HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 1 PHASE 1 GENERAL LEGALl, TOWN OF VATI 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970 -479 -2138 I !_o{ (/ B(( A8 C--rSC.,\o-.n tl ,nlp| ///il/S NOrE: r'rs pERMrr MUsr BE posrED oN ,roBsrr*';";;[, ,r, ":::":ffifrg^m. Dgvt -:o'*t sFR BUrLD PERMTT Permit #: BeB-0357 'tb,E!ffii3'"p.;i, ngHT DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELO sit RgfgnO dress: 1141 vArIJ vrEw DR sEaEus . . . ,i:*XS. aRRrov$ffifi;::i}lt1NtIl,Xl3T,o*(cAsoI,zulppll3i:.;}H314#Z^ amount ffir r'ro. ' Expires..: os/23/Lggg date )JS€/14 blso(ztL ApPLICAI\rr D&DRoOFING, INC phone,lOltetftzzt 5390 E. 49TII AVENUE, COMMERCE CIrY, CO 80022 I CONTRACTOR D & D ROOFING, INC phone: 3033670227 5390 E. 49TH AVENUE, COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 O[{NER AI,EGRA ASSOC 7256 S.'ACKSON eT, I,TTTLETON CO 80L22 {"h.r v&- as .'481. g.t3 at ttttr t a * t l*i t'r tttt *t*a t rt*i *r* r *ra**a* **a,ar**atrr*r rt *r r*r.rr r*rtir fer*r**r***r,a* rr** *** See Page 2 of t.his Document for any conditsions thats may apply to this permj-t,. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge th.t I havr r.ad chis .ppllcaclon, filled out ln full thc infornaElon rcquired, cohpl€ted artplan, and 6tate that all the lnfordation provldrd ar roquircd l.! corr.cc. t aEr.c to compLy r,lth chc info$nation eo conply rith all Torn ordlnanceB and dlatse 1axa, and to bulld thls Etructure according to bhe Town,E zoning and eodeo, deslgn review approved, UniforE Buitdlng Codc and other ordinanceg of the Torn applicable ehereto. REQUESTS fOR IN8FECIIONS SmtJL BE I4ADE TWENry-FOUR HOUnS IN ADVANCE BY TE!,EPHONE,AT {79-2138 OR AT oun oFTICE FROM Description: REROOF WITH CONCRETE TILES Oecupancy: R3 Type Const.ruct.lon: V N Building-----> Plrn chcck- - - > Inve6t'lgation> 215 . OO . oo 50.o0 .00 507.75 . oo 507 .75 Resbuir.ne Plan Revlc$- - > DRB Fec-------- .o0 Recrcallon Fac----------> Tocal calculaEed Pce6--- > Addi,tlonaL FeeE- - --- - - - - > Toeal Permit Fee--------> DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON: ,lRt{-DEPI,: PI.ANNING DJ-ViS1ON: APPR FROM iIEFF IEEM: O51OO BUII,DING DEPARTMENTLl/23/t998 {IRM Act,ion: AppR AppRovEDItrEM: .O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENTIL/.23/.L998 iIRM Act.ion: NOTE AWAITING1,L/24/L998 BWILSON Act,ion: AppRIEem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTL!/23/\29_q-JRM Acr,ion: APPR N/AIEem: .05500 Pt'BIJIC WORKSLL/23/L998 'JRM ^A,ction: AppR N/A Dept,: FIRE CostsDivi-sion: Dept: PUB WORK Division: sis-*"974a8 Single Family Residence 4Type V Non-Rated ,/ Add sq Ft: 2f47') / "/ )/"'#of sas AppllencsB! -'{Of geB Log.: *Of wood/paltec: Valuation:15, 800 FIreplec6 InformaElobr Rescrlcted? y rt*r*t*rrrt*rl*rr*i.r*iir*ri**rrtr*r***rrr*rrrrrr*rr*rrr**, FBE suMuARy tfill carl----> 3.o0 clean-t4r Depo6it--------> Lo0.oo payEcnt6- - - - - - -, - - i - - - - - > zffsn-\TOTAI. FEES- -. -.*,r*r*a.i*rrrrrrltr**rrrirrrrr.rrtr*t,rrr.r,rrir ." " *. *. " * *. "*\*,"-*.{t{* aecurate plot and plot plan, subdivieion 8:00 AM 5:00 PM aenal Clean-Up Depogit To: D & D ROOFINO IltC.OT{I'BR OR CONTR,ACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OI{NER I Page 2 *******************************************************!k****!t*****:*******:r****** COIIDITIONSPermit. #: 898-0352 aa of LL/24/98 Status---: AppROVED **************!t*************************************************:l*************** Permir, Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUITTD PERMIT Applied--: rL/23/1-ggBApplicant.--: D & D ROOFING, INC Issued---: tL/24/Lggg3033670227 To Ercpiret OS/23/L999 ,Job Address: i,141 VAIL vIEw DRLocatsion---: J-141 VAIIJ VIEW DR (CASOLAR) Parcel No-- : 2L03-014-14-001 Description: REROOF WITH CONCRETE TITES * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Conditions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1-. FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIiICE -2. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AIYD EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.]-210 0F THE 1991- tBC. tttaaatttttl|+tt*tatltrotttttttratatatittttttttttttatattt*ttrattatt 1!0 f Ol Vlflr, CrCIlonlDO Eertss[nt ttrtsmnl lfurbc! r REC-0535 Anount: P.l7n.nt lt.thod! CI|ICK Notrtlon: 9O3B 4A7.75 0al3Ol99 15:.35 tnl.c: @ P.r'dt, Lor Bt8-o357 tfP.: A-BUII D rI,D,/lllT 8FE BftIIrf, p! Errccl lfo ! 2I0l -01a-1{-001 tlta Addt ..t ll{1 VtlL VIEI' DR Iroc.El,on ! 