HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 2 LOT 17 LEGALD fOWN OF VAIL ZS S. FRONTAGE'ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 78.00 Total Pernit Fer-.-) 250.00 PaYnents--)250.00 PaYnents--z 1 ,31t.75 eAilt{cE DUE-> ( \P -^y vavUY\.V. .f n.S L1u\l Status...: ISSUED Applied... o4/25/t996 ri-sued. . . I 04/26/1995- Expires..: L0/23/L996 Phone:303-949-0566 Phone: 303-949-0566 Valuation:59,OOO Add Sg Ft: 520 fof Gas APPI i anccs:#0f Gas L€s:fof [ood/Psl'tet: tireDtace tnfornation: Restricted: FEE. SUI.IIIARY OO Totat catcutated Fees-> m Recrretion Fec------) 3.OO cLean-UP DrPosit--> TOTAL FEES--+---> Job Address: 5155 BLACK GORE DR Location. . . : Farcef No.. : 2099-L82-L0-016 Project No. : PRJ96-0048 APPLICANT K.C. COMPANY P.o. Box 341, AVON, co 81620 CONTRACTOR K.C. COMPANY' P.O. Box 341, AVON, co 81620 OWNER DAVIS KURT R & LESLIE M s155 BLACK GORE DR, vArL CO 81657 DescriPtion: ADDITION SFR occupancy R3/M1 Single Fanily Res w/Garage Type- Con-struction: v il fype v Non-Rated 555,m Restuarant P[an RevieH--> .75 DRB FeF-------1m,00 Additionat f ces---) 317 .78. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSBED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT sFR BuILD PERMIT Pennit #: 896-0067 .00 1 ,t13.75 1 ,313.75 .00 sui tding-> Ptan Check-> Investigat ion> tli tt catt._> Dept: FIRE Dept: PUB WORK Division: Divisiolu Division: Division: DePt: BUII-'DING DAI.I PLANS EXN'TINER DePt: PIJANNING GEORGE PLANNER TMENT: NOTE: APPR TMENT: NOTE: APPR T,: APPR .: APPR ARTon:on: ARTon:on: IENT ,on: .on: G DEP.Acti,Acti, G DEP.Act+ActI PARTMActi WORKSActi ING A A ING A A DEPA Acwo actaon:Action: DEPARTAction:Action: ARTMENTAction: ORKSAction:'ffif;ai\'rffi N/A N/A APP APP APP see page 2 of this Document, for any conditionE that nay aPply to this pernit' DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby scknour'edse that I have nead.this 1?ll:"ll"i:lll5d.:':^::.:"tt l^!"lll"lfllll,i'lilit;.'ffi::Ht:l:::Ti$ 3[:I hcrcby scknoHtedse that I have nead this apptrcrtron"llS"tl"Lll"ii:'i";r;Hl;;;ilti-Jiii.'-iit. in?oruation and ptot.ptan, irlii,-lio iiiil-ifiii att ttrs inioruation^ry:"i1* ":-l'.q:il*,]",;?i'lil;.,1.1'll!oll,no.o thr roun,s zonrns and iuua'luisibn|l':#f :$'"tt'l#'"::i":*::T:li'!qi!q,:irj:^.[fr;^:lii.:i::.:l.i;:;is*'a:]:.:lt"'m::.::i's and subdivision illi,'iitig; tiuict approu.a, uniror! Euitding code and nances of the Tosn appticabl'c thercto' REOUESTS FOR IIISPECITONS SHALL 8E IIADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS I}I AOVAI{CE BY Send C tc.n-UP DePosit To: DAVIS 47''Fl1'3A OR AT OUR OFftCE fROI 8:M Afi 5:OO Pil o *************************************l???*?************************************* CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0067 as of o5/o?191 .. statuE---: rssuED *******************************************i************************************ permit TtT)e! ADD/ALT SFR BuILD PERMIT -applied--t 04/25/L996 Applicant--: K.c'. coupallv risued---: o4/26/L996 303-949-0566 To ExPire: Lo/23/1996 Job Address: 5165 BLACK GORE DR Location---:Parcel No--: 2099-L82-L0-016 Description: ADDITION SFR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Conditions * * * * * * * * * * * * !P * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' 2.sMoKEDETEcToRsAREREQuIREDINALLBEDRooMSANDEVERYSToRY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC 3. ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE & DWELL',ING 4. EGRESS FROM 2ND FLOOR GUEST ROOM REQUIRED AS PER SEC 1204 OF THE 1991 UBC 5. ROOF MUST COMPI.,Y WITH CHAPTER 32 OF THE 1991 UBC. 5. AN ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE FRAMING BEFORE TOWN OF VAIL WILL OK FRAMING INSPECTION. 7. A SOILS REPORT MAYBE REQUIRED BEFORE FOOTING INSPECTION. * * * * * * * ** ** * tl * ** ** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * !* * * * ** * * * * * * * t* * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * TOWN oF vArr,, coLoRADo Statemnt ;;l;.;; _ ;;iil*** * ** * * * * * ** *** * * * * **** * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * tr *** * * * * * * Statennt Number: REC-0134 Arnount:L,263.'15 0s/07 /96 11:13,/07 /e Payment Method: CK Notation: *2024 fnit: DS Permit No: 896-005? Tlpe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT Parcel No: 2099-182-10-016 SiTE RddTCSE: 5165 BLACK GORE DR SFR BUILD PE 1, 313 .75 1,3L3,-75 .00 **************************************************************** This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 4L336 Total Feess L,263.75 Total ALt PIntE: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 53s.00 s0.00 347.75 250.00 78.00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMIIIINITY DEVEI''OPMENT rOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE'ROAD VAII,, CO 8165? 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAI, PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #; M96-0031 Job Address...: 5165 BLACK GORE DR Location. .....: ;;;;;i No... ..2 2oee-t82-10-016 eioject Nurnber: PRJ96-0048 APPLICA}-IT CONCEPT MECHANICAL' INC 41348 U.S' HWY 6 & 24 WEST' coNTRACToR coNcEPT MECHANTCAL, rNC 41348 U.s. EWY 6 & 24 WEST' OWNER DAVIS KURT R & LESLIE M 5165 BLACK GORE DR, VArL co DescriPtion: ADDITION SFR Phone: 9709490200 BLDG E, UNrT 4, AVON' CO q19?9^^ Phone: 9709490200 BLDG E, uNrT 4, AvoN, co 81620 816 s7 Status. . . Applied. . Issued. . . Expires. . Valuation: fof Gas Logs: ISSUED 04/25/Lee6 04'/25/tee6 Lo'/22/tee6 1,000.00 fof t,ood/Prttrt: Fireptace Infofmltion: Rrst'icted:{of Gas APPI i ances: -fEE-SUllllARY llechani cat--) Plrn check--> tnvesti gation> Iti tt cslt----> 20.m 5.00 .m 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Rrvi eY--> DREFee--_--_---.--> TOTAL FEES--- Totrl caLcutatld Fees-> Additional' Fees---) TotaL Pernit Fee-) PaYnents--) arlmce oue--> .00 .@ 28.00 28.m .00 28.m 28.00 .@ 6\72 i fil'b|o DBU r LD r NG^BEIS*T5$ $* DeDt: BUILDING DiViSiON: CONDIIION OF APPROVAL I i il*Hitnffi ffi*tffixni$fi{il;r$rii:ffi ******************************----.;:;;;;;:.-.--**************************** accurltc Ptot and pl,ot pt!n, subdi vi si on 8:O All 5:00 Pll therebylcknoutcdgcthatthave|eadthisaPPl..lc€tion,fittcdoutinfuttthcin'ornationfequircd,colptetcdan pl.an, ahd stltr that att tnc"iniorriii* prolia"A "" .iqui.J-lt corrcct' I agree to conpty vith thc infonnt'ion to corpty eith ltt ,*n o,o,nllilllTilltii;=!iq1:":-i;^*::'^:l*.::::':;':;:';ilflt3-ti.:li.'ffi;l.lT'* "*:L::n:.il:t.:ll.lllp:lf iiitl'il iiiiiiii-ifu1";i-oii".-o.ain'n"cs or the rosn appticabtc th'rcto' REOI.|ESTS IOR INSPECTTONS SI{ALL BE IIADE BY TELEPTIONE AT 479"2158 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROII STGNATURE OI Ot,Il{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HITSELT AND OIINER if ************************:l*************************************** Tov{N OF VArL, coLoRADO Statemnt ;;;;";; _ ;;iil*i * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * ** ** * *** * * * * *** * Statemnt Number: REC-0134 Amount':28.00 05/07/96/07 /e6 11:15 Palrment Method: CK Notation: *2024 fnit: DS Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: This Palrment Account Code 01 0000 41312 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41335 Total Fees: 28.00 Total ALt Pnts: Balance: Description IIECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN.CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M96-0031 Tlpe: B-MECH I'{ECHANICAL PERMIT 2099-182-10-016 5165 BTACK GORE DR. **************************************************************** 28.00 28.00 .00 Anount 20.00 5.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAII., 75 S. FRONTAGE'ROAD VAIIJ, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PernitPLUMBING PERMIT AT *.tr. ALL TIMES P9 5-0038 APPLICA.}IT CONTRACTOR OVINER Job Address: 5165 BLACK GORE Location...: Parcel No.. : 2099-182-L0-016 Project No. : PRJ96-0048 CONCEPT MECHANICAL' INC 41348 U.S. HWY 6 e 24 WEST' BLDG E, CONCEPT MECHA}IICAL, INC 41348 U.S. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E, DAVIS KURT R & LESLIE M 5165 BLACK GORE DR, VArL CO 81657 DR Status...: ISSUED Applied. . I 04/.2s /.L9e-5-riiued. ..t 04/25/Lee6 Expires. . : L0/22/1996 Phone: 97 09 490200 uNrr 4, AVON, co 81620 Phone z 9709490200 uNrr 4, AVON, co 8L620 DescriPtion: ADDITION SFR FEE SU}IIIARY Valuation:4, 000 .00 P tunbi ng--> Pl,an Chack-> Invr3tigation> tliLt caLt__) 6O.m Rcstuarant Ptan Revi eu--> 15.00 .00 3.00 .m 7E.00 Totel catcutated F€es-> Additional Fees--> Totat Pefni t Fec---) PayDrnts--_- BALANCE DUE-_ 78.00 .00 78.00 7E.m .00 Itern:.0510004/25/tes6 BUILDING DEPARTMENTDAN ACIION: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: 1. CONDITION FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO OF APPROVAL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS I hereby ecknoutcdse that I have read-this apptication, t:!!t',?"1-il^1tt :h:^::1"15::T,l'3!ll1;.'fl?lil*tlll.herebytcknout..dgg tFt.l have read thrs aPPrrcarron, rrr'rGq eur In rur('"= """'*iillri'Jiii-ifi"-iiiiiiiii""pti",-ii,a-iiiii'ttrit att thr informtion providea.: i.t1il*il :?I"l!L-.1-lell:^::.^^,^ rh. r^l,n,< ronino andto c6npty vith att Toun ordinances and state. taes, .and to structurr according to the Torrn's zoning andng codcsr'disign rcvicv approved, uniforn Bui tding codc and oth'r of the Town aPPticabte thrreto. REouEsTsFoRINsPEcTtol{sSHALLBE}|^DET!|Ei|TY-F0URHouRsIl|ADvAl{cEBY sccutste ptot rnd plot plan, suMivision ****************************************************'************ TOWN OF VAIL' COLORADO Statemnt **************************************************************** sratennt Number: F€c-0134 Amount: 78'OO 05/07/9-6 11:14 Payment t"tethod: CK Notation: *2024 rnit: DS Total Fees: ?8.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: * * * * * * *i** * * * * * * !* * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * :r ** * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * Permit No: Parcel No: Site AddresE: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 41336 P96-0038 TYPe: 2099-L82-L0-016 5155 BLACK GOFE B-PLMB PLUI'IBING PERMIT DR 78.00 78.00 .00 DescriPtion PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PI,AN CHECK FEES WILL CALI., INSPECTION FEE Anount 50.00 15.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAI) vArL, co 81657 97o-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAI-, PERMIT Job Address: 5165 BLACK GORE Location. ' . : Pircef No.. : 2099-L82-!0-016 Project No. : PRJ96-0048 APPLICAT'IT DAVIS KURT R & tEStIE M 5165 BLACK GORE DR, vArL co 81657 OUINER DAVIS KURT R & LESLIE M 5165 BLACK GORE DR, vArI', co 81657 OescriPtion: ADDITION SFR Valuat,ion:4, 000 .00 FEE SU}IIARY ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pernit #: 896-0062 DR Status... aPPlied.. Issued.. . Exoires. . ISSUED o4/25/ree6' o4/25/tee6 Lo'/22/Lee6 E lcctri ca t--> DRB Fee Investigation> tli tl. Calt--> TOTAL FEES_> 72-@ .00 .00 3.m 75.00 Tota L catcutatld Fees--> Additionat tees---> TotaL Permit Fce-----) gAhxgs 9gg-------_--1 75.00 .m 75.00 75.00 .00 68frifi882'ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTDAN-__- ACtiON: APPR Dept: BUILDING DiviEion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL t' ?ffi8$.B8i"FoHti*8$*EfiE$$$:t* woRK'coNrAcr ERNSr ELE.TRT.AL DECLARATIONS I hcr.by acknolrtcdge thlt t hrvc rcad this aPPticstion, fittcd out in futt the inforFtiotl required' corptetcd an accurltc ptot pLan, and 3trtc thrt att thc.infornation providcd as rcquircd is correct. r "ga." to'"*oty riittt titc in?ormtion and Ptot plan' io cbnply uith !r,r, rom ortrnaiils-ina- "tit. [aus, and i"'l"i tiiiil' iiiuctu.i'"c"orcing]o- t]te To,n'3 2oning and subdivision codcs, dcsign rcvieu "pprov{'ffif;;; iriiai.s i6oe ana oiner orainanccs of thc Tom aPpl'lcabtr thercto' REOUESTS TOR T SPECTTONS SI{ALL BE }IADE IIIENTY'FOIJR TIOIJRS II{ **************************************************************** TowN oF VAIL, coLoRN)o Statennt, i;l';.;;. ;;iil*Iii* * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statennt Number: REC-0134 Anount:?5.00 0s/07/96 11:147/ Innit: DSPayment Method: CK Notation: *2024 Permit No: 896-0062 TYPe: Parcel No: 2099-182-10-015 Site Address: 5165 BLACK GORE B-EI.,EC ELECTRICAL PERMIT DR Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 Total Fees: ?5.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 7s.00 75.00 .00This Payrnent **************************************************************** Amount 72.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTI-'ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AI.,T SFR BUILD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Perrnit #: 896-0067 Job Address: Location. .. : ParceL No..: Project No.: 5165 BLACK GORE 2099-L82- 10-016 PRJ96-0048 DR Status...: APPROVED Applied. . . 04/.25 /.L996riiued. .. z 04'/26/L996 ExPiree..: lo/23/L996 APPI-,ICA}TT K.C. COMPANY P.O. BOX 341, AVON, co 81620 CONTRACTOR K.C. COMPANY P.O. BOX 341' AVON, CO 81620 OWNER DAVIS KURT R & I-,ESLIE M 5165 BLACK GORE DR' VArL co 81657 Phone: 303-949-0566 Phone:303-949-0566 Valuation:59,000 Add Sq Ft:s20 Fireptace Inforiation: Rcstricted:#0f Gas Apptilncls: FEE SUIIIIARY fof G€s Logs:#Of t ood/Pa I tct: .m Total, catcutated Fces--) 1,313.75 Deecription: ADDITION SFR Occupancy! ryT)e Construction: Single FarnilY Ree w/Garage Tlpe V Non-Rated R3lM1 VN 535.q, Rcatuarant Ptan Rrvict -->347.75 DRB rec--------.00 Rccrcation FeF----->3.0O ctern-uP DePosit-------> Bui tdiny---> Ptan Check---> Investigotion>li l.L Cat t----> 100.00 7E.00 250.00 313.75 Additional, Fcc3-----> Total Pcrrit f cc--->Peyrents---------> B^L^|{CEDUE__-_-> .m 1,311.75 50.00 1,263.75 Item: o5loo BUILDING DEPARTMENT pepgi -EqILDING Divieion: 6ETii tliia-DIi-----'-AcEion :-nofs pAN PLANs ExN'trNER 04'/24'/1996 DAN Action: APPR -- ir..r+r,^ h:i€refr;, o5aoo-b-r,erxruc -SEpARiuitNl_ ______ __ -P_ep!: PLANNING Divieion: 6[7iizi596-olrF-- - -- -A-Eion: Note GEoRGE PLANNER o4'/25'/L996 GEORGE Action: APPR ^:rtbm:'osotio-FiiiE-oepi\i.@Ni ----' DePt: FIITE Divieion: 6i7iiti656-Dlfr'- -- astiEni arrn x/a - -- nrrn ..*r.r ^,i€'efr;'.05500-lttislrc woRK$ Dept: PUB woRK DrvrB:-on:o4/zs/rgg|-DAf-- Action: APPR N/A Dept: PUB vloRK Di See Page 2 of thiE Document for any conditione that may apply to this pernit' DECLARATIONS t hcrcby acknotttadge that t hlvc rald this appl,ication, f i l,l,od.out ln futl' thc intorration rcqul red, co?lltcd rn 'ccurate ptot pdn, -"",a-ititi ttrit "tt thc'inforration p"oiria"O a9 riquircd. i.s corr.ct. t agrcc to co?ty vith the infor.ltion rnd ptot ptan, to coTty yith att Toyn ordinrnccs ard stitc Lags, and do hri td this structurc according tothc Tomr 3. zoning rnd 3ubdivision ;;;;;'."ign rcvicr approvrJ, unitorr Bui tding codc and othcn otdinrnc.r of thc Torm appticabta th.rcto' REEUESTS FON IilSPECTIOTIS SHALL BE IIADE E W-FOI'N }nJTS IT{ ADVAI{CE BY TELEPIbIIE AT 4T21:'8 OR AT OT'R OFFICE FNfl 8:q, fi 5:q) P'I send C tean-Up DcFsit To: DAVIS SIEIAN,'RE OT OTTER OR COITRACTOR FOI HIISELF A D OTIIIER Page 2 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-006? as of 04/26/96 Status---: APPRoVED ******************************************************************************** epplied--2 04/zs/L996 rslued--- z oa/26/L996 To Expire z Lo/23/L996 Permit Type: ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant--: K.C. CoMPANY 303-949-0s66 Job Address: 5165 BLACK GORE DR Location---: Parcel No--: 2099-182-10-016 Deacription: ADDITION SFR ************************************** conditionS * * * * lr * * lr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.12],0 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3. ONE HOUR coNsTRUcTIoN Is REQUIRED BETVIEEN GA3AGE & DWELLING 4. EGRESS FROM 2ND FLOOR GUEST ROOM REQUIRED AS PER SEC 1204 OF THE 1991 UBC 5. ROOF MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 32 OF THE 1991 UBC. 6. AN ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE FRAMING BEFORE TOWN OF VAIL WILL OK FRN{ING INSPECTION. 7. A SOrLS REPORT MAYBE REQUIRED BEFORE FOOTING INSPECTION. o ***tl*******************************************************!t**** TOvfN OF VAIL, corJORADo statemnt *******!r*******************************************************!t Statemnt Number: REc-0126 Amount: 50'00 04/26/9.6 07:56 Paynent Method: CK Notation: PRE PAID DRB hit: DS 896-0067 PtPe: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 2099-L82-10-016 5165 BTACK GORE DR Total Feea: 50.00 Total ALIJ PmtE: Balance: **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No: Site Addresa: Thia Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41331 1, 313 . 75 s0.00 L,263.75 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES Anount 50.00 DATE: 4/23/s6 PER.I.IIT I/ , APPLICATfON }|UST BE FfLLED OUT COI|PLEIEIJY OR IT UAY NOT BE AccEpIED [*******t ********************* pERttrr rNFoRl,lATJoN ******rr*******!r**************rl Ix]-Building Ix]-pl-tnbing Ix]-Electrical 1xl-Mechanibal [ ],other Job Nane: Davis Residence Job Address: 5165 Black Gore Dr legal Description: Lot_-LL Block_.,1 Filing Owners Name: Leslie & Kurt Davis Address:Ph.4 76 -0 916 Architect: Leslj_e Davis Address: same ph. General Description: work classr [ ]-Ne!r I x]-Alteration 6 xl-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Nurober of Dwelling Units: 0 Nunber of Acconmodation Units: $t1"" and rlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances cas Logs wood/perlet_vrt**** ***************************** VALUATTONS *******************:.*************7l P_ullPlllg, $ qn. nno ELEerRrcAr: !_L_qqg__- orHER: $ SLITMBTNG: $ a. nnn l'lEcnANrcAr, r::il6-6i- noil;; {@0.-- X* ;. ;;*.ffi . {Ifiw iiK;;; ;ffi **:::::;.ffit Eeneral Contractor: nha r. r' r.