HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 5 PHASE 1 GENERAL LEGAL/t_2 Project Applicatlon Date Project Name: ( 4< €/ El < " Project Descrip rron, 4"//EX ,t/E/J contact person and ph"* ,(f// /44fl81/9 y'26 bA L6 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot f , Block Comments: DISAPPROVAL4-- lLt r Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL ( /sr oo ZONE CIIECK Legal Description: 0uner for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Block Fil in R. SFR QsL -+f,t , . R, t Architect Zone District Proposed Use ,iLot Area -- eight Atlorred 30j proposej Setbacks : Front-Requiied-20i'-"Prolibsed It-.OtA4' Sides-Required .|5. proposed Rear -Required '15' proposed . llaterccurse-required _ proposed GRFA: GRFA: Ai'loned Primary Secondary Proposed Allovred lelO Primrry Propcsed (cl OA'nor,red- (b1 o secondaryproposed (7c- _ A'noived B& Eatrt --__ proposect - Required Requi red Site Coverage: Landscaping: Park ing : S).ope Propos cd Propc:.ed Actual @< Drive: Slope permitted Ent''ironnicn tal /lla za rds : . Av.l'l anche Fl ood P'i a in Corrncnts: 7c:r'lnl : /:1ry1.ot,l.l,/J) i.r.1 grs>pp,,lrti Ditl: t:'r' fuuL Legal Orner Zone Distnict z0NE cilrcK forR, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS { Description: Lot Bl ock Fil ing Architcct Lot Area Setbacks:Fron t-Requ i i; d 20 r'--profiose d Sides-Required'15' proposed Rear -RequireC '15, proposed hra terccu r.sc-requ i re d Proposed GRFA: Al'lor,red GRFA: Primary Al lor,red Sccondary A1'lowed Site Coverage: Alloived Landscaping: Required Parl'.irrg:Requirecl Dril'e; Slope pernitted Env j ronrnen tal /lla za rds : . Ava I anche Flood P'iain 'Slope Tclr i Proposed lt4 -Primnry Propcsed Secondary Proposcd | 917 _ Slope Proposed Proposcd Propt: ed Actual y'*r* Proposed Use ,_Hei ght A'l I or.red 3f , proposed 89t /l1r1i:'p1',',D.it c. : rtgawtt ffire f)t_oa, &.UIT-d&. \.t .LISl'OF l',!A'I'liRIAI,S JaL /3.r/tatfis Estti. l) I .rAl"fE 0I I'IIOJIjCT /,,L r/sulz L FII,INGLDCAL DISCIIIP'I'ION: LOT_j_BL0CK DESCRIPTION OF PRO'ECT Tlte following inforlnirtion is Board before a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Itindows l'lindow Trin Doors Door Trint llenC or.' Llccl'. P.ails Flues Ijlashings Chinneys Trash lirrcl osures Grc:enltou s e s Other PI,AiIT i!\'I'D}IIALS (Vegctative, Landscaping Ilot.an i.ca I l'lame JO-xr-rr=EQiB-.z_Htr'.JeNg(S -- . --Pq|I'=€aJabJ"a q€l..!suliIpleNl.tr_.€_B_us 5\/ ^,PiibE lC,A.RRJS ---At=Y*:vS- Lor'l lct:R,\TArr.-in,9rt(A ac>-.'Jr-,Lra -.--I€,ga\!J L€r Q-€5 T)i.EA --Paufi-JJEN:?-----.NEP€'rAgiz€eA€€A-- .fA llttfzhl1>t/7)2/L ----*uW ?>//71t7't l2tfrt required for subnri.ttal by the applicant to the Dcsign Rcview can be I iven: Type of l'l.atgrial Color 7'l -l//N,LL--{Lla-- Kt3lana rJ - -- -*--t47/n€.n/ 7L/6''7 ?- B. !.ia.t er j als :incluclitrg 'Irees, Slrrubs, !o*1q",:.-tlgtlg .Qaq1!:!y- PFITZ€RJ\r\rtP€R *}}?--*lr= co_ -5so:srF-€E-RY---. - . -Ae jji=Y.3lrel<LF* -- - r - ^--..._zfF!-.=J.)_! 1r-:r- , ,- n ---,\./-l:Ii::-:/g- --G!er"run--J:lll-- and Ground Cover) Sizc 4 CEfaAgr-tr-)M .-__.:rP_t'J\FN-rasa---E!Ss\\L_ri$-:Su MMaR. qeA6*' .NNx l$r.i/-..-...-F!c!\t€r',i, Ft>il -,F.+.'.,\JER-- 3',tx.ss .Af;. . R€ Q'r: N.k:re ; LA}t)O€r}.,eruq Tb 6cc-UR Wt'i-A-(Fl 15 a--F Ti:\jr,rDA-r-lc)N, \5' Ak?ouNbFsrjta:urtsr r-qi. t -, |'r.v/L &oftqt K!8.- ca '4 ' - gtz) 77//-74{z OITTEII LANDSCAPE F o EATUITI!S o Please sPccifY.(Retaining l{alls,Fenccs, Swimning Pools, etc') "nf ,>u AMOUNT PNEMIUM owNER EI30.000-0o t38q^qo HORTGAGE$ 6q,nno-oo t ?n-nnCecil llatthews 512 South 8th Street Colorado Springs, COIJORADO Your Reference Rickman ADDITIONALCHARGES COST OF TAX CENTIFICATE SURVEY COSTSI 80905 s_$ q.