11{1 V IL 'l|M DR (CI8O!IR} Totrl FGG! r thl. Prylattt aa?.?s Tocrl f&f, P[e!; B.lrnc! r 507.75 507 .75 . oo' rraa al,i rra r aaat rrttt lccounE codc lP 00100003111100 DR OOlOOO03112:00 Pt 00100003114300 ID D2-DIPO8 t|c 00100003112800 Drrcrlpcl,on Bttlt Dttrc PtR tT FtEa DASIqI REITIBIf IIEA Ettlf csEcR FlEg CIJEIIfI'P DAPOAIIA rILI! CILIJ IltSPEe[IOtt PBt fuou$c 215. O0 30.00 139.?5 100.00 3.00 PI3A8IJ r pAGE: 1FPO ENTRY / R,ECEIVING REPORT FPO NT,IITBER z F22L22 DATE RECEIVED: 2/L8/04 REMARKS : REFIIND CIJEAII UP DEPOSIT RECEI\IED BY: LC ENTERED: 2/Le/04 9:57 By: LCAIfpBEI-rI-r VENDOR: 0000001 - D&DRoofing, Inc. IM/OreE IIIIMBER: 898-0357 D & D INVOICE DATE: 2/L8/04 IM/OreE POSTED: 2/Le/04 9257 By: L,CAIT!pBELTI-, PA!'II{ENI DUE: 2/27 /04 AliiOU![T: $ 100.00 ACCOT'IST# PROiI# AI{OUIIT ITEM DESCRIPTION 001000031L2600 $ 100.00 REFIIIID CLEAN UP DEPOSIT Irgal Orners Description:I.ot Arclritect, 4 e_ Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of vail Frg. NO. Plrone NuDber: Tornr of Vail it:g. Ne.Phgne lltraber: BUrIJDINC PERI'II,' FEE:Purt{BrNc pER}trtr' EEE: MECE}NICEL PERI{TI EEE: EI,EC:TRTCAL FEE OTHIR ?YPE OF }UE: DRB EEE: I@Tadc-f'@l mrrorrc; I -I- I --I- I SIGNAIOR,E:t_t_t t__t zoNrNc: l--t_l-_l tsrGNASrrRE: Block_ Pfirg susprvrslou, tu/t C-,E<tG---- ._Eas09 -tb_ Address: O/4 ,n-,/o/o General Descr.;ption: IYork class: I l-lten I l-Alteration [ ]-additional t l-Repalr rrl-eger-@4 Nrrbcr of DnelLinE (Initss lltrnber of Accoullodatiun Units: {)nb"- and T11e of Fireplaces: cas Alpll.anc.s_ Gas Logrs_ ttr,od,/pel.let_ ff***********,*rct'****tt****tt*******t VAIJIATIOIIS **rl***t***lr*****!r**rr*********t**,a -f::*llg: silL ot-oo .oo -ElEcrr{tcAr3 $--- or'ffi: !:--- EEUt{Brlic: S_' MEcp^anrctts S-- roirAr,: f' ffi;:3:,""f3e-'7ii " lf,:l""$R'l ,ww Town of Vail ireg. No. Phone lgurober: Plrnbing Contractor: .Adilress: Itlechaaical Con;rastor: Address: :f** ** **t****:t *r,.r ***** - *a***!t*tt*FoB oEFIcE us8 ****i*********r.r**********lt*+* BUU.DING PI.,IN CIIECK EE:E: PIJOI.IBING PI,AN CEECK FEE:!,lEClIAlf,tCAL pLeN CEECK fEE:, .REGREiASION EEE: CT,TAII-T'P DEPOSTT: $qfAf.l PERMTT FEES: t/a, -o'* @ 6t 601,, cxrAr r grosf,r.rlgEp_Eqi. b+-b n*i4 T, _| 640 e {?v -14.'= /a.--.u--et'4g e/4 e-e)Wo)>- tl, Design Review Action Form TOWNI OF VAIL Project Name: Mc Williems Residence Project Description: Reroof Owner, Address and Phone: John Mc Williems, 1411 Vail View Drive' Vail' 81657 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: D 4 P Bqqtqg?-6-3?9-8. 49" Avenue, Commerce City' CO E0022, (303) 287-sO43 Project Street Address: 1411 Vail View Drive Legal Description: Casolnr Vail Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: steffePProved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent \ililson Date: lll24l98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20'00 F:\EvERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9S\MCWILLIM.WPD o Qucstiorrs'l CuttQ ptu,'ning StatT li .i 7)r-l i 2.'l APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr rcvicrv Iuust rcccivc Dcsign Rcviov approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For spccific infornration, sec thc subtnittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc applicatiolr camot be acccFtcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is subrrrincd. Thc projcct rrray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/orthc Planningand EnvirourucntaI Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvlov Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a , building pcrmit is issued and construction is starlcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: J ,te> // * , ..f w (+1- P , r- ,*n 1n^ q!:. Je TOWN OTVAIL Ll. c. D. E, F. C, LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:FILING: PFIYSICAL ADDRESS: /q// -// /1 C-t' pe*cett:W(contactEaglcCo.Asscssorsofficcat970-328.8640forparccl#; ZONING; NAME OE OWIIJER(S):j . h r, l') tc, tu, / /, c-,t . MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SICNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT:rA MAILINCADDRESS: 13?O I= '/''- /-)."-4 lo €ou >PHONE:3o)- 2{-: l:o?3 II. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nnv Construction - 5200 Construction of a nerv building. D Addition - So'nor.Altration - 550 lncludcs any.addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcrrtial or conrrncrcial bui lding. S20 Includcs ntinor changcs to buildings and sitc inlprovcnlcnts, such as, . rcroofing. painting. rvindorv additions, lartdscaping. fcnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to be paid at the tinrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building penttit. plcasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTo',vn of Vail rvill adjust thcfcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREf\lENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPIVTENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vAIL. COLORADO 81657. D&D ROOFING September 17,1997 Proposal to: DC General 2005 Franklin, Bldg.2, Ste. 320 Denver, CO 80205 Job Address: ll4l and ll4l A D&D Roofing, Inc.. Hereinafter called the "Company" proposes to furnish labor and material necessary to cornplete ihc work accor<iing to the following specriicattons: - Remove existing shakes and haul away - Clean up all debris - Dry in with bituthene ice and water shield - Install roofofchoice Cost: $ 8,400.00 - 40 year asphalt dimansional shingles ./,rtee ,u ClPaeoau Ht s4$20,000.00 - Metal roof panels *All include trim and flashings **Building permit, if necessary, will be added to the prrce Please sign and return a copy as authorization for work. Thank you. We propose, hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum as stated above. Terms: Payable upon completion of work. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by D & D ltoofing, Inc. if not accepted within thirry (30) days. Signed- ACCEPTED BY: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as Signed: Signed: Date: - - .00 - No I medium shakes 4Le'l^ J"w! t br,";i'- Commercial & Residentia I 6390 E. 49th Ave. r Commerce Citv, r Maintenance o Repa irs CO 80022 . (303) 287-3043 OcT 2 | l9e7 o Reroofs o Fax (303) 287-3391 MATERIAL REQUIREMENTSTILE () oltcr2/! ? I c JOB NUMBER ADDR. ESTIMATOR CONTRACT DATE EST. START DATE EST. COMP DATE ROOFAREA 2O BTLLING INFORMATTON u r"- L / -^ 1-s- ^ 2016 /') NAME NAME ADDR 'oA ' CONTACT PHONE NUMBERS OFRCE HOME ( (^e- o ',: / 'fo' LABOR 7,/E 31, 01-10000 LABoR kc'o OI.IOOOO BURDEN TOTAL LABOR CODE ro-90000 TAx () ) % l6-10000 MISCELLANEOUS 20-10000 RooFINc suB l0-r 1300 l0-l1300 l0-12000 i 10-22000 MORTAR 110-72500 0.I.5 12" TAPER EDCE r0-80E10 l0-80810 ICE & WATER SHIELD l0-l1000 IXz BATTEN I 3OCIA 22 -IOOOO OT1IER SUB 22-I IOOO SHEET METAL SUB 22-I2OOO CUTTER SUB 10-80810 l2x2 LUMBER.-...-...--....- 10-80810 iPLYWOOD-----i- 10-80810 , LATHE i-l i-.iffi 22-13000 PAINT SUB i 16-10500 LEAD JACKS 10 /b /6o f 22-18000 CRANE SUB l6- 10500 PIPE JACKS 10 5V- 22-19000 FoRK!rFT , 16-10610 LEAD SHEET '1 it/ - /to-loooo oVERHEAD / 3 t/t/ .lGl1500 2Od GALVANZED NAIL /t- - 5O.IOOOO RENTALEQI.JIP.l6-11500 LIQUID NAIL )o.6o' 5O.I IOOO HOTEURENT l6-1 1500 I6d GALVANIZED NAIL 60-ltoo0 DIJMP 30c.l6- l 1500 STALPLES J- 60-12000 BoND 16-12500 VENT 60-1 3o0o PERMTT 5-/ O ' 60-15000 PERDTEM 4@o' 60.16000 TRAVEL TIME MATERI,AL TOTAL s 2t/39 60.17000 PORTA POTII _ TOTAL COSTS S ,/tJd MARGIN SPECIFICATION NOTES: *Tn,,.-^'. J *;-I , lJ&^-.1-.-4-'',' r= NWr*-'J r"'q>o'r/19->t38. September 17,1997 Proposal to: DC General 2005 Franklin,Bldg.2, Denver, CO 80205 Job Address: ll4l and l14l A D&D Roofing, Inc., Hereinafter called the "Company" proposes to complete the work according to the following specifications: - Remove existing shakes and haul away - Clean up all debris - Dryinwithbituthene ice andwater shield i13 /- (''-''-'a - Install roof of choice Cost: $ 8,400.00 - 40 year asphalt dimensional shingles $l1,200.00 - No I medium shakes $16,800.00 - Lightweight concrete tiles $20,000.00 - Metal roof panels *All include trim and flashings **Building permit, if necessary, will be added to the price Please sign and retum a copy as authorization for work. Thank you. Ste. 320 2q t 6-J ^5- //2J ROOFING l/h,\'e l>6 Qt'tt ' 5e'ql'l | =d'f v^.{"- l{-t . ,l-ay r. tr LJ- - / L 1."2. a--\ N -'r* ,!--L. L *'LJ->1 . ts,".5, furnish labor and material necessary to p*a F*'e' lw' . 5)-(./ T,(e ' Ttm*. We propose, hereby to fumish material and labor - complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum as stated above. Terms: Payable upon completion of work. Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by D & D Roofrng, Inc. if not accepted within thirty (30) days. Signed:' Mark Brady,Manager ACCEPTED BY: The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Signed: Signed: Commercial & Res idential 6390 E.49th Ave. r Commerce City, r Maintenance . Repairs . Reroofs CO 80022 . (303) 287-3043 . Fax (303) 287-3391 Date: o b c 6n r^-t-'*e *-L/ -,-- eo '9o?oS Seff.O2-97 09z46A *,^.' y3,4 #->p 'fi- 3)o - >s>{ D.C. GEI\EML SERVICES, INC. v(ilL 7ee T-/Le rtr.@ re Den+@foBl ( 303 ) 3s5.70s6 FAX:(31)3)&11F252A DATE: Septcmber 2, 1997 TIME: I l:00 AM SENDING TO: (303) 287-3391 TO: Mark Brady FROM: Dick Heiney TOTAI- NUMBER OFPAGES; 3 TNCLUDINGCOVER SHEET, IF YOIJ DO NOT RECEIVE ALL PAGES, PLEASE CALL BACK IMMEDIATF-:LY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS Mark, urese arc directions to the condo in Vail, hope they arc adcquats. Keeping in mind that this roof nceds to be replaced this year. The owncr would litc suggestjrrns for othcr mat€rial types should their be anything available that you woultt sugger lf you i-.rve any quesrions or need other information, call me. Thanks, Dick. P. Ot b e 6'.-**-r'- a Homesites available . single-family, duplex and triplex o exceller,i. views o exclusive access. dedicat*C recreational / tennis area LL+L Lldbrnat Fcrest *76;.?7t *--i.9 do.$* % of greenbelt tif_o approxirnatelY 3.5 acres /-f.{scA /atr -fltm--- eu,,IN del Norte \\ 3*f,oum of thillllaP AlttL) t t-tttce a*'18 bl, , trn"=,0 '/-oi l4 1 37- v) ),r. ti 1e 69o lAnpurt, . tt1e74o <61-/.41 , t7 ). 2L'' '\-/ /o. L/t1 w .>Eoo Stoo tJ-d<, ^ Plw flJ-y 'tL- ) ,-.->l J -1\ '- +, O IL ]:- l-'{e f 'l= ' >1-i . /e s@ ll-pet'-'5r . t{oo fu'llteo lh rh.