HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B2 SNOW LION UNIT 108 LEGALoz ts =t IIJo-c!6t c'l c ( U' u,l I.IJl!. tr =E llJI €q /,/1{J/ud^ .ir o\ ION IF- \l trlz Hu) z I,r trl! (,zo -J lu oF. FIz:o =z in uJFoz oz cl4 6 .5 ozz Et!z3o utIF r!J!uo =I Got! o Gulz =o r! uJtclF Eq) E -9.o6 .9 d6 c 'oF os o ooo( .E Po bso Ec$ oEoo o) .ss fo E o =cf d @ o CLo.o 3 .9 I j-oc F EE9 EEHE E EPEg-o> :fiEig >=:c96i.l o5 or B 5 =.; EEE; gE;E *; e.e SE; e o!E-ot = €e€E6:i EEEg - o.Y c, --ca60'-EE;Oc) gEi; c:E5 ;ffq eEgl - o 6: F o\\' { { t t \o (J s-) e\ "i.if tr Ee, uJ ozo) !oItE() z J uJ UJ z .D = J oz E llJE UJ UJ zo E UJ o uJ oE .o =I uJtz(, 6 UJ Itoo-rlr z gJ o x F uto FJFl >lFlt-lB (t) UJull! E =t uJ o-J FoF z o 9aFo uJJ UJ z ao =Jo- J oz IogJ- NOtrvn'lvA A F FF B F = -' o =ozo F Eo uJo J c UJz =>E --d)E tr,r (S =CoN zz99ho- g ="rJ== oo3b02*se= -td;()FO.ini zo ) l! tr ci Eo u,l E uJ J z E Faz EE UJ =IJJz tlll Itltl LzlzOa koo< =EX rr-X.i<z F 2,. 9z 'iF fio3EOI ull E a at) uJ2YIIF 2 tr Jfatz J 3 F UJ rl! !.] g o = Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >lo uJ UJulzotr lu o- J z E z o J Ilql3 t;,; I& HH *rf co(0 UJ ts U)loo zo Fc IIJY uJo oF F ft1o-:bl> aolo- c^tl 8=lrBlgur OE2.6 u, n N Ff :tq ts Fl uJ =z clo-) rl flIvlHr{€ ".,1=4 B FrH \f UJ J = @N I\oF\f :EL r\tt) FfH 6 Eg, UJ d,o = -o- F6 H ts Fl H r4 z HH H U)z =tr fl oql ;l z1 uJl 5l <l>l tl.1ol zl 3l FI o\ O.l r\ Ior\? |r tl F =E tl- o2 0 UJ 5 t!oz3oF I I I 4q>lt or{UJhIEcl -.r TIlot2d3E9tlt F \o ct)r\rn IF- c.l uiJ IIJF =etr oz ou, J t!oz =01H =tr o2 oult J ttoz3oF ltlJgJ F' E uJz =o F() uJF - E G <Fcol!<zEIII F(tZo C) ()tF() IIJJ UJ Yl Y- -) d2? s3fFd6() z ? uJ = I 5 I z ) Eogir =+E Fo2oo <c)(n cn 'i' tU =o F\ EFSe I l.e5F: $\doE H=IE f .oEl -!* i Hl ,r5 E i ;I 6EE o 3l = u.lL o il #;i = t5at I H oF E =e. lrJa,zoF()f E,Fazoo tz.tnt PER}IIT APPLTCATION FORM. DATE:JIJL ? 7 igg4 btrqt bl" Suora Legal Description: L,ot Block_ riling owners Name: Reh'rct1rW-y Address: rr.rlo rJ*ir- (rr<"u, btre pn. 47to - (z8o Architect:Address:Ph. cenerar Descripti"", pyttsA"-Q d^h-t"-.- / E*'ryteootn^ I9orkClass:[]-Newryd-lrt"'.tion[]-Additionartylnepair[]-other- Nrrnber of Accommodation lnits: lfnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Apptiances l(* *'t * * * *. ".. : :" * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALttATroNs durlprue : t 22oa ELECIRICAL: $ PLIJMBING: $ 4,g MECHANIcAL: l->z Gas lrcgs Wood/ParUet ********************************* oTHER: f E-TOTAL:W R INFORMATION *** * ** ************ ** *** **** Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE **********************.* Mechanical Contractor: \Address: - BUTLDING PERMIT FEE8 PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Nurnber of Dwelling Units: Contractor: Address:Town of vail Reg. no. tto B Phone Nunber: 4Vq -? ( >g Electrical Contractorz -L*a\A_Address: PJ-unbing Contractor: Address: tffi lntM4 | /_-l l_ttlr_r_r_ Corqnents: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. VALUATION BUTLDTNG PI,AN CITECK FEE: PLI'I.TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: A2' RECREATION FEE:UlJ CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERITIIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: ******* lnwn 75 .outh ,ronhgc ro.d . v!ll, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 offlcc ot communlty dcvclopmorl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE ll-!l1l-q:ryjt.1eeuires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, ::91:::i-="llyllJ:_!9lks ) reyiew and approva.t,' a planni nf' oepartrnent, I::l:y_::."e1ly_?:?a"tment review, and a_review by the 6uiliing_ '. ueparErnent' ile estinated time for a totar review may take as'r6ng ' 'as three weeks. All commercial (large or sma'll) and all multi-family permits wi.llhave to fol'low the above mentidned maximum requirem-enli. Risidential :ll.:T:ll-p"9i"!t:,shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresloen!]'ar or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned lin"p:1.:.1i!!r resard' to-necessary review, tG;a ;ilj;.li' ruyarso take tne tnree week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. ll. B+>tat- FrOJeCt Name I 2t-7 r Datelllork Sheet was turned intoJhE ComrnUni ty Devel opment Departrnent. 75 3oulh t?onlsge road Yril, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 oftlcc of oommunlty dcyclopmcnl TO: FR,OM: DATE: ALL CONTRAEIORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{TTH TTIETOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPIJIENT MARCH 16, 1988 SU&TECT: CONSTRUCTION PARKING E MATERTAL STORAGE rn suurmary,-ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfrrr ror "nyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , r"ci, sand, debrisor naterial , including trastr &untsteri, portaur" toir"ts andworkrnen vehicles. upon any streetl =ia""uix, -;li;y or pubticpl?:" or any porti6n theieof. ifie risht;ii;t-;n art rown ofvail streets and.Iga-d= is approiinately S ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr be striEirv--lnforced by the Town of vailPubric gforks Deoartment. pers6ns found vi6tatinq this ordinancewilr- be gi.ven a 24 hour written--n"ii""-ti-;;;;;"r"id rnareriar.fn the event the person so notified,does not "orpiy with thenotice within the- 24 hour.tiil-;;;i;I;,"il";Hiic worksDepartnent wilr renove said natE;i;i-;i-irrJ"""i!i!e or personnotified. The provisions-or-iiris orainance shall not beapplicable to c-onstruction, r"irt.t.nce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utitities i" it"-iltii_"_rr"y. -T".:"yi9y Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofY:i] B"ilding Department to obtiin a copy. rlanx you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 rouh honbgG rc.d Ydl, cdorldo 81657 (s)47$438 (3q')47$a3e oflica of community dovclopment NoTrcE To coNIRAcToRs/oIINER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, l-ggl- , the Town of Vail Building oepartment- hasdeveloped the forLowing procedures Lo ensure that new -constructlon sites h-ave adequatery established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. tue Town of vail Public works Department wirl be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads orstreets aad tbe installation of temporaty or permanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or street on to tle construction site.such approvaL must be obtained prior to any request for i.nspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department ror tootings or temporaryerectrical or any other inspect.ion. please call 479-2160 torequest an inspection frorn the public works Departnent. Arlow aminimum of 24 hour notice_ Also, the Town of vail public works Department will be approvingall final drainage and culvert instalration with resuLting roadpacchi-ng as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance.:vr^l t MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 199t0 W}IEN A "PUBUC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Date: Please answer following questionnaire regarding the need lor a'public Way permit":. YES 1,NO(, Ltol,) (OU to+o gYo,-1u r)p,,: bre 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easoments or public propefi? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing ddveway? ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Righl CI Way permit' .required? A, ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and lf_You answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or atCommurity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, at 4Tg-215€.. NO Y Y V Y V X 3) 4) 5) 6) 7l 8) Job Name Contracto/s Signature Vr- 'i./ web,t?E^/ Ua'st's' n n,^^^ ae*tr* ; &fifir*, re;;tr|;'ffircid^*^ffi Y ^f ,Li,9^t"/"^ Ca"d',Yrunl tuYl,' /0v0 inl g,w Mi,be. n*'UW b^ W prw+t 001'&t"u^'frh 6tM f'ry1a.ffin, eflA, WilMtu 0 /Ja*xwn h,^N# 4lt"- S?so ?a.*lEj> C.6,*d= /'N Kar-l^* Me-.^, Co, "{* n -{r"-n s 7Ar k rrcAlet/ U Nero Kner+g.xl 5wK ffa"ae'T Nl,u,l L,Jep. tN Ktzc**t *d"::F, Nu^l 1i tr Ttaog I N Kffe*uw "i-\BMtte-ooM Na,nr Ale,t,^.-t ,VA^J Ned h'Je'/rJ 5 Aeule-r V*Nry Qr'ze-w Tt ue Dsoe l/e.>Vu lil r-uB / w 4i t'JK( 6ol-r.O &Aoctmt =luB <oN Tl.,,> a Tuao&- \a {. re,in^ ra t1*{'t- beA>L€ra 1ts.*=,gWt'lt-(w'J (o & ZONE E TITLE 1. Mattorhotn 1. lnlormountain 1. Wost Vail 2. Easl Vail 2. Tlro Valloy 2. Llons Rldgo 2. Sandslono CONSTRUCTION ZONES MODIFIERS $PEN SO FT. IDENTIFICATION--.:-- zoNE 11 1.0 Mattorhorn Villago. Vall Villago Wost l sl & 2nd. Oonovan Pk. Wost Vall Exit to Coldslroam soulh ol lrooway. I From Wost Vail Exit wosl on soulh sldo ol troowoy. ' Vail Rldgo. Vail Dar Schono lsl, 2nd, E 3rd. Vall Ho'rghls, Butlor Crook Rd. west on norlh sldo ol trooway. 1.0 1.0 . 1.2 1.2 zoNE ir2 East ol Easl Vail Exit. Includos all Bighorn Subs, Pitking Crook Moadows. Goro Crook Sub and Vatr Moadows. L'ons Ridgo 3rd t uppor :octlons ol uppor soc{bns ol Lions Rldgo 4lh. Casolilr. Tho Valtoy. Clillsldo. Part ol Llonsrldgo lst aod 2nd. Easl Bultor Cr. [:td. lo Vail Vlow. Easl ol Vail Viow Dr. ABC School. Dr. including Vail Run. 1,2 1.2 3. Polalo Palch 3. Booth Crook 3. Goll Courso 3. Villago Aroa 3. Glon Lyon 3. Lyons Hoad 1.7 1-7 1.7 1.7 zoNE [3 From Potato Patch Club nonh. Vail Villago 1 lth. lzlh. E t3th. Vatr Mrn. Sch6l. Booth Crook aroa bolh north & south ol lrooway. Vail Vrrlloy lsl, 3rd & 4lh, Vait Villago 7th. Sth. E 9th. Norlhwoods and Pinos dol Norls Vail Vill:rgo lst.4th, & Srh. East ol Vait Road to Gold Partc Glon Lyon Sub. E Cascado Vllago up S. Frcntago road to V.A. Malnt. Shop. Vail Villago Znd, Vail Uonshoad lst. 3rd.4rh E part ol 2nd. Lionshoad parking slructuro to Wost Day iol. 1.7 1.7 ZONE ,,4 Vail Villago 3rd B Glh. Part ol Vall Boavor Dam Aroa Lionshoad 2nd. TOV Otticos lo rosldoncos adlacont to Vail Mountoin. 4. Wost Moadovr 2.6 I .l| E = =qtc't e-ct i-o -(Dco :lI \d\-I( tv)F* N {d b" o t Ur 0rd\n \ .1.\) tl. rii F{ Oo T \ H {-) 5 tI -jI g € +-'dv a )F-{3-*.O${,J'f u-u.lHL)8E lto \rJ se \ c]fi N lt' 3rlLSr\DEi- \ =9x \ ,l $ -\\ s.:-- q$', N Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: BRADLEY REMODEL DATE:7-28-94 ADDRESS: IMO VAIL VIEW #108 CONTRACTOR: CONST. SPEC VAIL, C0LORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R.l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONS'IRUCTION: 11-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUTREn The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirenrents in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cudes or any ordinance of the Town of Yail. I. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.JIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. INTERIOR NON-BEARING PARTMONS MAY BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION IF COVERED WTII{ 5/8 DRYWALL ON EACH SIDE. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTON IS REQUTRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. THIS PERMIT IS COOD FOR AN INTERIOR FSMODEL ONLY. 5. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQITTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC. 1210 OF TIIE 1991 IJBC. Town cf Vail nFFii:;: i:{}PY 1 "'+f:-'F QIH E EEE>= e"E XH>6 Ess teh $; E€{s E8% ii'RS @ R rt.r. r,tl i,iJii! 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 February 20,1996 Ms. Betsy Bradley 1040 Vail View Dr. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Building Permit Application # 6841 Department of Community Development SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that there has bccn no recent activity with the above listed building permit application. The 1991 Uniform Building Code, Section 303 (d) , requires evidence ofconstruction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Section 303 (d) , your permit has expired. If no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits retumed. Charles E. Davis Building Inspector {g ""n"""o '*"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 February 20,1996 Ms. Betsy Bradley 1040 Vail View Dr. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Building Permit Application # 6841 Department of Community Development SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Flrb gr t"slt A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that there has been no recent activity with the above listed building permit application. The 199 I Uniform Building Code, Section 303 (d) , requires evidence ofconstuction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniforrn Building Code Section 303 (d) , your permit has expired. If no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placcd in the permanent file' with no further inspections authorized or deposits returned. 0I,*{Q*- Charles E. Davis Building Inspector {S rn "uoru",