HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B1 TELEMARK GENERAL LEGALL*r&L 1 Bl,,kB, Ltow,igz trnnL ffWU" DAs L,"^rr,A3. L.p w u a"*^v'*\ November 26,2OOT To: Town of Vail Community DevelopmenV Wanen Campbell Reference: DRB 070128 Telemark Tree Flemova! Wanen, the trees have finally been remored and the replacement tr@s have been planted- This was done in Ocbber 2007. I fta\€ athdred fie bitl of sale for the replacement tree and a site la),out shoring the plaementof thetrees. We had to substit te mountain ash and aabapple because of amilability. I can be reached at (970) 47&3805. Thanksforlour patenoe Frank ttllc0luer ilLt c0PI I\j]I}I lnlfl ro unnor ru l\oN n=r 6\ =lU=lc/dr llv Alll\ rool \\ll\Lil ql /l\lel\ Oor! oz.co {t'Uo (u (u F J {o tr a)g aooJ (D(',ptf aDco = )rh4 {\ rn $ u'! \o t\ @ at €E FE(' % rrinEd: 1?112ff)Z 7:59:38 AM Slore: '1 Evergreen Trees Trees Peal Moss Brisllecone {b'-t}7 Sprhg sno e50' P*nor€ Z(n' E495.00 bahsoo-oo 35% 5425-OO 2 % 1 t371.25 5371.25 T 2 $195-OO 5390.m T 2 $166.75 $337.50 T 3 $1't.24 933.73 T22 31tt-gg zSYo Sales ReceiPt #HEU 1d1r20/.' Cashler t Page coPY #1{t97 Descriprb!!___-_-. -=AFibute siae odgPrice Olsc%Tltfe _ Oty P-rice EdPrictTqx **Evergreen Colorado S' $26!t-00 25% 3 S201.75 $605-25 T &btdad: $1,737.738.4%Tsc + $145.ftt €d SdesTar Tdemats tandscaf sdulfions forcur mor"Etah e.t*urnen[, ffiffiffiffitrililt| RECEIPTTOTAI: S1,883.7O TotdSarngs: 565S- c&*ff.f{TY tE!€L6rt8{? Derigu Review Board ACTIOI| FORIT| Dspartment of Communiry Development 75 Snuth Frontage Rsad. Vail, Colsrado &1S57 t€l: 970.419.2139 fex97t!.479.1.t52 web: rvww.vailg{rv.rsm Prolect Name: TELEMARKTREE CHANGES Proiect Description: REQUEST TO REMOVE TWO ADDMONAL TREES. THESE TREES ARE PROPOSED TO BE REMVED AS THE ARE RUBBING AGAINST THE STRUCTURES. Pafticipants: OWNER TELEMARK TOWNHOUSE AsSOC. Oil^OI^OO7 APPUCAT{T TELEMARK TOWNHOUSE ASSOC. 0712012007 Phone: 970-476-3805 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddressr 1o9oVAILVIEW DRVAIL Location: TELEMARK TOWNHOUSE Legal Descriptlon: Lot: 20 Block: B Subdivlsion: LIONS RIDGE Parcel Number! 2103-014-0900-0 Comments: See Conditions cottonwood and spruce to be removed. Plannen WarrenCampbell DRBNumber: DR8070332 Motion By: Second By: Votel Conditions: BOARD/STAFF AprrON Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approva|l, W17512007 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review comrnittee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cnnd:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0009177 The applicant shall plant two-2,5 inch minimum caliper aspens to replace the DRB Fee Paid: S2O,OO Application for Design Review M inor Exterior Alterations r^vfl(I, g \,f \TIN Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 97 0.479.2128 fax:. 97O.479.2452 web: www.vdilgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements fior the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Redew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withln one year of the approval. Description the Request:olzg Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Addrcss: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):'G.\.-r A.rz-tc h"o-- out Perz-S MaifingAddress: lO92 LttpS r4d<e foof Name of Applicant:fr.n rtp.', F2<tlu€n b*rzo Yvr/r- Aa^r Mailing Address: E-mail Address: 'Iype of Review and Fee: tr Signs n Conceptual Review E New ConstructionD Addition #Minor Alteration-A (multi-family/commercial) U Minor Alteration (singlefamily/duplex) R Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, --.-? re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee L-(-n4Fax; pRB oTora$ Telemark Tree Removal DR8070128 '1,2,3 & 4--Aspens dead Saspen trim G30 foot cottonwood Originally requested trim changed to remove by change #l-rqlace hy tvto aspens 2.513 in safrre gi:nerhl area 7 & &-30 foot spruce remo\€ because oowding by adjaent spruce replae with 4 spruceI foot I aspen trim 11 aspen diseased remo\re 12 aspen trim -. 13 35 foot sprue6 foot from building - originally tim rEumting rcmove in this charEe- - (July 07) progose replaCe with two I foot spruce "--> '14 35 foot cottonw@d remove by f|is cfiange {July 04 propose replace ri,ith two aspen or 8 foot spruoe #13 and 14 are chanoes rEuested llq4.zlt4-, / lLzt ^- tZ" a44 al,szez/ 1 DF4 o Z o / zg &e arz- *^.d% /" a-/L rr/-.1-"a."-! 4 < fk ttfuo"-**&- t,&) k* a"wbl -/%.+ ssP* 4"-.-" & rs) -/-lA rh-V-,al- DRE 4n duz- # *.H. 76V, * * *,f'r******** * * * * + * * * * * * * * * + * * * * *++******* *****************++** + * * * * * * * * + * ***+********+***+* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement*************+++++**********************'******************i.*:*:***{.{.*******+*++***+***t ******* Statement Nuniber: R070001294 tunount.: 920.00 01 /20/2OO709:40 AM Payment Method: Check MCCTUER lnit: JS NoLation: $/FRANK Permit No: DR8070332 Tlrtr)e I DRB-Chg to Appr PlansParcel No: 2LO3 - OI4-0900- OSiIE AddTESS: 1O9O VAII, VIEW DR VAIL IOCATiON: TEIJEMARK TOWNHOUSE This Payment:$20 .00 Total FeeE: TOTAI AIIJ Ptnt.s 3 Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0. oo*****+*************+****{t********************+++********************+*+*****{.1.**{.*********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Currents Pmts DR 00100003LL2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 TO\ rN OF \fAtr-' DESIGN REV|El,lt STAFF APPROVAI. D.arr 8'tS.ot '..'-.;:; [r c- Gg*ifi .Ffi{ oe\rElcfi rr{r Decign Review Soard ACTIO]I FOR]I Departmeilt of Community {hvelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado E1657 tel: 970.479.2139 far: 97t1.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: TELEMARK TREE REMOVAL Prcject Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMTION FOR THE REMOVAL OF TREES Participants: owNER TELEMARK TOWNHOUSE ASSOC. 03l3Ol2OO7 APPUCANT TETEMARK TOWNHOUSE ASSOC, O3l30l20f7 Phone: 970-476-3805 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR VAIL co 81657 Proiect Addrcss: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Locationl TELEMARK TOWNHOUSE Legal Description: Lot: 20 Block B Subdivislon: UONS RIDGE ParcelNumber: 2103-014-0900-0 Comments: SeeConditions DRB Number: DR8070128 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTTOT{ Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalz 041t812007 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committ€e(s). Cond; 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond; 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effectlve date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15,2007, thls Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications. Cond: CON0008831 The appllcant shall replace the cottonwod (No. 5 n the location map) with a mlnlum of two-2.5' to 3" aspens in tfre vicinfiy of the removed cottonwood. @nd:CON0008832 The applicant shall replace the tw spruce to be remove (No. 7 and 8 on the location map) with a minimum of two-8' spruce trees in the vicinity of the removed spruce, @nd: CON0008833 The applicant shall plant all required replaaement trees by no later thatn July 1, 2007. Plannen Warren Gmpbell DRB Fee pald: $2O.OO 7 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: wunw.va ilgw.com General Informaton! All poecB requiring design revievr must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the C.ommunity Dwelopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Descriptionof theRequest f?LtMov4u oF Tvz,F6( i; r E uespac -iZr-r.1 ru 'ln,l,,,.* fL6 U Locationof theProposalt Lot:?h Block: 13 subdivision: LtoNsLt,A&€ Physical Address: Parcel No.: el o3ol4 o?tuo (contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: gJ Name(s) of Owner(s):<-s B.l.l _ovMailing Addresss phone: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs B Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) fi Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site irnprovements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additiong landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, re^roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revie!ry Board. No Fee n) @ n Nameof Appticant: ftzf\Nu l{r.elwep/ llO A \oA@) \v\e'ru|eL l-l MaifingAddress: lO?d V+r( Vre",-r Oa- Uprz +lO \hrl Co 9t65? V,'lo ^ *1b- 3bs DF.oAd r-4< \,,/ t******+**+{'***+***l'+++**+*****+**+****+t'}+*l'+++ff+++++******+**++++**+**+********+********* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement******+++***+************************+*******1.1.{.t*******++f+'}**'i***,}********,1't*****,}******** statement Number: RO7o0OO389 Atnount ! 920.00 03/30/2OO7O4:J_2 pM Palment Method: Check Inits: .tS Notat.ion: 5588/ERNirK D. MCIJUER Permit No: DR8070128 Type: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP ParceL No: 2103-014-0900-0 Site Address: 1090 VAIL VIEIC DR VAUrLocation: TEIJEMARK TOWNHOUSE Tota1 Fees: $20. O0This Payment: $20.00 Total ALIJ Pmts; $2O.OOBalance: $0.00 '1.*****************'l'**+*+++++*******************************r.**+************************{.:t {.{.* ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESICIN REVIEW FEES 20. oo JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITIEN APPROVAL I.ETTER I, (print name) trr< a r.r F- fr'r c ( t ut6Z , a joint ourner of property located at (address/legal br I Vte-us 9Ldescription) provlde this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: larttavan- of L, \rzees 9zun € lrz€e s fi C't+ lbote /5rzes{ g', cues con'rer-a 4c .a At.rt I further understand that minor modiflcations may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature)(Date) F:\cdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\PIanninq\drb_minor_alt_l 1-23-2005.doc Lrl23/zoos Page 2 of 13 PROPOSED IANDSCAPING Common Neme Quantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS Botanical Name E{IfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED +OsFzP Spevcr= 6)*+;*2/zF______+)* zs !+ + z')- Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 5'in helght Shrubs - 5 Gal. TvpE Square Footaoe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alLl 1-23-2005.d0c 7U23lzoo' I Page 7 of 13 TELEMARK TREE BEMOVAL AND PRUNE Rebrto sib Layout 1 & 2 single aspen with do6le trunk.-dead ,t ^/"- rl 3 asPen dead LIw 4aspendead L- 5 Aspen prune 6 Cotbnwood remove dead brancfes 0, 7Spruceremo\re itisc{ondirg others L6 \+ 8 9 Aspen prune 1O Aspen prune 11 Aspen remove dying Grr* 12 Aspen prune 13 Spruce prune -J )..--l?-'.1 is;""e) ---: "", ta '7 ',s, '*:t.oS'\^t'e ') TpwN oF vAt- 's* - r DESIGN REVIEW >/b4 \ /l I -<r llti xY^ !, _r \/ ut\ /\ 6o N o. 3 u E E co c F o J uJ\f e z = flJ o}N aoN \--------- \E ?H>€F lrl €? 5 ,00 9€ -c-{-o <)Fn- V'JoFJ ,*il7lT " *-y cT ),D Ft I/l l -? \J F $\ $ N ,OOE |r, !+ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-n9-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: kgal Description: Project No : Plurnbing--- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call---> PLUMBING PERMIT 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR VAIL TELEMARK TOWNHOMES 1-16 210301/$09001 ?R5OG -b({''{1 S90.00 Resftnra Plan Review-> $22 . s0 TO'IAL FEES------------> $0. 00 $3 .00 # of Gas l,ogsr '!?# of Wood Pallet: ?? DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT L-..C'I-A-?-^'\'T * Lr s,, -B\\tr-, P06-0121 --i*\*-.'rrrv-,-&-Ttt {\ ( cr'*--,r.-'--t'-' . : ISSUED . : 10102120{X . : 1012712006.: Ml25l?-ffi1 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires . OWNER SCHURMAN, DENNIS A. & IJINDA LO/O2/2O06 1715 RIMROCK ST GOIJDENco 8040r_ APPLICA].IT JERRY SIBLEY PIJI]MBING LO/O2/20O6 PhONC:. 970-827-5736 P O BOX 340 MII TURN co 81545 L,icense: 134-P CONTRACTOR .]ERRY SIBLEY PIjTMBING t0/02/2OO6 phone- 97O-827-573G P O BOX 340 MINTURN co 8164s License:134-P Desciption: COMMON ELEMENT TELEMARK TOWNHOMES-INSTALL GAS LINE TO UNITS #I-16 FOR FUTURE FIREPLACES Valuation: $5.933.00 Fireplace Information: Resricted: 't? # of Gas Appliances: ??)r******d.**+*******+*:f *:N+ jN*:a*'|*t,*+tt+*+i.+*,r{.*rt**1.****,t *$r{.,rx**{.*:i***** FEE suMMARY $0. oo Toal Calculacd F€€s--> $115.50 AdditionalFees-----------> ' Total Permit Fee-----> . Paymens- BATANCE DUE._.-_ > 9115.50 90.00 $ 11s - 50 s115 - 50 so.oo IIEM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Lo/O6/2o06 cgunion Action: cR see lhn L0/26/2006 cgunion Action: Ap IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (BL,,DG.); FrEI-,D TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in flrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttlat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design **+'t*******,*,t,t****'t+*+++****'f *:f *!t*:t*****+*+*****rt*************{.****{.{.!r.!t **,r.**d.*********+****,t TOWNOFVAIL" COLORADO Statement ****rl************{.{.********{.*********'$'********************************,t!ltrr}*{.,t *{.*,t ,t 't {.,t ******** Statement Number: R050001822 Amornt3 Palment Method: Check Phnribing 3112I $1ls.so Lo/27 /200609 :42. AMInib: DDGIilotation: Jerry Sibley Permit No: Parcel No:.Site Addregs: Location: This Payment: PF 00100003112300 PP 0 010 0 0 03lx 110 0 wc 00100003r.12800 P0 5 - 0121 T)4)e: PLIIMBING PERMIT 2103 -014-0900-1 1O9O \rAIL VIEW DR \TA.IL TELEMARK TOV{NHOMES 1- 15 $115.50 *****+++*+******+++******t*******+******++++****************{"*+++++************************'t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts Total- Fees: Total AI,IJ PmTs : Balarrce 3 $11s. s0 $11s. s0 $0.00 PI'A}I CIIECK FEES PIJJMBING PERMIT FEES WII,IJ CAI.II' INSPECTION FEE 22 .50 90.00 3,00 09/25/2006 11:07 FAX s7o82752t4 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Coloratlo 81657 Jerry slbley Plbn8 INc |4oor APPUGATION WILL NOT EE ACGEPTED IF IT{COUPT"ETE OR UNSIGT{ ProJed #: - 6-\ rtq? Fatr- otcl i",Jfll,'Jg$ll't@( gl O- qZ g -ztlg (InsPections) ffi;AFF neTF g;t -szl I FOR PLUMBING PER![IT (Labor t[ Mated'als) JobAldrsstrogs L;s*iJo*Lo Wort Class: New ( )( ) RePair( ) qthe{--l commerclal ( ) R€staurant ( ) Other ( )fvpe or aHg,, Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi'familv ffo, of ecmm.odadon Unlts in this bulldlngl.-- No. of &isting D,rvelling Units in this building: a wood burnlng firePlace to an *** **i*i ** *** *+* *******rt *** ** ** ** *** * ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLY** * * tt**+** **+*+****** ********* ***+*** ,tYh '(1, tq/25/20!6 14:2? FAX s7o8275294 ChrtckTallsy Contuact Manager October I0, 2006 Town of Vail Bldg. DePt. 75 S Frontage Rd' Vail, CO 81657 479-2138 office 479-2452 fax Attention: Chris Gunion Re: Penrit #P06-0121 // contract #7712. Chris, Thank you, lCIilti0t iriii Jerry Slbley Plbns INC SSS$ee ffiopy efa4s APPROVED Community Development Department Building Safety and Inspection Services f vrllf v.' < L--€lo)- |Secticr-* t @oor Joe S. frorn yor:r ofiEce told me that this perrrit istreld up on your desk_a1d seid that you ;;;;;;:*ail inquiring more intbn'',ation. I did not Bet your e-mail, but called baok and Lyrur for,wardod it to me today' l) hcluded ie a site plan with the dig looation penciled in' . Zi 1-fre sizing is assumed. There re at present only fwo 'nits with g'" piped to flresr. Wo are installing a 2" undergrourd gas pipe' Offthis pipe.will are nrlUing eight l" riseri befwoen each rrnit. We assume tharc will be a 35'000 Btp/hr fiiepl'ace in each unit. But will be ycars before tlat actually happens' There is no load at this tirne, 3) Thc system wilt be meteretl off an existing commercial gas m9te1- +j B*n lf tnc cight rcw gas supplies will havs a 1" gas cock and will bc capped. -*;1--_ l^teiatlonal Bulldl4 Goth/lnEnratloml Residential Ei'lffilioiw ot permlt The bgrimeor gnnfiing o! a permit shall iJr uu *"iiii,tt [o oe i ponrtt tor' c an 4pwat- ot, any violation ot anv of the orovisions ol tilg cotb sd eny dl6r onlnanco oI $e rrii.ai.iion Permitrs Drt$xnm b dut diltglty lo violate or cancel the iiroulsloni ot tnis coOi or drer-ordfuu d fre iudsdicion shall ncl be iliiir. niltiu"nce ot i ponlttcec oo cotsfiirction d@umeiis and otfrir oaa sfratf nof prevint fra bdldng offclal from tequjring.th3 iii,J.lion Ji Jiiotliiiine construcoon-documents and olher data' The 6i,iro-in. iiti.i"i ii'itio'auttrorized to prev€nt ocdpancl or.uso of a ;il;;;.-;ff;i"=tdation ol this code or ol anv btnei drdinances ol this iurisdiction. PLANSO(AMINER: rlonaJj.w { .,hD f> ,'> O3oe.t-5 \ o'K\ :t_ ;f lsl\l * ?. r,:.d,ir\- ril+r.-F ?t* LqJ =E r- ($ \t'- '21 - € qa gr !. L, J=pu ogo= +=OB 8snE .tofi'a! I:^FE ts.!.ria<9tir ------Y @ ooeL0/25/2008 14:27 FA.X 9708275234 Jerry Slbley P1bD8 INC )'":-4t, -tz\' o"t'* ro aa o-(ct oroo I I I l\)ol N- I I \s"gR. fi, FF -.r Tg-3 Sr R \ \.a€ V\?= (tlz tr\'{- 5 R ki qs.)d' s-+ s }E\tr e"P q : {a{sp x'+(t;r {t.s r arFRi<Js'B ^i? 'Tt /5{n-(.'-{ F cs+ t+ii,;!f' .___- --'>-' --- --/ z-- r---1 I ---t --/7 12-05-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 23 +:08 pm vail" CO'- Ciry Oi - Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, December 06, 2006' lnspedtion Ar€a: CG Site Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL TELEMARK TOWNHOMES 1.16 A/P/D Information _ Aclivity: P06-0121 Tvpe: B-PLMB Const Tvo6: Occuoafivi OWrier: SCHURMAN, DENNIS A. & LINDA K. -JT ADolicant: Cohlractor: Description: Comment: Hi Chuck. I have thi3 permit application for gas piping at Telemark townhomes. I will need som€ additional infonnation. required. see email below 1) Please include a qas oioino olan showino oioe sizino. oioe material orooosed. and th€ BTU ratino of the appliances to be con-nectdd td the gas pipinigl Show lotdtibn of propoded gas meters and shutoffs.- 2) Please also include a site plan showing the location of this underground piping. Safety and Inspection Services PIPING SIZED BASED ON 35.OOO BTU DEMAND PERComment: Requested Insoection(s) Inspection Historv Item: 210Item: 220Item: 230Item: 240 Item: 250Item: 260Item: 290 /2'oc'ob Requested Time: 09:30 AM- Phone: 970-827-5736 Entered By: DGOLDEN KTimeExp: ?O A* SubTgne: AMF Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG REPT131 Run Id: 5058 3 I ,-ffi h;-DKd7ert,"E t /rr 5,, b/ocb B Design Review Board ACTION FORM Ebpartrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us . Project Namei DRB Number: DRB04027B Project Description: replacement of stairs to metal tread and railings to metal bar, enclosure of 2 dumpsters, and tov revocable right-of-way Participants: OII/NER TELEMARKTOWNHOUSE A550AA106/2212004 Phone: 1083 LIONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT TELEMARK TOWNHOUSE ASSOCXAn06/2212004 Phone: 1OB3 UONSRIDGE LOOP VAIL co 81657 License: Project Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location: 1O9O VAIL VIEW DRIVE Legal Description: Lot: 20 Block: B Subdivision: UONS RIDGE ParcelNumber: 210301409000 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actiont STAFFAPR Seaond By:Vote: DateofApprovah 09/08/2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of flnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. I , t \ Application for Design Review Eepartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us General Information: All prqects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particul'ar approval that is reque;ed. Rn afpncation ior Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Devilbpment Department. Theqroject maV also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and c6nstruction commences withinone year of the approval. Parcet No.: -UA39fl!4-W!