HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 3 PHASE 1 GENERAL LEGALroi: FRO --J M: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Cornrnission Comnunity Development Departnent November 28, L98g A request for a rear setback variance for a residence onLot 3, casolar vail subdivisionApplicant: Donald and Edward Gruidel II. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The relationship of the re ested variance to otherst I.DESCRTPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED Donald and Edward Gruidel are in the process of building ahome on Lot 3, Casolar Vail Subdivision. The home hasreceived building inspections up to, but not including, theframing inspection. Before a fiarning inspection isconpleted, the comrnunity Development Department requires theori\tner to subnit a site improvement survey to ensure that thebuilding is constructed in the rocation that was designated,in the building permit application. Upon inspection 6t ttreimprovement survey, the staff deterrninLd that the home was1.3 feet into the rear setback of L5 feet, naking the rearsetback 13.7 feet instead of l_5 feet. The Gruidels are requesting a variance of 1.3 feet for therear setback. This variance will allow them to keep thehouse in its present location. The Casolar Homeowners,AsEociation has written a letter approving the change. Thischange would also require replatting the building envelopewhich can be handled at the statf tivel Casolar VaiI i-s zoned Residential Cluster. In l-978 thedeveropers reguested building enveropes with a variance fromthe mininun rot size. rncluded in their request was a letterwhich stated rr... the plan is to create a concept that wouldnot encroach on Residential Cluster approval received fronthe Town.rt That-is, the developers were to honor developmentstandards of Residential Cluster zoning. Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section L8.62.060 ofthe nunicipal code, the Department of Connunity Developmentrecommends denial of the requested variance bised upon thefollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: vicinity.or potent al uses and structures the III. APPLI casolar vail- subdivision consists of a series ofbuilding envelopes. Homes must be constructed witllintheir respective building envelopes. In May od"thi.syear, the applicants asked to change their buildlr.tenvelope, vacating a portion toward the rear of the lotand adding a portion toward the front of the lot. Theadjustnent to the envelope maintained the 15 foot rearsetback. A revised plat was subrnitted with a letter ofapproval from the Casolar Homeowners, Association, andthe change was approved by the staff. Other lots(building envelopes) in the vicinity also respect the t-5foot setback. AdJacent to the rear property line is asingle fanily lot of approximately 15,6O0 square feet. The staff feels that the applicants were nade aware ofthe inportance of the L5 foot setback during the plat change and a second request to change the buildingenvelope is not warranted. The d ee to which relief frorn the strict and Iiteralnterpretationand enforcement of a cif ed lats necessarv to achi-eve and un formtreatment amon sites n the vic or to atta theobiectives of st tLe without ant of s alprivileqe. Because of the process of changing the buildingenvelope, the applicants trere aware of the inportance ofmaintaining the rninimum setbacks of the RC zonedistrict. We realize this is most likely a constructionerror, but nevertheless is a self-created one. Withthis in mind, we cannot recognize a hardship here. The effect of the ested variance on Ii t and airstribution of ation, transportation and trafficfacilities, public fac and public safety. There is a potential irnpact on the vacant property tothe rear of this structure. The otrner of that property has stated that he will agree to an approval of therequest, but asked that if the PEC does give approval,that they condition it with a required landscape planfor the area between the home and the lot to the rearthat would contain many large evergreens as well asseveral aspen trees. CABLE POLICIES FROM VATL'S COMPREHENSIVE PI.AN Not applicable. F IV. SUCH OTIIER FACTORS AND CRITERIA AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS APPLICABLE TO THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. ta V. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Cornmission shall make thefollowinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the lirnitations onother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrinental tothe public health, safety or welfare, or materially injuriousto properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the sarne site of the variancethat do not apply generalty to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcernent of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe sarne district. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff reconmends denial of the requested rear setbackvariance. Staff is unable to deternrine that there is aphysical hardship which warrants the approval of thevariance due to the violation being self-created. We feelthat to grant this reguest would be a grant of specialprivilege. lr P.O. Box 1534Vail, CO 81658 November 8, 1988 Kristin Pritz Town of Vail 75 So. Frontage Rd. W.Vail, CO 81658 Dear Kristin, It is my understanding that you have reguested a letter fromthe Casolar Homeowners Assn. regarding the fact that Don and Ed Gruidels house is about 1* feet closer to the street thanit was originally planned to be. The board of directors of Casolar has no objection to this, and we will work wirth the Gruidels to resolve this matter to give them a satisfactory legal description and clear titLe to theirproperty. If you need anything else please. feel_ free to call me at 47G- 0480. Sincerely, Casola{ Homeowners Assn. ,/' /n / ,/(I [,'u //< Chris Neuswanger Secretary-Treasurer r/tf $ I n ,(*l UftI C Reaqnsr Qs,t/J/ .r>€OCr lo t fttinr,.tb -lorzn tsgo^l II . A/^ Ft c,^to Fo e. 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G(,lt uJo u,zur(,r =>E n|E.,t& =aoal 53Fo- 4 EEE29E9r,|-<OG *'Er-oj.i fr A tl[- ltst<lo-lrlJIE I t:tiitzltol l=l :l -tlzllotl Ell !tl il ? zl .. >l TJqJoll,ulzoF Eluq J zo F6o tuo-|I>o ul)j d o|t, IIJzYo F loIFtz lzlo oo =o(J() I I \.1| oEz (,2 JJul E o riJo (:t =Y(E o- oz F <t Jo at, B Fxu, @ I FoJ q J s :l ,ol urFI F u, =z @ gF gE o.E C) F,b =+Eo2 C' Its ttl +J 0Jl/', (\l at1F'Eo(9L z.rF =Lo(UJ+)J+'Pa,lJ- J uJ Eotoo.: zo Fo. UJY uJ @ lr, FF{(\I t f,iroa><(lu,v., o'x65gg z E=f; sier = c)O EH P =<;:5 iF CEf; =' !!D Ei;fl=*E€qi nwp FHIx* .T F =u UJ o-zo l-()f E,F(nzoo IrcTW OF \ATI., 75 S. FROIXAGE MD \rArt, @I!RAm 8L657 BLSED clt EE 1985IIIIKR,I EIIIIIIG cE Ef,s Ls A @ PROJECT I.D: GRUIDEL DUPLEX ADDRESS: - O6,lPAl€!f: RESIDENIAL IYTts OF OhlS[: DUPLEX (NE!il) CTtr{R, }oI,!E:DON & ED GURIDEL @I{BACIOR: ED GRUIDEL ARCIilIEI: DOWNING JAMES & THORP EIGINM: PT,NT EXAUINR': JOE NORRIS/GARY I'{URMIN JULY 15, 1988 Sec.3O3. (a) ffe hdfOirg officia'l nay iss.E a pemit for ttte sst:rrctidt of_part of tnildj-ng or sdr{rfilr€ befre tfre entirc pfans arn specificaticrs for tbe rfiole h.rildirg c sUructure have been s*nitted or aSprrrred, psrrided-adequate inforsratiqr ard detaited stateurents have been fifed ccnplyirg witn aff pelt'fuprrt reqtdrecrcnts of tbe oode. ltle bolde of suctr pemrit srra[ naeed at itreir cnm risk-withcnrt assu PEIITIT ISSIDTE for the entir€ lrrildins or E tuR Pr,eNs slul IIE rcfrolvx@ rEls lBf,ffED X n8E Rm. l0 rs IFPr,IWTGT reETIre P[,il{ CffiflIf,LIPI ffiIIf TIYIIL.lELG ffi ffid|N IS @ (1) reqrdred. (z) pfarrrirg/Zdrng final appmnf fim ocmrnity mrelqment staff. (3) Aff reoonts, agreerEnts, title regnrt-s, letters of czediE, botLs, etc. rust aooctrp ycur applicatian. u /J /J /J- Fi:= puroofinf lJ /J An efectrical plan? Rm. r.lo E -'/J U frl A sjib plan? * J/J /J &/ rurdatian PIan? /J nt elevatiqrs? U A rredranical plan? cNsRnIIcN snErJ lur mEED Ettltr) lrlE BOIIW tr .eFfKltaE1 :tl,tlst irpltde a *** ADDITIONAL PLAN REVIEW REQUIRED BY CHANCES, ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO APPROVED PLANS, A FEE OF $3O.OO PER. HOIJR WITI{ A MINIMIJM CHARGE OF ONE HALF HOUR. /JU /J /J /J lJ /J /J 2J specificaticrs? 7J or:er? li ,I,I -I -I- a Planning and Environmental Connission November 28, 1988 PRESENT Bryan Hobbs Peggy OsterfossSid SchultzJin Viele ABSENT Diana Donovan Pam Hopkins Grant Riva The meetLng was ca1led to STAFF PRESENT Peter PattenKristan Pritz Mike Mollica Betsy Rosolack by the chairnan, Jin Viele. for a residence onL.A tfora order setbaLotCasolVail Subdiv Appl Donald and Edward Gruidel Betsy Rosolack explained the situation. She stated that this home was presently under construction and that the improvenentsurvey showed that the building was 1.3 feet into the rearsetback. Don Gruidel revealed that they were quite far alongin construction and did not feel that tleir erior had negativeinpacts. He added that he understood that if the horne hid beenone foot into the setback, the staff could have approved the change. Jin Viele stated that the tolerance of one foot was a verygenerous one and that it was not the intention to encourage onefoot errors. Peter reminded Mr. Gruidel that the reguiredsetback was 15 feet, not 14 feet. He added that the maxinunanount of slack was one foot, so the violation was 1.3 feet. Sid agreed with ilin that I.3 feet was a lot to give, but hefelt that since it inpacted only one property, he felt theboard could give approval . Jirn Viele then read a letter fronthe affected neighbor, Toger Anderson, who asked forrrextensiverr landscaping between his property and the Gruidels.Mr. Gruidel stated that he and his biother had met with Mr. Anderson and felt that his request was excessive. They feltthat their error was not affeCting safety or vier'r corridors. Bryan asked l,!r. Gruidel if he would be willing to add somelandscaping to the back of his hone, and Mr. Gruidel felt thatthey would be willing to do some landscaping. Bryan felt thatthe PEC needed sone type of agreenent that iaaitionaflandscaping would be done. Peggy stated that she did not feelthe Gruidels were in much of a bargaining position and thatthey needed to nake sorue amends in