,SFF-ldR"JFt6-0E3iinF.t/' ,i d6.EF' !Jdd. Epotr.?E:,,* H .o o a a!o!:o. o o E a o c) 7i c,TJf? a c,c) 'U 3'clat:l 5op c)o3a E !Jcr.9 U ao cro P9.n GHFg 9-3i =s€ F EsF $ggF$$fl$Fs$ sP, c,(JHEE€$gHHEF utDo 2 T Eat) = gf €trs$sf rfr o a4E.E E gE86tno U' 6 tr s 5lrl() aoFl5 @o .o 'ct s\t F s E g 3'€j*E"ss g E'E g iE E E E E fi g F E s'"E Hfl.**gEg gf E s"; g E sg Itr'* g $rgsH$F5fg$$E (n 4Fl O{dooJF{ CI I I ; il 1-:) F{tt) g (J H(J F EI Hz() aaIrlA Ev) I tl ll74Jp.. Hvt o EdD(n o l-l.l'8'F p. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT dcpsrtmont of community dovelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT WPE OF PERMIT Dl eurlorr.lc G pluuerNe E elecrnrcnl ! FouNDAnoN fl MECHANTCAL ! LEGAL foerc. Lor t3 BLK__2_ FILING cor.E-caExK-e2- JOBNAME: ITOBBS ADDITION OWNER nme BRYAN HOBBS MAIL ADDRESS 51298 BLACK BEAR I crrY VAIL 81657 PH. 6-4315 ARCHITECT FIRM BRENT ALM MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRil BRYAN HOBBS rowx or vrur- neo. No. /G- L 47 6-431s ) urr.r*,.o.. CONTRACTOR FIRM BRYAN HOBBS rowN oF vArL REG. No. / 8S- C l'ae 476-4315 PLUMBING FIRM BRYAN HOBBS rowN oFvAlLR.e.*o. / f,s-LUUNIKA(;IUK rELE. 476-4315 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF YAIL REG. NO, OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TIWN OE]VAII REG, NO TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE UARCE--L!-1e94 661 1 r. wPE oF coNsTRucTroN I t I v v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DtvrsloN t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK i - 2OO SF ADDTTTON PERMIT NO. zo J- J BUILDING 23.000 - oo ELECTRICAL 500.00 PLUMBING I .000.00 IECHANICAL 25 ,000 . 00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES v-N R-3 BUILOING PERMIT 295.00 334 '....\._\E..silr R* *N PLAN CHECK I q2 00 ELECTRICAL qn nn NEW ALTERATION () ADOITIONAL (X)T REPAIR(PLUMBING 15.00/Pc L ^oo tl/' DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE 30.00 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLU€DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAT{,UP OEPOSIT i00.00 exr. wnr-rs | |USE TAX ROOF WILL CALL 9.00 i TYPE OF ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES T+?.nd 6?SP DAN STANEI( 3-T5-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: Y N INITIAL s'. cur I | | BU;LD'NG OFFtCtAa DATE JIM CURNUTTE 2/9/94 IONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING ZONTNG & BU1LD1NG 11g1g5.ROOF MATERTAT. MITST MATCH OTHER SIDE OF DUPLEX OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wiih all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO:Ws'dx riD;. 6o*P/,n/42 SIGNATU AND THE ,<.L 7 T0uN 2!gILC0{-DEV tl =Or-Otn-z+s2 JRN 12'e4 e :34 No .004 P .02.,/'-.-.. ) t t ^1,-31*":f l3ll,sff3[H*fi; **,((@+ #'*rrox lrusr BE prLr,ED lil:ffiu""ln* AccEprEDg. _:--**r^,,$ lrssr BE prLr,ED orrl cot{pr,ErgrJy oR rT r,!Ay Nor BE AccEpfED Jlf:.':tt.:t****t*t**"********** PEtutu r[FoR]arroN **r*r*i.*****r**r***rr***r**!r _T:tuttutnn- rD(l-Plunutns pg-rtectrrcal I I-uechanr.car I I-otherJob NanG! Olrtners NE[e: Arclrltect: ceneral DeecriptLon: ZOa Sfl worlc Clasr: I J-New [ ]-Alteratlon Number of Drelllng Units; / oP!-Addtttonal I l-Repair t l_other Number of AccornnoCatlon Unlts: Electrlcal Contractor: AddresEr Town of vall Phone Number: Town of Val_l Phone Number: town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Plunblng Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ltechanlcal Contractor: Address; * ** *** * !r ** ** * * a* t* ** * **t**t **tt*FOR OFFfCB USE ***r**t******t!r******J*********BUII,DING PERITTIT FEE:PLUUBING PERUTT IEE! MECTIN{TCAII PARHIT FEE: EI.ECTRTCAL FEE3 OTHER TIPE OE FEE: DR8 PEE:@' BUIIJDING PIAN CHECK FEE!PU'UBING Pf,AN CTIECK FEE!l,lEClnNfCAL pIrAN CHECK FEE:RECREATToN FEE! . /5CI,EAN.UP DBPOSIT: BUTI,DTNGs STGNATURE3 ZONINGT SICNAT{'RES Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: HOBBS ADDHON DATE: 2-1U94 ADDRESS: 5129 BLACK BEAR CONTRACTOR: VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: STRUCTLJRES OCCI.JPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: KRM TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQTIIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all pmsible code requirernents in the adopted cudes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cndes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIJIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND ITALLWAYS AS PER SEC 1210 OF TI{E 1991 I.JBC. 2. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAY BE REQI.'IRED TO APPROVE TIIE STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED BY TIiE TOWN OF VAIL TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. GUARDRAILS TO CCIMPLY WTrr{ SEC.17I2 OF TIIE 1991 uBC. (4" MA)OML]M SPACTNG AND 36" MTNINUM r{Ercrrr). 5. FOOTINGS TO BE A MININI.JM OF 48" BELOW GRADE. 6. SOtr S REPORT MAYBE REQTJTRED AFTER EXCAVATION rS COMPLETED. ' ono rru u t w4 PROJECT: ARCHITECT: STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: Hobbs Residence Addition Rivera Duplex, Parcel B Lot 13, Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail, Colorado Structures, Architecture & Planning Brent Alm, Project Architect P.O. Box 5211 Vail, Colorado KRM Consultants, lnc. P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Colorado I INDEX TO DRAWINGS: A-0 Title, Index A- 0.1 General NotesA-1 Site PlanA-2 Main Level Floor PlanA-3 North ElevationA-4 West ElevationA-5 Section S-1 Foundation PlanS-2 Main Level Framing Plan S- g Roof Framing PlanS-4 Structural Notes Phn ii:troved il t...^ .rl r I,.ir ., ) r ru Iwfl ul Vatl Conmunlv Dovchomnt Bvild Hcelth LgTLlV 11pr lltl lJ,r tl -i Vatldity ol Permit - sBc. 30e (b) ls u'B'c' fi';,!::,':a;iteorgran$ngofaoermit0rapprovalofplamandi,l ' :.ii,ii inal,1e1 -! EH'JT1,;xf"i'S,ff'll?li,'"f;1 iffi fi'i'Jffi|'p1,1trSffi'tri{iilnri s;ar'6ltt ttc bulldilB oill( correclitt ol fiors ifl $lo :l.rta." ,n-,r' 1'P-1f Tourn of Vall flrt n It OFFICE COPY ST RUCTUR ES rrchitootur€ & Planning IIII P,O. Bor 5211 V r I ll,6oolot.do r t.lGPhon. 303.e26.5257 I BRENT ALIIARCHITECTcoLoRADO ' O-aO7a Conoultantl Sho6t: TITLE Date: ?oAU6. tqn3 Scale: As l.loted A-0 She6t Number: P r oj ect: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Duplex Parcel B Lot 13, Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail, Colorado \'f wrNDow Tvpes:Proiect Outline Specifications: AS PER THE OWNERS REOUEST, THE ARCHITECT HAS PRODUCED A 'BUILDERS" SET OF DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. THE ARCHITECT HOLDS NO LIABILITY FOR CHANGES MADE BY THE OWNER DURING CONSTRUCTION, AND SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR APPROVAL OF ANY CHANGES MADE BY THE OWNER. THE ARCHITECT SHALL NOT HAVE CONTROL OR CHARGE OF CONSTRUCTION ADMINTSTRATION AND SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIOUES, SEOUENCES OR PROCEDURES, OR FOR SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND PROGRAMS IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROJECT. ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (1991)OR CURBENT ADOPTED @DE AND WITH ALL LOCALCODES AND ORDIMNCES. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ELECTRICAL CODE AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL MUNICIPALTTY. ALL PLUMBING WORK SHALL COMPLY WTH THE PLUMBING CODE AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL MUNICIPALIW. VEBIFY AtI DIMENSIONS PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PLAN DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF STUDS. VEFIF} ALL ROUGH.IN DIMENS|ONS rcR DOORS AND WINDOWS. ALL TNTERIOR FRAME PARTITIONS TO BE 2 X 4 AT 16" O,C. AND EXTERIOR FRAME PARTITIONS TO BE 2 X 6 AT 16" O.C. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. EXTERIOR WALL SHALL HAVE A VAPOR BARRIER, BE INSUI-ATED (R.19 OR BETTER)' SHEATHED WITH 1z"WAFER BOARD, COVERED WITH BUILDING PAPER CTWECKOR EOUAL) AND FINISHED TO MATCH EXISTING DETAILS AND MATERIALS. CONTRACTOR SHALL CONFIRM THAT NO ASBESTOS EXISTS ON THE JOB SITE PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRIrcTION. APPROPRIATE ABATEMENT PROCEDUBES WILL BE REOUIRED IF ASBESTOS IS FOUND. 'Lm- @ a+x6'<r r-fi-?l ilf-lll* | llt lllJ-: O z'<" xz'+ O s,+xs{ @ qsrol @ 6'-{r x6'{r ?l LAi | ?'o I+-'-_r- @ orrorO e+ x2'+ ,'l 'ili4r ;i '-t. Fi I t !I i lYJl . .'t';'i"!.. ii''* t"t'.-,ri -i-CVY'i''l *l- ST RUCTUF ES archit6ctute & plan ning llII P.O. Bor 521IVall,Colot.do81368 T tol.phon. 303.026.5257 T BFENT ALIIAFCHITECTcoLoBADo , c-ao7a Stamp: Consultant: Project: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Duplex Parcel B Lot 13, Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail, Colorado Sheet: GENERAL NOTES Oatet?'.l\/,.',,. tAq3 Scale: As Noted Drawn By: Sheet Number: A-0 1 I ?r.e> g o 6 ----_ i-:t! \!\$-.____ \"\\ ujo {lu: IVC t'a, 't'flS- l;t ] )\ tg'el : '^ illllt -Tlrr---r I_\=.^.__,._ r ._l s rr gAcK__.. __ E*. 8\ ;8Y: .n,.FNVvt\ "ltt 0 g s,; UrQ 3dt-- in!Q ..,t! u{> |. j{iffi$?R l'o!vN \9p o Nv o : F9 o /n- c.=. t9.Ztg :, IlJ- J, i l9r'r'Du>:al-Irr;rl,asiF /A_ 29,te .z? I zYulJ lu. }Uis€FrLui:p-sgb 'ry-sk frr'i[? ;iP 1 A /lrl\l<l ltJIlUI0l 1U1rlsl Irr.. I!l? IEItr'o a F .s a J tu U u I L,N v) \i \) I '-lr.' olo n l,i nl ol II tl _,1 I*l- \9r: .9- : ST RUCTUR ES archlt.ctura & Plannlng IIII P.O. Eor 621tV.ll.Colotadotl6l8 I --+ l.l.Phonc 303.923.5257 I ERETIT ALII FCHITECTAFCHITECT coLoRADO t C-aO7a Stamp: Consultant: Proiect: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera DuPlex Parcel B Lot 13, Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail, Colorado S hc €t: SITE PLAN Saale: ns Noled Diawn By: Sh€st Numbor: A-1 > o ?, >b,Qe.? rv 1- d'/1t- ttll F 9 $$.I <(-(. ,-+l-7t , 4l_or' , +t-4 , 1r-1,' n v?a, Lad IIALL TaylA;tzHHeloIlT ef ft^T, LllF €+ *taT. LJauu P E ffiP L lvrpJaN+A\ 7raE+) APP R# TOWN OF {,i:.11- ST RUCTUR ES a rc h ltoctu re & plannlngrr' lr P.O. 80r 521tV.ll,Colotrdo81658 I t.l!Phone 303.e26.5257 I ERENT ALr|AFCHITECTcoLoRADO ' C-{07. Stamp: Cone u lta nl: Project: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Duplex Parcel B Lot 13, Block2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail, Colorado S hcet: MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN Dara:?ALYc. Ldiq3 Scale: Ast{obd Drawn By: Sheet Number: A-2 tr ?efi LJt!brt^.t€,Z2G W Ff€.ba-"llH<r *@.u ?rtal1 .!.-]HE>auJo . ?re ? br€Flil.Yfui F.-F v1e*lr9*t>u l+4- Fffieo frffi NF|^J tr+.'r4FF- ,J/*ti4re V2V =YF14fi,1q7, f-(P. '"n'rqzq DkreTi D?fV1g., T.119, dtt 4LUfrAe,T-fP, 4>tq6a!;a reL+J€ 9lPlFJa P py-lz$ V+<I€-T n*T41 G*t-nFJa ff4p., lJFrt >ea* f/.&ft;'r-A fr7 eI= *eT Vj4 t-W. E)j. iqf taart ,/ tF. |aI:>A ST RUCTUR ES architectu r6 & planninglr' ll P.O. Bor 5211vall,colorldo8185 A I t.l.phon 303.926.5257 I BRENT ALMAFCHITECT coLoRADO ' C-a0ta Stamp: Consultant: Project: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Duplex Parcel B Lot 13. Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail. Colorado S h eet: NORTH ELEVATION Dala:7ott<,b. lnq? Scale: As Noted Drawn By: Sheet Number:tJorrH euC-<ftreA O Uo 9<lql. l-tntga-.k HEt J gLlAFJa aV.w.wxavE E ST RUCTUR ES architcctur6 & plannlng It'rt P.O. 8ox 521IV.ll,Color.doEI5E8 I tcl.phons 303.026.5257 I AAENT ALIIAFCHITECT coLoRADO ' C-1071 Stamp: Coneultant: Proiect: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Duplex Parcel B Lot 13, Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail. Colorado S h eet: WEST ELEVATION DatezT6y*42s. Hq3 S ca I e: As l,lcted Drawn By: Sheet Number: A-4 U irt4Ja€e bYbeL,t+ fr'^aJt?. fu|,EAC\./ t t\':J r\r n!:17n1!t\ Ll i- V r-t ' r'-- 7--r Lereu DATEZ.: .'']i€JA 4t ?c.eft+- -euto nlJ' I_l+ HfuJ PeF A/?,qrllJ4-, ?at1? ts'PSzt+Ext<:fr{a Lw)€ 4 ?)rtf'f. (--- Q.*uqve i t J,bW lA/?,111, MIil,IN+L, i |-Jr,.Lv./?flatrfrn4+ Y*t.t?41-, A+rtr LJILL.T.il? 1S7V,ap61!.i',llJ€tAfi4J i : *c21a HATEFTA. (,Y?1) r//t--l -c'l *tq1 @T1J1 ST RUCTUR ES architccture & Pl.nnlng II'll P,O, 8or 521tVrll,Colo..dott 658 I trlrphon. 