--- (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zonins:-jtrvr.rr FnA(P+a I foufa/ Sot/s€e Description of the Request: Location of the Lot: l0 'Btocr: B subdivision: a t r,:rli Ql06 F. f/g0l./,Sloil, r€rrr qA. * tota -;ralt*Jre L 6L 40dt6 Physical Address: Name(s) of Own6t(s):'TElerrlAlr- tltlrrrtaer€: ASsocr*rrc-r Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): NameofApplicant T€r-€r4rtl4ra TDrrr.r*cr.t€ A,ASoc. Mailing Address: E-mail Address: -- Fax; Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review D New Constructiontr Addition Ei' Minor Alteration (multi-fa mi lylcommercial) E Minor Alteration (single-fam ily/duplex) U Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request stt6 $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 for an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such at reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee 2004 Page 1 of L3lttlt7l03 I t_ I *,** ***'t* **** {.'1.*'1.* {r*'t* + ***** **'*** *+**'*:} *1.r.** * * ***f* *{r**'t * *{.rF** * * * *** **!8,}* *{. *** +**** * * *** *{.,F** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement**xr.'s******:***{.*:*:fr******{.**,t*****+**r.**r,**x***+*****t*'Nc'r******,}**x***rri.**:r***rt + ***rr* **,*,}* ** * statement Number: R040005080 Anount: $250,00 06/22/200401 :25 pM Payment Metbod: Check Init: ,JS Notation: #4365/TELEMARK TOIVNHOUSE ASSOCTAT ION Permit No: DR8040278 qT)e: DRB-Minor Alt r Comm/Multi ParceL No: 2103 014 090 0 0 Site Address: 1090 vA,It vIsW DR \rAU, Location: 1090 vAIt vrEw DRI\/E Total Fees: 5250.0o This Payment; $250.00 Total ALL Pmts: $250.00 Bal-ance: $0,00 t(*****{.****r.{r**{r*****!*'****,rt8*ir*,******:*,t **{.*******************'**********,****{.1*r.**!t('t **{.{.*,t **** ACCOUNTITEMLIST: Account Code Description Cur"rent Pmts DR 00100003112200 DTSIGN REVIEI,j FEES 250.00 JOINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER Sl(.r7 V 2 lo tt tU tg t.t tf $ Ltr wrr* @tl trid,vf grra\let Aa4l ?rrq lug Exls'nFG tlaboorcNr 8$er.-r&{rc-t wu- 9E|. \)trLr?fD. Tl€ GAtLt wlt& ger ?irFrtE, |.^JLT* Tlt \...i&ffi WF Trt.r r r{Dtf{E, Tl|g 9uutrrrn 33 L^*lf/r-fiarc.G. I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. I, (print name) Jotut G69W , a joint owner of propefi located at (address/legal descriprion) t0q0 1la^f (Il&^^^) 04, for l4 14 r'O provide this tetter as written approval of the plans OateO J V { g- J I , 2OA gJ which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: '/I.ae,rf- /fr;/,4?264 6rr+L-t ep urr rt3 r i Zi 3;+ Page 2 of L3/LLlt403 f iF, ;S i i I't'1 c 1r.r '1., i lri.r* I'a!(!(l6r.r; .Jt'''ttl,irv glT :i<:c 'c'rl.g^f *)'\...rY?ir Cr,JA l}',rfrr-"? *raJir'idr \rld', fitrr,-. lS j i .?j +, :;) .St t. {rl e .i? r, ,.}} F -,r1.-f,,':rtl.' trp\r; 1lTlr.rj ;...!t.\it r:rr-*lyff | -q."rty,c,tr.J -:rA ^{c} '1"43*Errl, r1j,;! .(yr f !.il i'c- iixt -t-rt.|,jl 1."*!rta-rr.), 1r.' 1-,.fr(tr'-.x.trJ ..\t,7t'r?..l.;j! #-f i ,::t\/"r' .19k.rr+"{ .'rrt ln*i t.t $rjtj., 'rlpig -r :!$ f {rllr"r.. r11fr4r{t .gJ -ilt$; {,JiA-! ;Jff i' .l3.>e}} ri*-I!flr"l ttr.r!"r'..rtt,fl *lf't' TOI4'NM MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or $e addition of retaining walls. L SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS --',A $amped topographic survey*, if applicable .-i Site and Grading Plan, if applicable* lndscape Plan, if applicable* hotos or drawings wh;ch clearly convey existing conditions* otos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)* PIhe Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specmcations, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine wtrcther a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the propogal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materink noted wilh an asterisk (*). Topographic surveylo Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorcl Date of surveyo North arrow and graphic bar scaletr Scale of 1"=10'or I"-20)o Legal description and physical addressu Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain)s lles to existing benchmark, elther USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) ofa foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.cl Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at tlNenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.D Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalstr Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured . frorn a point one foot above grade.' B Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).n Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of L3lLtlLTlO3 (g/ Eyprior color and material samples and specifications. -$1lghting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable( Bf )Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site, Exact location of o(isting utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV SewerTelephone Water Size and type of drainage culverB, swales, etc. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. Site and Grading Planlo Scale of t"=20'or largerf Property and setback linesa Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed gradeso Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, Qnces and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid lineio All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate buiHing height.o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.tr A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.B Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.B Proposed suface drainage on and off-site.u Location of landscaped areas,tr Location of limits of disfurbance fencingD Location of all required parking spacestr Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.a Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and ele/ation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: D Scale of 1" = 20' or larger tr Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs,n Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover,tr Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and @nstruction.o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. u The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. GaS Electric o a Page 4 of t3lLLll7l03 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosuru Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other Notes: Please specifo the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Mufr t ?aruT -to ltw-"* Er,rtri,r" Sfflirzs * darr srpv@ Page 5 of L3ltU17lO3 B Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: D Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color numbe(s)B Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of I3lILl17lO3 'GRIP STRUT Stair Treads 1.S77"S94'l{6r.9 Page 1of2 s**,otf,l Hq*]e > pl{*lr$"Is >GRIPJTRUT JafelrGradng GRIP STRUTo Stair Treads @ Product Features GRIP STRUT Stair Treads contain diamond shaped openings with serrated teeth providing a safe, slip resistant surface that grabs in all directions. GRIP STRUT Stair Treads contain diamond shaped openings (l l/16 inch x l-718 inch) edged with serrated teeth meant for grabbing in every direction. Surfaces are ideally suited for all inside and outside conditions*grease, snow, mud, Heavy Duty S Treads Availa Top View ice, detergent, etc. Openings arelwr ltrrlr/r6vlrlr vL9. Lrgwuur6D (llv small enough to catch most falling items, such as tools. The products also h: load capacity, long life, and are easy to install. GRIP strut is also available i Dutf'-$ty-Ie for serious load applications. Standard $tair Tread tl{r x fittr s,tcl t{str $ ho End View 5n4t2004 Specifications -Malcnal--$plesl-ren widlh _I,pteth il*icbl C-tt3gp-p-rf birr-k{Sss" $udaee liosing Quans!s _I r:li&"AQs; Load Table Sir.es.aryl-$t-ans "Ibblc Bqdlcl.Pata Ta"hl-e- GRIP STRUT Products Pl"ir-rk _!tlalklya], €!r$-lie+d"r -I,adrJs.r-RIr-ags ElstStock End ll-ft Vievrr Product Features r Extreme slip resistance I Stair Tread wilh *1[" x t{+t sllrt htp ://www,mcnichols.com/products/gripstruUstahtreads/index.html GRIP STRUT Stair Treads D-^- ,) nf1r .,6\, z. \'L - r Long life o Easy to install r High load capacity r Self cleaning/draining . Safe, sure footing r Versatile r Openings catch most falling items #G-qEaek @ 2t)04 Coplaigbt McNichols Conpaqy All Righls R.sefled I{p$c lkadu-c"rr I C.glegsrisr- 1'.S-il-e-Man lf{2rit"ast u.=r l,l$9-9i01;?000C-c4ili-e.d- P,,ejliuak d.Mctal | &lr"CutqnS I Wi{_e ldes} | EiberCj"ag; I Frpiurrjsd lvlcta! CRIP STR{.IT I H"sl{drail Filting: I T:-e,n-,cllDra-in l(i&'S,18*gC.K Next; Fraduct det*ils reguired forspetifying m http ://www.mcnichols.com/products/gripstrut/stairtreads/indexthtml 5114t2N4 ,t TOWN OF VAIL '5 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ffi Job Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Location.....: 1081 VAIL VIEW DRIVE ParcelNo...: 210301409000 APPLICANP, TELEMARK TH ASSOC 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR VAfL, CO B 1_6 57 License; APPLICANT JOHN COGSWELL ],081 VAIL VIEW DRIVE #6 VAIL, CO B 1-6 57 Licenser 476-8984 TEI.,EMARK TH ASSOC ].090 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL, CO B 1_6 57 Licenser Also is Project: TELEMARK DECK RAIL/TRASH hoject Applicant. Status.. .: APPROVED Applied. . : 07120/2000 Issued. . : 07/2112W0 Expires. .: 07 /20/2000 Phone: 476-2482 07 /20/2000 Phone: 376-1,310 Phone:47 6 -2482 Permit #: PRI00-0213 $0.00 ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?! Total Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee-------> Payments--------> BALANCE DI'F--_---> OWNER Description: Replace deck railings on all buildings/trash encl . Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: Fireplace Iniormation: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# of Gas Logs: FEE SUMMARY Building----> Plan Check--> InYestigation-> wil catl-> Restuarant Plan Review--> DRB Fe€---------> Recreation Fee----------> Clean-up Deposit-*----> TOTAL FEES----------> $0.;; $0.00 90.00 $0.00 /20 /200 Approvals: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply io this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. EQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. d Clear-up Deposit To: ?? l ,, " --:&---l*9:-?*{.***{.:r:****:s****!r*,**x***/'***********x.***{.***r.*r. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit# PRJ00-0213 asof0?-02-2004 Status: APPROVED ***it***,lt<:****.**:t*{.**'l*****{c***d.'t{r****+'h*******'l*'F*,r**+*******+****:}r.*i.'t*****r**'t*'}****!E:k*********:F****.+* Permit Type: hoject Applicant: TELEMARK TH ASSOC Job Address: 1090 VAIL VIEWDRVAIL Location: l08l VAILVIEWDRIVE Parcel No: 210301409000 Description: Replace deck railings on atl buildings/trash encl ., ,, ll,,!, Conditions: Applied: 07120/2000 Issued: 07/21/2000 Expires: EXTERIOR STAIR REMODEL Trenton & Christina Staley 1083 LIONSzuDGE LOOP TELEMARK TOWNHOUSE #17 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 PARCEL #210301409017 SI]BMITTED 8.18.04 Montine B. Hansl 1121 Casolar Drive' West,i'l)" Vail' Colorado 81657 August 22,2003 Town of Vail To Whom It May Concem; On behalf of the Board of Directors of Casolar De[ Norte Homeowners Association, I write to support the approval of a request by the Telemark Homeowners Association to move their Vail View Drive Dumpster away from curbside and to enclose it with Town guidelines that is not offensive to the environment. It is my understanding the Dumpster will b€ on Town of Vail properfy but adjacent to Casolar Del Norte Homeowners properties. Our Board has approved the request by Telemark as it will mean we will not see trash or the actqal Dumpster any longer. In addition, it is our understanding that the enclosure will have doors that will be shut at all times when trash is not being deposited or removed. Casolar Homeowners have also requested limited use of said Dumpster when trash needs to be deposited on days prior to our regular pick-up schedule. This will ensure animals will not have -. access to garbage and trash before removal by sanitation services. ' Thank youforyour consideration Sincerelv. \ft"*u",8{",ut- Montine Hansl Member, Board of Directors Casolar Del Norte Homeowners Association Page I ofl hWJ/€dd1Oflf5... 8/18/2004 Page I of I http:l/ 8/1812004 L\tsTt4 6 STEP Rv?nctrrta/lT ITEIL 4 Rn,t ZY rsriil; J IL { --NI'ffNL ''TF-?5 OVEETIMDTTP&&/,E0GEatrR I}Q* YIDE XTVl/;JTfif OPfiMiVG cwTavv&tilwofrToMA|CN flrsTltfc s:m{xcf1rtEs EITTR:T YU COBN) KEY PID f_l-:1 -\'-:\ Va r'" -i t- 6"-.v.tv-7<l 7 "t ,r- :. l..{+ TELEUARK lBASH STORAffE EIEVAI|CFI r -itrLE-1r-Or SHTET NO. 1,02 a9 ctr Ns h.lGs 6(tl OJ FJ LO -,16(D+ LltaItiB c} r] t3s H6t all #6)m t9xf EN Ju I^ ?8 l3i1 O I : OZp Stephen El i cken s?o?48645?F"4 Re'qr. Vteu -:7 r --.* 5t----*- Jul EB O4 O1:O?p Stephen El icker 9?O7,+ 8645P f*sclv* {o M*1t'H t. {xf'lt''tt: p.? 'r-- (SFiurt of efil F-_____ B' Dodtt & ^cX l).t51'l c Lts' . rsvgp" --l ^ l,"L tili;is t\r2, I tI I I I ! I L..' \d 5t ol 'uc{o*&Xrdt' Jul -38 O4 P.3 "i1H*"'@* (p='"'" s70?48645e 5'F- i',*t qFv" (?- *v,#; -l* I I I ,Ir9, lI a.* I's./ | i l I I i {J- l0' | ,r {Ft-'a T I I 1 I frt t I I i I -r lI 8' --*--4 OffiGl'o0c UNIT #T 5 a F\) @ N6s 6 tu]l\) (t Fo$cnaJ 6+ f, f} mltlll 6) a I6}trl GI GI}j DAIE a.sl$+ TELEHARI( SIT€ PI.AN 3lt6'=1'-0' SHETT NO, 1.01 THE TELEMARK TOWNHOUSES A RESTJBDIVTSIOITI OF A PART RTDGE STJBOIVISION,@I.I{TY LOt a-a oF r-0T s-r BLocK g oF Lsct{'s OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORAOO. o|r lrr 5 r t|t {{(f Et rtrir.t{. (r. .rr4 tdt {' t '. rld t..hth. bb d t.dl hddn nir hrhi nr.r nrartr{r{..r.{rdrnrr.r r.,r'.nrnrl|.Fhn\ir4l I d nnb i rb rxn! '! r!! {rn *r v!d.. bd{rrr nrdr; nrs- Ed, jnt d nht, rb t*rn ird n.- r.-. t, ix Ba[.r hr d doi .t d, , t.|L_&..'-r,'.|,'l tx't.nt n tirr. I hrl nth n*.1 ,-k.J I ?-:) "FJ.if-------RIOGE L@P t6'y\ol .'||!|!rItrN.s[|rn|b|ffi+ry i:T.1fl.l,,,:,:L...,*;,.,.,.,.,.,. -,""J4j,.,ii::1,::'i:'l.i' I'i-.aaca--:r,--zer- '$r+=*+ : .;' .+i',.k Naw Ceq< (o.ra|r.t .||'!16r s.. lir6r.al N€UffR-,EREN A HANEN NA coxlnLttua E||i#€f|l-ptr t9tlt .G @4 E]lVa',C44.@ I il E I CP AIEELE ELEV. At35.27 2r!.F"-19, Et@ aJRA a eurrEn EEGIAI 3'VALLEY PAAI al a'J I 8.1{ ql I b FSs t'/D,) lf* IP l(,; IB iqlr-to ls I-.x*li1;$:*#j[{;ry*1;ff1}#l;*in,'it*"*'::s,xTlf ::i1?#r:T'##ffi I} i:::il;t drum*utgm****,*.***m*g of ihe building ano building' including' materials' Paint or cil*i;1.il**tllru1gr*'nrtffi i:il:"iffi:T'&:'*Jhx*:ff'"Jli"li5n*ll of accessory strut w 3'vaLLEY PAttA cUTTER lF H I 'hv'tj b le** .{ a +.B i b !.| sra. Pts EE6N 3''' *tfffir" GUTTER' ffiF,trli"'1q{ii::l:i,',"*":11,fl ;-fl !'llX ffi ili'';if t+";:ffi "i,fttffi:ffi iig'n-nui"*appricationsmav )NAL RE\IIEW ANII rtrEb ^. sartcral aaency other than the ff this appricarron requires a s:l::T:,li"j11.:J":g ff,riF:ft:'fifri$"'fl#'ltri'i:kii T#H:ii':T'i?:'"ffi :Iddi:ifi l:";xitt"{-;#el'',-'n:y;r'*yl'iii'E}#""1i1ftry;'ji3";T|;5r;';r j:z$:*";u:"1t":,1';iff,.Y"hil::#'F#ilArmvcorpsof R Engineers 40+, etc' . ^- ..,ki,-h are in €-Xc€ss of 50o/o of the Hffi fmryrfri;$f,fr;}fr lii#H:':in#jjfr hHffii.',ttrtr#;+:';l?'.'rt t',fiff*fr*r "." .r//-Li) a\. ',{fl* 3o, Y$ .:---l -.. . -t' :-l Ntt ./.&\/ -\\' r / lrr' 5'# : ; ;;P :", rH - da n e. rr rt f,a .e xt*nd -la net t Ft,nc-r on aJl tL6 l&F J-b be leg wela saa/ n,tzSdql Prcut/e c-urb Jt*_nutnst c-ern.ry ' 'ff ;,. .1.;h*,rilIi*i tl Ft ,I r aq..t J ///lf, tr , o'r ' .lt, r , ," -t t I I I ! ,l a , ,, 1,., $' - July 23, 2004 Mr. John Cogswell Telemark Townhome Association 1083 Lionsridge Loop Vail. CO 81657 FtLt tuPy Re: Minor exterior alterations - Telemark Townhomes Dear Mr. Cogswell, Thank you for submitting an application for design review of several exterior changes at the Tetemark Townhomes. Below, I have listed several of the issues that we discussed in yesterdays meeting: U As a condition of approval lor the workta be done on the stairs and railings, bath dumpsters belanging to the Townhome Association must be enclosed 2) Additionally, the dumpster to the northwest, which is also used by some Casolar owners, must be placed at least 8' (eight teet) from the Town of Vail right-of-way; 3) As part of lhe process, a revocable right-of-way permil may need to be filled out and submitted to the Publh Works Department if one has nol already been submitted; 4) A site plan shall be submitted prior to any approval of any part of the applicalion which details the proposed placement of the dumpsters; 5) Elevalions, drawings, and/or photos musl be submitted which depict the type of enclosures to be used. I look foruard to linalizing this application with you. Please remember that once all inlormation has been submitted and planning approval granted, a building permit will need to be applied for, a process that generally remaining you might have. Best August 8, 2004 Mr. John Cogswell Telemark Torr/nhome Association 1083 Lionsridge Loop Vail, CO 81657 Re: Minor exterior alterations - Telemark Townhomes Dear Mr. Cogswell, Thank you fo'r subrnitting an application for design review of several exterior changes at the Telemark Townhomes. As you know, the application appeared yesterday before the Design Reviar Board, who tabled the application per the representative's request, until more information is obtained. I have listed severat of the issues that were discus$ed in yesterday's meeting following: 1) A scaled site plan which details the proposed pla@ment of the duwsfers must be subrnitted prior to the next review of the application at the August 18', 2004 Design Reviarv Board hearing; 2) Final elevations, drawings, and/or photos must be submitted which depict the type of enclooures to be used. The Design Review Board understands that two dittererfi types of enclosures are being proposed and has requested that at teast two elevations be submitted to ref{ect these enclosures. The DRB also commented that overhead doors (similar to a galage door) would wo* best for lhe enclosures due to the amount of snow that is often on lhe ground during the winter season, oft€n rendering regularly-opening doors inoperable. 3) The Board has also directed that the handrails of units 16 and 1 7 be changed as well, to match the proposed changes to the other units. This will be attached as a condition of approval to the August 18'n hearing. 4) Per my previous letter, a revocable right-of-way will need to be obtained frorn the Town in order for the upper dumpster to maintain the proposed placement (which will be exactly designated on the previously mentioned site pran). I look foruard to linalizing this application wrth you. Please zubmit items one and two to the Community Development Department prior to 5pm on Monday, August 16. lf the above items are not submifted to rne by that tine, the aNication wiv be withdrawn. lf you have any questions about the materials necessary to complete this application please leel free to contact me. I will dan on feceiving the above items prior to the 16'and seeing you, or another representative of the Association at the next DRB hearing at 3pm on August 18, 2004. Best regards, 7/1 ,ttt)() v Elisabeth Eckel s70.479.2454 enclosures September 13, 2004 Mr. John Gogswell 794 Potato Patch Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: Telemark Townhomes DH8040278 Dear Mr. Gogswell, Per our conversation last weetq the above application to replace the stair treads and handrails at the Telemark Townhomes has been approved. As you know, the following two conditions were attached to the approval (please note that I have changed the deadline date regarding the dumpster enclosures to taci,itate their completion): 1. The two dumpsters are to be enclosed by applicant according to submitted plans by tinal inspection of the project or by 05/31i04, whichever is sooner; 2. The applicant shall cause the railings and stairs on all units to match. Thank you for submitting your application. t look forward to the completion ot the project, for both of our sakes! Please don't hesitate to contact mysell or any member of the Town Council with any further questions or crncems. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure (amended approval form) B€st November 29, 2004 Telemark Townhome Association 1083 Lionsridge Loop Vail, GO 81657 To Whom lt May Concern: It has come to my attention that one of the dumpster enclosures under construction at lhe Telemark Townhomes may not have been construcled according to the plans which were submitted to the Community Development Department. The enclosure ol two dumpsters, (one on the south side of the Townhomes near the pool and the other on the northwest side of the Townhomes in the Town ot Vail right-of-way), was a condition of approval for the exterior work that occurred this summer. That approval was granled on September 8,2004, for olher work at the Townhomes. Addiiionally, the enclosure for the dumpster located at the north side of the Townhomes has not yet been construsted. I have enclosed a copy of the original approval torm specifying the required date of completion as well as a copy of the elevations and plans that were submitted to the Town. ll the enclosures are not finished by the date specilied on the approval torm, the Town will enforce as necessary. Please contact me it I can be helpful in answering any questions. 974.479.2454 enclosures *'d ^4w, ...tF ffi TO![NOT l/A]LW "THIS FORM CANNOT BE REDUCED (PLEASE TYPE) LEGAL LOT DESCRIPTION OF PROPERry TO BE SERVED:BLOCK SUBDIVISION (lf necessary, attach description on separate sheet). Corner lot lnside lot TOWN OF VAIL APPLICATION FOR REVOCABLE PERMIT MAINTATN IMPROVEMENTS ON A PUBLIC WAY TO ERECT OR RIGHT-Of. TYPES OF IMPROVEMENTS Fence Wall Landscaping Other ww- DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURE s)INTO RIGHT-OF-WAY: Does structure presently exist? Proposed date for commencement of construction In consideration of the issuance of a _revocable permit for structure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable permit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described, 2. That the permit is limited specifically to the type of structure described in this application. 3. That the applicant shall notify the Project Planner and Public Works Department, or their duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for commencement of construction, in order that proper inspection may be made by the Town. 4. The applicant agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its officers, employees and agents against all liability, claims and demands on accouni of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property loss. or damage, or any other loss oflny kind wtiatsbevei, which ar'rse out of or are in any manner connected with applicants activities pursuint to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or fn part by, the acl, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicani, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to pi<iviOe defense for and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrles to bear all expenses relating thereto, including court costs and Revised 04/08/03 \WaiMata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\Revcable ROW Permit .doc attorney's fees, whether or not any such liability, claims, or demands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, a policy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against all liability claims, demands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, dernands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any damage, loss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and employees while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or anv other activities whatsoever on Town oivail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way. That the permit may be revoked whenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the public; or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deemed sufficient by the Town of Vail. That the applicant will remove, at his expense, the encroachment, obskuction, or structure within ten days after receiving notice of any revocation of said permit. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction, or structure is not accomplished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the properiy and collect the costs or removal in the same manner as general taxes are collected. That the applicant has read and understands all of the terms and conditions set forth in this application. The Revocable Right-of-way Permit fee is $35.00; $11.00 of the fee pays for Eagle County Glerk and Recorder recording. Make checks payable to Town of Vail. 44 Special conditions: 7. L 9. 10. Tfu A mr,o t 4 V (il "l /-+od^..es Signature of Property Owner (lf joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED:. Date Department of Public Works : Revised 04/08/03 \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\.Revcable ROW Permit .doc Sign Property Owner rship, both signatures) Project Planner Doparfil€nt of Community Dsvelopmont 75 S. Frontagl Road Vail' CO 8t65-f oate--fli J.L/ i.5 Ae*" r"k. "h".k= p")ra h to the Totill{ oF vAlL 001 0000 314111 314 1 11 314 1112 oot oooost+tltz 0000 314 111 0000 314 1112 oooo gt+ tttz 0000 3141112 00r ooooSt+rtlz 0000 314 1 112 001 oooo 314 111 1 0000 314 11 12 14 1111 t oooo sta tttt 0000 314 1111 314 'l 1 11 001 0000 319 31 i io oooo gt+ t rr -oor oooo zot r -r15 oooo 310 t "*nZfionryonlof c''-,td KOqq .. ,I't,,' Tom of Vail- I*I iXJsTtr{ER REIEIPT *++ {Jper: F-tffRFE Typel FE Dranerl IDatet 1lVlltA 04 Fiieipt nor leES .Descriptigl 0uantity Arountils tllsrfLt-sEr]Js t.08 E/L account nurber: @tffi03rlEl00 Jtlr+'[ ctFstfrLL EC lSF5?l tender detail cs cffiH Total tendered lotal payent Lnanqe Trans date: ,tfrIl$4 |35.m t4s. ss t40.09 r35.ffi r5.@ Tire: 14134:{5 1i8M{ Yt]U FI]R YI}JR FfrYI€{TI TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 M€chanioal.--> Plan Check--> hvestigation-> Will Call---> $680. 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $1?0.00 DRBFee------------> $0 .00 TOTAL FEES--------> $3 .00 DEPARTMENT oF coMMUNrry DEVELoPMENT i..*.+-a*\.ar-- 1.l(,t1 \4U( <r-a.dc"-^ ( \ Gt-Jc.,-L'nt -^-\c \ F\ NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Job Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR VAIL Locafion.....: 1083 VAIL VIEW DR ParcelNo...: 210301409000 Project No : Permit #: Status. . . : Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires. .: 476-2482 M02-0189 ISSUED 09106t2002 09fi7t2002 03/16/2003 OWNER TELEMARK TH ASSOC 1.090 VATL VIEW DR VAII,, CO 81557 License: COI{TRACTOR .]ERRY STBI,EY PII'MBING P.O. .gOX 340 lIrlrTURN, CO 8L54s Lisense: 152-M APPIJICANI'JERRY SIBIJEY PII'MBING P_O. BOX 340 MI}ITT'RN, CO 8L545 License: L52 -M Desciption: REPLACEBOILERFORBUILDINC Valuation: $33,500.00 09/06/2ooz Phone: 09/06/2002 Phone:97 0-827 -5736 09/06/2002 Phone:97 0 -827 -5736 Fireplace Information: Restricted; Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 s0. oo s8s3.0o Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total Pemit Fee-----> Palrncnts------------> BALANCE DUE-.__-> 98s3. oo $0.00 $8s3 . oo $ss3 .00 t0. oo IteM3 051-OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/L3/2oo2 ecD Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI Cond: 12 (BI,DG. ) : Cond: 22 (BI-,DG.): COMBUSTTON AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF ?HE 1997 tn{C, OR SECTTON 701 0F THE 1997 rMe. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTALLATTOII MUSa CONFORM ?O MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS AIID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1"997 I'MC. CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIEIJD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK I'OR CODE COMPLIAIICE. (BI-,DG. ) : GAS APPIJIAI{CES SIALL BE VEIITED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I AND SHAITL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF rHE 1997 UMC, OR CHAPTER I OF THE 1_99? rMC. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WITH CHAPTER 3 AIID SEC.I-oI? OF THE 1997 I]MC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG'): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOTIqIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. UITLESS IIISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FTOORIT{G. Cond: 32 (BI-,DG.): PERM]T,PLANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRTOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST, Cond: 30 (BI-,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAIN]NG IIEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI-,L BE EQUIPPED WITH A FITOOR DRAIN PER SEC- 1022 OF THE 199? UMC, OR SECTION LOO4.5 OF ?I{E L997 INIC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requfued, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTIESTS FOR INSPECTION SI{ALL BE [4ADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 A.M - 4 PM. FORHIMSELF AND OWNEI **************+++**++***********+******:t **'l***'S************+***t*t {.)t***'t 't ***********+******* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StateDent * * * * * * * * + * * * ** * * * * * * + 'N. {. + + + + * * * + t * * * * * {.ltr * t} * ** * * * t ** * *** ***** * * * * * * * {.* * * **** * * *** * * * * + '{. * * * * * * * Statsement Number: R000003099 Amount: $953,00 09/L7/2oozt!t2z alq. Palment Method: Check Ini!: DDG Notation: sibley 290?? Permit No: Parcel- No: Site Address : L,ocation: This Palment: M02 - 01_.8 9 210301409000 1O9O VAIL VIEW 1083 VAII VrEW $853.00 T]4)e: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT DR VAIL DR Total Fees: Total AL,L Pmts : Balance : $8s3.00 $8s3 .00 $0.00 * * * ** t * * * * * * * ** * * 'f *** * N. * * * * * * * * ** * +* +** * ** ** * *,! * *** *** ***'t+ + *:* t* *i. 'r * * ** ** * ***'t * {. * + * * ** * * +:* *,} ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descni pti on Current Pmts MP 00100003111300 PF 00100003112300 l^lc 00100003112800 MICHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES I,,JILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE 680.00 170.00 3.00 f 7 JSP Ih[. tt$FrcrfilrBd. vrll, Colorrdo Et6sz Sep 5 '02 8:51 P.013:ffi Permlt wfll not be acep@d wf,rout dle tblloilng: m t|yostdt|wn torarLbhdudg: -ru89 MEGIANICAL: S 53.5?11-199 *rtr$,r***ir * l.lttltl*ttt|:tti,ll.*'| *r F! r tntpttarltttrtt/mcdtf atttl rl|l rt****:f t*r*1.tt:f,r;+* \ Fax:970-827*5?34 Sep 5 '02 B:58 P.02J$P INC. ,,, arlr* l* tLH- =*-J f FF\ $ qF-ft4 9tF {,;? lilh{'LF;--'*f Fe 6F' {(,'.t atJ i.-* -l --.--..1 ll i .1.,{ f**ul D v i.v>Pgsq 'il + (f\\.)A\ G'Tz],ehte lc'ar5 rt t{'/ ooo 8o J"' ilil/ooo Ev\'f-, e F i-4 I _, -,.-ar, Fax:970-&27-5234 P.03 Applicatlons Hotels Hulti-Unit Housing lnrtitutions Regtaurants Laundry lndustrial Processes and many more Lor ilOx Emisions HIGHTY l'lAX is the borler for tomorrow's clean air requiremens. At lcss than 20 ppm NOx. Mighty Max's low ernassions beat even rhc gtrictesr of regulations' . A tough. proven burner materlal (FeCrAlY) wirh dePendable []ame retention . All without the extra costs and headaches of add-on equiPment. '02sep JSP INC.Fax :970-827-5234 Sep 5 '02 8:40 P.04 :estf Eeql httallation compa€t 3ize, low iacket remPerature, 45" water .onnectiont - vortical or horizontal piping' lcceseories Vent t€rmiral for outdoor installatioris Through -wall (horlzontal) vent rerminal Side pancl combustion sir connoctbn Through-wall (horizonral) combutcion air ihtake terminal Vertical cdnbustlon air intake terminal vctrtrlri Provides precise anput cotrtrol, sell adiusrs to varyins :onditions, simfified coa|stn.,ction for €ase of insPectign. Bufn€r Wovcn metal fiber burner, nemely FeCrAlY, an dloy of iron' :hronium, aluminum and yttrium. Venturi system automatically --ompensilt€t for chanseE in comburdon air or vcr , resriction. lgniter Shock resisant corrttuction. com!$tion Ghamber Small volume. ulilizing lightweight alumina'silica insulation board. Chamber is inclined to rllow lront service of burner a$ombly. Ga3 Controls Bedundant automatic grs valves with negerive- pressure r€gubtor. Smaller modals utilize combination control with redundant oPerator. Larger models rrtilize redundant valves with seParate negative- Prersure regulator. operating and safGty Controls Single sta6e operaiing control, mtnurl reset hlgh limit, water llow switch, mtrnual reset low water cutoff with test button. venturi prdssure switch and stack pressur€ switch are all standard components' l/entlng (tftrtical and Non-Vel4ical) Vcrtical - CategorY l, B-Venr Non-Vertical Stainle3sS(eel Direcr Vent - Ycrtical or Horizontal No extra power vent required for horizontal venting up to 50 equivdent {eet. Recommcnded Minimum Channce Froan Top Vthter Conn. Side Opposils SkCe Rear Front Vent Connector Flooring We're ReadyTo l{elP You The hot water and hydronic hearing specialists tt Teledyne Ldrs are ready to put their over 4O years of experi€nce to work fur you. For as$sunce ia choosing rhe right unit for your aPPlication - or if you'd simply llke to knolr more about our products, services' and extensive warranty - iurt call the Teledyne Laars office near you. Indoor Outdoor inches (--) inche (*m) f B (157) Unobstructcd 12 (r0s) 12 (l0s) 6 (rs2) 6 (152) 6 (r$2) 6 (152) Alcow Unobstru+ed*6 (152) Combustible Combu:tible 't in. (?smm) if double wall vent is used. JSP INC.Fax:970-827-5254 Sep 5 '0?8:41 P.05 !{i;. Sirnple Instellation MTGHTY MAX ir desitned for larter and easier installation - iust about anywhere' . ComPrct size and low iacker temperature permit inrtallation in smaller rPaces, clorer to walls ' ,15" water connections allow vertical or horizontal Piping without adiustmcnts or sPecial adaPters. . Quick converslon from rop io rear exhaust. ' Venting Options - direct. indoor, outdoor, and side wall. Supcrior Gomtoft end Economical operatlon in one Roliable' Easy-Tc-Servlce Unit MIGHTY HAX's advanced technologY provides on-demand hot water in domestic hot waaer applicetions and fast lemPer€ture pull-up when ured for hydronlc heating. Precise temperature control means greater comfort for occupants. HIGHTY MAX is econorni€al to oPerate, roo. The reliable, easy-to-service design keeps maintenrnce cotts low. And the wide access door plur easier p ts chrnge-our make gerYice a 3nap. Ven!utl pre-mixing rystem delivers 8596 elficiency - at any inPut rate. Drect wfting option, Can durt and exhau:t up to 50 equivrlent feet withoul asgstarKe. No extra fans or v€nto8 requited. f{l;*!. t5o angle oriantrtion of wrter connections enebler easy vertical or horizontd hoofups withour extra piping or sp€cial rdaprers. Convcns quickly from l6P to rear erhau6t -no drafi divener neceirarl. i -.q,+.Low iacket tempEfirture retulttng lrom minimal heal loss of lBst (han 196, JSF INC.Fax:970-82?-5234 Sep 5 '02 8.42 P.06 LorN Walef Left Slde View :BFOi}TANCE AT'IO OII{ENA|oNAL DATA IODEL Wd!roH ryfo.l00lrt tv!0ttrnl ryvD6lst{ rw!rntil ,wr000ll ECOVERII TABLES _ GPH w ____.1 r1 lzwl Ftront View WATEN TE}IPENATURE N|sG } / C Drmons|ons slro$|'r at€ il*has (fln). Right Slde Yierv { l 78} 003) (2011 (2?t! z5'f / l{t lr .7o) (?.2 | ) {2.65) (r 28) 7 8 It t0 /w04ll0tl /W0!totl /lv0615M FllQTttA ,Wlooolil HHIXODII HH05l0!l lt]t06lttrl H,{otfln HH I lt00!l ( r07e) { r{06) (1691) (20t6) 822 (86r) 1071 (r 126) 1288 (r3s2) tSrt (1677) ?06t (21 t028 t1!t l6t0 rt96 1576 68 88 t06 r32 r70 (.1.2t) {$.55) (6.5e) {8.33) (Et!)- 6.6 L6 l.l 5.t 1.4 (2.o) (0.8) (t.0) (1.5) 77 35 1) 51 68 l4 ,flFTEIEDYNE I.AABS 6000 Conddr Drive, Moorpa*, CA 93O2t ' 805'549'2000 FAX 8O5'52S 5934 zd r"au"t i"r w"v, Boctrcster' fiFt 0s867' 6m 3r? 9199 r.*5 :9.:'tr TT..?:.'^n',;r.,;:'i;;;';'.';,'i rt",';"'r'r4rr't ' :r't' r!rl r''''r1 !-axanqp'4'' 'nti Volumc ffitcr l{eatera 355 .4m 1& ,t85 5t6 z1 29.15 31.75 .o 50 t7.f5 (1stt Ir.r ({95) t9.5 (195) r9.5 (,r95) tooT / 56 C 157 5r5 7ls 807 tl11 sgf 765 9?0 I t{l t172 685 spl r073 BrI tftT EnFoRtlANCE AllD OlllENSlOl{AL DAIA HH0400it Hloltot{ HHo6t5ll Hr$trl!l t{lt lo(nil IATE Of fulw AN9 PnEs!runE DftoP - 9C5|€N@ l0"F 6t Flt{ 9.1 - 16.? (8.0) I 15 Hydronlc Bdlerr 8.9 (24 I 58 r 1,2 l3.t) | 70 27.5 (6.e1 I 87It-,-!-!rai 'rr-.l 0.8{) (3.66) (4.{r) (5.{t) 355 ,f00 {+0 ,+05 596 2{ 79.25 1!.75 ,(t 50 7 ( r78) ro.s cl64 t0.5 (254 lD-5 G67) :r4.9 (86) l8,l.,l (l 13) {62.0 {t15) srl.8 ( 160) ],10 112 53t 658 050 20e; , u'c 1.7 (t.3) l.e (0.6) 2.5 (0.8) r.4 ( | .0) t4 +l 5t 65 85 I r.5 p.sl ,+.0 (r.r) 5.7 (r.7)r.{ (x.9) I I An AlleghenY Tnr I "''- :ri * F{,j,.t tif:i: 1r; l.{'.if ,1{ *l}}.}r,i-Iiir,.4 -:,"ii:.,t1.ij..:i,.j., r,i,",:., f,ji!!,* 1"r'rr,r.l+y. j,.'r,,:,i'1i ;1 ,!,'rii_l i.'r" ., .'11.:: .-., '-,"' ;:t,,litil; ;i.r,r.'',,;1ii- lrt -i', ,-,i. :.it,iI llii'i 'li jl. 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' i t ll' 1 rqi;'\''i: "r':!' :\' , l.- _ il' r .':r .,rr r'r1::- l,,i:.. .. r:::r.,!, r:!,:.i- *i '1:"- ',' r:.3;" i | ",ii: :.,i iJi+i ll,r ,,'. iir'11.f ;: t "/ -".;': : i i..!J.'r;la:r . il..l'l ,i':,.i1-'!:;i:,!-,';, .',.. ;r' ::l, ,.irr:I :'ir':' ' )'r':' ,';,i,lrl ,,,:l:t r ;lJf{ 1.:;;f , ! ':l i .-:r'rr:3 . . ..- i:,:,:.:,., :t. I ;iii 1.: r_' .r, ",.':.::,1". i t-; -.-,-':rii ,,r:;1: : i1'l'.,ii l: -ir:i'1,.r'1" j. ,-..1.:h:i,i;l ,i:i;:iit. i:: ," j l;: . .,-,: ..i-1. . .. . .. . i -lq 1 ur rn'4, ('' ti ,,^ u \L/\.r - '/,t:., '',&l /, lt -'/\ ' \!' ,Lj t t, Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL ProjectName: TelemarkTownhouses ProjectNumber: nla Project Description: New Dumpster Enclosure Owner, Address and Phone: Telemark Townhouse Assoc. ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: Lions Ridge Loop (iust west of Vail View Drive) Legal Description: Telemark Townhouses Board / StaffAction Motiouby: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproved Conditions: 1) The dumpster must be Iocated a minimum of 10' off of the edge of asphalt in order to maintain adequate clearance for right-of-way maintenance vehicles and machinery. 2) Pursuant to Title 14, Vail Town Code, the dumpster enclosure must be painted to match the existing buildings. 3) A revocable right-of-way permit is required for the improvements on Town property. This document (attached) will be recorded rvith the county. Please return the completed permit and a recording fee ($5 per page, payable to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder) to the Departuent of Community Developmenl attention Brent Wilson.4) The existing concrete slab must be removed and the affected area must be revegetated in accordance with Title 14, Vail Town Code. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: August 23,2000 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20 Qrestionslall the Planning Staff at 479-2!38 r0ff\I APPLICATION FOR DESIGN R,EVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMANON This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval, Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a buiiding permit, For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the partjcular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the rquired information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year afiter final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. B. c. U. tr F. G. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: PARCEL #: ZONING: MME OF OWNER(S): owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPUCANT: MAIUNG ADDRESS: (Contact Eagie Co. Asseasom ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) PHONE: H.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:D New Construction - $2OOn Addition $so Construction of a new building. lncludes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such a5, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. fp Minor Alteration - $20 . ./ ]'/J/F+[L-t ^- -. t ff 3 rTB UrSrTh.