^mh5h, rn^r.h ^.l rr^:.r n-- Phone Number: g2O-osOU- Electrical Contractor:Address:. rsLer: % Pll-".f--y-"i1 *"e' No' Phone Nunber: . Plunbing Contractgr: Concept MechAnical Incuoncept: Ivlecnanacal tnc Town of vail Reg. No._rg-p;G---- ir,o""-lr"ri.i,' -'inb--'oAO-- f;ffl:l::"l contractorz =^^. ^= ^nove MQ,h-6o7t IpIl-": y.?11 Ree. No._ Phone Nunbers ************ * ******* ***** ******* FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUUJDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: IIECHAIiIICAI PERUIT FEE: ELECTRTCAT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING PI,AI{ CI{ECK FEE: PDT'UBTNG PI..A!I CHECK FEE:UECITANTCEL PI,AII CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:-F-ON BUTLDING: SIGNAN'RE: zoNfNGs STGNATITRE: d IDterior Alteration Mr. Kurt Davis 5165 Black Gore DrVair, CO 81657 cl.E4n uP ITEPIISIT nEFIrtrD IO: 75 toulh trontag. rord nil, colorado 61557 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FRO}': DATE: SU&TEqI: offlce ol communlty devclopmcnl ALL COITTRIqTORS CT'RREMTIJYL REGISTERED WIIII THETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC woRKs/coMMIrNITy DEVEI.,oPIIEMI ITIARCH lG, 1988 CONSTRUqTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit. u"v-""rr]'"it?, sand, debrisor materiar, incl-uding trash iunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehictes.upon any streetl =i;;;"i;;;ii;y or publicplace or any porti6n trreieoil--rir" right-oi-r"y i' arr. Town ofvair streets and. Ig"g= is approiir"l"iy-s-it.-iri pavenent.This ordinance wil] be =triEify--enforced by the Tohrn of vailPublic r{orks Departnent. -i"isinl found viira[ing this ordinancenilr be siven a 24 hour "i;l;;";";i;;1;-;:;;;;"r"id nareriar..rn the event the person so notified-ao"= noi-coipry with thenotice within tr5_ee hour. tin"-.p."i;i;,"ii"*iiltric r{orksDepartnent will remove said nateii"i-ii-ih;';6;;;e of personnotified. The provisions-or-trrrl orainance sharl not beapplicable to c6nstruction, ,"irrt.rr.rrge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the "igti_"_ray.To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:3:i"::ii:i"3"":Rlfffi$":a-'"riii" a copv. rirani vou for your (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 routh trontag. .o!d urll, colondo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 offlcr of communlly dcvclopmcnl BUILDTNG pERtiIT ISSUANCE TII4E FRAilE If this pemi.t requires a Town of vair Fire Departrnent Approvar,Ensineer''s (pubric !:tfr) review anJ'ipp"ou.i,"i iiiiiiiilS'b"p.rt .ntreview or Hearth Departmint review, ani-a-"euie; ;i-#;"dritaing S,ertlgE'fu.lll ."i*ted time rJ"'a-tut"r "euii" i"v"i.il'as r6ns All commercial (rarge or small) ano ail murti-fami'ry pennits willhave to follow the ibove menti6neJ-maximum requirements. Residentiarand small projects should tate i-iess!"'amount of time. However, ifresidential or sma'r rgr,projects impiii- the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to-necessa"v-""vie*,-ih;;; ;;;j;.tl' ruvalso take the three-weet< peii:JO. Every attempt wir] be Bge bv this department to expedite thispermi't as s.qon as possible. - -t-' I:-il. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timerrame. v{as tu t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED 1) 2) Job Name:Davis Remodel Dale: a,/.)",/q^ Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a 'Pubtic Way permit': YES NO xls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right ol way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? fs different access needed to site olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? A. ls the right ol way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community x 3) 4) s) 6) x X x7l 8) X x \l-e Development? !!9u_ alswered yes lo any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit' must be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or alC9.11u1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Cha4e Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-Z1SB. I have read and '/9 KA Job Name allthe ?p CHECK REQAEST PREPARED BY:pnrc' f ltslftVENDOR NAME: VENDOR NUMBER;To817s* DESCRIPTION OF EXPENS E:CLTANUPDEPOSITREFUNDFORBp # Bqt- ooe t NAME OFJOB: D,+r, , ACCOTJNT NUMBER: Ol 0000 22002 AMOUNT OFREFUND;{, err.r- o o DATE APPROVED; APPROVAL SIGNATURE: Valuation:5Y l vv- ''irePtace Infornation: Restricted: I #of Gas APPI i ances:fol Gas Logs: Restuarant P t6n Revi ev--> DRB f M laliiion"t f ees---------) 1 ,31r.75.m I ,!13.75 1 ,11t.75.m ioiat Permit Fee--------> PEyoents-------'---a lui tding----> rLan Check--) lnvesti gati on> Hi Lt c!t t---> 535.00 317 .75 .m 3.00 nlc.eat'ion Fee----------> CLcan-UP DePosit--------)blGH.e oue----:::::.:? 100.00 78.00 250.00 1 ,311 .75 W iorrr- rLts---------- .-. .:l APPR DAN PLANS BiBfi i"BHtoDING Division : Dept: PLAI{NING Division:DePE: GEORGE PLANNER DePt: FIRE Pivision: N/A Dept: PuB woRK Division: N/A See Page 2 of this Document for anY conditions DECI.,,ARATIONS that maY aPPIY to this Permit , hcrcby acknouredse tl?. l h:::^:::1,::':.:fl:5'::"k lil!i'#l"ll.:l:'-!:iriii:HiFlyi$:hififiF:;lilil;ii:,ii3:t,rii"rr":i:f ii:i-tliiiri:Fil$i:i#il*,Liilti{f:hl#:d."{'ji$il$ilil+*H:ltiffi'm:ll'trl:':r""'l,lii"llo"llliltif:::ti'.l.tili"ffii:l'ilfijj-"i-.k"i;"a is correct' t "g'o"9ili'lJ.tl''i#;" ionins and subdivision io comp,.y vith a*. -yl :::t:li;i:il*;*i:;[":;i":^i""*:Iql"ill!'l]'in'"'i3ll'$pii;;L'il;';;: - ^-,^- ..n:L::l':1"!l:".ili.':Tfi;;;"uiir"'" Bui tdi ns codc and REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SHALL BE ITADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY slnd Ct.8n-UP DcPosit To: OAVIS i REPTI3l AA/AA/97 O7;46 TOWN 0F VAILi COLORAD0 REOUESTS FOR INSPECTION I^JBRK SHEETS F0Rz 8/ 8/97 F'RGE AREAI EG l3 Activity; Addness: Locat i on: Farce I : Description: Appl i cant : Owner: Contr"act or' : E96-AO6P A/ A/97 Type: B-ELEC 5165 BLAtrR GT]RE DR EO99-18i1-lO*O16 ADDITION SFR DAVIS KURT R & LESLIE ITI DNUIS KURT R & LESLIE M Status l ISSUED Occ: Fhone: Frhone: Phone: Constr: ASFR Use: Inspect ion Request Requestor: Ktrrt Req Timet 0t8:OO It erns neer-rest ed t o UrrZlgra ELEC-FinaI I nfornat i on. , Davis Cs m ment s : be Inspected. Phone: Ftrct i on Comment s Ti ne Exp I I I I l'l ,l I l I l l I I I I I I I l I i l I 'I 1 j Inspection Histol'y... .. Item r OEIIeO ELEC-Rough td7 /ttt /96 Inspect or: EE Item l rzttalStZt ELEtr-Conduit \tem : tZO140 ELEC-Misc. Item: OOl9A ELEC-Final t ACt i ON : AFFR AF.F'ROUED REPTlSI Tot^|N 0F vffILr COLDRADO F'AGE 1 AREA: CDAA/AglS7 67246 REGUESTS FtrR INSFECTIIIN I^IORK SHEETS FtlRz 8/ B/97 ffctivityl 896*tZt067 Bl B/97 Typer A-BUILD Statrrs r ISSUED Constr"r AGFR Address: 5165 BLRCK GORE DR Loeat i on : F,ar.eel : lO99_lBp_ltZr_Ol6 Description: ADDITIFN SFR Appl icant: K. C. CtrHFANY Ownet': DAVIS HURT R E LESLIE M Contr"actor: K. C. f,BMFRNY Bcc:Use: V N F,hone: 30t3-949-O566 Frhone: Phone: 3OJ-949-O566 Loeks, Hol.ds, AtrTIVITY Not ice: and Not ices. . . . O]^fNER HAS REOUESTED AN EXTENSION Al/Al/97 Inspect ion Reque st Req tie st or': Ktrrt Req Time: OB:OO It ems r.equa st ed to ATOO9A BLDG-Final Infonmation..... Dav i s Eom n ent s : be Inspected... flct i on Fhone z 476-8618 1 :l l I -)-'{JL/ Ti me Exp ---a- 1' Conments Inspection History. ., ., Item: AOSIA dr*iveway grade fina] Iten: 0OOlO BLD6-Footings/Steel A5/16/96 Inspector: CD Item : OtltZtflO BLDG-Foundat i onl$tee I Q3/L7 196 Inspector: ED If,em: O0SEA FLRN-ILC Site Plan 67 /oie/gi: Inspector.: GEBRGE Item: OOOSO BLDG-FI"aming @7/@L196'Inspector: CF' Notes: NOTIFIED CONTRACTOR V7/f! 5/96 Inspector: CF Item: on(l4h * * Not On File * * It em : OOOSO BLDB-Insulat i on ^47/49/96 Inspector: EG Itemr AA@64 BLDG-Sheetr"ock Nail fi7/t?/96 Inspector: EG Item: fi0680 * * Not On FiIe * * Iten: &AA7A BLDG-Misc.. o8/Al196 Inspeetor: CF I*em: AOA9A BL-DG-Final Item: O0530 BL.D6-Temp. C/A Iten: OO540 BLDE-FinaI C/A Act i on : AF,trR AFF'ROVED Act i on: AtrF,R AF'F ROVED Act i on: AF,trR AFF ROVED Act i on : DN REGILI I RE I LC THAT ILC I.JRS REOUIRED F.RIOR TO FRAMIN Action: AFtrR PACR OUT FOINT LOADS Act i on: AtrtrR AF'F ROUED Act i on : AtrtrR AF.F.ROUED ACtiON: DN ALREADY I5 STUCCOED -l REPTl3IqB/gE/97 TOtrN OF VRIL| CULBRADO @7'-46 REOUEST9 FtrR INSFECTION I^IORK SHEETS FORr A/ B/97 trR6E AREAI DS Aetivi\y: Addres{s: Locat i on : Farce I : De scr i pt lon: Appl icant : Bwn er: Cont ract or: H96-eO31 8/ 6/97 Type 5165 BLACK Gt]RE DR eo99-lsa-14-ar6 ADDITItrN SFR coNcEpr MECHANICAL, INC DAVIS KURT R & LESLIE M CONCEF.T MECHANItrAL, INC : B-MECH Status: ISSUED Constr: ASFR Oec: Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: Use: 97O9490efi€t 97u'94908OO Inspection Req uest Request or: Ktlrt Req Time: lzlg!AO It ens requested to 0?t39ra HECH-Final Information.... Davis Comment s : be Inspeeted... Fhone: Act i on Comarents Time Exp Inspectian Item: Item: l$em: Itern; , Itemr' Iten:Itin: History..... AOicAA HECH-Rot-tgh AAI?l/96 Inspector: DS OOE4A trLMB-GaE F,iping 0431O MECH-Heat ing 6A3g0 MECH-ExhaLtst Hoods OA3StZr MECH-S'_rpply Air- 40344 MECH*hisc, AO39O I4ECH-Final Act i on: FtrF'R AF'PROVED " '! '. .: .t,'r:,. REpT131 Tf]WN UF VAIL, COL0RADO 8/gA/97 Q7246 REnUESTS FOR;INBtECTIUN WORK SHEETS FBR. A/ g/97 :. Stat us : ISSUED \: trAEiE 10 AREAT DS ======j=a==e===Constr: ASFRActivity: P96-O638 8/'e/S'l Type: B-FLMB Address: 5165 BLACK 60RE DR Locat i on: Far.ce I : Description: Appl icant: Own er: Cont r-act or : eag9-1Se-10-016 ADDITION SFR CONCEF.T MECHANICAL, INC DAVIS KURT R & LESLIE M CONCEFT MECHANICAL, INtr Oec: Phone r F,hone: Fhone: Use l 970949AAetzt 97A949AeA@ I nspect i on Request Reque st or. : Klrr"t Req Time:08:OO Itens requested to Infonmation..... Davis Co mn ent s: be Inspected... Fhone: Act i on Comment s Ti me Exp Orzre9O F,LlvlB.-F i na I 4#L I Inspect i En Hi st ory. . . . . Item : 06alA trLFlB-UndergnoundItem: OAEETA FLMB-Rough/D. t^J. V. It em : la0esla trLMB-Rough/Wat er It'pm: AAe40 FLMEI-6as FripingItem: OtZreSO FLMB-troo1/Hot Tub . Item: OO€6O trLMB-Misc." 'Itern: OO_$90 trtttlB-Final b7 w7y'g-gq? { 1l-42-1996 @'59AM Kut Davis FRS,I A}'ISDEN. DAVIS, FOWLER 97a,476€,6,37 v Mr. & Mn. Kun Davis 5165 Black Core Drive Vail, Colorado E1657 P. l g%'oob7 LuLle6 Town of Vail Building Depu Attn. Charlie Davis Hcllo Charlie, I am writing to ask for an cxtention orr my building petmit for the Davis rcsidence at 5155 Black Gore Drive in East Vail. The house in it'e pfes€Dt condition is about 97% + complete. We are waiting on a few electrical switches, drywall repair and finigh banister in ordcr to be complctc enough to order a finil inspec-tio:r. It may takc a few months in ordcr to receive all items we ate waiting for. George Ruther is our planner that we arc working with if you need to blk with him, Pleasc givc rut a call if you have any futthet qucstions pcr our request of an exterrtion (office # for Kurt 47G8610). SincerelR llomc Telephonc 970.,f ?6'O916 Luf r7 -g ( .^-^-d"c S"[ DEPART!'IENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENI NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0079 Status...: ISSUEDApp1ied.,: 0s/06/1996Iseued...: 05/06/L996Expires..: ll/02/L996 Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 Valuation: TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 Job Address: 5165 BLACK GORE DRLocation...: Parcel No.. : 2099-L82-L0-016Project No. : PRJ96-0048 APPLICANT WHITE RIVER EI.,ECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81520OWNER DAVIS KURT R & LESLIE M 5165 BLACK GORE DR, VArL CO 81557 Description: INSTALL 200 AMP SERVICE 1r 570.00 fEE SU}I}IARY E Iectri ce [---> DnB F.c lnvcstigation> lli tt Catt---> TOTAL FEES--> 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.m Tot![ Cslcutatcd F.!a---> Additional, F:.3---> Totat Pcrrit Fcc---)Payn:nts------__) EALANCEDUE---------> 53.00 .00 53.00 53.m .00 Ite.n: .06000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT05/06/1996 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS l. hcf.by .rcknovl'.d9r thlt I havc rced this .pplicrtlon, fil,tad out in futt the informtion rcquircd, coopl,etrd rn accuratc ptotplan, and st.tc thlt al't th. inforratlon pfovidcd as rcquircd i3 corrrct. t agrec to copty Jith tirq iniorratim and ptot itan,to corPty vith att To.n ordinsnc.3.nd rtrtc [auc, and to bui Ld this stfucturc-according iothr Toyn'r zoning end suMivisilncodcr, design revien approvcd, Uniforo BuitdinE codc rnd other ordinlnces of thr Toun afptlcabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FON INSPECTIOIIS SHALL 8E }IADE IIIENTY-FOi'R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOIIE AT 471>21* OR AT OUR OFFICEI M.*) OF OgNER OR COITRACTOR ***!t*!t***********!*******************************************!t***statemnt O TowN oF VAIL, cotoRADo **l*************************************************************'ri"r".r,, Nunber: P!:91t1-TlYlll *.,.o", s3'oo ot/o1frl.,t;i:t pryt."t Method: cIlECK Notation: #15984 Pertnit No: E96-0079 TlPe! Parcel No: 2099-182-10-016 Site Address: 5165 BLACK GORE B-ELEC EL,ECTRICAL PERMIT 53.00 53.00 ,00 ********!*************************************!k****************** Account Code Description ------ ---- Jlmount 01 OOOO 413].3 ELECTRICAI.' PERMIT FEES 5O'OO 01 oooo 41336 wrLL cAlr' TNSPECTToN FEE 3'00 This Payment DR Total Fees: 53.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 0l/03/SO 13:11 FAtr' 870 9{g 674S rSITE RIVER ELEC @ 001 PER}IIT # 'r,f ff T i 3:, ;i:il. 8TH'rll:: #"',i'ffi o, vAr L co'sr*u*rttr*o*w "%LITHEJf,'o* ^ APPIJICATIOII tfirSf BE ffLLED OUf CoMPI"EIELY On, IT UAY NOT BE ACCEETED !**********.t* ttt*itttttt*ii**r PERIII1 D1EO3IIATION ir.rfrtr*fr***r*l* ******rlrr** -t l-Buitding t l-Pltrnbtng (dulactricat I l-ttechanl-oat [ ]-ot]rcr Job Nane: fhu D,avis.Rasr'/'r-,ct- Job Addrcsr: 4l69 tst+d-(ar-a- br,v<.- Lega1 oescription.- trl|--ll Blo rtrhg srnprvl$roNr 4roas-?4 OhractE Naua: K,.'tZ D+vis Addrese : 5l Gb Blu--&t* Er Eh, +1b- oqtb Archltect:&ddreerl Ph. ck ?F .---t Oeneral Datcrlptionr fr,sJoJt- u+H(6,oL SUt/, u- tA Tqto<- I ?SA Nusbcr of Accomnodatlen Unitr: I Applirnces- Gar l.,og8- Woodr/pe1t"a- VAIIJATION8 * * ** * f * * * * !r t * * * t tr * t | * ** * * t t*** t I ELECIIRICAIJ z I I 61 O. oO 6uun: S ttECttAr'ITCAIJ: l-TOTAIJ: { CONTRACTOR IW!'ORMAtION ***r***r*r r.!.**t****:l r*r *** Eoun ol VaiI Reg. NO. Werk Clarc! [ l-Neu tLf-Alteratlon I J-Aclrlitional t ]-Rnpair [ ]-ottrer Nunber o! DselllnE Unlts: l)*"r and Tlpe of Flreplaces: cas {* ** * *** * *** t} !r !r *** ** * * **** **t * * *** BUTLDINC: PIUTFINCT * Ir**t******** aa *l***tttt**r**f Eenerai contncEors Phonc NunbE: Tgwn of VAI,I Fhono Nunbcr: Tawn of Vail Pbone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nuubu! Reg. llo. Rog. NO. Rig. l|o._ oFFICE UsE ***ri**********t**t*****r***r** BUTLDTNC PIAN CIIECK FEE: PLIJMBING PI..AN CHICK FEE:MECHN{ICAIJ P Jf cHEcK FEEI RECREATIOI{I FEE: CI.EiTN-UP DEPOSTT: TOIAL PERI.TIT EEE$: I BUILDINGT EIGNITIIN,E: ZONTNG: srG$attthE: Elect=iccl contracrtorr Wr. tL F'tv 1r2-E As'tuu-Add.r€scs fuv ttlt W Add=ooor Plutnblng Contractor: Addrcaci I':rcharrl,cal CsntractoE: AddrEsa: rr********+***i****rr****rf tt*r* FOR BUUJDING PERMIT FEg: PLTII{BINC PERMXT FEEI IIECIIAT{ICAI, PEt{ItlIT 8EE t EITCIRICAL FEEI O 'HER TYPE OF TEE: DRB FEE: I+6 ohncntr: I10: 0 04st05/03/SO 1$:11 FAX g?6?49 NEITE RIVER u,gMoHANp.uM ELECI j.{z'* ld 002 TO: FHOM: DATE: FE: ALL CONTFACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'JS HEOUIRED (&'::ii; JOb Name: Pa.tt,t F,ttir.l+nt, - -. Oate: ? Please aniwerlhe lollowing questionnaire regarding the need for a'Pubtic Way Pernlit': 1) le this a new residence? 2I ls demolition woft baing performed that requires the use ot the dght ol way, sasem€nts or public property? 3) ls any utility wcrk needed? 1) ls lhe driveway being rcpaved? 5) ls difierent access needed to site other than exising ddveway? 6) ls any drainagr work b6ing done affectlng lho fight 0l way, €Ersements, or public property? 7l lE a'Rsvocable Right O Way Permit' raquired? 8) A, ,s the riEht of way, easements or. publlo property to be used tor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to EA,ls a parking, $aging or fencing plan rcquired by Community Development? YES NSI IJ/A P/n N/* TTIA r.r fA NIA NI A lf you answered yes lo any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit'must br obtained, 'Publle Way Pcrmlt' applicatior'ts may be obtainod at lhe Publlo Worft's office or at Community Development, lf you have any questlons please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vaif Construction lnspector, al479-21ffi, b.,'"4- iey euq-a_1 o* -, I havc read and answered all ths above que$lons. ?*c,^'.J! c'^FrdYc-cts'- '' t i ff+ta**t-' -R.r4*"*r-lb Job Name or's Signaluri 5lz 1b 06/01/9A 13:11 FAI 970 0{0 6?{0 TEITE RI1IER ELEC.I @ oo3 l5 rculh trgntrgr tr.dril, ootorrdc lltE (303t 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: ER9!t: DAIE: suHrEcl: RcaO rn a 'lrr'aryr ordinance No. 6 statca that it_ i,s unravlul for anypoEEon to titteEr track or aepoiii ani-sIlfl-dlfi;'Eend, dcbrisot Datea:ll, lnelu_dilg lraqr i-rprt:rs, pcrtabl. toilrts andworlcron vohicrer upon-any stceet-, 'ria.iaii, -iiilv-L, pubrlcEiis" cr any pcr:ti6n ttrcieoi.--i{" riE:r---of-wey on err Toun ofva:'l rrFecrs ancl,ipa.f," ir approiinar"ii-s-it.-itl'n.rr"nenE.Thir oriinancr wiii ba.;iEi;Iri- litor"rd by tha Tc,n ef vr:.rnrbt !;'*crics Detrartnent. p:riins--ii,lna'rriirit'ini-inis oEdlnanceuiir- br Eiven e-2{ hour "riilin'iotic. to leuove-seld ur,rcricr.rn tr* .vonr rhc Derson r"-notlrlia-aori-no[-;;pii rtth thenotice within thr- 2{ hour tipr spieitred, rhr nrLric woakcDeFrstriEnr, srlr re'ove - JiiaGitEiii -;trir,"-'I"i!iir or personnotificd. the proviei"ns-Jt--thfl-orainanee rhitt nor brappiicablr so cbnstriuction, -u-jii"rr"rrcc o-r rrpelr prcjests ofany strt.t or alley or any utilltles ln the rlEhr--_wey. To.rcvlrw Ordl,nance lg:^C-lr, .fIf+, prlease Etop by.thr Bown ofvail Dsll|lng DrFafrhent to o[triir a copy. Itrank you for yourcocperation on +*his natttr. ofllo of gcmrnunf l, dGudopmilil II,L CONERACTOI^g CT'RIIEIWf,LyL R,EGISIERED WIIB $TEIOWN OF VAIL tror{N oF VArL ptrBLIC !|ORKS/COIG{UNIT|| DE{TELOPMENE ttAncH 15, 1g88 CONSIRUCTION EAXKING r UAtrEB^tNJ STORAGE byr ([.r. eontalotcr, owuer) 06/09/96 13111 FAX 970 949 6?{0 lnwn n tt roun trEnlrg. .erd ,all oolondo lll857(tor) 479-llJB or {79-213t g 004 otflo of cenmunllr dry.loF||f||t ffSITE RIVER EIJCI lrll EUTLDINC PERI.iIT ISSUANCE ?II.IE FRAITE If this perntt rcouJres a Tnwn of Va' Firc Deportacnt Appr.oyll ,Engineer$ (.pubric ,ulrls)_revie* ani ipiiovar, ! pranning DrprrunentI:yig_9|-Health Departrnent_review, eni-i,er.,cw by lhe Bu'dtno lirllilE1h"the estinated time tor.