HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 6 PHASE 1 UNIT B LEGALAPPLICATIoN?ILL I.tOT BE AGCEPTED IF INCOMPLETQR Bs"-G t7( ILDING RMIT AP Separate are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Project #:Q..5-- oS GR 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 act Person and Phone #s:r,tctii Q;')'?42 atrfl)e.a,3o b .+t S 7.4t-tc:7 | ct'c) ress: R'ctLc/E F, /U)i4:?4 | LJ i44 ax#: tr,t1--ff 79 l.t,l ,-l--.y', COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materials BUfLDfNG: $ 5-d, oo0. or ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $;i?o, ood. c),t For Parcel# Contact Easle County Assessors Office at 97049a99-g!!EttreEF e/c>3ie iotoo ,7 Job Name: c€4.-7.ri.4./)z Ff.t i4r_uca Job Address:il?O €.4 )1ff24,a- Ql-a ,,r,,,,.'titt t2z2t /a- t', u ,;- 6 Legal Description Lot:c c Block:Filing:Subdivision: (AtcLtl /( /'4r c ownerEVf,,qe z,-v " .4 Lti z.daaeVfif?, Hn So -lt+ S- |.(-.J | <) # 26Y Phone: ArchitecVDesigner: -,Ft? t 7 2L /t t) Jztt{Z ctf Address: / (>-o l4iL tzAt-c.t r t>?-Phone: .rtr.-6 3 rr'2 Engineer:.,a,."n fi., / az Address: /es? /4/,- LtiLL.zY 1)!Phonei -n6-;/ Za 7ot4,6r,n*o.9z1r-ec-45'1 ,8A2 5Q F-'"'-,5e1 , //za'o2', Ft TcrlrZtU t4/1Tl/5 , t+T/?Z/.!.r .< A4.O S a,-?to -..4- 4,/L.'u 4o <',= WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel }{ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both$Q Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Btdg.: single-family ( ) Two-family fil Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 2 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Q Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Applianqes ( l) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Tvpeof FireplacesProposed:GasAppliancee(/) GasLogs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurning(NOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (rd No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (l FOR OFFICE USE ONLY EGEIVE MAY o 3 2007 TOWN OF VAIL DI{,zsa e 's> F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Building\buildingJ]ermit. DOC Page 1 oF 15 oa09l20os PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of MaterialBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Color (*yt, " 34fit:a f/t/;T1j t<A.,L 4rz tr. n4 l, Lyi; ",,:,^'- <4.1p',l CfF^ r':r I^ /.L,ar: - ',4,''lz ,? l" --,'-- i.- L4 t * s/* tt Fxt.--; Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, tl Page 5 of L2l02lO7l02 .87 E3:35 FR0N:T0: 91970"+?6:19e1 GULD Ln{Es Fon Crsoun AssmrfloN Approv^L op BrmlorusE E olNstot{ Warren Crrtpbcll Plrrucr Town of Vril 75 Sourl Froragc Road Vdl. Colm& E1657 Wrrur: Thc Caeolar hopcrry O*aerr' AcsocistionLu rwiewcd fic proposed changer to the crpusion of thc Beringause Rcridcncc (l190 Cuolu Drivc) rrrd laodrcapc irnprovanrcnB providcd by Fritzlca Picr* Architcctr (&td S/2L10i\ and Soncsruac (&tcd 5l20r07). Thc Agsociation ajprover thesc clrrryes to thc proposcd cxprnsion CASO|.{R PROPERTY OWNE*,S ASSOCIATTOT.I P,1'1 bdger Andcnon za 39vd sdJ ts6rgLrgLS Eztrl /6az/62/9e sED-lg-a8trt 14132 pr*,. o TO:91m{76{Att F.1,,1 Scpocecr lt,20fi To*ldVrit, Cotondo Thir lcrEr ir b tll ftc Twn ofVril thrt lhc Crolrr lformmcrr, Arrocidio rpgowr 6c cbn3:r h thc ph! fr. fu Cloll urd Ecrin3rurc raoildr. Silccrdy, ToftcAnd:oon h.ridrd Qrolu Horrougr' Asocirtion tl ',1/ ?r JUN-67-246 t1?46*,-''.*-.-.'.P.W/@2o v wor o )s \\ -t fSO AglL00F srl'lfootdbuCgrda. 15Fr f650 F a$u!0ooftruhdilrgcdmdEDufil.tn F lr {libo ilr.t rw|'l booic L ddrl b rrt ,cJd.irdrl c}qmsUJ hffto (Hdts Zto ro(h & i|aria sil,rdcnl).€'o fu rtwdrrg-Di-l3rdrlrnF.ucririlr, adr6. tf!o|ho! F tnE! rnow r|lF'u, lndoFint hF,* a.1drtrnt't|nlll rEt20 Filnhadr.Gloh&rCa{frkp|orrncrtl edr6, .gooitE Ff|['r3b rrlrhr adttrc,€, hdEping, hnct crdrturilgr*,Ggl0o fu |tr,l$.r b S,r &a0t u9ftrid by tliln'rE stcl s tf* rs|enFlvitrbrt. ibF.c Applicatbn fbr Decign Rcview OFrtnrt d Csrnnty DGdoF.rrt7tBrdrtutllRa4br,ffi el6stt: r?0..f9:ttt i,c ItO{t93.52 HExrir.d,f,Lera Crn.r.| ltrtbarrticlrt ^f mtclt rqfarhg d-gn rwbf .|rd nrir rpponl pi' tr stbml! rg r Duift'|e F|rn lpf&ccUoft. trcasG rdrt b ttic rffil rrsisialr lk l|r giltfutr.!Fo€l th] tE rt0ttit t A| rgfamn fur Dc|gn r.q.wcl|ln br Elltld {df il .CSfd hffid b tul,rd bt ||E gmrnrily Dacbdrrt Dcp.trm- t.he DqtG 'nry eb nd lD E ||'rtrt tr gr t*r anEr n{/a dt Pt.nring rnd E rirrurFEi csiln8o.'.D*! trrlt r0F.rd f.F. *r HE||| Fa* f h- rd crtnrtbn cnnrnc ryllrln ffi::fi,,* AwE!.+ "trn p, t tr,,.D'' *ta tx, r.ttFrr-N V6fu:aure Lodion ' u* fhop6d! r*.,dc--rci-- gidluicor! z -(A*z-Qg \/A+. thficdrdcrs lffie 4*^4ft1J.@lT ,V^'', trrdtfo,: ?h4?'ntlrt?.7 (OfidE eb6. lrrora9?oP9€6rofor pcrccl rr.) tlxr*sz&o -- - ,-. i|lr(rrdtun (irt lr||l* Ounslr)s3r*rn{r)! HrilngHrtrs: lypcof frdct.d tce: tr -ggnsJ{ csntnna*ur El $ew€arEtu.tto|r' ' lduon O fiitufCE$ct(mrHfiily/omqit) tr tlherAftdtorl (sin4d.tnryldt/glts) tr Ch.rBt' to A6.!t€.t Rafla tI S.p.rrlql F{r.i I|.|no of ftfc..rtt TOTFTL P, 02 , FRO| ;,Acc.ssible Erut r€ffEnts lnb FFD( 1'lo. : 1 T * zwE 11:@Fr Pla ACCTE!i56 lis L E tF NiWE :?S8\S nfi F9\3'!i-S, E nC {| - '''i i' l 'r\' i:r'i :1i- r\'!l:iir-' April4.2006 Edc Eerhgause 31()9w€cl son $rtet f z)8 lfiilreryols, UN 54110 l-erry Esl(wiul P.O. Bo(449 Eduvarlg, @ E1tr!2 DcarEdcand Lany, Per ycr pqreot I trsw pfEp$ed sorns inbflnatitn br you dahn b g8ining yar locel gov.rment sppro\ral b €xp$d your proPerf h Vail, Cobratlo b ammmodae Edc's brotEr u,ho ir a q.ra*iplcgb end urcs t u,h*lEir. I an a|so avalable b meet $dror tail( with your local cficials, il you neuts like. I bclcnc hc Clty of Val b tlcfttud b arcnd tuir polidcs b Clott yott b hcruasc lhc dze of the gnrage b acemmodab a wr wi0r a trydraulic utrcdshair lift and b increesc tf|e e$rarc totrg3 of he tD||sG to sllfl for Ol9 inilElbdo3t of an elevator, widen hafrnrays, and h ottrr ways rnd<c it acceaeible b a Porson who useg an electric wheelchdr. This is specified in tte Anrericans wilh Disalrilitics Ad (ADA), sthidr bccntne effcctive h 199L The ADA is a Unr'ted States dvil tights law |hat ptotects pcqlc wih <lis$mias trowr discdminatbn. First, belrrr arc a ccrple of d€ftiti.ms hd will ltp w'th datificalirn: OiraDi{imeam wih te3peci b an indivitual, a phFical or mental irpaimcnt that sr$stan[ially fimfs one or nrore of tle mjor k'ie adivitbs of sucft indrUual...Fctul Rqisfrlr P.tt sti Suffitt A - Gcrrt,ti Saffin 35. 104 D€ft?//aiu'e W 367 17 tufficEn&ymerlta- (1) Any stab or local gpvetnment tuderd RqisterFarl 35 Sulpart A - @rcf€,l Seclicr 35.lof Definilions page 35717 People u,fio rF6 r'il€slcftIrs afE omgidot€d psople with disSlfifbt. Folouring b an crryt frcm the ADA that pertailF to the rcquirementr qf publb €ntilies. Piease nole tre lbm ln bold, ti,hich ltrbE ttat prilic qrlilba must dlage thcir poDdes to eccommodde a per$on wth a dFabniv. DEPARTMHTITOF'USTICE Oficcof thc AtbmcyCorsd 2tCBPrtRT35 [OrdrNo. ] Nodissfuuimtion o tbo Basb dDirbility in Suo ard Local Govcrrru Scrviccs AGENCY: Doprtncn of lu*ir:o. 5504 HIU.S|DE COURT t ED|NA, MN SS439- | 2 I I f952) 9d48100 . FAX (952) 9r''Ll98t r horre007@rc.umn.edu FRo{ .: Accessible En\,r rsrEnts lL FAX Nt]. : 1 SETTLEIIENT AGREEI'ENT BETMEN THE UTTIITED STATES OF ATERICA AND TI€ CITY OF JACKSON TFSISSPPI DEPARTUENT OF Jt,STrcE OOXPL/UNT IIIUTBER 20.141-96 6 M6 1t:63Ait n Ttir mdter wes initistcd by a cunplaint filed undcr titb II of thc Amcricrns with Diubilitiar Act CADA"), 42 U.S.C, $0 l2t3l-12134, with the Unircd Staes Deputment ofJustice ("Depdmed ofJusticC) againrt thc Ciry ofJackso4 Mssissippi Thc complain was received by the Civil Rights Division of rhc Departmcm of lustir:e, urd€r the authcity of titlc II oftbc ADA and itr implcnrcoring agulrtioa 28 C.F.R. Part 33, Subprt F. the neprtoeot of Justice inrrcstigaed this complaint, sd concluded tlrat the City of Jackson violated titlc II of thp ADA by mg.siog io discriminarory practiccs in rcgard o a aning pdition, The oorylainantr - developcrs wb plenncd to build a mcrtral heelth crisis intarrention centcr, aud who rcquirud a parcol of property to be re-zmed ftom an indu$rid to r commcrcid cla$$ification - allcge that the Ci,ty of Jackson's denid ofthcir zodng petition was a violatior ofthe ADA. The Dcporupni of .ftrstice is authorized utd€r title II ud itr funplcmenti4g regulations to irwestigate rhe allegafiom of tbe cmptain in rhis matter, and if possible, to lqoriate and eeorre voluntary complirnce agre€ments Furthennore, the Attomry CienetlJ is uttbodzed rndcr 42 U.S.C. $ I2133, io bring a civil ection to cnfrroc title II of the ADA if tlre Dcprtmcot of lu*ice fails to scanre voluutary corryliance prrnrnt to Subpsrt F. In consideration of thc tcrma of this Agrccmmt as s€t forth below, tha Attorncy Crneral sgt€€s to no[ udertake firtler iovestigCio or to file civil srit in this matter. The plrtie$ to this Agrecncm arrc the Unired Swes of Anerica ald thc City of Jackson, Misrissippi. In tfe imercts of woidiag the corts of litigdior and sccuring colpliancc by roluntary mcans, tbe paties hercby rgrcc as follonn: l. Tho City of Jac*soo, Milrissippi, is a public cntity corrcrcd by title II of thc ADA as defincd in tho ADA and the Departoem of rusticcb regulatirn impleurenting title Ir. 42 U.S.C. $ l2l3l(r) 2t C.F.R 35.104. Tirh tr of,rhe AIIA prohibits dieabiliry disqimimtioo in ell activiticc of Jrtc ard local govrnncm cditie& Trtle tr's gerral proldbftin ondiscriniaatbn poviihsthr*no qrnlified idividul with adisability shall, by rearm ofnrc*r disabilfty, bG Excludod from partioipnion in or be dcoicd the bonefits of tbc servicct, progrns, a activitie'r of a public entity, a bc s$joctcd to dirsinin*ion by ray ofi enily.- 42 u.s.c. $ 12132. Zoning docisims, as activities of a pr$lic cnity, reoovered by &bII's noc-dirqiminaio o,urdac, FR10'l ;Acccssible Erw i rq-rEnts lrl FAX Ml. : t eE re 11r04tr1 P3 2. Thc objea ofthis Sctlcmaor Agreerncnt is rhc docision ofthc City Cotrncil, in its gpacity ar a zonilg board, to dcny a petilion (Numbcr 33?4) ro rc-zoDe a parcet land. Tbe pclilioo€lr oumcd two contiguous parccb of lan4 one of wbioh war zinoa ror cmrocrcirl us, ard tlrc othcr wtich ryar zorrcd forirdusriat urc. Thc petliorcrs rmond€d to oonsilruct r facilityon thr property: rnd to lcesc it to tlrc llinrls corntyMcild Hcdtt conniseioa wbo ide'rdcd to opcmc h rs a nreilat hcdth criss iot€illntion ccnte(. In responrc to thcpetitioncrs, inquiry rc to the appopriae zooirg chssificdioo for urch a frcility, thc ciiy adyis€d rtrei da te tau iieauc to bc zoneaoomncrcirl bccarsc thc facility worrld albw for orernight stlys. Tlrcreaftcr, the dwelopcs filed e pctlion o rc-zonc thc indugial psrcct to a connrcrciel "isssificatioo. Souctime rser tlre dcvelopers fited their paitba thc gofecsiotrst saffof tho city Planning Boud rdvised rhc-paitftnrcn au ttro clty'e nHnniog Bsrd thrr rhe prcforca a*F rcq:st wrs appropdatq ||d tbrr h nns consisrcd witi'tle city's rrcl -F,r,rr" Iasl uce Plan" Tlueaftcr, the city r plawriqg Board cmducl"d a puutic trearing on the@ioo md, aftcr e 7-z 'rore ftrtf,arH this rnattcr to thc chy curncit whh no rocommendation. After the crty cotrncit, in its cagacity ar a zoning board, rcocivod thepetitioq it coo&rood e sicr gfprilic heuing'd whiilmmnrmltyoppcrition tothconstruction of mentd healh int€rr,€dion ccnter uns voi."a. et td" rt tr,gr,pruracrd dilcurclns cnnrcd abol pasoor with ruilal ilhess as udl * ode, pdertiatfocati'G fn thc propo*d carter- otrAgus zr,2@rtthe ciry Gouroit, asthi zoning boar4 wcd to dcny thc rezoning pctitiorr lE llri_F s,tr"l ailqee thu rbe cityk_zoning dccision wes discriminuory in vblationoftitlc II ofthc ADA' bcc.rsc thc cfry c*mcil's d€ci$ion wrs u"*d, Jd"t i" p*r,npon disaiminatory mcivcs againrt pcrsons with mentrl illness. Th" Cry d;"or admit 9 ti"lility inthis nmer, and d€oies that;1 6r" cngegsd in aisuimioatory praufu. rhecily frrthor denics rbd it ha3 vbld€d rrE AI)a Fuf tn orderto rvoio p,rfiil a'oexpensive litigrtioq rhe city has agreed to crrer into this scrlecrcnt elo.t. 3. Prlsuern to this Agreancm, the City of Jackson wilt: 1 Bv ]blv I ?' 2003, ofrer to psy thc pcritio*s compensatory damagps in the amount of$40,000.00. !. By Au_guct 14,2003, ca$r€ tb.t sll ofrbc city's plaadng Board Members ard citycoruil Itdenbers rrodfiEo tnirftg on: r) rhc Amorir:ns *ith oi.atxtities A.r ,-*uy,a{ its rpplicatio io thc zoning ant€ft ia prtbrter; rna ul rrrc rpproilato-atrTrawftrcritsie to bc us€d in mrking a zarrry dscilbo, cosibeninguottr ii6ssi'-*pU r"- ,rrepnnciplcs of m-disirinatbn_ c, B1rc- laql thrn argrc 2t, zx' (ed aftcr 'oc r8ioi'g rpccilied in pb has rakenphf)r {r city council win rwiov frc zorrturg pcrition 6sod "p* trr" Irigi-liorosd uin hoH e nrr rruc H. yp- qpryeril -o t "rn r *iti. .il iffi* "rJtrsrice rod tbe p*iriorcrs shdl bc flodfi-€d brtne cty corncil's uce on or-tfore August , FRO{ ;,Accessible Eru i Ftrr|rnts Inl FPD( |,D. : 1 28,2m3. d. By no leter tlm July 31,2W,2005, rod 2fi)6, providc thc undereigrrcd corosel for thc Deponrcnt ofJucticc with | repdt listirg lld oqlaining &e mturc and outoome of ewry zoning paition that diroctly or ildircctly invdvos pcnons with disabilhice. Forthc Gity dJa*son: Fortre UniH SDebi: TERRYWALI.ACE CltyAtbrrtey GEORGEW. NEVILI.E S.rtfi Oeptfy CigAtbmey cltyAtonwsotrce .155 E!3tcadbl Stl€t P.OBox'17 Jadrson, Mlssi38Fpi 3o20toot7 Date 7/16/03 RALPH F- BOYD, JR. AssistEnt Atbmry Genersl br Cavil Rigttt JOHNLVUOT,A.-_TCH.ChiEf L.IRENE BOl,l,EN, DeFry Ch&l ALYSSE BASS, Ss*r TdC Ato7my TGUSSA TAYaORUOORT, eaangal Dis$ny Righb Sectim Civn Rgtrt3 Oiv[gkn U-S. Depertnont d Juslice Wachimbn, DCAlS30 Mb 7n7ns - e6 2W l1:85fl'l P4 By; .FRg"l ; Accessiblc Er|\, t rqrEnts FAX t€. : 1 UNITED STATES WESTERN DISTRICT CHARLOTTE T'NITED STATES OF A!{ER]Ca,,ptaintiff, and eE nffi 11rO5Ft'1 P5 DISTRICT COURT OF NOR?H CAROLT}.IA DIVTSION TAYLOR HS,IE OF NO. CIIARLOITE, INC. Intervenor-PLaint i f f . I l ) ) ) ) ) ) CIVIL ACTION ) 3;94-C1t-394-MU I ) ) ) I v. CITY OF CHARI.oTTE, NORTH EAROITNA, Defendant, ereqrt lll- Title rr otr th. IDA rPrrlie' to Al!, 8.ning Enforcrerrtlstivitiec ltr.LEtrt n h,y lrrDlio Entiticc fn enaCting the ADA, Congress sought to rprovide a Clearand corprelEnsive lrational nandatc for t.t.e eljmination ofdiscrinination against indirriduals with disabilities- ' 42 rJ.s.c.$ 12101 (b) (1)- Deferrd.nt secks to li:nit that nandate by argur.ngthat sorne activitiec of local governrcnts, such as zonlig. arenot coversd - In other uords, Defendant contends, localgovernments are prohibited fron discriminating in some of theiractivitles but are free to discrirninate in otiers. The Defenctantdoes not articulate any rcason for distinguishing zoning fronother actitritics of public entlties and the statrlte aoe! notprov-ide a basls for such a distinstion, A. lln blt an<f bgirl.titt Eietoryr of .llitle tfItqrttaGc cdrlfGrcioDa]' Intlnt tp covrr lpc.r zqlingEnforcqrt gcrttEs. Title rr provides broad protectron aqainst discriminationon the basis of disability in the provision of public services.Title If rs antidiscrimination provision eqrloys expangivelangnrage, intcndad to reach all actions taken by pt uti. entities-It statcs: [Nlo quaS.ified indiwl-dual nir,h a dl-aabi].ity 3haIJ., byreason of such disabllity, be ercluded fr@ partictpition FROM i Accessible Enir r rtrrEnts lrb FAX Ml. : 1 t 42 u.s.c. s 12r-32. ADJAonust be broadly construed Klnney v. Yerusalim, 8L2 E-affrd, 9 F-3d 106? (3d Clr. 1545 (1e94) - in or be d€nied the benefits of the serwices, prograns, oractivities of a publj.c entity, or be srrbjected todiscritrti.nation by Fuch entity. : at S L2132. There is no suEEastion in the statut€ thatzoning or any other tlpe of public action is to be excluded fromthis broad nan€late. Zoning activities and decisions are plainly among the 'services, prograns, or activities.' conducted by pubticentities. Moreover, the last phrasc of title II's prohibition lseven more e:cpansive, stating sinrply that no individual with adisability nay be rsubJected to discrirnination. by a publlcentity. fd- rhis langruage prohibits a public entity fromdiscrirninating on the basis of disability in any manne!. sh€th€rthrough zoning or any other official activity. To alloe discrimination on the basis of dlsabllity in anyarea of goverruncnt functioning denies persons with disabj.Iiticsequal opportunity to bcnefit from those government functions, indirect contravcntion to thef AIIA'S stated Eoals.lTit]-e f f 's legl-slative history leaves no dor.rbt thatcongrress intended title rr to covcr €very action taken in errcryforun j-n shich a ptrlclic cntLty roay functioh - The House Reportstatcs: tlhe Cormrlttce has chosen not to lict aJ-l the tl4>es ofactions that are includcd rithin the terru r discriminationl . aswas done in titles I an<l fII. becluse this title essentlallysi-qly extend.s the antidiscrinination prohibition enicodied inscction 5O{ to all actions of state and Iocal governments _ ' I{-R. 6 &ffi 11:O5Fa',t P6 As a rernedial statute, the to effectuate its purposes-rl supp. 547, 551 (E.D. pa. 1993), 1993), cert. denied, 114 S. Ct. Rep. No. 485 (rr,, 1o1st Cong., ZA Sess@ 1990 u-s-c-c.A.N- 3o3, 367 (qphasls added). rhc Ho;-Reportenphasizes the broad coverage of title If later, stating: -?ltleII of the bill nakes aII actiJritics of State and loca]goeerntents subject to ttle tl4rcs of prohibitions againstdiscrimination against qualified individuars with i disabllityincluded in section sOt (nondiscri_nination) -- Id. at 151.reprint-ed in 1990 u.S.C.C.A.H. at {34 (eryhasis added) -Replesentative Coelho, the ADArs principal sponsor in theHouse o! Representatirres, explained that the ADA was rneant toprohibit discrinination in the cnactment and enforcenent of locaLordinanc€s. 134 cong. Rec. g606, 81310 (epril 29, 1988)(attaqhed) (Title r ni[ prohibr-t disqrinr-natiory aetivities ofState and local governnents resulting frorn ordinaices, laws.requlations, or rules. t).2 ft is also evident fron other fanguage j.n the ADA FRo'l .: Accessible Env i rsnents Irl FAX Ftr. : 1 6 nB6 1l:96f,J'1 P? B- Drt'ssfnt of atustice lnter?.etationr Erylicitly ahorItrat Titl€ rI ryrtrlies t6 I.ooal Eonirrg Enforffint acttsrE3. Consistent uith title II.s broad language and itsleqisfative history, the Departhent of Justice, in its title Ifirplenenting regulation and other title II analyses, hasinterpreted title If to rcach all actions Oy puUtic entities,including