ttre area of the invasion.Viele could not see an enornous inpact on the neighbor, butfelt that the cruidels should be willing to nake some effortwith regard to landscaping. ilin suggested 4 or 5 trees. Fyrrt'-"/ "fzr/tr/ Peter felt the staff could deal with the landscape Bryan suggested 3 aspen and 3 evergreens. Gruidel agreed. Bryan moved to approve the request subject to the approval bythe staff of a landscape plan that included 3 aspen of 2t,diameter and 3 evergreens 6' high or higher. Peggy secondedthe notion and the vote was 4-0 in favor. Ana of a staff decision conc est toIocate ski storaqe in a photo lab al Core f.Appellant: Bridge Street Photo Lab Peter Patten explained that the staff had denied a request bythe Bridge Street Photo Lab to have ski locker rentals as an accessory use to their photo lab business. The reason given bythe staff to deny this request was that in their opinion thepermitted and conditional uses for first floor or street levelof the Commercial Core I zone district did not altow thisspecific type of use. The staff felt that it was important torecognize the balance of the horizontal zoning controls in vailVillage in order to maintain a nix of use, and also to continuethe retail dynanics of ttre first floor store fronts. Scott Simons, owner of the store, agreed with Peter. Hestated that he had decided to drop the request, but felt that customers of their store and others could leave their skis. He asked if it would be a problem to allow this type of short termstorage. Peter asked Simons if it was his intention to withdraw anyreguest for ski storage for peopte who were not Simons, custorners, and Sirnons said that was correct. Peggy asked if Simons would charge his custorners to leave their skis, and Simons replied that he would charge. Peggy stated that she wasnot in favor of a paid concession, and felt that charging a feewould then constitute a business. Peter ernphasized that if Simons were to charge for ski storage, this then became a conrnercial ski storage and was not permitted on the first flooraccording to the zoning code. Simons stated that he would not volunteer free storage, and would charge those people who were not using his photo 1abservices, but not as long tenn. Viete said that this would notbe practical to administer. Peter stated that he did not feelthat the ski storage could be classified as an accessory useper the zoning code. Viele was not comfortable with spot changes to the zoningwithout changing all of Bridge Street, which would then becomevery controversial . Sid moved and Peggy seconded to uphold the staff decision,stating that this use would not be an accessory to the photo 2. 20H L i II I ... ; i '; I I I.-.v I I I I I l-'.-.i i I I I ,-t' I I i: I' a *.-..t - . tr I I l -i I i It -... I i' FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belol items need to be complete before giving a permit a fjnal C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL EL ECT RI CAL FINAL BUILDING TEMP0RARY C of 0 DATE:\9 CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY o 75 toulh frontrgG road Ysll, colo.ado 81657 (3qr) 47$2138 (3qt) 4792139 otllce of communlly deYdopmenl September 18, 1989 Mr. Donald R. Gruidel 7352 Meado$r CourtBoulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Lot 3, Casolar Vail (Lots A8 and A9), Minor Subdivisionr/Duplex Subdivision Dear Don: This letter Is written to confhm the Etaff directlon glven to you concerning the proceEses to change your building envelope and to allow for two ownerships for the duplex to the above property. Thestaff dlscussed your plat and noted that your variance was approvedin Novernber of 1988. You must apply for a rnlnor subdivision to change the building envelope. You nust also apply for a duplex subdivision to allow for two ownerships. we suggest that you get legal advice in respect to the question of how the subdivision reques€s relate to the condoninlum assoclation.Kristan Pritz has also reconnended to Chris Neuswanger that he obtain legal advice on the condorniniun assoclationrs involvenent in the subdivision process. Please feel free to caII if you have further questions. Sincerely, ,e",In.{lVal/-Betsy Rosy'lack Planning Technician cc: Arleen Montag Peter Patten o lnwn 75 3oulh lrontage road Yall, colorsdo 81657 (30ir) 4792138 (3@) 47S2139 JuLy LL, 1989 oflice ol communlty developmenl Don and Ed Gruidel 7352 Meadow Court Boulder, Colorado 8O3OL Re: Lot 1, Block 1, Lionsridge Filing No. Four Dear Don and Ed, You have asked for a final certlficate of occupancy for the aboveproperty. Joe Norris, our building inspector and I inspected theproperty and noted that you have not done any revegetation on quite large portion of the lot. He indicated that he told you about this you said that you could not get any water over there. What you mustis revegetate all areas disturbed by your constructj-on. You are responsible for covering the disturbed areas with a mesh to protect seed. You are al.so responsible for watering the seeded areas. a and do the We will not be able to issue your finaL certificate of occupancy until the re-seeding and the natting are in place. If you have any guestions, please feel free to caLl. Sincerely, fu',8",e,*[Betsy Rosolack Planning Technician BR: IT I I 4 o APPLICATION DATE: 'rc /n DATE OF DRB MEETIi,IG:(g DRB APPLICATION *****THJS APPLICATION IJJILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A ore-apolication meet'ing with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to O-efermlhi if any additional information is needed. No application will be.accepted ,ni.rt ii is coirplete (must include all items requ'ired by the zoning administrator). It is the applicint's responsibility to make an appointment.with the staff to find out about additiona't submittal requ'irements. Please note that a CoMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approva'l process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:site 3, casolar vai1, A Resubdivision of Lots A-B and A-9, Block A, Lions nidge Subdivision, according to INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**.** the map thereof recorded June L9 ' 1978, in Book 277 aL Page 215. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address-1 175 lasolar Del Norte Driwe Legal Descript'ion ls1 Site 3 Fi 'l i ng J""=-_l :i--L 97I Zon i ng APPLICANT:Donald R. Gruidel and Edward T. Gruidel Block A C. NAME OF Address 7352 Meadow Ct Boulder, CO 80301 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE:Edward T. Gruidel t_ Address 558 Utica Ct Boulder' CO 80302 E. NAME OF Donald IL Gruidel and Edward T. Gruidel Si gnature Address 7352 Meadow Ct Bou1der, co BO3OI tel ephone 530-4s68\12? tel ephone r\r?443-8676 tel ephone 530-4568 be paid at the tjme a building permit is requested. FEE ORB FEE: The fee wil] VALUATION 10 ,000 , $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO F. $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ s0.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $300.00 THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting subm'ittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inart<Ld. This work must be compjeted before the DRB visits the si te. Z. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS rvill nornally involve tt',o separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meei'ing and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. : ,, 4. ffre tottowtng items no longer have to be presented-to.the Design Review Board' They, howev..,'ti". lo be ireslnteA-io-ifrl i6ni"S-nitiniigitoi for approval: a. llindows, skylights.and.slmilar exterior changes that do not alter the exist'lng plane of the building; and b. Buildins additions.that are.not,vlewed {fl-ll 9tl:l-19t":,:"9:oll:':fi;:'uul I 01n9 aq9, Y'Y"irl'j: "":L:r'#:r'iili" I ' v"r e'r Y vir-' )wners approv'lngfii;['iiive had ]etters submitted from adioining property-l^- ^" . .^nrtomi|{hich navg naq leLLsr-5 suellll Lt'st'r IIelr q\r..tvrrrrrrv PrvrL! vJ I Of a'lOndominiumtni-iaaition; and/or approval from the agent for' or manager tssoci atl on. 5. you may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard studies on your property. You should ifre"fi irith a Town Planner before proceeding' '0 tlJ#-, ldlvr,"-. | ,..- -_;--' MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEl^l CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamP. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4' or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other sign'ificant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes 40% or more, if appl'icab1e. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or sewer invert. 7. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site show'i ng size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of al'l utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to inc'lude: cable TV Tel ephone sewe r water 9as el ectri c gK 0t< 0'lc 0lz 0lc c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. All exi sting and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, reta'i ning wa11s (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. E'l evations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. 0>B. A statement from each utility veri fying location of servjce and avajlabil'ity. To be submitted with site p1an. /'C. Preiiminary t'i tle report to accompany all subm'i ttals,;fo insure property ownership ,l' and all easements on property. S.J^.-Jo\o lS - . fte,< +,,r;#i, lt* o.FD.LandscapePlan(1,'=2o,or.targer)-2copies^.$pffi.,|lo,sy, fr-5 <4.4-1-t . 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or larger trees, other shiulis,ana-iia"tiVe plants th.are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas rvith the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. i\ 2. Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost. N0TE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components js clear. The landscape plan should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate map. The applicant must stake the s'i te to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that wi'll be'l ost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. - E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larger) 2 copies . i. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear on completion. ilevations must show both existing and finished grades. Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and-submitted for review on the matirials list available from the Department of Comrlunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meet'ing ' F. The Zoning,Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional ,p1ans, drawings, sp..iiiiitlons, samples and 6ther material (including a model) if deemed necessiry tb determine whethei a project will comply with design guidefines- II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) oi proposal may be submitted iir lieu of the more formal requirement: S]vql above' as long as tney proviae all important specifjcations for the proposed including colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with a'll specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos I D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for all materjals and color samples on materials ljst available at Department of Corrnunity Development At the request of the Des'ign Review Administrator you may also be required to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying 'l ocation of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site 'improvernent survey, stamped by registered professional surveyor. I. preliminary title report, verifyjng ownersh'i p of property and lists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building perm'i t has been issued, and when the proiect is und-erway, the following wiit Ue requirei before any building receives a framing inspection from the Build'i ng Oepartment: A certified improvement survey sholing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All uti'l ity service't jnes as-builts showing size of ljnes, type of material used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts. 2 coPies E. Basjs of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be e'ither found or set and stated on map' G. All easements H. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevations. O LrsT oF MATERTALs a requlred for submittal by the applicant to the lhsign Review IIATERIALS: TYPE can be flven: OF MATERIAL }IAI"IE OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AOORESS: DESCRIPTIOII OF'P The following Board before A. EUILDING .lnfonnation ls a flnal approval Roof Sl di ng 0ther blall lilaterials les oi1) Stucco Rose Fascl a Soffits lllndows tflndow Trim Doors Door Trlm Hand or Deck Rails F'lues Fl ashlngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LAN0SCAPING: Name PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REI'IOVED Redwood Watco oil Redvood " Hurd ,Heat Mirror Bron4e A1-Clad Eronze- Metal Brown /Redwood'J*t*- oi1 . Redwood Ib oil Bronze A1 .Bfonze Encl.osed In Stuceo N/A ,None None watco oil B.of Designer: phone: Botanical Name --Piggl us' Tremuloi delggpg T0 None 303/443-8676 Common Name Quani ty, ."-S'i ze* n lb,; *lz"tmin-,r,/ COLOR "<- for conifers. . (over) *Indlcate callper for declducJous trees. Indicate height . ' PLANT I.IATERIALS: Botanlcal l'lame Common Name Quanitv lize.. (con't) ' sHRuBs ,i"'@rr ::::::::":"'*'o *?' , - -5--car- GROUND COVERS EXISTING SHRUBS . None -. TO BE REI.IOVED Juniperus . uqhiperr_5preading-_J-O_ -_S_sal_ Juniperue. 'utt!i.pe+ uprieint s E g:r Potenti.tla potentiJ.la 5 g:r Type Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPT OF IRRIGATION TYPE 0R METH0D Qf Rocks in the bottom of drainage sware EROSION COI{TROL (if needed). C. OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainlng walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) P'lease specify. Sea Si rc br o.' o UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFIC.\TION SUBDIVISION C*ro.^. U^t Srd lrurspJ lot54gffiocK-Jt-FrliN ADDRESS The location I ines , nust acconpanying site plan. Mountai n Bel'l'l-634-3778 Western Slope Gas Harry Moyes ,,Publ ic SeryiFe Company . Gary"flal ] . * HolyCross Etrectric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eag'le Val I ey Water . and Sdnitation Discrict David Krenek of utilities, whether they be approved and verified by be main trunk the following lines or proposed utilities for the JOB NA}IE Author"ized Siqnature Date /-u-fu, t/'//+P 4qr-ef * For new cons 4-ttSSplease fill ot at,tached sheet ?/*2+J.a- "- /."".t;h'ry, t+- ll-E{ NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Pernit fron the Town of Vail, Departrnent of Public ltlorks and to obtain utility locations before digging i.n any public right- of-way or easenent in the Torvn of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit urust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service avai.lablity and locati.on. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. / I UTILITY LOCATION VERIFIC.\TTON *orurrron--.,14os "i,oo tvh, 1 JO8 NA}IB Lgr .5 I.-_ ADORESS L0c(FILTNG thc locrtlon of utllities, $hethrr theyllncs, mrst bc approvad cnd verlfled bylccorpanying sltc pl.an. be nain trunk the following lines or proposed utllittcs for thc ilountai n Bel I l -634-3778 llastern Slope Gas Harry lloyes ,.Publlc Servlce Conpany. Garl ,tlal l . * Holy Cross Electrlc Assoc. Tcil Husky/illchael Laverty V!11 Crble T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley tlater ,. rnd Sdnl tatlon Dlscrict Drvid Krenek Authori eed Si gna ture Date t/-//+? tt+t*l * For ner cons 4-/t-88pl.ase fill or. rtiached shertlMr t:llsrfln n' o 2r,f2+.t'*-a- NoTE: Thcsc vcrlflcations donot relleve the contractor of his responslbillty to obtain a street cut pernit fron thc Toxn of Vall, Dcpartncnt of Public Works and to obtain utllity locations before digging in any public righr- of-ray or eascnent in the Toh'n of Veil. A buildtng parnit ir not a strcet cut perrnit. A street cut pernit drst bc obtaln.d scparately. This forn ls to verify service availoblity and location. Ttls should bc used in conjunction wlth preparlng your utlllty plrn and scheduling lnstaltatlons. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL DES FTI0N: Lot ADDRESS; OI.INER ARCHITECT tiltt'u"%l",r A'rrins t/n/il PROPOSED UsE LOT SIZE Phone 5*q e- Prooosed Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining .''lal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permi tted Envi ronmental /Hazards : A'l I or.red (30)(33) 20' 15' 15' (30)(so) (3oo) (600) (eoo)(1200) , F^\ /i^^\(5U/ \ ruu/ (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain S'lope l.Jet'lands Geol ogi c Hazards Corrnents: Zoni ng: Approved/Di saPProved Date: Staff Siqnature o P.0. Box 1534Yai1, C0 81558 Mr. Ion Braun lown of Yall 75 So. Irontage Rd.Val1, C0 81658 Dear Mr. 3raun, Don Gruldel contacted ne and said you would like a conflrnatlonfron the caeolar Honeowners Assn. iegarding the change ln hlebuilding envelope on lot 5 in Casolai. Ilbe board and archltectural connittee have reviened hispropgggl and for:nd it acceptable. Io facilltate this,ve viII ,requlre hln to have the area surreyed and a 16ga1deecriptlon of tbe two parcels drawn up. -We w111 then-deed hin the required epace, and he will deed us hie vacatedspace in exchange. I w111 be out of town May 3-May lr|th, but should you haveany questions please leave woril with-ny office (+?O-teoOlto contact you and I will be returning my calld. Slncerely, Casolar flomeownerg AgBn. .--./ /(Y'.--6<-- 'f Chris NeirewengerSecretary-lreaeuxer ---+_,+# E hJ ff*aF=U.J ==3ff .Jtr\ t\ \ 5 L Appl ication r^t PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. Th'is procedure is required f9f gny project request'ing a variance. The applicationwi'll not be accepted untit ail inioi.malion is 'submitled. A. NAME oF ApplrcAnr -Dr-+* R. 44q,0.. ADDREiS -7 3gL M.*oo^t Cr PHONE <_lo ^ysz J- f{s-(/i/B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS SA^l o PHONE PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Aor*rss // 75 C*t"u< D,u-, LEGAL DESCRTPTToN LOTj3_BL0CK rtttne C+sor+A E. FEE $IOO PAID CK#FROM COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,JILL ACCEPTTHE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of al.l property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STNTTTS, THE AppLrcANT wILL BE RESpoNSTsLE ron conngcf A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0.)DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIoNAL INFoRMATIoN ts rlrroro.-nolppucnuoN wtLL BEACCEPTED uNLEss IT IS_COMPLETE (MUST rncruog nrf-iiiul-nequrnEo By THE zoNrNG lPI.lNllIR4IgE). IT Is rHE APPLicANT't iEspot{starLrTy ro MAKE AN AppoTNTMENTt,lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT EEOUT ADOrirOrIAr.-IUEMiiiNi NEqIfiNEMENTS. 3*IST^IqII-TTIT.I.g9{TIEIE APPLICATION l.lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORY0UR-PROJECT gY 0ecImIXG-THe r'ruNeeR 0F coNDrTroNs oF AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNINc AND ENVIRONMENTAL c0MMISSIoN NnV siipulnrr. ALL coNDITIoNs 0F nppiovnl-r,llsi'iii'coMpLIED wrTH BEFoRE A BUTLDTNG pemqri-is-issuEd.--"-"':"- FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOi,{ING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST RTSO ROORCSS: l. The re'l ationship of the requested variance to other existlng or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The- degree to which relief from the strict or literal 'interpretation andenforcement of a-specified regulation is nec"tsiry-io.achieve compatibilityand uniformity of treatment atong sites ln itre-vitinity or-to ;ii;i;'ih"objectives of this tit]e without grant or spei.iai-privilege. ADDRESS 317 e adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. II. ITT OVER l' Vari ance Jz- 3. The effect of the variance on'l jght and air, distribution of population, , transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a sca'le of at'least'1" - 20, stampedby a Colorado'licensed surveyor includjng locations of all existinq improve-ments, including grades and e'l evations. 0ther elements which must-be ihownare,parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least l" = 20' showing existing and proposed buildings. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. B. c. E. D. All preliminary building elevations and f'loor p'lans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearance, scale and use of al'l buildings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. F. A preliminary title report to verify ownersh'ip and easements If the proposal is located in a multi-fami'ly development which has a homeowners'association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said aisociation. G. Any additiona'l material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Conunission meetsof each month. A complete application form and(as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing, No incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th Mondaysall accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the (as determined by the zoning staff before or after the desig- TO: CASOIAR I FROII: Tom Braun DATE: ,June 14, 1988 RE: Buildlng SLte for CASOIAR III As presented to the Design Review Board, construction of a duplex on this slte will encroach out of the adopted buildingenvelope. The staff has adninistratively approved this encroach"ment for the following reasons: 1. The encroachment does not inract either of the two adjacent undeveloped buildin| envelopes; 2. The Homeowner's AEsociation has approved the encroachmenti 3. In previous applications, this staff has-adninl-stratLvely approved sinl-lar encroachments; and 4. The applicants have provided a survey showing the revisedbuilding envelopes. Project Application ' '.\r_ ir-.-i_\6 i...ProiectDescriPtion: --''' r- l- Contact Person and Phone I D -"iq:' i\, )l: ;t-t ," tC ,i, \ .. \p"; Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: -!r .'.t. L. 'l'i | ' Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval LIST L OF MATERIALS 1l4I bE D*o L.vNAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following informatjon is required for submittal Board before a fina'l approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR B. Roof Si di ng 0ther Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows t,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash'ings Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height .1,;teY Designer:' phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) a.' . -PLANT I,IATERIALS: Botanical Name comron Name Quanity size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Tvpe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, sw'imming pools, etc.) Please specify. t nppri.tn PEC MEETING APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE Jiii ffiTT.".$,ff'l;iii jii.il#,i;:iff; A. ItlAME OF APPLICANI * /r' ,,., i5tiffiii.a. variance. The appli ADDRES B.IYAME OF ADDRESS PHONE APPL ICANT'S REPRESENTATiVE o 6",) L .- 1)o, .--.---....- c.NAME 0F oUNER(s) PHONE or print),J.;,J ADDRESS {5a- D.LOCATION ADORESS PHlNESSo_tSllol,TS SAL C, ' fili rifjfi,ife'rr; srtg#ffi , rfu sii- rff^i;iji $fi:iff |,ft rlli.tjs::, s: j *" firi'rfrffi+i;iif,ffi d**^*,,lti***#ll***t*'i$**gffi,rrg,rr ffffilfiftIlI. FouR (4) coplEs oF rpr r,,,, ^. ^: *Jtt**#t,iq-fri,i--tt'r*vAR AN.E REQ,E'TED AND THE '.", uni'Jli;iJi"3l l,l"r,i:o;i:iiir;u,,un." to other existins or potenriar2 'fltuft];#ff,,=ffi 5fr jfu ,ji1;.l,;*|ffi ." LEGAL DESCRIPIION I zr'i ?t-ut - BLoCK r__._......-FILING aF r--,i. rEE $l0O OYER oI LAe 3c'? f(" *'// J4'" 1;s ccil lf r(5 c, /* //1 q s/r7/- )7t r lza "* .,), J(r' Jf . / y' o-r, -/* .*)^.n4 /a* / ,?1(at,oafart ct-u',/ A t/y/, /o.r*^rn ,'r,*[v s u +(,o. / {.-oyn C o.., /r,..- 2a G f4,a*<5 S 7-.2-e-t'-/t .Sit 75 3oulh tronlag€ road urll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Uay 24, 1988 ottlco ol oommunlty devalopmcnl Ur. Ed cruidel 558 Utica CourtBoulder, Colorado 80302 Re: Building envelope amendment for ite 3, Caso!lra resubdivisLon of Lots A8 and A9, Subdivision onsridge Dear Ed: I have checked into the process to amend your building envelopefor your residence on Site 3 of Casolar VaiI . You will need togo to the Planning Connission for a minor subdivision revieril. Attached to this letter is an application for the minorsubdivision request, as well as subnittal dates and meetingdates for our Planning Comrnission. I will- not be able torelease a building perrnit for your project until the building envelope has been amended so that your proposal fits inside the boundaries of the envelope. Please note that you will also need approval of aLl of your condoniniun assocl-ation nernbers inorder to amend the building envelope. I tried calling today to try to tell you this over the phone,but was unable to get in totrch with you or Don. I feel thatthis is inportant infomation that you should have as soon aspossible, so I am writing instead of phoning. The earliestsubnittal deadline that you could make is May 31st, which Irealize delays your project. If you have any furtherquestions, please feel free to call ne at 476-7000. Sincerely, cc: Donald Gruidel boyle engineering, inc professionol structurol engineers l'fay 2, 19BB l'lr. Ton Braun Toun of Uail Departnent of Connunity Develcpment 75 South Frontagc Road {Jesi Vail, Colorado 81657 9ubject ' Proposed Gruidel Residence Lot 3, Cesolar Dcl l{orie Uai I , Coloredo Dear Ton, This ls to confirn that I have r€viour€d ihe pLanc for the proposed Eruidol Residence on Lot 3 at Calolar Del Norte. Specifically,, I have etudiad thc d6iign geontetry of the building' lt's location on the site, and the fact that no diversion t.talIs sr landocaping elemonis are shoun on the plan. Furthernonc, I have ravieued the Rockfall Study prepared for ths Tor,rn of UaiI by Schmuegdr and Asaociates on Naveftber ?9, 1984. As you knou this cntire subdlvision lies urithln a mediun severity rockfall rone. Baaed upon lhat I havc seen on the proposed plans I do not fcel that the proposed construction urill have any detninental effects on any of the n€iqhboring sitEc. Plaase givo ne a call if you have any questionr ragarding thls natter.. . 143 e. meodo\^/ dr. suite n-10 . crossroods shopping cer,ter . \ail, colorodo 81657 . 303/476-2'170 o . 325 south moin streut . the purple building . breckenridge. colorodo 8Q424 o 303/453-6633 o Tlarothy l'1. Pres !dent ' r' :r. it-1{1,trr: , !:. J- ol rl II _.- --.- "...-. +.--.- . ".- --**-s- t .i "..g-.,.,,-r.s E o U) I I I I F.lhl \..HI I I bi o (! E Efa Jl<t>lolGI(II o-l<l @l ol I I \41 $ I I fio o .Eo @ 3 .E oE c .9ooo Jl<I>lol o-l(rl<l > c) C () q) 'ao c 0) E o(-) I tl UI &l I 0)c N l-, .$ ,\U tJ- co i I I I (\ I I I :.c,, 'i oo oJ rl iric .c c) D q) E() o)co -c (! o c) j q)c 'o tltltltlJI (qIol I I I -,1 {lJ I -l'xl { I I ai Fz o c) VL c .9 (E .g CLIL oo o o. oc -c (! Eo oo- o wIA I Jct -ls E !!F a) -l oz. ctc'0t-m >< U' tDo at oz z =f"t oal !T'r c, =i BFE, F. F-mF.an= @ z =rfl oal at'ttt- c) =1v, FFIT'FFIU'FI ={ { m a B\r\ \ t, = 5m oal T'vo\,,ftv -l o ==lrlF E- 5ct o.' at Ito o =z.m2 U' (tt C, =JcFtrl T'-oz 55r-9It^r J12lo@att-o!tovm€ ffiil6 I\Y F v,c(p = =U' o ffxlr I I I l- IE le t.t trl t/il I trl alrtlFI atsoo oo c,f J,,I'I'F {.m F 3g|'3> h1.+ = I -.a1 ;O=tl, cf .DOat = 5(D- t--r- J. l, J.o o .,l o .D -l' cj =.+.-'5 O d J.Crl o c -{Sto -!-rp !9 eo E {ir.3 On, o.< 3 .D N J rqJ.OO= |Dscro o, cr.DJ @Jotr9ro Jo5- rr =3t| Fr(D .D J {r rto o| J. .D .D acLcro o 9r 5 3 t at, ' -r..D cr 39| Fr Gl = Vr<+O CJ.o -i = F -r.D Vt E O O Et ct J.O o) O J9-E .t o. =ft n (+o c cLo -r. .<.i.i O CL . !,'t fl r. {rtD { =T-'gt (D cro |,tr o|D.D"Eo OCL o 5 .r. U, m<(<J oai| ct |,{Do Eoc o| 305(D I J.rt -h9=!r.!l O5(D(,' O.t3*A9O O- - 5 : J.rr.D.iO3 cr *cto o to a 3 J- {!==.t rr to5 (D3 .DOO J..D cl= = .Dq, € (/l J = O rr. .D .D rct JCr = -r- o (,l 9. 11 r+ c {c = J t| q< d {t Jt !to| -Jct5 9, tr= € O 9r--- t.D = fl (t- O .i Or|D. or(D 9, cL o J. -J. _r.. X(D gt\ O=r+J O Optt. O -t .D 50 € 5 UrUl!t 9, 5 EL CL rt O O=9,J. =O = . 0rJ.5 f! 5 !, O r(l ^CL5 ct-{O |.l - .| O..r.cl'-r. t < .D 3 -t OO = O (D (+9, O |D c+A fct 5 0ttJ0, 0t oo- !, o (+ cf(+O |D = ato (D .D . O:t {r() ct 51.*A 3 t\t 5.D J(,t o :r |D a+ !, (t g, Cr J (t!tgl t't 5 ==< ctt! |D or 5 c o 5t,3 r+O 3 o c+ r d.D |D -i. !t qd'5 t OrXOo o€O-& r n.l.t= U, 't O gl {OO.D .D (+ -f'll,CL o r€.v, @-,O J.J -iO O C . O-' O O- c+ cn I q rO€-t\o -,u ncLo, ur o o. o, -r. -.J5 I 'l, ci :3 < c,(OfLO O O J. J. -ifl g| rO Jr+oc .r{<J. J=rf< A t 5 C) ! 1pro o o o :' .JO= O, O,O(t ct t, =:t o I t'.-t .D CL |D =ur.CL -6, It!,.D=tOFoo o>ort \,CTF.Do ct{! tnout =v,=-e o,-{ 'Tl =(D= r-..eoo r-o o e|D 6)fl J.Eo=t,5 rcl - z.ClcfrJ(D ct3J 5{D tO|D5 lnEcrc,!t -t cto -,o 'n5o,{r (f(+l< -lc)?O!ro 6)€r3 = o-3EotrS -b o -r.rlct<o<o= -r. o c, -,o, (D5<o< rD!t J. -,!t505(.r!to3< e(D!ro=J(.) ct..c3€.DJ. =J(+ -'v,(t€o c+-t@tct 1t =ro.D5 U'mJ.ocrGtJJ(D .D nc)ooaE =Ecl't<o3c,:o -t (+(D-l-(<r a -m =<c) rrt:t€!,!r ct(+ :O.DFa-r{rilF t\t+ o-i ct o at,c CTo o ot Fo GTg o,ct o =UI T' oz,rrt ,\ .N trs FF ! (t !