( ao &)ct' ,)^rQ .sqfio.2-s7 09:47A P. 03 I 'if, tf - t\ :lo 7oF,1O P'F'oPndO (' n' 5 i'oP'dli r? rc, JFP.o ourx OdOcn5FlooOct. ri5-o (":' Onrt{toa on I rl a tat..cL a o oz E =G, u.lG ooo \ oot\ xxxxxxx c ooF € |! +r -t. at UJ4 ==e.q.t o- q2ffii'*"I I I I (Ot|rJ 3J:k (J)r-ll (O\l@o't, \lor Flt\'cD I I lcu att =rl ,;L.e> 9104 | +lz 8iP.: -">d.t6 t= lu o E Iz =o zz oulFoz z 6J o€ o =z l0lE t'=I.EIL l=IE lol.nlo+roE o(U vl ulz3 ut7 F t!J UJ(/) =I l! G Eulz3 l.l-o eT:d F* E-\^.o-YoPc arvE* =Et-r F...e. -l =EsEC/9 -.9I \s$:t.: fi 5r 514 cg) aoE U'q) Eoo E4t o Elc(E ot '= oN -o 3oF q)c. o E o()o(! o o o .at, I E d 6;(u o at, ttc at ano(,c(! c 'F (6 .: 'o. (, o (g o- = c (E .9 G E .g o) = 'o. E o E o)(0 oE6'5E 9:-() c..2o- =6=rrF'=:cr;ocL'- (to$ =E€'=c9 -CO.O E(sOE >o g'egi cr(uO-,rr (!-- -c Eg-(6E6OEEC oOic-c(g -E(0o og(r, .tlD!of;6o6 J:o'-(EE >.9-o(D9EEEr-o -cl oo oOr rnsf oo Lctr.o oo ro r-l oo oo oo oot-l oo fror{sf =tt uJ z o x UJ z J l-() UJ uJ o =@ =J =I uJ = qJ aul!zo F u,t IJJ ; uJ lJ.l z qJ F6oo-uI z UJJ x F ulo atulull! tr =G UJo- J FoF z o o o uJJ uJ oz 6 = d J 9z () llJ. NOTMIVA t: l*=A lt 3Y'.s. l€ =; x1IE =co.lor j* 9lZ Z tr-- !l Y v(t-3; =F;aOE.Fs? E!o\ 4.F:g HEj ni 6u l-IClo 15 l(o-t;l+tlo fF- l€ t: l€ z9 (r E uJ IIJE It z Eoo z tr UJF 3qJz tllltloFzlz <oo< <u2t!xrr6ci<z ts2,. 9= rno3tr ull J J \ Jl<l|-l zl zl .. >lo UJo uJ urza tr (r uJ(L zo F oo l IF uJ(l. F + z (t otg =totrl I o) IJJo- lL>o (Y) G. (t, JJ =F UJ lr E Fl<lJI Ell ot/)lozli F{ (l'o =F Fo ,,,z, trJ rli =z d)o-t or(Y)ro rJ). I ==.d+trgN ar, = Lo oo)! !E o- (ooro Fl U' ll,J J 2 It : I I-l@lol-l cil =.1olull :l al>lt!lol zl FI I ElJl flzl 3l PI ol =.1('l uJl 5l sl u-lol zl3olFI I el dl il sl l!lol pl r t -.r O<F(r()t!<ztt!F oo <oOF F3ot ---r2 u.r O OOz, t- =#JZr,L o Et; = lrzulJ (.o€ ol FI o! uJFo c0o?zo Fo- IJJY UJ @ o F E c IJJ o- l,!o o-oo I u.lF z uJF o z oP =E€=z =dE ifi 2=r= - a\ ! =H= E lu o- r|. EU2ZE<cLf€frE9!ir!e5[E ;Tb !fr: =di 8b9 iurE XO-E ;I6. ul €= uJ(0 E =- E =E ltJo,zIFofEFazo() 5nr a t aatr oz E =t uJo- (t) UJ IJJ'tL = = uJ tP rA..< ro -.rlo I I-.1 1 '" I| ., I ltl I It'l-r il .: l< '',{ : ,F-'l^ '. la lu- =:,lb -' lF;,2t: ,1ro tz 0)?i (!.Y' tlr.= 6u ll ct lEd!piE l= E U h si p l; =.e g?t= 19 EEH9* lEF r c X o ll: € g::3 =e lE !;;E i [e i o;EE l3 -*!o- lz:5 t.= o l=v = - C a l(Jff EEE;H IH3*€ Q c E lEoSs:3P IPt.- q-F o IsF r"; Ee c l9?o=-o"$:o-E .e= oerE - (l)- L "== 9; a) iio E li()iEEip> -!o.= ,E E E:=-a€q; sf;;E= -9 = 3!J = 6 >,=d n:beg'- X vE o- SE:Fg EsggH ;E =zzu- h o- 4=X l ZYa_90E @oEz.>(Joo9:<)zxr,! <o* duJ ;'i:F 2 aNO Jl<li-l zl z .. >lo luo uJ uJz U)F t IJJ(! J z Eo UJ UJFooa) zo t- I,TJV uJo o t- = tr uJ lJ- I uJ t- z z .n9 =* d =z a-,8 : J."i5 ==36il> ts lllo F2E< o9)Ea9 vE 5g EIFE H=9i;r :FE 659 \urEX(Lt x>(!=Fct "io -'i!- u, oF --€ F =E tIJ o-zo F(Jf E,Fozoo nntr . I I "l -1,. d,.. , ,rl ==lJ- 'l F -J rjj z (D _-) LI,J&oc I l F tr t, UJ o a()= oz si uJ = l!o z =o t : I u u F =g oz d uJE J lroz ==e. tr z o r.lJ = tt z BoF =E tr z uJ = z3oF q z UJ J a z3 F ul Jlrl IJJz = FO LU F.- E E. <F(x()uJ<zE [J.J F(rzoO <oOF t<i\ E -,2 ^troIO tv zt- >d :zu-o .J 2 I uJ - =z E. t- = \JZ o <c)a?.lrl=-- t]t]n i| t4 u.t UJ z uJE UJ F =rlJ zo l UJ z l! 3 UJ tu z IJJ h J$ 331 F$ E$ z E.sE9 1>!?onzbErl >(JFO -;.i u, .. >loulo UJ UJzotr rl| J zo F 6oo"u-<ioH at)J 3 F u, .Dqg,z () F z tr UJFJ 3 UJz Jto e{ }i '!l FIF oF() tFzoo gF;c) =Ed6 C) J C) F C) -- -rO<Fc( c)ur<zE I.lJ F(nZoo o I t- t. 4 t -/l >li, ii =z too-r gl f, PI o- o ll.tflt5tq Ft 3 >l ol cfct J = EI fl bl ;lg { Ft-? lry J z Il!IJ I u.llv,l=liIE IPt- loIFlot< lz o o r.l,lz =oaq tr,oz ,,, i E\J:trlF'<t--z^, Y2o< u,F z o =oJ dt 6 .trb \t3 *l I I I I'\t =uJ J FoF anut IL = riJ E;€F'5 E .4 U9gEE;.8 F, 2 *,8=*EE3:c.= au - a!l-fc^() =i538i;5; i:';-eF -. R: tg Es=E'a EEFIg ---€ siS 3E985 iE 5:ts P o-E fnFgi :€€ gg EE'FgE:-'E 3d c=o(/rtr snir€6l;.'"r E !a;s ti3;F iF$g F ll- *rEtl \ I t6iz .qJ =rovtu.J.- E Oc-- O- rr +,Ct O-.- rO = rov g 'E H._ E) O-trvCX .F o.,s.=Oc.ocJt! ta L+)(/rE (uo<lJ.l c.J o-OO{JErrj Tt OJ otrJ gF Lt()Eovr_o=H E (J +'oC5 L(F -z(ts o (./| .g).:< =L(ac!-o o {J.- oJ.tJoJ==JP r, aEO (u t- (L 1r- J stE C NO[vn]vA- -\-.-5N oF F =Eul4 o*. NI UJ ox I ut t-oz lri :E$ =z+l> fidPx nhF C:<crdF<.aEg= 9:<€t=E I rrr FLd 8 -r= o=E60 8qg Lr., trJJ g: p5.iuJ-:= ('z J o3v, ={{A" -,),,t_ Project Appllcatlon Project Description: Contaci Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archit6ct, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot r\ ' "' , etock 4 , Filing ':.15 'v r+1. ' '. -= '- , zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 1+ ,..i. r* -,1r, Summary: o lnun o ' ' o :'''.:: lnutn 75 roulh tronLge road uall, coloado 81657 (303) {792138 (303) 47+2139 Date:t l'l 723-zl6b f'o Bot'^'lf , ..e,1, *. r qr- t 7/ojO7 ,-tre# Dear Sirs, On a recent check of buil-ding perrnits, we find,that the below referenced pemit has extrlired. The Town of Vail Building Department has not received a request for a final inspection on -thiq project, the last inspection reguest was dated /a -/5-tA . Please reply in regards to this within 30 days fron the date you receive this Letter. Your inmediate attention is reguested. If you have any further guestions concerning this natter please feel free to contact me at 479-2L38. Sincerely. fxpired Pemit Infor:mation: StanekBuilding Inspector lz l'ttt ' DslJrt Dan TOV oflice of community development P 156 102 361 S&JOPERATINGCOUPANI P.o. Box 2249 wrcnrtl FALLS' TEI(AS 76307 b'*.i-d E! t"r,'ta EI#"" Hflfu Alr.t otid. s|6r|of d-' 'ii,Adcdt*Pe iFr. ncn pro P l'5b l,0a 381' REcErPr FoR :.: ::JtJ:o,,to'' n t' " i l ll t'"^rr i,it' i' 'lr'n na ' ' i'o i& zzqs " "w?'6fiirr "rTf,is,- 'L llioz Lrd 1 ea FeE ; " t" -i';t (tc o E r:t- ,J tfl c ) F E d N rt\tir l\ svi 6 $t& 1[ Irq- e- .