zoning enf orcemnt actions. The Departnent of ilustice I s r€gulation irr1ltencnting titleff repeats the statute.s gcneral nondisqri-nination provision thatono qualified individual uith a disabllity shell . . . U"excLuded fron participation in or be denied the bcnefits of theservlces, proErams, or actirrities of a publlc entity, or besubjected to discrimination by any public entl_ty. |r ZE C.E.R. S35,13O(a) (199,1) - The Departnent of Justicers preamble to thereguration explains that "title rr appries to anything a pubricentity does . . . . ALl governEntaL actiwitieg of pubficentities are cowered |' 2g C.F.R. pt. 35, epp. A at 441_42.llhc regulation enrrerates several categories -of specificactivitics that constitute dl,scri.uinagion by public "rrilti"=. ZgC.F.R. S 35.130. one of these specific prorriiions requirespublic antities to nake .easonable rnodifications to tieirpolicies, practices, and procectures, where such modifications arenecessaly to avoid discrirnination on the basis of disability. ZaC.E.R- S 35.130(b) (?) -3 corm€nsutate nith the Act, this that the Act was intended to reach, and, in some cdses, preempt10cal ordinances- section 103 staEes that: "Nothing inthis [Act] shalt be construed to preempt, rnodify; or amendany state, couDty, or local law, orrtinanc€, or regulationapplicable to local food handling uhich is desiqneO toprotect pubtic health from individuals who pose aslgnlficant risk to the health or safety of others. . . .,42 U.S.C. S 12113(d) (3). See alsq H.R. Conf. Rep. No. 596.101st Cong., 2d Sess. ef t f g'gO U.s.C.C.A-N. 565, 520. This sectG; wom-I;ve beenUnnecessary if the ADA were not other'rise intended toaffect loca1 ordinatrces. ! As discussed supra at 5-5, the tlepartment of controllinq weight unless it isEanifestly contrary to the ,fustice I sregulation "arbitrary,statute. ' is entltled to capri.cious, or Chevgon U.S.A.Inc.y. Natural ResourcesDqfsnfe Council, Inc.,addition, the Dep-artuerrt of rfustice,s preanble and Tt.tle IfTechnical Assistance uanual interpreting its reguration are FRlt}'| .: Accessible Erw i rqrnents lL FAX hO, : 1 p.r:ovision uses broad language to cover the uidest possible rangeof actlons by public entities. Zoning enforcement actians,including the enactment of ordinances, arld any adninistrativeprocellses. hearings, and decisions by zoning boards, faIIsquarely ulthin the category of "policies, practices, orprocedures'f mentioned in the regulati.on.the Title II TA lr{anual speeifically uses zoning in anillustration of, a pubfic entityrs obligition to nodi-fy itspolicj.es, practices, and proccdures. ft explains: A nunicipal zoning ordinance reguires a set-back of 12 feetfrom the curb in the qgngr.51 business district. fn orderto install a rry to the front entrance of a pharmacy, theorrner rhuet encroach on the set-back by three f,eet-Granting a variance in the zoning reguire-rnent rnay be areasonable modification of town policy. TA Manual S II-3.6100 at 14- The TA ManuaL afso nakes clear thattitre rr reaches rocar raws and orcrinances generarry- fhe tltreIf regulation requires pr:blic entltlas to conduct a self_evaluation to assess, lnter al1a, alL of t,heir poLicies,practicss, and procedures. 28 C_f.n. S 3S.1o5(;). The TAManual s e:qpLanation of the self-cval-uation expricitry recognizcsthat ia public entityrs policieg and practice.- ur" reil.cted initg lars, ordin6nces, regulationE, adninistrative manuals. . .-fA Manual S II-8.1000 at 44. Dlscrlminatory 'policies,practices, and procedures must be modifiedr' regardless of theirfornr. Id. C. Jualicl,al Intc4rretationg Do l|ot Sut{roft Corretnring Tj. tJe tf ae fn4p].iceblc to zoningt. Defendant cites gerrcral cases as indicating that title fIis inapplicable to zoning. However, none of the cases cited byDefendant provide any analysis or rationale tso support theirdecisions- This Court shoul.d decline to follog then_ | In Oxford Housgr. Inc. v. City of Albany, 155 F.R.D. 409,410-U ( r.r conpletely failed to cj-teany authority' to support their position- in "orrlid".inE theplaintlffsr motion for reconsideration, the court acknouiedgeathat its decision that titre rr did not apply to zonlng "." ua""asinply qn the lack of 1e9ar. argruncnt presentld by the f,raintitrs.The court furthcr acknowredged that altnorities itrumttiecr by theplaintiffs in sulport of their reconsideration rmtion *iEtt, fftfurely preaented, have led to a different concJ.usion, entitled to controlllng weight erroneous or inconslstent hrith eE m 1lr8?Fa't F8 wrless they are 'plainlythe regulation.h Thonass- Ct. 238L. 23B6Ecl.il.efferson Univ- v. Shalala, L14 , FR$.! .:. Acclssible Erw i rqrEnts lr| FAX 1.I]' : I So CERTIEIBD this -lEh- day of [arch'-1995'By:- The conslusion reac'hed by thcse Gourts is not only on"oppottJ, but it ie plalnty coltTarY to the broad stacutory ranguage, legislati;-d;;;y; anf -i'url,crrenting rcgulatlon of iiii"-il' noie of rhich ware considered by the courts' D- ca|.tfiritEl '!it'le II to c"rtEE tdring It c6tsirtrtt ritlt S S-abilitatiorr efu ttd offi clYil Aiglrtt gt'Er!'B' AJ.though rrcry ferr caseg ha'rte addrssced this issue under tltle II, courts frave founO zoning to be co\riered under rclated civll rights laus, msl notaury lectlon 504 of thc Rehabilitatlon Act arrd tha F.i! Houslng f,ct ' 6 4ffi ll:mm P:l E\IEL.HIIJ. Attorncy U.S. IlPartment of ilustice civil nights Division DtsabiritY Rlghts Section P.o. Boa 66?38 Washington' D-c. 20035-6?38 (202) 30?-0663 , FRU"I ;.Rccessible Er|{., i rq{IEnts Inl FFD( Nl. : 1 , s5 ffi 11:O9Ar'r P11 ACTION: Final rulc. SIIMMARY: This rutc implcnents subtitlc A oftitlc II of dlc Anroicar witb Irirabiliths Acg Pub. L. 10l-336, urhich prdribits discriniutioo on trc bEsis of dieability by pblfo: emlicc. Suhitlc A prdoctr $t lificd indivi&* witb disabilitics from discrimiuio on thc basis of disrhility ir thc serviccq prgrum, or adivities of dl Strte rod local goramcos. lt o<tedr tbo prohrtitim o'f disoininerim in frdcrelly assis{cd prograns csablishcd by socion 504 of thc Rchalilitatioo Art of l9Zl o all activitioc of,Sotc od locd gorcrnncor, ircludiry rho6c dut do nct roccive Fcdcral fmrcid aseisec, and hmrporarcs rpccific prohibitions of discrimination on tle basis of disabifity fiom titi6 I, tU, od V of tho Amoform rvith Dis.bilfties Art. Thir rulc, furcfrrc, rdonG tc grncral Fohfuitions of discriminatiou csrblirhd undcr rectio'n 504, ar rrcll ac fic rcquiren otr fu mling progrsmr wiblc to indivi&rals with dissbililies ard fur providilg oqrnlty cfioc*irrc corurnrnidi$s, It dso sert fuil stadards for wta codinrtes dircrinirutio m ihc boris of rneoal c phyriet dfurbility, prorridce a ffnido of disability end qualificd individuat with a disebility, ad Gdrblirbs r omphir ncchanisn for rcolvilg allegaioas of discrimimtim. EIFDICTM DATE: Jarury 26 1992. ... 3"b.tt S * G-".1 Roquirancils {35.130 Gooolal prdribttionc agrinst discrininrtion. (a) No qualifiod individrul witt a disabitity sball, oo thc bssis of disibility, bo erchdcd from panicipaim in c bc dcnial tic bcncfits of tbc serviccs, fogrsn+ or raivities of a public crrity, orbc a$jcccd lo discdnimim \ aaypublic cmrg. (bXl) A public o*ity, in prtrvidiq uy dd, benef4 or svinq @y not, dirftrly or ttmgh ooracfwl, lir:cnsi4; c orlcr areryancrts, oo ttc basis of disabilty - (i) Deny a qralificd individual widt adirabilityfu ryortunitytoporticiper in a benefit fromdre sC bcnafiL or svice; (ii) Afiod a qualificd irdividnl cdth a diottility aa qportnity to participatc io or bcncfit ftron &c aid, beoefit, o ervice 6d b Dd €qusl to thot doded cthers; (iii) Prwi& a qd;nrd individual with a direbility with ar aB bencfit c scrvice rh.t is uc as cftaiva in etrording equrl ofatDfty !g obtrin rl& saoc tc$lt, to grin lhc same bcncfit, c b rcech$c so- lcwl of echievernd as tla prwidod to dlrcrls; (vii) Othcr*isc limit a qualified iudividuat with e dirability in frc cnjoyme* of any nghq privilege, advaatagc, or omomdry Gqioyed by clcrs rccoiving tbe aid. bcnefi! or svicc. (3) A publb antity nay nog dirccdy or thugl oodracUd or ortcr erraryrrncds, utilize criuh s ndrods of efuini*cba: O Tb h.w tb cftd qf arDjocilS qsellficd iadividrlr with di$bititics b diecrimin*io on ttc bosb of disrbilitff il).tp,rUfio -tiay ruyrot, iDdclcrlrfuiqgrb sitco tqtionofa Ecility, nrakc solcctidtr - . FR(}I ; Accessible Envi r€ruEnts In Ftr( t€. : I T ^ m6 L7i rtr*t Pl (i) Thu luvc u*tu cfrca of excluding individuals with disebilitics from, denyirg thon rhe bcnefits of, or dlrcrwisc subjecring &cm to dircrimination; or fl) f peblic crtity rhdl nrtc rcrronrble modificrtiom ia politicq prrcticcq or proccdurc lhcn thc rnodificrtiorl trc Dcccrr.ry to rvoid dbcrirrindior ol tbr hsb of dirrbilily. unhrs tlc public cltity cra drnonrtrelc 6rt nrling thc nodificiionr would fundrnerfdly rf,cr thc arhrt of thc tcvie, prolrrD, or rctivity. iGl f.romtrg lo tir pertgohibi6 aprblic cmity from prwiding boocfu, scrvirq o. advmgos to individuak urih di!.bilities, a to r portiorlar class of i-divirfueb wigq dbebilities bcyod rhcc roquircd by rhis port. As you can see in ote bold prht lten *7 mquir€c prSlic entities b make rcasonable modilicdftns in poliies, pradicee, or pfoosduEs br peopb with <ns$iliiiis. Follodng is ar e)<c€rpt from tte u.s. D€psilmcnt d Justic€, cMl Raghts Dvision, Disabilfty Rigilrts Scciion: Ihe ADA and City Govrrrrncils: Gommon Probbnrs Rewiuncnt: City govcmmens are r:$*ld b nuke reesonebb modificatirm io policies, p€dc.s. or g|e(hrl b gaiemCsc'i*aton oil the besb oa ($seitily. Reasonable modilcatbG cfi indude npdificdirnc b local law6, odlnsres, and regulCirm |hatadv*rdy lnpcctpeoplc wilh dildtfibs Forcranplc, itl|ry ba r l||lonrbb rnodEcdiorr to grurt e v*iarrcr brlor*rg rcqukencrts and rdldra U.S. f}eptfircntcfJtdk;r- Ctul Rghtt Divit:iorz DsaldlifyRlgrrfis Secfron Endoed wih this teuer is en oxcerpl d a Civil Action agahst t|9 oity of C,harlde, NorthcroFE (civil Adbn 394-cv€9+rtU). n*i di.rr -$otrs Eld ho Deparrnent ofJustie rcqfes d[6 b cdrrliler zonirB vaimoes ss e reaonst€ nrodiircation for ap€Ilonn'tl adlsabfty. At3o enclo€€d i3 a slrttLnpnl betneeo tt D.partnent of Justice arxl therity d J$rson, ilisr3ripi (Itepatnent d Jtdte cortplah M,'ftcr 2o+4t-s)- ThisAglementstateso|athc city dJ.d(sr denbd a mning vadrroa bra persm wtth ad[ssbmy, alt<l tfuelbre tFy r'ust pay 9o,o{n in collrperuaory dar'locs to treurytgod prty, hrre t|e cb/s plrrsrE Boanl uerrbcrs and chj cqrtdl lbmbercul(lsrge batiE cr tfp AoA and itB +pncaim in the ating coflicxt, and submit a '|'eod rsrtg d €rybtrriu hr n*{E ad qdconp d "n€ry zor*rg p€iliton thdilrrdl€a pe€arr ntfi ffihs. In llay of 2fix, tF u. S. sryrna cilt rded h tafi oa peopb rilh dsgbflieis tn deanngE u,i0| prollc enilties, Thcir.&cisin .torts pq|e wisr'o:sibiffis o ane a prtlic Gnliu br damagee il fhc prffc rrtty ino|E. the AbA. FROH I Accessi.ble Envr rqnEnts FRX NO. : 1 6 M 11:27Ff'l P3 I believe lhese examples proye lhat public entties, such as $e cO d Vail, Colorado. at! required to modfy tpir zoning requiremenF, when doing so allorc people with disatilites lo have the same enjoymmt at peopb without disatilitics. The law speciftcafly states it is a reasonabb accommodalbn to modify a variance. Furtpr, if the zming rcquircment only allows drdfings lo covera certah pErcsrtego otfE lend in the subdivision, Casolar del Norb, and bur miB have not yel been bullt, it seems more han feasonable to allorv the exisiitg owner b increse the giz€ of hi3 prcperty to allow the installetion of an dcwbr and other aeommd€tions. tn {re ftrturc, Ste civ of Vail can determine 0|3 sizs of the bur r€mainirE unib. tt would not b€ nesoneble, and oertaidy not an acommodalion to a per€on wih a disdility, b lrquip lhe existing onnar to fund he ciV of Vaife request to surtrey Casolar del Norb and exlstirg dwellitg unlts within the diyi!$on tro detsrmine horr mtrdr additionat strucilJle can be h the cubdvision. To make $is Inore €gregious, ilre aty d Vail idr't even crrre e rradance is requied, they simply arent pernitthg the installalion ol an Canabr and other rrodficatims br i persm who is gadriplegic. Thc Americans wih Disabilitics Ad was enscGd to pr€vent s;uch disaimination. I h.vc cndosed a bbgraphy dr rne, my busirresr cad -d e b.ocfisre on Accessilrle Erwironments, Inc Please tucl fr€e to cdl m€ €t 952-914+8100 il you have quatons or uOuE trka me to address additional isses. otherwlge, I will folow up wih you in a few ttays. Thank you. Sinceety, Inc o RPr o 6,e/Asle*L Paub ltladucci Harler Predlent 4 f'1FrR-@-2@6 16:35 B?9 P,@,/@? frdOlrtdoaC fdrf(r)Aptr{r}t P;-'vw:c--l4"- Gnrdr r ltst d Jgnrtnr i rnqc lpc lr qdc')' AF.dr Fonn DaoartmGnt C cstrtr,ttt ht ffirlt zs soo Frurll|p Rl*l, vail cohloct6t Bl tro.g9.3lll9 far: 9lua79.l+!l' r* !#JdgflF trurltfrmrdon:#fiil-f-ndrmC iei {tttng gr rpp..l o, a 511. I-En.t6vi:r lcrl. o. Fmfi rd^Eftiotrrctltal fi;il;'#h,rrauot"- Adffid fdtn rit dded rqtitqg*s Ild q sT mlu to ttt ffiffi; Ot|iiinill Oepaattg;-ia!'t''unr*v Go) drru- drvr or !| otF|ld acb"/dddon' le{ctrflpnoturfiftrffildr.ibo: rc " - Dr rrb?crl hllrlrt. l.ils nrd C rr$gll (|c) ur,.rrrrrmcalrprrF ;lrxt (ud @D rn*fff*r'qO,;;.i;. /sr Wt, en ayqa tl4 w t | ,) tll^qr-rr -m ZtZ ffi lOs- tHEiLl5htU$tn-L.* gffi{tirl.:-Q# +U,4'.5- rffi arsggfccoOqGtrfit 'ffir'ff"lsH:ii*irr Pt*atcr.ur q .. ffig-ighdt* f|,doF Fr cdt errtr ourr lN In (r')' ffiffiffi'* e7'!il (r',,,rtzelFo TOTfi- P,62 E) trGEro=[i\ fl ilAR oz 20o6 U TOWN OF VAIL hUrU: t'|eLt|r||tS o ERCFRITZLEN PI E ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO Re: Appeal of Planning and Environmental Commission Action To Uphold Staff Decision to "withdraw" an App|ication for Variance, Beringause Residence, Ulnit 6A, Casolar VaiI Ladies and Gentlemen, ln accordance with chapter 3 of Title l2 (12-3-3) of the Town code, and on behalf of my client, Eric Beringause, I would like to file a formal Appeal of PEC action to uphold the Staff Decision to "withdraw" my application for a Variance, submitted on December l2,2}Os,duetothedeterminationthatthecontentsareincomplete. ltismy opinion that the material submitted does meet the submittal requirements for a Variance. I would like to have this appeal heard by the Town Council as soon as possible. It is clear that numerous zoning Reviews have been performed and numerous Building Permits issued throughout the casolar subdivision that are based on a maximum GRFA of l690 sq. ft. as defined in the subdivision covenants. In fact in early 1995, a "250 square foot addition" was permitted on this Property in that it was determined that the 1690 sq. ft., as well as the allowed 225 sq. ft. were used. lt was agreed, at that time, with the addition of the 250 sq. ft., there was no additional square footage available for this Dwelling. The Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting of January 12, l98l, confirm that the staff required that the Covenants of the Subdivision state the maximum allowable area per Dwelling unit in the subdivision' It seems that the Staff, based on the material requested in Matt Gennett letter of January 4, 2006, is attempting to determine if there is existing GRFA available in the Subdivision. lf there is CRFA available, the Staff feels it would not be necessary to provide a Variance for Mr. Beringause's Addition. In my opinion it is inappropriate to require my client to evaluate Zoning characteristics for the entire Casolar Subdivision. l. There are Four Unbuilt Dwelling Units in the Casolar Subdivision. How would GRFA be assigned to these Units, assuming that there were GRFA available? 1650 tast VailElley Drive, Fallridge C I, : vi l, C olorado E1$57 : ?:970.476.6JQ lr 970.4 75.4901 [] Inf $()vailarchile{ts.(orx l.tfi|r |'];i.'i{lir. AiA, A1(.|'t;'.ri 1 '1,/ llrJrn t. P:c:cc, AiChitocl Ktii.hy Il€11:/r(i:1. lll;-( jrli:1ti l4ilr'l:lgti February 16, 2006 Town Council Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 FRITZLEN PIER o CE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO 2. tt would be and highly invasive, and potentially illegal for Mr. Beringause to calculate the GRFA of Units that do not belong to him. The new methods of calculating CRFA exacerbate the difficulW of the calculation. Original and existing grades as well as room heights over l7 feet would need assessment. It seems unnecessary to discuss the cost of such an evaluation' 3. lt seems possible, at considerable expense, to determine the exact "Build- able Area" for the subdivision. My question remains: without the answer to Item I (above) and the onerous calculations described in ltem 2 (above), what value does the topographic survey and "Build-able Area" provide? In closing, I believe there is sufficient basis for my request for a Variance based on the historical reliance on the GRFA limit of 1690 sq. ft. throughout the Casolar Subdivision. please feel free to contact me on this matter and I look forward to the discussing this matter at an upcoming Town Council Meeting. Best Regards, William Pierce, Architect Hand delivered January 10, 2006 1 650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C- I , vail. Colorado 81657 P: 970.476.6347 F:970.476.4901 t: info@vailarchitects.com www,vailarchilslts.com o ERCFRITZLEN PI ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO ff4 Outline for Beringause Appeal Hand out packages Appeal of staff decision to reject an Application for a GRFA Variance on Lot 64, Casolar Vail Subdivision, which is a Subdivision that is zoned Residential cluster with ten duplex lots located with Building Envelopes (Show Map, identify subject Property) We filed an Application for a Variance on December I2, 2005 for a PEC hearing on January 9, 2006 This hearing is not to review the merits of the Variance but rather to establish the Applicant's right to be heard by this Board in his request for a Variance. On January 4, 20O6, we received a letter from Matt Gennett, essentially rejecting our Application as incomplete. A Copy is identified in your packet as ltem l. In summary the Staff is requesting that my client prepare a topographic Survey of the entire subdivision, about 143,000 sq. ft. That is 3.25 acres. we are then requested to calculate the "Buirdabte Area", that is the total site area less than 40% slope. 1650 [ast V&!l Vaitey Drtve, Fallndqe C- l . Vail, Colorado 81657 ?.970.476.6342 F:974.476.4901 !: inf o.evailarchitects.c0ryi !^r$r? - va iia rc h itects. com FRITZLEN PIER o CE ARCHITECTS VAIL. COLORADO When the Buildable Area is determined we are then to calculate the CRFA of all l6 Units currently built in the Subdivsion. This would involve a calculation in accordance with current GRFA rules, including Basement credits and areas over l6 feet in height. This is not only onerous and very expensive to do, but it seems to me to be an invasion of the privacy of the Owners of those Units Then there is the issue of the 4 unbuilt Units in the Subdivision. How would GFRA be assigned to those Units? lf all of the Buildable Area was not used by the l6 existing Dwellings, would Mr. Beringause be assigned GRFA from the sites that are not yet constructed? It sounds unreasonable to me. Item 2 in your packet is my letter of January .|0, 2006, summarizing these points. I made a thorough review of the Town's file on this Subdivsion, which is about 18" thick. It is full of records of appeals and lawsuits related to matter of GRFA. There is no record of the calculation of Buildable Area but there are numerous references to a limit of I690 sq. ft. of GRFA for each Unit in the Subdivision in those records. l6!0 East vail Vailey Dfive, Fallridge C-l, Vail, C:olorado 81657 ?:970.476.6342 F:970.475.4901 E: info@vailarchitects.com www.vailarchitectS.com FRITZLEN PI ERC?ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO that no additional Item 5 in your packet is a letter from Andy Knudtsen' dated FebruarY 10, 1995, stating Casolar is entitled to 1690 The Staff contends that they do not enforce Covenants but numerous Building Permits and Zoning Checks use the 1690 sq. ft. standard as a basis for zoning compliance' There is no referenceontheP]atastoBui|dableAreaorGRFA|imitations |tem3inyourpacketaretheMinutesofthePlanning CommissionMeetingofJanuary12'1981'DianaToughill'the PlanningAdministratoratthetimetheSubdivisionwas annexed, states "that the Town in fact required that certain thingsbeputintotheCovenants....SothattheTowncou|din fact enforce the GRFA..." She goes on to say the maximum GFRA per Unit is stated in the Covenants' Item 4 in your packet is a DRB action Form' approving a 250 sq. ft. addition to this property' dated April 5' 1995' |tistheTown,spo|icytoverifythatal|avai|ab|eGRFAhasbeen used before granting a250 sq' ft' addition' ln addition there is a notation on that Form' by Lauren Waterton, stating "no GRFA remaining" It seems there was no question, at that time' GRFA could be added to the Unit' "each side of a DuPlex within sq. ft. of GRFA" 1650 East Vail valley Drive, Fallridge C-1, vail, Colorado 81657 ?: 97A.476.6342 f:970.476.4901 Et infO@vailarchitects.com w'.l,td,vai I arch ilects.com F RITZLEN PI ERC?ARCH ITECTS VAIL, COLORADO |tem6inyourpacketistheZoneCheckfortheSubject property, done in 1980, from what I can tell from other records. lt again references the 1690 sq. ft. limitation Item 7 is a Zone check for Lot 5 in the casolar subdivision' Again the GRFA limit of 1690 is stated and it is noted that the planssubmittedexceedtheGRFAlimitandthep|ansWerenot approved ltemsS,g,andl0areBui|dingPermitsandZoneChecksfor Lot 8 in the casolar subdivision. All of those documents refer to the same GRFA limit of 1690 sq' ft' |temsll,.|2,and]3inyourpacketsareZoneChecksforLot 9. The same GRFA limit is addressed Item l4 is a construction Permit for Lot 1 0 in the casolar Subdivision. Again there is a reference to an area limitation of 3380 sq. ft. That is 1690 for each side of the Duplex' In closing it is my contention that Mr. Beringause is entitled to app|yforaVariancethatwi||a||owadditionalF|oorArea. He has the approval of his immediate neighbor and the casolar Homeowner's Association for his Application 1650 East Vail Valley Drive' Fallridge C- I ' Vail, Colorado 81657 ?:970.476,6347 ri 970.476.4941 www,vaila!'chitects.com FRITZLEN PIER o CE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO It is clearly established, with the testimony of Diana Toughill, that the Town established a maximum area for each unit in the Subdivision. The records of that calculation are not available from the Town's records at this time but the GRFA limit of 1690 sq. ft. per Unit was placed in the Covenants. The other documents in your packets establish, without a doubt, the Town accepted and enforced these limits. I believe there is more than a sufficient basis to establish that there is no additional CRFA available for Unit 64 without resorting to the difficult task of calculating the Buildable Area in the Subdivision, and calculating the CRFA of all of the existing Units as requested by the Staff. | 650 fast Vail valley Drive, Fallridge C- I , Vail, Colorado 81557 ?:97O.476.6342 F:974.476.4941 t: inf0CtVailarchitects,com www.vai iarchite{ts.com ? 't'. May 16,2006 Eric Beringause 3109 West 50t Street #208 Minneapolis, MN 55410 Larry Eskwith P.O. Box449 Edwards, CO 81632 Dear Eric and Larry, Per your request, I have reviewed the architeclunal plans for the Beringause residence, designed by FriElen Peirce. Mr. Beringause is in the process of applying fOr approval of the plans for the Beringause residence by the Vail Design Review Board. The purpose of this letter is to inform the Design Review Board and any other administrative agency that may review the plans of its obligations pursuant to the ADA. Also, it is important to note that the city of Vail has entered into a Settlement Agreement with the Department of Justice regarding Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) violations. This agreement was effective August 5, 2004. I will address some of those issues, as well. Relative to the size of the addltion, I think it is completely within reason. The addition is 713 square leet, a 2101o increase in the size of the property. lt is important to know how much space a wheelchair occupies. As you will see in the following examples, a wheelchair takes more than 100o/o more dear floor space than a person not in a wheelchair. Following are some comparisons. 1. The ADA requires a minimum of 30" x 48" clear floor space for a stationary wheelchair. An average person without a wheeldrair needs about 15" x24", or half the area. 2. An accessible toilet stall needs to be a minimum of 6Cl" wide and have 48" in front of the toilet (about 60" x 70"). A toilet stall for a person without a wheelchair is about 32" x 40". 3. The ADA requires a 5' circular arca for a wheelchair to tum. An average person without a disability needs less than 2'. 4. The ADA requires a minimum of 42" wide clear floor space for a person in a wheelchair to move around an obstruction. A person without a wheelchair needs less than 24". 5. The ADA requires 18" of clear floor space on the pull side of the door. A person without a wheelchairwould need 0". 6. The ADA requires 12" of clear floor space on the push side of the door. A pecion without a wheelchairwould need 0". 7. The ADA requires 5' of clear floor space for a fonrvard approach to a door. A: p€rson without a wheelchair would need less than 2'. : . 8. The Fair Housing Act (FHA) requires 3d x 48" of clear floor space, centered, in front of the sink, stove, refrigerator and any other appliance. ' 5504 HILLSIDE COURT . EDINA, MN 55439-12l 8 19521 944-8100 . FAX 1952], 944-1981 o horte007@tc.umn.edu ACCESSTB NVIRON|V|ENTS, ,,a,!'.. The requirements continue in every asped of 'clear floor space", whether it be adjacent to doors, in front of appliances or to simply change directions. In addition to the ADA and FHA, other considenations would be the type of wheelchair Mr. Beringause uses. Since he is quadriplegic, he uses a drair that tilts back to allow the user to alter positions to change pressure points (this is extremely important to staying healthy). When in the tilt-back position, the clear floor space needed would increase exponentially to the amount of tilt. lf Mr. Beringause was to enjoy the same clear floor space as a nondisabled person, the residence would need to be increased to at least 6,400 square feet, as opposed to the 3,964 square feet they have proposed. Other considerations include:. The namp in the garage needs to be at least 16 feet long due to the 16 inch rise. The mdification of the kitchen requires using the existing dining room for the additional space needed, so unless Mr. Beringause is supposed to eat in the living room or bedroom, a dining room needs to be added.. Most new homes in Vail are 5,000 to 6,fr)0 squarefeet. Another significant fact is that in August of 2004, the city of Vail entered into an agreement with the Depertment of Justice. A copy of this is attached. lt does not appear that the city of Vail has abided by the agreement. Settlement Requirement. to notit applicants, participants, beneficiaries, and other interested persons oftheir rights and the Town's obligations under title II and the Departnent's regulation, 28 C.F.R $ 35.106; Response: Neither Mr. Beringause nor his attomey, Mr. Eskwith have been informed of their rights and Vail's obligations. Settlement Requirementr to designate a responsible employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with and carry out the Town's ADA responsibilities, 28 C.F.R $ 35.107(a); Response: Neither Mr. Beringause nor his attomey, Mr. Eskwith have been given the name of an employee designated as the ADA coordinator. Settlement Requirementr to esablish a grioance procedure for resolving complaints of violations of title II, 28 c.F.R $ 35.107(b); Response: Neither Mr. Beringause nor his attomey, Mr. Eshrvith have been told of a grievance procedure. The Agreement goes on to say that an ADA coordinator was designated and that there is a grievance procedure, yet neither Mr. Beringause nor his aftomey, Mr. Eshdth have been given this information. 7. The Town has a designated ADA Coordindor. The ADA Coordinator coordinates the Town's effort to comply with and carry out its responsibilities underthe ADd including any investigation of complaints communicatedto it {..1, dleging its noncompliance with title tr or alleging any actions that would be prohibited under title tr. The Town makes available to all interested individuats the name(s), office address(es), andtelephone numbe(s) of the ADA Coordinator's Office. 8. The Town adopted an ADA Grievance Procedure. Griwances are brought to the atteirtion of the ADA Coordinator who worla towards a resolution ofthe matter. Ifthe ADA Coordinator's response does not satisfrctorily resolve the iszug the grievance may be broughtto the Town Council for review. It does not appear that Vail has trained their employees on the requirements of the ADA. r Within 12 momhs ofthe effective date of this Agreeme*, the Torn'n will develop or procure a two-hour training program on the requirements of the ADA and appropriate ways of serving persons with disabilities. The Town will use the ADA technical assistance mat€rials developed by the Departnent and will consult with interested persons, including individuals with disabilities, in developing or procuring the ADA training program. The City of Vail and the Department of Justioe entered into the Settlement Agreement so Vail could avoid the burdens and expenses of an investigation and possible litigation. r In order to avoid the burdens and expenses of an investigation and possible litigation, the parties enter into this Agree It is also important to remember that the ADA requires public entities to make reasonable modifications in their policies. . A public entity shall make reasonable modifications in policies, practices, or procedures when ttre modifications iue necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, unless the public entity can demonstrate that naking the modifications would ftndamentally alter the nature of the service, prograrn, or activity. DEPARTMENT OF ruSTICE OfEce of the Attomey General 28 CFRPART 35 [OrderNo. ] Nondiscriminatim on the Basis of Disability in State and Local Govenrneil Serrdces AGENCY: "ffi-.iilSffi. You have several options if the city of Vail denies the application for a building permit without abiding by the ADA, wttich requires accommodations for a p€rson who uses a wheelchair, and therefore has needs such as an elevator and additional square footage. 1. File a grievance with the city of Vail 2. Contaci the Department of Justice 3. File a lawsuit Please feel frse b call me at 952€44€100 if you have qr.restione or would like nre to address additional issues. oheruise, I willfollor up wifrr you in a fieuv days. Thank you. Sinceely, &d-)n-./&-o- Paula Mariucci Harbr Preskbnt 4 o Decign ReYiew Board ACTIOI| FORlrl oa Departrnent of Communitv Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxz 970.479,2452 web: iuwu.vailgov,comffiunYtErcloaanr Project l{ame: BENNGAUSE ADDmON Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON TO E(SITING WEST OF UNIT OF DUPLD(. Participants: OWNER BERINGAUSE, ERIC H. ILIrf,IZOOI 223 SHERWOOD LN STERUNG NJ 07980 APPUCANT FRIIZL.E N PIERCE ARCHNECTS 1650 EAST VAIL VALI"EY D& #C-1 VAIL @ 81657 License: C000001,102 ARCHfiECT FRTTZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS tll06,l2006 Phone: 970476-6342 1650 EAST VArL VALLEY D& #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 Project Address: Ll46 SANDSTONE DR VAIL Location: 1190 CASOLAR DEL NORTE DRIVE legal Descripdonr Lot: 6 Block Subdlvislon: CASOI-AR VAIL Parcel Number: 2103-121-0100-7 Comments: SeeConditions DRBNumber: DR8060512 LL | 061 2@6 Phone; 97 047 6-6342 MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARI'/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Apprcval: 11/28/2006 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. @nd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and beome void one (1) year following the date of nnaf apptal, unless a building permit is issued and co?strr*on is commenced and is diligently pursued toward ompletbn. Cond: 113 All development applicatons submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pendlng employee housing regulaUons in whatever form they are finally adopted; provlded, howwer, that ff the Town fails to adopt the pendlng employee housing regulaUons by April L5,2007, this Ordlnane shall not apply to such dwelopment applications. Condr CON0008576 The appllcant shall matclt the deck and handnil design and color to that o<isltng on the east half of the duplo<. Cond: CONfiD8578 The applicant shall match all light fixtures in style, color, and material to those o<isting on the structure cunently. The proposed light fixturg Shaper 682 INC' 120-NBZ-BN-C, is not approved as it does not match the exisitng light fixture on the duplor. Planner! Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $3OO.OO MEMORANDUM TO: Lot 6, Casolar Vail FROM: Community Development Department DATE: November28,2006 SUBJECT: Waiving of GRFA requirement in conjunction with proposed amendment This memorandum is to serve as an explanation of the waiving of GRFA regulations required by Chapter 12-15, Gross Residential Floor Area. The regulations require that prior to any approval of a GRFA addition that an analysis of all existing GRFA on the site be performed in order to determine if allowable GRFA remains for the project. Casolar I is an existing project comprised of several duplex structures. lt was determined that the home on Lot 6 would not be required to perform an analysis of GRFA for the entire project in order to be reviewed and approved by staff as the individual requesting the addition was a physically disabled individual. After conversations with the Town of Vail attomey it was determined that the physically disabled individual could not be required to satisfy the requirements of the Code. Therefore Staff did not require this individual to perform a complete analysis of the existing GRFA for Casolar l. () 0) a\ )J @ rBJ65 - C)5 ,Qep 07,06 06:39p ,548 5000 SUGGESTED GUIDELINE FOR CASOi.AR ASSOCIATION APPROVAL OFBERRIGAUSE EXPANSION Warren Carnpbell, Planner Town ofVail 75 South Frcnlagc Road Vail, Colorado 8 t657 Warren: The casolar hoperty owners' Association has reviewed the p)ans dated l r/0g/05 byFritzien Pierce Archircrr. fg dr".pflosed expansion of the Beringause Resjdence, Lot 6,west side, casoiar subdivision (l r9b casolar Drive) at its rneedng on November 25,2005. The Association approves oftlre proposed expansiou. CASOLqR PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION cc: Eric Beringause Berinceuse-o aj 952 848 o Dec 07 Eric Beringause05 05:39p 5000 p.1 JOII{T PROPERTY OWNER WR ITTEil APPROVAL T.ETTER l, (prlnt a jolnt owner of property locatrd et (addre6s/egat dsscriptim) provide this leti€r aB apprwd of the plan6 dat8d which have bsen sJbmltted to the Town ot vsil community Development Depsrtment for tha propced lmpro/orn€nta to ba Emplot€d at iha address noted *ove. I undgrsland that ttE propoocd hDro'\,€rErts includg: I furlher understand tllat rnho? modirtcations may be made to ths plans owr lfi6 course of the reviee, process to €nsu.e compliane yvith the Town,s appli:aHe cocies and regulations. /2-Z-aS (Date) P4e2ot6{/.l0ltm Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Winclow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Material Color LI Ft-vl"lrY>tt 1<-AD 6Fa4F- 4LIO tl h 'il /N 6/Ene4> Fulg ffiro,*JErI \aI t It\ l\J \-/ Notes: Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of LzlOZlo7l02 ' '682 o WE TAMPS / BALTASTS Incondescenl I - 75W mox (A-19). Fluorescenk I or 2 compoct 26W (F26DTT). For H.l.D. refer lo Spec. No. 682-l I in this section. Specify voltoge. Incondescent ovoiloble I 20V only. Stondord Bollosls ore Electronic (SSB).4-pin lomps required. See nBollosts" ond nlompst in Section G. Lomps not included. See "User Guide" for informotion on slorling temperotures of . - fluorescent fixtures. MATERIAIs / FIXTURE TOCATION U.L. listed for wet or domp exterior locotions. Aluminum bose metol is used for pointed finishes. Solid Bronze is used for oll other finishes. FINISHES Diffuser: White Acrylic. .Brdh4 ll{lBZ l- Noturol Finish Solid Bronze\---l {weothers to o dork bronze potirio.} SGB - Semi-Gloss Block SGW - Semi-Gloss White CC - Custom Color, Semi-Gloss VG - Verdi-Gris SZ - Sotin Zinc IAOUNTING Stondord - 4'J-Box or slucco ring. For reor conduil mounting, specify suffix C- OPTIONS For wolkino hozo+d- locotions. Add'suff i{BNUor Blunt Nose. \J FE DGE DOWNtIGHI :,,:.:. . ::,:.'.. Wilh Photocall Option For uplight version for wet locotion, see Spcc. No. 687-\NP in Seclion D- For bollord versions, see 982A1,/W ond 982.U in Scction E, SPEC GUIDE @,rrarw rmrLLED ms omoNs PH = Photocell BN - Blunt Nosc C = Reor Conduit Mounting lNo Suffix = J-Box Flush Mounted) . ,SPEC NO. --=_ 682 IAMPING tNc cF | /26 cF 2/26 r20-NBZ-BN-C +--- 7?+/?ia ffEynoffiL S Shaper Lighting l20SSB/2ZZSSB. Electrooic Bollosts (Only bollosts qvoilqble) t \- \ Photocell option (requires I li!' deep bock) specit suffix PH. NOTES For surloce-mounted conduit power feeds, coll Rep or foctory. For odditionol solid metol finishes, coll Rep or foctory. For photometric doto, see Section H. @ rouruonlor roR DESTGN INTEGRrry FINISH Copyright @ 1998 1141 Marina Way South, Richmond, Q,A 94804-3742 (51012s4-2370 Fax (510) 234-2s71 682 Wedge Downlight Clossic design thot is timeless. Solid bronze construction thol endures. Componion uplight version ovoiloble. T t I r Also ovoiloble for HID lomping, see 692-l I PT. TIEURON CONDOMTNIUMS NEURON, CA LTG. DEslcN: tlcHTtNG INTEGRA1ON IECHNO|ocy SHOWN WITH OPTIONAT 'B[UNT NOSE'POIRETO HEIGHTS SAN TRANCISCO, CA ARCH: DAVID BAKER ASSOC. Sshaper Llghting oo Beringause Residence Fritzlen Pierce Architects GRFA Calculations TotalExisting L.L. Square Footage I Total Vertical Wall Square Footage East North West South Party Wall 218364 268 146 277 364 255146 263 510 545 510 518 218 TotalVerticalWall Square Footage Below Grade East North West Party Wall Total=I I 8 21 0 21 202 0 202 268 277 545 202 146 348 Total= ilEESF It/3 +Lool -- Percentaqe Below Grade Total= ti[*iit];1: Area above 16'Total= ffS:$,ri Additional GRFA from L.L.Totat=ffi 5r/ ar- /u8, l,l1 / lat bbt 3qa **'|''***+f**+++****t*{.'t**'t't**+t*'t++tl**************r{'*++***+***++*************i++++*i*t******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment Statement N1rmber: R060001905 Anount: $300.00 aL/06/2OO602226 PM Payment Method: Cheek Init: iIS Notatlon: 14059/FRITZLEII PIERCE Permit No: DR8050512 T!De: DRB - Additlon of GRFA Parcel No: 2103 -121-0100 -7 SiEe AddreeE: 1146 SAIIDSTONE DR VAIIJ Location: 1190 CASOI,AR DEIJ NORTB DRII/E Total Fees: $300.00Thie Palments: $300.00 Total ALL Pmts: S300.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO3LT22OO DESIGN RTT/IEW FEES Current Pmts 300.00 llov-12-07 01:58pm Fron-TOllll 0F VAll CiltfilTY DEVEL0PIEIII 0701792112 T-tel P.00t/00r t 338 llflih 19,2m7 ?o wHotltl I7 ttAy cohtcEPtr\} ts PF.ti&t* of l'frc Fforprncrd Asdqtim Boord of Ccohr f Vail. I lrqv:' rcu-cf.d fh. plar daf.d ila"ch f6,2q17,b1 Glilar A. Atu;lcld, Ardrttcf ?C,t* o rcnodcl of Porut 14. t"rcohr E Vqil. f gprorc of fhc oxrcnr of Polrcl la pucccdfig to asl l,lre Tour of Vail bcsign Rrvier Soord for opprorlal of rhcir ranodeL The hon:uncru crd Tonr of Votl undercnod thcf, addftbnolly. thc HornooraerC A$octction Eoqrd nanrbers of Co$b If V6il Stlll t!.rk ft prwide riltar opprot al of th: pnolect brfoeeaV Tourof Vdl b?sigr Rwiar 8@rd dpgr?nal beconcs find and Hiore,W buildirp pernit is eplie.C fc. Sitrrrvlt,7a-gu Todgcr Andenson hesidcrlt HocrrucrJ r{ssocisiion Bmd Cq5oldrII Vail COfftTY EIET.FT-'IT Design Review Eoard ACTIOI| FORlrl Depiitment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com PrcJect Name: BERINGAUSE CHANGES Prciect lrescrlption: VAIL co 81657 License: C000001,102 Proiect Addr€ssz 1146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL 1190 CASOI.AR DEL NORTE DRIVE Legal Descrlption: lot: 6 Block Subdivislon: CASOLAR VAIL Parcel l{umber: 2103-121-0100-7 Comments: Seeconditions DRB Number: DR80702,10 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS FOR CHANGES TO THE SOUTH DORMER AND NORTH ENTRY AND I-ANDSCAPE CHANGES Pailicipants: OWNER BERINGAUSE, ERIC H. 223 SHERWOOD LN 0610412007 STERUNG NJ 07980 APPUCANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 0610412007 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY D& #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001,102 ARCHffiCT FRI]ZLEN PIERCE ARCHFECTS 0610412007 Phonet 970-476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 location: Motion By: Seond By: Vote: GondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTTOI{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of ApprcYaE O7 | l8l2OO7 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. ono: zoz o Apprwal d thts project shall hpse and become vold one (1) year blloruing fre date of final approval, unless a buiHing pemlt is lssued and coruFuction is ommenced and b dillgen0y pusued bvard omplefion. Cond: CONfl[91.N7 No retalnlng walls orcr bur feet arc shorvn on the plan nor approved witlr this applkauon. Cond: CONfl)GllrE The applhant shall rctum all dlsturberl grades to a 2:1 slope. Planner: Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Pald: f2O.0O JWI-a?-246 !1.46 P.W/@? Applicilbn frr Decign Rsrbw DlFrlrrt d Crr.tnntt DanUrut 7t scdt F grut€ Ra4 v|I, Obf.do 3r6tt[9,Dtrg:ttD trgrut9Artaw|Uuhf.tl.*6.rs €lrrrl talbrartou ^f gtflr rlqlarhg rl|rgn rtuk ||r!f rI-r aF|ort Fir tC llunil'l3 r nlmrE F'rnt rgCrc&n. Ac.sEdr'lDtE$hilJ r4ltrEtlbrhFnilrtrrylrJurctqrg. ln s|€.rn fs gogn r!.l.GrtC]tlil !c .6*d unil il rcsjfd hFtrdoi b dnd bt t|r eilItfrU Cradunrt Dcrtnr.||r T'}emtG nry ab rd b bc nrtff Uf Br Tcxr A.rEf rtEE U! h.|l*n rnd Envimnvtrt Cfirdrco.El1nr?ht pw.l hF.. drr ldfig Forat b hJdoldrudbil onnrnc nf|thcnrl|uJlt artrltal. qlrlrtbtdinr.{u6 el|.a,^rFr< lo- .ft$+tn -D-.c-ra,,',era :h. \lrrgtt} ., - -bar_feY, LA^)u<r-eea.--4-Sllar6eq. ...,. -. -- f,ocdonrturrbac.f: t*..L.-l//rg,;l--Srtdhftlonz -Ca*t 1f, \At+- -thrr..lrddrf* lY? &a <,t+at (e-q lT ,V*", fO q " z;7 t rdio.a ?o4?'ntlrt?? (o|h(tqeb6.tt-orlg,&Sl&86a0tbrpercctno.) loilrlF E4 g ,sw-o \,oN -Crct irlr(r) olOror(r)t rillc nrrs(dftdm(r} llrllrylrlrnrl hiro!t/ltaia|tt TypGof frtdcrrd fGG: O-ggn6J{ csrrruuna,sr D llcrv €qrlhuar AffiOn o '|irA[ilbn(rnfH|.r|ily/dllruEit) tr lhsAfrrdtort {dndc.tarnry&rrpl|'.} . ,X Ctnrcruruu.Cnrrr t60 6Et1.00Fn|lctotdHJgtda.fbfir't650 hrmhdgtoarrahfliltgrrl.l|dEhriH"tS F frAboilttrilrnftOfcldarltorildoenr'lt t _ qrtns(rlhffitg(ldirszsoafrt'&lrEifdirCt'ri). r2i0 rt |n|radarr|-Dn-i3 ildrlr artPlocrrrcrl|, luaD a5,l1dt$ Fti;l3i ffir Dfrtr* rwg;, rrrEE irno ra!|lrgrrc|3?GIto FillrtqfidEbhfrrrliletorrtrnmq edrq,rttdit Fit|t! f,lrh .ddFffi, htt3agingL ktct .d.[.u|gr*rc. l2lt TSFE tu tc,&h.r b il.r Hr |FEld bf tlilnfiE grtl s 0rElgnFF,brFlll.tl S.F|'dmR{*n TOTFIL P. A2 ?00'd 1YI0r -ffi loxnnoPffirotlrlR wRtTtlxlt?RWALufiEn :?+* d,?p,cz a+ ruav'pc- ateeJzu'r;'* La^"-a t^''t(l' IttulfEcNo ..l&< &. Lltt-+ 'tLl^'t't I'on'ne'^t ' ' I, (ptht name) pfwidc drls leBet c wrtten appord of $e phnr dlEd whichhautbGGn'ubmitud!odrcToygno'vt|lconmun.rtvDadoerrrrrtDcpartnartforthc propo€ed hnprov€mclrts to bG complctcd at thc oddrc$ nced rbovc. I understrnd that tht popoeed |mpmvefilc *s lmJudcr ldditionrllr, plorc drdr ttrr tltHrt|t b.loil, wltklt b |tld tDPlic.bL io yant { t rora*ap drrt nifr ndlwotg noy b n$& b ile pttt16 orry tlg ar* of ttn b atpre @are fih ap iilttt's && dE a''d ra'hw' ldts Fqat st z hs tr.td ldlt/2006 b d t,qtta Aat dt,t d;fudd, tt ttw d dra!'b, whtdt an mock to tlc fut owt tE Mw il tE Eww ptffir b fuot0hc b ay *artiot by dlc wt t fe ffii,al fufrvnl EldE uodcrfi,ltv fiirtpr n'lhtr by dP 74rrr, w-- ahttiei h.ft) 200'd 09ll 6?8 69? lr SoUVfioA'er'Y 9l r60 ,002-Ez-,tYN mRY-3a-e@? 43r35 FR0H3 IgtgL9784?64g'1 P , L,'L GUILD LINBS FON, CASOLAN ASSO(I^ITON APP.OV^L OF BEI]I{OAUSE EXPANSOI{ Wrnen Curpbcll Plamcr Town of Vril 75 SoutbFloatagcRoad Vdl. Colasdo E1657 Wrrrcru Thc Caeolu hopcrry Owuas' Association hrr rwiarrcd tltc 6oposcd cbanges to the crpusionof the Ewbgrusc Rclittanca (t 190 Carolrr Drivc) rnd lardrcape imprcvqncor providcd by Fdtdcn Picte Archirccu (drd 5/21107) sd Sorcsnrc (rbtod 5/20rc7). Tbp Associltion rpFovcs thccc clreugcs to thc propoood oxpuaion CASOL nPROTBTYoWImSASSOq TnN bdger Andcnon z8 lSvd sl trB5F9rr0l6 eztrl Lg6at64/98 aara**ra*aa*faaff*alff+flflaarfaa'aatat*lff+*flft+atttllataalalaatfaa**flalaaaaaraaaaaaaaaara TOWNOFVAtr4 COI,oRADO Strt€m€oraaaa***+ftltaaalltlafa*aaalf**faaaaaa+aa+aa**afaaaaaaaaaa*++altffaafa*ltta*aaaafaal**taat'l*t Staten€ot Number: R070000860 Paymeat tbtbod: Cbcctr PIERCB ARCH Asronnt: $20.00 06/04/2OO7L0:53 AltInLt: iI9Notation: 14488/FRITZLBS Pea'nLt Xo: Parcel ![o: SLte addresg: Iocation: ft:la Palment: ACCOTJNT ITBM LtrST: AccouEt Code DR 00100003LL2200 DR8070240 Tl/I)e: 2103-121-0100-7 1146 gAITDSTGIB DR UAIIJ 1190 EASOI.AR DEIJ NORTB $20. o0 Deacrlptlon DRB-Cbg to AI'I)r Pla.as DRr\'E Total F€€s: Total AI!,Ij [lnta: Balance: $20.00 $2O. oo so.00 Current Pmts 20.00DBSTqS REt,l[Elf PEES / ^ 6to/ar Wv /tb Decign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORII DeDartment of Community Development 75 Sflrth Frontage Road. Yall. Colorado 81657 tel:970.,t8.2139 fex:970.479.2452 web: wws.vallgov.comffi.l|fitElrEu'tE{t Prciect l{ame: BERINGAUSE RES. CHANGE Proiect Description: RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS FOR AN ADDMON OF UNDERGROUND STORAGE DUE TO POOR SOIL CONDMONS. THIS AREA WILL MEETALL CODE REQUTREMENTS OF A CMWSPACE. Partclpants: owNER BERTNGAUSE, ERrC H, 091L012007 223 SHERWOOD LN STERUNG NJ 07980 APPUCANT FRIZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 091 L012007 Phone: 970476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VALTEY DR" #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001,102 ARCHITECT FRIIZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS OglI9lzW7 Phone: 970475{342 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001.102 Project Address: 1190 cAsol-AR DEL NORTE DR VAIL LocaUon: 1190 CASOI.AR DEL NORTE DRIVE Legal Descdption: lot: 6 Bloclc Subdivision: CASOLAR VAIL Parel Number: 2103.-121-0100-7 @mments: SeeConditions DRB ]{umber: DRB07047o llotion By: Seond By: Vote: Gonditions: BOARD/S|TAFF ACIIOil ACTON: STAFFAPR Dab of Approval: LLI07 12007 C.ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrltten consent of Town of Vail stafr and/or the appropriate revieur ommlttee(s). Oond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consUtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Bullding personnel prior to construction activities. @nd:201 O DRB approvdl-shall not beome valid for 20 days following-fre date of approval. Cond:202 Appmval of thls project shall lapse ard beorne vold one (1) year fiollowing the date of final apprwal, unless a building permit is lssued and onstnrdion is commenced and is diligenuy pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0$9488 THE area shown to be added shall meet all the requiremenb of Section 12-12-15-3(CX1)(a)(3), Definitions, CalculaUon, and Exclusions, Vail Town Code. The crawlspace to be added must meet these reguirements in order to not count as GRFA. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: i2O.OO Jtr$"it?-& t?:4 -o ?,@/@2 v Nwo o \Jo eee,tcrton ftr Dclgn Rrirw oronrrCarr|QDa4.hd tt tqdr FgI! q, $1 Obcrc U[5tlfr Du/rrt:lt E ril.rr9trfir *f,ri!.*6.|| abdrbrtd al tlF]lq|ngf,en rwFr|rf lEF tt|Dru- Frr !c rDiEf r tff|e tn*ilF(Er. te|tED!-!|Int' rrtrlrltllulrl|rlEut'a!trrutEr:-|r|tEE xr Trur b Dryr EG|ICl! E qt, Ul| f rqrfl hfrdol 5dd !r!r qrn* Oruafrn D.rfr.t fh. D.!lE rrw D rrF b ts rrttt ot tlr -rdr Cbd f{tt !! t||lfE nt AHrr.Et ffi.Hr tt fut tsI - r fffl F|lrr I H d ora'Ichr crrH *|hd|rtrJt rFrnt Ldior-urtnlgilt J*,|L.*F,{;,. qaa'rHo.t'. qE ,4ra ULt- -rffirrn-ltqnd*t' t+ L+rf r\As ?O f i'/ rrriln: 42Om4?, (ffi qbo.br:9?D32!.*rohrprdrp,) lorltS R4 irr(rldornr(rl: MJ .tl|utofr*n({! hr^|#c rtlryltll- l|1.otftrdhlrtr-$lr J( oncr*drrrtr .D hxr€frhoiffil o riFt[lrbr(|n|ptttl'/stlnq tr ltrffin(5lC.{.ir}nr50 { ArqruriloOn-|r El sFfrttq- l. A!|'.SFr]rE,dbil*rf!.15h'f6SD ttulhrru|crrrt|Elcfinffilda|lD ilrrhflllrFt n biabd|Ib tr,cffi tqrrcl ha Grub zs tfr r h5a tlnlr!b!a).(fi Rttt6rlrDrtr.r'.irlrl||nrE[rq rrr6rlEr Flllla. -Er -'!E, !- rG trtrEE rtsliltrr|}-.ll! Rtfu drFbutf rdfrhrqrst} rdrr,.tr!fic fiho, ||rh aacgq Lti-.3ing hct rdnErt*.G,ll0 turc*hbfil.ha.' .Fd bt ftlf,nirl t stbrytFl-ur.lbFr TOTF{. P.O2 SEP-lB-E€trt l4!= Ftrtrtlr v ,o?"*.**, Soptrdcl$20fi Torn dVdl, Colcrdo thi.ltiltr bbbU &p Twn ofVril thrt tr Crolrr l{mcrman' Arooirrdo rprowr 6c chnpl infu phr frr &. oos rod Eaingru* nmoddr. Sha.rdy,7+ fo$crAulcrron frtcidnt Crgolrr Homo*rr' AE ocirtiorr P. L,,T o +fflaaaaatlf*lff*|laaat*a+**tft++atl*+faalatfatal*+tt*rlff+l'la'i+ffa*aaaaaaat*f***++a++faaa*aa TOWNOFVAIL, COI,oRADO Stat€m€rf*faalllffal*ata+t*aaf+**al*+a*raalt*ff*f*lt*+faa++afattaa*ta*aaaf*atff***tt+ttt*f*a*t*taaaaagtatement lltrnber: R070001803 Anount: s20.00 09/Lo/2oo7L0:53 AIrl Payment Method: Check Inlt: dIB Notatlon: 14576/FRITZL,EN PIERCE Perrnit No: DRBOTO4?5 lype: DRB-Chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 2103-121-0100-7 SitE AddTESS: .],190 CASOIJAR DEI.| NORTE DR \TAIIJ Location: 1190 CAAOLAR DBt IIORTE DRrVE Total Feea: $20.00Thi6 Palment: $20.00 Total ALtr PrntE: $20,OO.Bala.uce: 9O . O0 +ttfffla*t*t**a+t+aa|}*aaatfall*a****tal+ttt|'flatt*l**aalt+ttt+*+ftafflaa+a**+t++++at*rr**at* ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3IL?2OO DESTGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 @4 OI FFOPOaED ILOS AEOVE -€ il ^. i . AS"m\A_/ PLAN NORTH OAER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN DES STAFF o,to24t Flrrx oIGOK ooHr.Crrgcz101 IJJUz|IJoa IJJ IJJV) Uz e,IIJ co d^ 3HH" ;asi6 398 E9UE e;=: ARCH ITECTS nff.Tgt ffi lr-or rec r-ewr- |t--ll-+ tA200l o Cffi^LA1 Depotment of Commwtity Developnent 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colordo El657 97U479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.tts . ACTIONT1ORM Februry 15,2006 RE: PBC05-0096 On February 13,20fl6, the Plaming md Environmcntal Conmisrion @EC) UPruLD the odrninistator's determin4ion of an inconplete qplication byavote of tGl (Kjesbo recwcd). ; Please see the attached StaffMenrorandum and AgendA boft datcd Fcbrury 13, 2006 for detailcd infornation. trro,*r^"o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 13,2006 An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-38, Appealof Administrative Actions, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination of an incomplete variance application, 1146 Casolar Del Norte Drive/Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0096) Applicant Eric Beringause, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett |il. SUBJECT PROPERTY The property for which a variance application from the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) standards of the Residential Cluster (RC) zone district was made is focated at 1146 Casolar Del Norte Drive/Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail. More specifically, Unit 64, 1190 Casolar Del Norte Drive, Casolar at Vail subdivision was the subject property of the variance application withdrawn due to its incompleteness. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION JURISDICTION Pursuant to Section 12-3-38-1, Appeal of Administrative Actions; Authority, Vail Town Code, the Planning and Environmental Commission has the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by any Town of Vail administrative official with respect to the provisions of the Title 1 2, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code. PROCEDURAL CRITERIA FOR APPEALS Pursuant to Sections 12-3-3V2 and 12-3-38-3, Appeal of Administrative Actions; lnitiation and Procedures, Vail Town Code, there are three basic criteria for an appeal: A) standing of the appellant; B) adequacy of the notice of appeal; and C) timeliness of the notice of appeal. A) Standinq of the Apoellant The appellant has standing to appeal the administrative decision related to the straff determination that the application made on behalf of Eric Beringhause by Fritzlen-Pierce Architects, December 12, 2006, lor a variance from Section 12-6E-8: Density Control, Residential Cluster (RC) zone district, Vail Town Code, did not contain sufficient materials for review and must therefore be withdrawn. o tv. B) AdequacvoftheNoticeoftheApoeal The application for this appeal was filed by the property owner of Unit 6A, Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, Mr. Eric Beringhause. The Appeals Form and the materials required for its submission have been determined to be complete by the Community Development Department. C) Timeliness of the Notice of Appeal The Administrative Section of the Town's Zoning Code (12-3-38-3, Procedures) states the following: "A written notice of appeal must be filed with the Administrator or with the department rendering the decision, determination or interpretation within twenty (20) calendar days of the decision bcoming final. lf the last day for filing an appeal falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or a Town-observed holiday, the last day for filing an appeal shall be extended b the next business day. The Administratofs decision shall become final at the next Planning and Environmental Commission maeting (or in the case of design related decision, the next Design Review Board meeting) following the Administratofs decision, unless the decision is called up and modified by the Board or Commission." The applicant submitted a complete appeal application within the twenty (20) day requirement. NATURE OF THE APPEAL On December 12,2006, William Pierce of Fritzlen Pierce Architects, on behalf of Mr. Eric Beringhause, filed an official appeals form to the Town of Vail Community Development Department. The nature of the appeal is generally described below. The appellant is appealing the following administrative determination: 1) lt was determined by Staff that the appellant's application for a variance from Section 12-6E-8: Density Control, Residential Cluster (RC) zone district, Vail Town Code, was incomplete based upon Section 12-17-2, Application Information Required for a Variance application (see Attachment A, staff lefter) because it lacked the following, required application materials: A stamped, topographic survey of 1146 Casolar Del Norte Drive/Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, for use in calculating build-able site area and subsequently, the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for the entire site. Staff cannot use anecdotal information or make assumptions based upon historical records to determine what is existing floor area, or what the actual allowable GRFA for this development site. Complete floor plans, efsting and proposed, drawn at an appropriate scale .lor loJ[falves of the existing duplex 9n Lot 6 in order for Staff to accuratelyiffiinffihat remains with respect to not only GRFA, but other such parameters as site coverage, landscape area, v. setbacks, and any other zoning standards which might also require a \Nariance. o Accurate, verifiable calculations of the total amount of existing GRFA on the entirety of what is known as Lot A7, Block Ag, Casolar Vail, in order to determine whether a variance from the GRFA restrictions of the Residential Cluster (RC) zone district is required in this instiance. Without knowing the actual constructed amount of GRFA on site, Staff cannot accurately determine what amount of GRFA, if any, remains for the development site. The appellant's statement as to the specific nature of the appeal is attached (Aftachment B), as is documentation of his research into the Town's legal files for the subject property (Attachment C). REQUIRED ACTION To Uphold/Overturn/Modify the administrative action. Section 12-3-38-5, Findings, details the requirements for action taken by the Planning and Environmental Commission as follows: "The Planning and Environmental Commission (or the Design Review Board in the case of design guidelines) shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These frndings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by he requirements of this Title have or have not been met." STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission upholds the administrative action which determined that an application for a variance was incomplete and therefore unable to be effectively processed, and was therefore subsequently withdrawn. In accordance with the information presented in this memorandum, and the exhibits attached hereto, staff recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission makes the following finding: 1. That the Community Development Departnent Aministrator has apprcpriately determined that the application for a Grcss Re5idential Floor Area (GRFA) variance submifted on behalf of Mr Beinghause of 1190 Casolar Del Nofte Drtve, Unit 6N Lot A7, Block Ag, Casolar Vail, lvas incomplete and had to be withdrawn by he Administrabr. ATTACHMENTS A. Staff Letter of Incompleteness and Withdrawal dated January 4,2006 B. Appellant's Representiative's Response to Staff Letter C. Documentation of Appellant's Representative's Research vt. vil. JAN.1E,a0A5 6:A6Pfl N0.25? P,?/Z Appeals Form , Drpiltrient of Comrnunity Developmant' 79 South Frontage Road', VsU c.clondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tux: 970.479'2452 web: Ulry41ligqrcgtr General lnformsdon: ThiS form iS required br flltng an appol of a Sbff, Daslgn Review 8oard, ort Planning and.Envilontneobl Commigsion acioddeclslon, A complete fonn and rssoclated r€quiren€Jits must be submlt&d to tiB Communlty Dcwlopmcnt Department within twenty (20) alendar days ot'the dlsputsd adion/deqson, Doec thir appeal involve a specific parccl of lanoz(y6D(no) If yrr, rru you .n td.sent Froperty own.r? (yes)@ Daleof Acdon/Dcclsion: Board or Staff p€Fon rcndcring action/decigon! Nrme of Appclbnt(s): Hrlllng Addrcs$: LEr$& ",f 1t'o*l-'gruuEton, Aaa!-te-y'A LLegal Drscrlption of Apprllrnt(r) 9igneturr(s): Subnittel Regulremerrts:i. On e separtte she* or $parate sfree$ of paper, prcvide a d€tailed oglarutbn of hour yotl are rn "aggrlsred or udw|taly rffectcd p€con', 2. C;; separate theet or separ-ae sh€6 of paper, spEcfy the predse nature of the €ppeal. Please citt gpedflc code g€dlons having rclevance to $e action beirB appealed. 3. provide a llst of names snd addiesses (both mailirg and physiaal Eddress€s In Vall) of all owners of grcperty whc are the subJed of the appeBl and all edjacent property owrEnJ (including ownets who6e propcdes arc €8para)€d from the subject property by a right'of'way, stream, or other inlervening bailier),4. Povide starnped, addrusstd envdopes for each proPerty omcr liste.d in (3,). (Attach 6 list of moru sp€ce is t€qulr6d). PL€ASE SUEMTT THIS FOR''{ AND ALL SUSMMAL REqUIREUETTS TO: TO^,N 0F vAlr" o€PARTMENT OF @MMUNn'Y DeIELoPMEIIT, 75 SO|JTH FROMrTGE ROAo, VNL, C(xORAoo 81657. .* RECEIUEO JANIIlIf, F iLs€lr\cd.vlFORMSIAFpLtC'vcFprtlr.dos 80PyFIL T Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci,vail.co.us /: .fftar:hment: A- I Jarr'tery 4,2006 William Pierce Fritzlen-Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-l Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bill, As we discussed this aftemoon, I am returning the variance application submitted by your firm on behalf of Mr. Beringhause because staff has determined its contents are incomplete. The status of the application will be entered into our system as being '$ithdrawn" The following materials are the minimum required to adequately analyze a variance request such as the one made on behalf of Mr. Beringhause: o A stamped, topographic survey of 1146 Casolar Del Norte Drive/Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, for use in calculating build-able site area and subsequently the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for the entire site;r Complete floor plans of both sides of the existing duplex on Lot 6 drawn at the appropriate scale; andr Accurate, verifiable calculations of the total amount of existing GRFA on the entirety of what is known as Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, in order to determine whether a variance from the GRFA restrictions of the Residential Cluster (RC) zone district is required in this instance. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions regarding this letter or the applicatiou requirements for a variance request. I look forward to speaking with you soon. Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Community Development Departrnent Town of Vail Offrce: (970) 479-2140 Fax: (970) 479-2452 {g*nouor^"o ;|'o ERC Attachment B ARCHtTL\-rJ vAtL. coLoRAoo Lynn frilzlen, AlA. ,Architect Wrlliam f. Pierce, Architect Kathy fleslinga, Business Manager January 10, 2006 FRITZLEN PI Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Your letter ofJanuary 4,ZOOG Application for Variance, Beringause Residence, Ulnit 6A, Casolar Vail Matthew, In accordance with Chapter 3 of Title l2 (12-3-3) of the Town Code, and on behalf of my client, Eric Beringause, I would like to file a formal Appeal of the Staff Decision to "withdraw" my application for a Variance, submitted on December 12, 2005, due to the determination that the contents are incomplete. lt is my opinion that the material submitted does meet the submittal requirements for a Variance. I would like to have this appeal heard by the Planning and Environmental Commission at their next meeting, January 23, 2006. It is clear that numerous Zoning Reviews have been performed and numerous Building Permits issued throughout the Casolar Subdivision that are based on a maximum GRFA of 1690 sq. ft. as defined in the Subdivision Covenants. In fact in early 1995, a "250 square foot addition" was permitted on this Property in that it was determined that the 1690 sq. ft., as well as the allowed 225 sq. ft. were used. lt was agreed, at that time, with the addition of the 250 sq. ft., there was no additional square footage available for this Dwelling. It seems that the Staff, based on the material requested in your letter, is attempting to determine if there is existing GRFA available in the Subdivision. lf there is GRFA the Staff feels it would not be necessary to provide a Variance for Mr. Beringause's Addition. ln my opinion it is inappropriate to require my client to evaluate Zoning characteristics for the entire Casolar Subdivision. l. There are Four Unbuilt Dwelling Units in the Casolar Subdivision. How would GRFA be assigned to these Units, assuming that there were GRFA available? 2. lt would be and highly invasive, and potentially illegal for Mr. Beringause to calculate the GRFA of Units that do not belong to him. The new methods of calculating CRFA exaserbate the difficulty of the calculation. Original and I650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C*1, Vail, Colorado 81657 P: 970.476.634? F:970.476.4941 t: info@vaila rchitsc ts,com w\4,w.vai larchitecls.com o RCEFRITZLEN PIE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COLORADO existing grades as well as room heights over I 7 feet would need assessment. It seems unnecessary to discuss the cost of such an evaluation. 3. lt seems possible, at considerable expense, to determine the exact "Build- able Area" for the subdivision. My question remains: Without the answer to Item I (above) and the onerous calculations described in ltem 2 (above), what value does the topographic survey and "Build-able Area" provide? ln closing, I believe there is sufficient basis for my request for a Variance based on the historical reliance on the GRFA limit of 1690 sq. ft. throughout the Casolar Subdivision. Please feel free to contact me on this matter and I look forward to the PEC hearing on January 23,2pO6. ',.,,. Hand delivered January 10, 2006 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallfidge C* l, Vail, Colorado 81657 P:970.476.6342 r:970.476.4941 E: i nfo/iDvailarchitects.com www.vailarchitects.com '2 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING February 13,2006 PROJECT ORIENTATION - Town Gouncil Chambers. PUBLIC WELCOME 1:30 pm 1. Staff memorandums were discussed with Commission members; no direction given. MEMBERSPRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Dave Viele Anne Fehlner-Gunion Chas Bernhardt Doug Cahill George Lamb Rollie Kjesbo BillJewitt Site Visits: Driver: Public Hearing - Town Council Chambers 2:00 pm 1. A requestforfinal reviewof an appeal of an administrative action, pursuantto Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing the staff determination of an incomplete development application, 1146 Sandstone Drive/Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0096) Applicant: Eric Beringause, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects Planner: Matt Gennett AGTION: Upheld Staff Determlnation MOTION: Jewitt SECOND: Bernhardt VOTE: 5-0-1 (Kjesbo recused) Rollie Kjesbo recused himself from the item as he has a conflict of interest. Matt Gennett gave a presentation per the staff memorandum. Bill Pierce, representing the applicant, handed out a document with multiple exhibits and gave a presentation regarding the overall subdivision. On the map presented it was identified that there are several homes constructed on the site and two lots which are plafted but not constructed. The applicant stated that the items being requested by staff are too onerous and an invasion of privacy in order to do GRFA calculations for other units. He stated that the Town's legal file clearly identifies that there is no GRFA remaining and Arthur Beringause, father of the applicant, stated that the cunent residence is small and difficult for his disabled son to maneuver around the home. He would like to make some changes to their existing home in order to make it easier for his son to come to the house. Not asking for pity or empathy or money just the ability to make some minor changes to their existing house. David Viele asked several questions regarding the possible re-plafting of the property. He personally feels like requesting a resubdivision and asking for any associated variances regarded to have the plat comply with the Residential Cluster zone district. Page 1 Matt Gennett, stated that with the minimum lot size and minimum buildable lot area required in the Residential Cluster District it would be difficult to re-subdivide the parcel and have parcels which comply with the zoning. George Lamb believes there is a historic lineage leading to 1690 as the maximum GRFA. With lhe 225 and 250 having been built it is clear that the unit is over 1690 and the ability to come in for a variance is there. However, a survey of the immediate area will be needed to establish height, site coverage, etc. Bill Jewitt discussed the desirability of the association providing the survey. He feels a survey is absolutely needed and is tom over whether or not 1690 sq ft of GRFA should be used as the standard. He further suggested doing the survey and determining the allowable GRFA. Then dividing the allowable GRFA by the number of units and that would give the allowable GRFA for each unit. No use of GRFA by one unit would negatively affect another unit. This would require proper notification of all members of the association. The Commission directed staff to go back with the applicant and develop some fair and reasonable options. ln general, the Commissioners stated that a topographical survey was necessary. 2. A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 12-16, Conditional Uses, to allow for the temporary use of the tennis facility for conferences and conventions, located at Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, Area A, 1300 Westhaven Drive, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0002) Applicant Vail Cascade Resort and Spa, represented by Don MacLachlan Planner: Matt Gennett AGTION: Approved with condition(s) MOTION: Viele SEGOND: Jewitt VOTE:6-0-0 Matt Gennett gave a presentation per the staff memorandum. The applicant was not present. Jim Lamont, representing the Vail Village Homeowners Association, asked about what could be done if parking became a problem. He also asked about how the traffic impact fee is assessed to a project which gets a yearly CUP to increase the number of trips. The Commissioners supported approval of the conditional use permit with the condition specified in the staff memorandum. 3. A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend the Lionshead Study Area Boundaries and Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to include the study "West Lionshead'area, generally located at 646, 862, 890, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road WesULot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts C and D, Vail Village Filing 2, and several unplafted parcels (a more complete legal description is avaihbb at the Community Development Department), and setting forth detrails in regard thereto. (PEC06-0008) Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon Office Building General Partnership Planner: Wanen Campbell ACTION: Tabled to March 13, 2006 MOTION: Lamb SEGOND: Bernhardt VOTE: 5-0-l (Viele recused) Dave Viele recused himself from the item as he is one of the applicants. Page 2 .- irEtv v wards ' Ti I keneier or lulillcr Co rcoran Duane PiPer Jirn }lorgan The neeting tras called to order by the chairnan, Gerry ltlhite' 1.-. ApprovaL of r.rinu!es-of Deccmber 8. 1980 necting' lloger, Vote n'45 unallrmous. Dan rnoved to linox dcn s it contl'ol variance Ca-solar II, tlcsub Lot A-7 Lionsrj dge. Peter Pattcn explained that this was first brought to a PIC neeting j'n october' 1980' The events vrc:re compl icated, anci there iras a baiic di-sagrer:rent in the Sequence of event betrr'ccn the Torr,n of Vait staff and Mr. l'hrox. tle explaincd -Lhat Jirn Rubin had written a rnemo r.,-hich i)eter read: "he (lino-x) clear'ly under-stotd the 1400 sq ft per unit and the r for- the sl.ope analysis. IIe i1etr ihat it ir., .qt to- lirn to allocate the squaie footage i Casolar II. lle was ,l*u"r totd that he could tianfer €.{tra squ4ls tootage. floin .Casoiar l peter cxplairrcd a teiif=ftot Diana 1'oughi11 <ta.ted Januar-y 8; 19Sl distributed just be:{ the neeting. Diana: As I see it, part of the disagrcnrerrt j.s t'rirether the Town had the responsi'bilit1 to enfor:ce the co./enalrts or trhatever, pcitai-ninp, to thc GIIFA' As I renenbcl' the vrhole thing as i1. r.rent thru the oriSinal apploval, i.s that the Tom in fact requircd that cer thirrgs be prit in tirc covc)rart;, an,i ii sales contracts elxl a nrtntbe:: cf other things' s< iirri'irr"ii;;;;il in fact "r,io."o the GiiFA so t';e v.'culdutt cnd up t:ith problens latcr' Ge::4,: llhat ycu arc refcrrini{ to al:e the restrictions j.tr t-ertns of 1:ct.a1 size. Diarra: No, thc maxinttin 6llFA per unit. I looked back at sorne of the files' and I think if you looll at ti,at]'-iouiii fi"a ny ol'iginal notes on tltc col'enants, rnaking ccrtain rct ments in ternrs of changeS in the covereaiits sc that tlrere t'ras a rna-xil::uie GRI:'{ 1:er unit si in the covctlants. Dan: As you recall, then, thcre was a tnaxirrt n, aud evelr- though the Torn-rcvicwed everi brrj,lding thrt ccmes titrough, crrcn if an)' ollc ol' t\{o ot tiu'ee of tlroso bui}clings l\'cl'e o1 and yere appr.qvcd as bcing ovcr:, they r,'trcntt beiirg approvcd as individual' tircy wcrc I hplliing agaitrst the gr':rnd total? Diana: Thc ua1'I rent'trbel. it, it was on a pcr unit thing bccause it r"rs dividcd into ' or parccls lrrrd that the nra-tintirrrr GIIFA applici by urlii, to cach unit, and th:rL thcre was a unit nxx r.ttthcr thnn ir totirl rrlax. Darr; so if the Totrlt epllrovccl ?00 cxtllr fcct' oll l)ilrccl I ?' or tt'lrrtcvcr' tltt: ntrnbcts arr th:rt didn,t thcn ltrtoti:itticalll'colnc ofi of thc l:rst per'<:cl to bc ttcvcloPcJ'j li cach o: r,rrs in<livirhrlrllI rcvicivctl $nd if al:JrIoYctl, thxt rt'rS not Soingi to affcct thc l st tltlit Sctting bttiIt? Dj:rna: That rs thc rluy I rcr:renbcr lt. rLANN ING 1981 ANt) TNVIRON|U[I{]NL 3:00 p.m. CO}.$IISSION MEETINi; l:;-,*- Attachment: C-- STAFI.' PRESENT Dick Ryan Peter Patten BetsY Rosolack COUNCIL REPRESEi\ITATIVE Bill lirilto approve, seconded bY Q*&AA= SINGLE-F'AI"IILY RESIDENTIAI,, TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAI-, & TWO-FAMILY t{t' SECONDARY/RESIDENTIAL ZONING CHECK LIST LegaL Owner Description lar A-? /-LorsBna+ t t jpel Architect F{+po.:, e^ .'rt"n.r, * = Ol<- *= OtC Parking: COMI{ENTS: L' +5rr Slope ActuaL Avalanche Flood Plain e tl>Slope CreekDistance from Trees Remqved zone District fu Proposed use ?",rLaa Lot Area ,*rr'7 4 Height (Actual) Setbacks: Distance Betvreen G.R.F.A. Allowed Primary Unit Site Coverage: Allowed-Lot Area Landscaping: Required-tot Area , sides lf4 aes 6R Aqtual:.-itbf- 6fiEFE.R.F.A. Aciual Secondary Unit Required 4 * Actuar 7'"ltfFn Drive: Slope Permitted Environmental/Haz ard : tilT Admini'strator Zoning Date Legal Description: Owner Zone District ZONE C}IECK for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Fil ing Archi tect lEh/l t3 SFR, R,R 0Lot / B]ock.r_- Proposed Use 3F' Proposed 9!'l ....-*..'..'.','- Setbacks: Front-Required 20' Proposed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required l5' Proposed l.latercou rse-requi red Proposed _ Ar'fovred fu?a/ u/{ Primary A'llovred _ Secondary Al lowed S'ite Coverage: Al I owed GRFA: GRFA: Landscaping: Parl,.ing: Requi red Requi red Primary Secondary Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposcd Propc: ed ActualDrive: Slope Permitted. Environmenta'l/Hazards: Av.l'lanche Fl ood Pr'ain S.l ope Slope Zonin$:Approv Drio. I Dl sapprovcd /l/e(r! fibn i F 1 z a t 7t2 -<P <r:;i!F {i';^;2 ;3 < XFF iit a9a. <3 € \ $.. r$ ,(tS 1$ R t I I $l,.dl\1 i\r'>- I (.o € tc c--, z (J =z E F t z o zz z z 1<(no =z (L lJ- t4,"x9 =a-=6d= o o.' o .g 3!-F=Etyo;ioi orr- ar;E>tF6 c,tt z F ul_-') o Iolcolrl !-{ |.-r Itl@l I uJ F F =E UJ o-zoF(Jf E,Fazo(J nrn ea:-€ I U)ul tl.JtLt E UJ(L U' UJ uJ LL = =trl ) F l- z =f Lg z F- uJ uJ 6 =g uJ z 6 o t = z l z ro = E z o =l co IU LIJ F 'tJ> o z E f- = zz sEAa-o f -25-P= S )Ee P 3 EOAeSEo9 e 8 ,i3- -x rUE2 E=d ef <* FHEgE=955 o(Jo-z(J z:z tr o z F Jfaz z ; E o- z Eoo z k-E LIJ FJ YE =Zu- 6zt ox;i trC,' Eo. ?=a(uez, -:cfru z =i. o- a<tz>-Oct(Jz o-Y .i<\i lrtltttltllltlI'll6l -l d6g l"lll Iol1lotz F- Ju- j It 5.t, {f, ui =z = Q llJ Fo E tr ? (L u, U.| q J E a UJe.6 Jq trl tr o uJ o = sl al <l = IJJg.6 ) C F UJ o :E G Iuz = uJ ET <FE().r.! <zE ) 1t- =sJZu-o O <=:lF?a) =< Y,Z =g E ;, l-o2<Oo?.:io -< ;F l" o 8EA /77/k/ 4 Category Number oate 4 -5*14 Project Name:. Building Name: froject Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: J,J Legal Description: Lot 4p Block Proiect Street Address: Comments: Zone District LC Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: I Approval ! Disapproval ,Astaff Approval Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid :-/'f&4 5 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 February 10, 1995 Department of Comnrunity Deve lopment Mr. Eric Beringouse 1190-A Casolar Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 6, Casolar Del Norte Dear Eric: &O In response to your letter dated February 8, 1995, lwant to clarify what the GRFA potential is )et for your residence. Each side of a duplex within Casolar is entitled to 1,690 square leet of GRFA. In addition to this, both dwelling units of the duplex are allowed a credit of 225 square feet, for a total of 1,915 square feet. As part of your application to remodel the crawl space, your architect will need to provide as-built drawings, documenting how much of the allowable GRFA has been used. Any portion of the total 1 ,915 square feet that has already been used wiil not be available for your remodeling project. Concerning the portion of your request that would utilize the 250, the GRFA allowance will probably not be available in the future. As we discussed, the Town Council will be reviewing an ordinance that deletes the 250 option in the near future. I expect that if you can complete an application submitted no later than March 1st, you would be considered "grandfathered". Please call me if you or your architect have any questions about this information. Sincerely, ,'1 ! 1,. !,,t i v' i ;ilri. 't .l4 t"- "l Ahdy Knudtden Senior Planner t xc:Peter Koliopoulis Lauren Waterton George Ruther o SFR, ZONE C}IECK o- for P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS |rfmary Secondary T 'r '/ i 't,t t - NAV O R,R Legal Otlner /Description: Lot U Block _ Architect /'f"-i l/,'t Zone District ?r ' 7\ t Proposed Use /2u?/4X .'../. :.....-..!44ryfr- Height A1'lowed 30' Proposed Setbacks: Front-Required 20' Proposed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required 15' Proposed $laterccurse:required -ru-Proposed GRFA:Al'lor'red i /--% Site Coverage: Alloived Landseaping: Parking: ,/ a_Requ'ired (tO'/a Required Z, ,1 CJ{-. f.ttDrive: SIoPe Permitted I ',/e Propos ed Propospd Pro;6sed Proposed Proposed Propcsed ActuaISlope Environmenta'l ,/l{azards: Aval anche - Flood Piain Sl ope lznr Firins C/tpt */.t(J lL- Zo:ting:irpp:'ovcr!,lD'! s a. | ) !)rot' tu D.:t.r : ao J. /78/vI 7 I t I-. I ,ZJNE CIJICK fors:8, R, R P/S Zot{r fuuL t I] ISTRICTS Legal Description: Lot _ B.lock Filing o*.", lttlff/rus//ftGrE nrchiit:cct 1fi Zone'District 'a Proposed Use Lot Area - teight Al]ol.recl Setbacks: i'ront-nequirJd 20't'--Fro]ibsea Sides-Requirecl 'l5, proposed Rear -ReguireC '15' proposed llatercou r.s e-requ i re c.l 'propos ed GiiFA: GRFA: Al 'lor,;ed Primaril, Al l orqed Secondary Al'lor.red Site Coverage: Alloived i9,Proposed Primlry Propos ed Propcs ed Landscaping: Parking:. 0orrnrcnts: Required Required Secondarl, proposed / /q 7 _ Slope Proposed Proposcd Propl;: ed Actualfirive: Slope perrnitted lnvironnienta'l/llazarcls: .Avn'lanche Flood P'iain 'Slope 7c:r i /l1r1rl'p1','.., kfre,MLffiye Dtia, lf -- tE E.IFtaz l=to tz /T€4 8 I f\l \\l -\Lq{ \totu\ I - z. = =E Lu !II:r :;3;= lisiE <o! a;t NO[Vn]vA (r LUzL! eo* =;P=co^r x(t, ct5o vl+tc(l, +Jv,o E L(o aa G'q) LU z co I I I-l =l.gl-r-l.rtl FIol.nlrdlct' z tJ_ d I i I 6 lltttlart I+rl Icl Iql Ft ti.nl I o.(ul =l Ist I,-rl Itltt I.El I -l tdol t4v|l Hldt xcrt xlJ<l>t I<<=aE(J I I L l" Ij (t, 14 CIclq l>gE tltltltt.{l(,t I -l-ll ilet I.nt Istlotlol Itua-Fl t4 EI Ho1 xtt<ladtrt E atlr!t 8l 1l <l =l FO uJ ='r <F lrJ <zc.uFaz c u.JJ F Fz O '^:>H =<-ft J-Iz O F() Fz 9z -r O fll E i. = rJ z. O F- {c O z F r.lJ-) ol@trl r-r I.-{ |1lorl I I UJ Jz z zz =z o- u- J."i6\J\J=z=-;FS di= at lu =e otl*,o cr;E>tF F =E lrJ o-zo F()fEFazo() E!D -et AED - /H4Q SINGLE FAIVIILY RBSIDENTIAL AND RES p8 Legal Owner: DescriPtion: Eeigbt: Setbacks:Required - Front 20, Site Coverage: Allosred - Lot Area LandscaPing: Required Parking: Required Drive:' S.t ope Permitted Parkiug and Drives llus't Envir onme nt aL f Ha4ar d : Equals Buildable Area: ' -t.lActual .Ja -' I M;J, - Lot Area . x a\ Actual € o/" t;VL ih"t..Arehitect : zone District t R( Projrosed use: Lot Area:Minus Hazatd Area: sides ro' * Yf ,Rear} Actuat - Front At , sides le, I8 ,Rear Distance Betrryeen Buildings: Required l1't Actual aj G.R.F.A. Allowed: Buildable Area x % = 338_e_ Actual 53) ( o'+Y-> lso =oK ot-p- ia Slope actuar O K Be Paved Avalanche fiO Flood PLaln no Slope n O . Distance lron Creek 49 Trees Removed yto Comments: dministrator An,3,31t x, [s = flfloq'to '^ Or -r '-- - zoitE cHEcK -' --;-=-: na^ lOfor sFR, R, R P/S ZoNE DiSTRICTS ,i{Eho"*.ffiFirins P/ ',ta'' '' (ltgLlf /A/(/ Architect tr4{/ /t,vaS€11 t Descri ption:Legal Ormer ! I Zone Distri ct l( C- ' ' proposed use bu FL t J/ . Rear -Required '15 ' Proposed , 'Y4 llaterccurse-required ./UA Proposed ,-l-' GRFA:. hilor'red ltAfq " ' =GtO GRFA: Primary A'l i or,red Secondary Al'lorved Site Coverage: Alloived Landseaping: Required Parking:Requi red Secondary Proposed Propos ed Proposed Proposed Proposcd Propc: ed ActualSlope a6 Environmenla'l/llazards : .Av.:'l anche Flood Plain Sl ope Conments: Zd:r'!nc : Agrp:'ovcil,tD'i s.:1r1lr'o;cti- D.:t.-': sFR, zoNE cilLCK forR, R P/S ZoNE D ISTR ICTS r- rlB"4 l/ Legal Description: 0wner L& q Blo"k / Fi.rins Archi tect ./2 Zone Distri ct _ L proposed Use Lot Area ______= _ Height A.ltowed 30, - Setbacks : Front-Requ i rJa- 2o i'-*pro-plsea Sides-Required .l5, proposed Rear -Required l5' proposed blaterccurse-required proposed GRFA:. Allovred I O"o GRFA: primary A''ovred /b^ primary proposed k/7 secondarv A'ro'red - /(f0 - secondary proposed iti)- S'ite Coverage; Alloived ZA u proposed Landscaping: Requ_ir ua 6O tr6 proposarl Parking: Required a Pronl;: ed .r Drive: Slope pernirted 6 k "Iope Actual,t-v -.v ess Enrrirorrmental/Hazards: Av.:lanche Flood Plain S'lope Cormrents.: Zcr;ri nq ; i:pp:.ov,til,/Di si.p1.rro..'cti Dotc: IOl4il\,# Project Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL I190 T-ASOI ^O NFI NORTF DRIVE i t't,,,i ,,' .,, ,,,'rir'tr: i rrt: Rln.k: r'' r r i .r i ,, , .. , , :- r' lr'i, ri ,.. ',r,, Location: ( n r-". nrents: Tnrorrrplete BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: WITHDRWN Second By: Vote: DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 Plann'ing and Environmental Commi$iuro,,r' ACTION FORM Deparunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te| 970.479.2139 taxr. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: BERINGAUSE ADDmON PEC Number: P8C050096 Project Description: BERINGAUSE ADDMON-RNAL APPROVAL FOR A VARIANCE TO ADE"ORFA.ilO]TFEiWBSR6DIE OF AN MSTING DUPLE(. Pafticipants: OWNER BERINGAUSE, ERIC H, L2II2I2OO5 223 SHERWOOD LN STERUNG NJ 07980 APPLICANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 72 | 121 2005 Phone : 97 0-47 6-6342 1550 EASTVAIL VALLEY DP., #C-1 VAIL co 81657 Liccri:e: COCCOC1,10l ..;'.-.;,lr-i-, , i\;,!--,;;*.. ,, .., ...-, .; ra,.- -,..,-. - 5),'- 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR. #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 COPTItE o F TOWN OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us January 4,2006 William Pierce Fritzlen-Pierce Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-l Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Bill, As we discussed this aftefiioon, I am returning the variance application submitted by your firm on behalf of Mr. Beringhause because staff has determined its contents are incomplete. The status of the application will be entered into our system as being 'Vithdrawn". The following materials are the minimum required to adequately arnlyze a variance request such as the one made on behalf of Mr. Beringhause: o A stamped, topographic survey of I146 Casolar Del Norte Drive/Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, for use in calculating build-able site area and subsequently the allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) for the entire site;o Complete floor plans of both sides of the existing duplex on Lot 6 drawn at the appropriate scale; ande Accurate, verifiable calculations of the total amount of existing GRFA on the entirety of what is known as Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, in order to determine whether a variance from the GRFA restrictions of the Residential Cluster @C) zone district is required in this instance. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions regarding this letter or the application requirernents for a variance request. I look forward to speaking with vou soon.y;bH Matthew R. Gennett, AICP Community Development Department Town of Vail Offrce; (970) 479-2140 Fax: (970)479-2452 {g rrn"uor^ro o RCEl1rir, i:rii,.i'.r' Al.\'\',.11i1.,{:, uii!l|.r$ [. Pi.Ji]), A.i]rilii:l hnlh-t H!.rstit!;.',.i. eiLr--irres:. lt4.'rlil3:l Casolar Vail Homeowners Lot 1 East John and Jane Wallner-Barban Kruk 9492 WestGull Lake Drirre Richland, Ml 49083 Lot 1 West Alegn Asocr'ation do Mary Griesinger 15821 West 66m Place Arvada, CO 80007 Lot 2 East Cynthia and Georye Sot 3018 South Peninsula Drive Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 Lot2 West Mary Lou and William Lohrent 7950 Innsbruck Drive Adanta, GA 30350 Lot3A Nicol O'Brien 259 East Michigan Araenue Suite 208 lQlamazoo, Ml 49007 Lot3 B Grcgory Hampton, Trus:tee 406 Peterson Sueet FortCollins, CO 80524 Lot 4 Todger and Mary Ellen Anderson 6 Soudr Lane Englo,wod, CO 80110 1650 Ea$ Vail Vall€v Drive, Fallridgs G1, Vail, Cotvado E1 55 7 P: 970.t176.634? F:9;0.476.49)1 f ; info@'ailarc.hitects.mnr r,rrwli. ilard{tec6.com FRITZLEN PIE ARCHITECTS VAIL COLORADO I rf o RCEFRITZLEN PIE ARCHITECTS vArt. cotoMDo Lot 5 Todger and Mary Ellen Anderson 6 South Lane Englewood,CO 80110 Lot6A Jerry and Sharon Cross 10800 South Interhken Richland, Ml 49083 Lot6B Edc Beringause 253 West 73rd Street Suite 5/y'58 NewYork NY 10023 LotZA John Uhley 1 1 80 Casolar Drive East Vail, CO 81657 LotTB Paul and Nancy Bigsby 1 180 Casolar Drive 78 Vail, CO 81657 LotSA S&JOperatingCo. P.O. Bo< 2249 Wichita Falls, TX 76302 LotS B Barry Watb, Trustee 3516 Elm Crcek C.ourt Ft Worh, TX 76109 Lot9A Vail Associates LLc 1tr50 Ea$ Vail Valle.v Ddve, Faltridte C-1, Vail, Cokirado 81657 ?:970.476.6342 t: 9i 0..176..1901 f : info@vailardf teos.cpnr mlnv,vailarcliteorcnm o FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS VAII., COLOR,{DO 5723 Longbreak Trail Edina, MN 55439 Lot9 B Fred Landry 888 Blvd of the Arts 1905 Sarasota, FL 34236 Lot 10 A Kenneth Allen Tracy Speaks 10225 Devonshire Ln. Munster, lN 46321 Lot 10 B Russell Scott, Trustee P.O. Box 801276 Dallas, TX 75380-1276 1650 tasl V3ii Vallt:v Dri!t:- Faiidd*r C-1, V,rii. (nk,racl.' t!1 657 P: !l7C-17tr.634? I.:t]7,j.t7(i.tgi\1 [: in io@v.l iia i'.]ritir:Ls. r'orr r *\r"#. vai i af iJlite(:f"s.iiOrt THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on February 13, 2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 12-16, Conditional Uses, to allow for the temporary use of the tennis facility for conferences and conventions, located at Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, Area A, 1300 Westhaven Drive, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0002) Applicant: Vail Cascade Resort and Spa, represented by Don MacLachlanPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section ^A,ul*r 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing the staff determination of an incomplete lrli^16v 4 -y development application, 1146 Sandstone Drive/Lot A7, Block A9, Casolar Vail, and tlvr v' J\ setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0096)7 - Applicant Eric Beringause, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner:' Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential garage addition, within the side setback, located at 1673 Matterhorn Circle/Lot 20, Matterhorn Mllage, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0006) Applicant Daniel Kondos, represented by Stuart Brummett Design StudioPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of an amendment to the Lionsheab Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend the Lionshead Study Area Boundaries and Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations, to include the study nVest Lionshead'area, generally located at 6216,'862, 890, 923, 934, 953, 1000, and 1031 South Frontage Road WesULot 54 and Tract K of Glen Lyon Subdivision, Tracts C and D, Vail Village Filing 2, and several unplatted parcels (a more complete area description is available at the Community Development Department), and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0008) Applicant Vail Resorts Development Gompany, Town of Vail, and Glen Lyon Ofiice Building General Partnership Plannen i Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7J-12, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of the Timberline Lodge, located at 1783 North Frontage Road/Lots 9-12, Buffehr Creek Subdivision, and sefting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC05-0080) Applicant Timberline Roost Lodge, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Pf ease call 97 0-47 9-2 1 38 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is availabb upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published January 27 , 2006, in the Vail Daily. Lec O8 Of O3:52r ,rl- f. 4, i cr:|F o er'1.rgall5€J ? l-.:.41-"-fl o 5.ir t, ,,-_-\&.) Tr)l1TAIOFMII]Y Apptication for Review bY the Planning and Environmental Cotnrnission Deparlment of Cc.rntt|unily Developntont 75 SoLJth Frcntagie Rca'J. Vail, C<)lorado 81457'.. lelt 970.479.2139 lax:' 970.479.2452 vreb : wltvr,vailgov.com G€neral lnfotmation: All proiects requlrlng Flarnir€ and Environ n€ntal Commi:sbn reviev,/ musl recsiva appro,rd prior lo subrflilling a buildjog permlt epplicatron. Pleas9 refer to ihe sutrnlttal requirements tor the particular approval lhai is requegled. An epplicatiofi for Ptanning and Envtronmefllal Commblo,l r€vie$/ cannot be accopted unlll 8ll roquircd inforri..ation is reoei\€d by tho Csn nlnity D€!'€lopnent Cepartmenl. The proJect may abo need to be reviEwed b', the Town Councll and/or the Besign Review Bo8rc. fype of Applicaiion and Fes: Rezoning 51300Mair.gubdivlslon $1600MhorsubdlvEim $650 E.etnpfoo Flal $650 Miqor Arnendment to an SDO $1000 l'leu SFectsl Oevslopmont District $6000 Mats. tun€ndment to an SDD S€000 Maior Arnerdnenl to an SDD $1250 lno ex1tdor n adificatlons) r Corditional Use Permit. FloodplaioModiicatioo. Minor Ext6rlor Alteration- Mator Ettelior Alte€tlon ' Oer/eloprr.ent Pbn. Amafdm€nl to a Development Pbh. Zonlno Ccde A'nendmenl Q-.v"ti"n""- Sign Variance s650 5400 5650 s800 $1500 $250 s1300 s500 6200 Desctiptlon of the Raquesl: l,,ocation of tho Propo€al: Physical Addrsss: Pareet No.: .Aifil;Llo j C O'7- {Contacl Eagle Co. Assessor ai 970-s28-864c fcr paroel no.) f{am€ of Applacanl: ftlalllng A666qe' e--"n eit.,a*,lilQ4tq*6'rfutto. zrya n* I'VI&O I Pagc i of60{/01/04 ownor(s) 8i€n.iure(t): For Urc Only: Prld:- Orcdc Lb.:By:- PEC lto.:ttl€ollr! Deb: Pbnna:ProFot No.: (- r' ' l TvutNm Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission . Conditional Use Permit. FloodplainModification. Minor Eliterior Alteration. Major Exterior Alteralion Development Plan Amendment to a Development Plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81 657 . . tel: 97 0.479.2139 tax: 970.47 9.2452 web: w$/w.vailoov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type ofApplication and Fee: . Rezoning $1300. Major Subdivision $1500. Minor Subdivision $650. Exemption Plat $650. Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000. New Special Development District $6000. MajorAmendment to anSDD $6000. MajorAmendment to an SDD $1250 (no e xte ri or m od ificat ions) Description of the Request: $ 11 8 -(, $- a -><) $650 $'400 $650 $800 $1500 $2so $1300 $500 $200 Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: Parcef No.: .Al jSlNOlOOZ--- (ContactEagleco.Assessorat9T0-328-8640forparcel no.) Zoning:80 Name(s) of Owner(s): -) owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:?lvn:.-E MairinsAddress: // eVa.t-V.+t e!./'". rV4t , h B/6"fi7 Phone: 476 44? E-mail Address: Paee 1 of6-04/01/04 MHOHg Statement NurTiber: R050002153 Arnount: $500.00 72/]'2/2OO5O3:09 PM Pa)rment ltethod: Check Init : iIS Notation: 13448/FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH. Permit No: P8C050095 T14re: PBC - Variartce Parcel No3 2!O3-LZL-O!O0-7 Site Address: 1145 IIAIIDSTONE DR \TAIIJ LOCAtI.on: 1190 CASOIJAR DEIJ NORTE DRrvE Total Feeg: $500.00 Thl-E Palment: $500.00 Total ALL Pmts: $500.00Balance: $0.00**t +*******+*+tffl++f+*'t******a*r.***r.l****f*a*+*+***************************+**+*****t*t**** A€COUNT ITEM LIST: Aecount Code DeBcripuion Current Pmt6 PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPI.,ICATION FEES 500.00 348 sCC( o F'j- Rrrinra, r;r ?t n1 r{JWN# JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WR ITTEI,I APPROVAL LETTER -, a jolnt owner of properg/ located at (address/legal descriptim) provide this letter as written approvd of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of vair community Deveroprnenl Department for the prop*ed improvem€nts to be completed ar ihe address noted sbova. I und€fsrand that tf* propos{ knproverrrnts include: I fudher understand that minor modifications rnay b€ made to the plans o\rer th€ course of the review process lo €nsure compliance with the Tor,yn,s appli:able cocies and regulaflons. /2.2-6{ (Date) Prge 2 01644/01/04 *m Pra n ni ns:#:**iiffi*,"#"il*mm ission tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: BERINGAUSE ADDmON PEC Number: PEC050096 Project Description: BERINGAUSE ADDMON-FINAL APPROVAL FOR A VARIANCE TO ADD GRFA TO THE WEST SDIE OF AN E}f,fiNG DUPLD(. Pafticipants: OWNER BERINGAUSE, ERIC H. LAQI^OOS 223 SHERWOOD LN STERLING Nl 07980 APPLICANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS 7211212005 Phone: 970-476-6342 1650 EAST \/.^.Il_ VA|_!-EY DP.. #C-1 VAIL co 81657 l.l:a:- -. / ' !)^^41 1n) AIi.Cl-l.llicl ;R;i4t[ii PIERCE Ai.Cii;ir-.,-,. .., ,-.j-'5 F]irune: 9)'0-4;ir L-i-,.: 1650 EAST VAIL VALLEY DR, #C.1 VAIL co 81557 License: C000001402 Project Address: 1146 SANDSTONE DR VAIL 1190 CASOLAR DEL NORTE DF.IVE Legal Description: Lot: Elock: Suhdivision: .AqOr AR \/r\ri Iraiccl Numbei: -.i,uj l.-rL i.i.L'JC-,i COmmentS: in.O!-nnlere Location: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Action: WITHDRWN S€cond By: Vote: Date of Approval: Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 Dec 07 05 05:39r E'i: Baringause SUCGESTED GUIDELINE FOR CASOi-AR ASSOCIATION APPROVAL OFBERRIGAUSEEXPANSION Warren Campbell, Ptanner Town of Vail 75 Soutlr Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81652 Warren: M8 o a) The casolar Propety owners'Assooiarion has reviewed the plans dated l l/0g/05 bvFritzien Pierce Archirecrs fg rhe.glqoyd expansion of the Beringause Resicen-JJLt 6,west side, casoiar subdivision (1r90 casolar Drive) ar irc meetiig on wo.ierriue. zs,2005 . The Association approves of tlre proposed expansioo. CASOLCR PROPERTY OWNERS' ASSOCIATION Brtz ' TodgerAnderson cc; Eric Beringause q, aa o De: 07 05 05 i.J:tr'i^ R:t-in,r:,,c:t5?5CC0 nl JOINT PROPEFTy OY|,NER WR ITTEN APPROVAL I,GTIER \/ r, lprint namel LJtffY -Q,,tf 0(5 -, a joint owner of properry tocatecj at (addre-qsdregar desoiptlm) provide this lettef as written apprord of the plans dated /which have been submitted to the Town of Vsil community De\reloprn€nt D€partmont for the propcsed improrr'er€nt6 to be compteted al the address noted above. I understand that ttE proposed lnp rovenents include: I fudher understand that minor modifications may be mEd6 to the plans over the course of the r€vieliv proces lo €nsure cornpliance with the Tovrn,s appli:aHe codes and regulatione. /Z.z-a{ (Daie) hgc2 of 6{4ftll04 Ftil izt t-i! PrHe AR(-l il It-( r:' Novenrber 3, 2005 NARRATIVE Application For Variance Lot 6, Casolar Vail 1190 Casolar Del Norte, Vail Coloraclo Owner: Eric Beringause Description of the Variance Requestecl Eric Beringause, Owner of the west portion of the duplex on Lot 6, Casolar Vail, desires to expand his existing three level dwelling to allow complete access by his brother, Kurt Beringause, who was tragically injured in a traffic accident. He now rgquires the use of a power wheelchair. Cenerally the revisions to the dwelling will accommodates an elevator, relocated stairway, expanded kitchen, dining room, and garage. These minimal additions are necessary for Kurt to access all three floors of the dwelling and to utilize the residence in a normal fashion. The dwelling is located in the Casolar Vail Subdivision, and is zoned Residential Cluster (RC). Records of calculations of Buildable Area, Allowable CRFA, and other key components are not available in the Town records. A provision of the Protective Covenants limits each Dwelling Unit (there are 10 duplex Building Envelopes platted, allowing 20 Dwelling Units) to 1690 sq. ft. There are records of Building Permits based on this amount, plus 225 sq. ft., as well as an addition of 2s0 sq. ft. To further complicate the process, the method of calculating CRFA has changed, resulting in a previously conforming Unit becoming a non-conforming Unit in terms of Floor Area. lt is our intention to create a Dwelling Unit that contains about 3050 sq. ft. of CRFA and 450 sq. ft. of Carage based on current area calculation methods. The strict or literal interpretation of the current area limitation would effective preclude access to a majority ofthe existing residence by Kurt Beringause. The existing three level structu re would have to be removed and entirely redesigned and rebuilt to provide space that is reasonably accessible. The proposed uses are compatible with existing uses in the area. The additions proposed are the minimum needed to accomplish reasonable access to the existing residence. The unique circumstances of this Application cannot be assumed to be a grant of special privilege. The request has no negative effect on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, or public safety. Clearly the Town's planning policies and development objectives include providing for those with special needs. 1$:r, East V.lil Valle'y Drivr, Fallridgo C"1 _ Vail. Lfllorado B1{ri7 P: !) 70.476.63.12 f: 9i0.4 76.49(t'l l: i!rio@vi1il.1r{:hitefi-'.r-fi rr uafi,-;.r.,t ila riJ I ite{lls. Ci r!n FRITZLEN PiEII o CE Atlcl-il-fECTS \Att, C0Lrl)firrlrir Casolar Vail Honreowners Lot 1 East John and Jane Wallner Barbara Kruk 9492 West Cull Lake Drive Richland, Ml 49083 Lot 1 West Alegra Association do Mary Criesinger 15821 West 666 Place Arvada, CO 80007 Lot 2 East Cynthia and Ceorge Scott 301 8 South Peninsula Drive Daytona Beach Shores, FL 32118 Lot 2 West Mary Lou and William Lohrenu 7960 lnnsbruck Drive Atlanta, CA 30350 Lot3 A Nicol O'Brien 259 East Michigan Avenue Suite 208 Kalamazoo, Ml 49007 Lot3 B Gregory Hampton, Trustee 406 PeteBon Street Fort Collins, CO 80524 Lot 4 Todger and Mary Ellen Andenon 6 South Lane Englewood, CO 801 10 1650 fasVaii Vallev Drive, Fai!fldge C-1, Vail, Cok'rado 81657 P: 970.476.6342 F; 9r0.476.4911 [: in ioc r.a ila rchiti'cb.conr w$",',,. !'ai !arclri tects..rn) FRITZLEN PI ERE ARCH ITECTS VAIL, CTJLOMDC) Lot 5 Todger and Mary Ellen Anderson 6 South Lane Englewood, CO 80110 Lot6A Jerry and Sharon Cross 10800 South Interlaken Richland, Ml 49083 Lot6 B Eric Beringause 253 West 73rd Street Suib 5d5B NewYork, tlY '10023 LotTA John Uhley 1 1 8O Casolar Drive East Vail, CO 81657 LotT B Paul and Nancy Bigsby 1 180 Casolar Drive 78 Vail, CO 816s7 LotSA S &J OpentingCo.. P.O. Box2249 wichita Fallt Tx 76307 LotS B BarryWatb, Trustee 3516 Elm Crcek C-ourt FL Wortlr, TX 76109 lot9A Vail fusociates LLc 1650 ta$ \'ail Vallev Dri\e, fallddge C-1, Vail, Colurado 81657 P: 970.475.6342 F: 270.47 6.49tJ1 f : inf@vaiiarddteds.mnr o FRITZLEI! PIEI{CE AI(CHITECTS \AlL, CL)L(-rll \lrC' 5723 Longbreal; l rail Eclina, MN 55439 Lot9 B Fred Landry 888 Blvd of the Arts '19o5 Sarasota, FL 34236 Lot 10 A Kenneth Allen Trary Speak 10225 Devonshire Ln. Munster, lN 46321 Lot 1O B Russell Scott, Trustee P.O. Box 801276 Dallas, TX 75380-1276 'l 650 Easl Vail Vall+v flrife- Fellridg: C-'t, t'eil, Colt'radc' 81 657 P:970,476.6341 F; i:i ?l). '1 7 6.1t,t 1 [: inio(g\eilar':hil-xts.conr *rrv. vai lardritelTs.rlnt anoao(t fll Fl E;E(!o FII TI 'N I __- \ I I I I i I I I III -l -0 N\)'11 o ulrn rnAU -O 90ur tl Uo .. ftl i i I I I I I I I I --*---- -l- I o-n I tl X ul-l>'utuo tll<onin I ,__*____L I -0 Aoo 4d>s gri is , ar= E Fdf;rrF L-. HE I 't I I (i nr nrlX f-ril{ii1,qfi mlxi$rllsl t-o t-[n t- rn mt- BERINCAUSE RESIDENCE I19OA C,{SOLAR DR. vArr coLoMDo, 80657 lo8 NUA1SIR #0505 O. o !-il>XTO>Jo rn <tl >fi zn rll rnH <tlrnIril ilHoofr ltr E >z?m fii >)qr n o m ro> sp HRztlo4rn1 zm o A]I 'o {! ottBERINCAUSE RESIDENCE ] ] 9OA CAJOLAR DR, vArL coLoR\Do, 006s7 log NUA1BER: #0s0s 00 As? rP >mzrlUXo$>J z rn o A-n CIt-11 t-ttfr t- t-tt mt- T> SP HFz.m s= ME BERINCAUSE RESIDENCE 11904 CASOLAR DR, vAlt coLoR{Do, 80657 J()B NUMBER: #0s05.00 n> UPn>rioz fllo4rfl --1 t"" I t==.- liii ( zm o>fr>o rn UI l oz zm rnz-tT Foo> --{ oz (nz 7t fll<>T oI+$ sgs U{U R0zi=6 Io EH BERINCAUSE RESIDENCE ] 1 9OA CASOLAR DR, vAtt coLoRAc|o,8065/ iOB NUATBER: *0505.00 zofr --lI mt- m J oz Ao \J<z d> 9! -1 Z 96 zfn Ufflon I (tl J >>1 w -1 >orflzfr (tl oC {T rnt- rn { oz mr-fn on znt Uo A rnn n> SP HRzmOZrn --r MH F:I BERINCAUSE RESIDENCE I 'I 9OA CAsOTAR DR, vAlL COIORADO. 80ri57 lOg NU^l8fR: #050s.00 o m $I ntr m -{ oz HH BERINCAUSE RESIDENCE r I 9OA C SOLAR DR. vAlL col-oR\Do, 80657 IOB NUnlStR: #0505.0o zm o:11\trH>ifoozm t. z Fl !zn P+> u$N Urofi -{oo ooAzt T> MPctmoz fllozrfi --r tx r$ { rnt- m { oz tnzf-mr!>lu10onT3 m A o rnfl Rq RE HH BERINCAUSE RESIDENCE I 1 9OA CASO LAR DR. VAIL COLORADO, aO{:57 IOB NtrNlSER: #0505.00 o \\! \l ! tf_Tl-tl l_L \\ \,\ ru -1 "t'\--i u- isf+t:).L\\ C\\J^ \, 'U)6G /-\/ "x' CN /A9/ Q" J l\)/ \-l.\J \ (.\- c) c) o | '----r-? ---l I - L \ EE r$ { rn at- z (no t- lli zo (_ft o T m BERINCAUSE RESIDENCE I 1 9OA CASOLAR DR. vAlL coLoRADo, 806s7 ,OB NUMSER: #0505.00 FRITZLEN PI ESE ARCHITECIS VAIL, COLORADO Tuesday, December r j, zoOs TOV Community Development Matt Cennett James Ohlson LETTER OF TRANSMITTAT To: Aftn: From: Re: Beringause Residence Attached Please Find: _Progress Pri nts Specifications Plans Shop Drawings x Other Item No.No. of Copies Description 1 1 Schedules A & B of dre Title Report The ltems Listed Above Are: _For Review and Comments _For Your Use x fu Requested _Returned After Review Other Remarks: Matt lf you need any other additional information please give me a call. James l{,5{) [asl Vnil V.tlk\ l-)rivr-., | .tllticlgr: t-'-1 , V.rii. C()liilJdr) P, l ii5l P: liil l...l7tr.O-t4l Fr !t71,.-l70. -lt-)( l1 [ : ini,.,(Ov.]il.rr(hilft 1s.(unr w!!.w.ui Llt1tit('f b.r('n I h:',tt5{)j - B$i|l'$r,s.\p11rjg1 N|lchxrl\(r 'rrcsu 'rxl.lnr rr'.Tt)V..I1 | l.!J5-t!li}lt (i- Jrrrs.tlr RECEIVED DEC 1 3 2005 TOV-COM.DEV. Dec 07 05 06:39p Erio Berinpause o SUGGESTED GUIDELINE FOR CASOi-AR ASSOCIA"ION APPROVAL OFBERNGAU SE EXpA},t SION Warren Carnpbel l, Plarrner Town of Vail 75 Scuth Fmntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Warren: The casolar hoperty owncrs' Assooiation has revie.,ved the prans dated l1l0g/05 bvFritzien Pierce Architecrs f3 fr".fllolrO expn4-(ion of the Beringau=" n".iO"ni'e?, O,west side, casoiar subdivision 1i tsb casotar Drive) ar its rneering on November 25,2005. The Association approves of the proposcd expansioo - -'-"" !"' rv' lrr CASOL{R PROPERTY OW}IERS' ASSOCIATION srt7, ' TodgerAnderson cc: Eric Beringause p.2 oo,. iat- a Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. V50012684 . ScheduleA Cust. Ref.: Property Address: 1190 CASOLAR DEL NORTE DR B / CASOLAR VAIL LOT:6-B DESC:WEST VAIL, CO 81657 l. Effecdve Date: November f8. 2005 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Pollcy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Infonnation Binder Pmposed Insured: ERIC H, BERINGAUSE 3. The cstate or interrst ln the land described or referred to in thir Commltment atrd covered herrin is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or foiGrest coyercd herdn ls at the effectlve datc hereof vested in: ERIC H. BERINGAUSE 5. Thc land rcferred to in thls Cornmltment ts dcscrlbcd as fotlows: SEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION 7 Our Order No: V50012684 TEGAI- DESCRIPTION PARCEL 6-8 WEST, A PORTION OF LOT 6, CASOLAR VAIL, TOWN OF VAIL. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID CASOLAR VAIL; THENCE SOUTH 39 DEGREES 27 MINUTES 01 SECONDS EAST 129.58 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 13 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST 16 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, THENCE SOUTH 76 DEGREES II MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 30 FEET, THENCE SOUTH 13 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST 40 FEET, THENCE NORTH 76 DEGREES II MINUTES 17 SECONDS EAST 30 FEET, THENCE NORTH 13 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST 40 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, ALSO DESCRIBED AS: SITE 6-8 WEST, CASOLAR VAIL, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS A.8 AND A-9. BLOCK A, LIONS RIDGE SUBDTVISION, ACCORDING TO THE MAP THEREOF, RECORDED JUNE 19, 1978 IN BOOK 27I AT PAGE 215, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. oo i;oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50012684 The following are the requirements to be compliud witht Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item ft) Proper instrument(s) meating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record. to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: This product is for infonnational purposes only and does not constitute any form of title guarantee nor insurance. The liabillU of the compary shall not exceed the charge paid by the applicant for this produci, nor shall the company be held liable to any party other than the applicant for this product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. oO ALTA COMMI'I'MENT SchedulcB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V500lZ6g4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptlons to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. Z. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured aiquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, ifany.. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN ORLODETO EXTRACTAND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 15, I9I8, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 15 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918. IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 3()I. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 15, T9I8, IN BOOK 93, AT PAGE 15 AND RECORDED OCTOBER 04, 1918, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. II. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING ATIY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE ACAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 25, 1969, IN BOOK 2I5 AT PAGE 649 AND AMENDMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 02. I97O IN BOOK 2I9 AT PAGE 235. 12, RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V500f26S4 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO IIANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 1T, 1992 IN BOOK 596 AT PAGE 495. 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF CASOLAR VAIL JUNE 19, 1978 IN BOOK 27I AT PAGE 2I5. 14. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY AS GMNTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 27,I979IN BOOK 275 AT PAGE 834. 15. EASEMENT AN RIGHT OF WAY AS GMNTED TO STEWART H, BROWN IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JUNE 26, 1979 rN BOOK 287 AT pAcE 341. 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JUNE s0, 2003 AT RECEPTION NO. 838584. 17. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION RECORDED FEBRUARY 20, 1985 IN BOOK 406 AT PAGE 792. 18. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF PARTY WALL AGREEMENT RECORDED MAY 07. 1981 IN BOOK 322 AT PAGE 740. 19. DEED OF TRUST DATED DECEMBER IO,2OO2 FROM ERIC H. BERINGAUSE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF THE KENNEDY MORTGAGE GROUP INC. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $425,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTI{ER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER TI{E TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED DECEMBER I7 , 2002, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 8I73I8. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS ASSIGNED TO AMERICA'S WHOLESALE LENDER IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED DECEMBER I7,2002, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 817319. 20. DEED OF TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 03, 2OO4 FROM ERIC H. BERINGAUSE TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $23O,OOO.OO, AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS oo ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50012684 The policy or pollcies to be issued will contain bxceptions to the following unless the sam€ ane disposed of to the satisfacdon of the Company: THEREOF, RECORDED APRJL 29, 2004, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 875575. oo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real propert5r may be localed in a special taxing district. B) A Certilicate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or flle any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using fonns on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording dre legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon cornpliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condomlnium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment wilhin the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company agalnst un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or maJor repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the approprlate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitments contalning a mineral severance lnstrument excepdon, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed fmm the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothennal energy in the properly; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are frrlly satisffed. Forrn DISCIOSURE 09/01/02 oo JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Gruup of Companies/Chicago Tille lnsurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July I, 2001 We recognize and respecl the privacy expeitations of todav's consumers and the reouiremcnts of applicable federal and state priiacy laws. We believti thal irakiirs vou aware of liow we use vour non-oubfic oersonal inf6imation ("Personal Information''), and to whom it is disclosed "will form the basis for a r6lationshiri of truirt between us and lhe'oublic that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that- explanation_. We reserve lha right to change this Privacy' Stalement from time to tinie consistent'with applicable privacy laws. In the course ofour business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applications or other fonns we receive from you or your aulhorized representative;* Erom ybirr transactions with, or from the services being p6rformed by, us, oirr affiliates, or others;* From bur internet web sites:* From the pu^blic recordq -maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from ihose entities. oi from our alhliates or otheisland* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Pnotection of the Confidentiality and Securtty ofYour Personal Informatlon We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrirsion. We limit access t6 fte Personal lfiformatioi onlv t6 those emolovees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other l6gitimate busines's purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Penonal Infon44tioq with our affiliates, sulh as insurance companies, agents, and olher real estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatioi: lo agenls, brokers or reoresentatives lo provide vou with services vou have reouested: tp tfii$-party contractors or.service proiiders who provide servicds or perforni markiting or other functioni ori our behalf: and to oth-ers- wiJh whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you mav find of inlerest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when vou direct or sive us oermission. when we are recuired by law to do so, or when we-suspect fraudulent or criminal aclivities. We al-so mav?isclose vdur Personal Information when otherwise perriritted bv applicable privacy laws such as, for exainole. wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our righs arising irut of any alre'ement, trinsacdon or relationihip with ybu. One of thp important responsibilities of some of our alfiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documentS may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Abtltty to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states a$ord ygq tle right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom Your Persofal Inform-ation has beefr disclosed. Also, certain states afford vou the risht to reoudst correction, amendme-nt or deletio? of your Persongl Informatlon. We rqpewe the ri'ght, wherE permittkl by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such requests. - All.rqquests submitted.to. $e Fidelity Natiqnal Fina4cjal Group of Companies/Chicago Title Irsurance Company shall b-e in writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacy Compliance Officer l6ged'8.llltiR1H Financiar' Inc' Santa Barbara. CA 931f0 Multiple Products or Services If we prov_ide you wi0r lnore than one financlal. product or service, you may receive more lhan one privacy notice from is. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. FoI]n PRrV. POL.CHI 1 lF a TILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 February 10, 1995 Deparnnent of Community Development I 0 Mr. Eric Beringouse 1190-A Casolar Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 6, Casolar Del Norte Dear Eric: ln response to your letter dated February 8, 1995, I want to clarify what the GRFA potential is for your residence. Each side of a duplex within Casolar is entitled to 1,690 square feet of ( GRFA. In addition to this, both dwelling units of the duplex are allowed a credit of 225 square feet, for a total of '1 ,915 square feet. As part of your application to remodel the crawl space, your architect will need to provide as-built drawings, documenting how much of the allowable GRFA has been used. Any portion of the total 1 ,915 square feet that has already been used will not be available for your remodeling project. Concerning the portion of your request that would utilize the 250, the GRFA allowance will probably not be available in the future. As we discussed, the Town Council will be reviewing an ordinance that deietes the 250 option in the near future. I expect that if you can complete an application submitted no later than March 1st, you would be considered "grandlathered". Please call me if you or your architect have any questions about this information. Sincerely, r"l I t.? Itt I v I.fi/i 'l "l4--t.,-- "lr'l- I I Ahdy KnudtSen Senior Planner xc: Peter Koliopoulis Lauren Waterton George Ruther lvlf. r f \ A^&.t K",,., .\tr". Co-".*,11 0w,11-. f Bo.'.,l Vai t Td,-^ [f ol,\ Voit, Lo gl6Sl rf r{tr I+ wal ,,ic. {u ,,^,l,ly ,r,t..f yo* o^,X kor- tp." i'. p{/(0., f,lA*y. t'vl"l" T a,n 1l"or.d w r fL., l'h. o.c[^i {.. t'",r[' d"s i9". o^r[ Ac trplr,ol e i ^t1t o | *\. O vv t.'6lq Al Ur; I r I o,ri guiJ-, Ai, Jpp, i^i.l r n *hc lotl'' d A 6d'g*ott \o^|tu1t in3 a^,\ $}ny b. Ff.t zln+ o^J S.fbc^ ck v* ovi I t\. Cos.olr, 0,..p l.;."r, 0F tVtn $rto*rr co^'er^ is f\o .\or" proxi'''rly uF fh" Ov'nbuLt lanrnrrrrlJ b*,1J,,1 "^,] co,nnr''u[ hol Sb . l.t 0", A"Jy, J.r3gvf,u',, I -ill .rLL Lqr 6r*1oaL'l 0w"lopr', o^I drJc*rr IUY.C0lyl[4, DE|/. D|PT. Lurnr"r,Yd"t +L Ai.e#ly f (Yte.,"/ {o.,""[11 df o/'1 . CF *\. rifc fl*., ccrrnt_ agcrin X po,,lJ rrlyul tLr t1lf Y (inctf4J up [-" -l b" na6, ficl oJ do, ',n ql,v o^c. ol p.atill< p*il,c ^..fi1J rtg lrv $i-r pruS."l. FEB 9 ru95 0.,' f\". <*b;.."1 of r.-uJ.,lj1 .), Co.tAo. Int.1y ,nilr-o1 pun 1vr' (ourt/\4alha^ t",\"1, f w, t\ (*b^i t plua p rrro- fo +lt" l{o,o[', t r tqq f J*,]lin,. 'lo '^li f '.' o^ al,\,\,o^*\ L{f S G R FA fl",f yru rl..{.J r'J oro,luhlt orru,),nJ b Lgrrtnt Voil L{)< OrS 6 R FA f.u,^.. l-t Co-rrl- 0*11"* e3*znu{ on l dn nAA,f io-,ol ? 5D G R F/ {r^, i - Voil cqrrs-Hy "|,[r,-) , fo].. Koti opo* lor, ti..rJ a."\n;g""|, ,, t[ b" i" f o-,.L u',lL. Yd'l ln o")"r fo Job -, I fh* pl^ frr'or jto fh. l\""r1. lsI d..tr lin., Tt"-\"r f.,. ,[[ Yd* h"lP, ( i"'.-Jy ) "L8r< Eni. 8".;"g.r.rr" ItctO A (o5l'lo, Q", Vo,t Phr^,. Voill L0 g16|l 303-L+?6-+qSi !of- 667 _osgP P, Kol,opo-\o5 l tq-; Phun" Lc " L. Woic.lo,., [F]'--;v!!?fi!t EF\larttitT+x,'rlrEr-rw$.rrttti]\rttf\.Ciarl " !'/CI I oGign Review Action FOn ..' '1{X '"\' i TOWN OF VAIL Category Number o^t'4:5 34 Project Name: f Building Name: .Projea Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Subdivision Jl Legal Description: Lot &rt' '/i rProjectStreetAddress: l[ | L Zone District LC- Comments: Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval )gf,staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner t f /1 .,--- LP ,- ,--t --, iDalrli ry- u) - \cJ DRB Fee Prc-paia #ZV) @, *!a*!t*****rl OEPI I. A. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: _=r_Ne-T.Construction. ($200.00) Minor Alteration ($20.00)-ft Addition ($50.00) ConcepEuat neview (g0) ADDRESS. l|trlo-A- c&Er-*g DQTUE' IEGAI, DESCRIPTION: I,ot b - BlockSubdivision , c*sot*ur. ffi If property is_ described by a meets and bounds legaldescription,.plelase provide on a separate sheeE and attacht.o this applicaLion. E. zoNrNG Y&T0EDTT*w CLV?TED., c. D. F.NAME OF APPLICAI{T:Mailing Address:t4 ' 6le NAME OF Mailing H. NAr.{E qF OWNER(S) : OWNER (S) STGI;IATT'RE : Malling Address:4o - A- CL Phone 41C-UqBS LElREF.ENqlTrvEt ^ ctec.ve uoti4T WIOVOIJt-o Phone t, I. 'J. APPI'rcAlroNs wrIlIJ Nor BE pRocEssED wrrilow owNER, s srclfATunE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid aL theEime of submitcal.of rhe DnB apprilarion. --r-aiei, wrrenapplying for a buirding permir,-plbase identify-Lhe accururevaruation of rhe proposar. The iown of vair wiri adjusL thefee according t.o the E.able be1ow, Lo ensure Ehe correct feeis paid. VAIJUATION$ 0 s 10.00c$ 10, 001 - $ 50, OOO$ 50, 001 $ 1s0, 000 9150, 001 - $ 500, 000 9500, 001 - $1, 000, 000$ Over $1,000,000 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EKPIRES APPROVAL I'IIIJESS A BUIIJDING PERI'IIT ISIS STARTED. FEE + zt_r. uu $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE.AR AFTER FINAI.. ISSUBD AI{D CONSTRUCrION APPLICANT'S Address: €e-otc rr. III. A pre-appLicaLion.meeting wiEh a member of t.he planningst.aff is encouraged t,o determine if any addir.ionalapplication informat,ion is needed. It is the applicant.,sresponsibility t.o make an appoinEment, with the ilaff todet,ermine if there are additional subnit,tal requirement,s.Please note thaE, a coMpLETE application wirl sireamline thereview process for your project.. A.rn_additibn Lo meeting .submiEt,al reguirements, theapplicant musE. st.ake and t.ape the pioject siLe eoindicat,e property Iines-, building f:.nes and buildingcorners. All t.rees Eo be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be complet,ed piior t,o theDRB siLe visiL.. The applicanb must ensure thaL stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDfNGS normally requirestldo separaLe meeLings of t,he Design Review Soardi.aconcepLual review and a finaL review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that, discussion on their it.em bepost.poned, will have thej.r items removed from the DRBagenda until such time as the it,em has beenrepublished. The following iLems may, at the discreLion of thezoning administraLor, be approved by the CorununityDevelopmenL Departmerje sLaff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Lhe DRB may not be reguired): a. Windows, skylighrs and similar exterior changeswhich do noL alter the exist.ing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addirions not visible from any other lotor public space. At the time such a pioposal is. submirt.ed, applicanrs must include lelteis fromadjacent properLy owners and/or from t,he aqent foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstaLing the association approves of the addition. If a propert.y is tocaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood pla5.n, debris flow,hretland, et.c. ), a hazard sLudy must. be submitted andLhe owner must sign an affidavit. recognizing the hazardreport prior t.o uhe issuance of a buildinq permit.Appricants are encouraged t.o check with a T-own plannerprior Eo DRB application Lo determine the relationshipof t,he properLy to atl mapped hazard.s. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor pLans the insideface of Lhe ext.erior strucLural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate wit.h a dasbed line on the sit.e plan afour foot distance from the ext,erior faci of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If PR! approves the application with condiLions ormodificacj.ons, all conditions of approval must, beaddressed prior Eo the applicat,ion- ior a build.ingpernit.. EI c. D. G. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a site. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property an additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, lhe ordinance allows for uo to 250 square feet if tre conditions sei forth in Chapter 18.57 or Chapter 18.7't of the Town of Vait code are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete. This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board submittal requirements. III. APPLICATION INFORMATION Date of Application Date of PEC Meeting AppLtcATtoN FoR ADDTTTONAL GRFA (250) t TYPE qF REQUEST /( Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type ll EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 A. PROJECT DESCRI LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Legal Description;tottb Bbck- Flins &%lAlL \/ +l^- Zone c. D. NAM E OF AP P LI CANT:T--- V-IL Address NAME oF AppLtcANT,s REpREsENtxve; C\k-t-Z LW. E. NAME OF OWNER(S): tt Slgnature( Address \qo - F. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittat of a standard 250. For a pnon"_*7b185 /+ t85o rH 'zCO - 2Ptlq5 request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. G. H. The following information, in addition to DRB submittal requirements, shallbe required with this submittal: 1. Verification that the unit has received a tinal csrtificate of occupancy. 2. Stamped, addrsssed envelopes and a separate list of adjacent property owners and of owneK; of units on the same lot. This information is available fiom the Eagle County Assessot's office. 3. Condominium Association approvat (if applicable). 4. Existing or proposed floor plans ol structure. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vail's comprehensive plan. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Exarnples of suctr review, may include, but are not limited to: colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible lor paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee lor such re' -publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultiants other than town staff. should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be foruarded to the Town by the appticant at ihe iimb ne fites his application with the community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds tonvarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incured by the Town in excess of the arnount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to fte Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. SingJ-e Family ZONE CHECK . FOR Residence, Duplex, Pr ZONE DISTRICTS tv imary /Secondary DATE: LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: tot - Block - Subdivision ADDRESS: O$INER ARC}IITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE IJOT SIZE Height TOLA] GRFA Primary GRFA l!fr0 + s7Et766= Secondary GRFA SeLbacks Front. Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping ReLaining WaII lleighLs Parking Carage CrediL Drive: PIIONE PITONE BUITDABLE LOT AREA ExisEinq ProPosed ToLalAl-lowed (30) (33) + 425 +425= Encl NO zthq @ zlbq = - V/y.en- l?xll=zOS 20, 15' 15' 3'/6' Rcqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ PermiLLcd slope % Proposed Complies wich t.O.v. LighLing ordinance Yes waLer Course SeLback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (50%)YES Envi ronmen Lal /tlazards :1) Flood Plain 2l Percenc Slope (< > 30%) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) RockfaIlc) Debris FIow 4) wetlands Vie\^, Corridor Encroachment,: Yes No, Do€s Lhis reqriesL invoive a 250 irdciiLiolr? now much ot itre allowed 250 ^ddition is used wiLh Lhis Previous condiLions of approval (check propert'y file): Slope NO 10 regues L? tz t: De.}.lJl +l \\ e-zg W\f'( tY.zuL '{ ../-/F'n spa'r/r IN€UL "', . il \\ t: . tl 'I,.:| .l : --.:----r+-- -:- .'- -..:--- a' u?Gz,. FlooC n 1o \ \\ .i. '\ :N$ s.\ : ) ,,.!ir3- ,, 1. 1:,, -.-:^-,, .?., -,r.-_ - - -: aEAtdt bW l2 I l'r-**,i III Q.tr Z-1b ffi'tFlSu ?'!: zouC .z:lAD' :W/.6yb t^tf.+*vll.7AA? --, . .".' -'.lJtJF ^1 . "'. " r-Bs* r*{-r tNsul- WoPzao 9aIo7l*\7 A7}A, seLTlrt\l ft.ran T. j[dl,r,, o,c , - hrl gATf 'g5qulfto{. ' t. N \ \_iN'.\ r/t.'l eht ?L'{HD tiet-r:.l.qq a/ .,io.f-eL a ?EzE4 t"t/d./. ce.vhtz./tz .$H.rAALe+'' F-zA AEfr HluL. Architect: Circle West Architects, P.C. 2077 N. Frontage Rd. Suitc 108 Vail, CO 81658 Tel.303-4794503 Fax 303-476-4183 Circle West Architccts, P.C.exprcssly discleims any responsibility ftom any unatborized use of ttcsc plans, drawings, and notcs. Any author- ization must be in writin. This drawing copy may havc becn reproduced at a size different than originally drawn. The architect and owner ass- umc no responsibility fo: usc of incorrect scale. Drawings are not to be scaled. Not publishcd all rights rrservcd. Project: Beringause Addition 1lX)-ACasolarDrive Vail, CO 81657 Sheet Narne: Building Section A Date: 2-27-95 Sheet Number: A4-1 LIWIN +U\Ve ./4tt: 1'- 4tt vBdTll-A:l rerl ItlSLlL I I I II f ll' \ ^ta l -l rH 'l i iltl ILJ BJ1.t s IL jl,$tri! Sr-: .3 i N= 5'' 6'\---l i \ I I i. I txi -r iG' ; --,-r ' ''l t.l.l I st- -t\ Architect: Circle West Archit€cts, P.C. 2077 N. Frontage Rd. Suir€ 108 Vail, CO 81658 Tel. 303-479-0503 Fax 3034764183 Circle West Architects, P.C.expressly disclaims any responsibility from any unathorized use of thcse plans, drawings, and notcs. Any author- ization must be in writing. This drawing copy may have bcen reproduced al. a size different tban originally drawn. The architect and owner ass- ume no responsibility for use of incorrect scale. Drawings are not to be scaled. Not published all rigbts reserved. Proiect: Beringause Addition I 190 - A Casolar Drive Vail, CO 81657 Sheet Name: First Floor Plan l)atc: 2-27 -95 Sheet Number: A2-1 :. 1F;\t'i{\; ; I rl ,l ( I flu4' -o7 bt4.Ex tq)7:7 rl a. --------ts\-\- .?\ ,A{. -s!)-:aJ--t'r I I Y @o l^{,ulDc? L.J t r1"ll -e" s-lEI Nd't <\l " .*E<sffi \sl FGt 5+t'j ' >4 _q3Xr'-a Eii }$l s\ Esr fE5X $i $ \F]v ii*$; :$$$ otiZ*otsF.' $+zdt\ $ o s -iu\l. 5> Nl s .l: -t:. Il-: >-[ rt- pi$ EF+ u$? S [ilaaaa' .1]/,t >;tAAeAor? Architect: Circle West Architecs, P.C. 2077 N. Frontage Rd. Suite 108 Vail, CO 81658 Tel. 303-479-0503 Fax 303476-4183 Circle West Architects, P.C.expressly disclaims any responsibility from any unathorized use of these plans, drawings, and notes. Any author- ization must be in writir This drawing copy may have been reproduced a a size different than originally drawn. The architcct and owner ass ume no responsibi.lity fc use ofincorrect scale. Drawings are not to be scaled. Not published all righrs rcscrved. Project: Beringause Addition I 190 - A Casolar Drive Vail, CO 81657 Sheet Name: Second Floor Plan Datr: ?-27-95 Sheet Number: A2-2 v% L:til4 -lo {t N I \i N \ .-.-:.m 3Scilig-es I Fdi D ru il.i i-- ri li- GIL'}sf I Architect: Circle West Architects, P.C. P.O. Box 4392 Vail, CO 81658 Tel. 303-479-0503 Fax 303476-4183 Circle West Architects, P.C.exprcssly disclaims any responsi bi.lity from any unathorized use of these plans, drawings, and notcs. Any author- ization must be in writir This drawing copy may have been reproduced ar a size different than originally drawn. The architect and owner ass- umc no responsibility fo use ofincorrect scale. Drawings are not to be scaled. Not published all rights rcserved. \ $ \lfi \s \t U. tfi $ Projpct: Beringause Addition I l9() - A Casolar Drive Vail, CO81657 Sheet Name: Third Floor Plan Date : 2-27-95 Sheet Number: A2-3 o\q \ x taTril 4 I ll'a tw ?t-*9, 4Ez