HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 10 PHASE 1 GENERAL LEGALCONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT trtrTgBUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LOT 10 BL FILING {,+€NSRteE--lST JOB NAME: SCIJIIID DUPLEX NAME scoTT scl{MTn _ MAIL ADDRESS SAME OWNER MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR nnu WIRE NUT ELECTRIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 21?-ECONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTO OTH ER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, NOTE _ COPY ^.-- 0CToBER OF PERMIT TO 26, rgg4 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 7076DATE I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DIVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP G,R.F,A. VALUATION PTUMBINGNEWO ALTERATION EX ADDITIONAL () REPAIR( OWELLING UNITS O HEIGHT IN FT INSULATION:THICKNESS R.VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: JNITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES Nsr_curTzllE ._ J0_25-94_ LDING oFFICIAL OATE ING ADMINISTRATOR ING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, torcomply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Ty'..{vn's zoning andosubdivisign codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ble thereto. ANO THE OWNER. OR FOR HIMSELF APPLTCATTON UUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPI.,ETELY OR ''IUi"ilI-gq. NE..I9qEPTJD^l or.r,..r,'trrvr! rrrJDr Dri rr_rrrd;L, (JU,r, COMPLETEIJY OR ITI Wy:NOT BE l9eEp.rcp !***.-4&a.r. \ '- r':irr; ti|' tjif i.X *!r*********************** **** pERMrr TNFoRMATToN ******** **** ********* * * *** ***rt [, J-Buildin9 [ ]-prunbing ft-rlectrical [ ]-]techanicar [ ]-otber lol Nane: SC Job Address:tLegal Description:Block_ Filinqr ohrners "ur"., Scz>Address: Address:Architect: ,( .Ph. General Description: work crass: [ ]-New 1)q1-ar-teration t r-Adctitlonal p(-Repair I J-other Nunber of Accornmodation Units: _Z *}r*"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances lT* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * VALUATf ONS Gas Logs_ t{oodlpeJ.Iet * **** * * ** ** ** * * * *** ***** *** * * * *** BUILDING: $OTHER: $TOTAL:E INFOR!'ATroN **** ** ********************* Nunber of Dwel_ling Units: L Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: plrrrnhjng Contractor: Address: Mectranical Contractor :Address: EIECTRICAL2 l/ooc) MECIIAI'IICAL,: S- Towr of vail Res. No., 7/ -/3 Phone Number: ?*9 CF Tosn of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail. Req. No.Phone Nunber: Town of U.r, **Il Phone Number: ********************************FOR oFFrcE usE ** * ****** *********** * ** * *******BUILDING PERMTT FEE:PLU{BING PERMTT FE8: MECIIANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF TEN: ZT.DRB FEE: f0'et" 3 BUILDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE:PLtI{BfNe pIAI.t CTIECK FEE: IIIECHANICA,I.J PI.AN cHEcK FEE: RECRE.ATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PER},IIT BUII,DING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: UP DEPOSIT BEFMTD TO: VALUATION {a- l TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMOBANDUU ALL COITITRACTOBS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMlr'tS REOUIRED Job Name: fr I have read and answered allthe Date: /o-4t--o4- '- Please answer the tottowing qGstionn@arding the need for a "public t/ttay permit,: YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition wo* being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent aocess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? A. ls the right of way, eas€ments orpublic property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Communi{ Development? It-r9u- apyer?d y"" to anry of these questions, a "Pubtic way permit' must be obtained.'Public way Permit' appiicationg miy be obtained a Le'puutic work,s ofiice or at 9:.TryI'ity Developmen! Jlv*. rr.1v^e!1y eussrions prease can charrie Davis, rhe Townof VailConstruction Inspectoi, at 479-215g.' 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) 8) Date o Job Name questions. PUBUC WAY PERMIT PR@ESS How it relates to Building Permit: 1)Fill out the our check list provided lf yes was answered tg 3y of the above questions then a -pubric way permit. isrequired. You can pick up an apprication at either community Deveropment,rocated at 75 s. Frontage Road or ploric wo*s, tocateJatliog-vairVailey Drive. Notic€ sign otfs tor utility. companies. Ail utilities must fieH verify (rocate)respective utirities prior to signing apprication. s"r" "tiity-Lrip"nies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedute i ddatei. A construction trafiic @ntror pran must be pr_epared on a separate sheer of paper.This pran wiil show tocaioni or ar tiaitc intror d€vices (signs, @nes, etc.) andlhe work zone, (area of construction, "t"ging, "t".)sketch of work beino performed must be subrnitted indicating dimensions (rength,width & deprh or "j*t. nis ;;fi;Ti;n on the traffic bntrorpran or a sireplan for the job. submit compreted apprication to th. pubric.[grk's otfice for review. rf required,rocares wit be schedured forrhe rown Jiva'Er";H;;;"io'*ag-.rion crew. Thelocates are take ptace in fre mominf, irt'i'"y require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspec{or wil levieyv the apprication anct approveor disapprove the permit. vou wi'-fe-coniacteo as to tt " iiJti. "io any changesthat may be needed- Most permits "t" ,'ere"'r"o within ag tirri, Ju"i"g received,but please allow up to one week to pa"r.a. As soon as permit is process_ed, a "opy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the -Buirdino permit'_to il;t;il. prease do not contuse the ,pubricway Permit" with a'-Buirding eermii-r"ii?* on a project sire itself. Note: 'The above process |s for work in a rlght_of_way only. 'Publlc Way permlt'" "r. 'A new publlc Way permit is required each year. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) lnwn 75 .oulh front g! roadnll, colondo Et057 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 o'tflc. ot communlty dcvclopma[t BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permrlt requires a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approva.r ,Ensineer"s (pubr ic lglltl revrew ana ipi,-uri,'i' piiiiiiii'bepartmentreview or Heal th Departmint. review, -.ni' .- ".ui.; ;i-il;;";rii ai ng S;rilg;"fu"lll "'.t*ted tine ro"'u-totar ;";i;* ;"J"L[!'., rons All corrnerciar ('rarqe or smat ) and a'[ mu'rti-fami]y permits wi'have to foilow dtre ioove ffiii6"il;iiiru, requirements. Res.identia.land small projects shourd take a ieiil""amount or iime. However, ifresidential or smailgr.projects inpiii the various above mentioneddepartnents with reoard' to-n"JesiJiv'""ui.", these projects mayalso take the three-week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparment to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. ev E^r'Er" r't r'l l:-il" unders.igned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame - /A - 2c-- pq Corununity Development Department. 75 3oulh frDntsge rord v.il, colorado 81652 (303) 479-2138 or 419-2t39 TO: FROM: DAlrE: SUBJECT: oftlcc ol communlty deyclopment ALL CONTRACTORS CTIRRENTLYL REGISTERED }IITII THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CO!,IMUNITY DE\|ELOpI{ENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERTAL STORAGE rn surmary, ordinance No- 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or aeposit^;t-";irl-"#i, sand, debrisor material, t""t:giln_g3"r-r-i"rnsters, portabte toitets andworlcmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publie$:ii"=:;":ig #I.ri" tr,"i"o;:--,;h" risht_of_way in au. rown of Tr,r: ;fi i;;;";;riiT! ::"i:8il.H?:::L'd.i;:'f"in:fl:i, "' Public works oeoarimentl--p"i"ins touna "ii,ri[i"E this ordinancewilt be siven a'24 hour n=iril;';"ti""-t"-;;;;;'=.id nareriar.rn the event tbe person so notifr-ed.ao"=-nrr-Ioipry with thenotice within the 24 rrour tfuoe-Ipeciried, the puEtic l.{orksDepartment wirr t"ror"-.iiiritlii"i-ii-inJ';*;;=" or personnotified- The provi.i"i=-or-iii" ".ainance snirr not beappricable to cinstruction, -r.iii"r"n?e o-r repair projects ofany street or alley or any u[ifiir.., in the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tolvn of:::i.:li*i"3"":ii**:*.::"";;i" a copv. rirani you ror your ackno-wledged f6;{^"2-r-fg (i. e. contractor, or.mer) tt LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY n4recnttng OA Rqtbtb Narbnal Titb htsurzt@ Corrl4tty Aprit 14, 1994 Town of Vail Conununity Development ATTN: Andy Knudsen Re: Lot 10 Casolar Vail Andy: Upon my review of the Casolar Vail property and the expansion of the building envelope for Lot 10, I feel that the common area js owned by Casolar Del Norte Horne Owners Association. Therefore, the owners required to sign the resubdivison plat should be Casolar Del Norte Hone Owners Assocjatjon, RussellT. Scott and Terry J. Schmid. Express Pet Foods Company will also need to sign as lender. Upon my revjew of the new plat and the above required signatures, I will be in a position to sign the plat on behalf of Land Title. Please call me with any further questions or concerns. Sincerel y, LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY JL;. r r/ ^U^j,y\ 9.#.0-t*a.__ Karen J. Hoith Sr. Title 0fficer cc: The. Collaborative Grouo P.O.Box 357 108 S. Fronlegs Rd.W. Vail,@ 81€58 (303) 470-A251 . Dtr€ct 5g5-g6tg FAX (gog) 47A-{F,g a4/1.3/L924 I4trc 8214982 Nd BsuDS6L) 'dtl ,- 714 dolld*,,..il'e- Iull.il-nrru s!!q!!ntr- ml _Filtlotlonr tcs --cri-ollf - rdfr- -!r-r---- -n n$Ghr|.r ct lr't troldmtlrl ultr fun 3, ,,,a,, .!l lru Tilffffidi ffiH'f,ff1'd#rnltil,'! dtslhm:tcfittlrtlt rcFl,ctrtlrn (retlcltlrl I A., ^Cr$lr_s _ lr the tre dtllr .unra c3 rrrtrtl lrlll!!t?3tt r?9|r.|l ttl lrtlr crrt|tl tnilri m ilt. Grrn l'rr rlcr|'r|l etlt rnt orl.l{t. rrll !f rr_ ltl_tmt _til-_D.clr!.3tqr .f !: lrlcul*y I' llllr lr tr.I fri- d-frC $r-Lf -lrr--rnrfrClrrcll|r rt lrfla s||Dttr cclosaio, ril -$rlil $ r nrtl]t otI,ler^l-?r- .l-t._llta-_f-t, LlFf,ll lltr. ftfhg.Ir.- I, trglrSruntyl vrtl ltha rccm llttrt. 1., Ir lcctt nolttttsa lr $r lmttlctal r.t lt!, craclrl Vdt ft, om ct ttLlrF.C Dy tha cm|l llrt ril Crrclrr. Gr tfr. tttlcfitlrl rtruchut ci td lfi errclrtVrll Il' filoh lnclulrr Eh t|'il lll .tra Ittr rl38drclrft ulcnrrt! conon Ararr lt aDfrn It t|ra t||trrl .t I,c? It D!rD.!.a'rytohntgi, ftrnlrt I lrrcolttll, ttro, on-tovrstl lr' lfttr rnlrttrEhrt h.lrlr tr lrhlblt t rrr. lnccrpcrrtrd trrrln Dt thltSttttancl. ' D,' v.hlolllft r|td Daaartllri .csrfi'to t t ti mr|rr tlrrco|non Arce ll nramrltti NI - fQlf, Tllltltr0ilf. ln rcnrllrtltbn of thtrt plrtlr.|, thrprorlllt arrd ooumintr ocntrinrl hrrrtn, lil oinlr gool rnCrelurblr sonrldrtrtlrtrt l. ertolat hrrrbf lttnlf rn6 OOnYtIa to fl' fccttr|Etntys. rrrd hlr ruecitrarr -ln lntrrfft -tc |.t tll, I nruulf vlrlou ol . bt llr cillhr Trll tlr I parFturl rnlrrclurlvr lrlrrtht ov.r lnv rn;tclchnnt rt til i.ttdailtalitructurr in lot tlt snto- rtld Corron lrr, lncludlng tha lncroaehrcr : ot thr brlconl rttrch.t tc il16 Lt llt lntg th.rlt tbovl ruld coilton Arta. ?, clrolrr hrrrby inntr rn{ Gon'ryr to thr lrr rlrplroflnf,r find htr euecr.rr6rr ln lntrrrit tc !ot.. l.llr I t: ft h d ir,,u!> II EeiT-fi tr8[lFl.{ tElslFF FI loruhrllr tllr,n rr? lct lt, enlolttr fnll ll,D rlsl rtr | \.. onqr|ioDt .{e.t' ti|rl. Oncr9tlifhtiant_ 9f r DtrDfturl rtrdthl i..laoiStrltrclsdlit th.Itl'||r'f ttt a 1,.,, . , ,,* v t: !.31 rfinrn I rri I tA rr11l rt nrf l,l trf,l.?f lft,l , A4/t3/7994 1.4:14 8274AA2 rttrrtr '7*. (.' (Eotlqrril flru .ncrorohr.n?^fl thr lrloonl rttrCrrt tl rrl{ ld3 ttt lng. ttrr.lr tLoe lrll Gten lral.- l. _Cradrt hrrrl,f ts.ntr rd.renyryr tc lbr trr rlnlrq.rr rrt rtLt |r.il lr .lita]|rt t| ||Ia t tr ltl r||a lll,mt- -rr._lt lr|||}| tnl lrwlttlr, r tltDrt$t rnl ncn.rclurlyirrlDr-cfrurf l|r| ltruill t|r rlrrrir|| ct t'|lrl.||lat mlf.ar.cttrD .oc!|r rrrol| Ur| rt-b|lt irl!,l !.rtlc .t ttsrFao_ -rarr lytt| t! tbr nrllhr.-3 rt lrlt t tr ut |||a ltt #i.ftti,:-. -tr- rria$anr urlyr r. rhr$r .fi Ur. .tLol lr ttrrt ilfaLntr rrrntrt hamln llltrtlt$t. .tfrnnttril trvrnrntt n[ultrt flUt lht Undl tf ||lilltf trlllotr thfr ftrnt ol trrilnt lr .rrcntrlftlrstlyr Clr. dtt rill lirrt ttlrt rLlra tlt lctutr fflil 0r eotnmDo 60ilrl Ot !. lS u,.".'^-.fttDlgqthlr riBllMoflr I |'' -FT$rffi ' IrltDmr rt hr|tl mf sttlotlt rrllr lly oorir-lca rxDtrrtr fu. tr^tt or gol.orAoo I ... Bourlt 0r lroll I ' lubfcrlbrd, lrolh to' lhi rchnoelrllld Jffh.