-o =m :Ex6 IEEXu3ztsHga; uiotgji3 :3 Fz<r{Ftt\&f<2 qi8 r-r Oz1<* EA F F eI PARIY WALL AND COMMOU UAINSENANEE-PESLABAT.IqN WHEREAS, Donard R. Gruioel and tinda L. Gruidel (t.henueclarantsn) are the owners in fee sinple of the following describedreal estate srtuate in the County or Eagle, State of Colorado, to wits LOT 3-A AND3, CASOLAR RE@RDED LOT 3-8, FINAL VAIL, TO!'N OF PIAT AND RESUBDIVISION OF tOTVAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO,1990 IN BOOK AT PAGE OF THE RECORDS OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF EAGLE COUNTY, @[.,ORADO (the nPropertytr); and WHEREAS' upon said Property has been constructed a building (thenBuilding") consiuting or tlro resictential units (the nunits:), whichresrdential units are connecteo by a common wall (nParty Wall"); and WHEREA"ST Declarant wishes to create recrprocal and nonexclusive easements and rights or access relating to the Party WaII, as well as a common maintenance scheme for the Party WalL, the Burlding Roofr andthe Building Exterior. NOW, THEREFURE, Declarants hereby provide the following easements, restricEionsr and comrnon maintenance scheme for the Property which shalL hereafter run with the land and be binding upon and inureto the benefit ot Declarants, their successors and assigns forever: SECTION I DECLARATION OF PARTY WALL Tne Property has been divided into two lots, (sonetines hereinafLer colle!;tivery referred to as nl,ots' or individualty asnl.'otn) eacn separately desc.ibeo as aforesaidr €ls evictenced andestablisned by the recorurng of a subdivision plat with the clerk andRecorder for the County or Eagle, State ot Col.orado. The party Wall islocated on the common boundary or Lot 3-A and Lot 3-B. Lot 3-A and Lot 3-B each constitute a separate fee simple estatewhich includes an undivided fifty percent (50t) interest in and to theBurIding. The preceding percentage interests (the nProportionate Sharesr) shallalso be used in carculating the respective obligations of each of thefee srmple oieners ot Lot 3-A and Lot 3-B for the purpose of allocatingall costs incurred pursuant to the terms of this Party WalI and Common Maintenance Declaration. SECTION 2 MODIFICATIONS' I'{AINTENANCE Al.tD REPAIR No person snall have the right to add or detracE from the Party -1- Wall in any manner whatsoever, it being the intention that the PartyWarI shall at arl tines remain in the same position as when erected-.Tn€ cost ot naintainrng the Party WaI1, and any necessary costs ofrepairing or rebuildirrg the Party Wall shall be the obligation of the orirners of the Unrts (the noernersn) in each Ovnerrs Proportionate Share. Eacn O,ener snall have the sole responsibility of maintaining thefin.sned surfaces ot the Party WaII, which surfaces are located withinthat Ownerrs Untt. In the event the Party Warl, or any portion thereof, is damagedor destroyeo, it shall be rebuilt in the same location and dimensrons, and ot substantially similar mat.erial to the Party WalI as it presentlyexists, unless the Ovners unanimously agree otherwise. Notwithstandrng the foregoing, if the Party Vlall and/or finished surfaces are damageor or caused to be exposed to the elements as aresult or the negligent acts or onissions of either ot the Odners, thenthe Party Wall and/or the finrshed surfaces shall be repaired orrebuilt at that Owner I s expense. SECTION 3 MUTT'AL RECIPROCAL EASEMENTS Mutual reciprocal easements and rights of access are herebygranted to the Owner of each Unrt insofar as the Party WaLl, as itpresently exi.sts, encroaches on to either Unit and for the purpose ofnaking necessary repairs to the Party WaII. The Owner of each Unitshall have the right to enter the Party wall to naintain any utilityinstallations Located therein, so long as the Owner ot such Unit restores the Party Wall to its original conditj.on, at said Ownerrs soLecost and expense. SECTION 4 UNPAID COSTS AS LIEN ON UNIT It the Owner or either Unit sha1l neglect or refuse to pay it,sProportionate Share ot costs properly attributable under this instrument to sucn Orner for naintenancer repair or replacement ot theParty Wal-l (or for the Building as provided below in Section 7), then,in that event, the Ohrner of the other Unr.t nay pay for suchnaintenance, repair or restorationr ancl the amount of any such payment, together with interest frorn the date of payment until paid at the rateot eighteen percent (188) per annum, plus the costs of collecting thesame, including reasonable attorneyst fees, shalL be a lien upon thederinquent ovrnerr s Lot. In order to perfect such lien, a Statement of Lien shall be recorded in the Orfice of the Clerk and Recorder for the County of Eagler Scate ot Colorado, and such lien shall be perfected from thedate or such recording. The Statement of Lien shall state the natureand amount of such non-payment and the date upon which the lien -2- attacues to the Lot. The Statenent ot Lien shall additionafly legally describe the affect.ed property and state the name of the Owner. Such lien snalt be prior to any honestead exernption, and nay be forecloseq in the same manner as provi<ied for in the laws of the stateot CoI orado for the foreclosure of nortgages on real proPerty. Notwithstanding the aoove, every lien created under this Section shall be subordinate to any first mortgage of record' or first deed of trustof recorct, upon a Lot, nade in good faith and for value. Upon payment ot the amount due under the Statement ot lien by the derinquent Owner, plus interest and costs incurred in enforcing such lien, including reasonable attorneys' fees, the lien shal] be tinery and properly released. At the election ot an Owner, and without waiver of any otherrights hereunder or available at law or in equrty' it may sue to recover payment or the amount due under the statement ot Lienr togetherwith interest from the date ot paynent until paid at the rate of eighteen percent (18t) per annum, plus costs and attorneysr fees by personal judgment against the defaulting Ownerr without foreclosure of the lien. In all cases, venue for civil actions uncier this Declarationsnall be in the County or Dist,rict court of Eagle County' Colorado. SEC.I'ION 5 EASE!,TENTS TOR ENCROACHMENTS In the event that any portion ot a Unit encroaches upon the other Unit, or in the event such encroachment shall occur in the future as the result or settling ot the Building or repair or restoration of the Burlcling or Unrt(s) after damage by fire or other casuarty or condemnation or eninent domain proceedingsi a valid easenent shallexist for the encroachment and for the maintenance of it so long as the Bu.r.lding stands. Such encroachment shall not and this easement shall not be consictered or determined to be encumbrances on the Units or Lotsfur purposes ot narketability ot titLe. In interpreting the provisrons ot this Declaration' the actuaL location of a Unit shall be deemed conclusivety to be the property intended to be conveyed notwit.hstanding deviations from the locations indicated on the subdivision PIat. SECTION 6 I{AINTENANCE RESPONSIB II, IT IES a. Unf,t--Repail--aEd Maintgngnge. Each odner, at its sole cost and expense, snall maintain and keep in good repair its Lot and all fixtures, egulpment and utilities installed within the Lot, except as to the joinL mairrtenance obl igations set forth in. subparagraph (b) below. No ovrner shall do any work that will impair the structural soundness or the Builoing, or impair the proper functioning of the -3- fixtures, equipment or utilities. Each Orner, at its sole cost andexpense, shall always keep any baLcony or deck area adjoining and appurtenant to its Un:.t in slean and orcierly conoi.tion and in good repair. b.Euildins-Bepair-nd MAinggnalceg Both Orners shall havethe duty or maintainrng and repairing the Building Exteri.or and Burlding Roof. Tne cost of such maintenance and repair shall be shared by eacn O{ner on the basis of its Proportionate Share, except if thecost ot repair is covered by i.nsurance carried by an Owner or if thecost ot repair would have been covered by insurance which an ohrner rsobligatecl to carry by the terns ot this Party Wall and Cornnon Maintenance Declaration, but which the Owner failed to acquire ormaintain. nBuilding Roofr shall nean the roof decking, roof supportlsheathing, shingles, fLashing, siding, fascra boards, gutters ano trin.rBuilding Exteriorn shall mean the exterior walls, siding, down spoutsrtrim, shutters, paint, stain or other finish, but not the windowsrsills, sashes or relateq hardware. a. Pr oper ty SECTION 7 CONDEMNATION 9ggple!e--3aEinq. In the event that the entireis condemnedr or otherwise disposed of in lieu of condemnation' the condemnation award shall be divided anong the ownerson the basis of their Proportionate share and this Party WalI and Common Haintenance Declaration shall terninate. b. Eaftial_-laEia9- In the event that less than theentire Property is condemned or othererise disposed of in lieu ofcondemnation, this Party Wall and Common l4aintenance Declaration shallnot terminate. Each Oyner shall be entitleo to a share of the condemnation award to be determined as follows: (1) The respective anoungs allocated to the takrng ofor injury to a particular Unit and to the irnprovements an Owner has made within its own Unit shalL be apportioneo to that Unit involvedi and (2) The total amount of the awarci allocated to severance danages shall be apportioneo to that Unit which was not takenor condemned; and (3) The total amount al,located to consequential damagesshall be allocated on the basis of each &rnerrs Proportionate Share. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the allocation of condennation award is established by judicial decree, that judicial decree shallcontrol the allocation of condemnation award. -4- SECTION 8 COMPTIANCE WITH PROVISIONS OF DECLARATIONS Each Ovrner agrees to comply strictly with the provisions of thisParty Wafl and Comrnon Maintenance Declaration and the Declaration of Covenants and Restricrions for Casolar Vail, recorded February 7, L979in Book 281 at rage 634, as amended by instrument entitled nCorrection to First Supplement to Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Casolar Vail Recorded in Book 281 Page 634r recorded in Book 283 at Page 28J., as further amended by instrument entitled "First Amendment toDeclaration of Covenants and Rest,rictions anct Eirst Supplernent to Declaration of Covenants anci Restrictions for Casolar Vailr recorded in Book 328 at Page 408, all of the records of the Clerk and Recover of Eagle County, Colorado (collectively the 'Declarationsn). Fail-ure to comply with said Declarations shall be grounds for an action to recoversums due for damages or injunctive relief, or both, and for reimbursement of all attorneyst fees incurred in connection therewith. sEqrIoN 9 REVOCATION OR AI!