HomeMy WebLinkAboutLIONS RIDGE FILING 1 BLOCK B LOT B2 SNOW FOX UNIT 103 LEGALctz E = UJIL N o UJ UJl! E =E IIJ c?)o\ I(\ c! I v tLlz H z FJ o lJ- zoJ t!F F Fq, z = (,zz U' uJF z oz Jl .5 =z l! uJo = oll. o uJz3o !N9nNo \l\5\ ;K(! l\ort =\F\s'l+\\I\ 6f-F-{ .P\ -\o\ EF<o 2s\F/ \ Y\ h.-Sct\\-/o @ o oo I E €cl Eo o (E 3 .9 E o) - 6 .Y' B E;: E!E: e 6E:0c-o> c$:E = gi; c:"(! 35t: -' =:6:EF; Ei; F '.; sesE; eoiEor s *:5E6:i EEE' - o..: o G o'- .:c=o(,, --8,- s$; ii ; s;; *6F-9 iE ;:9E-o -e5g* - o (6.: B a E =E UJ (,z J co Yo uJ oz uJ UJ z =J(L () z C)llJ UJ trJ z tr uJ UJ oql =uJ; uJe.z 6glo F d uJ z x l. lrlol tn UJ UJtL L = uJ ) FoF z oI .0 EFotu UJ z ; ) oz l! = NOrl'vntVA :<c BZu- 6z>Y a uJ t uJz u.t0 (\l N =>tr z tr^ FP<noz>- ozr!<oq o-H.x .i ..i I I.{I I t-{4&,rd4ofzx- 19qoIF5and{A,x IB IF1rtl:IHfF{TF{I F.r!lE {u<qfi z tr ILq uJ.L F tts (! 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D!tr =l sl =r=rl =sgnBtl ILo trJoz oL F ctr o- J !J F lrJJ o Fl IJJJ ; F -I - E =E, lrJ o-zo Fo : E,Fazo() cnc{ Ir\c! @ rll=lt+llF- |rl- |ot Iztl*l oliit zl Xl cil*l urlJtrI H3l Ebltzl Efl I I I I I ol '.1 uJl .El JI <l>l I|-lol 3l col uJFI F ol Lul cEl JI <l>l ol zl 3lolFI .lol =.1ol uJl :l al>l =.1 sl 5l <l>l tLlol zl 3lolFI I I t_ lo I I I u1l uJlq CId J><trE() z Ha z 2 .t)H4g rli z ") z Jtr I I IIr lo I I Iqtuj cIcl<li> =o lYirg b2 o tOc)zl- =#JZo-O o EFz z _r llJ = <F u.J <zE LIJ Fozo EFO IIJ J lr,J F uJ =-O uJz B J<O<5 ?.3H ffioct 2ztss3 ryF PER},IIT /I/TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: ,/r" -? ? -/ < ^ APPLICATION MUSI BE FILLEDt I******* * * * * ********* * * * ***** * * tt, ,-Building t l-Plurnbing t OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT TNFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * l-Electrical X-ltecnanical [ ]-other Job Address: /23o Ltans/?l Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Owners Name: Architect: ceneral. Description: Work Class: [ ]-New SUBDIVISION: . 4/a7.(t.A P}). Address:Ph. [u,]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Itprnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv tf* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ Number of Dwelling Units z / PLUI'{BTNG: $ l}***************************Illeneral contractor: Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: Address: f0 ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'fECHANICAIJ PERMII FEE: EIJCTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR OFFICE USE BUTLDING BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Nurnber of Accomrnodation UnLts: / e^" ros" frJ@eenerM-.----- ********************************* EI-,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: I I.{EcHANrcAt ,l@p TOTAL: S CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Res. No. /7/-/14 Phone Number: tA'1-".- ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAT PERMIT FEES: Cornnents: CLEArf UP DEPOSIT REFIIND VALUATION 75 loulh frontage road Yell, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 otflce of oommunlty dcvolopme[t BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI'IE lf thi.s perqlt req.uires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval, Engineept's..(PyUt it Works) reyiew and approval,' a plannini' Deparimentrevfew or Health Department revi'ew, and'a review by the euiliingDepartnent, the esti.mated time for a total review may take as longas th-fee weelts. A'l'l commerc_ia1 ('large or sma'll ) and all mu1ti-family permits willhave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residential and small projects shou'l d tal(e a 'l esser amount of time. However, if fesi.dential or smal'ler projects impact the various above mention6d departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso tal(e the three week period. Every attempt wi.ll be made by.this department to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possib'le. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. ./)t')I /a-r' fu//44-,,4/t- Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 south lronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (s03) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: Read and ackno$rledged by: offlca of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITIT THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summaryr -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for any Person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpl?ge or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way on al1 Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. iff pavement.This ordinance wirl be strillry enforcEd by the Toin of vaireg!_li-c works Departrnent. persons found vi6tating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tj.me specified, the pulfic WorksDepartrnent will remove said mateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or a11ey or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Buirding Department to obtain i copy. rirank you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) AJ. INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The ltens below need to be conplete before glvlng a pernl.t a flnal C of 0. Please check off ln the box provl.ded. FINAL PLIJ}EING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVE}'ENT SURVEY RESID. NA}'EI DATE: n n tl u M u FINAL ELECTRICAI, DATE: FINAL BUILDINC EAST SIDE: WEST SIDE: p^rE, lZ* ZZ-% TEMPORARY C OF O DATE:tl CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: LANDSCA?ING DUE DATE! FILE NA}4E: (r(.;L _ i" (. I I -Jfrt t 1_ I'4,-. ir'y O lir ,'7-i),(' INSPEdiON'REQUEST ,i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT It, TOWN OF VAIL \t( ' i i ri INAME CALLER TUES ' , 'r i ), y,,1.,\li,'*"..2r r-l l---i--r READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,'.'1i WED \. THUR. FRI :AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDU[T tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ','?/.,4./;. ,- .---.. { ---__ttAl'l- tt' I tt4. / (.DATE INSPECTOR nftsroP iiii:' \4b z ii Y Eoi6fteBo rr.l 5 -=>1;e<ozrDZ= ) *<u-Y-o .JF L]J z. J z. srY o@z\-i FcO' =,.5 O I Irt I ODI oD Ic' (') t/1 o v1 -J UJ J(:- (q I (J Lr- r,/) -F z 5. F= =ZEft'lJ'l9 o-Ezoo 5-n l->-=();tr . =HtE 5.":- <co!-.n 9?z-o(J NO[Vn']VA I ol.dl s-l q orl+rl(ol =lEI I t E tuS (r ; =Zu- ^ 6z5 >e t!=(5 0a!Oz* l<'i(r iz\ro -)z z .n9 =<coo>z Ol! Jdff/rr / \ = =Ee --r -: t!6d> F Iua! tloFHE>rFoo.oE Lrn! If - a b 2 <nlgJl EI 1l-l =l LIJ d.oo ItlllIitll-l| (hl I rJJl lolloll<l>l rlGl <l =l Gcc z =lJ- (f, +t .: o o xou- = U' ui =z I It' l" I A HI RI<l--.'t ><l ==o I st(rI ol CI<l <l =l E t- -lwFtrOz. F cFz z I LJJ zt- =<a.E :zu-o J dF LUJ uJ F ul Er <F [!<zE (aZ / ENT -.--. z F C) UJ o UJF o Jzoz,"o =4(Do>z JO(L u- J<< /--(J()= =E* d d'2 ru E o q, q) E E o F E.Elrl o-zIF() :)EFazo(J ultr i ts LU(! t! uJ F oz E =&.tu ii::r :*7 rF - < c .,9 <l:t: -I* ?ri!l'::r:5!:\;<ii2;?.i=>?<==vFF3- <ar7-;ri:i;.<-!:=:lilFu.,<c3 > -t,< a:-3r9a =<€ < J|,: rl Itl ,lI l- l-- l<.k ro lorlrlt1tl I,t-| 'oI lE;i ,rl;: I u, r;i Zrh l=t; ,? NO[Vn]VA z NY\-Gz<od6gflqi ,,r E Fo:rFx<oz(!Z) xt!o3z2uo ootr ^ -tn zq 5 >eE 9 OE @oEZrOoirL.JzXrL<oq euJ :i9U sFoa dNO t- o. UJ z too z tr t F tIuz 2cer!lalodi; IU z 5 .D F no ,-tJ{ d aTj * .f,J t -l-I J ot r.n t! zI d s:s c.\ a In llJcoo a 0-.(\ r{)c{ Qt-s{.iI 14. J, .,{ 4q5 l-> !()E Eoo a l- UJ d.r) a>l ; eoo a I o- :(' tlIItl |;lldtltltlI qI rhlI rlltcltollzl2l rlEl <l t '!1 5l <.:>i xc = c!L!z3 F uJ =:c e E ---r Q<FEC)uJ<zxtuFt.t Z JE 59 -< ;l- U zt- :<..d )FJZ <; YFi<+E Y,Z =8 (Io F 4IftF U )<O..1 A :io I4r rl ; ,/'a AGL min bl TYPE: Blanket TEMPERATURE LIMIT: 1400"F. Description Eagle-Picher Mineral Fiber Blankets are composed o{ high temperature mineral tibers bonded tog€ther with a very low content of binder. The blankets are manufSc. tured in sheets of the desired thickness and cut to precisc standard dimensions. Th€ blankets are.normally secured tptween various @mbinations ot metal facingE with tie wires at the factory, but can be supplied as unfaced "Blanket Felt" when thev are to be contained by field applied metal mesh or jacketing. Applicability Mineral Fiber Blankets are recommended for uss ovar practically any surlace at temperatures up to 1400'F. Their flexibility and resiliency make them especially well suited for use on surfaces having contours or irregular- itias that may present problems in the installation of troard or block type insulations. lt is possible to tailor a particular blanket to meet the needs ol almost any appli- cation through specification oi the proper containment facings. This use of facing containment and inherent fiber resiliency renders the blankets almost immune to abrasion or settling under conditions that would create severe problems in self-supporting. less resilient materials. The low thermal conductivity, low organic content, and high fiber melting point {greater than 2000'F.}of Mineral Fiber Blankets also point to their use for external fire protection of systems that may not normally require a high temperature insulation. Typical Uses Example uses of Mineral Fiber Biankets include insula- tion of boilers, process vessels, tanks and ovens. E.PIGHER I eral fiber ankets I nstallation Su ggetions Properly installed and protected, Minetal Wool Blankets will provide long and efficient service. Typical installa- tion is as illustrated below: Fig. I lmpaling {irst laver on pins. Fig.2 Application of speed claps. (Wire mesh edges may be laced at appropriate intervals with "Hog R ings".) Fig.3 Application of weather barrier. Special alloy facing materials and tie wires are available when application conditions warrant their use. EAGLE tr'PI(HER lb a Mineral fiUefbtankets - Product Prfienies Standard Sizes Thickness: 1 " to 4" in 7r" increments with a singlc layer construction. Faced styles can be supplied with multiple layer construction to achieve greater thickness. Widrh: 24" Length: 48" and 96" Note: Special sizes are available and are quotad upon request. Available Styles l0O Unfaced blanket felt 10OA Glass mat f acing, one side 200 1" wire mesh. both sides 200A Stucco lath, both sides 2008 1" wire mesh and stucco lath 2O1 Stucco lath and expanded lath 201A I " wire mesh and expanded lath 2O2 Exoanded lath. both sides 203 Stucco lath and 3,8'' rib lath 2034 203 with rib turned out 2038 'l " "vire mesh and 3r8" rib larh 203C 2038 with rib turned out Thermal ConductiviW Packaging, Stvles 100 and .|00-A -24" x 48" - Shrink Pack. Styles 100 and 100-A - 24" x 96" - Carlons. Afl other Blanket Stvles 24" x 48" or 96" - Cartons. It t! .; F t oa: F +.-r-:..-+.'. -l --!---+- |-_*-.--i.'.1--.---._--;_",r*. *1:* -_l_ or; , : -- -- . -. i.-.- -. i- Physical Properties Service Temperature Limir."F.. . . . . . .1400 Density. Lbs.iCu. Ft. (Nominal) . .... .. ..8MoistureAbsoprtion .....Non-Hygroscopic Corrosion. . . . . .Does not cause or accelerate Fire Resistance . . . . Incombustible Linear Shrinkage, % (@ 1400'F.). ..... NonepH.... .. Approximalely neutral Chemical Gomposition Mineral liber blankets are lightlV bonded togerher with specially formulated thermo setting binder. The approxi- mate chemical compositions of the constituenls are as follows: MTNERAL FIBER Component Siiicon Diox ide Alum ina lron Oxide {FeO) Calcium Oxide r"'lag,r es lu m Ox ide Other Component Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Binder Weight Percent 39-43 13-17 10-14 23-27 4-8 2-4 Iteight Percent OU '10 tf, t3 Manu lacttired by i'--J EAcrE 9', ncxsn 58O Welnrrt g,'661 r P O 80r 779 . Ct.c'nn.tr, Ohro 45201 P.r^te,J,r L, S A 3epl. l. 1979 Material Safety All Eagle-Picher mineral f;ber insulatron products are "asbestos-free". l,4aterial Safetv Data Sheets are availablc uoon reouest. SPECIFICATION COMPLIANCE : ASTM :c262.64. C 553-70 TYPE III, CLASS F-2 c 592.70 CLASS II c 6s5' 70 FEDERAL: HH 1 5588 FORM C CLASSFS 10' l1 FORIV D. TYPE IV - CLASSES 14, I5 iV ILITARY: MlL l 28188 MlL.l.242444 {SH IPS) t : I oo 44lU J/-,4-4rt<+- l-Zz-^xzz-,)/^ A^iHp 4- /Tv\rE/L!-/ .24.4-r- .e-v,-' D-7<-4--,, "k 3's b2p fu L,.e-^-At-/ fJl4 Z-lut--p-- .A /-4'+19'4D '<4a124-, @aWfffiP