-1 I t^- 4 N 3 { 3p ? d ; dD \pt! I trtr s (P 6 -(av nV] tr,tF IA e €;€E:; slF=t;g* eE = EtrDE- 4EEB9o;i I :$Eb" e\gV\cL jv.\ LJ \ c-oF E EH T "sou q L' ,7u,o^ soi> AR€A , -ltO' * 19 \ }S-a 4 ...1' 'l *z 5 r'l) | F,. \$l{ rc' t- PL+\,JIE I €l{€-U6l ;. I. EVCRO''REE{ Facavir*1-1 SOD AREA ilr{ *a{ -- :rl "'l rt' -- (.ls + 't!3 sal 'r.,1{'l,ol(DI \ A ,|I\-"r (a Y v)-'JScReqN,*e,.- fa/t-€ (E..lu€L*tA^J ztzcu{ , - 7' \ 3' MO.,r*rir,rv ,o",r#$ffig ;=Liff:, Pnff,ft1Jr s\uS Bei-r. Flrrus./g C*?\-"Jr'n g I \,*L pe, n,,p1* AArty DELF!{r\.rtun^"1 o custoM€R srcrf^run€ ----: 'li--=^- -.^ -t$2 MOrt.r rrt r rr J..rlrl r P<.tq <4t< Bor,lt-.s*gtr ffi;;;;il;;i;iJfi" r" t"r,it""totv "omprolron ol ths abov€ de!crrbed work EF2-f \ .^,f/ 3lr* -ft>P Ywu'/ Drursjt- [eoo$ f '.."?. $'*y i I =:]rgnn'lt'-',7-u'"ooo'l >*t'' fIq .f $fl q I I *"r{ {, t(r.zet C;tel$ ee.oPooo ft,rrnn 7vttAu-' \-.'TO t\ ATt?* u':<t,ir** F+vY lFfF-rl GNrZpa. l+oJsa Stot/-c- l't:l"s:, l**l sa gt"o -.' ///,//// /rl r,,t,/ Hor -ru\5 .*t!orr,"< l,'rt1, - Cvr AWAV Vlew €a-olrr srtaE't- tL ctz h =E uJL oo ooo rr, tnuj uJlr tr = LlJc ( q/q/-\ galo|O/ t^r r9e #2m l.i Nl, {lll- JiE Y),i Il 5ll-ll tEt{ ,lH*l {stfit I = | ;Elll sl e1d I t l \\fl l\ G uJz3 uJt F z EJ UJo =I trott IEo Fo CEFzoo o o)a:o:EE xre 8* a(!6.9'64't cLE(!.oca€ ot- EC :so0)NO -of;cc BgFO eb e- oDc t9658oG ct).,c =Ei! ==ois .nO Ef -E.9q9'cL !o.c(! "3.,' qt.'tdE --- o oti d'=o(D rbE coa.e; I69cc.= (, o Y!tc-o 96S =EPd'i =c96'- o< B5=_E>,!, (E=q,Ets =L.q,-oo iEo €ee,q! cE=!cL6 0-sEtt/'€o-E*e 96<s EeE o o= EEE *vC(E 0'-.c; o ETE sg19 6E -i=E3;8 ,i6 e9E ore5g -oG oro oro rr)N rJ) Gt oo o Fl oo oo r\ t-{ F EeqJ o =J .o Yout z J t Fo UJJ uJ oz (o =J J z o UJE g,l gJ z uJ lu c0 3g IJJ z 6ul Ev,oc UJoc i u, (, x llJo tn UJ UJtt b =Eu,IJ FoF 0z = J () oqJ uJ z = (,z I uJ = NOtlVn'lV Y =ZztJ-o ooF-qrzp; =F66 a6b I(Jzx a!<oq i-'69-R 2 F.ot(J _= 9Sr =:r$ =(DN z9F tt a o ulo- F oo OooK' 2e o- IJJ z tr z F- uJFJ 'uJz lltltltl lt,tz z9!4<oo< =Fxr!5ci<z u) =z, 9z ..: F d636OI llj JJ lr g) uJzY = uJ.L F t F Fa -.r I<lH zl zl .. >lo u.l ulutz aF E tJl o-) z E z tr U' zYt! (a Id, =t I Ft I f<t | <it N | 3 ot o I F =l d I d t! (Y) @ o Fl O Fl u,F o uJ tr U' @o?zo F TL UJY lrJo oF tr Et!Il!o o-oo I UJFoz F =E UJ o- z sPze =zl=JO CL U- EB=e;3 !!n tr ul ta lrJ59E<o. l60ne,E9EAb9'=E =tE ;tE !fr :t:. U 59 itnE 'X O-t x>t q-oi!tr IJJ a0 F (uol! LtEo J v,rFooe. Lrd oq .tt ui =z dlo-| .-{rr, F{ I s|- r-.1 vlE .E rJ x (o(o c)(o - ao (, ro<fC' xodt at uJ ) E an+'o-(u oo UI(tto =tr J tl EI FI 6.Po(u C'Coc) v,(uo EEtr I .l il I I <rl uJl TI <l>l tl-lol zl =lolFI z UJ -) lt- z3 F E <F(ts(JuJ<zE 6Z-o C) J d. o u.J _&(Jo z, l-9?z& t'5 E F EFz oz -C) UJ = t-d. i. = \JZ!!! (n IJJ uJtl- F =uJo- iDi,il i* ;i:i)i\ i.$rf rE iE $ .9o c)tt sio oo .9 at, (lt 6 a, E G otl,o (u = o l!J UJo =I Got! (EoFo Fzoo uI .E FE o c) (6 oEoo o, E E o =c Do o o.o.d; .@ o E G ot oN -o =oF o) o o) .s Poaoo o) () o .9 !t -o o !t (u ai 'C' F o -tr.=! Eoo o is o o- E o .9 o E ; .= => CL Eoo o (D Eg) (0 - G) oo art uo.: (t E at atoq) o ct 6 o ; (lt ((t c, (! o c(g (g o. o o, o E ()o6 G o ct 6 o ; (lt ((t c, (! o c(g (g o. o o, o E ()o6 G o oo Eoo o fo(, .9 C' t o ; ; o g '- (5 .(, o,o... (5 .2.c d(l) o GE o oot {)io I() at -oo (,c at UJ UJt! F =e, UJo-J FoF - : ozotr tt uJo c. uJzulo GI z9U' o -t = IIJ =O zo F^(J= d.9 at> o1>E9r!<og -tEFO -.4 ni .. >l I! uJulzo ts: tu o. J z t J z E z F cl UJ e,,frR. I t;tt) T\ ) z.n9a-.60 =zlf o-- P 2*26F- -;.1(JA;E tr ujc oEqE<c\€8E9ELa9'E o.- => =uli-E E=o * i.i:rFtX.-9 5;E -oo9'5utF.16$: OLF-v!tr ul(o oF I-- I ,QJ u't u./ v o ') ---.-) !n! F2 o / s '1.J oz J t! I I J Jc! FoJ il t1 6 rt ru A Jo V) s tr; =z .Doi- ltN N$is\/{t \.] ',il :.r$t\ t|HuJSgl zl :s c J \ E() v.) \ N N \ = E \^ \(\^ $..fr II,J oo Ji \ N N\ ! \\ F6 i,0x\\ N\l s \ = t\ I \l\IN I z.l otul ql :<l>l ttlol zl 3l FI I I s lSss $ F\ \ u u a \,\$ ) \I ctz C,lll G J Lqz3 01F c\\ hu \ N\\ E u-l o o1uI : ttq zl3I \ s :!5lItlt\\lI =lcl u.l ctlz: ou, 1 >i bl zl 3l H \ h \ N $ =tr oz dulc J a1 t!oz 3lI N\ \ N I \s\ UJ ulF e UJz =o FouJtY E G, -rO<FEQuJ<ztUJF6zo5() J I e. C) UJ U E ?) 2)) Gg9 gE d5() 6F 33 EE &,o*<r =4EFFOz oo <ofiE=lnD! Project Application Dare 5-l2 6.b 't Projoct Name: ProiectDescription: T)L)PLE-)\ UUrfS Eu}t-)roc, SrT-€i2- Auac{zt?- SrTE- I Ownet Address and Phon€: Architgct Address and Phone: Legal Description,r-or !