{ENDI{ENT TO DECLARATION This Party Wall and Common Maintenance Declaration shall not berevoked or anendeo un1ess aLf of the Ovrners ancl all first lien Mortgagees consent and agree to such revocation or amendment, byinstrunent duly recorded. SECTION 10 PERIOD OF DECLARATION This Party Wall and Cornrnon llaintenance Declaration shallcontinue until the earlier of its revocation in the manner provided inSection t hereof or until terminated in the manner provided in Section7 hereof or twenty years from the date hereof. The Party WalI ano Common Maintenance Declaration shall be automatically renewed forsuccessj.ve twenty-year terms unless all Orners elect to terminate inthe manner provided in Section t hereof. SECTION 11 RESTRICT TVE COVENAI..ITS a. No building, struct,ures, or other i.mprovenents, otherthan the Building shall be erected on the Property except by agreement among all O{ners. b. No aninals, livestock, or poultry of any kino shall beraised, bred or kept on the Property, except that not nore than twodogsr cats or other household pets may be kept by each Onneri each ordner of a pet shall maintain strict control over its pet,, which shallnot be permitted to run at large on the Property. Each oluner of a petshall be fully liable for damage to the Property or Building caused by such pet. -5- c.shall be d. conducted No advertising signs,erected, placed or permitted to No business activities ofin the Building. unsightly object,s or nuisances remain on the Property. any kind ldhatsoever shalL be e.No nuisance shall be allowed on the Property, nor any use or practice which is the source of annoyance, or which interfereswith the peaceful enjoyment or possession and proper use of the Property by the other Owner. The Property sha1l be kept in a clean andsanitary condition, and no rubbish, refuse, or garbage shalL be al.]owedto accunulate. f. No immoral , inproper, offensive or unlawfuL use shall bepernitted or nade of the Property. The Owners shalL conply with alllaws, ordinances and regulations of all governmental bodies havingjurisdiction over the Property. S. No exterior additions to, alterations, or decoration ofthe Building, nor changes in color, exterior finish, fences, hedges,walls or roof shal1 be commenced or nai.ntained without the priorwritten approval of all Ovners. The conponents of the BuildingExterior of each of the Units shall be painted the same color. h. No commercial type vehicles, campers, trailers, boats,or recreational vehicles shall be stored on the Property except in theful1y encl"osed garage appurtenant to each Unit. i. Nothing shal1 be done or kept in any Unit or any part thereof, which would result in the cancellation of the insurance on theBuilding or any part thereof, or an increase in the rate of insurance. j. Without the prior written approval of the other Owner, no Owner may erect an external television, radio or other communication antenna, aerial or satellite dish of any kind. k. An Owner shall have the right to Lease its Unit only under the following conditions: (1) No Owner may lease less than its entire Unitt Q) All leases shall be in writingt and (3) All leases shall provide that the terms lease and the lessee's occupancy of the Unit shall be subject respects to the Declarations. of thein all -6- Notice from onemailed certified mail, follows: Owner Name, SECTION 12 NOTICE Ovrner to the other shall be inreturn receipt requestedr postage Lot 3-A: known, or Occupant, and address: writing andprepaid as of if 1175 Del Norte Drive, Unit A VaiL Colorado 81657 Owner of Lot, 3-B: Name, if known, or Occupant, and address: 1175 Del Norte Drive, Unit B Vail, Colorado 81657 SECTION 13 INSURANCE The Owner of each unit shaLl maint,ain in full force and effectat all Limes, fire and extended coverage insurance on its Unit. Theinsurance coverage shall be in a face amount equal to at least one hundred percent (100t) of the replacement value of the Unit. Insurancepolicies providing the coverage requireo by this section shall include an automatic escalation provision so that the coverage alvrays equals one hundred percent (1008) of the replacement value of the Unit. EachOlner shall also maintain in fu]I force and effect at all timestiability insurance in a face anount equal to at least $5001000.00. The O'tnrner of each Unit shall provide, at least annually, to the Ownerof the other Unit a certificate of insurance showing that such Ornerhas the required insurance in effect at all times. ALl- insurancepolicies hereunder shall require the insurance conpany to provide atleast 30 days prior written not,ice to the other Unit Ovrner before anyreduction in the amount of insurance or cancellation of the insurancecoverage. Any insurance proceeds shall be used to repair the inprovements on the Unit which have been danaged, and in the eventinsurance proceeds are not paid, the Ovrner of the danaged property shall accomplish reconstruction by using his or her own funds unless -7 - all of the Owners agree otherwise, or unless the danage rdas causedby the negligent act or omission of the other Unit Owner, his or heragents, tenants, guests or invitees, in which case said other Unit Owner shall accomplish reconstruction by using his or her own funds.The damaged portion of the inprovements shall be reconstructect to acondition at least the sane as the condition that existed prior to theoccurrence of the darnage. SE TION 14 MECHANICS LIENS Any work performed at the request of an Owner of either Lot 3-Aor Lot 3-B shall only give rise to a lien clain against that OwnerrsLot. Neither Owner shall have the right to conrract for work onthe Building Roof or Building Exterior which would give rise to a nechanj.crs Iien on the Property without the written consent of theother o\,tner. SECTION 15 GENERAL RULES OF LAW TO APPLY The general rules of Iaw regarding party vralls and liability forproperty danage due to negligence or willful acts or omissions shallapply to this Party WalI and Common Maintenance Declaration. SECTION 15 COVENANTS RUNNING I{ITH THE LAND This Party WalI and Connon ltlaintenance Declaration, and theeasenents hereby created, are and shall be construed as covenants running with the land and each and every person accepting a deed t,o aUnit shall be deemed to accept said deed with the understanding that each and every other purchaser is also bound by the provisions hereincontained and the easenents herein granted, and each and everypurchaser of a Lot, by accepting a deed to any Lot, shall thereby consent and agree to be bound by the covenants herein contained and theeasenents herein granted to the same ext,ent as though he or she hadsigned this instrunent. The undersigned, in executing and delivering deeds to the Lots, may insert into said conveyances by reference thatthe same are made subject to the terms, conditions, reservations and covenants contained in this document. IN WITNESS .WHEREOF, instrurnent this /A- day of Declarants have, L990. executed - 8- ARZANA RUCKER scRow ofFlcER laosE{t$nt r. rc.d w. Y.ll, Cg llltfril,.n* STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Subscribed and sworn STATE OF COLORADO, this I E day of Donald R. Gruidel and Linda L. Gruidel. My commission expires: \\ -;l \., *1 \Witness ny hand and official seal ( SeaI ) 1042:pwaO68 to before me rN THE couNTy oF \t.'\\u\ -Sr.-::::r-" u -1990, by ss. csz eI 6 EI pi g: ! d$ E -- s**._:.;ll_rcRT,oN TO BE OF LOT VACATED J grYEYn$ ctn F IC TEl. lrl|n T. Iclly. hftu . duly n.gl:trr.d Lmd $rvQotlr th. Strta ot Colordo, do hatrtbt cartlfy tn.t thl3 Lagal -ta- -srxo3torrt DRNE Jodt .r------,/ ,,//// t/ . ,/' '/' .,llv .2" --Y,/ - 9o',.'' €$,'.c)i".r,' / X-'X=Y?9\ i.,/ """).o{i',, / tl)Fffi---ad7;---}).otf It'o,.lnl rl---L'- -'.- :l \ .,t R' '-lolo zl ,/' ,/./.'. // LEGAL DEscRrPTroil - vACATED PARcEL /t A portion of lot 3, Casolar Va11, Tovn of Vail' Ea8l6 Coutttt, Colorado, beina mre particulsrly descrtbed as follovs: Cor@ncin8 at the 6ost northeasterly corner of casolar Vall on the cul-ds-sac of Sandston Drl've; thence S 64'18'41" E 67.89 fect to the Truc PoilS of 8e81!!ilt otr tha lJest llle of Lt 3i th.lce x 78047'69" E 30.00 foGt; thence ll 13'l2r1r" tl 10.0 feet to the corner of Lt 3; thence ll 76c47r49o E 3O.0O fect to th. eat lorth- rrcsterly cortrer of lot 3; theoce S 13o12'll" E 10.00 feet co tho True Poi.nt of B.81tuln8, cootal.ninS 3OO square feet, rcre or l.ss. LEGAL DEIiCRIPTIOII - ADDED PARCEL A portion of Ca3olar Vsll' Tovn of Vatl, Eagle Countt. Colorado' bein8 0016 parlicularly descrlb€d as follovsl CoGncinS at tha lost southlesterLy corncr of C63o1ar V6i1' Lot 3i Eh.rce Il 76'l.7r49i E along the southerlt lt'ne of Lt 3 8.00 feet to the True Poitrt of Eeti[nin8; th.ttc. cotttiDulns .1ong sald loutherly Urc I 76"47'49' E 44.00 fr.t; therce S 13"l2rll" E 6.00 fceti tbencc S 76'47i49i u 22.00 feet; theoce S 13"12'11" E 4.0O fect; chcnce S 76'47'49" E 22.00 feel; thcnce ll 13o12'11tr ll 10.00 flct to thc Truc Point of B.8ID[1.D8. coot ltri!8 352 squarc fett, Dr. ot leet' Th. B.sis of B.arlnS for Eh. rbote le8a1 deacrlDtlo! beina tl 88'17149" E bctce.n th. northarsterly corncr of C.sol6r vall o! the cul-de-sec of Sandstone Drlve and th. Southveat corn.t, Southcast one-quarte., Southe.et on.-quarter, Sectioo I' TovtrdliP 5 South 'Range 81 L.st p.r the recorded plat of Cs,solar Vail. LIT.E BEAFINOI 3A'OO'OO "|la N t3'le'11'{3 S 7t'47 ' 4e',r4 g r,s' ,,2' 11'Ee a 7f,' a7' ae'lto s 13'la't1'E7 I 7a'17'1e'rle N i3'1,2'tt'Ie st 7g' 17' 4e" ato N 13'la' 11'xt1 s' 13' tC'^L'e t,/ , ../' ( l/'/\ 1 ..t' \ I " Es'n .l I o!STANCeea.al 4, OOa.oo o. oo a?. oo a, oo 22.OO 10. oo 8, AO 10. oo c. oo lOllCE: Acco|{lng to Colordo l.r, you rrst cmnc! my legrl .ctlm brsad upon rny d.fcct In thls sunayrlthln thn. yr|B rftar you flrtt dlscov€r such d.fect. ln no of,tt. rjr any .ctloo brsad upo|r ruch dafact ln thl3 3urrat ba a(:ancad Frr tl|n t||| y.ar3 fi!| thad.t. of tha cartltlc.tior shdn harcon./ry|'u dl :tr F.o,!or( 9?8Arg\ca.CItraccla*Ete.g-to?a rago var\til ETFEC"L r(l\ r@.Ocr.rl Crn,'tl rri. l3(Etr a3e-ctG5 E!r--VTCANAN AND ADDINON LOT 3, cr'.fiLAR VAiL, TOVW tr VAIL, EAOLE @LNTY, COLORADC) n|tD aYr rioJari r. y 8OSJ S*-"- AJrc.-BlrEEi sn4laa*=-r.K-lu'20 n-il *ob, ff t -a CHAPMAN AND COMPANY. P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 143 EAST MEADOW DRTVE SUITE 498 vArL. COLOFADO 81657 I ^ ^i'IQ$f^nthctt''^,,q"t .,1P to\J'll,cil-'q/',, uo'"ppe i"r*,r'v13 tb-l r I' TELEPHONE: (303) 476-0075 TELECOPIEF: (303) a76-0078 BRUCE D, CHAPMAN' DIANE R, LARSEN OF COUNSEL EDMTJNO H. DRAGER, JR. 'Also admilted in Florida October 24, 1989 Ms. Kristin PritzOffice of Community Development Town of Vail75 South Frontage RoadVail OC 81657 Re:Lot 3, Casolar Vail Our File No. 1058.1 Dear Krlstln: I{e represent Ed and Don Gruider, the owners of Lot 3, casolar Vair.As you are aware, when the GruideLs were proceeding to obtain a duplexresubdivision, it was held up because the duprex constructed on Lot 3does not coincide exactly with the building envelope on the recordedplat for casolar vail. You advised the Gruidels that they needed todo a minor resubdivision replat of Lot 3 in order to correct thesituati.on. However, in working with rnterMountain Engineering inobtaining a replat of Lot 3, we were advised that because a replat ofLot 3 wirr conflict with t,he existing boundary lines of the commonarea as shown on the current prat for casolar vair r, it is necessaryto replat the entire casolar Vail r firing so that the common areaboundaries would be correct. Accordlng to rnterMountain Engineerlng,Section 38-51 -1 02(1) (a) C.R.S. reguires that all land survey platsinclude a scale drawing of the boundaries of the land parcel andsection 3B-51 -102 11)(k) requires that the plat include any conflictingboundary evi-dence. A replat of Lot 3 showing the revised boundarylines will directly confllct with the plat for Casolar Vail I unlesscasolar Vair r is also repratted to show the new boundary lines forthe common area for Casolar VaiI once Lot 3 is replatted. rn my opinion, a better vray of accomplishing the same objective andavoid replattlng the entire Casolar Vail I and the expense associatedwith such an endeavor, would be to amend the Declaratlons for CasolarVail to permit existing encroachments of structures onto the commonarea. As you are probably aware, this is a very common provision inmost declarations, especially where a subdivision is deslgned to bebuilt using building envelopes.In fact, when I reviewed theDeclarations for casol-ar vail, r was guite surprlsed to see that noeasement for encroachments existed in the originar Declarations. '"-'({'ft' Ms. Kristin Pritz october 24, 1989 Page Two I have spoken at length with Arlene Montag of Land ritle Guarantee Company to find a simple and relatively inexpensive solution to the Gruidelrs problem. When I suggested to her an amendment to the declaratj-ons which would essentially approve any exlsting encroachments, she discussed it with Land Title's attorneys in Denver. Her attorneys lndicated to her that they had no problem at all with the proposed amendment and that in fact, the very same thj.ng we are suggesting is done all the time in Denver. Based upon her attorney's advice, Arlene has indicated that once the amendment has been appropriately approved, she will not have a problem signing off on theGruidel's duplex replat. According to the Casolar Vail Declarations, 1n order to amend the Declarations to approve existing encroachmentsn the approvaL of 754 of the owners must be obtained. I called you the other day to seek your approval to proceed in the manner outlined in this letter. You reguested that I set forth our proposal in writing in order that you may have the Town attorney, Larry Eskwith, review the proposal. The Casolar Vail homeowners are having their annual meeting on November 24, 1989. The proposed amendment is being sent out to the owners as part of the proxy materials for the annual meetlng in orderthat they may consider our proposal and be prepared to vote on the amendment at the homeowners' meeting. Enclosed is a copy of the proposed amendment for your consideration. We ask that you expedite, as much as possible, the review of thls proposal by the Town. Pleasecall me if you have any questions or if T may supply anything to you that will aid in vour review. Very Truly Yours, CHAP}IAN AND COMPANY, P.C. <4"*-"''- Diane R. Larsen DRL/r1p 1Q4221t1068 xc:Don Gruidel day SECOND AMENDMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AND FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRTCTIONS FOR CASOLAR VAII THIS SECOND AMENDMENT is nade and executed as of the, 1989. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for CasoLar Vail and the First Supplement to Declaration of Covenants andRestrictions for Casolar Vail (hereinafter collectively referred asthe "Declaration") lrere recorded on February 7, 1979 in Book 281 atPage 634 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado; and WHEREAS, the undersigned being the President of Casolar DelNorte Home Owners Association, certifies that the owners of lots incasorar vail r and casolar Vair rr and constituting not less than 75tof the votlng membership of Casolar Del Norte Home OwnersAssociation, desire to amend the Declaration as hereinafter setforth; NOW, THEREFORE, the Declaration is hereby amended as follows: Article IX of the Declaration is hereby amended by theaddition of the following section 8 at the end of section 7 thereof: "Section 8. Easements for Encroachments. Easements forencroachments which exist on the date of this amendment between Lotsor structures and portions of the common Area sha1l be as follows: (a) In favor of all Owners so that same shall have nolegal liability if any part of the Common Area encroachesupon a Lot or Structure. (b) In favor of the O$rner of each Lot or Structure so thatsame shall have no legal liability if any part of his Lot orStructure encroaches upon the Common Area or upon anotherLot. (c) In favor of all Owners, the Association, and the Ownerof any encroaching Lot or Structure for the maintenance andrepair of such encroachments existing on the date hereof. (d) Such encroachments shall not be considered to beencumbrances either on the Common Area or any Lot. t, -1 COUNTY OF Except as set forth hereinabove, the Declaratl.on ls hereby ratified and affirmed. CASOLAR DEL NORTE HOME OIINERS ASSOCIATION By: President STATE OF COI,ORADO }) ss. ) Subscribed and slrorn to before me IN THE COUNTY OF -t , 1ggg, bySTATE oF COLORADo, thls day of Casolar DeI Norte Ilomeowners Assoclation, by as lts Presldent. My commlsslon expires: Witness ny hand and offlcial seal ( seal ) 1042:amnd57 Notary Address: csz o ) 7,) CHAPMAN AND COMPANY, P.C. ATTOFINEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 143 EAST MEAOOW DFIVE SUTE 498 vArL, COLOBADO 81657 BRUCE D, CHAPMAN' DIANE R LARSEN OF COUNSEL EDMUNO H. ORAGER, JR. ^Also admitted in Florida December 15, 1989 TELEPHONET (303) 476-0075 TELECOPIER: (303) 475-0078 E_t.N. 84-1r04400 Larry Eskwith, Esg. Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vall CO 81657 Re: Casolar VaiI and Gruidel Duplex Subdivision Our FiIe No. 1068.1 Dear lJarry: At our last meeting we discussed the problems that Don Gruidel is facing with regard to the resubdivision of his duplex. We pointed out to you a tetter in the Town's files from James A. Rubin dated June 28, 1979 which indlcates that since at least 1979 ' it has been contemplated by the Town of Vail that a replat of the entire subdivision reflecting as-built building envelopes would await the subdivision being built out. The letter clearly states that thepurpose is to avoid having to amend the plat numerous tj-mes for desired changes in the orientation of the envelopes or for existing or future construction which extends beyond the exact boundaries of the envelopes. Based on this, we have reguested that the Gruidels be allowed to subdivide their duplex without amending the plat for the entire Casolar Vail subdivision. It was my understanding that at our meeting we reached the conclusj-on that if we could satisfy you that we had the consent of the owner(s) of the Casolar Vail common area, in which the Gruidel's unit encroaches, we could proceed with the minor subdivision of the duplex. The common area was deeded to the Casolar Del Norte Homeownerrs Association ("Association") by the developers, Dean L,. Knox and Leol Payne, by General Warranty Deed recorded June 1, 1981 in Book 323 atf Page 863 of the Eagle County Records. Enclosed for your review are copies of the recently adopted Second Amendment to the Declaration, which permits existlng encroachnents, and a copy of the Minutes of the Annual Homeowner's Meeting on November 24, 1989, at which the Second Amendment was approved by at least 75t of the homeov/ners, whlch is the reguisite percentage under the declaration for amending the declaration. Larry Eskwlth, Esq. December 14, 1989 Page Tr,fo rf the authorization of encroachments is deemed to be a transfer orconveyance of the common area, the Casolar Vall Declaration providesln Article vrrr, sectj.on 4, that the Assoclation cannot encumber, sellor transfer the common properties without the prior written approvalof 75t of the owners. Again, the amendment granting the encroachmentvtas approved by at least 75t of the homeo$rners at the Annual Meeting.r have confirmed with the president of the Association that t[eAssociation will sign on the minor subdlvlsion plat as or,irner of thecommon area. we have not enclosed a copy of the Declarations forcasolar vail as they are contalned in the Town's file on the casolarSubdivision. At our meeting, you had arso reguested that r set forth in wrtting theAssociationrs wirlingness to address the issue of replatting theentire subdivision. ,Iack Agee who is the president of the Associationrepresented to ne thatiThfuoclatton realizes that this wtll be acontinuing probrem and once the subdivision is buirt out, the entiresubdivision needs to be replatted. We hope the information contalned in this letter will enable the Townto approve the proposed subdivision of Mr. Gruidelts duplex withoutrequiring that the entire subdivlslon be replatted at this tlme at theexpense of one homeowner when in fact it should be an expense whichall homeo$rners in the subdivision bear. Very Truly Yours, ANY, P.C. BDC: DRL: rlp enclosures 1042 z lt1 068 O, CASOLAR HOHEOI{NERS ASSOCIATION .. A]{NUAL I,IEETING The 1989 snnual stockholdors oeetlng of the Casolar Homoownsrs ilioi.