HomeMy WebLinkAboutCASOLAR VAIL LOT 11 PHASE 2 GENERAL LEGAL(wot* E,Lef ll Page I of2 lPyFrom: Bill Gibson Tor Brendan McCarthy Date; 0511812007 2:25 PM Subject: Re: GRFA Hey Brendan, Casolar II is zoned Low Density Multiple Family and all the lots in that development (including Lot 11) share in the projecb overall darelopment rights, mther than having individual righe for each lot, Based upon the most recent GRFA calculatlons in our files, all the GRFA allowed for Casolar II has already been constructed. Therefore, homes within Casolar II may only be enlarged pursuant to the "250 Addition" or the "Interior Conversiono provisions of the Town's GRFA regulations (Chapter 12-15, Vail Town Code). Please feel free to contact me via email or at 479-2L73 if you have an additional questions, Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81557 (97O) 479-2173 (970) +79-z4s?fd. >>> Brendan McCarthy <lntramountain@yahoo.com> OSlt+lO7 5:09 PM >>> Some questions on GRFA for my current and future knowledge. For parcel #210301414010, 1101-8 Vail View Dr, Cnsolar lot 11: What is our eldsting GRFA? First level 635 SqFt x 49olo (percent of exterior wall that would be o<posed were it not the center unit of triple><?) = 311 SqFt - 300 (garage allowance) = 11 SqFt 2nd level 800 SqFt 3rd level 794 SqFt = GRFA of 1605 What is our allowed GRFA? 360/o of buildable arm..,...but what is the buildable area? Not building area of site and nor the .15 acres the county lists witl this property, but something defined somewhere else....Ri9ht? Thanks in advance, Brendan Brendan McCarthy file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00002.HTM 05/18/2007 Page2of 2 Inb"mounbin Retrofi$ |.{e , PO s498 - Vail -. CO 181657 phon€ / fe * (g10)476;6726 intramountahqyahoo.om Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Yahool Tnvel. file://C:\Documents.and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00002.HTM 05/rcn007 I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT p11E 6-9-80 PROJECT NO.-00502 dopartment of community dwelopment TYPE OF PERMIT |iN l-A.rfn nn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY 191 A-7 sl FtLtNG Casol ar JOB NAME: tlhite-Cherner Trip'lex IUAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. MAIL ADDRESS CIIY PH. ARCH ITECT G ENERAL CONTRACTOR l'1.M. Kintzin MAIL ADDRESS E LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 210-A FIRM I\4AIL ADDRESS PLUM BING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS MECHANIC CONTRACTOR PERMIT NO. 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH DlvlsroN t , r@ GENFRAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : New tniplex z tr f,J BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SQ- FT. VALUATION /al BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING NEW( X) ALTERATION I ADDIIIONAL O REPAIRO DWELLING UNIIS - ACCOMMODATION U c.R.F.A. 4027 eeonooire 9 COMMERCIAL SYSI HEIGHT IN FT. NO FIREPLACES COVERED PARKING - RESTAURANT SEATING - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO. TOILETS 3 uNcovERED PARKTNG DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES _ _ t/d^"_ ING ADMINISTRAT ING NOTES: INSULAT ION R-VALUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF ,&- ,? tc'- 1/) 11 KuiWTO I HUREtsY ACKN()\^'l-El)Gfl l ll,{T I llr\\'t: RT]AI)THIS APPI,t(:ATIoN AND STAI'I] TIIAT TIII Aa()vti ts crlRRu(lT ANn AGREF I() CO\lPl,Y AI,I, TOIVN II'TDINANCES AND STA'I'!: R[.(iARt)t!c91tl It.l)lN!,.) r)\(1 Rt4 l r(,s VAIL WATFR & SAN DIST. TAP FEE . SPECIAL NOTES: OTHER MAIL ADD RESS 11rai; coNSTRUcnoN p t=#r i lnmllraill/ department of community development TYPE OF PERM IT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY ETT D t4D .. LEGAL bEsc I oT ,1- I Bl K FILING Casolar JOB NAME: I'Jhite-Cherner Trlplex OWNER MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESSre l.r.r*,.o. CONTRACTOR 210-A F|RM ',,1'.M. Ki ntzl n! Co1st. C MAIt ADDRESS CITY PH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F IRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. lha prlnl..'ry/vail DATE l. TYPEpF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH DfvfstoN t r rs GENERAL OEqCRPTI,ON OF WORK :New trrprex BUILDING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO, FT. VALUATION 201,350 -cl - /al BUILDING PERMIT NEW( A) ALTERATION ADOITIONAL REPAIRO COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEAIING HETcHT rN FT. - BATHTUB/SHowER 9 NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS covERED pARKrNc 3 uncovERED pARKTNG TOTAL PERMIT FEES ING NOTES: INSULATION a,/: i;.;a,, 7 /" ,r "/h ,r '.,. ,1'r' , !r, j I I HSREBY ,^CKN()WLEDC[: T]1,1T | ||AvE '.,/) READ THIS APPI.ICATIOs" AND STATts TIIA I THri ABOVE tS CORRECT AliD ACREE 1r) COlrPl.Y WI'I]}I ALL TO1IN,'RDINANCES ANL' STA]'!: lrh,us n rc n rnrvc,'ts('rLDrrq6-cr)Nsl R y'( T t,)\:l VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE SPECIAL NOTES: 6-9-80 PROJECT NO,- - .4| :,:PERMIT NO, - #N9 CONSTRUCTION 5- J? 8a PROJECT NO.PERMIT DATE department of community development ARCHITECT GENERAL ONTRACTOR e retcnr- y61 tT- 't BL FILING e, l/J'itfu 2)7a'Bac rrprl t!'!AlL ADDRESS CITY PH- M AIL ADDRESS T.TVPEOFCONSTRUCTION t tt rtt tv6D z.occuPANcYGRouP naeut@ra DlvlsloN t 2 za@t GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT F f BU IL DING 25 3, ooo ELECTRICAL /fl oao PL U I\-,I B IN G t6E t3: o ao MECHANICAL /A_OoO TYPE GROUP SQ. FT. . VALUATION PERMTT 'EES /t <_ J I a{oL7 2et. s-sa BUILDING PERM IT \l*f. s-otu-/// €L fl' o ao;1 PLAN CH ECK 4az. a e 1r Dccfr 1'/o 5 zto ELECTRICAL 4,<.4s- PLUMBING 23 0 -oO MECHAN ICAL /ao-eoffiDDrroNAL( ) REPATR( ) DWELLING UNITS --ACCOMMODATION UNITS- ..R.F.A. ao27"ro*oor,,,gff 1- COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATINC - trtt *t cl HETGHT rN FT. -BATHTUB/SHOWER {)tt I ,* A NO FTREPLACES -NO. TOILETS J---covEREo eARKrNc =!-uHcovEREo PARKtNc - RECREATION TEE /-O 4. Orj- DESIGN REVIEW EOARD /d o. dro CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT )_ee. dO TOTAL PERMIT FEES -503 , 20 rylm I t/ONrt ./a/6/fo / '.|ff E INSULATION ZO N IN GAD M IN IST(ATO R // FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS n.vnlue ,oumc%S, o. G, /4nn tq 6nr 3J HEAT I }IEREBY ACKNOWLEDCE THAT I HAI'E READTIItSAPPLICATI();\- ^ND STATE TItAT TtlE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO CO}IPLY WITH ALL TO\T N ORD;NA:tCES A:\'D ST TE LAWS RECARDTNC SUILDING CO:\STRUCTIOli. ELEC: It "*, Y SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST,TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: t ss \\ }.,\-ll -- .^l qJ Fr -t tl"G\P v t/ "l(r" I \ \ \, 0\ \lltl ,ql !J; bl r ^l\ /,i ' 1'a,{,lh}J } E I Projeet Applicatio" Q Project Nanre: \.,?,' tuLalMt Project l)escription: Owner Address and Phone: 'tl.L/,Architect Address anci Phone: Legal Description: Lot 4::t-,au,cx t --,Firins Zone: Zoning Approved: Deslgn Re,Jie,.tr Soarcl Morionby: --6brk- DISAPPRCVAL t Zoni49 Administrator Chief Buildinc Ofiicial Project Appllcation o^," 8-A3'7q -- Project Project Owner Name: Description: Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:a-L -_ / 3-r.^_€2t a Legal Descripti ont ro, 4'? , ato"x fr , rirns Zone:- Zoning Appro,ed: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: o"r" f* 6" 4 DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL t t+/l ,J€c Zoninq Admin istrator I t O//& t L.})S+ At d il_ ftf, Chief Building Oflicial Dale: I I LIjj'f oF l,tAl't,lIJAr,s NAIvlll Olr PttOJIlCT ( I.,NGAL DUSCNIPl'tON DilSCRII)TION OiJ' PIIOJ]TCT d\\%x^e fr- rwaGJ- l-l (W*trEl - crtErzhJEe) BI.,OCKLOT F tr I.,I I{C The following informationto the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING IUATDRIALS: Roof. Siding Other Wal1 Materials Fascia Sof fits Windows l{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Ir lues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouse.s Other Botanical Name is required for submittal bybefole a final approval can !ypg1>,1 Materizl Color the Applicant be gj.vcn. CFf'^^ A-{AtrB - t0lkT. tle- sTArL) tL4 B.) PIANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping }lateriars including Trees, shr:ubs,and Ground Cover) Mn-. IJ.A . C.eDre- IJ.A C ousnon l{ame Quarrtity Size (r,^.: r uu SoBrtt,r1 u+TE t?_ ) Page 2 Pl-ant MateriaLs Conf inued Botanlcal Name c.) Coqmon Name OTHER I,ANDSCAPE FEATURXS(Retaining Wal-ls , Fences, (P1-ease Specify) Quantit:$ize Swiuming Pools, etc.) \,. t onttORrvr,'no roArrD crilJcr( ,,rrt I NAMI] OT PNOJECT LDCAL DESCRIPTION DESCNIPTION OF PROJFCT I,OT BLOCK TILING Prelim Final Approval AnpfSpI Comments A. Building Considerations Building Loeatj.on onSite Building Con f i gurat ion Appropriateness with Neighborhood Height It{ass Boof Forms Use of Materials Choiee of Color Energy Efficiency B. Site Consideration Disturbance of Natural Features Access onto Site Snolg f,emoval Vehicular and PedesLrian Circulation Landscaping Plan Grading Plan Erosion Control Irrigation System Exterior Lighting Relaining Walls Accessory Structures C. Miscellaneous considerations Other ConrnentsD. FINAL AI'PROVAL oo f-\--t' /:$l6 $ 1. I I I I I I I ./ /n-----= __ I !,l-t I I I I I l I I rlz ff il fi I fi'l o o tuEOn-ffi. - '1 o Project Appl ication 1-A3'7? Project Name: Project Oescription: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:{. -r--a -:- /l r- /'1 Legal Descrlptio n: tot f[ - / , Btock fr , 7i1ing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 7 Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Off icial Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:1il, Legal Descriptio n, ut 4* a , ag;cr # , riting Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ou" ? -; r,- z? Motion by:'! l4a 1i( Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial I&ail*"2 O /'1 o^r" /d- J 1- 7 ? I Project App lication Pro.iect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: .li; f i;_ld";Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot !:Yz:t Zone:. Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Ofiicial Date: Project Application 5'zo So Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: "r a-1_ il /,a *^/:.1t <-, t11) .!-. Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 4- 2.t- Qt\D,21s =) .-t'./ ALI Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: Chief Building Official Project Applicatlon ProiectName: /t". Proiect Description: _ Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: / Legal Descriptio n: tot ,fi - 7 , etocX Zone: Zoning ,lfr,'!5rt: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Official / |rt /r1m Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone; Architect Address and Phone: I A, -b e*o ,'n,) Project Application 3-5-.?o /1 .Btocr 4 ,pi1'ns Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board -'->4,t /./ -I !.'t 4 Motion by: / / /!'rl l- t'1"^'t-'*- Seconded by: APPROVAL 5*--X--* DISAPPROVAL /- /q t i.. ^z-u/.4 t tl/' / r.t-.2 ,\,^,?v,r,4._, JZC r4,a-{fu.n - O} - r r"*.,r.- Zoning Administrator Date:Date: Chief Building Off icial o Septenber '9, 1-979 I'tr. Deane t(nox 1 Dornlng Street Denver, C0 a Dear .Deane: Enclosed please flnd. a copy of the fown of vairrg sumarry of the DesignRevier Boercl neeting on September 5, 19?9, in reference to casora.r rr,Parcel 11, Lot A-f , tionsrid.ge Subd.lvlsion. Drlng our phone conversatlon ou septenber lr llflr r reguested your com-nentg coacernJ.ag the Deslgn Revlev Board neetlng, whleh r bave sunuarlzedbelorr. 1. lhe coutrlletecl land.scape plan of Lot A-? rrouJ-cl be ta&.encare of efber the f,meotmer I s Assoclation meeting schecluLed, on or aboutseptenber 25, 1979' anil you lnfo:ned Jln Rubin, zoning admlnistration, ofthat fact. 2. A:r accege road. from rest to east on Lot A-? for parcels AL - 12 night encorrnter dtrainage problens. 3. An eagenent would, heve to be anangect betveen Lot A-B andA-?. You nentioned. that you thought this easement could be easily takencare of at the lloneovner 1s Assoclatlon meeting. with frrrther illscugslon, J.t vas rqr rmderstand.ing that because of your busy eched.ule and ileadLLne on other proJects you vorrrd rlke roe to investigatecoste, ileelgn, etc. of the vest to eaet access roacl for parcel 11 and L2. You also mentionecl deslgnlng J-anilecape plans for Lot A-?. A1l- of rrhich are subJect to tbe epproval of yourself, the Town of vail, anil the lloneovnerts As eoclation W /U.KI N TZI NG CON STRUCTION, I NC. P,O. Box 24211906 13th Streei/University Building 203/Boulder. Cotorodo 80306/303/442-5913 l,{r. Deane l(nox -2-Septenber L2, a979 I expreeeetl uy vllJ-ingnes s s,rrcl interest in tlolng this, ancl hopes that ve coulcl have the above vork c ompreted. with your approvel, and subnrltted. to..the Design Revlerr Board for the Septerrber 20, L9?9, neetlng, and the iione- ownerrs Aseoclation meetlng on Septerobey 25, a979. Follovlng these neet-lnge a'ntl vith the proper approvals, we pl.an to go irrrnedlate\y into construction. I v.i11 eontact you shortly and hope to neet wlth you the veekencl of Sept- ember 1l+, 19?9, to dl"ecuse our progress. Slncere\y,cr(m w.Ia. KLnrzLnef J IJMK/ca ,/cc: Chuck Don1ey; Town ot YaiL/ Steven Cherner '<- Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Project Application Archit€ct Address and Phono: Legaf Descripti ont tot' fl -7 4 , Block ,/ I , p11ing Zone: Zoning Approv€d: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: o^r" f-6-Q DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Chiel Bullding Official -?E//a+ry/.Q a Pr3 ' Lesal Description: Lot f,]rro"o A:Filins,)/ owner ftUfZtu 4 &t6 b,- nrchitect ZONE CITECK for sFR, R, R P/S Z0NE DISTRICTS Zone Distri ct -(- e proposed use 72/ PtpX Lot AreaMeight Altowed 30, proposed J{a<' Setbacks: Front-Required 20' S'ides-Required 15' Rear -Required l5' Proposed Pro pos ed Proposed Proposed GRFA: GRFA: A]lowed Primary Alloured Secondary Allowed S'ite Coverage : AI I oived Landscaping: Required Parking: Environmental/Hazards: Avalanche Flood Plain Si ope Required f% ,mposed Prcposed Primary Proposed Secondary Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed /576 repplstr Af/?eL z Zoning: Approved/Disapprovecl F -.t ii I $ Zoning Administrator 4-on. 5-.- 72'#,) ---- t , Zta -' L z7'H 7b'/A/F 'zo' L t 'iz-7 /r 2-L' u P /-lzztrL / 7x /J= 7Q ./y'x20 ?7Jo -.-_t--?Ftb Ztz5'A/. -a.fu €areovr' '--d'--fu/v= /7a Leztz- n72-E zrrt/ rJ u ty'- /fz- )?v )/n = ZA(.2' )p'/o>r tezere{xr= <74 t J z')b/" TaffiL' /f/Qy3 lru / I i1 SFR, R, lQl!.t. clit,-qli Ifor P/5 Z0i{t DIS'tRICTS LcAal 0'.mef Zone District -F(. '-*-.__-Proposed use *a'p-1PtL Propose d Proposed GRFA: Al'lor'red GRFA: Pritnary Al I owed Secondary A1l or,red Site Coverage: Alloled Landscap'ing:Requi red Park'ing: Env j ronnrcntal /llazards: Av.-..lanche Propos ed Proposcd 1t Pt'oprc:'ed ? i Actual Cori'nrents: Flood Plain Sl ope 6K DK Description: t-"t if.a!p,1octt,l--Fi1ing Lot Area Setbacks: l,la terc'"u t-s e- i^crju'. t'r-- cl Front*liequi red 20 ' .'Pro1;osed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Requirecl l5r Propcsed /trchi tect t?t urZtl,& (ax,.,''f -_Ca. Propcied 4azX,{fr - Pr"irrilrl, Proposed Secondary Proposed Required -ZL!5 Zoning: Approvecl/Disapproved Date: -Zon'ipg Adttj n i :; t.p;11's1' ; - DL1/C,!t).'/ -'"i.t.l Lot /trea Setbacks: Front-Required Z0' proposed _Zei .lqlEjltiq! fors[R, R, R P/S 7:0i{[ DISTRICIs 2L. l/_.J..__'_.____Hei ght A'llorr,ed 30' proposed _ J5a </ S'ides-Required .l5, proposecl Rear -Required 'l 5, proposed __eq_:_ Proposed Reclui red GRFA: GRFA: Al T oued Primary Al I or,red Secondary A'l l or.red Site Coverage: A1 i.r;.led __ Landscaping: Required Parking: Env i ronmenta I /Ha zards : Ava J anche Fl ood P'tain Sl ope Comnents : ffrllX__proposed _ 4/tr -t t { /r"fl ffi^_ Fro pos ed Proposed Proposed Proposed Pro pos ed Proposed 7a7vL Primary Secondary z I I ti l i ffi''r'L'r,,4r"tLiX, Zonirrg : Approved/D.isapprovetl -/ /oate, //b /ff__'/1 Zoning Administrator oi:j f,': : s.{I'( rri {,rJ, \ .{Lr(''o (lu'u t t*1 _ a*awa uw=u o o fuADFL-ffi. o I I I I I I l I I I I L -*.,I I /. I t,tl 21iart,rI s rz ttl li t I I I I I \-- ^ - I I I,l I-_...,1 I {. q $lr[I 5s7 o FIt-r[ f 6z li I l I I I I I I I I I I I l /. I ir s ,F 5 s xz I I til til IAlI tlu IIt t tgt\ t.ril i I *--\.-.-.-----r/ l I I I I I L '/F oo o o K, "+zr! (cPt*ructtoP .(c/L- fl I ! t70t ,ht s# .s4dtl I II I I l4'trl I i r *l \ @rrofi tts lO 9f . FT. TOTAL ftiffi"oCA9fl-Ar f- JHT p@t6d FF,t,rft ar.srr Auq , zxfll o I i-- 24t-4rt' IFYFI ()trE a6 g -- r ..* - -,r!-- rlttl'i i,A.1 -lr,1 l! o t_EygL Ttlo 624 V 1 Auq at /r1 , -tr Wil iom rl. Peorlmon Bruce P Shof fer Low Offices of Pecrlmon & Shoffer August 2, L979 Town of VailP.0, Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 ATTENTION: Mr. Jim Rubin, Departnent of Cormrunity Development Dear Mr. Rubin: Enclosed kindly find a copy of the proposed ror,rnhouse Declaratiowhich Ty client r.rishes to file relative Eo his property in the Eor^m of Vail. As we discussed during our telephone conversa-tlons, my client wishes to avoid the-formal review process.Therefore, please advise me whether or not the doeument issufficient as is, or whether any additions, deletions, orclapges thereto are necessary in order to avoid the formal re-view process. In addition, please advise me of the specifics tbaE _are required of the improvement survey which must also befiled I will be away on vacation until August 28th, however, my partne![illiarn Pearlman, has been working with me and is fauriliar withthis matter. Therefore, please direct your conmunications and correspondence regarding this matter to him. Thank you for your: conlinuing attention and cooperation in thismattser. ,d: P. SHATF enclosures lurpE ColorodoBuilding . Suite 717 . Boulder, Colorodo80302 ' 443-1324 \ DECI,ARATION THrs DEctAMTToN made on the date hereinafrer set forth byDonald Gruidel, 7800 Durham-way, Bouid";;-c;i;;;J;, -dogoi-hlr!'_ inafter referred to as "Declarint". I^IITNESSETH THAT: . WHIREAS, DeclaranE is Ehe owner of certain real propertysituated in the county of Eagre, state of cororado, riricir i"'more parEicularly described Is follows: SiEe B, CASOLA,R VAIL, a Resubdivision of Lots A-g andA-9, Block A, Lyons.Ridge Subdivision, Ac-ording to iheMap thereof recbrded Juie 19, 1979, il C;;k-t7l; ;; i;;"215 (hereinafrer referred ro as rtri piopeiryj and; - WHEREAS, Declarant is currencly construcEing a two-unittownhouse upon said real property; ind - -----c' -IJHEREAS, Declarant desires to divide said real property andthe-improveuents ro be located Lhereon inro uwo (2) leplrai6iv - designated and legally {escribed freertoia-""iri"J, site gA ro bedesignated as "Paicel-A" and sire gB t; t.-e;;G;i.L"d "p.rcelBt', and ^ WIEREAS,_upon completion of constructi-on of said townhouseuecraranE wr-Ir conv-ey parcels A and B as townhouses connecLed bya.ParEy wa1l and subject to certain protective covena'.t,s, condi-tions, restrictions, reservations, 1ien. "rd crr"ig"" as hereinaft",seE forth; ,NOtr'tr, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby declares that all of parcelA and Parcel B described above, shari be he1d, "oia r.ra "o"""y.J-subject to the following ease_ments, reservations, restriction's, li.ryr. .h?5er",. covenanEs and conditions which .i"-ioi-rh"-p"ipo".ot prot'ecting,the varue and desirability of, and which shari runyi!l: tlg-Teal properry and be binding 6n ait parries t""ing i"irrgnc, E].tle or interest, in the described properties or anypart" thereof, their heirs, successors and aisilne, and shali inureto the benefit of each ovmer thereof ARTICLE I i p..ry w.lt 1. The wall whieh shall be a common part of both to\dn-houses and which shall be located between iuch townhouses sharlconsti-tute a party wall, as shown on the aEtached Exhibit Ayhic| is incorporated herein. Except as is otherwise providedhereinafter, the cost of reasonable-repairs, mainEenante andreplacement of the paluy wall shall be the joinu expense of theowners who make use of the part,y wall . The-term "ornrnertt hereinshall mean and refer to the-recilrd owner, wheEher one or morepersons or entities, of a fee simple title to either parcel A orParcel B. 2. The cost of repairs and maintenance of the finishedsurface of the party watl located wiEhin a townhouse shall bethe sole expense of the owner of that townhouse. 9. If the party wa1l is damaged or destroyed by Lhe act,detault or negrigence of one of the owners of a townhouse, suchowner sha1l rebuild said wall and shalr compensat.e the otherowner for any damage to the property of the-other onner. I t' 4. To the extelt Lhat damage to the party wall is coveredby.insurance, the full insurance-proceeds slall,-be used and ap-plied to. repair, restore and replice the party wall. Any defi-ciency shall be tlre joilt expen-se of uhe bwneis, withouE-prejudice,however, to the right of any olrner to demand a larger contriLution'from Ehe other "qeT under iny rule of 1aw regardiig liability fornegligent or willful acts or omissions. 5. Notwithstanding any provision of this Article to thecont,rary, an ordner who by his negligent or willful act causes aparty wal1 to be exposed to the elements shall bear the wholecost of furnishing Ehe necessary prot.ection against such elements. 6. An owner shall have the right to maintain and repair any uEility installations located wiEhin a party wa11 and in sodoing, shall restof,e the party wall to its original condition. ARTICLE II Insurance 1. The owners shall jointly obtain replacement value insurancefor the entire building in an amouxt, equal to eighty percenE (80%)of the value of the building, which anounts shall be reviewedannually by the or,rners, which shall insure against loss or damageby fire or other hazards. Premiums for such insurance shall bea joint expense of the ov,ners, each owner to pay one-half (L/2)of such expense within ten (10) days of the receipt of the premium notice for such policy. In the event owner fails to make any pa)rmenE required by Ehis paragraph, the rights grant,ed to anon-defaulting olrner in Article VII hereof sha1l obtain. 2. In addition Eo the aforesaid insurance reguired to becarried by the o!,,ners, an owrrer may, if he desires aE his own . expense, insure his own townhouse unit for hLs own benefit and'carry any and all other insurance he deems advisable. It shall be the individual responsibility of each o!firer at his own expenseto provide, as he sees fit, homeolrner's liability insurance,theft and other insurance covering personal properEy darnage or loss. ARTICLE III ArchiEectural Control 1. No building or fence shall be erected, placed or altered on either Parcel A or Parcel B until the buiLding plans, speci-fications and Pl-ot Plan showing the nature, kind, shape, heighE, materials and locat.ion of such structure shall have been submittedto and approved in writing by the other owner, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 2. The selection of color, quant.ity and style of palnt, exterior decoration, and any naterials, or contractors or labor Eo perform any aspect of the exterior maintenance shall be sub-j ect to the approval of borh owners, whieh approval shall not be unreesonably withheld. ARTICLE IV Exterior Maintenance l. The cost of repairs and mainEenance of Ehe building, including buL not limited to, painting, replacemen! and care and utillty services utilized 1n common by the owners, shall be Ehe joint expense of the owners; provided, however, that-in the event th-e need for maintenance or repair is caused through the willful or negligent, act of the owner, his family, or guests or invit,ees, lhe cosE of such maintenance or repair shall be borne by such oltner. -2- 1. The townhouses located on Parcel A and B hereof shall be used for residenEial purposes only- No structures of a temporary charact.er, trailor, tent, shack, .gatage, 91toor other'out-Luilding shal1 be used on any PQrtion of said Propertyat any time as a resldence, either temporarily or Petlnanently. 2. Parcel A and B shall each be conveyed as a seParately -designated and legally described free-hold estate, subject to the terns, conditions-and provisions hereof . 3. No animals, livestock, or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any of said 1ots, except thaE dogs, cats or oEher household pets may be kept provided that, they are not. kept, bred or maintained for any cotunercial PurPoses- 4, No advertieing signs (except one of.not more than five square feet "For Rent"-or t'For Sal.et'- per lot), billboards, un- sightly objects, or nuisances shall bb erecte{, Pl9ced or PermitUed t.o-remain -on Parcel A or B, nor shall either Parcel be used in any way or for any purpose which may endanger the lrealth, or unreason- abiy disturU tirl owner or residbnt of -he adjoining townhouse. 5. A11 rubbish, Erash and garbage shall be regularly removed from the premises, end shall not be allowed to accumulaEe thereon. 6. A11 fixtures and equipment installed within a townhouse, comrnencing at a point where -th-e utitity 1ines, -pipes, wires, conduiLs 5r systirns enter the exterior'walls of a townhouse, shall be maintained and kepE in repair by lte owner thereof. An ov,ner shall do no act nor any work that will j-mpair any easenenE or hereditenent or do any act or allow any- condition to exi-st which will adversely affbct the other Lownhouse or its owner. 2. One-half <1-l2) of all expenses relating to the exterior maintenance of the buildings shall be paid by each oltner within ten (10) days of receipt oi statements for such services and Ehe failure by Lny such owner to make such payment when required 4erei.nsha1l givl rise to the right in Lhe non-defaulting owner seE forth in Article VII above. ARTICLE V Use Restrictions ARTICLE VI EasemenLs 1. Each townhouse and Parcel A and Parcel B upon which said townhouse is situated, shal-l be subject to an easemenE for encroachnents cieaiea by construcgioi, seEtling,and overhang as designed. or constructed by the Declarant' A valid easemenc f"r-""i[ ".*roacirmenL and f or' the maint,enance of same, so long as it sEands, shall and does exist. In the event the townhouse building is partially or totally destroyed, and Lhen rebuilt' ;t;-;;Er;-"i-lh; toi^hoo"e agrLe that ;inor encroachnentg of Parts oi ttt. adjacent io*f.t"""" unii due to construction shal1 be per- ,oici"a an"d that a valid easeinen! for said encroachment and the maint.enance thereof shall exisE' 2. There is hereby created a blanket easenenL upon' across' over and under all of Pircel A and Parcel B and the improvemenEs situaEe thereon, for ingress' egress, installation., T"Pfl"+lq.i-^,;;;;i;i";--i.ta *iintainifig a1i uiitities including but not limr-ted to \dater, se\rer,;;;;-;;i.pttJoe and electricity'- By viruue of this -3- easemenc, it shall be expressly permissable for the providingelectricaL and/or telephone company !o erect and maintain the necessary equipment on said Parcel A and B and to affix and maintaineleetrical and/or telpehone wires, curcuits and conduits on, above, across and under the roofs and exterior walls of said townhouses. Each owner shall have an easenent for ll.otLzontal and lateral supporL of his unit. The owner of Parcel hereby grants to thL- owner of Parcel a four (4) foot wfG-access eesementfor ingress and egreFs to the electrical circuit breaker. 3. Any utility service provided to the building for conmon utlLization by each townhouse sha11 be the joinL exPense of the owners and the rules respecting a nonpayment of any such joint expense as set forth in Article VII hereof, shall obtain. In the event that an improvement to joint utilities are for Lhe comfort or convenience of a single owner and other owner does not elect in advance in writing to share experrse, then uhe uuiliEy service shal1 not be deemed to be at joint expenses of both owners even though common utilization results from the improvement. ARTICLE VII Rernedy for Nonpayment of Joint Expenses 1. In Lhe event anv ioint expense of the olrrrers is not paid within twenty (20) Sals after'notice of such debt, such amount may be paid by the other o\^tner and shall, upon-recording said lien- with- the Cierk and Recorder of Ehe County of Stace of Colorado, beeome a lien upon the non-paying owner's - ,loE and townhouse and sha1l continue to be such lien until fully paid. This lien shall be subordinate to the lien of aqy first rnortgage and shall be enforceable in an action at law for the colleclion of a debt and to enforce ,the aforesaid lien by all meLhods available for Ehe enforcement of such lien, including foreclosure by an action broughg in the na.ne of the_non-defaulting o\,iner in a likL manner as a de6d of ffusE lien on real properEy, and such defaulting owner hereby expressly grants to the non-defaulting owner a por,'rer of sale in connection with said lien. 1. In the event of any dispute arising between the owners concerning any provision of this Declaration the sane sha1l be determined Uy'albitration, unless otherwise agreed between the o\^,ners in writing. In such eveng the owner desiring such arbitra- tion shal1 serve upon ti're other owner a notice in writing requiring hirn within ten (10) days to nane an arbitrator and at the same time and by Che'sasre o6tice shall advise ti-re said owner of Uhe "ibitr"tor'selecEed by the owrler giving such not,ice. Upon the second olrner naming in arbitratoi, the two arbitrators together itaft choose a third arbitrator. Should there be a refusal or neglecE to appoint an arbitrator, as provided he:ein the owner re{uesting aiLitration may requesg appoiltne"-t oI an arbitrator Uy'"-:"aeE of tn" District Corirt in iird for Ehe County gf e1q1?' Si:ate-of-Colorado, and the period of time provided herein shall be extende<l from ihe daue of selection by said judge' 2. Such arbirraEors sha1l proceed Eo hear and consider the matEer in accordance with Colorado Revised StatuEes L973, $13-22-201, ;;-;;"4;d ("Uniform Arbigration Act"), as !he- same may exist at the rime of such arbitration pro...Jiii,_and shaLl-witirin thirty (30) davs of the appoi"l*.rf oi rtrl third al6iUr"tor make an award Iliiri"g-;t"-;;i,1 ai*p"t. and advising the parties of their rights under this agreemenE ind directing th6 paynlnt co, one owner by the o-,G; of any-",g-iii"ti"y-be due ind owin-g to such owner or directing ARTICLE VIII Arbitration -4- one owner to take such action as may be required under this agreeBent. F"i4 award, -if eoncurred in by a urajority o-f such arbitrators shar-be final and binding upon the parri6s helero. ARTICLE IX General Provisions l. Invalidation of any one of Ehese covenants, easements,reservaEions, Iiens, charges, conditions or restrictions by judg- ment or cour! order shall in no wise affect any other provisionswhich shal1 remain in fu1l force and effect. 2. The covenanEs, easements, reservations, liens, chargesconditions and restrictions of this DeclaraEion shall run with and bind the land and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceableby the or^/ner of Parcel A and B subject to this Declaration, theirrespective legal representatives, heirs, successors, and assignsfor a t,erm of twenty (20) years from the date this DeclaraEion isrecorded, after which time said covenants shall be automaticallyextended for successive periods of ten (10) years. The termsof this Declaration may be amended by an instrument signed by eachof fhe Ehen existing ol,wrers. Any amendment made must be properlyrecorded at t,he office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. 3. To the extent they are notprovisions of this Declaration, theparty walls shall apply to Ehe real 4. The singular wherever used herein sha11 be construed Eo mean the plura1 when applicable and the necessary gramatical changes required to make the provisions hereof apply either tocorporations or individuals, men or women, shall in all casesbe amended as though in each case fully expressed, inconsist,enE with thegeneral rules of law regardingproperty subject hereEo. 5. Whenever consentshall not be unreasonably IN WITNESS WHEREOF,herein, has hereunder set STATE OF COLORADO COTIAITY OF BOTILDER The foregoing day of is required under this agreement, consent wirhheld. the undersigned, being the Declaranthis hand and seal this day of , Lg7g. ffi (SS.) instrument, was acknowledged before ue this , L979, byOiiraLd Gnridel Declarant. My conmission expires:(SEAL) _ ri_ Wr/*t,ea*n - i 1 X,-"";)ty tua //b I department of community development 22 August 19?8 the Minutes of the meeting of August 22, L978, Your request for resubdivision was approved, but please be advised of the ten (10) day appeals period which ma^kes the declsion of the Planning & Environmental Commissionfinal on September 1 , L978. SilcereIy, Q1'g*an Zoning Administrator JAR/gew lnlln vail, colorado 81657 {3031 47S5613 Deane Knox 1 Downing Deuver, Colorado 80218 Dear sir: Please find enclosed copy of Planning & Environmental- Commission llal t s 'lr o ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION August 22, 1978 MEMBERS: MINUTES PLANNING &Meeting of COMMISSION STAFF The Easement first Trade item on thein Sunburst agenda, Shapiro Ed Drager, Chalrman Sandy Mills Ron Todd Roger Tilkemeier Gerry White Jim Rubin - Recreation Frank Dalton of Shapiro Construction Co. made,thepresentation on this item. Ee explained to the commi.ssionthat the areas involved are identical and stated thar, E'ldonBeek, a Consultant for the Town of Vail has reviewed thi-splan and has approved it. The area will be treated as arecreational area with picnic tables etc. Ji.m Rubln advised the Commission that in accordancewith the special Development District they were required toput-in this recreational area that will bL used foi FallridgeCondo ald Townhouse residents. ' Mr. Dalton also stated that he wou1d. like to see thebicycle path connect wlth this area and that they would notbe unwilling to have the area used by the public. After further dlscussion Gerry ltrhite made the Motionto approve the Recreati-on Easement rrad.e in sunburst tr'iIing B .requested by shapiro and in accordanee with the Department ofcommunity Development recommendations. The Motion was seconded rby Ron Todd and the Commission voted unanimously to approve. Number 2 on the agenda, Vail Assoeiates Inc. - Gondolaf Proposal - Parking Variance. Phil Ordway of Vail Associates, Inc, mad.e the presentationto the commission. He brought in a model of the proposed structure,and advised the commission that it has been reviewea- uy TerryMinger and Eldon Beck and they generally agree with the proposal . Ed Drager advised Vail Associates on the $1 ,OOO as5essmentper parking space as set forth by Town Council and Mr. Ordwaystated that they will comply with the stlpulations on this. Mr. Ordway explained to the Commission that this variancerequest is contingent upon the trorest Service granting V.A.access across Forest service rand and that to date he does nothave the signed perrnit, however, the Forest Service has given averbal ok and wi.th some changes in drawings etc, a permii willbe issued. Mr. Orclway is asking the Commission to give their o Minutes - PEC Augu-st 22, 1978 Pg. 2 approval subject to the Town of Vail withholding the Building Permlt until Forest Service approval is given. Mr. Ordway then explained that they are now seeking approval for 6 covered parking spaces rather than the 15 sought i.n the initial request. They feel there will be no impact on the Village Core as all deliveries etc. will be made at the rear of the proposed building. IId explained that the parking spaces were ieduced because of changes in their drarvings and their need for more Storage space and more Space for mountain operations. Sandy Mills asked whether there would be room for one car per apartment .Mr. Ordway stated that they may have the Association lease the spaces to owners of the units as needed, they are not yet sure of assignments for the spaees. Sandy Ml1ls wonders about the excess cars that may have to be absorbed by the public parking areas in Vail and we may be behind ln planning for the extra spaces that may be needed. - Mr. Ordway then showed the site plan and floor plans to the Commission. He also explained that there is land conveyed to the Town of Vail for a park, and that they moved their structure in 20 feet and have decided that it would not be a good i-dea to build underneath this piece that the Town of Vail will use for a park. He went on to say that with the rear access it will be a big safety feature, as injured skiers will be brought directly to their first aid station and then moved on to the clinic without the ambulance havi.ng to come through and back tbrough the core. There will be separate delivery doors for the few commercial ,spaces that are allotted for this structure. There will aLso be'private entry for the condominium olvners. He explained that 4 condominiums are planned and one small manager's unit. They feel that a resident manager for the building will prevent unluthorized parking and parking abuses by tenants' They itan to have 10-15 minute delivery zone. They are planning r tey controlled gateway to the structure and possibly a te1enh919 wherL a delivery man, shop owner or resident would have to identify themselves to gain entry. Ron Todd asked how wide the roadway will be' Mr' Ordway stated it will be approximately 20 feet wide, will be wider than the standard drivewa-y. Ir{r. Ordway assured the Commissicin that the leases will contiin strong language to make sure the tenants and shop owners do not abuse the 10-15 minute delivery zone. Jim Rubin told the commission that staff recommends approval and. supports the.concept rvhere there will be no additional trattic through the Co"" and maJor pedestrian areas with the rear access and covered Parking. t Minutes - PEC August 22, 1978 Pg. 3 Gerry White made a Motion to approve the Parking Variance for the proposed Gondola I structure requested by Vail Associates, ioc., contingent on the Forest Servl,ce approval on access through their land and according to the Department of Community Development memorandum dated August 21, 1978 with the retord sfroiing the request for 6 covered parking spaces rather than the 15 spaces initially requested' Ron Todd seqouded the Motion and the Comrnisiion voted unanimous approval . The third item on the agenda, lst Bank of ..Vail - Request for Conditional UsP Pgrmit- a+4 -P-arking Variance he banl<--bgr.!q.ing' Jay Peterson, Attorney made the presentation to the Commissitn. Ee explained tlere is a Joint Parking Agreement between the lst Aa-nX ot vail and the vail Interfaith chapel to use the area behind the chapel for the additlonal parking area needed by the bank. Mr. Peterson feeLs the Conditional Use permit requested should be granted beeause this is the best place for the bank aud it does not impact the area in its-present location. In regard to the viriance from Covered Parkj-ng'he'feels covered p*"kittg"*ou1d be inappropriate-for the bank' it would be hard io get-in and out causing traffic tie ups and would be difflcult to keep clean, etc' He stated they had been trying to work with ihe Vilia Cortina on this ' expansion, but that they had been unwilling to cooperate with these Plans. Ken lfentworth, Architect for the project showed the drawings of the proposed addition to the Commission' IIe-xpiaiieO that tire i.aaition will take one row of existing p"ik:..tg (approx' 11 spaces), whieh will be picked up by t!t9 joint pair.iig ,""'r-u*irino irre chapel. 4e stated there vril1 ie tanbscaplng between the proposLO aOO:-tion and the Vil1a Cortina *"4-"""."ning"of the parking proposed behind the Chapel' tie-expfained that the alternative proposal would be to raise ln. n-oifaing and.put parking in underneath and he feels this will not *otk .tu*iiv i" well , it would have to be a split level and the addition *outO have io be 5 to 6 feet higber' Sandy Mills asked whether there would be a basement and Mr. Wentworth said no- Chairman Drager asked whether a Setback would be'needed? It was felt there wouLd be no setback required beeause the bank owns haif itre tand. Jim Rubin stated that he would speak to Larry Rider for a ruling on this' a I Minutes-PEC August 22, 1978Pg. 4 Sandy Mi11s suggested that the employees using theparking should park in back of the Chapel alleviating someof the movement of traffic to the back of the Chapel.It was exptained that the employees have been p"rting on thenorth side of the bank in the srnall 1ot because of thecongestion through traffie makes between the two stop signson this corner. Gerry Whlte asked about controlling the 1ot, Mike Loken a bank officer was present and explainedthat they did have an employee in the 1ot during the winterseason from 8 a.m. to 2 p.rn. and that under the proposedplan, the back 1ot behind the chapel would be used by employeesof the bank so that they would.not have to control this area. Ron Todd asked about the percentage of landscaping required. Ken 'lfentworth stated that they would be increasing the amount of landscaping, Ron Todd stated that he doesn't thinkthey can meet the 3O% requirement. Jay Peterson stated thathe was unsure of this and would check into it. Jim Rubinstdted that they would not be taking ar/ay auy landscapingso that the site though non-conforming would not be made morenon-conforming, they are not taking out any green, only asphaltand sidewalk. Ron Todd and the other Commission members feel thatthere were important points missed on this and that they shouldbe advised b5r Larry Rider, Town Attorney Ed Drager stated that with the change in staff fromone Zoning Adminiptrator to another, and the Commission'sfeelings that there are points which are unclear, he doesn'twant to stand on what is being said at this time. Jay Peterson asked that the Department of Cornmunity Development memorandum be part of this record. Terry Quinn, Attorney was present representing ownersof units in the Villa Cortina. He stated that none of the alternatives to the proposed bank addition are agreeable to the unit owners, they donft likethe idea of the parking lot in back of the Chapel and they don'tlike the idea of the bank addition- They do not rvant their views blocked J-n any way and they take the posltion that tbe Setback'Variance should be required, as they feel the building rvi1l betoo close to the property line due to the one-half ownership. 'lE Minutes-PEC August 22,1978 Pg. 5 He further advised the Commission that the Deed to the Chapel from. Vail Associates, fnc. contains the phraseology which would prohibit commercial use of any of the churchproperty and is restricted to church or religious use only. He stated that there are 5 owners present today and tbey wantto state their opposition to the bank addition. He feels the lrst Bank of Vail is entitled to no more or no less than any other commercial businsses in'Vail- and he .also feels thereis speeial privilege being granted the bank in this case.It ls hj-s feellng that the bank should convert the condominiumsin the bank into office area if they need the expansion.In reference to the Conditional Use Permit, he feels permission for this addition would crowd the area and would be injuriousto the property owners of Villa Cortina. lle also questions the landsciping requirement as brought up by the Board Ed Drager stated that he feels they should meet the 30% landscaping requirement - Terry Quinn went on to say that he feels a self-imposed I hardship is not valid for granting a varianse and the bank should consider a nelv site where they can have additional parking. Jim Rubin reminded the Commission that the Town Cou4cil will have to make the final decision on off-site and the joint parki-ng use, this is not part of the variance that is requested today Sandy Mi1ls commented that the joint use of the parking rnakes alot of sense There was further diseussion on the zoning in the atea' Chapel in Agricultural , Bank and Villa Cortina in Public Accommodation and the inherent problems with thj.s. Jay Peterson asked that the matter be tabled until the next Commj-ssion meetlng. Tbe Vill-a Cortina owners were then asked to speak to the Commission. Bob Qualls who owns unit 125 stated he had been driving through this valley for 20 years, he thinks that its beauty is being destroyed with all the additional parking being put in. He doesn?t wantthe Villa Cortina surrounded by paving he stated that he knows the condominiums in the bank are owned by officers and employees and that they should take this space for banking services instead of adding to the existing building. Henry Gerken who owns unit 220 then spoke in opposition. He cl.oes nbt want his view obliterated and agrees with all the statements made by [Ir. Qual]s. A woman then spoke in opposition (Icouldn't hear hei name). She does not want parking close to the Vi1la Minutes-PEC August 22, 1978 Pg. 6 Cortlna and feels the lot is too close to the creek. Ed Drager then questioned whether there should be a streamsi.d.esetback. Boger Tilkemeier felt that to ansli'er aLl the questionsbrought up today this matter should be tabled uatil the nextregularly scheduled meeting. . His Motion j-s to tablethe lst Bank of Vail request for a Conditional Use Permit andParking Variance until the Planning & Environmental Commissionmeeting scheduled for September 12, 1978. Gerry White secondedthe Motion and the Cornmission voted unanlmously to table this matter. The 4th item on the agenda, Wede1 Inn - Rezoning from Prtbllc Accommodatlon to CCl has neen EfrEciiawn@E[ET[[lTcant. The Commlssion requested that itemat this ti-me. Casolar Vail IIof Lot 7 Deane Knox and llarold Engstrom were present to speak tothe Gommission. They explaj,ned their proposal which is basicallya townhouse concept. Their proposal is for 2,400 sq. ft. duplexIots and one 3,200 sq. ft. triplex lot. ?he units will be 1,400sq. ft. GRFA and the density meets the Zoning Ordinance requirementsas stated by Jim Rubin. Their access will be from Sandstone Road and Vail View Drive. The covenants have architectural controls. Ron Todd made the Motion to approve Casolar Vail If requestfor Resubdivision of Lot 7,.B1ock A, Lionsridge filing No. 1as it is in accordance with the eluster housing concept and has been recommended for approval by the Department of Community Development. Gerry'White seconded the Motion and the Commissionvoted unanimous approval . Item 5 on the agenda was then discussed. Cooper -Lots discussed number six be - Request for Besubdivlsion 20-1 and 20-2 (Resub. Lot 20) Bighorn Subdiv, request forvacation of 1ot line between these two 1ots. The owner wants to work rvith this site as a whole. These are two Residential Cluster sites, 9 units are permitted, the owner is putting .only 7 units on the site. Tbe Comrnission asks for the owner's reasoning on ttris request.It was explained during discussion that it may be more feasibleto vacate the lot 1i.ne making one single site so that theywill only have to have one driveway for aceess to the project. It was noted that the plan is to save trees on the site by arranglng the buildings around the existing trees.. The Design Review Board had approved this p1an. The Commission feeLs the plan as a singleproject is a good idea and gives the project more flexibility. Roger Tilkemeier made the Motion to approve the vacation 't;R t Minutes-PEC August 22, 1978Pg. 7 of the lot line between Lots 20-1 and 2A-2 a Resubdivision of Lot 20, Bighorn Subdivision as requested. Ron Todd seconded the Motion, the Commi.ssion voted 4 for approval and Gerry White voted in opposition, Item 7 on the agend.a was Avalanche Report foi Bighorn Estates. This will be set aside for a future meeting for Commission review. The 8th item on the agenda was to be confirmation of Pam Garton as rotating Commission member to Design Review Board. Mrs. Garton was not present. The last item on the agenda was approval of Minutes for,the meeting of August 8, L978. Gerry White made. the Motion to approve the l{inutei of the Commission meeting of August 8, 1978. Roger Tilkemeier seoonded the Motion, the Commission voted approval with Sandy Mi1ls and Ron Todd abstaining. Ed Drager advised the Commission that the Town Council will be inteiviewing and appointing the new Planning & Environmental Commission member to replace Scott Hopman. . Meeting adjourned - 5:30 P.M. PI]BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that Casolar Vail II has requested the Resubdivision of Lot 7, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. 1. A Public llearing will be held in accord with Article III, Section 2 of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Couunission on August 22, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. Said heari-ng will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOIYN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OI' Published in COMMI'NI TY DEVEI.OPMENT a^L n Administrator the Vail Trail August 4, L978. u\lmes a. fubicting Zoning ! "'t o PT'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that Casolar Vail II has requested the Resubdivision of Lot 7, Block A, Lionsridge Filing No. 1. A Public Hearing witl be held in accord with Article III, Section 2 of the Subdivision Regulatj-ons of the Town of Vail before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Cosprission on August 22, 19?8 at 3:00 P.lvI. Said hearing wil-l be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ting Zoning Administrator the Vail Trail August 4, Lg78.Published in HOMESTAKE Richard L. & Dolores M. Blake 3219 So. Dayton Court Denver, Co1o.80231 Ooiottry IV. Williams 259 So. Teller #138 Lakewood, Co1o. 80226 Ulrich-Ha1 1 er-C1ough1y elo Lurry A. Ulrich Combs-Gates. Inc. Stapleton Airport Denver, Co1o. 8O2O7 Larry A. Ulrlch Gordon C. Ham 3621 E. Giddes. Pl-ace Littleton, Colo. 80122 Donald C. & Janet A. lVesmiller 7089 Bloomington Ave. So, Richfield,. Minn . 55423 McCauley & Myers Watson 6645 Xenan Dr. Arvada, Co1o. 80004 Paul & Carolyn J. Vesterstein 3822 Gladstone Duluth, Minn. 55419 Richard J. & Gale H. Van Ort 1853 So. Robb St. Lakewood, Co1o. A0226 Paul E. Sherrod Bos 2249 - Vail Thomas P. Scholtans 1330 Steel Denver, Co1o. 80206 Jack L. & Sharon K.Rowe L246 Cherry Denver, Colo. 8O22O Joye G. Rivers 464 So. Carr St. l)enver, Colo. 80226 OVER ?ss o Paul J. & Joan A. Dyke t Mark Smith 2329 So. St. Paul Box 3377 - Vail Denver, Colo. 80210 Royal Daniel Sloan, Jr. Roger A. & Coralee E. Drobney 850 20th St. 133 Miffli.n Boulder, Colo. 80302 Lansing, Mich. 489L2 Paul S. Lerner Victor Mark Donaldson Thomas R. Olson Box 3667 - VaiI 3 Birch Tree Court Elmhurst, Il1 . 60126 Jacob R. Giles Alfred B. Perkins A. J. & Mary L. Kovarik 122 Sagewood Dr. 516 So, Youngfield Court Jamestown, No. Carolina 27242 Lakewood, Colo. 80228 Josiah Fuller Gregoroi & Haydee C. Kort 4930 London Rd. 3209 Colfax Duluth, Minn. 55804 Pueblo, Colo, 81008 II. tr'rederich & Carolyn M. tr'odrea T.J. Koller 5630 So. Lansing R.T. Hopstmeyer Englewood, Colo. 8011-0 1680 So. Perry Denver, Colo. 80219 Constantine J. Faliers 6625 East ExPosition Ave. Wi.lliam S. Matthew Denver, Co1o. 80222 330 Ave. M. Sort Dodge, Iowa 50501 Gerald L. & Barbara A. Jagrowski 8709 Pappas Way Linda S. Marini-er Annandale, Ya. 22OO3 401 Toughy Ave. Des Plaines, I11. 60018 J.A. Hyder Construction Co. 4850 Jackson Meti1l Kerheim Denver, Colo - 80216 Geo. D. Eggers, Jr., et al 5?95 Lupine Dr. JosePh D. Holahan Littleton, Colo. 80123 1653 Kearney St. Denver, Colo. 8O22O Richard O. & Carol Ann Pittam ?65 Josephine St ' Happe-Losey-Barkelew Denver, Colo. 80206 1240 South Birch Denver, Colo. 80222 M.K. Pfizenmaier John J. Kukla Hanlon-Fahner-Breakey/DBA BFII Co. L5892 State Road 2O2 E. Huron Royalton, Ohio 44133 Ann Arbor, Mich' 48108 Pettee Industries, Inc. Wilbur J. & Raeburn E. GIay Box 2637 - Vail Box 22L Newton, Conn, 06470 Empire Savings B1dg. & Loan Assoc- 62l tTth st. Suite 1900 Admissions Management Assoc. Denver, Colo. 8O2OZ 1355 Logan Denver, Colo.8O2O3 Lawrence G. EmPeY Penelope C. Brittingham John Dickson Sazley 1600 Bioadway Suite 2575 6165 East Iliff #3180 Denver, Co1o, 8O2OZ Denver, Colo. 80222 Pg. 2 - HOMESTAKE Roger P. & Nansy L. Anderson James Martinc/o G'B' Anderson listed as owning A-3o1612 Normandy Rd' But no address given.New'ton, Ks. 67114 A.D. ChambersL.E. Austin, et al 429 lltest tOth St. Pueblo, Co1o.81003 Jean D. CarterElsie M. Good 5660 So. Syracuse Circ1e Englewood, CoLo.80110 Carpenter-Hamc/o LTC Robert Carpenter PCS Box 8188 APO New York, N.Y. 09012 Donald R. Carpenter 7160 Clay St. Westminster, Co1o. 80030 Calkins, Kramer, Grj-mshaw & HarringSuite 1410 lst National Bank Bldg. Denver, Colo. 84202 H. Ilarold Calkins L425 E. Jefferson Ave, Englewood, Colo. 80110 Richie M. BynumPatricia Foote Box 942 Ullpalakua, Maui, Hawaii 56790 Stewart H. Brown Box 101Vail Linda K. Broughton 240 Ash Denver, Colo. 8O22O Penelope C. Brittiugham 4595 So. High Englewood, Colo.80110 Roy Bretz 7670 W. loth Ave. Denver, Colo.80215 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Casolar Vail II has requested the Eesubdivision of Lot 7, Bloch A, Lionsridge Filing No. 1. A Public }learing will be held in accord with Article IIf, Section 2 of the Subdivision Regulations of the Town of Vail before the Town of Vaj,l Planning &.Environmental Commission on August 22, 19?8 at 3:OO P.M. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OT VAIL DEPARTMEM OF COI'IMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT Administrator Published in the Vail Trail TELEMARK W.B. McCartney Oi1 Co' c/o John Looney 2200 West LooP Houston, Texas Richard A. & Elaine A.. Swenson 4625 Bluestem Lane Colorado Springs, Colo. 80917 Squash Blossom Inc. 156 Chase Stone Court Co1o. Sprgs, Co1o. 80903 R.C. Cousins c/o Kay Co. Box K Van Buren Ark. 72956 John & MarY KwaPll Box 1607 Vail , Colo. 81657 J. Robert Manzanares Box 1704 - Vai1, Colo August 4, L978. John Cogswell Box 549 Vail, Colo Jeffrey & Maro SelbY Box 1528 - Vail Michael Carlisle Box 2536 - Vail H.A.&S Rental Co. 2020 l[adsworth Blvd. Lakewood, Colo. 80215 Ronald & Jean Walsh Bt I Box 334 U Evergreen, Co1o. 80439 Marijke Brofos Box 97 - Vail Boulder Travel AgencY, Inc. . 2407 AraPahoe Boulder, Colo. 80203 Nancy M. Brown 1166 Ho11is Dr. Abilene, Tex4s 79605. OVER- cting Zoning uff_ George H. Shortlidge Box 3314Vail James & Pat Barry Box 1905 - Vail LARRY Agneberg Box 2955 - Vail A1lan Roshki-nd 833 Wagner Road Glenview, I11. 60025 A11an Jacobson Box ?3 Vail John B. Sweeney 25991 Calle Rieardo San Juan Capistrano, Calif. Antoine & Karen llertzog Box 682 - Vail Marson Pierce Box 865Vail 92675 { r.- {., g EX tBtT "8' DtCDTRA?IO:l OF COV!:;n:iTs Al:D.-riSTRlCTlOiiS ?HIS D'CLARi'IC::, 19?8, bt DE;:;! t,. ;il:Oi: a:rd called peveloper t -.6ie'.::s day of 1-aO ir;.Y:i:t', he re ina f ter t]fT:t:ssaTH, _ l{t!:!r:As, Develoser i--si:cs to pro\'iCe :or the .Er€ser'.a.,io:t o: the values aiti a;e:aities 1n tbe sub- iirisio:: !: ilol'n as Casolar ie1 :;orte, anC, to t'Dis end, dcsi:cs to subject the real propcrty described in i.rticle 1I to the col'e.a;:ts, res'.!ictioDs, easernents, cleicgg a:lC l:cns he:-ei::..:t'ir 5c: io.:h, each and all c{ r-5ic:: :s a::i arc for tie be::.:i-. of sE!i prope:i:' ane each o^_ie ! :hc:(!o:; and ' Ir';E.qtAS. De','elopcr ires iee::ied it desirable, ior'i5e ef :icjert .arese:!';_-ior o: :ie va]!€s ai,d arirenitie5 i:r saiC cor,Tunit)', to c!€atc an agency to !:5ich s:-,ould be dcleda:ei a;la essi-crsd the pc. els of Fairiaiiirg anC aiirinis'.er:iq tie coFrruDity properties ard iacjl!ties anC acni.::is'-eri;i9 arrd eniorcing the ccvena:-.:s aid restrictions aaC collecting ar.l diSbursing t:1e assessi_."tts anal c.-iarnes lrcreilrafte! c!eated; arral ll:;UP;AS D-eveloiJer has incorporated under tbe laris o: the Stat.e of Colorado, es a noi-p!'o:ii ccrgora- tio:t, .i:-e casor,nR DtL :ioR"g lroilE cl:i:Rs lssocl.ATroil, for thc pura,cae of ."xetc\s!n9 the ft rctions aforesaidt ;!O:i. ?i:tRElo?t, .-he Developar declares that the real prole::y Cescribed in ;rLicle Ir, j.s and shall. be h"1C, taE!:s:e!:_aC, solC, coi\.eycd and occugied subject tg the cove;raits, restrictiors, eesei:9nt5, che!9es and liens (sot:1e'.i;:,es refer:'cd to as "covenarts and rcstfic- tiors" ) hereinriter sct forth. ARrI Cl,s r qE:_l.yrl_q!. ' Sect:on I. The follo;{ing vrords $hen used in thc D4cl a ri, t-r dl'-5i-aa1. s!?pl€nclttai Declaration ($nlcss th(' co:-,'-ext s:iill proh;bit' shall hove the {ollo$in9 r.qa!) r r, cs: (a) "lrseoqiatio:r" shcll neai .rnrj refcr to,the C.\SOL-\R OiL NO:tlt: iia,:18 ol:liEIiS ;SSOCI.iilC:l; (b) "fhc ?rolrcrtics" sh.lll nL'a:1 nnd rcfL:! to all e;:isti:1g iljopsrtics subjcct to this $ocliritioni (c) "Co:r,i1on Pl_o?e(ties" shall lrcnn and rLrfor to Lhose.ir-o.1s o: lird s:rcl\,rr oil nny re.,)rdrd subdivision plat cit'i:1c Pro'jol.tios nnd ini:L-n,jed Lo be dcvotcd to thc coi:.fion usc ..r!rd on jo);r'-nt of the Criners of The Proi;er t ics t (d) "Lot" shall ircith and re(e! to cach of thc Len (10) arciis indicdLcd on (hc i'liip attnc:tcd to and incor.gor.lted :lercin as Fxllibit ";\". tha bouncarics of Nhich shall 1ir:lit.rnd locat€ cach of Lhe tcn Du!lditrg SiLesr {c) rrDrvcLling 0Di'i" shrll Inc.rn a:rd reler to any room or group of t'ooiits in a tNo-la:riIy builCing Nith kitchcn filcilitics dcsigned for or uscd by o;:e family 6s an independelrt hoi:re\L'cPi::9 unit; (f) "fahily" s:riiiI licdn and tefer to an individual, or t o or moLc p.erscns rclated by blcod, narriage, or ai:ootion, c>:c1!Cing doriestic servants' living Logcti)er in a Cr"e1)ing u:rit used as a single housekcepi:lg unitr or a grou? cf not i{ore thEn four un- related pcxsons living togctltcr in a dltclling unit used as a single housciceping unlt. (g) iouner" shal! mean end refer to the lecoril orlncr, uhcther onc ot lnorc Persons oL cntities, of thc {ce sinple title to nny 1ot situa'icd rito;l ihe Prol)']rLica l)ut. noL\ritIstandirlg i\t1y .1pPl jc.rble theo!'y of tire $or1939c, shalL not i:4.,n or acfqr to thc iro!-tga.l.e , lrnlcss.'rnd urtil stlch mor:tiJrgcc h.rs acqrtircd titib Pur_ suint to f.)rcclosute or nry pr_ocacding in licu cf foic- closuret (h) "t:cjrlx'r" :jh,1lI tn,lnn nDd rcfer lio all tlrosc O\"irer's \"ho a!c lnc:r))ers of tho ]:;sociation as pri.oviCcd in Axticlc rII, Scctior) I , hci,rof; (i) "st ructrtrc" shRll nc;';r irrC rr'fcr: to orlyLhing consLtrlctcil or cl(-cLc(l $ith.1 li:i.'d lod)tion on the 9r'ou|d. but not inclr-rding Polcs, liir.rs' cil)lcs' or othc;' t|:ansni:tsion or (!istriL.uLion fn'ji !iti.rs of p\rb- .1ic !tiliL!cs, or' trail bo:(cs or. lig)lt: fixt'rles. .\c thc discretion of thc Ar'cltitectar'11 control Cc'r.mittcc s\ririrning lrools nnd tcnniS coll|jts nkly lre .::<\in'Ptcd frc:n this dcf iit ition, CASOLAP DgL ::O:I;E o t E I o IIRTICLE iI p.!?aitj:.I_-g!gcjr-r-fLr_o:r__!:p rrr-f r_jlvlI r olr 1_o ElrL^ ;lGE prc!'" r r :.' '"i;el.i r?3; !; "o T*: i,E,"-= l-"p'ir.g. rhc rc a I i:,i;.:i;;;iF;,:,:":i:Fjii"::; j :t:i.i".[;?i'BIii.o;",, ""and Is r-ore larticurrrr!. uj".-liil; ll"llrij*!:,","n",,'t.ot A_e;nd l,ot.A_r, Lio.sridgc Filiiqi;o. t, rlI of ..r:ri..jh ;"..i-,,;;.;:;,,.:i:;,yi:j;i:lj:;t";'";:;l';:; ' '.:':!": lY ' :ii; i by thc Associttiol, sh.:ll bc a n,,_,nl>er of ,lhc issocj3ri^- ?:::.1999 tlrat.any such .Derscn or cntiry ,.'-t" f,ore"-.i.i"",rttcrcst riL'rcIy Js o leeu:ity to,: tno i,c,riorrinJ" o...obligation, shall n.:r_ ::o a r(.i11;er. l Scbtion 2. \r:rl in_q_Ril:hts-. .fhc .\ssociJtjonslra l I h avc-ir^o- J Liis.rs'?t vo E r n g i:loi,iDL,rsh i p r g_1..1s 4. 'uarn". ^,rcmbers si.all be alLo*ncrs. of l,or:s ii-tbd-sLri:ci i,., i:r ion. ai;;"-;-"-,;";:, ;-qhil I l,c cntitlc i tr) o,)(: \-otc io:- ,:.:,:)r t,ot in'r,.)r.!ci t:.:r,_.:l]:l: ]l'. iricris.. r r.rrrrir pri. r61 .,....,1;..,,'.';,,i't,:l's.."i i)i" r.$i,T L-\j) rr!)t:c ti)..r1 r)jtc;).:rr::ot) hol!:s ,;uc5 i:)tc!cjt orrntcrcsts in ..tny !,oi-, all suen pcrsons shall bc |rc!:,bcrsand the vote for such Lor shnll bc "..r"i".J .. ti",a,?ong LhenscLr.os cctL,r.nirie, but ln no ."""t-=iifi,.i."."tialD onc voto b,r c.r!t lLi I h r.(,,:l,oct to ,,r,1, ",rctr :,.r1. , Cl.!r!s B. Cl,t j;s B i:rcnbers s]:rll bc r-heDevcloper. r:re cr'ili-g,.cnrrer. sl.,.ri-ii""i'iiii"i-.J,. :l: :::-:'19. h"tf voics for cach r,or in "i.,i "rr -ii-rloio. rne rnrc!-ost rcquircd tor mcr;rbcrship uv s..'ir"^ il..provided thar flon rnd .rftcr scl,te,rterl tiii,'l':ri'cl.rss_B ;:rctr,bc r strrtl b. ,,rrtitlci ," n"'ror""if,jri=on",vote for each Lot in 1,.l1ict'quirua roi-i1",;;;=;;p";;'1.:lrl:ti: .n" interest !e- ARTICLD iV !sils_gl_4&.c'i_c_xq . -.jhc Initial noirC cf .Djtocior.s of thc Arrocia_:19:-:!.lI corrsisL of t-hr-cc ,reilbcrs. ana tne nanes lnaad(resscs of thc persons l{ :l: : i I rh" i ;,, |-., ;;;;;";.." ii, l'3 r'?,, :',i::,,: :"";;.::il itllerr sl'cccssor.!r ))c clcct,lu aj)cl ,i ilIr(lcd Jro: ii :j : ii i i*il:"f I * :*: : ; d : ; h, :,*#;-$fu i: ?**' i;ii::ii.iI, :i:ii.i:"":j j;l;,jl' :":F:jiii:il, ;:":;""..., $iitiiig;il'ii, il;;; {si5xff ti:ii:*," ::oii:'-;::.'i",1"':.";:l:i::':ll;,, ;ii:i;i"i_I:il .3,"o.,.", 5::::r';.;.:i:3.r ".,,-o, il:;;::i.:ii;i:::i. j::i" li; ?;;:"::,:"i,;i:ii ;::";::';:iii::iiidii!'i,t;?i,l,3"in'q ::;:.;i,i:i":l:iii:i,i:ni:!ii"::iiii:ill'iiil'"tin "" ;:":l:,iri;ji;!;:j:f:i''r:""iili^i;i:iiifi ."in lli 13"'i.,,., t* ;:;:.;;,;*"i::i;i'ff ::il:?';':;:,:H ;:3;::t;'t*" *,:::.. :"liii'J.[";:]:i;,,::.,:i""i;.::';3.::;,i.1:';,.il:ff;.i,:3.i:ll:y, con vcl s - o r i ; ;";-;.;.I;. i;:":il;'l." uo nppri.,lil ij :l:r":3.yili::.:rtl,,ilii,;"crararjon sha,l o DcJlrc L. Xr)ox I.co Pnyno ndith liu(lson L Dc.rrD i ng St:r.ectDrnvcr, Co I orndo -10 0 lind:j1ror.Lh Ecu l cvardl.ni{criood, Colorado _ I Doutr i n9 sLroeCD(iDvcr. Co lorido r.iE:11"r!,:srtIp.\::D_\,:.)-/l:ic_I_l?1.j.:?_-J.n_ril:-nt.ol._rr.rt.o.l rr:,o i s. n, :;;1,1,,:,r;11,. l,;r'lrT1 11 Lp.. Dv .y. rlcr:,on .,r cnr I Lyrrr,ii..;, rs,;,,r,;"cc'r,7'..,,i;";;".1i: ji'llll;f,,ti'",,11,,j.11,,",n. . fl)c lio.-lrd shrII lravc Llre .p()rjcrs nird (luLi(rs sot.rorrn jn rrrc ,fdtictcs dhd Dy_T,!!,s "i - irr.-a,s""i.]iiii. t.....J . Ait,r,) c.:.u v _ctiy tj ll:li!l"F-gg_ l.!?-\ I ii.l..,::.r..j ti;(:!i _i1-, jt;l.t;li.!Li:i:l ! l;.'.rti n 1. crl..)r i,\n ?rt !:rr:.t.i,.r .,D,1 ft,.r.::,,iriI(r1.,1i,.;.rt.i.,r' .t r\s.:i.s::rn-.irr-d, -.;.tr,. tr,.r.,,t.;;r,,;l iif: ;.iii i;:' _ AITTICI,E I I I r Fi t O Lot criDcd b)' hi;i .Jithin .thc prci,erty, hcrcbir covcnrrts,and c.rch il"cr of arry r,.:t by r,cccptince;a 1 ,l;.;tne!clor [!.r,,]ther or not it rl)i,!ll ,)o so .r-;l)rcsscd in anySuch dc(jd or oth...,a r:otr...c\...1:)ljcr, col,|]n3nts and ad!4..ts topny to thc issoc:.:tion nn .1nnui1 nsscssnont or ;harge. o " ". ".,,, n n, l'i"!i li-a z;, illr,ii!*i:;H:*"-:illl i :;.,lllu :l:l::tt:Ii for ,.hc ptrr5r.rsc of pror.toiing ihe recr.:orion,n.-.a-Lth,. snieLy, 6lr, ,,c1fnro of Lhc r.rsiale,tts of The.Ptop;rlies i,;r..: jn !,rrficl|ljr, lor road naint,:;rance,ro.1-r .] 1 tcn. i.:: t ;t t-..n {n.jrr, i r r j. 1n i j On a.,or}:, proa(,ssional-ro4sr arCh.. t.lcirrril c,,,\t :.o1, .r:t,l ior any Jtlicr ob.icccor purpose j.'l ilacpir.rg .{ii:r ihc ,:bj+cr ;rnd .r jrn of IhcsecovcDants clrd co:rtaibuting,,o Lhc in..riitensnce End' proscr-vation of these cct.irnants .in fu11 for"c ina "ffu.t. S,.(i.Jir.n 3. ii,r!,ir-__of ,fu)nurl ;,$i.tcr_:'ii._,|lLs. Ulltilt:,a. te.rr b+9 i'r rr irg tanuary, i r ;-r, t:,. ;;-ni;it- ;#o=r""n.s;iall-bc fifLy Doll,rrs (9.c,0) lcr r,onrh f"..1cn-i,".,Each. o',,'ncr of a Lot shall bc iequired to nairiain-a tnree_rnorrth rcscrve assessri,.:n t contribution. Frc .rn.l .1f t.er J,)nurrry 1 , Ig7g, Llrc l:oarjal ofDircctors of it:e ;ssociation siitt, .lt"i .o""iiul"rro.,of curren: ii.in,ic:ri!ncc cosis and future ncc<is of ti:eA..r5ociat-ian, f i z the rloDthLy ,:,:lscs$ncnt9 l:asci-,_.n-._,aXu"1need. ItriLicn notice of caih such ..,o"tf,fy i.ro!*.,onashrtl be nailed to cach O:r.Dcr subjact thr;to, .na-p,r],o.ntsball. be duc r,rirhin !o,r days "r trlr" ""iiins-lf".J.iDotrce. tach rc-ber's rescrve shalL be adiusced ir,.lccordance !ith thc irootlrly .rsrcis;;rcnt r" .j"i,,r:^i""a. Pro:n and nfter J.lnuary l, l9BO, the llo.?rd ofDiroctors of tho /.\.;soci.-rtion rhaff . "fa"; ;;;";;;;;r9cut rcDL raintenirnce (:o5ts rrnd iuLurc no(:ds of LheAssociatjon, fix on ,rntrr.:I iiisossrretrt, tr..ca,,pfi o"tuaf lllld:. .1'19, i,t r ;,i.. i ni r.,,ch .1,-i o, ., j r.rL i c,n, sr,o r :' io,reiacr, 1l:,:,1":t.9t:r pri,-rly corisirloration to, the ;rro.o.i.ugyc,l!..5 nctUtI (i\f,frxdi.(.ltrcs. Ench ltc:nl).]rtS r.Os.:rVC Shallir'c o.tjrrstcd in .:ccorrlanc,: ril h such Ccter:nilltionlsuch nnnual ns.rcs.nonL !hnl1 noL bc ch,rngtd if,oin,_rfaoaunless clr.rngc is narlc il cc-rnpl i.ncc wltn-.seciicn q-toloro. S(.ctior 4. Ch:rn9c_-in_prrjs for i,nnr)nI A.,s,tss_riair.. Frc;.:-.1a,a ;,ii(.,. .r,.,;it;li'i, trr.jo, -|i,..i. ;;; in. f "-i;;, -i;r.ry .ii)-,rgc t:i)o ::;,$iri of t.lle.1!r5c:isircntG ti.i:cd ltysc.-tjon I tr,:rr--,rf, I,roviricrl rhat arry,r,r"rr-.j.,.:,ii,r.',.:,.rrrrnvc tirc,r3:;('nt of s,iv.!||Ly-[ive i)cr.ccnt (ZS?) of Llrevol4s of cach clnss of ::rc;J,,,rs "ir" n;;-u;ii;; i; ;;rrr". ::,lI-pr:-It nL a riar,Lj,''e_ orr.ry c.rirc,ri f";-i;;; ;,;ri;""",.'..rtLt.rn ;ioLrco oI e..lticit slrill lrc_r(,Dt to a1l ::ri:nrb+r.s aclcnst thriLy (lo) (liys il ;tlv;rl,:e atrd slrall l;,:i i.ritnLno prrrpo:;c ot thc rtureting. S('ct ion 5. Dnt( i,:,,-.ot;^xrott r.;.--1.ric _r-r .t.[ -;ii;",?,{{rqj]f:-li;1,1;iffi!t,1?,1v1\jillii%. hc'rein sin1l .:oixitr:tlcc on thc l5t llv c: 'li:1r:rr]'' 1!ilC' ,i",'1".,'l"f i bc pa1';rble in tHelvc c'lrrr: r'nnrtil irstill lin:tis' {:hc IirsE sucir ins'-all;cnt Lo bc I'ii'1 on thc iirJt.:Jy oi Jiru:r-v, l9SOi subdL'(!rleit i :: :i t :1 1 l : r- n i s - t o L'],'i'1id on thc f i!s',- ii;r.v of cach ir,oDth Lhcr!'iit'r' i':rt:jll ns:;csi- r,r,)Jr f s in s,.rL)$L'rlucnL )'rrIi s]rnll )rc rl':(crr'r j rrr"i on ol: :rl1f ore li"'lr.l.. "i tric i,.,-'i,o':ing -\j.nr' ilnd thrli irr 1:'r1 rr)e in r,,rrrl:h1:' inet.)lliirnts ai '_, io.|:cr':nt io::c'l ' i:riLt'jn !)otic-' oi ar,stss:-r,:ltt shall thcrcupon be senc to cve:-v C'incr subj !'ct tier eto sccr:ion 6. rf f,-cr of .:,rr , i.:) llil ! gf -l_r11,.ii:l:'--:t:,1'hq r,1'vso:rii.-ti;ti?ii'cioi.;r111; i; ri.r; ":4-,I-i''-,i -i!: I!!L:c:1 ;l-;.1 ;.;"i..,.1;i. l! L!r* i,-;::.:r'-.-"r 'i r':c 'r\)t : -'Li.\1:1 r::c ii;ti n;;' ;ii,;-irr" i,ig the diics -;:ecirie'i in.s':cLior) 3 and i."iion : licrLrof ), fhon suclr i1i!5'ssi::nt siirlr bcco;le ioiinq,'u.e ..rDd shall, to'rcther riith sirch interest.!nd lost 6t coffcction t:irereof :rs hcr'--i11'tlter i)rcvjiicd' tfr.li.u,ro" l)ccor-ro a coni:it1'ring IicD bn tho l)r'?ert)' t:ric'h shal.1 bird sllch oro'rcrtY ia ihe l'ti':rtls of thc Lbtrl ci:)cr' hio tt,.'it=, t1,:r'isc.L::;, '!)()! sornl r'r"it':r''i"ntivcs ''|1e:"iijns';:h; i;;;';;.1 "lri,laiii,n oi ',:i:: trrr:n c'i.or to ?rv :::r:': ".-ra'"*",."", hoiicv'-:r, shilll l:'_rnjr hi:i trPrs''i:1 oi)li!5- tion for thc stat\rLory p'-'iioa 'r'ra shil i iroL 1'ass Lo his ar""o"aort in titlc tllllcis eNprcssly ':ssDii"C b:' the:i' If thc ir:r:;r:5._'rnl i6 nct i;rid \iithi$ thjr'ty (;O) davs a'fter ihe Ce l inqu'-'r'ci iaie, tlc ':ssc:^s::'jit. shiiII - i"iLi i", "i.il-ri"" ti. aaic of ilot l"'1'r!':1c-\' 3L t)re !;'ic of tcn (10) Percent Pcr.r'r:li'uri 'in'i bhc 'ir'jscci'ri jon :1i\' br'_q en actian at Ias'egar:rst Llle Oiil)cr It'?r:roinII)- obli'iiLc'j i" ";v-a'".. sar:a or-Lo foreclosc t\c 1len n93inst t'c ii"i'lttat', ""tJ .n"i.-.tt"ri bc a':ccd to thc iiirount oi such asscss$cnt the cQsLs ot ;::elaIir'9 rlri fiIi:rg t:rc. cL' :"I ri1t i"-iii"it-".ti"", anci in tiic cvc'rt-a jr:ei9:;ant is cbti'i'ed' loc;t juc.l;nent shall irlcluilc intctcst on thc 3ss!-ss:le:)t as liJu.'p.iuia.a arT,f a rcasc'l'11)lc 'itlor::cy's f::-::-t''" f i*tt: by thc-Corrt:U togct:hc|. t]ith tlic cos'is of lhe actrcn' Scct ion ?' s '!')r''lil :i iolt of -thc-Licn to ilorL,r.r,Jcs.: tilrc-f i.:n "i i'1r ':i:i"::'-i'iiij rr':ivlJctl it)i-hctoln Ei.'-ii - iiE-.,'lr,rlOi:r.rte to Llic !ie-' "f n:ry f i rst iort(-:d-:c or f irst iio, L!.r.jcs I'o:i Lrr h r' r''_''r i L r' r: pil;r:r'i rriDil t-:_r: Pjo?- crti(:5 sNbj,:'ct to irr::lL-i.ii\'hts; 9l <r r' i cl" d ' - : r o e!'c!i' ihsl: iuii r,,l"r.ili"otiotl shall .rl'ply olly to tlrc r5s!-s:i'r'nts irhic\ ltrvc l)erjonc drjc.r:rd i'r1 "lfc irrior.to the (inte on rihich such norLgngL'c o, ttoi t_9"';''"t'"bt 'i::s or. obtnin tjtlc ,r"e"i . ili,rt"" Jf - r,,t-rcl ostrli "r lr::'lcr irrlY othci- pr;cccdi:rq in f icu o{ [o:_.--clo''trrc' sr:(:)1 :r':lrr i)r l:r'r:1sfcr sh;rl1 ;iot: i"rj"io ",t.rt rrroi)er L'J f ro:x tj"l)iliry ior" lnv-ass':rr:"'rrts tir"i,ruit."" lr,:Loi:ii rrg al\r\', lrr)! irr'r'' I lr': I ir)11 of nrly sr''h sLlt):icr:$rlnL asct]sSrl|on t. {ii'cl:ir)n B. !i;<': i)t P":l:r'}'t)" Iiro follorJrng plop.,r Ly,'iii;i:.t-t"i;' Lh is -l:.i't) :;r"'i i'iri" ;h r I r bc c:irirt)rcd frl.'m thc rl5!jcl'sr.crnLs, t:trlr'gc lttrrl li(':1 clcnLc'l llcroirr: ('-r) iIl l)r r)t'rIt iL-s !o t hL- ni:La:1t -of "rllyr..1,i,.fr.r'lt c,: .rt!r, ," irrr,'r'i::;L tlr"r^irr 'l 'li(:i1t':(l i:r(l-'rr'..ti'It"l irv"'t:iio i.,'.tl r,'rlrt ir: rr'rllti ily 't rrl d':vr:l'r(l Io 1'rrlrlic 't:r':; o F t F" (b) nll proi)crtics er:crnptcd from ta:i.1tionthe lJ:Js of thc St.rtc of Colorado, upgn thc torng nndthc axtcnt of ':iuch lcqnl eric::iPtion. - iloth'ithstn;rdin9 Jny i)t.ovisions hcrein, ng 1lndor ihpro'rciionts Cc\'otod tO d^'clling rrlre ShAll bC esemptflorn snid nsacs:r-il|tr, cl:.rt.,j,)s or li(r'ns. . A:I?ICI,E VI l-Bgg!i.!l'u.n.3!: csJ$q!,_colul rrlg scction l. Connittce lier*)ershiD. Thc nembe!sof thc poaijci. 6f' D j;ect;;i ;f tt;- F.sib;laai;n and onl.yg\r.h ::i.ir-l,.rs shal I r._irvo ns hc;ii)ers of tlr(l Architectural. C.rn L ro1 Co:-,1--i LL(:e. - - lgstj 9.._.2- ' 8av is $_Fy_c-_on iLtce. No bui]ding,rCllcc, '.,all, ( nrire y Con..: -!n: i',n (:gvir:a Or Systcm orother struciure shall bc co-rii':nced, crecteal or $aintaiDeduton Thc ?.o.erLi4s, nor shnll any o.,terior niditjon toor ch;rtc or a1,!crat jon ,.:i.jrein bc :ra<lc until a full sct'o{ i)lax5 .i:rd sirr'ciiicatic:s iiclu(.:ing, but not ti,nited to.the floL.r el.c\iaLioirs, plor. 9ra(iing, drainage, and land-sc.rpi.ng p!.ans, snoji. reno\-al, pl;n. etltry and dri\.rway. plan, th.r 3pccificntions or principal cxtcrlor nateiials,irrclu(:iD9 iriorleu casincs, location and character of al1utilitics and full de:;cription of all feDces ar.l lighi:-in9, .halt h:rve lie.rn s(:1):,j.Lted to and apr'roved jn w;iiing.1s to h,rrj:.cny of e:Ltcr:al. clesiqn and location i_D reLation'.o gurro,Ji(i.ing sLr-uctu!:cs a:rd Lopograa,Ly by the Archi-. tcctural Cor!roI .Cc!:;niti-ae, fn thc cvcnt the CornniLtce f.r jls Lo e.i.?ro!c ot disr,::i)rove s'Jch design nnd location9,ithin t;rirty (10) day. ntter s.rid r,lans and specificatio;]shavc l,,:cn su;ri.littrd to j.t, or in any c-vc,nt, it-no suit tocDjoin tle ndrli!-i.)n, .rltcrrtion or lhnrr,r.c has bccn cont-m,.r,c.:d i,.i.,( 'o tl)r, co,,rl,,.ti()n Llroroof. app(ov.rI witl Dotlle rc.;uir.cd nn.l t h j s Art iclc ,..i lI be 'lr,cmel to hcuc beenfully ccrr?licd rt'ith. Ft.rs .rrt(t spe(:ifications and i:hesulr:riesiGn th!raof rh.ll co:rply \tit:h rcqxircnionts of the '|rchitccLural Con,.r.ol Cc...:iitljcc as thc sJr.rc lro., arc, orhcreaftcr shnll bc set forth by snid Conrlnihtce, Section 3. Crit-{-'l_ia. In passing upon such plansand spcci f i-c-iiiio,ii, tl5-toiii,i t tce shill coisiiec (a) Thc sr;itnl)itj ty of thc inr,1sy611,;6grnd matririnls of rrhich it i6 Lo bc consLructci to Urosito rrPon l"j)ich it is tq bc ]ocntcd;'...., (b, T:rc nirturc of .t(ljn.janL..,nd r!,li!lrlrorjDqiinirrova.inLtl 5; (.:) .l'lro ,l ;tl ir.7 ot thc l;rt,rrirl!; (o Dcrrl rIi::,rl iD ,rrry l.',rl.,r:;,..1 ;:.'irr(r,..,..x.t|t; ,rltd tt rhnll I'c 'rn olli('cl-:\'L' of thri Co'riliLtcc o.ko .nrtuin litni "o i"p'()*':;r"r'L riill L\c io s jt:11 Lar ii=ri"ii.. i"-"Lhcrq iIr t|'oL viciniLy t!:'!L vrlttcs' ;;;;-;;-.;;-ih.ii", 'ii tr r)c i'iriicc' ' Resson.rbIe juii!::lctt shall- be \rsci. in P'rssing upon alI pi,t.t-""4 i1>i'ificrt io:15' I'uL :lcith':r ihc iii.'ir'."t'n.r :irc.r:"1':"it"l'-'c :t\'\ll 1c Ii't:1' to :ri:i' pcrson for thc Cori.:rir"o'. ',",.t',." i'' t"'':|" i'):: r:itr. sr:l r'il ted oiin""iti-*1'"...tfic'ltio:'s, u:rlcss i: :'c si!rr ti^a'- ti"c 6";.;iti;; oLlcd u'itlt '"nlicc or- "ircrgiul j)Lcnt' Thc .'\rchlfcctural Con'.!ol Co:i:niLtee ol eny rrenbers tltcieof shall lrnYc tlle !:i!'5t l-9 !'jlle-r t):\)n-nrly i,lt"i"".i'li'i'r;aivirion and in o:: irr"on i'n)' i:ito rc'J c-':rcn t ill.".a-li !""r' t'"t, {or the t)r:rPcsc of i!:sl'-ctitl(jLrnv constrrction, altcraLloir' t:"titr"i: 'g' o iotk ''hich hes ill.it.a Lhc r.PProvll of, Lh: "rL'hr''ccLUr:rl con''iol .- Coilnittce, provlcrrg =""t''ii9i't of cnLry be cxcrcised ii'io""on"irl" ho\rrs ot thc ily' ' (d) rhc cticrc: o: nn)- 'Jlo?oscd llil::;""-'"' on thc outlook of an)' 'r':j'rccDt or irdij::Lorin9 ?roi'cr'tt' toor s0 iicnc- ART]CLD VII LA}JD USE by to o" Ssction 1' Rc sutrC ivi s ion-' -Lots.nurxber-ed 1' 2' 3, s, 6. ?-;-;-?;i; ro'=i:;v=F" 'o;i;aivi'rcd into t\'o (2) anct i.nto :1o r,orc tlrlir tuo-i2i-scp'r:''tc. l)irlcolsr,.^ich of vrh j.cb nay be r:11(itlt ':epar-atc cutr('i *1titt bt nn i:1(livii')rl ' o|: bv individuata ,n ao-t]t"'rncy or jo:nt tcnlicy \ith othc;s; lnv sLt'uctu!:e "t;:it;;i-;^ '.''ni' Lot "iot"'":'tjo:ledi""v-i'o'oiu'i.r.a u:rr1,''r ;r ..:ll: l:..:r,.li'::,1;tl',,::"i.].:"iir =' r cns .rs srrr:rr.' t' ":::l' :..:i: l.li":,,;",,.,;';.' rli:oi'io"; .'o dliFl I iilg rlnits.' Lot-11\1't.r r,.,i.i LoL 4 T.1y h. dlv,tt(d ulldcrrro ir',rrr'ovclrc!1t lcrca I ..rl '1r "'="itiit" of :.rrllip1': (: 'n'r'1:lrip' 11...i!i-1,!. 2. . rc'ii'i(r:lLi'rl l.:.']1::'^.tt:],'J'iili.j;:;t"nor coi,uror:ci-a i- i-':r i-i: it''r-i se,,'rr-oe "::;'':l";ii.";,:i;, i i:''n". Drof i t sha:l l l)e r1'r l tl taLn ;;;li-tty ot il,c PI ol)o-l ios l'.- tr!t d 'or otlr''r tr"r'r .i:l:;.riv't:-lii:'::.1:ll.ll',i'i1.i..,,,t?1..,':l:,,1;:\'';':,:1,,:T:"" il;1,'ii"il.'i;i1,"]5"1""11,.1i,..,;;'','. '.'"., .-,:c, ;,,r i Iv t i i i t''a 'i;; .,,';-.;.,; "" 1::."1. 1:l:.ui,,l'r:i:i' ;l? l::,rill; ii:::: 1"":i' arrt r.]r'r.:bi I cs ' arl!Y storc . ;;;i,;,;;:'';i-;t lr,'rr, "nv .c::'-i:sit ion' c;' r;ri r"r I or ct tcus' vrlicL-'lcr i.ndoor5 ()r otrl:r'rooi's' ind nil)'l-:ring in thc nat'ure "i .tii "r trrc.rlorerl'r)tionc.l' :;o Stt-\)cLur-c sltnll ))c cr!-,j!'-',t oL:rat Lh;1r1 for Dr'iv.)te ):q:riil'ir',ttinr puti"t"t-'i c'n 'rnt loe il) t';c 'lcvclcL$(':rt' :;il';;;;?";'i;'${.rttr:t tti'c p':'t Iou trilr l'c l'.'rtnitL'(l' "lo ltLrr!rilrrrc :ririrl l (1,ttt'rrn -'ittt'l'-ilt"n Lto ()l t)i'tli!19 l:rrits' rqf.J o ;;o t.relliDg Unii in t.lre dL'1ol oli1!-nt shnll bc lcss th3n iio-0, "". ;io:c l:l'i!rt 1690 st;trart f'jilt in.gross.rcs;donLi3l flooi arca. Fo! tire' Purirc:jc of cor'.!ttrui:rg this PaEagrnplr" gl.oss rcsidJntiEI ftobr 'rrca shaII cc i!-cincd to be thc ;ote1 i!r,.i .^.ithin tr]c rJnclqsing :,'aI1c of D*elling Units' it1cl.u.: in: cl o Jeta, :t','!\' i co jl!-'-',r5, 3nd itrL;tiior- N'r I 1s 'riL:\!n r.te i::1i:s, buc c:iclu,l ing'.alconics. hal 11*'rys, corri- alol-s/ ;;t.iil'j!'I1s' a;rrn'-as nnd.''4rvicc nrcls outsjtlo the t;':IIi:,t (':,i.t cncj,lstlrc, :rnd \rnirhnbil-able llcating or ;.,.:chanicol .-'(iuii:,i;^jnt 3rces. :r'o D?eLIjng Unit.shall be occu?i.jd '.'7 :orc Ltr;'tt o:n !::mili. i;o clrtilricrcinl usos of any kina :.'ia!ever uj'il. iic Pcrr-ittcd in the clevelopnent' S,r.jlion 3. ,',t\tt.l Co':i,.!L\t1t jon Systar15, lio b'ri ld in-o si! if i[' Jpproi" ;.r "ut-tia,riiii r iec ti"il I C'on t ror coilri'.t;e ualcss t-ht-Pl:n foi such suilcling includes as an int49i:l ?rrL tbcr,-:of cn4l:9Y cin icf\'dtron irc(rsur'es, t;re dasi,j:r.:iC rr:i'-atilit; of ri;)ic1 shaII Le s\r:ject to i:hc airi,!'o'.'31 of thc Arc:riiocLural CollLroI Ccfinittce. accLi.n 4. Cc:xon PropirLy tlsage. Cornon tropcr:ty, Ji:-!f -T6r co-; cn-Fio;.t-r ty - suf,i-e-t to easernent rieit.s ilran'.cd Lo c.tners of indi','idua1 l,ots, shall be' rci.r"r'd for urie by .11.I c',.icts. :Jo stluctuaes of any kind si,aIl be crccl-cd on:,i1y PorLion of i:he ccninon P!oP- erLy q'it:rort thc grior JPProlaI oI thc A) L-hi LectLraI ConLrol. Co;':ritLcc. The fcrc'loing Plovislo'| 3i)?lr.qs .in resircct to Co:i.:.',on Property $hich is st,bjec.. to case- - riien t rights Tested in C";ners of Lots, ns rtclI .ls to Coi::,ron iro;erty noc si)bjccc to such eas€r,L'llt tights' s(:cticn 5. siqirs. l;o si9ns, house idcntificd- tion siens, -ta-i 1-66rcsl-p6Etcr iroards, brIIbo-!'ds or ar:vertiiing strur:trrre of .-rny liind shilI be er€ctcd or Faintained on any Lot, Co:r,rnon Ptopcrty, ol sLructure nhrtsoc..icr, evc(:rt such !tigns a:; havc baen :?I)roved by the Architcctrurl Cunl rol ComilitLec .ls rc son'11)Iy nr?cose;rry for tirc i(lc:)tificnLion of rcsidcncr:s. S|--ctir)n 6. !'irtr-.r. E,lch st-.ucturc dcsign._d for occrr;:aiic'y ,rr: iic t y-fiii:ian b':'ingr' lilr;iIL co'rn(!ct wiLh thc uate; an;ilit.ies of thc l,ion's nidgc t:atcr 'Disttict. ilo prl?ni,c ";lrlL :;h.111 ltc ltscd i5 ir sorlLcc of liatcr f()r hrr:n.rn coni,.:lnpli ion , S.rcii(rn ?. Of f-5tl'u.lt l'1t:iil1g. Off-ritr-(ct p;rrkins !:p;raa';ii.i t'r be iil.onitiii-iiJi--cJ;fi'D1J.!I t in9 t:'rit as toI lo4's r :lo l('as than tv;o (2! parkinq spaccs pcr Dr'r4I1- lng lrnit, eaeh !:lnce to liD no less llrnn nlDc (9) fc!'l: vri,ic .rnd n"irrotccn (19) fcct l(,;t'J, nn.l i f c:1cIo:icd .''x(1/'rr co:',lrcrl. not lcss thi\n 5rl\'cn l7) frlrt )ri,.1h. i! lcilsL onc llntking r;Dir.'c f,,)! D\';cllirlg liDit rrhnl I bc lociltcd !rithin tl'c rr'-riD builrliDg ot nitlrin tr:l icc4:i50ry .j;tr';.9c Gll.n....ver :;rtclr .1,)v('loi,:tcttL it t. l:t(,n.tlrlc.rhd ni,Itroprnil.c tor ttrc rrltc an,l it tc,lrrilcd l)y thu D,:l,i9n n(iviDw ioir|'d (,f t ho forjn of V,r i L ' Scction 8. Tl'il.iir ilild Grr_:119g' . ::o tl ish' nshes or olici-i:i! fi:'c rii;;- :'.:r- r-tl Er'n--oriigrni>c<i or an1' lnnd (it-ililr tlre d,-'\Jc,ro',;; i11. 'i:tc 'llll iii:9 ot lcl(rse ont of d+ors r;ltill. rr.it 5c:)!1r'txitl('rl' :;o i :l q i !l i_' r it i o r s or othcr (icvicc for tlrc btri'ning oi refusc indools 3::^lI i:e corrstr.r';ctcd, ill:rt'.1licC ,rr' u!L'C ly rny i'crson' :3ch pi"io.rf' ottlcr' :'hjlil Plovidc rrtriiJLlc recc;lticl's for 'thc' co)'i.:c'" ioa c,f rcfisc. St"l tot"tt'tjt"t"s shill :>c ..i..".a from public r'ricr,r. suc,tr recePtaclcs shnIl te ."i.c"ce flom ir,.rb1ic I'ic'^: Jnd P!o!cc!(rd fr:cIr diStrlrbsnccs' SicLi,),1 9' 1,j!i's'i ("'\. ::o ii)i jrr'l:r' IiveFt(\c:<' lrorsos , or-loiii Li:i-o f .i i-Til'i;j -';)ll l I cc kc?t or I e i sed ii tl',.' Cot.,i o1..,-tti.'l':lc- ioi-c';oi f.! retsLt ic:iLri). s!:ai i not be co|1str;crd io plc!clru L:lc \ecPillg and r'rising of dogs, cai.s nnd oL)l.r hous(:!lold Pats. Section IO. 'Irlras. No tlecs sir'rlI bc cut, tri,ur)cd <rr -ilir:i'ovca -Tror,i rijic -dcv.-'1ol:iTenL excc!t t{it'h lrj-o' '*:iitron opp*oua1 of the .\rchiteL'tuiaI corltrol con:'liitee' or by pc,:sons (:csiElr.-ltcd by tlie conriili-c'e to g:aDt or dc:1Y suc:r '.rPProval. Sccticn 1I. Tertis.sfing rxd Gnr{icll,iii!'' ,lny disturb.'ncF lo- '-iic-surl.ri e .,' rjs of t:''e-s' 'iii:isior. the result of co:istruction, or i:lrL- r:Li'ulti oI "iork oi any kin'i, sh.rl1 bc rcl1ovcrd or clirlinilic(l p!:cr"ptly' . eiiher :r:,' rcpL.:rrLinq such surf.''ice in Itatite 9rGss' or ' by l.rrrrislayring, or by ga:-rieri;rg, or by other ':ndsirnilar ii.cans. SecLiolr ll2. Tc!irl)oral:)' Structtrcs' Tc::or'?ry 'str uctu re sl- -i:i;il a+; t oiEo;;-r'-lrt io;:'.ctii thc- s'ib- ' divisicn, rnd otriler tcjiPul itrjy s1 trlatrrrcs :rh'r1l l'c Fer_ mitted ns lriay bc lrc'ccsriir!'d\lring cons''rucLront ior colrsLruc!'on l)rrtPos(::r ollIy, nnd clll)' '1s nutl:oiized t\y th(: Alciti l:+cLur:n l. Cotrtrol Co:illniLtcc. S{-'cl i.ln 13. Corrl i r,uit}' nf Contt'ljgi'-l9n' AlI si rrrcr.u, cs"li:,.'i',,i,,:,i "iti r I i' i'i.i ru"ir d\ I "-'-:1iI) -!o .",'ii.'ti,r,.| ilr'r.l :.tlrnlI lJi: ,.. Lll'itc'i.'{ithin I2 -oitlhs of c,-.,,,jir,,n,t, iiant, lltrl':!ts a l')rr'jor 1c: icd of co: i'lL.tron rccc.ir'cs l:he fi. j.LL(,-n colls{}r)L of trrc A!chiti:ct'llral Co)tI.o1 C!:::irr j ljL.'e. Il.,(jtion 14. li,ljrjht c1f i','oc!-. i:o fctrcc, urIl, ,)r li,.(l{j{: Sirliiit- iir.r; fjr'{' r(':rt, ilr',J no clr'rin I i:rk tc.r,._rs] :;lrliI li'a crccl:u(i ()l' :n.riill 'ririod ilr the dev'r1()p_ ,ia.n1 1,vr;q1,1 $rlcll f (-'llcc:; f or liarlll i s cort Its il r]'l othcr r(rcr_o,it ju;r.rl ir..tdllntjo;r!; ls xrny bo n|i)r')\'cil by thc ./\Icl)i'.cc(rlr_il1 ('olrl.rol C(r:irit-too; l,rovidcd'\l(jh f(.n.j,:s or r{i1Ils .1r.c llol '.rill ly 1r;nir_<.tl f o( :irrclr r'ccre- .:l-io:l.rl f.1.-iliLy, irrrl 1:r'c;','i.'lt:rl .:n (::':rrl)Lirrlt f lo'ir (l)c fc'rc,Join.J lrr-i,.jirL r'':str:i':l-iQrl !'('l' ';rr,:ir 1:rrt;^rric ioc's :iot jnr'ijt',e rrr'>n tlrc Dr(rl,('lty oI- .rrt't: '-'L' cr"jr"r ' l))' s"i iorr',ty' i::t1'.riliilq Iris \'i':n, or' ''t1r('r\airic, to tlrc tl,rfri:'u.rti: of tlle \1r;o .rlrd injol'r'. Irt of ltis I't''|"t'ty' o r I r, t-fl I l * _!_ I b I I I I I l F i i o . Sactioi 15. ::tti:!cr..-a9. :io Doxior:s or of{cnsivc a-Ervilf-3h:r r 1-iic "c-.i-ril rd on nor shaII irrythi:rg bc donc or ;:crnittcd \ihich slrJll cqnstiLrltc .a 1iu bl ic nuisnttce' ] 'scction 15. E1:,e Li!:-r-- l:i 'l[!-j D-q' All c:il''?!ior 1i9hta uscd-I6- Til-uFi " aic s i!;1s,--r1'iiil 'i't rrccs or for onf rlttt.r pur?csc shnlI bc )-'ur i,:d rln(l'rrtrcrtnd or 6iri': t\':'''d in-so:c btirl]r- fisirion ts tlesi(i!:ntcd by the t'rchitcctu:'s1 Co:rE iol Co:ij.iLtcc. ' Scc'tion 17. Gas ilid ?!oa'lne Trniis' J|II 9':s or prcp.,nc Ti:. ;. s- l-5Er t e<i-fi-t :rc --i" Jc I i r si or-sha I 1 bc buric,J'un<ierground or shicld3d in so;re other fashion as cesi.;natei by the Archi-'cctoEaI Cotlt):ol' coi;.rittee' ' Section 19. l:lcctric s^t"ice Drci)s.'\1L oo*cr lineij-1oc-atad--in tEi -.;';c1-oi:;i-, rll ,-iiifua i nq irr iervice dro?s, shaIl be conciralcd fr.cn Vic' by under- gro.rnd inscallation atong thci,. encire lengtbB' AiT ICI.E VIII . t loRTGl9l:.:s___BIIiSs section I' AoQI icabi lity. This .lrticle ' ei.alir:s to-an7 norTqag6L--'.r:rd6r a fill,t r:iort93ge5' or'.riy bt.ncticiary undcr a first doed of trust, t{hich r,o;Leqe, ot xhich de€d of trust, entails any tot in tirc Subdivision. S4ctic't 2. Nolice of D-'frul!. Any first no!tEagr:e iii-L;:i-cEfciai yirn:-n r.;-"ci't-f shall be antitled to ri;iLtc:1 rtoiificai.ion froii thc A5:jociation of any defautt ln the irc!fornance by an itrdividttal t'ot o$ner of any obLiSi)tion rrntler ihis Decl.rration of ResLrictive Coven.rnts, thc ,rrticlcs of l:lco'.!)oratlon, Dt_-L'rvrs or rulca .1nd rcg'rl,rt-i.,li!i of tlte i.,aociaLion \''l)ich i5 not crrrcd uithin ':ij >:ty (60) cJt's. St)cti.,n J, ;i7a-::)t!rrn i-i-lll[ t'-i-1t9-tt i 'Ji;t of lc-fr1::1. .li;1 -t;.',;E r.o. i:!J,;cc- oi i:i-'rw- liciary.!rhd-r;1'tiins tiala--to a Lot pursu.lnt Lo thc rcnrc(lica prov.i(lcd in Lhc :ro. t tJ;ttJo or ,lcc;l of trust' or fot eclo::urc thc!('of , or 1,urr,r;rirt to a C.,,cd 6;.;135j9lrir'ont jn Iicu of forc(:liosrll'e, il.'r'l t tc cr*tu?t: ir.tn ,'l']y "ti(jl'L of f iust. rcf rrsa) " con l-i:-i nr-.d in tl,c DoclnI.-ttioil of RcsL,iictivc Covcnnrts oa tle /_rrticlcs ')f ltrrcol'!ornti.)n, Dy-]..rws. or t-uJcs '1nd rc'9ul.r t i ons of ihe ,;\ssocioticn. or ench first dcL:d or trust o'^ln.:tl) or 41'Dcrs (ol::ror t:lJi) ilro dcvclci>cr; of t,oLs hiive 9i\'{-n th'ri: :)t ior ''rittcn appro\'n1, Lhc Jr!ir:o,.-i'rtlon silill I)o! b!' ('lttrt lcd !o: {o) by act or cxiissicn scc} to ohatlion' DrrLiL.i.)n, surr<ii vj,!r', clr':rr' :i)(rr' sPI I or tl :r::sfqr t:lc iii..t,t n.iit,ttaics oii"r''d, (ii:(rcr l! or i:ri:i:ectIy'-!V t:''e i,.:soci"tio;t ior t-:rc l.::r''f it ol thc S'il ::\'isi'n' Tl)e ;;;;ai;; of ':its,'',c"t-s ior I.r..,l ic I'Lil:':i"s ')rr f or othc! iubljc i',.rtirc:cs c()irsilrt. it r'ilh thc i: r-'_;r':'c r)rLr ot a.u"n a.'1:.--"crir Ft,:!cIl ids :;hsll )iot bc' diiilcd a Lrnr)sft!l Nitbin t]..e r.ri,-nt1iNg of L]ris clnuse. (b) change Che mcthod of icternrining thc abli-catioDs, ;rsscssmints, illas or other chargcs vJhich rnay bc leYicC igainst Lol: o\trlr-rs ' (c) by act or ctni:'sio;r chanEe, k'aive' or .t)rairdon iin)' 5chc're oI r^Err1.r:ions 'r en:orcei:rL'nt ift.t."f, pert.::irirrg Lo t i1e i' ! c b i t .: c t u !-a I icsi'jn or the "*i.r:i"i ,',i p.n,,u."6 of str-uctr:r:cs, th3 c:it4rior :naintdn- cnce of Strucf urcs, I'ire tnaiDLt--!ri))ce of t:le C(:_r':ilon Propc!ties, FaEty "nl;s, cc_:ircn f'trcL's atid (:rilct..nys' or Lhe upkecp of l;iins aird f lirllLi:rgs' (d) fail to :1lniiiitain iirc 'r!rC eI.'tc:rded coveraqc on jns\rriblc co:::ian pto;c:','y tln a cLr(rcnt idctacJ'retrt cost brsi.s in au._tliloutlt;ot l'lss than o;rc nu'nCtua p.."ont (100"1) o6 ait. iL5ur;ibIe value (based on. currc nt :'cP1.1ccncnt cosf). (e) use hazerC insurelice i)toccccs fo! loss to any Coirr:ion ?roPcrty for oLhcr 1'hnr1 t)le !e!rai'is' replaceren-t or [ccolrsLluctian cr{ sucir Co:ijllon Proi>erty' ,\r)'fi.rst to e:{.ri'rl ncrnor tg;ig3c the booirs hc;\s|]ocirLion' s,rct.ion 4. ihiD,!i..,DLs. Urll.css nt lcnliL ::cvcnLy- I - r rivc p.-rcciii-1?5xt'ot i.lt; -i fr,iL-rx>r t.Ja!ccs t'r l)/.'r'rc- ficinrjc:i (l,a:;r-'d'.riron urlc YuLc fo! c.1clr l:ir:it il|ortgnJrlc . SccLiorr 6' Crrri'\1 D':i'1ul!s' Any Iirst nrorL(!!trcc ai--UJn;ii: ju;t-".,1.', -.:i t1)c;-joirt1v or sinEly' ,r.r" il,,i,-',r o)- (rlltrr cir.,r,;.'s r.Jric)r '1r:o jD 'l('fi'rrlt '1I:d i,hictr r,"y h'vn )'.'cor,rt: n .l1 'lr-ic :''iritr: t t)rc C'':':"on !to1'ectiis i:,ld nlny I'.rl'ov'rrCttc l'r \"rriu::s orr l::ii'1ld j n,:ir,:l,r<rc r:p I i c i t--1, oi' :i!'crr )rc rrci" h.i l:l rd in srt rsrrcc ili,.:i:"""'rii-ir,"-.',1'.,i "r tlic t.ri'r'r 'of .r 1"rt i e y -.,nd nnl' rirrch i)..rii.nt or I).r) 1,')llts ao : r'lc !i)riII l)c i:r'cdiJLi'Iy ,,"ii"frir,:i.'a to s'ri-tr'first ,l.Jr t9:,i.c or )(rr'rfici3t y Ly :;t.(:tiorl ?. nl'i'l i': 'ti.r:- of -lr'":''' tis' n')y otlr,:r r'lr'ovi j;ioir-r.r!. -tirii i-' i .: I , r r ' i L i i ri l.b Lltc cotrtt 'r !y rroL- ,"ilftir iitai..J, ;,rry l,r rxi r',1s rr'ci i'.'](l 5)' tlro i:: :c"ri rLiL':t jn rc5t),jct i6 tlro i'",,,,'.',-t Dr'.'i('t t i.5, citll!'r i:r lllc ft.r:ti ;,i j;i,.,i,'-;;,r', rrt(\.:,'i,\,1', .,\')r',1:: in ('{ritrl"r.11.'r i(1n, Dr ol}irr' \tri(:lr .,rc .li.r;i r.il:rrt,.l t,) llr(' ,:ir\, r.1; .>f l,()l .r it1 l.lrc I o Sublivjsio::,- sh.rtl l)o distributcd t:o s!(:h.l,ot o!-ncr9::";;:;,i:, :;i,' i;""::n'll:1.,:: *":li.,iii;i"r:i;:i". :ll:y::_:liii-l.i.i-l13,i.lFi5ii;",i.";3:l:::.,?,,lu,,";"::nnlnicn\rncc, rcpa i rs arrd r.rpio.on,"nt "o.:' i:.,o"o'n i.iiona" or:::,:::,l.lr 1:gr,orrics r;:.,r r1(rst bc !.cp..iic.ir on'i-.-.. :i;ii";; ;i:-i" ;.:;;i;j:1-1nts in rerir)'''ct to 3r:ch ros'..'rvc spccr.rr ass'iasii.::ris- t5tol lri:Ilts r'1'L:''er than by l:":i:-::.F!-i-Bi2;"ff iiFiir.?ir+i-::.i1ii's,;'.er-ci!ri!-lr'ffi:i"i::'il1:"i.i'i.?.j,ii' s";)'ii;ision; "l-n"v-"5ii'..en?nL or rc.:r. rac,',,,,", i'.i=i"l:, ;"i,;,il;j:.:i;, r;::i,.:.j.".-j:il*i.::ii!i"l'll';"*;lll'1,:;';i;.:;-liii.il;:f ' ; r./,rI tten noticc. !;o such co't .;ore then three rii"r".illtttt shall bc foi' a. Lcrn (b) If thc .'-i:reni;:.cni pro?osed pertains to rn::'!rrs othcr than :hc::c $crt:caed in s.ilbr)araorJirn(a) at'ol'c, ancl Nould no: iiratcri.rll!' af :ect or cf,ir-,-ce tbe .chardcter of ,.le subi.iivi sia;r, ti)en such a;.:;1ii.cni shall xo: bac(,ne e:icctive urless ll recei!.cs the consent o: iiliy-c.c ,Derccnt (5I1,) of thg vo:j,ng !:rerJrc:-ship og '.he Association. (c) An-9 p:cvisloi ef tbe Declaration t.orhF C.-a.h Drdlni'r^< si311 no: be re.lu:cd i:': aiea, i:nC the dielll:rg usits sh-1Il no:be ina:-a:t.;ar ir nui.bL.r, 1,'i'rhcut i5e ccitsent ot:he lo*n o: \r: i.l Sa.:jo:1 i. :loticc. A:1)'notice rcqui:.eC to 9e sen: to ar\;TFi::'!-=F6r d*-ni!-unde: the Drovi s ions o:this Decle.atior shall be iecliod..o rei'e bcen p.o.:)erl-v se;rt lihar l:,ai1ed, posi.?aid, to t5e las: k:1o:..n aed:-oss o::he pr:-soi uho agpaars as ltenbe! cr On'rcr 6r tie rccolds o: t.he Associi,'iion at the tlne of such rr.ilin(l. Sgction .i. an:orc.':rsi:. ::::o::cei:o.-- oi ihese covcna:1: s 5i.i?6s'; rc-ior,s s.rai:-ic b..' a:-...' D: o:c?c::ig ?i Iat+ oi in cg!it) rcarrs! any pc.sc:i cr .eiso:rs \.ioiating .'. .rl_.-!.. !.. r^ ti^l-r-a ^- -D.-.'i.-i^- e!'.hc: :o :'cstaair rioiatio:r oa .-c rc:ci'e: ia::ar:cs, ..rai againsi i:L- 1.ri':i to e::io:'cc anr' -i icr c:::Lci r:' ;i,osecovenarr..s, and Iailure b) ihe issoa:dijo;r o: an-v O..r;re: to enfolce any co\'ena,1t or rest:jc!io:1 ierein corriijncd. shall in no clent be dgeried a !,ai\'er of ihe ri.chi to co bo Lhcrca:tcr. Section 5. Scvcrabi!it\'. :i\al.id1::ic., of anvono of ehcsd-co-r,GiEits*tir--,-.rstl r cr* j.c:s bv iui:,iir.:1: or court orie:- shaII ir, no wise 6i:ec: Er: iti,er-p:ovj.sio:rs!'hich Bha11 reriain i.n fulL force and e::ect. Section 5, Develo:)gy'9 l..se!.'._.iio:) to c:i;ritEasefiai'-s .rni lo l-eco! c i:e5ii:L-Ji:s nr) i:;t ,: _.c:)d.?(i Pl,:':. ihe Dcfel-(tto;;- in .liirriEi-ib ii:jiiit ciiier,r.irti .; o-r iri;-di;r.:, irs of e!er)' Lot ii Lhe srrbii\.ision {or dri\.c.,int-.s, utili..iesand par!.ing, !rcreb). rcserv('s the !_iq5: io 9r:Jl:tt to erer)'ptlrch.rscr of l,ots jn :l:c strbdi\,isi('n L-::sc::.rn:s i:r .:nd c'ver the Coti.r:\on Prol)Crtics lcaso.ablc rr'.;u!:e<i iOr e.rch such Durchaser for sucb prrriioscs, such rcsc::rat ji''1 oi such riqht to continuc until t,lc l)c!clopc::is !:old cvcr:' LoCin thc Subdivisjon, aid for a rcasonii5lc ti;i:e ther.:.iif ter- Devcloper ._ilso rcscr:ves thc riglrt u:lii.iicrall\', \'i.-hout the consent o: ori|cr_s of Lots in tl:e silbdivisior to file an ar'randcd plat of the subCivis,iL.i sho\ij.ng such easclrter)t s so 9 t nn Lcd. IN IIITNDSS lililRtoF, this Ins'irur:'€nt -is e..:ccuted by the lndersigncd t5is day of , 1978. Di:niir L. x:rori .l,l:o Ii,Yi:E ).1 . J\R,IICl,:i rx g-Es:!l_L_lrqY!sIo.€ .i1. 1 1 11, "*iliihr; "ilil.l-Jii;, Il l. i. Jll "l.li in "1".u or,'uthe I6nd-, and s:,:aIL inure to tf," fr"r"iii'"f'.jij inenforcc.rble by the ilcve :::::^:i.,:;r ll;;-"ilj;:;"i5,'.ii: 3:;i:;:;i:l; ii.ll";;;' ;;;i;;. ;"::; ;;: j ;':ll;i,l13.i",'?iii.,l:::.:;3.",crf.icL foE a rc.i:1 or zr "",i,.-i,^-;i::'.,::l':""1':.Decr..rra t iqn is. f "."i.r r "n, vil'.i, i:;", l:;: g:i: :j,:::;.... j?"il"ri,ii'il;:1":1,:L._,.,,a.a io,-,'i.il,i;i!",ii,i,0" fi tiiiiii:t;:;iir;ill xii;:iis:r::i:. ;:ili;ilr :r.. tcrrlindtcd or d;:cn.lcd ..:(c.rl)L -by lrrittcn consa:]llt of theilH:,?l=.:; l;: "li;;,] l"*i:a j .,,i " i,ti i"it.i "l1il inij. .r.," .., r{(-cr. or ",'n"rJolr,o t,l-lhc-'r't4:rr?'ilcrr t L)r ci r)',cd botr'l d ::::11:ri,t",, oi .riune,.' J."lr:;:; il;:"1:i:j.i1",,,1.", .,,u iii.,t,,.L:. ;i'Ti".;,:1::i:illi I,;.".:,,1;lll;j";:,;li;t,. ii:,"::l:?i; :?l:l:l':? lil3.':i"l'i, "".".^r i""i'"i,'Ji ll,ln; j;l;,:*:,:;;;. ;:t::li:t"lui,ii";t51.,1"i,|,,,1,,:,;t:l;,..i,.r.cij,rr or.rhc ""*,"0 ","lil"lii,lrit,?"1;::,{::ili,,Ji*] - rtt ffi ffiffiffi HAFIOLDrnnAUIIl lL tr P. O, E}OX 130 o March 13, 1979 Mr. Jim Rubin Zon ing Administrator Town 0f Vail P.0. Box 100 vail, c0 8t657 Dear Mr. Rub in : In accordance with a convers€tion earlier today between myself and Larry Rider, Town Attorney, I am submitting an ammended Plat of the Caeolar Vai I Cluster Housing Project whibh re-orients buiJding envelope Site 8. This proposed cfiange raises a question as to the procedure requlredor recommended to make similar minor changes to any of the remaining undeveloped sites if requested by subsequent buyers, or if planning and design at some later date calls for a more appropriate orientation of a part icul ar site. Mr. Rider suggested that the fi I ing and recording of the final ammended Plat could be deferred untll the project is built out. l,lay I have your thoughts or comrnents as to how to proceed with these changes to the present recorded Plat- Also, what will be required in the nature of certificates and s i gnatu res ? Thabk you. Sincerely, r .-t )14 t t t{/+1r*tr|[,u"1(2-t*Harold Engstf,om, A. l.A. cc: Deane L. Knox Richards Engineers LA L,r,Lq+,/rL@4 '-. F ('-.rr, tool|at rJlrrr{ -- tatrrLl , ,;\ {- Trlr lhrq r.* ,r.. I 7t r.re-r m, Sfll ..r.t ll-|llItsIlffirFr-, Imr,mlln lE:lc.,i.lr-r tE;Er m||lfrr!GE---D .r.-fiH l.t .r xrrtd , .,{nrr J trtla r t rs.l tt. CaF1.8 trll l: !lo!| lllta 8ubdlel.lon, rd {rerr rfa .l.iA retrl: tt, r ta|lditl.lc ot lro! L-t, !l4l A, .ccordlng to tba tFaaad Dt.t tht-t. Y !T{).Arr?Er r x !8?11' Afrlst t a {lat|:||l | flLoi^trt t.-*..t L!a.l 4.r." Ce.ol.a.18. -a fr{t r t. Glar-t r..*, -.llr!-H'l-fE 1t/ t)iEQ:g i. | ''|f.a. drbtr.,r r..r.|ri Llll |IF E' t||ll., r!n|rrp .rrer.orr-F.- tro D..sl ltr-c. hcldc. q}lado a0tll ,.r? r .*rrr lClllOt .ra b.. J tL* r*r sa frrr lattt ll:br rb {.a Frrt .atL ft.'r F,r, d.nil $..iful- dtL.-rtE mlND tmD oE lrt rro n/loo ' ' Jrtt.t^lr r! rlk '.r4 F.t' n.lE arr rt F ! tn |.-a ,., t rf" id FtlI dtL ...aa ft|.'f. .!..ala nhF., t. blt ..at?r..a ..'l -l..rL*rd, ||. F-irr{. Lrr.r..{ -|.l ..4 c-r.r.{ -a lt lh. F.-d. t ..r r$r' I'ln "'li. .rnr.t .ra G-i.h., or.l. th. r.ra Frly oa 3L r.t-d t tt. hr htt al -rG. l*"vr", r! rh ftlLdi J la.a r . ..L. lr ri rn.l t?:at b l|. llr i .., i!r'rn.r rtr..r rr,l.aG:*r trx,t:lltl tt r .it .na.,nrulr. rh+ h.r'{'r.r-?ntr crr.l rt?riirnrrr6 thr?.t- b.li'n.rnf. d tn rntttt arFr t.,h.nr .rd uF cr.'iFn rnd r?r?n*... rt n..,r{.. .n{ r'6..nd.n. r?il.. |.r{. ..1 Foarrt I httdi r.a rl lL r.iirr rrdrt.lrtl..r.tr'i.r , trrft rn..r-rnd rh.rrer.t ut I h' *.i p..tt d llt tr''t Ftl.,nlt' rn bt € tq|||f ..' In.r,3t, th..l-*l'..trndF i'- '. lrll a h. I'r<attar.tr(. .ia rltrafnar.- l|rllllIl\lrtl,llarl-ltIt,..d|....-..r!,vrbrrrrnrar.lrler?rlti,trt|rltt ||,Fr.i!..F-' !ir'o tlt,a}a !r,r\.t tr* i,.-,1 t,. t t,'. f'''r. .h.l t.{tnr l,Frtr tna ih. r3.l F?lt .{. rL tr6a t tl fot irtnlt. n' rttF ?tF!r.'i..i..aarn,.t,.ro'..,r.-i..Firnr.rr..r.t.t r^. ..ra 5E t..tra rih rh. r..ra Ftl r {a lL F..i F" |.h.r,.,ndr...anith.rdrn'I'r?oath'.n"drnatra&'httt.CrL{tti-L.bt.trlltrrt'cf'ltFiLtt .1.,! " . .r't ' r..l .. Dt r d{l- ,gr.. Frtr'i tt-'lr (' .'r| ,id.'ii..tllt .rtrh oit |.Ltt||a(r. .i lr!' rn b' ln* |l' l- ir..l ',ar,t tgll p' r., rrd lflul .ulhttrr t- lt.il l.tl.ta, r{ tl .dr.t tht '.-t r. .lrrt t aat' Lta I .t''rr....t .r|. li.r th. .rn. rr" fr* rrd , |f.t ,r'.d rll tctF? .aJ dh.r l.lr. Ltr.ln"||''. lFo" t'r.'' rr*'rn,, rt. rnJ.n. rrLhn..r .J th.r.\.. I t6d rt ..tr.t' F.". trc.pt tor ...-tttt, a.at-rlctl{ra .[d rith!. of r.t of !c{f-rlnrirl .hd p.t nt ra..rv. glo'|. .t!.l r..l PrC.ltY t||.a ?os lttt Fylbl. ln I t30. .nt!r..1..t.{r,.r!.,r.,tn,f-r.i..rr.-!te.r.r!tP...r..ti.:..frq'a,trh'.riFray!,iht.a6a-tt.hr t!,'. .. ,r .-r'rn! .rri',rr .rl .r,,1 i , rr r Fra'! i, tir-,n. lr.trll) r l|r-lna.t r!.ba ll|. .h.& !.' ant prtt thtrtr(' .r" .2,, 'd'!, d 'r,, ri,., |.,! .h.lt rn.r r'lt tllttl\T.lr..tt frti;fEl lt.'?lxD ?h. $iri.l.' ru.l.' 'h.lt ,i! 1,.r. ,r* i,{,.i r,r'pl.,,rlr',..,r.rii.. r'.i tr'. !}.,{.nr ari&t rb! f?.ttlrd.r..I ar.ai'r' l\tlt\frrtiXltatl.rrw.5,aFtl| {rh. r.''r t.,i h.. btt{al. t. t''lrtdda{rlrb&t."tt ftt'l ', lSrt ' 4'd \.. tt! | r |.tr\lr *..*"" iiI -, . i i r. City .nd anit {At{?0cxtr uuE) . PIOPE|III CCRP. . A Floridr corpor.tloQ. rt ?Gnrntt in C&n 510 P.rr I Etra.t Eould.r, color.do EouliLtr Eag l€ PAFI'!.i, l l, cA*qru.{ ir vAll. It, -. 11- 6utxl 1\'l s l cn !c('(. r ltlxl t' thf. '\t,, r , '1 ,f rl 1., lri'1 'Daan& L. Xnox rnd iJon.ld ll..- { 't"} n,rt \.,lttt .r-rrti{tr. .,.' , 1r J,,tr i Ir,rt lLalr|uI lu $i.frtto, lrl,oEAflE L. f Ox and DOT'AI.D N. CARPEFTIN' Danver n"r \r'! 'l Errtclnc clflPAlrl ls ' l!ac. A colcrado CorPorat lon,Efil, 80302 r,rrtr t, ,,r rr.t -rrr.'.I t,, l ntl\l\ltl '' l'r'rlr"t ':'r" rr't ' slrPY N:i{E -. tl.)ugAND 'OUR HU||DnED S:X'Y AtfD llo,/ i00---- lirl'l-Atts' " 'r''l r'rtt I l'r r"" { "' t'''l ' tr'rrn} ''"! r rl _ ' *t r'r hrFrtn' 4r!r. r'll,.rlnt of tot A- ?, Blo'ct A, Lionl r\,rcord.d plat thercot. Rldge ssHrvi3ron' t,'r' r.!rta'h, I rt .hlrr'rrtP?r "'!- 't'd Ft'l'l' lt'?rF'f rnrl 'l tl|. i. a.tt,.iI l ','|" rntt 'rrli' ril'r'i''l{tll ol . r'l .trltr' r' rbr ! !' ' 'n'r'dtLe r' r ''r' Ii' 'l'l''t'rt'rhtr'rortlht"L \' t .r'! l.rr!r "r rt' I.t' l'"1 tr'r |rr"lf trtt h'[t r' - i^t". t .''l'ttl' r''.rJFrrt\'.,Il**'!n4f"l ''r, r.'...hr' h.'' r'lle'tdl-firi /tr|!r*i i lrr '.t' "i'i? 'h' l'r Lr-.;jt :u! eol(m{rnta' rcatr!ctlons rnd r rlhtt of vry ol l,-,. 'r.f , mr',^ral .rnd Patent rcterYatlona, and rcrl ProF fty ir;r.s i.: t')le payab!.e rn 19t0. "rr '. 'l l.rr'\ "1" ' rt"! rt'' 't 'hr F' ' t rrtrr "l . -,Ik\'.: I r ,r'll\]tt trrtt\l' Yn' ' "d'r'r rtuirl'' t''rl t' t(. CrrPGnter. t.) rl I lilAl I t'illa' ft I.i. f-s , f .tr,. -.-.. +\.har6. -atE -..i, b- a5.aat,-t r, /