80t.026.5257 T EFENT ALlIIANCHITECTcolonAoo , c-ao7a Stamp: Cons u lta nt: Proi€ct: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Dupiex Parcel B Lot 13, Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail, Colorado Sheet: SECTION Datez-*. hDG. tqqS Scalc: As li,bted Drawn By: Sheet Number: !o=i++ 3oJfr *TaJ rtoa 4t \_ri_I. \e+l_r "rfr "f Y_ilT-''_frHi9,Hffi ;lI l'[ vr +.14,oav.76. I S I ll Y1'12r\-?z*T''{ i I 1 ll e*a'nta -_I r I I O:T ll 'ro'tt i' p Lrr.re fre2<.1,'' 4ea1xs^T1", Jl| -r:r | - -J,-€ | Ilr-tBl I ) I @lHE ST RUCTUR ES .rchltrotu rc & plannlng TI. II P.O. Bor 521IV.ll,Colondo8t658 t t.l.phon. t03.02€.5257 I AFE T ALIIAFCHITECTcoLoFADO t C-107. Stamp: Co n8 u lta nt: KRM Consullants, lNC. P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Colorado 303.949.9391 pawl u*ure FAJtCp ' tV Hr<2, =82 F3iF,e?ery;=.u=rel @.79 D.i€, re1Pfr-+Ja,ni. - affi)- G, Ala enatq; /''t r rl ltrlll Iq? A-d'x a)+ .x t-e' t$ 7E trrP (E d J*./-/t * t'-a." te>-fqE xCJ'a Project: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Duplex Parcel B Lot 13, tslock 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail, Colorado She.t: iFOU N DATTON IPLAN I @ d-d'\=i-) )< f-al (a)- f_J 'trPfrwc TCWN OI in trr.^&-&,2* )VEM : VAIL ..-...ont?-A-4!2 DatazlOhtJ,6.l9g3 scalc: As Notgd Drawn By: f"d:l fo !t lxh >*xb?nryfxzO 1/owv 17+xt $ -:7? _ex,+ ?w1 wz 7+'4 nr'.'J- 9.1u1q' o 4l VA!L oNt-Z-:/-a.!.{ App R.o TCWI{ OF ST RUCTUR ES .rc h lt ect u r€ & p lan n Ing .lt rt P.O. Bor s2tlVall,Colondo8.ta58r t.l.phono 303.926.5257 I BFET{T ALMARCHITECT. coLoRADO t C-ao7a Con.ullanl: KRM Cornultants, lNC. P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Golorado 303.949.9391 Project: HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Duplex Parc€l B Lol 13, Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail. Colorado Shcet: MAIN LEVEL FRAMING PLAN Dare:?Att4t. Scale: As ^btsd Sheot Numbor: s-2 !totI "-i o)-LYttFtF.)Alla 4ilfr4tr f- Alz,t++7.4 ST RUCTUR ES ar ch ltectu rc & plannlng II'lr P.O. 8or 521IV.ll,Color.do81358 I t.l.Phonc 303.e26.5257r BRENT ALTARCHITECT coLoFADO , C-407a Consultanl: KRM Consultants, lNC. P.O. Box 4572 Vail, Colorado 303.949.9391 Proiact: HOBES RESIDENCE ADDITION Rivera Duplex Parcel B Lot 13, Block2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vail, Colorado e[ i ti -t<ffi{nrva, /drc ftyl?,6Ft, ?+JFmila, *Ab €tl.4|oe+l €[.4]%J anHJ e4t4@) Sheet: ROOF FRAMING PLAN ',fftr*F VAIL .t 4'OkUE.lffi? le: As Noted s-3 FINAL CHECK IJTST FOR BUILDING PERMIT # .IOB NAI{E: The items receive a Iist,ed betow must be completed before a pennit shal1 Final CerEificate of Occupancy. LS REPORT: FTNAIJ ELECTRICAL:L] E T E E n [] FINAL PLUMBING: FINAI,, MECHANICAL: TEMPORARY CO: CERTIFTCATE OF OCCUPANCY (CO): FINAL LANDSCAPING: PAVING,/PUBLTC WORKS: ****** MISC. NOTES: KRI.I CONSULTANTS, IHC.3S39491s??P.E2 KRM coNsuLTANrs. rNc. P.0, BOX 4572 vArL, coLoRADO 81669 (303t 949.9391 FAX 9,19-1577 NECORD JOBI HOE,E* RE6IDEN4(5. JOB NUMBER:4zoa-o1 _ IIRFI TIMEMNG MBESPONSE IICLAFIFICATION/CHANGE o^r'' -t/u/q+ PAxftM,L. RIDSE tz)-/i + rreFr.oeB R'D* € P141T MEMF€E (o nrat-) l7+r.11 u,u. vAu.FY G)'lt/+tf{ t.1.L. !'ABHFh' FIEAjIFF tott to' STar+tuoes TRIAN HOABq .- ?.a.v-,. (crruar).--- o lPUrl,J€: E*rq s1 ex Jaf. D4,./ lrt t rrEzUJg HthJ H|aFF- r?ta r.'r- *n€ 7ar+& €"{.tsnrta fJFP pat< H,/ E*)FrtuHa ?fr, e6 sr RucviuH Es .rchltectu.. & plennlng llII P.O. 601 521IYrll,Colorrdo8t c5a I tclcphon. 303.92G.5257 I BRENT ALIIAFCHITECTcoloB^oo , c-ao7a Stamp: Consultant: Projectr HOBBS RESIDENCE ADDITION Rirora Duplex Parcd B Lot 13, Block 2 Gore Creek Subdivision Vaf, Colorado Sheet: NORTH ELEVATION Dal c: Sca le: As Nloted Drawn By: Shect Number: A-3 fltf f;ilPl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-47e-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 April 29, 1993 Department of Comntunity Developnent Bryan and Sally Hobbs 5129-B Kel-Gar Lane Vail. CO 81657 a, RE: A request for a setback variance, a stream setback variance, and a density variance to aflow for an addition to the residence located at$29-B Kel-Gar Lane/Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Dear Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the April 12, 1993 Planning and Environmental(PEC) meeting at which your variance requests were approved with modifications. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of these approvals. Please note that the approval of these variances shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and conslruction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from the approval date (April 12, 1993). lf approval of these variances lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department statl and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely,A.^J/l); (/^^.*fu /- Jim Curnutte Town Planner Enclosure oo Of ,r FIL T COP Y8. A request for a wall height variance to allow lor the construclion of a hazard mitigation wall located at Lot 16, Vail Valley Third Filing/2039 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Mike Grisanti Planner: Jim Curnutte Diana Donovan stated that she was concerned about the big rock being removed from the site. Kurt Segerberg, the architect for this project, stated that the rock encroaches on the area of the proposed mitigation wall and that it was the applicant's intent to save the rock and as many trees as possible but the Town Engineer requested that the wall be where it is shown on the plans. Kathy Langenwalter stated that it would be necessary lo raise the grade to get the wall to work at this site, which would most likely bury the rock arfyway. Kurt Segerberg stated that it was his feeling that a 5-1/2 toot wall made more sense than an 8 - 10 foot wall which is what was originally proposed. Jim Curnutte stated that the Town Engineer required a 35 foot turning radius for the cul-de-sac plus 8 feet for a shoulder and road maintenance purposes. Dalton Williams stated that he did not want to see any more of the area behind the wall destroyed than necessary and that the Town shouldn't use the 8 foot area in front ol the wall for snow storage. Jeff Bowen stated that protecting the house on this site from rock and snow slides is the first concern and what it looks like and where it goes are secondary issues. Jim Curnutte stated that snow is stored for the most part on Tract D, which is across the street lrom the Grisanti residence. Diana Donovan stated that there is currently a house located across the street and west of Tract D. Jeff Bowen made a motion per the stalf memo to approve this request for a wall height variance with Kathy Langenwalter seconding the motion. A unanimous 6-0 vote approved this request. Kathy Langenwalter added the addendum that the applicant try to lind a better solution concerning the removal of the large rock from this site. 9. A request for a setback variance, a stream setback variance, and a density variance to allow for an addition to the residence located ate+Ag€ KeFGar Lane/Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. 51a1 Applicant: Bryan and Sally HobbsPlanner: Jim Curnutte Plannlng and Envlronmental Commlssion Aprll 12, 1993 10 oo of Jim Curnutte made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that staff is recommending denial of the setback variances and approval ol the density variance request. He stated that the density variance would not have a negative impact to adjacent property owners. With regard to the stream setback variance, Jim stated that staff is unaware of any recent variance approvals to place GRFA within the 50 foot stream setback from the centerline of Gore Creek. He said that the 50 toot stream seback regulation has been in etfect for many years. He added that it appears that the applicants could add several hundred square feet of GRFA to the building and add an expanded deck to the west side of the buibing without encroaching into the 50 foot stream setback or the 15 foot west side setback areas and there did not appear to be a compelling reason to start deviating from previous Town policy regarding slream setbacks. Jim stated further that the applicants would need to demonstrate that a hardship did exist at the site in order lo receive approval lor the stream and west side setback variance requests. 6 Diana Donovan stated on behalf of the PEC that they were all in agreement that the density variance should be approved. The applicant, Bryan Hobbs stated that 56% of this lot is taken up by the stream and associated setbacks. He said that if his request was approved, he would have an additional 240 square feet living and kitchen area. He also stated that he had approval from adjacent property owners to go forward with this request. At this point, Mr. Hobbs supplied the PEC with copies of letters from six adjacent property owners. Bill Anderson inquired of staff what the rule was concerning what percentage of total deck area can encroach into a setback by right. Kristan Pritz replied that a deck which is more than 5 feet off of the ground can encroach 5 feet into a setback area without requiring a variance. Decks that encroach beyond 5 feet into the setback would need to be approved by obtaining a variance. Bryan Hobbs added that in response to staff's comment about reasons for having a stream setback requirement, the proposed addition is on the 2nd level and the risk of flooding would be minimal. Dalton Williams stated that he felt that an extraordinary circumstance did exist at the site which constituted a hardship since 56% of the lot is taken up by the stream and associated setbacks. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with Dalton concerning the west side deck but she felt that the width of the GRFA addition should be reduced to 7 feet. Diana Donovan stated that she felt that a 7 foot, instead of a 9 foot, addition could be a solution for this situation. She also stated that she has no problem with the side setback variance being requested for this site. Planning and Envlronmental Commlssion April 12, 1993 11 or Kathy Langenwalter stated that a 7 foot addition was reasonable because it would relate to the existing rock wall. Jeff Bowen stated that he felt that enough of a hardship exists on the site that he was willing to allow the entire g foot addition and the entire requested amount of the stream setback variance. Dalton Williams stated that the impact to Gore Creek would be increased with the additional 2 teet and that the 7 foot stream addition was a good compromise for this situation. Kathy Langenwalter and Greg Amsden concurred with Dalton's statement. Bill Anderson stated that he disagrees with Dalton, Kathy and Greg because he feels that the issue is the same regardless of whether it is a 7 foot or a 9 foot addition and that if this request is granted, it would not set a precedent bdcause each future request should be reviewed upon its unique circumstances. Diana Donovan stated that whether it is 2, 3, or 4 feet is immaterial. lt is allowing the encroachment to go out as far as the existing rock wall along with the fact that 56% of the site is unusable that would allow her to approve the variance request. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request tor a2-112 foot side setback variance, a maximum 5 foot stream setback variance to allow for a 9 foot wide addition and a density variance. Bill Anderson seconded the motion and a 3-3 vote was taken. Since there was no majority, the motion failed. Kathy Langenwalter then made a motion to approve the 2-112 foot side setback variance with respect to the deck, the density variance and the stream setback variance, stipulating that the stream setback encroachment would be a maximum of 3 feet and that the addition not protrude any further north than the existing rock wall. She further stipulated that "based on the criteria, a hardship does indeed exist based on lhe amount of area covered by the streamside setback and that allowing the proposed addition to line up with the existing rock privacy wall was logical". Dalton Williams seconded this motion and a unanimous 6-0 vote approved the requested variances. It should be noted, that Jeff Bowen left the meeting at this point, 7:00 p.m. 10. A request for wall height variances in order to construct a driveway to a new primary/secondary residence located at 2683 Cortina Lane/Lot 7, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Cortina Joint Venture - Bob BornePlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that staff is recommending approval of this request for wall height variances with the condition that Planning and Envlronmenlal Commisslon April 12, 1993 12 I P €c ,*tg ''t/r7r= ; Vrc-U*rer" r'*r,{ - 4 = E-3 M6r *uuJ L q*rw-€ 4{^e )*o=--{r - qs re*tcs-/*[ **a t/4 t,'J e 4*o,J, ;"-rt;;T=i;o ;;-;. i * ;,t1, Sqr"g t'ev ts(iils '. -tlre GqFA ntJ,{,o'u, t:it( t }(at{ 1'{e. 4t*s- u.iel,."p { A" M q' <> ert*-.4- tLe -tqk-*,u-i[4 ue* =rdq. ,*.rJC ffi*wg-> ,aY1gfoajj, l^pL-@,, @ -J- i- t-fietlr,t6y, Fag MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission ftl t coPrTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Community Development Department April 't2, 1993 A request for a side setback variance, a stream setback variance and a density variance to allow for an addition to the residence located at 2129-8 Kel-Gar Lane/Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Planner: Bryan and Sally Hobbs Jim Curnutte I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTS Bryan and Sally Hobbs are proposing to remodel the west side of the existing duplex located on Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. The proposed remodel involves an approximate 245 square foot expansion to the north side of their living room. The Hobbs' have indicated that this expansion is necessary to make the living room a more functional and useable area. The proposed living room expansion is located varying distances (2 feet on the east side to 5 feet on the west side) into the required 50{oot setback {rom the centerline of Gore Creek. Also proposed, is an expansion of the existing deck located on the west side of the building. The proposed deck addition is7-1/2 feet wide and 24-112 feet long and will be accessible from the expanded living room area. The proposed deck expansion will encroach 7-112 feet into the required 15 foot side setback area along the west property line and 7 feet in the Gore Creek 50 foot setback area. Section 18.58.060 of the Vail Municipal Code (Balconies, Decks and Stainvays Above Ground) allows decks which are more than 5 feet above ground level to project up to 5 feet into a required setback area. Therefore, it is only that portion of the deck located beyond the 5 foot allowance (2-1/2 ieet into the west setback area and 2 feet into the Gore Creek setback area) which is in need of a setback variance. ln addition to the above-mentioned side setback and stream setback variances, the applicants must receive approval of a density variance in order to increase the existing GRFA on the property. The applicants are requesting a variance from the non-conforming section of the zoning code, specifically Section 18.64.050(8). That section states that "structures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the pre-existing non-conforming structure." This property is zoned Two-Family Residential (Duplex) and is 12,854 square feet in size. As specified in Section 18.12.090 of the Vail MunicipalCode (Density Control), the density on a duplex lot shall not exceed two dwelling units, with only one dwelling unit permitted on lots less than 15,000 square feet in size. This duplex does not conform to density controls because the lot on which it is located is less than 15,000 square feet. Though the lot has additional GRFA which could be used, the number of dwelling units on the site (two) exceed what the current code allows. The code only allows two units on a lot less than 15,000 square feet if the secondary unit is restricted foremployee housing. Because both units are separately owned and neither is deed restricted for employee housing, a variance from the non-conforming section of the code is needed to allow for the use of the remaining GRFA. The requested setback variances are to allow for a maxlmum 5 foot encroachment of encfosed GBFA, and a2 foot encroachment of new deck area, into the 50 foot Gore Creek stream setback on the north slde of the bulldlng; a 2-112 foot encroachment of new deck area on the west slde ol the building lnto the west side setback area; and 245 square feet of additional GRFA to the exlstlng density on the lot. All improvements being proposed, with the exception of support posts, occur on the second level of the building. II. BACKGROUND On September 2, 1969, the Gore Creek Subdivision plat was approved by the Eagle County Board of County Commissioners. On Jultl 2-6, 1979, the Town of Vail granted final design approval for a two family structure on the lot. The Town's requirement that secondary units on lots less than 15,000 square feet be restricted for employee housing was added to the zoning code in August 2, 1979. On August 20, 1980, the Town of Vail issued a building permit for the duplex. The Town approved a duplex subdivision for the property on July 22, 1981, which allowed for separate ownership of each half of the duplex. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Total Site Area: Allowed Density: Existing and Proposed Density: Allowed GRFA: Existing GRFA: Proposed GRFA: Required Setbacks: Allowed Site Coverage: Existing Site Coverage: Proposed Site Coverage: Required Parking: Existing Parking: Two-Family Residential 0.295 acre (12,854 square feet) 2 dwelling units (legally nonconforming) 2 dwelling units (legally nonconforming) 4,064 square feet 3,051 square feet 3,296 square feet 50 leet from the centerline of Gore Creek 20 feet from the front property line 15 feet from side and rear property lines 2,571 square Ieet (20Y") 2,251 square teet (17o/") 2,498 square feet (19%) 4 spaces (2 per unit) 4 spaces (2 per unit) Maximum Building Height Allowed: Existing Building Height: Proposed Building Height: Minimum Landscaping Required: Existing Landscaping: Proposed Landscaping: 33 feet (for structures with a sloping roof) 30 feet 30 feet 7 ,712 square feet (60%) 9, 1 81 square feet (7 17") 8,751 square feet (68%) IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends denial of the requested setback variances. Staff does leel, however that the density variance is warranted and should be approved provided that any additions to the building occur within existing setback limitations. The staff's recommendation for denial of the setback variances and approval of the density variance request is based on the followinq of factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the viclnlty. Because of an existing privacy wall separating the two halves of the existing duplex, it would appear that the proposed addition would have a minimal effect on the Hobbs' neighbor to the east. Those most effected by the proposed living roorir and deck addition would be the residents of Lot 12, located immediately to the west of the Hobbs'duplex. The applicants have provided a letter from Bernard and Emily Gottlieb who own the residence on Lot 12, indicating that they do not object to the proposal. In addition to a letter from Lot 12, the Hobbs have also provided similar letters of approval from the owners of Lot 11, located west of Lot I2; Lot 14, located east of Lot 13; Lot 5, Block 3, located directly across the creek from the Hobbs residence; and from the owners of Lots 1 and 2located directlv across Kel-Gar Lane from the Hobbs residence. The applicants have provided a map of the East Vail area with several properties highlighted on which they believe existing buildings currently encroach into the 50-foot setback area. Staff does not believe that all of the properties shown on the map actually do encroach into the 50-foot setback area nor do we believe that if some do, it is a justification to allow for a new addition to encroach into the SO-foot setback area. especially when there appears to be adequate room to add GRFA on this lot without requiring a stream setback encroachment. 2. The degree to which reliet from the strict and literal interpretatlon and enforcement of a specified regulatlon ls necessary to achieve compatlblllty and uniformlty of treatment among sltes In the viclnity or to attain the objectives of thls tltle without grant of special prlvilege. Setback Variances Stafl believes that the requested setback variances are excessive and are not necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity. The applicants have indicated that they wish to expand the living area of their home to make it more functional. As shown on the attached site plan, staff believes that the applicants have adequate room to add a considerable amount of GRFA to both the upper and lower level of their dwelling unit without encroaching into the stream setback. In addition, staff believes that the s-foot encroachment allowance for decks is more than adequate to allow for an expansion of the existing deck witirout requiring a setback variance. The staff has consistently maintained that the Gore Creek stream setback should be respected, especially as it pertains to the addition of enclosed GRFA. This position has been mirrored by the PEC recently in the case of a Gore Creek stream setback variance request at the Kandell property, Lot 2, Bighorn Estates Subdivision. In this case, the PEC did not allow for a deck to encroach into the S0-foot setback area beyond that allowed by code. Staff feels that granting the Gore Creek setback variance would have a negative impact on the creek corridor, both aesthetically and environmentally. As mentioned above, although the applicants contend that many properties in the East Vail area encroach into the 50-foot setback, staff has not had the opportunity to research the files for each of these lots to determine the validity of this statement. lt is quite possible that many of these properties were built under Eagle County Regulations (30 foot setback requirement) and are considered to be legally non-conforming. Nor have we the ability to survey these properties to determine if indeed they actually are within the SO-foot setback requirement from the centerline of Gore Creek. Densitv Variance Staff believes that the history of this site makes it unique from other properties with less than 15,000 square feet of lot area. Because the structure was constructed as a two family residence prior to the Town's regulations pertaining to lots less than 15,000 square feet, stafl believes it is reasonable to allow the structure to maintain its original B. 2. 3. development potential. The zoning establishing the restrictive unit requirement was adopted after the structure was approved by the Town and creates a hardship for the property. As mentioned previously, the applicants have adequate room on their lot to add several hundred square feet of GFIFA without needing any special considerations or variances and staff believes they should be allowed to do so. Approval of this request will not prevent the Town from requiring an employee unit restriction for other structures built after the adoption of the restricted units section of the Code or for properties that cannot document previous approvals for the number of units on a given lot. 3. The effect of the requested varlance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public lacilities and utilities, and public safety. 1-he proposed variance requests wiil not have a negative etfect on any of the above-referenced criteria. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classilied in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially iniurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ol this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The planning staff recommends approval of the proposed density variance and denial of the proposed side and stream setback variance requests. The required tindings for granting the proposed setback variances are not met, in staff's opinion, as discussed below: 1. Staff believes that granting a variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same zone district. As mentioned previously, the applicants believe that there are a number of buildings that currently encroach into the front setback area. This may be true in that certain properties built in the past, under Eagle County's regulations may have had less restrictive setback requirements than today's Town of Vail regulations. However, the s0-foot setback regulation has been in place for a number of years and staff believes that it is not inconsistent to ask property owners to comply with today's regulations. 2. Staff believes that granting the side setback variance will not be detrimental to the public health, salety or welfare or materially ir,,urious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. However, staff does feel that any encroachment into the sO-foot setback would not only be detrimental to the natural environment of the Gore Creek riparian zone, but it could possibly pose a safety hazard in times of flooding. In addition to preserving views and the natural environment of the creek corridor, another reason for having a SO-foot setback requirement from Gore Creek, is to discourage the placement of structures within areas susceptible to flooding. 