-ror'r,"io ut liriii-i.i. e! 1l48-san<rstorre Dr. ln Vall co. on November 24' 1989' The meetine vas called to order by Jack Agee' r!9 flrsl gftl of buslnsss vlas to oet"i"fn" if u quorum ex-lsted' It Has determ'lned ln"i eo-oi the 30 votes rter€ represented ln person or by proxy thus constltutlng the requlred number' The second order of buslness Yas tho electlon of dlrectors' it-wi"-irlsested that to enhanco owner lnvolvement ln the ;;n;;;r;;;-procet" ttat-tne number of dlrsctors bs lncreased fromflvetogeven,Itwassomovec'byDonGruldelandlll"ni"i-oi-curtts tanory. The moilon pdssed unanlmously. fhe floor Has op8ned for nomlnatlons' Those nomlnatod Yore ilrr' ir"lri, ot"g Hanpden, Ed Gruldel,- l'tarty Rubent!6ll'. c,j"iti-liiiiv ani Saniord-Green. It should be noted that iiii,-ciii-aia-'sanroro yere elected inabsrenHa. BilI anrt Ci"s'niO indtcated to other oHners that they rrould be r'llllng io !.i"",-but coutd not attend the neetlng. sanford had not Oien usf<ia, and his nomlnatlon and elect'lon ar€ contlng€nt upgn ii""uii.ptinoe. Th€ nominees vere unanimously approved' The next order Of uuslnlss yas the treasurers report, Presented by Chr'ls Neush'angort a copy of Hhlch le attach€'d' It tfas 'novedOi iJrtis tandry-and seconieO by Don crulde1 that the report be atcepted. It vas unanlmously accepted. The next ord€r of business was conslderatlon of ths proposed inrinl"ent to the homeown€rs assoclatlon declarat'lons r€gardlng;ioltriiition; of exlstlng encroachments from'lndivldual Outloing envelopes onto the connon area' It ls unclear at itii tiie if tnb Town of Vall and the tltle lnsurance companies wttt accept thls 8s a solutlon to our problems' Hob,evor' all pirtf"i u'r'ged that as tle only meet once I year that th'16-be. 'oresented [o the ogners. It ls pcsslble that the Town of Vall iliii iiqurre us to replat the subdlvlsion to meet current iequtrements. Thls lnfllcts a sllght "cloud* on all tltles in'the subdlvlslon, and must be resolved. It xas moved by Ktt Hllllams and seconded by chrts Neusvanger that the atnendment be ipFroveo as Yrltten. TherE were three dlssentlng Proxy votes iiom scott l{clntyre' but the arnendment passed 23 to 3' It should be not€d thai Hr. Hctntyre obJected not 1n prlnclple to tne amendment, but rather that lt dld not 91vs the. board iny-po*ei" to Oeif wlth future encroachments that mlght oocur. It vas then suggssted that the owners aulhor1l1 the board Oiriiiors-io tuf6-'"ny approprlat€ action" to 9et thls niatter resolved. flotlon Has made by y,arLy nuOensil and socondedby Don Gruldel. The next order of buslness yae dlscusslon of the dueg structure.It ras declded to keep the dues at the extsilng level. Thenot{on to do so yas nade by Chrls I,leuswanger and s€cond€d byCurtls landry. Th€ noilon passed 2g to 1 r{lth Sanford Green dlssentlng by Proxy. The next order of buslness vas dlscussJon of contlnuatlon of thetrash servlce as 'tt ls now. tt was Dovgd by chrts and secondedby Curtts that lt be done. The noilon carrled ylthout dtssenslon. The landscapo progrsm Has dlscussed. tt vas declded to referth'ls rnatter to the bosrd and landscape cormtttse. It yas noted that the board should rnake an effort to contact adJacentgroperty oHners regardlng thlstle control, and to aetermine ifVall has a ueed oontrol ordlnance that fiight be effectlve. There Bas also dlscusslon regardlng the proposal by ChrlsNeusranger to manage the assoclailon for $400/no.- CurtisLandry 'tndlcated that Greg Hampden Hould do lt for E|S/no,It t{as declded that the hatter should be refered to thoEoard of Dlrectors for a declslon. A motlon lras made to adJourn the rneefing by l.larty Rubenstelnand seconded by Chrls Neusranger. The mofion cairled. Respectful ly submttted, cA-ah Chrls Neusranger o o - SECOND AMENDMENi TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AND FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS TOR CASOLAR VATI, THIS SECOND AMENDMENT is made and executed as of the lst 1989. WITNESSETH: day Decelrber , WHEREAS, the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Casolar Vail and the First Supplement to Declaration of Covenants andRestrictions for Casolar Vail (hereinafter collectively referred asthe "Declaration") were recorded on February 7, 1979 in Book 281 at Page 634 of the records of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado; and WHEREAS, the undersigned being the President of Casolar DelNorte Home Owners Association, certifies that the owners of lots i.nCasolar VaiI I and Casolar VaiI II and constituting not less than 75tof the voting membership of Casolar Del Norte Home OwnersAssoci.ation, desire to amend the Declaration as hereinafter setforth; NOVI , THEREFORE, the Declaration is hereby amended as follows: Articl-e IX of the Declaration is hereby amended by theaddition of the folrowing section 8 at the end of section 7 thereof: "Secti.on 8. Easements for Encroachments. Easements for encroachments which ex dment between Lotsor Structures and portions of the Common Area shall be as follows: (a) In favor of all Owners so that same shall have nolegal liability if any part of the Common Area encroachesupon a Lot or Structure. (b) In favor of the Owner of each Lot or Structure so thatsame shall have no lega1 liability if any part of his tot orStructure encroaches upon the Common Area or upon anotherLot. (c) In favor of all owners, the Association, and the Ownerof any encroaching Lot or Structure for the maintenance andrepair of such encroachments existing on the date hereof. (d) Such encroachments shall not be considered to beencumbrances either on the Common Area or any Lot. tr -1- O Except as set forth ratifled and affirmed. o hereinabbve, the Declaration is hereby CASOLAR DEI, NORTE HOI'IE OIINERS ASSOCIATTON STATE OF COLORADO }) ss' COUNTY OF gL plsO ! Subscribed and sltorn to before me IN THE COUNTY OF STATE OF COLoRADo, thLs lst daY of casPleT, Del Norte Homeowners Association, as lts Pr€sldent. l,!y conqlission expires: 2126192 witneb3 ;ny\hirna and offlclal seal tj"'' rr ) \ ( SeaI ) 1042:amnd67 EL PASO ,, lggg, by Jack K. Agee Notary Address: 512 South 8th Street CSZ Colo. SPrings' C0 80905 -2- (\ + @ @ ch rn >r F) trr .A 2 rl I rHl l-1,,,.,., ^.trlEi l6 lo. frl II z, iBrl1iIt I'r,o L,e tE rSI:, lFl(,ft 1.2 i:E rE rEE{ lolo tzf= 17 aoo O't ln I Ff b U) Hxx z |1 I lfrgt9E t=@ t-Et6o lrNIF ** =)lF Ed3€)r ; l'15gYbg il"' ESIE oog_ !d-.-\ €.-r;o\o ir.s+1,!t = , <'6J-: E at-e 5 .1Y o { ,r io v urB:b- Fr ro ll(' al Ii =ll.9 Zlla ffti- Fll Iot I iEgg EgE: € EE:9 ;EiE.lo5o !EEF EE 3E Else cL 6 cL-SEieo!-o-ors€e€ EftE - o..li o oo'-EE=|t)u' a' oi.9gE55 E g;; *ffi eEgg - o 6: NN C! + (t u, IJJl! F =E UJ o- J FoF Yeot Ev:F *fio4p H =>E -r(v)ltu(S =lDol zz Fo- AxfzF9 0 .to5b<)2u-<o1 i-o>()i-o;nj I uJE -z Eo z E UJF .. >lo UJ l,r.l uJzo = E UJ J zo E aFz. 9z -iF IoBtr xlrlltlA FlF] l-{;l (J ui =z co H Eo E c!rn (f)r\ Jr'lAH!aA.1 q fldcl 1|rIE 4 Nfa6l I c.if.if i o- C) & Ff - x F.r d (t) rl]E h C'zHzB Fl I\o '-{ zlolHI5l r-, IxlFIr/) |zlolC)l IF] IrdtAIt{lpldl(jl I ,{l IEq B.l Hl IHt I(.)t|l Ipt | |p4l\o IHl-r I(,tl-r IztlRt I-tl Jglel dl El "'l!:t Jl"l elqa tzl HFI 6P t -rO<F(ts()uJ<zEIIJ FtnZoo gF 33 ]Fd5 o2 F =e, uJo I t t htr cE uJo.l!oEE9ZE<clf€fre9!kae'Er =>E dtrE FE: =o-E 8b9 iurE XO-E ;Tau{€o= IJJ --- z ,rPzz 60 =z a-,P ifi ?E= - ir 4 ;TE 668 FE (\+ a'')c)o $ UJF g) .oo-zo F TL uJY uJo oF F G uJo-€ l! @lo3l o- .lo col ?:lr<lgtrbEzo E =E, lrJ o-zo F C) :]E 6zoo ^cr40 r co +j:< .n:(J ElH .!.-tFcLoo-x<o lJ- tFr cnvc .'E E,Otl- r,a E|lt c)o+)E(U EF (J El E()IolLIFI*ol L(,l3tlt-l ,:l t 4 0 o s t-, t ffi tj,ttJq, v,: o o lolIIFlzloto IIGo gJz3vcr tt u,oz,:,3 !rv EEz^ YZo< x >< .,o oFEo :o ;8,! 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Es *l lr- = ^l (,l uJ F z tr l=ll I l*ll IlYll 9tltzl^ll >lllz 3ll k 3il g Filr<ll I^ll o -lll6ll I;fl |<tlc( ll !aLull =Fll z ll,"ll3I tJl<t>t;l-tlil.l.ru lo?l:r toc i+|r.l ctlzl t lurI tqI t>ll'rl It...17 zl lo ?18ol3Ilsl2lca "i 'l IuJ -18lvl .d &l ot<stdltt!)lIoF uJ "ll 6dl =.\lt\ ir.| =lF i#ll " lu,|-tt<Xl3 otFt ll ll 6 -l'l:1" cll :'Fll F ;l3l*rr F.=E L.ro- \ ^(5, /'= a--) J*(E .-JCEc-.-Ao\v.'l- ctlr,ot! tJ.l =u tt,t*o<5a z, l x= ;=9dF lr.o-u, r! tr F' cl o E ul-\_rLlo'pli{()vl6\I rnl LltFgroEZo >< a zg9 =<coO =zD>d9 ."i5 =87 -l ir.r' =qW WK' N{ \'lf rlt!,l-, UF' 5tct? t:lil lY rllotz ;.\ J Jt! X r)J\ F} Jt,oiqo UJ =z fl fl3lolFI -t \l Oo I n'J++I l t an a,.' I ,lJ idgarrr H HJr I I I I I cil ;l 5l <l>l ltlol Zl ,,i3t :ol uJ FI F =tr <c) EE Eu,z =o |.L ll Jttd9 ll 59g3 ll f;33= ilr F(J uJ =:E() gF g3 d6o 6F =3g6 c IJ.,I4tFt-Oz <xx x >< aa=<c UuaL\,/ ll.ao EE UF^ S €56lr! o :=F'F(E .= UJ =sffstr=-r LE=,-'=odul;e= d EEo= a:-ru 3 :H i UJE*F *8Hq * 3<=-r.lE =uJ-oip *F** -et F E E,lrlo-zoF(JfEF(t,zo(J luttn 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7qD departmont of public works/transportatlon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: In suuuary, Ordinance No. 6 states that 1t ls unlawful for any person tolltter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrls or material, includlng trash dumpsters, portable toiLets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or public place or any portion thereof. The rlght-of-way on all Town of Vail streets and roads ls approximately 5 ft. off pavement. Thls ordinance will be strlctly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Departnent. Persons found violating thls ordinance will be given 24-hour wriEten nocice to remove said naterial. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notlce withln the 24-hour tine specified, the Public Works Departnent q7111 remove saLd materlal aE the expense of personnotifled. The provisJ,ons of this ordinance shall not be appllcable to constructlon, malntenance or repair projects of any street or a1ley or anyutllitles ln the right-of-way. To revlew 0rdinance No. 6 ln fu1l, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department to obtal-n a copy. Thank you for your cooperation ln this matter. Read and Acknowledged by: a/a / rY Dat e VAIL1989 MN'OMNDI]M AIL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED I.TITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARIMENT UARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 u,o J ul o I z () = o '=E9aa:riEEi:;ti;€ at.!.1..!iiiii? = a z:a t 7 2;- i 7=-7ar=i;; i i lI E E€ sl l: 2 i 1= i=iiiiiiE i.! ..8 i E ii:.i! --, ?: t e- =;.i i E 5 :iizTyZ *i i;;?t g\ @('\ rn(\I tsU' (J Hvt T{()AHx r.r)zoH Ff tag1 & Ff l-a & 3o(t) c) (vt tsoFl t4 H t{F z FlT{ rnr\ '; ; U F Nl.itl I dz E o! = & e r-{tsztd H(A (J Blr]z X FfF ]I1AH &(t z laF.urHoi- LJ ,,, v >zzqs< 3dz ;r' r- -z'vf=i tsEt =Q11 lrJ \/- o< '.F-tr2Z(rxL! \ -'.1 <(=KJ F- .Jozhca or z3I-F- t{J <!9iF<}io;<l=z>h><-P ?Eu.rXq.Ix Fr rJ\,,,' I{ a I lr. *.1ilto> -J, (/) IJ€eu3 HF:X!/Fnv l{ r'r Cl iFZU.-ff;RDosxH -t-YlitrttFU>F- +fFrt6. F +0ha *6r FR ttlF -aff-a -f.il- H -F -a.F) EF t{-l f?.l\s7 F -F€IF? trl|e :nLIa-ara *Fl?LILf 6't\{i7 l{-l 11 A.rFt Ef-l IPiF. .lJthrhA.e !0