-. dry of -rb111t-- r llflr brfdll r. tbtrbI -4trlr*tbrotr; cl|O&rf Vfil, lffi .lr h iDI tl b fttt ta ttI $a TT Et lr lltr A4tt3lLBl4 14:10 B2l4AAz rl lrstatlct c3 tlrrcl|r vrll llr.I iltoollt!lta..r.ry .hril rill ottlElrl rltlrrcr uDttlrt _- lllclrt .,. -,lU cmtli Itt|o_hn.itr fufnry tt t#t| l|t ll|a lll, €ilclrf vrtl tt iltrtr l-tft t-tt,&rOTtJ) tf: l? pC I il t (? l'j I I 1l l- cr'riary. -J- Now,THEREFoR,EthcElec|arrr|onirhercbylEcndcdendrcltgtcdrr|ol|orr: ANNCLE I DEIIIEAIT l!t tJ|l rtJ D I aro lr ttl 5 u(,1 Gt ,l €, &fltg!.l.Thcfo||wirywordrwhcnutcd|nthcDccb'lt|on$d|hrv.thctol|ow|n5 Eclaln8r: (t) .aroclrtlon'rhrll E€ln rnd rcfcr to thc cAsolAR DEL NORTE HOME owl{E'R's esSocterton i.*tl'o., ebo rcfcncd ro .' Crrclrr Vdl Honc oncn Aroclrilon)i (b) Thc Propnlcr'lhrU Ecrn rnd rclcr rc rtl cdrtlnj ptoFrtlcr lublct to ti|r Ancndcd rnd Renlted Declrrrtloni (c)toamonPropcrrler"or"rComoonArcr'thrllmcanrndrcfertotho|ct'c!l of lrnd rhorn * .rry ,..or'd-J'i"uoi"itl"i pr"i(l)^of thc P-ropcnicr ud lnj3ndcd-to bc da,orcd ro rt* ooilEon *. IJ i"fqidlii'"i ili iXncn of pioFrry' of rny typc' ornal bt th3 Ato3btloni (d)"bt.rhrtltDcanrndtcfgrtocrchofthcrtl|'|rdtcradonthcrcCo(dcd ruupriidn pra(i), nc uo"noirroi oi *rttch rhrll linir rnd locrrc crch Bulldln8 Slte: (c) Dvclll4 Unlt" rhrl ncrn rnd rcfcr to rny rcoor 9r qolp of-ryry-ol t l"l 'u .rpirlry e.-fir.C-W rfrt to"n of Vlit, wlth llrchci frc1ltp'-&tl''.d tot oE rrcd B onc titnlli ir rn hdcpcndcns houctccPiry unit: (g Trn!,r rhrll ocln rnd rcfcr ro rn lndMdurl or mn or @tt pcfloil.rclttcd by bho;] D.'i.,s i" **n"- .o6l* tulnh ..ftrnt} litvlnl-ro&rlcrin- l,*uin' ififfia- - . ;t!i[ D.r*L.Pt"t tt!t$ or-r 3up d m aso rbra lqr tnlcbtcd F rc frfu !"lc,h*-|i-joiulttr,tirrr-uco u I rhir- mrrecpq utc (t)t9ucrfcrnrrnyl3.t|qcoptoycc,|ttt|oqt|oGuGGcMtccofrnorncn (h) trrncf rhrlt ocu lrd rthr !o $' Fcotd ownct' r'trctber qlc o[-EolG ocnm q crrlrlcf, ot Uc Acid|fo tin n rnyLon rlrrntcd 'poa thc proecrta !t1t thdl fi6; ;;;;;ilfrF -,iirJi-t;o-_"41'*r dnrrrroc Di ..qulrcd dtrc F;rnd to tortdoruc or uy-pnncdtnj b l|cu dffilnci tlt Trlrobcf rhrll ncu |t|d nGr to rll ttrcc Omcn rho rlt EGDb3n of thc An".tifu u prtto.o l$ ilA Ancttd€d ud Rcnrad Delrntbni B |J o\l Va--ra-- -ar8lf .2. (ilStrucrurc.rhrl|meenandrcfc'tornyrhinsconttructcdorc'GctcdrithrGrcd loceriontln tfrc -frouna, Uut nor lncluding polc!, - lin.o_ 31blet or other muoircion or OfrriUurlon facitiiio or puuric uriliricioi it,il mio or liiht finwcr 1t1 q:ir1ltbo of thc Boar4 nrimrning Poolt rnd tennL counr may bc crcoptcd Eo6 llul ocBruuon' ArTlcLE u PNOPENIY DESCNIPflON Scrflout Edrfinl'&oErg' Thc rcd PtoF q rtdch r$-md rbr! bc' hcl4 arn*cffiid cott .ytq6eGticd ruuJce roihb An-cndcd urd Rcrutcd Dcclrn&o [];ilila#c";"i "i;tt".-il;of colon do, co'ulru of rhitty (t'{t) |cFlr't t'ota shlch rrc norc Plnlcuhrly dcrcrlbcd I follo*r: l.ot A.?, A'8 rnd lar A'9, Llonr63c Fllln8 No' t' ErCc CountY, C.olondo.' Srgbn-t l{r6lgdiD. Ewryrccord (}rvncr of-r fee htcrqr tn-qry tst wblch L rublcct to thlr Ancndcd rno-deiutci Dcchrrftq rhrtl bc r ocnber d thc /t$ocirdoo' ;'dil;d;;il'-;;fiil;;i;tttv.m r,or, juch htcr't ncrclv 1r rorrlry futhc irfornlrcc of tn oblfatlon' thdl nol bc r ncnbcr. $dlo!j} Votlnt Rlihtr. Tlc Arocbtbn rhrll hrrt onc cl||r olwtlrygcgbcnhlg md drhrr Atl Omcn of ti-u rhrll bc cnrtdcd to ottc volc for crcb lot ln rhtch tlg lnll il#48"fi-6furb;up-t s;"ri"; t. _wrn Eo'l rbr| onc Fro boldr nrb tnrcrrj-frfitffi t" .nt 1",, ii6.i'F""tt .tt U f" ocaf.n ud 1rc-rorc fq Trb Lot ili-i; ;n*td ' thcy rrariliincarin' ocrcntnq bur tr !o cwnr $rll uote rh|t| onc wt3 Ec c|t3rlth t!3Fct E uY ruci Lnt &ghj, Tcrnlnatlon of Mrnricrncnt ABemqrr!. If rhc uroclrtbn^Gnrtr hro ry rdffi-r ror o' or r4l oootsrct lhlcb otovl4ltfbr rctdccr tr thae;bpcr,'nrh rgccocar or coottrct $dl crpcdy yortdc ffi311fh;-fiW iftfh p.tty,rttinricruaor F ncrtof I tcrdardon fcqon ooDotc tltrn dn€lt (90) &yl'rdrcn nodca r",r*Hl'r'l.[,,ffi H*#ff,i':*fl:#H,H#'S.flF,fl.83ffi I erliif."t, ot .ny trprot.ninr loc|tcd rhcrcoq b clrcd bt thc *'llltul or ncilljcnt ra .l ?r - & {t 1,4 atr c0 rr) 6oo Alnc|.Elll MraBEnsElP.YotING|uGETS^NDoPEnATloNorrf,EAssocr^ilor{ ! I oln lr olJ .| t,f4 tGl Cr a It rii-F,-r! -llltl .3. or omltrlon ol rny Ortrcr, or by thc wrltful or nc$ilcnt rcr or omlilloo ol rny Mcmbct ol ;;.h d;;;ii;"rify or ty ir pcir,or lnvircc of ruih b*,ncr, or rny tcilnt-ot rcnrnrl f.$ily, il;;;;fu;h -rcirtr oi rilnr.nrn.. rhall bc thc pctronal obliiationof ruch Orncr' rnd ;y;rq-.rp.nrilinO tc* incuncd by rhc Aroiirrion for ruih othlcntncc' tcPrlt ot rcconttrucrlon rhrtt lc rCOcd io inO toJot. Pln of thc |||crlncnl to whlch ruch Oriltor'r br lr tubjccr rnd rhrll U..om" iii.n iiiinrr'lu.l 6'rncr'r Lot rr provldcd In Arrlclr V of rhlr Dcclrnrlon I Ocrcrmtnirton of rhi ncjlljcncc or wtllful rct oi oni'lon of rny 6rrncr il;i M;;i oi.n ottn.rt tamlly or i fuerr or lnvitcn of rny ()tnrt' ot tlnml or trmnr,r hallv. rnd ftrc rmouniof rhl'Orncrir lirbility thcrcfor' rhdl bc &rcrmlncd,by tht ;ffiil;il;i';il;il;ttr noir.o ro rhc Orncr, frovldcd thrt_rny ruch dcrcruhrtlon shlch 'r6nr llrblllry ro .ny-dm-r pur.urnl to thc tinnr of thlr Scet-ion rnry bo rpporlj1l by uld O*nor to r court ol lrs. A Arnqr ry f:, TOABD.OIJITEGIOBI ?, Ttr Eorrd of Dlrccton olthc Arroclrrlon rhrll conrlrr of rt lcrrt $tcc mcnbcrr md .r,-n ii.u-co.r.ior.n ooJ nrrbcr of membcl. Ttc naaro rnd rddrcrro of thc pcnont ryho rcrw .r Dlrcdon rhr[ lc mrlnnlncd In rhc rccordr ol thc A$oclrtion' Thc. Borrd ;dl] ;il rfir-eo"cnln4 Juiltt-t i tontt ln tho Artlcl4 rnd By'6*r of th! Amcht61 Il f\.h 'DIljl I)a rJ It {t UI lJ otJ l,({ AlllclxY COYENAUT ?ON MATTTTNANCE AISESSMENIB I I oI t.i ;Air--ildfi .,td lcvlcd ty itrc Oodc irt Dbccrorr ol thc Aroclrtlon' S@, Dford.AlilEiltl Tlp rrregcnr lrvLd by tht Arrodrtlor rltd U @ b.br, rd rbrlt 5j urcd crclurlrcly lor thc ;ll$fi1'.trfifffftr rcpitr olOr nrb rcrcr Und icrci.afnf EdilGiloca 'rd rpr! olUaUOul lclrr lh'I i;ffi; ffirt, t f til rcno".l for nrhrnrncc ot..innoo ucrl lor prop'bael ;;.*ttlt"i-l'qmrot -qtc *iltVdJccr or purporoh le$ts{th thc objtcl rod rln o( thb Aa3flt?O rnJ nl.rurclf Occtrnrion mO ionirttutnj jo ric nrtattmncc rnd lracnlrrloo d0pr -"tlii ii-i U lorcc ld :[cct Tho floctrrtoa-Uull clorn end [ffi]61| 0- ;rn-d-il;t;;d;rrt*d br rt' Bo.rd of Dlrcaon.of thc i;firffi h rhc A;;*t.rl""i Iriity n prbdh conmci ulth I rnou tr'ovrl ronltmrot' o*ntrrfifiiluy i -:-l'-'-1 Sffdo!-f.. Erch or othcr ilbl#;i-iff iiiiigif ;l|"Arg1pr.*hthnmrnnurlurctlorntorchrt jr ar{--F- -ll .4. S$il1!.J, Budgrt Adotrlnn anrl llarilicrtion, Wtthln l! drp rltcr rdoptlon of I popo,rcd l.rudlcl, thc Board rhrll prwidc I rummrry of thc budjct to crch Ovttcr rnd rhrll ict i drtc tor I mcltlnl of thc Ohrrr to crrnridcr ntJtlcrtlon ol thr bud3rt. The mrriln; rhrll br nor lcrr lhrn ll or morr than 6o rkyr rfrr mlllng ol thl rummrry. Unbrr rl th.l nrriln| | mrjnrltt ol rll Orncr trjcct tht budlot, thr budl.t lr trttll,d, rh.fi.t or not I guotr|m b pr.|cnl. ll thc proporcd bud3ct lr t.i.cltd, th. P.nodlc budSrt prrnourly rdoprd rnd rpprovrd contlnuar untll tbr O*acrr rrtily r now brdpt ploporrd by thr Boud ol Dlrston U thr Borrd ol Dlrcctorr rctl to lcvy rn rrrcrrm3nl nor loclud.d In thc cunmt I bud3rt h rn rmount gcrtcr thrn tt pclccnt of lhr cun:nt rnnurl oprrtinl budt lr th. ?t Borld of Dlncton rhrll rubmlt r lrci budgct to th. Oractr lor ndticrtlon ln thr rroa { ' nrrmrrt lr rbovr provldrd. tfftlgl-|, Eflra of Non.Prvnrrnt of A.ncrment: Thr Pcnonrl Obll8rdon of thr . tf rny rrrerrrrnt cirrt: st ltc lr not FE otr thf d$r eh.n du! (|| rct or dacrnlrd by thc lorrd of Dirccnn), lhrn .t|ch ||||rmanh chr4r or Jrr rhrll beconr drllnqwnt. Thc Atmchtim nrt.r..m rnd lmpoor r hr br(l &trnnlnrO bt thr lo.td o( Dirrctor; on dollnqurnt rrrument+ chrrpr or tro' flr irrrnnrntl lrt t ltc ol cltritltt |tnporgd, rhrlt. lofcthat with Inrrfrl rnd cdu of solbctlool br r contlnulnj llrn on thr pioprriy wtrtctr rhrll blnd nrch propny rnd thr thrn olrrrr, h! halnr davlraq pnonrl tfPt rrnnth,.t rnd ulmr. fhc bbffgrtk; of ttrc ttico Orrpr to lrry rhall Pi!' to hlr rucanror' In ttilt' ll thr rr..$n!nt lr mt prH wlrhln rhlny (xt) drp rlrl thr dcllngurncT drr thr Arroelrtlon nty brhl m rctloi !t bw r$intt thc Orncr pnondly obllirtrd to py thr ||na ot to lorsclor thr lhn rjrinrt lhc proptny' md lhrlr rhrll br |d&d lo th| rmo$l of ruch utlrm.nl lhr torlr'of ptcpuing rnd tillni th. conPhlnt ln ruch rctlon rnd rilonrbb tttomcy lctr, An rtlon rt lrw or ln tqulty bt th. A||ochtloo r'|in l tt flilt to tlcovat f noncyJudgr.nt tot unPrld u13rncnq chrrpr or lcoq or.nonth|y or-otlt{ lnrlnrar filpoi,nrl !ccoonrcncrdrnrt punued by rhr Arrelrtlotslthost tq.cbh;' ot h rrt try urMnl rir erocbtlon'r licn ticrelor. Forcbwr s rmnFd lorrclorwr bt th| 'ar&brion -of ltl llrn rhrll !|o| b. d..m.d lo .noP 07 oth.trfo. p*ltdl thr Amgr$on [om thcrrrtrcr qrh forccbi4 or rtlcoPtl4 ul lo?rclar lr licn lor mt rub1aqrrnt 1rcrmcnt, chrrici or fccr, or oonthly or othcr lmrl|11cn6 thsrcof' wilcb rrr ffi fu'Uy D|ld whtn duc. Thc Ar.ocbtbn rhrll hrw fia Frrrt rnd d$l to bid on ol purctri Lny popr|y rt tor.Glorur. or othcr l4d mh, rtld ttt lcq-ult. rnd hol4 lcDc'-noryrfr, vdrl rhi Aioclrrhn vopr rppunlornl to owncnlrlp thrtoot cot1ty or otlrru1r. .Ld rlt[ lh. rrnt. Sgi0!-1. Subordinrtlon ofllgLfa ro MotrSrtar' Thc licn of lhc nrcrtmcnl provldcd lor hcrcln rhrll hc ruborrtiml3 l(t lhc ticn of ant fint oonpgc ol lint rnngrl:l rll ,!,1 rl IL 'l nl! l. Lr t (.| Cln t, . tEF- - -ltLt ,5. n.rr rtt h.trrfllt phct up{rn Lnlr ruhltcl to rrrormlnl'i^ftlov|tlld: lTlt:1.:llj.t*h iulor,tinrfton rhrlf rpply rinty ro rhr r.ro,,ncnlr rhlch hrvr blcomr dur rnd p.'.blt pdot iilfri lir. o-n ihlch iich m,irrgojit or molllrgltr obtllnr or obtrlnrd tltb unfir r drctrr iiii-r.cfiirti oi unOrr .ny or-nni g,rn .-Otn-5 in llcu ol lotcclorurci rnd' Providrd lunhrr llilrll illili':lir l,.il glil ll*l':ll.'ll',l1il.o,11ffPF, filJ.offillf,l'r!i ;ilffiil| rhrlj1lrl bffom6l dul, not fiom thr llrn'of rny lu€h lub'rrqu.nl |r||l|mnl. &$10!.0, Blo$t&clrru' Thl lollnw{n;poprily ruhJrcl lo thlr Dfelrtrtlon lhrll p x rrrililodlfillrrrfrrnil chrtlr rnrl lirn srorlrrl hrrrlnt fi (r) rll propnlor lo thr rr,nt of rny ''m!nt or othtt 6*ot thrrlh |'i drdlgrrd rnO rlerptrO ly itrr h6t puhllc ruthulty rnd drvotd to publlc u1'i (b) rll PtoFnln urmptrd trom trnthn hy thr lr*r of tl'f Slrtt of Cohncq upiritr rmir rho to lhr rrtinl ol ruch lc5rl nrnptlon' ed0!-9, Bo!nll6tntt$,Il|0d, fu r prn ol th. hudirt ftrr thr a.roclrllonr lhr EorrC iiEjililorirtntt lrlrlttUiiO trnrt mroirrhlr tnd rdrqlrtr truftft lor rrprlr rnd irolrcrlrrn: of thr Common Arlr, Inclurllnl pthltl rtllrtr, rcsst Unrt 'nd olh" PtoFlrt ;5td;t;A[inr trirocrlfon. ltiri rrrrfftht4 rnd fundlnj rrrronrblc torrvor lor thlr purgn||h th. Aflochtlon mif irutn rny rurt'iul nonl' ir r conrlnjrnq lund.rnd/or iffii iinJi.rr"l,-fundl ir rrldr lor-r1cn1 crnnol nr rrpcndrd on- olhot lhrn tho i;;il;e,;i *,irtrori tpprill ol thr Borrd of Dr33torr, rn-d wlthout b.lnl_I1fd bt iti A r1'. Ourn (ln thr iirnr nnn r lt th. budt.t).r'rtt lot rnrttrlttrt lrPrltl, t, .n Iltt Itrl r! I l. {l ll ll ;; llr; -' at ArTlctB vl @ &eihal 0orrrntu.Eg|t, TDr Eorrd o| D|rrgrcrr o' th' AIocbt|on rhrll rrlw r thr Arcffirctwrl Conud Coonlml |#-a-f ,t g$hl.,ll, Bldgl-ts-$tD0u0, No bulldhl.frncr' wrll rmr;y corrrvrtlon COs Fn d;rbt br comnrrri frrclttt ot nrrnuiard upon tho rrooi6ii'no' ltU .' mirfdirO6irfa o or chmp or rl6nlhn t1''rrh.5. urdo untll l;fifi&;liii rito-ih-trn iit"niGluctnl lur noi ltntrrl rq $r nmrflwrtbil' Plor' ilE'fiffi; ilitdr.Pt"t ntrm'.rqi,. r11nonl plro rnrv md ddvwrv plro thr ip.jdirn"tfp'ancrNrrrirlihiiiajr'utluo"urtaitrculnrtlo3rtbnrtd-ch'ncltt ilr-t "lriiiiisil t U &"rrp,fril;;ilil;;a.d rrjnrhl rtrrll hrvr brrn rubnlttcdro rnd #ffii h-t{td[; i;fi;ltfinin r o.,Uitnd-ioorlon h rclrtbn to runoundnj rtrusturrr rill topop.pny ryitt 'lorrd, Ar r conitthn of rpP^?rrrnl tf-rydmry.rcqulr rn Onrr qrplcmt rn p",'.'i.