-a atat "evi"*-ilqy"Lil.il,i8"e All conmercial fiaroe or srnelt) and slr rnurti-famiry perrnits rrilrhrve to fol'row the ioove.nenti6neJ-d;;ffi requirements. Resrtrenrialand small projects shourd t"t"-i-iei'ilr'fnrount.of t.rme. However, lfrcsidcrriiar or sma'il er,proiiits-iipiii' tte various above menilonerrdeDartnents w{th reoard, to neeersary ,eriew, thesc prgJectS myalso take the three-week period. Every.attempt will b.^lflg by this departnent to rxpedtte thispannit at soon as po8slDte. 'rsr'L bY r^PEu r Ltr Llrll l:-ll" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeIrane. fiurtt^"^^-D Comnunity Devclonnent Departnrnt. o Greg tvlCiet ast(ed if the applicant would object lf no volleyballwas allowed during lacrosse play for risk rnanagement puposes. Greg Amsden made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memorandum and recohmendations and in addition, that the VRD limit the use of the volleyball courts, to the norhem two courts during lacrosse tournaments. He also included George Ruthers comments regarding not having the applicant return if the Ford Park Master Plan determines that this is the best bcaion for the volleyball courts. Henry Pran seconded the motion. Kevin Deighan would like to amend the motion to include wood posts. Greg Amsden amended the motion to include the wood posts. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 4-0. 3. Applicant: Kurt and Leslie DavisPlanner: George Ruther Greg Amsden asked to abstain, since the applicants are business partners. George Ruther gave an overview and explained the drawings included in the memo. George also noted that there were letters from neighbors adjacent to the applicants lot which are also included in the packet for the PEC to review. Greg Moffet asked the applicant tor any comments. Leslie Davis, the applicant, said they would only be encroaching 6' in the worst scenario. The south side doesn't enter into the setback. Kevin Deighan agreed with staff that the creek presents a hardship. Henry Pratt wondered about the issue of a hardship. The applicant knew the situalion when they bought the lot on the creek. He did agree r|at the site restricted building. Kurt Davis pointed out other hardships, such as the fiiangle shaped lot with water all around. He has kids and would like them to be able to play in the backyard, not in the front by the road. His family has outgrown the existing house and they would rather add on, than sell. Greg Moffet had nothing to add. Pluning and Environmeolal Commission Minutes February 26, 1995 Kevin Ddhan made a motion for approval of the request with no conditions, subject to the statf's findings on page 4 of the memo. Henry Platt seconded the motion. The mofnn passed unanimously by a vote of 3-0-1, with Greg Amsden abstaining. 4. A reouesf for a worksession to discuss Site Coverage, Front Setback, Side Sehack and il;Jiry;;;i;'icesto attow for an addition to the buildlng located at 1845 West Gore Creek brive/Lot 21, Vail Village West Filing No. 2' Applicant: Ted Smathers, represented by Brent Alm Ftinner: Jim Curnutte / Randy Stouder Randy Suder gave an overview of the request. Due to the small size of the lot ( less than 1S,Ogb sC. ft.), fie request involves four vaiiances. The density variance request is for relief froiir ttre doO6 tnat recjuires the applicant to deed restrict the secondary unit before he can ;i"d;f,;;rr"iur".'Randy surir'marized all of the variances and directed the PEC members to the discussion issues tisteO 6n page 4 of the memo. Randy pointed out that density variance-- ieqrests are rarety grant"J. gi aiso pointed out that restribting the secondary unit doesn't atfect the use ol this unii as a rental property. He stated that similar setback variances ( Houtsma . residence and the Mumma resiOeirceiwere approved with side'loading garages which ended up extending out to the property line. Ttre proposbd front-loaded garage permits no ability to screen the struc0rre with landsiaping. A side{baded garage can have substantial landscaping and also ;i|g11y;lgr addirionat parkiiig.-Tne side-loadect garale eliminates any.conflict with cars parked halfway out onto the-streetlas would likely happen witn me proposed front-loaded garage' The Jit" ou6og" request is 24i/. of the lot arei. idnoy said staff felt the amount of site coverage is excessirre and would like to see it reduced. Greg Moffet asked the applicant to speak. Ted smathers stated that he wants to upgrade the existing primary unit with a larger master bedroom and a garage lor storage. Witir tfrat in mind, how can he go about doing that' He showed pictureJof h'is home- H-e stated that the upgrade is a big improvement to the neighborhood and it gives him a better place to live. Brent Alm, the project architect, said a side-loaded garage would eliminate parking for the rental unit and thus, is not acceptable for this site. Ted Smathers said a side-loaded garage would be hard to snow plow. He owns this place and he is a believer in private property righls. He doesn't want deed restrictions put on his private property. He doesn't want his title encumbered by restrictions. Brent Alm stated, relating to the site coverage variance, ihat he looked at stacking the addition into a two-story structure] rather than stepping down the site. But the applicant desired to be down closer lo the creek, rather than up higher on the site. Phning and Environmeotal Commission MiDutes February 26, 1995 ''7 I,.ff" o*,nn Review Action Ff,n Category Numbet -7 lrDal" Zltl /96 Project Name: Building Name: T-a - ro 7 ., ,'4.--*z-.- Project Descriotion: TOWN OF VAIL Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone: 5^---r. - Legal Descripti on:tot l'7 Block Z gu661,u',"i6n &att; 1a*tz- 3,,8 ZoneDistrict K Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Conditions: D Approval ! Disapproval fiStaff Alnroval Town Planner o"", Zf ztf ,6 DRBF6€ pre-paa fi I ,ard. eN !s n9 € CD It E I It U()u,Eo(.a H -.t P (o{o { CD ooo ,)oF' o EIF - r ttululH9 F' Hg tDI E HrgFH FHH ? Ho e o,E F.H E U rJ rEl!o:tlc'i"B: roE;rd,-!frH tql t{€HH<z ttt6)U HIHutplooaA O. { ttt r"(l FFO t{ti OllF t- Ho\clElir' ^]t €L JEFtr rroh. oftX.F;i.-€$ lr,' Itoxo <ooct trl utoJtrr u htv,rlvHro tsHoz Fort utFooff UI FoP. P. or P.o I I F N rrf HO OOlflzoH r"Ottz lfr-t HO F P.O- ott ttr"OI nr P- Flh-r ttO.tl- 65Kld PrIP lJ. P.la ou !olx sr|JI rtoo,I F.P OI Oulu!| 5|DclIttI tt P-I r'{ ttI oo| <olP-I q, tto r.( I O!!l BI 9rOoI bfrI lD6ttp9|ll Itl|o arottoDtr55oo(Du!r" Fpo!'q9,9|F 0lrf a,p oIt }'PO trtolEnrlOHcloot-.2l-,r a F ttJIroIF GIlul tqzi|l t,EH nt FFu.gFtdtstoQE =zIt',P.K|Jtdt,.50a 'rl F z Etrl or{ o ettF r, n B r-l h tr{o H H.o o E65 er ;H B H R'H Bt, I,r-tsF.,a 'o,o.}1ono ttt!to 3'o FFn<DriE r! Ih O Ptl |, irt O htoPttSu, !l 6tt 6FO o, ri 0, p.pY '{ c! HP.OfrFO ttl 5 |.ioor-E Fnfi P- lt. ooQ .. !' EFti' b F. |-ig"BFF E g E rnt1ggt siqP-ltrt F|.(' rt It -a?J fto t| l-iolDttPo }.t E"r .trl-6 0 L-rfiE P'F}|FO n' tso o o 'b.F, --P o.8 5' .,'t F. E Fotq=lb l-r b(t !, .o it EF ts<t o $o. otf€ rd htlt,dr rt tit' ?ID P c'o}lr& F r* 6tsl'f"p tt o FOo. EO 8, ia€ l5< tt ta- tsltt FJO H bt - I 5'5"' !D u oggpp -|l r"Fl Fioool..o rltr trr O llo t"tr r" cl6<0. O eiilfl.9 u H Prt O O 9e H5'u Eo 1,.< rrtr HH o|J. liO F.t ll rl,O !r. lDr1 0'|D p}.|o. €F tao u. Ir lt t-isE8B9 Ift9 |D liin K a,alOciP CiO It r" 5oo hl !t.G FJc) c).oPO 6t ul Frc)o cro<roc, o. .clib ItNoo oocro H}Uta|!ulld@grttH E3e€lrl, EcE. ZH .r}.brh.F ts{ hl rnFtr - o(turql o ooolo tt {.. -- g o(f,oo,u ry oooN tsFPEU(: H H ****E'E tstsHlt "Zo oorrr".O < oooulv oooott ts{ul ooo(3,t6 0000IX ooooHtdHHFHt! HE t t[ ,E.a...b hl t( ItaN|.E tl ooo oD OOOOUFz oo oo C, t oooo clE 8FoF! il,'H 83ItFHI taI. tlr- ll-oE c) OP.o ElltI oo; g'rR Fr,6- F56 rJa F|.|<r\ ntYl or"<Fp.o E5 ^rDrcl, 9Poo tuo Uo z ror'o3o ul\l € o'!9 tr9_io.i .\€ .D !e It C'{ >l €{€t { tr z z Bo ol-h Eouro P-l'ao5}'Oolt o .p€ gFf, E€n|<F.e pl ll B*E ro HtthtooH.tF E.g<F.'Or"3trrxp F e|o F H F r I F (tuo oo6F E oIn Eoo --. (D -|} !' CDo6 z Et{ otlt ttn3t{l]lt i;l<IH Ie''IF I tctvt H rllz rtl EE F{ E Gl F U EI(a(fFHru€H F t{ F t! 5on l* I TOc!t!UH HlhHI ur nhtt{}J EUFtrlrA(lt I' FFt.oFfl f F P F E $ H F F F A F3 F F H igo! o u !r5' * v F r il 1 i fi B F H Eil ? e E F', s!' z F * F " I fi' * 1 # F Fi g Fn E 88 ..6 6 6 D u r H i il -E a' H ifr[-* E [' F - t' P E ErET H ; F H $F!'" E B. .D,o - E r H lEF - rrb, TFl-r F-6 F{Ol, rterl!l r:tP.tt Hzc| FFIb lr,b3El rttnF8EHtrF HH F ,o N'\n9Nj\ ct .D -i F| U EFF F"gz, stao€''rffiz eSUE sra}'lt oHfl i*n; l":KIHbt Ftsr'tc oil FSB'rulFF.FNI "FOlr|rt lDF oPkt nlID€ oBoo glirrl Fttb oFoc e rro hlFvr EIB O}3 t, (4Fr< |l'r( ld Oo ru 'd trl tft,t{ H3d ttHfroo nZnHooE ],OEI 11Z|:t HFI]c Otdo zottr'i orrl !-, (?Pl.-F,o Fg*5 P.7 >.'E.Eg€ pO 5'cr lAp. aD p. rr C)att Etuv.l'n .0q o rl'f?ott Flt 9E }'t+|o o Pg t:F.EOP5'HI8,tr: FEg. O hl}tHtsHfli Fo Ho Z. tr d o.r{,6)3(D ^O 0,I nturb ! tTl'HO O|,'X rrlo o HrFr?ctt<EOFrt lt nXot'ooo.rItg<0rrrod P-O tstr-. ct 5p P.@ o 50. p FrlOX(,rC rr F'AE 'X Pts. F.O .r O l*o5 C oQ(,|o itn 9|5otroOrrrrul P. P. P.cr O rro !,.- or !/rl !'qH("O'Oo!P.0r Fr O@ttrf5gro !t ttl{opnro -"€0r q 1.. O O;tqooo9ri'lro6 9.rr lt 9. r? o P'0' -. Er?o a ott!fr? tso<u oott H p(ro 8, utboooitr tsn tr l,€tt O-9 0 €. i-, o iE FJ ts ItIDoF =. rDt1Lz*EAPOUcx - v,5 l-..- rl-e t,Ul 'EOSrotltr' tsq ito 'rti'|DpFr?F.O Pqots]ot' cl ''lr ft !o tttttd{oo(aD Frr Ots l'''^ r.. € lrr hl D pr< oF. rtoF pPOHF.6 5to € Ol-€ r..F 5it rt O q o IrPll Frt €o5(DpFoc?!'Fl' l'(D @O r'' '.tq!tft3trno}lr"Oouptt5 ()rtrtooo rta5oooFlll("oo('ttrr€qpPto FaP-tr i' Eo' 14 1..].- !, !'orotloq o 7 F |- F H. OFn *ol) H5F1 5P.I o.rr ltr ts.olD oHn cO P. rrcp,ottEtooEC,pF lP.ht'fiFl oFln nOIDoi! |.nbl o. F.4io FF f;. F.8.il EHEI l.D ErFtDr'P- rt IQ HOIrt o F? oeI P.. FnOtop F TF. ErE H5.Eb irltt rt llt HaFHF' H F EF HF k (n ga n 0)oo Fc. I I I I z F €)o crr $tu $R$ N$* N lt nI rS N b \ N $ $Y bo N$ .S. b RR N$ N t..' d. \l L-- * b i, 1. iI\ l' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 26, 1996 A request for a setback variance tQ allow for a residential addltion located at 5165 Black Gore Drive/Lot 17, Block 2, Gore Greek SuMivision. Applicant: Kurt and Leslie DavisPlanner: George Ruher I. BACKGROUNDAND DESCRIPT|ON OFTHE REOUEST On August 22,1988, the Town of Vail issued a Building Permlt for the construction of the Davis Residence. On August 7, 1989, a FinalGertificate of Occupancy was issued tor the property by the Building Department. Since that time, no addifionaldevelopment has been proposed on the property. The property owners would now like to constructan addition onto the existing residence. The applicants, Kurt and Leslie Davis, are requesting a side sefcack variance to allow for the construction of a residential addition on ule west side of their existing residence, located at 5165 Black Gore Drive. According to the officialTown of VailZoning Map, the applicants'property is zoned Two-Family Residential. Pursuant to Section 18.12.060, Setbacks, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the minimum side setback for a structure zoned Two-Family Residenlial shall be 15'. The applicants are proposing to build their new addition to within nine feet of the west property line. Therefore, the applacants are requesting an approval to allow for a six foot slde setback varlance on the west side ot the property. The applicants are proposing a 14' x 19'addition to their residence. The addition includes a new, one-car garage on the ground level, and a ne$, study/guest room on the second level. The total new square footage proposed for the addition is approximately 627 square feet. Of the 627 square feet, 381 square feet will be new living area (GRFA), and the remaining 246 square feet is proposed to be the additional enclosed garage area. Ninety square feet of the addition is proposed in the west side setback (45 sq. ft. / level). The Two-Family Residential Zone District grants a 600 square foot garage credit per allowable dwelling unit on the property. The applicantq'lot is 14,258.8 square feet in size.- Since the lot is less than 15,000 square feet in size, only one dwelling unit is allowed on the property. In order for the applicant to be permitted to construct a second dwelling unit on the property, a Type I Employee Housing Unit Deed Restriction would be required. Ninety-five square feet of the new 246 square foot garage area is counted as GRFA since the applicants already have an existing two-car garage of 449 square feet (151 square feet of garage credit remains). Therefore, any sguare footage above and beyond the 600 square foot garage credit counts as GRFA. o II. ZONING ANALYSIS Address: 5156 Black Gore Ddve. Legral Descdptbn: Lot 17, Blod( 2, Gole Creek Sttdivision. Zoning: Two-FamU Reeitentlal Use: Single hmity residence Lot Size: 14,258.8 sq. ft. Developrnentstandid Allo$rsd Exigdm Proooced GRFA: 3,989.7 sq. ft. 2,15s sq.ft. 2,631 sq.ft. SiteCorerrge: 207cor2,85'1.8sq.ft. 10.97"or1,504sq.ft. 12'tl"or 1,831 sq.ft' Setbeclc:Fmnt: 20' 31' nlc Slder: 15' 15' I' Rear: 15' 55' nlc Streansile: 50' 51' nlc Parkirg: 3 gaces (requircd) 3 spaces 3 endosed spaces III. CR|TERIAAND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Flndlngs, of theTown of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approyal of the requested setback variance. The recommendadon for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the r€qu$ted yariance to other exlsting or potenual uses and strucur€s In the vlclnlty. Staff believes the requested side setback variance to allow tor a residential addition to the Davis residence will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. In the staff's opinion, he property most effected by this reciuest is the property to the west; Lot 16. The neighbors to the west are buffered from view of the proposed addition by a tall dump of Wlllows growing along the lot line common to Lot 17 (Davis') & Lot 16. The proposed encroachment into the side setback is six feet. The area of encroachment is well screened from view of the neighbors most affected by the construction of the addition. The applicants have provided a letter to the Community Development Departrnent from Brice May, the owner of Lot 16, expressing the owner's approval of the proposed six{oot, side setback variance and residential addition. f :bwryonetsecVnemcUavb.226 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and llteral interpretation and enforcement of a speclfled ]ggulatlon is necessary to achieve compatiblllty and unlformity of trcetment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the oblectlves ot thb title wlthout grant ol special privilege. The staff believes the applicant is requesting the minimum amount of encroachment into fie side setback necessary to achieve their desired goal. As stated previously, fie applicants are proposing to construct 90 square feet of lloor area in the setback (45 sq. ftJlevel). The maximum encroachment of the building into the setback is six feet. As Indicated ln a letter to tre Ptannlng & Environmental Commission, from the applicants, their lot is triangular in shape and is negatively impacted by' Gore Creek. According to Section 18.58.300, Setbacks From Watercourses, in Part, the setback from the center line of the stream channel of the Gore Creek shall be fifty (50') feet." Additionally, he 1o0-year floodplain creates an additional impact on the lot. Construction is not permitted in the 1o0-year fioodplain by the Federal Emergency Management Administration and the Town of Vail Municipal Code. These impacts negatively effect the buildable area of the lot and create a physical hardship on the applicants. The total area of the applicants'lot is 14,258.8 square feet. The buildable area ol the lot, not including the area impacted by Gore Creek, is 7,531 square feet, or 53% of the lot. This figure takes into consideration a 20' front setback, 15' side setbacks and a 15' rear setback. When impacts of the 50' Gore Creek stream setback is factored in, the applicants' buildable area is reduced lo 4,420 square feet, or 31o/" of the lot area. The buildable .area of the applicants' lot is important when compared. to other lots in the immediate area with a similiar zoning designation. For instance, Lot 16 to the west of he applicants' lot is not impacted by the 50' Gore Creek stream seback and has 53% of the lot area available to build on. Lots 3 and 4, to the south have 46% and 52o/" buildable area respectively. The property to the east of the applicants' lot is zoned multi- . family, and herefore, is not applicable to his comparison. -These figures demon$rate that, while it remains possible to a@ommodate additional development on he applicants'lot, the alternate locations are limited. Especially when the construction of a new garage is being proposed and the driveway grade is already established at 8%. The loca0on of the new garage becomes dependent upon access to the street and the vertical distance between the street elevation and the elsvation of the lot. Stafl feels that the negative impacts of Gore Creek on the applicants' lot, as demonstrated above, insures that $e granting of the requested variance will not result in he grant of a specialprivilege. lnstead, staff feels that the granting of this variance request will simply allow the appllcants to consfud that to which they are entded, glven the zoning of f:bvaqonebeclncnro8Uavb.226 3 the property, and the rights enjoyed by he other property owners in the neighborhood. The effest of the requeebd varlance on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon, tran3ponauon and trafflc faclllties, publlc faclllties and udll0es, and publlc satety. The staff belleves the abovedescribed cribria is not relevant to this variance request. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent wlth the llmltations on other propertiss classlfled in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public heallh, safety or welfare, or materlally injufious to properties or improwments in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The sfict literal Interpretadon or entotcement of the specllied regulation would result in practcal difficulty or unneoessary physlcal hardshlp inconslstent wlth the o$ectlves of thls tde. b. There are exceptions or exEaordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The stict interpretaton or enforcement of the speclfled regulation would deprive the applicant of prlvlleges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the same district. STAFF EE:COlilrENpATrON The Community Development Department statf recommends tpplgyel of tre appticants' variance request to encroach six feet into the west side setback to allow for the construction of a residential addition. Statf has addressed the Consideration and Factors, and has determined that the appllcants have met fte Findings necessary for the Planning & Envirionmental Commission to grant an approval of theh request. Specifically, staff finds that the applicants have met Finding B.1 in hat the granting of the requested variance will not result in the grant of specialprivllege, since it has been demonstrated that a physical hardship exists on the lot; Finding 8.2 has been met since, in the opinion of the staff, the granting of the variance will not be detrlmental to he publlc health, safety or welfare, or B. 2. 3. tv. f :bwryone$ecVnemcUavb.226 materially lnlurious to properties or lmprovements in the vicintty; and that Finding B.3(b) has been met since here are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable (Gore Greek) to the site of the variance lhat do not apply generally to other propertles in the same zone distrlct. Additionally, Finding B.3(c) has also been met since the strict interpretration or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicants of privileges enjoyed by the other property owners in the same distict L*l;e - ( 6n'.-^ L-i- rt--'.'t--c ,'l6*I t, Fla.ral > uJl 6*^/-i heEl" fll + F'o L--...r;.-l O. Au.r"1 3-o-l h,z6 il*-sttua> -:==---'i t:bv€rlon6F€ctnsmcuavb226 ir^ru(J suoo )J\fl8 sersot.rotoJ.t!ta E]-JAHat,d EE E E6 lrJ4 tt 3 *j l!; dii n< .\\ \ 6ii'l /r ,/.t:. : / iir.il; ( lt : Fo { ri\ii\!t ;i sf sEaadp-lEvEl 6ra]|^|l DAVIS RESIDENCE REII(X)EL l|L cq^raio twr. c uat t.lc,tFnl xixn itl FLOOR PLANS Gag: lrH-m{! aitrr/t,rn:t srefiiFiEm taatC r|tllnt lultta tta aqt :F tUbr oovrlrI 't!n E(X)r{tu sJril:tcts:If,TrwE ttnl|ta mmtF twutva trIiRF _-_ '-t-.aa |l!'uart IHffi Davis Residence 5165 Black Gore Drive Vail, Golorado 81657 Regarding: T.O.V. P.E.C. Submittat 1t}9t96 (Davis Residence remodel) Legat Discription - Gore "r""*ffiH?Boct z, Lor 17 1. The lot is a triangular shaped lot, wide in the front and narow in the back, requiring us to build originally on lhe front portion of the property. 2. Gore Creek is a natural border on the SE side of the house wfiere we have the 50 foot side setback and the 100 yearflood plain to contend with, thus no further building can take place on the SE side. 3. The soils test on the property, before building, indicated the water table was higher in the front, SE side and higher to the back NW side in comparison to the proposed addition on the sE side. This side was dry in the test holes and upon excavation for the foundation. We installed 3 sets of drain tiles and a walt sealant and merridrain system along the walls to conquer the water flow along the rivet walls. Other water tive had to contend with was Toranr of Vail ditch water and the Holy Cross Electric vault draining into this lot along with numerous subsurface springs. 4. The slope in the front of the lot rans steep enough to push the house back a distance in order to reduce the driveuray to an 8olo slope. This eliminates any further front developement. 5' In the back of the lot the topography is lower and flat. lf there ever was a flood the back of the lot would be most affected. At high water this is the area the water has come'furthest into the property. 6. The neighbor directly next door (lot 16) is in agreement with the proposed addition & slight projection into the setback. Please see attached letter from this neighbor approving of our proposed addition 7. We are a local Town of Vail family with tr/o children, born in Vail, wtro have out grown our home and must add on in order to stay in our lceation home. Most likely we nould not find an acceptable/affordable alternative in the Town of Vail if vrre could not get a variance to build this proposed addition. As rrve have analysed the proposed addlion location is the most affordable and least distructive. lt impacts the lot and the interior of the home minimally. 8. Our back yard is the only open play area for our children to play, plus it is away from the street. fitdiccccWren developing this house rive cho\se to leave as much natural vegetation as possible around the perimeter and in the back of the lot for privacy. We nrlould like not to disturb any back vegetation. 9. Gonsidering the set backs, 100 year flood plain and the 50 foot center of the creek setback, our building envelope is very small in comparison to other similar size lots. Only 31% of lot 17 is buildable and 6906 is not. In Comparison: Lot 16 has _53_016 buiHable area Lot 3 ' _46--Vo Lot 4 ' _52 o/o ' Lot 17's potential could have been _537o_ with 1s foot site set backs.10. I am a business and a commercial property owner in vail and Leslie owns a business in Vail as rrrrell. 11. This is a duplex zoned lot, with a lot square footrage of 14,259 and existing GRFA of 1976.61sq.ft plus 462.3 sq.ft. of garage space. Based on T.o.V. GRFA calcutations ule are allovued 3,564.70 GRFA, plus 42s sq.ft. credit, 250 sq.ft. and 600 sq.ft. per side for garages. The proposed addition r^ould bring the total GRFA to 2369.43 sq.tt. anO the garage to 680.46 sq.ft.. since we are allonrred 600 sq.ft. for garage space, our GRFA calculation is 2449.89 sq.ft. and the garage is 600 sq.ft.. We choose to build a single family dvrrelling vs a duplex due to the lot restrictions as wellas to minimized the impact and density on the site. The proposed addition, vve feel, rrrtould enhance our residence and neighborhood, meet outfamily's growing needs and enable us to remain in Vail. We appreciate yogr time and consideration. Kurt & Leslie Davis Davis Residence 5165 Black Gore Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Application for a Setback Variance T.O.V.- P.E.C. 1l29t96Gore Greek Sub. Lot It,Block2 A. We are requesting for a side setback variance allowing us to build into a portion of 15 foot S.E. side setback. The regulation involved is Sec. 18.12.060 side setback, minimum 15 feet from property line. This request of a variance is to allow us to build an addition onto our home. No other structures exist on this s.E. side of our property. sod and natural vegetation exist along S.E. the property line. Our neighbor on Lot 16 has no improvements adjacent to our proposed addition area. Their garage is the closest structure to our house, which is a good distance away (approximately 50 feet). Lot 17's has unique surrounding constraints, which reduces the building envelope to31o/o of the 14,258.8 sq.ft. lot. This high_ ly restricts the building potential of this lot in comparison to the surrounding neighborhood lots with the same zoning regulations. Most neighboring lots are square or rectangular and lot 17 is triangular in shape. No effect takes place on this issue of light, air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities or public safety. However the additional garage space will keep cars and large items off the driveway and out of sight of the public. The residence as it exists is one of the nerrvest homes in the area and improves the image and the values of the neighborhood. The proposed addition complies with Town of Vail guide lines for size, heights, landscaping, materials and design. Our family wishes to remain in our eisting home in Vail and this shares Town of vail's interest in abtaining a higher percentage of full time/tocal residence in the T.O.V. 1. 2. 3. 4. Home Telcpho nc 9? O4? 6.8 16 Town of Vail Planning Department 75 South Frontage Roid Vail, Colorado 8165? ur8le6 Dear Town of Vail Planning Department, I 1* q neighbor of Kurt & Leslie Davis and I live and own a house on the sourh side of their home in East Vail. My address is 513? Black Gore Drir. n"ii6t- The Davis's have informed me of their request of a side setback variance in orderto build a addition onto their home. ve have reviewed thta;*i"t;-6;[;-^ addition and the amounr of encroachment into th. rid. r.tb"&. " lam in approval to the Davis's side setback variance and to their arldition. Sincerely, Brice May il o ApplicationDarc l'?'l' QCt JAll u 0 19Si PEcMEETTNGDATE ,ll APPLICATTON FOR A VARIANCT' GENERALINFORMATION This procedurc is requircd for any project requesting a variancc. The application will not bc acccptcd until all the informEtion ie submincd. BREIFDESCRIpTIONOI,'IROpOSAL South-wesr 1or ser back variance NAME OF APPLICANT (typc or print) Kurt & Leslle Davls ADDRESS 5165 Black core Dri ltONlj_jZ6--O916_ CITY,STATE, ZIP vail, Colorado 8 tl updrted 4ll7l95 , DEV, mP[. ADDRESS PIIONE CITY, STATE, ZIP D. NAME OF OWNER(S) (typc or print) owNER(S) SIGNATURL(S) Clry, STATE, ZIP Vail. Co. 81657 E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: Gore Creek SubdtvisJon LoT-]J--BLoclL2-FILINc-----ular STREET ADDRESS 5l5S ntact< core nr; CITY,STATE,ZIP Vall. Co 81657 tr.. EEE $250.00 pAtD----x----_-C KflJtt-V2_By_ltulrr_Dar1ts Thc fe murt bc paid bcfore thc Community Dcvclopment Departmcnt will rccept your proposal. III. ADJACENT PROPERTY NOTIFICATION Stampod ad&esscd envelopcs of the names of owners of all property arljacent to thc subject property INCLI DING PROPERTY BEIUND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their namcs and rnailing addrcsscs. T}IE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSDS. TV. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc-application confcrcnce with a planning stalf member is strongly rccorntncnded to determine if sny additional informetion ia nccdcd No application will bc acccptcd unlcss it is complctc (must includc all itcms rtquircd by thc zoning rdminisrltor). It i3 the applicant'c rcsponribility lo makc an appointmcnt with thc etatlto Iind out about additional eubmittal rcquircmenB. V. SIJBMITTALINFORMATION PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLIND TIIE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECRDASING TIIE NTJMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TITAT TIIE PLA}.INING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. ALLCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPILED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMT IS ISSUED, FOUR (4) COPES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: / O. O *orr statemcnt of the precise nahre of the variance rcqucstod md rhc r€gulation involoved- The slatcment must also address: l. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2, The degree to which relieffrom the stict or literal inrcrpretation and cnforcement ofa specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity oftearrnent among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objcctives of this title wirhout grant or spccial privilegc. 3. Thc cfcct ofthc variancc on light and air, distribution ofpopulatiorl transportation, ta{nc frcilitics, utilitics, and public safcty. 4. How your rcquest complics witb Vail's Comprohcnsivc Plan A B. A topographic and/or improvement surv€y at a ecalc ofat least 1" = 20' stxmp€d by a Colorado licensed survcyor including locations ofall existing improvcmcntg including gradcs and clcvalions. Othcr clcmcnts which must bc shown arc parking and loading arcas, ingress and cgrceg landscapcd rcas and utility and drainagc feanucs. r' C. A Bitc plan at I Ecalc of at lcast | " = 20'showing cxisting and proposcd buildings. " D. All preliminary buildfurg elevations and floor plans srlficient to indicatc the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use ofall buildings and spaces existing and propoeed on the eite. r' E. A prcliminary title rcport to vcrify ownership and easements. MF. vI. vIt. If the proposal is located in a multi-family development which has a homeowners' association, then written approval from the association in support of thc projcct must be rcceived by a duly authorized agent for said association. Any additional rnaterial necessary for the review ofthe application as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvemort survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. TIME REOIJIREIVTENTS Thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission mccts on thc 2nd and 4th Mon&ys of each month. A complctc application form and all accompanying matcrial (as describcd abovc) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning adminisftator) will be accepted by the planning stallbefore or after the designed subminal date. All PEC approvcd variances shall lapse if consruction is not oommencod within two years ofthe date of approval and diligcn0y purzued to complction OTIIER lfthis application rcquircs a scparatc rcvicw by any local, Starc or Fcdcral agcncy othcr than thc Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increascd by $200.00. Examplce of arch rcview, may inclu&, but aro not limited to: Colorado Department of Higbway Acccss Permits, Army Corps of Engineos 4@, ctc. Thc applicmt cbrll bc rcsponsible for paying any publiching fccs which arc in cxccrs of 50% of thc application fcc. I{, at thc applicant's request, any matter is postponcd for hearing, causing thc maner to bc re-publishd then, thc entire fee for srch re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications decmed by the Community Devclopment Dcpartment to havc significant dcsign, land uee or other issucs which rnay havc a significant impact on thc comrmnity may rcquirc rcvicw by consultants othcr than town stafi. Should a dctermination bc madc by thc town stslTthat an oubidc consultant iB nocdcd to r€view any uppiiuation, Communiiy Deveiopmcnt may hirc an outside conaultant, it shrll ectimrtc thc amount ol'money ncccssery to Pay him or her and this amount shall bc forwrded to thc Town by thc applicant at thc timc hc files his application wilh tbe Community Dcvclopmcnt Dcpartmcnt. Upon complction of thc rcvicw of thc application by the consultant, any oflhc firnds forwardcd by tho applicant for paynrent ofthc consultant which havc not bccn paid to the consultant shall be rcilrned to the applicant. E:rpenses incuned by the Town in cxcrss ofthe amount fonvarded by the applicant sball be paid to thc Town by the aprplicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. G. A. B. B. c. f'leveryone\formsVariance.4 I 7 revL.ed 8/L1/94 o TO$IN OF VAfL UIIIJITY IJOCATION VERIFICATION FORM JOB NA}48 SUBDTVISI LOT BIJOCK II.,ING ADDRESS The form is used E.o verify service availability and locaLion. This should be used in conjuncLion wiEh preparing your uLility plan and scheduling insEallations. For any new construcEion proposal , the applicant musc provide a compleced ucility verification form. The locacion and availability of utiLiLies, whether Ehey be main trunk lines or proposed 1ines, musL be approved and verified by che following utilities for the accompanying site plan. A11 authorizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized Sionature Date PtF336 556U.S. wesE Communications 468-5850 or 949-4530 Publ.ic Service Company 949 -5135 Gary HaII/Rich Cooley HoLy Cross Electric Assoc. 9 49 -5892 Engineering Dept. Ted Husky/i+i€br.l+a#€r+y 2- /? -?6 i*TcI cablevision of the Rockies 949 -L224 Mark Graves l--B -?6 **upper Eagle valLey water & Sanitat,ion DistricE * 4'76-7480 Fred Haslee **A sit,e plan nust, be showDoffer serviceshall be the NOTE: L. \ *t' z. z-B-q0 is required. Physical location of known utilities on the site plan. Utility locations may or may not Uo the property line. Any utility exteasion required responsibility of the property owner. rf a utility company has concerns wiLh the proposed conslruction, Lhe ueiIiLy represenLative should notdirectly on the utilicy verificabion form that thereis a problem which needs Eo be resolved. The issue should t.hen be spelled out in detail in an attachedleLter to the Town of vail. However, please keep in mind LhaE it is Lhe responsibility of the utility company Lo resolve identified problens. If the utility verificalion form has signaEures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made direcLly on the form, Lhe Town will presume chat there are no problems and that Lhe development can proceed. These verifications do noE relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cuL permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before digoino in any public right-of-way or easernent in the Town ofVail. A buildino oermit is not a sLreeL cuL Dermit.A street cut pernit must be obLained sepa5lle.Ly. rnsrallarion or service lines are at .n' g{giliH'plfrl0:l-ttfr, responsibiliE,y of the property owner - 'vv ttt I i 96fl q , Ftl aaeagff :f E|..|'JFz\,trZo:avLtJ-FO l! :) -a ,', I Ig aa sd .|.J At- @tI:z;k." /.4/:< - g1;: tEi-a\ / =1F..2 / \a (d- t \' \9,;o". u.*' ,/,'d".'T / l' \5A \ ./ ol i /iltl:l tr \ ol o f|.|t _\c ' / ''r IlaL \E/ nE ll '- r)-:) Lu-'-y' - \Y.t ( ts,-.\gl '\ -\ @z \< kJ z #X Yir a8gFFtti !