+-? ,etocx A-? ,ririnsp*rc+\ 6{otr<L t5= Review Board ,t ru4t- APPRovAL DISAPPROVAL Design Chiel Building Official hun road . Y.rl. colo.ado 8t657 7OO0 err 237 Peler Patten Sentor plrnncr Oepanment ot Community Dsvelopment box 100 uril, colorado 81657 (303) 4765613 department of community dwelopment l,lay 12, l98l Deane Knox suite 160 555 lTth Street Denver, Colorado 81202 Dear Deane, As per your request, Itve done another site inspection of the landscapingon the El Nido and Aregre duprexes. rrn surprised you asked me to go backout.there' being that no effort has been- nadl to compry ,riii, tr," Juiy 2, l9g0Design Review Board dir-ective to plant shrubs. l', i,"Lroiirrg. "opy of theDRB sheet of that dar wfre11 it is- expressly written ttrat y-u nust prant theshrubs designated at a height of 3t t.o gt each. r noted no new shrubs onthe site. Besides the lack of conpliance with the shrubbe conpleted before a final approval will be planting, the fol lowing mustgiven on the landscaping: one nore conment. You- nay wish to have whoever constructed your crib walls,go back and take a look at thern now. The worknanstrrp anJ-quarity is poor. once these things are completed, Irll be glad to give you the final approvalon I'andscaping. r wourd suggest you planf the shiubs L r"l"irua by DRB wherethe previous junipers were proposed and on the east garden"'or ,-it r. l. Remove the pile of crib wall tinbers on the west side of urit. 4. 2. seed the area around the bourders,to the southeast of unit I wherethe underground water source is. 3. Plant the crib wall gardens on the east of unit l. 4. Reseed and grade (where needed) the area to the rear of alr theunit s . Please call ne if APP:bpr Encl . Parcel s Casolar yourve further -questions. F O Fz I fl- a F z(J Y IJJ z J z iHYo- do \\ uJ IJJ 2 J H3ei3It"<cO > -{a< o n-!.1 E E<d<''r ulIz s Fz ll,/ =uJ UJ aFoF I E I t .E =r=HlreO -,2 =oFJf n o NOIIVNlVA z*N ; ol R = s{! z trqqi. -o FCC2Ox> -2l< do>o - .,i a SINGLE FAilIILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAL -ZOXING_CHEQ4LIST )- Zone District: KC- Proj:osed Use: Lot Area:Minus Hazard Area: Eeigbt: Setbacks:Required - Iront Actual - Front Distance Between Buildings: G.R.f.A. Allowed: Buildable Site Coverage: Allosed - Lot Landscaping: Required Parking: Reguired Drive:' Slope Pernitted Parking and Drives Must Environmental / Ha4ard : Equals Buildable Area: Actual ?t{ Zoning Apirroval; , sides ro' + \tf,Rear2 ' +Y.S sides lt, l8 ,Rear I SO 20' /.) Area Area %=_ 6 nTza \3tt , Required 11.9 Actua1 e3 ' - Area _ x = 389_ Aetual 5]) ( %= Ok x --:-Actual {o/" slope Actual oK_ Be Paved Lot 7 Avalanche hO Flood Plain ^oSlope n O . Distance From Creek f1q Trees Removed 6O inistrator An.'X-1s= flflogto t'?- Cecil M. Hoyt Consulting Engineer 59,t S. PRINCE ST.LI TTLETON, @ 8OI2O April 13, L979 I\1r. Hal Engstrom P.O. Box 130Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Casolar Project, Vail, Colorado Hal : This letter is to present to you some of the remedial measures to betaken to correct the foundations and framing areas you noted to meduring our walk-through of the project on 7 April l-979. The following are my recommendations: Building Alegra: 1. Frost heave in slabs. f would recommendthat the more seriously damaged slabs be removed and that the ground be allowedto thaw and return as nearly as possibleto normal. At this point f would recompact,with a hand tamper, the soil and place theslab and screed off 1eveI with the slabsthat remain in place. I would create anexpansion joint where the two slabs buttone another, otherwise you will wind up , with a crack at the point they meet. 2. Frost heave in bearing wall at stairs.I am enclosing a sketch to show what I have in mind ior this area. I feel thatwith the adjustment built into the wa1l,that the movement that occurs duringsettlement back to its original statecan be compensated for. 3. The crack in the exterior wall atCloset #8 was not caused by frost heave.ft happened prior to backfilling. Thewaterproofing had not been disturbed inthe same way as the waI1, as it wouldhave been if the frost had caused thedamage. Repoint the joints and leave itas it is at the present. t"Ir. Hal Engstrom Page 2April L3, L979 , If you have need Sincerely, Cecil M. Hoyt CMH/co Enclosure o Building El Nido: 1. 2. The crack in the wall of the qarage atthe front corner was caused by sliqhtdifferential settlement of the foundation.I donrt feel there is any structural damage and would repoinL the area. Settlement at the corner of the firstunit was due to the re-excavation for pJ-umbing reasons. f would suggest thatyou jack the foundation back up to itsoriginal position and support by pouring hole fulL of concrete. This could be done in two steps to al1ow for removalof jack. of further information, please call at your convenj.ence. CEO|. M. HOYT * Cecil M. Ho Job name Subject n?ulrin Sneet I ot Z- ep+ftlq,t BlocL HJf{ix,5krr,tr Clie By 4'-*,c.' 6tf edil, u.Ju*a f.l c,",,.' t,lrL'. grd,*. ft- dflq Liltleton,C olorado 801 2 O i. \{nu*..Ttor-i 5594 South Prince 1-303- 795-9183 a> Cecil M. Hoyt Subject 5594 South Pri con?ultin T::.Hffit-] s'.rpf kr*r,."Fl4ll ,r,''bi tt" ffi1hi ['tlfr \,[,*1., Bdt -? r.t,i rt"ar bo\'fr- nar*11 l. ittleton,Colorado 801 2 O L\4 /q" :lLo nce 1-303- 795-9183 v I ).,r. 