3. Staff feels that the strict and literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would not result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the Zoning Code. Staff believes that the applicant has adequate room on his property to add several hundred square feet of GRFA and expand the deck on the west side ol his building without encroaching into the side or stream setback areas. In addition, there do not appear to be any extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site that do not generally apply to other properties in the same zone district, nor does it appear that the strict interpretation and enforcement of the setback regulation would deprive the applicants of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. The required findings necessary for granting the proposed density variance is met, in staff's opinion, as discussed below: 1. Staff believes that granting approval of the density variance would not constitute a grant of special privilege as the Town has approved similar variance requests. Although previous situations may not be identical to this, they are similar in that there was available, unused GRFA on the site. 2. Staff believes that approving the density variance will not be detrimental to the public health safety or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. Staff believes that the proposed remodel is a positive addition to the building and enhances its overall appearance, provided the proposed remodel be limited to existing setback requirements . 3. Staff believes that the zoning code change regarding the limitation of secondary units on lots less than 15,000 square feet would deprive the applicants of the privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same zone district. Staff believes that the applicant should be allowed to utilize the available GRFA on the lot as there appears to be adequate room to do so without needing any special considerations or variances. Should the applicant desire to proceed with an addition to his building entirely within his existing setback requirements, staff would recommend that the following condition be attached to the approval of the density variance request: lo' 1) That the applicant add a cluster of three aspen trees (3 inch minimum caliper) along the west property line in the general vicinity ot the proposed addition and three evergreens (6 foot minimum height) on the north side of the proposed addition. tS --Ai e FiFTE'iAr+ (rt A (ll \ Dda) .r# *ot*'o1J-- FII rDr ca t'{ t\ t\$ { I -l t\ [-t itls!tc ,\ll\-tizri$i o\) $Hfi gfiH i f-:frrt Jl'nau"-H ilU H 6 4e'IG.UW + J. T() e.! 3 t*//, t6IT 1BFnTAU 0- :n \./( Ia I b tI r t s I J t t !"t s $o 2 1A ! 5l-2 co.rl o..1 rlnp u6 j4HtHt{EC)HOh Xt{ E H8fE B;T.{Z <,!4 og HgoH >F{ 'E H*Bcl .C|J .Ct 5trl -l OE r*roD{ HOOH Hffi a Aorqg8 l{ .r{ o.d .,{€t,o 0)& $t ho N HrltrlEa |li olli /..-s ttglf + (rf J+ IoIt .. $lv\ t,3 gr -ta F @(r) rO Io,tf o, (9o(D oc) Fl..1 o (r)(o{(q) xo cq ()o rO (4) oit tn }l A: hocto 0, r.t o F6AoFl -d bl 3 EiI $%'gr[ % $.J kaA .i: ,'t) -<-{d(i s I t II t,)I e I E dl _.Jg|rlidrf ELoTL !trttitF{F{F{O(DO@o)o)OGlC)OF{ cr)ONFCiI$Fl Oil ?t :::::::sfio!il(o{(o$otootoo()oltrtttt@d(oFl(Orl(to|oorootnor.laaalFAIF$IF$IF$\fg$\f$\f 1t No BBBBTdBB zazuraurz rlNC)$tO(oFHHHHHHH st$ .^Evvn 3Iv I d t '1,oe 4 o di K* '*a k' t) tqe.? bt--g :s!:>\ , I r.{ r{*illrr lrlilHii n nz H !4 Rilrl z.:!ilYA SNidu <0{ -rrr, fl nH [_::] _rlIIL o =l-ff\*jlrfl TI s/ I| ''Nl7:rrEg:_rgx?-tp5tr- - =-*N9-?:vg- ota4 M TJ T0la: M aZ) flq ] HT.lst4 lt -1NHfl $ 14 Yn:-1 H ad { Mc oJ \ a1c \) bt d-) ? slll €xi"r'n"-V|:ir#=l)rl, ,,o* (r.";-t kcL&r crd - No .Lr$e T Vot;tci|.qa I.J o I .-'-"r eY?oqto CoNC. rNe ..\ 6TAn.l E D IO r_1^Ictr,!@eqv^n t././l -,/t I r!.lI' ---/' r-t- rlrlrl LJ fu' n',L F:J,ur',?l^'' o " 'rii- Ll__l,l t - rl r__-J-J----- -l o : ir : I F I r.j ,, . :' lt'< .- 'ri:t ;* =-JIJ' .' 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P3Opr.o:t l- P.o rr5 0Q P-(,O 5 0. 'ol-rr.0lt-fO Oo 05 0 ro^ 0, oocr 3 5 n ct<(,l,o a, (/, P.-0, ^3*<at3P0rdo n0ro,H -oq c n 5o P dFJ O< o.< O O (/) o, rt -\. 5 H| 5 (rHrQ ctrrO, O coI ct :t o.rt5(D0r|./)0Poo 5(D5u,ry o o o.33ryOO0roC }J.X J t_l con 5.f o o< oo P-o o5c)B'l5o.€@cr P. P. rr { :t-olt 0, P-o P.. HO.| O PO OPO 5 P;t Hld(,P.5()rtir5OrtP.O OtQ B 5ri oFn oooortchn ry:t5 t-goP-.tP.P.oct155(,rr|'/lJ O . tD P-H)Hc oCEJ TT P.Fo.O. Fl i'l,PP-O 5o, o,lSFt O5F'(o Ho o€z vnr) Hdmo€ ,FhdN*FOt1 0zordtr'Flo u1 ('(,trlHHU|./,C\: t-l ETJCFl/, HI PJglrTghH I}F. Y: l$Jts [: lg'k {d l' lr l' tl lPr&l| q F lP-l6 F l5 l8 lI t; le oorr P-O,|QP5rt 6) I, trtJP.<oP-€ FJoo503FtrtE rro,oroPFJ :c Fr NO0, l'1l-1 00. 0,oo {-D rL)jo (,i(, PFN (/'1 ('| ou)o -9 9-sF p l$r lilH t. . c, r-J q: -iD (b-| t.9 t\ I oC,J =oP.rirt o'loo <n:P(oOolco lr-lco N) lclp Olo Irlolr-rlrl0rlPl I @ Pooo rio o,lJ Fl o F1 o€ rtJ5rA P.5.\, o..\, o..J Fl ^J-f l+ F (, Ol PK o @ zo tU Ftl OPBOoooo cf Fd Pu) lu PP.o5rJ 6)ocr 0r o o\ov@P-o:rooox€ !tH|o,D },NP< OtP 0, l-lPO, O'(/)5o o €ocro Pv o(,(/)o |-.t P. r{ Po€ o oo,t 15 FJ o,]o o l-t (-f FN P. Po N) o IJ F. o cr P.o ca c0 €P.rt rtJ P.(t Fl o,a oart N) t0 tU oozz t,1 f0 >\-( co tto( rr \\ v q \.r e?- $oFa---.(t.!tu \(u Date: 3108193 t CLIENT INFORMATION REPORT Dinenberg, Steve L,ittl.eton, CO 80123 -476-L334 Pres. Cedar Point Condos 797-6497 horne 922-5114 bus 4611 Frontier Gottlieb, Bernard and Enily Denver, CO 80209 -476-7764 460 s. Marion Parkway Own L,ot L2 722-9088 home Hagle, Marc and Anna Longwood, PL 32779407-852-3360 210 Greenlake Circle OIim Lot 5 Blk 3 476-8660 Mathias, Mike -4 7 6-8888 Ottrns Lot 11 Radigan, Tom -444-440L Owns Lot 2 Ridler, Scott and Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93109805-966-5884 71.3 ,Juanita Avenue Owns Lot 13, Unit A Steinle, l{ike -476-?827 Owns Lot l. 949-7693 bus Zachara, Cass 3L3-642-2393 Owns lot 14 Vail, CO 81657 5125 Kelgar Lane Boulder, CO 80308 PO Box 1.8044 VaiI, CO 81657 3220 Katgos Ranch Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 4831 Burnley Dr. o/a+/qs Qqpc[-rrs sl-g^r q,Ll-- D THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW -l PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that ths Planning and Environmental Commisslon of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of tha Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 12, 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a work session for the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alteration, a minor suMivision, a zone change, and an amendment to View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B, G, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Filing. 2.A request for a setback variance, at the Manor Vail Lodge to allow the construction of a trash enclosure,located on a Part of Lot 1, Block B, Vail Village Seventh Filing/595 East Vail Valley Drive. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Golden Peak House Condominium Assoc.A/ail Associates, lnc./Partners, Ltd./Margaritaville, Inc. Mike Mollica/Tim Devlin TABLED TO MAY 24, 1993 Manor Vail Lodge Andy Knudtsen Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello Vail Recreation District Tim Devlln 4. : 'I 'r'. t. ',i:.i.i: 3. A:request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of'.!:: ''sihgle family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek Rd. Steve Gensler/Parlarood Realty Andy Knudtsen - A request for setback and site coverage varlances to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 Chamonix RoadiLot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. 5.A request for a condltlonal uss permlt to allow the expansion of the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Uonshead Circle/Lot 5, Block 1, VaiUUonshead 2nd Filing. t i A request for a setback variance, a stream setback variance, and a density variance to allow for an addition to the residence located at 2129-8 Kel-gar Lane/Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek SuMivision. Applicant: Bryan and Sally HobbsPlanner: Jim Curnutte 7. A request for an exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of the American Skl Exchange located at 255 Wall StreeUBlock 5-C, Vail Village, 1st Fillng. Appllcant Robert LazierPlanner: Mike Molllca 8. A request for a minor suMivision to vacats the lot line between Lots A-1 and A-2, a request for a variance from the subdivision road standards, and variance from the wall : height standards at Lions Rldge Subdivision/l139 and 1'109 Sandstone Drive. Applicant: MichaelLauterbach/The Reinlorced Earth Co.Planner: Shelly Mello 9. A request for a wall height variance lo allow the construction of a hazard mitigation walllocated at Lot 16, VailValley Third Filing2039 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Mike GrisantiPlanner: Jim Curnutte 10. A request for wall height variances in order to construct a driveway to a new primary/secondary residence located at 2683 Cortina Lane/Lot 7, Block A, Vail Ridge. Appllcant: Cortina Joint Venture - Bob BornePlanner: Tim Devlin 11. A request for a minor amendment to SDD No. 27 to relocate the private pedestrian easement ("pool path") between Lots 5 and 6, Forest Glen Subdivision. Applicant: RAD Five Limited Liability CompanyPlanner: Tim Devlin |ta 1..ooo Fo t, |olo H P.< F:50r!t Fn hl F-o P-ot-t p,3 5rtn,oftctooP-. Ooo50ad P- !t Ftooo ttlFtl g H 9 !, P-'o v,UPEP.OO'q0ttcf P- P. FIoo59. a Gtt3 ts-ftrroo f.f-J t P z Ettl or{ Fro ru tr{Ho zE o vozU€!UZBN trI T'JHNtto@@r{ tso IF\rnb 30 h, '()UHF.o 9'rtP.o rE trt C) Btrt trl ''tHzo t$F*t A€s" trr FrEE Bh' g OrtoUNcrOOQ0.troga frirt P-P-5PQ 0, qt tsts t) ro oz trl rloot, F] Hoz orlJ ru Foruo(n PF ts{ trto}'tr{ (f trl @() FHld€ Hoz U tr{or)x lNr I 'rr lt{ F(Jo Ntrt UI U' F trt trtt{ <J, N)(to oo ox :'F h H F< h w Fs 3 ;g5 id0, u, ortt{ 0, i0 ts rt tri iE(/,E OFg) iU t4ryo ro = Doo rrlrdu nEz iono F]trl(,!, FIO o. < ttjs5 r(U \ brj rd o. a zl4,tsr cDF! p, }JlclH3rrlrtg. 1(,|0, iE< o, €ltlrd F. l-{ H H-oPz9t o Fr u,n P.v Q.(t u ttJ5 rJ- oOe trroro l, \Jo zo0. c)ltFPr Uo c)F{n0. 5(D trtoE9.PTtP rUoFJo < €u,FIO:octo trloool" Kt{ =oa o ooPO (/lt-t'd aFl-{ (, lto Ftr,E,{. U'O CDH 4 'U 'lz Ff,o ,u !E6)FIFltr n! OtrllE t'l tt ro P f'l 'Ju- rt O c)o uro !t v,oUly- oO }rBUE rt ts3trt io !, 5 . c(,tr5ld g, Zct H ol-t 5 Htr|O OO 'l@)vorld (, K.z oqPl-l o o P- f+ ri l{{or<Hrf O EJt{ H€ E{foza oFhr)o roU, ts'r rJtrtrrco trtlru zo Ho €P.zftn6) H! : P 3 E8E8Bp PISg5'3Fc Hz< ro trl r+o o PFiFJlJN t{ U F{())U}, U OOOFTuHiuoocr, 0roNoFl 5o}J o(ly FTTJC,Z<I{ ttpOoSe I. dft .b ZHZO> oo5 g, tJo,Pid€ 6)OBHf{zi I P-lJ- }J-rt<UHHF ZVt>f O .t tt5 rt P. 15trl PH o E@z HruF P.rq O O FrrO€ L<Zrl O trj ''t O iU trt. prp p.jCl-.i'n5 tr'c)FI tU FOVZO Op.Or o reOo!to ztrttts H 3 I'rl t1 (no'-t orto P-rQ 0,O H Z t{ H l'r:q P'KSOoOrt<BB F a €lrOO(/, l, rt P-O at.-P. o 3l'J (n idoqt('j€ P.rr 5 5 5 rrooOH Cto€ O HIUB OOr,-€OOlP-x o, oclr trl uriu E tv F'J D 5 (/) Po o,5 P.rr }:trl4 OHhdO- 0r5dOo. OP.g' P- c, trt H r-r(ordjdlo P!rErrodocic+o ttFiF !q o F ct't r'lO fgrOOO5<P.5 tr{Hrd td (,rHor<lg Oocr . Fn. D@ adz c o<oltt c o^ oo 'Ot O. FJ trl t"3ZlrClF tt0, ft E iD FtP- P O OC F ltEl 7}J-dZftAOE PZO tr . ur^ l€ ts. . u,OO5H (,(fr{ tr }_l ro Fl iolFl rr 0, rr Pr oP o o o FIit'E- rru OIEOt5 Fr N11 tf € tDolroD 0ru F{ P-}lJ F-O trllEFq H H- €c.r rg F-Ort5l35€rt ft (D ttl ltt Z trt fU p- O lJO |"J.O it (t O OgFlr)tr E 5 P-tsP. ct5O .. rdro ODlcr:tr OrtOdOF.Srt VtF 3 3 '-< trl c) lQ5 o.0, FnF,.F c)trl C tO tD Ir C O dO cr !t!, o co a ts(,lu|<|J l,-5 ll r-- 0,H'q f{H € t{ Fl t1 H Flcto!rO5Ut P@ LqHD\ro o P5< r-d o F:t tr, t! oNzvtz 3 { 0' P 0''v, u, H trt czr) o P-l5 €qr5orr a7 =FHFa Sdl5P-P-o.5@A ZY a prFZt'tr.r ct 5 r-rt l-b. }..p. F: q FIF 6)Dt.{ @ p. O F- }J.50, Hc tD ttrl crr . rroB rrtQ5< ZF t . tr F{ itor an Err,.op, < ctj H tD zzrn (D5 (D0(,,n O H trt-^ UOFI rt Fl 5r?aP- t1 O H rrl It F o.O0r9rq,.t p, <F{ t{ OIF Fl trt do,qOl-FhF1 5 trr o FIF iE )' O, CO irC o (,FI .. trl ti= Fr },.Oo o iE t1 Fn FJ 'd Irr H P ZH O d Otrft CZ ct o.O 3n o Ft K I'J o o ttolEtuuo(n tr| t{€ Fn '.< ftFft P'P. t{t 5 P.Po.tn !coz P z P FI or{ Pio EFHo Et ln Ftrtrg Ftrt @ trlzEPFl H Irl ,rr) > D vtl(t Ftrt @ U, ru oz trt o€z trtF v ctKuo on It Ej,.prf r 3t, ah H c)zPFtcFtrt Ptr(t7trl U' U, 0)tto> q-{ (d o >rrCO Q Qfit rro (I'l{q 5() (l)l>3 no hO.