-.iin'Ji.'ilE*t "lth rhi turoctrrton. ln thc cvcnl tho .6' Comm|rt:lhth|orpP'ovcord|rrpprrwcruchdcr|gnrnr||*rt|onwlthlnlh|rry(10)drn;ril'l;fifi;inJiiccrncnrroir tirirc tccn ruhmrricd ro lr, or In rny 3rtnl,ll no rulr to rnloln thc ddltlon, rlt!llt;;;; crrlngc trl bccn commcnccd prloi lo lhc comnlctlon rhiroL rDprwrlwtltnor rrr'icquri'ii'iio'iirt 'rtrklc wlll* ocimco to hrvc bccn lully comnllcd wlrh, Plrnr rnd rp.cincnrtonr tnd thc lubmirrlon thcrcol rhrll comply vlth liiii:r JlT. iii'ljhr,i' iji.iiiii ii lffi ;;;;;, ; ;i; ;;; iia' rhr I hilc r ton h r" tttl Bo' ?d. &$10d, gdrt!, tn pmrlnj upon ruch phnr rnd rpclltcrllonl thr Borrd rhrll conrldctt (r) Thr rultrhlllry o? thc lmprovcmrnt md mrtcrlrlr of rhlch lt h lo b' conrtrucnd tothr rltr uprn whlch h lr to bc locrtrdi (h) Thc nrtuts ol rdlrccil rnd ncl$rborln3 lmprowmcnn; (c) Thr qurllty of lhc nrl"ldr to b3 utlllrcd In rny ptopo$d lnplowmrnti rnd (d) Ttr rtLct ot rny pro;nrrd lmprorrntnl on thr outloot otrry rclrclnl ot nd$bollnl FoPltfY' tt rhdl hc rn oblcctlv: ol thc Bortd lo mal! canrtn lhrt no lmprovcncnt-wlll bc lo rlmlhr or ro dl'tmthr ro oriJri'iirfr.i*iirit rh.t ".tu.r, mon.liryot rorthctlq wlll br lnprllrd. RcrmnrblrJudtm.nr thrll bc urcd In prdn; ugon {l flTi Td-rycl0lilonl bul rrtrh.r rh. Eorrd or mt dldfti;;il;'ir-crJifiruti b. 'lrblc u rriy pcmn for thc lorrd1 rcrtom tn connocrloiwliili,iiiiiiO erii, rnrl rpcifi'rtonr unbrjh bc rhora thrt thr lorld $tcd wllh mrllcl or wrondul Intcnt' ,s i, Qt l. rn l'' tt, lJt oo t I otrl ll {f, t t,(,a - n \. o\ tn $f!q!-I. Bilttttlgilq!. lrlrr nunbcr ll 1 !: l. 4 ?, A 9' 1q tt, tlr tl rnd ll nry br lrbdMrhd lnto rwo (iiend-lnn no Eott tmn rmiliripirric prrcclr or lor' rrch ;i-ifi[ffi.y b. unOc.op.i-.ii'or".irtrip ly rn lndttld.,il o] bt lndMdurlr.ln-co,lltntt or lolil rnrncy Urrr orlcn iri-invirn'cry,c crt'1cj- 9 drV. t.ot d.orcrnltlggO-lu * dMdd undcr r $hcmc ol ,riirplio*ttcrrhlp ro hnj tr ruch linrctul! sont.lnr no not! -' ---Arrtergul IAilDJIIE .?.fl#taElltal thrn rwo (2) d*cltinl unitr' l.o.t.ll t't.T::y-'il1'rd;lf:$'"flrffl;:rffiH $$lriruft$iitl::l:rff:il$illrx"riirs;#m.rffiI:othrts rnc lnl llru rchemc of mulilPl' ;1il;6; nni ri 'utrt r'rilliuit't-|lint io Tgi:-Fo tro (t) duulnr unltr. !'r nunbcr {nrv noi!,tjiflllolttii ii-iiiit-tglllftttl * tLl to t nrv r ouoiiundir jrt[':nc ol nutrtpi-ifrL;$'p'' 'T'-"I1l'lotluduS rry cr'drtcr or rsnr] ,iriiiil-lrriiii upon .ny rtiuicrt'|trott'tttt tor oi p$ccl cr:rcd rhrll b. rubl$r ro rrrrilrnl'ntililit|;i.d o.:r.tiii"i' iiiir rooirionritoq rtd thc bt ot p.1c3t rh|r r.. ,uiir"ri.i-l'iiiiii,o-r.rn i" ilftid'ili-Ancndco |'d R.|ttttd --ttr,lrtdlar--- Eoatton 3. gF*rtYlx,:y nrrtrlctltnl!' ,ltrr- olt (net[r|tF:ll.n of o llrrlllng ll|lE tn , uroraa of lcpr tft oxrr.irrgtw u 'c'kul oll lhtllltrl tttlirr lhrll lrr.u1]d-ond wrntnl by ru luro ttr.rn I tlnnrt'rtr!(l {rlultu' rurluir prtor ill?rd'ol t| obtrlnod ln ftttn{ tnn tlp lrdrd ut l'lruci(rrr' t$il0!'jl' noirfsafiOlJruf' ' !:!1ro"rc rhrll bc crcctcd olltcr 3hrn for Firrt' lrddcnrirt purpo.cr on tn, ld Inthc oc".r,rniniiJ-onry "nt srruclurc Fr l't wlll b' rffinrrrd. xo srruciiii iirll contrln to" 'r"i'ffiiid'ilint ull,tgTot ta l.|' { fii'ii.rdmn"irffiil;'d"d;;"f ":'j*i'.**ffir?ffi #f.Tfi fr *,I.lnll[,:'":[.'iy.i"Hry;'f ,fln#]l:gldgf ,ffigry. m;lm:"lr:*fr fi; lliil31s1ffJi";rur-Fi bo'.n rccrc..*ii irnrr rni ffiffi '":SiT,:fff g,rffi .'ffi ifiii'l'*:l*lf'lmlg*m coourrcld o*, oriiJ'iffiiii-ttl#ii"il L Fnnl$Gd 'n $G dctctopnrn iadl rrcr slthln ilif u rwr.r ro;riiilt-rii'l' fr[.r rAg f #.Hlf$.|flffi'?kl [o lhrrrcc g $.Hfilsis,lllsff:iJiii*1ili ffi;;irfi i'ra'irr"n on'niioi us aoll4 *r,nU,, ff$"n?ilf! trq'i::f$fi;- x-ri irriauft ",uiltm'r.p.ry.offiiffi#S13n .#tc .o crrcarent rishu v, SlSiT?fi i;lffi ;'ffi'diff ffr;i i"'rh c'c mc nt rish* Iofl 7O|I rD I(^ oD rt IIolJl IJ {l 1\.1 ! tt r, 6r f! o\ t4 N tlg? r{r'..F--E[|I .8. Srgle!! Sifm. No rfnriourc idcnrifilr]lon r|3r' aril bc* Ftcr,bordl blltborrdr or rdvcnbing,rtrcr"ll?.ttl lind rhrll lc crclcO ot ltrin[incd on rny lot comnon Fropc'y, or tln cr;;;-;hi;r. -..p. ruch rit'' .. h'wc bccn rpprocd by tho Bo.;d; rcdur-bly ncccrrrty for thc Hcnilfrttion of tldlrmcr' S;gbtl. U1gr. Erch ltnrturc dc{ncd fot.occuprncl-or rrc Q.ttuollbclnf rhr[ connccr w{rh rhc *,.iiriririd'"i rr,iiii"i morc vhrcipirrrict No grirntc rtll rhrll bc urcd u r rcut . of iiiifJr f,ui.n *tunFion Erch O*ner rhrll pry' to thc rpproprlrtc townncnnl dffid;;tffi;-tt] nt?'ti rrtcr llnc fcq.rc*'t !1ct utd ;ff;;;- E clorno' drarr uc rcioiilibie lor rtrct d*tr lhc ro thc polnt rhcrc lr coottcslt wlrh-rhc nrln rtcr tlnc. g'f,ffih H*ffiffi S;ti$*r.f;ffi Ti,ilXllltsffi itr"gsi{fi ileilJ'J td; i; or V"1,-ruririir.'no ocrnrrht ronm*i'fflyrgl"fm:*i itrtctcl or lrrje or ownhcd whlctsl (rr rcuonrbly dctt ;:i1E -p;ilru. Drrd;;iili-t nrrni.rn ,i Dy -ch Gurir, rr thch or'r coil x'd cf,PCllta. d",,ffilffi linffif '",:l fi tffii :i *h::$:'H':""ffi fl Dcrdtlcd. No hctncrlorJ;;;f,;;'ft;'d1t" turnlq of r:f'rc lndoon rhrll bc ionrrngc4 hrullcd or urcd by lny Fnon' IoIl UI asb ?o I Uto o. ! II'o tJ| !r oIJ I (,i(,r !a, 0 a1 tr Fc$ls lmrffi*rffihffiThffi "",s' #m'#rs"fr.ffi"T'ffiTffi ' Xf:H-ffiffi'FHf,'A''ffi;;'fiii 1*ffiT"gg'o;H;ll g in rfto noe.nlar lr ruulcit to icoovrt t'oo thc ltopcrl thc Eotd of Dtrcaon ot"frffro i" ddd"tr tl$ tlt '!o'' t't 6 holtctold fl ! ' ' :l nul',*c 1o rlrc connuntty.'tlrrnli ;"d.; e-,td.d'ilffin rhdl bG brued- by rhc ? Nrhofbd rrpfcrcnrrt"c orrL-eiffiiiii n u!.n r m rurtortco reFtrcnrtiuc $Gt r il;;ffi-drii n.r#l-Ju. s*.d cDirccronoloc A$odilhG :, $ghn U. I1g$. NoneorhrlbecutttlnnedwroctdAoorhcdcrcbpocnt,: -..erfu-ruifrn-m rpprwrtoa$a Borr4 '. SgbnfA bndrcrPrnirrdorr{cnrnl..lqdl1y}5l.tiilt.:Ji,ttr:35|t::, i:irroprilffiuffirr-J*"trotltyHnd'rhrllbcrcmorcdor l*t clinlnrtcd ptomPrty by thc Orner. clhcr by rcplrndnj ruch rutee h nrttvc atr$' or by ;rJ;iil ; t1 frriening or ry-orttit .ni riitit t drnr For curcnr rprlnllcr ryrcnr iifn,"-li.C-ot o'pcirareC Ui'rftc furo.i"tiotl thc Arcocierion ary conrinuc to-Driilrin i'piiiirii ,n"-bnrror. rriO oit n j.",ri.ai rrvtcc &on thc Ordcn of Lotr I' l0 .,d 15 sithout chrrgc or crpcnrc. il;hit;;tq rtrc elrocirtnn lhrl lsl ln GuGDGnl pr ruch p"'iilLilJinrr tnio rhc p,-.[itti Uttiu on rhcrc lo.' Shoutd OG Arrccirtlon dcrhc ro #ffi;;#.iiiptinH.i tvt"G rn. ttrc.i.rton rnry ne-iodra rncrrcEcil ipootb'r Oin'cn rc nrlnutniprlntlar conrol ttncE| sitNn thclt E utcutnf ulula rn,r,.rffi*ffiffi;Tffffi;ffi1;;ir"crton tor co,urilimJ'urpocr onty, urO only ...uthorbcd bt thc Eoutt *..*f #,;nfi l*$ffi Stffi ,ffi #s,:il# . dil;F tod 6i cooptcrlor rtccivtr rie *rincn sonrcrrt d tbG Bord Sgionll. Heifhrdlraer. No fcicc' f|ll or bcdje-hiihcr.'htn ry-f::l-ttd [o ctrrtn uiFffi rh-"ffiffic turinrdrcd rrrtrin oc Ftope"itt ryf t:*It* ili;nntt oounr' rnc orcr ncrcltonrl lnrtdhtiom -"??,ff ,lffi|?"Trffioro,rtOcC ruc,\ lcnccr ol urlb ut rnrorlly rqulrcd I ;ilffi;;;p,i* toort" f..Fi"ilc[irt Jcrntcrion for rrl$ FttPors docr ttot lnpbm unon rn e*e.ttt i rmni;;*;. ul-rliourry nprunr lir vicr' or othsrig ro'Uo-Ooritrncn oi *L rdc rttd mlotucrt of hb pmperty' ' *Sl0D-16. Nulrenccl No ndour-or ofctldvc rctMry 3blt b' crlrbd oo nor rbdl uUrfrfrilffii o@-neOruchrhrl con'ltutc r publlc aui'ncc. \olJ .^ rrr I oo ! Aogr iJ o AJ I (,({ f!o a o t,| $gdcn-Iz, ErfgforJ&hl!8. An as4o' lbbE uGd to tluEitt]G d9* 9e*b3 ular'c &r my orncr pffi iJhtd.d unfurornd c rhicHcd h rom ahcr nirror.."p.lrr.odrrrduoc ':., o!' 'hrtrfo I dcdjnrtcd bt thc Bald- ': .. $ SghnlZ. Grr rnd Dro?enc Trnt+ fl 11r ol DroD.lG tl*r locrad tltLh.q" il frop.rfi-mu i t@ n .oic irtcr hrtro || &dtilEd Ut 3 thc Eanrl Err'.." u ""!r'-" ? lCdq-l& Fbddc Sctvlcc Droi..- -A[ DTcl btc' locrcd h tlrc ltopedc+ fnc.r,roqffi d5;li;fi1E-;;ild t@-*f bymdcryround hstdldddool tuhaetbtttthl t-#-bllra - l0- AnTlcl.E wl MORTGAGEES NGNTS &gbn-I. Andb$ilg. Thb rrrlch rppllcr to ury Eon|r3pc utdcr -r 6til ron3.frfii-tny *ffiO"ti ttt C..O oi innq r'ltich'Dorrjrje or rlrhb ttc'd of uurq cncuubcn rtry [ar. &gb[} Nqt&r-otDlbdl. Atty Eil rnonlrlcc-or bcncfdrry' uPon t:qt'6i' rhrlt Uc cnriiii lo Urffifoi oe rry Octrutr li thc pcrfororae uv rn hdivftturl lor orner "l.w ;t6l"d; utrder rhi Occnimcr of Rcrrktivc Goauae thc Anlclcr of lncorporrton ''8f-Llin or nrl* rnd rcafid''' of thG A$o6.tid rldch b not culcd r{thh tbty (6{l) drfr &glqj ErcmPtlon Fmn Flrrr tjfi of Rciral 4p.qq-gag - rtocdicr Provitlcd h ilr mrgrSc a decd of rnrrt or fortctoult thcrco4 or Punurnt to r dcci q rrrlqyqnt b llcu ol tbrcctorurc thllt bc GlenPt ffi-itid,'.ram rcnnf urulncd hihlAdndcd'!d iiiirirJO Oo.i.ltfon otRffi-6"c-nrns or nc Arrichr of tncorpcrdm' $pLrrc lulct rnd rcarlrrlonr of thc Asocirtbtr. $SbD-J. Atr0llllrcltl' Untcg I lcrrl 'lrtvth Ptlsrt (6Gt' of thc ltn r-rn}ffi-u.noffi:o upon or.c rorc lor c.o trrt Esrjtlsl c crch dccd d trut owd) or orncn totnitt niiln O.inperl of Loc brvc d€t ttre Fb ilinco tpprovrl, ttrc lroctrtton rhrll no bc cndrlsd to: |rlbyrctoEoE|$bnrcclnrbrndqrprniriorr.rubdlvidccncrrobcr,r[ tr rn'ilrr,h-?idffir6;"ht-*rr.O. Oitotryor inhhccly. by OcArocblito for thc ;;*d;i 0" Su*pirloo iildtrd"S;cr*oim "' pro* 'ftricr c for o$ct pubuc Durpaa mdrtcn rltD lDailfndcd & oe.,,o Cmoi hopatcr run Dr bG dctotd i tidcr rfiEr $c mairy d thil ch*. (b) d||nll tD3 e&od of dcaroldry rlc oblijltioal rr*rrocor$ dta comdlrlirhlctr nrybc klvlctl l1rirt lltoncn' (c) byrau mbrloacDrrgcmlvaorrbrado-eayrclc o'qubd6 or cnforcc,ocnt rf,or"o1. @ q $c-crrcrbr rppclnre of $nF]r|lcl, tbc .rtcrlor E t|tG;G of |t'ucnrcr, tic-rremaucc of tlc-€ooo il;"p;"il' Fnyt"nr -ttio nn o.o o*'atqr' a rF upl:cpof brrud pluh;r (d) lllt to or&nria &c rrd tilttlcd cowrrj3-o iPnbb 11t* DtoDcttv orr I cutrcnl ,.pt"..tanr d b.tit b ur rmrrrr mr tcs rhrn oa htltdrd ffi;;iiidit"toinc irulnute rntrr (b*d o currcot tGPL€cEGnt 6tI ! o - :l libt|r--blllrl |l- k) llrc hltlrd lnsurrncc procecdl for lo$ to rny connon Ptoperry for orh* rhln rft.'i'cprin i.pfi."r.nr or rccdnrtruction of ruch Conoon Propcrry. &ghD.!. EurnlUiqn-qf-Eoalf' Any fi-nr mongrSc' or bcncfcirry rhall hrvc rhc rfht to cnminc thc boo]t rnd rccor& of thc A'3ocl!uon' Sfifllg!,t. Grrinq Dcfruls Aqry finr m9$18GG or bcne6ciuy ury' cithcr iolnrf or :I**,'.Jffi lffi:*t;1,'Jli;""i[,il:;T:l,fii.Tf ':ffr '4F* polhtel or tccunc n.* n r.J i*,ilii; ailr.,. h.rhc ei,enr of thc lrpe of r polic1 rnd ury ruch F$ment o, p"yr*i *-nrOc *,rfiUc imncdirtcly rcinUi'rcO to tuch 6ttr srorrgUpc or benc6clery by thc Asocirtion. Sgle!-?. Apollcetion of Proccedr Atty 9qcr provldon of rhlr Doclrntloo to thc contnty noMthtttndin& tilffi-"*i'foc W -i1c rl*ocirrion h IcrPGcr to thc i:oi#n-frop.nl* ctfr'cr trf*r'c tonn of tnaurrncc irocccdl tvrrdt ln ccndcm$rilotL or d;ilt;i fi oriruurcoioir" ,-in ot t ota r-tra[ bc dl$ribut3d rc rlrch Lor mncn il;i;;lili'ilii.ioi rnu"ti-oi}ty Airr r"q"ric or bcncticirty, u ruch llcn or htcgt rPFffr. AnncLE lx CENEBALTBOSSIONI ' S$bD-I. trllltlcs Tlr covcnrnr rnd rcrrrictloru of rhir Ancndcd rttd RGtt'Gd Dcclrntlon rhrll run slth rnd Und rio rrnq rnd rhell inurc to rhc bcnc6t 9f rnd bc cnforccrbh by thc Agoctrrfi'n.i-6t*t. rnd-.1'clt r*Pcctirc hSrl rcprc'.n1'tlv=r 1116 ;;;.ttr-;i urgtr' mo l-riilu ionrrnuiin rt'n t'cc lid cficc for r rru of 2l vcrn toa rlrc oatcof thb Ancno.a-CiitL-tJ*.i"iirt-'t ttcorolnr"rttlrlch dne tlrbAocndcd rnd Rcrutcrt Dcclrnrlon rl"i[;i;;ilt ffy ar.ttO.O foirucctlivc pcrbdr of ten (10) pucrch S6hn3 A[lsbill$ Th cqtdillqu,-*qt--* nhubtbil rircccrur erd corur:ffitroo t3j3oitn p1 bc a1;64 .brffit rcrubrcd c-rloeTdf oo:P' ;'.o.d "f !ftttd tsrrl ecranr or uc votnr ocu*nup d rhc Arrociedoo Aoy ;ffi-;rrrr--6;d:d;iild; D.ctind;o .o rtrc coir.Iv nop11hnendna tltc Ooornm Pto9cnts| rfuU nor tc reduced tn rryb |nd thc DlGUinS Unlu rhall not be ht .*i b;'ut!Dct' *'tttto,rt ttrc conrcnt of thc Towtt of Vri[ $fdo!.l' ts!0e$ Attt nodcc-rcquindP T *tt ro lry Mcobcr o: sog ttdtt rhc qsvbbr or Urb AEo;#d'lJ-iilr.r.O Dcd.ndm ilril bc dccncd !o htt'G bcc! ilffi;,-rffi D|[.,i'F.,FdA iJrrrc trrr lilom rddrc$ of rhe _penon rT |PFrn .! Mcnbcr or ormer on ,i[ffid "riic Arrocierion rt rhc tiDG of ruch seilin& L to .D D Irr .u Il r)ll ?.4 rl r') rJ il\ lJt ?,{ 3ia ;5*-- -tlr| - 12- Sg1b!,f. EnforcancnUFinqr. Aftet-notict rnd r hcrrlnr' Borrd ol Dlrccron of rhc A$ocbtion mry lmp.orc ,eri6ii6il fincr for violrtlonr ol thlr Amcnded rnd Rcrtetctl ilri;;;ffi; t# enicreq rh; tiytil ino rucr, Ruter rnd Ra3utrdonr u dotacd_ty thc Ar;i.r;.". Enforcemcnt of th6e covenrntt ud rc3tricrionr firll bc by rny Proc4din3 rl i.* if fn .q"iry rjalnrt tny-[r*n or Pcrront viotrtin3 or 'llcnPrln8 to :-olt: t'V .'"iini-oi i.ri'tciton. ctrhe'r rir rcrt.ln vrblrtion ot ro 'G-covat drmijer' rd .'do.t tho Lni'io inlli.o rny llcn crcrreO Uy th'G Govcnrilq rnd frilutc by ilc A$ochtlon-g my g.rncr to enforcc rny sor'nlnl or rcrftsfion hcrein cOngincd lhtit in no GWnt bc dccocd r wrlrtr of the dlht lo do rc thclcrftcr. Sgb[,l. Sf$nhll!. ltmlldrtlon ot nrt onc of thor Govcmntt or rcrrlelloil D!' pogncir-* *-un-6iiiifrir in no wirc rfcct iny o$cr provirkr' which rhrll bG h tr.1l forcc rnd cficct. *$lC!-6. gFcn EarcnqJrq ot EqlorrrrFt, Ettrt Orner, hlr lnmodlrtc.Fudly' rnd Gucru rhru havc r n6iililffiIiffi-cu.urc-nr or gnloqpcnt 1n !19_lo th6 Connon Arcr rhhh rhatr ;;p*f;ii-.o anO rfrafr F$ ath thd dth to thc lot of nrh Ctwncr, rubjca rc $c follorinS rithtt: (a) Thc Asocierlon rhall hrtt r non*luriw rljht lrd crrcmcnrlo anlc tuch urc o[ coonon Aree. lmptuvcrncnt$ lou rnd DwGUi113 unis 1r nly bc ttccc$rry c ,l;ilil;;. iliic e.rr"irlii;-ir"'ourlrr eno funn-ioru rtrlch h lr oblisrtcd or Dcmlttcd to Fdorm unociili, O..rarrrlon. Tlrc A'|oclrrb|[ ln lu rolc dlrcrcilon' ory fril.fri il ifm'i IrinitniiintimC Alrrt of wry oo rcroct .ndct rnd orcr thr Con6on Acr to rny dlnrlcr or othcr intlry provrilnj trtci, rcwr' tr$ ctcarlcity' lt]:lh-o111: *bb tcbfubrr or othcr rlnihr rcwice to thc ?ropntsr flrc Coomi Arce within thc Propcrds nry rpr bc rclrl orottrr*lrc ulotttti4 convep4 srlnc4 or oon3agcd unhl r[ &* wtfrfcr &rll rP'Prora O) TtG dshr of thc Arrocirtho ta EtL nrcb rcuonrblc nrh: rnd rcfrrlrrhrnr tlSudlni rn G oi tf,. Cotton ArGr rtd frciliticl locrrcrt thcrcon by M-coUcn udbrncl penou cndtlcd to ltrh utc' (c) Atl rfbu rucn:d to orhcr Omcn rrd Arochtioor h thb Dcchntiolt (d) Thc crch$c rlitrr of dr-Omcr of crch lat to rsc rrnh porrion if rny' of thc Drttrlc d ' . -r ;;;.-d--!";ch orncr'l td rd Drcuittl uniL rr fiowo otr t.-pr.L-*r,Li lr-todre" hrun rhc Cmnm Arcr' Sectlon 7' EllcnC$r-lqr-EncrgrshDl[l$. Eercmcnrc for cncroachncnts bct$acn Lot, or-siffircl rna poffiru-ot rttc c..mmon Arcr rhrll bc ' followr: I oqr 6 I oo. !I\o 1 $. €iJ I (n({ ! Ct (,1 o\ tn :l rie- ;tr..*a-L-CF|lIG tt. (r) ln fcror of rll Ornen rc thrt rame rhall hrw no bgrl lhblllry lf rny part of thc Cornnron Area enctoachcr uPon I bt or Structure' (b)lnfgvorofthcouncrofcachlototstructurercth8tram€3hallh8w no hgal liabitiiy if .,'y Pnn of his lot or Structure cnctoacho upoo Oc Comnoo Acr or upon lnoftcr [.ot. (c) ln fawr of all Orncn, thc A$ochtlon and thc Orocr of rny cncrorctring Lii'or Srructurc ioi lhc mrintcnancc rnd rcpcir of ruch cncolchmem c5|rtlnt on thc dctc hcrcof. (d)Suchcnooechncngsl.r|loo|bccon*tcrcdtobccrrcrrmbrarrccrciilrr on thc C.oumn ArPl or anY bt IN WITNESS WHEREOR tbb Amcnlcd and Rotgrcd Dcclantlon b tsccutcd bt thc undcnfncd ttt|t-fu- dlt ot ll aif t n lrr t ' lg.L' L otJ {ro tr o rJ tJ vl U{ -nn p-!* ffi;ot Gtar oct Norrc Homc orncn A$ociatlon 'rt rr o\ A$oci.tioo STATEOF COI.JORADO ) )$. ) n COTNTYoF No*'tt-tn)p' :ffi.jl'#fr,oe$,kfin;'ll#g'." :f Mf cooirtio clPhc" .t q, nt'I -atv --/ j .ai--l--r- -[ l{ dlre FrcelvED EY COMMUNff Y DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. B. MAILINO AbDnESS q,J l A? fN uocoitoH oF FHoPoSAL (rkool eddrecs) tt6o *+b 9A€a.dvE \2e- F APPUCANL. n+e oa'**a*rt"e N lPbW MAfLING ADDrEss gax'geg-x'-nr+r2- lLstbE-PHoNE 8z"-t+ool t"ll l, ts{ PnoPEHTY OWNEA we€ar- acott f qtvg |Fl\s / te*zl aunte owNln'$ gmilA ffiffi7oeotl p 6o/1qe -cd t2- - taqb - 1 ..11 Lr. E. BLOCK- rSUBOlVlsloN- FEE 0250.00 FAID cilECK t i,TIn,'i'i,i;"rih6?66$iTffi iinsqihitrJ"iontnoffi fi tsiiatorl"^::,'5,^ll ,llri"ll|r"r'lifi'T-iii'fiirffiffirtili;;"ditdts end"to slve the proposar e prerrmln rovltw. F. SUBMITTAL hEOUIFEMENTS l. The npp||cutrl uha|| eubm|| |hree cop|eo, hro o| wh|ah.must be my|ars, o| |he" ;6;ili fo1JvilttO lio iequlrenreniJ tor 'u llnel plal bolow' certel' of lheso requhornoi'ti'iiii 6e *iiljoo uv 1ii rontno adinlnlshalotend/or the Plonnlns g,o e6"lroiirhj'oii;;it;rrori riri"terrnliod nol appllcable to the ptdocl' 2. A llsl of rll edfaoerrt plopod, qry1eq (lncludlng thonbill"d and ectoss lhe *ee1 wiiil friiUplrje loUnds-sls rhatlilso be rubm1led' In rddlllon' iulmrt ddiiaid,liimpoo enveloper lor eaoh ol th. ebovc g'T|||0Hopottver|h|ruownotth|pendeagemen|e.(sohedu|esA&B) 4. An ondnonmenlel fmpaol teporl may be requlred as stlpulated under chnplet 10.50 ol lho ronltry ooda' ;, FTNAL PttT. HECIunEMENlE AND PtlocElrunE: isomo oithore tequhornrnb mey bs wafvsd') e-thelubdlvldet:hnllcubmltfoutcopfeso.l!!9lllatplel'twoolwhlch. sdrf tii rniteil,-hretvo ooptes ol ttre flnal ElFl.(lf requlred) end eny ediiunef fiatiitet er rsqritroJ bslow. Wllrln thlrly daye ol recelvlns.lhe *iiiiriiiiiiiffr6J ou6iittr"t tor a ltnal plal, the ronhrs edmlnlstralot rHliifiri.id I;;pt;t a norreo ol the tlme, plaoe end oenetel neluro. of iddffi i;fltj'N1llg-F^py^bl':Iff^':1:::'J,?gi:'.'.niH'"11"" tlsign Review Action ttt TOWN OF VAIL Category Nu^n", / L r// Darc k/?/?(L -Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecU0ontact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ./(.1 Block * Subdivision/ '' .,.. , ,' ,".,.' a Zone District Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board i Staff Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval ir st"tt Approvalr 'Conditions: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid t,gn Review Action Flm TOWN OF VAIL .,) | 1_: "t -l i aa f;rld"('6' Category Number F\ata ?/z / qrt Project Name:tt Building Name: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ''' Block Subdivision / ,-t ,.':'z'< 7 Zone District i,/ i t.Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:i ,/ , , (Vote:) (,' Seconded by: tr-Approval [] Disapproval f, Staff Approval Conditions: a i .. ,/./ DRB Fee Pre-paid . ,, 1.. +.!;'*?/ ! S{ T0 I]038214002 TCG P0(]?i l]02 Pr6E g2l0: 15 ,^rt,rlldfiOhll. ot Arrolloallon. ..t:-?.'f '.ltt- oi'uiib ueettnu''.FErJs:.1'1t"..,'' i oi ira fiulttnlflli nto0ft0tvl-'-*' AL OIIFA lftO) ete meL frrcryri :tlffi*nl1ffiffi'*l*iffiil'"' 5"uw rl flol t g rcgcptod urrlcss tlry wc eotrFlclo-' .' ' ffi u"ffilfi Jrrin'nwtew E o87d ttbmiltlft | rtl .9r.w-82--l'''?Y '. [, .l FIII,i LAIIDHATC,tDS w74Ag2 AnFLlcAtfOil ron tff* Pin',,lhl#l$il lytrr t [lltl ?lllt' lyfrr ll Ellt,250 Iirpn v Fl{U ?50 ff tadluf lgauail-pa!{r E nE N-Aq rrr'flcntloni lot s',ldltlong 1nflgr lf tlo heutlon ' i'it"i"JuJlo ulllnlormnllon rn4ilrod on lfilo AnP LUArKrt{ llfFQ0$A r |()u PFOJI'CT lfFgchlf' I foN -+gE:$ri;llgr*t*3.*r* : ttue ?ip':S't. l>aie .#os1 "WP*"rLt g&'ie"n-e'qe"' *' B L0ICAT|ON OF PROPO6AI'I " "' Airt'orr...-.J159 gs.wE-^a*, t.ognf DrncrlPltr*t:Eloch.-..*- FlilttgL---.. .' .' "'lrlrrn rrlntrhL". t/aryJ .4l?.?F-.,. .c. NAtrfF trr AltFLlcAN'f ',*89 a dd' urr-. -!JLla- --t1 g.lsjrLh*q a ilkt-Ffr*zt]#" " --"'--e' . c. NAMr Qft APPI'lcAl'l?'$rsrlf T AI IVE t--*W- - -rePE---' Acf,frarrt.JV.E . .QtAi &qWt1E *- ?-//t m'rtk {r , ntk#a/rf, / r y r; NAME(lF()l,VNE|*-r(V!;-.**d; Blo Aiftltr.cS r nt ffrp td rubnllltnl0f I etondnrd 210' ftt' :r . - -.^r.-I '_Ftww 4P:.?a1- fllltr(| l'"'r rtl ti{t0,ll0 lp t0q' ( 4, o ::\ ".ll',, iU:'x]nr rJutlr.'r|t tr'i"ll 61i35676]l96 .,'.f-ob?t. 19, r 99l COL RAIIVE re: 11!o catolrr Drr NoTLQROU PC F.:sst nrlf . Lloni Rldgertfllng tl, Lot lo CIURC CONSETTlfr. Trrry StttCth I n0 Drrnbgf Roldqt. cloud, HN 56101 ttrrr. l'eflYr F.tssall Seott, thc orner of 1150 t. lonr Rlttgc f tll lng ll , t.ot lO, \l -rrnovetlona tt lndleated ln thi pll lt lr rr reguaat of the Declgn Rcv;rnll eonnurilty ltrvelopncnt Offlac ':hrngrr thrg wl 11 t.alte pleoe tt rel vour pertlelpatlon rrill b€ tp thenFddF thtlta ilaprat rocf ulth a nnutll;rcd below. It- lr rith your eoopcrrtion tlrit !tcrytt,tB rfrtdtnc! yau ttlll lnetrllfolof gtna Grty) to thf Ertt hilt r,..1:r n? In sddltlon, dut'lng ths renovrtl'nnor thi hfivy tlrD|r eriUl! at thr aprn nctil tuh ttrlllr, Per Ur. crrolrr Dr:l ?{ortn, woat half .ril Coloradp uiehep to rlrlcr thr 1r you htvc pr€vlourly review€d. rr Board rt uell et tht Torn of Eo hrvc you both rgrca wlth the . prrtlelprt€ ln tho lenovatlon.xtent ol rtplaelnq the :rlabingrr ttrndlng ,6an n€trl rgof tt during tht rcnovetlonl to tlr' a ,t giuga lctal roof (D;rridgclt 1160 eerollr Del llortr. ur tpProvEl , thrTlIl b. r.plrccd lirm rcnovalylth enof the DRE. ltr-flUlhrr orlcl oltlr plrur lrecute tnd raturn to rAX rlnally, thl durlil rlll br touoh, r''rteh -rlrtlng.'rltlth thc nrv tuo ,Btoncrrlk ,101r'rnd fotttt |l th.f I f you ntrh to- rpprovr thlrrhr collrboiltlvr Oroup., Pc uD Ir rcqulred vlth r .trln to t-o lr rtilnrd Shrrrln-lflllirnr fu/:*. iFrlrn t', {adqt, Altoolrtl. I'{hr collrboratl-v.r oroupr (rorl fll-{002 FAX' GcJt,tll{{;l'' '' "t ' i,rr. tl!t'? LLlbi'= thr oynrr ol 1lf0 Crrohr D.l l|ottr Drrt hrl?, utoni-iflEr"flU{al 11, tot t0r'vilr colondor hcrrbv ('enrrntt to r ne rodllfortloila tL lilllottctl rborlr rnd ln thl dreulnEt Prtvlourlyrreelytd rnd rgram tO ult rlrlhrlnrterlrlr ln rny ranov.tlonl to|hr lrlt hrltr I t!-rrrr ; !!nrr(e) ,/ - f:!:::?-z- | --44t4/*./I ' ttr / | /-- ?0r.f' MAfN stnrf t'0ox /t0'MrNruRN, co dtt+l.1lol;r27.{o0l {ilx llolprl<ooa ) ZONING 18.58.030 Permitted exceptions todevelopment standards. The exceptions set out in Sections 18.58.040 through 18.58. l:0 shall be permitted to the development standards prescribed for cach district. (Ord. 8( 1973) $ | 7.200.) 1E.58.040 Architectural projections. Architectural projections including eaves, roof overhurgs, awnings, louvers. and similar shading feaures; sills, belt courses, cornices. and similar features: 4nd tlues and , chimneys may project not more than four feet into a required s€tback area or into a required distance between buildings. (Ord. 8(1973) $ t7.l0t.) 18.58.050 Porches. steps and decks. Porches, steps, decks or terraces. or similar features located at ground level or within five feet of ground level may project not more than ten feet nor morc than one-half the minimum required dimension into a required setback area, or may project not more than five feet nor more than one-fourth the minimum required dimension into a required distance between buildings. (ord. 8(1973) $ 1 7.30?.) 18.58.060 Balconies. decks and stairways above ground. Balconies, decks, terraces. and other similar unroofed features projecting from a structure at a height of more tharr five feet above ground level may project not more than five feet nor more than one-half the minimum required dimension into a required setback area. or may pfojrct not more thad five feet nor more than one-fourth the minimum required dimension into a required distance between buildings. A balcony or deck projecting from a higher elevation may extend over a lower balcony or deck but in such case shall not be deemed a roof for the lower balcony or deck. (Ord. 8(1973) g 17.203.) 18.58.070 Fire escapes. Fire escapes or exterior emergency exit stairways may & (vril 12.29-89) SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS Droiect into any required setback areii or distance betrveen buiidinss not morc tltan four teet. (Ord.8(1973) $ 17.204') 18.58.080 Bay windows' -' g.y - *i"J"*s and similar teatures extending the interior enclosid space of a sttucture rnay project not more than tltree feet into a required setback area or a required clistance between buildings. provided that the toral ol all such projection does not exceetl-more than one-tenth the area of the wall surface from which it projects or extends. (Ord' 8( 1973) $ 17.245') | 8.58.090 Architectural projections above height limit' Towers, spires, cupolas. chimneys, flagpoles' and similar architectural ieatures not useable as habitable floor area may extend above the height limit a distance of not more than twenty-five percent ot'the height limit nor more than fitleen feet. (Ord.8(19?3) $ 17.206.) 18.58.'100 Exceptions to height limit. Structures or portions of structurts with sloping roofs may exceed the height limit in accordance with the schedule in this *.tion. Any Ixception authorized by' this section shall not constitute a changjof height lfunit but shall authorize a buildinil height exceedinf ttre priscribed height limit only for that ooiion of a struiture to which this section applies' This section inAt appty to gable, hip, or shed roofs but shall not apply to mansard ioofs or to any roof structure which does not extend lo a p"at at a slope rjf tbur feet vertical t6 twelve feet horizontal or greater. .165 ZONING Schedule of Exceptlons to Hcight Umit Vertical. Rise Per l2 Feet Horizontal 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet l0 feet l l feet l2 feet 13 feet or greater (ord. 8(1973) $ l7'207.) 1 8.58. 1 l0 Application and interpretation of height limits'-- wit;; .--d"ilaing is desigrred to have.the appearance of separate, identifiable structuris joined only by lower portions of the same structure, or adjoining for less than twenty-five percent of the perimeter of the portion of the structure to ilth-; portion'of the structure, iach separate or identifiable oortion mav be considered a separare structure for the purpose li'd.t...r".g height limits. Determination of portions of a ,-t-"trtt travlng ihe appearance of separate' identifiable ;i;il;;t shall -be made'bv the zoning administrator' (ord' 8(1973) $ 17.208.) 18.5&120 Applicotion and interpretation of lot lines' .l Where a lot,or site does not have frontage on a st5€et' or where access is by means of an easement or other right over adioininc Droperties, by means of an extension of a poition -oftil;l;, ; by means of a private drivewav, ryaq'9r street' the fin. *ftit principal ."..ss io the lot is attained shall bc deemed tt; i;;;i iot tin., and setback areas shall be determined n.ttliot. A portion of a lot or site less than twenty feet in iial-tt-piiiiiii"i-acce$ from a street to the principal portion of if," Str stratl-not be used in crlculating permitted gross ntiOuniiuf floor area on the site. (Od. 8(1973) $ l7'209') Permitted Additiond Heigfrt I foot 2 feet 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet 7 feet 8 feet 9 feet l0 feet maximum 466 THE RTcDJANs j rsyg COLLABORATIVE GROUB PC n nrulri-disciptir.rr finrv i ol nnchiricrun, l-n--, n. L , 6oftit ,t J,,to.. ,/.i,!f January 3r, 1,ss4 k'bP.*.!'r "-- ., i.'" ''\ ,1 ', L'lt o' Town of VaiI r- I r I -, i !-e.Planning commission dt" ,., O j+' .lo*}r''RE: Russell Scott Residence {\Y/'' I d't'' 1150 casolar Del Norte Drive v' ,;11 - Ivail, co ", /_r:rr; t^' ,J Dear Staff planner: ('1,{ ",i Ad'lia r-( * , This letter is in appeal to a D.R.B. decision turning aown tne ,[t[addition of an above grade deck to the southwest corner of Ur.Scottts residence. As the enclosed plans indicate, Ur. Scott would like to, inaddition to the extensj-ve rernodel to his duplex, add an 8t x L2,elevated deck with a 3, x 24, access ldalk to the south and southwest areas of his residence. The majority of this deck andwalk will be under 7 feet from grade and the maximum height willnot exceed 9'in height above grade (south) for greater than 4Iinear feet. With a steep sloping lot, the new deck wil] be located 6-8 feet below existing road level and will in no way impede the view anglesor corridors of any neighbor existing or future. Since this addition wiIl be outside of an existing buildingenvelope (an envelope created after the construction of theresidence) and on conmon home owners association 1and, I havespoken with Greg Hampton, Casolar DeI Norte Home OrdnersAssociation, L175B VaiI View Drive, 476-0430. Hr. Hampton will bereceptive to phone calls regarding any questions or concerns. We have also contacted Terry Schnid, the owner of the other half ofthe duplex, and have received approval from hin. Finally, it is our suggestion as well as the request of Casolar DeINorte Honeohrner's Associ-ation that this or other addenduns to the development plan should be on a case by case basis. on behalf ofRussell Scott, f will be able to answer any of your questions at827-4o0l. Thank you for your tine. B*- t'/",r {,t ?l\i+ 1&t , s.t/ 1., ((', 5 i f,t-''z /2"*- Tua 9cL,^. I f{t'e 9 na-' "'/t^"<' a (r(/.r J*ft t it t1- I 3 co 8164r.lrorl827-+@r . FAX [ro e/ y;d"r.- /".-,2u| 5 fu sUcl 5 i'&t t h',-".t lrrg w,,--f c*k^ Je s--pPL'"-"+"! f eXul^k*-7. . FAXIrOll827-4N2 tz L 7c />v t Jc J .&'4- 4/ h../!r4;!-''h "*l "--t Sincerely, o""""t"'ioQ 'r51 2OI-B MAIN STREIT. BOX 7'0. MINTURN, Date ol Dale ol Dale ol Applicatlon _ DnB Msslln PEC Moallng JYIE PIJTL{,-IUIjJ , Ln , nt* -t X__ Slnndnrd 250o: iilnfiiil,'{fi u'***n1**)*,'*, 'Ivptr v Ftlu too^,..,,-^,^ = ' {t l , *t L)/t*u, ,,r gngAprr,rc-dugN-gorrF-BENqE V J- '*q1)',i^', a pre.appflcallon corrlerence wilh a nretnbet ol tltl, plannilg slafl ie .slrongly encouraged ' '*'*rrL,,ft.crJss the provlslons unOei rutti,rfi additional GnfA "an be added lo a silo' lt should bo h ,rrrdorstood thal lhls ordlnancB does nol essuro eaeh property an addltlonal 250 square feel of {lnFA. Flaitrer, lrro ordtnance Hllows for gp-!9.a5!*sguge-tebt il ttre condilione sot lorlh In ahnoler 18.57 or Chapter l8'7.| ol ths Town of Vslf code ers mst' ^PPUCATION FOF ADDITIoNAL GnFA (250) r;rpllcatlons for addltlons under lhls ssclion will not be accepted unlsss tltey are complele' . r lrtr lnctudss atl tntormailon ieqtltred on thls torm a9 wqlt ?s Dgslgn Bevlew Board submlttal r oqr.lhgmg6l3. til APPLIOATTON-IJFaB.MAII9N A.PFIOJICT DESCRfPI tON e;'a-ec,uret 2€ exrL-'(|o'x] od4-, ^- Legal DescriPlion; Zorre Dlstrlct .pearloutLl AfpL;F:-b &&-- 1. ge 1tr2-J:5-'u--' B. LOCATIQN OF PBOPOSAI.: A$& e ss _ I -2 e *__LAg otA4^ -&- - - /vo-P.T€ 1-ol /Q- Block- Filittg -". LtoNS 4!.DfF -_-__ _ 'C. NAMF OF APPLICAN'I B9$4<*_-Se.tZ-- Addrose-__ll t k_ *J'0 els-L!-.fe c'. NAMF OF APPLICAI'IT'S nEPnr$E t..l'l AT tvE-@a4-t-.--a? 2E- Adtlrcss_ftlp ER(s): ?$ge-^{efz-, Phono t-89-?l € Fillnq F,rn of $20(r.00 is teqtrirort al fitne of suhmiltal of a slandard ?50' foi it rorruncf irrrrnlrrlno arr FHl l llrn lnrl is walvod. zt-oaof necesffifdhffiN ,e*4,9t A.,ltfrors ,11,.:lllffiil?.lnformatllr addltlon to DFIB submiltal reoulrorfls, ahallbs roquirod wirh i \re.rificalton that lhs unll has receivod o tinnl c€rllllcalo ol occttpancy. ? S?onrpeij, ad(lressec, envelopes and a eeparule llsl of adjnconl properly own4rs Enrl ol rrwn(rs ol rrnits on lho satng lol, Tltls hrfottnalion l3 nvallnblo from lho Eaglo Corlnly Assossor's office. 3. CorrtJotninium Atlsociallon approval (lf applicable). 4. Exlsflrrg or proposod floor plans of struclure, (i. Your trropopnl wlll be rovlewed lor eompllance wlth vall's Comptehensive Plan' t t tf lhls appllcatlon rsqulrBs a soparato review by any local, Slal6 or Federal agency olhar lhan llts Town ol Vall, lhs appllcation lee shall be inseaaod by $200.00. Exarnples of suclr revlow, may lnolude, but are not llmlted lo: Colorado Depnrltnotti of Hlghway Access Psnnlts, nrmy CorPs ol Enginoers 404, elc. Tho npplicnrrl Bhall be responsiblo lor paying any publishlng foes whlch ar€ In excess ol 50"h of the appllcatlon fee. lf, al the applicant's tequest, any rnatlsr ls poslponed |ot howing, csrrsirrg lhe rnatler lo be re-published, lhsn lhe enllre fee lor suclr re .publlcatlon strall be pald by lhe appllcant. Applleatlons tleemed by tfre Community Devoloprnenl Deparlntenl lo have elgnlflcanl doslgn, land rrso or ollrer lssues whlch may have a slgnlflcant Inpact on the conrnrunlty rnay require review by oorrsullanls other lhan lown slnff. Should a delernrlnalfon bs nrRde by lho town staff lhat an outslde consullanl is needsd lo tovlow any appllcallon, fhe Comnrrrnily Devoloprncnl f)oparlmonl may hlro an oulslde consullanl. lt shall esthnatn tho amount of rnoney necsssary lo pay hlm or her and lltls amount shall tre forwarded lo the Town by lhe appllcant al lhe tlmo he lifgs hls applicelion wilh lho Cornmunily Developmenl Deparlmenl. Upon compl€lion ot the rovkyw of the npplication by lhe consullanl, any ol lhe funds forwatded by lhe appllcant lor paymenl of lhe consullant whlch have nol boen pald to th€ con$uftant shall be relurnod lo lhB npplloanl. Expenses Incurred by lhe Town In sxcass of thg arnounl lorwarded by lhe applicant shall be pald to the Town by the appllcant wlthln 30 days ol notlffcatlon by lhe Town. f.S-t J.P. and Carolyn Edrington Robert Snowden Smith William H. Miller 1471 Aspen Gore Lane P.O. Box 877 641 W. Lionshead Vail, GO 81657 Vail, CO 81658 Vail, OO 8'1657 Thomas & Diane Hughes P.O. Box 1951 Vail. CO 81658 Assoc. 1040 VailView Drive Vail, CO 81657 P.O. Box 1435 Vail. CO 81658 1100 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 Margaret F Forken P.O. Box 1152 Vail, CO 81658 Allen Bruce & Donna C. King Steven J Lindstrom Tdemark TH's Homeowners Simba Run Homeowners Assoc. b, trrrcoPY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on March 2, 1994 in the Town of VailMunicipal Building. 1. A request for an addition 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Scott Residence located at 1 1 50 Casolar Del Nort€/Lot 10, Casolar Vail, a resubdivision of Lots A8 and A9, Lionsridge 1st Filing. Applicant: RussellScotUThe Gollaborative Group The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on February 4, 1994. DATE - RECEIVED FROM Ne 45488 ADDRESS Permit Numbers By Pofice ReceipJ Numbers -: , d 4!- r-- -.-dr:r_,..,.*..i1 i/'n'( Y''-' T'&rH #-;;;i pliscel laneous tash i:tl *:5-34 [rE: l t,: f6 ii'e,,:* i F, t. # .t :rlr,r,, ,Qr,-:*i-ri i t i+ -- "',1 .. ;,:, :j, :l: -:'1-1 uu [io,l*.liij*, ',||r-,|.I:,1 tFndFrF,J r,' lB8, BB I te,R paid riirl$r=;s41f,.3r_r'J[r[1 R;qrrt paio 3FB. e8[:h.il|igi,: r-* t Lrr-fiE,,J .1 Li. ffB THf,l}.{F{ lfOU oTHE October 19, 1993 COLIABORATIVE re: llbo casolar ner wortQROUP, PC East half, Lions Ridge Filling #1, Lot 1-O n rvrulri-disciplirre finrnr of nRchirrcrune LBTTER OF CONSENT Mr. Terry Snidth 1o8 Dunbar Road St. Cloud, UN 56301 Dear Terry, Russell Scott, the owner of 115o Casolar Del Norte, lilest half ,Lions Ridge Filling #1, Lot 10, Vail Colorado wishes to make the renovations as indicated in the plans you have previously reviewed. ft is a request of the Design Review Board as well as the Town of Vail Cornnunity Development office to have you both agree with the changes that wlll take place as well participate in the renovation.' Your partlcipation will be to the extent of replacing the existing cedar shake sloped roof with a new standing seam metal roof as outlined below. It is with your cooperation that during the renovations to Mr. Scott's residence you will install a 24 gauge metal roof (Berridge Color Zinc Grey) to the East half at L150 Casolar Del Norte. In addition, durLng the renovation, with your.approval , the removal of the heavy tlnber tretlls at the carport wlll be replaced with an open netal tube trelllsr per the request of the DRB. Finally. the duplex wiII be touched up as required with a stain to natch existlng. fNlth the ner fascia to be stained Sherwin-!{illiarns- Stonewalk 2Lo3, and Soffit a Sherwin-williams Oriel Grey. If yo.u.-wish. to approve this request please execute and return to the Collaborative Groupr PC Brian TSffdge, Associate. The Collaborative croup: (303) 827-4002 FAX llr. Terry Srnidth, the owner of 1l-5o Casolar Del Norte East half, Lions Rldge Filflnq #L, Lot 10, Vail. Colorado, hereby consents to the nodifications as indicated above and in the drawings previously received and agrees to use similar materials in any renovations to the East half. Date Owner( s ) 20f -B MA|N STRIEI. BOX 7t0. MINIURN, CO 8t64t .lr0rl827-4mt . rAX [t0tl82t-4(n2 L.THE 4h^,,{b September l-O, 1993 ' j bg,r, COLLABORATIVE cRouB Pc n rvru[ri-disciolinr finrvr t t.'OI ARCHIT€CTURE Staff Planner Town of Vail Community Development ATTN: Staff Planner RE: Russell Scott, Ovrner Residencez 37]-6 Melshire, Dallas, TX 75230Duplex: l-150 vail View Drive, VaiI, CO 81657 This letter is in regard to the above mentioned duplex on Vait ViewDrive. Due to the nature of this, request, I have written you thisletter in hopes of clarifying the issues at hand and in the hopesof a tinely staff approval due to the seriousness of the problem. Since the construction of this duplex was in the early L980,s myclient, Russell Scott, has (with great expense) replaced andextensively repaired the buitt-up roofing three times. The latestbeing less than thro years prior. With continued water and danageproblerns, the following is both his request and my recommendationto alleviate this problem. a) f have contacted the adjoining duplex ovrner, Terry Snidth at 612-253-7579 and extensively described the work that witl beperformed. The Snidth's visit Vail infrequently, but I assured then that they would not be inconvenienced in any manner by this construction. b) I have contacted Greg Hampton the local representative for Casolar Del Norte Owner,s Association and discussed these actions. c) Scope of work will be limited to and including the fotlowing: L) Removal of existing cedar shake roof, prep for new standing seam netal roofing. 2)Additionexisting) enclosed existing setback, no enclosure per code of above existing B.U.R. of new pitched (to rnatchroof with new standing seam metal roofing (see drawings ) closure of existing carport with a single-bay garage to match existing. Door to match encroachment into setbacks, onlyexisting carport. door system. Sidinq 2Of-B MAfNSTREET.BOXTrO.MINTURN,COS164r.lr0tl92T-4c/.r_l.FAX[rOr]827-4OO2 t. ' Staff Planner Town of Vail Page 2 Septenber 3, L993 4) Addition of a snow guard arming system over walk andfront door. Roof to be standing seam uetal (natch roofing). 5) Addition of window bay at upper bedroom. stucco exteriorcolor to be natural white. Window to rnatch existing manufacturer and color. 6) Repair/restain entire exterior. Color to match existing. 7l Addition of a concrete frost wall at the east edge of the western common parking area (See AL staging area). witha partial regrading of the parking area this wil.leliminate the water runoff onto the west elevation andinto the Lower level bedrooms. In addition, I am prepared to subnit structurat drawings andnaterial samples at your request. Due to inrninent snow, a tineLy response would be greatlyappreciated. If you have further questions or conments, ple4se contact ne at The Collaborative Group, 827-4001. Sincerely, Brian Judge, Assoeiate BJrrhg . 'l:Jlt[,t . FRo[,l Lnl.ilulifll:; Fft/l0i1993 l0:39 f. llilt ltrllcf,TtOt xtl,l, t|or r! AGclttlD ulfll& N,l, tlglrttlo..l|.O.ijflntolf lf tulfitllD ll-t{blqc T..,r lltotlt|Af r, $u ^. bEscRrPttolf r -Eurrrn c,$rr vAtL- vrrN l'rJY: (Htl'*) 8714962 T ' I lr tlJi4ir[t: 1(E O llrll'rrli gototttto ut 9 Itnll ltll,tClilOtr - t(ml Of VlrL, DAIB llPFtrIC ttON nEt:EtvFlo! DATE OF bNF HEE?IUCI tf ta lalatil 5 r99t b. ?TPE O? RIVIBIII -_NGH eon.tfuctlon 18200.001 rrrJdltlon 1f 10.00, .. X;ult,or ^Ittrttlon lf20'00f CoraePturl hcvhY (0ol c. 'nDfrttt;gg. llir Yeluvt*r rnlq - ..- -^----- D. l,trB^l, p80cntFltoltl Lqt lg nlnt\f 'r-'-'--_+ subdl{leton t|fr'rr rtPe. :l r lf ptoprrtt ll drrertbtd hy r nrnti rnd.boundr.l::llilt!;iili;i,.prlitn,pi""rili' on ' repiiite ahreL endtrgvi- |' aPr' +vr., P.!.r-sattaeh to thll appllcntlon. R, j'. G.lfalltng ltddrurt tltpllclnt nlultL Prevldc i luttcnb lo! arca t --..-i- ,-r.. | -. - toNtNc ! ||. ],ht'fc olt l,lrl ll ttg t,of AFE,\f lt rfqulrrdr rtampcd ausvcy rhorring N^Hii oP ,lp?t lcAtftl *---r*.-r--*--G ttPFht CIrNT' I nDPltftl.lrfThf lvF I Artdr0ri I er/{)" /,/ t.HA$E Of OfNEntl I I hI nrW VrlLurttloNg 0_l t0r000I l0r00t,' t tOr000$S0r00l-C t50r000 ft50r00l - | t00,999 f500;001 . llr 000r 00!I ourr flr0o0r 0O0 I D:lt0l ll?tlil srrD l'troru r,ttlrulrrirlrp tnuil r $rllDlll0 tttllt! tt B?lmtD. *l:ssW 9100.00 0200,00 $t00.00 t500.00 om ttm rt'lEn rrnt, iaarrD lfD cofirrrugltot rt r0tonruuillu, t Jl'|lllnC ,tddttis! J. Condonlnlum lpprovrl lf lppltcable. ll, DRB FDlt Dil ftrrt it lhoyn aborter etg to bC^prld rt iH iffi oi-ru[ilii'tii oi-nir ippliaetlon' . !l!":r nh;n iirtriini ior-i-uurio[ns-permrti' plcarc. ldrntltv Ehr aeeu*tr vrruiti|i -oi- [fri -pr"lri,ai i . - -rtrr rovn- 6f vel t iiiii-iiiurt-[rri-iir-ieooraing' to Ure trblc brlorrrto cnrurc-[tri eorrcct flt la prld. nt tlte, t Nf/ _ rIE BcilD|llt t PATiE rrvlrcd 9lal9l it8ftour o||t|ll', tto||rtunr LISI OT UATERIAIS NN,1E oF psqspcr; 9G.{+ D,rdcr L,ECAL DESCnIP|rION! Ipl- EIOCT( - EUBDfVfSIOX 'Ltrrs ?r'f,cr' STREET IDDRESSI DES(RISTION OF PRO.IECT: The followlng lnfotnatlon lc Revicw Board before a final A. BUII,DING I'TATERIAIS! Roof sldtng other waII tlaterl'ale Fascla Sofflte t{lndows tllndow Trin Doors Door Trim .. .-.!-fnd or Deck Ralls FIues Flashlngs ChinneYs Trash Encloguree GreenhouBes Other remrlred for lubnlttal to the Deslgn appioval can bc qt'ven: TypE OF I4ATERIAL CoIQR B. IANDSCAPINC:Nane of Deelgner: ^-e'4 'Phonet Botanl.cal Narne connon NaDePI,AI.IT ITATERIAI.,S : PROPOSED IIREES EXTSITNG TREES TO BE REI.IOVED rrndl.cate callper treee. for daclduous trees. lllnlmurs callo?E for iches. fndlcate helght for conueroua PIANT I|AIERIAI,S3 'EotmLcl'l_f,ane Connon Nane ouantltv Slze* PRO9OSED EIIRUBS EXISTIIIG SHRUES I'O BE NEilOVED rlndlcatc el,ze 5 qallon.of proposed lhrubs.uLnl-nun rLze of rhrubs ls Sne Square Footage GROI'ND COVERS 80D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR IiETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. CImER HIfDSCIPE FAAInRES (reta!'nlng ralls, fenceB, 3wlTning ,. Irools, ctc. f ir;;--";;"ii'.-inaf;ate trcighte of retalnlns salls. Uaxtnui-frcfgha-ot wiifl nfthln the-front setback 1e 3 feet. u"ifu,--tt.littt of watle elserhere on lJre property Le 6 feet. ZONE CHECK FOR sFn, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRrqrs DATEs LEGAL DESCRISIIONS IPt Bloclc - Fillng ADDRESS: OI{NER PHONE PHONEANCHITEgT zoNE Drsrnlqr PROPOSED USE I'T SIZE .lllowed (30) (33) Proposed rrlA&'wa;* o -xq+.d.rl. rtelght Total GRFA ..---\ Prlnary cRFA / secondary GRFA ( Setbacks: Front \ sra"t \ 'l Rear / o')n's+ir tfeter course ( site coverage \ randscaping ) Fence/Retalnlng WalI Helghte 20r 15 1 15 1 (30) (50) tsu*_6r3 Parking e+r:h5 . Credits: Garag€ llechantcal Alrlock storage (3oo) (60 (eoo) (12 (50) (100 (2sl (50) (2oo) ({0 o) oo) ) o) Geologlc Hazards Drlve: slope Peroltted gil q*h ' slope Actual(l Envlronnentalr/Hazarde I AvalaYche Flood Plaln 81ope Zonlng:Approvcd/DlaaPProved Date: Staff Slgnature Otgn Review Actlon Pot TOWN OF VAIL Category Number /.^ Prolea Name: L-^L Building Name: Project Description: ,l ,,/, 't..! )t .) ;Y'i.rr Owner,.Address and Phone: I t''L'1 i, ",, r ArchitecVOontact. Address and Phone: IY Legal Description: Lot l0 Block_ Subdivision L/\. I r,,totion uy, I l'-! { h4 Board i Staff Action Vote: 1"-L-- hr r*.--0 Seconded by: tfr-Approval n Disapproval V\,t D'i k* JO6 CALCUI-ATEO BY CHECKEO BY nt rri| rrEff . br tF . hsrtufit, co Lo Fllta(n I nx pott @,4dl I r I *-_ .".r-r.! rs'ti'r{er.<6 rlffiatzFl"\h c'd tr*tlal lo[w 'F u.ltifa t.tr ?f;|ifl] 2 51E95 ,e1.r ,--, r, 'r 11,_ , ftf '"t; L'5i-1.1;f - p9: og1'l +.,rJ.t oNE RVoH 6rzssar€,8!c DrF Pl APPllolucnr' oits bt DCB fti..thg Oir ot PEC Mtclhq {rl nrilrllry ApPLlCAYlOtil Fot AOOIilOilAL OiFA (1t01 rYrFe##5# fvot | €HU ?50 Ti,b! rleHU ?80 Tnc V GrlU 250 .r I'nE ^PrucAUoN$sFEnFtlgE LOCATIOT OF PFOPOSAL: tffi ;ffilf lflltrffi iff silf $liHi%'#r#'s,lfll'i':#9.-T!iff.i"::.-, ,,rvrrllcod thrl thff oran.ii cooa aol r.*,,.t-ffi et"nfit rtt leAruo* lt6 'ourrc lrcl of finFA, nrorcf, rh. od;LHJil rq*ilidrfr$ffig.sl-J1.lrt oonOtom cel fodh ln ;;;pfi ]i;i'iiCrtlprr lc,7l ol the rowtr ef vpll ootn rn mtt ^Ft llcrl|onr tor rdctlonl uncrr thlr t.dPl ll|mt br rccroud unhn thry tlr cfi|Pllte' ,rrre Includcr rn rnnrrnjt|on tuluhed on lhb h;;dgJG;ocrqn nilrleri 5o'ftt tubmnBl raquhl|nonll 'lr APPLI9ATIoN INFPRMAIION tot-g- Btbct- Flktg--- .- ' - i- a E. rc &.I c#: r. r,rorrrr, J I g o....,-(otn!ag-Dd" [erla""- - NAME OF APFLIOANTi Adrtrf .. &."- n*, ^tFtlcAN?'B nEF lgsENTATlvE:ftnh 6*hJf : nqr?rr:lf=h ". A*.#lgggld'*.,.'Ag-t F, NAME O' ArJdrerr- - -.1, Fitlrri F..r ot 1t00,00 lF Taqtrf/od 3i lhne ol rubmlllel of a rlandsrd 290' fut T.,,vtr 47q1,*n'\u wfg .. ilr following,lnformatto$ addltlon to DHB submiltal reQukem|, ehallbs reguired wilh. , .. Fl itrts submtttr 1. Verification thal lho unll has received a linal corlltlcale ol occupancy. ?.. Stamped, addressed envelopes and a eeparale llsl of adjacent properly ownerc and of owners of units on lhe sams lol, This Information ie available from lhe Eagle Counly Assossor's office. 3. Condominium Associallon approval (lf applicabla). 4- Exlsllng or proposed floor plans of structure. G. Your ptopogal wlll be revlewed lor compllance wllh Vall's Comprehensive Plan. l{. lf thls appllcatlon requlres a separale review by any local, State or Federal agency olher than ths Town of Vall, the appllcation fee shall be increassd by $200.00, Examples of such rgview, may Include, but are not llmlted to: Colorado Department of Highway Accass Permlls, Army Corps of Enginoers 404, etc. The applicant shall bs responsible for paying any publishing fees whlch are In excesg al 50o/" of lhe appllcatlon fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any maner b postponed lor hearing, causing thg malter to be re-published, then the €ntire fee for such rg -publlcallon shall bs pald by the applicant. Appllcatlons deemed by the Community Devolopment Deparlment to have slgnlficant' doslgn, land use or olh€r lssuss whlch may have a slgnlflcant lmpact on the communily may require review by corrsullanls olher lhan lown slaff. Should s determlnatlon be made by the town Btaff that an oulside consultant is needod to revlsw any applicatlon, lhe Community Devnlopmenl Dopartment may hirs an outslde consultant, lt shall estlmate th€ amount of money nscossary to pay hlm or hgr and tfrls amount shall be forward€d io the Town by lhe apptlcant at the tlme ho filgs hls applicalion wiltt tho Communily Development Departmerrt. Upon complglion ot tho revisw ol the application by lhe consullant, any ol lho lunds forwardsd by the appllcant for paymen! ol the consultanl whlch have not been pald to the consultant shall be relurned lo lhs appllcanl. Expenses lncurred by the Town in excees of the emounl forwarded by lhe 3pp|;sant shall be patd to the Town by the appllcant wlthln 30 days of nolltlcallon by lhe Town. From the desk of. . . t% /- za- "1I a7.-- { Vao rn ?\-)'s c'--t'"/ 4- F/. f-41 Andy Knudtsen 7^ ,nor*L.J *-4 S,-.t ft// J. i..,*- eV c-.,+<4ot*. rLJ .'t f*r t'' *^--- t' a a,,t-<..rr^-4, L.la ar< cJt <J-.-/ y':rv-)1c27 4, f/.-a_. z\ f-L- zzffz, L t; n {nr- ^ A'*\. n-"-.r-. a, j( 1o.n ,4 A-_ -.<*..^1t. 1 /\fi,/r VL 73sz-<.2.a.<<_ { * J"-;tt,V -^_-.__ 1 /or-^ #, 61-_ 4,:.)// L a."1z,vs.-rrL {r. JA,*.*J Je) Ita.a fL ..* ft_-,,t d Zr --, y' &,-.* 'e a'z-z-"n . r!, 7- n-- { L 4.-.-r-_ q /"L 1nr1,z*-4 y'? o7Z:.th-T _.._-L -24?ez4 /v,{ nr'f-z_.&-t a/ p.L ?rb\. ) #t- l. ,rri'E tt t+ -n +.-- fl J ilI]il 9Cr fl\ I U b,qb $t'- T0 3FUi ___*::1s_\. rH .rlgf}S ral-\::-:*-#1 l001rl.i8 tg l€I I'gE1,i SS,/i0 I .Date D,.- Profect Appllcation e .- .-:J| - t-ry* ProieclDescription: l: '-; contact Person and p6on" ltt l'- r C " 'i -,' . "l[ ]2'- Owner. Atldress and Phone: Architect. Addross and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPFOVAL DISAPFBOVAL --:'_Frr-.--.--.:- Summary: l l Staff Approval LIST OF MATERIALS tr" NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designeri phone: Botani'cal Name The fo'llowing information is-required for submittal by the applicant to the Des.ign ReviewBoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof ,a Si di ns Other t,JaIl Materials I Fascia Soffi ts l^Ji ndows lt,Jindow Trim Doors /. Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngS .. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhou ses 0ther (tuml/< oil s+n,q Reo, ti.ov PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Commiln Name Quani ty Size* *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. PLANT MATERIALS: Botanicql Name Cornmon Name Quanity(con'1, SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe GROUND COVERS Si ze Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON , TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa'lls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. I Heritage BlueI ForestI \,'lahoganyI Cotfee I BeachwoodI AvocadoI ChocolateI New Bark I SageI Ter.a ConaI CocoaI Russet illlI 0edarI BunernutI New Pilonm Red Harvest Goki orYilPrc souD c010R snrlts Ourside White Navajo Wh te Cape Cod Gray Golden Sand Sronehedgc Chanrois q's"jgrl - I Caliiornia Rustic I Navato Re(l Oxford Brown Color chrps are subject to th€ effects of heat. Iight, age and processes beyond our control and ftEy vary slightly from the actual stain. I' PAK{JEL 10. B I A part of Pazcel 10, Casolar Vail, rrnd r part of ?,he c()nmilrAra! of Cotoltr ValI, lost of V6il, Erg.l.e Couriri., ,.(llrr d1j.,lrtr)re p.rticularly detcrlbcd ar folloyri Connencing at thc noat. SouthcrtLcrly corner of s.tr. (..1s,)i rr Y"il,--?"iA-p?int bc1n9 the Northeas;. intersecrr()/r :.(,!irt .!Varl Vicrd Drive and Llon,r nidge Loop; lhr,ncF. t.r,;i1 ,-,:,," 66.87 fe€t to th€ True potnt. oi Br,.-rinr,inqi til.ri(.,r J, ,,, ,) .,,),1 14 J5.60:e€t; thence S (;0r,iq'00. W 10.0i) :.).,t; ,h,29o02'00" F 40,20 feet; rh.''ci. lt r,0",iB'f rr" .,._thence, N 06'48'00" ti 4.44 'i.,,i; f \\"..r .j,. feet !r(, thr. F.tnt ol ,rlr,.{, r v b_ FII- T COPY 75 roulh honbge road vall, colorado 81657 {3(B) 479-2138 (303) 47$2139 ollice ol communlly developmenl October 7, 1991 Mr. Terry Schmid 3108 Dunbarr Road St. Gloud, MN 56301 Re: Lot 10A, Casolar Vall/l150 Vall Vlew Drlve Dear Mr. Schmid: In reviewing old building permit files, and attempting to close them out, staff discovered that the above-referenced residence never rsoeived a final Certificate of Oco.rpancy, receiving only a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). Since no landscape inspection request was ever made, the Town could not release a final Gertificate of Occupancy. Due to the exbnded period of time from when the TCO was originally issued, the stafl believes it is now reasonable to issue a final Certificate of Occupancy for the residence. Staff would like to let you know that any future propefi improvements will require review of the existing landscaping, and additional improvemenb may be required as a condition of approval. lf you have any questions, please do not hesltate to call either Mary Dewing or Betsy Rosolack at 479-2138. Sincerely, l-4*-F rVuJ,Jte Mary Dewing Planning Intern lab FILI 75 3oulh tronLge road Y.ll. colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 'Y$2139 otflce of communlty development October 7, 1991 Casolar Vail Partnership P.O. Box 802235 Dallas, TX 75380 Re: Lot 108, Casolar Vall/l150 Vall Vlew Drlve Dear Parners: In reviewing old building permit files, and attempting to close them out, stafl discovered that the above-referenced residence never re@ived a final Certificate of Ocanpancy, receiving only a Temporary Certilicate of Occupancy (TCO). Since no landscape inspection request was ever made, the Town could not release a finat Certificate of Occupancy. Due to the extended period of time from when the TCO was originally issued, the staff believes it is now reasonable to issue a final Certificate of Occupancy for the residence. staff would like to let you know that any tuture propeny improvements will require review of the existing landscaping, and additional lmprovements may be required as a condition of approval. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitab to call either Mary Deuring or Betsy Rosolack at 479-2138. Sincerely, COPY F4,-?1 f,Er.-LJt1 Mary Dewing Planning lntern lab box lfi) vail. colorado 81657 l3o31 476-s6r3 department of community development .-...'.- June S, 1981 John Wheel.er Wheeler-Piper Architects Box 3129 Vai:,1 , Colorado Dear John, This letter is to confirn that the landscaping for lot 10, Casolar Subdivision has been conPleted with plantings located as shown on the p1"T approveil by the Design Review Board. fi However, as I discussbd with you on June 4, no final C.O. wil.l be given untilitfrere is sone evidence of grass growing on the lot. Upon inspection of the site on June 4th, it appeared that rnuch of the grats seed had been washed away by rain. If you have any questions, please contact rne- Sinc erely, 2J ! PETER JAI',IAR Town Planner PJ:bpr oProject Application Project Name: Ptoiect Description: Owner Address and Phone:Wl6E^r Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot lt7 , 9;6g1 , Filing l-> -','Zone: l/'-c--"_- Zoning Approv€d: /( 'l*"u u-r Design Revlew Board Date DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Summary: Chief Building Off icial i t I :i i I I II ; I I z0r'tE cltEcKI SFR, R,R tO B'lock Fil ing Architect t Proposed Use for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Primary Descri ption : V"roeE.Lega'l Ormer Setbacks : Front-ReguiibT 20r'--pii,ijosea Sides-Required'15' Proposed Rear -Required l5' Proposed l.laterccurse-required /JA Proposed Zone District Lot Area GRFA: GRFA: A]l ovred Prima'ry A'llovred Pro pos ed Proposed Slope Actual Flood Piain _ 6{ Sl ope 30' P/oposed - Secondary Alloned lJ * secondary proposed il4 -Al i oled Required 667e Proposed Atw Proposed Nh Required ?/O ur,^'l= 4 Propc:ed Corrments: Site Coverage: Landscaping: Parking: Zc:r'i n c : i,,ppt'ovc d,/D i s.r llpr'o;cti D.ri. e : \_-7 Date 4 ---ser-: voLIST OF I{ATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION I, LOT I PROJECTDESCRIPTION OF FILING The followingto the Design A. ) BUILDING Roof Slding in format ion Review Board MATERIALS: <\'r4-€1 is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color Other Wall Materials Fascia Sof f i"ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Eotanical Name q€DUND Greenhous "" Q{r*^t) Other PLANT I4ATERIALS(VegeEative, -Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) urtttL u/'vilcu a/-flS - d I?tw-F P€Dt)wr> "- >*E-P*a0,4' YYa' fvlg(N,-- Cn -'' gEdD,J Cormron l.Iame B.) Quantity t+ 7 .4. L,tq A- It t'-trp"x 2so SLze Io-tz-t 8--'54 (r') I@- ll'o.L _6@ <-(. '3Nz,"0tlc.p 4FarND iu{ wryli -l 'r\ l./\\-/z- a Page 2 Pl-ant Materl-als Continued Botanical Nane -..._..r- Comon Name Quantitv Size c.) oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining Walls, Fences, SwLrnning Poo1s, etc.) .orc-wfit'f (Please Specify) ?aq DESTOREVIEW BoARD cHBcK Lrsr o IJGAL DESCRIPTION ID LOT Cx^t >rz t ,L rrLrNG NAIUE OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT .- BLOCK Prelim Final Approval Approval A. Building Conslderations Buildlng Location on Slte Building Conf iguration Appropriatenesswith Neighborhood Conments Heigbt Mass Roof Forms Use of Materials Choice of Color Enerry Efficiency B. Slte Consideration Disturbance of Natural Features Access onto Site Sndrf Removal Vehicular and Pedestrian Circulation Landscaping PIan Grading Plan Erosion Control Irrigation System Exterior Lighting Retaining Walls Accessorv Structures C. Miscellaneous considerations D. Other Conrnents FINAL APPROVAL Zoning Adnrinistrator 11 April 1980 Mr. Chuck Donley Department of Cormunity Development P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Duplex Residence Site #10 Caso]ar Va'i I Chuck: This is our pleasure to inform you of construction documents for the above Piper Architects has represented the have met a'l I of our requirements for Should you have any questions, please Sincerely, Victor Mark Donaldson, Di rector Vl-lD/ccocc: ,John hlheeler our fina'l approval of referenced project. Whee'ler- owners jn full capacity and submittal and approval. call my office. (o "€tn c: C) -Jz z a,TI =<coo =z (! r.! ."i5 ==?;;E o) o o 5!-F=CtyoiilJx. otL criE>-rF z Fo tU-toE.L ol ?l '{l.{lrlcol I uJF o E =E, lrJo-zo Fo3 E,t-azo(J nnn z L E ur(! oz;.]:<<!<6f8recrir4g -=>=tse<ozf!Z) -I z F^ -rh az>-Oc)a)z CV FO.ini 9=a(u sa ez, z UJ(J cirLx=oirg I tr IJJ& o t, L!tro = ttrl uJl ol 1l <l>l H 1l =l<l EI oq <l(4q(Jl I =_ dl J 1 F I I ILlo I I I fr ol <li><trEC) I I L l. I d HIol <l l>- Eo I \{ .{.I 3 UJ z (D E FO Fz (J 2 't- LJJ t-E ir = E. zl =<z.t !zEO (J <F L!<ZE I.IJ Fozo C) <o(JF -< \>- t-OtljF I C) J<()(4 A :o a Ea]8] c)oz U'{nc c){ oz -u rr'lng -t =E - o.(DEot{f ,.li .D3o .'r-no :,cl,+o?3 -.t E ;' o-(D g o 3! :J gz t.- N mlr moi or 'T. z ^r t_lt"-J 'n cz -{5zozr $t\ RFtJ, ao>'r (-o @n c)1 =m c)-{ 6)mzm f z -{ o--to 9pic 3= 1ZOc)a zO =-lqn on omz,r^ r- {C)o> o€zmoI z ozi c){o (] -lm m ;o =-|zo F{>rda:3so- <c :ottJ]3F6;;> o>IiiiEi:?:rro>i, o>otrc'l-txsr>-1cY22tg4u>:irif;lguIl: (,t {;=;giri;"3i-ilstiInifiii z,tct : i73i t, t-j E I I 3 =z 6) -"t ! \ btl \ T \ D AI oi<:t><F D TJp !,iI r I l III'l I I I I n = l<t> l'> l, ts rt, I I I I I I I I<l> E' TJ FO mv> I I I I I ! \t-->t-ts |<t> F lo I I I I c):i l= 13t> I,oFl<t>tIolloll!l lnllllltltllltltltl c)N+o-<ft a*4ilriF io u;o-oo<2 !o I Eo= E hzqooo'ftzz € 7 ro@= 19m=(X---''96 z-oc)9orob€lQ5:'p*iilP.P=8 e 'n3a -l g#Ha1.294 =txYE 3E5eZ@gI -,t9fr =dz >'= 2{ o m m0'o vxz lNcz m m : ^2 a. m ac ? ,4 -1 mm m m m A-{r-*;g z U1ct- -{oz t-{m I z t- F 2 oxzm VALUAIION-or z Im x F z m = = .IJ m -.T! mma zzo o+ r '(t ma ;'n m an t-m zc m oL-{ mI m3m€(! (f -c I 2 =z m =m =zo Tt-c gz z v. q 0 0 aq \ a u "ffit'L. Permit No. r''l 1?? VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT IqSUED UNTIL TAP FEES GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOB EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR httn NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Ltc. No. SfzE OF TAp:water -V_sewer -_67Vfrt_ Metersize NUMBERolu*,rr672?--r*ffi*o'-orn, r # -DateBilred DatePaid /-- C g- Finance Director Bldg. Dept. - White:-Watsr and Sanitation - Green:- Public Works- Canary, - Contractor- Pink: - Accounting - Goldenrod tI5tDOnlAL llAr6t E sarli u'P tiiE 'iort-.i,o, Plt{stc l- - Pt.nlt orcx F lu,e oF t|]€ o..::ER '91n[ET LOT., DtLttt6 r.oo.Ers jA-€-o t l, 2. PAS$€tnlsr nrron tro rr-ocr I JrlD FLocR FASA3ff lsr rlmr /ro flocR )iD FLOOR qrsilt I TotLET. // (G:E ItATf hTH] DfiPA Slrii(s il FLLL gATH (s-c'.= oa rua, D*{ 8Asfit, IOItfTJ Rccrs (LtYrt'c mo"s, EEffC(}.S, OF;ICE5, x Sr.ntoS)4;1x.r t#r I DIStlAses t( Ltlr.oatEs l( brn r,',srriJ tc€ vAc.tlltEs lf x 1.50 = : t.i 3z IASD€NTJsr tLcG" ?o n-orr ,RD FLCn? x xx q, 5. 6. 7, 8. 9, 10. SArI.''IAS x ,8 =.- blATEC CCOLE?S & HATER tCU{TAllE Sr{lft'lliiG POILS JACUAI 4 ll .A= 5.m l:S Fr-L'EAIS;--- Ross KIT{}€N DISq.IAS}€R i.qrrclares l.p" F' Lm=a, L. 3, x' tt .50 IM q. 5 CUTSITE HATER J0.G) pornrs = 1.C0 uttr,,,,fu-Igoo :-]4e .*r* our*6.7oo* tW a*rru TUIAL PolHTs --- IIISPECrDR t , tJOAnD oF DtfitCIffEVAlr !r\ri.. -'r (^'rttAtlti', nlqTFl..t .1'. talc\tlt:c]l[ cc}?Lrrtc{l o: cG:sTRLcTlo'{ oF Al-L 5'616vi5Sr T}€ DISTRICT Sl{Atl ;'iife1-; i'rrsic;r--i:,;''sclrc'r cr nr-r- i'f.1irlsss ;o Dtlitllli: Il: rrutlt'c-oF Polr:Ts ib"iri rsiC!i5'nrr,---:::lr;:r ro tr,: u,'.rit ,:.'iD Sl'..ei T,? Fgg, ,'.';D i:,\Tt s:ri-Iit.E, ,\s iigii0d-r.',tl)'[ Dlj;iltcT srt'{l t'.'.r€ '{iY tJUUjI;''.;lis tiictss"''lY lr{ n€-calGli:/'l- irF iIc'rriin." i,is r;,:rioru-i-sii..r-r- rrt-!) Dllriilr.'il nI LulLDll.r' o--itR-s rt\;fR T x ,75 - L[-:-S-O l.m = l.m =/6:Q9' {, oe x l.m x.50= ,8= nicsls ll. x 2.50 .'= _r so CIJ]SID!.}NTER .. _ 0'tlltt,.u*t or e'C ,.'{D SIlriR SLRvlCE Orr'ri6E' 7o *_fr 11/84/1993 11:25 82748A2 : ? i,,,.$t .11,&r,,*11hwtilE qvfrr 6re39e ('\\j ,/octptstf lt, rttJ ,/ .r'/rr: lllo cltcliF prlErrt_hllt, LlFnt Bl6glllrrlng tl, lpt 10 PAGE E'I i.$r ez r?Iilr coltDrS rltlr Cr-lltf Erl tfcrLcr lfrtt hrlf ,I Coletrda virhrr te rr|rr th. Irou hfvr Dravlourly raTi.u.d. Fgtrd rr urll rr tha forn o! ff60 drroht Drl llcrtr. r hrvr tcu bFtt rft.. rlth thrnrrtlcdprtr ln_ thr Flrcvrcton'rnt olirplrclng thr rrlrtingItrntlnX rrtr nrtll rcct rr ilueing thr rrncvrticnr to tl .r l{ grugr rrtrl_ r9o.! (trrrldgr ilvE cf tb. Dll. PCa, A llr. Srrry JrtCbbl0l Dqnb.s lorlft. cloudr t[ l6tgl It Ir r r.quaat l'! thr De.lgm lrYVrIt Corunlty Dwrlo5nrat 9ltlsa chrngra tnrt rlll t.L. pL.sf ra il Your trttlclPrtlon rlll br to tlrrordrf lhrfr iloprd tscl wltll Ioutllilra brlcv. It l'r'tlut llour caep.rrticn tlrrttootltt rulirncr you rlll lnrtrltcolor ttnc Gsryl to thr E||t hrlt tlHllyr tm ftiDlrr dlf b. tanob,r.tcb iltrtUf."rlth Chr nar trro Drrr Ttrrl, turtrll toott thr arr'|rt itonrrrl|t tl0l, rn0 lattlt r ll t^!o rllh to rpprwr thbthr-e.llrDontlrrr OtrcuFr E --J!:Z?E- ur tFFoYtl, ttrrrtll h lrDl.Erd tfrntrlrlrh rn uD Ir Fnulrrd rlth r rtrln to do br rtrllnri lhrrrln-tllliurr-ffllller Oshl Otllr Fhua dcacuta rld rcufit to r rll nrxll0lF?t{omIft.i.lfAltrJ ;lRtFJ. ffi tto. tllfNluFt{, €o Irll0lptl{fill 'arl0/1993 l0:39 8274442 o I (.|l:PAGE 02 ,l.t9L FnF lDDLrCtAloF - TOrx of v lL, DATE ftPFt,Iell l oN nEcE r vED I DNTE OT DNb HEUIII'GI O r.vlred color rro C,1,1? R[0'DAUG ? 6 t99JACC!?T'DI' TUDIITilD fi /\ (--- | i/'\. l/-f /-t\,-.iu,)-\ir --rf .t.ttllatr tsf,IB lPtt ICllTlO|| l|tllt' nOT lE UNT|tr A&1, FIOUIRID fltlofttl^lIolftlaltlr.tl Pi(hlccr rNEanMAtl9s: '|. DEseRIPttOilt F. TIPE OT REVIEHI Nrv corr.truetlon l$2 f-^lterttlon (020.001 /rrtdlLlott ItbO.00l Coneeptual Revlrp (9ol ?ONING: l.O1' ARE|\ | I t requlrlclr cPPl lcunt ct;rrped rurv?y rhowl,ng lol area. nurtl |,t trvlde a eulrcnt NAHE OT OTNERg: rBtoNAruil(8, ! 'nr)t)RBss r _llllt vltL Vlf,ht bft{E ,,. , l,trcAL DECCnll'ttOltr Lrrb --b:-.- nIn|"I Subdtvtslon Ll*t r tlrr.d. rr{t l trtq | ., .- lf proprrty lt drlcrtt?d hy I lrliittl and bgundc tagll uesbribtlon, plcnse-provld; on t t€prrrte lheeL and nttneh to thls opplleptlon. NAME| OF IFPLIeA?lt:. Fo.t!!l& JiW---:*----llall tng nddtatt I firrrr xitf-r'til... orr+&=c*-rylF--- Flronq ,.*$1.'..15- ' 14.{e--- tlelllng Address: E&ELA{, -T'<.-,'< z,tlo- - P ,t. Condomlnlun ,lpprovcl Lt lppllcable. x. DRB FEE: DFE fltrr l! lhowtt abover rre to bc-peld et ti;; ilil ol-lurtniltel ot DRB epplicrtlon' .,atcrr rhcn ippryrng ror-i-uuiraing-pettrti' Ptrocq. ldrnttfy-ttr-e. -abtulatS varuitjon ot [h; propuebl. rhr Tovn_of vrll lrtll adJutt th; lea-aecqrding-to the tablo bclowl to enaure the correct fet le peld IL@ E[s-Es[EglM.r r Dtrrolf tlvttr mrfD tDPROlru lt?tnlt ONr llfln ftlEn tlr|I\t' lt?Rsttt! utt&ttB-;;Ulr,oiiro ifn$ri- rs IttUlD lllD Coiltrngqtlolf I8 s"tmtD. c. D. f;. t.' G. n, f; V'\LUNTION$ o-f lo,ooo C lOf00l.- 0 50r000$5orDol-$ l5o,o00 f1501001 - I Soo,ooo $509,001 - ?1,000r000I over fl r 000' 000 Posl.ll 'brand lax transmiltel mnmo 76/l mhuz- FEE /. ? 20.00{ $ 50.00 s100.00 0200.00 9r00.00 8s00 .00 rlrltour olfrti' t ttoF luRl Firon@ t.- "-" -3l J 8e7-!@z 8??.002 08-10-03 t2:5lrU r?r;' 'f I r,rsr-ur--ua:unrlLs t,/rl1li OF PR0,lli(.]'t :, vArL vtel^) l l-L:tllL I F:f ;n l, DnSCRI F1'I{)ll: l,O1'BI.,OCK SUBD lVI S IO},I ::'l'nEnl' AI)l-)nESS: tl52 Y4! r 'f ;Ii(-R I F1'l Oll oF pn0JEC'l' : , -fa-1t-uca---glfiid-- n*-4L(i!-- r l lrdicat.o cal iper f or der-'icluous I r.r'r's. I lrrl i ca Le t. rees .i fer COJ,OTT t'lr,' f rrl I or+i rrrl l','v i r.t'r Fo.'r r <l A . Fl ll l,l) I ll(: Roo f Sidittr; ()L lt.- r hra ! .'15'l'lllr: 'l'lltrF'fi sFs tHEH$lllilr i ri f ot m;r i:. i orr i s lreforo 6 f jyral I'IA'I'F:RIAI,S: f rrr srri'ntil-t al to Lhe Desicfrr <:arr l-le g i.vetr: l orlr r i retl al)l)rOval t'ttot,,t''t.lAl'F:rrli\l' -EI-A tl t'lat-et ial.s --JELjaliA e * t A--:--]!'_!-v 4n U*--eux-:--GE{ pl* F'a r'; r- i a Soffit s Winclows Winclow Tri m [)oors Door 'trinr ttand or l)er:k Rails Flues Flaslrirrqs (ilr i mrreys 'frash Ettclostlres (ireenltorrses ()Lller l,nlll)sCAlJ I ll(;: FLnIJ'l' Mn 'l't;lt{ In l,s: F R()r'Os F,l) 'l'lrF;Fl'S l,lante of l)c'Siqttot : Pllotle : lrlp- pl* t^a.?= BoLatrical lJattie Cornrnott lJame QuanLiLv Size* I I I -frt-J-L' Jladifr. + - lat-t+' Ju.,no, *'l F ,^,t";la.I-I,FTC l.l j nimum ca I iP?r f or tre i qhL for con i f erou's esis5f r I'Jo'lE: [1r4 to b" ceflaal if d*5nJ oonqlfuotron , Ouanlilv Size' r lrrrii(.'rl.r r': izt' tt[ ;'1r'1'osorl slt t ttJ':: "--qArlgtl. -I_ypJi. -[!i-u-ruu--s-r-a-e--!r!--s!usllsj€ sqga-re-req!a-se' PLAN MAl'IiRIAI,S: PROPOSEI) SIIRURS F,XI ST'I l.l(; sllRt,ns T() RE P.EIl()VEI) cI,.()r.tltt) ('( )vFlRS SCD .SEEt) 1'YPE OF ] RRI GN T I()II 'r'YtrE ()R t.,ln'l'lloD 0F EROSION COI'I]'ROI, I,AIJDSCAFE sl'row t lte I iglrLing orr t.lre I i g rade alrrl stef . LIGII'rItlc: l f ext-erior I i qlrt-i ng is proposed' . please number of f ixtures antl 'localions on a separaLe - ;i;;. Iderrtiry each fixLtrre from the lighting plan .st below arrrl piovi.cle Llre r.lal'l-age, heigltl- above type of l lglrL ProPosed . ().t'iltlR L,AlJl)urlnPE FEnTUt?E:l (reLaitrirr<l wal. ls' fences, swimming pool:;, et.e.) rr"",i"-"1,*t,ify. Itrrlicate heights of retaining r.ral ls. l''laximrrm lteight- of *it:s wit-hin the f ront setback is i toel.. Maximurn i.leiqt,t- of walls elsewltere on tlte property is 6 feet. fu-rr"--i,ueA't I oll vEll.t r .i--EryuO 'IRDIVISIO}J , r( tB llnllf'LooLr 'r lrr' I or:at-iorr anrj availabiliLy of rrliI it:ies, whel-her they be .ma-irrIrrrnk I j.rres or proposed Jirres, must- he anproved and verified by t lra fol lowirrq trtiliLies f<rr t'lre accotnt!allying site plarr' I/)l'BI,()CK AnDRnss !r.s. WesL Conrrnunicati olrs I n00-922-1987 ,1 t:B-6860 or 949-45r30 I'rrlrl i c Serv i r:c. Contpatlyq4c-5'rB1 (;ary lla.l I tlr''l y Cr oss F;l ecl. r i c nssoc. 9 49-5892 Ted llusky/Micltael Laverl-Y llc'r i t.age Cablevisi ott T.V. a4 9-5530 Steve lliaLt, FI I,l NG Aut lror-ized SiclttaLure DaLe .Y ,ltf?er Eagle Vav I sanitaLiorl 41 6-'t 480 F red llasl ee I. l ey wat er l)istricL * Il,) lE :'l'lris form is Lo verify service availabiliLy and. Iocation, This shouIit tre rrsecl in conjunction with l)rFparing a rrtiIiLy I'lart atl<l schedulirrg i rrsLal laL. i orr.s . For arry nevr crrttst- t ttc'1. i ott lrrolrosal, t-he". allplicant nrust pi<lvi rle a colnp lel ('(l rrt. i I j I y verif i.caLio:r f r.rt m. If a uLility companY ltas cclrcerns with the nrol)osed corrst-rtrcl-ion, LllF ut if iLy representaLive slroirlrJ not:e direetly orr t.lre uLility verification f orm that Llrere is a 1tr oblem wlrich needs to be r-esolve.cl . If Lhe is.sire is relaLively complicated, j1.. shoulcl be spelled orll- in detail in an attached lel-Ler. Lo Llre 't'own of Va j I . llowever, please keepjrr mirrcl l-lral- jt is tlre resJrolrsibllity of the r.rt i I j Ly conrpatty alrtl owtrer t o resolve identif ied JrrobJ.ems, I f t.he trli I .i ty veri f j cat. iott f orm has si gnat'ures f rom each of t.lre ut j .Li t y corrrp-an'ies, and no eomments at e lnacle di rect I ]' on the f orm, the Town wi 1l prestrme tltat tltele are no problems atrd that Lhe developmenL cart Proceed, 'llrese ver:if ical-icns rio rtot- relieve Lhe contractor of his responsibifity Lo ol:Lain a streeL cut' J:ermit from Lhe Town of vail, DepartmenL of Public i^lorks and to obLain uLiliLv locations before s!-r-g,u!s. in an!-iTEfTc Tjqfa:or-way. or. easement in ilrE To*n of v;il. A builclinq permit is not a sl-reeL cuL permit. A streeL cut permit must be obtained separat.elY. . F_lease brirrg a site plan, floor plan, arrd elevations wlren ,'l,l aining Uplri; Eagle Valley WaLer 6 Sanit.aLion signatures. Fire f I nw needs mrrsL l>e acldres-seci. 7-23"f3 sFR, ll, t!n'I'E: l,liGAL t)ESCRIPl'lOl.l I LoL zot'rtr cllI;c!i FOR R P/s zONn l)l sl'F.rcrs B.l ock Filing At'trRESS: llSa V r )tnrllER AR(--ltI TECT Tt+ z()ltE l)J s'l'RI C1' l'l'.oPosEt) usl'; r-.,|tle (a.l^ r,PII()TTE PIIOIJE ztt|. 11o . 1q,?o ,{I,O1'SI7,F; Gr-u gv1. qooJ Al l owed (3r)) (.1,1) ExisLitrq ProPosed I'ot'a1 llo iqlrl- T'ot.al (iPFA nrimary GRFn 5ocoltCary (;tlF n 5r't.backs t 425 4 425 I r ollt- Sidcs P.Pa I lrat-er Cour se Sel-ba<:k :i i t. e Cove raqe l,a n.ls c ap i trg l)nLailri rrg WalJ llei gltt.s farkjnq r;arage Cretl i t l)r'ive' 1.: iew Corri rlol FltrcroachtnettL f rrv i rr,rrrmerrLaI /llazar<ls: Ile rl t <l (300) (6()o) (90o) (1200)- Permil,t.ed Slope -g!- Aclual Slope DaLe a1''proved by Towtr Engineer: Yes-_-No 12? ?Q', I fr'l5' (30) (5()) 3'/6',-l t1- <c t'/6 1t 2l 3) F'l cotl l'.1 a i tt ['ercer)L Slope (ieo lrrq ic llazarrls a) Sltow Avalanche b) Ror:kfallr:) Itebris Flow 4l Wet. I ands t';..vious corrrlit-ions of approval (clrot-'k properLy fil'-') t..res th j s reqrrest. ilrvolve a 250 Add j t. j on? li^vr nrrrch of Lhe allowed 25C Addition is usecj with this reguest? .nlt,-rLe: Uncler Sections 18.12.090(B) anrl 18.13.080(B) of the t4uniciJral r)ocie1 I Ot.S zone(l TwC Fami J y ancl Pri mary/Secolldary whi ch are less Llrrt: t.,,0btt sq. fL. in area may not- colt,st,rll(lt a secofld dwelling unit. Tltn riommunity l)evel opment Department- ma)' qrat)l- an except ion to-tni." r osLrieticrn providerl ltre ap'1i cant moeLs tlre criteria set f orth urr6ot' s('ctjorls I8.12.090(B) and l'g.f f .0B0(Il) of the l'lunicipat Code inclurl irr': l,r,rmallpnl. ly rpstrict.ilo Llre lnit: as .1 loltq-tc'rm rent-al rrrrit for full - r irno empl o!'c'os: rrf t,lre lJpJrer Eagle Va | .l ey. I0 't{ it;s " ' il TCI Cablevision of the Rockies, Inc.t We're taking television into tomo:.row. P.O. Box439 01{0 Metcaf Road Avoru Golorado 81620 30$949-5530 REQUESTED BY: DATE: TIME: WHO IS DIGGING: LOCATION: LINE LOCATION REOUEST TCI CABLEVISION >3l g -J 2.'c..t) 9-z a^ 3r;27 LOCATION SCHEDULED ASSIGNED TO: ==t a1 - ---> >_.rn^*-^r. DATE: ".*r - TIME: /o{ /1 ----\ \lso(/L .Du- NOTES OR DIAGRAM conlractor may be responsible for a pedestal to pedestal replacement. ALL .v(-/Y---._7*--_--------t- // {a I'- - - - - Z;l;3 =;Y.J coMpLErED B€f 6t4 o^rEt f- ?3- ?frre ScD ||isTC|Cab|ev',"nffievisionurderground|aci|nieswithineighteeninches horizonlally from the exlerior sides of lhe facililies upon requesl according lo SECTION 1 Title I, Colorado Revised Stalutes 1973, as amended. TCI Cablevisbn does mt guarantee the depth of its underground lacilities. lf a cable is damaged or cut the (*, )/) UTILITIES SHALL BE DONE BY HAND. AII |ocatdb are yaIU Ior /|8 after location. LINE LOCATION REQUEST HOIY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCIATION, rNC. REOUESTED BY: DATE: TIME: WHO IS DIGGING: PHONE LOCATION .,r.. ., i- L,.-) LOCATION SCHEDULED DATE: TIMEI /'L" F-' .r;tJ ASSIGNED TO: NOTES OR DIAGRAM COMPLETED BY:DArE: 8 .?i ?3 rrME: RESPONSIBILITY STATEI.IENT It is the Association's responsibility to locate its PRIMARYelectric underground facilities within eighteen incheshorizontally from the exterior sides of the facilities uponrequest according to SECTION I. Title 9, Colorado Revised StatuesL973, as amended. The Association does not own, install normaintain SECONDARY electric underground facilities. Said SECONDARY electric underground facilities are the property andresponsibility of the property owner. As a matter ofconvenience, the Association will atteurpt to locate the propert.y ownerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities upon request. Hoitever, the Association will not guarantee such locations of theproperty olrnerrs SECONDARY electric underground facilities, norwill the Association assume liability or responsibility forinjuries, damages or associated, costs which may result from aninaccurate location of the property owner I s SECONDARY electric underground facilities. If this request is for the Association to locate secondaryelectric underground facilities, the undersigned, by making thisrequest, does hereby assume all responsibility for injury or damage arising out of the line location and specifically agreest.o hold the Association harmless against aII claims, demands,suits, or liability for injury or damage arising out of the linelocation. :oD (Rev. LL/851 (d *g:,:":f"'*:*. PSAvO1 O0OOP OB/2O/?3 11r34 TICKET NOr OO1667r" ,rrot *O, ORIOINAL 0ALL 0ATE t 0B/2O/93 AFP0INTI.IENT DATE r REQUESTE0 FOR DATE t Q8/23/73 760615 GAS AiID ETECTRIC TOCATION SKETCH REqz BRID I'lAP REFC raAtl OP r PtiH PM HRS NIITICE r CITYr 9AIL O29 FIEET r N LEBAL I C EXP. r N** ACCESS OPEN *'r ON LOCATES CALL SEFORE CIIMINO OUT a AH 001667?6 1993082000348 TIflEr 1l rt3 TII'lE I AMPM TIltEr O9rOO OEL NORTE DR $TATE r CO COUNTY r EAOLE ADDR r 11SO $TREET r CAEIILAR NEAR lNTERSECT0N(S) r BRI0S r O$SOEtUOl** ! TYPE TIF UORKI REPAIR A DRAIN LOCATION r LOC U/s0 & FRONT OF 0UPLEX! 't PAINT * FLAB * r ** REQUEST * 2 DUE TO UAITINB COfIPANY r $PIEGEL CIIN$TRUCTION CALLER r DON K0I'i0ROUSKI ALr CONTI PAOER * 00NE FtlRr $PIEOEL CON$TRUCTION WHITE . GAS DISTRIBUTION FOR|U (C) 410- 22 - 5912 FH0NE r PHONE r YELLOW - CUSTOMER ( 303 ) 926-30??($3)?4?-7464 EXT, r EXT. r REHARK$ r I.IEMBERS rP$AVBI rU$U413 rUSUU1S BEFORE YOU DIG REOUIRES TWO BUSIITESS DAYS NOTICE STATE LAW CRS 1973, 9-1.5-101 (SENATE BILL N0. 172-1981) requires EVERYONE planning to dig in or near a PUBLIC R0AD, STREET, ALLEY, RIGHT-0F-WAY, or UTILIW EASEMENTTo notity the utilitv owners of your intent TWo BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE YOU DlG. CAIL 1-m-&u- t$torh lf,a$o Dflvs $ll - 8t00 This sketch is approximate. The stakes, or paint marks denote the Locator's best estimated location of underground utility facilities. DIG VERY CAREFULLY - PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTtLITY, CABLES, PIPES, WIRES, AND OTHER EOUIPMENT. How Marked: n Stakes I taint ! rtags [ ruyun Whiskers LOCATOR INDICATE NORTH 18INGHES HORIZONTATTY FROM TH EXTERIOR SIDES OFTHE FACITITIES IS GOITISIDERED A CORRECT TOCATIOIT LOCATOR'S NAME Signature of person contacted '._,\ .Q tf .a AREA OR DIVISION . - f : / i, .r \ COMMITMENT TIME -w4 | o4 TIME ARFIVED TIME COMPLETEO COMMENTS /) ,3 ,/S a/esT, *-,-^^-fi,tele P4a4s.-7162 31 TOCATION SKETCH O ( r., l,'. BEFORE YOU DIG REOUIRES TWO BUSINESS DAYS NOTICE STATE LAW CRS 1973, 9-1.$101 ISENATE BILL N0. 172-1981) requires EVERYoNE planning to dig in or near a PUBLIC ROAD, STREET, ALLEY, RTGHT-OF.WAY, or UTtLtTy EASEMENT to notify the utilw owners of yourintentTWo BUSINESS DAYS BEFORE yotj Dtc-, CALL 1-m -sa-lSrdr,in Metro Denv6r mf -Om "l/. l./..-fI ' (. t'"< | A t / ,15,1.4al a / / / lLf'l[," /t/1 r' , tI -vt , .r'./t- ' !\iJ DIG VERY CAREFULLY. How Marked: fl Stakes r paint marks denote the Locatpr's best € UNDEFGROUND UTILITY, cABLES, ! Rags D trtylon Whiskers timated location of underground utility facilities. PIPES, WIRES, AND OTHER EOUIPMENT. ne staKes, I PROTECT I eaint LOCATOR INDJCATE NORTH 18 INCHES HORIZONTALLY FROM THE EXTERIOB SIDES OF THE FACITITIES IS GONSIDERED A CORRECT TOCATION t AREA OR DTVTS|ON , , 1/t-',,J1 )l':.a t I TIME ARRIVEDz /o Z ?O This sketch is apitoximate. The or oaint marks denote the Locator's best estimated COMMENTS LOCATOR'S NAME Signature of person WHITE'. GAS DISTRIBUTION DEPT. FORM tC) 410- 22- 5912 YELLOW . CUSTOMER PINK - LOCATOR