-oo TOTALST $- CC's To: TA Vai1,/Sandy Hochstadt et al-,/Denver No.4105021 c Sheet 1 of 4 COMITITMANT T{O INSURE Transamerica Title Insurance Company, a Californil corBoration, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identifed in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed insured namcd in Schedule A, as owner or mort3rgec of thc cstrtc or interest covercd hcrcby in thc land describcd or rctcrr',cd to in Schcdulc A, upon pcymcnt of thc pnmiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisioars of Schcdules A and B and to the conditic.ns end stlpule- tions shown on the inside of the cover. CustomerCon1".l. Sgndy 9apelrl/BLH Jill Childress The effective date of this commitment ir At which time fee title wrs vested in: aurHottttt 3lcl{arull , lgPI .6 8 :00A A. PATRICIA D. RICKMAN SCHEDULE A 1. Policies to be issued: (A) Owners': By June 18 CECIL MATTHEWS and JACK K. (B) Mortgagee's: PATRICIA D. RICKMAN AGEE ForD No. O.lat.l Bw, ?-l-?C aI05021 Sheet 2 of 1 0cf,IDItLI A-Continucd 2. Cov.riry the I,rnd in thc Strtc of Cohrrdo, Oounty ot Eagle Dercribcd lr: Site 5, CASOLAR VAIL,a Resubdtvlgion of, Lots A-E and A-9, Block A LIONS RIDGIE STTBDIVISION lbr lb O.llll . {105021 Shcct 3 of { SCIIEDIILE A-Continued IEqT'IaEilENTS & The foUowing rre t&e rtquirunmb to be conplflcd rith prior to the irsurncc of aeid poltcy or polhic. Anyothelurtmmotruoldodrubrrqucut tothc detr bcnolmrytppGrrer rn cxcagdon unda gahaduh B of thc po[cy tobc buGA Ulhr ot[.ff]ro rotcd,rlldocumcuh nud bo noordod in thcoficc olclcrk end rccorder of tbc couty b vhi'S rrid prcfcrty tu locrtcd. A. Deed fron PABRICIA D. RICXI,|II|tO CECIL TIATIPHE9IS ANd JACK K. AGEE B. Deed of Trust froB : CECIL I{AIAHEWS and iIACK I(.AGEEto the Publtc Trurtoc of thc County of Eaglcfor tlre uae of : PAIRICIA D. RICKT{ANto lecurc : 1651000.00 tllrL.O.r{|J 410502r Sheet 4 of SCHEDULD B THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED IIEBDUNDER WILL NOT INSURE AGAINST: I'. Rights or claims of perties in pocsession not shown by thc public records. 2. Easements, or chiml of clremcnts, not rhoru by thc public rccords. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundrry lincs, shortr3e in lrct, encrolchmcnts, end eny frcts which e conect survey and inspcction of thc prcmiscr vould disclosc end vhich rrc not chora by tJrc prblic records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, lebor, or meteriel heretoforc or hereefter furnishcd' irn- posed by law snd not shown by the public rccordr. 5, Taxes due and payable; and any tax, specirl lsscssmcnts, charge or licn imposcd for wltcr or rcrcr service, or for any other special ta:<ing dirtrict. 5. Right of the Proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and renove his ore therefrom, should the same be found to Penetrate or' intersect the prenises hereby granted, and Riqht of way for Ditches and Canals constructid Uy the authority of the United States as reserved in United Stales Patents recorded in Book 93 at Page 15 and 30I. 7. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race' cglor, religion, oi national origin, as contained in instrument recoriled Juiy 25 , 1969, in Book 215 at Page 549, and lrst Amend ment thereto recorded December 2, L97O in tsook 219 at Paqe 235. 8. Utility and Drainaqeof said Subdivision. Easements as shown or described on the Plat 9. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter cl-ause, but omitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religion, or nationil origin, as contained in inst.rumenL recorded Febrriary'7, 1979 ln Sook 2gt at page 634, and in correction to First Sirppiement recorded l.larch 2i, 1979 in Book 283 at Page 281. 19. Easement and right of way for sewer line purposes qrantcd to Stewart H. Brown and Deane L. Knox and Leo Payne by in instrument, recorded Junc 25, 1979 in Book 287 at Pagc 34I' II. Easement and right of way to construct, reconstruct, rcpair, change, enlarge, rephase, operate and maintain an underground electric transmission or distribution linc, grantcd to HOLY CROSS EIECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., by CASOLAR VAIL by in3trurnent recordcd September27, L978 in Book 275 at Page 834In so far as it may affect subject property. o I frra No. C.l{t.{ B.v. a-!&?t UTTLTTY LOCATION vERrFrcirlqtp SUBDIViSION The location of utilities' whether they be tl{'t"111I lines or proposccl lincs, mrst be approved and r""irjux'i'y ii.'?oiro*ing utilities for tne acc-onPanYing site PIan' JOB NAIIE tm--5-.sL0cK-----JF rLtNG- z4SAt'14' uAtz / ADDRESS,,.r I Authorized ''.t-n ' E12 / 4:it '- i .:: l-i t)7) r.t4 - 57/4 Itt 'tl|'' at' ,|fl t t'l,n( ltY6th04 : ,,2,( 'r2?? llountain BeIl ' lfestern $loPe Gas Date 5-rt-Ul &, 6-tr-77-61-/ G-//-ft Public Senrice ConPanY Holy Cross Electlic Assoc' Vail Cable T.V. Uooer Eagle ValteY Water:-"ita s"nitation District NOTE:These verifi.cations do not rel.ieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Petnit fron the Torcn of Vail, Departnent of Public l{orks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or casenent in the Town of Vail' A building pemit is not a street cut perrnit' A street cut peflLit rrust be obtained seParatelY' Ttris form i.s to verify servicc av*i1ab1ity and lr'c;Ltion' This shoulrl be used in conjunction r*ith prepariirg your utility platr and sclteduling installations' t ...,f .{NME O[: PROJICT 'L FILINGLl:cAL IJISCRIp'IIoN: LOrS__nr,OCr DESCRIPT1ON OF PRO'ECT Ihe following infornration is required for submittal by the applicant to the Dcsign Rcview Board before a final approVal can be givenl A. BUILDING MATERIALS Tyle of Material Cglor. ' Roof Siding Othcr l'lall Material s Fascia Soffits l{indows Window Trim Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flasbings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Grcrenhous es Other PI,ANT I''TAT'ERIAI,S (Vegctative, Landscaping Botan i-c.a I Na:ne IO-I+IFEE'E-Z:_Hln_jsNStS___PF:t-rz€fuANA. ecP..\Ju5€ru$'-E€B-us 5Y lv\PHt>ii t<,ARRJS..-4tr!=!):-*_----..-- L,irlrl t. =RA-12.F-raB.J-94_----'l:cj:-' I r-_L:.; -_Teg A9!€1_P€5 Ptl5L-_Ei!*i_€,Na____N€P€TA __s5l_i4:eAcEa_. cs._.1..Jl-t uM _. .:IQ.r..i_e r.J.b.sa _ i.t) /,t/.r) Sre rtr'fZtrlzLli/ a,/7/l/ L 6/r?tr -. - - f(€a, 4/t7t:"gaLnE ,r3/-''alZf B. l.ia-t er j a 1s inc lu ding ggl"-ille!9 PFITZ€R, 'I'rees, Slirubs , and .ganli!::v. Ground Cover) Sizc JUNrP€R J>oa=\AJoc,b *-Sasre*e-eR-Y--- ..__tla!- jEl_6_u_el&F-.. EFA;a..T4Jx F*Sa'sp --Nlt.g. - -Fiqp\^rgR": F?>B -.E€-\,sL€9'_' otes -A3*- Ree'b lt.k=L€ : LAuo5..aerxlG -ia oe F()uLlbA-no|.J. \N r,i_H'rN /r/ab? .. &/,i{ - Oc-c- UR l?) €T- ATURIiS swinming Pools, u."'1 Qtuose spccify'OTHEIT LANDSCAPE (Retaining lfalls' I I i t- t suBDrvtsroN Li/lt ,4/D-tf ,4{ S/"8 aF JOR NAME ,L/- UKl f-''tt/ Ft sL aag LOT_ <-____---:qL0cK t,w lMqhbl / ,Zt Mountai-n Bell - l\'estern SloPe Gas 7- gr2/ Public Service ConPanY r '. i':3 Holy Cross Electric Assoc' | :;:; Vail Cable T'V' UPPer Eagle ValleY ltlater'- 5771 aird sanitation District lines or ProPosedutilities for the F IL ING The location of utilities, whetheT !h-uyi;;";: tnust be approved and verified bv acconpanYing site Plan' be main trunk the following Date e.,- rr - Vl 6J/t/ 6-tr-y7-qc-/ C.,-u-r/ L"fi NOTE: These verificatjons do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Pertnit fron tlte Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitylocatiorlsbeforedigginginanypublicright- of-rvay or casetnent in the Town of VaiI' A building Pefinit is not a strcet cut pernit-' A street cut pernit must be obtainec seParately ' This forn is to ver-ify servicc availablity and lr'i'rtj-on' This should be used in conjunction t'rith pl'eparitrg your utility plan and scheduling installations' / "- ,.-c13 / '{7 y I ir, , , !illi ii.rrrr,tF Ii ilJ 1t, ,rg'.lf l-a .-,-...,. [!t