{ fi$ ))), 1c)ar \b .8, UJroE \ lrJ*{ l'Uoa. 33lLF |r) )r H$ (o pA $E r//@ /['. -- / /s1 {-1 (N) O/ os tJ:. "':1,:lS \A\'( t\ t t .., Q* rrrrJ' G'AR,ANTEE coMpoJ CUSTOMER DISTRTBUTION No.: V252302 THE WREN, S112 5OO S. FRONTAGE RD. E.VAIL, CO 81557ATTN: KURT DAVIS 970 476-86]-0 Copies: 1 January 22, L996 Our Order Property Address , -@€. a*tg^l.. 1 ,/7 AIISDEN, DAVIS & FOWIJER YOUR LAIID TITIJE GUARJAMTEE COMPAIIY COI\ITACTS ilanuary 22, 1996 Our Order No.: V252302 Buyer/Borrower: KI'RT R. DAVIS and LESI.TIE M. DAVIS Seller/Owner: Property Addressr If you have any inquiries or require further aseistance, pleaeecontact one of Ehe numbers listed below: For Closing Assistance: For Title Assistancel JII.IJ WELIJS 1.08 S. FROT.ITAGB RD l{.Phone: VAIL,, CO 81658Fax: Phone: 303 476-225LFax: 3O3 476-4534 THAIIK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER! NoEe: once an original- conunitmenE has been issued, any subsequentchanges will be emphasized by underlining. gf';'f 1l'r':ri':'l'i'rii{\TtS OI.D REPUBTIC TAIIOTAT TITTE ITSURAXCE COTPilY A Stocl tonoany 400 Second Avenue Soath. Mnneapolis. Llt;nneslta 55401 t6 121 3/t. tl President i$r$r$r ifij OLD REPUBLIC NATI0NAL TITIE INSURAiICE C()MPANY, a Minnssola corfronlion, herein callsd tho Cornpany, for a valuable considetaton, heteby commits to issue its policy or policiss of rhle insurance, as identified in Schdule A, in hvor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A. as owner 0f mongages ol rhs sstals or inrsmst covsnd honby in tho land deunbed or refensd to in Schedule A, upon paymenr of the premiums and charges rharefor; rll subioct t0 fts pmvisions of Schedule A and B and ro rhs Condrlions and Sripularions hereof. This Commitment shall b0 sffsclive only when the idenriry 0f lhs proposed lnsumd and rho anounl ol the policy or policiss committed lor have bsen insened in Schedule A hereof by rhe Company, eirher at rhe ums of the isuance ol this Commhment ot by subsgouent endorsement. This Commitmenl is preliminary to the issuancs ol such policy or policies ol rrlh insumnce and all liobilhy and obligrtions hereunder shall cease and tetminale six months ahsr the elfectrve date hereol or uAsn rhs policy 0r policiss committed for shall issua. whichevet lint occurs, provided that the failurs to issuo such policy or policies is not ft6 tsuh of the Comprnl. CONt}IIIONS ANO STIPUI.ATIONS I The term "moflgags", when ussd herein, shall include deed of trust, lrusl dged, 0r othsr secudry insrumsnr.2. lf the proposed Insulod has or acquires aclual knowledge ol any dafect, ten, encumbrance. adwrss claim or otner matter affec ng the eslale or interest or mongage thereon covered by this Commiment other than those shown in Schedule B hereol, and shall lail t0 disclose such knowledge to the [ompany in wnting, the Company shall be relieved lrom liabiliry for any loss or damage resulting kom any am ol reliance hereon to rhs exrent the Company is pmiudicod by failure ol the proposed Insured to so disclose such tnowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such kno\,v1edg€ l0 rhe Company, or il rhe Company othenvise ecquios acluil kn0wlEdge of any such delect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim 0r 0rh0r ma(sr, rhe Company at irs oprion may amond Schedule B of rhis Commitmont accordingly, bur such amendment shall nol leliev€ the Company fiom labilny previoudy incured pursuant r0 pamgraph 3 of thess Conditions and Stipula ons.3. tiabtlity of the Company under lhis Commitmenr shall b0 only l0 lhs namsd proposed Insurod snd such partiss included under the delinidon of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed lor and only lor acrual loss incurred in reliance hsreon in und0rtsling in good lairh lal ro comply with lho t€qulremsn$ hereol or {bl to eliminate erceptions shown in Schedule 8, or lcl ro ocquire or cruate ths esrale 0r inlorsst or mg11gago thenon covored by rhis Commitmsnt. In no event shall such liability erceed lhe amounl stated in Schsdule A lor rhe policy or policies commhred for and such liabiliry is subioct ro the insunng pmvisions and the Condidons and Stipulations and the [xclusions from Covemge of the form of policy or policies commirred for in levor of rhe proposed Insured which an hgroby incorpomod by referenca and mads a pan of rhis Conmirmsnl sxcepr as exprassly modifisd hsmin. 4. Any actlon 0r actions 0r rights ol action that the proposed Insured may have or may bdng agsinsl rho Company ansing out ol ths slatus 0l tho lnls t0 the eslate or intercst 0r lhe stalus of the mongage rhereon covered by rhis Commiment mun be based on end aG subisct ro the orovisions ol this Commirmenr. STANl}ARO TXCTPTIONS In addition to ths mattsrs contained in rho Conditions and Supulalions and frclusions lrom Co'nrage rbovo rsferrcd to. lhis Commtlment is also subject lo lhe follo,vtng, !. Rights or clarms of panies in possession nor shown by rhe public records. 2. Easemenn, or claims ol easem€nls. nor shown by rhe publc records. 3. Disctspancies, conflicts in boundary lines. shonage in area, encroachments, and any facn u,hich E corrscl survey and inspection ol rhe premrses would disclose and which are not shown by the public rccords. 4. Any llen. or right to a lien. l0r services, labor 0r malerial rhererofore or hereafrer furnished. imposgd by law and nor sho',r/n by rhe public records. 5. Delecls, hens, encumbrances, advetse claims or olher matrers, if any, created, tirst appeanng in the public rocotds 0r8ttachi0gsUbssqUenlt0theeffectivedat8hgr00fbUtpd0rlothedatetheproposedinsutedacquiresofrecordlorva|uethe8slaie0l Commitment. lN WITNISS WHIREOf, old Heplblic Na onal Title lnsrrance Company has caused hs corporare name ond seal ro be heteunto alfind by its duly autho led 0fficers 0n the date shown rn Schedule A, ro be valid when counlorsigned by a valida ng officsr or orher aurho red signarory. 8y Aulhoruod Signabry 0lI forr 2582 ,/2--, .- - A,,es, lrf*rZ Saretary ^. RANTEEQ"MPANY.. LAND TITIJE GUA . SCHEDUIJE A Our Order # V252302 For Information OnIy - Charges - $100 .00rnfoBind"l-*to,,-- groo.oo ****WITH YOUR REMITTATICE PLEASE REFER TO OUR ORDBR NO. V252302**** 1 . Ef f ect,ive Date: ,tanuary 10, 1996 aE 5 :00 p.M. 2. Information Binder Proposed lnsured: KI]RT R. DAVIS and LESLIE M. DAvIs 3. The estate or interesc in Ehe land described or referred to int,his CommiEment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to t,he esE,ate or interesE covered herein is at, theef f ect,ive dat,e hereof vest,ed in: KURT R. DAVIS and LESLIE M. DAvIs 5. The Land referred to in this Conrmitment, is described asfoLlows: LOT 17, BLOCK 2, GORE CREEK SI'BDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PI,AT THEREOF, COI,'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 ALrl coMMrrMENr O SCHEDUIJE B-1 (Requirements) Our Order # V2S23O2 The following are the requirements t,o be complied with: L. Payment t.o or for t.he account, of the grantors or mortgagors ofEhe fuII considerat.ion for E,he estate or int,eresE to be-insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the est,at,e or interesE Eo beinsured must be execuEed and duly filed for record., Eo-wit: THrS COMMTTMENT rS FOR TNFORMATTON ONLY, Al{D NO pOLrCy htrl.t BE ISSUEDPURSUANT HERETO, THE COI]NTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETI'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCUIVIENTS SENT FOR RECORDINGTI * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * NOTE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RECORDING FEES HAVE INCREASED AS OF JUIry 1_, l-995 TO 96.00FOR THB FIRST PAGE AND $5.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. RELEASES HAVE INCREASED TO $14.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND$5.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. PAGE 2 SCHEDULE B-2 (Except.ions) Our Order # vZSZZOZ The policy or policies t,o be issued wilL contain except.ions Eo E,hefollowing unress the same are disposed of t,o t,he satisfaction ofthe Company: 1. St,andard Exceptions L Ehrough 5 printed on Ehe cover sheet. 5. Taxes and assessments not. yet due or payable and specialassessments not yee cerEified to the Treasurer,s office. 7. Any unpaid t.axes or assessment.s against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEMf RECORDED September 13, 1902, IN BOOK 49AT PAGE 491. ].0, RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEITNITED STATES AS RESERVED rN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Sepcedber 13,L902, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 49L. 11. RESTRICT]VE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIJAUSE,BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIoNS, IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, CoLoR, RELIGION, ORNATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRIJMENT RECORDED November 10, Lg6g, INBOOK 216 AT PAGE 361-. 12. A FIVE FOOT WIDE STRIP ALONG ALL INTERIOR LOT LTNES 15 DEDICATED AS UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR USE OF PUBI,IC AND PRIVATE UTILTTIES AND DRAINAGE WAYS ASCONTAINED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. 13. A FIVE FOOT WIDE PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT ALONG THE PREVAILING SOUTHWEST BANK OFMAIN GORE CREEK AFFECTING SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. 1.4. RIGHT OF WAY FOR MAIN GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ONTHE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SI]BDIVISION. L5. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOI^IN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF GORE CREEK SUBDIVISION. l-5. DEED oF TRUsr DATED February 21, L992, FROM KURT R. DAvrs and LESLTEM. DAVIS TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF IMCO REALTYSERVICES, INC., DBA NORTH AMERICAN MORTGAGE COMPANY TO SECURE THE SIJM OF$88,000.00 RECORDED February 28, !992, rN BooK 573 AT PAGE 8g6. ALrl coMMTTMENT PAGE 3 t, ALTI coMMTTMENT O SCHEDULE B-2 (Except,ions) Our Order * v2S23O2 SAID DEED OF TRUST I{AS ASSIGNED TO GE CAPITAL MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED AugusE, 20, 1993, IN BOOK GlZ AT PAGE 59. PAGE 4 ' :. L AND 'Or",cuARANr"t coMpANy A) The subject real property may be locaEed in a speciar taxingdistrict. B) A cercificat.e of Taxes Due listing each Laxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the Countsy Treasurer or ifre CountyTreasurer's aut.horized agent.. c) The informat,ion regarding special dist,rict.s and the boundariesof such dist.ricts may be obEained from the Board of countyCommissioners, the County C1erk and Recorder, or Ehe CounlyAssessor. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 91-14 Required by Senate BiIl 92-143 A) A cert.ificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdictionshall be obtained from t,he County Treasurer oi Lhe CounLyTreasurer's aut,horized agent. lS tTEl'l MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvirohmenlalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vait on February 25, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for an amendment to the Town of Vail Municipal Code regarding zoning administration and appeals, amending numerous Sections of Title 18. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast located at 987 Circle Drive/tot 26 Buffehr Creek. Applicant: Jeannine EricksonPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a Front Setback Variance and a request to utitize the 250 Ordinance to allow for a garage and a Type I EHU to be constructed at 1464 Aspen Grove LaneAot 10, Block ?, Lions Ridge Filing No.4. Appticant: Carrol Orrison, represented by Tom BraunPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for Site Goverage, Front Setback, Side Setback and Density variances to allow for an addition to the building located at 1845 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 21, Vail Village West Filing No.2- Applicant: Ted Smathers, represented by Brent AlmPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a Gonditional Use Permit to allow four volleyball courts to be constructed at the soccerlield located at 640 Vail Valley Drive/Tract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther A request for a Setback Variance to allow for a residential addition located at 5165 Black Gore Driveilot 17, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Kurt and Leslie DavisPlanner: George Ruther An appeal of an adrninistrative decision relating to Section 18.58.020 (A) (Fences, hedges, walls and screening) and Section 18.04.370 (Definitions - Structure) located a-t Lot 1 1, Spraddle Creek Estates- Applicant: Planner: Ric Fields representing Dr. Steadman George Ruther t Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Davis 5165 Black Gore Drive Vail, CoLrrado 8t657 Re: Neighboring addresses for notication of Davis Variance and Addtion Mr. Brice May 5137 Black Gore Drive Vail, Colorado 81658 Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dilling P.O. Box 1450 Vail, Colorado 81658 Ms. Linda Fried 5124 Grouse Lane Vail, Colorado 8165? lohn Colegrov€ - Trustee Noralei Metcalf 4940 E. Crescent Drive, Route I Anehiem, Ca. 92806 Cedar Point Townhomes - Multi family across the river on northern side Kay Saulsberry 5175 Black Gore Drive, A-5 Vail, Colorado 81657 oa TOWNOFVAIL RECEIIT DEP N ME}iT OP COMI}IUNITY DET'ELOPMEIIT ADDRESS DA -?2-,-?4- PRO'ECT CEECXS MAI'E TAYA'I.E TO TOWN OF VAIL 7r/a* *)) . ttu|| -:.!r, .' -;',.::- ;.--*-*::.'- t{(i; ,..-,..!-. tlx- !.-, cts?lt,]".--ltTlL_:' 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRXSS MAPS $s.000l 000042415 I.JMFORM BUILDINGCODE $54.00 I I ol oo0^ rcr-mr | 0r ooc [TTmr rcTnoi | 0l0o( | 0l o0( [T'im fT'r60i-drm -0TT0i -TToCI- -TTMI -T-rmi -Trmi -TTMi -TTMi -T'ITO lTm'-olm.qtm I ' TNIErrD [f DI I]MRING 'OI)E-TAL'T.I EF LJFI r L I l'liscel laneeus Cssh 15: ii'r f,f, Fl,-''trei F,t. * 1-Jli5r:r f,,:cc,un i. + t::Fl trul.! I5.. r.rtJF,I Fl.lrE Frric,un l. t Frrd* re,J I tem paid ri 1Er0Fr:t41r-rR0Ra # 1'J4B l5l:1 . t:10 Anowr t psid i:51:1. fftj ff,lJi3l:h.lrrge re t.u rnp,J .i s39.W $37.(X'a $36.00 $37.00 l. 5 /.O0 $0.25 $5.O0 s20.00 OTI{ER . FEC APPLICATIOII-FEES .0r ux)o41330 ADDITIONALCRFA "Z'0"s200.oo0l oo0041330 CONDIT]ONAL USE PERMIT s200.000l (n00 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ITESSTMN]MSOFT:]s200.000l 0000 41330 EXTERIORALTERATIOW s500.000loo00 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPI,IW s1,500.000l 000041330 SPECIALDEVELOPMEM 51.0w.000t 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMW 1i200.000l 000041330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41 330 VARIANCE s250.00 45ZD0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.000l m00413fil Rb-ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER COMMENTSI olsE l---------J cK.*I'{.0LJ REC. 8Y: l{cCree- PROJECT: J)A DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARIN COMMENTS NEEDED BY: Retum lo George Ruther Town Plannor INTEN.DEPANTMENTi\L REVIEW BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: t -Q-4-.---a.4-.-- 4J-U7-?A..)t. FIRE DEPARTMENT ,// Rcvicwed ay: tff?ft((0 oarc: Commenls: ,9h',o"tthp 2 LooK > c; *,aJ. I .Z-tS -76 t l*,.- RelUm tO George Ruther Town Plannor PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Rcviewcd [y; Ter t-4ard$r6- pqlg; ', ?:--t;s-->,_=___= .?lP Q^r;*- si{/ro ek'''^r UT;tr'fi6 N@ s;1J - off oFr ?lht>' >. VarrouE /_l-Jl it'toit-4norl of feFr;tt7 else*theae orr the Tpfs/. 6dl'.1 l'arw HLa4 ,ahicl', vti/l fZae*o a> \Ar ; /-h h n *7p/, c t-a' o,-/, LOnv t 5$($el ^esdl ro Oe, a tcQoofoQXr c sucveq < \ned arrd s tcrsrr}.r] \c\ q \ic.{.j.f\ced S\r\r:+t . Oea',e ncr.ide of\ thc- lLYve'{ k^ e csnker u c./i- (?\- c{ (e' C(e6+ ( kr cfrrrqlq6e \r.C jac Qrcc{ crs v,*r\\ oc, seDt e\evqnm5 a\ry\q ttr€' aXr<h^3 ordg".r. a.,,oh'a1.*4ffiR" drd 'Gtdts5. '2..(;i-4'ie r5 4 nrarre<) c',lr rr\z sl|e Pl't'("\ : l$ : lol' o 3.-av t@y, uve 1c^-, no.,c c.3o1d fli1'9^::€ \@ 1e{ar f rcrcd 9ro\r- 1""?r*x'"tEtrod'Jce)'' ir,ilr"*, r;'ore alc"'red i'-l .Ue fvirr al gatzA xr ttrr \rb q€d( fpod Prd Commcnts: ll.l | 4\r. VAf lc(\ta, tg:rxl',t \. atrte ace ol)9sr\)\g ehurles rr\ a €' errcc rrv-rlr o.\t }he v.,os\- PrcPi t{ t"ta - Y\a*a $re \)Ylukld' \O(f$(c' dr\ds(5Nof(' .. \ ,. ,;;+ drrl nsed Yo bc fte5Y&\)tl'K,o\ 6loft\h-@ 'r€'r ProPdtY une' plbrD :'l1b %3-7 S;rc Vr.-t jaoo,a fuvJ' be ,-i.J I IXYCa |. rg<r6red r F€B6,,AR/ o o ilIC'D FtB 2* Bgd o o at*t^!4;"4 RetUm lg George Ruther Town Plannor INTE il-DEPARTMENT/\L REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDEO BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: ?tW, ?&ia'u'rhc kvis€> /ttLl . PUBLIC Beviewed by: WORKS DEPARTMENT t'4tt. N{M[]E.-Cedgged z' r{, -qLP DatO: feurua.q Z- ,- feir(jrn€d 7- LA.+v Comments: [ 6Pro:ed bi 9,sor^crls<r65 ' nd.J luYql 'f I I . 6) coNsrRucnoN PERMITnnffi9 l'.'-"", NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE AUGUST 22, L988 ir,nrs ,* ,"0, \ 00352iPERMIT NO. department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EF autottto EF Elecrnrcn- ET MECHANICAL EFpluMerNc EFrounonrtor-t ! 5165 BLACK GORE DR. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ t |V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : NEW CONSTRUCTTON OF SINGLE FA}IILY 169,000 GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 169,000 @RE CREEK SUB. BUILOING PERMIT $-ss ]Fq\J JOBNAME: DAVIS RE$IDENCE (NEW) MA|LADDRESS P0 BOX 661 ctrY VAIL PH 6-0916 ALTERATION AODITIONAL REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT- - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - - NO. FIREPLACES AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: RECREATfON FEE 267 4 X LISLIE DAvIs/MARK GENERAL CONTRACTOR 949-r896 DIDIER CONSTRUCTION TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES 2,660.OO GARY MURRATN SEPT. 19, 1988 bFac-nl- ---o-rE RICK PYLMAN ADMINISTRATOR DATE F|RM AVALANCHE ELECTRIC rowlr or vlru Reo. Ho. 188-E 468-0249 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accordi review approved, Uniform Building Gode,./ -:7 CLEAN UP TO: \*- Va,,-, C. 8165 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. s\\us \t!r*- Gcts \s' departmont of community dovelopment**1**pLEASE FILL 0uR l^lHERE'THE (Xj' lrnnrs nnrrTO 8E F'LL€O OUT COMPLETELY PBTOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT JYPE OF PERMTT @ eutortrc El elecrnrcal qMEcHANtcAL FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMIT:Letter from condo assn. . t iF-rippliiirsiil2 Sets, pf cornplete drawings/.rpfunrlioi CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING UNDATION NOTE - COPY f onre -rERMtT TO I BE KEPT ON JOBSSTE THE 1. 2. z52 r X X X t. TYPE oF coNsrRucrroN t tt ut wG z. occupANcy c'oup e e e x r6u ,l1Ek"^,*,, TYT. '-9.!ou!--s.B.F.A. vA[uAloN BUILOITIG PLUMEING oaA ?,u dqoD ?,ao PERMIT FEES EUILDING PERMTI B NAME:btr\ ( Lor l'7 BLK--;B-: FILING 4 RECREATTON FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CI-EAN.UP OEPOSTT ljlyDd- nlrennilon ) AootTtoNAL( t TEpArRl THICKNESS R.VALLUE /1 /? 7o A ADOITIONAL PEFMITS NEEOED: FLOOR EXT. WALLS cnv Vei - ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR Jhl?'^Hli rowru or vet nsc. r,lo. l60 - i\ rELE. q91 '8 qb TOTAL PERI\4IT FEES PLUMBING CONIRACIOR MECHANI CONTRACTO OTHER CONTRACTO %I hereby acknowledqe lhal l.have read lhis application, filted out in full the informalion required.ff[3'ii'3""Jril"#ii':#::lJ*;1,:*,';:i;i#ilft:19rmarion.provided as requ,red is correcr. Iasree to comprv w*h rhe 'l::**l!"li_ii.l'ir;:ji_iili;'il,flT;'+:'-l ,.?flxxf3"jilj':i,j;J[f;:'Jl5'13*:1'"li"ill'Hilr'fi;'Jfl::iii'[i *l;:i:::,qii;s::rql!it, codes, desisninances oirtre town lpfiLaote rhereto. ii,lgxi"i:.:*nea@ rnuTE:D - !!N O-F vA!!_8_sc. NO TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. A ii,\ ;$ o Town of Vail 25 S, Frontage RoadVal1, Colorado 81657(303) 476-7000 Plan analysls based on the 1985 Uniform Building Code Project Id: DAVIS RESIDENCE Address: 5165 BLACK GORE DRM Occupancy: R3,Ml Type of 6en5{,: V-N Date: SePtember 3, 1988Contractor: ????????????Designer: tEStIE DAVISEngineer: NONE Plans Examiner: GARY MURRAIN NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not lntended to be a completellstlng of all possib]e code requirements in the 1985 UBC. It is a guide toselected sections of the code. SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property llne 55.0 Feet 55.0 FeetEAST Property line 47.0 Feet 47.0 Feet SOUTH Property llne 34.0 Feet 34.0 FeetWEST Property llne 15.0 Feet 15.0 FeetArea increased 35.00% for open area on 3 sides. F'L NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 2 Dwelling R3 ok 1210 Unlimited ok TOTAT FOR FTOOR 1210 Unlinited ok1 Dwelline R3 ok 953 Unlinited ok1 Parking Garage Ml ok 511 Unlimited ok TOTAL FOR ELOOR 1464 Unlfinlted ok BUILDING TOTAT 2674 Unltmtted ok o Page S 2 Code revlew for:Project Id.: DAVIS RESIDENCE Address: 5165 BLACK GORE DRIVE EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 17-A & Table 5-A NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAIJT VIALL PROT WAIL WALL PROT WAIL VIALL PROT I{ALI WALL PROTR3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr NoneM1 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterlor walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . See.22OL. None -- No flre protection requirements for openings.Prot -- Openings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the waLl maximun. Sec.2203.(b) & Table 5-A Maximum slngle wi-ndow size is 84 se.ft with no dimensiongreater than 12 feet. -- Sec. 4306. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this wall.* -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 lnches above the roofing. The parapet waII is required to have the saqeflre rating as the wall. See section 1709. for detaifs and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEI'IENTS Table 17-AELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing walI Any 0 hrInterlor nonbrg wa11 Any 0 hrStructural Frame Any 0 hrExterlor Struct Frame Any 0 hr See footnote f1Shaft Enclosure Any t hr Floor,/CeiLing Assembly Any 0 hr See Footnote S9Roof/Ceiling Assembly Any 0 hrStairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. 1706. (a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES: 1) Mininum on exterior slde also based on exterior brg. wa1l requirements.9) In areas wlth vehlcles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. 702.(b) & 902.(b) OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSR3-M1 thr Materials approved for thr construction are required on thegarage side only and 1 3/E inch solid core, self-closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex *3 ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUPANCY: FOR M1 OCCUPANCY: Code revlew for: ProJect fd.: DAVIS RESIDENCE Address: 5165 BLACK GORE DRIYE EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAME o Page f 3 OCCUPANT NTIMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTES LOAD REQUIRED WIDTH [ft. ] HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 2 Dwelllng 4 1 0. 1 No No N,/RTOTAL 4 t ( 1) 0. 1( 0. 1) No No N/R1 Dwelling 3 1 0. 1 No No N/R1 Parking Garage 3 1 0.1 No No N/RTOTAL 6 1( 1) 0.1( 0.2) No No N,/R Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303. (b) The numbers in ( ) are include occupant loading from floors above thisfloor. -- Sec. 3303.(b) FOOTNOTES: STAIR NOTES:A stalrway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maxlmum rise of a step is I inches and the minimum run is 9 inches.-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.S1Provlde a handrail on one side a stairway 30 to 34 lnches above the nosing ifthere is rnore than 4 rlsers. -- Sec. 3306.(j) Provlde a guard rall where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum helght =36 lnches, maximum opening size=6 inches. -- Sec. 1711. exc 2 The minimum headroon is 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr flre-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (n) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS:1) The rooflng on this bullding is not required to be fire retardant.-- Sec.3202. (b)1. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : WALL AND CEILING FINISH:1) tfall and celllng flnish materials are required to comply wlthSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) Carpeting on wal1s and celllng are required to have a Class f flame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (b) INSULATION NOTES:1) A11 lnsulation naterlal including faclngs are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maxlmum smoke density of 450 unlessit ls ln a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall orceiling. -- Sec. 1713. (c) exc.*22) Foam plastic lnsulatlons are required to be protected. -- Sec. L7t2. o Page $ 4 Code revlew for: ProJect Id.: DAYIS RESIDENCE Address: 5165 BLACK CIORE DRM GLAZING REQUIRH{ENTS:1) Af1 glazlng in hazardous locations ls required to be of safetyglaaing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy Provide a wi.ndow or door to the exterior from every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. L2O4. A wlndow must provlde a clear open area of 5.7 sq.ft., a clear heightof 24 lnches, and a clear width of 20 lnches(urlnimurn). -- Sec. L204. AI1 habj.table roons require exterior glazed openings egual to 10% or nore of the floor area. (mln 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. 1205.(a) All habitable rooms require an operable exterior openings equal to 5%or rnor€ of the floor area. (nln 5 sq.ft. ) -- Sec. 1205. (a) The minlnum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches exceptkltchens, halls, and baths may have a eeiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1207. (a) Provlde a smoke detestor ln all areas having access to sleepingrooms. -- Sec. 1210. (a) For M1 occupancy o o U,wtifirulr uf (Drrufunru @unrn (Df liluil fiutlilttrg lBrpurtnrnl THIS CERTIFTCATE TSSUED PURSUANT TO THE REOUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYTNG THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THTS STRUCTURE WAS TN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUILDTNG CONSTRUCTTON, AND OR USE, TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDGE. Name DAVIS RESIDENCE SINGLE FAI{ILY Usc Classification RESIDEMIAL Group R-3 Building Pcrmit No.3521 Typc Construction v Owner of Building KI'RT & LESLINK DAVIS Building Addrcss 5165 BI.ACK CORE DRIVE LOT 17, BLOCK 2, @RB Cn.EEK STDDMSION AUCUST 24 1989 Tlrc buildic o{fi'ial may, in sriring. susgnd q rcvo&c r Gni- liclc of Ocrupancl irsucd undcr rhc prrwisionr of rhis <odc wk+ cwr rhc errificerc b Lqrcd in cror, <x on rhr bost of irrqrccr informerion rrppli{. or whco i t is &rcm incd rher rhc bu ildinf, c nnurc q ponioo rcarf is in tiolarin of rny rrdinencc or rcguletion o{ rhc To*'n oJ Veil rr tnt of thc proviriom of rhis codc. POST tN A COITaSPTCUOUS PLACE TOWN OF VAIL l NAME CALLER READY FOR [OCATION: INSPECTION:-o AM (r") PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t & roorrrucs / srEEL -I\ fuuNontoN / srEEL i7 BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FRAMING tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK rl tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FLNAL tr FINAL Wf"^"'* COhRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED co INSPECTO rNslctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES @ THUR FRI {PpnoveD /'.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ii:-',...)-1 *.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ROUGH / WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL r'l tr trl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: \'ItrH tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr FOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL CORRECTIONS: lNsPEcroB..-z -'li: JOB NAME -. € r'l-i. 14.'-! r.,r "Fi..itl.rTr}i.?ry rNslctoN REouESr TOWN OF VAIL ('. .l-. ! \ \ | P,,t I t>- DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER Pffi PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL _ D UNDERGROUND f, FoUNDATToN / srEEL (,,=)}: E RoucH / D.w.v. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR oveo \3 N,,{ -..tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,"rl"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL oo* l\ / | ti JoB NAME - t''rn-l i-- +I 'ALLER hl-f;*rr L,l.rcn-*--,rcli..- 4-7oAz READY FOR INSPECTION: MON 6'D WED THUR FRI CND 'PT,T LocArloN: llt*,4 f*-iZJ t':ir"ex- \):-s;' , , {**-;r \lpit . BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR Er O FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\.\ \ DATE \. -- \-t , i. .' , JoB NAME rntcnoN REouEsr CALLER TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUEs I wroi THUR FRI nf''ott^ou=o CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL T1 tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: WffiteR MECHANICAL: tr HEATING R ROUGH -D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ E FINAL tr FINAL oore i/ * ,/,:o'-,/i? rNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL\ DATE .\\ \ JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION:"i\ CALLER ruEs @il( .+" . \:..,t THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E] ROUGH / WATER tr o tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL '4 tr FINAL i.tr APPROVED DI OVED INSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .././D^rE ///42,8 rNsPEcroR ;r'F r ;r6r0<'frrt, p* -j'.r 4i.r||F ,_-, . ,.'..., !ll::, - i*Jr.rj,1. rNsf READY FOR LOCATION: '--- \ (- -.. \ \\. - INSPECTION: MON CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL WED(--.THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEE- dr*ot,*n_\ ROOF & S tr GAS PIPING& SHEERD ijlv-wob6'runilrNe tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK f'l tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tl tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR F+l''lAL FINAL !ffiRovED T] DISAPPROVED SPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ,t :-- t JOB NAME IN tl t'H: ' ,i..)- -. STrcTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,-/ i +tt/ , MoN/ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,(-/ o/<- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr o D tr GAS PIPING t/ rrusur-nlor.r tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT f'l tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL 6"^ou',o CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: tr APPiIOVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION: _(- JOB NAME MON tr DISAPPROVED THUR ,14 0/. ,*tnoNTOWN OF .r.,1 .r' , REQUEST VAIL CALLER P1*AMFRI(rTUES BUILDING: PLU|IIBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND -D FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - anarF t. el-ttrtrQT] .."". tr GAS PIPING" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL O - a4't.,.,rt.'.,--!t.D,/rt tr_,r'l tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS -tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - -r-l_ t"t Etl\l A I r-t Elt\l^l BUILDING: PLU|IIBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. -tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr FINAL tr FINAL O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO GlNStcTloN TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: It r( WED THUR (i*i.i ,/^"/ a.-t--.- JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES @AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB d(sneernocK NAIL { .-l**-'o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr n SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL .E APPROVED ,''- coRRECTToNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED r/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ *\\ n -'ic.r.DATE \ \- | \J - \J JOB NAME CALLER TUES 0 s-\'.\ \ - -; -''--" \ BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL THUR @ .@ PM ,fr'"^o"o. CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE 1Z^r \ trr INSPECTOR IN ') I SPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPROJECT DATE CALLER TUES :-1,FBT^ _. '..!, , READY FOR INSPECTION:WED LOCATION:i:: t i.., BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr D D tr tr n UMBING: N FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT t-l tr SUPPLY AIR n qfrueu tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 3 C "tl t ^ ..,. I .-. ^tri ' i'L''l JoB NAME z--\l( Mory/'---'/-' INSPECTIONTOWN OF lA REQUEST VAIL a PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES t. . THUriC- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL Vr,*o,- -:l ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR $rrrunr-' 1l ' .'fr7{pr*ou-o !'- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 55+l INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 8-7-{'l JOB NAME -(..-rlr D{.;t:, PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER TUES FRI -------*'f:5il PM\.***-"READY FOR LOCATION:\c- BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR #se o Project Application Io^t. X!11 = --r--Proiect Name: Contact Person and Phone r 1i )r-.rb --{-i(- r';r( Architect, Address and Phone: \-l Block -:-. Filing tilL,.ron" Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: -t r--i\1.' ..r\tl-i, i - / APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner E statt Approval - , -..'. -,ia;r*,r&,i..,. - . t.;.t4.4'Jt..--. PoucYNo. A2571995 ATERICAJI LA'{D TITLE ASSOCIATIOil OWIIEB1B FOLICY . FORtf, B - 1e70 lAlnndd tGl7.t0l frrr-e lr.rsunAruce .,ionmry or ;.'jrnxEsorA r Stocl Gomprny, of Mlnncrpotlq iilnn rtr SUBTECT TO TTIB 8)(CLUSIONS FROM OOI,BRACE, TIIB B'(CEPIIONS COMAINED IN SCIIEDUTX B A}ID TIIB PROVISIONS OF TIIE CONDI1IONS AI{D STIPT'IATIONS HEREOF, TITTE lNSt RAI{CB COMPAT{Y OF MINNESOTA, hcrcln cdlcd lhc Comprny, inruro, u of Drto of Policy drom h llcludulc A, rpinrt loo or drmrgo, not cxcooding ihc rmount of insrr.no $rtcd in Schcdulc A, rnd cocb, rtiorncyr' fcr ud cxparcr which thc Compeny mry bccomc obligrtcd to pry hcroun&r, srtrincd or incuncd by thc lnrurcd by rcrron of: l. Tittc to thc attrtc or intcrcrt docribcd in SAcdulc A bcing ncrlcd othcrwirc thrn u rtrtcd thcroln; 2. Any defect ln or licn or oncumbnncc on nrch titlc; 3. lrcl of r right of rccol to urd from thc hnd; or .f. thm*.trbillty of ruclr title. lN WlTt{EStl WHEREOF, Orc taid Tl0e Inruurcc Company of Minncrctr hr crurd itr corporrto nrtrr ud rd to bc hcrcunto rfflfd by itr duly ruthorlzcd ofllccn u of tho rhtc rhom in Schodnlc A, thc pollcy to b. rrlld ntcn coutcdgncd by u ruthorizod olllccr or rgcnt of tbc Comprny. T tnlru NSURANcE :'olupaHv oF ;'titNNEsorA| .. ril Prcddt- ) .--->i : &.;- 'r ' /c-a-'/<- Socrllrty ()" / t ,-1, ., L7 Authorizcd OfIIccr or Agent a torm 130 2tg 3OM @ Copyrbnt leaa AfltF.n L.nd Tlil. Ar|ochtlon EXCLI,S|ONSFROM COVERAGB fho following mrtten rrc cxpro$ly excludcd from thc cowr.go of thir pollcy: I. Any lrw, ordinrncc or gowrnnrntal rcgulrtion (lncluding but not limitcd to bulldlng rnd. zonlng ordlnrnccr) nriricting or rcgulrting 6r prohibiting thc occuprncy, uro or cnJoymcnt of thc hnd, or ngulrting ihc chrnstor, rli6nrioir or l6ca$on of ury imprortnrnt noi or hercrftor crcctcd on tho hnd, or prohibitin3 -l rprrrtion b omcrrhip or i rcduction in thc -dinrndmr oi rrcr of thc trnd, or thc effcct of loy violrtlon of rny nrch bw' ordinrnco or govtmrmntd regulrtion. 2. Righfr of eminont dqnrtn or gorcrnnrntrl rightr of polioc powor unlcs noticc of thc cxrrdl of nrh dghtr rppour in tho public rccordr rt lhtc of Poltcy. 3. Dcfcctr, lbm, oncumb,nncor, rdrrrrc cldlru, or othcr mrttGn (r) crorted, ruffcrcd, rrnumd ol $t!od to by thf fnarra'oUfmint; (b) not lno*r to rhc Comprny rnd not rhown by the public rccordr but kno*n to thc inrtucd ct.fnn"t.itttcr it'titc of Poltcy or at tho Oito iuctr clrlm$t rcquiicd ur oltetc or lntcrcd inrurod by 0tb Pdlcy rnd not dtrclord in *rltlng Uy ttro irureA chhant to thc Compmy prior to tho drtc |uch h$!cd cldtDrll bcce16 rn inrurc{ hcrcun&-r; (c) roulting ln no locr or drnrp tothe inurod chimmt; (d) rtteohiry -or gcrfod iuun q*ot io p.t. "t lou.il ;;i;i;;,,,fdfii;"ic.r.ge-"hirr, *oua not t rw uccir'nirtrrnca r-uc rnlune ctrtmrnt tuit liiiia ,Jiriri6 ior thc crtrtc or lntcrctt hrurcd W thlr policy' ^. o CONDITIONS AN D STIPU I,ATIONS 1. Itofinition of Trrmr Thc following terml whon used in this policy mcan: (a) "insured": tho insurod named in Schcdulc A, and, subjeci io any right! or dcfcnscs the Company may havc had against the nrmcd inrured, thosc who succccd to tho lntercit of such insurcd by operation of law as distlnguished fiom purchase tncluding, but not limited to, hehs, dirtrl- butees, dcviseos, survivon, pcrsonal representativa, ncxt of kin, or corporate or flduciary succe$on. (b) "insurod claimant": rn insurcd claimlng los or damage hercunder. (c) "knowlcdgc": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledgc or notlco which may be imputed to 0n insured by reason of any public rccords. (d) "land": thc land degcribcd, rpcci0crly or by referencc in Schedulo d and improvements affixed thercto which by lew constituto real propcrty; provided, howcver, tho tcrm "land" docs not include any propcrty bcyond thc lines of the area speclfically describcd or rcfcned to ln Schedulc A, nor any right, tido, lntcrsst, cstrto or earc- ment ln abutting strccts, roads, avenues, alloys, lanes, wayr or waterways, but nothing horein shall modify or limit tho extcnt to which a dght of access to and from the land ls insurcd by this policy, (e) "mortgagc": mortgagc, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. ($ "public rccordl": those records wlrich by law impart constructive notice of matters rclating to said land. 2. Condnurtion of Inrurlnce aftor Conreyrncc of Titlc fire coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insurod retains an estate or intcrcst ln the land, or holds an indcbt edncs secured by a purchasc moncy mortgage given by a purchrscr from such insurcd, or so long as such insured shall havc liability by roagon of covenants of waranty made by cuch lneurad ln any trrnsfer or convcyancc of ruch cstatc or lnterest; provldcd, however, thir poltcy ahall not continuc ln forcc in favor of any purchascr from guch insurod of elthcr srld cststc or lntercst or thc lndcbtedncss securod by a purchrr monoy mortgagc givcn to such insurod. 3. Dofcnlr and Procccudon of Actiom - Notice ol Clrlm to bo giyon by rn Inru?od Clalm.nt (a) The Company, !t lts own cost and without unduc delay, rtrall providc for thc dofonsc of ur insurcd in all [tigation consistint of rctions or procccdlngr commenced againrt ruch ingurod, or r dcfenso intcrposcd lgrinst rn inrurcd ln an actlon to cnforce a contract for a srlc of tho 6tatc or intorsst ln $id land, to thc oxtcnt that such litlgatlon is foundcd upon 8n dlcgod defect, lion, cncum- brance, or other matter insured against by this policy. (b) Thc tnrurcd rhdl notify the Comprny promptly in writing 0) in casc any actlon or procecding lr begun or defense is interposcd as sct forth in (a) abovc, (ii) in caso knowledge shall comc to tn insurcd hereundcr ofrny clalm of tltlc or interclt which ic rdvcrse to the Utlc to thc cstrtc or lntorcst, rs lnsund, rnd whlch might caurc los or damrgc for which tho Comprny may be liablc by virtue of this policy, or (ill) if dtb to tho ost8le or lntcrcst, t8 inrurcd, is rejcctod as unmarketable. If such prompt noticc rhdl not bo dvon to the Comprny, thcn al to such inruod dl liabiltty of thc Company rtrrll ces:c rnd tcrminrtc ln rcgrrd to tho mattcr or msttcn for which cuch prompt nodco is requlrcdi providcd, howtvcr, thet failurc to notify chdl ln no cuc proiudicc the rights of any lnsured under thir policy unles th,c Company sltdl bc prcjuiltccd by ruch . frilur.e rnd thon, only to tho cxtont of such prcjudtco. G) nrc Coinpany shall hrvc tho right rt itr own cort to lnsdtuto and wlthout unduo dolay prolccutc rny rcdon' or procccdlng or to do any othcr act which ln ltr oplnlon may bc noccssary or deeirablc to cctablilh the dtlo to tho estito or intcrcst a! lnsurcd, and thc Compeny may tako mry appropriate action under the tcrms of this policy, whcthcr or not it shdl bc liablc thcreunder, and shall not thcrcby conccde liability^.or waive any provislon of this policy. (d) lllhonovor the Company shall havc brought any rction or lntcrposcd a dofenso $ rcqulrcd or pcrmlttod.-bJ thc provisions of thlr policy, the Company mry purSuc rhy. ruch litigation to ffnd detcrmination by a court of cottiF- tcnt Juri-sdiction rnd expressly rcrcrvcs -thc rlght, in its'ii& ., discretlon, to apped from rny adrrersc judgncnt or or{or. .. r. .r.,i ,, G) ln all cascs where tlil pollcy permlts or reqtdrcr' thc Company to prolccutc or provide for thc defensc of rny acdon or prococding, tho inaurcd hercudcr rhall sccu& to tho Company thc right to so prosccute or providc. defcnse in such action or procecdlng, and all appeals thercln, and permit thd Company to u6c, at its option, thc namo of such insured for such purposc. Whencver requestcd by thc Company, such lnsurcd shall givo thc Company all reason- rblc atd in any ruch rctlon or procceding, in cffoctlng rcttlcmont, rccuring cvidence, obtllning witncssca, or pro- sccuting or dcfcnding such actlon or procecding, and tho Company shall reimburse such insurcd for any expcnse so incurred. 4. Noticc of Lo$ - Llmltrtlon of Aaion In addltlon or the noticos requirod undcr paragaph 3(b) of thcse Conditions and Stipulationr, r strtcment in writing of any los or damage for which lt is ctaimcd the Comprny lr llablc undor thir policy shdl be fumirhcd to the Com- pany within 90 drys aftcr cuch lors or. damago $rU bvc bccn detormlncd urd no rlght of rction shall sccruc to m Insurcd chlmrnt until 30 days iftcr luch st temcnt shsll hrvc bcen fumlshed. Frllurc to. furnlsh ruch rtatcmcnt of los or damrge shall tcnnlnatc ury.liabllity of the Company undeq this policy as to such loss or damagc. 5. Opdonr to pry or Chhcrwh Srtth Ghlmr lhe Company shall havc tht option to pry or othcrwisc rottlc for or in thc namo of u lnsured clalmant my chlm lnrurcd agoinst or to tcrmiante dl llability md obligrtioo of thc Comprny hercundcr by prylng or tenderlng paymcnt of thc amount of lngurancc under thi! policy togcthor wlth rny costs,.. rttorncyl' fces urd orpcnser lncuncd up to thc tlmc of such payment or tendcr of paymcnt, by the insurcd claimant snd authorized by the Company. 6. Dctrmlnrdon rnd Paymrnt of Loo (a) thc llability of thc Company undcr thls poticy rhdl ln no crse cxcecd the least of: (i) the actud los of tho lnsured cldmant; or (l) thc amount of insuranco statc{in #:p'T:SH-F o (Conttnud fiom tns,dc fton, fup) O) Orc Company will pay, ln rddttlon to ury loshtutrd sgrin$ by thir policy, rll corts lmporod up6n gr lntu$d ln litlgrdon carrlcd on by thc Coripany f6r suchinrured, md dl cott!, attornoyi' fccl md cipcnres lnlitlgation canicd On by such lnsurcd with thi writtcn urthorization of thc Company. (c) lVhen liability has been dcfinifity lixed in accor- dancc with the conditions of thir poticy, tlio los or damagerlull bc pryrblc vithin 30 dayr th-reaficr. 7. Llmlt|tion of Lirbitiry No claim stull rrisc or be maintainrblo under this policy @ tf tlrc Comprny, rftcr having rccelvcd noticc bf ur' rllcgcd dcfcct, Xcn or encumbrancc insurod rgninst hcrc- -{ndar, by litigrtlon or otherwirc, rcmovor r[ch dofoct, Iien or cncumbrancc or estrblishor the titlo, as lnsurcd, within r rcasonable time aftcr rccclpt of ruch notice; O) in thc cvent of litigation until rhere has becn a final det-eini,in ation by a court of competont jurisdiction, and disposi- tion of dl appoalr therefrom, adverse to the title, as insured, as- providcd in paragaph 3 hereof; or (c) for liabitityvolutarily asumcd by an insured ln scttling any claim or suit without prior written consent of the Company. 8. Frductlon of Llebitlty - All payments un!e1 this policy, except pryments madelor costs, attorncyj fces and expcnscs, shrll reducc the arnount of the ingurance pro tanto. No payment shall be mlde without producing this policy for ondorsement of such pryment unlesr the policy be lost or destroycd, ln which casc proof of such loss or destruction shall be fumirhod to thc staisfaction of the Comprny. 9. Lllbillry Noncumuhtlve It ir cxpressly understood that the amount of insurance undor this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com-prny may, pay undel any pollcy insurlng cither (a) a mortgagc shown or refened to in Schedulc B hcreof which is a lien on the eitate or intercst covercd by thls poticy. or(b) r mortgage hcrerfter cxecuted by an tiilurcA wniifi ise ctrargo or licn on the estatc or intcrest dcscribed or rofcrred to ln Schcdule A, and thc amount ro paid shall bo dccmcd a payment under thir policy. Thc Cohpany shall hsvE thc option to apply to the paymcnt of-ani ruch 4qrtgFg?r any arnount that otherwisc would be payablo hereundcr to thc lnsurcd owner of the cstato or iniercst covcrcd by this policy and the amount rd prid shal bo decmed a payment under thir policy to crld furiured owncr; 10. Apportlonmcnt If thc land dcscribed in Sctrcdule A consist! of two or moro parcels whlch aro not us€d as a single gite, and a loss ir estrblished alfccting onc or more of said prrcels but notrll, tho loss shdl be computed and scttlcd-on I pro ratr blrlr $ if thc amount of insurancc undcr thir potlcy w8r dlvidcd pro nt8 rr to thc valuc on D.tc of poliiy of crch loparatc prrcel to the whole, exclurive of any imprbvcmcntr madc,rubscquent to Datc of Policy, unleis a lirbillry or valuc has otherwisc bcen agrccd upon as to each sudr oucelby the Comprny and the lnsurcd it the time of thc isrinnccof this policy and shown by an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. 11. Subrogrtion Upon Payment or Sottlsment Whenever thc Comprny ehdl have scttlcd r cleim undor thir policy, dl rlght of subrogation shall vest ln thc Com. pany unaffected by any act of the lnsurod claimant. Tho Company rhrll bo subroglted to and be entitlcd to 8lt rightr and romodics whlch ruch inrurcd ckimrnt woutd hsvc hrd sgsinlt any person or propc y in rerpect to such claim had this policy not been issued, and lf rcqugsted by the Company, such insured claimant strall transhr to thi Company all rights and remedies against ani person or property nccessa4/ in order to perfect such right of subro. gation and drall permit the Company to usc-the name of ruch insured clairnant in any transactio'l or litication in- volving such rights or remedies. If the payment-docs no-t cover the los of such insured claimant. the Comoanv shall bc subrogated to such rights and rempdiis in the prop'ortion whtch said payment bears to the amount of mid loss. If loss should result from any act of guch insured claimant. such act shall not void this policy, but thc Compury, in that event, shall be required -to pay only that part of anVloses insurcd against hereundcr. which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to. the Company by rcason of thc impairment of the right of subrogation. 12, Liability Limited to thir Policy This instrument together with all endorsemcnts and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damagc, whether or not based on nedtcnce, and whlch arises out of the status ofthe title to the estate or interest covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shsll bc restricted to the provisions and con- ditions and rtlpulations of this pollcy. No amondment of or ondorsemcnt to this pollcy can bc made exccpt by wrltlng endorsed heroon or attschcd herelo stgred by cither the President, a Vlcc President, thc Sccre- tary, a8 Assistant Secretary, or validatlng officer or author- izcd signatory of the Company. 13. Noticc, l{harc Sgnt All noticog requlred to be givcn the Company and any strtement in writing required to bc fumished the Company shall be addrescd to its Home Oflice, Minneapolir, Minno- rotr 55401. Note: This policy valid only ifSchedules A and B are attached. TII'f OurnerE Forn 231z 3. File No. V9426 SCHF.trULE A Pol icv Amount No. A7.5719?b $40' 0C1O. CtO Address ].': t. 2. Pol icv B*tel Novembcr O7' 1986 ot lStOO A.l'1. Name of Insuredl l(uRT R, UAVIS The estate or interest in the land deEcribed in this $rh€.drJle and uhich is covered bv this policv is: ll Fee $inple 4. Title to the cstate or inter'est covered hr thir palicv a.t the date hereof is vestcd inl The land referred tq in this pol icv is situa.ted irr HAGI-E Llount'r, Colorador irtd is described aE follauls: LOt 17, BIOCK 2, OORE CREEK SUBDIVISINN' AI:CNRBINfi 1N TI IT RECORBED FLAT THEREOF, COLTNTY OF EASLE, SrATE CrF Crlt-fiRAtrfr, 't his Pol icv val id onlv if Schedule B is att;rihc'd' I{URT R. EIAVIS t'age TIl,f Cfuner Form 2313 Fi I e Nc, . V?426 Pc' I i. r'i l'Jc'. f\Ziil1'.'r';iij SCHEI]ULE B This trol iCv doeS nc,t -insUfe aeainSt- l oss c' r' damase h'r' r'e;l.l'irr crf t'fr€ fol I oui ng: 1. Rishts or clairrs of parties in eosression nat shcun L,'r tlirl pubi ic reccrds, 2. Fa.sem€trtsr or' ':l aimg of e;as€.ment5, nrf t ghr-run t' r' the' r't-lit I ;i t r€cords. 3. fri screpanc ies, confl icts in boundar r' I ines' sh,:'r tat1*: i.rr i.r''en '€ncroachmefrtsr a.rrd anv f,r.ctg tuhich a corr'ect survsi' "'l rt';i irrEpection af the premises urDuld disclnse a.nd tlhicl'r it.l" ": Ir,:it shc'un bt' the Putr I i c records. 4. An.r I ien, or r.iEht to a I ierr, f rtr ser'vices' I "rL,nr', {1t' nri:l tt':r'ial .theretof ore or hereaf ter Fur'nisfred' irrPOse,l h'" I au arl'J fri, 't shourn bv the FUblic necords. 5. 1?86 TAXE$ NCIT YET DUE ANN }.,/IYA8LE, 6. LIENS FI]R UNPAI.N NATER ANN SHWFR I:I'IARIJI1S' IF /-\hIY. 7. RILr}{.r c|F PR[.|PRII:TLIR c|F A VHIN oR |-tiI]E Tg Ixrfi|,-]|:: I ANII i:iili'li.]vE lils [|RE THEREFfitfH SHIIULLI l-HE SAPIH BE FfiUNII l-t.i PEN[-.TR/-\l'F flR ll'l l'll:f:i::i!lr:T Tl"{E FRF-l'lL:;t-:ii AS RESERVEn IN UNITED STATES PATEI\|'| R€CCTRFEn SeptenrLrr+r' 1.:.:1, l-'v{}ilr IN HifLtH il' A'r PAriE 4?1. A. RI'JHT OF HAY FT-IR DITEHE.S fiR CANAL:; I:NN$TRUI:TET] BY'T'I''IT, AI I'I'I''II]R1TY f]I'THE UNITEU $ rA.rEs As RESERVEn IN UNITEI-| STATES PA fENT Rhr::nRnr::tr s'ep f enrber 13'. 1?O?' IN EOOK 48 AT PASF 4?1. g. RESTRICTIVE CBVENANTS tJHrCFt DO NET TDNTAIN A f:nRFHIll-Il:ii: rrll RF-VHRTI:R Cl.Al"r:iil-' BUT oI'IIT.TIN6 RE$TRICTIUN$, IF ANY, FIASET] CIN RA.]:E' [IlLt]ii' }ItsLIIiILlN' TIR NATIONAL fiRIGIN, AS CONTAINE.D IN IN';TRUt'IENI'RIiI:I]RN[:N ['!A'Y1:'lT1[gP I{)' 1.'?&F' 1'I..i BEOF: ?16 AT PAr:rE 361. 10. A FIVE FBBT Wtnlj STRIp ALOt{r:i ALL iN'lbflIUR Lr:r] l-INt-.'; l.:::i Iti L'rI[]f]l'HLI F\:i U-l I["T tr =- [nsgNe1rrs-r.nn UgE OF pUBLrf, ANII pRIVATE UTIt-i]'IEs ANII Lriti)INAfi[ blAYl:i A$ r:r:tNTAINb:D ON THE RECORDEI! PLA] OF Sr:tllE CREEK SLJtsnIV,iii;ltl-tltl" II.AFMFOOTI,JITIEpEnEsTRIANEASE|'IENTALONG'l|{HPREVA.II..fl',lli5[UrHhJE$i-l-BAN]{i'ri HAIN 6uRE CREEK AFFECTING suBJHcr pRrlpERTy As 'st{ot.|N fihl 'l-l-{F. RFc'lRtt[t] PLA1-., ,-..#t, 'T' o Pase 7 ,t o TIl,l Oroner Form 2313 File No. V94?.tl SCHEBULE B Pol ict N,:r. 475719F13 ' . 1,.' t"Z. RIGHT OF t"lAY FCIR f"lAIN 6ORE CREEK AS I't AFFECT'{i SUH,.JF-UT PHr..lFf-$tl Y AIi $l{tlWN Ol\i -TltE REccrRoEn PLAT. 13. FASEHFNT$, RESERVATIONS ANI] RE$TRICI-iilN$ A$ Sl.-tfi't^'l! ilrt RE'.3F.frvhrt CIN t'l-lF\*ECORDEN PLAT CIF fiORE CREEI4 SUBDIVISJC'N. 14. EEED OF TRUST BATED November O4, 19Er{,, FROf,t F:URI F:" frAvl'.i'lir l'l{F- I3ULILIC TI-IUSTEE OF EACILE CLIUN'rY FC|R THE USE r:tF f.ILAYTUN $. C:LA/iS::iliN, ..]ti. ANf,t FREDERICK EURTON CLAASSEN T0 SECURE Tt{E SUH OF ri4,Cr(_lO,OO Rl,[uRtrF"tl November. o6, 19€6, IN BotlK 451 AT PA$E e92. 3Pase TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPE SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS SITE CONDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTTON SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SITE GRADING RESIDENCE FOUNDATIONS FLOOR SLABS BASEMENT AND CRAWL SPACE CONSTRUCTION SURFACE DRAINAGE LIMITATIONS FIG. I -VICINITY MAP FIC. 2 - LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FIG. 3 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY TEST PITS FIG. 4 - SWELL-CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIG. 5 - GRADATION TEST RESULTS I I 2 2 3 3 4 6 6 7 I t -.- t* .__-.--_ CTL'THOMPSON' INC. CONSULTING GEOTEAIiNICAL AND MATERIALS' ENGINEERS -, ';i "L:i '.i- :..ir: , ,: .,:n; r.:. .:, Prcporcd For: Mr. Kurt Dovis 28 | Brldge $treet Vsil, Colorodo 81657 Job No. 1316ll t97t lrlGsT lzTH AVEMJT . OErwER, COI-ORAOO eO2O4 ' CXX!) ail5o7?7 October 7t 1986 -. .-r-..1-* _ .r-t r - - SCOPE This reporf presenfs the results of our soils ond foundotion investigotion for the proposed Dovis residence of Lot l7r Block 2 in the Gore Creek Subdivision in Eosl Voil, Colorodo. Our lnvestlgotion wos to evoluote ihe subsurfoce condillons ot the site ond io provide recommendotions for foundolions, bosements ond floor slobs. This report Include-s descripiions of the subsurfoce condllions found In our explorotory test pits ond.bur opinions regording foundotions, bosemenls, floors ond construciion detoils Influenced by the subsurfoce conditions. The following section summorizes our recommendofions with more complete descriptions ond the resulls of field ond loborotory tests included in the report. SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS l. The subsolls exposed by our tesi ptts were o tlrin veneer of topsoil over I ond 2 feet of silty sonds, which were underloin by dense sondy grovels. Ground woler wos intercepfed in TP-l ond TP-2 ot 2.5 ond 4.5 feet, respectively. 2. The proposed residence should be founded with spreod footings beoring on ihe noturol grovels. Frost protection of the soils beneoth the footlngs con be-provided by bonking soil ogolnst. foundqtion wolls. Plocing footlngs the normolly ossumed frost depth below exlsting grodes would ploce them ot or below lhe wqter toble. 3. The noturol soils, excluding ony orgonic topsoil, ore sultoble lo supporf slob-on-grode floors. 4. Surfoce woter droins onto the site. This woter should be collected ond droined from lhe site. Posilive droinoge owoy from fhe proposed residence must be provided. -2- r .4f : SITE CONDITIONS The building sife wos Iocoled southwest of the Intersection of Block Gore Drive ond Gore Creek on Lot 17, Block 2 of the Gore Creek Subdivislon in Eost Voil, colorodo. The generol locotion of the site is shown on Fig. l. The subdivision wos surrounded by mountoins overlooking the Gore Creek Volley' Gore Creek bordered the lot on the north ond wos severol feef lower thon the lot. The lof sloped down gently to the eost-norlheosl towords Gore Creek ond wos severol , feet lower thon Block Gore Drive. At fhe time of our Investigotion, surfoce droinoge collected from oreos to the south wos dlrected towords thc slte. The mojority of the site wos covered with o heovy growth of gross ond brush with occosionol irees olong Block Gore Drive ond Gore Creek. No evidence of post construction wos observed of lhe property ot the tlme of our Investlgotlon. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION Plons for fhe proposed residence were somewhot prellmlnory ot the time our lnvestigotion. We underslond o iwo-story resldenceiotlng .orghly 21000 2,500 squore feet of living spoce moy be constructed. The Suitding would likely built with wood froming, ond either wood or stone exlerior flnlsh. No bosemenl plonned becouse of the shollow ground woter foblc. Slructurol floors over crowl spoces will likely be used for living spoce. A slob-on-grodeJloor will bc used for tlre goroge. We onlicipoldcomporofively lighr foundotion loods. of to be is ' "rfad- SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The subsurfoce condilions ot lhe site were investigoted b;r excovoting two test pifs ot the locotions shown on Fig.2. The subsolls In our test plts were o thin veneer of topsoll over I ond 2 feet of sllly sonds, whlch were underloln by cleon lo slightly silty, sondy grovels. The soils exposed by our fest pits werevery moist or wet os tlre ground woter loble wos found 2.5 qnd 4.5 feet below the ground surfoce. Grophicol logs of the soils ond loborotory test doto ore Presented on Fig. 3. There wos o morked difference In density between the silty surficiol sonds ond f he underlying sondy grovels. We esf lmote ihe sllty sonds were loose. A one- dimensionol, consolidotion test performed on o somple of the sonds indicoted 2.3 percenl consolidotion under o l'000 psf verticol -looding ond 4.4 percent consolidotion under 3,000 psf looding. The somple density wos 85 Pounds per cublc foot. The soils below on opproximote elevotion of 93.0, bosed on our surveyr were cleon to slighty silly, sondy grovels. These grovels contqined cobbles ond smoll boulders. The sondy grovels ore dense ond copoble of supportlng moderote foundotion loods. We believe fhe dense grovel will consolidote less under foundotion loods fhon lhe neor-surfoce sonds. SITE GRADING Al llre time of our investigof ion, the lot Severol feet of fill moy be necessory lo roise Since the site ls relollvely low, ihe fill wlll be onficipote fill in the building oreo, with fhe wos lower thon Block Gore Drive. ond shope slte grodes for droinoge. lmporied. At this llme, we do not exception of beneoth goroge floor -4- slobs. structurol fill beneoth the goroge should be non-swelling soils (cleon lo silty or cloyey sonds or sonds ond grovels). Fill not under the building con be ony soils free of trosh ond debris. Topsoil or cloys should be reserved for fill In oreos to be londscoped. Areos lo receive fill musi be prepored. Prior to fill plocementr oll vegetotion ond topsoil should be removed. The subgrode solls should be scorified' moisfure treoled ond compocted. Non-swelling structurol fill should hove o moxlmum porticle slze of 6 Inches, less thon 40 percent sllt ond cloy, o llquld llmlt of less thon 30 percent, ond o plos?icity index less thon l0 percent. Siructurol flll shoutd exclude ony orgonic motler or vegetolion. Flll moterlql should be ploced In thin lif ts, moislure treofed lo neor optimOm moislure contentr ond compocted to ot teost 95 perceni of modified Proclor moxlmum dry dcnslty (ASTM D 698). We recommend site preporotion ond the plocement ond compoction of fill bc observed ond tesfed by o represeniotive of our firm during conslrucilon. '"' : :'] i i- RESIDENCE FOUNDATIONS We hove onolyzed the underground condlilons ot the dte ond recommcnd the ''*.o-'' res|dencebefoundedw||hfoot|ngsbeor|ng""t#il;::H;i,j,.i##;;'T#;T,^ itl.q. "il:fl! -' sonds orc wcok, low denslty solls which wlll not odcquotcly support the resldenc" ,_. '!1i...foofings. The deeper dense grovels orel however, stronger ond will supporf .:. footings designed for tlre beoring pressure glven below wlth only smoll footing selllemenls. The foolings slrould beor on the grovels but,ot o depth ot leost I fool obove tlre ground woler loble. When excovoting ond formlng footings, core must bc lokcn nol fo disturb lhc Arovels ond desiroy thclr supportlng copoblllty. The footings should bottom ol obout elevotion 93.0, bosed on our survey, to ochleve t -5- ...''4< beoring on the grovel ond reduce problems with ground woter. construction tf . ' during lole summer or eorly foll would likcly encounler o lower woter toble' some dewotering moy be necessor), fo construcl footlngs neOr elevotlon 93'0' Dewotering needs con likety be hondled by pumping woter.flom lsoloted sumps. Core should be token to boltom sumps below fooling dlevgitions to droin woteq down ihrough the foundotion soils rother thon up through'thl subsoils which could loosen the grovel. The spreod footings should be deslgned ond constructcd In occordonce wlth the following criierio. '. --' ' - grovels below ihe loosened during prior to plocing l. Footings should beor on the noturol, undisturbed sordy neor-sirfoce fopsoil ond silty -sonds Moteriols excovolion shouid be iemoved from footing oreos conc rete. 2. occosionol loose or soft pockets in the subsolls moy be encounlered durlng fooling excovotlon.' Thcse moierlols should be removed to dcnse gio""it.--Fo&ings could be extended to thc dense beorlng loyer-s the iepression fllled'with leon concrete, or lhc'soft solls removed ond reploced wifh on-site grovels compocfed-lo-ot--leosi 95 percenf of mlaifiea Proctor moxim-um dry density (ASTM D 698). 3. r ^.r6-rir..t.lllt l|3llr l. i 4, Foolings should be designed for o moxlmum soll beoring pressure of 3,000 psf. . 'r(rlrI i ' '! i{-"J'V9' Footinos beneoth continuous foundotion wolls should be ot leost l6 inches-wide. Pods beneoth lsoloted columns should hovc minimum dimensions of 2 feet by 2 feet. Lorger footlng sizes moy be requlred depending upon structurol loods. Confinuous foundotion wolls should be reinforced to spon locol loose pockefs of subsoils. We recommcrd minlmum relnforccmcnl consist of ihot required fo spon on unsupported length of qt leosl l0 feet. Soil beneoflr exferior footings should be prolcclcd from freezing. The normol deollr of frosf orotectlon In lhis oreo ls 4 feet. Proteclion of the soils beneoth extirior footings con bc provided by bonking soll ogoinsf foundoflon wolls. Constructlng footlngs of clcvotion 93.0 wlfhout roising grodes oround the residence will not providc the needed 5. 6, pressure prot ec t ion. -6- 7. The comoleted foundotion excqvoiion should be lnpcctea iio-r"iii'5ii"" ot our firm to conflrm cubsurfocc condltions ore oniiclpoted from our test Pits. byo os wc FLOOR SLABS we underslond the residence will llkety be conslructed wifh o crowl spoce. we onticipote slobs-on-grode for the gorciie.floor ond exterior flotwork' site grodes will likely be roised wilh severol l:fl tt fill -Wc suggegf fill within the resldcnce 'rfooiprlntrt be non-cxponslve gronuior solls slmllor to thosc found qt the slte. Discusslons of opproprlote moterlols ond ploccmcnt methods orc dlscussed under "Slte Grodlng". Structurol flll or noturol sords ond grorcls should odequotely support slobs-on-9rode. Topsoil should be removed beneofh slobs-on- grode. where slob-on-grode floors ore used, slobs should bc seporoted from exterior wolls ond Interlor beoring members wlth o sllp Jolnt fhot ollows thc slob to move freely in o verlicol direction. Control joints should',be Provided ol frequent "! ' Inlervols. Pipe columns ond utilities should be lsoloted from the slobr. Underslob plumblng should be ovolded. Where such plumblng ls. unovoldoble' lt should be thoroughly pressurc tested for leoks durlrig conslructlon. ' BASEMENT AND CRAWL SPACE CONSTRUCTION ir Due to lhe presence of shollow ground wolerl boscmenl consfruclion ot this slfe would be lll odvised. We recommend ogolnsl bulldlng o bosemenl. Exlenslve dewofering during excovofion ond o permonent dcwotcrlng system oround the bssement would be necessory. With the high grourd woler loble, it would be dif ficult to qvoid domp or musty conditions in the bosement. We believe it would be more procllcol fo construcl lhe resldencc wlth o crowl spoce. 2/. A crowl spoce should be well ventiloled to ovoid domp or musty smell from occumuloting. We suggest o droln be constr{cfed in fhe crowl .spoce to collect woter. The droln should conslsi of o A-lnch dlometer, perforoted PVC plpe encosed in free-drolning grovel oround the perlmeler of the crowl spoce. We suggest o loyer of free-droining grovel be ploced ocross the crowl spoce subgrode to breok the rlse of copillory moisture. SURFACE DRAINAGE Performonce of slobs-on-grode qnd foundotions is heovily influenced by soll moisture conditlons. The risk of wetfing of lhese soils con be reduced by corefully plonned ond moinloined surfoce droinoge. We; believe tlre following precoutions should be observed durlng consfructlon oM rholntoined ot oll iimes ofter the i residence is completed. ,i l. Wetting or drying of fhe open foundol'ion excovotion should be ovoided. rl2, Existing sife grodes should be roised fo provide positive ond ropid runoff of surfoce woter owoy from the strpcture with o slope of ot leost 12 inches in the first l0 feet. i 3. Bockfill oround foundotion wolls sho'uld be moistcned ond thoroughly compocted. The top 2 feet of thc foundotlon woll bockfill should consisl of more cloyey soils to reducg the Infiltrotlon of surfoce woter fo foundotion levels. -7- 4. 5. Roof downspouts ond droins should diichorge well oll bockfill. Splosh blocks should be provided ot oll Woter should not be ollowed to pond"odjocent toslobs. :, )' i. .t; beyond the limits of downspouts. foundotion wolls ond I I -8- LIMITATIONS ourteslpilswerespoced|oobto|n.oreosonob|yoccurotcp|ctureof foundollon condifions. Vorlqtions in llre subsurfocc corldltlonc not indlcqled by our test pits ore olwoys possible. We recommend compteted foundotion excovolions be inspected by o representofive of our firm to verlfy the condiiions exposed ore os we onticipoled from our fest pits. Plocement ond comPoctlon of fill should be observed ond tested by o representotlve of our flrm during constructlon. This report wos bosed on conditions disclosed by our explorofory tes .. -.s'r -' ri'st|-!r.,t!rqr ineering onolyses,J of loborqtory tests, engineering onol)rsesr ond our. cxper enca fer presented reflect the proposed construclion. Sfrould',ch',chonges In thc plonned building or its coirfigurdjion occur, we should revlew ouf. work ond evoluole the of fect of ihese chonges on our recommendotlons. ,:lj we oppreciote the opportunity to work with you durlng your proiecf. lf we con clorify our opinions or provide odditionol servlce3, pleose coll. (3 copies sent) l'.\ tr) \ \\ a a r.rl.ro. -6. o. d6ta ^r rlYlr! ,'.tStl t ..r.R|SCO 20 ql \:ir vatLiti \\- It9 I 7',30" ffi;B.*I a'a=- '4..:E.1. ')..,::: JOB r.lo. t3.61 I VICINITY MAP EXPLORATORY TE1T PrTS fi $l 5i I ) / I I LOT t7. BLOCK 2 GORE CREE< SUBOIVISION .,OB Ml. l3,6ll LOCATIONS OF FtG. 2 TP-2 EL. =95 . o o TP- I EL.=94.5 j.EQEN0' : ltolcATEs GRoLhlo TIME OF TEST PIT PR@OSEO FOOTIiI6 ELEVATION Ir,.c.CTLITFIOMPSON. TOPSOIL. CLAY, SILTY. ORGANIC, VERY SOFT. VERY MOIST, oARK BROWN. GRAY (q-) SANDI SILTY' VERY LMSEr MOIST WET. REO-BROWN ( sr'4 ) GRAVEL. SANDY, COBE}LES AT.ID SMAII BOI,i.DERST CLEAN TO SLIGHTLY SILTYI DENSET MOIST TO WETr BROWN (sw, Gwr GW-GM) FTAND ORIVE SAMPLE . AULK SAI'PLE . WC=12.3 DO=88 -200=25 1. fiE TEST PITS WERE EXCAVA SPTEMSER 15. 1986 I'SING A TRACTffi -'JT]WTED BAO<H]E. 2, TI-ESE LOGS ARE SLAJECT TO: EXPLANATTONST Lt titITATloNs col{cLuslo.ls CONTAII'EO IN REPffiT. WO - TIDICATES NATT,RAL T|IST @NTENT (I) DO- -2oo -IhDICATES ORY DENSITY IhDICATES PERCENT P TF€ hn. 200 slEvE P ITS t. Ir.rc ,} WATER LEVEL EXCAVATION. AT TI.€ JOB 1.€.t3,6tl LOGS OF EXPTORATORY . TEST FIG. 3 OO 0.r APPUED PRESSURE - KSF Sompleol SAI.D' SILTY (S,l) p6n TP-t AT 1.0 FEET a 6 3''6 rrozI &,I 8, t0 rql l': ,! JG N). t3r6tt Svell @nsolidcllion Tesl Resulis Sompleof onAvEt------€-* sn-rao.eY--?5-* fll^sncrwrNo€x GRAVtL-is$acuY-t n^sflcrvhDGx sANo ----09-t6u€luDUM[ - r ffinDuMfi_i Grodolion From JcE t',f). 13r6tt Tesl Results FIG. 5 ., :.tIl,r' ' APPLICATION DATE: Ausust 1, 1988 DATE'0F DRB I4EETING: Alrqust L7, 1988 DR8 APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: ; A pre-application meetlng wlth a p'lanning staff member is strongly suggested to. determihb if any additional lnforiratlon ls needed. No appllcatJon wlll. be.accepted unless lt ls coirplete (must lnclude all ltems requlred by the zonlng admlnlstrator). it ii ttre appiicinl.s iesponslblllty to make an dppolntrn-nt wlth the staff to flnd' out about aiititionat submittal requirements. P'lease note that a C0MPLETE gPPlica- iion wil'l stream'line the approva'l process for your projgc! by decreasing the number of ionditions of approval that the'DRB may sti-pulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before'a buildlng permit is lssued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: denr living rocrn, djnirtq rpcrn, kitclren, trnrc ca{ garagp. cnn'a = lqon-nno stc'r:ga=179Qsq ft- c. D. E. Address 5165 BlqcJ( qqIg- !En/e =Creel< Subdivision Legal Oescription Lot L7 Bl ock 2 Fi'l i ng Zoni ng Dplex NAME OF Address NAME OF Address NAME OF APPLICANT: Kurh R. Davis. : ?821 Kinnikinnink c-J. vnil. crr- n1nq7 te'lephOne g"5-ggl5 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Kurt c reslie rra.'ts 2S2L ltinnikinniclL.,tc-1 r ve,il c^- Ri6q7 (BOJo:.1;5:!)- telephone 476-99L6 H Si gnature Address 2821 Kjffiikjxnick c-1. vail-' co- 81657 telephone 475-09L5 F. DRB FEE: The fee wlll be paid at the tlme a buitding permit is requested' VALUATION FEE IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS T() THE DRB: 1. In addltion to meetlng submltta'l requirements, the-apPlJcant must stake the slte to indicate p"op!.iv"iinli anJ-uriidins-corniis. Trbbs that wll'l be removed shoutd also be ,rli.iia. "'it,ii"r,o-r['rrii"u"-completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2, The rev.iew process for NEbl BUILDINGS wil'l normally involve two separate meetings of the Des'ign Review Board, so plan-on at least two meetings for their approval' 3. people who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thelr schedu'led meettng and who iiul'[6i as[.a for; il;iponement will be required to be republ i shed. ,3, $ $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200.00 $300 .00 $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001. - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 o 4.The followlng ltems no longer have to They, howev€Fr hilve to be presented to be presented to tha Deslgn Revlen Borrd. the Zonlng Admlnlstrator for approvtl: a. hllndows, s(yllghts and slmllar exterlor changes that do not alter th. existing plane of the bulldlngi and b. BulldlnE addltJons thrt are not vlewed from any other lot or publlc sptcel whlch hive had letters submltted from adJolnlng property owncr3 tpProvlng iiii-iaiiiiUiil-anoloi ipprovai from the agent for, oi mairager of a'iondominlum assoclatlon. 5. You may be requlred to conduct Natural Hazard Studles on your property, You should check wlth a Town Planner before proceedlng. *f, O UTiLITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION core Creek $rHivision JOB NME , 516LB1ad< core Drive L0T_:.2_B L OCK-Z-F U, rHC ADDRESS 5165 pr""k Coo" Doio, rrai't, c,-' al 6q? The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines, nust be approved and verified by the following accompanying site plan. lines or proposed utilities for the Date Mountal n Bel l I -634-3778 l,lestern S'lope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal I Ho'ly Cross E'lectrlc Assoc. Ted Husky/Mlchael Laverty Vall Cab'le T.V. +afy+tns,qnlsteve Hlatt Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict tarfd-lQ.enel+7 6-7osd @ * For new cons 7-1-Kplease flll ou attached sheet 4@ 36\.roc. t( NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibllity t,o obtain a street cut Pelnit fron the Town of Vall, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before diggtng ln any public right- of-way or easDtnent in tho Tovln of Vail . A building permit ls not a street cut Permit. A street cut pernlt mult be obtained separately. This forrn is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. Authorl zed t LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF pRoJECT: Davis Residene - 5L55 BlacJ< Core Drive DESCRIPTION OF P LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: sr.6s-Effii'1d6E Drirre -The fo1 l owi ng Board before A. BUILDING Roof Sl dl ng ' Other lla]'l Materials lnformatlon 'ls required for submJttal by the a flnal approval can be fiven: MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL bprull.t: *l appllcant to the Deslgn Revlew COLOR Weat*-',-ab"&'o 'n:i nrhFrlina '+Ij+-+zasfiif/qsl*lalt thiclk iage Dark frey Cpdnr sirling rrarf i r.]a 1 v R Olyrpio Serni =TranT'rararrt # Fasci a Sofflts !li ndows }lindow Trlm Doors Door Trlm Hand or Oeck Ralls Fl ues F'l ashi ngs Chlmneys Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES *edrced C-e'^z ollapic Seni{tansparent X ?ao I{olbe,/f\o1be Clad rrRrsticrr - Cfnrcoal GreL Cr:rr,z--i&EE+" o otlnpi" s"nri+rur,"ouorrt * 7aa Galvaruize SteeL strrcao off Slhira rnna none of Designer: Phone: Botanl'cal Name Quanlty Slze*Common Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Ind'icate callper for deciducious trees'Indicate height for conlfers' (over) ,st ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: l\rgust L, L988 tEenr- DrTR'rFTTor :-[6 t-iz Block 2 FilJng:- 416'-na16 Il ADDRESS: 5165 Blacl< Core Drive =, . .0I/NER Kurt & Leslie Davis rnone 4?6-11016 Tr ARCHITECT Phone_435=gglg ZONE DISTRICT Do 9l<-'< PR0POSED USE Sirgle Fanrily-Prirniry Rcsirlonrs LoT SIZE L4.2ss.8 Ot,lNER Hel ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,later Course Slte Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retainl ng Wal I Heigh.ts Parkl ng Credi ts: Garage Mechanl cal Al rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drlve: Slope Permltted Envi ronmental /Hazards : a 254 of 14258.8 Al I owed 13s) ( 33) 3564.7 | Proposed 30r to tlrc Top of Roof Vent 19q0 sq.ft. 1190-?on steasgs 1790sq.ft. 20' 15' 15' ( 30) (50) (3oo) (600) (eoo)( 12oo) '(50)(1oo) (2s) (50) (2oo)(4oo) _0- 34 ft. --15-lt- 56 fr- tn f+ -ray.....4l..- ro4'*.-v. 1 A?qe-R?1q$7.5-.098 (10?) -les--....].c--&xtra rpa.e( 433sq.ft. 45 sq.ft. 0 200 sq.ft. -0- 8a SloPe Actual Avalanche rnne ^t(Flood Plain lon ya'r llcr"r Flar O'\ S'lope Fl et (8 r.!3t 4r.cF rE€$t llro f7nnr- +rl b.cL e€ let) }letl ands rnrr5 Geol ogi c Hazards rr"-'o Q9 Corments: pprovedZonl ng :Di sapproved 'v l, - -tt!I DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE Of MEETING; Dan R ,1o?7 o 1 I I I I I i I MEMBERS PRESENT:Bill Ruoff Lou Parker !l*+*# - Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro Wheeler/PiPer-Lot 17 DuPIex SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY MOTION: V€ffE: Lot 17 , BLocK , FILING Gore Cr. Sub. BOARD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: - SHAFI Ao PtDf( ABSTENTION: vAPPROVED: A DISAPPROVED: roB: fopD SUilMARY: