HomeMy WebLinkAboutGORE CREEK BLOCK 2 LOT 7 LEGAL6*rtifirutr uf (Drrufunru (Df lilutl iBrpurtnrnl @umn frutliling THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE I4AS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOAS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGT]LATING BUILD- ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOIAIING: Name WREN HOUSE Use Classification Building Permit No.STATE Type Construction V- one hour Fire Zone 3 Ur. zon" RC Owner of NATIONAL BANK Creek Subdivision October f,*m POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ".€xteotuo \-\ IOu*&oe /7-o sot, ' '1'('vsa'ltr t7 '?rT.lE t h, { li; Frs s \l ? { o r;K:',x2 I _ _, I lN<z G4,P ?=2-75i ls r.) -* { e'4 -PczFaeAT'6a . Nara.' .l)4 .Q,.r 4.vo fizz .?ctsf;' Bs AOJ, 7o FsAO G.'watr.e*s,' /avwa raE, Sur<fu<a F*crut .'t/ so't2 Detua a DESIGN REVIEW BOARD , ../ / DATE or MEETING , f,E ' MEMBBRS PRESENT:ffidoa J-".d-// ACTION uotron: . /l VOTE: FOR: SECOMED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPRovED ' / DISAPPROVTD: SUlrllrlARY: \I/t/. vr' /1 ,\/ suBJEcr, LA,tzw J{Uu-z - 4 I bt a-'t*;ial TAKEN BY BOARD: t!" o Wrro* L)Lzwea Courd ' trozor- D, TOWN OF EIUILElINGi VA IL PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AFEA BATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE EXITS REO. JOBNAME I/,/REN /OUST DArE oF APPLrcArroN Sept lo n -19 nene Fts* ilt MAIL ADDRESS Bol 9808 NEW(I ALTERATION( I ADDITION I I REPAIR { I crrv p6,y1sc f PH. t??-?.Lll USE OF BUILDING HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKINGSO. FT. OF BLDG. NO. OF LIVING UNITS AIR( I ELEC( }UNIT( } Lor I etx 3 rt ltttrc r. TvpE oF coNsrRucnoN I rr rrr @v rHR 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D e r e@r .r DtvtsloN 12 3 4 PLAN CHECK FEESSPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS DESCRIPTION OF WORK UNCOVEBED OATE PLAN CHECK SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR PLIJMEilTUGi/ MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAI L DATfu6i r ToBNAME f,Hd /tlZt--,,lrt //nilsE /&ta#are.al\ OWNER frz"r nF .DE1V\/t'7?, ADDRESS OR /l'*J;t ^ n"rr,t^ rHoNE E OF BUILDING: oF woRK: lE[ *t* ! aootrtoru ! nemooel )Kl nepern IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER 6A -P MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArloN E Sfu"kbD"'VALUATTON S REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMITFEE / # zsc,PERMIT FEE r il9^,,.11 Aorr*ou.o 60 TOTALFEES: $ / t ,^r, &ff/f,7f---7- o box l(X) vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 Mr. Dale CorneliusFirst llational Bank P.0. Box 5808, TA Denver, Colorado 80217 Re: lr|ren House - Va'i], Colorado Dear Mr. Cornelius: In accordance with our meeting with Jim Meyer of the State Housing Division on August 21 ,1975, the following agreement was reached re- garding corrections that must be made prior to the issuance of aCertificate of 0ccupancy by the Town of Vail. P1 ease refer to my 'l etter of June 23, a copy of which is attached. l. Construction has been determined by drawings suhnitted to the Statd Housing Division. No correction is necessary. 2. From plans suhnitted to the State Housing Division, the basement area was not considered a story. We will abide by this interpretation. a. openable windows, with a minimum of five square feet openable and a minimum dimension of 221' will be provided frcrn the loft bedrooms, with a permanent ladder pro- viding emergency access to the balcony directly below each emergency exit window. b. Delete this item as we determined in our meeting that there is no safety hazard if the emergency exits' .. frorn the loft areas are provided. 3. lJe must strongly recommend lhat a wet standpipe system be designed and installed by a fire protection engineer. 4, Corment remains lnun n off ice of the town manager September 3, 1975 Mr. Dale Cornelius ;:|:'Tffi"3' 1e7u I 5. Conment remains 6. Conment remains 7, Delete requirement 8. l,Ie again strongly recormend that approved fire warning systems be installed in each unit. The l9T3UniformBuilding Code requires that even single family homes have fire warning systems and the low cost is iustified by the'life safety that they provide. 