+.t0,AO d C!{J+rHFih. (I'po(o 3 .QOlr OE.doo o(d u|rt{ 5 ().-r.co53 cottoS> +r or.{.c .,r o.q s, .O OOol >dP l{ +J !t{ q (0 c...{ o (do r{ c(d O..{ !E +J Qr |r, O b O (dO.q rr O . tr tr-r O{J.}J O >q{ l.t ${ rJ'r{ '.1(' G(lO: OOCo(!).-{tr l{ --r E s q{ O !l O o.o o .po o o (o rt{ o.Qd O r€s O o.rl O rdO+r"Q 3 O -r (l).r Ooo aeut .Qoo.-!o-r .-t {J tr ..{ x o. o|.,t .c(t>.-{> l{O (l}Cr('q+r+r' ordo(0(l) q ..r tro q.q ti O.C O C O t{ O >O O 0) O.-l O.--l .C (t .Qr.r (n .qOU| o +rO0,..r (doo c o(l) EEat O t OH l.{ 1{+r {J -'l(t.-{ rr{ O.d (' d t{ (Uqr(d (0+{ o o -o!l.tCq{!O .Q.(.${Co o o o oq o oq .o.-t .1 a -t..{ H o.q.aOO.t-roOQ{ -{.C (I)rJ.d fr{ d OL) r{ (0 B C .1{J U-l O .q . O --{(0 k-.r 9{..O ooocLddOo-rEo OOr-l(U.C-.{ g.d +J >r {J O tl{ O.q O-r O O.. X E qq{ O o9.+r dtrl! lr O C Q.-..1 Co.(! 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(l+Jt O $.r{.rl ..t t! fit o ACUl t.t ..1 .AU)ll O {J..{o o 6+r--l t{ 0. r (o-1 +J! o c.l q{out (l) Eo o o(I' qEoE+ro o {ro -t ur(du|t{ dtq c doc.q E od.C A, HCq.r .q A€ -rl >O-'.{ >Cd ll 1, -A B q-{ (/)--l 1J tr bt E(I'rr o >+r.-l O.. (noC fit OO X Cr'-l C.€ o lo 5 q O -t{ trt o .-t q oI('rt{ +J F{ fit t{l{ ot{o Fl c-.{dff{ O O+JIH t{ . E 5O-{ (!Q OOA q{ r{s -rt h q{O !--tHC o1 GO q!ro P o-{.-{6 9.(l +r q.-l ,Q. ..{ ,orA N g.CT1OO>i O O -rl OctC O o Oo O l{ El..(ttO+, O+r i,.Fl I +r() .ttOo O. ..1 C-| +r O O'-l O h(l) --l Nr}{t' qr..r+J C ocrJ C r+{ t{tl oo +, o -t..r > oco (!.coccE o o o..r o o('ooctq -r br oE(I'o 3o(! ot qo-i fit t{ H r{ C.,-l -l O E O Ct q >..1 O tr O o o (l.qA OOOan O +r -Fl -Fl OtrooC-l +,..1 OOq{O +r ..{Ooh O> +rO C-.1 r+. -.{ tlt +r r-.1 >.Q q ct 3 (lO F{ O.€ E ct.a OAt.O -.{ >{J 9.1 a A O Ot{O., Fl OO I p OO O o>.FtCCp5 O5 E ,{6..{ Ut.C U! rt{..t .CO t{ O.dO15 Cd C.Ql4ror-Ao )Q- O. o{O+r .A .A O5 bt+J O G O {J .dO O OO t6''{ CA oO OC E O.6Ut O A q tO O., tll(t!> .1 9, '.{ 1,--l +, +r 1d..1 r, O {)rO td '.lEOCOg' O '.'! O q, O '.{ t0.-l ! 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O.E O .F{ rJ (1, O.c..t 0. o.-r rf{ .c-.r r{ oo drooorJ (! q o..{dc -..r c Qc!.,r o(0 +r -tE{FTOOOO E-r O +J lEO Otlr}r}C -'.r O..r tr O lr-.{ -{O OOOOd 15O Co.g.OOOOOO !+r O.-.{ d +r OE .c-{+rOo (0-.r -Ao.{>l{E(! ..1 o tr{ (D o l{(l) +r (D p -r-r .-1 o{J t{O.OO1J O-A -l ${ Q..-l AO >-'{ O tr >A tr +J+.r, E-.t l.r c x -t5AX (d q-ro!so qa o.,{C\ (n $ 4 ('(a-.1 (u('(o ,{O do('(l) '40) }-rd 3 O.tH d(d E{o di dci r'itudr m J o { g, cro o tno, vituS o 0, o rro o o',P.ldr< lto O'lt O O O O g 5 crO O ri Olddl5 0r 5 Fruu 5 rtK q, { 3 =ruuiJHftP o € P0, lrr|tO o ln5EOOtl-P.P.j l-C qt P.Ft P-O r< F-0, ln g i! B P.5c)(D P|.tocr|-|E cLu Ur3 rtOP, tt rt cL 9, = O { 5 O tl rt ct F- F. 5 9,lrI HO 0, O rf O o 0, O PSOrtO O rtocro 5 o.P-5 Ft o o P.gr ln< o noo3[-oBftBggS-lEF'Yq, !t r? {r"< oooorto, 0r(arro<oP.c:' tr OrC P-5 K Oo F 5 |t l.,. rtr< ci 0r rf H F. O Ur € o,F 5c)!' tt u o K r+ 5 0 it Fr t !t oo ooltorfou o. goorr-oo]nttx o i'S PrtrtS ciclQ o < 3oo i'!ro P-todoorPc5(D.:5 O ri lrtt OOO i O },.o,},. LLOboO<ttOOl, U 3O !\:'J 'trtOO O t-, O =' rr€0, }J.E O 0, ,*: ;i: r.:IP-P- rt F-5ElP-O'.{ctC r<'J;:<lnoo55r)o,Po€ 5()o,n 5P. FnO O 0, g O 5 5 5o P- O O O iJ')r.rtOrt ct 5 Frrt }J.itr+5 rt< !, r"ty0, o rrqr cf ct 1.. € cr5 qr< o o P-< 1,. ort ltrd u !, o F-K P cHoooP-riou o it5 5 ct o l-.uP=' { o, ()o!t Pooct !'rtE ortF. 0r305ODl*5n. O U O<D5U rt33o |-||r?oltoOSqr<o =|ttFto 0ruu 0, J odPdcr P.aGr< o c 5 91 0r 5 rro l, B P.o P.oQ o 5{5rrP.l.<Kit 15 3't,r--OO5('P-rt5 rt. tL3 O ()lc' 9, p, 5 t, 5 5 },. F ct5 (D0 oP5cto o Fhtx. g3F' 3 3 *[ E 5.o' F B B.EH.GFl rtX li<C0rrrcr O rt F, Oo rt { u rt o :t P-J J u u 7 0 3 0, 5 r- <{ ito, o it}no o P-d F-o F' o 0' 5 rt!' o5Ol-t3O {rt o < O.Ort 5F. O.O rt Ffi < !, 9, O Ur Fo.O0rooo!t6o rt0r 5 itd =| tu 0.(D o o 5 intrt B o t-'o ttoE c 55 5 0 (Dr+ocH r<dqrooPttP.@ t/,ft<!'ti'$ j.t itoo5t-.< 5 C 5(!O5d Ocrorr rio oP oP rt 9' < itn o0, ctd rt Ort O.lP.O OH5 ltlt o, u P-u, ln o rt5rioFt5 3t5, €ritorf oo!, oorci.o 5 t- €rfitciH5(D I, t t ) i I j TOWN OF VAJIr- DEPART;\{ENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOP}IENT S.\LES ACTION FORI\,I N.\}tE onn=Z,//, ?3 FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL,dro)/ 0l 0rJ004t540 ZCI\T\O .tu\D ADDR.ESS I{A.PS 0l 000042415 UNIFO L\ { B UfL DL\*G COD E TOhtFl oF lJFlrl- lliscel l*reurs Cstt 83-15-93 13:18:36 s7.00 Receipt * l184it6 Flccoun!* CK*5489 BR!!['I TOBEE\UFRIflNCE Amounl' tendered ? IteO Faid sr@.1153CIe66 Change returned ) 25[t.BB Frount Paid ?56. AO s. BO THFIHI< I/OI.J Yq,rr cadrier REBTHfi IOTAL DUE: 0l 0000r1330 AL USE PER\{IT 0l cE004l3 0l 0000.113 R ALTERATION ILESSTHAN IOO EXTER]OR ALTERA N ITIORE THA"\I IOO SO.FT, SPECIAL D OI OOCN!I]30' ISPECLAL DEVELOPT{ENT SLEDIVlSION r t330 ;vA 0t 0000.1r 330 * * * * * t* * * # a Town of Vail Planning Conurission and Comnunity Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. WestVail, CO 81657 Dear Members, We wieh to increase the size of our hone and permanent residence located on Gore Creek in East VaiI, and more spe-ificallyon Parce1 B, a resubdivision of Lot 13, Block 2t Gore CreekSubdivieion with the address of 5L29-B Kel-Gar Lane. To accomplishthis increase of space, we need to ask the Comrission foi twovarianceE. Listed below are the physical conditions of the lotwhich create a hardship that precipitates our requeat. One requested variance is from two to seven feet into the 50,etream Eetback eo that lre may increase the size of our home by247.5 sq. ft., giving us a total square footage of L411 eq. ft.from 1163 sq. ft. The sidelot setback is 15', andne are requestinga 2' variance so that we can have a second exit onto the deck fromthe addition. The varianceg wiII not have any effect on our neighbors ortheir structures; as a matter of fact, we have letters frorn aII of them approving our request for both the variances and an addition. Our Parcel B is 5924 sq. ft. in sLze. Gore Creek and the 50,setback requirement takes up 3511 sq. ft. or 59t of the Iot. Thereason for the variance application for the mininurn expansion of247.5 sq. ft. is becauee of the physical hardship of the creek andrelated setbacke reducing the buildable area of the lot. The allowable GRFA is 25t, or 1481 sq. ft. of the total lotarea of 5924 sq. ft. With the proposed addition of 247.5 sq. ft.plus the existing 1163 eq. ft. the total area of 1.410.5 sq. ft.will still be under the allowable GRFA by 70.5 sq. ft. Excluding bedrooms, bathrooms, hallways and closets, the existing home onlyhas 245 sq. ft. of living area, so the proposed addition wiU stillonly provide ue with a rniniural sized living area of 492.5 sq. ft. As you know the footprint allowed is 25t of the lot area of 5924 sq. ft. which equals 1481 sq. ft. The present coverage is 944sg. ft. This means that the 247.5 sq, ft. addition will be underthe allowable footprint by 289.5 sq. ft. The small size of the lot and the restrictions of the streamgetback nake it inpossible for us to have a deck on the creek,which is really the best location for viewg and liveabitity. So wewant to place a deck on the West side so that ne can have a secondexit fron the proposed addition without intruding further into thestream setback. This location requires us to aek for the secondvariance to the West of 2'. .aI The granting of theee variances does not give ue any specLalprJ-vLleges, but only provides ue the same privileges that approxinateLy 27 homeowners notr on Gore Creek in Bast Vail- enJoy,aII of whon appear to be located within the 50' stream setback. Thank you for your kind attention. Sincerely, q lUJ4' and Sally Hobbs \V:Y i-)l4l 9a-n-qJe 4 5f66 5t22 7 I ;fl T 5lo4 2 on souri 34 i"o4 5to7 3 5097e\wwe, KEL-GAR LN. 'l-tous @ 5024 tl 4s69 t2 49393 4868 {ru4948 ta g(5o25 l,::, / ?7 5045 45r3 U RIDG SUBDIVISION GWAPOM UNITS A-G TIMBER FALLS CONDOMINIUMS BIGHORN SU THIRD ADDI- Encte-€4 0 4479 17 4562 E4507 Et:] 4594 4596 SUNWOOD OMINIUM SUBDIVISION LpT 20 E #,l!: B 4460 #q #t2& 430@ AE ru UNPLATTED r4zo o'i Tcwn cf Vai-l Planning Conmission and Community Development, Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. WestVaiI, CO 81657 Dear Members, We are the owners of Parcel A, a resubdivision of Lot L3,Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision with the Vail address of5129 A Kel-Gar tane and we have reviewed the proposal andplans for the addition of Bryan and Satly HobLs it StZg sKeI-Gar Lane, located on Parcel B, a resubdivision of Lot13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. We understand they are applying to buil_d an addition of247.5 square feet which is 9' X 27.5, on the north sidemain floor of their home and that this addition willrequire a setback varience of 2, on one corner and 7, onanother corner into the stream setbdck of 50,.. Also, thedeck on the west side main floor of their horne willrequire a setback varience of 2, on the sidelot setback of15'. After reviewing their proposal and plans we believe thevariences should be granted and they should be allowed tobuild the additional- 247.5 square feet, Please take our approval and support into consideration when you review their request. o 2rL>s-3>tr"&b 713 Juanita Ave. Santa Barbara, CA 93109 805-966-s884 Date December 26, L992 Town of VaiI Corununity Development DePt. 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Members, lile are the owners of Lot 12, Block 2, Gote Creek Subdivision with the address of 5127 Kel-Gar Lane and we have reviewed the proposal and plans for the addition of Bryan and Sally noLbs-at 5129-8 Kel-Gar Lrane, located on Paicel B, a reiubdivision of tot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. We understand they are applying to buitd an addition of 247.5 square feet-which -i; -9' N,2'I .5' on the nain floor of their h6me and that this addition wiII require a setback varience of 2' on one corner and 7' on another corner into the stream setback of 50'. Also, the deck on the west side of their horne will require a setback varience of 2' on the sidelot setback of 1.5' . After reviewing their proposal an4 plans we believe the variences shouid be grlntEd and they should be allowed to build the additional 247.5 square feet. please take our approval and support into consideration when you review their request. o Town of Vail Ptanning CosurisEion and Courmunity DeveloPnent DePt. 75 S. Frontage Rd. West Vail, CO 81557 Dear Members, I am the owner of Lot 1L, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision with the VaiI addrese of 5125 Kel-Gar Lane and I have reviewed the proposal and plans for the addition of Bryan and Sally Bobfis it sfZg B KeI-Gar Lane, located on Parcel B, a resirbdivision of Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. I understand they are applying to build an addition of iqi.S square feel which is-9' x 27.5' on the north side main fl6or of their home and that this addition will require a setback varience of 2' on one corner and 7' on "tr6th.t corner into the stream setback of 50'. AIso, the deck on the west side main floor of their hone will require a setback varience of 2' on the sidelot setback of 15,. After reviewing their proposal and plans I -believe the variences Ehouid be grlnt-d and they should be allowed to build the additional 247.5 square feet. please take my approval and support into consideration when you review their reguest. t(nz-' 5L25 KeI-Gar LaneVail, CO 81657 476-8888 (home) Town of VaiI Planning Commission and Comnunity Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. WeEtVail, CO 81.557 Dear Members, We are the owners of Lot 5, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, Fifth Addition with the Vail address of 51,48 Gore Circle and we have reviewed the proposal and plans for theaddition of Bryan and Sally Eobbs at 5129 B Kel-Gar tane' Iocated on Parcel B, a resubdivision of Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. ife understand they are applying to build an addition of 247.5 square feet which is 9' X27.5'on the north side main floor of their home and that this addition will require a setback varience of 2' on one corner and 7' on another corner into the stream setback of 50'. Also, the deck on the west side nain floor of their hone will require a setback varience of 2' on the sidelot setback of 15' . After reviewing their proposal and plans we believe the variences should be granted and they should be allowed to build the additional 247.5 square feet. Please take our approval and support into consideration when you review their request. Anna Eagle 210 Greenlake Lrongwood, EL 407-862-3360 Circle 32779 476-8660 Town of Vail Planning Commission and Comrnunity Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. West VaiI, CO 81657 Dear Members, I am the owner of Lot 14, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision with the VaiI address of 5133 Kel-Gar Lane and I have reviewed the proposal and plans for the addition of Bryan and Sally Hobbs at 5129 B Kel-Gar Lane' located on Parcel B, a resubdivision of Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. I understand they are applying to build an addition of 247.5 square feet which is 9' X 27.5' on the north side main floor of their home and that this addition wiII require a setback varience ot 2'on one corner and 7' on another corner into the stream setback of 50'. Also, the deck on the west side main floor of their home will require a setback varience of 2' on the sidelot setback of 15' . After reviewing their proposal and plans I believe the variences should be granted and they should be allowed to build the additional 247.5 square feet. Please take my approval and support into considerationtheir request. -v,1^-t- 4 q.r'.