€trg}-rl =^ -e , DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permi! please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AHD THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7s souTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. PHYSICALADDRESS: IOtI VTa^1 IIW{EDAIE 0I m /,1 r *,.*-..--**€* I euestions? atn" ptanning staff ar 47g-zr3: ffi MrNoR ALrERArroNs ro rHE EaERroR oF BUrLDrNcs tfi\l0t ti4jlffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrsr0 GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTAL R.EOUIREMENTS n Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. tr Photos or sketches which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). n All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. tr Condominium Association approval (if applicable). fl If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. flr$iorpEoposeoMarrRrnrc O TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materiais Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other s&N\€ A\ QilAo x Please specify the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance U-f 1-5J. If ercerior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixfure type and provide the height above grade, lumens outpul luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. . PROPOSED IJTIDSCAPING Botanical Name: Common Name: Ouantiwl Size*: pRoposED sft$A . TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: xMinimum requirements for landscaping: deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souate Footaqe: GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify, Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTI|-ITY IO9ATTON VERTFICATTgN This form is to verifu service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction '/vith ilreparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk line:: or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Coffimunications 1-800-922-19[7 468-6860 or 949-4530 l)0 Public Service Company 949-5781 (Gary Hall) Holy Cross Electr:c Assoc. 949-5892 (Ted HLrsky;John Boyd) T.C.L 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanita,-ion District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signaturs from each of the utiiity companies, and no comments are made directly on the form/ the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. ff a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which neds to be resolved, The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applhant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifrcations do nct relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Departrnent of Public WorK at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obhined before diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildj$o oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and nUSL be obtained_separatelv. II. I PRE-APPLICAIION CON FERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128; IIME REruI8E[\4ENIS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Communify De\€lopment Department a minimum of three and a half (3 1/2) weeks prior to the date of the DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERTA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NQIF=JQIITAEEUEANIS: A. ff a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche/ rockfall, floodplain, debris fbw, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the lssuance of a building permit. Applicanb are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format. For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24'x 36". For large projecls, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minirnum scale is 1"=20. Atl plans must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. Title block, project name, project address and legal description. Indication of plan preparer, aodress and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of l"=1,000'or larger. Sheet labets and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. C. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building comers. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried try snow, All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. D. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, wilt have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. E. ff the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit, IV, 2. 4. q 6. 7. R o 10. 11. 12. \ STAFF APPROVAL The p,lminist'ator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final aooroval by the DRB. The following types of Design Review applications may be staff approved: A. Anv application for an addition to an e><isting building that is consistent with the architectural desiEil, materials and colors cf the building, and approval has been received by an authorized rnember of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any aopiication to modify an existing building that does not significantfu change the eDdsting planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to e)derior building finish materials (e.9. stonervork, siding, roof materials/ paint or stain,), exterior lighting, canop'res or awningsf fences, antennas, satellite dishes, windows, skylights. siding, minor commercial facade improvements, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited tO driveway rnodifications, site grading, site walls, i'emoval or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilitis. ADDTTIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separate review by any iocal, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Hignway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, dtc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant C. Applications desned by the Cornmunity Development Departrnent to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require revielv by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Departrnent may hire the consuftant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the appllcation shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 dap of notification by the Town. ,Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review comphtion. VI. r L- t. IR{+.tlttq, ls l.ia*q a'aiutns rgHlilgi $l UI el !41 $t llllrlllfltl tllltttl. | +'. ilH HI I It- I I I It\tb fi* IQ t f= I lq ts lrII !-. I-.rt Ist Itr I {qo'.fi q s.€ & lzvtta 'AJ73 -:trceng dt t E tute,ffi!t&y+-f,y?r# {'-t .*-' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L557 97 0-479-2L38 a I DEPARTI\MNT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI-, TIMES aoo/ar,t MF BUrLD PERMIT Permit #: 896-0068 Job Addres Location Parcel N DR BLDS -000 Add sg Ft: #0f 6as Logs: Statue...: ISSIIED A,Brc Applied. .r 04/.25/.!996 riiued...t 04/25/I9e6 Expirea..t lO/22/1996Project No.: AFPLICANT PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920t AVON CO 81620 OWNER TELEMARK TH ASSOC 1090 VArL VrE[{ DR, VArL,co 81657 Description: REROOF TET-,EMARK BLD OccuPancY: Type Construction: Tlpe OccuPancy: ArBrc Rl Multi-FanilYv I-HR Type v 1-Hour '19,92'-1 Pbone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 Phone:476-2482 #0f l,ood/Pa l, let: icab Lc 08 Fi reptBca Infornation: Restri cted: FEE SUI,II,IARY Bui tdingr-> 640.00 Resruarant Ptan Rcvier--> .m Tots I' cetcul'at.d F.!s--> 1,!09'00 ilan cftl"f--> 416.w oRB Fe.--- Invcstioation> .OO Recrestion f:e---------) .00 Total Pcrrit Fee---> 1,4?'9-0 wiii-ilii-:-; r.m ctern-up Deposit-----> 250.m Psrsents---*> 1'309'00 ToTAL FEES---- 1,309.00 gALAxgg ggE--.---__*> '00 **** t**** *******i***** i** ** t* ***** ** ****************** t r***t** ri***** *t* t* ** *******tlt*l** ***r.**t ** *tt** i *t * t **** *tt*t******# **tt **** Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/2511996 DAN Actaon: APP Depr: BUILDTNG Division: Valuation: #of GEs lpptiances: REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIAOE TI,IENTY-FOIJR HdJRS II{ send ctearup Deposit To: PLATH 04/2511996 DAN Action: APPRii5fi;'ds40o-b-r"urnruc DE9ARTMENT _ pgpli PLANNING Divieion: 647ii/1e9ai-DAN - Action: APPR LAUREN APPBoVED --ii6fi;, d5660-ii-jne DEpARrlrENr ':-'*-' -'--DdpEl rrne Division: o4Dslrgg6 pew Action: APPR NIAid'"ft;'d35oo-'p]jgr,rc wajRKS-- -. - t" Dept: PUB woRK Division: o47ts/t996 DAN Action: APPR N/A rtbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTIIENT-o47ii /1it6-DAN--- --- ACaion : APPR N/AIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORK96A7ii/ItgFj-DAN---- Adtion: APPR N/A em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT7t5li996 DAN Action: APPRbm:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT/25/L996 DAIT ACtiON: APPR LAU bm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT/2511996 DAN Action: APPR NIA'en:' 05500 PUBLIC wORKg/25 11996 DA\l Action! APPR N/A Dept: PUB woRK Division: 04/25 ***r***** i;t**** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hcfeby acknovtedge th€t I have read this aPPtication, fil'Led out in fult ptan, and state thit tl,l th" information provided as required is corrcct. the informatiort requi red, coopteted an sccunate ptot I agree to cotPty uith thc infornation and -plot-ptan' io compty Hith aLl Toun ordinEnces and state taus, and to b,ui td this codes.'design reviev approved, Unifortr Euitding coda and othen ordin stGMTUnE OF OtlNtR OR OFFICE FROII AND ou[ER ********f*********************************************************************** CONDITIONS , Perrnit #: 896-0058 ai ot o+/zs/99.. status: rssuED *******************************************i**i********************************* Perrnit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicint : PLATIT CONSTRUCTION 3039491905 ApPIied: 04/25/L996-r-ssuea: o4'/25'/ L99 6 To Expire: LO'/22'/L996 Job Address: Loeation: TEIEI4ARK TH. BLDS ArBrC Parce1 No: 2103-014-09-000 Description: REROOF TELEMARK BLD A,B,C Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED ?O CHECK FOR CODE COI'fPLIAI'ICE ' 2. SMOKE DETECToRS ARE REQUIRED IN ALI, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F TllE 1991 UBC. _-L -lt- **************************************'************************** TOWN OF VAIL, coLoRADo statennt ***************************!t************************************ Statemnt Number: REC-0127 Amount: 1'309.00 04/26/96 L2t22 --::T:=-5:y:-:i-----T:::1:i:-111:',-!---- -- - ------:i1-::-- perrnir Nor 896-0068 Type: A-MF ADD/Anf IfF BUILD PER Parcel No: 2103-014-09-000 Site Address: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR I-,ocation: TELEMARK TH. BLDS ArB'C Total Fees: 11309.00 This Payrnent 1,309.00 Total ALL Pmts: 11309'!9 Balance: '00 ****************************************!t*********************** Account Code Description llmount 640.00 416.00 250.00 3.00 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 01 OOOO 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 01 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 01 OOOO 41336 W]I.,,I, CALL INSPECTION FEE / ta 7'ot/-af 'ae tr_it fr uf vhlL LLrl't-ut- Legal DeEcrlptl.ons ownBrs Nanst 1u ; ,ruJ-4 /9-24it TOIW OF VAfIr ;Ll La J4 eonscmrtor,r IU:4lr f.lc'.UUb l'.UI PERMI'T f Address: Addrege: Ph. lrchltectl Ph'- _-Eqne_ra1 neeorlptlon : {ltlrY- r tn**re-qs- lts.t*:\1tL\-, I \n**rr-qg fLs.J\rJ'BtAIt .-J(,r.6rm ELsra.-cn fU.o<-R- o..9O .florh ClaEs: I J-Ne$ [ ]-I[teratloni)l ]-Adibi#lonal t l-& Nunb€u of DueLlLng UnLter Nurnbar of Aoconrtrodatlon UnltE: - . rlpnbef, and type ot FlraplaseE! Gas lppllancae_ ca3 IJogE_ t{ood./Pellet_t It*t** ********* *****i********* ****tr VAI,IIATIOHE ***********************t********,tl -1r:nrl/) ^^BurrJDrNcs ]ia.ae(frG) ur,Ec.mrcerr I orrrgRr I pmurT FOH}I DABFI , aPPLTCATTON UUET BD FILT,ED dttl[ COIdPLEIfELI OR rT EAg NOr BE ACCEp|IED Irr**l***r*t**i*****t*t***r*t**r gEAHtT INfOn}ll![ION tt ****f,***********i***rt***** tt I l-PlunhlngI J-Bui.rdlng I l-Plunhlng [ ]-Et6ctrlErl I l-laectrantaat I J-ot'hQr ilob Hamet AddreEElvaIpt netntr 1 1-otneq r TT ugcnAxrslf,: f- TorAr.l **t*+t*a******it *****tractot: AddreEE! ElactrlcaL contractor!b'6G AddTEBBI Plunbing Contraetorr Addressr t{echanlc*l Sentractori Addrete: **** *!rii* t *rl***+*****f,t+*+* t *rti* fOB BTITI.DING PERUIT FEE3 PINI}TBI}IG FEnI1IIT FSE' UECHANTCAI, PERUIT FUE! ETECIRICilI, FEEg OIHE 1rYPE OF FEE! DRS FEE' Phone l|ufiher! Tqrfil of vall Fhone lfufibBrr Tqsn of Vall Phane l{umber; Reg. flo. Reg. tlo. OFffCF US8 ****tr+*lti*****i********tt****r BT'II,DTXG PIATI CHECX FEE! FIT'UBf,NG DIA}I CHECK trBET !{ECHANICAL PIJLN CIIBSK E'EE: RECNEtrIION TEE; CLEAN-ITP DEPOSX!8 ![OTAI, PnR|[It fEBSs B{'TI,OINGI SIGIIATT'REi EOHTBC: STGIITTTIRE! April 16, 1996 Roofing Specification for Telemark Lodge Page 2 of 3 BASE BID: SUPER-INSULATED ROOF/BUILT UP ROOFING: 1l Plath Cons0uction, Inc. will provide all permits and insurance as required by the Town of Vail Building Department. 2l Remove all gravel from the roof and remove from the site. 3l Inspect the plywood substrate for any structural weakness and replace as needed. This work, if required, will be an additional charge over and above the contract price, and will be charged at the rate of $1.85 per square foot. No additional charges will be incurred without prior notification of, and authorization from the owner, or owners agenr. 4l Install 3" polyisocyanurate (R-21,6) inzulation over entire built-up roofing area, Install 1/2" reffo-fit board over the 3' insulationuslng screws and plates per manufacturers specification. As required by industry standards this will include two layers of 2"x4" with a (112" plywood filler) at perimeters and at 12' increments horizontally for a nailer for the felts. +*Please be aware that the new height of the roof may leave little or no room for the windows (to operate) that are already close to the roof line. If this is the case, special details will need to be worked out to accommodate this condition. These details may require additional work and money, over and above the prices in our bid.** 5l Install four-ply built-up roofing according to specifications by "Manville" or equal by "Tamko". This irrcludes four plies of "hot" mopped, fiberglass felts. Apply a flood coat of hot asphalt and imbedded pea gravel as the finished surface. 6l Install 26 gauge, prefinished flashings at roof edges and at vent. Install 26 gauge z-flashing (see drawing #1) at walls. The owner to select the flashing color from standard charts available for review at Plath Construction, Inc.s office. 7l Replace all plumbing vent pipe flashings with lead flashings. Price for work as specified above: Total for all buildings: $34,761.00 $26,91400 $18,252.00 $79,927.00 GENERAL NOTES: 1l Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at current market prices. Due to volatility of the market, material prices cannot be guaranteed past 30 days. Building "A" Building "B" Building "C" Page 3 of 3 2l Plath Construction carries property damage liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per occrurence. Plath Consftuction carries auto insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00. Plath Construction carries appropriate Worlcnan's Compensation insurance tbrough Colorado State Compensation. No frrrther insurance coverage is included in our price, and if required, the additional cost shall be added to the contract price. 3l Upon receipt of the contract price, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing against leaks due to flaws in workrnanship for a period of Three years from the date of roofing completion. Leaks qualifynrg under the temrs of said warranty will be repaired promptly at no cost to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage that mav occur. OPTIONS: 1l Provide manufacturers warranty covering all built-up material and labor for a period of 10 years from the date of roofing completion. kice for option #1: Add $1,400.00 J FuuiUc A UNLTE AlP 4Cn t-g B*ru6.B utrrrs 1^ 4 B.oruo C Urrrrs ts 'lX I vv g oM, Ae*a Jo,.gtn*a- *rt'j-{l**'@ 0 Z- Pt-r[^lE 'PHALT r !^tF l'l i:G t, .7IL l4,l v L 7 5 5 r s* iF.irr ris i St-st\ I ,$-s\ :i r\ I ,$ i t\ 'l! l, W.t\ x' b ..r.,, l. l' l \'{P i i I --.-,.- t '.- . I| ,- 1 II isF.ir$ l; lu c-*N l iF I' o_ (4 I-:-- , r -\ , ii I' tll ii I i1 ri I 1..,. L l t\ I gcrt*i ,;i ; dss\ \I +I N\ N (A II h I! I o -\l\\\t\,\ \ $ N \ \, \ \ J\ \.\ li It r c I (. L r1 sf) =)s(;+t I j N\ \ N N .\ N^NSW\ \s $\\\ trsNt.i \ \\\ l\tt Ue-T-a-l I l-l.J"-LI Fl "-s h\ n1 Z- Fl*e[irn j Fl-"hi r'1 f4*v,nbrarwe il"* BtlR { Ply +1 Btt = l' cuho,r* e/,s+tvj SI4.ivrq I a'l I o o-l I otrrthttf' Nc* Flo.s(inqI ?tt 6*| st"lp t/tu Norto&*'"d.P{ lt Ni." Non -(,ovn {r,G'ti 6a fiewtbru.gre ,Spvd t-d livnoo€ 4varre\ /o 0 .t gs :a- -- -h6ld 3o 3 '-6 xa U a(t <J o t 3c<J 2z ,J vk r{ t) 3 F (>- C az >{ D \J 00 U) vlI $t*J c \) C' o \ n{ x t rl d iI)in FT 3J f4ii;,Eqrfi-i'l' ul'l ir LE oi alf. co o-pfr6.: .<--E vt?dd"-.tt-L\J :_ tl fYt rJ tl (+?#3 slra s:-,d as _,L.'d c/ frn!si3ix \$ t { rl erIvt {o\) a- o+vt \r a J!(f || r) t ; s{ XX s' d- c u. ood. M3 m F.rp:r\tie -{Eto fiQ'x a- lJl )r-,t *3\'d d. t N t d tfr c +d6 3*J "t{\5 'D 3I 3 -ot )tr -r, llt,v u| X.i x $ is &\ sa -EL rl \ v) J J Ls\ -,3 1 € I rt r).> Ull T++ $_-fj{ Ad *I [' s , I d,-.. ; {,$ Etd j\l Ii3x:'5Gl.;r.t9 a:J''Fi. pr-fiTrr'<rnI ruY v 4tr L VE\TDOR, NFJ'18: VPNDOR NN''tsER: DESCRIFi'fON OF EX?:NSE :///t t{F/- naaf, NA]'IE OF JOB: ACCOUN? liiir'I8Er: AJ,tOUNT OF REFLI\D: t DA?E .APFSOVED:- /O- APPP.OV.T.L S I GNATURS : REtrT131 TOHN OF VArL, trOLORADII 9,A/19/96 O6:44 REtrUESTS FUR INSPEDTItrN l.lORK SHEETS FBR: A/I9t96 trtrEiE AREA: CD Activity: Flddres s r Locat i an: Parcel: Descri pt i on: Flppl icant : Owner: Cont raet or: 896-6064 al t9 /9b TO9O UAIL UIEI"I DR TELEHARK TH. BLDS ff, e1g3-614-gs-ao0 REROOF TELET'IftRK FLD trLATH CONSTRUCTION TELETTIARH TH CSSOC trLATH trOHSTRUCTITlN Type I A-lttF BtC ArBrC Status: ISSUED Constr: AltlF Ecc: Phone: 3El3949 19O5 Fhone:476-?48? Phone: 36394919O5 Use: U l-HR Inspect ion Request Requestor: St eve Req Tirer ftB:OOIters requested to AA096 BLDG-Final Inforrat ion. . Conrent s: be I nspect ed- Phone:949-1985 Cornent"s..,'." ':Aet i on . ,:,-rt, tl Tire Exp I nspect i on History..... O0510 driverray grade final OCrOlB FLDG-Foot inqs/5t ee I DOfi?$ BLDG-Foundat i on /5t e e I O05eA PLAN-ILtr SitB trlan OOO30 BLDE-Fraring 00g4g * * Not trn Fils * * OOOSA BLDG-Insulation UO@,69 BLDG-Sheatroek Nai I S0SAO * * Not On File * * o'0,979 BLDG-Fliec. 60090 BLDE-Final OO53& BLD6-Terp. tr/tl 06531 FIRE*TEMtr. CItr 6053e trH-TEI{p. C/O ocr533 pLAlt-TEl'tF. tr/tr &6537 PLAH-FINAL C/O OO53S FIRE-FINAL C/O oo539 pl.t-FINAL C./O SO540 BLD6-Finat C/O f t es:Iter:Iter:Iter:Ite:: I t es:IteslIter:Iter:Iter: ItellIter: Iter: f t er: Iter:Iter: Iter:Iter: Ite:: ! ffiq 8z;7hs 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 March 6, 1995 Rod HalI company 255 Wyandot Street Denver, CO 80223 Re: Permit *'s 7038, 6948, 695t & 6'143 Deparnnent of Community Development 7039, 6248, 704!, 6620, ExDirat ion Dear Sir, IE has come EO our attention that you have. several outsLanding p"t*ii" Lhat. have not received final inspections' Your permits have expired according to Section- 303 of the 1994 Uniform plumbing Code. These permits must either be finalized, extended by written request or repermitted' I would appreciate your prompt attenEion to this problem and expect to hear from you within 30 days of receipE of this letter' Sincerely xc: File F : \Everyone\Chuck\Finals CONSTRUCTION PERMIT d€psftment of community development ro sE rtLteo our coMpLETELy pRtoR To tssuANcE oF pERMtr. TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 911g l4AY 24. 1994 ' 6739 n!tr tYi RLI BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION BNAME: TEI.EMARK POOL REPLACEMENT MAILADDRESS 1O9O VAIL VIEW DR CITY VAIL 81657 PH, ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM I'IAX COMFORT POOL & SPA TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. 267-8 949-6339 ELECTRICAL F|RM FRENCH ELECTRTC rOwu OrVnt ReO. NO. 225_E 67 4-0227 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. T.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I Ir rV V 2- OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH IR M DfVfSION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : REPLACE EXISTING SWIMMING POOT PERMIT NO. zo F BUILDING 1l 1q2 nn :\ H ,! ./ ELECTRICAL e(n nn PLUMBING MECHANICAL 2? _ OOO OO IYPE GROUP G.B,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II R-1 BUILDING PERMIT 255-00 \ \\\R I{) N\\)-,tq \- PLAN CHECK 17'' nn EIECTRICAL 50.00 NEw( ) ALTERATTON( ) AOO|T|ONAL( ) REpAtR[n PLUMBING DwELLTNG uNtrs 0 accolnroolttot't urrrs 0 MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE R.VALLUETHICKNESS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 20.00 PP + 30.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 Exr.wALLs I I I USE TAX ROOF WILT, CAI,I,6.00 TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERM IT FEES 671.OO DAN STANEK 5-23-94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur | | | J|LO|NG OFF|C|AL DATE gEgBGLRUTHllr _ _5 -23 24 }NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING A BUILOING NOTES: FFNCE Cor.np Tn MATCH FYTqTINC I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agre€ to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanc€s of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERI,TIT APPLTCATION FORM DATE. S/'t9/94 tLtt4F' PERI"IIT nm'EllAY t 9leel. #-hl3/ APPLTCATION MUST BE FII.]LED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************** PERt{Ir TNFoRMATION ***************************** [x]-Building 6 1-elurnbing [x]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-Other Job Name: Telemark Townhomes Job Address: 1090 Vail View Dr. Legal Description: Lot (Part of B-1 )Block_g_ Filing 1 SUBprvrsIoNt Lio Owners Name: Telemark Townhouse A.Address: i090 Vail View Dr.P}r. 476-047 4 Ph.Architect:Address: GeneraL Description: Replace existing' swimming pool € Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Addttional [x]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwel]ingi Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/peUet_V.********************************** VALUATIONS ********************************* tBUfLDING: $21 ,153.00 ELECTRICAL: $ 350.00 Electrical Contractor: French Electric Address: PO Box 3146 Everqreen CO 80439 Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: OTHER: $rorAl!S@ *************************** Town of Vall Reg, No. 2678 Phone Nurnberr 949-6339 Town of VaiI Reg. No. aet'E Phone Number: (3031 674-0227 Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: /72'oo INFORMATION & Spa ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ************************ ** ***** BUTLDING PERMIB FEE: PLI'MBING PERMTT F88: MECiIANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: 4o5,ao t(),oo BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MEC}IANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RICREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: OTHER TYPE OF FEE:r,4.,,r(q?4( (.,,oo DRB FEE: N'\ IL' - du $o 5() , oo f1 // /BUTLDTNG: fu' 4/a L e -z Z ^q,/ STGNATURE2 .- ZONING: SIGNATURE t s/z-s/q4 CLEAN ITP I}EPOSIT REFT'ND Maximum Comfort pool & Spa 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 oftlce of communlty development If this perryi.t. requires a Town of Vai'l fire Department Approva.l, Engineer"s..(.PgUt i.c l,Iot ks) reyiew and approval ,'a plann.ing' Departmentreview'or Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the euithingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as 'l 6ngas three weel{t. Al'l commercial (1arge or sma'll) and all multi-family perm.its willhave tq fo'l low the above mentioned maximum requiremints. Residentialand.small projects_should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential on smaller projects impact the various above mentioniddepartments. wi.th. regard. to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thjspermit as. sgon as possible. I, the under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and time Irame. BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TiME FRAME t -l-t/AerrrtEn t Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh lronlage road vail. colorado 8'1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&7ECT: offlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE -(t.". rn sunmary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpsterl , poriable ioilets .rra - workmen vehicLes. upon any street, sidewaik, al1ey or publicp119" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way 6n ari Town ofvalr srreets and.50ads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillty enforc3d. by the Town of vairPyPli-c works Department. persons found vi3r.atinq this ord.inancewr-rJ. be gr-ven a 24 hour written notice to remove-said rnateriaL.rn the event the person so notified does not compry with th;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified,, the p"iric worksDepartment wilr remove said mateiiat at i.he expense of personnotified. The provisj.ons of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair lroj-cts orany street or alley or any utiLities in the r-ight-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop byVail Building Department to obtain a copy. thankcooperation on this rnatter. the Town ofyou for your acknowledged by: 'fz os{t,ionl contractor, owner) d) ) 5 --. JX (+!- -! F|. aa-(>-! ). (-. <- t- I .Jt7 -J-'1(e\ .tsa. r-.r-.+r-\ \a-i)i(I\r.:l \ ( L / i, )t( r)'n ,-: .l)s \} c. c' L.\ -.: (- v\, c!, x- 6*- P( ))* -' -1i.!f 'j t, -tr ql (( .-9 sf j t '\ -T. c- s' Y, { c {r e 7o -t t .\ + F {\ Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: TELEMARK FOOL REPAIR DATE: 5-23-94 ADDRESS: 1090 VAIL VIEW DR CONTRACTOR: MAXIMUM COMFORT VAIL,COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY: R ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 11-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of atl possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the crdes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE 3. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. Oo esign Revidw Actiot*orm TOWN OF VAIL Category Number oate sJiqJa4 -Pro,iect Name: Buildlng Name:/,. ,t t-,-rE lz,.-, t../t-,.ttL.,. Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: -71., !.. , , -., ,- L 77,i-.. r ..,/y.., ,.,,t-- ,.4 *..-t.c.t ., "^, t-t -- " J nrcfrit6lflontac Odress and enone: .? ir-', F.,*,,-'-.*rt 7C. 8,./ 2//6 t l^, , I(" ,:: i(i'58, 7^lrt- t-_<57 Legal Description: Lot - Block ,6 Subdivision Zone District "h:n nE ProiectStreet Address: /t)-/r.: rl c:., /, ", -s i)-.,,- <- Comments: Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval 5[ Staff Approval Conditions: oate, s://qfq/ DRB Fee ere-paia Jo. Q" ft--J DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB }.IEETJNG: revised 9/4/9L COIORADO Rf{;'lj itt.'li ;, 1994 **lrtr***i** EEIS TPPI.ISATIOIiI WT&L ilOI BE utfTrrr aIrL REQI'IRED TNTORI|AIIOU****i***tr PROJECT TNFOR}'ATION: A. DESCRIpTION: Repl-ace existing pool at Telemark Towntrornes. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)x Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) t DRB TPPLTCATIOil - I'OTN I Otr \TAIL, TCCEPIEDIS SUEUITTED I. D. ADDRXSS: 1090 vail View Dr. LEGAT DESCRIPTION: Lot Subdivision LionsRidqe Filinq #i If property is described by adescription, please provide onattach to this applicat,ion. ZONING: Btock B, Part of B-1 meets and bounds Lega1a separate sheet and G. LOT AREA: If reguired, stamped survey showing applicant mustlot area. provide a currenL NAME OT APPLICANT:Mailing Address: H, NAME OF APPLICENT'S REPRESENTATIVE: ..IOhN EOrSfIh .T. K. Phone Mailing Address: PO Bo:< 2666 Vail, @ 81 658 T NAME OF O9INERS: *SIGNATTIRE (S) :Mailing Address: Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submitLal of DRB app3-ication. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, pleaae identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to tbe table below, toensure the correct fee is paid FEE PATD: $ oIU-L FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0-$ 10,000$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $501001 -$ 150,000 $1501001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 * DESIEU RST'IEW BOARD APPRO\TA'. EXPIRES ONE YEAR IFTER FTNAI. APPRO\TAIJ T'NI'ESS A BUTI'DT}IG PERUIT TS ISST'ED AND CONSTRUCIION IS STARTED. **NO EPPTICAfION WILI. BE PR@ESSED NIEAOUI OIINER,' S STGIIATURE Phone ?49-/o7af t\ /# I11,t1 $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400 .00 $s00. 00 L .L I RE0Dffg 7 I t991 ifn*6'* 1(il 6 ,4# r 11s. \tv.t--w-o^Jr ,( V--, Tovrt^JxuW: g-*J I [=--'=-*-'. \9 Proiect Name: o ject Application 'e< fc: .L r c,- r',tr lrr' r,,,-1tt,,t*Proiect Description: Contact Person and pnon" ' ,J :li l-t l(,, t, l,' t y',76- .f z3 C L.--arrn (or,.Au'5 /lg-2-lf z Owner, Adclress and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Block Tone (-l.,,,r,rn,nf Cc,tt ,, t |(,.{ Design Review Board 3* d Morion by: *L'a ,)l fro {.",/ t Date Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: // -..-:' . ,,' i1: r-,tJ t,,.(a,_ LEpt"nn". oate: 6,'J-a/7'J// E Statt Approval }. ' =t . - Iffilffrl$ffiryAr** o YCl, Color.do tlCS? June 14, 1990 Dept. of Ccnum:nity Developrcnt Tovm of VaiI 75 South ftontage Road Va1l. Col-orado 81 657 On June 13th, Betsy Rosolack lnformed us that we needed your permission to repaint our Units. She asked me to ccrne to your office to fill out a form. After filling in the form she asked if the Board of Directorshadapproved the color. Wtren I asured her that it had, she gave us approval to continue but stated we r,uould have to send a letter frorn the board, confirming it had approved the choice of paint. I assured her that I would. Although a najority of the Board had approved the paint selected, several melrlrrbers were not available at that time. To renpve any misunderstanding, the entlre Board of Direcbors attended a special meeting as soon as they couldbeasserdbled and unanimously approved the paint selected. A copy of this meeting ls enclosed as requested. I also notified the Painting Contractor to cease painting until this had been conpleted. Mter we received permission to continue, I asked Betsy if it included the doors. She asked ne what I meant. I told her tl.at the buildi-ngs had been painted four times, each time the doors were painted a different colorl and that the cofor this time roould be selected after the exterior painting had been conpleted. She said in that case, we would have to in- form you of the color cihosen. f pronised to do this. She al-so inforned us that we should have a me$ber of the Board of Directors atterrd a meeting on ne>rt Wednesday after- noon. I assured her that we vould also cunply with this requj-rernent. Thanl< you for your help in resolving this problern. rLj'> J. Kwapil, Pres. Telernark Tohrnhouse Association TELETARK TOWTIHOUSE A88II. l08g qom nlf,E loop Yttl, Cdomdo 8lCE7 A meeting of the Board of Directors of Telenark';ttofimhoruse Associaticrn was held at 6:00 pM on ifune 14, 1990 to confirmthe selection of the color to paint all units. Al-1 five nrernbers wene present. Ttre board discussed all options and unan-inrously votedto Paint all wood a natural redr,vood oolor (Devoe No.23, Co,t+!w- nedwood) with the color of the doors to be ccnpl*tltqTltA$and to be ctrosen later. The meeting was adjourned. John J. Kwapil, Shlrley Shortlidge, Sec. l4arijke Bnofos, l,lecnber OF MATERIAI,S NA!{E OF PRO.TECT:4 I.,,EGAIJ DESCRIPTTON !I,c)lr_ BIscK _ suBDIvIsIoN STREET ADDRESS:0,trs Zl The following infomation 1s Review Board before a final A. BUII.DING IIATERIAI,€': Roof sidlng other wall ltateriaLs Fascia Soffits tlindows I{indow Trinr Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails FIues Fl.ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. IANDSCAPING: Name required for subnj.ttalapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Desl,gn of Designer: Phone: Botanical Nane Comrnon Name Ouantitv Size* lutC.s PIANT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI.IOVED caliper for deciduous trees. Minimurn calioer for*Indicate Indlcate helght for coniferous PIANT Ii{AfERIALS: Botanical Nang Common Nane Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED SITRUBS EXISTIHG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. l{ini.rnum si.ze of shrubs is5 qall-on. TvDe scruare Foot+ge GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRTGAgION TYPE OR !,IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimningpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retalningwalls, llaximum height of walls within the front setbaclc ls3 feet. Maxixrum helght of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 5 feet. I. '" 6) coNsrRucnoN PERMTT ''ffiv lffi NOTE - COPY OF PEHMIT TO BE KEPT Otl JOBSfTE 0ATE JI'LY 20. 1989 dftrtmcnt of community devNilopment TO g€ FILLEO OUT CO MPLETELY PHTOF TO ISSU,'NCE Or penUti TYPEOFPERMIT nu trr trn D BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION RE-ROOT r. TVPE OFCOT{STRUCTTOH I ll lll lV V Z OCCUPAHCY G ROUP A8 EH I R II orvtsKlt{ rzzag+ GENERAI DESCRIPIION OF WORfi : - RF-RNNT' NITTT.nTNn #N PERilIT NO, =oF fJ aurLotitc 6,000 ELEgTflCTL PLUilBIRC TECHAilrcfi. TOTAI 6,000 TVPS GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATIOII PERUIT FEES V R-I b r oo{J BUILONG PERIIIT 81 ex# alula# t6/L vn*, & PLAI{ CHFC|(4T ELECTRICAL ilFrv ( ) ALTERATTON ( ) AOOTTTONAL ( ) RE?ArRf,X)PLUIIBING OIA'€LLING UNITS - A@OMMODAIION WITS - ilECHAIIICAL RECREATION FEE INSUL,qTION: TYPE THICK'.IESS R'UALLUE DEslcttl REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN.UP D€POSIT 100 EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. "!:, '** GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 222.OOg wooD JOE NORRIS JULY X20, 1989 [LDtNcoFFrctAt- DArE NING ADTIIN]STRATOR DATE BLASTING {r u./.ll I "l ,NING & BU]LO'NG NOTES:W ''IIATCH EXISTING COLOR. DEMO t dtY I lx I hereby acknos,ledge that I hdvc read this application, talled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that af l th€ information provided as reguired is correct. I agr€e to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to lhe Town's zoning and subiljyi@n cod€6, design review apprcved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanqes of the T VAIT CONTRAC?ORS PO BOX 437 GYPSUM, CO 81637 TURE OF CLEAN UP TO: OONTHACTOR FOR IIIMSELF |- , r,z----r' A*\.\ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT! I \*l-\ ! ., Ir-.-.>|a.r _hnlfrnilllZ l rrveeor department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE J1JNE 9' 1988 00336i !In n T EK PLUMBING FOUNDATION l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I m tVV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - REMOVE OLD POOL IIEATER REPLACE WITH PERMITNO. ----- zs E) BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL I ,000 TOTAL $ I,ooo TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATIOT{PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT e/4F et<# r&/ w PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION ADDITIONAL REPAIRK]G PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 15.00 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT EXr wALLsI - ItoroA- |USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLABHEAT GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 1s.00 GARY MURRAIN JUNE 17, 1988 AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ! N rNrTtAL s. cur I lxl IrLorNcoFFtcni - DAT=RICK PYLMAN 'NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: oer'ao I l*l I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and $tate review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ording tg#r, appl icable thereto. SIGNATUBE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. Bl FlrK B FtL|NC.IONRTDGE Frr.rNc dt1 NAME TELEMARK T0WNHOUSES 1083 LOINSRIDGE MAIL ADDRESS crrY VAIL pn. 6-5230 E M.C, ENTERPRISES ElRl'l TowN oF vArL REG. No. 257-B 949-4291+ TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depsrtment of @mmunity developmont TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ,|' NOTE _ COPY OF DATE -4L24J8SF- PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE OUT 4/25/86 002t{36 trn ffi In !!tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ROOFING LEGAL ]rsc. LOT-BLK-a,a,ffi JOB NAME: TELEMARK OWNER NAME JOnn Kwapte MAIL ADDRESS crry Vail pn 6-5230 ARCHITECT F!RM MAIL ADDRE$S CITY PH, GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. lrr.r*ICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OE ]UAIL8EG. NO TELE- PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE OTHER CONTRACTOR ll!!! -Jordan Roollns TOWN OF VAIL FEG..NO- TELE. tl|C pdnLry/vail r. TvPf oF coNsTnucTtot{ | [ t tv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IRM DIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - Dtr-DNNtr DNDTI'At MATFDTAI TN '7 PERMIT NO. z. tr :) BUILDII{G 2 -6nn nn ELECTRICAI- PLUIiBING MECHAT.I|cAL TIrTAI ? -6nn on TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VNIUITIOII PERMIT FEES 2,500.00 BUILDING PERMIT 54.00 PLAH CHECK 27.40 ETECTRICAL NEw( ) ALTERATION( ) ADDITIONAI( ) REPAIR(yt PLUTIBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT ,\ EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF 15#lljork without Permi 54 .00 TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAT PERMIT FEES 235.00 GARY MURRAIN 4/24/86 ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: YN INITIAL ST. CUT BUILDI G oFFtcIAL DAT= - - _ Kristan Pritz 412*/86 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE zo NIN_q- a 41.!L D^r Ng ]'l_qIFS i - PARKTNG I r sAMI A5 URILiINAL KIA'T. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforrnation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state thal all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infoffnation and plot plan, to compty with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and codes, dssign CONSTRUCTION PERMIT Erluuarno . ._U FOUNDATION ffi noorrue NOTE _ COPY OF DArE 4fAl85- PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE oUT 4/25/86 002It36 department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR fO ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TYPE OF PERMIT LJ BUILDINGI electRrcnt ! MECHANICAL LEGAL )esc. ror_ BLK_i"'ffi JOB NAME: TELEMRK OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS crry Vai] pn. 6-5230 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, lrr.r*,.o,- CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO TELE. J PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM Jordan Roofinq TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO- TELE. 5t+-t5vT tra r. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I Ir rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H I R il DfVfSIOH 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :DT RNrl E DNr|TtrAI It'ATEDTAI TN A' PERMIT NO. +- BUILDING 2-50n-0n ELECTRICAL PLUMBING EXISTING.MECHANICAL T]rral 2 _6nO-On TYPE GROUP G.B.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES 2,500,00 BUILDING P€RMIT 54.00 "{xc/cr>ssso\l..d Nq- =) PLAr"CHECK 27.00 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATION( ) AoDITIONAL( ) REPAIR(y9 PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - AC@MMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECR€ATION F€€ INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN-UPOEPOSIT h el(r wALLs I t I USE TAX ) ROOF Work without Permi 54.00 TYPE OF HEAT soLAR ELEC, wooo GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 235.00 CARY MURRAIN 4/24/86 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIALlt"I BUrLorNGoFFtCihL--- D-AE--- Kristan Pritz 4/?#/86 l0ilM$Aorlrrsrnrron DAIE ZONING & BUILDING NOTES: --- SAIE A-S-T Ridi-NAT' ffi1ry PARKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, cornpleted an accurate plot pfan, and state that all the information provided as required ig correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with att Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure according to the Town's zoning and codes, design revie3iv approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the thereto.ffi OF CONTRACTOR r ,---1-+ -i :i.trry rl5 rir-r ,€;fi;;# b--. trn . 11 d*,| r.- . l,rrl fn$* *inttf -5 .: t.-- ,,'t 5, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF 9/t3/84 pERMtT TO BE KEPT Otld6BStTE DATE 001856 ;o dopartment ol community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOB TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT f, Dtr natr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL 1DESC. I OT BLK FILING TSlSmarK_&gnhomes- OWNER xlMg-lqlefidrl rH Tr s-oq, MATLApDREs. 1oa3-!q!9199 crrv vail 47Pq-5230 ARCHITECT Ft8t,l MAIL ADDBESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM LOIVILOF VAIL REG. t{O, relp. IELECTRICAL= .,*u,The Electric Co. Assoc row' of VALLJE.. !Lo- 1o3E UUN I KAL, I UI'rErE 476-8L49 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIBiiL TOM TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO rF' F OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOlvNgF- \/Al L F EQ.J.lo. TELE. r.rYPEoFcoNSrRUcroN r rflw;l h/ z.occuPANcYGRouP .ra e n{@,/u Drvrsro^ Gr t", o .ENERAL oEScRrr'o* o, *o*^Y. I*Pk9-- Post and ligths-jnslq]l rc!-Pipe- PERMIT NO, z l- :)J BUITDITIG ELECIRTCAL $l,400.00 PLUMBING MECHANICAL= and wire TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES III.lI r R-1 $t ,400.00 BUIIDING PERMIT * $ R!:Ft'q Q ctl $$ I PLAN CHECK EIECTRICAL $35.00 NEW ALTERATION { ) AODITIONAT REPAIR(X)PLUMEING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOoATION UNITS-_i,ECHANICAL IIEIGHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE IN$ULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD 25.00 FLOOR CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT EXT. WALLS USE TAX FOOF TYPE ELEC. 9f t** GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES lou.uu ST. CUT auTt_oil'tcO-rrctAa - - - treTE Kristan Pritz 9/7184 EONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING zoNrNc & BUTLDTNG r,rores, th'is approva'l only covers trgnll - lf eloel [ot uqluqq "new rdtaininq wa]oeuolll_ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fillecl out in full the information required; completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corfect. I agree to compty with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. erld||.l/vail til\Dl Y _---a Approved 0unisd IIATE] Flra n n Plan w u Healtb n n T t"-'{ o u"(, i:';r;:, 'Y uo.r*,-*" w t't' t't Na F .'ou uf";/; uf '3' x uu t.u '-,nr+ C&ua'u4 Town of Vait Communitv Developmsnt Euild b. n Veird::j/ c: Fcril.if Sic. 3C:1 {,.; 1i,i; ,.r.t.G /\ ii t' (qTfl/ru(' g) --*c;r dL-,(J-- ,4-t"lir ii/ > ; t\L t:t't' ?P /'rJ L- f'-i rtt r L '/{ ft c l':u - rr..c t d r,'' 1flL | +" c- X c'' tF t rl{ l: ,- 7'/ lb ti Lr-lT ,-f l' /'\ I -rt 0ev61 Ptp Es;,d A,c,rrcy€d W /0eni$d .".' / n Iown 3f ,v'il c*runity Oeiretopmeni Heaith if tr -1 . . :..! Fire C Ll ?*/* tqr: ti::. 3"2 NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 8ll#4 001791 nutr Eun BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION CONSTRUCTION PERMIT TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT r.TypEoFcoNsrRuclor,r i rr rrr r.ffJ^ z. occuPANcY cRouP ee e u t @ otvrstoN Qr"-,o. 6ENERAI DESCR1pT1ON OFyORK : feD I aC I nq remainder of crjb wdll wJltrpgl"ell- PERMIT NO. V\'- I Y' zIF =J BUILOIITIG 20.500 .00 ELECTRICAT PTUMBING M€CHAflICALconcrete wall TYPE GROUP G.F,F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES v M-1 20,500.00 BUILOING PERMIT 146.50 JR $$il-* \-4.qt$ JA PLAN CHECK 73.25 ELECTRICAL NEW{ ) ATTERATION ADDITIONAL ( } RSPAIR (PLUMBING DWELLTNG UNITS _-. ACCOMMODATION UNITS --HEIGHT IN FT. -- NO. FIBEPLACES MECHANICAL fiECREATION FEE 25 .00 INSULATION: TYPE ^THTCKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT i00.00 EXT. WALLS USE ?AX 150.00 ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAI GAS wooD TOTAL PERM|T FEES /$494.75 ADDITIONAL ST. CUT $-Y- N rNrTlALtltl tFornaoFncr,lr* --- - - *-o-rTE -'-r14/ K. Pritz 7/84 NG ADMINISTRATOB DATE BLASTING elRrrNG f nould be reolaced if destroved dcq-nS co{r!!r'qq!iq! DEMO completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the TgJIn: review approved, Uniform Building Code and return clean up to: Te'lemark Townhouse Assoc. -Box173Vail, Colorado, 81.657 OWNER OR codes, design LEGAL r DESC. LOT DI BLK FILING Lionsrldge #1 I JoBnAur, Te1emark Retaining 51all OWNER Harue lelerllK loxllglre ngst MAIL ADORESS P. 0. Box 1736 ileit,-cof- 47b--wsor ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR HR,a Clgrlsl l. S9l! ICYiN-Af VAIL REG. rELE. 476-4214 )rr-e crntcrr-'CONTRACTOR FIRM M TFI E PLUMBING FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG.NO, CONI RAC I OK TELE, MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRII' TOWN OF VAIL REC, NO" ?Et t OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. llra To: Toun or Vnrl Burr-orrue DepnRrmem Fncu: Teuwnnr Toylrunouse Assru, hlnp op DlRecroRS I'le, MsaeRs oF THE Teumnnr Tovwrpuse Assoctartolt's Bonno or DrnectoRF, APPRO/E THE REPI-ACEMENT OF ltlE REMAINING CRIB RETAINING lrlALL WITH A POURED COI'ICRETE WALL. I,.IC NCOUCST THE ISSUAT,ICE OF A BUII-DING PERMIT. %r/ty [: {l lna u ,fl1a, Contact Per$on and Phoae .a ''i' . '* ,'l t . ,,, ' :. -..!: ,r;, . : ..,:ill ,\ /)l) krvto,.,e o^- J n(P (o.,- (e+-ra I nlul( C ,/t b dn// o,-T Te/r^,,^nF l-o,^t^ A-^UEus 6 t^.t/oil Uieo, p,:ns u,fL coh . nef€ ,^t^(/ Jr^e 1- ' Boy/e Erq,'^e(a- , \ -S Pec, {,"acf;o,^t '1'-'a(u!'1-,, vefit:.r. / ruust',y!-, o1,^o. af " o,c. J ) (ylo.e ne <J C (et,^ np a ^J repati t, _et€fs et irh'^? tUt&one Tir -s feVs 8"'yte u,'-(-L ^l(aF€c* Jo,*..o6" , (r:a5lru.'t','on ,SI rr\CpmcrtT? a-7,?o H^[l is Le bock(:lleJ D,fr,'*a no dA *te (?" klo, s--,r{a1s 3. Ju) u.t,'ft., €,r,stiaq so, / 1vin.^5 utooJ oJ,'f, i.t ,tae, J, f,n,'t "l J tlIltnnf ccteJ f u"frly every g i^cl.es, o n s) /\b) D^ll u,ll 6e o,t [e "sf a I lir,,rtace le rc I ,t,f L of ie"sf { l, or._ 1i st4\t/ /4 co,ngtn^.te J So as {- /enug i^c[, Cnnb a-Aorc asf/,,, / f a ^ d o- lso fT, 6ro ,t J e '4! ",,. , -.T< a, 2 % t /"ff -TU fl-e no ",J , TLe 1-y "t fLe &otrrs s G,-lJ__ o^J ,^P bulou i't,e ex,;t;-,q 4ro,^.,^.J S,^rt^re al^k. An,/ b^, k ( - ll ,t 'trL' l" u-€ ,1n-Je d n,, ! ]e+t {", u ' *{ [o41 e yoc?s an J " Ju/.,', anJ re a'J;e J' #r- f € se " J ,",-J . t'r/rbe co^P/gfeJ /k\ --E-t t)€^.f(e r- /€/m,l/,- q,t\) f(T(_f P-vtcf 6-, To L sL'^ {J co-bnJer J^F fle"eu / t -l{€f'<r^ b,J .-.. +T€b^"u€ TuJo^s€ frt^.h, FsL y'a,"f , c0 g(6f g L.[Ze r]; je ?za-/uao Mgf,",^, Jo l /u",7 firlr"bg o o ?=+r, A*f5; -'/ ao? + tuTaorl' c-otfr Jtf 46Ars.@ lq ?or'lf3 Plan V n { wc ?Pe v4/ va {rAva-- RUH fa st; : a7et1 #Frr*\, i;1 irr;'"',iii sPecliio4iirll approvlli or' oi oi ani '., ';1 ' a 0erAlt i'J5rrlj'r- frt o"reteni l'n: fiorv- ; NI6.TEEL qRAft. 40, ,pu-c,t*'f]ETE 19 bo@ ba At'rg;g ?o VAYA bo/le €r€i1€ers-g. irc 143 e rneodq,v dr suihg n-10 crossroocb sftoppirg c€nter r,oil. colorodo 81657 fi3/4762170 Firs u I #tE l'* l|_o' lil Town ol ,fr1$#@]v ApProvcd Denied )f7 #R@ Vl ,-*r r*t i',irectrcn ot 0ata." n TE )f 7 ^< @t+(,#1?ll<e v' l;'' ' lYr AL L,OilCRETE ffilr'''.i:.trut'i t \0 -l\s if' Aetpell -ir,l\ |\i I 4 s ALL &HT, D€ryrrf 7,6.fu r?tJtl bqlestgnoqtrq lrtc. 'l4J e rnedr ct. &ib n-'l0 crusod shappf€tcg|br wiL odod8t667 3o3/l47s|21?{J'- fWe'- o QtW- uL atxw Lfru ba tAbtL usv+fz AJr btMslfladt lc: trrficel-,r1*.- f14,1ne At,I,, Iz.t-tA-taut r-t, &, 1=avl(*tt lilN. M1e llrlplpEllrvD frrHcar-uy e LMt-tslA,t-1WD +*ylt.r AU- FArLrq lU. luJ'dt-lArlrzg,.. o I& qt&,'altry. TIIAF{ u,-at b*r.u.kp pr{o fu*+ +trz^ 4x*+rrufu -,onngffiffiun*, Plan Approved W Denied il Ox4 . tllrrcAl-**pwtFl4a.@E@+w -'f'- 2-aaza+n Prolect Appllcatlon -/-r !( o.o uProject Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone / t.- -7'- r '/l Ournor, Address and Phone: ! '? ,?tfo t l' I O<ln h, ^c('- // SS " . . '/ 11/,r L. \-./76-s/. Architoct, Address and Phone: )a-.yt-'J (L,..( . ? Lesar Description,r-ot ,/ , etocx I ,eirins /r,r^sr'/gr #/ .,at. Comm6nts: .i. Design Revlew Board ".," X,lfl ilv, ''tbvMotion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL .\ Summary: :t-'ii' i rlIt I i\', \ ,,\i'l i rll I i\ \ ...t.. I vt t;..,1 I ./ TQ[rvn Planner r1 ll, \ rl ti,l,\tlo"r", .J li ll,l 'f 'l 1"1{j'l d st.r Approval .t To: Town or Vnru &trrorrue DepRRrueur FRorr: Teurqnnr TouwnousE Assr'r, Bonno on DtnEctoRS h{e, Mn4erns oF THE Trumnnr TovlnHousE Assoclartoru's BoRRn or DrRgctons, APPROVE THE REPI.ACEMENT OF THE REMAINING CRIB RETAINING I^IALL WITH A POURED cot{cRETE wALL, llE Rgoursr rHE ISSUAT{cE oF A BTJILDING pERMIT. 'Ar/ry ';: 1i;r ,1 "9(6$&ffi .,.i .. 'j. r' :.r-'. it!':!,{..... ' ''I ' ! :': t- r . .. . .r - _4il ;.,:".. ,. -.:/.:. ''i I,9.P '..{,1 tI ) {n^"r" o^-J rcp(o.s ft*tai^,'n. cr.rA t^,t7// aT Te/r.^^orF fc>utn/-,-!rn, o t--, l/^ il l/ ie ^t p,:ra u, tL Co^ c ,e f€ ,^.,^(/ J_o ", e t ' Bu y /e Eog,'n€(er, :< s Fec,'{,^ac-f;o^-r' in,. (J,,."i veVt: ca ( r"usf,y!7 of ,-,-.^. p( " 'a. c . U ) (Vt^.e -rt€f s et;rt'^? s feFs lon.u tu \Jyt,7e.,(ir'.t,a,x. '-l-/ t-..)t ( 4 ned C (e^,^ ,.,,,.p ^ l( Ar€a- a ^J repat,',' Jo*^-q.B" , t/-O rt\(cr^iTnuc't','* l/\-/L) ,SI Un6,rife :t v,?4, Cft,uri ? U*(l is t Le ,b^ck{:l/e J /- rodA^re (? " k lo"o s,^-,rta 1s g.oJu ) ut ,' f(^, fly ,sf iaq -so ,' / lnio., ut t^tooJ c-|,'/s i; of{e, J, An,', ol J 1,) 7) s) tt 6e fLe &otrns s k^lJ- o^J--TLe 1-7 "t"e be lo"o tE al*&.. A^v b 7e+l {"ru / *{ anJ re aJ; e J t;^(l Lo,'ll at le"sf a d So,,r{oce /eteI ^t.fL of k"sf Tn L sl"^ lJ Co[enJer J^F f lror" l;sr /)t{ltute r{fnn^ L,J ''-l co^ ftn^.te J So , .qs ft /en,s i^c[, cr*n b a-Ao,E as/4,, / f e^d olto 1- 6ro,tJe'J.r.r^aJea- 2% t /"f" 'r+' fl-e n. ,^.1-, e ek,>ti-? 4ro,-^-J ^r k (:ll ,t dfr " du y.e l:re n '''ocEs anJ r f€sr..Jr'*-J, | ^, r i .be conf 4€_Ted tmId€o.f(e'n ferm,t'f,Lq.t\J f(T(,t'e CZ S-, S,^ r {^. e fi n-Je d o.o. d " Juf .,'t q) p)t'"J€b^"ut Toaloaeg rttu,nttu tlsL (a)f , c0 gb;g &'^Et:,^, Jo r b",7 frd,&3 4 7e cs3( .-.'.f.llt Ll ^1 .r-t .f-" l{^t ff tI tat I v u'L,r liiiili ol,r {'tr{l.itc.f Ll:(;Al, Dl;:;CRIl"ttor*-: l,O'[=J-- l)ti.a;c;lr II,'l l (i:"t oF pRuJt:c'f ) J_ The fol lorr,i ng informati on is Board bcfore a final approval A. BUILDIN(: I\t{T[RIALS Roof Siding Other lt'all Ivlaterials Fasc ia Soffits l{indows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FlashS.ngs Chim:reys rcqtrircrl for subni.ttal by crn be given: Type of Matenial thc appljcant to thc Dcsign llcview Color ^.1 - t tNolr"ytiz) U"*.Lu" - _ "' I | . /Wlly'qt"i7ed [-.k-,*/ _ Trash Enclosures Greenhous es orher SYQ| B. LANDSCAPING Name of Oesigner: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Si ze SHRUBS GROUNO COVERS SEED TYPE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE s0D squARE FooTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa]ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. 7 \:\,/ CONSTRUCTION department of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE o^rE 9/23/83PERMIT -.turf3-ri- Dntr tr!n BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION r. TypE oF coNsrRuc oN I r tvg/ 2. occuPANcY cRouP ne e r r'nfl DrvrsroN r@2, e + GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; PERMIT NO. - zIF J BUILDING 6,500.00 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING New Retaining t,lall MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A,. VALUATTON PERMIT FEES V M-2 6 ,500 BUILDING PERMIT 62.50 r0& f0 (6 b PLAN CHECK 31 25 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATTON( ) AOOTTTONAL( ) REpAtR(PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THTCKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 EXT, WALLS USE TAX 100.00 ROOF TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. SOLAR GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 293.75 f-/L/'---"^^., I l2g /gSji-ld-rHFoFrrcr,rr-- - .fu{aTE -t- - --ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: N INITIAL ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING INING ADMINISTRATOR )NING & BUILDING NOTES: DATE As per DRB approval I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to compty with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design le thereto. HIMSELF review approved, Uniform Building Code and FILING NAME: Ielemark Townhouse Retainin ^ro,rooo*ess- Pl 9. Box 1736 nnu Tim Boyle GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Custom Forms rowH or verr- nec. ruo. 373-5 ECTRICAL PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. MECHANI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. lh. prlnL.y/vai ) o bole ergineerrql lrc 1d3 e nreodo,v dr sute n-10 cross€ods shoppirp center \'oil. colcrodo 81657 w3/4762178 j-,l I I , ALL 6TEEL QRA'pc. 4I ,Al! COrlCReTe b NOA bI AfrtEE & PAVI ffiEffi ?:Jtr| gAK; -/-fo? l wfaofl' Cnrfr r#re Town of Vail Comrnunity DevelpFment Build Health , A! Plan X ! rl(1^HO h) tutaft 41re@tf +'rw ?tre w 4RAVEL- Rurl fa are'.i. ArR. \ #t *s@v' lt+t t-#, w6 tWrsW: KFf}tAY 4F^.9e #f #co*(#1'|'lp tr' Tvrrcnl ConcRErE #l#"m 14965^; &tr grAr-r, rt- r!o'peAhrrf 7,G.9, f?it[l Project Application Project Name: Project Descriptlon: contact Person and enone f- A i'/H Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block Filing ./rL.E t....;:,yJ<--11";ii'r' Lt-zA{.r*, ftj,rz_TtLt"E, r'tutsr,ttrrr4rt;g Design Review Board Date Motion by:,Zi I I {: ;- r1<. r"- Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: ?";u-g-3 E statt Approval t: -':""' ' il Project Apptication t il Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Design Revlew Board Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Date: zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Official tG ,/r/JlnTuaill/ n{, t qZ/ coylattz'/,6w'+ 6 p,*bi@":^' t -h/'(o,/+#E ; +'* '"{ Clommunilv Developnrenl Dcparlment t Etzae<i T'xw/hos6 - alt€: nloniF --- l.of Bt L/d{59&E ?/Ltt/a * 1 ffi,,%;:'ffifr# )E,'t,l"irffin, n t'tryia* I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ,. DArE lil_zq_r*PROJECT NO.-Liit ii I ;' PERMIT NO. department of community development TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL f pluruerNc E]f"o-"t8$t'oN oNLY li] MECHANTCAL l^ j ne- LEGAL LDESC. LOT BLK FILING poe neur' Telenprk Re-roof OWNER NAM E MAII ADDIESS CITY PH. ARCH ITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, . GENERAL CONTRACTOR F1RM Pine Ridge Rooflng MAIL ADDRESS lbi,1?'^i?3h FIRM MAIL AODRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDBESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAII- ADDRESS orHFR . CONTRACTdR F IRM I\.4AIL ADDR E SS CITY PH. th. prlnl.ty /vail 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I , Ll tV V 2.occuPANcYGRouP o ri, @" DrvlsroN Qr ru, o GENERAL OESCRIP.TION OF WORK :Re-root BUILDING PLUMBING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION BUILDING PERMIT PLUMBING NEW() ALTERATION () ADDITIONAL O REPAIR O DWELLING UNITS - AC@MMODATION UN G.R,F.A. -BEOROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATINC HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TQIETS COVERED PARKING - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLFAN.UP OEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES $230.7 5 ONING NOTES: INSULATION R.VALUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF /hny'(t' il-tflq -t,1,t t C.le*vlupdepo4i*p& zpt/<r c oa?oqo I HEREBI', ACKN()WLEUT(;8 TltAr t ltAvE R !:A D THf S APPI.ICATt()^_ A t! D STATll'r' r, o r rrrr, 6, O AB(I'VIi IS C0RRtrC]' ANT' AGREE'I'i) (,'OIIPI,Y WITH:{I,L TOWN OIt DI NA NCES AN sIRr.,cIr():t. VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST, TAP FEE SPECIAL NOTES; ), ) to/ty/so , Te a. r o4€ ext-rf,'U ,o;( J*a)^ 4? Ju-L b,J t/.^ t. roo( ,u,'f4 3?o U. f,a-/un/;e -re/€- s?e<tr'y -n[,],-./1 ,,-sI ,'\j kt /{ /t, A"lp1 Fe/t, ?' 5;-t'^rt'e,, ,f,J(., s+f €/^sa,q1,, ?c tE s4 ,'i7 /.s Tzsf/es . be ,*t€J 1o, gecf|o4f of b";/J'aq U fl e A €/^7fe, roal fr tf *{ /1 ,) coNSTRUCTIoN \t--.J.i.: I tnl'rnlr[]l:v d eparinl ent of community development PERfu4IT DATE --- - PROJiCT NO [;,l 520PERI,,lIT NO. lT i_] ail i:l TYPE OF PERi^,,tIT B U ILD ING ELECTRICAL I'Vl ECHAN ICAL PLU fuIBIN G FOUNDAT!ON ONLY COM I.4ERCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FT.BATH TU B /SI-iOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO.IOILETS - UNCOVE RED PARKINGCCVEREO PARKING *n"t stor,rc -t 1. TYPE OF CON STR UCTION 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP rr(Lly rv v g E n rF)ru 22a34D tvrS ro N RIPTION OF W TYPE GROUP SO. FI. VAL.UATIOI{ NEIV() ALIEAATION() ADDITIONALI REPAIR ( } INSUL.ATION FLOOR EXT. WAttS ROOF' THICKNESS SPECiAL NOTES:. D'ELLiNG G.it.F.A. UNJTS - ACCO;rr,rCDATlON UNITS L:GN! I LOT- 3LK-- C:SC. F:LrNG N AI,1E : lrvx tR r-'ri]=du$crg!, .ltr.i: rrYouix L!u- AconFss \ oSrO ue,\ Ui c.r., Dr . crrv 11,--.-.\ pH...176- il car r\r(Li1, ! trL I Fra\1 tx!'AnO?iSS CITY PH. GENERAL CONiRAC'I'OR r, nu b.q I,. AiL AOO RE SS .iTY PH Ji1'#?;; Frn''r ..1..!L AOO R ESS c iTY pi1 OL U \,I8ING CONTRACTOR FiRV '"1AIL ADDRESS CITY PH I,,I'CH AN ICAL CO NIRACTOR F. R'I t.{AI ADDRISS TY PI ?.3lffle cb NTRAcToa ;iar,r V, rr0 K'rc\gdl r.iAll- AoDR:ss r?qo <. B@cAdrd.\q c riY T\r,*,r* - t o?loprr.-14,r-a$ iv- I z ; f, eulLD:It3 SQ.toa ELECTAiCAL PLUr,iarNG MECIIANICAL , PTRI\4IT FEES i^,' Er€c'rRrcAt zP- PL U I.'I3ING a- MEC} IAt.] ICAL e- i? scn e AT iori F:E i e- D€SIG N 'iEVI€\I' EOARD i c L EAlr uP DEPO9|T I t /a' oo /Oa ac) TOTAL PERfulIT FEES,73 o. 7s- I lliJILDrllC OFF|CIAL OAT: I l.zoNrNG ADMTNISTRAToR DATE lroNlNG N OT€S: I I t_ttt:lrl Atxl\r)tal.t_l)(;u l|l,tT I lt,r!] tt!:AuTlti5,\Pt l,tcATr()r_ Atit.) 5i,tTr T||,\ I Tltl AjJ{,vt tri ('(rtrhr.a:1 estr ir;trt. l1) ( ()\lt'1.1. \t!:'lt ,11,t, T.r..!)i .)hl)tiraN( !i A\t) \r..\:t 1..\9S I{i:t;./\ ltt)lNC Bl:l t.ltl\C ( \\1 it trC I trr\ VAiL V./ATER & SAN, DIST. hff-..-luolinl E Sliiu DoublEo rS tj? FeLf 3ilde asbarlrufslgs serdnq .s*fu4*is- Plv.^rood+{ts cIeaK Sc,nLt, l" = )l cRoss s€cr loN OF NE4J EOOF HAVE A NICE ROOF 1740 So. Broadway. Ilenverr Colorado 80210 - 744-2468 flLrr*lfl'l--//r z tl Septenber I0, 1980 r Mr. Jln Rubln Town of Vall Zonlng Department Vall, Colorado 8L657 Dear Jlm, rn .response to your lnqulry regardtng the deslre of tho ownersand Board of Dlrectors of retemark rownhouse Assoclatlon tore-roof the complex rlth vlnyl/asbestos shtngles r would !.tketo polnt out the followlng crlterta: l. The present roof (ortgtnal) ts tar and gravel composltlon.0ver the past elght years the snow and ialn have washed themaJortty of the gravel off the roof and onto the balconydecks and around the burlding edge leavlng an esthetlc messnot to mentlon lneffectlve rooflng protectlon. One unlt lsleaklng badIy. ?. The present roof ls lmposstble to repalr through patchlngdue to the fact that no completent rooftng coniractor wlttwrlte a warranty for hls nork. t. The type of shlngle the Board has selected ls a 330 lb. GAF Tlmberllne asbestos shlngte whlch has the appearanceof a cedar shake type. rt comes from the manufitturer wltha twentv-flve year warranty. It ts FIREPRO0F, and wlll not80T wlth age. 4. The shlngre ls over twenty dotlars per sguare less than replaclngthe roof wlth tar and gravel composltlon. In the case ofthls complex that means a savlng ln excess of 531000 forthe work. The maJortty of owners ln Telemark are locals, whollve, nork, and vote ln VatI. 5. The shlngle has an R factor that ls conslderably hlgher thanthe exlstlng tar and gravel roof. 6. The two maJor bulldlngs that are our Lmmedlate nelghbors,snow Llon and Break Away lyest both have the same tlpe of roof. 7. The shlngle meets all UBC specLflcations. Thank you for your conslderatlon and lnterest. Davld Creen, iepresentatlve Telemark Townhouse Associatlon 1090 Vall Vlew Dr., il3Vall, Colorado 81657 ) llrl luwn box 10O vail, colorado 81657 (3031 4765613 by lL, 1979 department of community development lblermrk Ilomhctrses Be< 1736\biI, o 81657 He: Publiclhivate Joint Vsrtr.re Progran Dear Sir: I am so"ry to inform you that your project has not been approved as part of the Public/Frivate Joint Venture hogran for 1979. fre Tcnm Comcil has decided that yor.n proJect should not be fiEded due to its being located in an area urlrere the benefit to the pulclic rr,ould be limited. I uould lile to thank you for applylng and hope you have a gpod SITITET. Si-ncerely, h^, fr, &^L=' Jarres A. hrbin Zoning Aftdxistratc JAR:caj /,2.'2' r"{ r\A^de- 12te'vuavf tfi^6ll':''z "! i', /?lf j eM 4a&# 12.-."-.'.{- -" .'-2 -'o,-', /Z tA--- '--,--y'n-=--t Ja'ar -'t/' .-.r--'r--L -{1 fu1,,n /,f/* ,D/o,t'fr/'.,r.1! 7",*n,L."" '{#;',f }'toe - //-/-78 - $;#*1uats[a i(r; '" DK JA1(ug*o$sFEe Fine lndion ;tt --.-=- " (",J f,-*t 4**./ "/',.1*,.-/ -t--t-<J/o-a-t-/'('- *"/'f'* I /1,-/.--..".4/,g, -'-"-.*Ezu' / ,4-4-zz-z Q* -L/^'-a- "'---'/-r4 / da.-u LTD. Vail,Colora(303) 476-3129 I DECI.AR\TION FOR, TELEIIARK SUBDIVTSION (a resubdivision of apart of LoL B-i, Lion rs Fidge Subd.ivieion, Eagle County, Colorado) IEIS DECTARATIOX ljlllF, b:' BixitR cREsR, te nadc thii2? day LfD., herainaftcr of llay s@tir.s ref erred to EiEREIS, DeclaraDt i.s the crhzner of certain real property in the Courty of Eagle, S"ate of Colorado, rhich ic t[ore ,: " {o:r th= benef:t cj tle Cwiers, hereinafter defined; aad, P- -. i o! tlre va1':ea, Cesirab:lity, and anenl,ties of tbe said real ?roperty>'f. ..:'lqld: fcr s::a !:r. cses, i6 ,alesircus of sub;ecting the said, real " - ;1tg?.crty to tLe cr-,.ena:t-s, restrictions, easenents, conditions, , c:. ar?aE , a:i 1:e:.: , l".er:inaf ter set folth each arC all of which .. ate lox tla ;e:-ei:-- -,t L:.e saiC real pro?erty and each ovner of . aly Ci:1e )t L:.'-e re3+- :.:1. t:.: said real property, or any part thereof ; arC, 'iiit??3|_3, :ar t?.? ef f i:!e::t ircservaliorr of the values, desitabJ.l- Iit7, a::'.: a;'"-tL?-ie= cf '-he saj.d r:al ?roperty and in order to cleAte a:i.rL'-!'-!t uhich glc::l(r be .ielega*-ed and cf :r:alr:ai:.i:"'g acd ad::.iai:terLng !:.l.e us€ rrf the otber a--tzr?..ae taciLit.t.:s zn4 of. arjniiisterin.; anci {-:nforcing the cave?ar'r-a and rc3+,r! .:l,i..i:,:; zc.J cc.llceetj-on ar,,) di::h:r.rrs inq qf L\c: agEe3Sie:.1_i a:.:] C-.a?F...: ,..,.,i t :;tFrt,e -t|. OV!e(:.: !rLt, r:hr-: DeCl:rfant assigned the powers open spaces and -i- e J, I'r has incorporatcd The Telemark Townhouse Aasociation under the larss of tire State ol Colurado as a non-profit corpolation tor the purpose of exercising the functions aforesaid. iiOW, THDREFORII, Declarant hereby declares that all of the said real property described in Articl.e II is and shall be held, sold, conveyed, transferred and occupied subject to ehe covenant!, restrictions, easements, conditj.one, chargcs, uaeg, limltatlone, and liens herein proviCed for, each of whlch shall run with the lanil and shall be blnding upon Declarant, its suceeigors irral asslgnr and any person or er.tity acquirS.ng or oening any rlght, tltler or ilterest in and to said real property descrlbed in Articl,o II and their grantGea. succesaora, heir3 e devteees, pcrso$rl repralot- atlveg, sllcceasora, and asslgna, ARTTCI.B I 'i .', '. ;DEPINIIIOtsS J The following words when used in thls Declarrttol, trtd lt i litrnayhereinafterbeanrended.alra1lhrvethefo1low1ngFrrtli!g|'' viz: . ,i . 1-. "Architectural Control Corooittee' ehall Eaa and a6fsr ' - ' :l 1 : 'Jo the cotitnlttee established purauaBt to Article x of thir Dralaratloa.. l 2. 'Assess:nent' shall- mean and refer to any dr$ual rsaegrmnt or special assessrnent, or bo!h, whjch nay be levled by the lreosiatloa. frorq Lime to t-ine as is provided for in Artiele VI of thir Declarrtloar 3. "Association" shall rrean and t'efer to Tbe Te leoerk ToltnboutG Association, a Colorado corporation not for proflt. 4. "lcard of Dircctors" sha1l nean drd refer to the Eoard of Direccors of bhe Assceiation. 5. "Co;n:ron A.rea" shall mean and refer to the real Property designatcrl as Iot 19 and lot 20 on the l,rap. 6. "cornnittee" shall mean and refer to the Architectural coatrol ric:nmiLtce established pursuant to Artl.cle X of thic Declara- Lion. 7. "(jonmit-tneman" shall mean and refer to a eingle 'tEl6er of r..hr: Ar.:hitr:ctural control Com:nittee and "Corrunl tteernen " shall "i, 'a:r : :-ill r fr:r t.) morr-- tltltrr one Coramitteeman. -ra- 8. "Decl.arant" shall nean and refer co Bear/er Creek, Ltd,.9. 'Lt" shall. mean a:.d refer g,, nny Lot designa?-ed as such on the uap, except those designated as 10t 1g and lot 20 vhich are the Common Area. r0 ' 'Map" sharl rne an and refer to the plat of the res,rbd.ivisir.,n of the said real property described j.n Article II hereir^ r-hi. chis narred Telemark subdivision and which was fired under receprion |W"i. ,i.no,.',,1?i,u39,i"ol:n- !i.": " , Dra..'ri! T 2 !' :, !W!., ; E; i ;'r"+)"pli? iT Fof plats in the office Jf t[6 Clerk and Recorder, Eagle Courty, Colorado. ll. 't&edrer " shaU @En rnd refer to evet1, nbo bolds rnrdcrehip ln the A3aociation. L2' 'oir'Qr " sball nean and refer to the record o'ner, uhetb€r cnr€ or &re Paraons or eotl.tes r of I fee siqlc title to any Lt, lncludtng contrast sellers, but ercluding tJrore havLag sucb intg*rGrencly ar security for the perfomance of an obligation. 13. "PropGrties. shall, crn and refer to all of the said raal prolnrtry dcacrlbed in rrtrcte rr of this Declaratioa. person oE entity ARITCT.E rI The real property shich is held, traqsferred, sold. convlyed, and occupied aubject to this Declaration is rocated. io Eagre couaty, Colorado, and more particularly describerl as follo.js, to Hit: LOT B-1, 8LOCK.8, LIONS RIDGE SUBDN.ISION,aceording to_ the reeorded prat tt"i"Ji]-"i""".a parcel of land describcd,. "s toiiq"" BegLnning at the rnost eagterly c_orner of saidI6t B-1, thence S ?3o0{,4g1 tf-along th"-"""t},-erly line-of said, Iot B_i 60.00 feet; th€nceN 02oI4'51: E t0B.O9 feei io a poinr on rheeastelly Line of said Iot B_1, ihe;;"-s jcl:s,:.c.E atong rhe east line of said'i,ot-e:i lciloi-feet to the-poinr or neginni"e, -Coini!.-oi.iiqre, State of Colorado - ARTTCLI fII DESCRIPTION OF PROPETI!\. Every contract of sale. contract fL)! sale, Ce.*.C, leasp, Fortgage, deed of trust. rerease of a;r encurnbranr--€, will, oi otht:- dccu:ent or instrument purporting trr affect title to o:- ii::! inte:..rst tn Lhe Properties na1' de s cr j,L.',._- a l,ot, o). an), intr.r,:s: ihcrsir, -3- !:r.. reference to the Lot's }ot nu.nbe r (as t\e. same is shown on tle llap! and b1' :efcrerl'e to the Map, and nav clescribe the eorttnron A,ree' gr any interest therein, by reference to the Conmon Area's fot nu,:i:b e rs iJ:: '-.-.a sane are shown on 'c.jle 11s1', it . 1.9 and 20 ) and by re:ere:r..ai tc the ]tap. L:nless specifically excepted or reserved in such :ns:r'J:nent or docunent, er.erl' such description Eha:,l be Ceened :: include alI appurtenan: rights, benefits, and 'burdens to t:re real property so ciescribed ds Lhe sdne are created lti tbe proviSioas of this Declaration. AATICLE TV IEE TELSUANT TddITEOUSE ASSOCIATION SectioB +. Seeqf perton or entity who is a r6cord Olrner o: I fss or tbalivigcd fec intcrest in any Lot, includinE conttaet sQl!.ers, sbaul be a !{eeber of thc Assocation. lhe foregolng fu ttot intenCed :o include FersoD! or entities nho hold an interett lEere:,y as sec:ri'-'; tox the perforltance of a.r obligation. No ortn€r eha:l havg ;.?re )-han one nenberrhip. !{enbership shall be appurtenant :c ani i.a.ll n3: .e separat?rfrm owuarship of any Lot. or,mershl,p c: a :c: s:al:. ie t:.e scle qualitication fcr menbership. S::--io:: 2, ?ha issociation shall have t',to classes of voting ::g:.;9:s:-:t r -l..2 2 Ciass i.. ?la:s F. :"e:rbers shall be atl :hose O,{nerg as clef inecl ::- -:-:--::ie ! id::: ;jle exceotion of the Declaran". Class A Eenbers =ra:J :? enti::ed tc :::€ "oa" tot each Lot in which th6y holil '--.? '-:.--z:esi ::;:i:"d 2or remberehi.p by this Article Ir,r. when :.rz '-:-a:- -Ja,? ie:soa ::cLdg such interest in ary Lot, all such ?a=t.,:.3 s:rall ze :i4:,te:3. ?he vote for such Lot shall be exercised as !h':ir a:Ai? --r.e:Sei.,'es de:erF.ine, bui ia nO ,.,7ent shall more '.:.e.. '-..? ':z--e be ca,3+, r; ).':i. :espec: :o any Lo t . e tE.. :::_ 7-e Ctass 2 u..ilber snall be the Declarant. The :-r:z ? :t)1ie: :!-aLl i.':t ,:nLttLr:d ;-- | "t'"tr I,Q'1 y.,t--1.5 for each Lot- ',:, '.i- -::. ,;- :t..,-:-.)= --tit! '.:.ael.qst rt-:qr.ii r,:ri fc.,r r:,4:lership b7 this |..::-.:-.: 1..', :,11-r:.2.:i, ?..;',t.r.tet, r-be Cl.:.;:; !; :i!.::L....f,!? shall ceaSe af..: a,.t c.-:,'J+a'-'.a -,a '.::.1',:i h nE::!,?t=:.t]t ttJ: t-1tr'1 't,4.'aij::i\'Ln't of r:iLhgr a,., .-:_': !l', ,--.,t-..2 ,,-;a:.::;, ',;:...,ti;.t.,4f .tt )t)r.-, .';ty LLa.i -4- (al when the total votes outstandinq in the Class A rnemberr:hip egual or exceed the total votes outstanding in the CLass B membership; or, (b) on Auqust 15 ' I9-ta . ARTICLE V PROPERTY RIGHTS Sectlog I. In common with all other Ot,rners, every Oryner shall have a perpetual non-exclusive ri<_Jlrt and oasenent of enjolnnent ln and to the Comon Area and guch easement shall be appurten&t to and shall paat rith the title to every Lot and shall be subJect to the follouing, vl,:: A. The right of, the Assqciation to linlt tbe nuber of of the Owners; and, B. In accordrnce rith thc Article! and By-Irars of tho Aaso€irtion, the right of the Assoqiatlon to borrow lloney for the purpore of improvlng the Cotmon Area and araintainlng and rspairing the .i4ronuats and facilities on tbe Coarcn Area and, in aLd tbergof, to Encrdcr the Comton Area by eortgages or deeds of trust rrhJ,ctr a8e subordl,netc to the rights of the Owners as set forth in thia trticle V hcrqlor and, C. The rlght of the Aesociation to suspend the voting rights of an Orner and ths Orrnerrs right to the use of any and all of the recreati.onal facllities (including specifically tbe sviming pool) located within the Conupn Afea and the parking apace3 cleelgnrted in paragraph E, Sectien I, Article v (including those delegated su:h rights by such Ohrner purguant to Section 2, Article v), for any period durlng which any asaessrnent againat such Owner's Lot renains unpaid and for a period not to exceed fifteen (15) days fo: any infraction of the Association's published rules and regplations; anC, D. Thc right of the Association . . I 1 z,r .1iv .;r rl. .) f the COinmOn Area to i..J-::rcy, ;ruti:r)ri--Z or uti-1iLy fcr such : :.;ll l:.-;irrli i r,,:t:; crs may l-, cl agrc,:d +-() !-:y to dedicate or trans Eer any governmental body, public [)rrrposes :rnd sub ir]c'r to t hr' a rivIt..-] r:j pror. i t1..'ii, h:rwt:ver , I ,..'!-_'i"i)', rs 4nt:it_ir:cl t:c c.r:;t two-lhi r:d-s (2,/ r) ol tlt j vOL{t:1 shalr have the excrusive use of the t..*<.r parking spaces located r-ithlrr ttte comon Area which are assigned to him from tine to tila by thr Asgoclation. fihieh parking sprces are assj.gned to any given ognct is nithin tbe discretion of the A6sociation, but two partiaq sp.caa shall be accigacd to each oerner at ell ties. ' Section 2. Each Onner rnay delegate his right of enjoyrent in and to the corwn Area and the facilities rocated, tlrercon and to thr use of the ttro parking spacea currently assi.g:red tg ::!=, to the rmr$ers of his family, his guests. his tenants, or coatract purclrascre nho reside on the property, Seclion 3. The Declarant hereby covenants for itsalf, its succesaors, and its assigns that it will convey fee si=ple ti,t1e to ttrs Comnon Arer to the Association free aad elear of all liens and encunbr.rnces except the reslrictive covena::ts ecntained ir e:: instrunent recorded Jur]' 25. i969, ia Book 2lj at FaSe 549 as a-:,e::ded in an i,ns t,runeni recorded Decernber 2, 1970, i;: ioci ll9 a: Fa:e 235, the utility and drainage easements as resered e:: the :eco:CEd plat of Lioa's Ridge Subdivision, right of uay fcr C:tches a::d canars constructed by auth.orit-v o'. the united s:ltes, as rese:r'ed in a Patent of record, and tl"re provj.sions oi this tecilraiioil.. Said co:rveyance shall be nade on or before i.*.rust ij 1"9 71 .r3 Tcr:g_j l t:n T l;TI:inNcl .\ssassllE\':s Seci icrr I . l'or t:ach ir!1t o\",t.rC * ith,.:r tl.. l-',.clJr.rnt ilereb!, (--ove:-tan::i ilni tt.tc:.r rl,i:1er or- .,!I)\- of a deed tlieref crr (lr t i t -:,,r tlrr'reto r i..ll,-rll-..,a 3a r;t) f )ii)r!1:r$"',.1 in .rn) .1.-r.'ii !-ri .1 | ll.-f .--.;tv,tr. J:.. c€r .rr ol---.1lltiti I | "t the Class A membership, and two-thirds e/3) <tf r-he voteE 1ll | "f the Class B membership, if any, and aqree lng to such ciedication Il-1 | "t transfer has been recorded in the affice of the C1erk and Recordcr. .J l-e"r'!vvY-.-"'i I Eagle County, Colorado; and, .I]r.lr_l I E. Subject to the provi.sio::s coriLaij:eil in paragrephs B, C, i II and D of Section 1, Article V, anC l:rtici e y., for the purpose oi l parking not more than two rnotor vehicres, the G;ner of each r.ot l I deened to co!'ena:lt 3nd agree to ps!' tc the Association: A. A::::ual as sessir€n:s or rh.rrgrf s; anil , 8. Speciai ilss€ss.Bents f ixeti, est3blished and col:ected es ire:ei::af -*e: Pri:'.'-. jl j ' :l:e 3:.::3] 3ss.-ss::e::is a;'lj s;ecial ass'>ssmerlLs ]'ogelher ulth su,:h :!'!te:es: :::=rec:: a::d cos:s of coliection tbereof ' as ars h.ere::-.af -.e: ;rct.:cci fcr, s:ral.L le a ci.arge on the land and shall be a Co:t.-:3:::!.-g iie:r r:=-O:: the Lc - agai;1j: ril'Ii(:jl iiacll assessment is nage. sac--l s:.:c:. assesstr€n: tog.r:her r'tith such interest. and co5tg c! co!:ection shall , also, be the personal obligation of tbe pers on l|ho ',ras the Otner of such Lot at the tine whan the rlrcslrEsnt fell d':e. Suit to lecover a t$one)t J udgrnent for any sucr ob1:ga:ion .j:rica i.s ..:npaid nay be ;:'aintaj:ned without folecloaing or vaiv:.ng ;-he lien sec'rriag the sane' The personal obligation gheil nc-- ??ss to t::e gr::er's su:cessors in title unless expressly ass'Jtad ;lj --:: el - se:--:3a 2. ::1e assess ents levied by the Association shall i.e :sed as i:_i:rs t _;i72 i. 7a= '-:-e ; -:!?se cf p=or:o-':ng the recreation' health ' saieti. .;.-- :"?l:'::: :i ;:le !t:1e rs arid their delegales under Section 2, )-=l'-z'-.. -:, a:,1, -:i -:ar:!cr.:1ar, lor +-:.e ir'Provenent and raaintenance '-: '-,-= :.:-'.?. :' =-.1, '..:'t:ces, ar'd :aciiilies cievoted to this purpose "': i :=:a::az --" -- = ^ge z:') et]J )j=e?'r' of r:he Co:'uron 'r-r:a' including' :: -.::^:--a--:c:l , --ae ;)a-'.'nen: a: taxes and i-nsurance ': r?'-i,, 1 :---^-! , :-.;'.a=ere:-:, an'd aCdi*-icns !:?'ere'o ' :r3d tne cost -z:.'-a, r':-'--?:-:--. :-a-':::al , z:i :'aaaieie'''' a:'d supq:"'rsron '-:. ? '.::'-: -:--: ::'''i, 1 ; ) '^: : . : -: -:': '.'':?'.3a :'i 7:"':; :-a'-. '* --- , ;a.'- '-i-? -"'-!'"t':':': " '-: ': a.-:'-za, -a.a--':-:.a, :-;-' :'"'- t'"' .:- - '.1 : -?.'.1 1:'": '-. i="-: . a5sessment tera:tt.s, or contract purchasers, the cost of such maintenance cr repairs :rhal1 be added to and becomr: a part of {-he assesgment to v,rhich the Lot is suLject. !gg!+gl,- r. Prior to the cori;fiencement of 1-ire year for which th: assessments are made, afte# ccnsidering the c:urrent maintenance costs and future needs of the AssociirLion, the Board of Directors snall fix the anount of the annual assessme't to be made againgt each Lot. The first annual assessment shall be rnade by r_he Board of Directors withtn tirirty daya of the conrreyance of any Lot by the Declarant and shalr be prorlted to refrect tha leagth of tirE then rFnaininE in the first ycar of assEaslEnt. section 4. At any tl[ and fron tine to tine and tn rddltlorr to ',-he annual a3resSnntr the Borrd of Dircctora may revy a gpecial asseserent agal,net ercfr Iot, for the year ln yhich the epecial assessroent is levied,, for the purposc of defraylng, in wbole or in part, the cost of any constfuction, reconrtruetionr reprlr, or replacement of any inproverent withln the cornnpn Area, includ!,ng the necessary flxtures and personal propsrty related thersto, or of any imgrover$ent upon any Iot as provided for Ln paragraptr D, Section 2, Articl,e Vf . Section 5. written notice of the annual assessnent and each special assesslrr€nt shall be sent to every onne r subjecb thereto. The due dat.es for the payment of atl or instalLnents of part of the assessnrent shalr be established by the Bolrd of Directora aad set forlh in such notice, The Board of Dlrectors tnry corr.ect tiie assess;nent in a runp su,n or in instalrments as deterimined, t'y t,hen. secr-i-on 6- Both annuar assessments and specia, assessments ii is L b: f i:.:,-C at a uniform ratc f or aLl Lots, and the due dates f r'r tlre cr: Il'-:ction of an assessment and thc amount of cach instarl- r. 'r:t , i.f .ttr'i, r:rf caCh assessment mUSt be rrnifOrm I or all LoLs , i:" ()'.'::Li.: r ii:..r-' ?^i.ve cr oLlrr.rrivi1;e !:scape liirbi j -i11. ror- th() .ljsesr;menEs :.; ,-.'t,;:il :.,r:- lr,.r r.r-. i-lt I--.. l::) - u:.;r.f of tF.c Cc.r"non Ar-i-,\ o. ab.tndfinnent (t. it, , :,,' . :, (.:. t, ,, 'l , Arty :tx' ,r:; :tr_.nt, ,rf i tr:,; l.r I lf,rr,:lr L r:. ;t t).tr-f f h,.rr.()1, - _:.-._.r.--_:1 I . whiEh is not paid on or before the date upon whieh it is du€, shalL be delinquent. rf any instal ime;,g 61' a part of arl asaessnent is not paicl within tr.renty days after it has becol!'e due, at their opticn, the Ecard of Dj.rectors na:f clecLare ttrr: ent: re uJ?ald balanc€ of the assessnent due at orrce. If a:,y assessi:rer-ri, or iastaLl.sellt of a part thereof, is not paii within thirty days after it has becorne due, or if the accelerated instalrrnerrts of any agseasneD+_ are not paid within ten days of the accele=ati{r:i thereof, thon, the balance due shall bear interent at the rare of one ald one balf percent per nontlr and ths Eoard of Directors shall pregare a urltt n Notlca of Llen settiDg fortb tbr rylrt of t^b. traprid ba!-ncee tle ne of sucb Ouner, and a dc*cription o! blc Ipt arral iatoretrt tiercil. Su..i Notic! ahall be signed by on€ cdcr of the aorrd of Dirsctor8 or aa officer of the Associ.tiorr aDd ehall be recordcd in the Office of the Clerk and Rccorder, 8.g1. County, Colorado. Such lien shall attach fro:n the date of tlre failure to pay the assessBent, or an installEnt thereof,, ,r,rhen due. Sub3€qucnt to the recordation of the liotice of Lien, the lien nay be enforeed by the foreclosuae on the defaultiag S.*rcr.s Lgt the sane as if eaid lien nas a recorded nortgage on such Lo-.. llhenever a Notiee of Lien is prepared, the ollner in Cefauit sh,al.l. be reguired to pay the Association's costs a::d exps::sts, incluiing its attorney feee, J.ncurred for tb.e p:eparation a:i :iiing o: such Notice of Lien and for the foreclosure of such lien. lhe coFne n c'mrtn t. or pendency of any coilectio:1 or icresl.csu:e i:roceedt:; shall. not re l- j.eve t.he defaulting Jcner fron Ehe cbi:;ation :o pay s'Jbsequent assessnen!.s against suc5. ortlner's Lsi o: a::!' :.:::r.res'- therein. Th* lssociation shal,I :"..',ve the po'*er ..c acqu.ir: ihe Lct' in a;ly f creclosur€ proceeCing anii tc l:cl:. ' .::se, r.or':;.a;=. co!1ve]' or o |- hel:r.t ise deal rii tj: tll.' str:e. !;cr-r!l_f . iLn-v cnt_ L:l' ltclc,t::cr e -l r..:r c:: , -.: r:: a tr!...rr ii-r1. .ti i i.: ^'. -.i ^- .. ,",,;_,.i,-t l-i::a_i::..::. --::... I ar!r.. iiDon :lucl: ir.t-rnen!, :::tJIi :'r;:.. r. .r:'l t::;iL:.il:'.:i l:...: L, I l crr t ilt: t.,.r:r!)r:nts ir.r;'i .rrril >uch .r.i-,.-t lir::J^ I : -.:l :- t. , . Segtian..-4.- tlpcn the reguest oi- an Owner. a rnortgagee of lny a l-ct, c. .--cntract purch.rser of a Lot, thtr Association shall :ssue its c.*rcrf is:ie executed by an officer of the Assoeiation .-er:.::1"-::; ui:.''.':': -\: not titt' assessi..:i:is ():.. : l:ch J..r Jre .ielin;ur'nt- aid, :'j je l.l;:.::e:--, ..he +-cl-al ercun! du.: as of the Cate of the certi:i.3'-.e. ?ls F.ssociatioa shali be er:tit.Ied to collect a fee nct :o e:r.;e ei :.:i lol}3rs f or the i,ssuance of any such certif icate. .S-:cl se:--ii:.ca--e shall. be conclusive evicience of the facts therein contriaed in favor of any third party relying thereon in good f,aith ai:d, the Associati.oa ghall not be held iiabla for suab discloarure nor er:cr therein. Section 10. the licn of, the asaGssloents provid.€d for herel,n 3hall :e s'"rlrordinrte to the lien of any r,ortgage or deed of trust. Saie cr .|.-!ar*r ler of aay Lt ghall not affect the assessmnt lien. Pci;er'=:, ::-e sale c: a:r]' :ot pursuant to a decree of foreclogure ;,.:. ie r a Pu:c::3se rloaeit :iortgag€ or purchase npney deed of tfuatt .: *.y p=cceei:r.; ::: lieu *-hereof , shall extinguish the lien of :'j::- asses-Jre-ts as tc paynents thereof vrhich becone due prlor --: i -::. sa1: . :;c s::ch saLe shall relieve such Loi f ron liability '---: a:-y ass 3s 3---9:i'-s ilereafter beeoning due or the lien thereof . i.:c::'-':: 11. :he foi:q'rLng prc;ert:. subject to this Deelaration a. e!'=:=-- ::3-: tj:e asseg3rnelrts crea:ed herein, viz: ;-.. i:: 7:--,9e:::es deCicateC to al{ accepted by a local public ::.3 :::-:.o:, iiea. .-.)..1.'v '. --.ae::-a ::Z-. =Z-C i:.prcver,en:3 devoted io drelling use a: sess!-.Gnts . t'.: -:--L- 'LL rt williul acEs or onnissions shal1 apply ther'rto' q---!-igl-2 .- Subject to the provisions ol S':ct-icn li' Artlcle VI' the cost of reasonable repair and naintenance of a part-y wall shali be sildred by the Owners r+ho make uSe of Lhe wall in propor t i,rn t-o sr:ch use. Section 3. If a party erall is destroyed or damaged iry fire or other casualty, any Owne:; who has usecl the wall may restore it, and, if the other owners thereafter make use of the rrallt they shall contribute to the cost of restoration thereof iri proportion to such use uithout Prejudlca, bo?.teverl to the right of any auch odners tq call for a larger c€ntrlbution fron the atherr under any rule of lar reg.rding llability for neg}igent or rrillful acts or omissione ' Section 4. Notrtithstancling any othcr provision of this Article vII, any Orrne r who, by his negligent or willful act, cauaes the exposure of a party na1l to the elenents, in excess of the e lcposure originally designed into such wall, sha1l bear the whole cost of furnishing the necesaarY Protectlon against such elenents. Section5.Therightofanyog'nertocontributionfronany other o.rner under thls Article vII shall- be appurtenant to the lanC and shall Pass to such Oryner's guccessors in title' Sect-ion 6. In thc cvent of any dispute arising concerninq a party wall, or under the provision of this Article VII' such dispute shall be arbitrated pursuant to the rules and regulations of ihe An:erican &rbiEration Association then in effect' Each of the disputant parties shall appoint one arbiErator: und, in the t,vent that the nurnber of .rrbitrators so appointr:c sha I I btr dn crvln nr;nber, then, the saicl arbitrators so ai";:oinL':d r;ituII t-i:.-r!:,-,,t:ron ,'lect an ,rd,.liI-ional arbitr:rtor, and t,lt;: 5aifl arbii'!-J;or5 -.il,ai I lir:dr .lrLd ;:tl judicar:-3 thrl matter purslr;ril! t 'r thc :i'ri{1 r''If 's :lr. . i,-)i-.r-..r'i:i-lj.-Ij. iio lrrg.r L act-icn w!!i\ r{lll')"} 11 ti) il :)'lrl " t" I .-ll:,:,.-':., ,li,.,ii bt,: a6,1,3"'1r;'rll i-'i: ;"1-int'-ri tltttl i:r"'l:;; lnci ltnl : I t ll'i I rr: 'i': ;-'.:::r 1:il!:; l "':t i.,.-, i-'-':r-Ilr Lll'; ''rilli t ''r-irr:r AR"ICIJ YIII EASEITENTS Section l. All uti.lity Eains, 1ines, pipes, and appurtearrlcer shal-1 be pl -rceci under the surface of the gtaurtd, brhene:.re! ?ossrbl€ - section 2' ?he location of a1r undergro';nc ..r'-ilities shail be located within non*exclusirre easeneBt arer< designated ai:d provided in the [tap. Section 3. Any easer.e&ts reguired by or f 9r any util.\i.:,, dietrict, corapany ' city or other legal entity o\rer. across. under or tlrrougtr the Cren Area, that are not Considered by the Decllnat to bc inconrlgteut rith the plan rqd dcerrepoent thereof, nay be grantcd by the declaraat prtor to ttrc sals of tha lart rct :ttA by the Declarent, but in no e\rcDt after Augusr 15, IgZl sectlon 4, In the event that any utLlity ea3eGnt or €ataDtr are requlred after August 15, 1974 in the Colrq Area, tle Associationthe crittan approval and progcr conveyance of rill be reguired. Section 5. On any and all Lnstallationg o!utilitler in areas conveyed p:ior to August 15, 19711 , t:e gra::,tec of said utillty ease.ent and right sharr bear the responsrbili:y of replacing trees, shrubs. lanrns, salkrcays, and o:her suc\ in;roverEntr existing at tine of inst,allatioa lhereof, excep+- as t:ay be p:evidad by the approval of trothirds (2,/3) of the nen!,ers.:ip of tl:e issociatioa. Sec+-ion 6. Each Lot a.rd the Coi:Etor: .\rea s.:ai: be sub jact to an easenent for encrcachaen;_s crea:ed b1' cc::st:::tion, set:liag, and overhangs, as desigaed cr co;1s+-r'jcted b... t.i: fecl3:3:::. i vaLid r1<-lseinent ior sAid enL-roachnents a::,i tc:- r. :, ::.: i !:.: r-:r,3::t) of sa.ne, so lo:iE .rs ti:c e:lcroac}.;.r.:t: s :-,::-.i.:i, *: r.rll .i-:i d,i.rs l\rsi. In f :..e e\':itt. tl:at th: iosrrlto'tse s.:..:..tr.:re o::.-:a: ts !-e:t:..i.1., (,r: toi:rll..i d.'s.-.roved .rr:d, ._i:rn, rcbuiL:, tl:.. ,..,.i:....::.; -iq:..,e :...:: :r1:.nCr ltll(]rc-rchiitci:ts :f c ll:t; i.'_ : ir.' .i.i 1.1-:....::. 1..,.;L1....,1i1., .:: --. _-: :a-- ('i,lrllio;: al('::r'irl-i ritt..t i i-. t-C:-,,ii l".:.:i:..:: ..:: -, I I : . :'.,':---'... : .-i .-l:...-l : :: .r iAl'd. ',.r,,'.:,+nf i.;:' :,'.r!: i'it:':'i\.;- .-1,:i- rt..-: ll:,' - l;::.-: j:'.- -.--1,:..a.: -lr.rl.L .':.,';i. ]j:l::r-:'., .,., ,:- S j-'---,-.-. -':-.-: :- -'--r- '- '1'"" : r: " ' :"1 i ' l' r :' :i:,--: .:l:. '--.:-l'.: --:'' "'l:"'-: :"' ""l-' r"I' ' "']l: ''l( ' :::a a:'':1'::-- .:1: --: j::i tr1'.\'r-l-'-:l L 3a''' lj':::r l'. 1L ; ''*'l:: c:)r''d j-;rrl'' f:::....:ir;;::::-...ji::j3l..:_:T3...t']T.::i]S::]:..-.. f :- :-::-:a-:-::: :.-.:-: -::.: :: .'.: -i^-. ...: - :--'-r:-::. 'ir\. :, :r- -irri '')l :-:-, -::t-:-.'t tt -' . :-'a:.-': :.': .- . : -: .:'-: .-' I'i'''- - "l'-- 1::-::s ?a a:-.-.r:e;": proY:.i.3d, :-:" :vaL. s'.c c:r:-r;e r sa-rl!- be a r:,Pu:a.b:€ !--s ;--.: j'.as been ;o.:::: Eo ;r: 3cce''tab i-: ::-' cL':r-r1''e rci a I '--r-'-- :-<-i-''-:--:i3 ioin: business ir' the S!ate of :cIcraCo a:rd ,Er.---.! -j: L:=:--s o: :3re!39e shaL! nc'. be l-e-'''er tha;r the iighest linits r:i3s=3 b-' a:r-v 3-:..e:!c:tti' 3: 3:r-y ]e; i of :--r"r':'s t- encu:'':er:inc all B --c1--. :.1 :-:i::,: a,: :3::cel13t:C:: !':' l-.-.. :?ar:''': ::- il !''€ lssociation' =:.a:-'-a:--- . - --.: .-':scc:a::c:' 5:'rrii !:e :; r:iei :h-e i:i:r'arY insureq :--- :: s::: : -,--:'-' i:-a €ac: a', ''el 5;-3'I 'r-e na:r'ec as ai aciitio::al -:.: :::'-: :: --:-= -:: :: S:33;-:"-'3 :l--e:eS--i i1ai' :l: jt:-'a: ' a: -'-:.' ::- -- -: :,a1a ::r :i --'-3 :"=?'i=:a--:::' !r::" 3: -?3s:'enr's 'e'"i:d r" -*.. : ..3!: : - :--:' aa- ' -:: ':a::: --t ;-:--!:r ! '-: :'':i=L:l ' 'aa-- -):. ': " :-. 1 ::3Ii.::;-s 1:'i ''"- :=i crs'-3 c'::'3rninq :he sa-C ,: ..,;t:i- --i.., 1,. 1-f r)1..t'-);-.: ) - .' - . ', :: . ',. .'...: ..- . ' :; " '" :' r' ?t ':t,' ) "; rl' l-, :.',,]i , ,, lf ;1' I)ro'/ i:tiai3 ar I LhiS j)ec l.i ;-dtrOn. any 61,jn(,r rni.rv I r,..!rrr, r i.. : i,t :: I-ot ln(j I i,r r irrf)f(;!'( r,eni::; 1 lr r._-r-rr,. 1',rCl- ji.,:i j. All blrrlri;nr:s r'r stfr.''J {.rlt6:1.; (,: (-,(!t L,d trn.ln any OJ th{' Lots or th'r cor':ron .:rr-...i sh.r1l be, c-r' new construction r no buildings cr st.r-uct Ll r'{::r: shal I }_.1_' t:rovr',1 f ron otli;,r .Loeatiorrs ontO any of the ],L,lts or tllc a'Jr-xton ;\r'cd; a::;1 , n() sLtbs€.,luent builcings or structuree otltr)r than tc,.,.'i:lr:_ru5es i r .r-,. ;csicirll.lce rrnits joinccl together by party rr <t I ls) shall h.. lrrri I t .:rr an,r., Lot. No i.:tructurcs of a temForary charac.:er. trailcr, b.rsenrent., tent', shack, garage, barn, or other outbuilding shill be erectad. placed, or permitted on any Lot. Section 4. tto buj.Iding, struclure, or other improvenent (includlng but r\oL by way uF limitation, fences, walls, walks, and patlos) shall be erected, placed, rebuilt, repaj,red or pemitt€d on any Lot or ihe Comnon Area nor, shall any exterior additions, alterationa, recojrstructions, or r,rir jor repairs (including, but not by way of lirnitation, painting) to the exterior surface of any building, Etructure, 'or i.mprovement be made or permitted on any l.ot or the Corqmon Area until and unl-ess the plans and specifications or other docurnents required liy the Architectural Control Corunibtee Bho*ring the nature, k-in:1 , shaoe, l^.eights, matc:riaIs, floor plans, cxterior color schene, and lccation of such huil<iing, structure, improvenent, adCition, aLtcratioi':, reco:lstruction, or najor lt::pair shall have been subnitted to a::d .-rp.r:c','eC Luy '-he nt:ciritectilral Cortrol Conmittee. Sr:clion 5. )jo ltrndscaping or grading on any tot or the Corunon Area shall ce <.iole unless ond until a Iandscaping plan shall have been sLrl:ri:t trC lc ,rn.j approved by 'ehc Architectural Control Cornmittee, !:,.1t_" I 6 .. 'ilr': /ircilr'cectural Control i'ommj +-tce is he:i:by cstablished ;in.i is iru t.idI l-v r:or:--ros':C of the follow.i nr'r Cormi.l teemen r .:i-2t: , " )-:tj t- t_;tf,fen Adtl r, : ss .i.,li.r,,.. r., llt)'- Ili I7li. :;ouf.h .Ia,-''.1:ioll i I)r ir'. 'r", (ic,Loraii.r 3i)2 ii) i,rll;ri:. i,. ,lli.r-ir i ,:. ,: I :..,r;,,:;, Crrlor r.lo 81,, !i' "):) . '" i :'. :1... . ,.ti.li'. t:ol l.t :il l,.t'i '''l-' 1 i I'l(j() ' '-'l Thr: ir,i--i:i a-rt,rrr-' i:Ee'.-e--- 5i, Ii ..,r-,,i i,!il th4 lr:'/elt,:)iT.:.'nt, ;nd j r j5s:r )ct,..tit i "7- - . '-r;, i. ) ,i, t{),.-,rnhouse Jri1.-i on tirti Lcl:i ;:'t',i ' -".. .aer"..l-) a.r .' fi:;; i-'Orrnc: .i :-r..r. ?: .,)-r ';a, ".,J'::" - : rl' .;r ; . :: - r, : I a..:' re|io J{: an'1 SUa::! Cc;;i':::. Lt;-,,,::r'iii,, a..7 :-.,,-.' .,: :.-:) '. ) and ap?o ilrt a srrcce:,scr. clescr-bed i : :hl sua':li. r-'j.r i '.----:r.i, .,'-',- .'i::'.rr.: ol :i:.r :':r:ir ii-il-:; whl.';r rli: lo il.-' .:S,:::, : - ' t:?.:. U.Jon s'rch cori!iDti cn, i:.e ),i: successors whai ,rera cpi.air.i.eC tt '-:)e .,i.1.:.':art:.'- -:-.1. ::i-:a,, and the boarCmerirbers of t--he BoarC of Ditec-.-.':s cf L:.'l -:-s : '- : I a -- i c :: , shall cotrprise the ner,bership of the Ar chite c*u'.:!d i 3c::i:cl :.:::ttee- Every boardrqernber of the Board o: Directo:s shall te 3 Coi::,:!.'eeEa:r on the Architectural Control cof.Lrrttee so Lo:ig as he s5ai1 renai'a a board.nedber, A rna jority of the Cor.rnitt€e na!' sesi;ri1rs 3 representative to act for the Con"littee. :\-eit:ier tie C l::.n.l::ee;::en nor its designateC repre sent at i'.'e shal1 be e:rli.:l:c :: .::.-.- ;c:.3ensa- tion for services performed pursuant to lhes" :ra:e::i'-': c:'i*=:anl-g. All na*-ters corning beiore the .q,r cai tec:'..tr3 i Co:'.ra - :3:-:l::L-e, or its represenlative, sirall, be eicher ag-orovei .-r: i:.s.-::::'.:-'s in writing by the Ccmnit+-ee br- a ;ajo:!t-' '"3:,' .': "1- -- :' *:' - :. : I : - : I ' or, if a repiesentative has be:en 339o1:ti9i, :ia.a:: '.ae a:=l-s: -':: of such representati'.'e. Ti-.e Co::-.:-t"u:, 3: :'-i :.:le'::.lf ::'.-s ' s.h:: ! l hawp Flrc rr(Jh: :c ii.:-dat:Ove a:. lla:-:, s:-i.---l ',li-.-1:::lS, or o'-her iocunents submit,:eC tc :: "i::i-:i:' -:-. ::::.:-: :: ':.r "l:-:"'- ' are n:)t snitabie or !iJs iracle ;c: :es lh','i: I :':. :: ' t- ' r:: i -.-- t. rt l*-ctl ' ,irr i q,i :1 f, Lfr l' .n:ra 1il(l .-nr- I I ^ r,l i:::::_r-_ l: l:':..,--:--J, ia:'-J..::1 :::-:, .t::ri otl:{'r i rpr6q4;191'195 cilt"'^-:-il J: .J.':--a-: ".. :".. i c::-:.C:- .:.:e3 :: -' '-:'ra Decldfaitt shaLl thefeaf tef s-J :3:-:----J:,:.li :! --:e .issociatl-c::, :jte ic;:ces crected by the ]ec;arai'- ::a v :c-- De renovei, a:'l j are to be deemed part of the a::: i:ect'.:rrl eesiEn pf,aE oi the e:itire Cevelopment. ,i '.; ,l dt .;j i5--.: -- q cr o:i.a: :.''i" o: l;c ex--rriorl!' :o:ntel radio, short uaiv€, televieion, a::--e::la shalL S3 :er::itted exceDt on an interior r3o: '.rh::: :ls a:: €:e'.'3r-ic:1 lorre: --har the surrounCing roof and, i---":, :--.:'.' : :. : :c:. a .:3::iier tha: s'-:ch a:lLenna installation is ---:-- ','::a:1.:. =-:'-:. a:., :::-er r-c,-, ::c:. :le Co!:mcn Area, or from ::-: s:ree--3 . ::3 :1:.i..s of a;l-.' l<i:re, ei:hor elevated or buried, :-l::"d, or -eer::,ii',e; on any Lot or the -::-= - aLle.,f Di' :a-e -.3:lrrarc, :f any, or CoErflon uPon Ai { ! : - , :.--'^ j ra-!..,: ^^Ff-r.r.rl a.\-r!.r.i f f r:a :-:"-::9sii:.:*< c: ::'cinerators shall be Pcrnitted ?.'-.. ..--.a ),7e ;:1.,:s ' rjg{.ij.Pnent, fu:niture, too1s, ',:.':-.:'-'; .a.4-- I :e ::.:pt b:' .'acll a'nner 3C i'hat - 2 - :') : :a- .-',,''..t "7.,:. ":i,e r Lo;-z , t-:,'": Cc::a.c:1 .) .' Sec!:ion J3. No :r:':i:na1s, l:.',":,)akt .y po'.tI tri ,.;f arv kii: 3n:]1. I be, :',', i:.itd, l,r-t'cl r '\y l a'i)l '; 'rnv l.,r' | (.xr-'i' '. + lal i.-, .t:,, cats, and other hcusehoid 1.).;t,-l nav L)e i:,rl)'L l)rovi.l:c trhJt thev dre nOt kept , ttt trd. of mantaln€:d tOr aliy :OTJler(:.L."rl purpo.je. _SJgt*r!r,_ll_: :ic ncxr-cus, dangerous, {}f fensi\r!r, or rrnduly noisy activi L-v of anl' nature r or iny act,ivity tilat nay be or become an ..-rnnoyance or nuisance to any Owner shall be perriritte.l on any of +,:he Lo ts or tlre Cofi'$on Arca . Section 15. No signs of any kind stralL be displayed to the public view on anl Lot except that one sign vrith an area not in excesg of six sguare feet rnay be posted by the Orvner of the Lot for the purpose of advertising that the Lot ancl the improvements theEeon are for sale or rgnt. section 16. Until qornpletion of development ' the construction of eighteen townhouse units on the Lots, the construction of the recreational f acili.ties on the Conmon r\rea, and sale of all of the eovrnhouse units by the Declarantr the foregoing protective covenants shall not apply to tbe Declarant' its agents, emPloyees' and contractors. ARTICLE XI AI,IENDMEII? OP DECI,ARATION Section I. The Declarant hereby expressly reserves the right. to annul , waive, change, or modify and of the restri.ctions, condi tions, covenants, agreements, or provisions col':tained in th is Declaration at anj- tirae and f rorn time to time so long as the Decl.aranr shall be the oqrner of fifty percenr- (501) of all of the Lo:s . If the Declarant does ncrL. o',.r n f i i l',' t r'' s's."'.t 9''-.'j ) ot "rIl r.r f tir:r Lots, the D-cI:rrar,c nust jci.n r.rith .: stilf ic;ln:: n'.:.!;,:r <ti t)-,;:,-'t'; LO dtL.riji a I iICy ;:'. rct:nt: (50] ) r."r'.. f'shii, Irrl)r'":r+n:,J:rcn i jn or<.1'-':- '.i l: :.:wise ::;ri,tl, '.rt,livcrr Cii.rt' r. , rlt '"ri .rrlv /ll '-::'" t. :,il ir:Lii,i-.1:;, CO'"'iL-.rnl-.1 ! ;r(ji ''r'i;i.'it'. j , t:'l f .r'.)1.,,i:, r ;l I i:|iii .'.i l, .. |1r, 5r,.; i 1- i i:i: i':7-r !; r:" i il i.l I tlr \'{r .r.^rt.i-cle /-i, t.rtr re_.striclions, ccr.C:_tions, cavenants, agreetents, or provis roi)s ';llr1i:a j'r'e : .'' tni:4 l)cc) a: atlgrr l;ha11 ne-: j..: ann..rrled. waiveri' chanrjr:r: , t': tc'aj r j.e<l ex:ep x b.J Lh.: wriLten cons€-.;t c: gevGnty f ivt: 1,vyglrtt' ( :--," \ r,{ .._:, l>,;incr... F jn-:]l...a_ _l l;r:r.rl t rrs landi ng a::y c:.-;.,,ision t.-, tl:e .)1i:i r'"lv herein col'-ai-nei, The Eaglle cour.ty pianning Cornissio- EalLe co-:nty, Section 2. The Associatlon removal and cther maintenance for by the Declarant. ':. ! 'i 'i1 ii* .l Colorado, nust consent tc any a:rnulnent, ,,"aiver, cha.-ge, cr moC- , ,tir,r'f icai-ic;: of any of the re:i:ric?, '.c;:''j , cctnd: t i crrs . gg1,4,5;1;ir-g , agrgeeG.tr..-,t or conditions containec in this Declaraticn prior to the s arne beo.log j.n effectlve. .ij{4 ARTICLE XII ACCESS ARE.ATI section I- the Declarant shall sultabfy surface tha aea betvccn., the said parking spaces provided for the use of the orrners and the surface of the dedicated rord which provrdes aece3s to the said parking spaces. shall provide reasonable snor the said area to be surfaced ri earntenanec. i^..:' ! r- elu :, Lr(:r] Snow renovaf ani ! shall be paid for by ihe Association frorr assessnents revi.ed b' the Association pursuant to Article VI herein. Sec+-:oi_.4. .,either the Decl"arant nor tne .4ssoeiatio::, s\a1l be required to perfora uider the foregoing provisicns oi rhis Article xrr if .he:, are speciiic:rly directed, in Hriti:g not tc i-1 sc by any gover::rentsl boii., or asenc!, hal,ing jurisdiction cver :le Fa::er. f i -j'l.'Li \'.ti 'LI jr\t a ::.-1r.'ISrO\s -...1.. ':h,.. a:;J;1..i:l!s ;. _-:.1 r-.sl-_ri..,_ri..ns cl_ra i -r l_-:._,i ::: tlis .;::.:r.1" I r:.:: ii'::rr .,,.:._l it;:..i -he l::.:.i .r;.ld sl:.:lI ::--::-: ..e '.- j .rl.j i.a, .':t: lt-_:.r.rl-la r_\. il.ir., .\ssa_c L'jl: t--:t, o: i:.... .::,i::e! '1r : -.':. I.--.:.li rr:r, ia:irni.:t i,,,,. s, h1.i1.s, s ::c-_<:ssc:s, :, "-: .:1 t'-'-r'' (1,.) :-.^..rr: irlr:: t.:., "l-r, j ,..:tri :-l':'.::-r, .i, :t- : ali rilt ! Ch t. il;:t. :-.1 ia ..c\.r,.:.::::S aiti ' -)i..- :::_.r'1. *xt_t-.::-jrj :r... :t!,. i.(]s-::-\..r\ !}a:iLaCS 1S ! {i, crf ten {10) yc.rr:. or thc C{):in1;i Art:.r, l.!;{: Asr.;oct'.irL j-<.r;r, ,11 arry (li.JlteI" s}r,rI I }rave t}rr_r right to enforce ' by any proceeding at l av, or in t-.qui ty, all restrictions,,l conditions, covenants, reservations, Liens, and char:ges nrjw or hereafter lmposed by the provi.sions of this Decraration. Failure by the D*c1arant, the Association, or any Owner lo enforce any co','aJtant o:' restri- ction hrrre in contain.:cl sh.r1 l i;r rro ovent Lre dt,crned a saiver of the right to do so therea,fter. sectlon 3-. when necessary for proper congtruction, the maseuline of any rrord used ln thls Agreenent shall include the feninine and neuter gender, and the singular shall include the plural, and vice versa. 'i.jSectlon l. If any provleion, sentence, phrase, or word of 1i] this Declaration, or appll.cation thereof to any person or cireumstance, 'l shall be held invalid, the remainder of this DecLaratlon or the application of such provision, sentence, phrase, or word to persona or circunstances, other than those as to which it is held invalid, shall not be affected thereby. r:i :'lrrti'ss I'.rH:REOFr tffit o."1a.ant has e::ecute.l tiris Declaration 2'7t}:,da;' oi !{aY , I972. BE+'ir,'iR CREEN, tTD. w;l:i .-rckn()wl edqed b.:forc ne i ,'" iI .t i i l .l.ntntt ,l .l. -, i):l 21t-h <lay of M.:iy j-,--.::.: :-:t.. -.j.t 'L972, b)' .lam*s I'1. Ltrl ., a C.,rpcratj.rJil . on t his Iiou.l ll , h.lnd ;r nrl oi-fi<'ial.-rffi r',,r F1' - 19 - of 5c.:\':rr .\ ,-\ \ \ \- '+- \ \ I \ 1 I l,l/ \\\' \l f At\ l/\ \' ;f \\ ''or le-t 1 ' oau* ././ 4s LOT B -A /, Ys / / Il/i I -il il ilr'8