9. Delete -- this is not a safety requirernent 10. Corment remains -- the Town of Vail would like a committment from the future owner to pave the drives and parking lot in 1976. ll. Comnent remains If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our offi ces. Si ncerely, DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill Dsr/ik Zoning Administrator enc I osure cc: (t) Nr, Jim Meyer State Division of Housing.l575 Sherman Denver, Colorado 8A202 (2) CunninSham Construction c/o Mr. Jim Cunningham Vail, Colorado 81657 (g) Gore Range Properties - Vail, Colorado 8.|657 of f ice of the town manager June 23, .|975 Mr. James Cunningham Cunningham Construction Company P.0. Box 4]8 Va il , Col orado 81 657 Re: Wren House - Lot 7, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivjsion Dear Jim: The State of Colorado, Division of Housing has now transferred juris- diction of the subject project to the Town of Vail and has forwarded copiesof their records to us. There appears to be some discrepancies between what the State issued a permit for and what was actually built. The permit indicates l5 units and one three story building, (including the loft area). As you know, there are 16 units and two buildings, oneof which is four storjes including the loft area. Range Properties, a physica'l determine what 'i terns need to be Occupancy to be jssued. The of which are correctable and tuwn u box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 At the request of your office and Gore inspection was made on June 6, .l975 to corrected in order for a Certificate of following deficjencies were found, some some we will have to live with. l|ilI l. The building is listed on the permit as Type V-one hour. l,lithout inspecting the material under the siding, it is dif-ficult to determjne if the bui'l ding meets the requirementsfor V-one hour. Due to the location on the property, the exterior walls must Le one hour construction which requires 5/8" Type X drywail installed over 2" x 4" studs 16" on center, with fire-retardant wood siding a minimum of 3/8" exterior grade. It would be helpful if we could check a set of working drawings for the project to determine ex- actly what has been construct-ed. 2, The maximum numberof=tories allowed for a Type V-one hour building is three stories. The western portion of the building is four stories. This is a major problem that cannot be corrected, but one we can mitigate by mak'i ng the upper stories safer from the standpoint of rescue in the event of a fire. u rrn Lunn r gnanr June 23, .|975 Page Two a. b. The Town of Vail recommends that openable windows, with a minimum of five (5) square feet openable and a mjnimum dimension of 22". This should be installed for exit fromall loft areas. lje further reconnend that ladders bejnstalled to implement rescue from these loft windows. The loft areas exceed the area Dermissible as to not be considered a story, thus requiring two (2) exits. As j t i s now impossi bl e to correct th i s pro!_l enr,- we conrnend the solution outl ined above, (in addi tionpartitioning an area approximate'ly 3' in width in the rear portion of the lofts to diminish the size oflofts and a.l so to correct the unacceptable ceili heights in this portion of the Iofts. The mjnirn ceiling height is 5' with a minimum of one-half of in g --t he-#6''-h e i g h t. -f eq_u -,-l gI g l !, - _ -_,,,-= Both a wet and dry standpipe system are required for four story buildings. The Town of VaiI would recommend a m'i nimum of wet standpipe system on the western portion of the building which is four stories in height, The system must be acceptableto the Vail Fire Department and they will recommend and approve location for fire hose cabinets. It is also required that a f ire protection engi neeri nstal l the above. Fireplace hearths must be in compliance with Section 3706 of the Uniform Building Code, 1973 Edition. All hot water heater p & t v,alve.s must_be p'i ped. to the.exterigr or to an indirect drain. 0]-tLA - t..t- '/ /,, ) f '.r/;-f ,, ', 'I An additional outsjde exit from the balcony must be provided on the north end of the east section of the project. A deadend corridor may be no longer than 20' in length. 7. All wooden exit balconies and stairs must be coated with afire retardant stajn or paint to make them less vulnerable to fire. Since the building exceeds area and height allowable for the type of construction .rnd fire could cause a serious safety problem and loss of 'l ife, the Town would recornmend approvedfire warning systems be instal led in each unit. Bathroom fans must be connected to the light switch and must be capable of providing five -(5) air changes per hour, connected directly with the outside. A minimum of 20 pard parking spaces must be furnished on the site adjacent to the two buildings. /\L-CT D J. 4. 5. 6. 8. o the buildings safer and to allow a certificate of 0ccupancy to be issued. Si ncerely, DST/J K Jlm Cunningham June 23, 1975 Page Three o "", J;J Z/rd--*-, Diana Zon i ng NT OF Y DEVELOPMENT S. Toughi I I Admi ni strator July 17, 1975 llr. Ja^mes Cunulnghrm Cunningha"m Construct 1on. CompanyP. O. Box 4I8Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Wren Eouse - 5!.1.7 Kel-Gar Drlve After ma,klng a physlcal lnspeetlon of the ebove apartnent complex, tbe YaIl Flre Department requeste the followlngdellal,encles be corrected to meet the Unlforn FLre Code. 1.. Ingtallatlon of tret Flre Eose Cablnots. Approved bye certllled Flro Protectton Englneer. 2. Install (1) one U. L. and F. lt. approved Snoke Detector(per unlt) senslng vlslble or lnvlslble partlcles of combuetlon lnstelled ln s manner and locatlon approvedby the Vall Flrs Department. Stncerely, ,a4:u.Flre Chief cc: Ken Andereou f,tC/Je o o =D (ArJ/r !{l, c1yd6 A. Rlgge Box 993 Breckenridge, Colorailo 80424 ltalqh 13' 1975 *#sorl 1;L;\y \9- RE: Ferrlt #5o lob 7 Bjoclr 2 Gore Creek Sub Dlvlalon' Eagla County' Colorado D€al lttr. lulgtgsr ' r havo enc loaed lrottf copll of tho correctlone requlred to your ref- erenced unLt as a r6autt of rny lne1=ctlon of tltts buildlr€r Frlor to oc- gupaDcy. If thare are any guestiOns rt'rltg Or CaLl. Thega correction8 n,tst U" acconpllebed Frlor to racali LnsBection and lssuanco of occul parry permlt. SlncerelY, .l Ln MeY€s Bull<tirg and EouolrEt cod68 Itlglactor Colorado DLvlgi.on of Houslrg ls/Ec Enclogures STATE oF coLoRADO _ DtvtstoN OF HOUSING CORRECTIOI{ NGTICE t575 5t.Denver, ColoradoSherman I have rhis day inspected rhis structure and fhese premises and found the following viotations:/. /t /4*-r->/.*r%, a/.fu -,^*;ferf &,.4,/ E (wA/ -*ZL 4 p *;-4, zz-L *4f;1+4.2^P+ /tZ* sluap. 7 3 u BC arsval ?au<< z, Au rtr a/+rzz y'eerzz 777 64".-' a*< Q;tWn mrdo call for insPecfion' o "t".. 2.:.*:. M... r e....... Phone 892.2776 STATE OF COLORADO: DIVISTON OF HOUSING CORRECTION NOTIGE 1575 Sherman 5t.Denver, Colorado Phone 8ln-27764/e, /qr4 Job focared "r.fu.*.2fu.2.&. I have rhis day inspected this struslure and these ' premisec and found the following violations: /r/./tb -**;f/< 2- lq- 1q JoB NAME "t r-tNtnoN,REouiSi vArL*' t)r, CALLER TUES ,, 1 WED THUR FRI /lt^^Ufulrt // lt/*p.('*t| /f- INSPECTION: flrf dfu TOWN OF DATE INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING O INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB .u /uo (' u I ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, ?"*-- 1 / "TtNspEcroR {? "'',*'".n."-"^' CONSTRUCTION PERMIT departmont of communaty development TYPE OF PERMIT -.nnn BUILDING LJ PLUMBING ELECTRICAL E-IEUIOATION ONLY MECHANTcAL E r<trA)NtN h tA* FILING MAIL ADORESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESSACTOR EIOM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTO DATE PROJECT NO. PERMIT NO.N9 022 r.rypEoFcoNSrRUcroN r rr rrr rv4$ 2.occuPANcYGRouP nee n r1fu[ DrvrsroN r z z$1 qjtrlEBfl DESCRIPTION OF wORK : - '/.Sr+l\txt1- 4,,rAu PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO, FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING NEW ALTERATION() ADOITIONAL () REPAIR DWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPTACES -NO. TOILETS : covERED pARKTNG - uNcoveneo piRxtnc DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEES ING ADMINISTRATOR ING NOTES: INSULATION R.VALUE f ataexor*t ryy'o*'""'"]'_') (b n r HEREB' ACKN.*LEDGE tro' u^"/ .,rqi( READ THls AppLrcATroN AND srATE rxar rue l( 'F ' ^AaovE rs coRREcr AND AGREE To coMpt-y v ..*fl{ wrrH ALL TowN oRDTNANcEs AND srATE 4fQ' 'VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FET : ---* --- - -- -Juridiction appfiinit to ibnpleu numbered spaces only. \ fls:: etttcrro rxerrl 38ob A hAbrtvh MAIL aool'r' Bx l7l Brecke,C,J FHOI{I :1fi-6/6{c.b:';?"' i AKEl,o cbo Pnot{t LICEX!' NO. i I' uaa or lutLoaNc Clasrof work: !new D AOOITION E ALTERATION E REPAIR :..; 9 Dorcribe work: TVATER CLOSET (TOI LETI LAVATORY {WASH EASI KITCHEN SINK E OISP. zi,iy-:T''LAUNDRY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER NOTICE tS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHOBIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENOEO OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAM APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO EETRUEANDALL PROVISIONS OF IAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHERHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTINO OF A PERMIT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CA PROVISIONS OF ANV OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW RE CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONS' ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR_SINK OR ORAIN .GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTL€TS WATER PIPING A TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT PROPERLY VALIOATED IN THIS SPACEI THIS 1S YOUF PE PERMIT VALIDATION)LAN CHECK VALIDATION \roo.2 9-5e I -p /LJ// 021 INSPECTOR iEorOEi FnOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFeRENCE OF 9UILOtNG OFFtCtALS a EO sO. |'O3 iOlLE3 a ar SADCrAr Clt-laorll^ gllOl . llr. Clyde Rtgga Bor 993 Br€ckonrldge, Colorado )\( ri October 3L, L972 Dear !lr. Rlggs: We recctvcd your leetcr of Octobot 24, L972, regudlng the tlraa Boqra - Gorr Crcek SuMlvlslon, Eag16 Countyl Colorado, Tb. fqrr pollts ltcted brrr bcca noted on yotrr pleor. Your plaDr are belag rcturard to tou wltb epgronal ritt tho follostog "*-"oa",':' Tho bulldtng la 8t1U clreelftcd as e thr€. rtotT butldLug becanar of tbc floor .' area of thG loft leval. fbesc.lof,tc caonot be clseglftcd as r ezzsd,trr l€vel beedr.e tbcy bave r floor srea gFaatar thao Ll3 of tbc floor aree of th. stott .:. belor.'....'' In addltlon, the accees to thls thlrd etory le ln guestlon. The aplrel etelr- lraya oa the plana do aoE coaforn to Sec. 3305 (d) of tbc llBC. ?bte thltd :,story Euat be accesslble by a atalrrey whl,cb conforur to the requl,rwnts of i':":!:5, the llBC. I arslt respoDse fro yoo on tbla tratter.' : Slocercly, J, L. Broch Bulldlng & Hou8log Codee Inepector JLBlEq EncLoaure ( "tGE RrGGr .o,ufro,| BOX 12453 . OKLAHOMA CITY. OKIJHOMA 73II2 PHONE3 s2t-2A21 lilr. Jack Brock Division of Housing State of Colorado 1575 Sherman Street Denver, CoLorado Dear llr. Brock: Re: Wren Houge - Gore Creek Sub&ivision, Eagle CountYr Colorado We wish to make the following changes, additiong or notations to above named Plans. 1. We propose to use 5/8tt sheetrock thru out all- buildings. 2. Vfe propose to add one additional outside stairway as we have previously noted on plans. 3. We are going to eliminate the entire second floor on the plans from the buil*ing. 4. Al-1 floor decking is to be 3/4tt tongue and groove plywood nailed and gl-ued with a continous 1,/4tl bead of gLue. CP./na Enclosure ""?Ji?L October 2{r t972 ,!,1t't \,rul:3,:*q numbetd spdces onlv. \ 16 \\ \) '\ /'- r.tQ.I 2JL) t' r -:i'Ti r:oioEi raoM! tNTERNAttoNAL CONFERENCE OF EUtLOtNG gFFtCtaLS a 50 3o. Los iosLe! a pasaoEraa. cat.taotrar^ ello /./