'u't' ./// Y / /V ol :=- (Jz-t-+ J*1' ' fu."e/e 4*( cAsoLAR CoNSTRUCil0N, lt{C. P.0. Box 130 Vai l, Colorado 81657 l,lay 3, 1979 ' Town 0f. Vrl | , Bul ldlng Insp€ctor P.0. Box 100 Vail, €olorrdo 81657 Attn: llark llarku3 Chlef Bul ldlng I nspector :i Re: CASOLAR VAIL t C I uleer Hous i ng Prolgct .,,r,. Gentelnen I v : . This is to verlfy the arrangement for Installlng the sheetrock In the . .;.," El Nldo and Alegra Duplexes. This work ls belng performed strictly on a contract labor basis uslng experlenced craftsnen. CASOLAR CO}|STRUCT|Otl , ll,lC.ls purcheslng all materlal dl rect fron suppl iers and ill labor ls covercd under our l{orknonr s Compensation and Llabillty policles. : ;J Pres i dent MATERIALS Dace ,O- l2^^BO _I /,e'i''"/-' NAME oF pRoJEcr (h=Oua-rZ V*lu P'|4s;ar LEGAL DEscRr Prr or{r#T- v DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The to A.) foLlowing informationthe Design Review Board BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other lvill Materials Fascia Soffits I[indows lTindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FLashings Chlmneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. ) PI.A,NT MATERIALS .(Vegetative, Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs, and Ground Cover) Botanical Name Cornmon Name Quantity Size is required for submittal bY the before a final aPProval can be Type of lr{aterial Colgr Applicantgiven. (a Page 2 Plant Materials Continued Botanical Name Cournon Name Quantity Size OTHER I.ANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Walls, Fences, Swiuuring Pools, etc.) (Please Specify) c.) aEeS, P.AprlO fuir- tqlq L-L4tre trtr-- T.F.f.,-PL&AE€- Ncrre-c|15 ke+ tS t)DtO oF-TeffiS. Doe- exCeU F.JCJL rJr Tzf lFrvtgst* t1E- .+t4> FOLE\(- krrT . LO>S at dr6{z-qa7o if4,JTtrA BV * eDqta>gtd \t14.- (JDnDSe4€:rr2, u; e+{ar;c-'Tr+rs Rqt*,lrct A*ra L"*.sC> ;c^ryFc, T?4€. b<-otlrrf i I . L"Mqe- Bosrorrr S ,'J C-ENTE/2- c-l4rtdrus A+-(2 Poeu-9 fuilO h uaoie;Z+&)no [4JcasTaT $cte.aZ- T4-4tr l^r,+S \)Ctl: DtSAtf'{2RtO oJ adQ- Daa"6ruO BV 2.cd.VeO> A;5q;; aA.25q ).WtanW A#d a@tgs+ss BV Pgtre.tA.) q- RcSn r r 6r:- Exr sT' r5e- Sor u. r^, rT].+' C4e6F^AfnCu.-rrS oe top Sbr c t $ ]6sLo Ane.ExJ^JO THeRDetT- SVsfprvr S, ?,*e:>-nrrec*- pn-O coltlno.J ++rO*a Bee,f R.+rrrC> f5V A g*4LagY VetoF Qrc+| LA^J^J -ruc.F CporasOe46".r6r- Mz8,&>r,\,r4tafl r9 F{(DLOA'6 l#s OqJLt - t,rr t Tt* Pl4ffiBf,1 o.$t- rl4/4tJ'fl*)A*EE4 Tt4tE- ) ({)F- Scs$mtr -rt{46 | F r}te, Vry'4nb^) \ tS VolO oF IeEES A-C' Tr*e-5eca^Jcf EXW,t,v1n- t1A, r- W4NQ i)O|F.-= ^l:Or'fue'+^ tJF- Tl-lrArT Tl+e- A2ood6tQ Fu-r+:n,Jfr- Be' cl+A.5q{Io a> C1+AA)q4O TD {/r}+4r:|-. a.re- FhqdA PsanOru--1 dalfitP,.,?;+-tr>. LrF- ftau Tt'{tA-t- Tl-t€- u5E aF PyQs u agor> 7 1PcE.zS r9octt-o.q 2> AF,() 5oO 45 t,gg-;r*4= rfan,eA-LseeC> ts 4 ln4oe7 4rr-cacnorr-- [.q,pg@r rJ+ ftrq*)a tr Ar,"A s*)L/-O i3e_ Connal D n+=-.Faosecr As A r..*rrtocc- , T>q'r ... i t.'.4 ' t 'l i: ir il ti li !;'.ir I ,i a,rb cov J Jattt'- r' tt"t -.- iiGJrbF.rti ll ttltMf*rbdr"lt t'rhtrrp"" rrrnt*-!------SOfff|. li ..a ttt.t !E nd.|-rl|dP' .t a- br.a dl-do-t-ttllr|Lr F t'd IF t- IE.IT -1...5b t. O. E fF, Ffrr' O ntt L-e|'---r.-lts- ' rtEnto ttl i '."'lb b .--rr rEr-d.-rt d'lt:tF--E-ru, se==tt?H'F'FffiF!r'-'>th d d.--tttt - i J--'r-.' ?a:T'- t - ---rr - ,a qi d Gr, - --i'J-- *. i t rl .l tt, -a F r' trLr'6 "' {t b ., r.GJrbl-tlbtL5 ;td dld't5altltdbr3trt' I ;;;Ea- r'rb.rc"'.."'rort l I ll I,: -#r":5L,,.-*,T:-::31:ITIffi;1'lIlIf,,l' I -; :;=t:;.I*:::;':]';- -.Jrr'r'nr*.b''rb"' | =';-t;tr-l*r"'-G' rrb:r""D-'d''rT'r""'-' -fn tf f fUEL ltr-- rl"' rtl-"J '-t|l ' tih tlt t|t|'l,.'fr"'' r't' lrt I -rrq tt- -iE-it !6 '- 'r-r"it'- adrr"r' F?y .'tt n..t t"r ! r fttf .f:r -"155- "r-''r'-' "- - --t" rtr" ritn''' ''.e ttt''"" I rtl lra zrrgr " t-lJ -^' tllt r.n r' rrrrr' tL r' rL l't tl tl'o er..elrl ral ddrrotl I r rf rX t'rrrt- lt lt --tl'ttf -t*-t'r.ttrt.te titrrr'' Id lF ' 'ctt' "tlb't' 'l-"tt 'a' I .a.,t*...'. c r*"'- rLt t t- -'r" 'Jlt ' rr' ' tdi' '.l Frtr ..' Dlh"n' I :.t d-Frtr'"ottl'---* rc-t 'Jlt' - "tt-'"rl 'i tL "t"tt lh"" 'L" tr a --t f t- t-t fttrtt'' *' t-t'"tttt' t'-ltt '"' ':s-bt'rt' .f rh'ttvtt b" tt -"-" q* tta d sit. -strdFdu'dtEdE ', tgEtradr tttil rt ct lrl^ 1r' Octdar t--b-llD'l Htl *r.CI -------:-==:====-::----a-------_-::t*.,'----.-, I t--'-' li - 'ii -*, r..t r.t .rt !ttr.ri"! ,"1' I tanr , ,-. | ..r t8.4, ll ...- rl.rr GI&rl. . c-.1 ?rtrc.r$ | -^' - '? . ; rtr. . e-rf "5ErG..rr i u@a , fl -L Gltt d H.t D-v.t dr-d I t- ll G--'dDt|''lr1 r' | ..rZ:) lil /,,/il :'-3.t,. h*-, .-,-....1 ,l'! i,r la\ ii -|d.tt-b tO tdb tt..b. ftll, Drt r. 6!or.ac L-.--l--;- ll,t roaln- ll ii rr- CtsY d *. Drrr dfir il ii ffi:i,-TL.1=.*:_-:'':-.*..r..-r -l I l; -;lt-. --;;; ir"or. cn r&r.t te - rn' ll -,r.r--lr,rt'..rr.rF.a|'rb-ltr?'r-'-"'trbdtr'rrll r*nlrrd.-.t5- F....a,.t-la..{ oroj rl llJll flltl|0, -al.b ;;- .*.-r'-rlq;rlg-'rtclrll'-rD'-trrt "'bT d Frtll. - h : -r a I!r.lr-? a'r.lr'- ltr t-r|..Lt-drH'$ib d t"t'fl- E lrr li L. .;Ea.qrtr-h.irprcldrdd*.1'i.d-lbtr' orl !: J ta3k db.dc-.-.r"tr l|*l! ll ^.o..f .1 td rtt-t a yltLL tttr l, GL.l.r t.tl. I L.-,tvl.l- lit', l{'r.ott H.t F?r tnl ! !F^I... Hrllitat,f:rlf.::jb llI - ;;!-.t- i;, rlrl rr lcr trr rr re1r ut' ..t' rrcrr bett 1 ri. prtlafrrly ldctltrl .. lollfl! li I #ffi.brl ccur or c.rr,r l.l5fllllr r, I'I ;;;Trr'rrtrr & lr.to' to tb -rthrt ccrr o( ?rrcol tirb,ca t lftr'rr & ll'.'o' to tb -rln t ccrt q ir-i r ao'tr''t- t. r.o':rtrcc r rt'2t'rt t. l.or to t!-!1:!- ilpolrr of hrldtr tb. I to'lar 3t' r. !O.o'a 3hc' t lt'lt'lr li!. ri.o;:-ii.-. i-ro.rr.tr- r, tr,6': tbc. ! t9'tt'lf c. ao.Or ll t 3b tn- Ftrt d lftrl|' 3.la t rcrl ctr!'!r' 'o2t r't" -ra of Laa. oolrDqt?Ic utt .r tlm.@. ab brr - arai a.a a--a tO tlfw ^f Dm ISLD tL -D. rli.t . -rh .r ." q - !b rtF -'*t' ri' "tt|t'- lb"'L bL{ry - a -tt- l-t ra. atF"r.t.|rn. .l .! rL .'Ll, tll|f u|-' rLt_' ""ld' tld-nt' " lL 'l.' r, .ltb lLr. r.tr. dLt |. lrt' q..t. r' rL -lt Frtt - Lirfil -l r.|-t"tbd Pt 'lb-.-altr- Ll-ecr ..l qrr ..rr tI trlLtl ?n lflot' tL -at 'r! atrh.n ra r..t -a -l i-.'..r -- . F.tlH.Lt t.lr.. tr.a LrSa.ra D.fr.tra r. rL rt.-i .' lt--l-rF.r \, r l'_t t'ii- -t LJ ..a ii<.| tr' ( . ' 'a .:.ririttf Pg g g\'v cr t' b-L-rltr t-.{ r Ii A br"J-*--rt3aL' rtftto?oou)frDq | ,, c-t, \^+L..r-f - tr...'i.{-Fr.-t-t*'. Y...' -lr' -t! - ttt' "t'!+Jpri ,'.fr--e. EIr+tF. d.i t- x,Er. gt 1;giaf,.ffi:tl5.l5rfi-rHl.-ijtirrr. irlr r- lDrts ' JC !, r hfr$il ii*- Mr- Ttz I t'zti '-\- nr.-.."t11i.,i;.n';tnb. rasS I II Dt[ rrf tr llr{ ra ,tno .l |.|ita Lo Dayno atftn|r .t 'lcf t"rron ra b { OL.-. d tr ira t r. d 153 South ltrdl.on, Sutto 301D.niter. Colorado - . e0 299-..- -,.- -..- -, **"t'""lll:"::t I ffiP rutlElB r C.Ln-| d lb rrd trrr: Ctrr { Brgle ra Srrrt d Gl{|-. !c it: ffiirtsBtl rbt .- * *l"i1i.'oii;.; ',. i' dr'r-nrror ol '.} r||' cf liirtY-lour thourard tio nurdrod dollars cnd rro'/t0n(931'zOfl|Irll brbdal.|ty { lb tt. Frr ts' r|. tda It ra Fi ior- {rr Ed Frr' F !t"{' tbj h ter*u trhd d -5.htr{ ;; ;f,- *a.i-i dd rrl ccrrorrd. rd bt rlr.. Dnr'r"- " -, rn & Lrtdi ..u, .rttt .d ...fi[r nb rb rn Ftr ler ot tb lcod rrrtthe i F|| d r.||r F 'r!r. 'lt rb ftl'Flx -Gt$il L a3 lrsrl 'r trr{ dru':'' IyrE ]d Lhr itr tL 69;:"liLyilli"i.-.*,illu:;'i::l."s.f l".l'l.ilo"li3;"31** {lrrlnrarrrtrrinrf rrti}ii trcrn TOGEIEUB ii$ jl rlt .ititrrllr tlc h.r.dtu!r.tt'r ttd 'lr?unrlrlac'r ii'r'to Lclo'titr' or ir utlb Qr alFtaillla. |!d tb tlardoo rd lrtr[|t||r+ .rndndc. rnd r.'|n!indrF, t$nil.. rr.!.". rnd Drr'ftrs thdlica. rd r|| litr...t.!€, nttr! t!th. ilt r!d, cbiD.rd d.m.nd !. hrt!o..{.r ol lh..art }r'ti v of rl. fih.t run. Gilh.r ti L|l I o! rqurrt. oi, ir |!a ro [. rbotc brt|in d Dt Erit t, titb thc h.tt{iLntlhtr rtrll rPPurl{||trrt li TO IAYP Al{D TO !OlJ, iL -id Dr.ltlrr rbov. bsrFinr.t rad doccrth+d rith thc rPlun.hrncc& rrnac tta Jj sii Frt ie!, cl ltr qlod Ftt. the ilir. |ttd.idFu lorevnr. .\.td th. s'id Fn v of tlt' 6tf fr|C lllor Ii4 ;.1f. h i a"lt . .r-uiar. .id rdainLi..torr. fi€ s coilcnlhl' a'lt'l' |,.ttatn' rtrd rfc lo rnl ll rirlUr.dd D.n ies d O. ..ccd Dltt' thertrirr rr|(l r$isnr, thrt rt ttn'tim('of tl$'r'trr.tlins ad tltt r' ll ct tLa. t||.-rtl he is rrtl ..i|.d of tLc Dr!|nir.r rbo\t..on\tttd, rt of |{orrl. rui'. F rfr.r. rb.ollt |!{ li ild.|..ibL.n-!. Ga bf.!tL[., b l.r, tn ':. doplo. rnd hr 5 aood ti8ht, lull porct rrld bx'lul $lloftr] Il tt trrit. l.rF,,t. -ll ara coiv.t th. .r|nc itr Ernr.r orxl lortr u dun'rrirl. |nd rbrl tb.' r$c !rn' ltlc *nl chrr ll lrol rti lorocr.!d ch.r f r.. b.ttdr.' rd.., li'lt. l|l|(rr, l*rdrrrn$ntt lrrd rnruhlt'rdnr\L nt \h'l'l'r fitd ot ll [llg! F!.r. except cetreral taxeg tor l'l?8 arld all subsc'1rrr'l.i t lcirs '1nd- ll.*..irt an)' and all easc'netlts r R'strictions attd covenilnts of ll reco rd. ll rlrd fh. rboir b.rfii.il Dt ir.r In lht {ui.t rnd F..!rhh' Frtr.r.iott oa tL lrid Pr.ti('s "' tnt t* a". ll thcit. l.|t' !C u.||irr, rarrnrt dl rrd olrD'p('rnon or F.!!{rn. hs'lulll clerarin* o. 1.' cl$m llF rf.b ll or rlt p.n th.Fot, thr rdd Drny o! lhr trrit Drrt rh{tl lu r. l \i.{RBANt .\Nlr l\!Rt:\'}:R l)f,!'sNl\ ll U{ WITNISII WIlElf,O}'. th..rd Drt.r Y of thc f,Bt t'rd hr S t.'^rnto hr1 }[s \hrtd llr.rd rr.d.rudy..rri'rrrtor..*hthy, ffi., ili, Ptii I I ip Y. Lowrr'y. unct'r po!} r I I of Attrrrn"'Y for k'o Pa)'rrc :H: I rlATD trr c,L,rlrru. r I I Co,.nl' o{ n lc[icul ilrt !.al rre rlno*l.d.rd h.fort !. thtr - rhl ot .y ' . .' . ..' Itt ;,:.ti',,.'"..1.0,,..'" "' und.t eor* ol rtt"pli"r$fLlf,.r*\*w*L,"* i.tl \''{t h}!\ I''il ' t'g1'' '' ' --'li h., r-r y . t,t. _. r ({,, -t."'d':.r: ,i|1 l-!ti r(. '.:.r : *\t\nr., (1.. rrr. .r i .{r l.P{, Ir-€t aiL'.ra 1 ' i I I I IA^l t"i lr l i a Nr .sd-,q'lJ-r.! VARRANTI DBED d't- G1 ' tJ -. * -- a^r* or cor..!p -/rr, \r^ ..*n.s nt Q.f I hn$f '{titt rtrr lb' tri'uut|Gnt qr' lrlcd H ^.f ," n! ott*' thit "-' . r"^;; .VJ+ d /d..,-t '"' r ' r'd arly 'rr.'drd ir ..A e?Y ' vu' 123 rr'r., lrt..t \]f.ljt'"302(.t |r'!ln l.r l" il' .^ SOZOSD'nv'a' eu' Skra l||ut. t't dltln'nt' t(| rt t