* ,/z-st-zz *9* u tt-sl-1tt 4831 Burnley Dr. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304 3L3-642-2393 (home) ___.q. Town of Vail Planning Connrission and Corununity DeveloPurent DePt- 75 S. Frontage Rd. !{est VaiI, CO 81657 Dear llembers t I an the otuner of Lot 1, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision with the VaiI address of 5t 11 Kel-Gar Lane and I have reviewed the proposal and plans for the addition of Bryan ita S"ffy Eob[g it SfZS B KeI-Gar Lane, Iocated on Parcel B, a resirbdivision of Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. I understand they are applying to build an addition of in.S square feet which--is- 9' x. 27.5' on the north side nain fl5or of their houre and that this addition will require a setback varience of 2' on one corner and 7' on an6ther corner into the strean setback of 50'. AIso, the deck on the west side main floor of their home will iequire a Eetback varience of 2' on the sidelot getback of 15' . After reviewing their proposal an4 plans I -believe the variences shouid be grlntEd and they should be allowed to build the additional 247 -5 square feet. please take my approval and support into congideration when you review their request. 3220 Katsos Ranch Rd. VaiI, CO 81.557 476-7827 e 949-7693 o --q. Town of Vail Planning Comiseion and Corurunity Development DePt. 75 S. Frontage Rd. West VaiI, CO 81657 Dear Memberst I am the owner of Lot 2, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision and my Vail address is 5109 Black Gore Drive and I have reviewed the propogal and plans for the addition of Bryan and Sally EobLe at SfZg B KeI-Gar tane' located on Parsel B, a reEubdivision of tot 13' Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. I undergtand they are applying to build an addition of 247.5 sguare feel which ig 9'N27.5'on the north side urain floor of their hone and that this addition will require a Eetback varience of 2' on one corner and 7' on another corner into the strean setback of 50'. AIso, the deck on the weet gide nain fLoor of their hone will require a Eetback varience of 2' on the sidelot setback of 15' . After reviewing their proposal and plane I believe the variences should be granted and they ahould be allowed to build the additional 247.5 Equar€ feet. Please take ny approval and eupport into consideration when you review their requeet. Boulder, Co 80308 444-4401 (bue) PO Box 18044 3 i"o GOI*: ilr# B74 d)RE z = @ 502 I 4997 5t28I l-touc blv { S 5 5 t69 IFTH 6 5'597 5 r39 8 5't9to 5056 9 5089 7 5f886 5f68 ? 508{t 5036 I I 5026 la JI KEL-GAR LN. 5122 7 .4995 5' 9 JC St' '\ \qq\\ '-:kr-\s \N't"' oF2 IHPROVET,IENT IOCATION CERTIFICATE A Resubdivieion PARCEL B, RIVERA E{'PI,EJKof Lot 13, Block 2, Gore Creek SubdivieionEagle County, Colorado S-.*:.i..o '-fU'b',2'.-? .. 'E"-. t//-re.?z_ ZZEnliiu;*< r further certify that the improvements on the above describedparcel on this date,.November BO, tggz, except lriifitvconnections' are. entirery within the bound""i"" of the parcelexcept as shown, that there are no encroachments upon thedescribed premises by improvements on any adjoinlng premises,except as indicated, and that there are no apparent evidence ofany eaeement crossing or burdening any part oi eaid..pnrc6},;.except as noted- -...^.ng R[61e,",,, .r.r:\.-:.. i',. ;.:: :.q^,.L r hereby certify that this improvement rocation certi-ficate wagprepared for Bryan Hobbe, that it is not a land survey plat orimprovement eurvey plat, and that it is riot to be reliel ..rpo., fo,the establlehment of fence, buildinE, ot other future lmprovementlines. Date UPDA{E:D t -.2-z-q* u\t-.-L._-r_''r,- lAlVrt i .tt\ "-.:'-4 t,,."t L L hr'.:.\\\t' Record easement information wa. researched by Land rli'iU""" Leland Guarantee co- and the easements risted on c"*iir."t No. vzooos:lil,-Iie within the subiect propertv are shown on the a".*i.,g o,SNEEE Z. lased,ol ITRM mapping of Gore creek, the northeasterrv part ofParcer B lies within the 1oo year frood prain oi-co*" creek.Parcel B duplex does not 1ie within the roo v."" flood prain. Note: According to CoLorado law, you must commence any legalaction based upon any defect in thie certificaie within threeyears after you first discover euch defect. In no event may anyaction based upon any defect in this certificate oe commencedmore than ten years from the date of certification shown hereon. Thie lmprovement location certiflcatethe locatl-on of the centerline of theon Apri.l 2, 1993, the 50- eetback ofCreek, the top bank of the creek, andaccording to the above mentioned Flrm "l-z -e= Date Le1and Lechner ehow Creek P. L. S. 23506 Box 3463, Vail, + \' ,/,) t\ u ? ?\ \Ar' \ a r\\pi '04 tt\\ \t.. \ t8r, 3).\ ,\ i* rF @ Footcr o.ts P. ql P.Holl5rd trro r€ 6p FbFm'5tEr-tfo l(ooH trtctF ZOHq PEg (r) " F5{ OctnO<trt-r D. r( Hohl Hoo td oo tf D zF 3.1"8 Iprdn9.6)E{ HOOI{ l-{rJ}( EIOHoC)DrJHo!do Fi atadEo.trtP- trl<H P.O t\) P.ooaFtl to . Dgf; .tv;I frd*e ^6\' d..l F\ Frlt'i I1c u-I Fg q-t 6zl U ltz 0 p Dv tt. HHH'{€€F:{o)('AG)t$P zaaazaz €€r{{{€{ ,/'"\ t' 4.of/t" FoH ot o Eroo =to ry |d !'a Nol(tlo o) trtox &)A o) (J) o Y.F o OJ (o $(o I(ttqt c0 -.: $o,AAAAAAA-.lt$-lN{to-lOteaooco('ro('ro(''|o@F.@ts@PO Irrtttto('oC'|ouoAO)AO)Ao)A n" e n(4 !' ttz Gg , z F 9 E _-ttr-t {\ v ^z o Ilf lllo7 -i tL o>>\'$. 'rv\ I I t\>/ ttI 1t- F, '/l 'o! -eI {8 lo $n trlI FInlv o0 ; 6 0v nr,z I I/t 6-1 F rtl 0. ro oa TI!l,( o Itr{IoF tP t\)F^AN){r$Oqt F.|ocdo)(o(o(oooo)oFr-r-trrtllt rO n{719r!tD-\r 4FY {rrn -gF h!r; 5 5 0vn TI ol9o.Sz xf,$ 7-:i$lnIr 9o.1 tz [t ..4 & t.+\ i.F 'rt+ il-l lltz. tonl!!lF x Iq a TIv!lu-{ a z llt IA 7.{. f, n|1t tA't fzttf o Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: 'tnJ f ("cr Io|cll Ci r -!"P cLref contactpersonand ,n"* 0 rfqn r gqL/)r HoLls 'lr€ - a,/a/ 5 l3? - & k. ( _gqr L^^< 3,ar-.a Rs o6or< Architect. Address and Phone: I€.q out( q-s ct. lae /€ -- Legal Description: Lot /5 , Block d , Fi!€c Comments: Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: tAft seconded or, / b Date .-y:5(e 7;i *',.olc a 9c' .e rol) ,:J Town Planner ,^'", 6fr?s{qz dapp,ou^t ^cI $'*F \ t(,o\a \ \ N &'4'<48 NilA IbDp K^t\ P N F irlF4 !o I no tn t- s o il 0o (J|.t T D rn,Dl0th\r'01laIJllt, V \ t 6it \illr \ Ir.,brs\-rfot Iq$ \ltr \ | {o )EIr; Ifr\ |zz,"Ji nt\t-\ t\ at\f\\tl\ tF UIo \), l^rc!nfu fft C,tf \ \ \ \)":rurls]- I- \ \ \ \ $lrql Ir. IlN I "I ,A CIh .f\ .0t \q \ s0 ir i\d' B b \\ \.\ \q\ t t\ii \ \\\!\r -\tn' \\t\ \\rl \\ ,b\ \ I ffi-1!t ryIil"=o'. '"[F/ lr i A-l tS INl'. slblTiz,c- c.< U)lN-lItrrilt-im : (5. A-t boo' \ig o- ,aR Ir saz'5t'*"w itr s +z'st'&'w 'o N ;,-, o A. "-$ i 't Iil dg R$ 8: $ 0t7.O 'PLEASE TOWN OF VAJL D EPA RT;\{ EN T OF COlvt;vlUNITY DEVELOP}tENT' S,TLES ACTION FORM 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD N,\}IE D^rE-bA-/ fis Tfillth{ 0F lJFtIt_ l'liscel laneous Cxh Lltr'- i I -Y-r 1?r 11:35 E:r"c,*iFt # 1?5841 Fir:':{,Lrnt # tjl{ # lll:EEr!; - ll.ltj FLtroF.: E Fltri,:,Lrn t tender*d ; Item paid rjrl F_irjrFl:l4 1 :f,1. [i*fi !::h.3ng't Fe tlr r-n*d I 5464 IITiOITIO}..I..FEE FO T'RE FE 58.68 Froun t paid SEr. ffS s.Ea .5i0.00 s0.25 SIGN APPL]CATIO}'J FEE.01 cE00 11,(t3 0r 000041{r3 ADDtTtON.ll. SIGNAGE F;E lSl.00 ?ER SQ.tT.l 0l c{80 12{,:0 lTC A RT PRO'F.CT DONAT]ON 0t 0co0.tr33l PRE PiJD DESIGN REVIEW BO^RD FEE OI OOOO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PER}IIT CO}"IPUTER DI 0r 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUILDrNG) I TOTA' ou", 0r 0000 { 1130 0l 0000 .t I 0l0m0d1330 TSPECLALDEVELOP:\ 0l o00J 4l c$00 .i t 330 * * tr * * tk * H E E H\trrHIrlH 9 ^v l|o( 1..ooo to A toF I lt I oq! f, 5 oo 5 EIao E-c = : \cta (fttHt'l Ituiol'U|ltrr trl rr c)OPrd tJH(foFZu,ugtrFro trr trtEHH<z ttloo IF t8It{lol*gIHHIZ HHI|'IJ F trl9 rA lE ts I3 HFlz oH.. ctoHttNE IEE I IgFI tE6 t HH9,HHoB glo CIH EHltu EFo P Urln\,1 z;r) >.8io ryENO tlrdN-llr'( || 'l'> 'z oo}Jo{P- rort o ttlP-Oo505.tElrt ^r'tF1t C trluoodH.P.trtoo€o5 <!>Noo oo l= P.5o FJ PHrto E 0, c" P.o5 <t> N) 3oo c)o7ooItrrI 9,P Fo P.oz <Jto U()trl ttjoHC-{x ri ri*ttz B!,oo Drduln\tat ltLFI\r Ft oorr o<ztsruH tJ'oFlt, q<.i ZHl{ Fldo E{z|t lnWtoH tt ttFFF U'Eclut xDFl l' ttE\tT' HFF ZOo cr<r)],d rrt FaD lrt@ trr t{P trJ tXE l'{ tt):HENH F{ tsIlt olntro Hoq azH ult{ ClO EI|<E EEIzl,FI UFnz. C,Darqclltln OEIH Zno@z HqlP nHH dzcl ()ttE EFoz Hv, PUUFt{a(n trlt{ c)!r{ Ut{ U,oFHru |l Ho -z tr{ofi )r (n C'oF. ts-a P.o vl Fo N'nt\t h( A N O o,HO rtO Hrz rroH 0, OEz oHnc) !'P-O.. tlJ15 clctOr Q P'Eb octY rt5<d- 5\\ts-ts-,r- aV (t l- Pn oroo.. uproX Elo|oPO OP-Eol5 P-0,BttriOOP-< oor,'5 0.tt. o< oop 7pro othnoorcp, o,E5prortottoAE55oooor" H!ro5iqo9'P otr{crOnr47UDaFotrlF(t .. trHF{< FfloK r,loooJTo|.-€ l-tP-o50qr POOUrtUtsq, P-Ftooq,Pr5.rt g,z O,P r-- 3t" Irl ts-50ro rtl Frd ro t{ HoPz : }\ 3.2F',FP-=P TTJ H.DOq|Il zI' f'J o14 o€z FJF <h tnHoz z.l.:lcl H g p, tJ- P P. rA P 9. r-t oaa trl o o O, g, rtU r)ou yid oou o tD 5lP oFl< rtr{ oq, P.Ftrl 7rt53El P.OtQO.. 5F.< iro tt to o ftiu 7PH t'toor0,cFn urt tto roP.tt 3 (D r-to c P-o o5 P-(-t-lJcr p,o o, g, o FrtP.Poi, l--rt rO O tD FnJ FN !'oE o 0,OU€ T'ury!5 r5EStd PoP- 0J ts-u do tt oo- u o 0,o U< ttor'd P o l-PFP.\ O. oo!rproorrB€o ts-o!'0o F-5 rto.. o€oo5 ttdrt oI P.FFNg'15oK rt 0,Ft OP.rt Ff g.(5'0ro oP' €rits5o { P. H P 0,ou.tact rt o htoo g, ooo FtoF.5 rA do r'lJo cr 0,t'tso ttoPo€ o5 v,t FJo rt o oo B Floo FNoo P.a rd p, tl EI E \tttH Y U, QJ '\B rio {\.-.-F- \) -S \N <t> qr, 1J> qtt <, tt, lttt(r P lt'lo (t (n ts llrJooooo I- l(/,o oooo loF't oooo llc|-,H}.r-O{ lt{},luI tt ttF{ lcc tr',4> <r> a v, <t> 1tt V lttJPts Fl 1..HooulP ooooul 6Pzoooooo oooooooooooooooooo Poo Ft oa h FPoruoroI-J tr{O !-{or)@V.-z€ a F T'Jro Frda trtz EIItFl H trt ru o o IJ> <t> It, <J> 4t> <t>(nANFoooo(nNr{oooooorll't{oooooooooooo \ro I l.: h,il .-'flt "J ,.) 00 6 a -- R +,.flt{EOOt{poatt 0{C+Jooul-.1 7QP E--l--l Et|-t-{q o -.{o>5o o.Qt{t p.(I' +J o..Fl (t T{BOlt.lcoooo.-toq+Jtr(I'oo5 O .Fl ql .?t $ u,Ft ..-{ .'{O.d c!9.q q('o3ooO E-lC-r{J -l Ool, .a(u -tr>U)oO C -.{t{ohg.'d A CL {J(' ('!'ooO'.{ >6T{-{o..t oOolt{OOHEI{ (, -. t gq gi .-f; l! E .,g so.o .q -t rr.'-t 0t o o o m'g|/1 .rJ trt-J 11 t{ +r -t -.t c & .n c i c -.o- o- _ EHoE .l ,rg.o >l A rrr c, .o6ot+{ o ..{ \1t6 Ef Eqlgq€o q^;-t+r p--6A qo ->a 6' _ d ; Jrqr{.16c 3 dpq+rc!trc ..t .cort a tt..oo d>oo 0l+r-.r i0l E€-! l, 6dai+rJ6 .Fro qr{-d:cct_ !u-.r 4l +rert:! qrp.-tg.J 4/a.q .4;!r ;d.d 6o;cj E (''sii a59. Ed El - -'4o Li+r E nrr F-.o Fn:E *, e q n! .r. ? q> .Fr oilo il'l"'i 2fr 6 oco--r${oE ot .o'o-.r(' de.hc ut e' dq 'o' Ti6-€. d i ocEg6 -A eo|lloFrot{d I o+tJtot{.c. >roqA-...| -.tqoE lEn _,,r .iq+r6 do+.r qB-t rr{ oA Q+r'-ro rtll +r-.r.!a+rt -{o4'--${ qEt0 oE- Hai oE dhur .iiatH,66 oo ooQ>AOtt{ tl qotl+r O F{rEa-Fr Ft o E:ee- rr*q; gi]it -5t i; i.5u,,,88 ri'88339 fr, #'+{oo ooo I E!(dEo!o Fo:Eq qr{.e o-F !i ;u!1io- iiq.q c(!o _t qEoE o.ct{ ol oo A+ta s--r.JF..1 qq.dd.O -.rqF od o'Eiu.nq i:idEo.i'-i vr_t oqrl$J4+r.-! Erl l.too oo>! o>1t'&c E dal 0- +r.io +r; ..rC-iOi d oCO.q+, qro o..rE-^. 1:4ti el i,E'qEA6: .:si;fi lqf iE fr:: 61 :ffit:: 1;,'lil,; 6i fi.?ooo+r+r3 z, ttr.r.,{5E d trl"!g).? qr+r E.q o>o.. -ut 1.l-E^ >ro d_.!n.dr}c.; Q_t +roc.-t.-r+, ot gp.-{Eg!o oFa>.q r{(Ilco.' o,a'-c rJi QCq>a'i d,O Fn -Frr{ tE qxoH..{ t-{c HleF+, Eo ot iessiS'i F.9S3o Soot{6 'd";8 .9'i q4oir'd; d<+r6-rHG Fr 6it:4Etr+,Ei stl 4EeFc,Er eoj .c, eoeq.] -o.l. .aio q iErfi S3EEtBbil ; 8E ;;9Eo c5+r F{l ct+r-'{>.Q".a ,ro'..1 !! ngaiE-i gF-a-.t H; ..t.:*Eiju EqECr'!.e+r.c o Fro cs.Ao+r oo(' =t +r oo +r Hoq-.{.o --.i--tO .abJp. -Ix ,!Ed0'-6. -S t{ooo ..t rr{, -.rrJrJEo.E o. qll +ro,-tE+rC+r D qq! qroial +rF F utaj Aq6-F!-.S .6oh IrO +r r.r Fr Hoo+rFr..{+r Dl -to.-.too6o mo.i.qq) r\'iDo.i.d ss,o .- g0-iistq6 -io+rc,o q o o+r Eonl oc.IlF{o url Ea!5k5oq ctHt9 00r rr qtr+rE tlo F.A:-6'6; cq{p..rq+roq t EU, .6oao1d'dqo.o I .Qe,Q E'a Brr.-*- QEok- id6-.rt. eE 6-6'=orti.iu ; +,>c.+ro. s r, or{p.i:qi.ie.q d Be.^.8s,!..3 EujB$ A;;dH -.qt8 :l H.;SEEHi ;_-6eEtIg E IU #nH.,rO C O.+r k '(lrqr.o-.rFra -t oF3"-58u uoE'i.! ",9of , *i or.r ,;iroE;d dtp:io6'6- e 6; nio- -Fo -tiFl tel - -ntA. -iD iioiri!q ...'rc-E E..EE Eg 8iE8l3i fi,f Hfi.3fl-il I ;il tEbq!o'.lqqr'l I Zl 'r{o-Fl ttlo+r r.{b oql 'i:qqt-t -!En -uri ;!dqcioal tjr<Ho pdto +r+.l rrrruGL. fit rrl Ft 5 Hl +r Jl ,-t olrt C C.{oO -{O.qt9 qoE- _iO +r5.E.d. st.i 6gq.Albo r_{ (ox +ro'Aa q oro ol ont oot-r'.r o.-r{t'9E ..{cttc Et!> -t'-lct 4:6r_tniE ;oiqid.Io 'd ooo.cor-i+JoOOOE}t &l O+r >rO I |r',.troe;EEo'ar Ebi,Fq - i'bia; cH-:t flqig iiF EelFf;:; lu..*'6a'i €,F.i€totr+rr!(Il(Jr{ (,l tr+rc.o oor{ B o-r5 -;{rg: 'vte - 6-;n Fii ;-- co ah e cs B BE0rqE ,.o r{ 9!9.d+rt gEg6ir orac-ro ia0-ml--FlgroG al nio!.'-r -r! F-q6.- ,€;G:,.- E-doE .qo qtllE'Eqr ".,3j.9"flti I ''!brtu,q>sor{ I ao-t.tro a.oo -! }cl}}-r: ic-E ladi C;q!r0.dq, ir'qoo!oqo -rr )rr.q+roqod.oeE+ro !'ll FE!dq'.rb e qo .do--.-rq -i-iel F --l .a 14n6rd5 EcJ-ij'-EE i,i Ff o..{rorr.r..{"rtDrH .citllo ()l o q 6>c la|'Jo - .tr+rnt:r-tg l_gEq 5.ctj O!qdoQ6 iuco+r*.tooo o 1- Eo o+rcc>rr.co F{l '.r+r 'Fr ',r ol{tEiE. C .db.i 6€0,< dE; ;Ui.I-:!E Ea oHrJ r{ r{ .oo-{.-rr{r{Efi:.!.1:H El -!figds$: 'lH.i:Et fis5giq i:Ei ii'i '!![5saB g-8.'EdHsa : IgIE3?--t +r C -{.?r O A Zl =ru,o.c +Je. | 3.:3br'do 9383'eB fioo&6i sPgg rEn frbrj.;D6A Aidi-r,o o .j d6:5fi,i5s;ooE- r,l orr.iFo,o "'-Qp.lE rrFo.6.it -.rq,o r".5btI35 '!g{o+r..{qcF{ zl O.or{+rotr ooEqEg. go.iia<.t6. qC5G '-o+:rqo.e.d h(6-Ff .Ito-.{ o ct cgqq-44A l:}9.c.o. CqCS0F i6SrE . r}rcoBocLr{,H oI ocEo> E{l xtu'.toodd Hiro'uio.tr' 4mroi.dF Fn6.6 rtr .e iiorok4oo fr. o .eO rH..{ O l.t O O &lHq{-r oo (l H olO.oP.o+rOO Al_qg9,oiq. tl '{ o.Ut{OAfit Hl r( O O O &l h t; H H C;z H E-r fslFl H FlAAd I 14& Ar H H )zvoH E{do zIt3trl or{ ro Fo C,l rtlo F: E1H'.@tllr o.rrj PEHFH P ts{ ah N \I '1 a t. Ftrt 6)l,r{ o trtv,onHro Bl{o 7 E{o l-\) ttHoox n I U,(: tD(, H Hv,Hoz RlnIt.-I' lc- N a€ H CtlFl Bu a a/, ? I n Nh n(\ FI F f"I (, tr,lnoxl{trEHoz o EI ro Foq EIor \ \ l" h t\ ^. ) oI F \ s D Y 8 F€au<oP.O Frr€oHtrtFooo,{ FT F.o5rqttoP-lrr 5O ftlltoofttl, c,rtttr ts.P-O55 A,PP.(n o,ulrUOn€og<F!DFIPOooo, Ffl50nttootro ttl-- B<P-Ort5rr.. F'P rto rtvo uo(!t P.ra5 Fl F.6 o* trt 8s t3$B{-. ttJ-\ iu]HilF f.'o (/] )n t^ b, ) D (, o vtrd P.!rQop5(DoFt lr Itt!trxH(t F:t! r-{ ttt zoFtrl r{ =,Fotrt<t{trt u,('€o tr O 6) F3 O tr, r{ !C O O = = U, }r, OUrFtrtP rt F l'J i' P P O, O O P- P- O l, ct 1.. O CZ itO0, l-.0, t 3 OO55Flro i/(LOHu o o u, 7 o o o ir n p, o Ft o o r.- it Fl@tst5i'3!'(h|,OolJ-P-BlOo5,ot-.o€€€rrorQHP O t{ r< 5 tl B a @ e ztoti,orQP-Ho6)HOOOU3FTPzoFoP-Pto a o o 3 tt..(n7rtH tro,t"4FrtFo0roHzaP. lr l,P'PP.tJ3t/,9ru)OP oa Fn \t rdFFoltNZO'J @F'EOP€HtrIFFtrJ F-.1tt, F(,Fr an h \ n rr lo * Ft lo Holo 5o lF- o.(n lo P-'ltrolo o,ltn lF.l" l:l[: Ill: E lf; ll, r lFl"'n lltrgf5tIP.HO lFlt 5 lO p,rt lH P- l-llooolcg,olocto ls 3' lf;gF h FIE F[F ilt;otoc lFla hLa :l} oor{on U|troq q-r{ >r.A.A }JE c}l t.E.r{ (J O.r{(It(oo! +r .Q oOO+JHkOg.sooq{ 0)O O +r.qo cpqooo.p s qq{.q${ o tn.,..{ o 0,o ID.c t{ -t.q+J c)-t .c(u(l)c3! p.-t c)(!.q oUIOPFIc -.{ ..1 o.r{ 1J Bqc o..{ H OFItE -l -{rJ ._{ ctO >rO 3hr|. 3v -rl q{ O r+{ Ouroof'l O. {JMOIED .CttF. O ol..r4 o..t or{ (d o.4t! O,C-lEIrlAEtP{ AE4 E.Ao ^..{ x('l.x(0ao('t.z|J2 +r'(() o)Fl .o)\.tJqr&vroattl .{ Fl O r\Oro-rr|{F O(l U,oAE(n-,-1 oq(,trsllt -{O9{ F.lAO ENO+rc>r |u -.t oro l{ +r .Qo ct,q ('o g. tnO O ..1 +Jg1 Vr.1 Eoult{ O O ..{p. toc+rtoo.Fl E.oooU|q H EG o${ r!.'t..t +J+JtJO+J.qdHoU'to 5 3..r O +JF{ FI X O ..,{ ,c o,{Ott{+JOoq (n..{ d,q o otr oO AO o d'.{ O+ro0r>t{Xt{ oAO t >r f{ +J tH Q.pq.r x..t EH--l +J d c'lqr q q --l.. 0, O-{(,q{dZOH3q.{H OOFr f{ 4EO.OO(,.q c.a aHE(!F] 5-{r.lu Ulq 9.o {Itl ..{ O ?AOu'.{q \ddc (I' nL) +r-.1 O Va p.co \O B4IJO \s)zoU' (' \d.C-d C r{ ' r-1 o-t o ttt d flto '-1ooogEFH2 trl OtL) &zooH td ulA.O>& tsF1 t.d ( s zoH E<d(9 H &Mo tal Hrdafd >t trr.n E{o oo @ ct& F] o(J ozDo&o u, .a, r.lc ut oo utoctolo0ll{Hq. E{l rH o o N..1 at, g;l dolo -ll..1 -tlo('l E"lrlol @ mDO&HE>cooEO f'lz&H Ft frl(atr| Hxor{F ,-atlF Hfi&Etil (n F|do (ntsoZAdoFl&O.t A o Project Application'q Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description't-o, f Z ,",o"*JJ F'rins 4?4 L C 4rYK -\DR.,, zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: o beoQooM a-rAR&A 800r Pu a.N ENTQI y'OY€,d CAEA6E l l( I eog9 -/-car ?ncn. tO,$1" (tLLv veprFV) txreTtNc t^lA,LL .NEtJ PMTfnar{. GooF A.4J4 FRA'p1tN69U??ORO.9et itction a . GLASS I2ANsoM ENfer w? 'ilt9 Klr:L9fq6a1 F\9qOA^1V9 ARCHffLfiq Oa -q1ol -4qrF__-r, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DArE B-20-80 PROJECT NO.- U 655nrt department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT L TYPE oF CoNSTRUCTTON l ll lll l{x 2. occu PANcY GRouP ne e n t(glu DtvrsroN , , tQo GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK New Duplex PERMIT NO. z tr f BUILDING 152.000 ELECIRICAL 4,500 PLUMBING 9 ,200 MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SQ FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES VN R-3 2955 133.000 BUILDING PERMIT 437 .60 VN M-1 520 18.200 PLAN CHECK 218.80 E LECTRICAL 38. 50 PLUMBING 75.00 MECHANICALHEwrX t artneloN( ) ADDTIoNAL( ) REPATR( ) DWELLTNG uNrrs 2 rccouroDATroN uNrrs- c.R.F.A. 2955 aeonooi,rs COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING -HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVEREO PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE 443 2q OESIGN REVIEW EOARO 100.00 CLEAN UP DEPOSIT 200.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES $1.513.1s l/ Wttffi/*a\ - /af7r" - INSULATION NING AOMINISIRATOR OATE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VAL UE NING NOIESi Landscaoe plan on workino drawinos-Batt Slab on or edp Batt 6"R-19 fi nal Batt 6"R-21 HEAT ELEC: I GAS: SOLAR: lwooD: SPECIAL NOTES: m t-lI ulIx BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LOT 13 BL FtLtNG Gore Cr"eek Suh- LEGAL DESC- JoBNAME: Richard Rivera Duplex CITY PH. ARCHITECT rrnu F&LDevelopment MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS MECHANI CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTO RICHARD L. RavERA /./5355 BrSON TRAII 320-1058' LlTTLtroN, cotoMDo Efi.ts !t/re *a 29? ?s-rlfim Pay bA|3 ofibr or $/sE-- l,|alt B&* C.nb. I7|lO Eo&t. Ot|iilr. Cdc$ Ellt United Bankof Derwer r! lO lCIO00 ?Et! i.!hra-rba Joqur o eq aaas h- t !...L. t. lL 'ilOOOO l5I1 15." - -r- (%' .: a 5*'ttd:: iYt{ s*"f!!^t 9-tq;4 r -_ - } Project Appllcation /, tl 2,7 vo7=-za-76 . Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: tor / 3 , atocx Zoning Approved: -.) tig r,-c "',"Lt,tr.- DISAPPROVAL Deslgn Review Board '7/( l /r Chief Building Official Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Project Applicatlon Filing r} o^r" -7* 26' ry \; /2, Legal Description: Lot / c/- , Block , (7 -', -? -)o^t" /'/- /'/ DISAPPROVAL Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Zoning. Administrator Chiet Building Off icial .-1 ^n;' .i l9/nlJIf.,tt l}.r*tr-a Project Application Project'fuame: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: -?34? 73-g?zaArchitect Address and Phone: Lesal Descriptio n, ut ffi /3 ', ",o.* 3 , , , nn Zoning Approved: -. 1+/n '. " ,,r-tl '/ a'/?- ry DISAPPROVALAPPROVFT--\..\\' ,c-.....-_-:-----/'6/l i\ Chief Building Official ir D' tuun June It 26, box lfll uail, colorado 81667 13031 476€613 1979 department of community dweloprnent Richard L. Rivera It80 South lrhrion Parkway Apt. l0l Denver, C0 80209 Dear Mr. Rivera: Theodore L. Kalstrom has sent has asked to be scheduled on a }{e havg scheduled your duplex lleeting of Ju'ly .|2, 1979 which Please complete and return the us plans for your duplex and Design Review Board Agenda. for the Design Review Board begins at 3:00 P.M. enclosed materials'list as soon as possible.. Chuck Donley from our Department will be in touch with youif anything further is requireC. Sincerely, CbnLLqr-rf, Catherine A. Jarnot Zoning Oepartrent Secretary Encl . caJ ':' .:_ ' ,' '_ lorli, li i','5 itoii li);llljClli '-_jr ', / .:y''uqqt, Ir:sa1 l)c:cr-ipricn: l.ot l_3_ _ Blr,cir _ Z_ril;^g !g!_Ct'et 0i.,1,er.3o,1:-r.- __---J*r,L, j&OE_-_ )/t.Ottc Ul St.t. tct lt _-- --__[,,-c,poscd [Jse Ut SX!; { Lot Arr:a ?-;-{,-----;', ;; ;; : ;'il;;i;;t_---_--__ _ Setback:,: fr,.;ni-t:i,,juiria Zil;--proposcd CI-...-'.-|-Sides-l{er;uired l5' proirlsed ;:L Rear -Requi rcd l5 , prol:osed ---:'r: =- l.laterccurse-required. 1Z ,prouosed _ _te ___ _ _ ___ _ _- _ Giii /r: /i'l t or'red i S= S_*_ GRFA: Pr^irnar1, /rl lor+ed ,_U4__ pr.in_.rr3, pr ops51,1i _ _l-: _ Sr:condaiy Al'lo,cd ':j-: _ S'i rc Co,.,crr ge : Al l cl.red _ _7_-_i:: L.rrrrliciilrirl3: Rcgu'ir-er.i -_ ,1;. l_,: ____ propr:ed _ d=_-._-- Pal lr ing : llequ ired ?/ui ,, * = ,t prrpc:.cct OZtDrive: Slope Fermitted ?t)l Slope Acrrial &_ Environniental/Hazards: Ava1anche OL 'l'i i :,:l_rprovedToni ng : 'Zou i rrq /l ir i r t'1, ',, i: A4:uin i :;t nitor /ry Filing &E CE eiE- $,lb. G2a - C,-372 ZONE CHECK ' for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE Legal Description: Lot 17 Block 2 DISTRICTS 2?-' tdl r{/ eK- . 2J ProPosed e.K. Proposed z-6q* Parking:Required Envi ronmental /Hazards : Corments : 0wner f4r-,gplr Architect lkL €'tagi?nu-^ Zone District R proposed use Dap/srtaLot Arca /2 I 54'r Hei ght A1 I owed 30 ' Proposed GRFA: PrimarY A'11^"'^'{ " /' secondary ^,';;-, rer":::ff il::::: fu Site Coverage: A] lowed /Z& f, 4 t(. Z : 2S1o . Proposed Landscaping: Required = 7? lL ProPosed d/<. t/Proposed 1. Aval anche Fl ood P'lain S'lope Setbacks : Front-Riqulre?-261-""Prdposed Sides-Required l5' Pruposed Rear -Requiredrl5' Prnposed Watercourse required 3_o-/5? Proposed Distance Between BuiJd/ngs: Required GRFA: A] 'lowed i 3 Z- t 3 Zoning, @o/Disapproved tlo J\ 7"F- /':., f/.f rtfltf : /oy t) a &x 27,{ 2 /t /T/ub w /r?7- 7b td O /v7 /Vo 'Ttb ,a/t v -,- tl_, Z7! D = tZ,tf't fl,rt 51,(* /"2 = /7x 27-> ? )t( 37: h(sf o I f) 9.1, =ii'={74\c, f;l! t't,z =\:-",o,'YtiZt 4C 3 co.1i SOto ",o o : =21^7 Ci:44 I.!F': '. It-o' r- I..34F Iartlt Ii6t.. Iotrl ''-I = I "22,A I It'!-= :r: Iezia s Il/e c, G: I s773 E I.6 |';"9 : It-C s I:is. : Ii-.a6 Ic'r I< 63 |O.! a Ica1- | rr)a& |<cca Ie-l.<!. Ir I?--:: Ir (r+ I.-i Iroat Iarl;5" I<! r trO I?tia I03 |tc-r I0r5O Icat I3al'CFc Inl't I o3t"3.<t- orrEtet ot'.< g sc a '-O *<trcc+o.7a;i 'r.tctio a,iaot,pt oP5..!Ooq o..o r-Oelr. r- O ..< eOOFOtit e. n. tto6=..o?i G St c' o'lP<:i no< €oc F"elr ) r<<c.o7r oooo5toog!il <5()o'i >r n3tsIto tiiiiiiiiilg iisi !! il?g\'',=iiEi gile E?Eiiz'i,; r ieFi;lei'lli i ;ii i !i i i?ii i l?iE ',re gg i 't"i=it I ill t 3l i i ':; ii^zerr :iii;ii l?'l?f, ?:l, iu! iZ +' ;=':r" s;"" iii ;ii,?r;ii aE tiiil?iiil iiri;?;ii"litq:Ili ; 1,ii i glg ii igi;l lli I ?i; ti;?rr iii* i-*se s. or i -i lll i g; Z lilTiri i!i:E7v" E;liti ill,V?i::Pri iizlrl;a trll'i r3;;Ei,iq;FIHEi,i i; r;il"'..i*r"Eia i i i!5lilili i:i;i rr'. !. 2!: i .i I 'iel il :5 t Y ,. 9'icul ; g:E;I li g .? ,,,tt F v, - t O'i)t -. ll oto a p"g :iIH tr ;ri Eg.G@eose€OCI eGeA i u Ap6ouArr Spqg6lotrAftoR.Nor APPLI4A6UF I \,, r{ H Fl =€ liv) zD3 H Fl r{ v)a! 4H z FJu F{ FI€ :vl Irl iE l{ I L(| 5-IT i.t z F .r Fl. oF\./ o ctl+l H tsLr ?\ r-r ^\ l. OHtsHr tr{ UFu ooH o€Z H. ts.ltrr !-l Fi ootrt <H,ft P.Or-r OH L'@ W.r.. oP.IroF!F ounr P' oF. oq€ tsH g o P. F)Ha O C F:l ()'''d ttj Fq V q = = q F;BtJrytHSrooP'P'oPFnisrts.todEooPFr'+aoooSoOp'-J!!PQ,H,O*!r ly5!taaAQt,'P'r'ots.-o€ddfpoEdt5gJoqP'taooy]llgHo P o !''i'aeogAF Ft :dop@ lr,Ha rU \J t! ntso tr < l-l(-t 5o>0, o.oc zI o}lH. cJ r.rO FIPKlJ O(-t>! a: tJ. Fl3<14z p-o idnr-rJEoto o r{ r{<qm \-/ a)o H. o0eoag,3tr -|1zH.0r 0) o(Dl,EliEliF P. o Fit l-JlFl o oF< Fl 'oFd otrlo P'I PBloolHr F|r FLlH.IT !JH, lcF ts FJ lol4 0, o lp lJ dlFJ F!3 OP,<c+Pc+ul,l/1 Frloo lo 5< IH 0qP.F<rd FP C+ H.Fi n Ha H.H| 'lsrdlg 0q i* Lillt FI l"' \ lij' i;I lB-'ts ''\?s F.t f' l\D lu ln fta ti thlZ ltj lolllslrG, r d$. 3 FtiN l*. l)-' ,r. it}. o{9$- '. \J Is7o K|Ets taI't'tl HR NN tll$lf lB16 lo Fle IRF RIFIpt lNl\n Ks f,st BI! l'r $E 319 slE II - t\!t ::t!'Tl' Dlz l$ l+l(t:lF lzilsilirlE ', lZ l16il t$FI'bl13 IF llNIFllstt'INllFllKIFrH 6 ol' i F5 l6r IHF F 1,"l+ I ru F6 >E *s E9 sN35n { i /' r \-\ t rd 0r ooo t\) tH D5ct 3Itcto r-l H.!tts v, c)o5rf H. Foa. rdort Dp Fo F'H z 0r3o ztj (l| Elc) Elg cr 19 $lr l6 I AaOld tdHH OIEO rt trl0r lrdu, l-r.O FFH->vt uzE gqUo(no €oP. A'>ln Hld\< Htrl\-., or hrl trlrirj FodpcoFo trlo (/1 ut{.P. tlEP.5 0c fd ooH v ort !t II 3 d El z E tt'l $ Zt(1 I 3 g zt$F Iw IEIt* l?" llllr i, E{ l-la F; =€ H r{u ,-. U z = o C.r o>l FIa,o t-l Fl z L{ o F v) l-{ Fl H 9 o U e F ln ls F IPn l* II I It I I I I I I I I . oFvOctV2 5 t! it H'P. o d ooOOHP'P. Hr E{ U ,JE U OOoq H a1Z P. P.o wi, F frY.F oEfd <Hl!d P'oH OFI L'A tD cf 85'F|5 P.r< fi ruH, l'Jls ls lFl o o.lk lk l.< ry,olB lN lH otr. ls l\l l'" P F,Lllooll l\t) | Hr F+, Ol$ l1 | FJ.l- l- l< 5H'lV l* ls, polF lP l* PFr n l$ li.'ss| | lF rJdI I lr-,, ry=I I oP'| | <c|| | At .+Itr | r,pFrl-loPF l>-'13 3ol{ El lo i'K H lF In r$|IrllroF I' E.oF I 6Eks I rF'tif,t.P.sr $z; {) DL .| o F! FiHH F)rto tsv.p, H @ $t g sz F l.,J l3 l4 IN F l5 le l'$ t* Flo,i 6 rd aE Ar < l-{9(D>o.ga zOH FtorKOrt>C F. '-lp<Flo.o to. l-lcjFo r{F< 0l c/,o5.Hrva o 0t P. rt Ft P' H H H. @ ''{n'oo (h v, F1 tn t-t 0, H z 0t o c) z o @Itr ID lJtrl l* 1.< laIt. INlo I lu.li ls. oc€oEtl'lEE'E4,4u-)ij.*u'.H|-,pOOP.H'OP;lrd!rP.pdtooPtrHraOOOSOOA|-lFJPPI+'O*EtElraAAaH.P'5oP'.OF:{{c}POfd(<tptFJ_aat!5ooqH'rtoGOUtstsoPo!1.rhoogaX FJ !do!,AH, a tr HI F I I I'ut r{o X l" tc\ lRt\ IRlm t;IE B lf tstz IH l- IE ls ISttrll:. Ir IR E IszA IILo Kltl5 let.t'sb FFNlr tlFlt 16lE lqFI:l$P NIFIpl lNlE,$ K(rr f;ri BiIE lni lH ffil$ Ml: lffir $z $E RF l$H IDF 16 lHlst Ilel FIlil tsl 16 I I Fl$ 3H$rl l-Flil$ I fli le 1F'+ r\D LiPl*$ lg.' Ns I |AF t85lE& l6i FC tsB $ l* l+ II I H zo (- P -l si 3 $E3ul o !- ur_ d $. tr o !- tt. o-| $- ;. li"= B. l:. {F \P ld qt 0ao N EH 0tJff E ntrto HF 0t q c)op rt H.Jdoo rdorl 0ttF.o FH z 0, Eo cra EIa FI zgt Bo F z e(tl Et-I c\ fit .no Iv - A ^oD F TH2 o ct tdH 0r orld;bP..I O FFs v' tEZ E Oqt,(](D('to {oL P. N'>Ji Ffi Hrd2 (< Htrlh \,' _r orq "iFsl oHz 9C(n otd$ gs vNrr H.flEzH',stfr0eFE ooF -" ol't !tv v, No... .... .. . I I P!: ,o Jttl ffI d E E|l|nrllr (lrs '1 \20 -tO6B iJnleu coo'rte .za[q_gLiLq( forR, t( P/S ZoNt DISTRICTS t3 _ B'lock ?Firing 6ote (NnELegal Owner Descri ption: l-ot -h-wrc-- tl Architect -_ LAIS_ft/dtAL- _ -_\l Zone District ( .- Proposcd ur" __I)_<ZPIC'K- ' _ _ Lot Area -lz-gt{-:- -Height Allo'"red 30' f,roioseO 6le " _-*:l+ .A Setbaclrs: Fron't-Rcqu'ired 20' 'Piopos ed _Ot_ _ Sides-t{equired l5' Proposed -5L _ Rear -Required l5' Proposed hraterccurse-required 1Z Proposed ' <9'.ti 3zt3f _ /Ut4 N& A'll orved 20Qo ./1 Proposed _ _O '' Secondary Proposed N4 Proposcd -ft-|-'':,Propc:.cd {7K GIiFA: Al'lor.red GRFA: Prirnar;' Secondary Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: . _lPropo:ed 7?f,5 _ rr l' Proposed ___Wtf___Al'lowed Al I owed Regu'i red Requi red bolo Corr'ments: Zoni ng :/A1'prc'rlc isapproved : I ;Zonin51 Adui ni stt:titor tr: ,'wce!"le't- tE:Y gf= 7 a#3{*43'{ L&l 9'dx9 F' s-= zb -r' E"{tf t loz'{ hte,v 4x r2'- q32 lry'F&= {1o ZxtF = zD ll K lo t lto D"l.k b,rro'- {z 6'ftrg '- fz t2fff, f ,J 1.,' Project Application Proiect Name: Pro.iect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on,ro, l7 , Btoct ca , p;l,nn Zonei Zoning Approved: Design Review Board .r) t --'l t'1J- /- /7Date / DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Wr% eJEE-flzr=,€, ./ ,\\d6L /3 . Fz-r"- Ct-- Z0NE CHECK tdturAAa&* 4 /a- ert Q for ,*^iA a sFR, R, R P/s zoNE DISTRICTS Legal Descrigtion: Lot tg Block 2- Filing &-'z Ce."< 9nb. 0wner Qt, ,p*- --Jrchit ect --lLilt Eruasrpo,u^ Zone District R Proposed Use D,^P/ Lot Area fueight Al'lowed 30' Proposed setbacks : Front-Requr'rio-Z0r-"pr6posed 22-' Sides-Required 15' Proposed td' . Rear -Requiredrl5' Pmposed rft --_--- l,latercourse required3-9/57- Proposed ek- 'tDistance Between Bui)dings: Required . 20 Proposed aK. i GRFA: Allowed i 32- t 3 Proposed z-6r* Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: A]lowed ^8f,t1 X,z: 25:lo Proposed AK. Required ' r.6, = 7-lL Proposed d/.<. Reouired 4 Prnposed 4 - Environmental/Hazards: Ava'lanche Fl ood P'lain Sl ope Corments: Zonins : 4@o,Disapproved ,^r", 3ffl 'i 7.r- 7 iz! 'NJ;ctoNTOWN OF t- REOUESTVAIL r " ,or, (rf /\i''i,r- JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTIOI-II: " LocArloN: S/J:'ti A', li'+ MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 476 - ?ogV J tr{L -INSPECTION DATE TOWN OF k. REQUEST. VAIL // -2 7- (/JoBNAME- ,^ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTToN: @ptr.. wED rHUR FBr @srz? pFca;-' tl d-{.,? -,1;,'' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING N POOL / H. TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED E BEINSPECTION REOUIRED *'*f^* DATE rNserion TOWN OF REQUESTvAlL ) I INSPECTIO JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THURREADY FOR LOCATION: WED .AM PM'li BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING E] SHEETROCK NA|L _ n POoL / H. TUB -- tr D---'r ,- '/ /) ^Hrtrunl /-'tl,rr( /'^'(; trF;NALl\,T| \ [t MECHANICAL:ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER trD i{r,*or tr F,NAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: :JEi-:DTSAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 6'c" DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ? .-) .J ,r-# JOB NAME 1,,,/ocL t WED THUR IINStrECTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL 'i. / . ,l ,- , L( .;1 '//''tt/ c .L-.-c.**,/.1 l(/tod AM PM .,' - r) \ CALLER TUES €) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H.TUB FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PffOVED NSPECTION REQUIRED ? - 4.,E Fa) A l/( gOpp<{ TO ,.4E.-h/**/cA< Eod/4 9- l/../, <F A?P - s7- 6E fo9/E{1 ,./ 0-tz ?/a9t* ay €4../6tF DATE ?-rt- ff INSPECTOR i-,- -INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL . . a DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELTRICAL: b,4-eup. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR c ,-fu*o5,$FguEsr. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER ar THUR PMAMSP 'rll' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: 2 - 7l tNSpECroR JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON 1:. :r: t r{r', ,:rr:: :rr'n-t4ta CALLER TI ItrQ rN#cnoN REeuEsr DATE @ rHUR FRI TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rN#"toN REouEir , /-,. "^rr 3///Y/ JoB NAME // MON TUESREADY FOR INSPECTION: LocATroN: Lr*'Lf 'u'/f BUlLDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING BOUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED co ECTIONS: B DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 'NsttoN REouEirTowN oF vAtL I JOB NAME 1.ar; -DATE READY FOR LOCATION: .ALLER fuX' INSPECTION: MON. -/--/^ t I I /,A.{ .:,.. /d ( ruEs 6eJ) rHun FRI o"@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING (sneernoc^@ D tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tl tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED . REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR :t_Et*, Y^itr_ ,?s -sqe*tr . rrtuF ll' 31rrr.".. ,\ rN#croN REouEiT TOWN OF VAIL } DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME TION: BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION tr GAS PIPING N SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR 'N toN REouEir TOWN OF VAIL t t/ oerc af rtf 8/ JoBNAMEt/ READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WEDINSPECTION:MON BU trl trt Mt trt trl tr ILOING:PLUMBIN G: IG 1/ 1/ IP FOOTINGS / S TEEL tr tr tr tr UNDER GRO t/D. t/w PIN( H.T : CAL: G- iT r- , All OUND FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH D,W.V. FRAMING ROUGH WATER I NSULATION GAS PI G SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL /TUB B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr E tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,orc zf,t JoB NAME /4, TOWN OF VAILI CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB cl_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ( noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECIION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rNsilctoN TOWN OF REQUEST THUR FRI ^t l-. n n TOWNOFVAIL ' oor= &f 1 f Y I JoB NAME K ,.no= jlr.* ;/ | .ALLER -i, H. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W,V. N noucH / wArERI tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr_ tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL tr tr tr o INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT D tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O REINSPECTION REQUIRED rN toN REeuEs'r TOWN OF VAIL \ DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,H.orsnppnovEo REINSPECTION REQUIRED PM. BU trl DI Nr ar, trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBFRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL oor, ;i-5* t'/ rNSpEcroR YAfL, Lr.A'Jrl9g ^) \ttvJ' IrtstttJIIl,\L tr T6t I 5Bi1-R Tl'P ft€ lvtg oF le€ o..::ER 7C '$ntEI Ptafslc/1L ,_4 .rloro--- / = _ /^{a. =../{, a a ,s (it'rltrc F.co*sr roa:5,'AtrAs,-f x j,lfr =7, oO- IOTC-ZNS DtstrAsFgis 't B,\silt8TolLET. / x (cttE ITALF EAIru DCTRA SIIii$ X RLL gAIH . ,-.tiF'.6'ijam,5 x l.m BASIII, TOILET' 2.9 .{, OO x l.m = 2,oO. = -_ :d /,oo x' ,8 l.m x'l. r\1r,[o'Po' BlLfl16 ,oolEss u)T l. 2, 3i q. DriSA€tfilsr noon Zto rtocelro rles PASR3IT lsr rtmr ao FLcoR )fiD FLOOR BASA€fiTlsr rucon ?o n-ocr JRD FLCCR 1.50 ,E 5. '6. . 7, 8. 1. 2, 5, 'qr 5. tcE g. J0. SATNAS 4:s &r TATB F9fi{TAIITS sl{tt'?tfttc Polts IDS }:ATER L'Lt'1 OF rur ms KITC}€N Dlstl (I,ISIDE TIA lPA{N.€NTS 38'oo l0.m 3.too = 1.L0 uttt J -t .wr utrrr &L61x$Lsoo . oo* $ o DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .-/-1 4 JOB NAME MON a.^- CALLER TUESt.// , rNsd?cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL { uruoenGRour.to tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I rNstcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL. j ':.'',) DATE i- * JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON ,.TUES ,.;WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: q FoUNDATTON / SrEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr I] FINAL tr FINAL q'APPROVED TCORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED I DATE INSPECTOH rNs#croN REouEir trt TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: (7t, ,! ,,, .,,'JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES i THUR FRI PM LOCATION: { WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATTON / STEEL , ',:r tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ! aeenoveo ICORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR JOB NAME MON rNSP?cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ---$ PM(FRt) LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: \-roorrNcs / srEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D D tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oNs rNsP?croN REeuESr WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: t:' i i.: 6 BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER iVroorrrues / srEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS U CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR /j 't - ' i y t,: ,"rr?rioN REeuEsr' '. ."' ' 'i; t i t - -. INSPECTION REC \ .e JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES .,1(. DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR {- PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr u o tr D tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATEBFRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR P I)v12(( A CALLER {u; ,(( ".-\ TOWN OF VAIL rNsP?cnoN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: l)/i /.r JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRI Yorr^ou=o CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ocATloN: S l)t't /-< . o,_, r, r, t, <- Ke.l6,+tL (/'r,.-,.i,. t- S.t\ 8",/t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: F TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR